HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-07-17 - Orange Coast Pilot. Orange Coast· - EDI T ION r VOL. 69, NO. 199, 3 SECJ:IONS, 36 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Di1ne-a·Li11e Bargai11sTodff9 ~ SATURO~Y, j uL Y 17, 1976 TEN CENTS :Slaying Suspect: 'Blood on His Hands' . ~ t ' By GAllY GRANVILLE Of -O•itf l't1-l4Mf ''Look at me. J 'm covered with blood!"' •·t Just shot seven people and Debbie ror what they did to you ... Those words were attributed to accused mass murderer Edward Allaway by Fullerton police de· tective Charles Collins. A few minutes earlier, the 37· l.lll latl'r the samedoy, Collins year-old janitor ullegedly killed appeared bl'fore Superior C9urt seven persons and woundl'd two Judge Claude Owens in quest or othe~ m a deadly shootmg sprcl' l"o earch "arranls Monday morning on the Cal tatc To Justify 1s uancc or the "a r· Fullerton campus . -runes. Collins gave a brief After fleeing from the campus d<'scription of the crime and re· in his 1969 O o dJte sedan. 'lated his conversaUon with Mrs. Allaway purportedly went to Allaway to the judge. Inn, he gave her s1~ twenty dollar bills wrapped in a rubber band to hold for him. •·Then he asked her to contact tbe police so he could s ur· render,'' Collins continued. "Whefe'!°' "It wug on his tumds, ~ir." Collins onswerett. tte told Judge O"'cns that l\lrs. Allaway recently filed ·for divvrce. • .. She indicated Mr. Allaway' had become eittrcmely possessi' e and Jealous. But it was a rifle purchased m eUena Park lall• Saturday aficr noon that was of major interel>l to Colhns and other Investigators seek in' lhe search warrants. One issued by Judge Owt•ns gllve them the right to search tht' :.uspected mass murdcrcr'i. car. According lo Collins. Allaway I spoke of blood on his hands and '!the shooting or eight persons in a hurried conversation with his 'estranged wire. l the Hilton Inn in Fullerton" here A transcnpt or the detective's his wife, Bonnie, worked as a testimony was attached to af- waitress. · fad:ivits filed Friday in Orangt! Later. the 23-yellr-old woman County Superior Court. recounted her brief talk "1th her Collins i.a1d Mrs. AJlaway told husband to Collins. him that after Allawuy Oed to the Colllns told Judge Owens he was one or the officers who ar- rested Allaway in a-kitchen hallway et the Hilton. "Did he have blood on h.im al the lime of his arrest?" Collins was asked. .. Yes, s ir." the detective replied. "ln her words. he became un· bearable and sh e dt'Cided to file for divorce." said Collins. The detective went on to say Mrs. Allaway had not known her husband owned a gun. Ft:om lhe front scat of the cnr , search a(fada vi ts show polin · look a .22-cnliber seml-:mtomut1t Marlin Glenfield nne that wai. (See SUSP ECT, Pa1te i\21 • 26 ·K S FOUND SAFE. 01 Hometoun Coverage /r1.Side Representing the Oranp,c Coast at the Montreal Olym ptcs are a dozen athletes -more than a third or the nations have sent to the sum· mer games. Daily Pilot Sports Editor Glenn White is there to fil e complete reports on lhe Orange Coast athletics and their competition in swimming, canoeing and kayaking. Tum lo the sports pages of the Daily Pilot -today and every day for com- plete. hometown coverage of the Mon· treal Olym pies and our 12 Olympians. WHITE Police l~vestigate Double CM Deaths Homicide investigators today were probing the deaths of a re· tired U.S. Air Force li eutenant colonel and his appnr'ent girlfriend .. whose bodies were found in a Costa Mesa apartment Friday night. No indications of foul play were Immediately appart'nt, but Police Lt. Avery Smith said it ap. pears one may have died as much as two days before the other. - - TUX> Indian Lemkrs Freed The victims were Identified as James Schuler. 54, of2077 Charle St., Costa Mesa, and Phylhs Jean Straight, SS, or the same ad· dress. Investigators were called after Schuler's landlord became wor· ried when they weren't seen for several days and newspupers began piling up Ill the front door. Officers entered and found Schuler sprawled on the couch and 1t1S. Str:rtght Jymg nud'C -on lhe h allway n oor. Coroner 's deputies estimated they had been dead from two to four days, but it appeared Ms. Straight died on the hallway noor at least two dnys earlier than Schuler succumbed on the couch. Of Murder Rap Worker Killed CEDAR RAPIDS. town CAI'> -A federal court jury round two Ameri can Indian Mov<'ment members innocent l"r iday of murder m the shooting deaths of two f'DI agent11. Thc dcr'slon come in the fifth day of drliberntion. ... after the jury l wlce told U.S. D1stnrt Jury Edward Mr Monus that 1t was . "hopt'l<'ssly clt'ndlorkcct.' · l\fr l\tnnus had rdused to clcrlarl' a mistrial. Tht' case aitninst Robt'rt llobidcuu. w. rorUMd. Ore., ancl Dorellt' Butler. 33, Rogue lllver. Or~ .. had 1tone to th(> Jury or four women and eight mm Monday nflernoon. Africans Pinchiesl In Compacter Identified A construction worker killed when crushed and impal<.'d by the drum und spikeit or a sbcC'p"s root earth compacter In lluntm)..f\on Beach Friday has been cdenllfll'tl us a Monrovia mall. Donald Grel(ory Leg~. 21, died instantly in the 9:30 am. arr1 dent on Gothard Str<.'el near Talbert Avenue. directly across from a branch fire station inn de· veloplng Industrial area. The victim fell from o bulldozer pulllng the huge steel drums lined with nine-inch sleet pronits. landintt beneath them berore the unidentified driver could stop. Both were f'mploycd h y Cordon L. Mountjoy Company on n job leveling and CQmpuctmJt land for lndustrlul plants. • ~.,_,.,..ot1ve_ __ Stumps Police SANTA RITA <AP/· Twcnl~ six school childrl'n ~ere found lute Friday night, 11h1vcring but unhurt, in u rock quarry 95 mile~ from the s pot where three masked m en comundeere<I their school bui., Alumt>da County ' Sheriff Thomas llouchins said. Houchins said the childrt'n and their bus driver wr re QUl')}ltoned and returned to their famlhc~ m Chowchilla e{Jrly today. They had bet:'n missing since Thurs<la~ afternoon. "We have no idea what the motive was In this, ",said Charles Bates, FBI agent in char~c of the San Francisco orrJce. who ap· peared with Houchins at n new:, coatenon at Ute Alamed.i Coun· ty jall in Santa ft.it a. "None or the victims were given any idea why they were ab- ducted," Bates said. Houchins said two of the ub· duct.ors were white male aduJts, one 35-40, the other about 40. He gave no description oC the third. Houchins said the bus driver, Ed ·Ray. gave this account of the 11b· duction: As Ray was driving children ho me from s ummer school classes, he came upon a VIJJ) parked in the m iddle of the road with one door open. I le pulled the "" Wir•..,.t• bus to a hall. "When the driver slopped, one TWO DAYS OF AGONY FOR CHOWCHILLA PARENTS END IN JOY Mrs. Frances Willlamt, left, Mother Of One, Embraces Friend , Plains W elconi.es Carter Jlicior Goes Home to Gear Up for Race PLAINS. Ga <Ar1 -Jimmy Carter rcc:ei\'ed a wa r m "clcoml' home Friday and told his neighbors h1• d uisc a i.tood man in Sen Wulter Mondale ai. his runntn~ mate ") "all! all or \IOU "hO haw• ennridet\<'l' 1n mt• io accepi Pnti. Mondal<' of lhe Mute of Min nesot n "ho <'om t:'S from a 10" n ~mailer than Plaln<i," Carter told thl' ch<'crlng crowd of about 1,000 thot flll<'d M nin Sti·c(•l. Spcoklni: with rc•portcrs on the plant' thnt new him from his nomination m New York as the 1976 De moc ratic prcsidentrnl candldntt', Cat""ter saicl tll' and Mondale s1i.tn<'d an agrt:'emcnt F'nday mornfnJ? acc<'pting $21 S million in public funds for their ramp:11i.tn ufter lht•y of(reed not to acc<'pl uny other contnbu· lions. Cartt>r sa1<J H~ J)luns to wo1w a ·campaign with a budl(et or $18 million, which he says leaves • about $.1.5 million for contingen· cies ··we expect to spend it before 1L over," he said. "'But our pre· sent campaiJ{n budget Is a very .atARTER'S 'BOAN AGAIN' BELIEF ANALVZED-A10 conservative, tight budget on media and staffing expenses. "Even when Jtlft.s are gh·cn und accepted with the best ol motives. there Is always the rl11k of raising questions that can un· dermlne public Ca\th In lhc Im· partiality of government," Carter said. fie said nll ~lfls received dur· inll convention week hove been returned to the• donors with thl)nks. Carter u1d Rcpublic<ms will not succeed in cracking or erod· ing his base of strcn~h In the South. "My s upport In the South is very strong," he said. " ... There Is no softness lhcre and it's combined not only with normal polilicnl response but ulso wltb a <Jeep sense of prlde--.tnd juslific~­ tion and acceptance on the part of the rest of the country.'' Carter. said. Carter said that while his ac· ceptance speech at the conven· tion s hHlcd back nnd forth between liberal ond cons rvativc them"s he think~ it was "Un· lformly populist in tone.·· "That's whal I Intended for ii t.o be." he said. He ~uld ht• sounded suc h cons ervative• stand& as low and order and balanced budgets and stronit de· tense. gunman came out toward tile bus," he said . The bus wus com· andecred and taken lo lhe <1ry creekbed whe r e authorities found it Thursday night. There the c hildren wl'n· herded into two vans which had their windo ws covered with <'ardboard or drapes. They were drive n to the quarry , where they and the driver were forced to enter an ob· long-shaped underground cav<'rn with only a s mall en).rY hole above. Then, Houchins s aid, thl." cavern was sealed at th<' top opening with timbers and ~tee! The abductors left. bul i.Oml' of lhe children said thc•y Ovt'rheant lhcm saying they would return, 1 louchlns suld. They were dtscovere<I by u maintenance employc al the rock quarry, who telephonl'd Alamcd:• County outhorill<'s ut 8:15 p.m rcpe>rtlng that he hnd found th1• m1ssln1t children. llouehcns dlr1 not idt>ntlfy the worker. By then, aomtl of the chlltlr1·n CSu H KIDS, Pa~e t\2) Orn :_'4~!t MONTREAL (AP ) - Some cbambermalds at Olympic Village are find· Ing their summer Jobs h ave. the traditional huarm. At least one was assigned to another floor arter she complained or passes from athletes. Battin Sees Hiuiself a Victim Weather Low clouds night through mid-morning. Otherwllic' mostly sunny todoy and Sundoy, with highs 76 to R6 and lows62to67. Robert Bouchard. the maids' supervisor, said the Czech. Huncarian, Spanisb 1 and French athletes have been too circumspect. to make any passes. but "the rut flirts are lhe Africans. ""Their m ethods are, shalt we say. di red.. They tend to act lir&t and talk later. And they don't mind grabbin« tbe seal or a girl's pants when they can." In a written statement to hjs probation omcer. former county supervisor Robert Battln again blamed his recent felony cunvic· tion oo discriminatory prose<:u· lion by Orange County Oislricl Attorney Cecil Hicks. Baltin's messaee was Included in a probation r eport prepared by the Riverside County .Probation Departn\'fl\t. ' "I reel I am a victim of dis- criminatory proseculion by D.A. Cecil Hicks because I dared lo question the operations of the CMtrict Altorney's Office.·· Bat· tin said. The former supervisor 's al· • • legation against Hicks was the missed a seventh charge again t subject or a 10·"eek prc-tnaJ the former s upe rvisor who hearin~ that ended with Superior became a former s upervisor the Court Judge Kenneth Lae findlntt instanl be was sentenced. there was no evidence to support In his written statement~ the the discriminatory prosecution probation orricer, Ballin said charge. Hicks proaecuted him because of Then. ot the end oC a six-week hil 19'7S •utl>Oft for the •borted trial a jury &lay 24 found Battin transfer or 22 district attorney in· (uilly of mis use o{ office while ve1tl1aton to Uie Sheriff'& acquitting him on five other Department. charges brought against him last "Previous 1...-icattoas (~ year by the county Grand Jury. tne) were ..,._., -.rw I ~ Thursday, the Riverside pro-was a DenMcr )Id llllS .. ~ bntion report a l his 5'~ Judge the ... .., .. Lae .sente nced Battin to :i> dlU'& ~uaM in jail and linl!d him $3.500. fftwwttty n Simultaneous lr. the Judge dlsl Hicks," said Batun. ... --) The deposed aupervlsor wenl on to say that It was legal to use county cmployes in his ill·fate<.I 1974 campaign for state office as lq as lbey were o(J the county payroll at lbe time. ''l obs"erve President For d utilizing his stan for campaian work at taxp•yers' espense. I also observe Gov. Brown doiag the same lbin&. ''said Battin. He pointed dut to his probetton afncer, selected from Jlh~nide c..t1 at !1.Wn'• 'i:• tMt ... bed paid .. .un Qlft• ...._. hmdl for what he bfltevtd • tStt BATTl.N, ~AZ> t 1 ... 1drTod•• What made Mel 8roo1" come up with th• Idea /or u Silen.t Movie?'' The c:Oum prlflCe of ce1Mo4d ltlt. aU abotJl lt on PQf1t A I I 1-.. ·--~ Al DAILY PILOT Saturday. Jury 17. 197S Kldnaplng of Kids . EerW Likeness To Book Plot CHOWCHILLA <Al'J "On a bnght. clear winter's afternoon the nine children in the town oC Cl:1yton who traveled each dar to the Regionnl School in Lakeview disappeared from the face or the earth. aloil~ with the bus in which they traveled and its driver. us completely us if they .had be~n sucked up into outer space by some monstrous in· terplanetary vacuum cleaner." So begins a detective story. "T h e Day t he Ch ild re n Vanished ." Written 18 years ago, its plot resembles -in some ways -the disappearance of a busload of 26 school ch.ildren in this small farming town. The story's kidnap motive is not for ransom. but is a ruse lo lure the people of Clayton, a small minim? town. awav from * * ... their homes and busineeseii whllc a gang robs the local bank. Written by Huf h Pentero!lt. the story ls copyrighted 18158 and firs l a ppear e d in "Thi$ Weck" mi1gatine. Police he re obtained a copy of the book F'riday from a nearby library. Sherlff'is officers said they acted on a tip from a woman caUer. ' In the account, detective Pat Mahoney solves the fictional puzzle by recalling his days as a Wild West vaudevillian. Mahoney also is the father or the book's bus driver. who like the man in the Chowchilla case. was known to be a model of re- liability. In both the book and the Ch o wehHl a c ase , t he bua vanishes on a regular run. lfl both cases. the townspeopltff ea.r' a mass k1dnapiog and police and parent.a mount searches. ----~ ...... Powered A srent 0.lly PllOI PllOlo Oy !tty E>t,.CI• F r o • P-..Al SUSPECT ••• partially htdd~o under a pink bJ1mket. Anolh<'r search worrwll isauro by Jud.:e Owf'ns covered Apt. 5 Ill 263() W. 1.\ncoln ~t.. Anllht'lnl. Alloway. rent re<.'Or~ :show. moved into tht.• SUl·O·m<>nth bachelor a partment Mot 28, the date ho leCt the Buena Park upn.rtm~nt lw sbured wlth his now c$lrun.:cd wife. Jn the npartment, police con• flscated som.-ummw\ltion. u ri· ne owner'$ munual. t1 new .:un cleaninJt outfit, ~' copy oC tht- nne·s reg\strl\tlon form, some child support receipts u.nd two pictures ot Mrs. Allawl»'. RU$8eU Hunt, manugcr ot the 129-unil apurtmcnt t'OmPlcx Sa.id · Allaway was a good tenant dur· Ing the 45 day:> )'e lived in· th~ apartment. "l have to be hont'Sl with you. He was never any problem here. }I(' kept to himself and wasn't \'Cry friendly. But he never com· plained, paid his rent on time and was a good tenant," said Hunt. According to Hunt and hJs wife. while living in the apartment ('Omplex Allaway twice dated 11 ''°man tenant. F ro"' Page A l 26 KIDS ... had dug their way .. ough the cavern opening, Houchins said. However, in the detective story the bus Is only a converted sta· tion wagon. It is last seen on a two-mile stretch of road with a lake on one side and a mountain wall on the other. 1t could not have turned off and oo one saw it al the end of its run. Anker Magnan of L aguna Nigue l went hang gliding io Newport Beach F riday, using the power -assisted hang glider he designed hims elf. He soared over t he Balboa Peninsula with the 70~pound craft he says can reach an altitude of 1.500 feet. The motor helps him off the· ground so he doesn't have to jump off a mountain to hang glide. Whal did Alluw ay do after buy ing the rifle at u K·l\lart Satur. day art ernoon and allegedly ·waiHng until Monday morning to twgin his murderous assault? "He must have gone fishing," fluhtsaid. Hunt based his conclusion on the fact remains of freshly cut fish were fou nd in tht.• apartment when police carried out their Sl'arch. A s erifrs sergdant who asked ___ n_o.:_t to tie lcfentrr1e tolar eponeefirss ------------------------------ that hf' h ad helped load the R E w C'hJldren onto a bus for transport ea-gan yes atergate to the Santa Rita prison farm. six • mil t's from the quarry, where they were examined by doctors and questioned by deputies. Sa C Irf uld T T. T, Ag • V d "The first thing lhl'y said was :ys Orfer W 0 uSe it QJRSt C Or that they were hungry and a little bat cold, but otherwise all right." he said. Hes idents near the quarry s.iid they had heard or seen nothing ' unusuaJ in the past fewda~s . Houchins said authorities wer e looking for one lighl·colored van and one dark-colored van. Alameda County F ire Capt. George Silva said firemen had received a rescue call to the California Rock and Gravel Co. quarry nea r Livl'rrnore at 8:24 p.m, Ile said they found the chi ldrt>n, tht' bus dn,·cr and two quurry employes. "We look cart> of first aid, which consisted of putting blankets around the kids," said Silva ... A couple or kids were cry· inli(, and we calmed them down. 'obody was injured." Weather C'aHf t1rnia \telte,.eid ,.,n,r,o\lil4'\ ef'd "'Or\' 0VU(4\t ~·~ "111 continU•,. cnohnq trt nd 1n Sout~ff\ C.llforn1• ff\1\ wH'~~d. tnt N41•Gn•f W.itlnM' Strv1(t '' °°"'" Fl••" ttOOO\ "'~ OO\\l~e •n<le\f'rt wct•on' C•o..101 mor"1nQ' Ana •v•nt"'O" IOOdY M\<I Sun O.tl 1n LO\ An.Qflt\ will De ~Okflf\ 0¥ Ol'1ttt win-. "'',... .n tt\41!' _.,.,,,noon,, •It"' chM't<e.\ of uont rAln· u u H1Qf'\\ OOV'I ddV\ w1ff be 1n lM ~w ~ ..,,0, """' 1n '"" m id '°'· &tt< PW\ 1no 1n1t rm•Ol.t\f <OHl6t r•oiot\\ Atv-_.,. e~Oif(te-0 'o oet )Ome ,,..n I~•\ -.;Kkf-"4 lf01'" TOit C-lauunwi\~m~tqlft ._....,._......,, MIQI\\ 4j4furd•• will '••0 1 l'W IOW IO\ wHI\ O~rn1Qhf •OW\ '" ttwJ m HM110\ MOun•au\~ w111 """.., 1tt1rl•bte <IOVOlntH wltl'\ <"4n<•' o• lt\undt",thow"'' ~turct•v. ~t \Of'f'W t1flar1n-o "••CM><ll"'O by \undA'f R•~rlle¥et h•Ql°'S wilt be 1n·ttit tn1d-~IO~ •nd ~'MU OI '-" ttw m1d..O. ~ll)fl\t\ '"•"•111\0 jl\ Ot~rlS~Mv•wd IODlt on uw 100• out fo..-po\\1ble tl4t\f'I uooo1no '" ~ M tt•\ tfU\, ... ,~f'f"WJ, '~ptlt('IAl!y If l~Y c>O;;eir\1(1 ,,..,0-<hwch. ov•r n••rby "'°""IAtn "'"••'· thfll 'M'~Owtf ~rVl(f' \'9V\ f.1000'\ (,.,n IO'fllfAf q\ollC .. ly An(t w1tf\Ovt •MftH\Q •" IO"W 111h00f'Y w..t~l"WI'\. W1~ly tc•U•r9d l~und•nhoW91\ •nd CIOUc1y \tUt\ •'• P"•0•<.1.0 tor uoo-r •IW'f ~(WI',.,,, bul ~Ott'/ \Nlvl(J tw ,l\O\llv \'6'tW fuMOtr•tur.,, 1n nort,.rn Af'\C1 \.Outtwtrn cH-Wf1\ ""''' c:Hmo •now,. 1tl0llt'dto'w\ ...,,Ito.'" tft49 vru>tt 1°"' IJ.s.s .... ,.., rl,t\n llOOCS w•rn1nq\ w.r• '"\Md r rloav tor 0..fh Ot tiO\itnittl'\ •f'\O t •\tff ft lt.-.-''•'"-•"Y t~­ "*"lorm\ tonltthHd 1n lh•t tMrtO'f ttw Mhon T,_,~f'\tMm .t(t;111Ur WA\••'-">'""°''_." ''(>l'n Ntw VO¥' l"rouO" t~f Oi,.., Vatl•f •I'd ttw •-r ~''""OPI V•'"'• into , ••• , IVH•tfd ~" a"d t"v"d*t\f\Owtt'i ww'• rtOOf1td ffOll't• < •Hf0fn1• 1n1n N•v•d• 6"4 ArltoftrA t "•wt1.fff. <00'•1 •1' <O""~ tom.tlte 11) W#r "' ,,_ ••"f'~ """' of tn• cfMM'Mry ••<.,,, lawt w,.,, f t O()ttflll(J In tnt Nof'tf\t"' Pl .. n,, .,.. ctt~r ,, •• , o''""'"'d Ov1r '"'" notlt.n *""' Ce-4\h•I Pl•il\\ h\10 ,.,_. ttOftn.tr Aoc:.111 Ht\ •nc'f t'f\O\I of tM ,,,.,,,., Norttnw o. (l<)ll(ly to P••tly rlou<ty '~""°""""' lhe "''' ol '"-'t.'""'''" T11tnMr•h.ir•' arour\d the nttllOn r ricMy r•"Ofld ,....., • '"O" 01 tOO •t CU• Oe"<I. N-11 • 10 • 10-o• ~ A( Si.fttlA (IUt OAANGE COAST DAILY PILOT '"' °'"" .. c .. ,, O••rt 1>11111, ,.,.., .. ,.., I\ , ~1C)t#tl 1M ._,.,,..., P••\'9 '' l"WtW•ti'fd VY t"" Vt-co .. 1 ,,..,, .. ..,.,l'Q c-. -... lfld•11(.ll\ .,. ,. .. ,,,.'*"'" ltt1M6it.-""'°"°" ,, ... , f(1# t oe.•• Iii•~ •• "''"•IW\f 1 flil-M"• Uuntlft11t·eft ~=~~~ :~~"~!:'~ v~~i· ~~~~~,~=: ',_o,...wr· talt~ ., ~I~ >-twdotY'""" ~ ,,., tf'I+ pf~4'\t,.1C)A4 ~tHl\.hlf'tlf JHM'lt fit •I JlD V.f\t •• , \'rt·tt, Co\t• Nt-w. ~ltOtN• tfU Robert N. Weed ,,., ... ,dtftt •net f"\H)fh1hf'f' · J8Gk R. Curley Vtc.• 1--'rf',idtnt •"4 Gene,._. Mitl\itOt• ThOmas Keevil Edflo• ThOmas A. Murptll~ M<IN<i·ftQ ~clokM' Charles H. Loos Ak l'lard P. Nall ...... ,...,, M.>Ntl"9 tool00'1 Offices ''"''" w ... JJO "•ll .... ~ l..,M Gfl..t(,,, 1116G.._,...,fr•S.tr"t • t••~l"lf~tttt\ 6toft" 11111 ~~ O&Ntit..,d ~-· Y•ll•• llliill l• PH A-•I $oA o...-,,_...., TeleptioM (714) 642-43%1 Classmect Actvertlllftg_ .. 2·5'71 ~l>OO Y•li.y H .... OllKt Mt-6310 t•--C,._ 4'5-0Ut r ,..,. ,_..,II 0. •"9• C.MMY CIDmnlllll..,, 540-1220 ~ 1'1• °'-cow~·~ ... c..... pMV. No ,. ... ~ \IO<'lt"' oll~.ol-.ci11«t.tt rt ftltf If H•ttU'\ttt-t-.O Nitlft Mott .. t-tprff'-ttd •ltM .. t '"''•' Pf-ffnh-'19" •f ,_..,.14 .. ·-·· '-t ... e Cl•, 90\h .. ,..111 .. Gel.to ..... , c.i.--.. ........ tty ,_ '11~­!Ny;b•-·"· b-llllf;mll\1¥yMI ........... tltl~f. SALT ·LAKE CITY-<AP' - Ronald Reagan said f)oid ay be is a stronger Republican presiden· tial candidate than President Ford becaus e the issues of Watergate and the Nixon pardon cannot be used against him. Reagan told supporters in Utah he believes the resignations of former President Richard Nixon and form er Vice President Spiro Ag ne w w o uld b e used by Democrat Jimmy Carter against Ford. "Those of you who might have watc hed the Dem ocratic conven. tion the last rew days saw a strategy outlined," the former California governor said. ··They talked repeatedly of Nixon-Agnew-Ford years, as they put it of the man who pardoned Nixon. and th.ls ls going to be their target. .. But when I 'm nominated . they're going to have to change their strategy, because I wasn't there in the White House," Reagan said. , . 1 It was the fourth time in two days that Reagan raised Ford's connection with the Nixon ad· ministration in his campaign, and the first time he cited Ford's pardon of Nixon. But aides said il did not. represent a c:hanee of strategy, ~ Man Wins Giant Disability Settlement Damages totalling more thart SS million werl' awa rded f)oiday in Orange County Superior Court to a disabled Newport Beach attorney suffering from a condi· lion Identified as pre-senile de· -menli~. A jury assessed those damages against the Was hington National Insurance Compa ny and agreed after a three-week trial that the company wa s g u ilty o f negligence and breach of <'On· tract when it failed lo puy Julius Salvatore Austero. SS, total dis· ability benefits . Clar emont attorney Herb Harif successfully argued for Austero thal lhe company should have honored the policy hls client took out In 1958 aod wh.lch provided for all types or illnesses. It was testified that Austcro became ill in 1972 from a wasting disease that bas· cost him his memory and many other brain functions and has left him a help· -leuin.v. - The jury ln Judge Robert A. Banyard's cour troom .assessed punitive damages l!t $5.3 million and compensatory damages at $118,976.95. T he jury re fused to award Aus tero's wife, Dorothy, the damages sht! sought for distress in the lawsuit filed in November 1974. Hafif was assisted in prosecut- ing the lawsujt by Austero's son, Wayne . who is also a practicing Newport Be ach attorney. ,FBI Chief Fires Number 2 Official WASHINGTON (AP> -FBI Director Clarence M. Kelley on Friday fired the bureau's No. 2 official. Nicholas P. Callahan, who Justice Department and FBI sources sald has ~come the target or an lnvesllgalion of .. abuses or power ... The FBI a nnounced Kelley'!! action Frida y nleht but declined to e laborate on the allegations against the 62·ye ar-old Callahan. a 40-ye ar FBI veteran. Atty. Gen. E d ward ff. Levi "was aware of the act.ion and he concu rred in it, but it was Kelley's decision ," said J usUce Department ss><>kesman Robert Havel. Bear Attacks Two Campers WEST GLACIE R, Mont. <AP) -A gtinly bear attacked two California men in their tent early Friday. seriously injuring one, Glacier National Park officials said. William Scbweitgater. 21, ot Sa n Diego, was flown b y helicopt er lo a hospital In Kalllpell. a SJ>0kesmansaid. T h e griuly attacke d Schwtitaafer and Stepben Isley ol Spring Valley about 10 a.m. as the)' sl~t ln t.belr tent at \be Mid- dle Logging campsite in the llOrthwett con.er of the Pfk. 1 . 11 De partment a nd FBI sources said Callah an hu be<'ome <.• target of a wlde·rangtng depart· m e n t p ro'b e o f f in a ncial kickbacks and other abuses or power. The sources said caJlahan was • not tm~licated in fina ncial wrongdoma. "It 's not a fi nancial corruption thing at all.'' said an investigator. Other sources sttid the allega· lions aeainst Callahan involve other "abuses or power." The sources declined to daboratei ex- cept to say that tt\e aJlegat ons also have nothing tq d<> with the department probe of allegedly u. Jegal FBI burglaries. Firing Callahan was Kelley's first sharp, strong response to re· ports that current and former l"Bl officials we.re unde r lo· vestigation. hlr,..O...., .......... Monday.Friday; II YQv ~ not /\ave Yo\lf PIOOt by ~ 30 D "' C:.ll t>elore 7 p m alld YoUr c:oov wlll oe ae,•vered. SMuroay Ind Sunday. 11 ~ dO nor ~ ~r copy by 8 1.m.. c:au befOte 10 1 m. Incl YOUf' CODY wtlt be delivered. Q .... , .... , ... Molt Oranoe County Ar"8 ..,_.UI Ho'1nwftl -...untlngton Beech llldWft1m1nstflf ........... ,m Siil 0.-"'9. Caoitlrano 8Mch. Sen Juen c.ciwr~ Dena"'"''· &o.,ltl ~ lalt,llJt ~ ................ .. ' ' just a ress><>nse to the Democratic convention. "Whe n I m ade the decision to run, victory for our party was one of the most important con- siderations. I honestly believe 1 offer the best opportunity ror vie· tory, and I think this has been m ade evident in the convention that just took place in New York City," Reagan said. He a lso c l a ime d h idden strcn.gth in the Pennsylvania de- legation, whlch he visited Thurs· day a.nd from which he gained one delegate who was previously uncommi tted. Anothe r Pen· nsylvania delegate, previously supporting F ord, switched to un· committed, leaving Ford with J,031 de legates of the 1.130 ne eded for no mina tioin a nd Reagan with 1.000, according to an Associated Press survey. There are 172 uncommitted dc, legates and 55 to be elected Saturday in Utah and Connec· Ucut. P ennsylvania's 25 uncom- mitted delegates are the second biggest bloc among the national convention delegates who still have not taken public ~itions for either Reagan or Ford. An ad- ditional 55 delega tes will be elect. ed Saturday in Utah and Connec· Ucut. * * * Mondale Says Ticket Note Too Liberal WASHI NGTON (API -The , Democratic vice pr esidential candidate. Walter Mondale. Fri- day dismissed Republican con- tentions that he and his runninf{ mate. Jimmy Curter, are loo liberal a nd pro·big government. ··1 think they're protesting too much." the Minnewta senator said at a brief airport news con· fe rence a fter returnin g to Washington from New York. "We're united and progressive." President Ford's campai~n manager , Rogers C. D. Morton. and Ronald Reagan both con. tended Thursday that Carter '11 selection of Mondale as his run· nlng ftlale gave a pro· big govern· ment slant to the Democratic ticket. Garden Grove Gunmen Get $10,000 Haul Two gunma n held up a n 41rmored c ar guard inside " Garden Grove department store f)oiday afternoon and escaped with an estimated $10,000, ac· cording lo police. They said g ua rd Charles Gargano. 25, of Carden Grove, was carrying two money sacks from the store when accosted by the two robbers. Aner taking the sacks. the gunmen reportedly fied en root from a rear door at TWO Guys ~partmenl Store at 1.201 Harbor Boulevard. Befor e tJaey grabbed the money ba1s, the robbers pulltd the armored car gu&.rd'a gun from it.a holster and carried it With them as they ned from \be buie ltore, Police said. BATTIN •.• was the amount of time worked on his campaign He also noted that he had re· turncd almos t SJ,000 in µay to the county when supcr\'lsors in 1971 gave themselves a controversial pay raisl' Hallm com plained in his writ· ten statement that his convic- tion has "foreclosed" his career- as an elected officiul. "J don ·t know what I will do now otht•r than makl' a drastic changl' in my lifl'"' hecontinut>d. "I feel I may m•vt•r have the opportunity to se1·vc in electt•d public o(fice ag~1in. To m<• that is punishment enou~h without ad ding anything more:· Battln 's plea fell on sym: pathetic ears . Riverside County probation of- ficers L awrence Smith and Raymond Flory recommended that Battin not be ~iven any jail lime. However . they also suggested that he be finl'd SS,000 plus Sl,250 in penalty fees. ln their report . the probation officers noted some persons r<'· ~ard Battin as "a person of inte- grity. a warm and caring person. ambitous and sincere." Others. though. regard him as "arrogant and interested only in his own pe rsonal aggrandise- ment," the officers continued. "He seems fo e tllektna o person who either elicits stron$! support or strong disdain from those about him," the report con· Linued. The probation report taJks o f t h e "deva s tatinR eUects" or his conviction on the former super visor. "Cha racterized by others as usually op timistic and ambi· tious. he is now des pondent and unable to plan effectively toward another set or goals and a different lifestyle, .. the probation report said. In arriving at their con · tlusions. the probation officers interviewed a number of county oCficials as well as non j!ovcm· ment offi ciuls familiar with Bat- ti n. When sentencing the 46·Yl'ar- :>ld for mer <'OUnty supervisor f hursday. Judge Lae made fre qucnl m<.•ntion or the prohatlon report and ill! t'C<'ommcndations "The smell was nwful, just awful," accor ntc o e uparr.--- ment house manager. Meanwhile. the quest for more informatfon about tht> rd:m U<'- cused ot the la rjlest mass murder in Orange County history con· linued. Like persons who lived next door to the Alluways in Buenu Park two years. Hunt admitted he didn't kno w too much about the quiet man. ''He never talked about himself," said Hunt. "He never really ta lked muc h about anythln~. He didn't seem to haw an awful lot to say." Riverside Councilman Sentenced Riverside City Councilman Dontie Garretson was sentenced Friday to four months in the Orange County Jail on• a morals conviction slem ming from his re· lationship two years ago with his 15·year·old stepdaughter . Superior Court J udste Hobert A. Banyard imposed sentence on Ga rretson. 52. after rejecHng the probation department's sugges- tion that the defendant go to state prison for t he offense. "I think the county jail term is adequa te punis hment," the judge commented. "And I don't think it.:.s oecessar for Mr. Ga r· retson to serve a probation erm after his release.'' Denying a motion Cor a new trial. Judge Banyard said he ful· ly agreed with the jury's finding that Garretson 's stepdaugther. then 16, was telling the t ruth when she tes tified that he had sexual intercourse with her in April 1974. "l think you gave him a good run for his money," the judge told defense ;ttlorney Robe rt Garst. "I agree with your com· ment that Mr. Garretson Is not a danger to others at this time." Garst argued late Friday that Garretson had been found guilt y of a.n isolated offense that "was not reflective or his lire style and certainly was not his pultcm of conduct." Garretson r~fused to comment on his selllenCl'. Newport A 11to ColliJion °"" Newport Beach paramedics came to the aid Of tour persons injured in a three car collision Friday night on Newport Boulevard near The Arches. Investigators said one a uto slammed into the rear end of another be.fore careening across Newp<>rt Boulevard and crashing head· oo into a third car. The i.hjured o.Jt of them from out of town were taken to Hoag Memorial Hospit al. a; '; • ,1 - Saturday July 11 1976 O"ILY PILOT ;13 World Didn't End; IO·month Vigil Did 0.1fy ,., ... $Ult ,...i. 'Lt9M•f' Out• This four-month-old pup. part G<'rman ~heph<'rd "ilh a touc h of golden labrador. (mds the quarll'rs a ltttlt• ~ramped .it the Orange County Animal Shelter. lie·-. prefer yours GRANNIS. Ark. CA I» The -.·orld did not l'nd Frida). 1'he mart0ttah. came Instead, arm~ -. aU'I an l"\'ICt aon Ot'Ck·r. cndina lhc ncurly 10· month vaw.t kept by JO trut> belte\·eri. an a bnck hour.~ on lhe out.skirts of l.h1 h»mlrt It was not s upPOSc.-d to haPPl'll that~ .. )' .. Th~y h Hed \hear pl<1n.~ on the l\.'lsumptton that tbc Lord v.ould romc bt'for(' "'e arnvt'<I. · i<Jul fA"t' Ov. e11, tlw ·rt'<.h•ral murshul who s upervised thl' l'\'tctton ordered l>N'ause the hl>meownl•r. ooe or the "1g1 I k l'l'J)tlrs, stoppt.·d • m aking mort~ttgt' payments THOSt: Kt:•:Pl~G the• ''h:1l had said thl') bl·hc•n-d the ~orlll would l'nd before JO)' t'\ l(ot mn took plarc ·~wl' c·an t help liut thank 11 will bt' the l'nd Wt.> c.ln t hel1e,·e an) than A ebl·. pokeS\\oman Elizabeth ~anc·t.' llar:d uid earlil'r this "'c.-ek. The ' igil began la:.t Septembc.•r when \'aola Walkl'r, 67. told ht•1 k.inrolk or a message from God The Second < omang "'us nl'ar l>ht" said. meaning the return of God and the end of the world And so the~ gathered. 21 to keep the long wait. othc·r s Mental Patient Hurts Boy on Jet SAN JUAN.PR. <AP1 I\ mental patient being returned to a ~,.~h.,...,,c~h~agan hospital beat a 7 -~ cnr-old oor aoo:rrd-.rj(!thrrer-thcrr-shnt a poUceman who tried lo rcmovl' him "'hen the plane returned herl'. police reported friday. Police 1dentif1ed the sui.-( J pect in the incid ent that OC· JN SHORT rurred Thursda\· as Warren J . Compeau, 27. of llcron. Mich. Officials al the \'etl•rans t\dmin1strutaon \'A ho:.p1t;1I in A;ittle Creek .. M1yh .. reportl'd Com.P<'au had left the hospital without authorazataon last November. Tht>y said hl' entered the San Juan \'A hospital earlier th1~ month and "'a:. b~·ing tras1'°rted IJa{·k to Battle Creek Spal• Propo11n A ••nl!I "I MADRID <API Spain's neY. government prop0sed earl) Saturday a general amnesty for nil of this n<Jtion 's poht1cal prisoners except those S.!ntenced for tt>rrorism. After a 712-hour cabinet ml'etang. l'rt>m1er Adolfo Suurc1 \\On 11pproval to mal.t• tht• amnesty n•commcndataon to Kin~ Juan Carlos • Hut the new prem1c•r ohv1ously ran into trouble with hi:. 10-day old cabinet in" orkinJ: out a declaration of nation~•! rc·furm poht1e,.; Governml'nt of(1ewls i-atd tht• amnl'sty proposal. lakd~ to lw ttC'led on by tbc kini;( .July 25 Spo1n'<; µatron !>amt day would frt•l' about hulf of lht• n11t111n'i. t•st1mall'd C511politit•al 111·1soner .. \1~ f:rldet1("e '" Bolle• Ca11f" P~IOENI X . Ant . tAPI Police arc stud}ang new l'viden re in the investigation o( lhc bomb s layinA of Arar.ona Republic reporter Don Bolles, Detective Capt. Oon Lozier said Friday. Lozier s aid the evidence w;as ohlaincd "hen detectives tra\'ele<1 to San Diego, to conducl interviews and obtain business re<'ords Bolles was fatally Injured June 2 v. hen a bomb exploded undl·r his car as he left u m1d·l\\On hotcl. lfed1ed June 13 of the 1nJunc·:. Skt1Ja("k~r• Sf"Nft"'tlt"f'd llOL'STON I AP 1 A fcdl'ral Judge scntcn<'cd three eon\ 1cted skyjackers to 100 year!! each in p"son Friday and rulc<l thc sen tcnces were not to run conC'urrenUy with other. entences Cl\arll'S A. Tulll•r. 52. and his i.ons, Br} Cl', 22. and Jonalh<in. 21. were convicted Junl• 2"1 by a JUry o( :.ix men and six 11ooml'n on '"' piracy and kldnapmg ch<lrl!CS. Cltt1 R1dt-d l '•NJ"•tltutio"a' SHREVEPORT. l.:a. t AP1 fccTeriil-jullJ!e de<'lareit Shreveport's JtOV<•mmcnt unconstitutional Friday because com m issionl'r!i arl.' clcctl'il on an at-larJte bas is, thus "d1luttng the minority \•Oting s tr<'n~tth." Mayor Culhoun Alll'n sa11I thf' decision rould affect <'ll11· ... throu~hout the country "ith the eomm1:.s1on form of ~ovcrnml·nt U.S. District Judge Ben l>uwkins said the Shreveport system. "n: quiring at-large election of nit eommassionc•rs . operates im· permissibly to dilute tho.' minoral)' votins: :.lrength of bll1rk elee tors." Dawkins said ha!i ruling upphcd only lo Sh re' l'J><ll t Me.df'o'• PRI Retal"• Co"frol MEXICO CITY l,\P1 The rulrnit fn.,t1tLH1onul Re,olut1onary party "'Oil H>4 or the 230 S('Ulll an l\h'xil'O's llousc of Deputies and all but one or the G4 St'nalc seats an the July 4 elections. offleaal n· turiwshowed "'rldny The party. known by its an1t1nls PRI. has lll'en an J>0" er for nt·ar ty SO years. Jl..; pre:.tdenual cund1dat<'. Tr<'11sury l\t rnaster Joi.c l.olX'll Porhllo, won 1n 11 ln11Cl'4ladt• on•r t" o \\rate· an cand1ctatc:>l-. ac cording to unomcinl returns OU.ca.ii returns glvans: thc f1i:un"' m .1\ he publis hed next "'et•k Bob Hope Returns rI'o OC Fair .Today lob Uopt' returns totht Orange County Fair tonight al 8 p.m. in the Stadium. . Toch\y is (\nabe.lm Day, Ncwfl()rt Beach Day. Camera and M<xM Dey. The (W\r ta o~ from 10 1.1 .n1, to 1l p.m . Sand of the Ooy as WtlternaJres. drum. nre ond b\-11 All day Junior Horse Show is an Arena No. 2. tchedule of evvnls: lt·l Gloria Rowe. 011 skctchln~. FlM Arts Exhlbll 11-7:30 "Cam cr 11 and Model 017," Photo Exhibit and Little Tleatre l·4 WuvinC and spinning. H~ Living Pavilion 1;30. 4·H and FFA goal de· meps trallon a nd mUkl n1, Heritage St.age l:~ & 5:4S Jimmy Ward, roun- t~mlc, Mountain Dew Stage M Printmaking demonstra-u-. Fine Arts E!Chibit a..s Ca nyon Grass. Am J>h)llteatre 3:00& s:oo Ma1i<~aJ Land of 01. Grounds 3·9 Werner Hircbel. onc·man band, Grounds 3:30 Village Sin1en, Heritage Stage 4:30 Fashion sewing sem inar. Oourmtt 0•11ery S.30·7 Guitar Contest, llerit~c Stagc 7.00 Parade, Grou~ 6:00 Wcsternaires. Orum "'1fe and Bell. Amphityeatrc 6·10 Carl Glassford. de· monstrotion of television gTaptaics. Fine Arts Exhibit 6:30-11 MontHuma's Revenge, Mountain Dew , Staie 7:30 Fashion Sbowofpriie wio· ners. Gourmet GaUery 8:00 Bob Hope, Stadiurn 8 : U Syncopators and Melodears. Hetitsge Sta.ge 9:00 Maaareen king Dancing Sc:hool. Little T heatre tJeath Law Banned 4:30 It 7;30 Chuck Jones Magic ftevue, Hmtaie Staie ~·9 C•rl McKniaht's ~Band, Grounds OTTAWA, Canada <APJ -The Canadian government formally abolished capital punishment Fr1day (or all crlmi?s except traitorous military ofrenses. M e.JCpected. the federal Senutc up· pnwed tbe law and Governor· Steel Ceoneral Jules Leger.signed It Im-• rm:dJate\y . coming and &:u1111:. all t('l11tl'd b\ blood or marnaJZe. ht't'dan~ l\11 :. Wal'ter's mt•i.i.a~l' to rc•m.itn toae\.ber 1n th\' h1>U~t' untal the end. members did not belle\e the marshal w o uld e\ H'l thf'm "After"' h:U "e·," bc.~·n throuJ:h, \\f' JUSl couldn t coru.1dt'r that." 11bcis1ud. THE ENO ('t\ME fo'rldJ} \\hl'll ··WE ooN·T K 'OW 1o1ohat \H' <n<'n .-nd (\\O dl'pUt> m11l'llh11l:. v.•111 do." l'he s n1d fo'rtdn after Jrov~ up 1n a <'ouph' or r,1rl!t the msr hab C5l'c>rt{'(f her out, Th.:r«" Wtrt• 30 Jl('•i.vnto in thC' "but our fo1th 111 rertuinly not tml1 e and the) ldt. qu1Nh and :ihoken." qwckl\', l'OU1o1n~ h•1rdly a ripvlc The \lgil nwmbers wall m<iVt' 1n th1 t1 0 11th" ''st Arkun&Ji. to !hr~e or four homc11 In th\> <'ornmun1t~. populution 177 • Grannis un·u. Mri. Oard said. The Vi1?1I Wilt i:ootinu~. Miid but had no r<.-nl 11l un11 ror Mrs Rard, but µrob.1bly onh "111 <·ont1nu1ng thl•ir wutrh our heart1o ·· When the \'illil lwgan last fall. She had 1o:i1d ,•artier thnt vlgal the ket>pers took their rhildrtn DO ITNowil PHONE ~= 1-YEAR from s<'hc\ol. quat their job~. topped pa) 1n" thetr hills untl. for a while. rt'fust'd to lt•ll othni- "'hatthe) v. er\' doa~ Then u court order~ 11f'\'1•11 of thclr children ret1'0\'\'<l from th\' house. S!lt c•ir and rour house ... \\tr\' r •poi. l' 11c-d whl'n '1.:t1 mcmbt•rs Moppt•d paym~ balll!t TllR()l'Gll IT AlJ., lht•) kul'I their \\ uh'b in (it•nl' N111wt•'s Sl~.000 lhrl'l'·bcdroom hoUH' Th\• ~ovcrn nH•nt forndost-d on thl' morlgui-:l'. ht'ltl by th\' r,"<t.-ral Farmcr:i llom\' Admini.-;trution. urtcr Nunrc stoppcd mull.1111? payments this sprang FREE PARTS & SERVICE A (l'dl•a al jud~l' ord\•rt'<i tile ~' 1Clio11. tht• m:i"hul .. {'ttrnl.'d It out und thl· hoUM' I l'' t'l'll'll lo tlw f'arnu'rs llonw \111111111:.11 :tllllll h)t l\UI\• J\nd v. hen U " ·" "' ''" :'I: .inn· \\•liked from th,· hc1uw. l''l'lll'l\'il hv rnnr!\hab unll 1111111'\I "'1th h1i. '~~ith . "Thl' Lord.· hl· i..11<1 .. rl,ll·i.n ·1 dt':.i•rl any1lnl' · · Martin Divorcing t..OS A~t; 1-;r.1-:s 11\1'1 l':n\cr· tuincr DN111 M:1rt111 f1IC'll su1l ror dlvvrc·,, 1''rld:.iy from h1:. tl11rd '' ifl.'. Cuthl.'rinr Martin MODELS . All AVAILABLE IN STOCK AND ON DISUY 968-3329 FOR LOW-LOW 3-YEAR PICTURE TUBE PRICES ON All ifl~'"'I TELEVISIO~ and STEREO {u~r .. a1, II.._ I ... ,., .r~cr -i 1•1 SOLID n.ut SG2S63E ZOOM llMOTE CHIOMACOLOR II rRICED TO SILL! FREE DELIVERY & SET-UP t 19 11 DIAGONAL OR LARGER I NO COMMISSIONED SALESMEN! THE SAVINGS PASSED ON TO YOU! ! 23" DIAGONAL HOW $489 ONLY 25" DIAGONAL ~e]M.I r I n:1,. •• ' I sqLID STATI CHROMACOLOR II PRICED TO SELL! ! .. ----. -'.~-~I G4146M S04.ID SUTI Oil Y aMCltCAM •MACGlOl 11 SG2!>61P ZOOM REMOTE CAL&. FOlt OUR LOW4.0W ,lt~CEI ~"!!!~~~~ SOLID STATE Gl410C LOWEST PRICE FOR ZENITH COLOR TY G4750X SOUi STAT£.AWAMT£ s~zsso ZOOM •IMOTI STILL IH STOCIC IOOMllMO'ft IOOM IN ON THE OLYM,.CS WITH THll ,O,ULAll SET DAalC OAIC oa f'ICAN 'lttCts ltlDUCED fOI CLIAllANCll LIMITED STOCK! ~OOM llMOTI TAI UMODIL WOW! YOll WOf"f HL••• '* H ICI MOr OM TM"_, ,_ tCMAf • fU·l llt ,, . .....,-..--•---~ .. '." ~ -·-SGIHO S!l'ER COLOR TY 1Pr SU,ER ,RICE & SU'IR W ARRAHTY 25 .. DIAGONAL li::= 11r rJ1r::.ewi ~ lM DTt ALL·OUT LOW flRICI FOR CLEARANCE! ! ' 44 DAIL V PILOT ·cousin Okayed On Will LOS AN~Ll!:S <AP 1 A Supt>nor Court judit1• n ·iJfflrmcd hli. rullni: tod••Y namm~ Hach:m J Oano of Anaheim ic. C:ahforr11<.1 l>l)C•c1al udm111l:.\rt1lor for lhl' t'l>l 1Jl\' Of h tb late C(IUl\111 , balllonuire llowurd lluf!lws Supl•raor Court Jud~e !"foil Lake turned down t~o bads rrorn Noah Dletrld 1 to ~aw t•ontr<1I over the I lughei.' ei.tatt> The JUdJ?e d ad not rule on tht· JUlhenticaty or the Ma rch 10. 1008, will purporll>dly i-1A11ctlh> Hughes namang 01t•rnch. hi'>~c· time financial a adl'. a~ ext'<'utor Rl'LJNG ON four motion':>. \\HJ by Dietrich and ooc each b.> c;uno and county Pubht· Ad· m1 n1 trator liruce Alt man. J udge Lake s u1d has original or- der or April 14 naming Gano ad- minisLralor "as still vaJ1d. Gano "as s u b se que n tly awarded general letters of admimstration for control of Hughes' California hold angs. The Judge r uled that 01elnch had "failed to e~tablish any mas· talCe. inadver tance. fr;iud, or any conflict of antcr esr · that would JUStify rcmovinJl Gano He all.o turned down 01ctnch·i. bid for special letters. AL TMAN'S PF.TITIO~ lo dis· miss D1etr1ch ·!> t'l:.11m to l'X· ...1'!'.Utorship was turned down because J udgc Luke :.:.11d the public ad manisl rntor is .. not a n interested person and has no standing before the court lo bring this motion .. UC Campuses' Student Fees Incr ease $48 SA~ FR A~C ISCO <AP> Stu· dent fees wall AO up to S648 an 1ncreast' of S'18 al the nine L'niver s itv of Ctilifornia cam- puses starting in thr fall of 1977, the Board of R e~cnb decided f'rad ay. Thl'y ulso \'0\1.•d to ullow l!a~:h campus lo incrc:tM' fees unolhcr SlS in the followa nl! tl\TC{' years The Rci!cnls failed to heed a suj!geslaon from Preble Stoli.. a spokesma n for Gov Edmund G Brown J r . thul an~· foe boost be \Oted 011 a t·ampus-by·cnmpus basis us nt'edcd THE $48 INCR EASE1s to mel't a deficit in LT·s n 'Atstrataon fcl'. \\htch has bcl'n the same s mcc 1968 The fee provides support for i.uch student sen·accs ;.1s health centers. intramur al sports and counsclinit L·c P n•:.1dl'nt Uavad Saxon h.arkcd thl' uniform mcrcase and .;.i1d he" as negotwtmg with the go' crnor for S9 million more an i-talC' sud in nn effort to uvcrt u further (e~ IOl'rt-ase lifter 1977 Rel!<>nls also apprO\·cd a con t rov('rs 1 :.i I ronflicl·of -interest code for lh<' u1wcrs1ty. Saxon and1 cal<>d he would try lo chmlnalc a provision that limits authority of lc 11C'h<•rs to assign lt' l books that th•'~ havt' written, thus n•qu1 rang tlwm to forego any 1>rofa111 from usrn~ lhl•ir own books 111 lh1•1r clu:.:.t•i. TllF. AMF.RICAN F<'dt'raluin o( 'r«':tChPrs hnd C'nl1cri.Ni lh<' l't1d1• bt'cauM' 1t clocsn·t requ1rt• '' c. llh)' r<'1ot<'nls to d ascloi-c lhc1r 1·111 porl'll1' lil.'" or <1toek holdan1ts Tht' code. dl's1~n<'tl to bnnA th1' un1 \er. It) u11cl1•r th1• 1974 Stul<' Pohltclll Rrform Act. rl'Qua rl'S l'C rt'~t.mb to d1srlu_...~ niUJor m n •!'tnw nls or ancnrrw i1bovc S250 lh.,t l'Ould bl' ~1ffrct l'<i by lht'ar de c1,1on:. tn """ <•r,.11y iluht•s , HUNTINGTON BEACH COWBOY ON THE MOVE Bill Wiiiiams Says Stable Costa Too High Boots to Walk HB Stable Owrrer to. Quit By ROBE RT BARKER 0 1 tftt O.•IY PtloC St•ll The pinch h as become too gr eafTntfunffifgton Bt-ucn Tor a form er Wyom ing cowboy and he's moving on to the next range Bil> WiWams. who has operat- ed the larges t board and care sta- ble for horses in the city for sax ) cars, sa) s costs han' become prohibitive. lie declares in a sort-spoken. • CO\\ poke way t hat city officials lied lo ham and that then~ as a conspiracy among them to run him OUI of lO" ll "lLLIAl'IS SA VS he will hold an auction at h is 156-stable facih· l) a nd plans to be out or the loca- tion on Ernest Avenue a nd Golden West Street by Aug 15. He savs he will move to the Elsinore". P erris a rea where he will op<'rate a s imilar foC'ilily on l.100 acres he IC'ased. Willia ins s ays the spur drin ng him out of the city is a charge for st()rm drain facilities al the sta· blc. lie said he was told originally lhat he would be charged S2S.OOO for a new 10.-acre site that he was 10 occupy but later learned that he would be li able for up lo $75,000. "THIS IS J UST 100 much and I fecl they ar c try10g lo run me out or the Cal v," he sa id. f'ublic.Works Director Wilham Harlge said the difference an ragures was a n apparent mlsun derstandin~ and that there is no desire for Wilhams to move. llartge said that tbe smaller 525.000 amount wouJd cover the IO·acre facility. Hartgc added that ii was the decision of the landowner to-char ge Wittrams1:h~ entire assessment amount for the 70-acre parcel on whlch thn table would be loc ated. Willia ms says the owners, the Huntington Beach Company, \\Ould be held responsible for the levies on the undeveloped pro· perty if he were n't. "I llA VE NO qual'Tel with the Huntington Beach Company," he i.aid "ll 1s the best grQtlp of peo- ple I ever worked '' ilh." Williams' s pread is currently local~ on Ernest ~'\reel east of Golden West Avenue, but he has to move two blocks to the east. The move was n~cssilaled by a city ordinance which prohibits stables from bein g located within J!lofeelof residences. Williams blames pa rt of his troubles on t wo neighbors . ' HE SAID ONE filed suit but he unde r s tands that ll will be dropped ir he's out by November. .. This guy has been harassing me ever s mcc the stable moved 1n six years ago," he said. "He h as complained about n~as and flies a nd dust and he used lo have the police oul her e three t1mei. a day. ·T m not going lo fight any more," Willia ms said. "I reel 1 can wan the lawsuit but I can·t gel my money back. "I hall' to leave Huntington Beach," he mused. "It's been JUSt lake living in the couot.ry for s ix years." Plague Outbreak Shuts State Camps SOUT H LAKE TAHOE IA P> T"o m o re c amping facalitaei; huvc been closed in the Luke Tahoe area because or a bubon1(' plague outbreak among rodents. S. Foceslry ol'flc1als !W1d 1-'r•· d :J\• They announced that the f:illen Leaf Lake and Lake Almanor rnmpgrounds had Ix-en <.'10l.l'Cl1"or al least lwo w eeks after it wns dc- tt>rmin<•d that a r h1pmunk found an the area hnd dledoflhed1sca~e Ne\ a d a State ll<'ac-h camp gr o und w as c-loi.ed earli e r berausc or a s im ilar discovery lher<'. TltF. FALLEN Leaf case ma rked the frfth trme tn r<>cent weeks t hat aut horities have c losed SH•rr a campg r our>ds because of the plague One of them. Plum as-E u reka St ate Park, hus s mcc been reopened. The 1>la1t uc outbreaks have been desu1 bed by health offi cials as the worst an 10 ) c;Lrs. The dis· case can hv transmitted from ro-. dents to h um ans by ncas - Taxpayers Face Hikes Cowtty Educalion to Cost $150 Mi~llion f 8yKATHVC'LAN Y ~ ,,.. CN1ty "'* tw14 Wt>St Or:.nge Coun1y ln poycrs will spend nearly $.'WI m ilhun ne>.t year on pubhr t'dur 11t1on Most of them a lsu cun cJ(pecl to pay mor~ In vn•pl•rty taxt>s. While 0H1 c wls of the lhx elt>mt>ntary amt hhth !>Choo! <1111· tricll> expect rnx r;it.t•s to lllUy the !lame or dro1> by fi\•e to :t4 cenL'I, increases in .asscssec.I vi1Juut1011 or 20 to 30 perccnt wlll llk\'ly rl' !lull in higher l ax halls for most homl'owners And ofrlclals of the Coust Com- munity Colll'ge Oastrict. which o pl'ratt>s. OranJ!e Coast a nd Golden Wt'st College . expect a tax Jump of about seven cents lo 86 cents pe r $100 of a:.sei.:.ed valuation . THE DISTRICTS already huve adopted the ir tentaltve general fund budgets for next year. FmaJ budgets w on't be adopted until after public hearings the f1 rsl week or August. The general fund budgets do not include food services, bond mteres l and redemption rates. school building fund payments or district building funds. These will add considerably to tbe fin.al figure when budgets are adopted next month. Following ar e lhl' districts' pre liminary gl'nc ral fund budgets an~ the tax r at <-s school officials expect. They noted that bond rates and the impact of re· cent school finance legi~lntaon m ay alte r final figure ... THE FIGURES in parentheses :ir e the t>stlma ted a m ount:c ownt'rS of ho m e:s USSCtiSl'd ul ~.000 cun txprct to pay next yea r In school t uxes: JI uni ing l on Dcuch Union lll~h Srhool Oistrit't. u $39.2 million budget up from $38 .9 mllllon last yea r. The tux r ule i:s e, peeled to drop from the $2..19 pt>r $100 or assessed vultaation last ycar to $2 .36 this year. t~9S I. -Huntin g t on Beac h City : e I e m e n t a r y J Sl?.4 million budget l..\P rrom $11 m illi9n last Probation Set In Conspiracy A '""omnn who admitted that s he hired a "hit man" to elimi'nate her hus band so she could collect $134 ,000 from his life insurance policy has been placed on t.hree years probation by Or ange County Superior Court Judge Kenneth Williams. Judge Williams order~ a state prison term of one to 10 years for Lola Margue rite King, 46, or Tustin. and then suspended It in favor or the probation order. )'ear. r e n cctint Jumpa lo utllltJt11, Ins urance and special t<tucatlon. The tu rat is exi>«t· ~ to drop from S2.&4 tut year to $2.57 this )'\'ur. ($321.251 Ocean View. a $19 mllhon budgf't, up from SL8.l mlWon thl~ year to Include u hike ln wchovl $uppllts and othe r areas. aJon11 with aom e cuts In ltstJna and teac.-her aldet. Tht lax rate 11 not expcctt,'d to change much trom last year's $3.83 ~r SJOO of ll8· sessed valuation. ($3S.3.7SJ. -FOUNTAIN VALLEY, :a $(4.3 mllllor1 budect up from $13.9 million last year, ~necting gen eral lntlallon. alo ng with $200,000 in budget cuts made so far by trustees. The lax rate may drop about 17 cents lo $2.65. ($331.25>. -Westminster . :> $14.7 million budget up from $12.4 last year . The lax rate is expected lo drop about 16 cents per $100 of as- sessed valuation to $2.62. ($327.SO J. . -Seal Beach, a $1.8 million bud,get. up from $1.st last year. The tax rate may drop about 24 cents to SZ.05 per $100ot assessed valuation. I $2$6.2.S>. -Coast Community College District. a 43.6 million bud&et up from $35.4 million last year. The l1lx rate is expected to jump from last year's 79.2 cents per $100 of assessed a luation to 116 cents. ($107.501. ifySrouoE Piranha on Loose Around Country? MOTORHOMES-CAMPBS-.OATS TAM PA, Fla. tAP > -"Bring back m y piranha to me. to me," rcud a sign in the pet stor e window Friday. The shop owner was trying to enCQuraite tropical fish collectors to return the outlawed Oesh- ealers they m istakenly bought. Anothe r fish store in the T:>mpa Bay area had a big picture of a piranha on the front door. "Have •Resident Manager (24 hr •Dump Station •Trash Bin security/ •Wash Area •Bottle Gas •Fenced •Paved •Lighted Sf>ACIS START AT sa.so .... MOflTH ( 7141531-7900 16 7'0 SO. HUIOI le.YD. SAHT A AMA. CAL. ........... w.-• ...- 11•4. 1.-.W THI AWM ... MAM you seen or bought a fish like the one above?" the -;:;;:::;;:::;;::::;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;:::;;::::;:;;;;;;;;;;::;;::;;::;;:::;:;;;;;;- sign asked. "lf so, call the F1orida Fresh Water • Game and Fish Comm1Sslon ... " Tbe commission says 23 two·inch-long piranhas were accidentally sold to pet stores in the Tampa area in the belie f they wer e the look-alike red pacus, a docile and harmless fish. THEY WE R E Pi\RT Of' a s hipment of 150 piranhas that went lo seven or eight slates. includ- ing California which ;llso has banned the species. Shipping records show 2S went lo Sunnyvale . Cali(.: 12 lo Columbia. Mo.; 10 lo Charlotte, N C : one to Kenmore , N.Y.; six to Moorhead, Minn .. and six to a South Carolina pet store, F1orida officia ls said. Others died before they were sold, or they were eaten by compa nions. Flo rida, California, No rth Carolin a a nd possibly other st a les have declared the nesh-eaters native to South America to be illegal. DR. EARL FRYE, DIRECTOR of Florida's game and fi sh commission, said this is because or the danger the piranha poses to native fish popula- tions -and people -if it gets loosc in warm waters. s uch·as io s ub-tropical squth Florida, a nd starts breeding. "I wouldn't be worried about the fish jn Maine." he said . -Henny Larsen or Exotica Fisheries 1n nearby Gibsonlon said he bought the piranhas from a n im· porter In Miami, thinking they were the pretty red- bellied pacus. They had been imported from Colom · bia, he s aid. '·Jt ls very embarrassin~." Larsen said Friday after state officials charged him with possession of a reslri<'ted species. u misde m eanor punishable by ~fine or 60 days in jail. "I CANNOT IN MY WILDEST dreams imagine anyone billing me ror something and sending me something else -~omething tha t is Illegal." he said. ··1 am a very large s upplier It would be insane for me to knowingly sell these thmgs. They were less than an inch long when I got them and looked almost 1dentica I to the red pacus · · T he pir a nha and pacu." are silvery fish, sim ilar in appearance except for the lo" er Jaw, the teeth ai\d a taste for flesh. Game inspectors turned up the piranhas during a spot check a nd notified the f<>ur fo1orida pet stores Thursday. FRANK M . CAMPBELL. M .D .. F .A .A.F.P. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF H IS OFFICES JUNE ZBTH . 197e AT 10 974 WARNER AVENUE FOUNTAIN VAL.LEY. CALIFORNIA ~2709 Tll.&PHONI 171'1 993.7937 l"RACTICr: 1.IMll!D TO MlOICAI. HYP'NOSl8 ANO MEDICAi. DIAGNOSIS -LUNCHEON MON.-FRI. · 11:30 A.M .-2:30 P.M. DINNER M9N.-SAT. 5:30 P.M. SUN. 5:00 P.M. CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH SUNDAYS -10 A.M.·3 P.M. $3.25 . ..... HB Ch .. ~rer At Bi~ Gnn1~ ---•LA·I-IOY ___ _ Belinl1 n lt:t.ih'y, 11 17· ,. c· u,. o Id II u n tin i.: t o n ·n e n "'' 11 1 .: 1i s c· h " o 1 ~cnior. will lw umon>i 10 South"rn C ullrorn1 a l'twt•rk nd<'r-< nt tnni.iht '11 2.~th annual Shrlnt• All· Stnr r <W'thflll CluR:i;ic al SUMMER ~he Rosl' Bowl r ~ i>THB ' EARL'S f'\.UMllM• ~ HIATtNG All Co.fD. ,,.,......,... ---· ~.--x. f •• .. \' 'j V'f I . ., ' ... OS.040 I ;) t•Y A ,.~,......,, ,1 •42·1753 lllTCHIH & IA'TH lllMODILIHG MHHTIMATH s .. o ... o. .... .,. •• A"!t,MtW•"-'l"I Q"•t:( IU) ~' \• ... I' ... ~., ,., . 712·l47 •r BRIAN GOODELL -one good reason to ~ollow Olympic coverage In the ' ( • • LE OPP (W••'"•'' ~···1 Costa Mtsa (C .. llet t111tlA & t ?Ill It I --~-§!~f~J ,., ,._. ... _, DAILY PILOT FUN· FREE! EMTERT AINMENT! REF«ISHMIHTS • rtUDS COME TO OUR O~EN HOUSE • STORE PARTY 2 P .M. UNTIL 5 P .M. SUNDAY. JULY 18th, 1976 2854 E. C00tt Hfway, Coron• clel Mar JON CRUM • Talented Hammond Orpn Artist Plays For Your Enjoyment ' PREMIERE •Showing Of New And Exciting Hammond Organs '1.efs Get Acquainted" says pnial Georie Sedata and his amiable staff! AT ' '1111 llAMM ........ & •IAND CINTI• COltOM4 DIL MAI, CAUN>tlMIA ,.._.644-1930 ~ STOREWIOE FIRST ANNUAL QUALITY SUMMER CLEARANCE -. ''"'' • ShlttJ • ShOftl 40% to 60% Off •J11n Regular Price •Cnchot ••• , .. u. SALE THAU • ll11t1rs SATURDAY • lot11 AUG. 7th •Skirts Same brands as • Ctotdln1tn sold In better Department and S,,.clalty Sto,.• .. .. ' , l ., t . J I • I ~1urday. July 17 1976 OAILVP1l01' AS 'Free Concert .L •b · B T. d d · Series Slated c-l ra: e .J.R epen ent • • League Plans Data to Aid FV Resid ents Pfa11 loplla Billy Dee WilUarm will star as ragtime king Scott J oplin in an NBC t ele vision movie next season. The two-hour product io n i s a bout the bl ac k composer whose music was r evi\'cd by the movie "The Sling." J -- In Huntington Sunday Supper Settoad~. a senes of free community mu 1cal programs presented by lhe llunl· ancton ~ach Concert Band, "111 continue Sunday The SS·p1ece band d1rectt'<I bv John Mason • .,.,ill perform at ~ pm. In the Golden West C.Ollcgt: Amphitheater Music for Sunday will lnclud • the ''The Rifle R~giment, .. "Lon· donderry Air.·· "F9lk Son~ SuHe ..... Folk Sonu from Somerset," "Hulem Nocturne." "Lady of Spain," "Rise and Shina," .. irish Washerman. ·• ''B r oa dw a y.'' "S h o " Overturl's," "A Tnbute to Glenn Miller," "Mv Fair .Ladv." "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy," and :·Stars illd Stnpes Forever.·· VN DAV, l tJL v 11 Umate a:oal -these C'Otlld rorm a meaningful montage By 'VDNEYOMARR LEO <J u l y 23·1\ug. 22» AlllES t Marcb 21·Apnl 19> · Favorable Moon aspect e-01n Lunar cycle hlah -take in· cidt't now w ith J<>Urney, educu 1uatJ n , start something. Be <'<>n· tioo. 1piritual expeneoct', lon1&· f1deot; make contacts. Stress in· d11tance communlcatlo n s . J cpendence. orJginallty. You're gaveo opporturuty to put TAURUS <April 20-.May 20> · program into action. \'ou could be pllrl or a cl~cd· UISRA CSept. 23.0ct. 221 ~ Ac· door conference. Hnv& notes re cent on legaliUt>s, partnership. ady you're called upon to marria1e . Be dire<>t, lndcpen· speak. to elucid ate. Meet obl1gu. · dent. If obsen•ant. ~note what t1on to one confined to hom e or others Intend -before they in h06 pltal. tend to reveal It GEMINI <May 21·June 20J SCOllPIO tOct. 23·Nov 211· Emphasis on friendship. desire. Moderate pace 1s ne<:essary results of past errorts. Business key is not to skip basic material income could also be spollightesJ. One who understands essentials Your standine is elevated -you 1s willin g to per(orm s peeial get more response. applause. services. Be recepti"e CANCER (J une 2t-July 221 SAGl'MARl\JS <No\'. 22·Dec. Emphasis on technique. com 211: Good lunar as~t coincides mun1c ation with pers ons in now w ith love. c reativity . authority Ambition, career, ul· c h ildren, C'h ange. per so nal Teatured 48" Tobie. 4 Swlv•I Rock Arm Choira. lm~vi~1 lo all weolh•r. Y•llow & Whit• .;.~. '~·~Ws379aa from s19.• 8 PC. REDWOOD SET GOURMET STAllD Woo4 ~ llodt ~. wi...••.c..,,...,... 3PC • REDWOOD SET '9 Inch Redwood Tobi. 2 Cornet hnch.a'KO _..,,..~ ,:., .. ..::..-----=-- Hardwood home, Natural ot White U.S. by Gold Medal s1e• ~~~~~s415 ~~::~~ ....... '138" OCC. fAIU •••••••••• '"·" BAllll LOUNGE 16 POSITIONS ONLY S8B8 FREE llS LLQ. DlMOllSTRlTIOM au111111101 lllCR • . sat.OILY HOMECREST CHAISE HeavyVinyf Strops. Yellow, White Chevron Weove. ss995 LACOSTA IY TlllllUllE -A DIYISIOtl OF llOWlhlOIDU PRINCESS CHAIR HANDWOVEN WICKER EXTRA LARGE ~~ CllAlllLOW IAll.1..Q. 'POST MOUNT Mod. mil mqnetism. You draw people to )'ou.~peclally members of op· po1lte ex. CA atCORN CDcc. 22·Jlln 191: etalls ap~ar lo multiply Rrd tape eould become tanglf'<I. K ey is t o we a ve )•our wuy thro ugh to c larity don t become p u rt of double l :tlk e\l aalons. AQUARIUS <Jan, 20·Pt>b . 181. Family dialogue. short trips, re latlves could be very much m pie ture. Forces tend to be scatter('d. PISCES l ft~eb. 19•!\tarch 201 You learn about costs. budgets. You als o rind out about pay· ments. collect ions. items that have been m isplaced or lost. I( l•IY Jleb Is VOIU' BinJlday YP'l..nre one w ho believes in long· uuige inDuenc ~s -you a re spiritual. concerned with justice, dram a and medicme. You could be a "natural healer ... The llunlinglon Beach-Seal Bu ch Area ~ague oC Women Voters wants to help Fountain Vall~y residents lenm what city ser vices arc uvallublc. Chupter Pres ident Shl'ri y I Baum 1ulld th1.1 aroup luun<'hl.'<I u "know your city" project in th.: con1rnunlt.y. ll plans lo prcpure an outlim• of ervlces available. Members ure seeking volun- teers lo lnter\llew city orrlclals. administrators. educators :ind elected r epresentatives a nd to assist In com p llin1: research data. Those inte r es ted m ay call J a ne t Ens m a n . 531·8563 or Mananne Clarke, 962-6709. COSTA MESA AND LAGUNA NIGUEL OPEN TUES., WED., THURS., FRI. 'TIL 9 Wlfll« brw.fWol1 UKIRS RACK .. SMt..n • llodi '21· GALENTE ., .,.,.. ,,..,. ::. ...... s299oo NOT SHOWN: END TABLE EXTRA. CHAISE. 1108• ALUMONT PATIO FURNITURE 42"TABLE With '4 Arm Chol" 30"TAILE &2CHAIRS 3 PC. SET s7911 DllUXI S PIECE GAS LOG· SET W ith lurner Sondpan & Grote Al I ( Comment Page ) • , 'If the future looks dim it's because man is ill disposed to deal effectively with anything short MOVE OVER, 7here is no end to the ongoing catalog of horrors; it boggles the mind of every traveler who has borne witness to Calcutta.' .. • • . of immediate catastrophe. ' "'Anyon1· who IX'lic~v<'l" l'Xponential Jtrowth can ~o on fotl·VC'r Is either u madman or .in economis t,·· !'i:1y!I lJ11lver:11ly t>f folorOAdo Proresl\or Kl•nnclh Rouldinit Thtrc's mon• truth I tbun humor in tl\ls lltUtC'mcnt. t 't If the world popul ation doublt•s 1n the next 2S I year11. as prl'dlch~. we'll net.'tl double the pre· l St'nt fooo !Stocks. double tho water. double Hw I energy and double I he Jobs. Such an incr<>allc mcnns more !>ewag<'. more pollution harmful tqually to humans. p lants and animals. It means un increu e in c1t1es, s lums. overcrowding , v1olcncc, cnme. socml uphcavaJ, war and authoritarianism Indeed, m an h~ no guarantee he will persist on earth. Other species have come and gone. On· ly man, in his arrogance, apparently thinks he is immune to such u fate. only bia bhnd optimism tells him that ":.Omt'Lh1ng .... lit turn up" to saw • him from the brink. '. The fal·t remains that· exponential ~rowth 1j •• <'Un th reaten not only hlS m•terial "calth but the r ''ery pb~sical conditions or his survival. It 1s for ' man to decide 1r it. is not alread)' too l:ite. t\s 1; Margart•t Ml'ad puts rt. "'Tbtfuturcis now ·· SOME lllSTORIC'1U . RECKOSING gives perspective to Inc problem: 1-'rom a growth r ate o( three percent n year with a doubling time of 2.50 years three centuries ago, the rate of ex· ponentlal growth has now speeded up to 2.1 per· cent a year with a doubling lime of JO years. If the future looks 1hm 1t'.s because ma n is ill dts poscd to dt•OAI ertcC'l1\'ely with anything short of muncd1:u.c. ca:..taslrophc. Ui• tills (Qrcsi ht· he hvc:s for to<.la v. - And . unfortunutely1 \\C lnck leaders with the character or our foundmg fathers, who not only pledged their lh-e~ and fo11unes to build u nation but had the vision to lay th<' ~roundwork ror its fruition to bene fit their r hildren and their ch.ildren·s <'h1ldren Today's leaders are ''pohtlcianf· and they've made the ver)' word sound sour. Thty think chielly In lermi; of wl.afdog votes by pleas. mg their conslltuency's short·lerm interests . and. since many woo't be around to sec the con · equeoces of their shortsightedness. they let tomorrow take cu e ol itself. U the me aningfw social chan~e thut will rorestaJI a d isastrous tomorrow is lo take place. c\•eryone has to take part in it. As Lewis Mumford puts it. "It ls the matterotllmiUng lhedemand for goods to the necessary amount -not the amount that gives you s tatus, pr0f1l or power. bul lhc ne:c~sary amount inter msorllfe." A few years ago, lhe Club of Rome sponsored a headJine-making study on lhe limits of such growth and an inquiry. as they put it. into the Predicament or !\tan. The report was alarming. It ~tulated. that the economic and industriaJ syltem or the affluent nations would collapse around the year 2,100. if growth continued un- <'httked. THE RESPONSE FROM PRESS and public ranged from uncriti<'al uccl'ptance to outright <'Onte mpt. The adverst• criticis m . in part -justified. seems to ha\•e prevail('(). Indeed. the report was flawed. It was argued that its findings were oversimplified and that not enough variables were taken .into account lo support uch dire predictions. Pe rhaps so. But dismissin~ the Club of Rome's bombshell does not dismiss the proble m -the maladr of uncontrolled ~rowth remains. ., Eve'1M~ay. the earth's resources fall short -oT ma 1ng viable a ~lat1on-or fourbittton. -o which 400 million are doomed to malnutrition or starvation. Imagine the horror potential of the estimated 10 billion for the year 2.000. The fact Is that our biosphere our spaceship earth is fmHe and that if we con tlnue to charge it w1th pollution il will at length imffot'ate us or at ~l 110 dc-gradt' the-Quality of life as to muke It hardly wo11h \ht" living. 1'oc:hty -in terms <>(' bumon Minas the niost lmm edilatc crisis ls the food 11hortoge. Con· <·cru on thhi issue crested In 1~74 whert the World Food Confor\'nce wus 1nvok~-<t. Comlnti on the heels or \he worldwide drcxlg bt thut decimated crops. a nd tbe quadrupling of oil prices · \hat made synthetic rcrllllzer:s prohihltively ex- pensive, there was much hund·wrin~Hng and heated argum ent. But next to no attention was paid to the real pl"Oblems. that the world was faced not merely wilb o crisis or food but above alJ a crisis or populaUon. and thot no population polky was defined. such considerations being left to individual countries lo purs ue or not as they saw fit. At pre ent, the food and population cnsii. has not seriously affected the United States and Wtstem Europe: Tiie American farmer, for ex- a mple. is feeding himself and 4G others, and populations, both here :md in Europe, arc ap· proaching zero gro'Ath. JT'S A DIFFERENT STORY in de'·~l.Qping countries : Two-thirds of the world's people live in the equatorial hunger bell that produces only one-fifth o( the food but four-fiRhs of the babies. Sadly, they arc doing nothing to encourage birth control in the face o( a rampaping population growth that takes in stride the fact that two out of every five children ctie before the uge of 6 due to the ravages of malnutrition. Hut what about the ··~reen revolution .. of the last decade, that miraculous spurt in crop yields b"r<ought abu11 by the development of-hybrid plants with superior blight resistance, higher protein content. greater tolerance or adverse .... eat her and stronger resistance to Insect ~slS? It has meant a difference to be sure in help- ing to meet the nutritiooaJ net.'