HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-08-21 - Orange Coast Pilot• ~DAILY PILOT * * * 1oc * *. * WE DNESDAY AFTERNOON. AUGUST 21, 1974 \/Ol, .,, NO_ lll, ~ ~EC TIONS, 10 p.-,(;ES I 24 Nabbed Police Overcome 5 Texas Inmates Bl LI.Ell\ \:\I \J:!l.1.(1. Tt'\. 1-\P I -.\ for1111·r polilTnn111 tu rnrll erin1inal rlird in :1 hu r~l of <>unfirr tud:t1. t•ndin~ a ~6·hu11 1· .;1a111l- 0H ~h\' t'i\t' in11;al<"i. hn lrling a hosl:1i.:1· in t ht' ]:i ii UIOI) !hi' l'o!lt·r {'111111[_\ fo,!l'[- hou.;(•. ;i ~h t'riff\ oHi tl' spol..r.;111:111 :-ai d. \\1\1:!!.Lll Tt'\ 1('f'l 1 !'li'p11!1(·~ hl.i•t"·l th1•1r 1\:1\ 1n11 , tlH· l'ntt1·1 Cn111H1 j'l_!ll' th•lil"I' j;1i1 lo(! II ;111/l il'l'•'d ,I j:li)••I' b1111i.; 1\1-ld ]11 1,1.1~1· 111 1111• h.n11t»111<'lli111~: P.• ,.,. /, i at ri.• I • iJ lrs. l)"f>''il :\'ot (.'opabf,, of /l fol II\' \r!Tlrt 'H H. YJ'\":-;J\L Of I~~ p~,ly Pdo! ~•oil i.o:; ,\\(;El.ES \ \1•111'><1!'1 B••:1rli p ... 1rhi;i(rhl tP~tifir'il TuP~d:1.1 lh:il Elotst' i'Hp('1l 1s nci1hrr 1·:i11:11Jl•' iJf planning nnr p:1rn.~1pnt 1n~ 111 a p!o1 10 kill an;·1)!lf1 ~11d "'oold f;1ll apc1rt f'nl(Jt in nnlly if c::ill('d upo)J) Ill do so . Tc~I i1no11~· h~· I Jr (~l'rirgr .I. Cluist' canif' dt1r11ig the d1'lc11sc PIJrlion of th" join1 tria! of l\1r::>. Popci\ and her rudi~f(·ndant !)an 1\ycrs on charges of conspirat'.\' !o co1n1nit 1n11rdrr. l 'lt<if;C tPstifit'd priinarily in rr1.u1rd !o R f;ifH' rrcor1linL! nf Mrs. l'npci! in 1\·hich i-hP anrl Avf'rs are heacl to he plnt11ng the 1nurd<';. of her eslrAngc«! hushnnd . ;in nttivity thl'.V ''l<1in1 11•ns ;1 ru se 10 s1 ring aloni:: tv.·n n1cn posing ci.~ hirNI killers. b11t 1vhn 1rrre ar1u;1 \l~· 11 orkin~ for S;1 111ucl ,J. Popcil lo g111hcr f'Vidcnrl' ag;11 nst 1hc lovC'rs. Jlu ring t.cst i111on~·. l>r. C hri s c charnch'rized l\·l rs. Popeil as ;1 passh·e 'J)('r<;on \~ho is rathrr naive ;ind 1vho c;o uld sirnpl y not k11n1rin~ly or srriou ~ly c(lnspirt· in lhe a~sassin1-1tion of h<'r n1ultin1il!ionnl rr hush.-1nd. ' 1·ht' 1lr fP11sc elfli n1s they \l.l'!'t' si111ply µo~lng a.<; 11·i1Jing partiripa111 s. "She 1rould hi• t.rt'tn1 1lous. confused :ind h:irdly f1111 ghing." said Dr. f'n;isc. "Pt"'oplr argur, fi ght and kill e;oich <1tllrr bul ~1rs. Pnf)<'il sits then>, unnhh• 10 1:4ke part . " l)r. Ch:ls r 1r~ti fi1•d 111 f·n1ss t':>.:arnination by l)tpu ty f)istrict 1\ttornr~· l'r trr Arcginnn _ "'l/,'lVf' .vou e1·er tx>en fooled by ci psychiatri<' p111ir111"" Br('grnan asked. (;l;1n r·i11g fro111 l)r C'ha St.• to Deputy flis1rit'I Attnmt',V Hrt•grntin, 1\lrs. l'opeil J1~1ked nln1ost like :1 rer.~on wat ching :i l1'n11i s 111a1rh as tli1· fl\'O tll<'tl fi red 1p1P."l1(l11s lHlf! rr•l)lie" ;1\ 1·•1t•h n1!11·r · \11 nq1 ;1.~ ;i rult'." nr. Chn ~t' ~;11d of l11s d1·a h11g" 11·i1h p.11i1'nts. hu1 ;i1l1trd 1h:l1 hr i~ 11111.1 11 h11 n111n b1·ing 1•fi11 11111 rnnk(' n11sl<1~1·s- u1111;ill"' fnr 1non.' 1ha11 ;1 l),1\ T\111 11,u1t 1 •.\pl\1>ln11~ rill'hl·d lh•' upj:1't' flt><ll''> of 1hv L'oun11· co11rtho11~1' al 11 t'i ;1 111 :u1d 11111HJl\'.'i ·latt·r d1'p11!i1'-. r11.,h1·d ;.:,1:111 Sn1tk1~r frrun th1· j;iil lo a w;iit1ng p:tl r .. 1 t·;1r .'i11ltk1'r. ht·ld hos!:1ge ~itlf'f' 1111dn1gh1 ~1011cl a1·. 11•<"t,<; 111shed 1o a l10 1~p1t:d 111 1111dt•!t'1·n111Jl'd cn11di!1on. 'l\10 n1h1'r l'Xplti:-;lon:-; 11·rn· h··:1rd 'ho1·1ly aftcT tilt' t1r~1 !1111 and nt 1··•!~1 Ill l~•)i('~· off1('~·!"~ lll'I'" ~l'l'll t'llSl1111 !,! 11in1i1i.:h 1hv HJl\~·I' rloors ti! thl' (•1.ghl - '1011 huild111;: Tilt• 1:1il 1-. lol'atcd 1n th~·'!'\ l'illh (l!ld ("!g/1t h fl!}l\I'~ St •\1'1":\I p .. r:; t!l' llt'r•· 1':llT1•'rl fr,1111 11 ·~· t·.,11r1h1•11'" :ind pl:r<'l'd h111Tu ·rll\' 111 1hr·t·1· 11,11t1ni.: ;1n1bul:1111·''' (' o 1111 t .1 111J1('1<Jl~ n·l1 1~·.._f !o g1\1• ;1n\' di•l,111~ ul llH• 11\('idt·lll :ind 1101ild l!ul ulPllt 1fy !hn~1' lln•p1t;1l1t{'d Tile 111·1· llllllilt"~ 11\('!"j~llll'l'l'rl S!lt[kPr :111d :111ollit•r 1!.11:1r<! d11n11g !hr• sh1f1 vli.1111!.t' at 1T1H!n1glll .\lond;1v hul th(• 11lh•·r gu11rd. IJ011 S1d11\·ll, 11•;i~ r1·lt·:1~P1 I ·ru··~d:i.1. :-;uff1·rr11g ;i he;1d v.•ound :ll!d :1 l11p 1111ur~· l'ount~· n!f1c1n1.'> rt'Jlf'll'tt·d 1';1rlivr !\)(Jn~ th:11 n1·go11atio11s. \\'h1cl1 (' o 11lin11 t· <l 111 rn11gh 1h1' nlghl . 11·cr1' hrok£'n off ;ind 1ht' 111111;111·s :ipJlt'~ln'd to bt' t:ik ing drugs. At a n11drnorn1ng coofen•ncc sheriff's Ca pl. Arthur Fields h;id se e tn C-d pcssunistic about talks 11·ith 1ht· in1nates. F1r !ds said Darvin ri.t£'h<1rg, th!! for1ner police offi cer and ex-con speaking for !ht• five. 1vns in bed and "ttl'cy·re lmable lo e1·cn )!f'I hin1 up 110\V. " 1'hr. uniden tified. d111 gs raken by !he inn1atcs app;irent ly r an1 e from jail 1111,diettl supplies. The i11n1ates ha d rl'linriuisherJ their rlemand for frel'dnm and sv.•it<'hC'd lo bargaining: their t aSl'S They asked for a1torneys but non£' h:1d appl'arl'fl 1odn.\· At no tilne h;id Sheriff T L. B:1kl'r agrt:l'<i ro lt't !he prisoners go free. !See CAP11JHE. Page A2' ADVERTISERS SET A PltOT RECOR[) flraug:c CoHst cl;issified ;1rlvrrti,;r'r:<: !;'!st "·eek helped th" J)ailr l'ilot sf'I :1 fi('\I' rff'Ord. l)uring the S('\('IJ-da,V f t'ri11d rn<lt•rl Sundn~" tht•re "'t•re !1.271 clas,~1fied at r~ J·un in our pagt'~. Thal is 1nOrf' !ha11 :11 an,\· other tin1c in the ITis!ory of th1• Dail y J>i lrit. \\"1' 11 s11nlly rcsC'r\'C' thi~ ,<;p:1cr In 1\'ll of !he s11rr('1;~ indi vid11nl ;1cl\'1•rli ~1'rs l'X pcricncl' ilftrr thr\l'V(' lislC'O 1ht·lr l':ir~, furn iturr or olhl'r .~al;'lb!C'li in 011r C!il 11rnn,~ Todfly \1·r 'I! brt•ak 11i1h 1r;1di11on '111 <1 sny ro !l.271 11dv{•rl 1~t·r~: "1'n:inks for 11 ,!ring ti~ p!1! ;1 !''11 110Hd , tn \1 01 k lor vo11 .. ~ Onily Pilot ('la~slflf'd Ai l~ Doctor Cal ls Eloise Too Passive to Kill • I ll Coast Drug Roundup • It Was In the Cards 9 ... + 6 ., .· .. , . . 10 1+ • . . !"' I ~· I ,':« l fi ' ·' ·'.·'' THE FORD .ROCKEFELLER AL~IANC E WAS IN THE CARDS ACCORDING TO A LAGUNA LAD Mike Leamon, 14, Dvg Out His Deck of 1971 Politicards to Review tlie Bidding F ortl-Rocl•ef e/1 er 1'ichet F oretol1l l u Y 0111.li 's Cart/.~ A r:rrald F ord -'Jelson Jlnckcfcller !><1 !'11l1'1"~111p 1r a .s forrto1<1 in the c:-arrls. No! tarot fortl1nt•-h11!ini.; t•;inl,, but .1 deck or l"h<tf:ll'll'I' (•;11·ds 01\·ncd hv ri.Jikc L1'<t11'11u1. 11. of l,,1gun.1 l~l':-t('I\, Ford .'Ind Bnckrfrllrr ;irt· 1110 p~lil irnl figurt'S 11111011g tlu' !12 111 !ht• dl•C'k of 1fl71 1· J 111ag1· ··1•nli!1c;i rcls'· 1-'nrd . 11e111·111i.: :1 i.:r111 ;111d ;1 fr101h111I unir11rn1 is fl 01111· of l'lt11i, fluC'ky 111•.1rin 11, ;1 grin, h11~1 t11"•:; su11 n11d r·l11trhi11 ~ ;1 fi<:1full .. f ISl'e (,\Rl>S, l'agl' '!I \ S iispect i1i L .4 A i1·zJort Bo11tbi1ig Held by Poli<·e 1.{IS .\:1i(;El ES L\P\ -.!\ Yu i.;0~1;:111:~11 11111111g1·:111t 11·irh :i rl·rnr1t of sex ofl t'flSP~ h:1~ 1)('1·11 ;:irre~tecl for iJ11 t•st ig~tinn of nurrtll'r. :Hid pnl11·1• ~ay he 1!; 1l1!' ":dpl1<1\Jl•! ·bn11\b{'r·· 1rho'>f' dt•J<lly 1 i1;1rg,,s 1.1111'<1 tt1rt't' per,<;011:-; l'ulir" :111<1 lh1• !~Bl s;·1id ,\luh:irr1n l\urht'g\f\H'. :ll, 11·:1c; t ~1kcn into ru~1oth 'J'1u·s1!:11· 11igh1 ;1flr!' h<' pl11111t•1! .1 111p1• r1•cu1 ding 1n 11 tra~h rnn 1n a rr-.t ru1l!l\ ;i( a llollv11•ood \;1kt'1111t ft"\;1111·;1111 ·1111•\ said ~urh1•i.:rn 11' 11~1 ... t'nf' 111;111 \\~I(< iil•'l\11t1 "d hi111~( It Ill h'l1·p!1un·· (;Ill" and tap1· n'1·11rd1n~s ;i.; 'l".1.ir· !\.1~1111 · 1111\!!:11 1 l'·ad(·r of ;111 01·;o.an11n!1<•11 !1•' 1 ;11l"d \)H II• ol 1\!l\i r1 ;':1 !11• 1ras r:1lll'<l t h<' :ilph:1bct hnn1brr rif1er 1hrrH IC'r1111g: to s1X'll out 1ht• i.;roun':-; n;.1111!' "in blood.. unless: i1111nii.:ra1hu1 :ind ~('lC lrnrs \\'t•r1' rcpt~.'.l lc<I. \\'!llia1 n t\. Sullivnn, a ~si1'1 :1 nt dirf'rT·~r n! thl' FBI 111 !'h:u·gr of tl:i' 1 A)~ Ang1·l1·s offi1't'. said Kurllf'go1·ir ·wa:-; ~1pp.'ln•11t1,1' :11'1111~ alo111• ;11111 '";!! 1hi" tinl•' 11 11 nuld ht n1y npi111011 1h:11 Jhrn• 1." nfl Sll<'h 1;11./ip a~ 1111' ,\li•·tt"< 11f ;\n1cr1 ra .. l'11l1t·e ~:1id K11rhPg111·1c. 11hr1 h;11l b1'1"' 1'1nplo1 l'd 11ntil this ~·1·t'i-nr ;'! hli!t'pr 1111 1 .>TJl("lrlr\~' 111 l...1)>, \lll.:t'it'S, \\':Iii( 1111,'ll'lllLd :11111 flf11•!Td 1111 r't•~1~t ;1nrr 11h~'n ;11'n•,!c1I l\lll"IJ1•~11\ i1·. l\hn ji~)~ lr ~h\, ('lHh. ~1\01 1 l~t't' 1"111\lRl<:H , l'<•J.:t' i\21 Fo1·ce Rait\s B,r .1011.\1 \':\l.TF.BZ.\ Of !~e DlilV Pole! ~!~!! S:1n Cl1·nll.'nl1· polt('('. ;1ssi~ll'd h1· •('1 •·1·.1) 11th(·r agC!l('h'.'• l'011!1(l1•rl tip ~~ :illt'gctt n:1rt~1lics sus1u'1·1s Tu11sd,1.1 111 ;i n1aior t.:isk force OIX'/':ltlon sp;1ru1ing tht• Sou th Coast. :\n111'd with 11arrant, ~ p e c if~· in g tliargl'.s C1f snle of a 1111lt• l'ariety of dni.;s intluding hern111 and eo<·;oi ine. officers hur:.t in at st·1c·rrll S;111 Clt•n11·nt1• :1p;1rl1lll'rll." :ind nlllL·rs 1n r1:1n:1 Pi11111 ;111rJ L;iguna Niguel. !)f 1.~ -.il"o••l'I~ 11;1111•"1 111 11.1rr:1n:s T1a·sda1 ';; r;1,lcb; nc·ttl'd II!. plu~ I~ 01h1·r p1•rson$ 11hn 11·('4e ;1ssc·r1edl.v 1n\-1Jhl'd in 11an ·nt1«.~ <1Ct11·Jl~ ;11 th1' rcs1dencu.-- Thv"(' :1rn'S!.1•d nn 11:1rr:111ts .1rc \ :d J )1':111 \\'ea\ L'l", :!II iii 14~ \\ <";111.1d:1, ~.in Clcn1'"n;•·. rll.irg<•(t \\llh s:1l1'~ 11! o·nt«llnC'. !.~I) l'h1•11r11·l:1d111f ,;1 h-il'.'-'' 1r:1nriu1lircr ~11111111 •111 tl\1· ~II('"' :i-. · \nc1·I ll11~1· 1 :111d n1:tn 1u;111~1 111·, Ii.iii I~ .>;i [O.!W~I -\' drnP A1f!1 J\11111ni:1n. ~11 1d II"• \\" i'Jn<1d:.L S~llt'S of l..'i1) b111I S<'1 !II SI ,11/i!I -H1(·hanl Jfl\l•pll H~:111 1" ;1 t ;unp l'•·ndl1·1 1111 .\l;11·111e l11•1n,e ;n 2\J !1 Ar;1go11. San l'l1 ·111r 11lr , salt•s oil nl;1n111a11,1 .111d pl1c11r~·eJi din r: bail 1.s ~2.f~lil. -.!a111L~~ S;1nl i;i~n . 20. ;il:;o :1 ,\\:in!H? 111111.: ;a the s:1 n1t· addn':-;:-;, book1'll on ch;1rg~~ of n1:1rijna11:t ;ind plit•fl('~l'l1(1111t· s:tlr:-;: !-;ill. $~.:-.00. -Joseph Hl'lll (;n1r1:1IP<;. 21. 11f 2\~ C Ar.-igon: s<i les of hL•ro1n, n1ariju;10;1 ;111d ph1·11e~·clidinl' R11il 1v:1,;; si'! n1 Si.5{)11 ~Set> 1"\Alt CClTICS, l'ill!l' A'!) Orange ' · .eoast Weather It'll ht' sl1ghtlv \1".~r111f'~ Thl11·s- !<11 . ;K·<·ord ing tO thr 11·1·'1iher St'1·1·- 11·1-. 11·11i1 higl1s :it th•· be;iehcg 1rfltn1(! 13 ri si ng to 85 in\:111d \lr.:ingr Counl r. l.011 s roni -::hr f;:! tn fi~ 1:\SllU: '1'011 \ \' ,\',ol1.'1• f,'!ru11 . r/1t' {_'11/1f,1rJl!1J . I .ipl'/ ., · t 11·rbn/111111 11!1/1t/•111•(11" 1 . St'! H 11lf1p1r /1·119 111· r1·1·,,1·t/ ,,f 47 •::1'1!:1'11111.~ in tl1 r 1·1 11111111•., /'11 1·~· rl11~1111ul1 1 -h11r 111,· .1 .. u 1·1, i1 1,~1 /-41 /11 t !11' /lrrlllf l111,·r ~ "' \1 rl• 111'1111 Stirr/111111 S1·1· -'i'''" ~. l'<i•/" 111. .. 'M Se•v•ct ., Mo~-• , ,.. .. llo•li"' '" M~•lt' '" co M. lloyd " MU!HAl ~ ""o' " C11ttor"I• .. Mttlo~~! c1~n1fltd 01 11 Mew1 ... .. (Cl>llCI "' Or•n•~ tnu"'V '" C1onwcr~ "' Poo<>I• "' oo,i~ No!'<t> .. s ...... 11 '" fi!•IOnll ''" .. O• \1••n<•~~~ ... En-r!oln,.,.n! '" ~10(0. "·~·••t• "' f-o~&A<t Il l\ ' . "'""" '" ·-{4 1t n·-··••·• .. , HOt01<<'1p< " .... ·~·~·· .. '"" 1-.,,~~ .. " W<lfl~ Now• ... .. M•llbc• .. ' . -. ' ' .... , ~ ·', 11 ,' . 1 '' ' Living Cost Up Again-Southland Hard Hit \\ '"llJ\1,·111\ \I' "I I"'' "I 111 ' , I 1' l • .. t 111 .I ull ,\, I·", .i, HI !ood pf'!('!'\ lho 11"! ,\ ']ti\' I!!'' '• 1" r• '('1'1)1111 11111• 1111·· II I 110 ,I'< q I'• ~.i1' ri.•n1 nl ~;111! + "'' •I. !!, !llLO!il h i.I I 1+11~!\fl)\'r th:1 11 I 1~·1·t'• tit 'I II• It/I• 1111'!' 1 • l\•l'I rl 1tlu11111! 111 I• .1'1 •I ,ii 11 +111 1 •• 11 •J • ' 11 f •It 111111·!' !" "•' ill 1/11· l,11~ \1ij'1·lc•-: Ill J1 j1uhl.ill .Jl •«I \Il l• !J l Jll'!"Cl'!I\ 111 Ii• r 1lunn ,I.iii 1t1,1n .i !' .ir .IJ.;'' Ill It J..llh: !Ji•• 1,11 '•"-I olllllli . .J l!U'fl'.1"<' '"l'i-' !"47 !h" ..;.,l'lb1•ro1 1·,,11f,.l'lll'I •·h11•f ol th<! BIJrf':ILJ of Llll>or :-it.itJSU('S s<lid l11d.i;.. \II n1aj1lr r;11t')..:OJ'I •·~ !Jf '11' !H]Ulj!, \CXl't•p! LlullllliJ.:. 1· •• 111~ 111011114 .lul;.. l'l'l('t·~­ J•Urt\·J 111 ;i 1 fl. lh'fl t'fjl l'l'>i' f a ni 11 y r1·,g1st1•rt'<l g1·ner.1llv 111 huui;ing Ford Considers Black Program J;,\· ll El.E" TJll)\1 \S \\,\Sl 1J:-.t;1·()\' 1l l'I J !'n•\td•·rl! Furd told bl:\f'h 111111 ~1' n11 •111 l~'rs ro(L1y tit• 1s l'O!l~1d1•r'r11;.: :1 puil l1c-"1'1'\'tl'f' 1•1nplo~ 1n1'n! pn,~r:1n1 I•! t 1..: ht Ullt'!l1!JIO_\J!1('111 of hJ.i ('h' 111 lll.1 1"1 c'\111'' .1 ie;uJ1•r nf 1hr group ~;ud Ht•p ('h:irl\"' B l\;!ll~t·I In-\,. I 111-;ul uf the Black Caucu:.. !ul1l • l'l1t1f!ers th1• llousr mf'tnb1:rs \\t'l't' · plo•;t'!'d" \l'11h 1hl· \\hill' Hou\•' r11t•t•!111~ ;ind fotJ nll Jhat Ford "n ·cogni1.1·s that 11111· concern'> i1ft' hi s COUC:t·t'tl~ ' Firrrl 111(·! 111\h 011• trr111· .. • m1•1nbcrs 111 a fr1t.'fldl .v and L'Ollc1!t,1lory gesture N 1\R CO 'l'J ( :s • • • S1·1Tr;d p1.•r,011~ 1•ri·,1·n1 .i! .i p.11·1~ :11 !111 :1p;11"l 111t·11! '!'111· ... dn.v night \1t·1'1' hook1 •d IHI 11\:1r1111.'lll:I C'h:1rgl'!', S<llti Polll'~· ('l11ct :\!1 •1 l'O!'ltl{'r -Ed11;1rd J 11~1i L11pron .Jr . 2fl. (1f 2~~\f"il S.111 Hr isu. L.'lgunn .\'iguC'l. ehar~ed \1·1th ~;1le f1! f'01.·;un1·. \\-'1th bail set at s 1n.ooo. -./o<:eph !\t111ciell1. 19. of 130 \\'. \T:uqu1ta. rhargt..-1 111\h :-.alt• of Ji[Jsh1sh 011. 111th b;u! <t1 $2.5011 -.h·U ,\J an \\:il kl•r. :!I ui :i:u1:n i'.:i r111•1. 11a11<1 !'01n1 . eh:1rg1·t! 11·1th s:ih· uf 1nariiuana and luring ;1 n1111or to l'fff'ct illicit $illc$: h;11I at $5J)00 -S:im111·l R S1n1rh. ;i 1q-~·C'ar-olcl \l;inn1' \1\·111:.! ;1! 202 l J S1•11lll·. c:harged \1 1th !l1'1r1JU<lllil !.;.tll'. 111lh h;lll ~l'l ;11 'I Ill~! -Sh•ph•'ll l'h:1r\es l\11l'1t. 21. of !01 \\' :\lnrqu1tn. San Cll'1nt·t1t1· t·h.trgl'd 1r1th lll>lrlJll;111;1 '):1li'. 1'.1tli l1:lll at ~1.0()0, l'or!n1·r ~;111! tlu· c~~>f{llll:J!td raids. lht· firs! 111 IJl!ll\' lh;111 l\\!J vl'.':irs in 11tc citv undC"r rhr full tas"·furC'~ forrnal, 1'nd(•d .17HJI'(' !h:i11 fntrr n1on\hS flf probing. including a!!u~l·tl unrlcrc.:o' 1·r buys llt• and llill'l'OllCs dt·lcct1Vl's 111 S3n cJ,·rnC'nlc s..11d nuic:h of the unrterco\"c•r \1ork \las lun11.~ht..'d b.1· L;1gun:1 H1·:it•h polir·l' :i!ong 111lh tht• i;J;itr· 11;1rL·n!ic~ offite and 1ni\1tary 111\l'Stigator~ "I \\outd .... ny that the focal point 1he p<'Qplf' arrl'"ll'<I 1n thc:,;r ra1ris \\'as .1ur !)(}\\'! ar1•;1 111 S:1n t'h·nu·ntc:· Portnt't :.aid. i-ll' added th:il \1:JrllU '!'l lrnnl famp PcndlC'ton "''r1• :unong lhc bulk of lh•· purcha5£'rs of 1l11C'll drugs 111 th1· p1('r· 1·ntranl'e arl'.L lht' 1n1t'~t1~a11nn <:hovu>d ~10-..1 uf lhu~t' arrt•<;\!'d 111 1\1l'Sd<1y '._ raids 11·1•rf' 1r:111:-;por!•·d 111 llran).!i' j'nunt 1· 1:i li ~·1 t•r;ll 1n·r.,(1n~ :1rrr~r1·d on rl11· 111nnJ11;1n;i ~n11•h1t11! t'h:1r:tl's :111<! fnr ho•111g in :1 ph11 •1· \I h••rj> tltr· \\l'<'<I w<i ~ l1t·1ng ll'-t'd 111·1·f· r•·h·,1~~·d 1111 thi•lr ol'-11 rceogni1:111t·r· 111'11d 11£: arr:H'.,!!IJ!H'l ll ,\!Tl'"l1·1·~ 11;1111• d 111 lli1• 111 :1 J 0 I' 1varr;int.~ 1'01·j11i'f ~:11d. 111•f1' lv l><' lnrrn:illl , 11H 1"~'l 'd ~·:1r l\ Ind.ii' 111 Soutl1 Or;1rii:e' Cn1Jnl1 \1111 11< 11•,d c '••I.JI I Counl v shcrif!\ •dl11·1;1I" 1"11nt 111111'd lht·1r !-t«1rl·li torl:n· for 1/11.· 1n~1n 1·all1·d ",Jnn" 1~·ho sho! and k1tlr·d a ~oung couple in a I ratle1 p,1rh ht 11· ''" °'" ·~·· (~"'' o .... p,..,, '"''" ... '" ,. ,.,, .... ~"""'I"• ""'"""'"" '' ,..,,,.,,_, <i. '"" 0 .. "0't (,.,.., ''"'"· '""I ""P."• "'I'•'•'~ ~•I"•'•" "'" r "el·.~•• ~'''''"" "'' ""''' '"'"' •~' lu,I• 1.1 .......... r;-, .. '"". ,,,,.,, .• .,,<). l:lool'.••ll (",JO'> '•''' ~ • -• 1 l~V''" • !~1.t I '"''"" G • ...,1,•1,.,, 't••I .,,., , ... ,, ... , .. ~"" J .... (.>, .. , ..... , ........ , •• 1••1·'·"'' ~<!·""~ '' f''"'''"'~t ~'''"''"'"'·•·~I '•I" ''-• f•••r•• ""'"''!>'""'~"•''' ·" ''''"'" • tt•, '>''""I L-•"'-C.t•'°'"'• ~<'''·'" ~<:r!.-,I J w .. ...i ' ""'""~'. •····· ",,, .. ,, I, > r ! .. 1,., ...,,~~"''<t<>n: •...-1 (,•r-•• .,. • .,_ Ir . ..., .. A. M,,11 • .,. Mo-"V[IM°' Office1 • '•·'• ~·~ .. ,y, ...... a..! ....... ,,... ... "'"' fl• • " •J."\J ...... <IO(' "'·~'"'"" Lo~~·•&••" '~:~O-fli:I\•••·"" '"'""'''" 11•· .. •· 11~··~··· n.~· .... ·1 ( ~n (·•"'•nl• X~•~&"•ll\..O""·""i:. • ., Tflf'pliGM 17141642·4)21 Cl11,1if1rd Ad~e-rlitiftq 641·!>6 7 I ,,,,..,L<>•"' ii'~•• ·'" <\•,u·•B•< '' 4t2-4420 """'IO"'l~U·•~ ·•'• ~"·•''I 540-1220 r~t"C"' •Q '• l'>o"V ,,,.,, ''"~'" "9 U..00 1-· '" ............... ' """"'"' .......... ,., ...... .. "' •d ... " ••""""' ,...,. ,..., 1'9 tN~ <l...0:.0 .... "'NI \j....-0, ,_.,.,.,., ..r<.vfno"O~I - f:<P . , .... !_ , .. ,, •' ( ..,.,. """ .. ' ... ' . .,_, ·-r . ., ,.,,~ t·• ,.., ... 11 ••~~•"'"~" n,. ...,.1 •• na~ .... , .. , .... 'If') ,_.,,..,qw.1)00.._ ... ,,. .111ne<I ;!! 1n11>ro1·111g rel:i1 1nn-. belWN'n Ila• t·\0 •1·u111 1· br:1nch and lht• black l:1 ll'n1:1ht 1·~ 'l'h1· c·:1ucus 11 :1-; at odd11 •11th fort1H'!' l1t't'Sldcnl 1\1.\on and all hut 0111· pf 1111·111 1111!'(! ;1g;11ns1 Ford's 1111111111:ilion tu b!· 1 ice prl'Slrlcnt lust I 1'.lf l{;iu~t'I s;ud that Fnrd "n111d(' it 1.·r.v r!e::ir he 1s t.'Onsi<h·rirl!! SOllll' kind of public srrvice e1nploymcnt." 1'he l'res1dl'11t s;iid lhe c•t,untry 11ecd:. a ""trong d1•1t~nsl' poslure'' bu! also told 1h1• lfotisL· rnl'mbers. "I l'<lt1 assure you th111 th1• dt'r1·11'!' budgt·t is no t s.1eros:u1l't .·· Hani.:rt :-1a1d. \\'1th !11s c:ho1{'c of t\c\son A . Hockefrlll'r to be \'ice prcsidt•nt out of !ht~ 11ay. Ford kept a hl·a1y sctre<lulr . lie .1!1•·t1d<·tl nh:rnor1al s1•r1 ll'l'S fnr sl;t1n ADDITIONAL STORIES ON ROCKEFELLER -Page A4 <11nb:1ss11dur H11d.~i.·r P llnvics and la!i'r ~lf;\lt'd lh1' $25 bill11)11 l•d11C::11lon <1l't 11111<.:h 1n(·ludrs sl1tf ;11111busing pro\'1sio11s. Jn a nHx th ;il has Lll'cuntt' a typ11-;1! Ford d.1v nt the \\'hill' llousr. the l'rcsidcnt. also afr;ingt'd f1VC'·n111lute i:ourtl•sy f·alls for 1hr an1b;1ssadors of 1';1ki!.l.111 . Iran and Jnd1.t. The JJlal'k C';1ucus nlt·tnbers \\Cn· ob11ou~ly pieas!'d v.1th !ht•1r f1rs1 l l)C('\ln~ 11ith Ford as prl'Sld1·nl ;ind Hangl•1 s.1id th<it Ford promised to :ippoint <in assistan t \\ho 11ould Sl•r\~ ;1s a link tx·111r\·11 lht·ir group :u1d 1ht· \\'lute llou.~l'- "Th1' I 'rt•sldl'lll h<1s ad1·1sed us that not only 1~ hts dour np1'1l to us but mor(' 11nporta111ly that t•:1<.:h of us can ~-.ill hirn." sn1rl llllnJ!:rl. Hrp. BHrhnra Jordan ( D-Tex. l, \1'as tnorl' cautious in her cllaraterization of lht' meeting. "The nature of the rnee!ing loday 11·as lcr·s talk lo each other. That. 1~·c did," she said. lln np;c! said lhc group left PonJ a tlucun1ent listing I.heir lung Lr r 1n t'tu1ccrns. !le said 11 \\as no! ;1 "shopping hsl" but COVl'rf'd :i rruigL· of !'Ubjcl'lS, 1nrludi11g minori1y housing. ccunoniic dc.:velopmcn t. lnc\us1on of Afnra in a rneaningful 1\'ay ill foreign policy, ttie n1ilitary budget. heal th. narcollc:-1. <:ritne. \Oli ng rights. improving the status of ;dl n11nonlies including black \\"Qn1cn. a1nncsty and transp:irtalion. Body l)i ~covt·r ed . \1(/:\'T,\11 \ 1l'l'l1 'I11t' t'n1h;il111f'd 11•1(1\ nf ;1 O-.vcnr·old S.'ln Fr:11ll'IS!'O bi1\ 11;1~ fo und 111 !hf' ~urf off t!11s :-.:in :ll:il•'O Counlv ('11:1..,JCJI <·0111111111111v. Sh1•r1ft's 1i1·p11t1t•s c:;ud l 'u1•sd:iy !ht' !'fttly h:id bt'{'ll s1olrn from <t crypt .1t !To!~· f'ross !'t·n1cttry in Cohna. TI1r ~·h1lrl dJNI in 1~7!. Dt.,put1rs ~ud a rnan tcl('phoncd the 1 ~·1111•1f'rv thrN' 11n1es ;ind reported 1:ik1ng thf' hody ThC'y s:url he did not g1\'e :l rrason. (;e,,erul .'itri1·I-.•'•• Ar1ny· rhicf nf Stnff Gen . (,r('ightun \\'. ,\bra111 .11 1s in ser- ious cond1t1011 111 \\'alter Recd l·lospilal. .•11lfl'r111).! fron1 ;1 blood i-l<il 1n tu .... l(•g-. Abr;ln1s forrncrlv was rornn1and1ng ~C'n ­ eral of L· ~. f!1l t<'" 111 Vlct nani, <·o~p; 1nt'rt•i1Y.'d l I 1"('n'1•ri1 fr,.n1 Junr ... t11• _,,ild l'ril'l':. us ol July :n \.\1'rr 11 8 p1.·rf'ent h1i::hf'r nationally than in July l\J73, the i;o1 ~n1nicnt s;.11d 1'h;11 is the b11.!J'.:\'<(t 12-nionlh jun1p .. inr·1· 1h1· Y•'ar 1·nd1ns.t S(·pten1ber 1947, 11hen the UllT('B!il' \\":IS l:l.6 percent. The Labor [)('par!ment's BLlrt•<JU nf Lcibor Statistics said. ho>\cver. \1orkcrs n1.1nagf'd to gain ground nationally Iii~\ rnunth in their racf' 11 1\h inflation. ~IW:'llll ,1hl·· l'dllll'H .. .tfr,•r I .J Iii II~ :tf'('Ol..LI\! for 1nfl<1lton, 111u\1'(! up h\ t1111 t1·ul11o.; of l l~Tl't·nt Uut si nce 1t >\llS only !he St'l·und !J.(11111111· 11\l'fl'H ~l' 1111-. \t'.lf ['1·:1 I spendable C'Onllll!~S \1crr ~J 3 1x·rct•ut ll'S.S 1ti:i11 ;1 11•;1r e,u·h··r· '!'he 11u1.t0r f11ctor" pu:;l11ng up pr1rf•s in July. ?he d1·µart1n1 ·nr .s:ud . 1reri: l11~h1·r inlerl'sts cost~ for b1in11' buyl'rs <lltd h1gh1'r pr11·1·s IJll t·iir<I., 1nl•d1e;il t:1re ,111d fj'st;1urant !lll'iils l'O•Kt nri1·r~ ,j('\U.111\ flt!\\' h1 lil!L' h!lth ot I !}i'fl'l'!ll liut 11\'l'.tU\I' !ht'~ ll\U;1I\~ 1t~•· rnnt'h 11111n· ~1ror1ji(ll Ir\ .ltll~ lhl· l..o'.lbur 1JL11<1rt11lt>rtl ;1d1u~!L'<.! th\• t•h;1ngc fllr sc.1son;1l vanalion. Tiic r1;sult 11as ;1 four-tenths of 1 pt>rCt'nt drop as f;ir ;1s the gu1'l'l'!Ull\'tll''l 111dl'X is cnn<'1·rnt"t!. The priee nf bcl'f. d:1iry produc1s, t•ggs and fresh fruits, ll'hich nofn1;11ly nse in J11ly, dcclin1•d. Fresh vegetable prices d<'l'hnt'<i f'Vl'll n1ore than usu:1!. Grocery store pril'eS increased on puul11~ • ..llUJ:.~ "l1g.u ,1rnl ~l-IL'f·ls .1nd 1·1•rl"<1! :uid bnkt·r1 pr1Khh·1- ll<111t·\1•r th1· tooiil p11c ·i· ~1ugg1~)11\l'~'l iu ,lul .1· d1d not 11·01·t 1 /11·;d rhy 1nt'n'l1s1·~ already \\-·ork111g !hl·lr \\'a.1 llJI to thl' grocery s1orr \c1el. l'he g(lv1·n1t1h•nt n·purt1'<l l«1rht'r this rnun1h a wl1opp1ng ti ·I p('!'l'l'f\l llll'rcasc in prir·i:s for food ;1od r:1n!l products ut IJ1t• \1•hul l':;.ult' It•\ 1•! 'l'l11s 1•1:,c is cxpel'tcd to 1111rk 11 ~ 11.1y I•) lhi> CO!lSU!lll'r !t·1•cl O\t•r lhl' llC\l few months. BOMBEI{. hair. 11a~ 111;H't·h1•d p:1 ~1 1">ul11·1· 11t·;1dq11 :1rll'f ~ :H u! . ' Ill'\\ \lllt'll :it IJt.>oh1·d tn t·11 tltlf't'l1011 111th Ult 1\11g Ii hl.l~l <It I~" ,\11g\'ll's lnt1•1'11a11on:d A1q111 rt tl1.1t kdl1•d U1rt'l' p._•rsons and 111Jtrrl·d :!:'i l•'nd;i~· nigh!, in rl'.~potl.~t' lei a 11 ar·r110~ frorn the 111:111 11·ho l';ilh·d t111n~ell !o.;.1:1t: l!:ts 11n, polier ruur1d ;I 2.'i·pourul hurnb pl:111f\•d in :1 lotkl'r 111 ;1 do11n1ull'll bus st.1111111. The c\('\"it'l' 11 ;1<; rl1sur111t•d ,\t!\'r Kurb1·govil··s ;1rrt-.,t pol11·1· :drl1•d h~· h\11nh·SJ11tl111g <h1j.;S S1 ·:11"l'hl'd !1i s llull.111("1d ;ip:1rll!l!'!lt ;ind !1:111li•d a11j1\' 11h:11 !ht·~· dl'~t·r1ht'd ;1~ ,+ l.H j;\' 1·:1\'hf' of ch!•ltli!·tih :u1d 1.•xpl11s11i "' Thr_v s;11d 1111· h;1ul u1l'l1J1!t•rl 111111H·n1u« bollh·.., nf 1·le;1r l1qu1d.,, "'\1·r.d 1.·;111~ of i.;unp1)11drr. :1 large spool uf l'll'Ctr1('._11 11irC'. a 1·asSl'll1' tapr r1.'t'Ofdl·r. a ).(JS rnask. and :1 nurn!):r of books 011 ho11• ' to make bo1nhs. " Poliet• \\uu!d no1 s:1y \\h<ll thl' l'lrar liquid \\as. but lh~'Y ~aid :ill of !ht' 1n:1\o'n;1l found C"Otild Ix' used 111 111.iking a largl' 11uan111 .1 11f \J0111 •rf11l 1•:..pl11,111·~ Sulli\·;111 s:11d 11 11,1" 1101 k1101111 11hcre lh!' 1•xµlo.,i\'1•s \\l·rc olllallh'fi UNIDENTIFIED POLICE OFFICER TAKE S LOS ANGELES BOMBING SUSPECT (LEFT! INTO CUSTODY Muharem Kurbegovic, a Yugoslav National, 'Prime Suspect' in LA Airport Bl ast Killing Three .\ pol 1t·1· s1M11;,.,111:111 -.11d pl.111h·lo1hrs ofli\'1.·rs ;ind l'J{l ;1:;1·111 " 11.id !Jo•,.11 foll!l\11ng h.11rh1:'go11c· f1ir 1noro· !h:111 Ill hours prior tl"J t11, arrt':>t al :!it• rt'S\:111f,1rH . l':1rl'~ .Ir Flowe1· Pot Ccise Crc1cks Cr\l''l'U l{E , .. \\1t111·s~,·~ .it 1h1· r1·.~!,1ul'.1n1 \\1·,1·rili1'd h1111 .1« ""111 1td looh11a.: ' !ii' \\a ' dr .. ,:-•·d t·asu~dh· Pol1c1.· ~1111·111·rt hun ;111;1', fru1 11 !ht• re.,l.iuranl "' qui~ h.1.1' lhat 1•1nplr1~~·~ :inrl etiston1t·r' <:;11d l:il!•r 1111.•1· h:1d li.1r•rlll" ht·i·n :11-1(lr1· 11! 1\h:11 11 ,1, h:1pji•·111n).! • A 111.·<ry('ar dispute bct\\-·een t11.·o Billboa netghbors O\'Cr beachfront flower Po! s apµ.."'rently h;is rnded \\"ilh a ruling b~ a Harbor tnunicipal court judge. Robert Anderson of 103 E. Edge\\•att·r A\'C'. filed a successful Ja...,·suit agai11st his neighbor Robert P hysioc f)f 329 Anade Ave. for destroying three large flower pots. Judge Donald Dungan ruled Frld<iy that Physioc must pay Anderson Si.058 -includ.i ng $551\ for the jXJlS and S500 puni li\"e dan1ages. ·11ie nov.·er pol controrer-"r c<'!n1c before the city tounci\ last n1onth "'hen Physioc asked the council to o r d e r ren10\·al of the new flower pots placed nn the beach by Anderson. adjacent to Anderson's house. Although the city's Parks, Beaches and Hccreation Commission to I d 1\nrlerson he could not put new no\\'f'r pn!s back on the bayfrunt beach. he dat ~o any\1·ay The city ct!lmcil sided \1i1h Andrrson. telling him he could keep the ft o 11· r r 1~1ts \lhl'rl' thry ,..·err. .\l:iynr Oon fll clnn1s told h1n1. though. In "upgr:l£lc" !he flo\\'rr,o.; in lhe pots . :.Jnce lhf'y looked "a little scrl'lggly" Jn 1972. v.·hrn the destniction occurr'fl. Ph~·sioc \\'JS tried n11 chargf's nr rnaliciously damaging private properly :and creating a disturbance. The malicious dan1agc chari:e~ 1rcrc dropped. but Physioc ii d m i t 1 e rt Or.straying the pots and pied guilty 10 the disturbance charge. lie was fined $25. 13 Chil<lren Left Alone By Baby Sitter LOS ANGELES (AP) -''!am scared l\le and Shelley had to 11.·atch the others, .. ~id J()..year'"°ld Cheryl ~1urray, one of 1.1 children found unallf'nded by police aflf'r !heir churrh b.1by sitter abandoned tht1n in the f'it~"s flfa cArthur l'ark. Cheryl told police that the baby sif!f'r t0\d ht·r, "You \\'alch thc111. !'!! he back l:itcr,'' and left alxiut 9:30 :1.111. 1'11Md.1y. Puhc.'' say they found the l'hihlrcn t110 hours later playing in a sand box n1·ar the p.1rk ·s lake after a \\"Oman reported one of the childr{'n, \\-'ho \\'ere from 18 month.'> to 10 yrar!I of ar;:c. \1•as hurt and apparently had no one to help h('r. Cheryl was cut \\-'hen she fell runnin~ \~'ilh a can of water. police said. The surprised parent3, w o r k I n g memhers of the nei~hborhoorl Church of Scientology. arrived throughout the ;1f!C'r11oon to pi ck up their children ;it a nf'arhy police st:ition . Th(' ~ittPr, l'h.vllis Stephens. 28, :i 1·h11rch d:i.v CllrP pror:ra rn cmployr, 1-1;1 s loenh-..;I "'hen she rr:lumcd to 1he prirl< 111s1 l.M•furi> noon . She told pollt:t' [o;hc left th•' 1•h1lrtrc•n to gi\'C :inn!hf·r l'il!lrl ;1 bath and it took a l1t1ll' Jon~f'r than 'he cxpl"l.'fl'd . Shf' ...,·as bookt.-d for 111vl'st1i:,:at1on of child f'ndan germh Ph~s1oc (•ln!end<·d during his ;ip~'ri"l!l<'t'S 111 1·.,p rt :inrl h<-forf' lhl' t·11~· cr1unr1I 1h;it .\11t!l·r:-on·~ \)11!.~ \\1•re :1 lllJl~<:ITll"P :111d th1• !l~·µl<llll Ul~llit.' th•• IKll S 11·as unkf•n1pt . The l<111"su1l 11as brought 1n n1un1 tipal court. instrnd of SllJ"','rior court, be.cause U1e ~uit 111\·olved 11·.ss lh<in $5.000 Till• Jll tll.Lt<':-, apjXifrl\!l~ lo•d h\ :1 t .. ri111•r pul!1·1·111;111 .1nd ;i 111Jnl;1n \1ho .1!lo•g l·fll \ h1·lp••il l\1111 i'illll!Hll ;1 l1<11•or lor•• !Joi!dup. ltlt 11i 1111•1' lh·· top t\\'•l ll1"1rs of !ht• l'nurthn11~1· \\l11•r1' !hf' J:!ll 1" 11 ~·:11t •<I ·r1i,·1 gr:1hh1·<! 111.1 1l1'p11t1\'S hot' host :tgt''o. hlll I \·lt•:1'-t'it 11111• ot !ho111 13 h11ur, l:111·r '"I hi' 1'011111 r~'t'~·>1 ,• 111Nt1t'al a111·r111011 !l1•nn:in '11 n1·h1. ;1;l. \\ 11·h1ta F:tll'. husband of ltlt' l\'Orn:111 1n1nall' H<irb;11 :t Th1rl. 40, \;ilked !" h1:-\\'[ff' 11n<l O;ir1 u1 .\h·rh~•ri::. :1!'1, :i forn1('r \\'ichira f alls poli ce offici~r nn!I tl11· alll·ged nng!cad, r· 11f the (1sc:1p1.: ;1tt(·n1J>I Giving It Up 'Floricla Fox' to S11 rr e111ler T1\LL1\H.\SSEE. Fla . t:\P) -Jack ('louscr. a f11rn1er police- man charged 'A'llh h:idnaping and robbery. decided tn end IO years on the r un and surrender to authori! 1es today, a state la"'' ('lllorre· 1nent official said. C louser. 42, n1ade the r~Rl's 10 n1ost.y,·antcrl list and earned the nickna1ne "'!'he r·1or1da F·ox" as he eluded and rid1c11led pur.<:ut•rs. l·lov.1ever. Flortda off1c1a!s h;11·e 1nd1ratcd c·inu<,cr 111;1y gn tree because of the statute of lin1itations_ Jn a letter to his estranged \1·1fr ~lar len f', and tl\'o ICl'n·:1t.:1~d snns. C'lou"f'f sn1d li e \~·ould {.'.l\"t' l11r11sC'1! up bl'L:lll~c he-\\ .. '.Ls tired Hf runnint::: a11d \Va111c<l to he \\'Ith his fatnil v . "~l;1vbt• in\· :-ons nee1! n1c.·· ("1 011.~('I' \\'Tl>1e "~l a.: be I 1n Jll'-1 !Po 1ilrl ai1d tired t(J ~tar! o,·er again " San Fr:111 c1s1·0 police arrcsll'(I ('Jnu <;C'r 111 .J1111f' on an as,<ntll rharge but ht:> \\·as released beforP 111.~ 1dC'nt1tv \1·:i ~ knn\\·11 111 the lt:>!!C'r to his '''lfe, who live,<; 1n Orl:indn. f'lousrr ~;ii(! hr had brl.'n Ii\'· 1ng ln San Francis('() :c;inre 1967 under !he <1l1a'i IJnn:tld Sin1111s . rnarried anuther Y.'on1an and was holdin g <1 joh .. " it "-"~'i· Su1!1v;1n .~aid 1hi' lt11n11gr,it 111n S1•r1·i<" ~1f1t'<l th•· r1·1 ·<u·rJ, 111 .111• n" Iii 1ni: 111 tli.· l.o<: \11).!1·lt·' ;111•;1 111111,• pn!I<'!' "!·:1rrh1•1I 1h!·1r rt·t nrd' l11r ;1 \11·11 .. 1• ,!h r1·1·ord' qf , •. , (>ff1·n't'' Iii· ~;ud Kurtlt'~t•111 • 11,, o1Jl :1111·•1 1•.111\ "lll'h .1 rrt'nrd . .il!hough :iul ll \":111 d1·1 l111t·d IV (!I\" All\" d1,f;11I~ Kurl}l'f:io\"1r h;is h"1•11 ,'1 r••t;id1»11 :111·-·1 1n tl11• l'n1!•·tl ~l<1!•'" ~1 nc'i· Jl1fii, Sul!1 1.111 ~:11rl. 1'u\111an ~aid th •· t ;q~ fo11ncl Tursd.'l\' nH\h! 11hi·n l\11rh1·g1111c 11;1" ;1rres11 ·d 'rr1ll'ralt>d pnl1l1!':1 I p I! 1 In' op h v'' !'"!l()ll~f'd PArl1f'r bv th~· ;1 lpt1;1b1·1 lion1hrr bu1 <lid nnt t·1111!:1111 ~1 ho111h tllr('.I' \\"1tho11 t :111~ 1·l:tlx1r:111nn . l'11lu·1· r 111 rlr T\·!1•r llagiln s.1id 1n1· ... 11!,!.1l•\!"!l .• 1~11 linked KurbrgO\'ll' tn .i firc 'l"lf1rnh1ng \' .. 1 'I :1( lhi' hPlll" o)f lolflll"!" p11l11 • 1 ·01i11111i.~.,111n,.r l·:n11n\'1 l 1· \lcl::1u:•ho•1· :111d lo :1n ;1111•1upb·d l1 ri ·l}t J1J1b1n~ ;iJ !lit' h.Jllh' Ill th1 • l;1sl ~l~ 111n111J1~ !l:ig;u1 ~ilid ll 11.+~ ,\\r(;:iuJ.!hr.r ;111d l:"OTgl.' .\!1!P!llOrl'. fornll'f rap!;11n O( i ti;• pn!icr f..-1rnn1isi;ion·<: 1n1·f'!lt1,i:;i'.lli\·e un it. 1-1 hi~ \l't'fl' na1nf'd by Ha!lirn 111 ont' rif ht~ three tapr recording<: to nf'1~·s 1111•d1a l'nlir11 dHI nol di:,l'lo~t th•·1r 11;1nl1·~ Pfl'\'IOU:.I) f 'rt1111 l'r•!rt• ,\I l :\l{DS • • • '11·•·llb.11·~, I ~·.11111 111~· 1!) ]iti" ;q 1 ""ild 11111 i•r,.~l<l ••1111;1 I • "ll '· •'llt1<>11 Hi• '" ;·1 ll'l 11f ··I Ji, .. Tin· tli•!l 11 .1~ ).!1\1•11 111 \lik,.. ll !11:> 1Jad \11 ;,~111!1• f1>!1ow1•1 Jf 1:11rr1·nt 1·1't·nt s \l1h1' not1J 'f"tl th1· 1"l'1111c1d<•!f<' .dl1 r liu~:k<·li·ll.·r 11 :1~ .~ek'<-1L"<I a:;; \ltl' p11·.-.1d1·111 tl••s1gnatr l'u('sd;1y. Ol'IEl"I 'f lo 6 538 CENTER STREET-COSTA MESA~46·1919 CLOSED SUMDA 'f ~ ..l:Y'-,,-/.) r /'11111 GYM SHORTS & SHIRTS GYM SHOES SWEAT SOX SWEAT SHIRTS & PANTS WARM UP SUITS BOOK BAGS ALL PURPOSE SHOES FOOTBALL SHOES SOCCER SHOES BASKETBALL SHOES TENNIS SHOES .. . ' TENNIS SHORTS & SHIRTS TENNIS DRESSES WILSON -DUNLOP -DAVIS BANCRAFT -YONEX TENNIS 4 RACKETS RACKET STRINGING RACQUETBALL RACQUETS & BALLS HANDBALL GLOVES & BALLS TENNIS BALLS BASKETBALLS -VOLLEYBALLS FOOTBALLS • BIKE PARTS -TIRES -TUBES REPAIRING • '' • ' ( I . ,., I >T· t 'l'llH 4llt'd 11! \ 100 jOlLI' :1h1:1 ()l'IJ..!l "\' app '" llarn lht'Ji )'elll Allr~ In i "" bet•a pub! chan mo I' arr jour ,..,, Ill ( ~ l!ll' I " ~II 111 p1•re II IH'I 11:111, \\ :1.' 10 : that (-1:111 th:11 I {"U :1hnt ri·i,:1 t';il1 II ;1 \ :11 ' it lit thi< lh·p ~ulJ. 1 .. ad1 t rf'{J L :1th t f;j('( :l('I' 10'~0 9~\ lurt (ii 11 ;i I nf f "I ).!1;1 n '°" \l i' 1\11r 1ir11 1· •. ~1Hl l11e: I'.\' ;.:la ,, 1.11, I llr1 h:11 11 •11 1111 :11 h11t I ' l'll\ ,c ui '"" ('U." G <lo lor rn t;c ha !'-0 lh• s ~rl do '" llo A gn Ull lhl lh 111 h~ in ())l 01 tin f il (';1 f l • At Your Service .\ ~u nd:i .1, 'l1111tl.i 1, \\1•lhH•!'>day ~1ul Frilla.1 l-"1·aturt• tlf lh1· II ail.\ l'ilot (,,/a vriil•lt'UI' ·111er1 nn!1· f'al /11,rir/. l 11J/ 111/l 1 11/ /1 '(/ /ri111 •.11, I //11 • ' '.} .... ,. 41f''" o'IS IHlll 1 ll< f IP/I 1/111/ fh'!'! / /1) ,1.11 ,. 111•'!/l!ll It'.\ Ill 1J.,i "r111111·J1! 1u1d /111.-.1111· ·'· i\lcal 111•111 r1111·,,truus '" I '•II / 1111111 I t\I ) "tr S1 ·ri•u 1· f ' '•H l/1 ' ( ',,_1.\! / 11111!1 I 'i/111. I '. J /lu.; I i.t.11, ('11.~ru 11 'I, '''· 111• /1Jdc• 7/1•111 f• I• /'/'"' 1 ".1 "'I,. 1 . \Jf-:,\H I'\'[' .!\l!hough a !ot uf thl' l'l'tl 1i·1~111 u! rhr pr•·ss 111 funf'rira has 1lu·d do11n lollo1\1ng lt·t't'tll d!'v1•lup111('11I" 111 \~:1tPrg;11t•·r1 ·\:1h~I 1.-.su•·:-., 11 11a:"1\'\ 100 loug ;1~0 th;1t l'h:1rges n! "yt·l101v Ji111rn :1J1-.1n·· 111·n· h1·:1rtl n·1K·:1!1•(!ly. ['1'1· ;i\\1;1~-. 11••1uh •r1·d 11h1T<· !hal i•-;pn·=-=-1011 11rig1n:d 1·d ;u11l I'd .~til t l1k1' lo l1nd out. I'. K., \lissl1111 \'i('jO "\'1·11011• 11111r11ali ,111 " v.:1s tht• tl•rn1 applit'd aroonr1 th•· lurn ol th1> 1·c11tury to uc11:-.p:ql1•rs lliat S!K:l'iali1.rd 111 tla1nbt1~;1nt 1u·11:-. n•J)(Jrl11t~. ,\I an~· of tht•s(' e:trrif•d a f·o111ic :-trip 1·a llt•1I "'fhe ,.rllu11• Kirl." tlri ginull~· n:w.._d "Hogan's Allt•y," lhf' slrip depir trd 11·nemt'nt life. In it th1•rr \\<IS :t ho1• v.ho ah1a1·s "ore a ~ 1·1/011· ni,i.:ht.~hi.rt. llis anti~·s bera111n !\U 1)11pul:ir 11ilh lht• reading puhli1· that lht• 1·01nil' s1rip's nanu• "·as changt'd. B1·eau-.r it Yl <.LS prinlt'd in monoehronu• yrllov.·, thr nt·v.s1>ap!'rs that l'arrird it IH'i"lUllt' kno11n a" "yello11 joury:ils." l ·'a Is c• . 1ti1·1:. 1• i is i ••!I :> 111·:.\li !'\'I' r 11."'1\1' a ('01Tiplrtin! £i nJC·1•ri1111i.: ;111 ar1':1 11i1·r(·h;11 1t ror 11h:11 I con.~l<l1'r fnl ~c ;1ch·1•r1is1 ng about a :-11111111111111 :-u1l ~:ilt' '1111· ;1d stillt'd 3fl \M '!"f'c·11l olf 011 <h~11111 l11111vtl 1·olors and 11h1·n I e:dli·d tr, h1· su n· the s17e I \\,ltl)t•d \1 ;1:-, l!I ~luck I \\01~ 1uld it 11.is \\'ht'll I 111•111 111 lh:il nf1l'rnoo11 10 .ill to11r u! 1h1• :11l\"t'1·11-.1ng .'-lOrC's . th:it ~i11· 11.1, 11(•1 :1\";11l:1blr. Thr 0111ll'r ( 1:111111·1[ lhl· .id 11;1~ 11·1 1 (']1•;1r and !h:.t 1~11 ;11! 'I''"' 111•11· :11.ul:1hlr \1 11~1 1 i (•'1!.11 ! I n1• I· •·11~·1 .ii '1 nHlt· 1·111n n11s .. 1011 ;11)11111 rhr ... cir 1!0 11t· 11.111• :1nollt1·r r1·~uL1t1•d lOl!r~" t•I 1·,11nplJ1nt hrn· 111 I . :1) 1 Ill I 111 .1 " II. O .. \{'\\port lkaeb H lh(• :ul .,1;1tt•1t "'nut all Sil.t''- ;11:1ilahl1• ... ~OU IJroh;ihl~ don 't hale ;) 1al1tl 1·un1pla inL If ~nu 11i~h to pur~Ul' thi!I m:iHt•r, ront:i1·1 tht Calirornia l)1·11:1r\1111'11I 1)f I u11 .. urnf'r .\ff;iir 's "Ad :0:11b:.t:111tiat1nn l 'nil." \\hit·h j, dc..<,i~ed t11 rr1 i1·11 f.d .. 1· ttntl 111 i ~l t' a di11i: :1d1 1•rt i~iui:-. It h11 <: thr authorily to rl'qt1l'Sl 'eririr:ilinn of (•lainl!I ~hil"h adr1•r1l .. i'r~ 1iur1M1rl to ht· b11sed on fal'IU~tl, ohjr1·li1·1· nr t·linit·al t·vidcnl't', :1r1·orr1ini; to ~\111!• .. puk1·s1111·11 . \\ ril(' Ill 10'!0 '\.~I .. Hoo1n .)(II, S11tTan1rnln. C<1liL !l.l!UI. or pho111· 19161 ,1\.i-Oli60, ror 1urthl'r i11 (urn1alinn. flE·\I: 1'1\T. I (·,111·t s1•t·n1 1n loc:t!t• ;1 h11-.11lt·:'." 11r in1hl'itiu:tl al.It• to gr11 1ll off th€' ch1J1' .'11ut nu·h~ fron1 lht• r 1111.-> ul "°'n" 11f ttl\ i'r\-.!:11 \1:1lt•r anrl 11rne gl.1""1 '~ .\!:1\hl' 1·01i·11 h:-i11· b.·1!1'r luck. · H. ·r .. i\1•y,port Jk'arh Rro1·h 1;1;1-., t'o .. lr1 i11t'. :-.ut:i::rst-. ~Oll ronl:H'I H<>g 1:rrf'n. Iii:? Hrnad11a~·. Costa \lt'-.:i, 9t6·!; <;r1•1•r1, \.\ho d 1+f'~ 1·11 slon1 11or!.: fur a u11n1ht•r (lj 41r:lll :!l' t:ounl y Hrrn~. 11i!I hi• 11n 1at•:11ino uutil S>!•IJ\. ! \. I Ir !'an h,, rl':J("lu'd hy phonin~ 5\S.fiO.'i:l :1ft1·r 1hat d;il('. Lui ~ .\l;1 hrin:1n , 1111·:111•11 nt l.o' \111,!i·I~·,' Fnr1111·r~ \larkc! I') 1 ·:.~·;;;.;tlnti I. :11,u dot'' lht' t.1111· or ;.;l:1, .. 11nrl.. ~1111 n•r111irr . 'fl f .'lfS.'tf! ....... ,,. 'f 'lll"lll \)! \!~ l'.\T I onl1·n•1t 12 honlt•s f)( 111;11111·111 fr11111 l n111•rsal !l111g (\1 . 111 Hn~·hll n :--.. Y 1111 f·'1,h 20. :ind I still h:i1f'n·1 rr·i ,'11·1·d th<·111. l\t' ))('en 11·r1ti11g l"TT!'l"" ~·,·~·r sillf"f' tl1r \,1 s1 1110 n1;11tcd 111\h :1 n·turn rf'C1'1p1 n'(fll(•s\!•d. Sotnconf' ;1 1 the l1rn1 sign<'d fnr !hrse let ters. hut lht•y 1l('r1'n·1 ;in-.11('rt•1!, cvrn though I €'n1·l(lS!'ll ,sf'lr·addrrs.~rd, s l a 1n p cd rn1 clo1><'~· S. It.. San Clcn1ente l"nil'crsal llr111(s s1J1•kt-snlun rlaims vour ordrr "as 1naih·1\ .Inl y II. ~our fast lrltl'r "11s locotcd: but no t·~plana tion \\:IS i!ilfll for the lark of ri·s1J<H1."e lo it 11n1t pre1•i111L" letters. <\11otht'r nrdcr is ht•ing ship~d lo you ·1·ia part•t-1 post hccausr "no one is J!fling ((1 (';lllSf' a luss" and it see111.~ that th e iir1n 1}(1"' y,·11nts n satisfi ed l"USIOllll'f. Gu id•• IJl>!I ll1>urd DJ::Af{ PAT: \~at docs one h;ive to ,(o to 1"11..'t_"QITIC a trainer for guide dogs lor thr blind·~ Ir 9}f.'cial liCt'nsing is rrc1uir1'tl. 11·hat is i11volvr1I? "'"" rniSl'd r;rrn1:in Shi'phi"rcls for 1nan;.i ycaN<: and h:1vr rf'ad up on gui,te dog trainin,1?. so ['d liki' lo took into ii furlhl'r at !hi~ 11011· K. C .• Jlunlington ~ach Statf' 1:111· prohihill' a person from ~l'IJlnA. izl\"it1 i;t, or delh·crin,I!: a guide dog to a hlinll prrson unlesi1 the pcrsoo 5uppl)•iog tht! do p: is licenscx! by the Ronrd of (:uide J)oJl" for the Blinll. A 11rrson appl) lnfl lo lwrnrne H li censed ~uidr Ito~ tr:ilnrr 1nu~t demonstrate unrier hlincUold , durin~ the t'):a 1ninullon, that hr is 1.·:ip11hlr of tralnlnl! n dOf.t thut \\'ill hf' !'!11h• and rfrrc1l1·e ns H n1ohilit \ uicl to :i hllnd prrson and th11t hr is: ·Hhlr In lruin lhe. hlhut ~r~on in lhr r:ir1• and 11,1• 11f thr gu iri1• do~. l lnl,1 thr1·1· ~lulr nppro\·r1I !'11·hools tlu\\ 01~·r11le in fnllh1r11ia. Further l11for111n - lion i" 11\'llllahl r fl•on1 thr l)(\ar1l, iZ2 f"apHOI \lall , Hootn 1HM, Snrrarntntn. Calif. S!l!ll I. 5 t1J'.ll v f•11 u r t :i Board Ol(s Police Unit Revamp GSA llecoue1·11 Nixon's Home Equipment Eyed \\'1\Slll;\C.TON (Al'' -1 he govcrn- n1ent is ~oing to re-cxanlint• all p111}.. ht·lv f 1 n a n c e d items i n s l a 1 led 111 J{J(Ch;trd r.1. Nixon's Florida a11 d (';i\1fomia hotn"s 111th an • Jt· to rcc'O\'er111g l\h<il it prof1 t:1hly c;111. :1vcording to lhc hrad of lh1· (ienrr<i! SrrVil·('s Ad11 1inis!rntion. Arthur F. S;unpson said hi s :1grnC"y 11ill "look at every ill'nl'' in:;t;ilk·d 11·l11 lt· ."\1xon 11·;1s \'rcsidl'nl. aud thL'll 1lec1de 11 liat should be done \1 ftl1 llll'l1l no11 ~'roin Nixon 's 1%8 e!t•{'lll•n un1il n1Hl- l\l73, the gOVl'rnnli:nl put $Ll56,H7f> v.ur!h of equipn1enl and cap1t:il in1µ11Jvt·1n1·111s Hlto Nixon's hurn('S :1t S.u1 C!em1·nll' :snit l\ey Biscayne. F la. Othi:r, lari.:l·r Sll!TIS \l'CJ"C spent on adjal:Clll offH.:l"S :111d :1drninistrative !acilities. Sampson said on Tut•sday the object or the t'X<llnination \\"ill he lo "1leler1Ti ll1C \1hat is in the hcst interest of the h·dl•ral go,·emn1cnt."1 Ht• .sa1d it 11ouldn"t he 111 th1• go1 t.'rllrncnt's. 1nlere~t to dig Ull $3,000 11o rth of 11·ir111g if !he salvage valut: \1:1s onl v a fe\\o dol1:1rs. Hu t oth('r ih·rns 110 IOnJ!.l'r Jll'{'ttcd :111d e;isi ly rcrnoi·t·d t.•ould be re t lainll:<I 1'hf' GSA 11•as hi'avily cr11l('i1.ed 11 hrn d<'l<tils of it s spending ;it ~·ixon sites t·rn<:rg:cd through nC'11s r1·110rting ;111d l'(111grt'&"ional ht•'1ring.<; durinJ:: J973 . 'l"ht' j.!O\'l'llllTICOl clni1ned n1os1 11r l he t·.'l:pend1!Url'S v.·ere r('f)llir"t'd for sccurily Cit·y's Pet Jlrf u.le •' Slain i1t Fight; ~11cces,i;or So 11glit. 1·onr COSTA !l.'l'I \ -"Z:icko ·· I~ d1•a ll, anr1 :i n1t•111or1<il ~pagl11 . .'ltl d1nn.,r I\ 11! Ill' h(•\d !Olll~ht for the f~\)..poulld J>o:l 1nUll' lil':'>t:1uratl'\/r Bil l H11.·J1 =-;ud 'fuf'sda.v that !h1· proceeds frotn the d1nnf'r v.i1u ld h1• u.~r-d IQ buy ;inother clonkr 1·. "hut it'<; go1nc: to be hard to ri•pl<1cc ·1uvnble ·•Z:t<'k(l .. .. ,~l!"ko." 1n'1srot of Hus lin~' 1'111;1~1· in l'o11t r;1 f'1;.~1.1 Cou r111·, dJl'il lasl \.\t"t'k :1(h·r 1t w.indt•rc<l fro.in :i p1'n flt 1l1l' honH' (If \\"ilJi am \\'OOf'l l\hO O\l'llt'd lh1 • -l-yr;1r-0ld donkt·y. Zacko 11·:is a ravontc nf loc·:il rhildrr1i. Authorttics ~:ud l1r l>l'l''1m<' 1·11 g:igvd 10 a t1 1!ht 11·ith a dog 01~11cd hy .IOI..' Aria~. 1\r1as said he f1rrd t110 y,anuni::: :-.ht'•t~ 111!h a pistol and rhcn f1rl":i ;1t Z<l('ko. Dog Pack Kills · J Ka 11 {.{" roo.i; ST. l.fH "I~. r.10. !l"Pll -!··our· ).,;uH.:;.iroos 11·1·r£' h11lt'(I l\hi·11 :i p.u ·k 111 ~t ra_I' 1logs 11111Hh'r1 lht> St l.-0111., /))11 1n l'ort"~l i'ark !'.h1\rll;: ilflL'I" l ljj• gal•'S 11p1.•11t•d. . 1~10 cl1r>'e1or Hoh<·rt Hr1g;:.~ ~:11 d Tut"sd:iy rhr (Ing~ cn!!'rt•d 1h1' gat1· and ll'1·n t lor 1h1· thro:its uf tl11· 1\u:;;1r11l1'111 ;ini111;1I<> 1'hrl'f' 1r1'n· kilk'i! r1111ri ght nnd a fou nh d11·d lat('f aff('f ht•ing senousll" n1;1t1ll'<l T11 0 nf the aoin1nls killed 11·cre pregnant fe111ales. Sc('urity guards shot and killrd lv10 of the stray dogs. and dog oound "·orkers picked un three others. pr<111·(·t 1on. San1pson said ht· 1:. rons1drri11g \\ h<Lt 10 do ,11 t\t'.I" B1scaj'nt' if :\1 ~on St•1!, 1•ither or hot li of hi.-. hornes lht•ft' A'> l'rt~tdl·nt. !".1.'1011 used one hou.~(' ror a v:it'<1!1on re->Hll'llt'{' <ind th1· St·<-011 I tor tin orfice. 1'he f.\OVemrTil'lll h«1~1 ·1I l v.·o uthrrs in the <'f.ltTI!JOUJ1d Jnr adn1inistrutive rind st>curity offices. "\Ve ;ire looking al those lf·a~1·s 11011 ·• sn id S;nnr.win . lll' b1.,liev1·s I hr. grn·1•rnrnt•nt \l'Ould hi1 Vf' to do !">l;Jlnt 11·ork lo rl.'s!or~ thi · hon11.:s for residcrl\1<1! 11s1• llu1 h<' s;nd he bellel"E:.'i 1h1· go\"!'rnnH·rH 11·ould not O,• oli l1g:itt'tl 111 do ;iny 11·ork at lhe honle NJ.\on u.'>t.'d for ;u1 offi('C. Sa1np.;011 s::11d he has had no discus.,.1011 11·1th 1\1xon·s reprt•scntati\1~s on 111hetht:r lht• Key Bi:-.eaynr houses 1l·1ll be sold . A spoke,.n1:1n fo r the Secret Servitt'. \\ hith 1l·ill providt• life.Jong prote{'.tlon for i\1xon. Sllid thul agenr~· \Yill .. sl<1nd by and l11l the dust );l't tlc .1nd st.·c 1rhril hi s INi~:on 's) intentions arc. \\'e"1•1· not .c:oini:? to push anybody ri;.:ht nfl1\ ·· lit• s.11,t sel..'urity protetiion conti!lU('S '11 Key nisc;iyne the Satlll' :JS \\o"hl'I\ ,\i~on 1\:1.s Presidl'nl. 1\s long ns St'l"llrir y rcqu1rr·1nl·llt~ ro11 li11ul·. m;1uy of !ht· govrrnnlt'lll · f111:1n t'f·d in~1allat ions ;it :\ixon·s ho1lll'S rnay ha r e to hi:· rt'1ain1•d (Jn!' nonsl•curit.1· i!enl tht· gol"Crnrn\•11! in st;ill~'<.i cit enc-h l(}{";itiQn '\';1s ;1 flagpole \\'h'11"s going to 11appen lo thc1n" "I h11vtn 't goHen tha1 far yet." s:i1cl Sn1npson lit• said Nixon's :iidPs havr 1nfonn:ll ly ('X prcssed :\ixo11's intrnl to n1nke th" for1nt'r \r<''-lern \\"h ilt• !loHsr rornp.1u11d .11 Sa11 Clt•111f'n!(' his 1wrn1u n••nt offit'l' Th· f;u·ilit" is located on a Coa~t r;u.'lr<l s1.:iti~11 ad J:tl'l'lll 10 :\"1xnn :- rl·s1<lt·nt.:l' \"1xnn 1~ ent1tl•-d to ofhc1· S\l[\!)!lf\ funds for six 111 on 1 h s un1l1·r rtH· l 'rr~idr·nti.'11 'l'r:1ns1tu1n Act thl'tl ror 1h,, r1•rn;11nd l·r of hi~ hi(' un<it'r the F1,rn11•r Pr1•s1di·nt<> Atl 111~ thr1·1· prinC'ip.'l\ aules 1io11' \1nrk1ng in S;1n Cli·n1enle ~rv su!I un \\'h1t1· llnu~r s.:il <lri l'5 , \1:..011 1s ent111C'd to !';15U.fl!hl !or ull11·r (''f !X'nScs of hls l)fCSid('fl1ial I J"ilrJ;1\IOll, h1H hr h:oisn"t rt"t.:ei1·ed tht' n1oni:y ~·1•t bf'('<lUSP r! has not bct'n ronn:1ll.1· ;1ppro1>r1ate1J . Bro,v11 Oppo~c s Carpc11 tcr's Pian For Sa lary Boo st S .\C'HA ~IE\TO 1ll'l 1 -Rrpublican c;u1didatc for go1·r111or llnu~ton I. Flllurno~ shnuld rl'I ers(' h11n~clf ruHI npposr l P~tslatinn 10 gi \'C !ht• ~O\t·rnllr ;1 211 rx:rcenl p:i;; r:1isC'. accord111~ lu ll1·tnocratil· no1111nf'1' Ed1nund Brn11n Jr A proposM. S\11.!K)(t salar~· 1n{T1.'<•'l' 10 ~!io.000 ::i 111111a lly 11·uuld be a ··niet' honu-._ · Hro11·n s~11d ill ;1 ''[)('i'lr !!ugh'' 11'1\t r Tu1•sd:iy 'll11t 11lat's pol1\1cs-rt<>·Ui:ua1. ;111d h1 ·l1 t•1l' 1!'s 111111' for :1 nt•11 ~pir1I 1h1• Sl't'r('!;1r~· of stale 1oht thi• -.\"!" 1·11n1rolil'r · I urgf• ~·nu tn r1"t"On~1d1·r 1our posiriun and io111 nip 111 <1ppt'•"11 1on tu lh1s propos:1I. sv th;1! 11" 4·;1n 111-.un• 1h:i t publu: offici;1Js 111 (':1hforui;1 s1·t a nc·11• !one in S'1cramrr1to ·· Flournoy t'ndorsr'<I the bill 1snr;1-,1 b~· Se n. !Jenuis t:;irpc>n1f'r. ( R·Ne111)()r1 Ucach), say1n~ it 11·oul r1 provide p:ty t'QllllY for lop state officials. ;;1!011· salaries tor high civil :"tr'·ice po~i1io11~ to rise and help retain experience~! e11 ii scrl"<lnls. Starr-Viejo Rancli Pcirk Renamed Afte1· Caspers Orange County's sprav,.ling n c w "·ildcmess park in the hills above San Juan Capistrano \\.'as rcnan1ed 1\1t•sday in honor of n1i ssi ng Su1>erl"isor n o11ald \\'. Cnsprrs. The Board of Supervisors ,·otcd unanimously tn n.'lrne th<' :1.:'iOO·<LtT<' recreation area •·nonald \\', L:i ~pl'rS H.egional Park at Sl:lrr·Viejo Hanch" The laftrr half of the l engt h~· t\\'11 nanl<' was sup;~rsted In .1 li'll<'I' 10 supervisors by county Hnrhors, lkn(•hrs and 1:.a rks Director Kenneth San1p."'>11 . \\'ho s<1id some historic<1l rcfcrcncr tunl lo be maintained. Supervisor llalph Clark initi;ih>1! th(' action to rena1ne the park , \\'hil'h v.•as purt•hnsed by the counly cnr\ier 1his Vt•ar for $4.4 111illion. · 1 lc said Cas()t'r s \\'Orked lonv, :ind ha1·rl ;ind ovrrc11111e 111A11v ohst;i(·lr!. ro 11·in thr park for puhl ic ust• ('l;1rk snid "it i~ n fi1l111g t1·l hult' ;1111! illl :ipproprintr 1111~n1ori:il " ("[<1rh.\ c·o1nn11•nts 11f'r1.· <'rho1·cl h\ nl l tht· ~11pCr\ isnrs :ind "ht'll 1hc adcl1t1011 of llM..• St:irr-Vicio drsi~n:tt10·1 \1 :1~ SUJ!At'Sll...-1. Su1)f'rv1:.or ltnlph IJ1r<lr1ch .~1id. "I don't 1hink it dirninishcs \\'h:-tl 11'1' :ire tryin~ lo say here. "II is cle:ir \\'hat thr park 1s an(! \\hO it is l\"l' arr honoring." S:unpron told super\'iSQrs he had \J~ilt'd th e p~1rk. 1\"hlch \i{'S along lhc S('f'flic !Jell and San Ju:1n Cr('('ti (',1nyons. 111ri11y li1nt's v.•ilh C;is)l<'rs. "I kno1,· thi s is an :ir!ion hl' \1ould hu,·r liked." :-:..1n11)S(ln snid TI1e rcn:unin~ \\':IS 11·i1 nr;:.~1·1J b,Y ('nspcrs' \\'i!C'. 1\nn . an<I three of hi s childrrn. {irrp:. Kri stin anc\ Bl;11r i\lrs. C.::ispcrs. obv1ousl;v 11101t"cl hy \11(• gl'sture. said, "\Ve l:lft' Nllllpl<'l.;>ly aud totally honored to h;i1·c th is p:1rk n~1111cd for him " The n1otion Lo rcnainr !hr p.1rk also includ<'d a r ec o m 111 t' nd n 1 1 u 11 hy Suprrvisor On\'id l~a kt'r 1hrir a plari11c bt:' pltll'<'rl at the f'ntr<in('i' 10 1111· piltk rf'laling its his-lory 1111d tht • t'florls of ('as1x'rS to obt:iin 11 . 1'hr• p:1rk is tht• i:ou011'1"1l hall fll n 1111~1' rnnt'h ontl' 011·111•d h\ i·:11 1lt· b.11·1111 \\'11\1:1111 St:1rr Tiu · upp1-r 11.11! of 1111 r.11u ·h is 11<111 11\1 r11'tl !1v lht' :\:111011:11 /\ud11hon Sociel v 11·h1rh !« u~int: 11 :I~ :t v.1hl11fl' pl"l 0'Sl'r\1' A11Li-(·ri111c Pli111 Vote u lltlll i lll()ll ~ 1:1 \111.Ll\\1 SCllHI 11:1·.I; 01 I~• u~ ... P1•6• S!ft! !H •lli.•· I u1111f\ ·1111> r\1·.111 h .1 · r rl1ru1111 Hu•1r till! 'ill•l"'1rr 1 .. h111d ,, 11r" 1~1-..111•• l(lllll1l! ll'I\ t1·1.1111p tli. 1•11111'~ \ •1111 1· 11+11•1lli.!•'lh • illlll, 'I'll" 1!11;1111111•111' 1ilf•' 1·:1111•· l 11r,d.1'. 1111'1' 'l!lll"I I 1-111 l\.11)•11 I 11!'111 I• 11 .111d .,,fi,•1111 r],.•'l 111 ,ullt'I i::11t·-. r1u!l1111·d !1 11• 111'1Ji.:r.i111 Iii•·\ •l1.ill1 ·cl <ill• 1 1 •1111 ~u1t • 11•1!1~ 111111 d1'"'lilll1f,! ('Oll!i\\ p1tl1•·1• 1·)1 1rl' Tlu· 1·r,111111 l'nlu·1· Chwl·~ \,-.iw1.111<n\ l<•Pl'<':-O<'ti'<·d h1 I,;! I ':i\111 I 1 '1111·! 4 lt'hl" I l11l11' ·,11d 111i t11r111 :1I 1 r1l1· '.\ 1111111 ii· t,1~•·1\ ''II 11\•· l"l'+ll"i!:llll!dl 101\ 11\,111 illl\11 !11d.11 1:111 1111·dr1< h 1\h(• l.11J111 l11·d llw 11111 •,!fg.1llun Iii!<' 11 1" 111)1·1'.!Tltlll" Ill lh( ~;·t·r•·t d:1t;1 g.1thi·n 11g ori,.:.11111.1111111. ~;111! ;111\'J' 1h•· tti"t'\U1~ lh1· 1·hntli'1'" \l"•llli<I h1· n1:1di· 111111 or 111\110111 llh' rll1PI ~ ;1ppr<i\ al 1111· pl :111 !lu'tlrieh :ind 1:.11('~ 1·:11111.· u1\ 11ith 11ould ~uppl;1nt tht• 1'\:1.~1i1li; 4 lr;u1g1· rount\" lntell1grnt'C' L 11!1 10('11 1 1111h <l nl·11 · organization t!l llt•d !h1' t)r;ing-1· f 'ount~· Crin1in.'ll Act11"1\y Sys1rn1 I ()('C.\S I Arnnn~ oth1·r things. thl' t•urrt·nt 5HE HOPES TO CONTRIBUTE TO DETENTE THROUGH EDUCATION Wendy Lance of Emerald Bay Has Walked China's Grea t W a ll strur1t1r1• or ()('JU. inrluding-il s se1ni- indrp('nc\r nt status inside thr [Ji s1ricl A!!11n1 1·.1 ·s offil'i'. 11·ould bC' d issot\·r<t. She Walked \\l till ,\JI 1111· ltrH l "s nrtil"itu·s. cri me !!It'~ .ind S!Jl'l'l:il sur1·cil l:1nct· t·qu1prnen1 1rnuld h(' 1r:1n sferr1·<t tn th1• Sh t' r 1 I t · ~ I h·partnH·1H lo hl' u11d1'r !he dirrt'l ("(\11t rnl :1 11d n•s pon sibili ll' nf f,!Jh's. .Lap,111u111 Tells of C/1.i11a J1isil t>f"I I: i'Oll lain.; an es111n:ited 5.400 fi\r:" 011 i..nn11n 1·ri111in:1ls :111d 1hf·ir assot.:i<i!es ;u1d ;1lkJul ~Bo,1~10 \Yorth nt sophi st k:at rd Sl'.1 gt':1r. By SllEl:R'' A'\l.EL O! lh~ D•·I~ Pd~! Sl•tl L1 ·~s th;111 ;1 rnonth !l/.(\l. \\'{'nd~· t 'hun·h11! L:utcc uf !.:1guna B1 ·ath 11alht·d tilt'< :rt'at \\",ill of l'o1nn1unisl Ch1oa \1111 h:11·k :11 her horn('. 1he youn!.; 1'~1:111 c:11lh11'\' 1t·;u.:hrr is on'' of tht• r ••11· .t\n11•ri\";111s oHK'r than :,:11\ rrnml'lll d1plun1:11" or 1rad1"s1nt'n to 11"ll <:tuna \l l'i-> l.a11t·1· '.!!i , 1:-; lhl' Unught1 ·r u! '.'.1 1· <111(\ .\lrs [k.1ui.:l;1-., l.anc·c· of 3!fl l·'.111t·r;1ld B:11'. She ~!iC'\"C'S deterHc 11·i1h !ht· E:tst 1<; ·;i sll'P 1ov.·;1 rd v.·orld \lC':.tee ;111d shl' plan:; tv 1:ontnbute 1hr11u~h l'<h lt'i!llUJl. "f l+opl' to huild a c11t1st1ou.~nl'<;s or 11h:1I !lit• l·:;.,-.1 is ilkl' ~nil 11·h;1t E<-lS!C'rn 1".11\u•s :ir ... l!s i111por·1 ~11lt 111 1l •rn1s of l11rt 11.!n rl'l:tt111ns. \\"e ahsoltllt•l.V h:\\t' to 1111dcr~1and E:istcrn rx·oplr IM~{";ll('I' 111•\•t• go! 10 <''=IS\ 11•ith thc111 <1Ild 1rorl.. 111!11 tl111ni.·• she s111d. A grad11atr of l_il'L/I 1rith a rli.'~rre in h1stnr;. \1 1:>s l.:1ncr 11111 begin hPr thi rd ~·(';1 r of !t•Jl·hi ng this y<•nr 11·11h ;1 totir:;t· nn rnotll'nl Chnt.a :..tl Be1·rrly Hill~ lhgh School :'he s:iid .shl' 11ill usr !he n1orc th<1n !.!Mltl s-hd1 •s, noh·s ;ind t.ipes fron1 hl·r r1'C"l'llt 1nr :1s rL·fcrence 1nntcrials for ht·r 1·J:i <:.:;. Tht' hl11r-1·1·1•d hlondf' 111111 ;i $hort, p«rk.\· h:11r1't.1! <ind frecklf's said sh1· !Ir~! bf'1•:11nr 1ntt'rt·:.1ed in ..\~1dl\ .!.lt1cli1·:· cturu1g lll'r ju11ior y1•:1r of col!eg<' 1rh1i:h ~ht· :-.pt!11t Iii 1og 10 llorn.: Kon g. Tht·l"t'. .;hi· st udi<'d ;ii th•' l"h1111·~t· t 1111p1·s1I.\ 1.1r !long l\nn~. 1ll:ist('rc·d !Ill' l;1 1q,:u:1~t· :ind dt·1·11ll•d ~Ill' \1·oulrl do "1tlll'lh111;~ • l·:1npil;!~I <; II] !t':l<"h111l,! h;1d ,il\\';11-. b1°1'll on \\\·'>if't'!1 1 ,1lu1"i :111<! h1-:1orl' I {lt'1•id1'1l 111· -.hnuld b:1L1nc:1· !hf' \\"Ol"ld :r l11!l1· h11." 'ht• -.;11d lll·I' d11(·1-.11)11 c;11111• .11 ,1 111111• 11·!11·11 :.; 1nl1 'rt·Sl 111 (."h1n,1 11:i~ gro\1111)'.! d11t• 111 tor1111•r l're'i11lt·n1 \ixou"i: n101·r l{l GEM TALK TODAY by THE MOST AN CIE NT GEM ,.\\though 111os t people kn111v th~1l the. rubv no'v n1~1rks the fnrti('l.h m:.1ri·1C\gc ;1nnivl:'fSl'ry. ll'\\" kno\v th;1t this \)('autitul gt•n1 pl"l'l"t.'dt•d th1..• d1 a n1011 d a s a n1nsl 1·;1lu1·d je\\'C\ b~· huntlr1«ls ot ,.t';.11':-.. a nd ,1·:1s thl' llihlita l Svn1hol o r \\"i sdon1 :n1d v1rt11•'. 0 'l'hl' l'Uh\" has ;1 ''1·;d1h ot :1nc1 l·n1 ttlrt•. :ind 1:-. 111 lht•- '"')rl<l"s oldt•st tal1s 1llan1t' J('\\'i.'I . t"1iiit1d "11 ;1rart.1lna ," ol lht· ll111d11 l'l'lig1on. '1'h 1s syn1l.>ohc ,1c,vcl i:-. a ring ,1·1th a ruby (·t·nl('r s to11('. lln l'Hl'h s irlt' :ire four dilt'C'rl·nl gen1 s 111nun11·d in an ordt•r. dcsi gnl·d lo <·on1h111c 11nport;111t :t:-.truh1J.!ll';1I int'\11t•11r1.:s '\"h1· anL·11·nl :-. c l;111 1t•d that Ill' 11110 ''nrsh1ppvd \\"ilh rub11':-. \1u11ld lit· r1·llor11 ;in 1•n1pi'ro1'. •J'h1• l11•:11111 1Hl L!,\O\\ nl lhl' rll\i\ 1·r1n1l11nt·tl v.11th ~ft'at h:1rdn1·:-.:-. r11:1k1·:-. 11 oru· id lod.1 1 :.. 11\,l:-.\ popul:u· 0111d ':dnl'd J.!l'lll" • l)llC'll dq,lu111,1t11 · n·l;11111n-. \I 11 II ( \1111n111111sl Cl1111:1 -.lir -.:11Jl l\1 •r r11~1 :ill• 11\pl .!I "lJ:1J.1n• u1g 111~· 11i1rld"' \\ii' n1,1tl1· :1\ ii p111:!11' 1!1rl-. "<"h,111) Ill A11:1hl'llll 11ht'l"i' !-h•· :"1.1r1ed .in i\:-.1r111 st udu·~ prngr;1111 TI1rou;:h ;i shldl·•ll s(1" h•:ir·n,·d nl th•· l' S. · (11111:1 1'1•npl1·:-. 1·11111dshiri . \-.'>llt"l<i TUlll \\J.,!' 1,;1114·1 • I"' 1\0\1' :1 1111•111\x·r ol 1h1· 1Jra1n!,,. 1 •Hlnt~ t haplt'r nf that a:-.~1<1!1on \1l11th si•nl h•·r a.c:;. 1111e of 16 \\\·-.tern d\1ll•g<1tt's to Co11Hnuo1~t Chi11:1 .lu\~ \ 1n :!!i !-ihl' .~<1 1d onl .v 11111h·d ;.:ui•>ils ;ir·r :1dn1i!IC'd 11110 th1· C'Ou1111·r and thl' 0111,v groop~ th;it 1111 li t' rirt· tr:1rl1·.•n1rn gu\"1•rn111t•n! diplo111.11s .ind fril'ndshtfl ;i ~~oci.1114111s. llt·r gro11p 11:is 111\1!t'd Ill lhf' ("h1111·~1, As.~oc1;1t1on for Frit:nd-: \\'i1h F'on_·ig n ( 'oun!ne" !)uring hcr 1hr1~c-11·t,ek ~1av. shr 1•isitf'd sf'1·l'r;il 1·1til''> 111c·ludini.: Peking, Ca n1on. :O.lanchuria and Shanghili 1-It'r gr'flUll ~1ud1C'd school s. 1nrlustrif'~. 111cdic<1 I t;1cilit1es and 1·tillun1! a1tr'1ctions surh a~ thf' r:rr'1t \\'all and 1hc Forbidden ('i1v 11'hich once belongrd to Chinest• ro1::ihv. \11sS L..1nc.:(' s:iid shr had f'X\)('('ll'1l 10 st'(' n1or1• d1~ripl111c and rr,·olution:tr~· ~pir it a1nong lhl' p.,'Oplc of Curnmu1111:1 ('hina hut foun<l Iii<' people relaxcd .uul ··t'-:lr1·111t·I~ fru'n<lh· .ind gr:1c1ou~.·· Sht· i;a1d ,\1n;·r1c~11is 1·1.1d1t1011<11l,v 1·1('11· 1h~· Cl1incS<· a~ l'Jthrr suh-hun1:io ;is 1 t'~)J'l'.~l'llll'<I hv the· !i •l1'\"IS1on th:1r,tCl1'f C!1arh1• ( 'h.:111 ur ~\ll}('r-htiinilll :is pnr1 n1.1 t·1l h.v 1.-u11~ Vu "l!"~ 111111· 1l1· :-.t,1rlt'd tr11;111111! 1h•' f'l1111<'-.1' ;1s h11111:tn l)l·1n;~s ·r1ic: 'r'e Jll~t p1·npl~· :u1d I fuu11d th111n \(I LM· \'l'f\" 111!'1'.· .\1 1.;...,, l.:111r·1' ··n1111n1'11trd :..ti;• s<11d ... h1 · d lih1· 1r1 ~''t' 1•dur:1t1"11 111 V.1:-.l1·1n <'11 l11u·" .it .di grt1dt• lf'\1'1' :111d 'h\' ho1w·~ to pul logrthf'r so111c 1n:1tt·11;1I~ fo>r pr11n:1r~ gr:1dr !C'\'«'ls. r)IC'dl"lt'h·-. lll;Jl!l O\)j1•('llOl1 1n thr 111111"~ l•\lt't":1l1011-. ;iro-.e 11 h1·11 (){"ll 1 of1ic1.1\ :uid 1hl" 1·hti'f"s :1 . .;s()(•1<tt111n (-,11111• 10 lht· 1·111111\\ tu ;1:-.k for h,ill of tll1· tllll1 ~111:i.111w1 :1nnu.1I hudgt·l 11uu1~ lt1!'<tru·h said he 11ould nnl \Q\1• '111 1!11' lund1ni:: u11r1! hf' 11.t-. g111•n pos1t1\" ;1..,-.ur.11111·-. 1h•~ unit 11:isn·t bf'tng, u-.1·11 tor ilh1·1\ 1·-.p1on;1 ~l' on innocent priv;111· t"I! I /I'll\ . 1'h1• Fullt'rtot1 !-Upcr1·i511r dL•in:int\\·d 111<•1 "nine 1\1111\ Hf c11'i\i:i n revit•11• pt o•·~dun• hr t'~!;ihl1shcd Io nvcr:-.t't' ()\'111 hut ht· ran uilo opposition frorn th1' 1'hiPfs. Hf' tt1rn('(J to (;.11.-.s. 11·ho ronfl'rred 11·i1J1 th1• i·Jiir f.s :111d draftrd the r.'.ldi!":1 r 11•nrg:111i1a1inn pl:1n. He~1d1·s p111ting lh1• nc 1v ()('l,\S undi•r 1/11' d1n·l't cnntrnl nl :in i>l!•f•tt•d (lfi1·i;d !'P'po1i.-.1bli· 10 tl1 r pt:oplf'. th1· /)iedric·t1 f:.111·~ pla n sets u1> an :111nu:il (;rand J ur1 .u1d1t 11! th f' unit's 01)f'r'1tio11'> :111rl p1·0- r·f'd11rr.~ -la/!ini:: short of :ie1:1,tl 111.<=p!'C'- 11011of1)1,-. tile's Thi' 11r11t's lunding 11·il l he r1•rlu1·pl/ fro1n ~1flf..llOO hi .'i.11 000 l)C'I" ~·r:ir <Ut<I its stJffing lroin s1>; 10 111·0 C111T1•11! O('lli l·'.x1•c·11!11·t• Dirt·t.:!or S1uart l)1111e<.1u 11ill ht> flrt'(t r::ue~ \\ill hf' r1•spon~1bt1· tor .11)ph·111(! ;1 sl rtct Sf'1 of l'r11f'n:I In (1111 1nfonn.1!1on :iddf'd tn !he• filf's and ;1nv rt'<llll''-1 ror 1nfonn<ll1on fro1n tl1f' f1l1·s · Thi• nry,-shrrift 11nuld bt• r1·;;;1l()11~1blt> for purg111~ tht• fi!r~ pt•riod1t;11l~ of 1ndi\1du:1ls \1ho ;11'f' n.n :ictil"t' 1n cnnlln:1L :Jc!l\'l!if>~ ni 1nort• th.'ln 01u• Jurisdi ct ion. ])11ri11g 1·111·~d:1~ ·~ hl':trtn~. Frlu·•' l,i.,11r1;1 ,,f !hi• i\n1er1c;111 ('1\"11 l.1l>o·n1•· .. l"t11on. 111ir('r1 l11·r ~n111p~ 1'1ll1j '1'ni 111.11 !ht' d1 •l 1r·:114• h.1t:1nr1· lwl11t"'n 11id11·idll:1I n:.:h's .ind p11hl1(' s.111·1: 111' 1H:11n1111n•·d .-.lit• 11':1~ :i-.~1 11•1•d lll ll14ll'lt"h anrl (;:Ill'" 1h;11 1'\er1· e1ion t1;1t\ h1't'n 1nad" 10 n•·o1r1·1 th•· r<111~111ll11nn:1I ni.:111~ n! lhv pllhlif' :111d <+111011(' 11tio.'>I' n.11nt· 1.; 1111·1u~l1·d 1n 1hc filr~. ... Jewl'.lry ••• Dia111onds •• Ge111stoncs ........................... t \\/• 11/ / r ); l'/,'1111 \\/r1\ \/I) /\I // Ill/ I : : I \ \Ii/\ 111 11 \ \\/) \/'1'/,' \/I I/ /I 11 /I.I ii + + /l \ /,\ / / i,/,'// \ l 'i.:11 \ / \ 11\ r ~ ."~I I :.I,'\" t : /\ /Ill \II!' / 111 \/Ill\ t ............................... W e h;i\'c l'U~tomcr' in1port:inL j<:wclry \\'~l it Il l ~ ' :ind ....................................... J. C. J/umphrieJ J<?w<?ferJ 1823 N CWPOR f 8LVO COSTA MESA f.ONVLNllNf 1fH~t !' ')7 Y£.AHt) IN THl SANll LOC ATICl N B,1r1i..AmP11 c.1r<1-~il'·'''' Ct1,1rQO P1H"'INf ~4!1 J•IOI ' " S.'i-1 ICt•tl11 t•I ion GM Bows, Trims '75 Price Hike Of ~quirrt ·I~ ,\ 11,I Pa,l!ller ~ ll't'o\:-iT. llO\l\rt1\:-.T I )111• -,f·[J111111d Iii•· lh \\\ ;111d !HlU1d 11'!'( to t.'lk(' 11111r rn111 f fn11;1 •1 1 • rn.:y .111d hight•r '"'''' r.;!h:·• \\1 ~1 I~\ tJ1•·,t· In l.<lJ.:llll.1 B1•;" !1 rH1 "'I!• ;1l1l10111 r.! rhc Art Colon· ,.., 1·111·1+ nil: (t1n,1il1 i'Jllg birth con!rol lnr SfJL11rrt·I~ The prohll'nl '' th.~1 lli•··•· I,"'•· tl1·•.11, h;n·r! for son11· 1t·;1rs 111t1:1b1•··d ti•• '1111 faces bc>lo11· lil'l'li·r f ';ir~ T!i,.1· tlJJ.: runnels 111 snul cliff.; Y.'hr·n thc_1 ;1rv 1111! ::111u•.i1:: 'i11·1n'>• h1'' b.v digging. tt11· Jt11-r;. Ii tin· < r1 dl!Jft''i .ire rnult1pl:-1 11g. Ti11-. 1·r1•_,,, -~ 111on· d1ggc·rs. '.'Jov.· !hi· ('l1ff ., look like S11i$s cheese and 1hc l<1nd ~1bo1c 1 11'1~ 11111 b£' too S!.Rb]f' Some years ba{'k. J.;.igun:i f'tl1 r1l!1c1:1ls propoSt.'CI to snuff out a!I th!' -~11u1rn•!s y,•Uh :soinc hind of pr11-..oo. This rlrl'I\ cries of protest fro rn m:1 0_\ <:ill 7i·ns \\ho like !hf' squirrels :ind of1t·n ll't'd them. so 1hey n1ay happily c::ontHHJc digging love nests. SO 1'\0\V L,\f;L'\.\ l'll\ hr·1--. J" n111ll· ing the idea of feMing tl•c l1rr ti· fello-.•-; the1n seh·es Onl\' the food 111tl tic ti hid· ing place for The Pill The loga.: "l'l•tn" ro h(· th;il if rh1· squ1rrc·ls <:top 1nu l1 1pl_1i ng. rh1· lllllJ· roc/enrs v•ill [)(' nn !hf' n11nu :; !i1d t• ol Zern l'npul:itio n f;rQ111l1. Tht·n you 11 111 hJ1 P J bun ch ol old squ1rrf'ls. Th11s you ~urini~t· l)1;i! L;1 gun;1 ·-.. nt1 1c1;jl position r11u s1 be !h<il an t1g111g squirn?!, 1-1ho i ~n·r 1n1t·!'l'Stf'd 111 !ni t· ;in1·n1orr. 1~1f1 111!!·rl'~!"d 1n burru11111 g turi n1·!s. ~1rher r ou di~·· \JE ,\.\'\\"l lllJ·~ l"l'CCIAST. Ba Ibo :1 l-;Ja nd ·s perenni:il p ~t d d IC' r of padrlleboards. Larr~· (';1 punt·. 1s p.1ddl111g :i11a.1 . lie is_ in fnrt. 11a.1 upc1ias1 1H•;1r !ht> California hordC'r. C.11llllll' rs tr1·1n:1 ro set a llt'\V record by paddlebo;:1rd111g ro San Diego. Balbo.-1 Jslnnd l.:1r ry h:1s hC·t'n do111~ this kind ur thing for ~ f'.H''i 11{•11 . I h· 1~ no11 '.!'.!. Y1iu h;111' 10 hup1• Ju.: 111!! find out \1ticr!' lht· -.hr,rtllnl' is on•· uf Lhesl' days. 11J:'JJ{l)/'J' 11 !']1 <.111,·r,11 .\l ul•·r~ t 11rp !>0"1ng to \l l1JT•· II ·!I'(' 11r•"•~,ur1 1·•·1.i~ :innO!Hlf't'd :i tHk•·•r r••il11< 111111 ,,. '-.rl from l\S pl;Ulflt d p! It'!' l11t.1 (Ii ~,,IMt f,.r !\•ii nu.1dt•l e;tr'i dfld ln11 h {;.\\ . .._.tld !hf• f'f•rfU('!il,11 II IS Ir/ r1·~1••1i '' i•• ;;u ;ip111·.d frntll flr1 ~11l1•11 l l•1l•I I·• 1< 11 back :hl' 11H·1t•:1~t· ;11111 h··lp r11.:!11 1:1t latn.or~ Thi: ;i1rragc 1nl'rt·;1·• • 1 1,\1 1•1,, 11111•lc•t l,1r-. \l h!l·h .If" 1 •• Ill " H•I :-..de :1s '-tlfin :1~ d1•.d1 ! 11 1:-11011 $~11; 111c·lud1ni.: :-.:1"1 I lfll\,il1f] !'lol)l!'hj l'ljlll\d!\l'IJ! loit.;llo•r il1•.,:11:;1'1!"' ') ol l JI I It 11 '111 I• I ·' )l,IJ ! '' ~:!0 f!IJ' • ·d 111 .. 1• 1n;11nckr lo LtJl'•·r tl.·· l.il.>or ;u1d 111;oli·r 1.1, 1hl' lll"\l' !J,I !111• JI•' 111:1hl·r rhi· ;11·h11u11 l1·d ··I I• <l~ .•1'l !I (l'i ,1 /'"" ' I I' ! .,, l <; Uf ·,,, \ ;111!u \•11•' )1 ;11J. I l.1 l.1lo.·· irll tl1•· IH'l''("Llt'l' lh:1! l!:.~ 1,.' II •Ill •lllll1 ~111o ,. \:Jj.; '.J V>Lt:n 11 :JllJ+l•l!lll' +) 1111· '1 1 11t.'l I •'llt 111c·n·;i;;('. f'l'l''l(l\•11! f·<tfd \\,I 1t I h" l11kt ;.111!1 l.;111 n·d11•·!1•1n l• ,, 1111 ii ti ll1r;!I ti or .i This rf'dtu t11i11 J<;; .. 111 I '''j!Oll'i4· 1f1 l'r·t:'"llltnt Fon! s :1ppr;d l11 ;di "'~lll1•!11'i 1,1 th1· 1\nl('rJ("<ln publ1< ~11 h1 Ip fight 111ll<1t1on," L .\1 ch;11n11 .. 11 Htl'liarct f" (;,·r~ltnberg srud 1n <1 rt11 1•1 .. p:1g(; nc11 ~ f1·lca.'-e U.N. '\/ on't ()nit l·'an1a~11~ta l'ort t 'ni1rd P n·~'i l nh·rr1;1tin11;1I t 11i1r·d X;11u1ns pP;1t't'kt'l'p1n~ troop' "n C,\prus ((lfl:1\ 1g11un·d :1 Turk 1slt urr.lt·r 111 g('t OUI (,f 1111· pllrt (JI f;11n:1gu.~t<1 .ind p.1troll1'f! lh<' d1•si•rtvd s1n·v1s ot 1h1· ~1r:.i1 cg1l' i·;is! co;1s1 porl Turkt'~' 1·npturC'd l<ist l\1 •1•k. :\ [' :\, :-,poh1'~J1l;111 :-..1~d .1 1·t·qt1l'St hv 1· '\ :1ulll11t'l\11•" lor 1·l.1nf1(·;it111n CJI ri"a' Tu1 k1 sh dL·1na11U (1 1 IJLlil 1hc f\t"lrt li;id _!!flf1l' un ~111s111•1 1«1 f1l".11·h '.!~ hours ;1tll·r 1\ 11<1' st·11t Ht• :-..11d !"111:d1 -.h L ·"' 11·1M1p<; :in· :-till lhl'rt" Thi' Turk1~11 urdt'r rt·l·:dlt·d one la ~t nionth fur l ' \. tort't'.~ 10 gv! ou1 i1t thf• nor1h 1·oa-.t 1mrl of 1\.1 r1·nia 1'h1· l '\ 1ruops r1·fu,t•d !O !1•;111· ~ th<· 'l'urh<;_ vast II· ou111un1hf'nng rht·rn :.11npll' t·On1ult'<I ltu·in tn thtir earnp~ Th1·11 l)I{' Tur~<: lil\IJH"ht·d ii S1·n~·<; lJf ;1U;11·~~ lo 1 nl<irgl' lhv1r nurlh r11<1st bt•;1<i1h1-;i1I ( ;1·r~t\·tlb•·r~ ~;ud 1hp nr1-1.· 1nereasc 11oulcl ;11 t·r<i gL' '"'" l~l'l't•nt for cars and 111 p1·n·t·nt f'1r trui:k:t> I· 11rd .\lotnr l ·u l'rl'Sldl'nt Lee 1\ ln1 •11.·1 ,1 !'!ud Tut"dnv the N!1. 2 auto 111:1kt·r !1<1-. l1nle ('hoicc but to folloy,· ~. \! ·~ h·at.1 Oil p! Ji:t•S Tft 'ctll.·i11g· T<tll ~/1 e rif f Dies l 1i A ztto Crctslt :-;f~!.~l F.H , Trnn ( l·Pi \ lluf11rd l'u-.s('r, :i C'!'ln1e-bust1ng sheriff n111de f:1111ol1s b.v rhe movie "\Valk1ng 1';ill." 11 :1" killed tuday 1n a flatning tr;1lf1l' .!! Tldl'llL ll1s Uea!l1 can1L· lt•ss than 24 l1011rs nf1l'r !i(' ~1gned 10 star Jn a sequel lO tliC" box oHite hit about his battlt'S a~~·1n.~l gan1bling, n10011sh1ning and prostilution in ~!1·· Nairy County. Tenn. ·· ~ The Tennesse High· ~ ·~. 1-1.·ay P;itro! said. the ... l6·year-0ld Pu,;ser 7"9'~ died 1\·hen his •f!-;4 -. , ., • red sports ear c:i-~ · r('Cned off l li~il1• :I\ · . . ~' 14. cr;is:r;d H•tu ;in :rnbank1n<::nt a n d oo<o•o '""'' b<>rst into i!oll'CS Pus~er 11·as !hr(/11·n clear and d1C'd 111~ta11tly 'l'ht· !l 1gh11ay J1a1ro! !':1i<t thl'rc 11:i~ 1111 'i 1g11 of fuul p!;1y in the l\Teckag('. Thl'l'l' 11 erl' :srl'en c1!!en1pts on Pusser·:-. l1fl' 11 hile he ser\'Pd as sheriff and one of ttu·111 killf'd hrs 11·ife nnd ahnosl k1ll«rl hi11i. "\\':.tlktlH! Tall" end1'd 110:th l'11~si-'r l,\'111g 111 ;1 hospital bed, half l11s f;ice shul a11·ay by .30-<:aFber pi stol liul Ir!<; l'4 111rtt·tn pl<1slil' surgery 01x·rat1on.~ ~;i1 1• 111111 ;; nc11' app('arance. ;1111! hl' 11:1:-. 11 1·1-lrillg l11s h:iir longl'r than h1:- 1 I\·\.\ cu t o! 1;111 1·nforren1en t clays. Bing Crosbr Produttions annoW1ted 111 '1en1phis "ruesda1·. 1rirh Pusser at !h,_. n1·11-. conf£·renct'. that 11 11 nuld soon IJl·g111 flhn ing .. Buford" ne.:ir the area of ll1 1!lh} 1'onks "hi.:rt:: he bccan1c ii l1•gt·nd Still niorl" n11•an11 hill' do\\'Ht'oac;t. 11 :1ppcars thaL ,\\ission \'u·1u residents arl' going-10 elf'<'! a .\1unJr1 p;d 1\d1·1S-Ory L"o1u1<.'1 I l'OJTil' nt·~! i\t.11eml)(.>r. Thi:-. 1 ~ t;0111g !O be ft/II V.S. Aide: 'I Will Not For !he· u111111/i:1t('d, ,1 ,\ltu11r1p:d Advisory Cot1n1·1 I. ulso k11011n ;1 -. :1 .\[,\!' 1s a city counc·il for plnt·i•s ll1 :1[ dn11 '1 hr1ve :.i city. 11 lllct·ls. \Ul t'~, n1:il-.t·s long: SpCf·Ch('<i nnd ••ch ISt'S !ht' Ul'<.H1j.!l' County Board of Supl'rvisorc: vn 1!11ng:-. H ought to du for .\lissinn \'1t•JO Co111e Baclr to Cyprits ... ' l'U:\":\\' ·r111 -.:1; 1-.. our supt,·r1 i~nrs. usually cn'<l1 tC'd 1\11h n1urh pnl1•1r:1I r unning . attu;illy 1011·d 10 allQ11 lhl' .\llssion \1L'JO folks lo do this. So . 11 ht•n the .\IUJll Adi 1<;orv C'uuin·JJ gets Cll'etl'd hy lhl' ~l1s:.1011 V1<'JO l)l.:011lt•. you just 11 ;111 un1il thL· f1r'>t 111111· 1h.11 l'Ounr1I \'Olt'S SOIJH• ;1cl1 ll"l: !h:1t th•' s11p1,r11.~ors 1gnor1~ SonH· .\l1s:-.11,11 \'i•·111 l'Our1c1I tllt'!11l11•r 11ill ~l\"t• :1 sp1•1·1·h t1!lt•d. · <;111• .\Ji· Libert.\' or (;i\1• .\1 1· liL;llh · Tlir1··· ;.:111-.. 1v1ll march rh111n 1\11.:rv /';irh11.1v 1111!1 fJft• Jnd rlru111 -.. 1'hl'rl' \1111 bt• (ril'.S l~!i' J.111• I!', VrC'edoin , 1nd1 •penJv111 ,. ;ind .\1, 'J'111,1t1111, \\"ilhout. ll1~pr""'!ll;1t11111 :\1~11 ( f1 1· i·1t.1hoocL SO.\JJ<: \'()L.'\!; L/l\l'S Ill Jlill•' cornered hat s n1;1v np 1)011n :1 rL·11· stt·1·1·1 barricades ;ind durnp ~0 111(' ll'.J ;it 1i .. n.1 I)oint Harlxir 'J'he_v·ll prob;1bly rl'11:11n1· 1".hor1·1•r 1~ l'Ollnt.V board t'h:ur1nnn l\111g f ,rrirg•• I \Ve!!, .1·ou C'<1n·l !).<J;.' th1• sur"'-·r\ 1:-.urs didn 't ask for it. \l(.l)SIA. l\11rtlS 1LJ 'l1 -,\l flr!l,;'l llurh~n hnt•ll b~· !he ;1111h:1ssJdo r P.:i~l tried 10 :-.top l'1c blorJ1I lron1 \)()Unng oul of ;1 11·ound 111 las t hl':-.t. Bu lh:t:s t-rat kl'd in the h;il i11·av S111oke ;'Ind IC':1r g:is se!'pcd in 11rnl!·r the llnor .\lomcnts ;1fl l·r th" f1r~1 bur'it of :.;unfrrt• ripf)l·d into th•• l ' J-:mhas<:1 l.Ol\C'!I Cit ron dueked th1 · hullC'\S, t·rH\\lt·d 10 a ll'l('phonl' :inrl r:1lll·<I for he'll). Citron !'n1d h1· ht·:trd I S 1\111h~1s-.;.1rlur !:11dt.!1·r ll.i11t·-. ei.v oul 1hH1tlt.! l!u· \lond:1~· 1nrirn1ng ;11t.u·k ;111!1 "tll£"!l J s:111· h1t11 f;lll1ng" ,\.; fl.1\1t•s l.t.v 111or1:1 ilv 1\0tu1d1·d .\1t1rdyn Burlison. h1!' J>t rso11.il .~1·i 11 ·r;1r.1 l1'11·d 111 :.l111• lh" hli•1.,l111t; .111rl ( 1111111 l;'l+·rl rh•·.p1•J.i11·h· In ).iC•I h1•lp ·Thi· 111.in 0111 1111• ,,1)u·1· 1'11d •11' 1l11· i.·lt·ph1•111·1 1·r111lrl11 t l11•:1r rn1 · l '11ron ~.11r! "I f.., pt sl1hll!111~ r,, ~"nd .in .1111b1i1,l!H'1' [IJ T)ll• <'l!ll!;1~~\" .111d )j,• kt•pi :-.l1nu11nJ.! to :1~1 111i1·n· Ill•· 1d1ot ,. A (;itt·k C.1 pr111l ~ l 1· 11 o g r :1 phi' r. ,\111t<•ra·t lt• \';111;1rri. ri ·:H l1•·d nv1•r to h•·l1i 11.111t·s bu t 11 st·c ond bur ~t "r bulli·ts "hlt"1r off h1·r l1t·ad," ,~1.d ('1!roll. :1 .lli·v1·:1r·uld pu!1t1L,1I Pll1e1·r f1uJ 11 .\1·1~· ~ ork. T110 ::imbul<Jnr es could not ~et 1hrough 1 !he thtt:k tear gas ;ind thousand:' of angry demonslrJtors out~idl' t h c crnbnss1·. An Amencan n e 11• s 1n rt n ro1·{'r1 ni: the prolf'St ran to th,~ nrarby \ !11Jton !loltl 10 ~t·! tncdlcal he lp frotn the local RN! Cross. i R('d Cross 1-1ork£'rs rcfuSt'd. ho11r1·cr .. to n1ov(' 1-1·hen lhC\" lrarned !he injurrrl 11~·11· .\n1tril':H1s. a govcrninent official s;11d Cl!rnn \\':ts <;fill tryini:: to get help l 11h•·n !'rt·-.Hh·nt 1 ;1a!ko~ f'lcndcs arr11NI j The {'vprint !C':idt•r 11ho dri ~hrd frorn ;1 111·11s rnnf1·n·n1"' .1 cro.~s to1\11. donned I ;i 1n;1,k 10 prn11·1 ·t :l!{;11nst the l1ngt·r1ng 11·:1r g:1~. but push{'d 1l .1::.id1• 11hen lit· ~;1 11· lli1\)(·... I ,\J 1 ~fl<l. hl's h!'!·n ~1101." l'lcridrs ~;11d "T:1kt• h1n1 !fl Ill\' '"-lr." I J !uur·s 1:1 irr. .\l:11·1 l_1·11 llur!lson honrded I :1 sp1·1·1:1I l S r\1r Foret· plane rarr.1·ing: Iii<· b<J(jy nf !he ;unb<.1 s:-.;Hlor bJck !0 1 his honl~' in California I ··r 1-1 111 not r11n1e bark to Cyprus t•1rr ag;11n." lhr ~linn(':lf)Olis sef'retary ';ud as ~he tollo1-1t-d !he coffLn onto !he planr. Winds Strike at Midwest Slt,01,ve rs Rauge Along (;11l f , ,4,tla11,tic l'oost () ........... ,,,,,,,,,,.~, T1>unc~,,tQt•n~ '"!/ h•ul> w1oi<1• 11.1 n~rh of 11>r M·a"u" e.irlv 111<1.1 . llut "'IO•t 01 rtw r1ftf•on h~<l tl( .. r •lo-ies. Wln<l• un io JO ""'e~ no• 1>our •OC~O<l Roe~ ~en10" •o norlhy,•11~r n H>wa, <lu'lnQ .t 5Torm me•e r.o ;,,,.,,;~, w~'f •~PO•led f~urld~"'D""' wr•r '(ftl'rr~ ff0"1 t1>e "'""'"'''""'""I \'.ille~ 10 "" 1wtl>w<Kto1 n Pl~'"' ••ul ll•owti· 1,,,,. '~'"· !tie most w~~ ""e inch m sl• l'lour1 .. 1 Wltli~ton. ND ,ShOy,.er• ;Jl•o ... ~""" ftlu<l!I 11-.e Gulf •"" !tie •outn~'" 1111 .. .,toc roas1 FOQ cuf V•l•DllH~ fO 11!1• In.In !l>•pr mit•s fn tl>P AnuMac"'"" Mo11nt1.ns •"d th• uoDO:r or"" \/&!le~ lit!l!JUIMI DELIVERY SE RV ICE 1very of the 0111/y P1lol is guarant~ro fllll&IJ'·f11Uy. I! 1t" .. 111 Uri r• ,_. .,. 5:ll , .•• ull 11111 , ... c.,,-•II ll lrllPf Ill 1•· tlfl llf !JtiH fll!t 1:Jt ,. Slllf'Uy JM Sllntl, II , .. N lltl! IKM-1 .,.-ctn ty 9 ' ~ S'tlft 'T • I 1 rn S..11-. ~ "114 ' c.,, will 't Wt111M lo ,.. ''ts 111 t•r• "'' 11 111 t felcf11 1"• , MtJt O!Mfl f-nt1 •1c11 642 4311 IW0ttrt11 llil~llllfl• lt~i Mii •rsi-1111 140 1710 SM C'ltMl!•lt C111111,,11t II.id ~lull C.111..,. ... ftwlt s.o.n '--"~"' l'fWll lflrWi 491 (4 10 ( l" I W! Jo l•O f l (>I(>( A~!® r,,,, T()(J~•. Lio''' V6•1•bl~ ~···I fll~~· ~"d "l!lf~ll!Q l\Ollfl bMtl•• ,,,,, w~·1'·•1• 10 I" •6 ~Ml\ IM 11fltrnr..n< '"""' ,.n., !1)11>'.rt•f l-l•Oh iot1~~ '" n.t 1,. r,,,,,..,, ''"'"~'~"'" • 1·•11• •· o~ •t• IJ tMIAnd tc~'"'' • tur" • '""~ ''!"M o.<I IO 80. w~r•r ·'''''· ,,,,,,, •. 'l'itlf!.'i W{ONEiOAY , '° " ,.,, ~ • ,, t,. I 01 rm THURSDAY ''lo·~'> I OS~rn •1 r • .1 in,· ~ •6 • m 1 \ \•\ '>() l>.r,r1 1 }fl p.!'J\, !. \ ~·· 11< .. , ~;1om 1(1 r ·"' 6 19 "ni '•'I J ll !>"" •t '.,.lb l ~•n ~~t-9 ll Ill" ('tr I i f o I' 11 i ti t.,, ' /, . ' ... ,.. .jO, '" .. ,. "' I ·~~ l•oon 1n Mownto"'n Lo1 llnQele•. v.1>1ch reacne(I 78 T~~•d .. v. woll conlinue 10 be In tt>e uni>e' 10.. th•wl>"re, r<>on• .,,,i1 De 1n 11•• 70• alonq !Mt '""'" In file lgw 90s 1h inland valley•, l'l ft>~ mid-I~• '" mid.SO• ;., ll'>t n1ounl.tin• An~ Hom 9S to 106 •n Ille de•e•t' O~ern191>1 lows will ranv• from tt>e ""'"·50• 10 mld·60• '" cc~,1~1 ''"='loo• to 1/le 401 end S0$ In !ne mountains. 1'e111per11t1tres 8•~nsv•tl, Buffalo t ~arlo!le (tuc~oo Cll>l•!'noll c1ew1•nd Oalla1 Deftver De~ Mo<ne• Oe!roll Frel'1-Q Honof\1h1 kan1a\ (•Jv lou11111 tlr Mrrno1>1, Mi•ml M!lwau~·~ Mlnn~~P"' i N•w Or10.,n~ N ~w vor l (•O l~ll!)"1ft (llY o .... ,~~ p.,1..., ~~'<nil\ I'~'·:> l/;0lht'' , ., ·l~rl•l1·"'~ f>k!>"MI• I ' ,,,,, ~k r ' ,,.1 ~ .. • u ...,., lllull II t t•~•n• ·' y., .. ~. ' ... '·•11 I~·• ' I ""'' ~ '" ,,,., ... ~t ily' ~"'·' ... u "' " " " " .. " " "' .. " .. "' .. " " .. " •• .. .. .. .. .. ... " n '" ,. .. " .. ~ •• " " ., " .. ... ~I " " " ' " " " ROCKY ALBUM -Nel son Rockefeller 1s sho"'·n at various stages of his life in file photos : top, left to right. in 1921. ln _1928._ anU in 1930 at Dartmouth College graduation. Bottoni: left to right. 111 1935, 1n 1953, and in 1968. Ford Kept N onii1iation Froni His Closest Aides Fro1n \\'ire Services l\'ASillNGTO:'\ President ford . kL1ep111g his non·1ination of a nr1r l'i re pl'csidC'nl fron1 sonic of his closest aides. pro1·1..>fl hl' tould keep a sccrel. Ford kr-pt hi s thoice of Nelson A Roc·ke felle r as 1·1ee president so close 10 the 1·cst 1 h:it many to p prC'siden!i.-il ;"J 1des 11cre lt·ft 1n the d~rk unt il mcment s ht'fore the forn1al an no un c e m c n I Tut•sda v. Th<' iorn1er \(·11· 1·ork go1·rmor got .'.I hig hint that hr \\<IS rimong _ the rortl ft11<tbsts II hen the President telephoned h1n1 Saturday Thl.'.Y d1scUS!<C'd a tipster's allega11on that ·there 11·crl' doc.1.lments !in king Hockcfeller n1onr:· to dirty tricks :it T l·llRSTr Tl/IEVES ,\1[L,\;\. !t.'.I(\' 11\1-'~ -Thie\ CS chopped 1ht·1r 11 <1y thfough a 11·arehouse 1\;ill during the night and stole a11·ay 11·1th i 000 bottles of 11·hisky and 2,500 botlles f1f ch;1111p:1gn c. )X}liee .~aid today. Pul1L'e cstin1;ill'd !lie looL ;;1t S!S0.000. !hl' 197~ D<>mocra11c :'\ation;il Convention. Ford's Press Secretary Jerald F rerllorst l'O!l ti:ndc.-d la ter !h:lt "rii:.;ht -11lng t·xt re1n1 st.~" had planted thl' nl!ega11on 10 try to discredit Rockl'fellcr. ~·ord did not tell Hockcfcll t'r 1h:1t he 11·:ic: the choice. But Presidential l'uunsc·lor Robert Jl artmann s<11d th;.11 Ford "ilSkt·d nun1crous CjUi'slicn.~ 11h1l'h n11gh! 1·ery \\'Cll hJ1·r aroused the go1crn•1r·s suspicion he 11·as one of tht' f1nalt::.ts" \rh1tc on the telephone. Rockefcil t'r :::avt> Ford some adl"iCT. fi e said he hop •. :d hC' \\OU [d nin for full 1l'rn1 Jn 19i6. and that he thought he had alrcad1· gone a long 1-1·ay 1n hr1ng1ng thi.• country t1ack from the depths of the \\.Jlergatl' dl·prcs.~1on At !he encl of !he t'flnvrrs::it ion. Ford t\1)d Hock('ff'llcr that lie \\'OUld run for .1 full tern1 JU !!176. The final 11·ord <0.11ne J.\lond;iy night f1·01n All'x:inder llan.:. 11ho c;1lled and ;1.-:kr-d th e go1·rmor 1f hr could hi> :it !lie \\'hite l!oust' at 9 a_ni. the fo1101-1ing 111omin1! for the formal annoufl('('1nent. TOUCH & SEW ·sewing machine Thin k of saving $60 ... and !Mt'ling c'len more by trading in your old machine for a ge nerous allow.!nce ! And what a great machine thi5 is, with a budt·in buttonholer, ~4 ~ built·in stitches including speed basting, many other !><>ph1!o-- ticated features at your fingertips with all-d1.11 con trols. While Ouanlities Last! OFF ~~e Car rying case or cabinet extra Ma11sfielcl Vow~ Speecl \\'.ASI Jl\GTO.~ ~A P1 St· n;~! e JX-mo<'rJ!il" Lead('!' ~1Jke tllans f1tld promisN:I quick action today on Nelson A.. Rock C'fl'ller's non1111:.it1on to be Vl t:l' president. '·There 1l'ill bl.' no delay o r poslJXlllf'JllC'lll . '' .\Ian.'! 1eld told rc.,xirters lie said th.-it ri·trv effort \\'Ould bC' n1ade "to g1'I 11 done bffore Y.e go out JI\ October " \\'ith o\·crwhelrning pr111st ('lCf'<•pl frorn soin<· longst,1nrl 111g l!epubhc:t~ foes, Jto(:k1'ft'l!t·r·s L'011f1rn1:1t1on hv Longre~s 1s \'lr!U ally a~url-d, hut t h~·rc ts some qul'~t 1on ;1bou1 ho11• long 1! 11•111 take. Chairmen of both !he !louse:-and Senate ron11nil1Ct's 11 luch 11111 rcvtt'\\' the non1J nation ha1e rf'fuscd IO comn1it th1•111scll't.·.~ to Jny t:1r.i.:l't date. ~ . J-louSt' J udil·i ar-. l'OnllnJl!t't' l haJmlan Peter \\'. RoQino '.1 r. ( D-N .J.) suggested :1ga1n tod:-iy th:it tht• {'011f1nn<1tioo 11·ou!d t<iki· longer than tht• 111·0 1nnnths bety,·een 11011· an1l the l\ov. 7 tdC'cl1ons. "\\'hc!her it's g"ing tn 1;1kl' t·i gh! weeks oc t('n 11·(·eks. 11h:1tl'Vl'r r1n1l' it 's going. 10 Li ke I think the con1n1i11ce 1-1·i!l do 1t .1~ quil'kly as 11(' possibly can," Hodino said. Hut Rt:f). Ed11ard llutC'hinson or \l ichigan, ranking Republ ican on the .fudic1arl' Co1nmiUce. said Pre!'1dent Ford·s Confirmation as 1 ite president last vear took eight 11eek s ,and if Hocke.feller's takt's · ;iny Ion g er ··son1 e-body 's going to be guilty of foot dragging."' . Rodino rind llutch1nson \\'ere in1t·rvi{'11·f'd on .\'B("s "Today·· program. t:ongrt·~ pli.lns to 1nt•t·t only about ~·ix n1orL' 11t'C'kS hc'\1-1(·c11 no1-1.· aod ,\QI er\\bl'r CoogrPSs is schNluled to Ut·gin :1 Lc1bor Day rl'Ccss Thursday ·ind is ll'nl:1!11·rly scheduled tu recess :1~;1in in Octobc'r fur r r · l' l e ct ion C"an1paigning. 11011i e T 11 r11 etl l 11to Prison \1EXICO l'!TY !l'PI I ;..1:1rganta ,J1nit'nf'1 1\0hc up bC'fflrc rl;11\ll TuC'~a1· 111 disrol'rr that lhe doors ;ind 11;ndo\1 ~ of h1·r rentc<l singl•~s1ory {l\1'1•!l1 ng h.1d lx·rn \1 a Herl in. \'1·ighhors .in"""t'ring her ~oout!I pulled a1vav frt~h l\' l:i1d br;rk<; 1n the 11Utri11ng to find \lari.ranta b!ccdini:-from th(' hnnd3 nod f~t aftrr st rugghn~ for hours to fig ht hf'r 1r;iv nu! of !hf' !llll ,\ JH'~l !'fl.1r~'r ~f11rl 1\l 1ss .Jimf'f)('7 11-:1.s 1rnpr1:-:one1t b~· a landlord :1ngcr1·d hy .\l 1 ~s J1m(•11c7: IC'gill rnovC's ro hl ()('k n rt'T11 1ncn.'asc frorn .~'.!II 10 !:!~ ~!0~H~~! ~.~'~~~,~~' ~~~~:~;~~:,~~'~'~d 7ig-lilg sti tches, 3 needle positions, qui clc·Changc ~oJp ·on prcssrr feet, easy foig"-Wh"I 0 1·11 L II '""' needle in-I e uan I es IS !>Crlion, fabric: o;ctting dial , :and more• 95 Carrying case or cabinet extra REGISTER NOW FOR FALL SEWING COURSES AT SINGER. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES IN DRESSMAK ING, TAILORING. SEWIN G KN ITS. FROM $1 4.50 to $29.50, TEXTBOOK IN CLUDED. SINGER Sewing tenters and participating Approved Dealers · For store nearesl you. see the yellow pages under SEWING ~AC H INES. ~ t h•s i hht rd tr•de·t11 policy. /\l~o.' C1 td1t Pl•n is .1v1i14blt ill Sin11er Stwi n ~ Cen ter~ 11nd m1ny Approvtd Deiltr,. . ins r . INGER COMPANY •1< •. hi Rtstrv td Throu~hou t !tit W"•lt! "A l r.1 dern1 r~ of THE SINGER C01'1PAN Y Copv11 1ht Cl 19741 HES ·" 111 1 • L Scl' ('.Qn t'!ia llyt an of S('l'E 'I' u s ("Qtl 1n1~ pur hyd 1!1r1 rca lO. H na Ji u :ind l~ul !ne Ila ol ;h :)_\'n Sou • s F'a ('e. ad< Va ! of the WO !'.><l h Tu< !l'S the ''() str no s A 36 q u S:- ha. LT .. \\'i l H ' St th 0 ,, _, 11/\l l Y PH f1 r \ ~ .. Coastal Nf> ,..,,,.,, fHSUf'(lfl('C nc:::: ~c:_ --::::::::: :::c Firn1 {~it~<l Bill A waits Senate Vote 11'\'J.'\I I :\l\'U<~JTY SCH UOL OF l.1\ \\ ANNOUNCING! '• .... Fo1· F1·a11 tl I.OS A:\(;Jo:LES f A!'l -The ~ccur11ies and r: x c h a n gt' l'orn1nission filed eivi! fraud (·h:.irgt.:~ :1g::in5t South Co:isr llydroponil's of Elsinore l11e , an en1erprise l)rornot1nr s;1lo· of Jirtlrss greenhouses 111 several slates. 'fht· s1111 filt:d Tuesd;1v 111 lJ S. Di.<itril·! Cou11 h (. r f" ('Qnlendrd !ht• firn1 n1 ;r it+· n11sle<1dln)..l cl;111ns in as-;unng pureha~ers of the $1J .OOIJ hydrnponit·s .r:;rl'cnhouscs 1J1:1L 111('ir ;1nn11;d returns would rt•al:h brt...,·t·cn $5 ,000 aHtl l0.000. Besides the' firn1, the s111l nami•s <ls defendants !t +v Hurford. pr1·.sidcll t of the f1r1;1 :ind its so!c sharctktldl'r : ( Stale J "'""" ... 62 Jlon:.i J\1:issey, popular )-,lll,1-!e r iind fil1n star during tile 19~0's and l!J4(f)-,, died Tuesdav in Ht·tl1esda Nav~d J in~· p1t::il 111 ~111>ur ha11 J\l arv· 1.n1d . She had bet•11 flt for tllree 1nonths. 1\ 111en)or1:d scr\1ice \Viii be held in \\'ashington, I)_ (. Uu!lt·rftl'ld 1:1na1u:i:.il S1·r1 l!'l''> -- Inc·. ol -.uburb:1n El~i11ur1•; Hurry ·r. Lindsay, prf'~id1·n1 of Uutlerfield anJ its sol~· ;,; ha r 1· ho J d c r . and l,,o..·1· Svn1011ds, s:il1•.; dir·t'ctor uf sOuth Ux1:->t llydropvnic:. • C/lfll"f'Z Ailill!I SA~ Josr; 1AJ)) -United F'arm \Vorkers l"nion !t•ader Cesar Chavrz li,1 s bf' t' n ad1nitted To a S<1n\:i l 'lar:i V11lley hospital fur ,trratmC'nt of fatigue Jnd sy1nptoms of thr nu :if!t'r fa sting for tv.·n v•C'C'kS, his !X'r:;on:il <1octur :-:.ai1I. Dr. JC'ron1r L;1cknrr said Tuesday a s1•rirs of d1<1gno.~11c lt\sts 11 ill ho.• pcrf11nned on the ailing union leader and completed later this w('{'k. He stres~d . hO\l.'t'\'f'r. lht'f<' v•as no indica11on of !>Crious illness. • lfOJJIOJI •"'re••tl SA'.'-l FRA'.'\ClSCO 1 A Pt - A .... uman jaill'rl for the p3::>l 36 days for rPfusing 111 ans11·rr question s abflU\ thf' SvmbionC'~ l .iberat1on Arn1v tias been frcffi on ordt>rs Or U.S. Supremt' C-OUrt Juslil'l' \~'il liam 0. l>out;l:ts . Cvnthia Garvev of O:ik!and. j3il~"l'l July 16 fo.r rrfus111g to answrr question'> about th<' SLA to a J.,'Tand jury. was freed from J:: l rn woo d Oet.ention Center in :\'11lpitas on Tuesday. e Rf'R!IRll A!lrf'es SA'.li .JllSC: ! l 1PI 1 -<..:01· RortJ.Jd Rt•agan s:1ys he ;Jf:rt'f'S \\'ilh ·President Ford 's position on amne"lY for drafl f'V<ld1'rS. 'l\vo Co1111tv • 1'itlc Fin11s l,()S .J\l\C;ELF:S (Ar\ -The Ca I i for n i a I n s u ranee f)epartn1r11t cr:ickl'1l down on the reb;.lting practices of title in~uratH'f' l'111npaniL'S to real ~·state br11k1·rs by le\'ying a to!rtl of a!tno.."t $42.1,000 in fines :ig:iinst fi\'f' of rhr title firins, including 1111• nation's lari;:('st. Thr so--t·:i!lcd dcm;ind orders and thr accompanyi11g fines \\'ere L<;sued l'ucsday :igainst l.;11\·\'l'r:> TillC' 1 n s u r a n c e 1'or1i.. .$ l ll 7. 9 fi 0: 'fitlc l11~u1'<1nre ;111d Trusl (-0 .. \,-0:; Angelf'.~. ~125.000. Fi rs t ,\n1f'rir:1n Tlt lr Insurance Co .. S;inta 1\n:1, $60.000 ; Tr::ins;nlH'r1ca Titlr lnsur;inf'C (\1. S;1n franeisco. s:11.:10fl. :itld \\'rstrrn Ti11r lnsu r:.u1 ee Co .. Sci11t:1 An .. 1. $!2.500. In adcHt1on TitlC' Insurance :1nrl l'nis! Co .. the nation's \;irgrst title insur('r. \1·a~ ;illl·ged to ha\'l' drposited funds 111 :1 bank to srr\'e as eon1f)C'nsat1ng b..1lanres for a loan to a real estate broker_ A11ti-s1nokc S1\CRA:'llE~TO IUP!l -A Sr-na1c··passrd hill b :inning -.n1oking 111 food stores and ('!assroorns and i m po 5 i n g oth•1r sl<.1!('\\lidl' s 111 o k in ~ ri:<.!rictions has f:iiled in an 1\ss11n1blr eomrnittf'{'. ThC' i11•·asurr by Sr n 1\nthonv l' ~ill'n:'-On ( IJ-Los Ani;el(·~ l \\'l1S r (' J e c I (' rl Tllf'.'><.lll\' night bv lhf' crimin;il iust1c:e · t:on1mitif'c on a '.l.3 SACllMIENTO I UPI 1 nursling from a 17-n1onth comn1itlCt' deadhx·k , no.fault ;1 u to n1 o bi 1 e 1 n suranc'(' !eg1sl:ition moved today tn'.v::rds ;i sho1\·do11•n vote in lht· Senate. Suppor!crs hurried to bridge in1pvrt:111t differPnCl'S bc-t1vecn 1110 rivnl proposals in hopes of n·a1·hi11,g a rompron1ist· llunng rite sev(•n working flu.1·s hl•f ·e the sc h<>dulcd end of 1h1• I "isl;nive session. 'f'ht· t'~' Senate Judiciary Conllnit c approved both bills bv b:1re n1ajority I/ 0 t es 1\iesd<iy. IJ E!\l OCll A SEN. All.Ill Holihins 1)f Va Nuys, a n1t·n1lx'r of the co1nmith't'. prrdJ('\f'd ;igrf'Cm n1 v,·outd he rt';1chcd bct\l'CCn 'ilrring sid0s on th~· c'Ontrovrr 1<1l pror•o~ar that \1·ould afft•ct all 13 1nillion lice11:>1·d <...'allfor \1 drivl'rS. 1'Jo-f;1ult in;. ru ('\'. ;1 niajor issu1· hcf11r the l•·gis!nt11rt• rach yr:ir s Cl' 1n11 . pro\itl•·s for n1utor· t~ to e 11 11 ~' t' 1 dan1a~cs from thE>ir Ul\'11 1nsuran con1pa111es Io r pt'r~n: lnj11rii"S re:iRrdlrss of who is t fc1ult in an accidrnt. T'hc ain1 is 10 reduct• 1nsur.. cc c:osl<; a11d assure Pa1iel Okays Full Ti111.e S11iog V1iit ~AC.'R.J\:\'l E~TO (UPI\ -A bill n1:1king the stall' air l'l'· sourCf' board a full·tin1e ag~ and crl'ating a single sn1og control distri('t for the ~iuth ('O•t.~l ;;iir !>.1sin ha s n1ovPd a st(·p eloM·r 10 v.1in· ning Assen1b!y p.1~!'-ag(1• Thl' conlrO\f'rsi;_d n1rasurc by Srn. \\I. <'r;i1g Rid<llc IR- H1\'(•rs1dc •. cl cared !hf' transportuiion <: o 111 nl i It c e Tu1'sdrt.v on ;i !I..\ \'!l!<'. the b<irc 1ninimun1 rc(]uirt:'d, and v:{·/l:t to the \~'HYS and n1eans cornmil!('e. \'oting «gains! thr mcasur(' \\'err Assen1hlrmrn Hobc'rl H. Hurkr 1R·llu1l11ng!o11 Hl·;ich\. l )On !11acl;11Jvr;1y 1H·S<1nf;1 Barhara 1 . .Jor <..:ons:1\\es ~L}. (.' e r r 1 t o s 1 • :ind Fr;ink Lanterman \ 1\·La Can:ida 1. l'n<ler th<" Biddle :-.111ng bill. thl' ci.1rrL'1lt part·11 n1(· ail' reso11rcrs hoard \1·011ld bcco1n<' ;-. full-tin1c :igt'nc_v an d 1nt·rnbcr.;' salaries \l'ollld ht' r:::iiscd from $11 ,~12 to $30,000 a ,·ea r. lie told n('v.·s111C'n Tuesday before Sp t• a k I 11 J:: (O ;J Hrpublican fund·r;1i::;111g d1nnf'r that he opposed uncondillonal ;imnf'stv but "If anv dr;ift evader 'chooses to come back through !he syste1n •1 n d ;idn11t-; hf' \1·as v•rong 111 s!aying out nf the st•r\·1l'l'. thrn he should be gi\'f'll an oppor1un1ty to 11·ork 10 gel back into the systc1n ." the go~·en1or said. -vote. C.'urrC'lllly, SL'< sep.1r.1tf' local sn1og control d1stric1s in thr basin opera!e independently in the count1<'~ of l.os Angrlcs. (Jrange. San Bi·rn;irrlino. Sant.:1 Barbara. Ri\'rrsid(' and \'l·ntura. Tur hill 11· o u 1 d ;1holi.~h those di slricts and f'~l:.ihlish a ncv.' basinv.·idc dis1ric1 11·ith uniforn1 nilt'S. regulations and air 111onltoring proct'<lures. -------'- 3daysonly! AuCJUSt 22-24; 11 am-7 pm. Large .8x10 portraits in color decorate your home with love.'\ Interior d8cor comes alive with portraits on your wa ll. Come in or call o ur professional p hotographe r 1oday for gift portraits of you, you r c hild, your family. Full selection o f pose s. Satisfactio n gunranteed. INTRODUCING The amazing Gemini Camero. ColOI' proofs shown instantly; He~t~Be~l~?2,~~land 644 -1212 \ s4.44 Rog, $20. (jlllCk payment of claims by t•l111dn<it1ng costly add 11rutr;11:tl'tl court suits. Bolh hills :oippruved b} \Iii· l'OIHJlllltt'f' V.'Crt• "modified" nv-f;1ul! pli111.~ Th;1l n1eans 1no1orists v.oultl cO!lt'CI under no·f.1ult. bul still be pcrinillt·tl to go !11 1:uurt ;ind st:ck n10re rl11111;1gt•s . The two rnrasures pa~ed 1ht· A,.;:-.cnilily last yC'ar and hH\C lungulshed since 111 the l'Oll1111lltf'C'. lillt' \\·uu ld :i!\ow znotorists lo go to ('(lrUrt fur extr;1 d;unagL'S only in lhe evl'nt of <le ;1 I h, disfiguren1ent , di),abilit~' of 111ore than .\5 days or :-1·1 iuus 11np<1irn1enl ()f a bodily fl111c.:t1on. I NC L U Ol-;I) '''AS a 1n:111datory .JS p,e r cent reduction in the cost of p•.-r:-011;1! injury Co v crag c. ()1 rn·111ly. that co v crag r ;unounls to ;i1 )'1ut h;\lf !hr 1·ost of ;in :.iutu insuratlL'C policy. ll 11.1s oLithored by ,\::;~ctnblv1na11 Jack n. Fenton 1[)...\lnn1;·ilt'l\Q1. :ind supported h_v insurancl' cornpanit's and (;ov. l1onald ltragan. It \1·as sent dirl'c.:tly to the Senate floor on a 7·2 vote. \'rohibited under the bill \1·011ld be the :;()-tailed "pain <1tld suffering" suit for such injuries as :i mir:or \Vhiplash, \\'hit·h <ire so fr£'quent in the t'OUl'lS 110\\'. The othtr n1eilsure provides fur n1otor1sts to collect for tncdit:;:il bills and lost \l';iges i under no·faul!, hut t'O(l\;1111'> no restrict1on on the right of son1eon(· to sue !or further dan\age Yoitnger 11 FA LL QUARTER 1974 ENROLLMENT ,, . "'' . A! ' '" r, ,, ' "l '• ! By Op1Jone1it SACRA~IE~TO (AP \ Ht•publiea11 Atty. <_;en. f'~velh:: Youngcr's I\ e n1 o l'. r ::it i c oppont"nt says Younger failed to pursue three invt:stigations because he had a personal interest in the cases. \Villian1 !\'orris, a Los Angeles at I o rn e y . said Ttu·.~d:iy \'ounge r had :i finnnc1al inll'rf'SI i!l 0111' c.1se. a possihlr dir1'('f personal in\'O]\'ernent ill anothrr, and <t n1ajor ca1np:1ign contributor entangled in a third. Conflicl·Of·i11!erest problems <.'OUld be h11ndled by the appointment of a temporary :-pC'cial st;1te p rose cu l o r , Norris told reporters. "The appearance of fairness and impartiality is a s important as fai rness and i111p:::ir!iali1y itself." Norris s;1id . t\'orris accused \'ounger of: -Accepting a $11i.500 I ''~\\.('('thi>:irt IL):Jrl ' fro n1 for111pr t;f'otrk president J:tl'k Burki' anrl hi·lping indur1' l1is fr1e11ds to buy <:eotrk stork Burke is undl'r indictm1'l1L 111 f,~i1~~,~~;1\01~lrr~t~:: ,11111s.t he firn1 ·s f -J·';illing In :it-l Oil !ht' \·iolations u{ (':d1fnrni;1 !;1w b1 C. Arnholdt S1ni1 h. thl' S:u1 \ 1 >i11go fin;incil'r 11·hosr 1•n1piri· I 1•nllap."1•d :ind \\'1th it th~: l '.S. K;i1ion;:il 1t·1nk. according t01 Korris. S1n1th \\'as :1 t11g l l'<impaii:i;n !'Olll r1bll1 0r to Young1•r. N111T1s <.;:lid. -lla~·ing possible person;il 1 lnvotve1ne11t 111 the c:ist• of reportt·r \Villian1 F;1rr and leaks of inform:J!ion fron1 the Charles l\1<inson trinl. Youngi·r v:as Los Angeles district attorney al Ill\· tinie of !lie trial. Norris said. ;.1nd his con I' er sat ions with his subordinates could be tin 1ssut I in lhe co11tc1npl case ;~gains!, r •""-'- Farr. I Come meet David Hayes, th e man behind thi s look. And see the res t of his design s on fall. ' 1 Just to whet your appetite for the whole De Grall i;ol1cct1on of pantsuits and costumes designed by David i-tuyes. the cropped bigcoat pantsuit. As if sJper styling's not enough. \he tabric 1s a suede look·al1ke in c otton /polyu rethane. Water repellent. Shrimp 6-14. $130 . Info rmal modeli ng p resented by David Hay ~s Iii NC;v1po rt. T hurs., Aug. 22, 11 :30-3:30. Robinson's Oc$1gner Dres5C'.> 2 F AS HION IS L AND S HOP WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY 10 :00-S: 30 • II " ; ' I ·' A 6 Hospital's Challenge :-.ou!l1 t ·1 ·:1•1 < n1n11111111l.t llof:p1 tal appears to bl' u11 Ille r1; . .!1L l!illl"e 111 rc.')11(\Jllg 11~ f1:-.1 ·al ditf1~·l11!1c~ I lu\\ C'\ l'i' t lie h11,,p11.ll t1.1:-. it! her problC1!1:-, ;i111011g thrn1 i,h 111in.1l1 •1 11 J:i11•1·111s1n and t:lu lH~!J11c:-,s. 111•111 .., "h1<h 111 !he lu11;.: run n1ay prave inor e da rn<lgin;..: t/1;111 dul!ar~ :inct ll'tll~ 1~oe .... ::iouih f'1i:1~1 111 South Lag11na is a major nonprc>!il 1n~!J11111n11 r111i.:11 111 ,.:_ llS ... uppurt tlircctly fron1 the rnn1· n1111 11li(·:!i 11 ~l'l'\l'!--l .;:i ~una Jleath. South Llgun;i, !);1113 l'~11n! LJi.:un.1 :">:1 i.,:t1t·I ;ind ('api!-.tranu Reacl1 . ·rhc Uoard 'ii rl1rci:iu rs 01 1hc llo5pllal ha:-. a<:kntJ1rl· rd~(!d 1hc 1111:111t1:il problen1s f:tr1ng the ho!iipLt<il . lilt• 11111!-l :--l'J 1ou~ \I[ \\'hll h I!' :t conl 1n111ng defic11 u11cra11on -S!Hfi OUO dur1r11-; tin· fu·!-l 10 1nonths of tile 1.:urr1.:t1t l l~l ,11 period. '!'he bua1d hJ' tal\1..:11 d1rct"t financial euntrul, hi1cil a top-nuttll co11~ul!a111 Ju 01er!-ee and set up llC\\' fi~c;i! opt•rat1011:-.. :i.nd tu i.Ut su1nc of the f:tl 111 ~outh ('0;1s( :-. c:-:pcnd1turc .... \\"llilr 1n<J1l\' or t he hospitJJ':-. prublern::; tan br ,1t - lribt1ted 11J too n1t111y l10 .... p1t:il bells in 1he South {'uu1 1I\ area, the 01·crbcdd1ng alone ('annul be 11:-cd to cxc:u ~c all lhe prublc111 s of the ho:--pital. '!'hey go deeper. One board n1rn1bcr con1 n1en1111g on the adn11n1 :-t r;1t1on of tile huge 300·cn1ploye lll !-o l1lu- t1on said, ·"!'his hospital has been run like a candy slq rc ," 1'he board has begun on the right course by go1n).( to the publil' wilh its proble1ns and exposi ng arcfis nb- ' viously painful 'l'ha! openne:-s \\'Ill Uo n1ut h to restore ])u blic confidence in the board. and in the board ':. capa- bility of dealing w1t ti the problems. fut11rc and lhc challenges are appJrcnt. 'f11e greatest 1._-ba!lengc is th:it of '¥'.'Ork1ng to~l'tllcr. fl '" tren1cnduusly 1n1purt ant tu note that lhro u~h <i!I the 1ur1ncHl, 1to uilt: h<i .~ c·\'Cn su .;::~r~tcd n1cdical care :1t lhe f~('1l1t ~ 1~ an~1 h1ng I.Jul C'.\1.,cllcnt. Illogical f-'ropos.a ls A titiz.en~· con1 n1ittce dl'eply il!\'Ol\'ed 111 ~tu rl ies rrlatl'd 1o San ('!enienrc's du\11nti111·11 parking situ:Hiun ~C'HI up a trial balloon in relent tlays on 1uea11s fur t1n;u1t'1ng ne\1· Jots, 1\nd the ha/loon :-.hould be li:n1Jcd bac:k do\\·n as :-0011 a' po~!'1ble. {~on1111i!tee t'h:urnian I~. l;i:-ley F-llggeslecl three 1 01H'f'JllS as a n1ean!' of f111a1111n (! n1u111c1pal tou:itl'UC'· 1 loll of do11'ntu\\·n Int...-. 'l'he idC'as and their ~cri11l1..., rlra11·bac.:k-; are· -J)oubling llu:-incs~ lit'l'tl '-e fe(•S. 11·1111 hair i:::oing 111to the !li t fund. ·r hi.:-1s ar1 1nit;11r li:1 \' 1rhic.:h \\'ould lake froin the luta! bu ... 1ncs:-t\11111ntu11t1 ~11HI bc11C'f1t univ a tc\\. · · -('u nt11111 in,:; the: lO·cc111 t;i \ v1t.'rritle earn1arked fur 1·on11nunit r clu blHHl.~C reb\1ild1n g after the origin;-il debt is paid . ('v1t1·t!rl1ng n ternp0r;iry lel'y in10 a perrna· 11cn t one \\'ithoul specific roler <ipprol'al v.•ou\d be \\'l'Ullg . -Dou bling fees for p!ay on 1he ci1y golf course. 'l'lii~ n1c ans dunning golfer~ to benefit !'l1oppers, \\'hi ch is a puzzli ng ra1innale. 1\ll thc.,._e n1etbod ~ seen1 to l>e sub~titutes fo r the !o;.:ital -and thu~ fa r unpalatable -soluti on of parl\- in!! ;i..~."'eS.'-1nent district~ financ:cd bv Lhe bu sinesses ( ' .- "' " ' 1'1lc board needs no\v to 1nove tov.·ard grcairr harn1ony and l'fJOperation. Tile ho:-ptta\ rloes have a grc;I! \\·hit·ll 1rould benefit. · s ~Htl8£F,T, \HIS IS THf fll\S111M£ i'VE 5HN YOU W11H YOUR MOUTH SHUT." • 'A 11gels 011 \Vl1cel s' Ease Life f 01~ c~111ce1· Victi111 s To the F:di1•1r: Ever\Otll' son1t·11llcrt' must ha1·r :i lo\'ed 'one. <1 relativt'. a friend nr :1 neighbor \\·ho is ill \.\'ilh cancer. The.v \\'ho hrn·1• the di se.1<:e tlr(' Tht' unfortunalt' on t'S. but there 11< iJ v;ay any pt:'rson 11·1th a free hour or t1vo ca n hl'lp then1. This help cn n be 11·ithout obliga1ion io any special hour or nun1bC'r of d11~·s per n1onth. In other 11·ords, the help p-1ven 11·ould be at a person's ov,n convcnien c..:c. THE A ~lERICAr-r; Cancer Society has set up a pro~ri'lnl callt:d "Angels on \\'heels" v,·hith has bcl'n in existence a number of ~e;,irs. Thf' Angl'ls nrc housc11·11·cs. retired persons ( nH'lle or fen1alc1 or in a fey,· cases. 11nrking people. The_v dri ve e:ince r pn!irnrs ro <1nd frotn their 1r1·<1rn1euts \rhich nta_)' either be lo a hospital or a doctor's office. 'l'hc S1'rvic1· is striclly voluntary. Drivers do no! grt pnicl, hut !o kn ow they arc helping sonu•one is jn il.sf'lr payn1ent rnough. r hni·t· been drir1ng ror ;:i!rnost fo11r vrnrs and h:i1e found 1! io be a rnost i;f;tlfying experience. There 1s a great need for dri\·rrs :iH over Orang!' County. but East Urani::t~ ('nun1y has the gr1•ah·s1 shorlagc. Cities :iuch as l!unt1ngton lk'ach. C'osta 1\les<i. fr\'inc. H;ilbo;1. Kc11·1:iort 13c~('h ;ind roron<1 !let '.\l;,r h;"·e been the ha rd est lul \.\'i1h ;1 drivrr shorlt1gf'. I \\'(ll"IJ> it·nturl' to ::.ay (~peaking lur n1\:.l'll n11ut1I~ 1. n1ost 1x'(lp!c don't ,::1vc it " sceond thought \1 h('n lr i.'oml'S rn dr11·1ng lht·n1sch1·s \(• ;i tltu.·1or's appoin1nit·nt Bui 11he11 ;i ptr-;011 1s unablf' !11 dnvt· or 11:1.<; no lr;111 ~1>'1rt:1l1un. JUSt knn11111 g 1h l'1· 1\:1\1' :1 dr11l·r to r,1ke !ht•rn 1s :1 hoost !n ThC'ir rnorale . <ind they h:1Vl' p•·;1r·1· f)f 111111d kllfl\11nt.: thl',V will hl' r,·r·1•n 111~ th•·1r tr~'n t1111·nt 11n nny given d:1.1'. l'hough I ft•i·I th•' /\illl'I !f'<l!l i ';n1Cl'r Sociel}' has done <.1 tr·t·tn cn<lu!Js 1ob 111 hrtpln~ tho:it· fll.'l'~U!I~ \1110 hH\t' C<llll'Pr. mu('h help is ~till nct·dL"d. As ;t dn1·cr lll.\'SClf. I :lnl strf'sS111i:; ill\ Url!l'tll ('UH 10 people to <lonntf' a portion of 1he1r time to this vi tal need. For furi hcr inforrr.;1tion yo ur rf':idC'rs can call the American Cilncr r Societv 1Jlficc in Tusti n. R38-0510. <tnd ask fof rhe Sf>rvice Dcpar t1ne11t. ur eall u1e. ~·i2-ri:111. • PHCOY l'AR:VIF.\'iJEH, CoorOi nator of C:111rer IJril'ers for l~asl Or<1nt.::e Cou nty To lhe Edi1or: After reading in lhc llC'l\'Spapcr Iha! lhc ACLU insists th C'y n1u~t push for WiekN Ji d~ ~D 'I still don 't gar it. What did he do wrong?' r (.__l\_l_A_I_LB_o_x_~) l.f'lr•'f.S f1""111 r1'a1/cr.~ 111r 11·e/cnn1r. 1\'nr111111/y. 11·rNrr~ s/1r111/rl J'11J1t:1'!1 //H' r 111t•ss1Jfll"~ nt :?On /rPr<I.~ ''" le~.~-1·1ie r1y/1r tu c101<lrn'<(' ll'tll'r.~ lo fit sp<ire 111 l'li711 i11ur1• /1/11•/ is re~t·rrccl. A.II /el- 1ers ·~1111.~t 1,1c/111/P ~1101a fl1re t111d n1aif. 11tg orlrlres~ b111 !ln,11es m1n1 /)e tri ll1· l1t'/tl rr,, Tc1111Psl 1f ::;11ff1r 1e11t reosoit i ~ ll/~/1111'('111 . r 1it!lf!J 1cill nut be pub- /,$l1rU. prns.t>CtLtion of rnrnl('r Prf'<:ic\rnt !\ixon. r fei•I n101·t·rl to inqu!rr !>inc:r 11!1(·11 did 1hr ACLU t:ikc un ll1e .rolo ul prosecutor? I JIAD al~·:iys thought that !ho ACLU 11'a." devotl'<l 10 ci\'il liht'rtH'S issues, and in par1icular lhe defen se of 1host• less for tu n<l!f' l:l(:cau~r of hn!r<'d ;:ind prejudices and \\hose right" hn\'e lwi'n denied then1 or 11·hose d1·fc11se ri.ll!'it':-> larger constitutional issu•·s. ff this nssu1nplion is trur. then pcrh31>s the ACLU should be prcpart•d to conie 10 Richarrl \ixon's defense lnsteild uf his prosecution. IF A n£'11· precedrnt 1s llf'in~ C'St<ibli.~hed for thi s organ1l<itio n by thOSl' 11·ho \l'ish to push for prosecution ! re;1d persecution 1 is it uot possible a nr11· rra of 1\lcCarthvisn1 in re1l'r~(' nHl\' Ix• the !ll'X! stcP'' Is 1h1• ACLU bt·1ng used bv i\i:1.on-ht111•rs as a nu·ans of 1'(•11J.,'CnL·e under !he !!Ul se of tht· \t·nt'r:tt1on uf i·qual nglit s un<l(•r the rnn~t itution'.' If Ml. tl11s 1<: n snd d1'p111 to 11·hi{'h a f11h' nrg;11111.1!101i. dcd1 r:1tt·d 111 justice. h.1~ r:1l}i'll TlrP f)t• .... tr••*!lf!I",.,. 'To the Editor · Tcrr.v rovillr·5 nr11rle ' · Co 11 n t y · s Riggi•St ('iry P;Jrh. -l 't)l(J!' \! \ 1!;11 .. ·'Au~. , l' \\a~ lllU!'>! 1111pr1•<:Sll j• r"° tlllll'h in facl, th<1l n1y I l·J e;1r-11ld sun ;11ic.J I \l'Cllt to ~c it lhe follo\\ing d:1). \\"e \\'Cl'C' quite ~urpri!>(•d rn ~·c fl!ll' of tile l;1kes polluted 1\1lh ht·er c;ins :ind paper trash of all kintl:s. IL n1;Jdl' us sick to see the shoreline cro11d('d v,ith all this trash and garbage. \\'E CONTINUE D to \l'::tlk around the hike and fo1u1cl H li!ltc brown d11ck so sick he \\'as barelv ali1t>. Que of !he fishcrnll'n s:-1id he ·11:1d Ut.oe11 si<·k lor da ys. l reported this ro Huck's stand a11d she said the Ha nger \IOuld lnke care of it. As ''t' t:ontinued our 11alk I had lo get. at1t·r ~orne young boys 11·ho 1vere lhrowi11g rocks a! 1hc <lucks and hitting lhen1 111 lhe head . They slopped /or thl' n1onH'!1t hu! 1 kne\V they 11·011ld l'Ull lin ue II hen they told me to .. shut-up." \Ve left Huck's Lake vi•r v s;1d and disappoi nl rd. So we !.lcci<lcd ""c 11·ould go 10 Tallx'rt l.:1ke and feed the ducks th1•re. As the duc ks 11·:tddJ{'(! up to us 11·c \1•cre splallcrcd \1·ilh bh.1ck oily mud. lfo1v c.;in these ducks survive 1n su<'h 1nurky. oily "'·ater? It ~e1ns thcy IO\'C to w~dlc in it and look for food . I AGREE that this Rri.'a IS vi tal but It can't surl'i1·e unless man starts caring enough to prcser\'I' 11 and help it gro11". Something should be done lo slop these polluters. The rest of 11.<; \\')10 ..:-a1·e must suffer and of eoursr :i ll the clucks 11n<l fish rnust pay th!' ronscquenct'. I had to co1nr home to n1y 011·11 backyard bl'fore I rould ~t>I rny ,.:;rnscs filled up. \\'hy ;1nyon1.• 11 oulct wt111r to destroy a thing 11f br;1111 y is beyond rne. Maybe soinc sij?ns and n1ore 1r:1.•.h ronli:tln1•rs 11ould hC'lp n'1n1nd sonic of those who (lon 't l./11 nk? DI~\/ liHEGOHY IJ ear Gloo111\· Gus The c.:ounty built a niee fi :<hing r,irr iii South Laguna, but fishern1en on!y get partial benefit beca11~ the coun- t.v \~·on·t put in live hai1 . Shaf}C up eounty! Let's hear ii for li\·e an- thovies~ FISIIF.H.\IA~ Gloomy Cui (Ommt11!1 •rt 1ub1T1ln_.., br re•D•n •Ml Oo no! llf<tu;i•ilr rt!ltcl !he ~ltWI •• lhll lltWIP•Ptr. StMI JOUr P•I P«Vt ID GltOl'IY G""'' Dl!IY Pliol. A P11z zlecl Motorist's Po1ideri11g·s ( SYDNEY HARRIS J Spcnk1ng, a.:; I 1ras tile othe r dav. abu1n 1n~-f0<1!ish gawking 1hat resultC.cl ltl a fn°111-e11d collap:.e of m~· rar \\·hen I ro!l .. :d into a truck aht">iltl or ire. ~·ou 11ugh1 not be surprised to learn 1hat 1hl' repair {\ISi 11as $300. \\'hat 1rr1tated me e\'en rnorc 1han my 01\11 stupidity and the absurd fragility of 111\· bum11~,r~. ~r!I? nnd hcw~t. 11·a-; re11il- in12: a repor1 a f"1•· days !~lll':· frnrn the lnsuranc-~ lr.sr1tute for ll iKh\1;11 .'),-if('t1·, ;1 tahoi-:1tur:; a u·d tr-s1inr:: (!ro11u spon- ~ured hi' li11' Inst.Ir· :111cc 1ndu~tr\· In poi1111·1'!. ou t tha1 sorn~ r:ir" c:in takl' a f1\'C·n1de -an-hour in11~ct 11 ithf)Ut n11H:h damage. the lnstJ!11tc addrd 11\ar n! any speed n1ore 1h:in that, !hr ;i1rraqe rcp,1ir i.s be\1'.'ee11 S20o and $411U. P\ rn on sma\1('r and less expen.sh·e n10<leL". '\llAT REALL\' got n1c ho11'e1·er. 11as a sen!('nce C<Jn1u1cnt1ng 011 a front-lo-rr;1r li'~t. "'hl'rc only one ca r. U1e Opel fl 1;uua. an1ong fil'e . ('SCapcd dan1agc rnt1rl·I.\. This. remarked the lns1i111tc acidlv. "1s a record that h:'ls not been prOvirlccl by any n1odrl. domestic er in1portcd, tes ted by us to da!c, despi!e the fac t that ii h<1s for years been tcch.nologic:il!y easy to acC<Jmplish." \\.hile I ex pect 10 be penalized ror n1y mon1rnt11 rv inattention. l clo not expect thut a· .<;peed or six or seven 111i les an hour 11·il1 collapse rny car·s front rnd like an accordion sat on by an angry hippo1:iotan1us-and t'S!>Ct·i:ill y since better prot c<:tion "has fnr yr.'.lrs been technologically easy to accomnJish.·• S0~1EBOll\r is obviously con ning sotnc- bodv here. Either the l nsuranc~ lnstitutr is whistling lhrouizh ils fal se tcel.h. or !he auto n1;u1ul ac1urcr.-. ha1·c fx.cn 'pr attling "'ill1 fork ed tongue about the cx:CE.'Ssh•e costs or n1aking a car safer on !he outside. Like most ord in<lr~ 111otoris1s, I an1 in no 1>osition to k.no"·' v,•har lhe facts arc. If !his statement is unfai r to the auto makers. they ou~ht to divert at least a little of their adveriisi ni;: buc!gct to refute it ~·ith r a ct s itnd figures. The average An1erica n feels he is being taken lcft :ind right, fron1 Ilic bl~j!est corporation lo the sn1n llesl au!o 111echanic. It is his sense or mi stru~t and disgust that l'ngf'ndcr.<t populi . .:;t 1noven1cnl s (ngaill rron1 the lcfl illlrl fro1n the r i~ht ) l\'hirh lhrr11lrn th(' basllons or free t"nterprise f:ir ni 0 r c 1han any hcnvy h<ind of 1i1ovrrnnH'11!. ('apitt1.lis111's Lrue epi 111ph n111y turn out tu be · ""-·c brought il on our~lve!.'' Lei us hope not. Can Fo1•1l C'ut tl1e Palace Guard? The Royalized Presidency \\'ASHl'.\GTO'.'J -How far President Ford real!y intends lo deroy alite the pn.':>i dc ncy dc pt.'nds on his reaction to a pri\'ate proposa l to slash the \\'l1i1e llouse p..ilaer _guard. both in its 1;1\·olle.n nun1bers and Spt.'<'ia! pri1·ileges. The proposal fron1 a forn1 er ~ixon nide. plus ~e\·cral others. is no"· under scruliny by lhc Ford transi tion staff. headed bi· An1b11ssador D on a Id ltu111~feld iiohcrt Hartmann . .i\l r. Fvrd's infl uential lon1?li1ne <iide and ne\': CO\H\- sclor. has rec o r.-i- n1ended drastic stnH reductions. r-.tr. ForJ tends lo agree. N e\'erthcless . .!'k ep- t ici sm an1on1? .,~ord p.artis;ins persists Y.hether this Pre~i­ dent 11·ill be any n1ore resolute than others in draconian reductlon of his own staff. \\"hnt n1;:1kes this so important to ~I r f·ord 1s rhe pt'r\·a.~i\'e t:ontribution vf the royahzcd prCFiidcncy to \\'atcrgate ;ind the disgrace of Richard ~t. l'\1xo11. Grand Rapids Ford is p I a in shoe :'-l!d11 cstern. hut e1·en his prcsidcnL'}' \\ill retain iinper1a! 1rappings if he keep.:-. a huge Vi"l111c Hf.lusc staff isolated fru1n 1ht'> c1tizcn rv and ine.vllably n1ade urrogant by the perquisites of office.. TllE f'OR~IER l'\ixon aide n1akin~ tl1e proix>sals helit>i·es that in normill 11111rs any President v;ill ah1·ays be i.''q)().<;ed to the pubhc. II is. then, only tt1e staff !hat can truly be iso!~tcd lron1 !he real 11·or!rl \\'hen the !staff is elephantine t1.nd don1 inates the entire f<'dl'ril l burC'aucracy as in the K1x11n .1 L·;1 rs. the effect Ciln be dc<iclly. 1'hus. !he fon ner a1dC'·., propo~:1 l calls for a dra~tic reduction 111 !hf' 1)rCs1dential staff. 5-10 toi:la:-o tornp:>rcd ( EVANS ·NOVAKJ 111th 2:>0 11 hen i\lr. l'\ixon too~ ofiiee. Al!hou1?h rt'tluetion is by f:)r !h..: 1111,,,1 1tll\JOrt1n1 cll·111enl i11 tl1c pltin, hl· proposes the~ l'hant;t'S for tht .;c I\ ho r1'n1a 111 . 1 l.1n11t the /l(lflnal 11·ork1ng da~· ro !2 hours, ri\'C days a ll'e('k . Thal 11·0\Jld end thl' 7 a 111 -10 p.n1 "'ork day , !'i x cln .1s and uflcn SC\'en da)S a 1..:.crk . 11 h1ch 11·~·re stctndard during the J\ixon ;.d1n1nislr:i.t1on . An)bolly 11orking \c:-is 11as sugn1a ti1.cd <L<: a shirker. Hence. the ;\1);11n aide·s hunl1in was bow1ded by the four 1.ralls of his \\'hiTc \lou~e offiec. ~. flE(}L'IHE e.\'en' <11de ti> get out ol \~";islungton ~nd 11s1t the L SA -11·helher Hagefsto1111, \Id .. 11r Los Angeles -at lc<ist on~·c 1r ry ~1'1; 111011\hs. Failu re to c:on1ply \\ould require a 11-ritten ex planation. 3. Sharply reduce. t/1e. ph~·,;1c:~l site of 1tw \\'lute l\ou:ie 1ness 1 presently S<'atinj? 321, status sy n1bol of f1rr ::..iden1i3! aides 11·h<'re presti.i;e co1npensates for bla nd cuistne -pcrhaps turning it in!o a buffet-st~ le lunl·h L"Ounter . That 11·ou!<l encoi1ra1'!c so1ne aides . ..,.·ho nc\'er lea,·e the \\"hile HouSI'. to eat out.c;ide se1·(•ral lln1r.s a ..,..ct"k. 1>1.·rhap~ l'l'Cn on Capital 111 11 \\Ith Thi' peorlr.~· rt•presentaUl'CS. 4. Close do11"n the \\'hi ll' flou~~ ba rl"lf'r shop "If these J!ll)" i«1t1 't gel off th,•11 hlit1 S llllt'C a 111utnh to gc) ~1'l th1'1r h,1irr·u1 lik t• t1'C'f\'b1Jd\ t·l st• 111 the "urld, 11 ·~ rv11 dainn iiad:: so)S the lvnncr illtk• ~. STH ICTl .Y 1111111 the use O{ \rt11!(> l !tH1~1' lunousincs ro senior :tldts -j1(T· ha ris no n1orf' than 1en -<.'On1 pclliog the !'resident 's 1nen to 101n their fl'll<•'·" Atneric;ins bt'hind the 11·hecl fii;l 1t1ng rush-hour traffic. The dero~·a!i1.1nR spirit i~ rongeni.1\ It) ;it leit.~t one rne111ht·r or .\I r Fords four-man transiflnn 1e;u1i. 11ho 1:;; n1:1k1nrot a ~1111 of ch.1lin~ !us ""n r:ills frl1111 the \\'hilt• 11011<..r · It 1s a hunibhng l"\l>t'ft('ll('{' !hut I r1'l'Olillllt.'lld tU the l'rrs1dc11t '." staff."" he luld u~ :i.lorl'Ol'C'r. n rc<l11t:l'd s1;iff at the Ford \\'h1te I lnu"l' fits both thr n l' 1Y i'rl'~l<IPnt's ilica of rc<:1or1ni:: pohr~ and nl)l'rations to C"abi net-levcl di•partn1e.n!s :"Ind dt~·1nph:1s11.1ng his 01\·11 staff It ril!'n l'o1nports \I 1th his t•""n f1rr11 1de~1 s of n· drro)alize<I presiritncy. RL'T SK F:PTIC I S~I slen1~ nut only fr•>111 prl"·(·dt'll1s of pa.~t l'rc~1dcnts ht1t :-.Ir Ford·s 01111 rc('ord. \\"h1'n he !-U!'('N'dt·cl Spiro T ,\~11c..,.· ;is \"tl'C' Prl'Sidt·n t, hv kt·11t !he '-IJ(f <Jl a s~·o!ll'n r• Th<'r<' i.:;, furthcrn111rc. St•lllf•thing ahout rhi> \\'h1tr 11 .. u~r <1l111vsphcre !hat 1·ncourages royal1!>111 llPb !l:1rtn1ann. a tou~h old r ..:-11t•11 spap1>r1nan 111thout 11 11s1\J!e ru,\'alii;t l111ue Ill h1 ~ body, bcld ;i 1·<'ry 1011· op1111fl11 ill thl' rule or ··<vunselor."' a 1)rf'tr1111ou~ and faintly EuropeaniLl'CI ('ab1n1•1 rank C"reatcli by Pre!'.idi.'111 t\1..:on. \rt. v"h(·n :\1r. r·ord (1uirkl~' 11anied l11n11er Rei) John ~1;ir6h of \'i rg1n1a his f1r~t c e b 1 n c l ·I e v' I i·oun~ch•r, in~iders !!RY !Mt ll art n1ann 11'(11tld !IC'l',~pt no li'ss fnr h1niself and no"" boasts the tlllt ··counselo r Har1r11ann ·· Til:il 11 ;.is n1~·rrly :"In early skinnish, rnd1ng 1n a 1n1n;1r 11ttOr) for rayahs111 . Th~· rnorc 1n•·:in11igtL1l test 1.., Prcs1den l F11r1rJ; rt>H('!ton 111 thi..i; l:i11d~1h!e (Ind u\t·rd11r pro1-.:is:1l "' t'Ht the pal.11.:e guard d1•\l!l \U ~I/('. UC Reg·ents' l1·ritating Economics Allbough the Regents and t op n1anagen1ent or !he tni1·ersity of t~;1Jifomia ho1·e complained bitterly fron1 tim e to time. of the ra ilures of Governor Ho nald Reagan and Fina.Jl{'(' Director Verne Orr to recognize the financial needs of the unive rsity, they have consistent ly act ed in a manner not likely to "'in public syn1pathy, for the ir i.:omplaints. As a for instance. at their lasl meeting the Regenls \'Olcd a 7.5 percent salary increase for President Charles J. Hitch although the S31ary increase for university e1nplo~·cs voted by the leg i.slalure. with 1he go\'ernor's approval, ,.,.as only 5.4 percent. It is one thing to give an assis tant professor earning $12 .000 a year a 5.4 J>f'rCTnt raise to adjust for cost of living. That is only about five bucks a week ofter deductions. But for l~itch, whose S55.00J annual salary \1·as already $G.OOO 1norc than that paid the governor. it 1neans close lo a $100 a "'eek \vh.ich is more than many, paying the taxes to provide the salary. earn. AND TflOSE familiar "'ilh government kno'w\· thn t the inequity docsn·t stop with llitch. Having raised his salary It can he e1:pccted that sin1ilar raises. in excess of those granled the rank and file professors "'ho do the primary job in education. "'ill be. acco rded the rest of the university top brass. These things nlight nol be so nluch of fltl irritant to the public if everyone's sa laries \Vere kee ping pac(' \\•lth inflat1on nnrl If there 11·as full em ployment. It seems everyone is aware that this Is not Tht: case c:c:ccpli11g those <it tJ1e (EARL WATERS J hight'st Je1e\:s in the c'luea!ional system. llitrh and the Regents constantly plead the need fur more lax dol!ars to run the uni1·ersity. And each year the legislature aµpropri<i tcs incr e asing amounls of -t<Jx doll ars despite the declining cnroll1ncnts. AND. it 1nay well be that 1he students are getting shorted in son1e areas or educational needs. Stll!. u•hen th e uni \·ersity has. 1n addition to the half billion ta1 dollars ar.nually appropria1cd by the legislature, funds fro1n endowments, grants and other sources ne.:irly equal to lhat gi ven by the state. their needs bcco1ne a little difficult to understand. And they go-beyond understanding ~·hen the Regents not on ly pass out salary raises to a privileged fe1'.'. in c..:ccss of those give n to alt other cmploycs, but di ve rt cndoument funds to beSto1v huj:(e fringe benefit'! upon that cho~n few after the legislature hnd denied thc1n . l"or it \\'as al that same meeting that the Regents voted lo use c11dowtnent funds 10 furnish Hitch and th I'! chance llors free housing, servants and r11lcrtainment funds which had been slashed frotn 1he budget by the legisln ttu·c. TllE QUESTION raised by this aclion is whal Are tht: students lo be deprived of by thi!I diver~lon of enOOwn1ent n1oney? And. it it v.·as not bring used. \I hy couldn't it ha\·e been eannarked !Gr some of the t:hing1' \\'hich the Regents and Hitch nrc representing to the go1·ernor and the legisla1ure can't be dvt1e tor the student~ because or a luck o( fund s'! The onl y t'Onclusion to be dra1vn i~ that as far as !·!Itch and the Regents are concerned the top off icials are not lo be deprived anything even though it means the educalionaJ needs or the students must be sacrificed. OlANGI COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. \Vt td, Publi$htr Thoma.1 Keevil, Editor Barbar11 Krei bich Editorial Page Ed itor ~e t-ditorinl_ .pa2c or lllf• D11i1y Pi1ol ~k11 to Inform a.nd t11Umulate readen by presenlini;r on thi~ pqe divtr:w rommentary'on lofllL'ti ot in- 1~st by syndlC'aled (.'Qh1mnist1 ani.I cartooniahr, by pn:widing a ron1m ror re,aders' ,dew11 and by f!!'t'sl'nllnr thi11 ney,·spap('r'1 opinion .. nnd ldeu (Jn <:Urr•nt loplNt. l1'le' edtror1111l opinion.• of !hi' Dally Pilot appenr only In lhe ~ltoriaJ column at the tori of the paae. Opini1Jn1 e.11.pn',-.. rt! l1y 11wi col- umnists •nd c11rloon!1tt11 111wl lelti:r v.Tltf.1'11 &ff' thei r oo·n lllhfl no ,.nd0r.11P- mr.nt or ttitir vlf'Wll hy th(• Dallv Pilat .OOUld he lnftlnd. - Wednes_day, Augusl 21, 1974 \\ tf \tr I l'\' $111 !)ff' ~'! llfl on ;1111 I· 111~· "i." '" tl1 ,1 l1t'l tiu. s f'i'f I ha thr 11111 " Eagletori Aff<1ir 'C 1·eek T 1·agedy' ' J\'E\\r 'i'Uli"I !Ai'1 -Thl' II lfl' O/ Sl•11 (;I' U t' J.( 1' :\lct;o\·crn, i 11.s IJ 1 .,:irs !1" rt•\·crsi·d his "1,UtJU 1x·rt'('n1 " support 1i1· llis lt.172 Vil'(' pres1d<'nll;1I nu1111111.: n1:1t t·, ~11. ·rhon1;1~ Eflgll'luu. 011!\' afll'r "lung, coufidt·1H1;1I !1uu1:s on !h1' ft'lt•phont• l\illi do(•l ors ;u1d psychiatrists" Elc;inor :0.ll'<:uvl·rn S<l)>; th.d thl' t111•dic;il llll'tl II' I' r \' "t•:1ul 1ous bu1 dee11l1' rroulilt·•l " 111 their Pfl\.tlc d1~1·u-..;111u ... ,,f 1h:-.cl<1.,urL:-. th:1t l·:a~k·1ou h;uJ Ji1·t·11 tui;,p11:1!iL1·1t ... ,. \ t· r ;1 r t11Ji1·s fur tlvprt!:-.SJUll SllE S1\l l• 1111·1' 111'''1' l'Hrl· l'l'rt1t•d ":diuu! !hf' 1 •1:~ ... 1hd1ty lii:11 his!Ot'\ tlll:.!h: !Ill(' 1J.1.1 1 l1ru:-.t ;1 llt'f<.;~111 II llh I ('~'(lt'l'~·11 t 11lUllH'«fepn·::.~1\1· 1c"1dL !ll'I!'.; into lhr 111~'''1!. •1<'\ "~'l1t1t· ~;ud Iii•· 1111 11·~" h:1t! i i liudl·HI l'l'l IUdit'll,\ ," :-.lw -- ('t!lllllll'tl1l'd \Ir., .\h·l:1>11•in de" l'il11·s t!,, · r;1·1·v~ lr<1g1'th " 1Jf th1· l•'.lltilt•l <Jll ;1l f:111' Ollld Ii l' r l11J~l1:11Hl's l]uo111(•d l'Htllj)<ilgll Jin' 1111· IJ!'l'Sl\l('llC,\' in "t'p!1tll: ,\ l 't'l''-UU:LI S!Ot'V" 111'1!11•11 II ith !hl' <lltf Of ,ht•t' t11111u•!' 11r1'""' :->('1't't'!<ir1. ,\1;11·1 F1111·1i lln,1 t r•:'\'.l't•rp!; f!'<Jlll ii1c houk, lo h,, puhl1sht•d by lluughinu \1 1f1l1n . ;1p1X'.a r In !h e S(·plo·1111lt'r l~SUC ot (;u...,U I luu~1·J..1•1•p111g n1a.~:lLU'P \1HS. \let;O\'EB\ r1•1·:ill:- ;1 hr1·:1ktas1 1•1t·vt1ng 111 1111·11· 1:u·;1t1on 1·;,IJ111 1n 1111• l~la 1 ·k 11 111:-. ul :-.t1111h IJ.i~1•l.1 durun: 11 /1u h "ht· -.;1uJ !1:11111 En~l1·tu11· ;111d !11s \\ir,. co1!!·1·rli •il 1: l1:1rl bt.:l'!l <I lli1S1:1I ~ "to ~:Cl'll 111,. :1 h·111 al lu·;d1)1 111:il11'1' q111;•1" 11h1•11 .\lr·l:u11 ·rn vl1u:-.l' !l1ro \lisso111·1 \l'll<il or :is h1,; !' l• 1111111 I.; 1 t 1: 11'' UNIFORM FACTORY .. .. .. ... ... -. OUTLET PERKY RICRAK TRIMMED SMOCK TOPS Blu(' or Hot P.no. Si te'> XS·Xl Reg. S16.00 UPI TclePhOlo (_·, •. ~1rf1 :t~1•·1..01..os Pr1n1l' t\l i11 i:-.tcr l'idc·t l 'a:-.!1(• has :q.;rrcd I!• p,:1rl1C'1palt.: in ·r\' ~Pl'L'­ ial 1111 Er111•-;t l[c1nin g· 'var lo IJe f1l111ccl on lo- cal.ion in Cu1J :1 'l'lll' :.iu- 1hnr S]H!ll\ ~ c v (' r a I 1nonths a ,\Car 111 ('uba. ·.· .. .·· AUG. 18 '"'" AUG. 25 St11cl v Say~ . - N11c·lear Ri sk U,,v \\'ASJ!l\'C ;'('(l\' 1 L'l'I • _.'\ l)t.'r~n l'as a f.1r gr1 .. 1\1'r th<lllL'l' 11/ bt·JJIK k1llt•d b) a\ hu rril':lllf' or ltgh1 n111g th;111 hy a nut:ll'ar JX1\1 l'r pl H 11 t a ce1 <lent . aL·co1·1l1 11g to ;1 111o·1 year stud y. "The fi1et 1s !hal nuel!'ar ;1cc1de111 proh:ibilitit•s :irt• "o lo\\ that th1·y art:' insign1f1e:1nt l t•on11x1rl-d !O !ht> 01·erall ri~ks tl ue to oilier n1an-111;1dc and natur.d ri:.k..-." !hf' dr.1fl ri'port on the go1 t'rlllTil'll~·I :-.JYt11sorl·fl :-.fudy 1n1n lh1·1 \;1f1·1_1 uf \hf' 11<1!ion's aton1n· 1.u11t•r ~;11d Tul'::.d,1~ I ··,\LL 4rTllEll :ri·,·idl'tll" 1111·lud111g f1r11S. C\fl!O~IUllS,I lti>;i<' t·ll1·111it'a l n·l ca 3c~. da1H f;11!ul'(·S, <: a r l h q u a k t':. ·j J1urric;u1cs and tflrnadoe:-. tl i;11 l1avC' l.JCl'n cxan1inl'd in thi s stud\• ::ire niuch 1norc likt·lv to ··orc11r and f'an 11:1\'.c i·o11.~1·qu{•ncc~ co!l'1p.1rable lo or grl'<il('r th3n n u L' l t' <1 r acci dents." j\'c1·rrthe!C'SS. the r c po r l s;:1id there ahr::i1 ~ is son11· 1·hancc of a 11ucl car ;1cc1 denl I iust as !here al·1·t1.1s is n t'h:inc{· uf a non -n u c I c• <J r <H'l'!d1·n1. The draft <.:;1id . "\It' du nut 110\1 . and ne1·C'r ho1·1'. li11•1! in a ri:-.k-frl'l' 11orld.'' Tht' $3 1nilliun invcst i 1";~1!ion \1-as financed bv the Ato1nil' Energ\ Con1nii.!i~ion a n d dirC'ctect by Dr. i\'o rn1<1n C. R.1 sn1us~n. Professor o f N u c 1 e a r Eng1neerin~ <it ~1assachusetts Institt1te o!' Tf'('hnology. The Al'~C said the study \\·as ilw 111 o s t co n1 p re h e n s i v e ever undertaken on the subjeet TllF:JtE ABE ABOLT :iO t'O rnn1C'rt·ial nuclf'ar \)\)ll l'r plant s in operatio n n11d 1hel'f' h<ll't• bct'tl no n 11 c 1 r ;1 r a{·1·1 d t·nt s Tht• :-.t l!ci _\· t•1111s1tlr rf'd th<' 1_\JI{' r1·art or~1 11:-.<'t! toda_\· .::ind did not luol-. :it !hf' ad\·a nred hrf'f':lrr 1~ oc rt'<tt'IOrs t'Xf!ec!1•cl lu !)(•gin operation in th<• rnirl {Q~o·~. Th!' qtu!st1011 of ~;1 ho\;1_g1· 10 SA'.\TA Al\:A ;,,()L Tl I COAST PLAZA W y.uut \\'est shirt 1.1ckLr. Lt· .HhL·r look-a! ikc L·rnbroi\ll rL d \1 ith dcsc rr flora :1nJ f.1un:t on lh i: frbnt :i nd b:iLk yoke. Sin1rl L' t() L ltan \\'ith :i sponge: Jn<l su:1p. ()nl y at l3 ullnck's in \1·hicc.-. Al ... u 111 bonl' or b1.1ck. 6. J 6, 830 )Ou n1.1y urJ<:r by n1:1i! ur phon L. ~h<:r,,·yn CuJrS :i nd Suits • ' ' . ., ,, •' ' '. " ,, ' ' ~ I I ' •Ji' I I •9 ' I I I I 14, I I I I /~ I I . ' ' i ' I I I I I I ' ' '' , , " " ,, ,, ' " ' ~ ...... _._,/ .. --- --=-==------:. l'lAILY PJLOI ' i 1\ ~' Hu!lock's Santa Ana. l Fashion Square, 2800 N. J\.-1.J.in SrrL cr. S.int.l 1\n.1. 1 l:it 1'h1>n c::) 1-;---2 1 \, Bullock's South Coast P laza, San Diego Freeway at Bristol. Cust.• ~lc s.t. Telephone: ~)(,.lJ6J I In Ro1r11e Bar·Corn J('r'>ev .:i nuclear pcv;er 1Jb:1nt \1,:J<; no1 l---------------------------------------------- eo·. onc1on. ..:o•. Nylon NOW ,1t;,>cl 1v' tnrv Avg.;~ COME SEE THE VARIETY! 11749 CARDINAL CIRCLE GARDEN GROVE Has an unbelievable se lection at competitive prices .~~ W ~o~~!relo~~he8l~s~~o~!r can B AN~~~!RI C ARO vou !1,.,a 1hc auanhl1e'>. sue M .h!, j M and c_olor selection !tial you -···· --co:i n at U NIF"ORr-~ F"ACTORY ... -:. .. ... ... AV <' • ..-t ., . . -· ' ,.,,,,.Ou« · "'"' ''" • au r L • t ' ' . t • ''' 0" I' V .,,, ,, 'M ,. ,., < I fJ '· I l L ' • '• '' '~t ror>v •' r "'' ~'l l• A .. O ,.,,,-,., ., ~""~ ( . ' .. , -' lilllf.-''.:.· .:.· ..:..j • " . • OUTLET.th"Onty !<1ct oryou•-11' II'! on#ltit· V.~s1 Coast And ._,;,nn'" ,\•' n ... ,, (lti({'~ tn<1! dre ,qr'.! t OWE R !h,111 do-;.coun t Some .r1 l1 n 1d {'d 5•t('5 & ~1 v1c~ By Order of the Board of Directors of Costa Mesa Jewelry & Loan, In c. SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 7 P.M . SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 -12 NOON considered. Th(' n1ajor risk involvt•d \\ ith a nuclt·::i r pcl\\.t'r pl;:1nt is the release of l:lrge amounts of radio:lcti1·e material due to )t s n·ing of failures 111 a! v.·ould lead to the 1ncltin~ of t™' react or's uraniun1 dio;{fdc fuel. BC'c.:iuse fhc fuel contains only ~1 sn1;ilJ an1011nt of the 1•nri('h('d type used in \\'(1apons, it is in1possible for r111c leoir p:)11·r r plan ts ! n l'\plodc like an ::rto1nir bon1b. Forti Goes To Pr<'.~ ... \\.\:-;H/.\Gl'f l.\ +LPl 1 - Prt·~1d1·111 Ford h il s :1pp1rt•<l tor ;1 :-s 01• i il 1 l' Ill I' Ill I) (' r .~ I\ I ll Ill !lit• l\.Jlll•fl<jl l're:.:. L'lub i luri :-nurt·cs :-aid lhnt Fortl's ;ippli<'ntion. d·1tL·tl f\ug . 13. was for1rardcd for co11sid('r;_1tiot1 to 1111• n1·~1 n1l'r l1ng of t 11 t' 111•·111ht·r:.liip cun1111lttl'C ln'ip ection •I 11 , h \ \, ,111 l.1\ t I 11 u I 11j l.1 \ I 111111, f 1•\1 111i ,. 111,·1·111 111 ,, \ \ 1 II I l• · < )1 lf·r( '(I I tir Hld OUT OF PAWNS• ESTATES• PURCHASES FROM INDIVIDUALS Half-Million Dollar Stock of IJ 1i1 1111111cl .... L11,('r;dcl .... ~.q J 11l1 i r("'· l\lill i t ·~. (~11!11l1 •\v1·lr\·,1)()( kt•l \\1.1tcl1c''· ()11,d ... , :\111 ic1t11· )1 '.\\t•l 1\'. 1.1<ll '. ( d l'\'('l l l.icli" < 111 ... lt 'r l\111 ;..: .... \\'c1 11 l1c·, -l\<1 ll'X , ()r11 1·g,1, I l.i111il111n . lritli.·111 l1 ·\\t·l 1\. \11·rl1n~~ \rl\·1·r. • Free Coffee •Air Conditioned Costa Mesa Jewelry & Loan 1838 Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa, California (714) 646-7741 National Liquidators j\\ .... lo.\\lth!h '!<ll \\\\llh:ll l\l",I I SAYE THIS NOTICE! THERE'LL COME A DAY WHEN YOU MEED IT! ROY McCARDLE 0~~E~sSOMDHING EXTRA! WHEN YOU DECIDE TO SEU. YOUR HOUSE THE REGULAR PHOTOGRAPHIC MULTIPLE LISTING ..... ~ + ~ SKETCH· STING PLUS ' Of YOU SO DISllll IAT MO UTlA COST! Ji. ..c.t .... ' ' ._ .... . ·'' ,, ""-•"·--'!'<'"" f .1 .. _ • ,, . ~ t~ ·;·--,,, .. ·--· ·~ " .. , '., ""'~-- 111" " . ' ··~ ... .... > •• ' •""' i"'-, ........ ' • ,. ,_ 1-·-.. -.. , ··-; ... ~:· i .. ·.-' .... 1· ''': "~ ,. -., ; > --•·' ·-·· . ' .. '' .. ' .. ,,,.,. .. '..... ..... . . . ·-.. .. l SKETCl:t-LISTING SHOWS. • YOUR HOUSE AS IT REAlL Y IS · • TllE DETAILED FLOOR PLAN • All ROOM SIZES • HOW YOUR HOUSE SITS ON YOUR LOT • All VIEWS AND CONVENIENCES • All TREES. SHRUBS, & FLOWERS • All IMPROVEMENTS • All UNIQUE FEATURES SKETCH-LISTING WILL •.. * MAKE AVAllABlE TO All REAlTOllS IN YOUR AREA ... PfRSPKTM SKETCHES OF YOUR HOUSE. * PROVIDE A BITTER CHANCE Of SIUIHG YOUR HOUSE AT A HICHER PRICf Dll TO INCREASED ADVERTISING. *PROVIDE A HIGHER PERCENTAGE OF ELIGIBLE & QUALIFIED BUYERS SINCE BUYERS Will KNOW WHAT THEY'RE GOING TO SEE BEFORE THEY ARE BROUGHT TO YOUR HOME. 4889 SEALAflJ<.~.M~.""' Si ~ llt'MCllm ~ -* lll4fl/lfJlD Wai' "' ~ Ctl«Tllffl , .... Tiu Mtf()I• '' 1 lo:.111oovs ~'~" CALL ~YIJOllS 48 ·77Z9 (al'!-/If!~.[ .. '1111 /"' ~-,..,..,.,,, .. ROY McCARDLE REALTORS 1110 MIWrOIT IL VD, COSTA MISA., CALIF. 541 .. 7729 Over 23 years of considerate service from th e same loca tion. I - 1\ u OAI L y .-11 or Fo1· tl1 e R eco rcl ,.. ' Disst»llftio11s Of lNar1·iage 1'"11•..i "''"'"'' I 0.o~n•r h Ool<><t • I..'"" 1<~r1 •"II (.1¥<1t {"I..., ~•ac > ""-n.,1 Htll:ln """ (ht•¥1 lV•M ll••l'ltl l(f'"'°'" N .,,.., r\r•rt Al a Volt •. lttV'I"< A"d !ll OOof" ,.0,..•'11 DoQ<I• Jo"" Ltld"<I • ..., (llt n 0.0 •1.,.,,. Pl11> 1,· . .i·• ~ rn••d t"tl O•O'-n ''"" ltvl~ '"'"'°'" A ~"<l J•'1•" • (&rolsn II"• 0 •"' 1pOm " I AOle lltoltl, A""' •ftV ~''"t'n N0<1""" 11.t '' IPnt>ald ,.,,.,..! •"II ·~·•l•v t~n ., ..... C.tD•~~ JV'r ~ .... Jt~!I P·v• .,,,..,.,...., Pam• a J••'" .. "' ""'·•II All•ll<! p~"'"9'"" 11,,,,.1., \\t 'I•' • , <I J N ... Uf' lf;;t Y 5..,nn, B•era• 11 """ 11.,,,a1d '/; 11 a~· Dv•t E !•idDf'I~ M t rroll ~ .. d Oa .. ~11 '" Rt""'" Al!1"CI l AM L•'""" o;~1 !lie--"~'• Cnt,.tlAnt G I ~· 1 t'~n••8 C nmr""rl"9. W'i• d''° G"'•'8 ""°'' ~:1tll!'<, Ev~•"• II •no H•rN r& • ll1vm011d L o"a'"" """ Jt m•• !ll lcn1•d Pl'.''•·lln. ~1"i!hA1'1f' 0 And 0'(•" ... s~~'~rr.rl Paymonct <= 1r.<1 Fr•ncl, M. ~rl . (n1rl"''"' S .,,d W!llO•"l ' RnOdt•. Gre<;tC>l'Y Ll""t nct and Corol~n D•rltr~ flo"elMt. !11111• Je&n •"<I Cnorlt• A111!1n. J•mtt ""<I Pa!dtl ~ l\•ode•kt. J~mt1 E .1n<1 M~d<">nd '·' ~hdlng, Mav11ur """'" Jt •ln tnd M•r• Ed.,. Md McCOWft, J•tnn• E ll•" ilnd Le .... 1~ A.LJ>e•n Rult . Mlthatl TOdd t nd JICQ~llne "' D1vld""". Ptklc ~ A, ,.,d Patric,. J. 9rGWn. J1v G. t nd M,.,gt r t l Ann Stipe!., Shlri.v E. Incl Pt•t• F. McDaniel, C1rol Ann Ind H-erd WOVrtfl L~wrd, ElfW1rd 1nd NOft..., Sanders, ~tnd•t F1y •n<I Wllll•m w"u ...... eerg11f"om. Robtrt W11ttr t nd Anl'IOl>tt Whl1,.y Knt1>9. Jofln R UICI "'•rlarle June Oo'""!loo.kl, Jud•!~ Ann ond J~eph Antt>ony DthlQU/11, NI... v1ruln•1 I nd Jo~Pn Gtvlt~ <c,.11n1t. M1ry L . ...a Jowph A. Catrev. Gltfl ........,611 ono Shlrlte Oltl't !ll t l\llud. Dorol"v L. I ncl WiUl1m w. ll OM. ~u1•n t'Wl i;..,,ge Willlt m \'lt V, Jt..W. K. t nd Ctr~ L Ltm••· CtrlOli AMl1r<IO 1n<1 Kalnt rlnt ...... 1, Plliltn, Cntrl" 1 •llxf Ce•nrr.nt M. Jonni.on, Btl"bll'I Jttn .ond Rober! '" Ou!-ctn. Mlcn...,1 SI•""" t nd "''""' B•l!lnlrn•P>. Dol0<•• A ~"" Mar~ A. WfYY!t. Ct rolvn M•lcolm tnd Kf'l'ldrlc- ' S!ll!llt!on. JtmtS Cly<lt tnd Vicki Jo Mirr. l •n'" Lovlst •rxf Alli..,., Lane• Eme111'io, "'"nldln R. 1n<I Uebol1h A. l!"t''"' ,. ....... s w11coll. M•rQa•eT """ Roc-ri (onno11v, p.,1rlc i1 ~ 11'1(! Jer<>m• C. C1rlwn, Marloroe Ann •n<I Merl• Lt '" No"!~ J•"" M. and w111on Josapto , .. sm1111, S..h•on trn:L J W Llt11<, Nu>e1 arxt s1 .... 1rl T BrtnlWn. LvM lle c. """ Mic hael J. RH~,. ()l!nna R•e""" """""In WI•"" 1-1...... Clalrt M.!trle and Wll!lam llt•nt rd, Jr. Ptt Rosi.o, JOWl)fl Mltniti 11'd Oontlt Gt il Deall1 Nol ice• •JOllKMA" Eu41ll t M. &!orkml n ol C°'la />Itta. CA. o.i1 "' c1t11n A"°"'~' 29. !91•. Survlvld by ,,... 11..-bend Jo!ln A. l!lorkmt n: 3on ond 11 .. ..,,.nter •n·llt\O/, r~. A. Mn.. J. It_.! •lor'omtn: cirtn<I'°", JDh<'I R. ll j0<~mtn. J r.; 11ran<1111uglllt<, &t rlt HoOQn. ~II o! CO\I A Mnt; onlt c'Olher, On o l1nr DI (l!icl(IO, llllnol\. Sff>lkl'S 11:00 AM 'T!>\/r~dtv. Ptcil•t Vi-(l\;;11ltl O!!ld Mll, RtY. Jol\n A Llft<lvlll. 1ntermt .. 1 f'ac;r1c v I 1 .., Mirmor•al ""'"' Newpan 8eJcll, directed bV PKllk Vi-Mortu1ry, E"OIL&Y PtUl William EndSll'Y. Oere of 0.fflh A\111""1 H. 191• •I thl -ve of 7J. !llMldenf of Hunllno!on 9HCh, (II Survlv~ bv nis w!le, M r1. Jtrtitt Erxf11-11 broTl!tr. J&.,.,.. A. E!'l<l1 lev of Hun if1910n lleacn: two 1i11ari. Aniun·~ L. E""•!•v ol Hun!lngt.,,, Be~ch •nd Debrt J Ent!1ltv. Huntington 8ea~h. R111ary will bf ht!<I We<Jnfsdav •~•n•ng at 1'00 PM. ~t. l!01>8ventu•t Cl!hqlic (Mirth. F1ma••I mt,.. 9 00 A!.\ T~u··1<1•v. sr. aorie1111n!ure (<1!nolic ("u•cn. lnter-mf"T Holv C•ou Cem,.•er,, Los AnQtlt1. ~mll/11' MDt!Yt "' director•. LOUDO" Ernmt JcDwn LOtJ<ton of ,.ewoort Bt•<l'I. Otl& "' dtlll'I Augu•I 11, 1914. Svrv!~"° D~ "" l'lvsDan~ J1mt1, ion" JI~• And W!lli~'"· d<IVCl~lr" C~T , ....... V•IP, and lrfM LoUdon-''' <i••noc~llorr" ~rMcn wc•r ntld Tue1d~V Auov•t 111 t i ll·C.O noon. P~clllc V1f w Cl>oll>!'I lnter~r. P~<1!1c Vl,.w Me'T>Orlt l P~·•. di•&c•llll bv Pee.ht V•tw 1.,·..,..1u•rY. Tn, l~mllv 11RC1r•1' .,,.,...0,111 Cr.ft!r!bullo"' 119 mtde 1o Tne liolO H<np.111 Au~llitr, ' AllUCKU & SON . WESTCLIFF MORTUARY "427 E. 17th Sr.. Collo Me~o 646.4888 -·-ILATZ-BEI0£10N FUNll.AL HOMI Cotono del Mor Collo Me:.o -·- 673.9450 646-2424 BILL UOADWA Y MOITUUY r JO Broodwav, C<:i:.10 MeliU 642·9 I 'J) ' -·-DILDAY BROTHERS MORTUARY 1791 I Be<x.h Blvd. Hvnington Becxh 842-7771 244 Redondo Ave. lor1g Becxb · (213) 438-114.'.> -·-McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1795 logu"o C onyon l!d. 494-9415 -·-McCORMICK MISSION MORTUARY 28832 Cornino Copi11rono Son ~ Copi11rono 495-1776 -·-PACIFIC VIEW . MEMORIAL PARK C.einetert /,...o rluory ChoP"I 3500 Pocil•c V1"·" [)r,.~ Newporl Beoch f ';ulorn•o 644.'1700 -·-PllK FAMILY COLONIAi. FUNERAL HOM! 780 1 Bolw A'te .. W e1tm1nJJef' 893-3525 -·- 5MITHS' MORTUARY 6'11 h\o1n St. Hu111lngton &,och ~36-6539 --'WESTMIHSTff ~IALPAIK ~..-n.t01 1 ""°''"'ll'Y l ln1-..I l4dQI 1:1."3C.li 9/vrl. Wm;1,.,,,,.1" Coh!orroo l:rJI f/15 C011cer11 011 lfff(•t• Issue CHAIN Gang Report Alarms Commission !\A \1',\ A'\.\ -Thr Ora11g1· I uunt~ lluti1Jn It t' l tit l o n -:- 1 11nl1n1.~ .. 1on h:i~ l'<J!l('d on l (\ill'l'rni:d 1111nor1t y gr o Lt I) lo•r+rit'f~ to ll lt't'l Sl.'pl 12 lo diM'l1S$ lht' JXJS.~lbll' L11\p:1Ct t1f 11 l'robat1on Lkp:irtrnt"nl report on i.::1n~ a('llviUl'!i ·rup ('on1n11ss 1uu uffici;~l s hu\'e c ntlt!tf'd th.: t:i-11agv rciJort. prl'll[l 1'ic\l al th I.' req\ll'!'o l of Sup1:rvi:-;or 11alph Cla rk 's ch1r·f t1d1n1nistruti\'L' a.ssis!<1ul . "Thi.' c·orn rnission found \hf' r<-•port fu ll <.rf gcueralizt cl Aid Ai111ecl At Priso11 Repeater" SANTA A1\':\ The Orange C.Ounty Pub!ic Defen~ der's office. will 3eck $52.000 in , fedt•ral and state funding to ...: pay for an cxpt'rimcntal ,! progr.i:nl aimed at cutting (i '.< down the number of habitual offenders. !'olal t•1Hl·11t' ;1hu111 \ ,1 r t o LI s r111·1aJ l!l •Jups. ul \111· t·ounl)'. 11 !ul'h 11 a.~ ll•l:il !y un1H'L't"ssary . ind d{'tr:il t'i r1·d dr rs from the ni:11ri prohlt•1n of gang e1r·t1vi!y tu tile l!Slll' of rnce." s:ud hun1:ir1 rl'k111v11s cornrn1s:i1on J)1rl·1~lor J\lurry l.l ndros. T 111•: l' t1 \1 .\1 I S SICJN'S 1 rll1t·1:.n1 l'am1· on the he<'l" of ii rl'IKJI l 1! I S~Ul!d on lhl! pr uhlrln!'> ur youth in !h1· l'.11 1 ul \h ut report 1111·l ud t'd ;1 ~UI I l'Y <jUl'StltJn sl10Yi1J1g 1110!'.t .)UUng pt:oplt! 111 o•!IUllC grOUp' (ro11 !1 VII \·1ol1·nt gang at tl\'11}' Don f: H.11l:.tron1 a:is1.-.1.1n t dirl·L'lur ur ~pl·C'1,1I proba tio n supt:rv1 sion :uu.I lht• 111.ul \1ho 11rl'pan'll the rl'porl , :.:11d !ht• comr11iss1on's <:rtt 1r1~1n 1 S rnisguith•d and 1 11~1·s Ji l s f1ndu1gs uul ur cul\1l'X1 "Tins 1s ::i sub)el'l lh;il is i·asily 11Hsw1<l c r~t11otl .. 111d 1 ~ I h r c :1 ten 1 n g 111 rn:111 y fl'Spt't ls." lla ll~tron1 :..ud "II h:is lo be put 111 11 s prOpl'I' µt>rSl>\'l'lL\C. hut unrur1 u11.1ll'ly 1t hets bt.'t'n d1stortcc\," r lli•te to Hold ll11t JJ11s es Lo l 'ost Jl1orc I lallstro111 ::><11d h~ d.ovelopt'<l tht· report 1n :1bout thrf'C• 111 ·1·~~ U!!LI\~ d;Jla b:Jlhl'rl·d Ill 111u·rv1ews .,.. itl1 g<cng n1crnb ers .ind libl'!J1·11·~ lh:1t d.-:d w!th rh··1n lie s;ud the report 1vus 1n- tt·11dl.'(! lo be a 1>n·l11n1n:iry pro· fl!c v.·1th su~gest1on~ for flir · thi·r ;1t:l1un ;ind not :i s1ieL·1tll'. ~r1cnufu·:dly dot·u111c1ll1,;d <in· alv:.1s of the J.(<1n~ llallstron1's l'l'J>Orl 11t1'i prc- parC'd sonic t1rni.: a~u tJut !11y on 11 shelf un lil 1( 1'f:tS l1>akt'd lo the press. ll;dbtrunl s~ud Thef l Briugs Jail rre1111 S/\1\ttl'A A.~:\ -,\ t'an.111;1 dcl /.l;ir 111,in 11 ho pleadL'<l ~llilt~· to tJ11r~lary eh:irg('s :-.,\\TA ,\:-o;r\ -'fhc UrangC' t-Ounty 1'ra11.-.1 L [)1~tri(·t'~ fill'd :1ftrr lie broke 11llf1 ;_1 l;i \ r:ih· f1ir the t•urrcnt fisc:il Yl'ar 1vill st;1y t)1,• ~;111ic !oc;1! caf(' has !JcL'll Sl'ltlt.'ll<'('d b\I! 11 1, !ikl•ly rnost honi('Ol\11CJ"S \111! be pa,11ng llHll'l' to 10 !'ocl i'n rnonth!i in Orungc ki:t'P the \;us('S: running. t'o11nty J:dL !ll~rltrl dirL"ttors voted unanirnously to hn\d Ilic r:1 !t• Supt·rinr Co1u1 ju rl f!: i; al 4 ;1 cents pt.•r $100 of asses.-;t'<l v<1luation. Bu! \I 1111 .in l·:vcrl'tl \V ])1l·kt,1,1 ordcr1•d tlll• expected 17 percent jun1p in property valuatlun, 1nost 1;,, J:lll tl.'/'111 ;ual lht'l'(' ~rars bills \I ill go up. pn1hat1011 fnr Hohl' rt :'llc:\ed I 'l'hc property tax prod uces only a sn1all por tio.n of lht' \Vhytock. 2fi. of 41'.'l Iris A\'t'. di st rict's annual budget. In 1974·75 the taxes v.·1!! r<1t.'l'C \\·h.11o{·k 11 :1 ~ furthl'r ordcrtlCl ahout Si.2 million of th<" $18.9 million spending package to n1,1kC' hill fl'Stttution .~nd directors have approved. . ."1t:1y a11<iy fro1n alcoholic Another S2.2 mi llioo is raised by the 2:K:ent f:ires J><"Hd bc\'rrages. by riders on the buses and the remaining $14.3 rnilhon \rh~tock "'·;is ilrrf'sted b~· comrs from SC\'Cral federa l coffers. \'i.'\\ port Jk>ach pohcf' ~ta\' 9 the report was intended to be kept confidential because CTr· t<11n sourl'l'S "-ere nan1ed who could have been hanned . Llndros said the r e p o r I r1uotes hin1 but lhul llc1ltstron1 never tafke<l to hi111 . llallstron1 suid Lindros is wroni.: and he did have a tl'.IC· phone CQnversu!ion v.·ilh Lhe ton1mission ehie( in the course of his invcsti~at ion. "He <'Vt·u rererreJ n1e 10 three other source~ or 1nfor· niation," Hallstro111 s:ud Tiit: CO~l~ll S1'101\'.:S key objections to lhC' repnrt sten11 fro1n an apparent laf'k of raet·I 11111 data to support 1'Q11ten11ons l\<1H~i ron1 m;ikes abot1t !lir n;1iurc of county gan l.( ;1ct11!11 SAVE ON CHAIN LINK FABRIC 50°/oOFF* F.O.BRICWHE~ !~STALLED IY WARDS •G•te•. po1h. l°'""I, tttti.iqt ..,di.II....._.,.. tdrll .t _. ~lo• ~c11.Coll fortrH11ti.ah todllyl WOOD ,\MD waOUClHT llOH ALSO A 't AIL.AILI HUNTINGTON CENTER 1111 _., ..... , HONER Pt.AZA ,_._,,,., __ -t<l4t<I WOODBU RY UNIVt~RSITY M ! l Clttrtt •• i111•r, .... 1 '"'"<!""'"" '"' r •.•• ""' \'tel"''"l1un •••\I """'"'I' FAll QUARTER OPEHS sur., 1;..,.1 nn .. 1t••l i-1~~""". 'I • .. tun~ 11e1_,,.,.,1 t .,.,.11•' ~"'\ont On<nl"'! t n"~'"ll' l'r• M mlO.'W"' < nun••hn1 lotuon' \"""'•\one Al!•n "'uol<n• Ad•·• .. rn•nt f ~ll Pro(!l"'-DIJ I. 1•1•1•1 p .. 1.t1<n• 1·· r<ff'1t h !• ...... co1 11• UOtft>f l MS D11ru •• • AC(0UN11NG • 8ll!:o1Nl~'> MANAGfMfNI • Al l O!!Nl!N1, • 1N llllNA !IOr~Al Bll~INt ~S • IN IUIN• ll()NA! 6US1Nl!>'> l 1cht lo1 •I ~t1encr Detrtt 1ncl1rf•nt l•c f1rlfs 1!, • A(tl)\JNllNC· • "•TE~l()fl 1~r c,1r.r~ • f\11 ... Nf ~'> ff 0N0Mll'> •!NlfRt<Alo(Jl-j,\( llU~INt<.,<, • M ... NA_(,EM(N! • M /IM~I !IM•• • ~ CJMML~(IAl ,..Rr • fJ1111 I Al \"t..1~11>A ril.:111 • ( OMMliNIC o\!IC\N', • fl 11,1, HI~ ! l'•I< ,\]I\ JN • f A$tHClN Dt ~II ,N ' ·~. -' . ' . " " ' . ,..,, " ..... " )••" " ' ' ... ' , " .. •' .. ' " . '. ' ,. . ' . • ,,. J .. .. '' .. 111c11lt 11 .lra 01trrt tn Srttt11111I .ldm1•111r lllGft ' . ,, .. ' ~ .. ,. '• 1011 w,1Jt~• Boule .. ,.d 1 .. , •••1Jtlo• 9(1()11 .iH18•?1 Plt•~ ~lNO i'<f()QMAllON 10 CMDC; Add•<H------------------- The board of supervisors i voted unanimously Tuesday to allow the defender's office to rC'qucst the money from the Law Enforce1ncnt As sistancC' ' ,\dministration an4l the St<1te 1 l)cp:u1n1cnt of <.: r i rn in a I JU1'11CC'. 'fh<> legislation that created the distrii.:t pern1its the ;1fti'r hr brokl' 11110 Zubil"S directors to levy up to fiv(' cents per~~IOO:· __ l__ ______ ~c~·,~,r{''~· ~2~9~2~1 ~f~:.~1~·":·•~>~\ ~l~l1~g~h~"~"~)~' ·L~ .... ~~~~~"".'.~"".'.~"'."~"'."~';";'~~;;'.~~;~;~';•;0·~·~;~~;;~~;'~"~-~~~~~~~:~~ •~ :1nd ::.loll' S35U 111 r11:-l1. t ' ~,, A11othcr S:'l.000 \viii h c oonlr1buted lo tlK" prograrn by 11K> cou nty Crirnina!jJusticc Co.nt111Jssion. KEY GOALS of the project oullined to supervisors are to reduce the current court rcli.'lnce on pica bargainini; and to prevent a defendant f rant roming back to jail again and again. Kei th C.Oncannon. executive director of the co u n t y Criminal Justice Commission. told SUper\'isors the progran1 will: -Attempt to reduce the criminal repeat rate b y <l c v c Io ping rehabilitat ion <il!t•mali\·cs to imprio;;onn1cnt. -Develop effective use of communil'! rcs()ttrcc~. -Ex po& 1h<' C'OUT!.'I Jo ;i broad r;1 n,!!r of lo c :i I reflabitita!1vn :;crl·iccs ::ind agencies. -ENCOURAGE ofiendPrs to help design and begin a corrective trcalment program. -Reduce the financial burden on the cri1nina\ jus1ir.:e system and reduN! tht: L-os ts of crin1c to socictv. Concannon said ·lh<• pro ii-ct '" :ippm.1vh v.·il l br to !'('il•l'I 16 felon~· rirfC'nclrrs J><'r n1on1h rn11 of 11·hich e11!hl 11•111 f!Ct ,1\tl'n1a1<' trP:itn1C'nl 01hl'r tha n imprisonm<"ni . The remaininli: C'Ji:!ht 11·oul<t t)(' a l'ontrol group that v.'()U!d undergo nonna! prrx_·e~o;111g Tllf: T;-EL O'.\S v.ho p:1rt irip;1te in 1hC' di\er!'oion:i r\' l'll'01?r11m v•fll be afforded I\ 1tl1 <-<1Jun::-rhng. 1ncd1C":il a 11 d 1n1·nt;d health C<Jre. h1.111s1ng. food. VOC'ational I.raining and Jf•h r l:tct'n1<"r11. 1'rial Set In Death Of Cyclist SA~'TA A>.A nil'hard \\'hitchcad of Kim Corona del :-.1 ar has bt.•f'n ordcrL'<l to face trial Aui::. 26 on n1.1nslaughtt:r and inipaircd driving charges filC'd 11·hcn his trutk a1lf'gcdly struck and kill ed a molorcycli1t in the Nev.·port B<-ach area. \\'hitehcad. '.?O. of 1 j 4 3 Serenade T e r r a c e , l'.'35 arrl.'Stccl b~' C :i 1 i ~ o r n i a J lighl'.'ay 1-'atrolm('n Feb. 17 during in\·cstigation of :l <-·oll1s1nn :it Bri:;tnl S!rrct and S:int;l r\na r\\.L'ntil'. .\lotorcycltst [)a \·jd Anhcluk. 2'l, died the next day in a locnl hospit al fron1 injuries suffcrrd in 1 he i m pa ct . \\'i!nrss('S said the force of the collision threv.· him frorn his n1:i('hinr. O\'er \\'hitchl'ad's truck ;111d into lhP ru;id way. ()ffit(·rs ~a i d \V hitehcad ra 11l•d ll field ~briety test ·~dnlinislrr+'d during r h r i r investigation. lie h<is been ordered to face prr tri,11 action Aus;?.. 23 in Oru ng~ County Superior C.:ourt. ------ Afholo<1in.~~t Do Your FALSE TEETH Drop, Slip, or Fall? D on't keep worryint about vour f1lee lt f l h dropp1nr 1t the Yl'ODI time. A denturt 1dhe1ive ran helo. F ASTJ::ETll• rive~ denturei 1 lon11:· er, firmer, ate1ili•r hold. l>l1kt1 e1t.-lnr more enjoy1blt . For mo1e ~ur1ty and comfort1 ~e FA!'-TEt:Tlf Dlu· t 1.1rc Adhe81ve l1nwd•r. Denture1 t h11l fit arfl tMenti1.l to he~llh. Stt )'our denuet re1ul1rly, GftfstwardGJlo ~lc>(~l l't!! (!)a~ino PA!lf !ll'l'ltMGS, loo! M o1h•t WESTW•l'IO 1<0 tfOTlLI 0,11 ,,.. At AbtW• '°' CU<flfl! i..uo~ l'ltl"• Sears Where Thrift Is Always ~--···· --··~·~-. Misses' Nvloot Brie fs in Prc ttv Colors .. In ' ./ Located on the Lower Lev e l f , ;. 1; "v-~ I ' f~ \ ... \ I \ I Flatterin~ Soft-(:111> B1·a s c :-i l oJ·h 111• 1111 11 \l1t11 1ri1·11l l'lri1·f .... \\ illi 1·l :-1 ~t i1· \1:1 i,1- l1a11tl ~. l .011~ \11 ·ari11)!. l)1y• i11 :t .i i f'fy. :-;i r.1· ... ~. h. 7. .\l i~_..,1 ·~· :\.•ln11 ltikini' ... 1.-11. 49,?.i. I ' I \ ' ' ' I I I ( ·'l"" -. I ~- Carefree Nylon Tt·icot. Half-Slips \ lnvrl y a :-:-.11rl1111·111 rn 97.~. 1·:l'·V·rar1: II\ 11111 1ri1·11!. 1\J i;1 i, :-h 11~1. :l\!'1':1g.1· lenotl1s. Sizt•:-. :--, l\I, I .. ; Sears I • l\.11 cc-lligh llos ierv .. l 1rrf1!1'l \\ill111a nl:"! ( >nr• :-;17.1· fit . .; :111. l•'asl1i 1>11 :-.l1a<l('~. So. (:oas l Plaza :~;t:~:l l~ri)ll,11,f !"i t. l'h•'fl('.) Ill-:~:~;~:~ I /1 I ' I I \ \ I \ I \1 • I I \ l ' \II 1·1111i111 f11r ,.,,,,1 c·1111 1- .1 f11rl. \d.i11 ,,1,olil c ~trap-- 111 II" if I', ~ j'·''' :J:!-40 jl_(:. Lo11g Gowns of Acrylic l{nit I c t ' II I' J 1 Lnll ;! and •·n mforla lil.-. T l ... y-r<' 11i;1..l1i11 e"'"" h- a Iii., a11rl 1lr\'a l1l r. Grea t , colors. P , S, J\J. l'rirr ... t :IT1·1·l i\1 · 111 1·011 11,h ~i1l 11 rd a~. \n&!ll 'I :.? 1. B11 e 11 e:1 Park J~l .l ll I.a l';1li11:1 \, •. , l'h1•111• 1t:!~~-I 11UI 01·anoe l"' :!Jfl() :'\'. rl'll"lill \\!', 1111111 11' ,.:~7-:!lf)(t '"'l r>r•· ll111t1'•; 'J.,1111".- t 11 r11 ''oil u n l ~' 'I 111\ll,1 .. 'l•,lo 1'.'1. "11n1l11• I:!\ .. .,., '" ; 1· ,, ' '• Ex-PO W R el1111a1iri B acks Ford <>n Erirn,ed A11111est,y ny tl c. 11us·r1!':r.s 01 Illa D•!ly ,-1101 S161t r.<irdcrt (:rov1•'s IJ ;i \' 1 d Hehrnnnn, llu: (;!)!' c;1nchd;itp 111 ilu.' 38111 Co11hrcssion:1I IJ1~tnet <ind a former Vic·lnarn AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPENER SALE ORANGE COUNTIES VOLUME DISTRllUTOI LOWEST PRICES! ln1talloflo• & s.,.1,. Gor•9• Door Hord-r• R•plocod 642-3490 Sea Coast Builders Supply 1651 Placenti•, Costa Mesa l'tJ\\I. /Jjs pr:us1'<l l'r1~.<.1<!1'!lt i"ortl's :1nnouncen1rnt th;11 h1• \\ 1!1 considt•r S(.1111c sort 11( ;1mncsly program for !ho''' \1lto flt·d !ht' <-·ountrv lo ;1\11hl !11•· dr11f\ du ring thC Vtl'l~l.1~:1 l'IJllfhtl. '"l agrt'<' 11·i th lh t• Pr1'!>1c1 J·n1 that 11011• is the li1nc 10 h1·:d the v.ou11ds of th(' p;1st ;u1ll sho11• snrn(' eor11p:l';si11n lor lhO~l' 1)t11plt',0 ' s:1icl H1•hrna1111 . 11ho spt·rH six yrars in ;1 /\orlh V1 1•t111·r1)t•sc prison e;1n1p. Hut llPh1nann rnudc it tlcar hi· <lot·s not lavor bl:iuktt tHnllt·sly. "t\fll'r :ill, 11·hrn ttlf'y left this eountry, :-ornconc 11ad 10 lakt· 1hrir plart•. So1nc lo~t th1•1r 11\'l'S .. "illy phi!(1Sophy h:i~ bern th:1I ! t·a11 r""P"ct 1hf' nh•!l 111\11 ~1:1.11U lu'rt.' ;11111 h:1trl.·d 1 r 1101 111 1 ht· 1·011r1" 1·1 i ·11 !hough I d1~agr1·1 ·d 111 lh 11h .. 1 lh•·Y 11 1 n• t r~ 1ng !(1 do." ... ii<! 1111• forn1cr l'iavy p1lu1 "TliosP 11·ho 11•.:ilked uu1 1\'il! ~~~~~~~~~ WESTE RN STATE UNI VERSITY • h:ivt• tu t·arn 111y rcspel't antl, t h1·l1t·Vt' !he rf'~p<'f't ul the 1\llll'T"J C>tll JJ(._'Opll' " lh•h1n;u1n :c1tltled I h ;1 t 1•aut1ous 1·1.111s1U1:ralion :should h\' g1\('tl 111 protect future gt•n1·r:1!u111s so that slf'pp1ng 111 .ind uut of the l'Otl1ltry :il \1Lll. 11111 uot betornc nn t'.\tUS(• Jor 1'1·u1h11g a 11·ar • • • 1\IAHSllA POLIZZI of Jr 1'11lC 1 ~ ltvhn1;Hl11 's ta n1 p :1 i g n dif't't"tor. f\lrs. Pol1r.z1. 2!1. 11as narnt-d "lr1•1nc CitiLc·n of lht• '!'car" c;irli('r this year. She 11i:111:lged 11 e n r y Qulglt•y's UJISUC'l'l'SSful bid lo 11 in the <:01• 110111ina lion for ~Ld<· 1n·;1...,1 irL·r. The l)rangP ( 'o,;1.~1 t :u:1rd i.:r:1du;1te .il"o rr11111 agr•1! l!u1 i.:h·) s suct"r<....,/ul h·; 111(· l'1t~· 1 '1n1nc·1l t:unp.ngn l :irllt·r !111<; Yl·.ir. • n1 anagin~ rffort 111 ll:1rn1cr 's • • the Orange Couul.v Hrpubtir;1n Jnhn campaign for ORANGE COUNTY Licl Ke pl ()n Cou nt,'\· • l I iriu gs S.\\.fA :\\,\ -Or;inc• County Sup(•rvio;;ors c!ccide.( T u <' s d :1 y tu e.<1end 1!1t· l1P1·1 1• Oil ;111 IH"•I l1iring !or .i! ll';\~1 .1n(1!ht·r t11·0 114·1·k" Al !hf' rf'qut· .... t of Su 1:i.-•t'\i<>vr n ,1Jph 01L"dr1<'h. lh•' l:to )!lrt.I onff"'rt--d Count\• Adrn ini~l r~li\'" ()fficE·r Hobert Thon1as t 9 ~rru· linizc the 417 nc111 position~ <'Ven closer than he h;is so far. Thom;is v.·us orderf'd la .. t month to fn."C'Ze the 1obs until c:i<·h one rou!d ht.· juo;;tifil'rL Thornas ean1e b:i c:k to !ht· Transit Brorhur<~~ A1•1>rovccl DAIL< f•!t nr ' 9 Santiago Lihr.aril's (;ivl'11 !-i7.) . .28;) \ i'.1 Iii{ (of ~j' :.'II' Ii 1'i h1•1 •q :t11.11d4<l !oi !111• ~.11111.1~·' l.1hr:ir1 SI ~1··111 U!lll•·f' 1,1 l11orn.1 l".1hhl I. 1 h' .1 -~ f'\ if•·· \1 1 I htJ1!1111:11111 Be;i1 It .111d Jlt·;11 11 ( i1 ,Hl~'1 \""I" ,,.1 \ 11111111 ! •<l I! I 11 • ]JI o I , ' r 1t 1: ..... , !·1 I• ' i'"' 1 1• I ot• ~j.JJ ,I 1111 1 111 p 11 I IJ• .11 ~ '1 ti I >1•1111 'I '" \l'l\JJ<•rt t.1.i,11 ·" ,, 11.1t11 r I\' 11111· J 1 11·1~ •, \'1111111 I .1!11,H1 ~1 I\ fl!' \ I f •11,11~ .111 1 1 ~11(.1!!\ 11~•·<1 t•v '.,•I ~ r fT:11· 1.r ~111glt· l1h;1rr ~ '• p I' 111\i•' 1 • ro·f•'l l11• ,. !I I' (11~1'•1' h1•ll ••r 11111·d11u.111 lo ·oil f'l•l''t•htt• I' 1r1 f1.i~•· ;11h11111ln;,) litltJk!) ,u1d 1,l.11 1 "I • 1.d 1111olo(1 111ns !i1r lln• '•illl'lllllid\ St\\T1\ A\!\ -1\ S2n .(J(X)l-- l'i111 tr:iet for pr111tu1g ~ 000 ,.---------------------------------. 11lfunnutional broch11rl'S on !hrl t1r.1n(:•' ('0111ny 1' r <in s 11 (>1~lrt1·t's lu!urt· planning ha s Ix ·t •1 1 by ch,.,tnel il11\'1;tor!-i. 'rhe 11at't 11l'nt to P•'nn 1.irho· ~r:ipht<"S, lnC' of \\'h1!11cr, !ht• IO\\"cst of Utrt'l' lndclc1<; l>1strirt Cit111Prnl ;\l:1nngr~ <;. J "l'eh:" Vicl1l1111..( ,.;11d lht' hrochurl'\'S sh011ld 1:11· readv \\111i1n <ibout 1110 111 ·1·k!. rOr rn~111!ng and 1lJ'i!rlbut1u11 to t·oun l v honu.'011Ticr .; lie told diret"!Or"' !he p:ini- nhlcts :ire· designPd to inforn1 11ic ~l'lll'r:ll puhlt,. of tht' t)()nrd"s 111 :1 ~I l' r pL111 fol' l)llbli<· lr;111"'11 :ind !hi• 11,·11\ ~ 1! 11 Ill bt· fun1!1·cl -111(')ud111~ :1n n11 1K•nd1ng n·qut'~t :it rht• P•ftl" for :in ;utd1!itu1:il rcnny of ~;ilc·s 1;1;... F1l'ltlin1.: sa1tl llK· <h'ilnr.:t hao;; hcl'n ordC'rC'd hy 1hc f1•der;il J,;O\ern:n('nt 111 st ek public rnpul in its planning or face a cu toff of fe<trral grant money -ihe mainstay of district OJX'rat ion.c;_ B[FORE Sl\DD Cl.JlnlC D \ YOU ARE UNDER THE DOCTOR 'S CARE AFTER DICl\l.J onTRDl.J COLLEGE OF LAW hc-utenani governor. The Irvi ne city countilmnn notrs t h ~·1t llarmer's loc;il headquarters is open fro1n ~ ;1 .n1. to ~ p.111 . \1·eekdays in Sui!c (' at 17985 Skypark l'ircle, Irvine. 'fhc telephone nu1nbcr is 556-i500. board Tuesday ;ind s;iid :i1q;=====::=======;I ,1·er1• needed but I h,1t 20 could I OF ORA NGE COUNT Y CA LIFORNIA'S LAR GEST LAW SC HOOL P•OV•~ION.O,llY A((•IOIHO BY IHl (_QMMfllll OF 8Al l J.jl,MINf'S Of IHl SIA!l BAI 0~ CAUIO•N!A. TRA NSFER STU DENTS ACCEPTED (O<p•ndo~y upo>n Gude1l e 110~ .ACC•fOITlO lAW SCHOOlS: o• • IF Tlln' HAVf '"ssm !HE rllST·YE.r.• uw StlJDENts• ax.-MtNATION 1"8All' BAI") W•tT( O• PHON{ ,01 CATALOGUE 800 South Brookhurst Anaheim, Ca. 92804 17141 635-3453 Coordin.i te C.impus .ii: 1333 Front St. S.an Diego, C.i. 92101 17141 232-6506 APPLY NOW FO R DAY, EVENING, OR WEEKEND ClASSES IN SEPTEMBER OR FEBRUARY SEMESTERS \ll,IOINI~ 11.IC.lllf fOI flO!l~llY l~\1.1110 Sll.IOll'H 1 0A"~ "'''rOVIO f O• V!!lljl,t.;~ Auditor's PRICES * * * ASOTllER Q U I G LEV, forn1cr Irvine councilman E. R<1y Quigley, is being backed b.v ~1 group calling ilself lhc Fifth Dist ric t Coalition for appoinln1ent as interiin county superviso r to replace J(un Caspo'rs. Hill Vardoul is. :.i spo}\C'sn1:111 for lht' group, !-i:l ~'S it al"o :-upporls ;1 ."p1·c:iJl 1'le<>lion to SC'h·ct ;J replilCC'tllf'lll for (';l~pcrs. \.\ho \.