HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-01-19 - Orange Coast Pilotcl Pair Threaten Ntece ·'• -e CB Ante-a .Jolt Youths Nabbed 1 I " I l ' • ~ I• • \ I Kills · Coast Man, In Kidnap of I' \ t ~ . ' • l . ·. Injures ~irl, 12 LA Sportseaster I. ~ ' DAILY PILOT * * * 10< * * * WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 19, 1977 VOi... 1t, HO ,, • sea1o•n ... l'AGU (. " I 'WE'RE HEROIN ADDICTS ANO WE NEED MONEY' Mff• Ponce Seek Robbers Who Look Like Thi• Two Gunmen Rob Mesa Woma"'·82 ·An 82 year-0ld woman and her )ioung n1ece were held at gun- point in their Costa Mesa· home by two men who ransacked several rooms before escaping -with S600 in cash a.nd a ruby ring Monday night. Police said Mrs. Ruth Swope, of 1842 Park Ave .. waited untiJ TuesdaY.1 morning to report the J'Obbery to police after being 'Hmed by the gunmen that her niece would be hafmed if she called for help. Officers reconstructed tbe crime this way: Coast o Weather Considerable high cloudiness lhrouah Thurs- day. Highs in ?Oii. Lows 44 to52. INSIDE TODA "t' Tllfrt'1·0nt ruldcnt1 of Orongt Coo.t cornmuniUta becom1 American cft""1 In notutaUzoUon ctr'tmon11, ltOl'JI. pfctur., Al. The two men knocked on the front door to Mrs. Swope's home at about 9 p.m. Monday, and when she opened the door, they asked if they could use the phone. The pair said there had been an accident, and when Mrs. Swope's niece attempted to hand the phone out the door to them, they pushed their way Into the home, brandishing a ril1e and a .38 caliber revolver. "We're heroin addicts and we need money." Mrs. Swope said the pair shouted. "We know you have il." One of the gunmen took the telephone from the 12-year~ld girl and yanked the cord out of the wall before marching Mrs. Swope and the niece into a bedroom where the suspect with the rine stood watch over them. Meanwhile, the other gunman searched the house, finding the ca.sh and the rin1, which Mn. Swopt said is worth StOO. . Mrs. Swope has been in the Umellabt recuUy in connection wilb her fight t.o keep the City of Colla Meaa Crom purchuin1 a bome she owns on Center Street. Police today aald they are look· Ins tor t"10 white males, both in thtir early twentiet. One it described as slx feet tall, with aandy brown hair,· brown eyes and wei1htng between lSO and 170 pounds. The second gu nm an Is described as about alx feet five lncbu t.all, with dark brown hair, l a m uslache. and welahl1u """~---------~ -, between 180 and 200 pounds. Te·stifies . • ·in Diedrich Case Daughter Hurt • Antenna Jolt Kills HB Man By AltTHUR R. VINSEL OI Ille D•llY l"llel Staff A Huntington Beach tavern owner was killed and his 12-year- old daughter seriously burned Tuesday when their CB radio an- tenna struck a 12.000·"olt power line as they maneuvered it around on their garage roof. Robert Jarrell, 39, of 6522 Limerick Dri ve, and Tammy Jarrell, 12, were apparently knocked from the roof to the lawn below by the powerful jolt from Southen California Edison Com- pany wires. Jarrell was pronounced dead at Huntington Intercommunity Hospital about one hour after ar- rival following the mid-morning tragedy at their home in north Huntington Beach. He suffered massive electrical burns, according to Fire Depart- ment Capt. John Backen. 'J arrell's daughter was listed in stable condition today al the UC Irvine Medical Center Burn Unit, but it will be several days before the extent of her burns and danger to her life is really. known. "She has numerous entrance and exit electrical burns," Cap. Backen explained. "With elec- trical shock, you don't know what internal damage was done for awhile." - He said the youngster was awake and alert, however, when police and firemen arrived on the scene to find her father beyond help. Athletic shoes such as those used for track or jogging pro- bably saved the Jarrell girl's life, Capt. Backen suggested. "They have thick rubber soles and they insulate pretty well," he said. "Instead of grounding her, they caused the current to blow out the side of her big toe." A neighbor. Richard Durwill, called police after being alerted by Mrs. Jarrell, who was home at the lime and reportedly became hysterical. Investigators said the two vic- (Sff KILLED, Page AZ> BOAT S41LED ON FIRST DAY "We sold the boat the first nl1ht the ad ran in the paper. We got a lot of calls and are very happy we advertised in the Daily Pilot." That's the sales success ex- perienced by the Newport Beacb woman wbo placed this classified ad: Sabot Scho(k 4-000 serle11. racing dgJtcd , new Ulman sail. S2SO. xxx· lUCXJC - Ir you have a boat to sell, call 642·5678. U only takes a few words ln the rt1ht place to attract a buyer. A.long the Orange Coast, the right place ls in the Daily Pilot. Youths Helfl • m LOS ANGELES <AP> ~Police arruted two ~oulJul today after a three· hour ltime spree in which a veteran Loi Angeles radio sportlcasfer waa kidnaped, another man fired on and robbed and a home buraJarized. KFWB radio newsman Cleve Hermann was kldnaped early to- day and forced to drive to his Sherman Oaks apartment, where be and hil wife were robbed, of. ficersaald. In Beverly lUUs, Loa An1efa Times distributor Leo Kempton1 56, was robbed of $100, then fireo on. Neltber Kempton nor yyone else lnvolvcd in the spree was h1· I ju red, policesald. The two)'OUthl, notlmmedlate- ly ldentlfled by police. were ar- rested at 4:20 a.m., in a }tome on Mulholland Drive after a silent alarm ... tripped. omcen aave their ages &111 and Jt. Herm111nwu aeeo1ted outside a Hollywood bowUn1 alley at 1 :30 a.m. and forced to driH to h1t home. There tbe two Joutht toot hi• money, hit Wlle'• rin1 and h1t car, ofnctt"ltald\~ Hermann reported!J fltl Into CODYtrtatloift with hl• abductort. who, POUice aald, told him lhelr troubfn and then afl'ffd 14 r.Wrn tht money, but ltept ~ rln1 and car. i Details Of Probe Withheld By GARY GRANVILLE 0!"'9 0.11, "lletStall Orange .County Supervisor Thomas Riley appeared before the county Grand Jury as it con- tinued its probe Tuesday into the campaign fund raising activities o( Supervisor Ralph Diedrich. Riley refuaed today t.o discuss any details or bis testimony before the jury but admitted he had responded to the jury's sub- poena and had testified. The Newport Beach supervisor's testimony in an in- vestigation or another county supervisor is believed to be the first time one supervisor has been called to testify in the in- vestigation or another. A Riley aide, Kirk Evans, also put in an appearance before the jury as did two aides to Supervisor Ralph Clark, Steve Malone and Gree Sanders. And, sources close to the Diedrich probe reported, representatives of two major de· velopets. like Riiey, made un- seen entrances into the Grand Jury room. .Tel\lmony In the Diedrich probe got under way two weeks ago. ~ InltiaJly, the probe centered on Hughes Airwest and reported aJ . le1ations that the airline had been cajoled to give campaign contributioruJ to politicians sup- ported by Diedrich. Since then, the lnve11U1allon reportedly has 1rown to cover al· leaatlons that heavy-handed lac-u~ were used to soli~lt cam· <SeeRILEY, Page A2) Kidnap A short Ume later they told Kempton they wanted to buy a newspaper, but be said he had no chanae. Officers said they robbed him of $100 at gW>point. then fired uhotath!,m. Another victim was con,ronted by the youlht on Beneclid Canyon Road , but no detail• were avaUa· ble The pair allegedly broke into tht hotne or a realtor on Mulholland Drtve. where pollce w•r• summoned by a silent 'alarm. Offtcen said the)' wtt• &r· rated in the pc"Oeeu ol robbl.nc the bouae and had pqcktt.t 11turrea wttbJewelry. O.lly l"llet ..- TESTIFIES IN PROBE - Supervisor Alley Umcer, Ulcer, Kidney Ail~nt , 1 Hit Hughes ' .. HOUSTON <AP> -Court docu· "I menta filed today Indicate the la.te .t billionaire Howard Hughes suf. ·! fered from cancer, a peptic ulcer, kidney disease, b~dly decayed teeth and undernourishment. Testimony ln tlte form of de· ]' positions taken from doctors who performed.an autopsy on Hughes wefe filed with Harril County Probate Judge Pat.Gregory. Dr. Jack Titus, patbolo1lst lt Baylor College of Medicine, said he found a peptic ulcer, a "tlny fotus ot cancer" in the prost•te sl•nd, scar tissue blocking the urinary tract and uremic poison• tng, • Titus said the kidneys were ahrunken by an ailment tbat may have been cauaed by a~ Hughes took Crom 1946t.o1972. ~r. Oscar B. Maldonado, an oral surgeon at Methodist Hospital where the autopsy was performed AprU 6, said the teeth of the blllionalrewere so badly de· cayedtbeym~havebeen "v'rr. ' very painful." Hu&bes died April 5 while being flown to Houaton from Acapulco. Mexico. for medlcal treatment. A brief repc)rt released after the autopay attributed death to kldney failure. lfethodlat Hospital ofllctals later dellvel'td the autopey report to Greaocy. who ha.a Texu • Ju. rladJction for matten Involving H-.1bea' estate, and its de1* bivo not been releued. Maldonado s depo1l"lon <Seell'lJG 8, Pqe • DAILY PILOT s lanket .. Amnesty uled fht :~y Ford WASHINGTON <AP>-~ ""1t Ford ruled out blanket am· Msty for vtem.m mWtar;y de- 'erters and draft evaders today but directed that wounded and decorated vetera.na who received other·tb.aD-bonorabl&.d~4$ bave tMlr status cba ... ed to bonorabledischarges. , Ford late last month •ald be would look in~ the poaibUlt)' ot ~oatrols i.nt? Ford Try Likely to Fml WASlllNGTON CAP> -In a last-minute move before leaving office, President Ford today proposed ' Uftlng price controls on gasoline. , The move is expected to face strong opposition in ' Congress, which bu 1S days in which to veto Ford's " move. A negative vote in either tbe House or the Senate would kill the action. " Administration spokesmen have said that re- moval or gasollne price controls would have UWe im- mediate effect at the pumps. The Federal Energy Administration estimates the price or unleaded gas could go up about two cents a gallon, reflecting its higher refining costs. That tn- crease may be off set by slight reductions in the price of ordinary gasoline which.bears part of the refining costs of the unleaded variety, the FEA says. Congressional critics, however, claim that prices could climb as much as s ix cents a gallon. NWLF Claims Credit ~ . Utility Station :.. Rocked by .. Blasts II • SAUSAUTO <AP) -A utility i\.atioo was attacked today by un-4 avg round revolutionaries angered at lbe death of an elderly Midwest man who died when Ju.a U.S was turned off .durtrfg the re- centcoldspelJ, authoritiessaJd. ! ·Police saJd the aeries of ex- pto.ions in a small Pacillc Gas & Electric substation awakened hundreds of Sauaallto reatdent.s but caused no damage or injuries. The New World Liberation Front claimed respo,uibility Jor the blasts in a statement issued by self-styled NWLF courier Jac- ques Rogiers. Tbe bodY ol a 74·1ear.CJl4I IP• wu found last •eet tn Mamfteld. or.Jo, when hll utllWea were cut tl/beeameof an $18 billowed. _ •ociers said the exploeioas ••e "in memory of tbe dealb" ud to underscore NWLF de-mands ror free eleetriclt.y ''to aied poor living on fixed incomes betow the poverty level lD tbe San l'taoctseo S.1 area.•• ., PG6E spokesman Paul Girard ~Ajd l'BI lnvHtt1atora de- ""'2nlned three aplolive• were Mtonated attbesubat&Uoo. . ;, blaugural 'Schedule ~ 'WASHINGTON <AP> -He~ is 'ncheduleGftbe m.ior lnauiuraJ .Venta (all times 'Pacilic S\an· dard>· TODAY 4 p. m. ~aupraJ 1m at the ltaaaedy Center. attended b1 Carter ud Mondale <wlJI be w.,,iMd byCBs. TV a\tp.m. ). 'l'RVUDAY 5 a .m. lnterdenominatiocaal Prayer Senlce at Lincoln Memorial. 1 :20 a .m . Inau1uratlon HtemOft)' at tbeCapltol. I : IO a .m . la•u1uratlon c.remOft)'all.MCapttal. 10: lh.m.Jnaupralparade. 6 p. m. lnaupralballa. DAI LY PILOT He said PG&E experienced such attacks since 1968. but lbal lbis first attack in 1977 would not attain theNWLFgoals. ·'The dam ace caused by groups or orgaJlizatiODI in attempt to pre- •• illegal demands are passed along to PG&E customers in the form of higher rates,'' Girard said. The FBI says UWe is known about the NWLF. The group bas claimed responsibility for numerous bob;lbinp io recent years in lbe San Francisco Bay area. Supervisors Fix Airport Taxi Rates Rat.es for taxicabs that ptck up puaeogers at Orange Coun· ty Airport were set by county supent.on Tuesday. Tbe board bu illvited taxi nnna to bid on u exclusive three-year franchlae at the airport. But the ftrma must agree to cbarp bO mon than 90 cents for the ftnt oa.roun:h mile of trnel plus 20 cellts fOC' .,.ab tld· dlUonal quarter mile. 'they allo may charge no more thu tu per bour for custolllet"·req..-ed walUnl time. County otftclals said tbe rates are baaed on Ude tn clUea aur-roundinc the airport. The fnncblse will be given to tbe lirm tbat often tbe county U1e highest income peT tui pa1Hn1er wttb a fl,,e·cent llLUWnum. Paa•P-AJ tlms were worttng with a CB radio antenna about 30 feet high when ft brushed the power lines above=amily residence. An cal accident in Los Aneelea alt weekend electrocut- ed two teellaled CB radio en· thualuta an4 Critleally burned a third belPIDI them erect an an· tau; prom~ renewed warn· inl• by power company offtciala. Soatbern Callfomla Edlaon Company spokesman BUI Com.,tosl told· aewsmen shortly· after Tu.day~ tra1edy _,, H&mt· lnatoo 8-ch tllat the utility flnn b&a laued numerous warnlngs to CBUJen. Fire D«partineat Capt. Bacba Mid •• people caQlht up In tbe current CBiadlo crue do not realiu dM daqerw Involved In at'"1ptjdc to erect their own home aerials. "Tb• EdllOG Company informs U1 that, even ~ cominC in eon· tact fot a MCODd wlth one ~e Une. there ia Plenty of around and a O'noa wUl talle .i le .. t 6,000 vol&I from aueh a Une,'' be tx· plaJJMd. hMNl Ml'\'tce1 for Mr. Jar. reJJ wen PIDClns tOday at Pwek Famlb Colanla.l Funeral HOlbe IDW~. L lllv..u,at«a 111d tbe vld.ltn WU U.. OWMI' and operator ~ L'U Aaie's bMI' bet, a a.acb Boulnard t.vsn bl thmUqtoo BMcll. ., a 1eneral amnesty for Vetnam war deHrten and draft reslaten after be was eked to by lbe widow of Sen. Philip A. Hart (0 · Mich.), who bad supported such amnnty. In a letter to Mrs. Hart today, the President said he "decided to maintain my poeiUon oo earned clemency and hope you will Wl· deratand. "Within my clemency pro. cram, however. I have direded that the otber·than-bonorable dlacharges received by former service members who were wounded in combat or received decorations for valor iD combat in Vietnam each be reviewed and upgraded to diacbarees under honorable conditions unless lbere is a compelling reason to the contrary lD any case," Ford wrote. A White House spokesman said only deserters would be afrect.ed by Ford's new directive and that at most 700 veterans would be eligible. The White House released a copy of the two-page letter to Mrs . Hart after deputy White House counsel Edward Scbmults telephoned Mrs. Hart and read the letter to her. ScbmuJts said that Mrs. Hart thanked him and said that she wanted to tb1nJc about the letter before commenting on It. The President also sent letters to the secretaries of the three armed services and tbe comman- dant of the Coast Guard asking them to evaluate bow many peo- ple would be eligible under bis new program. Those who have their other· than-honorable disc harge changed to honorable would become eligible for veteraa. benefits, including medical care and GI education tM:neflt.s. In 1974, Ford offered dtaft re- siaters. but not deserters, a form of limited amnesty by 11iving them tbe opportunity lo "work their way 'back Into society" tbrou1b public service. According to White House calculaUona, 106,472 draft re- aJatera were eligible ror the pro- gram but only 21 ,723 took advan- tage of it before it expired last year. Many of those eligible refused to accept Ford's offer because they felt ~Y had acted morally by reMlttna wftat they believed to be an illetlJ war and therefore required no clemency. President-elect Carter bas said that he will iJ'JDl a pardon to Vietnam "ar draft evaden and will conalder deserters on a case- by-case basia. F,...P-.eAJ HUGHES ••• des~ribed Hughes' teeth as in as "poor shape u any I have seen since 1 w• lD training ~ to 16 yearaa10." Titus identified tbe drug that caused the kidney faUure as phenacetin. an analgesic Hughes •as said to have ita.rted taking after be wati h\jured in a liM6 plane crash. Titus quoted Hutbea' penooaJ docton as say. big they got their patient to st.op talllnl the drug in t.m. Tbe patholOliat said Hughes died at 1 :Z7 p.m. on April s as the plane bringing him to Houston pused over Brownsville. He said Huabea was being brought to Houston because the Hughes Medical Foundation bad "medical scholars" at.Metbodiat Hospital. He said the foundation has such scholars at various medical lnsUtutlona over the country. Tttu quoted Jlugbes' penmat pbyslclans as ~crlbing Hughes a. an extreme difficult person toprovtdemedl carefor. He quoted them u saying be re· fused to see a dentist, refused to submit to m~al examinations or te1t.e and often embarked on er· ralic dJeting habits, refusing to drink nulds or eat mucb or anylhinl for periods o' time. Pritta Up In County BJ &lie Am9cia&ed Prell Rialnt llYina co.ti toofl another hefty bite out ot Southern CaJUorntans• ~tetboob lut month, but the annual rate of ln· creaae remJiDS well below 1'75 and Wl6. Tb• U.S. Bureau of Labor Statlltica said today 'that Pll«* rGN a,,o.• percent 1n lM Aaafill IDcl Otan(e couaU• dadint Deeeaaber, brluln& UM total IDcl"MH for~ 1ear to5.6pereent. In l.9'16, ""c• roH by •• 1 S*'Cent. ~ in 1915 by U .9 pefcent~~cordbaa to Jim W\&l'tb, of UM B.UrH'l of Labor $htt1tiu, " lou&MnCallfonlaottlce. ftreaadlee ' Frozen Potomac River reflects light from pre-inaugural fire~orks over the Lincoln Memorial Tuesday night. The Capitol, at the left. and the partially obstructed Washington Monument share in the refracted gtory . Gil01ore to Inmates: 'See You Directly' SALT LAKE CITY CAP> - Just before he walked to his de- ath, Gary Gilmore bade farewell l.o two fellow Dealb Row inmates and told them, "I'll be seemg you directly." ramUy sources •a,y. The worcb were reported Tues· day, as an airplane made three passes over Spanish Fork and Springville, two towns 60 miles south of here, scattering the ashes or the executed killer as he requested. The night was made shortly after a 90-minute closed funeral attended by 20 relatives, friends and assoc:iates o( Gilmore's famtly. the sources said. A por-tion of the ashes were kept by his uncle. Vern D'Amico. I . . NOW F ..... P-.AJ RILEY ••• palgn funds for Dtedricb favored candidates, lncludinc County Supervllor Pbllip Anlbooy, ad Assemblyman Oerum Manien <D·HunUniton Beach). Called lo testify when the Diedrich probe got under •'1 were Hushes public relatloaa director Michael Murphy and Hu1hes lobbyist Donald K . Brown. Another opening day wttnem was Riiey aide Scott Feramon. In an interview before the m. vesUgation opened. Riley ad- mitted lbat "aome Ume In lat. October or early November Diedrich bad come to bis olftce •'mad u hell at Airwest." Biiey said Diedrich told blm be would back him 1n an effort to stymie an Atrwest bid to provide llnklna air service from Oraqe County Airport tbroU&b Sall Lake City and on to Denver. The Newport Beach supervisor then asked County Counsel Adrian Kuyper if lbe Board of Supervisors could block the airline's move. In response to Riley's wtttteo Nov 11 mqulry. Kuyper Dec. 1 said it is "extremely doubtful" that the Civil Aeronautics Board would grant a ru11 hearing 00 Airwest's request. Kuyper's memo pointed out that the airline was not riu•t- i ng -additional flitht• rom Orange County Airport but mere- ly link extension to existing flight.a . . Diedrich early th1s week ad-m 1 tted he was Irritate~ by Airwest's application to the ex· tension because the company bad "faUed to consider lbe coun· ty's position. "Yes, you bet J gave Don Brown hell and toJd him l wouldn't be too interested in anything he had to say from that point out," Diedrich said. He insisted that his tongue laahlng of Brown, which ended ln the county garage where Diedrich parka his car. wu the result or what he saw u Airwest's highhandedness and had nothing to do with political campaigns. Malone and Sanders saJd last week they had lunch with Brown at an economic conference ln Anaheim the day Diedrich tUl loose o~ the Sacramento-baaed Hughes lobbytst. But both. said they knew notblng that might stM!d Ugbt on the Diedrich-Brown ve rbal altercation. And in a conversation late last week. Riley said that shouJd be be called to testify be would "have to put thinp in their pro- per perspective." ''Ralph (Dledrlch> talks bard and sometimes pretty tough. That'• just lbe way be la and sometimes he uses stroncer words than be really means," said Riley. IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE 10-60% DURING OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE \ WE ARE GOING ALL OUT TO MAKE THIS OUR MOST IMPRESSIVE SALE EVENT fV!A. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE STORE , IN ALL DEPART· MENTS. ON CURRENT AND DISCONTINUED LINES FROM SUCH PRESTIGIOUS MANUFACTURERS AS DREXEL. HERITAGE, HENREOON, BAKER, CENTURY, WOOOMARK, MARCE CARSON, SHERRILL, STA~TON COOPER . AIRELOOM. STIFFLE ANO MANY MORE CALL ONE OF OUR DESIGNERS TODAY.OR BETTER YET, STOP BY ANO SEE FOR YOURSELF WHY WE ARE MAKING THIS OUR GREATEST SALE EVER. The Store of Famous Names CONVENIENT l'INANCING. PROFESSIONAL INTE R10R DESIGN WITHOUT OBLtGA ftON ANO COMPORTABLF PARKING Tuesdav WetJ1let0av fhur\tlay end Sc11urd11v 9 JO w S 30 Mot'lf111v 17 to 9 M•d.tv 9 30 10 9 .. 10, NO .. 19, 4 SECT~ONS, 4' PAGES 'WFRI! HEROIN ADDICTS AND WE NEED MONEY• 1 . Meu Pot1ce S..k Robbers Who Look LJke Thia 1 'lleroitt Addlets' · I ~ I Two Men Roh l ORANGE ~OUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19; 19n i Riley Testifies . ··Jury CoJttiniies Diedrich Pro"be · 117 Gt\RY GRANVllJ.E · Ol .. o.ltt ..... ft . Orange County Sup~rvisor Thomas Riley appeared before the county Grand Jury d it eon- tlnued It. probe Tuesday 1nto the campaign fund raisinl acliv~ ol Superrilor Ralph Diedrich. BileJ refused today to dis~ ·any details of bis testimony before the jury but admitted be bad responded to the jury•s sub- pe>ena and bad testified. The Newport Beach supervisor's testimony in an'in- ;veatigalion 1>f another county supervisor is believed to be the first time on~ S!IP~rvisor has been called to teslify Jn the in-vestigation of another. A Riley aide, Kirk Evans. also put In an appearance before the Jury as did two alcJes to Supervisor Ralph Clark; Steve .Malone and Greg Sanders: Brown. Another opening day witness wu RUe~ aide Scott Ferguson. tn an interview before the in-veaUgaUon opeved, Riley ad- mitted that .. .so111e time in late October or early November Diedrich had come to his office "mad as bell at Airwest." \ RUey said Diedrich toJd' him he would back hlm in an effort to 1tymie an Airwest bid to provide ·linking air service from Orange County Airport through Sall Lake City andontoDenver. The Newport Beach supervisor then asked County Counsel Adrian KuYPer if the Board or Supervisors could block the airline's move. Price.· Up 1-nCounty 1'1'*"""' el .... Prw Rlltq llvblC eceta t.ook another befty bite out of Southern C1Ufornlan•' pocketboob lut month, but the aaul rate 'ol lo- crease remalDS well below lt75and1176. The U.S. Bureau olLabor statisUCI Aid tcUy that prlcarosebyO.•peranUA IM ADI• ucl 0ranae coWllia duriftl December. brtn1in• the total mere ... tortbeyearto5.6perceat. In ma. prices iwe by 9,1 ))erceot.. and in ms by 11.9 percent. aceo~ to .nm Wurth, bead of the Bureau of LaJ>or Statiatic•, SoutbemCallfomlaoUlce. "--------------------'". ·Mesa Woman And, .sources close to the D'iedrich probe reported. representatives of two major de- velopers, like Riley, made UD· seen entrances into the Grand In response to Riley's written Nov. 11 inquiry, Kuyper Dec. l said it is "extremely doubtful,. that the Civil Aeronautics Board would grant· a full hearing on Airwest's request. o.uy r••ui.tt,.... • Kuyper's memo pointed out TEST1F1ES IN PROBE that the airline was not request· Jn·flation ~ Rate Hits· Low Point By STEVE MITCHELL home she owns on Center Street. Supervl.ar Riiey int additional flights from Orange County Airport but mere- ly link extension to exisUnc night... Ol Ille Dall, f'l• IUtt k An 82-year-Old woman and her aunt niece were held at gun-point in their Cosla Mesa home by two men who ra1tsacked several rooms before ~caplng with $600 in cash and a ruby ring :Monday night. Police said Mrs. Ruth Swope, of 184.2 Park Ave., waited until Tuesday mornlng to report the J'obbery to police after being warned by the gunmen that her niece would be harmed if she c:alled foe help. Officers reconstructed the crime this way: The two men knocked on the front dOOC' to Mrs. Swope's botne at about 9 p.m. Monday. and wbm she opened the door. th8f aakedU~ycwldwretbe~ Police today said they are look· ing for lwo white males, both in their early twenties. One is• described as six feet tall, with sandy brown hair, brown eyes and weighing between 1SO and 170 pounds. · The second gunman is described as about six feet five inches tall, with dark brown hair , a mustache, and weighint between 180 and 200 pounds. NB Doctor Succumbs in· Sauna Bath bTIM p•leldU-.Md..._aa ccident. ad When Kn. swooe•a ece ~mpted to band Uae IC~~~~.4oor.~to~m~. Lon141me HunUniton Beach -....-1 .... ~lropractor ~ Ammoncl Ford I addilhPlc a · and a .SI Robwon •d found dead in a I caliber rnolver. sauna bath at his clink Tuesday! I "We're heroin addJcta and we His body had apparenUy been in need money," Mn. Swope •aid the sauna nearly 24 hours. ttbe pair shouted. "We know you The victim, who died on his )lave U.'• 57th birthday, was apparenUy I One ot the gunmen took the stricken with a heart attack ltelepbon• from the 12·year-old while using the heat and steam tirl and yanked the cord out or facility a1 bis office at 212Ya Main Che wall before marching Mrs. St. He bad practiced in downtown Swope and the niece into a lluntiqton Beach for 18 years. bedroom where the suspect wlth A naUve Californian, Dr. Ute rifle'atood watch over them. Robinson lived with bis wife, Meanwhile, the ~r iwunan Edith, who survives him, at 3400 Jearcbed the hoos~. findlnc tbe Peachtree Lane. Newport Beach. ~ash and the rinl, whicb Mn. Jnvesti1ators said Mrs . ;wopesa¥1laworth$100. • Roblns on finally became fu Mrs.' SWope bu beeo 1n the alarmed on Tuesday morning meUght recently in connection wbeo her husband did 1'ot come "°ltb her lliht to keep the Cltyot home and s9'e coµld cet no ,COila M .. from purchuinc a answer Wben telepbontng his of· r ~~ :FmalMesa , 'FIDlds Given The Jut of Costa Mesa •s fedtralrevenuesharin1fundaJor 19'71 were 'li•en to the Orange Coast Cotlqe Day Care Cent.er by Uae city council this Wfflc. n.e $6, m lilt will (0 toward nDOTaUon of a lltcbeo at Ute center. ~ ~ the. Oruge Coast Cou.Je campu;, In order to make the tenter eligible for the state'• bot lunch procram. CouacilWIDllW\ Norma HeiUoe •a'Jd tbe ftmdl wtll be uaed to in· etall a dilbw&lber, auinleu steel a.tnb and aeneraJ renovauon of &be exiltiq ldtcben. Co ast w .,a t lae r a Co111lderable blah elou41Dell ~ Tbun· .day. HJ.pl la 1Ua. l.ft14' &osz. 11U188Te•A.Y T1'frtr-ow Nridntt Of OrM&f• ~ eoam~• ...... ~~­... ,.,ou .. 110.t c:"'"'°"'' . .,,,~,Al. "It WM his tommon practice to stay and work all night at the of· flee.'' Huntington Beach police Detective Bert Chadwick ex· plained today, of the reason for the victim's wife not to ii!' vest11ate bis absence sooner. He said br. Robinson often caught up on paper work re- quired for his practice and then naPl*f at J.be office ratber than d.riTe to N~ Beach. A memorial service will be held for Dr. Robimon at a date yet to besdectecL Soperv.is~rs 'Fix Airport Taxi Rates Rates for taxicabs d.at pick up passengen at Orange Coun- ty Airport wer~ set by county suPervlsors Tuesday. The board has invited taxi firm• to bid on an exclusive three-year franchise at the airport. But the firms mUJt airee to cbua• no more than 90 cents f« the ant ooe-fourt.h mUe ot t.rnel plU11 20 cents for tacb ad· cUtloDal quarter mile. Tber also may cb1t1e DO more than St per llou.r for customer-requested. wattJas dme . Courity otftctala aalcl the 1'atee are.based on thole bl clUe. aur- Jury room. legations that heavy.handed tac~ Testimony in the Di.edrich tics were used to solicit' cam. probe got under way two wee.ks paign funds for Diedrich favored aio. candidates, including County Initially, the probe centered on Supervisor Philip Anthony, and Hughes Airwest apd reported al-Assemblyman Derinis Mangers legations that tile airline bad · (D-Huntington Beach). , been cajoled to give campaign Called to testify when the contributions to politicians sup-Diedrich probe got under way ported by Diedrich. were Hughes pubUc relations Slnce then, the "investigation • director Michael Murphy and reportedly has grown to cover al· Hughes lobbyist Donald K . Bike ·Drive Kids Ride for Cancer Fiuuk • Nearly 100 students from 'Rea Middle School in Costa Mesa will be riding their bicycles to raise money for the AJDerican Cancer Society Sa~y and some of them still need sponaon. The cancer bike-a-tbon will cover a seven-mile course, and students are collecting pledges from Costa Mesa merchants and residents who want to con- tribute any amount of money for each mile com-pleted. · The student c~ncil. led by President Theda Milton, decided to ~lp the Cancer Society because two Rea School instructors have died of the disease in the past two years, according to Rea counseloT John Chance. Those wishing to participate by contributing a mileage pledge, can call the school at 550·3437. Daughter Injured Jolt From Antenna Kills HB Bar Owner By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Olthe Oally PllM Slaff A Huntington Beach tavern owner was killed and his 12-year- old daughter seriously burned Tuesday when their CB radio an- tenna struck a 12,000·volt power line H they maneuvered il around on their garaie roof. Robert Jarrell, 39, or &522 Limerick Drive. and Tammy Jarrell, 12, were apparently knocked from the roof to tbe lawn below by the powerful jolt from Southen CalifornJa Edison Com- pany wires. Jarrell was pronounced dead· at Huntington Intercommunity Hospital about one hour after ar· rival following the mid-morning tragedy at. their home in north Huntington Beach. He suffered musive electrical BOAT S41UD ON FIRSi' DAY uwe aol4 the boat the flnt 1l1abt the_, ran in the paper. We cot a lot CJI Calli and &re VflfY bappY we adnrtlled ln the Daily J>tlot." . • That'• the 1ales aucceu ex· Ptrieneed bJ th• Newport Stach woman Tbo placed thll cluslfied ad: burns, according to Fire Depart- ment Capt. John Backen. Jarrell 's daughter was II sled in stable condition today al the UC Irvine Medical Center Burn Unit. but it will be several days before the extent of her burns and danger to her lire is r eally known. "She bas numerous entrli ce and ult electrical burns," Cap. Backeo explained. "With elec· trical shock, you doth know what internal dam•1e was done for awhile.'' He said the youngster was awake and alert, bowever, when police and firemen arrived on the scene to find her rather beyond help. Athletic shoes such as tboee used for track or Jogging pro- bably saved tbe Jarrell girl's Ufe, Capt. Backen suggeated. "They have thick rubber l<'>les and tbe1 insulate pretty well,'' he Hid. "Instead bf 8toW'ldini her, they caused the .-:urrent to blow •out the IJ'ide of Mr' bit toe.'' A neighbor, Richard Du~1 called police after betn1 alertea by Mrs. Jarrell, wbo wu bomt at tbe time and reporte&J, bee 1'1•teriut. rouadlnf tbe lirPott. S•bot Schock .ooo nrles, Tbt fr~ will bt al"d to · raclns rlu•d, new An ldenUcal aceldept la Ah1ele. last weekend 411tcttocut· eel two teena1ed CB radJo en· thuaia1t1 and crltlcal\y burned a third belplnl them erect an an· t.nna~ protnptlnl renewed warn· ~· b,r power company otnclal1. tile fir• tbat otten U.e county I Ulman ull. $250. n•· • Ua• hltM•t Income per tut ·uu p191en1~r with a live·cent It you have a boat to sell, call / .vu..mN IDlbt~um. $U·Ml'I. An txlltlnf fnnchiH with the It only lakH a few words tn • WUlllNG1VN (AP) -nil Yellow C1b Co. of Colla Mesa lb• rlpt place to 1Ur1ct a leU .. ~rJ C-•IUM *- ud.. Newport Beach Js expr1n1, btlyer. Aloal the oraoi• Cou4 af h r•••• •'•re••• t ll• offlclala 111d. Tbat contract tbe rllbt place ls ln the Dally o•,Tf~:ur,1r 1:-'::'!a::= t:r .:m..:..::.~~-~--.Pilot--·----....-.-. ----ti ....... ~J a._~ illt&o 2. Diedrich early this week ad- mitted be was irritated by Airwest's application to the ex- tension because the company had "failed to consider the coun· ty's position. . "Yes, you bet I gave Don Brown hell and told him I wouldn't be too interested in <See BILEY, Page AZ) Survivors Of Overdue Boat Sbnglti By~~SY Coast Gutrd se,.rch ud rescue team1 searched the waters H miles southwest of Dana Point today for possJbJe survivors or a 33-foot cabin cruiser reported overdue oat or its West Basin berth al Dana Harbor. The boat bas been identified as the Robbie I, owned by Alex· ander Masters, SS, of Fullertojl. Mastera has been reported ~ ing by his family. · Debris recovered ht the search has been positively identified as belonging to Robbie' I, but Sgt. Rtcbard Olson of th~ Orange County Harbor Department said there was no indication that the vessel bad exploded or burned. WASHINGT ON (AP f-. Coniumer prices ?OH. moderate four-tenths of a p ercent in December, bringing tbe over.al rise ln prices in 1976 to l.8 percent. the .smallest inflation rate in four years, the aovernment repmtecl today. The annual increase bettered the Ford admini.atration's goal ol reducinc lnflaUon to a five or aUI percent rate for Ute year an4 marked the beat reco.rd aioco elaborate 1overnment 1'••eo :Price controllheJd theriaelncon- sumer prices to 3,, percent iD l9'12. • . Jn lt'i'l1, Prices l'Ole 8.8perceat. follpWed bf a 12.2 peJCent ra • 1'71 itDi a lfteupercenUoUetJca rat&ln1975. - Altbouth the rate 411 illlO.dil oOo4ed JM& 1ear, .. anual S... eteaN •• sU¥ ••than whd' American• bad beeome a~ cuatomed to~ most ol. Ute post-World War ll period when price• increased an average ot two to three percent a year. A decline of nine-tenths of a pet'> cent ift grocery prices Jut year. the first December-to-December drop since 1861, helped slow,tbe inflation .rate. tbe Labor Depart-• mentsaid. In annoanclric' the ~· figures, the department allo re- ported that the purchasing power . of the average work,,.-' spay.:~» increased for the third moqtli ia r row. rising two-tenths -of ~i'Cl- cent. · ~ . . • "This ls a most confusing f.ituatfon," said Sergeant Olson. 'We don't know at this time Uthe • ..1.UJI: ,,,_ n: *• owner was aboard or how many 1r1.• ".-.: D~llfJ passengers may have b~en aboard. However, Mrs. Masters ~ •1 'T' · . has reported her husband miss· Al,, · i llSfe• ing and his automobile hu been Joe at~ at the marina." Olson said debris found within a two.square miJe area included a hatch cover. seat cushions, a styrofoam ice chest, emergency gas cans, a section ol carpeting, a suitcase and a child's ure jacket. "The 'only sign of fire was a small bum on the life jacket," ·Olson said. First report of the mblsfng boat was made by radio from another vessel beading for Catalina Island at 4:45 p.m. Tuetday. The report to the Coaat Guard said merely that debris was floating In the area. Selections by Beethoven. Mozart, Count Basie and ~ and Cher will be featured Friday nJgbt when the Costa Mesa Hilb School ·Concert Band presents a .. Winter Schol an hip Concert." Prc>ceeds from the event W1ll go into a scbolanhJp fund to sup- port training and lessons for tJie achool's band pro1ram. . The concert beeJns at 7:30p.m. in the Coela Mesa l{lgh Lyceum. Adml11lon is $1 tor adUltl, 6'I ·cent• for etudenta and free {Ol" preacboofers. Elementary w . middle school bJnd membera a l10 will be admitted free. Tickets are avalJable onJy at the door. •. Not You Folks \ It's 'CoU1U1el,' Not 'Council' Jt 11 oae ol. .... Word. Ualt Is spelltd a coupa. of np and mea.n1 more than one thin1. Wbell aft attonaa used lt Monday n1&ht, the Colla Mesa Clty COUncilrUaed tta ~Uec­ Uve eyebrows. Ill ''TBE 8'nJPDMT of Uall COUDMJ, .. befaJl ~ Sherwin c. !:de.1ber1, who ii def endlnJ a Loe Anf•l• maaaeute attem~ to 1et a permit to opente In Costa • Mesa. Fin council beads quickly tumed to the ...,.._.., P041um where Edel berg was attemptini to feta delay la the bualnen~itbearinJ. , "EXCVSE MB 0 interjected City Attornt1 JtaJ 1-. • f with a arrille, "but11 belivev• tbe atUimey it referrlnt to : bimsetl • COUDMI. Dol the clty councll Itself." "I'm......,.. tbat'• correct.'• the red,faced eouuell&ld • &cWlwa said be wa~ to potnt out to :=ell that tbt counMl WM not re for the bearlq, tb the reference IO hlJDMll at at • "All. THAT'S • c\aallq piece~ footwor,:• JaqW Vic• M Q'CJI' Jack Hnunett. necoundl wtttt to~t.M~untll l'eb.1. I "' DAIL y PILOT c Wednnd!f. January 19. 19n l .Jurors Arguing A jury that wu heard late Tue.Clay ar&Woi Joudly ln tb• jury room resumed it.a dellbera- liona today In thf Oran1• Coun· ty Superior Court trial of two men accused or kidnap.int potato cblp heir John H. "laek .. Scudder of Newpon Beach. Judee Richard Beacom endec the fourth day of dellberaUow Tuesday nJcbt by aendint the panel home art.er determlnlne ihat no verdict had been re· ached. Two of the J\U'Ol'I who sened througbout the trial and· in the early deliberations have been excused because or illness. The7 have ~en replaced by two altttnale Jurors who ut Tdth the reguhr panel throughout the trtal. 1 Court offtctals noted that any ~rtber illness amoni tbe jurors m automatically mean the eclaraUon or a mtstrial and the orderinc oC a new trial for William Rudy Wesson, 45, of Tustin and Ricki Dale Sellers. 20, of Hermosa Beach. The two men are a<"cused of )<idnaping Scudder. 64, last Aug. 19 in Huntington Beach. It is al- leged that they intended lo bold the wealthy Balboa Island man until a S2SO,OOO ransom was paid. Both men and two other de- fense witnesses teatined that Scuddet helped to plan the kid· 11aping in return for the lion's share of the ransom money. &udder denied the alle1ation. ~slasher' Gets , iue Sente n ce For 9 Murde r s LOS ANGELES <AP > -Con· victed "Skid Row Slasher" Vaughn Orrin Greenwood was sentenced to life in prison today tor murdering nlne men. Superior Court Jud'ge Earl C. Broady urged parole authorities to give a "long and close look" at Greenwood's his tory before ever releasing him. He .sentenced the ~year-old tr.anslenl Crom Chica10 lo the lile a.ntence concurrently with a 32.year-to-life term already be· 1nl aerved foe auault. Broady uld he believed d'reenwood wu driven by a com· 1>'4l1lon lo kill. During the cour1e of the trial, t)\e court wa1 told how Greenwood's victtm1, mostly Skid Row transients like himself, had been attacked with a knife. their throats sliced from HJ' to ear in a ritualistic manner. Evidence ol the slasher drink· ihl some vkUma· blood waa In· troduced WASHINGTON I AP) -llereis a schedule ol lbe major tnau1ural c>vents (all times Pacific Stan- dard): TODAY 4 p.m. Prelnauiural 8al• al Uae Xennedy Center. attended by <l1rter and Mondale <wl11 be televlsedby~TV attp.m.). 'l'llUUDAY 5 a.m . Jnterdenomlnalloa1I l'rayer Service at Lincoln Jlemori&I. 5 : 30 a .m . tnauf uratloa c:eremony at l.MCapilo . 1 :30 a .m . lnau1uullon c:eremony at the Ca pl Lal. to: u a.m. lnaUC'U'&I par~. 6 p. m. lnau1ural balls. OAANOE~ DAILY PILOT ..... a: 0 ~ z _,,,,... __ $2 MILLION PROJECT APPROVED FOR MESA SITE ptana Include Restaurant, Bank, ComMerclal Shops ~sty for Viet · Deserters Nixed WASHINGTON IAP> ""-T Presi- . dent Ford ruled out blanket am. nesty for Vietnam military de- serters and draft evaders today but directed that wounded and decorated veterans wbo received other-than-honorable discharies have their status changed to honor able discharges. Fot'd late la.st month said be would look inlo the possibility oC a general amnesty for Vetnam war deserters and draft resisters after he was asked to by the wl.<4>w o{ Sen. Philip A. Hart CD- Mlch.). who had supported such amnesty. In a letter lo Mrs. Hart today, the President said he "decided to maintain my positjon on earned clemency and hope you will Wl· de rs land, "Within my clemt>ncy pro· gram. however, • have directed that the other-than-honorable discharges received by former service members who were wounded in combat or receiv(!d decorations for valor in combat in Vietnam each be reviewed and upgraded to discharges under honorable conditions unless there is a compellln& re33on lo the contrary in any case," Ford wrote. A White House spokesman said only deserters would be affected by Ford'e new directive and that at most 700 veterans would be eUgible. The White House released a copy of the two-page letter . lo Mrs. Hart after deputy White House counsel Edward Schmult.s telephoned Mrs. Hart and read the letter to ber. Schmwts said that Mrs. Hart thanked tum and said that ahe wanted to think about the letter beloi:e commentin« on it. The President al&o sent letters to the sec~e1 of Lhe three armed services and the com man· dant of the Coaat Guard askin1 them lo evaluate how many peo. pie would be eligible under his new program. Those who bave their other· than ·honorable discharge Toll Hike Nixed SACRAMENTO CAPI -Tolls should not be increaud on the San F'ranci&co Bay Bridge to sub- tldlH BART -al least not for a whUe -Le&islative Analyst A. Alan Poat said Tuesday. changed to honorable woold become eligible for veterans benefits. irtcluding medical care and GI education benefits. In 1974, Ford offered draft re· sisters, but not deserters, a form of limited amnesty by giving them the opportunity to "work their way back into society",; through public service. According to While House calculations, 106,472 draft re· sisters were eligible for the pro· gram but only 21,723 took advan- tage of 1l before it expired last year. Many of those eligible refused to accept Ford's offer because they felt they had acted morally by resisting what they believed to bt> an illegal war and therefore required no clemency. President-elect Carter has said that he will grant a pardon to Vietnam war draft evaders and will consider deserters on a case- by-case basi.s. Thug Changes Mind, Flees A would-be bandit. who ap- parently became frightened after demanding cash from a li- quor store clerk, ned the store late Tuesday night empty· handed. · Police said the clerk al Vaughn's Uquor, 1895 Monrovia Ave . described the suspect as a male Lalin, about live feet 10 in· ches tall and weighing 180 pounds. The clerk told police he saw no car leaving the parking lot following the 10:40 p.m . robbery attempt. Mesa Thief Gets Jewelry and Co ins Jewelry and coins valued by the victim at $2,160 were stolen from a Costu Ml'sa area home by a burglar who entered via the un· locked door, Orange County sheriff's officers said. Deputies said the theft was re- ported by homeowner Pearl M. Schulh, 56, of 2585 Willo Lane. The family wu out to dinner at the lime. Illness Tallied Hughe. Docu~nta Revealed HOU81'0N CAP> -Court docu· ment.s fl led today indicate the late billl~nalre Howard Hughes suf. fered from cancer. a peptic ulcer, kidney disease, badly decayed teelh andundemoorishment. jurisdic:-tion for matters involving lluehes· estate. and its details have not been released. Maldonado 's deposition described Hughes' teeth as Jn as "poor shape as any I have seen slnce l was in training 15 to 16 years •10." Teathnony in \he form of de· positions taken from doctors who perforrotd an autopa)' on Hushes Wtrt filed with Hantl County • Probate Judge Pat Gre1ory. Titus ldenUlled the dru1 that caused the kidney failure as pbena,cetin, an analeeslc Hughes w11 11ld lo have •tarted taJdnar att.r he wu injured ln a 1946 pJana cr11h. Tilus quoted Hu1het' petlOnal docton II II)'• inf lh•r 1ot tbelr patient to stop takln• tb•dru1ln19'72. -=.::;=- Ylle~-.e.