<is or third-world nations. but It was hurt by the se_,·ere "orldwide droughts of 1972 tH\d Ulo 11uadruplln1 or pt>trolcum prh'l'll In 1973. · So it is the misfortune or the very hand~ that, have the grt>Ut<'St OlldlS 01,rnJn t them, (rom the :.tandpoint or unnll't nt.>Nls. that they mu!\t bear thl' onus of un u11con11•011,-..1 birth rule that only accelerntes the problt'rn fl. \licious cycle. Indeed. And. iror11c ally. If thi•y could somehow reach the stand1mJ of livlnA of. say, the United Stales. the whole wo1·td would :surrer by drowninl( in Its own filth. tleason enough ~hy the world must take up the problem . de-i!mphaslze ~rowth ~r se, change many priorities and realize that now and in the long run we'rc all in this lORethe r. There seems no end to the ongoing catalog or horrors: it boitgll's the mind of every traveler who has borne wttness to Calcutta. Says Carl II. Madden of the Natfonal Plan- ning Association. ·· .. the rise or unhgrowlh senti ments. pleas tor technology n:ssessment. and pollution control. and calls for s hifting the em· phasis of our society and our economic system from products to people. from quantity to quali· ty. and rrom .. ha rdware" sciences tO improved socfol technology, are not r<>ally ·revolution· ary.' .. "If wc look a t surh 'chanj.ic·:s' as reminders that our culture and its values must continue to evolve, ant.I reco{!nize that thl'Y belong to the same stre;1m of intellC<.'tual development that created the ver y 1nst1 tutions now bein~ challenged. we :should be able to res~ adapt more rationally tu the:s~ and future "-.. change_s ·· So it is now rather thun later thut mankind --_....,.rcome-to tlr~tealir.ntion that from e m<>ral. ethical, social or economic vil'wpoint/.it Is better to plan for a Ii mited number of healthy people than be saddll'd with an unlimited number of starving or dymg masl>~. Th is arl1cle u f rom 1Vl'U'!I "'rnnt mogcwne Television as Myth: The Eye Can't ,See By MIK F. llF.NDRJCKS "f"tt• Anou .. ••ct Pr•u SYRAC L'SE. N.Y 'l'\\C> Syrul·usc L'n1vcrsity pohtic·;il s<'icntisls ha vc a rn('shai:e for Jimmy C::irter. Ronald fkus::m a nd President f"orcl. network news cas ts. the twn pohllcal srientists wrote 111 their new book. "ThP n~eemg !:;ye The Myth or Television Pc)\\er 111 National El<'ctions." Paltt•r son a nd McClure say ltwy studied cvC'ry newscast and l'tlmment ory hroaclcast by tht• .thr<'{' m ajor networks during tlw 1972 presidcntiul t•ampai1;n. anti 1ntcrv1ewed 2.000 viewers. Television is not thl• IX"' c•r ii 1~ commonly thouf?ht to be in prl'· S~fntial elections. they say. 'Thal ~as the ma1or findinfZ of Thomas E Patterson and Hobert 0 . ~lcClurc rn a three·) ear study of the influence of television on \'Ole rs in the 1972 presidential election. Political (·om m<'rcwls Jlrc)\'ld<' \Oters with more u~eful in forma11oi11 concerning a can d1date's character and his stand on 1s11ues than 1s a va1l11ble in "TELEVISION has much lcs:s annuence than people think. Pco· pie still respond lo candidat<'s in pretty much tradjtional terms. Much or the imai:?c makini.: goes for naught." Patterson Saul 111 a rl'cent interview. ··w a t c hin g t he ('\·cn1nii network news leads to a rathl'I' lnvial pcrspecti\·c of what l.'lcc· Irons arc all about." McClurt· said. "It trivializes politics. turns 1t into a ~a me. People who rely on l<'l<'\'ision news tend to view · politics much more cheaply." "It is u myth that watching telc\'is1on r<>quires no effort. ln , talking with viewers, we round it. requires more• effort." McClure si:11d. Their s tudy found that newcrs ortcn do something else while they watch television news with t he result that newscasts "'run together in their minds," McClure said. NEWSPAPER readers are m o r e 1ssu e -o rie nled tha n te leni;ro n viewers. the two Political scie ntists said. Pat· terson has received a 5400.000 grnnl lo cxp;rnd the study lo the impact of n ewspapers and newsma~u-zi1ws rn Lhe upcoming election. · Legislature Concentrates on Consumer Patterson and McClure also dii;pute the conventional belief that political advertising is ~e­ quirc specific information about void of factual information and the quality of food, lhe weight of aimt•d al molding the candidate's food. items and the t ype or image By FRED W. KUNE & JERllY GOLDBERG C.••lol No.., S..•o<• SACRAMENTO -(;oncern over the n eeds or the cons umer may go down on the-rt'COrd books as the most important contrlbu tion o( the 1975·76 California : Legislature. • There were m orr than 100 bills • in this session. covenn~ a variety : o( sub1ects r an1t1ng from con- ~ sumer rt'prescntatlon. contrnct<1. ~ credit, food. ins urance. lnndlorc1 t tenant relnllons. prlclns: nnd packaain.c to appliance a nd automotive repolrs. Several of the bills died In com mittec but arc expected to bt• broughl back into active con· ' slderation by the Legislature following the election i't Nov- <'mber. Various consumer groups in the state h ave been demanding public members on vari ou~ boord11 and commissions opcrat ed by the state go\•ernmcnt. The legtglatlve response to this cnm· plaint bas brought several bills thal would re quire more public members. and the Legislature has 1nd1cated 11trong Interest In this ar c<•. THE WHOLE Jlcld ()( 3dvt'rtls· ing produced deep concern '' ithin the consumer or1:anita· lions. They have be\..'fl cs~clally vocal in demanding thut pro· fesslonals. suc h as doctors and lawyers. publish lhe prices or their ser vices. Pending legisla· lion has worked to bring some changed a ttitudes within the pro- fessions. One bill (SR 974-Holden) that would prohibit the advertising of single .unit prices when the goods are sold only in multiple units was approved . Several other bills In the sam e area are pending in the Legislature. Action by the Legislature has made significant cha nges in con· tract law. Theae changes require Spanls h·lon![uagc versions of a contract lfn<I ~loser explanations or contracts . In the field or credit, \\omen are given m ore rights and report- ing a~encies are requlrNI to pro· vide individtwls with more in- formation from their files. The law also requires that employ- ment a pplicalion inrormut1on and insurance record.5 be gov· erned by open-record.<; rules. SEVERAL pieces or legislation went on the books providing new rights for t enters. Stroni: restric- tions were placed on clcanin!! fees and deposits. The Leglslature also took a strong interest in th· packaging or food and the information pro· vided the public on food packag- ing. The new lnw11 In this field re · material sold in various food "What the voters are reacting packages. to is substuncc. The most effec-'!' maj~r change in the ad-tive campaign ad Is based on sub- m111lstrat1on of the ~part'!lcnt s tance. not flimsy image ap- of Co~s mumer Affairs g1v<'s .... peal," Patterson s aid. some indication that the whole . area of consumer affairs will un-Campaign co~mrr~ials help dergo some s tronger enforce-voters form the ir opinion of a mentduring t he coming year. c·andrdate but lack the power to Sever a.I persons noted for their manipulalt! vole r opinion. they strong Interest in coQSumer ar-said, add.lnl( thnl commercials fairs have been appointed to ten~ lo reinCorcc already (ormt'd various cons umer interest com-behers in a voter. missions. which ·gives some in· dication more legislation and ad· ministrative rulings In tho con- sumer field can be expected. "THEIR \'JEWERS' rC<':>ll or commercials WH extraordinary c:ompared to their hai)' r~nll 6t tclevh1ion newl'. They aiol the m<>ssng<'. · • McClure snld . . J!l/f/9----------------------------------------------"""!""'-.i---------------------------------------------------~ . "But udvcrtlslng iR almost H llkrly to benefit one'• opponent os to bcndlt lhe one who Is pay • Jn2 for it," Puttenon 8llld. I • : I • ' .& • : • TANSTMFL -Who Said It First? By HEll8 CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -Ono of the busiest phones in town beloncs to Adolph ~~uman. lhe clothing t ycoon (Lilli· Ann) who was one of the first to see the potential of Jimmy Carter. As chairman of l~ Carter campaign in 11 western st.ates, Adolph is in the catbird seat abd wearing a Cheshire sm'lle to match. "Not," he adds, ''that l didn't. want Teddy (Kennedy> to 6e the candidate. He was always my man. But when I cle•red St with bf m, and he told me. •Adolph, go with carter with my blessings,• I knew be would n ever be tbe can· didate." Schuman's edDcated cuess as to Carter'• nmnin8 mate: Cburcb, Momdale or ~-n~lrin tbat order Cwbo was tt. who said a Carter·Church l5*t would be redundant?1 ••• "Jimmy does bave'a*"MoC humor,'' insists Sduunau. re- calling the lime be and Carter were sitting in the latter's hotel room here, watdalni Jerry Brown on TV as lbe lat· ter extolled bis own rllPPOft with y oun1 people. "lt.'a \rue," murmured Carter. "tut youth is"an mvanaqe. bQt Brown apparenUy re- gards it al a penonal IC• complisbmettt." LITTLE woaLD or paraaoil: Stoekbrottt .,. Helmer of Pala•. WeMMr, who Una ln COQeCll"d, left bis briefcase on the sidewalk near the BA RT station there. By the Ume he could 1tet back to it.. Martinez police had nervoualy turned ll over to u Navy bomb inspection tum. which blew up.the briofca8e. Wall Street Journal, wax- papered sandwich and nil. ''Didn't want to take a chance." explains a Martlner • police otnclal. Tbe briefcase wlll be replaced. Mr. Helmer bas his choice of sandwiches. woaos.-ne: Does Peter T•mony, S.F.'1 famed lexico- grapher, ever mtts? ~ever! Once more this lnaenious fellow has been able to clear up a major m ystery original· lQI in thls column -namely. who or111aated ''1bere ain't no sue& \hlng es a free • lune•." or. acronymicaJly. TANSTAAFL? In the last. California Voters Pamphlet. Taic Reformers Howard Jania and Edward J . Boyd dehned It u theirs, drawing outrqed 1el111 from eYf!rJ re- ader •bo found the phrase flttt tn Ronrt Hflnletn's '"l'lle llom b a Kanb Mb>- t re n ,~·~~p•bll •bed i n a.. .................. hla endJeu fllt1. out there on 24th St .. UH1 1(00<1 Dr. Tamony oro- duces ''The Fabio of the KinK and All the Wl11e Mt'n, or Economlc8 In Ell(hl Word:~. by Wa ll<>r M o rrow.•· publish~ by the Sat\ 1-'ron• ci.'Sco New~. a nd other Scrip- ps-Howard news paPf•rs. on June 1. 1949. The ell(ht words. surrounded by "medieval" drawini1 of king. throne•, wise men in dunce caps, archers and 110 on: "There Ain't No Such Thim: As Free L unch .'' Happy TANSTAAFL. BUTrON UP your over· quote: "Hello dolling," said the undeniably sexy voice oo the phone. ll aouoded like Zsa Zsa Gabor. but il turned out to be her kid aiater, Eva, ln loWn with ber bu1ban~. f'rank JamelOn. l almoat said .. rich husband-." but in the cue ot the Gaborlous ones, that's r~ dundant •.. Anyway! "Ve Jllft ~ot back from SUnlGrd, .. continued Eva, "vere my husband cave a medal to dat ~ Russian author -you know de one. His first name is Ala: and be W"rOle aometbiq about prla on canap1~" Solu nhlt11yn? "Dot's Jt,'' ex· clalmed Eva, sounding sur· prised. C'O l,.UMNVISION: Now we're In New York a month ago wh e r e ()larle von Furstenberg was givin•: ;i contervatlvt chic party for Oov. Jerry Brown. Great fun! Tout Manhattan there. Now let '1 play q\.I Cstio n!I :ind answers. First qul'Stion: "l)o you feel you c,ntered the primaries a little too late'.'" "Or." s m ilingly suggests John Oakes. famed and feared editoria 1 page edilor of tbe New York Times. "did :vou enter them too early? Tbat '-· do you rm you have acquired lhe expertJse to be preside nt. of the United Shtes?" Jerry curls bis lip. Zenwise. "Expertise? .. he says in· credulously. "What kind ~ a word ls that? rs that a word in the Engllab language? l can'L e9en recall the..Jut. time I heard that word used. Really. ,Expertise?" Aft.er Oakes had left, Financier Felix Rohal.YD. a Brown ropporter. 111d to lbe Guv, ''Do you know who that wu? '' 81'0Wft: ''Should!?" MrCtur1• cltt>d lhe commcrcl9l by CcorK<' Mcliov1:rn 11howlng lht• 1972 Democratic nomlnco with n itroup or w11r veterans. McGovern supp0rlct111111id the ad depicted 11 w orm and com· passionate man Suwortcrs of Ric hard Nixon saw the 8umo comnwrclol ghow· ln11 a cold m an cxploitlng tho veterans. McClure said. 09'ANG• COAST DAILY PILOT The comment page of the Oal· ly Pilot 3t'\"ks to Inform and sllmul1te readers b)' present· lnl.J a v•rlely or commentary on t opic• or lnterett and llifnlfkance from Informed observerw ind 1pokc11mcn. Robut N. W~td. PublWlcT Tllotno1 Pollfttr. Commnt Pogc £diior Saturday, July 11. 1976 1'----------------~· ; lb alrls and boys. Uncle lArt'a. desk looktd Uke "Clown Alley" this week as the drawlna1 and colorinl!s poured in. Winner of the first week's col orioe fontest is Patrick Brady, 6. of U> Wttt Bay St:. IS. Costa Mesa. Patrick coloced lu.s clown neatly in blues. greeJU1. browns, reds, orange and purple. He will receive three (3> reserved seat ticUu to Ringling Bros .• Baroa&m and Bailey Circus performance of Saturday, Aug. 7 at3p.m. Willner of lhe •'Design a Clown Face" contest appears al right. She will also receive three tickets to the same performance. llO~OllABLE MENTION this wee~ ln the coloring ooetest goes to Sadie Diskin, John Tyler, Kevin Bradfield, Carter Brown, Samantha Stewart. Ronnie Liv· ingston, Richard and Sig'i Lynn Stanley, Donna Newcomb and Jan Larson, a11 of Newport Beach'; KelleL_Boyer, Kevin Hanson, Michele Mortoo, Janine Wheeler, and Renee Masse, all of Huntington Beach; and Shawn and Gaelen Whitesell of Corona del Mar. Also to Liza Shipley, Leigh Bnd~ckie Ectnmique.-- Suzanne and Tom Chasteler. Rebecca Bogart, and RAST WEEJrs 'DESIGlf'A CLOWN FA~-MNNER Debbie Cohen, 12. of 3210 New York Ave., Coat. ...... Nikki Baxter, all of Costa Mesa; Cassandra Cornell, Robby Morris and K ay Wharton or Fountain Valley ; Shala Youngerman of San Clemente; Noah Pike of Laguna .Beach: Sbanden Jean Lowe of San Juan Capistrano; Kristin Balalis of Balboa ; and Jeff Solorio of < Laguna Niguel. Honorable Mention in •the ''Design a Clown Face" cootesl goes to Julie Albright and Janice Tomei of Costa Mesa: Debby and Diana Gilbert and Daneen Tell- lnghwsen of Fountain Valley: Tyra Wolfsberg of Corona del Mar; Paul Solorio of Laguna Niauel; Karne Masse and Arlene Angeles of Huntington Beach: and Linda Provis of Newport Beach. I Until next week, Uncle Len l wishes each and every one Ute ' very. very besl or everything. t Skunks Bend Town's Nose t ALBANY CAP> -It took no areat piece of gumshoe work for policemen to pick up lhe scent of this tiny town's latest public nuisance. 1 Skunks, those ranJc UtUe cdl· ters with the lingering stench. have got the whole lOWJl 's nose out or joi.Dt. .. THIS HAS BEEN an unusual· ly heavy year for skunks," said John Sawer, Albany animal con· trot of ricer 1 !'O\iQI lhal 10 skunks had been 1t1lled already. "Last year we had only seven all year.'' He explained Ute reason ror the aituatlon: •'There's a lot more wildlife up on the bills thls yur for them to rompet.e with, and the akunkJ. r•ceoens and oppoasurns are coming down into Albany looking forloodbywayofthccrceks." ......... tM.ACf( ....... ~tltl6 V-tf kl...te Aftll llW PW!.,._ te OMwlf ................... 111., 111.c..1w111 .......... WHAT KIND (H' ANIMAi. lJVF.S IN A C()NCll SHELL! The shell animals, called molluakl, form on ot tbe l•racsl •roups ln the animal kl~dom. SclentlstJ have grouped moll'1Sks Into five moln c1 .. 11es to make It .-asler for us to study them. These Qrc the bivalves, which have two ~bells hinged to.ether: the univalves. which Mve just one shell: the chJton11, whos<' ahella are mode or eight separate plates: the tooth shells. and t~ .nautilus group. The e<>nch is a un. htalvt, and mnoy varieties are extremely beautlrul and deslrc,od by shell collectors the world 1 OVt'r. The conch belongs to a cl~ of mollusks called Gastropoda, which includes limpets, soa.ils. slugs and whelks. Shallow tropical waters are the usual home or these marine snails, whose large and colorf\ll shells are used as oro.aments in the home and earden. Tho shell is also mede. into buUons. carved 11nto cameos, cround into lime 1and usecUn motng porcelain. ' OF THE MANY nricties ot Irvine Girl Pens Bicentennial Poem /Ed. Note: The followiftg 100.s uni to Uncw Lftl by Frtd K. SchMf>e of S.. Jllllll Copi$trono on bmalf of hU granddaal{1httt, Mary Collicrd, 12, of Irvine. Mary compoud the~ for the blcentenrUcl on March 27 of this ~. Her grmtdfat~ thouQht it worthy of publication on the FamUy P0!}4!, and Uncle U1l agrees) ONE NA110N UNDER GOD I am proud to be an American, . ' Glad to salute the red, white and blue. I am honored toblivcsuch forefathers; To have freedom for me and you! ram so lucky to be bom in America I am so happy to hear people say One nation und« Ged is ours God gave us Utis land that day. Jam unique as an American I am glad I am that way. Yes, I &II) proud to be an American For God is watchil\I our land today. Sometimes I get hoped down in mythoughta My mind is turning in circles and figure eights I have so many thoughts, J am atified, suffocated by my emo-tions. Some call thisdepresslon. l cant. For alwaYis ~n this mass chaos is the glimmer of hope. Jam not sure, wbycan'tlfindtbegoldentreasurein my mind? Here, asJstumbleinthedark Hoping to see ju.stone littlespart Hemakes himsd.C clear.. l knpw God is here • Can you see the fiOftl'I, will you loot at the l?US? How can you let this blessed time lut, yet not pass. And hold il forever in your hand. Uowcanyou clolie)'Oureyes? Take a good look around you. brother, and do not see the light! You open your eyes and yet .rema.in blind, how does tba1 help you? You have to let younell grow. grow up to God, See the beauty othlnuelf ln others. As the breeze you must blow. 8ut blow as younelf, not someone else amt :YOU will be high, Jn Gods eyes and mans eyes to heaven. • · nfthy queen conch la delicious to eat and la a ataplo food In \he Wat India. ' The animal housed In this beauUM sbelfhaa a ll•hy body which moves ,_\>but by meam of a mu.cular root wttlch pulls tbe c~h b•ckward alon«i the sur· tact. MealUme treats are localed by ill kffn sense ot sight and smell and consist mainly of sm•ll, dead marine animals. -r.·o amaJI, well·developed eyes at tbe bue of long tentacles in the head aid in tbe fopd· gatberin1 process. 1'be cooch's t~gue bas thou.aand9ohharp lit· Ue teeth. When it eats, it moves tts tongue back and forth like a • litUe file to scrape ••8.Y bits of food. M these teetb wear out. new one. grow. ao it always has theri1btequipment to dine with. partlcuJarly handy, however, when such predators as the tulip, another unlval,re, come alonR. The conch has many charoc· ttrisllcs in common with other IUUlil1. It bas a def~t.c head part.. • mouth, eyes and two pairs of amall 1i.lks sticking out ol the head Wee JIUle borna. 'lbele ten. t•cles are u.ed as smellm and fMI..-. and ean move ln dllferent dlrectlons. They can be pulled back into the head if the animal 19 disturbed. _,...,..,,.._.OMW ......... I• ... ---11 ... 1'1.&.<twtt,W~lllr-_,.IMI WHY AR£ OUR TEETH SENSITIVE TO TIN FOIL? rr you have evel" put • ptece of chewtn1 gum Jn your mouth with a scrap of the foil wrapper at· tached -wow! -you know It! Actually, the very uncomfortable tenSation ia usualty felt only by people who haye a metal filllng in a tooth. And the reuon is thal there ls a galvanic reaction - caused by two dlllerent metals coming tot ether. Dent.lits, urare d tbb reac· "°"'do not nu teeth which bite down on eaeb other wt\b dlttereot metals. It's floe to have both teold and aUver fillings or crowna in YoUt mouth. but only if the two meta.la do not come into contact wtth each ou.er in the btting or cbewiftl process. OccasJona.11.y, a ton or spoon will cause the aame painful aepsaUon aa foll, ao do be caretul. (0.JW ••.ea,.,..._ te ASK ., Saturday. July 17, 1975 DAIL v PILOT A 1· Guide Dog Baron Gets Hero· Award r--~-------------------------~-1 I I I I l'OREST ORO~. Ore. (APl -The WiJJlern O. Stillman award, the n ation's hlghe:s\ award to an animal, "'a.s pr~enl· td to Baron. a 4·)·ear~d Golden Retriever, thl we~k. Baron, a auJde dog for the blind, awoke the Jerome Sanders family. then or lnternatlonot f'alls. Minn., on Jon. 3, 197S. with his barking :when their house c;iught fire. The family, which was unin· jured, has since moved to Oregon. Sand~rs, who ls blind, runs a vacuum cleaner business in Forest Grove. The award, given through the American Humane Societv. was presented b y Forest Grove Mayor Eldon CJin. The plaque will be presented lo the Gulde Dogs for the Blind School in San Raphael, Calif. • • I I ' I I a I I I I ' I I I Snow Leopard Cub Mothered By Zoo's Vet I I ' . . I BROOKFIELD. 111. (AP) Unable to be nursed by his mother because she hl\d u mastectomy, a rare snow leopard cub valued at Sl0,000 has -been-taken into the home of a BrookfieM Zoo veterinarian and his wife. The while, gray-spotted cub - named Shiva, after a Hindu god -was born May 22 and weighed one pound, two ounces. "THERE ARE only l27 snow leoparcb in captivity in the world," said Dr. Dan Laughlin. .. And only a few are left in the Himalaya mountains, where they live at altitudes of 10.000 to 20.000 feet." Laughlin said he and his wife, Pam, keep Shiva in an inr ubator in a spare bedroom, bottle· feeding him a fortified milk formula about once every rive hours wheo hew akes up crying. ------------------~--------------BOYS ANO GIRLS, NINE AND UNDER, COLOR CLOWN FACE Artila~ts Found -Scien lsts-Ente---. 40,000-year Era LA JOLLA <A Pf-As the nation celebrates its 200lh birthda1, scientists here are digging in a residential backyard for evidence man bas been in North America far longer than previously thought -up to 70,000 years. The excavation began recently near the swimming pool behind the home or Dr. WilUaro Mc Elroy, chancellor of UC San Diego. I Scientists and student helpers arc looking for evidence or a~ pie they believe livetl here about 40,000 years ago. Stone tools ana human bone fragments dated up to 39.000 years old by a new amino acide dating system have previously been found In the same area al the northwest edge ol San Diego. 1 ..A NliRSING mother can pro· vide antibodies needed for her cub to meet the stresses of a new environment until be grows up. ~hi~a•a mother had her can· ceroaa br~asts removed two years a_go. Now it's up to us. Dr. Jason Smith told reporters before the diR started that mar, may have been In North America ror 70,000 years because that is th~ last lime before the 40,000 year period that there was u land bridge from Asia to North America. Scientists generally believe Nort}J Americarut came by land. • 1 Smith, an internationally known archaeologist fro"l Nortbridge, said that "unW 5 or 10 years ago, it was tough to fiod an ' arcb8e0logist who would admit man was in the Americas much more than 10.15,000 years ago.'· "He we1'hf three pouack,.alx 0Wlte9 now an4 ls comint-elong fine, in fact Mapib and growi. at us sometimes. ' The-,amino acid datinl aya&Mn developed two years 114 by Dr,. Jetrr.j 1.. Bada, associate profess°'" at Scripps Jn.stitution ot 1 Oceano8raphy, shocked many by pulling the age of a skull lound iri . tlda area 40 years ago at 48,000 years old. , 1 lord Klflanin Is PfMident of the IOC What do the letters "lOC" s11nd forf 2 Where are the 21st Summer Olympia being hddl 3 The death Ion is a n, Olympic field event which indudes competition In •. l .. events. a·S b-10 C·20 4 What Olympic sport Include$ competition in Finn, Soling, Tempest, and flying Dutchman categorles l • s 11ie record for the most sold mec:bls won during a single Olympic Ca mes is held by .. i , a·Jeuie Owens b-Olg.11 Korbut C•M.a1k Spit: qulzn•m• (10 .-... H rou can 5dtntlfr Ill•""°" lft h ""9) I am the current heavywel1ht bowing champion of the world~ At the 1960 Olympic Camn In Rome, Italy, I won a Sold medalior the United 5'1tes In the light heavyweight divblon. Who am ll Olympic match. (.4,..... .. tMft.-.ct tN.tttl) 1....Brenda Morehead J>.basketblll In addition &o behlg a family fun reat•re, THE QUIZ ls aa lDtecnl part of tile hl·clauroo• De•• program preseated la Orange Coast area schools as a pubUc 1ervlce by the 0.Uy Pilot. ...-.. _.,.,._, __ ...,, quizplcture ( 10 point a If ,w ._ ftlt .-.ion contttfy) In this Olympic sport, the athlete lhr~ a heavy inent objecl 'alled a •• l.. a~ ( 4r a~ he or 'he can, Olympic words (J,... fof eedl ...... ~ conectlJ) 1-.medley •'"Javelin •·light spear thrown by the hmd b-nat, round obf('tt thrown rn ~1hle11c c.ompc11tlons <'1wimmlnt race consisting of four dlff~rent strol<c• d"\word used In fencing roundtilbl• t 3.-Dwisht S<ones 4." .. M feuerbach ,.....,--.i.c,.._..> I s.. .. Jm'Cie lMrieu ..... Do che Olympic Carnes contributr tolmernatlonal fOOCfwllJllld undersl1nding 1mon3 natlonsl Why Of why notl 10Ua 1COM: tl .. 100 _.. -TOP ICOlllt 11 .. tO ,._ -hceftent. 71 " '° Pofnel -Good. 11 te 70 ...... -hlr. 712·76• VIC. IM.. ........ ~ <'OOChes, perhaps t.be best Down 1;. the qu~ conch. a1ao known as the Jlant conch « pink ~ctt. The largest sea s nail round on the AU.ntic coast, it may be as long as 12 inches and weigh nearly five pounds. The outer surface o( tbe shell is rough and bumpy, but inside the buge ltp is glassy •moot.b. The colorftlM wllhln may be a rkb p~. w~ yellow ~ various hues or orU\le. The THE QUEEN CONOI is often quite active.In spite ol Its cvm- benome shell. A daw attached to it.I foot helps it to make long Jum ... Wlaen it Mfds·to move r..,....,_, it leapS •bout and tts bea'I)' s~ll wobbles trom ncte to side in a most uQgainly la9111on. Thi• abili\y to move fast is 4NDn SeM 1t • a "" °"' .-,_.Hae. ... _._.. P-S !...,.!q-c!e-z!;>·f!SCl&OM3J411A10 ~ ....... te All[ ANDY .. lftd·ioqt.10 lOq"S : 3•ll.L1Wlltlb ~ -- • r ~ .. ., .... ••"II•·....._ ~!>J!e.g:p-z !q·t.:u::>.1.v•31dD'IO .,.. .. ..,.. ... ...,.11.,_,.>______ 4t i<eosn1mro DAILY PILOT 111MBLEWEEDS 11, '·' I Saturday.Jurr 17. '976 by Wrft. F. lrow11 cmcl Mel Casson by Tom K. Rymt ~EMiiiiiil~~--~--E::Jii-=mnii~ Ir Jlllm lllL:J ._ N-.. ~·,fUMKY WIMKERBEAM ,; ' !rs REAU..<.> ourTE. A Hl51~1(, 11• ((()M£NT HAVIN6 OU££~ •·• ELIZA BE TH -mE SECOND HE.RE. ;. AT K OP£NINC:i OF lHE OL9MPIC GAMES! TANK McNAMARA NANCY . I QUICK---LET.'S CROSS THE STREET HERE COMES IRMA AND I OWE HER A QUARTER by Tom Batiuk ~ FACT, I "THINK 1Hl5 15 iH£ Flft5T ilME 1HAT AN OCEAN LINER AA5 <Ji£NED THE GAMES! by Jeff Millar .& Bill Hinds NYAA ... a<Av,r~. ~~IHAN WAT~IN' ~RUN~.~ DON'T WORRY, SHE'LL GO ACROSS HERSEL.F--- by Ernie Bushniler ,, .; DOOLEY'S WORLD DR. SMOCK r " I J 1 " MOON MULLINS o!<'.,ok.! IF.YOU INS15TON I \/ISITIN, 'eM, LE:T'S G'o VISIT 'EM! IT1~ POL ITe' TO CALL iHAT W~l~E COMIN(1. by Charles M. SclUz --------. UNITED Fe1ture Syndlc1te '1ldlY•Puult Sllwtd: ~1 1(00 CAN TAU< ALL 1/00 f'M JJST A 006, ANO I ~ BUT! CAN'ISW -DON'T AAVE /JJfl MORN WHAT ME SEWN6-ACROSS .CS Ttrmite'a rtlallw 1--pJoe: 50Al!llf. Kind of StmOI city: i.:.....h+rfi*• conduit 2 WOtdl 8 O~lad 52 Cltf gymen ~lilmimtlll .4Hr"'"'" 10 Calendlt 58 "King Lw" .r entry c:t1ar1ct• ~IWW• 1" RHldlnee 57 A din • 15 Conatantly ,!T ...,:_ ....... ......,.,. 18 P111t 11110 58 noplcat pley ""'"~ 17 Senta'• ""' relndtlf 80 Juil 1 WM l8Com1>otlllona: drlllk 2 WOtdl 83 G S A. 20 lmmedletely; member; 2 cuttody 36 Mllll. Abtlr. word• 7 81111'1 ri.. tubject t 21Autooarl S51dollze 8Mlk•rlgtit 37Utlll'utate • ~ 22 Monkey 68 European O Prillpe llowlf 23 Athenian 'fOlctno 10 Couple 39 Vloi.nt blow • po« 87 ft~ 11 "like -·--" 4 1WIN111tn 25E•P'•lltd 88Kllled 12Arri on• 44 Aloofp ... acom violently community 48 Sfllp'a recotd 27 Orawa back 6g Profound 13 Nlclanl b()OI( • , 30 Taki lo 70 HHttned Clltriot .C9 Raglonl court 7'Franctitown 19 01grtat !it CMOlltl'I 3 1 Down· d1gnlly lmplemant Under bird DOWN 21 Cantrel • 62 5'>dlt 32 Aecom-po~t lllrloualY modal•• 1 Armed ~c• 24 8""'1111'1 153 Crtem cit II• 34 Pub PHllmt mtl'llbera; 11tlcle ctap 38 E ¥trgreen1 AtJC>r. 28 Gel 11 154 Chill con .CO()pan akin 28• rer:ompenat --- lesion• cont1911ou1 27 Foott>all 55 Salling 42Mlnulttllln 3Putout·-ofllel111: ftlltl opening Informal 511 Stable 43 Seetl• 4 Ntwlpll* 211 Aeleata 0 I =Ille 451(11m1ndu la VIP 20 Bid lftrOlf II ll~t ltsc1plt1I 5Man·a 33Sp9ctd 82Wlllam -: .c7Mtrble: nlcknemt aoatt Ou•• Sltrlg ~UlloldlnQln 35ller:2.ords leedtf 84Swallt 85 B loeltlltld i1 ·~i ., f •• ~lrf::;::!:=ao"'"4 1:::=--~ JUDGE PARKER MISS PEACH by Mel Ll"f Tl-IE Fl..()()lt OF A MOVI& 'TlE~T~f VM!N THI LIGMT~ 60 ON .... by Rodcjer Bradfield I by Gtonje Lemont 1-IT .. Oh dear, the preuy rcecptionilt quits her job and gets married in the very Ont chapttr-from here on h's l()ing to be nothing but one ariumcol after anotller." DENNIS THE MENACE ~ ,.,.., ·~ IUF-scAAc;iH' A~~ I raer 'Mtf stiM~··· - , l I Food and Wate r Roses Require Sullllller Care Whether you are caring for Roses newly pl•nt· fd this s ummer or an estabhshed Rose: 1arden. a good summu care program culls first Cor plenty of ~·1ter. Thorough d1.'t'p watennss are reqw red to al- low the plants to takl" up nutnents rrom the soil and continue to produce new gro"1h and no"·ers. Reaular waterin' Is a good objective . Moany gardeners apply a thick mukh around the bue of the plants lo conserve moisture and reduce water· ingJ, stablllte soil temper atures and help control weeds. However. keep in mind that Roses should be planted where the drainage 1s good as they do not do well in standing waler. HEALTHY VIGOROUS Rose plants produce the most buds. longest stems and largest flowers. To ketop up the vigor or Rose bushes, apply light monthly appliratJons of a specially formulated Rose Certihur . Regular Ceedmgs will insure your Roses have a constant supply of needed nutrients rather tlla n a fa m ine.feast situation. ftealthy ptunts are also better uble to resist dis· ea5e and insect d amage. Insects can, a nd 40, in· vade the summer Rose garden throughout the war m summer month.,. Insects that feed on new growth reduce the quality and vigor or foliage and eventually the entire shrub. Mildew and rust. more or less prevalent in summer, also wea~en the plants and m ar their appearance. WHETH ER ONE takes the organic approach, preferring biological control, or relies on modern and easy-to-use plant protection chemicals it is usually necessary lo take some Immediate action to preserve the beauty and quality of plants. Consult your local nurseryman Cor a complete insect and disease program that 's righ t for you. Stagecoach driver Paula Bat;tiaanse. pre- sident of Spyglass Hill Garden Club of Corona del Mar. and passenger Su san KagnoH. hospitality chairman of the club. display t he .. Americana" t heme for a social gathering today. Setting fo r the 6·10 p.m. party is the Bastiaanse garde n, 61 Montccito Drive, Spyglass Hill. Spotlight· Lastly. lo assure continued and plenteous color from your Roses, keep spent blooms cut. Cut the 4 ing the "Old West," food will be s erved from an authentic chuckwagon in tin plates like cowboys used. The salad bar will be tin buckets filled with greens and vegetables and beef will be roasted on a spit. Dress is "cowboy casual" and danc· ing to a s ix piece bluegrass band will follow. -Bonsai Shows Slate d Harry Hirao. member of th• California Bon:s:.i Assocl3tlon and lecturer on Aonsoi tt'chnlque ~·Ill pr~t>nl two Ronsol dt'· monst rotlons today ctld SUnday £it 11 a.m. and 2 p.m . a t Va lley Cnrdt'ns N u rst>ry , 1 8420 Bl"QOkhurst St.. Fountuln Vulley. Bonsai is tht• oa:ed Japanese art or d warfmc trees through root Pf\Ul· ina and through trwninl( the branches to present the tree in a particular s t y l e . H irao 's de- monstration will involve laking a small tr e<' ::ind applying the technique. including root p runing and wiring the \•ruiou.~ branches to achieve one of the t ypical Bo nsai looks. Hirao has g iven many demons trations at the annual Bonsai Exposi- tion h eld a t the Los Angeles Museum uch April. Also. he has pre· s e nted si milar de - monstratiorts at the Na· tion al Bonsai Conven· lion. HOME 'CARDEN Landscape Enhanced By Trees I ' Trees a dd height to patio a nd ba lcony pl*'t • lngs and le nd interest. to e ntr yways a f\d co urt ya rd s . Lo~a l nurseries s t ock miny varieties or trees suha· ble for s mall areas and container growing. Caring for t he trees is si mpl e . Y o u r nurserym an can ~ad· vise you as to the correct size containe r a nd 1<>il mix lo use. Be s ure the container bas adequate drainage. J apanese Maples "i th their delicately c1t1t lobed leaves are excellent ac. cents tor semi-s haded entryways. IT'S TIME TO SOD llUI GUSS 1 0 l/2c ,...ILUI -Q •• , ~11t~~-at-a~~gree a ng&..w.itl\4rul!t shears. Make the cut •:i to~:i down the stem above a five Jeanet leaf. Five leaflet leaves indicate \1igor awn and a new bud s hould grow from this joint or node are Pays Bonus •• DaMUDA _ "------11 GIHNTIH ENT. . \'Cry quickly. Patience a11<l E.ff urt ()t'l'r<·o11f'' l'roblf>tn.s IOlt motllll "" -·-.... -,,,..( Free F e rtilizer Offe r e d ,,,a._..,.. .... ,,, ---'°°tti·"· 11 M (H ...... faff SOO UTUA TUii M lUO Local gardeners, particularly those interested in orl{anic gardening, are being orfe red free fi sh heads and entra ils. During the warm sum mer days ahead you can turn your lawn into a cool, lush green ex· panse. Chances are with a litUe patience and regular errort you ca n over com e t he four main stumbling blocks to an_attracti\·e lawn: lawn moths, compacted soils ; fertJlizer burns; and incor- rect watering methods. cause of lawn failure. C.Ompacted soils do not absorb water and nutrients e ffectively <most or it running off into gutters I and ulso do not allow the rool.:i or your grass to breathe has been b urned. soak the areas thoroughly to leach or flood out the extra fer tilizer. 1---· PHONE OROEaS ONl Y Ml-l 550 ~~~ I These m ay be obtajned by bnnging your own container to 2620 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, and calling at the r ear or the smoked hsh building. For additional information. call 646· lS49 . ~ VALLEY GARDENS 114ZO HOO•HUIST, fOUMTAIM VALUY 'h ............. s-.,.... rn-.,. 714-tlM771 FREE DlMOHSTRA TIOMS IOMSA.1 by H.-ry Hirod SAT. & SUM.-JULY 17 It II 11:00 A.M..,.., 2:00 ,.M. , . I F YOU SEE the rather non descript lawn moths hovering over our lawn, you can be sure they have laid their eggs. The larvae emerge from the eggs 11nd immediately begin eating away at the base of t he grass blades. There are many excellent s prays and dry compounds to apply to your lawn that e rtectlvely control or eradltate this lawn pest. The sprays are easi~ ~pplied with a sprinkling can or a hose attach· ment. P acked soil is a common Packed soil can be corrected by spiking with a hand spiker or applying a dry o r liquid soil con- dilionef . Even soils properly amended before lawn installa - tion occasionally need aerating (or plugging> t o penetrate dense layers or thatch build-up. FERTILIZER BURN is the re suit of incorrect fertilizin g t echniq u e A l ways f o llow package d irect ions : never fertilize a wet lawn but rather. apply fertilizer when the grass_is dry a nd w ater heavily im· mediately afterward. JC the lawn '1 Proper walcrin~ means deep and regular watering. If you are -;::==================~ not sur e how long to run your \. SU~..,~1~.~ .. ,S~LE J sprinklers set a Cew coffee cans on the lawn lo see how many in· ches or wa ter a re deHvered in 30 <,M minutes. 45 minutes. etc. Did the ·~ or. 1'HE ~o cans fill uniformly or were there " 11'" 'A "dry spot.s ? Next, with a soil O' ~ i auger or t rowel dig down and see ~ '.A how for the w ater penetrated into ~ "Come V1s11 Our Dfst>lay Ponds· V thesoil.Strive towatcrtoudepth I ~:.,1 .,1,d1 *••A"°/// I of about 6-8 inches. Gruss roots P -~ /_ will grow deeply ir properly 1-~-"n Olt<t<J'l""'w.1 ,-watered. And remember. a mow. • ing height or 11 ~·2" is ideal for I Aorpod Bluegrass and Ryeqrass lawns. 7 Othe r g rasses m ay be mowed4> i~;.~~ '-' 1 '(t inches. Shorter lawns bum ~ easily and cannot provide enough , ..., _ h ICol of''-wortd .... Coodtothe roots. ..._, '"'ru;• ,.,,_i, ~~'t..°:~';;,J;· 1 C . G . Koi up to 50°/o off ·onta1ner roWing ( 'in. Koi s tor s10 . ' 7L Waterp,ants 25°/o off .~ Offers Advantages ~ H-.:•=0.=,.......,, ;I ... Allleric.-4 w W...... C....,. Weekend Garthning Checklist Conta iner vegetable gardening isn 't just a comp romise solution for landless apartment residents and m obile home owners. It of· fers some ois tinet advantages over trad itiona l methods or gardening. If you aren't planning on a hanging b asket of tomatoes. or a tub full or green peppers. eggplant, or s pinach, then you m ay be w orkin g harder than necessary to bring in your veget a- ble crop. boxes and contatc>ers. Seedlings -:;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~J are easier lo find in pre-sterilized soi~~=~veJo work extra. hard HYO R Q PQ NfC • Mulch h eavily around the base of rose bushes and follow a r egular wa t ering p rogra m . Roses love deep , thorough water- ing. to r each hanging baskets. -.=_.;:: GARDENS SOIL MAGGOTS that live in I I the soil. a,nd cut worms that hide COMPARE THESE PRICES: in the soil, ar c a lso easier to con. • Encourage bus~ frowth and intreased rlower produc:Uon by p in c hin g Gera n i ums and t rol in container plantings. In· Co111plc1 .... full y aucom:ul·J 0111d11u r festa tions m ay be avoided or · I · · R I I FUCHSIAS significantly delayed in con-rt:nrt u ;1<1111-: un11.;. l':H Y to p Jilt. The hoop aklrted shape ol luchs1H hH 1ppe1te<110 Fuchsias gardeoers since the plant was named lor Dr. Leonerd I Ch , th 1 d Faster groWth is a bonus or container growing. The soil in containers warm s up earlier in. the season than Rarden soils. C.Ouple this witb a good light· weight s o il m Ix a nd good fe rtilization practices. and It m ean s ea rlie r yields and poalbly bigger aod better yields. t ainers . Your containers can shirt with the sun during the gr owing season. Move them out oC the shadows and into the Cull sun to provide one of the best harvests ever. Plant up contalners In the fall with spring blooming bulbs or cool weather crops such as let· EXAMPLE ~ , 12 UNIT 369 00 COMPLfTf FuctlS at Tubergen, Germany 1n 1542 Roger's Gardens 1 • r.) san em ums P ante · gtows aome of llle most t>eaut1tul luchs1as in the world. now will supply a blaze of fall Nol ooly It the cltmete in our area excellent lor tuchsaas, l color. ::.C:~n °~;r~!1•~:10;;.e!s~ng·~~~ d~;::C~1~~· P~;:,:~~ ~ • Ktoep Bougainvillea vines on e11 cepl lona1 p lants. Ot the 500 or more I lhe dry aide during~ blooming vartettes. Roger ·s season to ins ure the bnghtest col· Gardens has approx· ors. ' lmalely 80 ol the NSI I'. · · • w t 1 ' th d and most popular ; .~ •"" '\"'t • er ear y 10 e ay or Fu chilaa can bo , .":.. "'~ ~'~r~..... even ing so tha t water has a dlvldad 1n10 two ~ .~ ,.· ')'... • c ha nce lo pe n etrate the soil c111sll1cat1ons. trail· '"" .• ~ 11 ... ~4~C¥ befor(' murh or it is lost by 1ng (TR) or basket (BJ ,,.. -:{,' ,. .~~:..\ ~ evaporation PRE-STERILIZED soil mixes eliminate weed problems. but even hom ema de soil mixes are euy to weed in rals~ Oower tuce. and upright (UJ. TM ,"'-. ',.,,' ~· ~~ ... , J ~; lt11er del<:flbang the } ' • • .$-I)~ .a. tR !< l type usually follows r. ~ • •• ~;ti , the name on the '"•' •""'"' -·.~_. ·~· ~;,,. :1/el • l11bel. For Instance. ~ ·~~ 'r Mr C Performance of Ve rbena Lauded Julia (8). ·' , • '.~ •r\ ': • : The sepals and ~ .' • ., ' corolla are the com· ~;; ·" ~ '-"'-' • ponents 10 which col· J • 'l : 11 • or descriptions reter , • · n ower beds anJ borders. -weather and a re drought T h eir trai lin g h a bit resl$lant. The green or gray-green lenves have t oothe d ed .:cs. T he f'REE DELIVERY WITHIN OUR AREA, .'forl'ice u1ul Qulllity Si1u·1· 194 6 NURSERY- FLORIST and which come '" a vnst variety ot pastel Shades. For s umme r time col· or. it's hard to beat the colo r a n d flowerin g performance of Verbena and Vlncn. Nurser ies have r eady -t o -bloom plants available \n Oats, paeks. a nd 4-inc h pots. m akes the m excellent c hoices f or h a n g ing baskets . Choo~<' from patriotic red, white and blue shades or delitthtful pinks, purp les a nd blues. They thrive in s unny hot flower c lusters are dis· i1--------------.. --------------· pla yed In two to three Fuchsias thrive along tht West Coast from San Otego to Vancouver. BC and do best where humidity as t11gh 11nd the atr has· some movement The Newport Beach area w11h naghl temperalu19s of 50-S~rees alld day t mperatures of 68-72 degrees provide IM ideal concltt1ons lor lhtS beautiful flower II you ate unable lo p.ovlde these cond111ons you should loc.ate your plants wnere you would be comlort1ble on a hot summer day. Fuchsias should De placed •n locations of shade to 1111ered sun and protected from strong winds They need 10 be watered according to weather condttlOrts, never 1111owed to dry out. but not drowned either. When wautrtng, water thoroughly untal water comes out of the dn11n1199 hole Since fuchsias are heavy bloomer• and rapid growers. they rupond bell to an ample supply of lood lo stamutate spectacullf blossomrng It is recommended that a heavy feeding program be ullld. Roger s Flower Food evel"f two we.kl. Best color will be oble1ned by removing dead blossoms and any ~•es 11111 may appe.r. White Illes and spider mites love the tendef lohage or rucnsias. Do not w~111 tor your otant to become tnlested. Spray regularty (eYerY two weeks) walh Metro Fruit end Vegetable SP'•Y· which contains Pyretflrlns and Rolenone. F,uchs1as' beauty and coloration. from white, pink and violet 10 reds end shades ol orange make up for lhetr tack of fr ag•nce. The color combtnaltons are unlim11ec1. The common name or · Lact, a Eardrop" des<:rtbes th11 water loving plant well. Humming birds feed ing on the dainty btouoms are 1n aocs.d lnoenttve 10 na-ve them In your ~rden. J 2301 San Joaqvm Hills Rd .. Newport Beach 24741 Chflsanta Dr .. Mission V1e10 Verbena m ake lovely spread ing pla n ts for Inch clusters with either solid colors or brts ht white "eyes" tn the center. America's Most Beautiful Nu~ry FREE DEMONSTRATION CLASSES tt:tt && Indoor ptmt Feeding & Summertime Qlre IJ ..._ Moh Basket 1:00 ,... Construction 4:M ,.a Fuchsl1 Car9 Learn the secrets of Roger·s !towering beauty 1n ..the eo lt\/o rl o f l he new amphlthe1ter ............... .., __ ..,.._.....,. • --;..;;..oo·-·1 Public Welcome 9-6 p.m. Daily r IFlori1t SpPciall .'11111ml r\ tr JJ.:r.111u.· .u1cl lulor. 1:" ,JH ul ROSES Ill ~I.Ill\ l'Ofur,. l·lori,( "r.1p. THURS. THRU SUN. JULY IS THRU 18 INur11e ry Speciall PA SION VINE VIGOl\OUS GHOWl'NC VINE Wl'fll LAflG£ EXOTIC t'LOWERS OF BLUE, WHIT£ ANO LAVENDEll. PLANT NEAH FENCE, WAl.l. OR tRELUS. TRRU.JULY %0 • SpectaJs Limited to Supply oca II PHONE !~ S46-U25 ; 2640 Harbor Blvd., CCMta Me~• ; OPEN DAILY 9 · 6 SUNDAYS 9 · S:30 tt A JO DAILY PILOT / What's This 'Born Again'? Carter's Religion Stimulates Curiosity I B1G£ORGE W.CO&NELL AP••~ .... NEW YORK -Since Jimmy Carter say1 ll has h•PPtned to him. many people arc wondering just whal being "born agaln" meana. Tho.te versed In the New Tewtament know. of course. but studies show lhere·11.consldera- ble Illiteracy In that orea thtse days, even amoni ChrlaU•rw· Som e don't undeutand-.r . mi.Jjudge-the concept. · . LIKE VAlllOVt; other re · li glous terms. it is "puuling to modern mlnds." says the Re\•. Prayer Workshop Slated Other Cluuches Plan Dance, Barbecues A summ er workshop on prayer will be conduct- ed at 9:30 a .m . to 2:30 pm. Wednesday at First Bap· tis& Cllarcb of Huntington Beach-Fountain Valley. The seminar will be taught by Jan La Rue of Cam- pus Crusade. Church s pokes men said adults and teenagers both are invited. and cure w ill be provided for children through a~c 10. More informatton availa· ble by calling 963·0000 Dr. Wllliam Pann£•11, ( nt-emaHon11 I lecturer and assistant professor of ev ange l is m a t f'uller Theological Seminary, BIHE~-j will preach at the 9 and 10:30 n.m. ser vices Sunday al St. Andrew's Presb)lerian Cbureh. His ap· pearance is the second m n summer prt>aching mis· sion series. Te mple Isaiah of Newport Reach Wiii celebrate its annual dinner dance ton1)!ht a l the Patio Room or the A1rporter Inn. Jr\'JOl' Star of the· i.how w all b<> emcee Shalom Sherman. also known as Mr. Mazzei Tov. who will entertain and s ing in se\•er al languages. Dancing and folksin~ing are planned. AsSO<'iatc Pastor. Or. Robert Wist'. \\ho is leav· Int' Lake Hills Community Chutth or 1.ai:una Hills. will preach his farewell iot'rmon at the 9: 30 a nd 11 a.m. services Sunclav Wisc b<.'J:in!> a new pastorate this month in Oklahnm:a Cit) II<' and his family will be honored at a recC'pt1on from 12<lll to 2 pm. An old.fai:h1oncd burbeeuc l o honor the Cumn~ Pham family of Vietnam will happen from 2 ll> S :Jll p,m. Sunday C hrist Lutheran Churc h in S:rn Clemente. The fatnily wu:; sponsored by the church • ~hen they arrived Inst year. B<'sidl's burbecued meat und baked bl•(U\s, the con~~al1on will m :1kl' Ice cream. The B'na1 B'r1lh Womt>n's Hantin~on Vullcy chapter wiU m eet Wcdnt'sday, July 28. al the t)ome of Toma Hershfield. 7102 Wcllcsly. Orivi:. Westminster. to draw up gwdehnes and ruturt> plans for the ne w chnptcr Dr Doris Diekelman. a Leisure World resident and for'l'er assistant minister at the Beverly Hills Church M.Rellgious Science, will speak at both the 9 and H a.m. ser vice StJnday at the Cltuttlt of Religious ~lence of La-u.na Beach. Her topic is ''Magnificent Possession.·· • Rev. Rex Styzens. minister of the Unitarian l"n1ver salisl Church or Long Beach. will be guest speake r at the 10 u.m. service Sunday ut the l 'nitarlan l 1niversalls t Church of Saddleback \'alley. The con~regation meet~ at Valencia SffiOOT.Paseo crcYatencfo art.a Pn R<rnd. tagurra Kills. Styzens' topic will be "Go Fly A Kite," an ex- ploration of the religious dimensions of playful ac· li vity. The 'Celebration Singers' v.•111 present a special program of music at the 6 p m. sen·ice or G.,.n Grove Community Church Sunday. They han~ just returned from a tour of Michigan and nhnois wher e they minlslt'red a l churches, bible conferences and tclension rallies A fas hion prenew und luncheon will be held to· day from noon to 2 p.m at the Chur-<'h of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, liO Camano San Clemente. Jo"or addition:il lnformution, call Wilma Nemrow, 493·5279. Updates on area church schools : -Vacation Bable School will be held at Faith Lutht ran Church, Huntington Beuch Crom 9 to 11 :30 a.m. Aug. 2·13. Theme will be "The Lord. the Nu· lions. The Pt..'<lplc. ··Children three lo 13 welcome. -St. Andrew·s t:plscopal Chrut:h in Irvine begins vacation church school Monday, m ectin,:: Ill· tt>rnoons from 3:30 tu 5 p.m. throuf?h July 23 at Mason P ark. Children from kindergarten through fifth grade invited . -Ne~·port Cente r United Meu.odist Pre·school 1s orrerlng a summer school susion from 9 to11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday through Aug. 12. The pre-school aJso has fall term openings, a ecording lo director Lee Mason. -Christ Lutheran Church of Son Clemente is preparing for 1ls vaeution bible school, set for 9: 15 lo 11 :45 a .m . Aug. 2·13 for children three to thirteen. Dr. Henlee Barnette <>I SouUtun BaptJJt Th~loileaJ ~m1nary In Lousvlll•, Ky. "Even •Ome ChtUtfans have vague notions as to what the phrase actuully means." . Sometimes, they associate It only with revival-lent e mo- tlooalls m or a mome ntary, crowd· induced "high ... btr~rt of rationality, Out th1t waan•t It's origlnal bibUcal c.onlext. Instead , it wu the subjt!Cl of a thoughtful. private con,•erution ~tween Jesus ond a fellow rabbi . Nicodemus. ' ''That which is born of the flesh Is nesh, a nd thut which is born ()( the Spirit is s pirit." Jesus st•YlS in John'3:6-7. '°Do not mnrn l that l said , 'You must be born anew·." ACJ'VALLY IT'S sort of n point or discovery about a person's place and purpose in life -how it all bangs together in the province of God, bas direction and makes sense personally and universal- ly. and an inner affirmation of it. It's a little like Arctumedes realizing the law of material mass and exclaiming, .. Eureka! -I have found it! .. In spiritual rebirth. a person gains .. a whole new perspective of the world," says Dr. Barnette, a professor of Christian cthies. ·'While it is the same old world, he sec;_s it through n!.w eyt's." Academy Sets Micbummer Night Mraical An outdoor eveninc ol hiral'll . Jewish. and Renaissance re · corder music Is scheduled by the Israel Academy of Jrvine f()r 8:30 p.m . July 31. In addition to Marie Steiner and the 4 O'Clock Players. a re- corde r group, the evening will in- clude baritone Bob Kcvorki:m, a stud ent of the Lee Strasberit Theater Institute in Los An~eles. II<' will present songs und dialogue from ··Fiddler on the Root." Tickets for the Midsummer Night's Musical at $4 per person may-be reserved by callinR 581-9141 in M lssion Viejo or 828-4373 in Huntington Beach. The event will be In the backyard of Al and Gert Dubowe, 11181 Ad· dison Road, Santa i\na. rr ltJ AN act or mlnd. will tmd emOClon -nd 11 dcfinitivt-nt>w commltmtnl to Its im1)act. lt ean happen 11uddenl)' or throui:h on extendtd peirlod ur •'tm1ulalivc experiences. deepening uwnrt•· nesa and dc lerminallon 11( lh" will. JI Is an awak\!1\lng to mcun· lni. ln God's u1tlvcrsal design : ll Is being "uvcd'' from !Utility and meanlnalesaness. .. 'SalvaUon· il u nauch more common expcril'ltCt' nmonA eon temporar y Ame ric ans than many people seem to think.· says the Rev. Or. J uml'S T Baker. <1 reliJ:ious histohun ur Wf'tltern Kentucky Unh cn;ity "All in a ll. it's a perfect!} natural experlenct-that 11n:.w"1 s perfectly normal needs ... It 1s being called by God and respond· ing.·· WlllLE EXPERIENCE often is caricatured as a cultic trait on- ly ol holin"·ss groupe, he says ··this ls not r eally the ease." lie cites material from seholars of Roman Catholic and other hi~h liturgical churches to show lhcy all embrace the concept, if not the particular terminology. Som e times it ·s calltHJ a "spiritual conversion" or "turn· Ing point .. in a person's life by Ml act of will. The Rev. Dr. Jo'runk II . Crumper, evangel is m secretar y for the Virginia Bap· fist General Bo:rrd. s1tyS1t1){<cur when a person .. voluntarily sub· mils himself to the Lor~hip or Christ" and .. determines lhut in the power of God's Spirit , he " Ill live the Christian life day IJy day." WHEN IT happened t o Southern liaptist Carter 10 year:; ago, he sa)'S "r established a more Intimate relationship with Temple Meets In Two Homes The Ritual Committet' orTem· pl ~H at \'ahm under lhc lt'adershlp of Normun Schiff of Newport Beach will conduct Sab· buth Services in homes d uring July and August while 11piritual leader, R abbi Melvin U Silverman, vaeations. ·Friday, July 23 will be held at 8:15 p.m . in the Corona del Mar home of Shirley and Marvin Ncl)(?n. Friday. July 30. will be at the Irvine home of Donna and LecVan Slyk c. Christ." Sliwt> then. ht• i.up . "l'\•t huct un mnl'f l)\'llCc 1tnd in ni.•r ('On\'lctlon und 0111mronct' that have tran~form1>d m y lite fur the better ... Ur. H 1H tH"(l\• lltlYI! h<•in.11. spirltuully "r•1•born'' means b~~ Ing "11lred of Go1l Into u 1ww b+.·· Ing" by u ··svlrituul l!('('(f" rather than 11 physirnl 11et'CI. lie noles 11 w ns (amlllar In Judal~rn or J <'!iUS' <fo~· wh(•fl u ('(11tvcrt to Jud t1is m wu11 cons ider ed u "newborn cha hi.·· • IT "IS NOT mert> reform but bemg reborn." he i.u~-i; ... To tw ;_1 new man IS to htt\'(' a new beg111 nins:. ·· To Chnst1uns. ht• adds, · 'lh~· rrew birth as t ht' res ult or 1 ~rsonal encounter with the con- tem{>(>ra ntous Christ ." He says. .. This lnvol\res a consciousness of being a sinner. o( repentcnn' from sin and faith m Jesus Christ as redet1mer and Lord of life." It. also Is "deeply ethical." h1· adds. "It means being born into a new "'UY oC life w1lh new res ponsibilities .. a radical ehange of lift-. so rodkal that it is l~ke being born all ov<'r a~ain." Community Bible Cl1urch s-Years Old Community R1blc Church or Huntington Reach will celebratl' its Clfth anniversary with a con cert at 6 p.m. Sunday. Dean and Mary J e;in Oro" n. with their son Hilly l>t•un wall perform. Rrowo is a ~ini:er and t•vangehs t who has produeecl some 100 sacred albums for 'arious singing groups. Mrs. Drown plays piano :-ind has writlt>n many son~s. Their son only recently joined the fam1· ly team and plnys on•hcstrnl bells. In addition to the (•oncCJrt. Communily nible church wall n•lcbrate its m1l1:st111w ~t then·· i.eular 9:45 und 1 l u.m. service:- Sacred Trio Due The Galeturs. a s~1cred mu:-ic trio, will presl•nt a concert al fl p.m~ Sunday at Newport·Mc:su Christian Center. 148 22nd St.. Costa Mesa. The J(roup. lnlented at singing end at the piuno nnd or· 11an. have toured the country ror many years. ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY CAPISTRANO VALLEY IAl'TIST OtURCH 121JI Del OW.,. M.. S.. ,,._ C•JI T - ~W~tu-1& t I •.M.. ?:llP.M. --,1 ... Sc......._t:JO•.M~Cllrtt.._T1 'l I ''.M. wa•.-Y "•tw4:41 PM. Pastor Wtlllam DavenPOr1 4U·I '40 -24 H-s FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NEWPORT BEACH 2501 Chit Dnve. Newport S.ach -842·7443 Or. F. Kenton Beshore. Paslor s...My Sc,..._t:IS A.M.. W~IO:lO A.M.& 7 P.M. WMH•dey "~ w•1c-1:00 r.M. FtlST SOUTHHH IAPTIST CHURCH HOW .......... Shef,C .... W... '42·tlll ~OAY SCHOOl-t:41 A.M. WOHHW SHYTCH-11•.M.&6 P.M. MUl•Y NOYID9 PASTO.. HY. JOI ...... HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH c-.t~i. • .-....... c .... ._.. ..... c.-.~,, .. ._ ,,._111•iu .. n11 SUNDAY WOHHlrSllYtCH l t>GA 11 •.M.-SUHOAY SCMOOlt:41A.M. Ii WEDMESDA Y IVIMIHG 11 lllLE STUDIES I~ 7:00 P.M. I '-~~~~~~.....;..~.:_~~~~~-~~~~ CIHTRAL lllU CHURCH 2lrd st . .to,...., Cooh ._,.-us.so10 COMMUMITY CHURCH IT THI IAT Meottno each Sunday In c .............. ~ 2101.......,. Dr .. .....,.,. ........ A.Mo. Dr. W-..1.'9111r.,.... .. ~ •• -.... 4 .. '7611 CHUICH OF CHllST 111w.---.c....-.. We re A Going .Glowlno, .. Growt"t Cl'lurch SUMMT Sll¥ICIS 8'9LE STUDY . 9 AM. NQRSHIP •• 10 AM & 6 PM THE POTENTIAL OF PEANUT" -1 .~ &. THOMAS 645-3191 • 911\'~ CllOW£ ~outh Co1~r~ationol Church U&J._.M .............. -64Wl .. SUMDAY WOtttt9' •~·a tl:OI A.K "FltHPOM OF WORSHIP'' .... J*A. ............. UAMCHH Of TMI MOntltl CHUICH THI ff HT CHUI CHM CHllST, SCl9mST I .. IOSTOM. MASS.CHUSITTl "LIFE" JULY II, 197' CosteMeM-FW.tCll!mrcllefClwt1t, SciHtht JllO ...... v.,. ·~ c .......... s-.y Sc11eet -It A.M. Cll11rd1 Sff•lu -I 0 A.M. ...... •-· JHO M•M V_.. Dr. ........... •ecll-ffnt Cllimrcll ef Clwt1t, Sci..tkt •&01•0,H11 ........ 1o.a Clmrdt&S-..,Sc'-'-t:J0& 11 •M. •_..•--ue...-1t. CWNC_T.....,.tl>O .. I ltHA.M. ,. ...... ·-·~ .,..,.__ Ctiritt'-Sclewce Seciety et.,..-. u.l•-"Y ....... Sc .... 4771 C ..... Dr~l-111·111 S.ltd•y Sc...._9!)0 ....... Ctiiiftll s.,..,1c-t:JO A.Mo,•-Ul Wt& hnlu -t P.M.,. ... HI ~leecll-ffntCllwclaefCllrht,Sc*'"tt .,. ........... c..,.. •• _..,1c....,-1tA.M. ....,..__ H4 ,._,._.., •• L9pMt.,.... _ ,.,._, Clalrcll ef Clarbt, Sdttifftt ....... Hlhh.HH,ll ScNol )t070 , .... h•-'-L.9fi-"'9M' c ........ s..y k'-1-It ...... ...... l--J77U,__.14..W..J ...... ~_,.,._,C._.lllef Clwt1t, Sc .... C..-W. .... wt.yk ..... Jltl~C...-...Dr. 0.-lt&....,~-ltA.M. ...... a--w-.,c....,,.....,,, ....... ,.. M..,_t •ecll-Antca.nlaef Clwt1t, Sc...._. »01¥1-U.,~ .... .. a..11&._..lc .... Mt6 lflMA.K 1~1--.f11n1eu. C-°'9 ,.,,,.,_ 1 ...-.., t JO.I I )OA ....... l iu.y T- M.w,.n •ec11-s.c...tca.r.1ief Clart1t, Sca..Het ,, .. , ..... Dr~C..... ..... Clllft• • ..., ....... _ t ........ .....,.__ 1Mf'"l"'l.C.-Hwy .. C4M W-4 ....... T......., ......... -f P.M..Ma..Tltt All are cordially invited lo atlt'nd the churrh su vices and enjoy the pn valeaes of \he Readina Rooms aMC ... ,,........ AT AU. •VICIS MISA lllLI CHAPEL 17>'40.-.,Aftl. c .... ...._,.,.,111 PASTOR BOB JACOBS ~ W......, • Te:-41 A.K ........ .........,,.k I ST OfURCH Of l8JGIOUS SCIENCE Of NfW9IOIT llAOt !M-•Chu"C~.U-~olRelt-1:.C~ l A I SUMD•Y SllVTCI -4 SUMD•Y SCHOOi.-i 0:10 A.M. llV. ALIHT IUUI. IScf~ MNSTll "WHAT'S YOUR PROBlEM ?" UlllAMUS SQUARE M~rttw.tfonl lt--M•wll*'f hech '011 AN INSPt114Tl0t<Al MESSAOC. Ot4l IMW61• 440-1711 ......_., .... Uf-6110 --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--,I Something wonderful will happen to you at the 1- Ntwron .. ._IOI CHUICH Of HLIGIOUS SCl ... CI 54 1 Center S t . Costa Mesa 1 646-1032 MUStC-MESSAGE-MEDITA TtON SCRVICES 4 SUNDAY SCHOOL - I OAM REV ELEANOR C JACKSON M1ms1cr • Toac.her • Proc1111oner Tapc>s Ava1l.1blo CHUICH OFllU•tous SCllNCI OF LAGUHA HACH 70CHIH.....,.C.n'IO'llld ot !tfo<olld """'!'Y<WflMO 0!1 -M•••I., J'11~0'il.I'_,,.,_ SUNOAY lllVTCl-t & I I •M. Jr.c ...... ,, ........ _,,. ..... °"'J BIBLE OUR MIDDLE NAME Coast Bible Church San Diego Fwy 1 b4ocil So. AVfjry Pkwy. Cor. Margunte & Eec:Olar M'-'on Vlefo "93-1949 831 -1191 49S·l 191 SllVICIS: I O:JO A..M. Ir 6:00 P.M. HAllOI .ASSIMILY OFCH>D 740W.~C....Mfte 141-4704 toMMal.--JACI LIWK ,.... ............. ._.., .. VICB t:41A.M.-M•lY ICMOOL I 1:41A.M.-~r..11•D9tOOO" £.-.,, ._. •MOJt n PAITOI--_.,., ...._-tf'ICIM...uTSMUL~ MoW~s· a....r.1+ -~··~ . COIT.ANISA C AN SCHOO\. ..........._lf........,....-l--,-<»-c:ai.. HARBOR A Certll W*-f,_ • OtRISTIAN CHURCH •llH ClllCM If CllllSt .,.._,_. IHdt IDkclfile~ C..TY CIUICll 24011rT'-.. s..felMIM4 CMl£CATIOMAl t:OO .A.M. 61 I Htie.,..,..A•• .. ..... Clon c.-....... I 0:00 A.M. 644-7400 Mor"llHJ D....w W.llm. MIRftf.,. Wonhip I 0 A.M.-S-.J. Wor.W, (A.l"'(ht)Cnut:,14itf\d utr.•<.,C.•• "IEllEVIHG MEIC•GlllllOI IS SHIHG" Rev Gene R Swanson COMCl£UTIOMAl ClllCN Pastor HO St.AM'•"-645-5781 .. 111-rro,L.,_.,._,_ NURSERY & CHILO CARE"/ 4944061 ...... ~ . .,.Wttw JI, 0 MOIV•J. FIRST CHRISTIAN ,....,..,.., olCN1• , .. -n C cM..,.,_ CHURCH t:OO A.M. Crfffi•• Ari• Hwr Mnm & Adams Streets 10A.M-::-zw...., Huntington S.acn a-ci. Sc..... ...,_., .... ~& ....... w ... SllP1ID OF TN£ MUS l :IS.f:)0-10:0 AM >0121..,_. ..... •OLDIHHOUI &.-..-...... 495-lllO .fWOttSHW-7P.M. 0-.W~Mlllh- N~<.1tePIOY•o.d .... I~ .. IOA.M.-C:Nt1141 wy Office 536-2589 f...ityWW.W, O•al Oovo11on 536-9580 -'ClllnllScllMf FIRST CHllSTIAN CHURCH 7tzYl•t.ri•lt~c .......... 81bJO SchOol 9 16 A.M -w orship 10 30 A.M. VoulhGrouPS6PM -Vosoero/l'M w •-•.wt111w,'"'- ,..,,,~c.·el41-J4""'• """""' \\u.il cr,,,J, .,\:"" ,,,~, 'f "'" "''''"' > ~._~ MORNING WOASHll' () 8 30 or I 1 a m. "OBADIAH: PROPHET OF VENGEANCE" SERMON BY PASTOR ~ ~ :D CHRISTIAN EDUCATION nnd Q ~ CHILDREN'S CELEBRATION: 9·•5 •·"' fl/ 6 00PM ({) 'i SPECIAL INSPIRATIONAL lp 1 SACRED CONCERT tJ If. WITH THE GALETARS ~ ~C PIANIST & VOCALISTS o..,,. v '"· Cl't1TJ:t II, ll'm>d ~· .S-;>, "'""'' •• <'' ~~ -.T"' (./)e,.~" Newport Unity A...,. Sune Rictlardt. Mlnlater ~ l99IQ If A" ·-·' M!MeOl f .... ·vou CAN BE HEAl£o rEQH·~veR" POOIJ9tU GUUT 6PlM.llt , ..,,... .... QA ......... ~ .... 1111 ,.646-1711 P BLJC NOTICE PUBUCNO'nCE r ILIC NOTlCE PUBLIC N011CE PUBLIC NO'nCE ..... • llOTICe to C•IOIT'Oltt \U~•IOtt C:OV•T O"n.I fl'Al'lf MC4Ll .. 011!!14 "°• 1MICO~MTY0"011A#Gll ...... ., .. ) o!o::;;. et 1.IWtS I.. NO~H(VTT NOTl(I 15 Hllll I \' OIVfN te ""' C-.f•*' et .... Me•t ftf .... f OM-ot I"-! •fl ""°"'' lla~a..e <1<11..,. '9AI'"'' 1111 '4141 _...,.., ... -to .... "'-"'• .n1111 .. ,..<nu.., ...... ,,...., •'I ,... ••ict., '"" cteo t4 , ... -.. "' lollff ~fl. or lo ¥ .. e,,111\tf!\ Wllft tllt "9<tU.,y ""'Mr., lo Ille -\llllWCI fllCTITIOUSIUSllll&U < • t.Al.Ltl r llf'r HOLO~ -.-, NAlollUATIMIN"T JAMI' O. OUlfOlltSON, A La• , ... le4_,,. __ Alo ..... "'61-CM-.t-. Alt~ ... Y• al La•. UUI _.., .. ~ 0. Yale"Cta. \•Ill• 101, ....,_ C.UNUNO AOUNCi I TO !Vi&). H~lt, CA ti•J.l. •111<11 1, 1M P'e.• ef ... , llNW Ctt<lt , .. tWll••R Vt t .. y -...... IM""°""~ lft .it-· GM1'-"'• •r10t to•1 ••t••111,..1• ,,.. ••l•I• .... '41 °" ll"°f It TMI, °"""'•' ""°",_· <-'». •llltl'I '°"' m ... u .. all• IN _, IN•• Ore ... f'tunlau\ YaHoy linlJIOll)llUll""o""tlflOltt• Cat.for"••~'°' 0.tedJufWtt, "" ~t•tMA'41t-. Lt.,,•ted l'WtlW l'ltAHCISIC NOllTHCUTI U. ~"•~ta .......... Jf_.... (aKlll,., .. l,,.Wlll• c.i11er.... 11>9 ............. _I '"'•IO• M 11At ,.9U"<I l..l~llf!CI S~l'l'T ... IYNOl.Ot.llN'*' ""•ltwr, 7SI vl'l• P•ute A-. S... JAMft O. OUlllDI 1110111. A U• '•e"<•><• C:.UIO<n•• C..-.. ..,_ Tll" ....,,..., t\ t°""'KIM .. •llmll• 4-•u•IW• .. ,..,,,..,.,_,.,, UJ1l l'•-•V•1••I•, '"''"" ll""Vll Ttl' W.-Mlll'-(•lll.,·•la '1U.I Tiii\ tielt-.,1 ""' ltled ""'~ U. Tot Htt l IJJ•IMO c_.., C .. r1o OI Ort110tC.....,....., i-A-rlw lu<•ln t It, ''I'-""41i•i...O O•t "ff (W1I 0..h P!tol """' Jlllr I. 10, II 1'. l'lt "' .. '• ""°'''""' OranQO Cool O.•tt PllO(, N' to. 11.1•. JI, Hit )91~1t PUBLIC SOTJCF- '"·'441 l'ICTITIOUll UllNHS NAM,1 \TUIM•NT "'-*_"",_, ........... -...... i coua !Nu Ortt>o•Olc -<Al Cll1tl<. lH VIUO<I• Sl• .. t, Suitt l•I . Gotla Maw, Ct l•IO•.,,a,1H7 II-rt J 81ale1t, M.0 , Inc , • C..OtorN• <o•PO••Uon, llt.._" w. K•"91a. M 0 ., '"' , • C."'Of"IA ~or· -.uo... 11100 W••ner Aw ...... 5vlw M. f-talft va11e,, C...tttorn1e '21111 Cl\•tlH A. Ion"•"· Nl O • a """--• Oor-•lioft • tall-a. JoM Cartltit Brown, M.O •• lllC . • C.lllo•,.I• Corpor11lew1, 11) Vtc lorla Strut, Sufi• l•I , CHla ""'''· CMllor"l• 9'fll WllllaM lL Hali.t•1t, M D, 11S Vo< 1°'1a Slrfft, S"itt 1·1 , CO.It Mt .. , ~llornt•'1U1 Jolln Ctrtl\tt Bro-. Mo.. 11'( .,...~ .. , Tiii\ \l•lt-1 ..... ,,,.., """' IM CounTY Ct~rk ol Orat111e Coul\ly on July u..wa_ W l'ATlllCIC O'Klll'I, Jll. Al-y•ll.fw ___ ,,, "" S11l1t '"s "'°t.11 Aflt, CA '11tl l'NIO l"llOll....O 0••-C.0.\1 0..1\' ~ JOily 11, t4, Jt, and Auo~,11. ,.,. JOll It PUBLIC NOTICE SUl't lllOtl COU"T 01' THI! STAT! Of' CALll'OllNIA f'Oll THICOUNTYOl'OllAJIOI .......... NOTICI O" H14•tNO O" l'ITITIOH "01t ""OllA"TI 01' lllltL~ ANO 1'011 LETTllll 01' AO· MINl&,....TION WITN·TNl •WIU . Afllflll!lllO • E\lewotMAEL ()()111,0.-wd NOTICE IS ~EllEIY GIVIN - JAMES E HEIM. l'~bll< Acl· """'""•!Of tor t1't Co~'lly of Or-.,., hi.cl 1'tttll\ a petll-lor Pr-I• Of Win •"Cl 1.,. 1u .. a1><• 01 Lollan of AO l'IWltlftt•UOft WIUllt·llW wlll .,.,,.Md lo lht peUHontr reteret\C.t \O •l'HGI\ ti ,,,.*tor further Ptrtlcu1ar\. •nd ttwt llW 11,.,.. 6'00 ot~• ol nurono '"' .. ,.... N \ -Ml IOt A119U\I • ... ,. ti • 00 • fft,. itl t~ C.OUr1r~ Of Oee»rtmtnt No, J o1 .. 10 '°"''· ti 100 C••< Crnkr °''"'* w .. 1. In hie C.01~ OI SM>•• A .... c:.eu1or .. 1. Dal.., Juty H, 1'1• WIL~IAMl!.$1JOHlll c-tyOerk AOlllAN KUYl'Ett COUlfTY COUNll« 1. AN0"41lM114TAMTM~ """" IS 0"'< Cltfltw Orlvt W.11 l'.o .... u,, ._..,.•,CA92111 ,..._"fer: ,.,...le A•ml1•hw- l'\lllll"'9d OrM>Ve CN\I O.Jty Piiot .My ••• 11, u ... ,. >Oll·h Sat1.1rcl1y July 11 1976 OAJL '( PILOT A I I i Food for Thought : First Lune"' Then 'Silent Movie' I 8 1 808 THOMAS LOS ANGELES CAP J - "Lunch l.s ror people who don't make me nervous." says 1if el Brook.I. t'Xplalnln1 why he r e· ruses people who uy. "Let's have lunch -l aot a great ldea ror you." • "Then l met thls guy Ron Clark at a pa rty nt Larry Gelbert ·s ("M•A•S•H") house. He co- 'Wt'Ote a play l really adnured. 'Norman, l:s That You?' and I liked bla personatity. lie wu:. foodnatured. nol crank)'. the kind of writer I could work with . "aON WAS TllE 10,000l h pc-non to tell" m e, 'Let's have lunch -I got·a ~real idea.' 1'his Ume I accepted.· Clark's idea: a silent rum com· edy. Brooks was underwhelmed. lie had considered lhe nollon ~fore, discarded it. Clark continued: o silent film com edy in color, tak· ing place today, rilled with superstars . Brooks bought. The result is .. Silent Movie, .. now convulsing audiences al selected theaters from coast to Recreation Classes Set 'In Sao Juan San Juan Capistrano residents can still sign up for tennis. sail· ing or surfing classes s ponsored by the city's recreation depart- ment. Tennis·classes, from beginning to advanced levels, will begin A1.1.g. 2 and m eet twice a week for lour we~ks. The fee for eight cluses Is SlO plus one can or ten· nis balls. Kathy O'Conner Moore. pa.st U.S. National surfing champion, wlll teach beginning to advanced surfing at Doheny State Beach . Classe~ wlll begin Tuesday and meet twice a week for three weeks. The fee for six lessons is SlO. Two sessions oC sailing classes are planned. the rirst Lo begin J u- ly 21. the second Al.lg. 11. Classes will meet once a week for three wee ks n t the Embarcade ro Marina, Dana Point Harbor. The Ctt for three classes is $14. Add ition a l Information is available by calling the San Juan recreation s tarr at city ball. 493·1171. Al'Wl,..pllole SCRIPT WITH SL.AW Mel Brooka ln DeU "I hi~ a German rode expert. to aort out the 11crlpt Ideas from th~ lunr h orders ." Tht)' develo1>td n zany tale •bout ~n O\'er·tht'-hlll director who S~<'kl a r om et>ack by m•Jt· Ina a allent film with today'• 1uperstar Who could play sueb n role? "VOtJ'O BE P F.RFt:CT." Clark told Brooks. "Our ht'ro is m:inic. a rrogant. stron~. silly, r·~ wacky ... "Am I like that!" n rook' al'ked unhappily. 1 S\ill. he w11s reluctant. "I had pl.!lyed the governor in J; 'Bluing Saddles' and l did le\\d ! things and was terrific.'' he r~· asoned. .. But to be a comk leading man. like a Bob Ho~. - pJaying the love interest , too•: Could I carry It ? I prefer Lo have Gene Wilder perform lhat chore for me." Brooks was finally convinced Next h e had to sell the project to 20th Centur~"Fox. where he has a th.ree·picture contract. coast. Brooks does the selcctinJ:: • ' T H {: E X E C UT I V E S hethinks hiscornedyplays better s tared at m e. j us t ns Sld in theate rs under 800 capacity. Caesar Cas the studjo boss in the The new mm may well ~hpse film) s tares at me when l pro- "Blazing Saddlfs" and "Youn~ pose a silent mo\'1e," Brooks re· Frankenstein.. an international called. "lt meant reconditioning appeal • the audience to read instead of LIKE THE OTHE R Brooks just hearing. They did some fil S I ~i . ( serious thmkln2 about it. then i ms ... ' ent .. ov1e" was era l s aid. 'Go ahead:" They approved ed. with carc. . . the movie but not. the script. .. :J~c1ded that this kmd_o.1..L_ •''.