\<.IS lost al °'t·;1 Hl June. \';1rdoulis. an Ir vin l' rl'~ldt·nt , clnin1s his group i:;:.!herl'd more tl1nn Joo Stl!:Tlatures in support of r:. l<ay Qui~ley ·s appointn1enl 111 Ii ·~<; lh;in '.Hi hours. lie st11cl ttu• P"t111ons h:ive b Pc n for•\·ardt.'d to (; o v l' r nu r l\eagan. rcin.ain fro zen. 1'hosc 20 jnhs 1\·011ltl be posts in thC' n4•\\' Environn1ent:iL \l3nagcn1('ni Agency. \l'h1ch 1s s!i!I in the organization31 THE EARL'S l"l:1mt•""· He1tm9 Air Cond. Tun1 s11r11 •I your _, st:1ges. I L1,11n;·S•ddl•••<k All o•n•'' Diedrich said he s!i JI hasn't I '=~;:':;':;':;·':;':;':;';::;::;:':;':;':;· ':;';:';:';::::::;:;;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;, !1:1d enough time In revie11·) 1he txisi!inns :ind dPl ermine if any can be e!i1nin;i\ed . .. The snlnry increase l\'l' gave to our f'n1plo.ve~ "·as dl'~r:ed bu! it 11·as 1n exce«s '>f v:hat v.·e ha \'P done in Ilic ixist." Died rich said. '·Jn ligh l of 1h.1t. r !h iri k, ire n111st ~ivr annthL·r !ool: l•l , ;111\· nr11· hirinr." !)iPdrtt'h s:iid . "Tht.·rr's :i ch011ce \\» can rut Iii,.. budg"t l'\·,..n 1nor" nnd to th t' i:ixpaycrs' bf'nefil ·· Thnn1as told the hoard ht' had tr1m •nffi nf•:irly 2 0 0 positions frorn c:irly requPsts rnade bv \'arious co u n t \' df'p ar.lmt'nls . Th(' 447 rrrn:iining \1·011\d !:iring lht' county's tot:il 1rork forc:c up to 11,000. land~ GARDEN EVENT __ . -.EVER!! SACRIFICED LAST 3 DAYS ' Thurs., Fri., Sat. llG..10 $26.DO WOMEN'S LEATHER HUSH PUPPIES s9!~ ... toiGTJ, 1'11. Whit~. a-. Clln"t'Wt I n t SdWg ...... MEH'S SUEDE HUSH PUPPIES ALL COLORS & SIZES --";'LIFE STRID .. ~E--­ RHAL REDUCTION . ~ At~if6s • J ~,,£/.(, • J.f~fii.(4, '8£fiG ... ~ ~J.f p /.{ 'Iii)£ 'llpp'I. ~4 'ts co, COSTA .MESA 2300 HARBOR BLVD. • HARBOR CENTER 546-6775 HOURS: mon. thru Sat. I 0 'til 6, Thurs. & Fri. 'til 9 Sun. I 2 'til 5 a THE SHOE HUT s1;;~; SANTA AMA 3648 S. BRISTOL (Nex t to Treasury) BRISTOL TOWN & COUNTRY CEl-4TER 557-5030 HOURS: Mon . th ru Sot. I 0 'til 6 Fri. 'ti l 9 A .lfJ OAILV PJL!J I -~ It's All Over For Mariner And Valiant \ BOATING 505 Lead Capturecl By Shiellls PRESQU'ILE POINT. On t. (AP) -A victory in l\lonGay's opening race gave H i c k Shields of Vancouver the early lead in the North American 5-05 sailing cha111pionsh1ps. ... !\'F:\\'J'()llT Ht I \]'1 Thi· ;\{'\.\' Y11r k Y.it'ht C'lu fJ t·l1nun<1tt·tl il l :1 r 111,. r :11irl \';11!;111! tl Ufll !/i1 ,\1111 •1'it':1'.,; t 'up tri:d~ 1'!11".d.n' 1•v1·n111g. lt':l\'lllg ('1JlU\1~1·1J1J ~ and lr11n·p1d lu tight It ull\ bt·g1nn1ng-1oday lur the rok of d1•fr·11d1·r in lhl' in t1·rna111111:tl n1:nch beginn ing :-;\'PL )It Th e 1111'01b('rS nf the I\r\\' York Y:1i.:ht Clul/s selete1on eomnutlt·c. headed by forrnt·r l'(llllln0<.lon· llrnry !'i. i\lorg;u1, l'<1111;; to tlH· dock v.·hcre !he 11111 \;o;ds \lerl' bertlH_·d to bre<ik !tic nc\\'S to their cre\1·s. · Th;ink yo u for all you h;1vc <lone. It \\'HS ;1 great effort.·• ~!organ told Urorgc H1nn1an. nu.inagcr of 1he l\\:1rincr !-iyndil'atc, as 1ncn1 bers of OOth t;rews cro\vded around. -· \ • > ' DOWN TO THE WIRE -The wooden-hulled In- trepid (No. 22 ) twite defender of the A1nerica's Cup, and the alun1int1m·hulled Cou rageous start THE CO M 1\1 I TT EE· s their head· to.head battle today for the rig ht to de· appearance had been <''-:pt.'cted Jend the America's Cup, international sailing's big· :1fter Intrepid beat Valiant by gest prize. 'f he pair \Vlll race daily until the Ne1v JO n1inut.es, 10 seconds and York Yacht Club selection co111mittee n1akcs a choice Cnur<1gcous defeated Mariner sometiiue before Sept. 3_ by 8:10 in two light-air races ----------'---------------- sailed over the setrne 20-mile course on i{hode Island Sound Tuesday. The selection committee came to Mariner's dock \Vithin a fc\v rninutes after their return from the race. l-Ien1·1ess1r Race Marks • lOtli Y ecir of Po,wer Fl1ti g ue S ig 1ilil s Dlt1i g Pr Hy l)R. PET£~!{ STJ<:JNCltOllN l>l-~AK DI{. S'fl<.:lNC ll61 1N; I flrn alv.·<:1vs tlred. And U1at 's no exaggtr.utou1 Although l'1n ouly 35, I c;u1't ren1l'n1ber " clay 111 \hi· 11.:tst fh·~~ yi'ars 11 ht·n I ha\e h;_id an t':ic!ra ounC'<' uf 1x·p Jr'.s l'vidt·nl 1hu1 I h;.1v1i1. to tlrag tllr11 1o:h rn~· <lays ;_in d l!t.'I no s.:1tisfaction \vhn!ever DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE frofll ;;1ny1hing. Sornc11n1t•s 1'111 l'\'Ctl loo t1rc<l to cat. and go to tx·d IHmgry I an1 sing!('. with no thil<l1·c·11 or hou~·\\'nrk to drag 111c do\vn. Is it p\)Ssible for you to gu~·ss \1 hat 1nigll1 be \1To11g'! -~li ss ·r. COi\t\1EN1': l can't C\'en take :i "11·ild" f:Ut'Ss. As niurh as I'd likf' 10 help, all 1 have to go uu is that you are 3~ and unmarried. Al\1'a\·s tired ? You hJ.\'e n)t1ch 0con1pany. There isn't .a day that 1nos1 d0t.'tors do not hear this complaint n1orc than any other. Let me gi\'c you just one capsule case history : !-/ere is a young girl \Vho is tired. Exan1ina1ion sho11·s she is okay except for a second<iry anemia. She ha s been ir<lipsinfi off to Jugh school \Vithoul breakfast. ha s been taking no1hing much more thn n ;.i cola drink for lunch. and has to be co<ixed to t•<it son1e-thi11g at dinner. She has IX't~n on a diet kirk. QUEENIE '· \ } •/, :j ,~! •• $ Lovtll'.S I L(AP By Ph il lnt erlandi VIEW snrE ··su1nconc in the Parks Oeparln1ent Ji;.is a \l't.:ird sen~l' lJI' humor ." ·Nice Gu,,' Feted F or£l Lau els ~1<ntsfie ld From \\'ire Services Preside-nt Fo rd w:.ls 1he biggest surprise at a surprise pnrty honoring Sen at e llen1ocratic Je;id er 1\I i k e .l\luns rield. \\•ho has j u s t. broken rl>cords for the length of tirne in that post. The Mansfield record is 13 years and 255 days, and _Ford said •·1 think il proves thr1t bullies don't ahrays prevail." Ausrra!ia and lndonrsiJ on a ~;t;ite 1·L~it , Dri11sh Atr11'ay;; ;,aid * \\'hilc i1 n1:1y be ;1 ('lt('hf' to S<lY )'OU ('an't tight l'JlY hall . ,John Jay llubb;1rc.l n111s! ).;no1~· it's true. Shields. \\'ho had Dave Kennedy as crew. led the point st andings after n1orning winds of eight to !2 kno!s died out, forcing cancC'Jlorion of the afternoon race on Lake Ontario. ''1'1u sorrv v;e didn't do b<'ltl'r." ll inrTian !old Morgan. "but I hope \l'e made a \1orthwhile contribution lo th e defense of the cup." \\'ht'n !he huge offshore 1xn1·cr bont s chC1rgC' aeross the st,1rting line al l\Iarina d('l Rf'y Saturday in the !Icnncssy C;ilJrornin Cup. they 11·il\ bi:' rnarking the IU!h anni1·ers<1ry ,.,f modern offshore fJO\\'erboat rac1r\g on the \\'est Coast a firs~ in 1966 and seconds in the 1969 and 1970 races. Hothschild expc-cted hack in the cvrnpctition this year, Not un til I v.·;1s able to ( J con\'incr brr th::it she n1igft! PEOPLE get into serious troublr did she agree to C'at nom1ally. '----------- T11·0 \l't"Cks ago. J-lubbnrd, 39, resigned a:; ci1y cll'rk u1 Dcnrborn, rrlich. Jll (l t•!ash v.'ith 1he mavor over the fir ing of :in en1p!Oye in the c:lcl'k 's offi ce. The n-iaror rcsign:.1t 1on • by mauer off the ilgcnda. blocked I hC' keeping the ti!y counc1l 's • Robb SjostL-'Clt of San Pedro. Calif., \\'as srcond in the 105- boat field ~fonday morniri.[!. Lao.I year's \Vinn er l'";re~ La\\·son of Vir,ginia Beach, Va .. is no1 de.fendin g his title. The five-race s c r i es continues today with two races and \\·inds up Thursday. Each lx>at's best four finishes will be used to determine the final standings. Hunti11gton .Sail Club Organized A sa iling club for 1-luntington Beach residents has been formed to use Huntington Lake in the central park. ~1e111bershi p in Tiu ck' s Huntington Lake Sailing Club cus1 s 82.'J. Spt-·cia l fan1ily rat es <ire av::iilahle. \len1bers \\.·ill be offcrl'd free clcmcn!arv. intt>rn1cdiah· and :1d \rlllCt:d s a i I i n g instru(·lion throughout the )t'<lf- ln arldltion to sailing el::issr!'.. 1nC'n1bcrs will also have fret', 5 11 per vi s e d rrf'rP:i1111tiiil s;1iling seven :1fl t'.'n1oons a \\'eek. Othc>r pl::inni·ri l'lub activill es includt~ hnrlX'C]Uf'"· Qutdoor 1novies. f:ur11 I~· r<:tCt·S . cruiSC's and p1i.:nic~. ' 1-/j nman . a forin er commodore of the Ne\v \'ork Yacht Club and for m t' r prcsidt~nl of the No r t h i\n1erican Y:icht n acin g: lnion. had organized the J\lariner syndicate a year ago and had rai sed niore than $1 inillion through contributions 10 the Kings Point Fund nl ·!he U.S. "1erchant J\'lorine Acaden1y to finance 1 h c ca n1paign . T II E SELEC TI O N com1nittec's aetion set the st age for y,•hat. is expected to hl' an ex tren1ely hard~ fou ght seri es be l ween Courageous and Intrepid to determine lhe cup defender. Intrepid holds a 7-5 edge in their match races dating back to late June. The tv.·o arch-rivals have each beaten !he other once since th e final trials started last Thursday. Courageous is a new alun1inum boat built thi s year and Intrepid. a v.'ooden boat , successfully defended th e 1\1nrrica·s Cup in 1967 and J!l70 against Aus i r a 1 i an c:onh·nders. Both boats v.·ere designed by Olin Stephens. lSEITll Ell OF' Tuesday·s races \\'<IS close for any length of t11nr_ Intrepid took con,mand nt lht! start and led by 3:31 at !he Ji rst weather rnark ;;ifl(:'r 41 t rn1lcs of sailing. Il er n1argi ns 'll subsequent turning n1:irks \\'Cl'C 6.0l, ti: !2 and 9: 111. Jt 1vas in JOO.'i that 1hc J :i.~. l !cnncssy Con1pany of Cognac. ~·ranee. c1nbarking on a 11at1onal s po n s o r s hip 01 oflshore po\verbo.a1 r <l c i n g joined forc-c s 1ri1h the Paci fic Offshnrc Po1ver Boa t Racing Associ<ition (POPBRA f and the city of Long Beach 10 stage an offshore race. 'l'he origin.al evcnt . known as the Hennessy Long Beach Cup race wa s in the 'va1~s adjacent to Long Beach for ihe next eight years "''ith one exceptioo. In 1967 it became a t 11-11Hiay race fron1 Long &ach to San Diego and rctuming the following day. TN 19i'3 POPBRA n1ovcd the rncc. still under the SJXlnsorship of Hennessy, 10 J\farlna del Rey . rro1n !he start. the \\'est Co ast races achieved national :iltention. Bill \Vishnick of ,Nev.1 York won the first one_ Second and third places 1n the llennessy race 11·ent lo c•quallv notable drivers Don Arono\.; (1vorld champion in 1967 ;ind 196!1 ) <lnd DirR' Bl'rtra1n. (\1·orld ch:in1pion in 196:>\. The 'Yest CO..'l£t's Peter Rn.iltschild nf N"'''"Pllrt Be;ir~ dtr! 1\·ell 1n lhf' 1-l!'nne!'sy \l'i!.h , • f u,-1 Ttltl'~lt SORRY, MATE -A crew member of the 12.meter Valiant is consoled by John Cuneo (right) skipper of the Australian 12·meter Gretel II after the American yacht, alon g with Mari~er, was clin:iinated 1'u~day f~r the right ~o defend t he America's Cup. Cuneo himself experienced a di sappo1ntmenl earher when he was removed from the primary Aussie challenger Southern Cross and placed • in command of the trial horse. ODELL LE\Vl S of Florida ,1•on !ht' \\'est Coast Hcnnrssv in 1967, <:1nd \Vislmick re1X-'a1cd n1 1970. F'il·e-tiJnt' n<1tion:il th<1 n1pion Hob r.tagoon of J\\ianli 1r<l5 the winner in l9il nnd the la te Danit' Tognoli 4:f !!al~· iron the last race st:1g-ed 1n Long Beach in 1972. 1\rt "Sna1,per"' Norris \1·on the trophy in the first Hennessy CaHfornia Cup at .\l;1r1n.'1 de! Re.v Ill 1973. It has Ix-en <111 c:-:c1t1ng dt·c;:ide <1f offshort• ra('1ng on 1he \Vest Cons!. 1Ju1 ''Cl1~ran offshore racing bufls point out thal U1er(' \\'Cre e q u <1 ! J .v exci1ing times as much as ;1 half-century ago i n t nlifo rn ia. The first race or th is t_1·re !'v1•r nin on tht> \Vest Coa.o;t 11 :is tl1e Catal ina Cha\lcnge Cup sponsored b~· t he lalifornia )"<1C'h! Cluh \\'ht!.!1 it \\·as locat1•d in Los Angeh•s !!arbor. l! \\·as several vears in sucrrssion befort' it bC'Caine a \'itrin1 of the dl'prrssion. A i\tOOERN vcrsioo of the Catalina Challenge race has been 1un on the roast f0r several ,vears but 11•;is dropp<>d thi~ vear \vhen lhe energv cri~is-con1pclled ra<·lng groupS to shorten race schedu!C's. Y achts111an Er ic Jone:; Die ~ al 4 ;) \Vithin a fc11· 1\·erk s -011 irnn t;:ib!er::=. v<'gp1;.ib!rs. fruit$. nlilk, 1n11:il~ and r!'.;::'.:3 -her faliguf' \'.:t!li~hl'd lo hl•r ca~c. caust' \1as P:1sih· estab!i shi'd and tre:1tment sin1ple and r f- fecti\·e. But th!'· reason ftir ~·our Ol\'n fatigue. \li$S 1'. rrrnan1s u big question n1<rr~. Re 1 1 r r pri•srnt yo11r:-;1>lf to ;1 do<'tor for 1•x;i111in11!ion. 8 x tr e HI(' tircdnt''>S that l a~Ls f0r ti\~ Years deserves invest,igntion · Fatiguf'. like p.11n . is natur(l.'<; 1\1 a r n i n !:!; th:_it S1lfll(ll)1111g is: Ollt 1•f k1\tel'_ Vol' t·xamplt" ch.111:. !{·nsio11 i" ~ (·nn1rnon cause. \\'hat nre vour h:ibits? Smoking'! Drinking? Eating? Sleeping? \\"orking'? \' ac:-l! 1oni ng. Arl' rou anemic due to b!('rti'ing \.\.'hich is unsuspected rroin an ulcer. for example. Arc you dragging vourS<>Jf around bccaues of ~1ndiagnosed 111 ya s t he n i a gra \'is? Arc you suffering a cancerous gro\vlh°? From sorn e svslemic disease like tul>ereulosis? From heart r!iscase~ All (':\11 produce fatigu<'. I-l ave I frightened you ? lf .'O l'n1 sorry. Bllt anxiety is 1ronh it if i1 propels you to your doctor for a c hrc~11r Th<' re fl r£> scorrs of reason!' for !irC'dt1<'1'S ('nnsider this s\·mpton1 a 1varrung -and bt~ 1h<111kf11! f0r 11 Otherv.·ise you will ('f!ntin11(' tn dr.'.lg ~·mirself nrnund -or \\'Or.'c . FOH :\IRS. R.: PrnJ)f'rll· dor1c>. 1·:1:-;ectornv Of)f'r:i t!ons ~1rf' r-ff1'Plt\'1~ llov.-r•1·Pr !hr 1'1'<J~0n Is r1·idC'nt 1rhy ~·011r hush:inrl's drn·1or \1an1 s hin1 to rf'ltirn l(ir a S\)f'r n1 anall·sis ~tE:\O~tl:'\E:F., !'lli('h. 11'"1 ;d)()u t l\1·0 nionths ;i ftr-r ·h1s -lndu.~1r1.1list. lki1u::l:1s F.r11 · .Jone;;. ·l.l, one of the 11ation's operation. Oest known yachtsinan. died It t:tkes a fe \1· '\'l!f'k;; fn r Sunda y at Marinette, \\'is . :-ill sperms to disappear frnn1 General J-lospital. 1.he semin~I flu id. \\'h ot the Jones bccanie owner and doctor is doing-is trying-t11 skipper of the yacht \Vcatherlv rnake C<'rlain fh:it too e<1rh· ::ifier the craft won ihe (unprotecled l resumption of America's Cup races in 1963 sexual artivit~· \l'ill not re-ult. ;_ind 1967. in an un\.\·anted pregi1;incy. !·le brought the crafl to the * • * Great Lakes and made \Ve should nol li\'C in fear, modiJications to adapt her to but should be scared enough fresh-water sailing. The of sorncthing \\Tong 1o take Weatherly was scratch lx>at rare of it and then forget several times in the Chicago-it says Dr S1eincrohn in his to-Mackinac Island and Port booklet. "\Vhcn 'fQ See our lluron-to-Mackinac I s I a n d Doctor." F'or a eopy write races. hiin 11t lhis paper enclosing Jones \Vas president of the SO cents and :i stan1pe<l, seU- L. E. Jones Company of addrcs.o;ed envc!o]>E'. l\1cnomhiee, an auto parts --~iiiii~iiiiiiiiii~ii!iiiii!!iiiiiiil finn which his father founded. He h"d been in failing health C.RAFl=ITr for several n1onf.hs befort t-" .. ~m"~·~f-'"""": .. ··~·:; being admitted lo the hospi!a[ .,--'---' ' '·· ~. :~"~ ' · .. Saturday, a day be£ore his . _ -;", . ·~ l df'ath. ··~ · :·.~ Survivo~ include his widow, ~1: ~frs·. Julie Jones ; two daughters. J ennifer a n d Cassandra. and a 500i Eric. 'Junior Laser Title Race s Set This W.eelie11d Newport llarbor Yacht club \Vashington. Nev;ula, i\ri1.011:i ~·UI sponsor the second W<'st· :ind Nt:w Mexico. The rC'ga na om negionnl J.asrr Junior is linifte<I to .'1ni1ors JR rears of , <'.hampiMlship to be !-tailed in a1:r and under. 1'M! 0t'ean off Newport Beacl1 The LaSt'r I" i'I 14·nian Saturday and Sunday, singlch.<tndcd c:itboa~ th:n is Parlic1pants are expected ,i.:rowing in p o p u I a r i t y frm11 Ca lifornin. 0 re go n . -111roughout the L'.S. The \Vcstcrn Regionals lYill ix' <• flv(' race series. Starting lin1es V.'ill be announcer\ at a sk1pf)f'r·" meeting Aug, 23. AHi-! 2.1 ifl t1lso a prat1ice dny ;1n<I all boats will ht• rnf':i~11rrcl. Thr .Joseph A. Jjeek Gold S 1'rophy is being rededicated :111d v.·ill be used as the prrr•e1ual lrophy for I.he f'\'Cnl. -r- 1'ake-ho111 e l.roph ies v.·ill btt <11\•;1rrlcd to the first IO plnccs. .J0lin Jlr)n1me L<t ~e.ner:il --\>'"'i• rh<l1r1n;n1 nf th!' C\'C!ll . Aug. 12 is the dcndli~ for entries. ••••••••••• Then Ford re\'ersed the classic line from former b;1sebJJJ 111 <1 nag er Let'> Durocher !hat "nice guys fini .'>h l<i SI. .. ",\like .l\l~1nsficld is a goocl guy and he's finishf'd first f11r 3 Jong !in1e.'' I-'ord said . The .\Jontana 0 c in o c r :i l srnilN:! broadly, then p;iuscd <lnd fincilly sald : "\Vhat n d.:iy _ . this moniing tie no1ninatf'd Rockefeller. Jn the aften1oon he a n o i 11 t <' d ~1ansfield." • A j1·t a irliner carrying 1iueen Elizabeth II over \\'est 1; e '.many last r.1arch rnistakc.nly flew into air space rl':-;erved for All ied .a ir rxerciSt'S and veered so closr !n four t:.s. Air F'or('c F4 Phanton1 jets th<rt one Bri ti~h newspaper called it a •·near- n1iss." British Air1\'ar$. opcra!or of lht' VCJO c;ir11·ing the Queen. tll•scribcd it as :in "incidC'nt " ;ind sa10 rhc rilot filed an ;11r safely report. Hut !hr a irline said tile royal plane v.·;1s nc"cr in an.\· d.:Jnger 11 Mprcned !IIarch 13 aboul 3.lOOO feet over Karlsruh1:, n:esl GC'rmany. \\'hen the Quel'n v.·as enroute t o Saddlebaek OffcrinO' 1:"' Tax Cla sses "lie docs carry J big stick," said Hubbard of !he mayor. who nlso hap!X'llS !O be his father, Or\•ille. • Gen. Francisro Fran('O has rec.·over£>d su 11'1'll from his recent 1l111ess that he is cxpec!t'd to bt' playing ,golf v.·ithin a few d<1ys, )u s doct<1r said. Ur. Cristobal .\I a r I i ne1.· &rdiu said Franeo. Bl. is "better th;in a norinal n1:111 his age_·· Franco. Spain 's c.liet:i1or !or 1nore than 35 vca rs. \\.'as hospitalized for l111·t'C' \~l·t·k:; in .July for thr()n1bophll·b1tt.,;. 1nflarn1nation of the veu1s. * A loan of $.').1.200 by R<ihr Industries of (.hula Yis1a 111 He1x1blican LL (~o\'. ~: d lll'incckc 11\ ~t p pa re n t I 1 uncollccrable anti \1•ill l>t.· \\'rttll'll off :1s 11 h;id d1·bt. • C<Jinpany spokesinan says. 'fh l' spokt"sn1a11 :0::11d 1h1' !on n. 1naflr 111 1:11e 1971 :ind <':1rly l'.li2. lo r 11~1' h v Hc11u·ekc in his can1p:u~n a~ governor, 1\·ns 111 ~1dd1uon to a $6 .000 dire<.'! co111.ributio11 . The loan \\.'as n1ndc bv ltohr'.'> bo:ird cha1nna11, Hurt-lt<iynt:s. the spnk<'sn1an sa1<I "\\'e ha1·c 1n11dc ;1 v('rv in tl'tlSC effor! IO coll('('! th15, hut Ltlldl'r the circumstan('l'.~ 11 lif)('sn't apJ'll•:'l r l1kt·ly th.11 \l'C 1rill.'' said tt1l·S pok1·~111:i11. • His r;•tin.c l1ns slipre<J n bit ~i nt t ~l~1y . but a Louis llarris roll :-<1ys S1 •crrL1 r,v of Sta l1' lle11r~· A. Kissinger ~1 itl i ~ If t ~ix r rPpriratil'ln 1,_ ;i the mos1-adn1i.rcd p uh I 1 c 1,lt1c1;JI 111 th<' Uni!ed Sl <llt'S. ... ourcc ,.f frus1ra11on eal·h The poll. a survey of 1.50~ r ··;ir. S<:tddtrh:irk l' 0 1 l eg(' fX'l'SIJllS t;:ikrn In l;dr .luly. 1,ffer;; ;1s."i<:t.1nc(' 1n t ,,_.,, o s<!ld 79 pereenl of tho.<:.,; l'1)urs('-. schPdulc<l thi~ f::rJL questioned rated Kiss1nRcr·s "Personal Jnromr TJ:ic" is performance good to cXC('llcnt, designed to provide the <.'01nparcd with 15 percent who said it \\•as fair to poor. individual tax preparer wilh ·---------'----- ;i background in f c cl er a 1 lncornr Tax regulations. lnt<'n1al Revenue code<: and rel ated rulings to specific tax problen1.<:. An integrated sl.udv or Calirnrnia incon•c ta x ]a\V.S 1~ill hc inclt1ded in the cou rse, scheduled to convene on r.'londa ys fron1 7 lo 10 1).m. heginning Sept. 16. Tax prnctiUonrrs an d preparers v.·ill review the causes for co1nmon lax return discrepancies in ''fundamen- tals of Tax· Preparation" of- fered on Tuesdays from 7 10 10 p.1n. begiMing ScpL 17. TI1e course follov.·s scpar;ite Line items on I.he individual in- con1e tax form to improve the sludent's knov.·lcdge Gf tax rotum preparation. , Sa d dlehack's off"{'8mpus schedule includes s e v e r a I classes in "Pundamcntals of Tax Preparation" on i ts agenda for the fall. The class will meet \Vednesdays at Laguna Hills l ligh School, Thursday~ at 'T'-·o::tin High School, and Tuesdays at University High School. All classes will nleet from 7 lo JO p.m, f'all quarter regt.~trntion by i-lppoint.mcnt only btgins Sept. 10 Lal<' registr:ltion \viii be hrld on S!'pt. 12 fro1n 9 :i,m. un!ll noon. :ind In the ('V('ning between S:30 and 8:30 p.n1. Ul"I Tllt11llolO 'Unppe11h1g' Spanish pai nter Salva· dor Dali helcl 'happen- ing' in 1nain square of c;ranollcrs. wh ere he squirted paint lhrough hoses 01110 3 ,bY 5-nictcr ranvas as sonic 3.000 s pectators c r ow d c d a bout. G11errillas ffit Siclo11 , Tl1en Fl ee nr:JH U'I', U>bcinon (Al'l - J';1lf'sti1uan ~uerrtl!as Y.'ith hl azing Jll<l<:hin1· guns ;ind i·xploding-h<i nd grenade! t01'!:.1y <.! .. rr111·<l S1rlon. L c I.> a no n ' s rhird lar1·gs1 e11,v. but pul!rd out idt<•r c·n11u·ol l111g the town for four ll<lurs. i\n official al !he offirl' of Sidon <;ov. Jll'nry U1hhoud (1N SHORT ... ) said !hf'r1· \\'Cre no report~ Of t'il!-ill<:tllll'S. Lahhou<l said the guerrill.:is 11•1rhd!'{'llo' at the urging of the Lcb<int•Sf! govt•rnnlt'tlf a n d gut•1T1l!;r l c~1ders in Beirut. A ~t1t'tTilL1 spokl's111:1n in Ikirul s;ild Yasi r Ar::ifat. lhc top l'illl':-;t inian ll'ader. J>t•rwn:ill1 ord1·r·eo lltt· guerrillas to !{ e 1111111esl11 Ni.t:ed :1 i. l'llJCAGO t Al'l Th~ \"t•h•r;Jns of i"Orf'ign \\'t1r3.; national convention has vot~ unanin1ouslv to n pp o s j ;11nncsly foi-draft dodgers an dvs1·rtcrs. :~ Abour 4.000 de I r g a t e (~ :1ppro1·t'd \vithou! d Is sen ft 'ful·sday a resolution opposin~1 arn nt'S!\'_ _(. Thi' ,;o!t• r:u11e one day nftcill l'rt·s1 d•:!1I Ford chose the VF'\f~ t•11t1\'1•nl1011 to announce a: r1·\'I C'\\' of policy toY.:ard th&; t-stin1ated 50.000 Amcricll nfi living 11brond IX'1'<t llSf' of dr;ift ~ rt•sist:i ncl' or d1·sr rtio11. e Trruuit Bill \VASH \\'\.TO:'-r (APl Tn a l'ictory for President F'on1. lh(' lfotl~' has 1utf'd to ('lrt a S20 billifln rnass tr:insit bill !o !hi· S11 billion hr rrq11t'st1·d. 1·h~~ llou:•l' p.a:-sed th<' hill T111 ... d:1v :ri.i to !'12 . :"t ft('r th1· r11n~11t~ :nJ!h11ri1ath111 I\. il ~ r1'(l\Jt'C'd h.1· a 2:-.;-1:i5 \ult'. Th(• hill \1'ot1ld ;111t11t,1f'i~r th(' f ir~t ff'd t r:1I up•' r :1 1 l 11 g suh~idH'S to l1,1rd·pin\!1t·d 111:1ss 1 r;in ~1\ s1·:-.i1·1\1<:. :1s \It'll ;1.,; !1100(·.1· fnr IJ11y111g !lt'll' t'qu1p111~·1 11 S11-n:1.1r lulls are pt·nd111g 111 tilt· S..·n:i\\', e ,.;_,.,,,, lfe1••••·1 \~':\SI 1 l ~C TI l \' I l l '1 1 '!'lit· JIOU.'<1' ol fl•·pr1•.;1•lll 111 1l'e" ha~ :ir·c1-r.t1'd tht r\•port nf 1t,..: .Juel 1('1,tl'I' ( ' " Ill n1 t 1 I 1• 1• 11\·t'1d11tg \h,;L 1 1h·~Hit·nt .\iXO!J . d••s1·r1·1'fl to tx-fl'ffiO\'ed fro~ ofl1cr for \1h:-;1n1ct1on of; JllS!ILI'. :1h11~1ng h1,'i JlOll'r'ri: .ind f,1il 1ng to ton1p!\ 11o tllt c:o1111n1 tlt·•· ~uhpoPn;i .~. -:,, 111 :1lT• pt1ng 1ht' rr pQrt 'r11("~d.1~ Ii\ ;1 412-:: \0!r , the 1111\J!'t' n1·11h1·r ;1p1't'O\•·d nor c\i~.°l!!t'f:t•d l\ilh lhP j};111Pl'S l1 nd1ni:::. .i rr , .. rj ;11 n(!l·r 111onth ' 1,f 1n t rnsc l tl \t'~!1g;1T11>1t .•Ill! d1•t•,llt•. 1'h1• t'1·11•11't 1,,.,·:1n11· :in nffil·ia! Ho 11<-1' d1J1 '\J fll t·nL ti ,1·ill ~· prl11r rd ;uid m:idl· <tl':11l:ibl!' for puhl1r• rl i~tnb11 - 11on. prob;ihlv bV Thur:-c:Ln· ;if[t't'll01Jfl. • • ' e ll'~111r11i1t ~f llirl C'l!EYE\'.\I·:. \\'yn. li\1'1 ~r.1t1· St·n. 'l'ho111;1<; :-.1ro111·h :in I\,\' Ll'.1 g1a·r . def,.;i tpd two 11ppOJll'li!<,; 1n \\' ,\' O Ill I 11 )'.! 'S II(• p 11 b l1t·.'!11 l~1ll l'.f!'"$111n;a} pr1 111;r 11. but the out1-01nr· df 1hl' J'.1l'(' (.,r th1' 1; O fi 1-:uht'l'l1<1!1 J1 i.11 nnrl :1\\,111 t:J report.~ (rtiin ,-i]J prt•Cinrl~. ~· \rilh n ,1111 1 1~ in frorn :i!I but 1·1gh1 o( !\11· st;itr s i\:iU l·l'l'l'llU'I <: '\11.'t \l llC' S(•p:iralt•(l tl1L· fronl ·n111111·r" 111 rh1• f0tJr· n1:in Ht·puhl1<·:1n prim;:rry for governor F11rn11'r stall' Srn. f)i<'k Jone" 1r;1~ ahead ~·ith l:'i.179 ,·ott•s (o 14,R71 for sta fe Sen. r.t:"tlcolrn \Va!lop_ Stat8 Hrp. Tloy 1\·ck \\'tlS third with 14 ,007 :-ind rorrnE'f Attv. Gen. llnrPncc Brimmer _ v.·'as la st \\-'i lh l3.R59. • (;fflJflll i\l"CtJrd P1\NAi\1i\ 1,\P1 -JliJnamt1 h'.ts cinnoutl('t'rl it is resloring rlq>lon1H t1r' relations \\' i t tr c·uba. joining fi vf' T.a ti b Arnerican stales that ha~ rndt'<i polili rnl and t'1'()nOm~ sanct ions against F i d c:l Ca~fro:s Con11~11~n1st ff'~in1(': I· ore1gn Min!<;!i·r J u a fl Antonio Tark :111no1u1cf'd that a delegation ll'OUld ny t(> llavana today to forma lize Uib r1~nC\1•;1l of ties bel\l'l'Cll the two count rics. . ' e Pinn<' Crnslie•; LA PAZ. &livia ft\P) !- The wreckage of an Air Fore); cargo plane fron1 Charlestoo. S.C. and the bodies of sevon crewmen were found streYhi aero~ nn icy 20.000-foot-~!Vt plateAu. t.wo d11ys after ttic planr d1s..ip1:icar('d !n a storm. ~ U.S. embassy ~pokesmlfn S<11d Tuesday the C \ 4. 1 transport cr;1shC'cl inti) !be t.:illrr of the lwo lluayne- 1'01/.i peaks n1o mrnts ))cfore !! \\-'11~ to land at La Pat. 17 rn1l r.'> northv.'cst of ttlr n1oun111i11. It V.';is <'HrrylnR JO 1011~ of cargo for delivery '* La Paz. T LO. F.d11:1 Sk;. In ,\ r11r 1n;1n11 dl Sl'liJ fr n111 (; dJ ('1~'111 the 1\1 I\'. !Jl(• I Angl'I Sl'J!'l1 l11ti·r1 i-;alh(' tligl1t. • IJA!L'l' fllLOr 1 f I Takes l ,A Post Ford's 'X' Prc-dieted THE FA .\llL Y CIR Cl S lly Bil Keane floiise Ok<t''s PPnsiorz Bill Ll>S A.\'\.ELJ::S 1l 'PI 1 ... F:rill'ard ti. Cibson, one ol 1he Sk.1 lab :J ;1s!rnnauts \lho tlus yrnr co1np!ett'd the longest 111;i1111cd flight in h1~tor~•, has d1st·lu'ICd !h<1t he is rt'tinng fro1n the !'ip."lce progr.1111 ... f;JBSO:'\, AL(li'\(.; \I' 11 h (;l'ralr! I'. Carr of S;111 t:i Ana <Hid \l'ilhatn R. i'Of:lll'. Sl'I a rt•tord of 34.S n1il!iun 1111ll's travt•led nnd 11-1 tl:1\ .··, nne hi.ou r an1! !S n1inutcs tl ur:111011, 111 1J1!' Sk,\'l<ih :i fligl11 11h1 t'h cndPd \1'ilh splashdo11·n F1•b. SI. The df'('i~iun lo l1•a\'P 11a:-> n d1ffil'uh 1111t\ t;ihsnn said \\'AS!llNGTON ~AP I -/\. 1nasslve c:omrrornise pension refor1n bill. haill'd as one of the n1ost in1JX1rl<Jnt 1ucasures of this Congress. has sailed lhrough !lie llnuse am 1 d nep11b lican predirllons th:it l'rcsidt'll1 Ford 11•ill sig11 it. The Ho:1sc 1·01e. sending it to the S1~nc1Le for final art1011, 11;is ~U7·2 . 11·ith only Hl'p~ ,J;unrs :'IL Collins ( H·Tt•\. 1 :111d 1-'.arl F. L<ind greh1• (!{·Ind. I 111 di ~~en t TuL'sd<1~'· /\ t•l111 ·/ supporll'I', J{cp. .John N Erlcnbor11 'H·lll.1, calll·d 11 ·•;1 red !ctler d<ty." •• \ Y ), ai;rrcd that ford would ;11·tept thl· bill 11h1l'h •·1111·rr,t'd lnnn :i lengthy !"cl!<1lC· 111111-.r r:onferen1·e .st-~:-c11•11 Supportrrs. ~:itd !ht' bill'-> rn:ijor goal is :1ssur1ng th:it \1flr~l'l'S v.·ho :II'•' ]U"Ollll"{'d rl'lirt'nH·ll! h<'ncfits 11 i 11 ;u·tually g1·t !h•'fll \\'l1i\!' !ht· hill 11 <1111tl nvt lorVl' co n1p.1nit•s 1(• p!'n1 i(l1' j)('Jl"1ru1 pl:111~. it 11u1ild ~1·l rul1'S f1>r t''1stl11'.,! tll\('~ ;uid ;11\~' SL1rt r d lrro111 JlO\\' fll1. 11 c1lnt:iin~ :-:tand:1rd!' 10 {;1Uso11. :J7. t'orruerl l' of San Clt'1nenlP. s;iid h1· \\'ould ll'a1,• 1hc NAS1\ astr<JllilUL t11rp" r\01'. '._IO lo 1;tkl' a Juli \\1111 lhP 1\1·rospac1· Corp. ur Los Angt·ll's ''" :1 scoior slnff sc1 t•n1isl s pc t' i a Ii zing on 1n1t·rpret:1tio11 of sol:c1r d:il:t gathl·retl t 11r 1) 11 ~ h sp<.1ced lligh rs. "I :un lc;1\'ing onlv bec;u/'-l' cd th·· tren11·nduus :1P1f1unt 1d ::-ol;1r data 11 ,. h n v e nrt·u11111l;1h·d in Skvlal> ~111d I f(•t•I co111pcllt·ll In full up n1v :-ll'1•1'es :111d 1n ake the bl.'st of lhl' (\;11:1.'0 )1,. ~:drl QUITS NASA CORPS Edward G. Gibson ASKEll BY ;i rl'IXlrtt'r 1f Ford \\'OUld sign it, l:~rlcnhor11 replied : "\Vithout any doubt." Urp_ Barber B. Con;iblc I H . gu:1r([ pl;JO p:irtieip:tll!S. \IOUld grant 11orkers p e r 111 il rl L' 11 1 righ!o; to fu1111·l' pC'n-.111n s :lft1•r ;1 sp{'cifie ti1nv 1n :1 pl:.in . 116uld fix ('II 11 ! r I h u I I() JI stand:1 rds lo proll'l'I. against prnblrn1s Of i 11 :J d 1• q U a I l' tinancing. and 11·oultl sci up Men's swea1cr/ sh•rt set Both ;i blend of polyester/canon Machine washable. Siz es. S.M,l.Xl . 6.00 Was. Turtleneck. Ribbed. 100% acryhc with long sleeves. AssorleC COIOfS. S,M,l, Gals' nylon bikinis. French cul style. Assorted Past els. S,M.L. IUEl'A PARK: Beach at Orangelhorpe • ()pen weekdays 10 to 9:30, Sundays t 0 lo 6 .. 15.99 Gals' pants suits. S styles. All machine ~v ashable polyester. Sizes 8 to 16, 14 to 20. 1.33yd. P111wale corduroy prints ancl solids. All machine washable cotton. 45" wide. Reg. $7 ea. Suede handbag A combo of suede leather and vinyl. Accordion pockets. Brown. ~ 3.99 Reg. 3.99. Men's surfer·loo\.; 1r1c ket Zip front Hood 1n Collur. Machine 1vashable nylon 1affeta. S.M l .XL_ otU.HGE: City Dr. al Garden Grove Blvd •()pen weekdays W lo 9 Sundays 10 10 6 ;_111 l·rnployt·r-11nant·1•d :1 11 rl ~ u \ e rnll\\'!H·run 1n:-.l~r;u1c1· S,\<:tvn1 lo i,!u:1rd :1~:u11s! lu:-~ of ht•r11·l1l~ 1f a pl;u1 f;u l:- 'l'll EllE \\OL'l.ll Ill·: 1nu1't' ~cnerous tux hr(':1k.., H•r 1\t':t\ll11er proft·"sio•1:il n~·np ll' ~ti<·h ;1~ Ln1yt•rs ii!ld do!'11 1rs ll'h(J \\(!Uld g1•I ;1 l.'lX ch·dl!i'l11111 by "~'tt1ng ;is1dc 1q1 to $7 .JHll ,1 \···~1r 11110 pl' r "1111 ;1 I rc\1ren1c·111 plan-; cu111p;1r•·d (., :1 prt'.~l'll\ li1111t of s2.:)oo i.ill!Ht.1lly. l,.lll'thcrrnorL" fur lilt· f ir~l \ll lll', \IO(:t•I'~ ll<•l l'O\L'l'!'d hy any C1J11lµiif'IY pl:111 eould s1·1 tip si 111d:1r 1nd1vidu;1I r<t•lir1·1nt·11l prngr:i1n s but .th•· nl a" 1 111 urn !<1'\"dt•lluctihlt· 1·onlributio11s \1·01dd be Sl.ri\•11 a yt«tr Reg. 2.66 ea. Girls' bodysuits. Long sleeve nylon turtlenecks. 'vVh11e and solids. Sizes 4 to 16. 4.99 Reg. 5.98. Boys' acryl ic ski s\veater. Hand embro1de1cd and cornpletely washable. Sizes 8/10, 12/14, 16/18. _,, ~ .il -~.. ... ( .. -. \ . ~_: • Jr'/ "-~~... ,._, ._ ~ :•) . ~ ~~ I ~ ' 1 •..: ~/ ~. 'v ~- \ ~ ·'" ' "fhey're ~loy •n ' 'R,nq Around the Collar'" 4.99 Reg. 5.98. Boys· ,1en1m jacke1. Mi'lcl11ne 1vashable polyester / colton. Solids. L11tle boys' S ,M.l. 819 boys S M l . 5.99 Reg. 6.98 5.99 Reg. 6.99. Boys' unl :110d CPO's. Wool bl('nd. Pl.'lids. S1 zes8/10, 12/14, 16/18. 7.49 Reg. 9.99. Men's un,l1ned CPO's. 'vVool blend Plaids. S.M.L.Xl . 77¢ 4 oz. Sayelle' yarn. 4 ~ply skein. Machine washable acrylic. JCPenney 123 456 7i9 0 9 SANTA ANA: 3900 So Bri slol-No, of So Coasf Plaza •()pen weekdays 10 to 9 Sundays -10 10 6 I l 1\ 12 DAILY PtlOT 'fraffl t• ftffi(•ers Wi1 1e R1111 To }t1il Re1•et1le1/ Tt1na Fisl1c1·s S11e Ca1111c1·s CHI~ R ett lly f t>r iV 011tt-'1t SAN FRANCIS('() (A l'\ -'rh1· :-lul asks fnr· lr1·blr (11 2111~1\l !ti 7..i.UUO 1011 ~ uf ,i)h;u·•in. 11hal1 1-20 p1·1 1·1•11t ·111,• \\v-.ll'lrl t-1~hb(J:Jt 0\1ncr~ <tan1:igcs lo~· dct1·rt111u1·1I hr ,,1111,. ,,1111u .• I 11 ,,tlthii(lc c..iLdi-, S.\CH ,\,IE'.\1'11 1,\!'1 -r1" C':11Jforn1a 1l1)!h1\;1) l':itn1I 11<1' notifil·tl 127 \1o!lll'tl tl1nt 1l1L·1 :ire f'!1;;1hl1· for 1/"llHHHg 1 .. b(o("Qll11· thl' !1r:?.I fL·111-.h.: tr:1ff1L' otl 11 Pr" 111 I I [J ' hhl•1r1 l·orl\ \\{)llH'TI 11 ill IJ ,. .,,.),·1·1t·d front 111\' 1•l1g11Jlt· h~t tu t"'!-'111 Jti \ll'L'J..' i,f 11",JlllU:i..: :-M.·p1 :II) ,,1 llit• l I !I' :u-.1dt·111~ Ill !'1:1< l ;IHll"/1! 1, !hL· p:1trPI '·lld 'I 111'.,da \' 1\~.~0<·1:11lon Jnd four tuna bor1t th1· 1-our l Tht•J hruig ui :dxHll G5 to 011nt•rs ll;"t1(• fllt •d fiuit in 1'hc assO<'J.lliun 1nt'111h«l'S ;11 pi•r{'('tl l of th•' tuna t'i1t1gl11 fl·der.11 <:r1urt :1c1.:us1nf::" f11·c /J.iie an aicr:igc yearly catch u!f th(' \urth Arn1·ri1::111 ('o<.1st. 111aior !tu1:1 fi~h t3nnt•rs til I ~~==:::::::::=::~~~~=:;:;::._::::::~ 11ol:iling anlL1ru~t 1;111 s. llHl/)(;EJ'<lf!'J' t'o1u1 t ,\11 1 l11fa11t Ba1)tiz(~(l.._ 011 CJ1111·cJ1 Ste r)~ Tiii-: \\"f):\J!-:\. SELECTJ:ll t1urn I 15/l ;ipplll'<lf!l~. 1'.1!1 )1'~ t/IL' l1r:-..1 li'tn;dt• (';1(11 t~ rri lr;1111 :11 lh1· :•c;1d1·n1·. ;ind tJP•ln l(t".1tlu:il1 nn 11 111 h11 tl,1· !HS! 11 ot' '-lllTt .... .,I !1 I \l• 1111·11 t!1•t t"\(t•1i!111n 1:l1· 111·1[ '"! ,1 11 nl1t·:1 t•\:111l .ind jd11' I! ;tJ Jll'lllt!"I• 11t·;. I(• .. !'> !ll(i fl 1!".ld ,t hl~h '-•01"(' 111 11111'1\ll'\\" h\ <I q11;1f1ftL;lllOll ;li'Pr;11-.il jJ.!111'1, lllt' ('fll ' ,1tJ1t.·d T110 1;.('rSOn..; li~111· llef'n .. 11:11"•,·il 111 :1 ~r~t·1n1· to .'-ilHIJ.:1-!l.' ltqunr 111 1t\Jll'll1·~ at th1· sl.1t•· J.11 1 h1 ru1111111i,: ;1 :1'i 11\t'h ho--e 1l1n111~il .1 f11·s:- tl .. or 1111111(111 Iv the 11r1.,111l·rs. 1 .. ru·1• ~.11d \\,11d•·11 .lu."' S.111ln.~ ~:11d Ill!' 111 I pJ:lt"f'd ;1 ~.i!IOil jll(! f!I \lllh· .11111 :1 1~11!11• ,,f l1q1101 11\l!s1d(• ll1~· 1:111 l1t•t11•;11h :1 111111ln11 <11\U 111111at1·' !o\\1'rf'1t !It" h"st• lo 1h•• 111.'ll•~ 11'· :-;11d :1 gu;u·d ,,pott1·d lh•· op1·1·:11111n :ind :1rr •slv1I Iii•' H1t•fl ('11.it /1 ('trrt•s '! !1r C'Lt~s iH'!LOll Tur<;dJ} Ur the li00 ·1ne111her :-.SsO<'ialton. h1•:ulqt1:1rtL'rf'c\ in San lli1•J.!o. !'lt1in1s 1hP firtns (·11n~p11·1·d to unr1'<l son :1bl.\" 1rstr:1i11 tradr :ind 111onopol1ze 1}Urch:ise o1 tun:-. :\..\\JEil AS l)EFE.\J),\NTS 11(•rt• C;1.stle .r.: ('ook(' 1111·. 11hu·h 1);1l'k<; :ilh:l<'llre or !una 11ud1·r !ht> Bu 1nhl1• Rt•t· lal)i•l : \\"(•stg;!!1•-l't1ilfor11i;1 Foods, 11 hich u.~1·s Bn.·a5<L of Chi<'~rn , C.1rnallon. Priont1· and Pe;i- t'Ock lal:w•ls; Slar~K i~I Foods and JI. J. llrin;o it~ 1:arrn1 1·orpor:it1un. ;u11I I~ ;1 I ,., t o 11 l'11rin;1 Inc. \1·hieh 011·11!; V:n1 I ":11np ~t·nfood." ;ind 1narkr1.; 11111;i 11ndt·r ChickL•n--0f-tht•·SC'a .\lA!lLB(JRU ~\ ....... I \I'• . :\11 111f:1nr d1'1111•d h.q111.•111 tx·c:a t1'-i.' ol h1 .. 111oth1'f.'> 11r11 i- on :1ho111on h;is IX't'!l g11t•r1 1h1• s<il'rt«I Ho1n.1n ( ';11 lu1l1t: r11e on U1c stc1is of a lul'~L·d t:hurch ·rhc f{('\ .• Jo.-1'11h o·nr1urk1' or \e11o York d<'fl('d <"hUrth supcr1or.s Tu l' ~ ti a .1 and splash('d h<1ly 11-.1ft'r on thr•'l'· nmnth-0ld !'/::ilh:tn11·l :i.1 .. rrt«ill' ~;~~('r11o~1;d . 1~~ ).a~d;.1:·;1rJ1ut~ ~i-~1 ('t.•Jebr:tfiOllS of l1f~· !'\"{', l'\L'I' been ro.·· 1'11 E PAS'fOR OF 1 ht' lmn1acul:itc C n n c e p I i o 11 Church. the Rt. 11cv .. \l ~gr. frBncis X. ~1C<'h:in. rr>f11sed to baptize the inf:1111 Au~11~t 11. The :irchifliocc ... i' of Boston suppor1ed his st;uH I. '!'he c·hild's parents. Carol and Daniel 1\lorrt•:-tl<'. horh 20. stood on thl' chur{"h <;!eps ll'ilh Bill Ba ird. ;i bi1·th <.:011lr11I :1d1·oc:l!e tr.1"1ng to .... e! abortion <·l1t\lc hl'n: Ra7J Against Co11iic Nixe<l R!C!/:'110~1>. \'A. ll.Pl 1 - The Con11non11c;1l\h (•f r irginia hils drnpJX'd cl1;1r~t'!i. ;igainst Richard Pryor .• 1ft{"r l the ccn1ed1an pron11sed he \\0u!d '"ell•<1n up his (It!"' if RtHl 1\·hen Iv· [ll:rfornls inl H1chmond ag~un . The :13-year-nld black e<1n1i<' h;id lwt•n C'hargl'd 11 i t !1 disorderly tOndU t l for SOllll' off-color re111:trk ~. hr altt'Jil'dl~ I 111.1dP during a perlo111101111·" at the llichn1und l'oh~·11111 AU)!. ·I Thr charges 11 ere drop1>t'd J\londa.1· ill th(· rc(jU(' ... f ••I Co n1 n1on11e;ilrh·s Allor111·r Aubrey Al. /)a1·i ~ Jr · 1 -========~1 I Sears I Hearing Problem? rl"ru~I S+·;1r~ tn lf1·l1• 1 ou Find ;a 11.·arinl! .\iii lhat \1.11 lu· Ui;.!111 r .... , ... 11' l'.11·1 .. 11J,,,. \,.,.,1< _fi1r l 'Xfl ltlfi ft•: ~Ju r l~··hi11 t l-tl11·-l·::1 r llcaring i\i1I If you find yourself wish- ing people wc uld s peak louder. v1s 1t Sei1rs for a private hearing test. II your l oss is mild to moderate. th is compact, lightweight hearing aid m ay helP. Econom1cal to operate . H as very l ow battery d rain ... gives up to 200 hours o f battery life. At k About Scars Convenient Credit Plans Hn rln« Aid11 Art! Av•ilable at tlte followtn( SN!r1 Stort!1 e.,....,. r .. A '·~"'"' ....... ~ ..... I .,, •••• 1 l l "I-... •.1 .... 1.1. ...... ···~· • ....... u.u. I """ U, ' lo , .......... . I'!•• .. •' IU"'""" ··-.... • ..... h ! ..... ,,, ••• 1 ......... . '.u .. .i ... ., ....... . \ l!Plld I I ,j/,,,.j; ;jlftl J•Mld 111 ii:(' ~l1 1 , 1 111 lront ol 1h1· 11tlp11 ... 111~ b11rh; <·hun 11 ;111d r 1 :1 pp t' 11 11 hru r.11l1··r o·li.,ul"k•· ... 11d • 1h"111111·1<1i1 \"a1h a111r) .\1nrr1•:1lt·. 111 tho· n;1tll<' uf tl1t· F;i!h•·r !Ill' ~·II :i nd 1J1c l!ol,V Spir11 ' Thi• '-l'h'c·ti1111 prO<V"~ 11,1~ n111• nl rll1· n1nst rignl"otl 'i r11·r {"Hll•!111·11'(I IJ\ 1]1,• p:1!rul . ("Ill' '. fl ITl !!\ I ... ~I () I\ t' r \\ .iltl'r ! 'ill ltilll::.k I !>;lid. S:intos s:iid lit· du.Jn '! l-,n1i1~ d <111y of thr 11un:1t l'.'> 11't'l"1' sUlTL'~sful 111 gcn1ng :i drink. no!Lng thal it 11ould !1;11e t<1ken ;1 lol of su£'t1on. OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS · HOME IMPROVEMENT DUPONT NYLON HI-LOW 100% CONTI NlJJUS FILAMENT NYLON PILE. POPU LAR • HI LOW PATIERN TH AT COMB INE S BEAUTY AND DURA· BILITY A LAR GE SELECTION OF BRIGHT TWE EDS IN A VARIETY OF COLORS. NOW SALE PRICED ..• COMPARABLE RETAIL ...... $4.99 HERCULON®LEVELLOOP 55 "HERCULON, OLEFI N. 45 /,NY LON PILE EXCELLENT FOR HIGH TRAFFIC AREAS -HOTELS, OFFICES. APARTME NTS SOIL RESISTANT, MANY COLORS NOW SALE PRICED COMPARABLE RETAIL ..... $5 .99 DACRON® PLUSH 100 DACRON· POL YfSTER PILE HIGH FASHION, LAVISHLY THICK PLU SH IN MAN Y BEAUTIFUL DECORATOR COLORS ·DuPont Re1 1sttred Tr1dem1rk NOW SALE PRICED •. COMPARABLE RETAIL •••• $B.99 BB SQ. YD . SAV E Sl.00 BB SQ. YD. SAVE Sl .00 98 SQ. YD. SAVE SJ.DO .follnnv ( asn luld ft"'iO l"hC'l'rlilg l!Hlliill';o. dtU'· 1ng <t pt.'r!nru1:in1·c )it• and ol llL•r 111u ... 1c-i:1n..; ";l\C at (}l-,l:1hn111a Stall' Pcn1tcnt1ar.1· :ii ~lt·.'\lf's­ tcr that "'l/1e (111 !,v rl';1- ::,on v.·t 'rc here 1:> lJl'- l":lU"C 11·r 1·:1rc alJouL 1 he proplc." ( l:iht•ls. ® BEGINS WITH CARPETING DUPONT NYLON TRI-COLOR SHAG I 00 DUPONT NY LON PILE RICH , DEEP DUR ABLc SH AG IN NEW THREE -COLOR DESIGNS NOW SALE PRICED .• COMPARABLE RETAIL ..... $5.99 HERCULON®SCULPTURED HI Low .. , ... ., ......... ,. ... . ....... . . ~· ·-··· ............ . 100"• HERCULON· OLEFIN PIL E IN A TIGHT LOOP WEAvr FIBER THAT RESISTS STl\IN S AN D WEAR MANY COLORS. NOW SALE PRICED ... COMPARABLE RETAIL .•.•• $7.99 99 SQ. YD . SAVE Sl.00 99 SQ . YD . SAVE SJ.DO _______ _, KODEL® Ill TIP SHEARED HI-LOW 100 KODEL · Ill POI YESHR PILL A CLASSIL PATJEll N WITH A CONTEMl'DRARY FLAI R MAN Y COLORS NOW SALE PRICED .. COMPARABLE RETAIL •..•. $8.99 SQ . YD . SAVE SJ.DO • IST QUALITY llAME BRAND CARPETS AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES • SELECT FROM THE LARGEST CARPET " lllVEllTORY Ill THE WEST COMPLETELY tNSTALLED OVER LUXURIOUS FOAM PADDING • EVERY ROLL OF CARPET IS MARKED AllD PRICED FOR YOUR COllVElllEllCE • All LABOR UllCOllDITIOllALl Y GUARANTEED HERCULON® WOVEN PATTERN LARP[i YOUR LIVI NG $ ROOM. IJINING ROOM KODEL® m PLUSH SHAG AND HALL WAY 100% HERCULON' OLfflN PILE IN A TIGHT LOOP WEAVc THAT COMBI NES BRIGHT DUPONT NYLON HI-LOW 100"0 KODEL· Ill POL YEST ER PILE A N[ W DEEP, LUSH CARPET WITH LUXURIOUS IU'J CONTINUOUS FILAMENT DECORAT OR COLORS WITH A UNIQUE DESIGNER PATI ERN NOW SALE PRICED •.. ••••..... o '"·~····· '. ............. b" .... , ·~· ., " •• ". B9 SQ. YD. SAVE SJ.OD COMPARABLE RETAIL .. $8 .99 NYLllN I'll E BASED ON 32 SQ YOS . APPEARAN CE AN O PERf ORMANCE MAN Y DECORATOR COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM. 99 NOW SALE PRICED ••• SQ. YD . , SAVE SJ.DO COMPARABLE RETAIL ..••• $9.99 KODEL® m HI-LOW SHAG 100% KOQEL" 11 1 POLYESTER PILE. A NEW. ATTRACT IVE SCULPTURED 7" EFFEC T_. COMES IN SOLID ANO TWEED CO LORS. so YO. NOW SALE PRICED ... S•YE COMPARABLE RETAIL •. S 11.99 "oo DACRON® SCULPTURED HI-LOW , 100'6 0ACRON· POL YEST ER PILE A Cl ASSIC THREE LEVEi PATTERN 699 IN MAN Y COLORS NOW SALE PRICED . . . '~;:r COMPARABLE RETAIL .. $9. 99 ·ovPONT ,,11,~1,1td 11.111em.1r k l 3.oo DUPONT NYLON PLUSH 1 OD Yo DUPONT CONTIN UOUS FILAM FNT NYLON PILE THI CK. DENSE SHAG IN A MUL TITUOE OF EXCITING COLOR S. - SUPERIOR PERFOR MANCE. EASY UPKEEP J99 ANO ATTRACTIVE LOOKS. SQ YD . COMPARABLE RETAIL. $11 .99 {.'.~~ INDOOR OUTDOOR ARPETS DO-IT-YOURSELF. CUT AND CARRY 100% POLYPROPYLENE IDEAL FOR PATIOS, POOL ARE AS. PLAYROOMS AVAILABLE IN MANY NEW EXCITING COLORS. SAVINGS UP TO •• . NOW SALE PRICED •.•••••••• COMPARABLE RETAIL................. 3.99 SQ. YD. SAVE S2.00 DUPONT NYLON SHAG JOO .. DUPONT NYLON PILE ST AT IC RESISTANT EXTRA DEN SE. LOW PROFILE SHAG IN LAVISH MULTI COLOR COMBINATIONS THAT Will BRING 1199 HIGH FA SHION TO ANY ROOM. NOW SALE PRICED... 'it Yo. COMPARABLE RETAIL .$16 .99 u.:. KITCHEN ARPET by1.11i1'lt NEW DECOR ATOR DESIGNS WITH Hl -U ENSITY FOAM BACK. EXCELLENT FOR KITCHENS. RESTAURANTS. DENS. PLAYROO MS. 'NOW SALE PRICED .•.....••• COMPARABLE RETAIL........... • • .. • • $5 .99 99 10. YD. SAVI SI.DO __ , , 30·60·90 DIY S NO INTEREST • CDNV[N IENT CREDIT PLANS IND BINK HIMS IVllllllE •CALL fD! f!H S!WP·Al·HDM! SUVICE •VISIT OU! CUSTOM D!AP!!Y DEPT. ... ~~~~__:.:'.'.~~~:.:::::.:......:::::.::::.:::.:..::::=.:.:::=:::.:..:::::::.::.::=.:::==::...==c.-=.:c.:.:_::~=:.=::.:.:...-=.:~=.c.c=:.....:._:.;__---:~~~ NO. HOLLYWOOD 1007 lo11rel Canyon llvd. -912·2200 W. LOS ANGELES VENTURA 2SOl E. Moin Sr . 648·5CMI TORRANCE WHITTIER LONG BEACH 15911 E. Whittier •Ivel. lOOI Bellflower Jllvd, 943.()161 421-8934 PASADENA CANOGA PARK 2660 E. Colorado Blvd . 21038 Sherman Woy 577.1900 347-2334 WEST COVINA MILLBRAE FOUNTAIN VALLEY 2526 E. Worllmo" Ave. 320 El Comi"o ltol 15945 Worbor llvd. HOLLYWOOD ,...,471 Sf (•IS) 692·2SSS (714) 139-1700 MONTCLAIR SAN CARLOS CAMPBELL 1122 VlllE ST. ••2-6212 4119 Holr lo11ltvord 171 4) 626-3517 ,, 'l I. 7:) I . ,, ,, , ' JI l2 TONIGHT'S T\' I-IJ(;IILIGllTS KT .. !'\' m 5·ou -\\'orld Fuol b:t ll League. '!'he Southern l:difornia Sun tangles wnh l'tiilaclc!plua 111 !his \A,IFL clusb AflC 0 8:00 -"\\'onder \V o111an " 'rhe legen· dary l'OnlJl' book heroine come,c; to life 111 tlus seru.!s piiul in Lhe fu ru1 uf ('at hy f.ee ('rosby a~ a gov(•r11- 1nent "secret weapon " sn1ashing a ring of e~p1011- ;tge agenL-;. l\'Bt' 0 9:00 -''Some Kind of a Nul." fJ it k \'an IJyke star!) as bank en1ploye wh ose ne\lll y ac- qu1r~d l~ard IJc<"on1cs a topic of c:ontroversy. \Vith ,\ng1e 1)1tk1n~on, ltosen1arv l·'orsv the and El liott Heed. · • TV DAILY LOG Thu rsday DAYTIME MOVIES !1:00 O (CJ "lllna: S0Jomtn'1 Mints" (dra) "50-S!ew.irt Cr1n11r. Debo 11h K111, R•tlurd Carlson., Hu10 H1as 9:]0 O "Thi Return ol Wlld!lrt" (w11) "48-Richud A1len. Mary Beth Hu1hes. Jl.00 0 "Wt' Down (11t" (dra) '35- llenry fonda Floch1ll1 Hudson "Tough A.ul11~ment" (Jdv) "49- Don ··Red ' Barry. )2:00 m "B1lli11:1 of San Louis Rt(' (dra) '44-Ttl ll(:is Lederer, Lynn Bui. 1:00 Qfl "Don't rorrtl W Wlpt Ult lfood Off' (d11)-Stephen Youn1. Austin W1l!11. 2:00 @ (CJ "Min from Bi!tei Aldft" \wts) '55-lu Su~er. M~r& Cor- d1 y. Z;lO 0 ''Thlt WDllYR 11 O.n1110111'" (drt) ·~2-Jo1n Cnwford, D1nni1 "4or21n, 01vid 8ri1n, Rk.1!11d Wt bb. dj [6J (C) MS.crtl C.1t1MnJ" (dr~l '69-(1it1b1lll T•ylOf, Mil /arrow, Roll1rt Mi!tllum. l :OO (_{l (C) "T1lf $1rull" (sus~ '6S- Peter Cushinr, Christopher lei. QQ) "River ol Gold" (dra) '70--Datk R~mho. Ao1:1r DaYiS. J:lO O (CJ "Cry !01 lhppy" (com) '61 -Clenn ford. Mu-o Taki, Myo'1!i Urnek1. Oon1ld O'Connor, James Sh11e11 . (1.J "lht Ta"utd Dns1" (dra) '57 -Jet! Chandler, Je1nn1 Crain. 0 (C) "Tht Ple1su11 Sttlt11'" (rom) "6!>--Ann·M1ra;r11, Tony fr11t- do~. C.10! lynley. 4:00 117 (1) "Relurn lo Yerlftdfy" (dra) "40-Chve erook, Anna Lee. KOCE. CHANNEL .. orange County's Ul lF television station. KOCE·TV, hall sche::luled the following spcclal programs today. Det11iled llsling!I ol Chann!'I SO's programs arc carried in the D:iily Pilo t's TV \VC'Ck each Sunday. J•OO LOVI! TENNIS CC) '!;11tr,,lt w1" 1:)0 THI! SCIEHCe o~ HllTINtl !Cl BilHb•ll \ 1ll·!lme Q•t •lf•! i.ollar, Tl'<! Wiiiiam\, rtvr•l1 WIHI ~t ttll~ IM "$clt nc1 cf lll!!ln11 " Your Choice! POTTED ,c ' PLANTS ;J( IN 4" POTS • • Seve1ol voriel ies lo choose from. PI ant CJ now and '1-ovel 29( REG. 49, SALE ! Man-Made Finish on Mindi Board. . I· ' I· I ' ' I ' ' ., •' I ··. ' I I ' I ' I , . I ' I ' ' I • 1 ' I' I I : I I \' II ' I' I Ii ~ \ j I . ' ' '' 'I ' I \' 11 ' ' •I \• ., ' ' ' , I ' ' MAN·MADE FINISH ON Mlr-401 BOARD 5/32"• 4'x s· PREFINISHED WALL PANELING .• F irs ! qual ity, Pane l now and save! BUNGALOW WHITE OUR 197 PRICE SATIN TONE LATEX WALL PAINT .. Smort decorator color s. Noth ing does so much for so little cost os po int. REG. 697 $9.49 SA LE ! . GAL. '6300 Serie s •• ---- VIGON DOUBLE DRAPE BATH SWAG , . Heavy gloss qlobe'> with the look of ha nd cut crystal. Come\ with canopy and chain. RE G. 991 $1 7.99 SALE ! 188S·S LYSOL TOILET BOWL CLEANER •• Liquid disinf•ctont, removes stains, deodoriie s. Leaves o flesh clean s cent, 16 01. s iie . Wrc!n('~d.•y A11'jU\I .'! J'l/4 • !JAIL ( f.>IL OI ,\ l :J ( AJAX • PLRRTER : mix -~ AJAX PLANTER MIX F or alt outdoor and indoor plant ing~ • Promote<;, good plant growth. REG.11.19 -SALE ' 99( Sa I., Pt1ccs Elfec!ivot A ... 9. 21 l h<u Aug. 27 STANDARD & BETTER DOUGLAS FIR STUDS .2x4J18 FT., reg. 51 .84-SALE! .•• .2x 4 x10 FT ., 1e9 .S2.30 .2x 4 x12 FT ., 1eg. S2.76 SALE ! SA LE! • "10 .... ~Cl ... \! .... , SATIN TONE LATEX 1.37 1.67 1.97 TRIM & HOUSE PAINT REG. S 10.69 SAL C:l s~A~ MEDICINE CABINET ,7200 Srrie s CARVED FRAMES REG. S9.69 SALE' 611 MOIST TOWELETTES REG .... 7 7( 981 SALE ! 70 SHEETS .. ,y; ASPARAGUS FERN REG . 8 9,,. Sl.49 "' SA LE ' I .G AL. 5/8" x 4 FT. x 8 FT. PARTICLE BOARD Pressed YIO Od chip board. Underloym ent grade. ' &. INCH x 75 FEET EASY MASK PAINTING TAPE REG . 11.49 SAL t: I 99( 3 SPEED WINDOW FAN REG. 1177 s 18.99 SAL E' ·'730 1 '203 DRAIN POWER T he drain opener that works in seconds, without lye or acid, REG. Sl.99 SAL .;! 199 \•M Ql(GO f R•"I' I I I I / • • ~ :' 16 OZ. SIZE • ALBERTO V0-5 • : Hair Spray : With VERON HOUSE rm~~: Plants c;, · :· -er. 1'1. f>-I 1° f,rl• ~ ~~~~CE 2 o 69 ea 6" CERAMIC Pots Draper ra'h produc1 ~ (;i.r~ll1'll! tor minor 1·iuun~. and ~u1n·, ... ... , ,. YOUR 77c "'·o[S\11" "\ CHOICE ea. I\ 4Y, oz. KING s1ZE 1 oz. v1cKs Sinex • . :~' Brylcreem HAIRORESSING Put a h!tli! 111·.~ rn your dry ha11~ 99c NA SAL SPRAY I 0r h~f 11 • r 11111 n 1 ,11 r 111 ~r,111111nlt1,ld 1.49 1111 ' ' , I A [ffi1JJ] Place To Shop! Anti -Persp irants · f!I t~t' 1~!·\I ,!I'd~ \\!10 . ' ~ ' ' .. 111 '• I• I• ,' ' ' ' " ' ' ' I, : "Cover c·1rl" MEOICATED ; COSMETICS : THICK LASH Mascara , CREAM 4 Ol . LIQUID i 0 l . EACH 1 ' '1 11.-.,., CONDITIONER by COSM[TCO ·'~,,_.I, 110, 1 I ''"'~',;,•:, .I I 2 00 i.':_ ... I.:>!( 'r1(U r ' l/ri r,, lM·-- '111" 4 DI . l::!,. (11 APPLICATIONSI • . ·-" Tri -Potent C KODAK Smile Saver · POCKET CAMERA OUTFIT 1'' f ' I , .. j ~· p " FLORAL CONC£NTRAT£0 PA CKlnES LIOUIO 8 Ol. P·· ',' f J PAK Of 10 1.49 1.19 4 OZ. SHSUN BLUE LOTION • :1 13 DZ. SIZE MI SS BRECK . ~ Shampoo Hair Spray :-;-; 11, . I ''' d,,ndru'I Pc~ubr toir,;, 1 " "· '.!!' IJI y,·Lit t1p• r 1 lllll ' ~ ( J fp! I·,: r ~1.39 69~. ·' ' j •• ---- T 6 OZ. BOTTLE NEW DAWN 1 SHAMPOO -IN Tame Hair Color CREME RIN SE I I ~ CONDITIONER .... ~.1~'""·· Auu 1·1 ~ ..... ~, d f · 11 "1~ •'> f ! 111 ,ind drD!h a" it (aft-'' · 1·1' ' ,1d1J· rnlor " -. 99c., 3· 99c I ' ' HUf'fTIMGTOM IE.A.CH-Ado"'•,, lroolihwr,t-!ipri"qdok-a. !di•r -~io & Worner MEW7'0RT IE.A.CH -I 020 lrYiit•, Wf'slcllff Plo10 R TORO -24372 Roclifle-ld Rood SANTA ANA -1911 South lri,tol St. l I l ' d t'i 9, "' If " " II ' ,, ·' " " II f, ,. ,. \\ ,. ' ' 1 1: 1 J ' ... UCI's Carnahan No Easy Victim for Connors lly HO\YAltO .t,, llA NOY l)HAr\'fa·: .~ J -S<>ntt Cnrnah;.in of l 1(; lr.·111l' 1•xlcnd1·d \\'1nlhh·don tc'r1111 S' rhan1111011 .Ji1111ny t '11nnur·~ IX'(Ore lu~tr!g in the 1'1r."l l!)Ul!d or (Ill· E:1Sll'rtl gr:i..;s l'(tUrl 1·t1:nnp1on:-:h1ps )1('n· ·r u r ~ d ;1 ,\' 01ltC1'11uo11. 7-ti. ti··I hl'1ul!• ;1 <:rn11d uf !:1.UOO. ('11rn:1ha11. ll1e i'\11. 1 su1gles pl:i.vtr !or \'('I :ind <i !in:11tst Hl the N<:AA ('Olll•i:l' d1v1s1un 1ourn:1 n1enl \\'ho reCtehl'd lhe ruuutl 1if Iii in the univl'rs1ty dtvision 1•vvn1. ~I U!:)l' a 1v1.2tk later. was ncl'vous, ;1dn11tlt'dly, but h1· didn't play sc:1red. "] just tflok lhl' t'lllH'I 1hinking that 11nybocJv cuult.l bl' bl'<i!l·n un :.u1y glVl'n l' ~I ' 1 . -· day, I !old n1~:.Cll I W~:o. IUSL going UU\ 10 pl.1y !4.'lllllS. ··1 ;ilso told n1yself 1!i.n if ! !usl'. ) lnSP :tlld !f1:1t \\'oU!d !Jr :111 !hf•!'(' 11 ould ht· lo 11 ·· C'11rnaJ1an told the lhid.v !'dol Li:> !l'lephOlll' follovnng thv tll,drb . "!Ir !Conn()J"!'!I dc)('S evcryUring so \1cll .~11d 1 1vasn ·1 cons1sl('111. I wris serving 1vf'tl. 1n thl' first st•t but he broke 111y )\l'l'Vil'e first bl.'forc I brnkc his. "Uc had n1c f1vt· or six times <it set pOint v.·ht·n ]11· was J.·:1du1g, 5-4 ." <.:arn:1l1<H1 said. .. I br·nkc !11s serv11:1· to n1:1ke ii G-5 tlit•n 111• 11·cnt to lh!• llr·hrt,!ak 1·r and hi· bt.o.1l rn1·, 7-Li "In lln' :-.\.'cOod set, he brokl' 1n1· LAST APPEARANCE? -1\I Ka line, Detroit·;; ~u perstJr fnr 20 ye.:i rs. 111;1 _, be 1n <iking his l;ist <ippearance as a 'l'i~er at .\naheim :-itadiun1 tonh.:ht against thr _.\ngC!Js. Kallnc has h inted hr n1ay ret ire 1f he real'hc-; 1he. a.ociu hit lcvcL lie needs 311nore \v ith 30 ga rnes to go. l ,olil•h \'fins. 1-0 R ~y<i1i Brilliritit in Loss: F<11is 19 to Set Reco1·d -.:io1:1n Jtv:1n s1~hcd ;111J shruggt'cl hi s .~linuld1•rs. Ii"s J.!IHtll.! to bl' hard lo go to slt•('p :il!•'I' ~nn1•'ll11ni.: l1kf' Iha(." ht' <;;11d 1111h :1 lnrlnrn look ,,11 h1::; far<• "Tl 1fl~t' kl:l;I :ire h:1rd 1o t;1kt' .. T11t·~d:1.v n1gli1 l!\:in l11111!•·d 1111' fl•·lrnil T1o:v1·~ I•! fn11 1· hd!-> ov1•r 11 11lll111 J..!S ilnd sll'Ul'k Hiii l!I l<I(' 11h· ~t'l'IH1d lllllf' 111 11111·1• '-t.1 rls 111,, ri '·.1 :1rd ' .\ he:+1l-,1rt·1Ht1111g 111 j ,h~ I ilon'1 kn~n\ Ill :11n 1n:ln 11hf'> has •'ll'f 1hro1111 Lisi•·:· 1h:111 !iv.in did 1n 11,,. s1·11•n!h 1'1tch!h ;111tl ni111h inning-:, •.11d 1)1,·i.. \\1ll1:11ns .. H1:1n 's r11;1n;1;;i r 111111 llit' (':1l 1(ur·n1,l Ang~·ls f·~1111 1~~.111 ;.. 1nnund 11p1)1lnc111. \\1cki·y PJa,,off Victc)ry ~ . l·:vonnc. (:oo!:igong ant.I Ken llost'11·aJI e:irh l)OSted :-:ingles victori('" ;ind J'itt.sbu rgh \von al l l!vr rnJJtrllrs in sw:1nlping thr Detroit Lnv1·;. 32-17. 111 \Vorld Tf'nn1 Tt•n111s pl:iyoff action Tu1•sdav night. The 1~1n gavl' lhl' Triilngles :i \\'hopping ~i:l-27 vi ctorv in the srrics. The \VTT playoff sc1ni finnls brg1n Thursdnv. \1•ith Philndclµhia facing l'ittsbur°i:!h nnd Houston tnecting l)CnvPr, 'fuesday's quarterfinal results: World T!!a<n T,,.,n;1 P!arolf' Phll-l~hia 21, c1evel~nd 2l wnmer. -Kln11 {(l M~I Gunter ICI ft•I. M~n Moore (() bole! Mnl!•am (P) 6·~. won"""' uouOIC$ -Kln11-/\nthonv \Pl lle,,I WOO<llld11e·Dvoo111 IC! 6-l. MN" d~ubll'S -Gra~~,.Moore IC) b~"' SlnllP.· F.,f~!lf IPl 6-l M·•~d dOUbl1" -An11'10nv·SIQllf IP ) bllllt Gunicr· G<;ieb1>tr (Cl 6·l . A -1,113 di Phlladtlllni.. Pllhburqn n, OttrO•I 11 Wnm•" -Gool1111cin<1 (PJ II"'' (;u~la (t"J\ i ~/\nn Rn•ew11lt (P) !)Oat ~tnn~ (0\ 6·1. Wumn.,·s <i<>Vlllf• -Gool11nonci·Mlchni (Pl h~~I (..,1•<11,·H~"·;, (0) 7.5. . . Meo·i !k><1l!IK -P:onew,.11-Gerula•t1• !P1 Ilea! s~ew11<1~n-~1one (01 1·6 · MP•lld Dnublf' -Gerul111lh-Fornand~l IP) ~"' ~etW11oe<n·Slo"'1 (0) 6·l. • A -Unfvall~1;11, 11! Pill•burQl1. Mln"eM111 l t:-Ho<1•!ofl 1• W!!n'!fn • Jone< (Ml 00•1 G01J<l11v (111 6°J. """" Nnwcomt>f! (H ) """' Hewllt (Ml 6·'· WO ......... , (!<>\<!\If> -Sch11lli>u·TUrnl)IJll •Ml ~Ill l(rl>"'''~e·l'lowrcv 111) 6-(1. Men·• o:tout>lci -fl•wlll-D11~l<hnn (Ml htnt Newcl)mbe S•(){iton 1111 I~ Ml•M ~n<tbles C111vlthor,.Sth1>ll&<1 IMI llftlll ~toc.•<10,,.Bow<rv (HI 6-4 A 9'>1 f! H11"''e>n W11m1·" //••" " Dtnvor )l, Ge•!len G~I••• 1' f'' '' 10 1 '-C" "otn! ,(r,) I·~. Bnhrn,lcd! !GCo beet P11ttl1<1n ID' W~"'~"'' d•;UlllO\ Ii"~'~"'' 1G<•• I~ M~n·• dn"b'"t r• .. ttf\on ~OC"e (OJ b n ' I •(lh•n1t<"lll·IV"f"l•ll~n tGCl ~·' 11.1+~1'\! ~Oil''""' J.I ·" I>~ K•mtt1~• (/lu1tln ')ohl !0) u-11! MCM•Ollfl•l(IO•• (lle•d·lrlnlo 1UD) ((,(,) " A 1.liOC 11! 0A~IA•1(( Lohrh. \\':IS ;1we-!'l rll('k b_v n~·;.ufs o\·crpo\1"C'r1n g pcrforin:u1c1'. "\Vh1·n ht· "'l ruck nut th!' 19th gU.\' I lonk(•<l ol'cr i:itn lhl' Angl'l clut;olll IJ.:1';1\J Sl' I \1;l11!t'll lr1 1ip n1y c;1p !O him." [,{'lfi l'h ~nid The t1\·1 1 p1tl'h1'!''-hookf'rl 11p 111 ;i (•la:-:sit· r·n nlr:1sl 01 s!yli·s : H~:1n v.a~ f:1sl ;inti 1'11gt'l.s Slate All Gam1• on KMPC (110) /\W> ;I O~••r•ol .or {•I•'•'~'' L•t•• • ,, I' "' 1~ ,, "' ""'' : I , ,,,,,.,,,. .1 <1! 1J1·w "'"' Jly!I I• c_,,i,1r"''"' ''' N•" ;,,,. foriou.;;, Loilt'h \'f<if l\' :111d 1'lHllllng; Hv;111 s111 :1 r!'<'ord :11ui Lnl1ch p;isst·d· :1 1111·n1orablt• 1nil1·~11 1!l•' l(y<ln's I~ str1kl'11UI~ r;in 111 ~ 1f)t;1I liir 1ht• l\l~l !lll"l't' ~<lllll'S l\I 4i -ii n1aJor Ira.cue s 1:111c.l;1rd. l'rl'\'Jou sll·. hl' h:1d sl1:1r<'d thf' r1'<-o rd or 41 ,1·11h S:inrh Kournx an1J Luis Ti.1111 · I! 1~·;is 1he 1hird ti nlf' in his cnrr1'r th at hC' h<id fannl'd 19. No othrr pitcher h<is dont' i1 n1ore than OOLC'. Lo!ich fanned only four. bt1I 1hat l\'.'lS enough 10 i:ivc hin1 2,500 f'nr his career -movinj? hi111 pnst Angels announcer l)Qn l>ry.;;d;1l1" the forn1f'r Ills Angeles Dodi;:er, and into the nln1h i;pot on th e· :dl-ti nlP <:;trik('OU! Ji,I "Th:i! giv1•:> lllt' ,1 fet>!ing nf rf'nl ;1cco1nplishn1c111, ·· 1,(11 ich udn1i ttcd. Thr Ti ge rs shn1t('rPd lhC' scoreless tic v•ith drarnatic suddenness in the ll lh. \Vlth t\\·o out Ben OgliYic lined n single !o r ight for only lhc third hiL off Tl.y:in. 1'hen Ogl ivie stole serond and 1rns in position to score easily 11'hcn L1 ill T•'reeha11 foll O\\'Cd 1vith a b:.ise hi1 10 righ1. Th e. Angels 1nanag:ed nine hits -thrrr of lhcrn by Hob l~eisc -hut botched nurnerous scoring opportunities. Ryan said he will try ;:ind brush Tuesday's bllter me1nory from his mind. ··rvc got only on e thing tn think <ibout -20 vlctoril~s... he said. "1'111 goin.£;" In 1 1'~' and block everything cls1~ tron1 rny mind." OE.TllOl'r .. ' •• ' . L,H0t~ cl ~·'11\rl~nll }i! 0<1llvl~ lb r.r~,11~" tJI\ JN~tt!it• <! AR<Jd~~I JI\ Ve•Vlft " ~l\~tr;,n IT LM,..r:.nT ,. Mlollt~ ll ' ' 1 • •• ' . • • ' . • • • • CAL!"011NIA hdti •br h rl)l 01lf<~i•1!?n .$0JO !O cn~I~~· ~O!O IOR1vet•11r 0 0 00 11Meolll1• 0 0 00 0 0 V~!enflf'~ •• ' D 1 O 0 0 Fllobnsn Oh l O 7 O 1 0 ll Ollv~r lb 5 O O 0 O O SMnton •! o o O Q 0 Hnwa'(I <! 0 1 O OOP,nrn1~+1 ~0 00 lo .. ~r .1 000 Fl~<ifQ~t' 1 n O 0 ~H>y~~ ?> 0 0 0 0 Tc•~I~ 3lo I T~•~I• ,\6 Q t 0 UcL<o,t r.,)(\ 11'.'IO ()(I() ~I I ~· (.,1 1110.11ld !)(\(I 000 ('00 00 0 r VN>11Cr OP O~l•n•! l LOB [l~trnl! 1, ( 1l·+n•n•~ ~ )~ !IN'' \!I lttllllrr, \/~'~"'' li\lllVl\I •$--\l"lt11H"", l·ln"'ittd, M""I' If' H R M L~lrtl (W, 1~1~) II 9 n N ~~"" ((... 111 Ill II ?·~I A -11,ol:l l fll &8 50 . ' . ' " at 2·1 <111d \\'t'nt on to 111n it fi,~ It •1as <l good feeling to havt> th•' ('l'OY:d 011 n1y side. '!'here were about !.l.000 f"tt'Ople there and thC'y were 1}u]l\ng fo r n1e n1ost of the tinu·." 'J'hc UC ! senior ;1d111itti>d he 11as 111:1 ~uus. ··1 11·as so nervous before it s1ar1ed thal it was ridiculous. Hut I! l\'asn't b<id ;iftcr the mutth stnrted and 111 son1e g<1n1es I \Vould ace him and on other occnsions I would double fault. "I double-faulted five times in one gan1c and still \\'On it ," !he 6-3 Ca rnahan said. "It \\'as a typical game for me. l 1nis:.cd son1e easy shot s f should 2 Reco1·(ls 111 Swimfest VIENi\A Andras Hargitay of Hungary s1nasht'd the v.·orld record for the .JtHJ..rneler individual ml'<iley for inen 1rith a time of 4:28.89 in the final at the Europeiln s\vin1rning championships 'fuesday. C;;iry Hall of c;ar<len Grove SC'! the previous record of 4:30.B I t1ro years ;1go. llargit:iy's 11·as the fifth \\'Orlct record set at lhcsc cha mpionships in Vienna's sun -baked. open-air Stadionhnd . Toda y. Rosemarie Kother of East (;ern1any sn1ashed the \\'Orld rrcord h1r the 1vo1nrn·s IOO-n1ctcr butl C'rny 11Hli ::i time of l:!fl.09. e .<imill1 Triumph• BBOOKLI~E. i\lass. -1'op-se-ede<l playl'rs Sta n Smilh. Tor11 Okker and (;uilll'r1no Vilas s1vept to first-round \Jc·1or1es Tursdt1 y in thC' 47th U.S. IJroft's~lonal TC'nnis Chan1pionshi1> <it the Long11·oo<l Cricket Club. S1ni!h drn\"ned Austr;1lia·s Ho ss lase. fi-11 , fo-:l, Okl\('r !npp<'<l .Jfi.-~·1'ar-0ld l):ine Torben Clri(·h. 7-6. 6-4 : \lilas knocked off Can<idn's !\'like RC'l kin . 6-2, 6-2. In other m.atchcs 1\Ianuc\ Orantes dt•featcd Chi)e"s Jain1e Plnto.-Bravo. 7-6. fi-7. G-l : ilfartv Ricssrn beat Colombia's !van r.-tolina . iH. 4-6. fi.-0: and Jan Kodes doY:ned llaroon Rahi1n . 7-5, 6-3. Bob \\'right of the UC Irvine tennis learn. lost a first round match to Paul Kf'Of\k of Aust rali a, 6-1. 6-3. \\'ri ght, the r-.·o. 2 11JavPr for the Anteaters, \\111 be ~• 1unior in the fall . • r11e.t'ot11ler c ••• f'!!ILAJ)ELPHIA -Kermit Alcx;inrlC'r, :111 aging 1·eteran :ind vicC' president of 1hE• National Footba!l Leabrue Players /\~socia1ion. beca rne the latest tug in 1hc continuing \V.'.l.r bel\\'ec n the players and 011·ncrs Tu esdav. One side contended that Alexander. 11 hn \~·as gi vcn permission by lhc Phil.:idelphi::i Eagles 10 n<'gotiatc \vith n1hc r tearns, \\'3 S an aging veteran , \1'h1lc the other side. stressed he v.·as tht' t1nion vice. president. This ·latest d1sagreen1en1 het\.\·een the pl i1yers and 011·nrrs indicates that even thnugh the 1.J-<lay eooling off period u1 the '.\"l··Lr':\ strike reached t!1e half- \1:1:. 1xi1nt tod~iy. passions once ag:ain ;ir1· ;1p1H·o11ch1ni; the boiling point. 1\lc:...:inrle1'. :in 11-vt'ar veteran in the ;\~·!,, 11as inld by 'Eagles Coach ~l ike :.lt{'orrn,1ck Tuesdny that he no longer fiL u1to Philadelphia's plans. e En•rl 1''ins f\1'::\\"POl{T. J{.l. -Top-seeded C11ris J-:1·vrl. l(•d 1hc 11•a.1· into the third round 11f thr S:lO.OI)() \Von1 1~n's Crass Courl (·hu1npionships 1'r.1Psda.v at the NC\l'port t·a..,inn ,1·iih a tl--0. ti·! \'ictory over Kristy P1~('0ll . SC'cond·SC<'ded Olga r..torozova of lhc Sov11.:t Union ousted Cvnthia Doerner of Australia. 6·1, ti-~·. Third-seeded Virgin!:1 \Vade of England V.'as successful I wice on Tuesdily . .. She <lefeated Carrie Fleming. 6-3, 6·3 in a fir.<;t-round n)atch <ind then dropped only three points in the opening set \l'h1IC' dC"n101ishing Janet Hnas, 6--0, 6·1. .Julie Heldn1an downed H.aquel Giscafro of Argentina 4-6. 6-1, 6-0. e Rams Cul Teal The only vrteran tM Los Angeles Rains acquired by trade during the \Vinter has been cut. Lin<'backer Jim Teal, a second year player picked up from Detroit for' :i draft choice. was put on waivers Tuesday along with. rookie defensive end Al Ca mpbell of Los Angeles l-larbor Junior College. h:i\1l' madt> and he n111de thtrn, Th:it \1·as the dirfercncc At on~ point in !heir 1natch. Connor!- d1'nlanded lh<it C;1rn11han be given cred it for an £!(:(' thnt h:ui ticC'll called long lJy Utllpirt' Ted ll C'ed. Oil(' of thrf't' offi{'i<i ls calling thi· 11111!eh (hlly n101ne11t.~ passt>d before C:1rn:lh::ln ntt c1nptt·d 10 rc·turn thf' favor. But thi s tune lieL'<.I, SCl'ing things gt.>tting 01H of ron!rol. refu sed to allo\v the Changt.', Four points later both n1e11 startC'd \1•alking off the courl. Connors. visibly angry. shoute<l at !teed, "Eilh('r sou ge t tin esrnen on all the linC'S, or l c1uit." The 1natch cont inued about 20 n1inutes !:Iler -v.·1th five offit1a ls on hand. C:1rn:1hru1, 11hn ~i.IH.I ht' \l.uuld 1111! !1>1\1' n1111dl•1I if t'unnors had drf:iull\•J . ~.ud of the latest antics uf t 'hl'I" t•:\"r1\ f1an<·P, "lip's not bt·1ng ~u ogri• 11ll~ t1n11~ " ('arnahan <Hid UC! tc·an1n1<i!•· llo h \\'rir,h1 hav1• tw>1•n or'I lh1· 1-:a>.1 ( '0;1 :-I for ninl' .,..·eeks. e~·cr SJJ1ci· !h~ :'\t ",\ \ un1 \·ers1ty di1•i:;ion tour11 :11nt·nl. arid l1<1\I: art· a little tired of traveling. 'l'oday he joins Steve. Su·g1·I uf Xt·11 .]l•rsey against Haul Ran11rt·1 ;ind l·'r;111k !:udrrey in doubles, lht•n 11111 go 1n for£'st !!ills Friday to Irv :111d ri11al11 1 fur !ht· U. S. OpC'n. At Forest H[lls Cart1ah:111 \1 11! J"'fl a11othcr UC I siuclcni , L1ndsa~· :'ll or.,, Dodger.~ Roll, 18-8 Lopes Was Trying For Fourth HR CHICAGO tAPl -"You're darn<'<l right I \Vas going for it," S<.nd the Dodgers' Davey Lopes. "Not man~' guys have done it and evrrybod y on the bench told 1ne to go for it."' \Vhat Lopes -<l .2S1 hitter v.ith three previous ho1ners this season - \Vas going for 1\!esday \l'.1'> his fourth ho1ner or the g:unc cind a record of 19 tot;il b.."'lS('S. Instead, he bounced out for the only lin1e the. Ch icago Cubs retired hin1 as !he Lns Angeles Dodgers rolled to an 18-8 virtory behind .:i 24·hit :1tt<ick thot. ineluded six: horners. Lopes hit ho111crs in the first and Dodgers Slate All Ga~• •n KAllC 17tlll "<1q. 11 LOS Angelt! ~I C~i(~qo Au~. 7) St. loui• at LM /\.r.g~lr• Ava. ;i St L0<1•\ ~t Lo<; Arge:~, Au9 1S S• Loui• a t l o• Anq~1~, 11 · )~ e m 1 is ~,n>. 6 ; ~' ""' 1·10 g '"· srcond inning<;, doubled in the thirrl . "i 11glcd ill th f' fourth and honitred ;igain in the si,;1 !1. lie \1·orktd the eounl h1 3-2 in lhl' SL·\·1·nth before grounding out. "Then• \1·ns no \Va\' 1 1\·ould ha\'!' rakt·n -:i 11·;:ilk."' s:iid ·T.flpes "[ 11"ouhl ha\'C S\.,.ung: at anything. 1 \\';1ntcd 111v nan1t'.' 10 go ;1longside guys like \Villif" i\1ays 1v.•ith four hon1ers) in a game. 1 R11ess I'll have to settle fn r the sn1<1\l print y.·ith guys who hit three. '"lt 11·as the greatest. d:ty in n1y professional career," said Lopes ..,,.·ho had six homers all last season as a rookie. He finished 'Tuesday's rout 1vith 15 Iota! bases -three short of Joe Adcock·s major leaguC' retord or 18 tl\'O decades ago for the f\lihvaukt·l' Braves on four J1on1crs and a dou ble ag;iinst the Brookl~'ll J:>odgers. Lopes· robu st hilling brought a00111 an incident in th e fourth inning aft.er he. had hit t\\'O hon1e.rs ;ind doubled. 'J11e fir st pitch fron1 Dave La Roche sent Lopes spra\1·1ing. He ~ot up shouted at LaRoche and both benches e1nptied. But there was no bra\\·l. "SurC' I e.~pec1 !o ht• br11sl1cd back." said Lopes. ""but !hr p11rh 11 :is nt n11· hC"ad . l l euuld h:ivc ender! n1y carc~·r or even killt'd n1c. J kno1v L~H.1x:h1· <1n<l 1 df1n 't blanie hirn . But I al~n kno11· thC"ir nianager, J1111 :'11 arshall, 1vhv ordered it." ~1;:irsha!l. !old ol l.il1X's' charge, s<1id . "It never en1 tr1•ll 1nv n1ind. \I haL n1ure can I s:i v·~.. · .Jinl \\.'\1111. StC\'l' (;arvc:v and \\l illic Cra1\·forci' also homC'rcd for' lhe J)odgcrs t111d the si.\' honiers ·and 24 hits 111 unc. gan1e S<'I a Los Angt·IE>s record. 'n1e Dodge.rs cr:1111rned all 1heir hi111ng- nnd scoring: ill th1· fit·st si x i11r11ng.'l and \rrap1~d ur thC' cont('St 11·i1h :1 three-horner, SCVl'l1-n1n splurge in 1IH! si xth. The Cubs n1nn<ip;cd four ru ns off f)on Sulton, l 1·9. v.•ho pos!P<i onl~· hi s ful!rth e<irce r \'ictory ag:iins1 thr Chicngoan~ ThL' J)oJgcrs ren1:1i111·d 2 1 ·~ i.:;ir11rs ~1r.\.'.1d ,,f Cinl'innati as th" l\e1ls bel\l·d Pl1i lndrl 1)hi:i, 7-1. LOS ANGELES ab ~ rb+ 6 J I 4 B•"i<ner. II 6 J J O l l l 7 7 I I 0 . ' , CHICACO ilb ' b .~. ~t.11nQ~r. •, .l 0 ' 0 K•"""'n1rl, u I 0 0 0 ll•il•"Wl<l. ~n I 0 0 II ln11n.r 000 0 ("rOc<1~I, d ~ I 0 ~ P,;coo•e~, c! (;0"1~Y. lb C•dw!or<i rl c "'· ltl R~.oell, t\ ; , ? Lacoc~. rl J 0 0 n 6 I • 1 War<!. If '> O 1 lll1.lh1>rnl~11.111 i on Au~rbacn. s~ 7 O O o (1•<1•nl•·., r1 ·1 Yeaqcr, t Fefl;oU'G<°'• ( svn on, n Houun. o ~~ananh~n. • I l I STelrr,.,tk, C ) '/ ,. ? 0 0 0 !/\iidlOCl<..Jb ? 0 I I S 0 0 l Fil"'°"~ Jb 2 1 I ' O O O o Suenino, Jb • O I 0 o o o O o 0.,110.,e. " o o o o LnRochP, p ? O O 0 Grbrkw!/, ~~ 7 0 ! 0 Total> 'S " 7• 18 TOM" Jll ~ 10 B LOS Ang•les £JO ,07 000 -JP cnocaoo !00 101 0·•0 · 0 E -l opes. Sperr;ng. Pacio"'k DP-C~'c""" - tOB-Lo~ Angel~• 8, (~lca<>o I. 'B-Bvc~ner. loPi-,, ;. Mor81e$ ?. Rus1e11, Ce~. 30-h'd<lloc•. Y~eue< !<R-Lo""s J (6/, Wvnn (~J. G~r.ey !19), IV (•~""''I'<' t9!, 5t~•rn•1'< (If Fanrone !JI. ~r Ru;se11. sunon 1w.11.e1 Ho~g~ ~~~"''d"d" Oe!TO~e IL.I•!\ L8Q0<:~e !<r~n,,nel l~• 1-2.51. A-19,il6. .. ' ' . '' ~ ' . ' !'1 lo If ER BB iO , ' " ' ' , IS II ,. ' J 1 ' . . • • " ' ' ' " ' " ' ' " ' . ' . Coast Area Swi111 Sta1·s Vie £01· Natio11al Ho11ors COXCORO -Oranj?e \oast ;irea st<ir!" Shirlf'~' Bnl>ashoff. Peggy Tos<lal and \l<i!f'riC' Ll.'t:' or thP r-.l i!'s1011 \'iejo Nad(ldorcs \r\11 ix' an1ong 1h<' C:\\)t"rtrd s!ando11ts for thC' ~<i\inn:il ;\A U l'I\ in1n11ng: championships "l)JCh bt.'g1n h{'re Thursday, T11e 1neet \~ the fir~t of t1r o ln11)(}rt:i111 coniprtitions sl<1tcd f'or the C'o1nn1unitY Park PooL A \.\·l'rk l<i!(•r lhc m11t.·l1· anlicipa1cd East Gern1an-U .S. (!ual mf'et v•ill be held , \\'ith th(' l!.S. tr<11n being selected from the top finishers al thP AA U chnn1pionshlps. Babashoff. a n1embt.•r of the 1!172 Olvrnpic !ean1, a11d U.S. butterfly reco rd ho.ldcrs Tosdal (LOO yards) and ~e (200 yards) are canclid:ites for 1\·ins. •·This n1ecl is our kids' No. 1 goal." says Ceori;:e I-la ines. coach of the. '.le- fending champion Santa Clara S\111_m Club tea1n . "They're pointing for it, and later they'll go out and do the twsl they can againsl the E ast Germans." l·laines referred lo all U.S. swin1mcrs. The. team that \vill compete in the dual n1N't 11ill be selected on the basis of results in the nationals. The Americans \rill also have son1e forn1idable foreign conpetilion in the four-dav 1\AU inecL Au sl.ra!ian tcl'n-agC'r Jenny ·1'urrall. \.\·orld record holdl•r in !he 800-mel('r and JVIO-n1c1er ,romen·!' frcestv!C' e\'<'nts. and hrl' tran1i11atr Sally LockYer will be here , 11long >1i1h a Canad ian le;"tm :1nd ;:;onie ?-.1Px1ea11 s11·imtll('r.~ ;.1iss Turrall. 14. sel. hr1· 1!!00 rP<'Onl of 16:3~.28 carlv 1h1s 1nontl1 111 a !ll('•'I :it i\11ss1on \'iC'.jo, \1'herr she 11·on 11111 of three events in ,mceting:~ "i!h U.S Olyn1pic gol d n1edalist. Heather c:rccn\\'OOd ol Fresno is 1 lil' currC"nt \\·orld record older in tht1' 11·on1en 's 400..nieter frf'C and the only active U.S. 11·oman sv•imn1er \.\'ith ;1 world record. The East Gernian v.•on1r11 ov.1i 10 \\'Orld n1<1rks. An1erica·s top male sl\·imrners include Californians Rick Dcr-.1ont :ind John Hencken , both ,~·orld re<:Ord holders. J·laines v.·ill be coaching his Sanla \lar::i S\\'imn1c.rs for the last tlmc tt11s v.·cek, \\'ilh a 1nove to l lCl ... A schedulrd next month. llis \\'Omen arc. shoo!i11g for a fou rth straight national title. hls men for a second straight. Virtually all \.\·omen ron1peting herr !he next l\1·0 'veekend s are expected lo \rear the ne1.,. "skin sui ts.'' revealing. super-light\\·C'ight suits given much credit for 1hc. rash of ,1•orld records set recently. The girls agree thry reel il'5S drag in the water. Ill Hll/\••d 1jo1ut1l1 :"/I• 11(:11101; !nl 1111 < d'>il'ffl 111'· ~Ill Iii It~ I !1.1'> 'I 'I 11i"I"'" l 'Ir• '!JI' !I II)• I ! f I .II n;i11,111 pl.in ~ H!I IH11~!11ng 111' (•,11 •·1 ,11 ( (I !\P\I ~111111~. liu1 1:-.1pj•l1 •P I< r .i 11111 l•i \1h!!.il1.1 It! \11\1 •nol"'' I" pl.1). 111 l'•l l<'ll,1fl1• 111, 111 tl11• l.111d d11\\ll Hild•·< Hlilil II,, '!ll'Hli ~l'ill!·"!! b1·"'111' I nl11~..; ,u111r'11111;· J1.111p1·11· I 1•.1JI !: 1 lu \u~1r.d1;i f~J 1·1111r•1 1\1r11t111tl! 1 ~1111 U)J 111 t!I• ;111 ,qui 11 111:11 11"1 1111111· ;1 b11•i1 I Ill ·d>111 1fl 111;, (I< I'! I ,, .~1 ~•n.~<1r t•1r lfl' 111p tu• ~,111! 1"11 lt1\1 :t i l!.11111 1u pl:1\' !II 'ii<' \11 .. 11·.111.i'll ()J.,·11 >111! ,.1)11••· l11IU'lro!1Tlr"1 • (1\11111 111<>11 I 11onild I!!' <~HI i•\p•rl '111 •· SCOTT CARNAHAN N () S(1 Ll31'(' ' 011 Ca111t' Sh()'v [·'ri<1 tlJ;1ll 1·11,H h Bill \\1nl;111~1 11 111.11· I,, ;in~111 ·i·ing lo :( 11~·11 h.1ndl•· ll1"~(' djl Tri "()u11 l\ul.' :1s :111 1•\,llllpl•, \\'0rkn1:111 bvr:11nt' ;i 11\odi11·11 1•r.1 1111 kid J'1•('o'nl\\ 11111·11 ht' :qq11.'.ll'l'll on "'l' uf I ht' l lol\\ 11(1!)(! lt'll'I 1~1n11 f,!<.ltll•' ']\1<11 l{rilly11rind ·Squares. ~111J b1 lhl· ti1n• h1-: tlin·(· ;1pp<'<iratlt'l''> h;1d h" 1 1 , n11cludt·d lu."d add1,d $1i.60U !rl p1·1/.1' .ind 1•;1~h !t • 1l11· hnnilv 1ri-.1~ut'\'. 'l'h1· l ~tli:--on ll 1PJ1 '1u!l'lr j11~1 r~·r1·111\\ utdizt·t! \Hle of lu:::. 111on· :-;;iv11t'V pr1 11·~ Gt F'NN WHIT£ \VJllTE \VA Sf-l an :ill 1'\'fl1'il'-'''l paid l11p 1111 t11•) J,, .l;Hll:lica Sl ill ti.) c11l li1' 1~ !Ii•· l'J •r11 pl• I bedronn1 set. ·up 101· ~;ii.-1 ~ 1)11· r1·d fox fu r en:1! nnd lhi· sl!·r1·n \\'orkn1<111 says th<i l ii hr· h;id h•.,·11 on the night tin1t' v1·1·~i1111 01 1111· shr111 his t;:ik{' 110111<1 have 111'<~1·1\ doubll'tl ;111.i hr 11·oulrl hav•· prol):1bl.1' 11'11t1 ;1 IL•"' c11r. ;;long 1vi!h tllf• r('S! of 1h1· gotXliC'S Ho\1' did he gt'I 1111 l!u· )'<h n•.1 ' II 1:1 Sheri f'Q;,1xl'(J hi1 n i11tn :1~1· • ..-111 1~ (11 11 nl• rnr tirk1•1,.; tn ;>('l' lilf' :;ipilii-. \\"h··i· they lll'lll up, 1h1• <1 ud11·11r1• 11,1 .; ;1'<h.1·d if anyone 1vould Jikt· lo ht• on ;i fu!u1·1 sho11'. lulerf'sted p.;1r!11·s \\'1·r1• ;.:11"11 11 sLp nl p:1ner \1 it!i int('t"\H'll 111.~11.ivl ": \\'+111., 1nan follo11<·d lhe rou\1111· ot 1:1~!11.' .1 '." 1· Pr:1I [(.~ tc~t :i11r/ 11~·rsnn:11i 1 • i!ll"I'\ 1t'11 lh•·n 11·1·111 up tor ,J i,1p1nl.! ; 1• .. -.1,•n \rorkn1:111 explain:> 1h:11 0111· \\'(•t•h. sho\VS :1f(' 1:ip11d 111 Otll' ti.ti . \ 1111 ~ in , do a sho1v, !;i kl' ;1 l:i-n11·1111 1111· 1' !u <'h;:ingl· elolhi•s ;.111d 11;ilk b:u·I; 1•111 fur lhc nt·xt shn11 .'' \\'ntk111;111 s~1"" rrc :1<l111i1s bc·ing !'x11·l·n11•ll' nt•111 ,11 fo1· 1he fir st sho1~. bllt -;;11;;; II 11;1 , old hat IJy lhC tin)(' his third appt';11·.111c» conclud ed his TV quJ~, lvnure. ''I \\'Oil .5600 :ind a trip lo l'LH'r\:i Vallarta 1he first diJv nnd ;i!IL'l' 1)1:11 r \VllS rcl;lXPd b('C;!llSi' 0 l"d \\Oil so tnU(')I he sa~·s. The final .~hn\v \\'as 1hP b1 ~ pa~·off. ho1.,.cver. lie hil. a ~11n111iek c:1lll•d !'C'Cr('I sf1uarc, which 11·;1.s 11·nrth $ l llllll in prizf's. He dorsn 'r rrc<i ll !ht• (!uc:;tion~ • h1 · '1ns1.,.c red In \VII\ :ill 1h:1t 1~11•1 but hl' does ren1r1nblT ;1 l·f'\tjllf' 01 1 IH prrli1nin11ry inlL'r1'i!:'11 (l\lir illll'S\1011~ They 1\·e:·i· rn u 1 t i µ 1 r l'htl't't' ;ind included things like. \\th(1 l':i1nll'd 1!1t· J\1ona Lis;t? \Vho \1·as lht· ,!l'tli"·:il 1•1 charge of An1erican for e('S 1n l~!ll'Opt· during-\\lorld \Var [':' \Vorkman ha s one oblif!a liC111 l1·f1 111 ron1pletr his Iles wllh Jhe T\r :-bn11•s-h" has to pay int.:on1e 1i:1x: on his winnings Cripple1l Su11 Battles Philadelpl1ia Pl-IILADELPl-TIA (1\P) Th e Philadelphi a Bell meets the Southern California Sun tonight in a World Football League game. but the Sun·s leading rusher, Kermit Johnson. will 1niss the. g:unc. .. We 're goinJt lo run out. of players pretty soon ," sai d Ca lifornia coach Tom i:'c:u·s. John.<ion, thf' Sun's No. '.? drRft ehoirf \vith 407 yar1ls on 11 0 carries, suffPrcd a concussion last \.\'et:k in Ca lifotnia'i; 18-7 loss to Houston . "rv~· lx!<'n hollering for n10 r r • protcrtion for quar~erba<:ks and punt returners. but It doesn't scen1 to do any good," s;iid Fears. "The n1les are there but tl1e 61'£icials aren't implement4 ing them." Southern Califon1ia. v-·ith tt 33 record. Jc;ids the \Vestc.n1 Divi sion by n half 01t TV Tonight C:ha1111t'I I~ at 5 gan1C' ovrr ilouston. The Bell , with 11le ~an1c r('<:ord. is third ln lht Eastern !)1vision. Jolul.son \\'lli 1* re1>laced hy Ralph Nelson. a rookie \Vho played no coll~t"" b.111 but has averaRt:d 7.2 y11rds a carry as a substitute. Also n1i~sing the game "·ill be Sun kick rc.turn('r .Jack Connors, who dislocated an elbow in last 'veek's game. Jim ''King" Corroran. 1hE' h>nd1ng passer in lhe \\'f'L, y.·ill sµc~1rhei.ld ~he Bf'll's offense . Corcoran leads the lrague \\'ith !}.\ eo1npletions in 170 a1.trn1p!s f•lr J.lfi•I yards and 12 touchdov•ns. His favoritr> receive r is Liniy Cole, 11,·ho has l6 catches for 193 ~·arcls ,ind t 11 o t0t1chrloY.TI .... Phil~delphi<l'!' dl'll'llSt. which is r;ink1-<l thlrd in the league, is h'l"I by Rtl n .\labra 11'ho hAd three intrrccp\lons in last. 1\1'1'k·:-: 32-2~ lo~:-Iv !ht· Chil':l{;•) r irc-. t\ll hough lhf' Slul rf{l1'~ nnl rank r.;11 111 anr S1.1!1S!1c:·1I ("!ff'g\ll") \n lh • \\'VI~. it cloes 11 :1\l' 1111t· of thl• b1·~t bJl;:invr·d ,:quads lt'.1gllt' It ;11so has It~ \\Ill'~ plar(·k1rh(•r:; ThP Su11 1\11\ 11~·· 11.., 11111•111 h1 1h11· ii) SC'\'1~11 1:;tll1•'' I!• I 'lt'rlltlllll\! l1•t1>:1•1l Thi' l·\i·tl 1111\• "1n111,1r 11th"-"· \11\l g11 \111!1 J l'l'l',I' \\,111'• II ',qlO \\,IS 11!1 ,1 a punh't' 11111 11t111 ha" h1•1·n 1o1.111·n .i second look l>i"t.'.i lb-1..' ur !l11.~ kicking crisls .. ( I. ' JI..: DAIL V P!L OT HB Gals Still Alive . -r Merri11 s I = (:a11t11rt·s Golf Titlt' f:ddtr 1\-frrrini; or H"I Air C."'.ountr.\' f lub spot !rd !h1· f11'1d tv.·o strokf'~ on th1· flrsl hOIL' (Jr rhr 5·1·/1nl1· ~ •> (1 t h 1 r 11 California l'GA llh>tltil pl;1y championships f\tonday tht·n went on to po~! 3 une-<l\'e r-pnr 214 score ro \\'Jn !he ~~Kl first pri7r at \11:'sa \'rrdt' Counlry Club of Costn ~1 1.·~a Tut•Way. fltern11-: pl:i ~f'd the first hOlL" or the t1\·o-dn1· r·\rnt l\'ilh :111 ('X!l'.J i·luh I ll Iii;; h;1~ ;ind \•;a s :1s~l''~··d .i l111•·Strvk•· µrn:illy tor ll1l' (·~'fn1 "Ou tli<..• nu1!h l1uk' today ~Tuesd;iy f I 11·as about to 1mpos(' ano!her \\\o-S!rok(' pena!tv on rnyself 11·heo l almost put fl n1;irking: coin on the green back in the \l'rong placr ." 11,.1err1ns said \vith a \1'ry sm!le following his victory. f\1errtns has bc>C'n a club pro all of his adulL life and recently authored ;i book. S\\•ing the llandlr. Kot the Clubhrad. • .. -.. Y, -/';: ,..,~ Merrins defeated defending champion Tommv Jacobs of La Costa Countiy Club and Gerald Preuss of Alisa\ by two strokes. 0111~ P ito! Pno11n by lll<n•rll 1<oeh1tr The new champion has bee" __ HUNTINGTON'S PATTY RODRIGUEZ GOE_S_F_LY l~G AFTER TAG OUT BY FV'S LEANNE JAMES. at Bel Air in Los Angeles for the past 12 years after a · successful career i n ·Philadelphia and New York . t 'or Tonight He v.·as the runnerup in the first medal play tourney at f\1 esa Verde three years ago and 111 1962 v,·on t h c t-.1 e I ro po 1 i tan s ('('lion tournament in New \"ork as his only other PGA tournament victory lie has never played on the tour as ·some of thl' other coinpctitors at 1fesa \'e rde including Jacobs have in othrr Yl·ars. Dragsters, 1\1 usiria11s Ala1nitos Eritries .A 11 F.9.fl 1 ,.,; L<J\V rounds for each of the three Y.'ere 1X1Sted by Preuss vdth 67. i\tcrrins \l'ith 69 and four at 71 including .Jacobs. Schamp, Jimn1y Po\1·c\l ru1d Bill \\'right. !-4·ttol• Rt"<lllt> Ed<lie M..,.riro5 (6el A•r) \500 ''' Gerold Pr.us• !AliSdl) Sn7 !Q lit Tommv j•cob~ !ld Co.,.,J 1167.50 i•b John StMrno (OeBelll 1190 21s j lmrnv Powfll (Vi~ Verdel Sll~ 119 o.nnv ~VM" !Qu•il Ld~•l ll5~ 11• Dick C•rmodv (lake......:>O<l l S111 }(I ~)l O•w Mal\COUt" (Unatt.1 ~lll,:;ct Tll R ick Dlvel (El Nl~uell 18\.70 71~ JKk Garn1r (S1'1t!lo Cllvl $!LIO J?J 5111 Wri<lhl (Unifi.) S•l.10 715 W&!lv ll•~dlev (El Toro\ 1'8.10 ''~ W1111e Bart>'"• [J, Barber Co.t \ol!l .10 'll5 Mon!t !l.IM<J"°I [Et Oo<aOO) S•S.10 Z'll o.~• Allaire (Valene.a\ S•S.10 11'> Physical Exan1s ;Planned Jiv .J Cs . , •. At OCIR 1op fuel dragsters will 1nix v.-ith rock and roll favorites al Orange County l n tern a t i on a 1 Rac:ev.·ay Saturday in presrnling lhc r aliforni:l Graffiti J u in t)l•ginning at 7:30. The resul! 11·ill IX' a l'ull fou r hours of en1erlain1nPnt 1111 h a nw.r:ithon first round of raci ng coinpelltion. Starting positions arc b'll<ir.'.lnteed to e\'ery driver a t l (' n d i n g . ;i1Joy,•ing no fe\\'('r than 30 dragsters m Round One alone . Included in the array of talent are James \\larren of Bakersfield, Tony N<.incy of Shen11an Oaks, H a n c e flleD;inicl of Fr('s.no and Bob \Villi;in1s of Po11·av. 1\\'o ro(.'k music. group~. ihc HollY'-1'Md Stars :ind Pacific !'iorll11\'est Express, shar(' th(' -:-Physical exa1ns for the spotlighl bct\vt-en roun{JS along three area JC football teams 1'' i t /1 Il o Y Tr e v i no · s ,viJi be given next 11·eek. v.•heclslandirig V'olkswagen. Golden West has scheduled 'Ire1'111o·s car is pov.·ered b,v ci., .. r, Tr,ck Fd\I, First Po•! 7:•5 pm. 12 E<1t i, Fl.-.! R•ce. SI E••<Td 6th, 8!h .ond t!h Race• FIRST RACE -)'>() V~'"' V••• o•d'-Cl•imln<,1. P1Jr1e 111()0 MOghtfmear !Cler.,~I L•tll• /lbove !Hori\ Kl"'il R•pi<I (A~•i•) J-OllY H•n~ iC~roo1•I Hn'Ne'' San~v BDV {l'lill~•-l L~c'""'" De c1.10Nr 1Dreve•\ MorMI Loe< !C•r<a l ~~""~um 5~m (!lroo•<l Ll!tle Angela IBan<~I '., ' . m ' . 1:1 "' "' SECOND RACE -'>O \'l>fG~ l V••• ol<ll (la•min<;. f>u•·,~ ~:'IX\!l. Cleiml"'I price ~•000 Nol To Snot>l>v (Broo••) p.,..,.~llo ((or<101ol llomto StdQ (Ccea~· • > M~lt'S1ic (h•c (W•l,pr I .<;mr,o1n 11 Ov~' lliftn•'I Ch"n·,paqen cn,,rge• 15,.,,1!1> Pel>l!I S~lln !Ad•uc) R"1U\ C~'n !Oreverl "' '" "' 117 '" l C? ., m TtllllO ll ACE -J~ v.1'<1< l v••• ol<t• """ Ur> Pl!"~ ~IOOO. T~• Jo•1e ~ A·f'loet Cnov IWJrdl 110 /111•Ac•e il'fl'XI !rlM•l l ' A•f\/fdlO F~ t.t••lo IC ordO!ol) 119 ll(•Vdl Cn Ca ({;rOQ~\l '" TC>P Me>lec IW"lkt•l II~ j l·•ll•.e Pa iDrcve•I 1'1 C~rtt"~ Dan<lt ITreA•V•C\ I~? 1(,,.,,,.,., Iler (A1.•in 11v C,.oh! Copy I Pdl!10 l 0 2 A-Blane S'hv~nevrldt trd,<'C\3 en•rv FOURTH iii.CE -~IJ ~~":), ; YPd' old~ a'ld UP. Alln -~n~t. PV""' """ St SV!'t Ole Lady (CardOl~I "' l<__,isl1 Rcpo rt its exanlS ~Ionday a n d a rear-n1ountcd C h e v r o ! c t TueOOav from 6:3().10 p.m.. engine and 1hc unique vehicle DANA WHAlt" _ Jl'.j ·'"<l1~,. ,,,1 <-'dJeba' ck'S •S set f Q f h3S approached 140 milL'S per l)a~'· n D"q~tu~a. l !'"nit", I Dl<Jtl1n .:>d\.l '"'~· I ~·D~<O•f, 1~ !>al.~u•, I Tuesda)' (6 o'clock\ and hour \l'hile airborne. ~onowt•'I A colorful t'Dllcction 11f "IEWPOllT <D111ev·s toc~or) il1 A Vin~w·n (/loa·ri l"l "' le~ B,,, \Vdl(h ~D•t >'~'l Andv Co I tidcl I 1,,1 Fof Vou !Wat<!) R•(k Qr1 1,\10 1f11w~·.\ A-Os~ge COOY {S•ni!h) Ch.lfO'n (n1~1o" I T •»~>ur~· One Bold Broad !Cirri<•~• if: 1f1 · .. ~ i\f ,, ;. ... A W~1ne Lu~•~•· ~'""<:t ~ntrt FIFTH RACE -400 v~r~< ,,,~, ~nd uo. Pu••e '>SOC. Tn~ '"' /I F1v• (h«' (f•~l '1 !'• '.'o~liln~ IB,lr' I /I f\ur~c's p;,1u1 1T1ei;u•rl Uc•ov !leqonl' •\'1~"'' J~t (•""' /P,"1"' f'•,•I l-.•11en I ••~•!' N •love .[, "'D''.'' <(J•Q~:o' Pn11 l°;ve"n (~m1'n1 -;i J~' -1~11 • I~ 1 :·: ,.' ,.........,..._ A D. IV~~ne Lu'"' t·~·n('(( tM•~ s1xTH RACE -310 y~•d« J ~~::,':.:::' If.·~· olc1~ '""! "' Cln•m ~Q p~,., l /l:>'). (1.nmin" ""'~ ~3000 T'vly Tvfl (Cle•·•··tl h .('O!!I\ FP.s !G~•1dl ll un l.'oon Run •H,,•1 1 l •0'1Tn1ng Bid ifi•n>•\ O•·•n Ta n•n \P,o~e Cniitc• !Addid ~l.tP Tra•n !B'"'"" B'"on 6 id !S"'tt~I 11? An(lv Doee It 1 f•e"'""' M<On19n1 5pet<l l(•r<lnJ +J Aho e1191~1e For>t SllM (Gaqol ". ~EVE NTH ll ACE -~m v~·f\\ , v~.1• ~1<11 ~nr1 VI' p.,,.e ~1•.lh The I." ir~·n~n-llnvlM!oort"IL At110rif,,n Dre•"' 1c~""''•I ,., jo/\r>'' R()("•PI (M •l;'1tldl r.~vFltn~n (Sm,m 1 lt1e /1'oon1hi~e• !Treo•vr.1 la'I•~ llt.<1•1 IH'"" f.o o~•r Gu INirodemv'l llY DLVY IAOa"I EIGHTH RACE -i'oO ~, • .,,, \'t'r old~. AllOw"nct Pu•\.e SSOOO D1Jnli(ole W•n IMA"111AJ O~n<IY [>O•e•~ (ll<ao~s) P~'~"'"' M''' fTre~~ur~1 Du~! /l'J<\ IBao•e\ ,., " p· Iii\ ll'> 1)6 " ll' In Softball Tourney B_v llAN K \\'ESCH OI lt>t O•lh Pilol ll•tl North I luntington Beach ·s ba!thng B<)bby Sox softb11ll tc111n canv.: froin behind in tht> second gan1e to claim a µair of vletorirs ;ind stay alive in th c doub!c-e!imination national ch a rn pion ship tournan1ent 1'ueitday at Bellis l"ark in Hucna P:lrk . 1\l!er el 1111ina1ing Fount ain \"11lley, fJ-2 . earlier in the ct1y. 1\orlh llun!lngton II t' a ch rallivd lron1 lhrt>c run.~ behind for 11 4-3 victory over Newbury P:1rk ln thr nightcap. The lluntington Beach tenm. hoµing to fight its way back th rough t!u: losers bracket after an opening gan1e loss, ll'as f::icC'd 1rith having to 'Nin ::inothcr doubleheader tonight In 1·each !he chan1pionship fin;1ls ·1ia1rsdar. 1 !untington H<':u·h 1s pitted against l~l S1·gundo ~11 ti. \1•lth the \\'inner ut 1hat garne challenging Spring V~1 lll'y of the San Diego ;ire.:i at 8. In other action Tuesday. the Orange C-Oast area's other tourtl\'Y rt'presentativc, Tri· City. v•as do11•ncd by Lemoore, 11-6 Clairen1ont toppPd Spring Va!lf•)'. lfl..I\ ;inti El ~'11'f!Ulld() defl'ali'd Lt'ntoort•, 9-l North Huntington Bt"ach got off to a shakv star1 111 J\s sho,1·down \;;·ith N e \\ h u r y r•ark, but turned 011 1he po11·rr in the fourth :ind fi fth innings to pull out the \\'in . Capitalizing on \\'al hs .:ind errors. Nell'bury Park ~{,'Ort·d three tinH·s ir1 lhl• !1r~I two innings. but 1\orth ll 111tti11gton Bl'ach ~flt Olh! J'U(\ bill'k ill the fourth ;_ind c·la11ncd !I\•' lf'ad \\'ilh three n1orc in the fifth. l)onna htartz' t\\·o-<iut double sparked the f.ifth-inning rally, and \\'hen Staci Williarns and Diana ri-tangano follov.·cd \\'i lh doubles it.he score was tied at Uu-('(". J)arlenc Gasher then singlrd up the iniddle !o brin~ f.fangano hon1c \1ith t h c 11 in ning run. r-.1angano, "''ho pitched the distance, had control trouble in the rarly going, y,·alking four batters in the first t\\'O innings. She settled dov.'Yl from the second inning on, hov•ever, and p1tthed out of trouble in l'ach of the final thrr(' frames \\1th the h<'lp of so n)e alert fielthng by teamn1atcs. ]11 thl' e:l!'lu·1· gnn1e against F'oun1 ain Vallt')', No rth Jhul!11lgton Beach took a 4-2 lrad in1o the !op hnlf of the final inning, th<'n trillicd four 1 ime~ to put thr game oul of rr11rll. c·:11c!l+·r S:'lndv C"0<1115' double d(l\11! 1ht• )~f[ flt']d JillP prod11r1·d tv•o run~ fnr North I !u11t111i:to11 Beach l!l 1 hr. se venth inning. :ind Kathy ('o:ilson's fourth-inning doubl e \\'ith the bnses loaded. \Vhich produced ty,·o runs, \\'ere the big hits in the game for the \\·i11ners. Fountain \'alley. 111eanwhile. fought gamely after fallin g hrhind. picking up a second- inning run on an error to 1rin1 the lt'nd to 2-1 before North J~untington pulled away. Becky Stevens hit a 21(}.foot hon1er to left center to account for Fount.1in Valley's olhcr n1n. Th e horne r was only the second of t he tournament in four days of competition. Kim \Vilmol picked up the \\'in. scattering eight Fountain Valley hits. Tri-Ci t;-. n1enn\1•hile, fell behind 11 -1 after scoring first. then r<1 llicd for five runs in thL~ final inning befo re Lc1noorc tndcd the uprising. Succcssivl' hits by Collce.n \\"a!son. Cindy Knapp and Cve\vi1 Keyes ~parked tht final:i nning Tri-City ra!ly. T<1.Clf'f' t•I .... ' ' ' ' 1(~·""'· o-<f i<eve•. " Fini>e•lv. lt> f}l•i<O, It "lcPl'l••loOf1, C K•v, ltl Minear, in Ber.,, lt> Qellutrl, 7o RI••· cl K•C\'" ct l<•m •I•. <' \l'olt,~m• rl f,\CK•• d w.1..,,.,, rl .. • ' ' • ' ' 0 " ' ' ' ' ' • ' • ' ' 0 0 " ' 0 " ' 0 0 ' • 0 ' ' 0 0 " 0 0 ' ' 0 ' 0 ' ' 0 0 • 0 0 ' " ' 0 " 0 • 0 ~ . i{6A bV lnnil>Q I • ' " . 0101Xt(1§.-~4 J on 001 :<-ll l' HURll ... !OOI IN<l'l (J) •b r 11 roi w n,t•, 11 (i>o0lw•1, I< O .. l,.I'•'•· II f<"'1•r .1~ !"•'"· 7t> ,..""'" c I'. l"'<'t ~ 1.1,.,.,, rf·\t> ~"""" <' (POt'•OO'· ,, /.' '"'l•no. l~ \~'1•1'•"" ., Oouo'~'· " ""'ne· ,, R°'-"'~'·•1 " l ct~I> 1 o o n ' 0 ' , ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' 0 ' 0 " 0 " ' 0 ' 0 ' 0 I " . " 0 ' ' ' 0 ' • 0 • ' 0 " ' Founttin Vt1+•v (l1 l•"'1-. ,, Hou"~'"'· ltl V~·n•·; f' ltOl'Md, >; Jam••· c (;rlt>i>en. J~.11 Ulotn, It> l/.CD•rmott. 10 Vlilli••"\, n f'"""'"'°"' ,. B"""°· r1 fl•~"''"''"· ]b w.1:·~c•. 7'1 H•"d';'°'· d " ~'e 1en• ,, ToT~I• .. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' , • " • • 0 " 0 ' 0 0 • 0 0 0 ' " ' ' ~g l ,, '"' ' • , 0 ' ' ' ' ' 0 0 0 0 " ' • 0 • " " ,. 0 " • " 0 0 0 " ' ' Orange Coast's exams are ~~~,,,., 1q hM••>«JC,1 J(l.I 1•,"' ' d SL reel-d r l \. l' !I ;ind rdl't' vellowl•1L 1 hdltc"t. (A•1 '• l~""'nQ ) slated Tuesday an M. 1 101 11 • \\'edn-~ay. "-g,·nn ·•ng at 6030. prepared !lQl ro<l s is <JI.so "'"· i v~~~iA;,~,1 p,,,1, '~c M• I~""" ~r1~-h ((,vd·~/.+ 1'"1i' 01> (f\!1"") f1~-· I l>.1•!'1">• "' " '., FV'S BECKY STEVENS JUMPS FOR JOY AFTER HOME RUN . ~<o•• br In~!""' ?1)1'.1700 ,g t~~ 010 OlQ 0-l J \ ~ ~ r 'I d . II OCIR ., I.ONG BEA.Ct! (Belmont p,~f) ~-d f d'f · e .. ure in lC p1 area. 110 anole" 197 ca!i:n ll~,-. ;·~ ·~"d IU!o;;t; ays 0 con 11on1ng Elias "Bo !>i dle\·'' ba,,,)n~liCut.@Srr>C>:CQO B&r q,_ drills are scheduled Aug. ZS.JI · ·~ ~,..01~., i ""''"~'· 1 1'0""~ 111cD nni{'1 . (1 si ngc-r-11porl!i•hinQl ,. .•n111~" ni •~· · with two.a.-Oay drills \\"i th pads · · l · .1 '"''" IJ cal ico t~~'· fl 11•:•,,Jr>, 1•1 gu1t~1r1s -song1vr1ter. 11·1 ! l'.IO&> ,,,..~ <oct beginning !'>1onday. Sc-pt. 2. 011! the evening pro!!r<un 1,·ith ,,,~~·~d0~e1~c~~1 ~ ~;.~~"?ic~·,,, 1~ OCC launches the ~('n:<:an ;1 6fl..minute set beginn1n" at )(ti "xx n-t Sal da). Scpl '' l•ostin rr ... ~AN DIEGO !Mu1»clp~I Pltf) ur · · . " ;1pproxnnal(']y 10:30 . ~10 ftnQtf'•• 1• v~•1ow·~11, 1q ~1~~c"'~ Cyprres. (.oldC'n \\'ts.t lx'g1n3 Graff iti Jarn tickf'!<; ,,,.f' 1 v•lliw•1~,, 11? bh,,.11" •u"·' 1~ h,~1,, 1~1 'A"ll b•''• to h~••M•1•. l•l <·6••"tvn.1, iL".1 season the following \\"f'{'k IX"ing diSCTIUn1f'd $1 if 1o' •ce) ''"· I ilnlnf\,n . QCC h J S dd\ b k ~AN PEDRO (11nd St L~nfl•"l!l a grunst v.· le , a e ac · purchnscd in adv;:ince fron1 100 ~n~1~n 1 v,,11ow•~" • hosts Cypress at r.1i ssioo Viejo nny Ti c:ketron or L-ibertv ::;:~:~c1~··,,,~1c1,,;~:,c01s~~;r,,~::;,,1''"~ High. ~Jgcncy in Soulhcrn Cali for111ti. ·~ •r~'e" 'I' r .. l'•o 11·'" ' "''" __ :.._ _______________ :._ _____________ ·:•:•:'":':"c:'c:':•:~"-'-"-·-'~ -·-~-· ,.,~ l,•11~ Tlnv (,~ !1-1,,,•1 Deor Ole C••i IW~1•~·1 t.llt.tTH ~AC£ -1~ "''I~ ''"" vo. C•Al"111>'1 ' ' ~'"" ·e \.](.(. YA1'1 Tcr>rld!1;o 1·.···'l•N 1;>~.,,~ I 11:;:~• '\'~IU~"·'·' l·e~1.-f>Dn '"'"'" (,(;o> If '~'lllrf (.,,,., Pl.>y 1H,•! I" IV,, ~.,er,• "•1"+ Poll• • 6"'1 1•"'" •nt le' I\,., N1>rw ",1~e· r1-el R.,11,n /(;~"·" P~~""'" ~.mr•i. ILi • • ~I A"o El1gll>h r ,,,,I'< P"rtU~•! tHM11 '>OAf• t.1"'~ (,•1~10 1>,' DEMO SALE Base~all Stci1idi1igs TOYOTAS A~1ERICA1'l LEAGCE East Oivision w J. 6R 62 "' 59 GI. I::ast Di \'ision \\' l. "' GE '" " • '" ]111111} 011 TV In Anahcin1 I, 11· 11•" ·"•I.I~•· li1\·l"I' (';i1\\11!1 011 S11n<l.'1v Si•pr r, 11 Iii ~~· .~!in1111 111 1·1rl1•I' on l.irg~· ~<Tt'l'll < h1~l·ll l'll'Clli! ll'l~·\'ISIO ll ;d tll(' An :1hC'1tn Con1·1•nt1on L'entrr ·1 ~l<' '·0111'i•n1 111n C1:nt1 •r ••·111 hr. tht: onl~ Joc:illon in Oningc County to·~ ~how l\11 1t"\'C!'s Jlltnp. \.l'htch \\'111 be just under one rni k·. Ala11iitos Resu.lts T~e1nay, •11~u\! 10, lftl Cle•r. l ••<W F•" F lt;tST lllACE 1•;) Y•tr<1' ? ve•• O·O• M•,nen• Po•V' 11100 V<1• Vtll~ 111~~"' l iO ':'!J 7?.'J '•'~AM ~-"Id I ll~··• 17ll ; 1n F•~•fl D••,<>n C'lldl"''! l 'li 1 ·""~ I" I• 111,,,, '"" -"'o Drr•~ n•M~'• G-• f'•f\, ,,,,, o~• ~·1 o~'f'I re• ,. mni1r '"'~-B•.'•nt ~'l'·""' \""'-~" /.'on,., I" T"• f\~"' f1 ''" II L·'<le [),.,, • .., ( f /,,y C ~<\. '"" 01<! (•o . .r, l·I /~""'> '.'~1!1 11 EXil.CT • -1 Vlvt \/lilt I. •·1•11n 11.nll Geld, p•IO l10 . .fll IECONO t;t•tE , .. ~, olds ,;. uP 11...-(). t<li~ Bl'>~ u·.,,,1.1\ Mi Pi& 11'1·1''' l)rA" L&ll<l IP~ge\ Tin>~ -"110 -~71) Y&•<I• 1 (l~""•M~ Pur'~ ~I>() ·.·~ ''° 1~10 1?0 "' Al•o f&n B•lllo Ta~•e. j;!°"'"" R"sc•l, l~r Pe•~on~l<lv, f-o,y Nerftc, TnroT!le lldclt otdJ & UQ ~••rl..-• •llnw•'l~f P~r1t """' u~,, .. Wo1 r ~ \•d Jovou• "'•'•"' ·•e <Herl\ ~"~~ l !l roo•<I r 1.... 11 11 Al1n ••n -Ca•h Illa•"' e,o l <<1''I• Ee t><)I\ I'" l"'O'n"I""'" (<>v••o•~u, y ,p Pa •!(•"~·. p..,,, ~'.~ I! E)(ACTA -1-Un<le W<1 A. ~·JOVl>!ll Vll~nti"'· ~··~ Ul.tlO SEVE"I TH RA CE ,,.,, ~·,~· ' v•~· 01<1, 111><>'.••nc~ f-'V•\e 1",0'J l~~ C.""'"'-tl~n 01tkey'1 r.lro RI•~ IBro·" ms~ 'i i)') S4V D·~,1 1 !lo L•~v !Tro••ur~1 '~o t .o TF'•~; Gin 11'..,T!lol 11 10 Tirne -20'.ld Arso ran -Alaciue. Vlt tory c11•n•, Co Zic f'oc ke!, G~! l~f Mnno, Rl•c~ T/>OV'ilM, Olvlo. Rio~!, Svnsni~e N Fle>Wf'r> 8t~Cn Fooni.1n V•lltv Poort" Hi.mlllOllllOn INC~ l•l Mo r h rt>I I'." ••. If ~Ml•1>0, I' l o i n 0.1 '"~" I! llO<!I•. it> l•vTn. 2t:I (<><>n" ~ \Vlln,o!. lt> Ll'~•·son . •n /.' ""' ,1 lh 5•Ylo•, cl wni •• ,..,, rl o~"'""' " 1'.lonQ~no. n Co•n•·· Ji llw -,Qwe1 ~· T ;,l~I > ' " ' ' 0 ' ' • 0 ' . . ' ' 0 ' ' ' ' 0 ' ' ' ' , 0 0 ' ' ' ' . ' " • ' ' " . " . ''r"" f.<11~'10.C'~" CJ'IJ \ f'J 0---• t I 1 r.•Wl'V' I P •" 110 1'.'.l 0-l • ] ~lalctl for i\lV ' 0 0 0 0 0 • ' • ' • ' ' 0 " '72s -'73s • '74s Roston B<l!t1more ClC\'C l:inrl ,0,:('\\' Ynrk ,\fil\vaukee r>etroit "" 61 58 61 64 65 PC't. .5.)7 .!112 .5!• 5':- 6 SI. Lollis l'hilad('lpl11<'l /'1!.lsburgh 1\lonlrcal Nf'\\·-York Chicago Prt. .5~ 1 .5lH .fi04 .475 4.17 .117 6 l()l 1::: ~cratcned -Co"'e D" Dttlt t:IGHTH RACE -l'iO V••d•. ve•r nld,, Al<owtn.t•. Pu"e ~i~ ~1ission Viejo v,·l!l be the site of an ar11.-1teur bi cycle race Sunday. &-pt . 8 ~ginning ;:it l:3Q under S\X)nrorMip of 1hc A1n<1IC'ur Bicycle League of Amcriefl wi!h 1nanv of thr co11ntry's f11.~te:-t racer s ron1peting. . ' • . '• ., • 15 lo ChooS<t From COROLLAS CORONAS MKs PricHSlarf al $1899 [Ser. 111954) RE.il SAVING!!! VOLVOS · 144• 14Ss 164• 1974 VOLVO STATION WAGON AT, AM/FM w/tape deck. ooncJ PS. (7971<80) s5777 59 58 \\'est [)i\'i sion (1akland Kans.'.ls City Texas Chlcago l\1innesot.:i Angels 71 !"13 6.j 56 fi~ 60 60 49 62 63 fi.J 75 Tlll!Mll 'fl G1m•t K~n•ftl Cl!v '· Clev~f~nd 0 81l!lrnore ), T•~•' l Bostnn E, Chic100 J Nf'W YO< k ), Mlnn•no!a l 01!..l•nll I, MllWA\/kee 1 Df!•Oll 1. Atlfi'tl 0 (11 lnnlnQ\I "°" .460 ,f/2 .57:1 .533 .500 .4118 .484 .395 7 !ll ",l 10Lz 5 9 101 ~ II 22 TDd•V'• Oa- Atll!nftSC>ll (llU!ll!r • )\ ~• New Von< (Medich 1•·11 ) Chlc•QO {j(>'1nWI' •. ,, "' Ao•l~n l'/Or!'I 6-51 K.sn•a• (ilv (0~1 (.:>r+Mn I ~I •I Cl~vel~nl! I BMm~n 5.,\ T•••1 (Bibbv !1·1•1 al B~lll"'O'e IGrlm~l1y 14.JO) Mllw.su~tt fColbcr'1 1·10\ ~! 01~1and {Odc>m 1-)l Ot.,oll {l1Grow 1·1l) &I A"Qtll (H~~•ler 2<111 Tnurl<l~v ·1 l("n~a' Co •v •' C!e~el,.nll ltAa1 a! 91llirno•e o~lv g1mt1 ~d)edultd llod grrs Cincinnal 1 /lllan!a Houston \\'est J)i\'i~1on 77 &1n Fr:incisc:o S<in Diego Tu•Ml•y'I G•me\ Dodffl"I lB, C"ICAOQ 8 f\tla!11,1 ~' ~I. L<>v" ~ ,fiZf\ . ti05 .:l·ll .51fi .'152 .:in.> s,,., franci''" A Pit!\bn•o" I (10 lnnlnQll ClriclMa!I 1, ""ll1del!>l>l1 1 ~.in O.c11<> J, Monlreal O Hoo~!oo 6, Nfw VGr~ 2 T~•V'I 01me1 2' ~ 11) I J 1 31 ~ 2 l '·.· :un .. l DOll!lfl"'l CMc•.1e-.mHn IJ-J) •I Ch•C~CO !Bonham 10 I\/ '' Lovl• it,i!l'"" 7 1~l ~1 1111~n1,1 1r~o·" '()'" ~~n r.rM111'(0 <W•ili .. m1 1-l! n1 P•P•bVtllfl 1t:I•« "' N•w Vnrk (l((IO<m"n 11 .~1 M llo111tnn (G•l!I•> 1) '>I Pl'li lftdOIDhi~ (Lo"00'<1 1J !1) A! ClnCll'll'IO tl If c~""11 •-01 ~~" D1Nin 1so111 nrt 5.e) ~· i.•nnl•e•I lien~o 0 1 I> T~~·~d•v's G~me' No g1me1 )t h!'dllll!CI TJl{'rr: \\'J ll bt• hon1c Ir le\ i.~1vn m· radio hro;1dc.1st nf tl10 event. The prograrn 11 il l start. at I p n1 .. with n11u1.v <l<irC'df'111 a e Is ptrforn1 ing: p1·inr to f\ni1 ·1·rl's lt"<1p . J\nif'VC'f'~ Skv-Cyc)e cos I :ippro;.:irnatf'ly ·si 'n1illion :ind IS S!Cil!ll·J>CH\"Cred. He \\'ill takr off fron1 ;:i special rarnp. 10(1 f\:l'! in len gth :1t the edge of !he can}'on. 'The SnEtke ll ivcr Canyon is located close to 'l'win Falls, Idaho. TtllllO RACE •-AO<) ver<I, l ytar n1n< 8-up. c1~rrn1ng. Pv"~ \hOO. (to~rlitl/Ci 1.:.c1~1r1 1.00 •.l'O ~ •C Rc(•et Mlr~ (C~rdol•l ~.?O l 00 Movlah D•~~1on<1 ITro••u•ll 7."1 Time ?O l l /111 0 ""n T~~ Coun1 Wl'I<" WolH•. D...-~ 6 siorr s~·,,1cn•t1 -P"''u• ov~ 11 FOU RTH llACE -4.0 var<!•. J ye1r old<-Allowant•. Pu••f' ~o!OOO L•nlv'l Jr• 15mllhl J.80 l.00 1.)0 Gl""'ul !Tr~•1u•tl ~.60 3 l'O T l!~ Mia !Adnlr) l .00 Tlme -?1 ;>(I Alw '"" ~ A ~lfl. l>-~1.rlO! Se•. W•nla C,.o, Smol.'1"1 Gal. '1Gl1! Boom, Mii~ Pig PIQ. Moon Five• 5c•1tawd -Dal'ldy E~pre,,, Co Corona, FdV'\ 9 QY "Two, Paradise Min • Coe! II Baby (!1.1n•1l 8-~ ~00 JOO Sn•I• M Down (P111lol l>.•0 • J~ Al•r•b (C•e•g••l 6 .ii) Tlrie U.?! Al•o "" -A.rlO<l />O:";IW!, lilr's Dice. D~I ~e• Come!, Proitt! Win, j~! Two T~'""' JM M{>(><1 Toe, '~• r-;., 1$ f:)(ACTA -f .CflOI ti lltby I l ·Shl-• M 0-1\, ~Id 11'.(Mt HIHTH RACE -350 Y•rds. 3 yenr oldJ. Claimlf>O. Pune 11800 R01y Joy <H~r1) ~.IO ?,80 2 /.0 l/.umbl• 6" !Peg•l J,IJ(t 1.111 Tana R.el>el !Cerdo•$) 4.00 lime -l!.ll Atw r1n -111......i• JOf!, 110<~"1 P~wer, Shle~·· Moo'!. Pon Del! !ln<. M!t1 (,o llhoda, Ml•• !1.1rb Be Xr~tch~ -Tunl!<)ll. Evertt!• B•r !I.Ob. M•lts!lt Jr, Gtl HIPPY l'his is lhL' fourth race 1n J series of Ol~r n1p1c d('vclop1nrnt c1.1n11X"li1ions a.nd the action lS f~e_ lo the public, LEASE A '74 DATSUN PICKUP Oftiy S 79 -. + 1• I• --0.1.L Tickrts. priN'<I at $10 ;:ind ~B. ;1rr no1\' nn s;ilr at th·~ ('.••n1·L·n1ion (' (' n tr r box ()ff i('(' Iv l L Tu(~ ilnd Tllt~ ~ K!f(~ht!•r COS~MlSA DATSUM 2145 O• ll VD,. C.M.. 0..6410 e~!ry 1S EXACTA -10-Ro,y JIN & f, ,I t:·~·;·~':"~'"~·; .. ~·:·;·;'·~"~;;:;;;;:;;~~~~~~~~:;~:;~;;~~ F ll'Ttl RACE -81!1 ¥1•<1!. J v•ar Old' t. up. Atl<IW~n.te. Pu .. e \SOOO. fl~'~be !Brook<) ;6 .io ll 60 6.60 '"'" , .. '""'" '" w PARAMOUNT SPORTS A•u•~ 0~• Co (8e.,ln1 J 00 Tim• + •5,9< ''latches Set ""o •dn -..-N~Tivt Twist, 5110t1 f ERYTHluG lu TEuulS 11 0<~''· t.tlird~o. Acc~IC•••t. 01~• • Y " " "" • Srnt.r,:~I& .. '"'"''"" HELD OVER! NASS1\l'. The B ;i ham :i ~ s1KTH RACE 5"' 1~'"' J .,~, CAP! -Thr Unilcd S101es·1 -;::=:::::::::::;:~==~ MID-SUMMER TENNIS SALE! Davi s Cur tc'<1m will oJ)('n its SUl\1MER 'til Suttday, Au9. 2~ Norlh Arnerican lone play in Cl .. Ei\RA NCt: Nassau's P:itedisc lsland Oct. we need your Trade\ l l-13 again!>!. the Caribbean Premium prices paid . te,1n1. nrfi ci nl.s a 11 n ou n c e rl l EXCELLENT SELECTION Tul'sday. Immediate Delivery L THERAPY ......_ S<i.Mtflc Swtdllll Ma .. ... AM Ylctorio11, R.r .-T. Ho- .. Offict Cols. cm S57-0SJ9 M-W-F NABERS readtffac l·•·U1 I [\/I<' PIO~'>t' Cali 540-9100 2600 H111 tior Cosla Mes.i ... IUM.Clf' ""°"" •111>TlAUfo.llt TEMMIS BALLS s2 I 0 ~~"!~~ e ,... CU,TOMM 1-...-..-4)--I 333 E. 17th St., Costa M"'a I B~n>'d , ... l•>l<••"'~'n•I !<<.,•• ol P•il•,••••\ PHOME 642-6886 "'"~ '"~' w~o '"'"' ~ •• 1 11-e. ''' O-.ft &on 11 1 • '" "" I'" h~ll>, lht •·ntdl V~·le1 ~\Jl!C """' t un~"' " ' yJ '" o. '" .,, 10~~ S•nl A tr er '" ,,,,9,, \~I• NOT •o " " " '" .. " ~C H ~(H llr<~ uo (Lil ·,I 11• ""' •v•h 'O ,. ~ .. \,, .-n, ,.,,., -IJ(j .. , u< rn .... ~" '1"11. '"· -""' ~an~ 0• "" I v: "' '~ Toi' .,, '" .., " . .. '' '" (~•P I'« ' '· "' " ' . ·~· '. tour• JU" M < " A>< (l\J f•~·· 11,.0 ,,,~ '""' t"" ,,~, .. "' ' " i.i•~· '" " •''" u '" '" 1111 w .. '" "' ' '"' "' ' ' ' "' U• u CH ll~' ... " " TIM '" '· " "' '"" PL m "" ' AU A •• "' "' " '"' " " '°' " "" ' D ""' '" ' " ., " '" " "· ' ' • !'UBI IC NOrJCE f'UHLIC l"U I ICE B 11121 SUPERIOR COUllT OF TH£ ~UPElllOll COUA1 OF THE ~!AT E 0 1' CALIFOll!<!A FOA ~TATE OF CALt FOANIA F OA THE COUNTY OF ORANGE fHE CO\.INTY OF ORANGE No A 1'll• CASE NO Ai01'1 NOTICE Of HEARING 01= PETITIO N OROEll: TO St<OW CAUSE f'UDI JC NOTICE In• lu•1e~~ n<l •du +I WI •m J II" In " '" FOii OAOEA OET!:lllA l\l lNG E N tn tn<-M (If vi 111, A1 nl C.t! 00 ot TITLEMENT TO PEllSOllAL Pll OP llR1AN PAlRltK MANTEll lor (l~nge Tl EllTY ANO DlllECT1NG CONllEY <'It N.t f (Ovl\t~ ····~ "'""' (if ~ ol .... 11'1<! ... tn Orang' c..., 1tv '" '" ANCE OF PERSONAL PROr£~f Y TO WI L!l(AS llRIJ\N p ~ f R I ( K Ju!~ s i~I• THE PE R~ON ENT ITLE D 1'1ERETO MANT LLL ''" t ~d ~''lion wl~ Fl~ll9 !ti~ Ot i\lfl lMT MAMlNU~Cl~~O!t~•COu•l l ,,..,_,0 l"u~l.,edO.lnQe (o.~!OallvPlot ~(_lfROEOER ai.~ AM ~CttROEOFR I ATRICK ,,.INT[LE hi ORIAN ------'-'-----'-"-C ~CHROEOER .t~<I ALBEll:l f/.l!O tnn11t n~ nH'1e !Ol'!l BRIP.N ,AV<IU~ll I• 21 71 191J ~9V1 1• ll<~ .. l>l.l f'AIR CK JACOB 0~1 l'UHLIC NOT I Ct~ NOT Irr j l+l !<1 llV GI V! ti '"I I N(lW fllt'RrrORE l ll + \)R(l r r !<I'll !JI fj 'I I I ~ I t'l<[l_iY (IRDLRI D I It! .. F IC TITIOUS ftUSINES~ JI I t! I I !h <ll"r r,; I"' "'" fie~.,,..., " I"~ "I 1 ~ o 0, ,~ t NAME STATEMENT _,,.,,I ~I •c 'urt' !i)ll("' 1 O pu me ~ 01 1 , tovrt ll>e folO~ U pe ~""~ J•,. dO/\Q •vth~ 1 <I I(( •II "'' 100 ( v' (r !t< O •r Wei• bu>• C>• "\ 0 • "ul ~ A>• c I fi, • "" ~epte ll• HA~ 01 .-e ltj~l!RA'll.." llROl':L!;'S "' II r Huu1 1~1. " 10 00 0 ~lo,~ AM OI '"" i111 L~PQ(e/ AV"(~" I v "" ( I t~ "a •<hoe<r 1, Iv u •P•l ty "II a .. , u/\11 t r •nd n~e ~noN 97/0\ > U >t lo <;r 1 I K 1 Prnl)•tl' OU!.t l d / t tY /\aVt wily >.id Wll.R/Mll(;f0N 6RCIS INC A (61 (<.!~ ••'~ " !" ... 1 n ""(I~ lur ~,,1r~1 1 1 LI• \I• 01 na 1e ,0.,10 !n • Cn Pof•llon 11~1 t .. +gl~v Avf "' •ntr 1111•1 ,1110"' "l>d MM !/>C 1 ,,,,. 1 1 1>~ Qr,,!'ll• 1 /\\It Irv ne Co! lo•n ~ 9110~ 11>!1 pl.,ce , t><• \ g 1,,. 1,,.,~ 1,,, I! 1~ r uR rt~ER ORDf"REO !nfll " ll ~ Du "'> I> condu< <I DY a COrpO•U on *" >!!I IO• flu\ju1t '19 19/I nl 9 00 r~py <' t 11, 0 lier !o Snow Cau•• WARMINGTON BR OS IN( t m n 1nf <U•"' '"'" ~· O•Pa '""I! l'Ull!>"'d n 1ne Ordfl\11! Co•1! O•I• w llam C Watmnq!On ~ J c! sac cour! d1 IUO Llvcl+>lot n "••>OdfJE'• of g~ne.ral ll•CUl<>ton Tnli ll<1!fmtnf wa• !led w !h '"'" • "'"' flt "" W• ! m the C t1 ul ll<IDI ~.,to n Or<>nQe Cov >h Col lo" • Co. mv Cler~ ot oraroge county ori ~""4 Ano) C<1I •o•n" on<e " we•~ tor IOvr cOn>ecul •e "'""~> Jviv ~ 1914 0~1e-o 11u11u•1 ~ 1914 ll"\I "" n9 Augu•! 1 191' WILL IAM E SI JOl-lN OAT CO Aug l 1¥1' C<-~nlv Cit • -FRAN!\ DOMCNICH INI GlllSOH OIJNN & CRUTCHER Juooe-(l! lt>f >VPt'••O< (_~v•I llv w lll•rn A And<''°" GEORGE o ROllERTS S11 Soutl\ Flower S1rctl Ancrnty Al llw L~ An<J•!•• C•t t l'OOlt Sulle lSJO Un on llln~ Bv Id oQ T•I (lll) •U 1000 •10 N~wpOrt Cenler Or ~• Allatnty> lo• Pt• tlont• Newp0rt lie•<" C•ln orn • t1tl0 Pu~ll>heod Or~n~ (""''' Augus! I U 21 21 1914 f .JS12~ OA ly r lo• """ PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT OF WIT HDRAWAL F ~OM PARTNE•SHIP OPERAT ING UNDER FICT ITIOUS •USINESS NAME "'''''<I 0"1" co~·' 0111 Pio! Ttie~n-tl1•!644 IOSS llull~•! I I• I Ill• N~l I• A1!o.rn .. 1 lor p,111 onor Pul!I >t>f:O 0 ~"g~ ~g-' I! e folio"' n11 per\.On Ila• wflbd~.,,,.~ i:,,. ly P 1~1 "' ~ geoor.11 '"'"""' !rgm tne P"rlner•l't p ·~~t /4 GI>' M I'll vn<1•• '"" lie! I OU! ""' ., .. ,, n "" ol LT l Dl:l111E:RY SERVICE ! l()(lc1 Thr•eu 0 Hu •!lng1cn Bt1c11 (di 91 ..... I l HI IC '\U Ill t 411 )I ~ICllT OUS BUSI NESS NA ME STA l EMENT Tnt lol•c• n9 , .. •~ • uu g t "' n•» .. BlllAllW OOO IV• le I• Pl ~ • l 1 c~1 9'~"° IU"l!1 NfWlO AV COM INC. • t " I I g " . •o IJOl'dl on I '• ru' '" l C poral ~., AV ro~ Ill(_ (VU'l W >•~! 11 ~ t ~ C• ' I >' • ! ' '•t' • 1-• J~ly I' I / 1 " "' ~ w" C.ou t; ' • '" I"' I ., rt n, ~· J ;11 ""' Aui,,u I/ j! II 11 l'LUI IC..: \111 1<.:~ 411V FICTITIOUS llU SIN E~i NAME STAT EMENT l "f 10 10,,. ~ P<. '" 'J~~u bu< n •> 11>10 4 I~ ~-I• Iv I l•C• u Tt Ill "'""'l'<l I II< n C•I •o•n • 9'/lof>O hi/LO I llol "l..~\!O n~ Au.;tu\ I 14 ii 1G 1~1' l'UUl JC N () r 1ct:: SlP IU IO NOTICE TO CREO!TORS SUPE RIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORHIA THE COUNTY OF ORANGE No A M4~6 t '"'~ Pl ALBfRI SI Ol'ICKlANO De<od'1!0 FRJ\N C I ~ NOll C( I~ +"<ER(.BY (, V(N IQ Th• e !o ' '' I e ~t>ove n~ 101 ~'' o•nl ! di dli llf'\0'" """ ng 'ldl " '~" n I 1no "<l Oe(f<loM a • reou r'1<1 ro f r ~n w •n 1np !\e,~1 d'V v(u """ " • o!I <e of ~ f'" ~t In• ~llr'-• • t1n1 111u I '" TO r••••"' •nem n~r '•V voul!t to In• "' • .. Nl II 1n~ l-dN f"l ! -r. 00NAL0 tJ BELVEAL ([l\/ltj r Liii Q\ D(JllLR Dll ~ll l I! 1POPT fo[A(ll (Al !FORNI' ~~~n I I ·~ ' .... p, ne ' O! 1nt UNJ~" 110<'<1 111 "tl11r~ ""!d nq h> '"" "" ! l\•l<~<t'll~I nflMV•"'O"I~ ''""' ruillr~to1rt'l!>\f'OI • O~•N I ll ~ }fl IVI• JUDY LYNN ~1~1(1\l.A 0 All Tin•I •I I Of lie E.i-" o< inc •11(.v~ nn""'<I dt<tCl(I• OONAl O N llELllEAl EDWIN C 11.IFF "Iii Oavtr Dr i !t !10 N•wpart Btlth. C•1 t0tn • <VO ~••• rn' tV• n('•I c"'i;r<'~ nn conavc•td ~ nuf ..is uoci ,.tla•MY~ tor Ao:rm nlllr•lrl ( "" ( N (,•.r11 '.I ~~ V ~ f' o I• l~\ ~,,,. t ll " ! M "''" " ( <>! VI~"~" ( u Iv J~to I 1' ' Mt Miho Arllley t. llwl!I! 10 ll E Hun! n9 I"" or A•t l d I (I 91001 .. (Jill .al UOO U / lh1 P vl h• (.)•~1• July ~I <I AuQu> ' ' ,, fl• Iv " . FJ~11 " P l HL IC :'\O l lCI' Arlor/\eY •t ~•w 1111 E.•st wn "•r lll•d wnl!t"' c11 IQrn • tO.Ol Tel Oil) .... 91• A llMn~y IM Elf<U!• • Su 1' •10 ' ,. ru > •~ft\ Av< t I 11 0 <>onP A I i.l• II I I " I •II 1 1'1 Il l IC :'\llT ICt a 11a14 SUPER IOR COURT 0 1' TH£ STATE OF CALll'Oll NIA l=O R THE COU NT Y OJ ORANOE No A IOllJI NOTICE OF HEAR ING 0 1' P ETITION f'Olt PROllATE OF Will ANO FOR LE TT ERS TESTAMENTARY Esl•ll! o! WILLIAM 1'RTHUR SHAllf'[ aho ~n!IV<n •I WILLIAM A SltAllPC -·-NOT ICE 15 11EllE6V C:IV(N lhAI CHARLES WESLEY SHARPE has 11!~'1 nt en" pt0ll ~11 lo P•oD~!o pt W ll dr><:! !or l••uance pf L'l!e•J Te••~m~,.,~ v 10 111~ pel t ont' tt•e•e •C• M wh ch • rn•(lt •or lurlhrr IM 1lcul~r< ~n<I 1 ~I '"' t me "nil pl11Ct ot tot,. "!l 111e ~dme h~' b•t n 1•! for ~~p!' '!>er J 1914 •I v .lO "m " lhf lOU I on n o• Drpar1m8n1 No J 111 ~a !I c()l.lr1 ~I 100 c v t Cto•er Orv• we11 U ., C tv 111 Saol~ An" Cal fornl<> Oate!I Au~1u>• !" 1914 W ILLIAM E ST JOHN Covn1l C lf.r~ PLUNKETT PLUNKETT Put>!" "<I o ""<.tt Co."! o~ ly P o• A (IU\! l I• '1 ~a ~!4 i9'~ /A PUBI IC NOTICf> F IC T TIOUS BUSI NESS NA ME STATEME NT PUBl IC NOTICt FICTITIOU S BUSINESi NAME STATEMIENT " ,, 1! .. ! <I•""' n111lne•> n~m• 11alemen1 I~ ne partne,11\ v wdl ! lecl a.. t.-11 1• n 1ne Counly ot Or,."9e Fu!I Na nt dnll A<la•••• of The P• :1<1n Yo. 1n11 ""' ng Rl(11ARD l he•ev1 or '"'' C.ARY OWENS HuM ngton nt<1(h """ " Pull• 111ed Augu~l I• \911 f l 411t Co•)! o~ ty P 101 a...i Septemllt• • JOii I• J'UHLr.:: /\10 r lCE F ICTIT!OU\ ll USINE\S NAME SlATEME NT Inf I II> " 1(11/\lY B~arn Bl<O q ~., O:\TI l'ASHION~ l•i Huntln9tofl B••(n Cal I l\~A( I l(ar1 7/Jj C,prt •I A~ .. No O 11un1 f'Qton !leech CAI t 91MI Tnl• t:>u• ne•~ +s tO<'l:lv<JN b~ e n lo'IQ • du~I 1,o1ac I K•11 T n , s1trernr1>t ,..,s flied w tn !Mr Cov tv Cle•-ol OtM'V& COi.iniy Cit' Auou>I 11 1•1• Pulll '""" lluglll! 1' '.,.,., o •not C.01~1 01llv P!loT ~l ~ 1'>11 St P!t mbtt ot. JOn I• 1•1• l'lJHLI C NOT ICE F'ICT\TIOVS l'IU S N£SS NAM E STATEMENT "' u•n•ss "' l'[T 11 BllU~SELS 9\08 A~M"~ llvr Hu ! n~! n Bt.i.cn (•I J 11 n ~' ll•n Dt• l t<lrn 111.6 ._n, 1e''"" (011~ Me\• Col I 97016 ' " ~ lldn Ot l Me/\ I 1 6 6 C 1rte••on to"" Mel~ Cal f 9lbl6 1 ' t "' •• ~ <On(luCTtd~y • gene.~I 'll 0 11 .... Aven.,. P 0 Bo~ ltf Hu"llntton llelch C• t1'4t Ttl (114) SU )1))0 or SU !;011 AUorM fl tor 1Mll!lon•• Tht tollnw ng person~ we~ dOlr>q buslnt" 01 Pvbl '""" Orenoe (.0111 081\y P Int AIJllUS! 14 lS 11 i97 • JOblt 1• PUBLIC NOT ICE SUPElt lOlt COURT OF THE STAT E 0 1' CALll'OltNIA FO• THE COUNTY Of OllANGIE No A IOIM NOTICE OF HEA~ING Of Pl'!TIT ION FOR P ROllATli OF WILL ANO FOii: l ETTEllS TESTA.MENTAll Y E1t~te o1 HAR RY M 111'N0VER llkl t•ARRY MAC OONl\1.0 !IANOllEI( .. -~ HARRY HANOVER o,ce•~ NOTICE tS HERCOY GIVEN lh1! JERRY HANOVER niu lll'ld btrtln • fl'!!!!lor lo• P•<>l>a!e n! Will 1no lor hwa.,..• o! Lelltr\ Ttt11.....,.nl•rv lo t~ petltlooer •Cltrcn<t •o ~hkn Is m~<lc tor lur!~• f>•t!l,vl~r' •<'<I Th•! 11\t time 11<'<1 f)lot• ol nt~rlno the •11m• h8• bffn wt tor 1'UOu~t ll. 191( •' 9 )0 "m In •~ ~nu•rroon' ol 0-rl m~n! N l pf •~Id ~our! "' l'OO C ~ { (•n••• OtlYI' W•~! I'" C:llY of ,S<>nl8 An~ C~I tn•n ~ O" ed fl av•t 13 l"" WILLIAM I! ~I JOHN ( ~ ly (.l~r' T0 1tN1'V ANO HUM PHR EY~ fl y ~OINrl L t<un\phrt~\ Allo<,..,f• 11 l •w An0<n•v• !or Ptllllo<>'' Ttl O U ) 64! '"0 C"•tl Mt •• t 1Ht<>tn I tl•l• .. 0 110~ Ill• ISOO AO"m' A~• I> I llUl•<l (u ,.na~ (""It 0"11~ 1'\)Ql\I I• II jl 1914 CO OP CONT RACTORS 1•211 C1m no C.IP 11rano (1pistreno Beach CellfPrnla 9167• JOAN ELIZAflET_. STOCKOALE 1661 YuelT• Rica C1p!sl•ano lh•<h C1I lor~I • .,61• WI LLIAM GEORGE STOCKDALE 1661 V11t!lt1 Rica C•Phlr1no Bt1<h Cal lorn • •1&2• Th I l>UI !>t SI I< be~ tl)n(\lltltd hY • C.tnttll p<1rtntrshlp Jo.In E St('C~c!11I• Tn!i •ta•-n! ! led w '" tne Countv Clfr~ ot O•at'>(le Counlv on A1>9u1t I 197~ p, !>U!hed lluou•! 1• "" Orono• 1L lt B usiness Courses Sch edulecl Ora.n~e Coast E 1 e n 1 n g College tias ad<led tv.o Jl('\I c:uur~:. 1/l ui.sur 1111.:t: 1 J'il) ru!l <l<"t--ounung (.·ourse and a p._11r of neY. ad1 ert1s1ng classc:. 1u Ifs fall schroule The 111..Surance classt'S both good for three uruts ea<'h Are tasualty 1 n s u ran c e ar.d c.: omm er c1a l general insurance Casuaky msuran<'e students meet T hu r s d a ~ e1en1ng from 6 to 9 The other <'oursc !ll('('tS at EStanci:i l1 1gh School r-+londays fro111 7 10 pm p 111 The pavroll accounting class TTii.'Ols ~tonda1s al Ec::tar«...1,1 High from 710 ,ind s y,orth one unit of credit A dvertisin g 2 a C'ontinu:it1on of OC.\s beginning ad 1 ert1sing cour!'R meets Tuesday evenings fron1 7 10 pm in the OCC Ari Center Ad\t'111s1 ng Cop1 ::ind Layout ' meets 'l'\iesdays a11<l 1 hursd<i\S at 7 p n1 ill Cost 1 \tesa I hgh School For further inforn1al1on on an\ of 1J1ese business related course~ brochures are a1 ad able at !he 0 CC artmin1strat1on building 'Do-or-die' Vote Set 011 No-fault SACR AMENTO (UPIJ No-fault aut.on1oh1le msuran<:c a contro\C'f"Sla ! proposi tion affecting nul11oos of motorists v.1!1 be Jifted from leg1slat1 ve limbo and put to a do-<lr-d1c comrrnttee 1ote next v.eek sa\ s a ke\ I av.ma ker After 17 months Senate 1ud1ciarv C'omnuttec chairman Alfred H Song (D-\Tootcre1 Park I c::a1d th<: no-fault \Ole \,'; 11! come i\ug 20 Thai ts tne last S<:heduled hea11ng of the comnuu~e before ad1oumment of the leg1slature Aug :n and the final chance for the most v.1dely supported no fault bill 1n the Cap1tol a measure (AB50) by Assemblyman Jack R Fenton (D-1-l<Jntebello ) S1n(."e the session lx'gan in l9i3 th<-C'Qmmittee has ht>ard an<l re.rected O(her no-fault proposals but laken no ac1100 on f cnlon s bill be1;ause-of a Jack of \Ot('s for appro,al Plant Hit s .r;; 1 Million Anaheim based P I a n l Jn d u s l r 1 es Inc announet'd sales and earnmgs for the <:N'Ofld quarter and rirst h:itf of 19i4 eorthnucd to e.c:tabhsh 11£'\\ re{'Ords for the rnmpan\ F.am1ngs f(lr lhe fi rst half totaled $1 902 (XX) or 65 cent:. per share' ,1n 1nrrease of HlO percent O\CT the prior }ears $732 000 or 2.'i cents pi.'r c::hare 5.:l les retse 32 pcrci.~nt to fl r~cord $J 4 907 000 \11 126 520 000 }[e a Ith OA!l Y PILOT fl :J /ffoti t>tJ 'S lt'o rtla O vl'r 'fhe Counlf•r NA SO Lis t ings for Tuesda y, August 20, 1974 SJ1ot1l{l )7 oi1 Go If>•• ow<~ I{...... O,V,• ! • I"'•" J,.i ~ •~ P It I _, [I I ,_... " ... t I ,.,,..1A,,,.~ n~•t •~ M • , ....... ~I J "'" f t .... ~•t r '1'<• ll " 1 ..,.,• ,..' +<91><1 L~ ~ " Doll •"'1 ""l•}l t fl'I) •M(~ L ~ Aol~\ h 1 ~ u •• l11to B11 si11css ? ..,q\•C IH • ' 11\to V.. ~l M !J,..•v J JI"~< ( ::'11"'~,..;: ' 1jl;,...:1 ~" 1• 1;:• ", I 11 ~"'~ I r 1: "'" ll • t Lo n ' • • ""' I I• r;;..11n! ,1 • I •• ' ' . " '~'r.\':i' .. ~.:o".~,'.I~,,'.,' 1: ::::, 11 ~::1 10i" '::: I"" I ! ~ U"I I lo,,., I l I' No. I " l'\-f' I" I fl} S' L \I \ l'OHTt::tt. If )uu go into busin{'ss for )ourself this )r 1r vou II f)t up against a con1b1n:111on of ccononuc Ill I 11 u s cs a de\1bcratc\y t11{hl squeeze on credit high lntere:it r tics 1nflat1on y, 1dcsprc<1d bus1111:ss .sluggishness dcpresl\Cd stock and bond pr11 es 1.:onsum r queasiness political uphea1 :11 and U\trall un~.'.'l:.c t VE~ r\O\\ the oddc:: h 1\ 1' ri se n to ne 1r!y s1~ nut of 10 thal )OUr business 11011 t survl\c ft\{' }e •rs illld lht: odds are: still chn11n~ ro ph1clSC it v.ilh v.ha! I t1ust 'tOU Y.lll apprOV (' is commend.1bll' restraint \OU re choosing 1 hellu1a t1111c to g imhlP )Our n~s!1 g0 Yet 1f 't)u re1'ly kno11 ~ o u r bu~i n e ss .ind I\ ant to be on )OUr 0\\'11 if )OU kno11 the ' ' nroper steps 1 -_. lo take 1n ad I( \r..._ ,.".L..._ vanl'C lo a IL~ _.a \Otd lhe pit P ORTEii: rails and 1f you take theni \.OU have an eXC'eJlent chance Of success The foltov. 1ng common sense quiz v.hich I have put together fro n1 var1ous sourtcs-1 11cl~<l 111 g the Small Business t\dn11n 1slrat1on the American ;\f:-in aj!crncnt Assoc1at1011 SC\er 1 trade associatio ns-1\1\J guide \OU to the rules Ans\ver the c1uesllons hones!ly and bv this .ilone )OU l1 be tak ing giant steps I o v. a r d discovcru1g v.hether or not )OU are ready to go ahead Do )OU kno\v precisely ho" much 1noney \OU \1111 need to borrov. lo get \our businoss started pro1>erlv and ha\e ~ou figured out to the pcnrn ho11 n1uc.h lllO!lC\ of \OUr 0\\11 )OU can Spi.lre lo put 1111 IN TlllS TIG1IT mOll('V pinch are \OU full] a11are uf \our credit pos1t1on fron1 event angle1 11 a\ e you checked v.hether and how much cred it )OU can get from fln;'!nc1a\ and ol he r 1nslltut1ons \\1th 11h1 ch you ha\c fo rn1ed rel 1t1onsh1 ps1 liave )OU sur\cved the people \O U \\Ill be buying from to f111d out 11he1her and ho\\ murh rrrd11 ~ou t 111 ge t from them it !he st 1rt lli.1\t' )OU tlh t kcd 1our 011n es!im tll :-i 1hout ho v. 1nu(h 11 cost" to :;I tl l up your buSl!l('SS II 1th lhe s i hard headed businc:;smcn' llave you bud geted .imph surns for stil rl up .1d1trli:s1nj! and pron1otion costs for 1 purr h 1s1ng 1J1\tnto1 IC" lur f xtcnding credit to \OUr O\\n [ customers? 1" \uur t:rlc!tl setup honest!} .'.l n11>lc 10 r 1rrv \Oll through 1he first 1nost • \Uh1lr1blc \c irs' I HD'iv thorough]} do \OU knO\I the-bu:-;1ness 1ou 1 c µl 111n111g 11.ivc \OU gu<1rclcd \OUl~tlt a g ::i 1 n st u v c re~t111111 t1ng }OU! self ll 1\t \tJ\I \1111 ruunded expcru Zl(C 111 selli ng purch ising producing or \\tlJ\C\~1 lS i1{tl'SS lr\-Or d!t you SU!{' \OU l lll ol>I 11!1 1111 f1ersonn1;\ lo fill 1n juur 1-! 1p~ UL pric~s 1ou c;;in afford ru p1y ' AH E 'I OU !'Rf PA Rf 0 \•1 \\O rk lung hour" plrhapo.; Sl\Ctl da)S a \I CCk ll Ila beginning "1thout " 1 P 11 kno\11ng \1hcther )OU 11 ind up v.ilh .1 proht uid 1f profit hov. n1 uch' \\ 1!1 ) our fan11ly cooperate or be a drav.back1 l~ave }OU mnde an inlelhgcnt " e l l b a s e d decision on v. helhcr yo 11 should go it alone l:ike in ;i partnrr or incorporate \our 1c nturc" Cun 'ou 11\f' on ]('SS th in the net 1nco111e \ ou h 1vc author1tat11l lv cst11nated 1ou can expect fron1 1h1:; ven!urc e.:ich )ca~ so )Oll can p!o11 back son1c of the n1oney 11110 expans1on1 Do vo11 kno1\ how bus1nc sse<: like )Ours nrc fari ng in lhe area 1ou h.11c chosen and 111 general' Do the sort of cu~to1ncrs \OU need hie 1n 1hc area and ha1 e \Oll cheeked \\ ~thrr the\ could or \10uld patronize ~ou" llA \'E 't)U 1\ compctenl l<111)c>r a com pe t e nt accountan1 and a s'mpathctic banker" l-la\e )Ou 1nvcs11gatcd \11th each of them all lhe leg;i\ and fin ancial aspects of \Our plans-1 eluding local zoning and J1cens111g rule s CO\er1ng the l\pc and size of \our bus1nf'ss' Copyr 9~1 1'7• F' eld En!trpr 1~s I~< <!<"''" Cu •ll MU( i:ot.~11 1<•1\ "on " 1 ~' nuljl ~ ~ M • f, IO ~ t "',. !u~ I I l y ~ -f> ,, 6'• lro d ~ l I> ~ ·• I t lf 1 .. 0USll•IALS II , " I ..... " Up )I J ANO UllllTolS ', • .,,, ~ 11 '""'' 1', "• LI 0<>1' lo I A 1 , I i..;!"l""' I • ALI<1Y \0Ull~l~.~fl"I• )• J1 ~ ~\j(l , .~·,;• !~~~!~ 11·1 1·:LJ ··.~ ' I l~~·f11;1 ... 1 ~i·~:'· ArJ "' ! I • I •Ill J " ll• ~ en''> ,, 11 \ A.II~ \ (I> ~ ( f ~ u I I • '> <I Fdl'> 1 I~ / Al • 1'1 1• '> I •Ir I I> ~ , ~ I • ~0 10 .... I> I 1' .. '"" ~ .._ I ll 1!N !l • Alto 1 '., ll ~ •• n..,, I I .1. Al I I" I I <Iii., I/ill'. Al l f ' n ,.-JI 11 Ii I " II 11 A I I 'I ! l j r. > hl ~I I I ~fol ! !• I w 1 ! • A I fop I I " ! \ "II • 11 '> / I A" 11 ' <•111 r, I U 11•1~ ~,l :.1 1~·1 ;f1r ,.·~:1: .. •~n1, i~,:u,1,1~ A 1',;'1., \ IP ': V t !, t1;n; Ip 4 f'o J ' ! I l l 1' 1 11 I > I > )l A "el•• 1•tt;lo'll ••Y l\j "" 1 0 • 1 ,r ~·I t n I lo<1!ll!f 11.,>1 'l•nf>•~t ~>1 ~1 A ~II !.,I A ~ t.o•ll l 1q JJ il ><>n~ J,,' " •• " J r o • It ll t1 in "'1 1 1 I' ..r. r1I" ~..._ 1 Ill I '' t!ll )~MI"'" /II j,J .,l•f1'1 G " Al\1np 10 I •~~• • 1 ""1•11tl) 11 1? 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()ti 100 .... 1 ~ l(r y lJdld 1 ~ f 14 t , gy venu ~ Of• 1\ 0 Clow ( p I I llev•~ 1-D 1) • ll i) l))nl1dr Dt•IP Oft H t («I,. L•ll \I 10 .. f V CLI\I • ) , b M le Sl~d~ • Otl I• t (Ob rn 0 10 1 I( v'I n! 11 t• I Mll (omn uo l lS !b i lo O!! 1l C.O<~I.. Ld \ 10 !\MS. l '<I J J 8 I ~l•O r (_a, Oil J 0+1 HI (O/\"t 111 ~ ~ "''""'\II 1Q l! ~No 11Cnr1> 16 I Ott 1J (~mm Cl 11 , 17 """0' (p ~ I 10 Loh ••n\ R .. 11 8 1 • U! n LtUS.M<l 71 )• t>.oqo>r ~, I 8 \1S.Pdt.•n f ood b I 0<1 1 I c .. 1 u1 c,, I< 1, K•u <1er & 111 lldn o,~ R~1M 1~ J Ott " '-' "'T I' ?~ 1 l<.u~!ll [I 1 oll Manne Prol,.n OU 1' Cp!f Aulo hi. II ;jldtl ... d '>I ... ~. H All'> ln<OIP ~ Ott u C.Plr• I b I lUMd>I ~ b tonn ftl 11 I) ldn.t.• Hi lh ~ C..onn C...n 1\ • ;o ~ld-.n Pr ?I 77 Cn\ P<>p< 7~ , 2~ ldwl~< c. 1, 11 Stock \lolum1 I d As~l'd O>ll LOn.u v.1 •ti• 1¥ j uiv Soy B ,~Amer E ~ore1s 11t ooo 2S 11 + L. Coro I (_p !o{l 51 L•\jQP\ Pl I 8 un11 Ct>! TV 100 300 J • 2 ... (o\Pel ul 1>1• q1 LI ChfT'P \ ~ B•unvp Simi 82 100 ~ t 6 -I °"''Ill • • > Lnl!I s1' q in An"'r 6u\<h ~600 7q l 30 ~ 1 • C.r01' Co 11 17 •l LMC ll<l1\ 1" l. l<.!001 Gld AOr SllOO 17 ;, 11 • l. Cru!<~ I{ •• • 'LO<lll' 1 1 19,lldn• Or~n t6'900 2• l •~ • 1..un Noll 8 q l"-""" Siar 8 , a~. wel-om C.I •l 10!J I, I • '• O~nl lnll 17 > 18 • 1..0"<IV F!>\1S 120 l>"nka-r <A 01 'IQO 16 • 11 ~ "• O..rl D•<i 4 • •l 1..°""'~ C.o 2'I , 311 , °" S.fl Mn .AOR ll ooo l l ._ °'11• 100 •I• I NIOe<m• I , 8 , lnl'I Uirp ll 000 34~• 31> + 1 ' O;iy'lll M1 11 10 l MllCI G•' 11'• 13 . Dt>< ~ Ud ~·-. 6 ""'1 R ty 2.+. 1 • NASO volumf 10dilY J ~14 JOO .c!Voln<:~' Ot>klb AR .,,, j / M.>•I ck! 3'I J• :WO M~l M$ ~41 Uf1<1'14n91'cl la.to IOldl f'" '"' ~~;:~~·~"~UNDS I 0 fC JO Mosl i\d l\ < Backers Se e Hope N•N Yor~ -r-ol 1o .. n9 1 " l ~l o! b ll and a1~td pr c•• on Mu!udl Ful'dS a~ Ql.Klte.s br lhe NASD Jnc... For Co11sun1 er Bill \\ASHl'\GTO'\ 1UPJ 1 Backprc:: of thC' proposf'd Con,un1cr ProlC'\l1on Ag<'ncy behc1 c thc\ rl1<'l\ f1nnl1 \ ha1 e \ lt.:tO r\ Ill c::ight d t' S pi I !: ~nol ht:T' refusal b\ the St>n<1te to pull lcg1s!at1on out fro111 undPr a fil1buc::trr Lon1pro1111~s on f;'!rn1 l 1bor and othf'r 1 sslli.'~ p\t1s lhl.'. cloi;Clll SS Of t!-w'> la\(S\ \OIL' 10 t11! off d~b..1tP -1t lost hv four \Ott s -p1 0111ptt<1 Senrih' l )Pn1ocratic I eadt r r-+11ke \lansfield lo a r \ 0 \.\ Tra de Tall-.· Sc lr.eduled l 11, A1taltei11t Robert \ \Velc::h trade spec1i1hst U S Department of Commerce \1 Ill be Olli.' of the prtnci p;:il s1>t•ake rs dt1r1ng the niom1ng: sC'ss•on at an rill dav Conference on ln!c1n.it1onil l Trade \Vclc::h s topic \\ill be F.xp or t C ontr ols us & Admintc;lratton Regu lations The CQnlerence. ,\lu c,1 \\Ill lJe held at the A n ah e 1 in Con"ention Cc n t e r on Thur sda\ Au gust 22 beginning it 9 (lO a 111 is sponsor£'d h\ the Orange Count\ Charnber of Con1mc1 <'c 1n coopcr;'\11011 \11th the LI S Depn11n1('nl ot Comn1erci.' 1n•I the lnternat1onnl r.t:irket1ng Assoc iation or Orange Countv ln ndd1t1on to ?11r \.\ elc::h other speakers will 1ncludc> Eric C S•lberstcin d1rerlor Los Ani?eles Da str1ct Office US f)c p art rnent of Con1n1erce and Jes~' F C/HllOll'S trri<!r <:;ON_1:1h ~t US Dcp;'\r1 1nent of Con1111erc~ F'ollov. ulft lllf' lunc/l('(ln 1h1. .1lti.'rn0Qn c::r~,,1()n \\ d rons1~t of n c::<'riv,. or ind1vid1111I c-ou11~rl lrH! \l.ork ,hops f n r Or"ni:c Count\ flrr1s 1111er c>:.t~I 111 l'c;;1abhshu1g ,in export pmgra1n for their products baCkC'rS o( the bill a fourth Ir\ to end tl'l(' flhbustcr on or about Sept 18 'TllE BILL \\I LL p.is.c; ln $i.'pt em~r prPd l<'tf'd H<1lph l'\ad1'r ·Thi.' t.1sk '1 011\<l b1.' f1 c1l1t:1ted ir con~un C'i' 111 O\rr America <r<:kcrt th11r scn<itors to Sllpporl 1111<: ;:in11 h 11 r (':1tH:r:'lt1( an\1 1nflat1on f'011~u1T1er .1d\I){' 1r\ hill It nr~ds 1hf' 11'.1 '~ ~upport o! <ill co11s11nit rs \:<Jrler s !ohb\ 1sts 11 f r P p1CilSld V.l!h lht' \IOI\ !h111g'> \1tnl Tup:;:d1 v ilnd c::r11d thi M111pro1111c::t• lrg1sl 1t1on :'IS SPI up hv Sen Robert Dole f R l\iln l t1 as accentiibl" 10 thcn1 The rhanl'.les t.<1s1C'all\ pro\ 1de langua ge tha1 hil<: pa<:S('d the llouc::1• and \l'ould spec1 f1r:ill \ pro\<'<'1 filnncrc:: from 11n\l'arr<intc d in!erfrrrncc SEr\S JA\IES R \lien 10 Ala I Sam J Ervi n Jr Ill ;>.; (' 1 Janits f. Ruc ~le\ ( f{ N ' ) and othPr opponent s Si11d thi.' con1pm111i c::c 1 c:: prilcllc<i\11 ;'! 11e1\ p1c<:r of h g1'>);'1!1on !hilt 1s c::\111 " burf'riu cratic dls;'lster requ1r1nc rcnc1\ed Sr 11 at t cons1tler::il1011 hefo1 c 11 con1cc:: up for a vote ThP eoncept ic:: for an ;igrncv 1v1th a staff of about 2~ "h1ch v.ould go to bat for the c ons u n1 c r \vhcn other p:o1 rrnn1ent ngenc1es such as !hr r~ood an d D rug Ad nl 1n1 s t r 11 I 1 on or !he Tr ansoort(ltion l)cpart1ncnl n1:ike-dl'CLC:IOOC:: i n \ 0 1 v I n g ht'alt11 s <if Pt \ pocketbook lSSUi.'S and the hke OQle said his comorom1se- \\"Q111d keep the ag<>n~v from 1nte r ven1 n g 1Y1th !he Agriculture l)ep:1rfn1cnt • 1n :in\ n1anner "h1ch v.ould directly affect the production or 1n1t ial s11le of r n \\ :i g r1cult11rnl ('(1mtnod1!1e-s TIH' c::t)('CtfH' lArH!llfH~c h:il kini:: up th:it \\:JS hf'hf'l('<I t(I ti<' a Oro\ 1sion rPQ111r11lf! 1!11 I fll'IC'n1 1 to rons1d<'r ! h <' ;'ldrq111r\ of lhP food c:;11nnl v :ind tht" i1npoc1 of prorht<!rCMl (In ( on~u1n~rs hcforr 1ntf.'f\ rn1n~ B 4 DAJ LV PILOT 'Investing' in ZPG Wl1ot Are tlH' J<11t11r1· ()pj>Orl111iitif'.~~ By OR. ROBEHT ,\l/Li':ll Ze ro Populatio11 C:rnl'.tl1 i~S a ehangi!lK l:1rlur 111 !la· An1cr1can cL·onon1y, ha~ bc.-•n our subject for t!~' p:1st l\10 \\'ei>ks You n1ay \\';int tn kno11· v!'h<tt to do n1"J1r -!0<lav - but an undt:'rstandint: (,f "hat migh'l happen 01 rr th..: llt>Xl fc\\.' ycJrs crcate.s th c investment opportt1n11y for today. Certain\v, !h" [)()(Jn1 111 Jl•'1'~•1!~(' of 7£'ff! populat1un gl'o\1 I ii I .1 l II r :i I :11111 inJl<1t!••l!;111 !111ov• :ir" ;1\ 11ork Till'V 111<J1 no! do !lie JOb j[ I\(· i'till!llltJP 111 l1J\l' 1•xp:u1d111,~ gu11·rn1111·nl CJt1\' h;1' ~o agn'\' 111th 1 ·~·t·s1d··11t !·ord \ slal•·rni·r1t\ '" l ongrt·~" 1h,1t F1·d1•1\il f1::.r:il rv~rr.nnt i~ 1111· :-1ng!c• !\lO\t 1111µort:1nt .1 n!1·111tl;1111•1l f•1rc1~ \\C h:11r to 1101·k 11·11h. 1'hc n1l1•'r f(ir«e-. ;11·r :1lr1•;idv 111 n11111<>ll <1~ a n·~ull (1( 1111)' f:u·tor of z1·1U p11pul:1t1011 gro\\th. -· r· . ' •• i t • • ' -t . ...... i UPI T~ltPhO!O tff,·oa !Vol Foiling· Around Ry TM APiSO(:lntrd f'rt'sS Fortv·threc 1·1•ar• ;iftrr 11 ~t artt·d 1n<1h1ng h u u .~eh() Id :1lun1inurn foll. till• Alun11nu1n l"o. or 1\n1crit•a h:ts :1n110lllH't'd it 11111 .stop production uf th.._. .:;hul,Y 11rap Ll('C. :u. Arner11·;1. s,1id it 11·tll continue: • ~,0 1n;1k1· hr·ri1·y-chJ t1· fo il for u.,,. hv 1n$! it11tion :inf! r(·Sl<!u· r:inls Ht·i·nnltls, 11 l11~·h s r I I .'I liuu~t·l!11ld t.111 t11l<lt'r I he 11111111·s ltl'~·n0lds \\'rar and I 111.1111h11d l'uil. nnd Kaiser. I 1 .. h1!'l1 111:irke1 s ;1lt11ninuni foil lur p1'11;~h··l:1bt·l bra11d,<;, said 111 .. 1· 11ould t: on Ii nu e lll'11d11ct1on. textbook i}ubti~hcrs ;ind :.t'hool supply i11du s tr11·s .... i11 din1inish. Thesc are nu lunger growth ind ustries in a zer'J popul:ltion growth ec·unorny . It o\ t' r I/a· nt·-.: l "I'.' V!«J r~ \1 11! tc:i,·p us \1•nh a "full C'111plu1·. 1n ... ril 'Pf'nnon1y Fn1111 a pol1l1 eaJ ~Tnndpoin1 111 il11s fr:1 1111• 11·urh. jt is in1per<1t11·c !hat u1 .. 1t~g1f>lLJ1ors n.fn11n f~(Jm 1 :·~t ne11· puhl 1t' 11ork~ pn,grllt'.:1~ cof>lini,: hui,:e aniount:; r.f Li\ tlrill<l!'•\ :11 ;1 ti!ll" \1ht•11 ({'I'\• ))Of)ulation .l!T011th h;1~ :1lrc;11.h· J)llt 1J1c 11h1·c\..; 1n 111nt1on ,., :-l:ib1lllt' Ollf f'nlp1oy1 1('111 !)IC· IUfC. Qu:1l11y .. f h\"i l1!~ :1 n d 'f'hi' 110)! Id ;it lar~i· 1 ~ o;,_1J1tH'!h1ng t·ht' Th1·v still )1!!1<' 1·xp.111d 111 (.: pupul;H1on :1 n d !''\j!;l11dillg fl(·t·d.'i. \\'e illt' Ill 111" ll"'ILl•~ll !(1 rl'\1·1·~1· 0111· t'••h· ri! rt·<'t·lll ) t·:ir5. and Lool.:s llot--lt's Not {)lher n1a1or hou~1·hold ltJll n1;u1uf:a·turl'r.s said t h i· v >l rHild 1·011 ti1111(· prud11rrion . II \1;1~ !oo {'~1rtv tn 11.'ll \\hnl t•lll·rl All'oa'~ a!'l1on \l'<lukl tn11 e 011 the pnee of fuil. /\l'cord1ng to sorne industl'}' spokcsnit·n. :1 n1or1· i1111"1rta11t r:1t'10r IS the• s1ead1ly l'ISi!I~ price of .1!urninun1 ingot;.. "THE l)J·;,\lA:\'D rxceeds supply in :di 11 l um in um pru<ILH I., ... ~.1i d a ~pokcs1n:-tn fnr l\.u:-:1·r. 1·,pl:unin~ ttuit tlll'l t' 11,1s ple1!1y of bauxi!e is a positive hope th:1t do:-- n1<1nd s f o r Quality of ed- ucation 11,ill increase a s the prl'ssttrf' just to find school roon1s and te<'!Chf'rs DI. ~DL EJl dim inishr.~. On balance, school 1axati0n should level off. and pC'rhap~ even decline over the next ten years. In the sanic framework, in a seemingly slowing industrial pi cture, it is co n ceivahle that unemployn1ent rates \\'ill not climb as drastically as som e econon1ists predict. THE YEARS l'i'E have had since \\'orld \\'ar II of an aMual burgeoning: v.·ork for cr. "'ith far more n<>w peopl e coining onto the labor 1narket than ""ere leaving it by death or retirement, has ender!. Until 1976 il should be on a ooe to one basis, :ind after 1976 there should be less ne\v people con1\ng into the job market than [Pa\·e it. Ths \\'i ll level 1ff alxiul 1980 with about 4 percent l ~ss people in the \\·ork force than we have today. Thi s nicarlS that e\'en a 5 percent shrink in total jobs THE ~lt)NEY DOCTtH~ l1111gi'Vil~ 1r1J) hl· grr>;1t :1r.,'\1li of rn1ph:1;;1s ;is th<• t111·d1:1n ;1gc of po1)1il:Jtio11 n11,1'l'S frnn1 1h•· h1'l'n!ii·S to Pi<' l:it" thirti('S by l!lf!O lnd11s!r'IPS Ill 111~· ;1rra.~ of r11Pd11;.d :-11enr·f· ;in<l r<'sc~1n:l1 111ll cont 111 ul' to gf'O\Y, Pressures of inc r e<ised dotnl'Slie u~ of f'n ergv h;11't' already stahalizi>,I ruid 11·iJI <li><-'linc . buying u" the extr<i rt•IV yr:1rS lo develop 11('\\' and bencr cneri.:y source.<;_ 'rlir1:-c cornp;1nit•s in the nt·11· field~ of e1u•rgy ll'ill bt' in the arl'll of the inves lrnents of tlic f utu rc. \\' II I LE ll 0 ,\J F: ST l C co11.st1n1ption of food 1vil\ decline, 11·flrld nl'cds 11·ill 1ncTt'ase and 11c1v vi!'itas of scientific agricul!urr geared lo feeding the 11'(1rld 11·ill develop as a prin1e U.S. industry. A q ti a -c u I t u re . chcrnreal agric111Lurr a n d other innova tions, knov.·n for year~. but little used in our years of agricultural surplus. 11·ill be expanded n1 a11y lin1C'S . 111is docs not include l'<illle- ff'eding, that is ;1 purely doincstic industry. MISSION VIEJO l lHPORTS -MERCEDES BENZ - .Sa/e s • Ser vice • l_Jeas111g 28701 MARGUERITE PARKWAY 495-1 700 MISSION VIEJO 831 ·1740 s.i D~ fwy. to A•~ l'llwy. t•it. ri~t Oft Morqutrilt llo•i'Hlllt• :Jg:llfl lili.' l\lfflfl '~ 1n :~1u1• i·:-.p•Jrl111g 11~t11on. Thi"·•' r·ot11pa11i1•s 1lia1 11~11e prod1H.:lS 111 sell 01·~r.;;c;1s 11111 1:ru11 l•ur ha lance o I p:1:i 11u'n t.s c;in i.:u dr.-in1:11ic:dh 111 rh,• pos1tl\(' side of 1he lt'd~t'r and !he d0ll:1r. no! ~olrl, l,11'con1e the lc:ulin,.( instrun1l'11l of c.xc!iangt' HI the 11·odd. !.\' foi /I Oll'r, TllE 1n1 rncdi :1l" proble1ns o( zt·ro poj)ulatit>11 gru11'th c:in be stibs1antial!.v 01·erc·o1ne bv its ad•1ant:1ges in red11tl'd dotncstie d1·n1and , re- d11ccd taxes. hi.~her quality of living. ~nd {l ne11· proclul·!it't ' outlook grnred to being :1gJin 1hl' rna rkrt basket of th(· 11orld . Only a s!1ort-sight:!d govrrnn1cllt c:in unrlo thi s l;i rg(' potential. J\/I /i'l!Cr!I-1/1/'C"t'/Cd !" /Jr , :\Irie/' Ii 11/ llr' LJ/l.~ll't'l'Cd //lf(!l"/11 (/11! f)u1/y f'rlul. Llovds Ba11k . Name OK'cl First 'res!ern C,1nk nnd Tr11;.t Cuinpa ny h;1s rl'CC'i\l'd ;1µproval froin the rcgui;1IOr\' ;1uthonr1es lo {'/1;inge it~ (·orpvr;itc n;11lll' 10 r .lo:•cl.~ fl :ink (';1 li forn i:1. \'fr c ('Ii\' e S1'p j1_•n1!){'r :L 'l'ht• Lo~ 1\ngcles·hnsC'd h~nk 11·1th 9~ hran«ht•s !hrougl111ul 1hc stat1· 11·a,<; purch:i&'d hy \.lu~ds B.ink Li1ni1cJ in Januar~' this ~'l«ir for Sl I;) nnllion. It \~Ill ht> n1;:iint..1ined under 11s pres('lll n1anagernent .1n1! pol1e1rs .'.ls :1 n aut1Jnon1ou' un:r 11·H h111 llit• 11orlct-1r1dl' l);ink L,'TOUp. I f 11 l1as been yo ur life long dreain to build ~our own sleek ca r . thC'n n1::iy be a ~terli ng Kit Car is for yn u. Linder that ~111nv. stre:1mllned e:-:ter1or is an ord1· nary \'u \ks\v agcn bCC'tlC rhassis. 'f'he Oakland f1r1n 's hit can 1nake yuur btJ g look like a I·'crrari -for a lot Jess 111011 cy. they r!ain1 . ----- State Tourism 80011 c:aliforllUllLS S/}<'ll.lli11 g Yacalious flere Hy Capitol ~C"S Servic(' S:\C1lA~1EN'TO -\\.ith !hr supply of gas increasing, n1ore lourists arc sightseeing 3nd traveling this year 1 n California. n ut the nc1v travel p.:ittcrns crcatrd by the gas crisis - a i.;uddr n rt'lurn to bus :-1J1d airµlanc tra\c] -are not 1Ikely lo ch::inge even \1 1th rnore ga!'Oline. ;ic-cording 10 J)epu1~· Conuncrec Dirt•ctor {;er;1ld L. 13.:ikrr. l.\'STEAD. THE tra1'l'l and >aeation pa t1crn!'i of Californians are changing to ~pend ing n1ore tinlt' looking ;1t the hotne state and !rss 11n1e vac<i t1011ing out of stale. ,\cco;1rdin g to the Deoartn1t'nt of Commere1•, c·a ilfornia ·s th ird la r g (•s t Pn1ployer, thl' totir ist inriustry. rn<'IJ no! suff~r the bad .\l'<tr in l:t74 rhat it did in 1!173. For tile fir.~t tin11~ in n\ Pr a di·~·;1d1~ la sl yC'ar the 350.000 1x.·u1)IC l'rnµ!o~ cd b.v touris1n u1 th1• state sufferrd <1 lo~s l!l lllCOlllC. liut tJ1 :1l ;\ill eh<inge this :-·par. In a r~crn! survey at 80 locations in Californa bv thv IX'parlJ11ent i1f Ct)n1nlert't', fi~lrl':; ~how touristn i s auractlons (':1lifornia ,<;n1nll an1<>11nt th:111 l::is t \'l'Jr :\orthern doing jtist a !t'SS bu:i1ness Disne;. la-nd lS ;ll"o running sligh1l.1· highrr ir1 aHrndi'lnre th1~ yt•ar 01·pr la st yt•.1r as 01her .'i ngle .111L1l'tion areas ;1lS1J sho1\' s n1a ll lnereases. !3111 the <1Urnctio11,; .1!'l' :d::o 111 :1 rnore unsta.ble position 1h1:-; Yt':lr than in past ~'£'<irs. \\'hil1• rhe Fourth of .J11l.1· 11·1'ckl'nd for J)1,;ncvl:ind and (1lht'1· st;1h' attractiorls ;1·as lh1' ht' s t 1:·011 rth \\'C'C'kf'nd e1·rr i 11 :·l!tcndanc1'. thr-11 c (' k " n d in1n1edi::rtel.Y follo\\·ing !hJt one \\'!JS one 11·J1h a very IOI\' attendance. Ti ii-: i\'ITRACTJONS are al~o sho1\~ng tou ri,;n1 offic-ia lc; th:it lh<' 1n3jority (lf peop!t• <ire df'finitcly nnt fro rn ou1 of state !.icrnsr plfllt' chl'Ck" sho1\· th:it on!r 2(l in 25 pt'n:·enr of !hC' 1-i~ilor~ arr f1"Dn1 distant poi'lT~. !Ji'f<lr•' l;!Sl Yf'ar"s dt't!'C'a$f' in lhe nun1hf'r. nf out of s:.11!' touri sts. touristr~· offi cirtls 11·ouJrl count 50 perCf"1! of thr pr<:plf' at. stat(' )).lint s of intrrest ;i" rorning fron1 out of the si.1tC' 111rrL· are n1orc proplr going to the na!1un.:1l p;irks in the state this ye a r . '111e altcnd:1ncr ligurl':<: are higher for all t!w.• 1x1 rks except La:>sen Vol t'ani(· Park 11·hich ha~ sorn<' geologicn l probl1"n1s no11-. Yo!'i~~n111c. a park th:it ;1-;1s forgnHr-n by tourists in prel'ious yc:irs. 1s up 19 pt·reC'nt in att end3n<•e 1hi.<; yenr o\·er l!l73. Se CJ ll o i a N.-irional Pa rk has hnd a 45 pl·rct·nt in crr a sc i n :ili<'ndancf'. ltrd\1·ood !\ntion~1l r•ark h:is h:id :i 22 )>l'rcent incre:1s1' and I 'Dint lle~·e,<; St·:1shore l1:is had a ten 1x-rc-e11 t iJ1creasC'. EACll OF TII ESE 1ncri>aSf's cornf's tlu·ou gh n big jump in lhe ntin1ht'r of r~1lifon1inns at !he state's tourist points, S.'.lid Haker. \\'h;it \\"f' s:11\' last \\·]n !L·r 11 11!1 the rlrast1l' rh:ing•' in 1r;i\1·1 part<>rns i:; not going to ch:ingr rroplt• ill.1' !10( g1>in1; lo g£'t ba<.'k in to thal {';\!' lo !:1\\v a Jong !rip. r roplf' :irt' sta.\·ing in the s!a!t' nnd Jr,, 1.ik ini:: bu~('s. 1ra1ns or pl:ine.' 11·h··11 th•'Y iio go on 11 1<lc<\!111n." s.11d Bnker. A S Pf) K ES '1 A !'/ f (\I' Hey no Ids J\lt·lal 0:i , the n1:111lr produter of .i1urninu111 fud , ~aid Ilk· tiastl' pr(ci: of :111 t1 lun1inun1 ingot has r1 se11 fro1n 25 Ct•nls ;1 pound J:1st f){'C~'mh1'r 10 36 Ct'nts a pound ;1! th r li1·g11111111g nf Au[iust. J';1rt of thl' r1»1son is h1Rhr r !ilXl'S in1post·d by t 11 t' gOl'l'rnmcn!s of C'ountrit'.~ like Ja111n ica that produce b<1ux1h· 'fhrrt' is ~ibout ont'·fourth of a pound ~ or nine cents \Vorth -of aluminun1 in u 25-sq uare·foot roll of regular H4.'ynolds ~·r;ip, a spoke~n1an said. '!'he rest of the prlct~. \\'hich \·a rirs fro tn orea to arra, but generally is less t h<in 70 cents, covers thini:;s lik e labor, pn c kagin g. produc1ion cost,<;, advertisi 11;; :iud 1n;11·kup. · :\!eo:1 sa id it was stopping production of Alco:i \\'rap, \\'car-e1·er F0il an d privn 1r labl'l brands for St1f)frn1:1 rkc•1s ;ind otll('r r(•t ;iil sttJrcs because of a shortage of a!uminun1. C 0:\1P,\.\'\" SPOKES.\IEN drnit'd tha't they >rC'rc sunply try ing !u d11·ert the a\'ai\ahlc: alunllnurn 1n!o rnore profit<iblc item;;. "It l>ilS proft!<:1ble ."' a spokesn1a11 ~aid. rcfcrn ni:; lo the hot11'l'hold \\T:tp. "\\'{' 11·1·r1' not losi ng mon1·~ It 1r.1 s .J n1:1t!er of priorities·· About !25 r 111plt1yt'l'S :It Alco:1 pl~~nts in Tennr o;..;ep :ind P ittshur~ll \1'ill he ;,ff1·ttl'd b.1· thr aelion. All'O<l. \I hit·h product's about thl· hnuscbold currt>nll \• 20 pC'rCl'nt Or foil sold 111 tfu• ore fron1 "'luch ;i lu11111HHn LS rxtractrd -but 111 .. rl' 11:is "n ,<;horlngc vr 111 •i<!tirl11 (' cap;1ci1y. ·• Tt1(' 1\lu1n1nun1 Aswci:ilion, ;i trade ori.::iniz:ition based in ,\t•11· \'01'1;, said 219 rnillion pl11111ds of ;ilun1irn1111 foil - bull! J1 011srhol d and 1n~li111t iou:1I -l\\'l'P produced 111 tlit• l'1111l'd Sta tes in 1972. l11vcstn1cnt 1'cchuiqucs Dis(·11 ssccl A fi1t'.'-\1·N'k seminar on tax slil'lt ••r·;;;. Jh 11· i n,. cs t 1n en t 1t•t·i1111qt11·.~ :-111<l estate planning lu ht• hl'ld 1'u1•"d;i~ s from 7 9 :4~ p.n1,_ Sept. JO • Oct H at Cl\;1p11i;u1 l'ollt'gc. Sponsort'Ci throug h I he r·11lli'Et''.<> 1nan.1gt nico t c1'n!cr. l'l:t~~('S 11il1 1ni'rt in room l?l, \\'ilk inf-On !!all. 333 !\. C!a~Sf'll . 'l'hl' Nurse 11·ill t"O\'er basic C'lcment ~. nC'11' and <idvanC'('d conrepts ill pt•rsonal f1ru1nc1al p!:1n11111g. aerurdlng lo Honald 1.: i;:1hlt'. 1n~1r11cl or. T11 i1ion for indi1·idU<.1ls i~ $25 . c·o11plf''-, $JO. Tho s r 111!1•rf'<:tf'd in .-ittrnr\in_g c;:in r r• q 11 ,, s I pr e·n·g1stration n1a1r·ri:1ls bcf11r{' S.Cp! 4 by 11-r11n1g · :\1.1n;1g 1·n1rnt 907. 4001 \',"r'"lrrlv Pl ace. 6, :'\e11·port H• .. 1t'l1. -92filiO For 111 a I 1·• J.:l'-t r·.1tiun 11·il1 b(' hr 1 fl du t'111g !hf' fin;! elnss n1eer1n~. T111· ('l:i~s 1<: op(•n to 1he publ :~'. slight11· brttrr than la~\ yrarl or equal to ii. TI1c area !hat Jict\l' h;id ;1 good prornorional (';11np<11gn :ire doin g v.·1·1! The Complete Mid-day American Stock List Now <,..I•·~ NP! Pr.ma,1L.1>t lto9. -.. <,~I~• Pl•! I'!:" n.-h, L.•,l lHl. fo"10~1'1n ij ' I <,,1!• < ~i.1 r" ( ~ P•IJ·, t ;;•I • t , ~"""0'°" I'> I I H~""" Pl,\~ 8 I I I .... 1.~ •:1 ' P! no·•l·I'·!("'· '"'" l'.•n""y I \ l • <.~1~~ "'"' P f 1h<I'' I.•<\ (.NJ• ·~.>~' ;-,""r o' 1 1 "> , , . your quarter goes ·ceasfar. - .. , "' NIOI ,, •·· .. ·-,-- 'On Moy 13th, O range Lovr ty Trii r.j•t d, !1b'.-.d !he number of i!5 bu.ses. Added olmo~r tw1LC: the number of routes throughout Orange Co()rity. Opened up Sou!hern U rcnqc Countv. W ith the :.a me quality L1us service thnt 11,,, tt .. ,t ,,j Oror,(fl) County e n1oys. Anrl. lrr m J .. ly 7 to ~.··r ' : J, S11~dny l·1·~ .'.l·rv•ce w ill be tested. ~11nrjong ('1n 511!1"1! lr' i ,,~rJplc>'. !1111vor ~ , 000 will sroy ciPP'' t'·;r-r~ !")~1•1u,1 .•l ,rf-'n1 I ·; Jriy•, N -·'N Y''ll c ,.., riJ,, 111· 11,d ":· I''(,, 1'''" i,, !'"'I "'~•d I pr,•1 7 d 1y ~., .,,,,.,.~ ft t,m l•; 1111.r J 1, • • r;r-p Pen·..: f•!<Jrj l~·O IC' ,1• t· •. ,,,, 1 ~· ,· ! Su 1 nrr,••· t. ..,, l 1ng 1ll1hepv1•·.1 ~.nt:,t1• _.)r,1r-ic :t.; f'('.n•·r rout~s 1f-·ou--1n triP t, nrt r-f ~J: JI• i' I_ Cl•r11y 11 1 y ~~ u,J been improve d, t " -......... - ~~ ... on!y th 1nq tho1 hCJ ·r.'t rhnl"'!Jed is tloe quor!er ,-- fr:ire. Anrl Ire~ tran sfer~. Send for your (ietni!·'d. ·•osy-to·r~od1 (iff'ijh) nl?W !1ut. .sc.hedulcs. Ride OCTD. It'll get yo11 there. - OFIANO• COUNTY TIFUIN91T OtflTRICT r;:.~:::-nu~~·IJ!)--:-:"J-:-.-,~1,-, ti...ill.IJ.-,, 1ia~ I ,_,.,,,,.,;,(, 1.-.,..r.1'1~'J2,or c.1ll(/f ~1 '·11-t<.IJ4. • / I ... ,. -----------1 I I • I I I ·---I I " I i •t;-[ ~~~t>.-1) f,,.1, 'I "" ,,, ll •"-'!•• .,.,, 0>11 q 11 ~ 1 '"' ! ' ,\ ,,,.-., '" I r "•~·-~" I A·"'\', .,,,1, ' ' ' ' ' " ' ) ' " . ' ' .... 1~·/; ~ ' ' 161 ... " • '""'" '' ""I ,.,., o,,., ""! ~ I A , ' • • M1H)" """° :""" lll "'' ,l ·~ .!I • -' ' , .. ,,., '~" ' ,( ...... f.. '"'. ,\,,, h I',-,, '" ~ .... .,{""' ! .s.. ~ '""'"''•I 'l •, :. I .r1, ,...., 4 ~, •• .,,,,, h 'I "'"Ml JIWrl , ' ,, ' ' • ' ' J ' • ' -'. :,,,, 1-'H >I•• ~ r .. ,, 1><11 '"' .. .•,n1 "' <C•'~ •• ;.,., J, l< I , ~ ... " " ' ,., $I~ ' 1' ' '. • '·'" I•,, ~"'I ~~ ~'.\I Ll<' '" -1 ' ? -... J.. • •• '''"''' ' f. •II Tl< ·,' ' : .. • '" h I ~ /1 '. ,,, . "'' " ' .'.,J., '"' ~ ·' ••• ' ! I ' •I ' ' : ... , ., l' :i !I _, Al ''"'' !> '·• ~ ~ ,. ' • r. '" • "' < " I j, l< • '' ,, ,, 1 .. , J -"" l • • ''I"• t· •I .. 1 , \t 11 , - ,\,,,1 •• , ~ ' p l<l '• 1,,.q r,.,~,,, 8 " ':'·• ·''''"'. /'! ~ " ... ~·..-. ~ ) ' ! ' "l ···~ I •'-'~'I.I .'0 -" I 1 1•-'\o 1,.1as~ ,1w •• 1 ... , ... ''"'IOI! .81<1 f 1) •-~ "~'"''~' 11 1~ ,1 5 ~ ••• r1,,n1,,, h~f ~ I 1 !• •·· H~rra c .. 1,f :S !> :I . .,_ '•• ! ·"«~II In •· 7 i.•1, ~ '• !<~"y'/.r .Ml 5 'J 4' ''• u~ .. nc ·-"~d •• .• /~·-'• A,~~•',!(( w•. ,. "1 1 -,.,, !.IP<n Ill .~l!l _) t, 1 -'o lcert1>.l!v wt • , I 3·16 ••• L~ """'"~, 11> ~ 7 •-'• flo·t>~~l Ill i. 1 ~·, , , l"'""•IY r nt. ? 1 • ... bon•.1,0 81lQ ~ ;l 1? b•!> U~n~"''-!I 'I I •-''• Llo\onl .C~ : 7 , 1 • l'<><l·~Aa •O .< ,l ~ , •.• fi<>lllJr• .1!1!1 .. ? \',. '• bow Vall .IO A!> ~ 1~·. ~ ''• !lawmM !n•, 1 10 )', .. B•"n ll~q"n ~ 1 ~··-'• !\,~<! Compl 1! 11'1 tn • ••. EirAn1!1 "''!' . I q•,-'• 11,~··l·"' 19 J 1'1 " •• Bri>unlri .~} ~ ~ ll'o-" B•~-•r. -~V I I l•'•-'• ll,,,.,,,., -·~ " , ~ ' .. B•ovmLo"t h 1 ''• f;olo• B \7 I ~ 10•-• llu'XlvC 1 06 _; 1 10·,, I' '• flu•<!"» In<! ~ 1 ? ••• Bultr' G.•~ S ~ 10 -!• ·t t~ • (All'lc>r _1\Q j ~1 (<JI ( 0"11'1• h I (~n11" II!< r> , ~ C.~mpO (fl•!> 4 fo l l~n·µ lo 10 ·1 ~ t~n L ( C.~< Jt> :J \ ·-'. ''• ... 3' • • • ~· ,_, '~ ~' -.. 1·, •.• C.~n Hn\11•<1 )> _; J , •• (<In Q<<•No>t 11 J 11 •-'• (An~v'i l!'>ll • 'I , -• • {A"''~'' Intl, 1~ ! 'J (A!Jn,,.I (O 1 7 J t"l>l<P.(<'M t I 7,~··, ,,.,.f)ll ,S{lA <j ! 11'._/.. (. "' ... ,Ii) • 1~ 1-....-. !"'"'"'111811 11 •1··'• t~· ~'lt'>t " " ' v ' t•"ll(V ~/,f I I ' t.,1<,•11,11 "' , / l , 'o t~"""'d ltl I I b , t~v1l•~fl Ci> I'/ ) 8'• C>-nM p! ~I, •• /j-0 J•' ., ,., l•n ~~ .H•! •. l ;, •-I'• CMrtpH ,01!1 '~ 7~ 3 {n•<l~r Mil • 71 ~·· ::: C.!!B ld I~ l •, f>1• ••• cr•H~t•n IO• • l 1 , ... {J\t1\!11A t!I I~ 10 1 o 1 '• t'"~'~""' • 71 ' '• (l>tl~ I( jQ " }I " " C<l/!'>M(I WO\ ~0 • I II• (llll"IVtP " J_; I 4 ' ' .. (_MI (0•11 •• ' } (/,\I ltlv "''' .• ?( /", 'o conM.•I .~~ 11 1~ u ·,, , ''~·•'" .11,1 " 1 }' -'• ("<! lt1!1 II'>< • 11 I l<•I• r,,,io I 4 • ,, (~h ""'" H ~ 71 t<oHH/I "\l'>(j ( I 10 (~lwMPQ "'I 1 t 1 G<fl~. I 1$\HI ~0 II\ , (..n,,11A1r. •d ~ ' ' •- (f'"'I"" i I' ' 1'1 ) ' • {o>n>1>1ln 1) .!I , ,. •-'' r""'""·'~ 7 tn 1• -·• l ·I>~•' ,-1) 7 1 I ( -" " ,-It·• 1/ , I t o«< ( 'r (,.,. 1l .•l ' c ...... .,n.· (p ~ \ •' (-'"'' /,\.q~,1 11 NI I'• • , (>o.i~I!\ ,]l'<l 1 !1 1• •-l '• l<>lfl"'I 11•11 '.> 1 4 ~ , (O'<o•n .hn ·, :1 J (~!I Ct>•1> 3 7 ••• C.tv,ln/.' "! • \J.J(, •. l e · ' 1!11. ·~ ?~ •··-•, <.•~n"''" 1 10 ••-'-• 'I•'"/~.)) JO 1'"<+ '• < "'" ' I 'l I \ I ! 1 • •• L•,t,f"ll~• ''"L".<n i \J Iii• ' {'•'l·•I I)" 4 .I '•'• (utl•l '-P .Ul 5 ? • •-\4 DD-D~mw•• 0 •1 11 1 :;·,_ '• I.Ml~ (~fll<I •. 1 I •~'• 1-·lcl [~,. '" 1 JI J" r '·• n,,, \ f>tO'l ' t ~ 7 , .. 1 .... ~, .I><! 10 .11 I •--~ I'""" ''"" ) • ··• (•·I l~t>< .:>o ·,a • ~· r~nr: .1 .. 1,, q ~.··-'·• !·•· J l·•fl "1 I li•~.,,..,,,1 M I / 1• •-'• I "1.-;'" v," ;'; , , I•""" • II • !! , l • , • I""• •'V ~ ( I ~t, •• :•:~;" .'o~·.~ I~ ;~ ;~.:-'; l(l"''''V ,VJ ? I'-'• t ,, .,,, ,, (IJ \fj 1. IJun1 ... 1• •v • 11 14 -·1 r . .,.~1· .. 7\o I ! ~ J,~., .. lt! .<J)d Q ~l ''··-1• --EE- r sv,trn .an !> 1 f.~y•~ CIG•h .I r_,,.l~lle .•H /, ?~ .... •'100 .1j)/> !:I • 1 E.~'ltl o~ 1, J 10 'l+<o+ '" , ..... 8 '·•-'. 1 ~"~ '• 1'•-,. 5·~-~· 1 '" f •mjh! 11 1 '-~'"'e . 111 1o l 3a~ >ro !•"".lvr.e f o 8 1 \ -v. I ~'""~ ,01" 10 :t 1 li<H<l'\,. .•O ~ I .ol ''' ••• ~.led A'~"! .I 'l. I ·~ •. I lo. (rn .ll<S .ol I b'•-~ .. Li<1,nlpn I t> 1t 1 ~·1 ••• f ·,,p, tnem J 7 ~ f v.1n,lo•' ~' ;. J A•• E~e,tone 31 .• I ~~·-•,~ ·-f-F- F.1D ln.du>t J ) 7 , •-• 1 .,1rie ~ Ml " :; ,,,._. 1-. 1 ... .-N<11>1 .:W 3 ~ ~'• -'• f~""'! _inti ~ 1 •··-·~ J,.rtnn St.<! _. 11 Q•,, •, r .. ,n.onf ~~ . . J '/ • • _ f r(I ~~"'<ir 61 10 1". 1 ~1mn1 .11d :; 1 7,,,_ \• f ll>f'olld wl~ , •, 5', •. I •<11<o 1.!~<i j • lt> B··-\, H ltt[ly .fllr> A ~ J« •·· 1 <n&-ll ,11•1 .I .I 5»-'" Fon(.,nA .lil<S • ~·• \'h l-1~IC0<1n 1.1 ·~ R ~·•-'• I '~" 1,?'1<1 J l S 6111-\o F\! 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NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE t 'l7 1 ' D~l l Y PI LOl Year's High-Low s Appear E,e ry Saturday ._,., ~'.'P!!""J*CAIDWa&ttY ~ ~ ~f C1" fl"lil&i .... ~ '~I .: 1 Do\v Jo11e~ Fi11all y I :I a Gai11 NF II \ OHK IU I I 1 -1 he balance lipped lo the upsule 011 The \ew ) \Irk St0< k ~ xt hangc 1iles. d:i\ as the J)o"' Jun{'s 1ridu ... 1r1al l\Crage "lOIC<l its fir:-.t g:un 111 111ne !le..,sion,;; l riding "a.-. n1odera1c I he I> iw ll n~s a' cr:i.[!e w 1:-i up "i 0 I JH'..11111.3 10 i26 fi'i after Jo1;1ng ;5 'i:l pj int' 111 the Ja::.t r1,..li t (I :l(!lllj.! d I\ s \\ 1' h hlue g:u ns ad\ a111 c" a1nong I he 11101 e S3lcs at J,:l an1oro:; posting c:n1a!I "l 11i1 rn:i.r g1n r \Cr clcrt1nes I 7:19 1~s11rs tra ded 1 !ups -a11rl held a than the 1120 000 sharr" traded ~l nnda\ ( 10 ... e 1ot:i!cd up fron1 the appi nxunatel\ 11 11 670 000 sharer,, \ brief spurt 111 thl' fll "l llour f:ulcd !o hr1ld 111 the ab~lht I f l!Jl!llll!S(I( {'((lll(l/111 lll'\I.:. l11f !i1. t1on and high 111!~1es t rate ... "till plal.\ued 111\l'..,tor~ 't<>t".'ll'&! WWWWUCN :a tl4! \A& ¥. WJB • " ,,_ • • Qr>L<i1r (o •<<:1 • '" , . 10 " ~ "• '" " ' . 10 ~. " " . • " " ' 11 • " " > '" "• , .. ., .. ,, . ,,, '. " " '" ' •• • "' ,. .. 11 " '" ' " " " . •• • " • • " , ' • 10 • "" \1)\1 ~, > H •-"" 19 o I .. '" 10 . • 111 t 1 ... ~ )9 -~ & ' I ~ ' ,, ' 11'1 " " JS > L. u ,, ,,, 18 -1 .. -,, • ' • )j + l1 "' , • " . 7•' ' ' ,. " ' -' " " " " 10 -•J _, ,.._ . " ' Fi11ance Briefs e Burroug/1s DF:TllOJT I lJ I' I \ Burroughs Corp l:ia\s 1t \\J ll eq><1nd its llancho Bcn1arl.lu \1anufactunng facillf} at San Diri:o \\ 1 th c on!\truct100<; ~cheduJcd lo be f1n1sh«1 next June The plant produce~ ln!E>f{Tated clrcwts and other S('OllCOnductor dC\ LCCS A....,rl<'an J O Most Arth:., • II .,.,., ~· ....,.,....,. (>rlvf ltt ·----·-· ~l~o-..11 ........... . ••II~ ..-, ••"'" - . -- •· FAMILY TWIN CINEMA Scott Selling Own Movies STARTS WED. AUG. 28 FOUNTAIN 'f'.&LLEY 962·1241 • I 71 61 IROOKHURST • Cl!!EMA I 2 GREAT HITS TOGETHER! '"GREAT AMERICAN COWBOY" . .f.ctor-<lire<·t.ur Bypasse.~ f"if nt Distributors • "ON ANY SUNDAY " Sp«ial l'T.t. Childrfll 1 filln Fe1ti•ol l'llwMlay OAly Doon Ope-ti I 2: l 0 5how I: 15-Ah M otl S LOO Clt!EMA II STEU..A STEVENS ROOOY McDOWELL '" "ARNOLD " • "WILLARD"' IRI U~ IHJll T IHl,\l.\S I.fl" \\t.t<l.E.'i I \]'• ·11 .11 •Ilg 'p1·11: d l1f1•li111• .ii ·11;11·1.111• 1111h 'l'ht· S)\tt•n1. f1l11nn;,~.-1r 1 :t•rirg1• C. ,<.;1·ut1 h:1~ lauuchl'd ;1n Htl:1tl 1111 !lit• l uUll{l;iru.Hl of thl' /II()\ IL' L'~t atil1,h1n1·nt. 'l'ht' 4G·\t·<ir·uld il'11n111.-1a,1. 11ho rcf11,~·d .in (}:.l'ar 111 l\!llJ 1•1r hi s 11t·rror11 •:111i··· 111 • 1-.11. tun llt'OPQX<.\ lo n 11•1 Lllrfl Lil 1t11-.[f\ t'{'t)TIIJltlll'' ]!\' -.1-flt1I~ 1tl1n' .l1n·1 ·11~· tu 1111 .. 11•·1. !· 11r t!•·•·;ul('" ;111 1nu1 u•s h;11f" IMT tl !:'ttld ir, rl11·at1•r, 1t1rru1l:IJ d1·1;1 BUTCH 11HE KID ARE BACK! I I · Just 1Dr lhc fun al ~I "SUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID " I'!;·:: 1 -, '• r1' •' ~ . .. . LdQJ, 6th FABULOUS WEEK ORANGE COUNTY COSTA MESA rv'oe::.a 1714) 548·155:? HUNTIMGTON IEACH War ne1 Dr1ve·ln I ( l 4 i 84 7·359 1 ORANGE Stadium D11VP·ln =4 7 J il·!i19 [.9~0 WESTMINSTER Crnem~·We>t 714 892-4493 ilfST MSTR.;BRKHRST. We~!brook 714 530·440 l Oian£e Mall Cinema 714 637·0340 ~~ 2nd Week · EXCLUSIVE! Call 673·83SO THE BIGGEST COMBINATION AROUND! .. ,,., J'I First ,a, " The HarTad Experim9nt • •nd tlHln lhl!ly ..,_,. l'fMdy for•··· 1B~ SUMMER ... llrttyou? -4LSO- The Crazy Comedy of 1974 MEL BROOKS "BLAZING SADDLES" "****"'''"' A~i.~011 "TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT:' -New York l~ews ''@@@@@ (5 Camera Eyes-Highest Ra11ng) "STl:JPENDOUS" .. (t 'l l ... '1"4 .... -'""' ANn l'i~T•« Plf TlJ"l 5 l'h• •{NT I' AP Bf<qCL ... vrr~TUl'lf "OWL Ir THE l'USSYC•T" FUlllllf tlwf' 'fl'io );" 1:1~ •·1• OW\,; "JO 4:SO 1:1~ A ROMAN POLANSKI FILM JACK NICHOLSON · FAYE OUNAWAY "THE NEWEST ADVENTURES 0 PIPPI WNGSlDCKING!" PiPPi in the SOUTH SEAS . ~ G INGf R Nil SSON . '1'1PPr ,....._... Of 11"-W iftd" -I •~l,_M JI N OTHk fJJ.6,•~1 1 hut11u1 l'1J1np:u11t:'' :"Ht'h :1~ l ';1n.1111111111! \\. 11 n1·I' B1«1!hl·r.., .1111! l'111\1:r:-.;il 'Tli.1!'-. -.u J11Ul 'll !l">:pJ,.1111• 1/!·k·11·d I •· S.. u!I ['t•flL•tH·d .!~ Ill' eO !lll'lllpl 1111•J lht· r11;11or f1ln1 1t1~1nbutors "\ 'l•·!IU\ ,I Jot t)f I d1•lt•!1 •d' lllllflt•y j.,'.IH'S dOl\11 th1··tlra11t !M.·!\ll'l'!l 1!11· 111111· .i /U{'lll!'I 1, rn~1dc ;111d II !1t·n 1t :;pp1•,jf), Ill the lh1·;1\er!I ''Y0l' l\.\'()\i 11h.~! 1h•· gu\ \1ll1J rn.ik•·" 1h1 lllP\'H• JS 1-<11111:: inr·• fh1· 1:11•1rd on the i:11 tr ;11 l 'n11f'r<:;1I 'r h•· Ins~· s Oii lht• !'Olt'tllJ~_,,lf\ ,iJ \\'.i"th'I' !1•11111,.r .· 1·:1,·r1 t111\•' :1 studio , 11•1·u111·1· t;1k,·s a 1r1p to !'\1·11· \'•·r~. 1h:1t'-. ch:.rrg1•d against ~·;t1!' p1trur11 \·,11 univ rh:ll lf a <·nn1p;111\' lins fi1·1· bor:lbs. t!'''Y ;u·L· ch;1rj.(ed ;1g;11nst t h (' II llllHllJ.: jlil'!Ul't' 111 S(!ITI!' <':!~t'~. IS l)(llllh~ It's :i ro111·n :'i\-.1 .. rn ;ind !h.d':. 11ii v l 'ru ;J g,:11 11~1 )! '' St•11!1 \\(IS '>jJl'il~illt: ill 111~ 1:nldv.'.\'!l S1udin off1('(', 11hich n1)t'!ls onto :1 large rll':trcd ar<«l 11·ht'r1· filrn <:t;:H~l'S stood befo re 1hl' f1r:t of last :\lav. Ill' had ju.st put lhP finishing touches on his 11r11' fihn, "The Savage Is Loo~." "AT I.EAST I think J'n1 finished ." ht• s1r.hcd. "It's 11011· dn11'n ro r 11 1ninures. :'Ind I don 't !hnik I'll rnnukt•y 11·i1h it :1111·rnnrr "\'l't , 1 gf't ;1 br.'