= .......... ~··­le ... .., Dr. Jaclt Titut, pathologist at Baylor Colle'e ~ lhdiclne, laid he found a peptkr ulcer. a "tiny focus or cancer" in the prostate 11and, ~lMQe blocking the urtnary ~ uremtc poison· inf. Titu1 'd kidneys were 1hrunken an aliment that may hav caused b)' a drug Hucbu took ftom 19'6to1972. Dr. Oscar B. Maldonado. an oral 1ur11on at Methodist Rotpltal wber• th• autopsy was performed AP.ril 6, uld'th• teeth of the blll.ional~were so badly de· ca1.cttheym1.11th1vtbeen "very. vtrf painful." Huth• dJld Aprll 5 *hlle beln11 flown to~ ftom 'Acapulco, Mateo, tw JDedical \Netmcnt. A 1'rief l'epoft Nleued af\41r tht 1atop1y attributed dtatb to kkla•r flilun. lhtbodbt ffoapii.t offlclala 'JU. deU"'9d. the •\110pl'I report to Gre1or1. wbQ baa Tuu • The pathololfat said Hughe1 died at l :rr p.m. on April 5 u the plane brtnatn1 hlm to Houston passed over Brownsville. • He 1&Jd Hu1b•• 4-aa beint brou1ht to Houlton because the fh11bu Medical FoundaUoo bad "medlcaJ scholars" at Methodist Hotplt11. He aafd lh founaauon hu auch scholars at various medical lnatituttons over thie «!Ountry. He quoted tbtrn 1111yina he re-tuaed to ~M a dentist, refused lo aubmlt to rnedltal examlnaUona or~•wl.ndoRcnembarkcdoner· rattc dtet1n1 hablll. rotudn1 to drtn~ t1uld1 or Ht mucti of · anythtn1(orperlod.aoft1Jnt. Shops, Bank ~~'d . , Restaumnt Also Gets Nod in Jf~ ~ Retail a.hops, a bank a.nd a restaurant are planned for a 30,000 Square.foot lot Oft lhe aoutla side of the new Wett 11th street extenslon la Costa lleea follow- ing council approval ot the pJans W.week. Tb~ larte paRel. bordered by Newport .Boulev.,-d on \he east and Superior Avenue on the west. wSU contain 19,600 1quare feet oC retaU ab@s, a Barclay's Bank and a Deany'1 J\estauranl Wben eompleted Udl summet". ,2 Youths Held. In ~dnaping, Theft Spree LOS ANGELES (AP> r-Pollce arTeat.ed two youths today after a three· hour crime apr~ ~which a veteran Los Angeles radio sportscaster waa kidnaped, another man fared on and robbed and a home burglarized. K FWB radio oewsman Cleve Hermann was kidnaped early to- day and forced lo drive to bis . Sherman Oaks apartment. where he and his wife were robbed, of· licerssaid. In Beverly Hilla, Los Angeles Times distributor Leo Kempton, 56, was robbed of $100, then flred on. Neither Kempton nor anyone else involved in lbe spree waa in- jured, police said. The two you lbs, not immedJat~ ly identified by police. were ar- rested at 4:20 a.m., in a home on Mulholland Drive after a s ilent alarm was tripped. Officers gave their ages aa 18and19. Hermann was accosted outside a Hollywood bowling alley at 1: 30 a.m. and forced to drive l-0 his home. There the two youths took his money, his wile's ring and h.is car, officers said. Hermann reportedly fell into conversation with his abductors who, police said, told him their troubles andthen agreed to return the money, but kept tbe ring and car. A s hort time later they told Kempton lbey wanted to buy a newspaper, but he said he had no change. Officers said the)I robbed him of SlOO at gunpoint, then !ired a shot at him. Another vlctJm was confronted by the youths on Benedict Canyon Road, but no details were avajla ble. Developer and owner !:tic D. >Welt.on of Corona .llel ~-re-fflYed .,ctl appronl for • condftlocuil use permit ll~ n11ht. Tbe atimated $2 mlWon pro- ject received approval of lbe elty'• Downtown Redevelopment A&ency Jan. 5 and tbe Plannlnc Commiu.loa Dec. ?:1. Collllcll approval came after verillcaUGD that th. builder will eo1Qply With 2' caodl~ plaeed oa tH Jlll"OJect. • Co11ncil Action '!be Costa Mesa Clcy Cound.1 toot adScm llODl!q ... OD tbeseitems: fta£ STATION: AutbOrUed CilJ Jlanqer to,...,.,... an enviraomental lmpa(tMpc>rt and workina clnwi8p an a two-stDry fire staUon in the clty's downtown Super Bloet. llCl>AAPPU CATl0NtApproved$M7,000INdcet1eel· ing lecleraf runu to continue city's Housing and OommllD.lly Development program for a third year. DAY CARE CENTER: Approved gtft of $6,150 to the Orange ~ast College Day Care Center from city .. federal revenue~baring funds. APAltTMENT PROJECT: Awarded a conditional use permit to ~ad and Faubus Development Co .. Inc. to COD· struct 16 tpartment units at 372 Well Bay St. COMMERCIAL AREA: Approved a condttiooal Uff permit to Erle D. Welton lo construct 25,200 square feet or commercia~ shops, a Denny's restaurant and a Barclay's Bank at the southwest comer of W. 17th St. and Newport Boulevard. · DOWNEY SAVINGS: Allowed a variance from ,..... quired landscape a~ack f0r proposed Downe1 SaYtnp and Loan Aasoclelion headquarters buitdlng at the aoatbeast corner of Bristol Street and Anton .Boulevard. Fr .. Pa.,eAI filLEY TESTIFIES. • • anything he had to say Crom tpat per perspective.•• point out." Diedrich said. "Ralph <Diedrich) lalka bani Re Insisted that his tongue. and sometimes pretty lou~. lashing of Brown, which ended in That's just the way be ia and the county garage where sometimes he uses 4tron1er. Diedrich parks his car, was the words than he really means,•·. result of what he saw as Airwest's said Riley. highhandedness and had nolt\in& "I'd have to tell the jury th.at,. to do with poUtical campaigns, he added. · . • Malone and Sanders said last Riley also said t h at he week they had lunch with Brown sometimes talks freely and at an economic conference in · reflects on bis own thoughta ·au Anaheim the day Diedrich cut his staff meetings. 'loose on the Sacramento·based "My own comments probably Hughes lobbyist. could be mtainterpreted," the· But both said they knew NewportBeach1upervtsor1ald. nothing that mlgbt sbed light on When reminded that he had· the Diedricb·Brown v.e,rba.t said Diedrich was m ad as bell '-nd in a conversation late last when be came to '" him on the week. 'Riley said that sboul<l .he Airwes\ qiatter, IU,Jey aaid, •'Did be called to testify he would I aay that?~l ryesa I m\llt kve~ "have to pu~ things in their pro. But you know how Ralph1a." NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVEI0-60% DURING OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE WE ARE GOING ALL OUT TO MAKE lHIS OUR MOST IMPRESSIVE SALE EVENT ~VER. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE STORE . IN ALL DEPART· MENTS, ON CURRENT ANO DISCONTINUED LINES FROM suc'H PRESTIGIOUS MANUFACTURERS AS DREXEL. HERITAGE, HENREOON. BAKER. CENTURY, WOODMARK , MARGE CARSON . SHERRILL, STANTON COOPER, AIRELOOM, STIFFLE AND MANY MORE CALL ONE OF OUR DESIGNERS TODAY.OR BETTER VET, STOP BY ANO SEE FOR YOURSEJ.F WHY WE •ARE MAKING THIS OUR GREATEST SALE EVER .... •t The Store of Famous Names CON\ICNIENT FINANCING. PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIC,~ WITHOUT OBLIGATION AND C0MPORTA8Ll PARKING Tu tdtv, WedMKUV, Thutj(j<1y ll'ld S.uurdav · 9:30 10 50:W Mond1v: 12 to 9 Ftld•'o' 0:30 to 8. 'I •I t h t f ' t ls31 ~EcCA BnCKJAND Ot ... 0.lfyl'llM ..... 1 'l'lle AleutSao Jrey, OuJt OU Corporatiod's floating oil· ri.t. 9$ "Jllltes off the Orang~ Coa.st, ap-parently didn't ttrllte oU in the first ex.plotatory well the rig drilled. according to statemeni. J rom Gull oCficlals. Company officlall a.nnounced that work in the first bol'e bas been completed and the rJg is 'being movea t6 anolhet location .fo Tanner '8artb. the area in wblch Gull is drUllng. And. if this secon<t wildcat is ~lso dty. the probability ~s that iGulf will •stop drilling, at least flor a wbil~ according to n.L. :Strider, divifion production ;manager for the West Coast ;;Division o! Gulf Energy and tMinerals Company, U.S. { ··u you spend S8 million and ~on 'l find oil, you tend lo think r little bit before s pending ore," St.rider explained. Co01pany spokesmen would ptot release any information labout exactly what they did ~ind iri lMir, first wetr, but the location or the second hole iseven m.ilet1 away i s too far Jrom the first to be anything ,,ut a nother exploratory hole, p ccording lo Strider. ~ As he explains• it, the tracts pn which Gulf is drilling--are l o m p cu1 e d of. n..Ll11'1 ~ r o u s eological structures and the idth of the.structure in whlch lhe first well waa dug is approx- jmately 11ill miles. t According to Strider:. il Gulf had, stru~Jc. oil o( commercial value. the next step would have been to drill an evaluation well (outposll within the six mile width of the structure, not seven miles away as they are going. Whatever the outcome of the second well, the Aleutian Key will be moved to Alaska. The rig is designed for very deep waters and was only being test- ed in Ttnner Banks, according to Strider. The Coral Sea, a muc h smalle r rig that is already set up In Tanner Banks will be used for future drilling, )le said. Gulf beg~ drilling in Tanner Banks in November. according t o come_an y information re- leases. ~Y the time the drill· jog began. Gµlf bad already in- vested 171.4 million in this oil search, spokesmen said. * * * Coast Drilling uaseMove Advances SAN DIEGO (AP> -Despite local objections, the U.S. Depart· ment of Interior Is mo~ng ahead on potenUal leasing of 180 square miles of( the coast for possible qU and gas drilling. , The department's Bureau or Land Management Outer Con- tinental Shelf Office in Los An geles Tuesday ideoli/ied ~ tracts from six to 18 miles from shore as being In the l . 768-square· mile area~erconsiderat.ion. .. , wi ll °"~•t.,i ~nt me- poss1ble "'e leastai of tr•d.f oil our c•oast." s aid Roger Hedgecock. a county supervisor ·'I "Ill fight Ulat decision ~t every Jevel of govemmenl " Bil) Gr~. who announced the dedston fot' rhe lnterfor Depart- ment. said his action merely calls lor an environmental impact stud~ to be made on lh e areas un- der consideration. He s aid the study wOtlld not be com pleted un- tll Decerribtr and the scheduleJor possible lehes·would not be set until fl! arch of 1978. "Nothing is binding on this," said Grant. adding that the new Carter Administration may take a different view from the Ford ad- m lnistraUono( of'rshore leasing: "The n5' secretary of Interior <!Ould deleq any and all of these tracts." Grot said. Hedgecodt, ~ayor Pete Wilson and other olftci4'6 in San Diego -oppose loses anywhere n•ar shore. Tbey ho-pe the Carter ad· Jt>iniatratlon wnr1a1 close atten- tfort-to l~al an state "°"'m· menu onUiequestloo. .. . . ... ,." ..... , ' O.lly ~ ... 'Qlf ..,.... AUCTIONEER HARRY BRENT DfSPLA VS BROWN DIAMOND Sold: $500,000 to Unidentified New York Buyer Diamond Deal New ·Yorker Buys Earth Star By IULARYKAYE °'""' O.ily l'llol Sl•tl It was not your typical half. price sale, but it turnec;t out to be some kind of a bargain for a New York industrialist who cast the highest b id al Tuesday's diamond auction in Santa Ana. The unidentified New Yorker. who phoned in his bid from the east, picked up t he dazzling Earth Star diamond for j ust SS00.000. That may seem Jike quite a chunk of money. But the 111 carat. coffee-colored gem has been appraised al up to Sl.2 million. It's the largest brown diamond in the world. The bidding a l E mpi re Galleries began al $200.000, be&an to faller at $450,000 ~nd finally shut down after the half- miJliort dollar bid. Gallery officials refused to r e- veal the high bidder's identity. saying only that he is "wealthy. from New York and a n in- dustrialist.·' They saJd they would disclose his identit.v probably late todav, after the deal has been closed and insurance papers taken out. :• "You have to understand that buyers Cf big diamonds such as the Earth Star have lo worry about all kinds of things threats, kidnaping plots. theft," eommented Carl Marcus, a vice president at the gallery. When the Transvaal Diamond was sold by the same gallery for $430,000, tbe new owner had numeroua threats oo bil life and he's since detfded to resell the gem . More thaa 150 people filled the ~m at the auction on Main Street. but there were only about a half-dozen ''qualffied " diamond dealers able to bid on the Earth Star. The others, seated on folding chairs. bid on other items offered for sale, including more jewels. antique furniture and knick knacks. They were a casually dressed crowd, but several women car- ried fur coats despite the warm evening. And the luxury cars in the park\ng lot were a sign that man7 in the crowd wt.'re there to buy Some. though. came only to waVch the quick Earth Star bid· ding. The room began to buzz wheo auctioneer Harry Brent picked up the closely guarded Efem . In a matter of a few minutes. the bids jumped a1><>ut 10 limes, Brent declared the diamond sold at $500,000 and then he moved on· to the next items. One of the bidders who lost out was Robert Elz. of Elz Fargo and Company, in Santa Ana. He cast the $450,000 bid but refused to up . the ante any hlgher. "If it's not a good buy, you just s bouldn 't monkey with it," said the heavyset, silver-haired de-aler Eli explained he had planned to resell the Earth Star if he had the highest bid and said it woulc! have been tough to "unload" if he paid much more than $450,000. ··something that big is hard to sen, particularJy if they know what I paid for it ... Elz com- mented When asked if he was sorry he'd lost out to the New Yorker. Elz shrugged bls sholJlders and said. "Naw. now I'm $450,000 to the better." .Nixon Law Office Restoration Seen LA HABRA CAP) -Former Pnaldent Richard Nixon's old law office bas been purchased by three Nixon supporters who plan to restore It for visitors. Meanwhile, the state baa still not heard from Nixon, who ~ves in San Clemente, on whether lo make his old office a state his torical landmark. Don Bendetti. a Paramount de· veloper who ia an alumnus of Nixon's undergraduate school. Whittier College, said be met Nixon several months ago af- ter he and his friends bought the office. "l weot. to see him about this. Preservation Inc., a La' Habra Group, paid for it in 1972. From 1939 to 1942 Nixon prac· ticed law in the unobtrus\ve stuc- co structure on Lii Habr4's main street. In 1973 and 1974 the pre- servation group tried lo get the state to make the office a landmark. But in March 1974 the State Historical Landmarks Commit· tee ·delayed a vote until they heard a response from Nixon on how central be felt the omce was to his c•reer. ·'The decision is absolutely v.-rong," Hedgecock said to Grant's announcement. "Oil !'!ollla off of oor coast would have cSevastatiDg ertecta on our c:oaatllne and ourtourt1~." Several oil companies already are involved wttb teat drilllna In the Tanner Banks about lOOmlJea west or San Diego,. Shell OU h., a rig on site and Euca and Texaco bave applied foe permlsslon to drWext>~aqlQweU... . He's encouraged about the thing loo. We just discussed bow w~0 wanted. to restore the building,'' said Bendetti, •ho WH gradual· ed from WhJWer In 1952 -l8 years alterNixQ!l'a graduation. .. We Feel • peat many aooct thin11 the former !>resident did should be recogntled. We want to restore the bulldl n.s to tbe ofiCinal tonn lt wu ln when Mr. Ntxon practiced Jaw tberi§. •• In August 1974 Nixon stepped down from the presidency follow· ina the Waterg11te scandal, and ·that scandal dried up funds for the preservation group's restora· lion ifort, said George · Roches , the group's president. .R" r said his group sold the bu ding because it could no Joneer make payrfte.nta on the mortg*!· lte adctea that he hopes on 1ets hit old desk back fro the Whlte Rouse to add to the olllc,. Gull 00 Mid Tuesday it h .. ~ompletll a "l1Stoot d.Mp i.t bo1e in the Tannet Bank.a arid bu c:apptd tbe well wttb • conerete plu1. GulldteUaedtocolDJll.IDlo.a the drtllln1 results. l>ut ~ano­ fJ'IPhert from ScriPPt lnatkutfon ot Oceography said they heard the ~en proved out. · ln an tntenitt \his week. ~en· dettl .. td be and ttJJow o•ners, J'olul B-.rr and Katheyn Durican, hope to have the office open ~ U!e pubUc, at no cbar1e. wlthln 1 few· month1. Belldetti said thoy boucbt the office buUdlnt last year for $25,000, the 11mo price the ~· protit Nixon Law Office Bulldlna :'Tfle ~ourta are holding up hi.I paters •nd everything. Hell. thue d•mntd courts run the eountry now;•sald Rochester. Dr. Knox Mellon, eueuUY.e secretary ol the State Historical Reaoureu Commt11lon' which took over the committee's work, termed the landmatk matter "a dead 11,ue•· unUl the commlasion heart from Nixon. Computer It Voti~g Favored Students tt'Om a Golden Weal Collete political science class believe Orange County supervisors s hould buy an automated voting system for use at election Ume. Vicki Henderson ot Hunt· inl(ton Beach. SPOkeaman tor the group of ·12 1t11dents, aaid she and her classmates have been studying such systems as a class project since November. And lbe group b elieves a punch-card sy1tem tallied by computer would be more effi· cient than the large paper ballots used now wh.icb also are fed through computers but take longer to tally. Mlsa Henderson and the other students hoped to present their arguments to supervisors Tues· day. They also wanted to tum over petitions they said carried more than l,000 names calling for a new vote tally system. • "But we had two red lights too many.'' Miss Hendersaon said, adding the problem was compounded by a search for a parking space in the county civic center. ~teboardiJ19 Hazard As a result, the students filed into the supervisors' bearing room in Santa Ana just aft.er the meeting adjourned and mo- ments late for their 10: 30 scheduled appearance. Catherine· F'razer. 14, ran into a ha~ard while s~ateboar~:· ing in Newport Beach. The hazard ts her dQg, 'Shadow. ,,. who was shadowing her down the sidewalk. • -------· ------ '· Miss Henderson said the g roup may try to schedule another appearance or submit their findings in wriUng. Supervisors in 1975 studied a possi ble switch in votin g systems. They reviewed six pro- po$als costing from $1.5 to $9.2 Celebrities Ready For Ca;rter ·Blast ti". • million before deciding to retain the existing system . Tom Egan, assistant director of the county General Services Agency, said supervisors will be asked within a few weeks if they want to recons ider s witching systems before the l978 elections. He explained a new study would need to begin soon in or- der to make a switch in time for the next general election. While I.he c urrent system worked well during the June primary and November elec- tions, Egan said, it takes longer to tally final v,otes and bas been criticiaed by some. Supervisorp would bav• }o weigh the lOftger tallyint Ume against the cost of installing a new system. he said, ' Seven Jailed On Welfare Fraud Counts Seven people accused or welfare cheating that cost Orange County's welfare department more than $6,500 have been jailed this week as district attorney's in· vestigators continued lo round up offend.ers. Investigators sald the seven lodged jn the county jail defrauded the tount.y of sums ranging from $1,946 to $349. More than 50 alleged welfare cheats have been jailed siqce District Attorney Cecil Hicks or- dered the crack-down last Nov- ember. It is estimated that the activities have cost the county at least SS0,000. The seven people jailed this week come from Santa Ana. Garden Grove and Anaheim". WASHINGTON <AP> American entertainers. from John Wayne to Muhammad Ali, take to the stage tonight for the celebrity-studded inaugural eve gaf a honoring President-elect Carter. <Related map Page B5. > The Kennedy Center ex- travaganza. to be televised at 9 p.m. on Channel 2, will have no trouble luring the '2,000 VIPS who received Invitations. 'carter. Vice President-elect Waller Mon · dale, their families and Carter's Cabinet nominees will be in the audience. But Tuesday night's first ma- jor free events of inaugural week were s parsely attended, prin- cipally because of the bone- chilllng cold wb'ich has the na- tlon 's capital in thrall. Fewer than 1,000 peopl e g;lQ\ered1,oo J,t\e Mal,. o~ar ~e Waatiington Monument il\1 15- degree temperatures to watch a spectacular half-hour di.spJay produced b y four ton1 •of fireworks. Among the few who 'fOuld have had a fine view from their homes was the Ford Cami· ly, in the Whi~e House. It was r,iot known if the F'ords watched. There were plenty of empty seats at a free concert given jointly ~Y the National Sym- phony and the Atlanta Symphony at the Kennedv Center. and a folk dance concert at ·the cavernous National Visitor Center drew less than half the 8,000 people ex- pected. The power elite, meanwhile. ·crowded into a hotel ballroom for a laviAh cocktail party hosted by Playboy magazine. Carter's controversial Playboy interview appeared to be only a memory to the Preside.nt-elect's entourage. Many of his top cam- paign staffers were at the party. Carter pollster Patrick Caddell .-as accompanied by Christy Hefner, daughter of Playboy pubUsher Hugh Hefner. Carter and his family· were sc h 'l.!Juled to a r rive ia' Washington a few hours before tonight's Kennedy Center &ala.. 'the stars, besides .w ayne ana Ali,,· include Paul Newmf.n and.• Joanne Woodward, Beverly Sills, Leonard Bernstein, Chev)' Cbasl and.Eloon'JoM, ~ Drug Slaying lnforinanl l;ets 2 yean The man whose arrest and sub-- se.qu-ent confession Jed to UC& conviction or 11 men Involved In the murders of a Sunset 8 eaclt couple on Nov. 8; 19'75, was s-en· t't?nCed T\lesday to· two years in, Orange Cotinty Jail. Superior CourtJudge JamesH. Walsworth ordered the jail teqn for Alan Daryl Irving, 29, LonJ. Beilch, ~a key proseculi<qi witness in the trials o! two m~n who ~ere sentenced to life in prison. Irving was· aJlowed to plead guilty to two counts of se.con~ degree murder in return for Ul!P,~· testimony. He admitted being ili~ . volved in the killings or Ronald Cauwels, 27, and Janel Mae Metz, ~. . -~ The couple Y,.as allot to deat.b:fa their home at 1&861 Bayview Drive. Sunset Beach, by a ganc who staged a revenge .raid· altig Cauwels took drugs at gunpoidf from t WOJnemberS of a drug deaJ. ing organizatipn. • •~ Ten co-defendants have been . found 9r have pleaded gu,ilty to rf1urder charges. Three of the 11 have been sentenced to life iri prison. , .. The final defendant. Michael Anthony Petrone, 33, of 3011 Royce Lane, Costa Mesa, will ~ sentenced Jan. 27. He bas pleadAcf, guilty to $ecood degree murd~r" .. AT LAST! DIVERS WATCHES. Gem. ,a. Talk. THE PEARL NoJ11r~'1. accldertt The pearl, that most preeioua of all oraanic eem1, ls an accidental pro-• ~ud of the lowly oyster. When a &rain of aand, or other foreJgn object, in· vades hla abell, the oyst.er'a natural boely function encases the obJ«t in a · layet of nacre. Other lay.-are added durtnc the life()[ the oyster, enlargtne · -the.pearl Tropical an pearl oyat.eta produee the whitest, tno.t lu.strous ttarls. A. few more odd facta about Wa pre. cfouscem : 1 -MON than •.ooo years qo, MEN ado.med themtelves with peatla. -Tbe flnt pearl found lo 4.merica was in 185'7, when a a~aker ln Noteh Btoak. N. J, bit Into a DUl&Ml In hit stew and f elntully dlacov.-.d a pearl ol aim• 100 carats. • • -A famous purl mettflint. who lived fo be 98. atlributed tu. Malth and ion, Ute to th4f. fact that he llad swallow«l 2 pearls c1ally alnce the age ol2C>. Don't you try It! FQR HIM AND HER. FROM SEIKO Ne.. Zl'25J-$lH.OO. 17J, Mlf-wlndlrw. ln,J•nt d•t• Httlna c1lend ... el11>1111d tlml~ be-iet, lock·~ crown. •l•lnl••• •tffl, Min&• dl•l, 1fAAOLEl( mlknlst c~tll. P•-•• wrMd Mnip. Np. 55029-1115,00. 17J, ••lf·wlndl11 .. lnatant d•t• Httlnc calend ... elapaed !lmt111 beret, locl!·t)lpe cr-n. •tllnlns •l••I. l>ltck dlel. HARDI.EX ,..,.,., •• 1u cl)'at11. P••nure vertJtd 1traJ11o 1823 NEV.JeOAT Bl VO , COSTA ¥ESA CONVENIENT Te.AMS lO YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION . ... W!dn!!dtx, January 19. 1977 Victory svaaENDE&: lllddle Son 1ot. in bis nm traffic accident back in November. Ats a result, he faced the sure band of juatice. The police slapped a ticket on him, two counts. "I've been bad," be com-· plalned loudly after lbe citation arrived 1101Dewbal late (it came by U.S. mail). "I'm IOinl lo flcht Wa lbing," be announced. Briefly, what happened was Kiddle Son WU cruilm, down the street, made a left lurn lo park, and got. rear-ended by a lady who screeched ber Ures some 35 feet, s pun out her car, and slammed lnlo his little truck broadside on the wrong side of lhestreet. That's bis version, anyway. THE POUCE VERSION was that he'd made an illegal turn in •a residential district without signaling. After the citation arrived, we went down to the police station where the nice lady sold us a copy of Middle Son's accident re- port for $2.~. When that young man got a look at the official report, his hair really did stand on end. He bas plenty of it to stand, too. ·'This thing's all wrong," he exploded. "It didn't happen this way at all. l 'm going before the judge." Now, as a long-time veteran ftgbler of traffic tickets, I bad some sound, fatherly advice for Middle Son. "Why don't you Just cop out," J suggested. "Plead for mercy. Pay the fine. Or go to traffic school Uke your daddy did. "I'm in the right," he insisted. "I want justice." "What you're going lo get is the fine plus court costs," I answered. "You h aven 't the chance of a Fullerton flaUander in the San Onofre surf break." DOGGEDLY, HOWEVER, Middle Son ignored me and pre- pared to do batUe against the sinister forces tbat were attempt· Ing to wrest 40 bucks from bis waif et. Thus he put up the $40 bail. Photographs were taken ot the crash scene. A map of t.he area was prepared. The allegedly rawty and frivolous police report was studied with "miAtalces" un- derlined in red ink. Middle Son was Ready. Subzero Hits East Main to Florida in Deep Freeze BJ'fttAl9edatiedrr... Shady Sprtn1. ProaperUy, 1tnce the weat.ber bureau beaan Subaero temperaturH and Bradley and Maple Fork ln teeplqrecordllntbelatei.GI. natW'aJfAlaborta&ealnlbe Eat, RaJelgbCoooty,andBeecbRunln "lt'a llke the world la encl.IJla." Midwest and South for~ed hun adjolnin1SummeraCounty. jokechbowewttelnDavle,abObt dreda of thouaaod1 of 1cbool It wutbesecond time in three five mHes wHt of Fort cblldren and work.en to 1t.ay days that presaure was lost in Lauderdale Wben there w .... home t.oct.y. Buaineuea were Cabot eu lines. Resldeota in the Ua_hta~n~ closed ID many areu, and of· Fayetteville area were affected Soutb Florida ·nc11o atatioaa ficlala In MYeral atates p1"ed.lcted earlier in 16 to 18 below zero were P=-1 IO'Dll aucb 11 tena of &boutancb more layoffs. weather. •• J ta1te "and "I.At It Snow." Heaters went out in 1,800 The Cabot spokesman said Temper.--dropped u &a., southern West Vlrllnia homes heavy demand for gas further up u 10 de,.... ID parts of nortberD early today . when _ _pressure in the line caused the drop in pre-Plorlda and tbe 30il ln tbt aoutb. natural pa lines fell to zero and ssure. .)(laml hlld a reeord low of 19 and rescue operatiooa were begun in He said gas was turned off lo Wett Palm Beach reported a re- a~ancherc>dqreeweather. Shady Spring and Beech Run so cordlowofM.' We are evacuating people tb4t pressure could be mai.o- already," aaid a spokesman for talned for Summers County the Raleigh County aberifrs of-Hospital in Hint.on. and gaa to all flee at Beckley. "Our deputies are businesses in Oak Hill was turned o.at helping lo evacuate people lo off lo rebuild gas pressure. Buai- boapitals andscboola." m~sses in other area towns were He said the temperature was uked not to open today, and resi- one below uro and lightsnow was dents were asked to turn falling. "The roads are very Lbermostatsbacklo60degrees. 1lict," besaid. A SPOKESMAN for Cabot Corp .• the natural gas supplier. said the affected homes are in Eight Killed IN FLORIDA Lbia morning, it snowed as far south as Boca Raton, the futhesl south that snow bu been reported in Florida Egyptians Rioting Over Price Hikes CAIRO, Egypt (AP> -Egyptian President Anwar Sadat re-vo~ed price increases on food, gas and cigarettel today alter rioU in wb1cb witnesses said police bullets killed eight people The Egyptian government ordered a 14-bour curlew for Cairo, Alexandria and Suez City at the southern end of t.be Suez Canal as rioting and clashes raged for the second day In protest qainst price increases. Public transport came to a standsWl. shops and factories were closed and government employ es stayed home. Cairo radio said the curfew would go lnlo effect at 4 p.m. and would last until 6 a .m. Thursday. It was Egypt's first curfew since the 19S2 revolution that overthrew the monarchy. THE BROADCAST said police bad been ordered to shoot curfew violators. Associated Press newsman Sami Rizkallah saJd witnesses out- side a police station that was set afire in Hadalk el Kouba east of Cairo lold him seven peope were killed when police fired into crowds. Rizkallab said he saw at least 14 wounded demonstrators being taken to hospitals. A detachment of riot police also opened fire as it battled a crowd near Al Azhar University, in the city's old quarter. Witnesses saJd a 10-year-oJd boy fell dead with a bullet in his chest. AN ANNOUNCEMENT said the government acted "al the re- quest of Prime Minister Mamdouh Salem and the approval of Presi- dent Anwar Sadat lo suspend the latest price regulations." It added that Salem's ruling Center party, which overwhelming- ly dominates the 360-member parliament with 305 seats, would meet in the afternoon to review events. ParUament'a economic commit· tee will meet Thu.rsday for the same purpose. The Interior Ministry charged that Communists stirred up un- rest among the workers in the Helwan iron and steel works and atu- deots at Ain Shams University. "That's a big joke," said one government employe as ~ watched police betlliog a crowd. "That government always accuses Communists of unrest while the government. ii actually lnatlgatlng it ... IN CAIBO'S GIZA district on the route to the Pyramida, de- monstrators began wrecklng a string of night clubs favored by wealthy Ubyans and Saudi Arabians who come to Cairo seeking sex and alcohol not easUy available in their conservative countries. Egyptians resent these free-spendi.na playboys at a time when the Cairo government is able to get only a fraction of the financial aid it wants from oU-rich Arab natiObs. OOZINS OP BA&LY mondne accidenu. lncludtnc a 10-car wreck in downtown t'ampa. 'Were blamed on tbe unua~l weatbet. One man waa killed near AubUJ'Ddale wMr1 bl.I car akldded on snow andcol.lided wltb a truck. Fuel emer1enclu wue declared In at leut two atatee and a numberol dtles, and navlcatklo wu restrid.«S bf lce·bloektd waterw.,a ~ much ol the nation. Tenneuee wu particularly bard hit, with the state's Public Service CommJ.uJoo oredleijag that 100,000penom could be outol work~ because ot fatt.oriee and 1tores cloeed for tack ol a... ingfuel. SUPE&JIARKETS, restaurant.I and drugstores in Clarksville. Tenn., were ordered to operate only slx hours a day un- til further notice. Nashville in· dustries were ordered shut down, and Nashville Gu Co. asked that public andprivateacboolscloeelo coruservegas. Some areas In the freeze belt re- ported a aligbt "wanning tread," but elsewhere the severe cold lingered and its effects mounted. Io the Cblcago area. where tem- peratures bave been below zero in the daytime, thermometers climbed to 20 degrees Tuesday, but the NaUOoal Weatber Service reported that subzero tem- peratures will return Saturday. COLUMBIA GAS of Ohio, the state's largest natural gas sup- plie r. lifted peak day emergency curtailments lo industrial users astemperatureswereexpectedlo warm to 20 degrees ln parts of the state. But tbe downtown area of Dayton, Ohio. resembled a ghost town Tuesday as natural gas and electrictity shortages closed scores or businesses and kept workers and school children at home. City officials kept offices open but witb no lights and thermostats down. Ill ...... THE PHILADELPHIA FREEZE is this 60().pound sea lion •• f avortte weather as he pokes bis nose into the frldd alr over bis pool at the Philadelphia Zoo Tuesda1. r0r the most part. he keeps his breathing bole ln the lee open bJ himself but occasionally a keeper will a.ssl!t. Tests Continue Organism Caused 'Legion Disease' ATLANTA <AP> -It toot thousands of test.a, dos.-of ,. searchers and scores of chicken eggs to find the st:llHmn&mlld microbe that scientists say claimed 29 lives In Pblladelpbia lllll summer. Almost slx months after reports of myMrious d..U. at.arted trickling lo increasingly alarmed Pennsylvania offlciala, ~ said Tuesday Lbe cause of Legionnaires' disease was a bacf.erta.11.b organi.sm never before isolated. "IT'S PREUMINARY data, but we're very much conTlnced ol its authenticity." Dr. David J . Sencer. head of the naUonal Center for Diaea.ae Control, said at a news conference called 'hesdaJ to an- nouf\ce tbe discovery. Isolating the organism does not completely solve the mJ'SWJ of Legionnaires' disease. Re~earchers are in the field and laboratories trying lo ftnd out where the organism came from, why ita vlctima were peopt. at PhUadelpbia's Bellewe-Stratford Hotel, bow it. la tranamlUed to humans and how lo isolate it from field samples. THE SCIENTISTS want new blood samples from the W IUr· vi vors of Legionnaires• disease lo make tests Oil tbeortaaiam. Most victims bad attended the Pennsylvania American LePm convention beadqnartered at the now-closed Bellevue. All dMld from an upper respiratory infection similar lo poeumooia. con-Middle Soo got his day in court yesterday. He showed up with police report, photos, map and all flags t\ying. The judge called hts case. He stood up. The judge called the arresUng officer. The arresting officer was absent. He bad railed to appear. "CASE D18MISSZD," lbe judge _,ronounced. Middle Son had won without a ficbt. The other aide gave up. He had led his cavalry charge over the Mii and the Jndjans threw down their auns. He had crashed throu1h t.be bolted door ready for battle and the Commu01st spy was snoring on the couch. "We are dying or hunger anyway so lclU us, Sadat. with your bullets!" the crowds chanted. Sadat was holidaying at Aswan, GOO miles to the south, awaiUng the arrival of Yugoslav President Tllo for a visit Tbursday. Other demonstrators batUed polJce for more Lb~ two hours Oft Sherif Street , in the heart of the best downtown sbopplng area. The police fired tear gas canisters wluch the demonstrators picked up and hurled back at them. Rocks and stones were exchanged, and the air was acnd with tear gas fumes as people watched from balconies. .di~ .... outl-ageous, Trucks loaded with riot police rushed to various parta of the ci- ty, but the demonstrations spread Alaa, he had led hl.s team oato the field of play only to find the opposition had mls~ed the bus 1l was a forfeit I con50led the young man. After all. a forfeit goes lnto the boob with the score Middle Son. 1, 'I'Taffic Cop, o And he does sUIJ have his 40 buch. • ALLAHABAD, India CAP) - An estimated nine million pil- grims braved a cold rain today to bathe in the Ganges River during the climax of Hinduism's holiest ritual bathing festival. By midnight. Tuesday, both banks of the Ganges and Jumoa rivers were lined wllb pUgrims. They trekked through the mud to them eeting point of the two rivers for the brief dip they believed will help them earn salvation. The (J..day festivaJ. called the Kumbh Mela. is held once every 12years. · Record Lows Continue Snow F alll in Gui,/. Statea, Central Florida Te.JNnSC•rn ... '-..... ,.,.,.,., 1a , Alb<iQwrque ., n ArnorUlo ~ " AftCllor ... .. ,, Atltft!• If ! lllrml~rn 14 * .. lllll'l•rc1t " I! .!J fMIM -!: ,, .... °"' It hff••• • 1 °' o., .. ,,1111,sc. .. t! .. Oa!'!nl.,.,W,V• • 2 ,., O.ri.«t • " Oii<..., u • tt Qnc1., ... 11 ·S .. O.W.i.8' • I ... Ott••• " ..,., 41 ,. ...,..,., • .. 0.•--.1-It • Ott rel I tt IO ... °"'""' u • ... ,_ SI n 01 -"'" •• .. Hw•IOll .. " ............... " ·I ., Jec--.. 111· • ' ~ .... ~ ..... I 1 ~ ...... " '°" 00 Ml -,cM :r.: II, • IO • IOI Mii ""°"' 1 •• __ wjll .. ..._. ~ .... 111~11 '°".flt! -re:'=' •. ,,,. Ult llMOr9' •"I ,,__, __ ....... Q •• '~ litM~l'lty UI --lftllOtl..-:=: ...... · .. , ..... ... ..c:ao.-..... =-~c:.c.-....... a...-. ............... , ICtnMtCfly ,, IA•V-s 11 L.lllltRou 1J Mltmt .0 MllwtllUt JI Mllpl• •5' P# 12 .... OflMM ,. ..... v-11 ~lt-tCI~ " "•'"'""'-1' l'tlllHl!Pll .. ti ,..,....,, '• ""~ • ,,.llMd,Mt • ,..,,ltM, °"· ,. "_.cu, q .__ S2 lltcl\IMM .. 'Ir=" ... 10 t.MtWll•CltJ ft .._.,,,_._ " ...ttt. f1 ... .,. ., ""'"''' .. w~• t1 I •• V.8.81-•r ..... s Jt ~ 10 10 10 10 ., l " ·1 ·• " '° 20 0 .. ·1 ,. u 40 21 .. 11 caa1 ..... 1a A lllQll·!•vtl INIU "4 WCl!r°"'cel air bl•"Ull"t SOUll\ Ct!Honlle Piovid ~ ... ftOll<Mble dl'OI' '" -_... tono 11tmm..,r, • .,...,. ,..., .. ,, T,. Nlllllltl Wffltlet ~rvl'9 M'rt ""' clJOI., '" -~ <OM!der•· Dlt t !Olldl--I .. rttloll, wltl\ 111111\• rt~lll11t10..,.tN<-­ IM I'll"° to ~·?Ot .,.....,_., l.06 MOe'"t .......... ve4e.y\. '" ""' IMUIMlnl. •lndl \IP lO u ""llH "' Mitt \Mvld COlltlf!IN lllrwtli "'" -'"e. wllll Hy1lfM ttlll4N'llll"" ,.....,. .,_, S4 to .. .._,..,, ...... 22 ... O.Wrt ...................... wWly ........,. 1'111• .....,..,. '" "" Colorado -~ Vllllff. n. ~ tflolM ,._ ~II l\ltl't tf ...... '-~ U ~JJl<\NU!lllff~~ .,.,,. •• 191\ ............. 10 ....... . .,_,_ c...c .......... ~~--llt9'I ~ .... ( ....... ,,,.,,.....,, 1.10111 .... ,. ... ,.., "'Ollt .... _. ... ....,,., ....... "'.,. ... ,.. .. c.a·~· ~ wl!I , .... lletWHll II alMI H , lfllaM ttfll• ,..,._, ._.. ,,.... ..._ n ..w .,. Tllf•·~--Wlll ..... ...,,._,1u. ftDMSJOA'I IKO!lllttw t :1'p.m, ·I.A t.<eMllftll t rJlp,111. d 1'MUMOA'I Pint• J·••·"'· 1.a 'ittt hltll t. 1i. m. •A __.... ·~"""" .,,, t.c9fld II~ '°'IOt'.fll· 4.6 So111tl•UtP e.m., Mt01 II,.-. ~rlMO:Ga.111.,lftlS'.,f"'· and preposterous. .. Vera is everybody's 28-year old sister. Beautiful, gullible. hardworking and long suffering. Herbert is Vera's kid brother. He's an accident prone schemer- dreamer. Vera supports him finan- cially and spiritually. Aunt Gladys is romantically naive and living in the past. She lost her husband years ago to a "defrocked TV repair person." Winthrop is .. wonderful.'' He 's courageous and loyal -he•a Vera's married suitor. His wife of 14 years has had sleeping sick- ness since their wedding night. The Virtue of Vera Valiant is a true~to-llfe American fiasco. It's your neighbor. Your family . It's you and me, U.S.A. You laugh at it, but lt hurts. It's a contemporary cliff banger as suspenseful as a sociologist's striptease. That's the virtue of Vera Valiant ... Visit Vera Valiant Vicariously in the D.AILY PILOT 642-4321 ,. 1_ •18#•• • .., C•llM , SANOO'OOO<AP)-1beCoun- tJ Board•' Saperrilors is calllng a fwr·maatb ball to all)' new building m Poway. a community northeast Die&o. 1be au ra voted 4·1 Tues- day to pose the emergency mora unUl sprawl pro- blems, s b as a lack of sewage disposal ste1P9,aresolved. M,_inCtd ANCISCO CAP> fuel demands durin& a In Northern Califomia Pacific Gas & Elec· t.ck natural gu sup- ·---industrial and com- customers. the utility LISTER <AP> -Two akes shook up residents ol Benito County city. No ewureported. temblors hit at 1:05 p.m. : 15 p.m. Tuesday and approximat.el,y 3.8 and Rlcbter scale, accord· University of California pb Station at Berteley. CGrtn-D...,e Jimmy Carter look-alike. Walt Hanna of Beverly Hills, plays with bis daughter Heidi. 9, a look- alike of Amy Carter. Han- na. a Harvard Business School graduate, is a spit- tin. image or the Presldent- elect. Hanna has hired an agent and taped a pilot fOI' a variety show being cm- aidered by ABC. He does admit to having trouble im- itating Carter's southern ac-- Nnt. Tot, Beaten For Wetting Pants, Dies FRESNO (AP) -A 3-year-0ld Fresno boy bas died after being beaten because he wet bis pants, police said. The youngster, Lasell Ternora, was struck about 10 times with a belt Tuesday after bla mother. Marlene Ternora, told her boyfriend Sylvester Cooper to& cipllne tbecbild. police said. The blows knocked the boy into the ba~ where be struck his bead. tltemotbertoldofficera. Tbe cblld died later at a local hospital. Wldrleldll'f · JanU!fX , .. '"" Cash Growth Seen State To Outpace Rest of Nation PALO ALTO (AP) -&tween DOW and 18, callfornla's econom7 will IJ"OW 2$ peremt ffllW than the rest of tbe COQDtr7 aod fftSM a dow•ward treDd that came on the heels al the VieCnam war. aecordloi to a new study. naUooal enrage." Amoac the key fiDdinp liltld by ~ center wen a ltepap ID milraUoa into tbe state and the fut srowtli ol bMlc major llldmtriel. such u com· put#I, ellC;tnw:de equlpmml md milee1JaDeoua maaaf acturtac. The report WU releued 'ru.dQ bJ tbe c.ar- fOt' tbe C.oatinutns Study ot the CalifOrnla Bc:ioaom1 wblch cbaracterbecl Its Jong-term proJeeUm u ''moderate to ccmserwatlve." Callforala .sB have U .5 milUon joba by ias, compared wtUl 8.t pereent In J975. ~tlatlon ii•· peeted to apad from 21.2 mlWoD to •s mllUon durtn1 tbe period and net migration aboukl total t .8 mlllion. ''MANY CAUPO&NL\NS bave failed to ,. cover from the shock of J.988.n. Wben the Vietnam war wu ending, the aerospace industry was in trou- ble, the national recession Impacted the economy and the state railed to grow faster than the U.S. foc the fint time since World War D ... said ceater director Robert Arnold. THE lllGBATION and populltian projedloos contrasted with reporta in recent years th.at mlar• tion to California wu falling oft and that a srowtnl number d people were forutlng the "California dream" for other states. "For the past aeveral yean, the CallfOl"Dia ecooomy bas qaln moved s!IJ>lfk.aotly &bad ot the rest of the U.S .... be added. "Desplte C\ll'l'Cmt high unemployment. our detailed anal7Ms *"' new Jobs will be created here at rats well abaft tlle Erle Tbor. a Bank of America ec:<JDCJIDlst, acreed that the economic ouUoot for Cal1fahda i9 optimiatic. but said there are m.tQor ....,.,.eel quatloaa which make il dl'6cWt to toncut u far uuu. Aerosol Ben Bill Back Again . ; . . . SACRAMENTO CAP) -An ef. fort to ban some aeroeol apr31 cans from Callfomia became they are said to incnue ebanees of skin cancer baa been lA- troduced again in the state legislature. Tbe aerosol industry im- mediately QllPC»ed it, claimin& a California &an would hurt the state'• econom1 wttboat helping the envtrmmeat. and that the state abould wait for federal ac- tion. "I LEAltNICD a long time ago not to watt for Uncle Sam," laid Sen. John Dunlap, D-Napa. ~ best way to bring about federal action la to do It yourself ftnt." Dunlap and A11emblyman John Vascmcellos, D-San Jo.e, held a news ccnference Tueaday to announce they are agaln spoosoriac a bill to prohibit the manufacture, sale or use of aerosol containers ualng fluorocarbon propellant. Tbe bill wasdefeatedlufaeukla. Fluoroearbon pro1>4!llant is used malnly In can.a of bair spray 1d~odorant and an- tipenpanm. SOME O'l'BE& sprays use other propellants. such as hydrocarbons, often uaed in shaving cream. T'be7 do not ba.e the eame eff6et. Downer, JOU can't tell from the label wblcb is which. Tanker Had Fire Prior to Blmt LONG BEACH CAP> -A Oaab rue, caused by a bai.ldupal_. ing fumes, oecmredJLWt before the otl tanker Sen& wa bleiw 11P&aill month, 11eeo1d1Dgtoa Coast Guardoftlcial. Cout Guard Adm. James llareau, wbo ii 111 fie a boll'd~ta. qulry Into the blast. spoke to reponen after public bw I • WC-SllP an lnqulryTueeday. BE SAID that flames from the fire beneath tbe ....,,. .. ,. ~ bouae appareaUyenter..t thefume.ftlled cargotanb~kl'-la the ventllatiaa system. Members otthe inquiry board couldn't •aJ ~ w11111t ~ the flub ftre, but they said ttcould have beenlOID«blal • limplie • a crewmansmotlngor a loose tight ftxture. '"'l'llE PEOPLE wbo could tell us are all dead." t..ed a.