[.h~. J.usUold m e •l( anxone p1c1u.re.shoUTcl be w ~~~n the ~ay can pull \torr. you can .... we did. ~hO\\ ~f ~hO"s for TI Lining up the superstars was w~th "ri~ers. satu,n~ to~eLher and. the easiest pMt. he s<tid. Lita ext'hangin~ ideas. Slltd the !t1m Mmnelll told him 00 tht• Johnny maker: He ~nd Clark .~·~rt' J<>,rncd Carson Show that she had Lo be in by two ':''r&le.~s of 1he Carol his film. Paul Newman was "like Burnett ShO\\ Rudy DeLuC'a a ktd with an Ice cream cone" u~~ Ba~ry Le\ inson. . . over the prospect of piloting n Becaus<' ~ couldn t p.1y them soupl'd·UP ,, hN'I l'huir al 60 enough to quit llurnett. we had to m Ph meet at luncht1 m<' al a dt>· · · licatessen." Brooks related. "We took aloni.: a tap~ recorder so we wouldn't lo:.e a single Lhougbt " WHE N Tll E TAPE wus transcribed. th<' ~a1is Wl'rc in· terpersed with sentences like "t'll havt' the pas trami. hold th<' mustard." and "Who ordered the. coleslaw?" "I DE1'1ANDlm THAT Ourt Reynold:. do It." s aid Brooks. "I know that he is a •terrific hght comedian. and I told him I didn't want his reputation based on his recent films ... Also playing themselves are James Ca nn and Anne Bancroft . who is Mrs. Mel Brooks. A Christian School thot CA.RES!!! Kindergarten through grade 8 E.xtend~d d ay care services available To ..-ol, c.a 54~·6166 or 962-3216 Christ Lutheran School 760 Vk:torio Str.et Coste W.... Clllifonio A.G.ANws.Prlnci,.I BURCH DffiECTORY ORANGE COAST l ! • ST. JOH N THE DIVINE EPISCO PAL CllURCll 2000r .... A••-.C:..MeM 1c-o.-a11oy1 SU"4Mtl WOISHW-9:00 AM MUOIU CAll ... Hew..,, Mhc•"C~. Ylc• 14 .. 12>7 Saint Micha.& And All Angtjs Episcopal Church lJll hclfk VW M ... c_... det M• SUMOAY SllYICi-4:00 & t:JO A.M. MUHllY CHIU» CAl.,_..JO A.M. AMOC...aCH~ ·Mely Cer " 1111 T..-.p 7.,.. _ w, .. ...,_ t:JO..,... n.a...U.R..-n~a.ctw "-eM~H ST. Wllf'RB)'S EPISCOPAL OtUIOt -.A•e .. IL .. 1,..._,,......._ ....... Or.J.-t c. cm,-•""" 0.-, G1ona t<onter. B.A 01rectress(968-3100) ~s.r.Jc .. 8 00 A M -Holy Eucharist wilh ,,..dilation 930A M -A1ternate~Eucl\anst&Mom1ngPr8)'8r I nurMfY care) 9:30 A M. -Chun::h School 11 OO A M.-A1terna1eMomi1\9PTayer& HolyEucnar1at (nurMfY care) w..,.~a....._o.,, 1Ck00 A. . -Holy Euchansl Church Phone. 962-7512 FAITH CHAPEL Rect .536-4661 EL TOIO Y.H. ....... ,..._. Sundll)' School -9'45 Momtno Wonh10-1 ' A M . Revival T1ma~·30 PM. ..,,,,Vt\IW-.__... .23265 EJ Toro F-t'ontaoe Rd.. • NEWPORT HAR80R WTHBtANCHUROf 7'10..wOr. 141-JUI .....,.,..~ hprJ...,.,, .... Early WoWltP s·oo A.M Chnsltan Worsh•P 9.15A.M. . ' AmND Fesljve WOrShlP 10 30A.M. CHURCH THIS SUNDAY CHRIST LUTHUJt.M CHURCH Nhssouri Synod 7'° \'lc._.St,.C .......... l ..... Y.T_,,_.__6Jl-l61t w.....,s.r.icet-t:11a 11 A.Mo s.Myk ..... IAM .... C-.-t:M arw... ....... , Sc ..... _,4141U r--P1t1Mc1 oF r1•cnurH1uM cHuacH - 2'11 ............... c.-..... AHOl'IWC.AHO(litlOff --J.MIElll Nf.l.I0'4,Alltlll ... ......, SdlMI -t:JO A.M. • ...--.w.,,.,,-t I lt:JOA.M. _.,.,.._""'_~ Ollloe"'-~'' -... ._.....,_ --telltlal"""9~ LUTHHAMCHUICHOFTHIMASTB JfOl,edfk Y1-0r .. c:..... ..... SUMMH WOllNP SCH9UU IAT'Utt04f -I '"""· SUMDAY -9 A.M. t NO SUNDAY SCHOOL ..... '°"",,,...,,...__HM761 . llYINl AMHICAH LU1't9IAM CHUICH CU&. VllDALI Sc:HOC>C. MAIM AT THllL IU.,._SC"9UUt 9 00 A.M. -WORSHIP ANO CLASSES FOR ALL Adoloh KIOJti. Pastor 5SIM2~ All SAINTS ANGUCM EPISCOPAi. CHURCH (lndei*ldent ~} A1e 1r ... ,. .. IHI .... el C--,...,., 18082 1u....=ct_ Fount-. Vally 963.ao1 IT. lff, WAL'tll M. ADAMI. O.U.· ...... MOtn• ee NAY• ............... , .... t:tt & tt:H ""4. CMUllCH SCHOOi. ••••••• • •. • • • • • • • • .._ llCISI (Hoty ~ Flrsl SUndlY) 10·30 AM • ............... .....-c-11 .. a... .... Saint Matthew Lutheran Church Welcomes You Worship 9:00 a.m. • Owfstlln Education tO: ts a.in. C:...... ...... , a , .. .,.,.... ~ ....... ..... llH12t T ACorclWWelc ... tro. THI UNITED MITHODIST CHUICH CoetaM..a FtlSTUMITID MITHODIST CHURCH 19th SI. I Harbor Blvd. ~ .. Sc .... ._ ...... _ .. ,, W_....-ll:tO~ EAAt.W 158€V..0 0 Costa Mesa North MESJt.VHDE .. MITHOOIST CHURCH ...._v,,.,.a a .. e• St .,....?>• W ..... &Cllwclilk._. t:JOAJot. CHRIST CltURCH IYTHISIA Newl>O(t Beach 1400W Balboa Blvd 613·3805 Rev Robert Shepard Jr W ...... ICllwclilk ..... t:JOA.M. W'1•y f'r .. Sctto .. /Dey Cere 1:41 ...... 1:00 ,_ Huntington Bee<:h FIRST UMITED MITHOOIST CHURCH 272117thSt. 536-3537 ~t:ll&IO:JO H...-yQl,.All ........ "9 a.rdlSc~ll Hunhngton ~h North COMMUtjl'rY UNITS> METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Heil Ave. 842-4461 w.,..., fllO:JO C:llwc91k ..... 91101JO A.M. MIWrQllT CEHTEll UMITED METHODIST 1601 MarguenteAve Corona del Mar WOR3H•I' ~I> !WNO .. ¥ 6(.;t{l(l\ 930 A M .................. ........ 44-0741 SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HARIOR lllFOIM TEMPLE ~s.niu. ,,...,..... 1:11'.M. ,_.,Senk. ,.,.,,.,.., .... _..... 7:HP.M. Rabbi: Bernard P. Kll\O 1400W. Balboa Blvd Rabb1nk: Intern Neil Daniela Newport a.acn. C.llt. Educator: Oor'1a Michael ,_ ltitw wwwl ... ull '71-11JO TEMPI! BAT YAHM (""""'' • ....... , ....... YllMAM ,......~1:11,.M. .t11011•1t .............. ........................ flMA.M. .. IJ ....... Sc...,_ .,..,...,4:11·'41.,.M. ,._...._ .. ,.._._CeH7MN6 ,,0 .••211.C.-. .. ...,HHI CotetaY•mt s•r. ... Srrlcn hff"f Md.y .. I : 15 P.M. ..... Qirts41ma..tllflf~leatt 2 ....................... ..... 117-IJll ..... , .. , l'O.lo~Mt,f-,Qo,._ ... ~Ill ....... ·--------J PRESBYTERIAN OfURCHES l of the Coastal Areas C~hoftlwCoY.....t , ZHO ,_.iew lt&.. c..t.W... • ... A...,..., '9ttlr- ~ W ..... &~91k .... -11lo• 10~ ...._H7·U40 c,....llty rrellwtwl• C'-ch ............... c.,... .... h• . .,....J.T .. 11•r an . .a-to . .....,.-a.. . .,....1.c...... 9·10A.N.-Clilri•ti.W.C..._.._. 10:15..W.-W..... I l:llA.M.-r•w...,.._. ..._ .... nu This Sunday Worship in 51.Jlndrews 'Presbyterian Church. SI Andre-.w Roacs . Newport BelCh . 649-7'47 OR. CHARL ES H. DIERENFIELO. PASTOR Services 9.00 A.M & 10:30 A.M. DR. WtlltAM PAHNru. GUEST SPEAKER CHILD CAii & CteLDllM'S WHDAY SCHOOL AT AU. SMvtCIS AIC......,. _U"UJJ w,•,t CrTEM PLE"eltl T}wadz:x • c .. -•atf--. ,.,.._ ::t iClllA w,.1,.. ''" S....-Cll al y -... 1t11-l .. ~ln our New LouUen 28570 Marguerite Parkway at Avery Suite 209 Mission Viejo Rtlitieul Services· ReHtkM & HtlM'ew Sctiool e.r •ncl Bat Mlhvah • Sbtet'tlood • Socl•I Clubs S. .... th WYICH I PM Ttmple Elltt UM001 f'r'Ny Ctlft'OI-'°'°""°" ~UA- Attend Church This Sunday t . ' ' I ·I • t • 4t )J DAILY PILOT Satutd.y July 17, 1978 ANIMAllgk~.,......., . . . ,,, High Bids Stall HB SchoolS Jr. Wrestling Program Set i f Huntlnglon Beach's Ocean View School District faces a de· Ja,y ot up to six weeks in its $1 .3 mlUJon summer remodeling pro- c.ram. Superlnte.adent Dale Coogan laid trustee• wm have to trlm about S340.000 from plans because bids for the work at seven campuses came in 30 per- cent. blaher than expected. AS A &ESULT, work designed to improve the seventh and ei&hth grade educational pro· gram won't be finished by the MOUTHWASH & GARGl.I 24m_99c m NICE !N SOFT Bathroom Tissue I A.:;<;orted colors. j uens 69C 1 ARRID EXTRA DRY ANTI-nRSPllANT SPRAY I OZ. DETERGENT ; Controlled suds for super \ clean clothes! Crystal White· UQUI) DE1IRGIN1' for dishes and fme fabrics! ....... ....... 41 IL CASCADE opening of school this fall, he •Aid. Coogan attributed the in· creased bids to ··a "hole com· banallon or factors .•• He said construction cost.s are up 11 percent so far this year alone. At the same time, he said, bwldlng picked up and remode.I· mg Jobs aren't ui. attractive to contractors as new bwldlngjobs. COOGAN ALSO SAID the dis· trict 's architect. Anthony and Langford, and its construcUon manager , Moran Constructi6n, failed to keep the aclministration • Ile suid six new portuble and trustees informed. classrooms. purchased for He said about two months ago $600,000 will be available "'hen tt appeared bids might be fewer school opens. But the remodeling and high.er than expected, yet work may not be finished until trusttts weren't told unUl about mid-October. a week aeo. He said trustees will discuss The trustees this week. the remodeling ... again Monday lrln;tmed about $280,000 from the ctlaht, but it may be about sbc ProJect and asked the architect: ks before th.e work can begin and con41truction manaaer to WC!'" • • comeuowltbsomeothers. Tbe remodeHng wus for Harbour View, Village View, COOGAN SAID THE cuts Crest View. Westmont, Marine aren't expected to affect the View, Circle View and Spring thrust of the program. View Schools. TODOURS AU Y£AR ROUND ReJtistrotion for the Fountain Valley Boys Cl\.1b junior wresll· log program will open l\londdy and continue throut:h Aug. 4, ex· ecutive Director Chris Torres said. Th<' month·lon(t, once-a·w~k program will be held slurtin~ Aug. s :at 1-~ountuin Volley Jlign School tinder Torres' direction. There ls no chn~e. but those registering must. Join tho boy11 club al $2 annually. Torres said. QuestJons may be referred to 968-5252. p J'S WITH F&T '1.{Jt;1 FOLGER'S ~; ~~1or COFFEE j~ VALUABLE COUPON 'i'r.!-'. '~(---..;;:> Made of Celanese Amel & Fortrel. 3 • 5 0 • flame retardant with non-slip plastic soles & snap waist. Sizes 1-4 131-05. TODOUIS AND NAMT MESH ' , PJ'S and SUMMER SLEEPWEAR Made ol flame retardant Celanese Atnel & fortrel. 2 piece Toddlers with snap-front & waist. sizes I· 4. I ·piece infant sleepers with snap front & gripoer feel 2. 5 or. •11·09 .. #IJ·O& U1 COLOR PRINTS FROM SU>IS I Mi•i-3 "' ..... Pritts.., .. fni s.I .. ftnlt •l1iuls. Baby Powder To kee p t he wh olP fami ly 1 smooth & fresh this Summer! 14 Ot .09 BRECK SHAMPOO & CREME RINSE . --' ... , .... _.,... .. , I ror more beautiful hair. I 15 Ol. 99~ No More Tangles SPRAY ON CIEME llCSE 1 oz. -· 1-. -... I~ ~ I~ I~ I~ ma~ers• -~, ':!I :... cottee4 9 g ~I 3 lb. • :~I -~~ .... I ~ """ TllM., ... , • -· 20UI. lt7t 44~i'l\"io· '---'A, •l a' \A., ••• ( "'' ••• ' •'i,, ...... i..-~·,t CHICKEN of the SEA i~;· CHUNK LIGHT TUNA t .. WATlR age ~ 121/20Z. LOW CALORIE HOT COCOA MIX Delicious! EASY•OFF OVEN CLEANER. ~~~;;:sy! 9 9 c 18 oz. Re11l1r tr l .... scnts ' aoSEeUP FOi AUTOMATIC ........ GIW11E DATRIL sAv.oN .,., Mr. Coffee TOOTHPASTE For SuPf'r white teeth & super fresh brralhl ReRular or New Mint! J lenu 41islles spotless & clean, even in hard water! ~ 1.45 mu. No-Pest Strip lilts flies, mosq1itues & other :~,I·~49 Foamy NON ASPlllN P AIM RELIEVER 11 oz. .... ~c@i 7~ II-·-1.19 lDG's Al PIGS PEAft. SUllalY. aY Httl 1m T1UUY, a Y 2ttL Bntof Nature rrtanin A FILTERS 11rs .....,.. D.isposable, for drip coffee 10.-1111ts • makefs. 111 ,., ... 99c· wr88C A Re1istered Ph1rm1cist is on doty to serve you d1ring store hours 'i days 1 -. IP£le 7 MYS l WUIC t:st lM ti l:JI N. -.saT. 1 .. •II 7• ... -Y . ..... ' 2:1.00 PllNGlFS .-ANGLED Potato Chips ~:i~~c\'X :::~~ 7 7 c savi11g cani ster pak! ~'* ..... S¥1u1ll.lv Juty 11 1971) DAIL v PILOT • I Colorful Ceremonies Open Olympics: Uy Cll.f.SN \\1UTt: Ol 1 .. O~•ly ...... M.olt MONTR EA I. Trurn~l\·t., 14111 h ruld lht• .1rr1,ul of Queen J.;h,ubt•th II Jnd thus will bt•gm tht et•remontt' which loday open the .:amc!j uf tht· XX I modt•rn Ol)'mpi;1d /\ cro..-.d of 70,000 ,,. t'l(JM!<'tl'd to JOIO 3 \\-Orld lt'll'\ I son Judlt'nn• to wltrw .. s the eolorjul Sllt'<'tuek 14 lurh formally 01>em; cum(X.'tl lion for uthlt'h's from 115 nalloct.' Thry'll vie m 21 ·"Port41 with ac t1v1t In l4 uf thoM• :.porl11 t·om nwnt'111g un<J:i> Included 10 lhl'M! conlrovcrs) hlcm1i.hcd Gume!> art' 12 athlete!> .md u coarh from lbe Orange Coast area, 1nclud10i;c Brion Goodell. N1co)t' Kramer. Murc11a MOt"ey, Maryanne Ora.ham and Cast'v Con\•ersc of Mas ion Vlt.>JO Afso. Sh trlt'y u11d Juck 8aba11hofr of 1-'uunllun v .illc> . Cta • E' ans of lluntmi:too Ueach 1 C'Ompetina· on tht' <.:011Jd1ttn team!. Mike Juhnl>On of Co t:i Meu. Chuc'-l,)da. Nt>\ll port tkarh. 8111 an'b J uhe Lench und P\'te Weigand or <.:oronJ dcl ~for Toda> 's ccremt>n1t~ ur1• the hr t maJOr brl"hl :.put in whut has been a nc·rn-tearing ordl•al for Montreal s1nct• 1t "u' Jl4arded the G:imt" O\cr Lo:-. AllgelC's &ind Mosen" ~I\ \t'Jri. ago Prt'parat10 11 ' ha\~ bet'n haken b\ slnkes. '\abotui.:t-. l'On . Stru<'llon ll:i Wlf, btid "tnlhl•r. a shortage of money <'<>llPlt<i ..-.1th pirating inrtatton And nol4 snleni.e :.ccunt} 1.11 t' cautions dim what normall.' 011 T~ T•fl•11 Cfea1t1t•I 7, I I :38. •:30 would be a Jubilant almosphc•rt> These Oly mpic Games <1n· l'US\in ic Canudu SI 2 b1lhon And lhC'y werl' mcnucl'd a l the lust hour by < l i the "'Hhdrawal of ltw Tanzanian ll:llm in 1n·otest to Ne\o\ Zealund 's relations with South Afr1r a. where tll)ilrtheid i practiced 121 t hl' h"gJ:Ling oq :r "" Wl••l'M .. THE OPENING CEREMONIES OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES WILL TAKE PLACE HERE TODAY. Couvt•rse Read~· . Angels Dealt Swimming Star 5-4 Setback MV Gets Extra Bonus MO,'.:TH EAL There h:.t$ Ileen .1 spt:'c1al bonus for C:.ist·~· Con verse in uddit1on to the one he got last month when he made lhl' l'.S. Olyrnp1t swim kam m lht• ·IOO·mctt>r frec~tyll' 1 lis parents arc commi: ht>r1• from 1\laba ma to "alc·h h1111 perform 1n tht• Olyrnp1l'i. "Knm' rng th<'.'" an· romm~ rt' .1lh Jlll('l'i. tnl' up.' Con\'(•r:..• ''-''' · ~m' I m r•'.111,-r('::tf1~ 111 1:11 rl·· .... , ... -----~ t?J"cr ·. WHITE ... . • WASH 1 he•\ d,•l'l<IL·tl to t•oml' ,1f1t·r I 1n.u'tc· tht• tc•am lhl') d111n·1 111ak1• ,1n~ 11 rrun1t1°ml•nt:. hdon· th ;it h t' 1· a 11 ~ c• m \' mo m '" :. u l>l'nd 111 ou' .inci 11ruha hi\ thouizht i.ht· 11d.1.:h1 11n>. '"'' 111 'Clfllt•lhlrljl · ~le• m .1k w~ 1h1• Ol.n111111•, 1, 1't•ull~ a In.: thmiz for "1.\ p.11 l'llh T ht>y '\'(' "'" :iys hl'l'O h1.•h1111l 1111· 111 m) ~" 1mm1n.: · (.'cJIWl'rl\l' ldt 1\lab:11na 1n tht• m1ddlt• of his Ju111or )l'ttr .ind mm 1•d to M 1'4MOn \'1c10 1n ~•n .11 h·rn111 111 l:l'I 10 " d1m;11c• lhnt 111111 cl I~· {'ll"l'r on hlli M OU:. 11111 hlc•m \1111 '' h tll' :•l !\I 11111111n \'1\•Jn un <h•r rn11<'h Mar~ &·ttull<'rt , ht• blo:.~otlll'd U)I u world rlt11111 <\IMI Hnd I .5QO 11wlmmer <:on v t'r~l' room:-1 with !\I \' 1t•11mm.1tr Arlnn <~oodrll and Hall to Carry An1erican Flag Long Beach's Tim Shuw at the Olympic Villagt> But hl' !cays fraternizing with Shaw and Goodell doesn't rrcatc any tension or problem. c:vt•n thoui.th they are all in thl• 400 tShaw wu!- 14 0rld ri.'cord holder until Gooddl broke that mark !asl month > "lam disappomll.'<I not to hu' c· made the Otympi<'s in th1.• 1.500.' Converse s ays "I ~llll c·oni.1rltr myselr a 1,500 :.w1mml'r 1\111 r1j!hl now !:!II hlllll)ily \'OnC\111 I ral<' on the 400 .. Convt'rsc behl'\"l'S th:il ~OIOJ! in onl y one event dot·:. J!IV\' him an <'dge in concentration or 1:nt·ri:~ .. Ori an will have.• his hun<h full in lhC' 1.500. ·· Convc•rsc•suy:. .. But ht:' is so tou~h. phys1rall~ and m1.•ntully. 1l may 11111 t.1~t· .mvthtni: out of h1 rn for thl· 400 The 1.500 heals 3rt• Tul'stl:1~ finals ;ire Wednesdt1~· tht· 100 hc::its begin Tbursdu) "Tim and Brian art• .i.:rt·at J!ll~' .ind \\ e ~t·t a Ion~ wc•ll lnJ.tNh1·1 But \4 ht>n Wl' J,tl't llllll th\• pool Jul' ,·onwetition th1·~ 1111• 111:-1 ho1h1·~ 111 nw .you t·~111 ·1 think of 1t ,If\\ 11thc•r 14:<1Y or ~ou 'll lw hl11\\n out," ConverM• :.ayi. the OI PH'S C'nrtll~se is :.oukan.i.: u11 hfr 111 "I 1J 11·1 know "'hut lo e pert ht'rt'. b I the Olymp1c·s Llr<' ev1•r ~ thm$? l ht-a rd t hl•v '' t•n• untl nlOrl', · • ht• '! uys 'The confhes h uv(• IK.°l'll 1trt•a1 Thl'\' tr,~at u~ likl' mh1l\'< The~ Jo!IV\' lHI II lot of freedom bcCllUM' thl'y kno" ""can h:intllt• •l lkm (;:lmbril <lht• (.'Off<'h l lllVC'-J fr11ml'work Cor my workouts bur if I want lo t•han.i1• unythin~ ii':; (lk by him. "Tht' Olympic <:nmt·~ an' 1111 hli.th us you l'an 1w in amateur athletics a nd here they treat you like you art' the be<it .. And .so Case,· ConH•rs<' blend" hi~ two bonuses ror h1-b1~ s" im hrrt' In Montreal BA LTlM O JtB 1 AP 1 Baltimore's Wayne Garland ran his record to 11 · l with :.i 5·4 vie· tory over California Angels tT 1· day night. stretchin~ th{• Orioles· winning str<'ak to six Brooks Robinson had threl' hits. includin~ at wo-run homer Garland. who has posted a 6 I record s tnt'l' movsni: into the starting rotation , scattered seven On T\I Today Cltannf'I .i al ·1:30 h1t.<r before he-" a!'I rt-ttt'~ in tht- mnth b> Dyar Millt•I A sa (•r ifict• fly by Tony Mwwr !>tored a run 1n lhl' first ofr Nolan H \'an, 7 I\. and lh<' Orioles added l\~o more m the second on an rb1 -;inRle by Ken Singlton and a hases.toaded walk to Reggie• J uc·kson Robinson. 39. 1n und out of the :.lartmg hneup ror lhl' past two months. hit his third homl'r or th<' :.ca:son m lbc fifth afk1 a dcmhlc• by Terr> Crowlt•) Garland, "ho "'JI\ .:1vt>I\ a !llpol 111 the starlin1t rotalmn following :1 IO·pl;iyt>r trade \\'llh Ne•\\ York last mo11th. lt•d Oalt1more to it~ l'iizht h l'OllSl'<' ul 1 v l' \ ll'l nry ovt'r C:allfor111a •.AL JIMOIU \t"'tq+t 10f" •• (,r 1tt\ "10 ,..,.< .. v. " t MA.,, '" htfl~' I I MftJ ., ,,. (1owfrv ltf'I n-1~, ,, "R ''•"''"' 'e OOvrv •n' (..Arl-.nf1 u ... , ".. ·-, " ... \ Q 1 t (.f)lllf'\ (I f 0 f 0 I 0 0 til•ltf'fty ft• l t t 0 1 no ' bontt\ '' 'n ' ' 1 ti 0 0 \t>M4t" '1f'I l • I,. 0 0 ft ,. ""~' 1'9 • ' t " 'I ft t ~"''•II .t 0 1 I I I 1 0 A I 1'Ht " O' f\ f) 0 ft I t 1 t ltoJft\tlo\f\ lt\ • 0 I I f / I 1 ( .... II." l 0 (I 0 • 0 n 0 ,.... .. ,~. &)t\ I 0 0 0 n I ft 0 Ht,,'°"pf\P Y I I n 0 f) o o o ~ Av•"· p cl 0 o n \<ollp UOOO Jo'"' 1• \ 1 \ • rot•" lf ·~., l •t••O•f'lit• lf)O t00 001 f (M111,,..,,. 110 0)0 00• I r o o~.... .... OP ti•'''"""• 1 1 on C•lt•o•l'M• A f\,•lt•mo•,. I JR (ffWllol..W. f\rt()Q\ ... 0 l>oD•n\O.. I JI "" ..... , l\OnCI ••J~lil\"" t.,ttth \ g.,t•no-r '\r M~r '" ....... '° _.,. l.I 1 r I I \ \ t\ 11! ~~· • Q • • • ~ (Mtt1•ft0 W t 1 I t I • t l \ 0 ,.. ... ~. t ' 0 0 0 ,. ,_..,._ 0 M ill,_. \I HOP M qy.,. lc:;.,-t'f'h th · Gtrt...O M"'"°'"', t 1 ,,.. A t1 Ht the Ta1..-.an qu1•st10n wluch \\Ui> ras:.ed at tht• lui.t hour b} th<' Canad1un ~o\'l'rnmenl \'ct today tht• ..-. runt:hn~ ,.., :.l'l .!Side for thl) r\• l l\ l' ()('l'U~IOn T h ose ..-. ho '1ew th t• ceremon1c!> 14 111 :o.t-e thl· rollo14 mg. Trun111cti. bluslm(L Ul4 ay ul noon 1POT 1 tu 1i;mal tht• arm .11 of th<> Quc<>n. lht'n tht' CctrH1dHt11 nu11onol aolht•m "111bl'111:.iyc•d i-'ollowinii: lh"t will bt•J:ln tht• purudl' of purtlrlvu1111 tmhull!< with tlwlr alhli.'lt'5 l'Olorfull ~ drcssc.-0 Trad1tionaJl~ Grccct• 1:. the ftrllt n.1t1011 to t•nkr lwcau:.l' lhat 1s ..-. hert-thc OI} mP•<'S h r:o.t ' began in 7i6 OC and then rt• newed 80 years J..:o Tht• host conllngfnl 1i. nl"••.' .. • * * thf' r111~1l to cntl'r lnt<•rnu t1onal Ol ympic Com m1ttl'e l>rci.1dt•11( Lord 1:\1 llJnln 14 111 :. P'' rt k u 111t ttwn tJ uft• n ":hrnbt•I h \\ 111 du .c. lwr ( .1ttlt•r l\mjt Gcar41t> VI dlt1 ut lhl' London OI} mp1c:. oC l94R Sht"ll proclu1111 the (illn\l'" Of)\'t1 OI) mph· ''ulor~. "''t' colon-.1 nn~s on u "hik f\('ld, and 1111' OI~ 1111)1~ hymn w1ll lw pl :1.H•d tlll(I lhl.'n 1\l un1dt, ~<'l'lll' of tl\l• lm•I Gan'lt•:., will turn ov<•r its l'l\m 11wmor:.lth ,, 01~ mpll' flaJ,: lo Montrt>JI C:an noni. \\ti I Mlund .md tell (ll~t·on~. l.'ach ~~ mholmnsi a ~car smct• ttw m0<frrn Games be1wn. "111 b<> rch'a:.ed * * Th\' Olympic torch wall ttwn ~ l'arrl<'d into tht> stud1um IQ\C1 , al'oun<J tht• l rtWk to tht• mo\b torch 1n the ct•nkr ofthl' (11.'ld 11\d thl· lull<'r" tll be li~hltid I lundredg or youn~i.ten. wU{ ~ a g)mnas11e~ bull<'l hi honi;iae to tht' use of Cunudu und uthlet~ y( tht• world 1'h••t1 lht• uthll'h.g' l.DQ officials ' oath!\ ..-.1111"• t11k1·n. · ·: Anolh1'r pl :l) Inf: of tltt• cbli.i. rlsan n:1t1011al ;inthcm on<l d.c-- purttirt• or th.: tll'le11ution wtll brh\~ to :1 dost• thi:. t \\ 11 hour Spt>Cl:l('lt• And t h ,. n t °" u '' ,. 1• I..:. or t•ompt>t1Uon "Ill fill lhl' OI~ rnpit' .igeJtda 1111111 l'Crt•mon1t•' AllJt t bnnf.? It toll dost· * • ... Taiwan Pulls Out t f-:! Of Olympic Games. MONTREAL <AP 1 Tht' Taiw:mese pullr-d out of the Sum· mer Oly mpic Games Friday after rejecting a proposal by thl' lnternatlonal Olympic Commi1 tee to compete without usinJ.! tht• name"RepublitofChina ·· The IOC bo..-. cd lo Canadwn ovemmcnt pressure earlit'r in e av anOV1>tmf W-~<' the name of the Rcpubhc of Cluna to Taiwan for the Montreal Games In a separate and unrelated ac lion. Nigeria also pulled out F'r1 da1. Nigeria joined Muuntius . Tanzaniu and Somalia in boycot ting the Games. They are pro· testing the cur rt'nt tour of New Zealand's nallonul ru$:by team in South Africa, despite protests from the Oqwn1zat1on or Afn can Unity. South Africa has been exclud~.'d from the Olympics because' of it:. racial segregation pohC'ies The IOC ln\llted the Taiwanese to compete under lh1s name and said the matll'r was now closl'<I as far as the IOC was conC'erm•cl Within 30 minutes, J.awrc11r1• Tin~. hend or the Taiw~mese dl' legation. told u press cdnf{'rcm·c· the wrms wc r<• unacc()ptable. "We c·ons1der t111:-change 1m proper under tOC rules prevl'ril ing political d1scnmmallon ;.incl interference." Tini.t s:lid "Wr d eeply rrl! r d w<• h:l\·1· no alternative hut not ln part1c11H1ll' in the Ganll's " The Canadian 1-1m·crnmt-nt r<' cognizes m ainland Chma as lhc• Republic or China II :-cn'n'\l diplomats<' relation:. Sl'\'r r a l years a~o with Tuiwan. un island of 16 million people off lh<' coast of mainland China 0 n I y t w o T u 1 " a n l' ~ t' yuchtsm cn and their coach arc m Montreal artcr {'ntcrin>-: on lJ S p usspor ts M ore• than 40 Taiwanese· athlet{'s h;wc been held up in th<' l' mtro States for mor e tha n :1 ..-. <'Ck bN'au~t' Oarttid-a r \'h u;t-d th..,m enu. visas Ting sa11l ·All our athkl<'S. in eluding lhost' now m the Untlc'<i States. have ret·{'ivt•d orrt<'rs '" return home · · He said the 01~ mp1c· dch.·~at1on and the sk(•lcton izroup now in 1 Montreal. 1ncludin~ a groomles:. horse. also \\Ould he i.tethnJ.! out as soon a~ Ira \'el arranj.ll'nl<'nl~ can bf' madt• The IOC \Oh• "a·' 5R·2 \\Ith Si i( abstentions Thc IOC re1terilt ed that. thrOul!h Lhc• runecssion of. the Canadian J.:0' ernment. th<• Taiwanese <'OUld <'arry their of ( i ci a I fl a$.! Ill I he o IH' n 111 ~ JACOBS CAPTURES SOCAL PGA TITLE Tommy Jacob:. defoak<l Snn Juan Ca (l1slra1111·~ Ot•nny ~foyer, l up. 1n the 31l·hole ch:imp1011i.h1p m atch of I he 52nd S11uthern California PCA tourney al Ml1> ition ViCJO Country Cluh t'rid11y Jarobs won 11 un lhe 351h holl' with a birdil.' Two ~Olfers wcrl' tied lo thnl point Roth JlOrred Uw finol hole Meyer. who also lost in lus t year's final, wo11 two Ufl nfh•r nine holes in thr momlnj( round Rut Jttcobs r allied lo rv~n the match after 111 Jacobs h:1cl pr ev1ousl> won llw PGJ\ tourney in 1971 and ·72_ ceremony and play their national anthem in r as<' they" in a medal l\loniqu1-. lh.'rhou x, exccut1\'e d1rec·tor of tlw IOC , appearin~ fol' Lord Killun1n. IOC prcs1delll. sa id th1.· action ..-. us taken rl•luc· tantly The IOC continues lo deplore· the fart that the Canadian go\' ernment has m adr lh1s stipula t1on in dcCiancl' of Olympic rult•s. she told rcport{'rS The conciliatory action wu~ taken only because the athlete!' or lhl' world already had ai. semblt."d for th(' i?a me> and ther<' was not r nout:h llm<' for lh~· IOC lo conte mplate any otht'r uc·t100 As lhl' Taiwan unnouncemertl. wus betng madt>. Philip U. Krumm. president of the tlll' US Olympic CommiHee. W<IS telling .1 news confen·nl'C· ut lht• Olym p1r village .. , feel the• com· promise and the softening of tht' Canadian pos1~.1on should hau· He rc1tt-rated that Canudu....-s o·,..---• re'r had remo\'ed the po:-.:o.ib11lty or an J\m eric:in bo) colt and hl' speculatl'd that the Otta" a go' {'rnment had changt>d 11~ '>land partly bl.'CaUell' of ~I thr<.>atl'Ot'd L1 .S. w;1l kout und llw po:.sibh: JOSS Of S20 m11Jion tn tt:'lt1\"ISI0 1l 1'l•· v en u <' be l' a u :H• a l' o 111 r 1 ct belW<'l'n LhC' G.t1m(·s· or~unlzeri. und the Americo;rn broadca~lin~ C'ompun.' "a~ subJc•1.•1 In ran ct>llation if t he l 'n1tl'li Stoles "111 nol l'Om (>•'t ,. Error Helps LA Sink Chicago, 4-1 LOS ANG ELES 1AP1 A throwing error b) Chica~o pilrher Ste\'c Renko enabled Res: llll' Smith to race home with th~ lJe·breakm~ run 1n the s ixth in ning and the t,os Angeles DodJ:c r:-. went on to defl'ul th<' Cub-. 4· I Fri dU)'ntg hl The \'ICl or) W<ts till' third str:11,i:hl for Lo:. Anl!t'lt.ii; 1.1mJ 1l:- !l1xth in the l:is t eight starts. It also murked the sixth straight tim<' Dod .. r• Sla1v All~,...,.,. l(A8C'1'01 J·•''f t (tu1 "'•N•f l.f' Ariq.f It f,,t t 14 Pti,l .. Jirlp•H·• JI lO A"Q' h J ~, •• p,,_,,.,._,. ton•••"' a,,, Anioo·lt the Doditers ha\e defeall'd lhl' Cubs The DOiJ~ers p1a) :i s o'l'lock game tonight against the Cub.<I with LJ\'s Hick Rhoden t8-0 t fat in1tSlcvc Stone ( l · l 1. The Dodgers· go-ahead roll~ bl'gan with singl('s b~· Smith and Ron Cey. Steve Garvey bunted for a base hit and R<'nko. after fit•ld mg the bo 11. th r('w "1ldly to firs t and Smith sc•orcd II marked thC' eighth SUCC{'S!>IVC game in\\ h1c h Smith ha~ M'Or ed a run Sutton. 10·8. has won h1:. last three deciston~ Thl' Los Angeles nght·hander retired thl' la.'lt IT Cubs 111 a ro\\ after .Jost' Cardcnul • beul out an inrield :.in.:lt· in thr third The Ood ~ers scored ;in un- earnt'd run in the first on a sini;?le by Dave Lopes. a n er ror b.' Pl.'1.<' Lu,ock on<' of four Ch11:u~o rnisl'UC:. and a run st·or1111{ sinlolle by Bill Buekm•r LO,llNGELE' CHICllGO lGOM 11> """ ""'' If qs,.,,.,,, ,, <•• )n (.afW't It A1J\ t tf, IM••·t tf Vt•cr'' (/A(I .on ""' f Al)d•QI I ~ ..... ., •b, .. bl ... , fl •• \ J ) f MDndfly t f 4 t t I \ 0 1 I (->•<l>'n~I II 1 0 1 0 1 I t fl IN"'lh". f• t 0 0 0 I 0 ' ~ L•Co<' 'b ' t 0 t .. I') t Q JMotAl•'' ti 1 ' t • ., 1 ) 1 , ,,no 1n ' i> tt l In 0 0 ,.,._ JO I ~ 0 t 1 o o o .,.,._.,rw ' , 1 O t O I n ,, fl POY·t•o J 0 ft 0 l'I t O O Wrrvn-r' Ui" t 0 0 f: • 0 u ,, "'"''" f'lit-1 0 0 0 0 R<n>op )000 Olfl'l'll .... ,11 --'NCJIO< • pn I 0 0 0 WIW t> 0 0 0 0 l(nowt•\ o 0 0 0 Q f t.1••h H • U) t Tot11h IC) tJ .. 1 rr,11~Uo dOI 000 Olli! .. l0\11"""'" •M 001 Oh. .. f l•CO(.• 'i..-111•hH An""llO "'"'•o t...00 , .. (l'ht d(ll') 1 LO\ A1te>"h ~ 1n 1H ( 1t;dt-n..JI 1ij • loo' ttR MUOtJ•f tfl R,, .di''' ~8 • Auc:•n.t"' > '\.utt•,., IP M .. Ell 18 ~ Pt'f\•O•l. J 'i ~ 111 t t I (Olrmitn I 0 1) u I I \ultft I I J I ._, ft"C)Wf""' J) u ., (J It \vii"" IW 10 I • e ~ I I 0 ) H8P l>y (of1m_.,, '" \mtl" f ) Ul A .0 .•• ~pedal to tht' DaUy Pilot 711 O N T H F. ,\I, Form er RanC'ho Alamitos lfi!!h (Garden Crm •c• 1 swimming star Gary llr1ll \1 u1t picked ""'riday tl> cnrry lhl' Star~ and Stripes when the .S. team mar ches Into the Olympic Stol cllum for t h e o p e n inJ? n•n•mon~ toda~ TV Sehedule for Olympics llall, 2~. a t~o·t1me Olympic . 11\ cr m\'dahst hoot.Ing for bl!' (1r~t gold. was elected ~·~ na(l <'arrier hy the captains of the 19 sports • quads making up lh<' l .500·member ,\mencan team Hall i11 co.captain of the U S. ~~ im team and will be compet· lt\t: in the lOO·mcter butterfly. ltall won a silver medal In the '400-mctcr individual medley In 1968 and h\s second sil\'er comr in the 200..meter butterlh four ~ears al(o MONTREAL <API AIU;. 1V'1 CO\'erage or tbe 21st Olym· pie Games will bef?in Yi'ith 10 hours of ''iewing this weekend. highlighted by ~c~ from the opening cere momes today and C\•er al hours of live compct1t1on Sunday. Viell•log )ours. 1n Pac1f1c Daylight time, will be 1 l .J0-3 and 8:30-11 p.m. today and 3-6 p m and 7.9 p.m. Sunday. Tbe coverage will begin with ;.1 Uve pr~entation or todtt)'S col orful opening ~egeantt')' Tonight 's telecasrwt .. n·-+tn--c""''"u,.dl' hl&hli#llts from t he operunJ: ce~mooies plu.s filmed looks at memorable pe rformance In ' past Games. In addition. the network will 5how Intervie ws v.ith athletes and offer glimpses al life in the Olympic Vlllage, particularly the strict security pr~aut1ons The events to be telecast Sun- day won't be selected until short IY before air time becallft so much of the coverage will be live. However . among the top events of the da y a r e m e n 's a nd \\Omen's gymnasll~. men's and women 's s wimming. '.S. basketball and boxing. Among t he ~ymnaslic com· ~titors will~ Nadia Comenec1. the spectarular Rumanian who will be u1mln~ for the wornen':. Individual gold medal. Swimming competition In eludes finals In the m<'f'l's 200· meter butterrty and thci women·i. medley reluy World record holder Ro(ler PyUel or East Germany Is the ftl\'Orite In the butttrfly event. The Americans wbo have qua1ifitd for that event are Mik e Bruner .. Bllly Forre!!Ler and Steve Greg(f. The womc.•n's medley relay race will relture the awesome East German squad. The basketball action will havt the United State facing Italy inn preUminary game ~ boxtl'lg Is nrst round actlon. The Bird Co•plaf11s Octroit rookie sensation Mark Fldrych squat~ on the mound {IS he complains ubout Oakland's Claudell Wa hinRton i;l I>Pln§J out of the b~M.er·11 box. P idrych de· fcatc..'d th A ':t. I ·O. in It innings fo~riday ni~hl. raising his ~ecord to 10·2. A cheering crowd of 45.00S viewed the acUon. ' 82 OAllYPILOT Salufday. Juty 1'7, 1976 Shrine Grid Stars Collide Tonight t By ROG ER CAIU..SON ™lLI! ~ETHOD • OfU..0.ll•l'llelMMf PASADE NA-The cream o r ScNUttm Caltfornlo's cor\lnt>ullon lo ~t1l1te football nanJcs t:t on tti:spluy tcaight a'J the 2~th Shnnc All htar game unfolds at the Rose Howl. Kkkorr is ilt 8 and umong the star· rtudded field ore thn't' Orunae Cou t urea products -Rick Bas hore.> and St~t· R akhi!han1 or llunttni:lon 8~at'h 's Edi:wn fliAh and Cost a Ml.'fla's Rob Ml'Cormh h, who played at l\nohe1m ':t St•rv1te lll&h. AU arc All·Cl F 4 A i.lundouts and oil * * * :ire in the isl art ing lineup ton1aiht R:akhshanl as on o<fon!>e at llRhl end while McCormlbh aod Bashore art• on defense at outside linebacker and cor· nerback. In the past 24 1tames this rlnss1c bos product'd 30 All·Amt>racans. three llclsman Trophy ""tnm.ms and ID!'tt year'a Supcr Uo~ I MVP. Quarterbacks Jun r~1unketl or Stun· ford and John lluartt-or Nolrt' L>ame Cformerly or S~nta Alla's Mater l>c1 High>. and !\like Gal'rett of USC, lle1sman Trophy recipientis. playt'd in * * • Ex-Shrine Grid Player Donated Part of Salary Tonight's Shrine football J!ame ut Pasadena's Rose Bowl marks a l)u:Jrter eentury of one of the be~t comb1nat1ons available dunng the dog days or sum mer ~hen the only other outlet seems to be the dull aspect of baseball It '$ the cream or Southern Cttltfornia prep football slars compN- ing C~r a cau!>e such as the Shrine's Hospital for Crippled Ch.tldr<'n. One example of what lhc game means to some or the players came from Richard Gebhard. a forml·r \\-'hittier Chr1sti<1n lli~h stur "ho played in last year's <'lassie After visiting lhe hospital prior lo last year game. Gebhard follow<'d ---WH· h-a-~heck ft>r ~-tlh'-;eptombcr- A Christmas card arri\'ed later with a check for S675. And six months later another $600 was donated by the former player, who works weekends at swap meets and sets a.~ide 10 per· cent of his earnings for the hospital Gebhart was the Cff l·i\ player nf the year. scoring 28 touchdowns 1n 1974. Gebhart's mol1vat1on is simple: '''.\\y visit lo the hospital made· me thankful for C\'erylhrng I had. Many of trv Sports ~For Today 1~15 a.m . (.1 1 -BASEBALL -Jbc Boston Red Sox meet the Ro,als at Kansas City in an An1i!ti<'an League tiff. . U :30 a .m . t7> OLYMPICS - those kids wouldn't ha\"e been treated sf 1t weren't ror the hospital. That hit me. It stuck in mv mmd. Tonight's ga.me fealures three Orange Coast area athletes Rick Bashore and Vic Rakhshani of llunt· ington Beach's Edison lllgh School and Costa Mesa's Rob Mct:ormish. who prepped at Anaheim·~ Senile lhgh. Former Newport Harbor lllg h basketball star L ee Haven has left for ROGE R CARL O N h is second year or pror~s!>ional basketball in The Philippines. tr.vt'a, 23, is one of t"o American players on the l'.niversal Texlill' Miiis quinte t and a\·eraged 17 points and IO rt'bounds per game last year. The season includes 50 games prior to the playoffs and among the rulf'~ b that only one ot two Americans on each quintet can be on the floor at the 11amt' timl'. "Tht' Am e ricans bas ic ally ftt'utrali&e each other," says Haven, "'ho at :?05 pounds and 6·5. is the s mallest American iu the circuit. Haven reports crowds or 35.000 are common in the cage·cruy. English speaking arn. this game. as did L)nn Swann, Pmsburgh's Super Oo"lh~·ro The game bent'fils the Shnnl''S Children's Hospital :rnd the past 1nillion fan$ h<1ve hell)W a<'cumulale $1 4 million toward the charily. 1'~0 or U\e Norlh'11 big thrc<its arc fUMln.: b<ick~ Artll' lharcni"c oC Lona Buch Poly and f'rcd Ford of t John B<>sco. Roth are hl'~deJ for UCL.A. The Soulh \s It'd by <111orterbacks Cru1~ Johnston or St Pi1ul and Curson All·Amerlrun Samoa Samoa. Availa- ble for thc>ir dart11. ~side from Rttkhshan\. I~ Kennedy lhgh's Hick First Longfi11 Parma. the All·Or11AAe County rc- ceinr who bos CaUJtbl 186 p~es for :?, 7SS yards and J.a TDs the pu:.t three sea ons. • North'Q8s includl' Kevm Muno of Loyola and t\cnny Moore or San femundo High. Six other Onnac County phs)e~ are listed on the South i.quM, lnclud· mg El Dorado's Jrrr Wiosrll and Dlian Stuck, FoothJll'i. Norm Katnik. Anahelnl'ls Jose Echcvurrlu, Servltc':s ttri11n IJut;gott nnd 1'1m llunifm of Sonorn. Olympic Gani es Schedule A list of today's and Sunday's activities for • THE ONE-HANDED PUTT You won't ace m.iny one. lundcd putts on the golf cou~-eucpl when the l'tall lS h;ingins ovu th~ hp or the cup. Nnertheless. rulllnlJ with Ol\c hand an f>,• U$dUI 1n pt1clloc. l'lllhng Is t \<t:IY u c11ln1i skill. A &OOd pull ft'Q\llfC' many of Che ~me clcmcnlll 1h111 g0 into C'lther 6UOkts. good timlnl:. smooth lake· 1way. constant ,r1r t)rt1ssu1e, ..n 11ccelcrated for"'.irtl ~troke, anJ the proper grip, :il1i,:nm~n1 and posture. In :ntd1tmn, rutt111a deomands greJtcr accu· racy 11nd u1stan1.'t' t"•>nl rol. ()n, Wll)' IO JevcJo p !h1S rnntro l i~ t o pr:1~111:c pulling ""'•th one hand. l:.xpcrimcnt with one lund. thcn the other. This will help you Jcvclop the smooth rhythm 11nd timini; .yo u Med tu JJnk more of tho~ tts. l J J c ' i .. ~e 1976 Summer Olym· Baseball Play p1cGames: SATURDAY Opening ceremonies - Olympic Stadium. SUNDAY Opening ceremony - Kingston, Ont. Rowing -men's pre· limlnaries al Olympic basln. Basketball -men - Can ada vs . J apa11. Yugoslavia vs. Puerto Rico. Cuba vs. Australia. Italy vs. United Slates, Mexico vs. Sbvtet1:1nton, Egypt vs. Czecho - slovakia. Boxing -preliminary bouts. Cycling -time trials. Soc<' er East Germany vs. Brazil at Varsity Stadium, Toron· to: Spain vs. Zambia nt Sherbrooke Stadium: Poland vs. Cuba; Iran vs. Nigeria. Gymnastics women's compulsory ex· ercises; men 's com· pulsory exercises: women's compulsory ex- ercises : men 's com· pulsory exercises. Weighllifl ing 52·kg. class. group n; 52-kg, clnss. group A. JI and ball ml'n Newport Stays In Top Spot Newport Harbor. win· c .. ,.~,~~o , " ,., ning lhe easy way as · en91.,,., .. 3 o Garden Grove's Bolsa e ... ,,,,. .. 1 ... 1b o Gra nde forfeited, re· eo~~:~ : ~ ; ~ tained firs \ pl e 1..n_~Jt> 1 o o 1 Harbor League summer T•nv. ,·b ; : ~ : baseball action, and Hun-Tro.10.c• 3 1 1 o ~t~~fa ~c~~~ :i<!::~ ~,=~=·" ! : : i 4·3, al TeWinkle Park ~~°: 0 : : : ~ Friday night. 101.1, JO , / , Elsewher e in league "•" "' IM1,.., r II • 011 040 I t I 7 play, Fountam Valley de-l .. .,.,.,,,. feated Corona del Mar "'•1•~w >JO °"' 0 • ' ) and La Quinta bested -·-1••0•1~':": " •'1 Costa Mesa by identical 1..,.,. .. > 1 1 , MscoresatDavisPark. ~1;;:::,b ! ~ ~ ~ Pitcher Mike Sanchez °"'-Ot19 l b 1 1 ' , gave up only three hits ::.':.~,~ ; ~ ~ ~ and struck out nine as "'" .. c1 1 1 ' n Huntington Beach held ~~~";~"·<' ! ~ ~ , ~ onto second place with a c;"'°"'·'' ' ' o a 9·3·1 record. one game toi ... c.. ...... ,:,:.,1:1 ' behind Newport. •• r " ,.,. Don f\erce's sixth in· ning single S<'Or~d the winn1n~ run for Hunt· ington Beach. A"'V"'Oh<I rt J t t 0 C•lll\On '' J t 0 Wiii"'. lb II 1 0 0 Mo•\Of1 11-cl•P I I II 0 B•rth,IO J 1 I 0 HM t•N . 1tt.t t l 0 t) (t si..-•mnn,t ) 0 0 U Jonn\lon.(t p 7 o t t M11tllll•, lb I 0 0 0 A.rr•ni.o•. p 1 0 O ft • Opening Ceremoni~ ul lhe XXI 6lymp1c Games in Montrcul. t:30 p.m . (21 -GOU' -Third· ro.ad action :ft the Westchester Classic in Harr ison.NY. The hiring of J ack Errion as basket· ball coach at Corona del Mar High School closes out cage vacancies in lhe Orange Coasl area. New this time around are Doug Sorey at Irvine's University lli~h. Jerry DeBusk al .Newport llarbor High. Don Leavy at lluntington Beach's Edison and Errion. Russ Cramm of Newport Beach recently booted this 21-pound albacore while fis· hing with h is father !)r. Richard Cr amm, aboar d the s portfisher Searcher out of Fisherman's Landing. It was Ruf!s · first outing of lhe season. W~t Ge-rmany \'S. Den- mark. Yugosla\'la vs. Canada. Soviet Union vs. Japan. Poland vs . Tunisia. Czechoslovakia vs. United S tntes. And for F ountai n Valley. catcher Bo Box· old smashed a 350-foot two-run homer lo left field in the third inning. -..... ' 0 0 0 ro1••• 11 • 1 1 sce ... y ..... 1..,. f'lo Vfll•• Oil 110-41 I 4 Cot..,..,,_, M<tr 100 110 _. • • {~:JO p.m . (51 -BASEBALL -nit California l\nitels meel the O~les al Baltimorl''s Memorial Stadium in American League b*ball al't1on. ~:p.m. m WIDE WORLD OF Sf!ORTS -The Georj?c Forem~n­JO,,:. Frazier heavyweight boxing Qf1a taped June 15 LS aired. ~:30 p.m . (7) -OLYMPICS - ,40\ Olympics preview of ABC's planned CO\'erage of the XXI Olym· pie.Games ht Montreal. 10:30p.m . (91 -TENNlS -The - Angeles Strings meet the den Gaters in a World Team onls matc h, t aped from i\(land. ~1 :30 p.m . (9 1 BOXING :pree bouts, taped from Stockton. featured. Alvaro Lopez duels ·Castaneda in the main evenl. Three others began their second vear al the helm Art Jenkins at Dana Hills. Sten• Popovich at llunl· ingtoo Beach ·s ~1 arina and Ed Burl· ingham at Laguna Beach. Ex-Westminster High basketball coach Doug Stockham has left Elsinore and taken over the reins at San Bernardino's Cajon High. With Fountain Valley Hlgh's fool· ball team ripping everything in sll(ht in tbe summ er passing league and the Barons' basketball team unbeaten In the Huntington Beach summer loop, Barons boosters are talking about back·tO·back Sunset League cbam· plonshlps In the two sport.11. Both figure to be favored In league elrdc.'9 and among the top 10 ln the (') F polls at th«> outset or pla)'. East DMslon W L Pct. GB ---------------------Romania \'S. Hungary. Field hockey • · India vs Argentina : Australia \'S. Malaysia. Pakistan vs . Belgium, Wes t German y \'S. N<?w Zealand. Swimming morning Graham Leading Westchester Golf heats -men's lOO·meter •••'-'"backstroke · women's HARRISON, N.Y . -ArnoldPa1-r David Graham, playiJ1g a ~~;.':,;',~. l'Ourse tailored for his &onC••n,,,. .. s hort s l r a i g h l ·dri vi ng ::'.~,:~'!rl)er game and steady putting Eds.. .. d toul'h. fired a three-under-:'.;,~=~·~:., .• pnr 68 11'tlday fol" 3 '36-hore ll..rro ... c~e1 score or 11 .undcr-par 131 ~.':~', •• " and a (our-stroke lead JonnnvM·"~' after two rounds of the Fuur 1°""~' S300. 000 West c h est er ';:;/!.~~o:...id0., Class it'. C..o•<a llu•n. JO"M'f Jtt<Ob\ 5.flronn ro~'nd t t•ftt ft •n 1ne Pn1t AOOQ~'" w ,1 ,1 "•\l~r (>Q1f (.IA\\IC Jim Simon\ O..~•CIC,, •"'·)m #\) ~ 1l1 J1mmyWr1ont M1t 4" W'fM M 7l In ~fW LHllrf" l O,,Y l tf'Cfl•r "&1 U\ Br\Kr L•\ll'e (Mtff'W"I Wtlttf' bl n US C...t 8rewvr T-W•lw" M IJ. •» Joe'" .... " --------. CMnS.•n ., ., 131. • • • 10 ,, 111 lOO·freestyle: men s 200 :;~ :!~butterfly ; ·women's .4 x &HI m 100 medley relay : night 11.1 1• -women's 100 freestyle? :~:: :: semifina l ; men's 100 wro 111 backstroke semifinal: :; ~~ ·:: men's 200 butte rfly final; "., •l8 women's 4 x 100 medley ~!! :~ relay final. 1.1,.,, -1.1t Water polo -Hungary ;~:: :: vs. Australia: Romania •• 10 1:i. vs. Soviet Union: llalv ~; ;~-:~ vs. Iran: West Germany 10 .. 1l'I vs . C a n ad a ; The :!:; :~ Netherlands vs. Mexico: &a.11 m Yugoslavia vs. Cuba. 10..• m Modern Pentathlon - KlT ZBUE HEL . riding at O lympic Equest rian Cenlre, Bro· moot.Que. J::ast Dlvlsklo w I. r ct. GB i 1975 ~LOSE-OUT New York S3 31 .631 Raltlmore 42 42 .500 11 Philadelphia 57 26 687 Au slria -l\1 an u n l O r antes or Spain, f'rance's Francois Jaw· rret. Jan Kodes or Czechosl ovak"' ::ind West Ge r mu n y's Jueri;ten Pohmann will play an the semifinals of the Head Cup interna- 11onal tennis tournament S hooti n g -Free pistol. 60 shots: Olympic trap i;hoolinit. 75 pigeons al Olympi c s hootini; range. L'Acadie, Que. Volleyball men Detroit 40 41 .494 I \11 00.ton 41 4:1 .488 12 Cleveland :19 '12 .4tU 121,; Mllwuuktt' 34 46 .425 17 Pittsburgh 48 J5 .578 9 NewYork 47 4:1 .522131 : 4'1 Louis 38 46 .452 191, Chica~o JG 50 419 221,.., Montreal 26 3.3 329 29 Czechoslova k ia vs . Canada . Poland vs. South Korea. II aly \'S. Soviet Union, Brazil vs. t.fark Reese conlribut· ed two base hits and Scott DeLong ripped a two-run triple in the fourth for the winners. Coronadel Mar"sChris Raymond had a double in the rou rth a nd Gary J ohnston was credited with a rbi single. Aztecs Top Jaws, 2-1 SAN DIEGO <APJ Midfielder George Best look IS shots a nd scored a goal to lead the Los Angeles Aztecs to a 2· 1 North American Soccer League victory over the San Diego Jaws f'riday night. The m atch was Cied 1·1 following an overtime period lo send the eontesl to the tiebreaker phase. Loi An geles outshot San Diego 4·2 in fixed shoL-; on goal with Best making the decisive kick giving the Aztecs the one team goal advanla~e. Best connected 26 seconds into the gnmc on a JO.yard shot to give the A7.tecs an early 1 ·0 ad· vantage. M...,ll1191eo1 ...... 10 Ket te rt ~.0.CI C..11. c '»nchot." M"°"v•rO, n St•l.......,\, II> lut•Chl•om. di! Morlhfl>O, 10 llf'...,lltn lb w~~1i~.11 To1tl1 •II r lo "" 4 0 } I 1 I 0 ~ 3 0 0 0 l 0 0 " 1 0 I 0 J 0 0 II J 0 0 0 7 1 0 II J 0 0 0 7 1 I 0 11 4 I tht.a•cl• tU 9•tt•, (I Ambo/rQ4'r, ID AOOO+M.1t> llPOl•r.11 (.a""'"""· 0 lort~,Jb w1nmwm.c T1,.,,11ts, Ph 111:,.,,\.. \\ MotlC)n,/) TOIAI\ '" r II,.. 7 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 l 0 I 0 I 0 I I 1 0 I Q l 0 0 0 n J 0 0 0 II 0 0 I 0 0 0 ~ n o n J I k.,• ltr tnlll••• Hu<I! 64.•~ch 110 101 .... • £tt•nci. OJO 000-l J Eagles De f eat Cycle Rival The Orange County Eagles defeated the Lo.'! Angeles Sprockets, 43-45, In motorcycle team rac· ing at the Orange County Fairl{rounds Friday night before 8,956 fans. Alan Christian of Garden Grove won the rive-lap handicap main event. Mike Muntean of San Juan Capistrano was second and Huntington Beach r eside nt Rick Woods rlnished third. ~. AS ........ SSl27 West Division Kansas City 56 32 .6.'Mi Wt'st Olvlslon Cincinnati 5 t :14 .r.t4 Egypt today. Orantes ousted Jeff .~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~~-~~~~~-~~-~~~~-. Borowiak, 6·2. 6·1 and ! Jaurrrct beat Bolivian Gumiro Benavidcis, 7-6. 6·2 Friday. Kodes and Pohmann won Thursday. .. f . s: DISCOUNTED ~· s s350 j;.sH IACK • • $400 . . 4¥10 t•t.., A\1-M -.~IS.-NO )''''' ... Tcus 44 41 .5l8 91 , Oakland 44 43 .506 101~ Mlnnoota 40 45 .471 131 ., Chicago 39 45 .46'l 14 An1••• J~ 54 .393 201 ~ "'""''' 0•-· IUl'U• (H' >1. llo\lon I I """'"""•' C•'"''"'• • OtireU I, 0..0lal\00 tll IM tr>O>I Cfen'-T. M'"""~lt t (I\•,-I, Mltwa~~ff > Hof• ..... , J, lna>O T""Y'•O.- flo•IOn I ''""I IG-al •t ........ '"' tM•~' .. 0 •' C...lllorn•• lh,..,.• 10 •> •1 IM•t•,,,.,.• I-•• ll ., °""•nd 1Horrl•11l•tQo>1,,..1t......,.e~11 n 111 .. 1w.., .. ff IC01--.. ) 101 .tt Olk-I~~ )Fl,,.- 91'twl-(W••t•l•l t1"'4-•IOolltMl,ft ,.._.,..,, 11111\ IMI •I hq\tlenJ 0 ,'I Dodgt"rS 49 39 5.'>7 S Houston 43 45 .l\HO 11 San Oit-i.to 4:1 4G .48.'l l l • 2 Allnnta 40 47 .460 1 :11~ San f'rnncii;co JG 53 A04 18•,.., rrto '" G•mn 140.,,1,,., •. M•w .,.,.,, i ,..tt\Du•Oll I,• ll•tol• 1 (ln(IM•l .. ,Mnnl•••l 1 llO•nn•"'!'I \I i..bv•\•. ~" 0"•00 7 l"'"~~\4 (h1C"119I ~"-'•"<•Kit I, P1111t.,..rl)lllt O t M•'f \Gem•• AllM\l• llluth""n 10 fl •t Polf\l)ut"' 11(1-t 0 \I 1.0..•\ 10.MY ••I 11 W Choi> IFrt•ti.a." . ,, H&\1\1"" t•no111M, II •I Mf'WYO" '"' .... ''II Pfl•ladol .... 1• Vl'do•-\II "1 Soon ,-,.,,.,-co lllAOMtlu~o 1 I) -t•H t "''""''" •al •I Onct"""ll ,, ... ,..,, I JI, n O\otA99 IS-I II •11.H A-U>\ 1111-ft HI, " 11''.IT Re•ul•• Le> A-I•• JI, H•••tl t1 w ,.m•11 C.vf\lt• 1111 b•AI I •-llt, l·a; (.alal\·Jllf\•\ fl 'II l)ul Cour\ Gu,.lt•. • • ~II ,. .. , ... <HI MAI I.Ult 1- N•l\la'ft O•vtd\01\ (H . °"'"' llJll .. .... 11,.,,,. Ml••d ("•l\·ll•h l°" IU.1 tlffl eo.wt 0.vld-, • I 0-••'•"'• l ult Am,.l••I fl.Al O.•IHUt• .. O•Yld'°"· It " 1,lll•llo•AntelO l'-la 16, Oelfttl G•lt"' M ~ ... £-1 (ltl .... , "-·· '· E,..n W • t"I bHI 01>rr ~. ,_. $.) --<>lol<w fGOI bH\ .... m-• .. , Ok•er·McM•llaft IOGI -I W•Ut ... u.-..•>. ' ""°'""d-S"9w·llo<t,. (Pl IM'tl g.,,. M<M•llan,1$ A-1.ltlAIO."aftCI The Marriott Hotel in Newport Beach hos Ten Super Tonnis Coum :1MMIDIATI CllDIT OM IHATI ISOll DOWMPAYMIMT oa CASH IACK! which ure now open for public use. ... Monday thru Friday -$5.00 per 1 hour/court Reservations occepted one week in advance. Saturday, Sunday & Holidays -$8.00 per 1 hour/court Some day reservations. l\iFrTOtt:~Tll wawuw: 9._.,.. •N~ c."'~ Di Pti-II ~4Cltt0 •• .. .,. _._..~1tw•-' '""•· 1 ' What's Doing Outdoors JIM NIEMIEC Snll wutt•r (1,hin~ {'Qfltlnu<1S ut a torrid P••Ct" ulOnK thl' South coJi.tllnl' 1\lln~l l'Vt:l')' 111.1rly bo11t and prtvute sportf1.,.hcr \t•ntunn~ out to the fti.hlng grouruh IS r c•tUrlllOft IO thl! do~:k \\Ith (Oh ()f ~,_me flSh AJbuc1>ri.• vrt· lt•iJdm~ lhl· f1.)h counts , 1.11> lurRe schools or lon.:1111:-. .1rt• wrt•ad 1Jut rrom lhc eust er11l of Sao C lem(•Oll' l11lu11d to the Ml!lCICtin waters off Guadalupe ('ount~ of 1110 f111h 1.i..·r bout a re not uu· common on u daily bus111 and 1ndlc11t1uns are t hl! <1lbies will he aruuml for a wh1k Earlier th 1~ \H'l'k ulhacnrv were h1tt1ng in us do:.c ;111 the 14 l\J ilc Uunk. 11ut rnany. hut a good in· dkulion tha t lht· a lb1N1 mt~ht !>(?!)Cl lo make an un· l'XJ)t'cled tns tdt' run for tht' firl)l l• 10 manv years. Other loni.:f1n catchl!:o. \\ere reported oo th.e Z77 s pot. oH Sau C..:lc ml!nll'' l'aSl c•nd and on the 43 fathom llJ>Ot l\J o t of the f11.h tuken \\t.'rc on J1gi.. ai. boats were not re ady for lhl' :.uddl•n ~how of longfins and most i.porthshe r:. \\ l'r<' not l'urr) 1ng II\ e bait. \\ha ch \\OUld ht1\'C 1ncn:u .. t.'<i the fo1h l'OUOl!> II ts onl~ J malll'r of t1mC' before ~ewport s fl eet of sporlflshc rs l':«.'b geart..'<i up to makL runs on the outside A call to arc.i landm,:i:. confirmed the start. u:> OaVl') ':> Lm·kt.•r :ient out ,, !!Couting boat Thurs· day Danu Wha rf and Art'!> I.anding will also start sending party boat:. 1r the fll,h continue to s how in any number:-. Meanwhile. £''((.'t.•llt•nt CJ t<'hcs of bass. bonito and barra.('uda a re reporll'd by all landings . This ha~ been one of the be.!>t l'arlr l>l'a:>on in quite a few years. and "1th ~ood water conditions existing, it should c·onti nut.' for l>Omc' lim<' to come. Loads arc not extremely heavy for this time of the year. but anyone inll'res te<l in :.pending a day angl- ing aboard on<' of our flnl' sporlfishcrs. should call an advanCl' for rt.'l>l!r vallnns and departure times. S<tn D1e~o·baH•d purty boats are hilting ulbies close to the bl'ut h. a dis tance or som e -10 miles off Pt Lom<1 Frank Lol'r~tl•s open party boat the ------.~arcller lias bt'l'n t·on:>TSrITTlfty-thl' hor1Rraruf-t1re fleet and 1:-runnan~ out <Jf F1:1herman's Landing. Maxed in ''1th tht.• lon)!fini. are yello,,tail, bluef1n tunu .111d an on u~wnal dolphin '" .HarU11 Landt-d l 'ef Helen Smith . '>ecrctal') for the Balboa Angling Club, says no marlin or broadbill hne bttn landed to datt>, but there haH' !><.-en a number of s trikes on last trollt>d lirt--t'J t> JI~!>. The watu is too warm for s"ordrish , but just about ristht for ma rlin. Private boats hould start rt-ad~lng the ir itear in antitipa· lion of a ~ood splkt-bill !!Uson. For a t'Omplete up· datt> on lllllish rondllk"t' ~iv.-An,ler 's Cente r in 't>wport Bt>arh .. c :-1: nt 613· 1091. Jeueior 'fo.,rna•t-nf L'11der M'ay Youngslcr'> IO th(' UJ.!l' j!roup between 7 and IS years arl' l'llt·oura!ll'<.I lo rompcte 111 the annual Balboa AnJ?hni.: Club tournament Anyone is al· lowed lo enlt'r th1.• tourna ment which ~1ve trophies for th<' bigl?l'Sl fish In many t•ala>1or1cs. Anglers do not h uvc tn hl• mt.•mlx:rs of thl' OAC to comp('lc \'ouni:: un).!ll•rs l'Un n ·i.:1sll•r a t the HAC. Davev's Lorkl•r or Art 's Landmµ ~ · . 'flarcuht•r ~hark La11ded Brad 8tout of NewlJ()rt Hu ch, fishing aboard ttJe boat Su T r adt•r. landed a 30:!-pound thr sta.r shark aft.-r doing batlle with the gamt> fighter for lour hmlrs and IO m lnuC('S u .. 1nic AA·poa•d tackle. The shark wai> "elghc>d in at RAC. The fir t bliae nn tuaa ol th<> su11on for tht' tt.\C "as cau«hl by Oran1t' ('ountian B<th 1•1·r~uson. ~t'ighing 10 pounds, 6l t>UnC't'S. 1111111111 L11ke11 l 'i11ld11g .'iloar Trout f1 ,h 1n>1 ha~ tlmpJ><•d off at most of our in l:inci lakl•s hut j!ouJ calch('S of blueitill and callish nre being n •portwl 1\ fl'W J:ood bass fisherm e n .are rrturntn)! "1th nl•ur limits of buckelmouths fi shinK d~('p \\ ;i1t•r "1th worms und leaci head jigs . Big BN1r 1.; h:.ted a:. ra1r for trout . but fis hing IS gettin~ rough dul' to "t'1·1l <·ond1tw~ and pleasure boats. ThosC' ,in,J:ll'r'I \\Ctr k111~ tlll' :-.hallo\\ er st'ct1ons of the larJ.:«.' lakl' ar1• takin~ homl' th<• mo~t fi sh. Irvine 1s fair for trout. s lov. <Jn bass and <'rappie, wilhblucs;il co11s1d<'n ·1l )!nod r1:1t11ni:t on rt'<I aml mt'al \\Orms All of thl' lrn<'I-. c·ountry lukcs in the l1 1gh Sierra art' 01wn untl f"h1ni:: 1.~ ra11·ci i::ood for ani;:lers toss - tni.: u 'uril•ty 11f lure~ and flies .,,, .... Sra111na .\'t-ar• OoH' st'a1:>on i:. j u.;t around th4' corner and now is a good tltnt• to i.(f'l out to lht• local trap and skeet ranJte:-. and .. hariH'n up )our shooting C)e. Ho th the Lanuna Ullls c;un ('tub and thr South Coast G un Club ofh'r t':\Ct'llenl .;holl(unnlnit. T her(' a re plenty of do\ 1• :all u\ 1•r Suullwrn ('allfornia a nd II thew arm \\ealht•r !(t•t'fh II() "t' .. hould h.-In fM a 1(04}d season ht'1tlnnlnK SrlH . I. Tennis Tourney Slated \I 1 \1•<1 clt•ll hit-' lt•11111' 1·11111p1•111 11111 ,, 'l'hl'llllh'Cl .11 ,,., 1·r.1l c 11·nn)!t' C'o,,,t :ir1•a 11•n r11 ' 1·l11h:o. 111 \Ul!ll'I. t'.tjlJWtl h\ till' 1'11a111p111n ,h1 1• l1 11 a l" \ II ,.: :! IC .I II " ;! ., 111 :\t•\\ p111 t H1•.11·h I 1•11111' ( 'l11h 11 ' I ht· \\,'I m hli•1lnm W t•lll llllll'lll'Y <lt•:o.l~IW<I for pla~CI''< Ill tt ll<I (IVl'r Ill ,\, II, ('. I> nntl 110\'H'(• 1hns1nn-.. in acldthon to tht: 111w n ct1v1:-11111 "hac h "llJl(•n Ill .11! Oj!e l- l'ST ,\ r ult•:< )!overn 11l:i~ ""'' itll mal<'hes <A ili lw the "ci.t of three ~l'l.!1. l'l:i\1•1'' 11111~l 1•ntcr ai-. a 1l'.1n1 Thi• l'Olrv ft•C' 1:< "i:?fl 1wr tt•;i m a11;1 lht• tJt·· ,11lhn1• for <•ntr) 111 i\u~. 4 J\ciclitlon.1l 111format111n <·tm he nhtain1•d hy call· mi: 675·!l!,()0 STAR SUMMER SPmTS SDDlS v~~ 6 1 et.of~~ onol l~ion • Doy School\ "~' Pl'of~\'°"'f' ~'m STAR SPORTS SCHOOLS INCLUDE· . \ • 1 •' IN NEWPORT-CM AREA At TC'Wlnl(I(" PM~ P11chin9·Co1ch1r'9 School -fuly 19-2.l CholkHmrn9 School -July 26-JO Soccer -Au9 16-'20 f'oo1boll -Aug9·1J Golf -Aug 2·6 ONLY s3500 Of less ,,., Khool ~d l>1<0Uf\t\ A~ For IOIOOI '" )"OI" oreo coll United Enrollment (714) 752-1036 G9Wu•ly ,._ 1115 llr•-' lelltll fl8 .... AMflUlttr llbsllt ~ H'Park Racing Result ~-...•. , fl1•t f ••CC I ...... I ......... • vo ,.,, .. ' ~ ""•'• c• .. ,,..,.no ""',." °"° W\Jfvtt•" t~1•••1• J tJ :J IO t .o lf\A.tt••o.tm (•'-•" 11.., • rw CN~~.-.... ,. •Mo fl•t ,. l"i ,,,_ I)/ Xt•""'-' M int ._iiilt.. .\d\to "'"'? _,.,,..,,, PQJll• Ptonu\oe' H !(ONO ••<• I I •• ,.,,,, .. "" tufl ) • 4 Y.,., ylCh M.41(t1 t'I (l4"f•Vt\IQ f'ww \/,!IJO !olo\jt!ol1<1<> Tono '~"·'~· EoYV Horo• 8t" <-ro .. , •A4"'-•' .. ' f1m.-i U J ' •W IW JI< J"" I ll .,,, Alto,.,, H-erfto• Mu011 ~Qt;.· ''""'°"'· P•'-"' Jft4' NYI»# Wr .,., ~w Ge v•\.hie M.tth4tf\ ~ruttn--d Ill•"°' •< '" u 0.11, a... ... 10 s ...... 1.., " 1 S._ SlnKll hm l'•1t1 Ut 411 TK••O ••car ~. lw•l""'I l '"J' c-..•O\ Ce• bf~ ~t<ftn (Ofh 6 Qt. -1 H'IQ1o M4~~(f-'1rt\t""J p.,,,.. ,..»J (.,,..,,..c ... ..,..,,.. 'N>'J•I ..._, S.11 fC.."11M\ Rvtt l 'W Ofbtt 10t 1>l r1mt-t tr 1 \ 16 I I /IJ j ' ••• 'N >w Al..O ••n W,,;r t(1d O•rtdt.iNn~ • C.•m• 01 C.oltl 8 •9 9 f ~" b•q CN''"· Touqft •\ T"•" "°'1w. NW"• JOA Suat<fttCI Atnert(.4 a ~no.th '0UllTH at.CE o lwrl0ft9 l \'•~,. 040,. C•• t»f"e<I "'"'°'" ton & Q•Ld1nq M••dt" l141rn "'CJ Put'\.• SO IOO HotW1"4J lc.o-t1•lt1 I I\ tO l lO I 00 l °""'m IMU<.•9 .. ~I 't0 I_, Co'•'•<o ITorol ~ 611 nm..: t u 4 ~ Al,.o r•n S "tfOh MW (0•'•• (t•vC'' L•O. H •< l1tfUl11 H4'19P\h A\Um~QO.•bY. N 1tw• ~hn,tt14t, q_, QrOOYl'' Scutc.n.-d Count• f ''°"';' FIFTH tltACE b tvrlOnQ\ ) ,, ,,, o40\ $ ~ F"Uht') & mdt«). Al~N.t • Pur\•\tl.000 0.M•"9 I.ti SPORTS H'Park Racing Entries ,.,,.u, l'1n lP•'\tlP M f'1au lit.CE o ''"'""Cl'> J ow• O'O• A up C•I oo o C'•'"''"O CJ•tm 1~0t•t•W 000 P°"''•1i' SOO Cf\,f1f,. Oouo~ .. M I P•ftC' lift l 111 6 •wttC. .. irwil• 1c.t.t•~4'> ti• t~ ... ,ot P.,.nttt U• ll'W 9.,., ... iJC. ,., I Mt H•t91i# Ua '•>I 01••' IHow.,Ot '1• ()rain WtNUOr (H••t•t ) '1• l\ftlllflt Mokf' ICemN•I llo .._.,,~ 8"Uon l cwol 11~ DirNc> • !iii.lrfM.• Ul•mu,al) 11~ t U &t lUC"-y f{;o"'"'•U t11 SICONO llACI o • t 1"'1""'1> J .,.., Old \ 6 Ui> Ftlllf'• It """*''• .. C•••fY'l·rua C•••M•r'IQ l»"<• 11•000 ""'"' ~· "°° Mf £,,1,n C.C.te•n<'<fol 1/l Mt.lt•t.on M1h t l oro) 'l& Rt-OA\ttt (P 1rte•y) 1lq C•lll•CNrmu IM<H••9o;Pt ,,. J-Trte CG0M•lo1I 1'1 Su-..n Swo•i. c-n•I II~ Honirv 8rff1C tOh••'*", 110 A.int E•H'Y (H~wl•v• 1' .. V,.ltf\~U\ ( PiN(f' • t1. Aho Elltilll• fC~ttftfO IP1e1c .. tr tH 1<1 l .t<I• tMe~• I 11• ~tfflwood CC•m&:M,1 H• Alamitos Race Results F.w fl•l4•Y "'"Sf ••Cf l , , • , , •U ~4.o ai C 4•'"'""' 9IJ •• ~ \ ~ ..,..,. H.t111t .._,,. Q ~·o '0 '' ' ' •" o ......... 'CMt••, "~' •Jiii u ,., i..1..,..0o1-•w••~· If N ,,.... •• JJ A••'-" ., • .,,,.o, •'"'""' l_-.11., V l{.,tO 1(1"'• -t \ 0•"t•t n .. , Ji,ttt H )I# "'•" ~,, \"-' ~ ~' ... , .... 11.. . \.-t••t""'d Top it' ~"· ••• lt l.U{U t Wt• "•• IC.rrt • t °'*•• .o..._ •• , -•\Ith " UCONO••c c •••.11d J •·~· ohh f. ...0 (.1.11n"l.1t'°"' i~.,., '")..NU 011 ,., o b ttt A (,o'ct l(tflt f\W• fop .... ., IW••dl L•tll• U~.111y Wllt<tw 1.&04111' ''"" /I )J Aho '•" llf•Oel t\ar-.rt c.,••"1- 0....J t tyrnq O•"''' N OM.f•ftN'\ nu•o jtA(t. J)C) ""'a 1 , • ., i.i. """''~ "'\ \.t.-1m 1no Pvr ... ,,.,.., ,. tt\h' ht\'\ ....... ,~., t J 4G 1 ., 1 C\J \'tDPlll' \Mo<t ~,., 1 ,,, ".u .. Jt; to'°IJ IW.tf\ill.IH ~~ l o-11 JO Sc~<hrd '""' \ < ... ~· ,OU.TH llACI no"'"' IVH• OHi'\ A.lk»w4tnt• Pur • •>.VO .~ ... tlt•h •AO.ttl 1 4Vt}'ll)ll; OH l ,. ~ JOu •f' Mrh· I I~ J , 0.C OH 8•"'"' \ ~ .. ,., J I •l•P'M"'' J llO , '° l ,mc ,,.) No.C.'•' h• A Roon~. H .,, .nci ( t ~ H .. ••nqton~nt•.- OH Olt-4tOPK 41 FIFT .. llA(£ JOO 'f.Jtd ~ J .,,., ohh &l.MP Cl••m•"'9 Pur1•U.UO (io(Al 1(11\9 1(••00J4! I 00 l 00 l 'iJ l •ft••TtnyGotW•CSMtJ J OJ 76'.I °""'" \C.06•0 IC••"""' l " f1~ lS •'j "io\.C'r•tt~ A V.rr sn.r IO<"' A f U~CJln) ~ Jon~ "a f'f'\t•y SIXTH •tocr -400 •• ,.,, l ··~· ot05 .. LIP Cl•1m 1n9 Puo~ \I.CO SIVllVI M.tn HlU tl•• \ttlt\AM.e11t&f Ae-•w'I 1.mi. a.. ,,.._.,, .. t Yll<TH aac;r ,.., • .... , .. "-...... '"' ··-~, "''C. . \ ' • ..., ~"l"f9(Kow• l ot·•·n • (l\4ff•t 1>4'1'r•(•t.;141.. I • ll 0.11~"" tl••n" , '' f ,,.... \) ,. A•w'•" ,,,,., r"o "' ~•'tt l.a... .,..._,~y""' 4tMu ... "'" ,., .... CIOHlHlitA(t ... ,,,a; •• 'h ( 1.,,1",'" I ••ur :l. 4 & , ... t l ll•bu Alamito .. ,, ,.,.._"' ... ,.. p.,,. 00 0 t foc:lti r 1MST MACl .~,,,, '9141 oito.'' l ••"nn 4 I ,If '' 1111. , , "' SC COHO MAC' J).Qy u 1' '' I 10 A IJL> ( """ QI ~ ... , ' t ·••"' ftQJt•• \ H•<I (111 t \' ·~·, IA1C.l'\•ttChl k .. n l.~1 ""' (Omrt l •l ~ • •• At.NQtt (411 ¥.; °' .. 'Y'wffrQ F'OURTH '-ACE 0 0'., I ... I '~'~wp r 11,t, ~ m.,,, , • ..,, •1.,1 Pu''°' U ,io() ( o.J!tll,1•·1 I" t )(f •,u l11\I ~hQf J,I 1t11111• •,111 • "' IU -..O ... f1Pld 0•1.. ... ' I t • 1)1 ~CN9n Hilld P• ~'J" ,,,., \.'• •·l" r rM11cr.• 111 • oo J oo J -o l.•ff'• l•~Y Cttnn •HJ.,, ... t• I\ ReQut"\t L11t••D•' ll +Ohdnul 40 C...I Re.Oy IClorl"« I l 40 "''''' •''t , .... •fl J "° l on-.-1() ll ~"\a f~n -Rf"CJ'9I D••u (l\.,trQ1nQ Owi,h~. Arnie f in., P hlll10'io, No ~ F•n M RACE -11 t ,., oh1" A ..,., (.1.un .r•, ",, • \. ei (•.;1m 1no onh S.4 IA .......... ""'. tMA1~tlrrot ' A ilff~f ' ,..... ,,, " . ~ . '-'' I \ I I O (ltA(T• I l~h fll'°''"""• '"'" T•"' .. , .... u .ro M HlNTH M•Cl O il 'tt11''1 J 'tN• \) ... ,, •• '1 • "'""'".'•JO ~ ' .... ~., ,, .. ' r ,,.,M "" 'I\ ,1 (I u• ~·Id \ •of\.t•U '.... 'Jf ,, °" "" • 0 ' "' M1 » ll••t l & I Jtl ll•11m""" I f tn f M1Ct. ..... HU 00 Entries "• J 1'4'\ ''"-'"' tt d,, .. Out· t f ·win '""'''" -. ... •• ''V' <•~1•'' u~.•'M•ft't t '""'I'°'' •1t> t1l M 1l•\.t·1,•U• ~"'"' t ' h• .... • \l ~TH RAC:l J\O t Pl'• • ' tf ••' J t r l•f'11flq f yf,, t•' /1'1 ( n•H • .jl1t> , 1 '1 ll1•l•,1ajt•r °"'"''"'"'' AnJtt'I, M Ill ~ •""t'd M .(, l •·1•tt l~ • l ,,. I • '-it t <. ll ~ t I l\•t yflt J.f \ '•'t ll~ 4 ' LOl''l .. o t q y M f .J\.l'Lt I fk ,.. •• \ Mor• ,,,,,. *'• M,+.,> M ...,. A•a111t r lOt•lff SEYfHTN ••c l e'J '"''" u t.._, \ "'o ~ur \t ~ 1 1'tlt 1 t.. Ot-c..r G M-. •i. • A Ut..tt "tlT' w l"'-• A 1..t•• A•N u( ti' C,. 1•t 111111 J hf'\~..,~• I ~·uhttHI • ""' ., ,,,,ow•• ,.,.a rq ' • N A•O ..... , ,, M QOt\•I\ •••• . \ . A •.ti ,.. l V' , ,.,. tr""' t (l(;HTHRACE 0'"" •o"' 1 ,., "'.~,, • "' ,, (.cA) *"' Of't 1t\..1f'~ t• t A t·"'O•"t t t1 .. ii· • H.,.,,. M "' .-....,. 1~'9''1 Ill C.il Ill. 11 y •••j •r l I fil ''I t"1fl t • ''"'', r1~1 , , ,,,,., t .. .,. [)1 .,. , On O•lJ1v Oh u. .. ,"'" 101 \ •u ft f••UI r l ~\'~'''• Jil"i.tl~.n A1U1r Nl,,,.TH RACE J) ., .tin J •• ,, rj .,"''-'' \I' { t1m 1t*'\j "°'''' ~ )I ••J• Jn\ ~t 1 I I Ii''·"" W arulitu. M til ltn Qht L'~Ul• ,1h h 1 ,1U· I h l n.;1tJ1 Mt H4• ' .. r.,, IJ-f Id "" , .... TI .1ci1 l I f I c ,., lft>t • DAIL. Y PILOT •:J :.::f AJl-CIF . ' Volleybifil i\11-Clf und All So uth\'r n .ca 11 fl)rau;i honors rn high 11chool \Ollt'y hull ht.t\e t>eu. llomana tt·d by Or;tnak'" Coar.I area ~turs os No • lc•U!H'd by tht• ClllttQtl• Su' 1n~ll /\thlctat• f'wn dalton. Arnl)n~ thl' first hwm :.''lt'c t ion~ urt• Du1\\'f" Ovoruk <>f l.1t~t11l:l lk'tWIJ, l Stan Mnth111 froin Oii') l'lwn\plo11 N;111 Clum\11\t und Ruy Pric~ of trviftf''i- Un1vers lty lllgh. All )..,IMrn C.•lllt'"'" "'"' r.-am J Uy U4'\rftf'Q•• ll'tP, '>•A l'4•l>.t•.ol, O•<Y {11~111 C lelll. I D•ll'•• 1l.1Qun<1 I)~'''"' VO• Q I':' t ._.., ·10"'', Ut b l ~ ''•'' t)At,e M•t'''""'' \' .. " M •th1' Ctt ( 1.n-.i nh , R.i'I Pthro• tUntw-,..r\.i C• M-1'" w.-11f).~:C~~'~::,:tr'M''( 1 (f\f1, AU•t d l(Oh)h4 df"1 .. h" A,,..._., •ti•fv•rd>. l..aut it 4n C,ttm..nt•> (f".-iiq 8tA t. tr ttt' M.,n . con1 .. ., tl.•Ou•n••'· O.w~ ... t . •"NI~ Pf\<Ollo n•I tftu4' T••m t ttl (t "''"'" f')"" (h ..... f'ff• ~'"" !.,.t,non i>.11, u7+ > )'-. ,., ... " .,. ''". f un HOYt • .-., W ,t11 tv \h • t l...t• t ;, ~4HtQ G.,-,.,; f lti/t '"'• •' C,,t4"q ro,,. r 1..-.• ~"1-1 , ''°nft ~ .. ,,If \IYfl\14'11'\ \f,\lh .... , All C" S.ull,.rn S•cl1Qfl ' F1ntT••m JOt10 A•t hr r IM.tlV.J•dl, "(,'ft./ ~U"1 >•""'°' r \•nfa l•'t.M' 1l.., Ol'1t Ch·ot •• ~ • l •l)Ynct (H 4<" t liOtl l.w\"*'tl '"''"'"' ""1o•<•t ~t.m M.tttut '""-" C••rn.mt• • Rt.f1 Pn c_. "JA1V\'t~1fif. • M.•t~W .. Uf)Qtn1N••'" •u•r..t•~•l 4 I S•Cond T••m c ht•' A.H~rn t(1)r ''\.J '111• AA.ft) &li"t• t_&t )td , .. Ill (...l~f'tt\,.tet .\\!Ir' (#lt. r_. L d Ou1"1.d . C.•r• t •H m\m ~T. f h rnt f\t, I \Jd\l'I' )-'• lfl ,,.u.~' '' ...,_.,,, n• 1, C .. , 1 ~c. h•nu1 t\t,1r~ ti, MoJnu. itt ' 'flUrd Tt.1m • J ~"d'f Aitt. ... n 1M•'•' (e\11') ,Jl•r-• 'Pinto I JI>(/ J 10 ) .., ~·~ ~ ...... ~ -l.4G-1..Q,, TKl llO llAtt: •""'°"II' l •••• Sonv~ •C.O•n M•n Jl~l><'I Ro"'""' .,;d~e" toll.-&. 9fl<l•"·""'--"x;.:.'c:"'°"'<~!onilly °*• ')•tft nr111 'O l \l1•IA1.l'\,rJ Ltt\n( ,._..,,.U.W1nn1r lc..u1hr Q~\ R:w;i.,, • n I ii I 1(. t t•t 1~n1 l'IJ l(.!ftlD.I U•q 41 ( h tA.;.u1 I ,u ~ 8t\)O .. t1~10 JHjy tt (-'Uf\Jt' ~ ., ,. •1a•+ t • n\ln\l"•" V !tlh '' •" , :>lt lWf\ 110HJll· • f,rH) f),tti~ • H~N.ttd• J1rn ~m1tll' '" ''•l.t.A.ftt W ..11tk n wurf't P•,.ad~·ftt1I Ctw11Men <RoWl\"\I .) 40 ,.,..,., -1 10 -.... ~ """•\10.000 -==-==-----==:_ ________ ...:::.==:::================---~--------~--I ,Af,,o r•n -M 1\ T•rr•\tO. Bu-.v 0.-w•n J6ft Gif\. S,..,r1 'Ot•.amC..rl T~ltow \c:r•tt.f\ed -L' VtnCtOOt u IEuct• $.0.ft<•,.. 1.11 & '-L<tdy L-.l'• .. S-.00. SIJtfH ••CIE o twrlonq J & 4 t t •r OIO\ ,tr,\tlotn lllht '· M.&.O.." Pu,.,.\ 10 000 ~ ... <;.oh< H.t-·~yl P\ffOiCd LOO' IT O"O I Sc,-(P ln(OI r.me -• .. l \ 1j ~I) • 10 • ., J 61) 1 tO ) tO S.C:,•rcf'Wd -Pr•Mte~•• l.H f \HllOtfY l(•ltv M.lllt\4 MeN"'ct10 SIEYIENTM aACI! I m ... onl"'1 J .,,..,, Old"\ & VO J"1fht \ ~ '9\M..,,. JI. fo..ir;.tnte PurMS1• 000 '"''""ltw-e to W•n IGof\l•l•tl Mot\iitrn'l IH••l•Y' s.,,n,,.. t P1ncor1 fl-I 3-J s A.ho r•n J•n~ Youf\Q, ~ .. l eQtH"WJ. Pfeic:ort<.t•t. (;1-nvllt• No l(r•1lhit\ SJ 1 u ct• •·• Jlt<•ntl v• •• """ a ) -.......... u.,,. IEIGMTH llACI l!u1 '°""' It•·" 010\ & UP AtlowAn<• Th• U.-1 AJt c.outtlry O ubPur\# P·vr~UOoot'I L 'Nolu••I .,., ..... ,, • .., )tO 1 ¥1 fht' 9ttlfd M 1mwlr CH••••"'' f!O 1 tO '°•l\.t Pt'OOl"W-C f1orol '10 n me-t 11.1 s \c.t••c~ -Ouc "'"''•' NtNTM •ACE. t mtlv OA1\ifl Jf"tll'" ~ Cl•'"''"" Pu• .. \10,tOO "'O"'NH•l>Pr 1c..t ... .,,•l n .o • .o • 1)1) OM lllw 10 Ill<~• ISlloem•-"' I • 10 ) 10 OM-StrlppeolT .... o l J OO )()00 OM 0eH~•ll0•1,..,ol"u Tt"" 1 )I )~ NO\<,.•lCM\ U la.tCU .. N, ... ,,. KIHY A I lltw ... k ...... l>al9U1Jto U la.tt W t-N .... ,., "'~""' • > \Orl-l"•i.s .. Ogle Top Pro 0yNhhC: D~•• IP1t.!ft t') Ill P•PP,. \TU .. IP1f'K•YI "" P,.-yt°"t•tnc 1~m1:1ai.ttt 111 SAnom IH0••'4trdt 111 Tt <11C."•nfll•I 118 P•r!Mf \II« ,llM(H~•gll4' I 111 IC~«nittAO•.)le\I HI l'Oll•Tlt llACIE I "''"' l .,...., Olct\ ~ "° Allo'"•"'• Pun.• U0.000 Pf)fttfl'fSoftQ fH••tf'y • H 4 Gtw•t '/1•u0ft fl11t.cH •rq uel u .. COf ... Gr~'\tP1Ht•t t1fif lh><f!4'" lft" .. " IC••r.n.O.I 1 ll J \lih'°""' (fllWhOf'M1t tU cr. .. 1 '...,.,.,., c Puw:•yl 114 "ll'TH a&CI I "'''• on lll(t. l , •• , Old\ (Dlh .. t •ldt"Q\ Af ... 1-•..C• ""''\e 'IJ,000 LA,\.\\uc:t4t\\ IR•mlf-•t• ttl Pool S·P\.ftr~ tV•l•n1urt•t Ut P..tt1r V•dn..tt\ (C•''•"edfl 111 If,,.., °""911 (P,nuvl 114 flC.•nQ\Chtfe fs.t\oem;t~t'r) 1'• O.Vn~lo IM<K•<-1 Ill (l•t:\ 8ut9'm•"-•r COhY•re \• tta Commorc.e lf0<ol 1u 8...:• •lie l wo • IGonul•• I 100 R~\.Cl .. \\Herlta9t" f PltHtl H lU AIMI Eli9olll• ••n•1toCPfl11rtf" 1• •a• H1 ~tlf4 f~n4 1 1'.t ~ .... ,_ """'"."' 11- \IXTH a ACI ~ lu•lon9' ) & ' ,,,,.., oJtl\ NWUO\.n t olh & Qet()1nQ\ Mot'°"" ""'" '•0.000 Sm.tUcr•ttW.,.,.lf\IQ tf'orot ''> A••W-"O'on•n fHA•••.,_. nl Oto.ttf'r IC..\tMN94 • I'' S..rC.ont~nMr tlil•tf"nl\M\t•t 11\ ~1ttti1 8o• <Gon1e1 .. 11 ,no ~·ocww•tn•rlle ut.m1rp1J 11\ e,,,,,~,,~, •S~""•"•'> t•) 0.-Eyerd c;.,,.._,,._t <How.arol 1 t\ Ot""""•~ ~.,. tP•trce l tt\ f~f'8•d CMfiN) ti• JoM \G•H••lor CP1nt•••• ,,, ff'l9hJ\Sv,-p.r1-..~ 101 .... ,. t u~ \lYUITH llAC( -I •'"'"'"" tvrt ) ·~•r OICh 6 VO Cl•''fH1tlCI ., . '°"'""" ""'~m ooo Gt'M-tfuf 8•f\"9r <Ollv•r .. t t()I) ""'-'i F 1w r n o,o> '" (.oaptr Mt. t f~H4trg..,,... 111 01~ 1~~m••"'' tu ~••lt\fl'tGon111:1•t.~' .t 10ll '\.il¥t''~' tPu·H~f 1U \.~Ht tt141#1~y t 11• At Ne wport TC ••oH'" ••cE b •u•'-1•, Vf:'ltr OfO\ F tll1f1\ '"' Ho11,WOOd l •,\•fl'St•ltt" Pu''"'M 00041KtrcMo The Newport Lleach Tennis Club has selected Jim Ogle.', 26, us its hcud tennis profess ional. Wtf\dy C~~tnne f P1f1rct t H• All., Tlf"'nit (;1rl fOt•v&trr \ t f tt P'Ci"'lny Pu• t>lo tV•l•nlUt'IJl .... WNJ ' Tf\at L•d• •Mt. Hctrque • "~ ~rt<e W1tt\Cdf• f(.,\t-'nod\t, 11~ Ogle will replare Ton.v Prodan, who will take over the gcn e 1·a l manager's job at the nl'w Llndborg R acquet Club in Huntington Bench. Ai Joyow\WA'f\ ....... ,~.I tt• 1(11'9\ ~1orn t f \Jf l'.)) ttt /A W•vv Wo'l'~'' tP1n1.-~• ''" lutten-1 I\"'°"'"'""'''1 th Kl"'O'•M •n'-i Mtill'IAJ 11• A r w HO-O&)l"lr owrwrt -L q °'"''•'l'h•fll•rtr-•,,rn • tUfft-\ NINTM a&CE 1 1•1• ""''"" > The for mer Newport Harbor High und Orani.:c Coast College pluyer was scheduled tn m okc the m ove with Prod:in before he nccepled the NBTC Position ""' old\ £ \IO Chum1"1q Ct•1muw1 Ogle previously servl'fi as Prodan's d sblant ""•o '" SOO Pun.• \•.OOl'.i tnt1m10..1or I P1M ily I 'fo••' Olio•~ fO"""''"" l N11.,...f~11tt f Pi~'<• I "-"'!04 IM<H•'CI""' 6M ~10 f V., •• , •' llom.\h I TCI'•• ., ..... 1.~ •Gon1.1~11 f , ... t GtO\l~CI '~"'••• •, (uOAfl" CV•f•ftt\lf"f.tt ~t f't)O.CHttwlt'f l H '''"""' t'C4'\fAn•>d 1 f't•ll'I' 1"'Cf0Atirl'I (,on1.,.1 .. 11 ,------C~·------1 I SPECIAL OFHR 1 I lfffftl•• tin O.C. ll, 1976 I S DAYS & ttlGKTS CAMPtNG I '"•• 524.95 I _,...,. I _ _.,..._,. I ~---~~~~~~~---J '°I HSIP4TIOMI & MO CALL 111 •1 659·2 I 23 Df.CTIOMS: ~4ft •H I •AC•~ ClOH TO ----.,,_ c_.,. -T• .... '°" .. -. --.. _._ ...... -............... ___ ... __ c:.-.. 1)1 II\ II\ ... 11\ II\ •H4 !JI II\ .,, II) II~ JOHNSON & SON HAS · · · ECONOMY TO · LU!V.RY . l I I l I : I WITH THE . ._. .. ltoe.i·~ $°T\ ~ "GOLDE~ s3499 ( ";' · · ~-~·. ! TOUCH ·~.·.:.-::.~::·, · ----~~: NEW 1976 CAPRI ll's ---~ .~fi~ ........... .., ~~ : S~,'~'~' , ) . . !Ii IS-GAl '°),\ ~ 1 r:} I ,...:_,,,{ \.. -__..., ~ r f USED CARS • • • WITH THE GOLDEN TOUCH!! '72 COUGAl ••·7 "-"' ·-· .... -... ........ , .......... , ~ OMtM:. 52975 '72 c.,., .,. "''" .. ,. ,, .. , . -. . ., .... , ....... , ...... -~Uc \II rt• '74 "MTO lUHAIOUT .................. ,., ... •••• ,, ,, •• c ., ,., :~ ......... \~ '71 llMCOlH COU'f Ckhk .. ,.,, .1ttt f-" ,., • f1H .... '-•Hilu , .. .,,., . ,,.,, .. , • .. , ....... , •• 'it ti WU '71 OLDS. CUTLASS SUf'llMf ................ .,,...... -.llllf• ••• ,, ,., ••• , .................. .....,. w lt\.<U '1995 '70 llHCOlH COU'f .,, .................. ,., ................ -..... ... ... , ••••• , •••• \h '" •C:C: '2195 SS YEARS OF EXPERIENCE BRING YOU THE ... GOLDEN TOUCH UU,.CTtOH·lYUT HEW CAl IS l~Sl'ICTID 20 Mill TUT DllYI- AMAL IHSf'ICTIOP ... l . -J n . . --- '74 DODGE DAlT .. .....,,, .. .... ...... ._ \k. ..... ,. '3395 '72 FOlO MAYfllCK . ....... , ....... . .... , .. tt ..... f ,., ,., ....... fec1 ., ,, , ... -I><. t•lofll JOMMSOM a \OM '7l UMCOlM SIOAM • • ll ... .,.. ..... ... ·-· .,,,,,., .... -" .. ....... , U•c.• '-•WJ ......... t..Uc... 1••·19G '7SGUMADA .... ,,, .. . . ...... ,, ,, ......... ., ...... r \ .,...,, u •h , ,..ie Ut.o f'WtvOJ '72 MllCUlY MAlQUIS , . , ...... ,, ........ . --...