.li11c1orn1 ;it 2 <:1'c!o1·k 1hi<> n1or1\i r.". "Oll1l'tl1ing el~f' I n1ight rix l'n1 l1k~· ,, p;iin!er 1ry111):{ lo f111 i1'.h :1 l',1 111·:l~: you ll<'l'l'r kno11· 11 lll·n .vou'l'I' applied the las1 dor !Jr paint.., Scolt <l irrtl{'cl and producl'd "ThP S;n·;1 gC' Is Louse." 11'hicb .~tars J11111sclf and 11·ife Trish Vau Dl•vcre. lll'<l r the i\fexi{'an HUMTIMGTOM IEACH t-IEW SURF THEATRE 2125tt1St. Slb-9196 .\dmis,io11 •2.so ---------SAT & SUM-AUG. 24-25 S.\t<I ClEMEMTE COMMUNITY CEMTER 100 P'l SEVILLE AT DEL MAI 8:10 l'.M. p11i<llK'rrs \Vho claint they arc ovC'rcharge<l. But no :ilt1·1 nu1" svs!ern of d1 stribut:o1t has ,:~,.r pro~ed pr.at:tiL'<l L and tllt\y'1'L' eonfident that Scotl's 11on11'l cilhcr. "'l'hL•all·r O\\'nt'r.> v>on't buy pict11rt'1' sight unseen on a regular basis." s:i y<> a Ycteran film sa lesn1<Jn. •·It's too risky." BUT, ACCORDli\'G 1o Scott. hi s f1nanr1a1 adventure alrl•ady ha'> a h<iplll' 1•11d1ng lie repor!('{J th'1l "Th(' &l va~e I<: Loosf"·· ha" l>l,.'11 sold 10 theat0rs Tn l'Vl'r\· m a j o r 1narkt~! for ,'SJ n11llion ~1 lhe filnl ;Jf'IPt:'<lrs to bP nrofitab!1~ even lx>fore 1! has bet'n !:Pf"l bv th('a ler 01111ers or the puhH<:- And Seo!! retains f<1rt·1~n. television. I 6 m n1 . :1irplane and othrr richt:o;. SELLS OWN FILMS George C. Scott \\'hf>rl' <lid J1f' gl•t his selling! ~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~I pl::in? I~ "I lhou(!J1t up the irle::i ... 1'1·:-;ort uf rurrto \';1ll:irt;1 The 1no1·ie. l\'hlf'h eo1u:t•rn-; Jl11·f'o:? 11h·n1bers of a <·;is r a I\' .a y f;1n11J~· ou a tropical 1s!i'lnd. 11as fil111ed for $1.7 1nilhon, plus anolh{'r mill1on for the services of the Scotts. Sl·ott explain<:. ''·\<: f:i r 11~ I kno\I'. it h.:i sn't bcf"ll done sinCt' the carlir~i .1·cars of rhe indu str~., \\h('n son1,~ ..... ,J<...,. pic:1Ul'C'S \\'('!'('sold on a SICl{CS· riPhls hasis. Drfving II o I I v 11• o o d 's 11n\\fll!en la11' th;it aclors should not invest in !h<'!r 011•n 1 l'hic!es -,r;;.tars ha1·e bel•n ruined 1hal 11ar -Sl'Oll p!annt'd to 1n11•<:! h:11f thC' procht«t1on r·o~t. the n!her hn)I ('(llllll1i:: frnn1 pr 1 1· a\ r 11111'.~Jur:':. "1 sell X numhf"r nf nr1111' 1 ... E.''7h ;biror<:_ anrl thr1· :1r1· l1e<>nsed 10 sho\v it C'1!her in indi1·id11 :>J theatl'r~ (lr chains. Thev ran k<'cn nil rPturns fro1n sho11·ing filin." I ;>~ 0,.,1, '"~JO "Bll' TllE\' \\'E ll<'nl "CHIHATOWM" $450.000 ov1~r hud.~(·L and ! Ir 111 "UTILE LAURA had to borrov,i th:1t n1ysPlf,'' & llG JOHP'I" s::ud Scutt. "Needless to say .,11Q~ Illy bltSiness lllo'.ll1<1ger is er;!;~.ij~:~ having fit s." "P11'Pt IM THE ~-·011 hired ;'l co11plr. or filnl SOUTH SEAS" n1arke!ing f''irJ('rt s tn !ine up & IJlll;('t'S fo:· "S:i1·rig0" :ind hl' "BROTHER OF THE "' HH' lhe hun<:f'!f roured 111~ .'iuuth and:!~;;~~w~1•~0~·~·~1G~I ;;;~ Sou!h\1t·•! rl'l't'n!I\' in n1akc• ;~ .p1·r<:on:d pi!vh to !hr;1ll'f'I O\\ tlt~I'~. ~· 11J.1J•O ... I! 1111· 11li'IJ"r d1slribu1nr<: <l l'C' ttl'lllllT \1 (;J'fl •~tl ;1bo1Jt Sc o 1 ! · <; .... '"' '""' M.,, H11 11J\JllC,11. !ht',\' shOI'•' 110 .-~ co•o~• OU ... A. sign~ Th('y h:i\ i' b re n 1--.:__.:_ _______ -l Jan1h,1~11·1! r0r ~l·nr;, by 1-_:H.:.O=..W:..:....:P..:L::A.:..:Y.:IH:..:cG=--i THE THREE USKErEERS ""' ''THOftOUGHl 'r MODERH MILLIE" lPGI Tl-mill AG.\IM TO THI HAP'PIEST SOUMD IMTiiEWORLD! MOH. THRU THUISDA Y 7;10 I' .M. O"'LY FtU. & S.\T. 7 &101'.M. SUHD•Y OMLY 2-S..8·1'.M. • • "ALH.EOO <iAltCIA" ''PAltAUAl YIEW"lltl 'THI GltOOYE TUIE~ ~SHOW OF SHOWS" lltl ... IM<i OF HEARTS" OJI Spe.c11i Ptot• 11:JO 10 2:00 p,m. l••c•pt Sun. & Holid•v1) Sl .00 S.A. FRWY !MANCHESTER EXJ G.G. FRWY !CITY' OR. f )(J "CHIMATOWp.I" ~ l _.o & l iq Jolwo"lll ''Tl-If G-IOOYE TUIE" ·SHOW OF SHOWS" lltl "P'ippl ;,, tM S-tto S1•1'' "DIG-ll"!Gt Sptc;.1Prlco12:30 10 2:00 p,m, . (••~I'""· & MoUda'f'l 11 .00 "'4:,,. "HEllY RIDES AGAIM" >y-..,,orid'1 Gon..t•d ........ ._ .. lGI e._ "AltMOLD" ~.,....,., 111 y_. Poc~et" IPGI A '1"itl9i '" no. s.-t1t ~•o•" V "Dl<ilY"l<il S~oa• P"ce 10.15 •·"'· 1.00 p.m l •~c•pt s ..... & tloh<fav•l S1 .00 Open Daily 10 15 a m lu.h• AMI••"" '"d o.,,.., S~nl I~ u <>n!y lo> on w o<l<i> •j>Ml CUT bo. --· ........ " . ·--... 0••...-•-... ~-" MIO .......... ' ............ . _ ....... ~,.,_.,, ...... ,. "" '"" •"a"' • ,;r,,,,"" 1fF '''" Poo• <' • • ,.,. I ht••• 1:·· ,. ~...-. "'"' "'"''" •• 'Q"' • ~·· • ..... ~, c• """ "'' vo> ' ... ~-· ... , , ....... , ""'" ...... ,.. .. ~··· '"""" •;y"' ..... ' ....... '.,,, . .,_ '-""" :.><1 '·NB<. IV I'>« '•<l It .. "I' 0 '0t LO\'V'"(,t«I I OV•••<""' ··~'-1. I f'tf ''" ,.. n "•~ r~,1~~ ''"'' Oil "" •(J1 !'I. ~ Y ,..,, ~, ... ry U"""~·i'ltl'W\Jl.'{N ~WO$.l!'H! """ ~('I< ·~·n ~[W(.!,"('O,OS....,1r>01 "'""°'~' Ull l•~I "l'l ll\L 1Hl '.>O"l.~lll~l'll"''ur ... U. ' 'MONDAY-FRIDAY 7:10 9:20 S46-3102 S•f. O•IN ., l:•J i/IOW J:U .i :JJ. 7,1)(1.f :IJ.ll:lO SUN. O•IN .II 1,IS s"ow .lT 1,u .1·Js. ,,CIQ.9:11 !OW •,· . •I /.,,;.~· ,, 'r, ' '[ l 1/,.1, 1;1 .. .J.i.c_< ·,;,.;..-· 1 11 1 •··'.A~il~lA\lt 1CIPA~C ll\ltll]~.,., , LILLIAN ROTH ' · ' c. -:"·-:·:.j I f',.:_ • /•. " PLUS • W.C . FIELDS AND MAE WEST IN "MY LITTLE CHICKADEE" 1-·~·.·1 "pp_ C>?."• ••• "';'·-i:4"1 I. • • • • • • • .: . . . . . . . . . . . . : . •, . . Cl\l \1 \ (.f \ lf.R Cl\I \I\ (l\I ER 'I • llA PbQR AT ADA~~ (QSTA Y(S.A • 979 4141 'lA ~'b UR AT ADAMS <.OSTA \A[SA • 979 4141 • ·I ' ' "~ l• ....... ..... ~ZI 'J9$0 ARNOLD 1"'! "~ WILLARD ,..,1 Of'JN 7:00Pm · S11ows St1rt 1t Ousk·Childrtn Undtr 11 frtt • "f•teitl 11 Ot1¥e·IM l'tll'lnt "fHI CASTAWAY COWIOf" Thi• Show Only-Childr•n 6 th<u 1 J-SOt fl.,. ' U UCI llOWH't -'§§:§~~-~O~N~,ANY SUNDAY' 1111 :;;: -1 """-111 • . • """"" BUTCH CASSIDY & THE SUNOANC£ KID IN! ":::~~~·~•:;,T~HE HEARTBREAK KIO flOI ;::: GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINBAD 1~, NEPTUNE FACTOR: ~1 BEYOND ATLANTIS 1 .. , ............... ...,,,, ''"' .,.,._...,,,...."'" .... lw#NI ~ -... ~ .... ....,,,, ......... - • ' 111r11H''' sr1 1r /I~ lf.• l l!J.\,\/,\~; l/l\11' -/ILW YOll,1!; 11"-'1 ' ~THE STING" l...r .lf WUTl•OOIC """ "BUTCH CASSIDY & THE SUNDANCl A VO~ lllNNl Ill(( 646-0573 etlttlll•WltefDH ·MU'ffM ., ................ . ~ ... t lf>r-t~ l.ir1t1whm- )' u IN". w•hrl\'":I r-.,,,-.-, o 1\1'!I1 I\ It k . . '" • t ' "" • fUW OS ~. __ ,.__" --......... ...---__ ......... _ ...... ,_ 979-4141 I l\I 11\ ! I \ 11 k ... ' ..... ""''""'" I"." .,. • ".,._.._ ---~~ l"tl I I ~IUTCH WSIDY ANO THI SUMOIHCJ KID" 'I'!'> ~ BUlOI • ~ TlllKID mmr~. • ARlllACMI 111.1111 ~<If'.~ ~n,.. •-• •-• '" .... '"" .. ..... . ,. ' .... .., ... ,....ollll ·Pl US· "THE PARALLAX VIEW" 893-7581 .. ., • • • ' • • • • • • . &ll>!llllEV IPOIYllER · 1>111 (.O&l>W • lllARIR'l l>IEIAIFO!lllIIE T 'C('i r1 111f "/ wl 1· •1 I • • • • • • • • • • IJ IPIGWllll 6.AIIJRID.AW lllll"llCI • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • P..WL NlWMitN RlDfORD RO Bl RT ~Hi\W /i •' 1:.ff,'(N+11Llit';1 1Hl~TIN6 ~ .... ... ' ... all it takes is a little Confidence. \' -•. '' [)f,'.;Jf) ') \',,\"•'.). ' .[ )i.'r,f r.ov HILL r'..-... ,T:;>l'.itll·:· •."_";',.' < Af ~ • ..,.. ........... ,..., " 0 JJLI 'HI\ LIPS Mt.H'V .,,.,,,. •I I tQ . EDWARDS '. ' • WESTBROOK i' ~ EDWARDS \Sl'CINEMACENTER 2 1•,,.,1,,,.,,,.,' " 11· .... 1 ., ... H~•ho• At Ad•"'• (' .. "~" I ' •• • !fl 11\ l ~.__,_'_"_"_"_~_-_,,_,_._'_"_' __ ;I ..... •<I• ' • ' 1 i ... 1.,\ 0<1n99 • 639-786D Julie And.Jews and Omu Shari.I ... together•• only lover1 world.I &put an be. '"~"'"" ......... ~ ...... _,,,_, __ . __ a Blake Edw.ird.I film Julie Andrews Omar Sharif I•, P~o '"'" ol ""'"" •Oo ,.,.1, -, ... ,. 11.0~• o plou u•• ond o Oo'>q~I' • 0 .. ' ,, . .,,_ ..... l " A EUWAROS 'IJ' CllllMA I " • ' . c:__i· ~ .... ~. ,, . '' ' --- "" "" •' A"'"" "" "'" "·•~ JIOl n~ ,I\\ ~11 \HMI 'I J . " 1l1r1·•· 7\' 111·t11r111.. v ,11 µrt"l1 11'H' \"'''" !Ito ,(,.11 of t11c· rail T\ 'i'·"u11 1111· \\ l't•k of :-;, 'I ·I ll 11 lfl 1111 ! 11 h:tJ!V]lOoO Hllrl J 1·111H!1t•/tllJ',~ Jt'J! !11:111.. I nt·l11 nrh 11ur 11•.11< • '" •1 t .,--r !'\I l•·rt ! Sl 111Hn· r II r1\1 ! I I I· ,. (h•l't\ !'d 1.1 111111, <>,I I ,I' 1 •ho~·s. JI l1,1'c"d 1111• 1111 \.\"r~' 1-"-'-~i·h0 11\1•11 LI \ u ,1 I ,, Ill <I ,! " I· '' I 1.1 \ I I. \. 11 '''I ,• t' !1· \\ , r 11 • .i «l I J 11111 pl• gi.1111-. 1: t II· '•' l ',\'·I I.' I ITI! 111;-; r •J" r ti 111·11 '''I -U'I lJ! 1111 I ! >' f ~ I ;> • .1 I I t' II ( '11\ I it I 1' !IV' I II· • " ... l ' , r~d \!'•' .111d ,\);r 111 1·,1< h I ,, ;II I• J 11 1· I 11 <) r I\ ' •! j,. I •'II 1 I d111·111·· '"DE.a.TH ~1Sri" ~ <11111 t \1 11 11 11!! I ' pt 1'1'1'1 l \ll'I ~ "IUTC H C ASSIO';' I. tt.o.· su "'ot.HCE 11.10" 111 1 ...... "'• :,. ..... "C)<!!HA TOWN'" - "'HERllE RI DES AGAIN" •• '"WOflLD 'S GREATEST ATHLETE " lGI "1.t..Htl SHOT" "'OM At<!Y SU tolD AY" IPGJ '"THE STING" •• "SLllHER" !PGI "8Ul C H C ASSIDY & TH~ SU NDANCE MIO" ... '!HE HEARTll:E.&.K KW" !PGJ .. ' '' _ ...... . ·---· ·-"• .. Dll"ll DE LAUAU.TIJS I ""''' · CHARLES BRONSON ' , MICHAU Wll'll'IEJt ""' "DEATH WISH'' l •' ,-' Vl~T C AJlDEl'llA Wlu.tAM 51£.DflU.0 nc!l«>Pl.LANG.L '·'.., ', HUllJ.IE.HAl'ICOCJI. 1· ,.,,.,, ,.• 1JIEATl"\rl!l.H" r , r.JllAl"I GARt 1 ll.D .. , · ·· ,., \lfl.l'IDELL MAYU "'1'¥1LY•"'1! I KAL LAl'I~ ' M:INIY ROllVl'T"S ' ·· . ~·"1rl(;{>~"O'ILY••:t 1 MIOtAllW l/'fl'lf.Jl Tt.CHl'flCOU)Q" 111.!!!it: 'R --~ :· _:· .. ~-· :.~ " ' ,. '""'"-"' I ,.;-1 ., '[' HARBOR BLVD . AT WILSON ST. /"Y COSTA M ESA 646-0573 • START S WED. AUG. 2 8 fora perfect vacation ta ke ... PLUS 2MD FIATUll IM "YllJO .. I "WlST" "THE OTHER" EDWARDS CINEMA VIEJO 1 A PAI Al { IUllSf\~TA 8311 6'1'10 / ... . . . . .................. . • to•11 ""'" " M•r ••1Hu• •!iG, • ~l l'l'PO~T "l~C~ • ~·· nl•O ,,., ,., i\ '1.1 .; .I '\t' 'l'o ,\:;k ,\nllv __ OfllL Y PILO T II 11 \Vt•ek ~ Set 1 I Iii .... 1. \Iii 'I \ r " ~1 r !i r i.: 'Ill 111 '· 1111 11• \,,i.. .. 1 .111 .I! I ut •l'.1'111 .1· ,-; I• ' ,H I· ' d '" 1\ 1\,, •:! "' \,,1.iJ" l11·•1t •''l' .iud Tt1• ._,hllll\ ( 01t11 !h I\' I I 1• :>.l. 1! I' I lit: ~ul 1!' \ f'., 'Ill f I 1l(1 11"1 t J11 I \1h,1 .h;1., !1·11 t1111l '\ ·1!,1:1 'd (' )i 11 ! ' ..,;!'I)' 1!:•\ "";1! ~I ;1ad tltl' Huno ,)11111• I •I I ..,, ·pt :!2 \J 1ntl11·r 1\lil ' .<::rri1·-· Th11.; \11 :-01:11 110.1." ;i h :i l l-h11u1 1l11.i11•t11 l 'Urll•·d~ ;1/~•!IT ,1 l1l,1('i-. l.111111; 111 \\;1-111111•101 1 l ~i· ltu· 1>1111 111•11• 'h!il'' F"lllll' d J1l1tl:J "II Pl•'llll<'I" 11•• k \J;( "' ,, :: .111' :-,,·11' ·l ;, \', ( d.11·•d;1• I _,.,I\ !" I'" II I:•> 1 • r ·111 I, :11 •' , ..... 11 11.,; !Oil h1· f l 1~•lf!'• !.>It I .; I\ 1li 111 I,,. ,, l11··1i•·d f!, nt 111 111, ......... 1 1111 l.111·;111d VI di'r ~;1:ig fJll T\ l'r1·rntt ·ri• 11+'1·h. 1t·;1tur••\ 11111 'r l h1· hr1 ·rd . {'hrt ... ll•' l.n\'1•" flll 1\lll ' ·i n•! ··!'011!';• 11 .. 111a 11·· 011 .\'H(' ·rt11• sho11.; 1'1 \f)t•ct11'i•h \L1r ·r t' r 1•" 1 ! 1.'\t'" an d A11i,:11• llii·l..1·11 ... ,,r,, 1.,th :is und1rro1lT dt'l1'l'fJ \1'" \.\(fl'lt l,.H \Ill I' I' I !' ~ , \:11.r I '11·n1 "· 1, .• : 11:, .I " .•11·;1 II ,1:1 ,•1 .1~ ;1 l'"l 11·· I,. lllt'tl:lll\ HI !'!i;11·~·1· 1,j 111.11< ,.,.il" 'f'ht' "111111 n·pl:1t'"" llH• '111·1· H;un.'"' :-.•·t.:111 1·111 i111 \!i("~ "S11nd;1\' :--1' f< ! ,. r 1 \11>111 •" q11<1r!1·1·. liul \J•,(' ":1vs 11 dui· ... n·r kn1111 :'-Tl if Lt. l'r<'nli~" 1vlll n·1X1rl for dur 1 ~l'Jll . 15 - IJnl.1· t\\n 11e1r "h11\1 ~ -ens· · l!hiMl.1 · .1 ~p111off frorn 1hl' '.l.11 \ T1 !,-r ,111<! \Bl ... \\(lor1-'1•1111 Bu111 I· r1·1 ;1rl' 1111 thf' \\11111!:1'.· ..,, ,, .. fl,.11· dill llll.; lt·lt·1 l"ll!ll ~ h1~ \\I" \.. .111d 110 111·11 ~·rit•s 11111 .. 1•111·,11 ·r11•·\1l.1v 111gh 1 ~ Tl1·· , •·1·i..· ... n·.11 111 ... h ,,t 1u•\1 1 ., C'11 ~1.11to.; \\'r•1.h1•·~c1<11 "'•·r1 , 11Hl1 ;....u1s ,.11d /Jaui.:,lit1•rs"1 .11<d 'Th" ~li11t!iun1 .. r 1111 1 ;,.., l,1trl1· l!ou~·· 0 11 1li•·' l'r.111·11'" "l.u1·:1:> Tan111·r ' :1nd1 l'1·11·1•t 1·ll1 n11 \H(' ;111d 'l'll n s l1t·l.A-11'('"r1n ,\H(' I 1111 ~"Pl !'.~ '\!1(' \11•rr;1 'I ;<11<1 \li 11111' 11n -111111·~ anr1 \l:l · I' l!'l< 1 \lu •It .uul )I.II !'\ l l' ~"fl'•,\' 11 ·fo·hll 1···r · 1il;11 1 •1 .:;:1 ;111 .~ ( ll\' 1• 11 nll1•r1u;' r", j 1l(i.1\ ll:" 1·:111 !· !'•I ! ' IJ'" \1,,·, \I\! \\ l"l•\lll•· •·1'1111·0 s. lh·· \l 111 T l1•' l(f')cldnrd I :1•• .1111 · I 1• 1111· \\'r)lr.:tn·· ;1s 11. •11•11 !111111 !;11 1· 1hat nil:!ht 1\/i.I.• \I;( 1• t,tf1•r1ng · l\o<11:1k " ·T,•\.1 \\'hc1•lt•ro.;" :ind "l\11!rh.1\.. 'J'!J, \il:h! ~t.1 ~k1·r ' ! Jn ~;iturr!u.1. Si-pl 11. 111•· nf·1\ r•'i::1il.1r ... ~1011 .; kil'\..1ni:: off :1n· '"Tiu· 1'.i ul S:n1(j'' <;hn11· • 11 ('f~.., :ind \lll"s Thr \•·11 I ,,n~l ' •t'l'I< s lq h" )Ol1l1'd •I 11 . •·I, l:1lvt' !11 \,d;1;1 .. l i11• 011 1~ i1l n;·k 1Jt1~h 'l" 1110111 ~ 111 111•· l'l'•'l!ll('J'•' 11 .. 1·h. 11111·1111 ;11'1· lilt' fi11 11 1t·rs111n o f' \1 \ :-;.11 " :11r"d h\' l'BS Fr1d:11 j 111gh!: Sept I ~: <ind "Klt1 !<' ·.I starring Jane Fond :r :1~ pro~1 1tt1!r ;ind 11 o n;ild Stllll\'rland :1' :l df'1t'r·1111• \BC sa.1·~ it'll c;ho\\' tl1;1! 1iln1 S;1!urday S.·pt. Jt 11·1<1<·.4rtliur Filt 11. '"el • ---1311.I 1\1 <J Steir Y el .\!:\,\IL.\ 1:\I'• -A s1orv on tht• l<1 1t' Arn l'ri<·;1n \\'orl{! \\'<1 1' JI Ce11 [) o u g 1 il s .\1:1c.\r!hur l\il l 111: fd rllt'd 111 1i1·· J'l11 l1pp1nt·~ 111:-;t .\e;1:-, ll ull~11 1 .l)d p rodul •·r F 1·<111k \1<'C,1r !h\ ~.11d C>illHTI{'nt ho11· Olll<'h budgt'I \1'dl he ltl\'Oll't•d 111 thl' produc'11on or 11·ho 11·1l! pl a1· the rok· of the lnt e ~enl·1 ~1 I. · /If' s;llrl 11 11011 ld ht· c!t•c1rl1'f! l;.r1·r :J!:,·r ht' ~11hn1it s his 1l';J<•i'l" to 111" i101nt• ~turl10 Ei l1'<'11 Cw;I STARTS WED. AUG.28! THE MAD ADVENTURES OF .. RABBI" JACOB t'/l•r""'' G r· " I 11'1 , "ONl 01 IK[ fP~~Ol'l rt •I S Of SLAP~TI C~ Li MEOY ro Bf fOU NO I~ MOVI( Hl~1 0~1 BRUCE IRO WM'S ON ANY SUNDAY '~AT'S ENTERTAJHMEMT CERTAINLY IS" H.Y TIMES ...... .t.JI SU f'ER STAR Catt MA TIMEES DAILY • \ll'{':1rtl1~· s:.id 111· 1~ 11· tilt• f'hill)lp l lh'~ l<'l~1'J ht•f \\ 1\h ,I F1•Ur·1J1l·!n hl·r s•.1 f l 1111·\1,11111--: 1ilrn d11 .. c•'n" L:1111ond .Ioli ""11. t•I .~ll r\t'' li)(•;1 111111 ~!!I'S f1H' 1h•· ltllJ\ 11 lfl)l.l.'i'\\'00!) I !!Pl I -1~1-- l"l'I! Brl·nn;1n l1a<\ bti •n :ir1d1..-d \I 1· l· ,, r 1 h .1 \\ho ,11._., prndt1<'1•d th•· !11!11 abo111 lh•· l1h· t1f .1110!.ht·r \\'o~ld \\'.ir 11 (;1•n (;t"11't .. t' l'att nn ll•J11l 1: •1111 to th•· t'<t"I nf ".\! I.on~ Last !)11·1·" tn;uk1ng th<: ;1el n..;s' third ;1~s1,::n 1n1 ·1H for d1r('('10r l'r•trr Bo~d:1nn\ 1ch THE MOST HIGHLY ACCLAIMED FILM O~ 1974!j ·-I I I MESA eo.1 .. 1-W•• •OW LAST CHAMCl TO Sll IT IU-Olll SCHOOl !>l Al TS PAUL M(WMAl'I + I OIEIT IEOFO IO "'BUTCH CASSIDY & THE SUNDANCE KID" ... "HEARTBREAK klO" IXlllWllA PICl~S treSdll1 A 9'1LUNG fll.OOll'l: PIID.tl!OO ol A ll(ll'RI ILlllM llLM GEORGE Sir.Al.· ELLIOTI GOOLD o '"CAl.IFORNIA SPUT" •-·•'> rr.rn1 VllJ.91 ·~n«•WRI N.lllM "'mm W/>J.~1 r •.•. "'" llOO[Rl N.lllM· PNl\VISll1( ~<0 • . -,--:----.. ]! - , ~-­~ . ·) r . . ' ' ~ " ':'. ..,_ c:;-~ II liinatowit1 Jarl)ic1tolson~~9 -PLUS· lclll" h •ll h i cl. ::.111 i\ft•n "''' I; 11111• I ld•lillH' l,111 f' ••• \11:11\,\~I ' ..,,,. ell ltf•1 · ltf'~~':'~'~( "'~~ ua.-br-a s11-eisancl N•·.,.' •~ 1,~,, .~t{)r Vete~s S."lkc"'° 8 8 OAIL Y PILOl ANIMALo I .. l"f''i CALltO A 'H£LfCOPT£,e!.. -c,,or A CRAZY' UJHIRRINU- tHING 0 ,V TOP.' " Que11 cli Tli,irst 111 Water \\'hat sort of drink <1clordl~ ,, \\'orks best lo qu(·nch your ' thirst'..' Th;u 's v>h;1t the ;.ticncl' boys \1antPd to knov., :-\o 1h1·.1·1 pro1·f>d lir<;tl l h ;1 I ! he q 111'n('h q111)- 1ient dl'pt'nrls Oil high llll- ICr content. Pl ain 11·uter itself. there· fore. ranks No. I. Their rankinr. o I other bever<1ges: C!ub .~odn, No. 2. lced leil. No. 3. r:otfee No. 4. Diet cola. !\o. 5 J·rc- sweetened Kool -Ai,J. ~o. Ii. Beer. ,-..:o. 7. Ginger all'. No. 8. }.1ilk, l\o. !I. 01\E REC E\'T federal study purports to show !hat a Third of all first-OOrn ch i I d r e 11 nationv.•idc are ronceived out af wedlock. Interesting. if true. That's somev.tiat higher a proportion than experts previously had reported. DID ''OU KNO\V all the baseball.<; us.cd in the n1.'.ljor le;:ig11es l1ere are se-1111 up in l lai1i" .\AR\\"HAL Q, '"\\'hat doi;s a n<.Jr1vh:1 I use its tusks for ·."· ;\. Nothing. 1"hey'rc u.<;elrs.<; But Jet me get it right. The male nar11•hal ordinarily has but one tusk. It sticks out ( L.M.BOYD) of the IC'ft sldt~ of irs he.ad. The fc11u1Je ordln:inly ha.<; no tusks. 1\01v co1111•s t h c exception. Some fe1nale:; lJ.'.lve t.11·0 tusks but not on r. And if you find a !V.'0-lusked narv.'ha[ in you r bathtub. you can be fai rl y certa in it's ;:i female v.i thou t looking any further. l\'lLL YOU BUY the claim that the average American grov.11up has 50 headach~ a year'..' Neither v.ill I. But the aspirin makers say so GET TT R!Gtrr Did I say nun1erotL'i deer have died af!t•1· e<1!111g lh e disposable pi)r11011 of !<l'lf- dcveloping filn1 '.' Th n t 's wrong, evldently. nnd lo. even the Sierra C!ub :ire ci rculating t"'efX>rlS lo lhe contrary. They say extl'n sive tests prov(' th:it fiiln baeking is tasty, but non· toxic to beasts. IT IS PR.OPER :ind offici:i! to catl al l Icelanders by thtir first na1nes only. l'o;E\'ER SER\'E a lhick steak from the frying pan t:i1re<'tly to the table. Le t it sland a few minutes. As for a big roast. it should "'·ait up lo an hour before the carving. Or such be the claim of a reno\vned chef. Cooking draws the jui ces lo Ow.: center. he says. That rest 0\\'ay from the he11t clisbu rses thcn1. !\takes for Jenderer tastier cuts. Add•ts~ mai! tt> l. ~A. O~vd. P.O. llM 18?5. !Wwrw>rl 8t-'Cn ~2bl>O. (O'llV• ropl'll 191• L M. tloyd. Explorers Ho11ored Twelve members of the Ne"·port Beach Po I i e c Explorer Post have been chosen to ctllend the National Explorer Olympics al Fort O>llins, Coto. this week. The Newport Beach post earlier placed first in the Orange County E x p I o r e r Olympics, defeating 60 other ,posts. The Explorers are a branch of the Boy Scouts of America. Explorers who will attend the oompeUtion in Color11do Boys' 7.99 Prk•• Good thn.t 1111.doy, lu9u1t 17th - We ReterYe the light to limit OtHlntitfes! No W.t to o..rws BACK-TO- SCHOOL PRICE! 1u•' \I\ llll'e 'O( s•"oo\ " ' ,. .. ..,., ~ ...... MEN'S WOOL BLEND C.P.O; SHIRTS Handsom~ plaiid pallerns in warm wool blend f inished w •lh 2 flap chest packets '1-button cults. Neatlv tailored 111 ac!1on cu! sir es S M L XL & proced to please 40 percen! wool, 22 percent linen. 38 percent other. • Boy's Wool C.P .O. Shirts (to look. !Ike D<Hl! >. s.15 _ ........ ···-··-........ 1.99 l' . .. ,, Bock-to -239 School Price WOMEN 'S FANCY BRUSHED GOWNS "LITTLE NOTHING " FINE GOLD CHAINS W<1llz & lull length in 80 J)('r ccn! <1cetate & ?O per cent n yl ori glamour styles. 1r1ms, Colors, S ""'·L XL. They're copjes of the reil l 9old chains ..• p!.'l •le h,~nd made look .• some w1!n ylass beads. lA JO ""_ ' 99 each "E?. '· INIT NYLON TOPS --Lono sleeve double kflits w ith novelly collar or papular plackel style. Fall color!., S-M·L. ' -.-..,.- :.i§. -~~~KNIT NYLON PANTS ·-, Oooble kn its w!lh --'--. 9' f lare reos, slitch- -~ ed cr~ase, elastic f, w aistband. Latest -" Jhaictes In 10-18. t 15-on. Fine Chiiins 1.7'lc r f l,. ~ ... \ ·iii~ ~--' ·~ ~:;:1 1 99 NOVELTY SUEDE COSMETIC BAGS Choice of S" or 7" bag, eve· Qlil!.S & cigarette cases w ith smart new novel!y designs. •'t· 2.79 SAVE 20 °;~ 1 TO Jo~. 199 THE MOST WANTED LADY WILSHIRE BRAS Criss Cross lace or roHbOdy nylon in new styles. White only, sizes 31 'OA c 99c Women's Briefs •... 19c BACK-TO-SCHOOL BACK-TO- SCHOOL PRICE! HAVE-A-BALL PSYCHEDELIC RADIO Have-a Sall -have-a-bargain w ith this !.Ol1d state AM racr10 !hat you can carry ;inywhere w11h 11s mate/ling handle. Built 111 strobe l•gh!s give psychedelic er lcc t -l1gn rs go on & 011 i n rime to music_ Powerful 2•,·· aynam1c speak.er. Bocl·to· 4 7 97 School Price ROYAL TYPEWRITER SALE Qu<1 lily M ercury with SB characters, 1ouch & set rr1d f Q1ris_ ·Pica·' type, line spac•ng. more 5 yr . guarantee. ·:i:~-=~ 1---l l WESTAB WING VINYL "ORANGIZER' BINDER Tr. IOIO Ynth each w ing measur ing 10 '( 1 ~" Lo pn1fd!'.' clop on ins•de cover. Pad. l tlouoleM And a lol•os 1.99 STUART HALL 119 3-RING BINDERS ••. /"..::-.~~&. ~ ' " I I . LARGE t=~p-1 2' 4 4 44 QT. BIG BRIGHT PLASTIC HAMPER & WASTEBASKm Gnldtont' !i:it!icc embossed hamper, wasl ebask.el Wi!h 'ouch open.close top or Sw inger-Ous!pan lid. Color s. 88c WHITE COTTON DISH CLOTHS PACK 66 ( OF4 Solt, s trong, won'! scratch silver, 13' ~ x 1~1 1 in. 5ize. Formerly Sold for 2.00 & 4.00 83 ~ FINE LEATHER WATCHBANDS W 1dL' or narrow rnod or lrdtli !oon"I dCS•')ns tor scnoo1 oound guys & gill~ Gr eat val lies, 1-n ake wiltches look new I Reg. S9c Pac> of 100 STUART HALL FILLER OR TYPING PAPER 3 hol(' 8' • ._11 " W1dr or Col!t>Qr rule. c:ual1 ty f 1lli.;r paper or tYP•"Q Pi'I P"r rendy for <l;i-;~room u ~"! BAG OF 28 77C NO . 2 LEAD PENCILS Req. 2.97 IY'll"Al LUNCH KIT WITH THERMOS BOffiE Sturdy Aladdin metal lunch bo~ Wllh bright printed designs. Mar- Ch1ng 8 Ol. bottle PARKER BIG RED BALL POINT PEN largfl size for every :;!vden!s' needs. 137 BIC SCHOOL SPECIAL PAO< OF 3 PENS Buy ono pen and gel two 19' pens. a11 JUSI for 37'! 37c 12-or 14-oz. 39~ KITCHEN-FRESH JUMBO COOKIES 13,1i..ed for us <i lone weekly' !:.andw,r t1e<;, An.mal, Oatmedl, 5u9<1r , Iced F ruit, Len1on cook•es-ano m<1ny more 6 smdr! styles 111 mock tortoise ~hell buckles & oarrel!e~ .,n oor!ed !rom Fr ;ir,cc Your Choice ';t l "' '' ',.f,, ·::f1!1Jll 50~ TUSSY BUDGET COSMETIC SALE L iou•d M<ikeup, Presse<1 Pow. orr . Chet'lt Gel. N;i!I Gloss, Mascara, Creme E ye Shadow, E ~e ShJdow Crayons in group! U nolitt ICG Plus · .... balsam ~Hl\Mf'l}'.l ~U5 . ' .,. " ··!" ...... ~ protei ,, .. ,.\./ .ii. .. ~ "''·•' ·~· -· ...... ·--· . '"~ ... ~.~ J' ,/....-plr ·-·"'" .... ' ·' Reg. 2 $1 88c ea. For LANOLIN PLUS BUYS • 160 t Whe;itGerm 5hampoo • lt> 01 Eqg 5hdtnpoo • B11lsam Plus Condd 1oner NEW .. ~~"'-'.\ An~I 1-'oinll Bottle of 1 00 plus 30 Tablets L'OREAL SUFFRAGE Witt. i111port.m '"•"'"'• I 1 It• hold hoit i ,,.., PRICES SLASHED EVEN LOWER THAN OUR EVERYDAY LOW DISCOUNT PRICES 1.85 LISTER INE ANTISEPTIC kills Genni on Contoct 32-oz . 1.22 VISINE EYE DROPS V2·ounce die. 1.44 HEAD & SHOULDERS , ,, '"'o" Shorn o for Dandrvf Control, 4-01: , T "!>(' 1.04 V0-5 HAIR DRESSING Replor, 11111, Fine, 1 'h-01. 79c CLOSE-UP TOOTHPASTE Regulor, 6.4-oz.-Whk IOt Off on Lobel PRO TOOTHBRUSHES Pock of 3 in Hard & Medium 1 11 • are Diane Chambers. Kc. Costa Mesa Santa Ana Fountain Valley E oro Huntin<jton Beach Huntin9to1t Beach CMnell, Mall Kalbak , Le< o w ..._ & lri fol M--'ia at Tai' · El T..-o at Rockfield 9861 _._, at 1---L~-1 21131 1<--L ll•d. at AHaola Pio<:<, Teri Craig, C ~ r i s ._ __ ..;2!_;3~3.!E.:.!;17~ttl~SI~. ---1-_;1~4~6.:;·.!........,..~:!::-.!.:::.:!'::::._.j... _ _.=::..,.!:::::-:=..:::..!.:'..,,=::..._ _ _J. _ _2,:..::::;::..:=::::::_ __ .j......!!~.!~~~~~,!!:!~~~~~4...!.!.!;:.!..!:!:-:::.::::::~..::;::;::;:_I :;fu~: 0:.1 =~ .. K~.;:,~ Costa Mesa " Santa Ana Fountain Valley Westminster Huntincjton Beach Hunti119ton Beach Goos. Jane Schnorr and Ken ll..~2~l~o:o~H=l<rli~DOr=::;,:at;:.:w~1=1...,::,,...J,,..!l!l2~5~1ri~•=lol=..:at::,::M~ac~Arlhur-!:::::;...J.,..1~6~1~4~1~H~cr1>:..,.:::;.:at:!,!Ed:1:..,..::;-,...J,,.:w:•~·~tmln::::•=ltr::;,;at::,:G:old~ .. :::,:w~e•~t .. l..,..~';5~HunlitlcJl:::·::::; .. :,;c~,;nt:~;-..,..,,i.. .. ,...,:s:1:a~1~w~.,,,:;;:...-:;.,..,....1 Weigand. ' ' TART FOR ART'S SAKE fl. !iu11uner ln11t 111r l or 1T01•.r1 f·:ikc ;:ire Indy •·d11Jlc <ir1 -l1t•.'1Litllul 1(1 Sl'l'. dl'llCIOllS to l':1! (Jilli t·:1.-.y lo du One r1·qu1rt.'llll'll!: chOlr.-;,• the· l)('st tlf evcryth111!\ (Jnly ;1 1l'W tnuls ar1· nel'<il'd , so ptck the n111 .. ~1 l'l"rlecl, the ftdly nr)(.• ones, blcn11sh frcl' F'or !he tart. lll't:t1nues, p!uu1s and grapes :ire po;1L·lil'il 111 a ~olctc11 \\l!H' \l'ilh muscat f!a1or . 'l'lll·n Ju sl arr<111gc the shccs Ill a l1<1kL·d shl·ll <llld pour over a "'inc ~laze tha t is sheer rll1:tar. Light and 1no1s1 ('ro1\ll Jt•11·l~I Yogurt Cake is p•·rrt•1·1 for 1111!door 111<'<"1!<; Vora p11·1lif· l'<llT) !11•· :-n;1pp~ curr;int --, • gl:1J(' 11\ :1 ... 1·11.ira!e 1·ur1!a1r1er <1nd shri: tl1t· fr111l ~:trn1i:h al lht' 1;1.~t 1111nt1t1· ()r ll.">1' t!1t· i-:ltiit.: ;1-. lhl' hn . ..,i:; lor t1'e~h l1u1t sun1!;1,..,. SL,;.\11\IEH t•RUl'I' 'l'All1 U;1i-,l·d !l--111tli !~1rt ShL'll :1 l;1rg1 · fn ..,!J ncctanlu·s '.! fl·d pllllll'i 1 _ c·u p 'C'~'<llt•ss grapi''i J l'UP Cli;11cau In S;.tl!l' \11111· 1 1 l'Ui' sui.:ar ! tablespoon corn::i!arl'h i\11111 'iJll'tg for clt•1•11ra1 1u11 \\'hipi;t·d l:tt•<111t vr 11h1pp1:<l l'rl·;11n cheese ~op! 1onal 1 Bake ;111d cool t;irt ~hi.·11 <.:ut nec!arines 1n e1gh1hs ~u1<l plun1.~ 1n sixths. Jl;ill e i;ra1)('s or lt<ivc 11 hole. Heat v.i ne \\ith sug~tr in a :-.killet unlil sugHr dissolves. J)rop nl'l'lanncs 1nl0 hot syrup ;ind let stand a rn 1nute; rt·n1ove v.·1th slotted spoon. Add pluins ::ind grapes to syruri. ll't sl<.1nd a n11null', thrn rcn1ove. .\li·asurl• \11111id rt•tnaini ng . If lt·Ss th;tn I i·up. ;uld '.lllll' to tllak~ this 111easure. ,\11'\ l'nrn'itarth 1111h a tablespoon v.·at1•r. S\1r uilv 1~1;1ch1n~ h11uid . Cook, stirring, u1111l n11'\l11rt• t'it'<irs ;111d !h11 '~1 ·11.~ Hernove !rorn hc<1t :iud cool Arr<1nge f1111 ts in t><1kt·d 'ihell :-.1~~111 11inc glui'e O\cr fruit. tltlll • l1nl1 1· Ucfore c·utting. Decor;.1te \.\.'ith rnuH .~prig Sv111• 1111!1 s!ig h!ly s11·et:lC>ned 11l11pp1.·d ( 1'1'.1111 1•r 11·hipf)(.od ercarn ct1e1·:·a·. 1f d1 :-u·t·U ~1;1~t ... 6 to 8 s<>rvings. 'l'Krl Shf'll : H<'s!ll I t·up ~lft1-'l.t !lour \\ith 3 t:1bles111:ion~ sugar and 11 teaspoon sail into n11x1n)! ho11 !. C.:ut 111 13 CU !} butter or 111arg;11-,nt' until \)ilrtltlt'S .'.l rC Sl/C' Of ..... rn.dJ !X'""· Bc:it I egg ~o!k hght!y 11 1th l lablespoon irater. Stir into flour n11xturl' to forn1 a stiff dough. Chtl! ;i ft•11• n1u1utcs for casirr h:indling, 1f dough .secrns soft. Roll oul on li~htly nourcd hn:11·d to a H~inrh circle. Fit 01·rr bo11un1 ancl around sides ot a 9-ineh tart p;1n. Pri ck botto1n of pastry lightly 11i!h turk Bake in a 375 c!egr t'e 111 i·n u11ld ).(oldt-n bro11·11, about 20 n11nutt·s. Coi>l before filling. CRO\\''° JE\\'EL YOGL;R ·r l'.AKE *I, cup r1 1 ~ sticks! butter I cup sugar 2 eggs l teaspoon 1·;1nill:i J ripe ban:1n;i. 1x·C'led and n1ashcd 2 1 ~ cups nour. sifted I teaspoon bakin~ soda 1 ~ teaspoon b;iking: pG\\dcr ~.; ll'aspoon !'alt I rup 1R-ountr c;1rlon1 plain yo;::u rl C11r r:1111 1;1:11c 1recip1· fol1011s) 1 ban .'.111:< pt···lcd and thinly sl1rcd Juict' of one 11.'nl<Hl 6 10 8 strav.·berrlcs, hulled and s!itcd 1.; cup Thompson S('f'dl css gr;1pcs Grease and dust 1\·1th flour ;i r, or 9-inch springfom1 pan that 1~ ;11 lL'<J~t 21~ inches deep. ., ,. , • - -... - Beautify a summer dessert with glazed fruit s that fill \ ... Cream butter \\·ith sugar urtil lq::ht ( b and fluffy. Add eggs. rn>e at a lime, tart a OVe) Or Crown a cake. beating after e;.ich adrhtion. ,\<l<I 1":1n111a and banana . Sift togl'thcr dry in~rl·<hrnts . l'Otnb1ne one third of nour n1i.xturc \\Ith cr<'an1ed n1ixture. ~lix in half the ~O!!Url Al!erna!e flour and yogurt until r-01nbinl'd 11ith crc:11n<'d mixture. \'our batter into c;ikc p:in b;1kt• 111 3:)0..degrce oven I hour and l:'i n111111tt·s or until rake tests done. L<.'l rest u1 pan a few minulcs before turning out on cake rack lO t.'00:. To assemble cake, place a piece ot \raxed paper und er etlkt' raek. c:laze C<l ke liberally v.i th \urr:1nt Gl:1Zt', reserving a couple of ta blt·~poo11sful • . .... -- Arrange banana slices (dippl'd 111 lC'1non juice to prc1·ent darkening 1 ;iround rirn of cake, !he str~n1·berril'S and grapPS in center. Spoon rcserVl'd gla7..c over i;:-ra)J('s. Garnish 8 to Hl ser\ · ings 11·ith C1ddit ional grape clusters. if desired. e CURRA1\'T GLAZE I jar ( 10 ounces) currant jelly J teaspoon grated orange rind I teaspoon grated lemon Mnd Combine currant jelly and rinds in a small saucepan and n1c!t jelly over low heat. Parsley , Sage, Grace and Thyme Plenty of Spice • Her Job Ry JO OLSO:'ll 01 tht Oitllt Plh>I Sl•ll (;rat<' \'01.d1c is on•' <'hf'nlist \1 ho literally h;is h11~ of sp11·e 111 h<'r lift·. She sp<•nds hrr days surround Nl h.v spices and herbs a1 t.:1v.Ty's California Center i11 Los Angeles ics1ing "''"' products nnd ingredil'n1 s to sec th:it they mcol s:ifc!y and nu trition standard s. This careful testing. l\1rs. Vozdic <'xplaincd, is clc1nandcd b.v govcrnn1C'nt r<'gulations. She has found pi'sti<'id1•s in ingredients and insect fragn1ents u1 spices. l\1rs. Vozdic al so has done rC'scarch in nutrition. whi ch she find s "productive and useful." Be(orc coming to l.,11~Ty's. l\trs. \1ozdir \vas employed by the University of Southern California f\1edical School. Her intcresl is really in food , so she is gl ad to be back in a food company lt1l:>orAtory. After graduating rrom Skidmore Collegr ~'ith a bachelors rleRrcc in chen1istry. she " lx>camc :i food chem ist for c:ood Housekeeping maJ:(azinc in Ne""' York. !)urin,!! her three years 1heri', shr HnillV7..cd the 1vi<lc r:ingc of proclucts 11·hi C'h bear lh C' (;ood llous<'kccping Sl'al nnd cvery food udver!is<'d in thf' rnaga1.ine rn verify ad1·crt\sing rinfl p:irkngina rl:1in1s. She \\'ris tik<' .1n ''<'ducn 1cd c:onsnn1er" in nils rolC', shC' g;iid . rvl rs. Vozrlic found fC'\\' drvl:i1;nns '"fl1r fo11CI industry is pri·!t_\ J..i:" :. 1 l'!l!llnH'fl!('d. "Jf th1• p:u•\..,I .~!' \,I • !! has 10 ounces. 1t v.•i\I hn v1· th.it · \\'ht'!\ t18k1'rl if An11•r11·;111s l!ill't'.il ~nod 1!11·! Sht' arl Sl'it'r'('d. "II clf'j)('nd.~" • Arn('ru·;1n!I rat a l11l of junk fllOfl It's easy lo fa ll into the potato chi p and s<1ndv:1<:h di r1 Rut thrrr is :u1 :ibundanc1• of gooti healthful food :Jl'ailablc." She !'ices n1ore con \'t'nicnc<' food in t he future , and ;u1 upsurgr in d1·hydra tl'£l dinners. "No one \1·t1nl!'i to spend tin1c in the kitchen :inyn1ori·:· sh<' cxp\:iined. Mrs. Vozdic \\'Orks in a !aboralory v.•ith hig v.·indnv.·s th;1! is on the rompany tour. As tht'Y go by. visi1ors :ire surprised to find a chc1nist n1Hkint; such de!ailed analyst•s of the ingrl'tlicnts. "People 1on't think a food co1np;iny would carr: she said. "Rut governn1ent regulations require that products be checked. '·Foods arc changing and lhcre a re ue\~1 terms in food ." f\lrs. Vo1..dic has not f o u n d <li sc ri1nin;ition as a 11·oman chemist. but bclie\'es "it Ocpt'nds on lhc ron1p;111v and a lot or things." Af!er a busy day in thr lab and \\'Orking 11•ith food s, she still lik<'s to go home and cook for her husba nd. oispiring actor Don Vozdic. Since sht' is a veget:irian. the nat ive NC\\' Yorker prcfcrs to se rv <' dishcs s6th as soyburgcrs and cnrrot-nut casseroles. llere tlrl' a rc~l-1 of her favorites. RAKED COITAGF. btE~:SE SQl;1nr.s I cup rn1v hrown rit't'. cook11rl 1-i r·11p s1n:itl rt'<I hcans. cookl'd :i l'!:(gS I CUii t,1ilk 2 cups cn1t;i~r rhPl'SC I ~z tt'ns poons s.1lt ::; tablcsroons parsley r tablrspoon rosc1nary 1 ~ cup gratrd rav.• carrot 2 tab!espQOns huller 1 1 curi minced onion \\ hilc the rice and beans are cooking, beat the eggs, beat in the milk. cottage chcC~e. s<ilt. herbs and grated carrot. i\tclt the bu1ter in a frying pan and sautr onion unlil H is soft. S1ir onions into colt<i ge r hcrse-cgg. 1nixture. Drain cooked beans and st ir into cottage cheese 1nlxturc ~dong with rice. Turn n1ix1urc into ;in oded 7xll pnn. Bnkc at 375 drgrccs for 25 n1inutes. \Vhen done. a knife inserted in the centrr '"ill ron1e out clean. and top \\'ill havp a thin. light brov.·n crust. Cool for 10 minutes: cut into 8 squares. LENTIL LOAF r cup lentils 1:-rup barley 4 cups \Valer 1 teaspoon salt l cup bread crumts I clove garlic. minced I nH•diun1 onion. minc~rl I rib celery. sliced lhlnl y 2 eggs, beaten '~ teaspoon nutmeg Add lentils ;ind barley 10 boiling salted \\later. Allow to boil for fl minute. thrn rl'duce heat and sin1n1er \vith lid aj;ir for aboui 40 rninutcs or unlil n1osl or the w111t·r is :ibsorbcd. Rcmo\'P from hr:iL Add hr<'nd crumbs . 'llong ~·ith rernainin~ ingr{'dirnls an.I 1111x v.•f'll Plnr1' 1111xtl1rr in a \.\'<'11-<lilc<l !!...:.'ix.1-inrh lo:,f p:u1 tind hake at 3[',(l degrees for 35 n1lnutes. A!low to root for 10 minutt'~ before in- vcr1irn:!' ove r n platter to serve. Srrves ti • Food chemist Grace Vozdic checks one of a series of analyses to be sure spices keep up with changing regulations and new terminolog y . ··-., ~. , -- BEA ANDERSON, Editor CA ROL MOORE, Food Editor ·-. - C 2 DAILY PJLOl Faith Makes Family Close -.~or 12 fannhes sr;1\t1•r1.J 111 fl\ 1' 4'1.ll~"" ncluding the Alan t\l'llty'i (lf ~l1ss1on VleJO, Au1-1. 25 1s a \'L'ry 1111port,1n1 day. On lhl!t Sun<luy. llM!v v.!ll ~irivP Hl 1..:0lorado for a rcun1cu111 1!h \!rs. Ktllcy·:,, 1 brothers ;111d :-1~tl'rs ;ind hi•r 1noth('r 9-yea r-okl F\1a!Jldi1 Jl.1U1i.:, f\re~:,111 11f . 'asadena. II 11111 hf' 1!11· f1r :-.t 111n~· in 10 ~r;ir~ h.11 the clan, 11hich no11 rH1n1bt.•rs <1ruu11tl .o. has goll1;n lugt·lhl'f They ha\'•' rrnlt-d Li n1ot1n1;i1n r1 ·so n u!side Dl'n vcr fur lhe fou r-day ev(·nL 1hich v.·1JI dra11' brothers and sister:. "Om Cal1forn1a. l\cnturky. Colorado. llnnesota and !"orth Dakot.1. 'fheir mother, a forn1t•r tt;_irlu·r fron1 i'a hpelon. I\. 11 .. Y.Jll be: th e foc:.it poi nt r lhe cclt·brat 1on !hough .. 1crord1ng 10 er daught er , Sylvia l\l'llt'Y "Our entirl' faini !y 1o; than~ful fiJr er." tllr!'. K(1llcy said. "Sht· k··rr u~ ll logethf'r and rn1sL'CI us :iii :1ftl'r ie death of 1ny falhl'r, \\ho d1t·d t1>.11 1onths before 1ny youngt•st sister ,,.,.;is orn. She's quite a \Von1an .'' fvlrs. Kressin, who 1\·ill b(• con11ng ) the reunion front a v1s1t to Ot\l' f her daughters in i\:linnesota , is quite traveler, according lo tltrs. Kelley. She spends her su mmers goi ng from nc family to another for visits Iha! re welcomed by her children and randchildren alikl'. "She's intereslcd personally in each :r andchild. f\lrs. Kelle~· said. "They ook forv.•ard to her stay ... ~1rs. Ke!lev addC'd lh;it the famih i a close One ;ind cousins \\'ho h11· n the same areH get togC'thcr fre<iuent!y \\'hat keeps a fann!y of 12 together'.' "lt "·ould have to b<-our faith and ur closeness," r.1rs. Kclll'y said . -, ... • - Alan Kelley and wife Sylvia map their t ri p t o reunion of Mrs. Kelley's cl on of 12 sibl ing s 1n Colorado wit h Ja nine, Steve a nd Susan. SALE Final Reduction on Pa nt Suits and Dresses 20% to 50% Ol"F 3 DAYS ONLY Aug. 2;!-23·24 We Car ry Straight and 1 ;. ~1zcs 445 So Coast Hwy . Laguna Seti " •'• • •' •·~··• t.,J• •I GRAND OPENING She'll Ship Out If He Cries Her a River 30 LO Ve C oulari'r for t\(t1 L.: Sportswear ('u,loin 1"11tt•d nr Hl'adv ~l ;idC" (lrii..:111,ol :->t\lt·~ F11r T£.nnt~. t;olf. llu.il1.ni,:,or lli l'~cl111i: DE .o\H .\\\ l.i\.\'!)l·~!:~ \\-h:n do ~ou think of a J7-~r..1r­ old bo:-11 ho CTlL'~ t·irr~· 11111•· l1L' get~ 11110 nn arg11mt'lll 1111h his girl und he sees hl 1s lo~- I'd rrallv hkr to ditch th1.~ dude bul ~·hcnr1·t·r l n1cnt1on splitting. he st;1rts to ba1\ I '.'It ~· knet·s !urn to rubber <1nd n1~ hLart n1cllS. SCHOOL CRAFT Tb(• !;1~! t11tl1' ! jolil h11n 11.inled tu -.101> !'iL'l'lllg hun , 111· I 11ri1•d !ii~ f;•('l' Ill 111.~ h.1JltJ;.,,l'tThi1•f, t'r1t•d \.Ill 1\ II 11a s ,upp1ni.; 111·1 :111d th1·n ;innounted th::it !hf' 1tol !or h;111 1ust !old hint hr h:1d ,1 bi ;11n 11unor ;:ind pnihabl,\ 11ould11 ! 11111 ,111oth1·r ~·car. 1 ('nuldn't lnp hint nH :i [1 t'I' 1h:i: \\'c!L t11n d 11~ ~ 1;1tL·r ti~· :-.;tid !ht• dr1i 'l•l!' h:ui n11sri•<id !he X:-:-:1~~ ;111d t'\\'r~·th1ng 1~ i) I\ I cl< n't l\<1111 In gc·t lll <"l!l\ 1111•pt·r 1\1lh 1h1;. l'r.1h:1h~ As 11 1s l'lt ry gu~· 111 school thinks ltn Iii~ pri\al1' prop11rl~ aiul I h.11·t1n·1 bl't'n a~k1·d ou1 in a yl'ar Can )OU t1rl11' -~1.-\J}E!J~I-: Il l'. \II \I \D: 1'11l on ;1 111·:.\;: A\''\ L..\\DEH:- ,\l 1.> ;i husband s:1y /l 11·ord ;1boul ho11 11 1s to look rit ;1 111ft' 111 1h1• 111on1111g. !lt·forl' ::hi' h;1s h.Ht .i l'h;u1<.:t' to put on th~· t•xtr:1s and g e r glainoroLL"i" r lOl'L' 111~ II 1[1• :ind h:i1·1· ror 111'111~· ~1·ar~. \\'L' arl' both 47. \\l· <ll'1'1cil'tl Ionµ :1g11 1h;1t t>:1rlv n1orning 1;. no; lhc \,. ~1 r1111c for ·1ook111g 11r l'lllll!ll\JTlll':t!IOtl \\' I 1 h O LI l putt1n:..: ii 111\ri \1·orcls \\l' .i~r1«d fli;11 111orn1ng 1-; th t• 111111• 1n look :1! the kid" 1n~11•:id uf 1·:1ch c•lt\rr 1H11•,:; ah~olult·l~ ~parkll': I t>;i l" 111:. 1·gg~ and slurµ do11n 111.1• eutrec ;"<,Jy " 1 fl' anfl I 1·\1·h.111g1· a ft·11· innudthll'- ""'111«1h t·~ st111nblt• oft to 1111rk ;111d ~he s1rl1~gll's 11110 g,·,ir !Hr thl' cl~1y f)EAR CHIC: Let's hrar it for th£' t·ouple v.ho h11~ ll·arnt-d l 111 lht• togl'th1•r. Son1etirnes the hi,ghest I r 1· 1·1 of e o n1rnunication t•onununication :it ;iii. is no DEAH LA\DF.ltS Sri rr:i 1 n1on1 hs ago 1 o u pnnh·d a lt•ttcr fron1 :i n1gbl · ••l'it·ntl·<l 1x:r~n 11ho had a i •.• ,, •• ,,,,,,~##_..:>_..:>,_ i FREE ONE BRAND HAME TENNIS HAT •"'en ~ w -.-"•I OR OHE CAH OF TENHIS BALLS Wi ........ c:"4M of /I.tty Drtu. Mesa VP.rde Center F· ;_:i Harbor t. Adams ., w ,,,,_ •l••• «~ L-r,..•l@' "T uo s lhru Sa!. 10 ti! 6 !)57-/?06 Fri t119 Co;.1.i MeS<t "DISCOUNT PRICES " Educational Aids & Games ··~ r:1ine11al ;.iu d hip ™)O\s. Tt.'11 \lr. c;rl•a \ l.:1k1·<; that you ~lrt• not going uni 11 it h hin1 a.t:<lin :ind Hit• rl11 ·i,iun i.; fin:i l. l.1·t hin1 lloat 4JUt i.f !h1• l'O!IJ11 11 114 ·1 ·1·~.,.a r~. :111d don 't l1·t hi111 (T\' his 11Hv hat ·J\ or 'ou'll '/'h1• lt'!'ll:J~l'l'S :11'•~ :i pleasure to behold P'..'C'S brig!11 <.irid h.iir shining-. T!1c )Oung1.:r \r 111~h1 11 ht•ll l t'llllh' h1111\r, th1 l,lllt• 110111;in tn1.~s in1gh\'.· g1•1(l lu 1111' ;111d 11t· J.!l'l alo11g ~r!',I! f\0 ·~1d1·~. I()() kl !1 J..l - 11flt'th•'I" 1t s 1nornu1g or night, 1~11·1tlu_·111loll' ,ga11•1· -as ;Hl,\' bl1 11d n1;1 n 1\·il l tell 1uu. -FllQ;"<,J ClllC.\GO d 1!1lt·~1\l t1n1l' 111 h1" dorrn i)t.:l':111:,i.· 111.· l'llJPYL'd <l11lnC: his ;.l'h•o0I 11or~ 1or hi-~ th111g • l11 lt.• ;it night :ui{l :1rr<ingt·d lus schedu le so hl' 1·otill: slerp 111 the n111rn1ng. But "cr:H·k-of· d;111n1·rs" n1adt' 1! 1n11ll1~s1hll·l --------------------------- .. . . ,• • ' .-' .. " ..... , ..... ·· · \ ' Office Supplies ~rts & Crafts -Toys &. Books ____ Free Gift W1ap With Purchase . . 6841 Weitrn. A••.-894-9S94 .. J\ Trunk ShOi'. 1ng of FA LL COLLECTION Con tlnuou:; Shov1ing::: Thursday, August 22nd, 197'1 Friday, August 23rd, l 97ti Saturday, August 24th, 1974 10 a.m. to 9 JO pm. Sat t1/ 5:30 p.n1. I Informal Modeling Refreshments will be served. (Saturday only) GllunJ. NEWPORT BEACH FA SHION JSLAND Newpori Bea ch, Ca. 644-4411 '· ·. h:• :-hH:h i11dt'fi1iitCJ~, • Your Ho roscop e Tomorr ow fo r hint to sleep. \\ill rou please give rqual ti rn1· 10 ;1 n1rn1hrr uf lhc "J)ayl1ght 1-'orct's··; F.very ca 111 p u" hns :in ob1:0XJO\IS group lh;Jl OIJl.'l'<ltl'S :1ftt'r n1idnight. This includt•s :-i11,1king pol (11hich i:reatc~ a !)t'cuharly disgusting cxlor 1. t·nccrta1n111 g the ho~· 1or girl 1 fr1rnd ove r n i ght <.it the 1n1·onvrnil'nLr an d e 1nb:1rras~n1Pnt of t h l' 1 r rf,..unni;tll'S 1ndulgu1g 111 loud dnnktng p.1rtu·<. 11 1lh thP ;.:1 I"• II ;,:.)!Jlt: :ul\ !Jl.1,t, :111(\I g•1J11,.: +1.it ;111d li•C1\ltlj.! 1"''1~, Ill :1 f'i»lli\ 1 ' h 11 \\ ) d1 --• or1~ol.1\1·I\ r .. r hn11~~ I Libra: Prof it Accented THURSDAY AUGUST 22 II ~ :-.' l >'\L\ 1)\1.\llH ,\HIES 1'.'ll~1rch 21 .,\1'111 l~l J-:n1phas1s 1s nn 1n1l'sl1)!<.1tion. 1hc oee111!. 11h;1l -1pp;>:1r~ to h1· surrOl!ndrd by rnysll'nu11s t11!1'il f\py IS 1\l tl1..;Ll'lll, \0 ga:n add(·d 1nf1inn:ilicn. T\l 'Hl S 11\pnl !'\-~1.1~ :!H 'Oil ]~'t'Oll1l' f'O!l\'l'l'!lt•(I 11II11 'l'nt·rgy fi~·td '\ · \1 ~·;1n.' you dt•h·c·t t!li· \1IJl1I\ of ~p..:·cial Jlt'TSflllS. l'l';il11at1• 1udgn1c11t lov1. time rush '" t 0 r.f':\11\'I 1.\lay 21 -June 2(1 1· Finish 11h;1t you start. You discovt"r truth about a relallon~hiµ. Accept f<tcls as they exist Stick 10 practical (.'Qtlrsc . A1oid cxtrernes. CANCf;ll (JUTI<' 2l ·Julv 20 1: Good lunar aspect coili1.:1d11s 11ow \vith rom;int1e in!l'rrsts. abilities. cha ngf's. dealings l\'i th nff.~pnng and othc'r yoting persons. Trust hunch. I.El) 2:)-\11,.!. ('o n srr ve Build l'lil'l'h l"'ll:tltlll pl;i 11 i, prot-'6'>1 ·rl lit•n<'flt!>. lliL: !or lo..1pholes. \ IHt ;(1 I 1H1g. 2J·St·µt fuc o;hi'I' dt>t·p :\t•cent on sl1ort trips, dealin.i.ts 1111h el1,sr lli'ighhors and rt·l.!l11l'.~ ,\1 01rl n1;1k1ng t•M"I 111;111.1 pr111111s''" Hl' :1!.!rt·• nl 1l1 II 1Jh11UI "h1•1u!111g " !I I\' f.i t·t:-. J l1;.:hl1fi:t '1·r~.11il11~ LIBH \ I ~'pl. 2.1·tk t Ernpl1:1s i. 1~ nn 111 on f' y. pc rsonHI poss cs.~ ion". p;1~ 1nl'nt:-. :1n<t collrclions . Be sfl('{'lfl(' :1hout d i' t a i I s 1·11orough ;1ppro.1(·h eould l(';1d !u pl'olil. y, ~1 i1·.irn .111d 1·ou r('<i<.:h n111r(' pi·rson'; ·11or,.' 11! tll•' 111111· \'u11 1·an s1 r1kl' 1· ll or d 111 1111111·r.~.11 ;q>1)!·;1I t\1~1111 ti .ind ht' r·nnl11trr\l ,l1•1l'll'1'll 1 n111 111in;il :-.1).!n:ll~ 11 111 lu rl•·.ir"d [I' 'l'()I) \ \' IS Y 0 L I! Blll111\JA\" ~!ltl 1nnov:11nr : ~·011 hrokr !r11111 f<-rn1il ,1· 1r~clit1011 f'<l!'I~· Ill hfP . Yo11 111,11 1·hon1g•· 1 t'~l\li'll•"' 1111~ \\'<JI" \<•l<'ltlh,•1· ~·1111ld \,~' .\ f•lll" !t1P.· 1 •if Hl71 \fill ;ll't' 1111\l_,u ;d, 1 tc;ot1\~· ;uvt ~('11!'iti\c. l'l'rhap:' ynu lo~t one of your p;1rL·11ts 11 hill' a rPlntive young~\f'r . S-:-orpio. 1..(-o an<! Aqu;1riu:-. prr"<ln" nlay .~11::111f1C'nnt role"> 111 )Ollr life. Th•· 11n1 ~t uf 11 1, th.11 tlw ;1dnHn1~tr.1tton n·fu,1·~ ! ,, d1 ( ;1n.vlh1nt: ;:1bout 11 :-.o pli'.1~·· dnn't 1'<1n111<111nd 1h1· 1<'1(1111 11.1 t'ltll11!1~ 0111 Ill f ,I I II I Hf d ~··lf1:'h t;r1111p <1 f ~P'•'l•"I hr;,r, ',I il< > )1,1\ <' h.1r! l illl;h~ 1 l)l•lf' 01111 11.11 11~1 lonr 1'11ll!·g1· h1')il l1S Ill :1 fPll llt•ek ~ l',1· f;iir -BE\'l,:.'Jf;l.\(i \~!rl·.L l)f':Alt A,\(;f':I.: l'an't llelir\'e t he adn1inic;lration \\-oold il(TlOrf' su<'h 1·0111;Jlainls, C:o--en masse-ruise the roo!, <ind you'll J,:et results. S('()Hl'i() t()l'.'L 23·.\o\·. 21-t'\ ~ l\·rsonal n1<.1gnclisn1 soar:,. \ ... ~1-1.,...1 ll\f'nlix'rs of np1Xlsite sc.'i arc \ d ......,., dr;J\\1\ lo ~ou . You can ~ '7·l!t'.1'"\: . pt•rsua<lr, 11111. <'h.'lrn1 your -~~ ~ ~~.Q. -Expo '7 4 11·a~· into inner circle. SAGITTAT!lli'S I :\'01·. 22- l llRALI 11<1\ll ~ \\!llP!\Al t.111 \ "11111 \I{! llllH'! \'\O\H \ S!'\1TL1 r.1n r .. r. Tiil lll'l 111'' I",, I I ti I!,\ I I I\ I" AV ,\11 \1111 IU 1111 l'fl\J,\' 01 lOl!·IY •.-"t;·----' ~ ' l)et•. 211 : \\'hat oce1irs may not IX' hnn1Minlely obvious. ''ou \1'ill have In 1:: !' t i11forn1atio11 fro n1 "outsi<le source." \'our hon1e. don1estic situation. figurt>s prom1n<'n11 y . DELANEY BROS. RECIPE! ALBACORE! • 89~ I 5 l.79.b. WHOLE I FILLETED : ,,_ o-, lroL S1afood • 2800 Lafoy .... • N1•porl Blach, 6 73.34so CAPR ICOH~ 41.)cc. 22-Jan. 191: Accent is on "'i$h fulfillment. You ~rl v.hilt vou :i.o;k for-but choice n1ay le;11'e S(lntrthin~ lo hr dcsi rl'd fl.·leans a1·oid ll•ndrncv lov.•11rd self -dC<.'cplion. · AQUAHIUS Lian. 20.F!·b. 181: 1-~mphasis 1s on crir1·er, achicven1rnt. a m h i t i o n s . slandin,g in com m u n i l \ J\CCf'pt r('sponsi bility: rewa(ds cDn he greate r thrin 1s no11· apparent. PIS('ES I Feb. 19-'.\lnrch 20 1 Nf't'd to lo!~ to 1omeo11e? ~ lo~Jn~. !rMnKI l•V P•r-10n Woll l"t•n •n~ ~tip ConflO•"ll•l. ol C~Ullt. u1nn A I C Hl!l,. LIHI ii M+~l"'Y ot U An<1rorw1 P~1b~ltn1n C~u•c~ 10 1! !Ill fll{~l 1 11!1 l\'lR.A~l\'l\i(HI11111 fll ~H.'111 \\llif!l()l!l1 1 ~1'1 11 ~1l\'lflil,fl1 /IJl•ll lh<l\1 1'. EVENT HIGHLIGHT S l•A ILV r.\Nfl rn<;CtJSSIONS f o l> 10f_A <;tH•R!NG f!Ollf•LV I (Ll lJl>[<;ON tvrRY l'ACTT t•F YOU .. LH"[ O Vl" l~ll l >< HIQI TS WHF r'E: VOU CAN . DllOU'";l. _, f'O!lO[I? ~ ANr> rur1c 1i .. sr O R, f'L AN f!l\'t At. l(fHf.\ I IVCS ror. YOVll IH I / )1II11 · I '1·l .11'._ '1·:1111 ·1'! II i 1l r1 It 'I It/I ; 1'1 1 IH I J '1·\ .r,( ·~ ,\. r '"'", ~·r •t M "' •!.I ~<IA 111/11) _I" loflll IN-/"\ NI • 1 r ' " ,, ' ,,.~. ~ ' -~ . ,. .. .·\l 1 g. 2 :1/2.:::1 ..4'~2G t 10! / .. ~\I II ('111·11 ;0i) :--1 '-I''' 11110 1-0:CH I ............. ····- !"'' •'H•'l1I-" •!~l'l"\~11~"'"' ~\ ~ '"' , .... 1111 ' t- 1i~sa1 with fabulou• fabri<s lot all·lfffr fashion•. and pri<~ tlwit fi1ht tlwit monste<-inH.tion. PINWALE CORDUROY Velvet soft 1n rich colors. excellent we1qh! !or pants for bol(S and girls, back-!o·school 1um· oers and dresses. Machine washablf' cotton easy to sew 45" wide. Compare at ? 50 yd FG s regular low once al$ I 98. Now On!y POLY DOUBLE KNITS Beautiful Fall sohds and 2 and 3 color yarn dyed fancies for your tailored !all wardrobe. 60" w1de, machine washable, easy care 1000;0 Polyester. Compare at SS.00 yd. FG regular low price $2.98-$3.98 yd. N ow Only CARDED BUITONS Fantastic assortment !or all your back-lo- school fashions. Shirt. blouse. suit and dress buttons. Regular FG pnce 39c lo 99c. Now .9 .... c....i E--,_ LAGUNA BEACH 271 "°""' ........ Open Mon -Sat. 9~5 30 Sun. 12-6pm 1• NEWPORT BEACH 20Fa-lolaod Opeo Mon . Fn 10-9 30 p ~ Sat 10-&PM Sun l ?-6 PM Ceremonies Solemnized M•cMILLAN- HUTCHl:.ON I .i•,1 ( •. 11 • I lidi 111 •'I\ 011 1.I .J1ill11 l'1.11tl; \l.11 \!11(,111 11.-1. 111.11111·11 Ill 111. I II I ('111 1 1.:1.i I 111111 11 I . ·I ,l \I, ,, 1 II , t Ii r 1,. lf••1· \\'j111:1111 \\.i'~; r ul11• 1 '111• It 1•••1111,..., .in· JU 11111• tJ11ti·!11"111 \!1 • l!ul\o.·r't S111d1•1 .11ul \1 1 .111 I \]1·~ .Julitl \1.11 \l1ll ;111 II! .di 111 \t·'.1por1 I lt':li I 1 A!h •1d,1111, 11 .·1\· \!1· ;11111 \])'~ t )a I 1J .),ll'ljlll'~. ,J11Jl l ;111d t :uy J/11t1·h r .... 011 l);il\;1 !Ju11 i.:1·1·tn1ol , '-11" l.1 1111 .l1•;1 n I '!011u. (',Jr! .111d 'I' o !tl \lt·l 1'11.,,.ll :u1rl lr u·k Jl t";1dlr1 Tiu· 11• II h .1~·1 1.; 11)10 II rll lr••1d1• ill (',,,j r .\Jt·~:1 ,II !' .r.id,1;1!• tot \1·\•.1u1•'[ 11:1J'hl'lr fl11.!l1 ~·ti ,,,1 ~!11• :111··111!.; 111 .111 1• ' 11.1. r f "'" _ .. DEUTSCH-J ASPER :0.1.1rJnr1J• ~tu· ,J;1~p1·r :11111 li il'l1unl !J1·ut.•rh 11vrl' 11 1•d du11ni.: C{'rrrnrnl1l''i lk.'rfor1ncd 11\ ll d Jhl l::fl\11! ll••rJlll\11 Ill lli.· g.irdi:n ul 1hc 'l\~11·porlt·r 11111 Tlk· hridid c·ou pl1 • :1r1· th, d.iu~:ti11 ·1' :ind ..,011 O! !Jr . ;111d .\lrs ll.1r1Jld S ,J;i ~pi ·r, Curi>lla d1 I \l.1r. :+11d ~1r :111d \lrs. .l11S,·p/l l)l·U1Sl')I, ;.; t' \\' /) •J I' t Ht· u·h l\.ul'n J:1 ~pcr ;ind 1.c!hi11 I )Vrn .~f\'C'd as h o 11 11 r ;11l•·nd:i nt s Others in tt11· 111·cld11i;: p;irr.v l'>'•'l"(' Lois IJ.1 1n \lrs Ct'r;1ld B1 ·rns11·in, r-.Jr. :1111! :\!rs. [);11 id Df'u1s.i !1, ,\Ir :u1d i\lrs, 11;11 id Baill'y and :\l1t·ha1·I :111d L :1 1v r c n t c f)('11l:;l·l1. ·111r hndr is a t.:r<1£lt::ilL' of ('o ro11:1 i!l'I ,\l:ir !ligl1 Sc ·hool :111d :i!lruds lht• L'nir1·rsi1v of >.:1H1lil<'l'll C'.d1forn1a . Ii i' r hu,h:1111 l ;?l':1du.11'·d f ro rn J\C'1111or1 l1;1 rhor lli !!~l Si•houl :11•d \'(' Ir' int'. . '! l1v C(Hlple \\ill )j\ 1· Ill 11'\'JIH.' RICHAR DSON-DALEY Weddings ~~ and Engagements 'l'o .1\·r11d d1,appu1n!tnt·n1. pro.~pec·1tvc hrtde .... ;1 r1· 1t·rri1111 ll•d In lLt\f' lil1·1r V.'t'dr/111 11 ~tnrtL'" \Y1tlt bl;11 ·k a11d 1~·11111· gl(J .~:-y pllo10~ ~r;iphs !<• !he 11.-\/J.\. 1'11.()·r \\'0111en 's lie. partn1ent u1H: 1~·el'k IJl•f(1re lhe 11·cdU1n g. P1<.:T U1'l~s rccc1 1ed Jftcr th .'.1 1 tilnc will not be u:-.cd ~·or enc::i ge1nent :1nn o1n1te111cnt..; it 1~ 1n1pl'r.1111e !h:i1 rile :-!nr.\. :il •n acr0111p::inied h.v a bl.11 ·).; :111d \\'hlte !.!!<1,...,\' p1clt1r('. be ."li b· n11tterl ''\ \1erJ.; .... tir ntrirt· li:'fr1rc thl' v.·eddrni.; date, ri!hl'f\\l ~L' II \\'!II fl(I! lit· pt1hl1 ...,!Jcd. ·rn lti.:l)' fill 1·r11u1rf'1nen1, 11n .h11t!J \\'f'd· <1 111c and en!.!.J,!.!<'n1e nt .~l!lf'li''· fnr111. :trc :il'ailahle in ;tll rhc IJ.\11.\' J1JJ.<rr lll f1ces. Fur!her 1pu2~nnn , 1vdl hC' ::in..;v,1c rcd by l'enplC' .Sl1<·11ri11 ~l;ll! 11 1c111bt"r" at h4:!:--l:J21 , .\lark lAJ 11·1s Bithardson 11•crc n1:irne<.1 111 :\otre /J;unc de~ V1 ttu1ri':s (':Hhl'dra!, Sa 11 l·'rarK'JSt:O 11nh the Hcv. ~:nnlc I lt'~·dron otf1ci:1r 111g Cr<Jdu:itrs uf E:o.t:uiei;,i l/Jg t1 &hool. the nt:11Jy11cds ;.ire the 1lilugh1c·r :ind !:>lln of the J:1n1es 1"\. I )alt'~:.; of <.:u:.t:i .\lc:s:i and the II uh t' !' L U1ch11rdSUll ), Fount;11n \';1l!l'.1·. 'l'hc IJl'ldt'i::l'l}Olll 1~ ;1 gr~1clu:1lr 11! Orange Co.a~t Collf•g1· <u1d lhc li'111\1•r:o.1!v Ot Californ ia, Bcrkclc\' 11hcr~' ht• \\ <t~ elected lo '11111 Uc!..i h.appa. Ile re<'Cl\'f'd <J \ationaJ Science foundation resc:1rch fC'IJO\\'ship in ph~SJt'S :tnd 11ill enter l!ar\'ard (i r ad u a t e St:hool in !he fall. !!is wife, "'hn h;is l)(>cn s!udyit\g .it C;il, 11·i!J t'Onti nuc her 1·ducati<111 .-it Brandeis 1·n11·<·r .... l!y Thi'y 11·1!1 ll\'1' in \\"alrhan1. :\!<1.<.s. 1\ll\•11d;;n1~ \\f'l'C' T~osr:1nnc lll',l'llOld'. JJ ';:111111· i!lld 'J't IT.I lticl1 :1rd."1ll1 PRENTICE-PORRAZZO L! IJ g 1 .John ilu<;~t>ll Prenrire. son of the !\1.irlo l'r,·tll1c"s ,,f (.<J"t<l .\f,isa, clai111l·d lrt·nt· ~! .'.l r g ;t r rt l'orr:1110 ;i, lu<; hritlf' during 1·•·~1·n1on1r/. ro11durr rd h.v 1.1 ( 'n,dr .r:1n1t'' :\at ions 111 th<' \1.u n c h;:ip1•I. "\orch t.,l;1nd \;11 ;ii .·\1r S1a1in11. f'l)rf)'l'l'ir• Thi• !.r,r11'. d;1u:;nlt•r o! !/11· I l.1n.!r! .\11thn11_1 Porr:'7111~ 11f ,·,r]o;h;ul . "ili atr1·11<IC'd h\ l'>i•lx.r:ih Jo J)i;nttldron. \lr..;. (;,•nc• A l~o1r1n. \lrs. !\lirh:1f'l Porr:t1zo and [)onna Oli\'rr. Sl.·n 111~ 1 h ,, b r1d1'~rnon1 11 1•r1· KC"n \"o!"K:l. N 0 r n1 ,.___I ~~ ;C .b I d "'~ ·-._/ : om e y an or ~I ,•___.--~ . - ~\\d2)> com e by sea, -~/you'll find exqui~ site shops and elegant · dinin g at Lido Village. We're dockside in Newport Beach, comer of Newport Boulevard and Via Lido and Xt•!:.un, 1\larh Ul ~cn ;111d !Jr [XJ11 \leCa1111. The bride is ;i grad11111e ot \\,·reed l/1gh S.::houl :utd :1U<·11ded fn1per1:d \!a I It' 1 l 'ollcgc. lier hu.~band 1.; ~' graduate of l':.~1:1ncia 111!.!h Sc/1001 ;111d aLH•ndcd L.('L,\ \\'ht·rc hf· :1ffi/1:11(•d 11 1 r h L;11nlkl;1 Cl11 1\lph:1 They 11 ill n1a ki.: 1 h1·1r h<1n1f· TJERN AGEL - PROCHASKA \la1Til'd in a duubl(' ri11 g et·rcmon~' y,·crc De b o r :i h JJro('haska <1~ Dav~ Tjrrnagl'l. daughter and son of the Burdell Proch."t skas aod th1· Olh·rr Tjcrnagl'ls. :tll of Cr•!lt.1 i\lcsa. The Hr\'. Lothar Tornow pcrtonn<'<I the rih:s in Christ Luthf'ran Church. Cos!.i :\lc~a. AUt'nd.111\s 11!'.'rf' :\\ :.i r \' Pmehilsk;t. Orht-uc ,\lht·r!~fl!;. [J, ht11 1• Bu111 •r\1itk. S!rph<in T 1~·n1~1~('I. '.\I :i rk !'i•·ki•rf'!. \ 111ct· l.1·111on:,.:t"!h ;ind '.\hch;u•l a11d C:hrlstophrr Ostrrn1:1n11 . Joining f he brid11 I ranks during weekend 11 upt1als are Oe ff to right) Mrs, Mac:Millan, Mrs. Deut sch and Mrs. Nic:ol. i I", ,, I ' I/ ' '• !'', 1 " ,1 ·I '' 1: ..... I ! . i ! nA11 v r1tv · (' :r Now at." "' ' l ' !CHEESE OF THE WEEKI .. : ';' OLD FASHIONED BUTTERNIP ~- SEMI-SOFT MILD TASTY • ~ J ,/' ' ' I I ,, ~ i\1 11·11d1nj.! th1 · ('(1t1ph.· 11·crl' ( .1nt h1a 1\1111 !'!11111h. l\1'H111·ll1 >, t -' 1 I~· H::ios, [)t·nnis 1'<1:-t:llanil·(' ;111d Hnbrrt \'1t·1ra. 'fht• brJ<!l' ;J l,o 1-' .i J:t':Hill:tl(' ") \ .. of I .agu11:1 llt•a(•i1 1 lt;•li ,..,t·hool.1--I llt·r l1u ~l:i;ind t:o. :111 ;d1 11nnu~ ,--I STOP It-I FOR A FREE SAMPLE 111 S1C'rr<l H1!!h '-;(·!•11nl .111d no11 I A I ~. ; 1s do1n;::: gr.1dua!t· 11tirl. :11 S.111 J i <> [Jg I ) li11·gn St<1l1· t·n111 ·r-1t1 , I I /!!J,7(;) ,4.1,~~ ~,4fil~~ r tie,\ 11111 111<1kt· rheir ho1nr l I ~\l\~ ~lffE:J/ ~ i.:.J~W al\l~ 1· .... i·· u1 L:.i .\l<·~ .. 1 I I• .J o ~ OHIO suLuvAN-wEsT 11 _er0mRrs011,n[,,·sR 1, .. -1 WESTCLIFF PLAZA '. ... ,' .. I " I 17th & IRVIHE--NEWPORT IEACH l Fountain \':tll11y 1!1gh Sl'hOOl [j ., ., PH0f'IE:642·0972 ar:idu;l\rs. ,\lal'~ F r ;1 11 el' s I ' Mon.·f ri. 'Til ' !tat. 'Til 6 s-. 'Til 5 \\'(•o;t and Ste1·r·11 ll. Stlllh~n t \'/[~TOrrrP!.A7A . BAlBOA l:tA~.o ,. '~' 111·rc n1<11Tit1d 111 sis. S1r11on 11 N .. ;~.r~:12f'~ 21~~;·;;;:~". . : , ~·~:.:;:r11:~·: ::l:I:·!: Cii I:ZS! ~roru:: r .'.lnd Jude f'athoJie Ch urch. i J 1 lluntington nracli. L-------------1----------------------- 1'hc llC'I'. Thon1as Schnirdcr rrad !he double· ring nuptii11s 1f' ___ ...,...,.,....,..., __ r ... -.,...., .... _____ .,.....,...,.,....._..., ____ _ for the d:1u;:;ht l·r 11[ thc l \\'itl1an1 .L \\'L',ts aPd 1he sn n or tht' lti1 hnrd Suf111,111s. nll 1 ul' ll11111inr;tnn ll1•<1t'h. I ,\f!1·nda111.; 11vn· \I r :-.: \11ch;i{•I 1!;1rl:-t c111 .\! r" I lio!>t'/'t l 'n·lt·~·: n. \lr ;111d : \lrs. J),11id Br<"11t·r, ,\1ich:1elj l\d1·~ and J{ol>C'rl l)J!i Thr nenlv11 c<l'> "111 li\'P in S.1nt<1 :\nn . · !Jt ~ malhej !Jt ~ malhej !Jt ~ malhej /or /or fh e /or HAIRSTYLING MAN RESTYLING Thf' n e 11· Iv v.• f' tJ s :1r(' ~radua!c<> of COsta 1\le.~a I !igll &·l1no1. ·rti{·y 11 11! lire 111 llunlington Beach ,------------1\ "BLOWER CUTS" IN YOUR LIFE! LET ONE OF OUR WIGS & HAIRPIECES NICOL-SM ITH L'nil'rrs111-or r a11tornia . Ir\ I ll(' gr;idtlillf'S D t' ho rah l,1 nn S:i;11h ;:111<1 t;r;,1111 l)o11;1lcl t \'i•'OI t'Xl'h;ingcd n1arri:1.c:1 J \·!11:• 111 St. :\ndrPI\ ·~ 1 'ri•sh~ ll'r1:1n Churl'h .. \'1•11 port n~·:11 ·11 I J)u·l't'tln ~ 1hr cc1·t·1 no11\ for 1h1· t!augtill·r i•I tht" .ra111t'S H:ilslon S111it h~. I. J g u n n B<'ach. ;,ind the ~011 of thr JOE CARLOS PLUMBING co_ ! " ··~ /' " Phone 548-5558 1G/5 S11 pf·q(',1 Cost.J r..1e:.il Replac.-~ Part\ 0 11r Sp.-ciolty "for A Waler Heolf'f' ·A Kit· chen or A lolh in Style - ond For Real Qwiclt Ser .. ice Gi .. e "Joe .. A Oiol" . ' . ' . I ' _, ~ '\(\,1:i;/ .n;~~.f -' . . '' : .. r :_ ~ ':.·.~·: ;_:. ,--- • ..i: ~ • : -• - ~~ ~;::..·~ the LADY STYLISTS FREE Only Way to GO Shape & Style That Man TODAY! CONDITIONER WITH ANY CLEAN & RESTYLE $750 By Appointment Onl y "PERM" LASHES -· 'I 0 548-3446 " ',. -''-'-, (' / v romantic bo ard -"''" walks to wander27J';;~1~1 alon g, land scaped ' patios to linger over, and fan- tastic fare on which to feast. Stroll down, sail down, pedal yo ur bike or dri ve -shopping hasn't been like this since the reign of the square-riggers. . . ~the sea, with plenty of room to anchor your ~. schooner or your ! ~ station wagon. Most Stores Open Six Days 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Lido Village is a wonderful place to spend time discover- ing the rare, the . " unusual, thel"-'1 • 'i~~ ;, / beautiful, and . , ~~~ the new. · ~- I ·L ido Village prom- ises seventy shops to browse through, . Ample Validated Parking. We are already here (or watch for our opening soon): ~ -- ----. -·-------· -. ·. • • .t_ I Dt.IL 'f PILOl Few Things L os t in Tran sit i o n Spiced ., Meats Survive Moving Single Servings Herc• I ~u11 11ri i u1~ a <'Oh11nn on s1ng1c ~1 ·r1 1 ng~ 1 t.'t'l !Jt'~ auJ all rn~ g!OCl"r!I".~ -ul' ,1hnv't all. iin~ 11 .:iy -:ire bur11·d so1n(•plnf:e out in the gal'U).!l' c·o1r1•fu)il 1nl11 !lw hod 1•11 •~t' !-111 1· 1 /11..· Pl• , , .11 •, 11 ,i tvu1·ti1ri~: 1·1.1 11n11l •t1iok~··1 1-., 1·1..M)~•·t.J ~111d i:oJd,.I\ b1io\1t1 IJrain on ~q)('r tow1·I..; Spr1nkl1• 1·/111 l.1•11 p11·~···~ 111tl\ ~(·;1-.,oll<"d ,;111 /I• ,r,,111 ,1\ \•i•I Jl'Jl\t}\,• 1h1·111 trr1111 rl1••Hil :"\OT-S0-1'1. \I\ IJ\)IBtH1;1•.H f l;I !'\I) 111\l•/ll 1 illl'lildillj: I •I I ,..111 ··d 111 11 I lr•·'-h 111u,:11uu11l 1 11 JliH'd l.l''tll·ll·111·11111·1· S/1.•p•· 111•' i 1111111.I 1111'_11 1111<1 ;1 p;1\t\" ;1hu111 31"1la1 k f'rt• .. , !1.111 rli" ,111, 11 "11111n .1111! I li1 •jll11 (j 11111•111'1011'' itJl•I !ht• r1·1·.11 ,..1111111-.11· 111111 h 111•1a- 1"urn 1hr rnrnt 111 1·r and ' p1 ,,,..~ Jlh· 1 l'.'ni.i1nl11~ 11111011 ;-.nd 11111:.hrooms 1n111 !h\' 1•th1·r ~llJ1·, ~pr1.nkl1• II Ith !t:'1l10il- J.>t'ppcr. l!t·.11 :i fr.\1ng pan , or If _\OU used a. frying p.1n, INlll' ~dl) rcn1.:1lnu1g jui1.:t.' <11 1d IJll.'t.'('s uf nn1shroon1 and 0111011 Ol'Cr 1hc rncaL Anotht:'r lnt~reh!ing 1ray to 1·:1ry J{round nleat is the lollu\1 ing: l'arslt'Y· chopped :-.hapc thf' ground n1cat into :l pa~ty about :14·1nclL thick. Sprinkle on :ill sides 11·ith the Italian llerbs, lcnwn-pcpper ;ind press ihe chopped P'1 rs !ey Jnto 1hc meat on both sides. I rucvnt ly 1Jl(111•{t and tu!d the n1u1 t'r~ 10 Pl!! ;ill ti~· ··non-urge11!" llo.l \l'' Ill !he g.1rag('. 11h1f'h 1h1 1 i!1d I guess grOCl'l'lt'' .irt•il I 11!',l!f'rlt __ '._:pound J?ruund lc;1n rne.1! !>1 j1p1:I b1 11ilt'r. and 1\ht•n hvt, fr1· or broil lh(· pallv O\t·r rn1·ll1111n /11-.Jt Cwk 1111111 0111· ~1t.!l· 1~ 1,1u11nf'd 1hen turn and r ou k !hr oth1T hide unt il bro\\·ned. ~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~- JIERBED BEEF 11J pound ground n1eat llahan lferbs L<'rnon-peppcr Fry in a l ightly greased skillet, or hroil, as dcsirc<l . llnlil rne<tl 1s 1nediu1n-well cooked. to tht'lll. Tht·n 111•·\· "f;t1·k1·1!J more bo.xes In fro•1t 11f thl'1 freezer. so no1\' I 1·.1:1 t 1:1cn get to !hat t'oriun;llt•h lh·· lu~ ho\ of pantr:-l11·1n-. 1!1J not hold e1·{'r~·111ing .111.l .1 ft•11 ot !Ii" kilrhrn bo:..t•s d11J get into tho• hou se I A .~1n:ill ""!1opp111µ l'\J}(•d1\111n 10 lid•· n11· f1\('r, !~·:J\"1·s n11·1 1t·1tll :II) Ill\ ~p il"•·~ ;111;J l\('rh~. :i .~111.111 t··•!lit· •JI \l'l-'.Vl <lhl1• u11. Ollt' II~ olil(' (1il , S(Jll11• n1ilk. 1nC'al, flour , ~ugur ;uvl eggs and the c•;cr-kl\ 1u' c:off1·r. u11 hand. Although I had Jalx>lrd rarh box not onh• on the lop but on one ~1d1·. 11011ldn't you ~:nov.·. the l;il>t>lt"d :;ide 1s app.'.lrenrlv turntd 10 lhr back'. So. lei that be a v•an1ing to you if you are planning a mo\'e ~1 But eat. T niust And rrit. I clo. ~o lhC' re<'iP"" fnr totl:i\· 1\'iH rca1urc si Tnp!t"' \1 ~1~<; 11) cha n ge chickr>n an<l h a n1 h 11 r (.'! E' r 1n!o niorf' 1n1~-rC'<;\1ng f;ir('. or Er -.. ~ n 1 EI) s PrlI:\G I ('lllCKEN J piccs of chicken (!high. 1rinp; <1nd dr11n1stick, fir <11! the sa n1c picces1 Oil for cooking Seasoned salt Batter : 4 tablespoons flour ~ tabll"spoons "·arm ll"atr>r 2 teaspoons 1·egetable oil 2 f',!:g v:hitcs i Xotc· ff ~·ou 11 ish to fr~· half a chickl'n, doublt' 1hr batter rreil)..'. l ~fix flour. 11-atcr :ind 011 to a smooth p:istc. Beat the cgp; "·hites until stiff. tht'n fold them into the b:lttcr 1"hr batter should bl' thick. If \t appears too thick, add a bl\ 1nore 11·atcr. '''ash :in<I dry the chicken. Pour Pnough oil into a fr.,·ing pan. ll"Oli or str;iigl11-.sided deep pan 10 coi·cr th(' chicken pi£>cc$. I/ca t until the oil h:izt·~ O\"('f. Dip !hr chick('n p1(·ce.<; into Ilic baurr. ('OtH1ng thern hcarily, then sli p caeh piece Big Sippers Juices Star Cool('r!' ;arc cooler than 1110~1 su1nn1 e:-drinks ... ;,i11ll \1 1rli the di1ir\• an<I fruit bases a1\' n1uch rl10rc nutritious than anything v:hich COJTICS ill <.I can. Thcs<' Sun1n1cr S1prcr" arf' mar\·f'lous for cn1crta1nln~ or fa mily trc:its. GOLDE~ l'ltEADO\V COCKTAIL l \~ cups (1 2 ounc..-:s) apriro\ nectar Jl4 Clips pineapple juice I can 16 ounCPs' fro zen oran!l<' juice conccntrJte. tha~'ed. I can ! 6 ounres l frozrn lemonade concentrate, thawed 1'1 cup sugar 2 cups milk I quart ctlillcd ginger ale Orange slices l\faraschino che1Tics Mix logethrr apri1'ot ncct.cir. pineapple juice. orange :ind lemon concentrates and sugar. stir in milk. Pour into refrigcra1or trays and freeze to a 1nush. Spoon inlo 4 chilled tall glasses: fill "'ith ginger ale. Stir "'ell . Garnish "·it11 or:u1gc slices and maraschino cherries. 6TRA\\1JERRl' SIPPER J pint ft:~~"-fX?rrics. cleaned and sliced 1~ to \~ cup sugar 1, cup orange juice '1 C'Up pineapple juice I quart mJlk 1 pint pifK'.1no!f' ~hcrbet l\fns!1 strn11 r .-"TiMl; stir in ,ug9r. Ad<I ri~anar a n d plnt:11 pplc ju ir"~. Dlenf! i11 milk. J"our into 4 c:hllltd l.u!J 1Jas..~. Top v.•l!h 8 scoop of sh<•rlx'I NCI<' In plRCC ol fr~h 11.mu·bPrTit'~ u·• I imck:ige ( 10 ounces ) fro ze n .str11'11"bemes and omJt suga r. co~v•1~11•1 ,.,. • ., lllC•• l•o •t1 uoc . ~ll 1 •01'11 •tlllltl & The ·True Meanin Can Be Found Only At lucky! A~ rh e or1gino1or ol supermorke! d iscounl pricing, l ucky hos so1r•d more pCKJpl e more TRUE DISCOUNT PRI CING. Ooy-olt•r4oy low prices on !he thousonds of ile mi. PllCI 1.r,111 CUl(OUNTIO I llCI •T 0 " •.r,11 .f lAOIO •MOOOVllNMINT CONTIOlllb "IMI money thon ony other food clioin, bor norie ! lris!eod of using o few misleading lliroughoul !lie store . ond this is The ditference. A 81G dollerence thot con put more "specio\s' to lure you inro paying higher prices for mony other items, lucky offers you food on your !obte ond give you preoter 01rer-oll 1o"in91. We g i"e you the l ruth obou1 ,.Ol.lt N ICI P'IOrlCllOll l'OllCI GllUAllOIS 11161 'llCU TO II 11rKTIYf fl Ofll WIONISO.ll IUGUSI 1lSI THI U TUISDlV .IUCiLnT lnM, 1•14". d11coun1 •.. ANQ tlie 10"1n91, ·•. ~'"""'!! Sug9e•'•O" Rib Roast Ground Beef Chuck Roast Round Steak Top Sirloin lorge End B•el RIB ROAST SMALL ENO BEEf •• 1.,1 Ltl Any S11e Pockoge UncondottonoHy Bon ded 81111111 £1!.TllA lEAN GROU NO BEEF 88~ 1.J8 LI Blod e Cu • Bee! 1 BONE llOASI B!Ef CHUCK 83~ 8on•1•$t Uncond•t.onolly Bonded Bee! lOP ROUNO STEAK BONE lES~ BEEf •• 1.•I LI 2~9 BOTTOM ROUND SlfAI( SONllE~S BE!f , . l .)I LI w hole BQd1 USOA G<od111 A fllYING CH ICKEN cur UP .... ,, LI Rib Steak £~~~~ c~!b Roast l B 138 ~n~~~ing B~_ef 159 " Unconditionally Bonded Beef 138 l8 Chuck Steak f7-Bo11e ~l eolo. Beel Chuck 98; lb) Beef Liver Turkey Pan Roast21s Blod1 Cu1 B•el Sl"•d. Slo.1nl"~' & Oeve•ned ta88¢ \'i'ho1e & Dork. Sw oh Pr•miu m 2-LB (Wh11e Meo! Only . 2·l B J.39\ Rump Roast Bonele1J Beef . TREESWEET .,.+JUICE ""' c::6V~~~ 39 ¢ Canned Foods HUNTS CLING PEACHES H.-ltLVES OR SLICES DEL MONTE ORANGES MANDARIN ...•.. 11 OZC.-ltN 38~ NIBLETS C.ORN ,,0,0._25¢ ,;_.DEL MONTE GREEN BEANS 27¢ CUTOFt SLICED !6 OZ C.-itN o"'~~.~!,~~NE PICKLES .,0,,.,79¢ o"'ROSARITA REFRl.ED BEANS30 ozc•N 63¢ .,.+NESTEA ICE TEA MIX the finest quality produce available .. U.S. No. I l!u~u11~ 'l,9.:: 75¢ ~.~~r,T,elon "8 ¢ !?.~~~~~., " 12 ~ 2!~~~ge . " 10 ¢ "2s~ Broccoli Fresh ond Tender . Thus itsms svsi/BJJ/s in all stor1s I •. I LB 58¢ ~~~~ G'::'d~~~OI ,,..cHUNK TUNA lAOH" 45¢ b·l l •OZCAN Canned Foods ... o"'SWIFT PREM LUNCHEON ~9~,~ .. 79¢ o"'CHEF BOY AR DEE BEEFARONI 43¢ 1~ OZ C>.N .,-.DEL MONTE SPINACH "0ZCAN25¢ <('MOTIS BEE FAMATO ORINK 39¢ 32 OZ BTL Packaged Goods ... .,,.~!,~,~rr1 SAUCE MIX '·'"""'c21 ¢ <;f'4~~~~E~G~Pi~.'VAFllETIES 6-1 l?OZ BOX 33~ .,...FIRESIDE VANILLA WAFER,~0180,37 ¢ .,-.LANGENDORF COOKIES CHOCOLATE CHIP 11 OZ BAG69¢ o"' FIRESIDE OATMEAL COOKIES 35¢ 9 OZ PIC.G HARVEST DAY PINTO BEANS 58¢ 16 Ol BAG HARVEST DAY BREAD lti OZ LO.lof 31 C Beverages -Spirits ... COORS BEER '" 145 1~ OZ C"NS GALLO SPANAOA WINE 111 ., 64 0ZBTL GOLD SEAL VODKA . tlO PROOF 371 J20Z8TL Pet Foods. ,,..AJAX 79¢ ,,..PILLSBURY IWHIM'"13¢ DETERGENT,,~~~\~ BISCUITS 0"ui~;~~ Household Items .... o"LYSOL DEODORIZER SPRAY • 181 ?1 Ol CAN .,-.TIDE DETERGENT 6~ OZ BTL 141 .-4~~,~~~~"' BOWL CLEANER ""'"• 79¢ o"'~~~s~H~~0L Y CLEANER Z<DZCAN 127 .,.+MOP & GLD FLOOR CLEANE!0,,,, 1•1 <f"FUTURE FLOOR CARE JOHNSON 1., '6 OZ BTL Frozen Foods Dairy Products .... LADY. ~EE ICE MILK ...... HALF CAlCTN 79¢ LA~Y LEE SOUR CREAM .. •ozcrn 29c LADY ·L·E·E COTTAGE CH~ESE 160ZCTN59¢ LADY LEE YOGURT ....... 80ZCTN25c Deli Items ... ~!t~~~,~.~~~.~NTO LOAF '"'"o78¢ ~~~~R MAYER LUNCH EQN, MJ~~,.81 ¢ SLICED LUllCHEON MEAT 134 OSC).Fl MAYEJ:l VARIETY PACK, l VAR 11 Ol ~ k~J~~~~~p"~~~~~" '"'"" 2¢ .,.+igA~~i~~f,~~~~!!'.~~0,10ZP<G ¢ o"EXTRA LIGHT BISCUITS PIL LSBURY . . .. . . . . . . . ~'~~.0.!~~~0KE0 MEATS 30,.,0 49 ~~~!!!~~~y~~c~~FlHM~~~~ELLA eOZPKQ 67C o"'~f,~!~~ERS B~AUNSCHWl0E0~~~. 79¢ Health and Beauty Aids ••• STYLE HAIR SPRAY REG . HTH. UL t. 1-tOLO. COLOR I OR'!', UNSC FLICKER LADY SHAVER DISPOSABLE , o"' ~~.~.~~J;i;,O N SWABS .,-.WHITE RAIN SHAMPOO .,--. DIAL ANTl·PERSPIRANT SCENTEO &UNSCENTEO . , .,. .,.+COMMAND HAIR SPRAY REGULAR OR HAROTOHOLO .• ''"' 77¢ .. 117 ..,.,79¢ ""'73c 14 oz 127 .IJOZ 1,. EHect ive now. when a grocery dapartment price increase becomes necessary due tll higher costs, the shelf inventory ol lhat item will be sold at its I CJVot~r original price .• However, should a cost decrease permit us to reduce a price. we will continue to Im- mediately re-mark atl merchandise to reflect that new lower price . The lowe st price marked on any individual item is always the price you pay. These items available in discount centers only / I I ;· BIKE ACCESSORIES VALUES! ENJOY ONE-STOP SHOPPING CONVENIENCE ....... .._ .. • ........ LJoworio eN .... •••• • ....... & U..1 1" Canva1 tinder Ovroble binder 300-Ct. Fiiier Paper 11"" 11 8·112 college Thermlc Water lottfe l(e1p1 liquid1 hot o, cold. 15" Chrome Frame Pump With Schroeder vOt,,..-ho1• ol'!d pump cllp1. f1403-J 27'" x 1·1/4'" Michigan Gumwoll Tires Mode al noturol ·"-''' .. • ..... llK!rkol for oil yo1.1r need•, 7 7 ¢ Ke•ps poper1 neot ruled 3-hole rh•me 86 ¢ poper All·ln.Ono 166 Carter"• llnd9f' 1-112·· Size. Markt-A-Lot Tlftfe '• A ..... , ••.... , •• 111 Or'"f• Covnty Are• .... ,,. /'111 •• Ll 1HMA I YQIUI llt 10 !Un (OUJOI MYO. ..... , .... 1411 IA Pllill IYllM 43 ¢ Sllckor llnder (Oft& MU.I tlM UllOI Mn. IAIDll GtOYI ,,.,, tvcuo n11n !1 flJ ••••IOUA n11n llVlfTI Ill ttl 11 .UC 11 ••1 1n.uru ''NIUI 1 ... ll(llJA OllU I YllKll 1n1uto11<1 •o 4s7 moinloin temp· eroh.1re1, 114.0-7 2ss rubb1r for gr8Qter 297 11rength ond dur- obil1ry. #l1Jl-J Alloy Safety Levers Comp!ele wllh fllllng boh1 to 297 ouo,h to brok• l\ondle, 120174 LKllUI llllJ 111212 C.11111 •OQ Al Lt •&I I.A ...... Lt MiljlA _.,.. CM'9 .... ~ aM I. CllUfll"I j fll\ll wrra •11& UM ••· •ma 1mn "'"" 1111'1 ISWl'DIT AVlllUl ........ "" wm•1•Ull avaut !Mii llllllCOW lllfft ..... IMU Ml"T.t II .lfUM 27'" x 1·1 /4" Michigan Inner-Tube Sup1r moulded 139 bu!yl rubbe1 #1617-1 .fui:.lut DISCDUNl SU~IRMAlllm IN OUNGI COUNlT ARIA TO SllVITOU ... & Plu'""'9 Acc11111le1 __ , htlo -· . ,,,.' '-" ·-·,,.....· NUJITOll JIJ llO. llKlll 111111 llUllTlllOTOll Woe• ""' 111001-.1 fTt'" Lt I.IN.I l'M tltO. M.lllOI llfe.. SMl.I .lllLI tJI stufl ll.I• l'lllQ 5'JOIB OMM A'J ,,00 A.M. Try Hike r's Toast whil e camping this summ er and remember the tasty results and quick p re paration when schedules grow busier in the fall. Introduce your taste buds to Schirmer's 8JvJrian Braunschweigcr, but be generous. This brawny Braunschvvciger '" crea1cd the slow, old-lime \Vay lrom delicately smoked liver con1b1ned with the lush goodness of Pistachio nuis, then stuffed in a natural casing to preserve all !hat goodness. Serve it today! You'll be glad you did. 5rhirmrrs the Sociable Sausage ft1lut'd in !ht Otllc.1tt,1tn 1tction ol .111 STATER BROS . MARKETS Tute the flavor of times lo~ gone. In Heartland Natural Cereal. You r first 1asto of Heartland Natural Cereal will seem strange Jy familiar. A s If ydu've tasled 11 somelin1e, son1eploce, long ogo. As if, some/1ow. ifs part of your post. Because it is. Pef lncorpor ·oted hos r eached bock. beyond today 's complicol ed, ortiliciol times, to pring bock a_ t_oste .-i c h In 1he natural goodness Americans enjoyed l ong ogo. Heartland has no artificial pre· ser11alives. A nd three delicious· ly loaslad nolural flavors. Pl ain. Raisin.A nd Coconut. N o cooking . None a t oil. You 1us t odd milk. And you can't help l1k1ng 11. Be~ cause you hove o no1 uro! taste tor Heartland. -- r------15q:-OFF--------r,H~D \~1 on o ne box of ,. J : Heartland Natural Cereal '1 t:l (Pla in , Raisin , Coconut o r Co 1) Ioli D1llet lo rt~t"f!I :~,~ •ntJpon md</ •I lo rt1 '"'"'N'"'"d. •·-1'0 B('' I 'I ~. r1'"'''" I r,,.,~!/ 1' ,,.,, "" hr• p.•·M !P•· t.1· • ><111• nl !h1·, 'fllfV'" plu• <I ~~Mt1 .. ,,. ''""'' P', !""'""' l HI 11;'.P\ of "'' "'"f ;Jto. • "' ""' • '" ''''"' 0'•' ., rl•·.J ''' •r•1r.,1-i"'" r•o\~I•• "''!·~~ •·I '" ,, l"''',t•I'' •1•J•oa111,1nv,,1,,r I'll ", ~"\ Oil'! "''"1 "hpi. l ·'"''Jl~Pll ••••• ~ '"'•!" IP<lnv>.< ... 1 .. '''·l-"'1'""11 1·''''"'"•1 ''''"''' 1 1 1+~.1 ·11,~~NJl1u1ltr.r;I An, r'11•r• » 1 '"'·.>il"I''' fr "'U Oltri OP•lf\ Jwnc 1.191!1., PIT • r·o1J .... ~........ "'"tr< •11r•"1 l----------------------_____ J Croutons w,dril'~da~ Augu~t 21 l •14 DAILY PlLOf (.' ."i ----- Sandwich Pa cked Wifh Basics Hikers' Energy Boosted \\'hat l'\t•ry e:11npu1~ f,1n11h 11l'l-<:t-; is a no u r 1 s h 1 n i! brl'akfa"t tn g1·1 c'1t•rr11ne going ;1·1thou1 a lo! of ~ork for tht' (·ook . Or t l 1 e di shwasher' llnn1 'N Chcc~r Frf•r1rl1 '1'0;1 ~l 111<1d« 111t11i' dehc:1ous ra1~1n brt'ad is he<lrl y, t-a~~· 10 1n:1kt· and 1her1' art• no knil'i'S or f(lrks lo ll";i.-.h . ll11l.1 one· 110111. one ~killl't ~·1n~erl\ do lor 1·.11111g th1:. Ur1"<1l·.fa..,t·u)-il·'>:1!1d1111·h , ... 1, good ii Ot11'!1t tu Ix· n10 1<li· :11 l111111t• 111<1 f !1krr-; 111 :i hurr.1· tu J.!1•t "r.1r11•tl up th•· tr;id p;in 1al-l• thv1r s;11Hl>l"1<'ht•:> !u11d1p['ll•(ll ;d1111g u1 the ir pa<·ks to e.:11 l.1!1·1'. '!'ht· plun1p, Jllll',I' raisins 1-.t•('p hll'IHI 11101~1 :11al frl.'"h an1t g11 t' !Ill' t•\lra l'l11'rgy lltl't.ll't.l t.,, .. ti 111 n 1 1· r !> llA\I ''J CllEt:~E Flll'.\l'll 'l'(I,\ l.;'f' ·1 .. 1 11···~ h:1!ll n -.;lh't'S cl:t.\'-O!d r:1i..1n !Jrt·ad I sl1t•1·'> t'ht'l"~\' !. 1·ggs, bt':Jlt•n cup n1ilk l<'ll.S)l110/l :;;ill 1 1t•;1spoon dry 1nuc.r:1rU /l uTt1·r 1' r 1· p :1 re ~1nrl·.111 ·h!'" Ii •· pl.1t·111g 11n1· ~l!C'r of 11:1111 :ind 1·h1·t'.'I.' 1n l'fl~·h Cun1lunr t·i;1; .. , n11lk ~;1 lt .ind dr1 1nu~:ar·d Jll ,j ~JI\! J!L•;l( i)Ui[l'f 1)11 1'.!°ridt.Jit' .'1nd dip P:u ·h :.;1nd\11t•h 1n •·i.:~ 111 1'>:!\11•· l 'ook 11n hrn gnrld!t' 1111111 l1i.:hT h lu (!II n1•d "ll !111' h ~at1·s :111d (·/11·j'"'' )1; .... m•·lt•·d at's alntost as good as saving calories? Saving money! • t \ Sugared r Sweet' IO. The no·calorie food sweetener. Now more than ever it makes a lot of sense. The price of sugar is goi ng up. So Sweet'JO has a tim ely offer. 7¢ offSweet'IO to help yo u save money Cu t 2 slices of 1oas11nJ.( 11·h1tC' bre:id 11110 1 ~-inch culx'-; \1tlt 2 tab!P~!)(l(lrl'\ of huller or rnargnrme 111 a snia!I skillet and add brr;id. Stir constantly 01·£'r lov. lic;it unti l cubes arc golden bro1'>'n. I H.t'rnovc fronl heat. } .Srrinklc bread ct1IX"~ 111th 1 tablespOOn sugar c1nd 1.1 1e.:r•poon f'inn:1n1on . S t 1 r quickly to CO<JI brciid l.'ubcs on a!I sides. \Vhile !hr cubes cool. l'U! uµ four t:ups of a s.~orted frui T Jlll'<.·cs -h;ilved str:111bt:rr;c ~. orange or gra1)1.·frun section<;. s1emn1ed gtl'<:n grapes. diced unpeeled fl'<I :tpple Spoon frull in!n sen:1ng cLish and lhcn sprlnk.lc V.'ith lhc bread cubC's. Kid s Like 1'o .--\. ~k ;\ nd v J I ~ ,; I ~ I ~ I I I I I as well as calories. And if you're looking for inter- esting ways to make good thin gs without a whole lot o1 sugar, check the Sweet'fO label. It tell s you about a free Lo-Calorie co ok booklet you can send for.Swee t'lO.ltmakesalotofsense. -------------------; STORE COUPON I Now! · · 7Coffon I I I I Sweet* 10 1; l I " I TO Tl!E GROCER: If vou allO\I' ilt tn1\·arrl Chi' rrl:11l pncl' of onp I ~ hottle ofS,.·cct'IO. rilhcr the {i or l:.:!·uuncc.-"rtC:· 11ht·n roupon I~ Rl I pri:scnted to you by a rel:iil rus1om!'r, the 1ssu1nl! rnanufacturrr "' ( \11U rcdccn1 for iC plus Jf handhnl! cost. pro•1d1n~ you n1.:ul roupon !o address belo1\'. Lim1l on' coupon per purcha.«e. I Void unless initially acquired in manner pro,1ded abo1·e I . or 1'/here problb1tcd, ta>.:cd or othel"\\ist· rc~tnr1ed. Good only in U.S.A. Cash value 1/10<". The Pillsbury Company, I Box802,l'\1inncapolLS,!\1N55·160. I __ _:~1~J~~:_ _____________ :..J ave . on Instant Maxwell House· coffee on Instant Maxwell House • Collee 1•~• 1t.i1 t.oupon to rou• ~rncor no"' Wot1h JJc wh•n ynu buy ony 1i1• I•• 111 lnuonl M., ... 11 Hou•• Colfe1. Offer l!motod to ""'coupon P*' puft.h•••· MU cuoccu· Gone••' r"""' (""'""'·','"" ''"" ,.<t•tnn rh•• '"" P"" lo• 3Jt plu• )<to• h~ud '"I\•'""' t•(• •• rl on 111• $~1• !'I ~"Y "'' 10• al 1<"1 "'! II. ""~ll Huu'<• C<>llr• •nd, rl. ~pon •• "''"''· you subm•I •~•den••· !h~••nl 1,,1,,t•<tory to> i.en•••I roo<1• Co•1><1••"""· c""""" '"~• , .. .,, D• ••"''""" o• "·'"''"""11· CuU1><»ef mu<t pay dnv ,.•I•~ I" Vo <d wh .. e P•otilb+l•d. l•••d <>' ••~1,,clod by t:;tw Goo(! n~ly on US IA C••t.•olu• 1170C.Cou. J>l!I> woll no! n., '1on<>f•<I '' o••<NU•d l h•<>u&h <>uh•de •R•nt;'••· , .. ..,~ •• ~ o• Oth•rs "'"" •r• n<l ••l~·I th•("b"'"'~ al Ou• ml'· <h•nd•~~ "' 11>9t•l•i0~llv ~"'""''''d by"' ID ri••••nl tour>on• In• r-d•mpl•On r,., "M""'Pl•nn <>I l>'~p••!y '"'·""""!! and h•n· «f•d ~nup.., ......... 1 '" (;\ Nf R,\l rooo<; CC"IRPQR,\T ION COU-PON IHUlMl'TION QI rtCI "0 eox 101. ll•n~ ...... Ill 60901 COUPON CXl'IRCS AUGUST 31. 191,. I '""'"''' •P•" P!f<r•Ulooo lll ••crr•• '""~""II ""'"" I" 40;. " lo 11on! '"•*•ll ~ov11C11Jre ••11l~t• "" Cl••hlwl .. IU•O. L .... GENCR•l FOODS CO~PORAHON --------------- , I I I ,I ~. w ~I ~, I I I I J l I I I I ' ••• • , C 6 OAJLV PILOT Old Bargain Chilled ,\ ~m:;~1 IJ:HI,~' ! 11.i!C'll•'l' ! •1·hcth,·r !Jll\ 1ng fre~ll ••r 111111·11' f1.;h, Cl(lt'°' 111•11 111 111\f'St1g:1I\' jh1· 1i11'!111·s 111 i,:nn<i !i1111pl~ L·v<·n rh(1i1gh tlh·v 1nily 1)4• unr~un1/1;1 r. Th::it\ 11he1·c• -l ilt! b.1rg111 n:- l1e . . \tu1~ kind~ ol 11!111e-fle.-.h1·1I fish are lean: ~1 4·ounce servin~ of on<• of tl1cse contains about !fJO ca!ories ::ind 1:. p1:rlt·et !Or ct 11:t -11;iteht·r.;_ Bl'l'au:::c• fi"h s u pp I 1 l'" exc1·ll1·n! protein a~ 11e1J :1:- 1·itarn111s ;111d n1intraJ~ 11·.~ a 1 nutritJou.'i off1•ring. I Cold po:ich1"'fl fr!'lh 111:1k··~ delightful .;;.n!:!d.s :ind h1·1·c·~J a new recipe. Jt.;;. inll'rrsllng ron1hin:i111u\ I rir 1ngr1'<il1'nt~ th;1t :1r1' ho!h 1ridet_v ;na1J:1h!<' :i nd !hnft.vl 1111s inspirrd by Se:11td1na\'l\l(l euisint•. SCA~f)l~AVl.-\N FISll Si\ Li\ I> I pounrl !rl'~h or trr11tn 11.~h fillets I quarl boiling-1r;1 1t'r :J• • 1('i!'-j)()()rl ~ Sill! 2 cups ftllt'l\' ~J1ro·ddc·<1 green cabb<igc>, ligh!Jy packed 11 cu p cider vinegar 2 teaspoons sugar 4 l:irge lccburg lettucr cups Dr3ine<l slicC'd pickli~d beets. boughl or homcrr.adc Tar1er Sauce, bougi. or homemade J hard-cooked f'ggs. sliced 1 ~ teaspoon cracked black pepper H fill1•t.!. an• f1 01r1i. lh.'.l\I' Thor<1ui::h\v ~rcH"t' a llf·inch s killir 11ith b1111er or 1nnrg:ir- inc: add fillets. 11·fllt'1 ;i nd ,) ll'a~poon.~ of rhc s.11!. Co1·er .'.lnd simmer until fi sh flakes easily 1vhen lcs1cd 11 ilh :-1 fork and looks opaque through -5 to I~ minutes J)raln . fU>nlQ1·c anr skin and honC's fron1 fish; flakr into l:ir_t;(' pieces: cover and chill. J\l ix togc·t her the cabbag('. 1inegar. sugar ;iftd remaini;1g 1 ~ !<·;ispoon sal1 ; co1·er and t•h1Jl. ,\t Sf'rl'1ng tun('. place lelluce cups on indi1·idual salad plates : spoon C'.1bhag(' inin CUJ\~. Arrange l>M'>t sli<'C's ('11 c;_ibhage -US(' a generous nurn!){·r of !ht" slir·t·S lop 11 ith nakC'd fi<>h Spoon 1.1rtar sauce O\'f'r and J!amish 1ri1h f'gl! s I i c (' s Sprinkl1~ ~r1n11• llf Ill<' IX'Jlp"r O\ er c.::1ch ~11,1<1. Taste 's Timely It's so dcli<.·ious 1hnt ha,·ing lo do some of 1hl' prl'paration jUst before 5Pr1·ing is '-'•flr!h ". LJ\IJ:: Pll 4 eggs. scpnratc-d 3 i cup sug;ir I teaspoon 1:rot ct! lime rind ', cup lime juice 1~ teaspoon cream of tartar 9-inch baked fl<iky pie shell Bea~ egg yolks. gradually adding I/, cup of !he sugar. unti l thick and pale colored; beat in lillK' rind and lime juicr. Cook over hot but not boiling water. stirrinR consrantiv. until thickened. Cover and cciol. Just bcforl' S<"r1in,i::. bc>a1 ef!g v.·hitf'<t 11·11 h crPam of tartar until rhcy hold Sli!f peaks: gradually beat in remaining 1 •. cup sugar until very stiff : fold inl.o lime mirtur~. Turn 1nto pie sh('ll. Bake In a preheated 375-degrre oven for 15 minutes. Ser1·f' at once. Sunday 1s rl'.la&Ar in the l1f,!li'lij!l1ll Treat Translated Dy CECIL\' BROW!<STOSE "uod&t•O '""u ~* L1111or It tuok a long time. bul Lily Roberts \\'as finally able tu rt.'<'reate 1he rr~sh Plum T<irl ht.or 1n()(hl'r rn<idl' \\'hen l.11} \I.US a C'luld and '<l'hll'h !>ht• ](J\ ed bettC'r lhan any c11h11r d.·s."'-t'rt .. "·ac: \1Ti1tm In m et r i r n1cosurcm('nls, ~he l06St'd 11 <H~'ay as bt>1ng of no use 111 this counlry Lily ~·r1s ht>anbro~en hut dett-nnlnt"d . Af1cr she n1 Arr1('d a.nd had ., l1rn111· uf her o" n. Sh• Acarchf'd lhrou~h cookbooks frr.10 AlL~tn.1 :u1d (:cr1nau\ to hnrl the Fresh Plum T:irt rl'C'lpc' I !f'il'>flOOll griltr<l li·rnon J llld 1 l'UfJ hu1!1·r or 111;:irg<.u Uh' 2 1·g~ ~olk~ :! t:1hlt'$!)()()1\S fit•.t\ \ l'r1· Htl t·r(·an1 '1 rup rt'd rurr:in1 1elly l t<iblt..;\MXI l>t<.Uld} 01' 11 ;1 lt'r 2 pounds fn~h ptuui~ 1 :1hc1ut 12 1, qu<irtl·rt·d 11 i1h JJJI '> 1'1:ffi0\'t'(J 1 1 tup sug;:ir mixl'd 11 1th I tl'aspoon nutn1eg ;i f.irl.. to hll'nrl ~ 1'.it 1111·r ho!111111 of :1 lightly but11·r1·d 1 ·J by 111 by I 1111.·t 11·lhroll p;1n. 11ru·k \It'll WLf ,I !111.. l l\;d.1-Ill ;i pl'i ht'l\!f'(I 40&o! •lo ''li'I' 011·11 f11r !U JlllllUlt'!; \11·,1111111111· 111 11 :;. rn a I l :-.11](·1·11,111 111 t'r !111\ he u t " :-1 1rring u!\1•11 , 11h·lt Jt:lly \\'1\h[ lu .111th hn1-.h :-.utilt' of tht- lurt ll'lil O\'t"I" lhf' hut JXtStry. I Child 's Delight Copied \\'hen she was 16 Yl«lrs old, ~Jr, ltobl'l'ls t:S('11pcd frorn \ ll'IHla at U\{' tune of the ! !1lh:r rc.:imc and l'iHtll' !u ti~· llnitPd S!~les lo ilvc \\'tlh a l'OUSlll. An1ong the few treasurNI posscs<;iuns young L 1 I y brought \l'ith h('r v.·<is her tnoU1er's h a n d I\' r 1 t I c n l'OOkbook. \\'hen she did. sht" translat('{I It u1to i-:nglish and !hen lntu 1\ n1 er i ca n measw-en1cnl~ lx'fore ~he tried it. '!11eSf.' dtt ys fi.irs. Robert.~ bakes the Fresh l'lun1 Tart at the spcci:i! rcquc~ of her granddaughter. ln ::i n1cdiun1 mixing h<1'1'1 ~t1r lugl·!hl'r the flour. sug:lr 11nd ll·1non rind. V..'irh a 1~1stry hlrndl'r cut 111 butt1·r 1u1lll p:1111clt'S art~ firl L'. 1\1'l'at1gt• pll1111,, cut .s1d('~ dn11 .~·"r 11:1-.lry· :-prinkle, 111111 ~-;1r·Hlllt11t·g rnixlurt•. 1 \\'hen her cousin, \\'ho prided herself on being extrern('Jy practical. S<I \\' thr rookbook f'RESll PLU~I TART 2 cups unsifted flour 1 .1 cup .!i"U'!ilr l11 ;'1 c·up . l\'llh :1 lorl.. 111•:1! ll1gL·lht·r !h1• 1·g~ ~olks ;11111 L 1'(':1111 UJLlJ! t'<llllhlllt'!l, ;1dd lo flour rn1C1.lur1· :int! 11~...,.; 111111 i '11ulinu1· hakuq . .: 111 a aso. 1l1·1~r't'1' h\t•n fur :30 rn inuJ,e_:s long1·r Ht·n10\'l' fmn1 O\'t'Jl nnd "P1M11l 1·t·111;i1111ng 1~arn1 1nelted l•·ll.1 111 t•r pl11111.s You'll the total better at Alpha Beta. L >U'I ~AOf ·' • ~'r-lf '\f POf' sour .... ~~1i c.iiov.N FRESH FRYERS c LB. ITI'CG(I niar SH ~ PATT~ MIX BUDGET BURGER ··~ ~'­ FARMER JOHN SMOKED HAM ·~ IUlf P0\111011 ltc " f~fSH IROl(~ • Sflf SAS!rNG -------------------..:.....:_ __ _ ARMOUR STAR ALPHA BETA au~cH tP:s rn1nt BEEF "LITILE ROTISSERIE" YOUNG TURKEYS t;; 3~~ BEEF 1>:.·~C't r•.1 CHUCK ROAST 98.~ BONELESS BEEF ·:'' • 159 CHUCK ROAST . "· I. OUN(f Pf, CK AGE . )." '. BONELESS BEEF RIB STEAKS LEANEST GROUND BEEF 1~9 1~8 McCOY BEEF BACON CARNATION SHRIMP FILLET OF TURBOT COMPACT f..-IEDIUM S!Zf ARTICHOKES 12~ .. SOLID ,\LL i";RfttJ CABBAGE 8~e. {,.'.11-(~£;-J FRl S!~ BROCCOLI LARGE • CRISP CELERY 19~ .. 1-lA AS I ARGf 51zr AVOCAOOS 49~. .. ll)rr1NG Sill BELL PEPPERS NATURE'S FRESH PRODUCE WATERMELON RED, RIPE ria: , •. ~ .. · 4 INCH POTTED MUMS c LB. 2 1-0UNCf ( /\N SWIFT PREMIUM HAM PAITIES 98~ r~ :-·. C ''°' 98 89~ 25~. 29~ 99~ACH FllfllfM0'4l[AI w1 111r1•1;("~!/l'f!'I" l (•' ! r W[ll', Grocery Double Discounts -~ 1UN{~1_:.·, SWIFT BEEF STEW .75 I>'! L•.'. C ·''~ ·llEG • OPll"·flf( •I '~~ HILLS BROS .• I 09 COFFEE lillll , I 1.:. •• r.r)[ •f\' If rr n; P"·I II I BIRELEY-S ORANGE DRINK , 8 5 R[DcBABY ~DRINK' t,r .. 1.06 li : P>c> ·!'[I'• ~' ·•"••." , : f ,., •• ~ RICE·A·RONI RICE MIX 1..14f I S Ill 0l II.Ji r, SANALAC INSTANT MILK .29 2.39 TANG 1iNSfANT10Eo~~J· I. 34 ~ ... :~ir-.~~~l~ C<!<,"!~! RA~ (",clt'K" .-. I OCEAN SPRAY DRINKS <I PACI<• C~rCl<L'I • fif(r WYLER'S CUP·O·SOUP 1; OUN(( (4~J •SMOr.Ee> HORMEL SPAM I'• ()f PC"i f "Jr"I•' t.~,\ 1•'1,'Rn ~·.;\·.:.~ SCHILLING CASSEROLE .59 .31 .81 .66 .. 'c; 1>0x • 1:.co .~6 ~P-A,G H'Eli1' sluct · 0 ". 21 FUDGE BROWNIE MI X ·;as 1:•.\•••'1\ r:r~v·· ''· SMUCKER 'S ICE CREAM TOPPING ,52 " • • • 'I " ·i ; '9 1;,1. •1,./·I.'. ! " '' PUREX ,BLEACH .39 ~1M81'fS DIAPERS I ~ll I. 7 5 liAL KAN 'ooc 'iOaa • 3 3 i>i'i;AE. ooc.r'Driii "0 2 .02 ... WHAT'S IN STORE ••• I l Gl ST I\ S·\1'll"' It.II \IQ'\111 \\1111 h,,\ "r•lhrr 1nd <tl>\lllW "l"!ll\ff <I•'' "hJI t•rll•< l1n1r !•) ••t •I<' J hr1.,tilul -.n.J,.1,h ·'UPI'•' l hr1r ;Ur ""It d•l<t"hlft1I •It'"" jl !ht ,fc/1 •. 111·•"'" ,,,,., "'!hr nur~•'' 11>,l•1· fror 1hr 111~~,,,~, ( hrr·~·. lll•·JI' •11<1 l"h 11<""". !rom •II ~''"'' l•il! '"''"'I .n1J •"OLI O<! r!w .... r111 SI< ll"I "•lrll\¥ !llrt• !n hr .11.n• up Ill!!> \<)1!1"!hrng 'l>t•1JI \,1rirl\' hre11h JI 1hr l•~k••~ .Jrp•r!mrnr ~•I(\ l•r•h 1r~~l•l-lt" "' 1,,.11• J,Jtl J lluo!l•h tu rrll~• ''"'1" 1rh 'rr•I"'~ 1•111 '!hr °"Jll'.llHI l,~11d 1111d1 ldt~ {"t'lnlr•I "a' hrlil 1rcrntl1 Jnrl v>mt nf Th~ '"'""'"~ ""II'•• u r 1n1ur•111"' llnr "(HIC 110111 1\r " Yur~,., 1~1¥ Fran~ 11."t•·n lh l>Jn!l"l•h••I 1 ~ ,11. r• rn1 1< hrd Jr"'·"h l)'t hrrJ.I I ,-o p "'""'kr1u1 , ,. .• n dr1mttl llo1r1rr •<1f!r nc1S IJ 3hcr• ( l or, ~•ch) S,.·,u Chtt\r t1 t1.u1~1u11r" f> ll>•pn ll>""'•nd r,11nd Orts.inf T .. ,,1 .inti h1111,r b101d. Sphl 11 .. nk!unr .. '" lulf lrn~lhw"r i nti pllct on 6 -.11.-r• "t "' 101,1, \1~11 '"Ir "I' Top r~ch frank 1>'1th 1hot1t I r1blt,1M>un '"'"1n~. : 1>hlr•1>uon• •~ur1~r .. u1 1nt1 unr ;hct Chrt•r. Clo-. s1ndwl('hH "uh rtona"""ll tn•" •l1rr~. ""'"P 1n 11111. llrit '" p•rhr11cd JSO-<!rsrct u•rn, 20 "'"'"''' ''' oln!il 'hrr•t " mrltt•I. J.nnthn rrom .\rw M t ~,.. ... , El \t111dnt Ir. Su1<h•h tir,) "rnricht.! lo1n~"•I! I rr•hil 11.!I,, •1•111 (> "'· ~hl••d him '< "(' rol11rd hr1n• I> u1 'h11rrt p1•rr1mi \mt.I r1n11trl J1l•J><'l11J T"'l'I'""· 'herd J ~UP• •hrrdrltd lo!lucr : '"L" •htrolJr.J , hfd•lu rhrr-. I ! •llL r' 1nm.iu I u1 ·~ch 1~110111 h"lf nl ro•ll. 'P't~d •·qu•I "'"""nl .. r l><"on' Jalaprnn ~1icr1 11-.0111 ~ lihlr.1""'"' 1 htt•t ~nd r q111I 1n1"""'' of h1111 •. ,IJ,.1dt Jll'~lram; rc1u.1lh ""'"I' li,ilf .,f l•nn. \prm~lr .1l•n1! C 1 :ohl~'I'"""' ('htr't ,,.,, pa•lrum !''' •••d1 ••11L!"1,11 ~!'"I 1 .. o1 1o h•hr< unfol ,h~r•t" u1tlltd. Rrmn>( [,,,.,, """ltr n , .. .i, l•lllh t tl!ll~llv ~nrl rl>rr : '"''t' ("'""'" ,.,, 'a(h ..... ,d ... •ch. tlvw. S~c:Urt "llil l,,(ilhfll<~\ (.ul 1n h~lf 1'1 .l<f\t. I tirrrrnr of t'on\umrr Aff~irs 777 So. llnrhnr llh·d , la lfabn,la, ',!Ob.\l HALFH1LL:S'TUNTAO•WHI T~ 3 9 f. •, 0 UNCl r_.v J • IM Ort SIARKISJ CHUNK UGH! TUNA .45 <1;'',()UNf l /'o\'!•1')(.~, .8' J,'.i()<Jtl(f t A"I •!.', JIS 4 ('>1 •.;([(Atj •l"IV/,;ll~' SIARKIST SOLID UGH! TUNA 1 ~ 5 QUN([ (.AN LIBBY'S CORN BEEF HASH Non· Food· Double Discounts I IR!JV'<; • 5.Ql)N("f (All .51 .69 .33 -:i? OUNCr CA N GULF CHARCOAL LICHTER II, A?SOUNCE BOTllr ""!. BROMO SELTZER 1 7 OVNCf. 80111 ( ,.-;JI WASH & COMB SHAMPOO <; OIJN(f AlllO<.OL • ~ l ~Ir MITCHUM'S ANll-PERSPIRANT r 1 OVN([ t-fRO~rt • RI ; .• /,•! l·l !HO\. OLD SPICE SHAVE CREAM PO.Cf • J',Ot .41 .78 .93 1.79 .77 \'/HIT f •RlU{•PN>:•Yl llQW 69 SOLO BATHROOM CUPS 1~; , 60(r art •1>1ut.11r1 t ~-·!:';~.J: MONSTERVllAMINS ~.~!j 1.59 We rtJttY• lhe rl1h! 10 •er11 .. uln 1n cnmmr<clol dtll•t1. l\.ol•• I•• Wllt<t•d n11 •II l••ol>I• uon11 S•to1focl•O~ <W n1111 l!IOf\tY ftf11nded. (<>p)'l'lllll I~'" Alri.. p,,, '·, .. ,,, ..... r. All"'~'· ,.. ... ,.,.J. I • l\f',J:,R -~-~ ~ \-99 THE SYSTEM •::,.;;.~ THE ORGANIZE~ 1.49 THERMOS ~~ 1· 99 LUNCH KIT ~--.:..J . • STORE HOURS: MON.-FRt.: 9 ·J0-!1.JO SAT.: 9:30-8.00 SUN.: 10 :00-7 00 VIENNA SAUSAGE '~Ol 141l •Wl t0t[•~l([::l GREEN GIANT 34 MUSHROOMS , ~ ~ Ol !All • WHOlr • ';ll([O .5~ Delicatessen Double Discounts BRAUrNsCHWE icER (f'UR .45 OSCARMA YER r BOLOO NA • 6 7 OS(AAMAYf~• 13 Ol Pi< •Sl.1Cf0 BRAUNSCHWEIGER I t.QMER JOI~. t6 OZ. !'KC MEAT WIENERS .83 .85 \ ,,n; r~.~ •/,.'ft..flRfAT ':,f1R CALLO SLICED Z6" I '15 SALAMI .. • MRS. FILBERT'S 5 9 MARGARINE • 11;.·.r r · 8 Ol.Ji'..j('[ PA•:KA(,( PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE Jl (ll)N(f (Qrll f·IMlR IMO DRESSING .42 .31 Bakery Double Discounts .45 1.1 Pf'"' Fr 1,\·1. rl)(1r1r WALNUT SWIRLS \(, 01 f.0'( • Rfl,lJl.AR • lJtl~/\t l\'1 SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS ,45 Frozen Food Double Discounts ,,. .. , ~· . ,. : ~'-{ .78 ONION RINGS ''' .46 HAWAI IAN PUNCH ·, r , ,.,, • ll l .28 COFFEE RI CH I. : Rr·· • '·\l' "'~r . PrPP(llO~JI ARRIVEDERCI 88 JR . PIZZA , Everyday Discount Prices .23 .23 TOMTATONSAUc'E1 "''f ( h'J .15 llBBY-S POllED MEAT f ~ol!Af•o.Jr,•1 1·':(:,·1 TOMATO PAST E . +--100 (O\..INT l10 TTL r ·!di\ EXCEDRIN TABLETS 1.19 1.29 · . ·~BANQUET BUFFET SUPPERS :::;:"" 1 ~ o SAVE !Oc lllPO'.fY( • 17 Ol.N(E ( 4N AWAKE ORANGE DRINK I J OlJNC( AO:< EGC-0 WAFFLES .32 .49 SHELL CAN CARE J 11 ()(JN(( r'"(l(Ar..C I &l -·SHELL NO PEST STRIP , fL'5f'I SMALL • Ml.DIUM '"," • l A~CJ ·WITH F!l rl , !fl T OC! 111(,ltl ttAl.j() ( /PLAYTEX ·'J . : LIVING GlDVES 1.18 I ALL ALPHA BETA STORES ARE OFFIClAL FOOD STAMP REDEMPTION CENTERS PRICES EFFECTIVE IN ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ALPHA BET A MARKETS COSTA MlS4-ZZOO H.tter ll•d. COSTA MISA.-141L17tlll ,t. UfiUH4 Hl~ll41 C• • .. LAii•• HUKTIHGTOH IU.CH-t04• ,.._, HUtlTJMQ.TOM llACK-11611 H. ~st, HUNTIMCi TOM IU.CH-l 141 I 11 .,.._,. FOUNT AIM YAWl-lltO W...,.. llYtHi-1104 I c.l•tr, U.tnnlty P..tr. SOUTH U..uHA-JOIU S. c ... t Higtiw.y " ..... Strips of c hic ken a nd d ic ed potatoes marinate in a special Vinaigrette Dressing to make a refreshing lun c heon or picnic dish. Coupon RED SNAPPER ROCK COD OCEAN PERCH 95~ ~~o•.•.79' •. AUIACORE ] 19 ~ •••....•• lb "'" Lw,. •-• 1 9 9 BREADED SHRIMP • • • . • • COMPARE PRlCfS THEN COME TO .•. Let It Mellow lt 1cqu1·t C)11b I 't,\:1h) Sala(J 111•h lol'> ol ,pu·1· :incl no 1.11 1c-n1ng 111.1.1 <11111.11 ... 1'. is :1 11·s!y n1ain·d1sh 1.er ... 11•11 of lhc ll<1..,sic su1111nc-r t,11.11'11•' l'.1 rt nf l!u · ~··tTcl tu to1r ll•1tt'l1 rla1·or 1'-In ;idd lht· 1!rt'ssin.c: 10 !he 1x.itatot•: 1\h1J,.' 1hc 1 'rl' <,till v.;1r1n. Th!·y·11 1 ;;11),>,orb the ~!Ill'\' 1.111r.; :is 1he·.- n1,1r1n:ill' 1n the ·rl'friger:1t11r · ."1Jtir11f .titli•·1•1f lfhole or llnlf Order How ... Your HONEY BAKED HAM Oelieiou\, Toity. Mouih·woteri"q! Your family, F-riend1, RelaliYti Will Ro•t Abcwt Your Mecil! •Ready lo Servp with Honey 'n Spice Glau~ • Spiral Sliced FT om Top lo Bottom •Wt Pockoqe ond Ship from Coad lo Coo1I ·kill St~•ict Delieolt\\t" • lmporltd C ht tlt\ and W int\ • Coltri"q -A Specially 3700 E. Coo1I Hiqhway. Cwono del Mor -6 7 J.~Q(lO 1 I·<><•""••'•'\ C•o-• o,,,_ • ., 122 2 S. BrookhYr\I. cl Boll Rd.. Anat.eirn 635·2461 OAILV PILO~-~t GREAT NEW IDEA FOR WEIGHT CONSCIOUS FINE FOOD LOVERS NEW "PORTIONED .. DINNER ENTREES FOUR 6·01. lOIN CUT HALllUT STEAKS FOUi 6-0I. IONELESS CHICKl!t' llfASTS THREE 11·01. FAT FREE: TOP SIRLOIM STEAKS TWO 4-0I. STEAK ·A-1015 IW iHI Sla•wf'f'1l TWO l ·Ot. PACKS OF GROUHD ¥f:Al TWO FILLETS Of DOVER SOLE 11.l lo 14o•. totCJl l All For Only $2595 ASK US ABOUT OUR ... ABSOLU TEL Y MOU TH WATER ING STEAKS fUMPLE:"S UPER 16'' co mbo oockooe • \J']O' 4 HEW TORK, 4 SPEHCEA S. 4 f lLE TS . 4 lOI" SllLOIJ>t •••••• NEW GOURMET CHICKEN Et<TREES ........ Select Portioned Controllf'd DIETERS DELIGHTS '""""''' Ch1c kt" l reo1h, Loin C..t Halibvt Slt•kt fol F-rtt Top Sorioin Stta•'·~ . ........ YOUR 5AT 15 f ACT ION I DD'\ GUARANTEED All Product1 flcn h fro1t" and f ilm Wrapped FREE, FAST DELIVERY CALL 644 -1884 NOW ftATURIHG SPECIAL TY fROIEt-1 FOOD l"ROOU CTS ' THE H.\CQL'r:·r CLL'H PCTATt> -SAL/\11 r----------------------------------------------- USDA CHOICE FROl'IT FISH MARKET I; The "Conipan 0... Low r rice•'" 145 f . IROADWA Y~4S·S2ll Co,!a Me•a Jim <ind Sandy C.1mmcr USDA CHOICE \\ 1' ,\ SIDE -,, -QUARTER I 93~ Chopping· 1 99'1: 1 ~1'Block , .. ' I ' ' BEEF SALE ••T s1•• SIRLOh., IP STEAK •••• , •••• ,...... LI s 11• CUBE STEAK.. • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LI s1 .. ROUND STEAK ••• ,................ LI s, •• RIB STEAK . MEATY •••••••.••• ,.... LI CHUCK STEAKS •.•••••••.••. ., ••• 98' LI s2•s GROUMD BEEF. LEAN ...••••••••• l LIS. THIS WEEK BEST BU Y! CHICkEN° BREAST 7 9 ~ • MARAMATHA MEAT CO. I SOO Adoms Ave .• Costa Mesa 546 -8196 Open ~"'"" Ooys -9 o.m. to 6 p.m. ,.., .. , -w-...-i ..,. w-...., -- 5 rnC'diurn po t:i tocs. perlt:d. c·f..Okt•d ~111d dic·c•d 2 c_t q,.., cooked chicken. cul in strip~ 1 , cup t1ncly c:hop)l('d ccl f•r.v \.'1naign·llL' J)fl'SSi n.~ jSl'C !'lf'lfl\r I f. h:1rd-t110!..1·U eggs, hti\vc<l \ "'ttucc ll'il»l'S or \.\'alcrcrrss 1 hopp('tl pa r<,l1·~ !11 lii rge bu11I, cornbinc hot J><·t:it or~. C'hirkPn and crlrrv ! 'our .:i,, cup V l n a 1 g r ct I e l)rt·ssing Ol'l'r p o I a t o e s. Ht·frige rale Lo chill a n d ni<trin:tlt' ~1cn1l\rhllc rC'ffiO\'f' yo\k.s fro1n 1'ggs and m:i~h . Add r nough ren•aining dressing lo n1ashf'd yolks to mois1rn. USC' 111 '>\U{f \l'ht1f'S. ('hill To Sf'f\'(• spoon po tato sal;id into sal:id ho1\·l. Surround 1\·ith !:\uff1'<i 1'''l;s. t~arnish with grN·n~ ;111d p:irsl<'y. ~t;ikes 6 ~t·r1 iPJ'~~ :1bnut 460 calorics r:ieh. \'l\;.\ll.RET'TE DRESSJt\r. ~., t'up salad oil 11 ('11p 11·hi1t• 11 ine or cider I lll\';!:lr 1 1 1·11p 11·:11er z tabll'spoons p r ,. p a r c d rnus!:1 rd 3 grl'£'n onioo <:. chop1X'd 1 lahh·sroon C' a p c r s 1op!1nnal t 2 tablespoon..; Bacon fla 1or hits 11 ! 1ea.~poon!i .\1·ason·a11. 4 drop<o hn t pi.•ppcr saner. Combin1• a \ l 111~rcd1 cnts. Bf'f rigf'rale in pint jar. ~t akes !'~ \UJl~ -----___ _;__ '-'4~~~~\c:..~r~~~-0c1~(<.~"41;f~\r~ .... ( ,.~~./,,. (..___) ...-....>(i\~ c....__. ~,. ,. ... ,_. ,,.-{t :_~ <t· • t\. PROIJ ~ \':,\)-,£. ~ ~ & " ~·-~ V ~ 18541c~~H~~.~~0~.~LVD . ('t~ \' ~ ......::l-.. ""y At-ID HEWPORT BLVD.I ~ § (,_:j, OPEN 7 DAYS Phone ·WE ACCEPT ' y , 9 to 6 642-6025 FOOD STAMPS ~4~ SWEET -,* ;. :1~~ JUICY ,- ~~ ......... ~ ~ WATERMELON c ~ 6 Y2c .. PEACHES ,/ lYC"llow Meatl "The freshest and the finest anywhere!" ..-------f'rice Good Tiww MCM!>., .A.'"Jo 16 -------. NEW CROP FRESH CRISP MclMTOSH APPLES SO LID LETIUCE .,-.~-&;::'. I 6 10' Off lAlll WHOLE SUN fROlEN .. , ,1 TIDE RANGE JUICE ;· ', DHIRGINT -·~19¢.~-:r~89¢ ffi .-"'5'.' ASSORTED fLAVOIS .-WESTWOOO ICE CREAM 72¢/~1~ , Blf(H.NUT STRAINED BABY FOOD 9¢ ,,.. ••·OI. l'ICG. r DRIVE A BARGA IN LOADED WITH QUALITY 11 F•• •••. , n .. , ••• .. ,,.,,1.,,1,.o1.1, .. ~ 1., • .1a1• <••<• .................... u •• -· .............. -..... ,, ... 1 ... ~ .. --· ·•····· .... ·-....... --.. _ .. _, ....... -........... -· ........ . ._ ............. ,, ....... ., .. , .................... _ ..... ~ ............... . /"'' ~~ /SHOULDER (LOO CHUCK 80NEUSSV PRICES EfflCTIVE WED., AUG. 21 IHROU'K JUES., AU,. 27 1974. 0 0\0 (0U 0 ... , ......... ·-........ -... M .. M0•-····· ...... -.-~ ..... . ............ -· .... . ,--(HucK."sTEAK · .··· · -: -;.MILY •• , ......... M•u·~····~:~.:~:.'•i• . BEEF ROAST c:=-~· ~.1 as_ ~ .... _,,.· I .. ~. * f~ \,~ROUND BEEF ~'wri~RK CHOPS¢~ . L~ ,,.,'!'l1~J:_;Y ~se~ BARTlEn PEARS .. 25~ ,~29~ ·.,-- / MONEYDIW :ctlEL09NS ¢ -~ .. ''-.-------. ,...._or' .. _ po'R'l<"'UT ffi $ 29 P01R~0'" m •. c /ffjl_y_ER,~~~~J.~~~ ~o~•~:S ·--·--•L 1 ~?:~~T:·;··:;···-••89 '· j\ "·~"''"'"· .... ~ .... ~c ~ PORK 99c ••UWHm,,.. ii'i;; ~' 37 * ~ l COLD =49C t"llL..~.:o /-' ROAST .............. CUTS ........... -...... ::: · ' '·1 " '>.) SHAMPOO $ rauu1 ,... • n l j ll _y/ HEAD AND ,., ) 33 SMOKED ·~J9c ·· .. ,_ '-!~~ ~·--: .• -' SHOULDERS loH~•. HAM .................. ~l•. /. WILSON'S TlNDllMA~ • ,,.,, OUAl11"f MILLCRlST BlUI LAKf ·~CANNED HAM ,,.., """' " 2 $1 CUT GREEN •:tt 2 3 Cf!:,'-::~ET~ .... ~~.. '"' BEANS .... ;:;',' ~·~,3~3 ss ~ SMUCtc:l1·s VELVEETA i.)0 $ ) 39 ~· ,J ~ te.4' STRAWBERRY 49c CHEESE · ,,., ·:~ .. ,,, <AN ,:! ~ PRESERVES .1 ~a0.i SPREAD ,.~.. ~~ _::;_..iG~......_ , 30 'Al GRAVIHST£1M 3 9 . MARKET BASIC~'' GLAD ~,lo '.';\' 99c APPLETIME '!;',' c GIANT BREAD, ...... ~ TRASH BAGS ..... APPLESAUCE ... , """'" :\ """"" .. -l1 NSTANT ·;~99c ! c . 37¢ ~ \ STRAW-•1° 49c ,.... '·; ,. · BERRIES ,,... TEA ........ -........... \' "'(";-~) ..... ...... .... ~~f~~j' ffi c "~....._ "·~·~-4YY ITALIAN ilO 25 C BUTTER ..... 63 k .,,,..;;--.. ,._ PRUNES !.'~ -·-··Jill KIAfT • ............ ~ BARBECUE SAUCE . o"RANGEL ~ 77c i.jq'uii,"'"M' ffi 49c 37 ¢ ~ . JUICE ..•••.•...• ";:~.'· DETERGENT ':;:• ) FRESH !'& 1 oc GOLDEN.GRAi~33 c _,·· 'y LIMES ... -·····--···"· RICE·A·RONl ffi _ ........ ,_,. . -·-· . __ ... ---~ '"""0 •''" WHEAT THINS ....................... .'::' 63' BAKING Mll .................... .', .. 63' , .... ·' .,..o:.$)97 '~"3$< FUTURE FLOOR FINISH ........... "" MANDI WRAP ................ '"" I'~""~' (HEEi-iT ................................ • ... 48 ' BA'C'K'TON'Alii'RE CEREAL ·:.: 67< REAKIES CER EAL ................. '.:':: 49' .. ... •·· '39' t ......... <'" <•·· ...... , •.. GRATED TUNA ................... , •.. :ARNAT'ioN"" LiCi'U·1'D' SLENDER ·:.":· 21' MA'NDA AIN ORANGES ....... ·: .. 25' "''' I'"• <• Y<t<On """"'"" HO<OLATE QUIK ...................... , 70' HERSHEY SYRUP ............... " .. ; 33' · , · 11" 0 '"'"" 49 WALL WASHER ...................... '~,": AUTOMATIC DISH RINSE '~.~· ' 73 ( .... ,,...... $ WOOLITE POWDEA ................ ,"'~~~1• SUPIA CLEANER ............ -:~'.· 1"' AERosoL w1Noow CLEANER ·~."..:. 54( <RISCO 01L ..................... •,::,1.s1u 1•• •A•• 77 (<(<.0~ TILE CLEA NER ........•..•........•• .,'' •. ?.:. ' BATH OIL BIADS ........... ·~.1.a5c , ...... , ....... ,_,.,...,.. ... ,~-' ~ .... ' ,, ""· 69' """" JIFFY BAK ING MIX ............... ,. . CHARCOAL BRIQUETS ........ 1 ... ~· 79' 1•.u•"~' '"' t \•,, OLD MIDAL FLOUR .............. '..: 85 ' 40t BATHROOM CLEANER."::;; 83 ' AP'Pi.l~SA'UcE .......................... : ,::· 47( jiLi.-o' sPOON" CANDY ...... :·~. · 37 ' PINEAPPLE IN JUICE. .. ~-....... 1 ::: J2c ,ROD'S GARLIC SPUAD :.?~ 43' .. ·o,;o· NT • .... 29' .. ,.. ·~ ... .. ., ... , 29' DE AA BATH BAA ........ ... SALAD RONI .................. "" 79' , ..... -·~ .... ~· CA LG ON BOUQ UE T ................. '~~: Jlf PEANUT IUTIIR .... .,".~1• J9c ~AM~P~l~IL~l'~l lilllliat~ /CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP ; ,_POTATO CHIPS .-.· 1 9~~~.1'~;7 59* ~..,.~11.t~ ~0 ... •fl <II• ~· "'~·· )r;a.i f \i .. l .l'll•. KIJO(ilP .<\ ___ ,__..., ....._ .. Y ' ·~·;., ~.__,.~ • --· / CHUNK LIGMT /STAR KIST TUNA 45~: I '. ' ,. ) •• BEEF FRANKS 0~,-,._11 MA•tll CHUCK STEAK BEEF STATER BROS. CERTIFIED e GUARANTEED QUALITY SERVICE BLUE CHIP STAMPS PATTY MIX PROTEIN BLEND NUTRITIOUS e DELICIOUS ' REG . WIENERS c W 1t50t~ , BEEF FRANKS U.S.D.A. GRADE 'A' WHOLE BODY LB. Pl~f)fAh'.,,e <;,1'1'IPflh'h'l 79' SAUSAGE ~~."' "Ul N.l lilf . I tn I ' , SLICED BACON llOW M!l ~l lJIAlll\ SLICED BACON LB 69' '" 99 c STATER BROS. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ON QUALITY MEATS (Y(lll' Plf(f OF Ml AT IS UNCONOITIONAll Y GUARANT[f['! TO Pll ASI YOU 0 11 YQUll MONE Y Will Bl (H(llllUll V REFUNDED llt!SH OUICIO\JS e ANY \!ll ,AC~llG! 8 9 ' GROUND BEEF ................. LO lfAN e 80Nl\!\S s 1 39 BEEF STEW MEAT ........ , •. FRESH FROZEN ROASTING CHICKENS .. HAM HOCKS PORK LINKS LB. CUT-UP FRYERS LB. 45 1 IU lf (t;U(~ CUI e !!NOEii . GU ... RANI HO . $1 59 FAMILY STEAKS ............. . \l Al!ll BROS ((jl\lll D e CUARANllfD $1 49 BEEF RIB STEAK ............. .. SMOKED PORK LEAN e MEATY c B((f l lADr CUI •slAH• ••o~· Cl•llfl(O FARMER JOHN · SKINLESS e 8-0UNCE CHUCK ROAST ................... LB f!Hf (HUCK CU !. GUA•ANHlD ROUND BONE ROAST ........ LI. POJM . SMO~!O ([Nl!R CUTS $ 69 \ • HAM SLICES ..................... 1 .J POPPY BRAND USDA GRADE 'A' 59!= RIB cu r. UNDER . W!U .TRIMMIO s 1 79 BEEF CLUB STEAK . LB 8£U CHUCK CUT . GUARANl!(O $11 2 7-BONE ROAST ...... -LB. 51 AllRBROS CE•Tlflto •GuA .. P.NlltD $1 98 8lU CHUCK CU I e 80NtllSS $1 49 J g * f ~I SH f ~OlHi $198 COOKED SHRIMP ... LB SI Al(P 8110S 8klS~lt s 129 CORNED BEEF ...................... , •. BEEF CUBE STEAK ......... . ROLLED ROAST ............ LB. J.\l !HllU 5-IHll\lle UNDtR e WEltTlllMMtO . $159 BEEF RIB ROAST ............ .. 6-IH ANO 1-IH Rl8S . UNOl• e c;uA•ANTllO $ ·1 39 BEEF RIB ROAST ············"· ~· LOW-LOW PRICES PLUS BLUE CHI Low -&,, '?io1u 'J.,,a PU«J. MONTEREY ~ IL -:i: u U1 :> .J m UI :> .J IL UI U1 u ii IL '""""' 74' JACK CHEESE ONION RINGS '';~z \IANOl~AM9\ftl!'O~C><!ISI 57c (Rll 1SllCED 60c ~ ENC HILADA ll-OZ. NlTURAL ~ DINNERS .................... o. '°'"' -- ~•a11••" $ 29 Y . ~~.~-~D SHRIMP...... ............ ';~z 1 GARLIC ~ FISH FILLETS ······. ..... '';~z s 1 as SPREAD llQOS . b 0\JN(l !I H\ ... 111 48 ORANGE JUICE ... . ... ~.\':,',.; I ~·00.,INC.\!AO 79' BREAKFAST LINKS . '';~z ~(Ill! JLMIMA 49' BLUEBERRY wAFFLEs . .";~z 41 c CHILI DOGS AR MOUR ll •-0! CHIFFON MARGARINE · 69' KRAFT CHEESE .'.:.;:·:·,--'1.18 PIE FILLING :' ... '.', " .. 73' ~ LE MONADE 18' ORANGE ' c ' GRAPE JUICE 28' PLUS 5 9 57' WYLER'S DRINK MIXES •• 99 ' VERMONT MAID SYRUP e 24-0Z, 93' J g * UI IL :Ii ~ IL i u U1 3 GRAP'EFRU IT JUICE o •J: 31e BIRD'.>£Y£ l?·Ol CAN . 'I' " .< APPLES~:~ CALIFORNIA M~clNTOSH " s SCHWEPPES ',\ .. -.:·.,; 6 ,. . '1.27 PICKLED BEETS · '" 41 ' TOMAT~ PASTE 23' 409 SPRAY 71' CLEANER 11 oz MUSHROOMS 34' SALAD CRISPINS 47' CARNATION TUNA . 69' MAGIC SIZING 591 X-CRISP 10 or ARMOUR POTTED MEAT 41 ' SANALAC e NON-FAT $ 39 DRY MI L K .............. _ ................... ~~:~uP~RG'. 2 PLAIN M .P.S. OR BACON, EGG & CHEESE 3 3 c KALKAN DOG FOOD ......... 1~i~zs • • • • m UI :> .J IL POUNDS CUCUMBE~S. BEEFARONI 43 ' SPAGHETTI . :'. 43 ' TOMATO SAUCE ""'"' ,. 14' SPRAY STARCH .. 22-oz.64c. fil ' . • LONG TENDER CRISP GREEN SWIFT'S CHILI W /BEANS , . 53' G. WASHINGTON .'.:,,:,,: . 29' UNCLE BEN'S RICE :.:·, .... . 69' ALEX TORTILLA CHIPS ,. 57' LOMA LINDA 89' l LINKETTS ... o 1 C.lt-1 LOMA LINDA VEGEBURGER <::,' '1.03 KiMiKiE0S2 DIAPERS ........... 9 5 c ; CRUNCH N' MUNCH 43' 3 $1 -"_· .. · 1 sultSiHNE Hl·HO CRACKERS " 65' LARG E EXTRA FANCY THOMPSON SEEDLESS ., > SAR~NTO 5 9' GRAPES ................................ LBS.$1 $ BUROIRy·~i;tEESE .o.,, BARTLETI 4 :..r. Pl~LSBUR FLOUR '"" '1.62 LARGE' EXATRA FRANCYS ··1, NESTEA INSTANT TEA . >O< '1.27 P ......................................... LBS. BUTTERNUT COFFEE ',, '. ''1.12 lARGl SWiil LARGE FANCY TENOll YIHI RIP( 12' . MANDI WRAP 3 5' CIUSP. CILLO WRAP 2 29C EYDEWS ARROTS , ....... G. H9,N . .. LB. ,,,_.,.... 10~ FOOT ROLL ...... . c ~--,_, ~ I .•• , '. ""'.11 J',; . ":·•(. HILLS BROS.COFFEE ,,. .... '1.11 KRAFT NEUFCHATEL .,, 43' SLICED PROVOLONE "'"""" .,, 63 ' FRISKIES DOG FOOD , , 32' FOtGIRS FUDGE BEL AIR WAX REMOVER ~·i•,,,, "" 86' CRYSTALS ' BROWNIE MIX . CROUTONS ICE CREAM 'rOPPINGS ,:<:~~:,~·.::~ · SLICED AMERICAN ~~:,: •o> 54' ~:;::.• $139 "'V:.'"84C ..... ,;, 43 C SWISS CHEESE ~:"~·~,'" "" '1.25 •·OllllU.1 1Mtn 1.. •ft."'-' . YOU 'LL ALWAYS SAVE MORE WITH STATER BROS. LOW-LOW PRICES . BISCUITS PILLSBURY 16c REGULAR OR BUTTEAM lll I-OZ. TUBE CONTAC CAPSULES ••(••GI 961 c • •o TECHNICOLOR FILM ..... 99c ALKA SILTJ:ER .... 361 SCOPE MOUTHWASH 93c "'"' ... l•·-1 CLAIROL BODY SPLASH OJ.OUH<I $167 TECHNICOLOR FILM .... $149 BANDAID BRAND SHEER STRIPS 691 .... •<ll 00.10 DOG & CAT COLLAR ......... $158 ~ ......... OIC,. CLAIROL BODY POWDER • r>u .. CI 72c HEAD & SHOULDERS ' ..... t $119 '"" • uu,.<r INJECTOR BLADES t SCHICK ...... 59c (M00 .. ,U .. .... qoG & CAT COLLAR \"'<;' ... $ 98 ~""" IV UO•c~ 1 A·I STEAK SAUCE Tg~::: PEACH SLICES FRUIT COCKTAIL ijjji PRICES EFFEC. 7-FULL DAYS e AUGUST 22nd-281h ~ I , 14600 So, lrookhunf A••·· Wt•hMl'l1tff 1100 IEost ColiM A••·· 0....,, 1175 IClll:tt St., Co•I• Mt-so ~v,. n,.,,,.,.,., 707 Wttf HIMtccnth St .. Cosio MtlO 1522 W•shMlster 9'•d., Wt1~1fer 2110 Htwporf llYd.., Co1to Mt1a # I •irort .~1•1r11p.•2H0632 Edl"4J"r A•t., H_.l"91ot1 lecteh 1410 Wt•f U.CoM A•t., Allahtlm 14171 ••ci H• A••., T111thi " ,..1 1111 6 Wf'sf S.•tmffftth Sf., Sonto AINI 2610 EdliMJ« A••·• S..to AIM\ 14112 MIM• A•• .. Whtttiff • 5~!43' 1 0~1.75' 33' 1811 Chap..., A.,•., GorMn Gro•• I ZJO McF~ A.,• S.to AM l46Z K•t•Mo A•• lot Al...,Hot 21'0 Horth Tusfift A•e., SoMo AltCll 2S64 Wetl lroctdw.;, A-.1.,. 11011 M~o A,., •. , f.cMttoM YoNt 11 I I I 'If~· •• • • • -' ' Best at Brunch l1t•J14·1011:-. \\II,· 11 r.1·~111 1 ut· !\'I' 1·;1 "'', I 11.; I 111· 1 nll ;1, .1 g1lllfllH'I :-.t11 d11 II h 111!·,t h~f' .I :-pt•(·1at hrunc·h 11 1 .. 0\.; ... 11111n · 11"•' ,, t'.1"•· 1J1,111 .1 q1111·!.. br1·~~d 1111!1 its ~Pl( 1 ... 11. li"'I !upp111<.; ,!lid l" 1"1 ·:111\ li;d! II .1 I IJ\ •I I\ 1 "1 ·ll Y11u 111.il.1· 11 ;1 111!1 11u.1ld nld f;1~hio11•·il -11·111t·;1t.., b~ 1·ull1ng Ill•' l•11'I• r 111\'l 1i1l' 1oa .... tt·d 11111 ·.oT _!' ll 1111\1 'II' 1111111 It lo""-' Ii"' , ,,.,r ... ,· 1n1·.il Ii\ _,1111pl·· 1d t'.1'\' ,1r11l h"" all 111,· !1 •1 1n ,. 111 :• d ,. i.:oodnl'"'> I ULI .t h\P•TI Ill find 111 a for11tu ·d 11·{'111• Spht ;ind 'l'''j,J 111•· • .\'•" l';1ke 11llh ,, 1:1 .. t!I u, t lt•·I!· J ('fl'<11n clri'""'' lfl• ;t'.,.,i: 1? ,1h:-olu1C'lr 111.·11 ,., -;1···•1111·!: 1, :11.~co1np~n1 1.111;1'"'' ~111 · ~ !1llrd \\1tl1 .,..,,,,,.!, !r• ~h fruits fnr h1u1n•1 l 'l1t<; llll'llll \\ 111 ·' 011d '"' 11 <; (l\I 11 (JI" ) \ol) ! .111 \"l,tl • I .ii(• iill I! Ii\ ;t\!d II l!H ii !If ! :.::.: d1 -.h lll'.Llt'll ll"' 11 111 \1 !,l·l!\I CUI· FL!; j \t-..1 &~ ('Ill) \,!I 1111.11 t''" ~.1·,I I 11\.1[' 11!l1·,i[ I.,• '\ 11, tUP" I lour 2 t1'<1~poon5 b;iktn;! po1.d£'r l"ll J.J ~ug:1r '! tl'.1..,p111111 s:ill l"llP ll\1ltt'r P'l'" Cl~J 1n:lh ~Pl("\" l 'op!)llH! ~ll\ 11h~·.1t lt1·1·1n ll11t1·· li:1k 111:.. 111,11(1,·1· '>111..:.ir ;111tl ' •II t 'ut 111 ln:l1• r 1111h 1•,1· trv Iii• 1td1 r 11111 ti 1111\ltir1· l(11J\.. Id·· 1' :11 ,,, 111 ... d 1:, .. 11 11'.J.! :u•d n1dk tui.:1•th1·1· \'. 11\i f<>1 I, I "1'11!1" l\l!O 11·1!1•:1! : .. n n 1111\ILU•' .ill :1! on1:r :uni '\11 \' ith for\.. iu 1l\1.1t-.!»11 <lr1 111,.:r .. ttu·nt .. .":i•·,._,u h.n11·r 111 gr.-.1-.1·r\ . 1nrt J!ourl'1I !t 1nc·h round \,11 o·r 1•.1:1 :-,pn11kl1· 11 i1 h ";111 I ";"1.p fllFH.; pl •'"~HH' lll l1:.:hrl1 H.1k1· t11 :r;:, d1·t;fl·t• nl'r n '.(1 111 :;n 1111111111•-. or u11lil l!li'\... 111"•"1 !•·d lll l"\"111•·1' t"ClllH'' otl! (111 ('(IOI !U 1l1Hll!lt,:S tn p :111 1!1"·11 i ,11···l11lly r l'lllOI r ~·:1kv 'Pie·.\' Tuppini:: i "• •111hltll' I l.d ~I· ~JJ<.>Otl lllt'ltt·d hu!!j"I' 111th ~ t.iblv.~pouns \".ht'at gern1 . ·i 1.ibl··~1~>0ns ~ug;.ir. I t.1hle~­ l"1,.11 11(1111· .11HI 1 • rra..:pr)(oil 1 1:1na111on. Li~t1·ns EYcry onc Landers ave a '\'Iii' \~,c· <·1n1p(li1 ~~l\"1 •:--~·t l\ I t Ill' l)l'i<'l' i 1f ll (i-1·11p pn\ flli <>f I k•li1·ioll ' j.'! ,\~L'!.':-' ( '1 >ff( 'l'. F11kl'r's is 11101rntain- crrc1\\·11. :\!11\l l ll~til l · .~ lfJ'~l\\·11 r1>lftl(' i:-; tl1e ·;id1l'Sl. mosL rlavorfu I cofflol· in t\1l' 11·orld. ~o n·d1·<·111 thi'l'llll1Jo11 nL _y1111r ~\'l)('('\'0s so1111. l t"s c11n· \.\'~1,· ,)r 111~11,i11g yu11r c<;flce time and 'tn"\~l'l I inll' ;1 \itlll' riclll'I". ' /\:i 1nC'\;JC'n"i\"C , easy-to-fix mcal11rne tn ·nd. Sl'r\-c 11 11h ~.i ucrkraut or chili hl·Jn" 1or ~1 n\L•Jl your f;imily \Viii love . II':. )rh1rn11.~r', c.I L·llc1ous Beef Knack\vur::i l ,, 1th ,1 dL1l1< J\l' touch of garlic th..:it i-:11c::. .1 l lJ\Or boo::.t to the n1dcl 1r.1nkturtvr ::.l'J~l1n1nb~ t\lrcady cooked - ju~1 hl·J t Jnd ~('f\'C'. 5chirm£rs the Socia ble Sausage RALPH'S MARKETS LIMIT ONE COUPON P£R PURCHASE ... ., ...... .. . . .. ' . . . '"'" .... "' .. ' ,, ' . ... ~.· .. '" ' • -. ..... ' __ O~ILY Pllll~_C 9 Summer Tr ea ts Offered SQ1nt• · '~e-et trioth~ ' Jtl' really un!y s l" rll I s 11· t l' f f.specially for then1 hrre's a l1~hl 11r1ti !Ernony l"U"'.r.nl pie HUTTE!l,ll LK Pit~ '~ c.:u11 butter 1 ~ t:Up Sllj;<ll' 2 egg yolks ~ ll"aspoor\.~ fl our '1 ll•ilspoon s;1\t 1 1 h·a:.poon gr'111"1 lc1n{l11 r111d 2 lea :-.µoons len1011 juiL-c 1 tJ cups butterintlk ::! i·g;.: 11 hlles. sllfrl> llf'.•h 11 9--uit"ll t1nba kl·d p<tsl!') :.hell lh·at butt('r and sugar unt il 1·rt•:1n1y ;111d fluffy. Add rgg ~olkc; one ;1t n tin1P. .\dd flnu r . ~Hll . l!:'Ulnn ru1d aud juk·P. Blend 111 bu!tcr111ilk . Fuld ill egg 1vh11~·::. Pour \1110 pastry :.hell Bnkc ;it ·100 d1·grf'l'S for :!fl to ;i;, n111H!te:. or until k1 11fl' inserted bet11r£'n cent£'r and C'<lge coirle!; out l"lean 't, • \'1 u 1· .• n !111 ttu• rook1r j 1r durat~ rl 11::; :-.11.11lng sunnnl·r \\J\h11L1l f1•1•l111g b<1kl·d J'\0-HAKl'~ \\'AL~c·r H.\L\,'\ \ •i·hl: 31i 1>0tt'n I p;1c\..;1~e 16 Olll••t' I ~· 1111· .•11•·1·1 l'l·1n\'ol.1te pi! rr·" p.1c·k:1ge 16 ount:c~1 bt1!l£'r· "t'nlt'h Pll'''''" :11 ('UP :-.lll•·tl rv11!1•t·t1111i.·r" ~ui.:;ir ' rup 1!,11ry •our <"l"' .1111 tea!'.poon ~r..i!('tl or:.i11h'' rind your wa:Y. Put yourself in San Francisco ... Now! The time's right for a m ini-vacation in everyone's favorite city. and besides, you deserve a break. So w hy not jet away now? 1 1 h·H!>poon salt 1,, cups crushed chow n1e111 noodlrs , 1 cup ground v.·alnuts .\ll'lt {' h o c o I :. t e ru1d buttt·r..;coteh p1et·£•s togethf'r 011•r ho: 1l'a11·r: rl'tnOI c friJnl ht'iJ!. A<ld r11 n1a1n rlcr 1if i11gr ed1cnt!I. 1•\1·f•pt nuli., mix 111·11 {111!! 20 llll!lll:~-~ ~h<nx· ln1o 40 I 1 111th 1 balls r"!I 111 11111 ~ :-.111r•' 1n tightly 1·•1\1'rl'd ronta1 nl"r In a short hour you could be enjoying San Francisco's fabulous night life and gourmet restaurants or maybe tour antique and boutique shops on a cable car. If that is nol enough you could go to the opera or theater. We have something for everyone. Air California's Sun Jet Tour package includes the essentials-lodging at H otel St. Francis, Hyatt-Union Square, Hyatt Regency. Hotel M ark H opkins. Quality Inn, San Francisco Hilton, Sheraton Palace, or The W estbury-and ground transportation- the rest is up to you. You can pick from a list of attractions and options to tit your time· table, your plans, your pocketbook and put it logether your way. Choose from 2. 3 or 4 nights starting at $36.90 per person double occupancy! Find out how easy it is to enjoy all of San Francisco. Ask your travel agent or call Air California. {714) 533-2190 We Care! Serving Sacra mento, San Fra ncis co, Oakland, San Jose, O ntario, Palm Springs, Orange County and San Diego. ··~ I l • ' • DAILY PILOT ' Hy Cl·:CIL\' !!HI>\\ '\ST(I\ t·. AtMdlllMI P•tH r -~11 .. l)r L:sing fre~/; p...1r~ ~li11ult!t·r for kabobs for the outdvor grlll can make <Jn 1ntt·fr~t 1ng Ha waiian-style muin tourse lhat's reasonable 1n cO'i! \~1· .~Uj.lj.;t'~I p!.u·1 ni.: tlii· l-0Jbt1b~ ";is is" ovt·r rict'. ht11 1f }Ou prt·ltr yuu r·:1n re1nove 1h .. 1n fn.1H1 the skt•w1·r;, :! 1.dil1•:-puuns l11:h! Ur1111n :.uga r 1 tnblespoon 1.:or11st.1rrh (.'0111 btned \-\"Jth I tablc:.povrl f'Old \Villt'r. I t'UP lvng·~rain or ton1rrt L<i rice, rooked ;1nrt hot 01'• i1h111: 111• .1t cq11.1ll: a1ut ;illu11 :n~ I p1nt•,1pplr chun~~ I rr1•1•n p1·pp1·1 :iq11::ir1· ;u1d ~ ur J or 11un 1111:.irtt'r:i for i·;irh :.!..t•11C·r , I( l' st' r i t' r ,, rn ;1 l n I 11 J.: inneupple anrl J..rrc1·11 pt·pf1t'1 Pork Goes Hawa ii an \\'c rhosc l:I :s111u!I bon1··1n roast for lhc kabobs ::ind did illt' boning and cutting uf the nu•ut in our own kitchen . '/'his takes tin1e and a l1ttl1• sk!l l but is usually 1~ss i·xpcnsive than buying the hunt•d I ~-inch thick pork that I:. flt'l'd t:d . If )OU ha\c trouble rl•n10 \·1n.'( the ru00 HI one do11n11oard thrU.'il, JU.St remove <.1 1lu1d or h.ilf vf 1l ,1t .1 111ot• ,1n!I ;11r;1n~·· 1\ in l!'i Lw1g1p;1l urdt•r HAWA II AN GRILL 3' 1 to :ii ~-pound bone-in frt'sh pork shoulder roast l"ns1·a:-oned 1ncat tc11dL·r1zcr I (I pound and 4-ouncc l e<in p1ncJpp!c ch1ink:; in he:n·y S)TU\) T1 un f:Jt fron1 ou\~Jdl' of pork_ Mo1stc11 all surf,_u:~s of lll•'<it v.ith \1·att'r; sprinkle 1111·:1t t1•ndt'r11.cr -as you 1-10111d :-alt -ovrr each surf;u·1·; 111th a fork. dc('ply p1e1 l t' 1ncat at 1'".l·inch intervals. tn a l-lJU,1rt -..1u<·1'p<111 -:11i toigrth•·r Jin· r •' :-' r 1 i 1 \)Lllt'1ipp:t' ;.,~ rup, I I 11 I' g ,1 I t'Jlchup and 11ru11 u :-11~,J/ tw:il I" bo1l1 n~. Plums Perfect For a 111cal11n1e tre;.it, tr.1 '\ roasted chicken 1vith a plun1 s1uffu1g. If you 11·15h, vou 1·;1n substit ute cornisl1 hPns for thi· roa st chi~ken. ·n1e :-,1utrn1g 1~ an w1usu<.d ch<.1ngl', u ~in).! pluins in pkicc of thr 111ore lradition.1l apples and r;11~in s And lhe plun1 sauce is a tnng_\' topper for the fo1\'I. St'rve 1! on a bed of v.ild rice. ROAST ClllCK1':~ AND PLUT\1 STUFF'll\G ·~ cup bultC'r 2 onions. finely ch opped 6 slice3 stale bread 4 Cresh plums. diced I egg. lightly beaten I cup chicken broth 1 roasting chicl-'en Preheat O\'eJl to 350 dcgrcf'S. Jn skillet n1elt butter; saute onions and -:elery unt il golden. Add bread and plums: stir mixture together. Cool. Beat egg :ind b r o t h together ; pour cr"er bread mixture. Toss to blend. Sprinkle chicken with sail and pepper. Sluif chicken; close opening v.·ith sk~·ers. Rub chicken with butter. Roast on r ack for two hours or until I~ JOO\'CS <"asily. SE'r•es 6. PLU)1 SAUCE I tablespoon cornstarch 1.:i cup augar l cup water 4 plums. diced 2 tablespoon_, butter t-.fix cornstarch :ind sug:ir together; stir in 11·.'.lter. Add plums: cook. s ti r r i n g constantly, unti\ glaze bubhlt•s and thickens. Simn1cr 5 morC' minutes. Add but ter; stir urltit n1clted. Spoon glaze over hot chicken. Human Taste s Machine Eats Cake '-10SCO\V. Idaho (AP I - Erwin f..auter has a machiM- that likes angel food cake. l\ot onlv that. it likes some angel fOod cakes bcU.('r than others. Sauter is a profec:;ror at the University r,f Idaho and he prepared a paper for delivery at a Poultry ,...; c i c 11 c e Association m e e ti n g In t-.-1organtown. W.Va .. ;1 00ut his ln.<;tron shear machine -a mechani1.cc/ cake ta ster. Sauter said the machine can ct.oo&:> superior c.1 kc n1orP consistently than h u m an tasters. Jt p.mched its "·ay through cake samples and eva luatt'd lhem along with a 10..mcmber taste panel. Though the mach in e provided only one reading - ang~ food cakes's resistance to compress ion force -ils scores corresponded closely to human preferences. In tests for color. flavor. moistness. tenderness. texture and gen c r a I acceptability, Sa uler noted that human tast.ers. i;?iven two aamplt!I from the san1e cake , ~mctimes gave the ident iral bits di fferent scores. 11le n1achinc did not. Buffet Bonanza SAl..\ION SALAD A I.A RUSSE Good served wtib lettuct on white, rye or rolla. 1 ""' fl pouad) ulmon. flaked 2 bani cooked -· chopP<d y, cup lhinly .Ucod IJl'e<n oniOM 1 tablespoon chotl!>ed capers , ~ cup mayonnaise 2 table.spoons calsui> 2 tabltspoons beer Jn a bowl, combine salmon. eal{!. ircen on i on~ ;ind capers. Blend 1ogether I.Ix> mayonnai!lf'. catsup and !x'f'r ; combint' with salmon mixture QM.IL MakfJI t.boul z OJp:I opr-ead. Easy to Fix , Reasonable Co st !~:fore we readied the rneat, 11i' rn111stencd ii, sprinkled it 1111h un se a s on ed n1eat leni.l rnzt·r :ind pierced it. I grct•n fJe]ll:>e r, seeded and cu t into J-uith squares 3 snHil l onions. JX'c!cd J!ld quarlt'red Hun1• meat and cul into ! '_ inc h t·u i,1·s ren1oving any I.it uround cubes. !)rain pineapple, rc~trving syrup. 'l'hrcad !he pork. p1nc :1p;•lt•. grt•1·11 pepper and onion nn •l to 6 long n1ctal skt'11'('!'S, St u· 111 1·un1~L.1rl·h 1n1\!Urt" (IJOk Oll't' 11\0<ltr.i!t' h•'<ll: :-lirruig ('U!l-~Lin1\\·. llnttl 1·li"!! ;ind t)1it·kc111•d , ,n1d fl''!!'!'\'~··1 11111ea i>rle ancl gl't't'IL 111·1•11!'r. Si·I a.sld1•. lit•lu o;1l s;1ut·1· :-.; 1· r ,. r :-;\..t•IVl'l'S 0\ t·r f !l l' .!l!d lop 11 1th tlu· ~.1lH'1· or pass 11 1\ f1 '\\' notes about offering lh1s lla1va11a n Grill. 3 t:iblespoons ridt•r vinri;<1r 2 tablespoons catchup st·p.1rat1·ly. TOMATO KRAFT WHOLE KERNEL CAMPBELL'S SOUP MIRACLE WHIP NIBLETS CORN VONS VALUE GROCERIES Fancy Farms Frult Cocktail Llbbys Graen Pea~ 16·07., c'" Kraft Cheez Whiz 1!1·0Z. JAR 17-0Z. CAN .35 .28 1.05 "~ds Sa' lads OERM•N.POUTOORTHAEE 39 111'1 BEAN 1>0Z.CAN ., ~MRS. FILBERTS 49 MARGARINE 1 POUND CARTON • Bell Corn Dtlps M.J.B. Tea Bags Hawaiian Punch Dial Rite Cola 11.oz. SAG 100 CT, PKG. SllCPACK 12-0Z.C.A.N SIX PACK 1i.OZ.C.A."I .49 .99 .97 1.09 Ii YUBAN o-t• 3 29 COFFEE .CAN REGULAR OR Et EC. PERK • Glamorene Dnln Opener /o"tl:. 1.49 Slyrofo1m Beverage Cups ",0~~.~~~·.25 Skippy Pel Slew .23 Cllng Free Fabric Soflnar .98 KLEENEX 45 2,C2~L TISSUE• Sp1gh1ttl Sluce Mix ~;.ig~~.?o' Ubbys Corned B11f H11h 15Vt-OZ. CAM .21 .69 ~VONSLIGHT POUND CAKE 12 OUNCE LOAF .59 M1pll-Nut Danish Vona French Braid TASTY TENDER VONS ONE DOZEN 000 0 TOASTED IUC(O 1·LI, LOAF .79 .4~ VONS VALUE PRODUCE Sweet Watermelon flrP ( .A .. ( I .JUICV Fresh Juicy Limes '~g.;~fa'~;' Crisp. Crunr.hy Celery Fresh Bell Peppers ! "'HlS A.L~nc:: ·HSTUflfD '".10 ".10 I·• .19 I' .29 GRAVENSTEI N 25 ~!,~p~ES '" • ·C~J FR OZEN FOOD Sunshine State Lemonade . .. Stokelvs Vegetable s '":."i, ';:· '.' Kwik -Mak e Pancake Batter I• ,., -· .27 .69 .59 ,,, ' " "" BAN QUET 1 69 f,~~~.~C H IC KEN • Johnston Cream Pi es Vons Chili & Bean s fJ.',~ r·o VAl<tf tlES ~8-0Z P"V. ~ O! ,,~,, .89 .39 Ml)(f') DAIQUIRI I.A.Ai f AI Don The Beachcomber 0","C:,"~~~" .25 ~HEALTH & BEAUTY Ii J&J BABY 1 34 SHAMPOO FAMILY SIZE lf)-OZ. BTL. • New! Alm Gal Toothpaste ~'~~ii~;~ .48 Mlcrin Plus Mouthwash !:>OZ fl IL. .88 1~ ASSf "O '''"PRINTED SCREEN 3 99 ' DESIGNS T-SHIRTS s-'.l't~, 100'4COTTON SHOAT Slf.EVf. • Jergens X-Dry Skin Lotton 5-0l. BTl, Style Hair Spray Assro VAR!f_flES IJ·OZ. CAN .77 .56 Ooc1r M1yorWl1ner11u.e""·o' MIAt ...... -.... 99 IM p ERI A L Oscar M11:yer 8olog n1 12.oz. 01: a.oz ...... ___ ,, .... _ ... , ••. 65 SCH IL LING Oscar Mayer Smok1e Links 12.oz. .. • ...................... l.17 MARGARINE Oscar Mayer Link Sausage 1.1 B 1 39 e.oz ................... 75 53 Oscar Mayer Bacon "IE">Ut.AA 1 LB... .. ............... , 1.39 REG . 1-LB . • BLACK PEPPER 4-0Z. GROUND, 6 1 THOMPSON USDA GRADE A FLAVORFUL SEEDLESS GRAPES FRESH FRYERS OSCAR MAYER SPARERIBS .. -· • ~VONSVALUE · MEATS BEEF PATTIE MIX &Ei~P1.l•Sll.O: \EG Pfi('lf"/ I .67 Center Cut Chuck Stea ks USDA Choice Family Steaks ':·.;·, ',,, 1. 79 Boneless Chuck Roasts Center Cut Chuck Roasts th 1.59 "' 1 05 Shensons Corned Beel Rounds 10.1.49 Oven Ready Corned Beel ; ·;·.~,.:;~;_'" 1.39 Blrdlarm Whole Hog Sa us ag e '•'·"· .69 Farmer John Pork Sau sage Roll "' .79 r,i FRESH TURKEY 59 ~,~}!.~~TICKS '" • Encyc/oped/a Of lh1 .--_ -='I ''"J-;:;;-: ... , An/mat : (: .. -$;· Wor/d "7\\ now on safe ~ VONSVALUE ~DELICATESSEN ~ AMERICAN 89 CHEESE stn" \'1Jr•5 Pl<OCL~s:n 1. OL i,,r,. Wiscons in Longhorn Cheese c'-~~;< ta 1.45 Dubuque Canned Ham ~~~· 6. 79 Pillsbury or Ballard Biscuits :uii"< .14 MAO:ES A GP:fAf 17 1 AC0 DOZE~~ • El Rancho Corn Tortillas ~VONSBEEF BOLOGNA ta .95 ' '· '.'f:.. 'l_ WINES & SPIRITS La Paz Marga rita Mix tA1'~;::.'."" Wollschmldt Vo dka SAVE ,0 l't'lPA 11.All t..AL, Pabst Blue Ribbon Bee r '·' r~, " !~ ~ , A'I .79 8.99 2.39 (II!';~~~~~~~~~~~ ~JOSE CHAV EZ TEQUILA 3.99 Fresh USDA Grade A Turkey Wings ta 65 r,-------.:..-------:1 . I~ VDNS VDNS VDNS VDNS VDNS VONS~ Fresh Turkey Bnti1$tS :-;;~~~i~ ta.1 .29 11i DRIVE 79 i 11 1 USDA Grade A Cut-Up Fryers ~~;g: t• .43 --1> > Fresh Roasting Chickens 1:~~; ca .79 1! DETERGENT • !: I> 49-0Z. BO X >I 11' ~·;tT Hr.OUPON 11 IC OJ ' E~r(CllYf .AUGUST 72 TO '8 Ct > LIMIT I ITEM I COUPON PEA ADULT CUSTOMER. >I IVDNSVONSVDNSVONSVDNSVONSVONSI ~---------------- ~~FANCY 79 !,!!,~,~OT FILL~!• ~RIC ES IE'F"fi:TIV£ TlfUJta. THJIU WED., AUGUST 12 TO 21 Wt lltflfJIVt COMMERCIAL DEAlfAS .&HO WHOLESALERS All IT f MI AHO l'AtCf:I NOT IT"Htf RIGHT TO lllEl'Ulf SAL[ TO S!eero Bouillon Cubes .. ~.~ r o 1 ;>.CY ...... _, ...... -....... 25 Natural Bristle Toothbrush 112 OR• is ........................ ee Corr1i:1d111 TabletS l!.·C T ..... . .. -....................... 99 Aspergum 1'3·CT .. ..... .... . ................... 38 Purina Cat Chow 10·LEI ... . .......................... 3.41 " 'l'ECT IH SAN 01(00 COU NTY Nab isco Wheat Thin s 10 u/ NlJCOa Margar•ne SOf l, tfl ... , Dunc.an Hines An9el Food Cake Mi:ii: 1, , 01 Blue Bonnet Margarine ~l)f r 1 lB Oscar Mayer Variety Peck f}.Q/ ........ 66 ..... 65 ... 75 . ...•. 67 ......... 1.34 I 0 I I l'ldams Ave .. at Brookhurst. Huntington Beach ' 340B I Doheny Park Drive, Oapistr~no Bea ch 5922 Ed inger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beach 21 OB2 Beach Blvd H t' t 8 h l H'll Pl El T .. un rng on eac aguna 1 s aza, or o 17 950 Magnolio, Fo unta in Valley ·-·-~~ \) I DAILi' Pl lOf f ' 11 Heroes Ha ndle 1 • Budget tJf Soup-::ind-s.'lnU1\ 1«h s1irpi•r, fit into hudgel.'>, 111 wnnn "'"alhcr the soup 111<.iy 1,. l:hillrd. AT THESE PRICES YOU CAN Fill YOUR STOREROOM F'or Uie sand11ieh Irv !hi- hitest \C rsion of a "hero·· - a savory topping of eh''''~' hard-<'ookr d eggs, pirn1~·rH11 -.1t1ff('(j ~rt:n ull\'l'-., 1;r1•1·11 s· "·' ---,,...----------~ pepper. onion. talrh11p :inf! 1~ -... ::__ ,_ 111ustard 1nJX('(I toi::cthcr ;111d 'WJogfte ,pread .,., halves or ''"'"' tn..ORI"" SPRINGFIElO Italian bread. flij""' . The hot bread rind lilt' tl'IOI SODA toppinR: make dchgh!f11I t ;1r-a.I.- in~. For dessert , all you Ot't ~i . ---_ POP 1.~ fresh fruil. CHE ESE A~ll \'i I 120Z. CANS1 OLIVF. ll f.H11t-:~ j .. 1:i rup c;1 tr hup 5'xi ngftek1 ! ~ tenspof1J1<> pr t' p :~ 1· t' d 111!'o- mus!ri rrl SPRIN G FIEL D DECORATOR !~~~TOWELS JUMBO ROLL Big Cookies 3 Pound!. SPR INGFIEL D CHILI CON CARNE REG. or HOT 15 o:t. #303 C<1n SPRI NGFI EL D ALL PURPOSE COOKING OIL 24 .,, SHOP -COMPARE ;;;i~ f . SAUCE /1 303 Can #303 Can SPRINGFIELD .. "· FRUIT DRINKS •GR APE• ORANGE • APPlE •FRUIT PUNCH • SOYSENBEllRY •CIT RUS SPR ING FIELD GRAPEFRUIT JUICE NATU11Al OR PIN K SPRING FIELD BARBQ SAUCE Reg. or Hot 14oz. TOMATOES EXTRA LARGE 19~ .-'·\, u.s . POT A TOES .s •. \ '\MO. I \,.~:.:_RUSSETT 10 te. 69C I ''.i~-"" .h CEllO '-"-. •-" '' . BAG ., THICK MEATED 19 BELL C PEPPERS ~ JUICY-EXTRA FANCY p Lu Ms YOUR CHOICE MOUHPEARSTlETT 29 ! EXTRA FANCY SEEDLESS GRAPES 39~. RED RIPE WATERMELON CUT MELON 7' lb •CUT CORN • Pl'A.S •BABY LIMAS SPRINGFIELD 9 oz. FRENCH FRIES or CRINKLE CUT POTATOES : SPRINGFIELD . ORANGE JUICE 6or. C..ons ·~- Packed in . ~~y» " ZACKY FARMS II >.(~~ ~'.''J CALIFORl'llA GROWN OUALITY POUL TRY Pl'PSODENT TOOTHBRUSHES REG.'" 3/$1 Nutrients H1i: 1n f\.1\'(11, h1~ i n l11'alt.hft1I nutru•nls :ind b1C 111 pop1il:1 r :ipJ'W"•;i\ ()111· of t ilt','-<' :-aucrr ~i1.1' "'hl·n ! i..: •' r 11\ l'OOkirs i.s utdl'l'd :1 hnr1d (ul of nutrition. Thest• hig ('()()\.:tC'c::: r:1tf' lu~h \1·i1t> the b;1krr ton tx-<o;iuM: dropping tile drop i!: quick ... unc bater m.1kcs ooly ten. As a provider of proh•in. N>gulnr "'hea t germ ou1r,1nks a ll olhl'I romrnonly calcn hrcaklasl ttreals. A 1 '1 cu1) S{'f'Ving, prO\'idcs rune g"ran1s of protein or onr firth of tlW' L'~ rccom1ncndcd d a i I y allmvance. \VllEAT C.ER,1 SAUCER C(HlK IES 1l cup bu1tcr, softened 1~ cup brown su~u.r, packed 1, cup granulated sugar I egg :i 1 teaspoon vanill 'I ~4 eup \'ac1111111 packet.I re"ul<1r wheat ger~n ~. cup nour I teaspoon baking powder 1iJ teaspoon salt v~ cup r!akl'd C'(ICOTlut 1 t C'UP quick oat.~. uncooked \Ii cup !temisv.-eet chocolate plcees Beat butler with ~ugar.; unt il ,blended. Beat in egg and vanilla. Mix wbeet germ with ell remaining ingredients. Sttr into butter milture. Place dou~h by t~ cupfuls onto grea~ baking sheet, about &.inch<'s aparL : ('; ~O PRESERVATIVE S ADDED ~ ZAC1'CY " '. ·,."""s.,,, ' ZACKY FARM S :~•«1\\i:iiiJf;~,_ . CALIFORNIA FRYING CHICKEN BAR M SHOULDER PORK STEAKS BAR M BONELESS PORK ROAST BAR M BONELESS ROLLED HAM USDA CHOICE ROUND BONE BEEF ROAST BAR M HOT OR MILD PENN SAUSAGE 43~. s10! s11! s11! s11! 99~. -- USDA CHOICE -91 c CHUCK STEAKS LB. USDA CHOICE s 109 SEVEN BONE ROAST LB. PROTEIN BLEMD GROUND BEEF USDA CHOICE BONELESS ROLLED CLOD ROAST BULK STYLE LONGHORN CHEESE BARMBULK BACON 69~. s1'! 98~. s11L? PRELL CONCENTRATE SHAMPOO , ••. '""" NOXEMA MEDICATED SKIN CRiiEA"'M"'91~ ···· ··~ 89c Jgr $.1.J9 SPRI NGFIELD BEER 12 llL '"'"-6 Padc: SCO RESBY RARE SCOTCH OOART CANA DIAN TRADITION BLENDED WHISKEY "" Store Hours: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. ~2}} X,~!,~~,1r'h'!!!~!f~ !'.~"~ Aug. 22-2B Pric•s wbjed to stock ow hand 5" 3" WE GUDL Y ACCEPT U.S.D.A.JOOD COUl'OHS. Bake in 375 degree O\'('ll 15 to 17 minutes or until ,!::ok.lcn bnJWn and centers n r(' nrn1. Cool 2 to 3 n1inutrs on 'baking sheet thC'tl trans(('r to racks. To keep cookies crisp, S'lorc ln loosely covered conlai nt"r Jl.1:ikcs 10 (~·loch ) cookll·s. BAR M BULK WIENERS 89!" ARMOURS 12 OZ. MIRA CURE BACON 98~. COSTA MESA I 'Ith and Placentia PLACENTIA 710 W. Chapm11n· ' I t Home News: Bread Bargain Costs the Same Dough 6y OOHUTll\' \\'t:\t;J\ Dr•-c-.1, Hon•• •a •.,•• 1'1\10 111 ~uu !'t' .,:11111).: !(I hn\•' to tell r>ebbu.• aiJou l h11y1ng bre<id," rny ne\\'l l' 11·•·d :-0n Ji111 said this 111orn111g fl SC'(•1ns lh:tL )11s hrid1• didn't kr1011· .1bout h.1110•1>11 lxl'Ottl. fit•t<tU."L' tht.> iu.1( 11.1~ so hig and the pnC'C' :<-0 1011« l)ebbi(' thought 1t w::is !he best buy. But "'as lt? Balloon bn ·;1rl is !I l·f~Ju111! loaf 111lich ha.~ bt•t·n :ill0111 ~ti to ris.· !011g1·r 1h:111 11s11r1I .ind then is b<lkt.'<l in a pan l:1 rger than usu <il. 1'h1s rnakt•s IL puff up - ltkl' :1 b;..illoon It :11:"<1 n111kt"• 11 1£·ry w!I :ind \>:l~t ly S(!\JilShi'd . \\'hen Debbie 1n.1do' to.is11'd C'hcl'se s;indv•ichcs ~·u t 01 I\ sonic of the air d1~pp•.'an·11 , nnd tht.· sand11·iC'ht'S <:0rt u1 1 (.'011<11)..<:ed. And .11111 1t('('ldt•d shr nct'dt'd ,.;(HlH' bri·;uJ-!)uy1n1: heir. I ()f rou r:';{'. b:ll!oon brPad il' not labeled b;1!1oon brC'ad. I 'lou n1ust r1·coj'.!)li~(' P Ii~ 1hc (at:! lh<H i: is ;d111r1.~t :1s big as a , , ~ pound lo.11, ~·et ll1e net v.-eigl1t 1s on ly I pound 'i'qu can tell irs ligh11:r 11 hl'n you pick it up. So, like l)ebbir. the n1otl11'r ll'hO is trying 10 feed <1 hun~ry broo<l might conclude that the halloon loaf is a l~.>ttcr bu~·­ For a lower price. sht• ge(S just as manv slices of bre:aL But \1·ait. thf're's a l<1ll.'.lt:Y in this reasonin~. The balloon !oaf inal' ha ve tl1c s;in1e nwnber o.f slices. but the slices <Jf(' lighter. Each b<t lloon slice '1·eighs onl v ~" ounce. compared to .abOut l 1 ~ ounces per slice of standard bre.;id , This may appeal lo 1he 01·er.1'eighl. since each Ua\10011 :--!icf' has but 55 calor;es. con1pared to i\) calories in Citru s Used Tradition Preserved '.\01~· that "putting up" food is back in fashion. yoo might like to trv your hand at. n1aking a n old-fashioned pre.serve. Our grandmothers knew how good a combination citn1s fruit and fresh peacht>S is and the,· used rhe fruits as pariners. in a deli cious con- serve along \\'ith raisins, \va!- nut s and cherries. l~'s lovely to serve 1l'itll hot biscuits \\·hen chicken or ham or boneless pork shoulder butt appears as thr main dish at a company meal. It's al.so a pleasant s'veet accon1pani1nent for toast at an egg-and-bacon brunch. Because the ~ipe makes 10 half-pint jars, you n1ay want to plan on giving some of the conserve as gift.<; \\'hen the holidays come around. BP sure that \'OU store lhf' preserve in a c001, dark. dry pl acr . One of the pleasant feah1re: of making this conser\·f' I;;; that ll dorsn't ne('d to he proc't'ssed: lodl1 ng 1he hot mi'<ture Int o strriJi·'f'd j::rs and sealing is fl prrft•ctl.v saft• mf'lhod ~causf' the (·onser1f has adrqua1e ;1cid and suga r content. ORANGE PE,\Cil COJ':SERVI'.: :1 oranges I lemon 3 pound<; peach<'."> p<>C'k'd and diced ! 5 cups\ 11 ~ cups goldf'n or dark raisins R cup.<; sugar 1 cu p coarsely c:hoppcd walnuts 1h cup drained h a 1 v c d maraschino cherries Wash and dry the oranges and lemon. Quarter each : re move seeds. Put through food chopper using roarse blade. lnto a large ketUe tum the chopped citnl."i fruit, the l)('aches ~nd r11isins : :tdd I.he sugar. (h•er moderate heat . slirriug occasionally until s ugar dissolves, bring lo n boil: re- duce heat and sirr:mer uni.ii mixture sheets from a spoof! or registers 221 rlegrees on a candy thermometer -abou1 I hour. Slir in "'alnuts and cherrie:;;, /,..Ladle inlo hot steriliied j11rs .--r_, and seal . M8kes 10 half-pints. Freezer Fact To prepare bcrrie~ for rreezing. S\\'iSh 'hl'nl gently in lots of jce oold water. lift them out . par dry and freeze in a single layer on shallow trays. Wlw"-rl th<!y are s v I 1 d . tramft'r ·Lhein to otn airtrght conlalncr. ;1 ... llt'f' 111 ,1;u1d:11·(1 lul';J(.] lw;1I \\iJ:-. ~lightly lo11i•r :-.d'-" 1n111• 1 t• , ,., ,11, 11 11 ·1 !hari li;iKt•f'\ hn·ad 1•,uod,<111dsn11·lls~•1:110C.l11 )Jili' \ \\t• tl~fn'! rl'ffllnlflt•!id Jl\H l_(fo\~lll~ kirts. S11 d1111 '1 be rni~h·rid !I\ n 111.,1 ti.il l " S1111 11· 11onicn h;ivt· l':-.li!lllllt•d l1 'ikl ku1~. 1hc11 l'\l'!'\of\l' l'<lt " lf'i>t•.t!l1i.; unt~1h.1·d yea:-.! d•tUj.\ll :t!ILI llf;d Ul <l 300 dt>~r('(' ()I 1'11 :. 1,, Iii iliJllU(< , 11111 ii thfl111·d M!Hl \1,H Ill 1 .. p .. 1·1.1Jly hung ry lt·t•n;i gt-r .. -r1q.I[ pr'J!'i• th<it st•,.rn.s tov.1·r .'t.1t1cL11d 1111;11! 111·1• ul ••' 111•\ ll <'QSl'i npprux1n1<11<'1y n1o:t' -11ht·t!1cr lht'Y lll't'd 'lh•• h11k~·r! µrudU('l \.\'Ill bt• a1 1• s1111ply no t going l1l be tor !ht• b;tlloon brr·rul 11 11holv :->ll!·1· 11f li.111,~111 111• ,d l111lf .i~ 1ntlch -nol t'OUnt111i.: 11 or111JL s11i~il l :ind h:1vt'jlOOr lcli lllft' (/ \\li;ll is r:uqi? My :-:1t 1~!u·d 1fllh a s;111<Jwith nt t/il' f.'.os1 1i..:r oun(•t• lh~1t ll•ll.'> And \"!lei h1111· Ii··~ ~tul;11 ·~ !!u·1rl<JIJ(Jr or(._'Q~tufo1>eratin~ \Jn the plus side. you c<in Fut' I)(·~! rt>~lilt.~. bak(' your .~11 ,1 1 ,.11 Ii.I\\ 111,.1111~ \i l10 the l11!h1111·i•'l!I UrL·<1d ;11111 11·111 lhl' l'L';.il 1<ilUl' Anti :1 n;in1t' .1f!':t ·l11r !11••1! • .ilul'I• l111lf• 1 du· ll\(•n . il<Jd extra 1·ll""ed'"'"" to ""<l <' ,,1 .. ,,.1 r'lllls befure frc;t>111 1g u t '· ,. ,.. ... f'' " "' JV ·' I I h11•\;[J>11·k :H1d th1·.1 1:1 k.:(l "~ll 111:1'(! to t·:ll nloi'c ot 11 &! likt· "l'l'Onnrnv br1•ad " tor 11 11' or lt·lh 11111 IJ011P11·r. \<lll 1n~v not s:IVl' lioniem"lie bread •.·ucli .. 1 .. '111,,111 You 1·;111 pllrti:t l.1 ti~• ~1• I r . ... ,, • f 'l t·~!llili ~"l'P 1,1·h1 l' \ icy l't' un rf1t· hre.1rf 111!1 l.!1~app•·;.r h;1lloon l1),1f 1 ~ r c a I J y 111Hn1·1· lt:1king ~·our 011·11 hrt:1d t.J ry rnil k. :;oy flo iu·. Ofitrn(•,il 1hi·n1 :11 '1/J dl•grr·es \>r Mu Ja~\('r 1111~!1•.1d1t1J,! t)L'E S Tltl\:.. Ill·. \l(L IHI M'lvl'al r1·asun.s [.'nr nn .. 11ht•<1! gel'rn rir t•i·rn cntt:i~·i· 11111111 .. s \\l11•r1r,·:u.l.1 l11sC'I'\'(\ lh•fl:•il Jn pnrt~ co111p:11·1sc.1ns 11t· \\1•1gh\ for 11c·1ght, lJul not ASK1 ·:1J : lh111g. ho1ni·1H a(ll' Un·ad is eht·1·St'. iu ui:.ikl' il 1nort· 1ha11 111 111·a1ip11l~~ Ill IV l.i A \1•1lfl i.;;;i i.~IOrttl'Cllf'rgy '·· J ti tr d I 1 · k ,1 .,. ,,1,, ,.r, f ..... , for bal'kpat'kers 11.1;1\'C 111nt I'. it' t'1•St J>t•r ou nv" slice fo r shtl', th(' bal!rl()n Q 1 cnio\' h.ihillL' 1111 01"11 Li'lhl ;. n1urc l'uinp;i{'1 ~1H you 11utrHJOt1~. 11111111lt'S. l 1"11 i;t l' ; .,.,;} " ""' f I I Ir I I •· r ' 1 111 1111111ll ' l r ,',ll<I 11ll11·r 1111td01.)r !lports 11 t 1r xi oon 11·t·ilc -+11 hrr·.1<1 J1:is tht' -'>:ln~1· rnrbo h\'· !Jr .. :id. biit r.n «1•11\d1·1 11 I! d1111 l g1·t :is nu1ny stirt"' p1:r 11·~:rt•1·s " o ,._, i I I I d ' f (' I I <'lllll<l'l··•.<I"' l t's s I n1 p I y rno.' stur1"' -1.'> !l!J Q\\'\•r tli«1l!'. prolt·111 . \1'~1111:11•1 :111d 11 hrtlH'r I 11.,1111 .~ 1• ,. :111 1. ":ti :-i..+ It 01·s:11 L gn ~1;; <lt ~ I rn:ik(' n1 1· own yt•;1,1 1u111 1!'11\111 .. ll11111 l!l1· t'll'I p+•r uunr e iii 1n1n1·r:d~ ,,.; rhr t·or1·1:~po11dint~ inoney by :.er\Hlj; liHill\'l!'·I•'" .;nd pl'up!c us1i11lly ~L'I 111v1·1· ro ll ~ ~uid v.oul d iikf' 1u 111;1i.,,. \~I' ,1<111 t«1n l11lh h.•kl' ~our l'ln1111•1•d tn:1sr 1·d or niaS!t'd tilt' ~t;u1(!:t1'1! fl 1 [Xlllrlrf IU<I! !>l:tT1(l;1rd :-,1/v lu~1t', hrl':.Jrf. lil't'.1d pt'f ~('l'\irlg largt'r b<llt ill'S ;'llld fr('l'I!' 1·1111• \\'!io·ll l't':i(l,1' [0 ~c r1·r, :Jln1011dS 111lb r :1 I ~ I :i ~ f I \ I r ' I I I' I 'l'h h I " I · • >l c·h'·••f·,it1· ti11-.. ,1!Hi <i lit!lt 111 :11..:1 1n ,,111n1•,,!llr1·s.t 11• ,.111 1 ~u11 r1• 11 atl'1111g 1, n1 u1d tnr p11u111 f• ot i·r Lictor 1-. ttal son1r.l'i it.pnssible to fl't't'I.(• th;111 irt >\lr:1J)p111,.:<..:1 101 •! 'I' _"'_'1 fl<_•r_n~i_cc_~r thc_·_s_1a_a_d_a_rv __ '_"_'r_o,_·1_'"_'·-'-"-"-'-"_"l_d_:'_''_"_"_r~r)_' _11_o_m_e_in_'_"_1e_1_11~·c_a_u_.::r'_· _'_"~"~<il_l<_h·~V~"~"·~n~1:i~<1~"_:i~ll~<'~<H~l _:_L~<>~l~1·:.~· _::~·1'.._~1~1r~"~'d:'...'.d~o~\l~gh~'~· ________ r"'~"~":"~r:~1'~ll~1":..,:'~ll'_.::"~"'~"~11_.::111:_:l~"~"-':'~1ll:_ _________ _ Great summer meals start with fresh fruit andcheese frOJD Ralphs. Sun rise fresh Bartlett pears and Ralphs Sharp Chedd ar Cheese make a s uper combination for cool, nulri lious sum mer meals or sn ack;;. This week Ralph s is featu rin g peak of t he season Bartlett Pears at a price you'll like as much as our super selection of fresh fr uits and vegetables and our incredible variety of cheeses . Meat Master Meats U.5.DJl.GradeA-Southem Fresh Fryers whole "· • 37 U.S.D,A, Choice -Fre$h Lamb Shoulder Roasts lb •• 89 U.S.D.A. Choice-Fresh Lamb Shoulder Chops 1h. 1.49 "· 1.79 lb, 1.19 lb. 1.48 lb. 1.49 ib. 1.39 U.S.0.A. Choice-Leg Cut Lamb Sirloin Chops Beef Chuck 7-Bone Steaks Full Cut Beef Round Steaks Beel Loln-Bonele11 Braising Strips Ratphs-Polnl Cut Corned Beef Brisket 1 Lb, Roll-Mild or Hot Pork Farmer John Sausage 1 l b. Sllced-Hickory Smoked Ralphs Bacon Oven Reedy-Seasoned Beef Meat Loaf Young-Meety Turkey Drumsticks U1e Like Ground Bee! Ground Turkey C1tlloml• Grown-Day1 Fresher Fryer Wings Sirloin Cut Pork Chops ••• 83 ... 1.09 lb, .98 lb. .49 lb •• 79 "· .69 lb, 1.19 Fisherman's Cove Fresh-Skinless Black Cod Fillets ".89 Mild Flavo1 -Fresh Perch Fillets 1.38 Fresh Pacilic Ling Cod Fillets Salad Si1e Cooked Shrimp f ishermari's Cove Brand Breaded Sole Fillets lb 1.39 lb 1.99 lb •• 98 lb .28 Pan Ready Whiting Super Spirits Ralphs E1.clusi~e-12 01. Cans -S a~e 10 Amber Brau Beer l<1kesh11e Gin or Sandra \bdka l<ent,,.cky Squire-86 Proo! Straight Bourbon Gamay Rouge Renee French Wine ''" 99 c<1rton • lillh 2.99 lillh 3.99 l•«h 1.99 Super Deli Ralphs Cheese-Aged 6 months Sharp Cheddar,,,,.1 .53 Swift -Canned Ham Patties Ralphs -Meal or Beef Bologna Galileo-Sl1c ea Italian Style Salami Swill-Canned Sugar Plum Ham "" 1.39 '°" .69 6 QI . 2 lb. 4 oz. 1.19 3.98 A~~~j~~eCh~se Food ea.1.29 Ch•!lon -2 Tubs Soft Margarine Regular 4 -Stick Imperial Margarine Punch -Orange -Grape -lemon Ralphs Fruit Drink Cool & Refreshing Ralphs Buttermilk lib ,67 1 lb. gil!lon .67 .69 .29 Super Bakery Ra!phs E11:lus•ve -Fu ll 1': lb. Loa! Super Bread Ralphs -Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns Ralph1 -Co!lee Cake$ Meltaway Danish Ralph I -Dellclou5 Orange Tea Cakes .. ,h .37 pkg. ot 8 1 " "' each .37 .45 .73 C.lilomia Baruen Pears Red Ripe -Whole Watermelon Sweel -Mellow Fl11vo1ed Casaba Melons Fresh, Aed R11dl1he1 or Green Onions Fresh -Solid Green Cabbage po<lb, .25 perlb, ,08 pet lb .• 10 bunch .10 per lb .• 10 l lb ceho b•g pkg .• 15 Sweet Juicy -\lalencla Sunkist Oranges •• , lb •• 25 Tops Removed Fresh Carrots Super Flowers Assorled V11rie1ies -4" House Plants Bellutilul Mixed Bouquets bunch .97 6 Pot-Hangil'lg Coleus Plants .. " 3.97 Back To School Values Daily Weir-Popul•r Slz•• & Sh1d•s PaT~iy Hose :::~'18 The1mot -ln1u!1ted Snack Jars •tCl'I •• n Baro!-Black 0 1 Blue-,69 \11lu" Spree Pens llCft .49 "" 1.79 Vinyl Covered -Tn-Fold With P1cS Organizer Binders Prices Effective August 22 through August 28 Ralphs HiC Orange Drink SuperBuys ~~~~~~~- Assorted Tide ~·.~: Old Fashioned Ice Cream ~:.1:~. 75 .46 o~ .33 Detergent ·~~: .89 Health 6 Beauty . -. ' ' ' ' " Frozen Food Pantry Fillers Apple Ttm ~ Apple Sauce Comp~ft & Save Caryl Rich•rds -Conditioner or 16 or, Balsam Shampoo 1.>ou1e W1•tC1 or Unw••ed ~o d Mlf'lu!~ M••rl 'lil<•da Orange Juice I~ Ol 8i•the~e -W<!h C•,,.am Sauce-Peas o• 1;0 •. 29 I'" • .69 .65 6''•01 67 Johnson's Dental Floss ~~~. Ort•mnower 01 Lemo" Pond's Talc Powder G:¢i;o:=<11. . ~~~~~~0;~~~1~~0~ Peas & Potatoes 8 o• pkg OtJn~e Drink 16oz. 29 c•n • "' .35 32 or. 62 "Ntw" He<b1I F••g•1nce Intensive Care Lotion cal\ • 10 Ol . boUle .77 B.1l1am-Herb•l-S!r1wberry •8 1 07 Everynight Shampoo bo1~1~ • l otion Sh•m1>0o-Ftmllr Size Head & Shoulders 70 '· 1 24 bo!Ue • "«"''""'"'" ... , ... _ ... , b••"> , ... ,,. Alm Tooth Paste Pet Whip o ..... ,, ..... ........ _., .... Birdseye Awake Blrd9eye-Frencll Slyle Green Beans Sroulter's-Oes1erl Trea1 French Crumb Cakes G1no·1-La•ge Si1e Pepperoni Pizzas "' "' 10 Ol. pkg. ''"· 1 09 pkg • Rice-A-Roni Mixes Oce an Sp111y -Cockt~il Cranberry Juice Heal & Eat Ranch Style Beans Yu ban -All Grond1 Ground Coffee Ralphs Everyday Low Prices ,. "' "'' ,.,. ........ ~ French's Mustnrd ~<'"ll••O• !l'o•od Black Pepper bottl• • 15 0 1. 33 •can • ~~·; 3.33 ••l$1o<-Co""''"' ~••• Cut Green Beans So Ory Anli·Perspiranl ·~:~ .66 Baby Lima B eans .49 .29 ''""""' '""'"'''",,,a~· Ice Cream Topping ·-~: .• 52 OuOuO•• Co•••d Chopped Ham l'otot Oon • C•••"'• O• C•un• r Peanut Bulter '',~~ .83 Ho• ... let frH'1 0 ••"<1• "'"". -1 ... 11 s ... Schick Shave Cream N .. l;trn L••o•S'" Oreo Coqkies '",:·~ .87 ':.,;~ 1. f 3 ·~~; .83 Pepperoni Pizzas Suqo< ~""'"'"" Sucaryl Tablets '"•••~·•"t:""~' Ground Collee 1~.'~ .65 D"''"'° AO•••l•O c ...... , ... _,,.,.~ (""'""" ....... B•t<"•~• St"'"'" Fil:odent Neslle's Ouik Fish Slicks ~::. 1.29 Baby Food '·"""'""1 .. Beelamato ··~:: .. 12 "Asterisk ed items not available in the following s l ores: l"'!l•w-.~ll1 '. I•,•' '"'''"''"·''!~' W'' t~tAoqoloe.•1•1•.1.,,.,,.,~1 ..,,...,.,,,,.,,' ,.,, ... 0,1.,,1.,4""'"'"·, 1,,nr••', \o•••Q.,,.,·~,..,,,,,.,, °'""''""""-1 .. , ... q'"' '·'" ..,..,,._, 1 l"•••o•>o., n,.,.., •,,.,,.~o f'I«:, ''""'""°"• "'' \ 1· •. '" < ""''" """•*ood, .. ,., ~·'"'"''' _,h I I•• '"••!eo. ••!A.W, 11v1<1 .•1•'"1 f<>o!~"I. 711> '•·""'" 11'"1 Lo•··~"·· ,., .. ,, " ' '"'''~'. I •• Aoo•r.•, ''' u.' W.•«, 1.0••"11ot•• ..,.,.,,, v"' ,, 1 ll«od•e.lll ''""Ci" r---·~D·---, r---·~$1 ··-, I ' Mlnuti vMii'ilCoupon .,. I I ' Snve .07 Witll Coupon 'II I I Orange '" 23 I I s.o.s. "" 29 I Illustrated Encyclopedia of the I Juice "" • I I Pads 0 '' • I Animal World 1 •• •·t•"'., '"'~w. ~·11 ~·"•• • '"''"'•'"· •;Mfl'"''~"" •• ,.,,, M•Oo, '''''N I '"'" '"•'" \tolo ''"• 11!1<11 S.0""'"11~111""- Banquet Dinners Elcept Beel or Ham pkg. .41 Pantry Fillers lls5orted Fla•O•s Jello Spoon Candy "",:· •• 25 "~:. f.19 ::.. 1.29 :.:.~ ... 39 c ... ~ ... ,,. Blackeyes & Pork .. ,,, ... ,, .. , Sweet Aell1h '':; .79 ,,,.._,.,, ... Orange Drink 1';,'; 1.35 l'l'P•(&< .... ll<>to-l• 11t 1 Beel 'n' Bean Burtllo1; "· .61 1 ....... .., o ... '"l'""·'~··" "" S..•• , ::« I ,,. '' 1•'•· ..,., l:o~,.. .,,,,, l.t""""'"""'"· •••• ""''' !"11 '-'•Q"'''" l\~tt ....... ,..,.. . ., .. ,...,,, '. '""'"" $ ... !. (l ... ,, ' 1 .... ,~. '""'· ~ .. -... •!'\.'N 1 •• , ... ,. ....... ,.-............. _~ I I I Limll One l!l!'m t l'ld 0 111 Coupori f't• Cu1tom•1 I (limit Ont flam •nd On• Coupori Ptr Cu1tomtr Coupon Elfetll•e A"'Qu•I 22 lhfu A"'guit 28 Coupon Ellt CtiYfl Augu1! 2.2 11\ru Augu" 28 .i ~ L COUPON ... L COUPON ... ----------------~---The SuRer market RALPHS STORES ARE LOCATED AT: Volume #l .99 Volumes 11 2 & 113. 1.99 380 E. 17th ST . COSTA ME SA 24167 PASEO DE VALENCIA, LAGUNA HILLS 1726 1 17th ST .. TUSTIN 9901 AOAMS Bl VD .. HUNTINGTON BEACH 401 N. l OARA, ANAHEIM 6942 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH 15471 S. BROOKHURST, WESTMINSTER STORE HOURS: 9-10 Doily , 9.9 Sunday Collect A Set Of HAND PAINTED HEARTHSIDE STONEWARE DINNERWARE • Completely Oven proof • Dishwashe r & De te rg en t Proof • Fade Proof Th is w eeks offer: SAUCER c VARIETY DEPARTMENT MEDIUM 'AA' EGGS 1-dor. Ctn. (L• .. Sb• .... SI') J ------ • RIGHT GUARD \i!iSI Deodorant ,.., C!:I 99c QUALITY MEAT FROM SAFEWAY EXPERTS! ••• ~ 7-ol Con GROUND BEEF FRESH FRYERS POLAROID FILM ~. ~~~~~ @ $399 \~ lach Arrid Extra Dry ~;:s1 n Listerine Antiseptic •:;;· 89' Ma-ltiple Vitamins :.;':7~tio s 1 •• Breck Shampoo ';;,· 89 • Dristan Tablets :ti. s1 •• S··~·n9 \u<j4~•••on Regular, "Fresh" lb. USDA Grode 'A' --Southern Under 3 -lbs. ' 'Whole Body -~ ' ..... ' • \· I . . ~ """ .. i~ .. \r•vn1q \"99"'"0 " ~ lb. c Vinyl-Leather CleGner ·:.:: s 1 •• SMOKED HAMS LINK SAUSAGE _ COTTAGE CHEESE l v<erne-Lo 19 e or Smoll Curd . 1..uc_..... Pint Farmer John Shank lb. '· c Fa rmer John Skinless " McCoy's Beef 8-oz. Pkg. .~;1!==--22@!~ ___ ) 5 5 e Ctn. ! o .. ~·1.091 ~~!~-~~0~0acon ~t~:98( !:~!,~~~~.~ ~"·,~~~ lb 89' ~~.~~~~~.~ings 1b.49t PIEDMONT MAYONNAIS ~~~!J!~~~~voc~0 ,~am 1 b 89< ~~~~1~;!~.!,i,~"~teak 1~ J 99 f,~!9e~h;~~~msticks lb89( ~~n?.!~,~n".~1~o~!!!es 1bS 159 ~~~~!~~-~u1~~~.d ....... lbs 188 ~~!:~~~.!highs 1b8 9c -- -Quart Jar Ideal For Sandwiches • FRANKS or Safeway 12 .. oz . " Roth S~inle,, 6 9,. Beef Pkg. LUNCH MEATS sor .... n,si~·~· B•loone \01,,..,, 6-01. 49( ~~;;•nto. lMn<h•on Pkg. • Sweet And J uicy large Si ze Gra nde lb.39< Nectarines Strawberries c.1;~::~70 5;;.:wn ... k .. 49< Honeydew Melons 1~:::y tb.15< . t t . t • t . BARTLETI PEARS MUMS ~;~.~;s:~!~:·0·" .. ' 29( ~ $249 U.S. No . 1 G•ade lb. ;;;~?.·0·~··;::h FRESH TOMATOES !Boston Ferns '-,'::" s J99 Red And Ripe. Ideal For Salad\ Poc~oge of 6 ll-01. 59( ,~,. coso.~O.;o~lr_e~n~~-;:!1_,_s_,,_1_._ 3 ~~~s429 Turkeys a!~:;. 69< • Safeway-Grode 'A Under 14 -lb~ Pork Sirl oin Chops :::~ .. 1119 leg of lamb ";,?,:.~~;:· ,,,1 p 9 Corne d Bee f Brisket "•••o•• ,.sp9 lam b Si rloin Chop s ~:~~,'~;;·,· "1 199 Fantai l Sh rim p "0'~::;;0"' ~-",' gg c · Jimm y Dean Sa u sage ".:.'~~· •;;;· age . Fishsticks Co~::'.~:o~~;;,, !~Cgl 59c Beef Patties c:~,'.1c:~;;" ]~~:'. ggc Perch Fill ets .:~;;::;~~. " 98° All Vea l Steaks ~:::: •;,;· sp9 FRESH BAKERY BUYS! HOMESTYLE /~.~BREAD / ·1· Skylark ~,.fresh Baked 49c lii -' I V2 -pound l oaf \?,,~~.~.~I Foo~ •~-~,r ·~9 6 9 c ~ !.~.~~~!o~,st ~o~~: ol 12 s109 · IN DUR DAIRY CASE ... Orange Juice lu <e me-79( Rich In Vitamin C Ha lf Gallon Cinnamon Rolls • v.-oi.39c Mr~. Wright's Bake & Serve .• Con ~~~~111~-~~~e --~k~45' ~~!n~1°. ~~,~~---·· 1~;~•4 5( SAFEWAY LIQUOR BUYS! BUDGET ·SAVERS BUYS! Prune Juice Town Hou~e Al ' F 'I ""'"· " ,,. 29' umtnum 01 C.o" ,;,, Refried Beans •0 -" •o ... '2;:: 29' Peanut Butter ,";0°:, 3i:. 51 •• Wylers Drink Mixes ':;;: 99' SAFEWAY GOOD BUYS! '· :·@Downy Softener lm i\ fob,;<Sof>enN s 149 ·~ Fo r Soft Holf Sun•h•ne 49( ~ , _ J Hi-Ho 1 0-oz. '1 · '-Pk g. ,::, p k & B '0 "" J0-0> 49' 1-( or eons H0.,,. Co" Juice Drinks ..... ~ .. , 6 'c:: 59 ' ~ Rice-A-Rani c;;:;:; "• 35' Tomatoes co,de .. •·d~ 1~~0~· 381 CHEDDAR CHEESE Sofewoy·lon ghorn Style (Helf Moon) Rond. Wt. SAFEWAY WINE BUYS! Table Wine loMe.o lAll s199 E>'ccp! Porl ) Gallon Spanada Gollo.fru1! Flavored Holf s 199 Goll on Pink Chabl is ..... :;.:::""'"· Holf S2 49 Gau.,., 2 ;~;65 ' •... 65' C•• The Experts • 1030 l•y.HM Dr., Mtwpori h •<h • ')6 M. Coe•t H.,.,..sy: l.,... a.ec:lli • WilMMI I Felf°•ltw. Co1te Mt te • 211 E. I 7ttl St .. Ca1te MtM • 10 I L fl COfllilOG •tel, SCJt1 Clt111tfllt • I 4417 Cal•l'r Ur. ot We&owt, ~·iiw • 24 M....-tlrl l•y l'\trl1. $ ...... l.,._ • >eM• ... h"w1y .t L• Pn. Ml\MM Y+ • 2402 M'"J"rit• Or.,.,....,..., ot Tre•o ' - ; • 'I. Al. •I I I ' I by Wm. F. Brown and Mel Casson 11. " ''I ' .. • \ I ! I .< •• ' ' .\ I < .. " " , by Tom K. Ryan TUMBLEWEEDS AAAAAAAAGH ! ! ftNJ, MAN! CONTROi. YOURSE~F) SO YOU I.OST YOUR fft .THER! .... ' IT'S NO'f Ttff EN~) OF 1rlf WORUI ! AAAAAA AA AGH !! MUTT AHD JEFF 'THERE ARE PEOPLE LIKE ME WHO GET PAID JUST FOR 'Tr\INKING YoU,KNOW 1 RGMEHTS HAHCY SO YoUSEE-· I'M A PROFESSIONAL 'THINKER.' · A WHAT ? NANCY. T TOLD YOU N OT TO MAKE · ANY MORE M UD PIES j'M NOT MAKING MUD PIE S ~DDAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE UNITED Feature Syndicate ACROSS 1 No! cmp!c•;cd 5 Den 11t:r c.olle·~c 10 Pak 1~1 ,1n A4 Soaks nemn '15 f orelather 46 ReQi!>ler o1oav~ 48 I! C.Jf!,(! 0111rnfnl !:iO Auline 14 Unsuccessful ,iDPr. 1 5 Hchcon f; 1 VisCOlJS ' r . ' • ' ' ;. . f ' l ~ !...'. ~ .. . . ' ' . ' I • • ' I l .. ; l . [ • I r ' T .:..;,. ' . ' [ ' ., T .. ,, • • ; T ' ' . [ Nl[ 17 ' 0 ' ' I ' .. ' ' r .. y r ' ' [ ' r " r • " 0 ' ., . .. 0 1 ~ r. ! r • ' ' ~-' ' ~ • n I ' • ' r 1 r 0 ~ ni'!'f1P 16 /,~1iln kingdom 17 l r.i secJ 19 B1 1ng::.•n ;:i~ proll\ 20 F l..t'>f1 f:imp~'. lnlorn,.;I 21 Place 1n :,110~:,,:•c.e r l ~.1,ld o,itn <, ~ (,:1,t'l\j£:J (., \ C ;i n ~ ; ~~ ' • l ~[' ' " ' . ~ "!• t ' • ,, • ., ' ' ' . .. ; ; ' ., ~ti ' • trill wrong role 23 Owondtes 2!'J Cri1 et Ou•ay lollowcr 26 Concealed 29 Amencan l1gnt1ng m•n 34 Ret:kY 3 5 Sourceol Hlumtf'l/l!!Oll 37 Tunney andl i!ller 38 Descended .39 African na1111es 41 Son ol Jacob ~Prince of Vladimir; 2 wordS ' ' " " ' . u 26 21 ?8 " " . ,, .. ' ., v1ct1·11 r ',-r,r,r ,!J -.;!" t..·• \ -.rn;1;1n, •n f,~ l •olodc 60 ':.•'1(', ltdhan 67 Fore'r"'St pos•t1on f,5 c~mpa c t UJ 5noole DOV'N 1 Currier arid ... - 2 l..l1ss1'e 3 Ananias, ••• 4 P•ovide d W•tf1 proper I)' S Not long ago 6 Clear the boa rd 'l N<irrow Channe l 8 Entry 1n -an rr,. t ' r chl1r1Ce: 10 Honest 11 F1e'do! studf ' 12 0CSC'r!S 0"1l'$ C01'11.JdCS 13 lrist •h.Je. aob·. 18 S:cf'I g1rtJcr :!2 l!,JI C animals 24 Seasof'IS 26 Infant woe 27 T on1-· ·-·-·: Mrnnesota Tw!f'IS SI.tr 28 Vogor Qu!J 30 E1ec1 !rorn 1ne n1oulll 3 1 ----·In~ 3 ;? Comes close l o ,s 6 1 a 9 ... I ,, . l1 21 19 JO JS 36 JI J9 ~o $\ ~2 ~6 $1 6 " 0 " I ,, . . , I ' ,...,,, '-.n :-ir. ' ,, .1 ,.,.,.,;r.n r.;i roe! ~,Q Sri o of 1492 40 Ca1c.uta1c 11oorot •ma\e ly 111 rrovo~<:!d 45 Squande1 cr 47 0 1<J 1rie laflgO .t.i P10011e1 1c s•gn 5':? 1•1e e~·c~: slang 53 EHronlerv 5·1 lns:rurnent 55 ,,,,5s Horne b6 Pierce !18 Prootrcadc1 s mark 5'J Congers 60 Wor d ot annoyanc e 63 /.1urncopaJ •• <abbr . 10 II 12 " " 31 Jl Jl ,, A 'THINKER! I'M A i,.