- Guard Lt. Cmdr. Rene Rouse1. The accident claimed at leall ...- liYea. Offidals said a report reconstructing tbe nenta ........ to U.. ~. 17 accident will be submitted to the Ceut Guard e.rcnm..,s.nt byMattblO. Tbe report will contain ~mmendaUons on bow future tanker exolosions can be avoided. Tbe Natiooal Trampe.tat.loo Safety Board, usinl the report, will make a final determinaUon oo the caused the blast late this ,ear. THE COAST GUUD board alao beard t.estimoaJ' T\ae9day from Paul Gamqaardof Uoyd's RegisterotSbippiq, wbotnspected tbe Samlnen.a last year. He said be found no boles ln the notllatioD pipes but noted be dkl not examine every inch ot the pipes. Disclosure that there were boles in the ventilation system was made lut week b,y Dr. Jerry.Havens, a chemical engineering pro-resaor on lePe from the University ot Artansaa. Havens said aucb boles could have allowed a flame Into the cargo t.anb. which had ju.st been emptied of crude oil broupt from lndooesia. THE SEVEN dead crewmen· were identified as secoQd dncer Alflo Zammataro. tbird officer Antonio ,Doonarumma, radio operator Emanuele Oratoll, fireman Umberto ScaJ"OIDi. ~ Caloterod'AaaroandaeamanOradod'Am.ieo. ..._,.,,,,, California State Secretary March Fong Eu met in Taipei Wednesday witb Chinese President Yen Cbia-kan. Mrs. Eu is leader of an 18-member wln•- brandy trade mission. Mem- bers of the mission pn1111l- ed their speeial pnxhacta to Yen as ereettng giftt. DoDlestic law Delay Favored SACRAMENTO CAP> -'ne Brown admlnhtratioa la aow supportiaa a propoMd _...,__ suapenaloo al. wonen• ... peosatlon requlremeat for babysltun and other ~ em,e~ al ::tim from i. week's opposi wu refledat by a 1'-7 vote ot the A.alembly Way• and Ileana Committee Tuesday wbidl Miil tbe s-opoul to the Aaanbly floor. ROBERT B.U.&IS. a top aide in Brown'• Finance Department, said the governor favon sus- pension ottbe new law. "He's still commltted ~ tbe concept of provldiq-work .. ' compensation for dom•Uu, f)ut there were enouab unlor.een problems that l{ appear• all cithena would be best aened by lmpoetnc a moratorium for a year ao they can be worked out.·· Kanta aaid In an lDtervtew. THE CHIEF queatlon la whether the law =to rm-ten wbo emploJ ae IMlp. u so. aperta ..,, 3.J m1WOn bousebolda are uninsured against the UabWty. Officials said young Temora suffered a ruptured liver and a poasiblebrainbemorrbage. Cooper, 24. was booted foe ln- vestigatiooot murder. F . Sherwood Rowland, a chem ls try professor at tbe University of California at Irvine. appeared at the news CClll- ference to renew bis support d the Dunlap-Vascc.1cellos leglala- tioo. WE'RE HA Yl•I A WHALE • ·A ! • I ' . ' . I \ Sailor Drowm SANDIEGO (AP)-TbeNavy says a sailor in bis snenth week of underwater demolition and eommado trahrlng at the Nual Amplllbious Base ln Qnnado drowned Moada7. ........ n ........ FmlAl.llfUS City Of Huntington Beach *ATTENTION RESIDENTS OF HUNTINGTON BEACH I ) THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BE ACH IS NOW PREPARING A FEDERAL GRANT APPLICATION FOR $1.245 Million THE RESIDENTS OF THE CITY ARE ENTITLED TO THESE FUNDS UNDER THE HOUSING ANO COMMUNITY DEVELOP MENT ACT OF 1974. THl:.SE FUNDS ARE INTENDED rO BENEFIT LOW AHO MODERATE INCOME" FAMILIES BY IMPROVING HOUSING CONDITIONS, COMMUNITY SERVICES, OR ECONOMIC OPPOR TUNITY. . TH E CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITIEE NEEDS YOUR IDEAS REGA RDING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS AHO INVITES YOU TO THE MEETINGS ON January 20. 1977 AT 7.00 P.M. IN ROOM 8·7 OF THE CIVIC CENTER •• YOU ARE URGED TO ATTEND I • FOO ,UR'tHER INFORMATION CALL 6JG ~27 I BOATING SETS CASUAL SUITS SPORT COATS SPORT SHIRTS •J SUITS -M•r Vested SLACKS -Including New French P..ts REDUCED TO ~ PRICE AND MORE IN LIDO VILLAGI JUST ova 1MI lllDGI TO UDO .. AS DAILY PDJO~ EDITORIAL PAGE Pr0j·e cts Move Ahead " Federall,y fUndec! projects alw1-ys 5eem stow in moving from tile talk sta1e to reality in municipalities seeking tlMm, and Costa Mesa i5 no ex-ceptioa. • But at lea.at o~ project planned for the city•s downtown area ia mDVi.na toward construction and councllmen this week aulhori~ed a request for $847,000 more in !ederal money !or pew and continu· ing community projects. lo council action lbls week, the city manager was authorized to prepare an environmental impact re-port tor a two-story firehouse to be located in the so- called Super Block area in downtown Costa Mesa, between Nineteenth Street and the park. The $500,000 project which includes purchase of 21,300 square feet of land at the corner or Park Avenue and Plumer Street,.will be paid for through f ederaJ revenu~ sharing funds. W}µle that proj_ect is weU on the drawing boards, Costa Mesa is turning to planning for its third year federal funding for housing and community develop- ·ment in the city. Another $134,000 would go in the kitty for a new Cofilrnunity Recreation Center, also planned for the dowotown area. Other allocations would go to help re- loc;:m!ire fnd evict.ion victims and help low-income Ca · upgrade their homes. These federal grants and revenue sharing funds are certainly never ••free." But by careful planning and rigorous evaluation. Cost.a Mesa and its cltizena s tand to gain much with these programs. Chance to Serve Now that the financial restrictions of the state Supreme Court's ruling in the Serrano case have become a reality, the work of residents who will serve on two Newport·Mesa School District advisory com- mittees taJces on great importance. Application filings are now open for community volunteers to serve simultaneously on committees that will advise school trustees on the future disposal of surplus school sit~s IJnd budget cutbacks necessitated by the Serrano decision. The council has alithorized a request for $847,000 in Housing aod CommlUrity Development Act money to institute new prQ~cts and contimae successful old programs with federal funds. Nearly half of the requested HCOA funds would go toward continuing the land acquisition and reloca- tion program, a tool which encourages developers to construct new housing for low and moderate income families. handicapped .wd older Cooa Mesans. The district is seeking, volunteers with a broad community' representation base and those wishing to s erve should have a working knowledge of the Ser· rano decision and be willing lo spend at least two evenings a month in session. U~IONS HOVE TO . O~G~NIZE U.S .. ARME~ FORCES. (News· Item) . That encouragement, or incentive to the builder. would come in the form of using federal funds to write ~ down acquisition and relocation costs to the benefit of the developer, who could then charge less for the un-its. • I The input provided by the two advisory commit· lees may have a long-range effect on the finaneial direction of the district. Information and application papers may be obtained from the office of Ute Superintendent, 556-3500. Deadline for application is Jan.24. c Teachers' Politics· Just Started Late Dear Gloomy Gus .. More Price Fixing?' To the Editor: Your recent editorial on emerging teacher power, and your statement that the tho1.1ght of teachers running the schools "'is enough power to frighten anyone" is a disservice to teachers and their growing political maturity. Firstly, teachers ar e now merely doing what Jews, farmers, unionists, big business . doctors, and every other or- ganized group has been doing for years: choosing candidates to their liking and working diligent- ly on their beb.fill. This is the very essence m democracy as your editorial affirpls. TEACHERS, alas, are simply a little late in getting to the game. We, like ministers, Policemen and firemen, are sup- p<>sed to be completely apolitical a nd acquiescent. F01" 150 years we were and •bat did it get usr Low salaries, public scorn (or at be.s\ i.nd.U:ftrenee), no voice at all in our daen profession, and a Mist cf unbelievably demeaning duties. We are DO"lr seeking to change that and your alarmist editorial is unfair and extreroe in it.a criticiJm cl tb1t effort. We seek mean.lqfUl inpUl not COD· trot. Secondly, one cowi! very seri- owily questiClll if indeed it is 11uch • "frigbtenin1.. tboupt that teach~ mtpt s6me day exert al much lnlluence as you seem to feu. ln lb.It everyone seems to ~ that the schools are doing u .vociously poor job now, any cbante. llseema to me, could Ol'I· ly be vined as a step in tbe riibt direction. Doctors control and govern the , practice of medicine in this coun· lrJ. Lawyers oversee and re· plate who practices law a.od how. Why are you so friptened that education should fall into the bands of teachers? Is a school board. made up of housewtv., dentiata, bualness people and r~ tlrees, that much more cocnpe· teat to judge what should bo ta~in our acbools7 PAUL BRENNAN, Pfesidaot. Saddleback College f"aculty £euU.ali'•..I To the Editor! My ICIO applied ffJr' a job open. loe with the city of lhlptington Beacb. The only qualification the Dally Pilot news item on the uallable jobs listed was residen- t::!/ In th dtJ and tblt-Me Man· ~ploJ'ed lor ao dQI; however. ·- 'Whit lclnd of world wOfl/d t It be H IHI OM WM,.11 to,110 to WMl' ( MAILBOX ) Utter. from '9M•n •r• wMc..,... TN ,...,., •• .-....1enen to Ill •~<•Mttlm111m ,,.., If,... ........ i...tton ot -•onts w i.n "'411 • '4 .. ., _......_ 1111 lttltn """' IMI-ti-UWt ... .. ...... , ... -·-...... ., .... y ..... ,-1e1 ... ... qvt<t It sllltlcltftt rttstft b .,._,.....-, ,_,.., wlll ""' "'911Ulllis!IH. the application contained a point system to qualify one for these jobs under the Comprehensive Employment Training Act <CETA). . If you have the right elbnjc back&round -you get seven (7) extra points. The proper ethnic lineage depends on if yau are black, Oriental, American· Indian, Spanish·Ainerlcan or other -other does not -refer to a person with white skin. IF YOU have a severe problem speaking English, you get six (6) points, if your problem i& moderate, you a•t tour (4) polnts, but it you ape.at good English -forget it -you aet no points. 'II you only went through the stxtb grade or Less. you get six (6 ) points, but it you complet· eel hiab school, JOU are entiUed to juatfour (4) points. But the thing that irritate me the m06t is the ex·law offender who bas been contlned in any cor- rect1onal insUbltlm iet.5 three (3) po1nts. My son needs a job, but with tbU kind of dlscrtminatioo. he hasn't a chance of being hired by the city of Huntingtai Beach un· du federal fundini-It appears that the federal government thinta that Caucasians don't get hungry, don't have bills to pay. and are not entitled to equal op- portunJty under the law. MRS. MARYBELLE H. TURK ACLIJ Dem~ To the Editor: Having recently publiabed two documented studies on lbe or- pniuUons in questi<Jn (JQan- destine and The ACUJ on Trial), I sadly noted Michael J. Hicks's Jetter. Dally Pilot, Jan. 5, con· ceming the ACLU's "defense" of the Ku Klux Klan as a typical ex- ample or bow sincere idealism is . wuted on the ACLU ... Mr. Hicks · righUy bol~ that our Flnt Amendment freedoms s.boul4 not be abridaed regard· less ot what we have to say and I eertablly asree ;as a member of The John Birch Society. However to tu11est that sueb was a 11lgnlfi- cant wue at Camp Pendleton is qaelUonable at best. A routine loc:ldent of assault and battery which, under base regulations and tbe UCMJ wbicb servicemen now voluntarily submit tbemlelves to upbn entertQa the servfces, could bne been com· ~Uy bandied by t!le bue bu .... QanMd lA&o • rac1all1 an.. flamnutory mlnlcnude bJ that unholy •lllaACe of recent 1ean: tbe KKK. ACLU, and Urban ~· Prom Mr. Hick•' blst.ortcal al· Juslons be arrlvet at the bee:! pnmlle tbat tbt ACLU hu the ''1«\tie of lait ret0l1" (or all tboH deprived of their Individual rl&btl. Tb• bittorlcal record. of tM orcanilatioo'• aceompU1b· men&a ~ work lndicata, with praeticllty no e1cepdom, aeet- ly the oppoalte. For more ULtJl three quartera of i\a SS year bia- The scream from OPEC members whose sales declined because or their price increases proves on. ce again that free en· terprise is the best con· trolleroCthe market place. c.s.c. G•oomv Gus cof'll.,,tnh •rt tullMltt•<I l>v rw~~ •n<I <lo nol necou•lly rtll«ll,,. Vl•W.S ...... ntW\•4Mr S."'4 VOW' pet Pffvt lo Gloomy Gw•, O•llY """'· tory the ACLU 's national and local leadersl11p, heavily loaded with persons closely affiliated to totalitarian movements, have pushed steadily for an increasing concentration of dicta{orial power in the bands of the Ex· ecutive Branch in Washington. AFTER ONE reviews their endless string of self- cootradictory positions on vital issues, no other cooclusion is possible but that the leadership cf the Union is mi.susing the sin· cere idealism or pel'SOOS like Mr. Hicks to promote their own ends. If such is not the case, why did the ACLU board apologize for its quite proper 1940 ouster or Com· munist Elizabeth Gurley F1ynn <Civil Liberties, June, 1976)? Why does the ACLU support the FCC's dictatorial control over electronic me'ans of free ex· pression? Why do they distribute a pamphlet. sponsored by Playboy Foundation, which favors a national censorship standard? Why do they refuse lo take a firm st1nd against in· voluntary commitment or persons to mental hospitals? The list could, and does, go on and on. Mr. Hicks, probably is moat sincere, but he and his fellow members of the ACLU are beioi conned. WILLIAM H. MclUlANY Fal~Prabe To the Editor: My letter is long overdue. I would like t6 pralse tbe ttthni· clan.$ and workers at Fairview State Hospital. •. I have a retarded 3l·year·old sister who functions at about a four·y~ar level. She has spent ber happiest years at Fairview stale HO$pltal where the present pro- grams. have greatly enriched her life. She has been in a family care situation alllo and I can say from experteoce that Fairview State Haspital is I ar superior, I RAVE watched herr.rform in many activities and always come away with a heart f'lll of thankfulness to God that these tecbniclana are gifted with sucb an abundance ot love, patJence and understandin1 of our re· tarded loved ones. I don 'l know ot anyone who works longer hours and who Is llllJ more dedlC'lted than~ people. ' RlalJt DOW there ta a lot of W\• favorable ~bUelty bt!ca1.11e ol a poealbillty ol wronitul dedbl at C.marWo State HOlpllal. But lor every bid empJoye, there aro hundreds of dedl.£alM, e>ver .. worked, under·&tatrtd and un- der-paid workcn. We are belna told o.e alde. I wbuld like to say from the bot· tom of my btart t.h&t 1 ~Nt aod appr eclale everyone at r alrvte'tl'. MARlLOU KOEPSELL OPEC Eyes Natural Gas W ASlilNGTON -While the oil potentates aebated last month bow much to charge the world for a barrel of crude , the •heilcs from Kuwait pressured their OPEC partners behind the scenes to control natural aas prices in the same way they fix oil prices. This is a di.aturbi.ng develop- ment that could lead to another international economic crisis. For the oil sheiks, if they also wind up controlUng natural gas, could sudden· ly jack up prices. This could cause a re· peat of the oil er.Isis that rocked the world in the early mos. It would have the effect of t.,ying another rocket to the world price structure, which already bas been boosted into orbit by the oil increases. In urgent, classified cables, the U.S. embassy in Kuwait has alerted the State Department that the oil minister, Abdul Mut· (JACK ANDERSON) laleb al·Kaiemi, wants OPEC to control natural gas prices on two levels. · THE CHEMICAL definitions are complicated, but gases are categorb.ed as liquid petroleum gas <LPG) .and liqUid natural eas Cl.NG). Kuwait wants OPEC to fixl>rices ror both types. Slnce ~e Uoiled ~.Jm. , '1'0rts only an \oisJgntfkaot alnount ot natui:al gas, tMJ'e ts' no immediate danger to lhis" coun- \J'Y. Most Of the n;1tutaJ gas COD· sumed in the United St.al.es com- 4ts from domestic reserves. But world price increases, in- ly, would havetbeeffedof pus g up domestic prices. Ironically, the Kuwaitis fear there will be a world surplus, oot a shortage, of natural gas. Prices, therefore, should 10 down, oot US>. Indeed, this is lbe reason they want OPEC to con- trol-the natur;aJ gas market and , to rig prices. Kuwait expects to \ts own LPG capacltt million tons lo more million tons by l sheikdorn•s· energy ex that demand will faD s supply, leaving the L tank$ ovv!Jowtng in the lt will take a ri therefore, to k~ pri Otherwise, prices will the natural gas surpl This will hurt Kuwait. lntiested billions in projects on lbe Penian A'r'LltASTht'oOPEC~en. lrm a.nd Algeria, also huge natural gas investmea • pro. ~ Both cOQntries, Ulfelore. support Kuwait's effm11to con· ~natural gas prices. But the cagey OPE(4poten. tates, accordin1 to out_ iturces. aren't likely to overpJf their hand&. They can be ~ to keep natural gas price at low levels at least tantil ~tema­ tl on al customers :~n be persuaded ~ purch.me • com· paratlvely cheap enerf' Once they become boo.keel OQ OPEC may start pu.shiog Ul> PIN&. ' I! Religion and the :Law • I Chaplaim' Rok in Legislature Quatiortf# The heat of the election cam· paigns having cooled, an incident which stirred angry reaction can now be viewed objectively. It seems the chaplain of the Senate. since replaced, used his office to urge the election of certain can· didates who he described as · "good Christians." ExacUy how "good CbristiaD" is defined Is unclear although it may be sus· peeled to mean one who faithfuily pracUces the teachings or C hri st , somethi ng few who pro· f~s the fa Ith manage to do . On examina- tion there is probably little dis- linctl on ln .. goodness" or character betweeen such a Chris- tJan and those who adhere strict- ly to the beliefs held by Jews. MosJems, Buddhists, Confucians or other worthy faiths. Even agnostics and atheists can be penon.s of hlsh principles and morala. IT W A8 wron1 for the ~baplaln to favor one f alth over another in an clection. That violates Article Vl of the ConatUutlon· •bkll forbid. Hlllioua test. u a ,.... qut.rement tor l>Ubtic omce. lt was wrooc for him to abwe bJa po1tuon by ltWlcllainC in poUUct. That wrona was compounde4 by tbeuaeot bJJ official~. But ln view of tbe'la"'1'.DIWn' tolerance or other le1lsl1tlve employes en1111ng ln parUaan campallnln1 at taxpayers'·ex· peoae, ll ls underttand•bJ~ Tbe c-lalp JuJt l(ot clJ'ried nay with the mob. Obviously bedtdn't. ... hoW Ills ··~~­fenid frocn that of CltMr' • ~for the lQJecUao of re- lipon lrito tho campaign, It ( EARJ; \V ATERS ) state' aie subveni• f buman ""'ti· potentially~ lo character, and op! to tbe best lnteresis or c ch and state; and, tbereCore, at it is didn't. In his zeal to advance the not within the provincf>f human careers of those who sub6cribe to aovemment to enactleglslatlQn Christianity, he overlooked the or perform such acts. · affront to those of other faiths. 1 The nap, coming as it dld in .. WE BEUEVE IT I our dub' connection with an el~tioo, ol:>-to •ise enry lawful anctqnorable scured the basic issue involved. means to prevent the ctment That is: why does the Legislature ot lfgialation which to umi. have chaplail\S? Their f.ancti~, church and state, ana oppose that ol offet1ng a pruer at ~ every movement tow uch Wl• start of each day's sesslo"'· iOOi., that all may el\O the lo. seems a "'•P1nd trespass on·th6 •tfn1able ble.,ht(I 4 ous ... • .,.. liberty ... principles of separation or ~ church and state. the vel')' prin· It is obvious then lhovery, clple used by the legislators \fl · existence of the e of a denying prayer of any IUnd tn the , legl,alatlve chaplain ffen.slve public schools. to the Adventists. F eir same reasons it is equally Ject.iOba~ ble to many others ch gets back to the quesUon 1'why a A PERSUASIVE araum,nt against the practice of In· 1 corporating prayer wilh legislative sessions ls found in the Declaration of-J?rlnclpleR pu}>llsbed in Liberty, a publica· Uon or the Seventh Day .M!Vett• tlsts who are mo~ forceful ad· vocates of religious liberty. "We believe," It 'is 'staltd, "ln Teligious Ubeny and bold that this God-given right is exercl.Hd at lu belt when there ls separa- tion between the church and state. .,We believe in the indMd\W'• natural ~ JIUllienlble n1flt to freedom of consclenco;., to wonbip Ol' not to worship; to pro- teas, to practice, and to pro-mulaate ht. 1'ell1lous bellola, or to cb~e them accord!~ to hl!I conscience or opinlons, boldine that tbeao on the eaeencd ol re- llgtows tlbert)': bultbat in the ei- ercllo or this rilht be 11bould .._peet the equlvalent riellta ot otMn. ••we hllno 6'at ell 1'1· 1alalloll ancl otbtt 1overmtn· &al acta wblch willc church and Sep ate chaplain?•• DAILY PILC r w.dn!!d!y. January 19, 1917 DAILY PILOT.'...AJ ...---------------. I • Prince Philip Flit,ys British 'Declinfe' LONDON CAP> -Prtnce Pbillp, buaband ol Qu ... Zlbabeth ll, aaya that Brit&ln ia like a build· 1Df 1etertor•Unc rrom dry rot. '1'b1rd World, here we come ... We bave Ylrtulb left the lea&Q ol tbe bit powers,•• the SS.. 1 ... N*t Duke of Edinburib aaid Tueeday ln an ln· ttniewpubUabed 1n Dlreelar mqulne. TBB OONSE&VATIVS •ONTBLY OP about '5,000 ctrculat1on la publlabed by the BriUab llMtbtacll DINeton, a prolesaional body •UJ>POrt· eel bJ &be naUon '• b&a·bualneu chiefs. ftllip blamed the d~Uoe ol 8rttaln. ooe. tbe IJM\ of a ml•bty empire. on biO taxation and 16elalist meuures helalmed bave dlmtntabed In· eeathe. Compartq Britaln'• eecoomlc troubles to the PHILIP spread ot dry rot 1n a bulldlns. the prince ~d : "You don't know when It start•, but 1radually the place becomea unlnbabita· ble." While not attactfq Prime llJnlster Jamee Callaghan'• Labor gov- ernment by name. tbe prince bad 1catllln1 tlllnp to say about lloth tbe Britllh and~vtet forms of soclalia "Comrade oun- tries," as be called the Eastern bloc, are no tlJt· ample to follow . "TllE RUSSIAN SYSTEM IS A TOTAL dis· aster. total failure. There Is nothing wrong with the Runians, it's Just something wrong with the ayatem," hesatd, arcuin& that a totally egalitarian aocletr la unworltabl~ except ln primitive tribes. He aald the Britlab bad become too concern· eel with the underprivtleged: . •'In a great effort to make life easier for people, we have really. in many cases. removed the 0ne tbi.Dg that makes it i.DteresUns, wbicb ls a cballeqe and an opportunity. a risk both of loss and caln. ''WE BA VE l'O&GO'l'TEN ONE end of tbe •torJ'. We are coaatantly mak.log it seem that beeauae people, 1ome people, are badly off, IJlz to Speak Actress Sets Seminar CHARLOTI'ESVILLE, Va. <AP> -Actress Elizabeth Taylor, who became a Virginian recenUy when sbe married former Navy Secretary John Warner of Middleburg, will conduct a seminar to- day on theater and film. The seminar is strictly for drama 1tudenta from the University of Virginia and high schools in Charlottesville and nearby Albemarle County. Anyone ~ping to pose as a drama student for a close-up view of Miss Taylor will be out of luck. The studeatl will be selected by their drama t.eacben. tb.,.._ Che people who are better off .,. wroq. "W•'ve tuned the wboM Wnc. lD a Mme, up. We eeem to bave 1ot the balance allsbllY wroaa." side down," be eald. He OOIQPlalned tbat bank aavlnp an labeled as Wblle tbe Britil~ royal family •olllclally la "unearned fncome" and tboee with money to invest polltlc&Uy neutral, PbUJp baa made ~astmal out- mu.t bu1 jewelry or worb ol art to avoid blsh spoken comment oa contemporary attain. The t.ua. latest lntervle1' was amona b1t abarpfa In todQ'a Britain, Pbillp lamented, "You need ,.-----------·----not try to Pl"O'ftde for your cblldrell, becauae tbe atate IQI •No, nu. better able to educate them.• •'YOtJ NEU NOTftY'IO P80VIDB for your old ~bee•_. JOU b.ave cot to be med to provide other IOdaJ beDeftta, and in U1 cue. tbere ia a De· tioDal s..m-llCbeme. Proudly Anncuas The Opnng of lta NIW RESTAURANT & PUI '" u-.."' , .~e. w'+.! ......... Ofl•UltATIA~1'" t•llllft' H70I Moc&.TOMPAISWAYPUIA Parents Of Twins Sue Fir.ms JCPenney·•NEw~Rr aEAcH . LOS ANGELE (AP> -1be parents "' blby twlna who take turns portraying Arcble Bunker'• 1randlon on ~·· "All 1n 'lbe FamUJ" pr<cram are 1uiD1 for sz.s mUllon over Jl")ductloa of a doll named for the character tbeir chlldreo portray. Superior Court of- tlclala said that Steven aod Dara Draeger r.led ~ auit and also asked for an lnJunctioo to bait marketlnt of '.'Joey Stiric Dolla 'by the Ideal ToyCo.ofNdYork. Their 1on1. Jason Cbarl~• and Justin Steven. are just over a year old. The suit cbareea de- fendants Tandem Proc:tudiom, Ideal To71 and Marvin ~~~ A.. ~ with ~Cb ol contract. A Loa Angel•• apokea1J\U for Ideal to71 said the doll "bu been sellln1 pretty well" since last year. LA 'OK' LOS ANGELES <AP> -The city la in good financial shape midway tbrou&b the fiscal year, according to C1ty Ad· minlstrative Officer C. Erwin Piper. In a report to the City Council. Piper termed the city's finlD. cial eoune ''prudent''. II G .... IE I SALE " ! SA YE 30% , __ 71·% SALE STARTS 10 A.M. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20th • SUGHTL Y DAMAGED FURNITURE cmcl APPUAMCESf FIRST COME BASIS. SOLD AS IS. DEUVERY AVAILABLE. USE YOUR PEN.MEY CHARGI ... • •' I .... OM. y ..... °' w.ctlMedlit. J!l!u!!y' ..,., 31 .~DGSt Residents Beeotne Citi:etU Tbirty.-e t,Mi1m'9 ,-. M Oran•ea...t •• ... ..,.. among 117,.... .... ..., beeame Ammlcmc.._a.t» flrat o,..... ~:-....W Court na ........ .., .,.,. 1977. 8 ....................... MW Am~jlinHtM_liuw Jud1es who bad welcomed'tbem' ., aenabip int.be oearby Plua '11 • Flags -the, local point ol a.e•nta Ana Qvle~eoter. *8o ON R.\N9 wi1!a hJd&es .,._ K. McMlU.. 1lobert H. Greea of So.-h Laguna and 1Uehrd J . Beecom of Newport ~ were rtpreSeDf.lllves ~ th• American Lectla. •n nrica Douglas Bus IJnes ·\Vin Fare Increase Ora..,e Coaa residema eommuci.,. to Ute Lm Anleles -.ea m ~-a.. Unn .,.ometo wort•• service are PQllll lliiPer' fsaas cit~la week. The Ca fl>rnia Public Utilities Commission granted Douglas the authority to increase fares after the bus line claimed al was operatlllc al a financial loss becaust: of in- cnaaa in labor and fuel cost.a. r .. er weekly fans ructac ftUm •· 75 to $1L» wet up to t>-.een $7.%5 and $14. The PUC ., atllorbed Dnql• to ID- shh t e a dall1 fat"e for passengers wbo need the service for only a day or two a week. from Oraqe County. ''MOIR of ow routes ~ in Oraqe Comty,''am 0..l'r represmtaUve Roe Benac Lesl0tt Auxiliary, DauaJ>ten o1 the Amencao Jc.evolutloll ud the Lea1ae ~Women Voten. Judie JldtWan. ~ tbe CeremcJQ)' for the fint Ume '5 Superior Court presldtnr J~ looted on wttJ\ • smlle u Beacom led tbe oatb of a . Jectance and tile pled1e ot aJ. ,.sJuee to tbe Oq ad .1'8111e or"" 1eeU1r.t tbe r .... a1ma on them--. ot eHh r n lttp. H•tiqton Beach bNded tbe reprM•ld lilt (If=• Coeat communldel wtdl. u ~a ot tll• 00 Qty Oii band. HJ .... -tbe Uit were Colla llesa wft.b five aad Newport Beach with three. CAN~A TOPPED THE Ult of cootrlbutlo1 nations with aix .-mer adherents to the llaple Leaf banner switching to the Stars and Stripes. Great Britain with four and West Germany with three were close behlod the Canadiarui. .. Th!.tJ?!!"lfle Coast's 31 new nme, M;0.111t are: -AltGUtTIN,, -Orlllia Lutw 0.--.."' O..vennett.,~,....._ -801.IYIA -&Iva AINnda "*1fl. _,a - .. ry Orl"9, """'"""°" 9"<11 -CANADA--, Edith S.puto. ""Landfall Orhe. Hu"11fl9b\ 8"<11 Crat9 Ar111ur P........,.., 6'00 w Wanwr A,... HuntlnotQn a..o; P...i Oou91.._ "-<•nu Vier.ti• •lM ~ I.Ml .,..._,._ .. l//I 161'1 E .... '--· HM! ...... .,._,. -_.,. GA .. l"..-.0. 1iitl ..._., °"-· ..... ngton llMM Douglas eante1 ~ UllO passeacer• a w... Appros- imat.sr to percent ol Uaese are Doaalas pt"OYl.des iU com- muter service to several large in- dustrial companies, inclµdlng Mc Donnell Douglas ia Lone Beach aad Downey. Nortla A.meftean Rockwell ui El Segwt-4Dand GeperaJ Tel~inSan-. ta lloaica. -oflMA -GAia Bu-I .... ,..., l4tn ''"'- Or've, IU T-. -CHILE -Trlnld"" S.lffl'. tsali Via• A,,.a, 117 ORANGE COUNTY RESIDeNTS BECOME CITIZENS OF THE UNIT!O STATES Welcomed to Clttzenlhlp •t the Clvk Cent9r'• PIUll of the Fl•g• CETA .. Tob Pay Furub Contimted 'Jh• 1.• C!lltange County residents who hofd public service jobs financed by the federal government will continue receiving paychecks through September, the county Manpower Commission has reported. Robert Neia:>n, execuUve director ol the com- mission. said the jobs ---------- are funded Lbrouch the Coua9re.balstve Employ· ment and nainiq Act <CE'.IAJ. 'l8E NEW fund& will be ~to county 1overnJll'ellt and 11 rities.. programs adminlstered through lbe county. Jobs lo the program in- d u de positions in 1chools, hospitals. libraries, perks. public worts and po.Ike and fire agencies, Nelson sald. Allocalions to extend lhe proiram totaled more than S206 million statewide, Nelson said, and provlde jobs for more than 4 2,000 Ctties with populations of 50,000 or more ad· minister tl'leir own pro- gram~. Nelson said, wbil.e-tbe with lesser pepui.tions have their persons. lo.:~~;; Deatm Elsewhere ATLAICIA <AP> --..... ,, -=hr&. 6,5, edito. amt •Usher of lt.. S.atW. Israelite, did._,_, el cancer. SAN DtEG0 I AP> Rohen IL Ml9cl, 815. the inventer ndted W1U1 ~Ve.lop-\M first W · b rake. sysle• for autom.mles, ._.Thurs· day. BELGllADE . Yu11os lavia <AP> - Vuaos lav Pre mler Dse...a• A:.60, wbo h.S ~eld 1M odk:e sille-e urn.. was killed ia an ;drplame cn* TUe8daJ. VlSP. SwU.aert-41 <AP> -German.._• playwrig.bl amd a..a.Mr Carl ZWr*-'1•, 80.. one of llle most succe:ssfUI playwrigbD ID Genna literature, tr.Id Tueeda7. He hed ill th u.ital Stat• dwilll World Wu II PARIS (AP) -Siaau YYOHe Pltll&emp~ 83. who reached the peak or her popularity between the two world wars with parts in operettas. musical revlewa and films. died Tueaday, as-sociates reported. McWAUI BEVERLY SIMPSON M<WAll4. l\t•-rh A"" ..._ ........... Ill Mr ...., Mr\ Will!"'" H S.m-. tUored .. .._ ....... 14 '9•" L .. ...,. •-"' t11tr\ 8on1t1,. •n• IUt•b~t,.. Ofte btcrt,,Pf WOll•m. 9"•Mf'MffMtr M f'\ AMY M ....,,...,. 9'_61.,..r JutlU\ f Pllttl ...._ l'lltmonal .,.,.,,., M .,_ olflCI-...... Wlll!Mn A<t"" PIClO lrtll~ AL"'EO "AV• "ELO •• ,..,.,.. et <Po• ,...., Callfo•"•• P ...... -•Y J •"11•rv ••• ,., I !><,, .............. n.i-,._ .. (O\lt -· c.o . --1!!11" .. Fl•ld, Jr 01 -.._.,, Rll\tetl I . ,,ti<! ol 0.-Grew, Ca . JOIWI E Ftetd et C0$119 -.U Ca · fdvr dau911ter\ _,, 1.. ... Jol11•.-el ~. oi-AM It-OI""""" Ant, CA , "--'• V. 8 r-fl Of -m. CA. 5Mr09 J. ~ .. weit••••t•r <• ; tourt••" or1ndCft lldre• ..... ., •• ore•t· 9"-11•-n -._,., '- •t..ien ~'*-' wtll .,. .,.,. °" Tll11r\dAy J•n ... ry 1t at I .. PM ........ _~-°'-'· ,,,, ... ,...,,, ~ ~ .. -. .... , 8-,.,.. a... M9W ,,_,., Hema dl19<lllr'- ~ ...... &ETTY ~I ~ldt"1 01 ~laM .... ~~­ J•-·Y II ..n Sloe 16 -"'""" b\t '".ii.'"' ..._.. Gltl-• el , ... ........ -0--~ ol '-" .. •~• Ca ...... ff O<na 1111'1> _, (Mle-Q. ..-.v~~ \< ...... of°""' , .. ~~ .....n \<acc.. ....., Scaule. -e! Oh ... tll••• wU.•• T,,..._ .. M9nt1"1 of ,.,O'"•d• ffMf\ ~•nl• Of Vhte. :,:;:::~!."~.: ::-""·~~ > oo PM .., ~. J_.rv 1', lll LI. SM>AOWAY OtAPE1.. Rooary -.I<• ... T-..., .,_., •• -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. , ... PM, ,...,. n,. .. 11tet • ~le OWocft. Ill-. ti Olrltlll.m -lat at ti JoM Tlw ~sl Cal"'>!!< ~U> &t 11 • AM Oltwcted ""' 9fl.L IROAOWAY M<MtfUARY . IM.TZ•t•OM· .. F7¥ .... Corona det ... 873-MCIO C:O.ta M-. 64~242' ml 191 ..,.. • ., MOB''Mt ''OBrndwev CostaMima MHteo Mccmwa MO ..... Uoull• 8eatll .... 94\0 LegUnaHHfs 7~ Sin Jutlft <Apiatrano 49&-t776 MCMCWIW ~~ .. c....t91}' Mortu.y Chapel llOOPaclflc ~~ Ne Potl. Clilllomla ...... 2100' ... ,.. . ., COl.OMIAL PUHIUL NOMI 180\ 8olea ,..,,.. Westminster 893-3525 SNmfS' MOSTV.UY 821 Main St. H.,ntlngton BellCh 53H53~ SNITH 1VTML ~ OUI WIQCUlp CHAN. ~u849 IK ~ '27 ~. 17th St .• c.o..~ .....,., ~--­Cl.AllllNCll I! ACl(llftMAN, •esl· ... t ol C.U ..... Cellto•l>I•. p-••af J_., • ''" ~ b _ ......... ,. l•lt ........ ,d .... Ac•••m•n, l w• Mft• oa .. l d •• Aoerman ol Te"'l>l• c11,, Ca.: OWIOl>I I AO-. ..wolller a-ra Joy H-• ~~ _,..,,_,_t l lt•T-N- fl~r RYii> IC-; Uly l.lltr\ ... of Or"OOft, •-9'.,.Clr........,. P,lvac. • ., vie•• ........ ,. at IM I TH TUTHll.L L4"48 MORTUAllY w .. t<llff Clla,_t S.MITH TUTHILi. LAMB MORTUARY -llfl Chapel dlnKIOU ........ 1<-4ty r-11 In lltll OI llo-.n --·-IO De mad• In • -of a.-Ii. Ac-1r11un to Hoa9 M t M•rlet H-'1•1, P~-. 8-a.'*-Newoort n.MJ1.et.. • ......... Llll.IAN ""4E ll1IATltltl$, ~ ·-y------~ II, "11 _,,,..., lty her ne1111tw 0.vld • .,_ GI ..,_, C.. S.tvl<n ... W-...W ~"·ti II N-~,IC VtlW CHll#'eL .....,... fl'l..,t l"ilC.fP'IC Vlr:* M.E.MOIUAL. l'lUtlC. PAO .. IC VllW MOltTUAR'I" di~ ....... CUltA M.¥ IQM&.l(Qf, '9t141tllt ---a....-. c.tlff-. ............ ..-,. Ja~ tt. "" ~ W "'' da119ll~ C.Oty1t ..,....., fl h" Clemente, C• 1 •a••••• Acb,,,..n etl 'taleclo, Ohle, •lllff Mn. .......... ., ........ e..:- ··•n•c fl ll•••n; l•ur greet• trond<lllMlfen. Jervlce will be ltefd Me11det" Jenuary H 11 t I :M AM 'ACIPIC VtCW *'lMOftlAI. 'MUC ,.t.Clf fC \ltllllf MoltTUAltY •rec. ~-.. e OwlltY...._ ........ -. O.OOC. of c~ .... Y ... ll·Y-.lf .,i1catoo11. 1" i 2" x an. FURRING STRIPS • ..,.._,.tour --1001 botol~ ---........ , SPRED LATEX WALL PAINT • FHt orvl,....-y c-'Uf>• • et.1om colon mu1td 61FREt". ZyrQyta SPIED E..IWlll • 0.... ... --. .. "'°"',_,........, ---. • 1ka.-• a.119., ....... • • Honeywell SMOll ALARM .,, .. ,...,.,.. ~°' ~-;._,,) PENNZOIL MOTOR~ • -n. • ..,. ... ,.,.......,or. • JO ........ Oltfy, -lrol\.---w.11~· DIMMER SWJ.TCH II' EA. .... 0tU610 ) • s-tti i.-...Ut for -411M• _.....~ .... e Illy a -cft « M lltUe • VOii ....... BAREROOT FRUIT TREES • CM.-"-: ................. ................. . ......,.,..,. ....... ~. ANOIUI !ow. low ........ 0URR4iJ • 40 _,t. • ,._ ,.,.,, ......... ltJ. • 0o .. ·, ........ "', ...... , OUR REG. 1.29 ''! 12/2 ROMEX Wiii WITH GROUND .... __...., ..... ..,.,,_. . ._.. .. ...._ ....... .. ~ "''" _ ........ ~ ........ OUA REI . 1k. FT. FT. ... r .. • I .... " llG. 3 $ 7tt·"· pr. PAIR WOMEN'S BOOTIES -Tender Foot" blend of Orlon & nylon ... ~ ---FOi LAMINlffD PlaURES b l I" te-rhll •-1-t reody to~ 1 s3 · 4.9, WINDSOR RADIO I llG: ..;;/ 69CM:-SJ 2~ DI. SCHOll 'S All PlllOW INSOLES Gu~· 7· 17 Gol• S-9. DIAL DlODOUNT REGULAR SIZE SOAP Cho•<• of plnk Of gold ~. s1 FEENAMINT GUM LAXATIVE 8oir of 16. Gent le :· Y:M. c~~\\ -$ '-· . ~ r .. r., .t'7 . ft..; t\ •• , . . . -'J'<J ,,, ~·. '/, ·:~.r~ .. ·•~I . :;/" ,;:._·. UG. 3 s 1 "' •• FOi ASjOIT(D QUILnD . PUfT OVEN MrTTS Handy lutcnen Mlper llG. 2 SJ ..... FOi SfPGAS TllATMINT I 01. Just odd to gos. C'-olote Chrp or Sv9ot Choice ol texturet. IEG. 2s1 77CPI. PACIS VINYLPUu.oN IAIY PANTS 4 polr ,_ podc. S. Xl. With ~II thorl)9Mf s..taAna 1406W ...... &Mthl . 10 oz. TOUCH Of SwtDlll MAND LOTION To aott.ft ond protect. IEG. 3.tt HIGH FASHION MEN'S IE~TS For •Ire• 28 to 38. FOi TOtllTIOWl DIODOll1EI DeoderltM tollel liOwl. '11G •. s·2 J.49 IRONING IOAID PAD & COVIi SIT Foom pod, T eflorr cove<. IEG. 1.3tY 1S J T01.69 •· OIL FILTll WllNOI OI OIL CQ SPOUT Moh the job _let· ·~ ~ ... 16 oz. fAlllGI OIGANICS HAii CAil WMo! germ oil & honev. i ~ . /s51 llG. tr2 _ ,t 3.291•. FOi IOYS' LONG SLEEVE SWIAT SHiil SAU Sites 8-18. Sove now t .. I i ... ~ .4 llG. s~1 • 1.57 ... WYSPUY SPIAY PAINT ¥110. tho!<• ol <olon IEG • 1.29 WYNN'S ENGINE TUNE·Ufl 1 S 01. Qui.11 volVH. IEG.99C 4$3 TO 1.0t "· FOi LADY WILSHIRE lllEfS & lllUNIS Undefweot ot r.ovlngt. 4 SQUAIE YARDS CHflSIQcmt S4'0<.k op now & -· In chor(e of •<en" IEG. SJ 1.19' tUmE WAX ZIP WAX CAI WASH UQUID lfG.-..: 2.SO Mlll'S SUPPOIT llOSI loller I llcidl quolll'f. luyl I011U Of 100 r C1Dll VINEGAI, ULP & UCJTIUN Wilh 1-6. luy nowt scon CONFIDETS SANITARY NAPKINS lox of 12. Super siu . IEG.~· $., 1.39 to 1.59 t.. SPECJAL! HUFFT llCTOE TUllS 20". 24". '16"' '11". f 01 emerget\Cy repo1~. UR DAHL 15 OUNCE WAnR PUMP LUii OISTOPLEAI Hunth9on ltc1eh , .. , .............. .. DOLWDAY 2 s 1 ~ SPECIALJ FOi 7-IN. STONEWARE BOWLS Perfect f0< Wf410l IOU9. o vorltlty of _, • 11. s OUllCI •tOMI fMOIOKI CLEAR SHAM GLASSES Two COfl'""Hlnl sites with populor bow1. REG. 2.29 to 2.79 LEE OIL FILTER BUY lf.f. 2.S-'10 lhlret. Sovenowl MIGHTY BUTANE MATCH . ·~to 1·!5 1 SCRIPrO DISPOSABLE LITER ~SJ . REG. 99' & 1.19 ea. KITOIN TOOLS 8000M. UdM. tUf'IMll'I, folUI H1ntlnatcm ltc1c:h 211311M&-.......... Huntlnaloa ltaeh -11arwm . 'L&B-.d Turning on Electric Eel Apprommat.el)' 40 perff:Ot ol an electric eel is compn.ed ol about 10 colwnu wbJcb eontaln t.000to 10.000little1eneratort. When dllebarled at &be same time, tbe eel'• hud beeOCDel poatttv.. lts tall necativt. Electric current tben llowa ~the water between tbe bnd and the tall OD all aides ol the eel. To tura on an electric eel, you bave to iet real cloM, and acare lt. nx.. unscientific citizens wbo try to link fedal eharacterbUea with personality trait.I • ~ that poeop&e with small ears 8"' inclined to be flirtatious and artistic. Tbat bird known as tbe nut.batch is said to a pend as m~b time upside down as rigbt aide up. SECOND ·BAND CL011dS Q. "Don't people like Queen Elizabeth and Jackie Oouais cet more · mcmey for tbel.r dreaaes when they aell them 19COOd·band than tbV paid for them in the ftnt p!ace? '' A. Jackie Onassis gets sbable sums for her secood·band dresses, although probably Endof Kieks Workmen remove signs in Chicago that marked the end of famous U .S . Route 66. • The highway connecting Chicago with Los Angeles was the object of songs, books. movies and a television series. The route has been replaced by interstate highways across the nation. Y• Are Cw•., lnltlld To. •• FREE LECTURE .... DEMOMSTRATION OM GEST ALT THERAPY II -,...:Z2•10&&tolp.a. DOl • much aa UM ortplaJ COit.i. QQeen !!Uuabetb. however. ne~er reeella • dress. Her cfllt.df clothlDc i.t ettblr burned or rt,i>ped to Diecel to the m•terial can be donated to weltare lnatltutlona. Q. ''Yo. aaid ta.. tbonelt ~ ·-•cell 'Pack mJ be& wttbftvedoletl liquor jup.'But~'1noX ... !" A. Quite IO. Sbould bave 11id: "Pack my bo~ ."etc. NIC'KMAIDS ~ arises u to wbetber i.ndividuala in all aocieties have bad nicknames. Don't know, don't know. Do know, tbougb, that the nickname thing fOtS way back. Eveo to an· cient EbPt. Scbolan say their studies reveal that certain Eayptta.na in the days of the pharaohs were known to their intimates u Red, Baldy, Lasy, Ape, Froc. Donkey, and Big Read. 1'b»e were commoners. One son of a king was called 1be Cal And a particular king's daughter wu refened to aa Nosey. Did I tell you that the sun pound for pound produces less beat than the human body? Addrea moU ao L.N. 8<¥J,.P.O. Bos LNO, cone. Mao '21S2:e. State Assembly Nanie Issue Sparks Tiff SACRAMENTO (AP> -Tbe latest round in the baUle over what to call male and female members or the state Assembly bas brought a risque com· ment by one Democratic assemblyman and a re- buke by another. . Assemblyman Walter lngalls (D·Riverslde) spoke scornfully or a resolution that would de· aignate every author of a bill as an "Assembly member." MEMBERS.ARE C aemblyman" or '•as · semblywom- an" on bills they in · trodu ce alone. and a s semblymen" on jointly s p o n sored bills, e ven tHOAl.t.S when Lhecoautbors include women. women. · ··There are many of us here who don 'l wnat lo be neutered," lngallssaid in floor debate. "Many districts don't want their members neutered.ldon'twantmymembersneutered." He added that lbe resolution was "stupid and in· lipid ... ASSEMBLYMAN ART TORRES <D·Los Angeles> commented a few minutes later, "If so- meone is so unsure about his masculinity or fe mininity to conclude that this resolution would re- move them , be o r s he ought to see a .,.ycboanalyat." 1be Assembly voted to rescind its earlier ap- proval ol the reaoluUoo by fint-term Democrat Maxine Wat.en of Los Angeles and Laite a new vote <JD final passage later in the week. ltiaHR7. SD Activiti~ Add Up SAN DIEGO (AP) -Routine activities in the San Diego Air Basin generate 290 tons of air pollu· tantaperday, accordingtoapollutionspecialist. Kenneth Sulzer, a member of the San Diego C.OU.Oty Air Quality Cootrol Team, said 58 p_ercent of the air pollution level comes from vehicles, with another 38 percent generated by such operations as painting and dry cleanini. Sulzer told a civtc club the balance comes from aircraft and other miscellaneous activity. "1•UC NO'nCB PVBUC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE "ICTITIOUt IUllNIU NAMI STATIMllllT TM,_....,,,._ __ , ere 40ono Ooi.i· ..... '"' (Ol'l'llr 111001.ett. J4l1 Vle000<'10. H-cion e.ec11. CA. UMJ 0-..... C LA"4'1r\Od !M ._,.. "°'*'i. A .... Fo""t .. fll Velllt, (A. ""' (.ot ..... It 1. ........... ,,. .... -llfll A .. , ,_telfll v .. ...,, (A. "'°' ™• .. ,, .. u ,, ~ .... -... ~ dlvl-1 Qll ..... lt.U ......... TNf'-1 Wff llted-H Collt!ty ,..... of Or&AOt c-.tY ... J-.•.1m, -·------------"'*''"'"' Orefttt CO.ti o.41, ..... Pt18UC NO'l'llt!ll: • JM It, 1•, i..ellf l'.C.. t, lt17 ~ • ~ PUBUC NOTICE f'tCTtnovs IUllW11S NAMISTAffMllllT 14tt1 Tiie fol ....... peno11 11 dolllO butl· NOTICa TOCRaOITOltS llHtH: ......... , AOM INTERNATIONAL. n 1u SUf'e•tOltCOUltTO~'"· lli\9rlo.,.Or., l.IQUNN""91,Ct n.T1 STATI~CAU"or."IAl'Olt .IOMS ~yJr ,ttanMerl-Or., TMeCOUNTTOf'O•Alf04! UO-Hl.