--...... " . ............... , ,_ -I.IC 1•1.fn 52895 '71 OOOGl CHAIOH .,,. c.: ...... ,,, ~., ..,.... ••• ,..-••••• ,. ,. •••• l it •• tll~ '1995 ohnson & son 11ft CO ULllR 2626 HARBOR BLVD COST A MESA 540·5630 Mf HCURY CllPRI All ..... en ""' T •~ I Uc. ! I ' I ~ i I ' • • ' ' ~ I , I ' I f S1tur<11y, July 17, 1976 •Ra ~uarlar r/Jccli ~Y .... r$USTAUUMT THEMEWEST IUT HOT JUST ANOTHER STEAK HOUSE personally pick your own steal< from our urmet showcase. Choose the cut &. ickness you desire from our Choice em Com·-f ed Beef. Salad and pctato ays Included. I FIHE FOOD & COCkTAILS f'Ol YOIJa OIHIHG ,l.LUUU COMIJO ... OUa HAm aA.tOltc PtA" IM t:OO ,.M.-1 :JO A.M. 2S30 W. Coast Hwy Newport Beach ... k-ff "-*HHJ 548-1177 ~co ... plete cover• .. of couMf government and coun1. Ever1 d•r In the DAILY PILOT You'll be swept away to a Neuer Land · · of spectacle :: . ·: .. .. ;7'-and song .1• )." ~ Kojak Plans New York Look The Kojak seri~. starring Telly Savala.s u a New York City homicide detective lieutenaflt, is scbedu\ed to shoot 10 hours of programs in New York City this summer. The series, which is entering its fourth season oo CBS. airs on SUndays at 9 p. m. "We feel tbnl New York is e-:<tendiog us a number or important courtesies and that filmsnii tht'rc wiH J!ivc the show a more realutlc look." said Jamt>S McAd11m"S, produc~r of tht> POUUI~ ser ies. "Location work on a showoC lltis type 1s a real plus . to the impact of tbe drama." AN X-RATED MUSICAL COMEDY SHOWN AT SO COAST 9'\.A1A WWD4f\ 11~•'-10 ll ,., ·\.UN. J 00.) , ....... • 00-1JO-I4"-10>1 l SD1G1 cmzm Sl.51 SO. COAST PLAZA >lll ltistll $l ~Ill I lt<WlllM •ALT DISNIM "GUS" 1 >•• J5'·1 t1 .. 10 ., ~us curOOMHAtuu "IAMll" ).,.0..0M.H SO. COAST PLAZA l411 llnnll St ~2111 rttcrMuc _aau,_.u,..,.., iMAn OOCITAIWMEIH, , .. , 2" coon e .. u J:l .... 0 .1 ..... SO. COAST PLAZA "5 S11ll1wtr 54l·l3Sl 1111 "'""' 00 MAI.IC( IN WOMDCRUMD" ··w. THE PIMElffS flt()(" COMT.OAllf 2:0~4:lS·l: I S·t:4 5 CINEMALAND m·--··· ~1 ..,. ___ .....-:;_ .,tu;:.,.:;;;...;.I, SHOWM.AT CIMEMAUMD COMT. DAILY· l:lO.l:OO 4:30-6:00-9:00 Dan Frazer as Capt. McNeil, Kevln Oob8on as Dt>t. Crocker. and George Sava.Ju as Stavros ccr star with Savalas. who plays Theo Kojak. a nam- boyant detective operating in the tense <&nd com· plex world oh New York homicide urui Granger Joins Soaper LOS ANGEL!t.S <AP>-A<.•tor Fat'lcy Gr11niter has jolm·d the Cal>l c1C AllC':s duylimc drnn·w . ··one l.1!t•t0Llvc." GrJnRt>r mud{• his first appvnruncc July 14 In the rok of Or \'t•1•non. :i psychiutn~t. fi e begun h1:s career at 17 in Samuel Goldwyn's film "North Stur" undappearedinmorethan30 f1lms. AU.STARS & MOTOI ICINGS'" .... EVER GIVE AH INCH"' CPGJ "GUS" (GI "IAMll .. •t.LT DISNIT'\ "l:.U~" 1..M;T.-r, .. Wt.1.f~l\Nl]'• ··1A"''" MIM:lt·•1t BARGAIN PRICE IAM.Y•RO aNOWI Cit t1•Hel10 U•~111 Hitt t1t1f'lS •USl It llS'OAt 11•1 Of ~11&11 LA •Al A•: t••~ MIOWAY 00) 1/IS t• .. •01100 "'"' U TllllOU tl ar.,1 ... h .... l OM • t• I U•Ou a 110l•0"t 11 M a 1 .. ....... ,. ODI TO MU Y JOI .,.. """• llMtl fO UCON COUNTY tN1 ' _ ......... c-.............. .... •-••us••••.,,... .. ,, .... , ................. .. ........... ,_,_, llO' -·I <Ult --ama.-........ MAC1UNTOIM I T.J. '"' ( __ _.._ l4AIO nMll ... . _ ........... ._ .... . "'*"*' Milot Mt0 "1l FIOM OIACI WITM M SIA 1~ .......... _ __, .... e 10. •.U ........... , .. .. .... ,,,,. ......... .. <~W­ OUflAW .IOllT WAUI !NI OIMUI-. CHINO ,,., _,.. •. _._, .... .. MMtl e C.MI ........... -""' llOOlftl COOIUIN "' ... .......... . LOIAN'l IUN '"' CHOllN IUllYIYOH .,.. ,.,.,.. .. u-..... Ml HMC .. , MUIDH IY MAIM !NI . M.ACH•t c"t ----*'' .......... ~9'MCAH MUltllllTllATM .. 1 M.AQ ....... ............ oe1 TO MLLT JOI t"I ~ .. -·-·~ ...... Niii "" -WfUll •Ml_,, MOTMll. IUOI & WllD 111 --NtM-·I Mn' MAlf, CWY Wlf 111 ...._ ____ __. '-------..J '-------~\ I 1114St """' .. Mt•IU-1101 ltllPlllllK EDWARD ASNlR. DOM IUIOTTS, GARYGRMS . ""' COtlWAY llNOA LOV!LACE ANO HARRY AEEMS, IN-THE ALL TIME fi:ROTlC CLASSIC- "BEWARE. IT'S NOT ABOUT COUCH ' RtMEDIES'.' t o >•OGll\ "MACKINTOSH i T.I." J:l•100-10 JO "CHIMO" · I 4l>l:tMO CINEMALAND 1414 S..M•MI AmtaUH'81 ntlP~•'" 00 ~ DRIVE-INS NOT SHOWN In "~'w"unnuuiwu IN SENSURROUND --- A WALTER MIRISCiH PROOUCT~ _,, °"'ft'•.. CHARLTON HESTOO ·HENRY FONM M S COBURN · G~ FOOD · HAL HQBROO< • TOOHIRO MIFUNE • ROOERT MIT~ Clff fmRTSOO . ROBERT WAGNER MS~=~~~~=AlBJ ... .,. ,._.. ~-...It ,,,.,.,. lflft't• ~f1'1• ~D S. SANFOOD • JCJiN WILLIAMS ·JACK SMGIT ·WAL TEA MIRISCH • .......,"!.oll"Cf~ P0'------.-1 llOflCQOll•~te -· ·-... -~""""==== •• hur• -7:00-9:30 -1:00-8:30-10:45 t/Sun -1 :1 S-3:3M:OO 1:30-10:45 D•ily 1:004!20·5:40-t:00-1 0: Midnight Show frf .. s.t. 1i :30 BUENA PARK co.MIT "ROOSTER COGBURN" 0'01 M>fl""· "° ,,....,. Daring, Dangerous - • llOffft '10Mr10t1 ,. •1~1t1t rir" ,,. uit (lllmms and Downright Dee-light I ul ! ""-" • IMllOO I UTllll llllt!IS lllft tt IN-' It llllll&l lt&Sltlll *1i< '' f\\Ull COl1$1Tl1 811tt11t "r IO!tl l~lll t•••• •r tol UllC• (ma~" "'"'"' l(ttf 001 11111I.tS1l ricro! llClll!Ulot' ~ ...... _--..,.--!llCl---.-, J f PG 0Plftl(lll CUIOMCf SUGCU!tO-=:j I flll1•ooui1e1cn1111.i"i11~!~11111C: 1111.•u•••CO*•]WU L~~··••*"''~'.!...:!!.'""~"11'(''..:J L __ MUOlll•AtaC-_; FOUNT AIM \' AUil' Co-Hn' "MIVllt GHYI AM IMCN" INI PLEASE CALL THEATRES ·--"l-FOR SHOWTJMES & CO-HITS 0.-•tP.,_ I rrhree TV Shows ~rded Prizes LOS ANGELES IAl'1 PraLcs lol.dtni; S.W.000 h.ave been •warilcd b} lh'-• lfuman Pum1ly tnslltute lo the tcle\JSton \how:i. "fo'urewcll to Man.:anar," "MASH" :rnd ' famtl) " T he llum.inlla' Pntl''>, fundf'd bv the Lilly En· dowmcnt o( lndl.1n,1po1t ... arl' prescn.tcd to TV pm· gramb "" ht r h mu!>t fully r ommunicatc thOi>l' valueJ>"' hH') 1•ru1<-h the human person " :'Farct\ell tu ManlunJr , • written by Jeunnt• Wkatsuk1, Mamt·s D llou-.ton ond John Korty. 'Showed lhl• c·lownl''' o( a Jupant•St• family dunng wartime 1ntt•r 11m1:nt ·1-·um1ly," by Jay Pr ci.son Al· Jen. l'Xplorl'd tontcmporury hvin~ Lurry Gelbart • of ''MASH" ~.1i. t·host·n ror hb i.ho\\ '.l! indictment of war. 1511 W SUNHOW(lll ~JACK NICHOLJDN W Of lll'llSTOl C ~ ~ ~ .. A -1Uff/4LO ltU V "H ... DltMH" & THI IHDIAMS· tf'GI •OY •oGHS ~ "..-.CltlHTOSH & T.J." ~JUDGE •OY HAM" ll'GI ~ "TUNNEL YISIOH'' Ill 'V "l•H••nu·· THE C ITY S>iOP,ING CEN fRC O•A.HGE '34-lff I ~ cm CEHTH CINEMA~ $A FRWY IMANCHUlER EK I 0 .0 FR~Y tC tTY 01\ 01 I •"MACICIHTOSH I T.J." 1PG.1 "-.U\ \tCOHD J.IAltJU PG PLUS "WON TON TON, THE OOG WHO SAVED HOll YWOOO" "WOH TOH TOH" "WHAT'S UI', DOC1" ll'GI IA .... o MEWS n .. s-IP'C;l 'V "UHK SHor· -•uw out '"' CYCllOCY\ MH Y "WHHE'S 'O"A'r t•I ~owcAsePLA.veRs~ I~ I • I I I 1 1 1 .-.::.,e::_N ~.T.-~~~. ~en oJ edwards MESA CINEMA 548-1552 NEWPORT BLVD. AT 19th STREET. COSTA MESA July 14-20 Admission $2.75 At times it looked like it Migtlt cost tllelll their jobs, ttitt reputations, nl maybe efftl their hes. 041LY 7:1 s-•:45 SAT.-SUH. 2:00.4:)5 7:1S-t :45 PG ~ NEWPORT 0 CENTER (PG) FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT CENTER • •••• • • ••• • •• AN AMERICAN "ROMEO AND JULIET" A Ma\ &er Film ;~~~;~:Ode To '~~.!illy~ ·-.. \ that s Joyous. · • funny and ~ so touching you will netrcr forge t rt. Sa1urday July 17 1976 '..,.. r r • It • f ' ••lt • ' j ' ' ~ .. IM I .. . . : ......... :: . cm~ .... .. .: DAIL V PILOT .... PLUS CHARLES 8AOHSOH AND JIL IAELANO IN "CHINO" AT MOST THEATRES <.:HAS. McCABE PUTS tongue firmly m cheek In the .~ NARLON JACK BRltNOO NICllOLJON "111£ Mil.fOURJ BREAKf" Murder hyDef1t. 1IWi fNVn' . .-~ 1a o •. !'OU •~" -.>o . ,.;na Vu.la • _,.. AW LIWll» · l1.lo4 t.wlUJUI DAILY PILOT C:H411l TON HUTON HINllY l'ON04 GLUfN '0110 • JAM(I C09UllN H4l HOltllOOK • -llll lllllCHIJM llOtlllT W-11 •Cliff llOHllUON lilO,._THVlll 7 00.t » ,,., .. ot-1 »-10 u 14 T·IUN I 1~J » .... )0.10 •l EDWAIOS CINEMA M .... &TdAN\ COSTA Ml'°" SU-1102 LOQMls2t. WILCOMI TO TME 2JAD CENTUP.Y. IPOI •ICHAll ¥011K • Jf.HNY 40UUlll N flll lllTINOV • lllCH4110 .IOllOAN Oat tf Ilia yJoleat past ct• Alltrim's p11tnt •uic. Bis sqs-trom "llock lslln4 Line" lo "Coodnlgtlt, 111111"-f mtM1d McCartney and Oytl· pnei1 ... a..iaM .......... mdib'I buy• Wack ...... ......, ...... -.. STAM ltOGll• l . MOSLIY PLUS "THE DOVE" (PG) edwards BRISTll CINEMA • • • OAllYPtLOT I AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE 41;, 1 r:o • an Ii,. lt't (I • .... 1$Yt .. • •• W' r· flMf 0( J I\ I \, ,..,.. .. "" tt"' 14 t) t"" WI ..... 1 •• ;:~ ;i .. Kii M II " ff(Wol ,, 0 "' f-4\.., •"' I • ,_ ft'\ Jl'l t' r:. TllllY C. '" .... ., J\1' ~~ 11• 11•• ... ' • JI 1\. ,,, ~\IVOG ,,, ,,_ .. II .. tt" tll• .... " T.-F " ..• r .... i.-M(Ofl ,, " •• J . I ~ llto II\ 1111'!\I ,., , .. ) ... th ~ t:'.l-'"' "" 11111 ll\ ll !l'l " •J ~; .... Mio r· "· "'' .. " . .. Vtttof Ch "' ... ""' "" ...... 11...0 ... , • ·~ '" ·~ V041Co \ •'• ... UI\ Ir• lliflero ...... i•.. ~ :'ta )' \ ii~ '"' , .. .... I ,. )0 ~~ r: '" ri· J''t ' 'J:: " , .. ••lie ,,., ,. . Wt<e O'll ·~,, ... 11 ff :="w t I JI\• ... ~ ,., lie tto IO .. -·:i: I t I II•• II ... , • .... 19 '°" -·~ flt ,,, '~ ""' '#llft I\ '" " ,, .... ...... J:'" .o•. II "'" -•l 01' •• II -:=· • . .. ... 1"1 i • U\'l W • I ~ ., OAJLY PllOT Sa1uro1y July 11 1970 [1v ol1L¥ LOG] SATURDAY 12:00 • llJ i I • ,..., " lk 0... ,.. II •••It ""• h t•••Ot1t" t"!wl)'SI lo~n htlJM Wf)nt 1t111! ''' Oo•ot•v M1fo"t t1w1oc• f1tr-t~. I Oft C»ntr •TlliJh._.. .. ........ , .... ..,..,~ -lZ:l0- 8 J]I 13) Lt>C-tl•1t•'1 f1I• fallt .. "l'trO & HQ Co11101nM1ni & 1 lhtr boy 11411,,d Ptro lilt ~n of • IMmtt Ol(lftt/f\ hr) l(hOOI ht1'n0> ,10 worll nn I H<tel PIO!f(I th• 1"10ltnR ot 4ft 1bamlontd w~ter 1mU ID W01••na Oldt! 1nO pt~~nl•nt II '" 11\tir ~''"'' .flltll ltt ,., (() lltwlt : ~,,. '91dt• ,,., .. Sltty" ldU) '59 O'"''Y M••hft fAmtS O~nn , fD llhvit: "liut hOM M1uour1" ltcml ·~-Jun HartOIO lruic:hut I on• l •nnt!I llarrym01• ·-1:30- D ltlJ 13) ••slc~u111 litll CtnsK lh11d·1ound play ·-'~'' $300.000 I04llt1:11ntnt from th~ W•,1 chttlt• Covntry Club 1• Rvt H Y " .. , • Cllips • -.: .. _._ ,_ .. '""I -7:JO - U WiW WNWef AllllMb D Dlt9 MMK' Suw11 Tesi 8 llll&llt • Alt Out • C;m~ ~ •• •l'IMUta•h 11t ll~td IO Oo tn u'4~1ntly ~frid'"~ lh1n• \ '" in" \Jltlt Ill.ti p1ob•) lh• PWLh• ay11•mics ol s•tl•ni ""' ' 'ollul lllt • l~SI dOILt1 Bob HUllll2S N•n '11.,l•n .u1d Plul Mlbotl ,,., m....,m 2t lttt of er- 8:00 0 ll ) ' • fltt JtfftlSIHIJ D 1"S' It 101 m t11erttntf Abo•• & Btyond Hr~ • f I!• wr.•n oau111~d1ts Cai• and 0..~1110 4•• J .. ~rdfd e11atl(l<ls fur b'''''• 4111)w '"~ cevond che ult ol out~ •n•1 ~come •ti) 11ncomto11aol• D Sle.e Alt11's ull(-·l.K\ S1-.• Alt'n •\!lost nt t~•> cnm,dr •M"'' ·A6 -Randol h Sco1_1 __ _ 2:00 ~"~~\!!_t\ hlmctt' hnm ~ •• •.hows ot th• 'iO. •M ril 6 lltt Htw l!I ....,tt: t "Tiit lJd) 1ft Qllts """ (dlll ·•o-R1ta H~V"'Orlh GltM ford. lrtne Rich D ~ Sctu111 Tllutre • () llltwie: ~h• 111 Ille St..n" (tUSp) 50-Richard W1dt1Qrl., Paul Oou&Ju 8 (~ ll.) Allltrtnn 1•114stilMI c. Tllrtt S111110 (~fllsidlt • $1111 T r1111 ., Bf hrllllftr~ cUI f t ) S1lu1d1r Oo1-lefuture: \'1 "s.-01ySt11 M1f '(dr1) 6A • t\11. Oouitas, Bull lJACJ~ltt, rred11C M1rch Au Gardntr 'CJ "Slit" (dll) '6S-Ul\ula Andrtn. lo~n Rith4tdSon. John l r1e~n fD TIM Tnht Ere m°'~''""*"' l) lllo•it: ICl "Th Cardontt" (d1') 'fil lom l·~~n Rom1 :..-hnr10., -2:30- '. llltvtt 101 Wtrds A ,.,,... . 3:00 U •Jr t>i 11) ht AIMr1 • """" s.erti ltttt* ....... : ~"Iii&-• , .... ,, .. 1•1a) '\1 lam'\ 5,,,.,., Attn" Mu< Ohr !OJ lllefit: ........ , loA•" M•,11 '42-Ct~r• C,btt, I JM lur~., • Olltlf U.ib m TMls el ltlt 1t1111t ~c-tryPIKt St,,.,..._,. (J) (lt) l•') frittoft 9' Mu C) V11i.ty Sllew ' m Ac11(lilt1re USA -l:JO-a Dv1tr's T offhou!f a s.~, ...... llbll'f r...f) SOt«t fldlfft flltlltt 8 CelHfity T 111114\ f/l ()) Miii~ """"' ·~ ...,,_ l11111tf' Sllte &t""'"' (-Jf\ 1 a ) a Perb111t et "'°''" Sllb Dfll111 fut111t 4 :00 8 Ste,. to lurn1111 8Wlltr W.ld 1 l Star Tre• G>Miaiorl:~ ii?> (~i S..I Trailt fB Mldiul V1n11y t2fl """ w..-r ~ D Ollfstlly (::nl \f)) ~,.., ...... CD Sal 1 PIMitwi. msmrU,lil•lllltt 9 Vwt .. Atrk1tlt0<t -4:30- • ull ti 1111 llleltiutl' 8 Alllft ...... ~hfoi",. Ao ,,ts Y\ 8•1hn!Ott O••olr~ 8 Th Wiutt• R'f.l'' IM-"'" ll'f)ftltd '1Cl ........... llH4 ............ CltYMtlW,..,, .... ~, (iltl Cl)) u.s.. fattll ""9ft '9Cll-. ... S:OO 80....llM'sW.W ti )Gillllltl'i .... e ((2tl (I}) Q HC't W"t """ .. """' lilt llttv'f"'lhl hJht belwttft Gtotrt r Oftl!IJll and ~ f1A11ft h04ft lh\\11 Cnfl\>Wl!t l•l(101 ..... ......... .... (M,..,. .. ...._ .. fid~) S6-Wlt111111 Mol*n, JMtt Gtrne•. t toyd llolu. Ch11lt\ McG11w .... : ~(wtO ·~6-011111 Mdrt'ld. ~ C>illill. tillOO Tillals.._. ......... lWl "' -.. e.-, .................... ....... ..... Bii<, ..... ~ -5:l0-....... e 9 11tn ())H,.. "9CJ Cl) ... (U) (J) Ill Or ; ' 01 ......... .Ullll ... I esOO , 9DtlJJCI>._ (I) "' lllllt ...... <» ........ .a. ...... ....... ...... ...-..i ..... -kJI-...... ~. !l)llclYa.,.. ... ., .. { , ..... I • l ~. ,, • # U (:l91 1 e ) lt H•Pttl 011s St_c OIMI AMMraSty S~tal Hithlt~hl> "' lho~ puJ SJ<a'>O" \ Happy Oa1s •o •4Cln 0 lileM; re lllrhr) "fM ~11111 ~ Stor,v (mulJ S5 Sltve Allen. Oonlla l!etd ........ Monty HAii f' hC\\f lo Roberta Shtrwood, lltnny Voun1 m.in. Willy Tyl'' & lultl tnt V11f ~nln. DMny Re,.~ ;no °"""' 1.,. Younr. a>~·-fB ClliWrt11's lil"51UI S- M' Mowit: (2'11) "W..-s RGH 11 llltlll'' (dra) 41-HumphiH BntArl m n..~ €9 (1 SM dt Cd"it. lburio aJ llpa-lJ"tHtt PtOC""" -&:30-u 17 L) It l OK IRI Ou. " • •ducattd on !ht sub1«t ol ·~•ns \\htn ne aP.s 1n old lnend. t1 "'"•d dtM1\I \au est t.c~ Gu1ltord 1 '' •nl'' • ''""ment tOlll•nun•ly '" other lntnd 111votu hon• In ~tt•nd ; G1'y Pan\h,1; 111•~hftt 0 ( 2t 1 t ) )t Th Olrrnp1u l1vt (OVMtH• ot #YfRI• 1•0111 Montrul C;Md 1 a>.....,_.. Sllowmt fB •• ,,_ Or11111 9:00 e 1r .,a.~..e 111 .. , r,-f Moot• II!> lou Cunr ~uttt•\ 1n ICtulf • 1v ·~ 1~~klu1y whtn an e• 111tlrttnd nl .. num ~t 1s \llll ""'' k>nd CllfTit< '" ~•'1' p•rtv "''" ~ mal' companion D n e 10 m lllC S•lurdar lllowit; c (2111) "lht lilldwollllfl o4 C"-lllM" (dlAJ '69 K•thlrtM flip ~"'" Yul Brin~. O;nny Kitt ll» 11 •'d Ptu\1ncr Ch•''" flu/" ClauOt 01uph1n I d1t n hanr. Pau1 Htnrt1d. ttt11r1lfl l t11hlon. 81vd nn tne pt1v ol th' "'"'' Mm' br Jtan C11tudouc, th• '*"' locu~1 orr Countrs\ Aurel" (lltpburn) •ho Ot ndtffir ~t t..._pla~.ifrcu~ mpn wllo hoOt to transt01m lht ''" 01 1'1m r~to ' huft odltltn 61 Tiit .......... ," G>Htt .._ • Celllae fJl) lllowle! "M1t1 lft Ille Wllttt Su•f' (dr~) '51 ~PC Cu1t1n•• Gt"•-r• -9:3-0- D 117\ I l ) Ii) let lltwMrt ~ <RI l m1ly lt11t10 must contend •••~ 11Ale IU<:he~. htmsttn And in • t.lptd SA.Jlt Wiien sht IS unf IP" l•tfly upoed lo tht.JK"•hon nl \f"•"'' •lft PllACIPll U W. Scrt1111 l11t•ht .. ~·""' 10:00 u ,,.,,.,t.•DINll & Htt ,.,. attt rr_, It • l•m & Al1" m""" Cl) S.,..fatt -10:30-m fht HPd An '"'"'•'•ti hln. ''°"' I 1tth"1lv~~1.; 11:00 8 1)•D8C•H10 lhtn 8 Meflt: "A Ctftftl,.I W11~ 0..t~H (my1) 67-Cf'Of«t Milhlt" .. ,.,_,_.. m ....,.: .. T.,,..; "" u•-11·· (ldV) S6-W1llrM11 Hold,~ hm• t)1tntt. llo?d No1~11 -~ci... r1Jl f n.mai. tU ) CU Diii .._.. k11•t1• Tnt ..... , .. (i2'! ll)) ... ......,, t~tl .. : tC) ""' ........ s.-• fdla) 10 ''"AH Stamp lltlbtfl ~fllfhll -ll:30- .,." ... , !Ill "le TUii A lletliriP'fd" (dt1) ·u G1t•0t• P!t•. by a.d'-• t\I 0 ()). ,,,., •• , .... [*°'1 GMlf 1$ ""' hosl. • lhM: (C) '1l111ff" (drU ·~-CJmlll 191~. »1r1111~81ISM. !ltd httl>11$. Micllalf ~1. . ............. New TV Location: Moscow By JA \' SH.taaUTT NEW \'ORK lAPJ Nt>xl fall's situ~tion C'()m t'dies will depict 5itcom life io at t•nt el~ht Americun c1t,i•:<i, lnchict· aog~some bu_u called New York. 01verse locales. but all (he sho~ havt Oil~ thinK in com· mon . They're betng n'\ttdt• 1n Los Antteles But Ru~rt Hat.ti~. tt producer by trade. Ii. tr · log something Wt'ird. He 's tu p ing a fh e episode summer sile<>m right here in Fun City And the series is about a famiJy in Russia. a his torie s tE'pp e for television. IT'S CAU.F.O .. rv:111 the Terrible . s tarts Saturday. Aug 21 on CBS and ~tars Lou Jacobi as Ivan. head or a nme·member dun that somehow li\•e~ in a 31 ~· room apa rtm e nt 1n beautiful do" ntown Moscow. Why Moscow·• Well . the premise 1s that people are alike l'verywherl', · · says llitzt . 36 ''Govern· ments ma) changm the same thangs afrect people everywhere m, nation. crowded s ub· ways. the cost of food and soon "We felt that with a family 1n Moscow we rou Id deal with American s tory lines that are familiar. yet get a double-edged er f cct out of them by putting them in a society we've sort of considered an ad versary. llE SAID tht' series will be played "strictly for its comic \•a lue. ··not as a commentary on the different political system!: or tht> United States andRussi:1. Hiuii:. who is produc- ing the series for a com. pany he and comedian Alan Kini{ own here. was a!lked if any gentlemen with foreign a<'C<'nts like Russian had bt-c11 over to s:.iy a few words al him about the s how " "Well. [ showed th{· pilot of the show to a Russian defect or , a young studen t who'd on ly been out of Moscow for 21 ~ months ... he s aid. Ir<' said th<' kid. whC> SJ>f>kt- perrect English, was sent by a friend. The student s aw an episode culle d .. Red Tape." which deals wilh the difficulties of ffodma Pl'BLIC !'/OTICE J'ICTITIOUS IUSINES\ .. AMI! STATl MENT f ~ toH~1nq ixar..o,. .. tt1 .. ~no..,.,,,. t'tP\\ ·~ qENTAl EOUIPME'.Nr \VPl'l ~ 0 1' CALl"ORl'ltA 110 '1uNll•• W•• PL"1:M1t"', (A .-,,10 t.4t'""' If'; n l 1t1•1n•n,.. 1 iHD(" • J tl(M\, 110 Hundlf'f WA'f P'M''f\h.t f' A '1•10 ft\1\ bu\tl".;'\, 1'\ tO~U( llfd b_. A • '' Dltf'•fi0P1 lltf,,_.r ff'\1 ("rtrtf'V () J••""'v~ ti tl-1,.., 1,,,, 'lt1tl,.Mm11 ·,.... .. , ftlNI wun ''" t~t, (•H" 01 t)• tr"'" rvvn•• nn '""'' 11 ,.,. ALL"'f J,Oftl' N•l •O AUorMy•t L..lw 1M0Gf1thtry .-artit L•\I ,,,I_ Lin A,..el•l• (,tlUOr"tit '60•' ~DH4.l\.O o,,.,.~" co.-•• o .. ,,. , .... ,. IUOf' )t ~nO JUI t } l0 'r l't/A :.n '' BALTZ-BERGERON FUNERAL HOME Corona dcl Mor 613 94110 C()Slll Mt><,,1 646-24 ?•1 BELL 9ROAOWAY MORTUARY 110 0 roadw,1y Costa Mc: ... .i 642 9150 LAGUNA HILLS MORTUARY 25301 AltClit Parkway \..119una Hills. C.l • 581 ·4300 McCORMICK ll09'TUAA'f Laguna Beach 494-9415 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 PACt,tC YIEW llllMORIAL PARK Cemetery Monuary Chapel 3500 Pac1t1c View O r1ve Newport. Ca1tfo1n1a 644·2700 Pak 'Alllll Y COU>MAL ,UNEAAL HOME 7801 Bolsa Ave. Wes1m1nster 893-.3525 lllrTHS' llORTUAlt'f 627 Mam Sl Huntington Beach 53&-6539 .. By T.T. It only took seven points m a toueJ\er than.usual i:ontest to push Mu •'T~y out in front or the pi.ck as seven other trivladdicu continued to slick to~t>lht•r. deudlockcd for stto.nd place. Sharing lht' week's runncr·up hono~ with :six "UC>d a nttwori were ,,_ Ru&Kll, Brow• '1 Trani. Trac1 Godlr.ey. Ed. &hmtrler, T•m Atlda1. Trlaa WUHa11111. Gaar GrHft. Oollv SantMf" and Vladhnlr Sokolofl. And. no, Vlt1dim1r, the Mi:trquis dt S1Ade didn't think up twit W('\'k',. QUl'stions tt was Gt-n.:ht• K ahn Oee11l Jf'ffrey und Nu cy Prior shured third pl1.1ce thi5 time wilh 5~, points cuch. ·rracy remiods TRIVIA STANDINGS Mil• "••••t Ot ,. " °"""" .H11,.., u~.1 1tl t -·u-tl"I ,. W•t•y t1"t.' (•I t1 ... -,,, ....... •• MertlmerlSI " Tr\N Wflll•-I•> " ,_,tie<•-UI If TrllCf o...irey 1•1 1• • IH9.ect•t<t IJ) • E•~i.-nff h i " 10 '0..1\ Tr•I• It\' I 1'. ,_ lltlrll\S IU " " O.••• AtfU UI • v1..i1m1rs.llolofl h i I) 11 • Juj,. W•hhlttll 11<, t , .. , ) Oetly »••• ..... , " tJ °'·"--' ltl > °'"'"' c;, .... ,., " " ~llSt,..MfJI I \,A-11• ...... _,_,Ill •• .1.&J•y Ill I ...... ,.o. • ..-ui " .,.. ••try '.c•••••· "'" •f l.t.a \.C,91• • Nlll<Y l'rl<" Ul'>I \J\1 ••• ,. ... .....-..-, members of the Klaatu Barada Nikto Society tb;at, the month Iv trivia fl'Sl wlJI be at his place next Satur dav · ·This week·s quenes may be a b tt more down to earth. and those with extra.good memories and military minds can earn their first bonus.point with a complete answer to number 10 t. WE Al..L KNOW THAT Wilhaj<.:onrad was radio's Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke. Who played Chester aod Kitty? 2. Henry Fonda was given a .. decoration" by his men in ··Mister Roberts:· What was this honor calltd? 3 What comic stnp hero keeps a colleclion of bullet-nddlt>d hats'' T. -.n-Th~M 1srtts.'' rrame-ttnn n.'f-or-who-h-es--a brief scene as the husband being divorced by Marilyn Monroe - S. PETER USTl~OV HAD one fault to find with Debor ah K<'rr's figure in "Quo Vadis. ·· What was it.., ti Ac•cord1ng to Robert Preston , what thrt!e qualities are required in a game of billiards? 7. Whal was the color of the horse Don Murray broke and latE'r rode in the movi<' ·'These Thousand Hills"" 8 In "Lord Love a Duck, .. what h igh school did Rocldy McDowell and 1'uesday Weld attend? 9. WHAT IS THE CRY of the Lone Harranguer in the comic strip The Wizard of ld ., 10 The military ran.ks. please. of Dale Robt-rtson and Danny Thomas in "CalJ Me Mister: F'or tlw {•xtra point, name the military division D;_1n Dailev had been ~ssigned to. according to hi~ shoulckr natch. Last Week's Ans wf'rs I. Big Bird <SesameSlreet character 1 2 Per manent Latrine Orderly f"No Time for Scr2cunts", 3 T oronto < Hepburn ~ind Olivier I 4 "Thank Your Lucky Stars" and "T~o Guys t'rom Mtlwaukec .. Ulog1lrt-1t~himself1 5. lier gun <Lemmon in "Fire" 1 ti. "The :tO-foot Rridt> of Candy Rock .. tCoi;tello without Abbott J 7 Saxophone (Harris in "Goofus" 1 8. B. R . M. C. <Brando's juckel > 9 ... Don·t Get Around Much Anymore" rsong in "Hatful of Rain", 10. Shellev Berman about Erskine CaldwE'll 1 ·think in~" quote • Setid your an.~wers to TRIVIA. c o lhe Daily Pilot Bor 1560. Costa Mesa 92626 All e111nes must~ rececvPd by w t>dnesday. otherwt.!e half the player's lo.~t !Core will be awarded = P UBLIC NOTICE fllCTITIOUl •lltlNU\ loltUAI a TAT a Ma NT , ... IOI-·~ fN(\Ofll .,. -.. """' l'tbl>J M01'1l £$$0111 $,HOCH. 01 ~A()UHA llEACM. hO S• AM• Or• ... 1.....,.aa..t(h,CA •1•.SJ MfO f.lltffA ••t•<U<IY<I, 6 t-1 \t""'ln kt~\ijflO •II -I~ liqw Sl-1 • ._,,.,m, CA fllO\ fhl\ iwiln'" " con-l•o &v • _,.,...,,l\llf>llt• Af\ft l•t•wnW"• ft\._, \ ...... t'f\ ...... , ••14'Ct "''" ,,. C..W..•v t•••~ 01 Ot •'* C'W•"Y on J"ly '· .. ,. '""' PllOli......, <>r•~ c;..,.,, 0.••I' Pfl;)t, )v'ylO 11,H.ll ''" ,_ ... P UBLIC NOTICE P BUCNOTICE 'ICtlTIOUt tUSOU!Sj NAMI UATIMINT al~TINO JOlHll UllUN-U l~willlj-.. ,.~•r•\'IOll'tll ti.I" T a A N $ II 0 • T A T I 0 N A 0 • M >U\ MUllST•ATIOH CAPITA\. GAii.NY ~HJNTtNotON ft ACH ijlld ;:~~~,s~"or~~~~ANO• COUN 5ttO• l~t S~·"9V.•~ St H .... 11111ton CON•TllUCTION 0' AN AO tl•~<h CA>t?t~I llll .. f$'TllAf'10Hl'ACl\.lfYtOll'"l Cll•rl•\ A 1"0"dy H•• DllANOI COl.INl Y fftAN•tT ........ ft~·~ bt lOQVft• l'llQW!tl lA OISTlllCT •>tll N011CC ••HC•l!BY (;•VEN 111<!1 ...... ~ p 11•0\l<IY. 11••1 ,..,,..,,,,,. " Or ~ .. o..,,. ~,., ... l C• •t•11 OufJh( fWl(l"O ._ ... '-Min ., ... ttw fnt\> l>w\,fft.\\ " U)f\Cl\U.t. ht A 0t4iOtfe (O...nty ft,tft\i( 0''1ttt(-. <II lfW'l !,J''tWt~IO•)'lf\tr,t.IQ no.rd DI \<IPffVI-> t4ffrtll(j NQO<n (IMI 19, A \110..0V flU)t\ ooo'; )0 Nodh S)t•u'Of'• "'"''.. Tl'\•\ \toc,!"'•m•' ,,... ... f1ltd •1tt\ lhli AN, e.11 ...... , ... A•OU\I 1• ·~1 .... t I C• •• of O•~nQ• (uut11ytW1 1 .. ~ • 00• rn for ti\• t)\lrOO•t QI hln.,•MUn.J O'r 1Y t •or""'' ro..-•f'•(" ftf't.,otfa4 tn\•t.t.-w-fl' ~ • • "MlllO ""'Oh' hom ,,.. Vtl>."' "'"" ,,.,\\l)Of'tAUQn •<t o• t••4, ... •NJll •'wl)t1\>tt1 0 O••f'4)1 CO••\• O*•v P11i\t -------·------! •tr\ie"Oe•, QWl'let •t•¥ d•\Ultw~1 A\ f•HV l 10 11 1' •• ~. •n '"' tollOW\ C°"'ccrwc-tion Ot •t• • .,,.""''Chthort Pl1Bt.IC NOTl<'t: Pl1Dl.lf NOTICI\ -------·------! 1•<1111.v IU bt 1Ut4lod on At Mt.I ----~-·-------... -... , "''"'".., c"'"" '>I•"'~"" "'""ou,•u""'" .•1CTITIOU$ I I.Iii NIU NAMI \Tll Tl'.MI NT Mn•' HAii! TOOAY 'lotl lOl!IQ<•• A•• l'euM••AV•tlo , CA •Jiff J•~• A"" Ltovo, ltOI ~,...,..,.., .. , \._ti .. (rt,CA~lt ~~ . ..,, 8·•···· l&)fr 6010o " V..1• LI\. Hut1t1n11to" Buen c .. 1 .,_.., tnt .. tttiOlftf~\ ., fOt\Q\;C'ff'O n·., • 04lfW' -· .. /'\ft., \_t\IC \11,•n O••l•t. ll\1\ \f,ff'tnf'ftf W4'"' hf~O wtfl'I (f'W (.Ou'lt'f (.te' • ot 0111n<w <: ovnh Cit J\.lrW'I JO. 191' ,,.. P·ut>11\n.cij Ot•"'Ot Co1H.t 0 •1ly PUolj JtMY J, 10, 11, U. ttlo H1116 PUBLIC NOTICt: •rCJITIOUS tUSIHESS NAME STllTE,,_&loT Jrw te>1tow1rtq ~'"°"\•rt OO•nQtir..;,1 "'h\ ... Wll'lc; TOVll, !:>• J•nnv °' • 108, ,.. ..... ,,.,.;..Suen, CA~ ... t<w-. Cllvcfl "ono. _.SI ,,..,.,. I> It totH"'111"9ton 8U<fl,CA._ uu ... WlfOO Yo L•vn9, IOt J.IM• D•' •I01Hunlln9lon 8H<11,CA,,... Hu.s ouS1nes1 H conovuf'd by «* 04tMr•l p.1r1iwnthO oc. ... 1-th"*n Fon11 Tru\ \1ale,,.nt we\ Mto ""'" .,_. Covnlv Cito o• O••n~ C0,untvon JUM n. t91• ,,,,., P\tbft""'d 0.•1'19< Co..t•t t>;o.iv Pilot. J\llvtl.?•.J1,•nt1"119 1.1uo Jll00·7' P UBLIC NOTICE CM< Cet11t r flt••• 1• t!\O Ctlvot C..dl-11 HAMI HAT~Ml!NT Ct.tovt" f PW> tOUOw •t\Q p.tr\O"' ,,. dt·"'O bt~ ... ""•"*'Pf~••(• co-.1 ... f'''*OlOt .. •• tc.t:M, ""°'' ., l1.Sn.ooo E1o-11~ ll<t!•onl lllD '"''"" fANlll\lt(; t U"Nll\1111', "' UrOOIO\i'\I UfOJ•4.I *'h bit f1nllf"k\'d 01 _.t.-.-" UAltJio,.. AC'IVl,.\llA•(t lt#°""" c A """'., C:31"'•' G••m ""°"' WttOfl' ~ .. 1 ot \nit Uftwt\ M•\'t l ••"\»OftdhOf't Att lMfV ( I ,.,.u. 4io. •th ...... ..-. OI ..... .t• ,.,.,,._,, I IM' r<J•tlllllnlnq N W, ~ro•1tlf WA •3'1!0 lOt: •o l\ IW Un•M.ci C>Y lh•t 0t~\rH:1 \.4'H•t M U•ft"\n4•<. JO\ )Ont\ orom 111"0• ""'II~ "•-"•"•'• l>Y '"" 111\111 , tJll ><fl A•f. \<>•Ill•, Wll. ~101 ft""'Porl•hon 0411 V••Qpm.n• A4 t nt lhh """'IO,P\,., ., (Onlt~\•O th • -.1,. S••'" ot c,..,,,0,,,1~ ~U.h 1~11 ~,._.,,.1.,.,,N.!'"'*a> (1140 ''°° tArty (' J:•r.•h No Htton. t\llmlltllri. 01 o~''""'""'" •••I '"~" .. MltM~"' ""•' .. ,_. 'fli•th \h• bf!cJ''°'•<•'1trv1nhUtOWlt "'"oun.ty t.W'' o• 0'•"9" Co""'ty on h.n .. Hw l>'OllO\M f>'Ol••I ...... "'"" no ll 141• r,.. \1Qnlft( ~ftt ...,W',,,. "tii@(t~t 'l'\(Jrtc)O\I\ (111 11,UtlO "'"""Mhllfttt•t tffl.Utlt h "'°""' OrlfftQf Pvoh'~ 0r4'nq l.o.ot OfMfy P1ff'\t Couf>ly J"'"' I~ •nfl Jwl~ l. 10 It Ith Tl\j\ C>'Oit:(' " U\ (onto• thi\I"'-" w1\P\ :o MOtf f'"""'"' ••nd ""'' ond -------------bdt'\OOl'l•lM>f' ot11H\n1nQ tn tn ... .,~,. {'t"'l(t •> u.1n•nUr WMQ 1f v1,.llrf'O Oi; tNi ~'"f'" (.ltthJtnH• A'-\Ot•Ot1un Of Co¥•tnm•nt~ ano th'-St~h· (1t'.o tf'WlhOV~ tA •J (htAt •f"Qt'tol.l'>I· .:trtd JO.a R«YtP AOon< y> ftur-D•t•Qfl cit tnr t1tc.1Mw-""'u •ll t or porttltl' t••hu tt'I> 10 ~""""" 11t ~·\\t~lltY to ,,,~ twn()1(•PPt (S At \"4' ~·fif\Q, thft 0¥th)Ql t\IVUtY tf4f'S1t 0 •\tt•< t wtll .11UorU •tn u~ QOl'tUthl';' IOf' mt11rfft\f•ct ~f'Wtt\ IN ~tn<.•tt to°' ,......,o •••"''''°""'to u~ \Ott•t. econornt<., .)f\d •"~1ron~ntu1 A\CMCC\ ot th~ pto1ect •nttr•thd °""'°"'~ tn.•f \"1)Mlt or•llf (JI If\ Wt!\ U'IQ·. 1tvtd.n<t!-~t>O rl'('omtnt:NMt'on' w.th r euH•:<f l o \~tcJ "''"'"<t /4 (()Of QI ti\• dil)()fl(•\IOO tu.r .. t'OtHdit tundtnQ tof the p•ooo'~'" Pf'Ol•tt. Pl.HUC NO'ftCE FICT ITIOUS 1111'0!1!5' HAMl ST"TUlll:NT t "'° h.tllOw1nQ CWt'f.On dOtfle) tkrt• ""'' .. " JE Rll.H PllODVC IS, sn1 '°'""" 4'vt' W•\f1n1n,rnr. CA ~NJ Go 'f•t!l M•t<iwit. )n.-eon•ll /\•¥ ~ \tm+n.\tt·r (A .. l•>J l t\1t. o ... ,,,,..(t,, ,, CC'M'IO.-::•M ny .,, •fl Cll¥tdu•I Got;.10 M1l<h4'U l "'I\ \1•1t m~·t'\t Wlh fh"'1 WHh \t,1 Cownt11 t111t' Ot 0 '•"0' .. Couf\tY °" J~ ft l~I& FU .. , Punt••"'lll Or•n.,. CH \f O•lly P•ll>I J-1• •nO NI• l. 10. II, "'• toQftf'lf r •"" ~" .. nwi.ro"mPnlAl i)'tl '"' ~'""' ctrtd '"'• tr•""' Ottw•~·nt •-----·-·-------~:.;,;:. ~!"::0~~"::::.,,.:~.~~';n,°,'.! P l' HLIC NOTIC.: --,rct'lTTOUS11cttfNt!jS-°"'""" eGv11ff f,.,,,,,-e,~1-1 .-.i------=-~~r,r.;~;===---1 NAM£ SlATt!MIENT """"'"'" ... 011•<• 1100 No•ln flM1n "CTITIOUsa)isiNn~ I rw to110 .. 1no oeoon' ••t "'"""°"" Srr .. 1. Su•lt SOO. S<ln•• An6 (311•0>no• NAMt! STATl1'1ENT An-'"°" Jlt<Q~ Mog ""' tollow•no Ptf'\M " li)Olnq l>u .. 1 GENEAAl TIP COMPANY", 1810! Cletk MUA~ •Al All•EOMOl!llf 1.0AN IOIAI ltEOHOMf LOAN CO Got~tO, H\lrttu,gton fk•tf\, CA-9164' ~04•\.f\~ Ori'n0t1 liJo"I U1111v Ptlo\, """'' lomh MMu>\•, ~.-S N•r 11. ,.uqu~l1. 1'1• )0$1 I& Ru.,.r.w..i Siva f>lto q,,..,,. CA ~ Ro'e ~d••~ MiH ... ~~"· I.Ult \ Ro\otmead 8•vd • P•<.o Rivt·• e CA ~ T"'~ bu.S•Mn t't t.on<h1t.ll'G ov M 1n O."•d\tlt Ao\.eAGe••MiJtU\tl.tt f~4s. ttAte-ment wa' t it•'<J .w1tft tnr c;oune, ,,,,....,. O•MQO> co"'11•"" JUllP 11, ,,,, ''1"' PvCO~ °'"""'' ((Ml .. , O..••v PHot, JUM 76, •11t1Jwly J, ID, II, ,.16 PUBLIC NOTICE •Ct Alli ED Fl~~NCIAl CO )I.I Grn«M LMw co,t• Moe. c• 'loll lOWffll Hun1twro, kt c;.nio. L111\t -----·--·------l(0.1•M-,o.(A 91•JI PL'BLJC ~OTICE "ICTtTIOUS IUSINUS llAME STll.TEMENT nf'\\A\ ... f>UN~ llROfHfRSlTD 1>'1'>o C:O.\l ll"v , li}9ul'• 8•~<h,CA•1'o\I M $tepf'U!A S<.tHIUb""'· 1~t \o '°"'''Hwy. '-•Q""'• 8&iJth, CA 1U•~' 'toyd f •U01tHtld, l ).O ~ (041d Hwr, L_.QV"" 8n4fth, CA 4t7t.)t fM\ OU\lf\ .. ~\ ·~ conC'JU(l~tl bo; •' Qtl'Mt'At 04H\l'U!t.f''''UO M ''~Cln•)" Stru ,,1hit'-• t ht' O\l\ll\tfH '" f.OACJ\I( ttO UY ••'l in d~-w.du.11 \.OWt+tl Hi-rtttwtQ l ~' 'teh. "'*!'\' w~' 11 lflG w11n H\t (OtJnttf Ch"'" ot Ot111100• (outtty Off Jufi; . ,.,~ •~n• P1,1nh\Mo (')• .-n.,. Co•'' O.•h Pi tot Ju•v 10. tl 1• JI ,,,,. Pl' ULlf NOTl('F. "lfU\ 'tllttftO\t;iJtt WA) Hldt ~•ft'I ti" (O\H'U~ C..lf ,., ot Ot 1tl'Kltt <.ouotv °"Jun• PtCTITIOUS,aUSlllfESS Xl. "" .. AMI $TA Tl! MIE NT f'SUll f'ICTITIOUS llUSl,.l!SS NAMt! STA Tt!Mt! .. T Tn. •oouw1 n9 °"'' wn\ ""' ootnq r)\"' n•·""''" fhf tooowlno ""'""'°"' .,,.,.dOtnqOu\, Pot>ii~r'\vo n'"''q" CoA" t>J11v P••ut. ~\·~~O .. \fl EOUllv lfD . J•ll JulyJ, IO, II>•."" '-McArthu' 81Yd .• Su1tf' t 11, t"'°wuor' 11»6 ,. &t•tll, C•ltfornl• ,, .. , J V•nct Hotd•m Ji Gf'f"ttl'>tAt PURUC NOTICE P•rll>trol IN.om• Ecwllv lid ,t.0$5'!n -------·------Vinun1e &ou•h••fl, S•f\M Mot1>U "ICTITIOU~IUSINIEU C.llloml•-? loAMIE STATEMENT '"'' OUSU\,.,\ •'> c~uCIM "• """°''' ftw-tot1nw•~ P"' """' <••r domq ""'' ed Nf'tM-flftlO n-t\\ 4\ _.. V•n<• HOl< ... m, Jr f OTO Pl.AC, J•101 v.~ """ """°'' TfU'\ ~t~-nt ""'•' t.t~ Wtl"' ,,_, ti"' \AOuntt N1Qvttl CA t11tr7 Cout\t't Clt1ortl!. Ot Ot4tl"\Qf' (C>uoty.,, July JOM W C,-u"n1nq, 11')0t V14 ~•f\ 1, itl• §orl),,,llM, l•OuM HIQVtll, CA '7&'1 ,,..,, tC.u F G"''"'~9• 1"J('t1 Vi• ~Q PYl:M•\ftt!O Or•nO'" C.a.-tl lJ""•'v PUot. \ttM\1t•n. L••avn.-~•Quf 11 {" .,,.,17 J~'t lO. ,,, u .11. ••16 m ie ,_ fh1\ """'•f\tl,, '" f(t~ffi,,lt ,,.,. hv Af\ 1n d1v1uu•' 'w C.,y,1\1\1•1(\ P UBLIC NOTICE t"\1\ \(.tft'm.,nt Wtt\> '1'' t1 ¥f•ff1 ''" 1'111l 1 EC., !>'l'~TEMS, 6J.11 A In ou'"• WAY, Wt•\1fihn\tt, CA ·'10-t Gi,,..,10 Alton Wtl .. '"'· 14'11 'Mt~ \I Mtd#•Y CltY (A •lb\~ H1·1'IY fdw 1n /1,1fft.Ow')t 1 /t'it Norwat~ Ufvd Wt\1ft•tt• 1 CA 'OtiOt> th• Ov\1n•"' ' 'on11Ufl"0 hv • C)f'f't1' ti J>4t' h'H t \hfS) t-1.,t•tnAllM\W1U1IM tnl\ ~'•"'''""'' w ot'\. t1f._1f wdh Ht# Co~tv C"t'" ~ ot Ot •n.,.fl ("" o~nlY nn Jiff• .. 11 lt7' f'\1 .. 1 Puilth~o O••nQ• Go .. .,1 0.JV f\1LOJ )UM~ •• •"'1 /~t>' 1 Ill Ii ff74 '~'\ 11, Pl:ULIC NOTICE C'"10• Counlv Ct•••"' O•An<I" Ct,. n1y M JvM l'ICTITIOUS IUSINl'.H SUl'EIUOllCOUllTOl'THE lll ,.,, NAMEHATEMENl STA f l OF CALl,_0.f'lllA F<>• F"1U fn, IOllflWlnq o• non 1\ OOt~ l''llt\i fMI COUNTY 0, O•ANGE Pv01t\nf)O Ot.-nQ ... to"'' llA1lv Pilot. ~'\'.," loe.A·•IS• Julvl 11,1•.•'1~ J&Jll 7' •llQA~tSlANOSCAPtf<lc; NOTICE Of' HEAlllNG OFI--------------,IOASISPLAHfAEHTAl > ,.ITITfOH f'.011 ,.llOaATI! Or< WILL PUBLIC NOTICE Ana:.~.!..~0~,Z~;~.~~~:, . '·~ ~=:y f'O• LIT~lllS TIESTAMEN·1--------------l David 8l~O. 1'1~ AM ... un A•• E"•'• o• E fMf L HANSfN l'1CTtTtous11us 1NESS to\ldMo ... (11 n n1 0Mtiw-d NAME STATEMENl fl\t\ bu",,.."' I\. c.on<tu(.h'd bv .,, ff\ HOTJCE IS HERESY (HVeH t"'1t 1,,,.. loUowmq P"-'''°"" '"~ oo.no °';... fJ•"W•dv•I GtL8ERf M. HANSEN tin lllto r•t>'4t> OA••llflt4U an apartment vacancy in Moscow. ""'tin .,,.,1111"" ror Prob.11eol Witt •"«I AOOllN &EAUl 'I ~UPP\. v 1\J~ nu~ •l•l•m••no w~' '''"" with ,,,... h BS fOt t).:\uat'Ke~ Lfttfr\ ft\tanwfttMy to M&rqueritt Pkwy • ~u''' 0 , M1tt\•Of' Count¥ (lllrr nf 0'41'1Qf Co11f"lf'f0fi Jum• HitZlg, WhO OpeS C ffle Pelilt°""r relO<tr•H to -·ch I< V••10.CA'16I> " ,,,. "He was' very l'lgtd when he came in to see it and I didn•t think I wa~ going to sho~ it to him ... Hit.zig said "But I did. And he left with the bi~· gest smile on hii; lace 1 've <'Ver seen. .. H E Si\ID, 'That's JUSl the way it is flitzig was asked if anyone from the Russian consulate her e had asked lo see "Ivan the Tern- ble" or if he'd offered to set up a special scrttn· in~ for those in chur~e there He said ny"'' on both counts . "But we wouldn't mind d•lng lt," he udded "t think tht>\1'1'1 lw amused " ' reneWS the ShOW for a _,_ lor lurt».r Hrtkula•s. "'10 '""' All"" M•• ••n M~n,ot" 'H/7 Pubh•""<I 0 •.,AU• Co~•• D••l-'~~1~',' """'S.lble ml ...... "'a"O""' tun I ... filM.-PIAO! ol t1eerJ.D.11 ll'c: )~~~nu C1t•I~. Ml\\10n Viti<>. CA~6/\ ,..~., u""' " '" • has ~n •••tor Augu\13, t91~. •t 10 Q6 AA•I• M•" M<trqolT~ "7tlt?-l°""'" """"cJ• . .-.nO..Ju••.l,J0.11~191• iS taking a bit Of a Chance a.m. '" 1114' tOurlroom Ill Oef>9rtmen1 C.•cto, MoWon Vt•IO, CA 'n6H l----------'6_"_'_' Producing it her e. The No lot .... d <OU•1. al 100 C.•k Crnlp• (hi\ l>U•'""' I• <On<IUCl•d bv • OrlWt W.st. '" •~ C,h, of s..,,,. A"''· ~r•J o..trtner\tHp PVBLIC' SOTICF: success rate of the few c.m..,... An•l•M••.....,•0<>1" ' htt' h d 1'n o..i..i JulY •t '"' H"' "•1"""'"1 """ "'"" ... rn ,,... n1g 1me s ows ma e WILLIAM I'. SI JOHN, '°""'• c1 .... o• O••nQ• ('ou .. ly on Julv "CTITIOUS llUSINIESS NAME STA TISMENT Gotham isn't good. as countv c'"'" 11.ttl• witness the demise of wH11t:, ""'cE. ,.nuso111• •C>tllNSON, INC. ··calucci ·s D epart-s:11"1"s.r .. 1,Sw1101.>00 ment," "Beacon Hill'' """.oi...c•.mtt a nd Howard Cosell's ~,:,:-::,,..,111_, variety s how. None last-Pu0Mt.ec1 ora•o• Co•" D•••• Pdo<, ed a full season. Jutr ••. "· 13• "'~ .1010.10 But H itii g is un-PU BLIC NOTICE deterred. For one thing. he thinks the large pool "'°~rca ~:·~~orro111 of good. s t age-tr ained ,u,.1 111011 couuonl4£ acto rs here m akes it suuo,cA1.tl'01tNt001t ~,.,.. Trw IOllOt¥it'tO ~''°" ... 00tnQ ttu'll P\1"41"""'0 O'-'"" Co"" O..l1l1 Pilot. ~~a\ ful\#P ,. )I ondAUQV'' I l'tll1'10n ,, 'VP(~ (AP\ u r.n fO .• , .. ., --------------1Prodi.ttl't Ln. Unit J • ~uf"l •1,111rm 8'>0<n .,.44~ Wtll•4'tm Pavt Srt~""'. 111 ,.,,,,11. PUBLIC NOTICE ~· • l.on9 BH<ll. CA '!080> ---,-ICTITIOU• &USINEU Th•• 1, ... ,,.,.\, 11 ton du• tvn '>••A"' NAMI STATl:ME .. T d•••d""I ff'Jt fOllDwlnQ_ f)fr~H\ I\ c•oi""Q tkl'W Wtl!f.,m Pl)Ut ~n.ttM ,..,~ ., "'Tltl( <lif\lf"1•ttt "'" '''""d "''" ·~ Vttt'JNC., lt•tiU )4001 •t•t•1tC.4>Vltlf'(ff'!fllin•O<'""f(OYrttyon hif\•t Pk•t '\u1t; t it Ml\\lnn v 1+ 11"t (A Yt ''" '1~1\ • '"'" Pitut C llD,.rl 1;-,,,._,,m )})ti Put)lt~•d 0'•"0"' CO•Hl 0#111 Pilot Gut no 0 • , EI f oro.C A 016.Jlt Jul Yl. 10, II, 74, J•16 1'" '• fHE COUNTY 0' OllAOjGI easy to cast a show. N•. ll.·t1HI 01!.';;;;.~U"""" I\ <Onrlul.t•d h• ..... ~ For another. he says E•1•1• ~· £T ><E• K ARMAN P3u1c. E••<•<;b•1 PUBLIC' NO'rlfE .. Allan and I are com-l>t,!0~~e is .. eRE&v c.111rN 10 ,,,., Thi\ ""1"'"""' w"' '"'"' ... ,~ ""' I Coun-t, Ct*" 11t OtttflU• ( Ount• M Jurv "'TITIOUS aUSINIU NAMI $TATEM9NT milled lO prOdUCtiOf\ n ~•ftlllOf\ OI In• ODO•~ na-8 OKo<lo"nl 1, t9ll> New V o r k s I m p l y ~::!'!1,~":;~:::t:~~<i,~~~~ -:·r,~! Puot1-a O··~· to•'' o...1."1"'::1'. .... ~.:011-1nq "'"'on '' ""'"''' '"'. becaU!lf' w.-love New f~m. with,,,..,.,_, .. ,.·-~''• In July 10.11. ,. )1 1'1• 1.,.,. IH( CHAIH E .. BOAi "$01111• \'ork " ~ t~ oUl(f o• '""' <'•'"' f)f '"" f'hf')Vftflll'I· COA'1t ", h•t """•" \tr•ot <w'" Hllfd <OU•I, or 10 c>n\Olnl lh•·,.1, wllll IM Ml"••. Cll. '1U~ lltO•,M• """'""''· la lh• '""'°"'lfnl'd P( 1 KL I(• :'llOTl('t : \l•lll'vn flu•-fr 40 O•n•ll \I•" t •I IM t.•w olf•C• 01 MOROA'4 w I------lf"'t•M•••• C:.4 •1'1~ GQllO()N, 1'01 Av••IH' of I"" .. IA!\, l'tCTITIOUS •u~INUi -'~",.,.,;..""CM/Ju! 1-'l I••""'" SullCl~, l.O\ An .. '"'• C•llf!lf•••'IOOlll, NAM• iT-"Tl'MIHT 101v10'"'' W'nlC·f\ I\ ttw Qhtt• ot bu~nW\' ~ 1tw \ft\ TN foUowin.u ,,., "~' '""' OtW\\t Ltu'' ' '\h unnn lh1•i., f'• 0.t\IQfM'ld '" Atl rft4fl''' (Jf'f18ilttl'IQ tn twt1"'-• 1f'!I\ \ltttt tn~n' w•ti flf•tl .,_tlh lh· tM ••f•f• al \ttld ~<.ttdm'tt, w1fhfn fOUf OUAL. t f Y 8V t l Ot flrt(, /i.NO O>""t¥ (Ito Qt Q; 1tno_. ('10111"°'' llm•· monl"'••tt,.,ttwtlir,,pof)llrAtinn')ft'"' CONSf AVC.TtON (.0, ,.,., l.,•"•<l•tJ )1 11f1tt TV Highlights AUC fJ 8:00 llappy Days Second Anniversary Special. HJghlight.-1 of the past two seasons or Happy Days are re· peatcd with Ron lloward. Henry Winkler . Tom 'Bosley, Marian Ross and Anson Miiier. N8C e 9:00 "The Madwoman of Chaillot." Katharine Hepburn plays tbe litle role of a countess who thwarts an oil I cartel ln this 1969 movie with Yul Bryn· . ner. Danny Ka.ye, Donald Pleasance. Charles Boyer. Claude Oa"-phin. Edith Evans. P1ul Henreid and Margaret Leighton. CB.5 8 11 :30 • "To Kill a Mock· 1 ingbird." Gregory Peck won his Oscar . (or his performance in thic; 1963 drama about prejudice in the deep South. "'hi Mii<• °''"'· CO•I• Mt<u , C.A '7•h O•trtOJvn,,.,., t•1iti Oo"•td P THlfltt, '141 l''•-.1d•U t>votl\~d o.-.. ,,~ C-Oill'\I Uu11v l'llnt, JANI'>( MUMM"•"'l Ot•vo,Go•••M••<».CA ~,.,. , ..... , .... fWIJUty 1 lft,11 1•11 c,ii.v1..r !" ICAllMll.~ IC•lnrvn " Tiii••· u1 ""''•l•o '"''" Co•"Oml11i'ltdl• ''"' ot '''' Orlve, CO\I• Mt-••· CA '1~~• n tAt& f~'' ,,..,,..,,,., " , uth.h1Cl•U '"' • Of th••l)Ovtit "''"' .. " ...,....d!Ynt f//#Mr••N• 1M"h)p "'IOllOAll W OO•OON IC•l~rvn R Tiit•> Wit'" Th" •••t•-~1 WA\ llll!d "'"' ""' lttl A-tf I ... \l•n ~y 0.tll /)I Ot•nQ<t C.0\1111YOI' JUiy LMA11t9IH, CA *61 8, "1t 0111 ,, .. ,, .. ·-·.., C••A""'"'''' •t•l(tt P1'4111~ 0 '""" Co••I 0.lly Pilot, J\11• S, TO, II, 1•. 1'16 !ett•i. PUBLIC NOTICE 5Uf'•ruo• COUH Oii THI SUTE 011 c1u.r110••11' '°" TMI COUltTY Oii OllAHOI ltt1A•1t1 #Ot'IC« 01' Hl!A•l#G 0 ' HTtttOlt f'O• f'•OtlAtt ~ WILi. ANO l'O• LITTl•S TISTAMIH· , .. ., """' PU\111\l>tcl o •• ....,.. (u4•l Od•I• PllOI, JulY 10, 11, 1•, JI, 1'1• J'IO)ll PUBLJC NOTICE ,,.,_.o MOt'IC& TOC•I OttOM JUf'll•o•cou•TOl'TNI UATI OllCALI ,OllNIA flGa TH• COUNTYO,,OllANGI .....A>t1Ut g ,,.,. o r ALllEAT "EEltt<O. OKN.MO PUBLIC N01'1et: "ICTITf04'1 ll/11 .. £U .. AMtl •tATUll&NT '"" l•llowlnQ fll'PWft I\ ti'•M ,.., ' ~·~· \l l VlflHll 01'\l()N\ 711•1 ""*-tin Gt~ C.t00tin• "''"" t r A 'n/111 n ........ Mtrl• McfJ•vnt• Ill'• ,...,..,nolll c...,., L.;Quno N•lk• • < n .,.,, ,,,,, 6\1\H'W+ii "tOOd"tfll(j IJ't •IH ti" (l•Vl<IU•• l Ntt .. M, M((M"'"' Tiii\ \I~··_. .... fllod .... , 1 .... c-.v (le" Of O<•nOt eo11nrv"" lu•v 0.1•1' 'ft741 Publll/ltel Or..,Ot Co.o•I DAiiy PllO<, JUor 17. U, Jl,•f'll """"'°I tu~ Xl1• llo l!Ulla..ol r.&OfcA JONES HURi.EV, -..1.EONAJ,HUAl.£Y',Ot<MW<I NOltCE I\ HEA£ftY (ilVEl'I ltlhf VHllW'I ti tflt •OOV« n.t-•dK-<l------------- fltO'tlCI! 15 Ht:Ali9Y OIVEH '""' AIQ4AJIO ~. Mf!AL Y II.et lllf'dNrtln• "''!Moi 16" ~-.. 01 Wlfl ..-t tOt 1'-~ ot '-'""'' Tnt•l'fttnl¥V IO Ult 0t11lloMr ,.,.,._. lo wfllt'll " - fOf lurlhft< -ltUll~•t. '"" 11\tl .... II,,,. -IH«• OI JW.erlftO fllto -~ 1"4tt alt """"' ........ (19lfnt .... J\Jf ttw t.tld wc"'9111 ••• r~oll'" 10 l•HI 1-, wllll IM -)6ary --··"' lflt elfltt'O! Tile (lt•ll flf IM...,...~ KOCE Televisiori (50) Sl[?:~:fi~5 (;fll_,, titted tour!,°' to llf't V"t t111m, Wflh ""' ~",..." "o~lle,., to'"' ..,.,,.._, itl !ht l•w 01110 ot REITER • llEIT£R, 3101 '#11\llltt eo..1,.,.rd, Wit fllO, L• A"9tt•'-C..lltorNt Mtt. -.lcll It .. -'a<t of &<l'INU ti N *' .......... lft ... llWll•"' pot'IAllflMt. 1N...-.t1 Nld ~I. wflltHttOUr ,,,_.,. .... , ,.,. '~" -ru11on .. 11>1i llOlltt Oti.e ""', '~ ,,, • Wfl.UAM L It JOMN c-t•C:lef• 0-TOSW.MALOfll,Jll .......... a...,, m_.r.a .... A ... ...... n ___.,CA._ ._., t:IUI "7"1Jt ---:~ ~tlilotcl Or~ Cff~I O.••¥ l'loot, ...... ,., It,) ,.,. 0.etMJ\lfy u, 1'rt.. Al~XANOli• YOUllOA """""'"'"'°'"lllf .. , ... ... .._...M_.._ dmaa.aa1TaR _ ................... =:..-::.~·-,. .......,..., ......... _ ....!;heel 0r...,. '"" Dell• 1111104 J\llylf,N,Jl,•""'Av ... ~11,1•'6 J111•1• t • I ) l . t • . • • CAMPER SHELLI WITH PURCHASE OF '· ANY NEW 1976 TOYOTA PICK-UP!! GOOD SELECTION O~ SRS's IN STOCK!!! L . OFFER GOOD THRU 7 /'10/76!!· '76 COROLLA 5 47~~ 4 Speed Transmission· (RN2804I1681 )6 ... ---... -~ Goo <OU UNO II-... llllW ~ owit_., UCO UD •-.C.tO"I C.-"' ,....,._ .Sot 0.0 StOO -<-JtOO 0 hi ...., ...--& ~ 1"1.US IOt CW.._ ...., "' -·""·--""""""_ ... _ ... _ ..... _-..-* ... .. ·- Alt Conditioning. AM/FM rld10 (SER RA2•031403) ,..., _ . ...,..._ ... _"'-' C:.0 _, MM) _,,... l>OI tJWI tMll ""'""'~-·..., ... -ca'ill ..... ..,. k ..... 1100 ....... , ........ 1100. 101 ..... -·1111-1 ... c.."'"'"""' ... _ --·-.,. DOW" Dll.l'llllS All Ull1 ll s1o<K ·12 ...... u z I 4.f'..-f '" • I ,.., •M, r•1 J A,Jllr,'" ,,-.v111 If ~ .. 'I/fl , I-.... h fL& •I,.. f • ' I • • •• "... ' ... t !ti ~ ....... . . ..-"'• .,...,, ~ ........... ... tt •t \)i.'-h II' • '' • • ~ I t7J '-4 ....,lricti •C\ ..... _... •• ., .. , _,.. I • .... ,.. ,. •.• ,.. • > ... • • .,... ' ... .-' ,........ "' ~ h • --... '"" " ' • _.,.. .. ,. , ... .,._.,, ...... ,. ... . "'\ .,.,......., ...... '"' .. . .,,., .. . '1999 '12 AMC......_. ,. ,.,...1 ... , ... ,,.,,.,.~,.. Ji>-e.~,...., ~ 'll""'--1 f-9 .. "" QI .. ,_.. .,. ' """-~ ... ~\ ............ ,. .. ,,_ ....... ... .,... , ......... , ~.,.._,.,. '"' ·~~°"" ... "_... .. ••\ll•J~ 14511 .... s1717 lt74YW ... ..-,t,,. "'~j,., -p:f.;~ ,-.~... . .... .. ... \."'t.lt• ,. ........ ·"··-· .. ,,. ~;) ' .. I -,.-~I .. ...,, ...... '"' ' ............... ,..,.., __ ,_.,.,, ..... •\Iii • ...,t.-4,_,., .,, .... '63" "'°· 2499 .. , . ..._ ... °"'"41'~· ~-i .... ~ ... ~· ... ..._. .... ~ .. ··1-............ ........ ,,,. • ._ tk &.:>-... ''·~>nfl\L f)lo '\~ .............. ""'' a·~-.... ~'•} OI t,. \ft • fl"' IO ' .. , ... ~. ~ .... , ... ......,, r• -",,. ,.. • , • .,~ 0-•-..1 ,,... ,.~ •. I f\t •• '12" ... 12999 1971 ,.,... c ..... 2-0r. ·~l ,. ' ... ~111,al "'11 f I• 't ch rr' .,, ' • ' ' • ... "°' I _. • Pr I 'ir> Jill' ·~. • ,. , • •Uott ~.,,. ....... _. '55" "'°· I 51988 ., ........... ,. ' ' lrri I ~ t •u ' ,...-,_ .. ,, ............ "''' _,....... ' .. ,,,,. .. • ,. ...... , ,, h f ..... ~,.--It ... ~ ...... flY. $•./ ))ot •7p lltO. 52532 • ' OYER · INV OICE N1W lt76 COIOUA , dr. sec!. Del .. .c 5Pd. (Stk. 6165 Ser. TE-31127-563). •1112 MIW lt7' TOYOTA Corolla Sec!. Dix. 5 sceed. fully factory eQU1pped, undercoa11no. etc. (Stk. 6182 Ser. TE-21124010). *3141 MIW 197' TOYOTA Corolla 2 Door Hardtop Deluxe. Automatic. underco1hng, etc. lStk. 6249 Ser. TE37-56663.c) •3421 M1W lt7' COIOU.A 2·Dr. Sect Dix A T • fld a.r, undercoat, rldlO. (Slk. 6030 Ser. TE·31 t232.C8) . *3660 '76COIOUA 2 Door Hatdtop Deluxe Auto. tr1ns., flCfOfY 11r con<i111onino. un0ercoa11ng. (Slk. 6-431 Ser. TE3700568939l N1W lt76 TOYOTA Corolla Seo. Di x. 5 speed, undercoating, etc. (Stk. 61.C2 Ser. TE-31-1279'$3} •3141 . M1W lt7' TOYOTA Corolla Seel. Dix, 4-dr, 4 speed, air, fully equipped, AM r1d10, undercoating, eto. (Stk. 6008 $er. TESl-1,26128) •3497 MEW 1976 TOYOTA Corolla Sed. 0111. 5 speed. air con<11t1onlng, underco11mg, etc, (Stk. 6067 Ser. TE31-116623) '3461 MEW 1 '76 TOYOTA Corolla Hardtop, Au1oma11c, air oond1lloning, undercoating, etc /Stl(. 6199 Ser. TE-37-5649941 •3745 N1W lt7' COIOUA Sl·S 5 se>eed. lact air cond . ullOOtcoat, AM roo10 (Slk 6279 Sor. TE-37665-243), •3955 ' , , . " \ j . ;:C:J~A:::o:A~ll:Y:Pl:t~o~r========s.::::'"'=·=o•::y::.J=u::1y~1=1:::.1=m=. ___ , ~-~~ ••••••• )~.':!.~••••••• ~.~.~•••••••!~.':!.~ ....... ~:.'::'..~ ........ !~::.~~•~••••••• ~ • .. 1002 G .. IOOl • 1 .. Z••• .. IOOZ Ge•NI IOOZ•••ral I •• , •• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ; •• 1 •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• WtlMr'tMotke: AIJ real tttale 1dvertls4.'d la lh•• 11\'Wsp•per is sub. •ct lO \he Yeder.I t'1lr 1 o uslng Act o f 1988 1th.icb malres It Illegal lo advertise "uny pre- ference, limitation. or •cnmmaUon based on tnCe, Color, rebg100, SU, 4r national on gm, or an llllt'ntion to make any tueh preference. bmil•· don. or discnmlnalJon." 'l'tlis newspaper will not llnowangly accept an) ad,er l1!t1ng for r eal estate which ls ln viola· I.Ion or the la w. IAll. Y IA Yca5T CLASSIC Back in the days when Baycresl W<!S bom this home was the model. Maybe you saw it. Bery 1950's. Still is ! Lon~ narrow pool, with bridge. white brtt k fireplace, 2 bedrooms plus den and walls of g la ss opening to garde ns. • Delightful n eighborhood. at 118.SOO See it soon. U,_..l()UI: fi()Ml:i. REAL TORS • 6 75-6000 244'3 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar ;.t;;;;;forS-a-le--~ .................. !!!l!!!m!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!lm!ll!!!!!!!!!!I!!! •..•..•••.••..•........ ....................... . REALTORS 67~5511 OP9e HOUsi llY1MI: I 771 I CASSIA Tiii LAHE: co._. .............. c ............ _cl c .... ... -· c ........ .:.. .,.... & ~; 0...-.., ....................... .. ...-1411: tltr•• IM•n-. f .. ily roo111. "6.000. OPIM SAT & SUM I to 5. -CANYON: #47 l90YAL ST • .aGaGI: ... ....., .................. '°"' c..-w: .., ......... 1-10 cs ........ .... pri•ecy; C ..... ~ fl-.. IM•DOM, f-.ly ,.... wltll "'-t'" bcr • fii ••loc• ........ to co•..._, patio. poof • iec-ui. ....... for ........ I ., °' .... f..wy lilfo,_.•t. SJZS,000. OPIN SAT & SUH I to 5. Cal fw oppokd•..e...,. 4)lltM ..tty. COIONA DEl MAI: .,.. •• two MdrOOM ,,...._, & OM .... Q .. r"Hl";WC)li be•1d c ..... stoM rofMd .._. wH1t SW9Cllllt fireplace, prl .. te patio: $102,500. .... pDia ... •tCMCly. WATHFIONT:Twobedr-ooM .... bocllelor ~;:;;.; .......... ic,c;2 G......e •002 GeMf'OI , 002 ..................................................................... ., lsw.t,orc•c ... ertto ....... ......_.; pMr It float; Wal priced at $160,000. 0.......1MYf~a.c•. £.4.STSIDE SP~fotB~ln~t!tJ. NEWBPOESTRTBUBYEACH rog~~:~::om ito the r·in ·la w uni,, 2 :.tost desirable Eastsidc NEWrORT SHORES: Cllar•htcJ fo11,. bed,.0011t, prl••t• patio for 011tdoor tfthrloilllttg: hMis cash, pool & lllort wall to OCMft beac8'. $12,500. (h:>lcs. wet bar. outdoor Jr you want to li\•e in loca tion s ituated on 9BQ, 1G'x44' pool with Newport Beach. but feel dead-end slrcct. Thi:. hab ~&low dfvfli(fboards. Chal you S'hould-travra i all-stiar~fm~ blu" Qlcc gar door. :.pr1nklers. large lot and a quality pool. open tx>um rc1hngs. 111tercom. a nd copper home. this may be wha plw. bonus ::.1tc grouQcJ::. p1umb1111: ,\II this for you're looking for. Thi Take over owners loan. Sj2.000. Call now to sec large 4 bedroom wit no new loan costs! n U,1s out::.tanuing home. family room and den beh evablc bargain 645-6646 and a sparkling swim Hurry call 546'2313. rROFESSIOHAL IUILDING: rnffHMlse oc ....... .,. ..... ,.. ....... offic• lllitn. c ........ Newport ..... locaffoa. $210,000. Owaer c-. IXCHAMGE. Fofttostic View ofOce•&lay JJest :irea of NcwpQrl "'"'uch. 2 liedrm, 2 balla. 1.4 ram rm. ~hi!> home ht:i cvt'r) thing Room lo p1rk trailer l:oml' ~ce I lielen. Open Sat/Sun 15 2308t:hrronve. NU f.'6·3928. f'\'('S :S48·3S6 I Lachenmyer Rt>.11!01 ____ Ruffled fllttery m1ngpool,is almo::.llw ...... ,.,01 .11 ,.,,., ·• •· letTALS: Two ba•M MW hoMn ill ,,. elflti•• J..-.. en.ti: fie aplocn. two be•o-s & ...._ ._..., 11w of pool, jacm & T!HMIS Ca.TS. years old but it':. a lo [ ~ . · 1 ~~~~~~ws1~.·~ 'O' lflftiJ;t • ~~;~~~•Es MAGN~CEN~LY -COIOHA DK. MA.l: "'"be•ow. Z112 ........ .,.... locatlm $450. rrtr ...... Volleyball DECORATm ATT!HTIOH: Cole of Newport is Paddle Tenn.IS B~ Gloria Okuda 1-1 .......... o.e-N-G. w. ... ..,..hd • ....... oddltfOHI .... r-111 .... I"" -A t rl:'11m ho me for the -ir Swlmrnl.ng pool, t:urdcn-discri nu niUrng fa ll\ily. two for resW...ticll Mies & -. for a MW ing, .. king she bcdrms + Spac ious 6 bed room, COMMerclol dl•ltlOfl. PleoH Coll fo,. many more feature s on f a mil y room ho m e . •PDlntllWttt. extra large lot. $129.~. Aivcnit1oi. too numcrou!> CLOE OF ~E~RT RE6'LTORS Agent 545 -8424 o r to c·ount. Please come lo " nr-v - 673·7737. ___ s'-'e 1226 Polaris. m over 25151.CoastHwy Shores) Newport lll•ach c_._. .. Mlr Wont nd result:- smo.etQlilt Sunday 1·5. 6 75-5511 400 lll"'. JOI au. C.MA~w •••'°" · 1t02 • IOOZ ... ;~ ..........•••.....•...................• , ...... . JUSl'HDUCED . ~ TO $44,800 F'r l',h ly pJ1nlt>d . 3 be<lr m. 11 • ba home ~1th hard .. 11<111 fir-, (pk. ro' · ~red vut10, lg lot with \Our o~ n on · hard or n~ iiort('IJ h uil trn ·:. (j()()(I 1;.1rd1·n Ur"' l' lm·.111011 Red Carpe l Re allon. 536-8836 • ...... ----- ~ COATS& WALLACE REAL ESTATE . INC EASTBLUFF LUSK View• •I Bdrms. fom1ly rm . pool. Sinitlt' le\ cl. One o"Ol'r Xln\ cond l'r1ced n~ht ' Call Jean l>nlc~ at i!1 I •lll}l\'• \ 1..1 11 ''.11 11: 'I J~ 11 \ , I , .11 I • 1' 1r ,1 :1 I 'y f 11 it• I I ,;luf t • r t t~I( t j cae: 110111 ILlllS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICF , eOPEM SA.T. & SUM. 1·5 A REAL BARN SHORECUFFS. . .COM $132,900 Exclu ive & quiet ~wra home. 2br. den & guest rm. Pvt beach access only stepS awey. Hvy shake roor. 2 Crptcs, hardwood floors, bltn cabs . detached dbl gura1:e + s ecluded p:iuo. Priced ror quick sate. 0,.. WJ1ea, 1.1, uze..i.,c...,.. SHORECLIFFS. • .COM $185,900 .......... S.1•0c ... Ylew! From your kitchen range. liv rm. ram rm too. This btfl, newly remodeled 3br, Cam rm home wtnew crpl. wallpaper. cabinets & tytore, ~' btk to pvt beach access. has just been reduced for immediate sale. 0,-W /S... 1-5. Ill SlwHJiffs Id. ~y 67S.2311 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Promonfor'I IJa'I Like new 4 bdrm., family rm .. den. 3 baths. Ramp & float . $279,000. New -undt!r construction. Contemp. Cape Cod. Oak firs, S BR. 4112 Ba .. 3 (rplcs . Lndscpd. Boal slip. $375,000 New. unde r construction. contempor. Cape Cod. 4.5 BR, 4Y'J DA .. pier & slip. $360,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR ).ll R,.y\,.f• ll• •• •4 I\ ti!) r>lb1 /Jete tf5anett JZcJ~ pre~11nl~ DOVEi SHORES WATflFIONT UMqUI CUSTOM IUkT NOMI -with Spanl h I M edlt erronean n avor . Des igned for the discriminating. 4 B<.'<frooms. hhrory /study, kitchen with everything. 1'"amlly cntertnlnlnit .room wlth wet bnr. Woocl. lilc. wrou~ht iron . air conditioned thr \loul. Pier and sUp. ~.ooo . 1 ......... ,,., ... WESTCLIFF TOP SHAPI AHO AVAii.AiU l•••cll .. efy. .owners nre moving out this weekend. 3 Bedroom$, s eparate gl~oo ln dining room. living room• with open beams and used brick fireplace. I Z30 0.•0ll La.. Hwpt Ida WfS-1·5 * NEW LISTINGS * .. NEWPORT HEIGHTS ~ bedroom;, 2 story view home . fireplace, built oo 2 lots. 5107.500. 303 La Jollo. HI LIDO ISLE -4 bedroom. beam ceilin ~s . li g ht . airy fee li•g. Completely r edecorated. A must f'e! $151.000. I I IYioDlfOfl, Mwptkh 5-day 1-5 NEWPORT HEIGHTS quiet ..cul·de·sac. close to schools, lovely :l or 4 bed r oom home. lmmac u Jnte condition. S93,950. BACl-BA-Y-C~rry Tree Lane. "-ery- desirable residential area. Only 6 months o ld . Ready for your own 'landscaping plan. 3 Bedrooms. d1nlng room. d~n and fami ly room. Master bed rm h~1s fplc and view corner . loom fo r pool. $127 .500. For information cnll 642·5200. MESA WOODS -The value 1s here! A 4 bedroom home with large family room. Neighborhood with wide streets and utilities underground. Mas ter bedrm can be upstairs or the suile cnn be converted into 2 l>Mrooms Only $)8,900 . G•MHI I0021G.Mral 1002 3452 SClftto Clore c,.., CM Sat/M 1·5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642-5200 . 675-4060 $79,500 .....•.............. Fee IH HIWPOltT IEACH Beautiful 3 bedroom. family room. 2 bath home with toads or brick and at.pnework, set back on its big comer • fol with sprinkling system. etc. Heavy shake roof: fireplace, builtins. pl~h carpets and drapes thruout. complelt' the decor. PET BARRETT REALTY t \ 1 to4.: ·, "·' 1 I ' ff I ' WI 'j I \. \\... !fl J t fl 1 If••'" f \I ,..11 ' . 1 It-. •.t IOOZ Ge•ral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ COATS&WALLACE REAL ESTATE . INC IALIOA PIHIH. Bdrm home + ~ bdrm .• 2 haths. ncorl) nl'w unil; on JOx LOO lol on Pe ninsula. Priced Ill Sll0.000 3.3(.c13 associated II (; r I P I ~I t I'\ ~ ( I '1 411/ "" .. I , r '' W1MOOWS TO THI WOltLD & Wfhlr Vint .................................. .. ...... .. FE-..... c .... ... s,.c-.. 4 W J .._.PLUS l Md. 2 .._.. _,., w 1-.. CO'f'"4 ,...._ u .. 1n W & rttet th ott.-fw --..... efltL SIJ0,000. I l • tt'1 A GOCNle! G<lQd locuuoo. itO<ld lt«lbc, KOod bur ~~lnt':'l!S, anti Rood pur~mi: ll1.-elvc ml¥>smg one mi:red1,•nt . i:uod rood! ! H you I' JO Mlllpl~ II 111 ':c m.Jke .a dl'u l C.:.tll Cl•ntur y 21/Marten lleal i::. .. tute '°' det.uls, 640-~1. BALBOA ISLAND No Al•clllcJ Prabl1• Balbo3 hlond , J'l~umahlc loan f"ee · lan4. l Bdrm + lalh plant . hop. Lo~t pr1r1• on t he island S79.SOO. cen\ury 21' OuJrnn & Doyle~· 116K. COSTA MESA Wlli1tte Ca..! Nu lli'C'd lo mo' e in beautiful l br E ·s 1d c Co11 tu M es a pride o f ownership home. f'rplc. dbl car gart1Je, huge yard. Appoinlmi>nl on ly. Hurry won 't lai.t al 5.\5,SCJO C'l'n-~ury 21 Ouh;in & 041) le 5-»I 11111$. • ---...com.-P-ropetty DUPLEX' ' Collla M~n S62.000. A ... ~umablc loan. lnc-·om1• $SOC.I. n" ner nn,.10\fi. Grab phone now Cur appt11nlmf'nt. ~-lt~t NIW LISTll«i JIOU.~<' , • .\I I. SSxllO, We:.lbtdc. S43.UOO. Call Centurv 21/Duhan & Doyle, 6<Ul-1168. • Spoclo.1 Manor S Bedroom. 21 ~ bath home \\Ith 2400 sq. rt ot beauty and quality Priced to sell ll only sn.ooo. Cull f<K an appo1nlml'nl. l cntury 21 ltSe r.i:· 962·8891. "'--Y•'re ready to lluy or sell_. WE'VE Ml THE SIPERllARKD lM 2Masterl .. ow I\ c-om11letc M.•conJ ma:.ter bt.odrm \\Ith Its own bath bit.S ~.,,added to thlll ur11o:1m1t 3 bedruom house. It hos 11 u•ry nit·ely remodelt'd kitchen and ltlb of sLor.ige Good IOl·alJon. near (iOldenwe'l Colle.:e and l\llinna lll1o:h. Offered ul ~.SOU. C.:c.n!ury 21/Sp.irow 84Z·4H4 Syper Location Wutk to Mite Square Park & Gotr Count.-. \"ery close to elementary school, church~ -end ht.ts hne. F:asy JCC(M;" to frt>cw.t\'. 4 IA"<iroom. 2 bath oome. ()pen t>t>uin l'athedrul l't!llJll~ i:1vcs you that open airy f1.'{'lm11. Ask ins: SG6,9S<I. Century 211Sparow IW2·4474. Quick Po1Mllion llome 1s 'acant a nd with short e.crow you can be mo .. ed 1n berorc you know 1t. 4 liedroom, 2 story Stratrord Park home. 1-·ormaJ dining and 21.xlS family room make this a very desirable noor plan. Big 3 car gar aite lets you store all your extras. Orrt-r e d u t SIJ~.900. Century 21 Sp11ro"' 8-iZ-4471 Like to Skiftnv Dip? You C'Un in the pool of tll1s oock )'a rd 411 \'Cry Lall and thick llallan cypr~ en•q:recns ):l\'l' you comple le priva cy. Wa lied front courtyard wuh wrouitht iron gate ire.ures your St.'Cunly . This 3 twdroom home 1s really clean and sharp. Call now 589.500. Century 21/Sparow842-4474 HUNTING TON BEACH s ........ ,_!!! Beaullful Cree-form pool with walled privacy. 4 Bedroom. J~ bath, Deane Carden Home. Your own pnvale study. P r1C"e reduced to $99,750. Century 21 /Berg 962·81111 •• tw rew trw u,r f1f ... ·•dttll w....-.y.· :.::: _. .. , i. ..., .... .. ._... .. we,.,..,.. fer_. Cllll .. ,,... YW'• • lhp. We Hek. ..- ~" ........... s. we,.. ................................ It. w • .... ,.., "6eY ....... ,..,.. ,._. ....p .. .ftw wcla • w~. ...... , ......... ThJ• popular bedroom O>ndo ii new on the m arket this week. 2 Be droom s • immaculately upcraded thruo ut. C lose to Huntington Harbour. shoppina and 1cbools . All this for less than ~.ooo: Century 211 Emery 141·330t 40..tHRoor Sharµ 4 bedroom single tory t:loe.t- to eYerythmit Bx1r;i storage area in ~arage. Nice landscaping and ill· tenor oecor:illon. Yours for s.J7 .1AA1 (.;(>ntury 21/Lk-r~ 96HC~ll MltltCOllClllioll This beautiful Village Green Townhome 1s highly 1.1pgrackd with JPg:intic master bdrm s wle with fireplace. Downstairs 1s also beaullrully decorated with another firt'place, beautiful patio and more. A truly outstanding value at S68 500. Ct'ntury 21 /Emcry 846-Dlt "Moct.IHOMe" H you've been looking for u perfiX•tly decorated. cuLe, 3 bedroom home this 1s 1t. You could believe this was a model ho1zu.• 3 Bedrooms. H• balh.i. Perl~ condition and only s:>8,9SO Acl falll : • Call Century 2l 'Emery 846·3301. LaCH1taYlla 3 year old. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, USO sq fl . New carpets, with new upanding. must att. ont.,y sss.soo Open House Sat & Sun 10-3: 008 Utica, Hunllogton Beach Cl'ntury 2110erg 962·8891 A Piece To Ctl "-A h11thly dt>§lred t•enlnl 11tnum with 3 bedroom. 2 bath$ rluslQrt.>d atolIDd. Your peors onal touch Tt.C can chan~e 11 from a bow.e uito a home. A great res1denh JI neighborhood. Buy It now 1 ' S82,.SOO Open ror ~spect1on Sal/Sun l·S. ~ Stern S1enli. Turtle r o ck. Cc:n turjl Zl/Marten Rl•al Estate frW-53.'7. , .... fftlw T..tleroclr ll hli:. a ''1ew. a rorner lot, an atrium. mr cond1h o11m,1t, frwt treeii. bltns. auto i;prinklers, 3 tx-droorns or 2 a n d a den . S hows lots of pampering. needs a new lover. Open Co_r your caressing. $971 Sierra Bra\'o, Turtlerock. Sat/Sun l ·S: $85.SOO includes the lanct Century 211Marte:n Real Estale640-SJS'l. MISSION VIEJO M~ . ....... Falftlly IOOlll 79,900 EnJ<>Y lhis beaut. 4 b<:odroum home in lhe M1ss1on Viejo school district. Your bril?ht spacious country kitchen. graceful a rch. the sloped beam ceihng & firl'place make the formal dining & hv1ng room the place ror entertaming. Plea e -all for details. Century 2111..ake Viejo Really 58l ·S2S3. 4 leclroon1 Family·-S6i,too MJss1on VleJo 4 bedroom &: dining area. family room. In Mission Viejo school district. close tu schools and park. Ceotury 211wke VieJo Reaky 581·5253. • • SalurClay. July 17. 1976 llClHSI 'llrAIATIOH DAILY PILOl lt11il<I I '~" t ""'"' 111 Hrol to •l•lfr •I l«h1••\ • ~~I, .,p<lol .... ,,..,, .. ..,. •C.U"w-~' loi(et·~ f\¥04 t1H •Of' •<>-•· ........... Oly tlo•• ... ,..,,., .,,.. ., '"Of• ( '°'-"'' ,,.,.. ..... ~ TUES.. WO .. TIIUI$.. 7-10 Pll SAT. t-I~ AM ...... ......................... . 1..c.e- 2 ...... Yl•w Sup.•r ,.harp 2 bedroom honw \\1th funtasllc view :ind exit' or M~s1ort' Viejo's newest ne1Rhborhoc)(b. Call for more. 1nform:ition Century 2111.ake V1e10 Really 58l·S25il . ....... from !360/M&.th Month to ~h"11h OK or lease. No foe. C..11 Centun• 21 /l.ak.e V\t'JO Realty Slll..s?S3. • J_,1tLhhd so ...... s, .. w .. S.taAllo......,, Super, upgrade<f 4 bodrQom homl' with added l!OJC20 mruiter bedroom. large fam rm, dlnmg rm. beauo ful pool, heavy shake roof. und re· modeled ldtcben. A rea: bargain at S89,SOO. Call 645·7?21 Century 21/Wt's~bffRcall\ ....... ......... 2 le*1»oM•. ...... ,.... $190,lwl. 645-7221 C1ata t 21 jWHtdff leelty ........ Oc••fraM l::Jt('Cul lve's dream come ti-uc' 40' ul windows offer rantasoc OCEAN VIE W tor entertaining many friends or .... JUst o ne, Pruression.illy d ecora t ed · 4 llcdroom. 4 bath with iti~anuc ma. tcr sultt• with lllS AND HERS dr6.'ling areas. Cull now 64S-7221. Century 21 /Wt!s tchfT Really AR•.ehtahC......-01~111n11 (ur lh1• l'l.lt~·t OllOCll'(I n •ol estutt' 11er,,on 111 vur ht•a11lllul new ofnrc• 1n Nt•wporl C"1•nt('r A11µty onJ If \OU .trt' delt'MllUll'd h t ht• :>U Ct"l'l> .. f UI II \OU h 11 \{I d1•h •rtUJnu11on und lk'~l,lt.'Ol:l' we Nin bl'hl you Ask tor .lul'lc or lh•n. Ventur,,· 2 1 M11rtt'n Heal Jo:Stat~ 640-S3S7. The Grow ingest Ar.a in Oran9e County K 57 \1°rl'' 11n ( \lUllt\ I JIL'I \\,llllnQ 1N1 tht-1011 t•I J mount.1111 "'11 h ,111 ullllt1l°" m•url>~. lo bt• 1l1'\l'lu1wd . Thi' \II'\\ I ' hr.•,U hl ,1k111~. :ltiO • clc~n·.-,' l'f1t 1· 1u1• low 111 pnnl ' lluhn11 N !lo> ll• Jnve~lmt'lll'\, (.'a l\! ~-IHii!. WESTMINSTER -S orp M-I Property Tho. M I propl.'rl~ htt~ over :10.000 'ff. ft \\1th an uld{•r :! 1)1.'<lroom hum(• which could h<' th1• W111111 l-'.1rmrr' offlcl'. Ali.o 11vrfrc·1 lor ,oqu1pml'Ol storage •>r r1•nt1il '·" d. (ir1•a1 Oran1o:c ('ountv l1wut1011 Only S&S,(l(lll. C1•111ury 211 t-:m~·ry ~u.:t10t. Reduced to $45,500 4 Bedroom' A Super Shari> Marter home for any111w N l'\\ t'lll"JX'h Ju:1l l't.'p1untrd 01111 rl'udy lor yno. Call b(o(orc 1t'i. 1:01w. (\•ntur) 21'1kri.i 9152-81191 CALL or STOP BY one of the offices listed HERE for fast, efficient help: "" w.-• . ......_.. .. 1 .. cll 14'·ll01 17JJ WHtclffDr .. ..._,.,. ... 11 •45-721 I 119lOM ..... ......... • ., 141-4474 1'HIT,.._. ....._ Y1efe 111.un JOO Hew,wt c ..... Dr .. .._,.... leecll 640.ilU We're llADOllAL, llut we're llmHBORLY ~------....,.----------~--------~--------~----~--~------------------------------... ------~' ~.~~ ...... ~~~:::.~~ ....... ~:.t::.~."! ....... ~~-~~ ....... 1~-~~ ....... ~-~~ ....... 1~-~~ ....... ~~-~ ....... ,~!.~.~ ..... : ~ ... ,.. IOOJC:e•,.1 1002 GeMt"Clil 100 ., .. ,.. 1002 ., .. ,.. 1002 •-rill 1002 Ge•NI 1002 Gwa.. 1002G•••• 1002 ................................................................................................................................................................ ----------.-.... ·····•········································ IACKIAY ~~~ -----------------J:~tJJome 5our Here~!~~~~~~v1P BEST IN BLUFFS JULY CLOSEOUTS! ~ ,.....,, ..... , THISI HOMES HA VE IEEM PRICED TO SELL THIS WIBBtD. Open Houses 1-5 39 Bodega Bay Dr .. Spyglass $199.900 Sharp 4 BR + game+ FR. view. orrerings just lnlrodul'ed to the m a r ket with l r cmendo us square foo\age, 4 bdr ms, 3 baths. family room lie d1ninl( ro0m. One has m agnificent pool. See both or these excellent lw>nw• and Uk~ UILY ILUFFS. Prime waterfront location. 1900 Sq. ft.. 3 bdrms., 21h ba.: completely redecor. Nothing to compare with this front row beauty at Sl~.000! ! 'OPIM I TO S, SAT. & SUM. • '* UOADMOOI ....-View ... -- exquisitely decorated 4 BDRM, fam rm, 21h bath, Garden home. Owners moving and vey anxious to selt! '2606 LIGHTHOUSE LM., CDM. SI 4',tso. °''" SAT&SUM 1-5. OCIAM ROMT-COIOMA DEL MAR Fantastic 180° panoramic <><.·ean view & your owh private steps to Bi~ Corona beach~ Cust om 4 AR home. open beamed ceilings. new cptng. M ass1w master suite. Call (CJ appl. to s ee. Your host Henry Durant -640-5046 :M>22 Blue Key. Harbor View . $159.000 3 & Family room, many upgrades •. view pick as to the decor and color St.'hemes rhat fit you ~t. Owners offer ne:ciblo terms. 646-7711 2171 VISTA IHTUDA loffV .. Orot FAIULOUS MEW LISTING j I Your hos tess r.-oretta Van Ost ~0133 ~ Walker & lee R1111I f state MG 4 II. ULAN. Form. din., lge. paneled den, PLUS Cam. rm. 2lx21 Mstr. bdrm., 3 ba., 2A50 sq. ft .. like new beauty, just redecor. tbruoul. finest quality. Only $119.500, incl. S brand n e w applia n ces. 8 o/.i% Assumable loan. • * IUY 01 184T -IMy twcMtery 4 BR, fam rm, bonus rm home located on a private cul-de-sac, on Spyglass Hill. ready for occupancy. $185,000. OR $850. per month r ental. Mo. 6 TWIN LAHS c•e .. CDM. OP&e SAT'& SUH 1·5 DHIRIE THE FtMIST?? • ! 3Jadec o,·e . sp S-'OLD si&f.900 Fabulous 4 ~ 1 rm, jacu7.n vie w. Yo ur __ . n Pollock . 644-6.338 #4 Hue lirnrr1tz. Big Canyon Sl49,000 4 RH. fahulousentry. FR, huge DR Y nur ho~tess fo:Sther Tabak 640.5&76 LnttT ....... tt..t M•y V-.n Call one of our pro .·slonul counselors '71= ... I L l : S I\. '8 I~ I· \ L l Y .J J, 'ir 11 I' I 11 , ~ ,\ .\ • • 11 ( • •.. , .. •••••••••••••••••••••• l UMITS A nlH LAHDLOIDS! 1-;11,.t S ide• C.~ '"Pt'r Wt• need L1stln1tll plu11h. 135.000. ~~ l>tl73 on y11ur rt>nlals. NO f'f:I': nf\ ~r~t ownl'r ·•If\ Rcnlfr" woll 1011 S F.U. 1t..flc item~ "'1th -Al!'ll\ 8'73 iti()l 0111ly l'1lot C.:la s1f1rd cl Scll 1dlt> item~ S@~~~-l££~S Tltot lntri911ing Word Gome wiflt o Cltudle -----f4'0t4 \.y RAf tl POU.AN •--.'°. -...11 •• .... ,_ -i.w ... be lo-IO I-10\lf ""'tile -d>, \ l . UJILY ILUFFS CHAl..'18. 3 Bdrms .. 21f..i ba .. 1900 s q . ft. New ne-ulral carpeting; immac., move-in cond. Lovely quiet green belt. across from pool. Would you believe $89.500? ~ Walker & lee R"al fstah! -. • * LOWIST PltlCI IM AllA -I l It IOMia DUME. COM. right across the street from the Irvine Coast Country Club. 3BR. new carpeting, newly pai nted a nd r eady for immcd. occupancy. $84,500. OPIH SAT & SUM z..s. -L~rl!&Vo~ REAL ESTATE 644· 6397 ~THE REAL ~;I_ ESTl\HRS Jn Vie w, Location. Pool?'! Then we .. have just the home for you. 4 Lgc ~ bdrms. huge £am rm. OpC'n plan designed fo r lge groups. Abundant storage, stereo thruout. Beaut. area. lG<MJGALAXY DR. SAT /SUN 1 5 :lO FAIULOUS LONG WATY VIEW Near the jetty! f'ishcrman wtll love thi s! Lon~ pier & float. <1 Rrlrrtt t waterfront hom e. Close-up view o( lhc mos t e xcitin g y:.irht ing :.ict1 vii y. , $300,000ind. lancl. C(Jronatlt•I M<1r. 1 2319RAYSJnJo; DH SAT/SUN I :i·:J(J LUXUIY LIYIHG -S2 7 5, 000 In fantastic Uovcr Shores. T~rruccd s.?ardcml w /forever view J\buncl:ini marble & finf aJ>Pls :1 BH . Flt, OR. LUIUIY "COHDO" FOR LIASI Ruyfront! New. gor~cnus, View! 2 HH . 2114.t l>alh, µool, Q1 hr. Sl'C:unl.v twrVl<'l' •• Billlurd room, '1rtUfla. $1,250 m nnt It. COME ANO SEE WHAT LIVING CAN BE BIG CANYON $134,500 No l Rue Fantainbleau ...... ..., dK.,...... z ........ °" .,...,. u.lt. .... c.,.... ... ... Open House Sat fSwt 2 to 5 or by Appt C• 644-5335 PIACOCI 11AL TY (2 041l Y PILOT • • Saturday. July t 7 t97f * * OPEN HOUSES 2·5 * * 1J Lochmoor $450,000 6 BR. Fam. Rm. Bil Canyon 415 V11>la Sucrte S95.000 3 BR. Bluffs 717 Ja:sminc $155.000 3 BH. 3 Br Corona t.M Mar GALAXY DalYWll LAND New custom home. front row view. 3 bedroom, 3 baths, with 2 fireplaces, wel bar. format dining room. Large family room. room for pool $225,000. HAHOI VIEW HOMIS 4 bedroom Montel{o next to p3rk. PopuJar one story plan, onJv 2 years old. but located in Village I. Very clean and upg raded. Only SIOS.000. MEW IN HAllOI YllW Mil.LS Private courty::1rd entry w ith hubbling fountain leads to this fresh four bedroom in a setlin~ of mature trees & s hr ubbery. Offered at Sl37 ,500 fee. IMPalSSIVE IH SHOUCUffS Drive in circula r dl'iveway and enter private courtyard behind high slumps tonc wall. 3 Bedrooms . family room and room lo expand. $138,500. SHll>ES OF"'ISlMUD Airy ~arden ho me amid lus h ~ardens, wood deck & sunny brick patio. 2 bedroom & den -french doors. Shutters. lattice & a short walk to beach. S78,900. JUST LISTEO-COIOHA Da MAil Spacious ne<1 r-ncw duplex. 3 BR -2 BR wood siding, open heam ceiling . solar bron7.c glass. WaJk to school, business, s hopping & youth center. 5155.000. UIE TURTLQOCk ~TUNITT!! Hard to find Turtlerock Broadmoor Plan No. 2. SUPER LARGE LOT, perfect for the young family. 4 bedrooms, fam. rm. & formal din. rm. make this a n outst:.inding buy at only $94 ,000 land included. NEW OFFIRING-$PVGLASS BPeathlaking view. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths. decorate..'<! w /care & taste. Dutch doors, french doors. yo1.1 nume it. This is speciul. Asking $195.000. STEPS TO OCEAN Nicely maintained & well located is this 3 bedroom & 2 bedroom duplex. It's ready for owner occupancy. Full price just $139,500. Terms. IMHALD IAY OCEAMSIDE Four bedroom. three bath beach home · <North beach ). Cedar paneling family room. b eam ed ceilings, built-in B.B.Q. $157,500. llG CAMYOM VBSAtLUS Its beautifully informal with all large rooms for family living & entertaining. 