\iNKER! ML.ITT, ooYoU HAVE A LISP? by Al Smith YoLIR Si SOUNDS LIKE TH -' (___,,. ' .. by Dale Hale by Ernie Bushmiller THESE A RE ( M UD I ' PIZZAS_) ! 1 1 1 /, '· , Ir- -]--------~ '1-' -~·· . :-..... ~/.-LJ/ lj _ .........,~ ·:~~.;;~· ... ~ ~;.. '~ .. £-... ,,.. ... , .... _ PEANUTS .~ ..... 1'' ' JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH 'SOMETHING Wl<'ON6 WI TH f'HO C!<N VON ? Th..~ -'-: -=~----~-:. ., -.... -:·~ --•• -'1 3 .. ;:~;;' :· "--·-:. · .. --. \. -.-.. l/'.'-.1:-.G ~ ---~ -:::.,. _:_.4.,;-_ ..... ,.., F --:::~\, -:-: TM.;-t_ -1-·~Jo~·,) .~· 1S THIS T"'C BEDR.001\\? ( \ YE~ .. ~'tX'-'1 WATCM': HELlooo ~CHO ! DICK TRACY RIME COLLECTS ITS TOLL IN DEVIOUS WAYS! DOOLEY'S WORLD f?(:(A-f .' -(Ht;;: H05~1'1A L-­ G f3NE'i:;?A JOI'< B R O Ke DOV•/N A G A IN.' GORDO >1£ 'f·' wow, FRCfrJ' '' -· , .. r MOON MULLINS l \..JO QUEST IONS, K,l)o .. \oJriERE S "j"f-,E ,ASP IRIN> AND WHAT 'S !HAT B,AM- BAMMJN0 ? ' "· :! 'v t:;: GO 'l rl ! i..e;.1·5 P t..A Y S HAPOW -r~G ! E::k ' .... ON -f'H E:: H O N O J:< SY'S'fE M , O F c oui<:s e. by Roger Bradfield · by Gu s ArriolQ .---...,....---.-......, . by Ferd Johnson re-----~~-----' \. --·---i ANIMAL CRACKERS by Roger Bollen " HMM . Ti<OS E LOOSE 8R~NCHES M~<i Josr 6E C()'IE1<Hl6 A PIT FOR W~Pl'I N6 6~ME .1 ~ ,, . , ~·~ ., \\-'/r;s· --· \~ ~ J ' . ~· ---·f !_ ,...._:§ ~' •' . -... ~------\\)ELL, 1.'ll '3\J5T W ~lK llROU~D TeOSE Tac·TALE 81<1>.NCHES / < .. l/OU HPllE TO 6ET UP Pl<EH<i EM<lY IN Ti<E MOR~I NG 'TOFOQLOl'... ... . ... !;ii,:, LU..l.il-.L...ll.--1 "-Q ----.........\ \-/,l,_ 'w-,·1:r: ......... ·--. I . -~' J •• . :.. : .. . -' ' -.. by Charles M. Sc huh: THE GIRLS r.,----~---~ by Harol d Le Doux MV WIFE c;QNE- OUR \.lOME (;ONE -EVEN HER LITTLE DOG? W~ KNOWS??' -1·M AlOl-l E . l THIN"'- ! SEE THE Pll00LEM .... by Mell iHE.llE'~ A _,.TA LL l D Ti:lUCI( WITH A LO.tO OF A(OU~TICAL. Tll-E5 .... by Chester Gould . · .. 1.i;.r., ~-t/i· ::/' ~:r; .,,~, e-zr ~. I tu· littlt· hr•11. lu1n• .\''" .~l n( 1111· ,,,id,',\ .1~•.•1111) JlvL11,l'."" DENNIS THE MENACE 9' ' ( "''! . ..,.J.Y! .~r·'o.....:.~ .' . 11 . Q I 1' " • ' . . '-.J''"""[j I 'II " ~ ' . ' I -!, .... • ' "GIRLS CM flAY &.SE&ILL AAO CLIMB TRtES AN O .. • .. You CM Kl LL A WIUE rAY JUST Ll.l?bl'!N' iV HER: Vats New Idea Uy UAltBAltA GIUBONS Ir .\'Ou'rl' n red-w ine salad <ire:--sinit f<in, huve \1~ got ne11·s f(1r .IOU ~ \\'p\'1• l'Ollh· up v.·i!h t11·0 l'ari;1!1011.~ \Ill till s popular dressi ng th at is onlv a frarlion (If th<> u.~u11I ralo.rii•s. Son1e red winl' drl'ssings :.ire as high ;l'i 80 caluru·:; a talllflspoon. I hanks to the l1igh propor!ion of oil. \Ve"ve cut 1v;iy back on the oil. 11·1thout increasing the :-harp l'inega r taste. Our ~1~·ei:1! tric k is ~o dilute the 1 lnl'g.-ir v.·ith rt•o1I red l'.·ine. Any c!ry 1vine ll'ill do ....... ·e THE SLIM GOURMET Sll!U!l'~l ch1;1Jl!1, tl;t!"L'I ()r tlry l liu rgundy· <Jur !110 b;1s1c dre~sing.~ e;111 f•\!'111 t h e foundation ot :1 n1unllf·r of uther popular V;iriations. loo. RF.I) \\'l:\'E DI ET J)HES..o;;J:'\I; I 3 !abl l'spoons olive o i ! ! n1ore ) .1 1.1hlt·"roo11 s r('d nr \1hl1e \ l!lt'j!Ol l" ~ lahl1·~111.H 111 ... v.:i1 ,.1 1 ('Up dry fNI 11 lilt' 1 • f(~a~f'll)()n i::n rlic s:il! I 'inch uf r1·r! r;i\ !•nnr p1'pp\'r flp(inn;il · cl;i~h or !1ri ui d ~\J[:;)f ~11b..,!i!ut1• Co1nbinf' in ::i CO\'f'fN! j:1 r ;111d sh,ikr ll'C'll. (Jnly 2j f':tlo rh'" p1'r !:1 hl(•spoon. T lll C I\ HED \\'JNE ORF.SSl \G 11 11rnn·1 S•·par.1h·' 1 :! lt•:1~pnons arrr1\1 l"t'>Ot I !r;i..,poon g<1 rl1c or onion salt I l,1.,,h of T;ih.1~( 11 cup 1\:ltt"I' '~ !'i!p dry t't•(f II 111• 4 t:thlf'spoon s 1 1nr1::ir :! l<1hlcspoons olive oil ('ook ::ind slir all in grl'dirnts 1111111 n11 xtur•· si1nm!'rs and !hick•·n.... Hi~frigeralf' in 1·11\!'n'd r.011ta1n1·r 11nly !R j ('.Jlonrs IX'r t,1blc_,,µoon. I \VlllTE \\'!.\E -u~ dry 11h1t1• w1nC' and v.·h1lc 1·1negar HCIQt.:l-:FOHT -.1dd fi \·e 1 .i b I e" po n n s f'r111nbl~-ct roQuefort ch('{'S(' to Hl·d \\'inc 1 lr1·.<.!'1ng ! (~L.l("I\ n1.1 ·~~ fl!EESE - :l(!d !he t'fln1('nts of Olll', r·11vclope b!Ul' rl11:csc dressing I n11x 11f\ESSl\'r. T1l.\Bl.E -add 1110 l1·a~poons dry 1Tius1 ~rd CAESAR f lH l~S:-;I~(~ -tu H•-d \\'inr f1n·~:-.1ng l. add one r:1 1r or coddl1il r~g . <tnd [11·0 l;ihlc spoons gratt'.'rl Panncsan I h"('~t' \'JNAICBl·:·rr~: -add 2 1o ';l"JJOnn" chof)j\•'11 rh1vr~. l I t.1hh·~1)()()11 i·hoppl'd fr,. sh p.1rsley, 1 t.1hll':-.po011 (·hopp"d I dill p1c kll•. I t1',1Spoon Cill)fl'S .111d 2 (·hopprd hard-<'l)f)k!'ll l'~ii-~ T 1\HH ,\<;o ~ 11nr·:ssrNr. - :1dd I tea ~poon rl nt'd t:i rragon ClllLl-llllT [);,ESSINl; - ;ulci 1 teaspoon C'hili po\Vd€r ;11 1d 2 teaspoons prepared n1ustarrl For n1orf' trirTI tricks, send a s lam pc d , self-addressed l'n vclope an<t 25 ctn!s to SLl:O•I (;0UHfl.1ET S1\LAD lUl!:AS. in l«1rt· or thf' Daily l'ilot. 50 \\'est Shore Trail, Sparta, N.J . 0787 1. Spaghetti Colonized American version of an It ali an recipe. SPAGHETI1 11'1111 PESTO SAUCE 6 tnblespoons peanut oil 1 1 cup walnuts 1 ., cup grated Pannesan cheese 1 ~ 1£'aspoon salt l'lash of pepper 1 1 cup fr('Sh basil leaves 3 cl01"£'S garlic. cnished ~ pound spa~hetli, cooked and drained Jn an electric blender whirl together the ?ii· walnuts. rarmesan. s.'llt uni! JX'flfl('r : .idd ba~H <111d 'J{11rl1t': whirl un!il fll'<'kN V.'ith ~rt'('11 Toss v.'11h hot ~pa ghrn1 until !horQ11ghly rnixc<t ~rvc :it nn1·(' ~toke> 3 ~f'rv\nr.~ OAJL y P!LOT c I 5 ------- Your wild hungry bunch costs less with over 14.600 low discount prices! ENCYCLOPEDIA of the 1\Nl~IAL \V()RLD Available at Th ri ftimart Delly Treats! Fine Quality Meats at Low Prices D BONELESS FAMILY STEAK .... 'l~l D BllMELESS STEW BEEF •.•.... 'n: D BEEF SHORT RIBS . . . . . . .•. 59~. ~.,1 1ow~•Mn•O•~lll.[ 67~ ~11t~e~111>curt51\•0: 34C • ;\t)l(IJl-;S'I' f.\"'J'ft \ l .E \ \ • SAFFOLA •....• '1•1~·. HUNGRY JACK . ·~:llf.':11~ u .• • Seafood • ·e w.•C·•"''"!'~o1 71 /'lll~~v-· •ot •ro" 15 • Detltes Ground .. ·rr\11E11-1.1-:•:·· • PARKAYSOUEEZE .... ':a1scurrs .. ~~·:·:~".'.. :..: Turkey Meat Corned ~.~ s121: 3 ·LB s259 • '"'""'"'" '1" LIS. • A . '"" PKG. • ROCX COD . . . . • . . . • • . . . . . " Rounds . . • . . LI. : mertcan '".c'°.. . :'o'o"v"E"a"'so"t'E·· 11" "'GHIN ·I" l.I C~YF lll\I> •• """"~~"'!'!'!!'!'!'!'!'~~!'•"'!'!'•~•'!""•'!""--• · • · • • • • • • • • • • • ll PROTEIN t 69 .Ill • wt~rto .. 100: 1•• s11• • Roasting f~~.SH ": ••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• : FRESH OYSTERS • '. ' . • . . • . . FOi! WEIGH T y : .. · G·11lette Trac II ::. · "'°'" ·" 19• w"c""" LB. Chicken • • ·:~ · "·: • COOKED 5 PEELED SHRIMP 1~~v. .• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • i SPIC/Al. OFFER! l 1 f j : TRIAL RAZOR : • • • • · Fresh Produce at Discount · : (VAlUE 49') : ········································ .... : l l.S. NO. 111 IKl'I!; SIZE • Russet OUTDOOR PLANTS : p t t :~~::~~..:~~N 48 c : ~~-. o a oes •ASTERS , •• POI U . : " ':;:.., 14 ...... .. ~ VELVET PLANTS : . ( ,; .'. ,,. t 8£AUllfUl • '"N" s329 • s • • L. • ~"POI : • BOSTON FERNS : 0 GRAVENSTEIN APPLES ."":'-,:." •. 19\, D RIPE HONEYDEW MELONS 12\, ! : D BIG STALK CELERY .••.. :·:·: 191. 1 D CRISP CUCUMBERS .. : : :· .... 101, : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hali Gallons Wolischmidt ~r-.._ Vodka HAl.F G~v~!~: 'I'' OFF Sf PT PRICE! . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •••••••••••••••••••• · Gilbey's : Bacardi : • . . • GIN : i RUM l . . . 86. P~OO' : 80 Pl!QOf S,:.Vf ~8< Qf~ • : 5.lVf $1 00 Of~ ' Rl.:.UtAI! P~I((' ' l!f GUl A~ P~l(E ' i $91111 11 111•5 1 ; HAtF : : HAtF : : GAttON : ; GAttON; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ................. . S · .. 7. 5'000f> s1199 eagram s ":' :"~" .:Ii~ .... ~·'·' ~'·~··' SJ'' ~·•1NC OU•O NON•{TUIN 39' SANGRIA ' • :·~·: ~·~1 • • BEER -....• ~1.TL~ •• .Thriitimart Coupons For Guaranteed Savings! Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa • 1308 W . Edinger, Santa Ana • 23811 El Toro, El Toro 13922 Brookhurst, Garden Grove • 5858 Warner, Huntingto {' ff; Ollll Y PILOT Delicatrssrn Spe ci als' Cheddar ::S1 " ••••••••• 79 ~. Danish Ham stru • • . 59 t Shrimp Cocktail . • 39 c l>uk ~ 1•tt\\1·111101 -.11" ... ' I ••I \ '"'"' 111!111 ... 1•rv111i,.: glu-.-.' Longhorn ....•.. s 119 Baby Muenster . . . 79 t KNACK WURST I Ii•! llHlll ... 11111· \\I" ••ll!-1!1 I h1•t• ... t•' x ••/ BITS-O- BA CON • Liqu or Dep't. Values' Wh • k SAVE $100 on $499 1 s e y u w0io CANADIAN! • • • • S1n!lflt h Canadian , •• 86 pr()ol . , • hntt lr1I 1 -.pr('iullv l"r 1·'.I ll 1111 !1"1 I /i1.i t1 Scotch ullllQ!l·s •••• 5691 Gilbey's Gin ••••• 5999 \lot1h:d ii) Sccilland f11r u~I (~unrt R SJ99 um u RANatO's • • • • • • l'111·rt11 l<ieful , li1d11 0r d11 rk ! ldth Hearty Burgundy ~,1\1· r,)',, 1h1-. \\1·1·k~ !Lilt ;:.d l.111 Vodka llOlEIY nMEs •••• 5399 l '.111 r vn\1r-.1·ll a l111r;:.11n' (/11,1rr Jacques Bonet $199 Champagne /•,.;,, • 11 iff••I 'f'l111r \"~· ".!.! //!r••l•L')I \\'id :\11~· :!" \\":t r rn {l:l_\:-. _ , Jnng C'\"i.'nings, __ the relAxed attitude· t hal ton1rs \v ith the cool of lhl~:-:.u nd u\vt1 tin11?. --{I/II!/ 1fin 1• I " _,, ,1.,/,11 /11 /1 i \' 1 ""', /,, 1/1 (J/1 '' Springfield Mayonnaise Wishbone Dressing 39 t J:rench, lt:ilian. 101)1 l !-IHnd~ i'\ "' A· l Meat Sauce . . 39t t-:nhanrf's 1lav11r.-.1 [,(•I. {10 oz ... 69c) Liquid Slender . . . 23 c 4 ';1ni:11111n d 1£-T11t\' 'f'hr1·1· 11.1\ .. r~· In 111 Hawaiian Punch . • 39 c R.C. COLA Sil PICK Schweppes Soda s11P•c1 79c 10 "'· :-\ H htlt':-. (lonit, Bitt'r l!mOn · 1.09) Star Kist Tuna • • . 45c (:hunk .st~·](' Jigh1 rnl'at '. '.'\1>. 1 un Del Monte Corn . . . 25 c Beef -a-Mato • • . • • J9t Zc~ty t o1natP drink lt"nl \Tnli":-' lluur1 POTATO 49 CHIPS =1' e Heinz B·B-Q Sauce • 39t Preserves IPRICOT·~•uPPu • 59c Chicken or Turkey • 53t ~\\,lTl,.l'il 0 ,. )1,,IH·d , •• ;, ll\llUf' {;IJl Paper Towels • • . • 29 c .-..:pr1ngfield. h11.( ni!l -oi-.snrll·d 1·f1lun.'. Springfield Ypgurt Choire of fruit fla\'ors! 8 ounc·r Peanut Butter • • • 79t ,Jir -Creamy or Crunchy _ .. 18 ounre Dog Food !ALIM •••• 29t 'fhey love Chunky 1\11.P.S.~ 14 oz Drive Detergent • • g9e Drives the dirt ou t! Giant package Palmolive Plus. • • • 25c A plus value on hAth hA'r! Tender Vittles • • • 39e Purina catrood! 4 navors ... 12 oz. •LA YTEX s 129 GLOVES :; l SIT Free right or left hand glove! ~i·!\ i111! .. lf':ik'? 'l'h1·1 'II 111\11 1h1· dr\' nol111 ... 1 tlo1\1•r :-•1 tt11nph•tn1•nr .1r\ Chas Krug Burgundy .... CHUCK STEAK Meat Balls .•..•. $1 2?. (l11r 111111 1111xi11r1• r1•;1d\ l11r 1h1 • "\'1•11' Chicken Breast ~ .$1 6?. Chicken Breast srumo s1 5?. CORNED BEEF ~· '!'he j!l:V 11f .sum1n('r is mult'ipl ied over And 111·er. by the fresh got'1dness of t:I Hancho's linrr fru its of lhf' ~l'R!lnn~ Fresh 2 29 Carrots for ( (·risp~ Tender! 1 lb. pliofi lin hA11:. it-.-. ;1 .!!rf':lt t ln1e lt1 h<t\'C' a harbect1c •.• tP li ~trn fu thC' siz?.lc <1f a :-.!rah._. hr C'nchantecl l)y -tlir in\'iting aro1na .. _ ancl be glad that \f>u :-.t;.1r!t·d 1t ;,ti! ;\I ~:I ({ancho! • - '/ Hu.s.D.A. CHOICE • • • • • lb. BEEF 79 RIB BONES ~. Split Broilers .•.. 49 ~ !\ 111'.! ,.111• in· .. h tr1 •Ill! 1 h1rkr·n .. ' Rotisserie Roast •• s2 1? Pork Roast ao•ElEss . . . $1 2?. CABBAGE 49e ROLLS STIKFED ... Sup er Fresh Produ ce 1 Fresh Celery • • . 25~ 1.argr stnlk . tender. rn~p rtnd frci:h'. AGED STEAK . $249 lb. Ground Beef ••••• $1 1? Sliced Bacon • • • • 99~. Sausage 111u11 sTYtE •• ·. s 12? BEEF $129 BRISKET FJ!SH' " l\ .. 1H·ll'-"" ('hnire beef! \\'hnle or hu tL • Bean Sprouts ••• 19t Fresh~ F.njoy lhe lender crisp ne!I.~~ Bartlett Pears • • 1\rrn'1 yo u ~Ind 11 's the t11ne 11f yenr to enjoy sv.·eet,juicy pears! -in Ra lads C'lt ju11 t rnr lun ~ Fresh Cukes l ~in g 11nd 11:reen, fnr crisp glices! Fresh 2 29( Spinach for r.orden fr esh, all green , lArge bunches! Froze n Food Sp ec ials ORANGE JUICE 11M1CE ~prinl!ftt·ld i 11111·1·111 r.111 ' (t2 ounct 37c) Waffles . . • . . . . . 45t ll.i\111.\llakr ••• p.ilk rq.:1: .. t lt'11 1 I~111. Yogurt Push-ups • • 55t Coffee Rich . • • • • 23 t F. h o· s109 1s inners •.••• CHIPPED BEEF cruMl.D FRESH TROUT 69~. Fillet of Turbot •• 99 i I r••!!I 1;rp1·nl;111d ... \f1lrl told \\'<1!1,r-.! King Crab Claws • s 1 a? Cooked Shrimp •• s1 '! RED SNAPPER • ARCADIA: PASADENA: SOUTH PASADENA: HUNTINGTON BEACH: NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. and Su nsel and Hunt1nglon Di. (El Rancho Cenler) 3ZO Vlllsl Colo1ado Blvd. Fiemont and Huntinglon Dr. Wa1ne1 and Algon uin (Boa1dwalk Cenle1 2555 Eastbluff Di. (Eastbluff Village Center) Cotton Puffs ...... 69° .....,_, J~-plt;9. ol 2&0! Rolards .......... 54c llegulor or Speo""intl Pk9. ol j Contac Capsules .•.• 99° °""'" fo1t ,..i;-41 PO(kllfJ9 ol IO Razor Set .....•.. s2 19 P•rlOflflO II compl•I• wirh blod•'! Brylcreem ........ ggc S111! •o~e• o hlllt dobt :J 01 lub• Instant Folgers .•.. s229 Htully colftt •n '"'"U'••t I 0 01 . Max Pax Coffee .... s129 C<11nof 101 (20poc.ktf1•2.•t) Brim • o•. "'• •••••••• '1 '' ••••ft Ori•d CoffH (I or. • •.. , ... , , _ •. , _,. 2.•tJ Maxim ..................... s10 '••••• o,,,d coH .. (I or ................ 2.ot) Sanka """ • .,. ............... 11 41 Real lh1vo•-• 01. (I 01 .•• , •••.••.•.••. 2.6t) • -· • Wednesday, A ugust 21. 19/4 r1111L vrnor THE REAL ESTATERS ARTIST CHALET AT BEACH $35,950 S!'('ludt·tf l'rllry lo enormous studio living n•inl \\'t!li ltl' vaulted 011cn beitm ceding&' :-.un Lcrr<i~·c th;it ovl•flQoks prcslil(ious boo1t rnanna_ (}u;u nt loft fur hhrary or s tudio + v•t•l /Jar. CournH:l k1lt hl•n. llugc Jn<i~lcr :.u1te v.•1th occ;on view. Abundant use of W11otls & glass . 1''1\!:il to c<ill gels this b<irga1n! Jlurry. ~-7KllJ, SPANISH VILLA 4 BR.2 STORY POOL-BEACH Arlohc tile raist•d t'nlry to enormous 25' living ruon1 v.·ith massive U;1reclona fi rt·1il;u·c. Formal gi.rdcn view kitchen. huge 1Journ1ct garden view kitchen. 1"1esh1 p;.rty rnorn with ·cummand1ng view of r ;1mbl ing grounds. Or<irnatic sweeping open :il;ur.; \I) g;1llery lh;it sep:1 ratcs Lhc master .:.wl.e f rum t·hiltlrcn:; wing. 9t>J. 71~1i\. MIMl-RAMCH 3 BR· $28,450 1'reclincc1 approach. Lari.:e family si1.ed l1vini.: ruorn. :)lcp d own PUN DEROSA party n.un1 th;.it o~·l•r look s covcrl'd J),\~C E l',\VlLLION & orl·hard. RANCH STYLt: kilcht•n & d1nl•. llideaw:1y m aster ;,u1t e + :--t·p:•ralc l"h1lrln•ns wine:. Hu rry! E ·Z Tt:H,\1S. .l'USSI 13Lt: L~ASE (JPTION 9C.J.7HX1 4-PLEX BEACH AREA , $61,500 1'11 11'.lt: lluntington Bcill'h inl·ome art•a. f.tt·;idy l1•n;u1t.s. Good ;,pi:ndahlc t.:xrcllent unit~ 1n ~11od l"Onditton. Owner ;111.-.:ious 4 E-Z ti·rm-... ~·ir-..\ In c;ill gl•ls this 1ncornc BA.ll(.;AJ:-.: '.'IOJ -71:181. MEREDITH GARDEMS 4 BEDROOMS $63,900 11ns 1 ... "tl\C' lll"l~hhorhrxld" an 1111n1aculate ~ 11(."llrtJJITI h1g :ind ht•a utifu\. \ll":tlnut panrlerl family roorn. J,;1rgt· formal d1n1ni.: room. :~ baths . !Wsl 11u allly cnnslruct1on. Near p;1rk . ttrilll!> <'our\.-.., h1kl· tr.u! ll> bt•;i ch. For 1q1pt. to :-•'I.' fall ;,\ti·:!:\l.'I, PICK A PAIR OF 4 PLEX \\'l·ll IO<"ated l'osta r.lesa apt. bldi:s. Close to t•\'l'ryth1ng. He a l pot ent ia l -Y.'ell maJnl;unrd citCl'll cnl bre~d ;111d bultf'r propi_•rt ." l & 2 b~·drms un1ts. ~.\.()()(I c:.it:h. Suhn11\ lerms. C<11l fi.t&·71'il. FOR THE FAMILY COLLEGE PARK ASSUME 51/4°/o FHA Trt'C·lint'd < "nllrgr Park rnn\·enlenl'C ~ Hela)( ! 1lie kid.~ art• serurt• behind the chain link fpn(·e. •I tn1-: hl'drooms. 1\ll eltclnc kJt r hf'n v.1th u11!1l y arl':J Spacious b v1n~ roon1 v.•ith f1rt·11l<11'1', l\roao1 co11crrd p;ilio op·rn to shady 1i;irk l1kr• llln<·k v.·:1llrd hi·rk yard. Lots of tn11l \J"l"l":;. 'i"ou"ll !O\'C JI' l'111l 5·16-23 IJ. SELLIMG LIKE HOTCAKES $4,500 DOWM ASSUME 7.5°/o 'l'wn h<'<lrr101TI i'olt•sa \IC'rdl' villa. SouJ:h1 a l'tl'r .. H'' unit (':in"1. brat 1t for a ~tartrr home. '\'1sh we: had .1 d•11.o.:n ol" 'crn. C:ill s.lii·23l:I, 5 BEDROOM • 2 STORY BARG AIM!! r.tassi\"(' 2 ~tnr~·· NEAR Bt:ACIL Des1 rablr fl<w1r pl~n. llui:t• <lining roon1 . LAHG ~: l'UL·D~:-SAC l.{)T. HAHG,\I ~ PRIC t:O • ov.11"r must J!O! 1 'Jake ;idvanlage only $L'l.~l50. Ca11842-25J5. LOW CASH TO ASSUME FIXER POOL HOME A~~umc l11an . ~·01st posst·s~ion . l\1ovc in and fix it np. \'rr!ly lO<"allon. ~·ou"ll c1uick!y h~ve a lnvel~· home. S:ivc your cash -Ca ll now to !'IC£'. S\7-0010. PWNERS SACRIFICE )lest Joc11tion. Lush landscaping. Giant yard. Oiunlry kitchen. f~real Ooor plan. Family si1.ed bedrooms. to:xcelll'nt terms. Owner. mlL'it s ucnficc i,11 only .$40.900. Take ;1dva11t:•J.!C -l":l ll 8'12·25:15. BEACH BUMS AT HEART? $97,500 t:11rrylh1n)! you can 1mag1ne a1ul 1nnrc' Big 3200 sq. fl. I\t:WJSJ I r us1on1 hu1!tin 1!J70. 1-:z park in ~. -l big b<·drooms. fnrrnal iliuing. very l<.1rge fami!.v room, l'Ountry sizl'd kll(·h('n & hre;ikf<i~t room plos full sized billiard~ rniin1 \l'ith l>.'l'l bar. bean1 ee1Li11i.:~. Lar).!t• court\ard & ~undeck . <.:har m & E!egan('c 1111 \y,·o·lol.~. ·You <iv.•n tht· land. Coi l! d4ti· 7171 . COLOMIAL COTT AGE BIKE TO BEACH lk';.u·h just 2 n1l11•s rn11Tl th is pn1n(• location l11;uJ s of pride of o\\ n!·r.~hJp l "l>crl hn c k all fl\'1·r. 1n~1<k· and out. llugt' t1rl'j1l<ll'C in m arn - rnoth 11\·ini: roorn. Clllon1al k1 tl"hen. F;omily roorn 0111·11~ tu alun1111un1 1or1h'd p;.i t10-g;1r· 1!1·n. [.;1rgl' p;;rk·hke yartl. \\';ilk lo ~··hnol~ & :-hoppin1-:. S.:1.1115 huv~ it-\•lu,. en~t.~~ ll urry tu Pt"l"\'!C'W. t•:ill 9'1>:1 ·1fi"f;7 FM'ITASTIC POOL HOME! B ti.: sp.<rk l1n~ poul. .l.n'ul'll Lilts 11f sun dt"l'klllJ.! l1n111:1rul :1t(• hon1\· H1 g family rnn1n , fnrn1 ;d d1llllll!. 1·\1·i.:;1nt dt·t·nr. \\'e ll 1>.urth S5'.:1 .!150, C,Jll tO !>t."I." K-l'i -fiO!O. MOSTALGIC HEARTTHROB NEWPORT BL VD . !luge ronms fr:ir '"nld tin1c" liv1n~--0r display your \\'arcs for ~·our 01>.·n bu:;i nl'~.~. ·rhat "s nght, 1.oned for rt>Siden.t1a l or c(lmmt'rl"1al. Lo:1tls of rootn fnr either. Cal1 '.">46·Zll310r det;11I~. OPEN'Tll9 LA Cj)UEST A MEAR OCEAN Jh"amatic Monll:rrey. Ht·aulll ully 1nanu:urcd yard<>. Hrt•:1!hlak111g interior. Upgraded Lhroughoul. !'11:1~~111· ··,\\l(•b"" h1•arth. t:atht•dral ci:illni:. $23~ pi:r/HHinlh l',\\·.s ALL! Hurry, call! 8~"~. MAGMIFICEMT MEAR-MEW JOG TO BEACH Near hr::11•h . (;i ~111t l1•l Fo1rrnal cnlryy,•ay. huge J:1n11l y ro11111 ll•:uls l<> t)nght ehel'ry kit· ··hen . Hu i.:t• .,,.p:ir:llo· 1n :1,.,1<-r h1·droun1 , lu•;outilul f :1rp1•I lhr11 "lll. ll u).!i: p;1t10 111·erluoks pru1"'"'on:1ll~ l :111d ~1·:1pt·d y;ird $>17,~••0 btt~s \111~ l1t•:1u1' plus , . .,,.,ts ' C;dl !~I\\', !~l:l liili7 HOW WOULD YOU BUILD LUXURY? ·rti1· t'\t·rull \'L' VI' o! :1 pr11 n11nt•nt dei·t·lupl'r du! 11 1!0-.. v.:iy llramatH· lhruughoul. 1h1~ ~1)a (•1ous ln lt·\·e( ho1 n1• r'caturt•!> a larg<" rn aslcr s u1lt'. :O·•.:puratt' fn r m ;il 1li11ini.: room ~·anH!}' room with f1n·pla1'l'. ilrl";1kta.-..l. ;1re;1 1n kitchen. llighlv dl·S1rahl1· 111•1ghhnrt1i.od l'••ry t·nn\'('nu•nl to ,•l1•n11~11tary .~t·hvol. park Lt·11111s 1·nurli> and hike tr:ul~ Ple:1.~1· phon" :l·lti·Z:\l:l lnr add1t1un:tl infn and :ip1101ntment. / WALK TO BEACH flou blt· dour furn1:1l 1lle l"ntr.r to ('lcgant 21 · Ji1·1ng_ n.111m 1>.1lh floor tn (·1·1l1ni:,: r1rt·place Formal dining rnom i::1nlr11 \"II'\\" kilehi'll v.·1th hrcakfa st e;l'ilJn~ art•a bar t'ar111(~ pany room O\·crlooks t.rnpu·al C"O\t"rrd !a11 :11 & lu!>h ground~. Sweeping sl;i1r~ lo separa1l' n1;1s tcr suit(' + ehildrcn·s & ::."Ul"Sls" l>.'llll' llurry '. llarr;un ' ~}l>J-i"AAl • THE HEIGHTS NEWPORT BEACH 'lliis nuL~t;indin i.: :i hl'rll'•~Hn 1n1n1:1<'ul.1!.: hnm1• i!; nea r Jlartl(.1r 111. :-.111 •lt1 ·r<'d p;1rk1ng for 1 1·1•!11l·l.-~. 1 ~1r~~e s1111d(•«k o\1·rl"ok111~ y1>ur }Jl"!IJ1c Jure:;\. S-'.~,:;(X}. lie lhc l ~t 111 ~···· t>·h··'i1 !"1. .L1. L ··,~,;;.. ........ i"· .-" l • ' . ' ' ' ' SPANISH & SECLUDED WITH POOL Spanis h motif. (Juarry tile !'ntry. Spectacular floor plan. f'icsta kitrhcn. BON US S'l"()HAGE. 2 patios. ~:X.cculivc's drca re . ~1 Ul'h morl" J:asy 11) 01>. n-<.:al I 1)1)""· 842·25X"1. SPAMISH HACIENDA l\t"d 1dt· roof. Ar("ht·rl cntr\ 10 pr1 v;1ll" I runt cour- l\'artL r:irnily r n11n1 111 ~ l'"rno·r lo!. hu;<t ~'a\t•. 11ark -llkt• y;ird 1,11h 111.1111 lr111I It•'•'~. l',.rlt-c•\ l11l"al11•n S.l~.~~5o' t ';1l l 11""' • x\7 •~11 11 SPANISH ESTATE 3 ACRES-4 BR WALK TO BEACH i.";1st·;1d1ng y,.·aterfall s('1s tht• ~l;igc lo t•nter this rit·1>.· 1>.orld of t'lcgant li vu1g . Sunken :i<r !1 v10.i.:: room v.11h hug£' t';1s till1;1n f1revla1·e. open hearns and a woi ll of )'.!lass overlooks lt·rrt·t'C' y,·1\h c·o~·ersation pit & lush landscapin.(!. Forn1al dine. V.J('t bar. (fQurnu·t k1th("('!l y,.·1th breakl';ost ;1r1•a. S1>."l"l'p1n)! stairs to hidea\\•ay m :1$\('r ~u1te ,,..1th;, rom;in bath + ~eparatr tln!dren"s \\'inc ~ll'!l 1!ov.·11 2;.-s tudio hlirary. llurry. ~i:J-711111 . CORONA DEL MAR SELECTIONS LEASE • OPTIOM COROMA HIGHLAMDS 111\·rty <'ompleh'l.v !urn1~hrd :! hrrlr(')()m & drn homt' ("Orill'r lot '>''Ith fen1·rrl yard. Look u1!0 thi s ont' if ynu a rr unrll'<'trlecl about buy1n~ at \hi ~ !itlH' 'rht• f}fH'l" IS on]~· Sf,,<:1 ,!-,00. C11l] 67:1 - 8.\'.iO fnr mllre 1nfnr1na!1on or''" ;ipp·o1ntmrnl NEW LISTIMG SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME 1.llvely 4 bedroom 4 bath home. A great buy i.n lrvine Terrace. lluge corner lot-2 separate yards. Don't miss this large family borne With . hil!" li\'ing room, dining room. scr eened Janai-maity exlras. Call now, 673·8S50. NEW LISTING 1 l~rhnr Vot•w llonio '" f; F \I' 1.;H"Cl" proff'-..s1nn1111.v l:iodsc·:11'.lt·d lo!, Pll"l ~,,,. :-;u• "<'reenf'd patH1 . p;irt1al l'lf'V.". r.:1r~1· l 'lllll\!r\ k1l r hrn 1>.l1h in!nr • 1nal duung art·a . iv." l.1r .:,. /-wdroorn ~ &· fo!l\'\'f · 11hlt• rh·n A\l thi ~ un ll"'' l:ind for nnl~ Sil!l .. '>00 1 'hon« ~7:!-/l~:.i<. JUST LISTED ~,ost unus u a l hnmr 10 t:n rona df"I t'ol ar. :I hcdrooms, den. Larg1· l'<1mily room 1>.'ith wet bar. 1\ining room, lov~l y p:1tio, 1\f1n1mum yard m;1in· tcnance in ··mn\'t'·in" cond lllon. Price d to sell :11.Sll,500. C<tll 67:!·ff5.'10 GREAT VIEW SPACIOUS LOT llrliJ!htlul :1 hedrnon1. 2 h:1lh g1•n1 in Cnrona l llghl:tn!I.~-fl•·.1ut1 fully d1.•c.,l':1ted t:ood f'J rpCI:> & drap1_·~ 1n1·ludl"(l. ('h:•r\"o;d t1r1tl11'r 111 k1t r h1·n . ll1·;ir v;ird t11rJ,!(' l'nuu1:h l•ir P<~Jl & n H•fC. (..";1JI 1;;3.l;l.'.!O. OPEN VIEW SIDE OF OCEAM BLVD. Onlv the Pacific Ocean in front of you. All tlle ;imCrtities that go with an ex.pens ive home. .Hichly paneled living room. Formal dininj! gar- den kitchen. s urrounded by spacious sundeck. Family room wit h y,.·ct har plus a wine. cellar fir for a king. Sur>t>rh <1uality lhroughout. Call 6734 l\'i.\.'L FIVE BEDROOM COUMTRY KITCHEN All 11n one l c.vtl . CJnc 11( Jlunt111 i:t on'!': lnvr!icsl n•:,,idcnl ial ;1r l·:1 ~. Val"ant '. Loan n1~1y be :1~~umcd. only ~4ti,~5U! 11urry, c;iJl J"i'.M", 841-((Jlll. LOVELY POOL HOME $42,950 5hol4'S like a n1odt'l ll oinc -r eal prich• of <1w110•rs h1p. Spi1rklnig p1\nl makes this ;1 :...upt>r t'nlerta1ninJ: horn•'. \\"onl last so yOLI bcucr tiurry. Call ll.J.7·6010 to :icl.!. 2 STORY /POOL $36,500!! NEAR BEACH Jroks like ~ mn<ll'I. U11bcli1·\•able 2 stor\> • • ux; ·ro 11t<:Ac 11. Lo1>.• do1>.·n pay111cnt ;.11·a1lahle. C<1n'L h;ircl!y last o;t SJij,500~? Call NOW 3t2-:.-!SJ5. WALK TO BEACH &>e this unbclie\"<1hly u11gradcd ho1nc v.·ithi tt ·walking' d istan<:1• to o<'ea n. Lavish lands{·aping. Courtyard <'ll!ry. Roui:h ce dar v.·alls. New t;irpcL<; & dra 1lt's. New paint. Hu11!·1n Liookc.;1s1·::;. f\1u:iL .see lo <1pprce1al<'. C;JJ nowS.12-25:~. NEWPORT HEIGHTS TYPE COTTAGE lleavy :;h<•k c rool-Ust•d hrick. c1replacl.'. B1·;irn <·e1hngs. \lt'O()d 1>.'<ills. Pc~ Wfio1! fh~or~. 2 tx."<lroom. d1n1ng rooin. On ;1 larbe R-2 \,1\. Full or th:1rm. nc;i l & cle;1n. Al l ~our neJghbors hvc 1n Ne1>.•1)1)r~ llc1t.hts . It v;on't la~t $l2.9!i0.<.:all64ti-1l?J. ASSUME VA LOAM F.aslside Costa Mesa. 2 bedrooms and fireplace on lt ·2 lot. Walk to s hopping. Great Juturc, ne...,· on market. $27,000. Call 646·717.1. MESA VERDE "ESTATE" Bcautifu1 tree shaded cul-de-sac. Fronl yard ~lltr:'lflivety Ja nct sc·;i pl'd to enhance double door entrance. llUl::'l' srparate living-roorn. IOrmal dining rr:iom . Bn).!hl homemakC'rs kil· chcn leads into family s ized family room. 4 l;1rge bedrooms, huge p;1!10 vicwlni.: ll UGE PAHK·LIKE Rt~A ll i 'AHD. Includes paddle. tennis court . Landsea ped to perfl'rl1on. i\l esa Vt•rde's finest. 20•,;; llov.·n 30 year.:; lo pay Call now, 963-6i67. NEWPORT SHORES $5000 UNDER MARKET "'alk to bl:al"h. P riced under the m:1rkct at ·$40,500! r;xtra lo"" m aintenance yard. Lar~e hcdrooms, J;,rge den and h\•1n~ room looks out 011 rov~·red patio. l)esi;!ncd for c:1rcfrec 1-..:att'I living. 2(1<;;, <101>.•o-JO )'cars to pJy. ~ ahd Sil\'C. 963·6767, 4 BEDROOMS-BIKE TO BEACH $4,250 DOWN Tnx~ lined strcrt. l.;indscapcd for low main· tcnance. Private entry. large kitche n li·ads to livi ng room with fireplace. 4 larJ:C family s iled bedrooms. Owner has up~radcd thru- (Jut. Only $4,250 down plus costs. Do1ft miss Utis one! Ca.ll 963-fi767. 2 STORY BARGAIN $28,500 -5°/o DOWN Del uxe~ F:XTHA SllA RP 2·slor y barJ!ain! Pride of ownership a bounds ! Decoriitor s delight "·ith guld veined mirrored w alls. L'lrge bedrooms , sparkling blue pool & BBQ <tn•a. Enclosed patio w ith bubbling water- fall. $1.425 down to buy. 95<;; loHn a\·ailable. Centra l bea c h to"'" location. Take adv an· t agr of lhis town home. Ba rgain -Call 96J. 67fi'i. THE REAL ESTATERS OPEN 'Tll9 ,,, Nt:\\'PORT HEA('lf 1700 Newport llvd. 646-7171 COSTA ,llESA 2790 Harbor llvd. 546-2)1) 179Jt .... h llvd. 842-25)5 HUNTINGTON l~EAt'll 21010 lroolthurst 96J-6767 6014 Worner Avr. 847-60!0 ('OKON.c\ DEi. ~l .\H 332 Marquerite 67J-li50 1'01 '\'I' \I'\\ \I .I .I·:\· 181 09 lrookhuri t 96)-7881 I Nl EST~IENTS 18662 MacA.rthwr Blvd., Suite 103 Irvine 752-1700 t " -__ 1. Wtdntsd<iy, A119uu 21. 1<174 ---:::=::-=~=::-=:---l-----r;::;::;:;:::;::;:;::;::;:";:=:::=:::=:=::;:;==:==:::::======~=====::::::::;::::=\,;:::::;::::::::====~-1! Jll'BLI C SUflCE Pl1BLIC r\flTllE ·-'I tOOI).-The Biagest Marke1-1ac• on the Or.n1eCoast l~or1111"'" ·-----•-ttcrll ..... ••· .-.-.-. V' Pr.porotlOl't 7000 7199 f) 2 OAIL V PILOT l'l 111.I C Nu'rlL't~ * 'll'·lt!t1 1Uf'l!l'1011 COUIT 01' CAlll'OllNIA CO\INTV 01' OllAllO• A•l In-'"""'' OI • lllo•oHAo<>•• ef t .... lloe•O <;>I O"•CIO•> cl O••noo (:-It AMENOlO Otto•• TO SltOW CA U~t: ""•lf.-.0"' 0+11f1tt NO •.-ea AU!JV1\ '·It/I. 011 •t l1ng '"'' ,,.,.,,, N0 1•((. ·~ ,01 (NA.1101! 0 1' NAM• tt1· RL 11·1 "' V lN t.,.l II\# &o.lro o1 ()"~<10< • Cf 0•• .... 1 .... nl , \l;alfl _,,, L>"l"Ct No (&i' HUM••• ..... ,, ..... 11 •H• •t •t •II !)<\Irle\ °""' Jl)Jl M01•1 ,.,,, Ao..i. ~.,, J<.•n (..•P•lll•r>O '" ,,,. .... ti•' ,,, !foi' ADQl•C•l•lln "' ..... ,,.,.,,, ...... 1.0 D«I> rot •w'"'"''""•ll ••OO• ·~,.,,~.I 1'•"'"'"' .. 1""' .... 1 ...... ·"" (~•Olo J••·~ I no bto ""' lt•~· To ( 11•!\0r '"'I\ 0\,,.., 1•C •II!"' •> ,,,. ' ~ requ,,rO .,,., !or '"'"tr"' t<n(I ll'>frr,.•lh ll'lo z-l , ~taci­ ! ... "~•t ,~ IJJ•tt• Joton Q.,,,,.., ••I~""' I anot1>tlO-•,..h •ndl «><:h.,,t1>w•rRt01<t•"V'l•t•Of'l•- l<> fl~"•' J "'" f .. 11>< • l 'Ot"•' tll !f>e Lont••(I l"''"n"'"" "'•• t. •••""M<I •! 1nr oUlte "' HOf: r e·· l l'l•n~t '' ' • .,,r (~•~Ir )Ant C"'"""'"Q fng•n .... •, lot•lrd •t /Oil "°'1th ll"<h !,1r.,.t, ~.,,,. "-"• l al•lorn,. 1' wt "' '"'"' 1 .. , f.lf'<I • •A"''""' '" !t·' '''"' 11>~ plf"'· 1pr("•(al•on1 •"II 01 ...,, !Onl<•CI ooc~rnrnt1 "'•• ba oD•••n•d at II••'°"''" f ,.. '" '''~''' •'""''" 11 ,._,,, f> ' l•J ''"'~·I ,, .. n!•gno<l ""'(~ ,;l>On P•~"Of:nl n1 \lf 111 !'<'' '" •ne~t P ••~~lt 10 Ore..._r (°""'• 1 .. o .•. , ... J~IU• I 'ilr• • . 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P'"'' .... als In'"""~"~ ot !he C•••k II ,,.,. ....... ...,, '"' <>l"'n•nQ "'" u•~•OC41ll~,.., '"' 11>0<)<"• ,...., .,11110r•.., '"' tr.o to•• por1od o! tnul1 \JOI"'"' .. •1~• lnr rlal• •~t lo• ., ... <><• ""OQ lho•eot. n, "'' 1 ~•p1tmO•• 1 t. 1'·• l r,,. ''"I•···~· O•O""•. """'11,l<>KIU'>ly .,;,h ll>r f•f<u11onot ttw •11•e1menl. wdl ~ ~"·' " ''"''""'II I<!'""'""" l~W• •nu ,......t•11•• bC<>CI '".., tmn~I ~qu.ol 10 1111v !I.GI p.•<•nl o• 1n~ . <""" •< ! p••<•. '""'a •••I"'"' IA'''"'"''""'""'"''"'"" •"ioutll rqual to...,.. nunare<l '*''•"I I •00" l ol th• con!•a<1 prier, wt,.Ch tlC!nO'\ "'' "''"' tull' 01"'"""'0 '" lnfr.fmal1<>n '"' 11HXh" '""" C..-n•••I P•P••.,OD\ l'lilU.JC NOT!Ct: A·I. Tne '"''''''"! O•ll<I•• "'" t>" '"'""'r<! Mp'°'"'~ -m•on111n ,,..,0,1n(f , """" '"'u'""'' '' mo<t P"•l•<~li• 1, or1t••trel "' u~ 1nto•n>e11on tor 8IO!lrr~ "'"" C..f>H•I SLO 111!1 '"0~'"""~ STATEMENT OF 1'11ANOONMENT ,. .•. "Oh(•" hP•rb1ci•~•"1 ..... t DU••Ultnt 10 lh~ l>••tult' ol ! .... ~t•T• of (alltO•"i~."' OF USE OF FIC TITIOUS ll USI NEIS N•ME •<'<ti •aw lno,,•ln ~p~lotdlll•, ""' Bo.•<! 04 D"t<!o•s c.I Dt....,QO' Ccunty W•l•r'#CI••; fno loll 1 •"Vt 1 •• , "" n.. ·"'''""'·""'\ D"'"<I IJO I,""' •><<•1t1nr<! If>' Qllnor.ol P<•~l•h~g ••lo DI r.-• "'"m """"'' ;inO rail~ 1, • u>• 1 "" f,, 11 1,,.1,. ,,., .,., .• , n«m• tat l•Q~• ~Ql•CI<>•\ dna cvr•h•nt ""'~· "' I"" lpc1t1lv '" wn•tn t~•~ ....,,~ ,~ 1~ ttr \cULL l!Y I\' ,~Ill i'Ul(I "' 1Q;·[P<-"C•n>r<! '•><•·•tl>t•6l!Or!1peotworkm•n ct ,..cl\•n•t r..,tdtd lo ••~<ul1 l~'""l"•<' I ,.,,,, .• ,. Cir,.,·~·. t.11.i.,rn<.• Q~I"' """"'' ,.,11 !1<' ~"H•G•M re lh~ '"''e"tul O•Oo•• f~• 1. ""~u !•1 on.-., n~m• r•l•C"~dl Hot P•~•~•lo!itl '"I•> \Oll<'lern~""d iil<t iil'!OllO.,,~, dl)fl'W ,, tolo·!I lq c~vn•y on Jvlyl SC HEDUlEOF,REVAlllNG llATESOFWAGES /J I?, &NDA'l'lllNllCE~CNlOUlE l<tl( •Ill .v. IN( ~ (,;lltorno~ SCHEOULEO,l'llliVAlllN~ll ATESOfWAG[' • D'~'~"'I "" <I) t Ll'''"'""n, Ordn~,, T«•dr tt 0<<up•t•Q" Calih•rno, ~)Mb C:•llPENTER\ r1h• 1.11 ,.,,,,, ~" cr.n11uc l~d t CrJH)fa••on JOHN J llARTIN, we• !•I.cl ,,,1n Ora1>9t Ccunly '"• '" ~·~allh .thU W•!!,,1• IU P•:fl'IOL<r P•n1>on t un<I -9M prr hour V•teloon l()f p1r hour I o•~m"": tint lt n 1ntn 6Clf """ Mvt more'""""-hOur (y •a1~ or t,,.. ~•<;th•st cliil>l•h(•I-ovtr -I<~ ht n•l. '"'"°""b•ll l~, t•<•P' tor "~lie N.11111." P•nidrnl •l•irmen! Cl~•• cl I ~. NH Ca•t>0 nte1 J"),\!)4 CEMENT MA!tONS PubU~nt'<I Augu•I 11. Or&o~· Cc.1·1 0 ,1,1v P••QI. Htdlln •n<l Wrlf.t•<! -toe ~r.i..- 78. •nd Stfl1tn>Der ~. 11, Pem•Ofl ·\!?O oe•l>°"'t •"'' JIS• l•1 V.t<~looo 8il'll J>t"f nour I 'o•em.i" Wntn th•~" or"""' c.e.._1 ,,.,._tr• H<!ployed on • oo:>ti, on• '"hll Ot emnlo~~ •~ d !Of•m"" """ i.n•n l'li BLIC NOTICE t•<••v~ ""''le" !nan 60fl"" h<l<lr "'°'' int n ,,,.. I n.qnr•I <+•,~•h<•l•Of'I o""' """<" l>t nn 11.oer~llip. SL l'·14S1' Ctm""~ M••on J~u•nevm;;n F IC TITIOUS &USI NESS -llllON WOllKE llS N1'ME ST&TEMENT I 1>r~ll11.tndVl'•lt••t 7ltv•N>" T11e loU~wlnQ porit.n is do;ng bu.,~e,~1 I• n"gn 1 und -91' .• P<'' ''""" r•: V~<~"°" f"nd 111 J>t"• no1" 101' GEA.II PROMOTION!., 16~91 0flt V••'" LMi•, 11un11ng!un. El t ~ t II . (t l!Te<n•d 91~•1 T~n A F~•l1. !10 llln ~lrttl, Hun!rno1on AP~rJ>. C~1,1or~1 i 9;~•6 !hi• ~""""'' c~.,ll~lit<J ~Y "'' ln~'-•CluM I !co A 1~11> I Tn•~ (~UA•V AU<ilUI! s•~•en•cnl .,.3, l<led ~"'" tn~ '"' • cl Oranyc Count'!' vn l n. 19i• PvDli>nrd A.i{l~>I .!I 1-1• F l41l~ Oran~t CO•!! D~o!y P1lo!, :'!. ~ml ~t~lfmi:-r •. ll ]15>1~ -- l'LBLIC NOTJCt.: SlP Hill SUPl:ll!OR (:OUllT OF (:ALIFOIHIA COU NTY 01' ORANGE Ol!OER TO SNOW CAUSE F<Ul «;HAHGE Of NAME CASE NUMBl!:I' .uotlS 1,, l"t' MA!!er ol me Apphcilloon o• PAME(..A JEAN OOHNA, .I M•n~t by ._ •RILOU A llOAMAN, !!tr P~ttnl. lo• Cna"'le o• Nan•~ PA.MEL,& JEAN OOHll.I. t 1 1,\APllOU A. P.O,.M>.~ n11 lilt<! ,, ~"''~" '" 1~, (our! tc.• •n or<lf' 111,,...tnq r•'"'""~' In ·~•r>\I~ ncr ,, • ...,,, ft""' P"-M".lA Jf:ArJ DOHNA to P1'MEL .. JE:.N ao;i. .. 'AI< •1 ,, ner~ov o•de~ 1nat "" re•M>"i :""°"'''lcll n 1n• ,., • .,.,. .,, ... ~,a·d a11P"•• blitore 1n,1 '~"'' in Oe,:i••l,,.,.n1 No. } 11 JOCI Cov•C Ctn'e<'" Ori~ W~1t. Ji~m• Ana. C•lltotnl•. °"' Ott. l. 197•. ~I 10 c'Cl'lC~ a.m .. 11\d Int<! ln<l Inert """' c1u...e. ;i b<>Y r~c-y l'Hlv• . .,,..,,. ..,11; ptTl tl~n to• cM•n11f ot 11irme ~hcul<l ~o•em•n Not Ir " t~an 1)( Pt•"°"' nlOft m .. .,,..., !>Ch1t1• ,.,,. '" lh~ h' 11nr,I c 1.,,~•l•C•l •On C•~• wnocn hr. ""~ ~UP••••"()I\ l'l•onfOf<•ng lronwc•l t• L.AIOll E ll~ h•·.oltnd•'•d W•lt~f" 6S' ~· '""'"° l ~'''"c" \llll""•hour VA«lloOn J )j I>"' "OIJr I o• ""'"n r.ot l~>S 1n•n 5Gf (lllfho\lr ""'"'""'"!hi l'Cll#lf ••I., 01 Th~ n"l'"' ,! < 1 a>situ:.1t11on ow:r '"""h he "'~ . '•..arr >hop, l<>Oo•~r C,.,ntr<JI "' Con .. r..c!lon 01)<-r~lo< OI P'1•lJmdl •< ... o Ei•t!•1C lCO!i, Vibr11•no M1cnlr..r~ •n~ ~om1I "' "'ecndn•t•I tool\~ l<IPMMl1ly Cl•>11!ioO ht,, t in A~p ... 11 R •~~· ~n<l lrO""' 1'•ott•ll 51l<lvr lff C••bbt• or '>ho1•r ~ 1n• C.r•o~• li1ynw.>v •nO S1re1t P~••«o, Airport A<1nwa'(5. lrlCI "molar lvl>t' l'lt•vv ton•t.,,.;:loV! FfdlJm•n P1r-1ayer P,.,.,l•ve• 8..:~up Un<1e•gro1ina lal>O•• •. ""'lud•"'l (..,"""" 6tllo-• W;i1cnm•n OPE R1' Tl NG ENGINEERS >1~.tl!n Arni Well A•• /Sf D"' "'d• l...c~hml ltOll<ldy ';~v•n<i' f W'l<I !1'.'11' pt•"""' "~"''"" 1 u!>d t ' ~o cw• tv.u• •11rprn .. n NOi I~,, 1n•n ~ f'"'' h<MJ• mor• tn"n ,.,. t>vu•h '"'' c.1 '"" n"'"~,1 c l•~~·li<dhD<I a.,, '"'"'h,.. n.-. ~P<·• v"'"" l '"'""'"' uo1~• '""' So<;tn•l~n .~.plo"°"' V;~el lt l>t' ""'v••OO<'"'~ lw•lhoul D•"~l~Pt Alt«"""'"!\ 1'·f•a""' Of Wont h ff\I(~ ()pr••lot f·oro, Ff•<;1u<;C1n o• s .. n,1.,, l n>e <...,lfl Ofaotl'lle •n-.hmetn~I 1-<yll••·Hdlt'\mt f Of '>•m•••rT ~r-E.Qll'pmMI 00f<n~ M.oCh•ne 01W•<1!~• Powt"r Swt'ept'• Opt< ~lo• l'!oll•• 011~'"'0', (un•P•Chr>\I 1 ' ~'" "'"~ M~( "' n~ U!><'' '""' !uo to •·IO<ll oepln Cil'!)..:•t ~ ,.,1 ,,., <;'""'~<! I! h 1.,r1111r ~•Oer•<I tn~t .1 (·'~V n1aou!dC1urer • rahnQI .:.• 1n11 r •o"' '" innw t<>UJ.e ot 11u11i.,ne<i M.1< n"'" l or.I Opn1 .. t~• 1., O•Hv Pllr.I. 11 ne>nnAP" of or"'=•~I P~·c"·~~t IJ•c~••r [lp•••!ot (1· cul•llon, l)UIJll<nr~ '" 11>1~ ~cun1~ ~I ~-·P Lu~•'"' Vlh••I T;pe C•tr '·~·a. UP IQ """ lr><lud1..g 1''1 Y••dS ~~•!""'"a wttk fOf four con,ecutl~ lrd(.fO•CP~•AIO• Dt,.Q!YP1 ~no•fl ,eu11do1et. l •mPtr,Sc11per v,.,..k• P• •1' I<> lne ddY of ~afd nedrlng. 1n<l Pu•n l r;>< tm (u<> !o 100 H P I D•tl!CI AuQU\1 16, 1971 A~r>nal1 n• Co,,crr!e !>p•P•01<>Q, Mt•n•n•<•I ! MTl!l•rtQ •nd f n"!n'"' r1>ANI{ OOMENICHINI Macn, .... U11<•rdlo•. li oll•• ... 111v11•• """' ~•l!I) '.)o<!1 I, Jud-gf pl t~ ~upetlor Coufl C•m•n!. 11<,pM.Jll f '"' '~ D~~n R. 1ty1!1, • m.mbtr ol l••clo•Oot•~ID• wo1Ml\<><>•"~n~'~'"'"1' F. GOtlDON (:ltV"TIAUS, INC. ::.ncv•'· Iii<~ H"", Or.tg''"'" f1dm.i,• 11 r.JP"•alc• lov~t , ~••d ~]Ml l!:I T'1!"0 R~•d, Suitt !OI dnd •. n le~ cu •<>•0 M I< f. , El Tt>l'O, l;t llfornil ''UJCI .... I Mote• P~tro! Oo;i~••to• !•·~n•• t'r.Q"w • AllorMV tor: Appilc t nl TEAMSTEllS T•I: !11•1 51'·1>00 f'UDll•l>"<I OrdnQt' Cc••' 01·!v p ,1nt "~"ll"•""'"'~l•••e lkl>•""""' ""ouit 7!, H. •ll<I ~eoitmbe• •· 11. V!1 .. 11on.Jn<1Ho•o<1;;v ~un.:1 1\00PO•ho'" \t i• Jll)·l• P•n\Hl<I ·~(Pt" l'IO<Jf 'O•(m.Jn >Ci Pt• """' n•0<~ lh"" ,,,.. "°"''v ,,.,t C!! ll'le l'l•;nl"' • •l•••••o(al1Co D••· """•{h~ "••~VI\!.., Pl 'HLI C f\OTICE Sl,.·101' SU l'ERIDll COUllT 01' THE ST•TE OF C&llFOllNJA FOii I THE COUNTY OF ORAN!;E ND A 10031l l U• ''t' <;>I v~n·~ 1e o• tcmho""h"" OI Vell"l~• or ...... •c• "'"''~ r..1 .. i;,,.,, nr t1.,1»•l·Moo lnJ(l,-llt>Clli:f3\'ft• Ot,. .. r o! lt.>n'ol M•• ,,.,.., 3y<l~.O< m<l't , .. •1"• ''' 1 ·I"• t vPe 1 •U< • °"'""'' W~I•'''" l oll" ly1•~ l <ut• l,.ove< NOT l(:E OF HEAlllNG OF PETITION FOi! J'l!OBATE 0, WILL ANO FDRI .,..,,.,,,,,"'. l)''VI' II ,,,.,,.l'IOU<9CI01hon•l .. ·f>#nOptr•l•nv lETTERS TE STAMENl•IY I •K'W~< "''"'-!\, (>r 'Jm•+d• '""Ml"""' h~ r nh 1'•1~1& ot EL!Jf\0DCTIC II a 0 T !Pll'E TllADIES i.<6CKWEl l. 0Ke~u·d. 1. "~•1111 •r•n il'~I!"'• 10'" nl '""'' f'~1r• II ""OTI(( I~ HER1:8V GIVr ~i lh~! ..,.,,~.unP•• .. I• ~•c.·~' l •,•··11 ~U51'N J'ARKEll h•• !llHI toe<t ln •I V~'~''"" 11 nl l;""'I~,.,,,, • t.-ftl!lon lo>r P•otMI• cf Will """ '"' 1omv cn11,e•l'l•P ~ Jou•MY"'·"' ftJ'""~11 flt f,•n•~Pa"'"'' ,.,u~nce ot ten ... , TftSl~men!aty IO I 1>1u.-"°"' l'it pe1;11one• rof•renct tn ,...,,,h •"· WE LDERS /.C~ . " . " '"' 3~H s •11 ~.IOI t Ill i l•i J 6<! • \~S ~ ~ll I 7/i . ~· ' " ' " ' " , " "' , " 1.8/ "' •• •• •• •• "' . " . " I ; •• . " . " . " ~ I'. . " ~ :~ '''dCI! IC• further p~r!T{u!M \, l!"!l I~~! ~dm• "'~'• d<''~" Tn "'~"n -·~·"1 ,,.. ''~ nl ,1 1·1• ''"'" ,.r>(! c la<• '' toe~ru><1 T(1f An,<l ~'"'"•t•nn o:>m•!t•Oher ••~n··ll< l"·•'I •~~ ~m• h•~ ft••n ••I I ' 5~Pl•n'r~• I PIM\ omolO'"' p1,m•nt\ YI ,,,,.,,n tn• <~ll•<h•• N•<1•1~1"'1 ~T••mrN •Pf>"'"''~ 1QH ~· 9 10 n.m In •1>• "'"'''"0"' M "''' ''•'" '" , id•,·"" ,•1•on m ''"'.,,. ,.,,,,,n ~• "'°rh~no{ •P•r<•l(l. •' ~·'-""0 .n •• I<' •' D•PM''"~~I !'ii> l nl .1,d 1ru•l,l1.•1 •n••n~!.,~~rr•••• 100 (.,, (,,•rt O• • ''' '' l..•vo•''''"" <,,.,,11,.,,1r><l!lfl•<ll; ,,11c,·lh•n.,..••nM<><>0n.olt'1'tl 1•""' I'" !I • {•IY ,,1 r,,,oi,1 '"'"(~Iii'''"'·' I,.. 1 t .•1; "•I·• r'"' n1>p h••!>'· ''"l'~"' l""•'"""I , Ir.. hoh~ny, """" wh'lh '"n Q,i•ed Ao<1u<1 11. !>'• ,,,1o n .• •1 r-r·•·" n.,11 ! • •• u "'""'ll~•' ••« .,.,,, • ., '",, .. ten~""" r .. 'IJAon1nQ -~·••mrnl Wlll!AM £,St JOHN. I ..,,i,, ~hi•'" I"" l'•"l"~l~r <••!!,''"'"'«di>°" O• !VP" cl...,,,,,., • .., ""'PIO~•O o~ !,... ( ,•!/• '" c 1~ ' "'"'"'' tfl NOEL ANO •NDERSON lne T'•'"'N•"'l 1 11•au•o o1,....,..1 ,.1111~ou«>1>d ... l>f~ln<;1d•1ol o•Qhl tl l hn,;11, 1010 Nor!~ BrGadw•'I' 1'PPllENTICE SCMEOUlE S•nll An1, Cllilor"ol 11101 O U ) Sll·1117 1'ppr,..,t•l"S m.ily bl. emolo.,..d '" '""'""n •h .. ,tn "¥tl•n<> 111'' ol Jn• (l<••o•"•• AllOmtY> l~r · P•hlltn•r L•bor C.-. E:wtt'I' SU<l'I I OP••nl"r "'·HI ... l>d•ll '"'" •1dnda•d "'AQ" n••<l In •PP••nlotf ' PuDll•n...:I ,..., ,nu• CC!"" Dl •fY Piiat. u..,..t ll>e requl.JllDn~ ~t tnf !<-di ... n,tn n• 1\ •mplo•td lntl)fm~t•on •tldl•v• to 11uoust 11, '1. 1~. lt/' 1151-1• tm(t1c1""'"t ol dPP•tnh<r• ·~~" t't' DOI~•"~" trc"' ,..., O"•~•o• ,.1 lh' D•1>o1•1,.,..nt of l"""""•t fitl•I"'"' wno " ,,.... ""'""""'•Ii"" 011•<•• OI lh' (.~l1to•n•• 1'pD••n1'<e•n1D l'..oln><lt. PUHi.iC NOT ICt: PElllOO AHO 111'TI NOTICE !NVITINO &IDS T""' A!l()t~k• rlll' Is It'!' pon-CM>t.of ol ll>r ~n's rite f'S ""°""n \n I~ e tD ITCM NO. 1Jll lo-llOWH>Q l•ble; ·•~!~1 cr~Q~.1~He:i1~e:., ~~,~~I'd '"::1 ~.':nt••• '":"'.::~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ .': ~: ''' Cllv ot CP>lf M•s•. to wll; Tht!l eru...,,I M.o\,Oh' '"'"'· .1S ,..., .13 .11 ,91 .95 f'l'l ,..,. 1 lw counell. p o. Bo• 1100. Co't~) l•cn-•e•~ $ roc'I. .70 .IJ .87 ,,1 ,QS .ti "·t••· c.nJ.•Lrni~. an nr r>tfOrt thr nnur l Plumt>f't\ 'mo, •. lo() .M .11 .I, .llJ .M .I! _., .•J1 1 00 1 , 11 ·DO ,, . .,. 11n f ,;11oy s~pt••mn•r 11 ,n,11 "" m•nOatcr v up0<> Ille Conl•«lo• lo "'""'"' 1.-. (onlr«! •S •wtr<ltd •nd ""°" ~. 1'7• R'l'.I' woll n~ riubl i{!~ 1>1'1"1'\"d """ ""!l to.nt•~! 1o r ""•!•• nlm, !<l!>llynol leil tl\ii n 1M '""o -<i!lto r•le1 lo •II lebo<•••. ,,.d re,.it A'~Ull •I 11 M "'"'· •• ,, !WCt ~n~n ·•"M.,.,.·•~nn"••n•plcl'<!d b'l'1ntmln1ho •••tulionol l""<"nl•l<I. ·?On 11\e•r•H•• A•. nrat!ic,•nl~, on ~roit~·1.\ A·f, Ir .. (onh~<lo• W•ll bl! ••Olu•-.d toi.t<u•e '"" p1vn1•n• of comP<n.,.!ion !J "'~ Septtmwr /0 \9/i, <n 1'1r C ., .. ,.1 1 •mo10,...,, •n a<LO•<l~n•• .,..,,n '"' PfCv111on\of Section JlfiO ot !"°! L1b0• CoOr .,,., ptiO• ( ~AnlW''· (•TY t<,,11. II F~lr Q .. v~. !O l"''"'""'nq lh• ''""~ 111 I..., ((1111<.ftl ttw C:O<lt•tc!o• .,,,.II .. QI>~"" lilt wi!~ ! ... Oi!ln<I Cc•l11 M'~" (Ml•orn<-l, !or "'" l""''"nl <>f 1.._ 10100,..,nq <••ltfo<Al.on ··1 -m •w•r11 ol the prov .. l<ln\c! ~<lion J/Mot 1hf Ubeo of POllCC VE"111(LF' (1•11•· "'h"h rouui.rs ••••v ~....,lcry•r 10 be ln1urtO ao11.,11 ll•b•l•1 Y lot -·~men"• &<ldl!lon~I '"II or 11.-'Prrllk•lo~n·. rDmp~n,J!oon o• le 11nll••18-• ... 11.1~1u•.,><• In .,CO<<lll><f wlln It.I provi.u,.n1 ot th•I 1-..11v c~ nhl•i"'1l el !he Oll•te o• fodr. ~""I wdl ~nmri1y ... 1111 sucn PfO•islons 1>1rore com,,....,<0nq th1 poirlormtntf Of ti. 1ne Purct>~rimJ Agt n!, 71 Fnif Drive, _,_ot ln•><O<ltt ;,fl •' (M!I Mesa. C11li!ornl11. &Ids ~nould _br l/W (O<l!•KICI Woll 111.,.,"" •"'1U"~" IO ,.,.,,1,,,. (t•lil><•t• '""'he ,,,,.,,, ri11'\1t-1 ro t~e elttnlll>I\ or !hr Co!v c~em,.ion lnsur•r><.t t QY<l rl"" n;, ...,.,CIO""I uPOll_..11 l obt cloftt ""<let tM t ont,.<1 Clt rl 111 11 ieeled envelaJtt ld~lllltd -le/\ ITli>~ Ot tnlertd ln1o bf1_,,n "'"'....ti ll>t wkl Dhlfkl for Ille <Ol'!Jt !Ion <>I ><I on the °"hide .,.,1111 IM Bld 119"'1 N~motr wo rk. rue 'WI "":_,~": ~~~~'::1 C:1!'uv eacn end e~rv A·11. No bH:t will be act•fll~ lrom • ~•Klor ""°ft ftOt 1~ In 1ecercttnt• lltfn I S HI IC!f'll> In tne ioeclllt•hon~. W'l!ll ''! ..... u-r llW P'O•ll•ttn1 o4 Div!......, Ill, C/\"l'f.,' ot ,,.,. Buil ... H .,,,j /'nv t na all t~cep!/on• 10 1 n e Prol•u•on1 CoOe of tt>t $t•ltnl ~t110<nt.o. s1>«lllcirionJ muJI be cleerlw 1t•ted . A-11. ll•ttio sPwlll t:' lo• '"'nllll!\11 .i1 !tlbor, HtUipmoir!I 9lld m.l••l•ls in 1ccorcttnc11 In tl>t bid I nd ffl!ur1. t~ 111 lc•lh Wllh PIM'liMld Specol1c•l•&nt 1hl!re-!0t lttr l1>t fnltow1ng work; 1tn'1' Ji.m In tlW; S(lllclflc•llo~ lll>ell oe ll"""'niu !Of' rtlecllon of II•• Oio. E1ct1 bid ,hill .. , lortn thll lull .. 1~s at\d 1~1lctent•• cl •II Pf•1<>n• 41'1Cf Pl•lltt lntere••.-ci ln l•;f r•r.t•~,,.1, ,., prlnc:lr.a:o. In '~'~ cl Co<l>O•·>t•t1n· lfl(llfO& '"" "'"'"' ol I~• Pres<<1en1. s.tcr111rw . TrtnJurrr. end 1.·~~~r· TM Cit~ C""'"''' o! ine Cllv or C<l'Jte Mru rn.,..,.• tne r!;/11 10 •riect 411'1' ,,, 111 bid,. [)IJl.TfD. "UVU~I lf, \t1l • ...,.,11.~ O•"• co.111 o.nv ~1101. A\llllllr 11. lt7• JOSO·l t P UBLIC NOTICE ,.ICTITIOVI aVSIH•St NAMI STAT•MIHt Thf !oll11Wlng 111r10tH •r'f dglflt:I ""'''""' •1: I US!NfSS I NSlJJIANC~ AOf"NCV. 11'1 L.,,qlty Avenue. lrvlM. C.•lllof/11,. "'" WAJl:MINGTON tN5UFl10fr,E ,_GEN ,,_ ... ' • > • ' • • ... ,., ... Qu•nll1r ~' I 1•1 ,,, • ••<ti l e•cll , t .0(1\ ' t~C h 0tKl1"illt RrtNl~ (llindlla'llJI' 1tom•• .. 11ng Qtlt vflvt In '"' ••clnUy ol l'l•!e.....,,f No 1 •n<l '°""'cl new t; iti<h A1i..-•lo• ''"''"' p•peh"t C.cn11ru<l U·lntn, 1;1.01~ 1J.0, A•(»ltO\ C.mtn! !l•l>tll"~ Ccn1t•u<I II) •nth Dtf\\OI~ l'lt Oll(•nQ ~t•l•on ·~ "1'1G•n on!,,.. p1..,,. Con1tnxt •""" p,..,,....,. RMk><l"'CI ~1etlon •I lne ln!••wcllon o! C:..mine U I Jl.1mbl•' •tlCJ A""'nl.i..,. C.IHll bt-l""""'t"sl•nQ 10.lntl'I 1'11>i!!!l()f. C.menl P•Ptl""· c.rn• no. 1nc1u<1•na '"""''u'"'" Rtm,,... l'IUO n "jOln t il1t1n; IO·!nt:ll hrw .i ,.,,., "'pt\!"<I Cbnll•ll(l llr -v•t wm l lld •Ir Mlie•te ~••11 '"''"'"''· CIJMlruct l1•kKll "'•lnllftl Ottll •lwAMfNll.'f. CllS. !NC , 1 C•lllOfnl• Coq:>o••lll!ll, UJ' l.,.nol•Y .Avln~ 11vlnt, C•lil(l,nl• .,,,), l"" 8oa•IJ (II 0 11•<10"'\ ·~~ ... , t,.... •IOM !c dtl•1 !II• ..... d.,.. ,,,. (Ol'll••<l lo• ,. l>"'"'d OI ll•l•lv /)(i i di•> •nM In ••!•<n thr '"'''''" (hr(lo' n• 11•0 tinndl ot •"¥ l~­ A 0.-00." Ou• '~Cl !~It po••')<l •~C 1,...1•..tl•I u"1•1 In< •••t"t'~~ M 1111 •O•~•meM br I""' •UO:.•••~lvl h"Mt • '"" Tl>I' bl/llnt t\ " tOndu<!HI bY <-r•ll!I" WARMlNGTO"I IN~<lq/\!I' C AGCNClfS. INC Wlil!l•m r.. W•rrnl11111on U•lf".,.,.fll w•1 1119'!1 w1rri <••• 111 01 trtgt (llu~I• '"' " .. ..., .. _ °'~"Of' t 1"71"t 1. I• l1 1f 1"·11111 0 1111¥ Piiot 1 ,.,., ,, A·H r,,.. f10••" ~! !Jo" 11'•, n..,., •• , '"" "11111 M .~, .. 1 •nv O' .11 b•<I~ and tc ••'"t '"'~""~"•••\ Bl O•<l•t of In~ ll~••d Cl! O"•<IOf•t>! Ol anOO> COuf'llJ Well •W0•1 ~ 01\trlcl NO. 4, ~ .. Ju.In (..oph!•-. (..llr!O•nt•.""""" (.Ir•' OI 1 .... Boa•d QI Oi•M:IO<• o4 (Jrll"91' (.O..ntt "'•I••-·•• O"l•><I f<O 4 I fly ""<11n1• M·~"°""' ,,,,.,. 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 E;:.:".·'~-~~·!:°..:: DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED A DS :::~"".:,,~ _,..., .......,._, ,___ You Can Sell It , Find It , [ 6 56 8 ] One call Service =;:;.,, ,,._; ""''°" :'.~.:~.-:;·!:!: lT~r~ad~e~lt:W~it~h~a~W~an~t~Ad7;:::;.4~2;:;·===7~~7.f;:•:•:l:Cr~ed7it~A'.'.:p'.'.:pr:o~v~a!,I Tron'f>Or1a1M . 9t00·9099 ,--------~ 1 ~ Gener•I R.E. 1002 General R.E. J002Genal'al R.E. 1002 ciass1tied INDEX Advertising ER RORS: Advertitersl ;;::;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,; should check their ads I• daily & report errors PH OTO BUG 1 m me d i a t e I y. The \._[ _ ..... _ ..... _ ... _]~ DAILY PILOT assumes liability for the first I n c o r rec t insertion HOU<tl tor $•\to l.\Ollllt Hon"" '°' ••le Ac•tl~t tor .. 11 "P••lmenh to• l•I• 8u•inMI P•oe>erty (emt tery Lo.,·Crvpts C.e'l"-nerdtl Propet!v C.ondomlf!h.tm• 101 ••le Ov~•••• Unlt1 iii• 1tov«1> 10 l>e mo•t O tnn·,.,.,,. Prol>"•ly ""''"''•' Properly LC>!~ !or 1111 •.•O()llt HOM•· l•1ll•r Pt~! ,_,,,.,nt~on De•trl. AeiJff 011rge co P•o~rlV Ou! lA Sit!• Propet1t At'>(Ch••• F1•m1. r.r11Ye1 Ae11 (1!1!1 E~cn~nge Re.I E1!1Tt W~Med ""'I ':":":l:y:.;;;:::;;:;;;::; I '"' '100 ,,00 ""' r---------, !5 ! _,,,.. 11 ~1 "" '"' nl;(I noo noo •~oo "'' '"' ''" ""' "" :G:::•.::".::":.:'•:.:l.::R.::·:::E:.:· __ 1002 4 PLE X FOR THE OWNER OCCUPANT S pf't:i11lly l''l'ill•P•'<I rtnrk r1A1111 lltld 1111 11fll1"· u11~l.11r~ nnd u11·11y f"1n1 lh" la11111y. t'•ir !lu' 11 i!o •. ·I hi).! l ... d11Ml1!1~. 2'. hurt1~. l•M'f1h•d '•II 1·ul·d( .. :-;;u· ]I'll \\ 1ll1 Ill• i· s;dr ~·a1•d i••n1pll•1,•I\ 1·n.-lr;.,<'d '111111 Utn.·k 11 ,111 l ~••n ! .111d 1·a11111+'1' n1 ·1·<'ss '''1111 ~trl'l't. Full pl LI •' $42,000 '2211 Newport Bl. C.9sta Me~a 640-8811 Sun/E ves. 546-4871 ME SA VERDE WINNER USE YOUR IMAGjNATION for \11t1r l'.\1ra bonus roon1 . :J liedn•o111 d u1ii1~ 1Jr den. l..ci r gc, farn1 )',tylc k1lcl1e11 ~'\'. IHI\\' c;1 rµcl s. Ne\1" pai nl inside f111d (~t1l. (;r1«·1L l1~<·c1l ~()ll. close 10 sch()ols. A low $41,500. I• lc:-.1blc lern1s. (';111 for Hppointrnc11L 546.5880. RAR E FIND BEAUTIFUL 4 BEDROOM, ~ liath hon1r 111 Irvine. Jlriccd olll\ S-ll.950 , J·';1111ily room 1\Jfh fireplace. J;1r J.!l-1:.:n· dl'l'P lot. (Ju!l'l cu1. dc·-:;;:1 l· ("lo!'l' to :-chuol~ Assumable 71/1°1<, loan 11 ith p:1y rncn1-. p11l1 . ~!.77 ;1 inonth 111 - l·h1d111-..: e l r\ tlu1 1._ .111~1 11 ... lt•fl 11011'1 Id~\ C<•ll /or 1·01n plctt· dt.:t.11), 546-5880. ~~~HERITAGE • • REALTORS 546-5880 Open Eves. '--·-___,!~ ~ldon1 <lo \\'~ find :in ln\·f'stm('nf prorw11y rhat i~ l"'ct pnhlt• flf e.~cl'llent ine<1n1(' produet1lln A:-il 1 is lli~n s u i t .'l h I r f1'1' O\\"llt'I' o..:cupanr;. 111 :i ["\)(lilly 3 BR 2 IJA flf'1'1r1111C'nt . l~l.ll~ 11.1~ l''\rcl!t•tll 11-r1n~ \\'ilh :ri'( rl-0""' 11. TOWER IN G PALM TREE 111 1111• rr<it\t ~,11 ,[ .-,f 11us General R.E. 100'2General R.E. 1002 !\II !, • '"I I I it• ); I\'•..,, .1 Pl I t h1' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;- Hw1~ rvrnictw!<I 11ouse& Untvrnltf)ed Ho •J>•• Furn or Uni Condominium~ Furn Ctw>d~mfnlu"" Unhsrn Tov.n~ov~•• "vrn lowrf!Ou!ti Uf!!urn Ovple~•l Furn Duple•~• Unlurn Ap1dmenb Furn Ap1rtm1nh Unhir11 Al'Jll Furn or Uni AO!lm > Room " t!IOiPd Hotel1. Mo!ell G.,.11 He>mt • !.umme• lttnUli v1culon Rtn!llt Renl•I• to Jfl•re Gt ••gt• tcr ll:e-n! OHk t Rtnltl e u1ineJs Rtnll! lnou•!rl•I Rtn!•I S!cr111~ Rtnlt l' Y'.'lf\!td !,\1Kell•<'90US ,:ten1a1, "" ""' "" J•~O '.;41~ "" lSll ~so "'"" ""' ... ~00 ..,, "" "" "" ·~ "" ""' "" -~· Tl!!~ IS IT: I fl11 ly $71.:illl <",ill G l·l--i:.'11 ~ C DM-BROADMOOR •I Br, :>\1·in11ning pool, 11111.ny f':\1ras, Call soon {o r 3ppoint111en1. Offerl'd al $110.0CO. h 1111 !li.11 v"u .1n· 1irih :! 111ilr.~ f1l•111. tht· h••:t\·h. 111·rp \l!i 11 , l•1t 1111h H.:! ~·1llllt: ).:11 1><; ) "II 1"11111 1) !ol :1rJ!I .i n ·nl;d 111111. ••l' Jl!~I 1.i:,111 1il1•11ty ••! ~l •/11 '(' 1•1 1' 1~1;01~. <·:1111p•·1·~. lod<: :111d d·•,;~: l)nl.v S:.!7.f»). h<•111·r !:1ko• ii look. ~tt;.'i-:M:iil f\r fll.i...;..:1:111 WALKER & LEE Open F rJ day 1·5 2 UNITS f'.;i~1,11!f' ('f'1'11<'r ln1 \11th 11 • ..-1rrw1n1!". f 1 r r p ! a c· e .v clouhll' ~.1rai.:•' 1 1 b1';Jr.,-.,n1 NE AR MAR INERS SCHOOL! 561 , 950 :\ beaut. buy in rxl'lt1s11·c "ll:1rh11r lligh- lands." 3 IJR;\l., 21 ~ ha .. 1:1111. k1 tChl'll. used br ick fpl c .. lush carpl'ls 11 \.t S llll\'.I<" pool & space for boa t & t railer. ('all to :-rt'. WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO. 9:f21 II• I CORBI N-MA RTI N nc•\1·1'r 11u1! E'-i·rll£'11l .~r"1" 211 1 San Joaquin Hills Road ()" nt•r 1111\Y fin1111o ·r 644 .491 O I NEWPORT CE NTER , N.B. •1••1111. SlG.~(.D. FOR All Gene,a l R.E. 1002 G I R -10-02 llEAS I :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;~•~n~e:'•;;;,~-~·~· ;;;;;;.;,,;;;;;;:! ll u•i<>t•• Oppor•un11• DoJ•in•n W•nrto<l lnv111m1tnl OpPOf1''1' " lnv11tm1n! WAn!ltd Montv to Loan " Money W1 nleO Mor1tMa1s, l ru!I """' [ A~ts I An,,.;unttmt nli C•r Pool• l t g1! NQh<I! I Loot ... _ I ,~, I. F°"'"' I Per1ional1 l P••s•n•I' Soxl1I Club$ I rl vtl I Semcft l'l'ld RepWt I Se•v•c• 011&~tory I IMtruction I S<NXll,. I. 1 .. ,uvchon I [11ipl<oy11•nt I Jo:>b Wtn!IN:I, /,\ijl• I~~ il'An!"" Ft'f'llt Jobi w 1n•ed. M I. ' f'elp Wt Me<l. M & F- i Mercnancti5e I A11t.1u~I A.ppll1nces ~ut!o~n F\•~yrlt• ll u1!d1nO M1ttrl1l1 ·h,ntr~• & E11u1 r ... .," ~~" De"'' fret ro Vc.J "u•rillure .. .. " :'.:.~•111e 5el• " •ll>r\tl HOtlsehold °"""' .. Jt ..,t l•Y Llv1stock .. M•cl'l!nt•'I' MiKtll lM°"'I Ml1ct ll"''""'' WAnled .,.,u1lc11 '"''''"'"'"" 0 11ic1 Furnllu•• I. Equip ... ,. .. .. Plano1 I. O•a1nJ MWln~ M1clllri11 " 5P<lt!lng !;OO<ls Sro•e. R.•ll•vr1nl • ... ,. . ~"''"' · 'H1F1, 51ere0 TV, ,:{1dio .. .. ~ 11!0 "" '"" '"'' ltlOS -~'D £0' I ' . " l~ll •o:~ !ClS "" ~O•S ((I.'.~ !i~! ,., •M> "'" "" ... '""' ·~· ''" ... om > .... "" ·~· .IO'IS , .. ,096 '"' Realtors * 644-7662 * YACAN(- MESA WOODS ,\ss11n1c Fl!i\ 1,(1.~n Four J-:edroo111~ This 1<; rl11' \'t'ry pripul.<ir -1n:: A 111.-.lo'! '"'n1plC'1e ..,,·1111 hl'ru·~· ~li.ik•· roo!, ntrilu11, Up(!1";1dt•d t '.1 rp1·1.~. :1 ll d tl'llj h. lllll<'h. tl1'"·1'•' 1\11 "' lh1-plu..; :.11 ••·1~1 '" t 1k11 "'''I' 1"11 \ 'i ' . Ir. ,\~Ii :.t~•lll 11~1111!! .'\'l. !(N;""; WALKER& LEE H1·:1l E5<1:d" 545-9491 ---CAMEO SHORES \°f'll' {)ti 1hf' 111."il"lif'f ·°'P '' '"II' ;~ hdrn1 .• ~ •I• n linr+l•' I IL'· ~anl !11 ,,r, h1tr• t1n·al .!e.~1::11 -f•"lr111.il dit1111:: nn Ii.:·· hf'alt•,! ;••>I, sr.1r111:c co•l••l'f' l'n1<'l"•'il l.111 t! f•'I" nut.l1••t' rnll'11:1111111 ..::. l'n11111t· \J1•11 1n•ri1111 • 111. ~1 n ,;n-1 C. F. Colesworthy REA L TORS 640-0020 BH; Ci\:\Y(J;\. [)<'l\·1•r n\·,.r l:tkt•;; ••f ··II \-';111"\\;1\ '.! ;\l ·1~­ t1•r .-..111 !• -11•'11. l~~~) ~·I fl ~1 ::~.11()1 Vo9el & Babbitt 644-6056 NEWPORT ISLE Duplex !),,Ju.\r ;, BF~ l"pl""'r 1111, ~n~I~ l(\\1"r, 1i111 11~ .i. 111.111y Xrras :\r 1r P\ 1 \'c1rk ,r, HP;u·h 1 I r l' a"·a~ G•I 1 .. "' ,,~ .... 11 .• l,l• Sl~i :ffO nT....-\t>ii:i TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD I loet•Md I --~WE HONOR ~.,,. .. .. l 0<1l1, Melrll. I. 5t1vlct .... l o•t.1. Mtrine £Qt!lpmt 11I .. &<>all.~-.. 9091$. lttnl/CM rltf .. ... 9<Hl1, S•ll " a e.ets, Sllpt, OOc.tt .. .. llo•ts, ~Pftd & ~~l .. .. Bc..I• Slo••11~ ~-T'_'"'_'_"_1'_'_''-'~lf ml 1'1rtr•ll C•M(lllfl. S1le, l't "I 6 1tclrlc C•r1 MotMICI 1-iomes MotorcyclttlkOlll••t . Motcr HomeJ, l•lt •lt1nt Tr•lltf1, Tr1vel Tt•ll1<t, tJIUltr .Allf<I l t rvlc1 & P1rh l'--... _,._ ...... _._l~ (,•n• Al '" t1r,• t • A. (••' ·" ?f(t•~l•'~~I V•~ll if .. '.no•' 11•1• 11001 .. '" 4 Wn••I or1 .. ,, I ... ,. I ~~.~~ L .... " :t!~ I -'~'"" I'.·~~·.,, •WO l•' l,.r !•~ ~I~ Master Charge and BankAmericard • THE DIR ECT LINE 642 -5678 ~ ~··" lltW ~I 'Ul 11··-·--------•--•-----=-------~ I· -1 BEST BUY IN ronn ~·A DE!. l\l,\H. 111\1' !>lock f1vin1 Big Coron.+ JWaeli. [,;\fl:'C', !"Unny '.'! l>t•1l1noin J1<J11~C' + (11\" ht'>d roon1 uni! thnt r<'nt"' !"! S:'2j. a rnonrh . .io· 1 .. 11. Uuy ltl $81,9.JO. 644-7270 CY PRUS SHORE S\1'C'L·p1n c. 11C'\1~ <•! lilt• ('n;1~l l1nr trnn1 1h1<; irlc:i l 1)(·c:1111r11111 1)1.il d111~ -.11(· l'r1\:11r lH·al'h 11 :HI"(' J!.+rh GRUBB& EL LIS Real Estate 675 -7080 "'""""' s.;.,t1. a ....... RlAllORS' General R.E. 1002 GeneJ".>il R.E. 1002 . EXECUTIVE -HOME -CORONA DE L MAR-Sfi3 ,500 i 1 J'l\ rl~· ;, !10..-11" •1n1 l\11 Ill•.~ 1 ''In• 1 l••I I• :ilHl 1!\I! llll•L~1111i Tl·• I !•l:ill, ! It pl' l 1•1 11\,1,llT iwli •I, lill 11\·d dill ~ 11111 b,1lh,, l-<hHkt• l"l"•I II"\\ h]lll\' 111 I.iii i1 ;i11·I 11111• r~1Jl !t'll•'I' [J•\"l<led ill 1'-1·11 fl'•l"t H1101• 11, {,".\l.l. fl l.>4. .. dli PRE:ITIG E: I HOME \ \ ••ur th11u 1' (1f {•1t !lr1 111 (',\P 1t•r1· rllt.'l' '.! hdr111 holll<'.~ 1111 l 111 II d \\ ,. '-111i.1bl t· f()I l'111l\ ~·l'.-.:luJl 111 fllll)il•\ l.t l II~ ,d I ,ill' I' ,1 \ 'l'\I · Ill ..! !<Jr~ \HI BAY AND BEACH 675-3000 2407 E COAST HWY CORONA O E L MAR I ·:1,1 '\ ;--,~~~·:I .__:\~ I Gen~ral R.E. 1002 General R.E. 1002 1 --- 41/2% LOAN I EXTRA LA RGE I \\'1111 ~.10,1~~1 i1 .. 1111 .... 11 .. 1·1""" ! EXTRA SPECIA L NEW PORT HTS $37,950!! 1 •1111·1' IT! (" .... 1,, .'11'' 11'"1'1 '1 t1nm,. fn J" A11nu .. I •:r•'"" ~~1.:,1 1111 •11 li·11,111111t: I !1•'rn11111 !'r11 ,. S1.~l.1Jll 1 h1111 ,... • " ll\ ,11 1 . ,. \t'\• ll ui::.• I: ,, I \ ' I U \ ;, '-! ti ! 1 11" I I 1 ! ,,111r... \n I ••1'11·"~•Y•-, I h••lt1f> I• 1•!1 'I II 'ltl1 .11\•l 1 'd!I fqt'l S;.'• ·,1~1 Tilt· 11 .. 111• •I •n u· I 1 .. ,,i. ·I I 1 I"\ ! IHI I. " '" I' I·.,\(. J"( I\' .'d\('F 1ri11 673-4400 OWNER TRANSF . f'•"·Hil1lt1I 1 li.lrn1., ·1 li.t h"llll'. \11th liui.:•". cll'h:.,:hrlul k111•h. k I.uni!~ r•n . 11" .\!1111111., t1ld -"" 1 ·"a"r l'l.in1 nrl'<i !1711 MPgn111fl S.il.hl'IO MORGAN REAL TY 552-4222 645-7253 S BEDROOM·S-- Pro\idt' plrn!y or roon1 r"r l h\' 1111):!' fan1!1y in 1h i~ !<)lHC"iou ... 1111111nr-11l.i!r l hnusc. f)\•·111·r rrunsfcrred -1 111.~ If)~<: .. vou i.:n in. C;in Ill' .•.11lrl "11l1j,.1·! lu :11,1 , fll1\ lolin. l'rir·r-1\ :11 s::!'l,!'f~J. !Xi.J...:iiTl o r !168-.1171. WA LKE R & LEE ____ Hl';1l l-:!>1:1tr "WOOD-'-ii°GL A~ Ornma!lc Comn.1 dl'I ill nr lv•o on 11 Int. F11nla.,Ji•· O"'ll('r'!> 11niL \I' o 1i rl 1• cl serludcd SC'lling, tbit'k i,hns;- ··rp!~. hl tn.... 2HI!, l<1llrd fo111 rn1-\·11ul1N:I r•f'llin~~ ·r11c in1'fl1ne huy of thl' y<':ir n l $.'~i.000. T ukr> o v r r l1:\l"llni.: rl r111no ·lr1i.:'' \·. 1-:. 1r,.,,\;11~r S.: ro. r.tl-R 100 CORONA DEL MAR- HOME & INCOME 4 Hrlrm11. C'l\Ch, with ju!'t o rouch or Sponh1h. Quntity bull!, n1ucho room~ private pf1lio!. \\"nlk to !(t hur11.~ & 1>hoooh1~ &-n~lbly url<'~I nt Sl 25.IXXI & will help 8J3.-9781. 0 \\J 11 fll\Ul\t•P. F•rguson-Hest•r Realtors, INC . " ' Ct1ll 1401 J)O\'(' St. .. Ste. 220 Nc\\'p..,rt llrncll R-2 1{1 t1 '11l Ir I 1~··11•••111 l11•111r tin fi'l"=21l!i Int ll.-.,111 lr1r L 11nlt11. l'I 11'" '! •·• •. ~n ,l,1kr nfh•r ,\"c:<'lll t. 11, : •;1.1 ' IMQuail ~ liiii IPlac• Prop•rlil!'s - J1 •" !H 1• I• ott·d l.i11n 11• I f"< •'r·c-. p I• T"\•11" 'h"\\" • ol "" 1 •f>1 -I 1 p \'ii li~1 , i.: :\" llo\.~ WALKE R & LEE '" I I ~1 '" 545 -949 I CUSTOM BALBOA BAYFRONT DUPLEX Cut your costs in half. Prune sanrly beach location. Cuslon1 bu ilt for O\\'ncr. Dock for 2 large boats. (i bcdroon1s plus guc~l S2.10.000 , HAR~OR VIEW HILLS IJra1nJ1ic J~urlin~u111e 111 p;1rk-l1kc :-.t·lt1n,1.;. 1:u11 i.:ro,rn p ine 1rrc .... l 'at hcdr:il br~1111cd 1.·ci!ings. Spirul sl.'.lirc<.1sr. 4 Drdroo1n . f;1rnily r oon 1 ,I\'. huge hon us rnon1 , $122.:lUO J UST LISTED IN VILLAGE II At1 ractivclv decorntcrl ~ bcdroo111. 2~-.: ha th lo\v nhou sc ·011 11 }JHrk . "\:ery large enclosed p;1\i(). J\ccp cool 11 i111 centr al air con dit io ning or walk to pool :.ind tennis. $.5!1.Vl)O . RARE BAYCREST OFFERING J\ssu1n~1ble fi~!4r,, loan. 5 l3cdroo111.<:, ~1f.i haths. frim ily roon1 , clining rnon1, su nken Ii Ying roon1, p!iol \\ 11!1 ia1·11zLi. 1:11nction 'rith fln ir. l~ocatcd on prestigio11s Antigua Way. Sl62 .r.o<J . HOME WITH A PARK 1\ hca11tif1 dl, 11p;..:r :ich·d I hedronn1 hon1e. ll rofessionallv 1:-uulsl'npe<I. ncx l tn f·larhor Vie\'' J Iii I:-: ( .J't.:cnhc lt. Outs I anding f a1n i ly home. $9i,500. COU NTRY FRENCH WARMTH 13ig Canyon 4 b~droom and fa n1ily roon1 . sunke~ convcrS;"J t1on area : on large lrrrntcd lot, with plan ~ for poo l. Dccornt1:d in :-.unny earth tones. $175.900. SPYGLASS FOR Sl39,500. S11f!er ViC \.\', \'ou \\'ill )(J\'(" the \\'rl\' it '1' dl•C· n1".1 terl . O \\'llt"r hairs 10 lcc1vc. ('011i c ~cc 1t1is ~nrl be prrp•ircd to 1111~'. ti's kct·n DIAL 644-1766 '21 6T Sain Joaquin Hills Rd., N.B. A COJ.DWELL BANKER CO. • j ~eral R .~..: __ I0~2Generi:t l R:E_. ___ 1_00_2 1 Gene-;;fR.E. 1002General R.E. 1002 General fif:.E. 10°0 DOWN HARBOR VIEW 1•:1](_•t'JJll1 ;\f1•dt>I' \tq111\I II I 1· ' II \ I'\\' f()Jl) PH {(Jl'l'~(j l l L' '111 IH'J' 111) I 1 · . I I ' I .i, ."11111 I 1'~}1)1!\ 11tt 1 1111111111•'1 \lt·t 11 11 1 !"I '( I 1 I I . ..1,. ' ') )IHI/\-:. le 1·l·:-. 11 ;1tt·r :-.oJlt'llt·r ron tn 1,,,. PIH 1 ·~711 .300 11Jea:-.1• (';'111 !:AJ 11\.\Jl .\ (; \ll lli\;J··r·.c HARBOR VIEW HOMES $95 500 .l Hedroo1 11 , :.! h;nh, u p gr~ldf«I in t·u sion1 l'arpcl s <i11d drap l.'r1r•.' ·r .. 11111. cuul"t and pool tor ~<111 r l'l'tT1'~11ion;1J llt'l·'d:-. ucarby. l.<i\V D)<litl!('l];!lll't' \\J!)j :! p :i1 HJS. f'lt'<t~e l'<1l l l:\H Jl1\J t.\ 1;J.,\SS VIEWS! VIEWS' VIEWS Ocean Bl vd. $215 ,000 80x100 Lot :1 \'1e1vful ht'cl r(J,.J1 1s, :: lJ<1U1:-., 2 b al~onies, lo1s nf roo111 lnr e \p11 11 ~11111 l 1 t1_·.1 ~1· t«ill l:\J;J :.\J~:\ (;J ,.\SS REDUCED TO 51 42,5001 ! Coast Side CdM Cape Cod Ji l·:.\L !,(J()Jl 1:1:\.\'.\"t "J;\(; ;:ouo :-iq !·1 111 ;1 IJ.~oli11 L' !'npc· ("Od <·lla rn1. 1 l :Ji. .J J::itfls dt-JJ"h!l'11ll v t'11'l.V f<tn1 - 1I\ 1\1011 1 11 rill ;1d 1:1cl'nt s~1p1..:r-~i1.cd "sc11'i1lg 1'.'.1J111 <ind c ht·<·rlolJ.1 :-.111111y brick patio. 2 I· JJ't'pl:1l'l1:-., '..! \1·pt h:irs. ~ yr.'> old l'le;1sc call 1:.\J<J:.\Jt ;\ l ';\.\11,'l:J·:LL NEWPORT TENN IS VILLAS IN 'l'llE !:L UF FS :; l!edru(IJ n. ~1 :.! IJ;1tlis . fnrnHl l d 1111ng r'.'.on1 ;u1d .i..:r c;it t;nnily rnon) off Cn1111 !ry h'.1 1c:h.l'11. \\ l'l l <l l'signe d y;1rd and pnt iu 1111h ;1drt11 1on:1l utit!lonr li ghting. $/l:),000 . l 'l t·~1 :-.L' ca!! l~1\l \J :l:\ll:\ (;L.-\SS $124,500 TWO DUPLE XE S $126,500 :l Ii/{ ! ;~ 1:.\ (\)i\J ;; Rlt -! 3 l3t\ 1-'..\1r;1 !;1 r;..:L' h edrnc11 11s ~nd bath s, open llc;ltl\". :! d ec k.~. 2 p<-1 1 ios . One year old . l 'lt'~l:-.L' l·;ill ('JL\J(LJ ·:s ,\lc J..;:[i\':\O N 57 FT. WATER F RONT CONDO fJlr rs'f :\:\'IJJ;\(; :i IJf{ !·'O R l l/S("J:l!\lJ N:\"J"I NG l:l U\'J·:Jt and $150,000 FANTASTIC VU CO NDO ON WATER 569,500 l'IWFESSI ONA l.LY IJE<'OnATED l\l·:\r (' \l:1·1·:'J"S 1!)r{:\l1 J·:S1PAIN'r C.ill .\.\lJl.\i r·: l{!("l•: to :o;ee tl1 e~c \\1 0 ('ondos PRIVACY ON BAYFRDNT LUXUR IOUS CUSTOM HOME 60' Slip & Large \)eek $395,000 l·'antnstic \"1c\\'s l·";n1t a:-;tic Features'. l ll\'.\J·:ll \V!l.L f".\l{J{\" L(),\.\ and DOVER SHORES 5 BEDROOMS l'/1 BAT HS $185 ,000 I tU:.I L t:t·:,11 ·TY': ;ind BALBOA PENI NSULA 5 BEDROOMS 31;2 BATHS $250,000 11:-..: ·r1r1·: 1:1.1 11·: !J.\t'!l-'ll "' f";d! 'I Jil":'II :\'.'J lt ll 'J·'. to sec lhese three THE TOWE RS BAYF RONT 2 BEDROOMS POOL $69 ,500 t·:.\IT l'T lll:\.11. t:\\" & OCE \'\ 1·11·:11·s l 'I C'<L~t· l";lll !"ll \J,1.1·'.S _\lc:Kl :'\i\()N VISleN Lots of Off Street Parkin'1 "'2743 E. Coast Highway Corona del Ma r 675-8600 Anytime --------------~. General R.E:. 1002 Generat R.E. 1007 The only thing overlooked atNe~rt Crest is the; Pacific ! Ocean '/-- l ( Spacious townhomcs designed 101 your ' pride. p/(lnsure and comforl down to the smalles t df'ta1( A wide choice of elegant 2. 3. or ll bedroom fl oorpJans. Residents' Swim anrl Tennis Center_ Professional crews to t11ke care ol exterior maintenance A Newoort Af)<ich "t1 nd"" lrom $63,000. .>feWP...Orl r~1 i:trest ~ TOWNHOMES -' . f 1om P.1cofic Coast Higll;vay :inrl Supeflor Avenue rn \"!~cc!ion drive up S1.1pnrinr In NPwport,Cre<:t "~, entr .~l"ll"i'.' ~riles ol!•CP ~. .:-1;i Boben C0urt Opori rl1••ly "'°'_." Hl A M 1,1 f.11n'1(l1. ....., ( 71 4) (J.l;i·bl,11 ,,~ .. I " (" ,, ·~ ~ 1''"" '~·' ' . .. G:r n. ''"" ,-,,,o•• 1, ,,,,.,, •·~'"'' ·~· ·-·" ........ IRVINE COVE 0 11 ce i n a \Vhile a rea lly gr eat ho1ne is of'· fcred J'or sale in the perfect cu111n1uuity-\rC li;1ve one ... in Irvin e ('ove 0 11 Jti\·iera J)rive. 'fhis one 111a li:cs you feel like .vou'rc .... on1 eplace else. 'vi th the r ight-there vie \\' ot the ''!lite \l'ater <HHI s:1 nd . t"J'bis is a pri\'HlL' bct1ch 1. '!'h is :.J bedrn1 hon1e has all !he lux- uries you \1·;.i11t a nd ex pccl u 1nuid's !'<~1 nl i.I large gan1 e roon1 \r i\11 ln 1s uf pos- s ihil 11ics ;-111d tno n1u nv an1cni tic s to 1nvnt iu11. c1ll cl one in exquisite ~ta :-.te . . oil. included 111 price 1s yo11r 011·11 go ll tart lo .i.;et you to rind fron1 the Ueach. 1\n exc:cptional value at !)185 .000. 1'11()1\1.; 1; .. \rrr J 1\f"O !tS1.;N, 6.iO-Jl 2U ·--· SPYGLASS '('h is: Qlll• 1:-; l1ig l1 -on-a -li1I J \I il ll 180 dt'grec ,·i(·1~· <11 the l llue JJ;_iciJ ic. !li t• bay and ;ti! Ille sn i lho:it ~. It's 4 lxlrn1s .t t';in1ilv rn1 ;_ire all n ne i1llt.! 11:\-el. '!'lie pric e i s 11011; reduced 1u $1:-1!!,!J;)()_ i11C'l11din;.! the land. l'JI Oi\J,: l.i.1\!1'1' .Jr\C'OJ~S l·:N, 64-0-1120 --~-Ge nera l R.E. 1002 Gener al R.E. 100 2 RARE FIND EASTSIDE CO RNE R---011 alli:1·. ~ JJedroon1 and (\('11. 1:::; baths. l'i rcp!acc.· dhlc garage. (;rl·a t !or motorhome, boat or trailer :--ror a.;,:e. ll urrr. ju:-.t listed <1t 8:l7,50IJ. Call 541)..1151 . COLLEGE PARK POPULA R MESA MODEL -~ l~droon1 ;1ntl den. ~ Oath i-1 nd fan1i ly roo n1 . dbl e J'i re- plt1t c. fr111l :-inrl sh:-1de trees. pane lled g a r- a,:..:c. Assumable 5l/4°/o FHA loan. f'l0;1n. ne<1t. l'l'ady to 1nuve into. 1:or detail s c,d! 540-1151. . IN THE BLU FFS Hert• l"t•' llere vc· !Jere's \\'h<'lt \'01i'\'(' be en 11 ,11!11;~ Jur! ()~otll c~ of char n1 '111 a J bcd- J'llP1n I·: l'l;1n or1 ~111;1I l ~lufl.~ c o 11do1niHi111n 1r1 1h grtt·n hclt \ 1e11·. It's the one 11 ith a fJn1- ily ro11n l nud th ts is thl' one \I 1th ::i n extended 1Jreakl ;1 ~t arc;1. s kylights. cathedral bean1s Jnd lu:-;<·1011s 11·;1Jl paper .... \·uu·11 lo\'e it, lt"s ,1ou , iL·s ~84 .~IOU and .)uu "d better Jiurr.v 1but ~ J 'H'~~~~~'~l~lll~o~~'~' • I •·»1 · I t :i 1 · ! ! !'<',.. "\ , . , '"I II" 'I I 1 \ !! · t ·t ·1111 1 .. ti "t $ !11.'f ~J 140, 950 ~ ··,i1 1 i;'j' ·~·-·' Assume 7 °/o l oan I 1 1 \t.(1 ll\1 1 .. \lll>."!\ I \L<,! f•11i 11, d r1\C t <1rvlull1·i. !•r:111t;" UNIQUE HOMES Rea lto<S, 675,6000 "" 17TI • Exclusive • 1: I (I 11• •I• 'I ' lo,1tfl' I ' • j 1p1 ' \ -" • l I 11 ["I "1, 1 I 'I 1 " I,,,, 'I 1 ... ,,, I'." I .. li'l11lh 1"11 lo ,I \1;. _'I' ol,' I• I ''•I' 'pt I 2443 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar B h I p d ac e or a ,, ,. lh 1 ,, •. 1 I''' .111.1· !DELUXE · '"''(I •. " i .. l .... ll ;G;e;n;e;r;a;l;R;:::E;;;. :;;;;;;::10;0;2;G;•;n;e;';a;l;;;;R;.E;.:;;;;;;;;;1;00;;;2; 1 \ d, 11~:.~1h ., P~;I , I'.\ 1 ; 111 J .1 ,. ..,,~ 11-;-,,, * Balboa Bay Properties * fOU RPLEX 1 '.:,::'.,. /""::, •• •::.',".,,' ~' ,.·, (BRASHEAR ) I I II 11,1 I' 1'1"" ,j .. 1 ""' '" . R E A LT Y - NEWPORT SHORES ' NEWPORT B EACH 1~··11:·d 111 .'"1-1,l r (",.·11 11111 11· .. 11111 11 I I' I POOL 'I• '' II 1111 l·i.' I l~I ~q II ! \oi'I li•I [•t •l••l\11 I •1'' S/icll"J> ~ bd r m. & 11"" ·itl l' t· ·1 · I I I """' , "" '· ''" ....... , . ., 1 ''11 •·II '"1 "0 DOWN TO VETS I ., , 1 • '· ,u111yz n1 .. ove y 1°·1··1 .. 1111 111 .. 1· 1,,,,111-.1 '1' _ h;.1l!.1 .':~Jr:1P . ~;,~ e-_111 1 grounds \\':greenhouse. "11,, 1.i . l•l·•·. 1 .. ,, lr11,1 1 .. I ~!~~i~I\ 1 r e;id_\, ~v.l .. _1UU. hrJ -1(JbO \Valk to scll ools & shop-11 ·: ;ii ! . : I• 111. 1!.11• • 1•:-i. ,. :1:·.i 1~1p11l111 I ----------' Jl lll'f '0:65.950. 642-7·191. $79,950 I • ' 3 -:--"':" I i\1, LI.I·\ \I II, 1 .. ~ .. ,.~. •lil• h· y •IP!'' 111••i,1I "ii ''"I i''"l 1,.1 MESA VERDE HOME -----I 1.,,,;.11 I 11'd •'l l1 'l•1~t'<l l<\11\ e STOP • I 221 1 Newport 81. SMALL HOUSE ,11 ,1 ,,-,.i 1, 11," p 1111, ,., 1 :2200 sq. ft. <:u .... 1. hit. :l . ..-64c6o!>ta8M8e1•0 11 HUGE VIEW i.•,.1111 ~ :11", .11111 1 11 ·~r Pl{ 1 d ,, and sec this brand 1 fO i - 1 BAY & OCEAN -.1·1.1• .1 1·,1 11-1 •• 1_ F111 b;l. $/:J,500 I er ins. beach. Open daily 2-5. r, Sun/Eve!>. P AJtJ( P LAC•, -' '• :till, rni. ... en , -111C\1' duplex, 1-blk. io Rill.Ill.". I co'JR90CNAARDNEATLIOMNAR .1 pf•ll11 Tn11·111 o·,111 !I 550-01100. ~07 30th St, N. t:. 673·7420 SJ 7-5s43 ZONED R.J :R-..U.Taftll-o.•, $165,000 842-746 1 m REALTORS I] CAL L 675·1211 I Costa Me'3<1 102 4 · I 5 Loca l o mce• To Serve You ~------E;.e:ut rve Townhouse 1 ------...,..,...., __ ..,, __ ,_ ___ ,... ____ I iCle,inest House in Town 1002 General R.E. 1001 1 UNIVERSITY PARK 1'1·1 11• ,J.,1111 .. 11 !In' I~ '"1 111111 •·•'d «•·•H l .!_ ,1 .. r1 ,;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;;;;:;;:;;:::;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;; . I RV I N E 1 .. "I• 111 ii 11 I I I ' k' ' " .i ' .j . ' l'i '';I .td• d " ' j I "' I I II I.! General R.E. ' l,il1·111 1111 l.1r.,o' l<1l,l 1 l!'I011ll d1"T""" ·~.11'd1· 11 LL\JJ.\ JSLC: I (11 <'.ll l.1J lllh lh>ill•' l:ond•o·.11 "·11 I•• I" •"ll'o·l 1••n'. 1•:il 1•• 111 11 '••!11 lr,d,·•·11y o ll 1:( dl••l]ll~ \, ··r IHl l<>I ;ind ln1·ll1ol··' 1111• 11•"11 1•11111-111~. 111;,~l t'I" 11 •.. J,·····IH, 11 (• /.\ \' ~ PRESTIGE WATERFRO NT HOMES i.:1·~ .. 111~11 "'L·ri~ 1., ~1lt1p11111 1:10: 11.-11. 11n ·pl:>1·1". ~11 .:M •1. :--11:t1,,. 1·.,.1 1, 111·:11· f""'I. Li nda Isle Waterfront LnvC'I\·.) l ~l~., :J hath custon1 hon1c C1J11rly urd. flier & slip, $2:!5.0UO. 70 Linda Isle Oriv~ Enclosed Prin1c 4.) ft. lagt.Jon lot -$150.000 l''or 111f0 r n1:-1tion on \II 1101n cs 8.: l~t.JI " ('<11 1 ;,1111 . s.·11,.,1.~: J.><1.n'.t ~1:'.1t, 111 t'.111 ~dli-l';":!ll t11111o·1· 1n11s1 .~1·1 1 s:::.:.~1rJ.\, 11"1\ t la~I . C:il\ b·lf.-fl.11.\, ,--,---------- TnR.Bf ll. I' I L\1.l:rili(111 "\1!0 962·4471 ( ~:;) 546-8103 illage Real Estate ·.i,, , \\,~IE:~~.~ I·~,~~: ~i~l~·;l~. -•1,., 11,.,·1 .11 1·11.1 ···"' ·1 --0-C ean_V_iew •·1t·1 1 1 .Yt\\,1-1i~,,1 "''•(!' "" i:.:1 i,1 ! i :,,d 1 •~1111,, BILL GRUNDY, RE ALTOR F 1 Lr. " 1 •.•. I~· \.i 11 1'" ',,. :.iP 1"'''· 1'11 k"1 Islanders Bldg., N.B. 675-6161 I rom La9una 1111/111 .. ,, I ...... , !•1<11>1 .I I I 11 '1•11 I,•··-.\ I I •,1 I ' \ I I 11 1:r.; . ------I1e11 u11lul :: li··d1·•·•lll. '.! 1.,1111. ~l<!I' p;t!IH ' /i••,11 'di•· 1·1,· I .I I'' 11 1.\111·.n General R.E. 1002 Genera l R.E. 1002 h•11111· 11 11 h ••11 t :-.l:oH•l111~1 \\,,1,·1·: .• il ,, 11,:1 l1•n•t 1·,,l :•1,, , ,.,1 ::;:;.,::-~-:.;·:;;:;:;;:;;;;:: ""1·:in 1•11·11 'l i,,, ·"•r• ""11'11 '11 --1•1-'1 .i .. rd The Real Est.i te Fair G .n.ral R .E . 1002 ~ t RE 100 2 1• in11 11rir11L11" h •11 1Jo· 1, '>111\ lj111"!; 1 .. •1111\ ~11~.11~1 I .,ener<1 · -" · c M R I 839-613 3 or 536-2551 -;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:: -----------ASSUM E 71;20;0 V.A. -.1r•;1 1s 11<•11· .111d 11" osla 1 e~a ea ty • I ' Golf Course Home I T1i1~ \1!1111" 1r 111 1·' 11(,111,. lll ~P1 "'1"11~ 1'11 ''1 1• Since 195s * 54a-1111 FOUR •· I 11 1•1•1'\:,.·0• :1 11<1 l"':1oi1 (·•·il11r·, \ · J' 1 1· 11 -I 1- '' 11l:11Hl<'d ' H Ill Ill II II I I I . ' ' ll•T '• I I ,\,H-1' ' $6000. DOWN '11111 l t·1·l"I !;luf f .~I · ·"''111 'Ii" l1 P•' l .. 1·1111.11 Brand New P rice BEDROOMS 111-:.~,\ ,·1-.1 :111 ~,.,. 1111--.11 1:.i1 1~··1 .. :,1 10111 11 1 1 1,11".111•1,.,.1 1,1 ~1i~ .. ~w 1 · • 1 MESA VERD E · 1·,.,11l••n11:11uu1 ; 1:1 ·•frnf•n1-.;, 1 ... :,111111 11 hie: ·' 1w,li'•••lll . :: 1 ,,,·1 1 11 1,.~ 1~ 1,1.1,.,.,1 111 ,.,11 1, l\o ·"'"1,1,. 1, '"'ii ,.1·1•:1, nP:1rl ,1 I ''' 1•-•lil ' !.:"""' ''111!1111 $28 ,900 I 1111 hr111,,· .\ "l"•·:i1 1.oniili \.:''.~1IM 1. J 1 ~ J1,11 \11 /\I~ I Ca ll Tod ay 644·7211 l\"h. 1111111 \ 1;,1, •l ,11111 J•.,u'· "' 11 , 1,, ,1., .. .,,t ;.;1,,,11,, ''I"\ l,1 t1·h··11 1> 11 lo 1·;,1111". ;, 1'•' • ' I I I · II k I 1 · 1 I I ,, 11 , I 11, 1 1 1••111•', p11 p 11 111' 11'1•('\''i \1:1\lll•·nr Il l ll•f\ ,, IT Miii\ .. , !••Ill lll1 .1·:111 1111 "' 11'111 ·,. I . II'\\ ,, l•WtllHI d 1nirt;.: J'•Jlll. lil"l'·I :-; .. p11 ':1I• l:1n11 l~ id! 0 1'l«"l ll •' 1 .. 111 1••-.l "l':-.. li1'1'p\.11 ··· 111111rl l •I ·~··Ill ···1"11•111111 1 1 .. , ••. 11 .. 11! 11 .... ("l1.1 rr111 1\~ l11•1·11l :t<"\', (111 :1 \''\IHI• \',\ L•r:o11 II I I 'I I ,. '1111 I 111· I \ 1·• i\I I ·-1"••1111, fl•l'<H;d .J IJlll<I..' ,HJ<i ;o ~lfl;I I \1111 I•'~ "I Olll~• .. 11 ' \ , ljll l'A ~ d I_.' I . •<II ,;., •"'I' l'"I I o' I ,-. " l..i·...:·· 1'<•1'l"'r lnl 111rhin ..:11•r)'. 1 ~.:1: !'.11•1;111 ,. ,1,1.,1 ,,.,1"'""1 p:,11,, Ir.ii(-,.1,,. 11 11,, 1,._,11-,~ :ii 1,,1 ~ 11 1~ I , , ' D. J . FEENSTRA pl"~. "•l•H 1 •,.,,1 .v 11'<' la<·i· 1·• Tl'1 .1H~ ('\uh. s.·lll'.:r 1 0 I 111 1 II\).! ••Ii! ••!l fl'< I"' :111,i l!lll'\\11,\ ~ I''' <'111'1'• 11] llllf'l/•,I I', 11• 'If _ '.~ ;,11.-;1ou:-.. :)ii'.l,!)(Y). \\'•111! Ir ~·1,11 ,.,., llf'r·n \.,,,);111c: S82,SOO 111· .. 1· hPi 1 .. 1 ~·,,,. il,.t.dl~ i;1~-L1 1:; 1111' ;, .. ~_01~~11' I <H 7270 (.,1· :1 IH11lih l'\flrl1(' :11 :1 -· ' •• ' 1.1111_, .~l·l··1·r 111·•·1•••rr.v, t·aJI 1 . COSTA MESA lr.\Lh..· T( f, ,"'.·'.' l(•j1'i fi<· i•l'I<'•'. ~·.,11"d ht•ll "!' , 11111·1·.1· 1111 1!:1' f•ll•' 1:,,11 r ~ COATS I .i . .i.•-.("~ A:\I ·"11(11 1 l:\l• 962 ••71 ( ••·i 546 8103 & EASTSIDE LH\"Pil' {"'Ill"'<' j '..rk I r:1· -·n .... • lw,1r·,.,1 ,,~. IL t •li11,,.1 fi·••t~. :;;:,""':-SEL ECT :.; 1:.;, :i 11 1 .i~i,1 .. 1 1.i ~11 ,1.,.11 ; ri""UK S..,;ti a_,,,. llll'-'(' IP "t" 'l\'1d··d 1 .. 1. ,.,,,. . WAL LACE ,. 1-,.1 ·• 1 I I I :~==========/ _ ... ,,._, .-J '\'.• lf'l !'(o<ltl) ll"lll l", I/(" !l>'\\ 01p/, ,I· o!ij•~. !10•1\l\ - 1"1J1d1!i'lt1f'f, j 'O\('l'<'rl p;o tl•• REALTORS " PROPE RTIES I :ol1•1I. l••il 1 <llH ' 1,:,,.•J.. I•• lh•• I I \ I \' I ' N w R£ALTORs'--- -~n.i 11111.·11. 11111ch 11ir•rl' .• \,,k · · 1 11 p;lln ·' '11 • •· • 1" ·•11 ewport est I I -546--4J 4J--f"'-l!'lilf ~·h'l/l/'ltl " '""111\'I". ~I .•. ;~~· ( , •11,1.j, , 1,1,1.,( /Hl•·t OWNER ___ I a ••II! 1 ,1 111~ ,\,, 1111:•-' Sh:i k,. l'"l1, ln11·!, l il't'l•i'ol 'i', 1.,.,1 lhin•••' i.1.! 11 . :ind lllh' nf lh,• 1 ~·1·,v l1t·~I' WALKER & LEE (Open Evenings) 1!:11.111 '.''1fl•··1,, 1 .. 1.,,111 1 .i,11_ 1 :2 STOJ:Y.:: H<':lr11i. 1;1111 1 1~ TR AN SFE RRED! J;,·11.•r ar·t fu;;t. Ch1·n•'I' 1nu~t l1q111d.1\« 11 11~ 111 1111.11·. ::i::1 ~ ,:l;I .\ hud,.:r>1 i;a l'l'r , 1:1 •111.1rh.;1!.lr· !1u111~· 11/ll1t1h. r-rpll!, 1trpo, l:i 111 r 111 • n1'<•!':-.1d ., 1·:u ;.; a r 11/,·:1111p•'!" a r••:1 .~ lr u1t 11'•'!'~. f '.ork, r;.101 ,\: :,!'hi s l"'"ri1_;. ,\ ·"'fl':•ll111i.il l"1ll- ily-h .. 111P ,d \•111.V $:;~,\.'~I S11 hrn11 v• •11r 11·rnis, ,~,. 011111 ·1· r11.t,1 f1 0:111l'!'. \'.t:. lln1<a1"d ,\-('or f.!,-.~l!}il SELL OR TRADE i :n 1u·r•'.~ -$1'.!0,o'•l. )1 ~1 .tl'I'•·~ -:')1 ~0 ,()).1_ :.:KJ a1-r··~ -S:!·~l,1 ~10. -GEM- J:Jl.f' T'l1,li11 A>•'. ~.r._ 1"'.F:AJ.T(1H-:. 1;1.' Ill~~ T h•' fn~t·'<! dn11~· n1 1nr \r,,~1 ;I (l:11J_1' 1'11"1 ( "l[1..;<:1l1<•d ------ 545-9491 OC EANF RO NT DU P LEX :: 1:t1r111 ~. up, "1 l1d 1'111•<, d1111·n: 2 h:d hs •'·" h. :-;pn1·1nu~ up[l(•r 111111 111th 1\fK'll h•'H!ll 1·1•il";;_. frpli:, <'<>n11)\f•t1•I;.: 111111l~h··<I : 1011••1' u 11 l I (u 1·11 i:-.hr d f .. r s u n1 Ill I' r 11·nl;1I ll ~/:'.il•~I <" .11 _ i.;:; .. :1~;.i i'i::::.ri: • .!:: !•:1 r·~. associated IROKEA~EALTORS ZOZS W. lolltoo 67J-J66) :'llt:SA \·Fro I!·:. l~Y ()\l"'.'\i':l ~ i,i.;:•· I 1 ;1;, J."111n-1·11i, ~ h,. \1 ].~f:ll., ti"' /.11 . .ii;.:~1:1~· General R.E. 1002 Ge-ner~I R .E . 1002 ------------------ REALTORS 675-5511 VERY SPECIAL OPEN HOUSES SAT & SUN l to 5 SHORECLIFFS: 202 Seawerd Rd . Pride of o"·nership ; beautiful ga rden home. bean1 ceilings, polished Y.1ood floors. fuJ J-.wall brick fi replace with raised hearth. ('.QJ{ONr\ DI.;L Nl.J\R: 217 Jasn1lne :\vc. l 'onte1nporary, 11nusunlly spaciou s. 3 bed- ronrn pLu s guest jus t a fe\v feet lron1 lkCiln J-:l vd. & the l{ig IJeach. Telephone us a t 67~551 I or 1lrop h,v our "nauticnl " s tyled orJ'icc Ior inforn1atio11 Oil the follo\ving : \Ve stcliff location : t:can1 ec ili n t:~. :l bedroon1 hon1e. pool, and 1\SS U 1\l A 1Jl .I~ VA i..oan at 71/2'1('. $68.500. Dig Corona Beach I-tome: 170' deep lot to add on and build your d ream home; or a small hideaway as it is, $150 ,000. NE\Vl'ORT Reslaurant : Small , charmM ing, rustic : beer & \\•ine license. $55,000. LAG UN1\ BEACl f : \Vant a new, vie'"" contemporary hon1e? Und er construe. tion. $85.000. ~111d up. !")(Jf,..;)()!)11:? 1~1\RKSF'll l -t : l 1nd (!r ronstr1 1r· tinn . duplex \\-'ith :~ bed rins. CFl C'h 11nit . ·ra, ~helte r 011 "f 1r~t n\\ ner" hn•;;i~ ;111d huil <l cr 1\·ill hel p t i n~11u ·l'. ~!~4 .(l()t l , COLE OF NEWPORT, REALTORS 675-5511 2.S1S E . Coast Hwy .. Corona de! Mar 111'1\'I· l'Y 1· .. 1,,,,, !'11T'k "I :===========~ C d I 111• :on·" I .• •-·· i••I 11 11)1 :1<·-' •1 ' -1 , _ rn1., 11 11 1111.: 1'••nll,,. •ntlh .1 1 orona e Mar 1 1·~.,r .. ,·1""''"···•1n1",.,1,,r. A'""'· 1 ~1'"•' 11"1 '1,'1.io.'.,.::.·.· 11,1nil1• ... 1 11"'""· .-pr, ,, DUPLEX 'Ii ~"I I l•lll !"II"<' '•' ' ---·• 1lr;•.~ 1-1 1;01111, !1'1111 11\'<'~.I 233 Flower, CM ASS UMA BLE LOA N ,; 1:,11 111. 1 '• "'•l hs "· I 1:11·~,. 1;v<1 n 11, l l1:<1 h. S11~1rkl l11~: 1·1"''11' l·.1 •'l'I lh11Jl.'1 I :11 ri- l·'11·1·J•I i. 1·. (l\.•'l"'!J•·d ~-•I' 1..:•: <rl] ;ill••\ ) ;·i:i.-~i. 646--3928 or E ve 556--8674 ( '''';,n \'1••11 11·0111 uppr'l' 11n11 -1 ~ l1l1•·k /!'!1 111 ~h··fll/1 11.1_. c;, .. ~J !1 111,d 11 1'<'•'-S.\2.~~111. ('.di f.11 " f> p r, In I IJ1 ,, II I .\I " 1"11 '·I , ' I ' • J ~ " Ii , ·1 .,;-, . 1 1•1 COATS l\~·11'•'"''. 11 •~_.d,,. ':.i . .,; 1'"·'11 R~). ·Mc'Cardle Realtor & l·.~l.iti • .il."--l I••=--11810 Newport Blvd .. CM WALLACE Unusual 1 BR + Den 548-7729 REAL TORS 1.,, ... 1. d 111t l1 ll'L1il 11'•''''· 962-44'4 1 11~·.'_ll~J (,,1, 1)11 l·l .. \10'1' :->t ---------....... , , ·"-· m .\.'"'" '"'''"'' ,., DOLL HOUSE ~1::1 -:1.-:1~1 I BY THE SEA \I \\''I ' ,·,11 : .. 1,,1~·r11cpl a t e , Balboa I and __ 100611 gy-1 111 ;-..·1<1~;.;-(.,,~1 .. ,1<"11 1t 1ot1 1•-' ; l~·dr •••Hl h;1-. J :,\f.I ~~).\ J.,J., ''I I ·.•,(',I', •,J t•,;o l'~~li!" IHlll•' ·' I I , ..;• ' ·11 1~111-. '"'" i'"li!I ,\-1 , ]'•I I ·011lll'd 1'"11111\.:~ Ill 111 !11'..; • ...... ---------Ir<· -• 11 1•111-'" ••II ·' ,.,. I J' I I 1·111, ),.,T,,1 k 1I 1•11t'11. Lachenmyer Realtor l;,1 · '1:1.'l 'lllil -··--'Iii! -, .,.1,,0li l l!H'ipit'-11!1 ~. , -'-_..::__:· -· 1" '· •>11•·1101' 1·,11\•ll"llt!"ill d111t·~ C11~il •1n ............... , Balboa Peni sula 1007 1.,-,,,,.,,.,. ill':11u•_, ~a lut.: h.1rk .1ard: WATERFRONT LOT I ill"I ,\.'l·"l'I'' . l•l "l'LI·:'.·· ' ' HS"Ulll:il>I,• :.'1 Ill' 11 .. 1111 11ilh lerni" to JF QUALI TY COUNTS , ·' \',\ 1 .. ,,11. :'. B!:, t.1111 rni. -.1111. 1:111· :~;~•-:1,-,11 L1!g•~l 111t'n 1,., l !''"l1n1t11 1. h.i. ~I'" ).<t'il . 1011'!,1 ,..;,p111 11•1·,·I .;!1!{ :':BA~ f'u,10111 fr-:,1i11·c~ 1nt'l11d;-i.:p:1nl.,h :»· lo<1d lt•li11('\I" 1'•1.1 1\~.1·',\l •'ll~l\I' ()••·111 -~· H;ol il••lll•", Ill ~. (I I'll/• I CONCERNED Ir I I I ) I \ 1•'11 ' 11•,,111 11 •'11 11 . . -·· :-.1 ~·1·· {"iltr;-.' hl1'111!1l. \11~11 ld~1·p~. 11l1rn 111 .. .,1 k.11\·h. l.w~I o·rp:.~ ,~· drp-.-1,•tif'i~! f,,1· ~1.1,• ,\,.,.,, n1 .. 111r ~il,·1•1•1•1~ ,\ ,, 11 .... 1~ 1'1"h'<'d ;11 ~1\1 .:~~l ~111>11111 1111 i1 .. 11·11 \'I·,. )l ,.,, 11d ,( (\1. 1:\1-,lflll ',\~.r.:~~·~1 f1 1:,11;::11,;nl'lFt·<, 11,,,.,,1.,11,,d, Joirl.v, l:ll""-:•' -~ _.,:1,, ,,.1111·;.:t·<1n 111'. .d•l-o..... This \lnl 11 :1:. f;111iil,1 hon\• ' I J"J I I \J I 11\ I' n"•"il' ~ • .,,, • .,,,,. 1J.h•' 1• PETE BARRETT 11111/ h••lll'' or f'n1n11 l•'if'I~ I" ; ·. I { I•) , 1 '.' I ( I I (""ll<'•\'ll•'d .or\d 11 il l "ll,-. 11 111rn1--li··1 111•••111" pt"'IJ''l'I\ h111•·r ,\,,11111;1/ol" '"'11. :1_·: .. •, l l•'J1d1•1• 1111111~ -L>I' l'ho• -REALTY-111 1111 <' 1w1 1,hl.,l'IV••t. 1];,. ('.q11l:1I, C";\I l ,\+i-1."_~'! :;1>;1 11,·.,l;oir,,, :lHr, '.!l•,1 d•ii;n, 1 •. ,. P!'IP' I\ \·,11,.,!0.1 ;•nd l•1t' General R,E. 642-5200 675-4060 -------1002 Gene-ral R.E. 1002 macnab / irvine realty CORONA DE L MAR D UPLEX (;rea l location ! Cozy ,v., con1fortablc ! Ope n bcan1s! lncon,e, too ! Con1e see! $114 .500. C:1rol Herry 64-1-fiWO. ( l\58 J BI G CANYON CONDOMINIUM !\lng11ificent ~lonaco on go lf cour.(;e sparkJing ne\v -n1ove right in ! 3 bedM rootns -:1 baths. Sl33.500. Barbara Goth- ard IJ42-82:i5. I K59 J IRVIN E TERRACE-Isl OFF ER IN G Original oivner-5 bedroon1 tor 4 + den \, 4 bntll hon1e. !loot sizrd lot-~on1e ocean l'iC 1\', $88.500. T o111 C.,'!ueen 644.-6200. fK::!9) SUP P LY & DEMAND lhl,\'lront. lots in i\1ewport arc liinil('<I - only a lc\v left al l)ron1(111tory l~ty. 50:<100 Lot being otfered at !-il2l.()()() -b;:icks np to quiet privocy of !!arbor Island lioad. lleverly ~l o rphy 1}12'82:1;. 1Kr,()) BALBOA PENINSULA POINT LOT Near oce.-'111 & bay-launchi.ng priv. up to lti' 1>0a t. Tennis club a vailable. Prestige are<l -$69.500. Gladys Russell 642-8235. tK61 ) BIG CANYON BUILDING SITE Lr:. prin1c lot o\·erlooking golf r onrs€' & 1·l11 hhn u .~e 011 quit'! ... 1 t'l'Pt of tine e11sto111 h011 1e:._ ?-!ti.1.>0. 'J"o 1n lJll<'C'll f.~-1--ll'!OO.' 1 ::".J'(t:-;:-;1·~.-:,..;,[1 I,, ~I\,_. II /·••r -..11•• I•\ •0\1 rl• )' \1111 '1· •. >o.l, )OJll 1 ,ill :1~~1111\1' II,, ' ,.,tl,IH~I \IS•I , 1:1 , '''Ill -,, "\I I . I I lo'llll~. ')'.''~1,IWlil .. \~k j,,I' I ', V, ''>111. l<>lll •• •" S.if.!'MHl, v.·111.~ 1:11v .. '11;..11:::1 ,,,, 1111 ,,11,, , ill 1'1 !' \11 -. \'1<~ i.I~ .~O••l d:1v,.. ~ · ''' ,;71-"11~ ,.,,., .1-11!,1i,I ~. · Eastbluff 1030 \·17-:::i\1. I Peninsula Point Antique -lov;;:-s Delight <·h.~r11 1,.1·~ ·: 1;1: . .i •. 11. IHJ.:"h \111·11 ,.r th•· •I<',.,, 11 I l\O':tl!H'<I l"t'l i ing.~. ()11<· lilk. ~'.H ll .lqH·.oll~ 11 •·•I~ JI •' d 1 .. c11_·l'11 n. h11) "" !1·11 111s els_ dJ"""HI lo1n\I<'. .-:01l 1d ".ih Sf'!). ;~ll<'!'ll ijlla 1·1•·r..; \\'/ ll••'i ''• ·1111.111 ~ 11111d"\\~, co111p!vlP h:1lh. S8l .. -~~J. SEE THE ''C'' I i l'll.1r, :1111<', .!.!r:.in1tr 111··· RE "'-'77 \ lq Lido, !\. 8. *673·7300* --fienfnsufa -Poin-, -- ,1 1~1: .. rll'u: 1 hlk. ~O h.iy. Oiwn ~,11 /Sun. J . .-, ~2·1 11.·11-11(· Ln. Ag-t. no:l--4f,l)l) ;: BH. den, p11rio; J hlk. tn ll("f':tn & bay, Pe11 l'L .~1:1 • .-,110 ~111r.-hull R11 y. 67~..-4600 Corona del -M·~,-r--1022 3 BR 2 BA $69,950 f1111 •11111<1111:..: l·~·111io11' F<11111 1•l;1~''.' .l ~•·•I 1·:u ·1J<.·\ l~t·al !<>l'-', l'l'<h\l<\1 11 h<•lll" 111•\I In J••'l l_'.'"(~-~~"1 '-_ ..... 1 ",.,, . .,1,.11. ·"'""·"··" REPOSSESSIONS ~( 111•1 ,,,ints nn n lh'l'. S'/1.~~~I . _ (" II f'-· 1·1~ 1 I t nr 111forn1a!Klll and !n1 ·at1on --" ,,,,. ~ · -nf lh••S(' ~'!IA & V,\ hon1cs, Et Toro 1032 ! '"'""KASABIAN 4 + POOL 1>1•:-.1 buy in th(' a rr>;1' A:-.~11n1t' .7'., V.,\, l";,11. i\,<k.1nl! f111ly S3.~.:iH) BAL BOA BAY PROP. * 640-8484 * I ' • I @.sf.~ OAILY PILOT ,.,..~~;.W::ed=:":.:''~ay, A.u9u~t 21. 1974 i;';;"';;;;jn;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. _;;;;;_;.I ;04;.;:4 Lido Isle 1 os67'N 9wpo-r"'t _•s•.:-:,:-:,-.h-~I 0"''"9"';"'n::c::o-:m:-:.~p",.-p-.-,-.,-y-•2000=;:r:-L-ot"•-r·-,-,-.7,.---2" Houses Unf urni1h.d -I Coit• M.sa 3224 1··~A~p~·~·~tm~•~n~f,~F;;u~m~~·3~7~00~A;:;p~·~··~,;;~·~n ~ts~F~u~r n;;~;;;;;3~7~0o;:I Soothe Your Bluei WATERFRONT UNITS $49,SOO L1Hl\ I ~ hy 11.1~ f..Ox::OO R·I General 3202 (1~·1·: s. ou!y •'n 2 fir $17.i !! Firn tln11• off«rl'rl Onl• uf the SQUEAKY CLEAN 0 '.I lh'l' \I 1!1 ":llT" lnd tru~t lr.t ne~t 10 :!63 £-a•t tJnrJ \'i1t11nt. ga1 flll:f', fn,,;d for ri1ov t 1111t• r111' l11\u11ou~ 1 I ' ~ ~. 1 t II' l'n ALA. kl" 111•~• )(>11tHllul & un1qu~· p1..,. 1 '"d .! l,'tu1 i.. bl01.'k11 10 ,.,, •MTif'r 11 u6 !>I.' •'11 llNTALS 11 ~ FINE FURNITURE f\\'ll*''•~:i!1•do11 ·<l•'lLJ,:"hlful T••.:rUf'li ; l~e horut• ·+-:k'p 2 • ,,,.,, 111 ''''''''''' , .. ,1,11. i,, ... I! An,,.t.<•d i.;a.t•age-. 1rd11(';'fl !;.111't 11•a\t c .. 11 ()SLY 5l:iQ.~l~r.u11 I P1l,vt>I ' grf'f>nbt:-lt. J',,11111.., C', 1 11 1 I . • \ 1 ., "" 11 f-MJ-~..,,-wt ''K1•11L1''"1.t1va Cl!""CK !hi~ ." B" Sl°" bAths, .1 ~l t it l~•nus rnotn llpl ' Xl 1 ll~lll'l'lll"' 39:1 ((fl 11!111 1111 111 •1 1 ... 11,:11! 111 I\ , _:iurH I) anol fl II I•~ Cal~ Red 1 110 '>.E.'2. '--· ·-·~----" " ~ for l)lJ )OU.l•·'' 111 t11v~. pm tn•1H•' ion•\ v.·111 ~-''rill• r lhi;; t ~ •11 1"'1 Ri·All<JI ~. ;i.)6-8S36. Mount'n, Desert, f \ltica.nl & (ncd for kids ABBEY RENTS FURNITURE FOR YOUR NEW APARTMENT fesslr1n11J lnnd,t'ttl>111i.: 11\th lq1" h<>llH' to ,\Ou id vnlJ I COVI N GTON 4-PLEX RtM>rt 2400 fill NOUS&$ Hom•flnders * 642 -9 9 00 · 0 -------I J Arrs. 132 Ca brlllo, Costa :O.to.>~a ~pr1nkll·rs 1•.i11,, :u1d i.::.s $49 90 T•'r 11 1t'Dl11''. ~11.1111 1'0nd., _ __ ourlS BBQ l'lo11·r dt'l111 ~·..,·1n1.; rh1s • 1 1;,,,.1 .tl'f'tl l'Pu·ed belol•l BEAT lh<' ~1110:;. Cu:.10111, ' SLlBl.£T :'rudio ('o n do, Oil(', ~uu'll lui•· 11 !Gll:.iXl Mission Viejo 1067 1lln\t liy .1;,•, 6'.!11.J S1 ! inkl /\gl !>i~fi 117S2 yl'.ir 11rou 11•\ i\tt hc1n1c, NlW,-OIT,IA'f.CM.••l·lll l ~hag, 'l 111-t. p ~ bn , CALL 552-7500 -----"-'-.:..--tan111 st1c 11;•1\ Ju Run11u1:,: /'.J-~AT, h;i o:h $1::0. ~. Cl\1 !.'. ar d~ n /pool/C"luhhousr 1\t Abbey ncnts J·'un1iture, you can furnish a 1 bedroon1 aµa rtn1c 11t for as l1ltle as $35 .00 per 1non th. • VISION READY FOR 2211 Newport Bl.I TRIPLEX Spruig~. bt<t , Arrol'.he<i<I ,t !'tun lJt1l pt! A1•1Jll Beau!1ful atn1usphe1c • OCCUPANCY r~~ c ~ Bl,. 13.,.,r On!y 90 n1!u lr<'.in1 l'l)L'l'LI-~ no'.'c"ll<'rt I u~· rtph.: Pr1\·:i.rr $:r,Q 64-t--93!0. NP 11 , 4 BR , 21~.J:ia. :O.lirlnd --64"'.9~08 1'°1 l:~11:".:Aop1~~;~;iry\'!:r.yhu~~J,i~ Or<.<nRt-Co unty Con1n1ut~. ~11 ~. lnJ . <1rta. No pct:. • SltARP~R~2-R-A-,-.-~-,I REALTY 6l0. ·r1l('d Roof. ,11 1 J,M~i 0 1.ic.1r1on (Jr rt'ttre. 3 BR . LI.I-l\N. &. ntl'f' I HB. St&. ~te•.:-\'!'rd~ •~,1!\on q·.,·rl ' Univ -O\l llf'rs un11 All !110 hPrl · ., l " d k • • , I " ' r I .. ......_. ",. • upgr1i1JeU , Pvt Pwl S11l'd S /E -Jttths, uuge ec · « "'ti ! .,111 (.'(.11np X. tH1l U!1 r"l tie-~"~ ....... 1• for "··1 ,,1 ·" 1 11 · , un ves. !'·~1111$ :';ub111lt '·our tn1rlc 1 1 " .,..,_ '""" uv .. ·' Rent as n1uch or as little as you \Vanl . on a 1nonlhly basis. r"'' u cnn1pany Lot, IO'l f't fron\f1g(', 71 i', g ll ra g f' ~tu!'it se ! \~ , , . lr1Uler A\'flll.thle rKJ\\'. $400 P.irk Cl'rtter, lrvin1" int. !$69.900. o~·n 832-8$1 67S.7018 idras {•n th is or otitri;iht. Assu1nabl•' loan. See, n1ake Lli1 !l~ I Br hO'IJ.se $19:> 1nc-ludln~ gardener. :>16·~,...:~~ • 1\ll rent appiies to\rard purchase. (213 113.:!-S:-~1. A~king $!:!,::,((I oHc-r 011nf'r 1101\' L 111 pd, :sin Pf'!, gar11gr -~~=~~==..c.c.cc.:.;: ALPHA BET A 11ii :126-i7i5 714 : 8S7-:22iXi SF:\'EH.AL 2 BR dplx $liJ/ OCl~AN VIE\\' 4 Br. SJ7:.. • Pron1pt. courteous delivery. • OUice furniture. ,.L_•~g~u_n_•_B_ea_c_h ___ l_04_8 Newport Be•ch 1069 OLDE BARN STYLE BUY A WARRANTY HOME NOW'S YOUR CHANCE! (Ocean Side of Hiwayl rh1s un1qu1· oldP hrach hon11• 1s locatC'l! on thl' 1),-. .111 sid 1• or !lw h111u). l'.\s\' !ll::AC!I llCC}:s,...;, IJi l\\"N i\ PRIVATF p ,, .,. ]I w A y MAKE AN OFFER! LESS TllA'.'J 2IJl YDS 'l'Q I Tills n10'11'!\lt'<I s('ller hrcs lhc lhe :o..1nd Old b a l'il p1<1\<'l'IJt.1\ •·11111, 111 his ~tylt' a.rc:h1tectw·f', 111 '.' stor) J)liJll~". JlC' :'llL',O::T rnr-.v<' dl'S1~11. ha!i l'Xtcrior oC 1 S(I hL· J\I L'!Zl' ~·II i\'vw's bo«rif & batlt'n. 1\Jlldo11• 1·uur t:ha1lle r., 111akl:' LJ!I shuHo'.'rs. l.'1< S!l.\DF:D l~i' ;,!f•·r on t1~1s f1111tast1e rl)l.u· AGE OLD 1 RI::t~::.. 1 lw(.!rnon1 tu1n11• 111 t he It '\\-as fo r111crl r H.f:NTF.D Or1g1nal Bluffs. 61&-0:,;).j. OUT AS A L)UPLr.x Thf' uppcr stot-y h,1s I bdnn . VEH.\" L(;F.; LIV Rll f \\'111-1 llEJ\\\" 111.AC!.;- IRON f''P.A:\l\LJ;-,; 1'YPt-:: FIREPL1\C!'. l.\11l'hcn With !"ating .1r,"1. Dhl. r·rer1< h doors O!)C'll In LG F., ('0\'~:nED 01-,CI\ I\ O('t:AN \'IE-\\' ~ligll!ly .!ll::nled \1 /w carptt1ng The IOl'.'Cr story 1s a studio unit l\/F:LEVATFD Ll\'. Ri\T,, CEDA!l PAN'ELED \\'ALJ,S. Ff{,\\lED C \' HEAVY BE,\:O.IS. Spacious con1blna11on kitchen & infornu:il lhnmg aie;i. 'You 1von't find anythuig to roinparc 11 i!h 1f, ,,1 $64,500 FULL PRICE Tenant Oc:cup1c<l! Call !or Appl' MISSION REAL TY :JS5 So Coast 1111-v . I..arnina Phone (7141 494-0731 OCEANFRONT EnJOY one of L:1guna's ftn<'sl bcacties frun1 the huge d(!('ks JU~! :i.hove !lw :-a11d Thi~ ·I hdrn1 . :;> ~ hath hon1e ha~ u;;; 01\·n 1t 1nd1nt:: stone steps 10 the ~urf, & 11·s a fanta:slJc buy at 1 S 1$.3,0CXJ I ~"' ~~ "'~ • ·~" n,,,.,.,, "' '~"" V.i\LL~:\' IH·:.\LfY A B!><(.(Nff~•~·~I ~"' ""-"N ~ro, ~ 1 •!~A>• .1 r""~•"' THE BLUFFS c;,, 1\UIL.: :iun. :.!BA. SlllL.:ll' sl•11y 1•undn, ()ln\ r111ent lvJ .1· liun vn i::rc(lll)('Jt ;1llh n1t1ny l!'t~••s. 'J "o p.1110~. 11a!erf.dl, 5 n1111u1cs 10 Fash1011 lsl11nd t}\1 tll'r 1n:1y er1rry l:.t 'fD. SiZ.:,oo C,\LL G.\().-8671 Uruque, one o! a kind honie '" pl.iv & Pnterrt11n 111 On th•' s11nd nl Nc11port bay ,: BdL n1 . :; ha. r,utstanding k11('h . b111 & cnter1.11 11111l'nl r •'ll!t'I' -,,!J 1·u~tv1 n hu1l\ ,\ (]('CO!'. lin1n1p1'0\f'd n1a1n tllo11111nl ,i,.11. ln1n1a~ulutcly 111Ulll!.JlllC'd vMtan &75-&050 ) i llllOI MINlllMINl U., INC. REAL ESTATE 900 Glenne~ rt'.' S1 191-g.iw J 19--031G Finest of Everythin9! T!1e-b<-st :-<·ll(l(l]s, 1he be~T .1r.~11 II: 1he finc·~I ~X11·a...,· Hl:.: f'Sf'!'Ulil'l' •I bolrrn on I ov<.'r J/3 at·rr fr(' Jot, Just I n1inu1C<: to Ill•· h111'1t>1' lt•ot.1111 r .. 1 ,n11r hu{ll Ill' 1null'r. ll:L'> ·::Gu) sri. f1 111th drn r:11nil l' f11<1fl1., fon11:d rl 111ir11.: ruo111 & '.!1, h.1l11~ $~i.-i,o. Cnll Glt-87:JI GOO Ne,rport (;1'nlrr Or11-·n l! t•) 'J Dnvc 1070 '1 h•· 111.1Jn c1 Ptlt 1n 1hr rt· ):'l(llli!I ~h•Jpp1n~ t f'Jlh'I' I,~ .\\i1l11+ B•'l,1 rh,. 1011 11 ,!111 •·~ I\<'' r d•io r a.I'(' fnr sa lc !\Ir .~1 711 l~IO (;tm.~ l~ appi'U\l Ill 11, Jy S'..'2 1)(.(), FOOD PROCESSING TI11' !nost u111que rood p1·1r l ei.sul)'.: plnnl In ()range Counry S111okC' O\eus, 1111 n1e11t prixesstng and bak1•1;. ('(ftllpn1e111, re1 all stor•' .• nd a s111.JI l't'Sla uranl lte11dy to open for busint.'ss 101nor· [\Jl\'. Call 6i: ... 1?1::. ,,,, ",,.., .... ~,, ,,,,,, ',. '"' H!:J Sep. by ll<'ll'. sill pet, n~o 1st & secunty dep. 1161 .\IA!'.l\IO·n r l\l!n. 01alet. ni·ai1. C.lenf'«gles Terrace, day~ l''un11shcd 3 Bft. '.! 00. l;LtDGET :? Br houses $!841/ 5-lS--02.J~. t>vcs & \1knd:; ktt~'hen 11•/dish11shr, ch~p H(> Couple & 2 klds, fnL<l ~1S-9llf;2 ,t: dryer Lg~ D1n111g :iir.a. -"''-"O:::C.-------1 Ll\-1111 11·/stonf': trpl<, ~tin ii/i;.ir Nf:A1' 2 Bf~ 1 Bi\, fo:u"l ilr-rl\, \rulk 10 Goudo!a , J-',\l\lll.'{ unir '.l Br, 2 Ba C r.1. frf'sh p1111\l, C'rp'" 1 hnlr hft~. !li\·immtng & 3210 Nr OC:C, n1C1' ~d & clrps, sni y1)rd 2 Jlous<' 011 t('nnis $!~' ~iOO nr make !'~tlo lot. Child/pt'! Q k Clos(' tu C•ff>'r. 6t.!-7G.'\0, Q\vnrr Lt)(lK l flt. .!. TI;.i, rR, l,ark S21J :,:-.;.z 10T S..!75 Covd paho, FP, kids * SHARP 2 BP., 1 J~ Real Estate Wntd. 2900 ~ p(!t ~'ln\'F I 4 8 2 ii' \17:: to11nho11:;t> S~r.,Q Pnol/g111 • e Decorator-trained consult.ants. • !\love and Abbe) 1noves 1\'lth )'OU . Visit our room idea showroom at 1925 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa or Call (714 ) 645-4772 ,,-= ABBEY RENTS l•llP FURNITURE rASll for )0\ll' {'Q\lltv fro1n ,. d ".JI r,. 1 ·,' -L'.) 11ge/patlo, DI\\ ~frsa \'r.rtll' ~.1 1 s ..., (X't, nee ) L 83~.gc11.1 pvt party. Qu H'k eY'ro\•: for '-" liiiii'.'.j~;JJ;;:Jii[,;'."1"'.1;;~~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;] t".;1st1ng VA or 1'11A loan ALA Rentals 642-8383 4 Bit, I ~. B.), hHns, crpT ~. -H---~· . -------5.~34i. drps Cul·dc·sar 3 O 6 3 ouses Unfurn1thed I Houses Unfurnlthed W $175 2 BR, garagl', kid~. TH)lor \\'ay. 3310. H.rf~ anted Lots & Acreage prts. ('o"la J\1··~ 1 Util pll 5-1:;.7.r ,9 Irvine 3244 Newport Beach 3269 5.\S·263:: '! B1 s111..:l»s ok. Hunt111gtvnd~C".,cc_cc.--~~-~--1 '..-.....o;... ______ _::.::.;c; p,,,arll, '! + drn ol<h'l hOl)le BF.Al1T. rie1v ·: Br, frpl\, f\l.\1 1\C,; hr h·1111•' l.<1\f'lv ~OR 1,,.,, ·, !1r.-; 1111. r.::..<"C' !'tllglcs 01.\ r\'{'l\1)()11 $\f)O <!!l)S, 2 (dr f'nC'J. goraJ,!•' Tlll!\J\[' :i.1·xlt•l <Jr•~(' t•J l11kef1 u11! hull\<' Fully rn1t MOTOR HOMES II &I ~Br. kirls & pt'ts ok Cost~ ,-11rd, garrl en('r. 1\o dogs. pouls. parks, 1c1111!.~. s1hno •I~. 11/1111· t•)thl, d(k·k & 15' !'fill R.,,t. ,,. i\lei;a llorSf' ranC'h. '.! ill' s::::.:; ,\\1dl 6i: .. 18~9 HC'fldy lO IX'l'JIY Sept 1 $1'2.), /lflO\ 1111'1i1. Tl'll!llS, .t Sl\1nt Do Your Th111,.: llrt'f'' 18000 fl;'{'! _ Tl~ hLllJ:~ Pl ~1ngl(':; or f:ln11l!e~. ,\;:t. Fee .\fF:5A \·rn1Jfo.:, .J BR.'.? 011. 111n. f.t1 u1111I 1 ~1 n1ln f'ron1 Newport Heights \'1\l,1.,~:y RL\ITY _ Al !W [)(ti'<·t· lJr. ~~i It ...2.!:9:,-~1~11 Fan1·rn1. rrµlr. lo1·rl ~ 752-1800 N 1; $jiJ n10 ills· =-'rr11krr, rront:u:r 'L Si~.·'.! f .P vac Houses Furnish.d 1 B!·.UROO~I $110. ut!I pd hon1c lnrhl. lirdnr. $37j, 6-111·\~;(I 11lckd111 ... ::;;;~181.il Pt1C'C flex, ill<)1r toda\· 1110 ~16--0281 c'c"c""':<~----------1 Q111n1.tl'! J:(•,il ly-(.12-2991 NEW LISTINGS "G_o_n~e~<~•~l ____ _;J~l~0:.:2 lJl\F't;R~ Costa l\ft!sa only 3 BH . .:!BA. Fam. mi. &lit $'.\00 '.? l ~tr frplr, \ard, Total co111m1ss1on ·l•,;. . .JO/j() .:; BllfL\f + 'l BIH{'ll il•)tlSl' s~r Sl . l f! pd b I SJj(j 1 Hr. u!il p<l, vacant 11.ittr Adult,~ no pet~ Refs linnl.1<". f.1n11 tv ho1uP. N J!ri; Newport Shor•s 1072 E:us1~1r1,~ c \l. $1.J,000. \~ill ~:e~n~·al'.~' of 111~, l~gti:is 1111::1 \\k11ole Thing + + +& re<i. ~39j Nr. \~'cstchff S l'.!"1 2 flll lt '.! 11 .•. floor 11. ----'---------"" <'"'''""' ,., • . h frr {", ·ids -"-' JX'!s . :.iS-tlCI rlni: fp pool. i;.1:1u1 r _ ~ $1 ,5 NICI : .iC'h, pvt patio f 'nd 64 *SPECIALS* :: THIPJ.}.:X~.;;:;-Huy one 0r Svuth La~tn1<1 Home 1 ers * 2-9900 3 lilt 2 Ba. $:1:.13 n10. "'l11r pcuple 111111 si:·~i 1.1:>1.1 r ~i.· '.! +den '1 Or.iniAliC' 2-stol"}, lava rock hoth. 1 Bl"1 k lo 17th St $15:) t.ARGf: haC'h full ki!ch _132 Cabnllo, Costa Mesa_ ''"'pet<; 11\ni•' Kno11 J!q11 II\, lrr> J'.:','lJ"H:'(' p·i!10 front 3 HR S'.Ji!,900 shoppinJ.? $A.~soo. ea ,~garage L:1guna. $$LANDLORDS$$ JIU-231:) ask for Brad Coo11s 2 llR Coi>"o 1_,11,10 1 n NU-VIEW RENTALS NE~\R NJ'\\ ·r . I i-· 9'" •200 'TIL pd l ' " ···· _..._, " ""'-"~l -4fl"" o~ ·'1~1-~"·I' A-Fran1c I-story. sriollt'ss 2 ' • · ', np ex., i.J. ,}IJ, -1 U l'.K'ean ront Lrt us rent yo11r propeMy 3 BR, 2 Ba, l..arge Fan1 r111 2 Bn C\indo~ , .... .'i'.!65 & $275 --'" "' '-~--•-_ _:_ -- 0 1{ /,; ilen $:12,500 Sltfli.'1', l'lf'.C::!l!ll and <tr:1 n1a tic. 1 Brlr, lrplc, p·1t10. Ni'!l'.pt)rt \re collel'l rent, pay bill~. \\lth Brick Frplc 3 Blt t'ondus ..... ~265 & S27j I llAHIJOR \'!!-.\\' llt)MES ,1 Bl {.:; ba. patio: :-;Int' pridf'·Of-oiin('rship units. $£6j OCF:·\~FRO'.'JT 2 Bdrn1, ir~lul1le sh(•1t, '>C'e to rep:.1111> $'!Sj nio j~1r, ... 26G(J 3 Bil J{,1111rs . $300. ~1:.''i, $3(i 4Blt 11\,1 p,)rtnf1no ftll' 1 $59,9'1'.l." 1~1Rll ld!<f'/0~11 l l Hl l'.\JTf.i . }~dSlsirlr C \t \\ill ;rrl<-g.!r, gur~C<Jut; \l.l, $n1.dl n1r111!hlv fet• }'.)S•J R Chari£' 2 Br 3175 l 3 BR llon1es • s::G0.537~1, S?.'l5 L• n~r l 'h1.hhou~r. l'r•)I, 1;<1 1'• n1nh\!' _ u . en .• rp r .. ,..1~1111•1 Nothing luo Ll1llr (1·11,1 rk .\'u. 1 J~ ld0::· 4 ER !lnn1es ... ~:~j.S:l!"l.'i, $'125 ~h'n••! WOO. &117866 ur f<or qul!'k s;d(' only $1:),9(,w) !!';uff' 1Jo11n $16~1.ilOO. ~2S:-i 3 Bcl r 2 Ba frplc. Child , CHll us for info 9.:; 6 1~,_'l<J"•; • i. ng .,s .,.s. ft.\.SCJ{ HJ·: \LT,. ,,!(l.\!1 '1 CAYWOOD REAL TY 2 llOLiS ES 011 \,.1 in C ~I :;n1 prt f:allxia Pe1Hn ALA Rentals 642-8383 ----=:.=-=-·' ·.. * 5;,1.2000 * Yl '.\ltL~er. '.! Uri h1u11{' S48-l2 * 1:1'""' loca11on Sl:l.:O:UO NU-VIEW RENTALS :.::::..:..c.c:.:::..::c:.._cc.:....:.:..:.:1cLF .. \'.'\ .. Cr. Shag Cpt .I. r •. ANCII ilt-:ALTY 111111 f * 90 I lJ.\'ITS J\s~u1n:1hlr 7:<-. Gi3-40".a or 49·1 :l2 1S LANDLORDS! ;;to\·('. d1sh11 ri~her. fnc<I ~d. • -,-,r. !J~()O .. !. '·'. 1 1::",\ ~·~,1;.~~;" c'17,11~l Santa Ano 1080 !f E \\'Ill tr:1de $83,000. ro1· p•l1° $"~mo 97"11"1 •1·1 ·1 ,. 111 \l T CJ'IL p•d l HR COl'ta ~f('~il \ri! Srv.c1ahze 1.t1 Nc11por. '" ·"" · ;,-,._. :-; 11~ ·' , y ~lll(l fi7.~l.\!H I Jl t:NTTS, f<.,11st ~1dc C :'11. ,.... ll I R ;,. 832 · 111 .~-----1 BY O\\~ER :;BR CONDO, ~11:i OIXJ. ~l (i uu! pd. 1 Br Balbo;-i . !~(',ieh e Corona de: Illar e I r fo"A1n1 .Y m, f<'nrt.1 ~,j · ·' * :\!('}:--1-;:g 1111:::. hrnch hQin(', 11 B ,. p I f ''1·1·s • l C 'l l Hr COllf\:!'C', ~i ng]P'>, l!un l· & L<l!l'll. na. Our Ren1<1l S"r· lluldr .. 11 &. Pris OK S:::'.:1-,. l •vr'neTe•~ace J246 1 a. ,nc Gar, M, > • r .. 1~1~1<P 1' on . 1 • •• ,1dll" ll• )'"'"·ti<' g.1r 111 1ul Adult Si>ct1on. r-.·r Jrvi.ne qu1f't tree·Shaded ~I.reel ington Beat:h 1 Bl . olch'•r, l lCt' i~ !:'REE to Ycru' 1'!')' ~g~ne~\°'Jf>--il:i'l_l __ 1111nu~l $?'.':O Ill•'· ),·1.:-. Industrial 979·0">(;2 ~!::,:'.JO. per uni1. kids, pets L.'lwna Bea, h Nu.Vie1v! S\l,\LL \ HR. fr·uccd ~ard. ~ lll1R'l1 21 ~ h~ pn t11'>, f1rpl J >IJ ~1 ,1 12 UNITS. Long Beach l~alk ti'> l'.a!er 2 Br, sing!.-~ NU-VIEW RENTALS stoic & r~ing Sl3:>. n10. nf'11· k11t·ht-n . 1.111">\'f ~. drp~. --------- South Laguna 1086 1 $,...00'.J, dOll'll Slti,000. ok. Nr11'f)Qn Bc,1c·h. A;:I 673.4030 or 49-i.J24S :J4866.'i0 ~l~O. 11!-, N"in~;,1H'ltu frt-. ..;1 ,1.1 i'l'\I; 1l•>J1i nr l>f'C!.<li t"ce 9i!l."1'0 .-;w I ')~''! 1.1dn ~h<ll'' 1'11 !'nlr .\ Lowe Three Arch Bay ~ B•l bo~ .ls~;nd 3106 1· i~~NATll ETRISI!'-,,-Dana Point 3226 ~~,~~n•'·~-~~-ch 3248 bj;11; ~1.'~1 id~ i;;.;.o.~1.: 3 11R fan1 rill. ho1nt' I I. aauail ;c..:....ccc:....c;.. ____ c.....:-OU (' 1e I flUSt'.!> BEACII lfOU~F: ., Rf: ,1 J ' "', ·,""o"cfur 1 1·.',, N(~ccor<1,r;r11 E'ii~d. ID • Plac. • · :? BR. ~ba. FP. '.? car gnr. ~~~1~~~1 ~0r ~~~~~~Di.; I~ F'rplc. 2 Car g~;1gc~ rri;i~'. ,,., t Tl l 1 Newport Heights 3270 2 p,111os on Canal Do<'k ' r ... Blt-ins. Fed yard S!70. ino. ."' , I" 1110 " l • drn hct<u\ifully <lrr•nr:o.IPr! a.nrl Prap.rlleS \\'inter $3.)0. ::i.·carly 31:il 1 1tn1es ,1~ct'k. 499-:?986 1.:ir, 1111 p.d1o1, s111 p.•1 uh. l.1 ~clsr3 J'l('rl. opi:-n~ on l•1:. 752 .. 1920 57·,...7~:30 Homef1nders * '42-9900 ---. . \l'l,1 1 nDR 11 /~11 r.1;:,. N>+ ! 1:1., 111•! 1:><1 '.\1•11 ly p.1 1n!f'J j 11n1quc 1' r! h11i'k p,111" \\'J:\TF.l! Rental. ,i1\r.h'. : I 1::.! C:1hnllo, c \I Fountain V1lley 3234 P11•l nr !><·:i1 h s !"l'.11 ' 11·1~ t1•d, 11l'p.~ Li: t• IH'•·d! l'0 1l,1~1Ptr 111111 fnunl.llll 11 DELUXE 1 ~~\ll: Hiii{ <lt'l'.111 I'll ;o \JI 1 °1.! ~·1 1d1>1lo•r. s:'.OO mn Blt.'.!!'ri~.r!rnhou~t'.~111()[lr:l·.~. t-l:J•r 11 !''I ~lll .. )(J() ill", !fi-,--1.::t:~ e !'rufr~:;1onal ~11 io f' e 10 \'[LY 4 TI!{ h<"Jn1r nr.\l \l .ilk i .. tnii n ,i. 1'• 1' 11 ''"~'' 1 ' '' ''_ --- LINGO REAL ESTATE UNITS-$3100 Mo B•lbo• Pen·1n•ul1 Jl07 *LANDLORDS* Jo:lhs ,\ \1.1!.';'n•~l1.i. .. 10,r io l '-~1 11 ._ ~1 111l1n •>1'•i·11 "l•I·~ , 1:1 , t.,, lrPI. h.:•' f··11,•'d1 '')'~"or "'"1""-oil ••lt~I· I< ]; •k I li•l•"'.I!\ \p'll<I"\ l.•h 1 1 !'o l-. II!.\ S:'.:,tl/~11 'I-•.,,...,, '1>1>r "'" R d d Sl 0 OOQ I--'-------' .,\ L~· ~, •r ,jt \O • l 'I nn] I I -.:.\CH!Fh~~~ :! Bl: ({l,\]K' e uce -• Homefinders*642·9900 11nn1.u· l1T!~('fll'~f .\~,,1 '·1 ~ -I>~•:, !pt' l!<rl~I 1: .. ••!l l"11(0ll1!JIT!il'l-l'..'I ' I A·l 1·ood. 1'001. ll·-, .. , I \)-,\\ Delu:..e hc·:H·n \!Ill!~' BAYrl{f)i\T :, r.i. . .\ b.i, (',ll1!0nHa' l~•l '~(·~t "•'pt 1~1 s··~.1 n10 '*'1·"'J1'w l !l ld 'liild/!"''' '1''1 •«1ll1(' Newport ShOres--3272 '"" 1 p1t>r. fi nal. \\eekty \\1nl f'1', __ · · _, \.; .. ·;\'.!•rt. rill \1l!11~. tq .!,, \·11-::\\' 4!f\.()(17fl ~1~1 . lirpr('('la!nn G 1~,~~ .irly Ai ail. Sept l.\!h e l{<'lll«I ~rr•1cr-•e DI:\ 'l'H \li.ih•r Cip1" 1 1 k --· .-. ,~, ! 1ps, 1 ' rn• ~.11·. 1"•. s.im I \l~jl;t: :: ~ ... 1111lu t ava1 l a l>le Pll I CJ·: ! _. r, .. 1111 " .1.11 11uu"' .. n A hf"(. U•H~I~'~' .... , .. ,,A .. ',T' ~••(.>tA .. <f•cl"''''"' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-5:;100 1\10 !)';,; 1oa11 671 20'" Balboa lsl•nd 3206 1'' ·' 111' 1 · l' 1· 1:" • ,._ " '"' I i I '\"I." I 111 · r... d··!1:.:111 I !:EDUCED Sl0.000 011\1 Bayshores 3112 rf'I' l\, unnlCu pn :-;~ lqd 11"'' b'.vrg,-ou<; Ill, '·I 11.r .. r !,1• .,1i ,·1H IL ol1111 11. U I I~ .o...:..~:....;_ ____ c.._ J BP .. crpt~. dli!~. frplr. 'l·'--lfUl ht\.; f)<'•'.Jtl ~I n1qu~! Coz_v honle, tu(krd ..... ...._ tali $.~02,000 no\\-' f'r 1n1t' i;aroge. 127 ,~ Oprd. $300. NU-VIEW RENTALS I~ hn 1111 1 • 111 1\111TI,l'h1lr '"".v on coastal hillside. P"""1"" appreclatinn :tl'e<1 2 -, , , 2GR, l)f',IUI rlcroratf'rl, frplr·, l nl!. '.!' ~ bit.., •. ~.~iJ. 1110. IJ •• 11,r 11 /l•'nn\ .... ~ ~ 1.,.,1, , . ., -, 9/ ,. lh Gil " lTIO. Yearl) lsc. 6i'l-2288. I l . ,-, IO"" ,,, "l ., r-antas!lc \ie11 of oC'l'an St HARBOR VIEW HOME i1011n·H•tfCl~f:!;T O~"L'i. fut' a1·a1 1 ru J, £'\es ease Ava1 !"C'pt ls\. ' -"" 01· ·' h 1,1;.. I•\ ~11, .. 1 l'•'ll •'h. \1 n1r 111 sandy beach. 3 Bedroon1 & :; ~i·nr~' All spacious 2 BR· 61~-iiO:., rla~i; 213-359-329~ Coronl del Mar 3222 962·%S3 t'Ufl. LJ':.,\:-i t; Ln: -, iV'.: l•1 1..i l.,r I\+\. s·i;., 1110. l'lllt VIEW HIDEAWAY 2 Exqu1s11r Por!ofuio n1o<lt'! Mob;lo Hornet . • den, f1ttplaccs. secluded JBH. Jarn 1111, din 1111 + llOO ~B:\ unit~ 2 sunrlet:ks Corona del Mar 3122 Huntington Be1ch 3240 bn hnuse on C;i.ny .. n ,! col l• 1 ..• 1 palio. ne"'' palnt. l\tother·ln-boHus nn 11 /vH'"" pi<>(. for ••le Enclosed. F inished garages SHORECLIFFS 1 pls/drp~ "'01 " 1·" 1' 1:..: • 1 Hse s -Furn/Unfurn 33001 law quarters 39.).()(.() r!rc'g & ld~r.pg, tile [XJllO 1---.C.--'--·---'-'-'·1 Call !10\\' (711l 7j!-1700 ort.tJXE. sn1l '.!B~~ f't')!lfl::;c. BRA.\'D !'\('I\ J br. 2 ba rl1sh110 -:hr-1· l 'r\1'1•\ I I' Slioil'rl hy appi . ~IUS"T' sell, 8 X ::0 1'rlr ~~ 1110. to J une 1 3210 Sp:ie1ous tv.o bcdroo1n horn(' Lr:; frplc. cu~t dl"cnr !.('!~ 11/()(J-~,\'.'\ \ !~\\ S 1:1r1· (Y)f~(J'\,\ n1.1. :'11.\n - CALL 640.8672 I BR & bath, n~t biri·h 1~ N::-<t\tCll Agf 6-12-'.'2'22 11!th rlu11n~ n()n\, l11 1n,1:: or 11ood, 1111\lpapt"r. mirror A1·.n11, 11;,Cl11\rlrr11 ~· r:1~ I Pl l'l.1-.:\. nn t , ·1 Bl~, ni(t I 11ood 1ns1d<'. nc11· cpts. !'.lOl" I 1 . Costa Mesa 3 124 roon1 a nd c]('n $4:..0 ~ ':i.J 111" inclds yl'lrd-: n1d1 u1 . UK .\J·1 Jl:J __ ._ ~~'__ ·~· 1_._1.,~ 1 1 .. 111 ... !.;.l'•' •1 .•lt'.1. ~ ........ ) I '. • ••71 ( ·-i 546 llOJ C ~Cod " A-,\ rein.., $l'.lJO. 612-1~1...: ' IRVINE TERR C 1 • 1 ,., 'l . ..,._ •Y•~ • ar-on 1A e r~ ·· ' , ::.;:.:.:.::.;c;c:.:.::._ ___ .:.__ A E llfl er . tr'.1~1 .· ... 11ri.rp. 1• u~1 P.F.'\'.T 1ln Sf-!.I. (111n(r rr1::-.. h•"J''" J. HI\ ~. 1., ....... ,..--------\\'1t h (~~Jl('s 1A pnv11(y' 1~ \1· \ 1~;\\ -t·;f2T~ ' CLI· .. \'. sr.\CJOL'S ., nr .'><'e 96!--0t '' ri11 t•11111. ~ 1:1::::: 1 _ 11,, 1, 1, 11 \'lf-.'\" •.J 11 ·11 ,\t111 11, s ",11 -THRE.E ARCH BAY . 1.r1\l\f·n1:1n" l'lilP1f' fe<t.1111 .ec 'r11t/1]n1, <(11•\i 'ill •':-. "'!II•), I " ~ .. r-.r.1 11ti!ul fl ir f!(' hC' d J'l)n 111• . '. -,;::. < T ,. ,, I ··1 1·11 ~. ·11•11 " ~ ., ,.. '! 1:1 C .. n.ln. ~r\\'pnrt honil', lo\cly ~:uol ruvl 11 FOR f.}.,~!'f': $_iJ. P"rn1•1 "' p.111<1 1'111 F'\X "[ 1'11,;111 .1 "··---·· One of lhc South L'on<:t ·~t : l"l1•1u" ~ h.1111~. h1~d1n1n;! ~1-;.IYtl, Arlt+l 1 .... nu 1~ts 19 UNITS R1\·1('r:l f'liild rrn 01.;-S:'.S\l ~parkhni:: poo•l ~:.n. D<'1n1t , hR 1n11nhonv· c1_;.T~:.nF.\{l ! .t 1i<1Jll Condos Uniurn·.-~3425 1110:-t d1sttn('!IVt.: Pl'OIJf'l'lil'~ roo1n f.1 11111y t'Ofl!ll & ~ ** l.7.;.::ifi? ** nlO 1~r. ·,1~-l~lS c.~n 6i:>.-i~::·1 h1a111! 1h'll' .1.~t t'f'1S r!t·p~._'.l"r:_l'-,il_:!'<(' - 11 . '1"11d·liu1111111• fn·rplvrrs. 7 6 X GROSS I l I II 1"00 ~~--ir occru1 front <;lll' of l'.'l'll s10·1 {)()() Call ~ 1·1-S? '° A creage to r s•le 1200 I··· 1111 .·, ,. i; • I .. '" r Mission Viejo 3167 ]>'() ' i.:n !'11 >{' • sq. oc1 · \'.'\ ,.1<'11 ... 1.-11•:.: gr.". I l ,\-;"J ..:!nF ('"st ' \1<'<.11 I oicr an alre. 1nt ludrs your , "_.. fl ~·r11a1c guri1gr: 9Gl·l·lil l :;1,, 1'.11i:;l1,.1• .~ rl11r1 . 1 ': f'.•hu1<;, ~ h,1 :'\t'I\.' rl~·•• 01111 1sJ.1nd & overlooks t110 [ ""'RBELL ) TIRED OF CITY dl'pl'C('lil!l\,11, 19 llf'IV pridr ~~-11 ;'110 NTifL'\', CQuplt>s 8¥>·,•137 .,, 1old ~.:o ·, 1 ~~•:~1 I!• 1,· t.J ! p , ll/\r . 11·sh.r \ 1"h1te \\ater 1011's. The 1 ~11 • LIVING? I ,,f r1\1·nc1.,.h1 p unit:;_ 111uJer only fo'urnished. Cal! 1'\VO il!(JJ)f"!~'.'\. ?, b1'J1m . .'.f i.agu na--H ill s --3250 1 '11'.l •I'. ,\dii\1 ~ '~' 1~·1.• s.:.-0 1 house has 3 lxlrnis., dl'll, lr:ld" 111 ~our 110111r ror ltl con~trucuon. PrOJC rted :,l\j'i-·~·.s11rr.n19to6pm hnth, f111111ly rn1 nr cn. f)\,, :'l!onlh/li•a-;o• 1\\".11!t!)I\' fo1mai d1111ng rn1, 1a1111l11 .1cr,~ n<'n r EsN11d lrk1 C':t n n11J nthly gross $'11 :ro. Newport Be1ch 3169 hlrns._Lrpl ,drpo;,pat10,S:?':r1 ~).\!l.tl\l'J':".' '.:'!:H J Hi1. ,•;,~~1".!......'.:~r nt f.l.!-~111)'----'1 n11, protected bn\'k palio l' 1 '-d ' !"' no \•k r u 'I" '" ' 1 1 I hi' u~r-r\ for re51dcntt,i1 or spacious. ,. 110 "" rv11\il1 ...: ,,..,1 1 _. ~ ~ or r1· or --_·.~1r h <-;1 ,\11nOJC1.l, I J. I llh111,, 'l'"l 1"1J~ , ~·'•' s,;s':)i.~NER ASSOC. lilil i'\1'1'·por1 ri•nlrr l)rhf' ,11·oeadv 11111(] 11 .~ ~111~11 r... 6-one ~!mom uni1~. }''UR\\, / L':\FURN 2. 3 & --r;;C.:OAiOviC'iii<-·1--'D~.~"".'c"~·1c·'~"~''.:"-----t;..::,, n10 614 0.'."6 4BI:. :;h.1, 111 11 11p1 ... , <11 1,.1 ()pc'l\ :! to~ ~tlL'.!111 l'\ll\Jllnf:: ll.C'rOS!' ro{)!'gC0\l.~ pool CentrHlly 4 Br: ht\lll!'S -priced fro1n OCEAN VI EW .;BK. ~ Hll . 1·n111rn1shf'rl Laguna N iguel 3252 1 opph 1l'lll1l' Jl1<'J!lb .11·;_11! JJ()j N. coo ~! lhi;.., L:jgUllil __ B_A_L~BOA-BEACH--prOf'll.ll}. Pr\LC!\ under l•>1"!llC'd F.a~v rreC'l\'LJV SlOO tn $:{)(1. 111nter & an-.: BR. '.? B.\, f-)t')], n('l\'ly drapts. fullv ('ptr1. fnrrl 1d I L•'!~f'. !'\'IS rt'fl $S1 J I 494-1177 HOME 111111 kt'I /lnli ~ .: J. fl o ll. ii.LI c.~~ EscPllcnl apal'1111r1it nual 1Pnt.1ls. red e co ra t e d Fnc , J;ltins, Fr. nr .<;<>h I! sh•)Jl"· !\I.\\' \ l":H. ~ n '· 1 ;;ir.lrl) r; \ 1 r~~'.! ___ _ C ape Cod 2 br & lam em t ''111 h•t' i n I() r n1nt 1 n n, rirPn ~JSO fXYI, Ca ll !rwl I\ ••c" THO••AS 11-ashcr/clrye1·. $">00. ilf''· r;:tl'I.! & i1tr p<l ~.?J)') pi.i llomr P!V'tl Tr11111' !~1 11, I 11 ).;;:"[('! IV!' \'11!~111-:-1 1 .. 1 r~(' i·u~10 11 ·I l!C•d1v•n1 111 11 -11 1·no m PMI n1~1 t <; lrl '-,,.~ Bll) 0 )'l•ll '· l••ll<•. I I I JI G\;-...1~i l••, l'P,J·,ST !Ct; 1 --' 'n. • P'"l~r inc. 1'.1111':93 41 17 n11 Ii pn1 ~1·1·, \!" Avilil ~~I!\\; n11l.1; P<~·l . ~Hl{ . ..:.halr.dk/ .. uvv ~ 1•11111' 1n }L',ll 1 .1r1 ,1, r~ REALTOR I" rlrck & 1 Cf'dttr lin·'" <'l••<I'!~. 11 .. ln111 1 .o!'<,.-.1)11111.hlP \1 r, l1•rill 11\11,. 111 1\11." INVI;.S'IM,lfil· ~lj\.f:I ,,.(',ill Rl·i.rl~~?RnO\\\; . lilt, 21 ~ DA. pr><1!<:. !0!11\\~ ~""· r.11:i r 1l< !11 :+II '-ll•!lll'lll).! s·.ai \!n.I panC'lln~. l.o1·:.:~ II''" lllPI '•II 11•'1' \I 111 r ·•l !\' \;ti t:•' :lnd Apts. for Sa le 1306 [\II --· ~ i~\ \\'. c~t !1111 J.1~·:.:i-:o; VISION REAL TY rlulJIY11J<C, rte, -' 1111 !oe~· h \L\; ' .. 11,J .. 117ii1\;"~\:1, \!" n' ,,, ... 11 --& lllilll,\' lru1t 11{'('\, l\(1l'k 1'1'11\I !l+.'f'd Sub1n ll. L.11l I r\!'l\})'JrtBt·:tch E\r J.\j.YJ\:: l.sr $Z ~J. !. R1 I'· h:< . ..: 1:.1. lhi' Lr:. r111hh<111~r ,\fl!;LT !'11,'\[l<J ll·r l \,H :roon1"' ~t 1•rng1· 111 irll~r. fih..-17\l COSTA MESA-NEW \\'I:\.l"ER Rent,I· nn "atf'r G<:~~~F . c~c 1-1.,..·~\;~,~~\i r: S~11J !\11 PE.TC:. i;ir .... ·i1121 ~ -_,_n~"-'c'o~c."c"cc_._~=c <1 1" 1•·•1 S. !luhho11~·· USC'd bnl'k 11rilk~ ,\: rlnn1r1--: ·1-~lllt 111 ,.1 ~ ()\\i ' 1,1 1111q ·~ , 2, P.r. '.! R'\ Den.'.! firt-pl<~ ,1f~er~~,, Lido lsf• 3256 !l11n•in..:r.•11 f,•'a"h. • ·•I I Call OIABLr:.; :'llo·l.\11'<'.'\0:\ dC'c•L Gt"S" si:;iJ()/y1•:ir I n ~ h II~ 11 r . \\'~~h/dl)f'l' -,RVIN-E TERRACE--'\F.\\' p•1 1nt !!1 .i: 0111 ..,, ... ,,) I ····-'"..: I '\•'~ VISION REAL TY llf'r•kJa,\ ! 1e~ :.!1"!-1'1.-....12,1 -----------~'rnL Cd yar. 67'".r(li\5 f'flr L«.L>< Brc11u11f\ll ~ BR rarpt 1,, ·I tir1Jrni. 2 h .. t[l. rrc1F f1F.C'\1r. \Tl:[) l!l!': .1 . Jt!{, !~"·I ..:·w~l 1111111 -1)(' ,, Ii '.!7.t3 E coa~t 1111 v. Cd:'I! Walker & lee Cemetery Lots/ BREAD & BUTTER be 11.")1 1~... 11111 1111 . J ha. r1,.,,,,r<itor ~ fpl r h!1n'. ~2'."t:i 1l{) '•'f' : ~ 1 i,11-1u-., 11~h1,,J 1r. ~t·'P~ I .,,,,, sz i., 1,1 ~~1.n ! 675-8fi00 flj~'J'Tlil!E ~ r •l r•, •,, C 1500 1 l'nit,.. 11 ith 1011 rrn!s .~ ~\\ ~~~r. 2 ,...r~·~il ~~t r•)" liomp 1\ ~ ~1!01" shag crpr1; __!'sk foi ~1· or ! l,i.lc 96J.~:•ii 1" 1•n1 a!f• l)<':\r·h 1:r<111<, rl 1 1 ('ull ,\..:• 111 !16 'rl;ili7 I EMERALD BAY ----rypts no 111~;1nJ '11'~. i:~1.,1.11~hrd 12111 i"l·".077 ·•-"· tn~inut.1'C.r:.r:::eous, P061 1 111 1 .:\ECll /\'~; 1 f~r. 2 l ~a . ~·/111 '11'' \lu•I Ir,+~" '.' ~'l'O f{Y I r:r-•-1·_1 _"_"_v1;;-''BR ~,,. o11 , .. -.I".~"" 3200 <.::Q }J nr clPi::n11t <' Clll>'T\l'\' LOT'S r21 . !lf·l~ht.,,..rh(lQ(I \\'nlk ,,") l\JI "~1.°'.'". ".~1ng11·cnn1peh• ~·i11n·n11 !ri!C\•'I. p.111v r.r .... 11'.!l r•r:.·:~_J:':11. l'n1·1,1. •lltl •1·1•. ,,,·,,. l'•·tll '"' • ~·· ....... in \\'ESTCL!Ff~. <1 BR. 4 -.. "' • .. Ul s -\\JK'l'~":R r£'ntal. 011 !Ire lirL\th) $(,ij(l nio Jn "'XI ' • flat Jot 1vith gt)<)(j 11·iiv \'l('W Cvpress section l)f J-f.11·b'lr ,'ho:ipp111c; l.· n1':-i \11 . S!(J,'JI)(), ' ', ,,. 1 dc('ks. ~11 ~1 1110 8.\7-:1~21 l~\Y \'ll·'\\ 1·1·11 t :·.i1 i:J ).~J •1 fron1 living rwr11. onl~ ~11;\ ~v~~l.1 :~~~·! i~'.:~~ Bay. Re~t Ce1neta1)', Costa ;'lfes.1 5 Unii ... le~~ 1111111 I;..·~ !.:J" .. ~· ~~~1~·~'~~~~?. ;,;~~r;t, :~~~~1p1pt.&·fi~a;~~~nrr. Shoii·n ~ B-R.-2-r;·,,-.-,,.,,--,,-._-bl-111-, u.', r,£r ~P.ll & ;~~1o1 ·~ r1'1, I ! x-:1:,ii:1<· -.. ·l~i~.·-,.,.-1--,,, .. $129500 ·1i;...IV>OJ 11·11h no rlrfen·l'd 111nJn1cn· .. ~ I 0 \ f I flt"" I " , •1 "'"' SE ~ 111• rleni. s1'h l~I y:n·lf .. u, .,P p.i.• .. ~.,., 2'", _ Hl•'.I (·,,111 ,1,, '"' :.I <1ni-:I:< LINGO REAL ESTATE Onru C . Ip l600 r.11,·r ~u> ~i.10 3 BR HOU -W inter L·~rQt;J·: ·, hrd1~)()1n . 2 1i:o111. ~n; ~.11;._.,1111 J ACO/ .. .;: ru,, _ r,,,i-f;i-,.n h, 11 1 1,~". s:'f;o !!ii~-~ll.: · 494 SORG 4 !f9- 139 _ ~ ommer~~ty t•1i 111r1\u•1 11Jfrq•111n11.in nn 3fll! Pnrk Lan€', N T~-d11plrx ln Corona drl ill~t I . 32 ~ u·1,:--~-1-y4-r ~I ·;) II _ * PROFESS USE * N•wport Heights ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I '' <'1 ·ii. l l-1 1Jli' P.i11ri, I -• ••1 ~21 r1tll<'1 •1{ !11•''" s1'IP1 1 3170 ""''1,.:; chf'rrf11t fnmilJ' !!1.11 rv1 ne 4~ 1 ' 1• 1 ': • "· a T ownhouse Unfrn 3525 \\EIJ~ LOCATED ;,~, 2'ii,:·_ I $~M \l l . llhl f ;,1r .\\·,ul ~ltlOii/li\, Laguna Hills 1050 · 1n11·~1nH ·111 pl'1J!)('1 11e~. <'nil _ <'111n11-f1rcpl:i.cc. 1-.cach ~ndl .. · • By OWNER. l·BDR:'II t!Ol'.SE ,; J;Jt, t c,'r ~:ll'tlg"r. lcnccrl "1111·'11 11l' ~-. <l 111'fll" *RENTALS* 1:1:;.r:l) ________ ,'\I.\\ ·: !\fl. (,n1d1•11 l!nn1f' · S ELECT y~u d ,\dulls. \\'Ater, 11''111"~.i.i.-l,NY) '11 U -''H1."'"·111 1 y111o>a,len111~.! Beautiful 4 l)r, 21~ ba. l1\1og 173.'\ \ft'slchff Dr. u;.i CXJHNE!l L()T j" ;-, • • • \1 11,i;f' l. n~v. Park. 111 C.\,'FltO'.\T loll<'f (!uplr~; I I IX)\\NTO\\'N C'osta ~fps,t .,, -gardcnrr pd $27·1. No J>Cls . ~Lit, 2ha + !an\ J1n. lg 3 Brt, 21~ lJ<1. , ............ ~;ii :: J;J;. :! hri, h!rns, frpl. pr.r. • p11 hru1·h, :s:1ri·, PIO, dining, f111ni!y, k ' t c: h I' n ' !\e•~pcn; &.1c:h 6'1;..7221 R IVIE RA R EA•-TY i PROPERTIES 1\1 a11. Srpt 1st to July Lsf'. ~rd. \1'/p:illo, 3.j(). 8 Sul'fl'1e11 3 on ' 2 baths .. ' ... ' ' ... s·:73 1.· •• ·.·1 ,,,,,,,., ,,,, "k" .,, , "]".,\ (',ill n(L Sl1111l:1\ f'I (' ~!- gan1e rm \\·/poo.l !bl. :I car TENNIS, POOL, ., .\?'J Hecl!ands A\e. 64(i.-Wj9 D1. ll.1rhfl1 \ u 111 l I s . J Bft . 21;, britll~ ......... $12.i ---- 0 • "..-v -1 r,·: gar, 2 patios, & ext.ras SPYGLASS HILL AND * 642-7007 'It Newport Shortt 3172 :J':O-iO~ill. Rl·l-7311 ·1 BH. 21 :! bu ........... s12.J Mesa Verde 3263 Dup--1.-x-.-,-F-u-rn ___ 3_S-SO $58,500. &JJ-3G97 1052 · · a 4 hedroom. 2 bath 3 UNIT BUILDING 8 Units Vacancies cost money! Rt'lll Vilhige llt Univ. Park, '':'· $300 ~ BR 1a, B c Laguna Niguel home S85 590 N 3 BR. 2 BA. F p , PatlM. Yo"• ho""' •Pl •10.. 3 BR., 2 baths · •· · · .. · · .. $360 · " ' • a. rpls, . . . ArlJ:\Ct'llt 10 shopplng Ct'ntrr ewport Beach ... ........ .. " . •t' 3 BR ]V ball S.125 Drp~ covered pnl1 0, de<'k, Honeymoon Cotta g• HAR ~~E~I EW .:!7y,500M. cCardlo Realtor Choice Pf'n1nsula location. -""~L<~:~;~~~'. =;:=~=:;,~,~~~=· =:~,'('~e~;·='=C;~~~·~: ~)',='d~,~~;~·,r~~,!~~~· A~lhrtl~d°=•=D=•=1ly=P:::1lot 3 BR.' 2G1.'~,' ~.n.':H. :o:m: :,:,::: :s.1so, ~f,_5'1HXl~,·~1>-1l~d="~o-k_.~A~'c"c''c· c""-'_" Nev.•lf\\·eds & fanuhes JO\'(' REAL TY 83)-0780 No rlefcn·ed malnlermnce • •u i-th.is cul-de·sac I() rat ion . 1810 N•wport Blvd., CM f.>1·11nf· rnnperty. pr 1 c: (' d .1 BR . 2 ba · • · · · · · · · • · .S400 SPACIOUS 3 BR, 1 ba. Great view of hiUs & hghts BIG CANYON S48-7729 prol)C'rly al 3Zl:i.OOO Call $(f;~dt}}A-1'£f}s • The Terrace. Univ. Park, Irv Beaut yilrt'l. F inest Area 3 BR. shag cpt11, fireplact?, 6IG-(l.J7J5. • 3 BR., 2 bath:oi, ne\v ... ,.$400 $1::::. ~lonth. 54!t--OS3:; pool silie yarrl. All for a P.y O\vner. 4 BR 3 bas, r,uu 1, ()H.-SALE by Oii nrr-Z-:i00 ~ BR , ?2 baths, ncw.$.)'j()/37~ Mission Viejo 3267 lo"·· low S4t,950. 497-1761 r111, ronn.11 du1-rn1 exce1>-~fl' ft Mn1n1c1l'iol l'Jld~ on 2 That /nfrig u;ng Wora' Game wifh a Chuckle' "Bit. -b.1 ............... ~12.Jf ;;.:;:c;;.:::.:...:..:.:.!.::....-_;: . R•d Cern.t, Realtors rlonnt ly 131'1((' Int 111lh lo1f'l,v 11 1 1\1rtlc Rock. TrvinP Ann "·"•' ""r'"•ioit.·i ,. · , 1 1 1, 1·1•n11nPrc1a n!..:, ()11 ft frYtn1 1,111.,1 .,, Cl.AT 1. roUAN -------J BR ,,.., n Di• '' Lake Forest 1054 \'1f'1v .~ :111rs1apn1i; l'l \'i'l!" /rer"~Y $.'JG,000 S..i.n Cl(.. .. 2 ba, ran1 n11 .... $·11.J Bhn~. V1 <'11 S.TlJ llHl. ~on11u1u1!1y. UCS! buy 111 ~~" ,. o ~eoironot ler.erJ of rho Greentree 11ome~ ""2-1~" 0 onn 111en1<• .1 ,:,;. J J,•J ""1 "'-"' .ll'f'.i. G·l ·1"'"'' lour 1c•ombled word• be· 1BR .. 1 bath .,,,,,,, .... ~.~l:i ' -~--=~· ASSUME 5Y4o/o LOAN OR $4,300 DOWN PAYMENT Q10Vefl you Ullo this .spaciow; , 3 bdrm home located on ·QuJ!"t tree-lined 1treel. }luge comer lot hat boat gate and cool easy care yard. Seller leaving 11.N'll nnrl will 11/!IM'1ncc for Ju~t $42,950 Call 84~45:1 l-lAIU10H VIE\\' llOi\TF: Condominium• low'" lo1m fou1 11mp!.wo1Cs ,; Bl\. :I h.'\ ............. ~:17.) Newport Beach 3269 I I 1700 C"ltcrrl•IA ~·- Populnr Son1rt·~c1 :JBH 3BA.1 _~o~r;_;•~·~•:._ ___ _.o.;.:.: --" " ,. ,11111 rn1, ilLn n'1, h<'rii·y '.\IE:OH'/\L 1 ·11nr1~!\.'JOX/1L IL o 1 Pl 2 R Al fl I ;,Bft.,21 ~bathii ......... $1ij l~\<'J.;-11AY 4 HI{. 21 ~ b;\ ,.hag 1\r. cltihhs<', pool & 3BR CONrXJ fin• ;;.'lie by BU ll,Olt-;G , I·; x r c 11 f'11 l -. 1\c1\])0rl Beach 'a111-1111, pool. NI\ ~·hl~. k DI $97 ·~ ' 1 o .... ner. \\'alk to 11choob; & l\orlh Cnsla i\le~n locar1on 4 BR, 2 ha, Lido ........ ~G90 -~~·e1 1., $-100. 1110., !il!HlOOS p e uxe. ,;JULI .-~xc . G-"" h:uigaar<l R.£. &12-222'1 :<hOPH u11.K>aut1ful San Juun •IVV tll•1xi1·1 uni1y for ,; Bit. 21 ~ ll!ltht:t ........ $150 ('()NDO 6 Br 11r NC'11·poit "E VPORT C r . d Capis, Pool, lrg pallo ,i:,; <1111i(•r / 11:-.c1 -~'b!)OO. \f1!1 ~======~' i·''.· CALL 552~7500 Tcnnii:: Club Yeat' 1€'.i~c . ,, \ REST .....,11 o, cnrJ gar \\'ill cono;idcr lease co11i:1dt'r C..\'C:hangr for N U T G S • VISION • 7j2-l,l30 or Gl4--1?.07 4 BH, 3 IlA, F11m·rm. OJ]tloo. $26,500. 493-8798 or 1neomc property, local flrca I I I' I' T deroratcd 1 . X!r 00 as. Poo8~~.,,.&. S'5--0960. C11ll ~~2·1 s 0 u r h c 0 , Nr'-.· 1 ,v10 3 IlRN· .. 7.1~'l, F'r"~tT1-~1!~ E'nll1s . .AJW 11•n, 1•10. Realtor~. ' """"'' ... """" 645--6728 or &l?-Gtn. 3BR, 2 11ty, HB. Bltns, cpt~. I-~-------REAL TY Condo. S393. nw. 64-1-7357 BY Oliner, ,1 BR. 2 bns, ~~7;,o~~~~. Pi1~~ P.;;i Fourplex Hunt Beach 1 _..,.:L:...;A:,...:Y.,..::D.;l;_..jl ~ Ovr'in• lnflali'on,· con·-••,. I\ red hlll company ::sR, FttmH)" Rn1, 2BA, nr. 2 cAr gnr, con1m pool Fix & Save • I I' I 1 ~ . .., Univ. Pnrk Center, Jn.;ne Park. 2 blk~ to school $'195. & t'f'C lactl~. 1 Blk fron1 6· 1....J.?C' 3 bcdnn + 3·2 l\eflronn1!I, ~=======~:_~ tion con'i'''-of two things: &14-71 2-1. J~each L~r IQ! $.)9900 Dupl•x••/Units hltns, <.:lm>Pr! ,1!111·. !l11hn Wh t' · d Ii ' YES, "'e h4'fe RENTALS a~ '.I Bl~. 2 I'm <lr-n 2 hlks \\'J r-;TER RE N ·r AL · OCEANf''JtON·r Bra ut 3 Rr. 2 1311, frplc, <lshwhr. pHtio S430. 673-9499 01' 629-25l6 NE\VPOHT Brach. ON TllE S.AND IJ11\pr 2 Br. frplc pn110. n1crlv turn \V1nter }'!25 67:t...!}lH9 n1· 6'29-25'16 Duplexes Unfurn 3600 B1\LB{),\ P<'nin, h~ ::UR, llr 1. :1pl, \\'/frph·. .~ 11\lf ru1l k1, 1 hlk frf)111 hoth hny .i.• f"'l'a1i. 1,7;, 2'Xlt> ,',, t;1:: Sl•IS riff 611111 -NEARBEACH 01-,: '1 AR, J1 ~ Bn, 1lhl )'.:lor, nil 1>1111~ ~,1<1 1s111 St. ll unlUlf lnn B('h. 817-?,!G7 I Bl', l\ltche11. ("l"IJtS, D~. 1~u1io. l\fatuN' s111gl<' or rou11Jt. 2'12 Flo\l,•er, (Rear ) (.'ost11 l•1csn 374R OCEAN fl'Ot\t 2 nn. (lr-t•k, trplc. \Vlntcr 32f>;i , Yrly $370. 4'.}t-1.\"H Api rtlTients Furnlthed Call ro11i .. ·1. 9!&-:1°12--0t~il .. for sale 1800 [1(10J. i111 ·on11' +Ill\ ~!u•l!C>r. , 1-~' going on, an ;.2,"'1 ' 11·cl! a~ a fine M-lectio n of fMlll b(h Te11n1~· & poc1l i'\E\\fionG 1rrJr.J;:s, nc ... r ---------Only $59,950 D 0 G N U R · hl"11u1iru1 h0111"" ro n fll'IV . J4.~-S·l:?l R~11! J<:stnlP l\l'ilt'h, \lul· f•f'l l llr•IK"l't, : Eattsid e CM Duplex First P ionur Realty ' ,I I I' I I 0 Compf•lll tfl• Ch!Jr~ln qvot•d ~,~,~~~,:,. Ll',;_,t~S \~!·\,'~ ~l~u,,~ Tin; n111fl~. l''i('(' ! Hf! :111/(, 8 a lbo_._,._,_._n_d ____ J_7_06_ "fO\\'NJ{QU~Jo:, 4 Bft. 211 1111 . JlR, 1. f~). /'n!lo, (;nr. ]ll! .. ~HH 2BA & :'Bl{. lJJA Bt:i11" 842-4421 _ . _ . . _ . by 1,11,no;i •11 lhe r•Hu•no;i wo1d, · ,,., · "' " r I t I - U rl I I ',' I B r 1,111, . I I I r •O"d· .. olo,l•"•t<ooNo 'bolo• 1,,, .. ,-.• , .. ,,, 111'.' t111 s r1pio:, 11 pp 1~c. 1'1,·1·-, .·1 11 I ..... jtnlN , ('l/S, rxln, in~. y 111111·1· •10 .. 000. ,, . l ''ll,l ol('f , 1111 !'ll. , ... ,. v .<> "'·~·· V' If e -,., l' I <•1u· WALKER & LEE ,. ' \' I ROR 1'1·~. IT, lt l".,\l,TOR __ :"" 1' q _.,~'-'j li\l-()7R1. 1, ,,,,1,,_, ''"'I "111,, ,1•1_,. polio $Ji',;io{l A.~sun1r 71 r.. 1~1G-;iC'21' vi' '!i'l 1~tn d1".1pl·~ l,11-,:ur1"u" 011 n!·r ~ •111 t t•ll t n"rrJ 11 ;:11n 1,. ~ Pll tl:T i ; ·· 1 1 -,~ 386-t~:i 1-11n(t 11/f1111ilvr111,1\<'t l);11, "l 'r1\\ 1·1~1 •1lioo 11111 ~ '.':·t~fD l ll l(~'j I ' ~·1r~t \\()11!1'1"tt llf111k [;ldg'. ~l l l llH\I 111 0.;.. i·1·pr~. \1 1nl•1 ~~~;, sr1 •1 0th f'•t Protlr !iii attall'W'd \\·hrn ,.-111 J>t'o(h 1~ ;ittnnirr! 11 h,..n 1J1~h11 i.~her. 'tr:LSh ('111np1.. rilno'r 111 .i·I !11 !!if' r111r1.Y 111 1' -• IA llJS 1111cr~1t.v Parl<. :i:J2·i00'1 'I'll" . ..:·1 1 ·~. ~·p!11 }>rf'f y rl ,1 1i'i,-> ·u~;·1 1 .. ,.,,.1°''''"'''''''" rrl J'llJ..l'l'\111111 1·,·11 ~r·_···,··!1.··.1 ,,1,,1,,5 1 I I I I . I j DAYorNJTJ: i\vRll'.l :tOArtfi11.111r.1:i.s215 ------->™ sell throu1th r1•11ull-gf't· JOU ~i"IJ thrr:>u;:h rj'~u lr -1(1•1 . "· • ' '· · ' llm 11 a ''" 1 1"111 " I -~~~ I' \('111 l !\!' lit\ r I 1 ti~ 0Aily Pelot Cl1uullficd tin~ Daily Pilot Cltts~lflc<l f ,,,~c'c1c";;"-"::;.·'c·"'c(;:rc. 060'2~·o:"c""=~ --hl'.?-:ii'oi~. --'~-c'...:..' 'ci,_:;\c''c":...--..L-l-.l.-J--L...-1 BH. 2-llit. Cp~Drp~. StC'ps t(\ lw>Ar h-; 1·1~:: :~1·11 · .• :~Ill', 111 ~11 rut .. ~ .. ,~fr _jell. &J2-j67S Ad . 642-.:.67S ('ln ~slf1rd Ad! C111l 612-,'160!! \'r111ll l111d i1 in t'l.11~1f1c\l SCRAM·LETSAnswer1lnCl1ssific1t lon 8080 Pet:oiOK. fttntorl!lf!. 1~. HH i·~lrni:. (·r,1.-.r ·iv. 111111·1, u1111u1··· ,,dult $100. ----S ~1i 1nl'I 546·0091 ft\\'~~;(,, J,'1?.'1·' Ill _fl\Jo!I ~•'fl! if1h GTl-4:!1 1 ... ,, Balboa Peninsula 3707-· · -I-'-;;:.;::.:::_:.::::::.:::'.:'.!....:.:.'!.: Apartl'l'1ents Un furn. Apartments Unfurn. Apa rtments Unfur ~-- 1 '.! '.l HR ,u "1 s B Ibo I--'--'=-'-='-----h \\ 1n1 rr lt•·utals , lllk l•J a a Island 3806 Co~ta Mesa 3824 Newport Beac 3869 ~h 67J-...03Jll -(,!' ht Ull[ pd $.!!'i :! Off Th B t p th "'"·" , rrn" "' , 1,,, 112; '"" "l"I" e ea en a J>j)()L Ull[, ..,Alll ,n,,tl '1ly to /\ Tli~ SlW/SZl'.J :>.ltJ ti7 , •1 111 \I \ ----{I. , .! Hit I 1 J li<1.., i.u11 \\'lr>."11'.Jt-:! Ult It\ ul!l il•t k hlt-111~ 11 w 1pt lrhl, 1<1<11 SUI I A~ +~9/1"1, G7 1-l'.!(1.l ___ _ • •:c::--:.,.-.c":::"cc"c:-·c:":____ B Ibo P I 3 " -I a a en1nsu a 807 Costa Mesa 3724 $30 WEEK & UP e S1ud10 & l BH 1\p1 ~ • ·rv & !'.1,uu St·111• ,. ,,\ 111 • I 'hone St•n.1c I! -I lttl ]•JOI • (~hildren & l'et Sf•< t1on 2376 Ne111iort Bhd , (_'~[ G-18-97\:J ur &ti-'1'lt1 7 BH ,. ~l l i 'I" ~ 11 't .t L "I ill , I 11'>1 I!+~ :'\,. 1 1:!1 :1 f/17 l·ICl!o ---! !l), 1 d< II ST Oi i' $~~I Ut,ls 11111 Adu\"-110 !" 1, ti7 \-1lloJ 111 h7 >--l!l2 Coro;.---ct-;1-M a r-3822 J lld1111 , ~ bH. Ll11plt>x 2-Ul:'.:AU l' lu1n I BH 1,,1, <•I I o & ~ '111}. ''flll( ious sunn1 11!1 11~. 1~~,1 1, ·lk 1,, I l ... .1;: n11~ P/11 k1h ht>n Sou!h ~hOJl)JJJlg ' !lll l1<\H il r1f l1J i,:l111 l\' \\',i lk to bi_,tth SH(, lllV 9l! \\ 1'1111 -.;1 \ I S , 1111 }1:-YH'!:.! -' ~·ps ~ '-~---,._ .. ..;,_.., ______ I ;-;J ('J C'JH l) lllH lq~ 111 'IC'l[I 11n 11/l1plo• p11i1I•• •' r '• ~ d11l x ll111t'I S.•p hy ;:,11,(..:<~ r 111pli1ytrl <!•lull l!l!l llll<• $:/IKI l"f !1 1", l 111 1~1. ~·7! Oi'•7 0 \• 1 .. • 11>• 1~ r., ·,1s-i11~1 '~-=~--- LAJtt.°t-f UJC\-2 Hf<-ll\C!ll'l'1Jlt $9o J)ll 111u11til Bl 4J Jl _N<11<1~'u" Tn~. 11/11 lh )'" !'1•11 Adi\~. [l(J )lflli Sl '~! f,J.' '!1~) h7', .'°1~> ,,f11 I h Pi il HUnt.MgTon-Beach-3740 1 AHLl--r:r\~ '~' ri1t:N , s111 •1!l h« uh R1o01ns s:n so Jll r I\ k $9J jM'I lll\J ·,~,. •. ."j (rJ11 Laguna Beach 3748 1cd11~llol<d l'u<'pl.H< \\ dk tri I"'"' h ~...'21 G7:"-HY,1.:! i Bil '/. H, 1.1111~ fi 111. ..:;, I' 111111 2 lolks IM 11 h.1<!' {Jh. ~!7"i !111> li7'r-1 '67 {l!,11 !lll~()i\1\ Ill I r>l \H 2 BEAUTIFUL APT i;u,~i !'11,1 .. 1,r~n .igt (·.i1 ' 1'•'~"1 !111-!)l)(I) ~Ill n 111 t 11fu1 t1 •\)ll ,"iu I -'-----------1 ..::p11! fnu1o: l1111 1ll-'r1 1\fJI" ,\dull ~ • ,'\u I 'e!'< • Luxu1 iou~ ~h.1g l llTlll'l~ * Hlt J/l ~ l!l( I J l1sh11 u~ht l' • Lr!> l10<il .t (,ts Bli(.,l 1'> • 1'111 .• 1. l'.11"" 1 .! .1;.: : B!l', $l iZr$'1·~1 G.os ,'i: \l ,!ll'r I'd LA MANCHA APTS. 77S S< utl P! it • , h~!-20117 C to.I NEW TRIPLEXES 2 BEDROOMS $225 Jn, lu<lcs p11v,1h dCl ks, llJ•!~, dr p~ dLsh11,1she1 3 BEDROOMS $335 L.o').:l' h"u~•· i'ljl t' .ipl '1 IJ,ofh tt'<llU!Cl'i thf' ldl'.J\{' .+ JlV ! .}<II d \ Ill f'pl.t< I \\l•Slli.1y Jr!~tlllll ]fl!lll< ~ '1117..i Lltlo•n 1111 ;<.11·~"-l>t, l 1\I f •1 1~· I'~!, * VlllA NINOS * 2 BR, 2 BA APTS ::i(lj.l< I (.:OJttlfrJt !1th!< (.Jllh I J 111 J.,,,.,j 1 •• 11.11-;• ,.., Li.t ~ ,\ \\"I' I I' •I I '\lu ! I .\l•i 11_;1it.d :.:. Sl'~1 1u S'l.llh Children Welcome 2l:!l i' ld1 11 A1t' 9 ~J) .!ll!U Park·Ltke 1 1~11111, 2 t.111 11 liitJ,.,n1 ~f·1v1, 11h1i: c tpi ,, 110 111 Surrounding$ 011 a11 ~1111 111,:hl on s ond I!!.!{ I b ,1 " llig ll.,../I\ $i."1/nt•• A1o1 :-.,,, '.!(lot!!; 1dll '-111 1 1~'1' 21~11 -11 1ri JJJl.l\l 2,'i,.{Ji1 \pt ~ V•c11 l JJr 1,._i]"•I\\ 111 \Ill" 2-Blt ,11,1,--;,l ~i!-1!1~~.ilk 1~v1 l'1l1<1., -llld l'~•l 10\ely go11d1u S.!.~J/inu 1111 1,, l1"'1tli ,\dull ~ Sl)(J ~pt i\1 ::il1<1Jig \du11 .. ••Iii.) uul l'!l lll.1• 1 .. 1 h1 2:J9:\, "! !17: \'I~\ Martinique Apts. I Bit 111111 , CJ<):-;i', J(I Costa Mesa 3824 1 l777Sant.1,11i.1Avl Ct-.1 CHANNELFRONT 1 Hd11 1!" 2 ll 1 ~ t •l 11111 l-U1'!1 S'•WI \11, BAYFRONT J MH 2 t;;1, 11111 s ri:; '1 11 STE PS TO OCEAN ! flH 1 b.i ruin :5.'7-\ 1h .! !lit 1 li,1 $. ~I \I'll CORONA DEL MAR I HJ( Ull! )1"l1"' i' dill :.! liu $lo 111 h o II I" /"ill WESTCLIFF .! lid l 1(11 11 11 \l"ll} S>-J/gi1n1 associated I Ill !Iii IAOKEAS-REAL TORS 2025 W. lolbao 67J·J66J Newport Beach NEWPORT VILLA !\!:IV SJ>HltJU~, \111 lL O.: o pl ~ :di ·••lull '''tt1111; hu ild1n,.:, ~ ,, 'HI : .!h \ 11•1!!1 ,1111p lt p 11f.1 11~ 'I'" l ' ,\II 1.11111", 1 11•1~. d1 Ii' ~l/11 i..;,1:-, slov1 Ii) 111111 f11111\ r1o ~ll\c l! 1~1 llld ]1011 11 d t l poJd !JI( p1l111~ Jt! ( llOl)i\.J s hl 'llLd 1~.1tJI ~.1un ·~ g-y111, luungc .~ l~B~:-; l •l'J 111~:.1.'-.!:"i7 :-;u( I"'· !Ill pt Is 1 1 111 111!11 /\1~. Vista del Mesa ADLI r l:\JJJ! 'l l!C):\11 s [!,\10\i' ,\{ \]1 :-,,\ :-.r <I !\L\\fiOll !\l\d i'lll \ ,\ J11111• l11duslJJdl ( l!lllJIL ~ ! hll ~I JIJ :.! HJl ~.'lO !l1y ,\ /\Ji,;ht !-:11,:l,11111. p,~11 Jtt UZll, !{\\ Bld i.; W(•rl11rsd,1y t.vQu1l .'1 l!'Jlll DAI LY PlLO l IJ i Apts Forn(~nfur n 3900 Ap--,;-F-u-,-n-/U_n_fu-,-n-3_90_0--S-to-,-.-g-e ____ 4SSO Lo•t & Found 5300 Carpenter 60f$[ ::>H •K,\l.r ~I'\( J. ~~~\1~1M-<1t. l \KP! ...,,,zy---~~ L.o•1' VILLA MARSEILLES SPACrous I & 2 BEDROOM APT Furnished & Unfurnished Adulf L1v1ng ll1-.h\1J!<J /Je1 tolo1 t:oordinnted appJian(cs ~ 1i 1us h ~n.~g ca1 pet -n111 r1>1 eel \\ardrobe doors 1t1dlll't t J1ghl1ttg 111 k1l<_l11:11 -lirec1kf,1 ~t bur - ll iigt• pr11 <1lC !C'nc cd p.iltu -plus h landscdplni:!' -hru k l\.u.l{.()ues -lf!1 ge lit'<l!11fl j)(Mil-.; ,~ l.111.11 \11 tond1t1u11111g 3101 So. Bris tol St., Santa Ana (V2 mile nor th of South Coast 557-8200 Plaza) ~-rit~ Jt1'!\J ll!1n1111i.:1on B<a•l1 Slu•ll11 t 1 dts1n,111 11 n111(1t>lu1f: 'I ho\»! )11\ll; (!,.,r, \\tlh ll ~~J l .dl\•11\ "' ,J...i_,..,1 ll!ll,.ll 'ol •nk ~Ult 11.i,,,j , t l]u1~· ()I!!' •1111} ,1\,1111!,J.. f\,11 k 11( 1111111 !!1\' "'" 1"1> r 1{1 .t• /,:oil f\J,\] 1 " i •'O l]1 I $1:~J rno, 71! \\ 17111 t \1 ,\/l.IMAL A.">."J..;'I l r ,\i,i ~; ... Jr e , ;)e rv1ce r..0 16 ••l~ '1~'17 H•l'<t'nl.JMt' o\ili•l•!I• 11 'l.>tl)ll\j.! .Jrl<t --~>;.:_;_:c,.- )';;l{J!l,\(,j• bu1ld1n.'( $~J inn llt>vT1•t'11 1i.; 111101111 --~~:t1(i() J\IJ!~ s l .111 ... ! ,\ L 1•!1• l'ltl;J to lti-•11:11, '17.'i }-lo\1, L st, 1 AN1 1 ;11 1 1 1" ,"111';,"'1 LlE l.J 1111 s ~1 " 111 p (JI• 1 ' <.• .J l n ~l d \!r ~.. I I ... ~ '•l •H l( lt~·l,J l!l lJ Jl('I II• II "•I ~. __ ln~h ~lltl , 111,1!\ l:•d 1111 1 ~1l•11 t,1 1~•11!111'1 ' ~ !I Rentali. Wanted 46001 H".i~!< 111 11•, 'J1 1 111 irai!t' 1.1,,1•.i 1 •l 1\li1•.1 I Ji1,Ji)';;tl111 111d1 l:•d 1 111 " I' ' II• ) •Ill l>I• II• \' 1 \\\:-\I' HI( l 'nf1u 11 h••.1 '1' !,..1 li ~1L'\ IH<.1lt Ul.ick , , 111n· r ~I ,, l\lj ,• ••1 .o pl HI fl unl 1\1 ,1111 (,,1111 Sl1111 l'\11• Io n\ ]',,\] ~ I' ' \,.I) l 11 H• Ill IU..': I Ill 1 11\11 , !" Sl "-,4) foll !11.tlllld I 1llt•<•1• J't 11 llll\ 111do 1.,\ I " lllo \ 11dl ~I! ,\Ii) 11 ' t 1il1• ~ll~l~lo7 t,,•1111.-.tup f•1 11 '!11 ,, ,1 ,u.tiSlli i /i111 ~. 1,! \ltli u11f111n ftll!d Hl'\\l\Cot kl! !t!ll ll,\\\ )I' •\i> 1•1\li,i l li•l•lll'I"•' 11.i~• foe r,_•[1ahll' l"l "<ll b ('•Mk' I'•~• n i.d• ].\,\\\ ""ll"d I du 1\111), 1111·111' :Sl7· lllll )'(17-9110 n.\\S \\, l!llln'il ll~I. f, Ill, Li\l l \,••id II I ,;1111111 • I Apts Furn/Unfurn 3900 Office Rental I ~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~:'.'°~~~~-:-.h•1• 1111 , n1.ilt , J.,>.I~ -1 4400 C<>•r< ,1 1 t.:1 I• nl l .. k. t ',\l,I'! ( "li·•ll!IM•1111., liVl~ij CHOrCE LAKE FRONT LOCATrONS VERSAILLES (1:'\ !I!!' J.,\f.;:I : 111 S•tt ll1 c,,,,, 1•1,111 f'1~d .• \, !Jllllr·· Aijl!I B~u ,\ .!.tl llfl.l SJJ\l'l u 11111!' .'j i\1 I I J 11'l' \\ J 11\\ 1 f 1111-: J'ou111 •1u1" 1• \11111<>11 Ll1JI! 1r Clu\,l1uu .. e (,)Ill, !:i<1u11.1, J (1! d :::;.._;\Ill \ luuncd1 ,1,~ rll t'UP.it1ey ADULTS Suin, Nn p, Is B a che lor, 1, 2 & 3 Br's . e ;11( s I' I ~ \SI ' 1n.1kt' ,111 11ff1 I ',ti:i s tl ft, Ill !JO::! AIO. '.Hh> !Ji Slllll Jill, f d~luun 1,J 11hl !'\ fi h'k pf'I "'I II l tiol1,11111 l•'d ]fl!IO! 111110 \It \\ oif Ull Ill 1~1 .. "!ft•• fJ II k1r1g ,., \1 lH '.\pt JI, Ii \11 11 -. ,\lhl1 •I• i 11111 "ltl/ltl '._!'("I ~ hid ~ )11'1f d(t Iii .\ f'h 1f(111 (,\I.I. f rom $1 75 per mo. 1 .;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;; Santa Ana 3700 Plaza Dr. 714-556-0466 viS'rrt '1Je1 NEWPORT BEACH \\,lil'I f1u11! l'11>t'Ct1l1ve nfl1< cs, UJ1\' 11 flpJt, \\11 )IH, )l!l\ Ji11t11, one!. 1oon1 ~u1ti; 111\11 \11•11ufboals811<11<1 8111 Grundy, Rltr 675-6161 I ~ lc11/':';411<l 1u 1lt• llh111d1 I 1>1 iidl ~I.' I 1 ~], l•«il • \\J>1111.11 l!lll, f•ll\ ,:1 •• y 1:\1 .. , ,,, l 1 ,, "-1!1-.t.11l ,..f)1 J,.t!ofJUIJ 10111 Bl tof. llHdll"•I. 1o:L \11:>,l 111 !iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiipiiiiiiiiiilii!iji!ij J , 11' JJ 11 \ It fl\ 1 I I \ I_ \• • 11 t Financial Business Oppor SOOS l••i•r•• 1•u1 H1., ------'-'------'-'l•ltl!••" !1111 !ll \/l;Jh Liquor Stores 18, 25 gr. Sin p/l_'.,1111 irll\ I• .. 1 Sailboat Mfg low dn 11.11.1 ... 1 \,•~•·. 11 111 \\,,! Yamaha Dir $100M dn 1t.\,,f\ 'I ""· f, 111 )>..\\\ , I l , i s Orange Julius $8500 FP 1r"111 1~1 1 11 , hr11 \\11111 HOLLAND BUSINESS l 1•111 1111111 k1 t11 n, 1 " h i >-~170 -:,\J t-< 'i llf i\t.IJ'i.: I n111 I i.J111 k1 !l1 11 .. f, 111 SAUNA &-MASS.AGE 1111 11 :'.l 11u1u~. 1111lt 11 ,,1~ I l lo.>rll :i/ I I ll 111 , !Ii " " (,1 ... 11 lo(.111011 111 t.11,\ "111 nl "i rlll•lo , l.1 t1,\ l •11 'h11pp1n;; ,., 1111 1 r :>..11 ,l fl< .ti IJ)\Jiil s/Jl fLn1 gl.ty ,\ Blk 1 \I '!' I -1 , " I .. • ,.. .!I t1) I 6018 !ACO USTI C CErLINGS BY CALCOUSTICS .\fl 'Lll l1 \'\l'l'!JJ (,l \J:\\;li'Lll !'Hl l:. l•:-.Jl \IAll--:. } HLJ IJL I t•t t~J~ 645-9880 "nd 1ldv fq,ll ll l\~ f111 onh ,\\!> (ll!ll l~S .~rl •>1l SIX ((JO t\go 111 q 1, l -2 I , h --. :-------------1 :1--,soo !L)l'.'\IJ {,•l l/llf\ "111 P· f, *\\Ill.,\!{[) !',11 111111>.: '\ Jll• \J.11! 1•(J()!J<.:; 111ol<' \1• l .l111g11 ,\ H< «h It t1-.11c 1I ,,11 I p•il .. \;c Br \U'r r ~·t 1, (,,nn1r1 11111 1 <\•' !•17, Ii.in .... 11\11 111 '1 ~-1 11 "-1,,1,, \lo ll ·~l d il i~h·il li•!ilh•t .11111n <vll ot 'j t.i!-J~-;.i 'i \1, L'ol I I 1·,, • l\i n 1 npJ K11l u11 1 1~ _Cement/C o ncrete 60 19 i,J; ,\11•1 I UL:,,IJ-(,, r111,, >11II 11 1111•d j ~~------- \\nr:-:;:l! 1 ~r 1 11 1 .. .1 ,11,,,, "PIO\• <1 1. 1n,.11 +lol;, l'k 1.111 \ 1 \ti.:-.: 1 11i-1 k " 11 l.t11.1, s·,·~d 71 S.';l qti h fn! fin l >111 ,.,t \1, ( \J H< 1::--111.d1h t l•! ,111 11 • .1.I • s,~,~••11((1 ,,!_ 111••~ I>1"(<'t111 l lo ll '.,..~'' l oil t..,,'S~.);.'i B!'..AC!l 1-n.r p111" ,\J~n l i'fg1 Apl ll: 61h-·1'i \2 sin.ill slLl>r(i u1i1 11111 CASA VICTORIAAPTS J~cts Oh i\\ I'll l "i·i~ Dl'.'.LUi\E 17~1 S<J ft ,,J;J{, l\/(1)111, b1ll1.11d ~. Cto l••I 'l'V I ,~ /\ I' I , h.i ~ oll~li11 ,1sh1 •1, J( fi ig, ~hag cJJ! & jJ\l 11c1llO tJl lido11ny. 1 nno ; EXCIIIKG NEW CONCEPT 1 ADULT LAKESIDE UVI NC Mesa -Verde Office And Medical Suites C.i t Pl'l<'d, .ur C'Ond1t1oned grou111l flnoi officf's 111th ! l'C'l'flllOlll~! St ( tC'IPJ L,1] ,i:._ ph<Jlll hll~llCllllJ.; a1,tll.1bl< l.~ .Cl \h ~ t Ve1 t!t• IJ1 su111• N' 2:i', (',ill !rl~i~ss t (l l ,l\\\h1IL ~1 -;-id .. i.: -(L Sl'U;<.J(,_J.<'>11'1 \\l ll.), LAUNDTl'\-:------rf)Ji\ H 1 ('o~t11 \l•''" ll11 nf'r::. 1Hu:-.t J '1\ I Jt1s. I llt l \ ! "' II \LI\-, I \nlun1<' n>.•'l s 1 1 rio u 1'11•1111[\ h7 \-~l'.!1 L',dl Lh •ll hl.' ·"JI I Dt•llJX(' I '/. I Ull 1\/p<tllfl" .! 1_ U,\ .)luthu \\HI\ spit 11 Newport Be.lCh 3769 i' 1n1n Slb'J 010 i\{jull s ~r.ur. l.;1 s u 11 di; l' k e Jl:t-1/'i n e ~P~A~RK-NEWPO_R_T_ i ~MAU 'flS ACCIPUO Ni',T/11 Ardn1<111 Co 1.!IJ1 Ch Id C-6020 1 fi5J.-4i1f.o C<1il c,n 1 f'ulh'( 1 ~ =--:::c1c.:::..::c•::.'°.:.. ____ _:_::c~ $35-\\'h: UI' 1 Bi 2 B.:i & B.·\lh Co! .. r r\', n1a1d serv puol 1 Hf' i'JL:->,\ 11 i N !\1'11 ll9rl Jll , N ~ Pool l <'l nn, cJp\,dor~ <..:11t/chri. lilln~. (Ile g.11' ,._,' ,.'.iH(> ( ,;.i'< S. 11 ,1fL I iM! f1)'1.'ll lo. .inl t'l 1J, II [lll, p1 I\, 'i2J VI< tn11.i C'i'I G~2 )<:9Jf) p.1l10 $, ~J Ill!• Av 11[ '!/l I.~ '.! llfl[{~I Uf11" :I Inc d1011s !H .ii sl1'lpp1ng rnail f p!s, d!'fl" !Jiln .. , "ll!IH Y./jl<>!ll l:.l I., lo Sl ·1-, 111" fo1 1 I,! s11 .-, r .. 1 2 B1 '" p1 1 .. +1<.• ~.'ll~l f.t< '"' "'" f•' ,\<lult ~ t.J2 ~100.J lit I JP\l APARTMENTS 13LtLll(')l!l 1 VI 2 Hl(l!OOlll '> •Bachelors •I BR ,2 BR •2BR&Den F•om $175 -$435 FOR sale fi (',•1/s \t·nd111i.: I J[j] CHILD C'.111 lJ.o v < L l\1hll l I n1i-ithi111'" All l;)(,<!1'd (,r.•l Personal1 *"· ltL'aso11.1h!o: 1.11 '' I t.;c tax \111te u/f '>JO lJJ!\I d1rr . W lt•nted )d I' 1,, y lll .1 t • ~ (i P \1 ; Sii ft 1---1\7 51·i0 _______ _ Money Wanted SOJO P ersonals 5350 Contractor 602 1 1 ! 11l1! l tJ\\lll\•1U'<'" !r S.!21 ii {!!An 'JC. Dolli I MesoVerdeEost&Adoms &~-96.'cl _____ _ \J! l\lli•hy -----s11·1u:,\ v111.\t,v 1.1 At.:tnt 17111 :~17-712 1 <_H ~'!CL SP,\L'I } ll I~ !-U lt."il ,llt.l~ 'l1,,1J.1 ,\ C11ban.1 "ll B 1\ \,!ult 11111 .. 1 h,t\t' !(('I $1 ~I 111c1 I !ii Stpt 1> ln J unt Ji ti)G~ll:.:V 328-&l'H ':;.:il.J l_,,L, ,>. \I 1!l'J [1 I ,\dult' l•i l" !~ l l I I ~lll h SI i l\11)."I <11 h l1, !llJ o "P• l '•~•I ' 1111111 ~ 54 Q-1800 ;\I '"~' fli1ll1 f !'li1n11 l,1,111d ___ _;;_;;;_,;.::c.:_:_ __ _ HI )< l Ct!~ld 1\lt ~.1 l hu t~it d ,\<l.1111~ J:i.,lllllllll - 11\l>dlJll Au , lllll ~l c, 111111111111 CJ1,~ A \\alk1•r .~ 1,~,. Bid~ (.ill l1..:ne Jl1ll, I 17-411 ~ (}I f~l.'-(1.!{)(J sir. Ol(I nN Pll111(' bu~ (Ol!l('I L ll•h sr ( \I \"h i• : X fol ol dr 111 l 111 \tt•ll• d i-t i u111\ ,\ 1<>1 10111•1 .. 111 rl1r P1v 111•; f\f',)l~ti~·! SPJHl1 Ui\L Hf 1\Dl !{ ( fp1 n 10 ,\\1 101 lUl',\1 \d\)l ( l)I] •JI 111 11111 , ,;12 :>; I I ( 1111111n I:, rd Ci'.\{\\ !Cl\ ,, :-.Jn Bl db :-.1 ]1( -.-VILLA-MESA e -------.: J~f( l,11dlll !111 I li/lH\l, \tl1 .ii t11•• h1h, l'nnl Vro111 ~1~• on 51,,l c,1 11!1·,.J ~lud< 111 g 1r tt.:(" 71'1 I\' !('ill ht'f. t pl1', \ Ii!{ .11 LI( h-lh-12 .J l'a1111 ('l1)s1 t1 \\ 11 .. !•!l Dana Point L\!tGJ~ l Hit 1pls, dip~ ,\,, 11111 ,\'~J 71J")!I LI r 3826 ~IOI l fl 1g, I" 1, ~ lt1•I I "•11 11)(111b d I 11 1ii"'l I< HI \ :'l·lll J<J "I'll/I ll11l-. 1 ..... .i 17 14 1 644-1900 -0C EAN-BR-EEZE 1 !li' : '\t rr;Nr, PALM MESA APTS. \JJ:'\lll'l ;:, 10 NPT J;CH B." 11 ! .~ 7 JH{ !l .111 $1 ·,7 Adults. No !'ct ... 1 ·,01 !lles<1 Dr Mort, Trust Deeds 5035 <_·u1111 \dd It 111od. I Ul·Ll ! l:ll (jj ·-l•l!ll S<11l I i<'lll< 11\1 t••I qipl c,,Jl 1:.12 '1U ~l 112'11.!fi Ele ctrical 60:i2. -_'.'___ .:C..'--'--.c:.:.:_: ____ ~ JS \(JLf{ fl-LEl'\1 0".j t, l lecUtt al Con,..t1·u~lOt s 9 1110 hl,,-r,11,i ••r 1'Jl-Z'l'il e Tr_o_p-1c_a_l_P_oo_l_e __ \\INT£]\ l l'lllll l iUl!O 2 Bft, crpr .. tlf!•"• hllns El Toro 3832 Clean Modern Apt. l'\I .\pl 11 1111 JB1, .:'h1 S]\,1>. Blt1n', {•dill' I\ "t:ll (5 Ulks liorn Nl.'\\l)()ft Blvd) 5.l&-9860 ·~~ i)J-.,SK s pace ,1varl.tb!c $10 rno \\ 11! piovirle furn1fur{' 11t $5 1110 Answe1 Jllh s1'rv1i:e available l 78 7 J AeaL h Blvd • 1-lunllngton Hl',tl h Cl2 !l1.! LOANS UP TO 80% 1st TD Loans 2nd TD Loans 'IAl'l'LD' 'UL!!t ()tt\(J, C<JJl111 u•11 t,d lc. ... 1d1'1\1 1,J BlJ (,t;J D" l'n1tL•!t \01us1lf lndust11,d -lil.1~()!17 frun; ilh•i,;vl 11,,\ln111~ olt• ,.: 11 •t:" !:ll111 I. 1.. heath !'\cptune J)\\ (hr ! Bi spud st.111 (,,~, 1 <'.11 lll)U[ r 1\l'AHT\li'.:..Ts 1:.l fu1u l!d ,v._ .Jtionunv l.'Sti-SIW ( <111111•' Di 2 s 111,.,lr·~ N<1 J. l,r: 11/1 .. ,1101 ,un11 Ult ,!11 S,u\1 1 ~an \HPs Cull /t)r ft1't'' 011~1111,1 r.l~r_;c1 KILIAN -Lio I 0'1'1 I 1011 S'\.I "-Hl(l/ ..:-"Jh J iih '" '}.;)nus Stn ill jHI,., ILl 1111ll & 2 Br, !. l~t Ur-.:l7ti 01 f1r»pl.11 f' n'h 1.:, I..:+:' 1i.1(l<1, <l11l d11•n/ptls A1111 Sop! I \l•''I jJ<~ll 11 ! ---------.~ tLµ.t11s .)•IS J.11\ fi.l:>-$1171 g L' ,\'\IHI!'! pd 1JS 11&' ~-~---~-:t.',~1 /llH <II s-~) Ill I H/1 IJ,,11 ! .. J l 1iJ~-0-IS7 ! >.:1:c SUl1 l' Cd\T PancllL·d i>l l ••flh 1 i'><1k1n!-' ,\IC \It\ •lfll 1nu~u. c;.1rrl! n 1111•11, ~pl~. dips. 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Prnpcr1) Hun"" 1:t42-~JO I ULOCKJ ;-;-bo: Hh -:br 2 Ba. g,U,thl' S.\1 111111\1 Sll.> )JI} hl 1-llsll -.--P:-\HK-!'. i'.\\ 11.Jcl_\_f_*_ I BfL}wn ::.\1lrLcasc I----'&\ 1-1ro1'----- :.? BP ... l B;:~) 1•.llh Jr <St I bl k to t ... ·ach S! {J rno r~rivaie (,11!~ onl\ 1i1 ... ~~i:.i nro ba<"h;::-im~1 s-Sl60 1111· UILl 5 16:.!S \\t'~t 0 t.'l'aJ1fron! 673-1 }3::1 ______ _ San Clemente 3776 $89.50 MONTH LUVI:::! Y t'lf11 11 rh'~ "lud1" c1 1t111< "· 11111·1 " 111,11d "' 1 \l(t', pArk1ng 1111 ludo•d -:, f' n1,1.lloliJ.:~'1 11 l i\\ 1 I)• I i\111 S.1n-Cll'1111'n11• CH rLOREN WELCOME LAS-BRISAS APTS 111 • 1(1 1 • I ,\1' :-0 II 1, 1-.: 11 ~, '1111' 111 c 111;\r111 1"1 l 111 \ ()1 lh;.f' \11 .:! hi 11/g1l.tl.!I Slhil \\ d<'I I 1-J,I~ fJ <Ji ll Sllo.i I.go >.II<• 111.l.,,td p l o\ ,JJ•' 1\ \hlld :-1111<1 !1 ll!!11 ' f<'do'<'IU If• d \ l"s('\I i.!.Old).;~' Ill 1U1 J.u1d::.t 1pt 1J (!llsl I•! shnpp1n,.: & s••huol::. JJ(-.-11 >J l n fu 111 11u11u1111 • .. 1 •II• I·. IH! \211 >I'S ~l"I ()1 . 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Ill ooklu11 st .~ I/ell SI I \' \'(!"\' h1c;h t1,if/1p S1J~'f'! S!l1\I 1· •pl-L,;-J;•1u~;::-,,,,11 .. _ '<ti•H s :i111l1lil\• 01H• 1200 "I 111111,· (.di Ht )\ll,l ... q fl ~ nn1• JV'(l "fl fr ~l•11r I \f,I,![' ~l.1 1:11 J!7 ))l1•ld 1•111<ru1<i1'il•• s1c11 \l.11 "Iii -.;.i I II! 1nnd (ill J.:>tdl \\1,!J, i;(\(l\1 :11\J l Jlt'td1 d I ·I~\_:_ .1~1~~~~~~~=- lowest rate s O range C o 1 1•l1i-ri11ni.: rr• 1 J:l r ·-;-\l 1 1 Sattler Mtg. Ca. CO,\\l'Lr.rr 1.' Hr 1.1 \13LJ :1 j ,(Ill< '1 11' n 11 1 11 . 1 u1 stg11~1 l111t .1111 11 h ?..,• ,1 642-2171 545-0611 '* '\-1" * 1110<.!cl liu lld111~. •1. 1 ,, Sf'rv1 r.g !larhn1 ;ire;i 21 \r~ \ ,\:-.! { ·1(i\I Y ll.J d--60 5 Announcements 5100 1( "n r i ti l n1 1 ii ini.>1 n1111 n1 ~ e~ng . " •••un"L !tng .1. 1•Jl11 ,,1. *LAWN SERVICE5 ,\l'lAlll: !n111tp ,\ :-i. .. n ~ LAS i'1•1f11 ,\~tni~, til'l 11 1, Yard Clea nups \host «lt,IS J\lti\\ ,\ t 1l~1' 1'1,! (_,l\AN1 " l\t•1\ la 11 n ~ • sp1111!,l•' • VEGAS C,11 Ill>";, l (illfid•'rllL,d '11u1 1s, I J! 11 111 e~/,\pl s/l'ouillill !111\ 111); ,\, l+:'fct1,1l Al11n11on, ]{i·.ts ]{ •1l::. l'1\111111t, , 1l adoption ,~ keeping 1\1' 5~3144 534-7187 C/\HE &12 I l:IB FREE FUN DAYS PHI-:c:NANI'" Th1nk1ng ,\bui Paradise-Gardening llon ' l\llt!\I' flli /h(' ra1 1 ~ !'.ifH ( 1,1111.e Ht·~tu1 ,\(UUI f11,r (Hll LIJ.~, LINt . ..!.I .t J,uuJ"L·tll<' i'l•i.11hl1 The Lady Luck Casino his ;;11 ~·~,'-------~11 1111t11.111,i "" '1J11n1.r. 1 Invites you to en1oy a ll • J'd111/(;ird Ht•ldrt * il1p111 CUJ h-ll-,111 1 of this, ,\fi/!{1'du~·t1nn 10~1 1 l3<' 1th Bl. Experienced Japanese YOU RECEIVE s1,1n1 •• 11 .il~~.'llll 1 landscape Gardene t ---------FOR TWO PEOPLE MARY BRANNON 1 ,\ h. ,\ I ,\ :-J Ll /," L !$~'/ 1$36 CASH (1r 111lf' c .i1 1r1 >1GU7:!.J (REAL MONEY) Lill S lti-1~1_, __ _,J APANES!:, l,,\J.:UP,1'! 1: J'S24 MEALS Ice-· ---"-1~,,-l! sF~lJ $.)(} TO EX!", LJ CL'"J.11 11 i 11l }I:.:LI>\Nos c:siun.de lil !.-11 0.' v1 (menu/buffet ) s,\NTA CltLTZ 6.J:r-31sx .. _____ _ .'$36 DRINKS 1---- Social Clubi. 5400 I:.: X P I:: H J ' P" n ' ~ 1 (Your Choice} li<11den\1 1\I o1111. Lud ... , 111:. 1$48 LUCKV "21" ALONE" DATE TONIGllT~ c1~·.1nup" t 1<•' 1,,,1 BUCKS Cal! PARTNEH 83b-127l f>-Js 1lSl '17'1-1..~l l!__ -· _ You receive all of this l ~~IC~'~1~<1~~7,~>~10~0~~1h~1~11~S~a~<::l ~'XI' J u11.1n•·sc Liu.lli:llLl . for a total cost of jus t I; <..:011111 ) 1111 \I • 1 u 1 s~o. r 1 JI~ ~:~11~~;1J, u cci; l 1l• J.,1 In nr hr111~ 1111 ~ An ,\ ServicGI and Rl!pairs SlO h o S,\J JLr~ 1nA\'1·1. J CP,01 11'\' l,\l:IH ,, !. :->~H\lfF , f>l30 "11n..,(I ~I 1 ..... nds:c 1p1t1.;• ll•l ''Ill•• ~\Jltr !;JO L 1\ <11~12~ I• .1 ... 111 tlJh »I~ ..,: I 1'' I I •-"l '"11 ,1, 1,1 11·11111 1\I d• CORONA DEL MAR I• I' f' 1 J l d ( \! '11 1 .i lfllHI 'fl fl ou1I olJlt f•lt stnLl'O TI11• t I•'< !"1111 [).i1s C' !11 f)(' Ai\S\\ i'~!l!Nt; ~ e I \I! C' ('. 1.i , •171 , I 1 ~\ ~1211111 Answering Service 6003 LA~llSL \!'!. "~! , ,11 111 111 1[ Ll11u1i ... u1" 1o:p1 111kJ1•1 u pi ---------11 1f1<1 11 nlc .~ •q.i tpls p1<k1d uro11\lllhr•.,,nll1\ ~rvu1g ~e11rx1i!, C .\1 !!\1\!t llon1111 n 1(< I n S.11 n10 lilll-f\.t'lO lo~l-\0'~~ 11111! ,\ l rlll <"n 11"1 !hf'lll IJl'lrK' Hl',lS Ila Lt's ;~1:•11 '\,1111 /~11t11<1 1 ~c.i\ir: if1.! !\t\\'POl~T PIEi: ,\f;~,\ in\11111" .~ nnv d.iv fut i 1c•"'l"c::"o''~"'-------~- (ll)OTn4000S<1u1r(' 1!'1t 1111"1• 1••.ir Th;it, i u:;h!' Babys1tt1ng 6008 T!l[\r~ ... 111 \l••l"' 1,t 1 646-4908 '!---- Gene ral Services 6046 S1\\F: SPACT. \I. 111 ~ ~tOVIN(; h) .... r.1 pp I n i.: dt~hrs .ind nth••r fr:t!!ll<' Jtl'!llS lfl \<,t ~h • lnlh~ l•l\\< Is and tJ!h•'I IH1< ns ~nu i.;c ! n1ort' ~P •re 111 lhf' c .. r.1r:• 11nd cJn,.11s b.1 ~riling 1dl· r!0111s \\l1h ll !),11h P1IC11 CJ::1,..,1f1<'d Ad Coll G~l ~:obit\ 1\01\ I • hi ~1o1 lr \fl p,11 111 fp APTS. SI A-----~3880 1-L\t\LL 111111,. ~lh, Adlt" fl/,• -..1s /;lj.!I an a n a ,1111 .! l•d1•111 2 I fli ll '1 2 ,+;I ~------1 ~. ;\" "lOll'flfllffl(l'S ~!!II \\\II l•'l ''l\t' $~h !11•1---'---~------c 11r1-1 11rr:.. I t I' ti•~. ~111H In Lf',·d 0111ninu o;: Bk1 h7-o-1170Cl (\-!If rinn1n!1nn Jl1HI f<11 ,\\!DULt~,\l~I:.:U l«I\ 1111 1 plu111l 11n...: 1111• ri 11Hl<li l111,: b ttll ipl ,--------h1• Iii<' l ~1 1h J.111k ('11..,1110 S ,.;1\, l<nin;: 1.i rc l•• 1nfi11t, tr l~-ll,I, Th ... r.is!r'<t df,11'. HI !hr\\('~! .i Dul\ Pdnt Cl.1 ~1'>1f1cd ,\d Cilll h 12-:Jtij:Q ---- Co•ta Mesa 3724 co,ta Me•a Who! the new kid on the block? 3724 AMBASSADOR INN "• c 1 ••• 1., ._ ...... l_ ............... , ..... 1 ........ . _,, .... BRAND NEW s34so&·~=~ L-hlnti1W Swttchboord Kitc.Mft f1tt1Ntift ....... H•csf~ P'•ol lfldi•idlull t•..., c......., Joc11111 Wrl Hr G-•1 llQ'S T••l1i0fl a•alW:M Rtt"of'o" •oom Dnctdlal pfl~•••L Wall!" & Dry•r•••il. WA Tt•FALL-STll:IAMS -LAG.OOMS 2277 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 645-4B40 Family Apartments CHILDREN 1n (' 11 ~1-,11', :' /}C llf•I\ 1 111l1l1IP f 1111 olh 1 ~'.11 (.'II ''I., SH1lP:-. 1\1111 r11 n,:111;:: SSO to 'l'I'' ,,,,1 1-, v, ,,,, 11 I L I 1 -• ' ' ' ' ·' ".I&. lnddct~. lll'llSl't lOllll' \I',( 11.,,,,_.,1 1111 ..,,,\) .. ,, I ~1 1 11 J<{I llH> 101 1!1'd in 111<' ('1,11111 ()t111<'1~ A~"ri!li!1inn fi16-22f \ hn1n S'.'!11 ()11 l'ull•1 llll\t.I ,\,\ll 1\lll !ls L(l\!" JU'<I nit 'Hl lJ11·~n l-1"\I\'. I PARK PLAZA I I '!Si':\ I' 11 k1 h 11 I 11 'J'iJ-9200 .' ,\ '\ Bl~ ipl ~ Laguna Beach 3 848 l 'l1i ) Ai r 1 Jlu>I J.i111 ~l l "·llUl.1 NI ARL\ Nu \\h1!1'1l<ilf'l' \'11 Blk lo /~ h, Lt '"'' :: 81, ! h,i $27000. l.H·.i"t.~\ or 194-2.1:19 l{t'l ~ll1IJ!1ou~e Lur11s11t 1J.11 c11e cc111 I 1u111 ~lf:'i PARK PLAZA II z Bil A·l eond &au1 V!f \\I 805 West Stevens Ailu!ts, 1M'.l pct.s POOL S2J(J (Qff Sunflo11t'l' 11\l-0076 Nc•11 ::;.1 Cst l'laza I Laguna Niguel 3852 Santa Ana 545-1121 -"'---"-----'-" A.pts Furn/Unfur n 3900 • t (_l!{ R!-.N I' NH. HI A( I! e i --'--~--''------$.!10 $~'10 1>1-'r n1(l , !\n l1•.1sc· I ___________ _ 11('11 l1i.:dlx \1f'\\ .!~': htlrni, 21 ; B.1 '1 pools 1t11l1 11 di! .nnrl fpl :.!.\~:ll 1!11lhurs, Dr 1n1r C1~)11n V,1llev l'k11 v ) :l I h1ld1 t'tl t'O!l.,lrlf'fCfl ( 7111 19:1-!76(}0!(11(' lf 110llll~\\C'J, 19'; .. tfi2J :l HI{ 2 1~1 CON JJO 11v<'rluok 111i:: lht• 71h ~rrttn hkC' new, 1vashe1 /clry{'r, 1 pis & drps $275 1110 tl'.;.·l:Q27 Mesa Verde 3863 e 11 0:\11 ' ATillOSPJll-_!tJ·; e L)eluxr 2 .~ 3 lilt J{cn1,1 I Ofc ·;o·r; t-.1.i le i\\'f' ;,kl 10~ .. 1 Newport s;;(h--3869 OCJ ;\N~ llONT 1 Hn. ('rp!-:: J)1 ps, l-·rph• Blt·11\s, ).('n1 ly lc11"r 67'1--!"1~!1 'l BR, P ~ Ba. (rplt'. I hlk to l"lf'11ch $!1Cl yrl). Cal! n13-2rt, -~~-------SPACIOUS 3 BR. 2 Sri, trp!c, I h!k Ill hf'llCh ''early Sl7j Cnll 673-24 fl UNFUf!N 2 RH, 2 BA S~l. N('nr \\'1'~1 t l1ff Shnpp11ig Cull fil2-2ll2 ()CI-; A ;'ll'. FH.llNT 1\nn1u1l [!'l'I $:~) '" $700 ( 111 till ~11~1 lllwtl·l'r1. \I ,\If\ In l,1rlP :->l~1ps, " 1.1: ! h:1 f' •I Il l:•' ~:1 . '1 h 1,,,.i.ni , ;-SPACIPUS-~ -Br:-2-B~. lll)ltt'r (q1I 111•1\ l'<>nl S '.1~1 n1n .. ~·:«1;1 stt.lf,\~ MESA GARDEN APTS 2 ,( ~ 1~11 !11!:, rrpls drps u1il1 t11•s p urJ BIU11s J.nu1 rh1 f,H !l111cs Re( ruon1 \\/ pool rablt' gv1n roon1 ~ltlllll, pool hhq 11!('11 Ad11l1 s nnl) nn pe;!s ~Bl Bristol Cosla i\lcs11, ;r1:1 !i700 2 Ill: 'lu1111l~1t1'<r l1pl1, f1'01n s2·.o 1 Bit r1~11n s1·1·, Pool IC'l1!11S, I Oflll llt'Jll;~! hri•.ikf,1st Sf'parnte f.undy seeuon Close tu •hopping & ftnf' tx•tH'h, 644-2611 FROWT $139 1~ tlH tn I" 11 h n I•: ,\ ti r I r LT [, f'{Jl YNT·;!-:J/\N 6 rOULS 'J'l::N NIS, l'l{JV 1'Al HI 1 ;nrrl• n Apt-. "'• 11 11 .1 s joHll/71 'l 111I Jii k\: ~Jt;(3~\ t11111tu1~1 "11 1'>1'.11 11 ----1· I ~lAl.1. 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Bo!sa ll1ll.1 J!{,\"lf ,l,; D! 13/U-. S l()!!,\(1f r.Afl/\(,J s2·1 "lOP.E I~ ~!{j .. ]1)79 Colll'f,!' °'IU1!11\l . ol\1ol ~ 1)1111\0 '1 1'11 J\lng1 LI :.!721; Coa~! l!liy, CDi'l lost and F"~ l lc,o[lo)'"t-'l'l ""'-'--"-1c1-1 c1c[~,c,-I ----'-• p,,1111 l lO\ 1:1 1~1.1r111 ,1 y (\ii i ~~=--'-"c'c'c'c'c"°c______ . 1 1> \\I ~11 srnu t 11 r 1 ) LQC,\L 11101111i.; -~ h.•ul1ng ---4400 C'OAST Jhrv slorc sp,iic hon1e, fC'tlt:Cd µal10 ,\Jon 1'11 by s111dcn! Liu .:c t1u~k Office Rental 700 .-:q ft 11,t,!ll or ~r\trc Lost & Found 5300 &12-\010 H,,,,., !}111), ,,J l-l.'', .. 1 ~OH I< .1~f'. \Hf11 f Union Bink Hhh.:. F 1sh11i11 Island r 11h fk101 \1111 nfl' ~ii·i .~Ill Sf[ fl .! \J' I• 1.,,, t ,\'(s hl ''1.1'd (lns ~!!'lll'lo or 1 1to( " [(_I ~ I su111•s l'<'ll!1,1I ;!II p11k111..: l:X ~q 1!11-IO! ~ !~th C :II .!"-77."l -------NI\\ f'1t1~11 ,,fj 1( 1 Hldg 2 10 Ii rr:q ~utt•'~ Cnnfl'tf'nr" H111 :\~·ros 1up111 Nt><ll 0 {' A11 p!1r1 i;t~{ :lhll) {IF VJ Cl· 700 "q ft t 1 t I S i'.I f:anuno Clt"n1c-111r 2 h.ilf Si111 h.ilhs C)r,•.in v11•11 ---------:r-ncH1:\IS, p.11ll'l1 d \\.1115, '!Tpi'l1d J 11/1111 J,,11 .~ 1_ h.ill1 ~n1 rlft11ils (<111 :lh B1 011 n tilh lb~I ----:-.;r \\ 9ro s q "t oFJ 1cr.::s h11 ~111p~,.. \'11k L o< a t rnn Cpl~ ll1 ps \l'r1hri1 U1il Jn(' s1~-, !110 61!-'~\·17 c 1\1 1617-WESTCLTFF-NB- :->I i/1200/2300 s/f 1\i.:t -i.11 ::.0~2 \'d:\l [J f,LUXL, air t'Ond11 1on- 1ng, t1111pl1• p111k111i::. :too to l'illl <iq ___!! tii".' '--'·--~---­ NI \\l'{JH r ('! NrF.H, ('\;('r 11'< +'[ll SI I I "iMI "I! fl Al Ill 11'111 ~ ll '1~~ 1 ;_,c ____ _ l'H J ':-;'I ll,f f\11n1-.h111 .,ffl• t' 11 /1••l'!•l 11•n 1 .. 1 ,.,_r-1\ r•>1 I ('1•11l•j S\!I\ tdil-l ~h1 (II ~!Cl • :->l 11'! 1!.11 h• 1~<' lo ~I 'II fl 1•n11 111 s 1ln11nT !111 11 I 11:111111 \'11-:it''I: I ,(f '!J fl O\fl• r• ~I'll f' ]'IO 1fll f <lol~I 1111), ('f]1\l ( ·1111 "') ~II 11 ----- llarhor ;<.Tgn1t C1) G7~>-{i(f-,IJ Business Services 6009 1~~9 HS. ______ _ FOOND 7/'l'il gen!le blac k &·1 :::;::,c::::::_.::c..:.:.::.::__:;_ l\TOVING H11uhn<• E..xi« 7<\0 0 1~ 1 IRO sr1 fl su1111hh, 1 h1I C'nll c n11x alt? / "' fnr s toic ,,1 nffJlt' \;., ... d \ c 1 'ni I\ HOOh:h~:~~Pl NG p1\roll Hel111ble H<a.:so11.dJlc ll L'<.' [lo .1 <<fll!n i Vic. Atlanta & ra:>..L'>< 1.''lll!l" l\11lh\ '~ I 81" -·,,1 In, !f1nn r"I i-H~2 A"1 I II 8 ~,, .. es· · v-j,i;, -----.. Al.1 1an111 '""° 54~r; Bookk('('pu1g Sci 1 ices &I 1 --I d-,~-f R t-1 ~45-00 l .J:,N llaul1ng-~\ov1111!. [1 ,'t.! n US r1a en a F'OUND B!ark & 11h1!f' 26;;1) •1 s!uuh 111111 01 1, 1•1.,\,J. n111lc Spr1ngr:r S[laH1el \.)