-t.Ct m n ln'll• 1Mtl9f'oftllo 1!1t9'ool .. ltAN-Thk Ml~ l1conouc:i..t tw tfl 111- CtSI.. PEVCKE.Oll• "RAl.CllLO•US dlvlOllel Pl!YCKE Oe<.HMCI .-.S.K•vJ• Holk • l1 t1ere0y 111 .. n to crwdlton Tith ~ ••• tiled wltll Ille "'""'"9 c:t.itM -1"\I , ... MIO~ Cov"tY Cl-ot Or•-COUflty °" ~ "' tile ""' c1.im1 111 tM ollk• of ...,......., ll, "n. Ille Ci.rte of Ille tf~ <_,Of lo ..,.. .. .....,..., u .. m to,,.. uncten!Qned .ii... Plltlll-Or-Cotu Oally Pllol., offl<e of ELEANOR A PEYCktf. , ... .i.n. 1',1',-i:.tl.2.t , 1'11 ,.n .. .,,,._ l'IKe, '" tl>lt City af ~ llNcll, In Oranoe COUfltV. wlllcll 11111¥ olftco ,, .,.. plllC• ... twsinKl ... , ........ donlQMd '" au ""'tten pert•'"'"" to \tld .ut .. o Suell <••Im• wltll Ille ,.<>tn•rt """",.." m"'' oe tiled or preMf!tecl .. ••ortuld wlt111n tour -flt atter IM tlr1t puOtlUI'°" ol thll tlOlk» 0...0 Dec JD. •'1• Rutlll-Herm..-Elle<lllrl•of tlle Wiii ot se1c1-.-... 11.UNOtt A. f'eYCKI .--. .... u. 164 .. Yriew ... ••· l.A9Mt 9Nc1I. CA. , ...... ~ Pullll\lllCI ~CAW~ o.tuv Piiot. .left. S, ll, "· 1', ff1 I t! · /1 PUBUC N011CE NOTIC9 TOCttlOITOltl SUf'ElttOttCOU•TO"'"ll STATE 0" CAl.ll'OltllllA l'Ott TNECOUlllTYO .. O•AHOa ..._._,. PUBUC N011CE "'cnnous iuttMHS NAMe ITATIMUIT T ... fotlOwt ... ---dlolftl 0..SI• "'HH. LI HOSEV CONCl!SStONS, UI vlrvlnla "'~ COit• Mno, CA. flUI H-A. u-y, Ht Vlf'91ftlo Pt , CMte-.CA."'17 Oolrid I.. LIMMY. l!Ut OtO ltl'I« ScllOot Rd. ntS, Clowney, CA. t02'2 Tiiis ""''""' to c:-11<ttd Oy t -··· PMt-'P. .........ALl-y Tlllt ............ W•• tl..0 Wltll tM C-ty Cl-ol 0.-tllQO c;o..111y on Ja1111MYU. ttn. E\t•te of VA i.ESKA 01.0A "ICT1'ftOUllUllNllS RAMSON, Oo<ttMd. lllAMaSTATaM .. IT NOTICE IS Hl!RllBY GtVl!N to IN Tiie followtllO ,,..._ It OOlfto IMlej • ................. -..--~-.. , -· .. , .,.,_... llovl"' ctol-eee!Mt C ENr• E t CE If OCK I v Ille Mid dlK-t .,.. re<ivlred IO flte SCHOOU, ..._, Vtlt-W·IOI, ... tMm wtlll the rw<HIMY VOUIC~. In e.lltt,QlllaMno,Cellfllmia ... Ille Oiftco ol the <to<11 of Ille ttlOoe .,._ Jeflft CllarlH "811f" •edOI", utlodcourt,orto-""'ttllffn,Wltll-H.,.pOrt VIiiage W·I02, W ....... -.-Y-.C ..... I , IOIM ~ Celt•llMM. Cll"°""•'MM Ill Ille office of THOMAS W. AU.EN, Tlllt _,,,._ It<-11y • t. A-y 91 LOW, IU! °""" Strwt, Ol"'4lkMI!. Sul" 200, N-~ BH<h, c.il-t """"o-ie.''Bltf"R-1" ~. wlllcll I• tM C>lt<t Of w.1.-1 ol Tllla ..__, •• flied wllll Ille ti. ......,.ll<Jned '" all m.itt" .,.,, .. ,.. C-ty Clefll of 0r9"99 C-ty .,.. lr19tollleHl•ltoheld-.w4lllln o.c.miletJD. 1'1•. '-"*°'"' efter Ille 11"1 PUCJfketlOR ~ ol llllt Mtkt Pullllftcl Or ... Cofft 0.lly Pttot, o.tec1 Ooc:•mot• n. 1.r• JOfl ... -.-f'eC J, •. ttn 111.n CATHERtNEM. ~~~:t~c:.~:::;.~ oltfte•~ ... .....,-PUBUC N011CE iw.r iitCTITtOUI IUMW .. P\JBUC NOTICS PUBUC N011CE lllAMI ITAH•Wf ~ ...... ltlo~• .... -· _._, ....... ••4<••v.. ., ...... " . -.....CAm.1 ,,,,,,, N .....,_ JIOS L oi._ S.,,S..AM CAtt1'0t '"'" ...,._ It ~t..il W.., '" ......_.. "'11¥N JolWllO" Thlt \Uol-... 1 WI\ ll!W Mii\ !lw Coum• c•era of O••"~ Ql;jMy .,., .......... 1'1• ..,.... l'llllltlllell ~ CO..t Qljly 1'11111 •• II. ... ,., tftd FtO, t. 1'71 OJI PUBUC NOTICE HOTIC& TO c••otTOltt Suf'C•IOacouaTOf'TMC STATaOf' CAl.t,.O•NtA flOlt '"a COUNTY 0 .. O•.u.o& ........... Ellett of ROYAi. T. OUeltNSEV tllo •· THOMAS GUERNSIEV .• _. RT GUl!RHSEY, De<nMd. NOTIC1! IS If ERE BY OIVUI • .. cl'edlton of Ille•~ nemed--... ~ l\eVlftQ Ciao-_ ... , tht \t;cl ~ ¥• <'9Cl\ll'\" .. Ille tllem, wit!>'"' MCHHN vouctwn, "' the olflce Of tfle c 1er1 of t,.. ..,,,._. -lltl9d (OOHI, Cir to Oft!Wftl t ...... , wltll "'9 _.,. WOU<•u.10111e~ ., .... o lllc:• o f J ACK\ON ""o GOOOS~IH, OC*~O A OEWAll, Attorne"1 et LAW, ltOI A-of llw Stan, Sulte ''°°· t.~ Anqolfl,, CA 'IC061. wlllct'l I\ Ille otact of O..\lnes• f/I llW"" d@1'19f1ed In all marten P9f'ltlnll>Q IO ... ..-... "' ... .., deCoodllnf. ""'"'" -~ .. ttr tM llnt puOlk t llonol llll\ ftOll<•. Olllld Ooc:emller21, 1'7~ Harrl~t 8"rcl Gllefl)MY A(lmlnt\tratrl• wlltt thtMll ..,.,..Id ot lbe E~f/I"" -.... nemodO.C:.-JAOCIOtl ANO OOOOSTlllN DOMAU> A. DI WA a ............. "'1Aft,oftlle1Unlel .. IMI ............ CA""1 Tll: UUI 17'4* A..,_.,.fw~retrh ... ..... _ .... ,...._ Oref!Qe ~I Oolty,..., Oe<.2'. tt7'...0J•n. s, it, tt,..,. "'1·1& PUBUC NO'l1CE "-~~~-~~~~~-~~~~-~--~~~~---~--~~--~~-~-~---~~~~~~~....,TMQMASW.AU.IH TH£ IEST Of EYEAm11ea IN IEAL £STAT£ FOi THE CAREER MINDED MAN 01 WOMAN l•cla.dlni .... * ....... le 9'Mlty -11 I c·-.., M .......... . ·-•• l•d•,.~ ~«*•te ...... o .. , ..................................... ty. *A 11e9ofl•I r.tefyel P'oW""' -"'dt MMfheboellbu,.,aeftd..-.. * A11 HClueh19 ~ werr9ftty ptoerll'lt whldt l!MWMMI-. MlitMlty of •"f ._.... * '"'"''°" .... '"'""" •udlolwt1· " ........... . • lll'tof•~•I ..... .,. .. nl"9 pree. ttoe pr~11 i., ..,., 21,tto •••• •.octet .. eoroeehU.&. ~er Mart lnfmmation On: * Hn ti ltt stlrttd * Wltat tt takes to '' succtsslul * Ho• •H• Htl How M.ach you CH •1peet te ttm * AND MUCH '901l!! Pln aow to attea• our CRii' lllldd YOU ARE CORDIALLY )- INVITED by Commercial & Residential Realt1 caJI: 751-2060 ...._ .. u. "" O....Mfwt ....... ~ lleOCtt, C:..llfenN.,,... Tel: (7Ml7ft.tl6t ,.........,_.A< .. r'I• P\Alll....., 0rllft99 Coest Dolly flltot, ~ 2', 1'7' -,,_., t, It. "·!'1' W.H Srrwg Batt/,e Sizzks Southern California Chafing Over Control B7TBOIU8D. EUA8 Local ontebJI in Southern Calltoroia have ralaed aucb a fuA 09er their obligation to finance a MW ttate-mandated amot control district that the nal meanh'I of the law aeWnc up the new •aency bu bemoblcured. Oaee tbe DOliUcal dust raised by the fact that Loi ADcelte CountJ can no longtt dominate smoe eoatrol elfort. In the Southland bas settled. these poi:eta.wW mna1n: -n 11A8 NOW BEEN llADE clear that if a local• polluUon eoatrol dlatrict wOQ•t °"can't do au Job. tbl .. wlU tat• awa)'"' autborlty. '*........ -Jtecioa•I 1overnment 11 now a reality, at • • .. 1U1t ,,..... ,......... problems lite •moc. whicll ••• -fl)Me' • doea't ._It city Umlta or county llDa, are coo· Qeeea Silvia of ~lad111triea of all ..... 32. is pre&· tn-... aolnatobne to --sour~=H~EB=N-.... .-md expedAMI to r • t r o l J t-t b e l r CALll'QRNIA atft biJtb nat July• aaok•tacb aDd fuel l•• office of the t••t• ..stta tbe "be•t __ F_O_C_U_S __ ~ • aralaal of tbe ........_ Wmol> eoatrol &ealm b•• an-.. ._•t0:• • a t.S. U tbe baby Is a -' be will be 'ID naST TWO POINTS AaE lar1eJy Wr to tbe SWecUab p••M -4 thus unllkely to have much impact on uarc.e. Swedm bu ~~aueeeuk>n Teem' Poll •ctual amoc. but tbe third will most likely be sJ,wncent end cmtrov•ralaJ tor years to come. 1be initial lmpect of thia new law wUI be on the South Cout Air Basin, includioc Orange, Los Ao1eles. San lknludino and Riverside counties. But ii the mete&* outlined tor that most severely amoe<hoked area succeed. they will almost cer-t.ainl>' be requ.lred in the San Francisco Bay Area and tbe San Joequin Valley, both of wbich bave O'Owtnl air quality problems. Even in Southenl Calilanla, there will be little p~ to \qldate pol.Jutkln cootrol techniques Wl· W lt'1t, When the new •mot control agency must is· Ille a plan for meedq state and federal air quality ataoclardl. TBAT PIAN Jltlft OONrAIN A compliance schedule ffr reaobiq ltllte atandarda "at tbe earliest date acblevabie by appUcetion of aJl rea11CJN1ble and anllable control meuures and teehoolallel ... Tb.It niqairemeat han"t yet ref,lstered on lDa!IJ affected. penom, • public •tteotion bas foeaed cm Lae Aqelel eo.mty•a refusal to pa,y its lhareoftbenew qeoey•a badget. But wbell the ftnanetal arpmeot fades away. the new district will have to devise a campaign to accomplish tbe goal it was set up to reach. No other amog control district bu such a specific mandate. but the~ by the state of this kind of goal for one region will probably spur others to make their own plam to achieve the same goal, for fear of hav- ing tbeatatedlctatetheir actioos, too. UAL ESTATE SALIS MAMA .. We are IOOklng for lop mlnaoemt'lt l*WOnMf with two years or more expertence in r4*denllal ru --IO ll'WNIQ9 Mtabllthed office In HunUngton Beach~ounllift ve11i.y .,..._ Eitce11en1 Co~penutlon. Send reeume In confidence IO Ad #788. Dtiltv Piiot. P.O. Box 1680. Costa Mesa. CA We.stern Union IBkeOK'd Nixes Drugs AS SllOG CONTaOL DISTIUcrs begin these 9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: drives. they'll have to answer two major ques- tions: Who must install the new pollutlon control equipment ftnt and who will declde what is tbe best ·~" PRANCISCO .CAP> -Wllla>D UnioD ~~ tta rate• by U In Celllcln&a cm telegama. .......... teleCrama and DM111117 ..... T~• atate Public UtllMMa CommlNloo or· cter ia apected to in- .._ tbe ftrm •• cross aaaaal re•enue by ..... ad to brtq Its CaUfonli• Intrastate ..... la line wttb a:1sttn1 .u.-uttonru rates ..,..., lllllN\'ed by the P•deru Com•ulca-ua.e ...... TD MSW r-.., el- feetift' M. 12. will br- .., IMCOltClf a ttlllecrmn of 11 lmk WGl'da or lea .. ... 71. °'9llllbt wlr. wnU.'*klOOWGl'da OI 1-will eGll ta. and ~ orden ol $$0 or ... wll ec.t .. '10, wttb ............... ~ more OD a gr9duated rate. Tb• last tnereaae .,,__, w--. Umoa b7 t"9 PUC wu $1.1 mlllloa aa•••llJ on lla.IU».Jm. T•S co•PANY elalmld tMl for &be 12 ............ ,.. .. 111'1 -Cdhnla lD· tr a a tat• oper aUoa1 .... • '1.4 ....... .............. nte ol ...... olUperce& NEW YORK (AP) -Take it from the junior high set: bard dnap are out, alcohol is in. TV violence doesn't b1"eed tbe real thing and the most important tbiDg Jimmy Carter can do is achieve world peace. These were IOIDe ol the findings in a poll of 2.000 kids in their eety teeoa, cmducted by the En· cyelopedla Britmmica F.ducatlooal Corp. JOHN BEN'ION. CllAlallAN OF the corpora. tioe. aaid ~that the averqe 15-year-old bu eeen lJ,400 mutden eommittfld on television and that M percent of all eutooo abows contain violence at t.be rate~23 inddeats an hour. But unlike many parents. psychiatrists. sodolol!N and others, the young people. by a more than 90 perttnt m.;ority, aakl they did not find TV Yioleoc.~e. Am~ tbe minority, one youngster thought TV mQ'hem 'm.US me more violent" and another felt it "lbows that life is very cheap" and cau.ses JOUDI people to lose respect for it. BUT ll08T OF THOSE POLLED agreed with me......,.. wbo said that "It isn't a real world" available tecbooloaY! "I think they'll have to start on the big polluters," says Alvin Gordon. a member of the st.ate Air Reeaureea Board <ARB>. the agency that will bear ~ from local amog decisions under tbenewlaw. "Butithan't yet been resolved wbo will decide what la tM bMt technology available. I feel in- dustries, local diatricta and the state board should be involved in that decision. Perhap.s we could have a matualb egreed-oo advisory ~ard.'' BOnl QUESTIONS AllE EXTREMELY im· portant because they will decide bow large sums of money are spent and by whom. Ultimately, the decisions will probably have to be made by tbe ARB and the courts, if ARB rulings are appealed. Whatever techooloey is decided upon, it will cost i.ndustrv bwdred1 ~ mijllons of dollars to in-s t.all and that la UteJ,y to spur new quarrels for years aftertbedebateover fanaociJllb foraotten. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND OUR OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY. JAMUAIY D-fllOM 2 P.M.A P.M. We have recentty oP8tted OUR NEW MORTUARY, In conjunction with our oematetY and accounting omc.. We will be pleased to giYe )'OCJ a P8nlOOa! tour of the new facilities. fairhnven flemorinl park MORTUARY • CEMETERY 714-633-1442 1702 E. f..m-A"'9. • ~ Tlndn Aw. 6. Grind Me. • lrlll'9 ,,_ -~--------------------------- ortbec-., t.oealled it "juata way to relax." ---------,...~~--~~--~---~----~-----.....--,. ... Oil of tbe fairy tales we have learned are ~JIM Hamel and Gretel being pushed into U. OHD, ao bow is that dlfterent from TV'.'" asked one . Puppetry Classes \ Planned at OCC Two claaaes In puppetry will be taught at Orante Coat ~e tb1s spring by Melba Conna· ly, autharoftbe "Playful Puppets." Tbe ._..nnma course, J>uRpet.ry 120. will meet from 7 to lO p.m. lloodaya. In this class students wW be tlaltlt tbe CCJnatructSoo and use of puppets Md ...... Cmttnactioo Of a more advanced varie· ty of "'"4+etl will be ~ugbt in Puppetry lZl, wblcb will melt from 7to10 p.m . Wednesdays . ._..lllioa coatlnues through Feb. 10. For monlnlarmatioll, call 556-S886. SENI'ENCE 70l'E4RS SAN DIEGO (AP> - Raymond Moreno must s pend '10 years ln priaon after hi& conviction of conspiracy in a $2· million heroin amuul· ing roundup wttb parole to last a lifetime The sentence was im· posed by U.S. District Court Judge Gordon Tbompaoo on Moreno, 40, who was in Ja1l on other charges when heroin waa found in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Calter, pro- secutors said. Earning money is one thing. Holding on to 1l and making 11 grow is another. Perpetual Saving!> has various ways of making your money make money. Even though Perpc1ual Savings is a \1zable financial tn'>l1tution. you'll feel comfonablc wtth u' Our employees a.re friendly, knowteugcablc aml lake care of your tran .. acuons 4u1cl...ly. And we oiler 11n l'normou ... range of \l'rvu.:n. So when people refer to U'> a .. .1 mwcr of strength, it's more <h;1n ju't .11..atlhy phrase a11. At Your Service, Service- And They're Free <Some servicn require quahfyina be1MC9ll.) Safe Deposit Box Notary Service Checking Accounl Savings Bond Travelers Checks Redempcion& Money Orders Save-By·Mail Copy Service lntePBranch Privileges Trust Deed lClephone lransfer Collections ldentikey Ciudad De Huntington Beach * ATENCION RESIDENTES Come an and we U'\ -;non. Where )'t~ pm yuur money doc-; make a differenct! Highest Allowable Interest Retirement Plans Tux-deferred Keogh Plan · A self-employed individual may deposit 15'* of his or her annual income ($7500 maximum) in a Keogh plan. Both money contributed for younelf and fOf employees is tu·deductiblc, as is the interest it earns. After retirement you're taxed at a much lower rale as you use the money. Perpetual pays the 1Nstce f ces. • DE HLNTNGTON BEACH ! LA CIUOAO OE HUNTINGTON BEACH EST A PREPARANDO AHORA UNA APLICACION DE AYUDA FEDERAL POR $1.245.000 Dolares LOS RESIOENTES OE LA CIUDAD TIENEN OCRECHO A FSTA AYUDA BA.JO EL ACTA DE DESAHROLLO OE VIVIEN!JA Y COMUNIDAO DE 1974. ESTOS FONDOS SON DESTINAOOl:i A BENE:.FICIAA LAS FAMILIAS OE BAJO 0 MOOERADAS ENTRAOAS MEJORAND'O LAS CONOICIONES OE VIVIENDA, LOS SERVICIOS DE LA COMUHIOAO 0 LAS OPORTUNIDADES ECONOMICAS El C~ITE OE CIUDAOANOS CONSEJEAOS PARA L65 CIUOAOAMOS NECESITA SUS IDEAS EN REFERENCIA AL OESARROLLO OE LACOMUNIDAD Y LOS INVITA A USTEDES A LA ASAMBLEA OE LOS OIAS Enero 20 de 19 77 A LAS 7.00 p.m. EN EL LOCAL 0 I DE EL CCNTHO CIVICO ES URGENTE QUE UD. ESTE PRESENTE I PAAA MAS INFOAMACION 1.1..AMC: Al TEL. 53G·S271 Annual Rate AnnuaJ Yield• 'Jenni 514% 5.39% ~-= 5~%·~ 5.92% :.~=: 61h%·· 6. 72% !::,!1·000 63k%u 6.98% :ev:,;,~ 71h%·~ 7. 79o/o !t:,~"·000 7~% .. 8.06% ~:::/1•000 •Wi1h 1ntere~t compoumkd cl:.uly and maintained for one year .. By Federal law. early v.1thdrawal~ on rerm accounts arc c.ubJCC! to !IUbstamial int.crc!!t penalt1c~. Individual Retirement Account Start your own lndividuul Rcliremenr Account if you're not already in one. Conrriburc up ro 15% of your annual income ($1500 maximum) in one payment or regular installment!>. The money contributed and the interellt it earns are tax deductible until you use the money. Perpetual pays 1he ltustee fee!\. 8U'ERL\' lilt.LS <M.11n OllK\'I. \17l0 Wl"h•~ Blvtl . (2131274 -6066 0 WESTWOOD VILLAO~, 1<*6 Wi1'1urc: Blvd. C~L' 1474 '~0.1 C tARChMONT. L111'(hmont Blvd. ;11 Beverly Blvd .. ClJ') 462 646.3 0 CANOGA PARK, V1uory Blvtl ut Pl1111 Ave . (llJ> 348·4141 [g 0 NORTffRIDCF., lit~ 0c~on,h1rc S1 • c::l.l 1 3(1().2326 O• FULLERTON, 3334 \brba Linda Blvd .. C714)99J·l200D•NEWPOAT Bt:ACH, l6.l4SanM11uel Blvd .. (fonnerly • New M1~Arthur BlvJ l. <7141 MO 16'4 D •Open SJtutduy" rrom 10 A M. 10 2 ~M. . ... • * W«fneect!)', Janu!I)' 1e. 1m. · · :--. IAOADCAmNG VET ~-· . ABC'• Robert Trout INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Indiana has become the 3Slh state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. The stale Senate passed the measure 26-24 Tuesday alter rejecting a proposal to put the is- sue to a referendum two years from now. The ERA would pro- h i b lt discr imination :because of sex. It needs • ·r a lification by three :§. more states by March 22, ~ 1979, to become the 27th ~ .Am endment to the ~ Constitution. ~ Legislatures in two ~ •stat.es -Nebraska and (I'ennessee -have voted W: ·to rescind their ratifica· • tion, but the legality of ... ~ ... .. 4 ... -.. • that move has not yet ~ been determined . ~ ...... llouse .. , Chores .. . Lighten _JnauguratlOn "Coverage ·'Old Bitt' lOr ·n1111 · 87 ).4.'Y 8BABBU'n' LOS ANG!:LES (AP) -CBS' Walter Cronkite ia covertnc bi.a ei1btb prtia!dentiaJ inaugur,tion Tbunday. But he's the new kld on that beat compared to an old frieod -Robert TroUtof ABC Newa. Trout, 68, la worldng bis 12th ln· auguration, dolng it again oo radio. The ftrat lime was in March 1933 when be reported on the inaugural parade that followed the swearin1· in of President Franklin D. Roo.evelt. BE WOUED FOR CBS then,' told llatenen what be saw from his chilly parade-route perch atop the old WWud Hotel in Waahiniton. D.C. He might have done it from a Navy blimp -a radio first -but bad bad luck. I . Get ear piercing studs and fashion nbops. Come, get your ears pierced at May Co. You'I get new fashion hoops in 24K gold ~ted ~ They come in three lightweight sizes and slip tWlt into 24K gold pated'SU"gicaJ steel hypo·alergenic stud earrings. A registered ruse pierces yooc ears with a new modem method that takes ~t a minute and doesn't hurt a bit. Everyone must sign a consent form and those under 18 must bring a parent «- guardian to sign for them. tbve your eus pierced downtown I.a.: Thursday, January 20, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, January 21, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, January 22. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Al other stores except cerritos: Thursday, J~ry 20, // Trout. apeakinJ by phone from Wuhincton, al.Id when be learned· CBS planned to have aomeooe re- port the 1133 parade from the blimp, he applied for the job. He cot it. And quickly Jost lt. Seems he admitted to the man in charge he'd never been aloft befoJ'e. Wbereupqn1 Trout said1 the boa•. exclaimed, " Okay, that s it. You're not going:' He was afraid itbe feJt1bak7whenbecoveredUM'. · I'd get alraick and ruin thinp. · · llnt lnaufuraUon, Un, Ob a. network boOkup. from h1'b ·at.op1 "I BEGGED AND pleaded to 10. the WWard. but Paul Douilu did it," he added, refenina to tbe late act.or who started aa a CBS announcer in New York. . Trout, who Joined ABC in 197S, havlq spent most of b.ia 4S yean in broadcaaUng with CBS, wu asked .. NO, NOT agAU.Y."' aUt tba. reporter.~ bepll Oft wbit_.li 1tatlon WTOP bl W81hla~''l'd; bad more than a Jffl' ol •. ln, ad·llbbml. auounclnf, ..a rtun •t alltbatdiff..._L •• NEW YORK (AP l '-Woman's work is more i------------------- quick.ly done than ever before, according to a survey of 50,000 McCall's -.. magazine readers. •I "Regardless of whether they hold jobs or '9.re full -tim~ housewives, American women are spending less time on housework and enjoying it more." McCall's said. "Four out 0£ five women say they spend less than an hour a day straightening up, while half said that housework even brought them 'oc- casional pleasure.' Only one woman out of 10 declared that she 'hated housework.' So much for the enonymous pundit, who observed that: "Man may work from sun to, sun, but woman's work ial neverdone" AOW'l"tt\411Wfti How to Pick Sleepers in Rare Plates NORTHBROOK. Ill.- The director of a world· wide art exchange in this Chicago suhurb has an- nounced a new. easy way to start collecting rare por- celain plates with high re- sale potential According to Roderick MacArthur, director of the Bradford Exchange, one e"<ccptional plate priced al S25 in 1965 now bring" SI, 750, and another selling at S9 7"i in 1969 .now <.ell, for 5440. Mr. MacArthur say!!, "Since many platcc;.do not incrca\c in value, amateurs often make "criouo; m1s- 1 • takes." He olTcr'> a free re- ,' \)Ort on what to look for, '•' when to buy, what to pay ·and much more. It even in· eludes special offers on ~agerly·sought collector ,, plate~ nt modc'it cost. To get your free report l·· With no obligation, just send your name. address, 11• •iand zip code to tho Brad- '> , f'ord Exchange, J9'103 Brad- " t ford Place. Northbrook, ., 1 Illinois 60062. A postcud r • will do. To be sure of ~iving your free copy, 11! 'l)le&se mllil your request• " bcrorc Janwiry 29, 1977. • .. . . I semi annual . . Hanes· Sale Stocking~, pantyhose, and Alive® support stockings style 415 with rein(orced heel and toe South Pacific, Town Taupe, Topaz style 530 walking sheers South Pacific, Town Taupe, White. Little Color reg. 1.75 3 pr. 4.50 6 pr. 9.00 • • I style 885 ill de.v waist-te .. toe SoutP Pacific, Barely There, Little Cob; Barely Black, Cientle Brown style 950 uhra sheer demi-toe . pantyhose Black, Navy, ·Town Taupe, South Pacific, Barely There style 805 sheer support stod<ings South Pacific,-little Color: Mayfair, .' Town Taupe .. . style 809 rein!orttd support pantyhose South Pacific, Mayfair, White, Town Taupe, Little Color style 615 with nude heel, demi toe South Pacific, Little Color, Barely Black Jtyle 205 untrecee with nude heel South Pacific, Barely There style 810 nude heel support ~ntyhose Gentle Brown, Barely Black, 1 50 'S0.1th Padf1e, Barely There, Little Color • pr. style 811 aU clHr toe-to-waist ponfyhose . style 500 everycky sheer with stretch nude hffl, demi-toe South Pacific, 8'rely There, Little Color, Town Taupe, Gentle Brown ~ 550 everyday sheer with stretch Ja1dll·foot South Pacific, Barely There, Navy, Barely Black style 709 tummy control with nude heel South Pacif~, Barely There, Little Color, Barely Btack, Gentle B(own ~ 710 tummy control, with Mndal·foot South Pacffic, Barely ~e, ~ Llde Color I reg. 1,75 support pantyhose South Pacific, Little 3 pr. 4.SO Color, Mayfair, Navy ' 6 pr. 9.00 ·Hanes 439 ~1.95 3 pr. 4.80 6 pr. 9.60 reg. 3.00 Jpr.7.SO 6 pt. 15.00 reg. 5.95 3 pr. 14.85 6 pr. 29.70 .. \. I .... ~. I I •I • ....,.__.._Westminster Mil-Sllllllmt at sa·11P ~., 191-2521 t••IJ l~ ... t96p& M1•~ .. , ... ..,, IO&&tet.JOpa. --·· -, , ,• ' I I .. I , Wedneed.y, Januarx 19, 1977 Freshman Returning Holy Cross to Promlneliee WORCESTER, Mau. {AP) -"We broke every rule ln the book wbm we reerulled Ron- nie Perry," says Holy Cross basketball coach Georce Blaney with too,-ue in cheek. ''Ulkter NCAA rules: we were allowed cnly three visit. and our athletic director wu with him every night." IJke lather like son la the theme on the Holy Cr06S cam- pus theM days u Ronnie Jr .• an 18-year~ld freshman, is more tban living up to expec- tatlo,0 on' the court while followfnl inU.efootateps of his dad, a former Crusaders great now the athletic director. ••Young Ronnie and my wife, Patricia, kid me that be'• giving me a second life, and you lmowhereally la, "the elder Perry aays with a hearty laugh. With young Ronnie, a 6·1Yl cuard who weighs 175 pounds, leading the way, the Crusaders are back in the top echelon of the basketball world. They're recalling the glory days ot Bob Cou.sy, Togo Palazzi, the elder Perry and Tommy Heinsohn. Ronnie Jr., sought by more th an 300 colleges, is dolng it all it b1I dad's alma roater. He leads the team ln just abo1.1l every department. "When he decided to enroll here, l t.hou1ht be would have to be a combination of Superman and Batman to Uve up to all hla publicity," Blaney said. "Now I'm just over- whelmed. He's even better than I ever thought be coW.d be." With Perry at the helm, the Crusaders have won 12 of their fint 13 gamea, loelnc onJy to Florida in the Gator Bowl final. He bas played 462 , minutes, scoring 298 points for a 22.9 average. He bu scored fewer than 20 pointa in only two 1ames -19 against Bul· f alo and 12 against Providence in the Colonial Clauic final. Perry's performance against Providence was out.- standing despite bis low POlnt production. Double-teamed by the nationally ranked Friars, be con.slatenUy bit the open man with perfect caaaes. llls poise and unaelf abneu were noticed by everyone. ... Ronnie Perry is at lea1t the equal of all the great guards produced by New Encland high school basketball," Baro~s, Marina Tangle Takers In S · · C 0 Topple unset ~ge pener KC Ki 8 It will be derendinc Sunset • ng .... Leaiue champion Marina Hi.gb .... .. alut Oraqe County's No. 1· KANSAS CITY -The Los ranked Fountain Valley Barons Angeles Lakers, with Kareem when the two teams open Sunse' Abdul·Jabbar scoring 36 points, Lea1ue basketball action at 7 overcame a 12 ·point third- tonlgbt at Marina High in Hunt-quarter deficit and defeated the lngton Beach. Kansas City Kings, 113·111, Tues· And for the first time in three day night in National Basketball years, it will be Dave Brown's Association action. run-and-gun Barons who come Abdul-Jabbar scored 14 points into the game as a substantial in the final quarter when the favorite. Lakers took the lead for the first Complllng a 14-1 non-league re-time since early in the opening cord and No. 6 rating in the CIF period. 4·A poll, the Barons feature one Johnny Neumann hit a 12-foot of the CIF'a top guards in George jumper with 4:03 left and, after Barrios, a clever playmaker who being fouled by Brian Taylor, is averaetng 17.4 polnf.f. converted the three-point play. "We feel the key i.s tA> stop Bar-That gave Los Angeles a 104-102 rlos," says Steve Popovich, lead and the Lakers never lost it. Marina's bead basketball coach. ••He It as IOod a point guard as we've seen this year, and bis penetl'ation creates problems on defense. His speed, q\Jlckness and plain talent cause pro· btem1.'1 Mtrina, which compiled 22-9 and 22-6 records the past two years when Notre Dame. Univenlty freshman Rich Bran· !ling was its star, is 9.7 U:Us •easoo. .And unli~ the past ~wo seasons, Marina will use a dif. fer~at ttyle aiainst Fountain Valley. ''The most important thing for tJa is to Control the tempo,'' says Popovich. "Last year, we were trying to pick up the temPO. • • Jn the two tea.ms' first meeting In the Arroyo Grande tourna- ment In December, Marina con- troled the tempo and oaly lost 55-54 on a last-secoad ~-footer by FV's Bo Boxold. "Marina was the first team to play a zone against us up to that STEVE POPOVICH Marina Coach tlme and that caused us pro· bl.ems," says Dave Brown, the Barons' head coach. ''They got us out of rhythm and did a good job of pressuring. We didn't have a good flow of movement, and that's something you need against a r..one." Since that point, the Barons have enjoyed success against zone teams, defeating Alhambra, 81-69, and Cypress, 72-58. Despite having the favorite's role, the &arons are in for a dif· ficult game, says Brown. "Marina's record is decfiv· ing," he says. "They lost some games when they didn't have Dave Gibbs, who is a good re- bounder. They shoot real\y ... ell New Grid Coaeh Brown Selected To Guide El Toro ByllOGEllCAlll..WN Ol .. D•llyl'llMAatt Phil Brown it the new head foot- ball coach at El Toro High School. followint today's announcement as the choice to succeed Mac Moore. Brown, 38, assumes the post after a year's duty as an assistant in the El Toro command. The Cbar1ers, after earning CIF pla)'Olf bertbt the first two years or their existence, have fallen on hard times recently. postinl a 1·8 record in 1975 and a 4'·5 mark in '76, scoring two touchdowns In their laat ah: 1amea. "We'll be employing the same offensive lactic," aaya Brown, "the I-formation. The major chan1e I.a tbat we'll be aoing with a two-platoon Qlt.em. "I tblnk our kld1 are very almUar to the personnel I had at Estancia High In terms of size and ablllty and I think we'll be a whole lot betterol!Lryin1 to be an expert in one phase of the game rather tbantwo." Brown. a former assistant at Citrus College and head coach at Glendale Colleae. turned Estan· da (Costa Mesa> High's program around in the early 708. His 1970 team went 9·2, losing to CIF 3-A and Irvine League cham- pion Edison of Huntington Beach, 14· 12, and to t.be Allen Carter-led Bonita Bearcats, 15·14. in the second round of the CJF playoffs. Prior to Brown's arrival. Estancia had not won more than three games in any oflbe past four seasons. His teams functioned with pre- cision in competition against Fountain Valley, Edison, Santa Ana Valley and Los AlamiU>s, among other stron1 compeliUoo. Brown left Estancia after four seasons to enter private businesa. But be returned to teaching prior to the 1976 season and booked up with El Toro alter a three·year layoff. "I just Celt I belonged in coaching," says Brown, a Mlssloo Viejo resident, regarding bis re- turn to teaching. His four teams at Estancia (69-72) PG'\ed a win-loss-tie re- cord of 21-16-1 and the last 31 games found no Estancla team shutoutofthescOring column. When Brown left Etta.net• the scbool '1 next twotJama recorded a3-14·lmark. An e~-Temple City llilh thfte. 1port 1tar, Brownwuaflntteam All·NAIA District 3 cuard for tbe University of Redla.ndl in~· DAVE BROWN Fountain Valley Coech and have the ability to control the tempo." Gibbs, a 6-5 center, has missed the last three cames because or pneumonia -and Marina has lost two of those co'ntests. Popovich says Gibbs is practic· ing this week and while he.won't start, he· figures to play ex- tensively. But the key Viking has been 6-4 forward Tony Warren, who has scored in double figures every oullng and Is averaging 15.7 points. 11$ addition to Barrios, the Barons are getting double.figure scoring from 6-3 Scott Ford (16.2). 6-3 Roger Holmes (15.3) and 6·3 Bret Wilkinson ( 13. l). Banks Gains Baseball's Hall of Fame NEW YORK CAP> -Ernie Banks of the Chicago Cubs, one of baseball's top all-time sluggers, was named to the Hall of Fame today by the Baseball Writers Association of America in his first year of eligibility for the shrine in Cooperstown, N. Y. Banks, a shortstop and first baseman for 19 seasons with the Cubs, was the only player in the writers' balloting to receive the 75 percent required for election. He had 321 votes of the 383 cast by 10-year members of the BBW AA. The required number of votes for election was 288. · Eddie Mathews, former slug- ger for the Braves in Boston and Mllwaukee, finished second in the balloting with 239 votes, 49 aby of election. Mathews and Banks each had 512 career home runs, tied for ninth place on the all·time list. The late Gil Hodges of the Brooklyn and . Los Angeles Dodgers and New York Meta was third with 224 ...otes. followed by Enos Slaughter, wbo had 222. Slaughter played for several teams but 15 belt known for his years with the St. Louis Cardinals. Duke Snider, also of the Dod1en, was the only other player with more than 200 votes, reeelvinl 212. Tbe pitcher com- tna clOHlt to election wu the Dodeen' Don D~~~t~1 y.1th lt'1 vot•. 1lxtb In I.be DallOWll. Banks ii the S5th player aeJeci ed bJ tbe Writen into the Hall of Fame. LOS ANO I LIS lllJI 11..uell 10, Ford 4, ._ •• J•tll>•r >4, Ali.ti 11. 0.-y 2. K W•'111 ....... 11, T•tu"' 6, K-10, ~r 10, Neum•"" I KANSAS CITY '"'' II. Wafltl"9!0fl n W-n 2. L•<IY "· -.. 25. T•ykl< ••• IE••lns "· JoMson 10. llOl>omlnel Lo• A"9elK 24 19 19 ll-lll l(a"'a' Cltv lO 1i 2t 7• 111 """'"" O<ll--Total IOU!\ Lo• Ang<1ln ''· K.anws City,.. A-•,410 KJ .... Ertspt TNGLEWOOD -Frank St Marseille and Marcel Dionne each rifled in a goal and added two assists as the Los Angeles Kings downed the Toronto Maple Leafs. 6-3, in National Hockey League a~Uon Tuesday night. The victory was Los Angeles' first in five meetings over the Maple Leafs this season, and came on the heels of a disastrous road trip which saw Los Ancelee lose six of seven 1ames. ~rSlp• Left-bander Mike Cl\ellar, co- winnel' of t.be American Leaiue Cy Young Award in 1969 and four tim~ a 20-game winner in 12 ma- jor league seasons, has signed with the California Angela as a free agenL Cuellar, 39, was released by Baltimore, where be was 4-13 with a 4.96 earned nu\ average last season. l'Uas Ad1'a11ea BALTIMORE-No. 1 seed Guillermo Vilas upended Peter Fleming, 6-2, 3-6, 6·3 to highlight first round action of the .Baltimore International indoor ~nis championships Tuesday, here. Defending champion Tom Gorman beat Wojtek Fibak 6·3, 7-6; Jan Kodes downed Bill Scanlon 6-4, 6-2; Gene Mayer top- pled Tom Okker 3-6, 6·3. 6-4; Ross Case ousted Dale Power 6·4, 6-3, 6-4; Billy Martin overtook Jeff Borowiak 4-6, 6-2, 7-5; Byron Bertram toppled Ion Tiriac 6-4, 6-2. lriMRoH SOUTH BEND, Ind.- . Freshman Rich Branning, former Marina Hilb (Huntington Beach) star, scol'ed slx points ln ·a starting role, helping the Notre Dame Fighting Irish rout Stonehlll College, 98-70, ln c0Ue1e basketball action Tuesday nlaht. The win broke a four-1ame los- ing streak for Notre Dame. SCC Romp&, 81-60 Southern Callfomia College's Vanguards came up with the dominating rebounding game Tue.day nitht and went on to swamp vtatting Unlted States In- ternational University of San Diego, 81-410. te. CM. CM1et1t (fl I ""...... ''""'~ II•"°" • 4 J 12 MatsltH • J o II Olasi.r • o t I -.UCL.eeft • o o t A,..,,., • • • " cta-;'911 1 o 1 ' ~ t 4 1 14 Wiii'-"'' I 0 0 2 Cn;ttll J o O • Talals JJ u t II H.in1,,..1tce.a..o. Providence coach Dave Gavitt says. "He ls so good that our primary recruitin1 need is to find someone who canplaybim." Allhou1b the key ballbandier ln the Holy Cross offense, Perry.has bad only 23 turnovers Jn 13 1ame1. And 1ome bave come while he bu been ~ to feed a team- mate who needed a boost in confidence. ..In my mind, the number or turnoven tells everythlna." Ronnie Perry Sr. said. "He's handling the ball all the Ume and hu just 23 turnovers. It's amuln1. It'• tbe criteria of • 1ood buketball player." Tbt eldel' Perry was one of Greater Boston'• all-time scboolbor creats at Somervllle Jilah. At. Holy Crou, be helped the Crusaden to tbe NCAA cbalU· plooablP Lo 19S2 and the N •· tlottal !avttatlon Tournament title 1n 115t. He allo compiled a 23·2 record u e pitcher in baseball. Later, RoMJe Sr. coach~ 14 years at Catholic Memorial HJ1b Sc~ In Boston, compU. in& • 292-8' record. Al'f't191• LAKERS' JOHNNY NEUMANN BATTLES GLENN HANSEN (35). "Northridge Falls Anteaters Sizzle .. ~= Iµ 80-66 Victory ~·.·-. By CRAIG SHEFF OUM Dally Pilot Stefl UC Irvine, shootbtg a sizzling 59.3 percent from the field, rolled to an 80·66 college basketball vic- tory over visiting Cal Slate (Northridge) Tuesday night at Crawford Hall. It was one of the Anteaters' better efforts of the season, ii not the best. Coach Tim Tift's club not only shot well, but the Anteaters dis- played a good fast break, the ptaslng was crisp and they com- m ltted only nine tumoven - three late in the game when the win was locked up. UCL didn't take the lead for cood onW three minutes were left lo the~g half. With the score Ued at 22, the Anteaten scored the next 10 potntl for a 32-22 halftime lead. The apree was started by guard Louis Stephens, wbo pumped ln a couple-ot long jumpers. Then after a Matadors turnover, Kirk Christ bit from ln close. Tim Ttvenan followed with a layup alter a aparltllng pass from Stepbena and Stephens finished t.be spree with two free throws. UCI bad bit 55 percent of lta sbOtl in the openinc half and ii there waa any tbougbt the An- teaters ml8ht cool after 'the break -it wu quickly silenced. Jrvlne swished lu ritst five abota after the intermission and built the lead to 51·36 with 11 minutes to go. ' Northridge made a brief flurry. cutting the marg_in to 53·45, but UCl kept tts coqJ and was quickly back in front by 12. Stephens and Tivenan wer~ particularly effective. Stephens pumped in 18 points, hilting_ seven of 11 shota from lheJield. Tivenan scored 14 point.. hauf some key assists and played ~ good floor game. ~ The Anteaters canned 32 of~ shots· from the field wbll4: Northrldge hit 24 of 55 (43.8 per· cent). UClrtlM(•I . ..... ~ ..... ,. ROd9ffS J 0 S 4 H•lr 7 4 • J•nlllM S 2 • 12 Cllerwlltf" 0 0 I 0 GOfltaltl J 2 • I CeUOfl 2 0 0 4 Tlw~an ' 6 I t• C/lrl\t 1 0 0 • Ste!>l*I' 1 • 2 II Tot•'-n" 7t «> t..0•11\Qltr A 0 S I Hallllmt• UClrvlne,3?·11. No .. l Dons . -· ... lnAnaheim · USF, the naUon's top.ranked college baaketlf&ll team with a 19·0 record, ab<>Wcues lta talent in Oraoce County at 8 Tbura&ly nl1ht wbeo it takes on Athlete& ln Actlon at the .A.aabeim Convtp· ·uonCent«. · • Pro ·GOifers Plfty at ICCC :friday Athlete. in AcUoa, 20-6, is a ChrlaUan-bued team that has faced ei,trt cA the top 20 team1 Jn Ametlca, l08inl to Marquetta '78·74 wblle beating Maryldd 17-71. A poulble sellout crowd ol '7 .500 la expected to view tbtt somewhat surprll1n1 Dona, •» have been rated No. l ever aiace Mlcblaan waa upset uvet-1 Marty Jl'leckman, R.H. Sikes and Pete Brown are amona t.bt PGA tour golfer• eJl1U~le to partlcipate in tbe third annual Bing Crosby pro.am toumament at Irvine Coast Country Club Fri• day and Sabad.,. A field of 12 POA pros and amateur partner• will partidpate m the e"9Dt \bat Ja apoatol'ed bJ OM ID tlall, a rnea•a •UllPOl1 ~for._, Memorlel-· llosptt&I et Hewpott .Beacb. All pro«eda IJ"Om the tournament wm be used to purebaae ~uipment for the bolpltal. A abot,c\m start will Cet the tournem• under W•J qcb da1 at 10 wWi apeetetort l~ted to wit.HI• tM eetioa. The C09t flt daily ueaei.11 ta. "" ...... .,.. th• 1111 c.-a .. 10 a. Mi l&'lt aart • • .... ~.i·-... aftair5Ea tM1MINCAAellam • • Ilka wan UM ara llmti- Uoul ln 1964 and the Cleveland Open ln Itel and wu exempt from qualll1iftt for seven yeara by placinl tn the top eo mooey· wlnnlnt pf.,ers. Brown won the mo San Dleco Open and placed 11th ln the Loe Anaelet Open tut year. U.. ~ the Neira Open 1n tMl and. llG and bu been tn the top eo tht'Oe tbnn .. Denali Me7.r of Sao .Juan Caplltrmo • .a.o lit the Md alonf wtth former fountain Valier Mu. Square Golf ~ profe11looala David Sheff and Slllp Whittet; David McKeaUng, formerly ol Huntington Seacliff Couniry Clu b ; Dave Elcbelbereer and Ray Botu. Palrinea will remain. the same tor both 4-11 and will be com- plet.cl tod•y. A St0,000 priae Ult wW include '$2,000 for tb• pro wimler a!o91t wtU. aempdoA fo<' quallf)tlnl for the Pebble Beach, ••tat nut year. The top flvt pro1 will alto eatn exempUOft ror the ltawaUan Open, Feb. M . weebago. _ Sophomores Bill Cartwl'laM.: and Jamea Hardy -the latiet prepped at Long Beach Jorda - have been two of usi ... catalyst.. Athlete. lo. Action, •hl~h haS also Iott to 'Oregon 13·51 lD4 North CaroO.na llN6, feature '1.0 Ralpb Drollln1er, ex·UC1'A cen&er wbo 1a averaain110 point& peta•m•. Mll.YptLOT .. SC Makes It 8 Straight, 69.:58 Bt,ED auaGUT Corona del Mar CS·O> Tuesday . .. -. .......... The San Clemente Stan DeMa11lo '1 Rl~b Trttona made it Trit.om, 5-0 in league and eta t•wlnl in a row Tues-12·3 overall, couJdo 't put day nlpt, deallnc the ln-away the smaller spired. Dana Hilla Dolphlna unW late ln the Doi~ a •SB setback fourth quarter. in th Coast~ butetball ac:tloo Scoring the ftnal two buckets or the third Clemente IUp. Ranked No. 8 In the period. tbeTrttom~. CIF I-A poU, the Trttons 4'·39 lead lnto the final period, but with 2:20 left DOW faee lhelr two stlf· fest lea1ue colltest.a. to play. Art Jenkins• meetin1 El Toro (4-1> Dolphlna only trailed Prlday nitbt at San 60-53. Clemente and playlng Thea, Tim Dunham. Sea K.l•gs Wla Uni Slowdoun F ail,s, 37-27 By IAU&ENBDYS Of-Delly ......... Center Alex Black was there when it counted, and when it counted the Corona de1 Mar Hlch Sea Kines put it all togetber to pick up a y,.27 South Coast League basketball wln from tbe host University Trojans <Irvine) Tuesday nlabt to re- main tied for tlist place with a 5-0 mart. The ~7 Black scored bis flnt points of the even- ing, sinlcing two free throws to cut the University lead to 17.15 with three minutes left to play ln the third period. • ' Corona's Jack Tuz went to the line less than a minute later. connected and Black grabbed the re- bound as Tu:' second shot rolled off the hoop. Black canned bis shot and the Sea Klnp went in front 18-17 -tostay. University's slow deliberate game plan paid off for the Trojans ln the first half when they led by as many as eight points late in the first~. wbo wound up with ao points. 1ank two free throws with 2:11 remaln- ln1. and the Dolpbma never made a serious run asain. Dunham. the Tritoos' Ouby ~2 euard. had 10 of bis points in the nnat period and was six-for- aix rrom \he ftee throw line. The Do~hlnl. playing f:'ea1ure efense and us- g a 2·2-1 fullcourt M>Oe press, stayed ln the ~ame-b{e fon:lng 17 San lemen turnovers in Mesans In 59-51 Victor}r B1 BOWARDL BANDY Of _Dally,,_...., Steve Parrino sparked the Costa Mesa Muatanas to a come- rrom-behlnd, 59-51 vic- tory orer visiting Laeuna Beach High 's Artists TQesday nilht lD Souttl Coast League basketball action. Parrino scored 12 or his same-high 20 points in the fourth quarter, 10 or them ln succession on four 10-foot jump shots and a pairoflreetbrows. The spurt erased a valiant comeback bid by the Art.istt who tralled all tbe way until the fourth at.a... the first three quarters. 0-..... And Dan.a Hills, get-... ., "' ..._ .. • • .. tin& a ~ror·lS shoot· ~="" • • , .. lni performance (60 per-• • ' • ,, ...... I J ' II cent ) in the second Goll .. • • I • quarter. rallied from an 11 .... • • I • ...... I 4 1 • 18-10 deficit wtth 6:32 left c-' • " '° in that ~od to a 27-27 rot••• u • " • deadloc at the half. -~!Mt But wilb the likes of M Mtco.o>aw 1 ~ " "' • • John Carsoo and ~6 Ted ~ ..... 0 • t • HetUnsa htlllng the ·~ .... rn •• • • • board& and scoring from .... ":' ' , • IJ I 0 I I close lo, the Tritons Hem.,.. a I • , maintained the edge lo "~: .. , , , I • ,, " " .. the second half over a Dolphins team \hat baa _ _,O!Mrtfn 01111 Hiii\ a 11 11 ....... no starter taller than 6-2. IMCleMtflt. ti " 11 ....... ~--.. ~O'o.-11 The Sea Kings were stone cold in the abootln& department. hitting only 12 ol 40 field g<>U attempts for a weak 30 percent average. University, now 1-4 ln league, fared little better, ecnverttng 10 of 31 for 32percenL Lal\IDlll Beach scored the fint nine points ol the fourth period to move in front, 45-42 after Ben Bacon bit four sue· cessive baskets in the thJ rd stanza. SC'S TIM DUNHAM MOVES IN FRONT OF 808 8'UltN (25). Blac.k, who led the scoring with 18 pointa, also had a same-high 11 rebounds. Senior guard Paul Akln contributed nine points to the winning cause and kept the defense alive. CdM forward Tu:, neragtni 18.S points, was held to five points. Charles Leads El Toro PBst Diablos, 4 7 -42 Roger Poirier led the scoring for University with nine point.a and guard Bill Halford added six. Mark Green wu the leading rebounder for the Tro- jan.a with 10 to bis crediL Green fouled out with 2: 18 left to play In the third quarter. 