4 ~rooms. family room. 4114.1 baths. Wa tch 1:olf matches from beautiful patios. $244,000. ILUPFS CAR .... UFISTYU Spacious Y·Plan on open ~rccnbelt. 3 Bedrooms, 21f..i baths. Participate in amenities of the area in highly upJ{T'aded hom e . You own the land. .Submit. $95,000. IASTILUFF CHAIM A 3 bedroom . 2 bath home th<tt has it all. Formal dining, sunny breakfast room. a private palio & yard. Many upJ?rad('s mnke lh1~ n "must·see" horn<'. $95,500. YllW HOMl-GAUXY DllYI Cuslom dcshrncd redwood & ~lass 4 bedroo m w /panorama<' view. Sccludrd mn11tr r Ruilc w/fireplacc, sauna & jacu1.zi. Scparal<' C'hildr<'n ·~ win g. U n fque for liv in g & enlcrtainin~. $269,950. LINDA tSU F'rcnch RCf:?CnC'y C't1Rtom horn<' w /62' frontage on Hurbor l~lonct C'hanncl. C bedrooms. fomily room. formal dinln~ room. wet bnr. wine slora~e. elev a tor. <1 u rk room. $38.'i.OOO. rAIK. POOL. • flUYGllOUMO All within a block of this superbly appainted 4 bedroom Harbor View homo w/formal din. rm. & spacious fam. rm. Used brick fireplace & vaulted ceilings blend w /excellent landscaping to form an outc;tandinJ? home. Only $118,750 land included. IETia THAM A MOO&. BeautJful Deane Home in University Park. 3 bedrooms & family room. Central air. Fabulous decor. processional landsC'apinl! & much more. $109,000. • COl.DWIU ...._ eo. 644-1766 Bigger r. Better Pool r. Tennis Cts. 1'le lane t hurnc m Ult' com1nun1ty. MunlvL' m1»tcr i.u1tc wrltoman lull S\•p. l(Ul''l AUllll, 4 21r :?I' panl'lctl bunu' rm ror cotl'r1a1nloit or f.im1 ly run. t:xlJ'u lri: lot do!\t.: to Cum rn pool 4< rn' J It' \<'Of\1>1 rourhi. A <.oumt l11 Yl!lll ln111 nl '" u JHO i,:n.,,i.I\ c area ~""ii It now PANORAMIC VIEW !I F.xqul~•ll', :alrno~t nr"' Chrr l>r ho11k. "'1th one of N""' 11t•rt lk.id1 :i l>l!:.l Hl!l':to <rum c\l'IY rvom CJJ\ \x' .i or ~ bdrm' + fam11} rm :-.ov. :1 bdrm~ + r:inuly t m ~ tiu.:e of· f1l•e Tutal hou e h1ibly up~n1ch:d. Amttmllcs l numerous lo 11:.l' '295.000. Cull ror un upp't. EILEEN HUDSON lEALTOI 644-0322 UNIELIEYAILE! SHOHCLIFFS 2 BR. + dt'n honl\' L3rge \'l('W lnl Only SI J!i,OQQ lmml·d Poss JONES REALTY * * 673-6210 *. :J O 61 LIDO ISLE OPIH SUH l·S I l7 VIA HAYRE ~ 1-'t. lot. l Bdrm' . 3 bt1lh. .... d1nini:: rm l.urJte Sooth patio. Slti.2.IJOO LAWSON REALTY *. 675·4562 *flt Snuggle Up To Ben , :\ewl,\ retlecorated only monlh:i ugo v. tlh II"" noor:. lllld k1trhcn M un ll'rtops. l:~nJoy prl\ at~ m )llllr '>l'rt'"n••tl 1•11closed p .it 1 '' w 1 t h u II c n Franklin wond-hurnrng fin•µlacc. C'hOIN> Inc l\· llOll·HY ;ippo111tmcJ\I only MESA VERDE $59,900 This shake roofed 3 bdrm :! l>a home 15 on nice tree lined rnl-de-s aC' In C-011to ;\lc!-a ·s bc'l ar<'a f'R open.'> to covtrl'd patio stressed for nddina on. MS.9491. Walker & lee Real f srare EASTSID~ GOODIE! 3 hdrm .. :! bn .. fam. rm .. lrplt • i.hake roof. Pool ~itt.'d lot. A rare find. S.'19.500. 545·9'19 l. Walker ti lee Reul ls1etn LOVELY CORM ER LOT l'rlme nrra cl~ 10 So t°1M~t Plata & 11chools. l'nd1• of owner:.hlp (:i ml ly ho11w. t:r1•,1t1\c use o m1rl'Ors In th•' 11µ;u:1011'\ hdrm, 2 bath hom \I. I f .1 m 1 I y 1 o 11 m tk•autilull~ l:iml .. c-a1wd. Hr .1 n rl n l' w •I n I h m ,1r1'1·l. l'n II b4lt 7';' 11 . -... Walker 6 lee Hnel t st1f11 Of'INHOUSE Country livln.: .it it11 fln\l'lt, lhl'I h:ilf-11 r n • t'Sllll<' h11~ ht>t'll <IN;l1.:11C'd to rompllmM1I lhf' tn~tr O( tile t!"Ct•('Ul fVQ WhO de· !1 1 r ,. !\ ll r II r .11 II I . m11t111h('r\' 1\ 51U< homr wtth 111rml 1.1111 110. ram rm. r1•\' rm. Hurn :111 ba m m~tr 'lll1lt' Zun1•d for hor..l-.. "' 1 ullni: tr 11 :id· Jac t·ot to 1•ro1> 9372 LOM \, \'ILLI\ PARK. Truly 11n 1nvc.,tmt . Sli2.~. Vtsll our Open lloo<1eSat&Sun 12-Spm. llANlLL REAL TV 835-SI~ CORONA DEL MAR IEACHHOMI Eic~Urnt two bedroom bom• bllllt on the rront or nn R% lot an Cnmnn dt'I Mnr Ht're Ill a l!l"C•at OP· portun jty to build a fec:Ond umt and m ake an Investment with a SuJMtr potential either ror re· •• ,. Ol' ruture income. Only S19,SOO, Call now. $13-8550. - HOUSES FOR SALE 2 lmllC>OM 2S2S Fainiiew Ln. olt Stu labl CM 548·1168 SSS.500 &ltl&tn 12·4 •15901 Rhodohtc, Fountain Valley 646-8811 $42,SQO Sat/Sun 1·5 18Sum. Wind Crt. <NwpCresu ~B 631-2692 $62,900 Sat/SUn 12·5 #14 Hana UtanchoSan Joaquin) Jrv. 544·94 l l Sunday l ·S 8&91/8711 Heil ~l Newland. H.B. 9684456 SS7.900 Satl·S/Sun 1·6 l II & FAM 1tM _. DIM 4911 Cork wood, Deane Hms, Irv. 646·2888 $77.995 Sat/Sun l ·S 17202 Catron Lune, Irvine 5.51·3035 OpenSal/Sun.12·5 519 Poppy, Coro.na del Mar 640-5872 Sat/Sun 1\·3 ~ Evng Canyon, Corona del Mar S132.900 Sat/Sun. 1·5 L2 Lupine (Deerfield) Irvin • 642-8235 Sat/Sun l -5 1537 Serenade Or\llncTerr.) CdM 673-4400 $106.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4382 Manzanita. Greentree, Irvine 552-3638 SSS.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 444 Cabrillo. Coronadel Mar 640-7000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2344 Port Aberrleen, (l-M1ms) CdM Sun.1·5 J HDIOOM * •26 Balboa CO\ICS. Newport Bd) 673-5308 Sl65.000 Sat Sun 12·5 22974 Via Nuer.. Mission Viejo 581-7378 $45.500 Sat/Sun 10-5 •288 Hanover Dr. <Coll Pk) CM 540-2398 $61,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 335 Lindo Ave. Balboa Penn. NB 6'73-0068 $154.!'iOO Open Daily 2:j24 Vista Hogar <EaslblufO NB $69,500 Sat/Sun l·S PM 3124.Sumatra, Costa Mesa S-i6·2313 $56,500----...~, t=m=-.---. - 323 Wtilnut <Newport Shores) N.B. !"l48-1290 Sat/Sun 1-5 7L2St. James Pl. (Npt. Heights) NB 645-7575 SJ27,500 Sun. l ·S 315Cedar, Newport Shores. NB 675-6000 566,950 Sat/Sun l·S • •711 Lido Park Dr. <G-2) NB 631·1800 SlJ0.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 530<t River <Lido Sands) Npt. Beach 675·7060 S71.000 Sun l ·S 1000 White Sails <HV Hills) CdM 673-4400 $117,500 Sa t/Sun 1-S 1306 Sanlanella (Irv. Terr.) CdM 640-7000 $89.500 Sun. 1·5 2603 Vista Olnada (Bluffs) N. R. 675-3000 S89.500 Sun. 1·5 700 Kings Road. Ncwpart Beach 675-3000 $132,500 Sal/Sun 1-5 3110 Princeton Dr. <College Prk > 646-7171 Sat/Sun 1-5 23351 Via San Miguel, Lag. Hills 644-7211 $42,000 Sal /Sun l·.5 1319 Bonnie Dune, CdM 644·6397 $84,500 Sal/Sun 2·5 J la & FAM IM or DEM •2526 Carnagie Ave, HWlt. Bcb. 646-7417 $61,950 Sal/Sun 1-5 #2 Mountain Laurel (Deerfield) Irv. 551·6199 Sat/SUn 10·6 lG.522 Marie Ln , Hntg Bch · 842-3998 SGJ.000 Sat/Sun 11-5 2414 Bowdoin, College Park, CM 646-7414 $.56,950 Sat l ·S 1993 Port Seaboume, NB 644-7085 $10,000 Sat /Sun 1·6 19821 Lexington Lane, Hunt. Bch 963·8991 $63,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 928 MacKen zie, Rancho Mesa, CM 540-1151 Sunday 1-5 16 Penny Pines. Trvine 552-1718 Sat/Sun12·5PM 30331 Benecia, Laguna Niguel 495-4653 Sat/Sun 1-5 l4681Swectan. Irvine · 673-8550 $66,500 Sal l ·S 1524 Santanella, JrvTerT, CdM 644-7270 $11Z.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 •465 Cabrillo. Costa Mesa 644-7270 $78,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 307 Catalin a (Ne'wport Hls.) N.B. 646-4463 $107,500 Sat. 1-5 2312 Pt. Carlisle <HV Hms) N. B. 675-3000 $105.000 Sal.1·5 33861 Hluc Lanll·m, Dana Poin'. 495-4653 Sal 12·5 ~Joann , Costa Mesa 546-2313 $S2.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1795 N<'w H::impsh1r~, MV. CM !'>49·3<i7!t S70,000 Sal/Sun, 12·6 1771 Cassia Tree Lane, Irvine ITT5 55 11 $86.000 Seit/Sun 1·5 200 Vl::t GC'noa (Lido Isle) N.B. 645-7575 Sat/Sun 1-S •34!8 Dowling GrC'en (Clg Pk> CM 7!'i1 ·0417 $63,000 Sat/Sun 10-5 •345 Unlv Dr. <J2) Woodstrm 642·5762 Sat/Sun 12-G 112 Mountain Luurcl (Deerfield) lrv. 544·941 l 573 .950 Sat/Sun 1-5 #4 Poinseltin Cl>eerfield) lrv. 552·9250 ~ 77 ,500 Sat/Sun •6232Sierra Sie~!li TurtJer 'k, Irv. 640-5357 S82.;,w Sal/Sun l ·S •5971 Sierra Bravo, Turtler'k, Irv. &40-5357 $85,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 133 Shorecliffs ltd, Corona de! Mar 675·231 l $185,900 Sat/Sun, l ·S 1946 Port Carney <HVHomes) NB 642-8235 Sat/Sun l ·S 208 Via Mentone <Lide Isle> NB 642-8235 $156,sdO Sat/Sun l ·S •18732 Via Verona (Turtlerock) Irv. 752-1414 Sll l,000 Sat/Sun 1.s 2.191 Vista Enlrada (Bluffs) NB 644-6200 Sl 19.500 Sat/Sun 1.S 2200 Port Carlisle Pl. <HV Hms) NB 675-GOOO $116,900 Sat/Sun 1-S •20211 Ramona, OeaneGardn. H.B. 968-<MS6 Sun 1-s 1230 Devon Lane, Westcliff, NB 642·S200 $91,500 Sat/Sun 1.S 600 Michael P l. Newport Hghts, NB • 642·S200 $93,950 Sat/Sub 1-S l"!> Port Nelson, Harbor Vu. NB .. ~ . DIRECTORY ... .. :::t.~--,_ ............... ,.. .. ·-· ......................... ....... ~ ,,..-W ... .., .... wtWmtt ................. OAM.Y H.Of WAMJ ADI ...... . ;;;;;;;;:;:; ,--:;. fw .. •,... -........ lht -i. .. ,. II• Iii !Wt,._ wit .,..,. 4372 Manzanita. Gr<'t'llt1·ce. lrvinr 552·3638 Sf',4 .900 Sat /. un l ·S • 18831 Porlofino. 'l\lrtler0t•k. Irv. 640.6161 Sl~S.000 Sal/Sun I ·5 3060 Royce, Costa Mesu 646-7711 Sat/Sun. 1·5 36S Santa Isabelle. Costa Mesa 646-771 l Sat/Sun. 1-S 13801 Typee, Irvine 646·771 l S;1t / un 1 5 •G n~e Villars <UIJ:t Canyon ) N.U. 644-1766 $295.000 Sun. 1·5 451 l Camden Dr .. Coronn del Mar 644-7211 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 125 North Dayfront. Balboa Island 673-7610 Sl55.000 Sat&Sun l ·S 3622 Blue Key. II arbor View 675-3411 $159,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 9952 Effingham. Huntington Beach 842-9371 S73,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 4 IEOROOM I37ViaHavrc <Lido lslc)N.13. 675·4562 $162,000 Sun 1·5 • •709 Cameo lli~hlands Or. CdM 675-3660 $108,000 Sat&Sunl0·5 2209Channel Rd <Penin. Pt.) N.B. 675·4562 $148,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 835 Amigos Wa y #7, Bluffs. NA 675-6000 $74 .500 Sut /Sun 2-5 983 Denver . Costu Mesa 7~-l!J20 Sun 1·5 • 1701 Marlfn WaylBoycrcs 675·3000 5149.900 Sat1Sun 1·5 8431 We lls , Westminster 540-1720 $63,500 Sat & Sun 1·5 335 Bordeaux Ln. Costa Mesa 546-8640 $61,950 Sat/Sun 1-~ 15282 Nottingham Lane, HB 842-9371 S59,950 S~1t/Sun 12-5 4 II • FAM IM or DIM •9 Point Sur <Spyglass) N.B. 675-3000 $189,700 Sat/Sun l ·S ••1939 Bayside Dr., CdM 673·4400 $238,000 Sun. 1-5 1785 Hawaii, Costa Mesa 540-1720 $74.SOO Sun 1·5 1063 Tulare, Costa Mesa 540-1720 S78.750 Sun 1·5 546 Sturgeon. Costa Mes:.. 540-1720 $64,500 Sun 1·5 3176 Country Club. Costa Mesa 645·0303 $99.500 Sat/Sun l·5 943Cedar, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $55,000 Sat 1·4 3164 Yellowstone. Costa Mesa 645·0303 $.58,900 Sat 1-S 2811 Bayshore Dr. Newport Beach 548·0554 $179,500 Sal/Sun 1-5 1935 Pt. Nels on <H. V. Homes) N. B. 644·1766 $118.750 Sat. 1·5 19431 Sierra Raton (T.Rock) Irvine 644-1766 $94 ,000 Sun. 1-5 2828 Boa Vista, Mesa Verde. CM 540-9922 Sal 1·5 •17S32Waync Ave. Irvine 551-2000 Sat/Sun 1·5 6407 Seashore, Newport Beach 646-7711 Sat/Sun. 1·5 39 Bodega Bay Dr .. Spyglass, NB 675-3411 $199,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 #4 Rue Biarritz, BigCyn, NB 675-3411 $249,000 Sat/S 1853 Port S h effield, (HV Hms) NB 644·1766 $105.000 Sunday 1-5 1955 Port Claridge, (HV Hms) NB 644·7770 $118,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2606 Lighthouse Ln, CdM 644-6397 $149,950 Sat /Sun 1-5 6 Twin Lakes Circ, CdM 644-6397 $185,000 Sat/Sun I -5 8672 Brookhurst Dr, Hunt'g. Beach 842-9371 $94,500 Sun 1-S •152S2Nottingham Ln, Hunt•g. Bch . 842-9371 $67,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 15272 Notting ham Ln, Hunt. Bch. 842-9371 $59,950 Sat/Sun 12-5 •#1 HampshireCrt,Nwpt. Bch. 548-2573 $335.000 Sat/Sun, 1·5 3031 Samoa Pl., Mesa Verde, CM 546-8409 $65.000 Sat/Sun.1·5 ~Cove St. Costa Mesa 646·7834 SM.500 Sat/Sun 10·4 1535 Regatta Rd, Laguna Beach • 494·4210 Sat/Sun 10-~ 2206 Windw~rd (Upper Bay) NB 642-8235 Sat. 2~5 289 Bowling Green, College Pk. CM 546·4141 $57,950 Sun 1·5 •32.5-22nd St. Costa Mesa 545-8424 $129.500 Sunday l ·S •3124 Limerick Lane, Costa Mesa 640-4950 $59.950 Sal/Sun 1·5 2808 Drake Ave .• Costa MCl5u 546-4141 $59,750 Sunday 1·5 3512 Almond <Collcg(• Pk.) Irvine 833·3380 Sat &Sun 12·5 •1251 SantiaJ?o, Newport lieach 642-8235 $137,000 Sat/Sun l-5 ••97 Linda Isle (Llnda II ) NB 642·8235 $250,000 Sal/Sun l.S 1417 Mariners Dr. Newport Beach 642-4771 $87 .500 Sal/Sun. 1-6 Zl912 Ocean Front, Huntington Bch. 642-5270 $93.SOO Sat/Sun l ·5 2411 Orchid Hill P l, Back Bay Arca 545-3259 $89.000 Sat /Sun.1-5 3913 Birch St .. Santa Ana 546-2313 S71.900 Sal/Sun 1·.5 2010 Baltra, Cosla Mesa 546-2313 $88,500 sun J ·S 19401 Sierra Chula Rd, TrtJrk, lrvlne 833-8802 $94,500 Silt/Sun, 1-S 25301 Pericia Drive, Mission Viejo 837-3008 $82,900 Sat/Sun. l-4:30 33262 Elisa Drive. Dana Point 962-2194 SSS,500 SattSun, l·S 2215 Port Harwick (1Mtrn5) N.8 . 8H-1317 S.t/Sun 1-5 / . •1730 Port Munll'iJ.!h Cir, Nwprt Brh 644 0046 St\l/Sun, 12·7 Pl\1 • 18a0 Port Abbey Pl. HVH. N. n. 556-1382 Sl:JU.500 Sal/Sun 12·H 21521 St. John La. llW\tinb'1.on Buuch 540. llSl $72.500 Sunduy l ·S 19382Siern Rello. Turtlcrock. In " 833·9343 ~8.000 Sat/Sun.10·4 2221 Port Harwick Pl (HVJI >NB 640-4089 $103,950 Sal/Sun 12·5 15375 Normand1e <The Ronch) Irv 55J-230R Sul /St111 l0-6 Pl\J •1608Galaxy Dr. <DovcrShrs) N.B. ··644-4910 $215.000 Sat l5un 1-5 ·30 2219Chann~l Rd. (Balboa) 644-6200 Sl64,SOO Sat/Sun 1-5 12Cherry Hills CBigQmyon > NB 644-6200 $365,000 Sal /Sun 1-5 • •57 Linda Isle, NB 644 -6200 Sat/Sun 1 !i 1215 Key West (HVHills) CdM &~4-6200 $152.500 Sal /Sun 1·5 • 1218 Polaris <Dover Shores> ND 642-823,5 $219,000 Sat/Sun l 5 30 Royal St. Geroge (Big Cuny) NB 642-8235 $312.000 Sat/Sun l ·U 602 West Alpine, Santa Ana 646-3255 Sat /Sun t 5 8201 Mary Cir, P SAN, Ht Bch 968-4456 $65,500 Sut ;Sun t ·5 413 Cabrillo, Corona ms. CdM 675-6000 Sl92,500 Sat /Sun l -5 ....-:tt9-Munrst t"n-(0v1'. Sttt'S) N-8 -- 642·5200 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3452 Santa Cl art•. Mesa Woods. C:\1 6424520 $68,500 Sat/Sun l 5 •JOO J uanita St.. La Habr<.1 752-1920 ssi.000 Sun l-~ •8 Cypress P oint Ln, Big C'yn. NH 640-6161 SJ15.000 Sat1Su11 J.5 I' 5 IEDIOOM * •2319 Bayside Or., CdM 644-4910 SJ00.000 Sal/Sun l ·S :JO ••3 Linda Is le. Newport Beach 631-1800 $275.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 • •112 Vi a Lido Nord. Lido tslc 631-1800 $330.000 Sun J-5 19812 Lexin gton Ln .. llunt ·~. Beach 752-1920 Sun 1 ·5 1059 Che.vennt•. (;o.-;ta l\1('~<1 510-1720 S6'1,!J50 Sun 1·5 S IR & FAM RM w DEN •47 Hoyal St. GcorJ!c. Di).! C:m. 675-5511 $325,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 * •2500 Bayshore Dr. <Bayshr:O N n 642-8235 $365,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •17 Royal St. GCC?rge, Bi~ Cyn, NB 640-6161 S365,000 Sot /Sun 1-:i 448 DeSola Terrace, Corona <lei Mar 673-8778 $215.000 Sat1Sun l 5 13742 Andele Way, Irvi ne 551-2000 Sat/Sun 1·5 21041 Kline, Santa Ana fl46·7711 Sat/Sun 1-5 6 IR & FAM RM «' DEN 1226 Polaris, Dover Shores, NB 646-3255 Sun. J s ••21 Linda Is le (Linda 11) N.B. 644·1766 $385,000 Sun. 2-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM 2 Seaside Ci rcle, Seawind Condo 631-1800 · S64,500 Sun J·."i 38 Seaside Circle, &a wind Condo 631-1800 $62,500 Sun 1·5 22936 Via Pimiento, Mission Viejo 768-1296 $41,900 Sat/Sun. ll·:S 2 IR & FAM RM cw DEN No. 3 Rue Fonlainbleau, NB G44-5335 $134,500 Sal/Sun 2-5 l IEDROOM M31 W. Coast Jlwy, Nwpt Bch 646-7414 $89.500 Snt.1-S :wt E s peran za (Early Bluffs ) ~B 644-0134 0J>(!n Sul/Sun 1·5 fiOJ Vis ta Bonita <Bluffs) N. R. fi75-3000 $99,500 Sul/Sun J 5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 llDttOOM 50.56 BalsuwoO<i, Univ Prk, rrvinc 552·4537 $57 ,000 Sat/Sun , 12·5 l II & FAM IM Oii' DfM l2Sandflower Ct. Newport UNH'h 644-73!>7 $58,500 Sul/Sun 12-5 HOME ~ INCOME 2011 Ki ngs Rd., Newport Beat h 675-6670 Sal 12-5/Sun 11 ·S l HUCH 415 Poppy. Corona dcl Mur 673·2278 $235,000 Sun. 1-5 l II A C4t J II 283 Knox St .. Cosl<l Meo5n 979-5099 Sat/Sun 11 ·5 p. m . DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 llDaOOMS IACH ••2308 W. Oceanfront. N.B. 675·7060 $189,500 Sun. l..S * ..... ** W .. erf1...t ••• w.._..,&...., • .. . ' . ~ .... We ........ We ~ ... w. l....._,_w. ..._..,_.s. ~=:'-S. Saturoay.July17 1978 OAILVPILOT C'3 .................. , .................................................................................................................. . ~ teu•••r• 100 ••• ,., 1001•-r• 1112 •-•.. 1002 1001 NoanFws. _IHwH11ers. ..._.,..,.w. ·~r••••ee1111e11eee1 --··--•e1ee1e 111-111ea .. -. .................. ·-••••11111 .. e• ....... ••-••••••••••••••••••• ~·;;;;;•••ioi~~~·;;~;•••;;ji •-;..•;.•;.;;;;•••••••;~·;; w IY. · .THI. • .SIA BAY & BEACH Dr:ll:ft ~ HOUSL 1939 Bayside Dr .. Sun.· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• alk to beach ... Two stories or ftUU.1'1 l ·S. Are your kids a problem'! Put BUYER'S eh•anc~, '48R. lmJ din, gourmet ldtcb, them out on the beach in front ot th.is 4 · tae rm W/bric:k frplc & open beams. * SEE THESE TODAY•.* bd h ... , be th ·11 r 11 · h TURN BASIN Yl~W M4ster bdrm bas nn-.. t·., ret""""l. L"°'.z rm. ome. ,. ay ey a '"t e t MARKET .l.... .,_.._., " n:.._ M -bay. Priced Oil $238,000. 8nng )'0Uf c•~~awns. boot & trlrstoragc. 1'~or on· 700 KIMCH IOAD. M.L children & their dog for 3 trial rwl. ly""' most partrculur buyers . .$93.400. View -view 3 bdrms., custom built: 842-5270 Alillt.rw.t... motivated seller a~ks Sll2.SOO. Open Sat/Sun. 1 5 ~~ ~ Ol'IN HOUSE 1701 M-"' WAT. II.I. ~SAT & SUM 1•5 ·Onco£Ruycrest'sfinest4bdrm.&pool ~II. macnab I lrvtna ~· raaltg FIMER HOMES NOM $114,500 TO $1.200.000 HAHOR VllW HOMES Exciting ne w 3 bedroom home . 1st ti me orre t erl . Mag nificent ly l~ndsc.aped w /outdoor li~hting. gas fire p1l & BBQ. Top of hnc ap· pliances, purified drinking water in kitchen, ced a r closet fo r c loset storage, tinted windows . gar . door opener. OPEN SAT. Ii SUH. l·S P.M.: 1946 'ORT CARNEY. < U 19) llG CANYON SPICT ACULAR Tremendous quality · golf course view home. Thi~ custom home has 4 bedrooms. 3~~ t>aths, sauna. jacuzzi & more ! $31 2,000. OPIH SAT. & SUH. Z.6 P.M.: #30 ROYAL ST. GEORGE. CU20> homes. EVERYTHING Is or top quulily & condition! $149.900 INCL. TJIF. I.AND. Open S~l. & Sun. l ·S. ... 9 ,OINT SUI. SPYGLASS, H.I. Spc duc ul a l' p unor am1 c vie w ; 4 b<lrmi. .. family r m . formal dining rm., pool & mstr . bdrm. jacuzzi. $189.700 INCL . Tl-H~ LAND. Ope n Sat. & Sun. 1·5 601 VISTA IOMTA. ILUffS, H.l. Choice· :J bdr m floor plan ; 2' :i baths: on wtdl'. lovely greenbe lt. $99.500. Open Sal. & Sun. l·S 2601 VISTA OINADA. aUffS. N.I. Upgraded Oolorl':-., end unit -3 bd rms .. 2': baths: dream kitch en. $89.500. Open Sun. 1·5. 2312 PT. CARLISll. H.V. HOMES, N.1. Near ly new 3 bd rm., family rm .• fo r mal d1 n1n g rm . home with panoram ic view. Pn ccd for fast s ale. Sl05.000. INCL . THE LAND. Open Sat. l·S. REN T AL DEPARTMENT If you ha\'e a homt• or a pt. for rent, please <:<.di our r enta l s pecialist , ---H~1ken . -IXCLUSfVllAYSROIES- Spanish style Bayfront home! New! S bedrooms! Complete modern kitc hen incl. microwave oven & refrig .. s oda fountain. Fabulous home mear schools for water orient- ed family. Don 't miss : 2500 IA YSHOIE DR. (on the north Lido channel ) · OPIM WHICIENDS l·S P.M. $365,()()(. <U21 > LIDO IS.I. O'EH SAT. & SUM. l·S P.M. 2.. VIA MEHTOME. $156,500. 3 lg . bedrooms . attractive family room, 2 fireplices. Eating are a in kitchen. Beautiflll So. patio. \.';: block to bay. AIJ this on 56' lot (room to expand). For s ale or le ase. <U22) THllE'S SO MUCH TO APPtECIATlt Bes t value in Dover Shores. Front row vie w . Pool home w /4 bedroom<;. 3 th baths, formal dining room, lg. family room. 2 Fireplaces & 3-car garage. $219,000. onM SAT. & IUN. l·i 1'.M. 12 II POC.AllS. (U2.1) If AM OPPORT'UtftST7 Super duplex · 1 1~ blocks to beach. Great potential for weekly rental during season. Lots of charm & pricro to sell at $130,000. Bob Owens 642-8235. (U24) STa'STOIAY Completely rebuilt 4 b<.'droom. d en . 4 bath borne w /view. in e xclusive Bayshores. A kitchen & breakfast area to delight the gourmet. Dining room overlooks l us h garden & patio. Expans ive m nstcr s uite w/sunde~k. These are just a FEW of the amen ities this home offers the discriminating buye r. Sl79,500. Polly Johnston 642·823.5. <U2S) ' .-uNCT FA.MIL Y HOMI! Blg & beautiful 4 bedroom. familv room + huge bonus room in HarbOr View Hills · featurin~ c·urved brick en t r y, vaulted c e iling, s p iral staircase, 2 fireplaces & u pi ctures- que gard<'n s etting on . a .quiet cul· de-st1c. $152.500. MarJOrle Mahon 644-6200. lU 26) llG CANYON GOlll CCMMSE 'J'rl,Jevt'I custom VIEW home w /CX· ccpt1o na ll.v fine appointments : Vaulted ceilings. m assive ~oms. s firepla ces . 4 bedrooms. fom ily room + rlrn. Over 5000 sq . ft. $365.000. Lynn<' Rothell 644·6200. <U27> '"VIEW • VllW • YllW'' GorgN>u!\ 3 bt•droom. 2~ b:ith "' The flluH!i. End tinll w/almo_~t com· plete pri vacy. Mirrored walls . louvcn•d doors & windows · I~. tile putio w /11\tliC(' ovc.>rhanJt. $14.3,000. Barbara Wright &W-6200. <U28> YllW. WA na. COASnlNI. MOUMTAJHS Wonderful. con~mporary home de· sign.ed & built 1'om Lane. LoLs of cedar wood. I alian. tile & oak cabint'ts . View m eve ry room in t he house. 2 master s uites. 3 fireplnccs, 4 baths & a lg. country kitc hen w /is land cooking ar~a . SI97.000. Gisela Lamson 644·6200. <U29> PRIME ACUAGI This may be your lasl chance lo buy a very desirable buildable cstare prope rty In our finest area. Minutes from the beach, boating. best reshurunts. Will accom- modate tennis & horses. New golf course near-by. 1.84 acres. Offered at $212,500 or s ubmit. Elaine Sve- deen 642·8235. (U~) '42·12l5 ....... 200 tt1 Dover Orlw Harbot View Qnter lrvlne at C.mpys Valley canter 751-M14 ff MU t:volc!OtieJU -.. ~iu • • 1002°GH11 .. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * OPEN HOUSES * 7 12 ST. JAMES PUCE. Ml'T. HEIGHTS. Nothin g to do but enjoy the view ! All the work has been done on this lovely 3 b<lrm. home; lots of brick & warm wood s. plus h carpets. microwave kitchen ; $127.500. OPEN SUN. 1·5 200 VIA GENOA. LIDO ISU. The perfect fl<x>r pla n. on large corner lot. with II\ mg r m .• dining rm .. kitchen. family rm .. all ope n to s unny South patio. Spacious single story c:onlemporary, with 3 large bdrms., each with own bath. 3 Car garage. OPEN SAT /SUN. 1·5. DAVIDSON REALTT ~8CI W (xi,• ''"". r, h 64'> 75 75 3116 Nrwp~u • Bi.d N p, 6 73 · 9060 I0011Gfter .. 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEAN YIEW CUSTOM DUPLEX 260..270 Arch St., LOIJlllMI ..... Outstanding Location Walking distance to the beach Ot'can Views -Both Units /\. home plus rental unit in A natur ul Lagun:) sctlin~. Owners unit :i Bil. 2 bath, 2000Sq. ft. Two wooa burning firepl~ccs, wet ba r . beam ceilings. tile fl oors. top of the line appliances & features throuJ,thout. Rental unit 2 BR . 2 bath.1470Sq. fl. All wood s hingle exterior, st a med glass windo ws & comple te landscaping included. l..T. LAW, W,.._ On the site or call (714 ) 752-79!IB 1714 > 544·8580 eves $196,000 -sor; finnn r mg available I002G...,... 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OPEN SUNDAY 702 St. James Plac• Newport Beach Superb 2 stor y cantilevered over hills ide. MaJ!llificenl view or Fashion Island. Balboa Peninsula. Balboa Bay. Balboa Pavilion and the Pacific Ocean. P.r e m i um c ons truction throu~hout with cu tom f ealures too numerous to list. You simply must ins pect lhis masterpiece or design. T a ke 15 th St. Eas t past Newporl Harbor Hi~h School to St. James Place. Then North to 70ZSt.,,_.,._. CALL 962-7788 KEY 1 .,,, .. LOVIS Ml! And that's why he.· s howing me this darlJn~ little 2 bdrm. & den home In Irvine Terrace. with o be autiful. bi~ pool. J ust listed at $100,000, bul we'll cnterta.Ln a lower of· fer. OPEN HOUSE 1·5 daily. 1537 Serenade Te rrace A LITTLI llGHT OP Cana is the de · li~htfully a lry fcelin~ mstr. bdrm . with 3 sctl; of closets : a bdrms .. 2 baths + ~ourmct kitchen. The family rm. fl oor is done in largE; ceramic tiles. On fee land in Ha rbor View llills. at $117,500. ·1000 WHITE SAlLS. Open afternoons 1-5. • ., II#, UP! To a delightful 2-story eol· onu.t1 4 bdrm .• 3 baths, plus lge. bonus rm. Near Cherry Lake . Owners will t a ke S98,500. Bring the big happy family to see this. OCEANFIOMT. Sts.000 Fully turnished 2 bdrm.. 2 bath own you·r own; no open house he re • it's a full security bldg. Bug us til you get to see Laguna Roya le. MOTHEJt HAS A IOAT? Well, why not'! This la rge bayfront home has 90 fl. frontage & room <tt the pier & flout for several boats & there's room by the pool for sonny's musical group: you'll probably find Dad behind the fan· tastic big bar or else down in the wine cellar_or sauna We'll J.ak.e_jh_e gy_est cottage for real peace & quiet, though. H you can find S895.000 in your jeans, call us for an app't. to ~njoy. 67).4400 Pale yellows. s oft greens inside, brig ht blue all the w~y out there. Super s ited 2 bc!droom. 2 bath home. fir l tlmc offered at reallstJc $112,500 UNIVERSITY REALTY 10011.Co..t .... Wtl'f c.,....aMw 673-HIO ~altleftd 100 •••••••••••••••••••••• 223AGATE IALIOA ISLAND l\r North I.tu~, 1•r1.11 lklucl rot1111:c Built 1!121. 4 I.I furn1 .. hl'll 3 c,1r purlt mg ruunl lor Znd u111t Sl7.SOO Owner on prt•n11sc:. 673 8ti6S 1024 ·········~············ Owner Art' > ou looklni: for 61. w •> o 11 h o m u n d c r ~.uw• If so. ron~1<lr11 tht•:1t• f1•11t ur1•>1 3 l.11 i:t \wdnio nu, l!l'l)ur111t Camlly room w il lli 11rq1lacl'. 1t1,11 µullo wulli llllll for Sum nwr "nter tninin.:. l.11111 nt lrl•(• • llowc11; 11ml tirt'l'll\!l'Y. J u" l 11 " I " <l . 0 w 1w r mo1ivult•d. ~l u;cl H ll q1uc•kl)' PINlto\' c11ll 1• ri .1 e n r u w n c r ~ h 1 p Uuple\ Ill pn int-locution. "'1th ewl'llcnt rentul rt'- rord J ui.t hsted Pncccl ___ , 10 S<'ll under murkct. WESTSIDE OCEANFRONT .. on Snlboa's bcst tx>ach ••A ST£i\L AT S52.000 . :!RR :.!BA . mml cund 11~ 3BR 2UA. hu.iti II\ 111,;: &oul. ;\l an v xt rns. rm . cndosed palln with 114 f . OCEANFRONT Crplc-. playhouse In back O,EH DAIL y t .5 yard, double i:urnl(c i-;~ COAST P flOl'Ell'rlES tra shartJ. 6-1~.111;u; 1>73·S4t_o ___ , ,. • POOi. llOM E only Please call for dcl111b •OH THE POINT ~S.950. 3Bll. 2B A. low --------• T his Gurd<in Hom e 1,, rn111nh·m1m'c• ya rd . large 6 llOROOM ~calf or t•h1ldrcn and •o ad_ded family rm •Jff ll'WI $60, 900 • t>nll'rt1J1ning 41Tif.lj . · ~~~ loun-.Secludfil ~ tree:-, car Aa r anJ ouis1<le 6-IS66.itt mini stream a nd h..,I\ 1·h1ldrens pla) room lf)(t' JJOnds, 1s ll\1~ l[lrge two from thebeadt -135,000 e f ~€'TIG€ ,,1ory Costa Mesa home. Call 67S-86i6 ~ 1 Features lnclu<lo heavv 110 1 .• 1.IS WOOD Reatcor I HOM€~ :.h[l ke roof. i.lcp ·dow!. -----, h\llli.! 1oom. scp aralQ IOogs, t':ih , llnrse, i\ I f1rc11l,'~<'tl & C'llVl're<t PtMIHSULA PT. zon. Jhr l)l)OI I 17''1C 13:i. p.d111 1 h<.' bc't ''a luc in O,ft.ISAT/SUH 1·5 Int.~ l'\l. rt.I . ~s~.ouo tO IA n h urry! Cnll 2209 ChGM~I Rd. c;.,2 8899 ~Ill JllltO <t lldrm!I. Mo\ l' Ill l'on<l Sunnv pntw. SI 111,Sl•I LAWSON REALTY ft 675-4562 * row:-.i 11ous~ 2 hr. 2 car .:ara~l'. S4 3 .9SO. Owner I A i:t. !)~ti· 7iJ!l ~HERITAGE . • R EALTORS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•-----------· , __________ OWN ER wants fUSl S3IC ·-------- "People Serving People" THE MOST CHARMING 3 bedroom and den home on Lido Isle . Stained glass windows, Old English cou ntry kitchen with hand-ma de cabinets, fireplace and pegged floors . New on market and a best buv at $147,500. Come see the Playboy ~oak tub. CIPEH DAil Y 211 VIA 9UfTO C•67S.72J5 fik~ 86/a# 9'~ Valley Realty I ------------ IOOJ 1G1Mral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TUSTIN HILLS FABULOUS VIEW!! Custom built at the very lop of Pea('ock Hill. with a dramatic, forever view of hills & vallies. fromSaddleback lo Mis· s ion Viejo. El Toro. La~una Nii;tuc l & hc>yond ! 5 bed rooms, 2 s tories. 3 bath. 3 fireplaces, 3500 sq. ft.. large mas ter b edroom with fire place. V BR Y fo'LEXlBLE 1-'I NANClNG ! Submit trade. orlH SUNGA y I TO 5 PM I I OOJ H.t ... Hont, T•tli. HMI• RICK ALDERmE, REALTOR 547-6460 G1Mr.. I 002 G1•r.. I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ON THE PARK 2 STORY 1 -. -----·1 .t BR 2l>a. $49.7~. Take MesaVef'de Horih. Reduced !'i llr , :t bn , n over 9r., 1-'Hi\ loan. Clean Open llouse Sul/Sun, 12·R bay & Vl'l'.Jn. SIG 1.500 fresh paint. lrg qu1el <'Or· 3 b r . 2 b u.. f u m rm Mar..hulllllty. tl7~·1 ncr. Cresh on'an brcctes w /(rp lc. n pcn ht-om :HO·OSSSlll63·100S \ aullCtl n•1llt1A lh r\IOUl. Supurb Vi•w PILOTRl':ALl'~ST,\TJo: µv l w allc•ll yu rcl & oU\hl•lJu~ o\rrlookin$.? -----ntrH11n , LHkn Lrutl tc, lhr G r••1tl l'r 11 urbor Mt:SA UEL Ml\I< lll·nch. cl<>1>C tu s<'hh . i\t 1'a l.uxurwus adult 41\r, 21la. 1>erfed floor '70,0011 by o w n r t', ll\1011. 21\ll W 1\, :mim'i.: vlan for lri: ram .. frl'~h S l9 ·3tl1!) 17!)~ Nl•w vool amt ho;il ~1•1> a\ atl point. dc<·or . & t·urpet lla rnvshirc Dr. t\oe 1111t., only $\17,ooo. llcau11ru1 ishudcd .front ---- t'.111675-llllifl Y n r rl . J. r i.: JJ a t 10 & Near So. Cst Plota !IOI.LIS WOOU lte alwr garden, walk to park. 2 Story,,, OR & din rm, II!, ---ree~eulw~. & sehool~. k1l. PoOI s17.c lot. Fr wt 1 CcwOftCI def Mar I 022 Asking SSY.900; 11ubm1t lr<.'\.'ll, r atio. All on lfW!'t ••••••••••••••••••••••• all orrs. S4S·3!108 or cul dt!·Sac. Only S.S9,95o T RARE 5S7-22000wne r Century 21 at u urra1,, 4 IR DUPLEX MESA VF.ROE • Pe rfect Ranch 640..950 SO. OF IA YSIDE famjly ho me . 4 br , 31": s 15,600 VA ASSUME wtlh a 3 HR. 2 133 Rental. ba, family & g ue&l Onb Jyrsold r eatunng Fe r g uson Re allots. Ix-am ee11in~s. natural 833·3821 >Aood & brick textures i---------• l,rg family sh~cd Uv rrn ,<c Perfect locatttJn. Must S•ll By k1l. 4 br. 2 ba. ovcrs1tt·d '44-7211 "" honus rm, 2 enclrl paltch, Mon July I 9 l.(,UJCl areu. /Jn NILfl GAllfY &. l\55UllJ\Tf5 Price reduced (o SSG.!.00 fltod 6C~~~!~~:ally Large 3 br, den, 2 b 11. o v er-i;l ze d ya rd . E a slsidc. n ea r flac k l''rench des11tn. custom Bay. MESA VERDE ccdur·slucco, 4 br, 2\) Beautiful 4 BH. 3 Ba , 111 ha . 2 frplc~. eanyo Red CarDet pnme location. s11s.,oou. seclusion. occ3n view R alt 645-:f447-" 557 Rt40 I' t Walk tu beach. S245,000.1 __ • _ _.'f __ ·_·-~--t__:_ ~~0L__. IPrin. only .f7"64Cl-7773 FOR SALE or RENT. 2100 '\ sq ft, 3Br, 2bn. Rent $4SO EASTSIDE INCOME CORONA DEL MAR ~~y:SC~/0:;':.~~~0f' 118 ,.; Chamber of Congress.1--'---------1 • • 11 .rr.EX, ull 21iR. foirytah', nw3rd winnmJt fASTILUFF WA units. Super two · coltul(c. Ou11lex zoned 4 BR, 3 Ba Townhomc. s tory build1nl(, n ear Tt·2. !Jay window. dutl'h Back Bay. Ma ny rt-c Newport Hci(lhls. F·u11 doors. real ouk planked rac ll . Jrvinc ·M c s u pnt·t> $120,000. Owne r CloonnA, hcamcd ce•I· Realtors. 5411·8640 will carry 2nd. 645·6646 1ngs, 2 frpll's, btrly•---------1 lnd~Cl)d. mature A7.aliD!t, Owner 2 nn.. den. 112 ba. S • u u ru:X·Oolh 28ft Vyr0t·anthas, Camellia: wrkshp, lrg cor. lol. 20'1 lllA. private patios. 12 tn front Sml but blfl Ma ple. s.19,.SOO. 4!14-11828 Vern rs old . Yull pr1 ru back yrd w /C r1m i10 ---Sflfl.1150. IU'f. d o wn It o 11 i: a i n v 1 I I c n NEAR WESTCLIFF 645-00UJ llvdrani:cos. 1-'lo w..rm i.t 1'iu1n. l'I<· Obi d••ladie<l N1Pesl 1-:u1~itlc area l(J r, inr ome r ental rea ~lllk to 'lhOJ>S. 3 l\r a.~ iR€HIG € 11pt Aµprox 4 blks lo MtJ! family Hm. blJ~y;.ird =HOM€~ 'orona Ut>JCh . Upen ti42 ~ Ai:cnl lhlUM', Sal/Sun, II 3. 51' I' 11 r> r> y. By own er. Fo.toi,. VaHey I 034 Fountain V Diiey t 034 640 :>872 :10C!r 5pnl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• CAMEO HIGHLANDS I llr , 11rn.1l 0('('011 & C'.1 n v II n v I I' w :I • fl v l IWll('hl'll, SIUll,tlOO 0 111•n llomw Sat /Sun JO j TO'J C:u nw l) If 111h lu ni.Js llr 075 3df.\J 0.-EN SUM. I ·5 13 06 SOfttonelto Comfortollle II v1 11" Tcr· rucr hom1•; 3 hd r rn11 • :I baths; nice) arCI & 11aUo. 589.:JOO 10°/oDOWH XLHT TERMS 4 ar 5 ledroolft A truly CJH .. pllonal pro. ~llC'd on Qppruiurna lt• OPIH SAT /SUH l·S t>C,rty. Mu,i\'(• m o11tcr ly • a cre lot w1lh 10111 ol 444 Cobrlllo Will ena ble you lo move into this h<'autlful Granada modd family home•. Situated on a cul-dc·sa<'. The maintenance f rt•e yard hns been pro ( c s s i o n 11 II y I a n d s c u.r> • d , including s prinkler syslt>m, mussivc front douhl<.• doors & ltallun tile ~ntry hnll. Th • sunken livin~ room has cathcdrol ucumc.-d ceOinJts, frplc & formal dlnin~ room. The lurJ(c kitchen w /tile l'loor ha~ self cleanlnlo! oven & e ating uren. The family room has a parquet floor, wctbur & looks out on a covered patio w /firepil, seating & drinking fountain. The h uge master lJedroom has bath. dressing room, walk in closet & a large private balcony. No expense has been spared to ma.kc this a beautiful, comfortable home. It ls situated t block to community swjmming pool, purk & playground. Association dues $. per mo. $99,500. Our office is In a position to arrange secondary financing. llwtc +3 iruest lxlrm11. p.rlocy. F:xtra 111 r 11e View ho m c. p rl vo!c for~al d lnl nK a nft a ho me . 3 ba th.s, rumlly p11llo Super fam ily rm.; spac1CIU.5 il ep-down fain room . gourmet rountry 2 hdrms., 2 bo I h11, 2 rm: on • qwet cul·dc·~:>r kitchen. Grc!nl homc for frpl<'8. Extrem ely sha rp odJacenl tC? a ro lh nll enterta.inins . Be Clrill 10 4t 1mmac. SUll.~. May pork. Roo talc root ond call ror an appointment conrudcr lease. $77S mo. \'Cnlrol t1ir. The flnc~l In IJ63.6787 Calif. lavln "'. Owner .,.,., (,.,,\'II'"<'•"• •· ,, 1 ~'"'"'"''°"'""•·· [~ 1111 .. , .. } .... ~. ----I RC .. l10Jt ' Wboei lt'-cl I 00 ~e::'..:" -... ----..=...~.;;;..,.;:;~ •••••• ••••• •• •• • • • • • •• 640. 7000 NORTH 8AVFRONT WITll DOCK Beaullrut 3 Ur + den OCEAN VllW MOTHf.:R·IN·LAW fam rm. 2 Ba home . .Or Country Style 12 + Rms . SPECJAl.. 8 I' w I r e n l 11 t u n I l 4700 Sq n, Pvt beach. Mesa del Mar. i\horp s:zss.ooo. Hy owner m• Oi»n Sat/SUn l·S ot 448 'BR. 20A + tBR. tOA 1_6_·7_a.._7s_i_o_or_&t0-__ 1s_9_1_~ De Sola Terrace . fll, Apt. complete w tkltt h. 220 Agate..a Unlt11. rum ,_fee_. 6_73-_81_1_a ____ ... Separ a t e yard s . Modern, le11al , gd In 2Homrsonlirolol.4l:S ~Ali-541-55IO or OUIM. ()pea taM. S.t/SU l'oppy. Qv.ncr/Bu11der _ ... _·--------i 1~ wlll Cin11nce. 6i3-2278 I , HOWARD JOllCSON . REALTY 1465 s. Coast Hwy L ..... leech 497-1744 4t4-44Jf I • ' I ... c .. "-=---O;..A_1.;;L;..V;..P;..IL;:.O;:.;..T ________ ....;s::;a:;;l~U,;;:fd::a:.i:Y...:J:.:U:.:.IY~H~1.:.91:.::& ~.~.~ ....... ~:!!.~.~ ....... ~:.~~ ........ ~!.~~ ........ ~.~~ ........ ~~~~ ..... .. ~.~.~ ...... ~.~~ ....... !~.~.~ ....... tnw I"... 1044&...,_.•ec~ 1041 .,......... 10 .,.._,_. ... " 1069 wporllHC~ IOH ....................................................................................................................................... Co.tte M•N I 02 4 ..._..,..._ I H cll I 040HMl .. o. .. odl I 040 4 ll + FAMIL y •···•·•············•••• •·••·•·•·•·····••·•••·•···•·••·•·•············ .AKXJOUS 0 D E L PERFECT 'olltU J'i;rk $6l.!,$OU ('11MWJt lut. .a bcl. .a '" n 111 hie· 'l~i·, f'JIA ~s 058'1 SPLASH .S"-.AS H M 0 I) P. I. II 0 '1 .. ; CJll t-;flJll• 'Ill' lul ~ Hh lwilulllul "'"'' &. 1·ub1n11 llvrry '"' th1' Uni) l,'ljO l'nikd Urok\'1 \, Hobt,.,. S111kl.1 l1ll1 7 111 \\'Jo:~1'Slllt: 2 llt 11110'\l " rnwn 111 bwlll 1~.:itiil \ i,'1 1.:11 JlMI OPEN HOUSE SATUIDA.Y & SUMDAY lr.-dwwc.t.. CULYllDAU \n"OUi .. l•I\ •t HI~ • l.F.T S GO'' P rlllH: (.'UI\ vrdllll.' luC'u tlun "'-I I Jbd h I ( ~Ul\'l al ru•t \I•""" 111· eve, ome w eparate am. lk·.u•wrt t\\o i.ton intr rm. 2 separate frplcs . 21, bu. form:il Whitt• lmci.. 11rl.'1>IJn· din. rm. These homes feature an G1.11t tJrmly ruom \\1th unusual dcsian very be<:&Ch onented t"u 1 .. r11:e 1tl;)11' 11. u 2 t ti l I th b dour 1·1tht•r t'ncJ l\m11 w1 scpara e pu os. w pa s ru ur iii: m.1~ll'r i.u1tl.' hol>t .... ,'l.u·ular 3br. Jrjl r.un rm , ::•,ba . llt!l•rl1l'IJ llonw (. 'u.'tom d••H1r .11 I.I ltlruout v. unu'UJI \\Jllpup1·r, opi;r11tll•1I l'rpt & lllJll) l>ltn ''"•lllrl'i. 1·ru" trom (lOOI & prk, rlow 10 1>1'hl' >i7.!Ml0 ()pc.•n S.1t :-;un •I l'0111tst'th.,1 ~;\;! !l:!'>U from kitchen. IC you req moro Crom a uHht•drul u•1hn.i:" ;in1f home than a standard tract model. oa•"1oi: 1ubt.· l'l,l 's · STUNNING please ilrop by this wknd. Ai.kinF: 111 o r u ' '' u 1· 1 1, u " it"7 SO() L l d t th f ''I & lw1lrou1ni. Vl'' '' l11r.i:1· •••~Mt-;ttt\l.0 II \'t' l.u,unuu' rt'r~H II tln1~11l'ti cu11to111 hnm1• ul .lplJn" ~.uoo 'II h "'II h 7 txtrmi., Ii b11tJ1,, l111t'I rm " h1>k. lor1m.1I d11111111 ~Olllllll'l l.1\1h, mUMl' room "trl-d (Or fl'l'Ortl 1111(, UIHl'tl b cJtf111 , hi.) h~ht,., hru•k p11t1 aod 11'l111 l' 011,· of tlH l11w.\t quuhl) llOtnl'' 4•\ l'r <>PIH SUM. 1-SPM IH7 LOUISE STIH1' • 'Ol'STltV 1-'lH:XCH :uut 311 \, 'uurm1•1 lolrh bl'.illl rr1I II\ rm pnH1c.). ~.:a:vtJ flwn. r ,. d" 11 111• 1 I.. beau "" •o. tK·n 'o. Sl2'J.W<t • G l 1.-; ,\ 'l' t-' 0 I t-~ ~ T t; It T ,\ I :"\ I S t: <:riHIOUK :iutt. dell tormul dtn1111(, dr<•k" IU~h ltl~<'l)jl, JMllO I ~>I °"" \'U Sl~ ,.)00 .Mt:llll'.\~' llO~t t-; 1<11nl\nri. WI 7~l311r 100 Oceanfront 7 Newport Beach Reuutltully det'-Oral\'d 4 Udrrn , 3 bath. fa mily rm. 3·Yr old homu on lbl' ()(•(•anfronl. Fantastic, ever-chan1:m..: whitewater \'t<.•w ............ SJS0,000 THURS. & NI. I ·4 P.M. 2602 WIST OCIAMFROHT SAMD a SIA IW." '7MIOO ~ , . oca e a c corner o "uy 1.1111 , l.111 .. n, k lt\·hvu s h<lrm hunw + di·n Jluntins..rton St.' Huntington Uet1ch. hr 11th I I 1111' l..1Umlq torm.d 1111110~. enmph-11: r or furthc.>r info call ro11111 ttu11c t ul·dl'·i.t11 \\1th 1rull trc•,.,, ~ l11riw b111ll U1 ~1·w1x11·1 l..1i:u1111 ll(rnul ih'l'Mnt1•il :1 ltH, al CJ S!J..lf),tMMI C.'rnllltl '1'1•111111-l'ts. vrl \1 Newport leech I 069 Newport leach I 069 ·l!).111\~i l:J!} f \NI bd1. 2 111101,. H~ ll\111\.'r .. ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••• I IJr.~~(1~~!'~~1~1 ltm fl' u I I \ u JI IL I ;I d ,. 11 I hro1111 lwut \I Uhl lll'C l).'.,I} ~:uve !;I C'.\1 lllii· 7~1 1 I )f)l'll Sat Sun JO <I "' ows~:1t Com<'r Inc. '1 Hr, l? H.1, ll.td.500 631-1,1850 • HY()\\'" t:n. uni.i Coll l'I., ·1 lir li.:1• llO'JI, IJn.11 .Jul l1pl1 ~I :1011 ~lel:!J!IH \\'k111l .. 11r .1fl S :JOI'\! H o. Slaws Reullors h.11kvunl 111-:1,1~· C.\•I l'U\l•11·tl 1>~11111 ~:nJu~ th\' 1\(1" T!I:! 17UO IHHk & tl'llltl'< l'llU l'I ~ 53&8801 ,..,,, .... .,.... ,.. J\J1IJllh• h l ,\011 111 1h1• SOM£THING.-~;pt-:\'T.\l'l'l.AHll<>l\\E [~ 11.',CIUM\\' lt.11quet l'lub tl1trl•l'l'lll ' Utouuttful On lh'llt1llful 'l't•rllflll• ~ I IHftll:' 11( Ir\ uw IK'\'Jll & \llll.l.l:t! \ll''"" mu,, Ur . ~WO ~qH of Ulll .~~!J!~!~.~~~.!~.~~ ..... i!'-'~~.~~~.!~.~~: OPEN HOUSE ~~w:1;~.~~~~\\~11':~',~.~1,i111i ~:~~ ~~~·o~ll~,l~·~~·r~~~~:~ SA.VE S5000 l''K \.\l.'IS<..',\~ 111..: 111 l.111111\ rm Lhll\11 ""'"" 1•.it1}1111 II<!"" ""' )uu1~cll & ,,11(' \o l''U\j \T,\I:>. ALL NEW 0 Today 1.5 101 h.1 :. tr11ll . "1th '!'ht:. \\l)od & i:la:-:. :-11h1 n .11 l',lJl\l n•rnm""1v11 1Ur 1~1> ln'n\\nr 13742"' ... _I w r.11>1.'\I h1•,irth. Mo't l ll•H•l 3 Llr 2 ll.1honw1.· '"1m1l •r mtMl1·I~ ''"'"' ,,.1.1 CJu .. 11 l111u, .. ~ .. 1 &. !.Ull l \I\ l.IC!'>l'J \ "\Ill\ ... lhw e oy d l I h r '. ., • ... , • • p ' roorn .. OJK'rl u1110 ,., '" l'rtl'l't n~ l JI ~11:;,:>111.l l!la K1112 .iu<J 2M7 or·l'l9 :ium l.).:l' tt11111~r l.ol. 1 1111 I '• · ' 1 noor nu coor l\llllt ~f.l'""" 1.. !>1111~ l't i. •• llt.l i:.ir & nprl Ml.'\I :!ll.1,:!:-t1>1) lh·a1w Hrn' 2' l1.i l'ur1111 lol '" !'>hoq 1 .. 111. 111 l.h'Jl'h m.111:-urd roof nes tle .111,111u• 1•1111 tlnl\ I l1r. Pnn o11ly dl'.I: •lrJV<'' :! Mon 3111 ~ If in"' t I I \\'1111 I ft, ll t I I fur 11\l·r ~~> uoo 0\\111•1 ti'NI J.iruuw,. Ur Prvf tin tllu'h ''l'I' ~ 1111 m.1,11nurn 1.'llJU) nwn1 ('Ul,.:\TltV 1-'R~~Cll ll(lm'. l>Jrl. :>.r 11(>{11 knm' .\ "l 1V ••111 , llU l" l"ll Iv pl tr • q1t~ l>illlll. l'"' pat1u •VACA.HT h " .,~ •11 1 "':.' c ~ Ill' l't'l> .., m ,1,, u 111 J Ii Ii• \ \ '!l!I 'IO\I !Kil lit.nl! ' ""' ~,IJ 5'"1 11" lll'I lllVIHE COVE Thi'> 'Par111us nrth en •• ....----Must S ell!! ~'2 iu.oJ t h I' ~·1 OIM> l!t:? :txiu or "' "' \ r unt l' m 11 or a r) llllTil' .1:. 3 .r. ron\\•rt. 1~ flllil i----------i Guot.l ll'rm' 111'" <'•HPl'I i i•dv.cxiJ honll' in thi, d l' 11 . 3 Ba . d r c ,1 1 Just Remodeled 3 bedrm-.. l.ir,.te 'art.I. HURRY!!!! RA NCH REALTY µrc!>l1.1:1ou,, '"" Jh' rom k1tl'hen. amt is ne'' I~ rt• :ho/p~in :Jt1rrac• REDUCm Sl0,500 !!! Exciting country. 4 bdrm. homt!. View of ha r bor & beach. lkduccd for action ! Owners purchast.'<i nnolher home & must move. $129.000 -F IRM. LIDO REALTY Jl77 YI. Udo, M.L '7J.7JOO ----------IEv.'r~thr11it but:.trutturv IO\ll'l>lpnl.'l'Ot'l'un :.1cJt•of JUSTLISTED!! munll). :! ll1lrm'>. 2 dl'l.'orutt'tl $159.500 TrHsTreesTrees '" llraml tll'\I Cr1•.1t .\d.im ' ::>-'!l ,!JSO 55 1·2000 hath:. & 1.-.111\1•rt J1.•n Gum~tn~r:·\:.,lll.'IJtcs Missi0ttVie'io 1067 wportleocli 1069 l,1" cl) ~:"''"<It-,,.tung n ,. • I( h h" r h " " ii :1 o" n I.' r .. \lei en t S •' ll t t Turtl1.•rn<·I. l n ·a m pufr, L'nuM1aU) 111e 1.11 "ilh 1350 :-( nai.L II\\ r ••••••• • •• • • • • ••• •• •• •• ••••••••• • •• •• • •• •• •••• I ·' H1•1lr1111nh 6. .1 lmnu' }h•ally Thi'> .1h"olutl•h bt•.1ut1lu I "'' Pl\ T1.•rr hm :!hr, I I II IUI 1.1121 1<menni; -.wut• tit'<''· :J mvrn !.l'lh-r "io hurn 536·7533 h11mv "'II 1tcim1td\ ho ;!hJ t tkfl lt1ll.el·nluir. \:"111 or1~>0·1~s'':;',.~ra11 ----JWNEH. 3 Oil,,,, Oa,2 ,J1:"11t Crte...aCondo ht•1lroom21.>,1th,:.va1·1uu' to ll'.I\\' SlJll' Suhmi11----------(wllf du11ni; •h Ul'E' h.11u\\01xllli.iors.~mun) •enar~c :>' • sty Condo. Gur. 1)111111, 2br, ;!Ila, ·~1\Vct llor. l,11111ly rm a111I <kn Uhll• llOL'SE. st::-.; I:! s 1111 w ·.i:. SSl-3035 VICTORIA. IEACH . ,_11 JS. $45,500. ~l 73711 ~.tlOO I' I\ 631 iti!l:l or hr11;k fvlc 'h;ilw roof. \our 11•r111" 1 • 10 rllll''ul,•\" ,, 1 .. ,auulull\ ---. -One or the fl•w homt.•s GCJlllMI Hiiis I 050 Open House. Prine onlY. 610.IMIO 1-:xt IJ7!1 du~" IJblc ~ur and .ell the "" ROIERTS REALTY rv1ne 44' 1 ' ' "' " 01~11 Sat Sun, l;! S avml. in lh1i. luvely url'U. ••••••••••••••••••••••• -- ------·-r -1r11s.A,.km!(u11ly~.H.~~JO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 •·1.·or.it,•d llnrndmo•n 50S4>13abawood ~lst r. :.ulle with ill> ownJusl L11>ll'd <1UR /l"am 81fl2br.l "1ba condo.Cl·n· N.S.Co...,froitt • I 848· 1688 1111111 •I II, Mlh atnunt, 1 l:lll MU-1151 I Bdrm. PIJn IOS in The gn·t'rlhuu:-1:, 1 bdrm", 't•rr:it·c 1wnhm1.•. >Uni \'ll'\\ dt•t·k. 11n 11 s<>r>ar<Jh• rm. Qwt·t l'ul tic S;ic traJ air, upi.:rn1lctl ~rN Sw11n , flsh &tbask m ~tw i..i---------i W11lo"s Great fam1I) 21, huth~. l.imilv rm l0l·a111111. :'llr lrl': JlOCll. Wik lcvt•I Ch1ld1·cn 's & 11\llllt~' Pm~t'tl to M.•11 fo.;t. 21!151 d t p i;, m 1 r r n r c d sun from your fll'lv . 1.i"ll.'i-1> nrl.'am lh.1lbe. home on ll_~ll'l l'l•l·dc i.ac dllllllf! rm . & l>~Pltrat~ lu :.chl.s &l>hpn'it Cul·dt• uc;is bt•low. mak~ thli. o,·..,rlnml Dr. Upt.'n Sun. wardrobe. ~rl Vll'W ol b<•arh Li:t> "'Ill!, :J Liu. comp 1.lcl' 3 UH . 2 l(l:IOI ~tree! ;>J,7So. 1\f!~nt mlth•ri l.rnndry & M'WIO IW<'. t•atht.>dral c·(•1ho)l1>, ;m ideal humt' lnr f;,0111) 1·5. Lon1ton I.me Really. $;iddlt•lla< k mt!'., .•~· luh1 llf WotA )l,111,•hni: ..__ tffl'""· t>IW<d"1lf..cmt.r,\ Don Br~Jn, 1!32·7 1;il flHHll All anH'llllll'-" :ir muny up~radc,, 2hr, ll\lll)t & t•ntcrt111n1nl$. · 830·93'l5 sumabh• l-'llA lcrno A:.k Stc1-.s In m·f:'ln, ll<.Ktl:. ;( ----------1 t'fl>h. drp:. nl'\\ :\la\l.ii: E'\~83Sll'T39__ oT hi,::lll.':.l <ru:ilTty, ma 2hJl. ;.57,9111!,_ ~ o\\ner lldrm .. 2'J u:i111 ... \\el --ing S41,900, LI>• ownl'r. tcnntS . •11 .sfo ~HERITAGE REALTORS __________ , 0 \\'' pr1ol Incl:. c ps: 1-'l>R SALi': HY OW:"t:R. or lh1•m hranrl RC\\ ~2·.JS:r7 bar, s 1·p.fl":l11! dm1 LAGUM ' ~-<W n s .11 Sun. A-Ffome SOMETHING :• h~~n.t,11n By o\\nl'r The R.1111•h t Br. 2 Ba. ult Y11u'll hil\l' tu H'I' ll It l I h rm all this on lh• 3 IRTOWNHOME 113. -Drama I<' Ulll'"IM~ .ltllS li.Jti ".IS. S!ll -231111 :•It 111, \I lll!hl."\i· II ' 09W"a eac I 04'8 c1<.·e;rn ''de of the hwy $42 OOO ---ba., :.und1•tk. Clo::.e to SPECIAL .. 6 042 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~11s,54w1 , • Ol'eun. S711.!fl0 ii---------.. Opttn Housv 7 \1 & Iii ew--' I it h I 069 b ~ Ju,\ "'"'"' !'>upc•r lm·.1 S1'•rra s.·-a Rd. SOUTH LAGUNA Vt>s' The pme IS n~hl _.. •• c CAYWo.,...o R~ALTY 111111 \ ,.,, 111 re J Take O •erLollfl IR\'l'.':1': Tl'HTl.l-:IHH.'K "' '"""'' 4i!1 nnd t he property 1s •••••••••••••••••••••• SpcC'1ahs~inNcw11ort hl'llroom f,1mtl~. 1hnm1:I On!) :>12 ooo. ~\I qu.1llf\ Oven Sat & Sun. IO ' Turtt.rock CHARMER 1 :.hurp~ PU T t.t-:VEL lnhse 2 Shol'l.'~,.1nre 19\;.1 111om .: lull b.1th:. 1inJ.! ~11.11.h·rn l lll'<iroom. 1!13il2Strrr.ilkllu REOHILLREALTY •t;rl•.itlk:cun\'tc\\ ff •If!•• •f'ullyQirpetcd Hr, 2 ha. frpk, vool • 5 4•1290 • llll'Jll,11 1 ,h1111:l1: r1Jut.1 h~•J\) :.h .1k1· r unf. \'rr~ allrart"" 11Jr . 1 3 1-3050 •Lari;t•Cornerl.ot • :\'carCommun1tyPo0I adults. $19,:iOU/ulr L'I t •· h h f I \. \l' \"''I' I •."-rludfid Lar0 A1'r1"'w ,,.,,., .. w.. t''••ntra l A1r•'1111d. ,,.~ ,,.~, E/\ST81.1f'L'.'lln ,.,,, c l•flt J ,(1l 1 1•0, ui.:e l lll'j) .l l"l'. •' :H11>a. 3-l'Jr i:ar, \H'l f _________ _. '""" ~ R.... ., llOS N.CoolfHwy .. loguno '°'-" '"""""" -r I' • 111, l'ri•il JIJIHl t-:"i·l'lll'fll Sl2 Jli;t; ti" rwr Url.r. mamtamvd. hf!hlc•I. & •2~h30' Lr\'lng oom 494_1177 I .usumable t-'llA Loan SHr. J Ha. Im rm, pool. t.1nc1'('.1pini.:. mu1·h murh dt't'I rd F1rein1 IHHl. Um' l'.1rk Oc11m· llomv.. •:I ~droom:. 23351 Via San M1gud Harbor View Hom.s l:li.000 t>h G14·1i65 111o1l' ~;)\.11u.,1H• h!>tmi: f'Ol-tS.\LEBYO\\':O.l':K m:ln). n1Jn} ,1r.1!. ~t•\\·2hr2b,1ll!t>Yurd •"c\\Clrpcts 1P:1111t GIU·:i\'I' BL'\' t'ol ) Wit OPMSAT/SUH 1-5 VIEW f ----- ,\'\k1:ig ~t>5.~0u. Call u~,.ut 3 l'r, '°'Jm uni. S\)(,000 11.33!1313 ____ nrµool&t1•11111!-<1;11.21S1!8 •l'o,crcdP.1t10 '>YO Potll & cnh••n· AGl ... T p · c o..ey HlW,O~TSHORES ~liHl5l U<;u ' r " S79,!Ml!IO~nSll Sun I 5 •Walk tulK .. 11.·h.~chooh. ' • .. .. • "" • z + Convcrtiblt• d l.'I\ 2·4 br. 3 family hom<- hui;l··llfll.'k & :.aec1l t!n<'l Deane· Ill\ Park, A Pl.in and 5hopµ1ni: nr..-.1 Ownr "ill l111.i11cc 837 8270 Res. !lit 72ll ~tonato Plun with \II.'\\ with ('Ur er lot, i.un- p.1llo& britk BHQ 10 x 10 ~u home 491l Cork wood OPEN HOUSE • m.!'100 l)y Own,•r Onl> SJS.000 LGCJUfta H iCJWI I 052 of. mount:.11ns. volley & clccks. la c bdrms. No JdurJbl11 pla~ house L);\' 2br 21>a. S.il Son t ~llm 19!1 :W:!a l'\ e~ & "i•l'k<·n<b " , . . ••••••• •• • •••••• • •• •• •• 1w1nkhn1t 111 i:hl lhthts. wnx noo ', q uurr)I t alc lot ~.a.ooo lb5Z2 ~lurle S7i.995 lr lG ~ I . 0 l N f It ' . . • " . Only !llcps Croll\ tcn111•,, L r I ---------·1L11ll11t)o(Bcl-842-39\111 TODAY 1-5 JUSTLISTED!! FRt:~l'll :!UH . J IJ ,\ t:W~l!sT.1tt,c .r~.O pool, Ja cuui u11d cnt;>;,!,~" ~t~cu~~~:il \\'oodbrid~·· Hr outlmo1)r Familv dell »ht: 2 :-.i.or-·, f,.1.cn ho1 m1 tH• ~ "i "!" i.1 ot \\' \\)(;L[:'~i~tl '1,'t~·A"L:'I 1 ch1ldre11'i. play area. /20 ""' "---------· $7 .. ••l()'"I 2l l"I I 17532 wa-• Avem1e .· . ... . , .n'"rU ( •.• , .. 'rll"" .. ' " '. 644 721 t $7!1,500 ..... pa\10 nHt ~.\I.I-: (.'nll('J:(' '·"' .• Ir )ll ' .111 ,.. • bd 2 b • •• H " H I ., 1 1 1 "'"· ... 'ms · a .. n11n• .11 "l'wl ···"' 1tr.11ul ne" ulmosl 30\llJ • Pro ovs• l'iirk horrw. 3 llr & Uen. I. GLEN MAR i;.15 -11 . h•u1 )I .~pl CUSTOM tc111d1tum hvrnl'' Tiu-."'"' !It .. ,, "·""'' "'It ' 3 cor jot.Ir, '1 Ur, 12 38~ 11.1 . r111nl fl y o " lll'f I ha~ II all! LoJs of clt••·k,, ,\ Fl F:G \:'l:T B . 1 1,1111 rm. :!' ~ llo , Mmpl. ----- .. ~.l~M1 i:,1 n1ti.~.tS25i:t DELIGHT TURTLEROCK • 11a1111 .1r1•n ar11u111I 1•0••1'j,".. 111;:''.:'~in.':': \\nlll•il i101il s1tl'l\lt \'ou TNllS~&36'00CK .. I I BROADMOOR DECORATED rt'l\'alv <!U:o.<111 I"'"' \\1th t1•\"11 <>··111.•••1 tl\\ll the land. c.:uurdl•d Jbr. 21 ~11 • fp. 2 cur gar. l•:,1:1h111• H.111t'11 ll•1U"'' Sp,1tkl111.i: frt·:.h 1>a1111 11r11111 Ma1111•urt•1I • "" .,." url'a, 1 11,11111,~ ''" ul~m· ---VIEW!V-IEW'. .•Jll.0000 nrM5-7645 __ u,.1, & ri.111 rm Ii( l111·1lj 1hr1111ut "1th .111 thl• fllll' ,\\t1·.·1"ll\" lb1', ,,, .~. 1l1n 1111111 •. 111 I r\ I 0 l'. -I 111·''""lltn" \\•th rn11t111·1· I 1 ·-, B ~ , ... ~ • " w. .. sL:~1,11rn rn.·NT.\t~ vit ~' 111111 . 11·1· c·1·11lvr E \C' :..11 .IU\I ~ ""'"'" <lll'O \lu1 k.llUrt-..1•1.l ~rm,, f;im rm, 2\~hu lw;1t1t1 1ul t'11h1.·r1luh• tri·1·.:' \\uuld y1111 bd1c'l' • ,1111a,~1ilullll• $:!3!f,5tltl. 0\\lh't hldr C:itallnu ~unse1:. from llAltUOlj Vl EW HOM ~ ~HERITAGE REALTORS 1'1in nnl~ :!~'ll D\'1111.11· .1 ull111ltt' >'n,.l o<;t•<I CJ1"•11h~1use.S.1! Siin,1 5 l>eH•lup1111•11l ~ l.1rl(I.' ~J.Hltt S,'lflL'LU f'L'~LL.''-''1'1\TL' 17lll4!1J-fi..IHI th1~3 bdrm.fam1lyrm . POltTOFIMO "'~ 6:!11! <.t'n11c1rt•ular 1·v\ c1 ed 1u.iu1 :s1crni t.:hulu Hd l.xlrm ... IH•lll.li-room t:ith "" '"'" "'' c. Npl llci.i:hti-horn1• l\onu.-. rm. w /bl. Nice!~ -1 ----------1p,1t111 llurr\' rvr ll AA.SW l\33<K802 hdrm l ll!l' f.irnnv rm m~fiG~ .)~.isoo:J Ir·· rlirYJO lcJ.~r1xl·1JOOI. SJ3!),500 fct•. •' nulET PLUS bllr)!Jm :11 S..-111 tt.\O l I ~ ' t f I 1 ' U J> t; ~ SA T I S U N , , I "" 962-7771 lhr. 21'>J. l'tl\'l'rcd 11.11111, ",n rm " orm.i t rn ~eilG~ I.__ ,.._ l&Ula.,.._ tZ·(lpm 1s:111 l'urt i\1>1>41~ ., m this J !Jto;I/ m. 2 h.1 "llh • ~i.500. 41:J:: H11Abun . mi; rlYI liJ\'k y.1rd m:tllc 499·2800 _ ~ ... l,1r111· im1•n•d l'allo un "11 lnmc. 5:il 1:i~1 lor ou11lo11r II\ ini: Unly • • •L'~OHSTHLIC'l't-;u " Pl ~>t ~~2 p..10l""''11ro1·rl11t Uon't I I ~ 't "I" to Jl'l\Jll' p.irk IA.YPOOLSAUMA ill'l,l\l,('lllllotla)'WI 211~1 • nn; Tt-:HR ,\t'E. :lhr \\ l'flllrl ru1 tennis. OC:E,\:.. \'lf:W from ll11~1 -REALTY . • • I l ti II • II I II bn .. hlJllll1'11l'l'f''2 btlrm12kW ti'I' Ju»t :!OU' away. ncaut. -;:=:=:=~ 2ba. Uu' l'r 1•n ntl11 '·""'' 1:1 '" \U l'~ 1a .. , ~ SOONER ---Si2.000 Calls~ HS-li ., .i h11j!1.' '" 1mm1n~ homl.' nn Monarch 13a' 20.1 • .,w*.N.I . I urn I Br 2 Ba. 1\dlt.s REAL i----------1w1<1I "\lu\I tu 'l"' rn Mall 2 Fq.1lc:.. lri;·, 646-4463 drt•am c:o mp r<'dCl'. ESTATE t.;m, .. r!>•t> Brk \.1llJi!C• I •'·" Dynamite!! s1edudcd µadt111, beautiful --IY ORIGIMAL--~ls·9f..:1 y~~~~1. I~~·,,~~~: SEA CLIFFS Jllr. :!'• hJ. F'am rm @J Orc;m v111tns by <luy ;ind y appomlc . SI 12.SOO. ' ~ .,. 631·2026 :.i2,5•M.I lll'i.!u\1.ihk '.\ .,1l:irkhni: \lllai:c ht•·~ h) 4.:19·15.51 49HIO>lli OWNER 673·lR7:l ----------1 ~1~:;":!~;',·a~'tl"\~~: ~~:: hrkr-l'l~:.i-.v F11r .1111'' ~ n1ll' hkr:•lh burst min .4n3.sisi2 Very Special HARIORVIEWHOME 673-203:?or~:!llli3aft6 th1:. 2 bdrm home O H Htll 101 . 211.1, manv "tlrJ' :,.:11; t.Mlll Ml:? ii31 HILL TO, H ME 0tne MOftte4JO wtth View \h• .. a \'culr fh O\\nrr Turtlrrork 4Hr 212b;1 , .m_ .• 500 ________ , Nt::W JH!l, 28A wilh ex-On Antigua Way ny Ownct. lmmoc 4 8r. l'rinr ""'" Sll$.llOll uiwn DEAN GA.ROEN PR. Ry nwm:r M .!X>tt ST\' L F C' OM FO tl T . -r111n11 coaslhne views. Entry courty"rd wtfouil· Fam & ))m Rm, w /many · 1 ..... 11 s HOME Ph RJ.l l li!M.110 ai;:nh Cl.1~!'> ~!>II• It." l'I 2117 THE Sll7SOO " tr Sl# o c.A ,?'~t p L ..... 1t :-iun. "•' ,,.,, • Jlll•1,1 k 1 I\ · tai1l . Sp·• n1s h t 1 I·~. x as. • •• ,..,. ~ or 1•1 '00L ·YA T-EltMS RANCH REAL TY IJr.1!4' Bur ·,.~ .nmh• I 1 "HAD IT" .luy W. Yeats Heall h ." F' \ llarw1ck Pl. 640-4089 ~P.J<'•uu ... 2 'ton. 4 h<i r m RMCho 5"111'1 Joaquin 2' :i..l.1.1 U:-111 :.i1 11 " \\ :1i111 Coast "" Y wrou.g t 'ron •• ren~ ---- \I num .,rr hlJl!I' l•r~t San .\fall'() 'l'\\l\h .. e F.1n 551-2000 l'C'f'b Opt·n trlt• KH• IH'll, HOUSE ~ l.nguna • 4!19-2237 ~oors & open beam CCII· sp•'-1ous 10 26 ...........•..••....•.. llll\'11 llfm1,1•. ~.,.,\ Su11. t !i 1.1:.w:: ~:11,,1 Dr Sh.1r11 thr 2h.1. 111111 l,1t1rl•1·111I .. : \.' t: fl\'T 111 NC; • ~,:, ,:)()ll 'llll :mt I I' H '' CUSTOM IEAUTY 0111111 1'111111 Ot't•1111 \'11•\\ ll.1k h.ircl"oo•I fir :i. H·al " .... 1 p.1111 "· 11h11111 l.1h 1.111w h'I'. 2 11.11u>~. :1 ltr I )\•11. l h,1, OIK'll I h1• ~.11 I:!" 1 ,1;1111,1 1\lo\' l.u11l1'rn (loot , m.i ~tcr bdrm. 1a~11c v1l·w, lu"t11r111u~\ll' ~\'Ir dean~ mvn. lg l1nl l.ol'<ltctl h11:h uv 1111 mg~ 11crt!t\l this Mcdltcr· "" l.ir,_:,· f.unilv rm . leads i;ratfcs lhrU·{IUt. In pn• t1111 rm ""11"1 h11rn i; fpk La1tun.1':. ranh!t.1 Hl\•1cru POSSIBLY Tii t-.: BEST roman 2.llOO sq. fl. 3br, ... 2·slory ruslom •• home, IA •»1t1t• .< 1•11ll \'1•ult·'d stlg1ous area of In me, fAMILY DELIGHT 111 In rm. panc•h-d IJm "o a s I I 111 l'. W / 1\ l'I VA L U F. I n Niguel 2.•~ba ho me. P:ineled Ir" ffic lot 'fampsl1i1"' .. '" ~ ~ . • w th h' I ll ~I ')' 'TS'1'.\'.'. OIN, ,..., \'1 L,'\" s h II r a s.· • 0 w n ... r library wlfrplc. brkfsl .. ~ • r ~ ,.1.11111.i:. loall'< of i;lu~s nr golf coursl'. SH ·ll111 . 1 l 1:. :-rnr11 •rm rm w, l'lll 111 an•a , Ii;•... ·' " "y " .... f . & 1 t;rl. Desi g n ed r or ;i~k ror Juck1c Archt>r , honw II) l'olh·~·· 'urk y11nl w u r1 d( 1Jt1ti11 OFTlll:: OCl~J\N & Si\N lran.~fcrr..:'d & nnxious to rm, orm din rm. I " oriici'ous I lv1·11 .. , ")(· l"•11tr111u11· '" ,1111 •n 1 · / r 1 c d ., .. ' tlooi rn ildol\r lnm~ \'a 1\i,:t,orlvm:.i: l'l1•11ty of room f1)r t 11• 11wtal she'll ~ll!raJ:t' 111 !l IJV llk:>\Cll ttt-:1.0W s1•ll.Spue1wrdunhumv& r m1 wd rkp c. &0\11Jre crutive enlcrt:unmrnt. i .int Suhmtt ,,11 nlfc·r' --WhOll' l'11m1lv w 1lh a l'ar gar. plus tile entry & Wl'll p1•s11tnvd :1 UDHl\I 11atv i.:uartlcd 01.·clln:.11lc pa 10. ar rm. sc1•un· Striklnit entry w /frei• \. \ 1 11 DEERFIELD PARK larJ!c fa•"''~ 1·11um, :i•, tu..:h 1·1'ihn•"' & F;{M. ll.\i. floor vlan rummunity. Walk to pvt ty system. Sl 79,SOO FJ::t.:. ~t·.indinn •. t·•lrca.•c ,,_ • 1'rm,. J•'1·1·11t.1, 1• I " B t 612 2fll\3 " " " " " "' !llLM3Jil i>lli 17.-.1 :mr. 211a. Atrium. Vum hut'"' a111I l111m.•I 1flnl11g ()1•1•;1n -& !--110~1'1 '11·w ... Spuc·1nus II\. rm hu. hcat·h. OCl'lln vu from Y 11PP : • •· bulcon). Lrg u pstair'> 11111. 2 r111lrs l.11\llllOll' C'l11w Ill ((lllllllUllll~ IMICll llli\;ol(' ht•iu h l'llll\111 \\' v Al' I.TE I> () r I': 2nd le\ICI. 3 btlrm. ch•n, ---,-0-. t •· 1.. , .. uvurat.11.'i-. r:m1n~111· loc ~"'" 1'1111\hot1'<.. I lu1·1' 11•11111 ... ul~ mpl<' ""' 11001 II 1-: ,\~I (' f: 11. I ~<; S r:i m rm. :.1 l'Xll'an tile en· ~t'~lchf pen Sul /Sun mKlr llUI " "' ,.,rary .. ur. Walker 8 lee R11I f1t1te I "'" "'' 1 II L' \" 't' '"' \11' 1, (Ill l .. 1 .. l 1 . 1-t>. 4 RH i-rt'l' rm. 3 lla l'lus cl11fdrcn 's w1111:. Uprn h!JU'll' Slit Sun llll.)'li1\..011ll \\ J.ICU//I ~· ,,,llll•>.. r .i ~ •• ·"', • • ry.nrnrnu 1t .. 1> y ·~~ng Xlnt Joe·. Sll7.~100. 1<117 g uc"t rm & bath, rum $H ~111 .rackic 1\ithl'I , bt·;t1.h .rn<I rn · ,11e11 \l:\ll~bHs -. sWl-.IHSI rm \\llh flour to rc1h11g Manner~ r,12 n n rm, lrg 11v rm. form tt111 .\gt. or h • mes'l.1.1:1' l'rtn«I rur i.t' k . 1·11mfoirt I-Ill f. r 1.,H:. F:. w ~II o dr:Jf)t.'l<. Si 12.000. ---rm, drGJm kitchen, pan· c;n111111-.111, 1•1s 11 .. \ 1 O'EH SUNDAY 12.5 Ranrho Son Jon11u1n 01w1rl.1s;,a~. Sl;!l,!ICHI N~~\~ o~· ~1T~.l~)I\•~·~" ~'*'1':~~·1 EASTBLUFF' tn·IC•\l.'I. 3 try, 51/t'Vinl( & utility 'I' 0 w n h 0 u 5 I.' • 11 I.' "' • •• • • • N. · ti : Rr 2 Ila t.:nnrlo Sb'9 ,SOO. a r c:t'> 4 frplrs +cu uni, &!joy tf\e Good Lif e "' ( \T \I.IN.\ ISi.,\ I> l ; cifri b Open Jlou'>e Sul & Sun ll•iis unique feature11. f':x· 28r 2ba. 1160 sq . rt ;\II ------·~~~~~~·-• 499•4594 :\lndl.'l'n l.ll1·h 1:n .~". -~-; •••-•-• 1·5P:\l 2.121 V11>la llogor ponsivr gardl•ns & riool • amcmt1cs S'16M :\52703'1 ,_._ . II 1·1.•ramk t1lt'!1, rlll.11:" ..._.. ,.-----e""~OOO Ol'FN llOUSI-' • El To.-o I 032 5 IR. LA ... DMA.RIC • • • • • •• • •.............. I I I 12 Fi•ldbury UMDER40 32325"'~.loal>t "> n ~N1,:J.; & ov 1-::-.; Laguna .... tgUe IAYfROHTCOHDO s:'+. ~uN : i .5. ·,; TUlTLEtlOCtc'S l riflht&Cheerful »v n\\nl'r Ut•llullful ~1:;11\\.~llR . !\UTll:'H t~c.hotucommunitv 2 Br. 2 llu. hoot dorl.s. JIA MPS ll l H E C RT. · lr.iri.tl.'io.l flroA<lmnnr \\'rll h1r11lrd :! nil •I)" .1r"h 1t1•1· t , h u 1111• .1 ( l'.:\Tt-.H an•I hrl'ak(J,~ "' security bid.It. '"'" In up 1714 1548·2573 mod••l: n11t11t rrndln1Z ICJ«'ll t mlln W.1hii•t Squun• u•ll"•tvd ~ i;1.1,.... lhu. IP r I> h I 1 a r po r OPfH SUHDA Y p11·1·wtf• N1•w,,ort llu.Y - ----- lion. 01•erlnnkm~ vark l. 644.72 1 I :lh.i, fanl rrn . 2 IJ'lll'' 1~ .. r1111~n.~1!r 11(.'t\H~O,f.I' 1·5PM. TU\\l'r' • LAkl FORlST Xlnl lol'i1l1011 llHt & full U ., , 1 IS ., 1 .,, hl11h iln"n~t:11r~. hua~ Y ' "n1 r • 1 • "~ ' • .. k t h I m r 11 r r ' l h 1 "Jrtl 1n rm ,100111 1 ,. · ·' '· o ma l ,. l • . • cl I II I II I! t I \\ II l' r 111r . "''<uni'' '\' IH 1 ( 1 .1 1 ,.,.•NI 1, I • \I •t trnn .. 1·rrr1 \,k1n.i: ~ 111 n1 ~r r.. ~ ,1011 '.lJ!l!1 ~1ht•r Spur ,\~D ,. '00 ~1 '1r"-'IO 11411 LeCUISTA IEAUTY 1JO<>l. •I Udrm"' • form.it ... a111rn, ''"'" oiwn houM·I s I 11 ~.,.,I I A Ct I\ IN c, 24062 Hulthurtt Or. :110 F l•rnarmlt• DOVER SHORES 1hnmi:. bnnu• rm . :i r11r s:at•Sl.ui w :. 1:.:i:, lfr1:11t Thr• ""'"'' II 'i "H I • • • lllLI TOr Vffo'W OPt'I\ ll1111:.1•S11t1S11n Pools17.c rnurtyurtl <'II• "1n ~l[,fl llll1'31ll<' $1l6,000 tn Hcl 4!H 12\0 1:~:: r rnlNI & llAS "llA,I~ ov\'r lookrnA t:I N•R~rl 1213l 3'11 1~1;111!1 r, try Custom lvnn Well" 11 11.1th ll·n11nt~ IT S Golr Courst• fo'lr'lt ltm" ----homo con s I 111 of :> HAil.£ Y & l\SSUCIATCS • I Fountoi" Volle y I 0 3 4 22081 Rockport l.n.. • •••••••••••··~··•••••• l>l-rnr._,tor ·,.. ii r~.1 m 552 7000 fMERALDIAY NOW Vi\(.'ANT &-hl''. ntrrrNI ' ·~iui:nifir<'nt OCEAHFROMT hdrm11 .. 4 t111thtc. form al DON'TILAMEUS hornc;lll'ltc·r tlwn a .. If vou foil to ~··1• lh1!\ Im mod1•I. <tlllt, 21l,\, cul tlv l miirulnll' 4 t11lrn1 tw1111t~ llM. hUJ:il 1ll1•.11h.1pi' lot 'un .. 11111:i:l1•d b(•fll.'illh A~kln11 $98,MO. TH .f.: . . ·.·... <I llll. 4 Ila. ruin. hum{· "llAI) IT" With rl.'lltal l'UhlOIYI homl' llke 30r . :.mll . Su1>cr 2 lllOr} dlnl111t. r.1mHy rm .• f'111•r Cal.lforna·a tO ' \,Iv .rm n·ll .. 1nohh·m" 111-: SJ\VS n{•w sau na holh o ft homt• on lhc• 0N•11nfr11nt 1>ill<' kitchen with hur't.l\\OIM'I llro; thruoul YOU CAN "111\Vt; rr· mtr~lo~ hdrm. wt•l bur A In mint conrlillon S('J'llrrll l' 11ntln.i ure•u. VILLAGE, · · Homes hunk rrn. cJe11. h.11h . ~ f11ronly truly <'uiltom humr tor c:rac<"h•I l1vln1: ut lls l.1w11tcll ''" blurr with 111• REA LTORS out:.111 ~· cn tri n $72,SOOFull,ric. lhl' tl•~i·rimi n utl n i.: lx'llt $18!>.500 cxqul11 1lc niith~ lli.;ht r • ' l r l i • • ,. • i • •· 111\\t-rtn~ lt'Cl'' 11111h·~ir1.1 hie corm•r lot. Lll\!Lllll>n v.e luc prirc•d to tlh 1·nmlnutln1: buyt•r I '11 II '"' 11 e ,. t o rl a-y . !1611-33711546· 17~ Welker r, lee R11l lst11t11 REALTY INC. _714l_l46-!3!.1~ llkrtroomhomrnn huJ:t> dowoxl111n 1"1111•ii l For J'll>ml'on <' WITI huycr. $159.f>OO, LLll!Ullll Pr .... yHouH view. 123 !>,00U J-r-l';_N_l_IO_U_S_!';_S_·a-l_&_s-·u-n' lut. w11h ltll'\ nt :-hlldo. nrchltreluul 11('\nil & MORt; P/\Tll•:NCl-:, l'l''. Nl~uel ltcolly 642·3850 INCLUDING LAND! Sp1r N'Spun rnnd1t1on. "'orknu1ni1h111. Nvwly re /\ ftl-:/\1. f\UV. 830·5050 496-4040 ---~~ ,5· ~~0~!~~~r~~t?;· ~!::r Ptinrlr<I film. rm wit h ti 1• r .. 11 1•" I 11 rl •·fl MISSION RIALTY --ELEGA..._.T IJ3=2906 w •wet b:.ir. C:c1mpll't"IY ~·ct bur llurry ! llurry' va110/1tardt•n flrl'~ \\ 911.1 so. Cm•~l. LnMuna " ~~ lllmlnl) I 11:1.~.otl 114'11 1.lnd11tmm urtr•n I'll o von v t<'w p1.-• 494•0731 ILUE CHIP ---up1ir11t l'tl t h r uout C> "1 •-~· 0 _,,. 1.nc:1c;rPtl 11112 patio" un IJl•ll;>J ""~11 F.mt•r:iltl Hay J.nndm:irk - -'AMORAMIC l'res\11tinu1t h om{' In WVUMJ-ov<'r~•Lt'd lot. Next to fh 1 h u o ii l'. S 2 2 U • 0 o o CITY & WATJtl VltW MOUMT AIH VtlW rholrc'!t loN1llon on ~un 1--~~~~~~~ f)11rk, w11JOOI & rlose t" Owncr/Aac~ 494·211111 Jill\. :rnA custom bull lluttl' Liv Rm. m 1u111lve tlul(o Dr .. with lov('I)' ¥nd1·--------• !IChOOl!I. lSMl $Q n. IJ\ OP"'.N llOU"'L', homn, 11i:1un ;i' d 1•ck8 ' I t story view or •:a11tlllurt & OClll-" ..... 0 ... TS r.. .,r ' Uuoc rp r • cnu n ry Fa hlon lslond. r.1crmu1 .,..""" " °''" SUMDA y 12-S l)Wnt'r. 111 l'rnny l'rnr~. IM9SKVT.IN F. on. bt!autirully drcorAtl'rl . kllcl), 3 l.i:e Bdrms. 2 b:i. the u1>PC1r buy .. Sp11dous Ouplf X 0 (M•n Sun 1 ~ HUGI LellMDA Real Estate lrvhul.M2·1718. SUND V l 41'M 113lCOllAL UJUVt, Open house Sal/Sun l·S bdrmi1. It den. dlnlnl( 2308 W. Ocunfrnnl. by 1N..YA.Y Mystic lhlls Rambler. ~I 04:nerlo. rm .• marble frpl..-. In lllt 1189,500 17572 LI•• o• p s 4UR. 2R • lovely \'JCW, Gold Heally 495·46S3 lJvlnl[ rm. 2 t'ull "3 hlllf Duplex $185.000 2800 Sq. ft. 48R. l8R COLOR YOUR • • nr. Jr. lh. Sll0.000. ....,.1 -•-v· i I 067 baths. FineJl cnrpelll 111 Trlplcic 1279.000! down. Prof. ld11t>pd '"t WORLD IC you want n home in MARION ~flLNF: _,_ te o drapes buutlfully dl' DUPLIXIS ~°'ul·tlfi!hs~cnds"r~ts. "o!QI~ ... WUh lush greenery. 1rv1ne that wlll 1u"e you •573~l>l!IR\'191E SRC£A~ f;sTATE ••••••••••••••••••••••• corated. S339.SOO ·~Olk. to ocean ~ .,.. • ~ "" "~ be 11 1 1 d ume to ~njo}' your wlmds 018 · st . .twy 49~·8558 La P u, San Anitrlo. 4br Oupleit S'14 500! Sii:? 500 auufu Y mo nla ne & enoufth room ror • b•a OPEN DAILY 2b11. ram rm. view. ol CALL cg •o·u u Duplex St2i.soot . • r•n:l\h~~u~.a:f~c!~~ f11nlly, this 4 Br + Com 8 A.M. T08 P.~f. ~iYSTIC HILLS. Ocean cond. close to schools &; .~... D\lplu 1139 5001 bdrm plJn. im8,f11culatc rm In Collt.lfC Pk. t" for Yultprivacytoo.2bdrm. 673-7601 s uper clun. Manyxtras "r.Z~ LIOOSAMDS• I t 714 !M'ill•136 you. No rno1ntl'nance but -·PO-•S•H•l•Y-~-o·s·H-•I ~i~~·tr~ d~m~llch~mn PF:NTllOUSE -· Sweep 582.900. O~e n Hous Hur H •• ,.,. •••• orriu S30tt River Ave • IALMY IREE?.ES buuliful l:in<bcapini.:. Oelt1th1ful "A" Pinn con open bcumed h• rm In A view o f r n tlr Sa~~nb l-~~ 2S30 -Open Sun I~ REAL TY INC. ,\lnum entry Truly r-e· wrought lnm work. Fo do 1n unique Walnut Almost \!,, acre 1nsurt.'9 coastline 21J R :UM Pt rJa r. '.roe"'· •8 · Condo lncludinC boat 3 lk'drma. 2 balhs. l"'ari.:r. 714/1~137f mark•ble deror. Up· nonon emt h•lp.ull Squue <'Ommunliy ElC· p\1\'acy.$97.000. . wrap around deck shp.Sfl9.500.AJ1kforHob. palio.$'11,000. _.,,__;,. ___ --gradcdro~u&drapes. RED CARPET pmlvclydtcorotrdwltb N0.1.AGUNA. l bdrm. librory.spac LR.v.>/f/plc SWllPIMGVllW 6*7414 l ... •hyProp. llw th9oe hecll 1040 no wax cnnaioleum, REALTORS custom draper1e • plu11h own your own apt. Walk Trulyluxurtow1. $198,000, Su~r Alondr• model: HARBOR VIEW llOMES • .....,.. ... ! ................... enclosed pa,10. breakfast carpets. profcssi9nal to Victor Hugo bch ,fl WILLIAM POWELL uqulsltely, professlona.I PALIAMO W fVllW • 671-7060 • 0 ,DI HOUSI txir. quah\y co!1str. f'•st tlJ..JJIO londscaplna. central air , town. Large Uv rm1d1n Real Efitate 49H75 ly decorated. 3 BR.. 4 BR. 2·~ ea , decorated•-------• escrow S6T,SO.o.1----------1parks.pool.elc.$45.-000 area. EXT. ~AJNT. & ba •• famll,y r m .; onl) w/country charm . Fee --------- SAT 1.-SUM 1·5 7U·968..uM> RANCHO SAN JOAQUI~ OPIH SUM. l·S TAXES tnd Jn low mo For 1:110 by 0111•ner-4 Br '68.900. land. 2215 Port Harwick. own"91111c. split level: 3 3 Br Glen Mar w/addcd TOWNHOME 1417' OYAL S.. home near beach. &4U3t'/ owner BR, 2 ba .. cot.~. drp11. ram rm. neuutlfull)I up 6 BR. 4 Ba . S ,&s. By owner 2 Br + dt'n, 2 Good ocean view fro r;; · bltnt. Hdwd. tlrs. 3 (;(Jr 4fJ'aded Ju.stllllltd. WeberR..-al ~late Ba. view, UPilUdet. most rooms. 2 Bdrm ~=-r..=a .... 1 ':>vp1ex. 28r & lBr,Rlock &er. Pool . Nr. lloait 198Z\Lexln~onl.n.RB !162~ ~ $383.SOO. Wolt dos h.ave pvl entrances ttM '~IMJ to Ocean . s ho pplna fl oap . Adults only . Sun~M Ru J t=stato 834 2U4 t'Vt' wknda bath. $125,000 Principe --center. $78,000 Owner $.Sl.* -890J JS7~ II Idle II tru. 642 $6711 732-82311 lref.) M2·8~7S only. 41M 2321 fiS·Sl39 Ownttr /Reallor &4~13 .A --- '. }. ' I s. .......... w. .......... o.tefs.... .......Uufw I.... .......u.1 •••••• ~ Silurday.July 17, 1971'! OAlt.YPILOT a Prcasril'I 2--'0 •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• .. •••• ... ••••• ••••••••••••••••--••• •••••••••••••••••••••• _....... 3Jl 11..&-..--''-f ' ... ,,, u---· U•f•='1bd U.tw Jn1• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... __ :1~24 8Two ~ _,,.. ••• ,. .._... .....- t06f ca.. k l07 ~-. ... , ••r .. _ .. bu""' Orecoo ...... • ••••••••••••••••••••••oi••••••••••••-••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·····-·············· .............. _ I )00 -... _.. ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• J ....____. ·--L 116t ......... .._..._ JS U e c r,u . Gt'atl e.;. Tovo11homt',Sbr,?~h11.~Hatlatf .. leeda )24 1,..iM l244rw-..-·- l lletntfk9" Bay Vie• blllai~ Somt' limber 1:rc. ! r~:~ c.~u p:~~~ ('~r •Utllth aar. frplcr••••••••••••••••••••• ••·•. ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• lihib!Jo Ito on lllrbo• Good •pr1n1 "''Iller • It lb ok ~;.. Pool &: rec racll av1111 &ot')' 5 Ur Horne w/fn · '"-· ~ulu. pets 5-I JOJO$· mob1lo bome All ~ts · or ms mo »M02T yd. clo.e lo chh •shop II.MT ALS Br, 2h ba eotado w /"6 llUIOO. 61S41n or Sun· ~ ulll an. Casb crop oJ pin, In ".F. u R Sin&le! 1-'anuly Homes boot .!!Up, dbl r ar , ROOO a...,11:.&u.s • Pro ,.., 140 Oui&una1 lrc •in Ovrn Br. 2 b:s C'Ondo. rrpk. RUSTIC CllARMER mo. l0102 Constltu\lo 3BR.?bia J t'o .•.... St:?S mo. •ummcr, ~ yrly • • • T 0 DAY .I ~1 llnanc• ol 7'''~. $10 paUo It .....,., dbl car f'ol'ftt'nl EIToro 96:?.U.& 3 00 .... ~· •• ..., l)t>,)4~·764Sor673'31111 :ialltoCallJJnat;omyouc 01\RCAIN A mio1 Ha ••••••••••••••••••••••• f\111 • .......,, · td al r lie hm1l)I 0 "·•-• • • _..., tront door. Sl1' tor '2' r1cnda nblled •wa.y on LD£R Ille on C·2 IOI, ~~. ne::'c~~;~~ Adult.J s.:ns 642 llM oo!e 3 ;:Jrtn .. 2 baths !Lovely 4 Ult tam rm Harbor View llome11 ~ 11ch>U$ 4 br i 3 bu. Ne;,ir !>Oat. Quality 'home, lll,...R-41o\t.Onf'dfor HbrBhd.C'M set1.ileo1 rffh'atk>n11I \·t'hlt'I~ .,,Beaut t: ~•de sett1na. llv. rm. W/tlaciuon~ Im. IUpc'r u 'H l(){':ilkln !~~·~,B~. .. ~beach. po:~oto,rn•: 0.JPlr.o t1I•. ThMtador lo 6 unlu . Would Y llikc part™:r W :?'~ put ~alt 6 3BR :tHA. rrplc, bllO f1r-.pla\:~ Uh In k1lchtn W lk to chool & park m ' c' J . M · · IMO. mu. 64 . 1 er ldtrht:n, I wood blrl\U\I ~ht'H' W .9$0 --I.. --H4t0. dhl Cllt 111.r. UfS Sp;&CIOuS l'Y11r )'llt'\I, COM bide tract r.r 11hopping O bu.Ir rnl.,,.& S41S Ra cr~sl 4 br 3 ba din #IW trpka .. •xqu11lle J.1~10 ... 4'13 8112 <I~ .ass , ,.,, 1600 ... ...... an(' &.irdene.r " W:tlf'r. pletely. ft!nl.'Cd. 20d s. ~ s I m 0. I n c Id : n~: ;. ,"t). u. . : . : . ~7& ~. tom rm. Pool. si200 llu~rdcll. Deaulvlew @UOIG ~... .......... w~ 1tOO (."al1Jo.h.64!·l2'10 P•ll<> Wllh 110 firo ''°Ill ji\llrdcna I\&\( t o HIK 31:1 . '7n mo Avail8/1S.64!·115S rcom both, Jbd. (ba ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••. s:&OOPc-rmo .• ownrrp~· Mar)'unn o r Karbur • · J . ·: .• • · OwMr.1165.000.613·• Dt:ACUCOTTACiE BAYFROMT Pv\tnvcatorlnlt!l't'11tcd1n 2 Br. off 11ln:el. Quiet. 1•rdtner C1111 o~ner11 M?