( BOOKKt.:~~PINl. :->t..•1vue~ J;s1 '•1:1-.Jl7·1 f;,)i~!1o:7 NOW LEASING Huntington Beach NEW M-1 940Sq f t &UP J-fan1iJ1on .(, Nf'" land Sr 960-1970 R,litA'I Pu l /{.is fl c.1 ll-1,lnl's~ )'to>l'S"llal All tl''\I'~ --' " " " ''" ~ ,\!U\il'.'\G, h 1ul ln•• 1 I< ,111u1». C'OIJ;ir 71;\-;:I !9-2-i!Jl s.JS-9S:i > " '-~-~---~~ t.:~p. 1<' is, 1cl1ahll'. 1ul .. 1 J IJ)ST iltvst10.: Hills aH'11 1n Cabinet Making 6014 ~111· 1's1 1\17-7·1!7 L 1i;:u11.1 Lkh i:;1ay sho11------------ hri11f'rl n<'utr1<'d cat CABIN EIS, Boat \V f) r k , * Moving & Hauling * 4'14-:;J12 OJ ·,~17-ll18 lattice, \\.oorl <..."O\' d p1llios StO ,\, 11p 96.1hi1:.! f'ND UlH<:k ,f..:. \\h1tc Cockt•r f'rcC' est lteas &1&-5.?l~ riouseclean1ng 6054 ~pri111<'\ \I /fl('a rol!ar & dog Carpenter 6015 * * * * t.ig + lPathcr collar V:c 1.:02!:CC::.::::. ____ _::= OEDICATED CLEANING NE\V ~T 1 lWO !o 3432 sq I J71h S1 CM &IS.1850 RE1'10J)~::L, ADD-ON, GAR ft S\V San!a A1111 or Cos1a tOUND All Blk Long fl;i1r CONVERSION Custon1 & • \\E; DO F.VFflYTl!!Ni.• i\Trsn offler & wa n-holl"I' n1rilf' k111cn \\L!h f'!c,1 llel'. l On:;I 25 yrs exp, [l'C'(' H.(•[s foie...• esl fil1i ·2s ''1 An1 p prk 2()11 ::!Pl! t_..1v hot t ol!nr D,1hha & Scavtl'I\,, c"c'cl=:6cl5--"'Jc'c"c_ ___ ~~----~~ 1· ll OUSECL[,\~lNG by II Hit! ·"olS Tr.i .. h s (' r v _Cd ill 67;, 16_1.. CUST0il1 C,11'''"'1111 v, i.:1111 k I r " _ ,,~ 1 Ph,1hlc , I 1, 11•111 ~·t ~ 1 li lh-12)~/li44-22~-_''~-~--rOUND 1.;'.c\s \C'nr ,i;. g.1s1 l\llhlk'< hn1 ~ fu1n1!Ult', t'll hout 1111111111uni S~ n il l\.>1i+. N~.\\ ill 1 J4flll2SOO c;q f1 shop ,of !)1~1X<~tl s1,111011 111 11 .1 .. 1.1tes qual l\'11lk \\f'f'krhivs tnll h\i-~l~I & ofrH'{'<; 20~ -: phril'-f' p111 i'l··Ai 111111 8/17. C n 11 91,-:-ocl"r~,~---,--c-~-rdt('i' 1:.! o(I. ___ _ t!'n<:;h ~Pl\ xln! ](I(' nr "'D 518-9600 l'AT ICl-CO\('r~ ,t, de ( k ~ ")''' I I rr I '.'\ i;,[) )l' p !)US('( l "I! '11~ <H ll°\\I' 61&-12)2 ! Foibes LOST lAJn~ hau'Pcl n1u1!1 Cuslo111 dcsignl.'d, ""P''r1ly 1\ pt ." c <1 l I L 1 11 d" 011•nr Cfl!Ol' ff'n1 1.11 V1C' Cn1s1ca bit frf'e est, 646-7"19.'i, 1:i•,L<;on,1hle iJIHit'.if.11 PAC'IFIC ULUt f' I N !) l~P;11~1~k~c~·~M~,~-;i;~H;:::0:·~~'-.'.'.'~[(~6:___10"8.r&-~'l4~9~,~-,,--,0'7c--"" I PAlll.;'. N(•\\ 1\1 1 un1rs l IOO F'ND Bf'IJ'.:l' .~ t!rt'Y ~horl PATIOS .~ n.nt. Ad d1t Nfl!.L_•_n_d_s_ca,,.!_p_in~g,_ ___ 60_6_6_1 !<1 ROCIO ~q f! JR:l'i \\111ll1 cr hair Gf'rn111n Shr;1t1Prd pup )Ob too larp:l' or !l!ll11H Rototilling-$'25 A\f' C i'I r~t.?1tiQ.1 \'Jc \trsa df'] i\1f!r 'i463S70 ll.ough f1 nn11n~ & finish f{<'Liinrl~ci ipln1:. s,,.1 "pikh- *COSTA MESA* L0$T ROXER. nialr, F'a\\•n, Ri.'1lS Rc_r,_Bo_h_646--_:\l;j(; S\..,h•n1s 1''11 t' tst ,~>-f~"l6 Al111m::I 11<'1v ilf·l . \'tt' t:d1n~('f & 1\lrigoohn. EXl'EP.T CAH.PENTlt\' l'.\00 "<! It Sl:Qj l\10 \\, ~1tn1ns!t•1' ~\-'.tll51 1;FNF!li\I. HEPAlll M asonry ----"~l~-:.1~1 I ()s r T1~1·1 .~ l\'h1;-;:-t-,-.,,-,,-,,-(' CAH!Nl-,T$ 01~1 ~1•• \\ 1111t\\IS .~ sinJ tAf~f: OH Lili': ;-..1r-1; C1\T l'nt!nf1n1l A1l'a .1!)!,. ,\1.1, t\1'<'~. bi~,\ '111dl \ 'l\"'(1;\H' 1.1• \()fl1Huoh ,'ll~:lt100 .. q f1 ~~\' b\~\ttn li 111111,, bl11,k 6070 "O '.'\S I '\(I ::,~ 1~11, ,..,, ~ 1 on t' \1~•'111 l\1 •..rt:z ! \l! 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[, Jl1\ILY I'll (>\ * ¥11' 711:7 • ''' 1 •olll"I •II f>l2-56~ I • \Vl"dnf'~a), A119u~t 21, 1 '174 P .. 1 n ting/ pa pe ,-1 ng 60 7 l ~!He Ip W~ n ted, M& F 71 00 -H•I p~w"'"",-n'°te""'d'"", 7M°'&°'F'""'7 "1 oo=H7e"l-p ""w"",-n-:,_-ed'.-~'"'&"'F~7 "1 00=17H.,-o71 p-:cw".-n-=1-oct'.""'i.=&""F"'7"1°'00:::--;-;H,--e;-I p""'W;;-;-a-n""tod-:-, 'M"'&"F"""'771 oo='"'H'e""'l,--p""'W~a n-t:-ed~. '""M& F710o Help Wanted, M&. F 71 ~ He IP W • n ted • Ml F 7100 Jiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~-~--A,.ch1tectural 1 FAR OUT HOUSEKE EPER D6 OAILV PILD1 CUSTOM PAINTING .. :>.! ERlill< ~I", 1111,. '' 1!• I 1<1·11,.,•rl :\•o • • 1<1 I l~n1k•d t.1,.i.11,•1 11 • ti•,.. t .. 1 ... r t .. n. I l I T \ D<aftsm•n Delivery-Sunday Only EMPLOYMENT E-Z MONE Y "ll<'\'Jiht1rii.: lrl 1 .. :.i .. ui .. ut AGENCY MANAGER ~nr \fOUr \'l'rhtil r.ip1thilt11t..i 111t111ons ;\lust IHI\!'~, \n. 0 1: 0 1\IL'' !')I I.OT TO ('f\R rt 1 ~:1 ts rtr~-I l 1111 S!t•l • _, f"'f "''"k luJ • 'P' I .... /l>LKl" lo..'o;lt<;•' ,,{ ~i~,l' (Jl ' I I\ I::-; '1111-: l :s1~ (JI·' /\ I. \ J{(; I·: s·r \. Staffing New Office 11111 llllH' 'l.ini Jp1n UJ ·•PIH 1-'ull /HI\•, 5 d.i} "t't'k fol l'o!l\11111 t•U\ >&lo °""'Ill /ltlSjll!H[ Ar•1•l1 111 1•,., ... n \;)."{1 'upt'l•"r A11· :\!I 11111·-:~i-.:l l·l'Fn :-.11r.r f••1 MATERIAL PLANNER pL/\..;-rtt ·~ MACHINE OPERATORS I-slln1ull'' L•ll\ i <•11111\ IHI\•' 1'11tt'l!C hl2 blll o ! di!Jl"Jtlun uf 1n111 d<'• ... , TION \\ -\<,(lN f)R \' \!\,' j O:\"I' \f 'I \11< 111., 1 ,~1~1 ,,111 oii1:i· 11,, •t•~! '1prt1 1111 \llnlon:11Jlv ~~"" l•1ll.., p1'0flt1rt:. Al!N.'fl !\1 l.un~•ll ( 11!li. 1 1t 1'V!<.s rhf' ~l,'f'I lnu11 11•'"1''!1" ·~ L'l~"'" ,. 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J-" I Ill Pf"'rllll).;" 1"1' 1")11 11'!\ (Ill !tll ,11111, } '"l"'l' pT'l"f'd, liu L 1~•1 111,.111 l 1!u1 v (lp/11\1 r .. r 11111 11111 111••n! u11H1111!1•1I \11.:1''" 1111· 1,, r1 .. 1u1 111·· 11u1 k 11 111'11 hlcii.: ("o f},1id 111tdl<ul 1u~ .~ g11111I \1L~·1U~•l1 p,1\ll!Lrl~ :I I I' If •I l!<oi .+!'I I h~f) fllrll •• u lllj :SI. till.!:!.; ----~ l'A l~'J'/'.';(; A 11'('11111 :;\\I~ v.rir knl.>11'-h ip b,'U It' r 11..(' arh,111t~>:· c•f Ill\ l'\!l, ~~70:'4'\ S111il<'l 1lll; ,\ II ir1n;; 'xp1 [ l!JI .11111.d! l~J!O' '1 .. 1 I! HJllL 0•1l11p r ·~Jd "t•ntll <kin shHp, L' :'\\ tdJ '(,;(I .. , J l 1:: !'. I' IO;.,, -,-, -,~_-,~. :-.tt1d111tt. full &: p/\1111" J\!il lljJ1'1LIUl:S vii ct!I t.llllt~ Apply Ill /)t!!'SIJ/1, J Ilk Ir\ llll llo:I., l 'A J\1 l't, or!I .I. t \1 o1 .1 1~'11 ' B.tkt r ::it, ('~I! !<i.<llfl~ lo> \••U " \L ',,, AUTO ---- ,-;.111~l11• rt1•Jl "(/'f 111~. 111 <' LOT •1.11.N • ~11ni.11t·~ hi! rqJ I , • ....., ----1 1 'l"turu t d 1n Auiu Lk.1.111 *Wallpaper Hanger* JU,! jJl1J11lt1'll} !\1:1y c.u ~. ( H1•t>k" IHl1:!!.;<1 :0-!t,Ld~ J1l!1 Gvo.11! ]]Olli-., 1 ,,1111~•ll} Jl., l!<'lllt>, J•Jc11s1111i \\<llKJll~ l"lltlllll>ll.'>, J\jlp!y Ill l•lt"'•IZ l>rlJ~, .'ol> jlllQtll. l.dl~, "''I \11 hit It.Vil Ill l 'l~!/I-p.11nh~1', hOll<',.,I \lt•l'k, r-. '' Int •'\1 Ir<'•· ,•,11111 111 l:t•f<:; '>l ... ·!!1'1 hi.!-:~l' /--~· * 11/', lll:-.t~H i\1 * \\,ol!ptl1f'rlnl! \. l'.1u1r1nc: tl'>'I F'>! (.Ill !>ltiOJ1'i I' I o"I I ('s<::1unnlll J~ln<' '"•II t'I''' ~<. 61-"'ii~t tr 1•r l-',f1111.1lt·<; -----1 '\l'l f~!l\;.,,(,]'.'\C; 1'111\lll l~· ~\I Int 1"np Q11.d11v 11.,1 I.. t 1 .. ,. I .. , H1t1 ti-12 "''.:!I• p ,\!'.\TI-[( hl,.:lil1 quid1 f1"rJ 1•lf11 lf1n1 llHlrid l1K1• \<!lll hlJ,.,lllt'SS ]'1 fl~ ljlJ f•:>I Pest Control ~ 1-tl-1; 1t rn1HP 6076 1n<:p ;.;t 11· -;1 1 i\9,• 11 ll Plaster/Repair 6077 TERRY BUICK Jin .I. \\.ihiut I l11tlUn.,!u/\ b• '" II *Al'/'{• I ltA'\:S~tlS~H);.,, .\11:.:Ci! \.\IC l'.\ll'lll11l "{.lVI f\lf (jU,J1liC'd L.~! t1.u1:snU~l;lvH .!iJ>1'{:Jal1t.L 1111d11 ldt,11 ""1 k1n ~ l'OllJ.lllOtlt> lll bu~y llt IV Chi I} ilt«dt i'S/UJI St I S.llltC ,\l.;1 , i!Oll ill d l.11•\l•!I\!. lJIJl t' .~ 1,JU,,11 :-, I" , ;.,, <'II ! " fl ! I ~t 11' JI l I\ ti Jl1111l.11•1c1•, \J.u 1\1 U1ur •Uhl br11>tul. ------1\UI<! \1,\\IF'U L'-.,d r·,, i\l~l · nii1111. Uni)' t:i..p1.·111ntl"d n1,u1 p ,\TC1! PLA"l~'!~!,1 ; rl•'t1I ••11pl) t.c11~1.Ll \lv\1 >1 :ic J\IJ lyp;:>~. ~1,.,, ,,1unair,., Ue.ur1"'n1p Lil/I ilVh .\Ill) C,dl "1\~~2.i <>IV-~>JU P lumb;ng 6078 Au=r=o~M=E~C~H'7A7N7IC~ 1----~-------JE\JI On!}, Uusy :Sno11, pd l><.llt' 111l i\ntt/ll'llll, L.\l AVON An Equal Opportunity Employer Help Wanted, M&-F 7100 Help Wanted, M&F7IOO Carpenters 1\11011111'/) \I" 1'11111 t•d Millwrights. Cabinet Makers. App]y ~!t1r...t1.d l Jl•.),'IT l~O , lf(H S I 11111•·~!. -.1\ -, ,I( .. ~~.: ---------r',\!lf'! 1' (I.I ,\'.\!'!! \\ 1nlr<! !\('ri! 1•1•.,111 ,\ppl) _!2!fl_ "U~·nqr~1<'_C \\ Car Wash Cashiers. l..t,i.;"1111 1 ll1·11r-h .~ flran~•· CJ! I> ~1-1 IGO ------CASHIERS \tr 1011 .11 It oi-t IS 11 ~ tfld Ii o ii rt a I• 1 ,. , 11 ,. ,1 1 111 :1ppt'.t1.1ru-,•, <'rlJC•I' 11•11k1n,, II /Jl<"'>l1i<• .~ !•l!!'-ldt• Ill Ill!' fr'f'~h .u1 " rr ~" 1u 11 1111 (fll '.\ll'l' 1.11·1 "I' 11 .. 1 I 111 l'ull lllH" C-.:o l':O.IJ1'l' II• 1\!Jf'I"~ •Ill 111 /111..: Xl11t 1~·11••f11, Appl1 111 1ll"rs .. n 1><-Lttno)<: ht·Hlc Iii F1~h !;:JO Lid, l'.11k Jfr f\ l\ ll ~ ( 11 I{.\ J'()H ;'\.c.-,-0-,71-, A\'l'f'HJI \\ 111111~ ,( ,d>ll' I•) \\•Wk ) OU 11" ,\ .1111lJJ!U•LI~ l\,:J11r~ ! 1~1111111 ( 1!1 ,lfr > 'IJ) ->\!{....If,-,\ r ·1 ·r 1\ 1 :Tt'l·~1Ac-.:--, .,-, -,,-, 1•lt1111•· I· .. 1 I) rn11r11 ,!, 111· 111 I,\ 'ltrll"" l•t t'/\I, ~l~ \!'( 1~ [\., •'flil<'l'I '.\1u~1 h111 0~ d1·1><'11d .dilf' (a r '.!~ ·17:.'..' c~~~---L•1':1J\1'RY \!.H1, o ;1r!1 11101 rung-T1111"~ 1111p 1• r 1 nut<· i'\orrh r1~r ·t lll• ~ 1 .11 .. ,1 \]lj<;! h,l\(' d1'l)f'lld>1[}!(' • nr :116·17ii0 10r -l ll, hl'.!7 !<) I di-1•\ ~«U :il ~llU h<'LrlC: I cJJc>c;c,c1cAl~.-clc'ed~>-,c1,-.,-,.-,.--1<-,-,. " ' 1sl1u J 111 0111• t)f n111 -.••If '" 1 \ ~ 1,, ,,, d1nn~ \I 1• 111·.-I '!\1•1,d full ,I, p/t1nit• 1~"1rolt· 1n1111C'd l11r,.lv 111 L"·~,.~ \11,,1 S..: l!unl I" "Ii !"<lr 1111•1\1«1~ 1,dl h n1 ( 11 ~I <rl;).fl-1 :J h ;i r II , (",\"Ill .. I{ JI (l <.; 1 ! s s ·" ''"rri:rs:-'·"P ••11h :..::"•' l\hss \!, ( l<111•l H• ll Hro1111'- '!1 JOh s C•··t .. t lh1v. south I. 1t;u11.c• ==~=~==~- CASHIER WANTED F/11n1t', !X'rrn,uu•nt METRO CAR WASH :.'950 !111 rbo1 Bl, C(r.<t;t L\!.•,n CLEANING LADY 1r.11nc<'. kn••11 rh 111~1 1r tn1· lllOh"l).,"1' & p!~t~!1U1~ So.Jill!' 1 h.ursul" .~ S·f 11 t\n11 s111nk"1 U!l\i•'' 1n &-l!fll1\l nl-;N'fAI. 1\ s .... Is ·r AN 1 ' f-.n1hu~1•~l1• 1111•rj.;1·11, P''ISHll llllh I' X jll' fl I'll(' 11 p1'• ltt'!'l'd S:--.!.-irv op r 11 ;\~'ll lJ(ll ! r l'n[r! 1~1t-!l5J J1~;N f,\L A~S l ~TJ\:"\1 • \fl( 1 ("ha1rsHl1• '.\1•11 l•ll1 B1·1ch Ofe. 6 4 G-llli6 lrtlPllll'lllll.(: IV\\\ 1111,111• ~. I! 1.iu '''11'-L tl• r s.\', '<Q!_l/'l HOUSEWIVES -SSS 1nu1~• 11 r"ll" 1111111 >.1111 !------------·I Toy & Gift Parties "11'!!<1\~' l-\t 1~1·rT ,,, •1111 I Li )t 11pu•11•1" 111~11, I tll ~t·• 1•111d 1.ifrs II t,ndi.:•r~ 11111 tl'Hlll AAMES GIRL FRI. to $625 I~ lJI , • 111 • 1f 111 p1 .. 1 n1< 111 A>.:•'11("1 Costa M•s• 556-1100 !'iOI, l I 1r!~ii· Ii.I Anaherm Suit" ~~J7 77~8120 ENGINEERS & TECHNICIANS n1 1•' h u n 1 <' 1 ! J • 1 " 11•, ~.ni.:1111"'1·1'" 1\llh 1 hJ Ill 11'.tl '-''"II UI !11 c {' J1 .I 11 ! 4 ,, I p 1 1111111 11"11 d1·1·1 lnplll•'lll 1•rn.lu•ll1•n 111alhlnC'11 ,\. '!c'\t'l' ~Jtdgf-1~ ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS !n :l'<SI"! f'llJ!'llH'('I' htr1dbt1..,1r/ .~ 1,,,, "''ll!t' [H..-.CIU('!lc•n luu' 1.~1 1•q1111\n1rn1 />1<•11111. •ll is 111 11"11 faC'1!111f's .t 1~ rilpidh \/l' i\/lt IH<Uloil<' l\111!!:' pll••I\• ~ 1111~ t~•s11lp/1 l•ffo I ~ I Ill lt'IV fur \•fll 1\ln~) f t.I. )['ill'> RUTH RYAN AGENCY l'i:1{ 1-.:• llfNf!, ('\I li!l \1 l\...•1i. h II B 1.16 1x:.1 1\17 t~;11 FINISH CABINET MAKER *GARDENER* 1 Ik' 10Ar 01111 boss' Pa1'1 or r/111111· 'l'uur 01111 ar\'ll lir.C:h 1111:0111<' Gua ran!et~! Customers Earn No11• Puy Uller 534-71 87 or 534-3144 GEN'L OFC $450 lllo'"!1' t l\Olh• 1111 •'~ l•• ( 11111 1.1 Slt!t:O! h1 l •• 1 ~1 d •' 111 o ll),,1r.11111g !~ 11ut 1l11I JlJ11'S <1( gift., ,\ If!\<: f\n 1it•ll\PJ lllJ:: I\</ '1•111 I'l l!!!.( ft1•f' l1<1S(t "S g1/1,, ;\,~. d < U r ,d] :,\7 '/'.),!} lu s• 1' 1111<' 1 ;1/!~ 'n t; 1dg1•1.., l11u1 !11!1 r1 111 l INHALATION THERAPY TECH ~1111 2 11-.;, \I,. r u1 s1ho11I 111~ S,,j 1111ILl11''1l~lll dt 11 / 1r11111111i.: ,\ • 'I" r (',•nl.J• 1 \Jr II 1nulrvn c '11,r 4 ;\J.•, 1 \11 ill l\1,..1i, I I.' .:7, I I 111 , Insurance Billing Clerk :i.\O ."l;t'I\ J101'1 ('l'tl(t•r 1)1 '>Ull1' :!.'! :\1'111.11 t B• u•h r.1(~-~rr ,o INTERVIEWERS-- :->u111•v :ll1d11 d !'1'~lu1t , H i~t' I 1t•· ~~ !ti 51 Iii di'!~ nd111.: 1•11 1 ,q> d11illu" (' 111 [II '.t) r•lll I•' ", p11 \ I ii 11 1;1-..-lilltl "l .!1•1-s .I. !"'I fu 1111 t11!11 r 1-:1•11 11,11 111~~lu<'t1"11 plu1111111;: 1 .... k ( 1>nt,11 t 1.!'Q Sufi!~ ~·oi !1111 !"\I('\\ PAUL DOSIER ASSOCIATES ( o~tn ~11•-.11 SS~707S tqual ()ppo1r En1pln1• r pluu ,\ppl) ,\(,\l\l-'11 '\1 California ln1 l!!ctlon Molding Co. :..; ' ni·ig;:~. ( ·n~t n illf's.1 i11•11u1• lodu~. ('1•111 11!1•x1 PRESSMAN fin "llt. !111\k r111 nn 111d11' II I s1'1 1111l )<'IH's 11ruff'>11~p1·1 ~ 111' 1\11PI l'.1111 u I Carol Smith \li\TI'Hfo, 11 nn1,1n for f/1un•' 644-5800 •'11 t11nc: & !old1ng fahn1·~ 1n /\\ro .. tn:t11('l11! ""r.111• 1u•11 11 .1r1•fk)U<;f' (rt:iod pppor }.qu,iJ c1111.1r Lr11pl11)• r f•lf rl'l1 1 fl' ri;."1 lr1q 1------------•I Hnlfm.1!l } ,1h1 lf'to, :I 4 ~' ii\. Cor n111 k r llt ·~K}-3l:lii e MECHANIC e f1'r•'1gn 1·n1"' r, 12 :)1-:: MEDICAL TRANSCRIBER --·------1 PJ(t:Cl'\("1' \\ .. 1 k1·r~ r 1) r· Po.•11111~ i l qi~• 1 .. !!••111•" r 1111 f'.l/llf'o!ll.:11 r It \thh• llr<: r;,•.-1 i•IV 817 :\'71 ___ _ l'Hl. :-;1 !11l\JL f"CXll( I' I I Ir 1!•1•' ( ·1,, •!1 I rt1• lf'lll • "l'flrldllll~ N<•11 I" tho• 11111" 1•\ !.:< t Ill Oil Ill• J..:l•\llll<f Jlv11 11f 1H11 pruduf't d, 1!'IOp1111 llf, 1111•1 111<11111 1!it flll'lll~ \1 otll' "f>r10ri11111 II• s f••( I r1p1d Hl1,11H <'I ll• nl i\ppll :\h•olr1Yl11 lndust111 .. I'll" !':.1ut!i :-in~.111 s \ 'I I!• •l.J, !1'\ U\C' TRAINEE ------------;111.1s111!1d "'I"! i 1~1d 111 t'>ifll•'l111I \lll' rt s p lll•'•ir••,1] )Y'< l,)Jds (/1•p[, ;\lu~I I" )~••ll :\Int II 11 t k I II>( r\1111pl1•x $390 --ENGINEER <;;1ru1tu1,1l 1!•·si~1u 1 11 /1nu1 •J! 2 \rs "'!>-l' 111 1 nn .. t!lring srru11111.1! l'tl~111r<'r1nc: ofl' ~111IH 1\11.J liltl 5-1':-8'..1()9 EXCEPTIONAL Dental Receptionist 't• ,t .. 'rl for C•'lll"t .11 rlPnt 1~1r. .~1. i'of'111>t1r1 Cir illust bfo 1111!1 f'\l}l'f S: C"~p.1hll' 111 11h .~ J1LM11-1n, t• n1i1th•rs rt<:: 11111 .1~ '\ 1' II' l~ frl',11!111"!1[ Lllt ll'IX'. ~.d h'1nth1 nt 111<.: i: ! ... lll1n· 11'1·1111 C'111n1•h, .\n~u~ 1;,,1d•>!l l'•1~n1111tl ,\~, 11< \ !,I'.! !~iJ! ; .. ., I lllh ;.,,·o 1-,, ~'\f (.,t :'>11-'HAL OFFICE TRAINEE 1r.un ac SJ-Sl :)() per houi J',11\ t1rnc, ~1'1mu11: ul' t'\CS, sn1<1ll o f f1tc , luu atrnt'l"Jlhrr e You n1us1 I.Jo..' 1•11th11s1a.."llc llR 8-li\,'\ii7 (5 0) INVENTORY CLERKS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY }"01 Sept 41h .~ 01!h -G-ENERAL OFFICE-11a)"' S11111g ~h1t1s WORK ,\IJi>IV in Jlf't~on J!l.L!At:LJ-. f;J{Cll\ 1:-;c; (\J VOLT 6-l.:-31:t! Temporary Ser\lices Ii!\" i..:1~~1 l1pu1i.: skills .-.11d1r1 .. 11s '-•1 "'I' 1)('1 1 h11~1 uldlth' "111 ·Inv" r hj'-1-•lll_'~ "!I S1111 1i~·n.~r11~ 1' (1~_: f''1n!n< r ~f1-.: Q 1 · -;, r, 1 1 1 1 1 l f:·1I~ rgl,1,s .\r111•1I•' l 1-.s! I ~l ''~.1 1\!1 ltl Fnrt'fll Ill t \I" r 111 all ll<""l'!lt il, 3111 \'1t1l11 t1, O! 1,11,1..,,s i•f 1111'.1'\.!1!1'<:: .~ Iii~ 2~;1 • Ill p I ... \'•',. 111Lil11.;f'lllf'IH \1~-8r \L Tl:('Jl~OI (J(;[Sl , ~111.._l !II" t" ~1 :1rl \.'I \XP• .. 'lll'!l•••d p hrl finu ~1u1li ~ · St <;;,,n 11<'<'k<'nc1~ onl1 A ll shll1~ \1<'1n 11.,!111'i'l f ";i 1 \.~f,~l'i (,ocid inoon hi;:hllng hnurs Tuslln ('~•n1n1tull!\ l lu,.p1!1tl Kt.:: 'lf.00 1' \I 301 R~ ,\J. ~"I \It \\ h\' 11"1 11n1k 111 th" hnr 1,·~r n1'1'.1 s Jl11111ui.;!u11 H1 111 h/~001\1111!\ .\l~·clh-.d Rrcuu!-. \•II•>' 1~·1 !!' 11.1111 yro1.1 Tl tA'.\~H I BfP. 1·~11 l'lul \J1• C-.:-11111•f' I>'•)<::, f f t 1 111 •' Pf'rsru1n.~1 1 '•~"J..1-~;; \ tH •i.:" lh•,11 1'.,tn11• !H•pt. !IO.l\,! lln<::~~n __ RE-CE PT to sna L R 0 1'11;; PL U ill B I ;.; G R<'nlflll(•l<: & H<'p.11rs \\rtlt>r hr 11r1-.:. 1l 1~sat<:: furn:i1 f'~. dshv.a!'ol1rs 61'.?-626:\ \l /C & 8/A Co111pl1 !<• Plun1blni:; Srr.·1t'f' Lu 7.2fill I ~ -----f{.,\\"S l'LU!ll H!NC: Sf;H\'/Cl:: lll"pa11"<:-f nst.tl t ,,1 l1)ns Says ... Expc-r 5 '.\'J1f'S ,1 llC'f'k t;P\I .! 31l\;\1 '••11p<H1 B<'h Qf,• blf[g !'1"~"ty \\Ork for rC'l!,1 v.0111.111 1.11-oor: BL 111E 81'..~I eoss YOU l•\EI~ !!AD :s<he~lulc }UUI {lt·l/1'11 111111 ho w~. n1akc 1,.'DV<I l>J.'.liTAL l!('cl'pl. I 1r d<.•n!,1! l.'Xflf'l' Good Jvh ~lln sai.111' $({() lil'nef1ts. S.111\•' S.'ltS 1-1 R S.16--3;).I{) o~-:-"l;TA L J\S~1 sr ~"1;1~ nr i'" rt Unit• Urrl~ ,.!il111 h c·ha11s1<1" &/11r l.111 li>.:h l.\p p11·r rl ~l!-'ii"'<, !l~.C-.:1 AI. ,\~,.,1-.1 ult , 11r"I fi 11111" ('\jlil J\•11•!!1'- .., llH' ~•t II B \\!> .'11! r 111 "',din l'~ t~l·I 09:.!l EX. SECY To $750 G irls-Guys Travel l"1~ r.11111111\ ll111(• .~11, 1: 11 l/l.:': 1-rf'c !(l rr.11C'I 11 1th 1 \cn..:~ fn•111 l lC' J\11T.10111 .!i.11lt.'1nnt'fl i;1nnp 10 ll:111a11 \\1/';I \l1d1<.d 1'1 111 \ltlfl-L ;\l,\!llS \\,!I k111111n h1•hh f'll\ l1r111 WILLTRAIN '"11 111!1 111lP•n11• tl!•lr t ull 01 r 11n1r Applv c.~~r:i 11 ... 1101, h 111'111· l.11"1 f~t-i \!'"'' Inn .\111·1 llo11!~1r 1••l~l l~1.11d .t "l•lll • 2-1 hl s('I"\ lC'•~ $-!>; 8113.~ 11nrl lllflJ{lJ' t 1tu•s ;\!u"t bo ;.,,.,1\ J\1,11! d•l« 1.11 •1 <•"1·• \!1 •"1 .. 11111.11 1)p1J1:.'. ~lrr1! R•model & Repair 608 1 11l1 )ney, llll't:t 11 1tcrc~!1ng j>1'<.lplc l t all hflppt.•111; 11ht'J1 TRAINEE POSITION 111'.i'\TAL ,\-.s1-.r \\I r;u~y HR Office, Cl 111 -1<1,, I xp On!\ 962-: I ~" l I Ill 11til11f' \ " ll I' , d1111111~111111•' c·1pnh11inr~ Ill tl1 1-1~·~111011 ( ol lll"'f'<l,., t "'IHI<!\ ll/~>n<~I 11p1nio ,1 ,J, .d•iltll' Ju '-')l\'I' 1l.11lv l•I ,1,1 .. n1s 111 I<' IS 1111 0PP"l 1" ••u11 ~~ fn r 11•h<il \<1\J -...:J ,!(, .1blo to ~r1r1 1nu111d \J\IJ!·L \IA!fl \\nrn•n JH•d ~ 111.:t•k<: C':\J)tll!'if' JlHljt \\1•h'I\<' 1 f•)1n[>f•'l1•puk1n:r ftl<'!J::C1\t' L.1l'!Jna f\r;uh l "1'-! ._ .~ )11~'1".l [ lnll,:t' l••n1 111, /\tu~ 111 1\ h h o I yull bcru111e .u1 AVOl" llOOi\1 ADDITIO:'IJ , Kitchen rcp1csentall\e. Lltll'tl n\01 ~ & Bath f{e1nodr l $;1\e 00\1' 1-~1MI1t'C a\ ii JI Bond, d/, _,_,_'.•.".".'".·.'.'•0-•7•"·"...,-...,. L1c d1h1<::'d F rCi' 1'<1 1-,\PEX 00:\"DED CO:'>ITP.S 13A.HY ~JITt.:R, LIV JN, no ~ house11 01 k Motbcr 111.."•ds 1c~pon~. person ior baby Roofing 6082 s1 tr1ni,: 11htle she 1101 hs REP,\lllS, all 1Yfl('S !~ca<: ~'i\~ <'st Lied •\-.I; for \\'alt. S3fl-j(J11} 1H11 t1n1e Ea<:l<'r s Roof1n~ Si:'r. K-e r1•roor1ni:: r <' p R 1 r <: & add1 !1on<: ft N.' 1-sl S.16-90~ Sewing/ Alterations 6084 l)Rt:i;;.s:>.t AKl/'\t. ,'( Alterations !\ten & v.01nen Call J o J.'\f, S.~:-..~ Tile 6091 C ERAlltI C TILE: NE\\' & remoclC'l, F'N'<' c~t1mrtte<: ~m )Obs "eleon1c :i:t&-2-1~;­ T op So ;r 6092 • TO P SOIL * rOi11 PO~I • .l\1 ULCJ I * R Eil\\'OOD Call 'i~frll930 )[II] Job Wanted, Male 7025 So An1er GC'n l IC'm11n is scrkuJg ~ <1<:: hoosen1an Orn cl"'• lie Good l't'fs. Call 6-12·5299 Pi\l~'Tf:R-t:XP 1:--,: AU. PH1\S~;S \\ 11..L IX) ODO JOBS C.111 ~i9-~:'I Job Wanted, Fmale 7050 POSfTIO:'>/ Ill hnn1c \l/\:lt1e<1 d111ll"'S r<'<'<'!ll !ll'C'T!'l•lll~I hackgrou11d 1..-1n1p 1111011 I•! , h1ldr,·n 5Jt).8tf.Y.> Day 11urk, gC'n C'l<'An111c: h(lusr kt'<'f11nt: Jl <' I 1 11 h 1" 11 nns ~,i:r217i 1-~L!·:.! 119/;-,11 Cf.YJ.f ~ 11 AClQUnlln~ C!Prks 10 $52:'.I St>cN't.u') /Bkkpr, Spa111sh :.;1.1l l ,1,1rd shift in C'Xt h.111i.;c 1111 J'tllllll & board u1 lt11 .. 1) l..;JgtJn,l /Jonie l~I Olt)'l Il \.!:SY~ITTER 11 ,u1l(•d lu t'<lll' fur .S }r old 1::111, ncy ho1nc r:astbluf! illun ,\.: t f l 1 '.0-!l J{l i'\I 1 Ut•s. \\ l'd 'l lllU "· 2 :~Ii ?,O J>\I )lu~L I~ t'X jl(I U~JI fol ••Jlpl u .. ~s IH-1--tiJOO EVl.'l; G-l+-11:.r; ---------liAIJY:-ilTTEll, !\1on , \\c<I , }-'11 , 7 )J To 4, 1 child, agt' l, jJrcfer our honie 01 Corona de ! r.llir a rea ti-ll-106-1 ---.o=~~~~~-. BAHY::il'17 1'.H /or ;! ~(hoo! ag1• ch!ldrC'n of ll'<1ehcr, Ille houseket>Jling Cost.l ,\IC'sa 5:17-Hi3J l:.ABYslTl.EJ~ J ;-i 111on ~'rl, ov. n 11 11\l; $1~ I\ k. Sl.u 1 S. pl 3rd (' i\I <1 n:a :J7'J 711,j Lilt• "'" B \B'z SITI J::H., hvl'.·111 J1-.kpu.; Pvt apl nr 5al,uJ _G73--li.>3 J.),\11\ SI r rEH.-1"0ec~d-,-,cl-«>cl,71o sll\l'r for 2 pre school boys \~ill p:i y 11 eU &15-2lD'l BAH \1 ,\I U, expen cnced prclcrretl. o\cr ll, J-'ull k pru l t1111e, Nights & \\'«:k ~·111.Js Costa illcsa. area Call .)..ll)..99 19 l3A lt!IL\IU k \\"Al l'l~::;.S Sl Jll'r h i , -..-:;vo<l Ups ·~1ott-9-l'i'~ A11ply 111 !JCI son. 10otn1 :lpn1, L1Hlt• Johns Jnn, 5 lb-%-IS B~El'.;\IAlll \\,111h'<I, 11li-;l1t l")I k Apply In P• 1 son S21J \\1~1 1111h -.1, Cnst.t i\lt•s,1 l~Al~\l,\!lJ, t /tl/lll'., f\Jt, ~ Appl\ -.n•w p}s !Ono "'' 1 .. 1 .. 11 nl r;'IJ i.¥,.ci.1117 FILE CLERK CLERK TYPIST-40 WPM DICTAPHONE OPR- 60 WPM KEY PUNCH- CL ASS IFIER UNDERWRITING CLERK Jntrr~!1nc r!rt:i11 .. 101k !"orn!' lllllh :'lhlht~ Hl.'(\\lll~S 111.:h St'hoot D1plo1na Xlnl ht'llC fi rs ,!. ,1url..1ni; n:in1ht1on• Appl} 111 1n·r~ .. 11 S ':H-'J ',() II 111 illC>!l-~·n SAFECO INSURANC E CD. 1i570 nluokliur•l, }011n1 i1n v.1lll'\, :\1/F' r:qu:'ll Oppor E n1p!O}t'I Clerical Job Opportunity TYPIST ·1:1 "-11 p nl l!Il\I So-lrctr1t 1 lnclur1<'s n 111r1ct) or t\pin~ TYPIST !CllT Tf'n111n11I~ • <lJ "-11 pm ,\11111\• 111 f•.-1,..-,1111tl 11,,pl !l 1•} 11"111 \Jr•n tn PACIFIC MUTUAL 71~1 ;o..r\1'1•>1'1(.111!'1 J1r 1'\, 111 ~111 B• arh I ![!\'ii (lppnr ~ rnpln\< r ----CLERICAL ro~1110n l"'l' f11t11rf' np!1\urtf', l11C• !vplng \\ 111 tl'1111 h11 c:l1t f'('!'<;llll 1.,Jrn111 '' 1r" l1u~ 1 \flt r :'\Int ,111i•t..1ni:: c-ond~ \ ' o l,,..11,.f1ts l'l111nt loll l 1Iil nr :llll•I\ 'IJO f\:('1\1in1\ Cenl11 I 1r, :.; H S111!1• ~.(I CLERK TYP ~IS=T- Dl-;'\T,\L J\~l~T1\. ... 'I' 1'\P for I g:u I offu e Lag1111.1 Hills S:0-1391 ----1i,1 .. 11.1111<'d fh1s1s,1 \\,\ U~Nf,\J. As-.]~] \"l;r I \I 111111 ,\:_ f~ll{'lllhtl J<:: 11 .. 1 f•,1 I-int u1 J:,11h l 111 lllil!IM s~97 ~ AAMES 100°/o FREE 1;1-,-.; rAL rtec .. 1111~ .. ~. 1 1 'r' j Bu1"'•HI .11 p1ef_d :\Int ~.d ,\:. 1~111'J11~ I J 111pln111u•11t 1\..:1"11•\ _•liS-J.>'>,'< Costa Mesa 556-1 100 ll[\;!/\\,\Sl!I-:){ .\ppl1 HI I' I '7••· l!.11l~JI 1:1. S1111o~ _'fl7 ""11 C' .. 111"\ s H.~1 ' <11, Anaheim 776-8120 '•-'U Ph~• S;in (1• 111••111, Ii/)) ,, 1 J:11c!ld DRAFTSMAN EX SECY $750 l-111i•h .trC'hllf'<'lur:il f!nn i1llll1<"1!l<1l(' lift1'rllll¥; f (Ir lronklllt: ff'll sh~rp ;_; !1 fl hi.LI' Ur.111sn1.111 111th n1u11n111m F /C BKKPR S700 "' .: \eilr~ "'-l"'l'Jt'tl< ,. ,\/P, A/It pa\N1\I. .S1n:dl f\.nov.ledg" •>f pl,1s1u or <11<• ••fr' (,0<1d llf'll('f1t~ ta:..t1ng htlf;ful '!110 vP.tri< DESK GIRL $500 of J-'ng111C't'flll,.: .-,r \1 1th <;;111 ill 1nr'fl1co11 or .. lookln..: co1 1r~<' or r q u t \ n It' 11 1 [ l••I 1 ,1r;1!-ilt• frnnt ofc ~ 11 r.-.qlll lt'd. C.il! ft11 l1J"'~l111•111 .1p1K,J11r111crll NEWPORT t 11 11 :, !0-4020 PRIMARK PRODUCTS COMPANY :i.:il S <;;us 1 n R111!11 An" C~d1 f 11J,'>~\\{_'f!ll !1.11 bo1 t. r 111' \ IC'll !VJ \)f \\ Af llr'! I f,quril Opportun1!) ~;11111lnvrr mlf DRAFTSMAN S1n1C"tur,ol -0r1 hLh't !ur:il u1 1"Unsu!11ni:: s 1 r u C' t u r ,, I • 111.:1111't nnc: of,. ~ u1t .1 A11o1 1,11• 11 >--X_lh'I DRIVER nu! 11 •s 11111 llH ll1d" drn 1ni.: f c1 f\\\rl•d '\\! llJf1>1J1l•l1ll1 ,\ .IM..,1\1111~ lll 'lll]'/11111' ,~ ll' 1 ('llin~ (I• rit \Ju,,t 11'11< ll••t1·11~11kn,,111 .. di.:1· •·r (l[/tlll;!' t \) .IP • ::: ]. ,\ 111 ll'll1't!l1lt\d 1\lii."•l't 11.11" I 1J1d (.old d111• [' Iii ,\ ~t.iud lil11'1ll):: It '"'I f }•1r 1\pnt Con11rt Carol Smith Personnel Agency Newport Beach 642-3870 EXEC SECRETARY Jlr1 t lopl lit !l! /t ',111-.11 lH 'I• •!l Yn1111..: f11n1 fl"ll u I rl'~ ."'.·1ltt.H 1 I" /'1,~1dt !l1 .\1ui-! 1..,. po r...-1n ih!r• ii. t;11I • r1l'nl1•rt .ind 11 o <::" r <:: s 1n1'1·1l111• ,\ nry,:o1n11.1!1nn,1l ah1h11<'~ Pr...-f+>r r c I 1 t C' d h .1 C' k J..; r o u 11 d S.a!.1rv ('fl 1\11111' II~ II r:l 1 f' \Ill)\ l'Sp<'rll'nl'f' f 'hnrK' 9?\-1S:fl -------- Experienced Saleswomen :\,,,..,1.-.,! !"r J [1:.11 r· , f 10 .. '-'1" < 1,ol11 ~h"P 1hn "i><'1\11L: !111 f11ll Ill!\• ~r ~ k..:11 I !'1••1 .. 1• 11ppl1 •• 1 1\pJYlj• ... :-, • :1•11'.tsl11on J,t ind "I, ii! !, ! I .:1 ,,~ ==---1-'.Xl'll'J!,"l;rl-ll \Hll!l )' 11•1n1111 11/r<·f~ 1.1 1,nrl; ' 1•11 I I \!1'ft l ~ It l.11 \ ~.,I"" , I d.t;i. ~111 k L\!011 ~it "t 10 f,, 111 I J1 :\1 (,1J! :0.11~ Arl <111<:: iii I i )7-, --~--1':\PI I:!!";\( !'JJ l"O t' k 1.i ! I 11 !lll!'~s Ii• .j !1111011 f1l'~· l!'o\1!11!1!~ p!'n~'t'1n1 J n1n11~! 11 r 1111 111 >1•'•' t.,. 11• fns l\1• J{po;oi l 6 i! ,1) I ~" C' k, l't'l"'•llllll ,\t.,o'll•I 2:;(} \\ t':1,h Ori111 1ni:: ,\ l' co u n r P 'Y l"I~ 11 ll;P~ ,\IJ off1•'" \'l-1-1 l'i: t 1 anspo1 1.111on !ur111sh1•fl & 1ndu.,1l1,il skills /tit' ---------1 r·or f){'rSfln.i! 1ntC'111c11 l.'fl ll 11f'f'<'htl Needlepoint Pa inter \\ 1111• 1', S111f•' 2\'ff, SA ,1i-C.l l:! i\l1 s S,111ds IT~....1\7'\J !01tn1 t~1111.Ll Oppnt E1npln1er l-1'1111d1• \!11<1 '!" l'!'l" J~" lp111 illon F'rt onh l=============!I , .<1 1 ful 11:i111!in!.'. ,t kr1••11 GROCER=y~--r1t'<'dll'l"'111 r ~t'•11n1 ."Hr!~1~ SALESLAD Y INVENTORY -,,,-"P·'"";c-c,~""' \\(' 111'C'd n 111a ru 1"' .t r'pd BOYS & GIRLS JM'l-.on 1111111-r"d 111 l.:••"'I CONTROL 10 yrs & Older t1ul11!1011 \1us( IX' "'Pd • 11 DAILY PILOT < •~h l't'".;l'h'I \Ind t' r 41 h· .1111 , ... 1 "!01\ ,,, "" CLERK llli.!111 •>I' -.1111 111irk J "h ,1..,.1/ll v.ou king t'f>ll1!111on~ l 111r111 ni lun1 ,\It du ,ti ,\; ho-.p11.1! 1~·n,.f11-. ,\/•ply L1ndht•1i.: :\tJll'Hlo11 !1_1111•1 l.f'\l'I "" I ''isl 1'!~111. Sh\',, J> I n ;: l.-.n11•r, ("\I F •q>o'I' l•'•JUl!t>tl 1111111• nlnl'\ '""'n•l K1t•I•' .. 1,h•11• Ill 11nh !I.om C' ,\ i.:•'!lf'I lf [II'• d111t1r•1l 1"n1rul ,1 .. 111,.I Has Routes Open Dana Point Capistrano Beach RECEPT. to $700 ~n111f ,,[, 11p1,...;1 r 11H 1 1\\'l'.: ~11 ,\ 111.r1~ ~ .. 1r "'"1!rr RUTH RYAN AGENCY 1~·1 '' 11i • 11 r· \! 17"1 )-;r ,,h !IH !.JI, 1\.,1 s 1-·•·Ji ''~( f )''lll•'l"'f 11 1~1..111, Ill llllllh, f'I• '• l('th'" !!ll"tl fn1 •'\/"'! \Int 11• 11..in).: '' !l•I, t~ 1" fl•, I\. 1, rl\ \I 1111•r I I• II 1!"'11 i~ l'-llf• \\urltl ! I 'Hll I )!11)~ ',i ~'il~f . --II' ~ t I I' I I I I "' I ..: I' fo1r 1~.1"1' l lll"t 'l1pu1c; ,i; GUARDS ln1nH'1l t•niplo' n1C'nt full ![Ull•'s l..,111:,, I I ....,1 <.:11!'11 I' OJI (!)lo T \ I• 11 l-.1i .. 11h1•1d prt'll1r1•d , ,, :'.,". 1.11; ---~=~ S J C • t l;~t"l l'll(l\lSj' h!•• an uan ap1s rano '"""'.' '""'· ""'"1" ,.,,,., llnl•, fl<1l \ 1111\\. l n~1d1 111'.l1'k "urk ;u1\ ,111(1 I 111ror n1s fur11 'r.;r11~,.•rt H•~it,11, {'OST" \l••S.t .111·1~ Urli\!'l'<I) L~-" II .•th ~I' '>1111t 1 ,\nrt l'.qu d llflt"-'1 I n1pl1J1 • r HELPWANTED- l'1·11n J1/t1111< ](ll1 df'l11 ,•1111f: I,\ r11111s lu h111nr' ,\:.,pi~ 111 t111· r111111 '> n ai '" r:.1rn1n1-: .. S.!""•) 1no ,: "':OA\J .\lust lil• dt•pend 1h1•• ,t h1111 rt 11:1 t ran~p c,.i1 :.11, \.!l~ Hostesses Busboy, & Dishwashers Apply 3-:-,prn Daily DENVER MINING CO. 7111 \\ 19th St, C \1 HOSTE f S \ In Pt'l "111 ALLEY WEST :!11,, \\' 0 1(:J.1lfl'JI\! \r11i,irl 1'..-.ath (,;~Ji'l l I !flt ;<;;f,(LT .A'\ f'.\(; J[)\1~<'1111{<: 2'J '" ('\\('r rnr <f••l)}f''!I( I l••;\lll!l!.'. ,) \llltl' ~ J: q.:l!< dv Anne-61)-i,-c,~ Tti-;--\ ~l'l-.r.-,1 .. 111. I~ lV'lpt•r L11t• 111 1•1111 !r1nsp I\ ill I ti,,. i"UPI" ( h1ld1 •'n ,1._:1" I! ,~ l::i 1;.11,.011;., !di} ltl'~i h7)-4J60 f.{'dl!' 111•' '"!.!' J ,,.•kH' 1\H ll<'l PAUL DOSIER ASSOCIATES ( ·~t.1 \l• ~ ! SS~707S ~! hr 111 ~11.rt l!lr.-1~!''.! CALL Mr. Lowder -1:11 11~1 -l'1~!T1rW 492-4120 ..; ii Q In ' -_• 11 )(, In ...,,11 !fll•1 Jfo1r!•1r f \I \(l1' ll1nn~ COOKS HOSTESSES BUSBOYS Ai l'nrr 11111<' KITCHEN HELP Appl) J ·1 l>,1111 251 E. Coast Hwy Newport Beach t ciuril (\11n .. r ~.n1plc11rr * ccu·s I·' II 1~ll!11t' All !<;h1ft.; ~:\.I I !I• lll I~ Ill 111 .. (,1 .~1 11.1rk111..: ,-.-.11.t111••n~ COSTA MESA Memorial 642-2734 EDP Helpful to S!JOO ....., Bartenders ..,,,Wa itress.es ....,Busboys VHostesses 11 l!h riun~h:is111t; i)f'p,inmf'nt 644-5800 r,.11111111 :r~r,:! 10.1 Pr1nl(), ! 1,111,1 1'11111! \fill Lil/I I louseke C'pC'r I l~ab\s1tte r S!Tfl"R. 11•11n\f'rl. in durr, EsC"row ScC'rrla1y to ~~j(J Star Type 13kp1 O'A lo 5~1111 SN-rct.11)' sti"il Superv1sor /C1shll'1"' Sf)."1() Ret.'t"p!/Typ1st 600" Gal Fn/CP/\ o"lfr lo SOOJ G. Ofc/h!c bkkpng S».!J J\1•counllng Clt'rks lo SJZi ~ PERSOf'.JNEI. ~CES•N:IN:Y 4AA E J7th St h•I iJ;•uief C\! Suite 224 642-1470 ' <ICCOUNTING CLERK p/1ln1e. Corn pu te r Hdrl punch exper. Bookkeeping M'I"\ S<'nd r t'su1ne t o Cla"<1it1ed ad 11<1. 2<e elo Daily P 0 Box 1560, Costa !\fesa, Ca 926:£ Accounting A11 i1tant Good typist. Prefer e:-.per AI R, A/P & gen I led,i:Pr JrvH"lf" Con1plex fll'tfi C.Lll !\lurlel, 5~1 70 ADVERTISING S•IH. Exper. space sales JNrson w•nted by exciting new weekly 1port1 publication. High Comm. f•ll (213 ) 375-9346. AtVERTTSING SALF,S &: YOUT, Creative female king for 8 81Rrt 556-81 ~1 ALL U>CA TIO NS Male & fem. p/Ume help Apply Kentucky F'rle<J Ouckf'n 6.'13 S. Coosl !Iv.'}". Lo.g1.1nn J)each/Z129 r. 0".tb.sl lf~'Y. Cd1'f /34122 P aC'illc Coo.st J-fM')'. D llllll Point AM'IIITTUUS :."-1u11,e n1&11 to help !iP''l' ln!ry ronlrn.clor Ce:mf'nt finl~h1ng & pn!nl1ng exp rK'<' 11 .J-n~.c.~~1 AMBfTI US Cc•up lf' w h o n nl x1n lni.m11e p/lim~ \'ou lt'I your gonl 6J9.6It.l 1\pply Jn Pt /'son I -lPill 1n111r.'s Rt<:l<1l1ran1 Ne11 1JOf1 Cenlrr, '.\ l~ .~ 11\1('nfnr1 rc('\">rd p&.;'111J.! A11"Q r111«n11;il Sf'n1•" 1'\IJ •.ill Jl',111 at ·~11; 0.111 f-_;qual ()ppor J::n1nl")' 1· BARTENDER Exprr only Apply 111 pc-rson s.1m s &afoo<l H. 3901 !'.: (hist Hv.)', Comn.1 de\ illar CLJ-.RK T1 p1s1 m<'drr11l or !====::::::=~~===== 11P•lll o1111'f' rsp pr0f1•1Ted but -----------BOAT BUI LDERS Westsa1I Corporation Nt'cds ./ Carpenters. ./ Engine Installers Cornpa ny exrians 1on has t't l'a tL'll t1pc111ni;s for carN'!r 111uxlC'd people Apply NO\v, 163:-i l'htcrntin, C 1\1 BOAT REPAIRMEN ~lust h11ve wA!crfront <'Xpc>r I ~ ne11! & h.1ve clean l'f't'l'lf1l Bli1tk1c 's Boat Yard, N 13 Ill/I llC't 1•~s.1ry 1~7 ~·i() Cocktail Waitres.ses Lunch or 01nnrr Shift r.111 &12-1AA0 Cooks & Drivers } 1111 T1n11•/P11rt Tune O\rr !1 1rs C:-i!il rh11 1•r.; hlcns(' 'lust ht• n1•.1t & perso11.1bl<' f.lb 71 :'\li Ct l(JJ.-s, n1<'t1 nr 1101nrn 13Kf~r exp 1np11 H~1·s. J\pp!v l!l Ill. <>ll Cll rrl"/1l''s ltc11t11.111- ,1111 , P1t1) !urn nlf, S.111 CIC' n1enl<' (_ '001\ $.1 J)l'!r hour per 11C'Ck f'x p nf'c. 646-9178 COOKS 20 houn; f,7:; &G>I Lunl'h ~h1f! ' Days. J3CXJKKEEPER, full churgr , C:ill &12 7/®l Rss1sl;ml to acrountant !Ivy COOK, CONV. HOSP. dt'ta1J C'Xp, fn~I J::l'Ol\i ng ;\1Al1u ,. 11nn1n • Gl2 Cf.f.l'.l l't'l.lll 1:0111 p;1nv, bl'nrflts, top !;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pny, po;.•n nancnt ,\pply tn pt_>N1C111 Batk Srro1•L, w.> H S!rl"-'I, Tustin BOOK K °"E"'E"°P"'E"'R-- 't~/C lhru T.B Prev. expe m pub accounti ng ofc deslf'ed S:1 l o()('n. \Vrstcm Bill:llW'S.~ SC'l'Vl<:CS, &l2--02 L2 56.l \V 19th St, C />f BOYS & GIRLS Nt'.'"-'Spepe:r Garners !\fin age 10. Lido /5lt', Balboa Pcnln11ul11 Conrnc_1 ill r Hn rlcl!trorr Al the D/\IL'I P ILOT or C'a!I G1:t·~321 ~ Je11vr 11pphcnr!n 1 f:{111111 Op por ~'.11\plovrr BOYS & GIRLS Thf' DJ\11,Y l'JL.OT b11~ ,,,u1r 1t orw•n !n ( r1i..·r \ r-.1ES.A, C't ll.f.F:r.1-I' llil\ & EAST & \\ fo.ST t:llS'l 1\ i\U·:SA. &12-4321 1-;qunl Opi:ror F.mpl,.,1 ,.r COST ACCOUNTING CLERK ANALYST \\'111 :l !l~Um" ms! rtrMunrin~ d u!u•i; ln<'lud1t1J.? rl1rC'C'I lntrir rl1~trlhu!lo11 IU\e11rorv MS\ r1'<"0rJs, 1\ork in-Ptu!'l'~~ Jll \'<'!l!ory .I';: 1"0~\ t'l lll'lt rs pr<'l'IOU!> m11 nu!. c x 11 e r ~r1·f cl STACOSWITCH, INC . JJ39 Bn k"r, c.·o~I H r.1"'11 5.\9-",(H1 Eq1111J Opf)<)r E111plnv"r' C'OIJN'J Fl~ r.llU. ,\l••H 1!1ru Fr 1 1n 1 .. 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Bilker Cos!a :0.lt'~a !l79-53(f) l:.qu.il Oppor ~:mpl<JVf'f --ELECTRONIC--1 TECHNICIAN "")r s1\ 1111-: ~h1ft 1'hlrk film T""l'1r1r falHI• 1l1nn 1r11ln 111)? 11101::111111 ,!\loll 1'1 <'fr1 o \por !)j!l'i...,\l Elact~ic Assembl;;- J'\fl('r'rt '101n1111 ~n1 111 t'l'l 111 \ B Applv \lriru1 .. , 10 11111 3 >.:111.,...nnr, '1 IR 'lf.""!'l. /\• 1f••l1 !•Ill, :~1; FACTORY WORKERS St~rltnt: 11:1i;.:rs 1"ln1mrnsu- r.1tP "/!''ill\. I level O,ty or nigh! to)Hll~ • "P· l!C'f N'ff II 1,; ~1 1!.;111) SI Lr1 Sep! J\fusr h.1\<' olln rar SM pC'r l\<'C'k }'ounl.1111 \ :i.tle\ 963-:177~ 1\p11I\ 111 P<'ri-r•n EDLER INDUSTRIES 2101 Dove Street Newport Beach linl ~,-K-.,-,,-~Pl-.R---,o,c,-,-,,-, p1rt t1n1f' 11!<' 1n\al1d f'at<' :'\pl R fiT .... /1.6.1 Clfl s<::1f1ed arls sf'll h1i: llf'n1s, smnll !(em<:: or 1H1y 1t<'n1 111<::1 rall r,12 ~*'~' SEEK & FIND' Kind s o f Saws CA H OITC IRF SUACERMUL ERC llA 0 NP Y U LDO•IYS~ I HERP USSORCM E A P r. J I S G A C ES T 0 N E I R CUKASB R J L 0 L L U cfOlL K E Y H 0 0 L E r.f RA NYOW ltTW O E R E I MT USA AllERAVENT I L P.f C E c fHRE CA ,\fN HRER GS US RE NA RIPEC C IRllLABOKM N lll EYE K s B U I NT RWPFAFOOJULORMAOWEO I 0 E B If R F R L R R E V M N 8 E R M CEr.tA C R OS SC UL TEOWP IR 1t1111u<:1M1R• 1 ~. tt"1dtn n1mt1 h"W brl"w 1r1"u fl'>fW11d , !>1<~"ull 1111, do\lin Of d••1101111!y 1n !ht fHif tlt lifl•l each t10!11lrn nAmf i nd bo1 11in11 ~•'I"' n tt o\ 'l!J C'ROSS Cl'T KIYl/011' I llAl'I Fl .. (\Jll( f llt( I I AR /"Rtn'TON l l \481 ltMA N S '" I Ol'IJ'o/, , llA( IC l nmt'om1"' Stnw-~ SC"ROl 1 : I 11 "''hr 111• t•r ill ut tlir , 'I' 111JrJ I,,~ I.. A I 11hl h.,,,1,.,, ~ 1111111h1•r, ~ tl1111><)!h 7 \tlld l•O ll'lll\ fqr ~.•.I+ n1 .. l..111i: 1 lu,I., .. I''' 1l1h t•I \~11.. ,\ /u11t )o.1.1r l dt'i!ll111 ~111Ji<~l1 \Jolr~,.. ltlltr' 1111 ill' nf 11.,, ut"''llaprr. MANAGER TRAINEES --------- To $130 Per \\!'ek }'ull & P/T1n11' ll<'!p Ladies High Fashion Uniform Shop I 'I •) f 11 SI 1 I! ll 11:. Con1n\1~s1o1n ,t H1'nrf11~. <.:on1f' In Or Call NATl9NAL UNIFORM SHOP \\ f:~TiltJNSTElt i\lALL ~~-30SR ·- []All Y PILOT f} ;' Free To You 804~ 1 H~r_ses 8060 Miscellaneous 8040 TV, Radio, H1Fi St 8098 I J I \'\,~y--,-.. -.---1-,--.--1-... I"] l -.1 \,\l,fl/1 \1:11 \I •\n·,, .... -.l.11! tolou• .. , rr ... 111·1: 111.0 1111!1 llllv.~,-1 l Tr.in,1xirto1l•011 ]1.ii:.1 I He lp-~a nled, M &F 7100 I An~l_qvc._•• _____ 800S 1 1 WA.1TRESSEs .. I" 1 11, 1 '"""'·1"·· DELIVERY-SUNDAY ONLY (W ll~l l.\' I'll.OT 'lo f '\lll11FI!' JN Fl TO HO ~l ':iSlf>~ \'II I0-1 \Cl~·\ N1<.;1 I· 1: \Il l· __ \ ltH/I ll<l·,Tlll"l '1·:111· \L.\1!<;1·: j1l\l\1'1• ... 11"" l-1111111 .\iJ,,1,i.J" l \1, i1111• • \111• 'J 1.,,,,.1, •I•• 11 ).\ 'll1' 7 1•• ·I" \I'•\ ·p· ,1.,., -~ ~,.ol1ll<1!1/.St1•1• ll tl ~!! "'•l'l•l 'ltil/H'<I 1'.11i.;l1-.I ~" '•• \]11-. 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I .... 1,1ol11.I 11,tl.i1· i, 1 •. i11 1 • P 11n e , 1001 Help Wanted, M&F 7100 ' ,1 ,,1 1• ,1, 11·il•d1t1 " 11·s1 ~r · I ,.,1 ,1 11 • .. 1 \,11 ,.11 1: ... 11 -..,\ ' '• :sl I\ r\t 1'oi• d I" Ill"' 1!1,Hil' I oq '1 ' !1!111 1 1111\ '"' A .,, II 1111llJ1 "i 111 l •lllo f.'!•HI ,._tlpf.i•lll•i tl \ l•!l•I l,11!,(1•1/\111• ,\ '""' \\1 01 I \I ii • I """I I 11 "" I I 1•111•1 Sh 1kl1 o ! 'I I• ,j 11, / "t' j(fi~ DOWNEY SAVINGS & LOAN 11 Iii '••I•'"' .1 .. 1io I• I "11 t ol I 11• • "' \ H I .i " " I "Ii•' I , ii I I , \f~ 1, ' I , I Ill• 0 ,I I • J • l • ' ! I \ I n I•' 11 d ( Ill I I 0 .t lttl ! j + 1"111•1! (.'qfh! ( .di (1J 'I d' . " ; l ''r;' .'' .'7 I ,, '!;I \\ 1i.,::1t1lnt' .' I •I )\ '" • <r l•I '' •' 1, 1 '!; !:·::;·:;~ H h Id Good 8065 l'I 1111-. l\Jlh hu ... J, t •·Ii I· r1:1' •' 1 •7' II I ~e O 5 ,, Id" ,\ ••1111-., fr>irn H~ 11'\1 6' C AM P E R I -.1 .. 1 . 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I * TEMPO * Nee ds You Now! 10.!0 1111< h -..1' "1"" 1\1 * F tle Clerks S e cre t<J ry Jr & Sr T ypi sts '\1•11 •1r1 H• "11 ~ , \I~' * Dial A Job 833-0855 * No Charge To Y ou * A ccounts Clerics ~1.t"I\ <.111.11 '1 I 1111111 d 1•"'111• 11 ILi '' I• fi<I 'ii II I' l I I 11\ I ii I" ! ti" • \ I 111 , I I I• •' tllll 1• ' I• I' .i;, ''' 1.-••I•' •" I \ Jllf 11 • ' 11 , lo • r I " I ii " I ,\ ""111< J ~j,. I.!'" I I • I I .J I •I ' 11ol ·~ I\ .. 11 II. 1.. 1. I I rl h11l1-l!'\ ill'' I I Ill• I Ht 1\j•pt ',d1 [,,,u I .i"I• 11 •1m-r:1:~ (',1J1f ('(Ill\ SECY/GIRL FRIOAY- thallrni::in..: ••f•!ll•r!uo 11 f•>r r11.:hl p1•1 .... n11 \11 111• <; <•f i.:• 1l<·1al ntll•'' \11\t'h \\1JI t1 .11n a!; 1·l••1 l1•oi111· n1.111 •11 ,1 !>11\• 1 I' t\ I ••lllll\1 11 .. 111 •'• 11 I 1 h .l ], l I 1 I \ !' , ' I \ 1 11 I \ .111.1.1. I Oi\ • I\ 'I 'h,/h 11< Ill I\ r I ( di lltd", ,\H I \ 11 \I \ I I: \ I I II I· •• , q; T est T echn1c1an 1'•'1 I•" II• (I(' 1hol\''"'' Ill I• I !1 '" 11 ! 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Equ.•I c11•1••1 I i111'•"\"' -SHOE SALESMAN I• "I 1::i.:pc'I prr·f'1!, hu! ,~.1 11•'• \\111 r1.11n. (~·•I '4111•0 j\lanai.:•·n11•11! Ill!•' 1•roe,r,1111 i\f)pl1 s ,t ,\ Sll•h'!-. \,l "· Jilli "'· (',\1 ,sl(QI , :-;,\Ll .-:~.~ •. ~11• nr f1•111. h1 i.:r •ii•• -.IPI'' 'I "P h1 nnds (,1•NI 111·-.. 11o11· t nicd 1 v.u· p111f11 sh 111 111~ r ·11 r•o•r 111111<lt~I i\lt Curro 11 -~1114!1.'-!1 ;\ nr11 :-.•rAT ION A 11rno l 1111 '1 ~" n V.k. (lld1•1 111·111 )ol l(rll\'f'\'r! ..;hi lt il'.\7-1~"'' - --SfOCK CLERK E:oc pt·l l <'ll1 •·.t 111 1111 ..: ronlp:H1\ " r o 1 k 1 o o n1 . rt'Cf'l\11111.:. 1d!•1111l1111i.: <;fo~·f.. & 1-~Ullll.! p.otl' ,,,I\ .lt':lll nt ~~w..--0111 ___ _ ~IUO l·:NT': f/I 11111\ p/! Jo all /\i•.it "11.1. • .1r f)h nrc t'olr Lo'\ 1 ~'ilfY-'i \\"> T ARLl·.'I" 1 'n .,., lll"'r,11 .. 1· 0J'l('l':l!<' rind l\l :i111111111 li"•lnrv 1.11.1o•11nc n1.11•h111" 1••1' Phni 11111,.,,11!1• 111 f11ll 111111 FJi !l\.:f' pf..i,: i\lll'! I(• i\01 II l,inwilr<> 1,.1 lw 11;11n l ll"' ~1 1:1 Ne111)11rr Hh•t ~ \1 Sales Telephane Costl'I Mest'I A rea Work From Your H o me Top (ommi11lons * :1·,~ ~I] I * Jo-:(]Ulll ( l!'l~lr 1'11 111!"1' 1 "' 1v1•,r. r.• .r,1 ro11 LAL ON f11 l l.1) F o r an a d 1n Call M arcelle W oman's W o rld 642-5678, ex! 330 .... , ,.1. • ni· ,,, Ii 11 ,, ,,, , r. 11111. h q1\11 .: 111 • 11 ·~1; 111"' • d •} • ••"'"~.on•!'"• 1 l•ln11~•'. 'I•'"' "Ill• pnut_.. :in•l Bh(•r1'\ ,,I.,, In I' <11••rn I a-..) 1n ~· ": l'rn1t•ll \',.t!r rn ~17 't · ~II •·••' ~11"" ~. '" I~ l I, If., l ~iJ·· 1. (hll~l • I) •1 -.· 1. 11 1h • -• "'~-:;·,In• h /:lbrle. N n l :-1 '"I lnr ('Ill h IMll• tn Ao11t <'~ < o•nt ~ lnr ,..,, II P•tl• rn hlf" ,,.,,•I"' tn.n! 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J)>...,•\f'll "' "' 1 ""I 1J "'""' l'l 1-l•<'f"'" • • '"'""' l• w.,rc•«•1 '1>• l••n ~I· J~lot"<ly tl'l""l~nl l'I• l(.N-""'· r(, 11o.i-"' ~.r,n..,.,, ~(»• l~Q.o M>Ju 9V , JO f..... l>~(lp l•J ""'! •0 N•<• !0 1, •·•1~}96 11(up!• •l lntfrlttr 710,•n• L1J10-n8l8!i ••r;., .. t •Jv.-.. 11 "°'" , ... ,,. c .. ~1/UNl/t ~JU!•ll "' /1' JUI• l l '6.V' • AUG I I • '1 971>-:& .~Jt.111 .a2 e Vll GO r ~ AUii; /J IJ.( J' 1r•r 11 ll>-19-ll- Sl-!.l 73 I<[....,,,, •11!.ng ,,.,._ l•l·-· •• °"'"''"< ,,~, 1' v "11 •~ "' /~ C•lob<o•-• I/. •-1.,"0~• I/ ........ 1 .. ~ 19 '~ ~O('-'•f<1I "' ,., .. 111)..,., 7lW "' •• 1~1 ..... J 1. ...... ..,bf1 ,,._... 11 r., ... t 78 "'~ ~a .. ~ """ ~Tll(~~~G<"Oi ·~ '"" ~I "•'I'<> ~R ff>OO¥ """ 'flO! ~I (°"'"""' ~)n,-..n ~· ~"'1 ~· 11> "<I• ~,(,.,M 'l<'"-·-l !>ICnn ~~"'' ~OP\bl><. "'fo (2)11dvenc 76 .... ...,, ... Jl Pn,••<uln>ly rs.,..., 70 ,....,,,,,. "' .. 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C!Hlkcn ng SC!!QO;\"J:J~ ,\u\. •I! \JI:-. \11/\l!-s Sl5fl/holh .• i-ischt'r. h:a\\!ll _ h:tmhaJI g,11lc) J\l.1ke oflrt " 111 !•I .t \\kd.J\~ 11 luh· 11•l1·•·t SlflO/f',1 h:n.11>c . t'ol-Qn ,1;.: llail'' 'l. _alt~ __'.~":.-£1!"''-'-----ll·•nd., ::.o S :w 493-lli 12 l\I · r · ,111 1, llSS(•tt -S01n11'r · ~lt'.'111-S ,\BIJT. f:e:_:ulo111 .. n 11 ,1y · Slorr) & ('l.ork · \\ u1-1 F1h,.rglo1~ .. 11·11h If.+' 1 '' n FABt:LOlS Bt.:Y 140 vrd« Pr. \\'ur l1t1f'r . Y .. n1.1h.t .'<..111 !.i.~'tlll'nt •'u nd "IJJlf'!" 1•1"1\'\ ,111t1qU1' goltJ 1\l'IV S1,1n(!lS J I .• , •• , .. S:J!J-j -1-17-l~ !'\•·~ , .. 1p .. 1 lhll \l<I, 2111nr• <>N'i>n U?.l'fi /runt ............ $9'.i :-;('!t<lCchc_c1c,colclc.1c,-1c;-,~1c11c1~1 ,. n~ Inn 'Pltt~h -,:.\ 16~16-12 2'!-~1 \'lll)t r s .......... $,,9-1 E:XCI-LLL.\'T CO:XDI t J\ f:\ ton. \<•lr 1973 Criu1amGranrls •· •.......... $39::1s ::-i1J 1:1.:71•• 1\h•r-l" hrnn1l n.--.11 s.~11 *ORGANS* -l•r s11111r• f1,1•rt 1-; ... 1 11 fl•'. Sjfl C.dl riftt'r 6 P :\I B.1-lrl-1 u1 . ~nnn -ll~'.11n1onrl · -rnuJ,.1 !-11JJ ,,1iJ . ...J1 , 1,, i'llh-~,,11 l\av..11. hunh.111 · 1)111H'} ·1 1 ~({1(1 !ii~ 1~1<.JI 8\1\l .\1111• { ',11nt'r,1 lilt'.' ]l .. r H.O!li,:( rs· ll1on1a~ • Yan1al1 ~ --- l""J SiH'l'!1 YiJ H/\V 1 ~r -\\u1l1!tC'r Gulhr,1n~C'll . 1T; I \l'.::-;,111, l:l-1_! \r, Sll i r r ' " .~,~-, 11r "I\ sc·, \1,-._1 t~ir SfiO :\\111 A1, 11 ··-'l.~!I - "n1d Off,.1~ ·-..IH--11791 IOpt1gri n .... , .......... $l~ll--2.1 '-· ' __ \\ 1~s1;;;J h::jl,1 tf'n f~) nrf 111,111 Ln11 rPy Sp111t>t ..••.... Sl95 CllANC~: ~I .u "' II 111+• fl!" 1·, r1111 11.-1,.r \\11rl1!1:rr S11111r t, nc1v .. Sl99 111ICl'C'st 1-ull __ r.1•:, 11~ ... 1 (',,..! Sl\ ,,.11 frn S.lO l!ru11n1n11d /\-JOO ...•• S.11c · 1ttl1u1dr,( r., ..... fL.! 1,71.t:r. *WIN FREE* -..~111~:1 ·,i. ,,1,"""" 11.,, iT1'f'f:r1nt tprlO'.\' .,f intirpi•· ORGAN LESSONS XI (l'lld l,i.: 11lil 1111 ~111 1 1 n.ll~!,ll /'17'1-fJ.'i(, -----· 11 1·-.1 r 1llr IF>1•h 11,~id c ,,, , I.\ ,1,,1 1"1,,1, $l-m FULLERTON MUSIC '-' r 1. 11 ,,.,,,1 ,.,,,,,1 , 1 , , 1,: 1 _'\JO lREH J:,ur lid. l·1•11nt 1tn \ ,tll f'} 11..:i.:• d Sl .•111 "1 11 .td• 1•11 ,\lll\J\(,-,__-1-1-1--,.·,-,1--,,c_o_,·1 557-4836 f 11 hi ! 1.~1\/h;.-·1::'!.'l ••11 • ,,--.111,•ll·• 11:.:! ~ lL1rhor, ~ul!cr1on llOHll--.--1.,-.-:\lul (011d I" ;,, H ll••l1d.1\ 871-1805 Ha rdly used . X tr,~s. $1 :~1 nr Ir' 111,· -~~---­P!,,\XT::i. Fems. \\nnn ~111 BALDWIN ORGAN I' ,.,1,11 .. r F r••n1 ·h S!)lt'.', \\hi/ (,.1!1t :Xln1. sri·.n ~)'15-.\967 r.r <•1,l1n:..;<; Jio~f'<; of lfO.) \\Tirrn" s--, I'll --,111 -~--,o----,lh!\IHAI L ('011snlt'.'. n11nl ~I\ 1'. 111•1\ Ill•'"· l n11v1·,1I , ,-,1111 ~ ... m 1i1 ina.kt'.' <>ff<'r 1-:i'l1,1k I·: 7~ lj f"our ply { .dl !d I til~:.r-; twr nmn 67:>-8197 22' SLOOP, $400. ,5.l~~i 6iJ-:l~t!l'\ P CAT, l1k~" nc11 Nt'11· J:1r..: g111g. ch._ SI 150. 1\lt. J I' 111 &12 XJ.~I \!I•! ·,,7 S21.! ---------------!l'J:r\,\!I: l'll:TY \\"A:O..IS '73 Jloblf' Ca! & \Ti'.Hl~'!' 11 l'l:'\B,\LL :'11.uhinl.' for '-<1lr 11 1 l\lJY 1'11\l\O ~-OR like u,·11. ex\i~s. &10--IOjt :1>71111 ~I ;1~ I ',\.\1 \H \ ·~ 1\1.1f..1 \1 ll I.II (II• I " . ··~· JllJ;\fl\ "'"'"'' <~11ld \111-1 ' ii ' • •)!,,(I ' ' • ----Motor Hoines, Sale/Rent 9160 e YOU'VE T RIED THE OTHE RS! NOW TRY U S' DALES ·,., 1 u I I (111•1· ~!I \11 11 .. 1 II·• • ~ ,r \11111 ', \\, 11111''1 ,,[ 1.1:1: r:,,," 111111•111!• .1 1, :-; .. l 1111 1\lll • l 'lu!o ! "' "11 I .. 1 l'•·•ll1ill I 11 OI\ I" I H•l .!I ( 'I \1 I • 7 ! '\1 Call 714-838-0900 • I t. \ ! II \\ 1 I '1 'I• 1'1 !(11'1 1: I !I I ' " '" I'~•! { lff.\ i °'"I' I 111._:, t I'! I !l.1 - f1f'll 11:-.n ·1: .. '~·\ tilG 7flll t · ....... 1. :.1n1 .. 1· H"1"" ... 11 ' "' I! 1 , .. j 1111 " I''' I \ ! ,. n11lt'.'"' 't'll 1~ 111 "'" d s : l -~~lll Trailers, Travel 9170 Slro ('C>r11pl1•!l'ly fl''\11rt1d (",\"II • ,,\j-9'1'\:, * 111\l'r f1l"'i'ol Tl ,\I: 111/011! fi 1fL(l{i0:i -------_c=~~~~--~ o 1!1\ I~ lull 111• ,1\111111 1111 1· "" I'll c·i·, Conn Theaterette 552 g· C,\T,\i\l,\JL\J\", 1.1 sq fl u~· 1., ..,,,, ...._,11 ,1o1 • Dint'.'llt' \lnd1111 \\,ilnnt ,111,1 ': innn!hs l\l'I\, sn1ls easi ly cnr topped SL• 111.,111111,, ~11 ~1 11 ~,. !!11111\• I, :'11 ir ro I\ ,j\ !' I•\ I'll '~ fi.10-'l ~19 ... \lu~! "t•ll'' ~.?!((I (tl.fi-113.:>J_ • l~i 1•11.,,,,,, :-111 !loHJ•ll!• 1 •• 1-1"-0h 11, ,----~~-~-I Pia-;;os & Organs 8090 ;!j ' SAILBOA"f & 1110011111.: \')J 'llhi" \SI•,[):) grnpr ... 1a kc f•'rlf'u1i;: PIC n•). l S3900 l11 1H Tl'-l\"l l ll:-\ll 1•1" 1"~1 Cd 1\>11d 1·,. 1!:i1 i"' ?,()O C.1 11 \X-06.1:l '· ofl ! )(;()...!)·,2s FREE ' l'.orn.irl l'I ..,1[,,,111 "1 '··11 c--=c-=~ Adult Organ Classes Boats, Slips/ Docks 9070 l "l" hl'-.1 ,,f_f· i t •n1p1 1 ~111 ,1 -.;t zL;1~r 11 -~1 c·c Sl()I) N<)ll ll<<f'P l 111~ 1f'sf't'\'n1lnri<;' . _S~l bl.rlo 1h•_ _ !'.11 k11d HP \1 1'\T Pnr1 1blr ~or 111f,q 111.111nn plt•n<;C LR ll 'LIP NEF.Dl:'..D for Bc11u11-Auto Ser. & P a rts 9400 1 Sl", Hoth 1:,c{'! fiJ,,..f,127 lll.!:!Sil In (H-.t:l "'lt>s.i. or full~ rna1ntaH!ed Colun1h1.i 1 ! 11-:I , Ill \\ l.1d lf'S 0 l lHll1rs Sil(' flf,1-hi1.\ 111 !'nu11!.t Hl \'ri lle\' :i.1 Sil1lhoat_._ Xlnt rf'f fl\ ;~~l r111:1 Y, ]II I! 1 ''1 r! ,, ' 12 11 \\anlf'd ho\" :lJ, ()(IT lrl'-11111"101 !!'fllU'SIS rh i11 \~cckdays :il6--2SOO Ext 1i:i, t '••!llf' ... 1n1ll I\ \J nlo'I fit hlkf'. 10 srct li30-~HlS 0 11lv rho''' 'llH ''1<•ly 111trl'f'SI· ~,i·c & ii·cckcnrls 644-6111 _ ,,11 l 'h1•1 1.. 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SUN 12-5 m 1n<"r Call 979-'6\l cl,11'~ ~, (111:-; ~ ;;--,-,-1-IOO~i.;~-~l~U~l~;~l~h~IS ~~.I :?1?! \\l11••'I~. \"\I f' 1!'t•111 "'"-1 -----c----~ l'or Nt'.'11 pn1 I & llnrbo r . c:.1 0 1·:t.i.:::-> IJ()CKs-i-·1 ) r li7l-~~·..: I ]'()()], "! ,\Jt],} . 1,~ .... 1.111' 61(....0211 .( \ .. Nl'11 Jns1n l111t1on<; ,,,.,,,,,,, --I -1 1-1.,p, l'U~I hh l\t'lio:1un1 b.11ls Urookhu~t fl t Tn.lbf'rt, rv 12\3) 63&-121•1 t• I\'\\ n..:111•. ' •!111' ,, I' ,i:, ,.1rr~ 1~! r.ni2 ~-6733 S'~~f .1 !1 •t,,11, .i--~~u, "rl ~J1--;1t ;;riN -H••alr-v lY1d~ Sporting Goods 8094 SLIP ncffied 1n N1•11pn11 ~1..,-•. \."i S'ZOQ Ni•vi'r 1J<;C'd Clifl rnonl.\: ltarbor !o r Luders lb, -" . I~ \I,\'\\ 1; ~ 11 .. 1., I 1,~.1 !• , 1!'.llJ' !1k1s ,r;,, 1--.-1111!1 5.%-4~79 CUS'T' hlt Jia ng Ghrlt>r. :i1J ..... 1532 111, r11ll •1 "" ~ 1, k11r• l11•ol [)!SI~\\ ASHf:l-< -$10, 1ntlt'I l\1'.11xl nl'1\' ooncht1on $.)50 \\"fu'il'T I::O Te n1pornrv Slip 01• 0)'>1.l-0.''~ .11! •I'\\ !•1111 ,I',, !Ank $1."1, <;k11! s;l\\ ~ISJ,j7S Sid<' ·r11• 30/liO davs, fnt ~) \\I t ,1,i'\1 1.11. s1·, !>7~10.i.~ ____ TV,Radto,HIFISt.8091 to40 ho111 S3f:-:n·.1,,tj1111 1111 1.11, 11.11· 1'111.1)Ho1111.ANn c·,,:.1r.1t\ BoatS,-s;;;;d&-Ski 9080 ,~~~,1 111 •. 11··111 ,( ('is•>, s:i, \\hr\l C'h111 i STEH l "O Bk\•1,.'' "IW'nkcrs ~nt1ques & C\c:l s s ic 9520 1 SI • •1~-·.r.;1: Hr.ind-{11nil S.:iO r 1 0 1 lS' Cr•nhH)' i'p ft'rl \\nnl _ 111;1k1' 0fr• h ll l-ih~; lll'f 11nnn ?.'10 111' ~lo·l't'ur1 \"'\ ~11Jh l'\('l,\l:J1 r , \-.I! :IL\;-;V lT~":\IS, so111t' nr11 ', .. 11 ~"'I I ,11-, 1,,11 1 1 Color Ptbl T .V . 16" '""lu i,~~ • 111' 11 " .;11111 ' ·•111• • 111 ll'r 11 ... j•il ! l•'I 1\p11l• ('ll • !S. :-upc1•1J (< 111l1tlf'T1 I I !Pl\\ r..:l:iss• ~ '1\sp·,101 ~i:r, 91°)'.'I 2%.1 J\nllYon l};t\ (11111 ~l+r 11~~'.°'J('ll N111 -s.~~1 1 ~W1J•,-,rl11h~·-.,-1~ .. -,~-r=v'1 111cl11f!Ni, f<""t $110011 ('rnftsmnn l '1 ''f'. "'r! 1q ·, (;;! ,.,,,)(j sir~-· ~11rrlf1rf' s 11·..n '" 1,,--.,, n[ff'f $Cl"! r,1r. r,11!1..\ • ;.tR--!lf.lfi 6.i~ ... 3661 tln.\~. f.41 ::-w;1, I'\"" ll.1 \1 '"Oll'f!ll!ll' \"'I \\.t! ~.11· 11"-.Hi•d ... 1,. d" ,1•·\I ll "' 1\\ 11,l. ,, " I' . . ,) ll LJAJLV f'lLOf Rec Veh icl•s 9707 BMW.;_ ____ _c9c:7c.:.12 Hcnda 9727 \qJ,. T· 1r1~ I ' I J\1 ! "I ,j <itlNOn}-~ •r(~y1 rr '" '"11•1d lr1ppo•r Jill\\ on d1 .. pf;I\ 1teudyf11r\';1f;,l1t1ntnri!'t ! -.1,1>·" ... .t11. \J,1i11,. 111t11 Bu) 11"11' •. 111.•f"'t no•I 1111 11\io!l"I', [)Jt ~.I .!1111) dl1\C-11u! Sp1· h''"' \'HI ,) \111{ \!:\T 1·1 1,11 1· .. 11 i..111· ·~•ll.11 ~ .1! J:11i .\1r. tu 11 r11•l1" 11· ~1 :\!1.1'1') Tuy<•ta, l'i.\'SI 11 ... 1l'l1 11; ... 1 '.'l.'I nr ,,-;: 1lfiO BJ\cl , llunt1ni:1on 1i,.,11•h BMW 97 12 A 11-ir1~1.i____ ___ I ~~;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; 1•1;:; t 'H l·:\'Y ' l'1·u1~.11n• I• o·nrnp. Pfl'llP H~·d A 11t11h·• l!l -"IJI St•llNt/ .. 11 .11-~1tj~ •UlM Ol•tfl fO • B A VARIAN Sports, Race, Rods 9540 '7(1 Dl':-.•rE!:, \1Tv • 1<'1111 "1~!. H ur~l. n1:1g-.; ln-.1 Jllh, lllll"I ""II' ~!·r~l '.>1"·1:!111) 9SSO ';f.t \\!I.LY',.; l'.l~i. r~·hll <'Ill!. \1·r1 1111" 1'<>111!. :'IL111\ \!1«1~. '.\lt1~! -. .. 11· $1.;,,if 1;7:,· '.!'tilH Trucks 9560 \,.1 J:L l',\'.ll!:'.<l, ·I :-pd. '.l!tUh'(' \l'(l!li.,, :.!.': •'ll l!l. \'.>!, 01·1'1' :.10 llllJb l;d <'LIJl\..I. $G\!j, liol~-ititi7 ·f,S G'.11C, '~ T .. ~!ii. IJ'IHIS., :!:il ('IJ in. (~O(M.l t'()r!d., $\200 1;11-7Y01 1%:; FOl{li ', T Aut" Iran.,. ~ f~ ~ M& W R . S Now In Stock e ii ':fl f''> S. 30 l':0-:1\ e ::'~l:' '..'({1:1,, ,\· :lf;'J2 TH e I I B.,\".,l:J,\S 4 !<tpt'l'd e , 1 H.\\".\l:L\s :\Uto. e 'ii ,, II ,.; ,\• ,..;A's ->.1.:--J' l.L.\:-'I'. !'l,,\!\'S - .\ 1.,Xl'El.I I· \T 'I 'ft\ ICE • ~<102 i\la1xuPri1l' Parkv,•.1y :\l1s~1on Viejo USE AVE!l'i l'\\ Y EXIT. s:i 1.:ro.10 • -1:1~,.4~.19 Flat l'k~I s1;~1.1 61:>-l(j~J ----------- .~71 \\'. 19111 S1. C;\I Vans 9570 '63 Cl! E\'. il.l'"' f'llh, n('11· tr;1n~. n•'1v painl. 111otC' 11ht'('IS. [1\I, 11an1·d, i.tllri SUJlUl'h ronrt ins1<I(' & OU!. ~>IS-593i /675-TJ67 'j2 DQDC!i: RO\'AL SPOHTS- :\J,\N 12 pass. CUS!O)TI, full.v N1u1p. llnrnn('. Posi-u·ae. 53.6.·~ (71~f 494-3271': ')JUST SELL ·7:1 !XIJJ(;J-;, ;unl frn. p<111e!cd. ?7.000 n1i. 53.IOO. 516-:1966 art. ~1. ---- '67 J-'ORO ECO~Ol JNE 2-IU.£ c.1rpc11ng, p.111ellcd. <()(}. &J:>-41'..'6 '71 \'\V F:O.\JUI \',\'.\', ~lnl n1ech. conrl. Sl!>":.O. Call !TIOl'J'llll~S. 6i:ri27:./ CREVIER BMW Sales·Service-Leasing #1 Largest Selection of New BMW's in Orange County CLOSE OUT '73's NEW&DEMOS GOOD SELECTION OF US ED BMW s Crevier BMW 20i'i \\'. 1 SI Autcs Wanted 9590 Santn ,\na !'-'-------- Stn•1•1 ,-::::i.:)17! ·11 R~I\\1 2002. 1 sr1<1 . s lr;u·k lap.:• 11•'\'k . '.\lai,.: \\ h1•f'I~. l1k1• nf'1v l'<111rl11ion. dlr .•C1 ·20~fJ. ORA NGE COUNT':''S OL DEST 1974 BMW's IN STOCK READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY S.\l.V" si .. t~\'JCr; !.!-;A:'\[,\'(; t lVEl!Sl·:,\S DELIVEltY RO Y CARVER, Inc. ROLL" HU\'CE 234 t:. 17th C'osta l\·ll'~;'l e Da tsun l:Jl\l\\' St. '546--4444 9720 '7J DA TSUN 240Z ]J•\1 1llil•«•~" ,\'.\!/t'\I, ;in· ,·.q1d 1l lllllJ\1 1\ 1,.-;111r;i "' 55375 L1ko· ,'\,·11 I ""d"d ~17:1 17!17 •>I' 1~0 :-. !Iii I '1 ::,i .! \!: n·lll! ;\l:•l'k 11 "'11.111 1·11g .1: l1'.u1~ ( ,1Hod , .. 1111. s~.():111 \-,7 1 r•• ,lfJ!i\"11;\. "' ,.,:-, I .1111··>!11 \l<'l'•'l(I'\' _'ti:!li ll,1r1 .,1 f:l\•I Mazda 9738 r .. ~ra 't"";1 :.1n :.r..~111------------ W 1 L ~ BUY YOUR DATSUN, TOYOTA OR VOLKSWAGEN PAlll ..-orr 111~ r-arr. \\'11,1. PAV TOP UOLL.AI{. CALL Kl-:NT ALLEN, :-..to·O·l·12. '73 210Z, h1·u11 !I, 1 Sfl'I, illr, un1/fn1. n1:0;.:s, s po 1 1 <' r, sun-.h.1dr ,i:,. n1r.1 · .... ~i:!OIJ, or Uo·~t off•'!'. :.-12-11 16 ----'71 \\1\GON. A/T, ,\/C, Tn p, $ I 7 5 0. ;\:\l/~·\I, \'inyl Chi-0111.--. \\·ht~. ~7-382-1 0 1\T. '7~ 2·WZ, a/c. I spd. 1,1 ini's + opnons. Xln1 cond ~11. $·1325 979-~7:J 1~li2 DATSUN P IC!\'.UP. MIJ!O. 'fll!RROHS. $1 Ja5. * fi'16-621.ll ''* '12 2!117.. $4·19:l. Lo nu. '.llrid1f1t'(I f_::-;h'1Usl. 11 1n j-1~1-002:1-pn1 . :i1~:m~'.!. Fia t FIAT, X\9. C0t.-oa J1n1·n, in<•~ 11'hls. r:Jd10. 8r'111d ll£'\\' 1"011(!.. 10.000 n1i .. 61,i-il'.!2 197:! s:.o SP\'11ER f"iar Yl•llo11 11·/e 1·1•i-y11i1ni:: i11 11. Afr 6. ~),'l·l-1 '..'::i6/!i46-IC..r •. ** SEE ING IS BEL IEVING ** EVERY CAR CLEARLY DISCOUNTED ** llL'NTINGTON BE,\Cl l MAZDA Braeh Rhd ju-.! ,-:,,,,, 11f \\":1n11•r CALL NOW ! 842-6666 ......----- ------ ---......... s~ill~ i.:1 .. 1'\' 1·ar 1·lt•11rh IJJ.I.;. COL'N·r Pl'.IC'Ef1• . C,\.!.L N(I\\''. ~ l'..'·l~i1;1; HL:i\TINl;TO)i Bl·.,\Cl! :O.li\ZDA l~ch. 111\·(j _ j11"1 ,..r, nf \\ .irnt'r ~ HX'.I \\'A(;fl:\. Rot a r \ , r:/!!.t\1r H1•1f r11rk. nr;ly 111.!l.l\1 n1i. llltll'I :.t·ll. $ lU."11) f!7!1-!l."1.i.I lla1·t' :i n C':\lra spflc:c h('<l!l'r you no loni::••r use" &·11 it now 1\•ith :1 llaih P1J.11 Art Citll ti-1:!-~160~ . I .... 1 .... ( lo tr I" ' " '.ti 11 '" ~ ,\ llli• IJ, •j'.. •II~ !1 i1)_1 •'•!Lll!'f~'d [,.\\ ·;i, IH•• Hiii ii 10 .. 1"' SJ 1,t1l/11111 1'111~ tu\ 111• j~·r '" _,I.'~• i 1 \I I< I: l'Llll-:S BIO:'.\Z 1;1 :'111 a~ t'. .. 11•1 .. 1.·1· :11~•11.i I \)/I 11111 ~'Ill,; \Ill" "fiJ-. ~·· 111p~ ~t'•'<1" $12.0KI 1.,1 l·~un>1>1: lJh\~ ';'i!Ull~I ! ,1 1:1 /l,'11.-..'! ·111:{-:1~1·1 --------1:; l\1GH f{OAl>:o!J 1'.I< A~l /t-'!111. S.1700 61~~ iii!• ]1,1t"I h"I!' r ::.\() .-. •' d ,, 11 ----f,,·1~,.: _•,: 111<1 ''I" n lo•a•1' '7: ;\f(;J{-( ;'/', ~. I •' 1· I r I • \lt~J 'j\/iH•I 1 .... 'I '.\11 ·~~'i>I , ... 11111'<)11f , !o.1<'1"~1 ~ tl p ,-I!. ''j j \1~1(1'1-1•1·");1 :-.z. :!UJ .... 11d1l~•ll, .111 -.::1 :.~~Ill I lill•;:-1 I l•l'.111 l•I"" v. lol""''1;•t \1CI~ t:T -:"\1"\ hr;1d 1111. "t''!•"'· ,,,.,. "" ~~;.;;!i 1;111 1•.:, 1·1n.:!'. i.t··· I r ,1,t1 . .i, .~fi·11111 "1"'11 h·.•~•· ;iolt;;!,G,i/ .°'l••al 11 f,u· li• ll<•lk. :1l\·l:!::.1 lllU, Jim Slemons Imports l:l(Jl Qu:o \l :\l'\\ fl<l/'t l\t".H'h !{\:1--'J'.lA~I I•.\ Tl•;H ~ /{fJ;\1 \l,H·1\!1TI 11 'H OVER 35 USED MERCEDES ON DISPLA Y 1 ~JI:! -:''IU SI·: ~l"l,ul '.ll!!-li'lj !.:> CIC"u11 Opel 9746 !f'.ilh offt'I' do<)S, t)l'EI. GT '10. r\C'1\' ,.\.· !1rt•s. S!SOO or h<•\I . .io-.-lJOO l''' i:..ti lil!-:!:11'-1 ~~~-~­'73 Opa l Manta luJC us ].11;ull'd. 1\ll". Sto·n'O l'lus I ,\,,k S~~~l .>.'.,>.,~;\ti;l/,-f1I; I~\ i() il ('J.l 'I) ('(1l11'J.;, J\11'. ,iUT", •"i<'kll S:!:.".1U. <'I' l"·i.I 1,1!t·1· ,\r1. ~; p.111. ·.io~~i:.~~1 ·1;-: <JI'!"!. f(.\1.1.Y!·~~l~,,1~1 H1111~ i.11•1111~. ( ;d 111 •'" \1·11 .,..11 .. 1•1\.. 1:1~ !~)!'..' nit/ 1: ·i.: !HI f_ l.i•:tthl'r. '..IQ.tlOO rni. S•·pJ;i l1n11111. 1\pp••;1 r;-in1·e 1.'."''11p. $:~.1r.o. r;1:1-l.'l!'ll ---'t~~ ~ii:!. l'.:,lilll or1~. 1n1's. !'<'l'li•l'I 1'<•lld. ('J1••l"' hl'\i\l'll. ,\ed. 1:1'~ :n:i1, 67::-~·1;.~j .. c1ci.i~)71_c1c~.-1 !l0.~111,, --. -_1c,c1c1cf"7)I 'i 1rl,. SL'().). '!~>: ~II'..' 'L\l(L;,\ 11·/rl'hlt fiHi-l lO(l f~12-9'.li:I tu ti~! ~l ""·~. $1.",0U. -----£i::---G::1n 'i:! :\11!1. .':.'O Oi··~1·I. au1<1•l-----------l r;in.~. air , .. ,n.i. l ':-iE.S ,-.;o Saab 9760 t;,\~. dlr. s:n -:.>1110 1----------- :\1-B !~1tf' ·1:-1. l:itJ SL. ilh•tall1c Blu(" l'e11C"i'1. \\·11 1011· 1111., Sl'..'.~i10. 63.1· 1 lfol BUY er LEASE SAAB '74 TOYO TA Best Deal Anywhere! L EAS~ OR BUY All Moc1.1,1 ' .-nw le.wiA • TOYOTA. 1~·11w; 1 t;u·!))t', C :\l. fi.lti ;.,,,.:i '72-TOYOTA CORONA 41 k)(l1'. Sho1\'l\.IOn1 Hnd1od t11·its. 4 1•1·n11un1y. Jk•1g<> A! only I f r I" sh. lo 1> ,. •' ti thi9t·r-;~:1 $1895 .!0111'\~)N s, W;.; J,in<'Oln J\lPl't'tH'Y '..'t;11i Harbor l!l\d. <·.-.~1a :.i.·~., -, 10 :~;::u 1'.li:! Til'\'tJ'!'.\ \"n'<1lla s1 .. 11"11 11,i).:utl. $ll.'11j l'l'I,.: U\llh'l', :1:'1-:11.11 a fl G --'-----Triumph 9767 ·:17 ':;,,_ T!G 11· TH:! fninl t•nd (;d, t'Qlld. ij7j.1'2:J:1 IJ I' :.:)'i·(\':!(\ Volkswagen 9770 1i•l Bl'l ;, 1,1 'h11 <'UUd, Lii-i !Sl f:ii1· nds 11111··•. r ... 1i·1I-.. B""I o t f 1· r. -------'tili \' \V SQU.\nl·.!:.\CK. f:l•huill t>ng1n1•_ :--1111 JIH'• h. J c~ind. $ll ~11l :)'1:i---1;•: •. c1 __ _ I 'ti:, V\vl:u.,;.-: I H1'h\lil!, Eng. _ S11_,, !!:1rl.inl~. :\ \J/f '.\!, $](}.'II. :>.~• .~'d TOP DOLLAR PAID IMMEDIATELY FOR ALL FO RE IGN CAR S CALL OR COME IN TO SEE US Honda 9727 Hcnda 9727 Hcnda 9727 Hon da 9727 : NEWPORT IMPORTS No. • 1n 9770 Buick 9910 71\' \\'., u~ nin~s. rach:ol'i :'1111/!111 S!l'l'1'0 SSNI 111 f''(11'1Llo, orH:. n11·11C"r,rxcf'l. ~-untl.962· _!!~ ·_'c'------- ·11 \' \\' Hus. !\<'\\' 1•ui.:., r1n·-~ .~. lll)lly <''l<'t'l . r•·;11· li•'ll 1...-.11\'•·f~l••Tl . ~i::i-~fl,'J.i; Velva 9772 '74 VOLVO Best Deal Anywhere! LEASE OR BUY OVEl{SEAS DELI VEl{Y S!'i"~ClALI STS -.. :0 le.wiA l\l!lfl\ 67 S1"'1·1al Clr11n, 1 •JV.!\•'f, A (', J' S. 1'"1')' 1;d l!'IU\~]I hil,I l(.\j.;,.'J.-\~ - --,&1 Bl 'l(1;:""}T.'·,•1r11 . runn1n~ ""nd, $'\OJ i-.>.•\'I J.~-''"''''--~-1 I c-,=,cc.:ct.>c"c.C~l;llA. S.p•~t:H•I LT1} 4-rlr. ~rt'). 11'hl tu1rrt1011 X1ra~ :O:lnt {'om! ·~-u-9:i~l9 ·1;s BL'll"K J ~11•ra~N,;--~;;:. 111·~· tir1·~. 1~11T. A:'ll/F'l\1, 111p('. Huu~ ~rl '.1 1:.--µ)Xt Cadillac 991S ~l·~Jl;p r\t>11 H11111": Bo\,.,il :;:rit 11<•11 u11r . '67 ( 'utl['I" !Jl"\'i\11>. IA111 1111. ('!c-;_111! $84J. til">-lfo!'IJ . '&I l ',\l) ('.11111(' ii<' V1lh', full J>.1111·r, n,•11 h:1111•r)', r un)I KW<i '1100 :>·IS-.'l~:-ll,_~­ ·7:_!-(',\!)('011pc, lo 11111 ... ~. 1<'11\ln'J' 1nl, & -.:tr«~. ~~14 . ..U 11r1;: O\ltl•'r, :."1 -::19': Camaro 9917 '71 ('HY.VY !Jnp.ala. 4 l'lr llanhop, Auto Tr"ns, J\1r C1111<I. Larnlau !{nor, f'o,1·rr St<•t•nnJ:. I n t: x 1·" It!! 11 r ,· .. nd11i .. 11. 1\lr. R:'.\-2010. Ft 11tc-"O:'I! PLt-• .YP:-H EPA 11{ \\'11 n.1;: .-.11 rrir:11ir & Corvioir Bui::gics. 1..vntact ~.:\G-{Hll ''~~=~,-.,--­:--i\~-Cll t:\'Y !'.\!PAL.A I'S/I 'U s12-:.19S ~~== -CC----"i.: ('HE\'Y J"ova (~ui.lulll Hn1 chha1·k. At11n Trans. }-:.\t'<'µ!1vn;1l, rllr 1131-).}10. ·;z i\'(l\.A, to.lint c:ond. 2 dr. ON!. Y 4·100 i\ll YOllNG. l'/S. Pili $:!-l~l(). !">IS-3&38 l!l'..I} Cl!F:VJ::LLE !lfatiW. 11nyl top. 1111\g u1htt'ls, :t!j 11t1!0111ntif. :;:-17~24 ---:rrft~{)Jl\'AIR, nd~ ~'Qrk. S ljl)_ <IOC'~ run. !l':'.-'..'96'.'._ ---- , .. ~;i; ll;irhnr. r .:._1._6Hi·f1.:o:t ·o:, C"Jlt-:V"° st~\\'al'C"l. V-R . ·-;:! \'(!!,\"(! J 1~1 \\';IL,!1111_ ;oil', HU10, J'S, 1'13, $.'19.'>. -~OLVO Spd , 1\1r f°"n•l1 !ion1ni.:. Hr~r :11S-7'llfl_~~-~~c=--­ H:i,•k. lr11111.11·u!;,1,. \llll 't>I ('!ll':\'Y l n1p;\!u SS, ~···•od T r.ult·. lllr, 1"1:\\-~~llH___ runiuni.: ,--.ind. $-l(X). or bc-t;t Jt,\l:E ·1:1 J)".:!Ylr:~11ai.: .. r1 Air. nf!•'I' '.)-18---03-l~ -----l'r.t•f r:11·k, ~ter"i. l'1•rf c11nd ~7c10·:\l' I' l'. 1:11ns ~Int. S1iOflO f1rn1 . ·IX-~'ill'..' A:'ll/F~t. ,;rereo. $650. C:ood A UTOS USED AMC m s NEW AMC /JEEP 0..';1!<'ro;;h1r NOW OPEN IN lt u:u1n~'1•>r1 B1';11·h A\lC/.11<1':1' !t1•· J!;i'j1 JJ.--.n<'h f\h·d J/' IJ\ill' ."'!. ,.f :\, [I J-\t:y. J!L":-01'1:"\r.Tfl:\ B ~:J\Cll S-1~-~ '71 '.\l(l~l't: C;1rlo f'1flfi. 11!1 p1'T & ll.11'. r.t1-:,1·11 aft .; ·~----- 1;1 (llt:\'EtJ.~: \l.1hhu ::07, l:"!d ,1/hlk 11n~J top. Clt an. '11 "•\, -,\1\...711;~ -----'64 BE LAIR _• Iir, t:ad .. 1. !llr, 11~·rk. s1 !r1 :,t.it-9-17~ --~! '1•.• l\ll'Al_,\, :-;!111 llll'<'h ,,,nd 11ds r ;11nt. S-l)(J. Call 111"1'11111!..'!i, f,j';)-72';~ [}on't c!n'tp !he ball . , . GI'\ a ioh 11·11h a IO"'"rosl lffl ilv Pilot 011.ssifie<l Ad'. f'AZ--5678 :noo \\'.Coo.st H.,.,,,., N.B. 642-9405 SALES SELECTIONS SAVINGS Autos, New 9800 1 Autos, New Autos, New 9800 Autcs, New 9IOO CADILLACS l argest Selection In Orange Ccunty Co11pf' [}(>\'i!lcfi -!'f'dan l)c. Villcs -El Dorados • Con- \'t>rtibles. AJso ntany olht>r selecl Cad:llac Trade·ins. l)}-:SPERATELY NN'<i CJC'iln D1:inH·st1c or ~'<ir'C'ign Cari;. Sbon To Bl' Orangt• Couniv·~ OLDS/ill,\ZIJii. Df'nl<'r<hip CALL ;-,.1)\\'' ~l;,l.t;ffi Hnt:f'r Jord;in llLl\'T\i\t~T()Z\ R~:1\C!i B('h. HI\ d. ju~1 ~.of\\ an1rr ~ TOP DOLLAR PAID- IMMEDIATEL Y TOP C,,Sl l !or Cll':!rl USC1I Clir S :1nri ll'U('kS Howard Chevrolet [)<J\ f.' 11nd Qu<1.1l S!s. {'."r. i1!;11·1\r1hur, ,J;i111lw.•l'C'l' and Bn"t"l Nf'11·pnt1 Rr;H·h ~:1..~.-n~.~.~. WE BUY USED CARS AND TRUCKS Conic in for a h'CP appraisal In (;RQTll 0 -11'.:\IROLt-:T, 11f211 lk<-Ch Bl\'d .• llunt. &h 8·17-liOS7 !':.;19-3::..11 \\'E RU'i' TMPORTF:D AUTOS BEST PRICES PAID! Dean Lewis Imports l~,66 lh:rbor. c.ro.1. 646·93CC CASH FOR YOUR CAR 54&-1010 J CAI" BEAT all cOJllJM'litors on prices for junk C"ars? Call Thein, lhcn us! ·l~-:l58R \VJ\NTED·DEAll OR J\LIVE! Old cars * Top pdrcs pd. S.15--7:'63. DaV>" AUTOS IMPORTED Alfa Rom•o 9705 BUY or LEASE ALFA ROMEO ., i!lrarh Jh11p1111!i +~ ,,,.,, ~. ' _, .. 01,...,_,, •• ,,., ........... h4~ t.A)f, --~-.. "Directly acn:ms fron1 the Balboa Bay Club" Sales • Service 64~ Audi 'TI AUDI lOOLS. 4 dr. auto rrnns, n/1', l'porl 1-nn~lf', r/h, \•lh1lc/blk tn!, xlnl 1'!.1nd. 1 011 llt'r. i':J,t'.XX) inill's, $2·IOO or nfr. !Ji.1-4066 :-73 ..tuoIToot.~~·ldr. a11 10 trnn1', a/c:, ii;u1uT111r, fin, 20,IXX>n11 , $-1~. pvt 11ty, SC~19 '70 AUDI SUPER !Nl rt~f. T111pe. Radiahc. nN' hr-dJrl-,i, 1'1.llU pcrfecL Sl:lT;>. 5.Yi-4313 NOW! SPECIAL SUMMER SAVINGS ON OVER 40 NEW 1974 MODELS! TEST DRIVE HOM DA TOD AY WE HAVE THE LARGEST SELECTION OF NEW AND USED HONDA CARS IN THE WEST! ! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON COUPES • HATCH BACKS • CUSTOM "JOBS" • 4 SPEEDS• AUTOMATICS OVER 29 MPG (Sy EPA Records) IMPORT OF THE YEAR {By Road Test MagaL1ne) ~.,..,...,..,.#6###,..~······· SERVICE AND PARTS DEPTS. OPEN MON . THRU SAT. • ''Golden Touch'' •Thoroughly prepar ed •Tuned to perfection •Hand polished w it h a double co at of wax •Extensive ly ro(\d tested by a member of mana ge ment •Final inspec tion by our service manage rs •All designed to give you "trouble free" dri.ving pleasure YEAR-END CLOSEOUT SALE ON ALL 1974 MODELS NEVER A BETTER TIME OR PLACE Hom0 of t~" N,.w C'JT "GulJc:1 101; Ii" SEE US TODAY! 1-lomP. of th,. N ... ..., (Of ''Golde ri T oll{h'' 262 6 Harbor Blvd. of Cars Costa Mu a 540-5630 • • : ' -: ' " !=llll-sic 2 dr. Nu '74, 11·11n~.. t'lc., ~l<". 19'.!725/119-1 Only $3799 Rlllo. N o . • Nova Nu '74 2 Or. 1\uto lr1Jns , air CQ11tl , t\v. 329'!/217~,&I Only $3699 \9iD :'11.\V~:RJCI\, Exrrl '.-onrl.. auto., vinyl lop, 21.000 111 1 • , $1850/0ffer. X>2· 7!Y.t3. Mercury · "iO ~lONTF.t;(l, <di r.ood l'Otxlilion. $:;9J. J.1.~-96Hi Mustang 9910 Pl'.T. 99!? Monte Carlos ~'Ir & used '7•1.~. ~c!ecllon. Priced Right! Station Wagon !\u ·74 Cl!F:V \'F.Gi\ {.1i-1nry equippt'<I. :'l.h.:f' l!lj : !\IUSTA'.\G ,.,.11 \· .• 1 111t1al111· Uro111:t'. \I hi!•' r"I•. .~·.1 eni::.. A/C. ~'.\J /.\ \I :o.l ~·fl'O, riJ1hals, .-;ln! l'.01hl. s.:::'1.;. 191-221 1 ----------"Ii); :'11l'ST,\Nf; C)•111t·r11blr, \I-.~. p/s, r:irlio, .-;Int 1·ond. full I cSl<=!l~~"~""~'~'co~f~fo~c~, ~·~-12~-~~Z'l"-'-'­ N o. l!li:; :\IL'~lANt; :'lla\"h 1. l:',!l(Vj 1n1!es. loaded. $3600. S.IG-7~1R ---~c:::_'----~ BRAND NEW '74 EGA 1974 OLDS TORONADO BROUGHAM 3321 /.11 (X)(}7 Only $2999 HOWARD :'lll'STAN!; ·1~1: onr O)\\llPJ" ,\u·ro. p1\·/:-.1. .:iir. Top CHEVROLET <"•indilion. li-llJ. !U71 riflrr ~ll':'I! ·1;1-:-.1c . .;;rA~c;v.)-. ;1ir. pts. Dovl' & Qua il ~!. ~,,,.,,.f ,.,-,nd. SSOO. Ca 1 ! Nr\1T1<1rl n1·;11·h :~ki-~!!:-_.;;: ;di (i ~ '.'\r. Jnnil•)n•<· ,i;, Bristol\ ---------- 769 CAPRI CE-COUPE-_O_ld_•_m_o_b_n. ____ 9_91'-'I $ . ' ''" •I .• ,. 7 7 Immediate Delivery Immediate Delivery $ PER MO. ' .. _, /\1r. A.\!/l'.\I ~1 .. r1·0 1\1th lup•'. 111 C:al1fon11;1 l;;,l!I 1Zh:Z9CY.?1 At only $1275 JOlli\."(J;o.; ,(· so;.; Lil'l<'Oill ;\lt'l'<'Ur\' 26.:.'6 I la.rhur IJlv<i. '72 OLOS TORONADO !n it·I black. Fully equippNI 1nclud1n~ ,\.\J/l'.\1 Iii l)C'. 1so3r;11F1 J>nt'rd <1t r.111; $2975 .l(ll!:>;SQN l ~"J:-. f,lrlC"O!n :>if'l'!'UI)' :.''":ltj llarbor Bl\"U . ,. • .• •1 Your •. CHOICE HONDA ('n;;.t;i. l\tts.1 :110.~i".::O 'G9 Cllf·:V,~lallbu :! -,Jr C"Jll'. Xln1 1"11rl. :~lO rn~ Air: PIS, r <ill1als 11·/::0.mo l<'ft. Ori:;. 011·n<'r. $lj()() • 6\?-:1710 * 9921 ~~f'S &_ Sf';v\C'e OLDSMOBILE GMC TRUCKS HONDA CARS UNIVERSITY OLDS 2850 Jlarbor Bh·d. C'JIRY . .;.l.f·.H ·'' '·1 /Y•l'I, rosta r-,1('}'a 5-10-~0 :.:ool ru1u11n~: 1'ond. ~li.'1. S<>r -------,11 :109;, :.1111 rt•v I.n. co~t;j . Jrlfi~ OLr)." \'is1a ~latJ<Jll .\tf'~<I. · . I\ a~o11. s.~11n Continental 9930 :,_:i l•i l!l_ -- ·711 (ll.D" \'bt,• Cn11~<r '73 TOWN CAR \\~lKC!ll, r·ull:; •'OJUl j!. Luw n11lt·~. dlr_ :()1-2010. Pu1·(·h;L~f'rl fron1 ~·or d \1.1rkrtlnt: Cn111. Only JS,000 1nu ... ~. Sih·rr hlu<' 11·ith nintL·hin>:" \ .-1.,ur 111 trr1or. 1 ~i!;Jl/PJ~1 l'n, •·•I 111 !111 11 $5110 . JOJl:>;..:.i 1:-,· .t· so:-;- L111c .. 1r 1 :'ll•'r\'ur1 :.'Gl!i l l.1rl~•r Ul1·1i. :.1(}.:.r.::n ~----. '73 MAR K IV --l:,111rr h1\11 1;. ~·nup<' 111th "l'r;Jnl'lrrr1 1rln11r l!llf'l"l••r I rJ>.ih.\.I f Th•· 1 11·~1 .u : $7650 I . J~~~~~l'~,.~ .... ~··' :;\;); 11or·t·11" J\11 :1 :>1~:ili:'.ll 993! Xlrn 'if'·111, po 1•'('1', All", :'luln. n1ro ·l1 perftc1.S1,·.(I. :"8-0012. Corvette 9932 ·~:.i:, COTl\'l::Tl'"F:, ::."II autn. 1lDl 1x>11·t'r. ,'.· nu', Rarlinr~. j 11'1 sier•'•l f, l.1J)f', $"~".00 lit&-9178 ••r .•~ti Pinto 9917 SELL: r .. o 1nan1· ·:-:-l'l'.\TU \\"~11 . ·.1 (lnly 7UOO 1111 lr ~.· '17~:;~ t: -----·j.: l'l\T(J r:unalioul :'llnvinc:: 1>.tl : .\ l n r . 1·.,r1d. T n· .. ~. r n-.:1111• Sl 7~f, .. r nl[,•r 71 l"l.'Ti•. 1.,,1 1111 . 1~1 \1111, ~!hi... [ll"l\ pl~. '-1~ '"''":ill ·, .( •1knd~ Plymouth - -9960 ! Ch.y~l!~e~ou~ I (Jp .. II 1 •.11h k "un. \II ]1) ! ·~1 ' 2.i~J 1!:1r!n r J~l\11 , ... ,,. L'o"tll l\f~ •· 546-1934, '48 Plymouth Coupe :\1':'\' t ngln~ ,{-rlulch. A 1:i·:.\L C L A SSIC SliOO. ~ .. ~')j() '=~-~-­~. STAT ION \\'GN. •1 p:""·· .-.l11t ~'(•lld ,\/\. Pl.:'. PIH '!«·oh u1 /r11 11. ~jilt\ f111n. i 1,'\ftl.1.\C 1~. I l 111 r;T ·~1lr 11 ·'I~-Jt,~; •. ----------1 h1t l'rl1np, \"•( ;nJlot. I'."· 't>,; r u1;.·. 1;r.ott hrcJ, ;.:f'nf'r~I t(>n,;tJll' bu1·krt :o.•'.1!~ r.111 , t>Jl!l 1\~k1n:.:; s,;)2.·,. 919-:i..1199 I 1111~ h;J,d :\!111 ~·:!rP. ltu11s Aft. r..::o p111 I h1S111t. $.i9."i. ~i:Z-'.r~:'I:' ·11 rn:rn-.:ET RtH. ,1n1 11u1-'1 Thr.: CP.E:-<!'ll•!flll ::-~ .. ,1.1 , \1·11~011. !'111M·1 ( "nd. 1.1 nu. 1-1 _51~nr s :ti!•.• r._1~-ir.:¥1 -I Focd 9940 '72 FORD GRAN TORINO IUI\~ t••lhl t•~(, ;.; .... :::(11 Pont iac 9961 J.'I J'll:'\TI \\' I." :\1:1 rl". (" .. 11 •. )\ , ~I, l lJ\l~J \1 1, I n<\111'1', :\ln1 1·r1nd .\l::IJO. '70 CHE V ... ., ..... .., ... ·~· ,,,, '··· .• !, 1.-' '70 OLDS 'J···~ c .. ,.srr "' •'.lO" 1 l·U P\'I p ""! p.~ • • .o! A:,l(f l-' S""' 1 wr>t"''• "'"' , , '4'>1{~,, ' ... " ' $5J7.7PER MONTH '72 OPEL RALL YE .,.,,. ~ ·" • '"'J ''"·11•·• 1111r.•.••! ,,,·;ii'. vi I· "'""""oil~ . I ~'110 miltn •. '70 SAAB ....... '·J.J ,,.,,,' ,. '• 1. '" • <1 • ' ' .:. '71 HONDA CAR 4 C• •'I 1,,,.,','1l1. ' ' ,J~.'~." '71 GRANO PRIX w• '"" '' IUt lo J • •. • '71 TORONADO '68 POl-ITIAC '70 PONTIAC ,, 1.i. .. • ''": ... 1,v:. V .I • \ ;.M• .'. I• ~ • .'. O C v~ . ' n.,.,,.,, ,.,, ,._., t·.0 1<..I-' 4 WHEEL DRIVE CENTER :. . .. ' .... '72 MAZDA '68 CHEVROLET ' .. ,, //,Pl .,m(•< 1 ~ I '• 1 . .. ,,.,.,,,,, r. "' r··"·'" '"'""': ., ' '" IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1974 GMC 4 WHEEL DRIVE JIMMY l··~~. ,, .. ' 1,,,.,, ,,,,,,,, .... , Q•JilQ>" '''" •• ,,_ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1974 GMC PICKUP , ,.,.~,..,., ~,., t,, .... ~ " '1 !-'.1~torv ii .i 1nrd111111 l'irn1111 11i11i ·n1a11·l•lll.! 1·1n~I I''"( :>t:.nl~' r\tl.•" 1·,01DYI:• ,\ '· , Tl •t1l ______ _ --.•• ; t;Tll \("(), f 'll'a11. ''Home of the Ground Hog" ~:/I,) •11" lw'~1 l'lf\!'l' • .... ,,,'"' ')\< .. ,,, 12175 JO!l:0-'-'1 \ .\ li\\ •. 1<l~S nr 611-:!'.(ll I e ;:;;f'(J:\T l.\C-\ar;ilnni :\~ Contempo Van Conversi ons 11 11 )'/I :, I'/ . .; 11"11. IH'o'' ·'" :-.1111 ~ • '" 1•1 ~ ,;, f l--"".=A=u=lh;o;r~i~t~e~d~S:o:l•::•:&=S=e~r~v~i~c~•=======;=========:::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=~-----........................ !"----~ r Ell: MO l.llk,.111 .\\,·1·, II I 1 '..'ti~~\ l!.1rl .. r l:lrd C'.n~1 ,1 ri.tr~ 1 .,1.1 ,,.·:n l"i°fFO-RD-CU5TOM lOO new brakes & t ires a ir cond ., radio Beautiful condit ion! Tli und ;rb ird 9970 . ,; T 111!~!•. ]11'\\' p.11111 . & I 11pl1nl~1rv, \lll1 l 'Hl\d ~--·"\_,i;;.._·-'1:.-·11 ('\"!''" I Vega -~974 Priv J"arty $1650 BEAtrr lf"UL ·01 V r i;:a --o~*.;..,sa= 6-6965 * halchbn1·k. :!2,00J 0 rt .e: • 1968 F~rd Cortina 1nilr4'. J{;irhal tir('~. radio. hcat<•r. air·f'Ondi11on1nc:. 4 4 Or St ation Wagon S pc ('d rr;Jn .... :-.-1111 I Cl'lindcr .• u1to. 11"11' p;:i1n1. ,,,.,..,nr.nilcal 1·;i r -+ "'1r,,.; nt1V lro11! wh<'rl d 1,.,. \Tu~I srll. s1-:!f.-1. ;,..ir..fi'..'r•: brakcs Run" ~·1"1. 11~.u-~1mArt.:1 ____ _ J·;ronon11<-.1I. S6i:l. :,1.~-2.-,:,!1. - UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE "We Appreciate Your Busin~ .. · OLDSMOBILE • GMC TRUCKS • HONDA CARS ·jo·. F"O-Rl1 -,.,-;;.i;;;--S(-fUire ·12\'t-:l:A \\",\t;u:-; GT. ll111 ...,. 1111. X!nl. 1·n11d /\skin::: Slfl:!:• I \\).~on lull ~· lo11dl'd, \"ln1 .1~~1.27_-,1 fl ft :, i'Ulid, C'.'l ll Gt!-1'.177 11[! Gpn1 H 'Tl Gll l.1\X-11-: :.oo. r 1R }lave so1nett1111g yull \\'ant lo r I ' : 1~1:-;, f;ir. ;dr c~ind. ~ell? ClassiftM ads <ln II ·~~~~~~~-::::~-"'."~'.""'."~~~'.";:~~~~~~~~~:~;;;;;~~;;;~~~::~~~~;;;~~~~;;~~;;;;;~~~~~~~~~ ... ~~~~~ ... ~~::"~ .-Xlnl rond. 548--11737 111ell • call NO\V 642-5678. • I A. tlltos, New 9800 Autos, New 9800 Autos, New 9800Autos, New 9800Auto1, New 9800A utos, New 9800 Autos. New 9800 A~tos, New 9800 AU-,-.-,,-N_e_w_ 9800-! ~~~~--~~ ---·---·---~I ;VEGAS COMPUTE,!~~$~ i H~IAC~S~!~AG!~!~TIC51 !!~~~! tDl~!~R!DIOS ,lotcJ VEGAS i ~.e..BUY NOW BltFORE '75 INFLATIDN INCREASE.e. . '1!L # . 6tl : 7JI .,.... . 14] . ,,, "' • t11 ... . ,,, :ti] LOOI< FOR TH£ VEHICLES ~· MARKED l °"' oy .. • . IMYOICI ST1C. #' SJltl.11 tl7 2171.11 "' 2140.21 "' 2741.tl 1004 2491.70 101J 2t6t.0) 1015 JI Of.JO XIOlt 2710.]6 1020 26]0.0t 1021 214S.J6 1021 _ ... ii-..... .___Y.:...;o;;_;'~;.;.;:..;;'c..;.;;~~..;;.cr;.;i-1 ~ I BRAND NEW I ~ 10 G1MM1cKs I *4YOICI Sft. H 12610.0t IOlt 2741.JI IOJO 26JO.Ot 1011 2751.IJ 1041 2770.16 1044 2710.)6 IMS 1114.0l Xl046 26]0.0t 104t 27•t.l I 1074 l 2 4 LJ t ..,i...;,;'°;,;;";. lMYOICl JZtOt.51 2610.0t ljOt.51 2770,]6 2710.]6 2770.]4 2SS l .Z7 Z74 I .l I 2110.]6 2610.0t sni:. # 107t .... IOU , ... , .. , .... '"' "" I IOI 1102 IMYOICI STI(." $2710.]6 111)4 2710.]6 1107 2710.]6 1101 J IOt.lO 1109 1110.36 1111 1110.16 lllZ 2630.0t 11 ll l5Sl.41 1114 26]0.0t 1135 .. ";'~'~"•·;' •' •• 10 6 1MVOICI J2710.l6 l 1 J 0.11 J OS l.•4 216t.ll 2770.]6 l I )0.17 2710.]6 211t.51 216t .lt Sllt ff 11 17 I Il l Ill • 1141 '14• l ISi 1152 1151 IMVOICI SllZS ltOt.51 2110.]6 l I Ot.JO 27•t.] I 211 i.SI l•Ot.SI 27 2 1.60 l l2 S~.1;1 "~"'~ ......... "' FACTORY INVOICE OM U.CH WIMDSHIEi.O $84 :~' · l•NTEDOLASS DOWN . DELI})([ 91.11.iPERS PA YMENT·»l8·~T;:~l! U•" fW""' ""' '"' '10:: ..... 0.TP•·"ll pymr D••t• .. l'HllOl'l •!"Cl !h I '" """' i t., ""'"""'II """0"• • O@ """'"'l)lllOC>f'Ov•I •' ,•.1u< Cf""'' "'"'NUAL (•t ~C f N I AU[ R A I ( . II I ll DAil Y I'll (ll 1Yi4 - OPEn dail11 until 10 P.m. ;nclud;ng SUODAY SPECIAL PURCHASES ALL FACTORY WARRANTY. ALL HCARS CARRY EXTENDED Atta• m•ice ~-"* wtlcamti all C hry>ltr '73 PLYMOUTH H"'""" VB '' FURY Ill • u um.itot fil(l•f• n r~ '"·'" ... ,,.L ~, Pdlf'• 0 , , ...... '' .,,,._,_ w n11\-w ttll r ,,..,.,,nc Wl'"l(hli(1111:1g J40J"G irp ., \11t11·1 Ir,;: <l•I . AYE LOW MILEAGE. '73 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY 'I 0,1·,:, WdQ<Vl Vh .1o~·ru10 or* i.,1·1rn,1'• ,,,.,,, h· ,.,,, '"•'~ .\.P><lo W">·"lU "l · "' : .·,, Carpcw-ation •thiclt• rtqu.iri119 ..,.•ice o..d warranty work ~ii of ..-Mrl!' cor wa• pw tMot&d. Wp ltonor Mosler Char<jl!', lonk.t.Mtric o rd, .t.-riccin i•prP••. Corle 119KM ..cl Oi,_.1 Club. '74 PLYMOUTH 5 SPORT SUBURBAN '73 PLYMOUTH w,go,, VB "<Hom"" "d•o he, SPORT SUBURBAN rower br.:i~es wrnre w,ill !11~s a er oow er ~teer1nq r,ic1-,RXB696 i "" co nn1t1o n1ng roof 3 ~dt w.iQon V8 du1om.-ilic iad' :.loenng oownr nr-L O. hearer Dower ""('" wh1TP w;ills rool1at • 1 Ji J:)t~ il•r con(l11,..,n1nq $4795 $3495 USED CAR SAVINGS TOOi '73 CHEVROLET VEGA HATCHBACK '7 2 IMPERIA L GT l"O U!:>+'• 4 <.,['(>pd •aritn tifl,ll('f. w n1re lt:?!!Pr l•re•, VB .tul!l Pl·W••r -.;l f'('r1na now•"' br.1\\ro•. v111<1 l<lt'l ra!lf'v whPPI' l\J',!1,rn Ulll'JIQf & l'•h·r10 1 AM ,l-JV1 plWt-r W111•1•1"' Pi"1 WPI r1q(,, ,.,(k' .. (/ill",!' .... ltnl 1ad10 !filOK[K • 10/Jl l l sl .795 s3595 '73 PLYMOUTH SEBRING PLUS VS. automa!1c radio he,11 er, POWf'r <;!f'cnng. oow er bfakes wt11I C walls. a11 c:nn<1111o n1ng nower windows. buCkl•t se;1t~ consolr' v1n~I to p t51 ~HNO I '72 MAVERICK 4 door c,E>d.tn 6 i.vhnC1Pr .11;1<1rn,JIH 1ad10 heate1 . ..,1ny1ton 10?l:IETB1 • I '7 0 TRA VEL-ALL VB .11 1ton1i1t1 pow•" '• • ., '; :·ww .. 1 h•·•"''', "'' (l1r)(!1lt1"'1."•4 A-N .w lor• \;,',..)f•V '71 PLYMOUTH CRICKET .II spr>ed r<1Cl•O hcrt!Pr wh1!P wall !1r<><; buc k": "f'<JI<;. rad1al!1re"> f /f JDL!, $1095 '74 MODEL VEAR-END BRAND NEW 197 4 Y2 TON PICKUP .. ' ' ..... Jl NEW 197 4 TRA VE LALL O"cket 'c.it·. Tilt w hP•' """'' ! 1 .,., ;I r 11 '1.1 , · -1.,., : ,, .. •r1 :·· n••lo1 ·•· "t""or &f·.<!Pflnr 1v,w••r <.,!i ''""<l r'<J "•'' tJr.l•f'"• '" conC11t «JFl1'1Q w n1 :1~ •I.I• wJll 11r~s. 14H 1H00HHO1 333, . BRAND NEW --1974 SCOUT 4 WHEEL DRIVE ' L'A:L v P11,_QT I~ f_L NO PAYMENT UNTIL GaOBER BEAT THE RUSH FOR '74 MODELS! E We have them. 374 UNITS IN STOCK ready for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ; TRUCKS-VANS-DARTS-4 WHEEL DRIVES • c: ! Ill > • Ill Vt 0 ... • • • .. 0 -... ;: .. • I Vt .. • ... c Vt ,. = ... ... c z Ill ' Ill • c Ill • ~ I I LES DO NOT REQUIRE· ' S ND CAT L YTI CONVERTERS AS DO '75 MODELS AT AN APPROXIMATE $600 PRICE INCREASE. BUY NOW!! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Brand New 197 4 COL TS LOADED -HOT STRIPPED H.1<'1 .. 1! tHC~ ·~11 y WflCf'I•, vinyl bucke! <>Cil! lbOO co; ,..ng1 ne 11on y l S•d" rno11101nq<; 6 OOi 1 J !or<>~ lfll?1K4 ~30~1 ~fl We're Overloaded We're Dealinq Your're the Winner! "SPECIAL" FULL PRICE + T&L • Brand New '74 CHARGER LOADED -MOT STRIPPED V111yl roo1 custo m mag wtiee l~ wide Ollill tu>'~ rJlly pkg power front d•St. b1a~r·<, .1utorn.1!1C PQwf'r •,lef'r111g rn11·.,1L ma',IF.!i r.io "' (Vvt21J4G 1 0407~0 1 - "SPECIAL" Brand New LOADED -HOT STRIPPED Aulormt+c 22~ 6 l yl bu1nri1•1 guards. radio. pOwPr -,1 eerH'' I Vlnyl Sode rnldgS. di• wne"I covers, whole w<ill ~ !L • '74 DART SPORT '·SPECIAL" I • Ill ,. .. • I 23C4G230340) IMMEDIATE - DELIVERY FULL PRICE+ T&L IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FULL P111cE + r&L Iva ..._.----------~~.i-..------------~.,___ _________ ~--· --,.. I' , .......... a:. .I' Brend New MINI MOTOR HOMES By Holidt1y LOADEO -HOT STRIPPED "SPECIAL" AIR COMDITIOMEO J 18 cu 1n VB ,1111nm<1'1 AM /FM !aclur t ,11r re n t1ol1on1rig . 1.n!Pd WH1f1'>1l0Uld lY\WCf s!t•f'f1 ng I'. r!'l!lf n mor'" 1621 AE "1V0~6l77 55576 FULL PRICE + T&L MAHY MODELS TO CNOOSE FROM AT SAYINGS! '70 Ford 1/4 ton Shart Van 3 cyl auto flans. r·ad10 t\eJ!er ~93528F ) ., •' > ~~l '1376 ~.~ '73 Chev. Mova Special Coupe Aulomallc, radio and l1e1:1rer (934GHCI ::i~E $137 6 £:~~ $4384 ::..... o.._,, '1LJ ~J 1<1' JI;""° "''"' 11'9 ""'"~ ~ .. II '"'fl" ~o "1 '4~~ ~""I f ~ l Doo'"'""" l'l•<-ro! P'•C• 1181'1\INI ~pq i'Q~ ... '71 Plym. Fury Special Auto t1ans 1ad10. tieater. power steering { 155CKCI FULL PRICE •976 ~~~ $3815 ... rlfffl MONTH Cr<v llR •~Ir-14 "'<>• '"'h 111'9 .,.-... ~ ,,.,o r.-h ""'• l lOJ• ~~ .~,, f l l 0.0•·,.~~ f-t (•>C'O l l2 IOll() ~Pl/ llf''"' '67 Buick Sport Wa9on Special AUfOtNrhc, raoio. neater. oower steer1no , 1111 whelfl. IO&ded. (UfJ°Z095 ) FULL PlllCE '776 Otl If YOU l'llHtl '68 DATSUN SEDAN Au1omat1c. rrtd10. heater. nice car. (YRXB08J FULL $976 PRICE 01 I, YOU NINI Special ... """"' ~y IJll I~ IO<, • ...,. ... .ii, 12119 m ..... Full t••h P11c• 1103, !Ml •r>CI Il l. 1.19 ... "'1 ... , .... no I)<•<• 1 1'1,~ll .t.P U }I~/"' e~:~o 17 4 ~~ '74 DODGE 3/4 TON D-200 DODGE v AN 316 VB. A~l~:.:E~'"~'~E~~~L ;::. @ _ = .. LOADED -MOT STRIPPED camper pkg . ton1r>o w1nrl~tio;.1r1 [JI ') ·-• springs. radio power s !Pent <: ~ ---tie avy duty rt' Jr l:JrJ ~• ·~ ..._, Ill (I ) -=~-, ., L·::ii:t~ 1-ully factory eau1pped 10248E4S02949H i •.A. Ii ........ (811AB4VQ612521 "SPECIAL" .... '-::;:---· FULL I IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ., 3376 IMMEDIATE PRICE "SPECIAL" DELIVERY + T & L FULL PRICE + T & L ),,.j.-. ------------------( SEE OUR HUGE SELECTJOM OF CUSTOM VANS LARGE SELECTION OF 4 WHL. DRIVES OLD FASHIONED NEW ENGLAND SALES & SERVIU '70 Ford 500 Aor automatic. radio. lull PllW"' 1901BFPI Special 5976 OR IF TOU PlfFfR '71 C......_r SE Special Vi nyl to p, "a"i;--oo~d-. bucket seats console. AM /F M radio (628l:'VV) 197 4 SURFER VANS FULL $1576 OR CHOOSE FROM MANY MODELS ! PRICE ~.;:'~ IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '68 Dodqe Spartsman Van Special V-8. au10ITl3!1c. radio, neater, long wheelba-;e. 3 st->.il~ . .!> moie. (XW1Cl1 4l FULL $1376 PRICE Choose your cus tom paint & interior to suit you! NOT SATISFIED WITH SERVICE? Try VICTORY "You 're the Winner" SflYICl HOUIS MCNHfey 7:Jo-•o,:OO ""' lwl-·fri. 7:Jo-t. l :OO ,... We occept all Warranty Work on All Chrysler Products DODGE •CHRYSLER • Pl YMOUTH O• IF TOU PIEFER 'Ito{ STOCK QA ON ORDER SALE PA!CE EFFECTIVE THAU AUG 23rd Motor Home Service Too! • DEAL WITH YOUR FACTORY DIRECT DEALER j , , ' -.. RUNABOUT ~'::0 '74· PINTO 2 DOOR CLEARANCE PRICED BRAND NEW '74 MUSTANG II 2 + 2 2000cc engine, " speed $ 2 3 66 ~~:;',!;;r front & gu:r"o",'. (4R10X193337) :;,:~~~~:~~~'on. 2~ $2 3 9 7 cc engine, radio, he11rer, decor group. (913JJM) · ~~~ CLEARANCE [: PRICED ~~~D '74 COURIER FORD PICK-UP SGT APY10393 4 WHEEL DRIVE 302 V-8 EN GI NE. IU15G1 UB9BOOI COURIER & SHELL CLEARANCE PRICED (SGTAPY0696) CLEARANCE PRICED 300 C ID engine, amp & oil gauges. (F10B RUB5835} '74 BUBBLE TOP _,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,...~ ... CAMPER VAN loaded with equipment IE24GH0145381 CLEARANCE PRICED PICKUP & CAMPER '74 FORD PICKUP & 8' MAJORWAY CABOVER CAMPER uKE '73 PINTO Squire Wagon NEW ~~~ND '74 MUSTANG II GHIA Aut o fr ans . rad io. he<11er, vin yl inlerior, roof rilck. carD('ling ere. L1cen~e No. Sq6HOI< ~~:------..., SOME Of THE AnRACTIONS INCLUDED: ASK ABOUT YOUR • llWIMD.t.U u crw•1 • "M"'510H 1iv11\ltlf u c1w•1 • wunitOO« IO'· ''TIME OUT'' ,..,] ·1~ •l.l#iUtlJ!VlllMPI •MOllllNOMI St!OW ••INA F RE E /Jr .. ~/~11;·,,'.J,,,~,1.,,l, 1 -~ / !~:'~l:..'..:~:~GOlf !~:iru~11~ !~!:;~~' ~ • t Mll'OM011VI MUMIJ"'I • MG nl c.otl Cl,.,.,ll • '*)l/'IUANO Of COUPON BOOK · • , •~IO un J.t.NOlll • LW 11v11ot1 •1• • { \' • ·', •DUG to.\! NJ.TIOH.t.11 I SADOULllCl ,,,. t l'\U1 11 OTMll WITH THE TEST DllYE ... -·-· -• ~co. Sl>tlDW&l lACl"IG • NfW'Ol'I '°"' c1u1sn II/Oii OV1 W'OITI Of ANY N(W OI USED CAR OA TRUCI(. • l,/.l uun CKAM...c>NSll". MO'VlllAH~ WAX 1111\JSIU,. "TIME OUT" COUPON BOOK HAS A R£TAIL YALUI Of $200 2 BOOKS Will 6£ GIVEN WITH A PUACHAS!: ~?:OL~9,!~.~~io, heate r. License No $13 7 7 580 FT D. CLEARANCE PRICED ' ~?~ e!~!~ng~~~~~. radio,$18 7 7 hea ler. License No, 151FTI '72 FORD Wgn. $2 2 8 8 Country Sedan V·S. auto. trans., power sleering, power brakes. License No. 215EGJ '65 MUSTANG V·B, auto. trans .. power steering, r adio, hea ter. v inyl roof. chrome wheels, ;itlra n1 cc 1 Lie_ 11N M E37J '64 CHEV. Van Radio, heater. mag wheel~ -ready! L icense No. T85206 $788 ~z~RT~~~Y·va, auto. trans, r•dio.$24 8 8 hea ter. L ie. /I 74699M ',~~edVr~~~.a~;.~~cense No. •92GJU $1 CLEARANCE PRICED '70 TOYOTA CORONA .i speed. radio, heater. L ie. 730AOK , ~LEARANCE PRICED '72 CHEV. NOVA V·B. radio, hea ter, vinyl roof, low m iles. L icense 130KZB CLEARANCE PRICED • FORD 588 ;rRl ~~~•~•~h Y.~~cr Hcovv du1v $18 8 8 equipped. (67901 H) CLEARANCE PRICED '73 PONTIAC $2 9 8 8 CATALINA Custom 4 door, healer, whitew.a ll l ires. Loaded incl. factory air. (?1542.SJ I 2~u~~~w~; s~~~~w~ brakes $1 . 4 8 8 power windows.186\HOM) :ro~N ~,~H IAM/F~ r•dio, heater,'""'$ 318 8 fini">h. Lie. #220EAD '71 DODGE COLT .-! speed. radio, heater. (503CXY) CLEARANCE PRICED '69 OLDS CUTLASS V·B. au to., power steer ing, ( X NM230) CLEARANCE PRICED vinyl $1088 ~!E.~~~~!~~ad~~~r,ready Jor$1 surf & fun. (1788SC ) 288 • I I, ' I i J I San Cle1nente • Ca istrano EDITION N. \'. Sto«!ks VOL. bl, NO. 233, 5 SECTIONS, 70 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 21 , 1974 TEN CENTS .i:S-tate Renews Tug-of-war Over Trestle Beach ral1funua·.., tl1n.'!'IOr n! P;irks :.11111 R (·er1'.1l1u11. \\'1 111:1111 Pi•n11 .\!1111, \'O~·cd ln S;,n t 'l1•11Jt•t11•· '1'11csd11y !(1 r1·n1•\\' a ttt•11111I ::; Jn 111·1·l'll 'l'rl'Slll' Be<1eh tru1n lo·la1 ttli> t '111"pl'.> e11nlrul 1101r !hat it is nu 11.111.:t·r ;1 si·eLu·11y buffer tur ltii:h<.ird 1.! ,\i\"/1 °)'1 (',,l;i!L' ~ i\l•HI, ri·.;pondi11g 10 :1n ;1dr1~ry fn•111 fl r1t·11 1·111~.l\ll'~ rcvif•11• t·o111111ittt·r f••I' t!r1t•hip111t·111 uf ::i;in <)nufri· State l':~rk, pl1•d,.;1•d to op1•11 <J llPll ~1·t of lll'J.:Utiat1ou:-. f•JJ' lh1· !'!11·1·l1•d surfing beaeh 11hit·l1 (,'f1n11~1es Positio11 hes llllllll'ill:tlf'l)' Clc tl\'ll('O.!Sl t1I 1h1· fonner l'r•'"i<h·nti;il 1·~ta1e ro1npoun1I Bu! suerc":; rn1ght hl' 1flfricul1. :.:11d !!it' :.t:1tc parhs nffit·i;il. 1111 bliltrll'll 1111· .\lar11a· l'11rps tor IJ;ilku1g ;11 t'\ rr~ .in1·111pt tu dt·\1•l11J1 tht' s!;ttc p;1rk ·r111 · 1·111111t1illvl'. 11iad1• up ot l\1 ;1p111J1n11·d tnt.•1nl>1·rs rf'."ld!llJ.! i11 1·1J:1st;1I 1·1111ununitic . ..; !-<lfl'I Chi 11g fri1r11 Palo" \ 1•rd1 ·s hi S1)!:uliJ lk·;1cli. 1·11IH'h·d lh,• n·.-1uesl <•1 11-. \naug ur:il 11i(·l'ti11 g Tiu· b1::1t.·h lun14 h;uJ IJt'l'll :1 Ford Says He May R un • Ill '76 \\ASJl/,\CT0\' 1AP1 -Pr1•s1dt'lll Ford d•'clan·d lhr<•US.:h a ~pok•·sn1:1n tO<ia•. lhoir h\' '·prohalJ!.v 1111! run" for !ht• na!1nn·" highc·st ofrice in l9iti. Puhlir·h rhan~1n~ his prhi!iQn 13 d;11s. ;1fl1•r :1~sutnlllJ! rhl· presidcnl·~. Ford rrl;1yNI \1·1 1rrl nf his llt'\\' stanc·r 1hrough \\'h1tf' I/nu.~.: l'n•ss Sf'l'rt•tary .Jerald F li·rlfnrst. T(•rllot~! s.1i1I .. thcr1• is no preci se :i~r1•t•nH'n!" 1111 \1·he1her ::e!son A. Hork1•f1·1l11r. 1111111in.11c1t hy Ford Tup:;d,1 \ to hf• \JCt· {Jr<'s1dt'r1I. wlll be on tlit' 19il> tF·k1·L r:ut fl'rllnr01 sn1d !hi.~ should not bi"' 1.1k1•n :1s :u1 1nrtic·f11i(ill lht1 1 f'ord planned ADDITIONAL STORIES ON ROCK EFEiLER -P•g• A4 ' lu 1Ji1n111 H<i<'k1·f,·l\er :,houhl ht· ~··1·k <'lc r·1ion 10 :1 full rn11l"-\'f':ir tertn R!1tl-.1·f l'll1·r ~.1111 'T11t·~d:1~ that hi• hf·l11•\t•d l·'11rr! h;irl t'\'1•r1· intt>ntion o! runn1n ~ 1n l1fi'ti. ;'ll lhnuJ,!h un!ll tod:l,\ !ht• \\'hi!t.• )11111.-;t• h:id _gi\'en nn si'..!ll th:i1 ~·nrd \1 :1~ harking rlo11n fl'•)lll h1~ e;1r h1·r \'n11· no t In run f11r 1h•· pres1den1'y l·"or'<I 111:u!1· !11:11 <;!;1h•tn1·nt during hi s 1i•··· 1u·1 ·~1d1·1111al t•1111!1rn1at1on '1c:1ring It "<ll<l 1101 St'i'tll nppropn:i!(' · fnr ;1 111;1n h1 1n~ 1·uns1dt·r1•d for 1 i('t' pr•'"td1 nt lu 1.d\.. of runn111g f11r the pn·1>11trn1·1· ti ·r tl,ir~\ s:11d ''\n\1 h1:-- pn:.1I i1)1l 11;1'> 1·h.1n1-:1·d Ttu·r1·fr11·1 his 111·\'. h:i <:. 1·h:111 ~!.-d ... 'l'£'rll1•r"!, \'111111111·111~ r.un1 • 1 n rrqPQll .;\' lu rp11•.;1 111n~ ;1[ ri I\!'\\<, hri1 •f1ng 11h1·n .1 :-;k (•d .1hn111 !i f'I(' k (' r1' 11 •· r '" :O.\fl l1·1n1•1H th.ii 111• lil•1llgh t rt1nJ 1,uUl<I run in 1~1;1; T(·r llo1 ~l :11d h<' flisr1hS•'d 1hr 1s-.11P \.\'ilh Ford '1'Ut·sd;1,I' n1gh1 an(! ag:11n th1~ 11lnm111g. '·1\.., .1 r111 ~no1\1 , 111 !hr p;1s1 Prr,1d .. nt Ford h~·ld the opinion he would not Rea 1ra11 Si an:S !'"" ::- Ref c rend LUl I On Tran!Sil 1'ax Gov. Ron:tld R('a~:ln !<ignl'd a hilt T11csd:1.1• ~ivini:; Oranf.(c County vo1ers th<' chnnc(' to dr1·idc on the n1erits of :i ~;1 l i's !;i ,11: incrc:ist lo pay for a 1nod1·rn 111n s~ trnnsi! .~l'~trtn . 1'he hill 's aut ~or. AsSc 1nbly1nan .lol1 n Briggs 1ll·Pu!lerton1 tcrn1l'd l he iiovcrnor'!ll <1ctjn1\ "a inilcstnne ir. Orange• County." The measure. Ah 3951. wit\ be in the fnr1n of ;1 refcrendu1n on ,he Nov. 5 bnllot asking voters to apprflV(' or rcjf'r·t thf' co nce pt of ;idditional s;i l<'s 1:ixr.s 10 fund public trnnsporlation. If apprnvNt , lhe OC\\' lnw \l'Ol!lcl pl:;icr an uprcr /i111ir of one cent on thr. tax incrf'nse and ~i\'C Orange C-Ount~· Transit Disr rict direl'tor!' the option of \\hl'r<' to sci the rare inside that lim it. If 1hf' incre;'lse i.-. !'Cl a full rcnny. nr:11·lv ~I billion 1vould be rniscd over \llC' l1f~I \:i y1•:1r!'t In pny for ;.1bollt half rhc~ C'stinl:itf'd ro~1 of !he transit sl'~t1·rn nn1\ 1•nvisioned hJ• planners. Thi• f'ou 1Hy'14 ci rics rind 11ninrnrporatNI rtn·a<t 1rnulcl ~('\ n 25 llC'rC('tl( cut or ;111 rt·vcnucs dur in.i; lhc fi rst lhrce ycnrs 111 t<pr11d 011 lhf'ir 011·n tran!lit pl:ins. Th•· n11lv ~11pulnl ion is !hat the lorn!. 11rni1·r1s 1nesh v,l1h 1hoS<' of the 1rnns\1 d1~tr1 cl • Tht· syslf'n1 11011• in lhr pl;111nln~ slngr" tn("htde!'I 137 milf'!' nr rapid transit jSee ltF.FERJo:NOUJ\I. r111;tl' A21 rlln." h•r llor.~1 ~•aid. · lie is 1J(1\1 ol the opin ion hf• probably 11 ill run in l!tifi a!'sun11ng of course h1' 1s nn1n1n:itl'fl b~ dclf'g:i.tes al the H.rpubl ic:tn national l'Otl\'Cntion " Hl'sponding t" nlhl'r q u e s Ii on s tcrHorsl said ill· "di:lllHlt•l) 11ants to f\ct·p 1he word 'probabl}' in his ~l:llClllt'nl. But. barring unforeseen de,·elop1nt'nls, 1he CiOP nnn1 in:H1on in 19i'!i is Ford 's 1 irt~:;lly for the asking. Cltpo Zo1ii11g P llt 11 A l tl1 ck.et I H~ f',\ \1 ELA 11.\l.L.\ '\ 01 lllf 0.ll J '"11•1 Siii! 1\ l)ll lJl1c h1«1 r111g n11 !he l'11nlro1·f'r~1:1l la ud ·ul'f' el1•nu·nl of San .I u a 11 (':1p1qr;1nn·s ncv; gt•n(•fJI pl:•ll !ooh on 'h•· 1rft pp111{!:; {If a "<11 ;q1 H\l'f·t uJ s11rt" Tta·sd:1.\ T1,1·111~·-lhn·1• pn1pf'r1\' n 11 n r r,, 1ti1·lud1n;: 1h1· !:1rgt•)>t 1n 1ht· t'il y, filenrt..I, F1·d1•r:il :O,a\ lllJ!!>. took 1':.llt' 11 I 1 Ii prfJ!~l~t'd zon1111.: for tht·ir l;u1d ,\ln~l 11 ant vii 11 l1a! :1nn!ht>r h:1d. L1 .. 1 ( 'h:icli·. 11 ho app1•11n•d 11) hl' Ill•' 1·111 .1 of trlO'if (lt•l'1°lopers 1n 11\1' p:1t·l.1•d r11y 1·11unc1I l'h:1111ln·rs. h;1d 1n11111i:: ot !It 11n i1s pl'r arr•" Bu1 ru_, 11;1111rd l~1nllnl'rc1al. J)t·n111s l\ltr. rt'prr~('11!1 ni? !ht' :'ll,1ron Stni1h pl'vll(·rty .... :11rt ht··rt i.:ladly t:1k1' ('h;-Hl<''s 1.on1n g 111 pltlt:t; t1f ht~ 111o·un1IS·IX'f·i!Cr1· zone. S1·1·1•r:1l 01vn«r" tif rr.-;irh·ntinJ\1·-1o nrd propt'rt1t•s rt.•qucs!ccl co111n11•rci:il zon ing. ()Ill' 01\'llt.'r of industria ll~'-zoned t:ind 11·11h :i 1 it·\\' o\·erlooking Dana l'oint harbor said his zont' 11·as scn..,1:lcss at1d a~k,:d tor residential. · Speaking in support of lhe l;'llld·USC ('l cn1C'nl was Hobert ~1 c <..: o t I u in . ch<1irn1an of lhe land-use division for the Citizen's Interim Policy Jllan. "The docun1cnt sho11·s a hi gh d('grrc or scn.-.ilivity ," said ri.1cC01\un1. "l\ly onl y disn111.v is that there is no provision for gro11'\h -ratc control in this plan. Th£'rr should be son1c \1·ay lo plnisc groy,·th. ·· lie said the tlo1.:1nnrn1 properly rhallengcs th e "real cs1<1lc ctinos;i ur" of hi ghest and hes! use 11 hi ch h:is \)(>(•11 lhc guiding influence in cities to the ' (Sec LAND· USE, Pa~e AZ.) ADVERTISER S SET A PILOT RECORD Orange Const cla ssified arlvcrti.~ers last vottk helped th" Daily Pilot set a ne1v record. During the seven-rlny r.criod cndf'd SundR.y, then: \.\'ere 9.27 1 clasSUicd acLs run in our p.1ges. 'fh.11 is more than 11t nny other tin1c in lhe history of the D11ily Pllot. \\'c usuall y rcscrvr !hi!' sp<it·e to tell of t he suN"ess Individual advt'rtl::crs cx- ]'X'rience afler they've listC'c: thei r· ct1r!l. furniture flr other s11 l11hlcs in our 1·01- umns, ·r()(lay 11·e'll hrf'.1k 11'Hh tradition ;ind say 10 9.27 1 ad\'t·rlist·r.~· '"l'n:ink:;; for li'!l ing us JJlll 11 li•1v 11f11tls lo '14·ork for \'fll.I, ·· ..:._ Oally PUnl Cl:is~lflrd Ad!it h;1Ult.•ground lx't\t1•1'1l surfi.:rs :111d .\1 ;1n11t· p:11rvb; 11hen ;\Jolt'~ uffi1·p :ind 1111!it:11~· d1·ll'J,!<1!t·, bt·g.'.111 n1•gut1al 111g f111 • :1 tr:u1sft·r of !ht• bf'il('h into :.1:1lt' c..:outnil :.t•\ t'l'al ~ t•:lr~ a~u . But 11 heH .\'1;..on thvsc lh1· ci!U (.'11!11111 psta\t· f11r thr· \I eslcn1 \\'litlv I l11u~t·. 1111· .-;1:!l1' r'l•lt•ll!t'([ c111 de1nands lhal lht' b1•,1ch rt·n1;un 8 nn-n1an ':-. land and .'-l'llt' ;1~ a SCt'Ul'ill' l>uf fi'I ' ".\1 llh• !J;111\ \It' ll'l'/'l' gl\'l'Jl a Jj:-\llU 'I JllllJl'L'::iSion !hhl 1H11.•t: Hie l1l'i::iidcnt left 9 + ,, off!l't' 11t• 1·111ild r1·n1 ·L!1111;tll' ;111 d 1·1 1•n1u·1Jl.v 1 ... 1,1· tht" l11·1u·h T h;i t lr;111:-p1 r't:1l 11 1•11 h••1or'1• 111• 1•xp1•rlt·d 11 tu, an<I II ~[;111d'> to r1•;l~on rha1 ·I 11t• "l1t111hl rl'St1rl11· tlu· 111 ·1~ol1:l\10ll'>," !\Iott s.11d '1'!11• 11:11·i..s d1r•·( t111 sp;1n·d fr·11 11i1rd'i In 1·h1d111 g th,, \1 tll'llh' ('<1r)'.' ll!r !-<l ~dli11:.: l!I 1 1IH·r ne1.:ut1:11111n • 11h11 ·1i h1· t1 ·r 111.~ 11l•il lu lht· 1il11n1;1te 1l<'1 ;·lop111\'rH rif lt11· ~1 :..: 1111 li· 'lnolrl' .str;111d ;11111 2,::110 t1t·r1'!'i 111 Su11 :'ll:1tro C:111y1!1\ • 6 • a1 lilt· rl111St ..... r, .. u, )ll'•·lllo'lll IH ~.-11l. \\,t.~ ltit' Ull\11111tll~ll1·, ,,j tli1 f •1l'p• I•• i1\'\'1'pl :•Ill 11f lt11• 'Ut.:,:t•!)l<'d Sllt'S 1H! 11!1• t1•h.1 ,1'1<•11 "' !111· e11li"r"d 111ri11·., lu•ft l'll l'li1h I\ 1111.' 1·.1th111 th•' h1111n1I• •'• (l1c• park pr111•1'rt.1 11l1l.11111•d 1111111·1 Ii" 111 l!li:! \lu!! s:11d l11:i1 ·1nri1l1t'1 p1.1i11111 r· lhl· i1 1n;l.1111 111.11.·~,11~ 111 411111111 11HI .11 I ht• 1 .. 1,i• ' .' .. :·t .i ~ '1~11 1 ' Hltl', \, ilh 1111 I' 111' 1-:•" ,111111•l1ill\l' li;i, • , 1\111111 .111d1 r 111• + o~ 01llJ Piiot Sl1!1 l"l>O!O THE FOR D-RO CKEFELLER ALLIANCE WAS IN THE CARDS ACC ORDIN G TO A LAGU NA LAD Mike Leamon, 14, Dug Out His Deck of 1971 Polit icards to Review the Bidding False Sig11,1l Sil.tit s Do,v11 011of1·e Pla11t for (l Ti111e 111.._. San Onofre nuclear rcnclnr 11·rnt back into full production today .1frcr a false sign<1l fro1n a cooling s:.~·s1t'1n monilor shu! c1·cryt hing clO\\'n 1•:ithin seconds 1'ucsday af\crnoun. S1x•c ialists for the (y,·o 11 l i ! it i t's t1J1t'rating the stntion arf' slill trying Hi dt1tcrn1inc the exact ca u~c oT the shutdo11•n triggered by \\'hat \\<IS tt.•nnc1I :1 hi ghl y sensiti ve 1te1·ice \l'hith n1onitors !he pri111ary ~ysl.cn1 11•hich coo ls the rt·attor. No ;11J11onnal t'Qnctilions were noted 111 the cooling !'ys:.len1 1rhcn the falsf' :i lar111 \\I'll! off al 1 ·5.-l p.m Spt•('iftlbrs had been cnndurlin~ tl'sts of !hr n1onitn ring: ~)"5lf'n1s during lh<' ;iJ:inn , rc-;c111ni; the df'vicl's an fl p••rf11ri11ing routine n1ainten:i.or1•. 1\c!u:il testing of one of thr('(' n1onitors 11;is hl'ing doJll' <il !h t• lin1 e of rhr l'111crgcni.:y shut dO\.\'ll . ~pokcsincn s;iid. Th<• {1 S. 1\!0111 ic Energy t'nn11nis~lo11 ;1lrt':HI~· h:1s been not ified aboi111 t111' Ol·t1 11Tl'ncc. in confnrn1;rnce 1virh it s n1g1dal1011~. said spokesrn<'n for South<'l'll t.';,ilifornia Edison Con1pany. Texas Jail Ringlecide1· ' I l(illed iti Police Raid ' i RULLETl'1 A\IA RfLLO. Tex. (AP ) -I former pollreman lnrned criminal cllrcl In R bur!'il of )!Unfire loda)'. encllnA: a 36-hour s111nrl- off by fi \•e inmates holdlnll a h 11~1a~e In the jail Rtop the Pottrr l'111111f\ Court· house, 11 sheriff's office i;pokt>s111an said. A~IAltll.L<.l. Tex. t IJPI 1 -l)rputic·s hl n!'t('(i their wav into th(• l'o1!1~r U1 uut y courthouse jail forlay arid fref•d fl jailer heing held hoota~e by five knifc·i~ieltling inin:itc.~ fQr tnorc than a d:i?. T\\'O loud cx plos1ons !'(l('kcd 1ht• 111}\'M'r floors of lht· count\' ('Qt1rtho11~(' ~.r 11 4f1 a rn and 1ninu11•s '1111er d<·puUc:-ru «ht·d .!-=l:i.11 Snitker frorn the J;i1l lo a w.11tu1g pa!rnl c:1r Snitker, held hostage since 1nidnigh1 ~londay, 11·fts rushed to ;i hos1>it:il ill unrlclermintd condition. T\\'O 01hcr explosions \.\"ere h1'11t·d shorllv after rhe fir~t t11·0 and at lc111 st IU police officrrs 11·rrc s1•c11 rushin~ lhrough !he upJX>r floors of the t'i!lht - :rtory b11!!di11g. Tht' jail is l0t:atrd in the !iCVcnth and eighth fl oors. Sc1·1•rul persons 11'('!'\' ca rrird fron1 tlie co11 r1hr1use ;111d pl<"l.t:l'd hurriedly 1n lhrcf' y,•11itln~ ;unbul~1tl('l'l'. l' o u 11 t y offir1al.~ n:fu.~cd to J(il'f' ;iny dct;ills of the in('irll'nt and 'A Ould not id('ntify !ho:-c hospitaliz<"d The fi l'C in rn~h·!{ O\Cl"Po\Yrrcd Snitker ISre CAPTURE, Pnf t Atl .l 1'i(·he/, F oretol<I / 11, Y 011th's Cards ,\ (;£'ra id Ford · .'\t·lson Tioc!..efeller p;11 t11crshi p 11·,1s fort'!Old 111 thC' (',1rd<;. Not tcirot fortune-tcllinr, cards. but :i 1lt·ck of ch:1r:it'1<'r cards 01111cd by ~'like l.l'amnn, 14. of Laguna Be.1cti _ Ford and Rockefeller ore l'ro poliUc::il fi~urt's ;imong 1!1(' S2 in the llt·<:k of 19il \'inta{:!~ ''Politicards.·· Ford. \1<:aring :i grin and a football 11niforn1 is :i nillt' or clubs. f!ocky \1·e:1ring a grin, husint'SI' s11i1 ;1ncl rlutchinJ! ;:1 fisl full of grN'nbacki>. is ..,;l anding in line ar ;1 "sold out" Prt$t· dc·ntial eon\'Cnt ion. lie is a 10 of club<;. T·lle dcc]I: 11·as gi1't'n 1.0 ?llikc hy hisc <l:1rl. An astulr follo11-er of current ('\'\•n1 s. :\tikC' no!iced th\' roincidetir-cs:. aftt'r l{ockcfrl!f'r 11·as sclt"Cted as vier prrsi- rl rnr. desii;na!e Tuesday. S"-:1 IJo,vcd DoJ)C IG.lls Sn1u!!o-lcr L . t'°' I l ~f,\. Pcr11 1liPJ 1 -The dralh n~ :i Texan nc:.ir .Jorge Cllavez International 1\1rporl OC:'<'t11Tl-<l becauSt> a p/:1stic bai;: of C'OC'aine bur'! ins ide his digf'stlvr. s~'S· tf'1n. polic'f' s1:1icl , rurtis ~lt,h·in t"R.rnts, ~6 . of ;\ustlu. Tr·x .. s11·nl!o\1f'tl 10 sn1all p!a.1:tlr ll<ll{S rontninin~ ;ihout 12 ounc(>s of t(lca\t'\(', in!<'tl(lin~ to sn111ggle thr f'()('llinc from Bolivia lu th1 • L1n\tcrf Stn!rs, p:)lit·e ~'.lid 1\11.·~day . • l';H11f'<.t. sto111nt•h at1tl-. d is~oll'C'<l liit' pla~tiron tht· flight fi1)1ll Ln l'az. Bol1\ia. !o l.ilnll , \JQ\11'{' said, alld !hf' hf'fl\')' dn.'>1' of 1h1ii.::-~t·n1 him 11110 C'(){\Vulsiou'> ;i hoarrt \t11' J•'! at\11 in thl' ! in1a airport !ff' chrtl en routi• to 11 ho~p1lal 11 111,t 1·1r.·1J '"111 111• ;1r" r<•r1·1•rl 10 ',,I ! I It 'I\ •-r ;l~;IJ11 II' ! I ' !.;l'Ht"r,d pl;1t1S for th~ 1~1 ··1!1l1• 1 •111 •'I "1"11 ,.f lh•· , 11l1~lt'd man'!' 11 ''' 111!1 1h1• ~1;1!•· 1!1.,1 surfing 111:•o1111,1lf1•t1 ,1•1d h1•t1 rl•'l•I ('1·:H f'r 11 t ·' 1111i.1·u111 11. tlll' ~port · ~l11tt Ii , 1 I !11•;11 111•11°11 111u•n1 uf b<J'it' 11 '1'111.' :111,I t<•llllll1'r~·t• Ill lhl' 11n.'JI ll'lld~ ~' 11· 1' 111 11r~··11c.1• 111 1h~· pr1·1>C'r1·at1nn 1:\ec l'.IHKS, l'a ~e 1\t1 Police Tasli Fo1·ce Raids A1lru·t111e11ts B~· .JO ll N VALTERZA 01 th• D•llr l"iott Slit! S:1n ('\e1nentc poli t•' 11ssi!'tcd by ,1".i·1·;1l 11tht·r agt'nl·ies. rounded up :!4 alll·~l·d n:ireotics SUS\:i<'Cts 1·uesday in a n1ajor t:i.-;k fo rce 01~.:rat1on spannJng !he South f'()'.ISt. \nntd \11th 11·arrants srccif yin~ <·haq.;t.~ 111 sale of a 1\·1de variety of 1lr11gs 1ntlud1ng heroin and cocaine. .iffi('1•rs btir)>l in al SC\'l'ral San C\en1enle :J\i.1rhnrnts and others in J)ana Point and l .. t guna Niguel. Llf 1r. s11.~~:cts nan1 rd in 11·arrC1n\s, Tursday·s raids nl'ttcd 10. plus 14 other pt'l'St)11s 11·iio y,·crc asscrtedly involved in 11arcot1c.;; ~ctivity at the residencc.<i. l'hosc arrt•sled Oil "'a rrants are ; \':11 I.lean \\"eavi!r. 20. of 145 W l';1nr1d:i. S:i n CJe111e11!c, charged 11·11h 1>;ilt·~ of eOt'aine. l~":i ll, Ph1•ncycladinc 1:1 !Jor.~l· tranqu ilizer kno1vn 011 U1c slrt·e! ;i.; ·•Angl·l Dust"1 and niarijuana. Ii i~ b;u! J~ $1!1J~M). -\'alt·ril' ,\nn Kurl£1na11. 20 . of 1•·1 \\'. Canada. sales of LSlJ : ba il set at $1.l)(H t -lti<·llarct Joseph Hy<111, 19. , Camp l't'IHllt•lon ,\larioc livinf,! at 212 l1 Aragon . S:111 Clcn1ente: salf's 1lf n1ar1ju ana and 1J11cneyclid111e: ti.1il is ~2 .500. . ~la 111c.-: S11ntiago. 2n. ;.dso .'.\ Mar1nf' 1 11111~ at lhc ... an1c Address. booked on f'h:il'J.~,·~ 111 111arqu:inft and phencyclidi11e ~:ili'!'i. 1·:1il. s~.:11Yl. -.l•lSf'ph 1!1•!:1 f:on1ales. 21 , of 212 ( Aragon, .~ales of heroin. marijuana o111d phcn1·~clid1nr. 11;1\l 11·:i!'i srt at $7,500 !\('\ 1•r:il pPrsons pn·.,.cnt 11! :i p.trty ar 11t1• :op:irtn1cnt "('u1•sdny 111ght 1vrre 1~1"1-.('d nn rnari111no.'l rh:1 rgl'~, !aid l'11l11 ·t· f'l11,.f ,\!cl !'ort111"r -Ed1•.:1l'd Jri ~h l.11pl 1111 .Jr tn. of 2!l3:i1 S:111 B1·1 ~''· l.:1gt111:1 N1 1411t•I. l'h:1rgcd 1\·i1h ~:ii« 1)! coca1n1·, y,•11h h<i!I .,ti at Sl0 .000. Jo:.l'ph ~1lnt.:iell1. I~. 11f \JO \V . :'llarqu1t:1. chargl'd 11·1th sall' of hnshish IHI. 11•i1h hail a! $2.SOO. -Jt'lf i\lnn \\'olkl'r. Zl. of 3.1831 Z:1r1.1!11. l)11 na Point, chargC'd "°ith sale of n1arijuan;1 and hiri11g a 1ninor lo l'flt·Cl ill1 c..:1t sales: bnil at $5.000- -S;1111ucl R. Sn1ith. :1 19-year-old .\l:1 nnt· living at Z\2 11 Sel'illc. charged 1\ i1h 1narijuana sale, with bail set at ~l ,1MHJ. -St t·phen Ch;irles Kh·ett. 21 , of IOI \\'. 1\t<1 r(1uita , Sa 11 C\ern enle, charged iSee ~ARCCYTICS, Par AZl Orange Weather fl 'll br sijghtfy .. worn1er , Thut'3· 1av, atcording-to· the 1\l'eath~ serv- 1c.-e. 11•ith hi,gh~ at th t· bcachc~ 1ro11nd 73 risin~ to 85 inland Orange. L.:oun!y. Lo1\·s tonight 6ll to 64. l"SIUt~ TOIJA l' ,\'1,/1111 R/1<111 , rJ1r Ccdifornia :\11!1•·/s' (irebnl/11111 r1gl11 ha11der, s1·1 n 111ujur /cay11e record of 47 ~riikl'onrs 111 1/1rrc 11a1nes Tues· ct11 11 1nf/l1t -hut tile Angels Inst . 1-0 !11 /lie 1Jr1rrn1 ·r1grrs nt A nn· lr1'11" S111d 111r11 , St·e Spotts. Paue. I~/, .. y,..,. Sen> I<• ., ~M· T•M .. 1 011lnt "' M11vl-' • •• '° • llOyt .. M ijlW•I ,Yllth " C•ll!orn1~ ., M•lion•I (l•u+l+tCI O\•ll Ne"" ... ,. com+<• '" Or•n•t c: ..... ,., •••• Cr•uworll '" l"99D\t (\·I oe.irh l'l•lltt• " '"'" .,., ldii.r!l l ..... .. • •• \l•l11<rvhn "' ln">rtllftmtn! '" ''"'~ M•r~tlt 1 1•1 l"lfi.ll(t .,, lt•1vht.., "' ·-Ct·ll l ~•utr• .... , HO•OUOlt't " Wt1•1W>r .. ·-l•<>dtn " Wtrld ·-· ... .. M•llbtA .. ' ( ' ,, San Juan Eyes Monitor System San J11an l 'ap1s1ra110 t'1l,1 t'ou11r1l1n .. 11 \.Id[ be askt'<I !1in1,i.:hl 111 ,1l'~IHIWl1·d1-:1· the i:·i l~ 's sn1og prolilt-111 aud :itlow thi• Air l'o!lutiun (.'untrol lf1s1fll'.I 11\r•c;1i1 lo .-.1·l up ~1 lu!I n1nn1ror111 ~ station ~l c·1ty hall Th!' r('QUt:'Sl y,•1ll tx> rn<tde at 01•· 7 pm. 1ncct1ng In th(' Council ch<unbtr~ At·<"ording !O c·11y /\l anagl'r llonutd G. W1·1dnl'r. ;1flt•r a ye:1r's n11a]\'-.1~ nf ozonl' r1·:1<hngs in th(' rif\', ~·ount\'' Al'('J 1 offi('J:l!S ha\·1· d1•!cnnin(:ct \he rlccf''i51!\' for full a11:1h·s1!'> nf :ill forn1 s or air polhu1on in S;;n J uan .. \\'e llel!eve that "ith in creased urbanii.1tion :ind th<• pubhc's ront·ern over thr control or ils C'nvironrncnt that full and factual infor111at1on nn air quali~y in S;in .Junn ('ap1 str;1no is needed .'. said Wcidnrr. The station would be a mobile unit located behind lhC' ~:is pu1nps in the northe;ist corner of rile city's equipn1cnl yard. The uni1 is self containc.-cl. It \11ould L' o 11 t :1 in ins!n1n1en la11on n1oni torini! for OZOrK'. oxides of niirogen, sulfur dioxide, to la I hydrocarbons. melhanl". rnrbon n1onoxidc. suspcnd1'd particulates. temperature. huinidily. ''ind speed and direction. The readings would be auto1natit ally sent 10 lhe APCD headquarters in Anaheim. 'J'ht· station "outd bcron\c operal1011a! J.1n L Ozune rl"a dings laken in the city during rh1· rnonth or Junt• jhO\\'t-<l l!I day~ 11hcn San Junn's ozont• ('Ount t'Xt'cr'di·d ft•iler;il air quality standards. Only t\10 l'llles in the county sho"t'<I a llft'ill1•r nu1nber nf smoggy dayj -La Habra ;i111I El Toro. (>tht•r Ht.:1)1 ~ on lorught ·s agcnd<1 ir11.:lud1.'" -Hc1·is1011 tJf an ;1grr1•rnl:n! 11·1th \\ uod.~1de-Kubota for en g 1 11 re r 1 n g St·n ·1ces to 1hc city, gradually redut1ng the r1rm's "'Ork in the CJ!y <IS 0{'W t'l!Y eng1f\l•C'rs arr hired -Adop tion of :1 rr~lution drsignating lhl.' Orange (\1 un1y llt'al!h l>rpartn1enl ;1,-; !ht· HlSllf'C'!ion ;;ind t'nfnrcemcnl ;1gency for siatt> standards relating to labor can1 ps. San Juan has two labor e<1n1ps wilhin its l'llY li1nits. -Consideration of u re<1uest to ask the cnunty board of su1){'rv isors to r·stablish and pruvide e 111 f' r ~en c ·s rt'~ponse St•rvicf's for th1• city by us(: of ;;1 911 emergency phone nun1bcr in con1pliancc vtith new legislation . -Proposed participation in a county bikeway development program on a matching-fund basis. Rike trails nre proposed for San Juan Creek and Trabuco Creek. Suspect in LA Airport Bombing Held by Polic e LOS ANGELES (1\P ) -A Yugosla111an inimigrnnt "•ith a r(•cord of sex offenses has been arrested for in\'cstigation of n1urder, and police say he is the ''alpflabet boinbcr" \\.·hose deadly charges killNl three persons. Police and the FBI said Muharcn1 l\urbegovi<.:. 31, was taken into custody Tuesday night a rtt!r he planted a t.ape recording in a trash can in a rest room at a Holly"·ood takeout restaurant. The y said Kurbegovic "'as the man who identified himself in telephone calls and tape recordings as "Isaac Rasim ." military leader of an organization he called Aliens of America. He was called the alphabet bomber after threatening to spell out the group's name "in blood" unless immigration ll.nci se x lll\.\.'S "·ere repca\e<I. \Villiam A. Sullivan, assistant director or the FBI in cMrge of the Los Angeles office, said Kurbcgovic wa.~ appa rcntl.v acting alone and "at !his lime ii '~'OUid be my opinion that the re is no such group as the Aliens of America." Police said Kurbegovic, who had been employed until this week at a 'blueprint company in Los Angeles, was unarmed and offered no resislance v.1hen arrested. Kurbegovic, who has light, curly, short hair, was n1arched past nc"'smen at police headquarters and booked in connection "'ith an Aug. 6 blast at f.()s Angeles lntemational Airport that killed three persons and injured 35. Friday night , in response to a warning from the man who called himself Isaac Rasim, police found a 25-pound bomb planted in a locker in a downtown bus station. The device was disarmed . After Kurbegovic's arrest, po!ic{' aidt'rl by bomb-sniffing dogs Sf'arched his Hollywood apartn1ent and haulf'd 3\.\.'3Y "-hat they described as a large cache of d1e1nir~ls and explosivrs. Thev s.1id !he haul includ{'d nu111rrous hottle~ of rle:1r lk1uid s, Sf'V{'rnl cans uf gunpo1\·der. a largC' spool of f'ler1rica l 111rt·. ;1 C;"1SSl'l1c rape rC'r"Ordcr. a g;is mask. and a nun1bcr of books on how to 1nakc bon1bs. Pohcc v.·ould not say "'hat th{' cle;ir liriu1d \\,1.,, bu! !hey said all of lhe rnater1al found could be used in making a larg{' quantity of !lO"·crful e.xplOSl\"C'S. Sulhvan said ii 11as not kno"'n "'here the explosives \\.'ere obtnined. OIAHG-! COA.S1' sc. DAILY PILOT T"' 0ra"O• Cr~\! 0.oly P ICT .. ~~"~"'~to OO'l"- blled tl>e N••· !'r•» rNll1·•'""' U• ""' 0-1"00" ~1 Pu~"~~·"~ C.""'(l•"• f,•r••.O'• e1''""' 111 """''""'° "'"""" ''"'"°" l"d•v 1n, r..,..11 Mft.I No'"~ IJ<o1rn l"'"""VIQ" B-K•~°"''" t••n V11~, ! •~'"'" l>·1i '' "~·"" '!.o1a• .. oo • '"' ~••" C'""'""'" •I" J~tn {.\P'"''"" A '"~'« t"ll<'ln&I ""'" n" !•""'""'' '"'"'""' o"tt -,..,,.. <i.w•, !~• P'"' •nll WIJI,,~ .... 1>'•"'" ot JJO W•\t a., St•HI c;o .......... C•''""'"'' lj/r,~1. ;.,1 .... :1 °l•e• l p'"""""t "'""'~'"""' J'Jf•" c.,1.,. ~•(I P,to•<k"' 11'<1G.....,1ol '-'•'l&QW I+ .,..'1\ • 1J .-r~ ,,. !.'l"901"Q LOOI°' ~1H.L,..-· ;i,.1-..,,,<J P t*.-ofl A.0.,1~ "'•N'J"'9E0••0t1o So11 c~, Offlc1 10~ t..v·~I1(..,........ ~-.,i OtMrOffkt1 CC!'l ...... .., JlOWn\I aa-• ._._,, N••J> .. 1 B•' ,. "I.'\)),._.._., s.w. ...... ., Mu<"l•"':IM" Rooa • I/~/•, ll<ooc<> 8 u•••••lf ll!Ou•" e. .•• '1'' "'""' .......... . Ttk-pllOM 171 4164Z·4l ZI C~1Mfltd Advtrfl•""9 64J·St1t S-Clt111t ..... AR o.,.rl-tt.: 1'1'11phoM 4tZ-4420 (Qll'l"'o<>t •Ill• °'"''"" C.O..i ~ , ........ c-. ,,.,,... Nn """'' """"' ,,._..1,11.-,.,. •·1""''11 ... !loo (I ..iv .. 1"••-flt• ""'"'" .,., bo' <a~ "''~ •('IOI •ol °"" ""U"~ u! U"Jf\ .. •OI~ Ow,.., "°""""VII• m o1 .. ,... ~··n 4! 0.••la Mo'" Golob• "4 ~D'JC<>C•,·•" t, '•"'"' IJ 00 """'"''t ~. _.. ,, 00 ,,,..,.,,,,1, "''"'tf'I' ,,.,,1 ....... ., .. , 13 00"""""" • A police spokesman said plainclothes officers and FBI agents had been following Kurbegovic for more than 18 hours prior to his arrest at the restaurant. Carl's Jr. \Vitnesscs at the restaurant described him as "mild looking." He was dressed casuall y. Police spirited hin1 a"•ay fron1 thC' restaurant so quickly that en1pl6~·rs nnd customers said later they had hardly been a"·a re of "·hat "'as happening. Fron• Page ,11 LAND USE ... north. He asked that densities not be alt ered. The request th.:it "'ould have the greatest impact to the city was from Gle nd ale Federal Savings· representatives. The firm owns nearly three square miles of undeveloped land out of a total land area for the city of 12.5 sq uare rAiles. Th e company wants to put 4,700 units on its land. The city plan calls for only J.600 units. "We're asking for 2.6 units per acre," said Ra lph Martin , speaking for the firm. "That"s \\.'hat we have to have. ;ind in all fairness we should gel it." J\.fartin said an illusion exists th:il there is a device called cost bcnf'fit. a set amount whtch each person niust theoretically pay for lo"' density and open space. "\\'hat do you do about payment to people v.•ho cannot devf'lop their land because of general plan r1'strictions?" he asked. Hill Bathgate. a fonncr c i t y counciln1an, ai,rr~ed \.\.'ith 1his conc~'rt. !le said his land "'as zoned f\\'O un1!s JlCr acre .ind in his location th:it mi1-r11t not fxo devt·!opab\f'. "If I'm locked into f\1·0 units p11r acre-. l '1n lnck1'<l out of dC'\'l'l11p111e11t for ;i lonJ! t1n11 •, ;ind rn;1ybl· th;it '!': llu' 11urposr 11! th <ll dt·nsity." 1.1:.ithgatc's land i.'> C"Urrrntly 1n ritrus i::roves und like other citrus rariners. he said orange-rolling \~·as no lungt'r pos.~ible. T\10 farmers asked to llt' ;:1!10\.\.·ed to continue their far1ning, ho1~·f'ver. and oppo~ed residential zoning on lhcir f<irm lands. "We "'·ant tu keep on farming." said Charles Vermeulen. "·ho 011·ns land between Del Obispo Road and San Juan Creek. "ff the city doesn't \\.'ant us to. we'll stop." His sentiments were echoed by Shigcru Kinoshita v.·ho has a large farming operation in the same area. Pl anning Comm issioner l\en Friess said the city should hel p farn1 crs "'ho want lo stay in business by atlop!ing :1n agricu ltural zone for lh e city thal 1>erhaps has benefits for rnrn1crs. All of the remarks n1ade du ring the hearing "'ill be considered and some 11•ill be incorporated in !he revised land u~e element \.\.'hich v.•ill be prepared n1·xt month. according to Planning l)irector Dav id J. Smith. Another hearing on the tota l general plan is scheduled for late September. 1\\'0 l\'l en Killed 111 State Chase SUSANVILLE (AP I -A hlgh·speed nuto chase 11crOllll two N o r t h c r n Callfornia counties end<:'d in the deaths of t\.\.'O young n'len when a p0\ice car ran1mcd lhc rear of their Jilolen vehi cle, the Cal Uornia Highwa y PHtrol say5. •· Authorit1e.-; in Las~en and Shasto counties re.fused to Identify the tv.•o youths. who were dead ~t the scene of 1.he cr;.i;h Tuesday llbout seven n1ilcs south of Susanville. From l'age 1\l NARCOTICS. • • \l'l!h matlJWlM sale. "'Ith bail al $1.000 f'or111.-r said tilt! l'UOrdlnatl-d ra ldi'i, tht' f1r't in more than l\.li'O ytof'.'i h1 !ht• ('Jl1 under the full task-force for111at, cnde1! 111ore than four 1nonths ur probu1~. including alleged undercover buys lie and narcoli<.'s dt"tt'ct11·t's 111 S;1n l1cmenle said much (){ the undercover work was fum!shed hy Utguna Bee.ch police <tlonft: v.·ith the stale 11arculit.:S offiec and 1nil1t<lrv Investigators. •• 1 \\'UUld Si.IV -!tlc:1t the foC;.l] l)()int the people arre.:.1ed In these raids was our bo\lo'I area 111 San Clen1tt1tc," Jlortncr .-;i.\ltl. I le added that ~l arines lro tu Ca1np l'i·ndlcton "'ere among the bulk of the purchasers of illicit drugs in the pler- entrance nrea, the invcst1~atio11 showed. ~1 ost of those arrested in Tuesday's raids "·C're tr;.in:-:porte<l to Orangr County 1aiL Se\'eral pcr~ns a.1Tested on the 111arijuana sn1oking char!\"CS and for h•'ing 111 a place where the "'e«I was hf'ing l!St'(I "'ere released on their <l"'ll rt•coJ.{n11.ance pending arraignment. Arrt'stees nan1ed in the m a j or \rarrants. Portner .said, "'ere lo be f11rn1;1lly charge<\ early tcxtay in south Orange County ~-1unicipal Court. f 'ro111 1•age A I CAPTURE ... and anot~r guard during lhe sh1f1. change at midnight ~tonday but till' other guard, Don Sichi·t•ll, \'r'<ls relea sed Tuesday, suffering a head \Vound and a h.ip injury. Cow11y officials reported earlier today !hat negotiations, ,,..·hieh con I 1 nu e d through the night. v:ere brokt'n off and the inmates appeared to be taking d111gs. Al a midmorning t:onfC'rence sheriff's Capt . Arthur Fields had seemed pessimistic about talks 1\•ith the in111atcs. Fields said Darvin f\.feha rg, the focmer police officer and ex-con speaking for the five, was in bed and "thl'y 're tuiablc to even get him up now . " The unidentified drugs taken by 1he inn1atcs apparently caine from 1ail 1nedica! supplies. The inmates had relinqu ished their de1nand for freedom and switched to bargaining their cases. They asked for attorneys but none had appeared today. At no time had Sheriff T. L. llaker agreed to let the prisoners go free . The i11111ates. apparently led by a for111cr ix>liceman and a \\·oman "'ho allegedly helped him co1nn1it a liquor store holdup, took over the top two floors or the courthouse. \\'here the jail is loea ted. 'They grabbed t"'O deputies for hostages. but released one of tl10m 13 hours later so he could rccei>'e medical attention. lfcrman nriehl. 33, \Vichita falls. husband of ftle \.\.'Offian inmate Bartlard Thiel. 40, talked to his wife and Darvin ~,erharg, 39, a former \Vich.ita fa!ls JX>lice officer and the alleged ringleader of the escape attempt. Squirrels May Get tlie 'Pill' 111 Lagu1ia Beach Laguna Beach is suffering the effects of a population explosion ... . .Of .squirrels. The C\Jte, fuzzy, beloved. nosc- tY.·itctting little critters are boing blan1cd for the drastic erosion of an extensive stretch of Laguna's famous oc.eanfront lleisler Park. The squirrels have brou~hl dov.·n th<' scorn of Laguna Beach officia ldom - among other things -by burro1~·l ng mlo the oceanfront cliffs. The burrows ha ve caused huge sections of the park to Ca\·c in The rrob\en1 is 1.'!'flCci:illy aC'll!t' durin~ the r:1inv Sf'itson \.\.'hi'n the hole~ fill \1 ith ":lf('!'. ;11ul the cliffsidt' s!idt'S quirkl~·. 'l'hc1r habits have 1opplc<l a cnnf'rf'lf' ~!ai rway and <ire ~tcad1ly shrinking th1' pt'Ople ar1~a of the park 1>revio11sly th(· city tnct! IQ po1~1111 the squirrel~. That resul!r<I in a furor. an outcry from people who feed and lovf' them. Next. the city tried trapping them -\.\.'ith humane "lla\'e-A·l·leart" traps. The squirrels reproduced fast er than the city could trap them. ~. the city council is no'v faced y,·ith a proposal to prescribe birth control chemicals to the squirrels. Under a proposal fono:arded by Public Works Director Stan Schol!, the animals "'ould be fed a speeially treated food . And, nature wou ld not ta ke its course Frona Page Al REFEREND UM . rorridors. 1.500 fixed roulrs and cli al-a- ride buses and the possibility of soinc futuristic rapid rail line. "I carried thi s legislation at the request of OCrD because I felt the prople should hav e a voice in decid ing how their transi t services should be financed," Briggs said. Count v Transit Di str ict dirC'Ctors announCed they will meet in special session Thursday mo r n i n g to oonte mplale their next move wHh rrspc<:l to the lax election. The tneeting is set for 8:30 a.m. in the county Board 0( Supervisors· hearing room in Santa AM. If voters approve the sales lax, it will add another rung lo the ladder of subSidies that support the county tr11nsil operation. Less than 15 pertent or the di sl rlC't'.o; nnnual costs a.re now paid for l)ut of bus fare boxes. The ren1aindC'r co1Ties from loc&I property taxes and federal t.:1:t coffm . I Giving It Up 'Florida Fox ' Fi11flllY ."i11rr<>11de rs 1'.\Ll.1\J~1\SSEE. Fla , (AJlJ -.lack ('loL1~cr. Ii for1ncr policc- r11;1n chargl'd with kidnaping and robbery. decided to end 10 years on the run ;ind surrcndt::rcd to .author1tie ... today, ;1 state law cnforce- 1ncnt offirial said. r.1011....:cr, 42, n l;ldi~ 1hP FRl's 10 mo .... l-\11antl~d list and e:1rned lhe nickn<in1e "'rhc F'lorida Fox" as he {l]uded :ind ricliculcd pursuer:·>. Jlowcvcr. l"!urida oft1cials have indicated Clouser 1nay go free because of the stat ute or l1n111a1 ions. Jn ::i lett er t(j his estranged l-vifc , J\la rlene, and t\\·n tf'Cn·aged sons. ('louSC'I' said he v.·ould gi ve hiinself up because he wa s tireli of run11i11g: antl wanted to be with lli s f:nnily. "J\1aybe 111 y sons need n1e.'' Clouser \\'l'Ote. "~1ayhc J'nl JU St too old and tired to :.tart over again " !')an l'rancisco police arrested ('louscr in June on an :iss;1u]t charge but he was rclease<l before hL-; ide ntity ~as knov.•11. In t~c lc1tt•r lo his \1·ife. "'ho lives in Orla ndo. ('lonscr ~aid hl' h:1d been liv· ing in San FranciSl'O si n('C 1967 under Ilic alias l)onahl Si1n1ns. n1;1rr1cc\ ;111011\Pr \\'0111an and ""ls holding a Jt1h Flood 1•rl've11tio11 Enlarging· Prcido Dcini , Building· A1iotl1er See11 Uy l\A1'11Y CLA"· .... \' 01 t~~ 01il1 Pilol Sl#!t c·ould Prado rJ;in1 break in the next ma1or l"arthc1uakl" sending tons of dl'vastating flood 11<1ters throughout Orungc loun!.1-".' 1r so. 11·h~· n1akt• !ht' dan1 larger and build another at }.lt·ntonr. nc.1rly atop the San Andreas fault'! t.hosr 1\·rr1· !ht• qut•stions t\\O Chino rC'sid~'nls and ;i Fullerton geologist asked the .Army Corps of Enginrcrs Tue~ay night <it an Orange County h1•arin~ into al1l·rnal {' flood prcven!Jon plans along 1he S:1n!:t Ana River. Coi·ps spokt"'n1cn ~aid they 11·rre studying the d;1ni"s safety anti ha ve w:iys of building in added strength •vhen a project gets into detailed engineering stag{'s lat er. A spokC'sman for the OrJnge Count.v \\"a tcr Oistrict. Joyce Truby. \YOnderl'd aOOut ensuring safety of the district's 1~·nrrr conscr\"ntion basins along the ri\"er ch:innC'l. \\,lilC' !he district staff supports alternaie "F." a SSOO million project. she said. the\' nlso "'ant to be surr rclca'ic of ci:imn1cd \\ater \11.)ltldn 'I t 'rom Page ,\1 PARKS ... of 1'rcstlcs. ~·loll said Thr t'on1n111tce \\."JS charged by lhe director to spend at least t"·o years .<;tuciy1ng p.1rk dt'velopn1ent .. a\ 1hc Onofre: raci!ity and advisisg !he department 011 local needs and conc.-<"pti'. San ('lemcntc l'eterinarittn Dr . Co]d{'n J1ovle \\':IS selcc!ed interim chainnan Of tflf'. co1nmittcc. One of th!' group's fir.;t func1ions \\.'ill be a driving and walking tour of the st:iti• holdings , follo1\'ed by nnother session late next n1onth to review the master plan and the specific planning pnx-ess as mapped out by t\-1ott's staff. jropardiLt' ""ntrr slorc<i in dislrict 's spre:iding basins along the ri\·er channel. Ahout 125 persons a1!l'nded !hC' hea ring in i\nahrini. the onl.\ one sch!'duled for Orangi• Co1ml.I' Col. John Folrr of the Corps of E:ngincl·rs dl'srribcd the results of a nint•-\ enr f(';1si b1litv stud\' of flood cont~ol ;ilon~ thr basin. 1hrn outHnNi ninl' illtC'rna!l' 111ethcw:ls. ranging froni '"doing nothing·· to ,111 ~50 111ill1on µrct'n belt pl,111 11h1t·h 11ould 11·i)X' uut 0.40ll honll'S th;11 1ni i.:hr ht· 1n :1 flOO(rs p;1tl1. OratJge ! ·oun1.1· Su per\'isor Ralph Oiednell ~aid rounty !'UJX'r\•tso rs supJXl rl pl;in ··~~:· •1·l11eh in\·oh·r" r:ii~ing !he height {lf 1 'rudo J);u11 ;1nci huildi ng a 11('11· dil111 ;1t :O.·len1ont• n1>ar Redlands. as 11'c·l l ns i1np1U\"1ng t'l\'er· ch;1nnl'I -; About S.'>6 1nil!io11 for th1• project \.\.'OtJlll co1ne frorn J0<·:il fund~. A spoke~111an f11r s! :ile Srn. Jan1 t'.'s r~ \\'hrln1 orr 11!-Cnrdl'n Grn\'('\ $:!id h1• 11ould f!T01nrnend lh:i! the <;i•na!or :1lso support pl:1n "F.. ThP l()rp~ -::i1d f'nrlier tlu s pl.:in :ipl)1:<•r!' 10 bl.' tn ost l1k rl y to \1 tn pubh(' support. Hut \\'. F. !)11rring-!on and C. B. l'l'dcrs{'n or Chino qut•st1011t'<I tha! plan. ~;1y1ng lh1'\ f1«tr th-.· 1t:un<; r·nuld l'OliapSl' 111 an rar1hquakt' Their fr;1rs \1f'rc l'Chord by ~1 J r·aslro. a Fullrrlon i::colog1s t \lhOS{' fin11 u1>erall'S 11 <111 11t·!ls 11t•;1r Prado, and by <.:. E. l!oark. :i Ciilrdf'n r.rov!' engineer. floth il~kt'<l that the eorps t·~1rrfull.1 .~!Laly all saft'!y fa ctors. Thl' flood ('n11trt1l 1n{':i~ort'S art' 1ll'sij.!nL·d lo proh•t'I thl• L"Ount_\' in !hi· l'\'l'nt or ;1 one~' in 200-.\"e;ir flood, "hirh lhC' Corps l'Stirnatrs 11·ould dislocate O!H' n11llion ri>Si!k·rit.~ and l':111sc $3 billion ll'Ortll of d<111111g1· ln~lil11Lt· l'lan ~ Benefit Barbceuc l1v1ng ros1• 1·1glll-tc11lhs of ii p1-rcl'111 111 Jul y dl'SfJtl~· /Ill !'.IS!llg in 1bf' lll("l'f':l~!' in food prlCt·~. lh(' gu1't·1·nn1t·11I St11d h>da~ _ Thl' Jul~· l't')ltlrl 111ru·\..ed 011ly the \l'l'Ond 1Hlll' t!11s y1·;1r llll' 1nunLhly 111Crt'.;tSC' 111 thi• go\'t'fllllll•nl '.s Consun11·r l'rH'r lnrtt-.-: h.1s h1•1•n ll'SS 1h.rin 1 p1·reent. Till· ,Jtil\1 1tl<.'rl'a~1· 11ould :in111t1nt to :ut anuu,1 l ,1'alt• of 111(1:it1u11 nf ry ti ii.·rel'nt. ~ltll ;thl'<ll.l or [,1'\t > 1·.1r ~ ;: u pt•l"l't•rll 1oflulion rate. Consun11·r pr1ecs 111 th1· lA•'i i\n1~l'l1·" n1t'!ropoht<1n are:1 \l l.'.ri· 1 ! r pl'rct·11L h1gli1•r during Jaly !h.111 a .11·ar ;ij.(o. 1n:1rJ..ing th1· !~1ri.:es1 .1111111.11 iJH"rC';J\P li1 nc·t• HMi, the Sou1h1·rn Calif11rn1a 1·h1l'f of !ht' Burcnu of Labor St;1!1::.11l'S S<tl(l t0<l ~1y r\ll rn~1or r:degorii ·'l of f .1 111 1 I y ~pl'nding, ('X('Cpl l'IO!hing. l"!'glSl('f"f'd gains during Jul.v Pr1t·(·S. g1·11('r:dly :ipurrtd by ;1 I H p1•rf'~·11 t ri'<' 111 hn11s1111~ ('OS!S, lllt.:l"t'~ISL'd I.I fJ!'!"l'Cll! f1'<1111 ,lu1lt'. ~lit' SilltL Pri<'1'..; HS of .llih :!I l\l'rt· 1 l ll !)\'!'Cet1l higlll'r 11t11in11ally ·lhi1n in .Jul~' llli:l. the governinent ~:1id That ;.., lhr h1ggcst !2-n10111h jun1p :..i1H'f' lh C' )r:1r 1·11dini:; Sl.•pte111 tx-r l!H7 . \11\en lt\l' 1111.:r1•:1~1~ 11as. 12.6 percent. The Labor Ocp:irllllC'n!'!' Dureau "' Labor St:11istif'S \:t1d . ho111·1·1·r. 11·orkC'rs n1;1nagL·d to ga in ground nallonally l:ist rnonth in the11· r;ll'C 1111h 1nfl1i!1on. Spendabll' l';11·n1ngs. .1f111r t :1 J.. 1 n g <1t..x·ount for 1nfla1100. n101•t-d lJP IJy t1\u- 11·11th:-. nr 1 pi·r1···nt Bu1 ~illl"l' it 11 :1~ nu ly 1hi• s1·ronrl tl.u11tlily Ult'l't»ll>•' 1h1' y1.,1r, rt' ,1 I Spl'ndi-tlllc t•arn111gs lll'l'L' ~ :l l)l'ITt'!I! lt~s lhan a \t•ur (';1r1i .. r Tht· ~1ajor factor~ pushing up prh'!'" in .July. thl' cll'p.1rtnit·n1 S<Hd . 11i·r•· high1·r inttrt'sls eosrs fwr holll•' hU.\l'l"S ;111d hlglh 1r pntl'" !•11 c.ir~ 111l•d1 l';il (';11·1· ,Jnd r1•stnura11I 111t'als Food pr il'l'~ ;tt·tu:d l} ri1.~·· hy on(•-t('111h of I llt'rCt•nL Bill ht·1·.111~l' 1lie~1 11•n1:dly ris1· 1nucll 111"n' .\1 !'0ni:t~· 111 .lull·, 1h1· t.:1bor f)\:p:inint•nl ad111~h'(l tht• c·hiingt• for !>L",Jsonal \i1n:111 .. 11 Thi· 11• .. ult 11.1, .1 fnur-lt•11tl1' ot t p1·tTi'!ll dr11p .1~ f:ir :is lhE• g11\ ··rr11n1·u1 ·~ 111ch•\ ts 1·c•nc'1·rt11•d Thi· ])l'llT 11f b•Tf 1i.11r\" pn1cluc1s, it::J.[~ 11nd frl·'h fruit 11h11h nor111.dly n:.•· 111 .1111.1. dt'l"IHl t•<I I· r •. ,11 \·ri.:~·tabll' pr1e1•s rt.·i-ht11·d 1•\1•11 11101'•' 1h;.11 u~u.1! (;rol.'t·ry :-.lure i'l"IC•·~ 111rr1·,1,L·d on poullr}. pork. sug.ir •ind S\l11ts :ind t·f'r•':tl and bakf'r}' prod u( ls lln\\t'\'1•r. lhf' r11od p!'ll'\' c:!uµtdshnf'~q u1 Juh· rttd not n·flf't'! l11 .. d1h1 1nl'r(':1~co; :1\n•:•riy 11ork1!1i' !hl'lr 11,l\" ·up 10 !ht• ~rocrr)' store !1 '1 rl Fron1 Sailhoal On Dana ]{et•f lle!egates from Camp Pend!C'ton also \1111 be ;1skerl to attend the September session. the con1n111\ec agrC'ed. !\.·111 ("l{'111rnfr !1f1·i::11ard~ .trid p;11rolmcn tn-Jm J);ina Point llarhr1r rf'_i;.:·urd :i r,1n11ly of four fro111 l'pl;1nd il!ld sal\":-t~C'd Tit·kt'ts art' no"· av;11!ablc for !lH' 1hr1r 29-foo! sa1lhoat Tu··~da~· :lfli·m~JOn ,\lanne Stuclif"; fn ,1llulc Rarb.;-..,.-,11' ;1flrr !he \1·~1·1fr1chr1t1q1 nu 3 rrr·r. lknt•f1t Dinner .it 2 pm Sl-1)1 15 n! L!f{'guard " s:iid thl·1· 111·,1 s,11\· 1hr ll:tna 1'01nl ,\J;1nna 29-foo! sloop "Aqua \ 1!;1,.· 111 rroubh· ITocceds frorn the h:irbe<11c \\ill oil iht• "'t'SI rl't'f u!f lhl' -..11~ p1rr ;1! J!•1 111" .1rd .i huil<llng fund 1·a111pa11=:11 z p m ;ind s~·c1 tu th1 ~l't'lll' 111 :;oo Uc 111011 stratc S:\N FRA~CISCO ICPTJ -Some. 300 10 r;t1s1· 'J 1111ll11in fnr Ilic 1~1n:-itr11rt1011 th~'ir J'{'s.t'llC C'i~fl n1rn1h.'rs .if Hussian. Jf'\~t~h nnrl l•f il 11e"· J}l·r1nant·11! filC'll!!y fur lhr 1\l about !hr .~11111· t1n11'. harl w1r I 'zrt·hoslo\akian '-!rnups cirtnonstr:.itt>d ~Linne Sturt1e.~ ln~til 1 1!t' p~1\rolm<'11 ~un11non1·d h~· ,i r.1d111 n11tyd,1v Tt1c~rl:iv nii(!1t .'lrrnss \he. sire«! fron1 1'h1• :'\lannP S!udies l11st1!ut1· i" :1 ln1n1 1>1111l'r-sk1 p1wr L1111J• 1 .1\,d,1110 \('l!I thr c·1\;lc ,\udltoriu1n 11hi•l't• 1hc S0\1t'l nnnpn1f1 t t'nrpnrat1011 prri\t<llnJ.[ n1zi1·1n1• tht·1r rl':.t:u~· ('1·afl l"nio11"s \lni"f''."f'\" J);1ncrrs prrfor1nrd rn\iron111£•n! i11,tr·11eti1•11 111 students :111d r\11 th1 ' 1·1\."t.,1p:111r~ ,,1 iii,· l1Q.it wi •1 1• 1'111· d1 'n1011!'tr:i1ors d;i1H·r1! in n:l!i\;' :1rl11lts :11 Th•' llanrt 1'111111 ,\J;1rir1a. t.ikt•11 nff :111U 111,· 11'•,ll 11,1~ p.11•-h••fl 1 ·n~11 1111~·s .111rl pa~s1'<I nut p:·1111phlt1t\ 1·11·k1•!fl fqr 11 1~· l1.irt11·!'1 11• •·nn h1· ,n1d k1•pt ,11!11.11 1\l'h p~1111p, .i~ 1! w.1s .1sking thf' Soi it·t d11net•rs lo !ell i\rf'n1l1n obt111111·d frn111 t.:l\"H" ur~;11111<1!p)nS al11111! ll)~ll'll lu !h1• h:tr 1101, olf1('1.il ~.111) ll·:1di.:rs tn "stnp persecuting people \.I.ho !hi) Or:~n,C!c Coas t or hy c;1ll1ng -Ht2·121U '111" rc·1·f 1:-. .1 1 hr11n1t' IH'tl11·~1 ... '" onl y \1'ant to live wirh <lign1t y or frecdo1n ! ·o.o;;1 1o; SJ 0.) p<·r c-ouplt". ~2 f(•r lil nglt.. bn.a!1·1 s ofr S.Hl f'1Pn 11·n1I' of!11·1;i l-; :.:.11d. l!1 Jr·11vt· the USSH." ;ind 61 fo-r chi ldren under J:!. ;111<1 oftt'n •~ t•o111plt•lt•ly ,11l>rn1•rg1•cl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~~~~~ .. ~=~ 538 CENTER STREET-COST A MESA--6~6-1919 /-:' CLOSED SUNDAY ~ 'I . GYM SHORTS & SHIRTS GYM SHOES SWE'ATSOX SWEAT SHIRTS & PANTS WARM UP SUITS BOOJ( BAGS ALL PURPOSE SHOES FOOTBALL SHOES SOCCER SHOES BASKETBALL SHOES TENNIS SHOES ., . TENNIS SHORTS & SHIRTS TENNIS DRESSES WILSON -DUNLOP -DAVIS BANCRAFT-YONEX TENNIS RACKETS RACKET STRINGING RACQUETBALL RACQUETS & BALLS HANDBALL GLOVES & BALLS TENNIS BALLS BASKETBALLS VOLLEYBALLS FOOTBALLS BIKE PARTS -TIRES -TUBES REPAIRING ,, • •. •• l I j ' I ' "' ~"" '" ..~~ I•' 'ON " ri '''" \,, lo ddi "' 1.irt 1~1 '1 :~~'~ I •It'( Hr ~ \If[> "J ", .... ( 11 .. , .iriN 111,'" \II)'" llC<1 llrn <I< ol 11,., Iii>~ Ille< Ul11I \!111 Ill~ 111 ... '"''" \U<1! •1'1 .. .. 1 ... •11<1 1111~ •11•1 11(0 IM~ ~.~~ '"'G '""" ~·;:i 1mt '"' .. " •a" ""E ''"! 'c~ '" ' C! '"' \ 01: •O• •m! '"1 " I r; I \(",., • c., "' '"" •.. ,. ••nt •mo '/,', ' , 'm ' ,,,,, "" ~'.::! "" \•"! I "'! ~ .. ,, ""1 '" ,., .' "0 '"' •n•J ""' '•~! •m< \/.\\ •mo <Ml •mo ''"' •m , .. "' '"'" ' " ""'' '•• '"' ,~,1. 1n;i1 11111 .,. .,., .. , ~1 '' ''" \f•<' '" ' " •·n ''" ... , l•I~ ~~:1 . .. ~ ,, ,,. "~· '"" "" ''"' "" '"* v. ',. " "" ... ~ '"'' ''"t 11,r '"() ,, ~ '"' ',!Q ._,I~ •i 4 >1(; ,,,, '"'' ,,. "' "" ' . "' . .. ... '·' l"~t r .,1 . ,. ••• • ' "' ,, "' '" "' ,,, ' I " ' ,,,, . " f\,1, r, ,~I "'I "' • •• ,., '"" ,., ,,. '"' '" , .. ,., ••O ,., ••• r.~1 .. , "" ,., ,., '" ,., ,., ,., ,., ,., .. ,,. "" l '" " ~ ' ' ' • ' • ' " • " " " " " " " " " " ,. " i~ " " " " ~!· "' " " u M ,, " " w M I \Vc1lu eisday 's Closing P r ices N(W Y0~1( tUf'll -Follow ng .,. ~ ~'I <;"1 II,. Ne• YO<O. ~10.:0. ••t "'"II" II tlOY GAIN!ltS " + LOSl!ltS I Gn llOI l.0:3 'c"' tC• !Sor J Ct>eme n I 1 !JQ•m•ru In }((!\"P I (/(It~&. Pill 1 S•Fr nl 10 IC~ l~b 9 Sl•nWlo:1 ~I 10 Mel Sl>at "6 11 CN PhArm II P:•~n pl 2 3' 1J AmA r Fl U 11 C.NA L•wln IS l"lfrCl>r' Ov M Penn Cent• 17 f'•m '" 1»e ia s~t• tnn 11 Menhlf>d «l 70 O!w ttlld In 11 Wl'i "'~ C.J) •~ C•r! W•I 'Ci 2J W'ltce Cl 10 24 C.o PIC11lf•I 7l ~tlt •ln Lo 1 ~. t ' > ' . '"l "' " ,,. I~• I '" ,, \-+ 1 ' ,. , .. ... '" "' ' i 410+ " "' •·t '" ' ' •• ' "' "' "' Uo "" ' "' I ' lJp ~) Un l ~ Ull •-Up \, Ull "". ' "' . "' "' "' "' "' "' . "' • .. 0 "' "' "' 'Ir. 1Sl l61!1'1 Sll~ lSO 7 GuMlg 1 J1d 17 ) J f'oh ojd l7 I 1 I C Ir So 1 4ld 11 1 S Lorn•u FI JI 102 •Gt W11! Un OJ 1 JusMQ l 7•d 1 3 I Cll!\1 11 I 30<! 1 t t M.or1Sh lJ.<I 71 IG Col Ptnn JO 7 1 11 1>.!on 1JJ::f 7 7 n ~urli.n 21 1 l ll NC.llm1h 11 11 14 A F lnSvt to 1 1 11 u~ 1f>du• n I I 16 C1r!H1t Ill 1 '' 17 tMJ 11\V Cl! 6 7 11 l_.. V•I '"" ' s n P1n11.,•1lle 1 '; 1'0 At! QhlA $0 'J 11 LoMto 1 1~ •OttEll"4tEI 10 6 o ?J 0.11 Ge,.r1r St 14 UV trodvtt l ~9 JS F~tl M1Gt •r Vl'l ll .. """'" f\MWO• I 1111 IOlt! l•t-l llOllal Y"lr •~ II'~ OOOITwo VtArl .tl!O "lo 000 nr• to d•t• '! I ) 111) 1•'3 lo di t f' ~VIOi/i dlV '"'"' 100 M"" 11 •oo 1 Ill 790 tn 10 dt!t s ·-' :Vo-l '.• I~ -1 ~ ....... ,, ' -~ ri -1 • ~•-I ··-,,. ,_ ~ IJ\0-1 'o ·-1 . ,_ .. --· ,,._ . l'•-~ '' -,,,., 10 -14 1 -\'o XI -2 , JI~-'• lV.•-I ~ lS -T t l~ -1 . lt -2\'o ,,_ • SC OAI L '( PILOT II .l NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Yt'ar's High-Lows AppPar E ver y S aturday • ' .. • 1 "' • ' . " •• • ' ., > • " ' " .. ,, " n " " ~ • " ,, " • 0 " • """',,-···~a~J•t•,-••~,,.,.,, -----.-,~.~ ' ~ Dow Batte1·e<l ] 5 :'\f-\~ )()hi\ (l'J 11 -\\all S1 N."tts nai::~1ng \\Orr1cs fl \f'r mflation ind 1111('1(><.t 1 itts > 1p•'<I oul l'UNiCI"' s :111 \UlCl' U\d sent llH I S !ov.er \\1"Cl11e~1\ VI lhe t'l~IY )Ork Stock ~ xrh~nge l'r:iding \1 1.., slu11 Th(' })o11 Jones 111du~1r111 1\ r g il I ~il lost 1 ... 21i pot.nl-. I J • (Jn TUl ~d;i\ lht.: nl dur111t; \1hu~h the J)O\\ 1 h. l 'ucsd 1 \ uh ult r~. I I r 1~ f1 IJ 1l1nu-.1 t 'th1u1 11 111 i~h1-d •> !oc;1ni.: strr-~ 1 ~ 11\l'! An 1)\-.!~ lill!t!I r ll\ 1 n 1tur ti <lL \C!utr .I lllt:lll 1fl1 r 'II( h I 'IL'l un~ cl 1. ~'.; 0t'< l!n1' h('!<\ rnor1 th in a l\10 to-On• IL 1.C! o\er 1d\ 1nL't'~ 1111ong !hf> n1ore th in ! iUi 1s.,ue' tr Hli d I Vlll!Xlff'ci \olun1f' t !h1 ( lo-.e 101 1\f'<l l I u,)11 IM10 Sh3.rcs 1111 111 12811 000 lut!".tl1'i \I 1hor l)l.p:"trtnlf'n( r1port ti tl ('On~um1r 1)r11 c'' !Std '<hi:hth !II Jul I 11 d flljU!\l !l\t ~tor llf'f\UU.'11L'-'V\l f 11 n ti un tu1d the f lfllfl (_'(J 1r ... e ' ( thf' f'('()rl\)111\ '"''''"'"=•.,••o"am•••"''''~"•••www•rwww•e"""''''"'L"""~""''""'"'o"''''~--...,.,.. " • ' I • I • ' 0 " ' ' " ~or • • • • " • N ' • • • • I•~ ,o lV $\ 9 ~ • • n~ i. i H 79 l'8 .j) ... Oii " • '" • •• • ' '" ~ S•I•• ~ ... ' • ' ; " ' , . ~' ~· " "' ' • ' ' \A /> W 41 r ~ n I 'OJ ( w ' " 1>1Jn ( l"'r•nll1 9<..: w~ !nrr •0 ' <al Men Lo•~ 11,.c." ' . " ' ' . • ' " • " •• ". • • ' 0 '" " • • " • " ,. 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" • \Zu n II<! 1' 9 ll 6 • . ~ • • •• " Fi11a11ce Briefs e 1•ropane Dip ll\J{TLESVJ I LE 0 k In l lJl ll -I lu ll 1pi; Pctroleun1 Co has nnnouncro ., rec:1ucl1on of 3 5 cents per g 1!lon 1n the prict of prop;u1c \ i'/11lhrs spokesrnan -.:i d the pr tC(' rN.hat1 n effeicll\l' 1n1n11'<11atch \\ l'i rcnecll\ l' of recent changes 1n lhe f ec:ltrd E n ,~ r g \ Ad.1111111strat11 n s prop;1nc pr1(C rcgul 1t1ons e Unrr or llid \\ \Sl!l~(,10'\ ! \P) -TI1c f..tobil VII t:orp ~ants lo take O\C'r ~larcor f'.-Orp !he par('nt f'1n1p111' uf \1 onllo!o1n r r \: \\1(\ ~ (1 lrtC IUS(' f \I 1l 1l s 1 n,..: "1 u1d1ng ix>l C\ or ch>1rs1f,111g: 11~ !1lt!t'1" 111 e:.;ccut1'c or lhe o I cnn11) 111i.T ::;;:11<1 Jimeo; Q ll 1ord11 1 .;;lnl1r \1ce pre ah nt of :\loh1l So;ll(l lh1 $&1:.-1n!ll!l)n .,ri. r for control of 1'.la1 cor rcprrscnl ed only ro percent of rhe <"lLJl) !ht 01\ COlllJXlll} pl:'tll" 11 111' est 111 th<' f'llC'rgv neld r<.1ord<1n tcst1f1cd bef(lrC lhC' Si'.!nnt1 c:1nall subcomm1ttrc bus1 nc !i s American 10 Ma•t W"n~• ln!l 5VM!f• CD G AMI Yt low Tt<~I 1~11 A.,tire Cl~• "' '"' " • P:<:lb n!ttfl .. '" " . ' ' ,• • ' R!fy Re r:d P~MC(.1'11 GO La e Sl'I M~g I~! C~v ~ ~1e "''v Co Amerlron Sale• Vol•..., I • " • _n Ii FAMILY TWIN CINEMA FOUNT AIM YAUf:Y. t62· l J41 , • 17161 IROOICHURSf • Scott Selling Own Movi_es STARTS WED. AUG. 28 CINEMA I 2 GIUT HITS TOGETHER~ "G«U T AMERICAN COWBOY" .'f rtor-<lirector Bypasses l<1 il111 Distributor.~ H,\ LU)(! TIJ(J:'>IAS • I.OS ,\ "\C F:l.ES I.\ 1' \ "ON ANY SUNDAY" ~iGI PTA Ctiildr .. 11'• f;'"' ~'ti~ol n..n..toy Ollly Ooor'l OJM"f' I 2: l 0 sm .. 1:1>-All S•of• s1.oo ·IJ.1\'UIC ·'IH'l11 ,! !1f1 lJJJl\' ;it ·11arl.u t· 1111h 'l'J1•· S)·~1en1. liln11n;1ker 1;i-orgl· C Sl'ul1 h.i~ l.1IJ!\(•ht·d illl H!H\~·k llll 1)1!• fo11n1 !;1tio11 vf \)11• 11\0V!t: e~·! :d1J1shn11·n1 Cl~EMA II STELLA STEVfHS RODDY Mc.DOWELL '" "ARNOLD " • "WILLARD" !RI 'l'ht 4G·:~'iJJ'·O!d ll'OJIH•·l ns!. \1h11 rf'flJ"'(l :in ():.,r·:-i r 1n 1~70 lnr 111:-. p1·rfon11;111l'·' 111 "!,;it· \1111," propos.t>s to 0 v1·1·1ur11 111 · d11strv e1·onon11~·~ hv :-l·ll1ng t1ln1s d1n·t·tly 10 1hr:.tl'r.;. Vor dPC:1d1•" all flHJVll'~ li<J\•t l:ict:ll sold to t)1P.tt(•rs 1111'0111.:!1 t11 ~1n . -, BUTCH I THE KID ARE BACK! Jusl lorthc fun ol hi "BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID" "' (ii] 6th FABULOUS WEEK ORA NGE COU NTY COSTA MESA filoesa (71 41 548·1552 t-Un'IMGTOl'I BEACH Warner Dr1ve·ln ("/1 4) 847·3591 ORANG[ StJ01urn DriYe·ln =.; 714·639 fi990 WESTMINSTER C1~em~-Wes1 714 -1192-4493 WSTMSIR.!BRKHRST, Wes!broo~ 714 -530-4401 !!1!1"'1"'!1'9!"''1!'•11ii0~<01iinge Mall Cinema 714 -63].0340 . , 2nd Week · EXCLUSIVE! Call 673-8350 THE BIGGEST COMBINATION AROUND' 111!' ,J.., First .. ~ re The Harntd Experiment• and then lhfly were roadyfora •.• ~llliNID SUMMER -ALSO--.. art! you? The Cr01y Comedy of l 974 MEL BROOKS "BLAZING SADDLES" DAILY FROM Z P.M. COHTIH. SUH. 2 P.M. "***...!..,"'''"' ~(Rdhflq~ "TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT:' -New York News ''@@@@@ (5 Camera Eyes-Highest Rating) "STUPENDOUS" '''''ll'A r·o !rnol JI ElP t•AflCt.AV f'f.1Tu11r C::o.Ff:ATU•f "'OWL & THE PUSSYCAT" JU.Tiii!, ll ... i '1'n. J,1 S •:JO t·SI OW\.: 1;10 4;SO t :OS A ROMAN PotANSKI FILM JACK NICH OL SON • FAYE DUNAWAY "THE NEW E.ST ADVENTURES 0 PIPPI WNGSTOCKING!" PiPPi in the SOUTH SEAS ' . G ING[R NILSSO N . "Pli'Pr -AlSO---- "lrailrre-r-Of T1te w fftd" -1.•i..l:tM:1• MO"'-1.li..t •S·le b1111on cornp:1n1E>s ~11th ll:-i l';irarnount. \\'.u·nt•J' Br11thers and l 'lll\t_.r:;;.d .. 'fhat ~ .~o 111ut'h H'"<Pk·uve dt•!rH'fl l," Seo11 rt·fh·(·tt·d ;i,<; /It• l' \) I! t l' Ill Jl ( ;1 ! I' <J !hi' 1n:11or f11rn d1 stril>ulur·s. ",\ hl'llu1<1 lot of 1dt'l1·!l'd1 !l!OHL'Y ).!•w~ d11wn !h1· dr;11n lwt11t•ert th~· \11111• ;i p1r!11r•· rs n1 ;1:!1· ;_111<l 11/icn 1t :1ppe:.irs 111 lhe \/Jl•<ill'l':. "\'f)U K~O\\' 11!i.11 t h'' guv 11lto 1)1<1ki·s !ht• tlliJ \lt' is 1;;1v1ng for"' Th<• 1411;1rd on thr i::.:it(' ;11 l·nil('rs:1I. 'f~lt' lns~·-·s on th1 · •·01i-n11~.-;11 v ;1! \V.1 ~·ner llrun11'r" J•;1,.r1 t1nH' :1 studio ,.~t·i 11111 .. !.1kt·-: ;1 !rip t<1 N1·1.,. Y11rk, tl1 ,1 r'-: f'h:iq.~Pd .'.lg:11nst _\'fJlll' pi('flil'•· ".\Jr1t 011ly 1!1:11 If a ton1p.in_1· l1:1s ri 1c· lxu:1hs. tl'r·_v ~II'<' t·h;n'gl·d ;1g.:i111sL th f> 1rinn1ng p1c·uu·t~. Jn son1r e:1!-:i1·s. 15 l>o.11111)..,, Jr_, a rottl.'n ~1'llFm ;1nd that·s 11·hy l'rn ng;un<;! it." St·ou 11 :1s spe:1k1ni:: in hi" r:u](hv yn S1udio off1ct'. 11'hich npens onto :1 l:irgr ck>:t1't'd 111·1>;1 ll'hf>r(• fihn sta~cs stood hf'fOrt' thC' firr of last i\1~11' • f/p had j11.~!. pu! lhf' finishin g touches on his nr w fil 1n. "'fht S:i\'age Is Loos1•." '·AT I.EA ST T 1hink l'n1 finished." hl' sit~hcd. '·Irs nn1I' do1vn lo I 1 ! n1inl1te.~ ;-111d I don 't lhink !'!! n1011kcy 1ri1h it :-1nvn1orc. "Yet, I got n brainstorn1 ;ti 2 o·cl rx-k th is 111orni•,<!: son1Pthi11g e!sr 1 n1ighl fix. f'Jn !ii"· .1 painter trying 10 fin ish :1 c.1111·:1 ~: vo11 nr11·r k11011 1\ht'll .1nu'vc applied lh« l11s1 de ! nf p;1i11! ·· Sl'<\11 dir·~·('!!•(l ;u1tl pr·o<l1l('f'(] "Tl1t~ S:1 ~·1igr Is 1.oosr." 11'hich .~t :1r~ hin1s1·Jf ;ind wiff' Tris h \'ao Dl·1·er('. !1('<1 1' the ,\lexic;1n .. rt: HUNTINGTON BEA CH t<IEW SURF THEA TRI: 212!ittl~t. 536-9396 Admii5ion 12.50 SAT & SUH.AUG. 24·25 SAt<I CLEMENTE COMMUNITY C ENTER 100 M. SEVILU AT DEL MAR 8:30 P.M. NOW Ill All TH•ll (INIMAS '" ,.,,.,.,o .. ~·•~o .l!OWillRPS CINEMA VIEJO , •• ,. ''«• .. ,.., ........ . . "" prudtK:ers v.:ho el<>~rn they art· overcharged. But no :.illernate s.vstem of distribut!on has ('\'er prove-d prJ('t1 ra l. 1111<l tht'y·re confident that Scott's 1-1•on't l.'ither. "Thcatl'r O\\'llCl'S \\'Otl'I buy piel urt'S si~ht unset'!l 011 a regular basis." say<> :i \'eter<1n (drn sa]esn111n. "J['s IO O ') J,,,;,~·· "'' !'11 'I Ir• 'I "' ,._ '" I ri sky." PLUS • W.C. FIELDS AND MAE WEST IN "MY LITTLE CHICKADEE" BUT, ACCOHDlNG tri Scott, his financial ad venture already has :i hap1W ending . fie re1:>o1"Ced that "The S.1vag<' Ts Loose" has h<>cn sold to theatl'rs In r1·erv 111 a j or n1a rkt•! for $:! n1illion_ Sn the filn1 :lflJX'Rrs to bt' prnfitable evrn hf>.Jore it has been sr~'n hv theater 0\1·ners or the publk· And Srott retains th c fnrcien. !elevision, 1 6 m n1 . ;-ii rnlanc and o1hrr richts. 1 ...... •..>?:;··;--~-~· ,..-11·Pf y?o"•. ·~·-<:ail·\ • • • • • • • • • • '• . -. . . . . . . ' -. . .. • t:l\f \1 \ ll\ I f.R . •, Cl\I \1\!J\'IER \\'h.--.re did he get his se!ling l ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·1 • • HA~bOR AT AOAYS l.OSTA Y(SA • 979 4141 SELLS OWN FILMS George C. Scott pl:in? I- " I tho11o'.'ht up the irlf'a," Sco1t expl.:iins . ''r\s far :is I kn ow. it hasn't lwf'n do11t1 s111ce the earli1?Sf vears of ~t Af t UR AT A0Alw(S t.OS TA M[SA • 979 4141 .1 • " resort. of Puerto \':11lart<1 The. rnovie , \rhich conct·1 11s three lllL'nlbcr:-; of a l' ;1st a \I' a y r:1n1ily on a tropical island. 11 :1s fi!rned for $1.7 rn11li11n, plus another nullion tor !he SL·r1·ices of lh() Stolts_ thf' industry. 11•ht'll son1cl ~ ... ~, pirturi.->s \\'Cre sold on a states· ri e·hrs ba sis . r>efy111g II () I I .I' \\' 0 0 cl • s Ull\1ri ttcn ht1v !h;1t ut1nrs '·r srll X nun1l:H'r' r1f 1Jr·1n1 ~ lo exhibitors. and 11•!'\' ;.i·1· licensed 1o shO\\' it cithrr in individu:il theaff'r~ 01· should nol in\·es! in lh!';r 01,n chains_ Thrv can kee•1 1ill \('hi<:les -stars ha1•c lx'Pn r.--.turr1s fron1 sho1vi11g io tfir the ruined that. 11·ay Sl'otl filni." plciru1L'd to invt>st hair thf> ;;(llmiiiiiiiiiiiim~iii;;;;;! production cost, the oilier h1Jf 1 co111in ~ fn)nl p r 1 v a le in1 es tors. .. HUT r 11 Ei\ \\'1-: \\·cnr .. c~~~ATOW~·· S·l~0,11110 01 "I' budgt.•1 . .:ind [ & IRI •'UTILE LAURA h;id to bo1'1'011· lhal n1yself." & llG JOHM" :-;;iid Scotr. ",\ccd!C'ss ro s:1y. a;:; ... ~.~.FliY ... rt~, . rn v businc·ss n1<1nagcr is ~~~~. J1;1\'1ng firs ... &:oit hirrd ;1 C'OUp\e of filn1 "P'IPPI IM THE SOUTH sus·· n1arkrling cxof'r!-. to line up & illl,lt'J'.'i for ··&-ivage .. and he "IROTHER OF THE hi1nst>Jf ioured the ~outh <ind l ~~~~~W~l~N~D~"~l~G~I~~~~~. Sotnt11rest rec·t'n!l.v tn 111ake ;1 pt•rSt11i;1l pitch to lhrater u>1·ners. ~· •1J.11••~ If lilt' 11l:IJOr distril)t1tC1rs <ltf'I ..... 'I II ITit•d abrn11 s (' 0 t I . ~ •• . I I """"'""'""'· JPl1•1 \:1t111l. 1 1('\' .< 1011' no -~ <O•O~• O•• ... l .•ll!ll" Til1·1 /J;1 1·1· brr n l,1111h:i .. 11·d f,,r 1 f':ll'S by NOW PLAYING tl.U' ''lMOllOUGHL Y MODERN MILLIE" !l'GI l'Hllll A.GAIM TO THE HA,,IEST SOUMD IM THE WORLD! MOK TI-IRU THURSDA T 7:30 '.M. OHLT FRl.&-SAT. 7 &10,.M. SUNDAY ONLY 2·s-l·P.M. • MAU«EOO GARCIA" '"A.UL.U.l VIEW"IRI ..THE GROOVE TUIE" "SHOW OF' SHOWSM tl l "KIMG OF' HEARTS" (U/ SINC••I P"c' 12. 30 ,n 2:00 p,m. (•:.c•pt Sun. & Ho!id•v1I Sl.00 (J11>·11 O.ulv It' 30 11111 "CHIHA.TOWH" ·~ Lmrt1 &-8i9 JoM"t•I "THE GROOVE TUIE" "SHOW OF' SHOWS" Ill ••P'ippi;,, tM Soult. Se-o1" "DIGIY"IG! SAN DIEGO FRWY u BOLSA EX. 893·0546 .It,. .. CHINA.TOWN" V ~ t-o &-llq Jolw!" Il l A "l'Lppi 111 TM !iOll!tl S•r•u" V "OIGIY"tGI Sp« .. I Pflcl 10: 15 a,m,--1:00 p.m. le•c•pl Sun . & Holid•vd $1.00 Open Da1lv 10 15 am .. ~ l • ""·~· •••• ~11 9q90 I . ARNOlD 11G1 ~IUi WllLARD 11Gt t""h~-• 0.,,1, '"'"' ll.JO OPIN 7:00Pm ·Shows St1rt 11 Ous~·Cftil4ren llnder12 lree• • E•cept II Oriw·h" Pia yin( "THE CASTAWAY COWIOY" Thi1 Show Only ~ Children O lhru 11-SOC f , ..... , jl •I temo~ S!. ~1~·1\11> .. .. ,.. .... _,,., .... ~ .,.6. l•ll~il h n 0••10 ,.,, C•P"''""" 0" ,. .... •Ql ·•~·~ , •• 1 __ ..,..,._ •..tt.d BUTCH CASSIDY & THE SUNDANCE KID fl'Gl ,, .. THE HEARTBREAK IUD 1..-;1 GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINBAD 1~. NEPTUNl fACTOl "'' BEYOND ATLANTIS ioc1 )uL• k-cl'"'"' orul o.,,.., Sh.on! l00j•t.h'"' .. 6NY lov•to '"ori<U •-1 °'""1>e. ... , •. ,c,-.... __ ,. .. .. , . ., ...... ' ''" ......... . ...... ., .... "'. ,,.., ...... """ ....... ~ ...... 4·..-· ....... , "~ j '' ,, ,,, I , ,H,><ol\ "<" lh '""''" *• •.. 1 '"'' "' i.0;01 ., " ' " ,< 'I '·''"'"' -'-'Ct',< "·''''•!WI;. I~ ":\ FlllST-H ,\TE SUSPEi'\Sl'.'.H'." ~-.. --,, ..... oow••~• llAltlJOR,:.->:.2 ··-··· ,,..,., ... ,, .......... .. ·:••' "i "'Ttn ,,., ,. ... ,,c,11•1 l' •. ~,,1.,u«.·o• ''" '-"" '"~ ""n • .;v.. r" .,,, HO•·etOClVlo ',, ••. ,..,.. '~!' •,o;.,,:, •:>10 --~<[~ \1~W•5 •T H<t "''' .. '~ l'•<oi "tO l•l.W r..,:;1ou~ '""' f/,q( "·~ w••P Utl lV.1 ~t llll~'\ llPl\;l!l\llS!<l~l\l(IOl"l.fAU. AILUTllU.-- TM(WllftJIMN WARREN T1MOTMY LOU QATEI IOTIOMt GOllETT .. -··'"' ..... -....... -··-A--...... --~-............ ...,,..,_ JM••• -' -·-·~ • ~·:::-.. jll'\\ ....... ,_,,._, ............... .. ' ' . " -': 'MONDAY·FRIDAY 7:10 9:20 SAi, O,IN Al l:•S SHOW 2:1$.•:JI· 7,00.9, I J. 11 :JO SUN. OPIN Al T·•S SHOW AT 1:1 !-4;JJ. 7;00.9: I J PRUL /,ROBERT EWMRN REDFORD t nW4"1>~ I 1\11! I< I ' 1111 ' .. ·~ . . ' ... ROBERT SHRW ~THE STING" 1IHI AT WUTUOOK '"" "BUTCH CASSIDY & THE SUNDANCE KID" ·i·liii~ ~ "'":.":..-... ............ ~ .. 979-4141 530-4401 n8UTCH CASSIDY A.ND THi JUMMMCI KID~ .&..& '="J ~-' ARI BAQ(I ttl-Ytl! :;·::~ ey;,,,,,,, .... :.·.::.~:.:.::::.:.: ::i.:; .... .. -·· ' ..... Mlflef ... 11111_,MI ·PLUS· "THE PARAllAX VIEW" 893-7581 ... ~ ""_,....,"' ,.,.. Wf ........ ,,,.,,....,. .... ,..,,,., ""'- _,,,..._""""" .............. .,,.., .... * "I \I /1-'(IH,\l,1 .~rt.IT r•r. 11,, 1 1111.\1\r, !/l\/J '-N[W YO"'-K 1/ME 5 A VllT IUNNY ,ll(I{ 646-0573 ..... WMDl••·Mll~ -•-"••11H11A.e.n ., -· ·'"" Tt-..*'1o/.t r.,.r.y .. ,,r<n 979-4141 • I i I· f I ' I I · l I I j I 1 · I Laguna Bea~h Toda~··s l•'inal • VOL. 67, NO. 233, 5 SECTIO NS, 70 PAGES OR ANG E COUNTY, C ALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY. AU G UST 21, 197 4 TEN CENT S Laguna Council Mulls Reduced Density Steps Tht• l .. 1i.:u11.1 Ht•:t('h ('111 ('•!\llLl'll tr1·-.!1 fnl111 :1 l1·n~1h.v r1·111·11 Tu1·sct.1.v nl th•· prOJY1~1·d d1·n ,1!1 ro•11i H·1ioll "l~'P" rur Lagun:i·s 1111·d1u111 :l'Hi 11.-;l\_1· '''"1rt.•1u1al ZllrJJi·~. 11111 hnld a l11r lht•r p1thlu · h"al'llll ' on !h1· 111:1111·1 :II 1.:111 tnn1;.:l1t ;lt ('lt~ h:il! IJ11n11g 'J'111·sd:1.1 th•· ll1ri •r·h1111r 1,,11 •' ... i· ... ..,1nn tltt' t'UUIH II llH'l 11i ll1 tlH: 1n1·111h1·rs u! tlu· pl111111111;; 1·1111111u·,.;io11 rc·s1}(l11s1!Jh· li)r dr<1fl1n;.; 1h1· pn\110..;rd J;111 11dl11111ni.: -.1\ 1110111 h, ol puhl11· 1l1~1 ·u::.:-1011 :ind study Tl1r 1:111 111 u1ld 11•d1u ·1· llh· 1iu111lh'f or d111·ll11u.~s prnn1t11·d tu IM.· hull! 111 llh· B-:! H·3 ;u1d l '-1 1!1g ht 1·01n1n1 •r1·1:1l1 :r11!l<''> h.\ r1·qu11·1 11;.: 1111 1:··· la111t loi· 1·;11·!1 UJ!tl 'l'ho· n11•:1<>11r1• h:1:-; lh'1'1l 01\j\(1S• d h.1 1til' l.agun:1 B<·:u·h 'f ;1 :-. p ft\' 1• t'., · A~-;O!'l:ll1on :111d tilt• n·:il t':-;\:111· 111rtu.~1 r1 l'r"lljM·int•n!s t11ai111 :11n ;11;11 lli(' 111·1·<;•'1\I 1n1111lL( J)('l'!Ti llS too mu<'h buJl{lin;.: and 1•.1!h 1hc pr£·~t·nl 1·0;1stal huihllng boo111. 1f pr11p,·rti1·s :irt' fully dC\'(•lnpl'd. l.11gu11;1 lllHJi<J bi• o\l•fhUil1 \\!111L· n•<.tehi ni.: no 11gr1·f'"lL·nt 011· lhC' l11i.:hl.1 l'!•fll["U\t•r:.1;.11 <JUC!!->l!OO of di·llSll~. rh1• 1·uu111·il :111d con1niission did ;1p1X-;1" lo l:t\'o r ~ninv 111C"ans uf .. gra111l- l 1 11hcn n~·· pr1•s1•nr tlc\•cloplnl·11t ~dlo11 - 11 1l! a propt·r!.v 01111cr to reh1iild -;rn1f'- 1111•·s t1"~11oycd by fire or d1.~a~11·r ----------------,.._ .... _____ .. 9 + .. THE FORD-ROCKEFELLER ALLIANCE WAS IN THE CARDS ACCORDING TO A LAGUNA LAD Mike Leamon, 14, Dug Out His Deck of 197 1 Pol iticards to Review the Bidding Tit'loel ForeLol,/ /11. 1"011//1'.'i Card.'i ,\ C<·rald !·,11d \, 1-.on llotl-.efi·ll··r par1n('r~h1p 11:1-; hwrtold 1n l!u· 1·:11 d,, :\01 lafll! fo11T lllh" lt'll111.: <·a1rl..;. b11! ;1 (lt<t:k of f'h.11".u ·1~·r 1·.irrl-.; O\lnt•d Iii :i.11~1' l.1.·.11non I! 11f l,.;1g1111<• Ht-.1l'll · f."('11d :11111 l!o14-\..vf1•llrr 11n• 111'0) 1->-il1l 1r·;1I f1gurl'~ .1111ung th41 52 111 tht• d~·c·k of J~17J vi111ag1· "'l'<ol 1t11::1rds ·· Ford. 111•11n11g :1 ~1111 ;111d ~1 l11v1:1:ill 11n1f11r111 ,.., a l\l!h' ul club~ lic,.,:i..,1 111•;1rini.: a g1111. husint•o.;s s111t :ind ,·\11H·h111g ;1 f1 ..;t!11ll of J;l'l'P!llJ(lf'k-.. I ~ s1and1n~ 111 ltnt· at :1 ··~1ld nut"' l'rcs1· d(•1111:1t ('(ll1Vl'n r1on 111• 1..; <1 10 or clubs. Tiu• dt·ck 11.1s ;.:11e11 to ;\·likt• by his 'lad. An astute follo111~r '1f cttrrl'nl events. ;\like noticed lll'I' 1.01ncidcnccs after Hockt•felli·r 11ns <>l·lr( Tf'd :is vice pr1.'s i- dPnl ch·s1gnn!l' ·r111·~c1:11 De uel l11111ale Killctl TllACY (Al'1 -An inn1;11.! at Ocu cl \lcx::ilional Institute was f:-i1:illy st abbed ·ruesday nigh! in· 1rhal prison t1uthori 1ics cnlJed an "isnl<llrd. non-~9n~~ related in(illefll.. Ft-.~ GuCI. 22. of s.an }"ranci~ro. scrvin!? five years lo hft"' for nrn1ed robbery. \V:1.~ stabbed three lirlll'S in Jiu• cht'st 11·hile s!Hnding out.<;ide his cell, said l\ob Peterson. a prison srokcs1n:111. ADJll','RTISE RS SET A Pl/,l)T RECORD Orani:c Coast classified advrrlisers last \\'CCk hc lpt."""<I th" Daily f'ilol scl a 11r11• record. During the srvrn-day pcricxl ended Sund:i.v. there v.·erc-9,27 1 classified ads run iri our pa~es . 'fh.11 is more than at :1ny other time in lhc history of the Dally Pilot. \\Ip us11a ll.v rl'Sl'r\'e l hls space to tell of lhl' !iUCCl'SS 1n1lividunl adv1,r1iscrs ex· 11<'fio•nc1• :ifl\•I' lh('y·vr l1~rrd their cars, f11n11lt1rt'' or o!hrr ~n lablC's i11 our en!· 111n11 <: To1!nr 11·1•11 hrr:1I: 11·Hh 1r.1cli!io11 nnd s.11 10 '9.:til ;1rh·1•rt1st-r~· · ThHllk~ fill" 11'11111~ us !)lit a Ft•11· l\Ords 1r1 11r11h for \'0 11:· .:.._ rJt1lly l'llot ("las~lfltrt 1\1\, ·. ' - ' -- State Re11e\vs Its Effo1·ts To Get T1·e stlc Beacl1 , C:1'11or11in'.~ d1rretor ol Parks :ind f{('('ren11on. \\.i ll i:un Prnrl ri.tott, vo\\·t'<I in !;:in Clctncntc Tu1'sda~· t<1 rrnr\\ atte1npts to wres t Trcs1lc Bral'h fro111 ~iarinc. Corps Cflntro\ Tl0\1 1 hat it is no longer a security buffer for Rirhanl f\;L Nixon's c . .;\atc. !\-Iott. responding lo an l'ldvisory frorn a nC\\' c1ti1.cn's review co1n1nit1ec fur dcvelopn1ent of San Ono fre Stare P<irk. pledg1•rt lo nµfn a Ill'\\! s1•t of ncgntialions for the l'OVt'l<'d surfing IM·aeh 1vhlt:h hes 11nr11cdiu11•ly Uowuc·o:isl uf the for11lf'r J'n·.qi drnlln1 r~tfl1t' cnn1pou11d. Bu i ~!l\'Cf'I.~ !lllgh1 ht' d1H IC"illt . sni1t th•· ,,1nre parks 11f/11·1:1I ll r hl;11nr1I !hP \1 ;11 \1a• Corps f11r bnlk1n1; al 1·1 l'ry ;ill•·inpt lu d1'11•l1)p th(' s1:1l1· p;1r~ Tht• ~nn1 1111l1t·1· n1:i1l1• U1 l t•I Pl :1pp111n!rd 1nr111hcr!t rr.i;ul1n~ 1n \ q,1 !