1 By ROGEll CARLSON OftMO.ltyPtMtltlllf • El Toro Higb's Chargers recovered from a shaky start and held on for the final eight minutes Tuesday night to record a 47-42 South Coast League basketball victory over the visiting Miulon Viejo Dlabloa. . The victory keeps coach Wendell Wilt's Charters a game off the pace of Corona del Mar and San Clemente, but the win didn't come u easlly u the five-point spread would lodicate. Mlsskm Viejo led by 10 lD the second quarter, and alttt El Toro bad taken the lead ln the third st.ama behind the sbootlng power of Mart Hill and Bob Charles, MV rallied to within 41-40 with 54 seconds to go. But Charles picked up a a pair of free throws with 50 seconds left, then connected oo two more wttll 13 seconds left after Pete DeCaau bad nar- rowed lhe margm to 43-42 with 20 seconds remain· ing. Between Charles' free throw attempts with 50 seconds left the Diablos grabbed the ball and 3ped dowacourt for a layup, conteodin& the ball wu live because the merees bad not wbisUed the ball dead. The maneuvet" wu not allowed and Mission Vle- JO lodged a protest. . El Toro had a 40-34 lead at the outset of the Courlb quarter u the Chargers went into a deep sLalJ to try to take Mission Vlejo's zone defense awa)'. The Diablos came out of the zooe. but El Toro 1Ull managed to keep the ball away for the most partL..glving It up only after a tree throw. ~l T~ miaaed 11 of it.a first 13 shots from the neld. while the Dlablos were bitting eight ot tbetr first 12 to take the early lead. But a 15-5 ratio in turnoven in favor of l!!I Toro, along with the study plaJ of Hill and Charles slowly turned the game El Toro'• way Cage Standings ~ ...... ........ IAH .... ,. e•oe.-n.,. ... -ss C-y.., .. 11!-aU "'••..,<•• n. """"'•" .......... a-. llrN ti l'YI._., Ct llYOft el V-le '--•••ll!•Oot-._,. .... -i.. ...... ...... wtlAloOUll! -II ,, ""'"°" ' S.rvllo 81\llOI> ...... , M.tt9f0.I M.P .... • L. pp .... 1 0 ID llt t 0 1• IU 1 0 IS7 IJt O tU.16' o t 1• 1n 0 1 127 ,.. T ......... ~ Strvll• ... Moltfr 0.1 .. P"'111 ... lllJllOC> A..,.I 71 S.. A11lflofly 1I, '4 Pell! .. .. ...,. ...... .............. ,~0.1 "lwll etse...,.. .. ,..,, ...•. ,.,._., •Mf'l••\AAOUa 1tetet1•n.~• L.M•t U, 1(-.dy" L..MAltmllOI 11. SUlllllMCll M ....... ~cm .. fl llotl• MUflman "·~"'' Htwtllfl& 8r•"'1" TOCtt• , 0 J 1 , 0 1 s J I 17 • alT-'411 ,. tJ t • J • J • • .. J , IS 41 c.r.. .. -(171 .. " TYi 1 J llCIO'llO ei.o J , ,. 4 Aklfl I , Ralnt 0 0 ltllllen 0 0 1( ....... 0 0 T04tlt II u ._.....,1171 pf .. .. fl ,, ~ s s ~ 2 1 , , , , Poln ... 4 I , ' , 14 A1tllM 0 0 I 0 I ' Helford ' , 0 • 1 0 B~ley I I J , 1 0 ICubet ' 0 0 1 1 0 MOOll 0 2 0 , 12 17 StollOff 0 0 1 0 Tllttlt 10 , " 1' ~Miii --Ptlrtll• .. fl pf .. . . . " ......,a..w.. ) I 0 1 0 0 1 0 CorelltdelMw • • 10 lt-"1 u.t.nltlr '° • 1 -·1 1 I • J • s 1 I) Mike Hiii lle4' o..rf H Slntl!IOll RooCMrlel Toe.I• 0 • 0 • 1 0 J • ,. u t• a 1c-.-.~ Ml111-Vlt lo 1J U • t-41 f l T0t1> 1 1S " ,_., Bush Sparks GWC To lJ8..63 Verdict Basketball Scores ~oa C.t ,..., ·~· 74, Loyal• 67 lleltl ... L.4 .... IRW Ctl Lllfllet'.., IJO, LI "1! 67 .._,,, ""-7t. Gf..S c.a,..,... M We~St ... , uttllSt. 7' wn1.-1es. ~141111 57 w.-1,.. H. o..-r •2 Ar1!tt11tt62. TCU'1 "°"-.,. te .. u1 SMU 7S ... ylor 71 COTI '"" T-... Ttu&A&MIM COT) C:..ltMon ... ~ ... ., lt-11,1-lt.U ""'-~"' O..Uto NeCre 0-........ 70 Geo; ;e_n.,,-. OoJOt ........ c.tt.lk to "-St. 74, o.i-re 11 ..... -..c..a. "'-* llttftd" StlOnHt111l.~S7 ...... ICMOOl. Golden West College got clutch play from Dan Buab Tuesday Di&ht. and the Rustlers went oo to record a -.a Soutbem California Conference buketball victory over vlsltinl LcJa Angeles City College. TraillaC 55-54 with S:05 left, the RuaUen scored slJt points to take a lead they would not relln· lqulah. I Buah, who acored 22 polnt. for t.be winners, ·bit two free throws, then 1 grabbed a rebound and scored. Moments later Bush blocked a shot, controled the ball and die play led to a layup by Gary San- ders. Brian Rodgers bad 10 rebounds and Bu1b added seven caroma. LAl ......... CCl611 .. " Mettww~ HllllS 1!111011 TllM\ptOll Pol~ ... ,, . .,. Pett19r-TOC•ls • 0 • 7 1 ' 2 ' 1 0 . ' 1 0 ,. " ........ c .. , 01 .......... ....,., Hlnelller RWwer• Zin.et ~· llO•Hfl IAur StMI Toe.It Htlf'l._:_11 .. " I 0 '° ' ' ' a I I 0 j 0 , 1 , 0 0 0 JO • pf .. ' II I ,. , , , ' , • t " J t 11 ... "" .. I t J n J IO I 14 ' • , tO , • ' 2 I 0 10 .. Prep Soccer Results '9111• letter ......... CHIRDDK --f'or the best choice In Chinooks, telect from ltle large Inventory at Marquis Moton. • CC>Mt In tod.yl .. -. ._.. '" •1 Ww t • Ml 9<9flllo: UeMt t. er-tt. Dl•l••-• ......-. Trol...,_ JIHHOll YAltSITY .._.._.(J}.IW LJ a HI 1<ort119: O.xltM, """-'· '-'•'" r'"*t.,.... .. ..... a.am 111--...1« HI teM"91 "'-"ti, YAHITY ..... v.-,mco...,.. l'V •~lllQ: lrttllne. M••ll\t: *'-· JUNIOll YAltSfT'f' .... ,,....., (41111..-. l'V _..i119i 1tltlll,Mlll«J, ~. Wlc:fl9et. ""°'"'°"' .. .... y....., 111 "' ......... It was then \hat Par- rino went to work, can-, nlng a bank shot with 4:40 left. After Bacon hit on a jumper, Parrino scored three straight, the third after a steal by Dou1 DYJart, and it was all over. The Musl4n1s hit well for three periods, scor- ing on 16 of 33 attempts but started the fourth atanu mlsalol the first alx shot.I . But when Parrino found the range, the drought eoded.. Accuracy at the free __ B_IL_L_N_EE_L_Y_(_45_) G_U_A_R_DS_BO_B_STUPt ___ N_. _ throw line also aided the Costa Mesa cause as the Mustangs connected on 17 of 22. Each team had 21 field goals with the Mustangs bltting at a 44.7 clip and the Artists at 39.6 pettent. Bacon, after bitting on- ly one field eoaJ ln the ftrat half, tallied four in the third period and another in the final staru:a but the pressing zone defense employed by the Must.angs held him in check most of the way. Monarchs Beaten; HVC, Liberty Roll Mater Dei High of San· ta Ana lost lts second straight one-point de· cislon in Angelus League basketball action Tues-day night, falling to Servile of Anahei m, 69-e8, attheMDgym. In other action, Hunt- Jn recorded CU' Sou.them Section hiatory. MeterOel Itel .,,.,. .. Mttclltm 1 1 • s It ..... •-· , , 0 • Gere•• • • 1 21 Sdlullt 6 I 1 10 GeV1tn J 1 I I Hertrwtl 0 I I I Pe•bodY 1 0 J • u.--...m1 .. " a.cc. Ha"9M ~ • 4 ,. .,. ington Valley Christian ,. of Newport Beach de- Stffl• I 0 1 I T~a~ U 11 » .. k-. WGMrton S.rvll• Mattf'O.I 11 ,, 21 - 11 " 11 12-4t : ~hri~~t<!n A;i ~~=: ~~ I O , 0 , 0 M11M. Valley Qr, lt.ll "°-----o-cit ~lfll ' 0 I l J 0 4 Southern California • : College, 63-27 . while .. fl " .. ltl"9 t I I I N-) i I ti Mc-• OtwalO I J I 0 o ' Huntington Beach 'a 1: ,~ Liberty Christian won on l'rar•r > I I W " . c:--..c.., Toe.ti. 9,..,..,. J I 1 I H..,_ ll llM Wlltl P9frlll0 Miii•• 0yM'1 .. " ' ' the road, taking a 55-34 ~ ~ decision over Victor Totalt ta .. It " s--.---. Ambtu-• ) 1 ....., > 20 Valley Christian of Vic-: !~ torville. • 4 , . Hull! VellW II I• 16 ,._.. • • ""-""° 1114111199n "'°"" Tottl& I 0 0 0 I 2 11 11 1 t Mater Del lost a 68-67 : ~ lead wilh 40 seconds to u ,. go, and was working for Liw.yc:Jwi9UH l•t ., ...... Wiiiard 2 > J r O..,.er S • t w ~IOlll t 0 o • ._...,,,...... ~IM<I\ • " ,, lt---11 Cotta Maw 16 11 • 17-'ff ProSeores • .._ ............. -1e1i... l...M A119tl• l1S. lttM.U Cl1y I ti .... 0r .. -... ~ .. c .. ve1tlld '°'i..MI••-• n HovtlOn IOI. UI~ IS ~Stat•I07.~rl°' • ...__ ... ,u...,. L.atAll9t1Mt. Toronto > MoftlrHI S, WMllMflon 0 HY lstellCMftl,M!-.1 CMc ... 7. Olloftdo I Ctl•I a go-ahead basket when the Monarchs lost posaesslon with 10 seconds to go. Guard Jun Scbulu bad tlve asslsts to boost bis career mark to 1527-topa K•-s•• 1 o 1 1 Sllerw \ o J • Ollf!M'81 J I • l!.-y I 2 t • Lota.. t\ • , • HO!tl!IM I I J J TINI& ~'!~ IO .. ._..,__, VICIOf'Yalley I t I ._.. Llbany CllrlllllM t If U ,._,, "lllwln ~~ but bought my MWClt ln ~~~from JOHMsoN &SONn "Ar Johosofl u X>n you're treoted hke o me(tiber of 1he fomlly. Thtoy treol you os o person-not Just Q(lOlhef' customer. I've hod excel- lent sefVICe on my used cars ond r'QW my riew ror They do what they soy mey will do. Thot's why I recommend you drf\.19 ro Johnlon & Soo Give 'emo ny:· • I a...t..: - -,· ' ! ocoeoaa. Sunset Fives Fullerton With balance the key I Aetion "'ord, the Suns« League 0Tln,e Cout College l>••ketb.U ,..,on geta bich to Jump back "1to under wly t.onight with tbe South Coast ~n-contenders Hunttnston ference basketball Pie· Beach and HunUogton ture tonight, hostt-c Beach'• Ediaon drawinc tJrcult leader Fullertpn l\omeaaslpunenta. al 7: 30. Tipoff is at 7 in each OCC was dealt a 6$-84 nse and at Hunlln&ton overtime loss by $an Beach ll '11 be the Dleco Mesa in the fOO· Westminster Uona pro- ference opener Sat~ay ''idin1 the opposition, while 1urprts•nc while at Edison the FuJlertoa bas posted Newport Harbor Sailors wins over61eaa and Cer· Invade. rllos. The bosta are slight Phil Bo\den, Jetr favorltes,butinaleafue Golden and Jon Holland where many consider it a spark OCC's Pirates. flve-teamr~eforsecond place behind favo fountain VaJley, • 1amelsupfor1rabs. At Hunt.ln,ton B_tiacb the OUecs 1eoerally¥ave three or four pf\Yers scortne in double flaurea, while Westmln1ter'1 1·2 punch conalata !II Tim Paie and Mike Sclllien. Gary Cont.rerat, Cary Burt andClartiSUrls bave been the ma1i mmlstent produttnl for JftLntington Beach, which W. won six of lta Jut eiglt starts, in· eluding a 16-team tourna- ment in San Diego. Edison (6 ·9) liod Newport Harbor (6-7) ap- ,.ar better than lbelr ••••on record.a. Bot~ teamJ have eood balance and play •11reulve man-to-man defense, but oellb•r ha1 1hown a knockout punch. l'R e t u r n I n I t o Newport'1 llneup is Steve Timmons, who missed five games with an in· jury. Rob Galey (17.8) and Rolf Schwalbe (14.3) lead the Sailon attack, while Edison's scoring has been shared by Ed Bell (13.6), Bob Herson (11.4) and Mike Mccourt (10.6). COSTA MESA Wldnteday. January tt, 1917 DAIL V PflOT Jll UCITourney Set Feb. 7 MV Athletes Eagles Test SA.V Gain Honors &-8 wbco 1cbool be1an Estancla Hl1h11 California An1eh Eaales are eyelo1 top players Frank Tanana, billlnc In tb• Century Andy Etchebarren and Lea1ue baaketball race Terry Humphrey, &Iona tonl1bt (7) as they ln- witb club president Red vade Santa Ana Valley Patterson will play in the Hilb School. 10th annual UC Irvine ln· vitatlonal 1olf tourna· The ~ Mfea-bued ment Feb. 1 at Irvine Eaclet of coach Dave Coaat Country Club. Carll.tie. 3·1 lo elrc"'fl Play be&inJ at 11 :30 play, tan•l• with ua· with a shotgun atart and b eaten Santa An a proceeds will so to the Valley, which featur .. UCI athletic scholars])lp 6·9"4 Ron Comeltua. wbo fund. is averaitnc l5 rebounds For entry appllcatlons and 23 poilltl per rame. and additional inform•· S t l 11 C row l n 1., tion, phone 833-6985. Comeliua wu listed at ... and be'a been eoruaetUnl Mark La Bonte and ltom the fteld at a SC per· Mlke Walterhouae were cent rate. Hlecttd co·mb1t out· Eataocla, which at at.and1n1 on lhe varsity tlmea a~an t.o bave level for Mluion Vlojo the capablllUea to 1tay Hl1b'a crou country with any Orantt County teatn ot tbt •chool's opponent, bu been hot 1porta award banquet. and eo&d ill lea1ue, rip-YMlhy pine Foothill of Santa c •. ,,. .. , "'"'•"d'"'' M••' _.._.. t t ln t El u ...... ....,-.w.,~ M9<• nn•, ye OI I O ..,.tttleMls Mtri. L•ltftl• -. Moden.1by13 and ta.kine ,,,.......1.'llerry ..,....,,,, c..-_., an unin1pirin1 Yictory =~: DM ~ -_, over OruJe. .-wv•nlty Op~inc &apta Ao• _,1v.iu.a111•.111•uS11,,_ Valley's helabl factor MM1v11~::-,::,°'".,.iw : are 6-S ~ete Neumann Pr••-· and 6-1 Douc Jardlne. "~="~:'°'111tl Tfty " 11 • ".; FULLERTON , SANTAANA WESTMINSTER · 2946 BRISTOL ST. 1530 S. HAR&OR BLVD. 120 E. FIRST ST. AT CYPRESS PHONE: 547·74n 15221 BEACH BLVD. ·(ORNE1LL "300' DOUBLE BELTED PRICE $23.59 $24.89 $25.89 $26.89 $27.69 f[-" T4t S2.01 $2.26 $2.42 $2.58 $2.65 $2.88 Sil! •ED U C WHl11 1ua11B• I PRICE -TAJ CORNELL f UTURA FIBER WHIT FllEE TIRE MOUfHING ne.14 , $24 39 s2 37 G7S-14 j s2s-:-.. 91 S2~3 G78-15 I SH 99 $2.59 H78 14 j $27 .~2}3 H78 15 __ 1 S27.69 $2.79 L7S 15 S29.9'9 $3.09 SO. Of SAN DIEGO FWY. PHONE: 870-0700 PHONE: 893-8544 PHO!IE: 549-1533 __ ,. :.::!.•::-;::.;::.w!:'Y ,;.;._........;.;:_.-;.;,_.;;..~.;.;.....i.;,.lii.I. .................... _....,. _...,.....,,.......,,.,.._.,,. .. , .... , ....... " .,.... 49!. 59! ILTERS ~ AIR FILTERS PRES TONE WINDSHIELD WASHER ~=,,,...__ EASY TO USE cm STIPS 110 lh:JUiiiiilJI SQUEAISI SQUEALS AID lllDllG • AU STtU. • VAl'Oll nOOf ,::, 298 • IUGGEO 'tlfECI fOR ANY ~TOllNO 01 MIX· IH0 695 EASY TD 1511 INSTALL IMlllAUIU POI. YITNYlfMI SUPER FUNNEL OUllM ..-llAU 79! sc1111D DEOD RlllR IN DASH 8 TRACK STEREO WITHAM/FM STEREO RADIO IHSaT I TRACK TAP£ INTO SlOT IDINDM ... RADIO oeAL MOOCl 18MI 120 •STEREO N>ICATOC •FM MONO SWITCH 79•• • PU9t auTTON lOCAl-DISTANC.E II.HO EJECT i- • AOJUSTA&l.E.SHAFTS •ATS MOST CA.IS ~ ... , IN DASH CASSETTE STEREO WITHAM/FM STEREO RADIO UNUMITID SOUfl> VOSATl.ITY Wl1H IHCRE.DtlU FIDO.ITT M00(L •eMI JJ5 • P\JSH avnON FAST FOllWAllO. REWIND. & 89.'' o.ssenE EJKllON . TAPE ENO ANO fM ~ STEREO INOIC.ATOll UGtil!> • FUU CONTllOt.S ...., FOii VOlUME. TONE & 1"1.ANCE ,_._ COAXIAL STEREO ~\ill~ SPEAKERS • 4() OL CflAMIC MOOU ·Sll&25CX20 • ~C:V\~tC~~~~~ 17 '5 • -'' •" WOOftt . ~o"~::~~~:~~ PAii Increases ond mointalnr. oll pressure & film strength for maximum protection ~ADD TO YOUR GAS GAS TREATMENT Restores pep & power. Helps keep engines clean. Prolo11gs engine life. . .. • .J r. ·-. ' ·'-' , . , f . ·. . . .. . ,, -. .. .. . . ... .. . . . :I I (n DAILY LOG) -· = ':.:::' 1 • w=llt -~ Cup Trial Runs Set !BJ ·-LeamJUW ..... =:-Dia &oath .. c ... dI ·---Jint ttlcled bl .this ,,_,. •. America'• Cup COJJQJl8tttion wltb two .11..me!es-yacbta ecbejuW i. Vial rua 11tart.mrella week. Brass Players Sought 'l'IME allowances for the race will be eoaqMlt- ed oa • diltaoee of Ill> miles tmt.ud d the ac· t.ual 1,tZS mlles. Com· plll.er aaalTI• ~ pre- Yiou ~--haft -..a that t.be Mndh:ap dia· O r • n I e C o a 1 t t.ance (j{ 950 miles wDl Co 11 ec e • s .Br ass live all boats a more C~..._ En.able ta equal chance d achiev· Jookial 1ar ~ iQI tlte corrected lime a D 4 a d Y a D C e d boW>N. performen. CoiDcideatlllly, the 27 The .,....;Ne, llibidl yamta will i.e compdiac makes Jee.-.& pt1blic for 2J tftWihles. ln al~· A .$128.ftli emlnd. to • .,.... es, ...u in a ti on to t'ke Mi gae.1 btdJd 4S .guest •ps Ill class,.., sllmtialt • Aleman 'llrqllay for fint Dana Point Bart.II' waa 1'11 e t JS ~ s • 7 •filliah.~ot ~~~o"' a.Med 'heaclcu Q .. ttt? p.m. in OCC..Muic ~m Governor · uwa& r a n g e o .. • 102. Th~ lint cl•n Trophy for &e tSecond Supervisors . • ....._9-WuJedFe'-. bollt to finiab .and the 'l'be coatf'ect waa e Club Nll\&ico de Puert.> give• to Tnwtw.el• ·Coarse 1nstnream" n Vallarta for the tbiN B r-otlt e rs, ant the C a r 1 ta Co llJ' • d a «Mil to finilb. All bU1 two new slips.are to be added •ember ot Lhe OOc or tlbe rem.ai-11.ing at. the~ end of the mu1ic at.alf no .&be Uos>bie• will lie awarded barber, a report to performs wiUa tbe ouaNCa.ftirne Sllpel'Vitonnid. l'lewJQtBraa~ 8tddellb _...in tM ftlll'ae will .tadr ...... .a~ cla&mbef enseale 1lter.a4U'e. l'do. CIP'r\et. 4tfintet, --. ... dllir com-b~ •111 be ... c:IDW. "K·BIG MUSIC LINE,. PVBUC NO'l1CE ....... ,,.,.UC NOTICS The~ bJ pereooal ~at eech session. And. the nunber of weeks is deEinlned by kl· divtdl..+requiremenis. The wro METHOD has~ ..... nem. It .. been medicdDy~ and cliDlly ~ FuD~a available up ~-· .., .......... The MAYO M!THOO guaranleel-.... Gam are-....m and tdUMd wtd*1 the prooram '*'°6-- and wtt>n.t~.., or strenuoul~ Thars a maft9r a fd ' I .. Man' Honor~d Band.red& Say Farewell to Peter F'meh " PrntAPDtll>.._ lfort tban %00 trtencfe and fellow act.on ~eel toM,,Y I ye to Pder l"IAO, be~ tbe II.Ill the1 t,alled " hie" praiMd as a 1uperlaUve &dor and a "t u.tlitful, frlendlY, eetneea, ~.lorial ~- ... ...,,., be!i Fiocll'• Oo..-er-draped cutet a U.t Cburc6 ot Good Sbepb,erd, Beverly WU., Id.or G_..e &~J aald ot bis late M end. "He •at U.• teait ae~h actor l ever knew.·· n.c.. W.c~ d.l.a P'rlQJ. Rll lut PGl'tr•Jal. tM\al a ed ~t aeweman. w ... ~~~diielDdustrJ, • • ~.__-.,.,..~· Here COCDa l*m. the -. oqt ot bla Wftll.ioa AalTinl l'QMQd~a...-c~. ateam1n Bemllt lrt N.a. North. now z and beartnc OD.lr .Ulbl ~ce to lhe ~ who plafed the brat '°" iD the i-.tbroup-1961 teiffWCl9 Mrles. is tehedwed to ~ tocta,y for bale training at Oftddo.Fta. After bulc. he UJ'I be ii ~&.be Navy will ualp him _,.. tie ... enfereem..t work -iD ~ ............. ~t.ed wi1b the Pf'OCftSS ol llliiil ... Mtlllt eai'eer and ii thlnktq of ~to police wort aft.er bis Cout·year enlist-m-. • °""*' Tre~ 5eaetary Wllllam B. S.oe baa beta named' to the board of d1ncton of O•or••~~Unlnraity in 1f1tbl-.,too, atbool otliclala said. The Rev. 11m.O.y S. Healy, Otor•etowa president, aald stmoa will beiin a three-year a.m on the !loud be1inntn1 Ju-'71. Geor1etown alto recenUy announced that out1olng S.cnta17 {)( State Beary A. &aum1er wUl lecture there. • Tbe heln of Pable Pk•-reached a "amicable agreement" on how to divide tel''• inheritance. olficlally estimated at mlllion, legal 90W"Cel said in France. The sb:. heirs fUed a joint JM!tition to dvU court to approve their agreement. iD nearby Mougins on April 8, 1973, wJ a will. lD a separate accord, fi ve of the irs agreed to ad jotatJ7 tn disposlDf ol Picasso ainttngs and _...,art worli, to avoid floodlnt market. Only the palnter'a grand d.au,bter, •· refused to Joln the separate agreement, e eouces said. tillarina b&ocked the ahareout f ore tban •year, demaDdina a i:reat.er 1hare for etr. Jack EQle 18" be'• become 10 ldenWled wtth bi.I televWcn commettlal role aa Bro&ber' Dom1nlc that "Tbe l\lYI oo a 1arba&e truck in New York even uked me to bear caafeutoo. •• Eagle. wbo u&Od to won moetly ., a comedian at reeortl in New York's Cataldll Moan· taiu, tald b1I wotk oa tbe Xei"OI commerdala b .. made blm "en entity. a aemi·name." Eade, who stands J..foot-4 and weighs 2'10 pound.a, aald be auditioned Cor the part after be OOM111e1c beard a .. ,.,..al tall bad 1ooe out for a ebel'abic type." "Of COW"at," be .&Sied. "I've Dever u.,bt ot myself that Waf. J'vt always MID c:QJSelf more ol a Gnt~ ~ t)'P8." • The Marqaesa of Dellro, heir to the DUe ot Wellla.-. will marry PrlD~ A••la WOil ~ 22, great.gnnddauct>t.er ot Kaller Wiilet. D ol Germany, on Feb. 3, accordi.ac to a family announcement Ln London. The 31-year~ld Marquil, an i.nv•tmeat bellktt witb a fortune estimated at $3.4 million, has been •1aged aiDee Jut Noverpber to tho ~. daugbt.er ot the late Prtllce t'r....U ol Pnlllta wt Guh11•• beir IA4J BaiOA GtlilllDela. Stress Cited in Mishap ~ Pl,ague Tanker llefore Split HONOLULU (A -St.raaea on the frame of 6e »1ear-<>ld r Jreoes Challen1er dwing Mnral <t.,.. of h y seu may have led to ita -.ot.q bl hall 1pUUng part of Its oil cargo in UCI Ope rovides Activities Tbe fo~ acbeduled of artlvilies open to tbe public b., Nsi announced by the UC Irvine Ex- t.naion proctam: the mld·Pacinc, Hld a Coast Guard offlclal. The MO-toot Greek-<>wned tanker split in half sometime dQrtng the nllht Monday, leavtng the stem and bow sections ftoaUng vertically and drift. ing apart about 200 miles aoutbelllt of Midway llland, the Cout Guard said T aeedaJ. • Search operation• ( IN SHORT ) were to resume today tor &hree m1MIQ1 crewmen -------...J last seen on the bow sec· tioo. a _.,.man wd. The other 28 erewmen wwe rescued. •e•F 'I lt'••ted to Belp' W ASBJNGTON (AP> -Vice President Nellon A. Rockefeller, ID a farewell addnu to tbe Senate. said be accepMd the No. 2 1pot in the administration becau1e be wanted to help dwing the pott· W ater1•te eta,... "I came to um post, to which I had nner upired and bad, indeed fOl'•worn. becaUM ol the coasU&utioa•I trtsia facin1 the country," be aaid Tue:aday. NSW DELHI, ladla <AP> -President f' akhruddin A11 Ahmed dialol•td tho lower bouae of Parliament today In preparatloo for tbe election of anew lowwbouaeln March, a year late. Prime Minilter Indira Gandhi announced the restoration ol polLUcal acUvity aft« 19 moatha ol =b emeraeocy rule in a btoadcut Tuesday t . Sbe made clear that the state of emergency proclaimed in J une 1V75 would continue. But she said there would be major reluations to permit ·'legitimate" campalplq. ,,._ ... Smped 8e•lnl 8all PHOENIX, Arb. (AP> -Pboen1x contractor llax Dunlap r_,alned la Jail without bond today on ebarg" ot ftnt,.deiree murder and conspiracy in the alaJinl ot .,...man Don Boll•. Tbe Arttofta Supreme Court Tuesday refused to order a bond beartq requested by Dunlap, 47. arrested 8aturda1 on cbar•ea of Ont-degree murder and eouplrae.y to eocDIQJt murder in the June car-bomb 1laytn1 of tbt Arbon• Republic ln· veat11ative reparter. ................. 11 ... BARCELONA, 8i>a1D <AP> -'!be bodfa ol 4' Amertcao aer•lcemeD killed when a Sp•rtllb freichter capa.ed a U.S. Navy land.lnt craft w ... belqf non to U,. Vnl'*I Statet today. Oae aa.llor believed kWtd WM local-s aabor'e ln aan:.Jona, ti· ftcllll •Gd. He ... not ldtntlfted. Diven NRmed tbe6r ..areb for~ bodlt1 ot nve men ltW adlttnt. A NaYJ 9DCJk•man said 11$ sailon udlllartfttt wen .-board""u. launch wbea lt capalud. He den.led a report, bJ UM Spanlth news a1enc1 Clll'1tA that there ._..150 Hntcemen on the boat and tt •• overlOedieid. • I . .. DA.fly N.O'T .. • ua 0 - 11ll8 map shows the route of the lnaUIUl'al parade througb Washington, D. C., ThW'S- day when Jimmy Carter will become the 39th pnwidmt of the United States. The parade will assemble near the Capitol building and move up P enna1l•anla Avenue to the White Hom£ Rodeo at t•e 05. Corral Cou:boy. Put on Show at Li!atDck Auction · BJ AJLES LOR HARRAH, Olda. <AP> -What if tbeJ be1d a rodeo and aobody came? That'• pretty much what ll~ pened here receotly. ll wu eerie, t.bougb ~ much doMr to the c*I ralk'lh·fumd C!Olll•• that gave tutb to tbe apart than '*>''s ~g-dty extl'a•..-ias. TBISOmt WAS held out Int.be booDdocka iD a tiD·roofed arena sme':U"'erf1aUJ ol Uwstoct aad -are )'OU rudJ'! - llMt ~Corral. PutUaer, it was put oo by none other Uwl Jim Sbouldc'I. To tboN wboee tat. ln 1porta ""' to taa. lees wU4 and dangerous, it ml&Jat be uplal.ned that Jim Shouldert ranks as the Joe DtllqatiOC!I~. At49hets, Uke Dlllaa. lean flt md atW draws a crowd. There was no crowd at the OK Corral, j ust • bandful or watchers. MEAN BULL& rll'CBED and snorted and toued their riden . Outlaw bones bucked out of chutes. Sldu:r ,JOUDI eou.ntry boys spurred and cursed and &ot up apittift« and llmptnf. A rodeo In every teme. But tbenl, were no cbeen, no applat»e, no bands or spottlghts or a.p. Watd>&n1 tt , ooe felt l84dmlr struck du!. AU rfOt. it wun't really a Rldeo. Wll4T rr WM wu one Of u.. most •nwual Uvett.ock auctklaa in America: Jim Sboulden' an· IUlal rocl«> stock sale. Haw can YOU Mli WMtMr JOU WIJlt to buy a bucking hone rmlets you wateh him buck? You bold a rodeo. Anyone who doeln 't eoJoJ a livestock aucl1oa on lta own merit.a batb no eoul; add a pare, unadorned, butbMHllke rodto and the l'.wt ii a ebow liU DODI otMr ..,..._.., ADd at the Olt c.r.i.1tt. "Here'• u ll·Jt&r·old red paint f,dctine named Medicine Lod.Ot, ' aeJ'I ~e UDOllD«r drJ· ly. "Been beM'ldag tbree ye.n." OUT 90t1JlfD8 THE borw. Buy .. &om aboC JO rodieo C0111· paniea Ibid]' tM leapli:ae beMt. unsml.Ung. It 11 to ..W tber ean hear tbe rl4er•a 1aeps, somethlna a 1boutln1 crowd never bean, and al.so bear .W the rider bears, U.e brcNte '• lrensied wheedq and lt.olDl*c. Off aaill the rider into the Nd, pulverbed dirt. with an all too .. w--.~a.M ffow cold WU lt, ,Jolmayf ' We~ In a.Jcaio It wu to eold um lclcl• formed on tbe l1pe ancl frolt blotted out moat of the face of an anlmMed do~town cipret- te-advertlaln• bU1board. Maybe be'• J olna cold turkey. ( J audible thud. No ebeen. U. p6eb blmaelf up, fiDda bil bat ad w alb off wbile two pkkap mm. wboee job is to iwcoe tbe rider should be staJ aboard tM n- quired eight aeecmds. aanop dta' the tooee bone and baa blm Into apec. "Tbree b\Sldred -.... go," say• Slloulders. Tile bidding at.art.a, that lovely stacc:ato aong ol the audioneer known oo1J to a practiced llatener. Tbe gelding went for tilllO. HUT A BIACK mare, Mako Gal, a buce bone, UMlf't:lns and ktdtnC madly. She t...a her ride.rwitldn ftvetecimdl. "Boyl. tbal'• a boHe bta enouCb to lbake tbe now all tMr b ack," Sbou14en aaid. "Ltt'a start her at ~. '' The mare f et.ched $1"50. Tbroup the Jona ~. Shoulders prealded from the back ol a big bQ 1addJe bone oamed Old Buaoy. Ile DftW IGt off. He ate a sachrkb and drank corf ee 1n the saddle. BE WAS, IN BIS allabtly tidied-up pbrue1 "u busy u a oae-Jeaed man ma ldckme COG· teat.'' U'OttJDa over to confer wttla &be a~r. troU1n1 tl'ifftl to He to the .tock ID &be ~. starti:q tbe bktdln•, encour.,. Ina the buyen. "l lmow that old brUaia. .. be said ol a bop brute ot a bull wttb a srotetque bump and flared nostrils. "Buco every Ume be hears ~i:;!,r,•1· Tim ._ Torqmy wbo rode tam and Tomm:r'• oa the ground. He •aid ...... u.. raablt ..... nerrode." Tbe bnbma IOld for Sl,IDQ. To1111a1 Chadall muat b.aft ta& Ute a mUNm To a rodeolr a frieDdlJ mention b:r Jim ~&apureco&d. 8BOOLDSU Qun ~ ln 1D after' winD1Da around champiomblp for U.. ftfth time. He know• bla ..... Jn faded denim.I, worn boota and a brown unvaa JMket, b9 Mio loots the part. He'• a laconk, aelf-eftadftl sort who wean Ilia eelebritJ • U1ht1y as u sill bla bone. IDa voice is thin. almoat reedy, but be doem't uve to about to be beard. Wiim be spew, rodeo pl'Oll ltleeft. At coe adoel moment da:rtDC u.e afternoon a :roan• bronc rider '°' lmb...s e...alla the,._ .. be ....... oilf ad buaf belp- leuly and an1eroual1 at the side ol the pltehlna animal, try. lnl to abake loose tillt likely to be bun bedlJ., be did; • s•OVLDS&I GALLOPSD aloaplde md•GdnealJ, ''luull OD, lt.IDI OIL'' & WU not llloat· la• meoar.....-, but lmtnc· tlou. Be ed1ed elole, le~ from bis saddle 8Dd lifted U.. ~ fellow deft17 to .... own bone'• rump. TU&'•~-unique,...,. of &be UDlaa1 Jlm Slaoaldenl rodeo tt.oek ..uon. 108 •• to .. Jim Sboulden. In tbe flelb. See ldm aad talk to blm. wwmu. aom• bonea buck. Jim! "I dall1 bow. What mat. some me ICnl? Some_.. J91t Ol'IMrim' tbim oeher'I, 1.-. tt Jim &loa.lden ntD ,.,,_. fooll sradoalb'. Now You Can Major In Women's Studies SAN FRANCISCO (AP>-~ oa U. ....__,role ol wom. ln hJstor)' aDd Uter.w.re are srow1DI iD POPU.artlY IDd cbn""' tbe .,., both MXel look at the world. say scholan bolUc to fOUDd a N• Uou1 Women's ~ldlea Aaodatkm Or&aaiza'I ol tbe effort report tbat cou1M1 ID W'OllMD't ...._..,. -.m6er 5,000 compared with leu Ul8'l a hundred ln tbe 19Ma and detr~graattng programs bave '"' haft .,.. Necae st.._. oown from none to so. In the fteld. '1BEU'8 BEEN A ~ does burseoning of women'• .... ea C<*l'Mll '' l&)'S Franttlll R. ~eller, aeon1erence ..,.._. ud blatorJ pn>fetlPJ' at San JON ~te. "There ii a genuine conadOaa- nea ndltna on the part of women everYWbere that they have beea deprlYtd of thelr b1ltor)t tbal most of tbe traditional 411· elpllnel hue been t.autbt frCJal a male point ot vtew. '' lhe said. Dr. Keller nld about IOO women from 11 1tatt1 and Hveral fOl'elp COWltri.. ai. tended a C!OQfeNDce tut .- aimed at fonnJq t.be .-oda· Uon. Tb• 1roup•1 propoaed cUl'Ur IQ'I ICI purpo1e le to ··~~ Udeeoar.,.. meat for felDinllt edGCatara a4 feJDlnltt edlaeadicm PfOl1'alDI la tredtUoaal and nontradWaeal .... "•··· Aa»&DING 10 oa. Keller, tbe 1hadebt popularity ot ....... •tudl• aad tM ~ 11....U. "' 11eademk Joamall o• "ber1tor1," womea '• llteratut• ud otbtr f em1D.11t tople• l• evidence ol tbe etD ....... of women•11tudiel u am• ecadtrnic diactpthle. Sbe uSd more mn have start· ed to Lake women'• atudlea and a ''A clMlille I.II oar a.rser ~ ty .. human bein11 bu cot lo come about," 1be aald. "Wt an mOYint toward andro1oy. Mall1 of tbt tralta that •re ebarae-- terl.S u male or female an a. iq thelrdlatinctlona. ''TllE aDVLT 18 a greaw undem.ndln1 between the sa.. and .a _ll'••ter tbarln1 of raPCllllltllltO. ud rewante." Me Mid tbt atteet of women's atu41.. also la beln• felt In p1yelaolo•1 • tbe acleact1, IOC:'E and other dilclpllna w:tnlltt are cballeDa1Da t11d laterpretaUonl. · Catbertu Stimpson, a Pto- flll« It Bar1>ard ln New Yon and editor or AD academle jOU.tD&l cm women '11tudiea. said tbat for mMJ ~lt ~ subject tWI lll'ft'l'ftkH "deeplJ root.cl tun.f;-·-- "nln CALL IT fadub Md t1tvi811Dd blCbl1 polttlcal," the 1al4. "Pelple are 1UJJ atrald that lf JOU fOCUI on womt b lt} D~--1J1 totaill lpo.rtnt SMn.I tbtt YGU IN bl a4*le hosUJt to mea."·-- 8be 11ld her joumal "Stpl." WU ltaJted 't1i tbe Uiilventt.y ol Cbleaeo Pr91·m ltTI and now bu UM ro.t.ta b.liheat cl.rcaRtlon ol aome 30 JOW'Dal.s printed bJ t.be un.lvenJLy. • " DAILY PILOT Wtdnftday, January 19, 1171 Stardom o Stardom? O. ]. Simpson Eyi,ng Bigger M011ie ROlea By BOB THOMAS LOS ANGELES <AP> -"I alwa.11 aald I would wort as bard u I could until I wu 30 ye an old, then I'd at.art to slow down. Well, I've 1ot seven months . toeo " At 2f.plus, O.J . Simpson maintains the pace you see in those car·rental commerciah that have him radn& through air terminah. He never seems to 1low down, although he did admit to taking bis family on a rive-day J1unt to Puerto Vallarta re- cenuY. Having Just completed a season in pro football with the Buffalo Bills, SlmP6()n joined the cast of Sir Lew Grade's apace fllm "Capricorn One," taking 1 time out for the Pro Bowl . He can also be seen in the movies "Cuaandra CToaslng" and "Killer Force." FOR EIGHT YEARS HE bas been a TV sportscaster for ABC "and I hope I stay with them forever." His commercials are among the most successful in TV, and he turns up on variety shows and dramatic series . He Is also active in a number or bu,5iness enterprises, Including racquetbaU gyms. , With It all be manages to presene his sanity and hi.a down-to-earth charm. At CBS Studio Center one day he left the "Capricorn One" set in his astronaut's uniform and devoured a lunch that in· eluded lasagna and chocolate cake. "Most people gain weight when they get older; I lose." be ex· plained. O.J .. James Brolin and Sam Waterston play astronauts aboard Capricorn One. the first manned mission to Mars . In truth, lbe filgbt is a hoax mana~ ,by NASA chief Hal Roi brook and in· vesUgate<t by reporters Elliott Gould and Karen Black. - "CAPftleORN ONE" MAY constitute a transl· WEEKDAYS 7:oo-1:50 10:35 SAT/SUN 1:30-3:20 5:15-7:15 1:15-11:00 WINNER OF FIVE GOLDEN GLOBE AWARD NOMINATIONS INCLUDING BEST PICTURE BEST ACTOR -KRIS KRISTOFFERSON IEST ACTREl8 -BARBRA STREISAND BEST ORIGINAL SCORE l!IT ORIGINAL SONG . . . 11NE1WORK" Cit NfHE SWGRME IOYs• "'Ttllll'rr '"MOMTY P~t"rJ~HOMlftW AHD THI HO&.Y MA&• '"MARA\'HOM W....-CIJ -.oeur ""CA...-CIJ . ""THIATm °' aooo• 111 INGKOW411 1NI I LAHD 11ti.:l POlflO'r WINt4 R OF FIVE GOLDEN GLOBE AWARD NOMINATIOHS INCt.UOING BEST PICTURE 8EST ACTOR -PETER FINCH 8E8T ACTRESS -FAYE DUNAWAY BEST DIRECTOR -SIDNEY LUMET BUT SCREEN PLAY edWaOls BRISTOL CINEMA lillStOL 4l MA~ 140.7444 • \ wn "MAR.A THOM MAN1f11 so. COAST PLAZA Mt UT~--" ~it".,~: "311AYS OF 111 a.JOI" IAUlll t ilt UTtt-..i-.-11111 MAH'S SO. COAST PLAZA la~ Mimi llAllll'S ClllWLAllD MMk--la-1'11 lllAllll'S ClllEMAUllD MMSo-..... llt-1111 MAllll'S ClllEMAUllD MMkbw &oe40ti• ... , ... ,.,,_ --'"ROCKY'" _ ... ,._,.,._ Uf .._li»••l41Wtettl .. KING IOMG11 IPGI ,.._ '1H SEAICH Of 140.AH"SAB" \\ltrtt 1n ............... t .. 11,."" .. , t...e ~~ 8TUDtO• TOUtlll "ONE HUNDRED PERCENT EN'tERTAINMENT ... a case of an ingenious novel being turned into a terrific movie. A lean back and love it lark that is a practically incomparable family film ... a garland of cheers." Gem> Shol11, THE NBC TODAY SHOW THE SEVEN-PER-CENT soumoN ~ ... .., .. ,.'4 AUN ARl<IN • \IAHFSSA R£DGRA\lf • ROllERT OUVMJ. ' , , ...... r • I\ u~ .. • ,. (II' W•• CM a \ <!m u=) a11 53=) lml&J ....................... 1MI W1 f'fCOONCNt • ""' LIHOUAIDtNf I OrUd opera t. txpemlve --ol tbe IJ'and aetJe OD tbe mtcprtM must be lf it la to be offered to fUllille In Jta OQJy .cceptable torii -t.be wblaes of the com-~ aut.bartty Budoll Bini .,. '9 thole worda to live by .., ,...,. •co and he would wllbed be hadn't lf he'd N•• ar~~ ~ take ln the Weetena $•~eater'1 pro-~ ot • •of l"t&aro'' ~Suta Au IChool. h~·::::e=~ , raadlc:o Opera ts put ·wcether 1euctly25 ~pie -J>t••lllnfer9 :e.n.ct a IWf ol ll -but It f:OID• cn111 ~ tu more •utbPritJ appM1 ~many an~· bf UU. Writer in w•·(oar es tbll ~ber of ~el ulDftl~ f-· ~ il••••llUlebltot~ln hia 8_p.m. offerlna: earl.)' Eulbb • BARI.ff rnad'"rlsala. Broadway show ....... 9oa · twlel, Rod llcJCuen ballad.a and • VWa Loboa IUltar solos are oo tb.emenq. pan!•. nu. writer'• predlc:tlclD la tbat aoprano Pamela Myers will be the flnt to 10: lbe ... mapiftcent u the Count.eaa and •be know. bow to act. We'll be dropplo1 the numbert from 2S to Jua~t one . Saturday when the mer al Hal Shane entertalna the arbor Area COm· munity Concem AasoclaUon crowd at the Newport Harbor HJeb School auditorium. SBA.NS, A SINGER, dancer ~d guU.arist, is scheduled to Speaking of HACCA, hearty CODlfat\llaUons to the O'OUP'I new otftcen; _president Gloria Patrona, vf~e president Raymond P~9' wbo seems to be a llu.tton '°!. p~•hment, aecretary Arlen :~11. mem· benhipcbairman Marie Palmer and tteuurer Frank Feller. ., DAILY PILOT 8f si..,,o.e Tennis Star Billie Jean King will have her Ute story •old on a TV movie by the company which produced "Babe," the story of Babe Dldrlckson Zaharias. One looted In vain tor a weak k in a atroq cast ~cJed by ey Wexltr u the spritety PM. 7-. ~. a cbanntng d COlllJ.lta>t Susanna, evfr· reen llaJpb' Baaaelt aa Dr. arto&o and Margaret Johnson, a erltable b .. rt }>reaker as ABC Sweeps Ratings posted a 19.4and NBC, 17.9. ~~====;~~i~iiiiil NEW YORK (AP> -A movie and three conslat.ent ratlmrs win-ners pushed ABC into first place in video viewing again, this time by a five-point margin, foT·the week ending Jan. 16, according to the latest A. C. Nlelaen fliures. The week'a lowest-rated pro-r gram was an NBC pilot, "Bun· co,•• w~b was 67th, erulJino, I IOBN IU9Ell '8 atagine or mini rou~rpiece is ra\llt- 1. llusle di~ctor William ckaby and ~oacb Warren 6aa were at the two pianos for performuee viewed l>Y this ud their rapport with an ~ccut was admirable. E~ ,ouna cut contained more an one member who la going to tcb the eye or major com· ACADEMY AWARD WINNER OF 1976 BEST PICTURE • ._o_,,..,.,. ....., r-.y • • tlO'W UIOO 1"" old_.. -~IM'ldNdl ·---~ lfMOWSJt,#l .. . . .,.. •. ,...,.,., 7l1N:'f2 ~ ... ,. ur-.. :1~1t'M Nielsen ratings made available Tueaday put ABC's Sunday night movie, ''LittJ.e Ladies of tbe Night," at the top, followed respectively by "Happy Q~." "Laverne & Shirley" and "Six· Million-Dollar Man." According to the n ational prime·time averages. CBS was in second place and NBC. third. ABC - which had six of t he top 10 shows -bad a 24.7 ratlng. while CBS In order, the top 10 programs were: "Ut\le L.Oi.tof V.. Hl(lllt:• ABC. 3' •: .. .._., O•v•," AllC. SU: ··u-.. Wrlty;• Aile. U .!; "Sls·Mflllo,.·Ooflar Ma,.;• ABC. 31 !. "M.A.S.H.:• C6$. 11.t; "CMl11e'I A-11:· AtlC, 29.1) .. ,. •"'"" ltMlftd,'• ABC:'• ,rlday movie, 2u. "OM Day 11 I Time," CBS. 2' I; •nd "Uttl• ..,._ .,. U.. ~•Irie:• HBC, -"60 M ........... CM.M<lof'I. Tiie ,..., IO _ _. • .,,,_ o .. 11oot Rldlle;' H8C:'I -_., .._ie; "LaWme a. Slllr .. v 81'1"' dev Specie!.'• ABC; ••M41ft with llle GollMn Ow>." A8C:'• MoftCl.-t ""°"'•: ••rurt11v end HU!ch," ABC; "Tiie W.,..,,.. .. -"Tt>e Jetfe....,,.1:• 11a111 CB~. tied tor ISO. ple<.e; "8'°"1c w_.· - "WelcOM• .... 1(-... ""'"ABC.,...,'"' 11th plKe; ''S...iord-Sofl,'' HBC.e""'--.l'tHep pe"lno" aNI •• 8¥,.y Miii..-." llOlh ABC. tied I" JOllt t>l«e. .... , ....... ., ~·"--­Y.,_Y_ IOlmT D9tlO •. .Ma M1CHOUOM ''THE LAST TYCOON" (R) COLORINt ~1MIA1'U11-­ "MARATHON MAN' Aho ··3 .' DAYS OF HE CONDOR COt.ORIRt NOW PLAYING AT EDWARDS CINEMAS -... .... ........... _ "SMYU." ,_...., .. WAWlDPOMr ,.,..,.,. ~flllllf' •• ..-1.....,. _... Wiii WltO TMOUCKT H£ WAS A UCOON" ·-•M<lM:tl IFYOU have a service to orrer or &oods to sell. f lace an ad fn the Da ly Pilot Classified Section . Phone 642-5678 . ... "CAllll"' ~­• (R) -nt1111w•a•r "SCOICMT" w 9fAMIMQ M.AHNIQH YANUIA MDCINVI 9'omrr DUVALL NICO&. WI L1AMIOM "-UI (H) .. MARATHON MAN" WINNER OF SIX GOLDEN GL08I AWARD NOMINATIONS VOYAGE OF THE DAMNED • • • Sf DAILY PILOT ' W!dn!!d!ry . .l.nUatY 19. 1977 Franellke P~ Dealer Sues Ford Co. Damqea totalllo1 more than SlO million an €9 Iler ... ..,. ~rd belne aouaht from the Ford Motor Compan7 by a ,. ..... _ W t AJ.ru-~ N--.. n-... b Lacuna Beach auto dealer wbo clalma a ----1·-VVNQJ es .... ~. .~...,.. ~•cA;J, u an· .,...,...,..... noimced • record ot 388,170 PUHOitl"ll carried. ftanchiae was elven to • competitor despite pled&ea representlnc a 25.25 percent eroWth for the year that it would 10 to him. eodinJl December 19'78. Named u plaintiffs ln the Orance County Tfie carriers load factor for the year wu 50.43 Supericr court lawault are O.W. 8tepbeu and the -• wtth IC.bed··•-m-•eUoo f tor or-oe Emerald Development ~· St-"'ena ii alao perc..-a -co .,. ac ..... .. ..., percent represented u tbe operator Soutb Coaet Moton, Air frel&ht carried duri.ni tm totalled 4'12,'39 303 Broadway, Laeuna ) pounds, which represents a 211).19 perff'Ot increase Beach. c G •'--oerlod l t ear It la alleged that the TAKIN over.....,aamepe aa Y • plalntiffs were promlaed STOCK ""'" Set• l•terat P.Uf!9 the dealensblp for new Bank of America bu announced tt Will charge Mercury can Jn tbe Mis· .. 11-....-... alon Viejo-Irvine area and spent more than $:5,000 a simple interest on new ~ .. timeplan conaumer loam lo Southern Calllomla as of Jan. 24. year lo promotJoo costa related to that prospective The change, part of the bank's new consumer francb.lae. It la al.so alleged that the awarding ol the de-loan system, means cu.at.omen will have m°" con· aJersbip to a competitor will cost the pla.lntiffa trol ol tbeir tnterest costs. ~calculation.a now $30,000 a year lo new car sales. will take tnto account the actual date a payment la made. C'Oftl C...,, ~ Gmea Customers can reduce Interest costs by paying WASHINGTON CAP>_ Lut year's corn crop, before the due date or by paying more lb.an the re- an important factor ln 1977 consumer food prices, gular acbeduled paymenL Previously, interest was tot.aJed a record of almost ts.22 billion busbeb and calculltat at tbe time the loan wu madt was about 153 million bushels larger than was KMW. Opeas A~ forecaallastfall. theAgrlC'UltureDepartmemaaya. 1.,..., Kobrin, newsman and publlcist. bu TbelB76comharvestal.aowas7percentlarger -·~ u 1 u-a wtthofft than the 197~ production of nearly S.8 billion formedbiaownpub ere a ........... agency, ces b"•bels, the .a:yartment'a Crop R-'·" Board in Loi Anaelea and Orange County. .... U' ... ...,...... IniUal account.a for Jerry Kobrin & Aaaoclat.es sald lo ad annu review. include Lion Country Safari, where Kobrin ba.s Buglew ••rwe Test ... Dtle served as vice president and director since its In· SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The huge barge built ceptioo; Medical Moniton Corp., National Lelaure, Bardene IntemaUonal Fllma, Sbanalee Produc-for the late Howard Hughes and reportedly used to tiona, and the recenUy formed EU2abeth Taylor salvage part of a Ruulan submarine ls being re-DiamondCorp. fitted to test the practicality ol. seneratlng eleetrtcl· In Orange County be reta1na hia office at Lion ty from ocean water, the federal EnerCY Research Country Safari, Laguna Hllla. Kobrin llvea in and Development Adminlatraticm reported. La Be h The 324-foot barge and 1,900-ton aubmenible guna ac · platform was moved from lta Redwood City berth to ft,.. A,,. to N~ the Hunter's Point sblpyards in San Francisco for After 1G years aa Ficker Architects, the conversion. Newport Beach arcbltectural and planning firm OOC Otters Btwellm n beaded by Wllllam P . Ficker, A.I.A., baa chanced Brochures d=ore than 50 public lee· itanametoFlcker&RuffingArcbltecta. 1 tures scheduled tbla at Orange Coast College The name ol Paul J · Ruffing, A.I.A., wu added are available free In 'a administration build· to reflect b1a partictpaUoa in Uie firm, according to lbe company. Rufflog baa been uaociated with the log. Most of the leetures are free and are scheduled firm for more than 10 yean, aa a partner for the to meet for four session.a each. Registration for paatalxyears. most lectures will be conducted at the door. Sararl C••P ~ Uon Country Safari, lrvtne. la elq>andlng its baby animal nursery and children's pett1n8 zoo in Safari Camp to lnchlde a larger dlsp1ay area and a greater variety or animala. Display windows ln the animal nursery have been enlarged and restructured so as to exblbit tbe anim ala in a natural setting. Other improvements include a pond, waterfall. a bridge for visitors to the free.flllht aviary. The reptile house, adjacent to the aviary, will showcase Uzards and reptiles from all continents. Lion Country Safari also baa expanded tta col· lectlon of wild, free-roam.Ing animala to Jnclude North American species. Black bears and grialy bean have been introduced into the park 'a 500-acre drive-through wlldllfe preserve. ne.• 'Ff,... 11eoe1Hers ••Jttea Integrated Data Carp., Costa Mesa, a dhtalon al Safeguard Business S)'lJtems, Inc., recently an. nounced re-entry into the educational data aerricea field by installing an elementary (K.fl) atumd.ance accountJng system ln US ~bool locatioas of tbe Sad- dleback Valley Unified School .Dlatrict. The com· pa.oy bad diacootinued proceaaiog for schools in 1974 because of California Education Code restrtc. tiona. These realrict:tons were removed from the codeuof Jan. l, 1977. llertea Ar • ..,_ Fern.er Bertea Corp., lrvlne, baa comphited the purchase of Fortner Aecessory Swrice Cc.1>., b:1 acquiring an additional 80 pef'CeOt interest In the company, accordiq to Richard Bert.ea, cbainnan. Prior to th1a tr~ Bertea bad a 20 per- cent interest Jn Fortner. whicb WU •CQ&d:Nd In 1975. Accord.Ing to the acnement when the mlnoritJ interest •aa acquired, Berte. bed an option to a- pand it.a oonerablp at a 1111.er date. Tbat optloo bu been exerdsed on an accelerated bQla. WNC.rp.~ Preflt VTN Corp .. Irvine, bu reported a profit for the aecond quarter of fi.acal 1977 ended Nov. 218. Revenues for the quarter weN $4.,831,lBl. com- pared w1tb $4,114,289 for the 11mllar qUUUr of fta. cal llrfe, Profit for the a«Ond quarter of ftKal tm was IMS,tlM (iocludin1 a tax credit ol SlJ'J,000, or 11 ccta a &hare>. or 19 ceota a abaft, eomparect with a loq ot S40'7 ,6S3, or 34 centa a lban, for tbe aecoad QUal1cr of fiscal 10'76. Profits ~r the nm m manthl ol flluJ tm ended Nov. 218 were $3192.818 Ondud.lq a tax credit of $19',000, or 15 centa a abate), oc at ceatl a abate, oo revenues ot 110.w.-. compared with • lou of '491.191, or 41 cenu • lb.an, on reYenuet al .. 