_.474or963~ ,8~~~ERllt::~~lt BLU•'t-·scoNOO 1-·oR S31.900 buyln& NB urea homti; fcm<'i'd )'lll'd. O>uplt!i. on 1131>-83&1 bt!lwet>n ll A ~1 - -• · · · · · RF.NT 4br Sba t yr b l' Jlal'borVlcwHornt• .. Out1tandh11 v11tue I Olfice bulldln1. s ~ c Alf c.a8h tr priC"e ls ril!hl. 1,y, no eblldrtm, nu P4ftJI. &c6P M. VOf'klowntMuAnohu 4 br Townhom<:ll po0l,Mso/~o.6-j3•4246. "'e.l•nd.8yowner. 8ay c lllf VIJJ11 1e. tacul11r v~w. IUllUMOWI 67~70'11am IM~-602'7af\. l.at' $225. S48·825 1 or 3ba,lple,many utru, um.~'-'l btl ..... s:rr - acL Iba, formal din.rm Spacious l BR rellre ci1ttulh•c ofnc:t's l\OOn • 97f.7888 • Y•y JU $311$/mo. 963.4~ A11ol . N 2 UK,.? ba ...... • • S3M 8LUl"FSCondoleucs ~.rm.. corner lol nwnt or beadi hld11uwu Reduced lo SG:?$.OOO -• •••••••••••••••••••••• rce. 2 UR. 2 bo • • • · ~ """ sturtin1111t $4US hlfbly upcradt'd. Sph Jn 1ard~n •tltln.i. llLL GIUMOY PVT Ply desirtt1 home111 Choice COlllll fo1es.a loea· Shwp F...n, HCNH 2 8R,2ba. . ... $1 'l •Aacut,044·~ level brick p11tlo. lit l"lreplc. bul lll n• l..ttof' 675..6161 Bluffs wllr&; pt1tio. l'rin· lion. Cul·d<'·ll.IC str~cl. lBR 28A ~ Cl<>an 4br,lll111.0W, 3flR.2b;a .... $4 beam pallo cover ~racc~ulorc. t•l p111i1pnly 640·2063 lmrnaculuui 3 Bdrm, ¥ • • 2 · 66 l'Pts.<tn~.~.mo. 38R.2b;i .$46." llbr Vu llnll' ll br & den Sl02,000. J993 P ort HUHltY" locwl'r.,.rfy ZOOO -ba. $495 per mu. Ca ll l.eodt',...hlpRE84 "14 !>63·4SW.1Jkr.no fll!11. 3 1\ft,2\,b..1 .$17 n11w c:ri1t & drps, fr11I S.bournc:. NpDc:h Call .,.t>anorurruc vlt'w of ••••••••••• ••••••••••• .,Vf Pt,y would IJkt' :11nall 646-7171 or64G·9'4'7S. 2 Slor)', 4 8R, i HA, lam V-1 -3bd 2b-3 Bl\. l! ba. • • m 11 n y x l r as. SS2 S i4'·708S or 83-MlOO ror htr bor and halls . homC!Uxerupperw/vjew rm man ex tra s ery t' can · .n 640-~ft appt. ::;llltttOIJ.$ 4BH. 31\A, tam NEW UNITS in Cdm, N 11. or La.:uoa 4 Br. 2 Ba. Mesa Verde • .,._·1010 963~4S67 Bkr; n · forn rm .. DW. GO. put1u, ,;.._ _____ _ --.rORTOFfNO• mi' New hslmg at only New romplexcs in Cost• RO)'•I P11lm Drive. S60M IN. Vc11r li.c. 53!1$. mo 'if tru, l?Vaba. 1\ovc. lrnt rm for real fomlly llV· area S.0-2063 heat ed 1;11rage, 296 _., • , Ulll rm . w;ilk lo b('h. fJ~ :?Or Condo W/den, d1r m 'WJO Me ~t1 . f'lr H user how;e.St7S.~91Z9 b 2b d t rr 961-4145 'l/P comp. atecenlly con YBW Ol'BlCCANYON · ;C:~ll<t:Jz.112 1 depreclalloo·M3 )' take ...tals !> \~'in~', ~·6c~~·l .spcc: . . "~/.'/-; str~ted, tennis c:ourb 2.7'0 sq It. lluge lot, BtftTffA IH'S RY .soft dollars By appoml ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR,~ BA, den. c:l)ls. dbl Zll 430 5720 . fl 4 'm F'or leur 4 br. 3 b.1 . pool, nr beach. ssoo mo ~~~n~~~~J~~~z~~·~ llF.Al.TORS mentonly,plea "'· Ho.n,_,,,lllMd :;;4:~a~4~cst!!~~ · · B •b P ff. I· ~~('~~~ ~~~~. l bl._ 833·8600 t>U·Gs0oday1,673·T489 w lr:rfall llowln& Int<> 21S .i.vemdw dd M.ir ••••••••••••••••••••••• ask for Bill Gold Deluxe 3 r. 2 11 w rt> t' -LEASE or lae opt, lovel~ P~: 644·0046. OPEN -,--Clo Pin? ....................... MESA DEL MAR . 3 Br, ~. Ph~·382of ....................... lf523CAMflUSJ>a:fltVllfE den. newly cedec. Nr s .! mm ing I II g oon • Sun.~lemcrlle. Cu 1£ 1Qt1all ~ ..... l"-d 3106 cpts/d~.L.oll appllnnccs ,..... J244 E. Bluff sp:idous 4 Dr• llOllSE SAT/SUN 12 l()'~aJk to .,ch, 2bd, 1~•bli -A "HAHM INC 3 Br/Fam Ba. din rm, lg fam rm, a. ta 3240 University Park. ""'°'"~ I Purk & shopping SS9S 7PN. li30 Port Ma~le1gh ~~5 411 o~e~ies. Pt Dp•rtl9a Rm. bench c ottage, frplc, nu paint. qulcl ........ ~ .. !4: ....... home. 48r, 3ba, FR, Uanl OPEN DA ILY 6-1().2349 Cm~e. Newport Beach. o•nr. · woo~s,~·:=o.,auc" wa terfront, furn. Sep 5treel.~opets,leaseS4 Jmmac 3 lir 3 B3, 2 sly. rm.S750 1se.S59·S«S. 8 A.M .T08f'.M. ---------~ BY OWN ER. Jceanfront while walt'r IS.Jw,e lS, $400 mo. 11 mo. 979 3842 200Cttqfl hu~c lum rm UNIV PK TERRACE Sharp 2 Rr house, walk le I view "' C)press Shore.s TIME TO TaADE Grand Canal, Bal I.st. SXlS. 3 br. l~ ba, carport. w/frplc.' formul din rm 3 Br 2 Ba. popular Cam· OIJWlO .. och lZ41 ~thG p~ yrly. 6Jl·036: SALE with Guarde d Rate . Trade to luri:er units wportleoch l16t 648 Seal Street. Phone covered pal10. Jndry rm bndgc MOdcl, ~ood luc;a· •••••••••••••••••••••••,1--------- 0R 1 e £SE 1U75.000. '92·3070 or now ! More appret'iau.on, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 546-3166 bltns. dshwshr. 1 h mi' le 1 ion . S4 so. 54 T · 7044 •3 blks to beach. Ocean Npt. Shores, 2 Br. C'OO\ .,.;A . 498-2375 rnorc tax sh11ll~r. (;all 'ummer & Yrly Leases & b<'h. $4SO. Incl grdnr & 833,J<!JS \'icw, nt-wly r~'<lt!C, t le den. Walk to beach, len .Af THE c OVE oow (or information Wkly Rcn\als $625 l • ZBR. 2BA, uke, pc>ol wulet. 968.5256 br, hnrdwood fi rs. fplc ms & pools $125/ycly Agi A LIONS ESTATES 51725 Vrly._.Summer Furnished SSSO S3n Joaqwn Twnhse. San encl bnck yd, S35<l 10 $48·l290. lfyo.m1sHdoutonThe S..Non 53G.s!S32 51700 lo 53500 mo. FORRENT48edroom Carlos Model. 2 Br 2• ... lllll. may be re nted•l·--------- Covt , here's your Copi1tr..o 1078 Waterfront llomes •38.R,2BA,C.M.$390 house.VACANT. &.dcn,spect ncularvu. w tgues l unit. 5425.Newport Crest, walk to cha~! 2br. 2bn Slruis ••••••••••••••••••••••• 556·7717iaskforSue U""r:ided S49S l se.. 96 9 "-h 3bd 2~ba Condo 631-1400 * 3BR, lBA, C ... t. "'""A, "" • 963-866214 • cl9S "" • • • • Plan. '..uxurious 11 ving 111 14 lud_. H ) CAT ALINA ISLAND " -SSi-8587 Mony upgrades. Ten ms Nwp,..s newest private Und~'4o.~~ 7 Ut,it S 175 000 RAILER for rent, 24 x 8' NO FEE Lease. 2br. lba. Jrg de!'· . 2Br. 2 lrplt', ocean vu, be Ja('uu1, clc. $47S. lse comftlunlt y . Owner . PointRJty496·5600 lncome'Sl9,20,0yraY. sips 4. Completely lum. . C411SS6·2660 . blk.slobch,$360/mo.Qll Ranc~o San Joaqu.1.n 3 ~~block, S4~. yr round, ALSO, 2bd, cten. 2"'ba M2-9W. 671•36 .. o S22S. mo. JOO Yds from ~LECT 536-9433• LBR, 2 'n'l B~: l><>Pdullurp ,San 49.i-9333 Some omenlUes. 5450 40 FRUIT TREES '"' bch. Will show Sat/Sun. PROPERTIES BRANO I I I I uis ey Ill · rime 645-8672 E ..... JOY S36-1202 Call ror appt. (213) 3 s~t.ne1~·11,nagme~v~ view.Av11il.Aui.;.l.S600.3bd.2ba.oceanv1ew.S41X1·---:.-·-----.... 4Bdrms,FamRm.fin ' .. S41·7<M4 orl!.33·3'!1S m o . Avail l mmed.fl.V.llomesw/vlew.4br _._ ~c~ ll11lUL and nei1thborhood. SS9,500. 387-1.349• Niee new 2br 2ba rrplc S45 0 /mo. Ce ntu r WIL'Ou'"', 0 ., .,A 497 1151. $700. mo. s br $750 ( lr I ll l J01'r""own I 000 · ' •._...,. ' il-lbockhart Re.alLy ., ..._ ... r ~ c3re rte 11,·e · crcn · • u · • 4-f'lEX SI 7S, LIDO lg sunny south aOll5 , no pet ...... f J 1 J ' ....,., ...... 7 • ~~70030f'644-7Tl0-ly ren6:ated 2 BR. 2 BA POINTRLTY496·S600 NEWPORT BEACH·!! patio'. Sl~ps 6• Pool & 642·~1 ;548-4757 or ane or 1m.,_ . ...,. Patio, frplc, clean. Avail .J Tow• home with co-A "--IOIO 0 1 , > JBR 2a \ · l bl Close t ,. 11 ll immed. No pets . S400. Nr -Hili Jl50 ~. Dreeay2brTH, pool. fl 1 & J Ce 1 1 ~•-euxe '1 '· pm1:pong a e. · Cozy home w/gar.4 br, am yrm,pres &: Walnut /Ya l e on .~;';•••••••••••••••• Singlcsok.Ft-e ,lf:!c~! ~ n ra ••••••••••••••••••••••• frpk... (3) 28 R 2B/\. i.unny beach & te~nas FnCd rorkids. Fee area. Nr bch. Children Lockh11,·en. 962.SJW. ownhse IA"S"'. 3Br. 2ba. Main Renton., 540.S:l'TO · ' · By owner. 2 tory 2. Ownr./Agt. Must sell, .courts. SlSOO/mo. Umque Main Rentals S40-5l70 pet . Vaca nl. SUS ----------1 "''" ... H ~ PINCHIM sq . fl. 4br, 3ba, d;n rm wi II be Ip f 1 nan cc llomes, 675·6000 ' Hussein, Agt. 963·5671 WILLOWS. 3 Br 2 Ba. uir Common paol & rec area. Bluffs 3 br, 2 ba, greatloc. i At.TORS ram rm. study, crp\d S40-0SSS.~7·58lll • 2 br TH, gar. Kids, . cond., frpk, 5375 mo. S340. m o+ s e c d e p . Close lo shopplni:. 2727 .t:outHwy drpd . S7 3,SOO. 1591 pets,snglsok.Fee. S24S. 2. br on Texas ~11 644·1480or8»5050x22 768 3700 schools. recreation. $'-JO S.4192 Orchard Dr. Santa An FOUR&'LEXES. Me a DECORATOR'S M.ainRe.ntaJs,S40-5370 lot. KJds/pets ok. 1-ee h • mo. Lease . 640•8146 Ill:. S-IS·07T7 By;ippl. Verde area. W ill ex· DRE•MHOUSE MalnRenlals.~·5370 we have 2, 3 & 4 bdrm Brund New Vu T~n se. O°"n Sat/Sull 12.3. 2'5ll Fortt-utive change Sl00,000 eqult) "' MESA VERDE homes & t ownhomel' Br 2 ~3 . air cond. patio vf.sta 110 ar · ~K ror a ~ing bustness. ah .. ,.,...Udo Mont 3bd, 2b:a, cpt.s, frpk .• Im·~· 2 br duplex. 1-'rf?k avail for lease. l''ron eltt k1uh. Rec Ctr. $&JS,,, ___ ...;:;& _____ _ wilt AF-Hy le .. lstah quor store, or what hav mac. $4.SO. mo. Call aft S, k1ds/peU/~n&ls ot. • ee 1325. No fees. 633--0092 eves/wknds. W;itcrfront. 40' dock. it>r ' Perf~ct Ii r entertainin&. •••••••••••••••• ••• ••• you. Call Mr. Black. Recently remodeled, ex· 5'S-S760. Main Reocats, S40-53'70 HAN CH REAL TY MlC)llel 3152 w /l~e ytd. Av all Aul{. SpacW>US IBr. JBa w/OR MobiM HotnH S45·8424 A ssoci a l ed qw.s1tcly furn 38r, 38a + Br 2 Ba I I •-we S2lS. 3 br rn. pool. Kids S51·2000 •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Jst. 1 yr lse. Act. 752-7501 & Lge fl\. 20x40' pool. For S• 110 South ~t Brokers. dock & shp. No young • • rp c, -mo. I I ok •. Many tu!llom ff'alures ••••••••••••••••••••••• chlldren/pe\s. )'rly lse ldds It pets OK. s ng es · ee New Terrace Carditr2 Br, Br, 2Ba, lrplc, 2 car gar. LIDO ISLE·Owner 3 Br 1 S139SOO MarReWolft' Tr · · d 1 rt' SIXOLDER UNITS only al price below 548~ Maln Rentals.540-S:l'TO rrpl wetbar near Paved orea ror boat o Ba +denorrmslrbr.hte ALL ~RTS R E 12> ailers tn a u l p;i 'i Good Easlside Santa Ana · T b _,,;hops S37S M.t·•Ol6 trailer. View. Leu f 4S' lot A g I \hru · · Costa Meso for s :ile.f . 000 F comp. mkt, to right pty, plex·l bedrm, 1 balh. 2bd. 1 ~ba own ouse """' · · lst,lasl, deposit. 499.2544 pa io. · u fH·8024 8XU'St600 &8x32'S1900. location. S90 •. r~e Agt644-7878 pets OK, relrig/slOve. Adults only, pets ?k :\Br2Ba.lgefamklt,cor· l.aborUay,$1800,furn or ~·4649 . 1 :~~~~bmi~do";~. ~:: UUI all paid. $200/mo. S260. mo. 963·2833 aft 6·30 ner lot. grdnr incld. $375. Ocean Vl.ew! 2 br. pvt. ~;J.94:;;e option 11200· x4S' trailer, nwnlni:. SSG-6171 ILUffS COMDO Avail now. Century 21. Mariners Cove rental or MJ.<l810 for oppt. community w/pool , le~·--------- porch. storage shed. YEAGER REALTY Prime (O('alion. Elegant· 548·1168 or call Cbrls lse S37S Nr oc~an 2bd nls, beach ncce:ss. $.12S. insert 1 rule Costa Mesa adult park. lyfum .,3bdrms .. 2Y.ba. S57..o97Saft6. 2stytwnhse.A1Jhuc~ries. •RENTALS• mo.Leuse.SSt·l7S2 lfarllor lflghlands, 4 BA'iCR EST 53eSO. ~~9 I IALIOA ISLAND Frplc .. bll·lns. Close t.o eaa Verde, • bedrm, 2 pool, J acuul, club hse, 2 BR.,2 BA .•.••..•• $400 Ml1ti01t Vl.jo ll67 b<.'<lrm home w\th lnr1_1e I Spadou~ ~BR + dctn.1..;..___________ 2 Stores, I-Apt. commun.pool.~SMo. ba house. Fplc. MOO/mo. altchd 2 c11r gar . 2 BR .• 2 B/\ .....•••• S<ISO ••••••••••••••••••••••• vard . Kitch e n re- cusl poolsi;uoo. GREIMLEAF i Owner Fhtoftu tSubmilon children) Avail now. Century 21 968-8610. ~ =~:: ~~'1-.4: ·~iii = Br 2 Bo hmc. air con~. :~::!~t !r~~!h~~:u~~: ~ ' r I , • ... , 1 I \ 1 HOUSE .,...--..-View HotNt IEW 2 + C nvertlblo den Monaco Ian with view oC mou alns. valley ,& twlnkll night llgh\s . Only st from tennis. pool. acu7.~I a nd c:haldnm play are&. • SU DAY l·S 4 2l44 ...... Cal 44·7211 5St;ir Adult Community I Pride of Ownership! C. f. COllSWO..a..~ ~l l!,685 af\or6. Call Cbtis 'ngle •tor)' 3 Br 2 Ba + 313 UR .. 2 UA .•..••• &t2S w/lrplc:, <'PL,, drps, cov d nual lease $650/mo. Call l750WhlttJer Ave. CM S2SO,OOO 1 lH ~ .....,, Den " 1ae fncd "ard. 3 BR .. 2\<\ BA ..•.••• s.iso P!,\~~·9$400 mo. (7l4 l Barrcu Realt" 642·5200. has available a l2x60 I REALONOMJCS 1• "LTOIS 640.00 0 " 4 .......... 1 , Fleetwood with enclosed Broker G7s.6700 c. E-SIDE Bach. W·friilc. Quiel cul c sac. $400 mo. 3 BR .• 2 Ba BA .•••• S460 Insert trule port'h.Alsoa2Ax60 •WALKTOBEACK Cozy. Jmt redecocatecl • .-.&214 ::: .. ~:~ ......... ~3 Br. 2 ba, patio, fncdHot!Bayshore. 630yrly. j Barrinctoo.Callbtwn lllltl4R aW....m.mGwk. S110mo.6l$.Zl1JaftS. LOVETHEBEACH? 48R·•2Y.IBA ....... $600 yard. cul·dc·sac:. S37S. Avail July .20. Pvt bch . 9'am-6pm. 1905 W. Keitt. Pom 4"3-TIOl Act. Stroll down f r om a Plus ma~y ~~~~ 586-119$ afl 6. 3br. den, 2V6ba, ICI, bkr 646-7965 Easyt.erm~1f,~rent. ONTHl!!WATER Old Laguna CMrn\ in charmlng3br,2ba,Crpl Num~ronelln leocll J16t,_54_0-_2200 __ . ____ _ AN CLEMENTE. Ocean1 In 8fft Bay loc.UOn. Le Eastaid• Cotta lfeaa! home. uao. R eh rent.als ... resa es Lease 2br. 2ba at The I Vlew.SStarAduttPnk; HOMl&IMC:OMI lto4Brbomewithview. 2-St)r.4bdrms.,21ta.,blt· 646-613!1 ATERFRONT2500sqfl Cove. Slruls Plan. upgraded, double 2 Br Dix new 5 unit, owners Aval! wkly-summer $700 IQ.I, frpk., veranda off z br n ear beach, lge 2 Br & Den, 3 Ba. side tie $750/mo. 552.9250 Ba, xtr closet s pace, wut 3 Br studio, (41 2 Br wk. Walerfront Homes. upper Wrm. Separate garaae. Adwl.I. S2IS mo avail. Udo Penln. S8SOmJ---------- porch with encl room studios. atriums. lam 6.11 ·1400 worbbop or studio. 1475 ~ yrly lse. Agt. &40-3149 SSOO. Newport Shores shade paUo. E-Z main rm. frplc & patios. ,._.__i_.__... Per mo A1eot61S·5200 TERFRONT p· & 3 Bedrooms for retirees or working Knox SI. CM cNwpt Hgts ~ -' 2Story, 4 Br: Ba , close to WA • ier Webb Really 493-0781 0 98 41S Su •••••••••••••••••••••• schools . s hopping & NIVERSITY PARK 3 noat 3 bcdrm rormal11---------- toe.1ple. nr 7 l 4 -4 ·l IT~~i.t~~~\;bale~ I.a.ad 1206 11ely S br, 2 be, frplc. beach. S43S mo. 963-4908 BR Village Ill Near dine' rm. 2 balhs, w/w Bffuliful Harbor View Laguna Bch. Charmer. Co. Call Evt's ••••••••••••••••••••••• formal din rm, crpls. . pool, M7S mo 644·mO cpts, !pie. dble gar .. n Home 4 br Paler mo. 2bd. full balb, liv-Oin rm, · MILLION $$ Selling. drps, fQcd yd. Cbild/pel 3 D.R. 2 BA. atrium 1 Br. 2 story house, tor dogs. S600 mo. yrly la S720/m o. 559·4646 : eat·in kitch, s tove,!HUNT.BE.ACHOUPLEX $150,000. house. $600/mo. ok. Water/grdnr pd. w/Jaeuul, elec bltns. lease A tC prof lndscpd only. Barrett ftealty _586-__ 300_7 _____ _ rcfrlG. dsposal, fan. lg 2 & 3 BR. $67,000. 2000+sq n. Avail.. now. Avail8/l.S45--0814 auto 1ar door opener. malnt gas BDQ 552·0290 642-5200 BLUFFSCondoDPlan 3 Cam rm. 600 sq It. fn cdj KATHY TRACY, Rltr. 675-8771. . gardenerlncld. S600/mo. orM 1.Q;1s ' l"'CKl"'YVIL' '"'GE patro ~panrte torac au 1.9%7 esa Verde 4 br, din rm. Avail A\116. 893-4563 Agt. ~ ~ -Br1 xlnt toe, very pvt end bldng7xl0:$18,000.Par · oP..U..tulo 1207 hugefamrm.21gebalhs, WILLOWS.4 Br28a.nr 36<1. Jt>a. xJnt area, unit. Uparaded some -..:...--t'"-----1 fees incl all util, Sl20 mo. I · UN ITS. An ah el m .••••••••••••••••••••••• dbl frplc, lge patio. fnt'd, Vacant. 4 BR , 2 BkA r + St'hls lge yd wisep. dog brand new condo. Wet woter 11u. stove, ref rig, c~la :.1 &~ Owner: 494·1>4Sl. =:"°Ta:~I 0e:rRJ~ a~:il & ntde:~it!:a g!~d:: nr. schools. $485. S41J.1Sl7 U'~fiti.S::if:~Ati~ or ~~~ lse 642-6880, ~':!,·i.'Jic c?v!~. ti>s~':~: d:yl:.r .:i~~te::,c;:"o:~~~'. ~ nyOfltteal .644·11113 411MOllLIHOME FHA. or 10~ down OK. M2.Smo.673·7815 .~fBR,JBA2 cpts drps st~ve Brandnew 4Br Jba rrplc 833-2569.anylime. 640-8578 f 1 k S27SOO Hur ry YEAGER rp c ·ear ga r inc · ' b'I Bright sunny 2br 2'h llG C NYON I x~r7'' Xutpo~oom 'ood REALTY. ~·617l CN'OftCI cMI Mor 3222 1ard'rtwtr. No pets. '220 wet bar. yd. 1 k t ba, bllns. dlw'. frplc: lov-Newport leoch 326t Mewport leach 3269 -4b 2 ~11b swlmmln° r ii h Y ' g ' mo. Glenn842·2580 ' beach. SSSO. 768'0200 ely patio Ideal e11ec. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• r. ,, am Y ome. 1 v d S&S 8'x24' ' 7 r. pool w /J c uu.I , Ir.: SJC Re11lty 493-1137 ce en or • · · Sl'YCiLASS HILLS bd H'Jba Monlh-montb. 3 Br house. lovely hom location SJ a rno .1 lenathy tl ri v uwa yl vend . Good money 4Ddrm&FamilyRm 33$ E. 2srd St. SJSO. (or sm. ram1ty, lg me 552·3974cv..-stwknds w/elect tt tes, pr hall' The Meadows ma~r. Call 7SO·l397 e1<t5 Spectat'ular View snonth. &is.B549. yd, clean & sharp, n New Sm 0 k t' T r c e party. 640· ~7. 6H G92G or 1144~.23 pets. $350 mo. 892-3385 o It your next move Is to a; SIX UNITS EASE THIS EASTSIDE 642.0565 Twnhme, 2br. 2ba, pool, ly 0 MER mobile home • look :at. vcly bomc. 3 DR . 2 ba. BEAUTY 3 RR 2 BA clbbhse, avail Aug 1 1 lht11c. E tro nice p3rkl SllJ SOO Pool. SGOO. Avull. Aug. lge )'ard' m•nf trees PRIVACY P t-:RSON $.'.IM.SSl-14211. Rack Hnr. t:ul de·uc. wtlh many fea1ure1 for , • lst. leMt'. /\it\ 6'4·7383 . c ust home. S4SO /mo'. lnED 4 BR + 3 8A + W/\LK TO SCllOOL·4 nr 3bJ. 2-<~H .in r. i:e + • • • • • • ownership d111>l exes· Realtors S46 .. 14l sides to park, G blk!l t ho 'ca ll Newport / macnab I lrvtne realty 4~r. fam Rm. J>ln Rm. your enjoyment. i· Th r cc Pr Id t . o I . utc 3 br. 2 bn. frplc. $475 C oal s & w a II:. e e FR. end of cul de sac fom rm lrg yd bc1tut. ifui rarport. J~I •li t• yrd. 1400 gq. ft /\/C. washer, ~ara.tc laundry·close<J Yrll7s GOOO or 6'13-4487 beach, boat gate. $S50 I Tc.R It s 838 8586 txtam <1111\nu &c Spaniah drytr onol Nt:W ref I Qarnae8 ____ nrp, clean Eastslde. J 96J.8377or 968·3443 PMs rv ne ca or · · · -tiled holl~ 3)'. sgt),000 frt.'t'Lcr Included. S24.9SO. bl()('kll IO hca('h, 3 bd, 2\~ br, 2 ba. fam rm &c din Op.nt1•11~C'$11t/Su11,l ~ •••••• IP-,Qr•ail ~ ba d us>lu. $.4SO. mo. rm IAchome bC'uutcon •SUPERSharp4Ur,2 0a CHOOSE HOM 2 ... IASTILUFf Each has 3 bedrooms, dining room & family room. 1 has e nclosed courtyard . the oth er a sundeck. 9325/mo. & $650/mo. • yrly. Larry Dye~ -Or· Hoger K. Lnule 642·8235 . <U30 2-ill Orthld llill l'lnce. MOO q n •. ccntral l\/C.11iit Plac9 &H 2.,us dition. s:ios'1mo. Call 1 nu cpl~. nic:rly tlcror 1.1.t!!_R ... urC'~ 325!; many extra~ a~d securt Przn•rll9a O:ave 540·11..SI, tterila.:c· Most conven1enl loc lft:Al.TV COM fl ANY • II'!. t:. _.. NYOH l y fct"lurC" $25,!IOO -r112.~ rona lliAhlands. s mart ltealtors. Ownr. $410. 833·3273 DllttFllLD w ~"' ,... ouA1uw. ..--oiin1ACM Hrn. 2 b11., bit ans, patio. Obi 1 story front unit. Jbd, 1 ' "" " ,..,.,,., l t/I t .... 0 .,..., Harbour. OW. encl 11ar Macnab -Irv me I• • UDO IA Yl'IOMT .1 ~AltK • '/.t b1 1t rt't1 r Y"rd. Avail. mr. 2 ba h?m~. g:ar + Zba, near lfun11n.tto PATIO HOM RvOw r.~Ur,3 halh4 ~ -·· /\u".~ •~l<AMo. t!XlrRl!i. 1-ncd yd. S3 Lovely, 81)1l dou~ 4 And mlly Koom D A1w111 (l73.l\St0 rno. a a:s · .,......._.ev. tl34·2022or&41-!l3&1. !K'(ln)nm, 3 bath homci .,. l111lc:·I": lti!l1tcl-Mtull' 'l~Jtf..1. llGCANYOH S J llu f 1-1 --Jl.Ul 2 RA+~en w1rormeldlnln1t ~oom& La\•i1hl ltrrornl\'li Ac ~)' Gotr course view on 9lh · lory '" om Y rm.. and lrplc Near the lfarhour, 3 hr, air condltloninl(. lose lo Pier for 50' boat. Sandy beach. 3 bedrooms. 2 buths. Walk to s hop· pin g . $1300 /mo. yearly. Lynn e Rothcll 644·6200. (032) " londsr .1 r\J. S2<Hl.OOO. G~n.860() hole. tkrn utlful lorall<>n 2ba .• 2fr111c:a .. 2g11rages, S3SO 631 2838 l h ba. Single !iltirY end po<1I k purk. ~.175/Mo Call 64 l·G 0. Court1•11y lo ~ Ill"· yard. lnrl. Jo:llrdt'ner. · unh . close to romm pool, lUl7 > hkn1. •Coll Jean t:ddy. 673·~ Avnll.Allll . I ~Mo Br, 2 Ra. nu cpts. dq~. 11t'hool11. ~llorl11i111t & FAIULOUS . nr640•441S A"c•nt 013 61110 .. """ 2 " fncd yd,dbliiar,.,.,.,.,mo. more. Only $201\/mn LOCATION .(.. t t5 JCulPVSJta:~ ~ DeMrt, 240 ant('I\ tiir11 family for 545.g57(l Century 21 n ; rn cr)' r.nvCI)' cond<>minlum ?,. 4bd. :l'il a1 nm.r m OPF.NOAILV I ~puclou1'3RR,2D11,f11m· .ovcly 2 t.lory. 4 br. liie ~·~'IOI nvorlooklng lake & golf ::~~tN~' . ~~~'ixi!~~~ It A.M. T08 P.l\f. RACING SF./\SON ~~~l~J~V~c:::ie~~l~~j r11m rm. fi:lllO w /bbq. •T-..hH. $500 LH• d~~~"ciO:e ~~~~~tt1:. & dcic:ornt • l.ovuly bny fOK q UICK SALl-':. 8x City or Oceanside on th r.torai;«'. no prt11. 432 cul-dr ·•i•c: ot. '470· mo. •38R. 2~ BA. (um. ll<>nu ... lcnnis club. shoppln~. view Aol llll.'11 Incl ex A I J 0 SET Utt I und-&Aul. furnlsh4'<1 De11onin. 67S-sf.9S 557-862.1 rms. elh-. kit, r1ntlt>)f, St•hoolfl, pork11 & pool. ..... o .. w 2 bedroom. 2 bath condominium • Newport's Un est bay front com· munity. B cauUfully appointed · in oll the earth lonet>. $750/mo. llolly tensive u <' l)f wood AOUl~T PARK. C.M. br. 2 ba. S:t50. wit harp 3 br. 2 ba, family iiar. Con31dorthlldren&pcu. llot'k fr r . unique MINTCONO. INQUIRY. 673·9499: 11)982·42 14 , Oil, 3 UR , tam. rm. rm. frplc. d bl Aatal(c, ... 8Rl3flA, rom rm, dlx ~/Mo. tU181 H QUllCOUISI rnast~r 11 1le & bath SPACE 72 2111 1 HAR Ult>29-2!>4G V1ew.S77SMo.includlng bltns. nc:arichools. S390 ldt,t'nclp11lin<e,dbl Q11r.fJ l,.aszloShorkany1S2·l•l4 ONT t• • w/Romon tub. ficam UoR Bl.Vt>' ~·lOlS , . 1tardener. Agt. 640·7000 Agt 54&-1840 pool11. Jric. snunu, wlk toi--•-----•111 llO CANYON Markns 644·6200. CU33) • ccll1n•it t1nportt'd · IAJxLakeslde.Condo2bd mo. · bch, schools. ahop·a.~ Brand n ew 2 bedroom, 2 halh res. ltall:.n 111 ntw cpl•·· ~tors• 1200 2ba. rum. SM.9SO. Ownr, JMMINE CREEK • Attractive 2 .. den. Dave8.SJ6·3701.1Mf.1377 BH . 2 Ba. Condo. e nd·unt't . Sclf ·Clcanlna oven, wet p\'t b<'hes Sl'19.SOO. Dy ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7t4-64S-7250evcs. Tennl1 courts & Pool. ou, wate,r pd. L&c yard, "C11rctiH" mdt. 1n The .., ownt!r prl only pl e 3BR2BA +lam rm. Luii· no pets. l564 A Orange HUNT VILLAGE Tcrrac1-. Up11roded lhl'\I· bar, pool. ja<·uzzi. tennis court. 28H Rnys re t>r. Npt 2·ACRES C-1~·48 Acl't'5 l..uc:1me Valley urious·S7SO/mo. 67Pti0l Ave. f213>422·7o33 3 Dr. t~ Ba. frpl~. nllry out. s:ns mo. 631·2323 $800/mo. yrly. or submjt. Barbara Reh ~48 . 5s4 Open In subdivision. SG,000. Al!\. acceu w /boat ute, . Wright 644•6200. (034) SatJSun 1·5 . Frlene<:osa~11f!_est!:... rAgt 1714> &4<>-1127 DU"L"'.X. Lar•e 2 Br. ose to shop'g, acl\Ooh, fresh paint, nu cpl!!, S375 1 Rancho San Joaquin 2 .. " ...... -~ '' .. , .. frwy.38R.28.a,dblitar, mo.841·2'22 BR. 2 Ea. Frplc + all OPEN II US E · 8 ) Eiil1t '11in<'Omestrum Br Cabl.n. view Lak 2b4l. Brand New. $$00 bllnS•comm.pool.$350 amenities. Brand new. ..IWIAYfllOtfTHOMI Owner. Ne rt T~rrace 1£ ·-• Greicory m.soo. mo. Y r I Y I ea • e . mo yrlv Day,..7-35GT, abd condo. S32S mo. I.It, & "4~ mo. 552. 7034 Cantilever ed deck + slip for Jg. 2 ~y Tll.-n ., 3 UR . 2~, ,QI._. ~ 5'2·10'7 S24· Wutrrfro nt llomu £ves-M7.2179 last , UO. eleenlng. --~ boat. 4 bedrooms &4 baths+ fami· a.a , u so o . 1 2 ~ c..-.. 631-1<100 , 968-3371or5'6·1754. UM• ffy '-* •· f I din' Be utl' I S•ndllowtr Ct. &.i&.4~ Pr•11• Dha .... -·r lSOO -:--=-,. 20r Dupleic. CID. smali 3bd 2\tba. twnilu. ~room°' roma mg. a 1u ortl4_..7.._.7 i ..,._ ttOfNrfy COZ\ Comer Collage child OK. Garage. $24$ 4BDRM. a BATH SSS0 Professional Jndacp Im· ~r 1"ncJudes: parquet. floors, lush -------f------i .... -~~21-!!.!!_. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 IJ.r 2 ba, patio. frpk. Pho ...... ~2 5216 2 BDRM 2 Bath $325 d W lk l ·~I "'"v ----....t..... -... -~· •• ... 1 .... ..., mo. n"'" · • . I mac con · 11 0 • butterscotch carpeting & .. l ... gan:t s.e........,,..... 107' :IOO t olnsetua'" .... ,,.. PetallCh1ldren Ja c uzcl . )fhopp na. ""' •••••••r••r••••••••••• -..chos-t.Fe Pertaas-youw•n~to sel 2 4 3 .Br2Ba,DlnRm.('p(AI, 8T3·7601 Agent ·achools . soo. m o. custom wallpapers. Yrly tease at • Pr~~\d•ntm H•lghts 2 Fanlaatlc:3AneHlllTo «buy• home. ~rvlng teM.te J 2 bltna,fpk.fncd.$HOlntl 552-009'J $2000/m o. Avail. i mme d . Cathy bedl'OOm condo near pool •toMe Site! Yiewl Roon you Is· my bualncu.••••••••••••••••••••••• &rdnr54&-S\39 Br. new crpta. drJ:· · Schweickert 642.8235, (035). aru. l? BHta lrotn lennl tor hor.!lu, tennis 8 P 8 • 7 l 2 2 M a r · Nl<'c 2 br house. f"'etd D.. P.W JJ2' paint, 2 car ••rtac. &e s Br. 21-\ Ba. 2 frplcs. d ~ llcolf. $.lS,.. cl\rus grove! An•lou jo\'le/Shlrley yd, aar. lll•wly decor.••••••••••••••••••••••• )'d, S31S. 5574623 to park & pool. S.SOO mo. 4MCHOIAM '"'8STMINTS f714i 4f6!nl I owner a$kinl( $1:>.000 . S2~0 mo. 2S4& Orance 3 Dr. 2 bi.i. fenced yd, You don't need o aun to including gar dnr. tot~~t~lvia Hltt'WMt6~c:.m.r ~rms or wi~0C,:ne td{ Don't ive us> the ship! A\e.5411·4017 •~cs. 1atdener 4r water turn.I "draw rut" whffl you '40-l~ . ~;f.,f1° r l ··Ust.f ll In c:la11Stlled East.1ide 38r. 2ba. bltm. 2$ min. to Irvine. Ind. ptac:e 1n ad In tho Oallr Lwturylwnhae 3 Br, 2 Ba. lrvlne at <=;=r:ltey~'9f RancholnvestmentC<>. Ship to 11horc results! Nreveor;ylhinf. $360. Ph Compleit, S"OO . m o . l>aJotWantAdii!~allnow patio. all rec. fac. ----·••llJl••llJl••••••!I. ...... ....; 7 l4J756-2U 1 &12-s6'78. ~68 49&-04 tsaner tl pm. -&4Ul$1a. mo. IH ""4·$998 -•----~--- ~ . I ' LJOO ISL.t'.; puc 2 •lY, (unt ttch Oulll~ • l br .• Iii' 2 J},, l'lllllt mporary. ' ~J ~1? 1~111 & 2 ~.r. I ~ )'r lsf.> 567~ mo H73 lii!81l ~ 1' Ill d > d. a:llr · ~ ---J>t'b ltt<f• _lllJH IJHlfl __ Greul ocean view, 3 Ht, 2 Ba. S3llS mo. 4t>2·9 llJ8 or 1213) <t83·68118 I Now Completing C~ruction For Auguat Occupancy Be among the Iha to d\0064? the best location. the best arrangement. the c:ok>rs you want from among ONE AND TWO BEDROOM. 1 & 2 BAnt. AOUCT APAR'TMENT HOMES. Outstanclng Recreation Utiter. SparldJna Brooks and S~ar Waterfalls. 'Among 30' Pine Tna.. Swhr...,.eg Pool plus VoDeyba.11 PooJ. Two Tennis Courts. Gym.~ ~II Court. Jac\.lai, S.una. BBQ's. ·$lllard Tabln,'Chabhouse wtth finplace-.ncf~t\on ·~i~-~ ycM-.-ancf.new adult .-part~lfiame.TODAVt I' 'ir • • ,.• t/. Cof' ) I • •• : • _. ~ • - ~'. -. . .... ~ ~ .. ,,,., ,,::,.;·;,,,' • . SIA&' ' ...... LOFT OMLY -IACHILOI IMMIDIA Tl OCCUPANCY Privat e pntao. fireplace. beamed cei Ii n gs. full kitchen:,. Pool & recreation room. l year tense. J ~ "' dull ~ultrfronl apt ••••••••••••••••••••• Ill \k.1111 \'crd'" Uc utllul 6rand no· l br cond l11nd t•ap111i; l'.Hl.'P· w b\!aullful ehuu•• taonall) rich 1nh:nor,., ''"'"' Pool. \\'nni. & u.o l :: bJrm" from $:.t7~ drrsround prk,;. Furno Mt~" \'l'rd11 \'\ll.i,, IMS unfum w11h or \Hlhoul ~h·11a \ l'rtle 01" t:J)\, ~l lip t hlk hei.ch C o t •• ,\I l' a J i.hopp1n• Cull <ZU C1U l~Ul 88'11 3111~ associated llllu><EN S lll•ll'<JWS •~)Jl,'W li->ltr-vl· l'b 000 RlMEWE&KS the 111nd. cancell• t1 leavu Julr 1011 • II· 'llh open. :I br, 2 M . 3·1M99or (1}6..'19·1~0- Lagunu Deac l It II top WOO<l Woodsy M'l deaning :. Avail. Aug I dcposll'teq'1 t • Saturday. July 17. 1976 DAILY PILOT AdOft ... Bulldlt ..• Dtaper it ..• Hammertt ... CarP@t SERVICE DIRECTORY Plumb 1t ••. ate 1 .•. 1pe ... emo e .. . U ... Cement ft ... Wlre IL .Hoe lt ... Cle an it ... Move Roof it ... Landscape l, ... Tile it. .. Trim it ... Sewlt ... . IL.Press lt ... Palnt it...NaH it ... Plaste,. it ... Fix ii... Haul it. .. Add it... Pla nt It ... Alter It ... Learn It .. Alu•• I SwWce or Ge.et-.i W.&u H de .. ,. -' .e&os ...... • • I I .. t f • •'"""I • • •• ••• .. • • • • • • • • ••••• ...................... ······················ ..•••.•...•.•.•••...... ....•..•.••.••.•...•.• . ...........••.•...........................•. ~1,1 nn ataummts. mpoo a iteam t-lnn Maril Stonem1n, Quahl) W ..... & C a.-I land) rrt.an complete re· ~pt'rt Jopan e lle>U.iC· alnt•Rcpoir·3~ ) rii 111 PATIO t overa-Rollm R 00 F~ ! C" h ·~ k .-d' °'rly po)'roll/sal~ tu ill& C.Olor bn &htC'n,111 . -ark •t :a )<'air Prlct Lk t-)'ttcat 64t "9o1 pa ir It m rail\~Uactc clc11ntns Lady. cau :af\ art11 , wor1rnh n h• •nc-l oli-uru . Qu~IHY ttcp:tlr . Repl3 ce. l>I~ fleuon.~8182 wht carpt11 10 min 30GPC.~f·2'75G.5'198TUI. ---s:rvu:~s U \ri. u p. l>:!IO VM 548~ CUllr.Tuke,.dvant.oCm '4'0tk, n •H itr1ec11. LI f~clor y llt'l rvlo"· ---------i bleach. Cleau llv rin din --·.,u,~e stU(lt>nt nll•" rk I 11lntln1. carpentry. ••SMr.$36 lo.s6. 31.soo5. Ph: 1uo.11:u & •C!lt·1~9G In, url'd tor Jiook.kfltpln1 !:Hlr\lco rm It hall Sll Ava' rm LI-]£ M. JARVI. r.taml, clnup & roto. t:xp plumblo~ &t elc>i:trlcal. -114$ Oll3-l your sal ty. Mr. Cuno RnMnable Ralt-• suo. ~h s11), duilr ss. Additions & Remodehni: aardner 1>46·51133 :;o. Cuunl)' arta. Bob. ,.._.Yow Cestle .. _..__,.--a. ~ :9til tnOW-0'.!10 Giar .Um pc:t odor. Crp l Ge'l·SS'f3 L1C317 -. . 831 · J\H•r l':Cl. l• ly, ~ ..--._ , .... ,,_ i ...:..__;__; _____ _ I c ~~llt'to & Son •· Ei.p -------•••••••••• •••••• ••••••• ...,._. lep* rcPo :· 1 .. )'rs I txpr. ,.:urdcncr . Fr~t' \'II" Studt'nl P111nler :! •ty $39$. Int.~ rm. Ho m c •.Add It Io n a . ... • .._ lepelr 0 -••••0 ••ou••••u ;;o~ o mys e ' R eh ••rlnt Rcuomabk 6\6-4~1 aft llddJob11 Pnr~ Inc-I mtr l/lobo~ llez.tuc~o Ov••r blnrk u euuu•uu:•uu-• APPl ... lANCt-:REPAl8 1 1 l. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4pm ' John 4~·~-711 ~ t;uor.h~t.frt!\•t'bt w11113. l"rl·t• l'1>l. low CANOPYTVSVCCO. SlO-SffvlceCull .....t/COllC,....e ARO & G/\HACt-; . '" ••••••••••••••••••••••• T\'<lt;3tl~~Ol3.4 r~tesS8618!1:! l11tHaluStirvlre CTl<t l SllH 12'l •••••••••••••••••••••• CL~i\NUl>S, l.1lt haul Cummcrrnsl .'-He~ld •n n:otlllln~ ll:auho&. Avi.ul BOU'SSl'RINKLF.RS 1.otbll l'ridi ·l''elr Pncc1> t Pair PrH'l'li ~~ ••.rtffH-e EONJT£ CON CR f!T 1ng. Jo'ree ~ t ~46~ ct0 1!1 nl.l::n«~!~,. ~1u,~pl r~!<!.t ~· :r9';"npl iiu. lust11.lll'<lor R p;ur d Uc lru.. <.:all,·o ra111tm.: PATCH r1 .. STF.mNG ••••••=~••••••••••• STAMl'ING. C ob l::JC H I G d ..ii u·-·~"'''""·'1"'-~ ~ AutoorM11oual83G°"8'T Ki.tr o nh R,•h ••\t.l.1'Yl't-':..~•• ,._S..-.ice C"-..£i.o·San nl""h"r. forme bltatone. brick " UI YP, _ _.3~11 wnC,l;il" cncr ........... Sef'•lcH • ._., -----~I U'.J24l ' 1-'l'l't' 1')c t ~O •••••••••••••••••••••• 111~ ~ .. ~lioi. t't &40-4,., "'" m '6ml • .-anuJll> •••••••••••••••••••••••IMlllOl-m.(lle11l llUhit. "Ill rar ' <". _ Frttt11tfThanl\111i7112&52 ••••••••••••••••••••••• , C) .. ..,. •••••••••••••••••••••• P/\INTlNG Jr ,\Pt':RINC VJ.:RV Nl-:A'rPA1 11 Rcmovnlt. t rlmmlni;. ,l-J:;'"*'"'Prt•1C'h"'•I"' u•..ac -llANO\'J\IA ·Jl orocs &MO\lftl t'ao1ip.Fhl""' JO"'S 11·'('"'X'l'llR"• I I t 11 'd n ••JO ,.. """' -_.. 0 1\YO TOM I II C , truck. llot1>1.1lllna l-'1rcl'lacc ·Planteri. 23)1~isrv'1 H11rbor 1ll'011 """' "'· "' rinmr\J:. rt'o t'~ ,c • m Y honic whllll you •••••••••••••••••••••• '. our t\PI . o nsru·nl 1uui. ReHonllbl<.' 751S<!SO Bn<'kConrNtePat10 lle lrers.llc'd tH2235U t'l'c-e~t __ ~ ullyhi>ured.64::?·2tUM ·~ work. Near W1f$O P & • H I L D C A R E W•'\!kly $21 ~r month <'t'6Riunan g_15 ~ --~ .:.. - -Dlock Wall~ BUQ l'lls ----.._ i .-..i- PlattnUo, C.~1 W tn30. LOCATION nor Sont1t 642· 11139 i•vu. <.:osu --ll"ulrng movl111t clcanu.p Ref u"t~ G46 1»&4 t-;>tp<!rt ru1nt1n11. lntr/ ~ "' T-....., i\na & Newport P'wy. Mn;a -n. tt.dJ M• C. $7 uf,. Trloe•o~k. l"\'us. ---:---1-: x t r . Fr r c "l! l •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••,• Chrifllln mothtr "'II A I bl r I • . FllSt·rt'Cl"lt~2~m ULOCK . slumpstonc Workmanship 1tu.lr ~lARV'SPLUMBlNG ~IAl.f.1' TOtt.BA.J.O .. b&bJ'9t your t'hildrcn v111 J e or ~a c or apanea;e c,.ndener +---~allis bnck i;tonc pl:in ~·>029.\ ••946·9807 •• Tl•aehl'I' eurly elcimc•· Nut ol (oocb . fotd yd lease.. Co. mplete rcii~IJr work & ~~c1aht1n~ In YOU llA\'j.: 1'\' Ra;:At)V ter:o.' conc'roh'. Vi•n · • NO J OBTOOSl\IALL! tary: rhoon\ca, re1Hlhat MS I ~leanup . litt-c c3t . ~t'J)alr&t • 1'1-tll;\UL ITAWi\Y rcui.. frt'l' t'!ll. llo b, Pu1nt111g, :!!. Y.'" l'\\•. ,. -.-m111h : Gn•ul Ruppor _ _ • ~2·31U'l _ .mµrov1•mcnt;; ltca!I ~~Any ti mt• 750.9354 urOU'SllClll f 111I lljlf\. In Ill "off WI td, 1\n) plumb JotUl ftOll&n. S'l8·9S4~. -c.,...t.. O . ol lncomc Pro~rty -- --tenor &e>.tcrwr S9tt'3ot> 1n11. \lol l' v. lca k11 --• •••••••••••••••••••••••MAY CK ~pr Japanc~e c.ardcoer Denn1jSt Claar Sl2ciloocl 'P ECl t.nn NG I N af\6PM buthrru ent'lo:iurt-1 Upholsfefy c;;il'J>"ntry. Add-0n1> oib '.,............ Com pl mJi.ntcnance & Mi-4631 Gl'l Rid Of Uns1~htly PATIOS /\II ty ei. of ltc.tll 1132 2468 •••••••••••••••••••••- Com,.uirdal. We, lree -~ 8E.<'H clcaf\up . t-r nt/reas TltASll & DEBRIS M:uonry 631 Ofl(l7 P ln~/1::-.;t. Avg room IS. --. , l~t.go.3t38, v-484-2148 tltro15H93'1 CARPt.'~TltY J> nun~ College Student 548 6t28 --t'rt'c ellt Pnc1'" tncl HOMF.Si\\ EHS A RD &t GAR AG E & m1;~r rep~11 /'t.'r~ --• • . •inc) pmnt 64S-l6-t2, n 1 l11u l'lumblnJt &lleahng call anyt1me839·7 ... '...__,__ MASTER <;RAl-'TS:'ltAN Remodel. rlr11sh & re· pau'll. 'Xlnt refs 499·3105 Oftfroctor CLEANUPS. Lile haul· estlmut-..i;.S45·1"o8. Hauling. odd jobs. Law ........................ -... OTICE' -i:,~l~bel5t1~at<.'1~· hos"1oeslh w1_ ... _ c c_,.t Ser<rk• •••••••••••••••••••••• mg. Pele, 6til·S-10l Ch-student needs work. ROF. MOVING. Lowest *,.. . * ~7~~ ~:\ ~~tC r -w It. ~wa CERWICK&SON -. n:.t1an <'OUlllt' will ~O\' Have P U.J lm 49<1·~\ rate B of A. Lie & lns. Honesl , Ot'pcndable, ____ . _ _ •••f•••••• • Add1t1ons " Remodeling Com plete CardC'ntng .>OU~ home. j)('t!I &: pl~nt.s Care.Ways. UH700 (7 N o n D r I n k ,. r Plum~r. Repair. Rep1pe ~IN~~~ CLF>ANEO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lac 81219-12 Service. Low mo rates. In )Our absence F.xp Houuca...iwc) days> Lirtln /&oded. lntrs & Installation &Services rtlt-.St:;f,·TllRU CO. ~g.2170 673,6041 rree est 6.l5·:~H Kevin raretokers w 1 xlnl refs •••••••• •••• •• •• ••••••• -"-"-19---i t::xten ors G Gidley 642.931 F.s111nnll' 640-4798 W C ~ ,.._ Cl ~~::..:..:~--...::..~::.:.:1----------\va1l K 1 546~ _. • ....,, • ..,.... •• IMJ · ---------' are ..... tpct e11ners ' · Pr0Cess1onal Ca r pet ••••••••••••••••••••••• No JobTooSmall ' R-~ ----lrvme Windnw Cleancnr Steamcleanorshampoo •TOMJO~ES • ardenlng -Landscape, Cleaning. Ali.o floor & Churlle 171'1>538·7128 -·...., It 'd ., ( ~ •1 Also U~lstery·All work Patio covers. redwood clean-up. You can afford Reduce heat. glare. fad wi' ndow •·arc. Oul"h PAINT/PAPER --••••_••••••.•. ••••••••··~· L'SI ·..,tore ront · ~ri ;, • So d ' ~ HEP AIRS ALL TYPES lnu. l'cl1.•r M orodooln. auar. tb/MC. free est. decks . gozeboes. Call us. F or est. call Ron Ing wlth lar·X win o Maintenance Service Cd. work Reasonable SELL idle Items \lo tth 11 R bl. t ~,· &U·0'.!26 ~r 9AM or at•• Rea!L rales 64.5-3716 640-18'76 (714 1548-4987 act 4pm film. Frre esl 963·834l 53'7·1508. • free esl, he/Ins 963·-t&40 · Dally Pilot Classified Ad \~,11501 na e, rec est, ic 1ut830-502Uuny\11ne PM. ~.~ ••••• !~.~n1.111a•~~ ~~ ... !!~~!.~.~ ...... ~~~.~::'aft! ~~~ ..... ?!!! ~~~ ..... ?!!! ~~~ ..... !!~,~~~t:.~ ..... !L~ 1.111....................... l"ound 2 dog.s \le. Sunta ....................... ..rlubyll iller-. mature Barm ald·P /time n1tc~. CLUKTYPIST encrnl Ofc. Ma ture i ' ~ Ana A\'C Costa '.\lesa Schools & women or G ma type. Gnn &: Heer Jt. 436 l::. Billing c;icrk ror lire in· female wanted for ift• Oppart.ity 500 l II b I a 'e k I ab: t. I j lmtrwcHot. 7005 Own traosp., C4re Cor 2 17th St, CM 543.9949 sur. co. Good lypmg, 10 i.uranrc C?fr· Must ha~ --• • ••••••••••••••••••• 1----a..aa=~-__ _. ~A-.Sbepb~rd bco ...................... j prc·schl r b1IJ1ren. ~ull ..... _ ... : key by touch & previous ell her furn nee or In · .;!~........, •ALU~flNUM r~DRY & whale w /collar Britis Jn mg eac er. ttmr.trtlslrltpg-d _......"'" .._. oft"expc1.Slll81")""t . sucant=e exper. ust bf! ~-SUO.OOO oownlakes over BIRTHDAY 556-0579 · Horst• or rider. S.R .S.~lc but not nee. Salary Pl!CISIO,.. Good co. be nefits . ahlo to h:rndle tcop ~ ....::::......,... •CAN DY SHOP & Dre8$DJ?C t rained. llun· QPen. C.M. area. Start HAIR CUTIH 833-84~ & be gd typist . Ofc alija· ~.......... Ice Cream 524. t'OUND lovely m:ile doll . ter·Jumper. Your stable lmmed. 546·9127 11rt. S:OO Wiil lruln -for haircul· · cent airport. Irvine. CUii ~._, ...--. •SCHQOL. reading-skill purl lJeaglelShephcrd. or mine. 7S1·0220. pm ting only. Newport. arn. ooks wuntcd · Apply in 833·9Sll for lntervww . ...... .--. •Bl!:Ell BAR. H.B. Tan w/whl pa\\S. Choke . . 548-4l23. person. Kentucky 1-'r ic<I •BUILD HOW S UPPLY oollar. \'illai:e S.in Juan Piano IA-s:.ons. Begmncrs 1>ys11tcr/hskpr. 4 boys, Chicken Laguna Hench GUYS & GALS •SCHOOL.pvt Jr/Sr lit RHONDA nrea.49S·l433. & l nleC'mediate. Call10ci1ble hrs. Part lime. Beaullcian w/followlnl! Miimon VicJo. El Toro l ,dill tr. t r~uwJrtJ 64 fi, (l 1 ----.-------« •MAIO SERV .• N.B. M~.Sowers.&M·6196 ~efs.536·9189 fo r a oph i 5 t1 c at ed Uf\IER CIRL Balboa nren. towork a rt>w houn; H. B s 1716 Orange. C'.\l FOUND male lmh Set ----Newport Beach salon lsl. Cull or Pl·limc, over a day. f'un Job. Earn S2S "'-'Cux.,_e o:'"c~~-:i.n., ... _645-_4_1_10 ____ 6_10_·_ tcr, ohlcr male w tmy Jobs Wont•d. 7075 · ~;sillcr wunled, days. Xlnt Joe. Comm1ss1on or 18 yrsold.676·5666 lo SSO per work. FOfl ~ • '"' ~ aq LOVE ~hl streak on chc:.l. Vic •••••••••••••••••••••••1 lhi;h school student. my rent .646·70Q8 OUNTER SA' L'""'IAN. morc-inCormal1on phone good P rk ina, A IC. amic Shop.Hunt Bch. Atlanw & llcb Dlv(J, H.B. Heulthy, strong. clean-cut home. Call art 6, 75l·6626. ~, . 1 d "*"...," u P>·0913. e I e vat qr . M a 1 le r s SlOOO Includes all stock & 898-6821 16 year old student nttds Nr Ad.lims " Fairview. Be11utician tor exclusive " annc tar wore. '" ust Equal Oportunltl' > Owft /Rlta: 173-4120. fixtures. Agent893_.563 M 1. h work of en)' kmd, odd CM. salon. l yr old in Lag be reliable & resporuu· E mployer ---------·1-.:.;.;.:.;.;..:.;;.;...~:.:...:..;;.;...;_....=_, om IC T fine ROid chain bnk jobs. Costa Mesa area. f Sch. Xlnt oppor. for right ble. 557.9900 ~ 60'~5qFT LADIES APPAREL bracelfl. \'1t'or~c'<\port S48·6365&askforRory. byinttcr,my home orl perso n . Mus t b1ve•----------1 HEL.l COPTER REPAIR. ' 1611 W LIFF-NB Elegant shop in deslra· Medical Ccntt'r, t-~n~hlon ehHd, ~/days. Reis r cq. roUowing. 003.3471 ntcr help, ~urly morn· Open to men and women: A .141·5032 ble No. side Laguna Bell• _ _.Ir-.__. ls land. Reward fi13-189S Gourmet chef m:ite cook H.B. 898·1529 In~ hr 8 • 7 · 30 a m l 0 No experience nef'dt<l<I ---------•locat ion . Desi g n e r -.._ for 12 on ri~ht voyage. le..tyAssist.h 2:00pm. Tues ~hru Sat. Leam helicopter repair I fashions; 30 yr repu\a.••••••••••••••••••••••• osl : Himalayan Cat. Bef.exp.675-3754 llabysittl'r , matu re Fttimc. Ri c ha rd 63l ·l~I. Del i:uco, 1720 and maintenance. After lion. L 0 ST : M a I e do R Male. Blk/l>ear,c, long • woman. m\• lr\•lne home. Ouellette Salon, 200 Supenor Ave, CM. · basic training, train at MORIHS a~·LTY Keesbond, Capo Bch h:ur. l\!Qy .hll\lt! lost Domesl.Jc. cxpcr. expert 7.30-4:30 :.i on·f'ri. S\911 · NewportCenterDr,N n . Cou I r \I ed -rso Army trade s chool. """" area. Ans lo "Slate ... name ta g. C:imeo huu:.cdeanmg, NcwPort A 16 h M271Ht3"' pe or 'r r-n Travel, meals. medical, * 494-1057 * children ht-art broken. S hores. n EWARD! Bearh, l.nt;una area. mi: ug l · · · to manage 16 unit 8~ dental, housing plus pay -~~~!!.:~~~-t.:=:::::=:--=-:-::-=-:=:-::-:::;::-;I Reward! 496·8021 aft. 5 673·3597 S8hr.631·3081am Babvs1tter needed Sept. BOAT t'~' in Ne~~rl Beae · !l l3rts $361 month. tablished Secretarial & pm . 7. 303 ·4pm Mon·F . t e m a n e n an ce. DI' I If I (I d t Temporary Help Busi· · .• LOST lady's Rold wutch. Exp, quall<led ·elcmcn· t.1atur'!: wo~nn w/rc~~-CARPEHTIRS (714)992·2410 term no qun i e • ncss. All or part. So Heward. Losl 8 J,urUc lt•wwd 645-5436 tnry teacher. New lo my home Eas\bluff Army Opportumtics or. Orancv County. Re· vit'. College Yark . area._ wants_ run time 640-8685 • · ouples·Housewlvcs. ex· Occnearestyou. ---+-------• quires related business ''TYE" on shell. 5464639 REW ARD teaching position. Avail FINISH ~~~~~jj'~~ Um fl:ntr.:';50: Bch ~ I N.B. I ""'7· pvt om~. capabilities plus lnvm· : Lgc dog. on Lido LOST: \lohf\e longh111red ammcd. 640·9067. FIHAL ASSf.MILY Santa Ana S42·4t.30 Pres ' e bld!J. Re4M>na· ~nl.493-4306aft.Gpm lslc. NB part Norwegian male Maltese doi:. V1C' .._., W..tH 7100 IJANKING S&L Day work. some nursing, Join the~ople .: I blc. ·STOO. t•CR.,..••••L Elk Hound, w e aring Iris SL Cd~t. July J3. ••••••••••••••••••••••• MILL elderlycoupJe. who"'vejoined • ., ., , ,,..llU,,.. t.ari:e reward for r11turn. l ei U"•• NEW ACCOUNTS <J l 753-3542 ... A DIUJXlOHtCIS Ser•ic•A•ailable t a~s. cn ll 673·<t64'1 Wo arc hcnrtbrokcn. we ~CCESSO '·' '.""" .... e rmy. Comnt 6 hldiU spaces.. You ar e an exe c . REWARD love & miss him. C:l ll f or Inter. des11:n firm Eiccelle n t sal ar y, Delivery & Installation IOUSl::KEEPER. Live 200 lohoosq. n. Aa low secre\3ry or tbe highest FOUND: July 14. Irish 613·15 17 anyllmc, or Great advonceml'nt op COUNSELOR bcnef1l1 & working con· Man for major a p · In. BtCI NB ho me . 2' :is» aq. ft. Lag Niguel & ca I I b c r who Is n't Setter in Lake Foresl, l::I 557·~16 (8·30-5) por. Reply lo Classified H•WPORT IEACH ds. 4 D3y wk. Must have plianees. Full time 10· children, drive. rec. ret' J\llss1on VN!Jo ore as. sallstied w(working for a Toro area. 586·3743. , ad no722, c/o Daily Pilot. ., :ibihty & desire to do top cld'g Saturdays. Must be 830-6660or 644·2100 llandy to s. o. Prwy. salary You know you LOST Lad1es yellow .iold P O Bux 1 5~0, Costa OFFICE quahlyworlc. expr,stronf!,healthy,de· _;.;;.,;_;_:_..;...;_..:_...:......:...-- Call831-t4'l0 aregooJ&wantlo bere.f'ound Silk~ Trrric r lK diamond wedding Mesn.Q\92626 pcndable & bondable,llousekeeper, mature tor __ ..,_ ______ 'wardedticcordlngly vicinity Uc a ch & nng, Nwpl Center Med. Aparlmcnt manager for Mulurc p.:rson Wf!IOmc PACIFIC TRAWLER start lmmed ., frin ge cure for2 children oges ~ 400Sq.n .carpeted suitable Wo havcu unique oppor. Warne r . Jluntln gto bid~ .. Rcward !hGrcat :J6units Lov'IY2 Br:ipt S&L new accounts or CORPORATION benefits, Dunlap Ap· &9.Liveln or out,:i u•)' for gift stop, dress shop, that wlllinlc rcsl you If Bcar h.. 842·2623 cmollonnl attar mc nl. · c · teller cxpcr. needed to 350 Kalmus Dr. C.M. pliances. 1815 Newpor1 week. II u r ~. n c h i.. inJuranct or real estate ' . PLEASECAU.751·9490 751·73S5. handle all phases ot Bh·d.CM~-7788 714/842-8020. fl· o ffice. s \udlo e t e . you~ the right person. Found. S mall White cu. .. tomer counselling & C ... 540.3935 fl abl V'IJ we will provide you w/an Blk Shep/Colhe Mix LOST While t > r old d Th' . DELIVERY MA N, early !QUOR Clerk p/llme eason c rent. 1 age eslab'I sccr t'tarla l F · 1 19th Sl/S t · lhmalayan eat w/bluc •~SEMBLERS corresPon. enct' •.. 15 lS AM Times route, Costa Mature man. No exper lnn ltl<iel 1911 So. Cst service in an extremely A~Z11!~'M 642·G87l an 1 jcwt-lcd <'Ollar & clear IW •1 r~ponsible position .re· OATS Mesa . No eollecling. needed. Apply, 11·3, 1525 Hwy. •91·~ bu,sy .• fully occupied · plastic n ea collar. vie P r c cl s lo n e I H l r o qwnni.t 45·65 wp~ typmg WILLARD YACHTS musl have depend:ible Mesa Vcrdo Dr East. Ofcl' w./Mb, 'SJO. sso -~ldme located '!' the FOUN D, Cockapoo rnale Narcii111us .'It Sth. CdM. mccl\anieul 5wllcllcs &goodspclllnf! skills. lmmed Openings For: car.546-4481 C.M. I S10 l5ZS W ~facArthur · growtl>g O. C An-port z:r-yrs-old 811" \Ile. 642·0469 oNJ41Y7804 --&xper; pref'd. bul wi r or lurtncr lnri>rmatilm ~Carpuhn D"""'-"L ". •slst-"""'I ..... Uquor ·~t-k. mal ... ""'·""" ' •IO t .I W~l3 g.3·30 a rea . Fo r a n appt. Ha milton & Busha rd, . tram o; T h-U ""~~n "" ..,,., .. u. ~ ... .. .,.,..,.,.. · · · · · Please Call 67S-2S12 )Aoo 11.B. 962·5529 PenoMll1 5350 STACOSWITCH IMC & interview appl. Please * CMIC . P gery ore. Musl type tSC yn . full time. Reply: Ad' w c 1 t ti ff O ri v e . l>etwn 8fiS. ....................... JlJ9 BnkcrCosta Mna contact Bart Bolin, •Soil»oot Al~ wpm>. lukc x.rays & as· 11'721, Daily Pilot, 330 W. Furnilhed office. Air , Ort.nkin~ problem " 549•3041 LOS ANGELF.S Minimum l yearexper. sist.SDaywk.842·2521. Bay, Cosrn Mes a, Ca. c"" SUS mo. Ph t>42·4Q97 ales or iented people ult Alcohol llelphne F EDERAL SAVINGS Apply 11200Condor Ave 92626 --'-"""--------~-,!wanted tr. or p. time> for Equal Oppc>r Employer &LOANJ\SSOCIATJON f'. Vly 979·0126 DENTAL ASSISTANT --------....... ....... 445 rare bus. oprty. E1tpcr. 21 hrs a d:.~· 83S-~~ Orthodontic Chalrsidc. I•--------- ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• not ne eded. will t rain. t : Reward for Maltese EXCESSJVE DRIN,..CNG ... .r.Sf.MIL.., (7141675-4500 IOOICICEEl'H Newport. 4""1 days/wk. LOAM Oftico SUitt. pvt. htilh Call 846-2790 bet. S & 7 doR weOJing flea collur. rums h\l'll "'~ """ Equal Opp Employer Full time. Through trial Orthoexpr rcq.642·2626 PROCESSI .... ~ cpts, drpS. patio. Wall" p.m Vlc. Cd'M. 613·1517 & Want to Slop• ;\luminum assembler for m tr balance, w/gen'I & 1ccty . ~w pd. 9 2::> mo. 130 E. 17 ' 8:30-5, SS7·~16. DETOXfflCATION & ~mall boat . No exp. nee sktll!I. e:ipable or manag. Dental ~ss1i;tont. Part SECRETARY' ' St. CM~1poy1e/Cenlur reschool Lie. -t4. Xlnl nFllABlLlTATlON Apply In person at 193'2 in11 oHlce for indl111ttual. lime. minimum 1 yr e>t· • • 2lRly.-·ll6SMIM)•111. loc. full. G l e d y 11 FOUND:Shc pm1x,malc. co'1tus 24 tlrsadn~ F..PomonuSl.SanlaAna Salary commcnsurote pcr.Xray llc.841·8501 ---'--------t Wllll,m1, Rll.r. S38·GlG6 t.. TaHOO. "Stranger ". ~uth.Coa1'l BANKING w/exp. CdM area. Cull n~ntal Asslsl "nt, ,.hair Exce lle nt opport1tn~if MODIR ... OFFICI Vic CM 646 GIW2 M&lsln.nt Munni;er eouplr •w ccou ... r.r. ""' .. ~ ( 'd d " .. -" i---· . . Community llospltnl lor 147 unit apartmen1 M.. A "" ~ l'ofon·Frl, 9:30-S. 6lS·5333 side, 1 yr exper. X.ray Uc. or rnp1 a v .. nc.om....,.. ,.__ STORE' FOUND: Sml blk whl rem So. Luguna l·<l99 l31l C'ompl"X. $750. mo. Ind COUNSELOR Newport Bch. 644·0922 or In m ortgngo lndust,Y. ~ """"" ' Bookkc.-epcr/Sccy. Applicant mus t hav J,l-IO 511 n. In i1hoppln O.partw.it1y 5015 cStat. vie of Toco Bell. 1mh MASSAGE n 1lue of your apt. Exl)('r S:iturdoy 0 11,ly 1ror ou S•lesoffice. Nwprl Och. 1_837_·_2228 __ . -----·•good typing s kills a ccnter•t 1~13 ltlo~noli _,. • CM &44>-7921. l< refs req'd, Husband Costa Mesa o c .• 1tc typ Call 644·0126 DENTAL ASSISTANT oper:H e ca leu la l o utCari'1eld. fo.,tnVly. u••••••••••••••••••••• IF UN FIGURE MODELS must h:ivc lld rna111 Ing. Expcr. req'd. <.:al ----------• 0 K led r I te ·M14·1433 LAllTAHOIMOTa 1,0 0 : CC){'kapoo pup.( ienunrc hnl'k(lround Mr.Donnelly. Ru1 boys, expcr. N'pl CllArRSI E·EXP. now geo rca es Own.-. l·m :H tG unil11. lol'alcd nor ~~~~~· &ml~~~1 • 1\1 ~' ESCOR0T~LY !'i<1G·9114JO,cve.~54!>-830ll 546·2300 He nch dinne r ho use. Non·smoker.G44,oo32 ~~f~~1j0~1u!~:11~~~i~n A.:r~~!..,oMt. Su1tfA fl'tlm &20 sq. ft t lO.OfO IC\. ft. Lc11slnR In fn, Wl'st Cons\ Psclfl _Ht .. Ellatet 131·2690 • l)ALBOA LC\LANO SllARP: 8118lnes1 bldg 42t 11q. It., avail. 101med N• ttp•ll'S iaec. $300. mo. Lendt ltaolt to a fun· bu11 lni'JI • t mo• phere. 97$.o.wl ()I' 'ZU«llM_2..£,.· --· &ate Line Caalno. IBkC' • • I OUTCALL "" Callfol'f'IO , •• ,.. Before llam. 642.-9434 I;) I s T ll I n u T 0 R ~ c11c:row lnstruc lion~ ski hill. Showll a nice rt ~· 631 1811 N • ""l) I I ( I • AVO"'C•H~lp Sa•IRCJt&Loan CM HI J-:R·SALES· G IFT &l':Da;; ,rcvoulionory var o us orms an l~~ 1nt 1pre11cn~ opc-r~ ~oUNl> i.mall ~hltc pup --YOU 2'700 llnrbor Bl, c M. WRAP. t.tature, min. chet ,,Product "Slender generol cnrre11pondenc 1..,.. •• n x nt con(J •<.':ill)' py. Lcalhcr str11p nroundl I'll 1-:GNANT~ P.qual Oppor fo:mploycr hrs, 2 wknilt's S·Opm, Now $43,00 lnveslm~nt. Immediate opening, Co ownlr o!Mlrate.ide11l for neck. Vtr Uel Mar & C"arin 11 confld('nllr1l lla"ethcSummc·r\<1f'.1· f ll rt c 11 tact: seinl·rctiremcnt or 1tooc1 Montt Va:.111. ~-G432. . C'OunNl'lln): & rt•forr:il. Lrnn M your dr1'3nll' Sun. 10nm·4pm. RION antu c pro i s. " Personnel Oi•1)t, ori11m11l lnv~i-tmrnt. . Ahort ion, 11dopl1on toe \tnkc xlnt f'nrnmr.11 for UANKI NC II ARD W /\It t: • l 024 S:I0>43llS MISSION VIEJO • Oth<!r commem·:il r.OST k('('pln11 pal'l llml' 111.'11tn11. !'rain· MIW ACCOUHTS lrvl~e. N.U. 6'12•1133 011k r>rlver11. part time evoa. lnvt••tml•nl lnformallon ror the r\'· Al' ';\JH; ~41 2.'>fl., 1n11 1ir ov I d r 11. .. c 11 l I Uank exlWr. only. Con· ror 1 hil. Over 2l can earn cxtro COMPA .. Y opportunit ies tum uf bluc-{iltnne JO--5407041 or Zenith• t:ISll tucl Bo b Cr l'li:hton. CHARGEMURSE 1lollar11 . Me ·N ·Ed'a 24llOOChrlunta l.,ot11, c11hlrt-s & speed hike. 752-1920 AIORTION Rl11ht Awuy 8J3·3700. Irvine Nullunal ll-7l'M, rull time & re• Pins. 410 E 17th Sl. CM Mlu:~r .. ~~~~o~ 02Gl~ bustne $U avalloblt. ,. ..... 1_ ... <'•rfty ''""k·"·IVV• COUn'l<'linJ: At ll1•Crr rul Bank. t:°!qua l Oppor I Id ,. -------- ~IF.RRA NF.VA DA Rt;AL.TY. INl:. '" '"' • " -...n ..... ~ Pre I(. l<.'st·a voll wknrts lll'f. Contact · 0 ,;on. DllVlttS W AMTID 1-;i1ual OpporWnlly Male. Ncw11ort T1•rr. «' 2t llr llclplm(' St7·0l!JS ll1tb)'sit1 er. M V llO~lfo:, t-:mploycr. vulc1'r1mt Crnl<'r. ISSS Men or Women ~;mployt•r M /I'' Twnhmll, l!lth !-it , N ll -----own t r.1n11 poru111>n !:iul)(ld11rAvc.Nli. Mulltlic2t..iir ovi•r c.SH>343 * SONY A'S * t1<1lHt63 Pvcs. liANKING CHIF-WOIKIMG Apply In Pc r5on 6~~~~r°:rr\:y.V~Oll'~~ P 0 . Oox 723 'ound at Tew1nklc Pnrlc, OUTCi\l,J, Mi\.qSACa: &tiy:uucr SA.MTIAGO IAMK with 1-'uropean tralnln1t Yelow C• SIOo. Also •ss:per loft S.l.akeTahoe.Ca. m ale Rl or k I.ab 838·1780 ~li\TU rtJ-: motherly TU'TINOFPICP. fnrC-O~ntryCluh.Plea11e 112llSIMlf'rAvenuo WO<J'!lt ROOM ASSIS Pvt Cc>untrv d11h n1•ud p1.·tlmo t'M lllOYC<l t work in ll:I mtn '5 lockc rm. F.n1t /Sp11n ~pcokl11 Call for lnlCt (flt' &4H4o.t C9l6) S4l-i617 Retriever. Appro1t ~mo '4nmnn who would tnjuv 1111!1 lmmcd. n""'nln12!1 fo •., .. d r" 11 um.. t 0 fount nin Valley 11 va1lable. ch~re " ,,v "..,.,, " ... 67J.26S4 te L._ 102S 919 tM'f MASSAGI c:il'•na for 4 c•hlldrrn 1-:xper'd Tt'llera. f-'tlll & Claulfi~ ad no. 118, c/o , ec. Mltmt·typc penon ---...... ---:"-'-i.•••••••••••••••••••••• POUN O Collie femole. vlr fJobJllmrll· Aill'll a 11 11 & 12• Own p/tlm<!. IJ:iily Pilot. PO Oox l500, lookin" lor 2nd income. ..... tri .. ll..... 450 l.1c. M11ueur tr o n 11 11 r Ii v ,. n r r,:~ E lstSl. Tastin (;ol>tu Mc u, Ca 9~i " ............. , .... " .. $VENTURE s J7th & SllntlJ Allll Nwpt Outcalll\ 9AM·9PM E11"bluH. Moat be nc-xJ reg~y l111rmun 832·~00 P/Umc. PotcnU3I SHOO t..,guno ff.Ills. 900 +sq. rt. JOtMT VIMTUlll I litt!I. ~ 08413 49.1·5U t bl on hour & days. tlnd FAlual Oppor t;mploycr CLER" mo. llll)'r. o3i1-tll23.:...._ L VN I I• 7 Moulton Pkwy & Lake Or t o r t1n y th i n 1t fOUND: Mnn·s watch nOl reluctnnl todosomt ft F:XP.CUTIVJo: S~C Rt: Jl'rl.&-SlltNlahts t'orrtttOr.8»0990. worthwhtle su .ooo \'1c:SUrf&S:andMotel The .... To.ch normalmolherlyehorell 1£CEPTIONIST TARY, for oul~tandlnfl ParkUdo Conv.~nter -. . r It C714 ) 4!M 14689 FortbelKlll' C:ltras l>a)'S 640·51146. c '10$ career In a grow mg com 400 naushlp lld Co6la MM& tJ00.3000aq ft nunimum, no Im . Lee . an Outc1l1 Mos age. 6408000 BANK The D•ll)' Pilot need,_, a pany, in Newport. Sf!nd " Industrial \artit. 548·$531 496,5717 Askror Mr. "ound. July Uh wknd.. Qall 75l·3!131 Babysitter Need~d to sit *TELLER* clerk rcccpllonlllt for ou r resume lo lhe Pret1idcnl., Nt!Wport Och 0.J2411.M Owner. .. T .... t ronl~t '\~~:..~h~gg~~a~ Ptf'IOMI Servicff UH &tour house in CdM. f:n-lmm~late open1n11 In Saddlcbnek Mfit'C. Mulil Nuclear l\f cdicoJ, Slf L VM l..t.h WMIM4 460D •~••••••••••!~.~~ lbsg°s45·3!t2S • PP . ••••••••••••••••••••••• tails some occulonul Coatla &leu olrlcc, Sllv· be •l>le to type, handle Superior Ave. Newport Taking npplic11tlons ro ••••••••••••••••••••••• . P'ro~rt.Y Mnn111tina ('()U· O\'cml1tht~. Schedule' on Ina and Loan or bl!lnk phones & rronl rountt'r . Beach, 112663 (/lime 3·11 &. p /tlrne. Retpontlf)le-. touple~ n LOANS 9°' l : Vie of P:I T~ & pie for~ n. ar a. s yrll a rnonthl) basis. Old~r experience p referre•I. t.Kccll t nl comprrny ,_altw• a~ t-'/llme 1•3:30 fl Pl''m pet.I or elulclr~n need . /0 Muirlands. 4 Yr old whlle exp. w1rcl1t. look•nR for woman pref. 675'-729$ MU$\ ~ WllbnJ: lo •ork MntflU. 12.30 pc.r hour '"r-" Xlnt 11alory & 1>e~r1t '°"I \enn le:iH ot z or AheZ..TDL.... ghepherd. R e ~·a rd . house 1n cxchanJie for aome Salurday1. t-:x. Wriu.-n appficat1on11 on· &Lei .... Tr.ll• r 1 Mlr house on Nwpt Bay . .FalrettT«msslnce l!Mt 586-896Sor'49&-291l servkt i;. f>4G 'lfilG PM'5 0 A B V S J T T E R • celleot t alary. workll\I ly. Wrtle Ad J741. Vally Eitpr 'd hel p wuted. w/pal~ "1:f'h ~ 11 e " Sl rt1 ()c 11.000 $.tt1tr C --hM~keeper , Mon-Fri, mtK!ltlon1 and benefit..5. Vllot. P .O. Box JSGO, poulble f ull lim e . Aur. •ta n iJ 1 ver 6-t~n~fwtr!i,. · mo. 641•2171 M~S.:6ii : Sml Germ Shep. t26PM • .-tn Vly area. Coll orapply albunch. Co t3 Mcs~.Ce .02f\~or tWGaor W ·9625 !~\tir!O'~Y;. on e.a.c .._ _______ 1male. 2 "'ht toenails on J.,CWK 5400 Ownttarui.rd'~.0033890 AMERIC .._..._. ou may fill out llpp Cll· G 1 ffl h 1 Appl.,lnP .......... _.,.m ParkN"port Apt l br frontpaw.Ansto "Sm1l· ~" lionatthcCoslaMcsaof· encra o cc e P "'v"•" fl&l'ft. Eves tM·1Mt 0; ~T.D.LOA.,.I ty" Vi c ll erbor & "OTICI 5 ._VINGS fice 330 w llaySt need•d for art cl1b. . onlhruFTI 14Mltl CC>mb1nation real estate s 0 ~ti 0 "er. s so MEW DIHCTIOHS how D:ail)' PJI°' Cla . A Equal Opportunity Would pre fer mattm! Pllrlt UdoConvCenter ---------·"'•• personal property REWARD! Cill s A social arou p for 1r1ed ads display their m~ftllowe:tAvftlue Employer pe.nonw/sdomceskllls. 466Fla1J5hlpRd WANTED~ tiftJle u loaas on residence&. oreves.979·"4' s 1ng ll'S. 30·44, p ro · messages w1lh l'iib1b\y CoataMesa PIT, 9·12, 5-dy wk. Dana Newportlkh 64Z·IOl ...cloledaarapspac:e in apartments " com · Cesslonal & 11em ·prof. :indlmpact?Ourads.we Mrs.e.rr 91'9-9800Don'ldrop theb~ll1 Geta Pt.496·117'7 Corona dtl Mar area for merdil properdeg, l.$000 : Cat. "h.lte shrtbr. Non swinxina:; & not a are proud to say, really EqualoPil(>rtu.nlty jobw1lh a low·CO&t Dally1_.;.._....;... ______ The fl&Slett draw In at«llge ot compact .car to 1100.000. Stat•wlde blk spoU ld11il. Oo,·er & c h u r ~ h I r o u P • gel resu Its. Phone employ4tr M/F Piiot Cl assified Ad. Have some.thing to s.11? West .• ·* Daily P O.ll C'lM2l86 Eva . Finance 'J'T2..880t Ma.liners. B 6-46-6087 (714173 Hl792.2-'lpm &U·S6'18. Phone &42·5618. .E!,~lflH ads do it well. CtasalOed Ad. 6¢5'11. J 1 ' ' I• • r, ,.,. ... .. c I j • S•turoay. Jul~ t7, tt76 ~tt.lp W_.... 7t M tw. W.tM 710G ..... .cu 80 I ~C--es & ~ IOSO ..... S• IOH ....................... ~~-=-··················· ....................... ........... 103 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••• Help W-.4 71 Help w-... 71 W..e.4 7 I" TOOL I MG P~l~ht lJ"'mW'" llO(pol11t • •••• •• • •• •• •• •• •• • • •• PUl&JC A.UCTl~H •••-••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••.•••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ile• Ca r•e r ·tle ad) Fl .. _...., Sa"'"""" \\'iirn"r L•ocf k." •. "'d'l ••I IUY•* _ _, R 1WQl'k IJT~ wk•up to ~rt ""' a•.U lool\'1. C).p tn " ..._ . " • "' .. .-.... ~~011n •' O\ 1e \tA:-.1 \' PIS f. IT &. • 0 1-' Ma"HllllSJ 1111Me.•H1••..-car K•pt R.J D'late. Coounerel1I ~U~ ffrwb Mt-'3TI bualdlna ai maun~niin ., _!l~ar Ui.roor. .1nt11 An~ oul.lh. C'On1plet". Good ui.cd Fllm11urc 4l l::STAT E J r.w El, Ry. "" front. ~tit ore. T)'Pint IULTY IY --or ht>trelailo bo.iu ""~ Rl\f'Rllit::RATORS ~67).581.U A~pllenr.s -OR I wlJI ART OBJ to;<;TS, A!li 4ianll u~r ll-ilM&SO flNANCIA ,11 In ~l"SOfl Ill t93.2 •· W~llF.RSOR\ERai C_... IOJ l l'lor$£LL(ol'You. TlQU.:S. .,.INt: •·unN . " DAILY PILOT Good 1uual back· fround. ~tup It operalf' vantty of machines, in cl11dln1 t urret latl'll'. vert1cle 6 ho rht>ntal mills It punch pres H . -l S.IH En1/!!t~ to WK roowJlua St Santa Ana • "" MASTHS AUCTION ETC. PllON.: F'OR I~ JES /WOMt!N·M•IU!h l IA I~ R·~•l•o•u .. od R~r •••••••••••••••••••••• MM6U&lll-t6JS fO. & OROCll U R•~ home EH!r>tb1n11 •up Bkt~r,~y RE to=it'OW TRUC K ORIVt;tt & •rJ' O :{~I HIMALAYAN Aft 6 CALL 554.7293 tUH200 pl rd. m trrha n d lu PORTFOLIOS "'-re Ser to E.x1>11r'tt, Appl) o & w , ~ 1111r t ----------, .. rled C•ll D11rbara. Wont.Pr~t' .or tof7 i To"ina . 1'1lh & lnlllt, 2:t '1·:ARS IN OC. Bluepoint, 8 ""'· r~ -----Jul)'t7fdlJ.H B.a rtol s-41l 658t of lrvlne hn jian rt · f rd Ali<>.~,. Jobi N.B DUNLAP'S ::~d , rea.onllblt S:~'J·~.N~V:..~ u~11~~~· lW EAM1n1dru \h • m all prec:lllon p1rt" Small '110$>. Do't onlr N"'t ha' e own tools. "'ffd depe11d1ble peh o celvcd • inultl·m lllJOn 11'\IMJ'tr.onn IA•cOt> TIAMSMISSIOH 1815~cwport Bhd,<!M Bura11io Nuolc. Now 2 l..11~ a &;u·h for l hihl care. hOu•ewrk, dollar N mmernal pro-488 E lT\b, Ce>ita M t 1i11 aHU LOU CALL~ 77.0 Pt«h~reu Mamt'n' k1ttc-n1o Sloru~ ~5 & •1 1 W ~·i1mal) Oara~e Sahi S.1t ST A.COSWfTCH ... C 1131 Baker, Coata Meaa In c· in wt M1an Sept Je c t. We n ted l'lt· Swtc~ Sdl410 I :o,ho111. houH•brol.rn. l t91h. C M tl-12·7930 & onl)''lO.J,~TVu.ha Cu SAi opcin Ktfi. ~0.0lo&I ~l'lt'nted c:ommerclol.~~ T?pwo1•~ + rnn1te Wall buy ornu ttlnJ, u11 "'k" llJH)'J7.& ~·~ J NH '40flOl7 Alt 6. m lMT development oriuntt'd QipU.truno lkach 1llJant•ci. "'urk111.i ur not on, · · ' n lapcQple. i •lu perton wanud d61ltlt 1A l 11 u •.t•rnp mc.-t tal IUmala)'Jn li.llltna. Ct'; :\tus l •ell hous\iful ufpeQt~Si;-m ;k'it1 .... 0,: NUHS>; Wo me ns dress sho p. bi$~ rl'& $100 GOOd hom es (IU:tllty furn .. rbhln,,; Shots, hou&\lbrokt'n, 10 Lv.l's-«tt•s WIALSOOffll! La1tuna Buch. Call only.6'11).4141 luc:klt', p111ntln¥•· mhr ·wk~ 644.orn4 I •"•·llOI• UHDllWatTIN• F'"NT'"STIC IUY -~JMn'l\ nl••t"ir1", no c•h·· .. •· . . -----M•CHl .... I SHOP f"!llme ll·T. We hint • ""' " ""' ""' D 10'" "' 'v '' ,. .... ... " ASSiSTAHT ftnrnd 111.:w Maytaa Con 09' .. plc:"''"·~·ll\00 Mo vtni: 1111lr. llntni: S mull m 1111uract u rer c um mon l nt c r1a t •Ser\lt'\'11 which r1ndj andwlth&l'luladMakcr •Tr:unt•enngltaon 'ertlbli• Dlllhw~11.l\n •••••••••••••••••••••• . -Harbour. Scru1ot •, S:u ne11r ex; Airport hu Im· :~<::\RISC , .. \.'uu make ll'IQl1uy to put n w tom· motu1 ~ JIN on. $ hi'$ u ·~ Vr1 buSlne11i c>.v Won tu Prl 'e ! Woot •PIT WORLD• hnmuni. Sura l~d. bnw•n only. t6l33 St. C1·ob .. med oiwnan1 In Produc: uw r are o our l>ll•~·nl .Punic:• l11lo bushw & day . ~t o n . l''r I l"u11t •AA Oe1tr~ or 2 YO bl()('I( tup, lu,'l.'I'' aiold l'OI PU Hulhi, Pt•kn . Weilh: l.w1'1'.''· 11d \'und • $l:l5 8'10•31U. tlon M11chlne Shop. AP· pon lble & "'c ca re for locllte c1&pital to uµund Servll't Fum1l)' Shop. Unh·erslty or l'·ully 111111run1c:ed, Toy 1-'o-c, P!.lOOlc-~. Shih ~_!0 ~±17__ -,--; .. , , • ' pllcanlll must ha\'ll min. )'OU by offttln~ in xlnl tXlStln• l•omp11nlc11 a t n 833-811111. •Admlnbttlltivti Work Ol'llllnully $400, rnakt< of I i u , l;oms • Coc.-kera. Rl\llL,'RA SOL'1\ R"·u . Qo Oli\N1, t.SJ A1 I':. SAl:I' .. f h U t G ben fits 1>11ckugc. Plfl!!ie eu~t to them uotll tht) -f 7•~ ....... r r " 1'1111\) old lh.lll\11 C\'\lf !!,~~01,0!,,1~~lrt.r"pni0n., apuly, lk'vcrly Man.or. r ...... , ...... 1hcfund~-..... lt Seamatr"u . O v11rlot'k •Nut A Ch~rica l Vos ~r. """""11 Ml11Hichn11u1er6 liul u llt\l:: Ni'.'W SISll ~ • · mv • .. .-·""" .Ir • ,,. .... ~.. .... .. .. ,. k St!l'\tl ONL y I ---Tl' r r I c r:.. S 11 k i u <..;.,:rJ, .. , • • )lhinl( J!Ol'li, July 17 & 18, con be countlld toward 244S2 Vi a t;atrudn . Is how we 11ctiu1red the operutor11. Pilln i wor resume 151· Krl\'inutor icidt•·by i.1d1 ''"rkioa, lOO inl.x .. d pun, ---""' 9Al\l20? Al11bama. UU. ,lho yr of uctual exper. Laguna 11llls. Equal Op. llbcm :proJcrt. 8413322. ang n.iwr & pu11t com· rt'fr q:rrn t o r t <'OP v • ,.. 7 II i llk ---------Mu•t be able to use por. Employt'r. pcnsat1Lo11 to Pl'rllonnel perton()), 2 <loor. !111.-t'<l ptc.-s Stud S \'b m oi;J pr h ,. ~~drm i;t•1t. 1 " 1 S.Cy/l .... /G .O. mana.:er. derroi.I llm t't. SIOU bl'l't'di;. Ope n o vci., ntiui; . ,,ll' 11. ~• 1'. an enalne latht s. large dnll 'URSES •,\ I aupPQrt uctlvlli<'J F /CIMJ w.-t Acd ck SA.FICO ~ t!OIJI d':iys. ~I :.027 clud.:i; 3 lbl~. modvrn roll DIME-A 'INES pre1llcs. Vert lea I m1ll1 & •IDES ntceS'.ioiry to smoothly 1..,, L•,. .. P~id· ,...111.0n.s) INSUa ...... CE ___ .-topdei.k. ~l·2tH9 "'L pref. some fa mill a rlty A ext'('utc the above .:v r "" M -""'" PLEASE h •· Id LL' Remd4i!r11 Agency 17SiU Hro0khu1 tSt :-\acr upriaht frceier, ~~. Walnut din rm tbl & "''ll art .,. gas we tlllil AM & Pl\l llhll\s . 1"1111 & 4'""' 81-hSt, Ste I'" "'~·ntuJ11 Vly. c~ 9-r.,•"' (j,•nll' U I. i.:arai:e doo I 1-· y 0 U JI AV t: 0 ~h-. • 2 le~'\'CS ._ "Jd·.· . . \lust be capoble or re· p lam u. Good 11.•orkin" •Add1t 1onal rnc:om e "'v ·~ .-"" ---"" • ·~ u ... r ~ I -• " wurc:es Nc11. port 8Ht b 833-81 Equal Oppor Emplo~ er _op<•ncr $:.ti li4G_~.!!.._ K:-IOW SO M 1.W :-1 E Wll ~. S4$.2u1 --pamn; a 1gn1n1t. PrvuUC· oonds & benerlts . <\ppl) C..ll ror Appt/'E.ttab ·as lli\S A R t.:G ISTE R Eu _.;....;._....;.. ___ _ t1on J111s ora&sortedhold· Park Su perior CoM KCt1m11re f:lec i.ton '. S5Q.. P•:~tA L t-; SHEL.Tl eak No·Mar table und an• futture1 & fabn cat· H-p. lAH Su-nor ,i\, ... •60".C Commission K n o r L'I dru6r .. "" ..,.., ,,.. " u--...11 c .. S-'•1-e m I' .-. ec .. " . f'OR SALE ,.;\LL slvch"Jrs """ in& new fixt ures from ND &12·U 10 EOE. -• ._. I • ""' " " _,, drawings. Aft man train· IF YOU WA.HT: SICIETAIY Spanish speaking toeom sis. elec: .1\\n mo11.er. 554·40ll 962·125G • .. Ing penod employee will SURSfNG Here·s your chance t plele 6 man leam at t2 ~~ s_1_1•-----1---------1Beaut1Cul 9' so ra & a ss um e c omp t e t e AIDES. Lv.l'S "'Ork '" the engineenn,g acre Dunton Ford S.A !liew HCA W11:.hcr & Gai. Dobe rma n pups. AK respons.1blltty tor. <Sur & R .... 'S An o p a>O r I uni I y t o dept. of u fast ~rowing Ca.II Jim ~m1th Cor ap· Dryer 9 mos uld, ~g. II -wks, SI OO. 6"S· • ma~cbing lo\•e eat. Xlnl h Th i " partac:apate '" cru h,·e company "'hich is a po1otment 11et.1warr &42411$3 all6 PM. ~n . $375. 751_·_423_2 ___ , A4fnflMn •l•l•tl .. produc:Uon s op. as n· Let 1.1& koep you :is bun lull r:mge projects, earn leader In ft field. This is 546 7070 ...._ ,...,...._ -.Y eludes. machine maint . as you want to be. To· m.uc:b money and \\Ork a •oldtn opportunity for • A ' r • .,U\~C AKITA r c P. 8 mos. male Mohol{ Bdrm Set. Dbl bed .. Ill 'ri9'1111• ef s .... or repair produclion I f ..... h f di " p,.. size re n~. ~ u · k box sprina & mattress • . pay or ull or Pit. .... nen ycoopera11ve a Secretary on her way fl.skpr, middle uge, refs n. Norge upn ght frnele be,a ut import :!tut drawer li;ed c:hest va~I h•ac•I•• leer41 & eoordmatlo~ & schedul· Morgan s Nurs e s people up. 60 WPM typing <AC· req'd. Can dri v~. xlnt $125. 6'15·0882 AKC· O.F.i\., $300/bs ,., 3 lined druw~rs 011 tee .. ......_., llcHH ingsupervls1on.orabout Ree ls try 631·1313 or c-15•.101.a curately,sh1.?rthund.l::x· wuges.ownrm,bu&'fV £LEC \V h ofr.847·3187 ~a.ch side L"e mirror __.. full or part time shop 833-2365 ... ' .. t-ellent benefits 673·9042 ater eater, I • . ,, , np I e mployees. N o prior · L M COX FG CO gal ST., near new. $35 .. St. Bernard Pups, Ir CO\'ercd stool " gl11ss s upe r vis ory e x per. • • M • v Ac u u M I" o RM 644.796t Swiss Imports. Massiv fitted top. 5800. 1 Maho1i1. --------- necessary but musl be Offic~ Ct.rlc REAL ISTATI 1506 E. Warner. S.Ana OPERATOR Only those bones. Even Temper Wintrope deiok, 4 lined NEW 34"x42·· pl'e·Cllltt mature & gel along well & S•• Clffk S •USPIOPL"" Ec1ual Oppor l::mployer with 1>rev aous rot urv Refn g. 12 er. J door S95. ment. i\KC. 64S·975S art 5 drawers, drop leaf top. s h ow c r pa n S2 s. with other employee3, ""' "' ni>ernting exper, will t>C Al. cuu del. XJnt cond. All In xlnt cond. $280. lAvatory. bef&e M. Dt>I This is steady rull time DahnkenofCoslJI Mesa HHDID conside red. Apply in 750-4HI ST.lllNA.RO 17141546-1585 Pl90noortlte~. Electric 54t.J04 I Equal Oppor Emptoyt r • work. Pref. mar ried 1819NewportBl,C.M. RedHlllRealtyis addina person Modular f-'ix· 2 Yrs. m11le w/papcrs. . 1 1 d wall Mawr rl. Electric male in early 20·s. Cull oaTHODOHTIC . to Its staff in Miss10~ "'.ie SECRET'RY/JR. t c' 638 w 17th Washer & Elec dryer SI 10 XIJll disposition Grell Beoutiru Drexc 5 rawer 1tove lop~ 2 doors Sl5 1"----0nl ~~e.n...8·•· !Jo.Thene~commts~lon, " s~rec ~rp.M . E ·I SS19drcfrii.:f'1Jo•sz25 fomllydog.f"ree io Che.s t. S60. Oth e r Sl0.646·1944 '" wkdys for inte r view -CH•tajtD •sch ed ule Has b ~trn; ~pr 0~y·r csa, qua -AlLCDiuterton.i:...Movin&._ G>OODH rurn1turereas.s.t8·5360 - appt. 557·7283 Ortho exp ~f1n1te re-es tablished which pro· Experienced In purchas· _.,......:..:.,_' .. _ .. _.::....,..: _____ 750-4441 642·0<&33, 531·0376 0 W d r I qwrement. Sal:iry open vi de s a areate r OP· •nil &/or produt tJon con· w •ITR"'SSES Or892·«"''"' avenport ~. on er u DISHWASHER rortuble ,, 11 i h k L'"-I frl be f " t r o I pr e I • d .. ~ Am ano 22 ru. ft. S/ """"' maho0 • bed W/mott. & ' , ' .>IAID, ve. n, sewor . 1...,ra nae ne its. porrunlty Cor fln11n c1ul "'r r c £ d 11 • perfect coodll on S2S kina child a ro ~ 6422040 ds Do · I h Manufacturi n g ex· xper' .f'u orp/t. l't'fngCrzr w/IQe makc:r rl h boxspringSIOO.M8""423 c..•""<" · coo •· c re r " . · rewar . n t et t If Good hrs. Neat appear. Jlar\est Gold 833.3182 Male 1 s Setter. 8 mosi,_..;........;.~....::..:.;.:.......;.;...;.._.;.;....1 ....,.......,., .yr old boy. Must have . chance ror a s uccessluJ perienre ht"lpfo l. Wide Over 21 ------o ld. Cham pion t in ·lNGS2waterbed,compl1c·-u--8-,-,-----drivers h e. Pe nin Pt. AINTt:RS '-''llh at lea,st fuluresllp by YOU. \'aricty of gtneral omc:e Surf & S I . CAS & ELL";CThlC w ....A. SIOO. Pb 499.3023 system w /slant sty It~ M ""'"''machine 125. a rea. 67S·372l yr:. ex pe r . only. Cnll Red HI• • ......._ duties. ar oan DRYEHS$75 E11 . .,....~ frame Used S mos Mov· Swivel rocli;er chair SS. _.:..:_ _______ ! 642·2928 July 19th 8om·12 ·-·1 ~ W. Coast llw~" ~U ,,.6 r.<>H• Stiver Blue Silkies < · · t 11 c-19S · """'~t Dun bate dlalr SJ. TV. )Ja1ds. Apply The Jnn al noon only . /\n established company Cont3rt ~l ri. While tor No Phone Calb_. ·-·-.,.. . ......., 8o)'I) 7 mos. 1 Yr old oll\rr'a mr ws673~1t;...;." or""" not. worklna. SlO. Skltlll' Laguna, 211 No. Coasti-----'------M>rvini: Orange C.:uunl) · t Mi I A · P di "' · ....., ..... I "am S3 Shu!O rmedWorkhMJ forthe past 18 ycar:. ll\Cr\l\'W WAITRESS "''nnted e:<· l"radg tdul r e Co mbe n pr1cot oo e . .,..w " e . es llwf;j. ~~~~~:s%~rb~el H"n 211892 ~Inrguerill' llk11. y. ,_ .. De•:-pt'r'd. Cail Kar e n for Wai.her dryer. Jlar..-es 646-0142 & S.U-2801 •Sofa. mint cond. Blue/· J(ame $3. 54!1i)867 8:30-2:30or 111·3050 --· appt, 673·9131. Irvin kOld. Like now, $3~.Al;s lcan l'tlalemute. gn floral pattern on 8.COUCll to recoverS!O. ~ta.le orF.emaleto lh·e·in 3.30·9.30 Ali~eMartin,M•r. Attoeleha.lnc. Coast CountryClub. 4!13-<Yl13 fem ale , 8 wks . To wheatbackground.$2.50. 6' wicker aofa SlS. nights, vie. &ath St. Nwpt Work 6 hrs a day earning .. COS55T6A.7&0l7ES5'A Women 2S & older to work Must sell, near new, hv breedin(I , $2SO. Eves 968-atl09 Dine tte table SIS. Bch. Mus t ha ve own ... S9 h I I dt d s ., .. r-1 ..... ., .. ,.7 Pal r I Id Women's 3 -a•d bike trans &rer·s.645.0089 ..., per r n P e nsant Receh·fng & Sh lppina f o r h o usecle ani ng y $!15 ryer. l""....... .,.., . ....,.. · r o nr new orm fCO ·...,~ ... ---------1 •urround1ngs. Deal Clark~·antedrorOran•A EqualOpporEmployer service. Part tame. GJ SSO-S239. E U " velvet occasional chr1. SJO. Rake. bN, li hovel. w/th bl i "" -.. ~ h 67~65S3 YORK! P pp,,ES& gm ch11ir & ottoman. pickax 12 each 10· :\lana&ement e pu lc n <!ur Co. firm. Exper helpful, rs NEAR N EW Washer OLDl!:R FEMALE 5tralght back armless woode~ I a tder '515 PEOPL~ PERSON ~rvane ore representing but not nee. 2031 S. £. -cretarial position rl'q·g Oner sz~ Set. 675· 962.