<.Ld I con11nuni1 irs· stretching fron1 P;1los Y1•r1!t"s 10 S\•lana Rea1·h. enacted th<.: 1·cq11cst :u it~ inaugural n1cetin~. lh(• beach long h;ut bt'C'll a h·11 tleground bc1t11cen surfers and ~li!rine p3trols "'hen ~lott's office and niililary ctl'lcga tes began n('gn!l<J!ing for n lransfcr of the beact1 into state control several ~·cars Ago. But v.•hen Nixon th!l;c the old Cotto n <"state for the \Vcstern \Vhitc llouse. lht• .~late relented on dcn1nnd s lhal the bench rein::tin a no·tniin's lnnd ;.ind ser\'t! 1J11 a security huffcr. "Al lh<• !ime. w,~ \\'rr1· ~ilc•n n di~1 1ni·1 1111prrssion thu l onct !11r l'rC'si rlrnl left olfi1•f', 111· co11id r1·n1•j1ollt1ll' :l n d l'VC11 iu,1lly \f':'l5C thr hcach Th 11 I 1r111i-;u1r1•1I 111·1! h(>fnrr 11(' rxpcf'11'tt ii to ;1il(t 11 stnnds 111 n·~isOI\ thal 4 11!' 1Sf'r PARKS. Pa ge A21 l)cch11:1rll ~·. 1! ,1 !>!ru1·turi' lH'con11•c;; · dl r g:1I .. hy 11rlUl' of a l'h;lll::!t' 111 1on111g l.11\. 11 1s 111•ri1u111·d to l'XlS! :i:-> a 1101u.:onfor111111J.! !'>t r u<:t 111\'. bui if d1·slruyt'd n1ort· 1h:1n 50 p1.·rc1.·nt. it rnu~l bl• l't•huilt IH t'Ollf/frtll Ill !ht• Ill'\\ (·u1Jt· 11 gr:indfath1'r1·<l . a )ll'l•flt'rt ~· n11111·r 11,1uld b1· ;11!('11\f•<I lu r1•h11ili! an .1p;1rl1n1'1ll 1·11n1ph·x !•l rho' pr1•1l1.'n"1t .1 (·:1;1n 1-tf' nu111her (Jff ici;1I:; oppo1•,u11~ til l' t!1·t\"tl1 1\·d•11·r 1u11 l"harg.·d th:11 h1 r••dtu 111..: d•·ll"fl' 11 f'U\ltlrll 11uuld ni.,,.,. , r•· 0'1t111 •' I .. · 1111·01n1• hOll•ltl~ \·. 1\11111 I ":.'.111\;I 1:, 11·!1 1n1p•)!<..;1hl1· {'01111n1 ~~1·uu·1 .J.,)u1 .\1<·11""·' !I •.11d 111" !'1'du1·!10ll 11! d1·11,1t1 11u1ild 11111 '"' • hut cl,•!->ll'f1.1 th•· \di.Ii.!•· o:I I 1c:11111 IJ• 1•l11n1n.11i11~ .111 l1ul 1111 111•.1i·l11 11 •1o•l till ' f'll) '·\1'1' \•,ill oil .1,,, 11 :I il1"il ,·l;1 ·• 1!1\ 11 1· 1 1;'t°1ho •r th:111 \ 111.;..;•· l.;1;.tt111.1 ;1, 1! h ,, ho 1·11 ., .\ 11 J J,i.1 1 ll !-o.11 I \I ,1 or 1: I IJ,. '11 dl"·H:t>·• .[ I\ l!I.~ 11 I ,j • .. J I Ito • t,. 'lfl 11 t' , ··~I 11 •• IJ"!I .i1d 1111• t \l••n! ht 'n1111lu1:: Pl lllll!~ 1•fl !.111•! 1111 1 l1.1!i..;1 !"r ho!U,111! \',111 ,1[1·.11\-11· 11h.1l !!1· 111.11'1."1 1°111 IH 11 I I I 1111 :_ 1 I • I 111111 !i "I \,. ii• 11\"1· " .I' II 1 ii\ rl,. II o·i1o".ljl• I ·f10· 1' 111 ",\ 111 111• ' l11•,1p1•r lu· 'ill'I !lo• 1'1 llllt·il l11 ,1 \+'I'\ d•!I''' 1 1 ·~1<tt"1 l·1 1 1 1,r,,11•1 I .i r.d 11»'.1•d l ilt• n•Tll II •\,»11 .. 1111)11 111 :111d Ill' Ford 'Probably' Running • Ill 1976 N Cl\' Sta11t~e Not ·The Pill!' P1·es~ Ai<le \\"ASJ!IXC.TO~ IA1'1 -Prrsident F<Jr<l dt•e!ared thrnugh a spokesrn :in 10<la1· tha t h{' "prnbnbh· 11.111 run·· for the nation's highest office 111 19i6. ! 'uhlic\y changing Ins position 13 cl:iys after assuming the presidency, i'ord relayed \\'nrd of his n('1\· stance through \\'hitC' House Press Secretary Jerald F. tcr !for.~1. Tcr!lorst s.1Td '·1here is no prccis<! nr:r<'l'!llcnr"' 011 11·hrth<>r NelsOh A. l10C'kCfPll er. non1i na1cd by F'o rd Tuesday tn ht> t·icc prc·sidcnt. 1vlll be on thr l!Jiti tick£'1. Hu t tcrllorst sni d this should not be t:1k i•11 :is ~n indication that Forrl plnnncd ADDITIOl\IAL STORIES ON ROCKEFELLER -P•g• A4 to clump RO{'kcfc\lrr should he S•'rk t1C'c1ion tn n full four-year lern1 Hnekl'fc!li>r s:ii<I Tucsda.v !hnt ht' h<·lil'1·p<I Ford h;1d f'\·cr~· inteniion nf running in ]!:iii\. .1lthough un1il forl:n· thf' \\"hilr llnusc had (!ivcn no si!!n !h:1t Fnrd 11;1s harkini:; do\1n frnn1 h1~ riirlirr \'nw no t tn run for the prrsiclrll!'\". Ford n1,1rlt' that s1ntrn1rnl during t11s \ lf'1• pri><:1d1·ntial cnnfirrn11!ion hr ari11:;! It ··rt1d nor ~1.·1•1n <tppropn;11t"' for :1 !ll<Hl hru1g r·on~idered for \It'•' pre<>1rlent to t:ilk r1f running fnr !ht• prrsidL"nc~· li·rllor"! snid "!\[)11· tu -. 1ms1!1011 h;~~ <"h:111"'ed. Th\'fl'for(' his 1 H'll' licl.I, f'h~llli-!t'd " Trr llor~1·s l'OlllllH'nl " 0·:1n1f' 1 J1 rr~p11n'1' 1n qu«stions ::it ;i 11('\\S hrir!11l;! l~t'c FOfll), f'agr. 1\2' 111 1'ask F or<·c Drug Rou11tlup P.y JOllN VALTERZA 01 !hi OlilY Pll•! S!atf Sein t '\r1nf'nf(' policr , :issistt'd by sc1cr<ll ut hl'r agencies. roundi.'d up 2-1 ull1:grd narcotics susp:Cr!s Tursday in a 111ajor task force operation spanning ! he South Coast. ,\rrnf'd \l'ilh t\'arrnnls s pe ci f y i 111! rharJ:C'·" llf s;1Je of J 11·idc varic!y 11f drugs includi ng heroin :ind cocn inC'. 11ffi cl'rS hurst in nt SC\'e r:-il Snn Clcnlt'nlc ;ipnr1n1C'11l-" nn1I nthcrs 111 IJ;in;i Point .:incl. L:iguna Ni guel. flf 16 s11.~ptcts n<lllll'll in \1·arrants. 1'11cs1l<1v's raids nl'Ued JO. pl us 14 oth\•r p1·r~1ns 11 ho \\'ere· nSs\•rtecll~· invnlvl'(I in nHreot ir:. ;1etivit.v at thr residC'n\'(I.". Those ;1rrc~tcd on \\'arrants arr· -\lnl Dc•nn \\leave!', 20. ot 14.'.i \\'. ( 0;111.1d:t. S.~1\ flcnH'n((', 1·hargl'd 1r ith sale-; of cocaine. I.SI), Ph<!1icycladine 1a horse tr:i11quili7.cr kno11·11 on thr street :l'i "1\ll~l'l riust") 11nd n1arij uana. Iii:-> b;iil is . lfl,000. · -V;i lerie Ann Kurtzn1nn , 20. of 145 \\'. Ctinada. salt~ of L...50 ; bail set nl 11.000. -Richa1·d Joseph Hyan. l!l. 11. Can1p P1·11cllrlon i\lnrinf' living at 212 B Arago11. San ('lf''lll'n\I': sales of n1arij11nnn and pnencyrlld1nr : b;iil is $2,500. . .l:11ll\"\'> !';1nliiil'..'t1, 20. ;i\SQ <1 ~l:i nuc livini.; ~I !ht• ~:1111r a<l1lrrs~. l~)(lk('(] ,1n cl 1t1rgC'.• nl rn~ri 111:H111 And ph1'11cyt·hd1n1' ~ ilf·~: l·~1·l. ~'.L~O(l -,f(lSl'Ph ll••l.1 (;r11l'l:llf'S. ll. J1f 211 C i\1 a.11:011 . s:tl<'!< of heroin. n1:in.11i;1nn !S£•e ~.\llt:OTICS, r f\ i\1~ • • 0 1llv Piiot ~tau Pnoto GO ING ON THE PILL? Laguna Beach Squirrel l1 aµ,ea11( s Ra11tl Won· t Be Pio vi11 g . ' 'J/ail U> (:/1i<>f ' H1rl•,1r(I \1\on'o:; r+·~i l!n;1l11111 h:i~ ~1·nr 11a1l•<; l;:irg.. :111d !<.1n:ill throu1~h.1u1 .\llH'fl C';111 Sr11.·11'll l'nr of !liL' 1tr11t• 1·11'pl1·~ 1'1 <"11 w:i shl'd L;i~un:i !ll":u·h \ l':1 g~·;1111 of !hr .\lastt·r~. Du ring ~unun1•1· pr(·~1d1·nli:1l \'1s1t s 111 th{' \\·~·,1en1 \\"h 1tt· l!n1h1" thr p;1;.;C'<.111\ orr-l1co:;1ra had tn l°I(' Tl·,1d1 1)11 .1 1110111t.'nl "!> noti•'e tn pl:t\ "Jl;ul to th e Chief ". lilt' traditional ;1ir pl;1yl·d 011 !he arr11;il of ihC' i'r('sid1~111 \o"' cond111·1f\r \'1f' S1·h11Cn h;,, 1·ollrctrd 1111 !lit• "Had to the Chic·!" lllUSi{'. Years :igo, :'io·h0t·n )M'rsonally It\\ 1:1'11 the pres1den1 tu :1t11•nd the fa111ou~ pa~can!'s "li\u1g pir1ures ." •·1 got a lclter in n·tur11 s;1,\·\11g 1rh<'n and if IK' C'Ould 111:ikL' 11. he \1'011ld do so.·· Sehorn said. ''Hail 10 !hl' ('hi<!f .. 11<1s rccHiied. n11d rrhearscd. B111. Si:hot'll said he <lidn 't I hink inuch of thr !-Core. •·rn1 glnd that 1t is su seldom US<"d. il"s no t rPally th<JL 111usical." tlu! t:onduclor s:ud. Ban1JJ00 Spear Injure~ Y 011Lh A 1 2-~ea!'old J)O\ltlC'Y \OU!il \\ t~ 1ro11n<le<1 in th1· th1;!h hy n ll\t"·JllClll~t'\I b.11nbo£1 11nt.lcr11 a!t·I' .;pL'ar Tu .. sday 11 hill' di\'1ng off r11t·l..s 11\ Laguna'-5 Pearl Slrt't'\ Beach ~lit·hacl i\lanighaJl 1\·as ru-.hcd to Snu\h Co;1st (' 1mn1unily I los pi!tll ill ;'11)n11! 2 p.m. v.ith the spearhead still protrud1n~ lrcrn !us right rh igll The spPur ~truck th(• youth "·hrn hi s 10·.l'('nr-old tl i\·1n~ f'om panion. 1'.·lil.'h:l1'! l\;1r('hC'I.., thrc\1' it to hu11 n11d hi.' faile11 lo catch i1 Ln,.r11 nH ih~ai·h lift'g11:ir1l-; c11t l)f( 1hr h:111lll\~ nt !lie e1~ht l\1!)\ lnn~ sp1':1r 111lh :1 h:1rksat\' 11hil1.' 11:iiti11g fnr nn :1111!•111;11\ll' to an·111· 1"hc SJl('nrht•:ul \1 ns r(·innvrll frn111 ~1anigharl's I(•\.! :'11 tht• hn~pit :il 1111rre hf• ":is tr1'J1t·d ;ind !:11cr 11•\ra•rtl l.;11.;u11 1 H•':u ·h is suflt·nn,g 1he et feet~ ,,1 ;1 1w11}tila11on t•xplos1011 . ! >I Sflll!!Tt'l!-> '!'ht• 1'<11!'. 111//,1'. b1•]010'\I . !!O.'t'- l\1 11vh111~ hlll1· lTl!!i;rs .1r•· boll!~'. hl;1111t•d h•' \h1· 1!1;,,\11· t•ru.,1011 (if :111 cxten,1 \e ,\1«•t1 h u l L,q;una '!-> l:unuus uct'au(ronl I iv1-.l,.c I ',11 h ·rh1· "<1111rr1•I" 1!;111· h1oui.:ll1 down tht- se1)1•n 11! l."1-(Ullil Bt·aeh ofl11·ialdo1n - f\11101111, 111hrr th111.;s -by hurrowin~ 111to 11l1· nt·t•:111frru1t 1:1ilfs Th\• l1u1T01\'S hav<! e:.auscd ht1ge se<:tions (1r th1· pnrk to t:avc i11 Tilt• problr1n 1 ~ l'~JJt•1·i:dJ.1· .'.lf'utc dtu·irig !he rniny liE'ai:;on 11!1e11 Ille hole.'i fill wi!/1 "a rrr. and lhl' c·Jiffsidc slides rp1ickly. Their h•1bifs ha \'e lt~pplcr! <l i·(1nt·n·1i• 1-lfl ll'"'H:V .'Hltl ilfl' ~lt•lHfily !,/11 Jll~ltlg !IJ• p1 11pJ1• :11"t'il of !hv p:irk J'rt11ouslr lh1· ci1y 1n1·d 1•1 po1."'111 lh1• Sf!ll!!T1'I~ Th:il l't''lll!ed 111 ;~ lilr'or• ;in <Hl !<'I"\' Jrorn pcoplt' 111111 lecd Jtal I" I ~' I ht' 111 >-•·\I. th!' t11y 11·1,,<l 1r;1pp1ng lh"nl 1111h l1111n:i ne "/1 ;111'·t\·ll1•:1r1 " !!'<JP'· Tl11• :;qu1rr .. J~ rl'produ<'t•t! t;is!l'r 1h1111 1h1· f'll \ 1·n11ld !ra1> lhl'lll ~0. lht• t"ll\' ('0lH1l'll I~ 1\U\I lil<:i•d 111\h a propo-.;1110 pr1 .... l·rih•· h11•th 1'11111ro/ t'ht'llll\':t].; 10 thr :;qu1rr1·l~ l'llcler a pn.ipo~a! f11r1\;1rd1·d hy l'ubl1e \\11rk~ l>1 1t•r rnr S1.1n Sch•ill, till' ani111als 1101ild ht• 1r o a spt:·c111Hy 1rt·:1tet.l toud. .\11<l . n;ir ur1· 11 outcl not t:1ke 1l s cour<.r Cc ·lli .•I Curti, 'l'ops 111 So11lh11c·,1 Fc ·.•I 1'h:1r1, . ., < 111"11' .• 1 I 1·11"11-.olr! ccllls1 1'111111 1..11:11!1.1 B(•;u h 11.1-. n 1'• l\i·d th•• f11·~1 111.11·1• .111 :11·d Ill \111· S ·•1 11 1i11·'~t \'01111~ \1i1~11·1 ;in-; F1•..,li\:'d .11 t .il ~1.11t' I> •111111 i.:1 1t·1 Hill~ 1 'ut1 i~ \l•'t fn rn1~·r1 rh• ;o;;11 ur-'\:11 n~ .I· 1r.;l {\·\lo Ct11l("f'rto and !hl· l·:lt·;.,~· b\ f-(•lll't' Thi' 1i11111:.,: 11111~Jl·1an t' a s111ctcnt of 1-:1,•nu.rr S1·huen!t·ld :! \alilwd \\"ith Bonth 1·~:111\.t-:1.r·:Y 1t·Pr 1 -l'uhL·1• nrr1•stl'rl 1'.\fl rt\t•n :ind cl 1s.1rn111d a bornh round 111 n 1«1r 1h;1t 11a~ stn1lp<1d in i\ routint• 1raff11· eh c•ck Tu1•&t:iy 111ghl n1•,tr lhc- t 'ni\'f'r<at~· of C:il1fnrni;1 c ;l rn pus . Ii 11 hi' slightlv 11•.irllu'•· Thu,·.•· l;i 1, a1·1·or1l1ng 10 thl' 111·:1iher ~l·rv- 1rP. "ith hil!hs :ir th•· brr11:hc.:: 1!'•11111r! 73 nsirut to B5 ir1l:111d nra11~e r·1n1111 1 l.1111 :> ront!!lil 1>11111 SI 1:\Sllll·: TOii \ \' .\.,/,,,1 1<11011. rl1 c l,ali(or11111 I, 1/1 /, · f,;1·/1111/1•!11 r1r1l11 hnurle1. ~1·1 11 n1<1Jo l' /1'11!/ll!' l'{'1•n r tl nf 47 \.·~ 1 .. ·1drl~ 111 1/11·1'1' f/llllH'.~ 'T'11rs- 1'oJ1/ ,111111 1 -liin tit•' ,\11gl'I$ last. 1.11 ,,, 1/11· /Jt'ro11 ·r111l'r . .;: n 1 .\iu1· 1,.·,ni 5ir<1ri1n n1 S1·t1 Spor ts. Pa!}i' HI. •t Ywr s,,.,,, •J &O•tlnt Alt LO M lloyd "' Ca111orn•• c1.,.,11.11 Como<• Crouwnro Oet1t~ Nollet\ (!ll!OtiAI P••t F" •rt oonfll•~t F 1n1n<• ·~· 1-!0•0UOIH' •nn L1,.Gtt\ ., 01 I/ ,,. ,,. " .. '" '" (t·10 " " " Montv TrH •i Mo~i,, •• 1 Mu r1>Jt 1'1111Ct1 l l N•l..,ni ! N•Wt 41, It O•ontt CMinly .... , Pooolt (1·1 $•O•I" 11•1 Or \!tlll(111~n r,,1t Sl<X' M••'ll• 91.j ··~· .. 111... •ll '~··"'' ''' Wr o!~•r A• Worlot N•w• •1. lt 1\, ,! UflllV 1 ILUf Lt: R itagl Pnde1· .'tin i n Police Overcome 5 Texas Inmates llL'l .L .. :'l'I.\ A\IAHILLO. Tr:\. ~,\I '/ -\ l<H'nu.:r policem<10 l11 rr1£'d (Tllnlnal cllrd in a hur~t of i:un £1re toda), t•ndin).! ;1 :tti.huur .l>l:1111J. off bv fi\t' inn1at1·~ holdini:. a hH,1:1~1· 1n tbe J;lil 11top the l'ottt'r t'o1111t\ Court· house. a ~heriff's office sPQkl'\lll :ln s:iid. A\l:\ll!J.L(J. T('\ ll l'I• -l>t•pull"' l.Jla'lt'd 1h~'1r .,.,,.\ into t!1i· l'••tl•·f l'<•lUtlY c:Ourt h1•ll't' 1;111 lnd;1\' :incl In·• d ;1 111l1·r hc1ng ht•ltl /l(Jf:tag1• tiv 11\1' lo..111fe·V-ll'ldu1J.! 1niru1tt''> for mort• rh.in :1 <l,1y 'I'Y.·o lout! 1·~plo.~u111" J111:h1·d !hi-t1P!M'I' floors of thf> ("OUnty c·QHl'lhou,t• .it 11 .f:\ a .n1. :ind rntnutr~ la!t•r <tepuUt•"l ru~/Jtd !".~an Sn1!ker frun1 th•· i:iil 10 ,1 l\';11\!ng j>d.lrul car. Snitker, ht~!d host:ige :-.1nl'1' rnidi u~ht .\londrn. 11 a<> r11"IH•(l tfJ ,1 hosp1 t;1) n1 widt•l t;rnuncd r·11ndi11on. Two other t•xploslons 1vrrc hf':ir<I shortly <tf'IL·r !h1· first t1\·o .uul ;1t le;1sl 10 l:Jol ice uffiet·rs 1vcrl' S('Pn rushing through thl' Upf~:r fif.M •r<; nf 1hr ~·ight· st-0ry bt11ld1 ni.:. Till' J;11I 1" Jrx.'<i led 111 lht• S<'Vt•nth and Pighth flr10r". Scvt'n il p1·r<;on s 11·11r\· enrried fronl jht• courthouse :111d pJ:11·1'Cl hurril'<lly 111 lhrC<' l!.ai!ing ;1n1bulancc!. Co 11 n t \' offi('ials rt·fus('d to give any der ails Or the inc1 dt:111 <ind l!.'oultl not 1drn!ify tho~·· hospitaliled. The fi ve inmat('s 01 t·rpo1rrn·d Sni1kt•r· aod ;inother guard dun11~ the shill change at midnight Monday [}tit thl' other guard, Don Sid.,.,·ell , u•ns released TU•',rJ!.J~ '11 t!L•nni.; a h•,,HJ .,.,.ound and •' l11p 1n1ury ('f)t1nr 1 11(f1ct:tl.:. r1·1)('1rir1d 1•:1r!u·r !~l(ia:-i rh:it t11 •g1111<111Pll\ \\h11·l1 l' II ri I In ll t' 1t rtiiough thl' 1111·l1L 111•t•' htok•·u c>H :old t/111 111n1:111•s ;1pp1•:1r1·d 111 !;(' 1;1hing i1rui.:s. At 11 n11dmorn1ng :-'011f1·J~·n11• ~h··r11f's (';1µt. Arthur Fields lid/! ~ t' t' rn 1• d 1;.·~~1 m1sr ic :.i hnut t<1lk" 1\1lh tht· 11n11a11·~ )"'11·ld~ ..;<ud ll.1 r1111 ~l1·h:t1J.:. 111•· l11r1nt·r IT1l1!·1• of£1e1·r ;111d t'\·l'OI! ,111·:1h1ng for !ho• 1111• 1\.1,, Ill l,.~t :111l1 ·1111·1 r•· 111\<thlt· to • l l'U t,!1'1 hllll ll[I 110~ ' l'h•· 11111<!rn11t11·d drllj.!~ r.1 k1•n hi' lh<' 1111 11 :11''~ :1pp;11•·nr1y 1"<1111t· frurn 1a1 I !!ll'du·,11 ~uppl u·~ Tlll' 1r11ll:ttt•\ h.id rt·l11111u1:-.hf'd !heir drrn:1n1! f11r fr1•f'1l1•rn ;ind S\\!1Ch1'i1 to harg:11n1 ng 1h1111 (•ar.1·s ·rh f'r ask('<! for ;1tronu·y..; hut ruin1· h;ut ;1pp1•arr><I 1od:i.v. Al 110 111111· h:iil :-.!11•r1Jt ·r L . B;1kt·r ;1grrf'<l lo lt•t I h11 pri.~nr111rs go fr('('. 'J'h,, 111m.1tt>s, app:1rrntly 11---d by <i f1Jl'llh~r pohl't·111:1n ;u11i ;1 \1•0111:in who ;1l l1·gt•tlly l11·l1M·d 111111 <"Ol!lln it ~1 liquor :;1111'1' ho ldup. ll}(1k 01-!T Ill(' tn11 1~·0 tluor" of tile eourthoust•. 11 l1erc the jail 1 ~ l11~·;·1tl'd . They g1';dJIH·d t1110 di.:putics fr1r ho~rag('i;, hut rele:1scd 011t< of thon1 1:1 hours later so h1· could rt<ceive rnc<lica! aitcnt1nn, fl<•rn1:1n ·nn(·ill. :i:i. \\'i<'h11:1 1··.111s h 11~h<in<I of l'tll· 11111n;1n 1n111;1h· ll irhar.1 ·rhi•·J. 10, 1:1lk1·d 10 h11. u 1f1• ;ind J>:i 1·1111 \lt'rh:1rg. :i!l. :i forrn('r \\'1chil:i F:ills polH't' 01iiC('I' anti lh1• <ill L•gt.>d ringleader ot rhe c·seapr anemµt. Suspect in LA Airport Bombing Held by Police I.OS A~(;El.l~S iAP1 -/\ '{11gosl11vinn 1n1n11grant 11·ith a rc('o rd of S('X oftl'nSP<: has IX'<'n arrested for investigation uf n1urdcr. ;.incl polit'l' say he is the "alphabc>t bomber" 11·hose deadly charges killed three perso1t~. Police and the 1-~BI said r.1uharem Kurbegovi('. 31. v.·as Lakcn into custod~· Tllt'sday night aher he planted a tape R e a ga11 Si gi1s R ef eren<l lml On Transit Tax Gov. Ronald Re:igan 11igned a bill Tuesday giving Orange Countr voters the chance to detide on I he merits of a sales lax incr(•11~c lo pay for a modern m:i ss tr11nsit systen1. The bill 's author. Assen1bl\i111an John Briggs (R·Fullerton 1 ter1"ned t he governor's action "a milestone in Orange County." The n1casurl!. /\B 3~51. .... ·ill be in the form of (I rcfcrendurn on the Nov. 5 ballot ;1skin g voters to approve or reject 1he concept of additional sales taxes 10 fund public transportation. If approved. the nev.• kl\v 1~·ould plac1· an upper liniit of un c cent un th(· tax increase and give Or1111gc County Transit District d1ret1ors the option ol u·here to set !he ratr inside !hat lunit. If !hr i11Crl·:1S(' rs srt :1 full penn y. nearly $1 bill ion would be ra1srd ovrr lhe nexl 15 y('ars to pn v for ahou! half the f'Sti111:-.ll'<I r·o~t of lhe ~rans1t sy~tcn1 now f!U\ 1sioncd by planners. The county·s C'ilH•s :ind unlncorpor;1f('<i areas \1-'0U ld get :1 :!5 r11·rc1~nt eu! of all revenues dur 1ng the first lhrcc ,Vl'<irs to spend on their 011n tr,1nsl t plans. The only sti pulation is th:i1 the local projeets mt'sh v. ilh thnse or lhl' Lr<111sit dis!rict. The system nov1 in thl' planning stag<':- includes 137 miles or r:ipid trans1~ ('orridors. 1.500 f1xl'<l rout ... s and dial-a· r ide buses 1.1nd the JXls:-ibility of sonic futuristic rapid rail line. OllAt'Gl COAST l' DAILY PILOT 1•• 0••""" ,, 'o •.. "''" ... •" ~ .. ' • ...... ~ 1•~ ....... '"~·· "l'ol~'''""~ ., ........... ~~ ' •• ,.,.. •··• •~~ ' r: .. " '"'"•'" ,.., .. ''"' ···• PUO+•> .... d •' '•~I , • ., +1' ,,..,., l!>f Ln\'O .,.. .. ,. ... ~, """'" "·••'•"<I'"" S.0•<"''~"~ '"'""'"'I 11• •ll<>O\.• "·"' '""'0'• I • •~ { "~' ., '" ,J, '+ .. c "'" ,.,,. 1' , ...... ~,, "1 ·• ••• ~" p,,,, r.,.c..r• '"Q • • ''' ,.., 1;., r,11.,,. (• '"'~ fl•u , .. ,,I<;" "" ,..,., .. ~ ~ ,,.., I I ·,· , . "" ""' .. '. ' 'r• ~ 'Ir, y.,, .,.,..,,,,....,, •"'1 \0•~•1·1' " • • oJ• I· _, ,. '·' ''· ,.. ....... ~"Cl i.~10' °""°'" l .......... 1,.,. ... _. "<ll <l-l<O\ L....-a.-flotfic• ll. Fc•M•f'~~n.,.. /Jo,; r>g Ad:>,. \ r Cl flo, 066, q]£.':i2 °"'"' Offlc .. 1 Coot> Vt.,. ,\'.IQW'"'i flo,<,•,,,..o •l~o...,f' llo ••i 11\1N•~ l\">uL<.M1 i.-, '"V'-n .... ''~'~"""'''"·••·•' ·•·'·~·····• 1'""1"11•• ... ··~ .. T•!.phOM 17 I 4164Z·4lZ I Cl•11-lfMd Af~•rtl1l1111 •42·$6 7• L ... ,.. ltctcl! .6.11 O.porimmft.: r .. i.,-_ 494,,.,, I ll'Q~' •011 n•a ·'!" nl" r I •1 ~,,., t •"• '<(<!1•w\ '••• '''' o•J•! ·• -:'•• ,.. ........... ..,."' ·--...... , ......... ,,..,"'.~ ........ "._.,,,,, .. ,, .... ''" , ......... . ......... , .• 111'""'1""""'''''"~"'· ••. I I "ol ~f,0'•¥~· •• O•l !f;I '°'"'"''I "• lt OOMC~f>'• ,..,'1,..,....,.,NloCl"' 13 00""'''"'• rl'tord111g i11 .i tr;i~h l·;111 Ill J re~r r01 Jn1 :1t a llolly11oo~I r:ikt:nut r('C::!j1 1Jraut. llll'Y S(lld Kurbl.•govic 11·as !\Jt• rn:in 11ho 1d('11 lifi1~d h1n1-.<c!f in lel£>ph0n(' callc; {J11d t<ipe rccordings a~ "ls11:1c n:islln." n1ilitary leader or <in organization he l·all<'d Aliens of An ierica. lie U'as . called lhc alphabC't lxlmbcr after threatening to spell out the group's n~me "in blood " unless immigration ~d sex la"'S were repealed. \\'illiam A. Sullivan, assistant director of the FBI in charge of the Los Angel£'s office , said Kurbego\\C "·as npparcnlly acting alone and "at !his lime 1t u•ould be n1y opinion th;it llu:orc is no such group as the Aliens of An1erica ." Police said Kurbegovic, \\'ho had been etnployed until this ll'CCk at a blueprint company in L<is Angeles. 11·as u11arn1cd and offered no r£'si stancc when arr('stc<l. Kurbegovlc, \rho has light, curly, slNrt hair, 11·as n1archcd pa st 11e11·sn1cn ;it police headquarters <1nd booked in connection l41ith <in Au g. 6 blast a1 Ws Angeles International Airport that killed three persons and injured J,). l{egistra ti on Se t F or 17th Lag una 1'en ni s T our nev BPgi.'-lr:11 io11 i:-. Op<'n 11011· for 11H• l71h :1111111a! l.:1 j.(u11a Bi':ith (1tv T•~nn1." To11rn;irne11t !<t'h"(ltll<·d f1)r 1\U j.(. :11. Sept. 1,2.7 an<l U ;J [ c1!v court~ 'l'hc tourn;imer;1 ls t-Os111111!'orf'l'.I hv lhc l.:1,i.:U11:1 lle:it li H('t'ri'a1111n /J11par1m cnt ::rnd !ht' L;1gu11a B(':lC'h 'J' f' n n i s 1\~.~0<.'1t1tlon Fu nds rais1~rl hv !lie event 11 ill he us£'d lo unprove local tennis facili1i£>S. 1·:n1ry runns :ire ;1vRilab\e ar the rrcl'•'a!ion d11p;1rlmt•nt hf·:1dqu;1 rt crs. 570 Glenn('~ re St. and !hr• lrvint• llo\\ 1 f'flltrt~. Fee 1' $:°J tor !!ingl('S ;ind SJO for d11ubl•·s f'I ('nl s. Evl;'11 t;.; 111!1 inl'l11df' n1pn'i:: :ind v.oinens' A. B, and C sin~lcs. 111cn's 1\. B. an<1 C doobl~: u•on1ens ' 1\B and C doubles: and mixed AB and BC douhl('s. ,\wards 1A1ill be givrn to the '"'Hlllers and runncrs·up in each clirision. ~latches arc schL>duled at the Irvine Bo1•»l cou rts. the lo.,.,·cr high school courts and on the new u1>per hi gh school courl~ which will bf.> fom1ally dedicated at JO a.nl. Aug. 30. Further infor1na1 inn is availnhlc hy ('filling the r('creatio11 departn1ent . 4iM· 1121. De1nocrats Pl.an Fiesta de La g 1wa RPS~rvations are being taken ~· for the Laguna Beach Df>mot"ralic Club's r if'm de Laguna ,11t 7 p.n1. Aug _ :io in the ho1ne of Samuel Alherl, 2:817 Alla Laguna. T>onalions are $5 each ror c.:1Mpes . a romplimentary tocklail. dinfl£'r and dessert. Dinner v•lll be sen'ed al 8:30 p 111. 9 p.rn . and 9:30 p.m. 1'he fies!a prefacr s ttK' SC'hcdulf'd S('pl. 2 opening of th(' rlu!f!) headquarters n1 5(1()..ij Brondway. 'J'he evl•nt 1s oprn to !ht· public 'l'l!h n limit of 200 pt1r!icipn11t~. For reservations r·ont<1ct 1'hrhn:i ~1us1c a1 2SllO Pal a \VR~', tn~1u1a Beach 926Sl or call 494·1370. 'ri ckct~ \11dl nl~ lx• Avaih1b!e at the door on a flr!'ll--co ulc '--------------~ ,.. b.1sis. ' NARCO TICS . • • and phencyclidi~ 8i11l was !.t't al S7.Si00 Sf'vi•r<i l pcrJOnS pn>s1~nt at a par1y at tlh· :ip,'\rln'H:nt ·1'11t.>sd.ay n1~ht 14·erP l~iol-.•"t on n1ari1u<1ua ch.irgl1l , saH::I l 1ul1 ~·" f'hief '-lel Portner, -r:1t"'·ard Irish Lupton Jr , 28, of 29~51 S:in Briso. Laguna N~guel, charged with i;a lf' of cocaine, with bail set et $10,00Q -Joseph t.!incielli, 19, uf 130 \V ;\1<1rqu1r.a, d1arg1..'<i .,.,•ilh sale of hashish 011. 111th bail :1t $2.500 -Jeff Allln \\'alker. 21 , of 33831 Z.1r1.11v. !Jana l'oint. charged with sale of r11ar1Ju:u1:i and hiring <1 in lnor to t·fft•t·! illi('l l S.1 l<'S; bJ I] ;1t $!';,000 -Sarnuel H. Srn11h, a l~jt'ar-old :\lannc living al 202 D &1 Il le. charged 111th m:iriJuana saJc, with bail ~t:t ut SLOIK'J. -Sl('phf'!l rharlt·S K11'(•tt. 21 , l)f Hl1 \\' ~lartJULt:l , San C/c1nt:nle, chilr~cd 111th 111:1r1JU3nn s;1l(', "ith h<11t ar $1.1100 l'oriu1·r said tht! coord1na1cd raid~. the £1r!'>t 1n 111ore than 11vu \C'ars 111 1111· ('1t1 undt•r !ht• lull t:1sk ·f1 1rt"~' fon11:1r, o•ndrd 111ort than four n1on!hs of 1>rubin t.:. 1n<'lud1ng <i i lt•gefl undt'r<·o\ er buys. HP a11d nart'olics dc1Pcti\•es in San L'lt·1nc•ntc said murh of the underco1 er 11Qrk 11as fun11shcd by Ltiguna lk'ach pol ice along \1-·ith the slate narro~ics of fice ;uid 111ilnary in vestigators. "I 11111dd ~;1y lhut !ht· fol'.d point The r>toplc arrested in these ra ids "'as •iur 1)011·! <1r('<1 in Sa n Cle1nP11tc," Portnt"r sai<! ll1' ;1ddcd !h.'11 i\l:irincs fro1n (':1n1p r•endleton v.1·rc an1011g !he bulk of tJ11: pur,·ha <;e rs of illicit dr·ugs in lhe pier· cntr:111L·r arr:i, the invl"stigation sho"·ccl \\lust nf !hose ::rrrcstc<I in 1·ursdav ·~ r;ud~ 1\ere t!'arisµorted lo Orange Cuu:u,1· j:ul. Sc\·rr;il pt'rsnns :irr1·,.,ted on !h(' 111:ir1ju:1n:.i sntllkin:.: 1·h:irgC's and f!)r bt·ui ~ u1 a pl.ice \l'h £'re lhl' 1rl'rd \1':l' hl•i11g u ~cd 11·cre rt1lea~rd 011 their 01~11 rl'l"Og111zance pend ing ill'raignn1ent. Arrestees named in lhe m a j o r 1~·arrants, Por:tncr said, v.•ere lo be formally charged early today in South Orange County r.tunicipal C-Ourt. PARKS ... shuu ld !'csunH• t h~· nego1iat1011s." !\!{II ! ~aid 'rlic pilrks diret·tor SJKl rL'd fL·11· v.·nrd s 111 chiding the !\1arine Col'µs; for s!:ill111 g 1n ntht•r nt•gotia1ions 11·hi1·h hC' ter n1~ 11t11I rn the ult1111at1· Cl l'l'C'/Oflrll C'l11 uf th~· 'ix·n11lc Onofrt• !'.!rand and 2.3!.tll <1t'/'C'S of San 1\lateo Can1·on. Tht· most serious prOblcm . he said. 11 as the un11•illing11css of lh£' Corps ''' ClCl'l'pt any of five suggesl('d !'iLICS for Ille rt·loc<1 tion of the enlisted n1an ·s beacfi club lying within the bounds of the park property obtaincd under leMC lll l!l72. !\l.ott said that another problem i ~ the t·onst.ant rhanging of comn1and at thl' base. "Just <1 s soon a~ we get !'()mPthing gni ng "'ith the-ba<:.e con1mand£'r, h(' 1~ lr:insfcrrrd and .,.,.c arc forced 10 si11rt aJJ over again. •·\\le hnve gener;il pl<ltis for the possible conversion of !he enlisted man 's faci lity into the state',_ fi~t surl1ng 1nforrnatiQn and historical center ... .<:,{)rt of a n1uscun1 to the sport," to.tol l S<lirl. Hfcent hca\'y dc1·elop1ncnt of ba,<;e housing and comincrre in the area ll'ncls ;1 S£'nse of urgency to the prescn ·ation or 1·restles. i\tott said. Th(' co mmittee was charge<! by thr 1Jirec!or to spend at least tt,1·0 year:;: .<>tu dy1ng park dcvclopn1ent at lhe Onofre lacihty and advisisg lhe departrncnt 011 ltl(•a[ n<'t•ds and Cilllct'pl s. S:i n Cll'tncnlc 1·e1er1nari.'ln Dr. Colden Boyle \1·as selected inter11n chairman of rh" con11ni1!ee. ()?\(' 11f the groop's fir~t funelions v.·1l l !1(· :i dri 11 i n~ 11nd \\'a!king tour of 1h1· st::11e holdings, f1J])(l11·('(j b~· <Ulll!ht•r ~('.ss1on l::rt(' ni:x1 n1nnth to review rht~ nHlS\er pl.-111 ;_ind the spci:Hic plann iHS 1)rocess as cnappcd out by :-.101t's ... 1aff . l'li·leg:it<'<:: frn111 C"rnp Pendleton i1bo 11ill IK: askc·d to allend the &pternhl·r session, the cornrn1ttce agreed. 9 Sailors 1-Icld For Dru o-i\buse l:"" HOSTON ft'Pll -Th(' Navy h;:i<: :11111ou11rL1.i tha' 111 11,. cre11·n1cn of the l 'SS ~lyles C. l·ox arc u n d e r Hl\'l'Sligatio n for pos.~ible courtmartlal in connection v.i:h alleged drug abuse and sale aboard the ship. The Na\·y sald Tuesday J n in\'C!'ligation rrve::rll'd the presence of marijuana along with small quanti1ies of LSD and an1phe tamines aboard the sl1ip . In addition . 15 men have been givl"n nonjudicial p u n i sh n1 f n I by the tornn1anding offlcf'r. anrt 111:0 other nien ;ire au·a1tlng nonjudicial action. l'ra111 1•age Al FORD ... 11'hen asked about Rn c k cf e 11 e r ' s statement thal he thought Ford .,.,·ould run ln 1976. Terllorsl said he discussed the issue with Ford Tuesday night and again this moming. "As you kn o"'·· in !he past Pr('~idcnt Ford held the opinion he ""'OUld not run," tcrllorst said. "lfe is now of !he npinion tK' prohably '"'ill run In 197B assuming of coursr he is no1ninaled hy <lelC'g:ites at the Rcpublic.111 na1i on1tl con\'t'nllon. ·· Ht~ponding to other q u c s lJ on s. tf'rl lorsl said he "definitel y 11·:inrs lo krl'P !hr word 'prob<ibly' in" hi s sl atcn1cn1 , 11Ut. barring UllforeSCf'll <lrveloprncnts. thr t:Qf> noml nat1nn in l!l76 i~ f'ord's virtu:1lly for the :i skinj:{. -I Giving It Up 'Florit l" l<'ox' Fi 11 alZ.v Surreutl er.'i 'T'ALl.A H1\SSl·:r~. f.'la. ~A l'l -Jack l 'IOuser. a forrncr police· n1an c:hari;ed with kldnaping and robbery. decided to end 10 years 011 the run and surrendered to authorllies today, a state law enforce· ment official said. ('Jouser, 42, madr the f"B l 's JO n1 ost·\\'Jntcd Ji::;t and eJ rned th<' 11ic knan1e "The ~'Jorut:t Fox " as he eluded ancl rirli culed pursuers l lnwevcr. 1:iorida offit'ials have indlca1cd ('louscr n1ay go free becaus<' of the s!alut<' {lflin11tat1011s. In :i le tter t\l his estranged wife, 111arlene, and t\VQ teen.aged son!'. ('lo use!' ::aid he "''ould gi ve hin1self up bcl·ause he \VJS tired of rut1ni ng and wanted to be \\'i th his fan1ily . "!\faybe lll)r !'Oils need rne ." Clouser \\'rote. "{'.lay bc 1'111 j ust too ol d anfl lired to start O\'er :igain." San Fr:1n(·1sco police arrested C'louser in .June on an as:-;ault c l1:irge hilt he v.·a.' released before his identity w;is knO\\'n. Jn the ll'ttcr tr1 his u•ifc. '''hQ lil'es in Orl;inclo, Clou~er said he had been tiv· ing 1n San F'r:u1('i r;;to :-.i nce 1967 tinder the alias Donald Sinuns. 111;irr1ed anot her u·oiria n and \\.·a~ hnlding a job. Flood Pre,·e11tio11 Enlctrging Prado Dci1rt , Building A1iotl1 e r S een By KATHY Cl.A1\C\' 01 tllt O•llY l'llOI S!ll! Could Prado l):im br£>ak in the next rnaJor ('!lrtlxiu;ikr. S('nd ing tons of liL'\'/l ~t:'llillg nood \l'aterS throughout Orangf! County·: If so, 1rhy n1akt' the dam l:irgrr :i nd build ano!hcr at ~1rntone, nearly atop the San Andrcas fault '.' Those \1-"ere the questions tu·o Chino resident s and a Fullerton geologist asktd the Army Corps of Engineers ·ruesday night ot an Orange County hea ring into alternate nooc1 prevention plans along the S<inla Ana River. Corps spok£>sn1en sard thc~' 11•ere studying lhe d11n1's sa fety and have ways of building in added streng1h 11·hen a project gets into detailrd cnginrC'ring st ;:rgrs l:it er. A spokcsn1an for th<' 0!'ang£' County \\'atcr Distri ct. JO.\'C'(' Trub\'. 11·ondcrrd :ibout ensurini:: saf('t~· of the district's wa tcr <'onscr\'ation basins along the ri1·cr chann('l. \\'hilc !he distri<'t stnff suppoM s alternate "F," a $5(M) million projl'Ct. sh£' :-aid. the\' also "·ant to be sure release of d;immed \\'ater u·ouldn't jeopardize \\·atcr stored in district's spreading basins .:ilong 1he fl\'Cr channel. About 125 persons attended the hearing in Anaheim. the only one scheduled for Orange ('ounty. Surf's ,7Vot VJJ~ L ll[!ll ua Surfing Co1itest Delc1 yed The poorest Augu~t <.urr In yearc; ha.c; r!r-lnyrd the 20th Annual Brooks StrN!t Surfi ng Cont 1·"t. billed as the v.·orld's oldC>S\ surfing ('vent. The Laguna Beach n e c r <' a I i on l'lcpartment i-ends an official to check 'llrf condi!ions daily to de tcrn1lne if rhe rontcst can be run . It u·as scheduled 10 be held lasl Saturday. ,\ rcrord nnn1ber of G5 loc;:;l e ntrant~ <i re 11•airin~ for ttK' fan1lliar cry of "~u rf's u11.'' a department ~pokrsrnan saicl Also sttinding by arc the JUdg£'5, 1n<t.~!cr of c£'rcn1on1 t's and I h c dcpartmf'nt !>l.1ff It is thl' fir!'t linlf' !11 !he 20.yf'a r histnry of rhe {'Vent it h;1s been ri£>1ay£>d by crun1mr surf. Prizes fnr the conte st i11<;\ucle ;i trip 10 Hawai i provided by t.he K.'.l!os l\11galhos Voundation. a health and water athletics · organiz.:11ion . •• Col. John F'olC'y or rh<' r orps of Engineers describe-cl th1' r('sull s rof ;1 nine-year fc;isibility stud\' of Oood control alon~ the b.'.l~in. th('n out!i11('d nine ;11!erna!c nll'!h<Xls. r.'.lnging fro1n '·doing nothing" !o an $850 n1illion greenbelt pl.'.l n 11·hirh u·ould wipe out 1,100 homes thal might be in a flood's path. Orange Couniy Supervisor Ralph Diedrich said county supervi sors support plan "F." 1vhich involves r:iising the height of Prado Dain and building a new dan1 al tllcn1 one , near Redl ands, as 11·ell as in1pro,•ing ri 1·c r channels. i\bout $56 n1il lion for !he projec1 11·ould conic frorn local fund s. A spokesman for stat e Sc11 J.'.ln1r~ !-:. \Vh C'l n1ore I H·Gnrdrn Gro ve 1 ~a1d he 11·ou!d rcron11nend thal th e S('!l:l!Or also support plan "F" 111e Corps !\aid £>:irhrr !hi.~ plan apfX'ars to be n1ost likely to 1~·1n public support. But \\'. F'. tJurrington and C. Il. Peders£'n of Chinn qurstioned that plan. saying thf'y fe ar the dan1s could collapse in an e.Jrthquakc. Their fears were echO('(J b~· ~L J. Casiro. J Fulle rton geologist 11·hose firn1 ope rates 11 oil "'ells ne;1r Prado. :ind by C. E. Roark . :i c:arden Grove engincl'r. Roth :i skC'd !h:it the corps carefully study all safety fa ctors. The flood control me:isurcs ;ire clesl,w;ned to protect the county in 1he e\'e11t of a oner in 2()()..year nood. "'hith the Corps escin1at cs u·ould dislocate one 111illion residents and ca use $3 billion 11·orth of damage. ~l111 sc 1111 i to llol.(l Go11 r111 et, Di1111 <'r Rese rvations arc being taken for a ~ourmet dinner celebrJting lh(• 56th binhday of the T..aguna Rcarh r.IUS('Unl of Ari bt~ginning at 6:30 p.m. &-pt. 6 al the museuni. The gourn1et dinner. u·hirh 11111 1nr!url1· n pr£>\'il'V.' of the Fnl! A!I \le<l1,1 ,\!rcnbcr~hi p Sho11·, v.il! bci;tin at 8 p nl foll nv.•111g n<rhost cocktails at 6<Jfl A <:ez.:innr £'tci1lng t' n t ; I I r fl "(;nllallm1n ·• donftted from !Ill' t !IC('\ ion of Leslie .J ohnS0n of J.,aguna !!i lls 11!11 bf-auarded during the ('\'ening as ;1 door prize. rosl of thP rund·r.:1islng rl'ent 1 ... $1+! pc"r pcrMn . [Jrrss is blark tie nption.11 11·1th a l1 mi1cd numh£>r of seals ;i\'ailabh·. For reservations call !he rnuseum a! 494-65.11 Livi11g (:os t 1,al{e~ J t 1111 1J \\'AS!l l;\(;']'1)\' (1\l'I -'1'111' , ... ~, or !111ng rusr 111ght-1t·11rl 1s td ~L pertcrit 1n July dc:.11th· ;ul •·.1~11lg i11 !lit· 1n<·rea:;(' 111 fuod pr1e1·~. !hr 1:01 t•n11111·11! ~:11d t.)l.J!ly. Th·· Jul~ l't 'f1Urt n1:1rkt·d only the :-,C(_'(1nd t11n l' rtu s ~i'ar the 111onthly in("r1·as" u1 th1• g111•1•rn n11•nt ·s ('onsUllll'r 1'r11·1· lndo•\ Ii 1~ 11 .. 1·11 ll'"IS !lt1 n I µt'fl'l 'l\t '!'ht· Juli 1t1t'/'1'<1"' 111n1!d ;unt111nl t.1 .u1 :11111u;1J ral1· ut u1tl ;il111n nf •i !i p1·r1'1·111 ~till ah(•;1d 111 IJ.:.\ .1·r·.1r .:. ll H p•·rl't•nr 111f1 :11t11n r.il.· l '••ll~tllllt'I' 11r11·1'~ 111 111<' '"'" A1t~rl1·<: 1111·1t·o1)()h1.111 .11f'.1 111n• 11 l pl·!'r!'l1t h1gl1l·r 1lu1111g .J,d1 11\.111 .i ~!':t r :u.:o. 1narl1111g lh•· l.1ri.:1·~1 ,1111111,!I 1111·rP,1.,1~ .Sllll'f' 1!117. 1h•• S11U!l\1•nl (',.l1f1it'llL1 rh1 vf of lhc Bll.l'l'<ll! of Lubor St<1l!,Ul~ s.1id 1ud;1y All 1ll<1jur C<1tegur1••, or f ;1 111 1 I y !<J)l'lldlng, t'XCl'pt t'lotl1111i;. l'cl;!IS!Crf'd g;u 11s durinJ! July 1'1'\r•·~. gt•1t1·r.11ly ~purrrd by u l ll ptTL'('tH 1·1 ~t' 1n hnus1ng l'OSIS. HICr1 •:is1·d 1 I [Jl'l'('i'lll fr.i1n Jun1·. sht• said . l 11'J<'t•>:. :is of .1111.1· :ll \lo'/'•' I! II 11•·rce11l higl1t·r 11:1t1un.ill ~ tll:in 1n .!ut.1· 1~17:1. 1!1c gvv,~rlltl1l'l\t ~.1111 That 1~ !he• lligi::c.~I 12·1110111h jt1n1p si111·1· 1!11• 1,•.1r 1•11d1n i.: Sl'plt·111h•·r 1!117. 11ht•rl \ll1· 1nrr't•:1:o;1· \1".1~ ;;? Ii \lt'fl't'lll Tht• L;1hur ll1•p.1rlrnl'nl .:. llurr au or L;1bor St all:;t1l'<" :-aid. ho11t•1·rr. 11·orkerc; n1:i11 agr{J !o i..;:1in grou11d n11tio11:iHy la sl n1on1h in thrir r:i l'l' 11·11h inflarion. Spendahlt· parnn1gs. :if!l'r 1 :1 k 1 n g account for inf111tt0fl. rnovcd up by IV.'O- tcnths of l pert'cn r. But since it 11,1s only !hr second rr.onthl y 111cr1·<1~(' !hi~ )1•;1r, r ca I spendable ean11ng!' \l<'l'C' 5 3 [>t'rccnt !t'ss than :i yc·ar e:irl1(•r ThC' 1najnr fac1 nr~ pusl1ing up prices in July, thl' dt.'p:i rt1n•·nt :.n1d. 1,·,•r•' tiigh£'t' in!Prt'Sls t·o~r, fur ho1111· bu~ t·r~ and highl'r pri1·v~ v11 1·r1 rs. 111••d1c.il l'arl' and rcs!.JLir;1nl na•ah Vood Pl'l"i'.~ ;1ct1i.1lly ru!'•' h.\' on1 ··tt·nrh of 1 pcrci>nl l\u t h1'(",111~1~ !11(·.1· u:-;u;dly !'!S1· inurh llh\r•• s1rn111.d~ 111 ,lt!l,I'. !ht• l..'1hor Drparin1('n! nclJu~rvd 11\1~ ('han~t· for s1•asonal \'an;1t1 n11 1111· rr..;ull 11:i<; a four·lf'nlhs of 1 p•·r('l'fl! ctrup as f;u· ;1s th1• g'l\ ~·r!lllll'lll ':-; H\di•\ IS C'Ollt"t'r!lf'd. Thi• pnt'<' nf b<'i'f, da iry produc!s. f'gr.;s ,ind fr,•<.h fruits, 11h1('h norm:illy flSl' 111 .July. dei~11n•·d Frf'"h l'CJ:<>t:.ib!r pr1rrs d,·t'h11t'<I r1• n 1nort· lh:1n usu:iL < ;roccr_v shire pri t'•'" 1ncrea~£'d on poultry, pork . ~ug;1r ;ind ~lll'Ct~ and l'c·r1·:.i l <ind b tkrry prod111·t.<: lln11 c\'1C r tht• food \ll'l<'t' sluJ;:g1shnC'sS in July did nut rL"fJf'Ct hralthy incre;ise.:. already v,ork1ni:: thL·tr 11 :1; lJJ~ to the grocery store ll'\'l'I F a111il v R esc ued , F ron1 ~ailbo al 011 Da na J{ecf S~1n Clerlletllf' lif1•gu:1rrl~ ;ind n1t rt1ln1cn fr••lll 111111,1 I 'OHlt I l.1 rl1'1r r1·S('lll'<I a fumily fJf four from l'plnnd nnd ~:il1·agrd lh<'lr 2~fMI s;iLlh<1:11 T111''1.i:1\ :1 f1t•moon ;1fl•·r ti11· 1 •·<>:-1·1 f1·lt'h1·d 11p {•ri a l'f't•f. L1h·gu;1rds \:11d th1'.1· first s.111· !hf' 2~+·1•\0I .:;li111p "\qu;1 \"11;11,. 1n trouht,. "" th1· I\• -.L re~:f ofl lht• rl!~ pa•r ;1t :• \) Ill .111d 'IJC.'d !11 !ht· S\'t'll~ Ill 1l11•1r r1·<;(·11o · cr.1f1 .\t ;1l~1u1 1111· ~.1lll•' 11111.•, harbor patro]nl('ll \11111mon1'1! by .1 1.1010 1nnycl:;y frJ•n1 01\·nrr·sk1ppt'!' 1.o.1t11s C:i !nl:i no S<'nt thP1r n·.~cur r r:ift All thr ()('('up;1nl<: of lh1· bo,11 wrr<' L;i)..l'll off and th(' hn,I! \1·:1-. p:1!ch1'd ::ind kt'pl :Jfl o:1t 1111 h pu111p<: .1~ 11 11·:1$ IOV-'f'd ff) !ht· lr;1rl~1r, nlfll'i<lls s;iid Thl' r('<'[ 1' :1 rhron11.: nr1nes1s to m.1 tl'r.~ off Snn Clen11'tllC'. off1c1,1I <; sa id. anrJ ofttn is con1p!t·!1·I.\' c;;1 d)nl!'rgcti CLOSlD SU ... DA'( .; • • TENNIS SHORTS & SHIRTS TENNIS DRESSES I • GYM SHORTS & SHIRTS GYM SHOES SWEAT SOX SWEAT SHIRTS & PANTS WARM UP SUITS BOOK BAGS ALL PURPOSE SHOES FOOTBALL SHOES SOCCER SHOES BASKETBALL SHOES TENNIS SHOES ' ~- WILSON -DUNLOP -DAVIS BANCRAFT-YONEX TENNIS ~ RACKETS . • RACKET STRINGING RACQUETBALL RACQUETS & BALLS HANDBALL GLOVES & BALLS TENNIS BALLS '· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· BASKETBALLS VOLLEYBALLS FOOTBALLS BIKE PARTS -TIRES -TUBES REPAIRING • \ Saddleba~k Tocln,,-•s t 'i11nl N.Y. StoekN EDITION VOL. 67 , NO. 233, 5 SECTIONS. 70 PAGES O RANGE COUNTY, C ALI FORNIA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21 . 19H Tl:N CENTS Viejo Council Hopefuls Can File on Monday Uy JA~ \\'OHTll 0 1 In~ D••lv Piiot 51alt \1t ..... u111 \"u•JH n•!>1<ll'tlt!'i \\h11 \\:tll! lu ru11 iur a pu~111011 un .1 Ill'\\' \lillli('lpal \d\"1 .. 1)1 v ('uun«·il ( :-,1,\t' 1 niay hci.:111 t ;i lun;~ 11111 p11111·rs 1ron1 th11 ()r.'.l tlgt• I '11unt1 li~f.il"t rur ut \'ol1•rs \lund11y, u 1'11un1· ~111k1 •..;11 i;u1 s;uc! 1ud;1.1· Tht• 1·ou11l .v Ii o a rd uf Su11<•rv1..;Ur." ;ql\)lh\l'd ]O/'ll\il!IUll or !he l'il'l'·llll'llllA•t' p;i11 .. l 11 1 1111n;11)1n1uu1;1!l'l'is10111'1a·sd;1y. 1111• 11r11· i,:riHllJ \'till S<'rvc :is a qua~i- + d ty rounl'il 11 hich 11 ill ad1 i<;c th<> super· 1 isor::. ot local eouceru" 111 11111' enforct'· rni·nt. ro'-lds and tralf1r, rccrt.'<tllon. la11rl ll"C :ind ptanniH~ Th1· s11p1 •r1 i~1)f'S :i r (" t' p I e ti a f ('{'U111111t111d:1t1'l11 h\ th(' ~11s~i1111 V11•1u f]h!1 lt'0\lll•·r~ A!'-SOC l.1tlull thnt thl' t:UUJICl 1 ha\'\' !1\·e 11H•rnt)('rs, A .\'ov. 5 !'ll·t·t1on 11ill be ht•ld t11 ~·!~·l'! tlu_• i'UlUH:ll tlll'tllbl'rS, \\'hi) will 11{)! l.ie p:ii1!. Hoh i\c\~on, 1h" S:iddleh:1ck \ a/lt'Y liai son of the t'oun1y·s F'it1h 10 r>1 ~l r l(1 including ~lission Vitjo, said tlll' Ill[\ three vot.c--getters \1·ill ~Pr1·1· uru 11 1\larch. 19711 :ind the hollom tv.o \'Oh' gellers unt il :\1arch. 1976. ·1 hr :\lls~ior1 \'icjo count·il L'-rhr I llh \].\(' to br forn1ed in lhe -.1;11c. ~clson ":IU\. "\\',, lu1Jk ril JI JS .111 P\'.pt'l'l lnl'lll 111 \fll11nh 1·r g11\·er111nen1 .·· \l·l-.un s;tid . "lt c;111 be an <'Xl'l·llrnt [11 d 111 lll·lp tlH' honrd l'1·;i!uate !he !ut';d 11eed.'i iii ~l i!)s io11 \'iejo.'' 01ily i>llot Stitt i>!\oto THE FORD·ROCKEFELLER ALLIANCE WAS IN THE CARDS ACCORDING TO A LAGUNA Mike Le amon, 14, Dug Out His Deck of 1971 Politicards to Review the Bidding LAD f 'ort 1-1~ ockef el le r I n Y 011tlr ·.~ l'ard~ ,\ (,f'r<tlrl Ford -\1•l<,-0n 1iot"k1'ftll i·r p;1r1 ncrl'h1p 11,1!' fort•!old tn thC' c;i rd.-.. ~ot 1:1rot for1u1lc-ll·ll1n,, 1·:1rd<.:. but :i d('l'k of eh.:u·ach'r r-ard~ 011 ncd by :\like l.r:1111on. 14, nf 1J1 gu11;1 1-!(':-u·h. Ford ;111d fli>l'k•'fr ll('r an' t1ro pnll li1·:1I f 1i;un·~ ;1n1qug lht• f>2 i11 lh1· dvck of l!1il \ 111l<1~C ·· 1 1ol 1!i~·arcls . ·• Forcl. \1 1•t.1 nll~ n ~rin :ind ;1 foo:! .. !11 1u1ironn 1-. re nine of clubs. Hock.r \1 e:1ring :1 grin. b11:-:1no·<.:~ s11it :•nd cl1111·h1ng ;1 fi-.1 f11ll ot )!rc1·nhaeks. IS i.landi11g in lint' .11 :·1 ":-11ld out'" l'r<'~i­ dc11t ial convention. lie 1s a 10 of cl ubs. The derk 11·ns j,:l\'t•n to :\fikr by his <t;id. 1\ti astule follo11('r of currrnt e\'enls. ~like noticl'd !11'· coincidences aftrr ftockcfl'l11·r \\<IS sclcclcd as vice presi- den t designate l'ucsd;iy. Beu el J un1atc Killed l1·vi11e C0Lt11cil l\fa i11tc1i11 s Ta,x Rate; C11t Rejectecl Thi• l1 \1 11t· rity ('ou1H'1I h:1'> ri·!;1 1ned lh{' jll'l':>C11t :i:i crnls pt•r $1\HI il"SC'SS{'d 1 :ilul' 1;11: r:1ll' f(lr the rnn1ing y<'ar . Tiu· r:1!1' \1:1 s t·~!:1bli.-.!1rtl Tu1·:-:d:11 u\'t'r 1h•· nil1<'t'l1u11s of (',.u11rilrn;1u H1•11r1• l~llll.'h',\' nn a 4 111 I \ <1t1• ' 1,.Juii.:lt'~' 1n~i~tl'c1 1hr1t lh•' rail' ... ttoultl he cut 2.i J>('rcrnt. because of r1'C•'llt 1n - <'rl'ilSt'" 111 l1>ine pro1>crtr Tli•· 111tTf'<J~l'd a."Sl'.-.,1n 1·nto;,, he . .;:iid, \1ou\d p:i~ tor c1\y 1•xp1'Hd1lt11'(•., :11 a !(Hlt·r !:1x rah'. The 33 cent t;:ix rart, act.'Ording 10 .Jin1 I l:irrington. d 1 r cc Io r of <"ldtninistrali\!c ser\·iccs. 11·ill bri ng in S&l.5-06 more than the city has budgeted for the coming year. Counci lman John Burton opposed the reduction. saying that a cut to a 25 C'ent tax rate would menn a savings of $8 to the ov..11er of 11 $40,000 house. ''As tnuch as I 1\·ant In cut laxes in 1ny 011•n hear! and n1y own tax bill." Couociln1;in /\rt Anthony said. "it looks likr this is not the \'CRr." 'The' ci1y tu .. x rate. Suiton said, "·oulri h:ll r t0 rcnliun :11 a luwt>r 11·1 ('\ 1f cut lh1:i ~t'nr. and 1nay not IH' sufl1c1C'nt lo p:iy fnr ('1ty ncl•<ls in tl1r fururl'. "\\'1' did ~1·t ~0111(' lrt1ers nskinl!. 11~ 11) t'Ul tt1c r:ix r:ite," flu1ion s:i id. ",1nd ~01111· CJf 1hc1r poin!s ;ire l\'l'll l:1 kL·11. Hui th••\' rn;11· 1101 he :t\\':n·p 4d !ht• 1nf111tt<'simal Portion of !h1! t.1x cloll:1r tli;11 hOt'S ru the city. "Tl1ey 1·utl·d for p<irk and bik<' lr;ul honds thal :ire nln1ost as inuch ( 111 laxrs1 J<: lhl' t:1x rate ."' The park .bond tax ra!c \1a~ Sf'1 :11 2:; cents and the bikt' 1r:11! bond lil~ ratc at f(lu r cents per SloO assessed value. A br£'akdo\1·n of the tax dnl1<1r rornparing city lo olhrr l:i x ra!r~ \\:1.~ prepared by l~e1rring1011 . It shows that fron1 rvery property tax dollar. 62 cent s goes ro schools. 13 cents lo the county genrrJI fund . three cents to the <!:ity of Irvin('. 1hrec cents for county fire protection. t1ro cent~ for the county li,brary' district <ind 17 cents for other sprcial district::. Thuui.:h th•·rt' 1r:1~ 110 ur~a1111L-<t 1 pp11~ition !11 tlu• :\I \ti p1 11p1is:it. Sl'Vl'r<Jl 1· 11111nunity lt>ad1·rs 1\·an11·d thC' ho:ird 1 f ~upt'r\ 1-.ors that 1h1· 1il1tlg1·1 <.11~J.:l'~lC'1 ! h;. tilt" llr11111.·11\11ll'J )i lur the r•1t1HL'il JH:l\ t,r u1;aktjll<•h· '[)](' /l111llt'Ol\l\\'f' Jil'll)L'l h•d ;1 .'lllt~jl) !it1d,.:1·l tur lh•' 1'0llll('ll'!'-!ir~t \(':J r \lllh ::1..:,1Ht (';1rrn:irk1·d tor t"lt•1·!i<111 ~11~1 s. 'l'l'<ll hu<lgl'l rnk1·.; 1:11(1 ;1e(·ou11 t t11;1t lhl' tuune\I 111l'111ht·1 i; \1 ill 1101 b1.· p.'lid '''•Tl·!;ir1 l\ui \I.lt d ·r1i .. 111p· •II p1 ··-11I· 11! '1 th• ,..;;1ddh·h;11 ·f. \11 1 ! •••1 d•11:.ru .: t '1111•u-1! \\ itl tu •1! rh ·11 1 .. 1 ,I I .. 11111 111111!1· II H!i .1 lll(tl•'l'lt•d 1111111 , l hljllol;1l11 1!1 111 ~Ml tli~I ~jl( 11 1111111111' '.111 1111,.·h 111·1,1 ,• 111:1dt'illl.11•' 11~11111p -1n 1 hold 1111' ~ll[l!'I I 1~ .. r~ ht • li4·l it'\•'~ <! I ii I I lf\11' 1 \•'I 'II! II I ' 1 Ill 1 '( '1 "I' II 1!1 !i(' ll1 ·t·~h •I I 11• f!l'l'~l'll1 11•11111!.ttll •ll ('I .\!I• ·IHll \ h'I > I• ~I 1~10 ,\)!•11\I " ! 111 lh1• \(1• IHI! \'I" t" 111 \ , ..... 1!<111 .llh• lill l'!'l 111 '" • · !n 11111. , !1~1 1.,1•111·~ '\IP\~1rt 1n :,.: 111< 1n11t1• 1\ 11 1•J< happ_v t '! 'I ' t • I \\, 11,,1~,,j I !1111,.: l lflh' Hll l !.1• '" 1ul Ii -1111·"11 111 !'... prt"•lll1•111 I\(' n 1,,1,1·".iu• 1 .. 11 .. 1d<'l ll'~ :.II !hi• 11t!1C I •• 1'' Ill "II 1' If \\,I ~ \".1•\' '1'111'"11.I\ " \ I~ 11" Ill " r· 1·111)11)11111 •' I'• l!ltill fh(' liirl11'«•l\1J1 I \-. .. 11 ·1.1!lpl\ lio ·:' lll [ill •hl llf: lloi /fl.1111 IHI .I \\ \(' ,1111•1' !lit•\' l't\lldih (<'fl + "'"' Ct ~l \('1 L. l'a ~r \!I Irvine Involved . Cit)' Mulls Cli<trte1· Go1,er11,11tent H~ l)OUG F'R ITZSCllE 0t ltl~ Ol llY l'llo1 SUH lr\'irlf' eountd n1('n1b,.'rS d r L' id l' <I Tut'~da1· to ~pend !ht' nt•X! 1110111 h 1·0nsidcring-<1ltt•rn:iti1·c-lorni<; fl r j!fl\"l'rlllll('fll \\'hitll 11ill kf~'JI C!I\' h<ill 11i1!1i n n··irh ot <·11 i:t~n<; 1•'.cll \1h ·n !h(' t•i!y rc;1t·h1.·<; 11 .; pro]t't·•<"l pop:ila1tu11 1 t :i quarter 1111 ll10n or 1n•11·e H:.pi1J ~l'<IWlh 111 lh{' <"it;." I' ill LU! do1n1 thr de gri'1' of 1~uh!i(' i111·rih···1nt•11 t ()f peoplt> in 1:·1 in.;. t'Ol!ll!'il llll'lllh~·r~ said \1h1l1• dhtu•~i11g-;i p<.,ssilJ\,, .~1111r·h Iii a l'h:t rlt'f furin ot t·1t<. ~O\er1111ll·111 'i'ul'Sd:ll', • /\t its Sept. Ii nit-'f'Iing. 1he council 1•i ll ~o n\er i1lr:1~ prC'"l'lll1.'<l 1n .a repor1 1>eparrd by the !O-n1en11x<r ch;irter study corntnini:e. 1'he repoil 1n~kt•s no rccon1n1end a- tions. bul outlines the 1nerirs of gent•r:il Inv.· ancf c·ha11er forms Gf cuy go \'t:rn- men! Th t! prest'nt gC'ne ral lair r .• rn1 ot \r\·ine cily go\·emment, t\layor Gabrielle !">~·or said. "begins to hrcal,> do~·n \\hc11 the v Hiuglea<ler Dies .. \s Police Blast Into 1'exas JaiJ HL'l ,l.ETI ~ A \l.\HILl ,0 . Te:oi:. lo\P) -\ f{lr1ncr policen1cin turned criminal died in <1 hur!'I of J!U nfi rr today, endin~ a :l6·hour stand- off hy fi\-e inmalrs holrlin:? :i hu;;t;u.!t> in the i11il atop the Polter County ronl'l- house, a sheriff's officc sJ>(lkcsnioin :-.aid. A.\l,\RlLLO, TC'x. i l1 PI ~ -IX-put1r!i hl;1"tNI 1he1r 11·:1r in10 1h<' Po1t "r {~lt1n1y t•our1housr jail 1<lllay ~1nrl frt·rd a j:iiler being hrld ho;;tagl'.' h.r f1\"e k11ifC·\\1rld1n~ 1nn1n tcs for tnore thrin a day 'l\10 1011d rxplo~!t>n<: ro<·k,~d tlH• LIPJicr floor<: of the county cour!h1>u sl' ;11 1 l .i:1 a ni. nnd n1irn11es lri h•r clt'puti cs rushc(l ~l:i11 Snitker frorn !ht' j;ii\ to a l\'aitin~ p:1 trril f"HJ' Sni1krr. l1rld J1ost.1gc ~u1rt· nt1d111gl1t ;\!onda\. 1\'.'l" n1 ~h<'d to :1 h1·sp1l<tl in 1111drlt·r1ni11t·il ('und1tio11 T11r1 olh1·r rxplush1n<: 1vt'rr h<':J rd sho r!I \" ;tll('r the firs! t\1·0 and :l! 11•;i-.t JU p-.~llrr officers l\'l'I'" St·C·n r11~h i11l! tl1rough th<' lll)]'l{'1' floor~ of tht• riJ,?ht· ~!or~ buitdin,g . The j<iil i~ loc~itcd in !hr sc,·cnth nnd eighth noors. !'.;e\'erril persons 11·rrc c.:irrirrt from rhc courthouse and placed ln1rrit•ctly in thrl'C 11·aiting amhulnnct'S . C o u 11 I ~' offic1nls refused 10 gi\'C an~· det:lils of the incident and \\·ould not identify those hospitalized. The fi\'e in1nates overpo\\·crcd Sni!kcr nnd anotllC'r guArd during lhC' sh ift l'hange at midnight ~londriy but !he other guard, Don Sid1\·el l. \\·as rrlcascd Tue~day. ~uffcring a head wound and a hip injury. Count~ officinl~ reported earlier toda y •See C,\PTURI::. Pare A'.!l popula1 ion rr-at ht·i: 250.0()(l t\~ lhl' <:ilt' nl !ht• t'lt\ 11\l'f<'<l:-.l'S_ f(Jllllf'lln1:1n .lfllil\ n111 t11n ';11 d •·p:1rf1 ( 1p.:1tio11 IJ1 1h~· <1 111•·11~ r!1t11111i -.hr' not a-. ;1 1111(•:11' l111H rion t \l I ("1;pr,11C'nt i al l.1 "[ .~1 ·1' :i ch:1rt1·r :i\ ;1 11;1,' 111 I,,., p thi ~ fro111 l1:1p1w111ng "H lh1ngs 1-.t·cp g1J11l" :1 ' Iii"' ,•I" h(' s:1id. "y1111'n• gu111~ ! 1\.:h. 11p "111•' d:1\' :1111 1 th,. rt• 11 ill I • I 1\ •· ('1\· f'jJl111t·tlrnl'n :ind th1•1 11111 hi· ,1~ 111n·•l· as lht' :1bon11nablt• sno1\111nn.·· l 'h1• 111;1111 locus ol proposed change rl 1~1·u·-~~·d h,· th (' 1·u1111l·11 11{1!' a n101·e 10 :l !11 0·l1•·r· forn1 ol go1·1·rnnu•n1. 11 11111ild tn\·ol vl' ;1 ··:-:up1•rcnullf'1I '" :it , c·11\ h:1ll . 1:1k111 i.: t'ill'o· •1f h11 ~i 11rss 11!1tch :i11,•1·Jt»( 1111· ('!I\. {I~ ;i 1rhoh'. :\ l011l'r (•\• 1'!111\l'lll \lllll)d 11" :-:•·t \ljl ;1{ lh\' I lil:1g(• l!'\'<'1. In l:1f.1• l'ill'r of fn<'al I 1· .. !1!1'111~ \11\111\·• thr ;1c\\;111!;1~·, "I ~1 1·l1:1rT ·r. 1S1•r (;11.\HTER. P:ig:c .\.?l N•1mbers Trri11e ~trc·rt adrl r('Sscs of Jr1·111r rr,.1d,·11r \11\l sta~· the same ;is a result of e11\ rnunril n1odification of a propose.d rt·nun1bering Tursda~-. progr:n11 lnsrrarl of cf1;i11J!ing :i' d d r' r ~ ~" ~ lhrnughout !hC' C"i!y to lo1r "pres!il~f' t111mbcrs", lhc C'ir.v Cnu nr-il 111 1NI !' inslltull' a du;1! !lurnbrring-s.1·,<;11'1n. Ex i~1 inJ.? rC'~ich·nees \1111 r1•!:li11 !111·1r nurnbl'rS as \l'lll<'h rel:il1· to 1he rounl? i;rid systcni. \rhile nCI\' co11s!ruvlion 11·iil ht• nu1nbl'!'l'd undc·r thr 11r1\' citv sysft'1n \"ill <HH·~ lik<' Turtl1' Hor·k. 11ht'f•' n(·11 huilding i." sull going on . 1\·ill <'n(t up \\ i?h \110 nu1nb1·ring syslcrns. HcJrc1ion 01 1hc proposal In t·hanf;C "''"I qt th~· ;1tldrrs<.;1•<. in lh<' c·1!y to \!1\\1·r rn 1n1hl'rs ('alllt' in th<' \\'ake llf :1 '-l'r1rs nt c1!1trn pro\l·~t". Al ll\(• meet 1n~ Tuesd ay. ~lt1la \h;1rh;111i·I or Turtlr Hock gave the 1'()11111·1\ .1 1x•ti1inn \'.·ith 127 signatures pn111·-.11n;.! 1111· propost•d change. 1\ lol;il 11f 151 /1ornr.~ ~·ere <lpp roarlu•d fqr tJJ,·11· opJnlun . she s;iifl. and onlr t1\n .~:11d !hey did nor f·nrc .abnu' Ifie t J1:1ngt• Tilt• 1llht'1·~. she saul. 11·1't'f' 0 11 \;1ca11o n "r had lh1·1r hnnl<'~ up for :-:<ilr ,in(.] dul 11111 11;1111 10 l.lt'l i111·olvr1L ,\ r1·dr·1l tt'<l rt>solution n·:::;1rd1n~ th•· n111nlu'r111 ~ proµra111 1~ill ..-01111· h1•lor1· 11\1· r·n1111r1I :1t its SC'p!, J(t nl\'t'lin~ 101 !in.ii a1"!1on. Ford Tells New S ttt1ice~ P1·ob<1ble '7 6 Cc1,1ididate \\ASl!1\r;ro-..; 1.-\l'1 -f'ri•<:1rl<'111 F11ni dr{'"l:ir••d thrn11glt a !'pokt•srnr111 torl:l\ !h:it hf" ''proh:1hl\' \\.'ii\ r1111' rnr 11\1 • n,')!i(ln ·~ h1 gh1'"t rlff1c·1· 1n 'lfl/1; l111hli1·h 1·h 11a1,1111! Ills po•1:1n11 1.1 d:o\' ;Jftf·r ;1<.<:t11ning 1hP prf'.~1dt'!H'\'. Ford rr·!arcd 1rrird ot 111:-. 111·11· !<LllH'<' tllri111i:h \rl11ir 11.,u~e l'r1·-.s Sl'tr1•1;1r~ Jt•r;1!tl F lcrll11rs1. TC'rllnrst s.11d "'l ht~r(' i~ no prreise ADDITIONAL STORIES ON ROCKEFELLER -P•ge A4 agrren1l'n!" on 11'hf'lh1•r \'••l <.,(lri II Rockr.frllrr. no1nina1 c<l b~· Ford Tut•<-da~· to ~ 1·icr prt>si<lent. \viii be fin 1hc 1976 li1krl. But terl lor.~I sn id this ~hnu hl 111)1 hr takC'n As an in<hC<itinn lhflt Vord plcinnrd to U1nnp Rockcfcllt'r should he Sl'rk c!et'lion !fl a full fout·yc:ir IPrn1 . Hockefel!C'r .<M ud Tuesd:iy lh<J! h<' believed Forrl hc1d e\'rr.v int.cnt1(111 of running in !!li!l. <1\fhou{:h un!il hxl<11· !hl' \\hitc ll nusr had gi\Cn no sign th.1 ! J"nrd 11.1~ h;ick1111: d 1i11 n fron1 Ins 1-;1rlii>r 1011 1)01 tn l'Ull for lbt• pre~1drll(\". Fnrd n1;irlt' th:t1 ~1 ;1t•·1n •·11\ <lun11g Iii" 11•·•· pro .. ~i(k•nti;1I ('Onl1rrn;1?11111 henrini:; 11 ·did not ,<;(·~·n1 :1 ppropn:1t1•" 11\1' ~1 n1rir1 h1•1n g 1·n11 ~uh·r,·d fnr 1 i('1' 111·1·<.1d1·n1 lo 1:11\.: 111 r1111111nr! for th(' p1'1's1di·n1·~· lt·rl!ur~t <:.11tl .. ~1111 ht" )111!'-1111111 h:1s t•h:1n!!l'd Thl'r•·ff)r<' !11s \"lt'W h:i, t·hant;l't l " 1'1·r llnr.•1 's 1·01111111·111' 1·:11nc i n rrc;ponst' ro <1t1r!Slions :1l :1 tll'\\" hne!1ng \':ht•ll :1~kt·d alxlul H 1) c kt' f <' I l c r · s s!nh mrn! that he thou~h! Vorel \1·ould rull in 19ifi. Terllor~t c;;iid ht! d iscus~t·d lhl• issue \lilh Vord l 'ut1sdily night a11d again thti r11(1n11 n~. "As you know. in the pasl Presidor.t !See l'"OltD. l'a~e 1\?! Orange Coast TRAC\' (/\P\ -An inn1al~ al Deuel \"ov;Uional Institute v.·as _fatally sta~~d ·rul'sOay night in \\'hat prison a'~1or111es called an "isolritcd . non-i.!:111.i;( related incid('nl ," f'lltlnk ,(.i1,1cl. 22. · 1>f Soo fr1.mri!l~O. scf\ lng five ~·r,1rs •·fo lift f0r ;irn1cd robber~'. \\·as stabhl'd lh~ec 1i111cs in lhC' chrsl \l'hil (' slnnding outs1d1' l1i~ t:cll. said 1:01> Peterson, a prison spokci;1nan. ADVliRTISliRS SET A l'IL01' RECORD South Coast Drug Roundup Nets 24 Weathrr 1!'11 lw sli~htly \1.,1rr11rr Thu.-.;- l:i \. :1('t'Prding to the 11·f':1t iler st•rv· 1•·t1 11 '1th hi2hs Ill thl· 1><'<1ches 1ru11nd 'i! rising 1n 115 in la nd Ornngc Cn1 u11 \. l.c111·s ton1i.:ht (~I to ~ Orange Const classified adverliscrs la~t 1Vcek helped th,. Daily Pilot set a nr'v record . Dnriog the seven-day f<Criod ended Sunday. therr "·ere 9.271 cla ssified ads nin in our page~. That Is more than at anv other lime in the tnstory or the Daily !'1101. \Vl' usually rrsrr1c this space to tell or tht' SlJl't:£'SS llldivldua] Adverli~c~ CX• pPn1•111·t· <tf1l'r !ht•y'vr lls1ct: their cars. (11rnll11t'l' or ntlK·r sal:ihlr,, in our col· 1111\11:-1 Todnr l\C''JI b r{';1k 11\lh tradition and ~11\' !0 °9.2il ndvrrl1~1·rs· '1'1:u1ks for lrtt111J.( us put a fell' \\'Ord~ !11 \\o rk for vou ." .:.... Onlly Piiot Clns~lflefl Ads By JOHN \'ALTEHZ1\ Ot ll'I• OtllJ ~11•1 51111 San Clemente )Xllicr. assisled br se\·eral olht'r agencies, rou nd ed up 24 allegt'd_ narcolics suspects Tuesday in a major task force operation S"anning the South CoaS1. Armed with warrnnts s p c c i f y I n !? chargM of sale of a \1•idc variety of drugs including heroin and cocninc, officers burst in at s1•vE>r11l Son Clen1cntc np:irtn1f'n!s and others 1n !)nn;i 1 'olnl anrl Ln~1 111:i Xii.:url. Of IR ~lt~pcctc; 11an1rtl 111 \\'fl rr:1nts. TtH·sdny's l"ll]{l~ neUcrt lfl. p!11s 1·1 olht·r 1x·rso11s n·h11 11 rr1' as~1.:rl1'clly lnvroh cf\ ln narcoti('~ 11rl\\'lt .1· at ll\(• rr~illcn<·C.<;. Tl11)Se fll'l't''-lt'll 1111 11'•11T;in1 s art' , -V.11 !Jean \Vc•nyer. 20. nf 14;, \V, c·11nart:1. S:in t"lt'n1 ti11 r, t'ha1 cc<t 111t h s:ilt•s of m1·a inr. I.Sn. I 'h<'nryclnd1111• fn hor.~ tri'l ll1111H1zl'r lo."no\\'n on thf' strc1'l as "Angel Dust'') and n1nrijuan:l. ll l:i bail is l0,000. -Valerie Ann Kurtzn1an. 20. o( 143 \\r. Canada, sales o! LSD; bail set ol 11.000. -ltichard JoS<!ph Ryan. 19. a Cainp Pendleton ~1arine Jil'ing at 212 B Aragon. San Clen1ente: sales of marijuanri and p\'lencyclidinc: bail is $2,SOO. -.Jamo.o; San!iago. 20 , al!IQ a i\lnrine livi ng a1 the saint> addrC's.~. hooked on cha r~es nf n'ari11n11u1 and phencyclidine ~<ilc~: bail. $2 .500. -.Joseph Rrl;, r:on1alrs, 21. of 212 l ' Aragon; salei; or herni n. ni:1rij11:u1:1 ;inti pheneyelidillf'. Bnil "'a.~ scr at Si ,:'ll)(), Sc\eral persons prcst'llt at a· party al th<' fl!l.'.l rl1nc11! Tut•sda~' night \\'rrr hw1kNI 011 n1a rij11<1na thar~c~. s;1 '1d l'olit'f' Chil'f Mel Pnrt11E>r. -E:dward Irish l.up1on Jr .. 2ll . of 2Q3:Jl Sa11 IlrlStl, L<1gu11a Ni~uel. charged \\'llh s;ilc of 1.'0caine. 11·ith bail set at $10.000. -Joseph t\1inC'ielli. 19, of 130 \\". :O.tarquita. charged , .. ·ilh sail' of hashish 011. with bail at $2.500. -Jelf Alrin \\'alkcr. 21 . of 3JB.1 1 Zarzito, Drina Point. charged \\'ilh sale of marljurina and hiring a minor lo effect illici t sales : bail at ».OOO. -Samuel R. Sn1ilh. a 19'-year-old ~-T:irtnc living at 202 J) St<\'ille. charged \\'ith marijuanH sale. 'A'ilh \Jail scl al ~Ltxlfl. -Stl'phl'll Charlrs Ki \'Cl1. 21 , of !01 \\' .. \larquit~1. San Clt'!ncr!t'. t•llarl!t'd 1ri!h n1iH·iju:1n;1 s.11''. \\'1\h hi'IH at $1.000. l'Ol'llH'r snit! 1ht' t'ourdinatl'd raid!-:, lhc flr~t ln n111r(' than 11\'0 yrrirs In th P t•1t\' urnh •r thl' full ti'lsk fnrt·•· f1ift11:11. {•nd('d .111"1"(' lh.1!1 f!lUI' tllOU!h!> or pro\J\11~. 11 1t:l111.hn~ alll'ge1I unUt•rc:o\ 1•r bu~ s Hr nnd nar<·ottc·s <lt•!f'i'lt\I'~ 111 San rlrn1C'nl<' said 1n11ch of the 1111t1('r1'\1\·rr \1·ork \\!IS furnished by L..1g11n;1 l~'ath police alonJ! 11ith th e sratt' uarcolits offire and rnili1:1ry inv<'sligritors. "I 11·ould ~a v that the focal pt)inl the pt>0ple arrc'sted in lhe;;;e r:t ids \1ils our bo11·1 area in San Clen1l'll\C," Por1ncr ~aid . Hr added \hat 1\larillt's fron1 ('<1n1p Pendleton \1·crt :nnong thP bulk of the purchasers of illicit drugs in 1hc piel'· ent rance :ire.1. lhc inv~sligation showl'c\. ~lost of 1ho!'-e arrl·Sl1 •1! in Tut'sduy·!'- rnid s 11.·l't f' lrnn ~poncd 10 Orang(' Coun t:· Ja il Scvt•r;1l prr~ot1s nrrt'~ll'd on !hr 11111rlJUf1!1'1 srnok1ng t'h:1ri.:('.-; ;ind for being in a pl <ll'(' 11h1'r1• 1li1· \\<'t'd 11ns hl'lrig usNl \\1'rl' rvl1·:i~··r! 011 1h1•1r O\\'ll rt'l'11i.:1u1;11\1'l' !'H't11l111g ;1rr.1 1~11111l"nl ,\rr1·..,11·es 11:11H•·d 111 th1· 1n :J Jo r \1".lrranl s. Porl1lt·r !\,Lill. \11•1r tn l)j;' l11rrn:1\I \ ehar~1·d ('.'lrh lfld.1\ in Soul\\ 1 lr;111g1.• l'o11u1v 1\1 11111< 111:11 Court t l~S111•: TOii \ \' .\o/1nr n1/ln1 . r/•(' ('c1/i(urn111 ,\u!Jc/s ' J1 t1•/Jfl /f'11f1 riolr "u111drr. s1·1 11 r11 u1or /,.111J l•1' rt'C'Or(l oj 47 _,r, 1l.:r11 1u·~ 111 f/1rr<' 9a111es T11rs· clu!J 11111111-b11 f tlir A.nr;cls llJ~L /-0 to 11!1· />f'r111t T1</•'r.~ ur Allfl· h1•11n ."ir11dr>1111 ,\1 c Sports. Pugl' Ii I. ,, Yo~r Ser•l<e ., MOM• Trr• .. llootl•"• ... Mov••l '" ,. " 80yd .. M ulti'! 'ur>d1 " (•hlo•"•• .. N•t,,,11•1 t1~u·ll"~ Cl! \1 "'"*' '" " C1m!c1 "' Or••·~• (Ou~lf . .. Cr111woe<t "' r ...... 1. " ' 0 .. 111 NOh<tl " 'no•h 11·1 1!dllo1l•I "•~t .. D• \1,lncro tl~ "' En!o!•ll•nmrn! '" \!~C~ M•t-1" .. ' ,ln•ntt "' ,.~ ..... 0" "' •oo• (I Ii r""•"'' ... t>+oro1<0I>* " w~••t1•• .. '"" l o••llt•I " Wafill Nr••'t ... " M••IOO• " I I ti L• ,! r t LI W ~'· TJ1t_~1·c '~ No Bt1si11e~~ Lil{e SJ1ow Busii1ess 11) IJO Uf:l.AS FRIT7,.r.;cJf E 0 1 r~e O••Tr PllOI S14'H FLIP ON Tll E 1'liUE . ~1·ttle l:.<1ck, pop open a lx.!cr anJ get rc<idy fur the Ir\ u1c pr1•n1irn: 1)f "{)n Any ·rue<>d:1\ " Jr\UIC •,:ill1J'll J);1rtH'lpiilJOrl IS 11~el)' tO go ('lectl'i(' ~tround lhl' f1r"t Of {k- lol>1•r \d1cn llr1· \rv111e ('on1p<rny 's subsidi:ir_y, Con1n1uni1 y C:1bh·r1s1nn IChnnne t J) begin): p1p1ng the liv(', unt'ensorcd drarna of city council nH't't1ngs into your prn!lt• tuue l1\1ng roon1 (:en<" :'1·!111111 j!('n('f.11 m11na1Z('f of the !'[1blt' tC'lf"\'i~ion Opt'r:1t ion. prOpoSl'd 1inl111g tu~ :1 1~M1 su~l't dw·r ... 111 a·i· a 1nunth lo the hl'.trt of lr\'tnt' dccl~htll 11111!..1ng .1! Tul'-.do.1~··~ rou11e1I n1t·t•!111g l ht• dt·!;11I~ ~rill Ht'1'd to be h:in1n111rro ouL but ~loon propose<.! three re· mote i.'Otllr'<tl l-.11111·r:1:-, pi11111111g ;ind 1001111ng in lhf' t'Ouuc1I eh;1n1brr~. 10 bring you l1\L~;1c11ou \IC'\.\S uf the audicn<"c. v.a11 displa}:.. ;ind ~·our clcct('d off1- t·ials :1\ 1-1ork. Of t'OUrS(' ~rnc chang1~s \\"Jll h~\·r to IX' rnadt'. ,\loon !old lhc counci l. The ex1sltng harsh overhead spotllghls \\ 1!1 have to go, to be· replaced v.·ith softrr lighting The spots are great for illuminating th<' rf'ams of paperwork in front of tht• r·o1u1<·il mf'mhers. but ti seems that they Ct)llSC ghouli sh shadO\\'S on the f;ic~s of !he ciry f;1thcrs tt1nd 111olher5). AN[) Tll E SOUND S\'~tPm. ()y \'ii\! Thi' l'OUIH"ihnf·n are going to have to ren1ember !o SJ)('<lk into · their n11!:ru1,1ion1·s. Thi<> is nn ob.'il'ure OJX'l'i1tion any· 111ore .. vou'1(· rll<)d1' tlh· l11g 1irnt'. Ac1l1ke11. And th('re ;irt• nthr'I' prnhlt·tn:.. For 1·x~1111ple. r-.to<111 \\'ilTittd a n1odera!or to tell the v1f'\\'rrs 11hal J.'> going on :1t lh t rnce\lugs. Thr1t ide:1 bil tht• dust because <..'Ouneil n1c1nbc r.., 11c·rc· C.'Olltl'rllt''d lh<rl a \i)l·;t l l)a11 ltather rn1ght nut be in the besl intrrests of getting the n1eaning of the 1nceli11g acro~s. THEY Sf:T'fLEO O~ nn announcer v:ho would rl'all lhc agenda ;11 !he be- ginning of the rnrcting nnd during the hre:iks. Actually, the break ... should be lelc\"i scd . 'rh.'.lt's \Vhere thr action is. Rut the moderator \\'Ollld Ix-surcrfluous. r-.t;)yor t::1br1cllc l'r~or told :\loon. ··Nobody explnins \1hat \\c'rc doing no11·," ~he said ··:.ind tl1t·y c.111 \\Ing it like the r('St of us." OF COURSE, one th ing leads to anothrr and C<iuncilman John Burton \\'anted an elrctronic roting di splay scrci·n so \ ie\\ers \\'oukl nol ha1·e to de· pt•nd on a t'Orrt-ct heJring uf \"Otce votes. Communily Services Commissioner l'aul Brady addf'd that the nu1nber of lhc agenda i!cn1 1night :ilso be displ~1yed for the \'ie'>•:crs . Jl's too bad the resl of the council didn't go fo r those idt'aS . A logical next step could be a t·on1pulcr display bo:1rd along the !i~e.~ .or the one a1 Ange! Stadium. 1\fter a "Yes" vote. for exa1nple. r!eclron1c !!re11·orks c~uld fla~h across Uie screen. A "No" \"Ole ~·ould probably require so n1eth1ng n1orc ~mbcr. E\"EN \\'ITllOl.:T the flJshing lights, though. I.he council secn1cc! lo agree ~·:ith ~layor Pryor lhat televising !hl' n1cct ings has "exciting possihilitics.·• Of course the report('rs \\'en: excited. \Ve sit at a table right ul front of the council. rii ht in the linC' of vie\\" ol the cainrr::is. I can envision !uture press C.'Onfabs to di scu.'>S 11hat kind of niakcup pre· scnts the best im:igc on the. tube and how to position ourselves so our bt·st sides are towards the cam era. SO. LOOK FOR /'t.tE on the Jatc·late·latc show on lr\"inc 's c;ible J'l! be the one on the right trying to stay awake. State Re11ews Its Effo1·t8 To Get T1~estle BeacJ1 California·s direclor of Parks and Recrealion, William r.tri lo.Iott. \'O\\'ed in San Clen1en~esday to renew attempt5 to wresl Trestle Beach from Marine Corps conU'ol now th<1t it is no looger a security buffer for Richard M. Nixon's c;;;tatc. Mott, responding to an tidvisory from a ne\\: cilizcn·s review con1r11it1ee for developmenl of San Onofre State Park. pledged to open a ne\.'I' set of negotiations for the coveted surfing l>1:ach whieh lies imnlcU1ately dov.nt'Oasl of the fonncr Pn·s1 dent ial esl:.itc con1pound . But success n1i~hl lx• difficult. said the state parks official JJ,~ b!anli.'<l th\· J\·laru1e ('01 ps for b.1lk1ng :iit t'\·t:r)' allcrnpt to dt:\'l'I01p lh1· SL11t' p:1rk l 'hc l 1Jn11111lll'l', rnnde up of \!'I appointed n1crnhcrs rc.~1d.Jng u1 coastal communities st rv1cl1111g fron1 Palos \'crd~s to Sol:1nil l~r;1eh. t·na1.:tcd lhe reqltc st at ltb lllllllglH",ll lll('t"t1ng The h{·ath !u11g had bt't'll 11 battleground ))('!V.t't'I\ surtl-rs <ind r.1a r1nc patrols v.·hen i\h11 1·~ 11ffiC'1' :ind military delegatl:'S l>eg{H! llt•go11:1!1nJ! fur •1 Lransfcr of 1111· h1·;1i'll 1111 0 :_..!.ite control several years ago. But \\'hen i'iixon ~hose the old Cotton estate for the \Ycster11 \\·h1te !louse. the Jiilate relented on demands that the ORA.MG! COAST 1s DAILY PILOT Tl'e l>lo~• Co•" 0..·IV '°""" ~~ .. '"" _, .....,... b...-.1 '~ "'e'"' P'"' ""'>l>'ot.nO<t I>• I"" 0-•••.r Coo~ Pul>•·•h•~Q (""""°"' ~"''""' "9"•v•• •·~ ~"!>!'~,,.1. "'""1"' '""'•"l" '"~•• "'' r,., ... ,.. ........ """ !Jot.,,, """'·"'J' ,, 0~4 " '.,.,. •. '"'' V•ll•, l •Q"~' floo><J>. I"'"" ·.a''""·~• • oe·1 So• C.t•r<>•"'~'Sao J.•>O (.a"''""" A •''"I' ·~-on•I Pd•t'!)• '' oo..tol"~ ,!.a!·o•e>o, •'11 :,,, I>•"' '"" pnnc.nol 1>•1>1"~'"11 rM•nt" or IJ'• ,...,.,, e,,y51,1HJ1, Ce>•la ,,..,..,. y1,1or11,. ~?! 11. Pcil_r.•ll 'Wt::f!"I ~.oom anc1P~f)I"""' .lo:.I: R (o.1\e~ ""=""-',,..._0.-11"•-· ~H.loo• R..-~P.f'"'11J .... -... MrloOino llllt<>r<I °""" Qnla""'" \Xlw.<!Aay';U-M~8allt1' Jll3t~9o•••..,, ~"..,... B•«~ 1;-1,.,. .. , ~""""" i'<U"'l"lQI0~8"o<~ 17~/~rt..• •Elo;Ul•v••~ s.-ici•-~·· m1,...,,i~u c • .,,,,,..11 • ., T•,NM 17 141,42·4121 Cl"1Hltd Ad~...t1~119 '42·S•7• hiri Ck ...... Al Dt,....-.it.: ,.,._. 49~·4420 '""""0"' 11 7• Or•-C--•1 ... l~h•""'cr c-. ··~· "''~ ...... ,,..., .... ~,, .. , .. 1,,..,. tod11(1r••l"""t! .. "' tll• .. 1 ....... t'• ·~~··~ 'flO• .... ,.,,,C"l!IZ..:I "'"Ou' WIK••' P"""1'••"0IV('""~~l o-n.> .... ,......., ' •••• f"'!)t.'•O" "'"" •• c:,,,, ......... C'.al•loo •• -..,,, ~'"'" l>y' .,., .. 1 l rt\ ""l"''"• 0• -d IO (()_,,,~ I ,..,,,1...,..,...,,..1""" 1)00,_.,T,_) I beach remain a no-1nan's land and set\C as a security buffer. ''At U1c time, \\'C \\'ere gi rf'n fl di stinct in1pression that once the President left office, \\'C tiJuld rcncgnti;i te a n d ('Vcntu<1lly lease the bcaeh. 'T ha t transpired \I E:'ll before we ('Xfl('cted rt lo. ;111d it !\tund" ~o rc;iso11 th;"\\ 4 "c should rf'SUlllC lht; lll'&OlialhlllS," :\Iott said. The parks director spared fCI\' \1'ords in chu11n~ the J\!arinc Corr»; for s1all111~ 1n t•lJ1l'r 111'goti.1rinn, \\·h1eh h<' lrrn1s 11\al t11 the ult1n1a1l' dr\·1·lopmcn1 of the six·1ni!C' Onofre :.tr;1nd and 2.300 a1-res Hf S.1n J\lateo Can\on. "J'he 1111l~l ~l'rlOll~ priJhl1•111, h,., ~:iid. \\JS the un11rl!1ngne~ ... 11f !ht• l'nrps !o ;1t ('<'('p! <111.V l)f l11·c suggrst"ct !'i11CS l11r 111(' rclotallon of !ht' <-•nl1 s\\•d 111an 's bearh elub ly111~ 1\1thi n 1he bounrls of lhe 1x1rk property oh!a1nC'rl und('r lea.01· 111 1~172 . J\ln1t snid !h(i! flll•1lht•r prohlt•n1 1s t!H• constant rh;i 11g1ng uf ctln1111.:u1d at 1h1' ba.sc_ "Just ;is '>lllHI ;p; 11·t· ,!!Pl sn rncth1ng going \\'ith !h t• bt1.<:f:' con1111C1ndcr. h1· IS trans ferred :ind \\·e Clfe forcr<t rn st:irt all O\·cr agtiin "\\'e h .. 'l\'c g1·neral plans for lh<' possible conversion n( the l'n l1stcd n1an·s fa{'ility into the statc·.1> f1r..t surfing information and historical center ... sort of a n1uscum lo 1he sport," J\1ott said. Recent hf'avy developtnr 11t of base housing and eon1n1ert·c 1n the "'rea lends a sense of urgency 10 the preservation of Trestl('s, l\lott said. The et.inunillec ll'HS charged by the director to spend at least l\\·o yeors stud~·lng pdrk dt'vchlpn11•111 ;1! the Onofre facility anrl advisisg th e dt'pOr!mcnl 011 lot;1I needs and c·unt'i'pls San Clen1l'ntc vic1erinant111 11r. Co!d{'n Boyte was selected inter1n1 chairn1an of the committee. One of the group's first fun('t1ons \l'ill be a driving and 11·alking tour of the stnle holdings, followrd hy anulher session lalc nrxt month to review the mastE?r plan and the specific planning prO('('SS as mapped oot by J\lott's s;taff. Delegates fron1 Camp Pendleton also '4il! be asked lo attend the Septc1nber session, the committee agreed. S. Koreans P rotest SEOUL (UPI ) South Knr(':tn protcstors smashed through police lines .1nd mart'hcd on th!' .J ~1p:inesr Emhnssv lod:ty 1in a demonstration ~park(!(! bV !:i.sr "'{'('k 's assass1nntinn atlrrnpt agninSt Presi(lcnt Park Chung-Jlet.'. Sonic 100 !X'r::ions lf'ft a i;troup of Rhout 300 rlf'rnon~tra tor!I. broke through IJOlic(' Jines and marched lb 1he ernhaSN.Y \v11h plnc:i rds 11{'('111Un,iz Japan of hcing a .. b:tAf: for propaganda" aga1n~1. S<luth Korea. ' I ,, ;: ;.• • ,. -"' , . \1((11 Fi1·e . • Scssio11 Set 011 Watca· Treatn1e11t A11 all-day !1caring ha'> bt?en set b,v the r-.1unitipt1 I \Vat1·1· J)1scru·t of Or'i1 1l~1~ ( ·uun1y to der ide wht·t.l11·r t!1t: t11stc'i<'l ..... hou ld g11 11110 1111" watt•r lrl'atnient l)u~l/ll'SS. 1'he l1t•:i ring \1ill bi• l1t'ld in lht· Cny of Orange ('OUll<'ll eh11n1bcr". :JOO 1-'. ( ·1iap111a11 A1 c•., fron1 9;30 a rn. 1•f J p Ill T!ll' chstnct 11·huk· .. :rlcs \\',ltt.'r 111 .:Ill l<)l.::'11 v.·:1ll'I' 1·11t1t1l·~ ;111d r1111·r-; about 1~1 11rr1· ... 11t of 11t·;ingt· ('ou111} l'r1·St·111!v. 1-1·n1cr hrough! tro1n thr ('olurnllu Hivi·r 1-; sold to lt1 ... 1n1·1 ...... 1 citi1'S \\hich 1rra1 11 1hl'n1'il'ht•s bC'forl' piping 1t Ii\ rus!omcrs. A nt'IY supply of Northern ('aliforn i:i 1\'ater to Orange Count y. hu 11'e\1•r, will rt'quire ;1ddi!1011;1I tn~atrn1'nt due lo biolug11·al cont<1nlinan1 s . Th e OJ>tions OJX'n 1(1 1hr district :1rr to {'Ont irHll' 1\•holt'S<lling unlr('a[1'd l\'iJlrr to thr loral (•nt1lie:::. lc11Jng tl1er11 trcal a. or tr('at1111; the \l"Cller on .1 n.:gtunal b;isis, •rtH• 11 a1t·r s11pply \I"ll) ht· ;11·;1 1!~blr lo ur;iuge L"o11111y thruugh th .. · st.it~· 11-;1\t.'/' S\'Slf'nl by 1977 'l'l\t' 11is1nc1 i!i1;1rd \\ill L't•ll:-:1d1·r four pk1n.~ for reµio11:.il trl'i1ln10•1H <if tho• l\'.1!t'r i11 addi!ion lo thv p1Jssih11i!I' of il'aving 1ht~ rcspons1h1hty 10 !CH.'al sel lers. '!'Ill:-. late u1odel \Jn 11•;1 ~ dc~l r\l\ecl bv fire 'l'u c-.. pulled front !he burning: wreckage by !11•0 ~1:1ri11e d:1v afternoon :ift<-•r 1l s1vcr\·ed iroin ihc ro.:id"';1\' C'orps o(ficers \1.'hO broke tile wind~hil'ld to frl'e '!'he di strict considers a pl:1nl :it l'etl'r's C'an\"on the n1o!'I! t'('()1JOn1i L;1! effH·icnt and rl1li11bh• of the r(',i;:ional p1'0posals. The firs! s tage of construction \\·ould eost $27 milhon. a1ld rolled nc:i.r the Jttnttion of tile San l)i c~o ani! him. Boon1er was taken to Saddleback t 'on1111unity Santa ,.\na frl'e\vavs. lJr1vcr of the van. Jcrr\ Booru· llospltal, lreated for nllnor cuts and burns. and re· er. 27. of :!284 l ·Hiclge J{outc· J)r1re. r~J '/'Oro. \1•a:s le.:ised. -~~--~:::__~~~~~~~~~--~~~--~~~ Seeond \.'l'ould be ;i trealn"l('nt a1 \Va\nut C.'lnyon at a first-stage cos! of $30 million. t 'rom Page 1\ I Not "'T he Pill!' CAPTURE The nf'1-1' v.·:i.ter \\'Ollld be n n1ix or the !'XistinJ:: Colorndo Jti\·f'r supply :incl the ne1\· \\".11er and \\"ould nel'd extra tr('atmrnt. JC('()rcl1ni:: to Stan Spr:i.gu1'. assistant n1ana~cr of 1h1· district. • • • La gu 11<1 C ritter.'i G<•I, Birtli, Co11 trol th:i.t ncgoti;.i tions. '.l'h1rh r on Ii nu e d !hro ug-h the night. \\·ere brokt.·n off and the innlates app('arcd l•l be taking drugs. The. <lis1ric1 \l"holesalrs \r n t (' r throt11-?hOlH t)rnngc l'11unty. (':l::t"('p! for the cities or ~r11·porl Brjeh, San Clerncn!e, ;ind l.agun;i Ber1 .. 'h. ~pragu<· said. Laguna Re:1ch is suffering the C!ll'Cts of ;.1 )X)pulation explosion. . Dr squirrels. The cute. fuzL:". l)('lovt•fl. 110 ..... !\\'itching !Jttlc critters ;irl' boing b\,rrnt'd for thl' drastiC' erosion of a11 t·Xtl·l\~I\ t' slrl·teh "f Lagun;1'~ (:111111us oceanfront He1Sll·r Park. The squirr('ls h<ll"C' brought do·.1•n thl' scorn of Laguna Brach offici:1\do111 - ainong othrr !hings -by burrov.ing 1uto the oceanfrunl cliffs. The Ourrows hal"e caused huge sc(·tions of the park to tai·e in. Tht• prublrn1 '" C5pcc.·i11lly acute during the rain\ season ~tlcn the ho\t-s fill \\1 th 11·:Hi•r and the tl1ffside slides quJ(.:kly. (H_t\RTER ... Counciln1an ~fenr)' Quigley s;11d . ,1rt' 1hc po:-s1bil1ty to d 1• 1 (' i:: at l' ~<)111" rrsponsii>i lities 10 the 1·rllagc L'fllllltil:-: "The thing that bothers rnc :.ihou1 th is 1gei1cr:1l l:i'4·1 forrn (•f )!O\t1r11n11·nt ·· Burton :-aid, "is that it "011·1 l)f' long 1111 \1(' have. f,(l,1100 or lllO .t"l(J propl" Ill thr city. "It's d1fficull for :i p;l r 1 -1 1 ni 1• ro11nci l-you can't f•XIX'<:T !he be~\ c-.insultants for ;:1ao a n1nnth-1n tl•·:il '\'ilh ('1·rryth1ng 'r<' hal'ic 10 do A111I 1 rion'! think \1r ran j'"\'.lX'!'I tile lo::id 10 gl't t1ght<'r ... "\\'h,1l gt>is sloughed off arc thr dar·tO· rlay ni!Ty grr11r thing~ l-'•Vlrlt· ~·n· f1n1t111g •t \('Ty difficult tri dral 1111h th'· h11rraurraey ".f' ha\·,, l'rf'a ted tt r111gh1 hr :1 111r1• htt!I' hllr•'.1Ucrru'V hut 11 ·~ still ;1 burf•aucr<irv" · Cont 1nUi'<I gr0\1.th 11ith th" prrs!'nt lor1n of govrmn1c1,:. L\urton ~:nd. 1101ild rf•sult 111 ;111 np:1th1'l1,· r1111l'rlry \1h1t·h fN'is. ''you can·1 f1gh1 t1!y li;1ll 11('..:.r u"· ii·., too hig." "\\"t' rlt'Cri !.l !ll:lXlllll~t· ti\, :ilullll nf th1 • r~··oplP !II 1111· l'lt,1 In )111\t' :t1'1 't'' \(t go\'l'm!Tll'lll. An: tl1111g ll·S~ \\OU ld II'· a travt•sty of thl' 1ru:-l of 111~ Pf'Oplr · The council. C'ou11cilrn;tn Jiohl'rl \\1'"1 said. should spc>nd 1hr nr\l Ju llny~ p11t!ing lh!'ir i<tcas on govcrnn1entaJ chan~e togelhcr. 'f'hc ideas. he said. :;hould hr put togc!her in the fonn of a charter l\'htch could be presented To voters on a b:1llot Among other advantages of cb.1rtrr go\·crnmrnt. ilfayor Pr~nr said. ai·e grcarer 11ex1bllJty in hO\\' t;.1x rnoory could be raised. The 30-day pcriOO before t'tlunc1! consideration of possible cha nges. she said, l\'Ou\d give each mc1nbcr of lhr council n chance lo outline his O\\ll vie\\·s on govern1nenl structure for public di scussion . 1-Icalth • Ill Acco rel Panel \\..ASH I NGTON ( 1\ P J -The J louse \\'nys and !\leans Commi1tce·s ef£or1s to reach a compromise on nat1onal health insurance legislation sudd ('nly collapsed today \\"ilh the panel hopelessly torn O\'er lax and revenue issues. Chairman \Vi lbur D. ilti lls ID-Ark. f, said the panel would put the is.'lue nsidc for the lim(> bf'ing lx'cau!':e "there is M majority coos~!'l.is now" among 111<- pancl's n1rmhers on \1•hat lo do 11·ith tht· leg islation. l'rf'Sidcnt F'ord i.~nsldf':"S hrall h insurance as 11 top priority fcgisJRtlV(' tlcm this y1•:1 r. 1\ spokC's1n;.in for tllj' Adm ini stration said 1hr chief cxl'cutivt h11pt'S th;1t it \\"f)Uld .~1111 rr!:nn \hi:<: prinri!y nnrl that the comrnillcc would not cl~!<iy but u1stead \\'Oulrl mo\'r ahead 111 !ls di·lilx!r.1tions. l'h1·11· h;1h11~ h:11e toppled :i concrl'lc. -.ta1 r,1 a.1· :ul(I ;irC' stc:irl ily shrinking the p('O plr ;i rea of !hi..' park . PrC'1'1011~!y tl1e c.·ity trit.·d 10 poison lhc squ1rrt'ls. Th;l! l'l'Sulted in a furor. ;111 ou!try fro111 pt."'Op!e \.\·ho feed and lo\"\.' thr-111 . .\ext. !he cny tried trapping thcn1 -\1ith hurti:inc '·flal'e-A-Heart" traps. The squ1rr\·I,,.: reproduced faster than 1hl" ci1y rou!d rrap th('tn. ~. !he t'l!\' council is now faced \\llh :i propos<il lo pr'f'scribe birth rontrol r l1e1nica\<; to tht• squirrels. Under a proposal hin\'ardcd by Public \\orks 01 rcc1or Stan Sch(ll], the animals \lllllitl bt• frd a ~P<'Cl:1!ly lrCa\f'd food . r\nd. n,1turc 11(111ld not take its coursi> Ccn1e 11t Jllixer , V au. Collide; 01te Driver l 11.j11red \ !;1!1' 111rxh•I forru.~n ·ma<li' van and ;1 <'etncnl int:\l'I' C'Olltdf'<I in a bus~· lr\Jll" 111t1·r~1·1·11on (•<•ri v this n1orr1111i,:. 111 IUrJ!l~ 1)11(' or !hi• drJ\'f'T~ Tin101 hy \\'1 ·!1rl, IG, Of 41 fil Loma 51 , lrvult'. 1\·us pinned Ul thf' \ :111 11-rrckJJ:t' for 1nore Th;1n 15 minuff'S aflrr th(' U ;1 111 rol11 .. 1<1n :it J:1111h11rl'1' Ho:.irt ;11111 \lrt ;;1\\ Slrf'\'I Iii· \1 ;1~ frt•1-<l h~ (lr;1ng1 ! 011nt1· Firrn11 :1 11'\llll' l'o l11·t· ~a1r1 \\'ctsr! 11 a~ 11r11rt1h1111nd on ,J,1n1t)llrt'f' \1hrn tl1r lffoo1d-.1d1• l11ll1<..111n 1111 111111' l"1·1 r11·n1 trvrh. jJj ·~ ll rrvd \\"l'l /t•I \I.I' l!•lJl~]l<•rTt•d lo Tu,t1n i",11111l1111111v lln:;..p1 rril and ;1dn11t!f'<I . lits 'u11d111on I~ ~.r1 1:-rn i.:!llry ,J hosp1t,1I :111!" Al a niidr11orn1ng ;'or1f~·renct' sheriff '~ C:1pt. Arthur Fields had s r c in c d pessinlistic about t:1lks \~i th lht' inmates. F'ields s.ii<l Oar1·in \1f'ha rg, the forr11cr police officer ;u1d <'X·run spe:1 king for 1he fiv~·. 11·as in ~I and .. !h~'y'rc unahll' to ('1·en get hin1 up no1\'. ·· The unidrotifi('(I dru,c~ t:i kcn hy l ht~ inrn:t l!'" apparently carnc frorn jad 1111-<lical supplies The inn1atrs h;1d r('hnqui.;h<'d !heir rlcmand f•1r frccdorn and f:\\'1tctwd to bar~aining tht'lr C'a !>('S Tht·~· ;1"ked for auorncys but llf)()C had ;1ppea rt'<! !od<ly At no lillll' h.id Sheriff T. L Jla~t·r :igrecd to let the prisont•rs go frf'£>. The inn1ates. apparently led b.I" a fqrmer polte\·1n.1n <ind a 1\on1an 11 ho <llle~Nll y helprd hin1 co1nmit a liquor :--tore holdup. took ovrr 1he top t\1·0 f loo~ of thr courthousi'. \rhcre the Jilil 1-> h'IC'lltcd. Th1'y grahbcd two deputies fnr hosta gt's. but rt'ltased one of thotn 13 hours later so he could rel'ei\'l' n1M1cal :ittcntJon. llcrman Th1!'hl, 3.J, \\'1chila Falls. husband of n1e v.·on1an inmate B:irbnrri Th11·l. 4H, t:dk1·cl to )11" \\'lft• and U.1r1 II\ .\lcrh.arg, 3!l. a fnrn1 •·r \l'1ch1 ta FJll:; f.-:Jli cr offi C'C'r ilnd !hr all\·grd r111gleadt•r of the esc.:ipc t1!lc1np1 . . . For d h1·l<t thr npi nio n hr \\'Ot1lc1 not run,.. tPr llor~! iht' nr1ni0n hf' .said I !1• ti' no1v 111 proh:ihl\· \1111 ru n 1n H1i4) :1:.-.urn1ng r1f <"nur''' h1· 1.; 110111111.it• d b1 t.!e ll•gil!l·~ ar the ltt·publll'o 1l1 11a1111D.d 1·on1·en11on " llrspond 1ng In n111rr 11ur~11n11 ~ <..;11d t•·rllor~t s:11d h11 "<lrfin1t1d\ 11 11' drr11'r of 1111 • 1·1·11lt·nt alJ\1'r kerp th1· \1flr(1 'prvh!ih!.1' 111 1.r.·grirv c\;1~•·< 21, 11r !·ulh'rt on . 1~.1 ~ !:>!.1l l'l'll•'11t 1H1I llllllr<·d r<ilil'" ";11d flu!. b:1rr1ng unfnrt''-''!'ll rli•1t'i11ptllf'T1! ... , flff1!'f'r" sa11! !ht' 1•x;1('t ri111sf' nl th1· !he COP nnn1in;1 11nn 111 l!Jiti is Ford -. .• tr1d•1n! h;1 ~ no[ ~r·! h·~·n df'ti>r1 nu11'<1 11r1 t1Hll} for Thr ;1sk1ng. COUNCii .... • • ;i ~urY('V \1·h1 L'h :;hnv.·rd th:it 11 ho rt'~poud('t:l. 117 pt'r1·1•n! rl·sidl'n1s of :'11 1<;..~1110 \'irJO fornH1 !1011 of lh(' l'O\lrll"ll of tho~r of th r fav(lrt'd f)nr of thr alt•·rn;l!h 1•-. \111111tt hn\1· l'>l'l'll 1111·Qrpora!1111.: :'111"~1011 \!!'JO 1nlo1 ;1 lll\". \\"hlt'h thO'l' !\U r\t'~l.·d !llX!'d ~,! p•;rr!'nl to 41\ perrrnl Ano!h['r a\ler1H111111 \\"OUld ha \'r been :1 1\11\C for !ht' 1·nt1rr spra\\·ling Saddleback V:lllry 1nl'lurl1ng 1\lission \"iejn. 1 ....... guna Hills. El ·roro. and p11.s~1b!y r..::1 sunn ~i~ut·l. Of those SUT'l'('ycd. 91 JX'rct'n\ upposN! such a Val!('y\\1idc pro1>0s:.ll. A Iota! or ROO si gnatures. or 10 pcrccnl of the rrgiSll'rrd vott•rs ln ~ltssion \'1l'jo. v.·ere n~qui rcd to brin,g lhc r-.1,\C propos;rl up tlt"fOrl' the s1qlf"r\'i<;o~. I A'dt'r111ann ... :11d I , !IMI l\'('f(' acri•pl!1! h\ the Hegis!rar of the 1.~00 colleC'hil · \'.l'lSon strt'ssed that the :ire a in('lud1•<1 )I\ 1ht• l\I \{" IS Olli) !he :'11 1~::.ion \"11·j•l I '!.1nnrd f'o11u1111111I\. \\·hirh 1101·" n• it 1111·l 11dc prnph1'ra! arc.1S suth ·'" :\rg1•a11 Hills. Prospct'tl\'C c.1 nd1d:it1.:.<; should ··h1·1 k !heir ~1rld11:S~f'S \11th 1hc H('gi~trar. h·· \;.i1d The 1:1.,\ 11:1~ fnr fthn~ \\ill 1,1· Sept. 6. Ht:tb Ca pture ':'AJ(;t1,\ 1l l'l 1 -l 1 o11111111111 ~1 lll rl'•·, O\err:in a 1};11r nf kt·~ outpns!s ;)fl 111111 ·, rVJr th 11 1·s1 of S:u~on ;111d rnplun·d ;1 liui,:<' sltr<' (•f !and ;1round the nr;11 Iii pru11nr1 al capt1al Of Tai· ,\'1nh. !hf' S;11pr.11 l'(lllllJ1:1nd \:I HI lfMl.11 A (~)llllrl.'lllrl "l~Jh(•<;,n1;1n :-.1k! \'1t'I 4 'ol\g ;111(! \ortl1 \ t• 1n.1111f•\1• forrt'~ 1:11!' 1'111•:-d:iy r:ipt11r•· l I/it· 11l1ht1;1 h,i"I.' ,11 l1h110<· T.111 Ill 11111!·-. 11p.;t ni 1',1y :\1nh nt•:1r !ht• C'.1n1bod1.111 hotdt'r. -------' -~~--~~~~-~~~-.~~~ • ' OPEN 9 lo 6 538 CENTER STREET-COST A MESA-646-1919 CLOSED SUNDAY 9~,--;,; ,?11111 GYM SHORTS & SHIRTS GYM SHOES SWEAT SOX SWEAT SHIRTS & PANTS WARM UP SUITS BOOK BAGS ALL PURPOSE SHOES FOOTBALL SHOES SOCCER SHOES BASKETBALL SHOES TENNIS SHOES ..... ' . • • TENNIS SHORTS & SHIRTS TENNIS DRESSES WILSON -l>UNLOP -DAVIS BANCRAFT-YONEX TENNIS RACKETS RACKET STRINGING ~ I RACQUETBALL RACQUETS & BALLS HANDBALL GLOVES & BALLS TENNIS BALLS BASKETBALLS VOLLEYBALLS FOOTBALLS BIKE PARTS -TIRES -TUBES ,,... REPAIRltiG • • • Coastal Fir111 Citt><l LOS ANCELES (APl -The Serurities and 1-; x c ha n g c Conun'1ssiuu riled 1·l\il fl".111t! charges •g1unsl Sou1h Coast J/ydroponH.:s of Elsinore !Jll', an enterprise prornotinr sal1· of dir1less gre<'nhousl·s i11 se1·eral .stairs. The su11 filed Tucsd:iy u1 U S. l)istrict Court ht· re ("Ont ended I h(' firn1 n1 :1 rl r• 1nislcadini.: <:!aims in as.~uring 1>11rt:has1·rs of lhl' ~l'.'1.0011 hydropont1''!. greenhouses 1h.1! r!1C'1r annual returns v.ould rt>aeh twr11c1'11 $5 .000 :1ud 16.000 B1·s1cll'" lh1· flr1n. 1h1· surt narnPs :is dPft•ndants ltav llufford. prt·side11t u[ the l1nn a11d its sole shareholdl·r. ( S tale J Ul'l TelePhOIO IJ••nd "' 6 2 Ilona J\lassey. popular ~inge r and filrn star c\uring: lhe I 930's ;ind HJ-10 '..... died 1'ucf.day io l~ctllcsda Nav;tl llo ~ p1t <ll in su burban {\·tar~· l:.nU. She had heen 111 for thrce n1ontlls. 1\ 1remor1al servire \Vi!! ~ held in \Vash1ngton. I> C .. Butt<'rficld Financial &:r\ 1c·rs ------------ Inc., of suburb.an l':!si11orC': Barry ·r. Lindsay, presid1·nt of Butterfield and its so\£' sh fl r e ho I de r . and Lt·t· S\'rnonds. :.01lrs <lirN:tor ot SoutJ1 Coast ll)dropvnies. ~ta lc l•'inci'i 1'itlc l<'irn1~ No f 'a11lt l11suro11<•e Bill Awaits Senate Vote SACf(,\~1ENTO i UPI~ Bursting troin ii 17-monlh tonun1ttr1· <lt•<idl~:k, n~Fnull a u to n1 n I.> 1 J l' i n sur1111et• l('g1 slation moved to d H y tuv.'ards u showdown vote u1 th1· St.·natc. Support~rs hurried lo hr1dgl' i1nporlanl differ('nces bf•!Yt't·•·n two rir;1l pro~ls in hopes 1•f n·;1tiung a ron1prt11111St· dunng lhl' M.'Ven v•orking d:.y-; hl'fur1• !hr s<:heduled end of th1• lt·gisl:H1ve session. J'h1• kev Sen:.tc Judici:irv Cu1i11111tie~ app.ro\.'('d both bills 1• h\ h:1rc 1n;11or1ty v o I es T111·~<1ay. tll·:.\IOCHATIC SES. Alan Huhh1n... crf \':111 t\11~·s. <1 111rn1l 1·r 11f lh1· 1·1JnHniltl'l'. p11•dii·!1•d agrl·,·1n1·nt 11•ould he p•:u·h1'(! ))t•\\1·1·rn \\';trring ~1rlj•s on th~· t'.:lntrovPrs1al propo~;1I that 1,1ould affect all 1.1 n1ill1on li~n~1-<I California dri\'ers. No-L111Jt insuranc{', ;1 n1:-1ior issue ht•forr· tht" h:g1slat11r1• rach year since 1971. prov11.lrs for n1ntorists 10 <: o 11 t' C' t d:.mnc:t"'s fron1 thrir 01.,..n in.suranCl'." cornpanies Io r rj:rsonLl l injuries rcagrdle!'s of who i.s a! fnult in an accident. '!11<' ainl 1.s to rf'(l11 e1· 1n.~ur<.1nce <:ost.~ 1:111d assurr Pa11 cl ()ka y.~ Full Ti 111 e q111C'k p.1~'ntent of cla1111~ IJy t•l1niinat1ng l' u s t I y <111.LI prutr<H'll«I tourt suits. Bn1il IJill s ;1ppro1l'd hy till' (·on1111itt.·1· ,,...~,,.,. "111od1r1••tl '' no-fau lt pl.111s 'l'h:11 11a•;1n.-. rno1ori s1s \1ould co!ll'l't under no·fault. !Jul s1ill be r.11.·rn11tl1'(l lo go tu l'Ourt and Sl'ck tlll'l'l' da11i;1g<·'> ThL· 11~ 1) 1n('11.5u rr~ passe<l tht· 1\)'M1111hly lasl \{'(jr and hav(' t;inguish('d s1n~·c in the t\111!/lllt tl'l'. UnL' 1,1·uuld ;1lluw n1otorists tv i.:n lo 111urt for <'Xtra darn:tgl'" 0111~ in the ev<'llt ul r\ 1· ;1 I h . d1~fie;uremcnt, ch-..;d11l1ty of rnurt: ill<ln 45 1tay.s or' ,,1·1111u~ nnp:1 1nnl'nl of ;1 1..,dil~ fu1H·t1on . l'.\t 'LL:IJEI> \~'AS a 1n:11al.1t11r.1• 15 1> r r cent redU t'l11111 in !he ('OSt Of fH•rs!)ll;i! 111;ury co\' c r a El C. CLU'l'••ntl~'. 1hat co v r rage ;nn1.a1n1 .., tu :1bout ha![ the cost vi .1n :111\u insurance jXJlk:y. ll 11·;is au!horcd by A:-s1·111!il,\·1 n.1n Juel.. R. Fenlon 1 ll-\1011ll'hcl101. and su pportrd bv )11-.u1·;u1cc eun1p;1nics .ant.J C:111· Honald Reagan. It >\';JS :-1.•nt tl1rl·rtly to the St.'nalL' floor nn ;1 'i ·2 \'Oii' l'roh1hitcd under !hr bill \1utlld Ix· lh~ S<>-ca!led ··p..1in :ind sufft·rinr{' suit for such in;urics :is a mir.or v.hipla ... h. 11 t11eh ar~· so frequl'nl in the ('\)l!r!~ no11 undt·r no-fault. but coota1nl'> no rcstricllon on the right of sorlll'One to t..'lle ror further d<ln1<.1gc. ~o rrulndatory prcnuwil v.·as included \lotor1sts would be rt•4u1red to purct·1:1~e 1Jo1.:rsoniil 1n1ury insurance. Younger Accused By Opponent SACflA~1ENTO (Al'~ !1epublict1n Alty. Gen. E>'elle Youngl'r's Demo c r a 1 1 e opponent says Younger failed lo pursoc three investi~ations because he had a JWrson<il in1l·resl in the cases. ··s1rl'.'c1h1•:1rt loan" fro n1I forn1rr ( ;, ot C'\.; pr••,1 drn1 .l:u·k. ll 11rkl' :ind h1·lp1 ni.: 1ndut·· hi!": friends lo buv f;t•Oli·k ~tni·l... I Burke is un1h·r 11111 11 trn1·11! 111 ronn1'<'tion 1111!1 rh,• f1rrn ~ f111 :1nci:1! prohh·1u<: I -Fa1li11~ In :11·! nil th1 I \\'illin1n Norris, ;1 Los 1 iolnlions uf l':d1fnn11.1 l.111 liyl Ang:rlrs alto rn e y. said C. Arnhold\ S1ni!h th" S:111 1'uc.sday \'oungrr had a Diego f1nanC"i1·r 11ho-.,• •'1111111'•·1· financial interest in one casc. collnpscd rind 11·11h it rl1·· t ·.s ;1 fXJl;$ible direct personal /\nt!onal H;ink. ilt'l'(1nJ1111; IOI involve1ne11t in another. and /\orris. Sn11tl1 11;is ~1 lni: a rnajor ca1npaign contributor cn1n1>:.1ign ror1trih11lor I 11 1 entangled in a th ird. \'ounger. Non'i.c; said t:onflict-of-inlcresl problems -llavi11i.; possibll· pC"rsona! ("OUld be handled by the illl'O!\'tmrnl Ill !ht• l'O\SC' of l :1ppointn1cnt of a temporary r1~por1t·r \\'ill1arn F:irr and special stnle pr osec ut or. lc<iks of infor1natio11 fron1 1h•• Norris told reporters. Charles J\lanso11 trial. \'nung1'r "The appearance of fa irness v.·as L.os Angell'S d1stril:1 and 1mpar1iality is as attornt·y at the tune of th1• in1portant as fairness and trial, Norris said. iilld h1s 1 1n1par11ahty itself... T\'.orris co n v e rs a t i o n s 11·11h his 1 said. !'Ubordinates could be an 1.~:oue [1Al l v PILOI A 5 1 r I t , '~- j j 3400 !RV!N~ AV[ ll r:--::::::: i::._ :::::::t .:::::- e Chnr••.: ,\ilit1!1 SA\' JOSE I AP) -l1111!rd Farin \\'orkers l 'nion lt·adC'r (~~r (.1la\'('/. li;is h I '(' t1 adrnittrd lo a Santa I ·1:1r;i Valley hospital for treatn1cnt of fat igue .and symptotns of tJ1c flu ;:ifter fa.~lin~ for l\\O ''•eeks, his p;·rsonal c.1ocl11r said. I.OS A..;r.rJ.r;s tAPl -Thi.' ('01 Ii r o r n i a I n s u r:uic·r Jf>par!mrnt cratk1>c\ dov.'11 on tie rebating practices of !itlt• 11suranct· eon1panirs tQ rt>td 1sl;lle brokrrs hy lev~·ing :1 .ota\ of almost $423.000 in fines ;igainst fiv" of the title firrns. including the nation's largest. S 1u og U nil Thl' otht·r nll'aSurt• pro\'ide~ for motorists Lo l\J!lcct for 11lt'<hc;.i l bills and lost 11 agrs Jliorris accused Younger (lf. u1 the contempt case again~l 1 __ A_c_cc_p_t_'"~g'---a_!_'_t _•_._s_o_o __ ,_·,_,_,_·_______ .i..;:;;~~~:;;;;;;~~~:;;;;;;:;;;=~~::;~:;;;;;;;;;::;.;::;...:J . i J)r. Jeron1c L:1cknt•r said Tuesday a seTies of tliagnostic tests v.·ill t:H• performed on the ailing union leader and comp!eh'd later this W('('k. He siressed. hov.·r\'er. thrrt"' \\'.1S no ulCi ication of :.1·rious rllne~s. e Woman t'ref'd SA~ FRA\'.CISCO 1AP1 - A V.'.:lm:'.in jai11·d for the pa~ 36 days for rl'f\1~1ng 10 ans11·1f questions about tic S~mbioncS<' l.1bcration Arn~· ha.o: bC<'n freed on ord<'fs of U.S. Supren1<' Court Justce Y.'illiam 0 . l)ouglas Crnthia Garvey of Oak!ilcl. Jailed J uly 16 for r1•h1.,i111 to answer queslioos about lhC' SI.A to R grand jury. was fr~ from Et1n v.·1od Del:ention Center in :-.11•1t.as oo Tuesday. e "'"'""" ,\11r•<"• SAN .Jt)SE I L'I'! I -CO\' Ronald Rt>agan s;iys ht• ~reC'S "·1th .President Ford's psilion on amne.~ty for drnft <'Y.dC'rS lie tolrl nev.·snicn 1lrsday t"iffore s pc a Ii 1 n g ro a l{cpublican fund·r;i1~1n;dinner that he opro$t'(l 1111c'Odit1onal an111rs1y h111 ··u ;u1 dr;1ft t vader chooS<'3 10 co;e back !hrough the sy:.ten <t n d adn11ls he '1 JS woni.: Ul !"taylng out of the ~l'r\ Jet'. thC'll he should he 11·en an opport11n1t~· lo .,.,,orl 10 !'.!el back into the ~~stn1," tl1<' ~o~ernor said. 1'he so .. cal!('d demand orders and the acC'01npany1ng fines 11·C'rc issurd Tursdny ;1gainst J,;t\\"\'rrs Tille Insur ;inc<' ('oq;, Slf\7.960 T1tl(' lnsurarlC't' ;ind 'l'rt1st Co .. Los Angl'l('S, S\2$JMIQ: 1: i r !' t Ainerican Ti!IL· Insurance Co. Santa Ana. $60,000 : Trans:inicrira T11!1· lnsurant·1• C·i, S11n Frnnri~co. S37.:J()f). and \\'e~tern T1!I,.. Insurance t'o . 5antil Ana. $12.500. In addition Title \11surnnc1· and 1'rust Co .. the nation's lar~l'st ritll' 1nsurrr, v.·as alll•i,;l'<I lo havr deposited funds in ;1 bank to Sl'r\'e a~ t'QmJ)('nsat1n~ balancf"S for ;1 lo.an to a real estate broker f\nti-sn1ok c Bill Fails SACR:\.\fE:\TO /UPI\ -A Scnatt•-passcd bill b a 11 n i n ~ :-1noking 111 foo<I stores and rl;issroon1s and i m po s i n g otlwr slatC\\'ide s rn o king re.'>l r1ct1ons has failed in an 1\.'-.~rmb!y comn1itt{'('. Tilt' rncasure hy Se II An!honv C Beill'nson f D-Lo.s Angt>lrs 1 v.·a.s re j e C' I e d Tu,.stiay ni~ht by the crintin.11 111!'ttre comn1ittrc on a 3.3 \'0\('. 3 clays only! August 22-l4; 11 SA('RA~IE~TO !CPI I -1\ bill n1aking 1hc stnte ;11r rt·· sourrc board a full-t11nt"' agency and 1.:rrat1ng a single ~1nog ('Onlrol di ~tritt for 1h1.: :-.ou11l coast ;ur h;1:-1n ha~ 111U\'••d ;1 stvp elo .... l'f lo 111n· 111ng Asscnihly pa~~IJ!:f'. The <:ontrO\~·rsinl mri':lsurc b~· Srn. \\'. ('r:ng Riddle I H· l\tl'rr~i d1• 1. c· IL' arc d !hr 1r.1nsportatio11 corn rn 1 11 I' c Tut•sd;i y <in :i 9-4 \nh·. lht' h;ir(' minimurn rC{j Uired. and \1·t"'nt to the \1•;iys and rncans cornmittr<'. \'ollng against the mrasure 11•1•r1· As~1nht,,·men Hol:lert ll Burke 1H·llunt1ngton Bt•;irh i. !'Ion ~tac(:ill\'r<iy 1 H-San!a Barbara l. Joe Gon-..1\1 rs tf). l' e r r 1 to~ 1 , anr! FrJnk L:1ntrrrnan 1H-!K1 Canadoi. l'odrr ihc Biddll' s1nog bill. thl' C'\JITi'nt pan·T11nt• air f ('SOllr£'('S !)().1rd \\'OU Id bl'con11• ,, full-t1nu.• ag0nc;. :1 n d 1nrn1ht·r>;' sal;:i ri1•s 11·ould bt· rai~d frorn $11.412 to $30.000 a ·;ear. l'.urrrnt!y. six scp.1r:itr loc~il snmg control d1s1 r1clS' 1n thr ha.~in operate indeprndcn!ly in the count1c~ of \A1s ;\ngrlc<: Or;inge. S ;in Hl'rn;irdino, Santa Harb:lra , Hl\rrstde and \'rnlur<l . Tur hill v.•flu!d ahoh::h ttio.<-c d1stric1:: :ind r stahllsh a nev.· h:isin11·1dr district '-''ilh uniform niles. rl'gulations and a1r n1oniroring prorrd11r1•s. large8x10 portraits in color decorate your home with love. Interior decor comes alive with portraits on your w all. Come in or call our professional photographer today for gift portrai ts of you, your child, your family. Full selection of poses. Satislaclio n guaranteed. INTRODUCING The CJl'TIOlirq Gcm;ni Comora CrJlor proof~ !>hown 1n,r,1nlly Ne~t,?Be~c~~?Z,~?iJond 644 -1212 s4.44 Reg. $20. ' , • I 2 FASH I ON I S LAND Come meet David Hayes, th e man behind this look. And see th e re st of his design s on fall. Just to whet your appetite for the whol~ De Graff collection of pan tsl11ts and costumes designed by David Hayes, the cropped b1gcoat pantsuit As if super styling's not enough. lhe labric 1s a suede look-alike in cotton/polyurethane. Water repellent. Shrimp. 6-14. $130, Informal modeling Presented by David Hayes in Ne\.'-1port Thurs., Aug. 22, 11 :30·3:30. Robinson's Designer Dresses I .. S HOP WEDNESD AY, THURSDAY 10:00-'3:30 ~ ;~ ·" il G DAILY PILOT EDITOltl1\f, f•,\.GE Fundamentals First 1·1ic 111 1t'r1or "orkings uf the Irvine l 111f1rd ,..;( lt11cd lh~lru:t are ;1 :-.lllc!_\ 111 «Ontra:-.t'i 1\t e;1( 11 .-.1·hool 111 1114· <11str1 C't. :uHI u'll hut ea{'h ~«hoo!. ;1 \\'Ide r<in;.:c of l'<!u ea11on;d al1ernat1Vl'S 1:-. ;1\'01ilablc l~Ul thrliui:.:houl the d1~trH:I. OrlC !!l !n~ l." cun .. \;11 1t '1'114' ba:-.it· <!1:-;tr1c1 g(Jal , repealed ever.V\\'ht·n· goal :; :1 1e v.1•1t1 Pn. 1s ro give :-.tudl·nls a firai grounding 111 tlu• funda111e11tat:;: reading. u'r1 ting and arltl11nf>1i c. Son1c lrrine parents are not saitsfied tll:i.t tfle::;e ~llals are being n1et. '!'he parents, a re!ativcl.v :;1nall 11cr- ('cntage of the 101al nuinber of fan1ilic~ in the d1 s1r111 \rant. ;1 '·fundan1ental ~chool." operatl'd ;ilong wh i1\ !hey 1..:ontt'lVC tn be 1rad1tional :-;trur tu red acadcnnc l111t•:-. '!'he tl i:-;trict. they t hargc. i:i: too lenic11t in it:-. 1:d11 rational J)l'(Jgrarn :-.. ·111vlll'ct1 l·;ill.1. a11,\th111g 1n.,t cle !he line 1s too noi~)' .i!Jd ;.in11111111.: Ol ilSH ll' !S h:~b1!alJIC !'(·r1111~~111n 111 dl'\C:lo p \va~ dt!nied Presley because 1l1t• pl':ih. tl'li'l' !l'\l'I l':tU~cd by 1hc jets \\'as an overrid- 111 ~ ~ 11n1 ·1·r11 Ht·,idc111". Ille enunc•I dcci cled . are not ir- 111.~11.·d !11 ;1\l'l':tgl' 1101~l'. Lu l lJ: llie ruar of jets. !11·!,,lty Ila ' bl't'll 'trunf! ;dung fo r a yea r on the 1111· dcr.~!:J1td lt1l! tli<i t. \\1lh 1·on..:1r1H·lion techniques 10 eut du1~11 the 11111 :-,c, he tould IJuild out :-.ide t he 65 CNEL line. ·rtt!.' r1tv dt'l!'r111111:11io11 th;ll the slte is too no isv . h1111ld have' 1·11111 t> f1r.'t. b('fnrc !lH' developer pourc(J 1110!ll'I :u1d t·ffort 1n!q 1nt·l•1111J~ r'l·qu11'l'rl11'n!!'. ;\r11v !ht' que.~l1111l 1~ 11pen. lt fi,1 1'\ff:J, ts nol the rr-;1,1,11:iblc 1111111 !Jf 1lu111an 1olPr:111t·e. 11)1a1 i~" Douh l<· Standard I •• J .) . .' .-, . • 1. ~-~: • .l '-~~ !(£>.<?· ..... \ ..... . ... . ' ..... ' ,• 'J'l1c boarrl \\'l:-.t'I)' did 1101 1nn1·e to create a scpar;11r •rllool \\'h ere tr:irl1t1onal lechnique:-. \vnu ld be Iii<' onl r n1e1hud of in~1rul't1on . Rut it did p1·011i1 ~e to Sl'l up n1eetin )!~ 011 a rontitllllllg b<1 s1s an1ong p<1rt'.!11t :-;. t c:1l'lic·r·~ and adnu111~1rators In insure th at the funda1n cntal:-. arc taught 1vilh1n the existing district te::ic hin.t.; ~!ructurc. 'J'he board act ed i n a ~pir i t of fairness tn the 111:1· jority of parents who like the sc hools as thl•y a1'l'. J'\01v they need to sJ11i1v the unsatisfied paren1 s that !he ft111· da1nentals are getting through to their cluld ren l'rfilct·1111 -.: lhl' .. 11ilt1:,.:n11 uf !hl" 1.ia11'' is a plira::-e 111.11 11;1.' ll:>t·n !Jandtf'd ;1 111 1111 a l1+l 111 rt're11t ti111es before Jr1 111 l' ~01 L't'll 1111· 11 I :1 I hod il''i. l~t!l 11 11':1~ all odd :-.11u:ili1•11 111 lr1·1 11c t"i!1' h31l re· 1<'1111.1 11h(•11 1l1t· lr1 int· ('0 111p ;111:· l1Jt1~h1 :i lo.,ing b{l\lle 111 :111 vtJ'1Jrl lo .-.!10111 dr11vn the \ll'\ Bobrr!son l'onipa ny's pet1\11i11 tnr :1 ro1td1l1011Lll ust• JH'r111il for JJJ l8-<1crc office i!:1J'k 11111\c.· ll'\'lll(' l1Hlt1. .. 1r1;1I t'111nplC'X. !rr111c C't1111p;111 .\· Srnil)r \'1C'l' 1-'rrsid(lnt 'l'on1 \rol ff ;11'1ncd \\11th d1:n.;r;u11 :-.. fJholo:: :ind st;1ff -led the :1 ~,.:iu lt. tr~ 1t1g 11l C(i/11111cc thL' c11y ('OU!ll'll that allo\V· 111:.: lilt: )ll'l'ttllt 1\·011ld iJl' ·a pl'l'rC'dC•lll lur t!JC' '"C rosion Of pl;u1 n 1n~" 111 lr1·111l'. . . ' ... "<' ~~:.~- -~ '-:-~lU I-Jo,v l;oud Is 'l'oo Loud'! The Irvine ('itv C'ounci!'s recent denial of :1 zon e change to allow thC Presley of Sout hern c:allforn1;1 dt·· veloprncnt eo1npany pern1i ssion to bu il d a residc1111:d tract is hard to vie•v •vilhout a 'ntix:turc of tongr;:11ul:i.· lions and concern. 1'he land ties j ust outside an in1agin ary lin(' 111 th1· cily·s general plan called 65 C'NEL (('n1nn1unit .1· 1'\oisP Exposu re Level). In this tasc. the Linc is \\'1';1ppvd arou nd E! 1'oro ri.larlne Corps 1\ir Stal ion to sho•v \\'l1i>rt• the average noise level caused by the jets is \V i!b1ll day-to-day hun1an tolerat ion. 'A11gels 011 Wl1eels' Ease Life fo1· Cc111ce1· Victi111s Tn tllr Ediror_ F.ver1·onc son11•\\'l1rrr n1ust h;11·(' :i loved -one. ;1 relative. a fncnd rw ii neighbor 11'ho is i!l 11·ith cancer. Thl'y -\rho ha1 r the diSl·ase are thl' u11fortun<1t C ones, but there is a 1vay any pl'rson 11ith a free hour or 111·0 c:in help 1hcn1 This help can be \l'i!houl obligation lo any special hour or 11un1bcr of da.vs ))('r month. In othrr \\'ords. the hrlp given \\'ou\d be at a person's 011·n convenience. Tiii-: Ai\IER ICAN Cancer Sori<'IY has srl up a prog'ran1 r<ille<l ··i\ngc\!; on \\'heels" 1\·hi('h has been in cxistcner .1 nun1bcr nf vrars. The An ~e\s art> (...__!\_1_A_11_,n_o_x ___ J l.r !l•'f.~ fru111 1'1•ud11 1 .~ 1111' 11·c/r 11 H11· i\'vt'llitll/ji. 11•1·nr 1·:.: .~i11ul/1/ (!"I ' t'I/ t/1c11" ·111('.~.~u~1r~ i11 ::Oii 1r11nl:; 111' /c.;.5, 'rlii' l'll//11 (IJ e11 1/d !1 li.~i· /('l/('I'.\ /11 Ill .~[ll 'l'C ur c/i 111i1u1le 11/u:I 1.~ 1·c~··11 ··ii. :\// l!'I· rrrs 11n1.-;1 11ir·/r11!~· ,~1u11ol l!r l' ,011/ 1>111 ,/- i1111 u<ldrl's~ IJIH 1u11n1·.~ /PIO ~/ /Jr• 1r11/,. !11'/I/ !ld !'C'lll!'Sl if :;l1ltl\"/l'IJI fl'll'l!li 1~ u111•11n•1il." /'uc !r.11 11·/lf 11ut /1r /llJIJ. /1.'d1cd, house11·ivcs. rclirt>d persons ( 1n:·llP or tcina\el or in a few cases. ,~·orking prol\P1'u1inn of l1n·n1\'r l'r•~l(l1·n1 \1'\n\1 people. Tlley drivt· cancer p.>tit•nls tu I. ft11'1 t1101 ~d. tu 111q1111·•· «111c1· 11 hf'n ;ind froin rJielr lrratnirnts i\'hi ch ni;iy did rlu· ·.~\I.! t:ikt· 11!1 lill' 1·llll ul cl!bcr be to a ho~pif:it 0f 1a doc?At·rf I'll! ilf~ec:uror · office. 1'he servit·P ls strictJ.v r ol l1ntary_ Dril'ers do not ~ct pa id. hut In kno·1' they arc helping so meone is in i!SL•l f payn1ent enough. 1 havr be<:n driving for almost four ~·ears Lind have found it lo be a n1osl gratifying eXfH'l'i\.'nf l'. There is a grrat need for drivers all over Orange County, but East Or:inge c·ounty has the greatest shortage. Citlr.s such as Huntington Bench, Costa ~lesa , Jr,•ine. Balboa, Nc1\'port Beach anrl Corona del fl<lar have been the hardest hlt v.·ith a driver shortage. -, '\'()UJ.O V('nturr 1o s:iy lspt'.'lldng for n1ysclf inainlyi. n1ost people rton 't 14i vr-it a second !hough\ 1vhen it ('()lll('S In driving th(·n1selvf's 10 <l 1!ntlnr's appointn1enl. Bui 1vhl'l1 :1 ~i.•rsfln is unHble to driVl' or hi1~ no 1r;1!1S)lflt'1 iilifln, JUSl kno1ving lhC'y hu1 e a Jril'('r to take lhC'tn is a boo~H 10 lh1•11· 1nnr:ili• and they h;ive peace of 1nn1d kno111nJ! they \11ill be receiving !heir tre;1!111t·n! on ;:iny given day. Though I feel the An1cric;1n Ca11ci'r Socie1y has done a tremendous job in helping those persons 11·ho ha\·e cancer, 1nuch help is :-til l nPerled_ As a driver 1nyse!f, I a1n stressing ;:i n urgent cal.., lo people to donate Cl portion of their /i111e to this vita! need. For fu rther inforrr.ation your readers can call the American Cancer Society office in Tustin. 838-0510, and ask for the Service Depar tment, or call inc, 962·631 l. PRUDY PARMENTIER. Coordi nator of Cancer Drivers for East Orange County Nem ACLU Role? To the Editor: After reading in t!Je nev1spapcr that the ACLU insists they n1ust push for Wicl~s 'I still don 't gst it. What did he do wrong?' l JIAO ~\]\\.1.1" !hough! !ll.11 !hf' Afl.! l\"aS clevol\'d 10 r1ri! lil11•r'Tlt'S i,-;~111"·· :ind in partirul:tr 1ht• dt'ft•n"c nf tl111\1' Jess foru111;1 1(• bf>c<111s1· nf h:1lrl'rl ;in<! prejudices :111d 11'i1<l:-;1' ri i:hls il~l'I' 0•'"11 dl'nied !h1·n1 or \1ho:-:P dt·lt·11~t· 1·;11••·\ larger cons!itu1io11:1I i:-::;ut·.;. If this assun1pti o11 is tl'lh' ltJ1'n prrh:1p\ the .l\.CLU shou\rt bl' prrp:11'1'r1 to 1'on11· 10 ltich:.1rd N1"1:<111 ·~ d<:fL'11~1· 111s1cad of his prosecution. rr A ll('I\" fll'('Ct'd1'ni lS ht·111~ rs1<1bli~hl'd for 1h1s nrgani1.:1tin11 h.1 1hr1~" 11·h11 11•1sli to pu~h for pro~~·c1111011 1 rr:1d ])\'r"•'f'\i!\fltl I is IT nn1 pn.~~ilJlo· :1 11t•\\ era of ~\c(;arth\lsn1 111 r~'l't·rsi' 111:t\' Uc the next strp'! ls til1 • A\'l.l h1·:11~ usl'ct hv .\1'\no-h;11~·r·o:; :1~ :1 tni·:in~ t•I \11·ngl'llC'e under Ille 1~11l"l' ol l)w 1 t·n1·r~itinn HI ('!lll:il rights un<l1·r ti11• \'llllSl 11UIU11i'' If .~•), 1h1 s l" ;i s;1d d"P'ii !11 1\hich :i 1111" 11q1:1nll:tl1011 . tk •d 1c;i1.·d \11 JLI~tll'C, 11<1~ L1 ll «ll .\JIHl\L.I\ 711:\](I\:-. Tl11.• fJf•st 1·•1!/'•1·s ·ro the Editor · Tl'rry ('0 1·1111·'~ :1r1H'lr ( o u 11 l \ ~ Fli gReSt (il.v 1';1rk -f'11l11r It \'1t:il" (Aug. 11) w:1s 111,,~t 11nprl·V'I\(' So 111111·!1 in f;irt, th;tl 1nv J 1·11.«11·-nkl sun a11d I \\"Clll 1o ~<'e . ![ 1/Jt• f11!1011i11g cl;n·. \Ve \1'erc r1uilc .~urp1'i;;1«I to S('I' 0111' of \hi'.' l<1kes pol lutr r! \\1111 br1·r l'~11r:; and pap<:r trash of all kind~ 11 n1adl' us sick to sl'e !hr shor1el1nc i.:r011dl·d with all this trash and garbage. l\'E CONTINUED lo 11alk ;n·ountl lhr l::ike and fow1d ::i li\llc bro11n dttck so sick he \1·as barcl.v al i1!'. Oq1• Of the ris!Jerme11 s;:iid ht h:1d bcCtl Slt.:k for days. I reported tin s tu l!uc·k's stand an<l she said 1hr Ha11gf'r 1\0tild take care of lL As 111' ro11ti11ucd 0111· walk T had lo get after ."0111(• young boys "·ho "·ere thro\ving rock.., ;l! thi• ducks and hilling thc1n in 1hc hr;1d . They stopped for lht• n1on1c11t ht11 I kne1v they \\'Ould continue 11·hl'll lltl'..\' told me to "shut-up ... \Ve Jert Huck's Lake very si•d and cl isappointrd. So 11'e clt'<'ided \VC 11ould go to Talbert La ke and feed the ducks there. As the ducks waddled Lip to u:; \\"C \\'ere splattered with bl;ick oily mud. !low can these ducks survive in such 1nurky, oily \~ater? Tt seerns they love lo \\•addle in it <tnd look for food . I AGltEE that thi~ area is vital but it can't survive unless mnn starts caring rnough lo preserve it and help it ~row. Something should be done to stop !hese polluters. The rest of us who c11re n1u!;~ suffer and of course all !he ducks and fish 1nust pay the conse,1uence. 1 had to come hon1c to 1Hy 01\'ll backyard before I co111rl get my sensrs filled up. Why unyone \\'Ould wa1\t tn destroy :i thing of bl':111ty i.~ beyon1l 1ne. Maylx! some si11:ns ;u1d rnore tr:i :;h ('(Jlll<iin1·rs l\OUld ht"'IP rl'tlll/\d SOtllt' ol those v.ho don't think? HE\' (;1n-:c:<>HY l r(ln1c ;1ll,1·, till' HulJ('rl ~o 1l c"11n1pa11.v"s req uest \\'as hr1s t'd 111 pilrt <111 tile Jr\·1ne t 'n1np;1ny"s 0\\'11 01t!ion in oh· l;1 ini11 ".; 1l1e !2th l'l'\'1s 1011of1ht• 1.1111111'.: l'ude 111 tll;i1 ;H'l'3, n1od1 fyi1u.: llil' 1ndu ~tri;1I Llllllll;:! ol" lhe 103.;H:re parr1.•l ~Ille! \11 l]l(' Fl u111· ('nrpora!ion fur i1 s headqu arter~. _,_ ., --·. -. •' . ·-;···· '''• : ...... ... :f'-.. -' -:,..:·,...;: ., ,·.~-'·:~_·,::'.'."··­ ' ' ! 'rhe 1·on11J;t1·al1ilir.v of 1hc Ja nel ll ~l' of the l1ro pr0,i · 1•t1 :-t·:111 he dt>hll1t·d Ru t exper1c11l'l' h;1s de1no11str:itcd 111:11 (11lf' zonin:! rt·1 i.,iun aln1n~1 1nevi talJI\· be!.!el s other~ ::11d i11 this C";t-1-l', il appC'Clr~ t ha1 the Jr1 :i1C' C'o111pan.v 11 - ~c lf pulled tl1C' C"!JJ"I\ out of the bo!tlc. SB "HUSE~T , IHIS IS THE fiil,ST 11M£ l'VE 5££N YOU ~1TH YOUR MOUTH SHUT." ])car (; 100111\" cu~ TliC' f'ou111y btult ;1 nire r1s11ing p1rr 1n Sourh L:ig11na . l>ut fi"h\.'~·n•en onlv ~('! p:i1·ti.1I hc'nl'fit bee:111::0 the cntui- tl' ll'On 't put. in live b.'li • Shnpc up («Jllnl_v ! Let's hl':lr il fo1· lire :in- t:ho 1'1t:s'. 1:1s11ER:O.L\.\J Gl1111mv Gvs comments ate submilled bv •eadet\ "nd llO not nece\S<l•ily refltcr !he V•tW~ Df '"" new•P~Per -Send YOUf po! peeve lo Gloomv Gv•. o~.iv Pllol. ,lf otorist's SYDNEY HARRI~ :-;p1.·;1 \111\( . .'IS [ \\'Cl:-the Olht·r d:i1. :1ho.1t 111.1· fooli ~h ga11k111g !Ila\ 1·e.~11 lt~·d 111 ;1 lr1111: l'lld l'Ollap'c uf rny c~1r 1111l'll J roll"rl into n true~ ahf'tul of rne. .\ 1111 1n1gh1 not lx1 su rpr!s('d to learn lhu t Jla· r1 ·p;1ir !'O$t 1ras $3!/!L \\'hn1 1rrilatcd n1r t'\'Cll 1nore thnn 1nv 01111 '>luulclity and the Clbsurrl fragility ol Ill\' 111J1111J~'1·~-·~r·!: ,0 11d l1u11d . \\,II· lt•;o(- 111!! :! !'1 · ;1• i' \ :1 I•''.\ rl:I\ ~ l;1I >' • I •'rl')I I :•p \ tl~LJl':1111 '• 11' I <I ill I' l•d 1111'!''>' ;H ~;!If''\. ,I l,11!111'!1' IJI 'I II .j lf"llll:.! ~'.l"l 'l l l ~\'1J11- ~•111•1 I 111 t "' 111~,11· .. n, ,. .:1tl 11-i ' lt1 P•1tr:T 1·1 · 1) \!I !1 1.ll ,;\>111" \ II ~ f".1tl 1.1h1· 11 1111 1111l1·-n11 ·h111ir 11111;ac1 1r!ll11 1ut 11111111 d;11~1:og1• tli1• ln~1it11lt• add .. d ll1a 1 ;ii ;111,1· ,;p1·t·d 111orE' th :1 n 1h:11 , thr a vl'r'1 ~l' n·p:11r '' hl'!\\"t·r·n $21WI n11<! S40o, !•11 '11 on s111:1ilt"r ;incl il'~~ C'\l•l'/1~11,t• n10<ll'l 1>. \\'111\T HEALi.\' l'.'HI 111t• ht11vrvcr. 1\:1" 01 ~cnlt'll('l' vo1111111·nt111i.: 011 ;1 trnur-to·r~·;1r 1r·sl. l\'hl·ri• in1I~· 1111t·, ;11·. 1!11· Opt:lJ.1;inr<1_ <1111ong fl\ r. t·:\ic:1p1·d rl:1111:1gc ~!rel~_ This. rc1n<irkcd Ila' lnslitnte <ieidly. "1s ::i record th:11 hn~ noL been pro1·1d1'1! by :iny 1nod1•I. (lru11i:st1t or i1nportc1l. tcs ttd by 11'> ro rl::llt'. (lcspile 1he fac1 thal 1t tias !or year~ been technolog1c.:illy easy to ;:icco111plL~h. ·• 'l'hilc J t .\pei.:t to be pcn~lizrd for 1n1· 1n(11l1l•111;1r1· tna11ention, I do not cx.1>P1·t th~1 t a· .«pctd of six or St.!\'l'Jl n1ilrs an hour 11111 coll<JpSl' 111y rllr'.,; rro111 C'nd like 1111 :J('f(lrdion ~at nn by nn angry hipp(J]XJl;111111s~:111d r~prri:illY sint:C' bl·Hrr prnlcc!inn "h~1s for yt:irs been technologicnlly e<isy to JL"ron1pl ish:· S0~·11-:B0 1l'' is obviously conning son1('- bodv here. Eilht'r the lnsurance rn~t itu!1· is \11histling through its false teeth. or the auto ni:_1n11l;u:1tirt•rs h:.lvc bl'l'll pnlttllng \\'llh f(1rk1•rt tongut'! about the excessive cos ts of n1nking a ea r safer on !he outside, Like 1110s1 nrd1nnry rnolorists. l an1 in nn ~Xls11inn tn knn11• \\'hat the fa1·t~ ar!.!. If this sli1tcrnent is unf;i lr lo !he auto nnikC'rs. they ou,ght to rtivert :it least a l1 !llt• of 1heir advertising bu(!gl't to refu te it v.1ith r fl ct s and fi guJ"e!'. The :ll'l'r<igl' Anii·rican feels he is being tnkt'n lrfl. :ind righ1, fronl the bi,g,gest r0rporation lo the .s1nal!rst aulri mechanir. 11 is his sense of 1n1s1n1s! and rl 1sg11s1 th:il engi'tld('r,..; popul1s1 n1oven1en1s f11~a1n frotn 1h1• ll'ft :incl from !h1' ri i.:h r) 1rhirh 1hr1';111•n lhe bsstio11 s of frt'e cnterpri.~r. !nr 111 or I' lhan an~ hi·avy h1111d of gn1crn1111·11! Capit11!i~1n ·~ t1'u(' epil;iph n1t1y lur n 1111! Iii h1·: '"\rr hr1111gh1. 1L 011 1111r1o.eht·~ ·• Let 11.~ hopf' nol Cflt& Forti Cut tl1e Pfllflce G11•1·d? The Royalized Presidency \\".\Sll!.\"(";l"l)i\ -1!011· l;ir ["·1·s1d1•111 Furd rl';ill_\ 111lt.'11rl, 10 rll'I PY:lll/.l' th1· prC'.'lrit'lll'_\' (k•prnds O!I hi~ l"C>H'I i(!ll hi :1 privatt· prupus;d lo slr1sll !lh· \\'11itt' House pal:ttt' gu;11'(l. b(!\]1 1n it" .,1rollt'n nurnbers and .~pt·i.·1:d prlvilegcS. Tile propos:il fro111 ;1 for1111.•r :\1xon nide. plus S('Vl'ral others. 1 ~ 111\\r und1·r scrutiny b:. !hl' Ford 11·an~i11un st;df, 11J;!;1ded b\' 1'tnh;iss<1dor I) o 11 a I ii B.urnsfeld . 1:ul11_•rl llarttnann. i\\r_ F1JJ'd" influenli;1I 1Dlll.!11n1e ;11de :ind 111·1.-t'<)llll· selor. h~1" re t: o 1-1- 111rndrd dr:1,cic •t;d : reduction~. 1\lr. Ford l(·nds l'l ;1g, 1·1~ / :\t'1ert h('l1·s'i, 1o.f:1-.1-\ l!l'l,fll :1111u11).! •, or·I 1 11.1r11s;111~ P• r·,·,;~ 11ht•lt11·1· 1111 , 1 •1 e~1 d1•11l •1i !I l:t• ;1 11 ,\' 111r1r(' re,t•l11tC thnn 01!1r rs .il c~r;u:1.Jlli:1ll rt"!11 t·!1011 ol l11s own staff \\h:1t 111:1\.;l'~ this ~IJ 1n1p0rl.t111 111 ~I I" F(ird 1, rh(· pt'rv;i~ivl' t·ontrihuti(l11 111 lilt' rn~·:ilitl'<I 11rl'~1d1·ni.:y t(I \\':1tt'l'C:llc :111d !ht· di.-.gi<;,,.,. of /l11::h;1rd ,\1 i\1\011 (;1·;111d K;:ip1Us F111'd IS µ j <1Insh11 t ' .\hd11~·slvr!l. b11t l'll'!I hi:. pr\•S1til'llt'.I 11ill reLa111 1111p~·•'i;JI (rup~u1gs 1f he keep -., :( huge \\'hilt' !lo11 ~i,: ~l:lff ;._olatcd fro1n 111'" t'1t11.t·11r~1 1111tl 111l·1 11 :1hly n111dl.' <1rr•Jg<int h~· lhv p~'1·qu1~1 (l'." ol off1cr TllE F't)H,1EH :'\1-.;011 aide n1:1 h111:_: 1ln.! pnlpO~<ils l1rl1 l'\i'S tl1:1I 111 n•1r1n;il 11111v;. <1111 l'rt·~1£h ·11t \\'ill <1l11a1~ lit> ~·\f)().,rd 10 thl' puhl1l' ll 1s. thl.'t1. on ly !II!' :-;t;ilt lli<il 1·;111 lr11!y f)(' 1~ul<•l1•d IHJlll 111c n·:d 11 11rld \\ht'!\ lhv ~t;dl 1 ~ 1'l••l)ha1111nr :111d d1J1111n:11rs !ht• ~·n t 1ro · !1•d1>1';il burt•:Jll('!':I( I :1s Ill 11!1· 1\JX(•ll 1+•;11-.,. th~ l'flrl'; 1·;111 ht· 1lt·:1\il.1 fhLtS. tile fo11ner ;11dl• ~ 1.1·11\J.iv d r·:1l lli 'tor ;1 ctr.i ~u1· n ·rl1u ·t1n11 111 lh1' pres1cl£'ntir1I ~t :itl ~ll) ((~1:11• (Hit11':11cd EVANS· NOVAK j 11·11h 1.~1 11l1cn ~Ir i\"i~on tuo ~ urfi!.'e Al 1hou~h rt'lllll'lion 1s b1 f:1r t h.~ 11111~1 1111p11r1<111! l'ltn11'11! 1n thl' pl:-111, 11\' propo~l'S lht'Sl' changl'S f11r th<·:.(' l'.hO t"l·n1;11n l.1n11t lhr 1111rn1cil working da,\' IH 12 !lours. Iii t' t1:11·s ;'t \l'tl'k. 'l'h:11 \1v11!d 1·11d 1t1t· i :1 111 -io p.111. 11ork d;i,1. :;1 \ d:11 ~ ;111(1 oflt'll s~·\·t'll da.1 s a 11t•1'h.. 111!1( h 111·1·1• ~!<lnd;1 rcl d11ring th t' '.\1-.;"n :1il!1Hll1 •tr:.11011 1\n.1h•l(!I 11 or1i.inr: lt·,s \\.t, .~11..:111a1 111·d ;1~ :1 }h1rker lll·n1 ·~-. 111 .. \1\"ll 111dt·\ hor111111 11 ;~·.; hn11n1h•d 111 11:• (11u1 11<il)::i 111 tns \\"h1!1~ ll••1l:o•' 1il1ll\' ·• Hl«ilL 1n1-: r1crv ;i1d· 1., ~t L "'11 1.J II ;1,t1111µl 11n :'.iud I !:ill I Ji t' I :.. \ ~ 11hc1hrr /!;1gersro'.\ll, ~ld . 11r Los 1\n~('I~~ -;n li':JS\ oil•'•' ll.'1'1 ~1\ 111011th~ l',11lurr tr. rnrnply 11 utdd rl'qu 11·r ;1 111·111cn C''\J)lan;1t1on. :L Sh;irplv rt·duce !ht' pl1y.-ic:1\ ~•'e of lhr \\'h ilt· llt1u~t· 1 l1t«~!> 1prl'::if'nl l~ Sf·;111ug :i21 .• ~t:itus s1 n)l.(11 uf f1r1•,it:c'1t1.d ;11dl'S 11·h~'fl" prestige t·o111rcns:1\l'' fnl' bl:.uid l'U1 sU1e -p1:'rh<1ps turn1n1: 1l into .1 bufff·r-~1.1: .• h1n•·h counter. That 11 011ld ''t\C•1ur:1 gf· ~•>t11•' :i1dP~. \1'hO never lt':11r 1:1\' \\'1111•' lh1ll~•·. 1<1 e.11 011t.o;1dr· ~\'\·1·r ii t 1111 ··~ :1 111•1·J... pl'rh:1p:-. •·1e11 on ("apll ;d lli:i 111•i1 11!1· 1 11 ·•1p1··~· 1r111 t·~"ni ,1t1,1·• I ('lf1"' rl(l\1!1 tll1' \\'h1I (' !J111t'" h;tt'l\1 ·1 sl1r p It th1·,1 · :;1 . c:111 '1 i:!'! qll :l1v 11 l1Uil' 11!\1 \ :1 11111111h 111 g11 g1'I !lri If' \l,1 >:1111 ilf..•• !'l•'r\l •otl\ 1·h,. Ill l)1l' \1p1 )d. ii llHI d.!11111 l1,1iJ ,,,1 1' IJ11' t11f1)]1'(' ,qi' t. ~Tlll{'TL\' 1!11111 Ille 11,e (l! l\h1l1• 111111~1 · 1 11\lOll~l!lCS tu ~('n1or :1 1d··~ -l·IT- h;ir" no nnrc 1h:111 l<'n -eon1p•'lli11g thr l'rt'~1dent".~ n1cn to 10111 their feil(1\1· An1('ril':1 ns hl·h1nd lhl' •1herl f1 ght1n;.! rush·hour t·:1ffie. 111c dero ali1.1ng spirit is eongcni:1I t1l at lt•ast Jilt' u11•n1h1·r of l\lr, 1:ord 's four-rnan 1r<11;;11 1on Jr·:un. 11ho i~ •n:ikir11~ ;1 1)(l1n1 of l1aling his 1•1\'11 c;dls fro1i1 1h(" \\"hire hiUSt" . I! IS ii hun1bl1111.; l''\!Jl'flPlll'e h<il 1 1'1'\'0!111\l~·l)rl (1) thl' J 1 1"t':oild1•11t '~ :-.!iff_'· ht• !1ild II ' \IC•l"t'Olt'f, il /'l'dLJl't•d ~1:1ff ;.J1 Ilic Ford \\h1t1· Jl11u.~r t11s h11th the n \.' 11· I 'r('~l!l••nt 's 11]~1 nt t"t'~tonng pol1t·~ ;~11d 11p!'f;111011.~ !•'t ·::i b1net-ltvel d•·p:;rtnieni -, ;111d d1'1 ·1 nph.1~:1Jnl( 111s 111111 sta Jf. It ,i),11 IH!llpOr!S ~1th l11s 1111!1 llJ"lll lrll';•s or :1 di·t·o~ .il1 z~ presidenc.1 Il l T Sl\J·:l'T("IS\I ~h'1t1,; 11ot 011lv f111oi1 l'n'' t•d•'lll 11f p:L~\ l'n ·,1d1·nt ~ b1;t \!1 l·.,1d s 1••11 l't'1·11rd \\'hrn ht· \t111·•·•·1l1'1I :-,;1111 'I \~111·11· .1:-. \'1,.t· l'1·1·~1<lt<11I 11,, k1·J I ll~' -..t;i{( <Jt ;1 Sll'llll1.11 l•il Tl1tT1· 1 ~ !ur11l .•111u11 ,on11'th111g allnut tli•· \\Jiiii' ll••ii-'' :Jll1lt1Spl11'fl' !h;1t 1·1H·n11r:1gt'S ro~:1l 1111 1J1 1Ll ll,1r1n1ann. ;1 t(1t1L!h old 1·\ 11\"lip:iprrin:tn 111Lh01l! t1. 11s1hl1' r".' :d1~1 1~1,. 1n his b11dy. l1l•ld ~1 11·r.1 lu1\' 11p11f111 ol lht• ti! le uf · i"l·l lth1'ln1. :1 1JPlL'llt111us :ind faintly I0:11r11p1·:11111•·d 1·:1t11t'I 1·;111k cn·;it('d by l'r•''ld\"111 \1-.;o111 r\'I. 11h<-n .\l r. Ford q1111'f..h ri .11111 d l11r \1·r Ht·p. ,)11hn ,\lar . .;h 111 \ 1n!1l11:1 t n ~ 11r~ l' :i h 1 n « t .1t'1 <' ! 1 •.,111 1,,d,,r 1n .. 1tl1'l'1o. ';i1· 111'11 l lflr!!ll:lll!I 111111 ld .I\ I• 111 1111 ~:-.~ r1ir h11nscH ;1n{! 11.11 ho;i-.t, 1111· !!tc ·c.o u11selur !l.1rt111.;nn Ti1:1t 11.1\ 111 .. r··ll :tn 1·:1rly ~k 1nn1«h , 1 •11d1n~ 1n ;i 1n111.1r \("lnr,1 for ri1y~1l1s :11 . ·1 h1• 111.i1·1· 1111·,1t11IH:IJ lt•:-.t ti. !'r('~1.!1'll! 1·11111 ~ 11·:n 111111 111 1111 . .; l:111dablr .111d r•\•·ld!J•' 11r"pq-:td 1'1 01 th\' p:ilare ~u~1 1d !11111 11 IO ~I/!' l !C Reg·enls ' 1 rritcitirig· El·o1io1u.ics 1\l!ho11gh tliC' f\l'.gen!<> ::ind to 1' n1:\11:tgC'nll't1t vt t!Je l ·nivcrsity Cir C:1Iil'onii;1 hnvc t:l!lllpk1in{'d bi!tt'rly frn1 11 !i1n1· to time of the failures or Governor H1111:ild Bf'agan and FinanC(' Dire ctor \'!•rne Orr to rcr.ognizr !ht• financial nt•ed.~ fl f lht' un1versi1.v, 1hey h<1vc con~ist('nlly acted 1n a n1anne r not likely 10 \\'in public sy n1pathy ror their con1plaints. As a for instance. al 1heir last n1ee1in~ !he Hcgcnts vol(·d a 7.5 percent s::ilary inl'reasc for Presidl'nl Ch<.11"1es ,J. ll ilch air hough the salary increase for uni1'ersity Pmp\o~·cs Vol ed hy the lrgislat11re. \\'ith tht• governor's <1pprov:i!, \r<is only 5.4 percent. l! is one. thing to give an assistant professor c::irning $12.000 a year a 5 . .f prrcenl rais~ to artjust for cost of living. That is only nbout. fi ve b11cks a \\'eek ;.iftcr deduciions. Bat. for Hitch. whose $55.000 annual salary 'v:is already $6.000 11101"(' than !hat p;1 irt the gov''rnor. ii n1cans elnsc to a $100 a \vcck 1\·hich is n1orc th;1n m:iny, paying the laxes to provide the salary, c:irn. ANI) TJ10S1': f;1111iliar \Vith govrrnmcnl 1\110111 tha t the inequity doesn·t stop with Hitch. Having raised his s;llary it c:u1 bt• expected tha1 sirn ilar r:iiscs, in cxcrss ()f lhost? gr.1nh.'d the rank ;ind fll r profpssor.~ 11"hri do th1• pri1nary job in t·d11calion . 1vill h1' accorded thC' rest of the un1v('rs1ty top hr;1ss. Thesr !hings tni~ht not In' so 11111<'!1 of ;1n irrtt<int to !he µubhc tr r\rryonL•'s ~al.11:ics 1\'t'rc keC'pini;: p:H'f' 111i!h lnrlat1011 :111d H 1t11•rc 1\·:is full r111plnyn1Pn1 . I! ~C"l'rllS ('\'Cryonc is fl\\'arc thut lhis is nul 1hc (·jse excc f>ling !hose at 11lc ( EARL WATERS J t11ghest l1•r1•ls 1n the cducalio11al systen1 . llitch and tile Hegcnts constaptly ple ad lhe tlt'.l'd !or inore 1as dollars lo run !ht• uni1·ersily. And rach year 1he h'~isl:iturc ::ipproprialt.•s inc r c a s i 11 g <ll110U111S or tax dollars dcspilC the tlt'cli11ing l'nroll1ncn1s. • l\Nll. ir nla~1 11•ell br 1haf the siudcnt :- <lrl• gett ing shorted in ~0111c <1re:.is ut 1·duration:1I 11('Cds. SliJ!. \vhen thl' univ(>rsitv h:i~. in ;iddit1011 to the half billion i<1x dollars ar.nu;iJly apprn1>rin tcd b~· thr. lcgisl:itur•'. ft111ds fronl cndo1v tnents, granls 1111d ulhcr sourcrs nearly equal to that given bv 1hc state. thf'ir necdli bccornc a liitle difricul! to underst and. A11d lht•y go beyond undcrst;inding 1\'hcn thf' Hr.gents no1 onl y pass out• Sl'l l.'.11·v r~~ises to a pr'ivilrgcrt fc1v, in e~ecs"s of tho se given to all 01 her en11>loyeli. but <li ver!.· endo1\·n1ent funds to belitow huce frinue benefit~ upon th<il C'ho~en frw after 1hc legislature had dc11ied thc111 Fo1· i1 11•as ;l[ 1h:ll ~:1111r mcr!ing: th:11 1he Re~t·nts voted to use rndo\\•rnrnl tunds 10 furnish !!itch and I h l' rh;111C'eltors free housing. scrv:1nts <1nd t·1\ll•rtainn1rnt funds 1vhieh hnd b('t'n sl.'lsht·d frorn thr budget hy thv ll'j:JtShllUl"t'. TllE •tlEST ION r11isrd hv this artirin is 11•hat are the students to · bl'.' deprivrd of by t/11!; diversion of cndown1cnt n1onC'y? And. 1f it 11·;i1 not being ustd. 11hv cou!dn"t ii have hl'en ea rmarked tor sorne of lhl' thin gs which the Rcgl'nts and Hitch arc rcpf1senting to . lhe. i;u\ernor and lhc h·gllaturc ran'! llt'. done for the stur!f'nt~ because of ;i la('\.; or funds"! The only ronclu s1011 lo be dra\\'11 is that as far ns Hitch :11d l hc Re~ruts arc concerned 1he 1Clp t fficinls are not ~o be d~,pril'cd anythir~ even though 11 means the educati ori.11 needs of 1he st1 1r!~·11ts 1n11st he sacrificed. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. \Vfed, Publisher T/10111ns Kee1Jil, Editor Barbara Kreibir.li .~diloriaL. Pa{le Ed itor Thi! fditnrial .pa~<" of tlJr'-Daily T'1lot ~ck.~ to infurm and 11!.imulal1! 1~ad<'l"'S by prrl'.t"nling cm this page <liverse 0<'.'0mrnC'nt11.f")' on topiN; of in- tert'st by ~ndicalrrl <'Olun1 ni1ts •nd cartoonists , by pr,1vidin1t a fonim for re11drrs" views 1tn<l by preSC'flting lh1N ne1vspaper'~ opinion.!' and idea." on curn-n! topics. Thr Nlitorill.I opinhins of th<:' Daily T'lln! af>r".)11r only in lhe editorial ro)uinn at !he lop of the pagr. Opininns C'.~prcss1'd by the ro!. umnists 11nd rarloonls1!! 111KI lefter writer$ are their ov.•n and no "ndor.<l'- 1nrnt ol ttit'\r \'ir.,.;11" hy !he O;i.ily Pilot shouid ~ inlerrttl. \Vednesday, August 21, 1~974 I Huntington Beaeh Fountain Valley , VOL. 67, NO. 233, 5 SECTIONS, 70 PAGES ORAN GE COUNTY, CALIFORN IA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21 , 1974 Tocla,··s l •'iual •• TEN CENTS Flood Fears Voiced at Prado Dain Hearing U~ KATI!\' CLA.~t·,· 01 Int oa.1, Pllor ~"rt 1n:qur e:1rtll11t1<1kt•, s1•tHli11g u1n... of dc1·astn1ini.: f!11('1d ll'<ilcrs !hruugh(Jut l)r:1ngl' Luu111.1" If s11. 11hy 111.1k\' !hl' da111 l:irgl'r ;u1tl btuld anoth1 'r al :'lll'nto11«, n1·:1rly :1tup 1!1•· S:111 A11dr1·11s f;iul1'' Thv:-r 111·n· t!i1· q1u•stions 1110 ('hinn n"•idi•n!~ :111([ :i Fullt'rlun gt·ologist ;1-.kl'd lhr 1\nn\' Coq)s ut l·'.ng111<'Cf'> TtK·.;d:I\ r11~1lt 0 11t ;ut Ot:in ge ('011111 ,\' !1r<11'1ug 111!0 altcrnatt' Jl•M"lfl pn•1·cnl1<111 plans ;1long 1l1<' Sant:t i\u;1 J1111•r Corps spok1•s1nl'll !.;: 111 lh1·y 11·t·re !'l1udy1ng t!l'(· da111's s.:1ft't~· a11d h:11·1· 11·nys of Uuilding 111 ad1led s1r1'n::1h \1'IH'tl :1 proj1·ct g\•!s into dt ·t:iilt•d 1·11g111t't'nng st ages later A spokcs1n:1n for llit• f)r;111g1' ('011111 .1 \Vatf'r [)1s!l'i1·1, Jo.1'1·1· Truh\·. \\01uh1ri·d :11Yiu1 CllSUl'lllg s:1h·1y nf 1111· diSll"I!'\' ll'alcr ('Onser,·ation IJ;1 si 11 s al1111;.( 1hv 1 !\l'r !'h:1n11c·I f) OllVIC ,. Dally l'llol Sl1ff Pl'IOto 'NO HARD FEELINGS' Ex-Chamber Manager Jame~ Yt ille\' C/u11nber • 1lltllHI ,,.,,,. ~ Turn ... I 11 /~(', .. ; 11/l(lfiOll /"" fl11i11J11 .l.1n;,., 11h1l 111ok hin1<:1 •1f 0111 o! rr!1r•·111t·nt t1\r1 1no111hs a~o 111 bt.·con1~ !ht• first 1na11:1 ~1·1' pf th·· Fuunt.11~1 ralll'I' (·!i;unf:11.·r nf l !l!llllH't"l't'. 1111 fl1 •d 111 hi:. n·s1g11;1\111n T11t ·,(!,1~ "\\"1· 1'.i1111· 1\1 .i 01\11u:d :11.;r.·;·111r1H tlr<i! lh1' 1·h:1lllll1'1' 11 ;1s llUI adl.tlH'lllC: ;1~ r;1p1rll ,1 ·1' 111 • l1:1d hop1.>1I. · :-.a1J i'l1:11nl>t-r l'11· .. 1d•·111 l.'n,d ltoli1•r,un. lltlllllf.: 1\1•' l"!''l).\llolll<lil I~ \'!it'l'l!I!' ll ll1HL'd I· 1 I t·I I .j,11110·~. /11 .1~:11•1d . ~:11111:.! 1ht•r(' II! I!' no hard fi'r i1n~" 1J11 i'ilhf'r !-.l;i(>. '] h:1\t' ;1 •\•t1pi1• <1f lt't"V 111\l'!'!',(lfl ~ t)IJP•fl11U111!t·s 1 .illl !'<lll~lill'Jl111! .. h•' ;1\!df'1L '"HLCt d1d11 't \1,1111 l(l p;1~:-: lip 11 11.1.' a n111111:illy agr1•1•:1h!I' s1111ar1on .. H'>IJcl'SOl1 SJ id h1• h1•1ir1 L'd ,J\llllt'S hild ntodc a <'Clntr1bullun r1uring his 1\\0 1nonths. helping tno1 c lo nc1\' offiC'rs <1t 179-IO i\lagnolin St.. and ilnproving overall adtnlnistra1 ion. .. Dul \\'C fl•ll there should have been more direction t:lkl'll 111 pro1no1 ional and scr\·\ce areas," Roberson explained. "This is where 01\•ight und the chamber board agreed that 1>erhaps he V.'il5ll1l gcan·d in 1hal area." Roberson said the recef¥1Y hired cha1nher secrcf:iry1 l'nn1cl11 'Jlhn1nas, v.'ill operate the offic;,l' 1.1.util a 11c~: man,agcr is hir~. "hopcfllil~' 1111 soon .1s"Pfl:ssib1e." lli ring of ;1 chan1bcr t!ir1x-!or \\·;15 made pCl~sihlc by a $30.!i;)() i11C'rcase lr'l tunding for u yc;:1 r fro1n lhr city council. ADVH RTISE R.S SET A Pl t01' HECOJ?.D Orange Const classified advcrliscrs Inst \\'eek helped lh" Daily Pilot scl a llCI\' ~rd. During lhc sc\•en-dny r;criod ended Sundny, there ..-·ere 9,271 classified ads 111n in our fl'IRes . That is more than at nny other tin1p in 1hc tristory of the Onily P'llot. \\'f' usuu lly rescrvr this space to tell of the Slll'l't'SS inrli,·idun! udverti:C'rs e:ii:- Pt'r1~'nrr nf'trr thl'y'l'e li!'ti•c: their r.Hr!I, r11nlit11rt• or o1ht·r ~11lnbles in our t'OI· llll111~. 1'0t"lnv 11r"JI hrt"'flk \\·tth 1r:idition lln<I ":lY 10 . 9.271 ;utl'l'rl 1~ers : ... ,•,11111k1:: for lr111ug ll!'i put a f~1\ \l.l)rrll! to 11ork fo1· ,\'011 .. ' . -Onlly l'llol Clasi11ficd A tl.~ ". • I Will Rii11' \\'ASlll:--.:r.To~ IAI'• -Prf'!<idrnl F(jrd ,1 .. c·l:1r••d through ii ;;,pol,1·~111nn t1Kl<11 thil! ht' "proh;1bh 11111 r11n' for lht· n;itinn's highr<;t nffil'r 111 19/ti l'ubl1•l.1 t'h:t ng1ng lus 110~il1!ll1\:l1!.t'.'­ aft<'r .issun11nJ..: thr prrs1dt•nl''" ford rrlayed 1L·nrd of his 11r1r f;!:Jn('t· !hrou~h \\'hite House Prrss Scert·tnry J1•r:ild F trrllnrsl ([\elated story P::u:t' \.: 1 TPrll1ors1 said ''thl'rl' is no pn·1·1~r ADDITIONAL STORIES ON ROCK!,ELLER -Page A4 a~rrernf'nt" Ofl 1l'h,.1hrr \'1·!s11n r\ Hockcfrller, non1inntr·d h~· l·'ord Tu1•<:dn.1· to hr 1·1rt' pres1dl'n!, \I 111 bt• 1111 111" l!li6 tit'kt·t. Rut terllorst said th1 .. shf1uld 001 !).-. t;i k,·n ;is an i11di1·.i11nn 1h;11 Ford p!ann<·d !n 1h1mp n nfk1'ft'llrr should hl' .~('1•k f'lt't\1on to :t full four·l'f'ar !vnn !1(1(0k1.f1•llrr ~;11d ·Tltt"•d:n Iha! h" lwlil'I 1•rl ~-ord hnd ,~, t •r~ inh·n1Lon of runnin~ in J(l/1;, ;11lhnu~h unld 111<i.1\ nu• \\'hile llc1u.;t• had g11·pn n11 s1~11 lh.1 1 Ford 11;'1~ b;icJ.;inJ:! <lo\1 n from his rarlif'r 1"011· not tn run f11r 11111 prt''ulrnt·t· Ford rnndt' rhat "'l<itt·n11·nr 1lurin1; hr" 1·11•1· prt's1rlrnt1al ront1rn1;111on hrar1n~ II "did not s1'1'Jll ;1ppr1•prin1r" !or a 111:111 bt•ul~ con<:1dr·t r(! for t U'•' pn ,u:t•n! l(l 1:1lk 111 1 u11n11H! fur !lit pr··~1rl1·11t·1· 11·rllor,1 >;.11d ·;.;n11 II\" 1~1~1'1011 h:1~ i·htingl'rl Tl11·ri·fnrf' hi s 111·11 t1a~ ch:in~t·d " 1't•rllnrsl·~ ('On11111·111s 1·;11111· 111 rf'"fl<11l•l' In q11i>~l111n-. ;11 ;1 nl'\I, ill'l!'hllL: 11·h··n ;ii;k1•d ;1ho111 Ii (1 1' k ,, fr• I I 1• r ~ !'1:11,.1nt'nl th.it J1l· 1J1011gl1r 1-'1,nl 11011hl run 111 l!(li. 'f1•rllt1l''>l s;11<l he rliSl"U•Sl·rl !ht• !:''II" 111ih Ford Tut•"<la~· n1;;ht and ai::.uu llu~ l\11)1'111ll;.;. ":\s you knn11-. in ' !hl' past Pr{'sid1'11t l'ord hrl<I !ht• opinion he 11nuld not run." tf'r llorst !'air!. "lit' is now of lhc opinion hf' probably 11111 run 111 1970 assu1ning of c:ourse he is norninatcd by delegates at the llcpublir;m nntional ronvl'nlion.·· Responding to olhcr q u es l ions . lerHorst said he "derinirrly \\·ants to kl'ep the 11·ord 'probably' in" his slatc111rn1. Bu i. barring unforeseen devclop1ncnls. the (;Or non1i narion in 1976 is Font's \"irtually for ·!hf' asltirJi1 ,, Valley 1\pjJrovcs $28,500 Paet For Bike 1'rails Plans for fi J n1iles of bic\'cle tr,1ils in Fountain \'alll'y \\'Crc gi1·e;1 the finnl go-ahead Tuesday night when the ('H\' Council approved an agrecn1enl \\1!h the county lo fintince the $28,500 proitc1. Under lhe agree1ncnt the county 11111 PRY half thr cost of bu ildinR bikr\1·:iys Along Sl:iler Avenue And Bush:ird :ind Eut lid Strrf'1~. n!' callrd for in !lit· county's n1astrr p\l'\n for hike trnils. Thi.' city 11•llt provide $3.2.'lO. \vi1l1 !hi' n•n111inder finanr·ed b,v lhe slalt' Ci!y of flci:ils !>nid the co1111~\· :lt.tl'•'I' I infonnally 1hi.~ spring lo suppl_1· 11 1'' funds Tift' ('nunt.v 1~ t'XJlf'C!('(I to ~11·(· fln :il apprnv\ll soon. bid.~ \\'lll IK· ~1u;.1ht 111 Sc1llen1bcr. urid the proj('('t ,.;ho11lft !1t• c•11~1p!etl'l'I <ihour ~~<lays Inter \\'1!11· the di.strict slaff suppun.~ alter11a1.,, "I-'." a 5500 1nill1nn projt'CI. slit"' s:u<l. tht•y at.so 11 :1111 to be -'>Uft' n·h·:1.-,1• vf dam1ned 11a!rr 11·ouldn'1 1i'iip;1rdi11• 11at('r stnrrd in clis!rict's i.prl';1ding h.'!sins ;dong-thC' ri\·f'r rh.annC'l. Ahout !2;j persons atlcndf'd \hf' hl•arinq in Anal11·11n. 1h1• onl~· one schrcll11cd for Orangt> ('oun1y. Col John Fol~·;• of the Corp.~ of Engin1•rrs dt•seribl'd !hP resul1 s of ;1 11inf'·:V"\':ir fensibility suidy of flood • 1·ontrul alun~ lht• L.:1!.1n. th1·11 vu!1111•·ll nuH· a1lt·rnate '111et!tod<. rr111g111g rnHll "cl!Jtng nothing" 111 an ~/l.)tl 1nilh1111 gr1'l't1b•.'IL plan \\hit'h 11ould \lll'L' nu! 7.-IUO J101ncs lhiil n11ght L>c 111 a flor,.,J~ p:1rh . Or;111gP C'uun1y SUJX'l'\'l:-;1)1• /i;dpli llil'dnch ~:11d <·ounty supt•r1·i sor;-; ~uppnrl pl;111 ··F," 11hich irnol1·L·~ r:11.~111).:! Ill•· hv1;:ht ol l'rndo [1a1n :ind li11ildi11g it 111·11• tl;1111 ;it :'llen1one. Jll';1r H1·d l1111d s. ns 11\'!1 <ii. 1n1pro\'ing r11·1·r 1:hni11H•ls ,\h1J111 ,,-,1; 1111111110 h11 111• I''',, , ••t•• t'ulllt' lrn111 l1friLI 11111 \ ,\ ~p11k1·..,t11:111 !111· ' 111 .... I I 'lit F \\h1·t11u11" !~ 1,1r1l•11 t ,~,,,,-..,,n •I ht' l\{U!ld 1•'1••1 1l!~ll·11d 111.1' ti. a!r,;,1 ~up1~11 1 11!.111 llw s;1l(I •·arl11 ·r 1111 p\:1" :•1 • .i rno.~I l1k1•h r .. ,1111 p11lil1<· lli•i ,., · !!11! \\' [.' I f~11 111\· '11 1) Li iii II f'1 •dt'l'!'t'!l 1d I 11111 .. 11'1!' 0 1Hilvd 1:11 ' 111.111 .~ayi ng lht•\ 1''·11' ill• 11,! II I """I ' ill 11'.-· lfl (Ill 1'.11"1hq11.1\,. I 1 I! • ,ol, ,1, t" 1 ·1·111~·d I! \I "1•1 ! l·ull1tl••l1 L:•••il•1111~I \11\.,~t· l1rt11 ,, r.1:• II .,ii \I• II<. 11"·11 l'1,1<l11 :~tLtl )\\ t:11:111\ f:Pdt ll \il'I •\!' ! 1l ·1;1 'I l\11"!1 ,1..,l.•·1! 111.11 11 1t• t•nq1<: 1 ii • 11111' ·ll1ill .ill ~;111·1~ 1,,, IHI'• lh·· 11 .. ,,.1 , 01nln•I 11\•"1'111,'" ;11r d· 11•·d 1 .. 1''"11 '1·•'1 ti .. · 1'0111\1,1 ill th·· 0''.L·lll 111 ;1 I ii """ Ii\ ~1111-.\0 ',ll" fl<11~1 , \\'hll•h ·1i. t 1 q·p~ 1·'"111 11.1!t•<: 1111uid 1l1,lqt·;1t•1 1lll\' 1.i1!1 1 .. 11 1·,.·.1il•·l'T~ .uul 1'i1ll"'' '~ h11\1011 . <II" ii Ill I l.1 II !.tL'I" 1es; ree • • . .. ~.f ,. -. • UNIDENTIFIED POLICE OFFICER TAKES LOS ANGELES BOMBING SUSPECT ILEFTI INTO CUSTODY Muharem Kurbegovic, a Yugoslav Na tiona l, 'Prime Suspe ct ' in LA Airport Blast Killing Three LA Bombing Suspect Held /.Jo /i ce . .4.rrest ,lla11 Pla11ti11µ; Ta[><' al Re.~la11r11111. r.11s ,\.\'(;[·:! ,~:s 1;\ J' 1 -:\ Yu~o:-.1:11 1<111 111l1n1i::1·:1111 111th a fl'!'O rtl of Si''\ offL'l1 S1·~ h:1, b1 •1 111 ;1rrf'stt~d f11r 111\·1·sug::i1ir1n pt n111rd1·r . ~u1d pu!ic·1· s:i1d ht• \1:1~ 1111· · :tlph;1bct ))01nhr·1 " 11l1n ~1llPd lhrt'•' pt'l'"flllS Hui 1111• 111;1n ·~ J<1h <:Upt'r11...r•r ~.ud tOfl;'lV th:il ~luh:11·1·n1 l\nrll•'J.:fl\ ic-::1. 1·11t1lil llf't lli' 1h!' 1:1lk;1tl\l' hiornht'r bt'CflU~(' l\urbf'gO\'lt: IS ,, ll\U!f'. ;1\rho11gh hrs l11ndl:id~' s:nd hi• could SJlt·;ik A police spokrsn1an said Kur\)('~(l\ i<' refused lo :ins1\·er questions and said "he puts ,, block bc111·ccn himself <ind the outside 11·orld" and secn1s In go inlo tranct's . Police and F'BI of(irials ~ :i id Kurbcgovic 11·as taken into cus!ody Tuesday night after he planted :i tnpe recording in a trash can in .'l rest roon1 at a Holl~11·ood take-out rcstauran!. 'fhcy said Kurbegovlc \1·a!{ the m<1n 11ho 1dt•n1!fl1'd h1111-.1 ·1f in !t'lt'ph11111• c;11\~ .11Hi 1:1pe lt•t'Ol"fi111g,~ :1S ··J saa\' Ha~!lll ." 1111111.11·.1 1 .. :u!,•r ,., ;in ur;;ar11za1io11 ht• 1·:ill1 •d ,\li•'tl' 111 A111!'r11·:1 Ill· 11,,, <:1llvd thi• ;111,ll;i!,,·t h .. 111\u ·r ;1ft1·r 1hrl';il(1n111g 10 "P11ll 0111 lhl' group<:. n.11111· ·1n hlo(ld .. unlt•f;:; 1111111i:,;r:111011 :in<l s1·~ 1;111~ \\1'1"" ri •p\•<tli•<I \'nlif'f' ~:iid th1•\' 1·nnf1sl';,11·d f'.'\plos1\'1 '' ;it Kurb1'g01it '~ ap:irtmt·ul aftf'r hi..; arn•st. The lc1t·:1l l·'BI l'lut·f s:iid th1· rn:111 :ipparrnll\ 11as ;'lCtinJ.! a\on1' S1rphrn ~tn11h. K 11 r b r go \. i <· · !' supervisor ;_it HI'\! lndus1r1t•s \\·hrri· he \\'Orked until the 1nan lost his 10b as part of ;:i gc>nrrat la\off Frirl:i:-. .s..11d Kurbt:'go\'ic never :.p11ke <l 11i'lrd during the 1\l'O yc<1rs he 1\·orkcd 1l11"rc a~ a design engineer. "lie cornn1unica1cd onlr hy not es," S1111th said. Ccirport B lcize Dest1·o ys 5 Autos ~n H u1itirig·to11 • A carport fire. po~sibly ignited on purpose, destroyed fi,·e automobiles Tuesday nigh! in the I~ u n t i n g Ion Conlincntals neighborhood. 60 l~c rson s Evacualcd S1\N B~:RXARDI NO 1 AP l -Sheriff's cf,·putie~ evacuated ahout li!l persons frnn1 n1nuntain hotnes TuC'!idu1· 1\'hilf' ((111-tru1 'k nper11tor~ st rug~lcd lo ri~l1t a capsi1cd trurk !oaded 1ri1 h fl;unrnnhlr p1·op11n1· Offk·er~ SHi<I the 1uu1t·c·upird 1.200-gnllt)Tl tatlker truf'k r0Jh·1I du1\'ll ;r dri\•p11·:iy in Cree:.! f.'orcst 11or 1h of hrn.', j't'O~!'ed a road nnrl ~lid :1bo ut 1~1 f~('t down n eanyon slop<' bt•forc toppling onto lta skle. llun1in~1011 TIC':ich fin.'lllC'll s~id nan1cs burned hnH tir th<' <'arpor1 hehind a !O\\'ll houst· a1 !lll.i2 1\r.c.ylf' llnrr. TI1r h<.1ne itsel f suffrn·d n1inor rl;im;1gc_ frvn1 the heat and ~n1ok1• The fire cruptt<I rllher 1ns1d,• or nrxl to a 1973 l'l1111011rn n11r1l'rl hy ,\Ir~. Joan l falrer~. 1111<1 11\C~ :ii !hr Arg~le Urive ilddress ht\l'~tigatur<. ~illi 'd 1hrnu1:h 1ht• tnrport today <Ind Mri• 1 ·on.~1d1'n11i.: th11 pns..;1hilit,v of arson, ;u·l'urrli11t.t 1 .. 1'.1p1 llog1•r l\1J!'!llCI". dt'll11TI l,11• 111:1r,)l:1 I ll11s1nt'r s:ltd •lw 1111· 11:1~ d1sl'1111'fl'<I h.v a nf.'ighh1i 1-.il•i111 111 ·.lu p 111 :ind fir1•n1"n "'~rt' .i11:1· 111 1'<11l1 rnl 11 1111h111 10 ''llll hleS of ll\1•11111111 ;11 Thc1'C' \1 Crt' 11" 1to11.i 11. 1.11• 1h•' f1 11• (':If s pnrkt•d 111 !In• 1 ;i rpnil Wt!'rt 1ll!SlrOycd, Hoc:.n1r:r ~:"lid ., I!•• ~:11d l\ur!J~'gi!\lt' 11u1 11•n":-:~ 11.1, (·vr11fl\'fl b\' a C'lil'l'~ \1l1t•11 h1• 11:1:-; h1rvd B11t tht· ·1nndl:1d\' 11ho n'nli·d hi11\ :111 ~fC1 ;q1;1ft1111•nt \l:;n·h I I 111 1 1n (,1 •il1 o.•I. (•l;lin1•·1l 1h.i t l\11rh1•gn1 It' ~;11d '·1 !'111111! t ;1JI )11n1 \1\J 1or !>l1nr1 llt• ll'nuld --;1~ ~'"ld 111urn1111-: 10 tnP llt· <l1·r1111t>'l.1 !-.p .. h.•· b111 ht• d1t1n ·1 spl'ak t1J p1'nplt· 1nt1t'l1 l'olt('t' Crndr l'f'l('I' IL1.~~1n 11·outd not s ;1.v 11hf'1hC'r Kurt)(':.;0111· c·nu!d :-.pt•;1k hut s111d 111'\!cad. "lit' ha~ gone inhl trant:t·s frun1 lin;e to tlllll' !11• put~ <t block het11·c>1~n hi1nsclf and !hl' uutsirlf' "orld. li e h.1s rl'fust'd ro ;111~111·r' our quc~tion:;. "\\'e heliC\C this is lhC' SUS\)('('!. i!llcl \1·c'rc not going to l'elcase hiin." llag<in S.'lill. \\"illln111 A. Sullh-an. local FBI chic!. s;iid TuPsday niaht tha t Kurbcgo11c 11:1~ ::tppurcntly acting alone 11nd ";11 1lii~ ti111c it would be n'lY opinion th:11 thC'I'<' is 111) such group us the i\hl'rls of ,\n1l'ric<1.·· J'olict• !':1id l\urhl'i;{O\'il' 11·as t111;11·111rd ;1n<I offered no r1·sist;1 11cc \\ht·11 ht.' 11,1~ •11Tt•s!l·1I. Bul rt'.~!1111r;1n! p:itrun<:. s:1id thc1· ht'<1r1J a sculflt• insalr !ht• rl'-.11u11111 hl'fOn· the n1u11 11.1s brn11gll! our 111 h11nclt!1tfs. s,~ailo\\·cd J)opc· l\ills S111111YO'lcr !""I"' 1.1.\11\. i'C'rll ll'l'l 1 -Thi' dt>:ith ul a Tcxnn nr\lr .Jorge l'h;111'1. ln!('n1.ition.1I Airport O<'<'urrcd b<-t·au't' a pl.i!'tif' b:ig of cocaine bur!.t ins11le tu~ dig~'<:.!L\"l' :-:is· l<'m. poli ce said. Curti1:: :'.lt·l1 111 ('arrH'.•. "'1i 01 .\u:-11<1. Tex .. ~\\c1!lo111•d 111 ~111 :1 11 p';i:-t1c h:t l ' ronta1ning 11b(1\ll 12 ol111t•"; o)! !'~'"1 '1\•' intrnrling ro srnui:i.:lt· 1h1 • 1·04 ·;1 1111· frtHll Holl\ i:i ltl lhl' l 111ted :-l1.it 1·~ i od(C(' ~.11d ~ U!'llt'!:' ~101!1lll'h ;11·1f\~ d1.;~11h<«I lh1• pl.1stic on 1ht• fl lgh1 ft'fln1 I.a l'a1 nnl111·1, 10 Lln1:1, poltl't' ~:11d . ;uut th, !11 •;·11 d"~1· nf dn1J.(<.: ~1•nt h1111 11110 1•111t11il .;1ul\S :1hoar<I th" Jr! :i1\\,J in 1ht' l,1111:-i ;11rp11r1 Ill' <hcd rn ro11!1' to ,1 h(li:pit :1I ' 'f ex~ts Jail Sto1·111ecl • \,\! \Bl!.IJl Tf'~. ! \I'• -\ rorn1rr p111!('1•1ll<>ll 1ll!"!h'd (T111Hl\Oil (l i1·d Ill ;1 ln1r~t nf µ11nfir(' t0<la1 rtuling .1 .1fi-hnur ~1.11uluff h\' fi\"•• 11n11:1!I'" h"ld111 ;• .1 hn~t:n:~· 111 lh" p11I :Hnp !ht· l'ut1t·r 1'011ntY t 'nurthu11't'. ;i shl'riff'~ otf1Cl' spokt .. ,n1;i11 ..... d T!11· ·poh1•<;rn;111 Sh• I df s (",q1I .\r! !· 1 .. ld.!1. 1t11·ntilicd !ht~ d<';'ld n1a11 ;ts Dar1·n1 li•·d · \h·ha!'g. '.!!!. lt·:idrr of tht' l1111t1t.•s \'. l1u tonk 01 t•r the jail JUS\ bt·(•1re \ \'.1>111:111 inn1;1\1• of tl1t• Jilli 11 ~lS I 1!...1 •11 uur 11n ~1 ~1re1chcr ;\I Pllt' tinn·. 1[ 11;1<: lit•l1r1·t•d sh•' 1r11s 1'\ll>h:irg's gi rlf1·1en(/. Berbttr;i 1"hic-1. 40, ot1e of lhl' inn1:111•s ir11oh·11d. but ;nt!hon11 t"' l;i11·r ~;11d 1t w;1~ nor ,\11" Thu·! OJtH'el'~ ~.'lid !th·~ pl:1c1•{I t \plos11c<; 1•11 ;1 d1•or of tJ11· 1;t1I on 1Ji1· ,;r1 t'nlh i i(ll•r ol lhl' l'Olt1'tho11s1· ;1nol ··h·1rgt'<i 111 \lhC'11 thr b!<i~I 11r1or nll Tlh' n·~pons1· bl' 1;111• 1'tll1lt'1'1•n11·111 nlf1t"'f' loll11111'tl ,,.,,.r.11 t111urs ot Jr1url1 ·•-ft1('t'-lo-fi1('l' n t' i.: u r 1 ;1 t 11111 ~ 1111 11l1 1ni.: lhr inrna1"'· Sht•rd! T I. 1:;1\.,•1' .111tl 11111· nf his rilp1;Hns. \Nn S:1111h 1·111· l'olttc l'h11'f llul.-1•\" and n ~rr· 111 s d l'llll1V 1\"l'rl' 11 ou11d~'<I. :1111horr11cs i.;11d. bt11 ;1pµa1't:!nr l,1· not !'t't tOlL~Jy \ 1a1t trui.1.1 ~:d11.1rd llu"p,·r. 11 ,1, 1 «pro1·1 1•1I "'l"\IHJ"I~ 1111tn1clt ·d Thl' lone gu<ird 11 ho w:1s held ,1 ,, 110 . .-!;J t.:I'. ~lall :)111tkll". :!2, 11:1s 011t: 1•1 tho' 111·~1 1ln\111 fr1J111 th1• J.irl nnd out ul lh1· c•o11rlhous1· Ii•' 11.1" (;1k1·n ;111;'lV 111 ,111 ,1n 1hul11rH•t· h•-r;111<.1· •1( ;1 hc:1rt 'I ii•• Iii<' 111111,di 'S io l"l lo:lll:ill~ ilt"ld 111!) _'llf".j-. :1-. li\/'>1 It;'' 111!1 t•-!1·11:11'\J (•Ill' 11h11 <.i!lli ·n·d :1 11111 lit lill''. dur11ii.: th1~ Id~•·(!\• r· (ii ti,,, 1;111 . l11,.111'd 1111 the ~1·1.·11tt1 ;111d l't .~111 1\ l l111l1"~ of lh•'" \1!·11;11·!.;. ;1 !•11·1111>1· 1.\ 1rh11 1 F;1ll <. 1·1d.1·1·11i.111 .111d t'\ 'H/11 11 II l~o ollt"t' 1•.,1·:1 p1·rl fron1 1hf• \\u·l11t,1 !\1t111!1' J;iil 11.1, t•, IH!.! h1•ld h1 ·r,, f•lt ,1 cll:1rgc ot :n:).!r::".:1t1·d rnl>br t·~ lie 11 ,1.., <;l'ilf...('~111 Hl f,lf ;_!l'Ollp lh;1t 111l'H1d1•d .Janll'~ 1-; ~/1111111, a ft'dcral pr1:•nn~·r held ;ihcr ;;11 rscapc, l\t•uncth I Jl111·1 rac111,i.: a rnurdrr r harJ.:t': J,1n1cs I•' l'••Hy. ~o>nlt'Ol't'd lo 1·1ght yt'otrs for robbt·r~·: ~nd 1\.lrs. Thi1'I. 40 charged !Set> l'Al''l'Ull E. f'ill't' Ail Ora~g:cJ , Coast WealhPr 11 !I 1)1• ~lightl\' 1\-.111111';· ·rhu1·~­ !:i\ a(·1'(1r<l111i: 10 !111· 1\1''l!ilcr ~l'I'\'· 11·(· 11irh l11ghs fl! tl\1· !)('aches r ... u11i i.1 rising lo R~1 inlnud l)range \'111 111!y. l.1111 s 1on1gh1 1>11 tn SI . l'.\SIDi; '1'011 ·\ \' ,\ 11/1J!I n 11nU . tilt' ("(1/tfOrll/tl \11 ~1r1.~· f1r11/1rr/i1u!/ r111l1tl111111/e1·. 't'f •I 'llli)flf /1•1111111· r1·t111·rl OJ .J7 ,11•il.r1 111t.~ 111 1'1r1•e •1rn111'.'11 T11t>s- o/i1:1 1110li1-/11111ht•'A1191•/.~ /(lst. /-II 111 1'11· flerorl Ti91•r.~ at .•l 11t1- /,,1n11 S111d 'l l)r S•'I' s, .. ,,.IS'. /'U!JI' HJ. A' 'l'l'l•t Oo•hn• S••vlt• Al '" .. t D M lo~d (All!ornll (l~UHIOO (Qf'\t(~ (•O"WM~ O••lft Nll•tt• li<tllllrl•I I' ••a E~-talnmt"! ::::J"'' ""'""""" A"" l•ntlf" M•illHI• " 01 ,, "' '" " .. '" ", C4 If " " .. MftftlY lrtt a 1 Mov1 1, a' r M11ru11 "11""' aJ Not11>~11 Nf"'' A4. IO 01~n•1 t~11n1v Al·• ,...,.1, (l•t Sno•h 11·1 Dr ~I~!"'""~" llO Stoc~ Ml•kel• ••·1 t•••Vl\10" "'' l~~..... .,., W"~1fl•r Al W••I(! N,w1 •I, 11 • l11·,11w1d,1~ f11J1111~1 JI J-114 -.1\'trire. 1•,,ssi1·f•' Mrs. Popeil Not Coa~t Pla11 Killer I.f l$ A.\'(,bl,/·,S :\ \'1'11 1\,tl Ht':t1'h p . ..,;.1·h1:111 1't 1t'"!lfltt! '1'11!'.'d.1~ tlt;1L i'.:101..,(' J\.p•·il i. n11tl11 r ··np.1l1le ,,f 11J:11111lng nnr p:1rl l11j1:1llllh !II ii i'l11I l•I I.di :1n~l!l1•· .1 11!1 l><>uld f.11! 11p;1rt vtnul1011,dl1 11 ',dl~d 11[)()11 111 do ~ Tl·:>t1t1H111; J1;. rir C1 ·11r,1.:~· .I Cll.1 ~{' <·:11114,? dun11~ 1l1v d,.f,•11-.i' J..H lrli"ll 11! th•· J01111 11,,d 11! \l!·.., l 'np•·1 ! ,1111! hl'r t'W•l1<1H1.111! IJ.111 \11·r~ ion ll1.1rgt·s 11! 1:on.-.p1r.11 _1 1(1 1•ut111n11 11111nh·r Cha~t· lt·~!lfil'il rrinLirily 111 fl'gard JO :1 1.+p1,_· 1t·1·(11·d1ng (If il\r~. f'(lp•·1 I 1n \.\'lllt'h Sh(• :1na Ayers are hi•:Jrd to h(' plot!111t: 1111: u1u1·tJ,.t· 11f h1·r ro;traJ1gcd l1ush:1nd. ;111 :11·11\11y 1ht'\' cL1111l v::1 s <t ru~ 111 ~tnng along 111 0 111~n 1xis1ng .-. Eloise's ,Sister Sctys Po1Jeil Pressurecl Her By ARTllUH R. VI1\'SEL LOS ,\J\GELES-Thc sister of Newport Beach murder conspiracy defc11d<in1. E:loi.sc Popeil testified tod:-n 1h<1 t her brother-i n-la\.\' Sainu<'l Pop1:i ( threatened to sue ht'r for a S20.000 debt if she d id not tes tify fa vora bly in his di vorce action . Popc il, ,,·ho is kno1vn by the n1ekna1nc Se~'mour. lo;mcd !\lr:,,. l'auhnc Cowan. Del !\Tar thoroughbrt·d race horse owner, the s11n1 in 1971 for her own lil'ing C.\'.1X:nses when she v;:i:,, divorf'ed , she testified. During tod;1,\"s lilh d:1,I' in the trial of l\.t rs. ·PO!X'il. 49, Jorrnerly of 519 !!arbo r Island [)rive, Nev>'port Beach a nd Dan A~·crs. 37. of 22:i9 Shelton .SL. Santa A11a. !\!rs. Co"·3n 1cstificd !hat. she was pressured by Popcil. "l!e had lhreatencd Ille that if r didn't testffy in his behalf th:it he tvould s t.art a suit !o eollect it," Mrs. Cowan told Deputy District Attorney Peter Bregrnan in regard lo the $2fl.OOO loan by Popcil . ·'He had been threatening n1e :-il! those 1nonths and I fell the threa~ were serious." Ayers and Mrs. Popcil ar(' IX'ing tried on charges of conspiracy Bnd .tnlicitation lo comn1it murder for :il!cged!y trying io hire two n1en to kill lhC' Chicago kitchen gadget tycoon as a method or assuring that she would inherit a ~-ubstanti;iJ share of Jils $!1 million fo rtune . They have pl~d innoce:nt to tht> char ges_ • Today's witness, an att ractive red· haired divorcee. v.'as questioned several times by lhe. prosecu tion regarding he r financial dealings v•ith Popcll. The defense often raised objections. f'rom Page .1 I CAPTURE ... "'ith J\.1eharg in the robbery case. l\.t rs. Thiel's mother. l\.1rs. Louzetta 'f.1cC:regor of \Vichit<:i I·';ill s. said. oo~\·ever. !hut her daugh1cr telephoned from lh<' jail early Tuesd~iy <.ind tuld her estranged husband's en1ploycr lt1<1l she had been forced to join f.'IC'h:lrg. The convicts took o\·er the floor \\'hf'n j::iHt·r Don;ild Sid1\•c ll op .. ned 1hc1r ecll lo check 011 thf'rn. Shrriff B:l kcr said the convicts !hre1\' · ;1 r11ixt 11r1 · (If \\';1[lT nnd ble;1ch " 111tu Sid11·1·1!'" f<Jl'(' and :-truggled 1\itl1 h1111 u11!1J th l' y rlverpo"'cred hin1. Th1·11 rhey look ~111lh.e r .1-; .l SL'COnd host;igl'. During n1ost of Tut·sd;1~". 1he prisonl'rs. nrn1ec1 "'ith kitchen kn1vt·s. suhn11llcd demands that i11e!udt1d a ~c!a\\·ay c.ir and $10.000 in cash in f'XCh<ingc for the llfe o( the c;iptun ... '<i guard. DAILY PILOT l"" °'""~~ Cfl••' O•"• p,.,,, "'"" '"""" ",....,.._ t"no-<ltr,r •••" ''•' ,.,,, ·1'<"1t>l "'"°'•"<ll 0>•'1 P~t••• h ~~ •A•'~(,, , ••fl,<I•'" ''"'"'"'I<~ pu0"'"~1 ~· -~ ;., ••• .J" I,.,,,, '·" <..O>i• Me» N~.,,-. •I I"·~ " "••' ''I'"" ll<l~~lf'<>u_,. !1•0 If•"•• I "'"'"• I•• ' " ''•'"' "'"1·1"''"''' 1n~ S•o (_,.,.,..,,,,. '••!\ ;.,,., l.o""""~o A ••nQ•• ••q~;n'1 • :• •"riv• .... ,,.''''"'''·"'•"~ :I.Jn• ,,., Tr•1• t·•'l"'"·'·""r<.·,• ''•.\()We" s,.,51,.., ••• , ......... .,, ''" ''•"'·" 1 ••• , ...... . ' y 'I"' ''' •""''• ·~•n•Q"' I . '" ,. ·: " '·'•"•J"'' L.Hll' (,..,,,, .. Hi e ~1.i r'.Joll J,.", •• ., ·~ .... ~.~~ '·''"'~' l"'r.f< ,, •. 11 ... W•• \(I,,,"'' I """', I 0•1· • H .. nlil>IJfon hCKll Offict I/._ 1,/i, 1-)< I~ , •Y: /,~, .t. l ""1 I"• I n, • •' •1&45 O~Offict1 IJ'"'"•"'"'~ . .'I '' '•'·• ,.. '• •.•, . '·'· .... . . .,, ,.,., '°""P ~· ""' ' I'' •N••t• ,, h ''"' ,. ... "•~''"""' ., l(,•,r;,.,r •"··· ''"•' Ttl•pllo~ 17141642-4121 Clo11ifird Ad•...thlnq 6"2·S671 !•¢""" ·"'()•,•"•/• ,,n•,f "'" ''""'' §40·1210 (,.,_,.,~"' 1···· '"•'.I' f -·· '"·!'O•''"Q ,,,_. I","',,.~ '··•~· 1•110 nL'·'~'·•'""'''"' " .. ,,. "··· ... , ''"" ....... ,. "'' ,,.,. .. ,, ~" •·•'•1~• ··''''M"'' ,,,.,.,""MO ~., ... , .... 1'.v! ... . ,., ' ., .• "'l" f~h•y '' 1 • ' ' ...... ' ~ "' "',..,. "' ...... Doctor ;1~ l11r1od killf'r:i, t;ut \1ho l\1'rf• a«t11ally 11<>rk1n,; f1 1r S:n1111f'I ,J l'opt•tl to gather 1•1 irl<'n~·e n~;11 11:-t tlh' !Ov«r:i. ( 1u11ni,! 1t·:,111non)'. Pr (' h :1 ~ (' t h.1r:1t·f1•r1/r ·d >1rs l'nil>(·il ;is a pa:>s11·e 11;·rson 11hn 1-. r<it h•·r 11:1 11·e :n1d 11')10 ('01drl ~1111ply HOl k111l\\'1ngly or St·rious!.v 11•1lspir\· 111 HH· 11:-sassi11at1ou of )l{·r 11101!11111ll1on;_i1rl' h11sba1uL '1'111· dt·l!•Jl \L' l'l<tHllS lh1.•,\' \\l"rf' ~llilpi) l"'~111g :1'> 11 ill1ng par·tu·ip:ints ":"\l1v \1•1uld b<· tr('11111l•\U:-. r·(Jnru:-cd :ind h:.1rdly l<Juc.:hlng.'' S<J1<l Dr l '1as!~ "!1~·o pl1• ;1f'l . .(lH·. fight :ind kill e<ich olht:r but !\Ir'>. /'opcil sits th<'re . un;ihl1· to l<i.kt· µart , . " l)r. t'hase testified lo cross t·xar111na l ion hy l.lt_·puty District 1\ttnrney f'!'l1•r Bn·grnan . ''llll\'C' vou t'Vtr !)(1t·n fool<'d hv a p~\·c;hi;11riC pat11111t '!'' Brf'grn:in askc-d Gl<inttng fron1 Dr, Cha.~e to l)t'pu1y I 1i~lr1ct Attorne~· Brl'g1nan. J\,frs. Popeil l1>11k(-d aln1ost likf' a person walching :1 !eru1is n1at (·h a~ thC' \\VO n1en fire1I lp 1esli1J11s :ind rl'plics nt cat·h other. ··:-.;.1 . no! ;i s a rull'," [Ir. ('h;1s1· ~;11d of lu s d.cal1ng~ \\i(h patients, hu t :-1ddcd that he is 1•11!y ;i l1u1n:i11 IX'ing 11h1J l"<HI rn1:1 ke 1nist;1kes. South.la1u.l flit + o~ On De11sity lly J.\C:l\IE llY:\IA'l 01 t~• Diiiy P•lo! Mitt /\ dt•ns1ty plan in b<• rono;1d(•1'<'d liy th1• South ('oa!'>t H1•i.:1onal to:1s!:11 l'•unrni.~sion l•rul:1~· 11ui.:ht rul e 011l the pr\ll.14~ed \\'i•sl Nv\t'l>4lrl ff:u'l:>or, N1.•11•port B1·n1 ·h l•ffi('i:lls s:iirl (l1da_1', ··11 :d i (il•pl'nds on ho1v !hey 1nlt•rpr1·! tht· land US\' 11iti·11~11y ('11'1111·111 ," s:lid ~·1n1111111111ty (){'\'t·h1p1111•J1t I) I I'!' l' t I) r· H1chnrd \l, llog:111 .\t·eord1ng tr, 11." author. c1)Jst;d 1·01111111i'.$lf•n pl;n111t·r .Jt•iln Su11dlTl:11al , th\· l'll'rllt'rll endnr.~·s using th e urt:r lll'tll' !hi: S.:111!a 1\11;i 1(11't•r rnoul h fur l'illlljll!lg, !'Cj llr~lrl<Hl trails :I 11 ,1 pi('kllil'kll\f; "lt 11.,1u!dn't f'l11u 1n;1ll' 1h1· po~s1hd11 y 11f :1 111<1r111;1. bu! Jt \\'1\u!d dlM'Ollt"ilf!1' 11." il1rs. Sunderland said. ~h1· pointl'd out th \ll t)r;111~(' C11u11ty '.; 111;1s!(•r pl:1n of n·g1on;d p;tr!-' call s fo r ;1 p;u·k .11 lh:il lnc:1!1Hll p:1rt 1Jf 11 h11 ·h 1:; un1n1.,irp11r;1IL'd tcrn!(fr~, l111\1 1•\1•r , th1• 1·1!11 '" uf l'fl.~l<T ~li·s,1 ;Jud Ne11 port Bt·nt h, <ilong 11·itll pr1 v;1!l' land1111;ncrs. hall' bt·1·11 .~111dyi ng tl1e J)()<;sibili!y of building a larg1 ·ly publ ic n1arina for 3.000 bo:its tht:rt'- 1-1 a rel as Livi11g l'ost UJJ Again. THE FORO·ROCKEFELLER ALLIANCE WAS IN THE CAR DS ACCORDING TO A LAGUNA LAO Mike Leamon, 14, Dug Out His Deck of 1971 Politicards to Review tlie Bidding The~· con1n11ssionl'd a feasibili ty sturly 11·hieh 11·as t•u111ph·lt'd 1n Fcbr11;1ry ;1nd an• eurrl'n!ly st·1·k111g t:.S. Corps ul 1-:nginf'ers assistant!' u1 n1;1k 11ii.: ;u1 1:ngincl'.'r111g study \\'ASJllNGTON (AP) -The cnsl of l1 1·111g rose eight-tenths of a percen t 111 July despite an C'asing in the increJse 1n food pricC's, the govcrn1nent s:iid lodny. The J uly report markrd only the second li1ne this year tl1e mon thl\' increase in the government's Consume.r Price Index has been less than I percent , The .Ju ly increase would ;"lffiOUnt to :in annua l rale of inflation of 9.6 percenr. ~til l ahe:id of l:ist year's 8.8 percent 1nflalion rate. Consumer prices in the Los An geles 1n0!ropoli!an area \1·erc !!.I percent highf'r during July !h<i n :i year ago. rn;1rking Ila_. l:1rgest annual increase s111cr 194 7. the So uthern Cnlifornia ch ief of the Bureau of Labor Statistics said tl)day. All inajor Cill egorics of f :1 111 i 1 y spt'nding. cxcC'pl clothing. registered gains during July. Prices, gcn('rally spurred by a 1.8 pC'rcent rise in housing i.:ost s. incrcaS<'d Lt percent fro1n June, she said. · Prices as of July JI n·err 1 J.8 percent highrr n:i!ionally !han in July 1973. !be µo l'crn n1en1 said. Thar is the biggest. 12-mon1 h jum p since !he year ending September 1947. 11·hen the increase "'JS 12.6 percent. The Labor Dcpa rtmcn1's Bureau of Labor S!atistics said. tio11·e1·er. 11·ork ers n1anaged to gain ground n;it1on;11ly 1:1:,,1 1nunth in their race 1vi th inflat io n. Spendable carninf::S. after t a k 1 n g ;1c('Ount for inflation. n1ovcd up by t,1·0· !L·nl hs (1r 1 PL'ri.:t·11t Uur sintf' 1t \1 11s onlv the sf'co11d n.0111hly 1ncrr::ise this ·year. r ,. a J spendable c.1rnings were .l.3 perCT'nt Jess than a year e<irlier. Thf' m:ijor fi1ctors pushing up pric<'c; 1n .1111.v. th(' drpann1en1 s;11d. \\'l'!'t' highl'r Jn!t ·ret-.ts costs for hon1r buyrrs ;111rl l111!hL•r pn ct.:$ on ~ars. int·dic.-i! l'UrL' ill\d rt·staur<int tncals. Bo,'s Emb.aJmcd •' Body Di~covcretl :-.llJ~TAH.\ 1t if'l 1 -Th~' rrnhal!nr'(J l.llX!y of :i 6-.vcar--old S.111 Fr:inrtS('O l)(ly v;:i:< fnlln rl Hl the surf off !his Sa11 fola!('O Cou11ty CQ<t~lal cornn1un11y. Sheriff's deputies said Tuesday !hf' body had been stol<'n fron1 a cr~·pt at 11oly Cross Cemere rv 1n Col ma. The child died in t97l. · Deputies said a ina n telephoned the• ccm<'tery three times and reported tak.ing lhe body. They said he did not give a reason. ·---- Sc11iors Of fere<l ~lcal Discou11ts ,\t Restaura11ts 1\ new '"dine ou:" progran1 offl'rs Fountain VaJJp;· senior citiwns a HI J-">ercent di scount oo meals at !hre<' local restaurants. Through a coopera tive {'ffo r1-betv.·ecn the Fountain \'a)Wy Chamber o f C'o1nn1erce and the restaurants .. <;enior clilzens need only sho w their Fountain \'<illcy Seniors nic1nbership cards to receive the discounl'i. Thi.' p.1rticipa tin ~ restaurants are Satnbo's, 16205 Brookhursl St.: Top pe r's. 10065 c;arfield :\ve.: and Pizzaberger. 