714,088 for the flnt aa mc.stbl ol fllcal me ended Nov. 21, 19'7S. occr .... -.u.i,.. A •late ol 23 lectures, MIJl.lnan and worbbops will be offered t.hla aprtq by Ora.nee Coast College'• bwtnesl and m_.,..,mt development e.ni.r. Nominal fees wUJ be c~ f~ lS leetures; the rematntn1 etal'lt are f,.. A brochure outUnlnc the lilt ol the lecturea, aemtnan and worb_bo~. is available free tn the OCC admtnlatratloo bUlldlaC· Purtber lnfonnatlon .bl available at 556-~. ~· ............ Charles Amub a Costa Kela ~.me.man and Lacuna Beach reatdenti bu opened Clwie,7'a, • mulU·mau. multi-serv ce ~ at Brtatol Slrfft and BMer A.eaue, ec.ta ....._ Tbt.,.. restaurant II GI*> tor bnakfMt, tancb and dinner Mven da,s a week from T a.m. to lO p.m. Lease \lOM>! • • Sal•r Prej~t C..plftal La Quinta Motor Inna, Dallas, said it baa com. pleted the flrat aolar·heated lodging facility ln tbe lJDited States at ooe of ita motor Inna. The aolar energy_antem provides space heat. Ing for an addition to-tlte inn comprlaing 218 guest rooma, two meetiDg rooms, a private club and a auite of corporate offices. The solar unit supplies about 90 percent ol the bot water for the rooms and laundry In the lll·unit motor inn. It will also provide bot water to the Den· ny'a restaurant adjacent tolbe La Quinta Motor Inn. . • &1S W@(!!]rr ~~ a n1• ~@rrwa©® Got a problem? Then write to Pal Dunn. Pat wtU cut red tape, gettinQ the anawer1 and action you need to 1<>lve inequitie& in government and bwi· neu. Mall your quutions to Pat Dunn At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Boz 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Include your telephone •mber. The column appears d4Uy except Sohn'day1. NetJD si..t Ce .9111101 Ilea a DEAR PAT: Wbeo I discovered that my eopy of ••Chlnele Art," publlabed by Crown Publlabera Inc., was milling the last 25 pages, 1 wrote to Crown. I waa told to send the defective copy back and that it would be replaced. I did ao in November 19?'5, but never have recmved the replacement copy. 1 wu Informed last January that a replace- ment couldn't be located, io a retund of $5.98 would be sent to me. I paid SU for the book and have re- qu..ied a f\all refund or the r«um ol my defective copy. The CJDlJ respooH WU another letter lut Ju.oe atat1q that a refund would be issued. I'm aWl w&IUq. l.S., Huntington Beach Yos $11 ntud llOW lau beee lalMd' by Cl"OWll Pd6.~n1, Ille. Neu Ume~ u eeaa oo a a&a•• to~ die BeUtt t-tneu Bueaa ID ah dtJ ..._.a •all enter flna II located before pan. ... wtlll fll. u,.. clo -bow dMJ ....... of *'e 888 Mntill die area ol die ftrm, d1ree& JOU ID· CIWlr7 te &M C...U ol lleael' a..... lklftaa. UIU1'tla 8L N.W., Watlala= OC W. Udae fl.rm u..~-~t:• be IMIYlled. or &old to eeetad &a.e ••• a &be area nen &a.a nrm I.I leeated .. tkalatuu.er laformatlcm. • .., i. 'Cellc..i v ... ..,_, DEAR PAT: I WU interested in your recent item about Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceedi.np because I am a Cbapter 13 tn.aatee. I would like to add tbat there are 160 Chapter 13 trustees throuabout the United Stat.es and ita dt.lrlcts. Lut year thele trustees paid out $51,512 338 to credit.on. These funda would have been lost tn regular baD.kniptcy proceedJng1. Cbapter U la a little known achantaae of the Banlmaptcy Act1• and due to tnm..• ethl.cal lnablllty to adverUae, me 1eneral public often doel not real.lze Its u-. and avallabWty. S.H., Tustin Aa W-aUoaal P••P'W abMt CUl*r u ,.__. ... allo called &llie Wac• •DW'• Plaa, • CU ..... HICtd fr'o8 "'MM J. llueJ, Ta Alee, Cb_. u rnc...u.,.. ~ '"c-tni You l>eMa'' 1117 ~ &o !la N. ,...._ A•e., s.IM L. S....Ma,CA. am. s ............... Wee DEAR PAT: I moYed to8an Clem.rte recatly, and ftrl boale bM 8"eral small wtndotr'I that woaJcl look f....Uc tt they ftl't •talnad clua. W1aere caa I ta.Ice an l&MJtpeoalve course in atalned nd leaded stau art? J.L:.t~ ~emente fte ~ Ullllled 8cMll U11D1Ci will ef· ............... .,.-.. ........ .., ..... cnft et ..... U part ff Ml CO•••tr etlllta· die JNPa8. a ..... Miiia die week GI M. 1, '"9 'I &o If P.•, TMldaj'I at D... lllDI mp leMell ... • n..d•1• .i SU a...te BIO Sdell. fte ailt II " hr a fall ... ..._ •r ta tW ..... dd:l 111, ............. dMJ .... ., c1-..... ,... ....... c ...... fw•J Is...., u , • ,. .... ..,.... ...,. ..... , ........... ,.,. ililrillellla .U.ntcMluU.c•111M . A Munich coinery has issued a limited number of silver and gold coins com· memoratiog Jimmy Carter's election as the 39tb President. The coins show Air Bag Plan Approve4: Y'!o Foor Auto Makers Agree to Restraints ~lj * .. : WASHINGTON (AP> -with driver-aide only air bao lo Lut month, Coletoan said M"": Transportation Secretary thesamemodelyean. determined that paa11t''-'~ · William T. Coleman Jr. bas an· Mercedes-Dem agreed to abJp reatralnta are an ~, :: nounced that four auto makers to the Unit.eel States '750 Mdana method ol prot.ectlnc a of'·: agreed to equip more than 500,000 wttb driver-only air bags for sale puseqers Jn a colliJlon. But lal1:. · cara with air baga and other in model year 1880, and an eddi· said be would not reqalre -.<, .. paaalve restraints over a ~ tional 1,500 aedau with driver makentoequipallcanwttbtM~ year period. air bags lo model year 1981. devices because be feand tM. ~ For the vast majority of the And, Volbwagen agreed to public wu not ready to ~ ~ cara, the air. bag will cost COO· produce at least 60,000 cars the tedmol()ly. ~: aumers $100 for driver and equlpped with that company's S • Slated :-. puaenger front-seat protection passive safety belt restraintng emmar -.. :, ud $50 for driver aide-only pro-aystema for sale in model years A aem1aar for m~~ tectioo, uoleas independent 1978, 1979, and 1980, Coleman and oftlce penonnel wW be,..:...; studies Indicate a big.her price said. sent.eel Jan. 29 at Orange ~!! abouldbecbarJed. Tbe secretary also aald ~ College. ~ by 00,t.!' Coleman sald General Motors insurance companies -Allstate, and the Bahia Ch•pter of the_., agreed to build 300,000 in· Nationwide and Volkswagen Uonal Secretaries ~! . termediate-sued cars wtth air Insurance -agreed to off er pre-lbe semJnar runs from I Lm. fO .., baeaforthedriverandfront-aeat mlum reductions to ownen ol 12:30 p.m. ln the OCC ~{' pasaenger for sale in model can equipped with the passive center. A $10 regiatraUoo ~ ... ~: yearal.980andl981 reatralnta. He aaked other auto e ludes breakfaat and t~•;~. Ford Motor Co. will manurac-lnlurance firms to make similar seminar. For lnfonnaUoo. ~·: · ture at least 140,000 compact cars commitments. W.5880. ..~~; .,;.~ ,. ............................................................................ ~: ..... Over The Counter ~;: ·r: ----..... ----.... --~~HASD--UtfhM)s--..-__ __, ______ _. ..... ~: Nl!W=IC (AP) CoMI Sh t1\.\ ,. '"1..-I" N lV. §:er TP 211• 7'V. $WGs Co 10'1't 11\lo ..... ~.i~ i -Tiie 1o1 Ina tlst Comw Pa ,..,_ 1"11 '"'''"' G 1614 1~ r HA ' 1l't sw~t ,. ••llo 11 IJ:p• o•d Do-· .~ ...... •I h a I -..1. ~ Pap ll 31 i"B~ W'lll ~ ~ ell\1 Br tl 13"' Sl.,Clyn Ullo 1..-. _,_,. • .,,~. • loNI ~rltles raw Co 12'4 n l•So11 Vt Ull• 1W. Pe«;• A 26'4 11 EEO A~ '"" ""' ~·~:' o .... " .t.an ... ~ ron Co ·~ nl't JelftWPr Siio ~ P•k<O IV. 1 H 11 11 Ht:W VOAIC !AP) -T ...... .,..,.. ~\I ti.. -.,..,.. 1r 1'4ICI l~ 2'AI MmlO_y U14o 16 Perks H ''"' 4'4 wlo tr w. • • Ille <>-• Ille • Coll!ltw"•"'• 1""''•~ & I~· •nly M • 10 Jiiiy f'ck l't '"° P•Ulrf P t ~ raWI) o 27 19\11 l«U~ Witff-• lllat .,.,,.~ -~·.i.. rlel stocu. 0.1• Dan ~ Pl Joal~11 M 1~ W• ,...<1 Ml j•lli !S,. SYo.r e1 ,.._ siw. Ille m ..., cio-Ille mott Mf •~ .... k A£L lnel ~ J-.. it• tOil 7-l\oo l(elv SO .,.,,, 31.,,., Pe Ermw. '"' 19 TIMI oc 6 •Vt rce111 of ~ l'"tllffd-""'-,' 1 """' PrS WI •'Al rt I"<'. ,. 30"7 l(•ltSll (II " """ ~tlOG IS'IW "' ... Te"'ou ~ ,..... r T-y. ' . • .. ' All> I"<'. 1 1\.\ r In ,_.., l'-IC"•tr tl'e 1\li P9cn1 llW 1~ U\11 feylf wt 1"" ~ No wc""tl" lr~btlow V -= '! AVM C11 .. '"' Kit> "4 '714i 3314. K...-M\ A ~ 11"' ~rJll H UV. 14 Te<ll PuO 1,.,. a\11 lldtd. Htl -I* ~-~ Addi .. W 7V. N 1111 C)lf •"-5'4 KMIPQ A '"" 1• "9tt'Ollt '314 <Miit TKllfft p ~ "' lfel'CilC9 ~ ..,........,. ~· Adv Ros A >• Lux C U'lt 241(, Kate Ore -._ ~tll>ol\ ~ 714 Tiii-27 d Pf'IOt and todey'a lae4 l*I orb. • •~ Alo.rt• 1 ~ 0e1 c ... r ·~ mo K•n•"' , l\lt Pl9d"'' A 4~ ' Tlllly co "" WM u" '!"': AH<O lfK ,.._ ... I ln18' n ,. K••r Tr •14 ~ Pl"""" S3V. ,. Tosc~ ..,_ ·~ • M. AIMre P9I ~ 2Al4 El t•"\ ''-' 1(4lly Svc ti 2JIW. PIOll HIB 12\lo 22~ Trt11SO O 1'~ UV. ... _ l..et1 ?'f I'd. ~.'1'\ AlfVft 8« ) . Wt em. CrY "" '"" l(<Hlff f!H IJ~ 14'4 PIJtllln '"' l'h rl<O Pd >sv. --' ~llftet( 0 ~ • '"" 8: f :" Ml Eao -.. -*' ""' '"' """ 1tv. K•~ Fib u •~ Pos'I' Cll '""' n~ Trn" oo 414 4'-I :::-"N ,-. • " o """ ~ • • Am FIN 1~ 10'4 Viet 4.1/o S'.\ Kr( C"'f' NJ I f'l'OQrl) tV. "-!\'rnJfW ltw. 1~ It + II •• • Am """" 11'1 1... lier G 10\'o IOY) l(eyS lnt 17\IJ llV. llvtl$ NC 1~ 12\11 Y'IOft pr 12_, IWJ 4 llCI IA J"' • ~ UP , 'r , 1 Am 0net ,_ f4j, tll 0 11 "'" IClnq 1111 J J\lt P S.-It IN US $4W9 IM fl l ~ II + 00 • •• A Mkro n. ..... °""'• 08 17~ """ IC ..... '1109 IS~ 16\olt NO Clo 7"' 1 .. us Trill.I> l•'-ISl't I ,r11d ~ f't • ·~ ~.... ~· Am T-'"" 12 Ou!Mlln 0 • .-. U11<• '" t1 t1,. Oval ,,,.. 1Po 214 vva BIL\ !f\11 lt\6 1 WOI a h. • .v Am Ww4c1 ~ 11"4 Ourl"Oft ltw. ,.,. .._ It" 1111 11/t A-.e" Pr J14 i.. VOPM p 2014 11 t 11 ..,.. a + I~ UUll > Arnlr 0.. '9 I'll £11ef'l11 '" A 4"' '--Co II ,. A•f\ell C ..... "-V 11 ~ 00... 1<1'11 ~ + .. I> .., A...otte W. 5°' !:con La n'1t Ul't ll" lk.Mt 17 ..... 17'"' R•t'dlftt 112 127 v:..~v Air 1t11o ~ l1 ""'\.!11" ll'i + ;: ~= -... 8 21 ... 12 ..... E•Pn El 11 ... 11 Lot Glm ..... 51r, R""""" IS ,. v ... ~ s 4~ s 'J ,y1.,. Lii • • .... ~I> ArO """" I~ , .. Eldllr e. t"" 1 s::VI 0 I~ 1~ Ae(.09 Eq "" q V•lcro • ~ I ~"" Co • \lo ArlrWIG 77i. 21 f!lfoc Hucl ~ "\a Ally ~1' .. ll-Ea ""' 42'4 VaM 81* IN ~ 14 WltOllSh : + 14 U: A.CC Bot 14 14"4 El« _., 1"\ ,.. 1"'1 :11\11 .... lt•I" M 11 It Wech P\I 1\lt "" IS ~ ~ >" • AtlGft U 1Sflo 1614 EE_,,., C 11 14 "1191.t.Mlt 7"' ,.,. ltOMlon ~ 414 Wiii HO 1~ IS 14 Al~ 114 + : ~= ""4r0 At ~ "-ntwlstl 6\lt I ~ C .,_. S"i It--. ... ~ 12\lo 11 17 H tl'o + 14 UI> .,_ "It 1..-. '"' E~ Oll w' «I'; M•ul LP 11\lt 11 .. ~ SIW 16 16~ ec:o0¥l 4"' SYt II Otl""::!Tr l\lo • "" OD " t~rntt ~ :' =• te!' I~ '~:: ~~ f: = ~1>.t n: ~ W.~t W .-. t It 'l'f1 ,,, r-: 'it Oit 1..-; :•: CYl:""' tl4 F:J'u" lt n, fl"> Me•wr ,,.,.. u Scr111P' H m.. 34-, :!rin:M }~ n: r, 2/~'?,, '"' • •: ~ 1 • ... ,. .. ,, .-. 714 "'"""" .. • ~"' ll 23-. ~·· Dell 7 N Well 0. 4 ~ n ~ s .. .... I e.u La 27 27 .. '111u.,, .w ""'° Meriel '" "" 2"' ~ F l 1Vt wstn MtQ ,,_., 111o u ,' 1.., • "' uo 1 "f'. • :lee Co 7.. t llt Ftt 80lt 11V. 27'1') :f.111 W 1~ 10\4. ~.,._,~ 291"1 >0'4 WHll'l'ld SI"' $1'4 24 A I"" t'-+ V. ~ 01\ 1 • ' al~a15:!" ~ If.-. ~l~';1~ r... '~ ~i::a~ J'4 2! •:: iJ'i ~ ~ =~~ ~ 't!':"' U P-V p t S : 'ii UI> ;, : , 81<k Hiii• 20\<t 11 1"1Ck"9r UV. Ul/o Ml<M Gt t2 2A'°" llCISI Sc 7'4 l'ft IZJont 8 ,... 11-. ~ • 80ftr.a Int J , ........ WetV ~"·'H• Mllllor II"',,... Gt!Wet 141/t nv.. I ' --::::Wr: ~ o;o Pd;.J':. &......, 1" ~ f'ornt o n" 11'4t ""',,... 111 "" ,,. .... -... , • Brl'*J 114 M4 l"rm'9fl .. '"" MIHVt 0 ... ,. ltlto 1 C~ I" ·~ -,_. , .~ 8111\ SU ,l'h 22111 l"otonlet 11\<f 11'4 -COi $'4 S" ~ ~~~I ;~ -iz j, • • :=:L i~ :~ ~~1n<t1 1~ 1~:.? :: } ':' '~" ·"ASDAQ SUH1111ar11 ' =· .... .':. !~ = ~ ~~ &uck•w fl!, 10!4 Fmd Ice 11411 ....... Mor9 AM "" "" ' -... -' tf But" Sim 4 4" i Alls 3V• 414 Mosle• 17 17'-HEW YORI( (AP)-MMt K11V. .,.,_,. I ~awTr. 'i~ -~ . ,• IW$v 11VJ :M A•I""' 'r'.. Mot<~ M 6 1 ltle<-tw '10tkl __.,.., "" NASO. ' ·~-u -.... • .• : mpi OI 3 ., lf'ln 1 ISl'J Mot lut> J 3"" N•me Volume Ski Alk, CflO. ...... " --!! "• Mad H 7VJ 3\4 rap!\ QI I 1~ Muel tr 14'4 1S\4o !CthOG • • tAIAOO 1 ..... • 9' 10 Air f'le ·~ -\lo ,' •., p SWst ,.._ •V. ,_ Mt 'J 11"> Neref! Cll 111/ii 11\lo Pf!llOG ··•• t:M;300 Ul'I 1'\lo + !4 111 90" E"!Ot b -~ 1'11''' OI" Air '"' '~ .. , MY I 11'4 1'1•1 o&O u I\ Pf!llL T • . . m .100 1 1 ,.,. .. "' t ~· 1111 -... • , ••• of~ 11' J t '"tit 17,_.11'4Nelllb S"-616 l>IYll"··· 181110017-161,_16 +l·lt:: 1"1 "t • -~ ',f3• ,. ,... J vrOdll "' I'.\ N S.cAJll , .. 414 E11rll c;o. •. IS1.'00 2 I·" 1 ,... + ... ' ·~ ... ..~ -·~ • •• Vt I~ U H••per A ...... 91' Net""' ltt 614 1i. ~~ · · · 13'.200 1'-'" + "-t ,.,,..,. ,.. .. -., '1 ' m LH lt\lo 12'4 "lrtf NC 1,11\ 1.._ HJN1t G 14'14. 1$\'J Cfl 0 . •· • 1't.700 12 U\.'• • '4 '1t ~11 • ··i -1"' + ! • "'" Vt 11 11 H'"'" F 17VJ ltV. Nlel"' A 20 2011J S..r .. . IOUOO tVJ '"" •I .. I' 1 IL -... •, • ' Ill 8~ .J4 S6 HOIOOm '"" 1-Nleltn 8 ll)l4 .-.. IM LI.. 10$,.JOO IOtt 1114 + "' I r~ &': ,. -... , ?': 0 lttn ~ ~ 1 Hoo. .,.,. Hlil 11'111 No(.er ~ 1m I~ llur1Hlt •.• ...100 1 IJ.I• 2\41 -lit 1! tt1'clft u: -~ :.~ ,·: ~lsS IUV, 11' HMlt lttt ._ '"' NolOI Ut1 ~ '°"" -ft -Ti 7¥1 -l't il • cl• ,. ..... S14 HYCI) Peo tJ\4i JA .. Nortrp Kl 18VIVI "" Adll•llC»CS • . • •• • •• • •• ••• • • • CJD I w. ,,.. - ' • • •• ll'n(Jt A = J; Hyatt C11 1~• 1'4 NW NMO 10 = Oe<llMa .. • • • .. • •• ·, • • • • • • 171 Noat. Co ~~ -4-.. ' ~OtMIB n • rr:s"~Jc~ ;~ ;;: ::: .. rg: = ~ ¥~:::. :::::::::::::: .. ·.. ae ; tH '~ r-= : !f : -C11 P6 lnfr• Ind M 2'-~"Y M Jj 27'6 ""' lli9k · · ·••· · •· · •· · · ···• ts M p •!At /., 4 -.._ • ~ Vtinl ' I Inlet Co ,, St'h 0 "'" ,,_ -N-,_ . • • ·••·•• . • . . . . •. . • • .. ... 1 -• • Cam Or I~ IA lnt•n ~ 11\o't Ul't t ""' .... TOl•I wM • ••·•••••... .. . . . . t.m;lllO v _. Sn '"J> ~ .. : : ............................................................................. i~ ... "' . :~ MUTUAL FUNDS NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS f/N OAILV PILOT .. Bond Packaging Sparks Interest ., JO•'IQOOGrF -~­P-lm.,.,,..... CMo Jcalaucla w lew9 DeWIPQer, ~loo a.od .r•dJolo&ani.wamldaml, l"la.~'ftMooday,Jan.10 .. That. WM a parilcularly •1 '->'· OD T\leld.aJ be &a•c onJy five tnt.nWn, OD W~ four, ThWlda,t Ju.at two, and on Friday ._, ... All ww• la Qe Jliaml·P'ort Lauderdal•PalDI ..._ .r.a. IT WAS JUST tM ...,..Inc. O\<er a 10-do ~ Jobmon tebedWed '° .......,...,, 9"«a1 .. ~. whleb would brtDI Id• also to St. Louia, Cbka,o, Philadelphia. Bostoo ana t.o JLla Pittsbureb-doe tor• tbr-. " bour break. "l Wm dow1I two tor ..,..., oee I IC· cept " be aald. Jobolon ml&bt ttem tt.• the bolt.cat talent oo the Wk1show dr~ bUt he Is not ln ahow bualoett: Ml ii J.1ftlid!nt of Federated TH·Free lneo~ Ji'uod, wblch assembles a porlfoUo ol bal'4s and theo oUen the public sb ..... in at.. SINCE ITS INCEPTION 3~ cu,.,.,,., . moat.ht ago, Federated bu soW m~ than $215 mW1oo of sbana to investors. even tbou8b ii d<>e1 not reJy on aalea people ln face·to-Cace contact "lth lM public. Tbe public comes to lt. Eacb day, on averace. a thousand people call aa Federat«l's JS tQlJ.free lines seeklnf inlcwm&Uon on tJJe fund. Many bl&)'. "Our sales have plateaued Ill $1 million a day," said Jobnaoo, president of fOUf' twule wltb asset.a close to $600 million. "J love to come to work In the monilDg," said the 41· year-old dynamo, who oece rar> tbe U.S. SaviDes Bond Dlvlslcn and who bas been nuuW:lg ln hll present nil es since that day in October when President Ford sJined the Tax Reform Act of 1976. Attached to that bW wu an amendment permitting mutual fuods to "invest tn tax·free municipal bonda and pua throup to their abarebolden the taJt ex- empt status of the lnter.l earned on~ boGda." "THIRTY MINUTES An'Elt TllE Prafdent 1loed the bW we were la bualneu," said lobnloll. Some others were ready at almoct ttie aame Ume. and DOW tbere we 15 funda tn operaUoD aad lt anore ready for clearance. In this lbort tJme th Dell' funds ... avil~ocnot«J u tax·free, have aold to the public dOM to lblllion in shares, a figure Job.Qaon estimates wtll reach $4 llillloc this year. Amailnt about tbl• record is that the product. muilfclpal bonda on which the federal government seeks ~ Income tax, have ~n arO;UQd for yeus. There ls UWe new about them. Tbe pacblinl'• the thJnl. -BEFORE THE PKESIDENT SIGNED ~bill lut O~­ tober, lndlyiduals could oo there own buy municipal l;londi, and they still ca.n, althouab usually only in units of $1,000 up and oft.en In minimum unlta ol $5,000. At such prices the market was Umlled. It was limited for another reaac>n too: ft was generally felt that only the rich, in the higher tax brackets, beoeflU.ed from tax exemp- tion. That attitude has chanted. Inflation has pushed many people into the 30 percent bracket, and now t.be advertise· ments tor the funds suggest the tax.free factor abould be or interest to people of almost every tocome. · The funda make it easy to buy. After an iniUal lnvesl· ment oC $1,000, aome funds permit additioaal shares to be purchased in units or $100. And some permit you to redeem ·•hares to be purchased In unit.a ot sioo. And some permit' you to redeem ahues aa easily u wntln& a cheek. For the single peraoo having taxable income cf $1~.ooo -a 31 peT"cent tax bracket -the advertlsemeota maintain that a tax·free return of 5 percent ls equivalent to a 7 .25 per· cent return on wbkb a tu would be Jevted. It all seems so easy, so convenient, so profitable, and it might be. But there are akeptfcs. They want to see a tract record, a record of performance, and since there isn't any they maintain that the jury is still out. N 1%1: E.somjning the cJahn.t. Report on Prices A.ids Stock Market NEW YORK CAP) -The stoct market took an upward turn today tn a rally fed by a favorable year-end consumer-· price re~rt from the government. Tra.dlni was aclive. TbcrDow Jones average of 30 industrial aiocka, off more than 13 pointa in tbree session.a, boo.Deed bad 6.24 oomts to 968.67. Sto~lu 111 Tiie A~•" Leaflen • .:EW, ~~ '!tli:,. ~':d~w AIMl'~ell ,,_. f!Xt~ ll•Olet, ~!'~'lf,J'~~~!~.~.' "'°'iti'= •;5_,,. uf;mer........... t· .• tMo + ~ leMtrCtl l.t..... ... 1..-IJ -"' l.041Wl f l\wl......... f0~•1'-Nr# ld•la ...... ... 9',109 10\ .. \II [>elettocl ~..... •• • ""'° 111'11-... Dyflele<I t.• .. , .. .... S'" .. "-Net Pel9111.. ...... .. n ,I!! "'" ~ "-lfv~-y 011 • • • .. • ...... JOV. ... . we"'' 011......... .,. •I'll .... . AN11Sll'11C LISTERINE wttbFR& Sc* SUPIR JI RAZOR TlilWI c.W&• llZW. ···a1 ~~;v.:..~0;"! SP. rclAL I.~ SUPER t lfff-IMPROVED STAYFREE MAXI-PADS SAVE! SAVEi SAVE! r.x:::::::::u::::= ::a c ~c ::ac :cc ::ac :ac '*1 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ~JERGENS lq . ., h lra DrJ nil utlel 150t139 PLUS • 5 oz. • . lA "Calcutta" Pillow Heather spun. 100~ While cotton. Completely hand loomed with 5" .,~~J Com~~;t ~ . any decor! : ;~· ~.. ~. • 1100 ·A °'.:. ... -~ 5 88 . ~~'\.¥r.. • ~':Lounger Made of 100\ cotton corduroy 18'"i25" Sue in assorted colors! Dish Cloths W1tfle Weave stripes. Band'S of 3 Towels Printed ulour k1tchu to.,els 1n assorted patterns & colon. 88~ ~CllLO Towels \jfln r hck-Gl1nt 22•38" size 111 wn.te. ~ntrtt• u lerd trl'" -Flat hem. 6x30" Size. 2il.OO ·:1.39 STACU IU 0..0 Drawer f IL£ At last. the perfect hie bo• for hnanclal records. With removable file tray & dlYlders. SAV.(MI IHND B2by Shampoo Enriched & gentle to eyes . Great for family too. ITT Magicflash · WORONIC FLASH m 111t .11 am ., llPt c.tro1 for lOOAI lnstm ea.,,.,as Replaces upe11S1v1 F~p­ flash. less than 2t per fl3$h (after initial porcllae). MASSENGILL 9:30 AM TO 9:30 PM MON.·SAT. 10:00 AM TO 7:00 PM SUN. "YOUR LIFE" lastant Pre·Dleested Protela. ~'~t0st 5 • 88 . VKIS VAPORUB ASSORTtD PLANTERS llf FESCO-Styrene hanging 88~ planters or Square planters with saucers. ANALGESIC BUFFER IN Don't suffer from a nagging headache! ,., ggc TABLETS "PRO" ASSORTtD ~ Hair Brushes • , Choose from folding types lo flare stylmg I types. YOUR C CHOICE 66(l I.' "QUICK CURL" HAIR ROUER SIT Completely removable hair e=z rollers. Consists of 4 a]! rollers. pins 99 and poly C travel case. "AOOR N "sru.srn.-o HUI SPRAY leaves hair sh~ny. ggc soil and never sbc~y. 9 IL BRECKwMPOO·• ~· HAltCOlOR ~ Cond>bons ond il<lt!I""• f 1 Assorted 1 00 shades. • ' _ MDl'S "Olluxr' Chukka Luks · low cut soft suede leather with non· skid crepe sole. Sand color. Sim 6 to 12. "Earth Born" pH IAWICID SHAMPOO or CIDIRllSl & COMMT1CNR SAUY HANSOt "Hard As Nails" Wit' MYLOll Strong, sm~oth film that helps prevent chipping & breaking. AS• 1.00EL MIRO Nurser KIT OISPOSAIU IAIY IOTTUS Contains 7·Colored nurser ~ l ·Novelty nurser . 100 disposable .... baby bottles. l and more! • 5.99 ·. 'PWI Wl>Y A safe. sensible way to lose weight without drugs. Assorted flavors. J'/t U.18l 2.88 Dally rttet _.., "-"'di er.,_. Should Additives Be Subtra€ted? ByJVDITHOL&ON 0t-oa11,,........ Have you had your caffelae, essential olls .. methanol, acetaldebyde, methyl formate, ethanol, dimethyl sulfide, proplonaldehyde, acetone, methyl acetate, furan, dlacetyl, butanol. methyUuran, iaopreue and methylbutaool yet thll mominl! If Yo'l've bad your fintcup of eoffee you bave ingested all these cbemicala while simply tbJ.nk. lng aboutbowgoodtbebrewtastea: Uthe che~ical analysis of breakfast were to continue, the liJl for scrambl«t ec11 would be even longer and the chill• •eloo CQUJ.d be broken down into 14 incredleots. No ooe bas been foollne areund With the breakfast tray, either. All foods are made up ot chemicals, whether man, blmself a mixture d chemicals, llkeaitor not. • By the same token, all food has addiUves, "whether we like it Of" not," said Fillmore Freeman, PhD, a profesaorof cbemis~ at UCL Dr. Freeman, a member ol the unlverslty's speakers' bureau, talks to groups on the topic," Food AddJtives Vs. Organically Grown Fooda- Consumer Rip-off. " "There are three general categories of ad· ditives," he said. ''Thosepurpoaely put in by man, those nature puts In and those which inadvertent- ly get in, su~h as pesticides.'' cuasJon ot a "cost-benefit ratio," the professor stated. "You ~ay a pricef or aD)'thlni you &et." In CODJ.lderiq addlUv•, he au11ested, .. heal~ abould be the prlm.ary concern." J:conomlc~ ii an lmPOrtant faetor, too, because food WOUid eoet a lot more without preservatives. Bread. for exaiople, would hue to be made or purcbaaedevery day beca°"olspollqe, beaaW. Additlws also ~ake poealble many "new foods" sueh aa Creeae-dried Items for camping and whipped cream in a can. ••Some chemicals ml&bl be beneflclal Jn low doaea," Dr. Freeman added. TBEQUANDAKY aEMAINS, however, that no one ii sure what levels~ donge are beneficial or harmful. What lt all comes down lo is that "we don't know ab<Mrt whether additives are bad or 1ood," Dr. Freemanconcluded. He said tb.la lack of koowledie opens the way forwbatbecalls "oneofthebl&cestriP-Offs in this country" -"organically irown" food. "Some people say 'or1an1cally' or 'naturally arown' food is better. But t.bla ls absolutely un- true. Plants cannot differentiate between chemical and natural tertillzen." The reason "naturally srown" 'fruits or vegetables are considered better, Dr. Fl'eeman suggested, ls that they usually are more mature when picked and consequenUy lute better. But "tbebasicoutrlentsaretheaamebotbways." UC/ chemist Dr. Fillmore Freeman says all food contains additives 'whether we like it or not, ' and that in the interest of economics, so-called 'natural' foods fall short of those receiving regulated doses of preservatives. ADD1'11VES ARE INEvn'ABLE because of consumer demands. Dr. Freeman added. "As Americans, we're spoiled. We want foods to'b& cheap, available and pretty." Testing all the more than 2,000 substances added to food is the "horrendous" Job of the Food and Drug Admi.nl.atratlon, be said, but "1t'a ex- pecting too much for them to test them all." Evaluating the additives ls a difficult job at best, Dr. Freeman asserted. He suggested that politics are invol\'ed In some of the decisions, such as the ban against cyclamatea. · While De. Freeman aald ''there ts no question that additives must be med," he emphasized that .. the thoucbtfuJ citizen bas to be concerned with govemnu:nt re1ulation. "DDT la a tood example of the coat-benefit ratio. It's a very tough decision. But we're spoiled." Dr. Freeman, who was educated at Central State College in Wilberforce, Ohio, Michigan State and Yale, believettcoosumers should select , healthy food "butahow awareneas." An educated shopper will save money, as a comparisonoffood prices from the book '·Panic in the Pantry," by Dr. Elizabeth M. Whelan aDd Dr. Frederick J. Stare, shows. , •u ANDERSON, Editor BARBARA GfUS.SOWEN, Food Editor Wednesday. January 19. 19n Dining Out Comes to Terms With Quality By BAllBABA GIUS.BOWEN OI •Deity ~ IUfl Chef Dan Durick aaya be believes in educating consume.rs with meala be prepare.. "Too m::ra Americans are used to eating overly-processed foods and r to which chemicals have been added to make them more presentable,,. be said. Since restaurant dinint hu become "a way of Ure," Durick says, "The leut I can do la show people what 1ood food is." Good quality, be says, depends on "the quality of the inere- dients and rresbness of preparation." Durick, 32, has been preparing food professionalb' for the last 15 years. "l start~ cooking at the aae of '1, though, when I made my first chen'y pie." O\arick's talent.a grew at the Culinary Institute of America, where be stud.Jed and was an instructor before coming to Gilbert/Roblnsoo of Kansu City, Mo., restaurant operators. DVaJCK TRAINS CHEFS. writes recipes and 1enerally oversees all kitchen operations for the Gilbert/Robinson firm. He ta in Newport Beach this week for the opening of Houlihan's Old Place. Tbe restaurant, which features a Victorian-styled at- mosphere, otfen an "eoledic menu," says Durick, and one the corporltloo tries to pr~ "When you're a chef in this business, you have to set. aside your O'l¥n tastes and be open·mlnded," be a&id. "While a lot of thlnp I like m11ht not aeU, our menua offer both the cJaasica and tbe nouveau. · "So maoy restauranll bave tried to copy our concept "We've had to preserve .ur recipe manua&I oa mlcrofilm," be 9dded. · i>tNrNG OUT, says Durick, bas beeome a natioclal putlme. "People have a tendency to 10 restaurant 1boppln1, which is a aoo4 thlnl, but they're beUer off to Janel on a couple of favorite places that an con.aist.ently cood and ethical." A nstaurant is "ethical," says Durick, when lt doesn't use ''ba•tardbed'' procelMd foods Reh• ooo-dalry creamers and colosini .,enta; or use "tricks" iD preparina foods 10 that they "rob the cuatomer nutritionally." For example, Durick POinted out an old "Insurance policy" of c~ broccoli and other ire.em in water with bat.tu aocla. Tbe baldaa loda, he "71, neutralltes the chlorophyll 1 aDd ascorb6c acid in tbe •e1etables, Jeavtna them nearly worthleas in termaaft.helr vitamin ud mJneraleontent. Tbe Jll'oper way to dOlr all •ecetabl• short of tut.a, be 1 11•dLi.,to 'Plunce thesn ID ~ water for no mon than n\'e ,, mlD-. tAaty varfeUet takemudilt11 tl•e1 ol course. l\*t iJ "at ita pea)r. ., Dutfet eaetmaea, :wMn It 11 matcf\ed tor ftnor Ind dipl~WD ..-1ooc11. "~ in ~ll. IDd restaurub too. Mid to ham • about....-.. J:lillw Wit .-..ea aalad ahoUld 1•"9 ti.lad: If tM .... .. • CNUft1 ....... VAey ahould DoW tb.t a vlDaJirett;e almplY doun't work with Jt." ...... I I "The FVA doesn 'l have enc>Qgh workers to do all the tests either. They have been asking com- panies which use the substances to do the tests. Dried, pit~ peaches, which sold for M cents in a supermarket, went tor $U18 in a health food store. A cucumber, supe""arkel·style, cost 2• cents, while it was89cents In the health food store. •·one company bas yet to make a final report totheFDA." · PESTICIDES also must be consldered in the deb1te about additives, Dr. Freeman noted. Consumers are down on them but many, such as DDT, have proven beneficial in other areas. He said that DDT, for example, kills the in.s~ts which cause malaria. Mayoanalae wu the most convinci.nl com- parison ol all. In a supermarket, the jar cost 67 cents, while the same amount 1n tbe health food store was $1.98. The difference in tbe two? It isn't important, Dr. Freeman asserted. ''The body isn't concerned with the 30W'Ce ef a partlcularsubslan~e." The debate about additives leads to dis- C1 A DINER'S QUIZ, Duric'k auggeall, will help a customer de· cl de whether or not to return to a restaurant: -Doel the food look freshly and tbougbtfully prepared, or ia the plate sloppy with sauce, as If somebody "hubed it out" on an assembly Jine! -la the food wyt the menu aaya It la? la tbe Moma.y sauce a nice, Cl"eamy white; or la lt tan, indJcaUnc that It bu sat on a ateam table all day! -Do tbe navon come tbrouth with inte1rlty? Doel th& Sole Veronlque lute like Sole Veronique, and the broccoli like broccoli? Or doe1 It all lute a little like sole-broccoli- Veronique! Do you reach for 1be aalt and pepper lmmedlateJy after the ftnt tuie? -ll your ateak full of al.new and crlaUe, or doe1 lt have an ex- ceMlve fat COYer; or can you cut it easily with a lmJle that'• not aer· rated?· Wbea all )'(Mir rt1taurant "ftnda" have failed to meuW'f up, Durkt suaceata a 1lmple, ete1ant dinner at bome conalatln1 of aell'ed veal, • raw vetetable nlad dreaaed In a ·clauic Frencb vinatirette and aauted cucumben. (See reclpea belo..,.) ''Deuert abould be somethina fresh and lltht like atra•bet· riea or blueberries in cbampasne," he said. "Your sueata can 1oei...benforeometh1Dc IOC)ef. •• VEAL 80\IBUlE 8GMl111, pounded wblte veal cuUeta, about Y.·lnch thick 2 t.ableapoona minced 1hallotl .. No chance here of spoiling the broth with chef Dan Durick, left, in charge. A believer in freshly-prepared foods, Durick gives his okay to inaugural batch of soup prepared by Houlihan's area chef, Steve Adams. 2tabl•poona-cbopped1calllona <....-omona> ~cup butter Heavy.cream l'Jour' 1alt and pepper Dredi• cuUeta in flour to brown and aear them In melted butter until b~ on both aides. Remove them to a platter to , keep warm. (Doh't bake them; they're done.) · Ila remalnlnt butter ln pan, aaute ahallota and scalUom (this stv• 10U two different ldnda ol "onion" flavor); -scS enou1h cream to mate a sauce for all aental• (about~ eQp each) and continue cooking and atJrrlnt until redue*1 and alipUy thlckmed. Add aalt and pepper if nee ... ary to tute, and POUr overveal. Serve immediately wtthaauteed cucumben: SAtJTEEDCUCUMBERS Fnah, peeled cucumbers <~ cucumber each serving) 2 tablespoons butter ~ np cbopped, fresh tomato Pbacb ol fresb. tarrqon or dill... •and pepper .- Hal" cucumbers leoitbwi!Je d tUe <M seed.a; .uet into " '4·llleb .Ucea. Remov, aeedl and peel from fresh tomato and .. .._out ucess juice. Chap remaiallle JNlp ft•ty to *ll&al ""' cup. Toa cucumber allc .. qwckJy ln melt.cl bwt&er over medham flame. Add tomato, •alt M4 -pepper. lr.h h•ba and beat t.btouiti briefly. Serve lmmedlatel)'. , DEAR ANN: I'm 1 SO·year-old lady wltb ber •own Equal Rl1bt• •AmendmenL Laat summer my husband and l •Ptlll two weeks camplnt. The feeling ol freedom wu wonderful. Put Of It WU golng without my &irdle for 14 &lortoua daya ! The flnt evening back borne we were eager tq share our experience• with tome cJoae friend.I, so we treated them to dinner. When we got home, my husband 1&.kt, "You looked a UtUe atop· PY toaJ.eht. Why dldn 'l you wearyouritrdle!" Now. we both wear I became an1ry and in· girdles, and be not only vlted him to look in the looks better but says his mlrrol' and see which back is &iv)Jii him less Ofte of• looked sloppier. trouble. Prtnt t.hlt, Ann. We both dedded t.o co oa We mJeht get ~t.tdnt adlet. coins. -.EQUAL IN Tbe next day I wais still DU 8UQUE mad. I went downtown DEAB EQUAL: 1 and bought a girdle -for doubt we'U l&art a $1'eDd HUI. Wben he came bat &.haab tor •rk1D1. home, I 1aMI. "Put tbls Yo-.r Leuer wa1 my on. You look a little slop-fH&JalQf&beda)'. py." He thought I was-- k Id d Ing and replied, DEAR Alll,t'l; Your •'Those lhlnf• ar~ for reaPMSe to the womao WOMEN." told him who bated smoking was they were for anybody downright eutless. ··No wlt.b bul&ea -and be Go in San Le~dro" told QQJllfied. Weddings vg and Engagements To avoid disappointment. prospecti\'e brldt>s arc reminded to have their v..edding .. 1on£'' \11th black and \1 hilt> gloss1· photo1truphs to the Dail~· PUot Pt>oplt> Department one week before the \\Cdding 1'1('1tirt"• rl'<'f'l\C'd ufh·r lhJI lrnw-11 rll 1)11t bt• Ui.l'd !-~or en~.as.:cmenl 1:1nn11Ulll l'menti. 11 •~ 1m1wr;itl\ 1· Uwt th.l' )>Lor.\. ;iJ:,o cirt·om 1•..in•t·d IJ1 ,, black ;.ind 11 hrll' glo!.i.y pH· tun.·. ht· 11ubm1tted MX \1ceks or mort· heron• the wedding date. othl'r\\ 1se rt \1111 not he pubhllhed . To help fill req~rcmcnts on ~'lth wl'd· cling and engagement stories. form.: arc available in all Daily Pilot oHices. Fur ther questions will be answered by People Department staff members at 642·4321. you she removed the ashtrays in her living room but It didn't help. Her brother·u1 -l1w called her "sc>rne kind of a nut," Ut a c11arette 1nyway and pul the ashes m his pants cuff. Her ne•ghbor started to smoke in the kltch.en. saw no ashtrays handy so she used the pot of African violets. Her husband's boss simply dropped llis cigar ashes on the rue and said. "This'll keep the moths out." Why didn't you tell her Maureen Williams (left) is planning to marry Roy Richard Hewitt on April 23. Diane Marie Roberts and James Sinclair Fraser (right) will wed June 25 1n Newport Beach. (H you ban told so rnaoy others) to sub· slltute that macaroni in her spine for a little sur. ftr st\,lff? I wu shocked when ')'OU simply com· mented on the oddball traffic ln her house and suggested that •be keep some ashtrays handy "just in case." J know a lop-flight ex. eculive who owns a very successful cosmetics company l.n Lakewood, Ohio. He has signs post· ed all over the place that say. "THANK YOU FOR NOT SMOKING·. I. 11 Ann Landers anyone U1hta up a ctiar or a dtarette In h1a of· flee be says, "Sorry, no one smokes in bere. U you must have • cl1arette. there's a room down the hall you can uae." Now there•s an •P· proach J odmlrc. - OUTSPOKEN IN OHIO DEAA OtlT: I re· eo11llae tile maa. He'1 my 1ooct h'lettd Jes• Beu. «ll••· 1"taaab , ......... ae sp ll9ort. 0 E A R A N N LANDERS: Inasmuch aa a poll wu conduct~ ln your eoluma tor peo- ple who, lf they had It to do over acain would not have had chlidren, wby not conduct a poll for people who would rather not have been born? - Yoa are rt1bt. Bell's •P· p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ proacJI II fortJlrtCJit and admll'able. rllfle otber neeuU~et to follow la.la eaample. 8ol'r)' I took a IMMIDIATI NH DEUYIAY WHITE'S Showcase. MISSIOH VIEJO COSTA MESA (•ft .... y Pit••) 369 E. 17th Street . 28892 Marguerite cw"tpo11 s.-• Pkwy ec-'•"" " muu Cou pies Plan ~ Marr==r=ia~g~e~~!f~ij~~,! ~ ....... ~i4§~:T~:~t~ ... , .,..,.._~ HAMS Williams·Hewitt . Roberts·Fraser NEWPORT BEACH 9 Fcuhion Island ... ..,..c ....... ANAHEIM 449 Hortt. Loera Stttet AMllwlM Pin• Orange Coast College graduates Maureen Williams and Roy Richard Hewitt of Costa Mesa are planning to marry April 23. in Our Lady of Mount C armel Cathol ic C hurch. Newport Beach. Mi ss Williams Is tht> dau~hter of Mrs. Howard Cole Williams of Balboa and the late Mr Williams. She also graduated from Newport Harbor High School. Her fiance, an alumnus of Laguna Beach High School, is the son of Roy Richard Hewitt. formerly of Laguna Beach and · the late Mrs. Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Faust Roberts of Newport Beach have annoWlccd the engagement oC thei r daughter, Diane Marie Roberts. and JJ,mes Sinclair Fra;;er. also of Newport Beach. Miss Roberts 1s a graduate of Glendale High School. attended UC Santa Barbara and now 1s a .studept at UC Irvine Her fiance, son of the Gordon Frasers of Orlando. received a BS degree in marketing at the Univers ity o f So uthern California. The betrothed are plaMing to marry June 25 in St. Andrew's 'Presbyterian Church. Newport Beach Workshops on Tap BODY WORKSHOP: Profits from the tradi· tional three week sale provide a large portion of the annual operating budget. Proceeds will send area delegates to the ln· ternational Convention in BostoninJuJy ... ._.._ncwd Melt« Cher .. ORANGE r., ... a ....... ......... r. • .c. ••• (714) 997·9960 . '"So Good ... It Wll 'Hauftt' You 'tll tt's GoM" HAVE HONEY BAKED HAM SANDWICHES WHILE WATCHING INAUGURAL PARADE & CfREMONIES • Aeadv to Serve with Honey n Spice Glaze • Spiral Sliced F~m Top 10 Bottom • Wo Package and Ship trom Coast lo Coast • Full Ser¥1ce Oehcaaessen • Imported Cheeses ANAHEIM TiwY .... C••t•' lll1 I .......... .. l«hll4 1 (714) 635-2461 CORONA OEl MAR )ftO I C N"t H•r (714) 673-9000 PALM SPllNGS 11 ne .....,. • 11 ............. UtlCHO ltll1Rl6E 0141 345.3894 famous brand women's shoes now Eight Thursday sessions at 9 a.m. starting Jan. 20 in the community center at Golden West College will explore a system of putting meaningful ex- erclaeintodally routines. · Using principles of dance, the workshops will be l&\liht by Gerry Willner. They wUI set up booths in .front of local shops and banks. ALPHA PHI ALUM· .. ililliiliiiiillliiliriliill•ll NAE: Members of the South Oranae County group will participate in Cardio Pulmonary Jlesuscitatlon training classes at the CuJverdale Clubhouse, Jr.vine. ~ I/II SIZES TO 10. 4A TO 8. 8UT NOT ALL SIZES IN All STYlES ANO COLORS .•• SO BE EARLY FOR BEST SEL!CflONI ........... ...., ... ~·f'Of ..... u• T'QUll•-'-"'ICMIO MAtllll~ P OWE BS O F THE MIND: Dr. Alan B. Ruskin , clinical paycbologist, will In · 1truct an elcM week workshop on t.be science ol human consciousness in the community center al Golden West College. The Thursday meet· i.ngs are planned for l p.m . beg:lnnini Jan. 20. CAMP ftllE Gia~: The Orange County Council will ltlck-orr It.a annual candy and nut sale on Thursday, Jan. 20. conlinuln1 through Monday, Feb. 7. -~--··-\ . -·-~·iiHt"'"i';G'li ~ -.. . \-rit£ BALLOON\ \ ~.'E'D LT~:l ..... . -----·--··· ------- some of the f Jnest • clothf no In the world Is now avaflabfe at Immense sa vings. FASHION ISLAND Newport Beach 644-8808 FASHION SQUARE Santa Ana 658·7797 HUNTINGTON HARIOft ~6·1666 SALE ALLIANCE F llAN· CAISE: The California Riviera group will meet al8p.m. Friday, Jan. 21. al the Congregational Church. Laguna Beach. Speaking 011 prominent Frenchmen who publicized new Amencan opportunities will be Dr. Danielle Chavy Cooper. director of lhe department of languages and ctvlliu.ions at the Mon· lerey Institute or Foreign Studies. PABENTS WITHOUT P A&TNE R 8: Tbe Southern California Re1lonal Council will sponsor a Frosty Frolic dance for all alngle parents on Saturday, Jan. 22. at the Loa Angele3 Hilton Motel. Doon will open to the public at 1:45 p.mi. with dancing from 9 p.m. t.o t a.m. to the rock music of Sunshine Expresa. (! 1crnzz ~~fi~~ NIW CLAlllS ITAATING NOW CLASSES TAUGHT BY ACCACOtTEO PROFESSOR OF DANCE. ALI. ACiES • BEGINNERS T~ROUGH AOVANCEO. THI OANCI IT\JOIO ICI CA,ADH Ct4ALIT COITA MllA Harbor Blvd II Ad11m T•ht1MMt Sessions are planned for 6 to 10 p.m. Monday, Jan. 31 and Thursday, Feb. 10. Reservations may be made with Mrs . J .B. Paul. 5.52·9260. MUSICAL THEATRE GUILD: Highlighting the Newport Beach group's Wednesday . Feb. 2 meeting will be selections from "Porgy and Bess" and "The Barber of Seville.'' sung by lyric soprano Barbara Wilkinson and baritone Darren Nim· nlcht. Coffee will be served at 10 a.m .. with lhe pro· gram scheduled for 1l: 15 a.m . at the Bahia Corin· th Ian Yacht Club . Reservations may be made with the yacht club. 644·9530. Would You Like To Decorate Your Own Home? IN JUST 3 MONTHS YOU CAN • Learn the use ot color. textiles. wat1co11enngs, antioues. etc • Learn how to estimate draperies. cMpeting wallPa:>er. upholstery. etc • So11e money on all your furnishings. INTE:RIOR DE:~IGN COLLEGE: 200 Newl)O!'t C.nter Dr. Suite 200 Nowport Beacn. Ca PhOne: &40-0600 m -DESIGn PLAZA DE51Gn PLA Sftan T .,.,_or Y•• Coufar •or A.uoc.iate 1n Mi Oeot .. DESIGn PLAZA DE51Gn PLAZA llll liAllOPIWG GROOMER MAS A CODD THING GOllQ ... QOllC llGMT JO YOUI 00011 A tt•t ol btlght blue 1'17 Ood91 van,, complt .. ty ovtfltttd to groom your pet to ~dectlon right 11 your curb, 1w1lt1 your ull ... 111Jl 63'41tAI 111£ GAUOPllG CIOOl£L MAE MOUSE CAUS OILY ••• 1t P'letl comp1ra~ to thote 11\tredt- tloMt fl'OOmlno WIOM .. .lnod the GALLOP I NO OROOMl!R elltnlnettUll ""tvu Ind l:IOtMr In the blrgtln, nns .. m GROG•• smtct.. arinot 111 tM fl(lltti.s of the finest pet pertour to vour door In• ~lt1-ly Mlf<OflfalMO MOt>lt• unit ~t offtl'\ convenlenct to vov end l lf t'Ofldltlonta comfort to VO\lf Pfl, WhO IS bltf\td ll'd froomtO to 1iw soft srr.lns of mualc. PIOUD IS THE PET ... Wll() hll *" Ol'OOfMd by"" OAl:LOPING G~OOMl!R ... 1 slllllld pf'tftUloftat WN 1111 combined scitn"'lc 11now.flow lftCI crtltlve 1rtltlry to P'O'lldt I Mr vice thlt wlll lllvt yov 1nd vour Ptl ~lno •or l!'IOl't ... • Pain· Relievers HuR BtJdget SACRAMENTO <CNS> -WW tbat ~m• l.niredient hi lbe nanM brand uphia relieve a.headache more quickly? W!dne!d!y. January 1l 1977 Kuscbnerlt &lfffl buffered aap1rtn MiudOQI, aucb aa Alita• Selt•er, cauae leH 1aatroio. t .. ttnal blf*llna thu plain or buffered aspirin. HEARING PROBUM? I M'ICIAUU IN ...UYIDIAIMIH CASH MAJOa ~ACTUnas llPUSDn1D ll .. YIAHIM COIONA DIL MAI HAL AfBISdtfR HEARING AIDS m1 tum 11nwll' .,,_,_,. emu 111 u1 "'"'"'! '"It~' l40t lr<:ont Hwr. C-dtl Mar -'75·llll CHEESE OF THE WEEK FARMER CH-ESE SMOOTH tt.\JUIAL PARt SKlM MILi 20c!.~ Cllt •y .U.. ~ l(Zl/77 ff ~~k©>f1 W~rffi~ _ nF OHIO WESTCLIFF PLAZA 17111 a ........ wPOtrT llAC ... l'HOHI Ui.t97J MOM.,ffl. 'Tll t S..T. 'Tll • SUM. 'Tll I M~RINER'S VILLAGE~~ .. ~ POINT • •HOM~ 4"6-2670 M . & ~ .... ·ifeD\-,,\ I l)enny-a-pc)uncl J)Ortrait <>ff er ()1 h (C p('I po 111tf OI ')llf 1 Ii: Id\ \\ 1·1~!11 f 01 ·,,7 11.11111 al (olor pltot111!raph ( Ii pound child. only I Sf) "" n ,. r '" SI •-• '" .1ppto1n11n .. n1 nrcdrrl ' ln,. utlrt prr prrion-t"u 1•·r 1.mnl) Sl •~• • hJritr (nr • "~. .1du111n.1.1I t• r'"" n vr "''" I h" 1111• r 111J1 "": • • • ml.11nr<i '' 11h ""' 01lt• r ·" ""' r<I P'~'''"'"'•Ph ,,11,, ·1 Uay Off er 1 \Vf want )OU to tr) u~ 1 OF'FER ENDS SAT , JAN 22 PhntO(replln'J lloon Dally If·~: l'11. 