·8117 uphols tere d dl n ln a; Children's aulchlng Exec. looking Cor part· r 1 m e LI f e B 0 0 k 5 • Main, Irvine. $46·2901. verullllty, hi deBree of orll46-46S3 oft 5 Pl\l chBlrs. 644.8798. bedspreads. c:•rtains. St t i m e a ssociat e in Dyn:imlc personaltt> ·---------respons ibility xlnl ........ s 100 ----l''o r sale : A KC To y whole~alcsupplaes.Fully most hkely to su~Cel'<I RECEPTIONIST s k l ll11 . l e udi~g t o1•••••••••••••••••••••••COLDSPOT •'rost Pree, Poodles. Ul11ck males, 'Reclinin g Chair lite ~r~!~~:~~.~11R~~n~~: capilnhzed. 673·2'l23. lntet ebteJ h?usewiH•s & In Ncv.l>Orl Ctr. Sharp. ma11 uK mnl lltulus . Nr ftUILIC AUCTION 212 yr old rt'frli:. Like weeks. P\'l. prty 840·3456 brown. $40, Lov~11cat , c:cnl fixture, •ulb. SIO MAN AG t:R TRAINF.E ~~l~~~c~~~~~~~~.rm . pleu.~unt uvpeur:ince. & ? Ct ... ~~~J.!!~~t. Cull for r>!~NY FINE !TEMS 0 ~!':'.,.,~ fll a k c o ff e r . Xlnt block Labrador pup· white. $4S. 846·m l Nv.•pl Games. toy11 ~lc·Sl. Sut F11st rood rl'sl aurnnt. gooll . t ypis t. 610·4GJO, .:PP ..... ~. !::STATE J~WELR~ . ...,.,~. pie~; 7wks old. Mother Bch. 8·3r>m. 3542 Se~ St. Ir,. Laguna lhlls Mall Som Betty • retury, DA\' SCHOOL i\ HT OBJECTS, AN 1-\cMn·tlor dbl door 18 <'U AKC SIS. 67HT41 .,_ tt p DI "'~t C,ollegc Park l ru:l ' TIQUES FLNE FUllN .~ · · .,..sse ecan n .. .,., ,, __ ..;;.. _____ _ reraurant exp . nee Receptionist Jn CDM. luoklog for ETC. l'llONE POJt IN. ft; ilO wide Coppertonc. AKC Jrlsh Seller Pups , Girls 3 spd, mens ice Lr KE new d uk toll 00·7971 ors73·5232 PHONE SALES 1 . SwitchboardOpr personwith schoolorrice FO. & BROCHU R E ~OO 6'IS·662S. x lnt bloodline. Call ska tes. m isc Items. shelves & book~sc. 43 .. "I f t · •-S I • Prior ex"'' req'd Xlnt experie nre. f'lrst aid "~~"""" '•'. L',, D"luvn Port D•s· IU8·11iQ8.un. 5:30 979.11429 wide, 9" deep, Sii. 2 twin • .. anu at ur1ng "' a "' Pho ne Sales people, •--'':· · • background and general '"""~ " r " ~... ds I di b b t C-0. needs able youn11 male or fomulc. 16 lo 6.1 ty ping. skills .. Solary secretarial 11kllls. Please JOHATHA.H"S hw101sh~.I Chop blolc top Pembroke Welsh Corgis 3 old vel\'ct couch, love ~pre,• c ll G 1• eum· r person for trainee Pro· years ofaiie.Gua ranteN ' Opt.>n. l'or Intervie w con· send resume to Ad. No, •SUM MF.R !~~r:c1:a~·. ~~1. E"f;t· mos. AKC registered .. seat & rectl.ner. Xlnt oran1e11r een1>'ellow'. iram. Wall start ns de "'ages or c-omm111~luna. t11ct . Eve Stallton. Com· eee. Dally PUot, P.O. Box CLE ... R •NCE• r•n"e ......... Oot:a ...... ado t hamplon lines, shots, cond. Sl2S. IM7 6383 bt.11~s1•r,'"'"n. S aach. hvery driver at S3 00 hr iso l::ast 17lh Street . m\llltcatlon Component.II 1560 C \ M Ca " " .. • --" • ._ " ""'' ~ . ' . .. ~lust have Rd ~n vln Suite o. Cn~ta Mesa. Corp.S-&0·7640. 92626 °5 • HI, · EVERYTHING GOES! gm, new. S51-510l Sat Sl 7s . terms avail, Firm double mattress & Girls Stingray •tke 820. "t. & 1trowth ~b111ty ror betw~cn 5:00 & 8.30 p.m. 20';t lo 40~ OFF morn tlll 12 Sun 4·tOPM. M2·8375 frame. $40. 4·panel Italia!\ m ural. .. vail a d\'anerment np 646 .... 223. R~OIDS CLllw SICaETAaY 4Z23lslSt. NB673-600t -' ---Must Sell ! 5 mo. old ~ng S.SJ-6781 t11cb panel ~ .. x12 ... S2S. r-11 "'2"-" E'-"' • as DrycrsS25&SSO.F.lec • d · Lamps,! 41 '.antique por. "'' '" ·~· fA)uul Opportunity COMM1. IA.TEI Ba~k expt"r. prd 11 ~ Pe d e s t a I ba l h s in k l)ryers 525 & $50, Waste Sh~e~ og · paper s· fa, lovrsetal, quccnslze gold & white. S2CI. Limp. MA.NUFA.CTURIMG Employer r {T CLHICIYPIST r~'<ld Conta<.-t Doroth) w raurell!S125.wall smk Ki n g Ds hws hr S3S . !<'mulc S~Oll.645-789~ bed, tahlc & ch airs . 48". antiqu e gold & Kna:ik w/faucets $25 673-8041 ~ 8672 Reasonable. '15l·SG27 b '" S25 l'\ h d ENGINHI Lur11e in:svrancc-co. w 1 PA<.:lf'IC CIT\' BANK · · Frffto You 1045 ro" · · aug.ll Ye ll a pidl y g r o win 11 xlnt working conds & Goldenwe:it&Edanger Antique Square Oak Ta Gas Slme. ••••••••••••••••••••••• olonial Bi rc h triple rug. 6'x9·.~lS. Danish medical ma11ur. has 1rn rHONE benerns has immed . HuntBch 8 &1H.231 ble W/i1uge ltigs. wood Dblovcn.chrome top 7 ~t o s . Malamute dresse1'&mirror $19S. ~lodern cor e table & med. opening for manuJ SOLICITORS openings for 11.S grads. ------lo1lel seat. etched glass. S7S. IHS..3J63 She phe rd . :s hot s. dr9.'r & 7 drwr Maple end table •• sis each en1uneer. BS~t F. Des1r11 Easy plen:rnnt (>ve nlna flECOltDS Cl.ERK Wall SECRETAaY saloon bar \:1ndow. Sat houi.cbroken. gd pet. dressers & mirror $8.'I _544_._..,_u_9 __ .._ __ _ blc w/cxper. tn me nuf phone work. 4 !lr~J ~Ion lnun. Must be dependa Prerer w1mc:d1cal o r Eve. P1>11t, old car ad OLDSPOT 16. froi.tle~s. 643·~'lA5,837.00SOext Sl6. S7S. 4 drwr Maple c:hest TWIN speake t·ost r.educ tton stody ol thru t'ra. Nel'd ~ l>t!ople ble legal exper. 1-·a:st & good ,. e r l i s e m t' n t i. w 1cernakt r. S300 Good sso. 557·2679. s 1 o. B 0 0 k ex1s t 1n a o per ations S2 7S hr + bonus. tall l:O:\B!.&RCIAL RATER \yp1st. Reception t!Xper 1920"1940's 586·8935 <'<>mpat1 . l'h'<· ran)!e S!l~. 3 i;ruy, I tti:er & 1 blk kit· ~augahydc Hilihly motlvntcd. Sen<! l.11;a :\4Q.~i;.t Xlnt mlllh aptitude. prd'd. Fronl urc uppear. ----rink l't•frag, ~. lii5·62.ll l\'l1!o ~ecd good home. Ha ndsom e Fruit wood Display boar re1tumc. i.11111ry htston PT <.:t.•~R" 'l'.YPIST ~ NA:-wport or Tu.sun un-u. •GaA.ND ~PEHJNG• orll4~»53S8 6<15 9219 Contemp. Trundle lx.'<I. tems JOc. WI S2. ki- r e q . t o p<-r so nnc 1 rHSSrERSON WNl.41lr!i perday.Wlll Callfor1tppl.640·0140 SMITTY'SANTIQUES G E G Id H r S 15 6 ADORABLE ~~m. P!e t u S2-Q O. Pb sorted glass-es Oc eac.h. managt'r. 11140 1-:. Oc E'!J) w1ll"k & A.B. Dirk ll<'Cl')>l J f)J>lit'allons Sam· -----. ----D1~t rrom ... ew Yurk · · 0 <'ra g. 1 '""SS3G Co 111 rln• SIO ,. 9 JOatn unly )fon thru SEC rt F.T Alt \ fo r Reul ~ "'' F•• .1 cu n. Les:. than 1 rr old. Germon Shep. Puppy r " · urquo1su r1dental. Sontn Ana. Cu back ground t J ll <or . . .,. t l C 1 F 1 .-.s t atl'll. u rn 1 ur 4992630 c a11 675.9164 Drexel 8. Sora. gold /· ring 510. 3 11~ nc lur• !l'!i05 uppt. Pos t 11I lns l:.111 1 Fri. ~"'II e 0 ·• n llS \IOO OoU"hl & !>Old l>t.''111.'rs ...:~: -I I rt (IUOise brCI Cle SIS. I S'"FICO Mund. Mu11t hove 4 yrs ': ' . • • • grn1org r oru on 0 . ' MA.SSA.GE TaNI Press. ~·3150 ... cxper l )'J>C GS-70 wpm wukome. Open Mon S11l <.::ornin11 Wurt' Sto\'e top Top Soil fr.ee white baclq;round. Xlnl stone turquoise br&.let rRIHTING SHOr INSURANCE sh 80·90 wpm <.:uli IO~m .~pm. 242~ Nwpl W/('l.'SIOm pnni. cond. 8.1S0.833-l!S59 SIO. 3 IJt(lnc.! l quolse Young Indy t18·:l51 tor 17570 Brookhurst St l':alcen. 640 0123. _!lhd. ~.M. 6"5·7522 ft7~2G MB·OJGO . . ring S2S. Sat. & . n. 2421 lns:i1imntr fulltlmi•1H>si llNDIRY f'o11nt111n Vly,Cu92708 S I II 11 . ~ 1 I I eozo Gd home! AKC re" OldeDmRmSel,solidMahog 4 Zenith Ave .. Sa1 a Ana lion I n ·oat H 1'fl'8l r o 1t10 1 011t'n 'f"xn(lr L' nlO .,. I See n tv Cuards l mm •d ··'· iwn am m. cyc.s • ·"' chrs like br·1nd new 546·4928 II "llh Sw No " p c Ii I . .. ,.. . uqu, ppor .m1l O)'er . , u . • .... ; l Uch Coca Cola ma< llll'. al)·••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.n,qhsh Sheep dog , fem. '·lusl.ue~• Sl'"O '752 8460 '-------t---c ... ,..a. "'" · ne · w /lJ1nd <'r ~· or 11fc opcn11111 rn ••''ll ,. 1 L e k ads'842~37f> 1' " .... a · · T \\'rllen1l to"•hool 1-:11r mnrhlnti1 dc~1red Equol ·----14:U1 hric wk , i.iraveyard µrox 30 )r~ CH , ,run~ Schwlnn ·JrnWht•t•l!•r" .u_: s _.. .. .. OINE1' E ch o1 s. S5 whllo)'oule11rn.A11plyor ()ppor 1-;111 ptoyl•r s11n RILIEFLVN l·llPM ll h l(t W c l.'k ly p a )' J>(lrfecl.Sl.S0,2lrj:!v.n1w n l.1kr hrnnd ll\'W. lo" Wht cal ftm friendly no 1973·7pc Broyhill Udrm each Hocker SI . Step Cl\llony rart.or cvt'.211~ Ju 11 n Ca p i s lr a n o RELIEFRN.wknds. "'1uvertlm('&1>aitl\•oea whli-.• or11.i. xln~ l'Oml. mile!\. Jnr lullct< l.'U\l'r. r•luws.4yr11.'11dhomo:gd Sel. new 5800: asking table 520. Pillow . bed· llurbor DI. Co)t• Mc.ii 493 llt22 cxt J3 exp aides It urdl'rhc1>, 1111 11011 C.ill ror lnter \'ICw SIW \'ll. I drk frnt!\h lluf lrn11kl'l , & cha111 lut·k "''1k1d11.1»4·0416. S4001bst ofr. Gd cond. ding •. SI. Dls hlllii. •on.es, _64..;.$.:..·_34...:JJ.;.... ______ ,_-;_-;_-;..-.--------•I shlrls. Contact Lido Con· t21ll S73·91SO. rct . bCY~l~·•I mirror .~~ :It~ ~~~3 clol hmg llk•SS. Qul~t S2S. 1• \'Ulucent Cenler lSSS roundr d gl.a:\~, 8250 Ma} • . • Saint Berno rd male . • , • :120 Magn oll ~. l:oi.lu :\IATUR•: W OMA ' PRODUCTION Su norA\•e NB erv1c:c Sl ation Allen he i.ecn ut l6h83StCro1~. 1'.NGl.IS.llWO~I ANS Superlo\'ea ble &friend·f URNITU R~·Quallty de Mesa P/ltme to w ('lel•m1 pe · dnnl, t''!per 'd Uoy & Hnl~g fkh 3Spd5'1S. h Gd ram dog 837.2340 cor ator l1 v-rm Cluni---------- nr"'•romr n & l'nntn<'I R L SA.LIS f y 11 & p tlrn \I> f>l(J 12111 ilill l!OOO • · Choirs, hke new. Uphnl )lANGl.t: $1 & $0 Oros> mt'rchnni. .. 1rxibh' hr" FOREMAN · ·~e,. .u • . (' ' 1-:nRllsh otck hull trec. ui.I · 2 mo·s ago. hordwO()(I h•nr tnblc. 3 ch•an1 SI:! Nc•cd l'nr, hlc tr pani; Llc'tt • Uftllc'd vi.· Sht 11 Stallon. 17th & n•f1mshl'ii. \cry orn1~t·. 'rhwl nn 10 i.pt•<'l1 '15. MA.LI A.IRIDA.LE frames. blue '" 1·c>ll t.:urtalll slretrl\ns SI ~17·JOOS IOATS FrH 14 dey In ane, N fl )b l sell P P 76H·52SH St<u rs 10 ~vct>rl S3~ Doti <IM 4SS3 rough texlured n ylo Nice ch:11r $7. S g~I 111~ 1,nri.i(' flout Mhtr Tr•llHJ Coun. scw1na MB<'h•neopnr111or. ----.. 1n1 t•ond ~2 i!ll7 '3br1r Volur 8550 I'll Jui: Sl.!IO. •:lc.ietrl h('Ull'r \laturt• woman nce<let1 1 1-:XP t.;tt lt:,\<.:l';u UNI. Y "' l'r lock S.ilu1 ~ mm WHOLESALI OHL y i:ood IULL·DA.CHSHUND Wall i.l'll for Sl75 cu or. SIO Finor lnmv SZ P1.1nt1o my 110 homr to l'nrr lnr A~'" '•non •l'"r•onnl instrt•"llO" m~unte "'/11hihl) C :\I f'ltE!'(;ll & ENG LISI! Mun\ IO 'p<l h1k1•, 4!17 "52 4!M·4"·'6 for $300 19'J 2385 cre:iser1 J'iC'. Wla.1s SI month old. Mornlnit hr> , " , .. w Contrunrr~ 1•1ind1llun. 835 "" - -!'148·<182:1 r M 1-· Own tr:in & rd IH HA. TIOHAL • :'ilana4t'mL•nt 11ppnrty'11 ~Ul·24 l2 nrm !Oil weekly 5411 3375 ufti•r tri m Yorkshire 'fcrner Solid Muhn" o P" LJ1n rm ______ _... __ lt!Y.'67:?3 OPISHOal •lo~'.(.'ommiA!\ann Sollc:llon, drnpury l~YMAN f>RAK F. •hwann Sll"'l,ho)''bal.i· t'cm olew/puµeri;. l!et S121JO Hdrm ~l·t~IO <l3 VWDu1body &"1ginc: MA.alMI. INC. •Lie: <l lra1n1111t 2wks Or nn11c Co M \Utt hil "l' AN'rl~U t'.:!i xlnt ro 1c1 500 817 ·3866 Terms f'4~ !J'JllO part~. doora S7 .so. \lead~ ' .\lalure marrl('I! womll 2500 So. Suen cla.~1>cUlart 1mmN. t•o1 ~&lltry + cur ul 112.33 CONl>Oll AH'. ' • - ---- -SIO; rc>11r 111•vtn11111~ 820 wonted llS bllllna t i rk & •p1n lhe Job 1,r,1111n11n1C . lowonce or comm. Xlnt Founlmn Vallc-y !1'711 ~I I ~~:in __ Whit<! Poodle tn older cpl 8' I.lie 1treen ~ofit Cooc 837-8868 F.I Toro llC'nrrnl offirt• work SA.MTA. ANA ... :cor top<i er oc 11 plllntl. Phone tor ll J>fll . .sullt'tl 5 ~veed Schwlnr ur 11..,110n. Nds lotic or cond1ti1!"· W . ll~~~~m. No lltt11_setlec to upply 9G:•l2fll /\nt111111.'• l nhrr 11rd to hkyclt;llkt•nc:w s70 t i:! lovrWHJ576 t,1~114t1H770 _ ~n~~t~~~~:i6 . IWd MICHA.MIC ' P/llmc SJlu. S40·S'10 "' alOCAlrlT murll. Mui.\i;cll <luulit)' 22nd St l lla ck B11y1 l\d nr oblc k itte n •>w G•099Sel• 1015,1----------- d r . & up l\lcn, J.odlc$ & slu RIA.LTOaS 961-tltl Stotloncry Stor<' 11'. (;tl~?j furniture. hcaut. \'a1: Nc•wport 11<-uch. Siana"""· .. Wk M ;,Ill,••••••••••••••••••••••• J f,WELER'S hond tr.ol11 wuHt' or p11rt tr nu 1 t ' /S (Ir.II ~:r; t'or<tt'lalls t'l\ll l.lndB nc'C'd111rnle11lady C1t1m ". ton11n & Amcracnn onll· ~ .. ., -~ v S: 2 "·· "''Ork on ustd c-nr11 I ct·n~ .• vrll '111 · '"" day11 Xlnl worklnJ& con· <1ue lj , ,\bi.olu tl•ly not Sr hwlnn Vur tt il)' 1 nrnlr.Cclhomc.545·J:IGll S1\T. 7 /17, 10 4, 70 :,·.is.'O::: .. ~:I ;;: (~t11 M.,~a. • '--1 d8. £11DCd c1lly rlne clicn· junk! Sul 10 to 4. :lllOI llP\>t.'l.ls. Exit cunt! $40 Jo:{I . • • . . -~ Avocado Ave. <.:dM !-'urn, ,. " " 611-2620 ...-11rcnv1 ft4J tule. t>honc 676·1010 tor o c e II n BI r c h n r . Ph642-~7 <.:ule ran It ~lntk f cinale Ol11h6 . inb l.'. h11hlll lll'tn. Ublc HI. Porcelain Secret-RN appl ~PY&lll!is Hidf!e CdM -Pupry. Gd w /kld11 . l1mpK 58. Pre1rnrvln~ Mechanic wanted. Com -1 • • &.o.too9 ' 'i litf'weight 21" 10 ~11t1 1 IHS IJ201 Z1•n1th S1c-ro11 Ill •·1. J11r11SC·ll.fM6·1Mt9 p e l cnt fotel.an lmmC!{I. opening 10~ nr· COORDINATOR Tt:ACHt;n Mont«'•sorl, Scf1winn 2tl" :1 ~tHI. $.1.'1 . --::;----t'M/M 1rndif>eomb,lwn , . • do m utlc m.rc: h n n h t uralt' ty~lst ""''»un,l\IH d1plmnn. V11nt11ro Co. Unusual B&verlan fll)'le 1•11 fWl\·56.~7. l-e1nulc Mlic\'d Ureed, •P· •s>kni 111 Moho11 cu bl net. 2 0 1.D vlohni1, t.!5 e11ch 2 net'ded In xtnt Newro lnt:rXp('M('nt'll rnx Ill! ll ·i :30A~f s htrt. M1111t bfllCh t ow n ,714 ) llU!ld Oak din sut: oval prwdlmo~.Crcrnm tolo-r. $100.Sl\'cl&WflOliWIRO typt'wr1tvr1. llU e11th. Beac h torotlott. Ca:al pr h• helpful llrs i · ha\•t 2 yrs uper. In 61H928afi'lpm. tbl. 2 l~e11• 4 cho,St:W WtnllMor Pro, ;ir,•1' n1l11 hnm•-. 11d w/klds. "''hls SS0.546·41128 ToJI'! recutdt'r 115. Vtry bi3-l023or67S·I094 AM to •·~o rM . Xlnt :1 upt-n•lslon In ar ute -rhln9 cabTti t, 11d <'Ond :ill C'11mp1, JC lnt rond 518-8GOO --~ -old crocbett'd bed~pread ----------1 workina condllions & hospli11t Contact '.\tr11 TILLllt Out ofr <;uh only ~tbst orr 768·'192!1 h d 0 8ro1er llllS Port l\bbtiY ~.I potr lle1ill •k11!! $!.S. :'tf\'dlealof<'m1nager. company brntfil.A. Coll Jel\l!cn .. '42·2'1'4. tio~lft Savin1s & Loan exper &M·871MI. · ·• --.-· -~Nt-t'<la~ovan11 ~n:_c~l.Y Pl.N U.S11t/Sun.9-4.AI Bookli U c . C lothe. typ1n1 & IMurance ex~ Unda al ~2800 •fl 8. :.i .-,u, M em 0 ri 1 I req'd, Call Mrs. Da via. ""''"n \ ar11ity bicycle, Im 11 6 mos 01 1 mlic c:11togorlc11. 25c ·S2Q. 2207 v 111t:a ~~~::;·:M=5~·7~1~'12~;.:::--~A;;M;;. E;;O;;E;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I llosJl\al. JOl Victoria ~9·914lforappt. t8H Chaisr $100. 181><> l!Ood con~ s:io. named J:uiper. 673"'796_ 3 Fi m.: bakes. furn .. cri l)Orado. N.D. 644.0161 ~•IL•A.. C.M.E.O.E. Co\lch ~~ovesealSUOO, "48 3683 BLACK MAL£ DUTCJi It more . UH J'Ol't AKrht'ltofdrawcrs rzs . ., 1..e•t... -..... •-'-AM='-= ~~.u7r137runa atovc $SOO RABHIT, l 'a years old. Edward. ~·5 Sal/Sun 2 old occ:a•lonal tabla. Exper 'd l n clln lca ,_ ----..... rn...... •·•• .. u n ,,.,. lahoratory u s ls line OPPOITUMITY IN's...lv.I'• Mew,_. hedi Wlcli"J Mtthri.es 102 .,...,.,.w '""·7936 117 & Sl4. Cafe table SH. "ork. Newportare3. cat Open11u; ror 2 Associates. Practlu l.s & Order lies Hai Openin"s For: Oak sldt bnl . $525. oak •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 a m calm. o~dlcnt & CiARAG K SALR • Sa 2 p0rt11ble jewelry caMll. ;. r-, ..... , "'uo.0140. Ntw o r ex pe rienced ,..~_. ror .. -p1tal sti fl • Bachelors chest, $235 All _.. 81 • 10,.c """'Pit' 1 m m111e p 1 Id 1 ti SlS ~SU. or Z for $23. i -..... '""" • , • ........,... ltv.0 OA y COOIS -f'1n1'shA••. "'4 a ... 3. ua ... v d • Materl•ll. ...-~ . 10·4 ~ . 0 v 0 ... antique "p~nl•h , .. nt"·-1..lctased real Ula\ -1i.o11r p-'v~t""dul". Ex· '" ""'" ..,.,.. ~-· F" I h llu•kv mix 7 mo1 t ype ""•rlt m ., .. " «• '"'' M-...11 I '"'"' n -"' " Applylftpenon ......... ·1uortscent rg " ., • .. ers, a n)' aldc-~h•ln. 125 e11ch. 3' ~ CG U leap•Ollle welco0te. per. Req'd. All 1h1fl1. 2lll07 W. Coast Hw y N• u.lo•d~ S.e.I fl"(t ures. plasterboard, fl7S-.013 bixiltlothl. llrllpe 1 rc:rd 1 r, ~k' •n.•d "'-ar'a ••om"n'I n---,,.._t ~ ll111' batll You h• vf 1 ou r o-.. Full or pit. Wn\clifl D 1 "'·"' """" ft 5 • c .... ,, p "r -~ QC -.. • orr""r1.,..."e: ... s"olo NB.IMO pnvate dClllk nd phone, Nurses Reiflslry. 1617 Dailybetwn3pm•5pm (2 )40'Lo1d50 American m sc . .-•..N<l .. a er Loving y ou n g cat ""' e,,u • very bicycle S2S. Old tru11k " .,_ tl 9 ~~~~~~~~~~ An~lq11e11. Wholesale t.o -• desperately ne eds 1 old crocheted bedspread. Sl5. 2 R ....... w ........ ''AW, ... S1lar1 open. Prer. .-me IOCA on t )'tan, Westclltt r, Ste 212.1. .... d _.... old" designer rtothes h""" vvv • Colleie bkKrd. wUlttain Excellent comm l$:1to N.B. 831·0SLO. TOQL & Oii t • ..., tra e onJy. Wed, July .... ,...... IOJ l\ome. 642-8153 2201 Vlsta Dorado. N.B. 124 cac • Barbie doll R. Resumeto Ad~o.584 spilt. Good walk·lns 21.9AM.Cbina0.binclf....................... k . Briwdlnntrbt'lll:l.Old "' Daily P ilo\, Box 15'0 Good referral$. Call fo AILMAKER hu Jl()ll· MAIR secr1!taies. tbls & chairs. F Free. Adorable lttens to Antique oak 2 drawe basktt 11. lmperial 1lu1 Costa Mesa. ca m26 lnter'1e ... Aalf for Btll Uona open. E.xper. req'd. Miii. S YN r.e• tool l'll• hall trees. chests It Nlkkorm•t FTN. w/ l. lovtna home, I wks box dreuer, hanfln c of butterdl•h M. Stertlnr .....;...;... __ ..;.... ___ _. Lachtemyer,()WllCr. Call548·S4'4. p e r . S a 1ry co m drtutf'I. Morns ctialra. lens 6 case. Min\ cond tmd.*"8639 la mp. s stack oak p1n 13. Patchwork bot>y MED I C AL : M 1 I e • Ja80Newport Blvd CM menaurale w /exper. It Larkin dHks. Din Rm. 1190· A(U, S4S·22Cl8. dorable, healthy. happy bookcue. H3·2833 aft cullt 112. P•tc:hwork Female. Age l'l·l<t. PIT ..._.. eve1 ·•n .. un IF YOU ability. Call ror 1ppt. Bdr m • Parlour sell. Dunt P'30 Photo enlnge kitte ns, to Cd tovtna f:30. potholders, 50C eath. Old 16 hrs mo. No expr nee have• Mrvi<'e to olfer o betwn 8:30·4:30. Comp11· Over * ltem.s of <'lean w/ltns. 9185. Photo Rlt home. 8 wks 640-4424 br11~ table lamp Sf!. OU wilt train in medical iOOd.s to sell, f lace '"ad Ute Corp, 711 W. 17th St. mttehandlae. B " D An· pro rapid pr()(cHor fastest dr11w In the paintlns SlS. 2*11 Br\atot c lerlul. Call thJ fn the Daty Ptlo Bkt1 F·ti. <cornt:r J?th tfques. 12141 Garden + l o1d • or fre f"r"to1oodhome.blat West ..• a Oalty P iiot Sl.1109,CM.SC$-Tll80 weekend. Mr. Le Classtned Section St• Pomona). Co1t1 Grove 81\•d., Garden ehem l cal• fl xtrn. remalepappy. Part Lab? ClusHle<l Ad. P hone 4SJ.JIS1.Ar yRestrftlJ Pbont642-~8. Mesa.'4&-1501. Grove.1·997·t•t MMoSU. Call'44-80Sl. 64Z-S678. LO Huffy bike. Sa. 540·7998 i .~ I I - Sa1ur<l.ly.Julr 11 t976~ DAIL V PILOT C'9 Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dime-A-Lines our famous DIME -A-LINES FOUR CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU • lrC"f theM or M•il ,._.. wbJI correct cath to Ofte of our I con""'9"4 offlcu. ,_ DEADLINE. 3p.m . Friday-now eavst .• C M . • u noon-All branch ottlcn • LAGUNA BEACt4 . 11 H GleMeyte St ·-• No heeaocls, prod4'Ce Of.,..,_. •. • COSTA MESA • • . . • 330 w .. 1 ••r • • No COfftMefolal ad• Mlot#ed. • HUNTINGTON 8 f!ACH • 17915 IHch Blvd, • ~Hh He"' mu et N ptCced wtttt no Item over SU . .... • $AOOLE8ACK VALLEY25201 L•P•z Rd., Laguna Hiiia 6 VOLT VW a.t;arter !fl 6 ENCL,OSEO >t" •VC•dcer Rt.:DWOOD plrme Lubic l.AR(a; frnml-d 011 paint Pl.AN'rtrnS lll\· SIO &!a S&,\l,V twin orlho 1nut 1SAMSO.NJTt-; lt1r~1· 111111.IOl.,Oto;lt moil1•l" 1)111 111 GA.'i d1")rr Slit>. ,,h1•H S111 VOil blltlt'r)' $J. Oune Si!.S 040·'1196 ~. pulr wrought ln1f1 Ill)?. "YO!lc mllt"'. S::D "h l• I lb 2 J l c :; o,· lrt.•!JS & CO\l•rc•<l i.11rl11~ .. 1'1111.C $!0 Iron <luubl\.•bllll< ~ood tondlUun Hrush dcel11(' bNK•lll SI~. 1111' buggy exlnctor Cllhl>ust nnd.-l•bru Sii~ h11m Yl•llow lum11. :n". "llb t-'crt1h7.cr!<, l SIS, 1 l'i20 $25 .-.u·h . "111 ,,.11 •o lluby \\11lker. hkl• ••hrumt• bu1llrn 1•lrLi rH• ho(;kl')' SIO.;, ttantl nuho Sl.5. 1500 cc VW ht.>ad!>. PLA<J UES, Cram\•11, moc·k with t.irHI sas. wh1l 11htHll• Slo Uluc Ch1h1rrn·~ oriion $12:il> M·porulcly l'11ll Sun ncw.w1thlari:,•1ray,$lj 1loubl1• men ·~ ltnn)(l' Sl 5 : Kud uk 1lu1•k1·t goocJ h•i>e. $1!1 c.1r h. VW 00c·S4 Clothel!. men's & l\J>t, 3 2286 Cunyou Or vau.~rnl'tl brocnde tub J'CDn • rolltclloo SI! Jron !WI 4617 Jlaby ".1lkllr I l'oclll•t loll ~o Ubll1\ 1111tll'r 8!5. lm•t.lllH1t1e SHI . "'i.lul. rooCr11ckosal S407'1!Hi womcn'i.. IOc ·U 50 Coe1t11 .\11'1'u chuir!i. S!~ .-.ict\ 11117 S::.. Table & .! t•ha1n SIO 1•amurn. i\\lnoltu It .... 1th Stal111t·11~ ,.,tet•I cluubh' M2 !Cu111•r ~min 111u111• Heud!I h ~Oe. Sht•lb, ·-- -Onoh: Dr. At t.':oa \'c1·Je Ucg11111mi: k11111~ r:wkrts CIJJIJ)'S !41l1111l IJ1l.t• ~ nu,.hhol<l<•r & r11s,•, ,W ~mk So!.• St.d11I•·~ ~11•t'I 1·11111,ro with c•111<l' S}tl, STAINL ESS stel•I barbeeue hood 10 Welll'r ~watt ~ul1.ft-nna gun ~. Hoover stand.up "aeuuin $10 Kenmon: \':iC uum ss. 26 gal nquurlum with \•Hir· ;v\llin11 lmui:11111ble 12:1 Wrou~ht mm bird coac· SJ() F'nke Chr1stma11 tl'l>C ~. <.::.irpel lawn howlmg ~l SlO Cit411962·9643 :?/Ir llOc Cord1ng NORCE:11a?1 drycr.loi~ 117!H27S SI l.aritt• c1cror.1ll\.c Ourl.. fl'l'l """ :;1 1•121 Lurtlb•wu<ll llrh'll <·ar "•'thur i-lnk ,>o Wh111• \'ll'"" M.i .. ta•r:o. S:! I o <' • s 2 5 O • C r oi lt roui:h, run~ i:ood 0 ----munlumta g?5 l'vvl 1iut':> l)l.111.1. N JI ua. 11102 <·out. 11110• ..io, ~IS 11.ibv'., rt•rr1.:11rtHur S25 ~fjyl,<11 1111111111111 h.lllll!(N' e111.w 1n;iginlnc1> lOt• SI 25 Gt: tolll{> tnp dr!'P !n li&W 2t"ca:1'V ~ VW ~I l! toni; uf d olhl•§, -•• :-· - -Llr1·~Mnttl.1hlt•ST!\OUuh~ w11sh1•r S!~. dr~1·r S!.'I ~. ~ llhfl1w1:rt11>h Si, Gluc. p;unt, ltk'-SI. Shut. 8 l o v l' S I S G 1-J htHHlli it ht a ~:,I' Ill l>ly · bu,,' . mt' 11 , w" m 1•11 POLLl-.N 1'.X ,1h·c·p ,ll1•Jl cur 1'l'lll ~· 3 hh•1 d1• 'l'ubc Iii'! u111111ttrl'I' tuiwr 1•fl'l:lr1c· s.1w with ('llM t t r S3 50 uooks & rdr1gt•ral1•r $25 71 enmplt•tc. s.J VW 1>aJ·b IOt S3 Sho\•!i. l•IJrll\'~ ma1<~u11,•r S2U \\ci<l IMi:~ ~ 8:i & SI l\od.ik &tabll•StS Tu~·"l'I TV, $111, i.nuw d1:1111i. Slo , maita'il n cli 11Jt··S!J t;hev)' l.u1• c.1rh11r.1tor SOI' SS 6 volt tc>1I & •~Ml lSt··b:J . C<11C m t•IH1>. m11h<111M· l'l1•1'~1·1, 1 011~1t1r m~tnnrnllc \'.lmt•ra $'; 1tot•'<n 't wor•k, )lllll4l \\llOll mot'll' hi:ht ~: O\'ullldt• Pcar lll. while colon.'11. ~ In 110 nrt.,W<'r coll de111>1•r lt'~t\•r. S5 t'llch iwrfun11·i; ~Uc $1.50 ~ind b((l11cl 82. 1•1wn•i:.(' 1<111k rotl1•r ~l\11tes. SILl' l'.1h11wt, SI~. Wl11h• S ~•11ll('F!i Siil. d\ll'k 1111hu JOI' SI~ 011>ht•:s lfl(· 50r Sun G1a S~8 Wl'l t•cll buttl·r~ !\'filer J \•wl:lry 10t' SJ St.i lr1111 1J11•r $2 50. C1ll i lt S4 n42 !123!:1 dft\"C' 1wclrvn1n t'ht''I ~ 1':'3:ll 1'~1Ml1Cltl' t'H'\'h•. lilerli.1111 I OC' ~0{' AP POltT1\CtLL', =··· I'•< SIU Strolkr. l!X('Cllellt tt11ocry lOt• 7Se Wiii!'. S.:!G MIKO_ --~5 l,,1111111-. S5 Cath II II H4i 2il9 ~Ul Sun I l frl u r 11~-u " ., ~undlllOO SIS. 1':let•lr1<• • '"'I I' \\' 0 T ll IJ 1 t I u I h -Q 1 · I S t 111 :J <U JI p llWl:C!f run. wu ,. tur~· SI ;,(I J .ump:s St 9:1 ha1l""ll"r ,.., .n" h"'.•1• r hlond1• ~ brc1wn "1 !W.l ;"' B 1-: I. I. y h ,. ll I' I.I ~I 5 • ".'·' lit• • ·~ • ; ~ 10 I mnki;r l'Ul\OJ)\•nerand "' .1 ~ ... ' .,... __ ,.'' W Huv Sl Sal·S1111 '1'0"11•r:," g;, 1•inh <.u1111Jt•11, til\1 , (:Jml"> · . , ~ . ., Outdoorelolh<":;..,rycr!l) wall 11m1. SIO (:olk~· H1 ,,.5 .. 110-· · .s17 tllO _ _ ~k11'., ilt111wr1 ~kt ll()(JI~. S"'·>""•i. U1\llY 1>111 '" mnttH·~~ otht>Nt, °l'OI k s:.l SS f «~ Bed spreatl S'3 !'cw duo J "' ' '" '' I I rl'(Ur'<icr.1H!t.<ds$1.Tra}'lj hlc llibachi~Wull'rack l>ll• hantl m u c . 'l'fli\lll-'lltire!H~\\h .. ,·ls ~•tl 10 S!~ l'r.11111a1.11.· S2:.. l'1111d·, l'lt'"' o .. GAS lltove. Ct1(fors & Satlrr ss··. 4 bum er with Criddle. oven & hroiler. S25 Hund lawn mo°l'•1•r & catcher ~. 12 woo<J lCI> ladder StS. 4 way rtoor litmp SS. Sitt/Sun ICJ..4pm 1566 Cor51ca Pl, C~t 1 M('Sa ZX·St Sm.1th 11lu~swurl'.., Tr·•\uleas~s s:.t&.., l>c.1t1Jllful. S!5 1' b,111'\.'l(.;,\ltTOP u irri<'r. \ttl\I nl'" ~tlt•u ·h ?Q'X~lO cll•1 k&!5.l'ort.1blt•1\•rnrl.ICOLLf-:l'TOH 't\ 1lC'111i., drawl'I" ·1~ t.1t'lll' S I S7 1upp1·rw.1re Ore:>l'tves ... mc~·i. llu\: 811'rl.'ctru11kpt11w1.1blc• st5 Mun'~2tl"h1kl·~ 961107(11' ~ -a, 11layer SIO P sy<'hvlol'Y a1111r1I w11111111 ~ l110 Wo11d,rhor•wSt0:l'l1'<' • 25<' $.1. t:luld ~1.wrd ~ some "''~ 50<· Sl f.udll's _520 6'16 761J2 Vu<'uum Sl<I. l.1.111~as:1• --Toda). 20i 1 ;i1 h 1>tG 1;75!.I ~r.iphy of J ohn l\ct.1m' t1•1c d1.1ln :.~111. hlw rw11 ARTISTICALLY rustic pl•nters & stands Made lrom natural barn :;idu11.t & dri fl wood A II on g\nal & d1Cferent one s tvle llke "atcr pump & horse trous:h. Can be USl'<l ror display purposes, Sl·SIS 54&-0562 Hugs ZSc SI. lruok ~. rain eoat & hats.; ('np KING boo s:?u :surfhu.ml SI 85 1':11c > c lo1H·<l1u llt'\NGING wOO<lcn 1,ic•k -_ ~E : ,. ,, by l'.1t.:'' Sm11h . volttrMs seri: fm•vllH'l' ,.c·rct!ll ~ 1''<1ld1111: charr. w~><Kl. St ""rtOnB ~"i~·•,•el.., \"all , 1 1\m1·1ku11a & bo1Jk t'llSC for sm ill thml(s SS olc1 IO .SI .El> tJtkl• s:l.i • I.~:!, hk1• 111•.,. ~u. old luols 91: shot' l'ut•t•uum c d I -~SI ~ ""'''"" ""'• S IO h oy:il uprtf:ll S?S Lawn tool:. Sl SIO round ~h\'t':'il' box ~ mold<'d ,Julo bia·kl'l wat~r1•rnrk111lh :'if>l!;Ot, Sl2. hl•,1vy dul\• l:fl'•IW ar <-n l()n s 2 c pluqu('SlSt•t•arh i:las~ws v.H uum 815. Tlri.•s, fu.•r vinic-eurt s,s lk:loks. nlre tooth llCk hol<ll•n> "Cills. ~O 1.·uch /\11t111111• s i!l.ll S7 50. To\\ le" dolly ~ lurt.:e 11uah1' ~t'a~~cc;i ·~r;f~ <',~~$15~ lOc 25e c;wh 1,1~ht fl\ 8 55· I I. rno un te-d & l(llmt•:. Sl ·s.5 .S.\5 5335 silk l~!lh wull h u • fr~ml'fJ mirror Siii llur· C'olunrnl cl\uc11l.J1e spoon. l~·nn tmi: $25 , Ill'\\ \'W l kl -~Q Bed lures S3 eu\'11 10 A:'af· hut.mewl. 0111 rim ... 500 - -------s.5. s:s p • .'1 u: l'OUl(h:; bookkt•1•v111 1( ,..t<•rhn14, Sl\I 1'12!1 ('lass "'hll Slt1lC rlHIHl li:l'1; nH I UI.' l.'ll HIC•Sl . .,. SPM S:il. Sun 1640 mil·. 825 Two cooc t5 tlEFHIGt:nATOll. \\t>rk ,.,R l pa~; llMIC ~I~ rna<'hlllC & ~t:ind s;is pin LA. IH1th . Sl:i 111.!0 v11•k ss · 1·rutchei. S5 rr.ime. wo'>uclli 8~ MmorcaDr cor Am.lros. t'1resto1w, \'Wrirn hold.s rng S:?5 9682;\IOJl,i.)i.'771 i::iL::"~~sb 1 ,J~si~l',l', Toilet. c•omnlclc. SIS bron~e i-·r.1 lcl'l\ll~ rt'i'\wood lawn d 1,111· ~ ~t~:i~~1~~d:\;~rka; 5Q Coc!la Mcsa :ur, ~ p.ur. Fl<'l:'trH .. --. -' ,, <.'u ic. a~ ~1" Pole I.imp SI SO, New ski Jl'Wt'lrv box SIS <:em11111• (•,ti.\' chairs s:, i•ac•h Surfboard racks SIO Al .U'llNU:'.l fra1nA win· motun. I'• ht> b4 i\N I HlU~. Mhool dl'S~ :111:J:ctro~sk1~1 .~rNtt1n llo.1tm1rrq1 ~ Slf15,•at•h ,1hgut11rhu111lbni.i. \lj:Jlls, b1 ~ketl>1ll 1l<1t1I & -·' • ", . .. One sixth hp, $:J or ~ for S2U Nau.ea hydt' l'1JU<' 1 'J;"s s "'' l><>l. 1~' oy<. :i m m c 11 m ' r .1 S.! 0 S25 l\111tC'h1n11 l' lllo m tll'u·k h11.11 ct $;!. llodal.11 Silv\•r l•nd slands SS.i7 dowi; .JO .x5 ~5. 10 x3 8 S'> 28!1 O~le St 111 all.-.\'. S,1.! Surf ho.ird SJO Sl ~lo~e t.l'l~l t:i~ll l11mp Clolh,•s Ille' ~I ;;u 1 H>-1 m.idt• pumps. siw !IN. ,.1,..l•dnmN('r ,~ sho\'I.' Der11rat1 ve plaques S25.<l xG s~s.~hd,'n~door CM glpm.Salonh Ne1crmarc0Cfce&encl 9iohl erosene arnpor Au~l.ll>taSt C':'.1 51511753 nl'W<'mHllllfm s.'i l p:ur S3 •Pt>llarH<.'l'Ollt't.,.SI 15<' S.t Driftwood IOc. ~ panels 2 6 ~s 8 S20 ---------tablt•i. $20 enl'h. Chl'n1lk old cordi:il bollltt SW --11 • 1 ti llYI • • 1 h 11 1 Prints 10c.· Sl 50 331 W ... ach . sliding door fr.11m• UOX springs SS lllilt lx«lsµreads s,., <'Uth Pot fine needle 1H11nl for SEA RS red w<hHI <log 1> Ul' C~·111n~·111,'1~./~u1t1 ~°:.'.:-.,.& :~~: ~It ~~l ~ _!lay.C:'.t 645-7 11~---5 x6'll" SS Spanish Ml~ treJSSE'S s.; 1-'r.tmcs SS tery wheel SS. Nearlfllh pillow or fram111J.: ,10 hous{' for l.irge d()J:! S!-5 t~·~·n l1m1~ ·~ sh111l1· L ·~·II u 'g.i2 s1·~·t111 II s1on rooflni,: tiles l.ip Headboard S5 Books~ & Or an g <.' on I 96 3 hand JllC<'Cd & scWt'n leaf & lawn s\1eepcr Sto . r ~ 50' ? St !\hrv'' ~Ille. • · DOUBLt:: bed with head-NATIONi-\L Geographrrs proximately 50tl sq. fl > llair dncr SJ. De;.k S3 n osemary Pl . CM Sal q u 11 l l o r• S 161 cm slute 1r.1ye:; for B&L pro· nit" 001 th;;•w biu~k\t: COL.I" 1 lub:-& bui: &.'IJ board. medium firm issue-s from l 9t 7 to 1974 lSc enrh 1!33 1526 Vanny St. Table S5 D1kl' July 17·18 518 1167!1 bro1dered cloth S3 da Jector Sl.i5 CMI\ anJ! tr ".111111.s "111,11 cir <'<tJ 1.1w11 i•di.:rr S3. 01tom1111 Mood. S25 New mctal hl.'<1 20<:.S2 Pla;vhoys Pl•n. -t Sl C t .els ---t ) • fr< m llbout f I I SJI) •u ' "• l r~mc with ,.asters "" l h 0 u s c "" 0 I II I' r BOYS 3 snced bike S25 11•11 s ur .un re w~ 0-1-N G I l)U~rru YI c ) t.ise ors II l' l<.l)S . pcrf1·1.·1 SJ ('j('h (~11111111 S.'l. i'lld rnhles s:! ~ ~. u , .., .. 50l· 1!11 Lcxin111un. Clll . • ,P 0 O 1850 812 !caspoOns ~or Chev truck rn<l111 Sto., halltlt raftctl •llllk b<>' !XII<.' l:t11ll>f. St c:11·h. rt• 8'x8' white v1n\I "lat mui?aiincs . 20c l•arh 1;1rls 3 :.peed bike SJS !>5721!12 6 x5.xl5 dec 11 SIO t•ollcclmJ!~'l&Sll l\frCoy ro1>e ithn)!. can1as tO\ •th r ·k s:, Widr «lid pliiyi•r so ril•I "----........ ·:~l~t~ · · ' avv ' -J)Otlf't)'. S.t oacnlllllli me , · 1 " 1 a 1 • • • .. , t bit> with drawer S5 Dou 1o1.111 pipe. ·~ .. thread. l3 --BEDROOMS'M 9 drawer --• ~ ______ _:_ ___ h.-1t~'Y';-H-~-0-Hl# _.i:.:1d1os Sl.50 w ""· r 1u1r>< ble tx·dsprc.id. blue. S:I llll•ccs 10· lengths. S2 DIVING vest. Vo1l SIO clrt"SSer ~5 lar)(e mirror GO' SllEl.VING & II' racks ~1~~P.r~~;,}>~':kcM \~6 SWIVFL Earlv /\meru•an band s17.<>7, 525 t:ush on 50r S2 ~o : 5.1~11~iqJ •1~1 Oouble b e d .sr>re ad. ciuh Toilet aid \\~l~er ~ 7131 s..>o. 2 n1gti1 standi;. SlU S:ZO Coffee tabk S8 l:)l<J I> m roc:ke~ 825 tweed wmtl ly l'hon('673·126S ronst(•I :>I · ' •· 1 ·Wedding lllni.: ·• ~5 ford1sabh .. '<I Si S.l8 ll)t;2 9 .. TV 1 bl. •ed eillh: 2 bookcuse head table! SJ. Cr::idenza Si!I> _ hack chair s2o. dts -. -, -, -• ,t.,, \~aln11t, llunt111gto11 Metal floor lamp base. MANS~ld-Evan~n; 1 ... ork s10V'~ 0'1sh~~=tc~ oo.1rds. SIO each. Lun::e ti11rrartl turntu.ble less' EW radio &. TV tulx.-s tressed maple step tahle Kl~~Sl7.~i 'r1'~~~t·:tf1~:~. llN1lh --- S2 II y d ro. L u"< rout speed brke rides good brass 82·0.82.:;, elcctne 3 way l11m p SIO China '-f)lnd le St!>. Shutter:,, SI SI so eai:h M,1llary S20 01slr!'ssed maple ;%11 1 1/ 8~ ntl ~ 520 ' l'w <MK li!hli• :1 cir.air" S!b mussu~t>rS12SO Ant1qu<.' sto. new hand made cloth dr\'l'r sis: fire cabmctw1th shdingl{lass 20 JCS5" SS fledroom foe us controls 75c SI ~orree tublc SI'> La1µc Tim •l if·~ natuil',books hm 's hockc•vsk,ih•s.~itl' ~allon !{as can S20 JO tarl(e afghan S25 642 5"87 screen a'nd tonls SIS, do<Jrs 825. 2 malchlni: lump Sl t-:lt'ct ri,c table each. New trans1st11ri;. brrc·h knick k1111ck i.hC'lf SS c·~<'h Comiilcte 15 ~ul • 1 :-;,; bm s in· :.I.Uk~. ll111'1fand dinner plat<.'S - --t•lock radio SS 3910,, end tables wnh drawer.. ( IO c k S ii • 1 v r t' x TV & radio. new cl\'C S!5 Mapll! ~•c1) tnbll• SI() (1 11 l nl\ 815 Sal\•nt i:iunl duhli \'l1'; !<.tt.l' 11 ~(I S5 Nieh. 2 Haviland cov· 35MM SL.IOI': pr~1ector 12 Channel Pl N u 673 1603 SlO cnrh -Uran.itc swivel ''"' rt·11l ,1 tu r 85 Ca ~\' tnrul parts 54k·S2. lh~h Maple 4 1lru" er <'h''"l ~m ·• 10 i.t~nd S7 ,,111 111 i•cisiorwl 111 ofr~~0;11,11 t'rl-d serv mg howls Sl:'i trays S25 548-8067 ---ha r s loo I S I o O Id holdt r SI · llunJ;tmg ~ghJ voh oge probe Sl5 Zcmt h S12 50 Pcr.111 wtxtd c ht.-sl ~l'll :e.,arat cly J\ ll\ll,in roller sknl1..•i.,I 1dw,; ""'' , .. 1ch: 1 lla\llan(I ~mall , --TIRES. C78-15 fnur pl) American :;lyl1• \\O<ldrn i;I lla1r drvcr S2 ur trans Occan11· ra<.110 S!5 S2S. 8xl 2 Ovul 1o1onl , 1 lnnl\ SH Ult! u I\ ;1 IS'• hkl' m•w S25 l>ill'l,1 1oerv1ng pfalll!r Sl2:;tl. ·CB RADIO antcna. 5el~ i>olveslerne" drivenon c h ai r SIO Green u11 lahll•S5A!mycot SJ 30'JU Thrc-e 1551:1 st(•el radial br;Hdcdru)?Sl7 506:<8 812 ~~~ewriler Slll M~l)jl. hi;. 111.wm~ m.uhuw S:!:• will ~e ll !'l'p.ir,1tel~· mcnt beam S25: heavy IVllOOmiles.Sl9:,()t>ulh holste red swl\{') ch111r _M11rray.C M_:>a_t __ 111'\':> SlO e uc·h or 3 for Lari.:e mt.'fhum & •mall hl•ucll.Mlnrd & fr.mw ~-, ·~t l:!N~iuulus l>r 11.H H.1vilam.I "Wild l<use · duty rotor S25 lOO<t l'a vw late model rrar fl'f1 \\Ith ehromc lii1~e Sl5 2'J IVER J hn:son hand ~:ob~· rad1~y S2S. CB lvvclv muule 1ncturl's Waffle iron SI. Ekellll . • . uSborled plalcs. l l IJIJ & hie .md rontrol box 52.5. den Sl.5 earh. complctl' u v t' rs tu rr e d 11w1 v l' I 1 led bell l holster S20 sam s F oto f_or1 tlook~. '> S!S world iilohc, S3 !lk llct SS 4 Ba by Mt~Jll~ ,\fl I Ir IC I/IL "?'' l'I m 11auoer. S20 all Coll1..•l'l0f :.ioodHP Vb\~ ~ngr~t', r:,s sini:lc port heads S20 rorker, nc1.,'tls rcc•o1cr 1~. iortnbll! T v all S1 each 331 Custa M~a haby stroller like nu, S7 g7 1 cu't woodc•n ~l.ih~ r.111 ~l'1111•111s :S.! ~O '" metul d ress huttons. 2Jc 11. • 0 :;7o ;~ S20. earh8467057 mg. S3 31 l'•t'rcs Bauer h n~·ls t!S l!I' Zenilh St 5483548 1Jte11der Sil. purses !h SS.Siii Hook i-1111 SI f1 1(11ri111•s & ornnnwnl"' carb. 1572 Orrh,1rd Dr. f'lll:lne par s -dishes $.?.'i Lari;c rt.'f.'ord l 8 t • • ; l'h.,. . , c.H h l.111ens lht•d) ' 1 S5 • 21.1 \rl~r 2!11 Ki M't d1~hci. ~111 APt 2.S A lt~ts SSi 21'3 !><l()·53IO KITCllf:N Bull\ ins :111 stand S:I H omemaker portal>le f\' SIO c.l FIREPLAC I', tooli. Sl'I & 50(' SI 50 Chr1~tmus out L.ir14~· amt> !.I ' l\11 s<'t'll 1111•11 11s cli~h<'" --s t.11nless dish\\ usher ~cw1n11 mue h1n<.' 825 fre<.'zi•r Siii Double m~ basket Sl5 Lacllell cl{'t'· door 'i1J;thls tc1unlltv> St, C:M 1~15 251 1 ~ 111• Siii, 'r101h1n)! 1111 s;, OUTROAHD rnolordoll> ~HOU~JT 1!~lO~ ~t';;I( S?S c•ountertC1pBurn1·rs ;\l('lal dt•!<>k S.!O ,io.? lrt!Ml&~xstr:~c"·.~1 ~ tr1c .sh.w1•r, ust<CI l.llll'l' 50\·$20 fo'foorptJhslH•r 9l \'i\<.;UUM. uprii:ht ,1.11 111llu.,.., .'jlJt 111 1" ~ Anchor 82 W111ch SI .imp • s .tn ~. hood Si!ll "11h two Mal(nohu Sl, C;\I, corner nlll:;l \~~~ t~i lS'-SJ. Bdt SIS. 2 clt'ttm: mixer,,,?' .. iatwart' SI' 1•.11'11 l•:ll'l' TV. 111ayii 1(()1)(1 S2;l l'ool 1•1•ll,111<•u11'I h1w11'I :!:-.1• ,.,,, l'and J 111kl' SI Holl ~J.720t~--ov('nS S20 e.1l'h . old hou'l' s1>e · , l'nth lrunSl HadruS! tricpereol.11t:r :;:J'>ll l>1s tahh• ,.,,. 1o1ithl\•1<s no hl.111k1·1" SI ill :.t · hrown \fill\ I S2 LUJZl(•lf:(' EAST EKN ha rd rock ma Al\'l IFM ra<l10 & n•riwll ~·;ssol!.cr retllltf r ls:!~ Old lmcns & lace• Vll'l:CS he"I 25r·SI Dou I •It• m.1pll• 111111,.' Ef• ii th 1 fi''S uhe1 :>:!fl 11;l8tl :11 h .~ \\' .1111111 8'! SIO Klt<'hl·n ~tool SJ plE' two shC'lf square ta player in rabln('I S2.'\ l'INE dn•ssl'r , ~1.1111tl•d r.;:,chl:11~,"~';::~h1' ~t \d. SI S'> An t14uc .bra.ss & llookcusc hcudh1111nl SW 10,1111' ~ llunt111,.:L1111 llc.11'f1 tns tam.111• rnmer,1 ~ hll' S2S ~ulid woilnut 19.l-lft'<'ler.11 ('ost.1 Ml'M white , S IU torn•'r u c t • copper m1n1 atu rt>~ ·olf lUrt •'< dul.ti; 10 2 Sqt 11 :.I 11nl1·~s lll1•1•I 'f tlres.-.er & 1h•,k bCl ~fl'l'll m1ral AM IF'M lod10 SJO S'l·SIS Sim•• hood w1lh f h k S: Fl TWl:\1 hnx :o.prmi;.\ llll11 ·11 'SI N 1 llWl\f'I ot •<<'<'hair S25 "EAR'S ""<'<Ile· extr.1 •· ·, l I 1th Por1abh.• rJtho n~·w SS f1o' sir.: Win<' rack~ is in)! Siii "" 1 •1'l' IOOO l'Al'Elll\,\C""'~'k' 11 ... ,,. 11 11m1• it 111•1t lll\\•nre Ill'\' lO tJ<\6 IS.18 " " "' "II e cnallll.' "' bl I I ,, • v• ' • \r•t· eth:cr SI rww l'olll "''hJI' :\'u111er• Nt>Vl'IS . . r.nor S3 Clotlw11. •1u• IU, --firm non .llcr,l!l'llt' full matl•hm>; •• w11 t•I chwr. Revers1 c I? N'I rir '11 Ml'lmu<' d1~hl!R ,~ {IIµ'! l ,1 \' ti l 11 "'" • · '' • .r· 11 c•ss l'Ol't'r ~o K<17 u~.1 :!.~ SS Sat !I J 2~ Gbt St. Tift!-:. Wm:ston s h •1•l 11<'11 malln'SS with hox spr· S25 t:.' ,H h w 111 """ SIO Cash on'>'. S42 0:172 S! Old sohd copper vi.ill' ~usler~~ ~. 1 '{id ~ 3 ~1{' & Wt·~turns. 5\·-:i:;c cu~h ii HI T avh>r si II II Nrwportfft!iu·h cdwhltc~.111 , L.711.J.'>.IJ>'4• 10.Jt:; _S2!'> 5 lllt'ct· fire· scvar 1tel~ Nurser) ---S7 511 Stuffed tovs 501: SI ioy ' '1 hci , Jl()t.H~ mow~r ll<.'<'dl' · rn1l11U)(e. like new tr\'nd -pl~l'tl'lll tool set S!O. lump ~ 5c)' C 1rl 's tup S EWING nrnch~ic. ~l'e(I& 1Jook's-sz:-ro1)crbal'kll, llund:i.uws SL <.'lit' ( nn 111111 .. uµ. $.15. Old u:;m) C;Ol.l> c.L.a.i..-. r UH:. ~Ill. :'.llOllC:E iias dryer. t'uns Sl2 :'ii> It-Iii llkX4 rust iron toy ht'(' cng1111• ~h , n • .,.. SJ Sol uian adJU~lm<"nt $:! • liree11 IOt t'll<'h \Vicker rha1~ mstcr v.1c.:u11m SJ. \•'lfd h1mu• sh1i..·~. SI ••trch I :. t \' r I' n ~ !. mu k" • f!llOd doc·:o>n't get hot. SlS • ---..... th 2 hnriic:. & l''ord '.~ ~· 2 G l ·i' : p 'i C'o.~cu k1lrh1'll stool, like· $5 2511 .. l:J1 y C:ll t.1hli•s ~ 1'.ll'h n1 .. trl!S•l'll ~ct h1.•1I r:uls S..'i T11C)'C'I<' nm~·vlhl'lll 11111: S:!U. II' .)10.79G6 Fi ('0110 suh mmlotur<' tourin~ c.:ur SHI calh. f1.cc.:cs. s/" • .:.111 J;tc'l'l;:,, ncw SIO F:lel'lriC l<e S·t s n .. I • m.•f>le t•ofi..,• t11bll' SIS Ill(<'.! lo !'i vr ... St> 19Sll "'rt~d J\Wt•l11• Jill is:> ~ --tape rl.'t'Ofilt"r. S1\1s~ Handsaw \'1~c S7 Tw111 >!~.rrnll.l!.e rl~·~k with It c·reum mnki•r lust'(! °'1 '1 · 11 .,.hcdb.H"row S2 maf}le Clw1y IJl<'kllfl grill~~ fl Pla~huv 111.1~,11.10c• "'' C0'.\1rl.~"TI-: d urk room murll•SIS, "'i\l luncrS'>, rnaltrPss & ho~ sprmi; <I •cr S I [)or <'d Siil 2 t)r,incl ncii MAl'l,Ewh,1lnot :-hl'I(~ l\11nhunk lwrl frame SS it.ii bo,1t l.111k S:!'i l\ux fur SHI, 1111 ni.1i.:111in1• <'<lll•fllnCllt new. l'll'll'r s lide \ h'W('r proict'\er Sl5 518 3S4H 7:0 ·•.: • J5. .. • x; •h~'•d1.'fi Cr.1g.1r ma)!s S25 l'arh Muple maJ;tul111c rar k S:I 111djl 1<1111 C'.lhinrt SR 6 11lary g,1s tank !or h11111 3r;,. uo di. h 1111 c 111:•· • "'<'II : I V1,lt11r J 35 SS. CU W.tlkrl'·l'alkies th io •I • ,·· m •s SI Sc•ar',. l•has,1s J11hrn•.1lor Sm.all :.l'w1n).( rocker. un j,!.11 vutb<J.1rd rnotor ~al> or lruc·ll lfi "ic21.i ''xll '. :.'1 511 t•er.11n1c molll' >< 1•nl.1rJ;tt•r, $:!'" l 1-':2 H SJ. bodmmlon r.1qucl~ IONO/\ p11r1:<. 2 boxes ~hi1rt; ';{'~!<.~·• 1, ~lh :i SIO 1<:l\'l'lr11· J\hcllc·k llt1ue. $12 so Srnall 1,111k 9l ~J21 Pi•pvertrc1• S25 N.iui:alwck M<1Vt'l fm s.s , 1•rutl'hi·,. !'\I '>II l(•n1>(nr3.SmmfllmSIO:I s1: mo'p :i0l' n11t1q uc full, fork.s. c-h 111ns , dr.iwt•r:;S! Hcrnlm1o:h.ill mrm.co,;raph m.1('h111t' round cofft!e ljbfl' SIU ';"nc. (:\I oH Hny11l r()('kcr1o11lhot1oma11S2."> t.inc 'illt . 1111111 r1•>1 I( \rk.1' l l x l •I l)rtnt s t nfrccl c hair SlO: he.ids, l ire rims, hr.1k(· with 11 b;i~ SI i\ledirml' S!5 Sp1rllduphc>11torSl5 l'uir t.111 s mok1·d 1tla"'" f alm Thr'l•e700,.l5l'lply 11111k pl.ll'llUl'"SO<' i . 1.H'llt1111 ... 11 Kh1•r Siii , I tnxl2 C.:oteman stove $.S, 1n a ssemblt<'• & otht•r (',ibinet v.ith mirrm· ~ 494·11657 1.1hl1• lamps with nll'l' t1n•s, likl' 111'.".· w11h 1·11·1111er h111t!<. HK1. f)IJ!!lll'lravi< 5750,.l'l.1 tn1or panels fnr lltt 76 p11rts S25 ttco<I ~k1s. Onl• lire usNI 111 uood COR NFR •r oip 825 s ha d1·s. S2S pair AN'l'll~t n: o <•k hor~1· tuh(•s, fl1111 ... !\2 •• '"'<'h pn1·k.•J!l''< a1 2'll •'IHJll \rk.1y lhll l•.1,.l'I ~JO I VW s.s b.1ek seal for STD. $2.'l l'olcs SIO VW ~oudllloo' radi~I l85xl3 lamp SIO 2 ;1~11 ildl-sk~ Wrout.:ht lrnn twin hrad hUm(•i. & 111 11.clc ltl!l'S, llundo 350 mol•Jr•yrlc, t•arpcl r1•m11.1nt'< 2 .. .:r.1Vl11h 11 lfii C"lrtlri<' 6976 \\\ s:;, \'cncUun bus rear dnor $15 S:I Old l.,;,.,ks 2Se ••ur h SIS ('fm;mt• &~lass t,i bo.11 rl $1 50 1\fric.111 rn.1kl• nt'.11 r.1ck~ for has n1> ~niiinc. ~ Pel c>u1·h.or',rfnr SI •,·111 1~1111: t1m~·r SlS· 2 Ko<J111< 1oo(c blinds 11(1 1 wide SS. 642 8171 Ol<l magu1.mes ;c.lf)(' & blc 820 custom 1,..,0 ebony w110<1 c 11rv 111gs k1l(•hi•n tools nr (llanlll travel ca~c. mctl1um 'lth&W11lr1ut Jl unllni:t•111 llithts with filln. Slll valence S:? 2 tw1n maple JUNIOR Hoc·kcy sink-; 2.Scl.'ach ~2l4 Elden t\\e bed vr: a~ SW t•h lll'S S3·S5 l.ar~c Jl ,1ss,•11 83-Sll Many un111uc anl1 S17.e. SIO Ev1nrud1· or Hench t'll<'h , l YtinkC(' roll film hcodhourds S15N1ch .flle St Blk" 820 Sl\utebonrd CM 5i18·5l43 . sa ~-c~. h t ih ~,-l.1m11t.1hl1•s$15 MK·s:k"oO quc k 1lch c 11 tools J ohnson boal cu11 trnls t,1nk ~. l /\r'key 8xto trays 50c. push mO\\Cr · "' • ---· ~ ~ '1" 1 -hardwood rolllng pms SJ S25 12'~" r haln & 12 fl ~ 'RE£:\ 1 ( rri111 1o1as her $10 l a rre with catcher bag Sl2 SI. c•xtr.i wheels & paru Fl CORD Snh m1111 t11pc eessorlt\'l S2 clldl 11"~1 GtltLS. J spct'll hike, 525. dated hand food i:nn lhree ts lxtee11lh inch '' 0 1111 Y 111 , ~1111" llUJpt 4-way caset SS. I "3 110!' S5 l.cg!(o's sw11n fm:s SI rccord1•r S " rss m,1dl• 111111011 1l.1rh11ur !GI.I.I St llr<k·a bc•d nc1•ds up rte,.,.. S2 SO·S'i · olcl Im & l S..'> e ch <.:ot •rn m d1J11r S.1, W1ndo11 J)(<l Pol.1ro1" ll32S t'amcr.1 ... " Howlin.: hull & earner .::1~ f''l tun"r "';; Slid" t'ro1>1 IUO 31l'i holsll•ry S25 5 gal .it , 1 ,. • . • l llalll, 1' '1 58 ~ 1 ~~11 S7 50. Window :lx:l ~> '' ( ) U I ., ·• ·' ~ .,. ' ~ f t I I ~name "arc.p~111s"' llll>S "ecp Hiil. • d • <.hi'\'" mal( whc•ct ... i;111 t•axc S.'\ al~o 1 Norl'lco VACUUM clcao<.'rs l ank S'> Crrnss ire S? um 1e1 view<.'r projector 85. CB NAUTICAL i:ear hoth tic qunnum • .,.1, is 1 lOW li, 25c S2 1•111t,1i.:e 2 burnl•r 233.'i Elden, C:o,t,J ~ll'lla · t 'Ch 1 , 1 , r.ir l'tlerco cusscllc ty pe with p.irts Sl2. shot S.5 Hock m S(l\k'm walkie lalkws s:-1 n,1u rorall\'t' & "urk1ni:. 501 cac:h Bln1 CllA<! on Grlsw;ild <"ll:>t Iron i:ta:; ---l'llC l. rnm•• 'i" let> S,• .,., I ~1 64 1•25 2 • rolw•. O<'W ~> Fat track (J hi · h t sll1n1t .,., Records l5c· 356 ' Mct.11 patio r tan's x:, plJver ...25 ' " usllir\14 6· ·• I lo61lm new"'."'."" Mrmdn." nl"hl minlon rariocts SJ Mop 25l' Sl S P 11 w <'C Costa ~~1es a St Co~ta hot plat<.' St~· met.ti coal DE.<;K & chair 525 f(oundj Dotthlc muttr<...,,i> ,t,, 00~ 14 • "Surwr Wule 10·· t:T --.,.,5 , ,,. ,,., ·' " soc Anl•'ll4C 11tur1ct1 h.1rnmcter sohtJ brass • s1 uttlc S2 10. ,1nt1qu<' w()Ql)('n table SIS Loni:. spring S20 ~l'l l)nuhlci \\hC<'I~ w1lh :! ll t>llr new USF;I) !(all ra nl:l' "" football Sl. IS43l'iundru& l'ha1r Slll t'oll'm.rn stm1• tai-c St Pudcl!l'~ & 011r~. Mcs.i_Mll~l76 stove riarls SI S5. nc,•r off whiti• bltlln d1t·~1>. iicclsiire~d S.~ S.iturd:tv. lll't.'11 S~11.1l·~~!l60 _ ~~~.'~~~~'.;'erls n\lw spr ~!_Dr. C~r~r~di•I i\lur S.5 l11ter111r pont"ls for all !>Ill's. SI 25 ~I M,111v ADUIONi Jlaillrl 1'1.'nms .'\()(. :.ad Irons S1. bolllc nc•Vl'r worn SIU 497 23('>1 207 Mes 1 J)r c M Gllll.S dn•llllt>s 66•'}7, ------NINE & i1evrn /c1ghts 'G9 '76VW,S.5 na(k :Mll 1400l'l:.hipmodt•ls such »hoes 11c1\ SJ5 t>lcetnc cu111x·r~.old21 "bruss ' -·--IH11·~ ¢111\hln lt 12 lfl INVALIOtru1w1l'S2U.m y.1r<b i:ood qu.illty Ufl fur '69 '7fi vw s.'.i V~·ll(' l\!I a l/..lff r•1.t~ed i,,loori ' l(uita;S2S Banjop<.'j.tSCl mounted butChl!I S ll llOllSF; elcctril' s11mr12'SYLVANIATV S15 Ill ~)(' Sil 25. Uo1 , "111"-'!! vuhd walkrr SI!'> 1142 1rt56 hobt \' ry f n h ri c Si!4 tllln blln<ls. R w1<k. Si wilh double heod sail~: r sz 2 sets rcnder guitar sharpe111"I: steel SS. t•ur II pumµ, new· 820 510 7991i lo 14 y1•11r youth i:oll :11'1. ti I! ~ pulr. All ~xt•cll,•nl --'l'rtillcr hlll'h for Foril Vnlcnrc S2 2 t"m ma1ile 825 Mulche<I pair or 9 tu~ln~ keys S2 SJ Man Iv kit chen scal1• SJ. -----2 wo1J1l11 4 Iron~. p11t11•1 1•111;1tltloo. •:nrv<'lop<'rlln 1.JKE ne~· 11.l.i:!lta~c ruyal !>t:lluwi Wlll(on ~IS. Dark hcudt111urds. IS c·i11•h ~oltd copper & bra>is ml dohn st.ring~ S:i 646 6759 vanclv or s1ze)t 111 oltl II EX AG ON l:i m 1> tobl1 Sil 5ln11 year Sl•l 1 w•>l'~I •"l Siii 30 ••,i llou lli<h lruv1•llcr Pl 1173 7j!O(l l(rci•n rut vl'l\•l't flil<-fo'ile l r.1 v,. !iOr. Pui..h sic.I~ hi.(hts. S20 euch ' '-~ -' ooden trunkll IV dw~h 810 Tublt! 111011> Siil. ~ 1 ironi;, p11lll'r SJ:l. Sw1qf ' .. mnw('rw1th<'llll'hcrb.11? Lar1-te h eavy dutrrATIOtablei16 'roundSS such asanouklr1m11n .. 1 Sw.11: h i?hl!!, Siii 1•111•h rockcrrwrdi;r('('OVl'lln~\ tnnkt..hghlSl~.~11 •• ~?¥ 1\NTIC~lll·: i111l1tl ropper & rhuir S!5 l l!G43 l,oi; s12 54!1 tllf.I flber~l11ss floollnl! l>11oy 1 vinyl col $5. Scott:> mC!dium 1111.c trunk $1, 1'111.'I 011llc· ll l!hl S.'i 1'111r SJ.'> 7s7 11mh11:1Jn Hour --- -I l , • , J Lt~nws, I> V %i! .lK.11 __ ---D d fl -• ,20··2s1•Et-:J1 hox fan lilt hras&pat 1.1 11 tr.iysar1< , , , , • S5 ecorator ri wcM .... spr eader. n ew Sl2 . old1cetoni:sS7.0ukdou w.il11u1 fr.11111·tl 1ud11n"' Slll,2rh1ldren11 ~h'<•111n~ Orw 2G". one 311" wlute & di,.ht"I !'>UI· "t ~o Vim 111ti' 72 VcJ;tn IHI rts Sl·S25 · KINGSIZf. ht·d. m~llr• ss l1sh ncttmjl & floats, lawnmower. as 1s SIO bledcs k or :irt bookstand SIO Houn11 • 011. 1· l11h11• liai:s AA l'.1C'h. 'J'1>1'" & i:old lnm1l5 with 1ohock~. C'lt•l'trtc.he lll·r. liolld <1•1> rt>nrler S25 Chevy G 2:l.'i S20_ho~ "11r•n 1:~~ S::W. ~ill 2Sc S3 Varl<'d siicN of llask<>t~ s:i to SS. 54R 0570 $25 V1nlu1te Crosley with marble like tori Siii l?••m1·~ SI c,1ch July 17 & gt t•arh 768-3511. l\li-i:o1100 1x•t Sil. Solid hr.iss cornet Oywhcel SIO. :!'Kl lw.111!4, 1oell "l'tl·1 rlllt ly <.:to ll anchors, <"h.iln & hnt•. radio wood tablnct $12 Hoy's J•Jck1·t~. sl:w 5 & II. llf JI) .i I' J\I . 2lW7 Cf(lySr V • S'> ll111:1· 1x·w1cr •. I h.in SIO e i c h 'Il l l"nr1I ~ton 1f.1y mur11111 g such as u 6(1•,.," nvlon. stand&! blrdct11teS3. Old rashroned l·legJ(Ni S4 & Si (;1rl'll dr""s1-s, <corner F111l<>rton ""'" iqo dh• lo llll! cup SIO 11" radlull;r SIS [ii Chl•\ fi75 4971-1 _ _ Sl Boxes of t hrurntod & lllmdm.1d1• ~1fl , $1 In S";, ker~enc hi·.itlng ~lll\C' 'lr7.e ii & Jll S1 & S8 New lllr>. 54H 71 % t'l 111 .tl-s t obh• SI. ~nn1o1 1111ll11u1• bru11!1 ~ P•'" t~·r pH'k u1> I ront ( i•nch•rr., S!ll I' \CI F I<.: fl < • rrl bron H'<i ho M ( i 111 n1:~ toy~ & .:11 m<'i. 50e I" &!. 812 1-:n1tH111l in al.It' old II u m !It,. r II n h • ' r .11 I -- r halns Sl. AnllQUll nu1nl p1h•hcr S:J 1!)17 l>;r111~ & ('01•h, lllnl..sflu1dallhl.r;t• ti' 10 " S21;11rt-:1~:::rrt' IOC t.I tlraNi. & lllnlnlN:< Cloth':~ ie.'ic to S2 17A ~; tnrdcagc 11tmttl, h11~1· tl\ S7.V11cu11m Sl'i, ( oflt-1' lll C'l''('J,1-;, J.111111'~ Sl'1 ll.1m1)\•r .l.A1r111.11ll'\•ss. j)('Wtct i>arufeW1t1 i:us~ 35dt Ml\21\•)I h ,,; S7 r t11hl1· ~bunwr11kohol SluvcS7 1111h.<.:o~t.1l\1 {'llll hrnl\1', Sti. Smoll Ollk lnhl<• $20 Sl111~r.1v hike f.11_!21~ -- lll'W, ~,.Tiki 1.111lt'rn!I ~~.n'',~1m1}h)'!ll)r·.·.·~~·',,,s10'2, ... r's"1. f I I y'·~· ~~ r I I l' ;H $20 Hunnln11ll1thl~)lk• $-'kl /l.&11 l:/\S Clollwi; J>ryC'r . S25 hcntwootl Ii.wk lw11rth Siii. 1"ol<llnl( c•hnrr i.111 riru-:s .1 V\V r.fio.1: •• c ,..~ .... ~ 'llF.ST 01rnwl·r~s12~1 ' ~17.C'!lof ro1ll'l>loc " "'I 1 t h ro1•k1•r 111 Cln ~11 1c Jun"lci:vmSU ~l11dlo 1~i' Anllqu1• <·lt't'lrk 1 I I 1\1I ., I> .... lltll rl)Om window \\1th If • 1 kl .. , ..,. r. 1• c 1 r1 1: c o 1•" " · .111od gr; \'H<'h • 11)1•t•i • 1 t 1 .11 r 1tc i.o II 1:11ppcr .• rr-0r , ft'M•\'r ...... 11 pu <-y11 "' ut c ,,.,.,..., d'ry"r~··~ /\ulo n"tie f(t1ld11n mil( o(fico 1<wlvd rouch frnm1• ~o l.nmv .. Srni:t-r sew ni: rnu1· 1 ne. hr11~11 & pt•wh•r V11111111Q Mirror SIO (.'h1·~t of 11turn1num fr ·'"'o SI t:lc1tt111t vlnlillt•' rt«I ~ ... a. • .. <'hmr$2:1 1!12:hollcl lmu;,; 11hodo S5. Comp SIO 5t10 15, s:i <'u~h : o111• \\Ofk!I gn•ut . s:m. T1i(')'• l'lcctr1(' rhntl1011 (hlih 1lruw1·r~ St7 ·.o. Sn1'1';1l llothro<)m flour with hrrmx1• !!hit>'• vorts &'5 w,u14hkt•r. $2:\ 5. Jhlr.1!11~ J>lnt,·, wnmc lr1111 S1 Very old flt-c11111rc.11I SS. llulstcrs ll?f\.1!1 OJI Cht•vv rim, 11\' 81. Anll1111<! hsnd· Sl2 J)un~k t'llll<11'1hrn for Uo.r !llO<ll!i S1 .'all, St2. knoh. 2'/I •"x7!l " SUI ~ 843 w l'ilh S I CM {'( m~~ t.r ('II( lllllrl k ( kl ·, I SIO " db< I $10 llluc l(Ood. SIO': flllll' "1 ~1111l1-d lt1rn11111 ~10 & 812. v F' I I l "'I sll1hnn 'los1•t dour'\ s:'> 2 · ·1,1 • 'tl .~ SIO 151" Oron°11 Av<' on arm tc• H'll I' i.ur N I rnrc Chevy run~. ~l ouch: 11111• ~ lnper' SI '>11 r1no11>o Sl7 50 .111 In 1 1• Sil ,, tt• " • hNwecn llrl·n 11 "' • ' :.... ,. Sf Worlll Wnr 1 g(n~lc & wtutl! c-rtl> w41th m11l "" mk r(lat. could bo llM'(f ~It <''I or -1 ol l d I> ra !I' Ntand~ 56 f vpl' wrllcr llCt.'I lourvC'r<.'fl wrnl'low!j :'.1onrovl.1 5411 0135~ Mtcr CM 1142 ,,.,.;o ____ --orm hlllh 111·hool de~k11. tn'llll s:z.o; Nt-w walkl•r S'! f: 71~· 14 $ :J : l w 0 l'• forilllluws l\tS.5,ilrnwer •:n)lh~h plllh·~ 11hnw111J.1 tnbh'S5Gu11 r.11k$.l0f liO"x 11 ··. $7!\0 c:.ich. 1onm_P1c_aseS11t/S11n_ UNO"'l'W•TL',R mc1v1" Solid ook. rom 11let<• t.ik" new cr111l1(·/~w11l~ chromcOldswlwcla.lllw dreMer ,5turdy.52:;f1rm d 1 1 h MZ:l7117 "'' '' ... " • " ni·w . Sltl fo1 b oth Porta Crlh StO. /\ntk1uc ol iio1hn.i ishlll" '"" l'Olll'I· I (''' tyve llWl\ll' r ou'll ., SLOT rar sct SJO N<'w com~ra • KOdak 11u11<:•r II w11h 1:rnrrr11. Sl2. XAnll sir.. A.1 hy lrnlht11h S!. {llt5 2711/J ofkr 3pm o11f\. b@h)' lulc &"i. /\nlkiuc 11'.Y l'l'\'110/I 50e·S4 11))4 Sl7 & S'l l llook Sh~l\ic!'< I th!' ~hell'" 7C ''i Cllml'ra $<!~. rtcllrl(hts QUe Wt11lc trcu1llt• lll'WIOI( ll1.1by buck pudi1 ~ lloy !\ aRk forlfJohn ('I cc tr i c w o s h In ii ~ohd rnppcr nnd 1w"~1·r with rabrnet $15 S<~1d ALL ho re covt'r . 1.1h• t~'\ r II r irnt.; SJ Comcra h o u111 n1t s:m I m1whlnc bui;e Sl:l. Lnrjlc clothe'<, ~ltc o 4. z..,c Si!.1----------h' k 825 r lct'trle corrre urn 9t o.1k coffl•1• tohl1• 59. l'I<' ScicnceLlhrury M l111okK "tn r~O~ 1s "2 .. 002·113l ho nd r uhht!ll cutt 111~ 1·oyi125r S:I ()ue~n rrlal-!rrna~i.1'::,;ct'l"~t•:;ei S;' C11Nt brM~ 11.1ir En~ll~h lure tr11mc•b Sl·M. l.nrsw SI!•: llluNlr.1tcd Nntun• ~ •• r ;1 r wOOll ",!,ic SI - --t,1111rd SI 11411 w. l&l h st. tress Sl!J: t/11 •1•11 hox !<pr £r-;Nl'f'll color T. v 21 • 1, k 1o1•a ll l'11nddchra s:J~O. prcss11r11 c•11<1krr Sii C.1r L.ibrnry . ll book'< SIS. 111m.~.; CllAIR szs lump $3. M.bctwtenPl1.1c1.•ntlo& int: $25. will a.cit wnlnu~ ciihlncl nl'l'llN ;;~:,!1~0~1; lim~0:.11~ Hrarctul Heed & Barton top r uck S6 t'olomun U h •rnture summu.r1c:1 f>'12M:i. _ M6S496. __ • Mvnrovi<i. s.t8111a:1 uftrr llt'Jltm•tl'fy. AdJu1'l.1l>ll• work S:l!'i. K•:nmor" c h .11r SS . 0 1<1 onk roprx:r & 1wwt<•r h11101( camp lilO.vt• Ste $11. tS<:tot llonk1o h1•h1fulfor POWER m ower. looks SOI-~/\ & loveiieal nee<!~ I011mplc1111e ~11t/Sun he'd fr11m1· SIO. N1•w wushln.: Mnchln1.1, work ('h1 rupMtt•tor'.; table.~ r up vas<' S:J 50. (;nm1>lrte Colcrnnn lanlnn 7 clni;.; ll~ll•llllm..-:nt SIO. trrrlbl~. run11 ~ood. 115 re "Ir S25 lo; holh --c·u~scrolt'. r>uni. & dltiht·~ Ing ('01111itton $ij, Wuln111 fttm. VOt'CUm broom S\3. ~\'{ ~otld hru!l!I f1rcphll't• StOV(' & llutnnc tnnk ror "Oii It Youllll'lr "<'t. 12 J:ll3 Oranicc /\Vc, CM. ssf.41s8 • rl·~ Ton!lh'r ~IVt',ll SIO lit<.'rC(l/COll~Ole. nc<'l11> 842.(IM7 toolis ~. Solid hra11~ nn· curnper with r ci:ulntcw & lx!Oka Sl5. 2 ovnl, bru1dl'CJ fi.t2.5'i(Jfl __ ~-__ OLD 10' bamboo 11urt l~Olo, v ani8h tin en ~ xn _ ~hu11 work 125. ti40•ll04it ---· ____ d1rons 51 SO Brass fire flllinl!.t' t.to . lllow tort'h rul(!l 12 long Sl5: m<'lal ---TllRPF. itrecn & ttold tit> r u!llorn burlt, $15. l enn rull $25. 1~01nrm cam1.'1'111~-_...;. _____ _ .f'"ISHf:R·PRlce ~or1111c St : airport SI. llol>hy· Mlle ear sent $10. Tuy Bur11.er grHI Sl. New Yog urt m aker S8 Jlind511h\ mirror ~. Cnh & Plollh l0.)'11 SOc It S1' Qt. m•tiae p u1nt. while. new, S2. Paperback book.11. an 10c. 646-5t94 ~crel'n $5 V1•r y old SS. 1-:1crtrlc fan $3 wordrobe cnh1n1•ts Siii TYPl'.:WRJTl-;R . Rrm cnrato~ lamps 70 ... 43 .. 85 ret>I $5. Penn~f"natt:,d sw. New both !lculo S.. lllS & HErt matchlnA :~ handcr:ittcd roppcr & llyd r a u It e J a<: k $5 each· Coleman lnntl•nl, 3 ln~on portable. manual I a II A 11 d 1 rr er.int !,!_~~. •;~~'11~1~5~ ~~.r~ia· s h owe r curt n 1 n & spc<..>d no~s 20" hlcyclt .... brass \'llSC! s.t.50. Pair Garden tool!I Sl·S2. Hund mantel SS: u·c box for "Subt1rlmnltc" complete SLS-sio 962 51176 r."onlo n ,,. 53 poll• •<; httnJCCr!I S2. Bath m11t & excellent rondhion $2'• t:nglls h c law footed tools Sl.·SS. llydruullc boat or recrct1l1onal l'ehl· with use m anunl, begin· · ' • " ... , ' ""' seat cover S!l. 3·bottlc each. 6<10>-0756 brass pilc hNs sz.so Rumrierjack$9.Sntonly t'lt,bullt-inS25:solldcori• n cr instruction~ ana PLAYPf:N, netted. new Southbcnd 400 reel m. portnhlc bnr ca~c s;. a. - c:ach. P nlr sulld copper 11-4, 2172 Miner St. Just doors~eaeh. 841·5810. rln1tcr charl. cover & S25 • hriby bike sc11~. St , Pflu~er 194:1 r crl $l3. p I cc c 11 I I v<.' r co rt oe A Q U A It l U l\f t. Y I>'' candle 11 tlck11 u .:rn. wtst ot Harbor Blvd off ca rrying cue s20. Infant. seat Sl.50. con M1lchell·Gorcla 30!J r('('I ser vice plu11 tray 120. 1f.1mster cage SS. Pk· 1.aq;c antique h uvy V1ct0ria.Ct~l11 Mcsa. Ch ild's c heist /cublnel iwat. us i~ $2. ll1ahy back fl3. 0 11relu·Conlon Am Stcrlin((tandldtold<'l'1>.3 tum1 S:l. Ur1·11~ h<.'mm('r brass kettle~. Antique • ELECTRIC dryer sis. with .c draw ers le 2 paekctarrier 12. 54tHl576. bassaduer 113221\, 83:l4 8~. 16-SIO. Sterling bud st. Radio fl. Cu~crn St. dO(lt knobs &c drawer E DGER M. Decorative good condition . Call s helve3 pJus hllniinit custom pOh!!!, SIS·S'l3. v:i!lc ~. 2 m~n'* !IUlls, (,Qmp11 sr.. S li ver pulls . brau. t:IU!I & cork. St SO sq. ft . Doll 847"572S • space. quaJlly furmlur~ BOAT Spars SIO·S25 Three 5' to '" cu~om sli<! .co ref(., SS·SJO. Sun. coustcrs sa. lllt1ck~1mt pol'c.'elnln 25c·SZ.SO l9U bassinellc $<l. Oet'kl'el)o s;!S Swag lamp In Amber 6cl2-5839. poles 114, S\5, $?0 . .-{'nn h4!am 8,cup com .'<! POl s:;. SI Clothell !i0l'-S2, Su11. 2 WOODEN h3r 11tools SlO b~ad toust<1r S3. COJ>pcr ing hat. .. veil & glol'es&lO. PANTSUITS. site 9•19. hand blown Rllll'>ll. com· Peerleiis LW9 rcicl Sl8. l9J4 .l'ort Ed\ord Pl case of M&ltic trlck11 S1!1. each. Deluxe recllnln!l b<>Uom istainless steel Cool'!\ haht. brok:,en. ~ SJ.SS: d~ses. 111xc 5,i,9 pltte with chain. coru & RADIO. SS. Metal Plnques Shnke11pcar e 1063 red N 8 640•19.llGSat /Sun 9 :;· 540•5614 bearh t h11ir StS. Ou·t'C· sin gin it tea kettle S2. Jl~ll t'h•c kcn wire s:J. 9.JO. S3·ZS7.SO: dlrt5, bulb 23" hlsth never S3. pr. V11n 11e11t $'.!5. T<.'h· S'l5. Ka lamazoo ZS Bnccll --_1..:.:..:....:.:.:...:._ ____ _ tor11 c ha.Ir S20. Table Pair cnsl brass ringer Tneyele SIO. W~ll VBR.ll.Y blouaes. bodysuits & f!d• 110 H d made nb b111ls 1Sc l":llft. Chan· reel us. Fen.W ick , OJSHWi\SHER. work'< lnmp SS. BltW 2.3" 1V. loop eandlc-holders sz.so. cnl>lnet S.S. Wt1ghU $10. p9nts. site 7, ~·lO. SJ·$1; l:!adt.-d chokc~n?Se e&eh delfor. new. RS. <t-bumer custom t rophlle pole $25. GI Rf. S bl~c SJ5: books It 825. Kllt'hen slnlr, dnuhll! "'bri(s11.reat SZS.Shelv~. Large ta ll antiq ue rot.>' Electric fin 1$. 2 llght lltlle glrl11 dressu. 9422 Lanai Cir H.a: builtinove n&nsto,rllS. AU Items like new 490 l'Cl{'or<l8 2~·St; n •dlos;: Sl2.Blke,3spccd2''S12. finlsflled .ood. J2" •1de. ~f & brass (irt ext• fixture~. 18 each. Sled blouses & p ants. siie 6. 968-S026 • gatol" cases s:z. t~ch. ~tu Mesa St. 5'48·98.12 (wt.Jr SS . gam e& & loya Blankets, 2, S3. lrol'llM 2·1onas1 uch :8'lon$(.S4 mguis her SIS. Antique adjusuble 1'-gquare SIL 7,8, Shi); 3 r>ieec Jug. chlldS pool t able $5. l90e·S3: baby ~ardrobc bollrd Sl . H a m stc-r ~adt. Elfclttc. broiler. sohd brass blow torchcs Crown mooldlnf. lOl'lln. gareruo.Mlot972 TOYS sc.gs. Childrens strand stereo wire S!:O. ROC.L·A·WAY bed $17.50. $10; c:11raeat $$, sltollt>r U a bltral1, }u rce SA. almait new. 525. Phone S3·Sl0' wben p olished n. &'Ouorcsccnt light fix· books 50c.12. Two blk~. roll. shell flower Pots~ Lawn 11prudcr $.1.50 SJO; VW 8eitl covers SIS: ~ 8999 646-0463: lreep trying make bca ut Hu 1 d e· ture SS. Cabinet 4r door RA'lTAN peacock chair nelllt ntw tires on both to $20. 3hell anima4 S2 Painted boo~case 16. r~t\ pl11yer 125: l'hoel.....;_;....._ _____ _ .-......;..._---:......_;;.._..;.-.;....__,eorator lam or •c· h ardw a r e S0c :S5· with c us hion. Rattan SlSeac:h.Cashonl,y.\!173 to 14. Colonial lam StWing moch1n(' fl at< &kales 13: rubber floor WHI TE, i1lx drat.e,. BUC£: tlrl's t6 .. AMF'. Lii 843 W PllSth Sl Shingles SJ. Ro111d signs, twin headboard otanat Conttnental c06t3 Mesa s h ade s 2. .: o o tach4ments 120. R runner 110.17552 Del..oog drc~aer 125. Mutc:htnlf m~ Schwinn cl'llld enr. C). ·(bt' .. · P l cnli'~ .., eatl\. lb"' uckcrete cotton bedspread S20 au • • jcwetry$1. toS.S. H()5p1t9 pla,y r M. Portable f Circle, near Sprlngdulc nl3hl :ct und StO. Mini 1"1e.r SI: crote bu by lamp ct;Meero~~acs':s > :.8.0135 's1. 2-iu 22nd St , N.8 um Onole Or. tMcu SCREF.N dC>flr, perfect table ss. 221E.19th St I n t bed fr ~me n , & Slater. H B. Saturdoy Bike, n eedB ch alo•SZ.-1. $1 ~;r.1 nner IO/\M pluse. ~">' Veroe19'19·1275 condition 16. S48·7S42 CM oiler tOa m 84.2-2286 &Sonday,8'6·70Jt> 642•1%11 • • ' CJI OM. y PiLOT ·-·-· IOIO M1te .. ••ous lo .... M.-.... w . 906o'c~ SoA•/ Motorcycl••/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wtllled 1oa1 ~,.... tol ••••••••••••••••••••••• let1t t12 Scootff'I 9150 ... ~ ao11i-.. s• IOI ti4ltcel••... IOI Pool table , .. 11l•te: nt'W ............................................. ERICKSON ~T'. 12.0 II P. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -·6'e•••••••••••••••••j:~~:;~·~··•••!••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~.1clJ~C.E.rlm SSSC•SHFOI S....HmdTrtr. O.R .• 2n11,,tu11 qu1p c·u2~. m ;my ·~·. __ , ... l hft lilt /Sun 9·3. urrtic. db w A ... TED &love, dbl ()\ C'n, n ear A • S3S.. 6'7S·"927. Dana l'l., $\3,SOO. Pl' I tSt Trtiv .. Q-.111 '7~ Jiu k)' I rn ... $500 • ........ na c!..,pper, ~. drc»~r w/mirror "" IK'W.$3008-'6.-2790 CuoduuoCUurn/r~fnp 493·l'9S. l'Cnmrwr.r.lpi, I runlle. r.irin1t ... c•blneta. nr new din. tbl. much mor\' TOP CASH DOLLAR lrrni lfto\•cs 6411 0768 19i4 ~.,., SS JIP 0 1D -; --1lnk. lrll bu~. 12, ,lJO' _833 :!Ott e ,ll•I· metal bln1. 2201·8 Amt-rlran St PAID t'OR VOURPoolT1tblc&Art'es)()nn.-------US\-d llllle •. frl'sb •tr, \lC l llUboat"tlhttlr.i\I llH ll11b\1 S~222 Sule -------- .tnwer un1ll II (11 C.M lne<1rW1lsonElern JEWELRY. WATCHES, tn hne ~nd. $199. C..111 Btn: S.,CRAP IRO~ & only$1~ f>.1$-:1657 tc~. H~ue~an':''"o' pnn·~t2'~ c.aWnel, electric hack &-hi> ART OBH !CTS COLO 833-MSZ J~ CARS. Junk up· -t'I'>. lnunar CJll li'IJ.t HECi f.:\C\" ~IOTOll .... Shop Vic W/D.. S ll.VF.R st·nv1cE -oMPL .. 'T 'I ph11n«1 h:>Uled fN!e . Ed 'OOM llPJohnsonOulbrd eves. 110\ll'!IO:~T\t.S tdt. Klna·O·Ull'n, b• GARACESAC.E f'fNE t' US & AN· ', •• • t;~~· llAND Stont> ·3086 """ p,t Pty. l"'I ofr .. , 'S"I& -J b M !>'.:SN t111rl}()rllhd.~A. .. oqle. dinette stt. hun Satur1t.y only' 12·4, TIQUt;S M$.l!l!OO l'lECEO quilt t op:c , 1:14636-18oris.:?GOSS · flt) '11 at 1 '• .iin. ~31 2~ dndt of olher Item~. new While Twn lk-d & :i dw ----m .S3Q: lovely h11nd rm· lMJWrttrly need 4 tlrkclJI -' Gc004I. $H OO.OU • • · • • •old.10>6,2.827F'r.lntla C he ll l , Twn • LUGGAGITA.GS brold••r y & rroch e l t.u l'uacunt of Mul'oh'rll.!U'ooff! l\~''tcakply,9' 8'1'7-$810 6x\ir.Hlll)<'rll)rl'V. r..n, c M Me 2223 8 d d I\ . plttts me redhlrd 1>Cl fot An:v nii:ht durtnt: 11c1l:so11 dor y 311 P Oli l'luti; UCI SUMMll i\lmoi11 1ww S<l!I~ · · · · 8~.~~~e~e'i'tte 1~~.: from your bU.lilJ\etl c<1.td. complete bdrm ct, ublt l~ll 1>ori11. 539 n o . SU •·ONLY. i113'1 ln •tnc SAILING CLAS SIS •Ht.·<111~ Sunday on1Y. Ga nae lbl Ii 4 ~cl low b11ckJround. Ary• &nd t.ne c1ard for ca~h scar v ea. tt c . Ca II CM ~balrt $3S. Le old arr ~ iaa plus one 1paro. We 6'2864011 kforGrarc .. --------iln Nt!wpo1t i Wcvk 'n I NVA Ut::H. lllOlll'm Mir m . Kenmort' Jl• uu. Sli ln11 Glu rt!turn l'erm11 n e nll> .-a..tn.eat1 1013 _ row ... -9040 Blem . &. lnte r mcd .1xlc, t whl br.ikc11. i.'-'lr urJer S4S Old rtrord Ooors. 8o)S S<'hw1nn Jr M"alrd ollriirtlvtl C•ic • l~ pd m Trick \ amahia ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111.sl!S fn 1.1du 14 ·11. $25 c'Ont. l>lpe. G, llU!< dt'l'. rl'I, abhaet SlO. Hall mirror stin g ray. 8 yri 0 81r1ap, mt'clini.; turlln( 175, s.MO. :! hclmett $1$ TROMDONI!: 748o)1llnerJom111cubow Wet'k advanc~d in so· ;iuto Bu\iloe "1ti·hoH•1 " i hetr $20. Much rnlac HlihJ11~ht> for Childn.on I 0 rrqu1rrm<'nl1s .• Pre ca. lotocrol!!I ll'n\bcri; LUU; NEW ndl'r. 11U-O(J i.i.1 & bll)' :o;hil•ld~ 5loupi. w /t1pin ll.A.I.. 11tahlllic1 .,, u" 11 1129, 19602 Steru Soto. lrvln11 Yt'nl lou ~ the fl . i; or 11 ~S. Motocro«s boots $30 SlOO !>-IS.336fl oo11t. Multit ,;di. tn5 8800 n11 k1.?l'll. ~Q. C'lall!ll'll 11\srt 1 n a.t w , a 1 II c 1·11rtu111:0. -~--------1CiAR OL" S . S Su Jk'TS01h.1llt.td ta1 tnl:losc Shoulder p81b 115. OMC -----· July 19th. New 1•!;11111.:,s d"nn $:!.:JOO ~tl l'ISt """"' 0 rfl Id JI 8 S A h ALt ... 811• 11 f b I H'' k ~ WI> ( t "' ' T I • I i I ~ -• 1a e • · · at. 9.3, 1513 Sandcllstlc J>r wi. pupc.~. 11 r c o •C cy .... ron t·o .. Cuic tom M3d'' <';un<'Cl NlJllll, l'o f't'P3 ''• x nt 1·w rv :? wk:.. t-'or n o -1·4. Primitives, quilt Cd~t. Pl:anls, Antique& "Day Glo p.uiwr It w auurd S3S Uusb 1ual'(I Wood hnibh Drumt.. Obi rond, """· SS.SOO or tr11dc 833 ti88o. 'T l l>utNun & l'UIOll\•r "u top8, dryer. s tove, 111 etc "'" bark & tnm YOU s:tO. M4·&r70 8'1s111. 1-:ver') thm)I ovc1 ! 61:. O'~ morn ~·' ei. ictrns $3100. 1W11equip. • ml•c. · taas. Or t ry two cotd5 1...:1 b 1 S3S . 1 sz.d 7.ilJian cv mbals '1\ROT d acron '511111>, oar,;, \'wky ll:ll o.:.:!O HCMMJ, S.../R ... t 9160 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lftont 26' (;M l' P-vt pl) • 113:1 :!lll ll or 6 1 ~"1011'7 :'\\IWll\ll'l U~·m•h . l.'ah( Motor H~ Intel 111/J to 32' i;\111) 1>t>lf N tlh1lnl.'d S1x•c1ul W,'i.•kly Ra\t:1tt H1•-.rn ,. for l h1htlrw-. llt.:~i l';Nn ' 'lOTOlt llO~n: 1n:NTl\l.S ~ N llurliur Bini.!\ ••• :Sl :!503• .. 1 •• \. l>,\lJ. L.,l '~UltlO S 2,l" ·1~. :.! l04U ttir,, ~) ~·lt• r.a<'k . h ltd1. 1111mac. loa1.t..'(I Ufll•r l.i'73 7123. 1401 A. CLIF'P DR. 1'8 bJck lo back. r~c arn.'.. spoo &16·4903 or646 78!t6 1.ab51<· 1917 Chn!' C'rorl ~!~i.·7 '102l'c bo.i rd . SlSO Motori1-..a Ilk•;-9140 Mbcellaneou1 Ind girl sltreo. camera & ""'" PRICES. U1bk ~ \\ rou~hl Iron ---s peedSlt'r, mint cond .,..... • -... rlolhH. siie 2·6, pin tiquip, lbehhl & misc s:?eaor3 $.5 h angin g limp $3S . Pendl'r Uand Muster u lt1ng~500 GTS-~90 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '72WIHtilEIAGO ree. ss. you dig. 4 :\J .i •~t;il!SS160co &IG;S632 speukerbox.soo. -. l3' Ventur~ C11t 1.1maroo0on·t r1dr 11 b1kl': lloo ,1nu!l.SlBl>vd~\'t:l\i:1'11 6enar1oDr.H.8. lOf\, 6 '9tal(sS1 SO c u ('JllblS-0015 lJo ton WbaJer, 71. rndlo. rompwJtrlr. Mukeoffcr. PSO .loped. i:rcnl shu . P b.duoh <11r. <lul'l lun6.to. ----------1., UN 0 f\ y on I~·' h > lOor more.St 40~a 1:-'rericb Prov1nc1ul d1nln~ ------dc 11th flndt•r, lOS Ill'. G73 !I~~-. 5250 631-1267 002·6.a!IJ comph•tl'ly S1C. rad1u, ll llup Cora&e Sale, 1Jr·18. Oakwood. Sll!OS. 'letter~. Sales Tu.lni·I~ d Set, marble lop cockt111I Orlon1l1> hus guitar trlr, b111l t11nk, run c un· . -----trk \Jl lM•, 2.I l'h,mm•I Cll. 9-4. 8.S27 Rhodes C1 clc dee ll"m". 8 man l"nl NO CARD" c U>L. bed, misc S57·1G9J. Xlntcond. Sl75 \Ji. l'(Wcr. S'.1,!100. Cull Columbrn 29. full Kct.>I. 111 , lbe •· N I d F V ' -' ---,., .,,,..., ...,. rd ~\ l II '711 1 p ,\ Syi.l<'lll, \.'hwi;u:i rtl Ta rt• ew an ' · stereos. skis. desk. 1G3 Dr:iw your O'llln or Sl•nd Cuslo m 6' h.indrrafle _846·~~crti~-· _ ,,.. . ......,, ~c.iOt us :ic · ' Scnsar l'\' unlc11nu "'2·l63'7 ll"'•lneAve C:\1 nu'?e· addrui., phont• & M<•d1tl'rranejn tre:.tl Offic• f.,rftit~ & Ii' 1-"bri:ls T-81rd. nr new c~:> IQr<'c1I ;.11r hl•t1l1111(. SJv .. Wd.\stnpe dining tbl ;-family ga rage salt' "e 11 make one urd ~r tuble w1s1dc benches & • lqilipMetlf 1015 us 11.P. O 8 . L trlr .. '72 11ob1c 16 " Trlr. Sl850 .. ....,........ G. rc11r IJ1hlt•r & ro11I chains. md conv. poo Mtrcyclc trlr . stOH'. 31 tog. Add 25' eat·h lru l·nd cha1r5, uµhoJ. 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• i..tras. 'l11t f1sh1ng boat XJnl cond. l\lJny xtr2 r.1r k. trlr h1\d1, .i brantl tbl. foam pad col.IC hes. cond, bt!ds. rurn. bike . Send ~heck or m oney or !tnr . 195 21 ·· co lo 1 B ~t Sc 1e c tr1 c 1 1 ~200~ . .i:ns ~2841 M 0 PEDS 1ww d uul lirl':<. lo 11111' RCA console rolor TV misc. 1007 Rosemorr Pl. derto . Zenith coru.olc TV. SSU. , , • 13, ,.. 1 -. , Xl"I <•l)nll \\·~ C:l,•un S'7.5, II b r 3 ry t b I . CM. ,ILOT PRINTING 19" Scars 8 1\V Vort TV tYPc'-' rHlir. -. n•i '1973 22' Bay liner offshore. Laser !So 300!'\, Gd sail lot Prl\·011• l'url>. SI ,9t!S ormchalrs. steno chairs,-. P.O. Box lSGo 525; Spa~1i.h m ol1ffhang' xlnl t•ond. SSOO. 979-031:1 Sk~g,;1l. 170 Voh•o 10 . cond S795. I'll: 6iS· . &16·90i6l''"' Anl. wrought iron chan .L1do Garage ~.ale. Misc Costa'.\Jesa ,C...u21;2G ing lamp, SSO. pr wall 9-Swkdys bo1t lank, swim step, or ~9-3.176 76JAWAIAIETTA --- delier,Ant.ironslone dis· items. 135 \1a Yl'l\U. lamp s, $1 00, h a nd Qlymp1c rull site elec. campr rnver. foll t>ootCOLU'.\1BIA 3 1 S loop·N i-·or rent :?I>' :\Ji111.\lotor hes. rat tree, Polaroid L1dolsle.NB. KINGSZbed (new),xtru carved mirrnr $50 typewnter Sl 2S See 01 CO\er.dcplhhm.ler.elc. pebl ul pet! 1 $299.00 llumc. l"V!TlP ,•q11111 · I.Camera, 14 .. Ma, l1rm ,195 rnr l dl'I. Usual· ~-2008. • Voge 1 0 'rr 1 c ~. ~ 0 1 l.rlr. SS8SO &a4-73G2 :~g ~r~is~~gp ra~I ~;· \'1•ry cll•un Oti2 6103 _ '6' & tires. CB radio. UHIQUE I}' home. 83S 22ii3 West mi sle N po t ' CO"ST '10TO C""CLE G "R"G'"'S"L'"' Ramp.irtAthlt-llcClub · n r, ew r lass run.tbout 18 ' NewportOwnr.645·6346 t '-' -' • • '26 GM<', d<iily r ate' ~ 8-track, S l a ng "" "" "' "" "' PL.ANTS b h ~ Beach or call Robinson. John,,onGO ll p SIOOO 2331Ne-.•port Hl\d,C :"11 0 ,nll l>tih'' nv;ill. July • I~" pottery, serv. Antiques from unique of memb-~~:...:r · 67S-11120 6;3. i64·s · Fireball. Race, duysa1l 1111) S.IS·800tl 23.30. Aua: 12 13 640.59~; -.2. Ass·t. silver plal fl ee. Estate itrm:s FOR SALE '" 'v --Can be seen su1led at ----- aerwtng pcs, marble to Lamps. prints, & funk> Spider Plants f"ive fl. by lOft a luminum TYl_:'~~~ITE!l STANO Urun1te 32· 1976. extensive Lakl' Forest. ~1·7156 MotorcyclH/ 'i4 Dotlne ~ldorudo. :?2'. tblJ, Schwinn Fair Lad)', Junk. Lari,:e garage full Crcepm~ Churh.•y utililiel\ bhcd $i5 or bst DESK New 1 1ffany llvy equ1 p . Ready to go . -• .-. -->---Scooten 9150 sips 1i l~•·n & 111r $10,500 Conl.tO sp.,Motobecan ut416C;irnatiun.S.of thl Assortl'dSuc~ulcnts &IG·SlsG · d uty with tlrojl side:. 673•3262 CALlt32,1"1ck l otlc~.4~: ••••••••••••••••••••••• <71'lll!li3 l7l8 llirui:e & Grand Tour· Hwy in Corona del :\l11r 2St· und l I' Ne\'er ui;cd $5!i. SSt.ti042 wooden sloop "Chullt11. ·~ if'lll·lO sp .. Ouldoorfurn . Sal'Sun!llo4. Al so P~l'crbacks .K1rbyVaruum.1 )rold.pet ----8017rNEW 1-:vin rud c & Bristol cond. Pvt party *HONDA* S~nt·11111s c·onvertoo :w 1>ooks. e t c. Sat ·Sun. -.-ma i:az1n~ i. & odlli. & all ;itta<·h. s;iuo. Colli 1 Chrysler Outboard:. al 675-1842 MISSIO .... VIEJO Trail~" .1 ' llu11. sip) IS. a11 f'O·l!\OS.1~081>1aci!; f t\ llL..lf:S.. U1kc$ cnd:t.. S:!1filday lll 12 . .lga.l.:!06.orl!U 1· ••••••••••••••••••••••• rt'duccd prices. Mt:SA " · cond,l•lr\·~d;i1rtwut,f\ill River, t'.V. cWard·Ellis) t y pe writ e r s. lq!hl1>. Sunda) & Monday to 5. --------P:rrrot; ~lar.iw~ft1:1 llOA'I' -t"£NT-ER. t~9 lor •an Out·li-1 28' DSI. kill'llt•n. 1ww t.>ngliw, 5'S-43SO furn .. hair dryer, b<.>d Tuesda)'·t''n d;iy 3:00 to E:.tah ·S<ill.'. t ::am e. orun~e"lng. & ~ewport Bl vd. c. M Fully eqp · rsr. Sips r. "JEOrm~ ~U.UOO.Tnvrnl.~or ---------1 ding. \'W bult r ack. G.UO P'.\t. 'i i Oalsun 8210. tdr. I bludront. A muiun s . ~6-~ tf2' hdrm. ll(f s hower * SALE * f('rO\f'r S7~IO ~·3-ll<t or 1£itker ch ts. baby "asher. d~yer, g::imes 20iG Thurm St. 011 Sl!KlO. Piano Wh1tne) M 1I1 l u r y M a c aw s --Rlr-frln!?. Gl'noa. Avon. 557 lli:!I s. dishes. linens. n1ore. No junk-pnred t Behind U.i1ly Pilot p by Kimball. 3yrs old, 494 $.197 1ur Entcrl)nse Tri·hull 1 'Wlff. Bristol cond. Np NE\IElt UNl>J::l<SOl.U I , sm appl, s Baj sell. Sat -Sun . 10·5 L.i Near 0.1y&Ncwporl $600.499-3270. ,-1 &O 8090 llP Mere. l tO w/triulcr. SI i P . S 2 7 . 