1718:1 Brookhtirsl St. The recently orgn nizcd f o u n t a i n \';ri lley Seniors nleet a1 10 a .111. ever,v Friday at. the city's Comn1unily Center fnr gan1cs, cards. dancing a n d c.xcur sions. De tail<i about the Seniors can be ob· tained from club secretary Bob Triplett at 531-5159. .4.quacade Se t At Valley High Fountain \Talley·~ fourth a n n u a I i\quaeadc. "\\1<1\er , \\'ater E\'t>T}'ll"ht're." v.tll be presented Ht B p.111. Frid;1v 111 the rool at Fountain V:i\l('y l·ligh School. Sponsored by the ci ty's rrcre:itron rlepC1rtn1ent. !his Yl'<lr's show v:ill feat ure f'hilcln;n of di ffprent ag<'S denl()nstr<i11ng lhf' \·ar1n11s s-.r in1mi11g s kill~ t<Jught to !hrnt by th(· city's aquatics staff. There 1\'ill be swim t£'am racrs. \~·ater .;;;ifrt~ dr1nonstrat1ons and clo11n d11·1ng 1'he sho11· also "'ill hig hl ight lhc city's ~ynchron1zed S\I in11ning tean1 Th,, puhli(' 1s in,·i1ed. There is no ;irlm1.~~i()t] charpf' S. J\.on·an ~ l'role ~l ~J.:f)('L 111!']1 South l\(lrc:in protcstors sn1ashed throui:;th polic{' l1nl'.O: <inrt 1n<i rched on thC' .J:ip.;1 ncsc Em ha ~sy rocl.-iy in a dcrnons!r~tion sp:irked by last \\'rck's assassinat1011 attempt :igainst Presidt'nt Park Chung-Hee. Some 100 persons left Cl group of about 300 demonstrat.ors. broke through police lines and marched lo the e1nbassy 11·it h placards accusing Japan of being a '"base for propaganda" against South Korea. Valley Coi111cil Actio11 llerc in capsule forn1 are the actions ta ken Tuesday night by !he F"ount;un Valley Ci ty Council. BIKE TllAILS: Appro1•cd ;in :igre<'rne11l bcl11·een the ci ly and county to buil d 6.3 m il es of bir~ ~le trails \1'ith the county paying half the $28,500 cos1. SLATEH AVENUE: Citing hikes in construction cost<; agrc«.I to ask the <-'Ounly for an incrC'ase frorn $119,000 to $156,700 lo pay for half the cost of slrec! Improvement s on Sla ter Avenue bel\\'cen Euclid S!~ct and the Santa Ana River. WELLS : Adopted an ordinance givi ng the city n1ore power to force !he abandonment of unsafe or unsanitary wel ls "'hic h coul d conl::in1ihate the under· ground water supply. WATER: AskL'<l the 'f.tun icipal \\'ater District to put orf fo r 90 d.1)1s any d<-'Cision abo ut building a water treBtment plant in <'a.~tern Orange Counrv !o give the city time to study tax t'Osls or bcnrfi!s to Foun!;1i11 Vallc1· resi- dents. • CA fl Lf'; TV : Extrnd<'d for :;ix months the c1ty'!i nlt'nllx·rship in !hi' Publ1r (':iblc. Telf'v1su1n A(ilhority. n i-;zoi\E: !IP-Id ;i puhlic hf'arii11t and g:i1•<' f1 r~t relld \ng lo an ordin;~nf'r re~on1n~ lfl :1<'rl"s along Nr\vlnnd StrN'! nor1h of l ';ilherr Avrnu1· from onr- <1er1• ff'!>1dcnr1,d 10 7.200-sq uare-foot res1tll'11t1at <it ll1e rf'(jUr.st of l'ond!'roo;i llfltnes . I 111 the Cards Ford-Rocky .. 1.llia11ce f'oretold • A Gerald Ford -i'il'lson Rockefel lf'r pa r1J1c rship \\'as for etol d in the cards. :\ot ta.rot fortune-telhn:; cards. but :i deck of cl1araC't<>r card s ol'o-n<'d by ill1kl' Leamon. 14 . of Lag1u1a Beach. Ford and Rockefeller arc t\\·o po!itie;il figuITs among the 52 in the deck of 1971 \·i ntage ''Poli ticards.'' F'ord, \\'earing a grin and a football unifon11 is a nine of clubs. Roc ky \l'C':lrini:: a grin, busin<'SS suit <1nd elutc!1ing a f1s1full of grCf'nbacks, is standing in line at :i "sold out" !Jresi· dl'nti;i! convention. llC' is <1 10 of dubs. The deCk \Vas given 10 :\f1kf' by his d<id _ /\n astute fo!IO\\t'r of curreut t'l'ents. :\l ike no11tt'<l tl'!l2 roincidt'llCe.~ :1ft('r Roc·kl'ff'llcr 11·as seJeC1ed :1~ vie(' p!T'si- drnt det=1gn;1tt' Tue~clay Starr-Vie jo Rancli Park R ena11ied Afte1· CascJers Orange County's Spr;:!11·l1ng n e 1r 1rildenless park in the l1i1\s above San Juan Capistrano 1vas rena med Tll<>sd:.iy in honor of m is~ing Super visnr Honald \\' Ca spers TIJC Board of Supl'r1·15ors 1·01\·d uminimou.sly to name !he 5.500-aC'.rt• r<'cre<1 ti011 tirr a •·Honald \\'. Ca51i1:rs fk-giona l Park J t Slarr·Vie1u Hanch." Tnr l;1ttt·r h,1lf of !he length~· nt'\1 n'11llf' 11•;19; suggested 111 :i ll'Ut'r h~ ~u 1x·r1·isors hy coun ty Harbcrs. Ke.:ichcs r-1nd l'arks Di rccto .. l\i·nncth San1Pf-O>l . wh1• sai<l sornr· his1or~l';d reference had lo !}I· n1aintained. ~11p1·r1·1sor H:ilph l'l:1rh 1nit11rrd 1h1• ,1•"1\(•!l to rr11 <1n1t' tht· p;irk, l\'h1ch v.;1~ pu rchased by th~ county earli1'~ thi~ ~··;-11· l•1r MA n1i1IH1n . 111 · said < ·r1~pcrs 11orkcd lun~ :111d hard and overcame n1any obstacles lo 11 111 1 lir p;1rk for puhhc 11:o;L'. (lark ::;,11d "1t i;; .1 f11!111 r'. tri hute an<I .111 arpropriatt• 111e111on;1J" f'l.1r h's ron1111(•111" "''r!' t'ch0t.'il h1· :11 1 th1· :;1111er11~or~ .111rl 11hf'n th\' addiun1i of the SLnrr-Vicjo designat ion 11·;1s ~l lL:;J.!1·~1r-d. S11pt·1 \'lsor Halph [J1Nlr1l'h s._11d. "I don 't think it d1mini~hes 11·hat 1rr are trying to say hcrr. "11 is elrnr 11h;1t the park is Jnd 11·ho it is \1·e nrc honor inf:!_ .. Sampson told :;upervisor.~ he h;id \JSl[rd the pJrk. \l"hi ch lies ;.ilong thr ~l'(•ni e Rel l anrl Snn Ju;in Crt'ck (;.;1nyons. rnany tun<'s with (';1:;pl'rs · I kno" this is nu action he 1~011ld ha1·p hkrd.'" Sarnpson ~aid. The renanling v.·as \l'i!ncssrd b.v Caspi:rs' \1i!r. ,\nn. :.ind thrl'e ol bis chilll rl'11. C rt•g. !\rls1in and Hltu r. .\!rs. C;i~p1·rs. ob i 1ous!y n10,·ed b~ 1hr CC'S!11r1'. !'<11d. "\\'r <irr C'Otnplctrly :111d 10!:1\I~ honored to ha\·e thi-" p~1rk nanlt'd for h11n ·• Th<' 111011011 tn ren;in1r !hr p.1rk ;r/,r, included :i r cc o n1111 end a Ii on hy St1perv1sor D:i\·id Bakrr that n plafj\l(" he p!:.1ct'r1 at th<' f'tl!ratH'<' tn ltlt' ri:1r k r"la11na 11~ h1:;torl' :11:11 1hr f'ffort s nf l ':1<.1)(•r<; !ll oh! .1 1!1 ;1 111f' p11 rk 1<; 1!11· <;u11!hern !1<Jlf of <1 h1H;·' 1":111• h f•11< t' 01\tlt•d hi t',l!!lt· h;1rf\11 \\'illi:un :-ll.1rr Th!' \IPP~:r h:1lf n( 111•' l':lll('h I'< )j()\I fl1\flt1fl !J,\ J!J,. \;)!101).d Audubon Soc1e!v, v;hich is us1ni.; 1! :1 <. ;1 1nldlift1 prt:S<'r\'1' Hogan S<1id hl' 11 ill r1 ·prt'l<1,.•n1 Nt>11·porl Beath at the ro:ist:1I L1)n11n1s.~1v11 lu·arini.: Friday on th(' l'lrnicnl <ind 11·ill try lo get it :in1t'ndt'd so th;1t 11 C'Qllldn't be interpr1·t11d to r11le out ;i ha rbor. The hearing on the l;ind use inteni:.ity cl(,rncnt. one nf 11111(' el cn1en1 s in thl' C'Oastal p!;in. \1·!1] bf'gin at ~.30 a.111. Frid;iy ir1 l!unt111~11n1 Bl'<Tl'b City Counl'il l'ha1nix'rs. 1'he l'lcn1c111. (\Ill'{' ;1ctoµ1 ed. \1'i l1 serve as a gu1dl' !u futu re co,1st;d land use Senior~ lo Get 1-1 ea<l<J uarters ,<\.t Citv Ce nter l 'ht• t'1I\' r1•crf':i!1on rf'n!rr ;it 17t h Sirtct a1ld Orange :\1 c1111e will b<' rt·niodrll'd flVt·r tl1r n•·~I three !l)Onth ~ :i-o ii eun bl' u~ed b~ llu11t1n~Lon Ile:i l·h sf'nior cit11.1·ns as :1 1 c n1 p o r a r ~ ht'adq1 1artt'rs. Publ ic \l'Orks Pn ginecrs c,<;ti1natc th•• ('(lst of the rernodcl inp; :it S.'JO.()()(). TI1l' 1'1lv c:OU/ll'rl J\iOrHtl\ :u1ih111'1Zt'd ('llY ,.ff1ci:1ls to St:t'k bids f•)r !he 11'1lrk Sf'ninrs Ytil! sh;ir(' the f:1eil1I\' \\·1 1h !lit• ~t<1ff of 1J1,• rvi ri·;111011 dt1µa i·t 1l1f'!lt, lllllil lh•' dvp<1 r11111·n1 (':111 .-:l11ft i!' Oi>t•rall•Jll lr1 llH• l1fth f\11or o( lh~· f){'\I i'1 t ~· hall. Ol{'1'0rd1 11g !11 rf'cn'r111011 ~11p1'r11~nr \'ii ian Bur11s ~J r, f\•1111) ..,;ud 1110!'>! 111 t 11 t• f'!•rund1·l1 ng \\<lrk i' 11,.,.\'.,~ary !O bnng 1h•· 1'•·n11'r up In 1·11rren1 fir~· a11d h11ild1ni:; tnd•·' The ('J(~'·i: ('Ollll\'11 On ,, i:: I n i:: ri •1 11 't"1'nt11u: nlnrf' t11.1n 1 .~~f !'C'n111r I 1(1/,i'!I.~. pl:11l<; l•I 11'1' t)~· rt'l.'ff';JllOTl r"ntrr f11r ('l;:isc;,,s, rl.1ncl'c;, pnnl rabies. l'<lrrl gan1rs . ;ind n!h"r ;lC'!i1·1t1••<; Hl'crl';i[ton st:iff 111,,rnl)(lrs d<iu't e;q)('c1 !11 llll•l t' l•l r111 h;1ll 11util F1·bn1ar1 (•r \J;u·cti. ,\l r~ Bn111 ~ ~n1d 1·hr r1't'f'Pi-1t to11 ('l'n1•·r 1~ ri n l 1· 1·io11\1d•·n•d :111 1n!!'r11n h1·11d(]11;1r!Pr-.; f(1~ !11 •· ~··111or~ Tilr l 01111!'1! nn 1\C1t1~. 111111 !lh1 h•·lp •1f !h« l'o'l'l'l':illOll ~!:.1f(. i' pl:1n111ni.: 1,, ;1-.k f11r .i.i .$lilll.(~Ml 1t•1cllth· ~11;1nn;.; gr:111! frorn !ll1' co1 11111 If Jl gr!" !h1• n1nn<'\. :1 no•\\' ~('ll111r 1·1111f·I\~ hnll \11.11111 I-<' \1u1Jt 11\ rin as Y\'! u11rtes1gnal•·{I l111·:11u1n • C LOSED SUNDAY #c•,...,,~ TENNIS SHORTS & SHIRTS TENNIS DRESSES GYM SHORTS & SHIRTS GYM SHOES SWEAT SOX SWEAT SHIRTS & PANTS WARM UP SUITS BOOK BAGS ( All PURPOSE SHOES FOOTBALL SHOES SOCCER SHOES BASKETBALL SHOES TENNIS SHOES ' ' .... *""' • WILSON -DUNLOP -DAVIS BANCRAFT -YON EX TENNIS 1 RACKETS I RACKET STRINGING RACQUETBALL RACQUETS & BALLS ~ HANDBALL GLOVES & BALLS I TENN+S BALLS f--~~~~~~~-=--~~-~ BASKETBALLS VOLLEYBALLS FOOTBALLS BIKE PARTS -TIRES -TU BES REPAIRING • I ' I • , " I I I, ) i , . ' At Your Service ,\ :-.u111t ,11 , '111111!.11. \\1•1 \11r ... t1ay :1111! t-"r iol ;11 I 1•;11ur1· ''r 1111· l)aJlv l'ilul (,,,, 11 pr1./1/111 //11'11 11nl1 /'1H J)jjl/11. /'11/ 1111 1 ' 1' 11'1/ /'ii~' I/• I /111• •• 1111·111 r~ 1111!1 111 l IHll '/llU 111•1 •0 I /u ,,r,1 111•<1111111 ·~ 01 •!Ill •'1"11111•'!1/ (I/Iii /llt~H/I'\,\ 1\/!;i/ "'''' r t1111·.1/ 1•111., /11 l •u r /i111u1 I Al ,\,•r1·11·,• ( '1 u i. ':• • t · r"" r l lf1JI'/ /'1/1)/, I' I/ /,,,/ I ~.II r ri.1/41 \/,···• j I •1 '•• ·1, 1•11 /ud·· 11"11r 1," /,/,,,JI, Ii•"'''• 1. • \1t•I11111· ,J '''' t•ttftf i .\:tJI' fll·:A lt I' \'r Al1hou~h .1 101 01 tl11· c1·1r1r1 ... 111 o f th1· p11'':-i 111 1\111•·n~·;i l1;1s du·d (!01111 !idhllll1!i.: !l'!Tllt dL·1r!ujHllt•1llS 111 \\';1l1•fg.1ll' rt•!a11•d 1ssu•·s, it 11asn'I too !on!-: ago lh.it <·h;1rgl'!<; of .. y1•JIO\V JUUl"rl!il1~r11'' \\I'l l' ht·;ird P'])f':lll'dly _ 1'v1• ;ll\.,,Ct\'S 11 01 1(h•rt>d 11l11·1·e that 1·xpn·ss1on Bn~ii1atl'tl :ind Id .-.ril l likl' lo find out. I'. K .. '\l i~si11n \'it•.\u "Y1'llo11· JOU 1"Uali~n1 " 11 a~ llit· t('r111 <1)ll)lic1\ :il'OU!lti llH' IUrll nr llH· l'('l\\ltl.-~" to nt'\\~11;.i1>t•rs 1hat ~111·ei:1lizcd 111 flambo1 ;1ut n1·11 s reporlini.:. 1\lany of th1~1· :;1rri1·'t a 1't11ni1· .,trip t•all1·d "The Yello11 Kiel ." ()rigi 11:1ll .1 11a1n1·d "llogan's ,\111•.\ ," !hi• ~I n\) tl1·pi<·\t'd t1'nf'n11•nt lifl'. Jn it 1h1•rt• \\:1'i a 1111.1 11ho :1h1ay..; 11orf' a 11•11011 uig hl,hirt. ll is antit·s h1·l'.<1n1c ~o popular v:ith tli.c rettdin1~ publie that tl11• t·un111· ~lrip's nan1f' 11as rhanl:(t'd . llt'l"<lll'I' ii \\;J'i prinled in n1(1nuchtom1· ~ cll11 11, tht• n1·11 s11apt>rs that 1';1rrir1\ it bccan1c l..1111\\n as "}CllO\\ journ11ls." t 'ulse 11rf1·••1•iisiJ1!1:• OJ·:1'H 1'1\T 11:1\·l' ;.i eun1pl:lint <'0111.'t'rnuig ;.1n <trl'il n1t•rt·h;111! fn!' 11h<1t 1 t-on111drr f:i\s.._. <1dv1'rl1~ing nl)(lu1 ;1 :-,11 i111111111g .'u11 :--:ilt·. Tilt' :1d slah·d '.Ul 1~·ri·t·nl. ol f u11 d1 sC'o11!11n11·d 1'1'.>lur"> :ind 11ht'1t I !';1ll1'd tn ht• -.:11r1· tl1t· ~111• I \l,tll!t·1l 11,1'> 111 ~lllt'k I 11;1-. told il 11.is \\'hL·11 I 11r11l 111 !hal afh·1·noon !tl ;di lu111' ut ll1r :uh•·r\1~111:: '>tort·~ thnr ~i11· 11 ;1' 110[ a1.1il:it1lc· 1°1!1· 011111·1' tl:tHl14'd 1!11· ;1t! 11:1-.: 11•r1 <l1,;1r :1nrt th.ti not :i ll s111, 11t'!t' 01l.1d:d.il~· \\u<.1 l 11111t<1tt th•· F1d1•ral Tr:H!•· Co11uni.~,1nH ,Jl>Ol.!1 tlll" Pl do 111• h;i11• :111uth•·1· r1·i.:11l;ih<il lO!lt"!--1' 111 1·c•n1pl;1111t hen• 111 L.1l1for111;1'' 1:. 11 .• ,,.,,port J:4•arh II !ht• ;ul ~1 .111·0 .. no! all sitf'' ;1111ila hh'." ~nu pruhahl~ don't ha\'t' a 1alitl 1·on1plaint. II ~11u 111 .. h tu pur ~u1· this m al\t•r, 1·nntal'I tht• C:ilifornia Ol•parlrnt•tll hf ('n11,1111u·r ,\It air \ "\d Sub,!;111tiation l ni1;· "hic•h i'i drsignf'•I tn rt\'if'\V f.'ll•t' :i nd 111 i 'It' a di n~ nd \'1•rti ... i n~. It hu.. lh1• :1ull1or ity lu r<'qUr 'it \ trifi1·:1tiun nf 1·ltti1n ~ "hit·h ndv1•rtisrrs p11rr1ort 10 M hasf'd on fa t;tual. nhjcl'li l'r or l'linil'll l t'\·ldenl·~·. aecording tn ~t;1t« 'l"11l..r •n11•11 , \\'ritt• tn 1020 :'\_SI., Hoom ~I. S;H.:ran1Pnt11 . Calif. 9;;~11 . or ph11n•· 1'l lii1 11:)--lM;nO, for F11rl h1·r info rrn;1finn . lH·: \I: !',\l' I £i!ll 0! 't" 111 tn lo..:·:ill' I IHl:-llll'~' .,,. Jtldl\ 1dllal :1hl1• !11 gr1111I (lff tht' 1·h 1p~ .1111\ 1 1u·I..~ rrnn1 1h1• r1111..; 11f ... nn11· of rn\· c r,,l.11 1.1 .1!t·r and 111111· i.:J.1.,_.., . ._ ,\\,t\l}I·· 1011 ll h.1\1' tx·ll•'r h14·~ . . R. T .. ''·"port Bra1·h nrock r.1:1 ... 'i f'o .. Ir\ i11r .. <;u i:!;gt'Sl' ~Oii Nlntact Hr g r.n•f'n, IG:J Rroad\\·ay. Co~l!l \\f'-,;1, 921i:!-:' r.n·1·n. \\hu drw~ l'U~lnn1 \\Ork for " nun1ht'I" of Oranc1· ('oun l~ lirn1~. 11ill h•· nn \:l<':lli'ln nntil St•IJI. •1:1. !Ir r an ht• r1·a1·h1•il h~ phoniu~ :i 1S-6fl!1:J artt'r lhal ctatr. Lul:i; :\lahrinan. l1H·atf'd at l.os ,\n~t>h·,· Fa1·1nrr~ :\la rk1·t 1~J:J.9;\;;.:ll)'2fil, ;il~o 1!01•• lhl' l~pt' ol i:l:t,,\\Ork ~uu r1·quirt•. 111 .\H 1'\T I 11rd•·ri ·1I l'! hnll\('..., 1.I l111;11n ·111 1101!11 I 111\"l":d l/nl~'. (',1 111 l~rool-,I\ n \ 'l n11 Ft>h 20. ;1nd l _..till Ji 1\1·1 1 t 1•••i·1\1·ll 1h1'ln l'l't' h•."'11 11nt111µ: i•·1't 1~ 1·11'1" •IP• t' tho• J,1,! !\\fl rt1;t1\t•41 II 1:h .I rvlllf'\\ I !'t't'I P1 f•'(IUl''"'d Sl1!!H'f)l\1•. :11 lht• f11111 ~1 l!n1·d fur 1h1·~ l1·tlt•1s. hu l lhf'\' 1111r1•11 ! .1n~11en•cl. t'Vl'll thoul!h 1 (•nc·h·1<;f'1I :;;:PH-;1rldrl·.;;.<;cd. s l <1 111 P t'<i !'nl-l'lop('S. S. R .. Sa n Clemente U11i1·ersal Dn11(s l!pokC"sn1an claims \'Our order \\'llS 111ailed July 11. Your ·,as t letter \\'as localed . but nn explanation was gi1•cn for the lack nf rl"sponse lo il und prevjolJll letters. i\nolher order is bl"in~ shipped to yo u . .,.;:i parce l JJOSI because "no one is ~oini.: to cau~e a luss., and it see ms th;il th1· rir1n 11011 11nnts a satisfied ru-.111n1 r r. G11i1le IJOf/ B1u1rd 0 1;;A R /'A'f : \\,1al d()('S onC' h:i1·e to clo tn ht•('QJlll' 11 tr:uner for j:!1tidt' do~s f(l1' th(' blin<I ? If l!l'k''Ci:il lirrn:-;ini: is 11.>qturcd, v.·h:i l is involved ? I've raiSC'd (:ern1an :;hc11herds fol' 1Tl'111V years and huvr rtad up on guiclr clog lrilining. ~o I'd hkc to look 11110 1l forlhcr at 1hi:;; tune I\, C .. llunliogton 8eflf h Slatr la"' prohi bll ~ a pcrson from sell ln i:. i;:i\'ing, or clcliverini;: a guide dog lo a blind person unless lhe person su pplyin~ lhe dr1i: is licensed by the llaard r1( r.ulde f)o.1ts for !he Bll nd. i\ person applying tu bc ro1nC' A licf'nsrrl J.lUide do].! lruinrr n1ust 1lemo11strole under hlindfolit, 1lnrin i? lhC f''l:a mh1alion. Ih a! hf' Is C~lp1.1hl1· of tr11lnlng a doi.: that 11ill he sut\· ;u•d f'ffl~1·1i\'t• as a tnohi lily nld to u hl in1! 111·rso11 oncl that he Is ahli· In trniu th(' bli nd lll'rson in lht· c:11·1· 111111 u ~r nt lhl' ,:t nirl1: doJ.l . 1m1~· 1h r1·1• sl;•l f' n11Jlt'n\1·{1 st•b0t1ls 11r111 11.,cral(' in <:alifnrni 11, Vu rthrr lnfor1nu. llon I~ u1 allahlt> f1·0111 the h11ard , 722 ('apitol ~tntl , it!lfltll 41 01. ~IH'r11n1r nto, Cnlil. S!Hl 1,1. H ~ lJllJl 1 I'll (JI ' :1 Board Ol(s Police Unit Revamp Reagru1 01(~ Not ~T he Pill!~ C t V t Lag un,a Critters Gel, Birth Control 0 llll y 0 e .. ~':-~---... t..;1!,runa Bea<·h is suffc1ing the elfects ~~ -of a population explosion. Oil TI1"llJSI•t (., "'; ~· 11>e. ~t~uir;;,•;:;. b<'loved, nos<- . C . ·, ~':''<'.\:~~,; tw<tchiog little cnllcrs arc bom~ blamed '\ ilJ<' ,.-, _ for the drastic erosion of an cXtt'n::.11·e ' " 1>'11 :-.trctl'h or Laguna's f:tlllOU<; tlCt«lnfront (;ov. Honald Jlr;ig;t11 ~1A1k'<I .. , ( ill·1slcr !'ark. ·r11escl:1y giving Orang1· :uunty \'Olf·r~ '\. ·1~" sqo•••ols h•1,·e hroo•l>I ''011"1 th'· Ill<.-cl1ant·t• to d1·c·1dl· 011 the n1Pri1s _ 1h.. .__.,._ • r. ,,. • "" of <i sal o•s 1;1x i nrrt·~~I' to pay f11r <.;<.'Qnl vf t.:1guna Bl'3<'h off1ci;1ldon1 - ;i 1nodt'rn rr1a~s tr;insit sy.s1t·111 among u!h1·r things -liy burro1,·in:; ·rhl' bilr.s author. Assen1bl}'n1an ,J111i11 1ntQ the u<'canfront cliffs. llriggs I H-Fullcrtonl lrrn,L<d l h 1• i.:overnor's ;rc1ion "a rnilcstonC' 1n !)ra11i.:1• l'ounly." The rneasurt", Al-I :~,Jl, \~11 1 hl' if\ the forni of ;:1 rcferendtun on lhc Nov. 5 ba llot asking \'flll'rS tu :ipprovc or reJCl'l the conct.·pt ol addi tional s;1lcs taxes 10 fun tl pulJla: t runsix1rt;1tion. If approved. the ne11· law v.ou !d pla('t> :111 upper li rnil of one ci•nt on 1ht' tax increase t1nd give Orangl' C'ounty ·rransil J)islr ict directors 1he op!ion or 11hcre to Sl!I the rctlt> in.side lh11l li111il. If the 1n<'rcast· 1s set a full pcnn.1". 11\·arlv SI billinn 11·ould bt: r:iiscd n1·rr !Ill' iif':-.t 15 .vt•ars to pay for :ihout half th(' l'S\in1:1t1•d l'OS\ ur \h(' lransil $1 s!en1 nov.• envisiont'Ci by j1l:inn1'rs. ·The coun1y·s cilics :ind uninrorporatt·d :1rt«1s \rould gl't ;1 2;'! perccn! cut 1~f :ill rt•1rnues during !ht' fi rst 1hrec yc:irs to spend on their 011'n lransi l plan!'!. Tht' only ~tipu lation 1s that the local 1)rui1·c1s ml'sh \Vith those of the transit district l 'h1· sysh•rn nO\\' in tht• pl:inning stagf's ineludt·s 137 n1il(~s of r:1p1d transil ("orridors, 1.!100 fixed rot11cs 11nd dial-:i- r1dc bUSl'S ;i nd \hi• possibih!y of S(lllh' fUlld'!S!JC rap11J rnil line. "I c:irried 11u~ ll'l-(isl;ition ;11 lht! rl·quc·sl of otTi) b0e<.1usc I l"H tl fll! !)t'Oplt• }hOUlfl ha1 c ;1 I Oli:t' in dt•rid111g 110\1' Tht'lr 1r:in,11 ~l·r\'LCt'S should he 1111:111t1·d ," Brigg~ s;1id . f'ount\ 1'r:111~11 l>1:i;tn1 ·L clir1'1·101·~ ;1 nnouJl~l'd llu·~· \\111 !lll•t·I 111 SlX'l'l<li ~•·•s1on Thursd;1y n1n r n 1 n g lo l'{•rLl~·n1pl:11t• th1·ir ll{'\t nlO\t' 111ih ''''I'll'\'\ to tl11• lax 1·h'<'lh•ll Tht' 1111•t"lln;.: 1s s4•1 for R 30 ;1 111 111 lh1· t·uun\\' l\.1:ird of S11p1.·rv1sor:-.' h1•,1r1ng roo111 111 S<11H<1 .\nJ. If vo1ers :q1pro\P Ille :-.;1!t·~ t.1\. 11 111!1 ;1dd :inoth1·r rung to l hl' l;i<Jdrr 01 suh~irf11·s th:l! ~upport tht· county 1r;111st\ npcr:.i!ion . l.1·ss th:in 15 pcr!'<'n! of 1ht· di ,.tr1(·!"s :1nnu;iJ costs arc nu1v p<11d for out of bus f:ir•· boXi.'S. Thi· rr1n;11nrl er l'h!lJC'<; fr(un loc:il µropt•rly 1:tXl'S and !l'clcr31 1;1x corfl'rs. Sta le l{e n c,,·s lo Get .\Iari11c Beach L':1 \1fon1ia's d1 rctlor of Parks arid H<·l·r1'.llLOn. \\'11l1arn Prru1 ~\•lit , \'Ollf'd 111 S:in Cll'rncn!r l'Liesd:iy ht r('n1•1\' :11!t·n1pts to 11rt»~I 1'r('stl•· f\(':lCh fron1 ~l:irinf' Corps t'f1n1ri1l 1101~· th:il 11 1s no tnngf'r a Sl'('11r1ty buHt>r f11r Hichard ,\1 ;\'1\on's 4>.st;ll1' :\!1)11. respontl1n~ to :.in i'idv1sory from :1 Iii'\\' t•1 \111•11's rt'\ h'IV f'11n11n1ttrl' fur 1l1•1·rlop1111·nt nf ~.1n llooftf' St:itc l':trk. 1•l>'dg~·d Ii• 0111t•11 :1 n\·w •1·1 uf n1 '1(01i:1t11H1s f1ir 1111· ('fo\•1t'd ~urf 1n~ l1t•i1l'h \1h1i·h ltrs 11111nl'd1;1tt•l\' du1111l'o:1s\ •/I lilt• fur'll\l•r 1 'r1·~td1>n1;;tl •·~t:)!f' t•11111po1111d But s11cc ·r·ss n11i.:ht !'\\• d1ff11·11l1. ~n11I th(' ~l:tlt' p:irks offirial lie hl~11111·rl !11l' ,\1:1r111t' l'orJ)S f11r !):1lk111g ;<tt C\'cry .1111·111pt to dt''·rlnp lhl' s1a1c p:1rk The <001111111\\rl'. ni:idt> u11 of l'.t :q1r~..i1ntf'd n1e1nb1'tS r<'.<:1d1nJ! Jn ~1.'ls!al ron1n1unitiC'.S stretching fro1n Palos \'(•rdes to Sol:in:i Beach. enacted the request ;H its inaugur:il n1cr tu1g. The beach long had been a batUegroond between :;urfers and Marine patrols when tilotrs offi ce and n1ililary dcleg:ltcs bega n ncgo!iating for a transfer of lhc bea<:h into st.'llc control several years ago. But \\/hen Nixon chose the old Cotton estate for the \\'estem \Vhite J·lousc. the ~late relented on demand s that the beach remain a no-man's land ,qnd serve ;is a security buffer. GOING ON THE PILL? Laguna Beach Squirrel Ford Pledaes ~- E 11t1Jloyl'1te1tl For Blacks Tly llt~LEN TII0,1AS \\'A~IJl~(;TQ ~ 1 l~l'l) Prl'sidt>ll\ Ford tolri black Jlousc nit"tnilcrs tod:1y he is considering a public s1'r\'1ee cn1plo~•rne11l progra1n In f i g h l 11ni:n1plo~ 11111111 of hl::irks 1n n1ajor c:il11·s. ;i h•fldl'r of the ~roup s:1id. Ho•p Charles B. B:.ingel 1 f)-!\.Y 1. ht'nd o! thr Hl:1ck tau~'US. told repor1<·r .... !hf' J!•tUSt· ITil'ITil>C'r~ 11 t'fl' ··p]C;JS('d" II it h !hl' \\'h1!(' !louse 1nc·eting :.ind round that Ford ' rt·cog111zt·s lh;1t our con('l'rns :1r11 h1, C'll!l<'''rns .. , l•\)rd 111\'t \\"Jlh lht! llOUSl' ml'TTIIX"r~ 111 a fnt•ndly anj conciliatory gf's1ur1· :un1L'd at i1nprov1ng relations bct111'en thf' 1·xr<·u1i\·e branC'h and the blach t.1"111:1kers. 'rta· l':iucus 11·as :it oci<J<; \\!th formf'r .Prrsident Nixon and ;ill hut 0111• of thrn1 \'Ol<'d against Ford's no n11nat lo11 to be \ice prcsidPnt 1Jsl ~ear. H;111i:;rl soiid that Ford "1nadc it \"Cry «!f'<lr he Is c"Ot1sidcrin)! some kind of public st•rvice crnploymenl." 1'hc I 'ri's1dt·nt said th<' countrv n('rds a "strong defense posture'' b;1t also told the llouse mem bC'rs. "I c:1n assure 1·00 that the dl'fCllSf' budgt'I is not -;<1rr11~;1nc1.·· Hanl-!t'I said . \\1th his cho1t'l' (lf .\cl:-on A . Hocktfl'l!cr to be \i<.'t' president out of thC' \\:ty, r·ord krpt a h(':1vy sch'\"dull' lie .•!!t•ncl1·d n1£'1n('lr1<1l Sl'f\ ll'<'" t11r sl.1111 :11nhass:ldQr Rodgf'r T'. 11:.i,·ics :ind l:itt·r •1).!111·1.l rhc S2.1 billion f'dUC'at1011 acl 11hlch 1111•lud1•<; :;l irf <lnlibu<:ing provis1orb. In ;1 ITIIX lhat has ht.'COlllf' <.I ty\)ll':ll Ford O:iv :it thr \\"h11c lloust'. the l'r1·~1clt'n( :dso arranged f1v('-111i11u1t' courti sy r:tlls for !hi' an1bas..«adors n1 l'ak1st:in Iran :ind India . 111~ Bl:lck Caucus ml'mhl'rs l\"t•re nh\"tou<i\y pl1·asN:I 1.11th !h1•ir fir st 1nert1n~ 11!1h Ford :1s pre's1tlcnt ;:ind Rangel sa1rl 1h:1t r·,irrf pro1111S!'d tu appoi111 .111 ;is<;1Stanl 11ho 11ould Sf'rrr ;is a l111k hr!\\('t'l1 !h('1r group .'.ln<l the \\"hill' I l••US('. ·ThP l'rl':-id1'11I has atlv1~ed u~ 1h.lt not nnly is his cloor opt•n 10 us bu! 11101·+· lrnporl:111tl~ lh:ll c•u.:h ol u~ can e<tll h1n1.' ~;11d li :1ng1·I. lh·p. l1;1rh;1ra .Jordan !1)-Trx 1, 11:1~ 1nort· cautu:ius 111 h1·r ch:ir.1tcr11.a111111 of thf' 1nret1ng. "The naturl' of the meet1ni: today \Vas let's talk lo c<leh other. That. \\C did." she said. flange] said the group left Ford a. document !isling the ir long t e r TTI concerns. lie s<iid it was nol a "shoppi nii li st'' but coverL-d a range of subjects, including mino rity housing . econo1nic ~vclopment , inclusi on of Africa in a meaningful way in foreign policy. ttic military budget, health. narcotics, crime, voting righ1s. improving the status of a lt n1inorities including black won1C'll, amnesty and transportation. Giving It Up 'Florida Fo:r ' Finally Su.rrenaers • TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -Jnrk Clouser. a lom1er police- man charged with kidnaping <ind robbery, decided to end 10 yea rs on the n1n and surrendered to au:.hor1ties today, a state law enforce· 1nent official said . Clouse r, 42, made the FBJ's 10 iuost·wanted li st and earned the njckname '"fhc fo'lorida Fox" as he e luded and ridiculed purs uers. }fo\vever, Florida officials have indicated Clouser may go free because of the s1atule of lin1itations. In a lellcr 10 his estrang:erf ,vifc. ~1 a rl enc. and two lec n·aged sons •. C'loul'e r s~dcl he would give hin1self 11p beca use he was tired of r\1nn1ng and wanted to he y,1i1h his fan11ly. ''i\.layhc n1~' son s need in c.'' ( 'l o u~cr \\'l'Otc. "l\·laybc 1'111 just loo old and lirrcl lo st art over ti J.!ai n." San i:r anC'iSl'O polil'r :i rrC'sl('d c·1ou.,cr in .June o n an assa ul t <'hargc but hf' \\':'!.°' rclcascfl bcfor<' l11s idcn1 ily was known. In the letter to his 1A'1fc, \\.'ho livC'" in 0 1·t:indu. ('lo11~cr ~a id he had bee n Ii\'· 111g in S;'l n Franrisco ~ill<'C 19117 under lhe alias Donald Simin!'. 1narricd a n other wo1nnn :i nd \Va s h{l)ding ;i job. 1'hl-bu rrows have caused huge sections of the p:1rk to C:Jl"f' in. Tl1~· prob!C'ln is t'SJX.'<'ially acuto. dw·ing the rainy S(';ison 11·hcn the holes fi ll 1vith 11·atcr, and the chffside slides quickly. 1'ht>ir h<ihits ha\'e toppled a concrete Sl<urway and are steadily shrink ing the peopl e area of the park. Previously t he city lril-d to jXlison tbc squi rrels. That re;ultcd in a furor. an outcry from people "'ho feed and love them. Next. 1he city tried trapping lhrn1 -\\'Lt h hun1ane "ila\'c-A-Heart" traps. 1'he squirrels reproduced faster lhan the cit y could trap lhe m. ~. the city council is now faced \\'ith a proposal to prescribe birth control chemi cals to the squirrels. Under a propos al fonvarded by Public \~'orks Director Stan Scholl, the animals 1\ould be fed a specially 1reatcd food . And, nature "'ould not take its course- on Water _!\iring 1'rcatn1c11t Set By Cottnty Panel An all-Oay he;iring has been set hy the iltunicipal \\"atcr District of Orange ('<1un1y lo decide \\"hethf'r the d1stnl'I ~hould i,:o into the water lrcaLmenl bu~int.'SS. Tht-hearing ,~·in be held in the Ci1v or Or:1ngc counci l chambers, 300 E. Ch:iprnan A\e., from 9:30 a.m. lo 5 p.111 The district ~·holesales waler lo 38 loc:il \\'a1cr entities :ind rovers aboul 80 percent or Orange County. l>rcsently, \Valer bro ugh t froin the Colorado fi ivrr is sold to districts or cities v.·hich trt':lt it themSl'lvcs before piping it 1o custome-rs. A nc"· supply of Northt'rn California 11·a1f'r to Orange County . hov.·evf'r, \11il l n::quirf' addi tiona l treatment due lo b10Jogi1·al contarninants. The op!ions open to the district are to continue wholesaling unt rea ted wa te r to the loc<il entities. letlin~ the1n tre:it ii. -Or treating the "·atcr on a rr~1011al basis. The voat er supply 11·ill be a\'ailahlc to Orange C-0un1y through the state 1\alc.r system by 1977. l'he district board "ill consider four plans for re~rion:il trca1Jnen t of the 11·ater 111 ndrlition hl th1· possibility of leaving the rr~ponsibilily to local selle rs. Tht' di~t rict considt>rs a plan! at Pelf'r's t'.anl'on th<' n1Qsl rcono1nica! ~·ff1rient and rcliablr ()f the regiooal proposals. The fir~! stagC' of cons1ruction 1>oul{I cost ~27 n1 illio11 . ~ccond 1,·ould bl.1 a treatmrnt at \Valnt1t f'anyon :1t a fir~t-st::igt• cof'I of ~lO rnillion. The nrw 1 .... :l!(·r 11·ou!<l )){> .1 rn1X nf t)11• f'XISl lllE: ('f1lor;"1do H1rf'r supply ;ind th•· ne11· \\'1t••r ;inr! ·11·otdr1 n1'('ci P'\!r~ tn·a trnrnr. according to Stan Sprague, ns<;is!:int 111a11:1;'.!<'r of the ch~tric! GEM TALK TODAY by t 1~,,, J. C. HUMPHRIES ' THE MOST ANCIENT GEM Although n1os l p eople kno'v that the ruby now marks the fortieth marringc ;,1nnivers ery. f(•w kno\V that this beautiful gem prcl'cdcd the dian1oncl as a most valued JC\\'Cl by hundre~is . o t' yci:u·s. and \VCJS the B1bllce1 I symbol or \vis do m and virtue . 11lc ruhv has a wc•lith ot ancient lo.re. :1nrl is in the world's oldest to1\i smani c ~wcl , called •·n~1r<1ralna ." of the Jilndu rcli~ion . 1'his syn1bol ic jewe l is a rin~ with a ruhy center. stone. On each sici l' arc fou r d ifferent gems rnount{·d in an ord er dcsi.(!f1{'d lo eon1hnt(' important astrologic;1I 111rluc nr(•s. 1'hc ant i~·nt s <'l;1lnl'd lh at ht' v.•ho \\'(11·shippr d \v1t h ruh1cs \\'otild be 1·chorn an ~'nl p<'ror 111c hl~a11t1lu l t.t low nf lhr ruhv r omb1nerl \Vith ~rent ha rclncs:;; n'akt• . .., 11 one ol lo<ia~"=--1110:-.I Jl(•pu\;1r and v:J \L lf'd J-'.1·n1s. ' .... t " • Gc11err1I ,.,.,,.;,·101•11 A r iny t 'h1cf 1Jf :-;1;iff t;t·n. Creigh1t1n \\' 1\hr:un~ I:'. 111 "l'f'· inus COJHlit1u11 Ill \\.111t'I' Hct:d llospit al. :-utTcr111g rrl1tH :1 bloo ll clut i11 111., It·:.: .\tirnn1.c; for incrlv \''as eonu1i:111rl11H.! ).!l'll eral o f l. S. f11rccs 111 \'1e111an1 Pageant's Ba11cl W ou 't B e Pln y·i 11,g; ']Jail to l'hief' H.ichard N1:1:011·.~ rrs1gn;l!i('ln has sen! 11':1\"t'S k1rge and ~n1all lhroughou1 1\n1c ric;1 n Soc•it·t\'. One of !ht· l1till' r!pph'.~ 1·\·1·n \rasht·d Lngun.a B('ach·s l'agcan1 ,,r 1hr \!:1strr~. f)uring s11n1n1cr pr1.'.~tdf'1Jti:il visit~ to !ht> \\"cstt·rn \\'h11r llous1•, th1· p:1gvan t c1rchcstra h;id t11 !)I' r f';tdy on a 1110111l·nt 's notice lu play "llail 10 thf' Chier··. rhe traduion:il air pl:J.V('<I on tlu• :1rr11·al of !hi: !'resident :'\:011· condut·lor \"11' :X h<Jt'll h;1S rollt·C'\f'd up the "11<111 lo !he C"h11.•f" \'1.':1 rs ~11.:0. ~<'li<x·n 1>i•r\on:tl1} u1vi1ed 1h<' presidrnt to altcnd tht• fantou::; pai;eant's "h\·ing pictures." "l got a letter in rt•turn saying v1hcn ::ind H h~ could n1akt' it. hr ...,·oul41 dn !:fl," Sthot'11 said. "!!;iii 10 the c·hit'f" 11·as readied. ;tnd rf'hearscd. Jlut. Schoen said he didri'l rhink 1nueh of the score. "I'm glad 111.'lt it is so .sc!don1 11scd, i!'.~ not rt•ally rhat n1us1c.1I.'' I.ht' conduc:!or snid. Dog Pfl.ck Kills ,j. Ko11garoo .11 ST LOl"lS, l\1o. IUPI 1 -Four kangaroos v.·f'rf' killed v.·hen a pack of stray dogs in\'acled the SL l...oui.<\ Zoo in Forc:.:t Park shortly <1ftC'r tht• gi.J!t•S Ol'('lll'll 71JO chrector Hobert Briggs s:11d Tur.<;<Jay !hl' r1o~s rn!i'rl.'d tht~ ~ate and v.·ent for th(' tllro.'lts of thf' Auslr.Jli:in <1nin1als. Tlirc<' \l'f'rr killi•d l•!llright :lnd :1 fn11!'1h d1~·d l:1ter uft!'r bt·1ng Sl't'I011l!l,1' 1n;111\1·d 1\10 11r 1h1• ;:ini1nals hillt•d 11t·1·+· prf'gn:in! fo'n1t1le s. :-;t·ruri1r gt1:1 rd ~ ~hnt anr! ki\l vd 11~·0 of 1h1· s1r:1.v 1!0~~ • .ind (111~ v11und •1·orkcrs p1rke<! UP lhff'l'. JI h{'r!<. A 11ti-c·ri111l" Pla11 Vote LJ ll~lll i 1110lJ S 1:1 111111\\1 SC"l ll !l-.1111·.ll (11 Olt 04111 P"9' 11,tJ l l!";ur' '111,/H\ ~Ill" )"l L· .. ll Ii .1 I f" 1111••1\ll 1h1•or lull 'l1Jlll41r' 1"•11111.t ,, ft1'0 1"1 .... d 1•• '••1111·1· !••11 J••l';u111• llh 1·01111!\ f~Jlt< l' itl!<·l\1~1 Ill I' \11111 '!lit !lll.1!1111'"11S \"!' I 1111' 'fll('"t11 1f1~·r ~111~111 on 1;.11111\ ll11•ll'11h ,11\•I "lu'J'lff 1•J1 I! 1:1,ldlt'\ (:;it•~ 1111\)111• d 1t1t' l'rl•~I dill !111·\ !11 ;;f!t·1I .lilt I I 111),1111 • 111111,.; 1111 ll d1 ... ·n11nJ.! c·uorH 1 1'"11! ,. ' 11u·: Tlt1· ,·1111111\ l'1oll11• fh10 •1'-.: \ . .;;01·1;111••11 r(•pr··s~·11 11·1I !11 l,;1 l';d1 11:1 1'h11•t 11rh11· I 111k" .~.ud 11t1 lo•r ni:d I 1)!•· .1n1ild lw 1.1h1•11 n11 1111· 11•111·g;_11111;.1l11111 111.111 11n11I 11ii'l,1\' B11t I )11·dri• I!. 11 ho !:11111C'!it'd !11•· 1n11,si1g:111n11 111!0 llH' 11p1·r.r11on .. o~ tli·· "'C'l'1·1 rl,11,1 1:.11h1·ring 1)ri.::in1 1.111n11 s.11d ;d11·r th1· r111 •1•l1ng 11u· 1·!1a11~1·s \1oulrf h·· 111:ul1· \11111 nr 111th11ur tlh' rlu1•f ~ ;11!nrn1 ;11 1'11<' pl.111 llu•dt'l<"h .inrl 1:;1t~·;; 1".11111· up 1111!1 1111uld supp1;1111 1h1· 1'l:t~!in:: (lr;1ni..:1• (·11ur111· lnt1·thi.:Pni·1• Ln11 !Of'll lf \1·11 h :1 11P11· organ17a11011 c·:dlf'<i !hf' 11r;111g(• ('ou11I\' l'run1nal r\cli"ll" Sy~11•tn t{X'(',\S1. An11111g o1hl't ll1iug:;, the L"urren! stru1·turr of OC IU. 1nelud1ng its sen1i· inrlrpt·ndent st:1tus 1n~1dc !hf' l)i stncl Attornl'y·s offil'1', \1·oulcl bi· clir.solvt•d . Al! 1111· 111111 ·~ :1ctivit11•s, r·ri1n1· till'<; :i nd :;:pc·1·1al ~ur1•t>ill:1ncC' ~·11u1p111!'11I. \1·01ilcl bi~ tr:1nsf1•rr'1•rl [(I !ht' sh{• r if r .' ll1•p.'.lrln1t•n1 tn b(' 11nd1•r thf' dirc~·t conlrol :ind rl''-\)(lJlS1bil11y of C[lh'.~ f)l'll ' t'n11!;i1nr:. ,111 l'Sl!l1l."l!f•d :1.4\10 filr<; 1•n k11011n fT11n1n:lls ;111d tht•1 r ;1s~o{'];1tt'S ,111d ahou! $fll)J\(M.l 11·11rtl1 ot sophL-.:11{'al(·d -"111 ~1·:1r 1)1,•clru·h'~ 1n:1111 hl1jf'rt10n 111 1h1· unit's 1111(•r;111n11~ ;1r11~1· 11hl'n ()('II' offit·1:i\,. :111tl lhl' l'h11·f'~ ;1~soc1:1r1nn 1·:11111· 111 tho• 1 '•>t1nt~ to il°'k f<•r h:il\ oJ lh(' 111111 ~ ,llfll IH~I ;1111111:1\ bt1tlg1'\ hind, [)if'(tn1•h :;,11d hl' \IHLJlt\ !l<t\ 101'' 1•11 !ht• tund1ni.: until h1· 11as i!l\l'll ~:-11~\•· :1sc;ur:11H·t·s 1hl' unit 1\;\sn·1 hr1n~ lh1·tl !or tlhl'1! l'sp1n11:igl' nn 1nn0t·cnl pr·iv;1\1 !'ll lZt•ll s 'l'ht' Vu!lt'fL(ln ~u1icr1·1sor d1·n1:.indcd that ~annt' !..ind <1! c1v11i;1n r1•\'i1•11· prflt·f'dLJn· ht• t·-.L:1hllshl'd 1 n CJ1Pr~l't OClli hut ht· ran 11110 oppos1tiu11 lr1J1ll I ht• chil·l<;. !Ip 1urnf'<t to G:'1!1~s. 1vho confcr rrd 111 1h !hi' 1·h1Pf~ :ind dr;1fll'cl !he r;1dit'<1I r!'11rJz:1111z;11i11nf J. f<t•.~1dt•s pulrl h•· 110•11 {)C(';\S 11ndt'r riv• <111'1'('1 t'11n . of an cll'tll'd nffif'i:il l'•'l!]l(lll.~lblt• tn t_ propll'. lhi' niedr1l'h· <:;11t·s pl:il\ !'!'!~up an ;111nu:1I f;r:1nd Jurv ;111rlit or the unit's opcr;lt1on.:; :i11d 111'{}- 1·Nh1rP<; -fallini: .~hort of ;1c-t;1 II i11::=p1'l' tu1n 11f !ht• t 111·' Thl' 11rur ~ t1111d1nr: "·111 IX' ri'thtcP1! fro111 $10r.,tlO!J to S:l·!.l'IOO Jlf"I' V~'<lr :tncJ i1s .!:l;1ff11\j.! fn1n1 S1\ 10 1110 ('urrt>ni l)f'Jll P.x••('Utll't' f)j r('ctor $tu:u·1 J)11n1·:1n \1 ill h1· firt"ll (;;iit•<; 11111 hl' 1'<'Spons1hl1• for n11pl,r111~ :1 st net St•I ul l"ntef1;1 lo an~ 1nforn1at1n11 ,'l(]cled to th1' filC's ;incl :1ny T'f'<!Ui'Sl fnr 1nforn1at1on !rorn th<' fill'S Thi· n1·11 ~111·riff 1.1011 kl I""· 11·~1)()n~1bt,• for purging !hi' filrs pt·riod1cally of 1111li\'irl11:ils 1~·ho :1rf' not artivl' in crin1inal :i1:tiv1t 1c:i; in n1or1· than ont• jurisdiction_ \Jur1ng Tucsct:i,\'\ hl':1nng. F1·l1t'1• l,011r1:i of 1h(' AnlPflC':tn (1\ ii L1b{'rto1·~ l ' 1111111. \ Ot<'t'<l h('r gr1111 ps ('OlllTrn I h;1 t !ht' dl'il('~lll' b;iJtil\cT ilt•1W!'•·n 111d 1111l11,1f righ1 <; :ind puhlH' :-;:1f1'1\ 111' 111:11nl;1111rd Shv 11;1~ .1 ... ~uro·d 111 l)1clr11h :•lid 1::110 •., ()!.'ll l•\'\'!'I' ('lf(lrj h:Ht hl'{'fl l!\:nk• lol Pl'OI~•!·~ 1111' r1\11~111u 1 1on;1l r1~hls 1.i lh" p11hl11· :tnd ,11\l!H1t' \lhOS\' ll:lll\t' 1..; Ill! lurl1,'•I If\ th1' fJll'~ ~~~~~~~~ and .Esratc -Jcwclry··- Dia1nonds •• GL'n1stones ........................... • II/ 11/ / i /; 1'/Ui/ / \\/11\ 1111 f.,'1 //\/t i I • • • • / \ \\.f/\1\r/11\' ,\\/I \1'1'/~ I/I II II\' I.I :J • • HY /,\l'f'J (;RI'/''!' l '~(I\ I 'Ii II \ I I; '""'\/:.I I/.\' + : J\t ·1 111~ ,\ \\l r /.')Ct\1/ti \. : ............................ W e have custon1cr~ ·w :i1t111 g l()r • important jc,vclry pieces and gL·rns ........................... J. C. J.Ju1nphrieJ Jewefe rJ 1823 NEWPORT BLVD .. COS TA MES A CONVE NIENT TEAMS 21 YEAHS IN Tt-4 E SAME LOCAl lON u.1nk.Amr10C,1r11-Ma~!er Cliarge rHONL '1•18·340 1 • I '' I DAI L'!' Pl ll1T Just ~ Coasting ,~~! ..... ' ~fr \(I · '\~~\' \ . . h ... , . Wlf Tom urphiue Of Sq t1irrel s A11d PaclcJJ ers L.PCOAST, LH)\\':\'C(>AST: \vu J1;1ve -.c:innl·d the nf'\\S and fow1d very little to t..~kl• \"Ot!r n1inrl fro1n fe:ir. d1sn1<'ly ~111d h1~h(·r tr1x1·~ ri g:ht 1 \Veil. Irv these : In L:iguna Ben('h, ri!v officialdom of the Art Co!o11~' J:"l curren11y considering birth control for squirrels. The preiblt·1n is tha! these 1i1tlr drvi!s h;ive for son1(' \'C.'.lfS inhabited !he clifl faces belo1\' liCisler Park. They dig tunnt'ls iJ1 said cliffs. \rh<'n !hey are no~ an1 u:;1n g thPmselves by digging. lhe furr_v 11trle cre111urcs are 1n ultlplyu1g. This t"!'l!alcs 111orc diggers. No\v the cliffs look like S\riss cheese and the land 3bove n1ay not be too stable. Some years back. Laguna ciiy officials proposed to .~nuff out all the sq uirrels v.·ith some kind of poison. This drew cries of protest from many citizens v•ho like the squirrels and often feed them, so they may happily cont inue digging love nests. SO NO W LAGUf'\A city brasi;; is mull- ing the idea of feedi ng !he lit tle fello\vS themselves. Only the food "'ill be a hid· ing place for The Pill. The logic seems to be that if the squirrels stop multiplying. 1he little rodents \~·ill be on the n1inus side of Zero Popul ation Grov;th. Then you \~'ill have a bwich of o!d squirrels. Thus you surmise that Lagun.a's official ixisil ion niusl be that an aging squirrel, \\'ho isn't intereste.d in love anyn1orc. isn't interested in burro\ring tunnels, ei1her. You dig'.' 1\1EAN\\'l{fLE UPCOAST, Ba I boa Island's perennial pad d I er of padd!eboards. Larry Capune, is paddling a"'ay. He is. in fa ct, \vay upcoast. near the California border. Capune is tryinq to set a new record by paddleboarding to San Diego. Balboa Island L11rry has been doing this kind of thing: for ye<irs nO\\'. lie 1s nO\\. 32. \'ou have to hope he v.·ill find out \\·here the shoreline is on e of these davs. Still n1ore meanv.·hile do~'Tlcoa~t , it appears that ~tission Viejo residents are golng to tlect a ~lunlcipa! Advisory C.OUncil come next November. TI1is is going to be fun. For the uninitia ted, a J\1un'icipaT Advisory Council, also kno1vn as a i\1 AC, is a city council for places that don 't have a city. It meets. votes, makes long speeches and advises the Orange Cotmty Board of Supervisors on things it ought to do for Mission Viejo. FUNN\' TI-ONG is our super\"isors. usually credited v·ith much political cunning. actually voled to allow the ~fission Viejo folks to do this. So. v.·hen rhe i\funi Ad\·isorv Council g('ts elected by the i\1.ission Viejo pcopl('. you just wait until the first !ln1e th<it. council voles some ad vice thHt the SUPt'rv1sors ignore. Some J\1ission Vi ejo co1m('1! member \1·i1J give a speech titled. ..Give 1\1e !_jberty or Give 1\le Death _" Three guys 11·11! m<irch down Avery Park\vay v.•ith file and drums. There \\·ill be cries fo r Liberty, Freedom, Independence and No Taxation \VJ!hout Representation. Also for Llly hoOO . SO:O.fE YOL:NG CJI APS 1n lhrec· cornered hat s may rip do1vn a few stre('t barr1cndes and dum1) so1ne tea at IJana Point 1 !;i rhor They II probably rename \1·hoevcr is t'oun1 y board chn1r1nnn King George I. \\ 1ell, you can"! say the supcr\'isors didn't ask for it. S5-I llt•1l11~tio11 GM B0ws, Trims '75 Price Hike DETROIT 1 CPI l -l~nera! ~·l utCtrs Corp., bo"·ing to \Vhite lluu.se pre~sur(', lodav annountl'd a tokt·n reduc1ion of $5-1 from its planned price hi ke of $500 for 1975 n1odel t ars ;ind tru cks. G'l s.11d the reduction \\'as in response t() an aprcal from President ford to l"Oll back the increase and hclr1 fight 1n!Jat10JI The a;~rage increase on C'l's 19iJ inV<ll'.'1 c11rs. which are bf:111~ put on ~:1lc as soon as dealers rC.'t.'.ClYC thrn1. is not1' $+16 . including $JI)() to Slf>ll for rtni s~ion l'Onll'O\ equipn1ent, $20 for l11~ht·r <le:-t1na11on charge.:; and the r1;n1aindcr to cover the !?igher costs of labor ;ind materi<lls. The mol'e bv the na tio n's No. t auto n1akcr, the aCk1t0\1·lcdged price leader. 1\as :;ecn a.~ a gestt1rc to !<ike off 1hc pressure rhat h<1s ~en building ~in('<' 1\ug. 9 v.·hcn ll announced the 9.5 percent increase. Pl"f':..i<lent For<l \\'as sh;1r]l!,1· cri11c,1I r1f 1h<' hike aud Jl:1d calll'rl t1ir .1 rL-<lt1c1 Inn. "This reduction is our response to Pre~idcnt ford's appeal to a!l segn1ent s of t/1e American public to help figllt innation ," Gi\I chairinan Richard C c;rrs:tenbcrg said in a thrce·pagc ne"s release. U.N. Won't Quit Fama2usta Port ~ United Press International United Nations peacekeeping troops rin Cyprus tcx:lay ignored a ·rurkish orclL·r lo get out of the port of fan1af.(us1a a nd patrolled the deserted streets o! !he stra1egic e11 sl coast port Turkey captured last v.·cek. A U.N. spokesn1an said a rf'qucst bv U.N. autho rities for clarification of the Turkish demand to quit the ixir t had gone unanswered nearly 24 hours after it was sent. He said Swedis!1 U.N. troops are still there . The 'fUrki sh order recalled one last 1non1h for U.N. forces to gel out of the north coast port of Kyrenia. The l).N. troops refused to leave so the Turks. vastly outnumbering them, simply conf ined thern to thei r can1ps. Then the Turks launched a series of ntt<icks to enlarge their north coast beachhead . ' H (;rrsl\'nberg s;11d 1he fl('>V incre:as(' 11 r11dU •n·era!;c S t.~ pt·rti.:rlt tor cars and ]11 pert'l'll! for trueks. l·'nrd .\·fo!rJI" Co. PrPsidcnt Lee A. JacoCt'J sa1<l Tu esday the No. 2 auto n1:1k1·r lt<1s llt\Jt;> l'hvicc but to follow L:.\rs le<id uu pncc.s Jf/ ctlki rig· T ctll Slierif f Dies l1i Ai1.to Crctsli sc:I.~IER. 'fe11n. ILP!l -Buford Pt1ssrr, ;i l"fllne·bustini:: sheriff n1adc l<1111oll'\ h~· !ht' JllO\"it> "\\'alking Tall ." II :1-.; kilJrd t0<Jay in 3 fian1ing traffic <il'('ident. I l1s dc;1th c.11nr l('Ss lh3n 2.J hours :1fter !11' signl'rl to star in a sequel lo 1he box office hit aboul his battles agi.lin~t gambling, n1oonshini11g and prostitution ill :'IJ('- 1\niry Co1111ty, Tenn. The 1'en ness1~ High· "·ay Patrol s:iiJ the 'W-ycar-old Pu.;ser died ,1·hen l11s 1~:-1 .,, ·~ rf'd sporl5 ca r ci1- &.· .. ,. /', ··.:_;· recned off J.Jii.;in··a,\' . 3-1. crashcU intn an en1bank1n!!n t a n d 8 Ul'ORO PUSSER burst inlo t!an•es_ Pusser \\·as thr(,l\'n clear and died instantly. '!'he lligt11vay Patrol said there v.·ils no sign of foul pla.v in the \\Teckagc. '\11ere were sc1·en alte111pts on Pusser·s life v.·hilc he se r\ed as sheriff and one of then1 killt'd his wife and almc>st killf'rl hin1 . "\~"alking: Tntl" ended \\·ith /-'11sser lying 111 a hospital bed, ha!f l1is f;icc shot a1\'ay by .3()...caliber pistol built· ts. f'•lurtccn p!;1sr1c surgery operations gave hin1 a 11e~.,. appearance, and he \\'as \1c<1ring l1is hair lon ger than his crc11·cul of Ja\r enforcetnent days. Blng Crosby Productions announced in r.1en1phis Tuesda y, v.·Hh Pusser at the lll'\1·s conferrnee, that it \-vould soon begin filrning '"Buford "' near the area {Jf Honky Tonks \\"here he became a legend. U.S. Aide: 'I Will Not Come Back to Cyprus • • • ' i\JCOS!A. Cyprus rUPJ I -Maril}:n Burlison knelt by the an1bassador and tried to stop the blood from pouring out of a 1votmd in hi:; chest. Bulle\.<; crCJcked in the h;.ilhvay. Sn1oke and tear i:as seeped in under the door. l\fQmcnts after the first burst or gunfire ripped into the U.S. Embassy, Lov.·ell Citron ducked the bull ets. crawled to a telephone and calle<I for help. Ci tron said he t1canJ U.S. An1bCJssador Jlodgcr J)avics cry out during the l\1onday morning: attack and "thrn I saw hin1 fa lling ... As Oa\11es Jay mortally v.·ounded, r.Jarilyn Burlison. his personal secretnr.v. tried lo stop the bleeding and Citron tried desperately to get hrlp. "The man on the other end (of !he !el ephonr) couldn't hear 111c,'' Ci!ron sa'1d. ··t kept. shou!ing to send <in a111bulancc to lhe en1ba ssy and he kcpr shouting to :i.sk 1\ here. the idiot ," A f:reek Cypriot s L f' 11 o g r a p h c r . An!irine [tc V;1nara , rrat'h(•d Ol'i·r to ht·lp Davies but a second burst of bullet s "b1e1v off her head," said Citron, :i. :lfi-ycar-old po!i!ical officer fr(l1n J\e11• York . T1vo nn1bulances could not ge t through the thick !ear gas and thousands of angry demonstrators outside th e ('mbassv. An American n e \\' s m an coverini;" the protest ran to the nearby Hilton Hotel 10 gr! incdica! help fron1 the Jocnl Red Cross. Red Cross 11•orkers refused. ho11·ever. lo ntove '""hen they le;irned the injured \1·erc A.rnericans. a go1·ernmcnt official said. Citron "·as s1111 trying to get help "·hen President Glafkos Clerides arrive'(!, The Cy priot leader, \\'ho dashed frorn a nev.·s confrrencc. across tov.n. donned a mask to pro1ect ngainst the li ngerin~ !ear gas. but pushed it :1side v.·hcn he sa1v Davies. ''.\ily god. he'!> been .-;hot,·• Clcrides said_ "TakC> hin1 co niy car."' Hours l:ilf'r, ~1<1ril;.n Burlison board~;d a slX'ci<il 1.:.s . Air Force plane rarrying 1 lhc body of 1hc arnbJssador back to · his horn(' in CaHfornin. '1 1>ill not conic back to Cyprus i-vt•r <1g<1in." 1he J\·1inneapolis scC'rclary s<Jid as she follov•ed the coffin onto the plane. Winds Strike at Midwest Shoivers Range Alo1ig Gulf, Atlcuitic Coast (),!J, Summaru Th11nct,.rs•orm1 dnd hl~h ~·inO• ho! D8•1~ ol the M;Clw•\I tllrl~ trnM.1 bv1 "'<Isl or !he nd!lon h11d tlt~r ~~1e1. Winds VD lo 10 "1iles per hou~ H>c~eo R<><:~ Ren•(ls. ltt norlhwe>lern •ow•. durino ~ .iorn• !nere No lttlv,les we•e reoor!ed. Tl'lund•rs!o•ms we•-'(11!!e•td from tl'le voper M l·.sluioo• v~11~u to 'fl~ ~Otllhwpc11!'n PI01n1 but t>rOll(]l\I lhil~ rein. Ttte mo<t we• ont inch In Iii l!ovrs 91 Wiiiiston. N.0 , 51>owt•s 111..o t.onae<i •looo 111-e Gvll and th~ soutnern Al!11ntlc Coa,1, l'OQ cut u!slb!lity 10 les1 111•1'1 lhrM mHn. in lhe A.Pl>fllec!\111n MouM•in1 .ond !fie VP!ler Ohio V•lltY. l1Ll!!J~l!•ll DfLIVERY SERVICE Oehveiy of the Daily P1lol rs guaranteed ~F,_: I ,. • lltl 1tm IW ,... .., S:JI ..... al • , ... c.,, .. ti lrtuflll II 1•· CJls Jft Ukn INll~ 7:)1 ,. .. wu, "' s~,,.: n '" • 1111 rtt"'• yw ,.,, "I' ! J .. Sat111.,,.. • I I~. SllUJ, 61 al I c.,, wlll h •tllf~I II ra 'Ill .111 llU• ~Iii If~"'· lelcjjlonos ......... "'"~ .... ' .. 641~311 M1til llllllfMI!• ltd! ""rui..1tff ICD-1210 s. Clttltiilt. '•itrlllll le.IC~ $111 Jun tJ,1111111. hu hirlt. *" l'E•. llfflll Jtifltl. 491·4410 ~11r f0d•11. Llcrhl 11~d•t>1t "''~~' n1on1 AP'M:I mornrnp houri Wo'l11"0 Wf1!11"1~ lG IO 16 ~noll In •1P•tnonn1 to<lly 111'11:1 T~u•1(1&~. tllQ~ tor1<1v •~ t~ lt>w 10• ((}11•1&1 t1mJ>t••fur~·. ·~~J)ft lr<>m 63 lo 1l. llll•l'ld '""'Ill''• tvr•• ,,,,., tm<n ~ lo to . W•t~, ltm1Ht(l!11•t TO S1111, !'10011, Thie,< WEONIUOAV 'Kon<! !\19f" 1 ·?0 om. -'-' St(.on!I '""" l OS 1• ~' II ' THUltSOAY 1 ·os •·"'· 1 ) ~1•11 !ow &.~ <1 rn. I l S~C(>f!!I '"U~ I 70 o m. $.S ~~Ml~ 8llom lD ~11·1 r""' f•19 e.m, Sell i lJ p"' MyM• ri~e1 1D 11 1.m ~tt1 f ;i' 11 m. ('a/iforuia ~uutllt•n C1llfornl~ ,,..,1! ~•1f '" • 11 •1'~' wltr1 Mmny n~·" un111 II•~ 11•-'•t><l •>-cen• fiy CIQWI "' f•·• ft ~rMlM llOrtO ,,.. fll~H Ille NlllM~i WtAlhfr Strv!t't Mid ' lht !\iOll In d<>Wnlown L°' "n~le:,, wl\fc!\ riMr!\ftl 7S Tuewov. wlll c~llntJI! !o be !n m~ ue>c>er iO.. El>ewnert, hiQhs wll! ia '" 111! i~, arot>Q 1ne (o.t•t. in !he low '90s In lnl,,no v•l1evs, In tn~ m;11 .ln• •o mld-.!(h In ll"lt! •novnlains ~nd trom 95 lo I08 In lhe <111trh Overn;gM laws wlll r"!lll• from the "'•<1·»1 to mld~I in c0<1s1al •M:110n• lo the oil.II ~nd S4l1 io th• movnt•in>. Tet11perat.11res A,tlant~ !l•ker•t•eld Bo.Ion BrQ'Wll>Ylll' Bul!,,10 (harlon• Ch•c•~o (ln~i n,..aU Cl•~llnd 0111,,1 Denver ~s MOlnH Delrolf rresno HonOlulu "'"""" (!iv ~ouilv•l'e M~<T>Dt\11 Ml•rnl Mllw•v~t• l,•l11ne1ooh• i..~w O•l••'I.\ ,..,.,. Yo·• 0•'~"(>1'1'111 ti•\' Oftl•h• P•lrn ~n·lnQ' P••o 'lob'"' """•1•1~"·• f'h~nl ( f"l''nV•Qh r>n, ti•~~. O•~. i;"<l 61L1ll ~1cnMo<'I<! V• ~~'-' "'"''"'" ~· Lo"" ~ •• 11 L•• • ( ''; \•11 l'rAntiltO s~~•n• r n•'"'"I WA,~•~!Q'l " " " " .. "' "' "' " " u " " " " :'! " •• .. " " .. "' " " '" .. .. " •• ., " n • M " .. " ,, M " ,, " " ;: " • . ... ROCKY ALBUM -Nelson Roc kefeller is shown at various stages of his. life in file ph otos : top. left 10 right. in 1921 . in ,1928._ and in 1930 al Da rt1nouth College graduation. Botto1n: left tu right, 1n 1935, ill J 953, and in 1968. Ford l(ept N onii1iation Fro111 flis Closest Aides Frorn \\'ire Services \\'ASHJNGTON -Pr~iden1 Ford. keeping his no1ninal io11 of .1 nC'1\· \"iCI" president fron1 sonic of /11s closest 111<Jc:;. proved he could ket'P a secret. Ford kepl his C'hoice of f\'elson 1\ Rockefeller as \"ice president ~ e!ose 10 !he vest 1h:it many top pre:-01 den1ial aides v.·erf' !t·it in the dnrk unlll n1u1nent s before the for111nl an 11 o 1111 c e rn e n l Tuesdav. The forn1t;>r ,\cir York gol'rmor got a big hint that ht' \las Jn1ong. the Ford fina hs!:; 11·hl"11 the President telephoned h11n .C.,1t1;rd;1.1· Ther d1scusst'd a lJpstr(s :1llt'ga11on that -there were <JO{'t1n1ents linking Rockefeller n1on1'Y to dirty !riL"kS at TIJIUS TY TIJIEVES lhc !972 l)en1ocrat1c ~a tional Con\·enlion . Vord's Press Secretary Jerald .. -. terHorst contended la!er that "right -\1·1ni;: C'.-.;tr(·n1is ts·· had planted the al\egatlon to try to discredit HUL'kefeller. Ford di d not tel l l{ockefell<'r th.:11 he 1\"as !he choice. But P residential Counst·lor Hobert ilartn1an n said that Ford ··ask;'C/. nun1e rous questions \1·hich 111i"ht l'erv \\"Cll hn•·c aroused the , . gO\-"L·rnnr's suspicion he 11·as one or !he f1n;1lists. '' \\'hilr on the tel ephone. HO<'kefc!ler g111'C Ford sonic ;.1dvi co:. lit· S~lld h1' hoped he 11ould run for rull ll'n11 111 !976. and that he thOltf:hl IJc had ;drc,ady go11e n long \\'CIY 111 bringing !ht' country h;1ck fron1 the depths of the \\"atcrgate drPre~~ion. i\11LA:\. llalv 11\P 1 -Thie1·rs chopped their 11·ay th.fough a '"<irehouse "'all during the nigh t and stole a1vay v.·iih 7,000 bottles of y,·hisky and 2.500 bottl es of champagne. police said today. Police estimated the loot al $150,000. r\l the end of the tonver!;ation, For<l told Rockefeller th<il he \1·ould run for a full tern1 In 19i6. • The final 11·011.l cn n1c 'illonday night fro111 Alcxandl'r Jl;i1g, 11!10 called ai1d nsked 1tie go1·crnor 1f he could bf• at tile \\"lilte l!ouse <11 9 a.nl . the follo\\·ing 1norn in~ for thl' fonn:1J anoounct'l11t·nl. TOUCH & SEW 'sewing machine Think of sav ing $60. , .and saving even more by trading in your old machi ne tor a gt"nerous aUo"_Vance! And wh at a great ma chine this is, with a built·1n buttonholer, 14 buih·ln stitches including speed basting, many other soph1Y ticated features at your fingertips with oll·dia1 controls. While Uuantities Last! OFF ~e Carrying case OI' cabinet extra Ma11sfield Vows Speed 011 Rocky \\'AS11J NG TO;.J (AP! -Senat e Dc-1nocratic Leadt'r J\fike Mansfield promised quick aefion today on Nelson A. Rockf'feller 's non1ination to ~ vice president. 1'There v.ill be no delay or post(Xlne1nent. ·· 1\lansfield told reporters. J-£e said !hat every effort V.'ould be n1ade "to gel it done before \l'e go out in ()(1ober." \Vith over1\•heln1 1ng praise except from 1;0111c longstanding Republil.:an foet>, Hockef£>1h•r 's oonfirnui tion by Congress ls \'irtua!Jy <1 ss11red, but there is some ques!iOn about h(I\\' long it \\'ill Ulke. Chairrnen vf both the !louse and Senate committees 11'h1 ch \\'lll revie~ the 11on1in<1tion have refu sed to C<Jmmit thl'n1sel>'cs to any tnrget da te. l~ouSl' Judiciary Coinmil!ee Chairman Peter \V. Rodino Jr. ()).N,J.) ~ed a~ain today that the confirmation would l;1ke longer than the two months between r101\' an<l thc No\·. 7 elC<'!ioos. "\\'hrther it"s going to take eight v.-eeks or ten 11·eeks. whate\'et time it's going to take, I think the committee v.'i ll Jo it as 11uickly as v.·e possibly can," Rodino said . But l?cp. Edv.·ard Hutcbinsoo of ,\1i chigan, ranking Republican on the- .Tudiciarv Con1mittet, said President l•'ord's Conlinnation as vice president last year took eigh t Y.'eeks and if Rockefeller's 1akes any Ion g er "som('!)ody's going to be guilty of foot dragging." Rodino and Hu tchinson we re 1ntl'rvie\\"('d on NBC"s ''Tc.:l.ay" program. Cong ress plans to n1ect only about ~1x n1ore weeks bct"·een now and .\"o\'ernbt•r . Congress is scheduled to twgin a L<tlx>r Day rl'cess Thursday and is tentatively scheduled to recess ag~in in October for re · e J e ct ion campaigning. Honie Turned l nto Prison. lllE.\lCO t-:ITY IL1PI J :O.largarita Jime-ncz 1\·oke up befort dn1111 1'11esd11\' In discover that the doors and v,;ndo11s of hrr rented s111~lt_-.st.1ry d1relling had bct'n \1·a!lrd in. :->t'il{hbors ans\rt'ring her shouts pulled away-fresh!v laid bri ~ks in the morning to fil1d ~iargarua bleeding-fron1 the hands and feet after struggling for how's to fi&ht her \\'av out of the hut. A nc~·spaper said t.1iss Jintenct 11·as 1n1prisonC'd b.v a landlocd angered by ~l iss J imenez' legal n101'es to block a renl increase from $20 to $32. Carrying case or cabinet extra SEWING COURSES AT SINGER . DAY AND EVENING CLASSES IN REG ISTE R NOW FOR FALL WING KNITS FROM Sl 4 50 to $29.50, TEXTBOOK INCLUDED. DRESSMAKING, TAILORING, SE · . · SINGER Sewing Centers and participating Approved Dealers For store nearest you, seethe yellow pages under SEWING MACHINES. · · Al\O .1 Credit Pl~n 1s •~•il•bl e •I Sin8tt S ~winR Ct nlers and mi n'( /\pprovcd Oc•ler,, '•nitt i hl\ • libtrit tr'de·on policy. ' , hi ~ l 74 THE SINGER COMl'l\NY. All Riahu Rts~rved lhrou1hou1 tht World. •A l!~dt1r 411~ ol I HE SINGFR COM PANY COPY"K 9 • I ' '. I OJ\ll. V PILOT \ ,.. I •> • Coastal No l 'a11lt I 11s111·tr11ee n :::-__ .::::::::i: c:::. =:::: ::::. ::: c::.. ~ ::=... ~ .c::.... ~~·.:: . ~ rl Firn1 Cited LJ I f{ \I I :'\ I I :\' I \' E f{ SIT Y /' , »., (1 n SC H OOL Of LA \X' µ ANNOUNCING! Bill Awaits Senate Vote For Fra11d I~OS ANGELES ~AP\ -The SeC"t1r!tits and f<: x <: h a n g e l'tnnmisslon f!l('{f civil fraud charges ag<1inst South ('o~tst I lydropmics of Elsinore In<· , an enterprise pro1notinv. S<Jl•• of dirtless grec11hOUSt'S in ~\'era! states. The soit filed Tucs<lay in US. District Court h "e re contended !h{' firn1 m :1 d P rni~leadirig <:l<1i1ns in assuring 1)11rchasers of th{' $15 ,()()(J ltydrupoaii:s g reenhouSl'S th;it thr1r ;innu;iJ r£>\urns \1·ould /'C'llCh bcll\'L'Cll $5.000 ;11)J 1'.0lO Besides Ille lirn1. thl' s111t nan1t-s .i s defl--ncl;int.~ H;1v Hurford . prPsiden1 f•f the ftrrit and its sole shareholder , (~ __ s_t_a_t_e __ J UPI Tel~Plloto f)t'od RI 62 Ilona i'\Iassey, pop11/<1r singer and fil1n star t111ring the 19:10's and 1U40's, died 'fue.~day in J{ethesdil Na\':il J !o.'i- pit:il in suburhan tllary· )<inti. She had been J!J for three n1onlhs. :\ 1nemorial service will be held in \Vashingtou, U.C. Butterfiek.! Finaocial S<'rviccs ------------- Inc., of suburb.10 Elsinor(': Barry 1'. Lindsay, presidl'nt of Butte~ield and its solr shareholder, and Lt'l' Symonds, sales director ol South Coast Hydroponics. e (,'hare; .-tiling SAJ"{ .J(ISJ<: IAPI -Unitrd Fan n \\'urkers l 'nion lcadi·r ('.csar l havrz ha!' b r ,, n adrnit!cd to ;i Santa L1ara Va lley hospital for 1rcatn1cnt of fatig]Jf, and sy1nptoms of the nu a[!er f;istill~ for t\\'O "'·eeks, tis person.al doctor said. Dr. Jcro nie l.ackner s;iid Tuesday a series of diagnostic !esls "''ill be performed on Lhe ailin~ union leader and completed later this w~k. He stressed . ho•.11f'Vf'r. there was no irdication of St.'r1ous illness. e Worno11 l're<'<I SAN f~A~CISCO ! AP1 - A Y..'Qn1ar. jaile<I for the pa~t :!6 days f11r refusing to a11s\\·er questions :ibout the Symbion('S(> Liberation Anny has bC£"n freed on orders of U.S. SuJren1e Court Ju.stict: \-\"illiam 0. Douglas. C..'yn thia Garv<'y of Oakland. jailed July 16 for reftL5ing to answer Questions about the Sl..A to a grand jury. \\"llS freed from E l n1 '-'" o o d Detention Center in r.ti!pitas on T'uesda y. e Reagn11 AgrePs SAN JOSE ~tiPI! -Gov . Ronald Reagan says he agrees 1\·ith President t-~ord's ixisilion on antncsty for draft evaders. He told ne .. ••sn1en Tucsd;1y t-.efore s p e ;i k i n g !o ;i Repuhlican fund-rn1s1ng diru1e r that he oppo$t-d unconditio11;1l amnesty1 bot "lf any <lraf! l'vader chooses to come hack lhrough 1 ttle syst£'m and ad1nits h£' \\·as v.-rong 111 staying out of the S('rvice. t.hen he sOOuld be g1\'cn an opportunity to 14·ork to ~t'I back into the systen1," the governor said. State Fi11c:s T,vo Countv TitJc Fir1ns I.OS A~C:ELES (A.l}I -The (:aliforni a Insurance rk'partmf'nt cracked down on the rebc1ting practices of lillc insur::inre con1panies to 'Teal t•sUltc bmkers by levying a total of a!mosl $423.000 in fines again.<:.! fi\'e or the titlt! firms, including the nation's larges!. 1'he so-called demand or der!'. and the accompanying fines were issued Tuesday against l..J\\1'i.'rs Ti1lt' ! n s 11 ran c (' t'orp. $187.9 6 0 ~ ·r111c lnsuraoce and Trust 0:1., Los Angele.~. $125 .000 : First Arnrritnn Title Insurance Co .. Santa Ana. $60.000 ; Trans;irncrira Title Insu rance C'fl., S:-in Francisco, $37.500. :>nd \\'rstcrn Title lnsurancr Co .. Santa Ana. $12.500. ln addition Title lnsur ancl' and Trust Co. the na tion's largC'S1 title lnsurt'r. v.·as alleged to have dC'!):)Sitrd funds 1n a bank to ser\"C as (.'\)mpcnsaling balanecs for a loan 10 a real estate broker. A11ti-sn1ok c Bill F ailrs SACTlA~rE'.\TO (Uf'[ l -A Senate-passed bill b a n n in g srnoking in food stores and c•l:is.o;roonls and i m po s i n g 01!11•r sl<HC\Yide s mo kl n g rl'strirtions has failed in 1111 Assl•n1b!_ ... C'Omn1ittc-e . TI)(' measure by S en . An!hony C. Bci!cnso n i D-Los Ani;:tk•sl \vas rejected· Tursday night by the criminal ju."-tice committee on a 3·3 vote. 3daysonly! AuCJUst 22-24; 11--am-7 pm. SACRAfllE!'.'TO !UPl 1 Bursti11•: from a 17-nionlh comn1ittrc deadlock. n~fault ;i tr Io n1 o bi 1 r i n suranci· !~·g1slation moved to d a y !1>">1;1 rcls a shO\\'dO\\'TI \Olc Ill th!' Senate. SupJXlrlers hurrtt•d In bridge in1µort.ant di fferenet>s bet\\1et>n fll'o rival proposals in hopt.·s of rt:nehlng a tt>1npron1isl' during the seven workin~ days ll(·forc the scheduled end of tht' 11..'gislarive session. The key Senate Judi ci:ir~' Co1nnlittcc approved both hills b.1· h11.rc 1n<1jority Vo I e s ·ru1·sday. J)E.\·IOCllATI C SE\". Alan !toblJ1ns of \'Hn !\uys. a 1n1·1nh..'r of !hi• cn111mi!IC'!'. precli<'tcd agrceint'll! l\'OUld be reached l>e!w&;-n \1'arring sides nn the rontrovl•rsial propos:il th<it would affect all 13 n1illion liC't'nsf'd California drivers. No--fauH insuran{'('. a rn;qor issue bcfor1• !h(· leg1slat11rc rach year since l!Y/1. pro\·1dt'S for motorists to co! 1 r r t dnmages from their O\\'ll 1nsura11c<' ton1panic.~ for per~nal injuries reagrdlPss of 11 ho is at f;iull In an ace1d<'nl. TI1e ai1n is to red11C!' insurance cost.s and assure Panel Oka y . ., Full T i111 e S11iog Unit !'lACRAl\-f E!\TO It/Pl) -/\ bill making the ~1atr air re- source board a full-time agency and creating a single s1nog control district for the soui-h coast ;i1r basin has nHJ\"l'd a s!C'p elo<>1•r !o \\/1!1· nin_g Asse1nbly p<issage. 1'hr. tontrol"rrsi;1l mf'asurc by S!'n. \V. ('r:iig Biddle IR· Hivtrsidr I. e 1 e Jr rd the tr:insport:i1ion r o n1 111 it Ir£' Tut"sd:11· on .'.l 9-.J vote. the barr niinimum requi red. and went to the \\"ays :ind 1ncans comn1ittec. \'oting agains1 thr mrnsur{' \\·cre Asse111h\yn1cn Hobert 11 Burke (l{-Jluntinglon llf•;irh \. [)(in r.tacl.illvray 1 H-Sa11t:i Barb;1ra I. Joe c;onsJ!ves ( u- C err i t o s). ;111d l''rank Lantern1nn I H-l..,'l. Canada/. L'nder the Biddlt> sn1og bill. the rurrenl pan-1i1ne :iir resourc·rs hoard \\·oul<l brrorne ,, ful l-time agcnc.\' an d n1f'mhcr!>' salarips ,,..·ould be raised fron1 $11.412 to $.1-0,000 a year. Currently_ six S{·p.1rnt£' loc<il .c;n1og control di!'trict!' in the basin operate inde1x·ndrntly in the counties of Los t\ni;!rlrs. Orang('. Sa 11 Ht'rn;irdino. S<1111a Barbara, Ri,·c rside and \"rn tura. 111e hill '"' o u Id aboli$h those districts :111d t>stablish a new basin\\·1de diS1 rict 11ith uniform rules. regulations and air n1oni1oring procedures. large8x10 portraits in color decorate your home with love. Jnterior de cor comes alive with portraits on your wall. Come In or call our professional photograph er today for gift portraits of you, your child, your family, Ful l sel ecti on of poses. Satis faction guaran teed. INTRODUCING The amazing Gemini Camero. Color proofs shown 1n~1an1ly; Ne~tr~Be~c~~?2,~~Yond 644-1212 s4.44 Reg. $20. I '1 FA LL QUARTER 1974 ENROLLMENT \() 11Wlt(l;Jlot"} prf'll\IUill \I.IS "' . ,, '\'' ., (1u 1<·k 1><1yn1cnt of tlauns by t•lt1n1na!1ng cost ly and )Jl'otractl·d court suits. l~1lh bills ;ipprovf'd by the cu1111111t1L·c \1 ere "n1odified " no·t,nilt pl;1ns. '!'hat n1ean s n1otorists 14·ould collect under 110-f:iult. but !-,1111 be µerrnitted tu go to cuu rt and seek n1orc da111<1gC's. under no-f:tull. Uut L'(H1t:11r1:- no restriction 1111 lht-ri,ght of sornrone lO SUI.' tor further daffWgt•. includl·d :0.1ol(1n:;l ~ \\"Uuld t)e l ~ .• ,,,., .. , reqlllf\•(! to purc!1ci:il' 1x•rsonal 1 .... • ~' · l!l)lll )'Lnsur<Jn\"(', !I .. IA"'!·,• '·' ,,·1.·. ~dl ~tti(Jl., ... l"I j I J • 3.:ioo IR\/INE A\/f ~IJlfE 771 1'jfWl'011T efACH, 9 '?600 jjl' Younger Accused By Oppone11t j llt:: ::::c::_ -:::::::i::: l /14 ~q7q .01'.>L ..::1.C:... _::x i:: ==: '1'1111 two 1ncasurcs passed !ht• A:;sernhly last ~ear and h;1Vc l1111gu1shed since in Lhe con1n11t!1·(•. (Jne \\'(1uld allow motorists Ir• i:o tu rourt for e~tr;i I da111agt•:o; only in the cv{·ut .S1\CRAJ\ .. l£'.'TO IAP I '"-l\1·r11lrar1 1(1;111 ' !1'11111 11f deal h. disfiguren1ent. Hepuhliran Alty. Ccn. F.vrlle for111e1· (;ro1<'k p1·1·-1d0•n! .l,11 k d1s.:1hd11v of n10rl• 1h:111 45 d;1vs Young\•r"s l) £' 111 0 er ;.it I•· fiur'-•· a11d h1·lp111 t; 111d!JV0 !11~ · or ·"''l'i(;lJS iu1p<iirn1eut of · 0:1 Ir 11·11d.; 1o buy !;,·ot~·k ~t•H'k l I "l'l)(lnent says You11gf'r f."'lil,~d lodily function. llurt-1· 1~ 1111d("r 111d1(·1 n1,·11t 111 , to pursll(' thrt'e in1'l'St1galion~ c1111111•\'l111n \1J 1t1 1!11' f1rn1·• I t'-.' l' LU f) ED \f AS a IX'cause h£> had a personal f111:1111'i:1I pr11hl•·1n~ i11<111d:1tory 15 per cc n I interest in the cast's_ rPdu1.:11on 111 the cost of -!-":1il1nl! !11 ;11•1 ult 111• P':'t'~on:il injury c 0 v er age _ \\'illian1 Norris, a Los \'1ulat1i'ins nt l'al1for11 1:i l;i11 l•1 ('urn·ntly, that c 0 v er a g: {' Angcl('S at Io rn e Y, s~dd ('. Arnhold! Srn1!l1 , lh•· s.1n <illltHlnts to about half the cost Tu('sd;iy Younger had a IJ1ego f1na11eu·r 11h.1 ~1 · 111111111.! of :in au to insurance JX!licy. financial interest in one case. collap!=.ed ~1n<i \Vl\h 11 th~· t S 1 It \\.:is authored by a possibl£' direct personal National '.l•1_11k. a1·t·urd111g 1111 As..-,t·mblyrnan J;ick R. Fenton involvement ln another. and Norris. S1nt!h 1\,1~ ;1 Lig 1 IJ-.\lontl·hc llo l. and supported a 1najor campaign con tributor campaign co11t r1butor I' o h_i 111::;urancc ronipanirs and entangled in :i third. 't"oung!'r. Korri,..; :-:i1d. I i;11\· Hon ~dd n~·agan . It \\-;is Conflirt-of-interest problems -J!avir.g possilll<' p0r ~on:1l :-t'lll <lircctlv to the So.>nale rould l:it! handlt..'CI by ~he invoh'l•rnen! ir1 !ho· (''l"" of floor 1111 a 7-2 vot£'. ;1ppc11ntment of a tcn1r>0ra ry reµort{'r \\'illian1 Farr ;1 11d l'ruhibltt-d under 1hr bill ·"pecial stale pro s cc u tor , lf'aks of inforn1ation fron1 tht' 11·uuld Ix· the so-called "pain Norris told reporters. Charles f.lanson tri;d. )'111111~\'r :ind suffering" suit for such "The appearance of fairness v.·:is Los Angeles <h "!nct l!IJlll"il's ns a mir:or \1'hiplash. :11ul in1partiallty is as attorney ;_1t the !in1t' of th~· \1·hit·h arc so frequrnt i11 thL· in1porU1tH as fairness and trial. Norris said. a11d hi~[ cullrts 11011·. in1p:irti<1li !y itself." :\orris c.: on versa ti on s \l"i!h hi -; 'f he othl'1· n1t':isurr pro1·i1l!'" ~:11d. !o,U bord1nales could bl' Lltl L'SU\' A.NA.RT AUCTION YOU CAN'T AffORD TO MISS! PH SOM AL CHECKS A.CCEnED ART AUCTION NO STARTING BID HIGHER THAN $25.00 •·I ,~H<~• ·•'' yf.,,,, C.ollectors ite m s by P1<.:asso. Ctlagdll Braoue C.alder. Miro. Dali M ax. R ockwe ll. N r.1man. and others ol equal impo rtance Sheratan Beach Inn · 2111 2 Pacific Coo't Hiqh•O'f HunfillCJlon Broth, Colit. AUCTION 2 P.M . & 7 P.M. SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 1974 OI L PAI N TI NGS DRAWING S WATERCOLORS. GRAPHICS VALUES TO $5,000 "All Art Unconditionally Guaranteed" "All Must Be Sold" ART FOR AUCTION Div. Auction Service Co., Inc. 213-271·0121 fur n1otorists to collect for Norri s accused Younger of: in the contcrnpt c<isc again~!'"~·~·~~~~~~~~~!~~~~!~~~~~~!~ nieclical bills and lost 11"agrs -Accepting a $ l 6. 5 ll 0 1-'nrr. ~~~--'~'--~~~~~~~~~~~~--' . ~ ',. " ' -<_ ~· j • • • l 1 I 11 1 ' I ,. 2 F' A S HION IS L AND Come meet Dav id Hayes, the man behind thi s loo k. And see th e rest of his design s on fa ll. Just to whet your appetite for the \.\1hole De Grall collection of pantsuits and costumes desig ned by Oav1d Hayes. the cropped bigcoat pantsuit. As ii super styling's not enough. !he fabric is a suede \ook·aHke in cotton/polyurethane. Water repellf'nt. Sh1imp 6-14 $130. Info rmal modeling presented by David H<:1yes 1n Newport. Thurs .. Aug . 22, 11 :30·3:30. Robinson 's Ocsigner Dresses. . . ~HOP WEDNESDAY , T HU RSDAY 10:00 .o;;10 (:i :l:l -2800 '. • ' \ • ,t G IMll,\. Plf,OT EDITORIAL J•AGE Poor '1'111• :~o·n1t·111llC'1· 1·111zC'n" < 1~1111nttlt't' f•ir Beiter JJ1 gl1 s,·houl:-. th11d, .. 1hL· ll ur1!111 ~t nn B1•:1th l J\lOt! lltgh '.'t1·l1vo) i)1 ~l l"H.'l t1C('(!~ ,J 11Ci\ lli\llll', olll' th,1l J'L•l!et·f:-, tile: r(1Ul' tl!Jt::-. 1hc: d1-.1r11 1 ~t:!'\t!", no1 JU"I Hu11!111g1011 Hr;h 11 \\'hilc 1J1c !IUggL·~t /(l n 1:-1nlL•rc~1111~ \\l' qt1c ... 1HHI Jt ., t1u1111g. f<'1rs1. llil' L11:-ll'1\'t. !1;1.~ n10rc i1nporlan1 1-.:-.11l'!-;1\ Jiancl right 1111v.1 -p:i,-.:-agc of the l:t3·L·ent tax 11\crr1t!L· t11 lluJ!d a llllt('h rll'Cdcd hi gh s<·tiuol. IP;1d1 11g a nev: round 111 1111 1lll'<l l10 1+ l,dl\'. J11d nu1v f111d1ug a new :-.upc·11n ll'll<1l'l11 . '.'\c1 ·11nd v11tCr!'i 1n thL' l\n1e11dJL'I' n\'erridc t·h·t 111111 n11gllt ht· i·nfllll:-~·1! or rH a1· 1101 r 1!111;.!IH/e a n£>w ll.l!llt' l·.fJ,)r!s 1n p.1:-... Lile l.l\ 1:111.lld ;.;11 du\\U the d1·a111 u1 tln· l'll't't1i111 liiuitl1 I· 1n;ill ,\ :-11H (' 1 llc rl1 -.tr 1l'l pl.:ui .. to help d1s .. ol\ l' 1t,{'lf 1ntu srn:Lll{·r ~·I:! \\:o-t1·rns C\'Cntually .111,Y\\'t•y. \\h) "·:1sl l' !he l'l lort no'v dc,•c lu ping: and 111 ~1Jtu11n g a nallll' change·! 11 ·:-i not a lugh·prH1rit.\ 11(·111. E('o110111 i(' 1111 pa cl '!'he v;,iluc of cn\·i ronn1ental 1n1paC"1 reports ha .~ hcen :-;olidl\' establ1 sllC'rl in llu11ti11 gll111 Beach. i\'n\\'. tile c.:i11' t·o uri<:il 1s t'on:-ider1ng ;111uther arc;1 (Jf n1a,iur t'Ulll't•r l1 11·!11cfl needs a prnpcr reporting s_yste rn -C'tnnunlit' i1npart. 'l'he c"ta!Jli shnil·nt 11( nn ee(i11on1i c· <tdl'i!-,nrv <·0111 · 1111. .... ~1011 t:ould pro\'1dc the C'i!y \\'ith a stronger li .11;u11·1;d !Jase. hul the conunis:-lon \\'ill he \\1nrlh the 1ro1 1ble <11111' if il ll::is !he authority lo l>ecun1 c invol\ed \\'1111 1hrC'C speciltt conterns: -/\. th oro ugh rcv1c1v of eaC"h year's rity bud~l'l '.4.11g els 011 Wl1eels' Ea se Lif c fo1· Cc111ce1· Victi111 s To lhc Edi to r· E\'l'ryonr son1c11·herl' mus! h;n c .1 !01'ed one , a rel;i!ivr. a fr'l'lld rw a neighbor 11ho is ill 1111h c:1nc1•r. Th1•v 11 ho h;n·c the disease <tl"l' 1hc unfortun;l!~· Ollt'S, but 1ht're is a 11ay an.1· pcrS(ln 1\·i1h a frCl' hour or \11 0 can hC'!p then). This help can be 11·ithout obligation lo :.iny special hour or nuinher of days per nlonth. In other 11ords. the help given \1·ould be at ;i r>t·rson·s 01rn 1.:on\'cnicncc. THE A~l[RJCA N C:inc('r SQC'irty h:1s set up a prog ran1 C'fllll'd "Angels un \\'hct'ls" \\hieh has lx>C'n in rxisten1·e a nun1ber of ~ t·ars. The i\n ~t'ls arc ( ___ l\_l_A_IL_B_o_x_~) Ltlli>l'S fro .,,1. 1'Cu(/1·rs 11rr 1rc/cn111c. i\ror11111//1i. ll'!dt'l"S .s/1011/rl l'Ullt'l'/I //H'1 1' 111e.~S(l!Jt's 111 .'1011 1furrl.~ ur l(·ss. Thr riuld to cu11<1c11se it'!/('l'S ro fit spore or cli1r1111111c I1b1·/ 1.'i rl"'.<~rrrerl. 1\/1 /el · lt'T.<> ni11s~ 111t/1ide s/g11r1t11r1• 11111/ 111111/. 111r1 111!1/l't'S.~ bul uo•ncs 1111111 be 1r 1r!1- lor/it O'll i'f't//l('st 1/ !l !1/f1e11~nf reas1111 1; npp11r('•1/. /'11clr!I u1/I 1101 be pu/J- /1~/r 1•d. housc"'1vrs. f('lJl'(•d pcrsun" ltnale or . . fcrnalcl or in ;1 fl'"'' (':J:>i·s. \i nrking 1111'1 no uirrt'a.~r> 1n tho• pror11·r1r l a ~ people. Tht•y dn1·c c;inci-r p;l1h·nls th r;111• lie 1<; ~t111:1rl..1bl,1· ho1H'5.! tlnd and fron1 their lrt»Jlni('nts ii hit·h 1n;n for!J11·1ebr 111 hi.~ st:i11d~ 011 1t·~ 1:;...-1Jt·' either be to a hospJU.f ''iJ!! ;i Mltt\i'S"1r.iilr '1<1~ llecn helpful Jn growlh _crn;i tt:ti!~.· office. · 'd'fl . f.1c!d. clean.up and c 1 t l l r n The Sf'r1•icc is srriC'!ly rolunt:1ry. partrc1pat 1on. Drivers dn 11n1 get paid. but to know l\l f"l. l\IAT.\E''· 11·hi!e 1.1 cti11 J:( In ~lo1r they arc h1·lping sornconr L~ in i!~el f residential gro\1 th . ht1~ cncourn;~cd pay1ne11t enough. I hil\'(' lll'rn drivi ng commercial and hghl 10 rncdiurn for aln1ost fotH' ,\l•ars ;ind harr found industrial dcvl·l op1ncnt ;1..; .'.l \\a\' 111 ii lo be a mo .... t gr<i t1f.11ng C'X~ricrce. increase our tax base !and g1\·e proPcrt .1 - There is a grcul nerd for drivers 01~·ners a heller lax break 1. ~Ir. il-la!nc\· ;_ill Ol'er Orang1· l'ounty. bur E;1st Oran ge \1·cnt to \\"ash1ngto11 to : • C"ounty hns the grearcst shortngc. Cities such as Hunl inglon Rcrit h. C.osta i\lesa. Irvine. fJalbo:i. Ne\\'por! Beach .1nd Corona del J\lar ha,·e bc<'n the hacdcsl hit "'ith a drll'cr shortag('. l \VOULO 1·cntu r1• to s;1y 1 ~peak in::: for m_yst•!f n1ain!v 1. 1110s! \lt'Ojlll' don't µ1 vt• il ;J Si'C'Ond thought 11licn 11 t·orn1'S 111 driving thc1TI!;t•l\'t''i to fl dnctor's appointnH'lll Bur 11h"n ;i 1)('rson 1s unubl t• lo dri1·1• or h.1<; 11u 1ranspnrt:i11on. just kno11·1ng thry h.i\'L' a <lti\"er 10 !:ikc lhen1 i'i u boost to lh!'!r 1nor;il ... :ind tlll·y ha1·r· pca C't' of mind knn11ing !]le~ 11'rl! br r1~r·cir1ng th1·1r tr1·a1n1t:nt on any )'.(ivcn day Though I lel·I I/it: AllH'rl<'ilrl (','lnf'('f Socirty h:is donr ;1 lr1·n11,:nrln11~ joh 111 helping thO~l' per~ons \rho h11vr c;111ccr. 1nueh hel p 1~ ~11 11 ru•rdl'd. As a dri vrr myself. f :lrll '1rf'SSl!lj! ;in urg1•Jlt (',1JI to pc·oplc to don:J!C' :i porti on of their li1nc !o this vit al nC'c'(]. f"nr fu rther infonr.:llion 1our readers ca n call the Arncrican C:;11·~<'r Sot1etv office in Tustin , R:l3 -0;)10, .ind :isk foi- !he Service Departn1c11t, nr call inc, 9ti2·63 1 I. PRUl)Y PAH:'IIE~TIER, Coordinator of Cancer Drivers fur East Oran:.!e ('ounty Ci111 Con<'<'r11.• To the Edi1or : l\lajor itrn1s of conl'ern to citizens of Uuntingl!1n Hc;1ch i11c!u<!1~· hold the tine on propl'rty lil.'\l's, li1nil gro1\•!h to protecl the qu:illt)1-of-life fu r honieov.'ncrs and other rcsld('l\1 s. prolcct the cn\'ironmen!. make cily go•.·ern1nent ;:is f'fficicnt and rc·n11nn1icaJ as is practical. and attract llu sine!;s to improve the tax base. Ytle "·ant lo assure th:it <·.'\cessively fo llowlng some goals does not give had results in other areas such as: higher property laxes limiting our sources of energy or culling back on available jobs. TO AVOID these pitfalls and lo aim fo r a "'ell·functioning c1ly govemment. \\'e need to encourage pt·ople "'ho study C'ach measure and decidr 011 the n1eri1s of the individual ca~ Council me1nbers should list en lo and rrspond to the reasonable bcst·intC'rests of !hr cl!tzens. Al Coen <1nd .Jrrrv ~fatncv ri re '"'O c:ounrllrnen 1\'ho 'vr "shov.·n rf'rn:irkable balanc·e. Th1•ir 11cfions h:.1\(' promoted the u el t.'lrr ot ho1n('(l1\11t'fS Al 1he sarnf' 11111!"' lhry·vc lrli.'d Ill h11 ubjf'c1 ive on .:ill issues Al <.:ocn prorno!rd fi ~r nl r1·:-.ponsibilily incl ud1n,C! a s1x·y1';1r burlgt'l -speak against a ridt'r that 1-roulc! restrict cities 11 h1!e possi bly adding to city cosrs. -work for gelling !he r:PA to redu<'~' C'Xcessi\'C standards SUC"h as reducing the nu1nbcr of a,·ail<tblc p:1rking spa crs No nnc c;:in please all of us rill uf tht' tin1c. Bul anl' e1t\' offiria! 11 ho acts objecti1·rly ori 1hl' · 111t'rits i1f 11li· indi\'idual si 1ua!1on ;1s hr S('t«~ it . deserves our ,·rrllal :u1r) 11·rit1cn suppor1 This encour;1~e~ rt·spton.'>ih1l1ty and should rr.~ult in ;:i bt•!lt'r e11y gnvcrnn1L·n1 - "'1!h bc!ler rr~ulls for us Ll'.:U.\':\HI) \\'ll!t;1rr Tl11• llt•.'1'1 rt•~1ers To thr l::rhtr1r Tcrrv (·o\1llt,'s t~rl1 cll' '·Co 11nI1· · s B1ggci 1 City I 'nrk -Color I! \'1.!Hl" !Aug. J1 1 11as n1 u:-! !tilpr("'s11'c. So n1uch in fa ct. lh:it 111.1· J !-.1ear-old son 11nd I 1r{'n! to S('(' it lhl' folln\1ing da~· \\'c 1-1·cre quite su rpn54>d to srt· one of !he lakt•s JXJ1lut1'd 1-111h beer cans :ind paper trash of all kin<ls. It 1nadl' us sick to SC'C the shoreline cro11-d(·d \\'ith all this trash and garbage. \\'E COl\1TINUEIJ to "'alk around the lake and fowid a little bro"''" du ck ~o sick he \\'as· barelv nh\'C. Onr of the fishermen said he had bcl'n siek for days. I reported !his rn Huck·~ stand and she said the Han~Pr would t<ike care or i1. As 11·t' t'Onli1n1cd our 11·alk I had to gel af1er soinc young boys "'ho \\·ere throwing mt'k!; al thr 1lucks and hit ting, lhen1 in thr hc:1d . Tt1ry stof)pcd for thr 111ornl'nt bu! 1 knc1.,· thry "'ould coniinuc 1\ hen they told 1n~ !o "shut-u1>." '\le !efl ~luck 's Lake \'('rv s:1d and disappoin!cd. So 11·e de<:idcd· 11·e 1-1·ould go to Talbert Lake and f~I the ducks there. As the ducks 1 .. ·addled up lo u.s 11·c 1\·ere splatler('(i v.·ith black oily mud . ~!011· can these ducks survi\'C in such murky. oily "·atcr'.' It seems they love to 11·addlc in it and look for food. I AGRF:E lhJ I lhis :1rc11 is vi tal but ii ran't survi\'e unless mi1n s111rt s caring rtlQugh to prcservu 11 and help it grow. Something should tx> done lo stop these oolluters. The rest of us u·ho .:arr n1ust suffer and of course all lhe du cks nnd fish tnust pay lhe ronsequencc. I had to coin(' hotnc to 1ny 01\'f1 h:ickyard lwforc I Muld .1:et my senses filled li p. \\'hy an~'Otl(' l','iJHlri \\'IHll 10 destroy 11 1lu11g of brnuiy is ' beyond me . Ma_ylx' some :o;iw1s :ind more trash ('Ontaint•rs v.oulrl hf'l!l n.:n11 nd so111(' of those "·ho don't lhink~ 1u·:v r.nEr;onv to Change along v.•1th a f111<11ll'1al annl)S I~ ot eat'h dep~rtn1cnt. -/\dvtt:e 011 taxes. new and old, pro!l ;111U tons of raeh. Hc,•il'W of n1a jor city :ll'lion .. to 1.h:J(•r rn 111c the ~l!u rt and Jong·rangl' cc:onun11t· 1111pacl. 1'1le se\'en-1ne1nl)cr 1.:ornn11~:-io11 ..... hould also he to1n- po ... ed entirely of e.\pcrts in f111~tntc and !)u.-;incss. not 1nerl'ly resident -; nutcd fnr <·1v il· 111vnlven1en1. '['he CCO/lOlllll' ad\ !\()j"\' 1.'UIJlllliS~lO ll :-hnu!rl not be· t·u111e j ust a lokcn t·11 i1 l'11 .ho1I,,·. 1111r sl1 ould 11 1Je1·0111e ..,tr 1l'11~ a 011c .. :-.1d<'d \OlL C' 1111· tl1c IJ11 sl 11c:-.., 1·111nn1l1111t\· If the l'itv 1•ourh·1I ;tllu\\'\ lh i" 1·111n1111:-s1(11\ lo t1011c:-1· )_\ 1Jceo 1ne in\:r d\'e<l 1n thl· cit\., flnant1al ;iff:.i ir .... and 1f tltt: l'OllnC'il listens 111 Ille :id\'!l'l' uf tin' 1·0111n11s:-.1on 1~ cr111 lrl hf' a n1o iur as:">1st;111t't' l!i the t•ton111n1t· :.;ta lJJl ll~ II! !he ('Olllllllllll{)'. An E:xen1plar~· Se rYi<"e llunting:lon Be:11·h')) exetnplary lifeguard 10 11'C'I' .-.~!;. tc·n1 \1·1 th its efficient 1'ad10 t onu1111n1eal11111s netv.·o rk. b:irk·up jeeps ;ind re ... 1·ue ho:its i-; rcC"ognizcd \l'O r](J.\vide. 1\ visiting .\u.-.tr;illan lt fr~u:ird la st \11crk L'illlcd tl1r -.ystC'til nnc ot !tic 1110~1 111·ogrcs:-.i 1 c anyv.·here. a11d s;ucl he'd like In s l ~1 rt :J s11 111l;11· 1111(• ;1\ ho1ne. 'l'hc citv '.~ prn· grnr11 :dso Ila,.., licc11 studied IJ;.-ri:-i tors fro111 Europt'. ,>.;0111h \11H'r11 •a .. \,j;1 :-ind Suuth .\fr1L"a. ;1s 11·ell a ~ otl1t•r st oil C'". 111 :u!dH1011 , \'inte 1\loorho11~c . d irct!flt' of Jl <1 rb11rs :i11rt He:u·hl''-. hclpl•d f111111(i.. ;ind is prt':-i dl'n1 oL thf' ,\·a11.,nal Surf J.1fcs.11·111g :\!-... nri:1 11 011 10 tn.if..e exch;1n•.:l' 0 1 11(.'\I' l'l'~tUC n1clhods 1110!"(' l'ffll'IClll. f/(· and hi-; ~ta ff de:-.C'r\'e tnr11111e11da tion !or pro' 1d- 1ng ~uc·h n1odcrn. notcv,;nrthy ~crvit·c . I --.............. ----S::R<' ·.;. . ,~ ' " ' . '· ' '· .. H ''~ll 8 El\T, THIS IS lHE fl l\Sl 11 ME i'VE SEEN YOU W11H YOUK MOUI H IHUT." ])c a1 · 1.; 100 111\ Cus S111i.:c lht• 55 n1ph spee•I l;111i1 c:t'!'.' 111 1n1· Honda's 1ni!ea~e h<t <; dropp•1d frorn 48 n1pg to 40 rnpg . 1-!011· about letting n101orr.rr!ist..; be e~cn1p1 fron1 !his l:.11\' that \\·asti•s gas for then1 '.' S.JI GIOOmy Gu1 <omme"t' are 1ubmoned bv tt,G•rl 11111 oo not •tc•u~•ilv rtll..:t lht •I•• .. ti ''-new1pap1r. Sen4 vaur pd J'tt•• ,. Gloomy Gu._ Dl ity Pilot, i\1 otorist' s Po1ideri11 o·s b SYDJ\EY HARRIS S1>ca k111g. ns I 1v;1s Lhe other da~. abot1 ! tny foo lish ga\\·king that rcsul!ed 111 ;1 frnn1~nd t.'Ollapc;(' of ml' car 1-1 ht'n I rolled into a Lruck ahf·n.i of me. you rn1ght not be surprisc·d lu lt·:1r11 !ha! !ht' repair to)S! \\<IS S:lOO. \\'hnt irrita1rd llH' c1·rn 1norf' 1h;111 n1y O\\'n ~tupidit_v nnd the absurrl frag1l1t\' ot Ill\' h111np.:r". ~r:t: and houri, \I :1~; rr:.id i n~ a report ;i f··w d;11·s later fro111 !hi:' lnsur:1n1·" 1 11~!11tne for llu.~ti·.1~\ :-i:ifel)'. a !;1bor:i101· .. n n d l 1·~11ng ~rnup sron· ~01'('(/ 1)1° Iii•' ill!;dr· :1111·1· 1 ndu ~11·• ill pn1 n11·1·~ OU! tli;JI :0-\lfll" CU!'~ f'~Hl 1;1ke n t11·e·n1il1'-:in l10ur 1n111ae1 111th<1111 11111l·h 1h111H1f!l'. rh1· 111,.;t1!11IC' :idrh·d 1h;1t <i1 any spec<! n1or1: than th:it. th1· ;i1er.t.l!t' repair IS h('fll'een S2110 and ~·1(~!. t'\\'11 011 srnallcr and less t'~pens11·c 1n0<!rt.;.. '''llAT REALLY got n1c ho11r1i'r. 11·;1s :i scntl·nce con11nenru1g on a fn•JJ1 ·1'i rc;1r !f•S l. where onl y one cn r. tht• ()p1'l 1\lant:1. an1ong five. escaped dam:igc ('lltu·cl~ This. rrtnarkcd rhe lnstuutc acidl~·-"1s :i record that has not been prov1dt'd by ::iny n1\IC!el. domestic or in1portcd , lcstcd by us 10 dale. despite the fact !hat ii ha s for years been tcchnolog1cally eas_y to accomplish." \Vhi le I expect lo be pen;-tlizcd ror niy momcn1ary 1nat!enlion. I do nor expect !h:it a l>Jlel'd of six or sevf'n n1lles nn hour "'ill C\"llliipse n1y car's front end like :_1n accordion s:it on by an .'lngrr hippop<Jl<1n111 s-a11d ··spccia/1.v Silll'C better pro!ection "has f11r \'t•ars been lechnologicntly easy to acro111viish. ·· .O:'llEBODV is obviously conni!lJ? son1('- bodv here. Either the lnsur.Jnc•: tn~ritutr is whis11in~ throu)?h its false tee!h. or the auto m;inu!acturers ha v1· bc\:>11 pr<ittling v.'ith forked tongiif' aOOut th e cxcessi"e costs of rnaking ;i ear safer on t~ outside. Like n1ost ordin!iry n1otorists, r :1111 in no position IO kOO\\' \1·h111 the fa rts arc. If lh1s st:i1e-n1e111 is unfair to U11• auto makers. they Oui;!hl to diver! :1t least a tirt!e of_ their ad\'erlising but.gel lo refute 11 with fa c I s 3nd figurl'!>. The average Amrru.:an feels lie 1s being taken ]('ft :ind right. fron1 lhr bi~r.rs! corpnr;:itron tfl the sn1altcs t au!rl n1cchanic. It i.c; lus sense of 1nistr11~t und <l1sgus1 t/Ja1 f'ngendcr.<; p1ipuhs1 niovcrncnts (<1g,1 1n fru1n the left ar11I frorn lh(' right I 1vh1ch threalcn thr h:1stlons of fr ee enrerprise far n1 o r r. 1h<1n an,1• hr:I\·~ hanfj of i:o,·cn1111t•n l (',1nit.1l1-:1n's !rue rp1t111)h n111y I.urn out tr, br : "'\\'+-brought 1t •In Oursel ves.'' Lrt u~ !111pl' no! Cutt t 'ortl Cut tl1e Palaee Guur·d? The Royalized Presidency \\'AS!ll.\l.TO:"i -!1011· t;1r ;"·1·s1:!t'1~! Vnrd re;llly i 11trnd~ to 1!en1.1;ii11v 111l' pres1dcnc·y <ll'pt'IHl" un !Hs r('al'tl(l!l ro ;1 µrh·;11 1' Pl'l)IH"S<il \11 sl;1sh l!ll' \\)1111• Hou-.c p:i l:tl'l' i,:.uard. both 111 11 ~ -•\\'oll1•J1 nun1bcrs nnd sp1·e11d pririlt'gl's The proposal fron1 a lurn1('r :\1~on ai<te. plus serer:1I otl11·r~. 1s 1;01' und1·r sc rutiny b~ !ht· ~-1 1rd !ransi11,.1l st:ilf . hradt'<i hi' :\n1h;i~;1dor J) 11 n a I(! Hurn sfcld . Hulx·11 llnr1n1a11n \1 1 Fnpt ~ 1nflucnt111 I h1n:;!Tin1c :11dC> and n"1 . ..:vun· selor, h.1~ r C' r o 1.1. n1endcd <!r.1,l!t' '111U rcduct10,1 <;. \Ir Furd len<ls lo a,.;. t'C' / ~1•\'Crlh1•:r,.;<;, •k•'fJ· l tt'l"!ll a1n1111~ '·'u1 ·I p:lrtiS.'.111') j1f'!'SIS1• whether !Ii i-l•:·e•• clt'nl \1 il J bt ;1 n ~· \ n1ore re . .;olutc thil n oth('r~ rco:luct1on of hi s 011•11 st(lff. \\'h:11 n1 akes this sn 1111porta11t lu ~(1· Ford is the l:i\:f'I a:-1\'i' ton1r1but1 n11 11t rile ruy;i L1.rd pn•-.1dcn<"~· IQ \\ atC'r.Ctllt: and 1l1c d1 :.gr;1ce of B1eh;1r<l ~I. i'.1-..un lirand Rapid:. l-'ord is p I a 1 n s ho e ill1d..,,·!'sler11 . but <'\C'n h1~ prl'Sll!l·11ey \\'Ill retain 1n1pcr1;1J trappings 1f he k1•1'ps a huge \Vh1tc lluusc ~l :tff i~olated fru111 1hl' ci1izt·11r1• and 1t1l·1·1!ahly · n1adt· :1rrog:int by the perq u1s1h's of ufficC'. Tll E fllH\IER :i.:1'\011 :ude n1:iking the prcposals bcllt•\eS 1ha1 111 1111t'n1;1l 1111\l'S Jn~· f'fl'Sldrllt 1\ll! ah\'3,\~ IJ~· l·\po.,cri 10 th1' puhl1t Ir is. !hen. uni\ lht• Sl~ff th:l! i':l!\ 11·111\' be 1~1lat•'d t1 on1 tile rc:i l l1(Jrld \\"ht·n 1hc .slaf! 1s 1·lc·phantuH' :1nd llu1n1nalt'~ !lit' t•n11r1· lt·dera! burc>•lll r:i1 v <t.~ 1n 1111· .\J.\(Jll .1 (·;u·s, !hi' cflc( t t•:ui be d1 ,lflly Thus. the fnrn1er .11rtf'·, pr11pos.d i ·;dl~ for tl 1ln.1.•lic rt"duel10:1 1n 1li1• 111·c~1dc11t1.il ~t;1H ;,40 1rJ(_!~1\' 1u11111.11cJ ( EVAN S -NOVAK J 1111!1 2:111 11h1·11 ~Ir i\ixon tun~ office. .\lthuia:h r1•duet1on 1-; hy ra r 1he 111.,,1 ir111»i1tt,111r 1•ll·m1·nt 111 the p!a11 . ht· propo~ .... lhC''>t: changes for 1h1'-.e 1\hO ri·t11,1111 l.111111 lh1· n11rrn;d 11 orl.1n~ clay 111 l~ ho11r" f11 \' d:l\'S a 11et•k Th:l\ 11<J1lld •·11d lh•· i <1 111 ·i•I p 111 11ork d:iy. ~1:0.: d·q' :11111 1;f11·11 s1·1·en tl<1~-" a \1.e<'k. 11111~ 11 111•rr st:1ndar<t during l h1• .'\1 xon :.d1111111·tr.1t1<111 i\11\t)od.1• w(lrking: 1r ... s 11.1" st1;.;111,iti11·d ;1' ;1 ~h1rkcr. Hence. !l11· '''"II ;iid1··, l1•1r111'11 ""~" huundl'd 111 1111 • hnlr 11;1lls HI l11s \\"h1l1' llo1u.-1· ~ 1rr1 t , • "!. l!l':l/l IH I·. r1rrr .11llr t, .t:•·1 oui uf \\ :1s)11ng!l •!I ill\ll 11s1! I Ii t' L S ,\ -whr1ht·r ll i1ger!;!o1111. \kl . 01· Los .\1 1,t:rl1'!' -(I\ lra~r 011"l' 1rr\ s1\ n101111is l':ulur<' tu l'nn1ply \1·uuld rCqu1r1· .i 11r1llC'r: t·'\plan:it1on. :i s.harply r1.."(iucc !he ph.1~1ra ! <.11e 1.f thl' \\'h1te Hoose n1CS!) 1 prf'SC'n!ly :-rating 321, !ilri!us s_\rnbol of prt·siden11:il .11dr:;:; 1\hl'rl' J)r('S\1ge cornpens:l\es fur bl:ind c111s111c -1>erh:ips tur'1inr;: lt in10 ;i b11ffel-:-t1ll' lunl'h l'(lu ntcr. That \\'nuld l'll('(IUr;igr , \OITIC <Udf•S. \\ IJO nf'\ Cr 11•,11 l' th1• \\l111t' !1011 ... r In rat nut.,.idl' "f'1 1•r,1l t .nli'" " 11t•(').,. pl'rh:tps 1•\f'tl 011 C:l!)Ll<d ) (iJj II 1!11 1ht' r~·uplt•s' fC'prest•fl\,111\ {'.-. 1 1.·111"t' do1111 Ila• \\h1tc 11011··" h:+1·\·f'r 1;j~, p ·II tlli·St· L!!i \~ l';111 '! ~t·T t)ff lh1'1r htl!I " (ltH'l' .'! 11li1111h 10 j.!11 1;('1 !ht'lr lt:11rtul l1k1' 1·1··1\h:1ch t•l;,1• 111lht•1111r11! 1' ·~ 1.,1, 11.111111 IJ.1tl.' ~.1: ·' !hl' fo1 lllt'r .oid(• .). ~TH I CTLV 11111 11 Ilic 11 "':' 0f \\l111i' lln!l:-c lililOU~lll('S IO ~C'lllOr ill(f('~ -j .t'J" h:1ps no 1nore th;1n lc-11 1'0:1111t'l\111J: tilt l'res1dt.'.11!:... 111e11 to 11.111 1hc1r lrll11\1 A1n<'nl'ans 1J,~t11nd the >111rt! t1~hP11j.! ru~h-hour !r;i1f1r TI1e dcro~,11J11ni.: s111ri! 1~ 1·011:.:(':11 :.I 111 .tt 11'.1,q 0111 • 1111•n1ht'I' nt ~Ir_ l~vrd':. four-111;1n tr;111:-1t11111 1(·:11n. 11t10 1s r11:ik1n~ a point of <h:il111g l11s 1111n 1·:dls fr11111 th:· \\'tult' 1!11u:-t' ' It 1:-a hun1llhn~ l'\pt'rLl'tt1·r that t n ·ronuncnd (•I the l'rt'Slllt•111 "' ~l11!f." ht• t11l<I 11<, :\lurcu\t•r. ;1 r1'!hll'1·cl .... taff r.t lhl' F•ird \\ lult' I l.,11:-t• Ill \ hulh 1hl' n 1• I~ l'rL·s1d1·nt 's 1d1•a (ff r1·-.111r111~ po!1c1 :u1<1 1•1x·r;1t 1011s to C':1lllne!·lc\ cl 11 .. 1i:1r11Pen!" :u1d d1·t·11111h;1"11111i.; 111-. 01111 s!;1ff It .il~n 1·1.nipon:. 11uh his 11 1111 flrn1 1dl':i.s of ~I <lt•r<l,l';+li.Zt·d presicleru;y, Hl I' ~l\.El'Tlt'IS,\1 '-lo•!l1 '-1111! 011)~· Jr111u lfft'l'1·d1·111 , 1.f p,~ I l'n·,1d(•nt ~ 1)111 \lr 1 .. 1r1! s 111111 n•1'•ll'd \\'ht•11 he ~IH'l't•1•111·d ~111rn T ,\g11<·11 ;i<; \'1l·C l'res1di•nl 1+1' ~"!'' ihr "1;1lf <ii Ct S\\'(lllrn J1H Th t·n' 1:-. fu r1l 1tT1nu rf'. 'ri1n1'1!11ng about 1IH' \I h1 t1· 111111 .. ,• :dn1•1sphere that f'tJ!'o1 11:11:i·s rrJ\;1l1sr11 J;uh ll:irt1nann . a 1n11µh old t'.\ '11f'1.,sp;1perrnan 11·1!houl it 11s1blt• r"~ .1hsi hc•nl' 111 hh bod y. held :• 1 ery 1011 11p11uon of I hr lltlc of "1·oun~t'l(ir ." a prt"'tr11t uu1~ and f;untly 1:urnpf'ani7r<I (':1b1n(•1 rnn~ crca!cd by P1'f'-.1ril'nl 7\i'\on \1 ·1 1\twn :\Ir. Ford q1111·kl\" 11an1t>d fonll1•r l!i p .J,,hn ~l ar.i:;h of \ 1rgu11.1 111" J1r..,1 rah Jn<' l ·IC' v l' I ttJUl1'-t'lo1r, 1 r1~1dtrs .!.JY that ll:irtn1:inn 111111ltJ :ir1 ''l'l 1111 !f's:-fnr hunsclf .. nd 111-11 boa~!:-llot· 111ll' ''CuUllSL'lOr lf.11'1111 ;11111 ,. Th:11 11;1s lil"l'rh· :111 r:irh· sk1r1111~h. 1·11d1ni.: 111 ;i n11n11r 11ctnrv f11r roy:1lisn1 Tho· 111011' 1n1•:1111n~:f11I t1 ·.it 1~ J1rcs1dcnr I· ro1d ~ 1·1·.it·111111 10 !111 ... laudable :ind n1r•rrl111· p!'H!)(i~;d lu <'tll lhc p:1):1L'e i:u;1rd !ll•ll 11 1(1 .. 111· UC Reg·ents' lrritati11g Eco11011iics All hou~h th<' Regents :ind l up 1nanag('tll1·n1 Qf the l "n1l'ersity of ('atifomia ha 1·e cornplaincd b11terly fro111 l iinc to lime of the failures of Go\·ernor Hona!d l{t'aga n and f'in:in cr Oirct tor Verne Orr lo recognize the fin:intial nrcds of the universit.v, they havt' consis1enlly acted in a n1a11ner not likely lo v.·in public syrnpa!hy for their con1plainls. As a for instancf'. at their last meeting !he RegMts voted a 7.5 percent salary increase for President Charles .f . 1-li lch although !he ,<;,'l]<JJ'y ll"lC!'t'..1<;f: r 0 r university emp!oycs t·oted ll~· th<! legislature, v.·ith th1· governor's approv;.11. 11·as only 5.4 perccnL ft is a1c thing !o gil'e a11 assistant professor earning $12.000 a year a 5.4 pt.'rcent misc to adju.<;t for ro~t of living . That is 011lv about five bucks a 11Jeek 11f1er drduciions. Bur for tli1ch, 1vhosc $fl5.1)00 :i •nu:il salary was already $6,000 n1orc than that paid the governor. it rncans cJo.lc to n $100 a \\'eek \\•hich is more 1han n1any, pa ying the laxes !o providt the sa lary. earn. ANO Tll OSE familiar \\'ilh govcmrncnl know Iha! lhc inequity doesn't stop v.•ilh Hitch. Having raised his salary it can ))(' CX\}('Cti'd that .c;i111ilar raises. in exce!;S nf !hose j.l!'Rn1('(1 lhe rank and file profr~sor1 1\'ho do thr pri mary job in l'(Jucatioi\ 1\111 be accorded the rest of the unl\'C'rs1ty lop brass. TJ1c.~c 1hings 111ight not be so 111uch nf an 111·it:int tn the p11h!iC' if rvPryonr·~ salnnrs were krf'1>1 n,i;: p<ice 1\•ith inflal ion ;111<1 if lbrrf' v.·:is full en1ploymcn1 H srf·n1:o; everyone i~ :cware Uuit this is not lht case excepting those nt !he ( EARL WATER S J l11~hes1 lr1·r1s in the cduc.'1 1ional s_ystrm. J11tch :ind !he llt'grn!.~ constan11y plead the need for more trix dollars to run lh<' unive rsi1y. And each year the legislnture appro1lriatcs in c reasing amounts of tax dollars despile the declining enrolln1cnts. AN O, it 111a y \\'Cll he thn1 the students ;H·c i.;ctt1ng shor!ed in sonic areas of !'duc:.1lin11al need~. Sidi, when !he uni \'ersily ha s. 111 aclrltlion to the halt billion t:.ix dollar.~ ar.nu:illy appropriatl'd by the lcgisluturt', funds from t'ndow111cnts. grants and other so urces nearl.v equal to !hat gi\'en hv tht' state. lheir needs become a Hitle difficull to understand. And they ,C!O beyond underslancling Y.'lh•n the Regent s not only µass out SRll1ry raises to a priv ileged few, in t'Xt'ess of tho~c given to all <Jthcr cmploycs. but clivcrl endO\\rt1ent fund s lo besto\v huee frin_ge bf'nefil'\ upon !hat chosen trw after 1hc legislaltrre had denied thcn1 . For ii v.·as al that s:lnic n1reting 1hn1 tht• n r~ents voled to !ISL' endn1vmrnt f11n<l.'i !n hu·1111lh I hlch and I h <' (·/J;1ncrllors free housing. scrva111s and 1•t11l·!'l :-tinrnrn1 funds \vhirh hnd been :-lashed fn irn 1he hudgt•t hy thl' lt•g1slalllft' 1'11 E (lUF.ST ll)N ra1Sf'd hy thi s action 1s wh:1t aro lhc !ltudents to be deprived uf by lhts di ver.lion of endown1e111 n1oncy" Anet. if il \\'as not being used. 11hy couldn't Jt ha1c bct'n earmarked for son1e of lh{' things \\'hich lhc Regf'nt~ and Hitch are representing lo !he gn1 "mor ;ind lhe lc,C!islature can't bt· done for thC> s tudents because of ;1 lark of funtls'.' The only l'Onclusion to he dra11·n is that as far as l-l1tch and the Hegcnts arc concerned the lop officials are not ro he dcpril'ed anything el'rn though it means the educalion:i l n«::ds of Lhc studcn1 s n1ust he sacrificed. OllANGI COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. \Vred, Publi.shtr Thomas Kee11il, Editor Barbnra l<reibich Editorial Pnoc Editor Thr <':lllo11al JWlf!t' f)( 11~ D111ly P 1:01 5el'ks lo inform and :oJtimula1e readers hy presenting on thia: page riive~ <"Onun~nl;u1''fln 1opiN1 of 1n- lt>l'l'st by i;ynd11:11.led l'V>lumnis1Jll arid cartoonist~. by pra'l'iding 11 fon1m for reader,.· \'i~·• 11.rwl t>y presl'fltilljf tt>1s ncwi;pnper·~ op1n10f\!' atlf'I ideu Ctn current topir~. Th,.. rd i!Qri<1l opln1nn.'l of !ht> Dally P!lo! app1•11r only in lhe editorl11l !-ol\1tnn 111 !hr top of lhe pa.gr. Opinions e~prl.'.'1~ hy !hr r'l"il· u1nni~L~ and c11rtoonl:o;:l:<1 11rwl lettrr \\rllrrs 11rr 1t>1•ir rw•n and no .. ndor~r­ n1rnl or tt>11r 1·1r11.11 hy !he r>:iUy Plkit ~houltJ be 1nh.•r1't'd . WcdncMlay, Augusl 21, J974 7 , I 7 Tod11,1's l ·'i11nl • VOL. 67, NO. 233, 6 SECTI ONS, 82 PAGES O RANGE COUNTY , CALIFORN IA WEDNESDAY . AU GUST 21. 1974 N TEN CENTS Living Cost Up Again-Southland Hard Hit \\ \~111.\l;T!I'\ 11\I'! -The cost of II\ 11111 ru.,1· '·11.:hl·tl'nlhs of a 1.>erct>nl 111 Jul~ d~·.,p11t· .111 1•:1..,in~ in lh1· incrr.1<;<' 111 toud pr11·1·~. lh1 • gu\'1•rn111C'nt s;iid tu1l:1y 'l'ht• .Ju\\• rl'l~ir\ 1n;1rkl'd 011ly lhe :it•t'lllHI lllll<' !111 .... )~·ar !ht! !!lOtlthly 11u·r1·:1 .. 1· 111 lht• ~n\1•rn1nl'nt's Consun1t'r !'rtt'!' lndP\ h.i~ h"l'll lt·ss than I pcrc1•nt. ·1 h•· .lul\ 1111T1·11-.1· 111111ld nrnoun1 !11 ;.i1 ;.111t1l1;il r:111 of 1nfl.d1un 1if ~J ti pi>n·,·nl :-t111 uht·ail o/ li1-.1 ~1'<1r., 8 8 pcrr1 •nt 111fl:1l111n r;1!1·. ('onsu11u·r pri1·cs 111 th1· Lo" Angl'lt·-. t11t·lrupoht:111 :1rt·.t 11 vr1• l I. t pt'ft'l'lll l11glh ·r <lurin i.: .l <1lr 1h:u1 .i y{·ar ;1g•1. r11 .. rk111g 1hP l:1r1.:cst :1111111.1! 1ncr1·as1' s11u·t· 1!!47. rl11· Snutht•rn California t·h11•f o( the DttrL'dU of l..:ilxlr Stat1~1ics ::wit! !od.i~ \II 111a 111r r:d(•g11n1 ·-. o( f [1 p1 1 I~ '-\•1•utH11g. 1·.\t't•p! 1·!ut!11ng. r1·gisti'l'•·d a Police Blast Way Into Jail \\I \!\II.I.() Tl'\ +,\l't -.\ for1111•r I' •l.1·· !l\.t!l turnt•d tT111un;il d1t-d in a Uur~t o! gunllrc !od:ty, rnding 11 3f1-hour ~1 1•ut11rt lr. !t11· 111111:1h·~ holdtn~ ;i hu~1;1 ~t 111 !h1• J.lll ah1p lhl' Po\1 1•r Cuun!y l'uur!11(Ju •r :1 s1u•nft'~ office spokc::.m:u1 .;ud Jti.· •f~·~···11•.1n. :-Oht·1·111·.._ l ':1pt. Ar! I· 11 Id~. 1dt·11!1f11•d 1t1(' dead rna!l :is Uan·n1 De11 siL y l-'ro11osal se·eu. (/~ 'f lirec1l T o ·''t>1v 1-lllrbor Uy .l ,\l't\IE llY\11\\ 0 1 11'1• O•llJ P ilot ~i,tt ,\ fl1·1.~JI~ plan lo hr t~111~1dcr('() l.i.\· 1111' .~uth tu.is! H1·gion:1I Coaslal ( '01111111 •:-H•ll J.'nd.1~ n11ghl ru!r out th•' pr11~"1~t·1t \\1•"! \1•1111<1rt 11arb1r. t\c"porl B1·.i1 h ull u 1.tl.; :-:111t to<i;i~ "II all d1•p1·11<1~ l•n hfl \\' the~· 1nterpr('l rhe lnnd u.~.· 1n1t·11"11~· r!e1nl'nl ... s:i1d c· .. 11111111111t\ lh•1t>lvptn1'lll I) Jr t' t' I 1) r Hi1 h;1r1I \' I luc;1 n \11·orct1ni.: to 11, :ltJ\hur. cnas1:1l 1 ·•111111 1,,~1"11 pl.11 1111·1 J(•<Jtl Sundt•rl;ind, Ith· 1·1t·1111'nl rrutorSi'S ;1s1ng lhl' area 1•••,11' th•· ~.11 \t.1 \11:1 1i11er n1nuth for '.1111p11 ,,~ , q11t·,1r1.111 1r1ut:. ;1 n d p1c~1t1t·h1n1c It 11 otddn'1 t'l11n1n;11(' 1111' pn.~s1hi111y of a n1:1r111;1. hill 11 110111(1 d1~courai.;1· 11 • \!rs Sunderliind said. Shi· p•1in14'rl 0111 !ha! tlr;in,e:r County ·.~ n1:l:<>!C'r pl;1n of n·gion;il pilrks ,.,111 .. for fl piirk al th:i! lt'l.'at11111 , p:1rt of 11h1L'h is un1nl·orpQra1l'd 1l·rritt•r~· ll (!\1·r1·1·r. the c1l1•".: nf ('o~!a ~l r~:1 :ind Ne111Xlrl Bt'aeh. along with pril':Jtc J;in<lo\1•ner.-.. hari> tx•rn ..;\ud_\'1ng th<' po.;;sibility of bu1ldini;: a largely public nuirina for 3.000 boats there. 1'hcy con1missione<I :i feasibility study 11 hich was romplC'lt•d in February and are currently seeking U.S. Corps of f.n~i™'ers assistance 1n 1naking an 1·nginccr1ng study . I logan srud he 11·ill represent Ne11'fl0rt Beach at t he coast;:1I con1mU;sion hearing ~-ridav on 1he element and \>.'ill try to J:Ci it amended so lh'1l it couldn't br interprc!Pd to rule out a harbor. Thr hea ring on the land use int(!l'lf;ity elenu~nt. one of nine clement s in the ('(Jasrul pl~1:-, "'i!l begin at !l:.31),.a.in. Friday in tlunti11gton Beach Cit y COO ncil t.:hrtn1bcrs. .~': '' 1,. .'.· . ·;.t. . , '· The elcn1r-nt .. on cc adollfCd. "111 ·9£!~,. as :i guide lo future coas1al land use. S'"a llowed Dop e Kill s Sn1u ggler l.l;\IA, Pel'U !UPI\ -The death of :i Texan near Jorge C.11sivcz lnlernationol Airport occurred becnu~ a plastic bag of cocaine burst inside his digestive sys· tcin. police said. Curtis i\lrl1·in Carnes, 26. of Austin, Tt''\. s11•alln"'1·d 10 small pl astic bags 1·011 !rtinin~ 11hou1 12 ounces of cocaine, intendinf! 10 ~1nug~lc !he cocaine fron1 Holil'i11 tu !h1• llT1itcd St;"Jtcs. 1:ioh1:c ~id '1'1t('srl:1y . 1 'iirn1 '.~' stnn1arh H!'id.~ llissol\'Cfl !hi' 111Hs!ic on 1hr flighL fn1m LA Paz . Ooliviri. 111 I .1111:1 . 1x1!1('(' said. rinft lh<' hP»I'\' !111~1' r1f rlr111ts s•·llt hun 1n!<1 rn111·11l~i1111s 11honrd thr Jl'I and in th•' L1111a :1i rp11rt rt 8 <\11'd "' route tn l'I ~il;;I. · HL'tl :'l\1·h:u·g :.111. lt•ad1·r ol thi · 111111:1t:•s 11ho 1ook oi·t·r 1111· J;11I J U~t befoi··· 1n1d11n~ht ,\ln11d:1~. ,, 1101n.111 111111:1tt• of lh1 • Jail 11: .~ ! t ~1·n 0111 tin ;i ct n·tl'ht•r 1'1 r1111· I 1111,. II 11;1 <; l>t•ht•it•d sh" 11 :1~ ~lt•harg\ girlfnt'nd . Barbar:i 11url. 411, one ol !ht· 111111:.itt•s nl1oh1'd , but ;1ul horill1·~ !att•r s~ud ii 1ras 1101 .\Ir~ Th1t·I Off1c('rs ~•11d tht•y plaet·d t•xplns11t''i on ;i door i~l the J•lll on !111· ~:l'cnth f\oo r of thr courthou"t' and charged u1 11·hen \hf' \J!asl "'Ont 11ff Thr rr>sponsc hy l;i\\ t'11fnr1·rnll'lll 1Jff1cers folJO\ll'd St•\'!'r:!I hours ol (rul!less fucc-lo·focl' n 1' g n I i ;i 1 i o 11 " involving the i11111ct!f'S. Sherif! T L U:ikt'r and Olll' of his capt:iins. !)011 Srnith. l ily Pnlk'c Chief 1!1ilscv :1nd :i .~hf'r· 1l'f's. dt·pot~' 11't'l'l' 1\'i'.JU11d~>d. a11thor1t i1·s said, but appa~ntly nor Sc.·riousl> ,\ j.111 tru~t!·· Ed"arct Hosp('!', 11 :1:-. r··1Y1rt1•d -~"rtUU .... 1.1' \l!llllldl'll Thi· lont· guard \\hO 1\:i~ h1·ld a<; hoslc1gt'. S!an Srutkl'r. 32. 11;i,.., ont' !il !hv fir~\ do11·n fron\ !ht' jail ;utd out or the courthous1·. 111' 1\,tS tak1•11 ;111;1\ u1 an ar11bul:1ncc b1"'<':tU~1' ••f a hf'art l"nndi11on. The fii·t· u1n1att'S ongu1all~· held tv.o guards :-.s ho51a g1• but rt·lc:i,1l·d oil•' 11ho sufft·rt·d a hip 1niur~· during thl· tilkM\'i'r nf ti~~ Jail. r{'l(_·;i rl'<l on th~· s1·1't'11th :iud ••1g h1h tlo(Jr<.. •JI 1h1• <·ourthou ~t· ,,lrh;irg, a t,1rin1·r \\'1c!11L1 l·';ill, pul1crtn1u1 :ind t".\-t'•)tl\H'I 11110 n1H'l' e~rapcd frorn the \\'ich1ta County .l:ul. 11as bl'1ng h1'ld hl'rc on :i 1'h:1rg1· 11t c11.:i;rava1l'd rohht>r~· Ht· 11 :ts spokf's111:111 f,1r .1 gru11p I il:1t 1nch1dl·d ,J;un1·s E. {~u11111 :1 ti•d1 ·i :.] prisoner held afu~r an l'S<'il!lt': Kl·nnt•lh flli11•r . f;te1ng 11 n1urdrr ch;1rg1• •. 1.1111•'" J-: f'Cl!_I", ,<.;t•!ll l'lll'!'d jl) t'lght _I 1·;1rs f11r rt1hl'}('r~, and :\!rs. l'hit•I. 411. t"h:1r;.:t•d \\'Ith ~lt·h:1rg in the robbrry ca::.l'. i\lr~. Thlel's n1other. to.trs. l.Qu1.cU:1 ~lc(;rt'gor of \\'ichita Fnlls. said, ho\1·e\•er. Iha! hrr daught er lelt·J1ho11ed from the jail early Tuesday and told her eslr:ingcd hus b:i nd·s employer that shl' hiid been forcNi to join to.1chrtrg. The con\·icts took o\'cr the noor 11·hcn jailer Donald Sid1o;ell opened thei r cell to check on them. Sheriff Baker s;iicl the convicts threw "a ri1ixture of 11•atl'r a nd bleach" into Sid1vcll's fact' <Hld s!ruggled 11·Hh him until I h e y O\'Cl'IKl\l'e rcd hinl. Clii 1racters Se t Sail S atur<lU )' 1~<'11'Jl(lrt Rr:ich's I-Uh /lnnuat ('harat'ler Bortt l'arad(' 11•il l ~l·I sail al 2 p.111 . Saturdny, \1·ith a!x>ut 80 IY>als ex1>eeted tr1 parlicipatr. The boats. dccoralrd under 1he theme ''The C:ood Life ... Nl'\1·port Rench, .. "ill circle the harbor for about three hours. C()Olpclin~ for 13 trophies for d e co r a I i on s . costu1TI('S. anim:ilion an<I Mun{!. Boot 0"11ers can re~isler to enir.r !he parade un1il 11 :i 1n . Saturc\ny by call ing 644·8211 . Parade officials havr \\'<lrnrd 1h:it un rri<:isrerN.l boots \l'ill be prcl'rnled fro111 p;1rt 1cip:iting. E"nl1·rto incr .locy Bishop 11111 srr,·C' :is gr;ind n111rsh:il Tht• parnth• i:;: .~po11o;o1·C'd hy lh •' t'fl1rn1101lorr~ ( 'lu b o! 1h1• i\+ 1\ 1111'1 llarbor t'h•itllhl'r ol Lo11111lrrt'{' g,11ns during Jul,\'. /'ru·<>s. gr111..-.1Jly :-.purrl'd by a 1.8 fk'fL't'lll rise in huus1n~ L'IJSts. incrc<1S1·d 1 I 1.11:rr1•nt frun1 .h1n1•. S/11· S;1id l 'f!l'l'~ ;is (If JUI~· 31 l~l'rt• J lfl flt r!'('1lt l11gher n;1r1nrlclll\' !han in July lfti:I, the ,i.:014:rnn11•111 .~<11d . Th:1t 1~ th1• li1gi.:t~~1 12-rnonth 111111p ~uitc !he year !'llding !•n ·ptcmtx•r lfH7, 11hc11 tnc lll(Tt'<-1:-.(' 11 ;1:-. l'.!.ti percent. Till' Lat}Or 1>1·p:1rtnu'nl'~ Bllr\':1u 111 L:1bor Stan:.Uts ~31d h1111r1f·r 11\Jf~C'r'.'i 111;11i;1g1·d to g;i1n gro11nd 11.1l1•1n:1lly l.1.,1 111011lh 111 th1·1r ra(·1 · 111th 111f1,11Jon , S1-endablc i ·an11t1~·'· ;1 th·r r .1 ~ t 11 ~ at"count fo r 1nna11un. 1110\r'l.l up U1 1110 tl'11!11s uf 1 p1•rt"l•ll! t:ut 'lt\Cl' I\ 11 ;1~ 11111: 1ht• ,<:1'!'1Jlld 11.IJll1hl,1 U\lTe;1~1· 1)11, .1\'i!I', r ;• ;,i I sp1'11dahl1• 1·:irn1ngs 111·rt· .i .. 1 pt'ft•1•111 ll'.~S 1ha11 a .11•;1r c:1 rlt~r 'f'h t· rn:i 1(11' facturs push111g up i!l'l("t·s 111 .Jtil~ 1h• dtp.1n~lhlll -..,u \ 11.r,· h1 •h1~ u1l!·r1·s1~ i·u,1, r .. t h11111, hU\•'f'\ •• nd l11 ;.!ll1•r prio · .. , " o·.ir'. 1n1 •ll 1l'al 1·;11·1· .• rut r1 ·st.1ur.111t 111• ii• F11od 11111·,., ,1rlu.tl\I ro"'' Ill 0H1t•-lt·111!1 of I 111.·n···111 t:ut h1't·;1u't' tl1r1· u::.u:ill~ r1•1• HHJ••li 111ur1• '1tuugl~ 111 .Juh. !ht• Lihor ll,:p.1rt1111·111 ;ul111,11·d tli1· <"l1:ingr for ~t',1,,1ui:d 1,111:!111111 '1'!11· r"'tdt •1a " :1 four-f,•11tl1' 1tl l i1•'11·+·111 !lr11p ;1~ !<1 ! ~I~ !Ill' i("\< 11111'< Ill ' 1;1iJ1·\ I'< •Ill< l'L'U1•J • • L•! •' "t t,, •' ' d I< 1, lll' HI ,lttll do 'llhd ii. ' 11 Ii I· 11 .. h I '1 H<l ih I ld!l1i.1il• It•• "l.lhl ! ' .. O' .. 1 l ' 11111 •ti ' I II lllUl 1' I ]1.111 ll'll·• I 1111111·1\ ,o,,r, pf'lt'1·~ tlHl0·:1,1·d 1)11 j•l!•dl t ·' \'"'I, ;11· ,11111 ,\ t'l'I>; .11 ··f 11·no,d ,01ul 11 of,, I lll1K !1u I I l,.11 o"\ •T tla I, •lt1I pt'I<' · l,1:.,:~1 •ilt\1 • • ,toJll t!11! 11111 11 lh·1 t tw ;dlh 111rr1 .1 ·• - .1111 11J• \\HI hill lh< !I ',\.I I I I" th· ~·n ·1·1" '. lt11 o I, 1 1 I e Ulllllll,__ Ill ' • ' ,, • .. f.':! .• ,·~"'!'.,., UNIDENTIF IED POLICE OFFICER TAKES LOS ANGELES BOMBI NG SUSPECT ILEFTJ INTO CUSTODY Muha rem Kurbegovic, a Yugoslav Natio nal, 'Prime Su spect' in LA Airport Blast Kill ing Three LA Bombing Suspect Held Polic e ;l rre.sL !llll11 P /"11t i11" Ta 11e "L R esL<11 11·auL 1~ 1.0S A \'l.F.J.F.S A/11 -1\ Yui::osl·11 i;in 1111q11i::rant 11·i1h 11 rt'c·nrd pf ~1·:-: nff,,n~1·~ h<1s f)('en arrrsh·d rnr 111\ 1'st1g:1tio11 Pt 1n11rd»r . ;11HI pnlirr s:11d hr 11as th(' ":tlph:ihl•I boniht'r .. 11·110 killPll tl1n •1· pi·rsi 111s Bui lh{' n1;111 's i"b SUP£'r 1·i~or !0:11{] toda.1· 1l1:1t ,\1uh:1r1·1n Kurl)1'gn1 H', :u 1•ould 1111! O..· th .. 1:1lk:11h1· hon1h1·r f),cau .. l' h:u rbt•i!O\'ll' is :i n111(l'. :1llhn11gh h;s ].1nrll:u!,I' said he could S!'ll':th. ,\ po\i('i ' Sf)('lk!'Sn>:u1 s:1id l\urbeg11\ u· rl'fuwd to ;1ns1\'L'r (]ut•srions :ind s;1u l '·he purs :i bln<"k he111rt•n hin1sclf :tn\I !he 0111siclr 1\orltl" :ind St't'lllS to go into lrancts. P(llire ;1nd FBI orfiri:1l s s :t Id Kurbrgnl'ic w:is l:Jk('ll into t'Uf'lody Tucsc\,1y night aflrr he plant t·d ;i lill>l' record ing in a tr;"Jsh c:in in a re's\ roo1n al a 11011.111·nod U1kc-oul r1·st;iuranl. They s:iid Kurbt.·go1·ic \\'<lS !he 111:111 \\"ho idcnti fiC'd hin1s('lf in telephone calls rtncl tape recordings :is "ls.aac Hasin1." 111i!itary leader of ;in organi1.a1ion h(' callt>d Aliens of A1nerlca. lie 1\";lS cntled the ;1l pttab('I bon1hcr after threatening to s1>C'l1 out the group's na1nc "in blood" unlt'SS in111ligr:ilion <tn<I s~·x 1:1\\·~ \.\'t•re rcpealcrl. Police said they confisc<t led l'xplosives al Kurbcgovic's a1larlment ;;if1cr his arres1. The Joe.al FBI chief said \J1c 111an apparentl:-r 1vas acting :ilone. Stephen Smi th, K u r b el!o 1• 1 e · s SUJX'r11sor at RP:'vl Industries 11·h1·rc ht! 1\·orked 11ntil the man lost hi s iob as 1}arl uf a getl('r81 la_\'Of( f'ridn,\·. said Kurbcgo\'iC never spoke H 11ord during the t"·o years. he 11·ork('d !here as :i dcs1gn engineer. "lie comn1unica!ed only by notes." Stnirh said. lit• ,1,a1d Kurbcgovic's n1uteness 11·11s rert1riL'cl by a check when he \1·as hired . Uut the lnnc\larly \\'ho rentt'<i hin1 an $R.'i a1)1lrt1nent f\·larC'h 1. Lillian (ierbosi. cll1i1nl'd th;i t Kurhcgovi!' said .. I could t•al! h1111 :\1u ror shorr . Jl r 11ntdrl say gNxl rno rn ing io 1n('. !Ir clt•f111 itely .~poki·, hut hf' didn't li'J}C<lk to p1·'opl1• lill.tC'h" l'olitt· Cn1dr. ·Prier Hng;in \\'ould nu1 !1;1,\' Whl'lht>r Kurbt·qnvi r ('Ottld ~µ1.,1k hut s;nd in:<lcsid. "tit' hns ~onr 11110 1rar\t't•S froin tin)(' 10 linlL' Ht· pul.; ~ hlock l11•111 ec11 h11nsrH rtnd tht· 11ul ~1de w11r!d 111' 11:1' ll'llhl'd tu .ll\.'1\t'r our /i\lo'.,1 IOll' "\V(• h1·l1rl'f' 1l11s 1, lht' ~u.~p<·i·t. .1nd 11c'r·e not goi11~ to rel\'it:-c h1n1." Jl;i ga n o.:ud \\'ill1oin1 1\ S11ll11.i11 . 10(';1] FBl t !Hf·l, ..;:11d TUC'S(lt1,I n1i.:l1t th:JI l\11rll('gO\ IC \\:IS ;1ppart'n1l~ ar!1n;.: '11Htll' <Hld "::rt tl11s Pn1·f~ i\·e1v po1·t Tlllll' It 1\·1 ,tlld hr n1y 0111111011 th:1! rherr 1~ no '\Ith group :1:, tl1t• Aliens of 1'1111·riroi " l'oht·e s;iid riurhego\it• 11:1-; unar1llcd ;ind offl'red 1111 rPsis1Hnt·l' 11ht•n he •1;1s :irrro;1rd Hur rt·s1.1111·a111 p;i!run~ said 111v1· he:ird a s<·11ffll' 111.~1t11· !!1(' rl·Stroon1 bl'f0rl' lhe ui:1J1 11a'lo bn1ugl1l 0111 1n IH111dc.:uffs Passe11ge1· i11 Elc v ~1to1· 1\ po11·er f~ilurc at Pilrk Ne11•port Apartrncnts.111 :'o:e11·porl Bc11t h Tucsd;iy trapped one 1\·on1:in in an elevator for :iu . 1niriut es ~i nd c;iu);cc\ :i po11·cr transforntl'l' to explode. Thr failure resulted fronl co11s!ruction 11orkcrs fo r !he tr!cphonc conlpany who A D VI<:l~'flS ERS SET ,L Pl/,lJ T RECO RD Orl'.ll~e Co(ISl cl:isgifif'd nd \'crtiscrs IJst "·rek helpt_>d th" Dail.I' Pilot set a nl'11· record. During the se1·e11-<iay ~.!riod en1h'll Sunda\', !here "'ere 9.271 classified ads run iri our p:i~l'S. Th:it is n1orc th<tn :it nny other tirnc in the history of the Dail y Pilot . \\'e 11su11 1l~· resl'n.·e this spnce to tell of the sucri•ss i11dlv1du::rl adl'rrti~r.r.; £'x- IJf'ric11ce altl'r !hey'\'c listl'C their c<lr~. fu rnil11t'(' or olhl•r salahlrs in our col- u1nn" 'foc:ln\· 1\t'01I brl':tk with tr:.dition i111d s:iv t11 ·~.27! 11dvrrt1st•1;;· :"l'.111nk" for lt"ttln~ u~ 1~111 n f~\1 \\Ord~ 10 \\Olk 1ur )'OU." -ll11lly l'llot Cla~~ilitd 1\11.~ "·ere !;1~ ing ne11· IPlcphnne 1inc.o; in front of the co111ple\:. Tiley dug i11to thr 111Hler· gr0t 1nd ~oulhcrn C:i li fomia l~dison ca hle5. Po11"er 11-as shut orf for 1nosl nf ihe 2.21)t) lt~n:in t s fron1 12:411 p.n1 . 1111til I :21! p.111 Rt•sid1·111 s in \1\'0 Uuitdings. ho111•1£'r. did not have 1hl•ir lights a11<1 ;1pplianecs lun1cd back on until <ilx111I _. p.tn The unidrnlifiNI tcnnnt 11·ho was !rap- nerl in th1· ('le\'nlor \ras fr('e<I b.\' :'ftl •·111 l'rgency elC\'t1lor nl;irm lTt'1t· Nn onP rlso \\LLS in . .;idf' the 26 l':1rk 1'\l'1\lport eli•· 1 ;1ff)r~ 11 hen thC' Pfll\'Cr fa durr hi!. <ld· 1nt111~rr:itor (;or1to11 \ft.,~! -~id \\'hrn !he So111hrrn C'.'.llitornia t-:r1i~~1n cn1('rg:t'ne,· rre11• turrn•d !ht· po1\rr hac~ 011 . lh(' irnmf'dta1t surge 1•'(plnch'd !ht• rransforn1cr loca11•ct 111 1ht· 1·on1pl!'x. accordin,ll to l::ctisoh d1 $\r1l'l n1an:ig1·r P. \V. Hich~irdson . Th(' 1\'1'".'flor! Hea1'h F1 t1· IJ1·p:1rt 11h·111 11as rush('cl to !h1• Bpnr11111·11!" tn11 th1· tirt' hut'll('d Itself uu! 1111n1"d1.1 tt'I~ 11ti.·1 th1' <'xplosion. 11 look lhC' F.tl i'\On 111\l'~•'f'' ~1·11·1 11 h1111r<.: to !Ix 1h1· lra11~lur1111·1 lh1 h.ird,Pn ';lid ' I N<·,~ St,111('(' Revec1l e(l ll y • 1lr('l:tn·d ll\r1ufg!1 a \1>t1kl'~111;111 1od:i1· !11:11 ht· · prohahh 1111! 11111 f11 1· thr ll:i!lf!tl ~ hi~!H''il ofil!'t' 111 l~•i(i !'uhl i(·l~ o·h:1ngu1g !us po,111011 1.1 cl:ns 1!1t·r ;1.;~11nl1ng lh1· pn·s•1!1•nr1 F'ord rc·!a.11'~! 1111rd nf !11" n1·11 ,1 ;1111 ·1· thrnu~h \\'lut .. lluu''' l'rrs,., ~·111·1;1r~ .ll·r;iltl F h•rllur<;1 1 ll!'l.l!('<I s1or1· Pa1~l' \.;1 T••r llPr~1 s:11ct ''lhl't'I' 1s n11 prt'('lS\' ADD IT IONAL STORIES ON ROC KEF ELLER -Page A4 agrl'•·n u·n!'' R(ll·l.,ef •·lit• r . tn hr 1·1rt' on 11·hrthcr Nelson .'\ non11nall'd hy Ford Tucsda.1• pr{'sidcnt. 11111 bt' nn rh r 11r;1; 1u ·k1·I llu! r1~r llor.•! said th1.~ .should not be lnk11n :1s 1111 incllc11Uon IJ1 ;q Forti pl;u1ncd lo d11111p llol'kl'f<"!l•·r ~ll(•l ild II\' <~·!'k L·l1·t1 in11 1n ;c full four ·.ll'.11 11 •r11 1 liorkf•(C'll1·r s;1id ·rul·s<l:i.1· Otnr h1 · bi•l11•V11d f.'1Jl'rf h:td !'lt'I'\' illli'!l!IO!l o( rtl1Hl111::! Ill l!JiH, :1!th<1t1J.:h lllllJI t0<t:11 1h1• \\'hilt• Hr.11<;1• h;1rl g1 1'1·11 no sign th;11 ~'urr! 11 :1.; hacking 1!nwn from hi~ l'<•rli1•r 1·n11· nor In run for tht• prt•s1dPn1.:.1·. Fc1rd rn:idf• 1h:i1 .;r;1!i·1n1·11t during his \H't' pr('<;id t·ntial eonf1nna11on hl'ilfllll! II "did 1101 scen1 :1ppropr1;11r " tor :1 tn;ur h1·i11g <"Onstch·rl'd fnr 1 ll't' prt'~ldt'nl 1n !:ilk of running 111r !!1f' prestd('ney 1('r!lnrct ~;ud . · \1111 h1 .; position h.1s t hanged Th1>r1·for(' his 1·11•11· h.1~ eh<111g1;-d ·· Trrlforsl's 1·on1 1111·nt.; c·nn1c 1 n J'('<;ponsc to questions al ;i lll'\\S brietin,;: \1hf'n asked 41hou1 ll ot·ke r 1·llrr's ~l:i!t'1n cn1 1h:ll ht• 1h11u1.J1t f'ord would run in l~liti 1'1'rl!or~1 ;,:11d ho• d1 ;,4·1 1--~1·1l lh•· 1;,~u~ 111th F11rd 'f'ul'scl:l.\' 11 1~hl :111d ;ii,:;1111 th1' 111nrn1ng .. A~ ,11111 h:nn1r. 111 1ht• p:1'1 l'r"'l(h•n! r,)r;! h1·ld til1' 0111111011 h1· 11nt1ld not n1n.·· 11•rll11r~! s:iid · 111· 1s 1111\1· o/ !Ill' opu11on he p1·01);1hl .1· 11111 n1n 1n l!lill a$;.U r111n g ul c'(ftH'~i· hf' IS 1111n11natl'd bj' deleRatt'S at tht"' l!C'p\lhlir:111 11a t11on:t l con\'f•n11on. H··~pond 1ng to O!ht'r 11u1· ~ t 1o11 :o; lt·rHor~1 s;ud h1· "dt·IHl1!1'h wants to kl'l'Jl !he 11ord 'j)rOIJ'1bl~' in" his SIAICITI<'ll1 . But. barring unfores..·e n 1tcl'clop1n!'nls, the i;tlP nomination 111 l ~i7ti is Ford ':o; 11r1uall~· for the :isking. Orange Coast 7~ \\'e alhrr lt'll bt• slightly ll'J1rt11r r Thu1·:-· !:11. ;11·1·ording 10 1hc 1v("1li1cr st•r\'- lfl'. \\1th highs ;it !h1· ht'::ictic"' iround i:I rising tu ll:i inlancl nran~e Count y. I .011 s 1011ighl h1I to :i·i l 'Sllll·: T Oil \ V ,\q/H•I fi//!fll, /J(j' ('11/i(,,t'1n(I \H t/•''~· f•trl111l/i1111 ria/1tha11<1.•r. ~i-r u )/l(l /11r /ff!f/111' r1'f'11ril nt 4; ~r11/.1·r1·'1.~ ill t/1r1•p !Jfl!IH'S 'f'llt'S· d1•11 '"!Jill~ h11/ llif' ,\ugels losr. J.o 111 1J11• l li1rn11 'f'1pe r.~ 11 r Ann· I , 1111 Strrci1un1 Sl'l' ·"J't1rt~. l'nric 111. '"•tint l O M IO¥d C11i!ornl1 , ..... r..d (O..,.tC• Cro.,word 01a11> Nolle•• f.d'''"•I ~ ••• (• • ·•~ln..,.ent "'"'"(' l"n•d l~OrO .. ~t>t' ~"" I-•"""'' Mallbn• " 01 01 "' '" .. .. '" "' C.111 " " •• Monr" T•tt It Mov1t' •• 1 M"lu•I Fund• I) N•!IOn•I NI .... At, 10 O• •n•a Co.inly Al t ....... 1. ,,, ~•urll ll•J Or S!t!nc•o~n AlO s•~•• "'•'-"' ••' l •••v,.,on Al) '""""'' .. , W~•·n~• At wcu1a "''"'' ••. to ' • I\ 2 OAJl Y PI! 01 N Flood Fears Voiced at Prado Dam Hearing Hy KATI-I'' Cl.A\'CV 0t Jft~ 0••1> Polol ~!•+! Could Prado Dam break in the next nlajor ~arthquake , sending tons of devastating flrx_1d \1<fl1·J'"S thru11~hu111 Orange ('tlUn t~"! !f so. \lhl' 1n<1h.t• th•· d.1111 lar~t·r :ind huild .u101tl~·r at .\h·n1on1 111 ·.ir i.1 .ilup !hf• S:i n Andrcri~ fault? Tho"t' Y.t'rC' 1111• qut•stio ns t\\'Cl Chin•) ri• ... id••nt<: and a Fullrrton grolo~ls! 01~1-a•d thr "\rn1y Corp~ ul l·:11g1n1·1·rs TtH:¥1<iy night at a11 Or.1nge Courtly Re11<:l111e{l For Caspe1·s Orange wilderness C-Ount~ 's :o:pra11 ling n c 11· p~1rk in the hills abo1·t· S11n Juan Ca pistrano \1·<1s renan1ed 'l'11es<la.v in honor of 1n1ssing Suf'lt.'r\'isor Jlon<ild \V. Casper!i. The Board of Supc·r1·1sors l'oted unaninlously lu namC' 1he 5.SOO.-<icre recreation <1rea "Ronald \\'_ C;1spers Regional Park at Starr-\'ie10 Hanch ." Thl' Jal\('r h:ilf of !he ll·ngthy n('I\' n<rnll' \\'ilS sug!-("eslt'tl in ;1 letter lo supervisors b.v cotuity ~!arbors. Beacl1cs and Parks Directo" Kenneth San1pson . l\hO said :.01nt· hi.~toric;JI reference had lo be maintained. Supervisor R:Llpl1 Cl:.irk lni!1~11cd the action to renaine the park, 11'hich y,·os p1irchascd by tne county earlil'~ thi:; ye<ir fur .~4 .~ n1ill1on . /11' s;11d Caspers 11orkl'd long ;ind hard and overcame many obstacles 10 \\in the park for public usl'. ('Jnrk said '·it is a fillin g 1rihuie <ind an appropria!c niemorial.'" Cl ark's corninrnts \\'ere echoed by all lhe supC'r1·isors and 11-hcn the addition of the Starr·Viejo designation v;as suggt'.s!erl. Supervisor Ralph J)iedrieh said. "I don't think it diminishes y,·hat v,.e are trying to say here. "It i.<; clear Yi'haL lhC' park is and v;ho it i$ 11·e are honoring." Sampson told supervisors he had 1·isitrd the park. 11•hlch lies along the scenic Bell and San Juan Creek Canyons, many times \1·ith Caspers. "\ know this is an action he 1,1ould have liked:' San1pson said. The renaming was witnes'*'rJ by Caspt-rs' 1,1ift', Ann. and three of his children. Greg. Kristin and Blair. Mrs. Caspers. obviously mo\'ed by the gesturt'. ~:iid. •·\re arr-(iJn1pletely and totally honored !o hnvr-tl1is park narned for him ." The n1o!ioo to rename the park also included a rec o n11n end at i o n by Supervisor David Baker that a plaque be placed at the entrance to the park relating its history and the efforts of CasJX'rS to obtain it. The park is lhe southern hall of a huge ranch once O\\'Tled by cfltlle baron \lli!Jiam Starr. The upper half of t.he ranch is noy,· o...,TJed by the National Audubon Society, v.·hich is using it as a Yi'ildlifc prcservl'. Officer Accused In Bomb Fraud llAY\\'ARD rur11 A rrservr policeman h;1s been chargrd 1,1'ilh planting a bomh in !he police station and then report ing it in nn :it11·n1pt to better his chances of becoming a regular ofricer. r-.iunicipa\ C.-011rt .Judgf' Roix'rt Hyers set s.1 .500 OOil 1·uesday for !{oberL Woolum, 26. Officers said \~'oolum "enl into :t bathroom in the station Sw1day night and said he found a bomh bu t drfused it . Police said a nine-inch pipe bom b "'as found in the bathroom. ORANGI: COAST tt DAILY PILOT l "t ~ CouT °"'" P.i(ll '''"" .. ""'" •I°",,.. "'""" tl'f! N~..,.. ''''°"' '" l>ut>l••"e1 ~; '"~ O""'JP (-OOll 1-'ut>""'"Q (-0..,.,.,_, ',@M'llr O<l•r•U'> ••• pub'''""~ M:>"dOY '" '"dl • 10' ('1<1• .......... NP.,Po"I Ill.-" ' ""Q'O" El•"'"-"•o;' la,, V•'"'• l•~uo• 8'!><" '"·"" );,"~'@!•• • 1· 1 s,.o C<~_,, .. ,,~ S.n ,I.,•" c,.,,,..,, • ..., • •"t " '""''0~•1 ,.,,loQn '' °"O'""*" !>dlU<ttA>> •': ' ,~ ,;,.-, 1.-.. °""''NI ~u~l"'""'l ~''"I"-' -, \Q "'" • b1,S••••I c~,··M•;.1 C.."lo•n,, <;~6.'' ~ ·I'..,,.' v,,,,,, ~,.,,pe<>11"'1Pu~I in~. 1,., ~ ,·,~,,,~ v .. ,, ~,.,,,~ ... ,~c, • .,.,., .~ ... ;•· Tl""""'.~""·• {O<l<l' J '<0"'<1 "-M<1r>"'·~· l.>ll\Oll•l>Q Ed .. .,, Cnr.le\H.loo• Rc•.,.dP tJ1 I •-•ootM• ... Ot"ll Ec!<I<>" 1'4•_.,-1 le.ch Off it• )j))l~I !louie•,:,•;j Mr);),...., /\'.kl.• ' PI ~ , !'"' , <i'J ! Offler Offic•t (""'~ ... ~ .. JJOW••' fl<;~·· .. •' ln<;"• s. .. n ;·77/ V'•>I "·•' ,, "'·1•!01'QT(>ll 9tl(" I IA/~ 8'>•·' ()'· ·~.It 1 :Ol"C ..... oMo Y''•Noft' I J \_.. "'"' r ••I r.1.,i.-11141 •4 2-4121 Cl•ttlfl•d .AdwriilltCJ ,42·56 7• f"">"0"' 19r• O-•"O" <:4•"' ""~'·•~•"Q ""'"" ~·· Nnn ..... •'(V'"' "·"''"" '"' ..,, "' ~"•' "' •1-•M-"1• '"''°~ ""'' l>" ••c•o<l..o•1 ~"'<0'" ·~··· ............ ""'"" , .. Qf'" "'"~' """"~ •• .,.!"'()OllQ<'! .. ,d .1(1>'1• ...... <4 " "" .,.,()l("nl"'~ °'' ..... ·~ 00 ....,,,.~ •• ~ ...... J 1• ()(J-ot~1 • ..,,, '"""'""~""'""'' 1300 ........ , .. "" lll'JrJng into ·1l lern~11e lt•i .. 1! pr+•\ "nt1<•11 1•l 1t11~ alung !I!•' S<11tl.1 An.i ll11 "i Corps sp11 k1·:.1n1.•n ~;·1 •! 1!11·1 11cr" S!l1d)u1g tin· da 111"s 11-all•ty ;111<1 ht111• 11ays of b11ild1ng in <tddi·d ~tr1·n~th 1,1hl'11 :i projct·l J.(ets into dt'l<lll rd ~·nginct·ri ng l.11.;r·~ ].i;rr ,\ :-:110k•·:-111:in for the Cir.1ng•· ( 011n!y \\'.dl'r ll!'i\/'ICt. ,Jo.1•rr TrulJ1 . 1111n(!,.ri:d aho1J! cn~11rrn,:? SH f<>tv nf lh(' (h~!nr·I ~ 11':·1tcr Lt>ll~E'r1;111u11 ll:J~u1~ :1lung tll1· 1111·r 1·h:innC'I. • .. . .. \\,nJ" the d1stn1·1 $t<ilf ~upp<.1rt:i .dt.:111 .. t.· "F," a $500 llllll1un pro1411. she :.:11r!, th('y also 1vant to he su rr rt·le~·· of danun(.~ water 11ouldt1"t jl'OpardiZC' 11·ater s!ored in district"S sprl'nding basins along the rivi•r channel \buu! 1 2~' l}t'l'~fJJl~ ;1!ll'rl'l··•l 1hP h1•:iring 111 1\n;1hl'Ull tlh· univ 4.Jlll"' scht·dul1·d for ()r:1ngf' L'1Jt1111v ' l "ol .Joh11 l'i o\l'v uf the (flrps of t·'1n.'.111vr·rs dt•srrib;·d 1h1' r1•.iul!, nl .1 illfl\"~•'i!f fl<i~J tJ1l1\Y ~\lJdy II! fl•Mll! • un1r1il :1l•1n~ r/1 •' basin, th1•11 1JU!h11ed 111nt' .1111·ruatl" 111cihocl~. r.'lng1ng frorn "t.luing n111hin~·· IQ .'.In $l:l5ll 1n1Jl1vn grtl'nl.x .. Jt pl<in t•:hH:ll v.·ould '>'"ifk· out 7,~00 hon1es that nu~hl bl' 111 ~1 f1001rs path. Or::ingc Count\" Su1wr11sur lla!ph IJH.•dnch .~;11d co tuity :>\JpL'r\'1:.or:. :.upp<u'I p!:111 'F " 11·)11C'h illl'O!l't'S r:.11si 11g th·· heig ht ul l'ro.1du lJ:11n and bu!lJ1ng :1 n1•11 d:1n1 ;11 .\lt·nt 011r, 111•:1r Htdl:.11uls. .1s 11 . IJ ;1 ~ 11111J1·0\·1ng ri1cr '·h:1nn1·I~ About $56 1nilhoo for tht· prOJt't.." \1ould co1nt> frorn !0<.·a! hJnd.s A spokesnian for stale St!n . Ja1nes E. Whetmore (R·\.arden Grove) said he would rel'omrnend that the senator al50 suppor1 plan "F'." '111e CoqJs ~aid t'arll1·r this pl:1n ap1}(·;1r-; !o ti1· u1usl likely to 11·1n µubl1t' supporl. But \\1• F. Durrington and C. B. l't'dersrn of Chino quc :::1ioned 1hat plan. saying they fear lhC' d:1111~ ("11uld col!apsL' 1n an c<irthquakr_ Loati Reealled '!'h('1r fl':•r~ \1cn .. • el"hCl('d !Jv ~I .J l'a~1r11. a I· L1llt•flon !;l•oloi:;1s1 11 ho.se f1 r1n Opt:r<1tcs 11 oil wells near 1~rudo. aud by C. ' E. Roark, a G.1rden Grovt· rnginl't>r. Roth asked that tile Lurps rarf'fully study all safety fattor~ 'rhf' flood !'Ontrol 1nt•1i :;11rl·~ ;1r1• designed tv prolet·t the LOUlll\~ 111 llll' f'1·ent of a once in 200·) ear floOd. 11 hlt h 1111' Corps 1·s1 1n1att·s \\'OUld d1sloi:a\•' ()!1•' 111i\liOll residCll!S <.1nd l'iJUSC $:! lJi\liUl1 11u1·th of d:unagc. '!. .. + " . Eloise's Sister 9' ... . " , . : ,..... ~· . '• ·~ . .• . f ... 11" •• ' >:• •. ,-'! -:'· ,.:t:_·-·· .: • • ~·: ... ,"..... . A.:~~·-~ ,.1 + ' . . ' ·, ... .1 .;. , .. • 6 10 + 0 1111 Pllo! S!lll Pho!o Tells Pressure Ry AHTll UH B. \'l ~SEL 0! !111 O"lr P olot St•tl LU:"\ 1\\G J:],l'~S-The SJStPr vf :\l'\\'pOrl llc;ieh n1urdcr ronspiracy dt>fcnd:111t Elo1se Popcil testified ~oday th~1t ht"r brother·ln-Ja\\" San1ucl Popeil thrcalent•d IO" sue her for a $20,fOJ debt if ~he did not testify fa1-orably 1n l1ls divorce ;1ctio11 . l'oi>e il. \\"hO IS k!l\)l'.11 hy lhl' ni1·k11;Hl1l' Scyn1ou1". lu;1netl \Ir:.. l':1ul1n~· ('011o.in. Del ~1 ar tl1oroughbred r:1l'C horse 01\·nrr. !he suni in 1971 fnr ht"r 01rn l1\'111 g cxpt·nses tcstifil•d. Dunng- of ~!rs 100;1~··s 17rh da~· 1n 1he tri;1l l'Opt..·11. 4!1. formerly ot 519 ll:1ril,ir !:.!:ind Oril'e. Ne1\·port and D:in A,l't•rs, :Ii, of 2239 Beaclr Shelton :-;i_, Santa Ana , :\!r:--. C<.1111111 1•·.Stificd !l1 :tt she 11 as pr~ssurl•d by l'op<'tl ··JI,, h;id threatenrd n1e 1h:1l JI didn 't te:--t1fy ln hi s bl'haH rllat ht• 11011ld $1:1rt :1 :-1111 10 collect it," :\!rs. \'nwan !old [)(>put~· D1.~lr1r! ~\;iornt'Y l'r1c r !\1"('_!:111;111 111 regard to lht· s20.ooo l1l:111 by Popi'il. "'ill' Ji;1.l lx-i·n 1hrea1rn11H! n1t' .111 tho~c 1n•)1\lh~ :rnr! I fi·l! the "1h.re<"lt.s 1\,'ft' '-C rlOllS ~,f 1J1c :illrgr<I contr;ict killt>rs 1111h 11·ho1n l'o1x·1l 's n1ttrdrr l\':lS diSCll!'~ed had told him lhf' sarne ~lory r:irly in his in1·estig;1\ inn . L>on c _ llt'i;od, 49, of Long-Bl'nch and Robt•rt Peeler, 34. uf Ccrr11os ho1·c testified A:>•'rs and ~·lr.~. l' ope i I negoria!ed 11·itJ1 hirn to :-rrran ~t' for the 1nanufact11r1ng 1n;1gn:itc'.<; 1nurdcr 111 Ch1t":1g"O. llul Ayt'rs all cg\•S thl·y iruti<itf' 1!)!' dist·uss1011 ;ind lh· 11'as only s1ring1 11 ~ rl11•n1 :1long u111il ht• co1ild g1·t h1.'lp fr11n1 pro1>Cr otLJth1 1rill1'~ It\ 111l" :ilk·gcd 1nurdcr ('on~pira('.\", lit' !\'stified hi· 11:1s ;::il'f'!l 111fun11:l!lo11 !hat the \1·t·:rlthy J >opt~il h:td 111flu•·nt1al lru•nds and l1e:11y inn11t•nt·c in !11(' Lo11g licaeh ;1d1n inistr<1Lion. 11H·lut.1111..: 1i11' Jl<l llt'e dc·par111a·nl lie and ~!rs. ·l'opeil v.·cre tak{'n 1n10 cu!!tody b,v a raid te:im of Lolli! BE>a«h detcct11"1's. ac.compa nied by ~f'""'IJOl'1 licarh i'oliC'e l>elt'ctivr l\eu S111i1h, .1. the Harbor lslilnd !)rivP addr·r"'" on .1;111 8. aftt'r ;1 1111e 11·rek 1!1\est1gation inlv the ;illrgrd murd<.•r-fo1·-h1re plot . Long Bc;it·li 1x:ilicl' six-arheadrd tht' arrests 0Ceaus1· Jlle1;ed ncgot ia1 111n~ Ol"L·urr('r! 1n lh;rt citl'. :1 point th•· d>'l•'!1 '" h:1s rt'lll'<1T1·dl1" ra1s1·d ;r:; 1):1~1" fur di.~1111<.~1ng !11(• 01·:1"'1' •111 11·;.::d ground~ THE FORD·ROCKEFELLER ALLIANCE WAS IN THE CARDS ACCORDING TO A LAGUNA Mike Leamon, 14, Dug Out His Deck of 1971 Polit icards to Review the Bidding LAD A~t·rs nnd ~1rs. l'opeil :ir1· lx.•ing 1nt•d on l'harges 1d consp 1r<"ll'Y and solk·it:111nn 10 corn1nit n1urder for Hllcgedly 1r~'ing 10 hire \\\"O men lo kill the Otic;1gn kitcilrn gadgrt tycoon as a n1cthod of assuring that she 11·011ld inherit a substantial sharr of hi s ~11 1nillio11 [oriw;e. They l1a1·e pleaded innocent lo !hr eh:1rgl'.<;. They !"131111 Slrll"l' f'11p1.•1I 11a• itl ('h11·;1~0 !"h1f'.1:,u and Jh,• JS.'lcrtl'd plotters 11i•1·t' llll the \\'t'S\ \Q:t.'l{ lh;1 ! 110 <;1'1')0\1;> 111llfder l'Oll~pir:H"'\' !'Ulllrf h:i\1· \'Xl~1 ••d Thr C'.1lif•ir11i;1 ~1q)r1>111r \0\1 1'1 h:1 <; rl1·cl it1rd tn l1s1t•11 tn ~11ch :1 df'f•·n.<;c Boat Trailer Snags Tr11ck In R11 sh Ho11r An abandoned 00:11 trai\Pr sn:11.!l'.(ccl a side view mirror off <'I rent:1! 1r1ick at R:20 <1.rn. today in i\ev:port Beath, 1~·1ng un nish-hour traffic for !:i n11nul('s on Coilsl ! !igh11'<l.I' Ne1v1)()rt 1'\\·;11·h Poll c1· r1·ill)rted 1h1· nyder rrntal lruck dri\t·n by Cost:i itlesnn l~vereu randPrpoul. 11. 507 Sturgeon l>r .. could no: t'lrar <in alu1ni1Htrn rn ci.st cx te11l11ng 1nln lhe Slrt·L·t fr11n1 the lr~1iler. Tht• tr:11lcr Y.as p;1rkf'd Sou1hbou11d 1111 l'1.11:1fir Coast lligh\\':J.\" t)C·f11et·n H111·rs1d(' and Ttisti n J\11·11111·~ .\ Y.Jtnes~ told µult t:L' hL· IH ·lirr•·d th !' tr;:iilr·r. eont;nni11g thrc\' s111:ill suilboi11.~. 11,1 .... lt'ft 111 !hr .\nL11·nl .\!;1rinrr p:irk111g lot Tucsd.:iy u1gt1t. and \\i.IS 11101rd nn!o the street in front of Lhc restaurant by ern?.loyes. \\hilt' e;irs 11rr1• :1µp<tr1'n tly ;1blf' ln p<iss bt'lll'alh !ht• rna.~t . 1d11 c·h ('\ll'ndcd "t'\'eral f1·c! into 1h1· rn.id. ;1houl },t'1vn feet off lh1• ground, the. trutl. r·oul d nnt clc:ir thr 1n<•~I Hl'sld\·~ tlr" 1111rrnr bt•iJ1l! r1pp\·d riff. th(·n.· 11 <J.~ no f11rthcr d;1 11i<iht: Iv th 1· truck. TI1c n1;1 st 1\'<lS de~lroyc'J . l'olic•· h:111 · no 1dt«J 11·ho ;1U:111d1111L·d the 1rai!cr (:oasl l'ancli:-;Ls Oka y SI Million Spaghetti Eatery Plans for a $1 million Nc1,1·por1 BC'arh restaurant kno"·n ;i~ thr Spaghetti F.1ctory were approved rhis y,·cc•k hy tlle regional coastnl comn1i:::sin11 The con1mission approvl'<l the p1·ri11il request after flrdcring 0.1 1t·ductin11 in !he senling capacity 10 250 prrson~ frnrn 1hl' 294 ori~inall.v rcf]ur>stf'<L Parking 1~·il1 be provided on-site for !18 cars. The restaurant y,·ill bt.• loc<11ed :icro::::~ f rom the Ne1\1X1fl Pi er nl I.ht' corner of Newport Boulevard and 21st Strrr1 Cecil \\'right . an Orange att0rncy rPprrsrnting !hr Portland. 0 re . res!aurantcurs. s:tid more than $1 million will be invested in the project bv the tln1e i1 is complctrd. 1\ n1aJor cost. he snid. y,•ns purcha.<;(' 0 r surrounding lanr! t0 mee.t p11rking requirements impo::iM b.v the coai;-tal con1mlssion nnd 1h(· ri1y of Ne11porl Rf'ac·h. An existing 1\;irchou~1· on tllf' lnnlf y,·j H hr rennol'.11t•d 11110 a !.!l00·5Q1!~1rt· fo01 rci;:tnura111 . with an anl 1quc·packrd 1nlt'rior. The romrni ~!l1on p«rin1t f•'qu1rl's th;1t 1he rl's1aurnnt ov.J1t'r" rr,111111 10 1111· r·ommission if !hf'! d1 ·l'l d1• 10 f'nla1·gr lhe eatery .1t a l;1trr rJ;il 1 I I•! 11Ji;!I tr:dl of 11• the Car1ls ;1pJX'al un11l :if!t·r 1·on. 111~•1 »1 I~ ('.\jX'Ctcd [•J bt• a SDi.·\\ t't'k .\!rs. Popeil and ,\ycrs Hot.el RecoY e rs F ord-Rocl.:)· .'illia11c e F oretol<l Today's 11·i!ness. an attractive re<l· haired tli•-Prcet•. y,·as questioned scvt'ral t11nes by the prosecution rcg:1rd1ng her financial rlealings 11·ith Pope!!. Th,,. t.lefen sf' often raised ob;~·ction ~. '.\li ssin~ Parts of Stolen Fountain A (iC'rald Ford • i\rlson flockcfcl!cr paMJ1ership \\'as foretold in the cards. Not tarot lonune-ttllin .. (';1rds. hut a <lt-<:k of character cards 0\~11ed by .\>l1kr Lramon, 14, of Laguna l:lear.:h. Ford and Rockefeller are t1~·0 politic.a! f1gu rl.'s an1ong the 52 in the deck of l~7L 1·111tagc ··Pol iticarcls.·· Fort!. wrarrn~ a grin and a fL10tb;1l! uniforn1 is a nine ol' clubs. Rock~· 11earing a grin. bu!iine~;;; suit Jnd clutching a flslful of greenbacks, ,., :-101nding 1n lint: <ii .'.l "sold out" J'r('.~1- dt•nti;il con1·enr1on . ill' is <.1 10 or cluh:-. Thr d•·C'k 11as gir\·11 to :\likP h1· his dad. An Jstuir follo11·l'r of currrnt e11'11!s. ~l ike not1('t•d 1l1c ro1ne1dcnccs crllt:r Ro«kefcllcr >111s ~·'ll'rtl'd dent des1gn:11c Tu cS<lo1y. ""I don·t knoy,·-1 don"t rctnl~n1ix'r " ~l r~. Co1•:in tuld the dcpu1~· distri1 1"' attomey "'hen asked ~1txiul hC'r 197:! incornc. "I didn't pay a11.1· taxes. If ti.at helps ... ," shr added 011ring SUbsC"qU£'11! qllC''-(IOn1ng the attr:ictlvr sister of the 111 l! rd t' r conspiracy trial coclefrnd<111! <;;ud hl'r incon1e was under $JO,OOO but not over 520,000. She said that she reccivr~ $1.:!00- 01-month in ;:11i1nony <ind owns \\"hJt she ~1.1rrio11 llotf'l offirials hre011hrrl r:i;:;i\·1· tndn.1· <if!cr rf'C'fl\·c rinc 12 ~1olr·n p.1n~ of :1 $150.000 !t.1li an Rcna iss:1111'r foun tain intend('(! for the ne11· :'>l•11 1X1r! !\e:il'h .\larriott llotrl. A spokcsn1an bct1,1·ecn 12 and s:iid that , .ilthou~h ;1rl' S!lll tennt>d !O or 11 thoroughbred r;ll'C n1issing. th<'~ flrc .<;in11!:tr to o~h1•r p;1r1 .:; hor:;es. of !hr fountai n ,111d f':lll lx· rrcsi~t \n Bregrn.:in a\.-.o asked ht>r :lh(i111 ili r 11;:;L' of thr ll'nn :\1rs. 'vl·hrn ~hr i~ lltll\' fnr lh1· .11111r1p;i!rrl np1•n1 n~ of th" Flowe1· Pot Ccise Cr<1cks :1e1ua ll y a d1vorccc.. le::rding hrr io rrpiy new hotel in February. !h:it ~hf· is un1n:1rri<'d 1"1h· n•rol"crt"d p.arts. l'<ll lll'Cl a\ :1\'.o\Jt1l Tc st i mo n v Tuc.sda1· 1nrl1vh·rl ~20 1~\0. 11·r>re C'onl ;11ned 111 n U.1.\ l<ibelcd allr"a!1ons b.1-A.vers lh.il \Ir<.. ('(1".1n "' S1T;1p n1rt;1I 11i11(h 11~1 ~ rr1urn1•1t 10 Lon g pcrso11.11\y y,·arnf'd him \h.1! rv.o forn1,•r r1Jv.·orkf'rs ;:il J)ouglns Airrr.1fr ('-0n 1p;iny f".(·;il'h fro111 .J:1p:1n l:1st 111'1.'k :ind l\ctS -Oit,11 e 1· Wi1is Dct111ciges \ t11n·yrnr disp11tr bct11·ren tv:o Rlllho~ n r1~hhor~ n1 t•r bcllchfrdn! flo11 t•r rnts ..ipf)3 rt'l1tly h;is f'ndcd \ritli a rul ing hy a I (:1r!:>nr n1u111cip<ll <·ourt judge Hob1'1'l Anderson uf 103 E. F.dgt·11 :rtcr J\1t· fill"d n S\ll'C'(•ss ful l;iwsu1t :11 .. UllllSI 111:-neighbor Rribt'rt Ph~·s1oc of :12~) 1\n'4<f·· 1\\'1'. for rlf'stroy1ng three large flo1\'C'r pol s J11dge non:lld nung:111 rlLIPd FruJ:1~· th~ll Physioc must pay Anderson s.1.0.-,11 -Jlll'h1d1ng s.-f~lfl fur· lhe pols and $.)Ujl puni1h·e darn;igcs Th ... fl1111·er p<i! controver.'iy L'at!\L' l)C'fo re the city C'ouncil last 1nonth \~·h1·n Physioc asked 1he council to or rl e r rc·n10\'al of 1hr nc.1•• flo1vcr pots placed on th e bc<il'h by Anderson, adjaLent to Anderson's house. Although the c1ly's Parks, Bcachc,; and Recreation Commisslon 1 o 1 d Anderson he could not put llf'W fioy,·C'r pots hack on the hayfront hraC'h , he did so any1.,·riy The city council sided y,·i(h Andrrson , 1r>l!ing hi111 hr C'011ld kern the f In 1~· f' r pots \1·hrrr !hC'y y,·erc. 1'.·la:.·or Von ,\lr.:lnn1s told hl111 . 1hou~h . !11 ··u pgrade" the flo11·cr.s in the pot.<;, ~111cr they look,•d '"a little st:raggly," In 1972, when the dcst11.1ctio11 OC:l'urcd. Physioc Yi·as tri('<f on charges nf 111aliciously damaging pri\·atc property ;ind creating a di sturhnncl'. 1'he n1alicious damage charges were dropped, but Physioc ;i d m i t l e d destroying the pots nnd pied guilty 10 1he disturbance charge. ~le W<ls fi ned 12.1. Ph) ~ioc appcranccs CQlllC'ntl4"<l during in tY'lllrt and be fore the nrrrmN. s.c (Li PJ I -Bl',1l1fi1rt t'111111t .v ~lh·rifl s offirial~ ron!in111·d thl'lr ~r:irch tnd:r y fnr the man r11lli·d ".1!111" v.IK1 shot nnd 1-.ifled a ~·ounR couplr 111 a lrai!1•r p:1rk hf'ff'. {'O\lll( II th<it An1!t·r~n·~ pol$. l\t'ft' a n111~1J1h'f' and !h1· t\·1·pl;i111 1n.~1de llif' pnt.; 11;1s unkt·111pt 1n l,t•ng Beach hnd Ix-en hired hy PoJ111i! Oil\'11Cd ,\tond.1}. In ga!her e1·1d('nc-e against Ay1•rs Hild A1·i·orrl1ng !11 the holrl ~pokl·~man. thP his Pstr;u1ged \11f('. l11un1a1n 11111 ht p:itlinlly rcaS:it'tllblPd Former Long l~ea rh poli<'<' rlr !v<'!tl'(' 1n Pf!sadena by fountain eng111t'rr Bruc.:e 1'hr ltlWSUll Y.,!S hroug hl in mUlll l'l\IJI courc instcnf! of s111~ri<1r court. b('t·;,u~·· the s uit 111voh·f•d less thnn S:l.000. Tom Huglx's. now the Hrl'. ~Ir l!ught'S l'!olrrny He v.ill bring it 10 :\e1rport of the Firi;t Brrthrt·n Church of North fl,•;i(•h 111 F1·hru:rry :ind fini sh JSM'111hl111g l.-0ng Reach, testified Tuesdav th.1! on4' 1t :it rhe nr" hotel GYM SHORTS & SHIRTS GYM SHOES SWEAT SOX SWEAT SHIRTS & PANTS WARM UP SUITS BOOK BAGS All PURPOSE SHOES FOOTBALL SHOES SOCCER SHOES BASKETBALL SHOES TENNIS SHOES \ ------- I~ \Ii& .Jt'I ~ .... -. CLOSl:D SUNDAY f>.f ._.•:::-... '~ \f ·~ TENNIS SHORTS & SHIRTS TENNIS DRESSES WILSON -DUNLOP -DAVIS BANCRAFT -YONEX TENNIS RACKEl'S • RACKET STRINGING I RACQUETBALL RACQUETS & BALLS . HANDBALL GLOVES & BALLS TENNIS BALLS BASKETBALLS VOLLEYBALLS FOOTBALLS BIKE PARTS -TIRES -TUBES REPAIRING • • 1 1 . ~· 7 1 I • I , l 7 1 ' I I -, 01111 Y P!LOr \ .''; toastal No f'1111lt l11s11r111t('P r c::. ~ c:.. -:::::I ~ ~ c :::::::i c:: -=: s:::::. ~ c:::::-:::: ,1 Firn1 Citetl Bill Awaits Senate Vote U I I\ \'I 1'\ I l :'\I \'ERSITY ,.-··. ·~ ..•.. II ~ sc H<>OL o~ LA"' F-fl 1 r l1 1 ANNOUNCING ! ·· .. :,.· ·1 1 11 For _Fratu_I ---, 1,os A.\'(-:ELt·:s rAP 1 -Tue St>curi!1cs :111d E: x ch <.c n g e Co1nn1iss1on filed civil fruutl c·harges ;1g:i1n<;t South Co;1s1 -· Hydroponics uf 1':1sinorc Inc . ~ ' ' ... ~ -~·i L ( an enterpri~ promotin~ s11I•· of rti rtless greenhouses 111 several s!;lte". 'fhc suit filed Tuesdav 111 U.S. D1stnc! Court h 0l· rt· rontended th1' firn1 111 Ii d 1' n1isle.'.ldi11~ cl;urn.s 1n assuring purch;1sf'r~ of the ~15.00U hydro1l0n11·s grri:>nhoust>S 1ha1 thC'ir ;u111 ual return~ \1ould re:ieh bct11 l't'n $).OCKJ ;u1d $6.000. Besides the firm, the s11 it n.irnes ;ts defendant!! H:iv llufford. prf'<;ident of the fir1i1 anrl its sole shareholdl'r: [..__ __ s_1_a_1e_~) UPI TlltPllol• llf'od 111 62 !Inna ~tassey. popular ~ingcr and fitrn star during the 1930"s and 1 !J-lll's. died Tuesday in Hethesda Naval I Jos. pttal in suburban l\lary- l;ind. She had been tll f11r three n1onths 1\ 1nen1oria! servil"e \Viii be held 1n \V ashington, J ) .f. l:iullerficld F1nant1al Si:'rl'lt'l'~ --- Inc , or :;11burb<1n F:ls111orl'; Barry T. Lind.say, prcsJJt"Jll of lk11t1'rfield and it.s suit• s ha r l' ho I d er , and l..t·1· Syn1onds, );;lie:;; d1rL'ctor of SoutJi Coast l lydropunic:;. e Charf'Z Ailing SAN JOSE <AP\ -United Farn1 \\'orkcrs Union leader Q>sar Q1avet h.15 he<.' n admi!lecl to a S;1nt;1 Cl ;1r:1 \'alley tx>sp1tal for trcatn1ent of fati~c and syn1pt111ns of the nu af!er ra sting for !v.11 \\C'eks, his pc.rsona l doctt>r said . Dr .. Jrro1nc J,;11·kner s;ird Tursd;iy a :.i·ncs of di;1gnost11.: te:;t.s 1r11l ht• pt~rfurn1ec1 on the aHing union leader nnd completed tater this week. ~le stressed. ho"·r1·cr, thi:rt" \\'as no indicario11 of :o;crious illnl'SS e t t'ot11011 f're'''' SA~\' FRANC'lSi'O 1A P1 - A "-oman jail<'<l for tilt' p<1~t :!ti d;1ys for rclu:-iini.: to ans\\·('r q u es I ion s ahout th(' Syn1bioneS<' Liberation Am1y has been fre«I on ord('fS of U.S. Su prt'n1e Court .lustier \llilli:im 0. l>olll:la:;. Cynthia Gar\"<'Y of 0 ;1klan<l . jailed July 16 for rcfuc;ing lo amwer question .. ~ about 1hc SI.A 10 a !-[rand JUI:', "·as fret"d frorn E l n1 "" o o d Detention Center 111 .\lllpit:is on Tuc-sd a y. • fr<'R'10H ,l!lr('f'S SA'\" .JOSI< ( l"l'l 1 -(;u1 Ronald }{l:'OJgan .~ay.~ ht• agrN'c; \\'It h •Prcsidl'nt l-'onl's posi11on on amnf'~ty for dr;ift 1•\'CH!t ·rs lie told n('WSrTlt'n 'fuesdny !">eforr :; p £' ;1 k 1 11 .: f(\ .1 Brp11bliea11 lu11d ·1:11 ~1n~ d1nn1·r that he oppo .. '>l'<l un1,_'und1t1011.il .11nn1's1y but ··rr ;i11v d:·.lft evader chooses lO C'Qn1e baek through the :._V:o.l!'lll an 11 adn11ts h<' ".i~ \\run!-( 111 staymg out of the ~t·r\Jl'l'. then he should be Jl11c11 .'.l !l op1nrt11ni1~ lo "orl.. to ).!l"t OOck inio the :-):;!£'111," tilt• governor s.11d. State l<'jnc~ 'f \vo Couutv 'fitle Fir111 s LOS ANGE LES fAP) -TI1e California Insurance I lepartmt·nt crack('(! down on thi: rc·b.ating-practices of title tn~uriince l~1n1panie~ to real e:->1<1te broker<; h~· le\"ying a total of almo..'it S423,000 in fines <ig'.<nnsl fiv<' of the titlL' firn1s. 1111,_·luding the nat1vn's !nrgc_~t 'rhc sCH:"alled demnnd orders and the acrompanying fines "·ere lssul'd Tuesday against l..:.H\'yers Title I n s u r a n cf' ('or·p. SJll7.960 : '1'1111· ln sur;ince and 1'rust Co .• Lo~ Angf'les. $1 25 .0(.il : Fi r s t An1ericJn Tilli' lnsur;1ncc Co .. Santa Ana, $60 .00 0; Transan1rrira '1"1tle !ns11r:1n rc Cn .. Sa11 Francisco. S37 .~~J . :ind \\"r <;tcrn Tit\r Jnsuranl'(' ('o . Santa An:i. S12.500. Jn addition 1'itlc lnsurancf' and Tiu~! Co. the nation"s largest title 1nsur('r. \l.'as a]]PJ!l'if In h:i\'l' dl'\lOSi!l'fl funds 111 a ba..nk to serre as compensating balanet'~ for a loan lo a real estate brok£'r Auti-~111okc Bill Fails SACRA \TE~TO 1ur1 I -.r\ Sen:1!£'-passC'd bill ha n n i n g s1noking 1n fooc'l stores :u1d t·l;issroorns and i n1 po s i n g ot/l('r sta!e\\'ide s mo k 1 n g re~!riciions ha" failed in an :\<;.-.t•n1b!v co1nn1itt 1'<'. ·nit: inrasurC' by Sen 1\nrhnnr C Hc1l<'nson ID-Los ,\l\~t'l••<.1 \l :!S r (" J l' CI l' rl Tth·,c\;:r y n:~ht by the crunin:1I 1ustlte <:ommittec 011 a :i .. 1 \ 01 {'. 3daysonly! SAl'ltAtllE~l·O tl:P1 l Bursting fnin1 a J7-n1onth <'11rrunlt1cc deadlock, ne>-fault ;1 u I O 111 o b 1 I t' 1 n sur<inl·e lti.:1sl<.1tiou nwved Lu d a y l.i 11<irds a ~howdoY.'fl vote HI !111· S.:nate. Supporters hurriC'd to bridge i111porta11 l d1fferenct-s between 11\'V rival proposals in hopes 11f rt:tch.i11i.: <1 co1nprorniSt> during the :.l'\'1·11 \\'Orking da~~ ht'forc tilt" Sl"IX'<lLik'<I end of 1!11· lt1gi..;lat1ve S<'ssion . ·111(' key Senate Judiciarv t 'ornrni1le1• ;1ppro\'cd both bil ls Ii\ l.i.:1re n1ajority v o I rs '/'U('S(J,1 y. nE,1llCllA1'1C SEN. A!:in l!uhhu1s of Van Nuvs a 111t·111h1·r or the con1ITiiitf'f', prl'd1tt•·d :1green1enl \l.'OO]d he f!•i1 Cht•tl bt>t1>."ef'll \.\'arring s1df'<: 1111 lllL' controversial propoo;.1! th;1t 11ould afh'cl all 13 n1illion li(•en~e<t C:il ifurnia drivrrs. N()-f:l111t insur1111C'<'. n n1,1jor isSLK' l1cf1,n' !lit• ll'g1sl;1111n.: 1•aclt year :;111 rt' 1!171. pruv11l•·" fnr n1otor1.~ts lo e u I It· t' 1 d:11Tial(t'S fron1 their Q\1·n lr1SUTlHIC(' ('()fll)lanit>s fur 1:11.·rS{.111a l injuries reaJ:rdlrss or 11 Ji•) is at fault i11 an accidPnl '1111.' nim is 10 rt"dul·c insurancl' costs anU assure Pa11el Oha )'S Full Ti111e SAl1l1\~lJ·:.'\TO IUPll -!\ bill n1aking !ht• :::talc ;_i ir fl.._ ~urcc board :.1 full-time agency and c-r£'ating a single sinog rontrol distriet for !he soutl1 eo:1sl <1ir basin has n1011 ·d :1 <;1\•p clo-..·r ro 1\·in· n1ni:: A<;...;t>mhly pj1:<s<1gt". 'l'hr co111ro1Tr'>i<1I rnC'asurr b~· Srn \\'. Cr:11g Biddle IR- 1!1\'rr:;ide 1. ,. I 1· art' d tl1r lransporta!lon corn 111 i It e c ·rut•scl.1.1" nn a 9-4 l •>l t', !hl' bare n11n11nu1n required. anrl 111·111 to 1hc \l.;iys :111d nil'ans con1rnil1t.'l'. \"ot1ng ;1g:i 1n1't !h(' measurr 11rrl' t\sscn1hh·mrn Hobf.rt I!. Hurkc I ll·lluntington B1·a{'h 1 Oon tll<ic(;i!lvray ! l<-S:1n1;1 Barh;1r;11 .. ICM.• {;ons:d\CS 1 D- {" r r r 1 t n .~ ' . ;111d !'rank \.;intrrn1an l \{ .. ].a (.";111:1d :t 1. l u,l cr tht• U1drllc_· ~1111 1~ hi ll. th" ci.lrrl'nt part-t11nl· u1r rl·so urc1·s board \.\U\ll <l hcco111l' a full~time ag('11<.:.' and 1n<'nlhl'r~· sal;iril'S \111ulct IX' r;11~•'d fron1 ~11:112 t11 $30 .00<1 a year f'l1rrf'n tly .. SIX Sf"iJ:JrOJtf' )Qf•,')I srnog cont rol d1striC'I .. ~ in lhP ha~in op<>rate indcr'H·nrlen!I~· in 1h<' rount1e~ of l...o.~ Angf'lr-:, (Jran).lc. Sa 11 B1•rn:irdino. Santa B<1r!k1r:1. J{i\'C'rsidc and \"rn!ur;i . The bill \I' o u 1 d ;1boh~h tho.."r dist rict " :1nd ('~ta hlish a 11•·11 has111111dt• d 1:.trict \.\"J!h un11orn1 ru:r_-. rr_gulation.-. and :iir 1111 u111,.r111g procrdurt's Large8x10 portraits in color decorate your home with love. Interior decor comes al Ive with portrails on your wall. Come Jn or call our professional photographer today for gift portraits of you, you r child, you r family. Full selection of poses. Satisfaction gu aranteed. INTRODUCING 1re om:uing Gemini Camero .. Color poofs Y,own in~tnn!l·,-: Ne~t,: B· ~.~~?2,~~knd 644 -1212 s4.44 Reg. $20. I qu11·t. p:1yn11·11t of l'la1nis h~ 1·hu1111at1ng e o" t I)' and prutractl'd court suits .. Bot !1 hills appru1'ed by tti.· eu11111iiUt•1• 11l"ft: "modified'' 110-fault pluns. Thal 111eans niolorists \1·uuld collect undrr no·fault, liut :.1ill be pern1itll'<I ti1 gu .to cuuit and seek 1nor1• 1!a1n:1i.;1·s. 'l'IH· t\10 n1c;isurcs pt1.SSt'd !ht· 1\<;SL'JH bl \' !:ist \Car ;ttlll /1;111· l:1n~u 1shed sinCe ui th« ('QllHll!lll't.: (JJli• 1-1 vuld altov; motorist.~ lo ~o to eourt for extra dan1:igt•s onl y in the tc\'i'nt .. f d ,. at h. d1~r1guren11'11t , dt,,ahilH\" of 1norc 1h;u1 45 d;11 s 1ir ..... ri~tl:> 11np:i1rnient of .. a bodily fun(.'tion. l (';l"LU DEI) \\'A.'i a r11;1n d:itory Jj per c e 11 l rrdul"tion in the cost of P•.:r~~na l injury co v c r a g c Cur"1"1·n1ly. that t' o v crag(' :HllOUHls lo iLhOll\ half th~· t'l)!,l 11[ ;111 ;1ulo i11surallcp polit:y .. It 11 ;1s au1horett h y A~"1'n11J!y1n:u1 Ja1·k IL Frn1011 1 JJ ... \1i.11llt'IX'llo1. and suppor!i•d hy 1ns11r;1nrl' con1p:inies ;:u1d l;ov. Hon:ild Jle;ig:Hi. Jt \1·;1s st•nl 1Jirt'ctly to lhe Senate f!oor nn a 7·2 vote. Prohihited under the bill \1·ould h(' the so-ca\IC'd '"JKtin and suffering'' suit for such iniur1cs as a 1nir:or 1>."ITiplash, v:hi(.'h arc so fre11urnl in the l'Our·ts no1r . '1"hc otht'r n]t•:1sur(' pro\ id<'<; for n111tor1sts 1(• i-r1l!t•1·1 for n1f'clil"<rl hi!ls :ind lo~t \1·.1gl'!i uud,·r 11t1 f.1111!, bu t l'01tl<11n~ no rt·!>lrtt:tion un the right of w111eo11e to sut for furth~r d:1n1'.lge. \o pi.1nd.1Hir} pr<'n1111 n1 \\';15 inrlud1,.'Cl. ~lotons1~ \\ould tw rt·qu1re<l to p1.1n:h:J!>C pcr.')()11 111 I UIJUry i11sur:111ec. f FALL QUARTER 1974 ENROLLMENT I '"' ' .. ' ' 1-'"' ~ ",., ... ' ... ,, ~ ..... ~ ·~" HJ,:._, r :.11· •<J ' "' ... ·-.... , .. ,. II Younger Accu.sed U J400 IRVIN( AVE c::: :::::::::2 c. ~ ::::: "'li •l •·l.Jtl •c• ri SUllE 7'21 , NEWPORT BEACH, qiooo lJ (7l4 )9f9.()l~l ..:::.c=.. -=re--=::r By Opporie11t SACBA.\IF'.:\T!) 1 \P1 l{l'pub!ican All~ Ct•n E i•tlll' Youngl'r·s J)e n111 c rat i c opJlOnen! says )'oungt•r fatll·d to pursue three investigations hecause hl' had a ~rsonal llllt'Tt•!>( Ill !h(' C';LScS \\"illian1 r\orris, a Los Angl"lts a t I o rn c y . suid Tut·~d;1y Youngt·r had a fin;1nC"1al inter('st in onr cast·. .1 pus ... ih!l• direct personal 1111·oh 1·111cn t 111 another. and a n1:iiur t:;unpoign cuntrihutor entangled 111 a third. i..."onf!irt-of-interest probleins could be handled by the :1ppointrnc11t of a temporary special ~late prosecutor , Norris told repo rters. "The appcnr<ince of fain1ess and impartiality 1s a s i111porlanl as ftiirness and in1par1ialil y itself,.. !'.'orris ))'11r1 1\orri!> accused )'oungrr Qf ~ -1\cc1 ·pting a S I 6 . 5 D 0 ··~1\rl'th1·.1r1 10:111 rori ni>r l;1·111rk pr1·~iclrnt J:irk. Burki• :i nd h1~lpu1~ 11\Clut·(' h 1~ fr iends to buy 1:1 •or.·k stock Burkt· '" 11nd1•r incht·trn<'ol 111 ronnl'C\111n 1111h th1• f1nn·,, 1 f111<1nf'1al 1w••l>l1·111s -l;11il111J'. tu .11 I 11n !ht" 1·1ulation~ 11f 1 ;il1f11n11,1 1.11\ hi': C. Arnhold1 ~1 1 u1h !1111 .-.no l)if'go f1nanl'11·r 11 h11~1 · 1•111pin· rollapsfd :ind 11 11h 11 !h1.· I'S. !\rtlional Bank •. a·1·1inl1 11~ to ,. . S . I "orris. ~n11lh 11 :1 ~ 1 h11:1 t;1mpaign t o11lr1h11l11r I u Younger, Norris s;11d -!·laving poss1hl·· pi>rson :il involvernent in !hi· 1·;1 ~,· of rl'por1er \\'illian1 F :1rr ;ind leaks of information fron1 the Charles tltanson trial. Youn~t'r "'as Los 1\ngcl1'S district altorncy at the t1rnf' of the trial, Norris said. ;1nrl his co 11 ,.e r s a I ions v.·i 1h his subordinates could be an issue in the conten1pt ca s1.· ai:;:iinst Farr. I Come. meet David I-layes; th e man behind th is look. And see the rest of his design s on fall. • Just to whet your appetite for the whole De Graf! collec t ion ol p::intsuits and costumes.i:1esigned by David Hayes. 1he cropped bigcoat pantsl11t. As if sup er styling"s not enough. the fabric is<\ suede look-alike in cotton /polyurethane. Water repellent. Shrimp. 6-14 . S 130. Informal modeling presented by David Hayes 1n Newport. Thurs .. , Aug. 22, 11 :30-3:30 .. Robinson"s Designer Dr esses .. -- • • 2 F ASHION IS LAND S HOP WEDNESDAY, THURSD AY 10: 00-5 : 30 (i 44 -2800 ' l r A6 DAii, \' Pll,OT t :Dl1'01ll:\I, A Very Special School For 1norl' lhan a duzc•n yc;1rs. ll np(> llaven School J1as :-.Cr\cd thl' ~peti:..I 11et1d-. ol .-.onie ~pcl.'1a [ tluldrtn in the l larbnr Ar1•:1. r\01\' fl \IJH' !Javrn 1~ in rtl'l'd 1ol l1l·lp '1'!1c sL·linol. \Vhu ·ti offers spctia[ t r:.u11 1ng a11tl r·\~ icndecl day t::irc tur young::.tcrs hnndicappcd I\\ Cpdvp'-;. IJowns ::;yndroint'. rC'J'tbr?I p;ilsy <:111d 1nent~d ret;11·l1:1· 11011 , has rcrl'11r<I an C\ H"tron Hui ice :ind 1nust f111d ;i 11l'1\ hon1c by the I 1 r.s t o( I he ~'car. Founded a-. the l'aut:1rino ·rra1n1ng School. I l(lpc· Jlaven lo::.! its ftr:-.t sJle to !he S;111 L~iego Frec1va~· 1'he ('o:-.ta i\le:-:1 t'uu!lll' \\'atcr Ll1 ~trict s;1\'C•d tilt' day by offering ;i SI ;l year ir:ise 1111 '"<1ter tlistri«I p1np · erty at l!'il l1 and ~lnnro\-ia Stl'C'Cts . NO\V the prtipt·r1 .\ is 10 he su!d ;ind lhe school 11111!'1 go. lt is qu:-1rtert'd in :1 111ov:ibl1· build111g \rlii~·h \\'<1uld h;1ve tn be r...:1e11s1 1·rl,1 rcn1o<!elccl !11 1nt't'l Ill'\\ l'Odes_ Rut the nn1nedi'atc prn!i- lc1n 1!' to 1'111d :i Ill'\\. si te and a tll'\V "an ~cl " 11! lll'lp buv nr lease it · 1'11e :-pcC"1al ~cr1·1t·e n!' !lope !l:l\'Cn. \\'hH·ll n1111· l1n · an enroll111Pnl of ~2 voungslrr:-. '" it.~ l':-.!cnd\~d d:i1· proµrJ1n. Jron1 7 :~0 ;i 1i1. 10 :):~n p ni, -:~ IJ<Hill 111 lilt· working p:ircnr:-. 11·hl1 <irt' its ~olc. ~upp(li't 1'herC' 1:-nn1hint.: quitr like llflpe Jl;i\'f'tl. If i1 ,.., tn rrn1;1in ripen :if!et 1hr .Janu:i r~· r ri«li11n 1la1c. ht·l11 11111..;I he found. and so1111_ It l'<111 be r,ffered IJ\· t·oti!Jrtin·.: d1 J'CCIOJ' LafJCJIH:' ,/;JrOb:-. <It 642·-\?Q!J. , ~~1 ce ling ].>Jan Nce<l cd ' /\ hl!:iring on the noi~e cleinent of i\'e1vport nc'<1l'l1 ·:-. general plan \\'aS on the la st planning l'Ollllnission :i~L'll· da bu! con1n1is .... ioners didn't get lo ii. on 11H1:-.t puhltl· bodies. sccins to l>e affel'Un:.; an uther. \\ !!<.(: J.!UOd tOlllrl\ISS!Oll -but it c·ould be ('Qft'C('ted For cx;unp!c, at lhc la:-l 1nt!ellng it should l1a vc lit'l'll u1111l'-:C-"'-~ll'\ lo give the lrvirll' ('u111pa11.1 ~puhl':..· 111;111 h:dl an liour tu (';..:plain :1 prOJL'<'I 'Ni!h 1\•h1t'h pl;111- nu1g ('(11nn11~~H1JJt'r:-. we re ;\ireacly faniili:.r. par11l·ularly \1IH~11 ;1 prtntcd ~t:i ff report \Vas a\';ul.:1ble. tu tf1c pt1bl1t. ,\nd tJIH~l' 1h~ appli«;1nt ('X('C('dCd his fi\'('-llllll\JIC t1 11 1f· lt111i1, it 11·a-. 1n1 p11.~s1hle lo l1111l l l:iler spl':ikl·rs. \\ 1111 a l1t1le helter advance planntn;.:. the r<11111ni..,- ~11)11 rll:11 rn1an and vice·<:h a1r111a11 C'uuld strca1nl1nc !!1t•1r 1J1i>l'11ngs. sav1• their 01,vn tin1l! a11d \Vin 1he ;.::r:1t1tlHle of ( 11111·11." \vl\o llU\V have lo ~i t through lengthy 11iet~tings nn l\ t(I !1:1ve !heir 11v.·11 c:ise:-. rolltinucd to :i future dale_ I loppt'r llli~~ed ~lark .\ l:uniliar !'ll!hl 111 !\e\vport Bea ch 1111,.;; "1111l1111 'r l 1:i~ IJC.•('11 tll(' nearly-cinpty "fl;1rbnr I/upper" 1J11:;t·:-. ro l !~ Ill'.; llll'llUJ..:fl 111\\'ll 'l'hc L'l\\ 's ~u111111er IJllS S\,.,te1n SC'l'l lll'd ;.1 :..:011d 1d1•:1 . but 1t 1i1.~1 ·d1d1i'1 \Vork. !Jui·ing tllc l1r:--t t'i~h1 \\'Ccks il h<i<; lo.~t .'Sl -f .• i(:i.). (111 ;1 recent Sund;1\· lhi•rl' \~'l'I'(' 1111!1 :17 rider.~. prr1111pt111g-l\layor Don i\lrinnis !11 !'l'111:1rk. ""l ';1x1~erv1l'C \\'riuld h;irc betn t·hcapcr_·• l'<irl of the prolJ!en1 ha.~ bet1n 1/ll' flt)pper's lll'Vl'"· ~:iril\' t111111ed schedule. ,\ lr:1nsfrr u.-.11;1!JI' i!" 11eedl'd t11 get io t!1c beach or to l·':i.shion 1:-:lillld. ·often ca11~1ll~ lcn.l!lhy trip.~ since the bus SC f\'ite is onl1· huurJ\·. l':\'l'tl n1nrr of a rrnblen1 \~·a:-; the cft\·'s fadure to di~tr1b11lc :;chcdules proper]\· and in t1rnC lo tlr:i\'I in· teres1 in 1 ht' hu s line. · ··: ..... --.. -... ' I .-.. .._____ --- --.,. ' I \ I I' -....,.,,..,.._....,-,:--'$?\:<·?J ..... .. '\"'~ · . . ' ,. .. . ; 1\s a rcs11lt. the city council won·1 be ;1ble In adopt the elen1ent by the state..tnandatcd deadline of Sept. 20, 1'he reasOn is that. the co111111i.~sion spen t six hCJtll':-. on tl ie first topic. a nc1v Irvine t'ornpany del'elopn1enL !)rifting di scussions. 1vhich pe riodic;11ly c reep up In li ghl of the energy shortJgc. polluti011 and lhe pl'rpl'tual !---Utntner tr;1fl'ic sntlrls. gtHld bu ~ scrrice n1av s t.ill be ;in :1dn1ir;1ble i..:oal. \\·r )1ope . 1hn11)..(h. the city \1·1JI not <1Lte1np1 to renc1\· .the :-.cr1·ice nc:-.:1 sunl!ner \vitll- nut rf'-C\'aluating tile operation. N '' Hll8£!\T) 1HIS IS 1HE fl!\)11\ME l '~E SEEN YOU W1IH YOUR MOUTH SHUT." Life f 01· Cc111ce1· Victi111l'i To the F:di 1Dr: E\·er\·one so1ncwh('re n1us1 ha\'(' i-1 loved ·one. fl relati\'f'. <i fril'ntl or a neighbor who i::; ill l\'ith ran1,;cr _ Thr<,v \\ho have the disease :ire lhe unfortunalt' Oll<'S. but there is ;i 1vay an.v p('rson 1\1th a free hour or 111·0 ean ht·lp tl1en1 . 111is help can bi' 11·i1hout obliga1ion to ;in~· special hour or nu1nbcr of chi~·~ per n1onth . ln other 11orc!