9 O O . N£W~l f\NAGl::MEN1' Traill'r~. Tra•el 9170 ings tires. drs, muc Jolla Cir.118 . Cash only. -----ono1 "JOftS 1 used J:.!11 hrs. Only S39<JS 71'117Sl·02'll. eves. ••••••••••••••••••••••• more. 452 Eslher C.1\1 . -----· -rUILIC AUCTION Guitar Amp. Surfl>oord & •••••••••••••••••••••••1 al Mella Boal Ccnlt.>r -.---. • 2637 1 Avery Porkw.iy M' VACATION 1'rlr. \'('ry fl.16·1944 Sat0nly. '.\lulll l"umily Ciar.igeSuk M1\N'I' ITE'.\ISOF"FINE Wet Su it. I l\1tt he 1-'IF.L D'S Wa r e house 6UJ-4Ul:! 19 P~n:iC1<: otamor.un MISSIOMVIEJO dcun. ClfUllJ1>c<I. tl50 Sal-Su n . ltl·.t. up t:STATt: JEWELRY. C h u1 r i.. ~lu !C t :.ell ' Sale. 41)0 p111nos & or· -w /trlr. fully 11flP d . ~fs.~fJI 21:1.42:>·t.1211.71453ti00711 Antiques· Inherited to holstered chairs, anu ,\RT OBJ 1::CT S. A:-.; 548.tJm t>H'" san~. new u6t>d. Spin,•ti., :10' ll.\RCR1UI, '6t D!:.pcrah•: mu:.t sell .. .. mlK'h Must sell.Qunht> ques. c:lothc'i, Jt'"cln TIQUES. Fl:o\t: FURN .. -.-~. ----Gran<I". l'la)ers. Goin~ T~in {'hns. m ·s. Just S~r.ll-'2319-I '71 SANTA FE 13' rusnilure. buut. Vic a 1 r I es s p 11111 t I? u n. ETC. PllON t: F"OR IN LIKF. N_ E\\ A\(X'Jdo r.ur uut for bu:.111ess. ftenl m11Jorl'd. 13· beam. 1.r.z u · Ya wl Jp .. 2 1 bnJ 73 llootl.J ioo Wi\•l\ll '11> Tr.i,<•I l'rfllf('r, sit>!> s, 'torian&Americnnanll nautic11I onuqut•s . d1" ~·o & BROCll U rn: fer&Sn1tler11a'IOv<•11& w1111t to buv Ka w111 . f1'h1nlo( cockpit . J ust Bottom~e~a;ilkcd~i c· !l.OUOmi.\li~f.~iit eke: hrnkl•:., tllll!Jtl' ~ oues. Absolutely n h es. muny ulhe G4S·2200 Ran1ott'top.S90 6755300 S t('111wuv B11 ldw1n huulcd & :.un·cyecl. f t .... W'"ll t 1 ( 0 ,.1•11 • tn• uoll. ~111 •·. 7 --------•--------" • • 000 1 v· tl5 en"" 1 ru< c or " " Junk! Sal 10 to ''· barl(a l ns. 2887 C"lul EW . Y Ladder , 7 ft nin~nc:.ium, l:~Jckering. Ynmuha, Sl5: . va u11. \ 111 s.1111 s m::alle"r 51111 lioi!l. '75Yumuhn t25 l\IX . Xlul J2vt ll0\' h~hts. A. n ·ul Ocean Birch Dr House Rd. Mesa Verde J ,· ELH open!l lOl2 ft.S2S.2 Drw Kimba ll, Wrltr.r 1714 1 lhl~ "".,for l~.500. Cull G7S·88titi. cood.Konls,ll.trus.Sur>c i nkc lilly! Jl l(tlij2tl, :;111,. Spyglass Ridge, CdM ~es~) llnl'? & rep111r fo"ilc 820 2 G Iii Spr-iyer fi 3 8 . 2 7 7 o . 1 2 o 7 owner . 548·S8SG. d(ll't'ndulll'• ~SO ofter pri<.'•' ~l!l!I. i'&0-1059 3 pc. seclional. ch1·!.l n 149K R1vers1cle Ave N D · · ' · Drookhuri.t GG ----f"o F" "Ibo l 96; • • • H ~;<; 1-;Nc:v MOTOlt ----------.1 drws . dutht·'· "II?"· odd GJI 1717 S8 Sgl &•d. frnlll<'. fou m --. -. ·m Ne"'port !Wach <.:orp . rce 1vcsn1 u I Silt, Garage Sale-S:lllSun m1i.t• !llllllt•11.11 Ii matt&found.it1!111·qu,llt-Lcarn p1uno 1unmg . 11.'u "ould like to ll'ase. lor &tic'!a111e1r6-_1~_1~,,l.,~'<>.nd. llO:"lll':lll•:NTAL.S Baby furn. rollaway bed --:\1w.t sell. ~l apl1· Stereo ed s pre a~ ~"" I u 11 cl"™>~ i.lunm g. Lo ro:.t appro-c 1 yr 19' to ~ · ----""'"" ·oo S~11~1~~~~~·<~1;~pd, 9'.!.:> ~ II •rhor Rl\'d, S i\ &r lots of i:oodies. 2086 aru1o:e ~ale S.ll & Sun tonsolt.'. :Jpc drum set, !I Prunl'r & Sa". ei..t pull Da) ''\C Ltnutcd opp r,1h1n crut:wr " hc Jd. l-4. CAT ~I i\ RAN :'II t::W !Nill l:!il "• ~11 2503 ,." Charwood Ln. HB to Ii 2122 :?2nd Stre111 {'Ouch. draflsman·s dci.1... Sl5. 673-4596 s.11.11911 58l-~647 prl"h•r I u. nho nt·cd KON ,\ CLt:ARi\NCI-: . 20-i:J Kointon ti tr t Ouck llu)) N "Por boy'i. custom bike. kmg --. -.--' llol'k -;hp l'll'u:.c rail O~LY S9'JS. '.\l.\ltlNEll.' LnlW i~l, l!lil '''1)•di•an Xtru:<, ll\\lllni.t Xlnl SatjSun 9:30 to 3.30.111-f Ht•at·h. h<lbrd & mirror, boy'!l Vacuum ~lcam•r. Sear!<Restorcd 11ri ~hts 631 0131 \'ACllTS.ti7S-l3tl3 Ntkt• 1n H•flt'r •lllllllllJI 1.<11111 ;\liil-<· oth·r C<ill e<1ulpment, Sony •Imp ~ , htx•kcy !<katei;. Ill c:.1t:l' & ~c:.t. S:.!5 : :-.l'liwinn Grands fro m )3U:t _, -•. -. --.------l'0111I Sa1flllt•bJl(1> 1111•1. M37 :iolO Wtl!lrll'dalt> spkrs Son) Muvmg. \\ mdo~ rur 1'111111 • ucl·es. 2 Oeut·on ~·nchc.". ra ncl~·m liH·ycll', SI o. Craft s m u n P 1 a n 11 ME~C <.:ru1!lcr l fO I 0 . l'olum\Jia 22'. head, 6 llP Sl51Mt. G7:l-131Hl Cir TV. 4 hp Mere 0 Fr<inl·i s<·uu di hn round tbl.. 53ti·•l077. 21G G4!i·56 IJ __ 836·0600 i.k1nrr1i;hwlt rlr.$:1.'iOltor Johu~on o n. s li1i. 4. --IS'l'n•wll•r s 11,i.;; mtr, <'Um!) Ct'ar 1nr lypt•writcr,furnmdl"ln N;i~lwille llA, 11.11 DELUX I'" \\'heclchoir . l~lofr fii5·36Jl 1o:ood1•ondliiS·2608 'ii ttunll ... XI. t25 Lo, 11 l'nll C-Oleman tents. G~rr) bed:i •'-!1-dr drt•,..i.t'r. •111 --~OO ' • 11 11 c ·SMALL upr1.:ht P rnno. ------m1ll'1> F1r .. t ~11Hl 5~·!161ll ba_fkpack. etc. F,nd tbls phant'l'l>. nu & Ul>Cil, (lllt rLUSH CARPET "j"· "1• :.~ or i:ood t·ond ~.)Sor maklol9btl. 30' L~yman. Cwn Lehman 12 ft ~uullful Hl t l71:! c~ktall lbl. rtnt cle tume Je~e~ry & ~1c DccoralOr lw:. l20 )'ds o S200. A most n\w ~ rome oUer S..6 4054 Chryslers. xlnl r.hape cond"l t ion l nm p l l'l 1• ••• • 13' Sh.1'>t.1 Sips 4, i..lnt (ylfewrile r. 2 Webe knac!.. clothrni: uf ull Orange N)lon Plus h •;nillrer.s.?S fflh(lfitJ9__ -19,500 appr;,11sul. lksl w/lra1ll'r f.'>95 31;()Eli1h 1;i Jlonda CB 3501' I.ow c.:ond. C'lll!~ hit Cfll 8BQs. Haritnin prirc'S k1ndsincl hn~cn••.nll1o:d Mu~l Sl·ll. 641i·86G5 &irvlnr <;ountry (.'lub T~roo'fe:!,o~~11eb~10tdvn1D01~. olr Ctill l~l'"~~ St C:\1PhG42·593!l m1tea11t•, vl'ry <'l <•un G4S·l817 • , ~ Perlu IThc Bluffs ~ond, Sund,1y. 110on 'ul C>-&222to Mem bership for i..ile . .. ' 3· ('t1bir1 "'r"r. Beaut W/(l;o..lrns S7!15 . 17 11 ) --• ~ ....__ -fi18.&.al l~ 6pmfor l wk.Not·hccks , ~ 8332 . gan. 2 manual!\. 25 ~ 0 Ncwpart30.Pha.se l. :>u;.1:-i&'l. 13' TaU11man trov11t trlr • 2588 suntll Ann i\v<'. CM ~~llli!ih M mton t.:hina 44 __ 1_· · M2 11ed a Is. 15 band box l~av11111 stale. mu~t S•·ll Motored for cruising. Stove. ku box. lllnkl ,; a.ftj Sor !\Ii ·bk & Apt c. ~11.'cc.;'(· Best otr. ror Iii.I Golf club.~. bkt'llSl', hung-rhylhms. Stereo. llcnd SUS001b:11 nfr. 836·950!1 S16,!IOO. 4!J6·G01K '74 llusky 400Crt. sl-Ol'k, port riot. ta ndt trt whlil. ·; ... ~· mb~· lle~s.1 ~Sl -. •. g;n.~tl 10g plnnti.. nciuarium phone> jack main and ~kndi<. ~ -;~ --.--~ xlnl cond . S7SO, o lr ~ 631-0413, Lownh:i\•e n Jiil F"um1lil'S-T\ ~ 'ress B-23-ll ell•rtn t·kiln. W/t'verythlnl(. surf· Leshe 'pcakt>rs.645·:>5:18.llot Whl -.3· .. -;,,-r r -cAT 138.Grcy /llluc. 4~·27& • clothr' bikes to)" I• bo d book 11 & ---------"on r. · "" · l::qolpm't hn"· lrapctc, -----8-c:IO Al.JO. 1\11'11' C'ONI> 'Stac liff llomcs> Fri. 1-· 18th St c ~1• · 2'\0A<". l'<>nd. gd w,furn a r · s.1o::iml! t 1 Upnghl pmno. Xlnl cond Mel'<'ury, elec s t, $l,l!J5 trlr Phf"15·1H IS '74 Y:imuh:i 2!>U MX I>irl P IHCl':n FOR i~U l 'K Salt.Sun _:· -· ·· · lOOll30·0913 chrs, kng 5 1. hdbd, & I)) nu m 1 c t o n e 67S 5116 -----bike. sufl(!r c•f,•1111. used Si.\1.E ~ti! l'lt'o -B •· r b I I ' •· -----villows &7S·5<»9 LIDO 14 .. 3555 "•n At OV INlJ. 20 yr' a r ?v,v um, n 1:" ioy:. cxl><•uJthboy puol 15.,,12... _._._ ------Hef1n1shcd Musl sell )S' 1-'lybrid.ie Crui6er . ,, t1ml•s.,.,.,S.6IS 15!11 cumul11l1on . Furn . l.id~es <'l!Hh '&h.o<'s. s k1mmvr , vnc uum. J\1r llockey5'S85. 8:1(1().~I 0920 N1rcrond1llon.30 hrson S950. Gli5S84 ·n11onduSl..li!S :!II'"'' l\omlort. 'il 1.u .... dothlnl[. toys. odds & ~;~~· ;2~i.c:v~.~~~;a ~nu filter. clC· !'cw. 61111 In Pool ~xis SJ.Si Sporfl1t9 Goods 8094 ncwcn1une. 7514 t73. SCHOCK BOA TS Good cund. Lo rnilt•ui,w new. ~:~:Iii!! OHOU !llNMl8. 24 l<t College Dr. ~IO·ll4n · · boxes. SlOO. Brown ploid 55:!·05llO •••••••• ••••••••••••••• .-. ----°5<l1Vi87'1 ".M. loveseat , never used. . . G u M be sh" M v· 74 25 Marauder Open ---~1 ·1;; Prowlt•r rn' trlr, lo pn1 t'r1' & Sat. 3L3 Fullert on ••••• ~! .... ~ ...... !?.'.~ ~:~Je!L~~~ n~e~111s$!~· ri~'::~/~. ~~~l~~1c5:'~1t"~;r25~ J~ 1Cn~~ 5C2r~1>0· 10PRc,duc~~-~ul~~~r~1~~~~/e~~~t B~i~(C:~!~~l~~n ·i~n~c0r'.1d ~us~~~ 3~~int, ~i. ~~~1 ~;,'nd w /xtro~ .. •• N B f" . ' <71417611·41'174 llr cc. " rm s . t k I h '· t C !\1USTSELL' XI d $ 55 2 " <' • • • urn · Rciilstered 1 Arah 1 · AdJer e lec. typewnter 833 2.11'2 .an • o rs. us o r " . nlcon . !!Oil 1-' 20& - -hdlne~had1de kayak boat. mo!> show nr~S•"'t'l 'xlnt stand $40 9fi0.3633 1:-;v~:s. Oval tbl buff el 4 chrs S9S _ _ 675-8866. -Trailers, Utility 9180 mlk JU items · •· ,,.. • · · Surf I 1 7"2.. p 11 --2900 UFA YETIE Yamaha 250 Enduro •••••••••••••••••··~··· . trained. SJl)O !J79·0068 'tinl(ray dirt bike S2U WhU'lpool wshr $60. Gas :>ourr otrl o. ZODIAC Honda xn 7S. U4U·0025. Carige sale. Fine wolnut Peggy Mel::al d<'lcctor S30. Clai.~ dn·er SSO S48·8l3_s ___ fmieco!!<I SSO. * N.I. 673-2050 Mint condition 4x6' lrlr w f('nt·e. enchbls coffee tbl rud1 k bo d SIS F -:.ill 4!15-6179 Port·A·Marine 540·2070 SlllO Ar.,t F~t . TV Comb ctland Pony. ~u~t ""II ~l'edS5 n~ 11494:8l!l~um Lrg. d bl door re rrig & ----------30' Bris tol Cru1s Sip '73 KAWASAK I 7.t. !IOOrc. !ltiO 2~11 cBeaul provln c lal S~O 8'7·559.1 days ur . n . Creeier. Aflm1rnl. need:Stor~ReatourGftt,i 95 43'Santa Barbnru Hl7.t, w/slip N.B. 1-'ull kc•cl, 5 Goodcondilio11.~lusl 11t•ll AutoService& c-91inel Net1ds new lob(') N · lll74 C\ es/wkn1li1. \Jrin's 3-s"'t l"ni:lish b1k£• som e work hu\ runs. S7S. la O Twn diesel. f>()() hr:i. s111l:1 brand new s·"111 S12!>0. 962·75:i5 ,_... 9400 • --• "' • • c • Rug I Ox 12. r ed S•IS . ••••••••••••••••••• •••• l'rln univ 513-0 ooo ' " ' -----... •• Many other misc items J•welry 1070 hke new. SIO 54h-3J7a aft l 3 .1 flnl'' .. d 7 ~9 ~,.. 1 .. h d · · • ncv use.d. Loaded w t T 1 1 ~i (' •••••••••••••••••••• ••• f"'"ll"Al 12 5 7062 v 1 • r 1 t>r. u.. • ... • c 'nun 1•rs. !Wlot.,.,ar su · Owner675·668(i · A k" , s25 500 r u s " onle!llrn C>la 247 · r ...., • • 11 en ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. pm wh~I Sl00817·S810 phc,., Nhrl\'1.':. Illus mm: cqui p. :. in~ · · cc. 1971 Vy gd cond. S4l.IO '6~ J\ustm I lt•uh•y M ul~t·l Uno Ur. If ll 8.t7-l322. WANTED \NTIQUE upri11hl piano. --. ---mol'(I 003·8774 540-2701 34' SEDAM CRSR ~~r serious ofrt'rs. 494-6805 l'arh. 127!\ <'<' rn~in1•, GARM.iESAL~ TOP Cl\S ll DOLLA lt rdr1g frt•clCr combo, Sony rv. A11,l rcfnl! Ship ----w1t-;VERYTlllNC Sar . • • . l~<111sm1l'.~1•111. 1t•;ir coll. Pl~lll ~olf clubs child" 1, \II) F 0 R y 0 U R surf bourdll imgl brus~ I am P". CtJ1 s r 11 n $1 e . TV, Radio. Sl7.SOO. Ph 642·<1097 or A Red 9 n 74""1 TS 185 SU tu kl. Like Call Jun lttwn noon & l use I,' pin a ·por{i; tbi JE1\''EI n" , ..... rt'•tL'S bed. misc. •i!iJ.t~ J ensen s~.1ker~. Knc1sl~ Hifi, St•reo 1091 833 2616 NH. b\'on d cr~st. I 75. r· new rood. Incl helmet. P~I 1.r.u; jK!llt ml . furn & m ore 109l: ,,, , • .'..: "" :•· "''. ----&:boot,9".t 22 Mag. Wiil ••••••••••••••••••••••• oar s , oars w /ne w S6<X>/bst.ofr.518 87117 NlfthawkCir 1-·v Jul ~RT ,0!1.JF·~· <•O!·f!· l()!jpltal Bed & Matlres!\ P-311. All Xlnt. 6.t6·2140,25 .. HCA Mlor lv. 2 yrMu11t ~<'II ! 2 Boat owner. alrc ool<'d 0 /0 . 5700.. • . .-; .._ut f S-' 16 17 ln.4 l"I. . . ) S II.\ 1'. H sf. lt VIC. f •. 1-:xc1•llc•nt cond1hon STS. (>75 O!U I worrn !Ike• Nl'w $158 :ttr Crul1,on F JS oulriit· ~'l8-00S4 71 Suzuki, Saval(c·TS 2.;o,,.. o• or ..,. · •r "· 1:-'IN 1-: ... ll It N & t\N ) • . I t d s OK 4 OOOm1 SJSO :>51·2170 •fl••••••••••••••••••••••• • TlQtJl-:S.tHS-2200 Pili42·1656 1-"rillg<' $1:1:'1. lJclrm !tel TV John,i145·42!1i_. ___ ucrli, ive-:no_or · ,1 SOS W /Tra ilcr. $1000. 6PM ' · u General 9510 Movl"ll S•lc! Antiqu ----t•w ll<1b1". 12. S67S. $175 {"rrdl'nin S.15. J:«l I ortrude.nrbe:;l.542·1625 Trapeze, sp111nuker , ••••••••••••••••••••••• fu~ tnrld 'll chtn>J d~cr, l•••tock 1075 " llrand new MGA <'O nr 16' . 751 •o"" '7 K k' 2 • llitnch1 rnrnp. sh •rt•n, Ma,11nolrn.CM J>)I_ "'Jrtnblt'TV l'dSJtlO, S l'OHTt"ISllER 1 . -...,..., 4 uw:1s a • ':\U iclnt lllr'(J\dfather's clork ••••••••••••••••••••••• "rl1 k k SIOO .,.. II 5'!7S f>JI 5i'4 211· ROSTHOI' --;--. . cond. 70111) milt'!-. $.);i;, OI olA~ po. collect1blcs,ltc11 Mor~un m.in· brok1• 83t2l.,; sp rs. ATTE NTI ON l.lt'f': _i.c .. _1 --Chry" Ii ha1l tank •l'lnchonl?o 21 b1"" keel I bebtofrer 8!1:17ii tJ ml•c 2881 Rr1slol Sl, 10 rnlc .~ lln\'I'. blk l'1SUll1\~t·,.: AGl-:NTS! TN<' Mool'f 2 ziudio mix· · • i1 011p, ay l 1111111 1; -- •I ·~~·7llll0 pnradl' MorQJn t:l'ld1n1t. l'"r1d11(1are Rcfrlit Sl25. i:: I hJ i\ u d I 11 V • s u a I er, Oolt>~. t'itM.d c<'k : IK.'W___ Y54r. 9000~ hand or r act'. lam or duy '74 llondu CH 125 llorl.;d It' IErtntnhlr vln)•I <'3" t:n11. Wutcrn t'l l I > w1bottom r~,..,excr. Kln11 Sy11_t ~·m . llei..l ofrt'r . Sanitul & Sony quRd ell· SPOl<T FISHER i;nil, 4 11111111, lrlr, 1'1'. fo'Mt' P ort1n1t. PllH'. c 0 P w 1 0 u1.11 S1 0 3311-101\ 11t l>cd. $200 6'4 2685 830 67.17 coder . Oyniwn l'A.T <I . 211· owrn" fo'lyhndg<> ~14l1179 12.'i:l hcnd. In yeti 1111~ n 1:11!'1 8 1 bl ••o , pream11 olh<'t'll Mulll dual l'Olll hr111.J 11nllcv , . 5 l ll' 1. • shock11, 30 mlku111 1•11rh, u pt•r poo I n c ,, 'MIK.,1-.oets 1010 ·urs t'o wcr m owC'r LIRhl Wl'•i;hl Ful!linll . ' VII wr tu11tod .rNH.I . 13 k , lA ·l·a!'ll.cx· Darnel hvy dty dutch llaf moo1l porrot. I )'••••••••••••••••••••••• w/f,lraueatehcr.llurdly Wh.cel ('ha ir, ~e•I 2 sell.:.hslofr.4.1-1 ~ ~l.P · AVtilG•Y tru •iln.$35Uorhcstof· new trllO'i w/.s himnll'J old~ 56.\. A88()tti'd orchid Channel Soli1I ~lale WIN SSO. 847·7840. mn "· JU!'I\ hkt' new. Sl7S Sony Taiw Urc•k ll!lrm1, . . f<' ~14·l1'l8__ gcnn. T•1lull)' 1 (•1·nn1t pla ta. 2286 Can)'On Or, C.R. T Charlty On<' by I d 70 $70• ddl 5-130042 TC' 3!13 D . fl•w hr-.,211 <.:ol>W 0 II, xlnt cond 34• Columbia MK2. {'IC'C· $flVO M,111y x1ru11 A 3.C!\\ Trnl)('rry. S month'! old on 1 • • 111 c.W s t:ll It rt\'F:R 11nndknrma i:.!00 iJ1m :nw N ' 536-47~ •llh Turnf'r 2 • 2u l'owcr rough-n ut. dbl rlued. A. 11 I) • • 1~ 0680 • • ~ l().l7 :'12.I !JBS lronics, t·uat rntf'r. ice 'FoMily s• ~1 1"k. SIOO. "'0 HC .. uncr 5100 6<16915ft11fl5. (o;lt•c SM tu. rust ('()ll('h, ----. -. l'ohapc $28.000. tl7J 3074 '72 Vromnhu ;wo lllll'l'I ""· I " ~ "" ~ SilS (.'n ll67r> 63.'1!1. 1• 1 k \ lo bk" L"I . 1, rt •I 1 rvm tutt. ut. to)'s etc 9.!IO p m . ·llP'I Hulry, $.'\5, table, 4 11ir ri: s1~c11 er ,~01 :c• loatt, Soil 906 ah, Sllpt/ 1 ,, •· o•. ~ • " An Swpp mret prices.-chalr~.sso J:icuu i.Mod<'IJ HOO.Won J.wny,4 <1pukrr~l!.1.~·I·••••••••••••••••••••• Docks 9070 rond.r!dd~nMIY~)r' Snl(&l"lQ.4.33\F.athH, r oes & s hrubs n t Call53a·l008 on TV.lll'lllll $3aS.Mak<' coniJ.ca11hnnl)',MHl7.lll.16• 'l • St ~ns ••••••••••••••••••••••• s.100n.la744!1 CM'.offS&nta t\no :a~c~~:!~~· many -:-----offer ~~2·~:tG A f>MIRAl.COLOH T. v "'11i.1~~r atnh~~u~iobl~· IO NF.t:l>F.D Sliu for Cul "3. t\jy •dauu htc r '!I Su1ukl BE A FLEET BUYER AT BILL MAXEY TRUCK DEPOT l.OOl(tl, ><hort11, 4 ~ :i 111>11 . rrnlo lrUll 'I .. tnrnpc·r~. slwll~. mJ.l(ll. You ea11 t/UJldy, MO NATIONAL FLEET HUMHR HEIDEO BILL MAXEY TOYOTA •••••• , •••• , •~'!\", H\IN flM<.f°"llA(" (ia~ge Cll'nninit Snlc. • 8 manunlt~k.llfi 1('1\t' HOlLAMD CHRYSTAL 19" Wo1·k111100<1. ~ l'urtlrlpa nt In worl< Henm Jl 'O", l'\w11l Ac:h \ll>CC l>lrl lllk\'. llk1• 1ww patio furn. h nbby8ou11ht Spygtou 11111 ttt•-ASt., St R. 1 Callll7:i ~39 i;pl'C'd trinlll Pvt 11ly url':l.fl31-035S e<1nfl.fnrSlK:..iH21Jll:7 ".....6.1-·/ ma&Mtal.wood,plblTV. Home con't u~e apprn-c __ .!. • cmwa.r c. o y 9 lh1)!l.7ll1Wl41717.E vcs --, ---• -•:-r-·• e11,iqul" music hshld 200 1q yd!I nr new s uper ~t II 7· t ol Lucrdum" Rubato. i Stereo rod1o·rc:cnrll·tap< 2l3/5!>2·2tJ7i Nc-t.'t1~d . Slip ror iww 32 '73<.HTH K11"a'uk1100 Clouiu 9520 ktfi'· plianu. ~01 Run tlllCh .ir.J1d~ spnn111o1reen w;t .s~ .: ru,, c wo~ t'O<'lctollll & II sherbert.,, recorder. cw.lm bll 9'x2' -l~owt'r bosc., 13' lwom Su11t•r1·011d111on ••••••••••••••••••••••• nl I Sprln ns JI 8 <'pt Also decorotor dr1>!1 so!a, 26 gal 1131,~ bl •acnf1 ce &45-4382 $U1J llJ.'1·2All2 Must S<'ll thli; wcckentl ! <.:.111714 1002·0346 Mukcorfcr,fi15 2;13t '50 Sluth•h11k1•r 4·door .. • • · · I aquar w / tro:i.. 1.C r~ R I I n Jfi' •o" -- -"-I Adams/ Brooktlurs l. "swafl, for 12' w n<low. F1nC'h W/taJC•: 11lnnl Lrg Arkin J(U/bbq i~ lit" Color TV. ac•• w nn n.. ' ., loot Sllpt 71 IMW R60/S 111'<1011 Xlnt (•oncl '""'' h•1• SI Sun9·4pm. Polor grt>cn. Call an~. spldcrplmt&40.:i)4U pric~ $100. r.tnn'i. 3·!1pd \monlhold ~/trlr . S l 39S I Mln NwptReach 5-Ul:Ui-00 lriOOori.Cll\tll miles l<M'• Wr1u ll'm l'hmu•4H28fl71 (i R };AT EST Gora ge 644·5l33. rlboard 9' Bnlsa wood St' h win n b Ike $35 . Sl75. 491»408'7. t.75·6!!00 Sii I 11 Ii! s 11 v c~ r M I NT • 11123 'I' Huad!Her • u n. S•k! Sundav. Enllr '68 T . Bird cream puff "classic" S60 Wale.rbed 768-351' MV -4 ' C 0 L U M 8 I A ~ uvall. for up to 40', JO <GA2977 1 fini~hNI Shut11. szsoo. ~ -.verythin.g! Sl~. p1lnting. desk &I S50 833.1488 . VANITY sink rouccls & ...... M.-i111e CONTENDt:R. Like nu. r!nt~~~ H arbour SADDLHACK i M/H!lll!llMI Syl)la. ~. (nr Dover dtalr, Port. T .V .. some ' c.'abioel ' incl.' 32" high. ........... S5000/ofr.M2·1812 a a. eve". YAU.IV IMll>OITS • . . --- lrvJnel 642-81$3 glusware. metal Coldln& wpt Beach A\hletlc Club 18 .. wlde & 30" acro5s. ....................... • lotfh. s,.-4 & 83..:104049!'1,1910 f ord 47 C:ou~. Nc.w int; _.._ _______ , table•chair 646·239-t Membership Cor ule Gd cond 140 Grtal buy G ... ,.. 9010 16 Prindle Cal w ttrlr. Sl&J 9010 -----llrl'll, c•lr . Slock. Sharp. Gar,ge sa~e. Fl.Im .. a nU SS7-74.29 or 645-4322 962·5355 Rhonda . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ";~~Y :.i:,~~:"rfJ"1· Cal ••••••••••••••••••••••• '75 Kriw1111nkl 100 l.lkC' Jlst ofr !Jfa3·317!1, q~·!·nb:~c~a:r~·r,'r F~~t ~~m~~=,h~~ ~=i DINGllY·F1berglau s·. 1 > · • asslc JIM7 Chris Cran ncw.57%. STOHAOf;oRM-S-.F.-.U-~-t fy~Sat/Su • 830-372.5 · olf 833-32-M 8• G Id , 1 l c h Burket.a w/IJd.s & hondles. new, Ollf'I 4t botJt cradle, 4 • I S L A N V J:; R speedster, m int r ond. 545-:?otl3 ufler ~r>m Avull. for u11to 25 cors m ,~ n. ' ' Qull~ed ~~/~~ver~~~le ;s-ea1j ~\lJh·b:~ cr,mc OOSlofr.873·5494 "Ophama ·•. s ips 4 , aaklng$4S00.675·3590 '72 Su~ ~IO Xlnt c·tJnd open iqrnn 11 ir t·on<l1 11th<& lath. Lamps, f!Aro.. CATERING c u s h Ions Is back ~ml /002.5~0 er lo.ts. M•h••ce/ ~alley. Newport Slip. 1.c· I ii h xln.t tires. Jow mi. w/cx: •.ioncd tl\lil(llnr.. n ear bobka . bar, c h ina, "-&l•••k cushions. Xlnt cond. s . s.t-Yk• f020 $4200.003·2232 oe':~s. tra er8.i4~ tras.Cull r><15·01!U Sanl3 Ann'-Newport c:br)'Ht~. misc. 5032 Sis· AiloGift.5 Ii Fumlturc SUS. ••••••••••••••••••••••• nowbird. Xlnt sallor, gd Ms..itn3 ed. slan. I.. r. ..LI TC ..... -d rt-Fwy. f"or 11ole<>r lct1so '°'\ · · For Sale. Ph644HT28 Typewriter s tand. Tlf· Bottom Clcanin8 40c! f!' s•lls. llandles fine. '"" ""s treet .. , • -~ .• ~, " faf\)'hvy dul)',wlthdrop SCRAM•as I\ II •. r~ DI Beaut -as l •290 good eond. wnnJ aore•et')'Oft. •tf•n le Sattler IH sldel.W.Nnttu.d. "'L . ogen "'..,..n vn1 . .... • • . r1r1,1r1 .. .._ ~3300 tll1 Oms: Hunt. Bell. nn1• ror bltn. narvet Gra K in& aa quilled l.WW£1S Service. {,Jl.S'2t. e.&2·3750 ••••••••••••••••••••••. . , MAY 0 C K M2 7"2. JOld. Brand nu, still in BeclapAa.4. Very &ood M~ M.fH LldoH 112612. S./ 12 Honda <.:8i50. Xlnl, ro, .. o..,wn• Qa aac g1r11e sale. box, '1$. Ra\tao han1ln1 coed. SIS. Fabric -Clime tOJO eqpd for re log. Goo IMt t 12 xtras, s;r:~~1\°i:~1 • ~ --4~ Sa /Sun. Ever7thlnt ehr m . Db& box aprin11 5514042 Tripe -Kln'!ly ••••••••••••••••.,,••••• cond. SlOOO. 6'1S-Cl (7MJ~ • _. iro. 3tl2Taft Pl.CM It matt, $20 ffL 848. fl!;RNCALL ll'Twfn HuJI • Cor. MK II. whole ln MERJGO U W11elf·conl, '7&Spon sterl000cr, man)' •57 CHIYY 4 Dlt _...._=...------•eves. Dbl bo:oc 1pmc/m1l, bac What &. lhl• world tom· •'lbe-laaa Dlnahv 4s leeper. $2.$00. xtras. $2685. , bed, dresser. kln1•·----------1 u .tt ~ auper firm Beau m. ~Th j ... " ~ du for kU bo•t builder 67 SMt Aulo, P 1S See to lxlltc''e . • cUnang lbl, ~hrs II Sl.8408 MOW! ty Rest, 4 mo. Re1 ea at?e11o11:!ho~t~':~~:~ S1M927. SJ0.5.M. 11•-MUT82 S. !162-271? Sims. LI<'. OliR433 ~ue. Jineng, Iara,. LoM up lo 2 lbs dally. tbl, upri;hl fru, ma tJ to plant•. ff• wa1 .lofuuoft 2 HP. new. • Walk· in campr. aton "74 Suauk1 TM400. Laid •THI CAI PL.ACI• ....... dresser. b•bl Medically approved .IOl•beid • ~. ~ tatlfbt maltte• H .._ Mmtaetl.Makeolr. lcebox.watertank,llice downbo~ua.Cle1n!Cioll 2100 Jbrbot8lvd,CM lbllns. 7Sl«74, SU.:!llTT Sharon Oardne.r. 830....-S days. 548-4310 ~ scene FEl\N CALL. can m-41U sz.u. a.&2-9632 Ke.ti~, t4f.~l. _ _ _ 631·2620 • •I ... ... tu .....,.._,,rti.d jA..1o•.••p1rW ...... l•parW ......... l!ted Saturday.July 17,1976 DAlLY PILOT Cll -.............................................. ······················· .....•................. I , G••Nil t101GwNll 9701 J....,. 9 710 ........ t740 ...... ~~.~ ....... ~.':':!~.~ ....... _ ..... ~~.~ .... : ..... 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• ··•·••···············•············••·•········ ....•..••.•..•......... ..••.•.......•.•..•.•.• ~ '03 Mere. Convtr\ A \ wnd. New lop. A be.tut)' &.ae>-~ or MO-Z?.sl ·73 Joau.1r l'ouiu·. ~•her 10 Ml% l OOSIL o~ t7'~Vollswe9... 9770 VolbWOCJ9• '77t••• DDIMO Ml'\11 1976 \\ red"''· f\111.) lu-tded 6 3 au.nroot lttth•·r & •••••••••••••••••••••••::••••••••••••••••••••• ••••:••• .. •••··~··:•••••·,.,,_ Cbev1 \; Tvo pku.p '61 New Yorker. rare Wiil rt'bll e111. nt'w bra.,elf Air & trlr htlt'h, Jd urea \lru, Clao1c:. ~uo DftJlft mn tnt'I ~lrf' whh St.Ill un-.1 Xl.'\T CLl\S (Cl .,, TOYOTA .o vw Bu,it. $11Ck, unrf , .. Su11cr 81.11.:ll~ l\lt\t I (!• " r p -n><>rt, ' goodcond U~~. t"OOd M1FM rn,,e1w•'" AUDI -Fox .~" .,.:'Hr. . . ~-tB~ZAG> SIDAM Clllltt!U·O::IT n ll ml. PP. SZllOO' I' Solid. $1$0 »t 113-1 6t0-70$4 -----· .; Fakon C'OQvert.. I.Jiu ·r.i D1auu.o PU W1•mall t&-.lt ,u SADDl.HACIC •I s~. radiu. hcaw t.-:311.111111 "' 9 VALLEY IM..aRTS lM 1XTT6t1> rn VW Uu11 tee bo,. • nc11o . A/trans. ~\ZOO Cal camper tJbell I< c:rp~ 2 D~ I SI XK I 50 831·::0.0 •~.a9 NIWPOlT DA TSUH r.iblnets. 1ot. tall"r tnk . l'll'l n•., \ \\ Supn He('llt, • s.&6·21~ !18800Vt;~"TJO;t;T ou\ll•ts. Kuru1 Aln\ Mual . lnl l'comp red I>~ I' • QI~. lluns aood Ny fl'))'lll OU TinlOO glO.S!J . fu el lJ'uected. <'lCCtnc 971 ~O SB, N~rctttle NEWPORT BEACH i.l'll ~I 1411 tt\\lll'r $24MI ultn~· rear window defogger. quartz rlock M411de t7ll &-clan, xlnt {'Ond. Ong 133•1300 tii3 ~1 ','• 11. t · d O ;nr 173 7086 '1:! VW Camper Nl•Ur Ill'" "" rapo omeler. remola rru rror. ••••••••••••••••••••••• " · ----• ·-------i rood. AMJ t'M, rJdlala ,1 sop1 Utl. bunri, ""' --+ $200 t'.JSti G4!HU!}I •57 ZZOS 4 Dl eves. l><1y~IUHlll. -4 Spd lra~. comp1ttol> v;;-ts7 retitored ~ lo ~bcve: ••••• ••••• •••• ••. ••• ••• rack & pmion SU.-erin~. centl'r. hift '71 Ml11l1,; RX:!. 2 dr. 2)0S.. Mullit •ell. Ju.lit '1ll'oronaMarlt 1l,4l!p1\, S3,T~.4\17~71 Sl.'1,")(l lk'~l ulr $21~. LH: XJ rw •THI CAI PU.Cl• ?JOO Hurbor Hlvtl, CM GJl·ZG20 'U Ctwvy V•n. hult 1011 fJl uc 350. hlllh bark ~et9. C.11754 023!) ro~olc. touch wipe (") cle. diagonal 111lrk. :.11r. n111i.: whls purl"btl~<'d 1ww rur Xlnt nmlfm alcrt'O maai. ---Cull Soll4J 11:111t dual ean·uit brake S""lCn1. nwLinan•' ~1 -~ Hfr:?pm.liT3 OS23. l"Ond h t $JGoo t;ike"' $1650 !illl·7~ ' 'vw 'Tu, 1'Qhk. icunrt • • J " " ~07~ J\M/l''!\131rk.lus:i:rul'I< UaJa bui; Nr'' 1•n11, front bucket scuts. leullrnreltc ~ .. ,a. .. , 9740 -- -;4 1'owit1.1 Chinvnk. 22. $13()()f1rm. ~ 3,m1 Jm kmi111 nm. n1l l·ooll"L 1 covered stecrln•, wheel. protective •••••••••••••••••·1··· 1 1'i11 "' ~ p -1100 Gd l'01Ht l:atl '75CHIYYVAN. " 1000 Morcede!I Uil . .i pd, I t744 ~·400811 nc . . \'W Squart•b:H'k t!WT. 113.13192. belt moldingis, passcngc..'r as11 ist AMll·'M rm.ho n<-w in·•••••••••••••••••••••••_ ~uutl conil. nl'w i·ni: llecl"Hffoltol LoUdl'tl. &;41j 21 · handles, n e{:ativc :.l ecrini:t r o lJ tcrlur & tlrt'"· i_., mt !l"r '74 MGI IDSTR 1070 CHOWN WA GON. Sl200.f\T$·O:U3 "1\ vw Uui; Vl•ry i:ood v.wca.1 t530 '15 l>cKhw Van li2UO. PS r~diw;I pin stnpc:i, !)tock; 7027, Ser; 11111. )l('l>ot oftt·r UI trade Sofl·t"···. 2",001) 1111lcs :air \ tWM $.'IJO Oood • ---C'u»llltrnn. $1.1111:, Cll ll 1 8 ~I ... ~, 84C-v•2• "'"<' ,.,.. " C">n"t1'. •'all 4u:i :.ioo · 'W \ W Sunurnl Cum1x•r ~1 \4tl4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• P , A. /r " c:iu1.:llc ~v J.JU;1 for pl1:ku1• ur panel. ~Mi ii ' "' wtn •blt \'lift. N(•w ttidrit -- OFF ROAD ~.~·r:!:s":.;f~::d~~~ $5295 ~;~:;:;:: d:J)$ or til3·ll6ltl SAVE SS '1t Tuyolu Curont\ Matk l!IOll. Ucf 9.1m1ufl 71)m. 'tlll \'\V U1u~. Sulroof. nm1.•, 1 I trlr hl.t c h ."•O "'S"< · 11. Heat er. i\M /FM , t>-120C~. pamt.i..ntron1. P a r ta. Acce11sor ea, u.. ., w ct b f 1 .... ------675 ~I ~rvlce & Salclf. VW, bct"een 8um lO 3Qpm or Lease ~flats .. .;uuti u · oe:.t •;3 \"W Super l\el'llc. i..lnl -· • 11-t Mini T r ue k!i, Vans. leave messaitt• aft. 7pin DOM &URN'S ,New. Uc.ed 897·66 ~ __ conJ. Onit. ownl'r, 4:.!.00C°68 \'W, Jusl took' & r11ni. I : -4 x .a •$. C u s lo m b It -•STIG• r-SCHI "UDI ~ '73 DA TSUM nu. roor ril<'k. $2150. 11 P ~l'Nt. ruooium·r ~h1cles. 1 FonJ V11n . fl •H, g ,..""" .. .,,__ "' OVEI I 00 552.ms 1;~0 ~'ti MODlllMMOTOIS running~~~-13,J I HARBOR, G.G. MERCEDES 4 l'Jl<'f'/4~~~. mags. 'i-2-vw Bui:. l\llll l'<>nd iil \'\-tin~. xlnt •omt '' OfflOADCIMTU ---• 636 2333 ONDISPLAY Am/f'nl <0-10231 1.0~ m 1 . ycllo" Heblteni; ~lllOll Gleod3lc, m:i1?~ ......... W..t.d • House of llftDOrl~ lt70 MGI GT ~>oooibstofr. 673-JgOJ C11llt>H 0188 , .. ~. RKe. WF. PAY TOP DOLLAR Au·r110R1zto "spe~-'d "ma11~. XL:-\T' •74 OATSUH ------Vol•o 9772 . ~.-·~!' t540 I ~•L'HC""DES D"'A 'ER <1.9SBINJ 260" /1. VW Bus, 39.000mi, ,, _... FORTOPliSl::D CARS 'IJ IS1·"'ahun 9720 '"'" ic. c.AJ.. " IC • Goodcond. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• !o'OREJGN, DOll ESTlC C.,t ,... bllr\2 Manchester. SADDl.El.-C 4 s peed• a Ir• mags. s:?SOO. 640 26-n ORANGE COUNTY , • ·57 Chevy 2·dr Bel Aire orCLASSICS •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Buena Park VALLEY IMPORTS 1tl'19llPCJ . ., 283 not running~ 327 nds If your car is extra clea '7 4 CAPRI i.! 21uz. on.: U\• ncr. Ex· 523·7 250 831 21)10 lsS-4~9 "66 Suit, gd cond. 1650 CC VOLVO hds w /xtras. lifr 8pm, secusr1rsl. 6 cyl . 4 six:~. \M I-'\\ ~·l'lll111n.1l l'ond S~75. _o_nt_h_c _S_an_1_a_A_n_a_F_w_y-; •74 DATSU... bit ong. runs l\lnt. mw.t F.XCJ.USIVELY VOi.VO 8'2·6™. IAUIER IUICK i;UShlFD ui.; n:r;., '71 MGI loocfster see. 8-H·U90. An <lpin. Lnri:esl Vol,·o Oealu . Sand bugi:y. VW tunnel buggy, w:r lrlr. 292.S llarbor Bhd. $2999 '73 210C Cpe. Good \"Ond. fa t'tor)' 260% lnOrun11eCounty! ' Costa .\1e•a 979-25()( ill :!.tu/, t:,n•llcnt \ond UJO.UIGY) stereo. S3:!51J. 673·519,i Aull! , ~0.000 orl~inal ·~ VW. Rblt ~ngmt•. Nt>w BUY or l,)o;ASE ,. firm. 493.2347 "' ·1.u111J ISi:? 12G;; ,\11..r $S,4 SO ----miles. lik e new' l.Jres ~I. Jh: )45·:'19'll DIR~CT •\ 1967 :\IGU ltoadl!tcr, likl' <OSGl<l.IUI or52-J~ • Set? u!~~~U&Y~~t! To it n,.1,.1111 1·1 . r,1tt1n, J lml Slemrto"s ~~wj,.{.~~~t s~:'J:o ~;rb~t V SLJt.LDIEDYLIH,AOCRKTS __ V_W __ B_U_S_E_S _ _.. .~1:1'1Z'~"'·"'~.·111:1]r.:1-•"',.,.lii!:.ir.11!'.'l·lrl~l'll.l11 ------4 Wlwel Dri•H '550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• dollar pau.lfor imvorts. ..hell i\. hv•11. nw1:,. i.:1t. mpo 1 ofr. Call IH2 3021 A M Ill. T ·73 J eep W:.igoneer . Loaded. s harp. 36,000 mi .. ~295. 64U·S366. COST. MIESA lll l'~ ))'1:!5 lli:J :!!ll:! 631-127 6 831·2<>40 195~949 •7s 7 PSIMJr 155MXO U 1-------Ponch• 97SC ~specd,uireond 2025 S. Manchester DA TS N 'ii :!HIZ, ''"' t·nnct, 4 spd. ·;3 Mercedes 280 :l." Pvt ••••••••••••••••••••••' lt75 TOY OT A ?O 7 ,SftCJ" 41 l IQ I Anaheim 75()-201_1 ,, ~---GMC Jimmy 400. auto. air, completely off road equipt. S6.SOO or best otr. ~~·~t. 28451-farbor Blvd. r~ H~Hbor c M h~I> QJ01 A C. m.11(:., nu t1 ans t.. pty. XJnt cond. Stl•reo & •73 ,.ORSCHE COROUA COU,IE Super nice! Costa Mesa S40·1l4l du1d1. l>llllU, on)! ov. "'" la Pl'· JO· uoo mi. . 911T COU,... ll.OOOon11inal miles. Ian· •73 7, 270Hno •74 VOLVO '{ '74 Capn 211011 \It .• 1u10 , till ~!.:! 428Kl--r . $8SOO. Call from 5 dau t o p , like new ! 'IMT ""' WEBUY cu3tomdet·or\lnl !'unt1 , ~I on-Fri. Mr. Goetz, S11pet.'<lslt•re<Jlqpe,nlloy (J.2:$\BC> <ISr>et.-'d,lowmilcs 6 cyl., uuto. tr:111s ," •USED c ns & 9.000 ml • $34.0C> I'• t l'I)" '7 I Dats!M Stn W9ft. 831 1740. "heels. t'OCO brown. Im,. 'sADDLHACk '71 7 ''*' 711DDD stel'\'O, PQWCr :ttccnng\ I "63 Dodge Powerwai:on. 4 whl dr, usking $1200, bsl ol r. 963· 7002 Tftu........_~ rcr,...., -1......&. .. ,. l u ... ~ ... A-"k -mal"ulale cond1l10 Lo m1'lcs.ex.tra cleA11! sunroof.Ill~ ' Come m'"'o~Call ,....,. Uo<J. ,;;"~;~·~MO ';;';i.'i5i:i." . 'Gil 230S 4 noo.r .lt(lT. 1056GOU) V:AU.E'MMPOl-l-S-vw-CA .. ~Pe"1~ $52'9 fRllE AppNisal '73 CAPRI -silver, dk. blue 1nlenur. SAVE I 831·2<M04!15·4949 M' ~ GrothChenol•t 6 cyllnder. l !>Pt.'cd.1·•m IJat..un.'1'.11 2. 2GOZ. xlnt cond.Must~ec loup R VIERI W '69,optop769A,C J821l8cach81vd. sole IMr.il'k l.ir><·. l.1k,• ,1IH·r till... 4 <;pd. mugs. precrntc.675·34S2 C IE M '71Toyot•St.WCJ11. Westphalia R c bulll ·73 Chevy Blncr Xlnt ne\\ ! l.Jt· 61i;l ll.)O '' n h d It n::.. ..i m / r,m ---. - . tsl ~ Brondway Aulo. AC, luggage r ut'k l . engine cond. Spare :.cl belts & lluntinglonr~nch Sl499 ,h·rc.i l.IJH'. 3d~I mi. '73:?80 Setl~n. SantaAna ownrcar.$1800.64S-J513. ,71 lubbte!:Jt91700X hoses. 4 wheel dnyc. 147·6017 * 549-31 31 S ..... T.. ... ... .. 11:!1.\ I. l'\I Pl\ ~ ·~1;, Sli_.300. ~I. llS·l 171 , \\'oll t• w , S4.200 firm. -197·2573 1---.-.... • "'""' I' 1. 1 1 ~ ,, 1111 w,. 1 i.. 1.1 1. 77 .u ----71 Corolla 2 Dr ~an, fm ~ ,q Pl><' ,. VOLVO ·;3 Toyota Land cruiser. hrd lp, ~l m1. i.terL'CJ cassette, r o llbar. 548·S735. l'AI D l:IOI :--:. Tll5hn. SJnl.i An.1 ' · ~ SY .!:..'II~ Huns ~tt~k.i. Whitt.>. tu m1 .. mint cord .• xlnt eond. Sl350. Call Like new, lo m1 ll•s 19t>I> HCt•lmt-, ,,, 64.., 9101 TOPOOLLAR LIHCOLHMERCURY s.ii··1w h•nui· l'll "·!Nll . -• -.------Pomh• '71 Cm«•I"'""'· n•w """ "i<k, '7lflollop60tCKP J)Dtt::Dl.\Tt::LY 547•0511 ·n 11.>111 .\ulu, radm. lo Jlr:.aj.l~~cl · or SlS.OOOfirm.557 1.255. Kllten,S4S·~ 71 PopTop 1i2ll2 FORi\LL ---m1 ~l.!5 ~ r1·l111.rn cl! 0 r . ~harp '7& Sla wgn 18(}(1() ll\L FOKl-:I G:"JC/\RS •74 Capn \'6. I 0"llC(. lt.ilunn·,1.301) f\127372 -1 ltBZ 240 o·, ·I A 66 Porsche !112, goodil Uark 11, xlnl cond •• 72R .. T 211JHY pJ ./\JC AM ti-·:-.1 IUll CALL URCO:\JEIN 9200mi aulo air ll1·(or 1 • ic~.c . •r. l"OOd.5~J>d.S3000,bcstof spd,4dr,nutirM,Sl5~J op 4s · • · • ·si Wagont.oer OllCG. run!. TO SEE us ~·rp + · i.. t r;,., SJl.~O "?,I I'll kup 4111~1 mi ll ai:s. auto, nc~ M 1cheun tires, rl'r 846.1476 ownr, pp. SS2·5892 Sundial . rack. ss.1~. ~-3314 :.trong. Good body. Musi HlW,OlT IM,ORTS ~3398 . • . i un' 'Int t o " nt>r 30.000mi. 1714)1.S46·0051. ~l Porsche must ,,.....,.. t767 74 =dSpec~·~SO "GS 1.22 s. Auto. xlnl ~l\d • .' Sell.S-184371. 3100W.CslHwy,N8 ~.1;i,10 lhlnfr.li1~2352 MERCEDESIEHI sell loaded ear' can"t•••• ...................... Sud", .. ~ &rr L See l o ttpprcc. P.P, 1974 642-9405 72 CAPRI ~>I. ;s .'llu~t !>ell or 1;1ke SA VE TIME matrh. Call !lex G~2·43S2 lt968 Triumph Spitfire xlnt sin~ :nt~r ~~~k ~~~~ $1.200. 491 o..t33 FORD COURIER $2695 m.·r h··•'l' SHl l !Ill rno I.el Hou~e of Imports P , h-.-.65 -.. C".-h --, l'Ond. Might lraddor VW cumix.•fl'l4UIPi>e<t ·oo Volvo, lJlad\:, run,. 1 SPECIAL 4 WHEEL l:~;L{~~~ ~~~ VG "'th 1 1111<1 t1.11''· Ill· lit 11 1·\I. h pd. /\ 1 C . help you lease or buyont' orsr c · . rownl cumper. 2612 S. E. Mesa Mual 00 seen' good. but needs work, D•tVE R.V. <~"51... 847. 1 cor ~t11111.1 ~mt.I n11h m,ooo \\I F\I X:~3 2.'ii;, or ov.er 80 11ew and u:.ed lncqu. l'r w ,on~ mtl'nor.! Dr. (Upper Day! 548·5703 · S37S. 673.11:121 " .....,,. "' miles Lw. 51111'1\ll Merccdt·s Benz :\l otor s t ereo. Cle. $51!00. - ----1 Only 5000 3l"tual miles. --...,ot (;an; !!:_12~8-VolcswCIC)H 9770 s, UHd heuvv·rfuly Tueoma Wanted. 1940·48 Woody 540-5630 n 9725 Foct,.,,.., . 1' h 1••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••, " wheels belted off roall Sta. Wai:n In i:ood mt•ch. ••••••••••••••••••••••• -·' 73 911 • n:.ry s urv. must '75 VW Scirocco. silvl.'r. .,..,.. 990 I ,u ~u ~,, .,., A , ' u t l"On ., ., spe ...... ru u, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11.rn", r· .... r s.1 .... lium•""r, _cond.4!1<4-S.SS7evc_s . ~DBrcJ Authorized Dealer sellth1s wt•d<cnd' i d ~ __,, <II t i.lidin1t rcnr w1111low. ·I 'ht•v Van. 'fi7.'fi9, Pn•fr House of Imports fJ.l4 11~ mau wheels. rodlals, .53 Sludcbaker ChampioD , 1:1pticd trans .. r:.iJ10, toni: body&. no rng. :· 2626HARIORILVD. 12131921-8518 '73 91lT. T11r1t<1. Mony sup..r car! s.i,3SO/ofr. avln1t Country. Must 6 ryl, oulo, new engine,. heater, etc. 134tl!IGY > W. Bay St. II 19, CM COSTA MESA IUY OR LEASE '7141 523-7250 xlras. Xlnt cond Ne" 552·!!028 sell. ,73 Sqrbk. 42M ml. new paint. $1~846-864a • $5177 s1lfftporled ·12 Capri 2000 AM F\I In SANTAANA --Ml% tires.S8.900.53S·05ll. '68 llug, xlnt body·good Xlnt cond . S2,500. C 99 $. ••••••••••••••••••••••• tape. 48m. l O\\ nr. "'Mlk.. Ile tile ti.t on your blOt"k "69 Pori.che 912 m 1e r ha n I c 11 ~ e ii~~o M7·1SOO. . ••••••••••••••••••••••f' eMral 970 I great. runi1 "uper S2;!00 \\1th a 197i 280E. Cllll for Super "lt::rn. =<l.ras '::. ~!'ieer wor • 70 VW .t'slbk, rbll eni. nu '68 nambler Sta. WlrJ/· THEODORE ROBINS FORD ••••••••••••••••••••••• Chut'k 5-W-"°"2 quote on 280B a:.k for 1213>!1G4·08lh. __ """'"'"'" tires, 4 gpd, tape deck V-8, 1'/S, P/ll, R l_I~. :i~. '618 f ord \:ortlna. ~d cond. 73 Capn \'.IJ. 1 .. 1111. .ur lhck Shultz. l002 3:>G B coupe, new ·oo VW Bug, good cond. $1595. 842·9121 tiltl'<I st'al.'I. $700. 536·323.\ Runs Pl•rfct'l . Jlm~lg :un1hn i.lcfl'(\ I Ov.m•1 Houseofhltports !\llt'hehn _11:1t1rnls. rcblt llesloffer.Cnllbetweenl c:• V"'. -bit nn11 ... A''" luick 9910 Askini: S.S7~/hsl ofr. (all \'cn• c:l 11a 11 S:.!500 1213)921-1588 "4000 736208 & 7 pm 754 0633 or..., ~ .... ' uuu, ___ anG.497 2t91._ ~.7933 eng mi. 6 •· 631.1s,10 · good, runs good, $400 ••••••••••••••••••••••'ol JOt.oJ HAAllOR Ill VO (O~TA Ml\4 (><l7 0010 · w In d (714)523-7250 R-.sRoyce 9756 &t7·GS46bfrSl'M 1913 Buick Rrgnl, 2 dr, 75 31toneer. x l con . ·1~ Audi. 4dr. Full.--------t • . d I d 1 ded / l 1 1 .. ,, 76 CAPRI 120 W .Warner " Main ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Super Bee~le Al\ /~J\, •7,, VOL.KSW"GE.... white w/re an au top, .oa . w x rus. 0 m ·· loaded '73 Capri. good . Santa Ana SS7·213~ '71 M.I. JOO "l OEAUR IN US A slel"1!0 . .M ag ~his, Rad1aJ ~ ,.. .... J"wr & ;iir, sharp, S29'J.:>", lil().iii3 car.SSl-1537. Z.J btr<.>. 4 .s1)('cd :.ll'r<.'<!. SEL J .5 · · · llres. See to appreciate. ~UARIEIACK 847·7.sl!O ----cassette . .i1r• 1 ~ -------~ ,. ton. v.s. 11ulo. full pwr, •••••••••••••••••••••• 1974 CAPRI 2000 121 SEDAH hood('(!. ,·rry eln. mech. CARVER "6' VW Bus, new engine, <OOGGWX) •· u1c ega • ow • ,3 Che,·y, '' whl dnve, ''t Alf•Romeo 970 '7Z FIAT liJ.000 nH Full pwr. ~ ROY S237S/ofr.631-0867 4 speed. Excellent. '"!l B . k 1l 1 1 • s~e :hls •. $3900. fi rm OWNER DESPERATE! t s peed \\1th met,1ll1r 11·~1 bl't'l'd •4i511f'.X ~rf ult nu t ires. P.P. ROUS·ROYCC Justtunedup. SADDLEIJt.CK ~~::·cc:~1~t.l"1~~ e~~· !Jti.2407: '74 Alfa Romeo Sp1d1'r 11r11n1 Buy or ll'J~l" $1299 l21J1821·50S3, 7·3 .30. IMOJ•m-" S46·1GM VAUEYIM,OITS t y. Take over pnyta. • Trucks 9560 Take O\•er lease. S'l0-1 tS&IKRTl 2t3i34G-9'llS. 7·!1 ..... -1 a..o<lt 831-2tH049S-4.949 751·1807. ••••••••••••• •• •••• • • • • mo. S.16-3166 SADDLEIAC K ·73 M IJZ 280C. "hill' w /t:rn ..._. '7 4 VW IUG 970 I G-al •' ·-1 F d ?SO P ckun I ------intrr .. s nrf., sterl.'o. Wk , C.lOSlO 'UNOAH 4 SP e e d • s le re o . Gttteral .......... 970.J •, • or • 1 1· AMdl 9707 VALLEY IMPORTS i!SS6LKW ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••,: ~1wncr. ro xretr. ~.:!00 ....................... !l!fl-2010 .t95" .t!!l!\ 1!33·1361. 1111), 6~5·~8. 71 Ranch ro s2·1"0 ·72 100 LS !tunruor. ~tick. --1i7 Mcrrrdes He n7. 250S. oyota t765 S249fc 4~M·7262 l>nys: 494-21<?C AC. stereo. Sue. i.2250. ur !172 S1h·cr Capri 1600, I ::.d11. auto .. ~;unrf, i..lnl ••••••••••••••••••••••• l::vcs. ofr. 495·4567 "pd . .:as hl.'at;·r w ~1:k 1\1,~ r on d S2 9 9 5 , I' I' 75 Toyntu SR 5. Pk up. ·QI a T t~oru PU w/"7 or P<lWl'r. ~1 •00 H.li 111h 11:.!l~O(l!I: ' AM /1-'M ::.lercn cnsscuc. 111 , fl CO campt•r, 10 mi ·72 i\u~li 100 LS. auto, ~ir. 9 ~wktlvs _ __ I</~ Horbo1 ( M Ml> '110'} while spokes, lo ml, many xtros. $:~150 11vt pl) AM, f ~f. S2, t195 or hcst tii :.Ill. On I! owner. 4·dr. S3:.'00. 645·0280 1 .. 001 •137 <Anh) ~\tijt~\"t:~---74 :< IU, I K.Of)U n1 I , fJ ~. Ott", A~l /f .. !\l, xlnt ---------- ----•7 11 11 l.S ""\I . otwn 9720 on11mul ov.nr, i..1nd hlk. t·unu. ~.700 S!H-4840. ·oo Cor~nu. AM/1-'M etc 72 Rnnchcro I'S (16 AC 4 lit • IOO · · ""' m•···••••••••••••••••••••• bl•uul 1:1~ 11111w11 ---Lo miles, $900Jofr 6 9303 • , • • McrCl·dc11 Gn•y. fac·t ;11r. SPECIALS 4915546 bl A c,n gioc s22 oo , am1fm.xlnt1•und 1.000 SolH&L~asinq i i .,.1,1t 1:!11. mull 1·111111 · · '70VW M0-114-· 8·5· 1111v,., (7 11) ~36-2:l7!1 . TOI' Dollar t>auJ ~.ooo m1, '"'"' r.1111.tl:. A L _ ·74 Toyota C~roll.'1 CJ><!. Sunroof, radio, ht;atcr , ;1 Chc,·y IAUV. cuml)ci l'"~~ & "'knlli., 1:113 1 OnALLTr;irll'•l" h.1 ll•"l' ''"''nl! mu:.\ \t F.ncF:OES "!H';NZ 10.000 ml.. \\hlte w/bl exccllcntt'ondllion.Sl3VS Sh ell. :im lfm topt• s.11.:111~ HEWPORTDATSUH ""11~1wo.b7:1;.11,:: :->\\'t-:Tnn :.Lct llousr vmyltop.S2700.642·421 t:145lll::W> h I• t r •· mora -8110 str~ t 11rlm11ort.s hl'l1>loulco~w 8·S.IH4-l721cvcs. HEW,ORTDATSUM w ce ,.. • cs "' c .,.. /\ di 4 d , I t o•• ... e ·~ L" .... I I • . ~ 3193 "' u • r, air, "n \\ h •·• r •·11 ·'I'' 1 i•r flln\ ·' ur Im~ onr ol OH'r 110 ncw -----• · ___ _ cond l\Nr .ir,\rl ur ,IJ(.I. ,\;\I ~·,\t. 111.11(,. lt11t 10,1 llM'il Mcrcc<ll'b Bt•ni ·10 Corona M Kll, o/r AA8 Dove Street ·10Tnvot:i llll11x l'U Nl'li' 1141·115.'>-1nr9fiJ~ll:; &Jaulhnn-i·Ho.oth 1:..11:1• 1.11k. l'I' ~1'1!15 ~lot•irl.'..ii:. am/fm.4spd.ns ls$1050 Newpc>rt llcaeh vaint~t:u,tlntrr.t;dmlr ;;-;_uc1I l.,,.,·punnulh 833·1300 1rn :u11:.? 962-0830afl.6pm. 833-1300 '.!.!.~·492'8577· j.lOC)\l l'u~1t ~nroof.mu;IUl71 U.1L~1111. j,!1!<1'1 1·on1l. , •••• ~·1.11 s11111t·r 'lnl \lll7.\\hyp,i~ lllOl't'for.i . .;;-Toyo~a !\l k JI hrdtp ·72 EJ Camino. lo nu, a le sell ;\I o""~ £ iu t n·<J " hl.11 i.. 1nlcr111r 1111111 1111111·1 "·'" .1111\ u-..-.I rar ~ Call lluu:il' ur 173'7 fo;AZI 25.600. t owne 70 VW St1brk. Xlnt cond. AM /f')I !>tcn•o, rbll en)( .. new dutch & hrkx. $1850, 9G8 0812 p :s. p1b. wm/fm. $.3.~ :>4~ llOOO _ _ Sl:lllO !'>:'>2 :l7!19 mu~t ~.1l nftt•t• M;i~l' ur lmprn I~ for 11 i1uutc un m1. radio. 111r. auto. w:sw rf ·1-> 'It .. i.-r l .111 tii.1 11 ill th•• Ill'\\ \ll'I ~Nie of $19'lS. firm 581 KG:lU ~ l'r~-• IH __ ..,_..,Healey 970 ~1111r 'hn11°1'. L.ir)lesl "74 TO)'Ola r.u. m11a11 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,, r1•a!1\lll.lhh• tl• Il l s, ... ,, c .... ,.~ .. 11111 -.1•1l"1·t11>n •73 TOYOTA • 11r. xlnl tire . SJOOO/IJtll "6!J i\u,t111·An1et1can, it.2·113:1.'t runn1111:. ~niHI hoth CORONA WAGOM GS VW Hus, reblL eni: • 1UlffM t.ll·rl'O :-\di wk. Best orr. 645· i:,gr. ofr !l3il 1102 auto. 2 Ml'(i , ~~·UO , "Im b"loll1.7:1>ot:t1 .'11111. :i:, pn\1nui.h 4 DR n........ •, 11m .. wAr', ~·'I •74 2601 "'"'"'I m0tkl' ,1\ Jll.1hll0 .. ~,-..i~ " ~ " " '" ·7 ...... t JJ I \\ • I' \J • Aulo tlrlw•. ro1ll11 t•lr. '65 RANCHERO hdor\' 1.21 IUll 117:111 Auto (run' .. 11r rHnrll · •· 111 ., 1~'.'11 ' · ·1 11<1\\ llu) 1.t·;i~~· Y.f V\V Haja bui!, $3~ Slick. ZN9 \'II, 111r, im liunlni:. \M 1-'\I. h1 ul\•1. -.r•l'l'cl. ~0 • \II I, 1"' of• t•leu n . 111 mllcai:t.> l\ISfi '73 umahu tOOdlrt m:1rulnl\.•, ("nllcclor' IMW 971 ma~:s.,:ro.·11.c;w l!l:>m~.i . \'1•11t-'ii 1··r<11l, 111:11 m•. C2!JS.l f l1l$2211K blk~. s l oc:k, 5350. 1 177) ~lol8 \ •••••••••••••••••••••• $5299 .7., L'I 1 s 0 M ... 1 m ll'I <it· u I all'. u 1 r TERRY IUICK 963 3226 I ""'· • I OlANGI COUHTY·s • r •1 • 111 i·r .1111 <'"!~'} ' 11211.•11;0 ;II UI: Tr.uf<• Ill, 5th & Walnut .. _. ------1 •THI CAR ,Lit.Ch OLDIST Mu~l 'I'll. 83,11011. c.111 P• \\('r 536 6588 69 v w W/1mrf. $450. Nd:it 2100H:.rbor lllvd, CM <:nrY i;;:,.112:u;. 1 ' "Duwntown new funder. 5'40·5110 ____ 6Sl·262Q llt!J. lfl71 FIJI 11r,o Spitl••r. m1n1 l'r1r;;l'11<' "71i !ll IS R:'-1 ml.. llun\ln11ton Hench" duy~: tl40 0081 l'Ve!I. '71HILUXPU "' tond, lo,t"MI 1111, 11 lrnt•k, "1tnlri1of, 111r, 111l11yii. ------ -- .,., 1~1fl:IPl.X ) t "'"''" nv•·llu . ......, M•w tlOOAmtea. M•w tlOO Rid , ... ,,lne. 4 spd, RIH. S1l ...... t'-rv1ce·Leuin" 17:,CI ttWl .,.,!Ii .,_ " ~ ...... ~~·~ 8 hi~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• overload sprinu. m.oJ Roy C•••r Inc. 9727 whr~ls & t ires w / 7 . Rolls'koyec • UM ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pnr11rh1• ·;z !11 J )o:. r. Mob1lc Tr,Jvcilt'r 111!1 1 ... •0Jnmhoree lf66•bot tt.\ i..'t-V)OJ I _..a.... ,76 "fll.'vil. •lt>reo. Wipe. al Cooovcr Camper. Reul .,. --runu .... ew Sharp! 4059~V. ~ll' prk ~cwport lk•arb 6<111-6444 '1'3 D:\lsun 121!0 •• 111\cl. ro· HO ... DA C lo~·~. mini. <tOOOlll) ~ LtJltn~ $220tl S,JC .!Hao. ,11 ..... ars Hows.of lfftporll 'it EG ENCY MOTOR Pvt Ply 002· l&IO '\ ~ OVER I 00 12 ll l 921-1511 llOME RENTALS ~Z. like nr". ,\/T. To ChooM FrOf'ftl C7141 523-7250 92SN~ll~~~=~·S.A. &'ST • UOAD'Ml' A;\I FM. A IC. m•1 ll~. UNIVERSITY 70 Merred(•!I 2SOC Perl S•N!A All• 47Mmj.$U006-10905h Oldsmoblle cond. A /C, AllffM 8 ·m Datsun PU. slick , itlnt 835-3171 197,. D-"--.... _...._ C-• GMC track stereo. $.S400. Ph cond. 51300. /oUer. .. ...--,.._ -,. 833-8615 SJl·ZSSI or &ll.o235 n11 uu.ATI OllMIO ~1 2601 TMICkt -------1 I •USID IMW'1 * 6 cyl .• auto traM .• Atr 28SO Harbor Bh•d. 250 4-Dr S"'-9 • '72 LUV •. s hel ' '7\2002·003E8U) eondillon in1,t. mna CO"la~tl"lll 5-$0.~ 1970. G cyl economy. AM/FM Cas.1o ml, very "73 Bavaria· (!18311NV ! wht'els. less than 12,00U -A1rCond. Q>mt> & lry 1~. chi. many 1lras. $21~. •74 200?. <113SKSJ) miles. Lir 4:18 MXfl '74 C1vi<' ll:itt'bbnck. 31 M OWNER $6500. $-18 G576 &'4~ .,O .OCS-C3,i7Lt'Ml SS 199 m1 New radluls. Xlnt •73 Courie-;.-w Isbell.I CloMd 0.. s..days tonct. $2,liOO. 645-4.).119. IS~ Coupe. s howroom J\M/l"M Cassette, n&llS :--;! C llt hb<:k cond. 14,000 Mlle,. Pully xlnl. ""tOO/ofr 848·1544. ,il BMW 2800 Auto. 4 d 74 oncta iv1r c . . eqlllpped. Factory war• __ ..... ____ • ____ Sein. XJnl cond. Elert.ri "-"pd trnn~. new lire • r:1nty. Orift. pvt owner. ·si f'ord 'bton PU w /'61 blue. AM /t'M Stereo 23.627 m l.. n 5 ss. $11.500 or offer. 533 ... 940 VI. sUclt. Ullo Sanford &c mllkcolr.~. 58l·M7S. <8·S), 11-47,2.366 eves & Son't. Runs. Bat olrl ?s. S30i Malaga. Sllrk '7lDATSUM i4 HondaCivic.AM/FM. Wknds. ' ~. air, roes. xtra s now liru I ZOO SB>AH Htchbck, brown. great lt6t MIZ 220D "73Toyota P.U .. 43,000 mi, blilupl am/fm, lo ml 4 spee d . r D d Io. cond. Must sell. S-iS·OUM. Automatic whh air con· 1 ownr, clean $2250. must sell. $9,800. or ? healcr.S2395l74«JlrB> J.,..,. t1l0 dlttonln&l SUP&f\8l 87~ -493-4860. · NEWPORT DATSUN ••••••••••••••••••••••• t300M.Dl\I ) '73 c · 34'\l mu~ '14 2002 Brand ntw eng. S88Dovt-Strc-t i t Ju XKt.: 2+2. 012 SADDLUACI ~ll. ~~~b:"a aw~e: $2,ooO Compl~e new pa.ml job NcwPQr\ lk'ach · t.I()() ofr. >"IJlly loodcd, V It.WY IMPORTS fMMW. '5500.499-1206.49-t·WO. 833·1300 581-8361 83\·20&0""'4!Mt I , I BUY or. LEASE 110/ilB IN SAMTAAMA SPORTSCAR aNTER LAMI SILllC1IOM ~ MIW a Ulm awoaTS Dick Mill er Motors fllA T PACTOIY AUrNCeQ• ...................... ~....., 111w.w .... •S..W..liileAM •557-2132• DOI LAIOIST VW INVIN\'OH IN OIANGI COUNTY BUSES IJ EETLES I '. n I II I I,' ,, 11 I 'I 6 .. ,1 ·n a.Mtlt (528MPW) 4 SP, com-•• fort group, low miles, Blue Book .,,. US'ED'........ ::f' 75 Sdtono (61\NCH) 4 sp, AM/ :. FM, performance pack.C)ge, Blue i., Book $4600 Sale Prlc.c $4195 RABBITS I' ... -' I j •• '76 ....... ,. 0763202926) ' sp, .f dr sdn, leatherette. .. p e rformance pac kage . ··EwM•• •I ... I: .. ' I '16 o..hor (32620907~) ' dr sdn, 4 '( SP. leatherette, tinted glass, $50fa 1 IC!12.~£~ vw • '*" •! . ' • 4 1. r! SALIS SUVICI 'Am 137S1 HAllOl ll.YD. 534-4100 I I ' --. ... 12 OAIL v Pa.OT Sittu•oa July t 7 tG76 ' I I I I I ~------:------......;.;.;;;;..;;.;..~'..;;.:;:.1......:.;_..;.;;.;..;:: Autos, Hew 9100 A.ufo,, N•w 9800 1"11fo~. Hew 9100 Allfos. Hew 9100 Autos, He• 9100 Allfos, Hew 9100 Aaitto-1. u .. c1 AYtos. Used Alltot. U••d •••••••••••••••••••••• ·I· •••••••••••••••.•••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ......••.•...•.....•••• ..............•••..••.. ..•..••...........•.... l lalck 9910 Codillae 991 S Che•rolet 9920 ..•••.......•.......•.•.•••.••..........•...•.•..••.................. '73 I UICk CUSTOM U SAIR£ 2 DOOR V.f \ul•1 lr,111 l.111 ••1\ "" ' uncl I'""" 111 1111 • polo\111 llrui.••• r u•l1t1 \loh1tt•\loiJll~ \1tl\I 1111•1 1•1 t l.11"" 1n 1 t. 11111 .. ,,. m·r I 11 1• Hll 1 l S2499 SANTAANA LINCOLN MERCURY no1 ' 1 u 1111 ..,,1111 1 ,., .. .ii, II ol I 1'111.111 l'.11 11 .u 1111111. H11 11 1.1 l ull I"'''' 1•1 t\ .w I '<11 .1 1111, 1 1111111111111 IX 11~1 t!Hll ~ 'I 1rf1 ?Hrl'C 'XI.II IT'S CLOSE OUT TIME ON 76 BUICK BIG DISCOUNTS OH ALL SKYLARKS SKYHAWKS TERRY BUICK .>lh ,\.\\JI nut Nabers Cadillac <)11Jli1'. Jn<I Pr1n· < .u.11 J 111n•d I "-r• I I'•• 'r' 4•tf t< ,,, " I I I''('· hi ... ' I I\ \\ 1°'1 l II ( JtifJ1,\ I 11 I'·\ AHll\ 1J1 ",. hl ' ( J1Jrll,lc 1\1.l\ll'I lk,tlct •• 111 jj, Id I Nabers C adillac use is ;: 1 C HEVY ls i: I HEL, ME IE · 1 """' llnl.f \ IJ • 1•1 , • ~.a1•1>J"·•"'J ' CONN ELL CHEVROLET ?X!)i 11.irhor U1\ll 1'0S r \ ~11..,\ Hu ::..11. 1:.•M1 lh, '•jl ~~11 •CHEVETTE '\1•11 .~ II 1\d1h.11 I> ~ H ,,1\ 1•1 mo•lt 1 • t •nh , 1 1 ;!!Id I • •~I.I• I 11()\\ \1(11 l ho \ I 11h I ()111 " /\. (,i U 11 I !->h '"''11"'1 ll1J•h.I ll:l:l ll:1;,.1 .>.>( h1·1\ ~Ill \\1 I :\l11\ 1 ot11•hl '"" ~,,.,_, ,._ >\ :t.:l:.-j ft I • • 1 '1,11\,1 I •)I 111111, I 1, H.1111 .... ll\l 11 I 1111 111,11 'I 11,., :1 .. 'i RI 111 ;1• \hmll I "1 111 I'~ I' H ll"· r '' 111,111" ,t... '•lit ~''l .... ·'""· , .... t .. 11 Ill f•J "" ~1 t.1 lJ1 i\J\I:! '65 IMPALA COUPE SUPER SPO RT• E'\Lrund1 'hJrp' '•.\11 '•>l\ll omoro 991 7 '1.:•11 1.ullll''' l>t"I 1110" 11 llunlm,!111111\1•,11 h ••••••••••••••••••;•••• •THE CA R PLACE• C A MARO LEASE \Im 11~..: 1111·1 1-.1• 111\1 tj Of'll Y 595.02 MO! ..... 11 I I H1111" It •• ii ,1111 I .1111.110 ; .. 1UI01 II "'' '70 KINGSWOOO l llll1J. :-,)l,;O l!IM ••• 1. Ill 1.01111 '"" I• 1'1'111. -.1.1111111 \\ .tl!llll ·Ill' I Cadillac 9 9 1 S "'' '" .u ti.> """ "1 ll"· I' ~. I' II J ll 1 .... 1 1.11 I. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11111• ... 1' 1.1 ...... ,. 1111 '"'' 1:?1'!.Jl-:11 !'>ill· 11111111 ~!;;,II:! 111 11 .11ll'I llllh ilJ El l>urJ\(ro \II "f'l 1•111~ fl;I\\ h '' 'I U .illll 111 r Ill' Lr.11ll• hi I 1.1';'1 ":!'Kl ti I il11\\ 11 tor 11111\ 1h1r1 \ '" m11n1h' 1111 .111 11111\l'tl 'fl•ll' 1',111 ....... \ 71 El lk1r.11l<1 .\hu 111ml 11111\ 'tl:?.111 l!du111 1 atw· ''-"!.~, 1n:ta:'n \1 11'11111 11<1'! ~: ll r'I, I \l.S !I:!:>'-= llJ 1 hor llh II .., \ \\I i'\I t.q11· 11111 ,. ~1(111 Op1·11•11ol 1·11.,., lt-.1111('1 tull 1111 I -.:1.il~I, "" \\ ·" '·"'" In"" , , I' I I ... , 1t111u •I 1-11 , • .., I •Jt"' t---~+4>-+-.4'1»-\.\.l,.i.h • ..iU..4 .. 111111.u (ur • 11 ii l'.11 tr;i11 ... L ii , :,..l.,41 ·•"' 1<11111 1.11 ·~~t• 1 """·1111 1 h1·1 ""''' ,, 11r1;,3 ,1.11 • . 1~u.11I ~t ,. '' "1'1 rt .1 ,ti ( t1Uf>t' ,,,. \ llh· I 1!,1· tit .1d1 \.:;111.).\; 1~ lmµ;il.1 \ul.. Ir.Ill' Ill'". 111 milt' ~:it"' ....-1• \'X Pt·rl n1ntl ~1 i.~1 tu Jpprc<'IJll' 1.i 1 ..!1•1·1 Ill t .1111.11 u:: :.'II :r111 I ... j,;J "" 1.11, l!:ll:J Jn 11 t 1,•1 UUtlrn I '; ...... (. fffhi • .., t'Jd C'1111p1• 11" \ 11!1 1 ~'JIJIJ<•r bi.t ·•·.! .1 • .1d 197 6 Che•ett~ 71 \I 1111 1;11 1·111111 '·' UIMI • I 'l"'"tl \\I I \I I"' ><I.I 1.1:JJ 1\. .111 i.11m .I '" l .1mJr11 rt:-. Hon nth low milt'' :L.",10 1.1·1111.!:, 1 .. 111tl·n~ ''' ... , •• ,.1.111 52699 I'~ n·nt 111 l.1 '''" m.1.: .. 1•11".1'11 '001 .. rt !'>ul ""h t11 1.11'l.1•r, du:il t:IJ'' · Ill. MAXEY .. 'dnl l·11111I "·" ,. 11 111 p.11 1.., 'l,n-th t111nl 11llf •lt•'\h hftt• l 11.11111 :-1 ,·1'1 .111 1:11 h 11tl\ ..... nil1n~ 1'.1111,11,1o1 .• ;•1 -.:11.~1 ·11•1 1.i.11 I TOYOTA.••:' ~ .... 1 ............. , ... u f4ll>tfl"t;TQ61114CN •• ' . ,.,, .. 71 1\111 \ II\ 1 •1" 111·r 7, l 'Jm.1111 I. I H 11 1 ' 17101 1111 ' l'u !I • •1u111 .111 11••\\••r 1 .. milt·~ 1111 '-"1~>4• ,,,1; Ut>.it .1i.1i>\• o-lh 71<-'11 I 72 CHEVY WAGON • • \ 11111 l r .111 ' • I'"'"' l r ... t IJ\ lii:l1t 11111 dloo Chevrolet 9920, , ... , ntl" µti\\ 1 hrJlct hlth.· ~ut~ I•"' 1'h1 '"'\ lt•••••••••••••••••••••••t .ur ,·nnri .. ,~1.:. .!I~'\, '"" '"~'" 111 ... 11•L• \lu,11·711 \1111111 l'.irl11 \ 111.,l 111 NEW PORT DATSUN "11111" \\l..llll. 1111111 l'I' Jll' IW mµ~ \llll lllllll I '"' ~~0:..'i I l\:;41 l'll Ul:LI KXI\ 1"" M1nl ' 'l" I"'" U~ .. 11 h A..tos, Mew 9100Aaito5, Hew 9100 8 )).1300 ······•············••·••··•·····•·········•·•· I \. JULY SALE.·< SPECIALS OM Al.L GREMLINS '76 GREMLIN (277 .FREE FREE · .. · FREE · .. ... • • • • 1 -~~-GEl ¥OURS- FREE! WIMt the pwchote of on1 11ew or 11u d cor dvn"q the _,,,h of .N11e. GIVE US A C AlL FOR DETAILS OH..,. 9ood Hwv f°"owing MOftdoy ... _. '73 lmpclo 4dr. s:.! l:~l 1o 11 11~.7 3 STATION W AGONS 2 '74 MALll U I '7l IMPALA \II " air 1.1d10 root 1.111,, & 11111 I 1n1< 11or· Whol< ""It: hhwh11t•I. 7H 6 N~Wl'01'T 61..VO COSTA M~SA ··~·J'4 CHEVY LEASE OHL Y S73.23 mo! (.'hf 1 71 C'.111rH'l' 'wt! .111 au111 Iran' .11r rund . ll\I 1 'li' 1 In;: .11111 "111 tlu\\ .... I'll '" 1\111111 \ cl,) ...i_u,l,j) uwJ.uh . 1 ... •'"<' tur uni~ i>7J lJ 11111 .llll'I s:!tf'l Iii lhll\ 11 Ull :Jp prm ~'<I t re, lit tor 11111~ lhirl) :.1i. mouth~ L'a 11 <011sl only $;120ff Hcturnj '.1ll11: Sli.,o Ottt.•11 1•1111 <ht'\ 0"-\\.11'1.lllll lrt•' 110\\,\Hll l'hl'' 1111\l' o\ \)11,11( SI, '1,1•11 p111 I lk"IC h II. I 0 •. ~·1 ;, 1 11 p.tl.1 ",,," .111 "''"' I u1l1.i\, !'Xlltl 111 1111"1 )'t' ~'l1f l i I \l,1hhu :.' 111 lull\ ho.1111'11 l.11 l' """ '\. ·~ .~. '"' l.11111 !'<11111 1 .... 1 ... 1. .... 1 iHAilM~• j;,! ~l.1llh1J :: 11t · ~ .. , ... , d,·Jll I O\lolll I 11111 1m1 .111 °''.:"t >.\I• •1:!h'I 4 A BEA UTY FOR SU RE! Pl us TAX & LI( IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SGA2022368 D SPEC I A L SlT O F FOUR GT MAGS VllTH RA DIAL TIRES MOUNTED ND BALANCED. 95 DELIVERS ANY NEW HONDA CIVIC IN alJR HUGE INVENTORY. (ON APPROVED CREDIT) WAGON SALE $ . NEW 1976 HONDA WAGON WBA2021238 PLUS TAX & LIC ·IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HONDA 5-SPEED SEDAN A GAS·SAVER 44 MPG. £PA HWY. 53466· IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SGE204S768 PLUS TAX & LtC OVER 75 NEW HONDAS IN'STOCK-IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. ALL MODELS AVAILABLE ALL CARS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ADVERTISED PRICES GOOD 72 HOURS ONLY ALL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE / "\ COMMONWEAL l H ----II a c:: _, 0 ORANGE THORPE () cc •=> c:: w c( -:...... r ~ RtvfRSIDE FWY -- 70 S. Harbor Blvd.-Fullerton (714) 871-0412 OPEN 7 DAYS 9T09 ~~.~.~.~ ....... !~.~~1~.~~·.~.f!.": ....... !~~~ ~~·-~~·.~.e.": ....... !!.~~1~~-~~ .. ~t.": ....... !~.~~ 1~~t.~~·.~~.": ....... !~.~~b~.~~·.~.t.": ....... !!.~1~~·.~.e:: ....... !!.~~ 1~~~·.~.•:': ....... !~.~~1~.~~·.~:.": ....... !~.~~ Y-OUR ... CHOIC (Scoole<Sfl274921 275918 274357 & 27162J Brand New 1976 LUY TRUCKS YOUR CH OICE $ . ' C\ .. ILUV Truck" •3942? 39999 38643 & 39434) SA"' JUA~ CA,..IHANO • • ......_ Uffd AMot. Uaed Alltos. U"d Atltos. U1ed , • Sa1ur4ay July 17 1978 OAll.YPILO. Cl3 ....................... ·••••·•·•·••··•·····•·· ••.•..••••....•......•. .•••••.•••...........•. ~ -•••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ ......... !!~~ 9940 •eridl 9947 otckMObiM 9955. lftObile 9955 ~~1.~~~•••••••••••• ~~·.~~~:'. ••••••••••• ~~·.~~~••••••••••• ....................... ·········· ............. .................. ..... . .................... . '73 Cheyall'r Lo ro• Xltll ~ 1-'ully l01t1h.-d An> n':t• offrr "1U lw con .. tdtrf(l 1193 lt7 I '71 DODGE CHAIGU '75 GRANADA 'iO M;nf'ncl. uvto tran , '70 Olds Turon11do fo'Ull)' '87·412 Ohh. 'Int runn1nJi iftto 9957 Y~ 9960 lymouth 9960 ,t.:ood C'fN\id. aoc:.'ld ••• mt. lottded 1 Xlnl condLl lOn •:ond ~u:.. "\ l ,., \ ••• ••• • ••• •••• ••• • • ••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• $1995 S4l95 ~ M7 21 I $17~' --~LI :!013 ITT'l TUGJ '74 PINTO ATLAS '73 PLYMOUTH Nearl> n•'" "1th 11111) T U .uou mil \1r M ild . '70 \lllHntl-xlnt C'onu 'l; Toron;ido 1-'u\I\ RUNAIOU DUSTER rs. l•ud..C!t l.t'Ulb I Jdto Gd llrt''. Orie p .1 int l'Cl!Jd • orii 0 14 nr "" P>-'-s 199 s Chryal~r /PlyMOt1th l.<I\\ milt•iJIJtl'. " l \II nth I i O Chi )i.ll'r !\ell port <f d l!l.-dan. """° 1 n.:, U 7:i 49t>-~ 1bH 7WO A11 ~ond I'S. P" r. br.tkc,, radio, \ln)l 100( I.le f.1:!2ll Z r LlcT\ll"62 7l OOOm• \Ilk)~ .. , 17.,.. 49'J4.24:! ... sv 9957 Jlhl '""" .ll thi, i.1" aut11 tr.111,. r..iu1v '""' ,,.., "" ••••••••••••••••••••••• 01lt·11 l),,11\ I(. ~un 111 \0 rocil I.it• ;ll(it.fl\ Jlrll I' \ I c.111) llnt l'Jr P~I S40-5630 9927 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '71 Old!. \l.)tu Cru1:11cr 4 73 .. tnlO Sq1111t• WMjlor. lor c•ronom) JlltJ '"l · ~llJrb<1r lllld $2199 9950 dr, !I P.&S "1u.1 r. SI~ uto Air ll11d1Jb S!UOI llllol'-1.ir W7 1.J I\ (.''"''' "'''·' SAHT A AHA tl48 ()64jt. Pvt Pty o.r best offtr $\.t lJ.12 540 S ,,,_30 546· I 93 4 LIHCOLH MERCURY 540-563(). 1011\~0\ ,\ ,0\ •13 (.'onwl 4 1lr, a1t, :am/flll ''l'l l'O O('W llrl"• M11k1«1fr f 'Ii l5"6 711~ I COftfl1tt fttaf 9 9 l 0 .•.•................... '65 COMTIHlHT AL 4 Ur, 1trt·l l\ c·.11 ' ~.·1~ W<", "h F71lJ •THE CAR PLACh illOll llJl'l>Or lllH I. l'M jj;JJ ·2tl211 2626HARIOl ILVD. COSTA MESA ord 9'4 ••···················· :.•1 J-:dwl ltu11,,:1•r ~\I ti' l1rk, 1n11". 1 lull'f1 11111 v.cll >17:> ulr \!JI ~b w J.'ord 1:ru. :ic12 cnic. dr-hdt1>. P" r . .ilr, S9SO !A.:! 42'7!1 '66 Continental S2lO •11,11 .n:111 "IV LTD \\ J/,;Orl 11 Jl\l r u11 ''"' .111111 ~~·s CJl 993 ~11: t»ll C°"ett~ • llNl 1J1 N Mt H<.UIO 1626 HAlllOlt ILVO COSTA MESA '72 llORD MAVHICk $2295 I 111 ~tcl .. 11 \\1th .111111 lran~ .cronomy 30;,: \'It t>nitllll'. fart .11r. I'S. r11d 111. h c a\l 1 . l.1<' 003t:LB 540-5630 1011 \SO~ & SO\ • Llllll.OLN MERCURY ~·l'·;;l~··;;··~~~··.··:;~ ~ (;,llJ~ll' h.lr II r x.1n1 2626HAHOR I LVD i\.\I f'\I r .iih.ll I Illµ con~ .100 l~I olr lJI COSTA MESA h.IJlfrd .!I 10U 1111 \1111 49-&·i\ill31loWll • - t oncl I' I' ..,1,1.1111 o(r Ii" L' I L', I. s LifKoftl 9945 • _ ,., .-ore-.-'"' 4.: on • por~t . •• •• ••• ••••••• •• •••••• ~'II• 11 l 'pc 6 ~)I J UIO . hkt new ,74 Ll ... COLH ~·"' •• I II Oh) UI I u;1l mi . ·1:~ ... ""'"onettt·.i •. 1 "I"· 11111 Otifil l'\l l't' 4-DOOR V-8 full p~r Jlr, Jm Im, S.UOO 1 Ill 11·• • \uh• tran,< . lulh """ 1 1 • ' I !170 hH fl I. T £> I u 11 ~ 1.,1ur1• flt d • h-.11h1 1 COWJar 993 '''l111Vflt'•1: 1." !1.!1• 'Int 'l'J b 1111 ,1u·r111..:. \111\I •••••••••••• •• ••• • •• •• lOlld ~l\f).) lllG .11 lO '"" .\\I F\I .111d :-h'll'U '72 COUGAR 1!173 Fu11I Tonn11 S<1u1re. la~" :>J>l'l'il •1101,1ul Bu~ d11:..1• t1> "hnlt·~JI<'' l.11· li7l·onkl ::1Jr . h11lp.011to ti:.1~. I'~ l'U, llm .. i.lnl. 1~:i ~1.1!~ '75 MERCURY I OICAT VILLAGER WAGON \Uth \IHI". lJ('ltll) ,II/ c1.1111.J. 1io11t•1 ~h·t•rt1111 . rnd111, \\hill'\\ .1lh luw, l11w 111111·,, 1111',l;J)ll' I 41<'1.. Ltl' :fliMn' SJ699 SANTAANA LIHCOLH MERCURY IJOI ::-. Tu,1111. ~>Ill\" \11 ,1 :>Ii u.;11 '72 MHCURY MARQUIS $2895 Hroul!hum q'l'. lt1Jtkd \11lh 111'11" 1·111111>mt•nl 11111 1·<Jlllllll I l11Ulllo;.l' l.t \\,1\ Jl\\I ''"'" l.11 llol .. '' S40 -5630 'iJ 0 111, l u1t.1"" S11µ1 l'llll' ·11 1-'uro r•u1t.1, 1 ~11cl , , o1.1I -u 1.1<11 \ I 11,1.,, !-..1111.1 \11.1 :: tJr. m.in) ""tr•>"" i.lnl 1.111.., H ,\ 11 .'I1i111i.: l'Jll 1974 PLYMOUTH "' ll.1\1 1011\SO\ & SO\ l~Od S2J.50 l'll':IM' I •Ill ~\ 111\~I,' • l IN(. Ol N Mt RCUHY Jf\ Gpm wkd)i;. ult 11." wknd., 1114 184\MIOi 70 CutlJ~:o. S11pri•m1• • ..i 111 \lnl t:uml. .1 ir & p \lr ~I .~I. E "'". S:W·ll IJ7. 71 \'1~tJ l'ru1i.1•1 . u1r. bUPt'fl'UllU. :,'2-!0H, h~I <>II' 1163 :!!1!1:, '71 OLDS CUTLASS SUPlllME Sl995 ""' .11r ~ond Jnd u 'Port) while '111) I lop "' .. r P""' tkr blul' l'' lt•nor J.ll' 79SCRZ 540-563<> 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN MEHCURY 2626HARl01t ILVO. COSTA MESA iJ l((l,1l1t I .111•· 1lt•1 I.. nlJI:" r.1<ll.1I• 'lil•1·1 h look:> & 1 ooil • l'l:u 11.1~).I iJ Huo11h<111I lioltt l ::' 71 1•rn111, "IH 'l 1111.. "" 111.1)..' ... l",\I 1111•\•, l'ihurp' 11111 t..'ltun '1w nuto l'htHOllllU tram, H II. I ,<!Oil or t•r:J I I II l< I \'' br 1 l'J '' h<IU IJ:.!.1• • • , l <' ('I ., ui:nn. ~ · ' "':t&ll mtHntauwi.I. 111r h11o:.: '7l FORD PINTO r~ 1· k . S:! l un 11r ill r 1rn; :11112 SQUIUSTATIOH WAG OH l qltnllt•r , I 'lll'l'd , \M FM :.tl'n'o 1 .nho Su1>l'nbar11• Lil' 1,:,Wl)J 71 l'mto ~ 11111 MCl'l'<I Pl'l I l't1nd titl.000 m 1 O\l m'tl · II\ I. 0 L from .(.'00-1.1 Mt>~U 1>42 711;'1 Sl999 73 l'mto I wd. :!I t•ICI 1111 SAHT A AHA m11 .. t :.di ra .. 1 ~,.,; \U.!t LIHCOLH MERCURY l.cJ'<' ~1,i: I.IOI ' 1 thl Ill ~Jllt.1 \11.1 1,1 •. , I' t I( I I j Ii ti.) 11 ·-m ll u11.1 ><•Ill. "" nlrlt'J,lh , lll'ar I\\'\\ lll 1·~ i?. WJi:on. d1•lu\t t11m H~UI. uuto trun' ::>\i1111 .'>15 lHSi 2626HARIOR ILVD. Al' H II •• wlo. OIJI!' COSTA MESA ltJJe r Jt'i-s:!~'Ol1 ~I 737H T:! Hun.chout lil10t1 nu - - - -j'••n...: ~lHuo bt.·'1 ullcr n Old.' Tornado \'1oyl ·71 Hunahoul :?:! 0011 11111! •~'lll Ju:,-; lnl> Lo::ideC'I ai,1.IOO 1111 1111 :.;:? ~"' lirm 'It•:.! .3l:l l: t'11•t11m l'>t11.tu1 l)Jn .: 1•.11 f 9965 ,l,l\lllll \\ ,1i.;on •• 1~1 I hbl Oft IOC \'tit t•llti:ta'''-••H t onth\hU\ •••• ••• • ••• • • • • • • • •• •• • 10 )1. 1.Llht•. lltl\\l'I' \\Ill 711"11<'1111 11, '""'1 .... 11 dow:i h11:i:J ,.;1• rut I.. Sii 1· '·' .>Oii Sturti11h\ nwt.1lh1 hlu.. \'.ill ti.II .!1'111 tmJ'h 11.)1'·41>• S2245 :-.1•1 111 ,,:.1r.ii:t• u1 l'•' \~k for ltll·k -;:: l'onll.ll' :-;.11.111 ~t.1111111 \\'.11t1111 l'rl\ .1t 1· p.11 t' !•Ill tl:JJI :-.111111\ 1'11rt11•r11 lrh' 1"1 ORANG.E COAST DAILY PILOT "'"11 <•Tt..l 1; n•.11 • \111 .. 1 'l'll ~li'I~ lr._1 1•ll•'l 1a2111:.1 Ill \ l'lll\11 ,1 111tl1i \ I I .11 11111~1 'I 11l 1 1111\I ;oo \\'1• .. 1 Ila' ~I 1'11,l.1 \h·-.1 1.I;! IJ:!I S't .• ti.'\t' • '4 .. 1 • t ........... lo I .1111l 1•11\ .... 1•1l 1l1ol I 111111 \II Ill \( I II Ill' 111t..i I \l'~ ~.I 1;1•h\ l)u,h'I mp)( I'~ "' 1 I t•1.~ ll.1nl tr .uh ~11 ''-'~ 11«.111 uni\ 1111 • S! 1511 4:1•1 HI:!.! '. r\ ' \'1-t t I 1 l 11' llOI 711 I 111•h111I I pnt I' \\ I~ Ph muul h I 1111111 <.'Ill!. ·.1ulu tr.rn~ -..1:.11 \ I\' I 111 I a 1· I\ I II t' I l'omullJ. l' ;\l bll 1111•1 1111 '1111 I Ullll ,1X;1 I' \\ ;111 tl1•lt"" 1111 -;u; , .. o.· "" 1h·• ~:!,,_,, ul~l"' •-' ot h'r tt7'.l •.t '"' .u •.• ~ -; i:t; XR-7 Jll '"'11•0. I' \\' rJ1·k. I ilOI\:\% S29 ""' n r 1-: 'l'l'VI 11111.1 I I~ 15 i:uod <•und '1000 1;.11 i!iti I S5699 s:!.l;o!I 1;.1~.';Ki8 d.i)" .>3li 114>Kli t'\l'' "iJ 1•111111 ~11111rt• .n1t11. i:tl S ...... T"' "' .... "' 2626 HARIOR BLVD. 111t1tl :\l1n mi.:. mu<ot .. di• • 1011\SO~ & SO\ • LINCOl N·MERC.URY V~CJCI 997 4 .•..•.•.......•..•••••. Su1j(_•r '" 11t ;11r 1·ct11•I • full 110\\ 1•r r<11llJI l If\''< 'i:! Fui d (; r.rn Tun11u "Jl! """' """"""" COSTA MESA ·;1 Old:. \\t.!ll !I""'"· a11·;1 1'11110 \\'l!n :!:t1111t·1· '1.il..i· 111r.·r i.-1:.!;H~ u1 ll.1:. ... rtll'd .\ti, .... 11 111); ii 1><'111\1• 11111•,t. 1hi.1 LINCOLN MERCURY 1)11\~n. t.Jl'I', 11&.'l°I•. lo m1, n.1~1.'~:11. ~ti • '"'" U,11 • .·,..11,.1(51;1 I 11"111:., :-m.d~ ~'''"" .. 1 Int.. .. 1111 I"'"'' '"'''°'' -~ Lie 4J.>Jll,\" \11t•1 :111. r.11 k \"t•r' 540• 5"-30 l'11•••11 ::.<!:!'15 1•r lll'~t ,.,; l:Sul :-.; Tu,ltn. ~.111\;1 \n.i '<l'l • .tl »I.! :1121 11;).3 -~loll• ,.,, , .. ' I.> 1.:.11 d ll\' Jl••IJ) Id .! .lliiX I lllh .:11'.11 '':!oil h7 •• hK.~ :lli 11:,1 t Mustanq 99S2 I u 6J2 J:!IJ, H 11 i 111 Ion \SO\ & SO\ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Aaltos, Mew 9800 Alttoa, New 9800 Autos, Ntw 9100 Aaltos, Hew 9100 Aufos, New 9800 'tJ..1 f\'111rlnnl' 500. 2!'0 \'8. llUlO & I'S. :\lt>t'll'I~ Xhll ·73 LINCOLN ·65 :\tu,tan~ Huu~ J!d. lu ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • LINCOLN· ME.R<..URY 2626HARIOR ILVD. ~iOO b~tolr 1.12 !1211 COSTA MESA 71 GJIU\ll' ~!O I'S. ;iir l!Jil C:ouA;;r X Hi u1r. eono. ,n l -F ~I r illlTll,Xlln l.IO'"l'J". l,,11111.111 ~ooo (·ontl 7li,IMMI m1 lll.050 6-11-.>7l~11r 51\111;-;11:> \16:1 ~Ill. alt ;µm ·-;1 XHi .111 11u1 .. 1· n:. Foru \lu:-t.10 1! \ \t l'';\I [,;;\\ "h'\ll' bk FJ!>lli.tt·k. 2il9 e n i.:tne. S34SO. CJ II !>51 3:Ji7 1200 IJ..10. i-1511 '1;g Cou~ar. <111111 I'S. I'll. i:1 Gr • .111ad,1 :! 1lr :11r. lull .111 , h> m1 \1111 t unit ''"' r .1ull• hur l..N> :!.:!J.l. ~5 t..15 111r11 \'II 1~r.? i:nt SEDAM 1111. 1111 .. p,1m1 ~:it> 11rm 54795 1oia 1.:.'11:! .. 11 !°> l !Ir 1·011t r•1I 11 II h 11111 19711 ~lu~tanii F.1~1lo.•l'k . (H•'I'. °"~l -¥lW4&'--.uL.l:'..\L~IUl!~ IJ)t•1·h ull lhc olht•r l.111111111 lu' p1:rkt·1 ::.11\JIJ tii5 :J iii> ur) ft'.itUrl'S. l.11 j l~IJ L>G 540-5630 1011 \SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN · MERCURY 2626 HARBOR ILVD. COSTA MESA titi l\l u,tan~ 4 "Jld ... 11t·k I un~. 1111~ \\ rk ":.-IW l'J II ~ 12115 '65 MUST4HG '70 LIHCOLH Dodc)e 9935 i1t I. rt> COUPE •••••••••••••••••• ••••• ,. :.•oo 211!.I JUlll. I' S "UIJt•r 'hJrp' "13i:> 'l:llE:!ll •THE CAR PLACE• ::11io.1 ll.1rh .. r ltl\ll C\1 h31 :!li'-'11 "t;aCorond Supl•rdl•Jn& 9till!ll81 $2195 tii\1ml lt I .111,X J'~" tkP1'11d.1hl,• h11•k, :.hJrll Ei..ceptmnal ':ihl<', full b k t .;l 11.;u <-.1,h t.tl-c:. ;1 Forti GrJn Tonntl StJ 1 P"r. kJlhl'r 1ntt·ri .. r ~~11:~1 1;~~11"'1111 r' 1,15-0\lli llOn W~n. u1r. I'S. P fll ,\:\l/F '.\I :-1t•r1•11 '111~ I dc•Jn lk'l ol lcr O\ <'I tnp. Lil'. 1!)4.1,\l'l' '1u,1ani: ti !111;11 rcblt 1•111! l''61S l k'lli:t•1'11l.1r.1.ov.11,·1 "2iOO:>ltlJl!!lll I 540·5630 llt•'I 1111 11 ,1.:t'. 111 1 lr,111.~ll'rt ul ,.., i:. :.:,; 1~::4.i ·;11:ru 1.50C• 1'l·rh·t·1 ,,.,, µ.11111 X1t11 t\ulo. p s I' I~. l' \\' ruhlh'• 'I l:ill !'.~1:! tll 11 1011 \SO\ & SO\ '74 DODGE DART $3395 Ta pt· tlt•~k . I> HJ !JO\!I Ii 1 lflt" 2626HAR80R BLVD • U NCOLN ·MERCURY tit '"tl.111, I'S, .111 (' 0 1111 , :1 II (II t I ,I II ._ 1.11· t>:.!l"J ~: '. 540-5630 1011 \SO~ & SO\ • U NCOLN·MERCURY 2626HARIOR ILVD. COSTA MESA • 'i2 Grun Torino • :\Int l'ontl Sl?Jrn• ~ •• \3:,.~; !)i!I :!851 "t'I l.Tll Cd 1111111. I dr. ,11 r. 1m r. S!~l:l l '.111 b73·6i!ll.' 1/; H \ ~ c· II I·: rt {I "' l':tmpl'r ,twll s:;9;, I'll Ml! "'17:! COSTA MESA '71 llNCOLN COUPE $2795 Cw~"'" 111\lir) \\1\h lull ""'·air'""" l1·.1lh1·1 m l "I "' r ,\ ' 1 n ' I I 11 I' \:\I ~·.\I ,,1,•1,•11 l.11 ti:) .\lu,l.111): t°OR\C'l I :!X~I I "l"I llt'l'1h '"II'" 1h 111 1t homt• ~.oo luti 5~1:!fi ';1 ;\tu .. llllW F~th1·~ :1~11 \"fl •·1·1• " rt·•' 11111•• I'S l'B J ll Soort d1>rk tlli. ~ri> N1•11. i.t1 •t•• rudrnl~. \ l' I \ ' h ll I U $27511 lii:J~\8 llJ:iBS.X "l\.'i l-';1,lh11t•lo. 4 'µ<! trun ... ;:; Ou<h;t· u.111 :-.11rni:c•r11 ·~1 ·rot 1n11, 1--. ... 1111 I.: l:T 540 5630 ''''" 1·111: 1\ 11·.111,, nl'"' t'I. .11 r , lu 1111 l'I' H1111' i:•I ,-;•1.1 l'hullt • 11.11111 ~11011 1;11oo1J1 '"'.:::'. .. ""I ....... ::· :::'.', ' ...... "·""'" I Wi!p!I, :; :::.: ...... "" A 1 r11n' ,\""'"'•ii 1-"o1,th.11 \\ \ l' '"" t11 .it> 262; 1Rmvo. j I' II. l' :-;. mai;". •'-'mm, 'Ji.> 1o1; •tlXf. pn•t :-..'>:! 111.~ COSTA MESA 1110011rm i~I l:!.11 Trucks 9560 Truclu 9560 Trucks 956 Trvc:ks 9560 ····················•·················••···········•································•······· Go~:1N ·s FULLERTON TRUCK CENTER NEW 1976 GMC SURFER VAN (OEMOJ '"'-'°'"" ,:Wlt'lf &. 111itrrtOf '™Q\ 4 hfn ""'°""'' v 1 oov.t• '1"., nq ""' rr.uw.·11'11,. 55466 IMlllOIATI DELIVERY NEW 1976 GMC CUSTOM SHORT BED PICK-UP •!Cl 146/\1\4\/ .t.1110 V f O \ tu\lom o.t•nl .,,.~, &. lirt• S•ttra 1111, 1974 TOYOTA UNO CRUISER S4966 IMMEDIATE DUIYUY f1Mf••4 \~ 197' FORD F-151 414 PICK-UP TRUCK )(Int cond , low mllff9t lie lllKXY. °'''Mlf'.,-"' ~ .. ,..., ......... "--"""""''"' y. \Jot #0 t7f''rV 54466 54966 .... , .... "'° ........ l ... NEW 1976 GMC LONG BED PICK-UP A rfdl loo~~r WOIXI ar11,n ''01no "' S3666 .wrdoflOnlll C~I 1rco"6zsrs116 IMIEDIAn OEllYERY ' NEW 1976 GMC 4 WHEEL DRIVE 3M TON , fKV7 ... lSOol96 lOIJtO lot Ill<' 11rotr '"•~• •OO ~ • h lO, ll ~, 0 ~. Ul'\Of'• •l'l<'lt •I 1973 CJ-5 JEEP '' .... W"t ... --.~ ,._. '1 t ( ..... , ....... ,,,..'" ~ .. .... .. 54666 _f .. lo \JoL S6866 IMIEDIAT£ DELIYUY "'"' .... \.•l 1974 CHEVY. SURFER Yll LIC. NO. 47•97V. s4955 ......... l ie. MIOnSED Pim -F• n HOUIS mu •ta• AU CAIS SUBJ(CT TO .... SAU 700 S. Harbor llvd.-Fullerton (71•) 171.0C12 l ................ ---~-, OPEN7DAYS 9T09 FAITASnc SAYlllS OI -QUALllY USED CARS '14 PLYMOUTH s.wlt.~ Vt ~to "eM f.Ktttt IM ~ ,,,.._,..., ~'--~,...fl( .... ,~ ......... -....~lft"tu•1 t.oll'\1•\ IQ\\Jtol s2sas 75 IUICIC c....,20-... *,,.. •'1CJOf'r •.,~·......,.,~ ... flit ......., ....... '" , ...... ----·1M1\.W01 74TOYOTA Cw•20-··~ ,,.. ........ , ............... "' ~.,.~ $J'i'll SALE '7 4 PLYMOUTH O..tw2D-...,_. ........ ,,.., "-'1'• ""'""' .... .,.__.,. ~" llP'lftf9 I ..,. -. • """' ~ .... s2saa 74 FORD ..... , ..... 11 ,...., • ._. ,.4H., '0 ~ •• ,. , ......... '°t.-•"'' .,._, AOI s24ss 74 MATADott c ... "01', c ...... ~ h-"4 ,.,.,.,. ~ ., , • ' - .......... ~ 4 """'•"· .,_. • ., .... ,,...,~ .... , ...... ~ , ..... ..., .. ,..,,,,_ • ., (:")tV I. '7' JHr Ci-.4ttt C~ltf lft•• , ... ,. hi ~ • .,, 1 .. ti N_j•illlil ~ , ... .,. , ( j/) '' 1' • "'• I.,...,. .... j ~· ,.. .,.. ...... ,. •••••• SALE '71 AMC '., '• t • • 1 ....,.,, ... \•• 4 ••' M ••tt A"" 11• ttWJt'f OYER 30. Brand New '76 .... SIARFIRES IN . STOCKI . BRAND NEW 1976 s3977 OLDSMOBILE STARFIRE • • • P1us Tax & License (3T07C6CIOI 146 Over I 00 1 7,6 OLDSMOBILES IN Stock -Immediate Delivery • ST AR FIRE Coupes and SX 1 s • OMEGA Broughams • TORONADOS • CUTLASS Supremes, Salons, Supreme Brou9hams • VISTA CRUISER. 88 Royals • 98 RecJencys cmcl LS's • Custom Cruiser W GCJOn . , $ 9 7 77 U H -· 0•1"'9"' '91 17 OP ...,...~ "" *d ""''nt"' gn •oorov•a .:. • ., t 1 ut• .J•••11-.1 0.Y"'"'t"" om.e tt \~26'9 iii •"<' • ._ .. " • ..,. & d M --.&1.. "-'<• CftM9n /.NNUAl.. l'tACl. .. IACt llAIE UflTn I) !()'lo . 0 • TAKE YOUR PICK 1 I 77 DN. Y u~==----·12 ,.~!!"---''' ~···· ''' '!~·-'-•-... ~a6l ~~f.;·1.rfi~~es CHOICI 4 SPEED AIR CONDITIONED AIR CONDITIONED ... . ' ~~'i't~!~:NUAl WICCNlAGE 4 WHEEL DRIVE & TRUCK~·CEllTER Brand New .. ,73 YMAWA60M s1577 ·• speed, radlo. heater. roof (~~MX~h 11e wa l1 t ires ,70 POMYIAC U MANS s 1677 -Automat10; vinyl top. aar· condit1on1ng, radio, heater. , (208AGG) . '73 HOleACAI Radio and healer (205JPRI • s1777 '72 =.rad10.t-ea1er (684NJL) 51877 '72 CADILL.ACDIYIW , Loaded with Lu11ury. (207FVE) 53277 · arand New 1976 HONDA CARS Immediate Deli•ery ... 4 SPEED -Immediate Del•ery •.. AUTOMATIC s9110 - TEST DRIVE NEW · HONDA ACCORD TODAY A MONTH u• ,o ..,, •• -· un -"" --t1eo~ o.ter...s -'"°" U 26910 OoMI -t)l 11 p4\I• a.. I loC-AHHUAl PEllClHT.t.Of AATI: tl ti~ s33551MMEDIATE DELIVERY ($G~112Si Plus Ta11 I License CWB82019672)