~. Ille help g11·C'n y,·ould be <ll a person·s 011'11 convenience. ( ___ l\_t_A_I L_n_o_x_, __,) J.('11f'I'.~ [,·u1n r1·1nif'r.~ 111·1· 11'r'/1·11111r , 1\'11/'//lflll!}. l•'/'//('tS sl/IJ(I/,/ t'll1il'l'!I 1lu·1 i- lllf'.,'.511!Jf'~ ui :Jul! 11·•1n/,· ot /1·.,.~. '/'lu· !ii/Ill I•! Cl1r1Jt•11sr /('ll!Ji'.-. tri ( r .~/ll'l'I' 01: t>linuiiule libel i.~ rr.~·t'l'l.'f'(/ .. \II /el· 11'/'S )liliS( 1111•/1!1/1' .~1(/11(//llJ't' (1111/ 11111 •/· 111 u r11/1/1·c.~s h !il J1u 1iu·8 11111 11 /)(' ir·illr· lu •/r/ 1r.i 1•r11ir1•.,.-t It .'-;11rt1c1e11/ 1'1'11~1 111 •' ,·111 11/l 1'11 I. f'l•/'11'!1 11 //{ 111,/ (1i' /)ld_l• / ,~Jn•d. TIIE i\~1 ERICAN CLlncer Sntic(y ha <; set up a progr~un called "Ani;!els <!11 \Vhee\s" 11·hi c:h has bcf'11 in existence a nun1be r of yeHrs. 'fhl' Ani;!t•ls ;Jr(' housewives, • rrtired persons 1 nl<llt' or female) or in :i fl'iv C<lSl'S. 11 orking pni~t't'ulion 11f f11ri11,•r 1:r .. ~1d•·11I :\1\011 people. They drive r:lntt•r rntirnlS to '· ftel 111n1~·d lo 1nq111rv i\IJll'!' 11h1·1) a~id from th eir lrrat_meJ)t!' \rhicll"•nf~,'.~ the ,~CLU L.ikc 011 lhe role ol either be to a hospna.I or a doctor ,,_. 111 u.!!ecutor · office. 'The servi('e is !ltriclll' volunrarl'. Dri\'ers do no1 gel pL1id . 'hut 111 kn~•v lhcy arc helping snn1eone is in 1tsl'lf payn1rn! enough. I h;1vf' been dn1111~ for almost four ~·c;1rs and have found il to be a most gralif_vin.g experience. There is a grecit need for drirers <111 over Orange County. but F:ast Orani.;c County has the greatest shortage. Citil'S such as Huntington Beach. Costa ;\fcsa . Tr,•ine, Balboa. Nc1\•port Beach ;_1111l Corona del fl-·l ;-ir have been the harde:it hit \\'ith a dnver shorlag{'. I \\-·o u LD vi·nturc to $<1y !speaking for myst'\f n1a1n l_1 1. 111051 pt'Oplr don 't give it a 5e('00d !llnugh t 11hvn il con11'~ to dril'in,i.; 1h1·n1 ~el1'1•s 10 a d1u·1n1·-:.. <1ppointr11ent. Hut 11hrn :1 1x•rs~i11 1-s unable to dn1·r nl' h:1s 11n l1«1n~po1'tnliun. jusl knowing tli•·\ l1.11t· n dni·t·r 1n lake thern is •l hoos1 11\ lht·lr 111ur;il1•, and the_\' ha\'r J'H.';H·r of n11nd kno11111 :.: th c•y \vill )h' r<'('1•1•·111g lhl·1r 1r1'<il1nent on any gi\'l'll d:1y. Though I fr1·l 1hl· Al1ll'r1t'a11 C;1nc"r Society has <lunt> ~1 fr1·n1t·ndous 1ob 111 helping !ho!if' 1x·rso11<> 11 hn hav(' ca11r1·r, tnuch help is still nc•erlt~d. 1\s ;:i rlri v11r n1yscll. I ;1111 slres~ing ;in urgl'nt cnll 10 people 10 don.:lle ;:i portion of their lin1e to this ~-Hal nel'd. For further infonr.a!lon ~our readers can call the An1erican Cantrr Sotiety officr in Tustin. &18·0510, ;ind :i~k lor rh,. Sf>rvicc Department. or call nic, 962-6311. PBUDY P1\R\1EN1'1F:H . Coordi nator of Cancer Drivers for East Oran.:::e C:ounty 1'\'cm ACLU ltole? To the Editor: After reading in 1he ncv.·spaper th;it the ACLU insists they must push fo r H'kks '/ srifl don ·r ger it. What did he do wrong?' l 11:\0 ahl'a~·.~ !l1ougti! lhat 1hr AtLLI 11as drvor,~rl In cil'il libl'r!1t·~ is~lll'.'". ;111d in 1n1r1iru:;1r th\' drf(·11-.c ol 1hu.-.1• ll'SS fnrlun;1ti-h1'C';1usr nl h:1lred :111il preiudict'<> ;111d 11hnsr ri ;_:hl>: h:t\'c bt'l'll d1·nied lhl'tll (I!' llllOSf' d('IP!l.'it' r:ll ~\':-0 l;1rgt·r con.~11tution;1l issUt''· lf 01is :1ssu111ptlon is I rue. 1i1vn J.M..'t'h;1ps tht 1\Cl.U ~hould bc prt•p:11·ed !o !'unl1' ro Ri eh:ird i\'i~un :; dt:fl'll~" 1n&tcal1 111 his pro~t'l'Ution . IF A n t'\V prcecrl••nl i~ bl'lill! t'~t ablished for this org;inizatinn hy 1hosl' 11ho wish to push for prOsrtHJ1(1n lrt';1d persecution 1 is It 1111t llt)S~iblc :1 tll'11• rra nf r.t tC;1r!hy1s1n 1n r1·1'1·rs<· n1;1 v hP thr llC'XI l'tl'p'' I~ tht' At'Ll: hi'IJl.! used h\' :\i\nn·h.111·1; :is :1 nlt'<'llS qf 1·engrnce undt>!' Iii~ ~u1se of 11 1~· \'rncra!ion ot equ:d rigllt.~ undrr 1\11· ! 1111~l1tution'.' If "" 1h1.~ i.~ :1 s.1rf (h·plh lo 1~·h1eh ;i f111i> 1q ~<11\11,il1111L dl'dl(':ll ••d I+> JUS!lt(', h:i-, f,dl1•11 T l••• f)t~sr1•11!1••1·s To Ille F:d1tor · Terry Corill1·'s ;11!1cll' c · o 11 11 I ~ .., Biggest l'ii;.· 1':11·1.. -( 11iil'· 11 \ 1r:d" tAug. 11 1 11a~ 1111•.~! irnprt·~;,11 r· S•! 11111r·t1 )11 j;J{'\, 1h:1! lll_I' ll ·_\'t'<ll'·Old ~Oll :1lll! I 1l'cnt to see it !he follo11111~ d;1\ \\'c were <1uire s11rpriscd 10 :->el' Otlt' of the lakes poll uted 1r1th bt"<>r r;111 s ;ind paper trash of all k1111!s. It n1:1ilr u<: sirk to sec the shoref111c tro1vdl'd 11ith <111 this trash and garbage. \\'E CONTl.\'U t:rl 10 \\:ilk :irnun<l 11lc l:ike ;u1d fou11d ;i lit!l1· hn1\111 1l1K·k so sick he \~·as han:h· :ii!\ t'. {)IH' of the fisher1nc11 said he h:rd bl'C!l S1tk for days. I rcpor\('(f !Ill" 10 J!uc:k 's s!and <ind she s~11d !hf' !1:1n1~rr 11ould !<ike care of it, As 111 • con ri nucd our \l'alk I had to get afl~·r sorne yonng boys \1ho \1·ere thro11·ing rock" .-11 the ducks and hitting th('lll Ill 1he l1ea<l. They slopped for !he 111un11·n1 l,i11I I knr1v lh1'y y,·ould co111inut· 1\'htn lhcy !old !lit' 1£1 "sllu1-up." \Ve left. Huck's L<1kc \'(•1 v ~;1<l :111d disappo111!ed. S:) I\\' 1h'<·id1•(f 11·c 1\·ould i;!O to Tnlb(<rt L~1k1• and !'rt•d Ille ducks there. As the ducks 1raJdlt'd up to us \rr ll('r" splattered 11·ith blnt•k oil~· rnud. llo1v ca11 1he:;f' docks sur1·i11· in .~uth 1nurky, oily v.·nter? lt sccins they lcnc to \\'addle in'it and loo k for food . I AG REI<: Iha! !his area is v1t:11 bt1t it.. r·an't sur,,.·iv{' unl\'SS man s1a r1 s cn1·1ng r,nough 1n pres't'rvr it anrl ht·lp i! gro11', Somr!hing ~hould b<' rl<l!I<' 1o stop lh(•:;t• Polluter!!. The resl of us 11ho ,>;11·c 111u~: Sllfter :llld Of l'OUrSt' :di !he d11tk!I ;111(] f1 ~h n1u~t p;1y (11c 1·011-.1'qt1('1lre. I h;id to tunH· hutlll' l1J 111\' 111111 h;Jtky<1t'rl bf•f\11'(' I l'Ullld ~··1 rny. Si'll.~l'S fillt'd 11p. \\ln an_1011t• 11n11ld v.;1111 111 d1·stro.1· a !11111~ 11f i)(•aufl· l:i IX'yo11d me. f\layl)(' ~n1e $-igns <Jud rnnrc !r;i:;h c·1i11!<ulli•rs 111111111 h•·lp n·rn1n(l :-Oflll' 11f 1ho~1; 11ho don't tl1111k" ) ]Jcar Gluu111Y ~1nce !he 55 n1ph sp<'eo:I lin11t c;1n1c in 111y Hon{]a's n1ileac." ll;is drop1Y>d froni 48 n1pg to 40 nip~. 1101\' ;.1bo11I letting rnotorc.1·clis!~ be e...:1~1npr, fron1 this l:iw !hat \rast1·s .11::1s for lhr111? ~.H . Gloomv Gu• commtnh i tf ~u~m'"""' ov re~de<• i Otl <lo no! net•••~rilv r~!lecl the "''"'I ol r~ ~•W•P1orr . Send vour ~·' oe~•e IO Gloomy Gu>. D•ilV Pllol. /( P11zzlecl :'1 olorist' s Po1iderino·s b S YD~EY HARRI S Spt·:1~\111·~. :i ~ 1 1\:ls the other t!a1 . :ihnill n1:: (oul1•l1 g:i11k111i,! thnt rt"llltf•d 1n a t1unt ·t•11il 1oll ;-p,~· ,.f rny car 1\·h,,11 I roll,·d into a trtle k ahc<irl of ,,,,. .1uu 1n11;h1 n1 1I ht• :-.urpriSl'll to l\'arn lhat lli1· rf'p;1 1r c11s1 11:-i.~ ~31!(1. \\'hat 1rrii::ilt'd 1111• e1·cn n1orr th:in my 011·n stupidity and 1he absurd fragility ot n1v ounl['ll'r!'. ~r·lt ;ind hoorl . 11';1.s ri>;1d· llH! a rrD11"l :i r"v• d:1vs 1;111•: frfl''l rbr ln~ur;1 1.r·'.· ln«11l 11lj' rr11' 1!1~:ll',\;1\ :-\nlf'!,\', :( l:1hol':111 t :1 ti .j 1 1·~!111 .t 111'•1'!1\ ~1)011 · "\1 1•d i\1 Iii" lll~<lr­ ll!H'!' ,:1d1 1~!1 1 In point 1·1.~ () II t lh;Jl sorn'-1 i·urs r:1n 1;1k(' <J l1v(··n11le·nn-ho11r irn[lal't v:it h111l! 11111tl1 d:un.i:.;t•. the !1hl1!11tr· Hddrtl 111;-i: al :~n.\· speed rnorc th;1 11 1l1at. 1hl· ;11t•!';1i,:1 1·1•p:1ir J~ ht•tv•ecn .~:!11() ;ind ~lOO 1·\tll un s111alll'r and less t·.\pc11~1vt' nal(lrl.~ \l'llAT HEl\LLV gol rnr ho>\·e1·er. 11:1:; a se111t·ncc l't11111nrntl11g on :1 fro111-r11·1·t·:•r 1!·~1, "'hrre 0111.v one e:1r. L111· Opel r.1(;lnla. nn1nng five. ('Scaµcd dan1:1ge entirel\' This. rcn1arked the lnsJitute <icidlv, ,;1s H record that has nol been pr:)\·idt•d by :iny nlOlleL don1esti c or in1portcd. tested h~' us to date, despite the fact lh<1I ir h<JS fvr year~ been technologically e;isv to accomplish." \\'hilc r \'~petL tu lie pe11:11izt·d fnr n1y n101ne1H ;.1ry inalll'nlion. I do not l'.'i!X'Ct th<it a spcL'<l of six or sevco n1il\'S iill hour \1'111 t'fiilripsr. niy tar's frnn1 encl like ;111 acc1irdion sat on hv ;111 an,gr,v hippnpot:1n111s-1111d l'Speri;lll~· since brttcr protee!inn "ll:1s for years bcrn techno!oglcally easy to acco111piLsh." SO,\IEBlll)\' i!> obviously eo1111inf! :;0111t'- bodv here. Either the Insuran ce ln~tilutr is wh isllin)::! through its false fecth , or the aulo n1:u111t<H·lurl'r-'-' ]l;n·e bi.'f'll prat.tli11g 1vith f11rked tongue abot11 the eXCl'SSllC ('l>SI,~ of Jll[l k1ng a ('.<It' SafL'l' Oil the (IUlSidc. Like rno~1 11rdinarv 11101oris1s I anl in no po.~itiun 10 k1lo1v "hat the (~t;IS arc. If lhis statC'ment is unfair to I.he auto makers. they ought to divert at least n li1!1f' of their advertising: buc!gct to refute ii 1vith fat' ts ~nd figure:>. The nv<'r11gt1 An1cric:in feels ·11e is bc•ing t.akrn left ;ind rigl1!. fron1 1 ilc hie:ncs1 <:11ql<1r<il i1 Jn !n lht• s1nnll(•s1 riutn- n1ccha11it'. rt i.~ his spri.~e of n1isll't1~! ;111<! t.l1 s~11st lh:lt PngPndrr.~ populist rnn1rn1<'nts i:i~;iin fron1 1hr Jrf1 ;111d fro111 1111· ri1;h t i 1\h1rh lhr<'atPtl tl1t' ba ~tions of free rnterprise fa r 1n o r f' tn:1n :in v hr."l\'_\I hand of ~uvcnu11e111 . 1':1p1tal1:-.rn·s 1n11· rp1taph r11:1y turn 0111 lo he "\\'p hrn11,c:llt 1t on oursch•t•s." I ,t• 1 11 :-. lio1 w II< .i. (;n11 f'or<f Cut tl1e Pnlnce Gunr<I? The Royalized Presidency \\',\Sl!ll\G TO~ -11011..r far }"·cs1dcnt F\J!'d rcallv tnlt'nds to derova!1Lc tht: prl'~idl'tl<'.\' · d1_1p• .. 'llrl:. on his r~at'tiun to :i. p1·i\':lll' pru1111s;il 111 sl:t.~h till' \\'hit1• tlO!IS!' p:d<l(l' ).!1J<1rd. both in l!S f;\IOl!l'll 11t11nbt•rs ;111d sptl'l<1I pr11ilcgl•S. Thr prup.,.s;1I frun1 :1 !orn11'r ~ix1111 aide. plus :-;t·\er:il nthrr~. is 11!1\I undt'r :-;cr111111.1 h_1 !hi' Ford lr<i11~1t111n Sl<il1 . hl.'<1d1'd 1)1 1\n1h:1s~;idor J) 11 rl a Id !lu1n~f1•1d ll11l\1•1'I ![;1rrn1<1n11. !\tr Fur1I :-. 1nflurrH1:1I lon~1in1<' ;11de :ind n1 ·1. eoun· :-.elor. !l;1s re to Ll· 111f'11(Jed c!rn :-;ti(· ~1at : r('thttlion~. \Ir Ford lelldS lri :I~, e('_ '.\1·1eri lielcs~. --1.1•,•· !IC'l'-111 ;1q1un:.: ''(\l"I uart1:.ans ll"'·s ·~1> 11he1hcr 1hi.~ l'rc.-;f. <lent n·dl bt' a n v rnore re;;o!ute r!vni olhers u1 dr~coni.1n re{it1cl1un of his O\\n staff. \I lin1 ni:1kl'S 1111:-; so in1pon;1nL lo \It· 1:unJ 1:-; thr p1 •r1;i:-.11·e t·un!nhution 11( Iii<' , . .,1.1li1.~'d \ll'"· 1denL) to \\'a!erg;1•c ;111d !Ill' rl1sgr:1L't' 11f liich:1rd ,\L j\:jxo11 1;1·;1111 1::1pid~ 1·01d i:; 11l<11nsh11•· \l1•:11 1\l l'l'l1 b111 t~\t'll h1:-. prt•SH!cn1·1 11 ill /\'l.1111 11111i1•ri:il tr:ipp1lll!.'i if 11<' keep~ .1 llU<.;\' \\lttlt' Uvusc staff 1,,olated frrun llio· 1·1111.t·11r1 and inl'\lli!hl~· n1<1dv ;11'1·11g:111t h~ lht>-pt·rqui~ltl'S ul 11ffii.t'. THE FOR.\tl·:B l\ixon .:1lde 1n;1!-.i11~ the propo~ais belie\'cS th;-it 1n 11orn1al 11n1":-. <inv l'rl':-i1te11t 1\ill ;1h1·:i.v;; la• t'\jl!J.'-rd IU !he flUl)li!.'. It IS, theii. only t! 1· st.1ff 11Ja1 ('<111 trul~ tl(_. 1s.ll:ll~·rl l1 •.i 1l thl' r(':1I 11 11rld \\l11 •n Iii!• Sl:!ll 1~. 1'it•p ha1111111• nnd dorn111<1!t•,, tl11 • 1•11111'1• lo •tJ1•i'<iJ bllit':!lll't';l('\ :1.~ lfl lill' ,\i,\Hll \•·:i1·-.. Iii(' t'tll'\'1 !'ail b(' 1h•;ui!y Thu~. !hr fu11ncr ;_11di:· .. prup•J~:d r·,dl~ fur ;1 dr<t;<.!11• rt·dUt'lll>il 111 thr prt'~Hlent1;1I :-.t:1ff. 5-Hl tod:1.v Lu111p;1reJ [ EVANS· NOVAK J 111tl1 2:~1 11he11 :'11r ~i•nn t00).. Dffi\e·. ,\l\hotH:h red11 et1u11 1s b1 t.1r thr 11111;,I 111111111'!:1111 t•lr1111·11 t lll lhc 1il;1n, lit' p•·111~1-.l'" 1hrs1• ch:ingts !!oi' the .. t• '.1)111 l<'IJl;llll l.11n1 t 1h~· n111"111:i l 1101'lung day 1" I'! ho111·~. fn·,, d:~\'S ;t 11·ech Th<1t 11u1dd t'l)(I th e 7 ·I 11i.·i11 p llL v;nrk 1t;11·, SIX d:11 -. :111d •lfi1•1) :-i•'IL'l1 tl ;11'S [! \\f'(•k, \1l 1'l'h \ll'r'l' ~t:111d:u·d durinl'. \lit• 1\1'\on 111l1111111~tr11ti(ln . An~body 11orking lc~s 11,1~ s11l!n1:t1iLCd ;i" ;i ~lurkl·r. ll«llt:f'. !he \1\•111 ;11(1l'·~ h11r111111 \\a,'\ bo11n1le!I h.1· the 10111· 11."llls 1•f his \fl1itt' Jiou:.c IJ f fi Ct". '?. Rl-:Ql11RE e\·ery :11dt' 10 ~t'1 t111l nf \rash 1nglnn and 1 1sll I 11 i' l S ,\_ -•rhether l!:igrr'.'!0\1-n. \ld . nr IAl~ ,\rn:i·les -;it ll•as1 011,·1• 11·r~ ~1\ 1no11tlls F.11lt1r,• tD l'On1ph· 11111ild rcql!ll'l' .1 11r11tcr. rxpl~1n;:ition . ,, ~h:irpl\' n1ducc the p!1.1·.,1c·1I -.11t• 1JI l)U• \\'11111• ll·1tl~t' 1111'1:-S 1pl'!'M'llil\' ~•':~ting '.l21 . status S\n1bol of nn·~i1~e'111 ;1I ;11!lf·" 11h\•rc prest1cc cor111iens:11"~ fur hlnnd 1·u1~1nc -!X'rhaP!' tur<l1ng it intn a huffcl·:->l~lc,l11n<ll e1 1u11tl'r Th<1! 11·u11ld 1·1H•()11f<1gc :.nn11· aid<"'· 11 ho ne vt'r le;111· thr· \lhne l!()tJS•'. r,f 1·:11 outi-1d·· st·\i·r:il 1 ill11'~ ii \\'f'Ck, pr rh ;Jp'.' t'\ t'll Ull (.,;.ii\;J) 1111 1 111111 till' ri:upl~·;;· n'1•r~'-t·111 ;t111t·-~ •I Clo~e rl<111n lhl' \\'h1 1e lion~~ t1;1rl«'r :-li1 :p •It 1nt·~1· i.:11_1,, (·:1 11't g<·t off 111··1 1 llLlll~ 01111• <1 1t1un ih In h" g1·l 111• 11' ii•11rrt1! likt• <'lt'I l'b •II ,.1,1• Ill tl11· ll(ll td , 11.., 11111 rln1n11 IJ;1d. · ~;1,1·~ 1ht• f•11·1111·r .11df' :;. STH ICTl.Y lin111 the u~1· 01· \llii!c House hn10U!'.1nes to :-icna>r t.Jld{', -1·l'r· h:n;...; no n1nre tli:1n tl·n -con1pC'lling the Pr·esidt>nl 's rnen to 10111 their frllro.1 .\n1l'rll'<1ns bt·h1nd th\' 11tlec l ftght1ni.: ru.~h·hour traffir 111r <lcro,\·;il11111g s11111t i'.'I r·ou.~en1:1I io .1! 1~·;1~t <Jiu' 1n .. 1111J,·1· nf .\tr Ford':; lo11t·rna11 t1·;ins111on ti·:u11 . 1\h.i 1s n1:11,1n 1: :1 l•Jlll! 111 d1;i l111~ his 1111u r;1lls fru111 !lit• \\11111· llu11~\' · ll 1:-. :i hu1 11bl111g t''i)h'flt'IH'I' th:-it 1 J't't'Ol1llllf'lld 111 tht· I '1 1'~1d1·11! \ :;1.1fl." h(' t»lli 11~ ,\f,irtn1 l't·. a fl'llll\'t·d ~r:1(f ;11 thr Furt! \ihll\' Jf,111:-.f' 111.~ both lht' 11~·~· l'r1•:-.11l•'n!'s idra of rl'slonng policy and 0111•rat1011s to ciJbinel ·levt·l d1•p.'J r11J1enr ~ n1 1d dv1·rnph;1~11111g 111,. 0\111 :-1t1fL It :il"u ~"Hnports 111th t11s n11'n firn1 ideas ol a <lt•rO)al1zl·d rircside1K'Y HL 'f S ii.El'TI CIS ~t .~1t·n1~ no! 0111\' fr•11n p1·1·1'rdl'nl " qf p;i:.1 Prtsidcnts tiUL .\11 l·iql!.-; P\111 rct'urd . \\'hen ht• ~11<'!'1 '••rli·il ~p1rn ·r .\)!l11•1v as \'il't• l '1l ~1dv11L ho· h"pl 1111' ,1:i1 r :it ."l s11ullen ,,, 'I l11·r1· I" l\!l'thPr1111.n • ""111t·th1ng ahoul 111•· \\1111.· 11••!1 '•' .. 111\u!(11h1·rc tl1111 ··111·0111·;tL:•·.~ r·11.1;1l1~111 F~11!1 l!;.irt n1ann . a !1111~!1 .. 1i1 I \•IH'\l:--:1;q11•1'fl]:'irJ \\i1hout 11 \ 1s1hl1 n·~·:i11st hunt' 111 h1~ body. ht·ld .1 \1 ·r~ 111\1 1•p1111nn 11f th1· title of • 1'1)11n<-t•l11r " :i l)t'('!C•1111 .. 11..; ;1n<l faintly 1·:11r11p.•:1i:11td c:dii111·t r:111k LTl'<Jt('<l bv l'rt·-.ul1•111 .-.;1\1111 \"t•!. 11!ie1\ .\Ir Ford q111 1'hl: n;11111 d 1'1f'l1\l'!' Hi·p ,John ~1arsh of \'1rf,'.1111.1 111 .. first l' :1 b 1 n r t~ I,,\' cl t·11111 1,1•1<,r 111 .. 1d1 'l'.'i ~:11" 1!1:11 ll:il"t r11:in11 11.i1J!d ;tt i' :it 110 I!'~~ fnr h1111self <i!lrl !11'1\ 1 ~1 :1~1 " t i\~ tit!t· · '(_' 11 u n st Ir. r 1l.t1·t1n :1nn " Tl1,11 11 .i~ 11111ro· 1 :u1 e;irly :>k1n111~h 111il1n.: 111 ;1 111111Pr 1·1<·tor1 liir ro\alts1n Tlit' lll•Jrl' 1111·~111111 ~f1 il tl'°st lS l'rt'Sltll'lll Ford " r .. :1111 .. n 111 tJ11 . .; J;111d:1ble :uHt "' 1•1'dt1t· pr<1pr1s:1l I" 11!1 tl11· paJ;iec gu;ird d1111 n 111 ~11,1' UC Reg·ents' I 1·1·itatirig Econo111ics :\II hou gh !hi' Hrgent<: and toll 111:1n:1gPn1rnt of the University or ('a !ifornia h<l\'£' complained bit terly fro1n ti n1c to titne of the failures of Gol'ernor Honald Heaga n and Fina nce Uirer1or \'t"rnc Orr to reco~nizc !ht• financial nrl.'ds of 1he univcrsi!v, thcv hare consisten!ly <1cted in a 1n:inner nOt likely !u 11·in public syinpathy f1)r their complain!.~. As ;i for in sta11ee. at 1heir J;ist n1c-eting the Hegenls voted a 7.5 percent s:ilary inl'reasf' for Prcsidenl Ch:1rlcs .J . /!itch al1hough !he s:i lary inc:rea~c for u111vcrsily t~1nritoycs voted by the ll'gislature. l\'ith !IH' governor·s ;.rpproval. was only 5.4 pcrccnL It is one thing t11 g11·t an :i"sis tant professor earning $12.000 a yc:ir a 5.4 Jk'rcrnt r:1i"r to adjust for \QSI of li\'ing. That is onl y about fi re bucks a \\'eek after dl'ducti1111s. But for llitch. \Vhosc $.):i,Ot}() ~111nu:i1 sal:i ry \1a s alrrady $6.000 1norc• lh;in 1h:11 p<1id 1hc go1·crnor. it n1cans close lo a $100 a 11•r.ek 1vhirh is n1ore !han ninny, paying the taxes to 1>rovide !he s<1 lary. earn. ANU TllOSE fa1niliar with government kn11w thflt the incq11ity doesn't stop 'vith llitc:h. Havi n~ rai~Pd his sala ry it ('Jll hf' f'Xp1'rtrd that sin1ilnr raise.~. in escrss of !hOSt' grHnt<'<I the rank and filr proft• .. •,or~ 1\ ho <lo !hr i>rirnary joh i11 (·d11ra1111n. 11·ill b1· :-iccordi•d the rt'SI of rht' un11rr.~1ry 101) hn1ss. 'fht·~e things rnight nol,...hl' so n11rrh nf ;1n 1rri1:11ir to 1he puhl i(' ir r\·pryonr's ."i1l;1r1t•s 1\·1·rf' krrp1ng par<' v.'i!h inflntion :111d if !he11· \\~ls full 1•n1ployn1ent. It .~f'1·n1s ('vcryonc is 3\\'ill'C th;it this Is 111d 1h1• «H S(' 1'x1·rpting tltnsc ::ti 1hi· ( EARL WATERS J h1 µ;IH'S! levl'!s in the educational system. llitch and the Regents constantly plead the nerd for more tax .doll ars ,lo r 1111 thr unh·ersil ~" An d each year the legisla!111·c appropria tes inc re as l 11 g iunoun ts nf tax dollars despite the. d(.>clining: enrollments. AND. it may well be tha1 the stud ents 31'c getting shorted in sorne areas of ('ducational needs. Still. \\'hen Ilic unil'rr~itv has. 111 :icldition 1(1 the half billion i<i x dollars ;1rnu:illy apprnpri:ilcd by the legislature, f11nds fron1 endo \'nnents, gmnls and other sources nc•irly equal to that glren by the slate. thei r needs bccoinc a Hille difficult to understand. A11d they go beyond understanding when Lhc . Regents not. only pass out s;1!:1ry raises to a privilcgerf few , in c~ccss of thosf' r,iven to all other e1nployes. but divert endowment. funds to bestow huge fringe benefil'i upon that cholicn lew after the legislature had denied thr1n. Vor it \\'as nt 1h;i\ sainc n11~eting th:11 t\11• fl {•gi•nt s voted to u.~c endo1vn1rnl fu111!~ 10 furn1~h l litch and I hr tll<Hl<'C'llors frr" housin~. servan!.s and l'nlel'l:111nnr11t funds l''hich had b.•1•n s!:1sht'<I fl'!Jlll the hudgct by 1hc lcgislaturC'. TllE QUESTION r;iised by lhis action i~ y,•hn! arf' !he ~turlt•nts to hf' d1•pri1·rd •.:f hy !his divcrsfon of f'1Hlowment ' n1oney'.' And. 1f 11 11·as 1101 being u~ed, \\'hy couldn't ll have been earmarked fl)r some of !he lhings which the Rcgenl!i and l!i!ch arr representing lo !hf' govc1110r and the legislature can't be rfonc for the s1udcnts because of a !;1ck of funds'! The only conclusion to be drn\vn is that as far as llilch and the. Ile.gents arc concerned lhc lop officials are not to be deprived anythinH even though it n1cans thr rducatirmal needs of the students 1nust be '.'<'ltTifict:d. ORANCil COAST DAILY PILOT ftollert N. W,;ed. Puhti.~her Tlio1nn.t Keeuil, F."ditor Barbara Kreibich Ed.itorial P(Jge l'~ditor Th(' C'dirorial P81l'l' of the Daily Piiol ~l'ks to infonn 11.nd 1'itin1ula!t' '!"ead"n; hy pre-i;l'tlting on this page diverse commrntary'on lopl~ or in. terest by syndic11.te-d columnists and cartooni1'i!1'i, by prav1din~ a fon.tm for readier•' views and by presl"fltlng this new~papcr'5 opinion!'! an<i ideu on curr!'nt toplc11. Tht> ('rlirorial opinion ... ol the Daily l?iloT arr..,.ar only in l11e l'<lilorirt.I 1'1;Jlutno 11! !he ror of 1hr p~e. Opinim11'i e.\p1.,..s,;rd hy o~ eol· 11n1nisl.!I iuid ci:irl()()n!llt~ ond le!lcr vorilr~ 11rf' lhcir O\l'n And 110 ,.ndor.~r. mcnt of their \'i""'·" hy lhl.) Dally Pilnt shoukl he inlm"ed. \Ve<lnesd11y, Au ~nst 21. 1914 ; ( 7 , 1 I I I • ' Orange C~!!t 'l'oduv"s l <'inal • VOL. 67, NO. 233, 7 SECTIONS, 106 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, A UGUST 21 , 197 4 c TEN CENTS Living Cost Up Again-Southland Hard Hit \\'1\Sllli\'<;T<!:"J lAf'l -ThP ('o:;t or Ii\ 111g ri•'>" •·iglil·1t·11tl1~ of a pl'rct•nl 111 .Jul\· i[,·.,p1 ll' ;u1 1-;ising iri llu· incrc;\<:C 111 (11l1d pnt'I''>. th1• g1111·r·n11u·11t s;11d l 0<L1.~ Tl11• .1111\ n·por1 111arkl'd only !ht' .st•t•11!1d \1111•· 1111 ~ .1·1·ar lhe 111on1hly 111cn·:1~1· 111 tl1t· go\'1'rl1lll• nt's ('011 ~u1ner l'nt'« Jnd••\ h:1« b11 •11 l~·~s 1h:111 I \X'rrf·n: Tilt• .h:I~ 11\cl'•':1-<1· \lollhl lilllOlllll \11 :111 :11u111:1I r:1ll' 111 111lki11n11 ot !I Ii p1·n·,·11 I • • or It i11~1leH1le1· f)ies Consun1 er pr11·t·s 111 lh1· l.11 .... \1n•1·1t· ... 111t·tropolllan <1n·a 11·•·1't• 1 l I pv1·1·1·r11 higher dun l\~ .J.dy 111:1 11 .1 .1 1•:1r :1:!0 111arking tll(• l:11·:..:1·s1 :1111111:11 111!·1·1·:1<.1· ~1 nr1· l!Mi, tl1t• S11111 h1•rn C;1l1(1 wn1 ;1 1·1!11·1 IJf thl' Jl ur1•:1u nf L;d;or Sl<1IJ:-IH.:S S<ttd 11Jd.1\ ,\II 111;11111· !':il1'gt111•'" 111 I ;• '" 1 I\ p1·nd1n;..:. t .\l'1'p! ('lo1h1o1·~ i1 ;..:1·,l\•11 d a Police Blast Way Into Jail 1\.\J.\HIL!.1\ T1•\ 1.•\l'i -A lorn1er p1,l11·1•rn:111 tuni.·d i·r11n1 n:il du'fl Jrl :1 hur~t of gu1111re 1oda.\·, l'nd1ng ;1 36-hour !it.111tt11f1 b,\ 111•· 1nm;1t 1·.~ holding .1 t1q<.!:1g1• 111 1h1· J:id :1!1>p rhi· l'oltl'r Coun!,\' \'nurrhou""· a sht•r111 · . .., olf1cr spokt"srn;in ~i!lcl TIH· ~1)l1kcsn1;111, Sh1or1fl s C;q1t Ari F11·l ds identified th e dead m;1n as Dar\'!I! " l~rUJJusul Tli reat 1'o .1\'e 1r 1-J arbor It~ J AC KIE llY\l ·\.'\ 01 In• 0•111 Polo! S!•ll \ 1lf'11~1t1 plan to ht' c1111~1d1·!'ftl hy 1h1· S11t11l1 ('<i.1~1 1:1·g111n;\I \'0:1st;il ('111111111 •,11111 l•'1 1d.11· 1111!.!hl l'IJIP 0111 tl1<..• pn.p11~l'rl \l't''I \1'11pn11 ll:11'h1•r. l\L•11port l::\(·:it'h 1•fflt'l<ii" .~:11d [111'!<1~ Ir all dt'pt·nrl-. 1111 h•\11' !IH',\' 1nlt'rprl·l lh•· l:111d \J!"l' 11llt•11s1ty 1"h•111~·111 sanJ l,,1111111111111 \lt·1,.!11p111•·nt I) 1 r l' ('tor B1t·h:ird \' lki.!!:111 .\t·,or1l111g In 11 , ::iuthor. !'<1;1s!;1I i 111111111.< .. -;11 •11 pl.11u11·r ,)1 >:1 11 :-u111IL'rl<111d, !lit· 1'l<'111t·11t ,•11d1.rs~·s u.~111,g 1111• are;i nt«er 11\i• ,l..,,111!;1 .\11:1 lt1 \1'1' 1111 •ulh fi ,r· r:11np111~. •·qut•..,11'1,111 lr;i1!s a ti d l11t'kl1Jl'hlll!.: ''II 111n1ld11 '1 ~·l 1rn1na11• th1· JN~;;1h1l111 ,i( n n1:1f'l11.l b11t 11 \1'.nuld d1.~cuur<1i.;1• 11. · :O.!r~ :-;1111dl'rland said. ~lit• p(.Jllllt·d <Jill 111:1; l)r;111~v C1\IJJHy" 1t\,i~:('1" plan 11f l'!'~au1;1) pc1rk, 1·all" 1ur .1 11;11k a l th:!l l••t'at11111. p;11t of 11h11·1l IS ll!ll lll'Ol'jl•lr.11t'd lL'l'l'llu1·y ll•111!'1~·r 1h1· c1111·~ nl 1 ·n.~l.1 \11'~:1 ;inrl !\e11 port Hl'aeh. :1 lvng wu!i pnv;itc \;1udo1\'ltl'r>:, ha1 l' ht•t'!l stud~·1ng tile P"ss1\Jil!t.v nf bui lding a htrgely public ni:tr1na for 3.000 IXJats there. 'J'hcv l'0111111issioncd a fc;isibili1y studv 11 hieh. w:rs to1nplctl'd in February and nre currently Sl'f'ki.ng U.S. Corps of r:n~lneers a~sistance -in 1n11king 81-! engineering sludy. ~ ' l:\·d" .\11•llar!,!. :;~1 l~·ad .. r of lb(• u11n ~i1~:,; 11ho t\~uk n1rr tht· 1<1il JU~l h\·f111\' 1nid111;.:h1 .\\•1nda1 \ 1111111:u1 111111.di' ol !Ii•' i.111 11;1<: 1;1k1·n HU! H!l ii S11't'li'ht•r ,\1 IJ!h' llJllo 11 l\i-lS h\'lll'\t•d sh·· II.IS \ll'h;1ri.: ~ g1rJfru·nd. Jl;irh:ira Th1( I. ~O. one of lh1· 111n1<1l es ir11 ull1·d . 11111 ;1ulho11t11' lil!cr s;1id it 11·ns not 1'.lr" Thi1•I Offiel'L~ s:11d lh1·~· p!;uc1-d l'Xp\us11't'~ Oil a dour ,,i 1hl' J<lil on \hf' St'\'1,'Mlh fll~1r HI tllt' l'011rlhnll~1· ;111d cli;lrg(·d 111 \lh('IJ lht• b);1<t \\'Dill of( The re.~ponsr by l;i11 l'l1fu1·(·1·1111 n! oflir·1·r~ !oliOl\i•d .s1•\J'r:il hnurs nl fn1ill<'-.~ fr1ec-to-faet' 11 1· i.: 11 1 1 :1 t ion, u11·oll 1ng 1111· 1111n:i1 ··~. :-;h1·riff T I. ll:1k t>r and Oil\' uf l11s l'aplains 1Jr111 Sn111h C1tv Pol1l'c ( 'tnl'f llul"·1· and a ~ht·r· 1ff's 'clt·puty 11,·1·t· 11ound~·d authon11<'" ~<lid, b(I\ app:1rrntl.1· not !'-•'1'1011:-I~· \ 1<111 1n1s1.1 , 1•:i.l11:1rd !l(l~P•'r. 11 .1 ... l't p1!:"1·d 'l'l'IOllSI.\ 1111UiHJ1·il Th" ](n11· g11.1rd 11h(1 1 .. 1.< IP·!tl ,, ... ho,<.!<li'•', s1:111 S1111kt'I'. :i~. 1·.a~ Olll' lh\· 11!'~1 1101111 f1(1n1 llh· Joiil anti (hi! uf tlit' ('(1!1r1ll1JU~1' 111• 11 .is 1:1k•·11 :111.1y Ill .'1!1 ;111,\iu),'lll!'t• ill '('.IU!-1· (11 .1 h<'.11'1 l'.oll diT 11/ll. Th(' li\1' 111111 :111-," (11'1:.;1n:ill~· l11·ld 111 11 ).!llilld..; ;1-. h11 -.l11i..:•' liu[ I ~·h·.id t'4i Ullc' 11hn ,<.11 lf1•n •d ;1 hip l!l)llfl' d11r11 1g lh•· L1kt'fl\1•r of 11 11.· 111il, lrw:11.-d un th1• "1'\t•nlh .111d 1·1l!hlli tl(H!T'~ ul lli•· l'lllil'l)H'Hl"t' \ lt·li;11·r.: " \\' 1\'l111.1 1~1la.'1·111;111 ,1111'1 1•X·('<•tllll'1 11h11 fll\i·1· ··~t·:q11·d tl'(Jlll !h1· \\ 11·)111:1 t'1111111 ,\' .J.11 1 11;1s h1·1111~ lh·ld h1·11 oil ;1 l·h:1rg1' 111 ,ll!:.!f:I\ ,t!,•d l'Hhh!'I'\ 1!1• \Id ~ ~puf..t'!'olll.111 f.ir· .1 )-l'l!\IP llt:d 111\'lllil•·d .).i1ov~ E \~1111111 . :1 f1·rl1'r:1I pri sont•r hrlr! ;ift~·r ;1 n "~r ·:1Jlt' l\c•nnrth 111 11 1•1· f.1(·111g :i n111rd1•r 4·h:1r.L:1' .. J,1rllt'' lo'.. l'1'ti'. S('llll'lll'l'fl !11 l"lgli'. \t'~il',' !•11· rnhb1•ry a11rl :'llrs. ThiC'l. ·li\, t'h .i ru.vil 11·11h :'ll "l1;1rg in tht• rohbl'r~ l':1~1· ~Ir.'. Thil'l'S rnnther. ~Ir~. Louzrlt :1 :'llt l;regor of \\'1chitn F;ill<;, s;11(I. however. 1hat hl'r d<.n1 ghtf'r tl'll·phonl'ct frorn the jai! e11rly Tuesday and told hC'r C'strangffi hu sband's C'mpl(l,\'L'r th:it sl1e had been forced lo join i\·leh<1rg. I logan sai(l he ·'>''ill 0rcpr1sc.rJ . ti,e)'<port , • J~aC'h at'lhc li>aSt..'l.I comm1 ss~~k 1 1";r.f.•''' p d Pl Friduy on the elclllC'nl Hild will lrY . fllS . ottc -a11ts lo get it amended so thal i1 couldn't be 111tcrprctl'd to rule out :1 harllpr. The hearing on th e l:incl use inh'li.Rity rlen1C'11!. Olll' uf nine elerncnts in the coastal ph111. 1ril! bt'gin ;1! !!:30 a.n1. Frid;iy in Huntington Beach City Count·H Chninlx•rs. The t•l cn1e 111. l)!lCc adoptccL 1\·i!l ser ve ;rs a guide ln future coasll-1] Ianµ use . A.DVliHTISEHS SE1' A PILOT HECOHD Orange Coast classified advcr!isers lasl y,·eck helped th " Daily Pi.lot set a ne111 record. !hiring th(' sevcn-rla.y i;criod ended Sund::iy, there 1\·crr 9.27 1 ch1ssifiecl ads run in our p~•gcs . Thnt is n1ore than at ;111r other ti1nc in the history of the Dally Piiot. \\'c u ... u<Jll~ re"C r\·1· this spAt(' 10 tt.:11 of th1· .-.1 1cl'•'"" i11divichu11 il<lvcr1i:ers ex· p1·r1r1H'1' 11fh·r thl'.v'v(' l1 .:;rl'1' !heir cnrs. f11r11 1tur1· or o!h<"r .":1Ja1Jli•s in our f'Ol · 1111111 !II. 1'u<luy \\'f''ll hrl':1k 11•1!11 t1 11d1Hon :ind :-;\\' 10 !l .lil ndrf'rl!s1•rs ; 'l'11atlkf( fur lt•llin"' 11s put a ft>\~' worrls 10 \101 k for vou ." -linll.v l'ilot Clns11Ulc cl i\1t~ "r ere Plantccl Pot; f; l'O\\'t'J' r\rrested An :i rn:1!eur plu111bi·t"" ohsrr\';1(1t1ns of :<:OtllC S!rall ~f' looki!li! pot1t•d plan1 s ;1 ! a Cos1;.i i\lcsa trnil<·r c(1url it'd to the arrt'Sl Thursd:1y 0f :1 llishop 111:111 i:in suspi('ion of cult ivation nf rnari jun11:1. l'o!irr nrrestrd .Jon A11thony Po\1·rr~. 211. of the l-l igh SiC'rr<1 c:ity and clairncd they seized two 11-i nch n1<1rijuana pl;•n\;;, two eight-inch p!ants <tnd :11;0 tnHri ju:uH1 se eds. Po\1'ers wris :nTt•s!cd nt a trarl"r locnled t11 251fl Ne1\•por! Blvd . Space .\ l'o!ic<' s::i\d ;1 nearby resid1·n! rt•p:1iri!ll.': a le;1kl' 11·111<'r pipe· Sa\1' !11·0 uf !11(' plnn:s in ;1 p;1 lln ;7cl1:1r1•tll 111 thi' trn1l•'l' ·rhL• 111nn (';1ll•·d pulu·L· 11·!1n c1u1t'11·1t·d :1n1I Oll"fl'SIL'd l'11111·r~ .'I' llH' 1r:11'•'" T h(•'c !'l!drn 11\(\ 1ilht·r pla:11~ 11l'rt· 11•.JtHl •·11 ;1 kitfhr·ll 111~1<!ro11 ~Ill .111d n i)ir. 1·11nt:1ining 1h1· ~,.,,d., 1H1d•·r lite l11i11 g !'(•Hiii ('O\U;.h Po111e1·~ 1v:rs held 111 111'11 of --.1 f\Oil tmnd. flt· 1s ;1 11 1'11g1llL'l'r 11•ith ;1 ('0~!:1 \11·sa 1·or1mrn11on. po1ir1· ~;iirl :.!:1111s dunrrg Jul\ l'1·1i···~. !,!t'l!l'l':Jl!,1• 'PUl'l'L·d by ;1 1 a l;t'l'L·i·nt ris1· 1n ho11~i11J.i ('(lSts. 111er1'~1st•d 1 I p1•f(·,·nt fnun June. :,)11· <;;1Jd l'riL·1·'> as 1d .ful,\' :n 11•·r1· 11 ;1 IH't'l'\'llt l11~h('r n,11 1011:il l,1 ll1:1n 111 .Ji1l,1· 1!17:l. tlh· l.'•I • 1'1111\\:111 c,11d Th;1I I' l]it' b1i;:gl'~I I'.! 1non1h .i111l\p "ilK't' tl 1t· .\t•:ir <·nd1n~ S1•pl1'!llli:•1' 1!!17. 11h('ll tilt' 1n1T\':1s1• 11:is I~ 1; p1•n·t•11t The J.:dJ111· Jll'p:1rln1cnt's Hurt<HI tlf L<1110r :-.1:n 1~1 1e~· ~;1 1d . !io111·11·r \\l1fk{'r·• 111 :u1:i~t•d lo ~;11!1 J.!l'111111d 1 .. diu11;ill1 1.1:-t 111unth 111 lht·u· r;1c·1· 111\li 1nfl:!!ultl · ."pl'lld:il1l1• 1 .'lfl\1111!°' .dlt'! I :t ~I 11 g atTUlllH for 1nf1:111nn 1n~11'1·il u11 111 1 .. 111 1 t·nl !i~ t,I I 111 •J't t•11l l\tll 'Ill('•• II 11;1 ~ 1111\\ 111" -.('\")lid 1 •. u1 .l:1i1 1111·1·c 1s·· 1111 .' ~1«;i 1 ,. ;, I ~Jl4.:1uiabl1· t·:irn111g~ 111•n· :i :: p1·1Tt·11 1 li.:s.• l11;1n ,I ,I' .ii' ,. H'li ·r Tiu· 111:11 •r l.i1·t11r~ 1 ,t:.1!1111'.~ Ill' p11tt'S . I 1• I I t I w fi, I " • 1111 Ill ,,qd \\ : 111 c'! II 11tl1·n ·~t~ '"I, 1<>1' J.,1111• !ll!\1•1, .111d !.1;>!Jr1 )'-I'"-. 11:1 ,.,.,·~ 1111•\l1i·:.I 1',11 • .11\d l't"•l,111:,qil 11!•','h l;111;d l'tll l'' .,·1'1,di_I fH •' l,1 1:11•' I, ll'lj Ill I Pf'l"<'l 'lll I :111 lll'l';jll'\(' 111«\ 11~11.ilh !I"' 111111'11 I: Pi •ll'pl\l'\1 )'I ,l(ll'. ill•' I ;1bor 11,•p,111111••111 .:1lp 1.,1,"I I IP' r!1:1 11 i:<· lo!' .;l";1so11.il 1.11 1:1111111 'll1, ,.,.,lil t 1\;h ;i !1111 ~· 11 ' io tu I )'!'IT<'lll di Lii ,, I ii , , 1111 , "< 1 'ld'."111 ., 111d '\ I· t· 111 111<·d • • 'I' \I II' Ill l'I •: ,11[ l i•"h !111.i- 111 11111 d1·1 ·l 11H«I d 1 I i•l Hd lil t ,'. l•I• ii !HO! t11,1l '1 ! It ' 11 I I' l1 l.d1j,· (I 1•' ol '1111• d •\"II llllH•' Iii.oil 11"11,il 1,,,.,,,1 stn1·, pn•·,· 111•·11·,1 -. .. \ 011 ' '' I'••)';, '\I ~ ;•I' ;1; d -,\\"1 I .•11•1 I •11<1 1,,11;, : '. pl "din 1, f!,,.,, I• I 1hl· l1 ,.1d p1 't' •IH~;:o--,!l!I•' • l11i1 dit\ 111 ,! t 1•f)<•1'I h« d!lll 1111'11 '.•'I" ,.ti ' ,id\ \\11lklll~ lilr\: II 1\ llll 11, 111•' '""'I\ 11111' 11•11•! ' Ulllllll ... Ill e " ;:B;;rc .-'.• . ' -''"· . . • \'ust:i '.\Ie:i:1 !rJffic 11il1t:cr J_;in('C !!cul'r \\'l'1 \c• li p drt :1 il~ o! '1'11C'sria1· 111 ~h1 rra~h 111 \\'il1eh l;arrli·n (;rr11c ttl!J!tirc,·clt:._t Erif' Hnn1a!\s. 17. ~uffC'l'C'd tro\..cn artn b'rnkcn \rg <lli<! broken fo()\ Hn1n;.i11s 1\'i1S rt·p1111c·d 1n ~eri1>11 ~ cn11rlit1u11 toi1;1~ at 1 ·0~1:i :'ll<·,;1 :'lll'1nor1al I lo~pl!:il. :\111dcnl octiirrl'd ab(lut in 'lfl 11111 011 Jl :irhor Hn11,)P\':Jl'd near· ,',;111 f)il·go FreC'\1";1\'. ]>(llicc ;-,3id n1otorevl'll· r riJlidecl \1'1th rear (if c;ir 1·1l;1t \\'.1S stopped for 1:cd light J)1·111'1· of 11le r·ar. :O.l 1ell<lC'I ·1· Ferru\J. :"17. nl Ji'OO:l 1·:il~<11v:1tvr l .:1ne. ll 1111!1ngtun Beach. \\'a:-not t11\l!1'l'!l. otrict.'I'-.. ;.,;i 1d. LA Bombing Suspect Held Police .4rre .~t ill"" /l/(111/.i11.~ Tape (I/, Re:>/,l111rt111/, LOS A\'C:f~LF:S 1 :\1'1 -1\ Yt1gfls):111:1 11 in1niigra11t \\Ith n rl'l'lll"d 11f sex offl'tl;.1•s h11s hc1'n :irr•'.~h·d for in,·t'Sligalion nf 1nurd<'r. and polict sri id l1P 11as 1111· .. alph;ihct ho111b1•r" 11ho killt>d 1hrt'I' p1·rsons. Bul thr rn.'ln·s job super11isor said toP<iy thal :'l·luha!-e'1n Kurhegovic. :11 . <·ould ont bt flw talkalive hnn1hl'r bec:i tt~l' Knrbegovic is I'! 111ute. alt h11ugh his J;1ndl ady s;iid he could SJll'ilk. A polit'<' spok1•sn1an sa1rl l\ur~g(\\·ie r .. fu.~•'d 1o ~1ns11't'r q11estin11s and said "h1· pli!s :1 hlnek bt'lll'f'Cn h11nst'lf and 1111· O\i1•1dl' \\'Orld" and Sl't'ITIS to go 1111n I J'lllH't'-~ l'ul11·l· ;ind Fill 11lli!·1:ils s;1 '1<1 1\urh,·gn1·u· 11·,1" !akf'n i1110 t'11s1nrlr Tut'.~d:i,\' night ;1ftrr hl· p!anlt'd a 111P<' n'c·nrding in a 1ra~h r:i n in 11 re st r(lon1 n1 ;i llo!l\'\\"flO<I take-out !'l'S1aur;111t. Thi'~' s;iid Kurhl'govic \\'!ls the n1;1n 11ho idrntifirri hin1 st'lf in 1eh'phonl' caHs and tape recordings as "l s<iac H:1sir11 ." n1ilitar.v lender of ;in orga11i7.alion hi'. called Aliens of America. llt 11·as called the t1lphabC'I bnn1bl'r nftl•r lhrentcning to spell out the group's nH1111• "in blood" unlC'ss in1n1igr.:ition urul s('x ln\11.s 11•ere rPpt"al ed. 1'nl1cr Sfl id thcv r·nnflscall'd t':..!llosivl's nt K11rhego11ic's· arart111t'nt :1fl ('r his :1rrrsL The local FRI cl1 i~·f <;nid lhc 111,1 11 .1pparentl.v \l'flS ar!in~ :ll(lnr. Sli·phf'n :-irni!h. K 11rb1· g n \' i (' · s sup1·r\1sor nl RP~1 111d11s11·1t':' 11IH·rc 11, 11nrk1·d un1il th" 1nan lr"I h1 ~ job ;1 , p;1rt of :1 ~~·nc1ral 1;1~ ,,ff Frid:\\, s.1111 Kurbl',l;!O\'i•· lll'\'l'r ~polu· ;1 111,i·d d tll'l!lh th1· 111·11 11·;1rs hr 1\11rkt•d 1hl'l't' a..; ;J (lt'Slj.(11 t'1\).!illL'l'I' "!It' ef!1111n1111u.:~11!'rl nnl ,\· tiy not<',." !-'n11 1h s11 1d 1!1· said Kurht"~o1·u··~ nHl!('!ll'Ss 11·.1s cenilit>d b1· n (·h•'t'k \1h<'n ht' Has htrt'rL lllll 1ht' 'l;H1dlad.r \1·ho renll'd hin1 1111 $il5 <1partm1•nt :\1orch 1. Llll\<111 (:erl >flsi. elai rnrcl th;1l K11rb~·go\'ic sa id "I could c;11l hitn ;'11u for short. lie 1voulrl s;i11 gocid 111orni ~ to 1nc.' He definitely SPQkC. but he didn't speak to people much." Police Ctnclr refer' Jl a~an would not s:iy 11hl'lh\•1· l\11rl>1·i,:0111' could s1i1•:ik hu1 said 111:-1r;1d, "ll v lras f!Oll(' 11110 !l'<llll'\'S friHn tintt• !(\ tllll(' !111 JllllS ;1 block l'J(•t\1'('1'11 hin1.~f'lf ::incl tl1f' nt1tside v.•orld . !le ll:is rcfust"d to :ins\\'t•r ou1· qucstious. "\Ve bclie1·e th is is till' suspect. ;ind we're not going to release t1io1.'· Hagan said. Biel to Use Mesit flo111e J.r:idt'rs of th~' prrdon1inantl~· hon1oscxu.:il ;\lt•tropolitan Co1111nunil ,\' Church ! ;\ICC \ of Orange Co unt y Tllt'sd;:iv Josi a rene1ved bid lo the Cn.st;1 :'1 1esa ·Cit,\· Council lo hold r ap ;111d Bibi(• 1'111dy sessions Hl a l'lrd Street rt•sidencc. ROflger H<irrison, pa stor or the ;\·ll'l' Chri~! Ch:ip1~l, 1vhich no\~ usl's sp;ic:c ;ii a l'ni1arlan l'hurch. clain1l•d th:11 tlu• 1·011nf'il's deni;d in l·'ebrt1;1r~· nnd a 1!a111 Tl1e-.d:1 y 11ii.:h1 1~•1s dut• to "1!,<1) pr•·1ocllcl' " IJ;11-rtSfl11 ("<pl<1 ille<i 1!1:11 the ('hurch 11:1nls l1l hold 1ap ;1 n1I H1blt• St•Sf'iOllS I'\ rry \\ 1•dnt-~1lr1~ 1ui;t11 ~ts p;11 t of ,\!(\' ~ •·s1x·t:i;il 111inistry h• thl' g11~ 111·1J1 1\,• n! (Jr:in{;c ('11unt1 . in(·hu1ln1~ thr 7,;,1111 gHy 1~nnl1• in (:Osla 7'1t,,·t" C11u1l<'ihnPn ttcnlerl th(' n·r1111•<.1 111 F1·hn1:11",v :111d .i!l('r nll111g 11\;1 ! 1•;11'k1111.: fur 1110..,. :11t1·11din.;.; th.· ~~· .. ,1011\ 11;1<. 110! pr·o1·idrd for in th r pcrrn1t r•·ri11~·~1 ,\! th :i1 hPIH'in~. l111rrison s;i1tl p1·rs1111~ ,l!1t'tlding tht• session~ l'oulU p;irk al l.1ndhergh ~lrn1rntary Sl'IHl(il. ;1t1'1l!ls th <C s!t'l't'! frorn thC' rr"iClrnl't' In a 1c\t(•r rear! to the rount·d Tu1 ·-.dt1~· night. John i\'1roll. supf'rin1rndt'll! of 1!1t• Nc1vport-Meso Unified Schnoi Lti:-;tri\'L ~;11<1 he h~1s no1 rrec1Vt'd ;Jny r1'flllt'Sls lo tise ! .indlJ•'rgh school f11r p.11 hill)'. "111 lht• t'l t't11 !h;1I ,1 t'hll;'('il llT' .1 ehurt'h-offili::itl'd ~rnuo sh(lu!,I n•;1:;,., ~1h h :i 1'C'(p1r.1 101' furin :il p;1r ~,111~ pl'l\'11 1·~'" 1! roultl not hP gr.1n!1•rl h1· 1111• d1~11'i1·1 Ttu~ dl'r:1si..n 1s h;1 ~111 \;iMlll 1111• ~"p11r:1!io11 of t'IHll't·h ;111d :-t~ll1• :1• pro1111t·1I fnr 111 tllr· 1·:d111·:1l1io11 l',1dl' :111d 1111011 th~· d··1·1~1011 .. r ( 1r:1n;~1 · Co.int~ ('onnsel. .. N1t'nll 1\·ro1(· (t1\11h·t!111!1 ·h 1111~·r 1!11• l<'\!1·r 11;1~ 1t':11l (\M111c·iln1;1u Alvin l'1nklr 1 olfc11·d :1 lllO 11011 to 1l('11v 1h•• n1·1v rvqlH'"' It p.1~,t·I! 1Srr ('l(l tltl'll. 1';11:1· A21 \ Ne\\' Stcllll't' \ R ('\1ci1 lec l ll)' • \\',\S!ll\'CTl):'\ 11\!'1 -f'residt•nt Ford rl1•1 'lilr"d 1l1rough :1 .-.p11k1·sn111n todnv 111:11 ht• "pn1b:1hll' \1 111 r11n " for !hr n<11io1i'-; hq.!,hl'~I nftll.'.\' 111 l~l71i l 111hli(I\ (·h:1ng111g lus posi11n11 I~ d;j\~ ;iltc•r :1~·~11111111!.; tht· p1·1.,~1d('th ·1· Ford 1·1·Ll\t'd 11ol'd 11! tu~ 1\\·11 .<!:11u·e 1ltr11ugh \\hi!•· llr•ll '•· l 'r1·s~ S1•rr1·;:1rr ,\,,r:dd I· 1i•1 !lu1·,1 •1:1•1:1\1•1\ ~1nr"; J';1 1~·· \.:1 T1·1·ll111''I ~.d11 "th••\"' IS 11!) Pl'•'\'•~" ADDITIONAL STORIES ON ROCKEFELLER -Page A4 ;1!~n ·1'1lll'nl .. on 1'.'h('!hPr :\elson A. nor·kt•ft·!!!·r. n11111 i11.a11•d hv F(lrd TuPsdny rri h~ 11rr pr1,~idcn1. 1~·Jll Ix• 011 rhc l~if, ti1·kvr Rtil 11·1·!/or."I s11id !his should 1;1k,•n ;1" ;111 indicrl!ion th;i1 F11rrl plannl'd In rlurn p 1-inf'kefrll1·r should hl' SC't•k t·l~·('l1nn lo :1 fu ll fnur-.1·1·11r ll'rlrl l!n1·k(•ft•ll"r s;1id Tu<·~d:1.1 111;11 hr livl1•'l<'ll l'ord h;1d 1·\'t·1·1· 1111•\nlinn of 1·u111111n. 111 l!"lifi. :1lthot1f.:h t111!il tod:1.v th1' \\ IHh· llou:-;1• hnd 1;11't•11 11(1 sign 1h:11 Vol'd 11:1s b;if'k11H.: doH·n from his 1 .. 11·l11·r \ "11 1101 to run fnr !111• prC'siden1·y Fonl 1n:1d1· tli;1\ st:lll'lllt'!ll during hi.~ 111·L· p1·1•slfl1·ntial L'011li1'1n:111on hearing It "dul nnt see111 :1ppropria1e" tnr :i 1n:in bt•ing rons1(lt'r"d fnr ''it·t• pi1•1,,u f1 •11! lu 1;1lk nf running fnr lhe prl'c:;idt'tl!'\' t1•r!lor<.1 ~;1al. ··:-..·n11 his 11•1.-.di011 h:1s ''IH1ngcd Tll''P'l11n· hi~ v11·1•, ha~ <'l1;111ged · T1·rllor.q 's f'll1lll11C'tll~ r;i111r in rr-.pon~1· 10 qut•s11ons :11 a lll'11s brirting 11 h1·n :1 ~k1'<I aboul l! 11 e k r f I' I l r r · s <.l::tt1 •1nrn! 1!1111 he 11i11u).(hl 1·'11rd 1vould r11n in 19/il 'J',•rl!nr~I s:111l hr rl1~('U,Srd lh1• is~lll' ""11h F11rrJ Tut•sd1 1~ n1i.:,h1 ;;11d <1!.!:11n 1h1\ I I 1 '11'tlllli~ .. \• \Oil kno11'. 111 llH· p;1"1 l'r1•c:;idt•111 f· .. 1d J11·l d th,, np1n111 11 lit· 1111111<! not 11111 11•r'l!or;;1 ~:1ul '11· 1 ~ 1101~· of ih" npininn ht· prt>h;1hh 11111 run 111 !'.lih :1s~u111i 11g (11 !'OUl'SI' h\' I'• 11 .. 1111nHlt•d h.1· d1·h'.~<llt'S at lht• l!t•pulil11·;111 11 :111~111<11 1'!11111'1111!111 .. Dodµ:<·rs \\hip Cuhs ('llf('AC:O 1Ar 1 -The Luc:; i\ng!IC'S I 1ndgrrs l\'Oll their thi rd ::.lt'J1g:1t ga111e th1:' afternoon fron 1 1hc Chic:-1i,:o Cub~. "i-,i. as r•1liert'r :O.likl' ;\\;1r!'l1:1ll rescued s!;1r\111g pi teher And\' i\lt'SSl'rsn'1th. Orange Coast !!'II he slightly 11·:i rn11't Thuc_;;- 1;1,·. arcord111 g to lhC' 11rf1:her sl'1'\- 1ce. 1ri1h hi ghs at !h1· beaches '11°')\l llct 7:1 rising1n n5 inlnntl t)r:lrlge ('011 111 1" LO\l'!i lunight /i1l lo G~. li\SIDIC TOU \ \' ,Yulou f\11rr11, llH' C11/ifor111u A 1111e1.~· f1r1"/lnl/i11g rif!llll11111dcr. ~i ·r 11 u1ojru· lrop11c re1·nrd of 47 .. r .. i/,•'11·rr~ 111 1111·~·1' 11rr111f's ·r ues· i/1111 11.0/11 -/'Jut r/1c 1\11pr/s /0$1. /.1i fp 0 1/H' /Jfn11t 'J'1p1·1·s Ill ,,11(!· l11·111i 8Ua/11i~11 -'•'f' S11urrs. f'ugc: I! I ' 1~•1 tn• ,,,V•<t ~J . ., tJ M t ovd (~l•!Oftl•• Clou<f•ed com.c1 (<O"'•WOf~ O••lft Nnt 1c1' Edo•or;•I P~ne E~"•l 'lnmtn1 Mn,n1~0Pf Ann l1n!l@t\ " " 01 •I '" '" " .. '" 61 $ C' H " " Montv T••t I• Mov•t• lh-1 M~l ua+ 'uni!• tl No!lon;ol N•w1 Al, >0 O•~"•t County "'''' "~"'· (.1 ) S~Otll Ill ) or ~t•lnc'1)ft" ~10 ~t~co M•t\l!I I '·) lt~ .. 1 •• ~.. "'ll Tft•l!t" lh 1 W•a!~ft J,t wodd Ntw• J,l, It ~ \ 2 DAI!'( Pll 01 ' Flood Fears Voiced at Prado Dam Hearing liy KA 'J'llY CLA .\'CY Ot I~• 1>•11 • Piiot St~!i U:iuld Prado L);:un brei1k 1n 1he next major earthquakt' !'Pn(t1ng ll}flS of deva:.tat1ng n(l()ij \l:1h·r:. lhroughoul {)r;1ngi: Cnu111\ ., If !'O . 11 hy rn<tkt• !Ii•' 1!;1tn largt."r ;u)d build :11101!1t·r ;1t ,\lt•nlorlt•. Jll·arl) ::itup Utt' Snn Andrt'as f;.n111'' 1'ho~·· 11t·rl' the qllt•stions 1110 Chino rcs1dcn1s :-11111 :i Fullert on gL'()IQg1~1 ;t~kf'd !ht• 1\1 n11' ('or!'~ of J.:11g1net•rs Tuesday night a! a11 lJrangc l'oun1y Re11c1111 ecl Fo1· Ca s11ers Ora11gc Coun11 's .-;pra11h11 ~ n (' 11· v.1lden1ess p.1rk J!: the lulls above San .Juan Capis1r;1no v.·as re1u1mr<l 'l'ul'Sd;iy Ill honor or n11ss1ng Su~r1·isor fl.onJld \V. Ca.-;pers. Thi• Board of Supi'r1·1sors voted unanin1ously lo naml' 1hP 5.5QO..acre recreation a rt';.l "Ronald \\'. Caspers Rei;:ional Park at. Starr-Vie jo Hanch." The lattC'r half or the lengthy ne\\' nan1(' 11·as sugges!cd in :1 letter to supervisors b~· coun1y llarlxirs. Beacht•s and 1-'arks Uirec:to,. Kennet h Sampson. v.·ho said some historical reference had lo ht main!aincd. Supervisor Halph ('lnrk in11iated the action to renante the pnrk, 1rhich v.•as purchased by the county earlier this year for S~.4 million. He said C'n~ix-rs 11·orked long ;ind hard and ovcrc<1n1e n1any obstacles 10 1rin the park for public us1· Clark said "it is ;i filling tribute and an nppropriatc n1en1orial," Cl<1 rk's con1ment.s 11erf' echoed by alt rhe supcr\'isors and 11hen !hr addition of the St<irr-\'iejo designatiori \\'as suggested. Su))('rvisor Ralph Diedrich said. ''I don't think it dimini ~hes \1•hat V.'C arc trying to say here. "It is clf'<ir v.·hat the park is and who it is 11·e arc honoring." Sampson told supervisors he had \'isited the park. 1~·hich lies along the s<:enic Bell and San Juan Creek Canyons. many times "·ith Caspers. "I knO\\' this is an action he .,..·ould ha\'c liked." Sampson :o;aid. The renamin~ was witnesserl b~· CaS\'l('l'S' \\'lfe. ,\nn. and three of In s chl\drl'n. Greg. Kristin and Blair. tl1rs. Caspers. obviously n1oved by the gesture. said. "\Ve are Nznplet cty and totaJJy honored to hn\'C this park named for him .. The rnot ion to renaule the park also included a recommend a Ii on by Supervisor David Baker that a plaque be plaeed at lhe entrance lo the ~rk rehiting i1s history and the efforts of Caspers to obtain it. Cliaracters Set Sail Sllturdll y Nev.'JX)rl Beach's 14\h Annual Character Boat Parade \111\ set sail :it 2 pm. Sriturd a.v . \\'ith ::ibout 80 hoa!s cxpc-elcd to prirticip.1te. The ho:1ts , derora!ed under the the me ··rhe (rlxlcl Lift' .. !\ev•port Beach.'' 11·ill circle the harbor for about three hours, comjX'ting fo r 13 trophil'" fnr d r co r a! ion s . costun1es. anin1ation <ind sound Boat o"·ners can reJ;l stcr to enter the parade un11l JI a 111. Sa!urd;:iy by calling 644-82! I, Parade officinls have 11·arnt.'Cl that unregistered boats will be prt·i·en!('d fron1 par11cipa1ing_ Entertaiuer ,Joey R1shop will serve as gr<ind rnarsh.il The parade 1s sponsored by the Conlmodores Club of 1hc Nr1\'JJ0rt /farbor Cha1nbcr of Con1n1crce. 011:.6.HGE COAST ,-.,. DAILY PILOT ''"' 0-of'Qr c.:i.11 D•·'• r,, · "'" "'"' ' , ,,,~ "'°""''""•I~"'' P,.,..\ ,. p.,o """ t, '"" l>'•'~" CU" "~""""'"g l ""'"•"> $•<>0•••• ...i I.OM.,. """'"""" "'""0•• '"' "'ll' ... ,,~, "'' (-"· , .•. • "iP,.,,,..,. Se..-". ·•~ ·' "'l' ,I' f" , I I••' V>"•• LOO~n• /ie1c~ '"''""' .,,.,,.,' • 4 ! """ ''""'""'"'5•• -Jy•" •• ., ........ , •. -, .. ""l'"'""' ""''"'" .. "'"'"""'' ....... ., ,~,.. ,,. 1 • ~.,,, 7"• "'"'"'~" ""O' •''•"d ,,,.,, ,, •• 1\~ """ a.,~'''"•t.Co11•..,¥<• -.. ,,1;.o~,. J.'~-'" ~ ,,.,. r, .'Ir~ 1 ~,.,,,,..,,, aMf'uol••' •t J.'y \ k r ur "' v,..., "'"''·'""' ,..,r,"""'~' M•"~' Tho..--1 A. ''"-'f'~ "' ~ ..... i"'Q (Q~O< Coile Mt-w Off'te • ;J(l w .. ..,&,., ...... f.'ul•fl?,A,.:J..jr~"·~ J ii,.-. <,,; ~1ril. OltMt' Offlc•t 'l•wll')"' (lo.oro ;l)l 'l•r••· "'lh"'"''"'~ • ..q. .. ••ll••" ?.>• ..... ~,, ... ,. ···~•·P'Q!···~··· ,,,.,.,,,.., _,,.. , ...... 1 :;., .. ·-·,,·· "'~""'"< ... ,..., ... .. r,1.~ 111 .. 1 •c1.412 1 C J.ssiflHI Adwtrfitinq 6 42·1611 ,,.,,,,,.~,.· 1t1~ °"'"'" r '" "'' •"•"'l <,.,.,_ ~··· .. ,. ....... ''"''"' ''"!"' ,. ... ,,, .,,.,,,,, ......... , '" -~"·"'-"" ""'~'" ..... i~ '~~·O-lu':•~ "''~""''i-<''<1 .,."''"'" •n' •'r•··~~· ,.,_ 1-"CQ"<l<!lhl f'O""""""'"'' -,.,, ...... ,. U.•·~ .. "' "'•'-"·'"~'' •• ,, .... 1 ; .. ~.~"·'• ......... l•I')(>...,,, ... ,,,.,. '"•""''',. ··•1 1<.f,.,,n~•e; ' hearing into o:1Jt('rnatt· n(~KI pn·\cnt1t111 plans 11!ong !he ~<inta AJ1.1 J{1ver Corps spoh~1ne11 :-:~irl ' th1·y 11•ere studying tire d;in1 's saft'ty and have \1 ays of building in added strength 11 hi.:n ;1 project gets 1n ro e1e1.11Jed eng1nt'er111g :-ii ages !ntl'r. A SJXfkesn1an fur !ht' Ur<Jngl' Count~ \\';~!f'r Di strirL ,)111 cr Truh\', 11·ondt•rrd nlxi11t ensuring ~;1,felv uf 1.hr di S-!fl ('f S v.atl'r rou~rr:tti(1n b;1:-1n s :dong ~110: rt\'l•r cha nnel. \\,11lt· the distn\'\ st;1f f suppnns alternJte "!'"," a $50U rnllhou pro)l'Cl. she Si.ild. they ;il:.o wan t rv be s11n· release of dammed v.ater \\·ouldn 't jeopardiic v.·a1cr stored in d1stric.1's spreading basin~ along the river chauucl. Abou! !25 pi·rsons alteud\'d thi' h(';1nng Ill i\nahcun. th•· only <Jn!.' Sl'hedult·d ror Orange L-01111ly, l'-01 , John Folt1' of lhl' Corps of 1-;;n~1nr1•r:-dt')i('l'Jb~·d !l1f' rl'sull s pf ;1 n111c-JC':1r f1·a~1bll11y study of /ll)(~d l'OUt1·0! along tJ1e b3sin. ltli'tl ouihnt-0 n111« rillPrnatc 1n('thods, rnng1n~ fro1n •·cJuin~ no1h111g" to an $850 n1ilh on green!x:lt plan \'o'hich \1·ould v.·ipe fJUt 7.400 ho1nrs that 1111ght be !n a flood ':. 1>ath. ()r;u1gt• County Su[X'r\ 1sur Ha lph J !11·f!nt'h :-."lid L'Ounty sup.•rv1 :;or)i supp1 1r1 pl:1n "F.'' \1 t11ch involves raisi ng thl' ll1·igll1 of l'r;u lo I Jain ~ind building a n.•11 d;1111 at :O.lt·nt11nt·. ne;ir J{edlands, ;i~ \11·1l ~is 11nprul'1ng rl\\'r cl1annt·ls. + oi About $56 million for lhc pnJJct·t 11·ou1d co1ne fro1n loco! funds A spokesn1an for stale Sen . Jan1es r~. \\'hetmore (R-Garden (:rove) said he 11·ould recom1nend !hut thl' ~r11a1or a!so support 11Jau "F." 111c ('11q>.~ said t·arher this plan appo•;irs ro b1! most llkl'ly to 1\ 1n public sup1-x>r1. But \\'. F. llurrington and C. B. l'l·dcrsc·n of Chino questioned 1ha1 plan. snying they fear the darns could tolla11s1· ui an c<1rthqu<1kt'. 1.-oaH ll.ec11lle1l Their ft·ars v.·ere cchoe<l hv Al ./. ca:.tro. a Full t'rton geologist \\l1ose finn 1 operates 11 oil wells near l'rado, ru1d by C. E. Roark, a Garden Gro1't• cul:(Jfll'l'r. Both asked that lhl' eurps i·art·fu!I~ ~tudy all safety factor~. 'n1(' flood ('Ontrol · n1easurcs ;,11·t' d"~ignt'd to prot ... cl ll1e eot111ty 111 lire ('vent of a once 111 200·\ enr fl ood. 11 h1ch !ht• Corps t•st1n1ates \l!;uld dislot·atr Oth' 111illion residents <111d caust' $3 billion 11·orth of dan1agr Eloise's Sister Tells Pressure Hy AHTllL111 f\. \'l.\'~EL Ot mo 0•11~ Pll01 St~I! LOS A Xl;J~l.!::S-l 'he s1slt'r oJ Xt'11 porl lkacll inurder <:011spira('~· deiond :.111t Eloise !'oped tt·st1ficd \.:Killy thal hl'J brother-in·la1r SanHtt'I l'opeil thre:J!L'll1'cl to sue her for a $'20 ,()()() delJ! 1! shL' <lid not testify favorably 1n J11s di111rrc nction. l'opcil. v.·ho is knu11·11 h~· lh(' n11'knantv Sl.'yn1our. \(lalll'd \1 rs. l':itilinl' Co11·an. !)cl tl1 nr thoroughbred r:l C'e horse 011·ner. the surn in 1971 for hl·r own li\'lng t'X\lC!lSt'S "hen shf' wa ~ d1rorce<l. slle !('Sf1fil'd . During !!Xl :1~ 's 17th d;1~ in lhc trial of tl!rs. Por)('1\. 49. forn1erly of 519 1!;1rbor !sl:1nd [)ril'e, '.\l•11·1xirt Beach and !Jan i\~ers, 37, of 2239 Shelton St. SJ11\:1 An.-i, :\Ir,,. l'o11;1n li'.\lllil'd tli~n sh(' \1 :is pres.,ur1'd t;~· l'op1•1I "Ill' h<id thrP<llcnt•d 1ne th;1t ii I didn't tl'.'stify in his beh:rlf ih:H lll' 11·ould :-t:1rt a sui! 10 l'llllec! i !." \lrs. Co1van t\1ld Dcp11ty District A:ton11·y P\'!t'I' Brt·~rnan in rf'g;1rd tu the S21J.00(1 loa n by Popc1!. "Jlp h~1A bcf'n threa1t111inf: nll' ;ill lhose 1110n1hs ;ind I felt lhC lhrt'.1ts 1.1·l're St:'l'IOUS .. 1,f ll1v ;1lh'gf'd 1.:ontra('1 killers111111 v..hon1 l'up .. ·J!·.~ niurd('r 11•;1s d1Sl'\ISSl'd h;1d t()\d J111n lht· S1i1ne story l'arly 1n hi.~ 1 111 1-.~1 1g:!I i11n. l)on l'. Hc·NI, ·!'.l, of l..Qng lll'Jt'h and lloh• . .'rt l'l'ell'r. J 1. uf C:crnlos havf' !t-.~lifk'li 1\;-t'rs anti ,\trs. !'op e I l 11t·goti<ilt'd "'i!h Jurn to 1irr:111gt· for the 1n<1n11facturin~ ni;ign:i tc··.~ 11111rdt·r 1n l'hirago U1Jt 1\yers allt•gt•S lhry 1n1tia!e th<.• d1seus.>:iun and he \\'~Is uni~· st ringing !hl'1n along unlil he could gt·t help frn1n prop<'r authnri!1es in the ;illl'gct! rnurder t-onspi raty. Il e testified he ~\·as given in fonnation th;1( the 11-e<ll!hv Popeil had i11fluent1al frrt'nds and hea\·y i110ueucl' in tl1c l.<>ng ~·ach c1dn1inis!ration, 1nclud111).( !hi.'. pv hcc rlt'pa11ment. l!e and .\trs. 1Popt'll V.'t•re tak('n into ( us t,11:1.r b~· a r:iid tt•arn 11f Long Bru1·h tlvl1•t'l111·s . :1~l·o111p:1111t•d by \'r1\•1xirt f{,·:1<"11 l'olu·r Dt•ter·t11·e l\t•n ~;1111!li. ,1! Jill' /1:1rbor lsb1nd !lr11t' :iddr('ss on ,J;in 8, af!t>r a dl1t' "''-'l'k investi15a1io11 into the alll'g1•d rnurder ·for·lnre ploi. Long B1·;1eh pol l!T ·"ll\'arht•ad,·d the nrrests bt·cnus!.' flil ri.:erl nrgt1ti:11iurL, Ql'l'UtTcd in l11 ;Jt l'll\'. :1 po1111 1he d"ll'11~1· hns rl'pcatl><lly ratsed ;1s basis for di ,n1issir1g !he l':l'>t' 011 lt'gill h'TOtlllds. THE FORD-ROCKEFELLER ALLIANCE WAS IN THE CARDS ACCOROIN G TD A LAGUNA LAD Mike Leamon, 14, Dug Out His Deck of 1971 Politicard s to Review the Bid ding i\yers :ind \lrs Jlup1:il ci 1·e h1.'ing tril'd on l.:hargt•s uf c1111:,,pir;1ey and St11ic1tat11111 lo comrnit n1urdt'r for allegt'<lly trying 10 hire t11·0 nicn In kill the Chirngo k1t ehl·n gadget 1ycoon :i s :i me!hfl\'.f of assuring !h at sh~ "'OUld inherit :1 ,.;uhs\Hnti;il share ot his S9 million fortw ic. Tl1ey h;ne pleai.Jvd 1nn0<.'t'nl tu !ht' eh<i rg'l'S. 'T'hf'y clairn s1nl'L' PoJX'il 11·a.c; in< 1)1cago ('hie ago ;ind the :J~'"'r!ed ploltt'r.5 \l'Cl't' on !hf-\\'est Coast th;1t no Sl'flous n1urder tonsp1rne~ foul1t h::i\·c (";i~tt•d . l'ht· C.1liforn1:1 S11rn·1n1· Coun h:is dct'hn«<l tr'I IL,!t·n In sueh a cll'fens" appeal until aftC'r l·onclus1011 ol 11 h:1t l~ l'AJlCCtcrl lo !>t• .1 s1X·11t•••k lri1 i\ of \fr.o: Popr•1\ and 1\~·f'rs the Cards Ford-Rock)' .>flli.ance F oretolll A Gerald Ford -Nelson Rockefeller pannership 1vas foretold in the cards. Not tarot fortunc-te!lin..; cards, but a deck of character cards 01~ncd by ~like L<>amon , 14, of Lnguna Be<ich. Ford and Rockt'fellcr are \\\'O political figures among the 52 in the deck of' 1971 vintag.e "Pol i!icards." Ford, v.•caring a grin .-ind a foo1ba1J uniform is a nine of clubs Hock y "'earing a ..:rin . busint's.; st11I Mesa Postpones Ac tion on T t>nni s Co1111 P ropo:-;al A rc<1ur.o.t fr on1 a :\'!"11·1)0rt Bf'."l( t1 !rnnis hu ff In hu ild 1110 pri\'.1!(' cnurt~ in Costa l\lt•'.J 11::1" d1°layf"fl [110 1\'l1l'ks by Costa l\1csa Ci1v Council ·1el 1on Turs- f!ay night. Cnuntiln1f'n ('Ontinurd the rt·qul'~l l>t'<.'ause the appllcnnl :-;tCl't'n Krieger l 11 Via Orvieto. cot1ld not bf.' present for the hearing. The Cos!n l\lesa Planning ('0111111i,s1011 last week recomn1f'ndcd the c11v council deny a permit. · They said Krieger shoul d place restroo ms on the site :it lll:?6 Pornon.1 Ave. Krieger told planners tha1 he v.'ould use the courts t\l'O hours n day ;it n1ost and !hat rcs1roo1n s ar ~ no, nct:dC'd and clutching a fistful of greenbacks. is standing in line at a "sold out" Presi- dl'ntial convention. !·le is a 10 of clubs. 111e deck \1·as givl'n 10 :\l ike hy his dad. 1\n astute fo!lo1rer of current cv('nts. i'.!ike noticed the coincidences afll'r Rockefeller "·as seleMed as \'ice presi· dent designate TuE'Sday. ' ..... ,.\ • TO."\IC.llT :-;(JF'T Bi\1.1. f;A:.11·; -C1 !~ Off1r1:ds \ '· l\ecreat1on [)1 vis100 Pla yground All :-it:irs. Tl'\\'1nkh· !':irk Field. 7::iu r n1 Fr~'e V.';J1C!'ll1\'lilll fo!IO\\'illg f!arne "(;()O~PFLL '' South r· 11 ;1 \I Hvpi-·rto1·y 11H':J!er. rhrough Sun . II p 1n TllUR.."il),\ Y. SE'.\'IOn CIT1ZE'.\'S c Lu n Con1rn1111i1y f\L'(Te:.ition Center. 12-3 p.rn. ]'ulicc Seek Guu111uu BURTON. S.C. rUPI) -Beaufort County sherifl's officials cont inue<l tho>ir i>f'arch today for the man c.11led "Jim'' \\'ho shot and killed a young couple 111 a trailer park here. Mesa Co1111cil Actio11 f "ollo"'i ng are the principal acl!ons li-lkcn 1'uesday night by the Costa i'.tesa City Council : . REW NING: Sent ba<'k to the planning cominission a reque.i;t for a zone change on Monrovia Avenue, 17th Street, J>Jacentia Street and t.hc .sooth city limits after property 0\\1lers in the area said they had n<rt rec<>ivcd informa· tion on the matter. Under the planning department's proposal, the land '''OU!d be switched from l\'1-l \light manufactu~ng ) to M-G Jgcneral manufacturingl. GA Y ClfURCH: Once again drnicd a request rrom the predominantly·homo- sexual Me!ropolitan Community Church lo use a residence at 215 23rd SI. for \\'ednesday night rap and Uiblf' study sessions. The council fi rst denied Hie permit in February. TAV RATES: Approved munk·q><il tax rates for the fisc;iJ 1974·7fl. l'his year'.s rale .... ·as St'I at $1.5468 per $100 assessed \'alua!ion, about 2.43 cents hlgher than l:rst year. A s.c;1~tant Ci!y ~lanager Bob l1'\1ggnn noted !hat the grn- eral fund tax rat1• dropped 13 cenl-", bot that a street lighting distric! incre<•S<' ;ind open .'>pa<:f' bond r11tcs outwC'1gihcd the dccrC'ase _ CAT RREEOl/\'r.; ()verturned a plann1n~ rom nlls~lon r('('On1mendalion .ind l~'>u1'<I a pcrn11t lt'l Conslance \~'hit.c , l.'l:l ,\Ionic V1st11 S! , to breed cars iJ1 an R-2 jme<l1um dt·nsi ry res1dc1111Jl1 zon(• tl lrs \\'hire said she has been r:i1s1ng cats at rhe location "'ilhoul city aut horiz~i ton for 18 ye.>1rs. From Pnge Al ClJURCH. • • th e counci l 11nanimou sl_I'. Harrison cl:1irnt>d !he cit~· h:i s appro1rd pt·rinits tfl ch urches in the past which h;n·c not had :ideqlt<ite parking. '·Since the rrqU('sts of these othf'r churches 1rere alv.·ay s 1nct. v.·e assun1" thn1 our d<:'ninl 11·as based on gar prejudice." Harriso n said . 1-larrlson indicated the denial 1nay OC· turnC'd Ol't'r to the :\merican Ci\'il Liberties Cnion for legnl action ng::un!'! th t' city. Jlo-v 's E1nbahned .. Bod y Di scove r ed .\H):-.T1\J{:\ 1l 'l'J 1 -·r1i._, rmbal!nt·•I IY1<Jy uf a 6-.1e:1r-ol ct ~an 1:r.1 nf'iS('O hi1,1 11;1~ fi111nd 111 !h1' s11rf off lh,~ S;111 ,\1 ;!11·(] t'ou111~· ('(l:tsl:ll 4'0tlH1lUIH\Y S!i,•nff'.-; th•p11t11·s ~,11c! 'l'u;•,rL1.1 th1· 1~1111 h;111 b1·1·n .. 1 .. 11·11 fro111 ;1 i·r: pt .it 11.•ll l'ro~s C1'!lll'l• 1·1 111 C•rlrn.1 Th•' 1'b1ld dlf'll Ill 19il i").·pu!1Ps :;;1id ;1 111;111 lt•lf'phon1·d lli" r1•1n1•t.-r1 1ln·p,• 111nr> a1l(I rcpOrl~·cl L1f.ing lh<· !Yl(l.1· Tll··.1 ''11d he did 111•l i_:111• ;1 rrason. T(\(jay's 1ritnes~. ;111 allrnc111·e red- llaired di1·orcec. 11·as questioned several t11nes by the pro.srtulion regarding her f1nanc1t1! dt•al1ngs w11ll Pop1.:1L T!k· delcnSt.' often r;1ised o~il'('lions ··r Jon'1 kno"·-1 don 't rrn1('1nber." \lrs. ('o\1·an told th e d11 pu1y dis1ritr H!torney \~·hen ;iskrd :ibnut !1l'r !91.'l i11con1r_ "l didn't p..1y ;iny !~lXC'S. 1f rh.at helps .... " she addt·d f>uring subscque11! QU(':;,!ion1ng 1h .. · altractii·t· sister of th•· 111 11 rd er conspirat:y trial codrfcnd;u1t s.11d h1·r 11l('On1e "·as under s;:,o .ooo but nnt 01·er S2ll,OOO &he said that sh~ r<'cr11·e~ $\,J00- <1·n1onth in alimony .1nd o"·ns \rha t sh<' rern1cd 10 or 11 thoroughbred ract' lrOl-:-il'S Bregrn:in also :isk!'<l h1•r ,1\.•.Jllt 1h1· ust· of the tenn .\ln:: 1rhrn shr i~ :11·111ntly ;i <ti1·orcee. lt':-id111g h"r to rf'\)i~· 1h.1t sht' is unmarried. Test l 111 on v 1'11Psd:1\' 111rl11·lr•J ;1lk·;:.111on~ IJ\ ,\it•rs 111~1! :'11rs ('.)v..,111 r11;·r ~Jl10li,V .... ·ar111~t hirn that !110 fornl{'r 1'ownrk('r~ :11 l)nugl:1 s 1\1rer;1ft C-On1pnn1 1n [~1ng rWn1'h h;1rt hf'•'ll l11rrd hy ['OIX'.I ( r .. g;i !h,..r 1·1id1·nrr nr;;11n>:1 ,\y•·r, ;ind his 1·.~1r;1ng1•{I 11i fc Forntcr l .. •nl.( Br.11·h polH'\' <lt ·tr<·111~ 'forn 1!1igh('S, no11 th1· !Irr 1\lr. J!u gh<•s •ll th(' Fir;:t Brr ihr1·n Church or North lnng Deil{'h, testified TpeslJ:1y th:it on" S\\'a llo\\ cd Dope Kills Sr1111 ggler l.1'.11:\ !'t'rll 1l 'Pl 1 -Tilt' dL':J!h Of ii Tt'X:in ne;ir Jorge (1r.11cz lntrrn:1tion;1 l A1rpor1. \K'<'Urrrd becauS(> a plns(1c b~ig of cocnine bur:;;t inside his d1grstive sy~­ t~·m . pol ice said t 'url1 <> ~lrll 111 r:in1<'s. 26. of Au srin T1~x , s11:illo1~·e<1 111 s1nall pJ;1st1c bng.~ r•unt:1i11lng about !2 ounce<> or ('()('flllll', inti'nding to smuggle the ('()('<line frorn 110!11·1:1 tn the L'n1ted Sl <•ll'S. pol1l'r said TtH'Srl<lY ( ;1rn,.~· ~ton1:1rh ;Jr·11l' <11sSl'll\1'r! th•" plastic on the flight front La P11z, 13oli\'i:t, 111 Llllld, P•111l:'' ,c;;11d. ;111d lhi' hr;tl 1 do~f' nf <ln1 gc; s•'nt hun 1nln r11'11 111l"1ons ;ihn;1r<1 !ll1' Jr! :irid in th•· r inl,1 ;11rpor1 Ht> d1tct en ro11 te 10 a l1o!'pi t,il :! \ahhed \\ il h l ~u111l 1 l\F.BKF,J,E\' 1t'!'l 1 -l'ol11'r <irrC"o:l.-'<"I 1111; 11\\'!l 11nd di s:1n11ed :1 OOn1h fo11:1d 111 ;1 c:1r th;11 11 ;1~ stop\">l'd in 11 routin•· 1raff1r 1·h,'!'k ·rth'.~1t:1.v nigh1 11t'11r 1hc 1 -111~t·rstly of C':1liforni:1 f' :i n1 pu s -"""" CLOSED SUNDAY \'.it\ TENNIS SHORTS & SHIRTS TENNIS DRESSES GYM SHORTS & SHIRTS GYM SHOES SWEAT SOX SWEAT SHIRTS & PANTS WARM UP SUITS BOOK BAGS WILSON -DUNLOP -DAVIS BANCRAFT -YONEX TENNIS . RACKETS RACKET STRINGING RACQUETBALL RACQUETS & BALLS ~ HANDBALL GLOVES & BALLS TENNIS BALLS All PURPOSE SHOES FOOTBALL SHOES SOCCER SHOES BASKETBALL SHOES TENNIS SHOES .... -- ( BASKETBALLS VOLLEYBALLS FOOTBALLS BIKE PARTS -TIRES -TUBES REPAIRING , ,f • ' 1 ·- I Coastal Fir111 (~it (~tl For F'1·a11tl LOS A\IGELES !A P l -'!'hf' ' ~· , .. :~ ,,.~, Securities and Ex ch an g 1· \', Commission fi!t'd civil froud *\ ... ~. ~. charges against Soulh \,,oast ~-\ I' 1-.,>.~ J-Jydropo1u cs of Elsu1ore Inc . :a ~ an enterprise promotinp s.111' r .. · ..• ~ .. "*'mtf~-of dirtless grC'Cnhouscs u1 -.;,,,Mfll"' several statt'.'s. ./'' '~•'' • The suit filed T11rsd;1y 1n US. District· Cou11 h ·t.· re con1enrled th" firn1 ni :1 d 1' rnisle<tdi ng cla11n.c; in as~u nn ~ pureMser.s of thf' $15.000 hydroponics J;"fe('11hou.o;L'"i th:1L th1·rr ;Hlntial returns ll'OU!d rr;ieh h1·t~·(·cn $5,000 ;111d $1i.10l Bt•s1dcs lllr firrn, 1h1~ s1111 n11n1t1-; as drfend:ints H;1v Hufford, 1>res1dcnt nf tilt• fir11t and it,,. sole sharf'hold1·r; ( S tate ) ~ ~ ~. '..; Dt•ad at 6 2 !lonil f\'lassey, popular ~1nger and fil1n star d11r1ni.: the 1930',..; nnd J\l.,l()'s, died Tucsd:.iy in J~etllesda Naval \l!l:-.- p1tat in su burban ~lar.v· land. She had l)ff'll ill for 1hree n1onths. ,\ n1emorial service will be h~ld in \\rashington, JI.<' Butterfield Fina ncial Sf'rv1ees ------------ Inc., of suhurban El~1nort•. Barry 'f. l.indsay. prt.•!iic,len1 of B11tterfif'ld ond its soil• ,<; ha r eh o 1 d f' r . a11d i.A'f' S~·1nonr!<;, s;1l1·s d1rl'<·tur ul South Coast J\ydroronlcs State Fines 'l'H o l:ounl v 'fitlc Firn1s N•• Fault l11s11.1•f11tee 'Bill Awaits Senate Vote SAC!{Ai\1Et'ff0 tUPll Bur~t111 ~ lroni a 17-inonth t:OffiJ1\11tcc deadlock, no-fault ;1 ti to 111 u bi I e i n surant··· lrg1slation moved to d 3 y Inwards a showdo~n \'Ole 111 tht· Senale. Suppor1ers hurried to bridge intporlant differences betwttn l\\'O rival proposals in hoix·s of n·aeh1ng <1 co1npron1is1~ 'luring th(' S('Vl'll \1·ork1n!! <!:iy-. l'M.'fore the scheduled end of !hl' legis!11tive sesslon. ·r11c kf'y Senate Jndieiar\' Conunittet• approved both bills hv b;1rc niajority v o t es TUl'::iday. J)E1\IOCllATTl' SJ·:N. J\lan f\ol.b111s of \':1n 1'\urs. ;i 1n1·n1h1·r of th(' f'om rli1!tr>r> pr1·dict•~U ;1gret.•1Jlt'll! 1\'0Uld bt· l'l'ach1-d l)t~l lVN'n \\"<1rT1ng sides ou !!w <'"'ntroversial propo.-:nl !.h:1! \l'OUJd affect all l.'l million lict'nst'd C:iliforn ia drivers. ~o-faull insuranc.x'. :1 rna iur is.sue !xfore 1 he l1~gislat11r1' Pflth year since !971, prnvJdl'.~ for 1no!orisls lo e o I I e (' 1 da1nages from !he ir 0\111 1nsura11c(' con1p::i nies f u 1· 111-'rsonal injuri~ r(';igrdlrss of 1\·ho is at fault in an accidf'n! l'h!' 8im 1.o; f<) rl'dti(·f' ill>.\Jrance l'OSL<; <Hld OiSSUr't• P"u el. ()1.ll y s Full Tinr e qu1ek p<iyrnent IJf {'launs by el1r111nat111.; cos 11 y a.Gd protrach•d court suits. Buth bllL'i approvt•d by \hf' tun1n11\le(' wcrl' "rnod1f1ed " nu-f<:1ult plans. 111at nieans n1otorists would co\l('Cl under nu·f;iu!t. hut still be permitted lo go to court and St't'k n1ore tl<Jn1<1gl'~. The 1wo 111casures pas.sed rh1• 1\sst•n1bl,v Inst yea r find ha\t· l:ir1g11i!'hcd since Hl the CO!ll!l IJltt·t•. tlnl' \1oul d allo1v motori!i!S lo go !u court for 1'xlr<i d;1n1:ii.:1·s only in thl• 1'V<·nl tll d ,. :1 I h , ths[1gur('111ent, d 1~ahil11\" of n1ore 1h::in 45 days or ""nous 11np;1 irn1l'n t of a bl)/lil.1' l11net1011. 11\t'LU U E L> \''AS ii tuid\·r 110-rault. bot oontau1s 110 restnetion oil the ri ght of somrone t.o sue for further dani.a gc. \o Zl\;1111J,11•w;. prrn11w11 v.•as included \\111or1 .. '\ts v.·ould be rc'<1u1red l<• pu rch;1~c pcr.;onal inJllry insur:.nce Younger Accitsed By Oppone1it S/\CRAr-.1f:\T(J ( ,\f' I ··~11 1•rll11•;1rl 10:111" r r 0 fl) Hepublic:in Att.1" (;en. J·:\'(•lll· f1,rn11•r CrotC'k pre'.'i<!ent ,J:u·k l Youngrr·~ [) c 111 0 c ra t i r l\11rk1· :11\fl h··lp11H! 11Hhlt1' 111.'\ friends lo buy < :t·otrk ~lock . oppunt•n! says Younger f;iilC'd Burke i~ und1•r indif'trn1•11t In tu pursue thrC'e investigations ru11nt~ . .'1inn with th•' [1crn'<. berause he had a personal f111.1nr1fll probl1·rn~ JTI;n\d;itury 15 Per ce 11 t interest in the cases. rl'dlltlion in the cost of -Failing to :ie1 011 lhl' pl'rsoiial injury l'. 0 v crag e. \\'illian1 l\'orri!i, ;1 Los \'lol<ltions of C;11lfnrr11a l:11r b1· l "urrently. that c 0 v er a g c Angeles at Io rn e Y, said {'. Arnholtlt Sn1i1h, thr Sa;l <iniounts 1o about half the cost TuC'sday Younger had a J)i<'go financier 11'ho.<:r f'n1p1r(' of all :iulo insurance policy. financial interest in one case, eollapse-d and 11·ith it tht• l:.s. I! ii·;is authored by a possiblt' direct personal !\:1tional Hank, nccorr!1ng 1n 1\:;;.ernblvnian Ji.ttk I~. Fenlon in\'olvement in anothrr. and Norris. Sn1ith \rns il hig 1 [)..\lonl;·l.K".11o i. a nd supported a n1ajor campaip;n contributor ra1n paign contributor l 0 1 h.v in~iir;nire ('onipalli('S :~nd entangled in a lhird. Younger, t\orr is .~aid . I 1;u1·. l{on:ild flc~i gan. It 11·;is Conflict-of-interest problem s -!laving poss1blr pl'rwnal :-.1·n1 direC'tly to the Senate could be handled by the involvement in !hr ca st· of !loor 011 ;1 7-2 \'Ole. <1ppoint1nent of a lcn1porary rtport('r \\"illi:im F;~rr nnrl Prohibited under tht' bill spel·i;i! slatt· Pros(' c u I o r , lraks of inform::ition fro n1 th<' \1 oiild tx' the so-called "p;tin Norrls told reporters. Char l('s r.Ianson trial. 'i'oungcr ;ind suffr·rlng" suit for such "The apprarance of fairness \\'as Los Angrlt•s di~!rirt 1nJuri('S ;is a m;r:or 1,1·1Jiplash. and irnparlialily is a s attorney al tht' tirne of 111(' 1\·hich ;irt• so frequent in the 11nportant as fairness and trial, Nnrris said, and his ('Ollt"!s 11011·. 1111partlulily itscll ," Norris con v e. rs :it i ons \\'ith his The other nic;isure provides said. subordinates could be an issue fur rnotorists to collect fur Norris accused ''oungcr of, in the contempt case against e Clurrt•: ;lilirt!J SAN JOS~-: ~AP 1 -l l111!f'd F:um \\'orkers lJ11ion le<'ldt•r Cesar Chuvr z h;is b t' f' 11 adrnitted lo a Santa ('laril Valley hospital for trcatn1ent of fatigue and syrnpton\S or the nu t1fter f<J s!.ing for 111'0 v.·eeks. hi s rersonal doclor said. !.l1S ANr.ELES IA1'1 -TI1t· California Insurance llepartn11>11t cra<'kl"d down on the rehating practices of !itlr insurance t·ompanies lo real est.ate brokers by levying a total of almost $423,000 in fines agaU1st five of the title firms, including the nation's !;irgest S uiog Unit 1r~d 1t_·n_l _h_ills and Jost 1•·ages'__=-:_-A~c:"c~·c~p~li~ng:._~a__.:'..1~1~6~.~5~0~0_f~··~ac~c~.---------~.O:~.;::; .... ::;,..,:~,;::; .... ;:;...,:::;,,;:~,;::; .... ::;,..,:~,;::;;,,;::;,~ ~ Dr. Jeronie l .aekner said ~sd.1y a series of d1<ignost1c tests .. vi!l b(' pcrformC'CI on the ailing union leader and completed later this week.. Ile stressed, ho,~·e\·er. lhf'rt" \~·as no indication r)f serious 11\ll<'SS e Woman f'rf't>d SAN f l{ANC!Sl.'O 1i\P1 - c\ ;1"01nan jail«rl for the pas1 36 days f•>r refusing to ansv,·('r questi o n s aboot th<' Symbionrsc Liberat ion Anny has been freed on orders of U.S. Supreme Court J us tice \\'illiam 0 . J)oU+:las. Cynthi.1 Garv<'y of O;ikland, jailed July lfi for rt•flL<;illg to answer questims about lhl' SI.A to a grand jury, w;is fr eed from E I m w n n cl Detention Center in ~Lilpitas on Tuesday . TI1c so-called demand orders and 1ht' acc'On1pany1ng fines \1'erc L<;sued Tuesday .::igainst l..'.n•,.ver.'i T1tl1.• l n s u ran cl' Cnril.. SI 8 7. 9 6 O. 'f1tlc lnsurant't' and Trust Co .. Los An geles. ~125.00IJ : F irst An1erican T11lt· lnsurancc ('o., Sanla Ana. Sf\0 ,000. TransarnC'riC"a Title lnsur:inC'l' Co .. San ~'r.:inci~ru. $37.YIO. and \\·f'~trrn Ti lle h1surafK't' Co .. San!;:i Ana. $12,500. In a(ld1tion Tille lns-urance and ·rn1st Co .. thr nation's. largrst title in~urt'r. ~·as alleged t11 have df'posi1ed hmds in a bank to serve as c-otnpcnsating balances for a Joan to a real estate broker. SAC'RA '.\.1 E'."\1'0 fLTPfl -A hill making the state riir rl'- source board :i full-timf' agency Cllld creating a single smog control dislrif1. for !he SQUlh ro:1st air basin has n1oved ;1 step elos1·r to "'in- ning A.~S('lltbl~· p.1ssagf'. The contro1·rrsial mr>asure by Sf'n. \V. Craig Riddle IR· H1\rrs1dl'I. clea r ed the transporlntion r o rn mi I!£' e Ttll•sd:1~ 1i11 a 9·-l \'1}1e, !he bare iriinirnum rec1t1i red. and v:cnt to the \Vl!YS :111d n1e3ns c:omn1illf'C. Voling <l!.:<linst th(' mensur0 \\'Cft• Assernbly1nen Hobert II , llurke i H"lluntinglon Bl·ach 1. !)on ?llacr.ill vray ( H-Sa n1.:t Barbarai, .!oe Gons:dve'\ (1)- C e r r i t o s l . itnd Fra11k Lanterman (R-La Canadal. r\i1ti-sn1okc Under the Biddll' ~rnog bill. e ReogOtl Agr.,es the currt't11 parl·t1n1e air SAN .JOSE 1 l'PI I -(;o\· reso11rt·es board "'-·ould bt.'C(HllC Ronald Reag an s:iys he ag-r1't"'!s BiJJ F 'J a rull-tin1e agerir.\· and With 'President ford's positlon 1 at s lllf'lllb<'f!'' ~11ar if'S \\'OUld he on amnesty for draft f'\'aders. r<1ised from SIJ.412 to $30,()t)(l I-le told OC\\'sn1cn Tu csd:iy SACRA\fE\'TO fL'PJ ) -A a year. ~fore s pr-akin g to a St>n:itc-pa .. -:sed bill ban n Ing C'urrently. SLX 51·pnr<1lf' local nepublir an fund·r;11s1ng d111ncr smo king in food stores and ~n1og control d1strie1s in lh(' that h(' oppo sed \JllL'1ndit1ona! cl:issrooms nnd imp os in ~ bnsin operate indi:>\X'ndf'ntly in nmncsty but "If nny clr<lft other sta trwide smo kin g the t'(JtJ11t1es of L-0s Ang rlrs;, evader choose!i: to ron1e bark rf'sl r iclions has failed in an flrange. San Bcrn.1rdino. through the s~'slen1 an cl . .\&<;<'mhl~· cornmitt('('. Snnta Barb.1 ra, 1\i\'('tside and <\dn1its he \.\·as ~-rong in ·rll<> Jll('asu re bv Sc n \"entura. TI1c bill w o u 1 d st.aying O\Jt of the S\'f\·i~>. A.nlhony C. &•ilcns-On (0.-Los :-ili0lish those d1slricls and then he should he given :.in An~C'lr.~ 1 \\·;is r c j e c t e d f'Sl;11Jllsh R nl'V.' basin\1·1df' opportunit y to \.\"Ork !o get Tuesday night by the criminal district ~·ith uniform rul('S, back. into the sys!en1." the justi~ comniH1re on a 3-.1 rci:;ul;i!ions and air 1nonitoring governor said. vo te . procedures. -=--~~~~~--~~~-~----~~~ 3daysonly! Large8x10 portraits In color decorate your home with love. Interior decor comes alive with portraits on you r wall. Come In or call our professional photographer today for gift portraits of you, your child, your family. Full selection of poses. Salis I action guaranteed. s4.44 Reg. $20. INTRODUCING l}e om:ning Gemini Cameifi. (olOf p!'OOfs !>hown in~to11rly. Ne~t:Be~c~~?~s~8Yand -644 -12 12 2 F AS HION IS L AND ' '.;,<;(. .. . ' ~-?·';!~\; <:::offi,e,·tyieet David Hayes, · the n{ari behind th is loo k. \ And see th e re st of his design s on fall. Just to whet you r appetite for the whole De Graff collectiori'ol pantsuits ·and costume~ designed by David Hayes, the cropped bigcoat pantsuit. As if s uper styHng's not enough, the fabric 1s a suede look-alike in cOtton/polyurethane. Water repellent. Shrimp. 6-14. $130. Informal modellng\presented by Dav id Hayes 1n Newport. Thurs .. Aug. 22, 11 :30-3:30. Robinson ·s Designer Dresses. I I , , . " ' ~,, -~:~: .. S HOP WEDNESDAY , T HUR S DAY 10:00-5:30 G·14 -2800 \ 1 A G D :\IJ,li' Pll,OT EDIT ORl1\L PAGE A Special School I For rlHlfC than a <!111.en ye;1r:-: Hope ! lll\'C!l s~'hOol has .served the .~pet'Jal need ~ uf ~Onli: .-.pc..:Ja! l'!Jiltlr'l'll in !he ltprllur :\rca. t'.'O\\' !l ope 11:.iren is Hl need of hC'lp. 'l'/Jf· ,'il'liooL wh tl'il oflers spec1;JI tr:i111111g ;111d t'\• tended d:iy eare fnr yOllngsters hand1c:ippt'd li ,v l'pli t'P\\ l">(1v.•ns .-.yndron1e. cerebral palsy and rnent J! fl't:1rd;1. t1 on, has receiver! an t>\'fl'flon notice and nn1~t t11HI a 11t\V hon1c by the first of the ye;ir. Fou nded a ... the J1altla rino 'f'r:iin 111~ Sc lion I J 11 1:11 ' JJaven losl it" fir!->! si te 10 the Still IJ1cgo 1:rct'\\';1.1. 'rile ('o,.::1a fll l'"a 1 'ounl v \\'ater l>l ;..I ril'! :>1:1vl·d 11\i· day by offering ;1 81 :i year iea;..c 011 \\'J!tr d1 st rH·t J!1'!1p crty ;1t lfHh and 1\!<1 nrovi:1 Sll'Cl!ls. No1v the· propt•111 is to be :-.n ld and llH• :-:t·hooJ 1nu:-:t go. It 1.s q11:1rtert•!l 111 a n101ahle building 1~·hirl1 \\'Otdd hal'(' 10 be r.'\tl'11~i1cl\' retnodelC'rl to 111f'el lH'\V t'oilcs Bui rtie 1rn1Hed1a !1' pr!ll1· IPrn rs !fl tind a ne11· si te and a nc1v "an~e!" lu ht..·lp buy or !ease it 'file specia l scr1'tC'e of' !lope llaven. \1'h1rh !lO\\' ha s a n enroll rnent of 22 y1111n gstcr.~ is its extended d:i1 progratn. fro1n 7:30 a.ni. to 5::io p.ni. -a boo 11 10 llit• \vorking parents who are its sole su pport. 'rhere is nothing quite like ll0pe llaven. If 1t 1 .~ lo re1nain open after Lhe .January evic1ion date. llrlp 11111:-I be found. and ~oon. It ca n be nffc>rcrt hy co n1;i r11n,t,; t!i· rector Lc1Deane Ja co b~ :it 042·471i~!. 1'hev sai d it roulf!n't Ue done. L.el ·the1n sLand rorrected ('osla fl lesa s0on \v iii Ile represented on c:ard r:H ·ks in the area \1•ilh friur at trat" tive picture posll'ards. 1'he projel·t. horn of a suggestion l'roin a ll;1d ~· Pil 11l reader, and pushed ::ilong 1n J);1lly J->ilot :-tories and ed1 · toria!.s. was taken up by the Co:o.t a }.Jcsa C'ha1nber ol Commerce. 'A11gel s 011 Wl1eel s' Ea se Life f 01· C,l11ce1· Victi111 s To the Edtlor, Everyon e some whrre mus1 h<ire a love<! one, a relative. :i. fnend <•r a neighbor \\'ho is ill v.·ith cancer. Th1·,v \\'ho have 1he disease are the unfortuna1c ones. but th11re is a v.·a~· any person \1'ith a free hour or tv.·o can help theni. 111is help can ~ \rithout obligation to any special hour or nun1bcr of d:rys per month. In other 11·ords. the help given v.•ould be :it a IX'rSon's uwn eonvenieneC'. (,__l\_IA_I_L_R_o_:x _ _..J l,e 11rr.~ fro111. 1·1•(lr/1•rs 111'1' 1rclcnnir" r..'orr11nll!I, 11·r1r.•r.~ s/1•111/1/ 1'<111rr'1J tlrr1t 111essr1r1e~ 111 :iuu ·1i·r11·1/., ur 11'.\S. '/'/1t' Tlf}il/ ·Ii, l'Dlld"1ISt' /l'U t"r,~ 1'1 /ti Sfl'ltT f!r el!n1111n11· l1l1rl 1s rt"~''ll't'il. 1\/J /rt- {L'f'$ tll•IS{ 111(/1/1/t: Si!/llU(ll f{' •(Jll/ "/)/1Ji/. 1110 udrlrC\S /1 111 11l11ilt'.~ n1u11 he 11· '11- 111'/'I o 1• rr•r111e.~t U \/1Ffl1•i1•1)1 rf'rl,\1u1 op11111 1'11'. /'ri4'rl!i 1111/ H1 >1 li1' 1111Ji. / , /. ' " TIIE At-.tERICAN Cancer Soctc\v h:is Sl'\ up a progran1 called ··An~e.ls on \rheels" v.·hich h;is been in ex1stcnct: ;:i nuinbcr of years. The Angels <irt' house1\·ives. retired 'pcrSflns t nuile (Jr fe1naJel or in ii f('ll' (':lS!'S, \l'(lrki ng prO!'il'Cllli(1t1 Of r('\l'J11f'I' l'rf'~ld('lll \J\Hll pcoplc. They dri\'e C'UnC(·r pafil'nrs !() 1 ft·(•I 1111n t'd, Ir~ 1nq111rl' ~111cc-1d1t•11 <ind from lht'ir tn::-.111ncn!s "'·hich 111:n rl1d lht' \(LL l:i~i· 1111 !lit' l'Pit' 01 either be to a hospital ol' 3 dol!tor'..s ~ .. Jirosecutor".' office. I 1-IAO :ihv:l\'S thouj!hl lh;\I lht• At'l.ll The ser1·ifl' is ~1ri c1ly 1·0lunlary. wns dcvotf'fl · tn c11·i1 l1ber11c~ 1~~ucs. Drivers do not get paid , but lo kno11' and in parti('ul:ir lht' dpfen~\' of lho"t' they are hrlp!ng somcllne is in it!'elf less for1unat1· Occa use of hatrrd ~1 r1d payment enough. I h:ivc been dri1·ing prejudicrs :incl 11ho.~c· righ1s hal'r b('1'n for almost four yf':irs and have found <lrnird 1hrn1 or 11·ho~f' d1·lt'l1Sl' rat;::1·s it lo be a rnost gratif~·ing experience. lnrger conslilution;i! i~sucs. There is a great need for drivers If this :issun1ptinn is trl!C'. tnrn Pl'rhttp!'> all over Orange County, but East Oran ge the ACLU shnulrl be prcp:1 r('d to co111r County has the greatesl shortage. Cities 10 Hichard l'\ixo11·s defC'nsc ins1c:1d Pl such as Huntington Beach. Costa 1\fesa, his prostl·utlon lr.•ine. Balbo;i , Ne\\•port Beach ;1nrt Corona del ~lar have been the h;,irdcst hit with a dril'cr shortngc. I \\'OUIJ) venture lo ~;1y /~peaking tor nlysclf ma1n 1~· 1. 111ost ptQple don't ~i \·e it a second thought 11h('n 11 cornt'S 10 drivi ng lhl;'t11s(·[1·ps ln <t dn(·tor's appoi ntrnent . But 11 lii•11 iJ f){'rsrin is unable to drive or lt;1~ no tr.1 11.~port11tion . JUSt kllOl\'Jll g !h(',\' )1;11~· a dri1·pr !O take thcn1 i~ ;:i boo~\ to lhP1r r11or:1l1·. and they have pf:aer <il n1in<I kno11 ing they v.·ll! be r ct·chin:.: thl'ir 1rcatn1i..:nt 011 any given day. Though I feel !hi' An1l'1'i(·;in C;incf'r Society has done a tren1l·ndous Job 111 helping those persons 1rho1 h.'l\'t' cancer. n1uch help is still needl·d. 1\s ;1 dri\'t'f' rnyselL I am stressing J n urg1;nl call to people to donate a por11on of thei r time to this vital nee<!. r~or further lnforrr.atlon yo ur re11dcrs can call the Ameri can Ca11t cr Society office in Tustin, 838·0510, :ind ask for the Service Dcpartn1enf, or call 1ne, 962-631 L rrtuov PAR~IENTIER , O>Ordinator of Cancer [}rivers for East Oranr.e County i\·em i\Cl,V Role? To the Edilor: After reading in the rhe ACLU insists !hey Wleks n<'l\'Spaper 1hat n1ust push for 'I still don't get it. What did he do wrong?' /I > IF A tlt'11 prrcrd1•11l is h1•111 :! <'S!Hb!i.~h~·d for rlli;.; urgau11:1t1on hy 1hH~1· ~vho v.·ish 10 pu."h frir pro"t('t111n11 1 r(':id perscf'utinn• rs 1t not pn:->:>:1hlc-'' 11(·11• 1·ra of 1\lcCat1h1·is111 in rt'\'rr:o:~ n1:11· b(· lh(• 11l''\1 ~!1 >r)" !s !ho' 1\\1.l. ho 'lllg 11s.~d hv l\1xon ·h;t11•r~ :1.~ 11 n11 •.111s ut \'r11genee under lllt· guise r,1 th1 ' \1•nt·r<1!1on of 1•qu:1 I rigt1ts iJntl!·r lh<' 1•onst1 lutl0rl'' If .~n !Ills I" a s:1d d1•p1!1 lo \lhich :1 t1t1P 01·1;;i111z;1!1011. d1·d1r;11l·d to JUS1n·<'. h.is f.dl1 •n .\lfHl\l.:\ .\l.\Hh:~ T l1 e f)('sf r·<1~1e 1·s To 1h(' Editor Terrv Cn1·i11r·s art1<'lc ' C tJ u 11 ! 1· · s Biggrs·r City !'ark -r·11111" !1 \ 1!al fAug .. l\1 11·;-.s ni11s1 11nprL·~s111· S(l 1n11rh in fa ct. thnt 1ny Jl ·f{'<1r 1)ld ~nn ;ind I \1cn t to s{'e 11 Ill\' fo11(•\linl! 1k1.1 \l't~ wert' qune :-.urpl'IS{'d to ~1·c Oil!' of rhe Jnkes pollutt'rl 11 i1h hr(·r c.111..; cind pap('r trash of :.ill k111<ls. It n\:1dl' us sic k lo Sl'e the shoreline l'r011dt'd .\rlfh nit this trash and garbage. \\'E CONTfl\1UEL1 to 1l'a!k nround t11c lake :ind j otu1d a 1ittlc hro1\l1 dtt('k ::-o sick he 1vas bart1lv .i!i 1r. (JnP of th'' (i.~h('rtTI('ll s::iid hl' had b~'!'ll s11-k for days r reported !hi ~ hl I luck',; stand :1nd she said the 1i;111,q1·r 1r11uld take ca re of it. As 11~' rontinucd our \\'<i lk I had lo gel :.iller sDtne ynu11:! boys 11'ho v.·ere throv.'ing rocks at !h\: ducks and J1 it1ing lhl'nl 1n lhl' he:id 1'11cy stopped for !ht• 1non1t·111 bl1t I \.;ne1r they v.·ould <·on1 inuc 11·hcn they told n1e to "shut·up.'' \Ve left Huck's Lt1kc v('rv s;1tl Hild d i~appointcd. So vie lil'Cldc CJ 11'e 111iuld go ro Talbert Lake and fl'Cd the clucks lhl're . As the ducks 11't1ddled up lo us 11·e 11·ere sp!atter('d 11·i!h black oily n1ud . Hov.• can these ducks sur~·ive in such murky. oily ""'lll'r? It secn1s they lovt• to waddle in it and look for food. I AGREE that this arc:.i i.'I \'it:1l hut it can't survivc unless rn;111 sl:irts (';.tri ng ~~nough lo prl'Serve it and hc·!p it j:lrov.·. Sornething should be dont• 10 ~!op thesr polluters. The re f;t of us \1'h'J "Jrc inus! suffrr Hnd of conrsl' :ill tt1c ducks ;111d h~h n1u.~t pa,v th(' rons1•qu1·ncl'. ! tuid to con1r l1on11· lo niy 011·1l harkyurd l)('fllre I rould g"! 1ny sen.~.'\ fill c<i 11r \\'hy ;in~O!I\' 11ou!d wan t tn d4·~troy a riling of h1•;1uly 1.<\ btyontl n1e. ililavbc sornc signs ;i nd 1nore 1r;1sh rnrita1n1·.rs 1101.dd tu·lp ri ·111111d son1e of 1ho~c ~·ho don't ll1ink " r.E\' GHEGOHY 'J'he task 1ra srl't easv, It !ti(1k a ~re::tt deal of pt>r· ;r-1.:.tcnte to ~·Ot)\'lll i..:C an· UJ1\v UJ 1n g po:-tt'itrd 111anu!<1t:· !ll!'C'r that t 'u!'>ta l\lesa llas sorne Ueauty .~pot s. '!'he ('l!t•rres sell•tted bv rile l'h:ln1l.1er'~ "Front Jl\1or " con1n1 ltl('t' :ire rrprricnt:l!J\'(' of (_'osta riTe:-::t'x t!lilllY f:11·1:s. lll!'>tnry is repre!'>Cll lJ•d in the ~~st::in e1a ,\d1)he. re('re:1t1on 111 Or:111ge ('ounty F:lirgrounds speed · way ra cing: bu ~illC!'>S in the South ('0;1st Plaza entrance 111 the P1 t\'; nnd "0\'t•rninent 1n ri tv hall. ·1'1J;1i1k.-. arc"""' d11e lo the rlla1;1hl'r, the c1 !\'. tile post· i ,1n l t·1J111p:111\ a111! ,,peetl\1·ay rating prutlH1!cr llarry l>.\ll'.I for p1t·k111g up the ('OSI 1Jf the (';irds. \nd 1•spl'r1a ll.v 1o i·etii·er! !'o.-ta i\lesa IC';u·l1er ~l nde· l111C> Pl.t1L \\lin let us k11 U\1' lh:it e\l.'ry t'lly \1'1th p1·idc J1;t.;;1 p(• ... tr:1rd l)ruo Prohle rn -' !t('ga rd!ess uf tile OU!('01nc ot U1c :-.co re.~ ul tria!:-i lh~11 1:1·e1Jlually \viii dcvt•lop froin relent arrl'!'>lS in l :u.~ta ,\[('::i<t n/ inure than 30 alleged drug dealers, ;1 le\\/ !a<'1~ ;1ppear l'Crta111 . · ( ·o.-,t a J\'l e~;i. like ni.'.l.nv other L'!l~l!'>l :JI co111n1u nitiC's, l1a:-. lei :-.on1e degree /Jec11 ·a t.:Cn ter of :-.treet·!cvel sales ul d rugs. SLrci:1. de aling ;ttlral·ts tra11 :-:1C'nt~ \\'ho hring no P0(1d 1vi!h thenl and offe r <in all·loo·e;i:;v route ft1r 1ou11.i "' • ' I;> penpl e n•ho 1va11t . lo exper1n1c11t \\1th dru.i.:s 10 ge t th('111 . l111·:111ably, strcet·level <1c:1l1n g 1111u!\'C.~ loc:1I busl· nc~.~cs -so1neUn1e~ \\'i tl1. sri 1 llC'UrHC'~ \l'llhout the k110\1·!ed .~c of 1l1c 01\·ner. Bt1;..i11t.."""' Jrl•:1s 1vlierc 1h0 dl::1I · 1ng lakes plJre don 't re1na 1n in the !lest p:1rt 11f !ti1111 \·L·ry Jong. ...... . :: .. ·~::..:- ' ... ~ .:__ .......... ·~-... . · .. ~· .. _ • . ··------.. ~· -... . -_,.. I ~ . ; '·. ·. , .~. 1 ' . '· " 11 c;tn bl· argued th at sonie ol 1t1e arrl'.·t ~ n1ade d1 1rill;.! th\! retenl round·up \l'Cl'C 1J;1.~L1 d 0 11 ll's:;·th~1!'J· s ubstantial st1pporL 'J'hc tr1:i ls \rill de1 crn1ine this. i\lc·an 11•hi!('. lhe in1porlant point unclerseored is that ln('al la1v enforcen1ent has an l'\'C on lhe situation and !licit ('osta l\J('sa isn't a 1velto1ne .~'JH>I for drug dea li n~. c "~U SEl\T , IHIS 1S THE fll\Sl llME l'VE SE l N YOU W1I H YOUR MOUTH SHUT." IJca1· G luo11 1\· C u s !.r1ok1n~ for 1ie11~ of Cv:;t:i .\lc~a f1'f postci.lrds~ TI1r ;1nn:.1al r<1;~ (ii F<1 1r1 lev.' ltoad 1ypif1e~ the l'!!',"s t1istory. ·:; i3. G1oom1 Guo comme"!l .trl •ubmlt!HI bY •••C'•" and oo not i<e<eU•rdy rell•<I •~~ "'"""'' of !~ "'""'~l'•P•r. Sel'IO YOU• p~I Pt••• to GIOC,.,Y Gus. OJity P!lol, Motorist's SYDNEY HARRI S Sp<·:1k1ng, a~ I 1r;15 lhc otlK'r da\·. :ib011t 11i.1· fnoh!'h ga11·k1n g that reslllt~~rl in :1 lr1ll1!--t'nd toll:ip~e of 111.v ca r 11 he n r roll~'l·I 11110 :1 truck nh{'ad of n1e. .1011 1n1gh1 11:11 br surprised lu le11r11 lilrit !hi r1•p;11r l'u~·t 11as S:lOO. \\'h:11 11Tiin11·d n1r t'.'\t'n n1nrt• than my 011·n :-tupiriit y an d !he absurci !rngiiit,\ 01 n1\' 1)un1 0"r". ~rd: ~ind l1C1od. ·.1:1:. rr.Jd 1]1g ;_J 11'\1'•' l ;j f•'\\ d;l\'S li-11 "; IP)'ll 111•' Jn:-:11r:1n1 ,, J11,t•t11\(' fol ' J !i(,(h',•, ;•\ :-0..ift>[~, :1 !:1bnr;1 1•,r ' ;1 11 1! IP,tilll! g11illlJ ~!'f)ll· ~o n'<i IJ1· 1!1•· i11~,1r· .ill<'l' :!llill~! I ,. I n 11Q111!1·p~ o u I th:!l so11v• ~·;11·~ e:in Lihr ;-1 l11·c,.111ilf'·i!n·l1011r i111 pa ct \\ifhot!l 11111th <1:111111:'.(t'. lh(' Jn:-t1111te added 1li;1t ;H ;iny spt·rd n1orc lhan that. th(' ;~\(•r:1g\' t'l'Pflil' is bt·t\1een S21l0 and ~.\011 t'\('fl 011 sn1;tlltr ;u1d less expen si re 1nod11 I.~. \\ll1\T HEALL\' goi 1nr hov.·e1 rr, 11as ii ~t.'t1 !e11cc con1n1{'nt ing 011 .a fr11nt·t11·n·;1r ll'!>L \\·here Oll!y onr i..:ar. tile Opl·l l\L1n1a. :in1ung fi\·('. rscnpcd dan1age ('Tl(U't'i.1' This. rrrnarkcd 1he lnsri tute acid!v. "1s ;i ri·cord tJ1;1t has nol been prO\·idc-rt L~1 <iny 11111!1\'l. <lo1ncstic or in1i:iurll'tl , trstcrl hy us to 'la1e. despite !he f:lCt that it ha s for years been tec:hnologicdlly easy to acco1nplish." \\'hile l t\jJCi:t In be pcnci!ized lor n1y n10111e11tar.v innl\ention, I do nut tx1iect lh;1t a .<;peed of six or S<'l'l'tl 111ilcs ;111 hour v.·i ll collapse 111y e<1r 's front 1•11d lik(' :in accordion .~at on bv :in anJ..!I'.\' hippopo!an111s-.i rH! f'SJlt11·(all)t sl11ec brltf'r pru1 ec!ion "hns fnr \Pars been technologicnlly easy to nL"COn1piish ... SO~I EBOJJ\' is obviously conning so111r- bodv here. Either the lnsUran('•~ 1nStil!11P is 1'1'hist!i ng through it s fa lse 1ee tl1 . or 11)(· auto rnanutaelurcr:> h:i.vc het'll pra1tHng \Vith forked tong11e about the excessive costs of n1aking a car safer on the outside. Like most ordinarv niotoris1s. I ;un 111 no posilion to k1lo11· v.•hclt the f:.icrs: a!'C'. If lhis statemeni is unfni r to I.he auto tn<tkers. they ough t l o divert nt lt•ast a lillle of their advertising bu<!gt'I to refute ii \tith fa ct s ~nd figure.~. TI1c average American feels he is being taken lrf~ and right. rron1 thr h1~grst corpurntifln lo the s11111l!~st au1n 1nechanic. rt is his sense of 1n istr11"! :ind <l1s~u5t !hat <'ng1•nd<'r,<; 1)11p11l1~t l)lOVt•n11•nts i:i~Hlin fro111 the left rind frnrn th!' r1 1{hl 1 \rhich 1hrca ti:n l hl' bas!ions of rrf.'C enttrprise fa r n1 o r c 111:111 1-111\' ht"11vy h11ud ()f governm1·11L C:ipi!81i1'rn 's true rpitnph n1:.iy turn (l11 t 111 bt" "\\'f' hrougllt il on oursc ll'CS," I.ct u~ hnpt' nor. Cn11 Fo1·1f Cut tl1e Pnlnce G1101•1f'! The Royalized Preside:qcy . • • ' l\',\~111\'l-:Tfl:'>l -11011· f:ir r·1·cs1dent V1>1·d rr:tlh llllt'l1rb 10 dcroval1tt" !ht· pr·\'~ldt•nt·y · rll'pt'nrl~ 011 hi~ r;··al'tion to :1 pnr:itr prnµ"s;1l In sl:.1 sh the \\'h11e ll\1u'e p:dacc gu:1rd. bo11J in ii:' .,,11ollen n1unbcrs and sp\'rt:il pr11·Jk•gl's. The propos;i! rron1 <i furn'rr \:ixo11 :i1de. plus several o1hers . ls no1r und1'r sc1·u1i ny h1 lhl' Ford 1ransition sl<1ff. 111•,Hll'd 11~· i\rnha~sador [lo 11 H Id l\urnsfl'ld !lnht'rl H:inrnn1 1n . \1 r Vurd's 1nflui:nt1·1l lo111~1i n1t' aidt> <lfld tll'I ." {'1\llfl· selnr. has r· ct 1) 1.1. u11"ndetl (!r:1~Lic !'l:it ~ redu11ion ~. i\lr. Ford l f•1 ul ~ In ;1i::.. ~'I' i\1'\'t'J't ilt'l('S'l. 'k1•,1· ri«i~rn a1non~ "·or I 11:irl1s1ns p1·r,1~1' 11hc!hrr !h1,, l':r~! ill'lll 11'il! !)f' :1 11 ~· 111ore re."o(llute th:in others 111 1!r0rn11i.111 r('liurtion of his 011·n ~tnrr. \rh:l! 1nnkl'S 1h1s s.1 1n1porta11l 10 .\11· )"11J'd IS: the p••r\·a~I\'(' tO!llribut1011 •ll the· n1~al11.ed prt'.~itlt'ncy 10 \\'at erg;11" :111ii lht' d1sgrare of 1i1chard t-.·1. l\1.\nl) (;rc111d 1-l.ap1ds Furd is p [ a in sh u 4' .\fal\1 f'Sle rn, h111 l'Ven his presidency 11111 r-1,ta1n in1pc1·111l tra ppings if he kt'eps (1 hugl• \\'h1lr !louse staff isolated tron1 1111· t..'lllll'nr1' :111d i11 f·1·i 1ablv n1 ~dc :1rrog::in t by 1'11e perquisi tes o! office . Tiil': Fl)lt \lER '.\1xon ;udc 111;11\111~ 11\1• pr•111111~:ils brlit'\'!'S th:1t in norin :d 1:1111•:; ;1ny flrf's1dr111. 11·11! :ih1·a:.s b+· t·\pt~'{'d 10 Jill' p11blli..:. 11 is, thf'n . on ly 1111· st:tl! tl1;it c<in 1nlly be 1s1i\:ilrd ln)lll 1ill' real \l't•rld. \\'ht•n 1hl' s1:i11 1s 1'l<'ph:1nt111t· :111d 1hnn1n<1le.s the 1•11\111· l1•d1•r,1I bur1·atH 'l':t( 1 ;1s 111 ll1i..: N1.\1111 11·:11'"· thl' ('lit·t·t (·,in hr 11~·.idl.1 , ·rhus. the 101111cr :i1d<,·~ 111· .. pq·:il i'~1lls fo r a ii1·;.'-t1r rrduc11u•1 1!1 lh" prt"~1dcnt1<d st;11t fi4o lod:1.v (0111p:11Td EVA.NS · NQVAK j 111th 2:") \\'hen ~!r l'\lxon tool-. off1 re i\l1 l1ough rl'd uction is by i:ir the 11111~1 unpo1 l;n1! 1•l<·n1t'rlt 111 l111' pl:11J. 111· pr\11}(1't"> thl'SL' cl1;1ngcs for 1host 11 ho 1·l·111;1Jn Lu111l the 11rorn1al \\'Orking da~· I" 12 l1ours. fil'e d:i vs ;1 11·et'k. Th:u 11uull! 1•11d \11i' 7 a ni.·i\J p 111. 11ork d:1~·. ;-1:0, rL1~' ;11111 ofr .. n si;1t'tl da~s a \\t'l'k, 1111\rh 11•'ll' sta11d:u·11 d111i11l; the 1\'1x•111 nd11i1111,1r:11lon_ 1\111t\(l\I~· \1·nrking le~s 11 ,1 ~ ~\1)-!ll!;llitl'd ;i, ;1 ~hi rkf•r. 1!('11(:1', 1l1t· \1.\"11 ;i idt';-h,.ri/un 11:1.~ b11u1Hll'il Iii 1l1t> J11tll' 11·a!I:-11! !113 'i\'IJit l' I/nu,..: 111 1 J l't. ~. l!Etll IHE C\'e r~ .11d1 tn i:;11 0111 n l \\a,ih1 ngto11 ;111J 11s1I lil\' l'.~.1\. -11·hether Hag('rsto1'.n . .\1r1 . <1r Los ..\n~eles -;1\ leas1 0!1"1' 1 t'r1 ~1 ;; 111011111~. l"ailurt' Iv con1ply 1111u kl rcqu1rt' a ll'ntlcn C."<pl ana11o n. 3. Sharply fl'<iuee the p!t~·~1c:1I ,,,e (II 1he \\'h ite House 111es~ 1 prrst'nlly !-lf•Jting 32l , status syn1bol nf :ir1'sii!rr111al aides n·here prestige eon1pensatf.'<; for hla nd cuisine -perhi1ps turnir1g i! into a buffet·style !unf'h counter. Th;it 1\'1>Uld r11C'o11raj;e ~11n1c nidf·,.;. ,1·110 nc\'er h'avt· lhe \\-Ihle llr1USL'. to Pat our.~1dt• Sl'\'t'r·:ll !!111es ;1 lll'L'k. l>t•rhrip:-e11'11 un C:tpit:d lJ1ll 1111!1 lh1· pt·uplo.:s· 11'llt'(',~1·nt .1ti1L·~ 4 {.')11~1' rlll\\'11 lht' \\'lute Jl11ut • b:orl't'I' sl\1.p. "11 tht.:Sf Cll\s r<1 11't J.'.\'1 nff lh1·1r b1J1JS 111\l'f' l'f lllH!l ll\ 111 gl! :;1•1 T!l•'ll• h,11rr11I l1k1· 1'\t•r• h"d\' 1·l~t· 111 !h~, 111J!'ld. 11 ·s \r.11 d:11nt1 l1:1d , ~:1ys Ille lunnt'r (Hth· .i. STH ICTLY l11n 1t tile IJ<;'.' (jj \\'h111 lloti.:.1' 11111vus1ncs to senloi <iir1r ... ~ 1v·r· h;1ps no n1ore ihan ten -con1prlli11g tlie J->-resident-s n1cn to 101n tl1eir ft•llll'N ,\111er1e:ins behind the 11heel fi.~!Jl•n~ rush·hour traffic. ·n1e deroyal i/:111.r: spit'it is coni.:cni:il t•l al len:->t one n1e111ber nr .\Ir. Fur(J's fou r·rnan transition tea111. 11h<1 is 111:1kin~ :1 IMlltl! of d1ali11g l11s 01111 c:1lls frorn tht~ \\'hilt' i!OU~l' "II IS ;i hun1hli11g t''\l><'riencc th:it I rrt·omrnend t11 th e Pres1d1.•n1 "' !'>t:iff." hr 1o!d tis_ \10rL'U\'L'J', ii rt•ch1i..:ecl !'>t:1ff ;J! the Ford \\ !1!11' !luu ~t· fits b11!h the n (' \\' l'rf'sidt:>nt's· uJ,•:i 0! rrs1ur ing pohe~ a11d npcralions to e;1binel·l<'1'PI d1·p.1r1rrocnt" ;ind <i(·e1np/1:1~11111).! h1 ~ 1•\111 st::afL It ~ilso t·11rnports 111th his 1111n !inn 1dc;1s ut ;i jlt•to.1•:1 ltz1·d presidt1K·y lll"f SKE1'1'1CIS \I ~11·n1, 1uil 0111 ~· lr(1ll1 Jll't't'~'dt·1H~ 11f pll.~! Prr"iden t;; h11t .\11 Ford'.~ 01111 rl'1·11r<l_ \Vhen he ~IK'\'L't'(l~·d ~pl ru T A),'lh•\\ ;'JS \'1ce l'l'l'S1dt111. ill' ke1•l ltH.: :itaff at ;i sv.·\1llen 1;0 Thcrt• 1s, furth .. r1non'. w mrihing aboul lhl· \\h1te llpu:;L' ;111nosplit're that t•ncour<l gl'S royahs1u J{1)b 11.:irllnann, a tou~h old ex·n1•1\'.~par<·rn1an 1v1thout 21. \tsi bll' rny.ihsi borw ill h15 body. held ;~ very 1(111' op1 111on ()f lhc title or '\.ilUll!'>l·lor." a prc1l'11l10u.s ;111d f;;1n1ly ":uropt·:1nii~rd f';ib1nf't rank create<] by l'rt·s1den! i\1xon \'t•L 11·hen \1r. Ford q111L·lo.I\ n:111H•rl !11rint·r Ht>p . .fohn ~lan;;h nl \'1q,:i111a llr • firs1 1· ah 1 11 4' 1 · 1 e ve! 1·oun~rl11r 11i.-1d1'!'~ .\;l;; !h;H lla1·t 111a11n '.'.u1iltJ :u;( epl n1, ll'SS f111· !i11nsclf ::ind n111\ h.J;isls !hi· 11111.' · ·C u u n sf Io r l!.1r1111a11n" Th;11 11;1~ 111,,1-rl1 ;111 r·<1rly sk1n111sh, •1 111J111t.: 1u <1 1n1n11r 11c1ury ft )r roy:il 1s111, Thv 1nOl'L' 1111':J11111i::h:I test 1, P r1>~1flt.'n! Ford's r(':tl'1111n 111 thi.s 1:111dable and n1·rrdut' 1irnpos;1l 111 ru! !11(' p;il;ice guard ditllrl ro !'>i1,r UC R eg·en,ts ' I rritati,-ig· Eco1io1liics :'l lthougll lhl' Hrge11 \<; and \fl fl 111n11agr1nrn1 of 1J11· l'ni\'e r::;i1.1· of C:1hfo111ia ha\'(' con1pla1ned hit!erly frru11 tirne to tin1e of the failures of Go\·crnor Ho11ald Heagan and Fin;ince Dir·er ror Verne Orr to recog ni7c the fin ancia l needs of tht> universi tv. ihev ha 1·1· consistently cirted in a n1~nner n-Ot likely to \\'ill pu blic syn1pathy for their co1nplaints. As a for insl ance. al !heir la st n1eeting lh!' Hcgents \'O!rd a 7.:. percent sa!:iry inerease for President ChHrlcs ,J , Hitch all hough tht> s<ll:1ry 1ncrf'n~e f o 1· universi !y ernployt·s volf'd hy the Jrgis!ature. \\'ith the guvcrno r's approv;1!, 1ras only 5.4 percent. It is one lhing 10 give' an assistant prf!fessor earning $12,000 a yc;ir n 5.4 percent raise to adjust for cost of li\'ing. That is only about five hucks a \\'eek after deductions. But for !·!itch, \Vhosc $55.000 annual salary \vas alrcadv $6,000 niorc than that paid 1he governor. it n1eans c!11!'e lo a $!00 1'I week u·hich 1s 1nore than nuiny, p~1ying lhe t::ixes lo 1>ro1·ide th e salary, earn. ANI) THOSE fa1niliar '1'i!h J::O\'ernment know that the inequit y doesn't stop wilh lfitch. "laving raiSl'd his salary it can he ex pected that similar raises, in execs:; of 11losc gr·a11tt'(f the rnnk and ftl c proft'ssors 1\ho do lh(' prin1ary job in c'th:cation, ll'ilt hi' ;Jcrordcd thr rcsl of lhc unil'Cn,iJy l(lp brJss. T!1c~c· things 1ni;{ht not be Sfl rriuch or :1n 1rri111111 10 !he pulllit' if t'vt·ryon<'li salarir~ \\'Crc l:«eping pa<·1~ 11 ith infl;1tio11 nnd if thl're 11 ;1:; full t'tnployn1rnL 11 sec1ns c v(·ryone is 11wHre that this is noL 1hc c11St' excepting lhosc at the ( EARL WATERS J liigl1es1 lrl'rls in the edu cational syste1n . ll lt1'h :ind the Hegcnts constantly plead !he lll'Cd for niore tax dollars lo run lhe university. And each yea r the ll•gL~lature appropriates increasing ;1ml)u111 s of t::i x dollars despite I.he declining enrollmcnl s. AND , H n1a,v .,..·cl! l>c tha t !he student s ;1rr gc ui11g shorted in sornc areas or edurJti onal needs. Still. 1rhcn the uni versity hJs. 1n addition 1:1 the half billion tax doll;rrs <ir.nually :.ippropriat1'<1 by the lcgisla!urr. furut s from £'ndo11·1nents, grants and otla.:r sourcPS nearly equal to that given h.r the state. their needs become a little difficult lo understand. And they go beyond understanding \1·h1.·n the Regents not only pass oul salary raises to a privileged fe\\'. in e'\ecss of those given to all ot her cn1 ployes. but di\'ert en_do \'ment funds to bestow huge frin ge benefit<\ upQn th.'.l! chosen few after lhc lcgisl;1ture h;1<! dcni('d then1. For it 1v<is at thnt s.1n1r. ml'l'ting tli::it the Hcgents voled to 11 5(' ('ndo\v1nt·nt fund.~ to rumish llit('h nnd I he f'h:irH'l'l!ors free housing. serva ntc; and entt·rl RinnH~nL funds wh ich had l~f'n !>l:i ~hf'<l fro1n the bud~ct h,V 1hc ltgi!-'l:t 111r('. Tlft·: QUESTION r~iS<'d hy this nction is "'htil are the 1ilurlf'nt!J to be dt!prived of by this diversion or endow1nent n1one:r? And. if 1t 11·as not ~ing used. 11·hy couldn·1 it ha \'e been eannarkedJ ., !or some of the things \vltich the Regcnt.sj and tli tch are representing to the. govern or and the legislature c;in't bcl done for the student s because of a! lack of funds? ~ 1'he only conclusion lo bc dra1vn i. th at as far as l-litch and the Re gents! are concemed lhe top offi cials are not to be deprived anything even thoughf if means the educa!iona l needs of theJ students n1 ust be sacrificed. OIANGI COAST DAILY PILOT Robert N. \Vf!ed, PubUshtr Tllomos Kee!!il, Editor Barbara Kreibich .EditorUJL Page Editor The f'dltonal .page or Hie Dally Piiot &rcks to inform lllld stimula1e rea<lt>rs hy prestntini;: on tl1 i.s page dil't'l"M? commt>nlary 'nn to?ics of in. tert"St by syndica!e rl •'01umnhrh;: and cartoonists, hy providing a forum fnr reader.o;' vi~s arwl by prf"!IC'flllng !his 111•...,.·11pal>('r'11 opinion~ 11nd ldeu on cuilrent lopic11. The ('f!itoriaJ opinion.-; of th!' DA1!y Pilot 11r1f'('ar Oflly in 1hc editorial rolumn 11 th<" top of the page. Opinion" eXPN'«'l.~l'(I by ihe ('Qi· un1nists find ca r1ooni~ts 11nd lett1:r \\TiteNt are thf'h ""''" ruwl no l'fldol.·~c· rnrnt or th,•fr vk",; hy !ht" Dai!.v Pilot 9houkl bt: inf~rred. Wednesday. August 21. 1974 i . . I _, I i ·I ' ' ' PUBLIC N01 ICE PUBLIC NcJ rlCt: PUBLIC r\flTICL PUBLIC NOTlf'E II un• ~UPEll lOR COUllT OF THE SUPElllOll cou11r OF THE STATE OF (,\.LIFOllNl,O. FOii ST ... TE OF CALIFOR NIA F OR THE COUNTY OF OJl:ANGE THE COUNTY OF ORANGE CASE NO Ato111 No ... f!ll 4 OllOEll TO SHOW CAUSE 1'10TICE Of HEAltlHG OF PETITION In l~ti Mi.> ~' ct lhe Appl r.•1 on ul FOii OllOElt OET EIH~ HING EN TITLEMENT TO PEllSQtjAL P ROP 8111All PAJRl(IO;. A'ANTElE !Or Cn•n11e E ll'TV AND OIRECTl'IG COl'OVEY or NJ" e PATRI C K l•UHLIC N01 ICE l'UBI IC NOTICE ---°F!CTlTIOUS llUSINE1$ NAMI! STATEMENT IOllOW"ll P••>CI' 11 tlong '" .. t>uilntts LUCKY NE(OPO~ U~)l Pe1>tlelC1 C •tie Hu 1t11>91on fle11c11 Call I 9'16•1 w111~ ... J~tntS Ma"I" 1•t1 1 P~nt el<l C rtlt Hu~llflqlOI\ f!eacl\ ("Ill •UJ./ Tl I IW\l~'I Is CO.ldu£1t4 b~ ... •Cl" ou~I '" COu !y July S Wllllom J , a1emen1 C er~ o! I V/4 Mtrt n • d filed whn Or<tnoe Coun!y ". ANCI OF PERSONAL PllOPEll rv TO Wl•(REAS BR AN lHI!" PERSON ENTIJl..EO THE RETO MANTELE nu~ , lt<I d Pe!! on w In l'JJIU E•T•le ol ALl\(11 T MAR T IN I e Cle<k o! 1nls C<l</t! l• P<-trn "'Qn Pul!T 'l"d Orange Coa•I O•I V Plot SCl-+ROEO(R ~~~ ALBEllT ,,., !O cno•11e n • ndme I om BR IAN Aug >t 1 ~ ? 18 191• ?~'121• SCHROEDER dk~ AM SCHROEDE R PATlll (I( 1ftANT ELE Ii. BRIAN P UBLIC--N-O_T_l_C-,-,--~ Of:c~~•f<I PA I I! IC K JACOBSON NOTICE IS f!LFI EllY GIVEN I d i NOW IH EllEFOllE CL FFO llO A SC tR OEL'.IER a> e>~cu!o• II IS HEREBY 0110(11[0 !tlft! a11 l'tCT TIOU~ l!USllOE5~ ol I e w II o! He •bOVC ~ e<I <l~ce~•ed I" >O•h IMere•l<l't! n T rnnll< alure'" (\ NAME STATEMENT 1 ~• !lie~ n~ • n , Pill 1 on •or ~ Qr 1er ~l)neM· dl Oepactnle I J ti! th • Court The to ION ng persons •re do ng ~u1nor11 nQ """ <1 recr n11 n e pt!ll one• <>t~ •<I "' 100 C "t Cent~r O• ve We> bu> ne" "' lo e.e,ue " to•v~v•n<• or • 196•Sa 1a ~'' Cal !orna Gil SePlen uer HALOll(E IN SURA"ILE 8 RQl(ER S Ang~~ Hnu~e ''"I•• 10 Clll!ord A II 191~ .,r 10 l)(l o cloc ~ AM o! md! 17~? L<1ngltv Avenue I v ne C~I r~rnla Schroener h • nvdYlll C•Pll tv ldd !laY Jn<.\ men "d Intro •how 97XlRl!INGTON BRVS INC /l Col pu •uonl 10 ~~•• nn a~l of Ill~ P OOd" tau P I! any 111•v "'"'e wnv ,. 0 torn~ cn p0ro! on 11;1 LdJ'<,ilJY Av~ (o<le rt!er PC\tt to v.,htll •,.,.,de tor .. 1n!lt~1 on 1~• cn~nge 01 """" •houl<l n..it lrvne C&lto nl~9110S '" rne• pitfl {Yid" •f'ld lh ... t lr>e time no1 oe granled lr . ou"n~-. • con<1uc .o oy a ,,fl 1 i:>t•c~ of heJd 9 the ""'~ C\1> IT t~ FURTH ER ORDERED lhal a tO•P!lt<ll n betn •et !or Au9u I 7t 191< a! '1 00 <opy Pl !fl• Oriier to Snow C~u'e V' flRM IN G TON BR OS INC " m n IM cou•U\)'ln> or Dee>"' I' en t l>t' fl\!DI •h~d ~ ne Oran9e Co6•1 O• Iv ..._ 11 ~"' c W<1rm nglon No J ol •d <1 rou t ~• 7()0 C ~ ( Plot d <>ew•Pdl>P' of Qef\fr~I t.rcul~! a Th s •tUemtn! w~' I led ,., th lhe (enle• o, v~ Wt, 1 tNe C ty '"' pullll>Ned " Or ~r>ge C.oun•y Cdl la•n•~ Cnu Iv (If•~ at Ordngt Counlll 0., S~n~ fin• Cal lorn A once ~ ""'""~ 1o• fou ton•e<ut ~f Y.ft~~ JUiy s IOI• Odle<! Aull"" ~ 191' D'-'9 "" nq Augu,r 1 UH WILLIAM IE SI JOHN DATIOO Avg 1 191' Cotil\IY (If(~ FRANI(_ OQ .l.ENICHINI Gl l!50'4 DUllH lo CRUTCHER Juooe OI rllr ~uper '.If ( ud ev W HI•"' A ,.,,.Hnon GEOltGE 0 ROBERTS 51' ~ou!n Flowtr srrul AttO<n..,, Al L•w LOI Anq•I•• Clll. tooll Sult• l s.le Union l•nk •uUd "" Ttl U1ll '" 7000 •10 Htwp<>rl Ctnler Drive ,.llorn•Y• !or Pet !lon1r Newport 9e•<h C•lllornl1 t 2"Q PulllhM<:t Qr~n9e Coa>I D.l ly P 1ol Tlol.,ol><>N '11•) 644 llOll /luQu•I I H II IOI• 1081 H Attomtv tor PetLI oner -----Pub! •he<I 0 an9e Co.."' (;d Ir Plot AllllU" I U 11 18 l~I' '1~1 I' PUBLIC: NOTICE tllll l'!C TITIOUS I USINES5 NAME STATEMENT P U BLIC NOTICE SLP IUIO ' . !ol c"' n11 II'' 1cn I> <10 "9 bu\!n•~' NOTICE TO CREDITO RS SUPERIOR COUllT 01' THE STATE OF CALIFORN IA TH E COU NTY OF ORANGE .. No A ~4~t Bll l 411W 000 Wo IC!tlv Pl St 111 (di I 0 /,(,[) a Cel !orn l~ f !~I~ ot l\LB tllT AV (OM INC ~llAN C I S t0'Dl>'~1 on SlR!C:KLAtlO rle(•4•ed I ~ t>U• flf•> h tcnautO:O bY 1 NOTICE 1 ~ ! ERE.BY GIV(N In !\f! co DI>'~' on ..... roM IN( Goroan w K""' v ,,. Pro> ~n• 1 n , ''~'"'""nr ¥ ~• • leo:t ~ 1n Coontv (lcr ~ c.t Or~nQe Coun!~ tt,.1011 (>I •ne ~ix:vo "'" ~ u•cff.,nt tn411 a I perooo\ nav ~Q clA "I A{li n~t fnt 1'1 <1 deced~ t d c reau eo !o t It tnem w tM •1 c nece"4'~ voucne1 n 1ne lnt oft ce ni 1ne cle ~ ol tnr dDOvt C>f\ en•! !Ml tW• ~ •o n•~ .en! 1ne"1 w h PuDll\neo Oranoe COo't•I Auau•t 1 H n 21 101• F JS314 Oa Iv P lot """ P UBLIC N<JT ICE STATEMENT OF WITNDRAWAL FROM PARTNERSHIP OPE RATING UNOE R FICTITIOUS 9U 51 MESS NAME Tne lo lowing pe•~n 1111 w ttld•awn II• a oeneral Pdrl""'r from lht P<lr!n&r•n p Of>'l'<'ltlnt;I Ur>Otr 1ne 'ti !IOU• DUI ""'I n~me Cl'I L TL DELIVERY SERVICE M lOOo!I' Theuu1 Dr Hunllng!on lle1ch Cal 9?6411 lnC! ! c l! ou1 bu•""''' n<lmt ~!etemen! !Or !he pa•tnn ,n p wa1 ! ed °" ._ll I~ th~ (91Jntv or 0 ~"9• Fu I Na""' and fl aa•e•• o! 1ne. Perr.on W !h<11AW nij 11 IC•fflllD GJl.i;>V OWENS Hunt nglon 8~8(1'1 Pu<>lhne<i ll uW>I i. 1911 FHl1' O<.inQt Co~,r Od ly P 1u1 ~ 1 l1 111<1 S~ptemtte• • J0)1 H !'UBI IC /'\OTICE 1t\f' nttt\\~ V ~Ou<""" l<l 1 n t fl~ll urnltrl QOe<l di I n~ \_ N Cl!! r" " l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS Publl•he<I O•Anll" (Oil! o~ IY p o• OONAL-D N Bl:LVEAL EOW•U c Tnt ron,,~~~E~1;.:!E,Z'~:::.. b"'l""'\' Jutv u 191• July Jl tnd "uqu•I 1 lo 71 1'14 1811 II rLll'F 9'll OOVEll 0 11: ~TE 110 .,. ... N[WPOllT 8(A(H CALIFORNIA wn cn I• • ruBLIC NOTICE l llll FICTITIOUS IUSI MESS NAME STATEMENT AND l~lQ ~''"I;' Pll'" '"If 111 '-lewPOrl 6rl(h Co •l)o' I 1 9?MO 11v co11 1tic ~ \..dl ltorn1 a ' Inc phte OI 1)1.t• ""'\ o• !Cle """"• Q "'" n 1 11 m41tre i ,,...rain no 141 !Cle '"'"'" r• ••<I t!~n:<*M "'"~ n •cur '"" "" ol!e' rne • ,.1 l>Yl>I cat on OI 1h •nor tt 0~1e<1 JUL V XI IOI• JUDY lYtHI ST ?t(l{L<tllO /.dm n!l!r~t ~ n! ""' E '•~ • of 1ne at>ove n4rned llf<.fn(;~n1 OONALO N BELVEAL EDl'j!M C. ILIFI' t(I! Do~r Or S!1 1 l'(I MtWt><t•I Beith C•I lo n • roroo•d! on T~\ 1)1,t,,, .. ., r, caf\ducut1 th a C71t) •'I lHO Allrrntr• for Adm n11!ral• • (ot'?<>f l' en AV (OM IN( GO'don W Kr~! V ce f're\ !fl'n• '"' <i~!fmen w«• t It <! .., n Coun v Cle ~ o! 0 .inQt Covn v Julv II U/i MtM<1"9tt A•kltY & ll1111~r! v!o Jl E Hu'll "''°" Or ,a,.odlo C• t10&! (1!l) loll J.IOO ••7 llil '"" 00 PuD! sn~ 0 "noe C°"''' JYI\ ,, ~nd Augu•I 1 I• ;1 FlU'1 DA Iv r I~ 1~!• ~010 • PUBLIC /'\OTICE Dlot~ "' tu\ ne" n• tnt ""<l"'I O""o:I 1,, 0 1 m•!t•' "'"~ nl~a t<' n e ~~t11~ o• ld'd o:lf'te<!C!nt -.. tn n '"" rnonlll o ,,,,, !hf '"' l'U I A! Dt nl In . nol '" DUtd Jl yQU\I ~ 19/f PAll;:l(IA M HOP!tl .. ~ r •(UI I• ot th~ W ll nf lh .. ~U!l'\<• "~" <1'd 01'<.~ '~"' CURTI~ L GEMMlt- Allo ntY l! l•w 11111 El\! 'Nltllller l!lvd s~ 1, oo Wh Ill..,. C•I lorn• '°"4) Ttl Ull) ''' 1211 Al!Drn•Y l(M' E•t<UIN• "'hi nt~ o ~"o' C').1•1 fluou t I u ;1 '• I~/~ _____ , P UHi IC NOTlt I~ Puo111nt.'d o ~nQt Co.is! Dally Plot lluQv ! 11 11 18 1911 '9!~ 1• '"' PUBI IC NOTICr FICTITIOUS IUSI NESS MAME ~lAT EMEMT ... <ID no l'un• ll>f'<l (1 ~no~ C no ' July JI ~nrl 1>.uau)! r • n FllbOI o~ y PIO! ?/<lh'I• PUBLIC ~OTIC E !JOO A<l•m1 Ave r unll•""d O•Ar>O't (nA\I "~111 •1 l ~ 11 )I 1'1• 0• ly r vn1 '""" P 101 Auou•t u Jl)J~ It 107• l'NHO ,...,, .. o~ iv '' 1111 ~"" S•M, nb<'< • )(111 It KRll ]Y l(,ATZ FASHIONS 11'11 s~.,11 Blvd Hunl ngton Beach Cal I ~M' l ~••c ! 1(~•1 71)1 Cvpre11 Ave Ne O ••un11no1..,., 8racn Ctl I 9?6d Th ~ 011~ f>t~I •I Ul!ldVC1...0 DY tn oo • ounl I '1K ! l(<)t l Tn ~ •••lt mtM '*d' 11!.0 Wit" !1'1• Coun•v Cle • o! Ortn<,it Coun v on <tu;;u\! 11 191' f'uDI ihe<t JIUQU~I 1• 191• f UlC1 0 •1nat Co,,11 Da v Piiot '1 28 •"'1 Septemt>t• • )011 ,. l'lJBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS llUSINESS NAME STAfEMENT Tho !ollo"' "II pe ~on~ • • do '>II bu • """ •~ Pl:TITI: Flll:USSELS ~106 Adllml Ave Hu 1fn9ton Be<l(h Cal Joh•nne• Vdn •Ctr L Men 1\66 ,_h11 le11on Coilt M••• C• I Q2i76 Ma" Vdn De• LnOe" 1\~~ (hit 1e11on Cns td MM<l (illt ~1~1• Th • DUI ie•~ ' co• a11<tl'd Dy " general ll• '"'')nip Md " Van 0•• Llt><len 1 h ' )!o!>mtnl w•\ 11!.0 wllh In.. Count~ t ier> tol 0 ange Coun1 1 C<\ Augu1t tJ 101' F :U.llt O••not roa;t O• ly P lol ll 2S """ S.-p1eml>fo• • JOS• )O l'UBLIC /'\OTICE FICTITIOUS l!US !MESS M4 ME SlATEMEMT 10110,.,1nq Pll''''"" • t CHANG• OF NAMI 01' DOCUMli NTl!'O v•s1EL do no NOTICE !~ HtRE8Y GIVE N l~~I ~n o der <l'!~d A 09ul! ll 191• h•• l>C..., b •Uf'(t b~ !hf 11n<1•1l l Qn•<1 <1urhot' 1ln11 !l\f nom• (I! 11\t ell .c1ow PINfllfl o!llt!al numbfr !!0)111 c ... ne.1 by RlJS5ELL I NEWllEll G ANO EOLA I Ne"NOUll G o! wnlch LM ll,"Q1!1"• I ono l:l eAcn 11 !h~ heme DOi t M t>tr tn•~Ol'd lo l(AREN V M I! Jl fYES M•• na 0Q(umt~l~ll'.H'I tlilll!lnl Us CGll\t Gv••d Ll)t. AnQotl•,ILO!'l'g fl••eh C11Uo1nl• 1'1 ~ll•hf1t O•~t>O• CD••I 01/ly l'llnt 11.wuJI ti 1' 1l l• ltfc 17&1 7• Busi11ess Courses Sclieduled Orange Coast E ' c n 1 n r, College has added two 00\'o courses in wuran~ ~pa} roll accounting course a nd a pair of new advertising classes to ns fall schedule The insurance classes bolh good for three units each are casualt} t n s u ran ce and comn1erc1al ge neral ®wance Cas ualtv ms urance students meet Th u r ~ d a y t'1enmg from 6 to 9 The other t'Qurse meets at Estanria Jl 1gh School ~tondays fron1 7 10 p rn pm The pa\ roll accounting class n1eets ritonda}:s at E stancia H1,i::h fro1n 7 10 and .s ;1or1h one 11n1l or crecht Advertisin g 2 a cont1nuat1on of OCC s begmnmg ad1e.rtis1ng course meets Tuesdriy e1et11ngs fron1 7 JO p nl in the OCC -\rt Center Ad 1 ert1 sing Cop1 a n d Layout ' rneets Tues<l<l) s and Thursde1\S at 7 pm at Costa r.te sa lflgh School For further 1nformci11on on anv of these business related courses b roe h u re s arf' a1a!lable al the 0 CC adrruruslrat1on building Plant Hits $1 Million Anaheim based PI a n t In dust r1 es Inc announc.d sales and earnings for the second quarter and first half of 1974 continued to e stahhsh nev. records for the cornpan) Earnings for the first hillf totaled $1 902 000 nr 65 cents per share an mcre.:1se of 160 percent over the prior )ea1 s $732 000 or 25 CC'nts per shilrc Sa.les rose 32 per{CI\\ 10 R rf'cord $34 907 000 1s 126 ;20 [)(}() Fcte llaudicap SACRAMENTO (AP) -"- bhnd and deaf ham radio operator has ix'en nan1cd Cahfornia Rehabihtant of tl1e 'i'ear by a state con1 1n1ttee Richard D J oy 33 of Santa Ros 1 "a" selected ror the honor froin amon!! 15 50a ha n d 1 ca pp e d e rson s rch<1b1htated b1 lhe St<1tc Dcp<i11n1rnt of Rc h.-ib1ht:Jt1011 dunng the past fi scal year Health Chic I SACRAi\rEr--'To (AP\ Oa1 id A \Ii inst.on deputy director of the s t a t c OC'partment of Jlcalth 1.s now the chairman of the Ca!1forn1a Health Ca.re CommJS...<;JOO The appointment wa~ announced b\ \o{I\ Ronald Reagan PUBLIC NOTICE MOTICI!" 01" Ol~SOLUT OM 011' PARTMEllSNIP i OTIC E IS G!VEN pUr~u~nt to <1•c.~~ S o! tne CO'C!Ofa!lont CO<lt lh81 Ken,,..,rn C•oan (,8"' C•Oln and lllcn•rd E•M• ne etQ!ore ao ">Q bu• ne•• ~• pArl""" u"<!'r f,,. firm namf of Cro•n E"ll ""'"'lnQ Campany "' IS~2 l/ri<Ad<len AVP'\U< Hun lltogt(ln Beach (A! lorn a Nav• d ''°'"eo •ne r p.,.+..,r1n!p a• <>' •u<iu~t S JQf < by mulJel con•~nt a"<! no• dl•e• ..-<I dhoo•utlon no J""C>f\ kAd ~"r~o ty •o lncu ~nv ollllgallo•" QI'\ ~•nJll of tne torrne• li•r!' ( Oo'tn En<ion"'rlnQ Coml)ftnY a (81 H> ~ 8 rorf)O a on "'II ™"'"~llpr Cd•rv on In~ nu, nt,,,; Is en111td !Q • I 1ne A"''' ot the T>u•l~•n Ann ~.. a" m"" AM "I T D~V Cl\ "'~nd n<i I An t ~' ti! !f>e bu• "''"' n. e1M re nn ~re•lte lncu rM Oo •d l\,,gu•1 16 l~H Kennetn (t<)ftn GI ~ Ctl)<ln R <fll d E rlltt l'vl)I •h.er:t Or_tnoe c,,.,11 AV<IU!I )1 1~11-o~ iv P to• 3lJ9 11 Dial Direct 642-4321 Call Collect Subscribe to the newspaper that covers your hometown be1t .. YOUR Hometown Dally Newspaper DAILY PILOT * DAILY PI LOT ff :J Motaey's Wortl1 o, t>r The Counti·r Sl1ottlcl Y ot1 Go "" ,. N AS D l1s11ngs tor Tuesday, August 20 , 1974 """'" n il.ot .... • "" I. " ... I", ' • ' -~ .. '" M .. ~··n .... 1: :."1 1"'' ; I ~ l~ni:'1 In 1~ ' ,. I" .(>< ~ (I l ~ ' ~ • I !.,.~ \ <f <Otl .... [. l • ' • ' ' l11to Bi1si11e ss? .. ten dtwl "'••Ir"'' Cno '""' DOtl"'f•vl•I u•l l~'l [.o <I ' .. 1,,, ~ 'l_.,. 1 I ! ' I~ ll• ~ I ' !• I• ., '~" vo L..,v r 1 ...... , " ' • " ' " ... 1 I ~ or In t I I" I I ~ (I n :~ •I <II I ' " ' .. " U} S'i t VI\ PORT~ I{ for If \OU go into business )-OU! se!f this \('I( YOIJ l1 Ot up against n combin 111011 or econo n11c 111 1 n us<' :s a delibcratcl) tight squeeze on credit high 1nt1:r1 "t r 11t !> inflalLon "1dt s pre.1d bus 11u.'.SS s luggishness di.:prrssed s lock and bond prlCl S consum r r queasiness political uphea\a l Cllld O\cr.1ll Ulll<J.St.: .. \'El'i /'\O\\ !ht odds ha1 1 r1s1:n to flt' irl' six out of 10 that VOUt bUSll1t:SS \\Oil t sur\l\f' fi ve 1c1rs .ind the odds are sll!l cl11n1ng I o phrase it ;11th >1hat r tru~l )OU >1111 ap1>rO\e -IS con1mcndablc rcstra1n1 1ou r1: c hoosing a helluva t1nll to gumblt )Our nestegg Yet 1r you real\\ kno\v y 0 Ur DU .. J ne ~s and want o be on \OU1 01,f\. Jf )OU kllOI\ the proper s teps lo rake in ad 1 ance to a l ....,-~,. \Old the ]lll l'ORTER falls and 1f ,ou take thrn1 vou h a 1 c .1n e.'<cellent chance of s uccess The follov. 1ng common sense quiz "hich I have put together from var1ous sources-1ncl:.ic1 1ng the Stnall Bus1nC'Ss l\dn11n 1sLr at1on the An1eric.1n i\l 1:i agemenl Assoc1a11on se1cr 11 trade as soc1at1ons--\~111 gutdP you to the rules .\ns 1\er the.' <1uest1ons honestly and bv this alone }OU \I be taking g1;int s teps ! o \\ a rd disco' ering 1\hcthcr or not you arc reudy to go ahc;id f)o }OU kno\\ precise!) ho1v niuch 1nonev }OU \\Ill need lo borrow lo get )OUI bus1nos~ starled properly and ha1 c }OU fi g ured out to the pcnnv ho1v much n1onr) of }our O\\O )OU can spare to put 111' IN TlllS T IGilT monry pinch arc \\'IU fullv a1~at1: of )Our cred it pos 111on frQm e1erv angle" II ave you chec ked v. hcther and ho11 much credit )OU can get fro1n f1n anc1 al and o ther 1ns1ttut1on<: \\Ith v.h1ch )OU ha1e forn1ed r1:Jat1011s h1ps" Ila\{' }OU survc3cd the people }OU 1\111 be buv1ng from to find ouL '~hclhcr Jnd ho1\ ti l><olhl L. 1 " • Li" " ' " ' lh. •I I I ·~· '~ ·~~ .. ,. ' ' mul!h r rt'<.11l\out1ni.:1(f1on1 1~ 1 n ""1 ~:l 11 ~ 1'i.i: ,, }~~~~,ti l: lh£>111 ii Ith !llilr!" 111 \t \OU ~1;:guus111~1~,L~~ l1u'1 11 :::.11 i ,1 ~,:., .~r· 1~ i, chl.'cked\our -01111l slu1111 r" '"''" Ii~ "'~ "' 1 •,,.., :; • ~"I~ I lO 1q/• • ' ~ •b S:_:1 .t I I ~1~/:1 t~1~0~1~uc~;u:11111~~l~1 1 :1:I ~1~"~'" 1;' '",'if~~1',:~ i: ,•; i1 r::J~,t :i ~: .. the s e h 1r<.I hl 1d ~ ti:~.~~~ ~ .~·: ':u 11. 1';:: 1 ..,1"°tn~~~ l~ ;; u " I t. A '' I\ l t v '\r .. •1•~ 11l ~~ us1nt.'ssrnen ,. "' 1, u 1 n " , "'"" N 11 ,, b I 1 I ~ I ~ 11 ~ 1 ~! M ~ly I I I ,, Hi1e iOll u<gC'll'( ,in,pt• A.., , 1 .1. 1 , •1 ~ \·" 11.n. 11 .. 11 siuns for sttrlup ad\tr11~1n~ :."Jin 1 :1 ', / 1 !I • •..,, • ~ .. n',~!! '~ : n nd 1>1urno!1011 cost:; l<•r ' 1 1 1 1 • "'' n1 ,, ,., , 1 11 1•" f "' ' 1 A > AJ I I I ! t I" 1'1 ' I •lo I I I "' 11 -, I purthn..,1ng 1n1f'n!o r 1es lur 11 L•c>• • "1 to• .1 ?• "' 11 1• 11 <1 1•• " 1:-:!trld1ng(red1llo}ouro11n 1 :~: .~ •H :~ ::~.~ ~ '11' .. n ~ ~ ~~,~~\~ " ' custorner:;1 Is vour t rL'1ht : \" ~ ! : ~...,v 1 ~ ;; ''. 1; 11',; ~':. • l setup honestlyamp!e 1or1rr1 ~','..1 v 1~·J! ·~ :'.' 1 :1 ' :, 1, :: :J·~.·w ~.;~. \OU tluuugh the fit s! 11111:;1 I"' 1 v ~ ~ I' "' 1 • "~'" 1• ,. 1, I'" 1' ~· 11 n "' 11 ~ I•• /V'Q ~ " I ( '" ?Q l •1~ r ' !!o \Ull\e1 ,1blC)t:,tr~' 11'~'-e~t 1 JO l l•fl<I I 1 v•lfl '' ti II I r > (I(. t> I II h hi I , I"'~ I ',,10J1,'.",'°,', > ~ (I'" II lol ,,<'M1 '> ~ Ol~loroui-: }(0\Ull .. 11011 Af''> ~ ~ 8 II~ •11rr\t1(1 MF I J I> • I • I ~II l.• J h ~ l t , j• f U. n ~ th~ bu~lllt'SS \OU rt.: pl H\llll l,.( II " ,. IJ " ..... Ir 1 t I II 71 ?~ Hil t.: ~nu gu1rd<.d 'Olll <ill 1 1 ~.o~'I,. 1'1 ::;,.i.,~' ~ ~1 ,L,. ~ 1~ 1~: ,1a,11nst ovf'rf'~l11n1t1n" A• l 11 ',''",.".A,',"•',', • no 1 n ,,. ' ~ "' " I'"" llQ1)l(d\ lo l..l<.lt • 1ou1 sclf" 1111 (' IOU \1111 1""" ~1~ I !n(1;1 •I . i..l~o)T Jo1•N ~·I, d/l.lo> G l "rqf l~tttlrl4U,V J !l"tll l• 1oundi.:d cxper1cllC't' 111 selltn~ 11~ 1 v-. ' ~ c..n fl•< , ~ r r • u ,.,, i n h d t • I r l l 1 ' I ' r " 1 1~ u • (J'> ~ I\ r ..i pure 1s111g pro ucinc o r I 1 • • '" ~1 1 1 ~ • , , y ·~ ·~ 1 ~ 1 , L I + 1,,., l a ., ( ' /\ 1 11 1 n I h I\ 131C\et IS ncCtSS)l)---Or lit I u • Ml 1 ," '-""'II ' H I., IJ 1 v jM +• " \OU SUi t.: \\JU (HI oh11111 !lit :· ~ ~· 1~ 1r ril ~ I (,1. :j ,j ~-" ,, !• pcrsonn1l lu fill 1n \(lllr ~1\l~ ~"'" • ,i 1. ~• 1 1,, 1 '• J ~ • " rf I llu•'' 'I~.,,'.,',, "'' 1 1! •·•\lo~ t 1 ,1\ pr11.:t s yuu t tll .i 01( 1u ""' n 1i> ~ .. ' 1 ·~ 1 lv " " .., • ' IJ 11 l 1\ '" n l I ~ ~ \'< v \t !JdV ! fl It l b :~ ?~ l!d I I\ • , I ( /I I I 1 l • • ' \HE 'i OU l'Rll'\H~~D 111 \11Jrk lung: hour<: pt rh:;p:-. C:C\l ll 1\ 1}s ,I ..._f'fk 1\ l ht bcg1nn111g 1\1lhoot f' 1 t n kllO\I 111{; 1\11( lhf'l \Oil 11 r nd lip \ILth • piofLI .u1d if I profit ho1\ tnuch" \\ill )Our fan11ly coo1>er.-ile or be a dra;1back" !1<1ve you made an intelhgcnt 1v e 11 ba se d decision on \I hethc r y o u s bould go 11 .1lone t.1kt 111 a partner or incorpora te )OUr 1entu1e1 Can )OU hie on less 1hJ n the net 1ncon1C! }Ou ha1e .tuthorital!\cly est11na1cd }Ou can e:q'.l\ct f1 o n1 1h1s 1cn!urt each )erir so }OU can plo11 back so1ne of the 1noncy 11110 expansion" !)o you kno11 ho11 bus1ne<:s< s like )Ours drC raring Jn 1h(' ::irea }ou h111c chosen <1 nd 1n general? Do the sort of cus tomers \OU nt'ed hie in the area and ha ve )OU checked v.ht1hcr thev could or ;1ould JKltronize ~ou? II\\ F~ '\OU A competent l,-11\Jcr a cu rn \lt.: I 1: n l 1ccounta nt and a s \n1pnlhC'llC banker" IL l\C JOU tn\eSl1gatcd .... 1th each of then1 all the legal ,u1d f1n.-inc1a! as1>C<'ts of 1our plflns-1nclud1ng local zo11111g .ind !1rens1ng r ules CO \C!1ng the f\j)C and S/ZC of your bus iness I t ~ ( 1U I "1 h I ., '11 11 l• io "' h I t 'I M I A ~n '"' ~n•~ J•J .,., h <! n, "fl ~ ta !~ II 1 t p ~1 71 I! I I• I I "' "" !~" ' .Vt 11 11 /.. >'1 :. blr><>l<1 •1 fMnlt\tl '''"II I Q .... ~ I ""L" ~ , (I H~n ~o ' ,; • I~·· ' r ,.. ,, T I 1 • P~ £-~~ ~~ ;J ~;;' c~ 1~ 1~ I~~~,< t~ 11 1~ k •! '1 ·~\ ~~ 1~' 11an.m • 1 t1tw•[L 31 3• <""' t • 1 ~ ,.,llr fo u •• Hooln Nr> 1q , ... HQ<»e• 1 1l • Rdlnr lP .. I 'w" "I I l l'• l..l "' n<o I 1& II HO-I (I) Jo 1,•, R~yul '° l:.r>" J } ' hr n•> 1, / • I•"""' Mtq q 1o1 111 1 ~ \ '>Ir ~ 10 llt('IA<I• f l I o "Y•ll (,. •' • Rd ,md 17 ll Y OI P~T & • (I h'"'~ (,~ 11 11 H•"~' C 11 11 Pll .... P1t ~ q y," /!I 111 Ill l•o,.nAr J • IMS lntol I •·11<~cu~Lq I• ,. 1 ww Ln l• I hut•Oo :. '• lfl<ld Y.>I 1S \K k"Q [I~( 18, 1~ 'ffllf l~ ~" I I Hu<~ • • • ' 1"'1' Nil I • • R<ll un , 8 q w ont W "l • l Hur p <,t ~ • ltthlfe• z . 3 lll~PJD I( ~o 10 l P1n f ' Jo JI Bulif'• M 2tl. 2}). •n~lt l."b 6 •• llP• P! .. \ 8' 9 . LC<\' u1n 1J l ; C•IW1 '!ow 11 1J Intel C• p ::u I 3o ~=~~·~a:: ;~ ;~. :~:~f ~~ ,;·: ,~ (j.1111crs a11<I Losers c .. non Ml ~. 10 ' Int A um ~ :. GAINEJI\ '"•"M" ? ~ in a~w A. , , , 1 P ~<1n.o•t ( tl• q • 1 Up 11 r C M!Q ~t HI 10'-In!~ "I J • 2 ~ 11•.rve l' J • Ur> 11 I. n VIPS I • 8 I,, (p ~. 1 • l f ooo .. ~·~ NM l •• Up "I l•n!n 0 11 1 ' l~So U11 11 1 ... Lna tttou' •8 ?I UIJ \4 1 (.I '!. (nil 11•1 •!•"•!I.Co ~ ~ Aeq1n Pn~r 1/ Up l•I) (.hrnp !t • J n rne n " 10 oz nn,u1,on 80 11 Uo 1J o (.Cioni LO 1 J • J,o n Lni • <, , I hd <len (p 70<1 I Uu 11 ' C.nP n (p ,1 I .JO""' [_F 16 11 H LOml~(h L•D\ '·· Up 111 ~ (h llrl 't& ~.i Jo•ynM ~'!.i.lh" A•+ne ... lf\ q c (h ~So>. •I)' q,10 .. d•µqrcu n J Uo ~I 1'1> 111 •a Pt 't1 l u 1 l'o~'" ~~ l>d' ~ ~ l.lfl Qt Chubh C,:i IS ·~<Ar ' '• 1 l!d •Mtg Q~ll I• ~ UP 6ll (_h i•L~• l I! ~" ,.n 1 11 111 f n~ Q con vr J Up @ f (I 'tol.t I ~ ~ ~ l • ~ 111\•'0 o~v•IO!I 1Q 10, Up ll f (lln• U1 ~I I .;~ y ~< " ~.. l.O~t.11'> (1< 1.J!I>. 11 l ~ ~~· I lJ 11 Ir;( 1>'111 IO!I ll~ ~ Ml J • " c.~ • 1 i l uu (> ~ :> (lev~pl \l l 1,. ~• (\, • ! u MI 't y\ 1n1 C ev Tt V • I ._ l.l~I I ; lne Q• V•nl co .. l." 1 1 .._ ", '1 n 'c.,.,~ .. , D• " "" "' o" o" 0" o" Cnblt ~ ,11 1 l •M ,~•'>1 • C<lllv•n U 11 ~· >1 1111 I/ • M( lomn u 1 1\ 1~ • o" Cot,o l ld ~ 1 ~M) lld ; ~ ~Q Qn Co O!I lOh F Fld Q ·~•I>""" \I "l•O• I to•p lo ( m"1 ti 1! 1} .._nu~· IP I 1/(01\<0fnl Rdd (rl 't~Q 11 -.n~r t>• ~.n~~~•t .. n f ooo (."'I t "·" 11 !> ~""1.1 o I 11 y,,n 0 1• I '<n L-m..,.TI 1> 'Xl 71 ~u'I" ll 1 1, J r<N.rl'lt Pro1<n ' ' • • " . ' ;z ·-~. "" "" ~' '" ~' OH "" .. ' . ''" 1) ,, " ' '" "' '" "' " ,,, ,,. ,,, ". Cp1r A~l<I Ill• l< 1L"tl~Q '.>t i • 26 ii All) lt\CONP CP1'YI~ ~ I Ldn<,o;\ \ ~ ~~:·~ n•.1J'u""~ •8 ,",I OI C lOJ\lost 1\ct1\t• .. ~ . ., <--·, 11 • 16 ,;t Ld,.,n Pr 11 tn• f>,)µ 1• 1~ ~l,owl~• c 1, II, Sto<k Vtlwmt 8 1tl.Ukfda.. l.on<.U WI 1~ 10 LA1y Uny e ~ Arnio• [•l)ff\~ 114000 21 21\•t-'. l.oro ' CP >II }l ILeQ~t 1>t 8 Vf' 1 (DI TV 100 J0D 1 • l 'rt U.1P..t Vl R , > I I "-" o ~ \ f,,unul) Som~ 91 100 ~ • 6 -' tc.u "" • I L t\a .,1,. ~ io l\nh" Bu.ch }6 600 ?q~, :JO -1 Lro" Co 11 \J Ln<-6<1>1 1 l !(!CCI c.1a Aar SllOO 11'• 18 -1 Outcn II: • • 1~or l te 11 1~ • R~"~ Org~n ~•'100 2 • 3 •• • (..U 1 Noh ~ ~ Loo>e 5t~r 8 8 • wtl•Dm (,! •l 100 j • • ~ lo o~nl 1ni 11 n LD"9• Ft>1,I 110 lM•~"~''" •IQOO 2h1 2r ... Uoltl D•Q • • • l""'"'' (.o J~ )(I 0.. Bt~• !#> AOR ll 900 J • J l •• [Mt~ 100 ~ I MP. m I ~ ln!~I Co p JZ 000 3t 1 :Ill ,.. I • DdytCI M• 1? 10 lM. d (,;i~ ll J Dr<' Dd I • ~ M. 1 All~ I l P..<ID AR ~b 11 M. I t '1 1< l• ,PelCll lnll I• JI Ma "'-" t: I~ 'G •iASO ~olum~ IO(l•Y l ~1' JOO idV<ln<f 1.40 ued•M'~ t•l uncndn9f'd 18'0, IQl~I -~)1 I MUTUAL FUNDS I Backers See Hope N~w Yer~ ~ol IO.,.nQ ·~ • !!! or b<I and a'l<ll'd Pt (e' en M ut11•I F und~ d' Quc!ed D~ th!! NASO Int D1•cl Cp J 1 l • l•i•"r>CJ 1,,>,> >,!', V ~!.+ F 6\Z7 tl OodaC~ 1 18 11 18 J (,win " Voy~g 7 11 I ~ 0<~•~1 ( I lJ I •J Jdnu Fd 11lS14 JS 11•.,..rv F 1 ()0 1 00 OREYFUSGHP Jon"'" 1S l11S8TFif!wertF •1" ~U 0 11 Fd 8 O• 8 91 JOHN HAMCOCI( !ec E ~ 1J e JI EahFd ]19 J • Bn<I FU 111911<>11s.,,1f'Co~ ••P •81 Cr'ff Lv 10 •i II 4& r,...-(h • q7 } l! CUDO ER FOS For Consunier Bill Backers of lhc ~U PI I proposed Cons1uncr Protection Agenc} bchi:\(' they ma\ fJnall\ h:i1 c 1 1ctor1 in srght d t' s; pt l c a notht r r efusal b1 the Sen:lle to pull lt,::1sl.-i!!l1n out lron1 1mdcr a f1hbllsh.:r Compron118(:<: on f:irn1 lahnr and othtr iss11f's plus 1hf' 1 tns('111 si;; of till' la!es1 1nlt \11 cut off delx1te -it loi;;t hJ four 'otes -proinptl'd Senate Dernocra1lc I t><idt r \.llkc ~1:.Hl.~f1f'ld 10 a 11 0 \~ Trnde T al1i' Sc liecluled Iii Anohei1n Robe.rt \ \\cl<:h tr.id(' spcc1ahst Us tkp..111mcn! of ComrTl('rce ;1 1 ll he one of 1 he principal speakers during th e n10m111g sess1un :it an all d iv Confe rcnet' on Intern 1t1on 11 Trade \Velsh s topic 11 ill he U S ~~xporl Control s ~~ Adn1ln1s tra1 ion Regula1 ions The conference 1\hich w11\ Ue held ::il the An ,1 he 1 m Con1f'nl1011 Ce nter on Th ur s d 1 ' August 22 bcg1nn1ni:: :ii 9 00 a m 1<: s ponsored b\ the Orn11gc Count} Chrin1ber of Commere" 1n eoopera11on "11h the ~ S Dcp.1rbncnt of Coznmerce an d !he lntematlonal i\Tnrkcting As~iat1on of Oran~e Colin!' In addJ11on to ~tr \\el sh other speaker!! w11[ include Eric C S1 lberi;;t~1n d1rN""lor Los Angeles District Of(1C(' US Dfp::irlnl cnt of ronunercc :lnd '""l'f' I \,,.qmno" t,.,1dC' •;i){>(" ahst U S 0eenrtn1t'nl of Connnercr I otlo;1ing !hr lun<'heon th1 nrrcrn(l()n stss1on l\11 rons1<:t of " scr1('<: of 111d1Y11'lu<1l ('OllllSCJing \\Ofk ~hops ( 0 r Oran"c Cou nt y rlrMs 1nl<'rcsted tn estnbh~hl n~ in "x:port pro~r.mi for their p1oduc1~ hacke rs of th<' bill a fourth tr\ to end !he f1!lbustcr on o r about Sept 18 ' TllE DI LI . \\Tl L p:JSS 1n St'pte111bcr prt'd1ctrc! H,tlph /'\Jdt r Tht> t 1sk v.ould h< r~rtl1trited If C(lfl<;[HI ers fill o'er Amc11r 1 ns kcd !ht1r <;('Jl i!ors t o s uppo1 t !hie: 11111 h u r f' 1ucrnt1c 111!1 111n 111011 l 0!1SllJPe1 Ld\(){' JC\ hill II 111 eds th(' nc-111e support of rill consun1('r~ \1dcr s lohh11sts W ('re ple;isf'd "1t h lhf' "ii\ 1hlnJ:":<: \It nt l'Hf'Sdil\ 11!Hl <;;J!d 1h<' rompronu .. <;e lc g1 <:lt1!1on .-i<: ~r ! up bv S<>n It-Obert Dole IR Kan ) 11as accept;ib•" 111 !hern The changes t,.1c;1c::il 11 pro11de language thrit ha~ pas<:l'd the !!oust• <1nd would s l)('C1f1callv pro!cct farn1l'rs from un1varr:;nt~d interference SElliS J A\IFS A Allf'n <D Ala i Sam J Ervin Jr <D NC 1 Jan1es L Buckley (R J'\ 'i' I and other opponents said the C'Qmprom1~e 1 s pr::icticnll\ :i nc 1\ plf'Ce of l~g1 ~lal1on th:'lt IS still a h u r c J 11 c r a I 1 r. disaslcr r(q111r1ng rf'n111 cd S e n a 1 e rons1d('ral!on hcforc it romes up for a \01(' The concept 1s for an agency \,l;t\11 a st:iff of ahout 250 ~h1rh 1\ould go lo b;it for lhe cons u n1 c r >1hen otht>r ~O\ernn1cnt agcncie~ suc h as 1he Food Jn d Dru g ,\ d 111 1 n t s I r a I Io n or tilt> Tr an~oortat1on Dcpar1m<'nl n1;ikc decisions 1 n v o I' 1 n g hf'Jlt11 s a f ct 1 pocketbook '~~cs and lhc hke Dole s.11d his compromtsr 1\outd kct'p lhe agency from rnt&Tven1ng 1vlfh thf' A~rlr111!11rf' Dcp.1rtment 1n {Ill\ ninnnc r \\h1ch ;1ould d1rec1lv rirfeci. Ill<' produlhon nr 111 l1ril s rilc uf r /'l 1v ::i ~ r1cu!tur;il t'-On11110<l1L11 s ' 1 he sn('('if1e l 1n 11:11<1J!(' haeknL~ Up thll 11 /IS i'KhC\('d 10 be: a prov1 ~1on rf'qulrln11 Ill<' a~f'nc~ lo < onr.:1d<'r t h ,. adf'<jl!Clcy o f tht: food Sllpoly a nd lhf' lrnpnct or produ<:tlon on con s 11 n1 c r ;; hcforf' 1nlt"r' < n\nt: TutiO•'f Dt~I LA (7l (fl S.qn•I 6 11 b&2 lnlr In~ 1oq4 t119' All<>V~\20 191' :<>plntm 6 1( •St .:;EY~TONE S..ldn<; 1118 11 18 l<dC....n! I I? 1 91 c .. ,1 ai 11011/BS (.om 1 00 100 Adm G.. thd Ask E:&C Ml> 1 •8 c.,,, Bl 16 II> 11 •8 Se>Klll 110111 61 3 •1 J 1'L1gl~Gr 6 0.. 6 0l(u•I B• 6 01 IMI L~V Jll t 09 AG"l Inc 7 ~0 Jl• EA?ON lo CIJ\t Kl ~ll 6 11tECUll tTY l'OS Adm In~ Oot /~l t+OWARO (u\t i<:2 l •l •2' E~ully )~I J!"l ~~~n~. '' JOI 39C &.+In f a 7 11 111 Cu>I SI 1191 Ult lnwe~t •" ... , '"" S 41 I I (,wlh F 101 106 C~t Sl 111 Ill Ull•• F •II 111 A"l"'I In 1111 1111 lnr~ .+'«I I •> CU•t .. ) ~Ol ~SI IELECl ED FOS 1't.,tur~ \ Q3 S 98 So;>ql f o 1) ~ •l Cu\I !>-I 1 JI l •I Am !.!>• S ... :, •• AGE !d 111 J 81 S1<• !"<! 1 40 HO'i Apollo ?11 7 0/ OPO Fd 6ll e l~ A!1'1dt~ 7S•WUl[D!ESD \l t01l 40Pola 1 l?1 '115ftl5~r<, 9•996t Alpn~~d -)"lqGll(~ret G! 8 11 ,Sl t(n c•r •Ol lO~ .... nln•t 11J/\ '"m<dP ~ 1 19 l •O £1!un T t 1011 otn • < "' \ ~ '•• ~ntr r q 1110 •0 ll mUr!n "•~l~Oll fme•Q l <J 1 •'Lflllnu • 101 ISO SHAREMLD GRP An•O~,, 6 10 ~90 Etlt'f<H 9 •a 9 •0LO en ~ 1146 1276 c t 191 Am l o• l •? 382 ~""t\q '\I oQI LEX GROUP t~~',~r 4 1~ AM £)(PRIE~S Fm Bure o •8 6 ll (1> Le<!t 11 •l I? St Fltt f d J 13 FUND~ feo Fill> ~61 c,.,.,1~ OSI •90 >1• br 6 71 \..~pl<1I ~b~S1J FIDELITV R•~"" 10Sll1\ l 11'9<'l l.. SOI ln1om • 8> I ~J GROUP l I~ lnl v • •l ~ 9~ p4,,. Fd 5 61 1nv 1n1 6 l 6 11 Bnt10"0 71' P U Ln< C<1p 4 J6 •ll sHEIR50Nl'OS '>tl<-•~I ~ 11 (4o1~1 f/6 I II LOOMIS AP ( U J9 Vi 7J ~10<• s I s lb cnni a 10 SAYLES "' A" ( lh •~I • 91 Cv SX< \ 11 ( 0 O >• t l ln<om 1' ~I 1&0> 0 , ,,. ''' Q ac .,y 6 In~"'' 7)t 87• m n~n v Dot ~ J l>'u!• 10 611 06/~n 11<-•n 110111•1 lln In• l 3~9 JJ9 r ·~ Sii LORD AllB <,<1• F'1 6 111 101 It Mll ,,,. Ill Ev•tl 888 9 10 1'11 ~t \~/ ~01 s1GMA fl.JIOOS fl 'I (,r I ll i89 '""" l l •Oll •• /Im Ou~ 1 <1 7""11 C. .!:.II <Bl S,6 AHCHO"I. Pu< In I 10 8 '1 Bn~ <1~~ 8 JS 9 IJ 1n"" r 1 18 7 I) GROUP s~+~m F /91 liH LUTHERAN IRO 1:1 ~13 ~81 c,.,.1n 5 19 5 I~ '''"" 1S IJ II 19 B•nh t <I 8 H N o0 .,~n!ur \ •l ~·~ I <On \/~ 6 h FINANCIAL B•o Int )06 910._mtfl A JJO I J • ll~IPtV 10 1111 09 PRDGllAM~ Bo U'o 'A• 10 15 Sll l.\Gr 8 JI 8 JI !>e><or JI J I/ ~nDvn 1 98 18ft M4~S C.0 ...., c.:-nr ~91 •:i. l!l<I In• ~JI 181 F1n Ind l U J !• F'11••m S9~ ~}li;, .. 1 n~ \JI 511 ..... ~ Ndll A I\ ~ O• f1n Int. • Ol ••• Intl!) F ~OJ ~ u ~ .. Inv v 3 II an8 i\...UA r 50!> ~)) '"'~' tll 111 Ma\' r 9 JS ~U!i<.vr In 8 •7 92? AXE 1 tfd V4 819 qoi ,,....ss FNC.L I~ t JOI! 3.35 HOUGHTON FIRST MIT S•l 911 )~ l~O t IS ,)) ~unrt A l~ i )0 1NVESfORS MIG /9J 86/~T ATE BNOGRP ~und B &01 ~~'i °'" Fd 171 ]~I MIO 10'.11 1 1~ tom FU J11 3.11 '!.!<X~ •9' l •S C,,-1nF<1 SO? 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'• 110 1fl(!u!tr 11r '"'Nw Pftr~ 11 01 1JH1,1non"rn 1011 11 11 Ven1ur ~ 0 S 61 Pilot 5 o5 6 I/ Ne .. w <! 8 0. 9 '6 UMITEO FUHOS cr.. .. 1 >-d 8 '>• 'JJ C..•~wy •OJ • l6 N cM"' a 61 t '' At<.um "6• 5 1c CHA~E GE ~S P21l3 Nf•11v!r\29SIJtl 0n01d 61(1712 l!OSTOM c;,.n Sec S,9 S'90n-•1• ~ll (0 t 611 7 •• F"" Boi • ~ I ii GI!\ l'A n> J IJ l k O Nt ! Id 10 '1 10 61 n P,"" 7 JJ &.OJ F1on(o 311 Jll c;t•n In<! lJ~ll k (lne Wllt llU ll S) t:7'.:...nc; 1 c 9 11 !11\lr II\ S•l •U (AA!rd \llJ111J oppEMMM FO !tc\f!nc .~. 503 ~I 'It t•'NAMtLl ON G'tP Op Am 660 711 \I l S GO et>eml'd 10.1 69 f uf>!I JOI 1)6 °" H¥J .,. 1 u.:l'f1c• 8 :1 :., CMA MHG FOS G""th •II •\.ti 0o l..,. •OJ I US GvlS <>OS t l, L l>t1y J •O l '1 "'t""' I 01 I u OTC !.tc t 00 t 11 USLl l"IE: FUNDS M.lnhl 1 J• JS& HA•I Gth '61 I ti P••lrnl s OI A IF l or .1 JI; !.<nu~ II' } 70 I 61 "~ 1 l-• I 26 0 It Paul Rev • 6] s:;"•I' <I 6 IJ 7 OJ \<.nu Si:> '81 'J2 t<O'<IQ<' • I) ~\US " ] 00 n • lMP A S 01 } II He• IQ!! '' "'"" Ml 1 •J (°"'St~ I U II OOLOIOIAI.. Ho•..;~ I) ,6 u II "'"" Sq t S IS VALUf LIME PD~ fUMO~ lmlWI Cp 611 I •I Plul• fd • tt Vdl l~e ; !l z I~ Con•ff 7&) ll.l 1mpG< \<'I''> Pl\(ln • C •II V•I ~n( 5 ._. E<1ulv •%?14 1 .... Am10~IH"1 ptLGltlMGP \_'y sth ~;:;,)~ I Wl!Q ~ 11 8 97 In(. 6o•I I OJ I )I Pi! F•m 9 II V•I ~ G<••ll • 10 • ·~ I"" FAm I 10 C•Pl•I ''' ' -r::6:11s *""°"' 1"8 111Mf00f! tl/I01n.;om IOI/I SJ'>81 Vtnhlf I 81 1 l>o 111 lnw 't I~ U 10 ft p IO I'd I •O S ln'"l•I "-Colvn• G •l.(l •60141..ernG \JJ 111p,...s1 11q 81 VS (Ol!'I \ll) St1 COMMOMWLlH In • (o A 10 01109\ f'ln ft~ Ill ill Soo'CI ··~ )<l TRU!if In v Gu <I (I) II 'IOl'+E ER FO VM•fll~ r r (lf4 A & fl t• ·~ l"V !M ( I 19 f'Ofl 10 t1J 10 ~""t ~ 1 ,'!>(! ?LI (. 111 llJ1n. lie~ 1 1e ,,. P!lf\f II I ll •1 v·: .. ~(,r )91 J•I Ct mo qr 4 0/ •It IMVIE!iT 01 nn~ 11' 0/ 'N• St qr t i ' '~· l O"'D <.Cl J b' J 9'I OOUMSEI.. Pl GR() 9 01 'i '> 10 Comp b{I Ill (/I ("~""' ··~ ~·~ rl Trn \H ) W•\h Mu I ,, Comp Id U) !JI C~~ I Iv 119 / •0 PRIC.E ROWIE ~ "Y •ll ~ 9flo .. ~ .. Concru Ill,,, C•pll'!.l'I 111 •Oii (.< .. Tn f l l I • w:~ ~MGlON Con\ •~v 1 ! 7 IS INVEST <>•OuP '"•Otn ~XI 9) G u II l t I""° cn,lnq .. OJJ 'l) OSGtn J •~ """I •~ •u ~I L•P"' (onM, In •11 •IS IDS NO 1•6 1 11 Nw tint ~10 ~l I••"! ~00 •11 Cof\\ty (: I t0 • )1 H)SPt 1 ll 1 \.8 P,q ! d • 1' •I ~~II : '} : M , .... Odil • u • I! Mu!""' I J I ,, r .o.o C.I • 11 & I • 1' (,.""" 01v •.>#•It ~1.x• IJU ll~ r'tt111 ~1p 11'1" I I w""" :?.1:,~'l 0.011~~ ')t .•t l#ltrl I J) 8 ~ PUlNI~ l'<ltlltn D•• dQ ! 20 >.10 \/tr r1r s !l ! II fUltDS w""'" ~ ~ : ; DEU.WAfll[ 1nv ~' 4 Jll •IQ (.Oft,.., 9 l6 t ? ...:.~~ I Oct l G•Oul" 1 St E<1u l¥ ~06 •' ~ 1 G< !ll S l~ 0t>t d1t )It 141 Qr.,.ih 4 10 4 11 ~Q•~ 10t41!• •Id ti Dtl"" F I l l 111 tl'l(om J>"" ~11 c,.,.1h /6(1 l l W'tll"\ t: ;li r .. 11~ r io~ Jll l"t I.It "' INO•\I ~•1 I) L091tr li>V•un ·~ •• •~" I!\\ ~n \•It 1 k •~•-' ~ ~ • • • •• d,. n•"o • B 4 OAJ LY PJLOf 'Investing' in ZPG What Are tlir f'11t11r1> (}flporl1111iti1>.~? By OR . ROB EHT ,\llL.J~B Zcru Puvul.aliu11 \.11111•111 .• ~ a changing f:ie1or in 1hl• Amerie:in K"o1101ny, has h<«·n our Sllbject for 1he pa ~! two v.·eeks. You ma1· want to knovo \\'hat to do 1)(1;,. -to<i:1y - b.rt an w1dcrstanding of ;•:hat n1ight happen over the n«xt few years lTeates t h c lnvestment opportw11ty for today. c.ertainly, 1ht'.' b(lo.1111 In textbook publishers and Sl·hool su pply industries 11dl diminish. These are nu Jo11i:;l·r g ro\.\'lh industrie.~ in a zerv popuh1!ion groy,t h ec11nu1ny It is a no~itive h()pe lh<1l ci('- m;inds for qual11y of ed- ucation will incrc:ise a s the prrss1U'l' just to find school rnorns and te;iehcrs ~ ·•"-< Dlt.. ADLElt diminish('.~. On balance, school taxation should level of f. and perhaps even decline 01·cr the next ten years. l n the s::in1c framework, in a scc111ingl~· slo\.\·ing industria l picture. it is c on c e iv a b l e th<it unemployment rates 1~·ill not climb as drastically ::is sonic econon1Ls:ts predict. THE ''EARS \\'E have h11d <1'f'r !lU' II<'\! 1•. \t'dl~ 111!1 lt•H\P II ~ ..... 111 ~ "fu,I 1•n1;-,\ov 111«nl c<·f1n0 n1y Fron1 ;1 JM>l1 t1· l'ii\ sfi111dpoint, 1n P 11'i lr:1n11· 11urk It is in11,.·r:lli1t• th:1l ou r )t•gi~l<1tors rt'fr:1111 f•·unt \:1~! nrv.· puhlir 11orks prr~:r.11~1s, c·ost1n~ huar ~1n1ol1n\~ 11! LL'< dul lnr~. ;it ;1 tin1c 11!if'1l 1l'ru J)Opul:t\l()n gro11th ha~ :1lr1·;1(!\' 1i:!t 1he 11hvcl<; 111 rr.olinn to s!abil1lc our f'111p!n~·r1r11r pit .. lu re \J11:1h1 1· uf J11111r.t ;ind THE ~!ONEY DOCT()I( lri!lgl·I itv 11·iJJ 111• gr<·:"!t :1rr·:i~ <1f r 11 q1l1<1~1~ <1$ Ilic nH"<J1 ;111 11 1;1' of popul:11!nn 111•11 L'S fr!lm th;o hrf'ntirs to rhe l:il" thirth•o:; hy 1!!80 lnrh1"!rif'~ in !ht• <11'£'rlS Of !(1P<Jti:;1I S!'ll'l\C{' :uul t'L'Sl'<.irt h \\'ti! l'!•1tl1lllh.' to gn,}IV. Pre~o:;11rrs of i n ,. 1· r :1 s; l' d r101111 ·~1ic: 11SC' nf Pn1·1·g,\' !1;1y1' <1lrl•ady s1<1h:.il1zcc! :1ud \l'i ll <lt>t'l111t•, h11ying us tt1e cxlr:i fl·w ~l·ars lo lh'l'C'lop 11t'11· and hl'ttvr energy SOl!l'l'C'!'. 'fhose co1np;ini('S in tilt' nt·1v ficlrl s nf rnt'rgy will be in thr orea of !he i1ncst1ne11ts of till' !'u!urr. since \Vorld \\'ar JI o[ an \\' 11 I LE D 0 l\1 E ST I C ;innual burg~oning 1vork forcr. \Vit.h far more new peopl<.! cnnsun1ption of food v.·ill coming onto the IDbor inarkct drcline, i~·orld needs v.ill than v.•ere Jeai·ing it by death 1ntrrase and ne1v 1 is!as of or retirement. h.'.ls enderl. scientifi c agriculture re;.1red Until 1976 it should be on to feet:ling !he ivorld \\'ill a one to one basis. and develop as a pr iine li.S. after 1976 there should be indu.~try. A qua -cu 1 tu re, Jess new people comi ng into ehcmical agriculture an rl the job market than leave othr•r innovations, kno\1·n for it. This \vill level 0ff about years, bul little used in our 1980 with aOOut 4 pe rce11t less ye<irs of ogricult11rC1! surplus. people in the "·ork furre th.-in \1'i\l be expanded 111;111y 1in1cs . we have today. 1'his docs not inclu<l e c;it1lr- 1'his means that even ::i 5 ft'ed1ng. that i<> <1 purc!y perornt shrink in total jobs domestic industry. ---~;;;;;;;,---- MISSION VIEJO li\'I PORTS -MERCEDES BENZ - S'ales • Se ruice • Lcas111,q 28701 MARGUERITE PARKWAY 495-1700 MISSION VIEJO 831-1740 S.. ~fwy. fo A•-r '°""'Y· f"•lt. rlgttl o" Morqutrilt- t:1·1 11h1• flf zrri~ p1pu\al1on rr· .11111 11 :1 1 11 r u l anti· U!ll.1~1<'11,,I \ 1•11 !T ,, lt!'t' at 11111)., 'fh, 1· 111:11 ;iul do the l(!lJ If 111• l'Ul11HlUC 1'1 hll\'I' ,.,p:111d ill h go1e1·n111•·rH. Ci11c 11:1~ 10 :1.:1t·" 111rh l'n·~id1•11t l''ord' ~1.1tP1111·11t' 1u \.ingrrss lhal ~t'(!i•r;il ri~·:il r1·s1r:unt i' Iii•· ~u11~l1 · 111u~\ 1111pcrtr111l :ortlt 11dl.i!1u11 f11flV Ill' h;11e 10 11ork 111th . Tht O(h"r for('\'" !ll'L' idn•adv 111 11111\l<i!l as a ]'\'SUit <,J' Ollr r:a.:[o( !If 'l.L·l'<J )Np11!:1!i1Jll gn111tl1 '!'he \\'•1r!d :ti, hl!'l!L' 1-; ~c111l1'il1 1ng 1l~f' 'fhry ~1 111 ha11· f''<J1:111d1ng p11p1d:.il!u1t ;1 n ii i'Xp;ind111g n1·1·d-;. \\'1' 11r1' p1 1!11 ' Jl'"'lfiPn to fl!lt'!'St• 0111· 1'<1lt• •11 l't'I 'l'lll '. l';lt"S :1 111! !)l.•l'l!lllL' ;1~Jlll 1f11· \\(11·111 ~ 1n:1J1.r 1 '~l~•rl111g 11;1llun 'fhose 1·11111p;in11·~ tl 1:11 h.11•' prodtu:ts to sell 01'f'f~e:is 11111 i.;ruw. ()Lii' h:1la11c·c of p:1~ n11·nls l '<IJI g•J dr;nn;1ti1.:all\ lo lhe J>OSlll\\' ~idc of tilt' !t•d.t:::t'r :ind the ilol lar, nol gold, beco111c the lcadin,.( instrun1c11t of c.-.:eh<.1ngc in the 1101'ld . J\' SIHHrr, TllE 1n·1ncdia1c proble111s of zero popula\1011 gro11·th can be subslnn!ial!:-1 overrorne by its advant:1ges in reduced don1c~t ic den1and . re- ducrd taxes, higher quality of living. and a ne1v prcducli\'t' outlook geared lo being again I he market basket of !ht· 11'cr\rL 011ly a shorl-sight <'d governn1cnt c:in undo thi s large pot(·nti;1L All feller.~ r/1ft'C!l'1! 111 /u· .. \/,/pr v·ill 111' (111~11•crcd t11r<111!111 01c 1Jv1l!I T'1/nt. Llov(ls Bank ~an1e OK'il Firs! \\'cs!t'rn ~<1n:> nrv! Tru~t Co1np:1n~· li:t~ rrc••11·~·d approYnl rron1 lhe rr~uiuto~1 <•lllh<l!'r!Jc•S !" 1·ha11g•· 11 .~ rorpcr;11c nu1nc tn !.10_1{].~ Bnnl; C:d1for111.1, l' ff e c I 1 1 (' S.·ph·11 b1•J' 3. 'J'!u: J.o:. An ~cll':.-ha~l"-l b;u1,.; 111th !H br;.i11l'ht,, thruughoul the s1;1tt_· 1r:1s p11rehas1.:d b~· J,1(11 ds B:1nh Lin11tcd 1 n J<lillitu·y 1!11.'> y<':tr for $11;; nuJl1on. !1 11·ll! lw n1<i111tained undt'r ti!' prrscnt 1nana,gcn1t•ul ;ind pt,licii·s as ;rn a11tonon1(J11s uni I 11 i:Jl!n 1hc 11urld-1r1dt• h;111k grvup. Now . " ., ' • ·~ " .. -·~ W i!•l 7 ' --• Lool..:s Hot--lt's Not lf 11 has been your life !ong c\r('arn 10 build your oy,·n sleek car, then nia~·be a :"-i!('rltn g !\it (:ar LS for you. Under !hat Sil!ny, S(J'('anllined ex terior is an ordi- 11:1r.\' \'olksy,•agen beetle t!lassis. The Oakland f1r1n 's kit t.:an inake yl!Ul' bug l(lnk like a f"errari ~for a !ot less 1noney. they cla1n1 State Tonrisnl Boon CaliforHu111s S11endi11g Yacatio11s Here By C;cipltol !\·e\\·s Stn·ice SA('RA~t EI\1TO -\\'i!h the supply of gas increasing. n1ore iourists are sigh tseeing and t1·aveli11g thi s ye:ir in C:ilifornia. BLit the ne11· !ra1·e1 p<tlt('rll.~ created by the gas erisis - a sudden return tu hus nnd ;1irpl:ine 1ra1el -arc not likely to chri nge even 11·1th n1crC gasol1nr. acC(lrding to Deputy Commerce: Di.rector Gt'rald L. B<iker. J.\'STI::,\D, TllE tr;n·r! and \·;ir·atloll pat I c r n s of Californians are chringini:; to sprnd1ng niorc tin1e looking :it thC' hornt' !'>iale and It'."-" t 1111C' vacntioning out of statr A c e o a rd i n g to the n.~p;1rt111eni of C'cmnirrcr. f'n1lt'orn1n's 1hird I :i r g es l ctnploycr. the tourist intfustry. ir:;J~ not suffer th1' bad ye.1r in 19i·l th:it it did 1n 1913. F'or thf' first tt1nf" in 01·r·r n r~f'1'ado: l:l!'t yrar the 3:'.!l.000 pc1\ple f'noplc~·('d br toi1ri:::n1 111 t!1t• :-t:nt:: :>l!fft·rt-'li a lri"1' 111 1nc·on1c. Uut lh~1t 11111 1·l1·111gt• 1h1s year. <lltr:1t't.ions 1n (';1lifr•r nja :lrl' ~1nnll an1oun1 than last \·e;1r \'orthl.'rn living just ;1 !c.-:s business l)isne.vl<'lnd is ;dso running ~lii::lltl.1· high1'r 111 ;l Hrn<lanre this .1·(':1r 111pr lci -;1 \t'ar as o1her ::.ing!e ;n1r,1t'l1u11 are:1.<1 ;1Iso shc\1' o:;niall inrrt'aSl'S. But lhP ;ittractions ;ire :d:;o 111 a rnore u11st:ible posit11)fl !h i~ Y~'ar th.1n in p;1s1 1c:1rs \\'hill' thL' Fourrh of .luly 11·l·ekf'nrl for l)isne~ l;1nd ;ind other st:ilt• ;1t1ra{·tions 11·ns lilt' he"-r /:()LJ l'th \\'Cekt'lld ('\'('f Ill attend:inN!. tht' 1r e ('ken <I imn1edi;1tely follt>1r1ng tll:it one 1ras one 11·11li a 1 L'f)' 1011· <J Ltrndanct'. TllE ArrnACTIO.'\~ ;Jr(• .a!!'o !'ho11 ini; tourisrn (1ffi~·1al; th;Jt tbt--. rn;ijorily of !X'<1pl1.· ::ire d1·finitel~· ll(JI fr(lll1 (illt of st::tf•'. l.ir"'l1~f' pl:itf' chC'<'k<> shri11· !hnl 11nl~ 2111.i 2:i J)l •N't·tH nf !Ii•' 1 J..;1tor., nrr fro1n clisl;llll J'.l<1in1 ~. R1·fo rt· 1:1~1 ll'i1r's d1.•tT••.1 ,11 in 1hf' nund1f'r. of out ()f ~!a t" t ouri~ts. tourislr~· nffiri:d~ 11-011!d count 50 pe rcr11t of !ht• pro;>le :11 S1<t1<' ]')()11\lS of intPN'si :1" r·on1i1n: fro111 0111 vf the s1a1e 1'here arC' n1orc pi.'Ople going lo the n;1tiunaJ parks in the .s-tate tlus y ca r . 1'hc ;i11rnd:>nCl' fig11rf's are higher f111· :111 th1• parks t':<cept 1.a 1'sen Volc;inie Pilrk 11·h1th has sorne gr>0lob1cal prob!en1.-:: nov• Yo.~t"rnitt'. a p:irk th.1t \l'{IS fori:;oitcn b),Jrists in µrf'vious yt'ars, ~ up 19 µt'rc-cnt in nt!t' nc(' th :." ~·ear 01·er 19i3. Se quoia 1\;-nional Park h;is ha d a 45 pf'rcent 111creC1S£' in auvnd11nce. Rl'd\1'ood ~ation~d Park hfls h.1d a 22 IX'n.·ent inrrr:is<' and l'oint Ht'Y<'S Sea.~horf' has h;id a It'll pt'rrent in<.·rea.-;c , r: \Cl! OF' THESE 1ncrea:.c.~ cfJn1rs through a big jun1p in 1b1' 11urnht'r of C'~1lifornL·ir1:<: :it the slatC''s tourist potn!::;, ~;1 1 (! ll;ikt'i' · \':hal v,e s,1\I' la~t \linter \1·11h 111\' drastic l'hange 1n 11a1•·I p;1t1('r11 ::: i" not going 1n ch;tn~f' l'rop\1• Hr,· 110: gn1t H'. lo gt·l h;H·I.. 11110 tll;1t C'.11' 10 !:ikl' a l0ng t1i[l P1'Qp\r :irr :-.1:iy1ng in 1he .-:atf' a11d aro' 1.1kin~! btl~f'S, trai~ or pi:\nr~ 11·h,•n 111«~ d1) go on a 1·ac;1t1on," ~aid Bi1kcr. All \V1·apped Up 1flcoa Not, Foili11~ Arountl ,, By 'nlt Associutcd J'ress Forty-three yf'ar> ;1fi1·r 1t started making ho us ch u ! d alun1inun1 foil. the Alun1i11u1n Co. of Arneriea has announced ii y,ill stop prorlutllon of !hf' shiny \1Tap Dec. 31. Other n1ajor ho11st'hOl<I foil rnanufacturcrs ~aHI the y 11·ould eon1inue produl'tion. It 11·as too early tu trl! 1vh;it effect 1\!eoa's ;iction 1vould hal'e 011 lilt' pr1cc of foil. According to somL' industry spokesn11•n, :1 inore 11nportan1 fucfor is thl' stc·;1cltly r1s111g pri<.:e of aluminurn ingot s S P 0 f\ E S :\I A /\: tor Heynolds l\le1nl Co., !ht' n1:1101' pl'oducer of :l!ur111nun1 f,Jd. said the ba~ie price of ;111 <il umi11un1 ingot has r1st'll frotn 25 Ct'nls a pound la~t J)ect'n1ber to 36 cents a pound at !he beginning of August. l'urt of the reason is higher taxes in1pcscd by t h L' gol'ernrntnls of countries like Jamaica that prod uce bauxttl.'. There is ;1bout one-fou rth of a pound -or nine cents \\'Orth -of al uminun1 in a 25-sq uare-foo \ roll of regul ar H('ynolds \\Tap, a spokesmn11 snid. The rest of the price. 11·hieh varies fro1n ;1rca to arl'a. bul generally is lt'~~ than 70 cents, covers thing~ like lahor, pnckaging, production cos1s, <1dl'ertising ;u1d rnarkup. Aleo.1 s;uct it \\'<.IS stoppini:; prodt1ction of Alt°oa \\·rap, \\'e:ir-c1·l'r Foil and pn1·a1c l::tbC'I brands for suJ}{'rmark•·is and otl1er reto:ul stores brcaus\.! of a shorta~e of alurni nun1. C O'.\lrA\Y SPOl\ES,\IE'.\ dcn1t'd 1hat th('Y 1rt·re s1n1ply trying to d1vrrl the ar:.1tlnhlt· nlun11nun1 11110 n1orr profitabl4' 11en1s. "It 11·as profi!:ible." :.i s1'<1kl'~n1;111 ~aid. re fPrrin~ to the lln•tsrhold \1r;1p. "\\"e 1\1'r11 nnt los1n~ n1nne~. It 11.1~ .J n1altt·r of priorit1c~ .. ,\bf1U! 12$ 1•n 1pln1·pr~ :11 Alcoa plant s 111 Tt'l1'1f'~.,ef' :ind 1'1U~hu l'::;h 11111 b•· ;1fft'f'1l'd by 1 hr arl 1011 , Alt'o:1. 11!u!'h cur r 1• n 1 \1· prodt1L'•'S alxn1t 2n \lt'TL't·n1 1,f th~ hOllSt'ho\d foil !"iOhl Ill An11·r1ca, said 11 11111 continue- 10 n1<1ke ]H·avv -dut v fod for;.. ust by insti!uti-on 11nd rcsL.1u- ra11ls . 1 Hl·~ nolds. 11·!ucJ1 <; r 11 ~ hous-C'hold foil undt'r th t· 11t11nes l~cynolds \\'rap and I J)1an1ond Foil . and Kaiser. 1rh11·h rn;1rk1·ts alun1inum foil f11r pnl':1tt~-!;1IX·J brands. :-11ut !h t',\' 1111t1ld CO n t j II U !' 111't1duct1on. "lllE suppl) in ;111 alun1in u n1 produ('ts,·· s:;ir! a SPQk11s111a11 f1'I' l\:11s1·r. ··~pl:1111u1g th:it th<'tt• 1>.1s pl4•J1!.v of IJ:ltL\ttr !Ill' nrl' fru111 wh1('h ;llt11111n111n IS l'XlfHl'[t·d -IJ11! lh1·n· ll':1s <J shortagf' uf j)l'OdUt'!ll'c (':IJ);J('lly.'' 'f'ht• 1\lun11nu111 /\s~oc1:1l1on , a trade organization based i11 ,'\rw Yori;. s~1irt 219 n1illion pounds of alun1inun1 foil - both houselio!d an d insl1tu!ion:1I -\1rrc produced in Ille l'u1tcd ~!ates 111 1!172. l11vcstn1ent TcC'hni<111e s Dis<·ussed .'\ f1\'f'·\l'Prk senlln:ir on tJ~ s!lt'l!,.r<;, Ill'\\' invest n1 (' n t 11·cli 1\1(j111•f: .1nd e'l'late p!annin[:: to \~· h1 •!d 'l'ta·~da.v,o:; from 7 !1:45 p 1n . Sept. 10 Oct. R :11 ( 'hapn1;\11 l'oll•·g('. Sponsorr'<,l th rou,E::h t h r· i•olh•i'.<"s 111:1nagcrnent rrntrr. 1·1:1~:-:~·..: 11·ill 1nret in roon1 l'.!2 , \\ilk1 nson !fall, ;'l.13 N. 1;1:isse!I. 1'h1~ 111ursl' 11 ill 1·-ov0r basic rlf'ments. ne11· :ind adl'ant>f'd \'(>)lt't l)IS II\ 11<.'!"i:O•Jl<Jl f111anc1<1I ph1n11111g. :il'c()rding to Ronald (' (;.1hl<'. 1n~1r111'tOr Tu1l•1111 f11r ind 11 icl11:1ls I:; S:.''"i. t'l•i.p!.·~. S~l. 'I' 11 tis r l111•·t'o'~lt'<! lll :1l1PT1tling r':i!I 1 .~ q 11 ,. • t pr 1 ·-rt·i::1~tral lon n1:111 11.11,,, lwl11rt· S,'pl. ~ IJ\ 11r111 11:,: .\L1n;1~(·n1rnl ~11.17. 4001 r:e!"ll'rlr r1:i.·e. f,, :\ell'por1 1: ... 1( h. ~'~''Jlli F n r 111 a I r··f't •,1;11111n 11ill b" h •'I d <!11nni:: th•~ first r•l.1<;~ 1nf't'1i11~ ·1·i11· 1·l .i5S 1:-\ •11.11'11 to t11e p.1bl' In ;1 rrcent surY<•r ;it Rn location~ in (':1\i{orna bv \)11• Dc.partnit'nt of ('on1nicrl'C. figures sh<111· tnuri.~111 i s slighi l~· lx>tlf'I' lh::tn last ~·parj or C'Qlln! to it. The area thal hal'e hac! ;1 good proniotiona! c.-in1p:ii~ arr dcing v•cl!. 1'hr 1 Complete Mid-day American Stock List o;.,JM N~t t'·t '~"'' Lil!tCh<;. <;~!... "'~' Pf •.., •L~ !th'l. "<ii•<; 'II·! f' E 11"1, ~"'<! ! ~~ (&mcul'lv" ~ ' 1-<""'PI[!<• "' I ~,l!•• •,•I I' I "'' •l ,1 '\• '· "' >' ,,,, ~ I• •.1 1,',1! ;. l ~ .... . ' r r ',,1 f ,.q ~ '····· ' .,.,, 1' I l "••· •• ' ! I • I your quar ter goes ·ceasfar. a, •n > < h11 411 "" r ;r, '"" •• ' • l '''U"'•n• ' ' '""•\\.ofl• ! "'·•" ,.,,,..,,, "' ,,, .• ;. '" f," """ !"'<1 "''~'l" "" ., "II~• ~ll ""' • ' H ' ' " ' ' . ' j 1·. , , '• . . . . " ·-·· ~ '• ... 11\l:o .. ' • 1~·. • '. .. I . • • .. ~ '. ~ ·-·~ ( ····:,' '"' 1 l·J \~' rr,ntll•' lD , I ' C·>•·•'l{ I•·< • I 1 L··n·.o.r \.,d, 11 ~1 (J>r"~"" Co ~ 1 • \ ,.M /,\.<l•<I 11 ~8 1' • , W>". •n .IGd 1 11 1J •-1'• l .;rr1""1 JM! '• 1 1 o ,, , (1\'0ln 11h ' :> ~ l<'.111 Cr'1> •• ,I 1 ••• '"""'i~M wt ~ lJ 1.\ • "•'" ' P• "'' ~ 0 .,,,.,. "'"" .I • I '"'""'" 1 ~. ? ~ ' "·""""t cr-11 l\1., "·' .t·~~ .. ,., '> ' • h• '°"" Sin "''"l.•f l'l " I --' ' >•c,• M 1 1l!l J 0:..1 ~ f., ·>.J•I l~I • , l ' ' • • f,, ...... ,,., ' 'f' •• f•.L\~, .. ,, ' I ' '• '·" • ,,11 · .. >,f ,,,,,, 1 r,. ~ "'' Ill"~ '~ ,,, -.'I.•• "' ' ! ,,,.,, '" .I'~ ! -! r. '' •' .,. '' !· . .. ~" ·~ '" ,, ,1 , i. ro ,, ,, ; ... , I< 11 ' ' "'' I •'" t1 .. , 6 • 1. ' 11 .. ' ',, /. ·" ' "' ., 'I .. 'I ' ·; :-~ ••!;I "\ •' ,, '' , .. ''" I '' "'" ' . "l I • ' ' . " . " •1 •••. ' '"' ~ ... . '··~! ..... . "·--I ~ On Mcry 13th, Orange Coun ty Tran ~.:1 dJuh!0d t'-r number of ifs bu.!.e s. Added olino'>I twice Hie numt1er cf roules throughout Orange C ourity. Opened up 5ou thr>rn Oronqc Co1Jr tv. W ith the s ame quality bvs servlr:e that rh" r1.·~! (_,f O rc ·.ge Cou1dy enjoys. And, frc•m J,,ly 7 t•1 '•·: • ; •,' 1nJny t,11s s,..rv icn will be tested. Runr11ng " :~u· ''..l J, • ~d, p· !l 11 1.., _,r , \ OOD will sloy open t _,1 '"" i :, I, "'' h,,_ 1d1y. Now yCJu (Gfl I 1• r I ( .r··'Y fr , ·111 end to end 7 doys o "" , 1 '· ·~ • ·I· P r; !_ 1r>p Pendleton Gate oi the c " ,.,,.., t· ,,,.,,._!• ing' oil the point$ 1n be• .. ,. h 11 / I' c r.Jht•r routes through !he he1ir1 't \ ,. 1_l,.ul1'Y· 1111 y V'! o:! bettn Improved, lea OA ... NOS COUNT'I' Tl'l ... N91T cr•T•rcT ri: ,~,.-:-:: ;;; .~l.,,dJo:-;_;:-;-; --:, ~.r::-1 iU," fl,~ I~ I ••'!'\' I l'fr>fr.i'J/l)i,O!Wlljl!~ ,.1/•,1rl 1 I I I I l i ' •(! • U'f' ----1 _/ I I -~-~~~~~~~-,,I . " "'"H"'' ..,,, '' • ' "'"" flfl·~· "' ~ I ' • ,.,.,.i·,,,,.1 .\~ ~ J ........... ,<1 :1 , •• .,, .... 1 .: .. • • • -•• 11/.',.,!~A •? 'lo l An•MI i l"io ~ '1 ~' Ar>~ll ,.1r.• 8 "Jo +'• "'"' kl!Y w1 • • " ~ •• • ', /,M l<,.,C,q "), I I '' ,..,_,1,, I~<!~ 1ti •, ... /I· ' '"''"' '• ~, :,1.••C.Cp .vl ~ '" .:•' ., R 1,1 I~ ' : -'• l I • ... ' .. ....... ,., r''1 • •·~ «e l"'"" lnfl ,l 1,,,,,.1~"" '•• ,.. ' '" '' 'cl •. .,.., ' . ' '. (!t ' I '" ,,, ' '" ' ... •' .< ! I J 1 --;,, '• ,,,. I> '• I> "' " • ·' I LI ~'. . ,, r,.- .. '". '" ' . ·""" ~llj ... 1 .. 11 • -~.<'H,;1 !''I I<> JM ~·• · ', />.,!n J, ,,,,,,., II II l "' •1 ~., .]~ .. 'I ~ -'• f•>·O•n·O .l< ·~ , :i!• '" --8 R--'-·•d'.lr M ,\l) '• 1 6 • ... ·'• l< .. lfl ~" ·'""' 1 •'·" ... hr,uc!I J/<1 "I 1: ,,._\lo fMn•·,ftr Lt I~ jl !>,. •.• (<,.rll~y 1.-.J ."• I 1 .. \9 f·~'l" C.dlif :1 !> 3"'-~­f.~fflWfll In ,. 'J 6" I-~. i;<olrryWr .•O ;_, I .. .,,_ ''• e~.rot .!l•d •• 1 1 1.~-''o ll<'~tStd w~ .. :;> 1 -• • B<>r<11<1 .•M .I " ? -'1'1 (letgl'(!ly W\ .. 1 j.16 "" &•nrn""'t HI "I 2 •-"• lll:r•Pn(. .IO 6 ;J 3'• ... [Joo•"''Y Enl •· :> 11 ... El<n~1M .8Q.;i ~ 3 11 • Bio Li~°""'' R 1 1'-1 • (\I01m1 .ll8 ~ 7 1', 1-',• BO!l,flA!> .•O :• :• !>'I• ,.. l:J(l'll\rt .10d "' ? !>' '~ '• ,,.,,..,,. .. 11 .10 ~I> "',~'''" Oo UOWt'ndr 11" 1 1(1 ~" ••• llfol<! ""<l"'' • ] ~ ·-!• fi•ol!I (.on•p! 11: 10 10', •.• n•,.ni!! wl' ,. 1 ~·.-'• fir""'~"' \Q ;1 1'1 l l'o , .. L•~unl 'l ,Sl .0 11 11••-· ·-'"~""'(. .~'' I ' H•• • -'' (,100•·1' "' .. '/ • hrnwnl n ,.,1 , ~ 1 I 'o f\tl or 0 .SI I ~ IO, , liU''<ht J ().ft • I JO'.:t '• IJurQ'·'~ ln<l 8 1 ] , f\1<!lt~ {,," 8 • l& -\• -c c-- (.otdo-· .1 )<J • 11 ~, .. '• loll t~mpfo· ,. ~ c .. mro Jnu> • • 6 (..impto C.h•I! A f.I (Dmp In -•~ ,1 "I C.dn E.• r,.,, JI> ·' 7'. ". )"' . -~ •-1·1~ ~ ,_ !• ,. , ... .1'• . ' I< ··-'. C"'1 Hm1te<1 J~ ,. con O<:cldnl 11 1 C.dn~••I tnll • l C.n•"1" l"!l' Ill 1 'I LlP''·" I l f1 1 'I J ,_ '• (~(>•·<1 l'l"<I . l 7'••f ~· Ca•t. f 1 .~'"' " 1 11 ' ... Uo"«'~ .20 ~ 1N 1 • ... U•n~"' 1 ae 11 IJ ~1"-" tar l>lm• .8~ 6 I (.a\!l(v ,8/d \ l~\llO!Ofl In , I la,t1ow11 It! r 1 (~•"'"!> (f' 1/ 7 t•oM~! :l l '•!l ()'II ';(C .?'>ti } t"mn•1 .07d ~'i 7'1 . " -'. \,j• • ' • I ,_1, & • -•,. H • - '' 3J ' . 3 -.. ' ~h,,,,,, Md 11 '' .. L H k ~<! I~ , ~ ••• ~l\1CO U11 101 l 7 1 • • U'""'"' t~ 1~ lt~ ConN~<11ol 4 )1 c""" i< ln 1, 11 ( ,11"'~<1 "'I\ ;;(l ("'!"'•~" .. u ' ( MI ('"" ,. ~ lMl l"V Wh , 1• f nll/Ml .'~11 JQ fO''" In ,•'~! I, I L 1>!1 IMll In• • , )! U)lrlJ.\11 • 11 4 • "' ' .. • < • , , I i ~ .. , ... ,, , /'f•' 11 ... ' ' .. to•~"'''" u ~ 11 '. ', ((1111•,I ... q • \ 10 (OI"'"'!(/ WI , • J ' t • l(>fl•t> [Q,,.f1 I ~0 111 , Cllm1""' 1il ~ 1 ~··-'• (0<11••<{(> 10 1• •• (Jl<'• l'"if'I .J~ ) .i1 A(•-\'e 1~· l~M~ " 'q 4 1,_ •, lt~n¥'•[1 J• 7 J(l ~'•-'• ''"~"" I O•I 1~ 1>'•<-+ , .. t1un,~l•m 1 \ I 1 l' o •.• '"'""T "< 1> ~ (rw { ;_. .:'f> 7 11 l"'"-'• {••""! (Id •• ,.,'!_ ~ LuO•c qi ;1(1 O~O-~-" •-lo o~m1on 'lil 11 1 , • .,_ '" (J~1<1 (<>nHI 1 I , ~ '• u~ld 0-.• 1n ? 11 J~ ., ~·· w1~ 1 .. 00,1 • 1 [,,,y.\'Jl , 1,11 1(1 J\ (.,,,7L.O W" •• ••• f._,I (.ih~ 1lJ 'J • !• O<•l>r, .1-;,1 " ., ~ . .,_ '• ..... ' 1"'1 ,)0 > O•~""'n<t r.\ I 1• •--• f.o><D<J•<! v,.., ... 1 .1C'~ ''" '' !"'""'' ~ ~ 1 U··••'> (nt ,> !~ !•1 1...,.,.., I'"'" 11 n• ' . . .,. , . I <>'•'""V .,oJ I ~ . -. 11 '• '. 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