10-9; 11n. 12·5 l\Ul1UUUtA rc:::::1 Bl E~A PAllK ISGu:wooo . ~ SORTllRIDG£ OllANGf. --·-. PA 'ADt:~A SO. COAST PLAZA TORRA~C£ WW the added pain reliever do a better job of eliminatln& a toothache or aching mU1cla? Probably not. ln most cases you 'U 1et lhe same relief from plain old uplrin for 39 cent. a bottle that you will from the more llOphiaUcated products that retail fOI' S2.SO a bottle. Milt Kuachnerit, a cooauJUng pharmacist with the $late Health Department says there ls no convlncln& evidence that com- bination pain relievers, buffered uplrin, or Lhe more eipenaJve brand name product. offer any more relief than ordinary upirin. He says conaumen are mialed by ads which aunest one type of uplrin la markedly more elfec- Uve than another. . Altbou&h a buffered aspirin taken In large quantities may cause less stomach lrrltaUon than ordinary aspirin, cllnlcal tests have failed to show that buf- fered aaplrin is more effective than pJain aspirin. A few bitee of good food or a glass of water is probably aa good a buffer as the antacid ln a butlered aspirin. Kuschnerit reveals the "extra strength ingredient is a few more &rams or aspirin and the extra ln· gred1cnt 1s caffeine. Anacin con- tains six and two-thirds grains aspirin, one third grain caffeine. Ordinary aspirin bas. five grain& aspirin. You can get the s ame ef· rect by drinking a cup of coffee when you take the aspirin." ' Pisces •'However the efferveaceot formula contains larce amount. of sodium. Therefore, Alka- Seltur should oot be uaed by peo- ple with bi.ab blood pressure or those wbo are oo salt restricted dleu." Kuachnerit say1 because Alka· Seltzer is dissolved ln water ll may be absorbed more quickly \n the blood. ''However, I don't think this is significant enough to justify the addiUonal cost." No matter what brand, every a,plrin can be harmful if taken ln Jarge doses over a period of time. Aspirin is noted for cawslnt gutrointeltinaJ bleedint and in some cases ulcers. Jt can also in· terfere with the body's blood clot- ting mecbaniams. The United States Food and Drug Administration recom- mends that aspirin should not be taken during the laat trimester of precnancy bec~use it can cause com p lications such as leJil\bened labor and blood clot· tint Ume for mother and infant. Ku.scbne~it says one of the nioat hnportaot factors de- termining the effectivenea of an aspirin is its freshness. "As aspirin ages and de- teriorates it acquires a vinegar like odor. To keep aspirin from losinf its potency don't buy more than you can use in a year or so. Mak& •ure the lid is tight and store Jt in a dark dry place.•' Look to Fu tu re THURSDAY, J ANUARY io By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21· April 19): Your counsel ls sought by friends who see m intent on creating problems. Key ls to be direct Wlthout being ob- noxious. to be indepen- dent without being ar- rogant. TAURUS (April 20· May 20): Become more aw arc of .r I g h l s , permissions, basic security needs. JI mar- ried. have heart-to-heart talk with mate. Married or single, you find that cooperative efforts are necessary. GEMINI <May 21-June 20 >: Expand horizons. Highlight learning pro- c es s . Ope n mind to varied concept&. Check communications. direc- tions, travel plans. What seemed settled or part of past could be reactivat- ed. CANCER CJune 21· July 22): lf you don't know what to do, do nothing. Ride with tide. Accent on requests that could place strain on budget. Partner, mate could and should -be involved. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Persons who care the most for you may now exhibit a tendency to criticize. Lovers' quarrel UTUTlllM{lfT Films Theater Dance Televi•lon In the could be on agenda. Take it in stride! Accent on partner, contract, com- munication with mate. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 >: Check promises, ob- ligations involving fami- ly. Face facts as they ex- ist -don't avoid perti· nent issues. Take ring roads. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Define meanings . Be ready for quick change s . including moodB as expressed by children and members or opposite sex. SCORPIO <Oct. 23· Nov. 21 ): Organize priorities -assume responsibility for ac- tions, investments. Older individual will give you benellt of doutit -and experience. SAGITl'ARIVS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Finish pro- ject -expand horizons. Aid one who asks for help. but don 't get ·maudlin about it. Know when enough ls enough. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19): New ap- proach is necessary, especially where financim are concerned. C~h now could be tem- porarily impeded. Know it; plan accordingly. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20· Feb. 18): Cycle "good" but disturbances are evident. Don 't 1pen<1 a 11 assets keep' Magn~ all oYlr the world. something in reserve. You have hldc:ten re: .~ sources-know It but don 't let opposition become aware of it. PISCES <Feb. 19· March 20): Hlgh1ight flexibility -spread out, be versatile. look to future with deserved op- timism. Peek behind scenes .. If January 20th It your birthday you are sensitive, moody, In· tuitive, fiercely loyal to family, aware of securi- ty, capable of making the most of assets. FABRIO WAREHOUSE SALE "JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE" "WE MUST CLE AN HOUSE OFF OUR LOSS·YOUR SAVINGS!" 25% FOR NEW SPRING FABRICS D I FOLLOW THECROWOS' I I COMlfARLVI I 25%0FF EVERY YARD PURCHASED! ••••••••••••••••••••••• OUR REGULAR LOW PRtCES ARE POSTE0- 25% TAKEN OFF WHEN YOU PAY! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EVERY SALE MADE! *********************** ALL FAB,RICS POL VESTER KNITS JERSEYS-COTTONS WOOLENS-DENtMS VELVETS-IMPORTS, ETC. .. fJf ll fJD'@jfj} PRICE REDUCTIONS s. ... Satilrdcrr J •• .., 22 ._, Selectloft of Styln mid Siles LADIES• SHOES ... ...... M2.t1....NOw s3~ ... 5 1 I 00 MEN'S SHOES 1..,to.42.'5-Mow$400 to s 16°0 1052 Irvine • Westcliff Plaza • Newport aeach • 548-8684 ' p DAILY PILOT Wednesd.y, JMuary t9, 1977 I I • ! . ... 1 Seasoned Staffer Whips Omelet to Gr-ri fect tion By AltTRUR a. VINSEL Ge .. O.lty "'" M.tH Man cannot live by bread alone and • tberelor~. one can sur- •. mlse tongue-in-cheek that such culinary tilts as Big Macs, Whoppers and other deU1bts served our way have evolved. Well, my way is fre- quently my very own way. Cooking hooked me at such a tender age none of Adolph's papaya powder wu even around. Today, I like to think m y culinary efforts have evolved well beyond their humble beginnings. The first experiment was not exactly oeufs aaute. The egg whites re- sembled brown lace at the edaes and the yolks · looked for all the world like mummified hockey pucks. And that's bow they tasted. MY NEXT JOUSTING in the kitchen was with some very small bluegill panlish or rainbow trout, drillng beUy up in a sea of Crisco and topped by a black, half ·bottle slick of ' Worcestershire cause. ! Scrumptious. I Mother k e pt he r ( silence. She also kept ! cornflakes in lhe cup- board. Seriously, good cook· 1. ing isn 't all that difficult and s ince food is a t necessity or lifo. why sel· ~ tie for less than good food i when dining at home" i THE KEY is in follow - ing the directions uritil j Filling ~ ; Savory The Italian ve~ion of the French Omelette 1.5 puffed and uaualJy filled with savory apices , cbeae, vegetabltt, pro. sciutto or ham. This Deviled H1m Frittata is euy to mah from pantry provlliolllr. It takes jus.t minutes to make Into a aallsfytng p~in meal -match It f With a small salad. DEVILED RAM FBITfATA e.eaga 2 tablespoons milk 2 lableapoona chopped oftioo 2 tablespoon• ' d.opped treen pepper 2 tablespoons butter or mar1arine 1 can (4~ ounctt) deviled ham ~ cup 1raled Mouarella cbeete Preheat oven to "° ~ F. In a bowl. beat tocetber •"8 md milk. Stir iD ocdoD IDd ireea pepper. If elt W - t.er In an 1-lncb attlltlt over low beat. Tilt pm to coat bottom •nd aldet ~. Pour in e11 mix-ture. Drop devUed ham by teaapoonfula Into tH mixture, Cook 10 minutes. Sprinkle theele on top and place in oven 4.S minutes until cbeele is m@lted and .,. mix- ture i• Ht. Malta 4~ 1ervin1a. Snack •Th.inning Pean fll rtpt iD with my diet becaUH of Cbe:tr fifth autrlUve gualltl•. 'Ibey are one of Lbe belt ftult 1ource1 of fiber. ·cont1inin1 about 2 .1 •r&ma of fiber each (which ll about ball ot the ao·called recom· mend ed dally al - Jowance). . Calorlt·wlMe, pears contain about to caJonn apiece. C~mbln• tblln with chttH, nuts or yo1urt for & protein- . nriched. bl1b·•neriy ''9#1l. l. ... . . accompUthed eaouab to beaten into e111 well espeirtmfnl oo your own. with a wire whisk. I use And don't tackle the ex-water because milk otlc until you m .. ttt the ~ to bum. I also add almple. •few dubu ol Tabaeoo. ~ cup sharp Oied- dar cheese tn a mall dice I/, cup cream c~ or Neufcbate l (~ tbe calories or regular) Ump; combine rut ot ln- pedients with the onion In the aaucepan and keep warm over low name. Cheese will melt slowly. UgbUy thrash all 1.ncre- dient.s around wlt.h atork while preparing the omelet. You don't want the filling like soup. Turn of1 beat when it slarta to look that way. you Wt.,, or Jost some peeled orao1e1 marln.at- paprl.ka. ed in red wloe. a Utt.le The Vlnael presenta. su1ar and cinnamon: or lion usually Includes hon• yd e w melon t.oasUld En•U.h muUlns drU&Jed with a tiny bit ol and marmalade or hol Tabaaco and plenty ol torllll11 nd butter. Ume. For thi1 reasQO, we Before start1n1 to cook won'toffer Sual'areclpes ln a pr•beated hinied for maoilllcent Mexican omelet pan, one of God's carnitaa, but rat.her a recent glfta to mankind tood bn.mdl omelet and -dice and combine the complement.a. (Brunch filllna: mean.a breakfast-lunch 3 1trips th1ck-1Uced 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro '4 teaspoon ground cumin · l tablespoon white vinegar tblck-allced tomatoes Tbeae may sound a bU chilled with a aprlnkle ot unusual -and they an vine1ar and tweet basil, -but be auured they aome fre.b fr\llt. are novel treata and a re- anytime you want it.) bacon, well brotled or 2 tablesponons mild Mexican salsa Proceed u usual to aet your perfect eu and fill with filling. Top omelet with Parmesan cheese if For fruJt, our favorites al depart. ure from dlnin1 ar.e chilled freab plneap-boredom Beat of all you pie 11lce1 dualed lightly , can alte; them and' lm· with chill powder (or red provtae to your heart'• Prepare a basic four-tried, drai ned and e11 omelet wltk a good crumbled. Cook 2 more tablespoon of water forBarney. Also chop up V.. cup of onion and saute untll pepper nakea), or sliced, content. ' .. RIB ROAST BEEF • IMALl ENO 11 .H ll. lAAOEENO CHUCK STIAK IEV ~IJT 99.~.79~ BllF BllF IVtU •If« Of ,_,., 1\ \M(()JieDff60fitALl Y W •t•NltfO 10 "ttAM TOU • OI YOU' •OM,. WIU It (Mtf .. UU T ... fVM'OtO C Ll!JR Fll!\f!.'S SLICED STATER IAOS. • t 2-0Z. PKO. LB. 69~59~ BROWNIE· ·MIX I c C~A·9001T·,··.-MEAL 49c BATH REFILL DUil .... . .. . .. IOOll-OL 1r r-:L~En=u~.,c· · =E ~~~ ..., .. .. . . . ... . .• . .. .... u-oz. PEANUT BUTTER :,-~.=:.o . ·~z 99c . ~INCL 40' Off LAia f FANC • CfllP • OflttH HlADS nDE s446BISCUITS ::#A·~~ ....... ·. ! .... 11-0l 14c~ 2 5 C ·· · ·· ··· ····· ...................... m-oz. SWISS CHEESE ALN·~u ........ !.ML95c i ·~~i~~!~~-......... a59c f =&\.°.~~~~~'.~~~. 944 ,' EA · · s103 x,, AJAX .................. , .................... 3Z-OZ.. SWISS CHEESE JIU~•lllClO. ·~z 5159 , llAfv.,,U ............. ••~ . o ~ ORANGES l'Ullt OOLD •LAROE• FANCY SWEET• NAVELS MAPLE SYRUP $ J 16 STRING MOZZARELLA mc~u•. Mz sl.03 '.; ~ , ....... 2&-oz. MOZZARELLA =:~~~ua 12-oz Sl.J9 •oz llljCf' 16 c raSCADE ..... ~ .................... a.oz. s I '1,RICOTTA ,__ IM>Z s1.05 . ·. I-OZ ooc,: WfW~··eo• . I PEPSI-COLA 8 2c _ '11 LB. ORAlllE JUICE .............. ._ 78c . :;,:::.::.'I'" · -c,_ ... -·-·-~ 17c l".i "'°"u ·OU>,TJWJO 49cPENROSE SAUSAGE =.: .oz. Sl.15 . ~!~Y~!!.~~-UN l A_ ....................................... t&.()L • HAM GLAZE =.':.c, . U~L 7gc BROCCOLI . . LL 2 9 4 AVOCADOS LAllOf. • ,_., • CAUJ-.. QllOw. • 'IMTC 2sc .~ Challenge @ntadina $ 9 l ._ • '&llCY • llWUl • ()llLANOO 1 6 4 FOIJUE fWIMl-1.... .... • ........... ~l. 2.1 . TANGELOS .LL BOllEL WEDGE .~....... .-oz. 51.29~~·m. · ~·~~'-~~~~taa._ ___ .. -m!o :mt • ._.,. f ·35° APPLE JUICE == ........ I ...... ~~m. Sl.()6 I ._._!T!.~~~!!!~~·~~- ii. ··:::· :·:.:;. :;;;~· .. it:25' 1r•s ....... ·• • ·-ll: aOSTON----·~----$--3 ..... ---4--,- m ..................... .-l 5r •m PASlI.!~ ... -Ul'Ulllllll'EllRA&.llBMo··o"All.sTE"'''R" ..... ;J! ..• ~L 55c FERNS fUUllllUllD A·•• sv&11.."'."~1. IN e•· HANQINQ POT ~~& ~~ tmlM1JES .. M ... 23 4 L_EA;;;,,--;;;;;;;;~·-'Aau. fill · Al•DDT . fROSTiaM' MIX .,.,,,uoot • 2&c VAN DE UMP'S Dt*IM•avAA.. I ., .. ~ ......... 12-oz. 59 ,.... S J l9 ~ • .:.• S J 09 na °"_,, ......... 1 .M>L SIRLOIN T PS llWY" ·9) • 1 • .... •. .u.,'°" MOZZARELLA Milt s1 81 I KOLO Klar. • .. • . . .. • . ....... 1 ,. ...... 2.oz. M)L ~ GRAPE JELLY -~ .. · • •.OL s1j4 SIRLOIN TIPS KOU>1usr.. • •• • ••• .. • ....... .oz. 64 •••••111 79c SPRAY STARCH~~llUW'l~····~srCHILI & BEANS KOLOKIST •• ~ .................... M>z.44: :.=. I PILLSIUIY IMEAT PIES tueQllYIWf• IVAlt ............... , ......... 1U. 11 -~-LI-.---~-.--,.-~--~---i llSCUm ==.. ..... •Ht. 14 C FISH IAIOIS •MouMr• .......... f ............. 1~ • 11; ~-=c.w •Ji:',!'~ S 13' -Ci.£AllR . 45c DOUGHNU1S MORTON•a&VWNCMAM,....... • .... ,~ 69 _ ... _._"'_· --+-~_.,_Kl·-~-S"ftftftlllr•s Ulllllt• ...... -..... ,... ORANGE JUla ................................ 1loQZ. 57' VICKS ... ... WI IUftU. ...... .aLL ....... t ....... 54• GUPEFIUIT JU la wwm ....... ' ........ tMt. 49' .. ••• ·~~" mllm t s 119 ZEE MllS ~---I ...... 14MT.51° JENO'S !IZZA :;;...~;~ ............... ! •. •~ .,. ~ ,,. CUP DISPEISER =--~MITY . .,.40' ICE CRUM SQUARES ~~.' .... :. . . . .. . NUTTY IDEAS: . A savory peanut soup· made with a chicken- stock base, is just one of many concoctions that can be flavored and fortified with peanuts, America's most popular protein in a shell. 'PUllHEBRE fOR Here's 104 to get you to buy a large or medium size bag of Fried CHEE•Tos· DAILY ~LOT CS ..... with a crackly cnmch in every bite. No nmur what sac you buy, yuur whole famil~ w;n love CHEE •TOS, the cheese that 'socs aunch. So put the bite on ' Fried CHEE •TOS for Brand Cheese Flavored Puffs. CHEE •TOS are delicious cheddar cheese flavored puffs ' 'OfEE·~ is•~ uw:lcawtol ~~~ 104.1.oakfor the bright red a.. ' .. FJ.ITO.u.Y, l.NC. From Soup to Cake~;i#, ., •• Cll1 be f• and~­ We. .. -SIQ"S Plesidld~ect ~Carter. TM twa is ill ~•t­ills ..... ; ca.. Pretil is in rel!Piag ......... and .arimts ~ CIDllllaia. Here are some recipes to welcome ia peanut farau:r c...ter·s Mmiaistntion. They aUest to tbe Cact t.lwlt there ·a ~ to do widl pemat blltt.er- t.Mn spread it bllw_. two~ d tftad. Wtllote pemuts, too, mame ftavoriut embemshmcnL\ to salaOs and casseroles GEO&GIA PFA.NVTSOVP 1A ~up margarine • 4 C'Up linefy c bopped onion I ~ cup finely chopped eejery l cup P1anters Creamy Peanut Butter l Tablespoon flour 4 cups beet or bouilloa 24.e•lf>OOM Jemonjaj~ I In a larce bea"Y saucepa tnell marzarine. Add onion 'alery. Ullte uatil tender. Stir · I ]ltmll INl&er -· ~ b ,.._ GrailallJ stir in · _. 'sn• j*e WJtil sm Cook .,_. medi:a! heat for mini.Us, atirriai occ:aaa.aa&lll 1'o s~ saruw. with dJo cocktan peanuts and gre omona. Serves 6-8. PE.UWT-VEGETABLE LO+ 2 c 8ITOt.5 ~. I large potato i-.. l ca, roHted peao~l>. ....... 1e-.wtwat1am '& CllP tomato juice ~Z:..tbaeon,culup Dasft Worcestenture ~~n~sto.!i8:~ec !>p; .. CJD _paper towels, r rve .._.1 &alllapooo ot r 11. OriM Ill> aU the ve, es Saut.e onion In hot fat until p, add _.... •nd carrot.,, g nd ....., ... ud wheat germ. e111 aad tomato ju Worasterehtre and bacon with hands until well com •-&o lute lwarnlog ... ~ nuts. omit addl al . ..,. ~spe into toar and bake i but t.ertd loaf pan l '4 hours 350 ....... F. Bern lb<*! w1 sour cTeam and chopped sreen oo iamUIL BANANA-NUT SALii> 2 medium-sized bananas, sli~ 1 W-,e red appJe, cored and diced 1 cup diced celery ~cup chopped, pitted dates • \oi cup routed peanuts 2 tablet1poons mayonnaise 2 tablespoons plain yogurt or sour Ct'e.a1 1 teaspoon honey Lemon ju.ice Toss aU ingredients together JUSt before s erving lime . Sprinkle with lemon juice for added navor and to prevent dis- coloration of fresh fruits. Makes 3-4 servings. NUTrY RICE C~EllOLE :i• cup white rice '{a cup brown rice I ~n beel consomme 1 soup can water •..;green pepper, chopped ~onion, chopped •..; cup diced celery 2 teaspoons soy auce ·~ C\lp-Cbopped pea:uts Saute chopped wgetables in butter until limp and IOlden; stir in both kinds of rice and saute 1 minute. Add consomme, water and SIO"/ aauce and cover. Lower name and simmer 2S minutes. Uncover and stir in punut.s. Add more .soy sauce if needed. Makes ~servings PEANUT-BEAN CASSEROLE 2 packages frozen Italian style green beans ·~ cup butt.er or marganne 1~ <'UP chopped onion I can CJeam ol mushroom soup "'.! cup roasted peanub, chopped ~ cup grated Chedd ar cheese Paprika Salt and pepper Steam frozen beam uatil alJ iee ii removed. but beans are not quite done. Drain. StJr in butter, onion, soup and peanui.s. Pour m· to casserQle dish and spnru<le with &rated cbeeae and papnka . Bake at 3SO decrees F. tor :is minutes or until cheese is bubbly and slightly brown on top Serves 6. Pl.JMPKIN·PEANUT CAKE 8.US I cup vegetable shortening l+• cups brown sua.r 1 le•spoon vanilla extract zen• Veggi Perk Up Suppe . Crepes blackrpper . Pee e11plant and cut into julienne slices about 2 inchea Iona. ~-inch wide. Ccwer with wattt and sprinkle witb 1 ubfes- pooo salt. Lef. stand for about onebour. In large akUJet, aaute onions and p-een pepper to olive GOUD- ttl onions are golden. DrliD ec- alant and blot on peper towel. Add eggplant, iueebinl ud' garUc lo onion-pepper mixture. Continue a ookioa over moderately high heat. Wh~ vegetables are oarlJ cooked thro~b, add ~MMt. Coyer; lower be~t Md atm.m. for 10 minutn. Add ~ and sausage. ·Continue coo~ another 10 mJnuta. Fill eadt crepe with two be*Plnl ~ poc>ns of mb1ure. Mf up _. place on servlna plate. Gam61111 with chopped part1t7 and Mrn wtttie ftot. Yield : t'UUng for 20 mpea. 1 cup canned p"1Jlpldn 2 cups sifted flouc 1 te&SJIOOJl b•••napowder IA teUJ)OOll bakilllsc>da 2 te .. pooo1 IJ\llllpldn pie spice 1 cup coan.ay cbopped salt- ed peanuts Beat together shortening, sug- ar, and vanllt• until ll&bt and fluffy. Add eggs and pumpkin; beat well. Slft together or stir well to combine dry ingredients except peanuts ; stir into pumpkin mixture until blended. pardiaef laf&cial1 "'°to CX)ftJ' coapcm ........... i.- dcmpcioo -br ~ -~ kt,~ aptltlta6ot1 o1..-.allf!DIT an. stiwrc:a frmd. For,,._,.,.,. .- ITllll eo: FIUT~LAY. INC., £(). .. J318, Oiatol\ Ion S11.J4. Voi4 ~ prohibited, toed orl'tStricted. Cd\ ntut 1120o11«111.0filr~J.,)I, wn I I I .I .I I I Spread batter in greased UYlxlO'hxl-lnch jelly roll pan. Sprinkle with peanuts and bake In 350 degrees F. oven 30 to 35 minutes. Cool and cut into 32 bars. Extra cake bars may be wrapped in foil and froien. ., ~ ,',.." .·: .... ... •"' I I I r .. lt• Bring home FriskieS~ and save 25<: ..., flUSKJE8 8AUC£ CUBES. Just add water, Friskies Sauce Cuba •elra • clrma with savory sauce! Complete nutrtdon,, toof ' . A_ DAii. Y PILOT ... . !V!dn!!d!t· .l!nU!y 11, 19'17 Don't Be Confused By Fancy Nllf.811 Wh!lfl You Wlllt fine Quality :4f.aet ... luy USDA Cbolc:I 6nde Beef at Safeway and Be Inured of SatlsfadllOftl EVERY BEEF STUK AND BEEF ROAST W~ CUT IS . USDA CHOICE GRADE ~P!~!~~~ .. :.~~~~ ....... -. .lb.18c I!~9!~~~ ................... lb. 25¢ ~£!;~~~: ~,~~e ~.~!.~~J ....... ~ s109 1 ~ LEG OF LAMB UIDAChllol ._... ... . DtolflOtt lb1 39 .. . ... \ , : I _, • ~Nedry. January t9. 19T7. I you've resohrecl to put your food budget back in shape ... DAILY PILOT Cf • • The Consumer IHf Blade Cut line . Chuck by Roast . Julie GraysOl'.1 per -lb. . II Getttng your budget back o? track In the new year Is real· ly Important. One of the-best ways I know is to take advantage of BHfRound Ralphs Super Buys. They're Bottom or temporarily reduced prices 1 Top Round that can really save you Steak or Roast money. " What's ·more, if you're not al.ready taking advantage of "cents off" coupons, they're another important way to ill save. You'd be surprised at how much you can save on an average shopping.trip. Of Dold-Butcher Boy course. Ralphs low every-Fully Cooked d~y prices also help to Boneless stretch your food buying dollars. Ham So, it you've made a resolu- tion to save, I'd like to help. Call me if you have a ques-I tion. comment, price inquiry -Of even It you would like the Aelpht locatlon of the Ralphs netlrest you. I'm here to help Miid Cheddar or Jack you. Call JuUe Grc.raon Cheese 1-800-262-1600 8 oz. pkg. Super Frnh Pac 3 or 5 lb. Pkg. Ground Beef per lb. Sh1nk Portion Fresh leg Pork Roast Ralphs·Chllfed Orange J.uice Ralphs is cleta: 111ined you won't pay a lower everyClay pa ice on ·~* *Allpht Is determined to never knowingly bt undersold on milk In tht Lot Angtf•·Orerioe CowttY .,.,, Thil offer appflet to the everyday regular non-restricted price of theM competftort: Al~. Alphl Beta, Fulo's, Lucky, Markel Basket, Safeway or Vons (Not advertiMd or In-Store Specl~. Applfft to extra Rich, Ho.,,.nlz*' Vitamin O, Lowfat and Nonfat freeh mWt. ' Auoned Varietln Morten Dinners Old Fathioned Compare & Save Ralphs Ral~ Rour lee Cream Viva Allorted Colo,. , Globe A·1 ~ Long · Towels Spaghetti • Very D°'r'Y Of R"ular Formula Dial Anti Persplrant 8or. II 12oz. can 1 Cll'.I USDA Choice Beef • Golden Premium Meats Pantrr Fiiier• Fresh Produce D UIDA Cholce-lett Chuck 7BoneAoalt D UIOA Chok:e-IMf Cube Steak D U&DA C"*9-Chuc*-Clod Cut ROlad Beef Roast 05 .... ,,..M"'* D DAChobhef Eye Steak ' S::.' .85 r:. 1.98 r::~1.59 '::. 1.59 '::~ 2.89 Dell Food8 D FrHh C11it. Grown ..., 79 D Plain or Iodized Jt oz. 16 01 lcebergWeatern Lettuce • 2i Roasting Chicken 'ib: e Ralphs Salt _pkg. • ~ ... • D r;,;,~Ch; Loin ~:~ 2,99 ~ T-Sauce ~:~ • l & ~ A;;:n Golden Del~ioua ~~ .2 D P;kSi;ib i::~ 1.19 ~t'nd:iciteags s::· .47 ~T:;i: 31bt. .9, ~ sittoln or Round per 2 99 u Scottt.-Auorted Cofon 200 ct. 54 ~ Veal Cutlets lb. • ~ Facial Tissues . pkg... Health. & Beauty Alda D Ralpht·U.S.D.A. Grtde 'A' Calif. GrOWC\ 99 01 Kitty&!,~! 10 lb. 49 Fryer Brumsticks ~~ I ~ Cat uner beg • ~ HQld"4 Hour-Regular pkg. of 1:3 01 :..'!'l'K'uwanorCDoghunkyFB"ood' 140z. 31 ~Cough Supressant 10 ''t' , ~ na ~~ 1 0 Extr1 Stre"9th 31 ct. 89 Frozen Fooda o Recau1ar,11ie 3,,01• 27 ~Excednn Tablets bu. , ~ Tone Bar Soap bar • 01 Miii Breck·AHorted Formul11 11 oz. 83 ~ ~ • 1 oz. 39 LA Van de Kampa-Ch .... or BHf 12 oz.. 59 ~ Betty Crocker·BUIJermllk · 24 oz. 53 ~Hair Spray cin , ~ C1111cent Roll pkg. • ~Enchilada Dinners pkg. , ~ Pancake MIX pkg •• D ~~tMOftClt• 1 89 ~Minute Meld ,1201• 59 O LergeSlzeBottlt 320L 86 Ba·L..v iilWP Cheddar ':. • ~Orange Juice can • ~ Hunfa Ketchup . bt1. • 1111 .. , n Mlfbud !dam Of ·7 01. 99 ~ WBrldhitegtfordB-1readLb. Loavtt ptcg. 79 0 L~.S~·Atamed Colort 2 rotl 42 D Whit• Of' Whe1t 18 01. 29 L:;J '-'*'> ChedcW. pkg. • ~ ofS • ~ TOiiet Tl8eue ptlg. • All Star Bread . lo1f • ~tt:f"...;r;-°' 1::,-1.49 Home 'N Leisure ~ Ar°~09 ... ..,, :::. .47 ~ S;;B~ 2~::-.43 .~t:;:C~ Meat :::. .45 ~Kttct:.;l~-~·"'!~2 .... 99 ~~Wrap ~:~; .43 D r.=1cT8a Cakes ... h .89 0 !.••tor.a~ 11b. 99 LA Mlrro.Alumlnum-21 2 Ot. Size 2 77 u Downy Conctntrated 96 oz.2 69 U Ralphs-Delicious 8 95 ~ Pl8lpnl B~ pkg. • ~Whistling Tea Kettles ... • ~Fabric Softener bt1. • ~Bear Claws P:~ • , ... &ifllcttve JinuarttO thru J1nu1ry 28, 1977 r • • rgqna • • ., r. • • r~1 • •., (~ ~ • ~ nis.•erluy r.........,.-...,...,.,.,,_....,_ ~----· __ _. • • .., .. Gil••" 1 &ill Wtr~•thtrlght tolfmlt ~-.p "''" •t.._.,. ... ,....._, I •l••f ,2twllllCOllpon lt1t 11 8•••.21wltllCoupott #tfl I .., ..... II _ I • or refute Hr.t to commercl•I E .............. ,1.ow Price ~;i::..,..,.:;.:.:, o.ntfl\I Miii• • AllPurpote .-a Cla•I• .... i dtllen or wllolettltn. iw...i ""' -=r-I Cheerios 11 Gold Medal I -~---I C1rea1 ~.&9 II ~ ~.39 t . --·-··-------' . I Unilf OM ...... °"'~ .. c--. 11 LIMlt o... • ~.,.. C.upon,., c--. c._.. u.ai...-.201n-. n.1111. c..,.... ...... -. 201wv.11n. n.1m. L RIGHT PRICE COUPON .. IL RIGHT PRICE COUPON I --------· --------· Wh8re ·1•u get wllat .YOU want cd the ·Right Alice-· 2660 SM MICUl, llWPOIT Hl1S 12CW IMI, 1UST1N, tlWPOIT I llVN aw. ...._,.,WISON 9901 MMtS &VD., HUNTINGTOl llMJf 15011 llOC*iUST, wmM1MS1a 1726117tfl ST., TUSTIN COSTA MnA .01N.LOMA,MWllM6M2 WARNB, HUNTINGTON 8lAOt STiii HOtltS: 9~10.Dally, 9.9 S4inc1ar ' • ' { C1f DAILY PILOT Wednesday. January 19 19n Chops: r -ime. By BARBARA CIUS· All you have to do f!!.WSN b•lore .Put Ung the ,_. e!:iroM .lD ~ oven )5 If y~ .-~ioi tia.e '*'ps. You and are prettt·.ooa;l.1t-. ~ ~ U.. ume hot tr.t you ~y40a't1Qlad Jo aaut.e ~ of an ooiqJ) ~laome from~ (ebopped). a e m ove to !•x dinner. In fact, you chops from fat and set migbt even enjoy a aside. therapeutic wlnd·down When tbe onion is with a head ~f lettuce. transparent. ,..d toJt -... apd ..PanJ•y; Wiitb JK>rk, . ~owever, ii your mate cup uncooked rice(~ \w'rp&QID4>l'Nle. Worcestershire. Fre!\tlh- 8')1lt mt.&Stud and a UtUe brow11 li\tlar ud ar- rance oo ~ of Uae rice. Cover and .U¥e at &$0 4ee~eettor 1$ Jllinutes. Taen, uncever the dish, baste chops again, and baJce uncovered for another 15·20 minutes, so cbojn will cr!mn and ~ wAll. be tl•ky. <.U "5-in g ,,pork. add 5·l.O miniatoo ~~ch tMDe.ide- • • se ~ a variety of other dl:i..a mint flakes added .W~. Y.<>u. can ltlilelliile.-.+.Mt .. -., '" Ulle Ole ctbi ckoo i1' the ewrleftlle tllllllY b"tb wttb a o•n of wtlh ~.ss:llilf1i o creeei •f .mauroom tk seccmid•a . soup.\dU>uled a ~ You...._,. « soup can of Derry. ~ time to talk to your be.d canofwater. or 1-.ee this seo.d .... ••••• ••••• ••••• ........ .--... •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ......... ~~··· 1~n t as handy as you 1n or brown), '14 <\~~e ~ dae rlee .cn4#we kitchen, he ~ay ~ot un· juice, a can ,,r .MJick#l F.tr ~ ~ ~a d~rsta~d this kind of broth and so~ tieri.. _ .cu .. r.Qle. J\H.te d1vers1on, .and . would With lamb, you ~use e _seared chops wiUi, • Y 0 V 11 L 1L D I SCOVER a great chop-bake repertoire by Or. omit orange juice Ume~n(,f. Or, sf'* and dump a small can of slice lllP JA laue tornllo, 1PeaBle chunkstioebeir 4lnmMdtciJl tl01tt'laldl9e ~ Q\llU Qll top ..ol l&be lt.• l h.a Id ~·· t lq , ~· 'li>ettre ~SAJtl Udnk)e.tah..eo1N,,_., lth!=Ol .Jn ~.oven -1wse i••nley •r ct•1• ed 1u1ee .Md .all. TJUJ ,u -cnen..UOn*ldW.-..S especielly good with'lhe until you're realy to lamb and a pinch or serve .-'"""""'=···· ·::-: ...•.... :::: rather see you unwind mint flakes or roc---ary· m 1 x t u r e o r ~~Wij,b}I& w.a&k.QD -the bea c h , so m e--------------------------------------------------------~ ~s. al!lriiakin fr~the television. those wb.o $,hare roof and time spue ~ay value this comprom,ise: , Jt's called having your lcttuc~ ~ eat.i.Qg j\ Loo. Ooe qf &,be ple.uu.r~ ol distlea ~aked e-0ov.,-i- tionally en casserole is ~t #.bltY ~Y r~e al>out 40 1J)IJl\1$.8S IP bask Ui Ute oven, u, free 10 wVw:t , ul si~e 01t? . Chose casse rol e dis,bea that r~¥H~ a ~upt.ofpr~~ H~ ~~ping, pe~g. llWHinl -.-pd '~iQg. :~~w~e w~ol~~a- . ty~p~OOl'l)-Oho· YOU&,!Jlfl'ClJI EJl w~ll wr,..,. two or t.br• pqrk ,pr l~.ehops IRr you. <Remember lo use them ~i:,io two days or pop Ill tbe lroeHr tor ,) .A.Pd t.huA b .a world of fla vors you can plat4b .with lb~ to pl.l.ke ,. setufyJAg ®e- ~ineal. This is the cJO$.e•l tiling to an inspiration of ;;;~i:.i.i~b~ d~~~ ~~,~~!.!~.~;!!! s~--Lf 151 ca4e. fresh f rp m the Top 01 .. 0111 .... ~ c-.. ..-ll*L I U~r.w ltJI' Grand -us!1'.!!aiaw~~ A. La ,111 ~;,.~• "!~:.~ _ ,, 1i1 ~:~~G:.U !n:!~t~ C~uck-~st l&ta~ ~~~~~~-~'..-.. :'..... . .. 1, 131 ' flour~ teaspoon salt ~!'!~u~nd ftlla Rolll l t , .. ~it~~~. . ..... --· .. "1~1 Glarpeus · • . Wn:n~JIOOQI.,~ 'ower~ I J . 1 ~lespoop ~ r•·P~-' ~ cup cPD{~I~' Produce -~ ., .& (~ :f .Jtr::: ~ ";ro Golden •if..,-: reserve. Ip Ule I n _..... l:Jcet;>owlof.aneifltric ~-v-· ~-~~~/e~h::'f:ie~: · · ······· ·· ···· · LB HARVESTOAY. 24-0Z. LOA~ : ~~ ::ti = IJWlll form -lS to 18 m~utes. Dnt.!atoes GraduaUy.0e.4.t HUUi-.,-......,.. ar: Gradually airt flour LOOSE .. !JW'lure over egg mlx- t.iafe, beating it in at low speed as you do so Turn into a &c....S 1.11'1 noured 9 by 9 by l~·inch cake pan. Bake in a preheated 325- de&ree 0"4'Jl until cake spnnis back when light- ly touched on top 40 mijiiii,es. lAl •tend Qf\-wU. rm until cold. Ease from paii. SRfit Into 2 l•yers, ~wj.ch these ~ wlU. a lemon mun-, 'and aprinkle lop with ~a CQftfedi.one r'l' sug.,. LB.W BUHC~ l(arv.est Day ... ~~~~~!oz.:::45• Tab or Fr_......,._ '1'4125 .. .• • •••.••.••. -.: •.. fil•t.Cilt-~., ~~.d~·Ulaa~~~.~ ........... ,~0::.j 1' 1!1!~!~-~-~ .. ,~::(L'3~ ~~!!J Lu QruQ,I D,_ i,~,A~ p rc!?,.,~{2 :: .fliNlidl 8nlljM'Cftob~iO::. 5 lc Ll~v·1111MPHt . ' ' ~~!~.~.~-~ .u:::~ ::~ .............................. :::::::::::::: ................................................. ....•................•.•....•.....•••..••.••••. Bl1d1 Cit Qwr.k-Stuk ~OIUf Sunshill Flt 111'1 H~llw llHMI? so":. .. 8JC @1Jt1!1.,_ .... !>O::H 41' AMII .a.ltll,,,.,, '1" t" •. ......... .. •.• •.. .... , 1 ... ·01 et\, Deli Foods '"'""""•-t.1.0"IOl.~CMO• v o~a J4 I !!!~· ..... ~1-·.!~-~-~z~. 78' Hoity Lll.ffllt11 ~ r' ··-····" . -···-· ·-· .~l.~O. MAVU~TL 9" 01 t!L. 54 ' 0 OllVl"llO~.~·~·'IL· p ~L~t ~iaett~,.-1'' P1111rhou11• ~ICHlOIN i. ,.. Omr' M1y1r Park Sausage 1" --~-···· ................. --··-·-· ·-~.J.t4i.IJMJ. IP.lldol Cltllll' o-4 ] 31 ... --· ·--. ..-cu ft. ~~~~D!'!I~ ~~~7·c ~~~n s11, Saver .. O~f\ g&c "friBias Dinners o"' 911 OO!i#QOO • •• • • • • , • ~ ll •AO "Puu 11 Im iat flltd fl"' 49e UO<SJCAT fOOOt•VAll>OICSt --· .••••..•••.• n.ez~. ucky ~ Discounl Cal• ... $&0UM1 SU.PERMARK£TS ·~\T ffATl~l-WO .. ~ULLllllTOfC na NO. IUCLIO AVI. ..... -.... ( . { ... •• •• •• .. .. ... .. •• .. ... .. .. Ready for Souff le? : : While a soume Is sure-:~Y worth walllng for, it ::wait.a for no one. For a ::sl.mple, but tasty dinner .. for lour. try Almond -Cheese Souffle. puffed· up in a crispy almond crust. Just remember lo be ready when It is ~LMO ND CHEESE SOUFFLE Y.i cup diced roasted almonds 3large eggs 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2tableapooos flour Y.i cup milk l cup grated sharp Cheddar cheese Energy Juice Blended Low-calorie, higb- ,.........1\..l!trient tomato juice make& for s uper-eaay soups and energy cocktails perfect for a quick lunch at home. as an end -of -the -day soother and appetite re· fmer. Y.i teaspoon p,te· pared mustard lh teaspoon Worcestershire sauce '14 teaspoon salt Y• teaspoon cream of tartar Butter a 5-cup souffie dish. Preheat oven to 350 de,rees. Sprinkle bottom and sides with almonds. using 113 cup. Separate eggs. Beat yolks tightly; set aside. Melt butter in small saucepan. and blend in flour. Stir in rnUk. Caok, stirring con· stantly. until mixture boils thoroughly and becomes very thick'. Remove fron heat, and stir in cheese, mustard, Worcestershir e 1uauce and salt, stirring Wltil cheese melts. Stir into beaten yolks. Fold in re· maining almonds. With clean beater, beat egg whites with cream of tartar until sWf but not d.ry. Fold into cheese mixture. Tum tn· to prepared soutne dish. Set dish in pan with 1 in· ch hot water. Bake below ovea center in prehe.tted oven for abont 30 minutes, unlil well puffed and browned on top. Serve at once, from ha.king dish. Makes 4 to s servinp. TOMATO -ff ERB COCKTAI L 1 10-ounce can Ch• k tomatoJuice IC en 1 tablespoon frei.h ~hopped parsley Glazed l teas poon fresh The recipe is an adap- chopped chives lion of an entry in a pre- 2 tea spoons Worcestershire sauce • Dash w or c e s. vious National Chicken tershfre sauce Cooking Contest, which 0 Dash hot pepper is under way this year 'Sauce t h r o u g h M a r c h l . "'2 envelope 0% ounce> dry onion soup mix v. teaspoon salt. Lemon juice Original chicken r~ipes ( Crushed ice should be sent to Chicken Sprinkle chkken with flavor enhancer <seasoned salt). ln ajar, place corn oil, honey, vinegar, chili sauce, Worcestershire sauce, soup mix and salt. Shake well. Place chicken in single layer in large shallow baking pan. Add herbs. lemon Contest,,Box 28J58 Cen· juice. Worcestershire tral Station, Washington and bot pepper sauce to D.C. 2000~. tomato juice and whir ln 1 blender with crushed ice H 0 NE Y F R E NCH until smooth and frothy. cme&EN Serves 2. 3 whole broiler·fryer BLENDER GAZPACHO chicken breasts, halved. 1 l 1 0. o u n c e c an skinned. boned Pour sauce over chicken . Bake, un- covered, in 350 degree oven about 40 minutes or until fork can be inserted with ease. Makes ap· proximately 4 servings. tomato juice l teaspoon seasoned \.2 cup chopped aalt ~ucumber '4 cup com oil 2 t a b I e s p o o n s i.. cup honey ~ 1reen pepper h cup cider vinegar · l>inch of sweet basU 14 cup chill sauce • Dash hot pepper "'auce l teaspoo n white .wine vinegar -• Dash of coriander. cumin or chlU powder Lime juice Crushed Ice Mti all Ingredients together in blender until smooth. Add lime jui ce to wte, salt and pepper if nttetsary. Serve in chilled mugs w1th ackera. Makes 3 serv \ngJ. TOMATO ·ONION WARM EK 1 22·ou n ce c nn tomato Juice , ., envelope French onion soup max 112 cups wal-Or or un· ~edbrotb ( 2 slices French 'brnd. touted Shredded Cheddar cbeeM Combine tomato Juice, soup mix and water 1n _..,cepan. Brtng to boll ; tnduee beat and almmer 10 minutes. Pour Into soup bowls; lop with t oast round s and t•Prlnkle with cheese. lJroil until cheese melts. Makes 4·5 servln11. ' USDA CHOIC:I Tangerines: Tips for Sweets One good way to take care or the sweet tooth that na1s at breakfast time, after meals or in· between la . to enjoy fresh fruit. Although . it doetn't quite meet the sooey spedfications of your average Danish or crea m-cake, fresh fruit does a lot more for your waistline and dis posi· lion. Thia aeuon brings one of the sweetest to fruit blJlS -the tangerine Teamed up with a peanut butler s andwich. a hard·bolled egg or a serving of yogurt, Langertnes make for a sound breakfast on the go. <Bonus · they're easy enough to peel at a stoplight. > l'or dessert. try tA>ssing peeled s~tions with partially defrosted. unsweettned blueberries and chopped walnuta. You can bind them tosether wt th a driu.le of honey; or a blend of cranben'y juice, hooey and CUantro. If lt'a your .-lbt t.o have ice cream, do it over vaniJla. Or. ii you 're expecting a bunch of your sUm <or 1llmmln1> friends to drop ln, alternate tangerine sectJons on long picks with apple chunks and pitted dates. Dip the kabobs In a lemon-water mixture lo prevent the apple rrom ~olorin1 and set them out with a dip of yogurt, honey and shredded coconut. Your friends will love you for It. I f 60 SUMR.OWll. COST A. MESA. IUMILOWU AT P~ 54 DAA.l 10 A.M.-7'.M. 5-0637 llDI o• 111• 7 a• ~•. • c.taw.-.,. -~ ........... RSH SALE ntll C09 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • tr &&. M4MMA19 •••••••••••••• ~ ...... IC-4&&.0PI .............. ~ . -.. • I IOCI CC9 •••••••··••••••• &i&_ w.dneeday, January 19, 1917 DAIL. Y PILOT Cf FRUITY FLA VOR-BENDER Sangria Sassy, Slimming THE Sll M GOURMET By Barbara Gibbons Until only a deeade ago, Sangria was a coo lin g s u mmer quencher known only to a limited handful of afi· clonados. The n the Spanish r ed wine and fruit juice combo became a natjonal rage, especially among the post·Pepsi generation. Now Sangria has settled into a comfortable niche of year-round populari- ty, fueled by one of the newer introductions, white sangria. Like the original, white sangria is wine and citrus Julee. but with white wine Instead of red. A natural innova· lion, considering the ereater popularity of white wine. And a natural foreQPk· ing, too. considering the versatility of white wlnes. Recipes made with sangria seem to de· mand the addition of fruit. Try these calorie- trimmed treats. SANGRIA FRUIT CUPS unpeeled diced red apples unpeeled diced pears 3 tablespoons golden raisins '· fresh tangerines, peeled and sectioned white sangria wine Cornblne the frult In a bowl and cover with wine. C~ill all. day or Lower beat to 3.50, and o v e r n 1 g h t 1 n t h e continue to bake unlll refrigerator. At dessert chicken Js tender and ll· time use a slotted spoon quid is reduced lo a thick to apportion the fruit into glaze. SUr ln fruit at the wine glasses. The wine lut minute and continue adds _flavor but very few to bake only until apples calories to the fruit. Less are heated through but than 100 calories per sWl crisp. Serves four, serving._ about~ calories each. The wine can be saved for drinktng at another meat. if deslred. Or use it to "spike" chicken In this delicious dish: CHICKEN SANGRIA BLANCO <White Sanrria Chicken) 2 frying chicken breasts, split duh of cinnamon or nutmeg salt and freshly ground pepper · 1 cup white sangria wine &-ounce can juice· packed mandarin orange l teaspoon grated orange peel (optional> 1 unpeeled red apple, diced 3 tableapoons golden raisins Sprinkle the chicken with spice, salt and pep· per. Place skin-side up in smalJ nonstick cake pan in a preheated very hot 4~-depee oven. Bake 20-25 minutes unlil skin is crisp and well ren· dered of (at. Drain off and discard melted fat. Pour on wine and juice drained from oranges. SPANISH SANGRIA STEAK WITH FRUIT 2 IA pounds fat· trimmed beef "swiss at.ealt" (round steak or anmteak> 1~ cups white san· ptawtu • 18-ounce can tomatoel, broken up 2onlon.s, chopped 1 clove garlic, mlnced 1 green pepper, seeded and diced . 1A cup white raisins 14 cup dried apricots 10 Spanish stuffed green olives, sliced l large bay leaf 1 teaspoon dry basil 1,; teaspoon dry thyme Salt and pepper to taste Put the steak -well trimmed o( Cat -in a small shallow nonstick pan and bake uncovered ln a very hot •~·degree oven for 20 to 25 minutes, until brown. Pour off all melted fat. Combine remaining in· gredients and pour over meat. Cover the pan loosely with loll. Lower heal to 325 de1rees and bake two hours or more. until meat Is nearly Lender. Remove foil and continue to bake, ba.sl.lng frequently, until liquid is reduced to a thick navorful sauce. Makes ·eight servings, about 2!iO calories each . ...... SAND DABS •••••••••• s I 1l ...... $2'' HALIBUT STEAKS • • • • • • .. #1 KING CRAB Mli T •••• """' s220 PETRAU SOLE • • • • • • • • .. .NOW PIATURJN• C:AMIY' C:-... GROUND BEEF ........ 99:. 'I• LI PAn1es •••••••• s 1 r . t 't:Jeta«'I a'iio4. Sea, *;oo44 .,....,......_ .. ~ 411 JOit Str.et ......,..,.._. "'67).1116 PllCIS URCTIYI W0 .. 1A•.1t ,..,nu~ IAll. 15, lw7. JERSEY MAID ... FAT MILK ~~ .................... 66< ~ ~~~ 34c Mr~."· 34c .......,,_ ;ar.~ 65< Ml .. ~~lt(5 1 31 ~~~$1 2' ~~29< .. LOWER MILK PRKESI • • Ml-...--. • "" "IUim. ... . tDAU•~- r fj0 DAILY PILOT • W~lday. January 19. 1977 Spice up your harvest for a winter buffet. along with prunes. Simmer until pears are bare- ly tender, about s minutes.. Remove f~it with slotted apoon. Add ba.y leaf. ) ) I . ' Take pear halves, prune3 and •PPle rints. sim- mer them in an uomaUc bouque\ of berbs and splcts Pd chUJ unW ready to serve. SPICED ravrr SAIA.Q ~cupboae)' lcup••ter 1 cup cider vinegar 2 sticks cinnamoo 10 whole cloves ':i teaspoon ground gin'er .,. teaspoon ground mace 3 pears 12 prunes 1 bay leaf Red food coloring 3 appleb Crisp iceberg lettuce Salad dressings Measure honey, water, vinegar, cinnamon . cloves. ginger and mace into saucepan. Bring to a boll, lower heaf'and simmer S minutes. Pare, halve and core pears. Drop into spiced syrup Pare, core &lld C\& •pples ln tblck nnas (or halves). Drop into 1yrup and ~ue cooking until tender, about 10 ml.Dutes. Remove appJes and chill alc,n1with~1piced trult. When re-ad.Y to hl"\le, arrange spiced rruJta on lettuce. Se.rve with Spiced French or Creamy Sesame Dressina. Yield: 6 portions. SPICED FRENCH DRESSING Measure into a small jar 't!t cup each salad oil and vinegar. Add 1 teaspoon sugar, or equJvalent sweetener. 'h teaspoon paprika, \4 teaspoon each salt and dry mustard and 1/16 teaspoon eround allspice. Cover and shake vigorously. Makes about¥.. cup. CREAMY S~ME ORES.SING Stir 2 teaspoons sesame seeds in small skillet over low heat until golden brown. Blend :i4 cup mayonnaise with 2 tablespoons orange juice, 2 teaspoons lemon juice and \.ii teaspoon ground mace. Add sesatneseed.s. Makes about 1 cup. RIBBON CUTIING CEREMONY 9:00 A.M. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 28, 1977 ' • • • Albertsons ~ ·.o Food O Brug 0 .. WED., JANUARY 26, 1977 • HUNTINGTON BEACH • 10114 ADAMS ST.- . . . •PRIZES •• ""'. Hom·e From Skiing? ·coFFEE FOR ALL •BALLOONS FOR THE KIDS This he'firty soup makes a goud mid-winte r chill-breaker . The flavors recall an East European peasant stew, o r French cassoulet. LJMA BEAN SOUP l largeonion, chopped I carrot. chopped 2 tablespoons olive 011 or vegetable oil 3 cloves garlic. rrunced I quart chicken broth 12 cup tomato sauct' 2 dried red pepper pods. with seeds removed I cupd1ced cooked ham 1 (10-ounce) packa,iie rrolen baby hma bt'an., NEW STUDIES J ltalian garlic sausage, l'ohsh kielbasa. or knackwurst Salttotaste In Dutch oven. or soup pot. saute onion. carrot, and celery in oil until vegetables are Limp and glazed. Add garlic. chicken broth. tomato sauce, and pepper pods Cover; simmer 15 minutes for flavors to blend Add ham. lima beans. and :-.a usage. Cover ; simmer lS minutes or unli I beans are tender Season with salt to taste. Remove sausages with a slotted spoon. slice on the diagonal. and return to soup. Ladle into bowls Makes 4 to6servings Fiber's ·Role Doubted By WARREN LEARY A~ S<1•11<eWrlttr MIAMI BEACH, F1a. <APi A new study shows that high- fiber diets do notl'\jng to reduce the high blood cholesterol levels that are thought to be a warning sign of heart dlsease Proponents of the diets argue that a higher lhan normal intake or natural f1~rs found tn graini. and some fruits and vegetables helps to removP cholPSterol rrom the body The high level of cholesterol. a fatty material that accumulatft ln the blood, 111 a major element associated wlth heart disease But a group of researchers from the University o( Ore&oa. in a report prepared for d.UVery at a rneeuni of the American Hurt Association, say new studies show that the h11h·flber diet has no effect on blood choletlerol levela. Thomas L . Raymond and other reaearcbera ai the University Health Scl~nces Center In Pottland aald they attempted to verify claims made for the diet by comparing diets with and without high-fiber content in a group or men and women, aged 19t.o67. I r FROM Fashion I sland NewP.ort Beach One group of volunteers had no cholesterol for eight weeks and no fiber for the first four weeks of the study, the report said. During the seeond fou.r weeks they re- ceived 16 grams of high-fibec dai ly. three times the normal a mount An 1denllcal group was fed a diet rich in cholesterol for eight weeks. The diet included daily consumption of four egg yolks nch in the Catty matenal. The volunteers a lso ate no fiber for four weeks and high fiber for the rest or the study period "Feeding a diet without cholesterol lo the first group or subjects lowered the level of cholesterol in the blood," the re- port said. "Addition o( fiber to this diet failed lo further lower um level of blood cholesterol. "Feeding four egg yolks per day significantly raised the blood • cholesterol level. but no decrease in cboJest.erol levels occurred wJ\en fiber was added." fn an interview. Raymond said the researchers "think that there are beneficial eflects from high fiber, but not necessarily toward heart disease.·' ( GROCERY GRAND PRIX GRAND PRIZE, 51000.00 IN GIFT CERTIFICATES Come 1nd See Wink 1nd KMPC R1dlo Contnt Winner• Shop To Win '1000.00 In Gitt C1rllfle1tea. DOOR PRIZE GIVEN AWAY BY WINK MARTINDALE r:al"Chlld Dlgil1I Watch • 5 Function -wrih 1 Single Button • R11111 Value '1.45 Come and Join Us. Fun For All! Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 9:00 A.M. Wednesday. Jan. 26, 1977 Featuring KMPC Radio Personality Wink Martindale ·~ A,\Albertsons v Your Kind.of Low Prices • I I ... -.. .,,,,,_., -· ......... . rt ' ,. f' 1 1 I # • • ~I) () . WATCH THE KMPC SKY WATCH JET HELICOPTER\ LAND WITH . WINK MARTINDALE AT 9:30 A.M.'\ ~ ) , l • . ( APPLE 23c SAUCE Springfield for value! No 303 Com 3m ....... 29C . Creem Style, Whole Kernel -No 303 Diet Margari1e ••• 59c Imperial-full Oavored! 1 lb ctn Bisquick ••.••••• 89c For niore than blscuiti.! 10 oz pkll' · Potato Chips •.. &9c Laure Scudder's Home 81\ le 6 07. TOMAT049c JUICE Sacramento-so rich! 46 oz can Pepsi Cola Ml1.w. 79c Ch<>Olte Reg., Diet or Li&ht! NR btle ChiliconCame ::S . 43e • .. l'\allt"y·!> Reg .. Thiel., lint. 15 oz iPrune Juice . . . • &ge !sun!lweet lar1te 40 ounu l.m t le Cheerios • • • • • • • sge ~ro blurt the dn)' 15 ,,z pkg. Ki~gsford s 12, Br1quets Hard! Clean burning! JO lh bag Zee . Tissue. • . • • 79e A~50rted colors-4 roll pack Water SNOru • • • • 39c t nr drinking or l'urihed: (.;ullon M M. $159 eow 11 •••••• Purina dry cat food! 3 1 th pkit Puss 'n Boots • 49c Moist cat food-four navors-12 oi :1~-, 59(. Chris & ~itt'r. Reaular. Hot or Hickory ... 14 oi bottll' ~Pr~!~ "•~~!ice. ~0~1 ·~~11~ l 09 All arucm •••••••• SJ 19 Con~nlrated pow•r! <49 oi pk~ Ca d · s1s9 sea e •••••.. For dish~ oi f2k ttt) J L• •d SJ59 ov 1qu1 •••••• For ~iabot ••• 48 oi (lie ltf) . . . . . Choose the best! Ours is from the heart of the ~reat American mid-west. ... the corn belt country ... your assurance that it's every bit as good ai.; it ought lo be! Cubes of Pork aONruss •••••••• s2 11 I.eon and tender! Ju11l the thing for C'liop Suey or "~weet 'n' Sour'' Pork Loin Roast ::OCJi~ ..... s 121. feeding a hunRry crew? They'll love the tender goodness of thia roast Pork Loin Roast COOER cur ••••• s 1 sz The heart of the loin -Ea!-tem pork -grain fed and really fresh! Pork Loin Roast aONELESs •••••• 524! Eastern pork -fre"h u" 1l ... hould hi"' .\nd delicious when it'a rotisaer!ed Park lain BiJad LOIN END •••• ~llL fr~h lrom the Corn lif'lt \lllh the ~ramled llavnr and tt·ndernei.,. 11011 exrel't .•. und 11ppr<'1111te! .; 111 I lh •H Nage Pork Sausage oLD FAsH10NEo. • • • • • 99i We make it ... fresh, delicately 11ea>1tmc•d, fur an old-fa.;hioned treal Sausage rrAuAH sTru •••••••••••• s141 Made in our butcher shops, by an old world recipe! Delightful Sliced Bacon u RAHCHO's •••••••• s1°! \\'e call it "ranch i.tyle" ... JU~l a lilt le lhll'ker, and lean and tasty Fresh Spare Ribs ~~~:~· .... 1llL Loin <'Lil Ea~lern p_ork ... lean. w11h hParlv .i:•••dnei.s thev'll appreciate! l 'i.e barhecue i;auce l c1r lini:t'r lwkin' 11111' Pork Loin Chops sruFFED ••••••• s1 41 ( lur fine pork, 1<t11lll•li "1th Urowcat IJrt"'!.lnl:. huller und f'rci.h eg11s Pork Loin Chops eoNELEss •••••• 524! Fresh J!roin frd 1-:n~tern porl., of couN·. t••r o dt·lightful dinner Pork Loin Chops THICK cur •••••• 516! Excclll•nt for buking! The groin led E.1,.1u11 11.l\or C•1m<:s throu~h'. Park lain Chaps CENTERWT. ••• 115/l Thty'll be so deli{'ious broiled, hrcaui;e you get tendcmes.,, flavor and ~at1sl11r1ion Imm our J-:J,tcrn J!tnin led pork Super Fresh Jtoduce ,,,,,,in11JUMBO .... ti! :-0.•1N•t t111d 1111rv .. the "Vancy" \tlrletv 1s cow 10 peel. i:n·11t '" t·nJO\'. . and compare the 11ize~ China Peas ..•••.. 79 2 Juice Oranges ••• s .. si :-.nappmg Crr•p' ... make Chop Suey s ... el'( .. 'i'llll'-<! they're Ttxu' finest! PINEAPPLE llector Swett 2 9 Kawai~ lbbwitj ( lit New York Strip $2'! ... LOii <UT u.s.t.~. (ffKI lllF llW YOll STIAK $1.49 • Chuck Steak ••• 79i Cenur cut! U.S.D.A. Choice beef I Ji I 7 Bone Roast. • 89t Chuck cut U.S.D.A. Choi~ beef 0 Bone Roast. • 99~ Chuck cut U.S.0.A. Choice beer Beef Roast 90ll1W 51 't Rolled shoulder clod chuck cul choice' Ground Beef ... s 11 t Extra lean •.. bulk or patt 1e"'' ~:~~1159! Grade "A" large fryer w/giblel.8 Seafood Specials Dungeness $129 CRABS • Large for value! Frti.h froun Fillet of Perch. s21t Frei.h ocean perch for a treat Halibut Steak .. 5351 Center cut from Northern fish Turbot Fillets •• s 12t From off the coa11t of Greenland Cooked Shrimp 535t . Delicious ... right. 11i1.e fot cocktail!.'. Fillet of s2s9. SOLE Mild navored Engliah·and fresh! Frozen Food ~ I ::.~:GE 33( C & W -from ValenciaR! 8 oz can Spinach •.•.••.• 25c Birdll<!ye Leaf or Chopped-JO oz Brussel Sprouts 49c C & W ..• small, tender! JO or. Macaroni .. amc •• 29c Van de Komp'K ... 10 01 puckoge Bread -•••x. . . 29c Brid11eford •.• pound white loaf Chicken Pie smu 49c . Van de Kamp's -10 oz package Delicatessen 1'111 , •• ;,, rf/1. I Thttr Jnn. 2n ,,,,.,,,,,, 11,.,, J1111. :!o Liquor Dep 't. Jack Cheese MoNTEREv$1 3.~ I lp1 II ,,.,.1, 11 '" .'I S1111r/rt\• /fl /11 7 \,, ... ,,/,"' ''' rf,'r1l11r.~ El R11nrho'11 own ..• mild nnvor. nnd crumy! ... hv th• piPf't' Moziarella 11 oz.'" s 169 Precious (12 • ••• IJI I e& ••• ~) .Ricotti Cheese ggc trecioua 16 os (I er ••• fee) ORAIGE 39c UICI .. Tropican•-1 oo~;. purt--ehllled ), I• Sliced ~Swiss . . . s 169 f'mm fomed Cnt'hr V111lev! 12 01 Braunschweiger s~c Oscar Mayer 8 ounce chub DINNER s 119 FRANKS . Hotfy't-S..f-4 per pkg! 1 lh. mm .................... Sl.49 . sm ....................... st.st Extra lltrenith 11Md11che eldl 80 rt Lonir lauinc nata! •P'-11 'i l)a • f'OM1U '44 .... ~ ............. $J.9& IOUllll CllES .............. 14c For tba& mlt1ttable couah! Vlrk• 8 °' Mfft'O r~r. Chicken, V11eublt! pks of 6 Canadian ~:.:Ja~~s~ ... s4 99 Hollll•cl f<1r 11~ •• th111'11 why it'i; R6 proof! Compure tho value' Quorl Gilbey's Vodka • ss11 Snvt' 1.00 on the half.gallon Cabin Still ..•.. 5541 Straight whiakey ••• aave 1.10 Quart El Rancho's $748 SCOTCH •. HottlNI in Scotland-86 proof K• DIAPERS •••.•..•••••• Sl.31 Oi1poaeblt Toddlu 11•• ••• box ct 12 MAXI PADS •••••••••••••••••• $1J9 St11yfrN, tor tomloctl pq ol 30 !!~~~~. R~~; ~ ~l!:.o Chenin Blanc ••• s2•1 Paul Mueon'1 fine wlne! nfth Los Hennanoss2'' WINE But«Undy, Ch1bll1, Roff! 1.6 liter wan .................... 11c Oiahwuh• d•terltttt-3.\ os (1 .. efl) CAIESS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 33c Toiltt eoep ••• bat.la liat (.ft llt -.~ .: CJl twlY~OT .,.., I Weight Gain Energy Cr~sis ' Public health reccrds suaest that from 2S to 40 percent of the population have a nwene energy crisis going on in their bodies -too much fuel stored in the form of excess body fat. Weighing more than your lde_. weight may be due to genetics, body chemiatry, pbsical Inactivity, the amount of food you re«ive a.a aa infant or family health attitudes. But more likely the eat·a·Utl>n season between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day &ntributed to any re- cent weight gain. Is there hope tor those who have tried almost every popular reducing diet without success? 1be tey to pleasant and nutritionally sate weight reduc· tion is to eat less food without bapbuardly eliminating foods. The foods to eliminate are those with little nutrient value and plenty of calories -soda pop, candy, cookies, cakes, pies, and many salad dressings. Nutritionists suggest that food be selected from the Four Food Group system for balancing the diet -milk, meat, vegetables and fruits, breads and cereals -even when reducing. Some low-calorie diets include foods like potatoes. bread and other starch:)' foods .• Shouldn't these be elimiut· ed completely? Not unless recommended by your J>h1si· cian. No single food is fatteninl. 'The total calories consumed in a day makes the difference. A slice of bread and a medium-sue apple cootaiD tbe same amount of calories. And a glass of nonfat milk and a medium-size potato are of equal caloric value. Rather than fearing starcby or fattening foods, concen· tr ate on eating the proper amounts of foods. Different people lose weight on different amounts of calories. If a persm already eoosumes as few as 1200 calories a day. the lowest natritioaally-safe level according to many nutrltioni&ta. aerdae is the only other way to use up excess stores of bod1 fat. · Dieters' 'Kisses' Tempt Sinfully Dieting can be a real drq, Cbocolate Me...,. IDIMI: especially u you't"e the only one ~ in the boU5e determined to drop the excess. Just ftl'Oe!Dber bow «ood you felt when JOU were lllbter ud keep your DOM poUd.. ed toward that pal -.nd out of the cookie jar. U things 1et really_ touch and the family or roommate insists on stocking Ute lbelqs with junky tidbit• to saU.f1 their sweet tooth and .tempt yours, whip up eome loodiel that wlll aatilb 11nl""7 -ID modal 41\Wltities. Fold ~ 1<1uare unsweetened chocolate, grated, into merin&ue before turning i.Dto pastry bag. Peeu Jl.ertape&i-: IJPUy presa a pecan half into eec:b mennaue Jdu before bak· me. loctdentally, you'd better llide them from the nan-dlelen if JOU expect Lo have any for )llOUl'Mlf.) MS&INGUS•MD 2eawbli. l t.atpooe •anllla \4 teupoon cretlD ~wtar 14 teupooo Id -Mcup1u1al' Beat eu whites with vanilla, aum of tartar and aalt Ulad1 soft ,_..fonn:sredDlllJ 811d...., -Mat aU1 "'7 llff.,'hn ~ lato .,....., ... wttb lll*•ftuelUp. ptpe lill• about l 't laebM in dtamettr oato foU<vnaed bit· IDc .a.t. Bake bl_, deeM P . OW1a 15 IO 40 m.taUWi, untlJ Ucbt• lJbl•Md. Yield:·~ 1J I clQsm tilMI; 1' e~ ... \ • O&\NGE·DATE DROPS 1 cup cut pitted dates 1 \4 cups oranae Juice Non-nutritive sweet.mer equivalent to~ cup augar ~cup butUr or margarine ~ ~espooo grated ocange rtn4 1 ~cups sifted flour % teupoco bakiDI aoda ,,., teaspoon aalt \4 teaspoon •atmec ComblDe dat., crance Juice, ~nutriUve aweetmer ..S bat.- tel' in medium nucepu. ~ llowly to a boil CM!I' medium bNt. "*"1nl frequently. Boil 5 minutes, atlttlDI conatanUy. Cool 15 minutes. 8-t in etlS, CIOI It a time. Md ~· rtnd. Sift tocetber' n.ir, bakiliC 1oda, ult and t 2 11; .tlr aatodambture. Drop DJ c:ac· teMpooaa CJD-to creued 1ebeetl. BakelQ 3'0 dtcree F. oven I mlnut•. Im· Jmdlately ftlltOVe ccdiel b'OID bMlllC lbeeta--4 cool• raeb. ~: Approxlm..,. I.._ eooldet: 27 caloriea per cookie . . ONtY MIA I · "'--.........".f, lffr PRIGS ~, 11 ilciiiiiD STEAK 1. 19LL . FRESH FROZEN TURKEY DRUMSTICKS 33~ .. I!' ,..._,,_. :STEAK BLUEBONHm l&F CHUCll 11 ADI CHICK STEAKS 1179~ ... ROUND "O"B HS 119 SWISS STEAK LI. FRESH GROUND J .BEEF ANY SIZE PKG. 59~ ~==t!l ~~ FRYING It= CllCKE• 79! LEGS .. THIGHS OSCMW.YB lllFC>aaeAT WIENERS MARGARl•E 1 u.snc• 320%.IOnLE PUllNA TIMDll VITTLES CAT FOOD AU.VillmlS 12~IOX 4. 9 FRITO LAY 1WIN PAK C POTATO Ci!!.! ~t~OLIVE LIQUID WASHING 320%.IOnLE ciiii~~ 11 0%. JAi KERNS STRAWBERRY PRESERVES C. MAUOLINI LAMBRUSCO WINE .... ::'''.' ....... , -SPR.INGFIELD POTATOES sucm Oil WHOU II OI. CAM AMERICAN~ LASAl•E · •9c iili..'PiCiLES • 160%.JAI I I& IOI ' ... ,. Wedneaday January 19 1917 HICH .·DEALER WILL LEASE YOU , .. . , \ . ~ •EW 1977 CAR WITH STYLE,'.; ·: ICOIOMY, FULL EGUIPMENI Al ' . . . . .. I:. ·.:.'~FACTORY ·AIR COIDITIOllll''~; I I f I I INTRODUCING a BOB LONGPRE'S EXCLUSIVE I J. 1977 SUNBIRD •; ~j ... -· ' E I ,. ·.ri ~k I 5 30662 DELIVERS PLUS $200.00 FACTORY REBATE Includes 1st month payment S 105.62 including tax, 1st year license plates $81 .00 capttat reduction $320.00 of which $200.00 is on factory rebate. - • ~ l ·E • Ser #2M27V723 13464 PER MONTH ·. E Payment including tax $105.62 per month for 36 months. Open end lease capitalized cost $5000.00 capitalized cost reduction of $320.00 (includes $200.00 factory rebate) depreciation reserve s 2450.00. Maximum liability at end of lease $2450.00 based on 10.000 miles per year on approved credit. LIMITED OFFER GOOD THRU FEB. 11, \977 • GAS MILEAGE 25 MPG Highyyay 19 MPG City 21 Combined City and Hi9hway The actual fuel economy of this vehicle will vary depending on the type of driving you do. your driving habits, how well you maintain your vehicle, optional equipment installed, and road and weather conditions. • THE IRON DUKE The heart of. Sunbird is Pontiac's new cast iron 2.5 litre (151 CI D) engine. It's tough. The block is cast from high grade alloy iron for the kind of durability you expect of Pontiac. It's very smooth. Sitting at a light you'll swear there's a six, maybe even a VS under the hood. The cast iron engine is a remarkably rugged new engine, and ONLY Pontiac has it. Equipment ' • Power Steering • Automatic transmissi0n •Tinted Glass •Window & wheel mldgs. • Factory· Air Cond . • Spo'rt Mirrors • Consol e • Power Disc Brakes • Tilt Wheel -- • Rallye II Wheels • Radial Tuned Suspension • W/W Steel Belted Radial s • Body Side Mid s . r.a ... INSIDE WOODY ALLEN LEm7 CeLESRATE ! :r AIX>R~ THIS CIT"{ f by W~ F. Brown e11d Mel Casson . ' L .. > • . " by Joe MCI lhen by Tom BatiW< THE VIRTUE OF VERA Y ALIAMT I ~SCMEOF~ (:NiE.S LAST FfU. i (.QtlC.H ••• AND l'M Sli<PRISE.D 10· ~ CXX.l HERE TOO! TAtac McNAMARA ···~™EOATt~ CC)iMER GOOF~D Al'1) %NT ftt: TANK ~f?A ... 'rtPl-I r~ $R?Ri5CA7TER ... NANCY I AU.NT FRITZI IS ., WOF'KING AT 'THE I TE't..EPHONE CO. WHAT SHOULD I COOK FOR DINNER TONIGHT? I TODAY . ~ '. ~. .TODAY'S CRDSSWDBD PUZZLE UNITED Feature Syndicate Tvetday'1P..ui.So1,eo: I Sttk9 reluQe 6~110rl endof••· ...... 100rl9ntal 10 Au~ dleell«• 1 t Fil•• rn 'f C.ttte c:oun- OOWN 12 =l~h '2 :Z .. 11•1& f Ftdct11 f 3 loelMr 43Letter 2 At11n re· 19 Frlghtll"lnQ 46 Wet epongy PUbhc Var 22 Vltcll ll'ound 3 c.n.ca and 26 Boundary •& Soc,.1y Aue1,.i... 28 Group• Of clan Once amm1lt 41 fatly U S. ' Precogt\tloOll, 77 Rowett fur e 9 28 W«d on a !Mfc:lllnl 5 C11111n1Ho receiot •8 Miii .. • 1111 OCMn 29 ~:gt! hole 2 words 30 • '9 Churcl'I 6 Wltl'l 6 7 ·D. 32 Region°' w1t111ent Nnldactty Cflln• St Trial run 7~ 33The.,..f111. 63Sic.ecom- 1ulfis 2 Ml!'dt partment 8 •.. Canals: 3.4 etoerene: 5' Direction N, Atnef. lnlor!MJ 58 P911ot, I« we1er-3&Ctpe one courH 37 Vtvidn111 5 T S.. &-0 9 & •o-59TMnpllee GORDO by Ernie Bushmiller PEANUTS :1 •• : i !l l r-. ANYTHING BUT SPAG.HETTI ., !I .. 1• ,, ., h p I KNOW ~ nlEt/ SROU6HT VS OOi MERE ... (XJR 500(). IS Q'{f~O. . by Charles M. Sctd1 ,-----:--r----, l1LL Bi)I( THAT! l(OJ WERE PRC&\&.lt' HERE IN A FORMER LIFE. AND '1'00 F~OZE TO DEAT~ ! / ~~~~~t .._ ........ ...._ ___ __..___,._....._ _____ '--..;;;...;;..:;--..11111111...._---' ~--~ TUMBLEWEEDS KINPL.'( ~emw ~f(P~ I HAS IJAAN9 HER A MA6NICIF'EN1 PRUeNT'? 'MISS PEACH 1 I SHAW. HtllmE 'PON WIN6'-EP 1'0015151?> H AR HER 11-f E: i STlJPEWR'.XJS ilPJNGS, 'tOtJR GRACE! I by Harold Le Doux by Tom K. Rye11 "ftlf CLAW MACHINE AT'mf PENNY AACAPe MUS1 fJf: ~RKIN<i AG-AIN, OEAR. by Mefl ~ .. . • .. ~y. Jenuary 19, 1917 i>AILY "LOT ...._, by Let ands,..., AmR AU, 10IJ CJl(T ... ~ Ml rOt loellG Ill& lliAlT-- TO A e&Auml f!OIAN . by Ferd Johnsc» l-IEY> MOON! I FOlJNt> OUT WHY OLP <iUESS WHO. ~AS'TO WEAR _<ii.ASSES •. • .,.d bellu not-he still hun'l calrried down about my~ ptnts.'' DENNIS THE MENACE ' \ • W!c!NedlY· Jenuary 19, 1977 ft DAIL y PILOT DS W9dn91day, January 19, 19n ltal htott •••..•.• 1000.2999 bntaf 1 •.••••.... 3000-46'9 lutineu. lnveatment & The Bluest Marketplace on the Ora"'e Coast En1*>yment & ""°"''°' .......... .500().. 5049 DAILY PILOT • CLASSIFIED ADS Preporatlon •...•• 7000.7199 MerchoMflM ••.•.• 800C).8099 Boots & Marine Ann.uncement1, hnonal,, Lett & ~ .•.•.• ~5499 Servlcts It Repolra 6000-6099 You Can S~ll It, Find It, ( 642 •5678 ) Trade It With a Want Ad One Call Service Fast Credit Approval Ecppment ..•••••• 900().?099 CLASSIFIED INDEX ~!!!.~~~~ ....... !~<::!!!.~~~.~~ ....... ~:!!.~.~ ....... 1~~!.':!'.~~ ....... &.....-.. I 002 GtMrof I 002 GMet"of I 002 G""°ol I 002 .••...•................ ••..............•.....• •••·······•·····••··•·· ...................... . Tt ftact YM A~. Cd 642-5678 Mm rot SALE =$!··::· ._ ol• == r . i,:::•-. . .. ......... ~v.;,.1 ·:· g-11 .. 0 .... =: ... L.ei'ae I • ~.,.,.. ...... t: .! . J-c. l/J .. s..i.11 ... =.~ .... · .. 11·--~., -........ i..i. mt mm -........... ~"""''rws.1. -. lllO:I .... l<Al .. .. JllO -111111 1931 I~ IOOll I ... 14'11 It'• 1• IOll1 IOlll IA ,.,. . ... 1°'4 II* ll.<lo ..... 1100 1>-<• 1>&1 ..... SO. CST. PLAZA AREA Exceptionally sharp 4 Bedrm., 2 Bath home. Combination 28' den, dining room. Country kitchen and wet bar . Bear and Sunflower area, near So. Coast. Will consider year's lease at $500 per month or lease/option for 1 year at $79,500. Note -most people must know by now that we have moved to the 1st floor, Great West ern Bldg., 450 Newport Center Dr., Newport Beach, phone 759-081 1. Pleuse come to see us! JUST THOUGHT YOU'D t. ... "~ c.-...,_ •Cr7Jolt ... ~ .. LIKE TO KNOW. • • Unique Homes is hot! Sales of $1th million already this month, several exciting new listings, escrows are closing on time, new customers are walking in daily, satisfied clients are sayin g ''Thanks for a job well done" and all 40 salespeople in 2 offices are working on a progressive new com· mission schedule . Everyone is hap· py .... Just thought you'd like to know! CbiMMrtl•t r~\y ~""""'S.• ~\,..fUh,AJt ,...._'-tt.-M_..._il ......... , .... h 1-.1,._ .. , ......... _ MGll1k Hme T rlt ,., \• ......... 0.-1 """'' °'r.f• Co PrOf> Oul COtlMi PrQP Owl-~''-'• , .. ~r.,.n.Gre\<1t ~tr=~~:;·' mms ... ~j ... Ill:• I-_.,.t !JtN /:fl) llfll ~.,,, ~ hltl ........ ""' .... ~ l lf1G "'"' JlOI! WO .ML\ ~» )~ )~ ~ )lfo!) ~ ~ l<A)j llltJI .,.., Ula ,..,, UV Ull •h• ·- 4!>0 NfWl'OJ< r l.lN f £R DRIW /!;9 0811 Publi....,.'s Hotiu: GeMrof I 002 ALI real e:.tate advert1:.ed • ••••••••••• ••• • ••••••• in this new:.paper 1s :.ub LA R G E ject t.o the 1-'e<leral Fair HousinR Al"t of 1!16 which makes 1t illegal t a dver tise '"any pre· ferencc. lim1tallon, o discnm1nat10n ba~ed on race, color, religion, Sl'X, or nallonal on1<:in. or an intentllln to makl' JO\' i.uch prefl'renc·e, hm1t~ lion, or d1~enmtnal1on " 48R, fam rm & dining. 1n Back a.iv area w loads of xtras such as heated POOL U,__l()U~ ti()M~S REALTORS' Tl<E N1crsTPH~lt $El.LING TH( NEATESr '10~f s CORONA DEL MAR, 675-6000 MESA VERDE, 646·6990 • CALL US I 002 GtoMral 1002 ...•.•.•..•........•.....•............•....... NEW ON MARKET ODftl Daltv 12-3 2540VISTA BAYA·NB •••• '. •l.Yl with diving board. and 1:. i.eparat<:ly fenced for added protection Also, 2 frplc~. ra1~ed f1rep1t 1n pallo. bltn R&O. BB(.l, smoke & fire alarms, water ~ottcner, ell' , and only $92,!JOO Charming 3 Bedroom separate dininl( room large living room + family room + pool + detached recrl'atior room• Perfect fam1I} HEWLISTIHG Nearly new 3 .bdrm .. 2 ba. ell ch unu. duplex! bit-ins, Sw'"-d1sh frplcs good 1·ond L"pper rent! for $t50; lower vacanl po:..;1blc winter/sum mer. l Steps t o lht beach . 1 rar gJrai:c S135,000 AMOV,.,..mtnt.• (Jr Poot 1.11.e~otir-" .._ ...... P~h· ~-c .... • Tra"~ SERVICES S.wlf• rnr~twr EMrtOYMOH t ,.EPUATION '-"ir-.. ')llhf.-,trwOOf' '°"v.;1~· ~"'-"" '44' MHCHANOIS£ t'\'V} •;Jl ... ., - !WU\ #.,., . .., ...... .,,, ..... ""' """ ~ -.i ... , ..... ... \ .. ...... -...... .... , .... .,.., ... , This new!tpap<'r will nol knowini:ly acrepl JOY advert1,1nR fur rt•<ll estate w hat·h 1~ in '111la lion of th«.> Jaw COSTA MESA USTSIDE 4 UNITS $128.000!! Bolboa l ay Prop. A Hilton • 675-7060 * EARLYILUFfS VIEW!! :_: On the tw} front r11v. -1 enter Oelu>.e l'ntl umt -Franc1M'Jn m~d. fl·r extra pn \ .tl'\ 3 ttdrm~ , 2' 2 bath~. formal d101ni.: -:-;, \'Xlra ~f'l'UTI ty l>)''llem -Eleganl l1r 1 nr.it1n..: :..: lhr uoul ll) J pp t = $150.000 JACOBS REAL TY 675-6670 home. bc'll or are t GREAT sC'hoolll, I I arbor lllgh. FAMILY ROOM 4CO.MO.U7'·~.·-• _ FORJM With orwn bcarn re1hn1o:.:==: hobb)' .ind SCWIO)! arl'J 3 .;;~,,!---~-~'-~-~!!-~·!-~~~ Bedrm , 2 Bath with lot.s ~ • n f l'Xtr.a' Llkl' :! PATIOS. f1 rcplat1• & garage door opt>ner Top value Jl $64,900 CJll ~ll51 ~HERITAGE .•• REALTORS ---- SPOltTSMAN'S bi'J..3663 642-2253 fo;vc~ associated llROK ERS-R EAL TORS 202\ W lalboo 61 L n;"&) 1-------CAPE COD CHARMER 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath~ do wns tairs with un fa01i.h1.>d "Bonus Room up!lta1rs of approx1matl' ly 800 sq ft. llardw11oc floor~. wo.1d shanglcc roof and a supt'r s1z< 50x I 2U ft lot S5l,500 ~~m -ANYTIME DREAM REDU CE D OVE R $3,000 Exceptional custom home bwlt by Leimke lath & plai.ler construellon N. Tustin location Is pt>rfect for the sportsman -zoned for hon.es. with a n ideal lot ror parking R.v ·s . boats, etc. Beautiful 1--------· Mesa Verde For Under S70,000. 3BR, Jl'R hom e is Jn brand-new condition with many custom UP· grades. SE>parale 12'x8' workshop. Has potential 5&-RP :r.omhR on over 1 .• rd. acre lot. NOW only $88,900. $36,950 = C. F. ColesworthY .... lli1. TORS uo.oof o Just h5ted 4 Bedroom. 2 Bath JOd family. Pnvale Spam~h l'ourtyard en· lranct>, II? backyard. Gr«.>al plare for children DONALD M. BIRD .'lhraT &. t•lt>an' See 1l to ""0 <••1••· lttflo" Btfl dccoralinR & de· lighlful bnck patio area' comp lim ent this spac1ou!I 1 story town· 'lome. If you are paymg wai;ted renl money, here's your chance to Rel some tax deductions & a savin~s accnl started Sm dn pymnt J)OS1>tlilc 646-Till. ... ., ;::. --------· ., .. AREALIUY! da~ Offrrt>d at a lnw Try-a Uaal~-Palot fll 900 c1ass1f1<.'d Ad to buy. sell Walker &tee Real fstat11 lo Harbor Vu f-hl h See .. ~ t h 1 ., o n e " w n ,. r .& Bedroom. lante family room w 1th f1rrplal't" . ... ~UPERB HOMES A I •.. home ~11•1111> upgr.;ding 1sss w Beller C M "" lh.ruout Muny morf' t ll N••t lo M•rk•tBn••t :-· tra" ror i:rar1uwi llv10~ 549·8655 ;:, !'\et> to apprc11ati:'1--------• $1311.500 M 1 7270 ~SfHid t;~ REALTORS MESA VERDE It's eai;y hvin11 in thu, :'.! lovely ~hk rf MV home ;·~ ~em~~.~ ~/~~~:~: :i~ luttlwn 1·athednl rf.'11 1ngs & mort JUSl wa1t1n11 for rtl(ht family. Vet11 ,,,,., .1 ... .,,,,. CREAM PUFF ntn 4 he! home in move In 1•on<l1t111n Fresh pmnt , nt•w 1•rptml(, new wax free Ooor~. Mex. tile en· lrv, bit 1n rndar range llas everythmg & 1t '!> a me~ 'lll'P to \Ille 511 l'ark. Ser 1t now $67,SOO 545 !1-191 Wal er &lee Riii fstate 'fl\f t,w1 ,,.. welcome• M!\.!1491 Sell th1011s fast with Daily Pilot Want Acts. or rent something. A you11g ledy I ~,,ow 1>-·.-~• ,.,~ d •11ce ro beco,....~ ., rur~r ~he lt\rf• to ,,. ",. roor,1~ 1•·~ ~~ •,I N ;v•HfO 11 rrH~ l~J 'MIH '01..UB r1'l ,. . .,., """ .. ' "" Walker &lee Rlsal fstate SELL idle items with a A "'vuv1111 -'i!<"'l 1111£•~ I I l j Dally Pilot Classified Ad v 1~ GI' AlllS""o • AITO$, 0 0-.... . ..... -Afl~-eO-.•:: ....... :.:. ·:::. = . . . :Ji . . .......... '"'" 5,,., ::·:·:::.:.::· ... !? ....................... ·;i ..... ::::.:::::. ' - ~ .. ::.:::.:·::.: .. :·... = ·::::·:::':':::'.":::.: . ! .................... ...................... .., .... , ................ -::.=a.·','.·.:·.;',·::.:·:: .. : .. -~ ..................... ............... ............. -.......... "' .......... .,, ......... Mil Fw Cla$$1nt'd Ad ACTION C.ll• Dilly Pilot AO.V1SOR la-N78 642_·567_ ~ ___ SC:RAM-LETS Ans wen In Clatsiflc:atia" 5100 ~.. I 002 G.nerol I 002 G.......t I ooz' GeMrel l 002 ....................................... A ................................................... . CE 110181 ILllNS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SE/WICE I I 6 VIA QUITO. UDO ISU 0"1H WED. THUIS .... 1.,5 Make an Offer on this Adorable 3 Br Today. Happy. St.mny Atmosphere. Tastefully Decorated. Entirely Remodeled & Just Waiting For New Owners. Large Patio For Entertain· lng. Immediate Occupancy. Reduced to $145.000. Fee •I DOY8 DRIYI 631-1800 llG CANYON UH,000 4 bedroom. Open & light. View. Con- versation pit. Good lot. Stained glass windows. Profess ional. landscaping with fountain. Much, much more. \A COl.DWIU. IAMCB CO. 644-1766 2181 UNJOAOUIN HIU.9 flO. IH HEWPOM' CIN'r!" .. Houwt For 5'* ~for s. HottHt Fors• 'Hou'" For Sde • . <;;;::.~··········;~~i ;;~;.;··········ia~·; ;;;;;;:;··········i~i ;;:.;;;;;····· .. ·~·-;- ······•·· ······••••·•·• ...•..••••....•••...... •·····•········••···••· ....•..••.•••..• ~ . REALTORS 675-5511 OPEN DAILY #20 WHITlWATEll Dl. -JASMIME CRiii(: "Moo•nst .. madel, Pio• 4. beautfW, dKorohd. 2 story, 3 MchoM. • ...., rocMa, 21/J baths. ... ....., lw99 yard Ir ,.t(o wea. ~ Ha. ftaon, hlltefwly wallpapered. ,_.d '-'ity rOOM lredry cedar & ""'""I. Al GIMftitlff - 24 hov senrlty C)IMrd. pool, foc~I. cJ.ibhauH, teMll cOlll"h. s 111.soo. WE-ALSO-HA VE.AV AILA.Ill JASMINE CREEK -OCEAPf VIEW. t.autiful suns.ts and Catalno Ylew; bett- ing two-story hCMM with many IM.lltl" fl'Ghlrft, highly tap9 ad.cf appliec.s, •~ rond walls, glou lhttfes: 3 ~ 21/J bclttt, faftllity rOCHR. Searity glMll'd 24 a.ows. pool, fOCllUi, clubhouM mid .....,, cowh. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2S 15 E. Cocrst Hwy •• CONlllCI del Mw 675-5511 GenH"al I 1002G.....-ol 1002 .............................................. 8R3HG YOUR llHOCULARS You CO'Jld spend a full & happy .day just looking al all this view. 3 Br, 3 ba, welbar, :.undcck & more. Your guests will flip when they visit you in this Aluffs Condominium. $152,000 Won't begin to touch this next year. so see it now1 673-4400 DiYisi°" of Hc:rbor lnnsl'!Mftt Co. Gmeral 1002 GeMral 1002 ...............•......•....................... Vacant 4 Bdrm CALLUS FOR Sharp with f1rrplace COftdot/Twnhsn • J ! ./h. 14118 units. under construction. suit. time to choose colors & options. W~" exchange. csn units. only 2 yrs. ofd. A/C, gre.at, rental area. $175,000. 1 i lt.1 20 to 80 units (or combinations~ Fixer·u_p_pers, 3 blks to Beach. · •17118 units, all 2 bdrm., 4 yrs. old.• UNDER $16,500 ~r unit. •111203 units, 3 yrs. old. Complete rec;. facilities, Excellent rental area... ~ :·- • (7) Out of area •(8) Out of area .. A l"Quail ~l'.'IQuail ~ · liiii IPlac• liiii IPlac• , Praperli•• Prap•rtiea 752-1920 7S2•1920 1400 QIJAIL Sf. NlW,.OU alt.CH t•OO QUAil ST NIW"Olt 11~14 . -. GtMf'al I 002 GeMrof I l>Ot . ................•..... ······················- bwllrns. I·'• bath. Neai In Tustin & fr.,lne Mile Squllre. $59,900, al From S39.000 to $69.000 I terms EXCELLENT T ERMS 531·5800 THE HOMESELLERS lntemationol Real 752·5353 Estate Nriwork --------· Have something you want ~ -. UDO ISU HOMI FOil LEASI · r:fi WESLEY N TAYLOR CO. REAL TORS s111l·t~ UMH Want Ads to sell ? Classified ads do Call 642-5678 1l well 642·5678. SEEK & FINDe UTAH 0 M R T 0 W E R T A W S 0 F 0 P S B E E L B E L A N E 0 G 0 A 0 W H 0 A U S O V 0 R P L Y N B I S L E B V 0 Y N I H S J T I 0 L H R S R M I L l M 0 A T N 0 G 0 E Y N ~ I L H 1 S T E L E U M A H N W Y S U L L A W R T R 0 G 0 L A E 0 W A V 0 B P 0 L E M S E G l M 1 P A S W 0 G T R G A S G R E A T B Y Y E S H E D E A Y 0 K E W A T C H R A 0 M K Y G E S E C V E 0 H S A L T l A H U Y A N C V R B G C 1 R E W 0 P E K A L H H L Y Z G L R l G W A S A T C H R A N G E 0 0 y,.[ E T E A 0 G D H 0 Y H A C E C Y R 8 G s y s G u L 0 G E s A s r N G E c r T lmtrucuont Hll:Jd~n wo1d1 t>.low •r~•r orw1rd, ac~­ wttd, up. d<>W'I Of di11100llJy. Fond tlch lf><I box 11 I".~ ... Moab Bryce Canyon Bri gham Younq Ogden Deser et Lake Powell ., Provo Great Basin Salt Lake Cfty c Sea Gull Sego Lily Wasatch Range Tomorro-.t: FalllOuS Conductors . , Lovely 2 story, 3 Bdrm & den home · incl. lge master BR w/lge sundeck. Spac. LR & formal dining. Cpts, drapes. Unfurnished. $1,000 mo. 2111 S-Joaquin Hiit Rood HEWPORT CENTER. H.I. 64~9 lO G....,.. 1002 GeMr• .......................................... ~., .. ESTATE MINDED 3"'2 acres, guest house, pool. room for horses and t.enrus court. Main house has 4 Bedrms. and a fan· tastk view of Newport Ba>'. PETE BARRETT -REALTY- 642·5200 Sell Idle items GOLF COURSl:i VIEW Btflly upgr aded, very spacious home on lti>lf counse. 4 bds, m;uit.er down. 21 2 ba. f~I ' • lge ram rm, wet • & expansive view. . L ~ .... Walker & lee Real lstete ~~~! .......... !~!~ ~!'! .......... !.'!! ~.,..,... 1002 ~....,.. 1002 ......... -.......................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• mac nab / Irvine realty PtUDE OF OWHltlSHlf' ••• & a pleasure living in this charming 3 yr. old Country French home on a s leepy little channel where the ducks go swimming by. Used brick -leaded glass -marble fireplace make this 4BR, 21~ bath home SPECIAL! $157,500. Bob Owens 842-8235. (Z68) SMASHfMG PALBMO Warm tones enhanced with the use or woods & brick. reflect casual & comfortable living. 4 Bdrms., large, step-down family rm .. country kltchen, 2 brick frplics ., walk-in wet bnr. Garden setting, on pool size grounds. App't. only. Lois Egan &M-6200 (V60) 642•123S 901 Do"'' Orlve trvlnf' at C.m""' Valley C.nter 7Sl-'414 TO ALL REAL ESTATE .. LICENSEES WHO DO NOT MAKE $50,000 A YEAR We are looking for 8 qualified lcensees. DO YOU QUALIFY? • Ar1 ,. • llfmslYe ..... , • Do JW .. t to UJll "*1 ,_,r • Art ,.. wllllti ti '""' lllW1 SAFEGUARD PROPERTY <>fvtSION of::., INTERNATIONAL REAL tSTATE NETWORK. ll .. the llnit in Orange County to offtlf the exclusl..., Safeguard Investment program, a new sclenti llcally desi gned program ol merchandlSlng real es1a.te that Is ptW1n.d to have our saltspeople N'/I ov1r $50.~ ainually. Do1'1't be just anotl'lef real •tile .. 1 person, become • mon4')' making tac be<:oft\e • Safeguard lnV911tmant Counee • w.·11 do the work for you -we'll ''*" yO\t • we'll produce th• buy9r1 for you. II you tt;I ' )IOU qualify, call ours.I• Mtnlg.-1t 752-0991 for a personal lntMVi.W and &pend the 11\0e. productive hour In your Ille loarnll\g about Cl\lf new conc•pt. We 're located •t 18952 M«Arthur Blvd., Douglas P1aza ICfOll t tht <>an.gt County Airport. ,. .L • I MIW COSTA MUA POOL HOM1 "'~ SH,100 • .;uJJS tastefuUy decorated 3 br, 1~ t)~tb home. Huge FR and LR with ·P/P. Custom reatures thruout. Plush "~Jlrpets, wrous.bt iron rence ort pool area, gas fire rang, covered patio. '•'' COSTA MISA 3 IR. I IA SH.too Xfnt location near all schools, shop- ping & frwys. Lots of charm, large lot. "lots of privacy. Quiet st . Newer .¢,rpcts, single story, 2 car garage. CH•ltt •tCi 4 II. 3 IA $74,900 Super clean & upgraded Townhouse, "N'ew carpets, has master bdrm suite, n(> wax kitchen & bath noon, lge cov· ~,red patio, huge yard. Very private. , Front sprinklers. Near schools & ahop- .:-ping. Many extras. WT IMFLATIOM S28.900 -hd condo, good location, new paint. · Security gate, pool, green belt. picnic· barbecue play area. 2 BR, bltns. I~ ' baths, patio with plants, fenced, air ... ~~ditJoner, F/~~:_ I. • • • OPPORTUMfTY CARIB MIGHT '.,C.Ome as you are and get the details on .1.your ruture in the lucrative real estate ·pl'ofession. Speak directly with our Fountain Valley Manager. Available ·~. evening 6 to 9 p.m. or call ror appt. ~ TOOAY FOR YOUI TOMOUOW ' • 1805.5 Magnou;$L, Fowitain Valley 963-8311 Ge ..... f002GftWf'OI 1002 ·~·t·········································· ICT OF CdM J,usk exclusive, fabulous oceanview ·:borne with private beach. Featuring 4 Bedrms or 3 and den. Separate ·~dining, n;k· excellent high comer location. 89,900. LIDO ISLE ··Charming Spanish Villa with ' p1eparate maid or in-law quarters. Best location, oversized lot. Open ·beam ceilings. ' SPYGLASS RIOGI Model home condition, excellent 4 "Bedrm and family room. 2 Story, buge lot. $187 ,500. 1 ·.DRAMATIC, UMUSUAL All our staff says thi s ""OCEANWOOD home is a RARE I EWEL. 2 Bedrm , includlog master, downstairs with 2 big • tiednns. upstain. Large formal din· ·!pg room with 22' vaulted ceiling overlooks ATRlUM. Family room .tth fireplace, $97,500. See this to- d.ay ! Calf: 962-44.54 VALUE PACKED Wmtsldc 3 Bedrm., 2 Bath home with 20' formal dining room + famUy room with f1replace. 70xl10' JiOl bas recreation vehicle OI' boat -.ccess. CALL NOW 962~ ' MESA VERDE $71,000 Immaculate 3 Bedrms., 2 Bath bome. Fantastic Ux20 added f amlly room with beamed ceilings and 'll>adl ol panellng. Located on a quiet .street, convenient to school.a •' 11.nd shopping. Won't la.st long. Call: 8'0-6161 . ,SPAULIMG POOL HOMI • BeauUful 4 Bednn. bome. Great '·Joc:aUon near Costa Mesa High and .., Orange County Colle,e. Fantastic "fM)Ol with jacuui. Outdoor beaters, ·· ataa BBQ, Secluded court yard, en- .try wttb ft.sbpond. See UUs unique •I home today. f76,300. Call: 84().6161 ~ANEST IN COSTA MESA h'l beaut1ful Mesa del Mar, this 4 bedrm., 2 bath pool home bas it all l_or you. Close to park, tennis, ,.cbool1 & shopping. Priced at f:~· Phone for appt. Call: .. .~ , GOLF COURSE VIEW -~•a Verde &olt COUl'BO home. Flrst e offered. 4\t year old tri-level i cUltom built 4 Bed.rm.. 3~ Bath, .. •IAtrmal cllnlng, separate famUy )'OOID, great f amlty bome. Prlce 11 tfUG,500. Call: 546-(141 •1 "1D.Nllill ljl\\ I ( I /... "'~c,uc I 1i 11 ':i • • • w1.l1 thoroughly enjoy t.b.l.s CBR., FR home in the prestigious "Ranch" of Irvine. The water is spark.ling clear in Its beautiful pool. Enjoy lts child's play area, fifth BR or den, and formal dining. Many upgrades. Just a 5 minute walk from Los Naranjos Elem. School. A Don Blrd Exclusive for only $92,000 Coltec• Park• Br i-.. a.. lpk1 DR or "'* '*"· SSZ..1821 evot or wlmdi. "-I-Inda 1041 ....................... IXCHAMM Trade 1our income pto. PtttY fot' WI 3 Nth. i b.th ~umporary wQ anocean view. ll.Jll,000. MOllMS UALn . •49 ... 117• LA•UMA HIDIAWAT r~~ CALL NOW 752-7315 ~~~,~~::~ DONALD M. BIRD yard. P•Oo. a.rr.ee " ~ ttte house. Ont aal)e llO 4 IDRM + POOL Associates, Re°'tors town a be•cb. AU tJl1t tor $61.500 only $84,000. C.U DOW tlo • Br 2 Ba. trailer accesa, $$1,500 C·21, Crocker Real Estate. 642 5062 Oul1landing location. GOT see~ t:i:-:!1~ "abop'g. For SOME CASH? ,._.._ .. leodt 1040 .,..... I 044 ~ Walker & luu H11al lstate · 673-7601 ~~me:uJ~~r~nb•e•x~·~hn,~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~··•••••• .. ••••·.·•••••• ~ [&€STIGE: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. near oew home. 1ubject ON the pan, ~•r lake,• UNIV PK. VIiiage Ill. ___ HOf'I€~ ---------1 V8 to exhtina VA loan . BR. 2 BA, frplc. Assume Slanfon1 md unit. 2000 WHATIS61 t MESA DI $41,400. Low tees, no 8% VA. $66.900. Call sqft .• 3 Br. DR. FR,+ S SOON. Newport.NA Andwb)'arelheyeaying 3 Bedrm .• lamlly room. qualifying red tape. Up· ~2881. ba, $87.950. Owner . all lhoH nice things carpet. drafiea. fresb graded. btn condition 3 Ml'" &lJ.llOSorSSUSOl. BY OWNEI about It? Jt's lhe collesl 2 pa.int, patio, arge yard. Near So Coaat Plazu ,,,.._.._ s.f! RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN Move 1n now! I Bdrm. l•-•#-13-£11•0-R•E•s-•I ~~~~l~st.ofi'geht~st~hl~ Frui=c'b~ ~JiO:Say. ~17~ or lmrn•cul•te home, blke 3br, 2~ ba, popular Sao 2~ Balb w1th nr.p&.ce r-.. bdrm .. ...........___ 8 · l o t h e b e a c h ! 3 Lc:d.s Rey. Yu goll cou.ne and lg. dbl. ftrqe. C.· Rancho San Joaquin. in ~~b:i~:rwf:a~·~~ _.._-I IOHewport bedrooms, l% baths. & lake . u is,ooo. nyon privacy, ocean lrv. 2 Bdrm. 2 Ba. on goU lt'a a &ood buy . that's Costa MHa 548-7729 Dining area, Uvlng room Soe7-70U/833-3215 !t~.:...,.Sla.$00. -.1118or course w/v1ew. Highly n v,,_, upgraded w /many wby fireplace No.wax oors. OPEN amerulies. SH5 000 good carpets. Only 5332Royalle Xtra Nice 2 Br •Sit. • 646-3928,eve: 645-5253 Unl•enHYRedty *YA• $60,500, t•all Tarbell. "The Ranch" ,,..uo, ()c)ft ilct. ol Hw1. Lachenmyer 3001 E. Cal Hwy 67~10 NO DOWN OWMr GCMle Realtors 962·5566 4 b d r m & d • n -2 M ,500. 41n-1515;GMD> •DUPLEX• Coof,Cirffn&Shody 3Bdtm, Twnhse. l~Ba , story-2100 Ml ft-ciovet_A_gt_. ______ _ (2l 2 Bdrm houaes on JN NEWPORT HARBOR Modeetly priced country FP, bll·lD range/oven, ln qul~k-$83f0· 3 car ~ ••ts OCEANSIDE or old HI G ff SCH O 0 L home surrounded by lush light vu, alldlne glass ~a"'~-ardence1 -treea. ... CdM. 1 NEW . I Older. DISTRICT. this uniquely shad e trees. S mall door lo patio w/graas """'"'l Rea lY67J.3250 decorated plush carpel· garden area, covered cpt, trees & planla, de-F\tll /Mtn Vu. HT A REAL GEM Xlnt location. ed, 3-bdnn. family home veranda. 3 bedrooms. 2 co r . lo move I o . . 9UICK SALll twn. Trade for an borne Realtor Localed in one or Irvine's S 149,500 has cozy used brick ruU bat.bl, formal diJ:uog Owner/ Agnl. $43,900. Colony 100. 3 Bdrm, Fam or other In beb area f111eSt areas. a home, not McDoftald..JohltSOft firepi.ce, and loads of Newly painted. owner 9 6 3. 8 4 lo . l 9 8 7 9 rm. prof decor. all beaut OWn/A&tGS.olG a condominium, with Exclusive Agenu room for pets & kld.s in ~acrilice at SS7,950. Call Klngswood Lo. KB upgrd's. Parle. pool. ten·.-----.---- three lovely bedrooms. a 752·6282 EXTRA LARGE fenced ~1720 Dis. $73.900. Quallrted delightluJ famHy room. yard! Don't pass over $53,000.Starter prln only. By owner. entertainment kitchen 2 Blb to ocean, 2 BR & thlsooe! TARllU. Sold ..... is." Large coun· S6&-0158eves/wlmds. and enclosed lanai ad· Den. 1.500 11q ft. open I£ ·Quai~ try lol;"tlualily lath aod joining a areat private every day wiW a0ld. 417 • p•--plaster walls. Zoned R-2 yard. No association Dahlia ...... "'#1 laC~" tobuild Showsbeautlful-d ues. Price Is only ...._..,.l... ly. 2 bdrm + family & tl6·'41>--..~-- S70.000. Call now to see ..... _,.752-1920 'IJACREESTATE dinlngroorn.s.Callloday, ~x:e~1~t;/~~u;11:n~ HALF-ACRE! 67~. SPYGLASS RIDGE woo ouaiu1 N 11ACM $4J SOO Tar be l I. Re a I l ors. atrium adjoining muter Ellhil&ratlnc '100 ~· ft. oPfN 111 9 ·" s •UH ' 0 111J"' •Fint Time Offered Tr • • N MUl8M suite. Entertainer's de· billalde wooder. Y\I, J I ~,·~tJf~Jll ~~.~~°'}t ~efr~~~ EASJSIOE do=.· ¥~· at;~ised0 1/J ACRE ESTATE ~f\=~· :0~:;:~: =~~~ ~!~':; ~ _!?~H:!_, tage. Room ror tennis FAST OCCUPANCY Dream home room for $43 500 ing. ram1ly room. log kit be $1.85000 c rt/ pool. See to a P· Big trees, big yard, cov· horses. • • sized fireplace. 2 palloe, c n. • prec1at.e this beautifuJJy ered patio. 3-bdrms., 2 540-3666 ~· trees, trees. ~o immaculate lo uod out. HI OUAUTY You don't need a gun t decorated 2·st.ory Burl· baths, natural brick own. FllA approve · 1B6,500.Call~l730 Dellft"'tlul pa"-wtlh a "draw fast" when you '""•m•. 4 Br, 3ba+• .. e fireplace. Up"raded. Dream home~oom for &>• ~ ...._ " Ill 0 horses waterfall and frulUn•; place an ad l.n the 011ly bonus rm . $187 ,ooo Priced low al $70,000 for · TARBRL a mHilve stou fplc , Pilot Want Ads! Call now be/opt. Owner6"-2868 fast sale. Owner bought 198-7155 whi~ waler vu, 2 bdrma. -642.-5678. , ________ another. $115,000 Fw • Ad la W.-itit Wortcl c.-s.. 64Z.1678, lat. 330 TMst 'n' Tl8 Ught 'n' lacy Slmlf Oii tllls lacy upe tor brtert day,, tvt11ln1 111mor • 1n pure pleuu" to croclllt L . ~ . ~-_, our f1von\1 plnupple deslf"· "l , .. .._.,,.,.. lllMI.., Se J·ply fingering y11n or lecy upe with per~y co1111 P1tlern 7329• Sim 10 12; 14' 16; 18·20 lncllldtd Off[ PART, one seam. Diie slztl Dl•Pt 1~1s New Concept drm a dOltll ways f()f a ~IOI! of parltG' Wlltp 11 up of strtttll knit to ..,, lllltlr style, one Jllouldtr. tt!IKfCllMd lllOftl Pr,,,ted Pattern 9090 Ont silt (ltts 32 to 38" l!lp) T1• !511ph.60" stttt,11 knrt Send $\ 25 '°' ... pelfffll. Md 3St tot aacll· petttt~ fOt Int.elm auntl, ~ndllflc ....... : Silt tor eteh pattern. Add 3St each ottttm for f1r5t-cl1n airmail and 111nd1tna S.11d tl1 Alie. BiOOkt Needleeflfl D~I. I 05 0.lyPllOI BoA 193. Old Ch•ll .. 611., New Yoek. NY 10011. Prtnt Name. AdClreu, Zip, PMtlfn Number. Jqt tlllll ..... befortl ~ cletlt111 Plvs s ''""""'"!ft. aide-fEW 1978 llttDUCWT Martan Marttn CATALOG! K" m,.,,111,,._ 75c, Patl•n Oet>t •'42 Crldlet ""* S.Uft• 1.00 Dally Ptlot ~ a W"*"' -UQ 232 w .. t 18111 St.. New lltftJ FlftJ lllllts . 1.00 York NY 10011 Pt Int IW!t CftcMt -· I.CID NAME. AOORUS. ZIP. =zr:.:r ti: 81 Z e • n d 8 Ty LI! f'ltftt CttehtW-. 1:00 NUMBER. lttlflll er.diet .._ _ 1.00 .. ,.. ....... " pt • lectHt ~.... ... 1J1tt1r1 Md St11• ... ftr IHtlllt MlcrtN llW _ 1.00 "' ... ,~ """* ..... ..., .... __ , .. cattltc-"11• ...-1u1 .. ftr Ct.,..te llft IM 1.00 fnt Ntttnt tf rtW tMkt. Ct•~• ~-· 114 t.00 .... ll' !11•1 12 ~ 112 -'°' ltw + IOllt 11111 . llJI 1"41 t 1_.~llllb It -lff 1•11Ut ..... Cf'lftJ • 1.IO •• 1"1t W fl__... 11n.t , • .,.. "* ua ,. bfltl fl!J.., IS _... laltllt ltWlll ..a tM IM tf 1f !'Y'J • -•• '• !!f-75.,.,u-_u,a.,-w .. l~:C,.l BY<>wner·Collogo ""'" "#I laCellfonolo" r.-br, lam rm, pool + sauna PAYS TO OWH on lrg rot. Only 173,500. Break out of the apt ""°° ouAtUUd nUCM Call 979·9065. -Prftfim----.----h-dweller mold & own lhJs =::.=::::.::.:::::.::.=:.:.::=..:...tD-..a--,-.. ----,-0---:26 isl bated".~. -home: perfect for the FIXER ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jus , executive 4 s1oales or couples. r-~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~ bedroom! Entryway Privacy . no tall bouaea 0 U EASTS.DE Xtra lge lot. by park. 4br, leads to sunken living side orb.ck. Covered lo-ELM RBO Mob ebome, 2~ba, din'g le !am.rm. room with uulted & care patio garage door 3 bdrm, many ••lr., 1be right location! The CrJ>lc, ceramJc Ule lnl, beamed ceWnp, formal ' d d ~ 000. "94·7738 · 41114-8038 right size! The right vaulted cellings, eJC · d1olng. open atrium. ~::t~=[ 'caur~![1!8 e &,_Al_k_· f_or_J_ohn ____ _ price! Bring your tensive wood panellng. Covered pallo. $3000 drapes; 2 bdrm .. ram&Jy Couple needa 3br taou. b~es and tools. Large 1119.500. 498-3W7 landscarlog. 192, 750, rm.; commwuty pool. a. Laguna area. ww purlL • Bedroom bOme with BToro 1032 Tarbel • Realtora. park.S82.500 or lse opt. from ownr. huge cabin-like C•mlly ••••••••••••••••••••••• 962·5566 ~ Sl25k. range. BY Feb 11. room with used brick Sold 491-2100 fireplace. Bette.r Hurry! BLTN. PaUo BBQ+ roun· 552-70 ours. . Cal.I :~ ~1;ra~.'~J~ many 1 H,DMES THE LAGUMACHAIM•• FO~EST E OLSON. .,, •U •• ~ ''' ~ I 034 ~.A.T s waoMft. VIL' A. Extra 1paclou1 I BR Fo.d•V-1 ""' • ~ boroew/111 Cenceclyard. ••••••••••••••••••••••• wfftl WHhMlster7 room to add. Mint Coad. SPACIOUS Meado•. Today we have the beat REALTORS Close In. SST.500. M-.r ."--c Family borne, 3 Br 3 Ba. 5election of prime homes WOODIRIAA• trade. ---------•den. dining, lplc. new ever ottered. St'ven .,_Iii "Z"REALtoR ._ ________ , cpta, lndscpng. many hom es priced Crom AQOR LAii 4M41ll GOTTA Goll xtru. See to appreciate. ~.000. NO down to vets. 2 Br 2'h bo llnt aqt\ nr •--------•• 182.900. Open Howse Sal Invest.on please call lake Scarce Brentwood llG YtlW tfOMI MustaeU tut! 3 Br. 2 Ba. & Sun. l·SPM, 171198 San 898-7855 mdl.'CaU~5274. ui..aoa Sf 00,000 With piool. New rugs and Marl no Cr . or call r-::::=-••lll•;::, " townbou.seowner. '51,500 • ::.J j '[g h 1 RESALE tage with hxerl•rowth paint. Ready tor new 968-7079or549·2877dys. I ft OR ANG E TR E E 2 Bedrooms 1 l>Jth cot- 645-3474 ·W;Tfff16JC ~~·m2:~ ~~o::~ ~~~I: ~l::1t~a~: ~f:!~f.~:~ .Ill Pnstire Condo $56.000/ownr. C2 U> prlvacyi o n bu•llne. I I , I • 3 huae &!rooms, plus HIEWUSTIHG 395-5174or377-4960 Ownerwilcarr)'btT.D. -............... decor. 4 years old . FanlasUc,nearnew 3br. ---------t wtlh20%downandpas1 $:18,500. 2 ba + booua. HJ&hly up· Deluxe 2 br Condo. Ctrl. savingson.ou. 18$,750 1 graded lux. twnhome. A I C. s54•5oo. Agt. 12 OCIAMMlflliS ,,1 Ten.ala ct " rec. ball. 544-4011,1175-2741 ti1 'Prl'iiTUI 1~~~~~~~ 1'18,7$0 OMGOLFCOUISI Restored older J Brr: 3Mooarch Bay Plaza home, bl quiet residen· BYOWNER Popular San Mateo LaBUMNlSuel UaJ area. New cpta, new TIBURONTOWNHOME model (unde r con· 496-722% Hl.olH root. copper plwnbing Twnhme, JBr. 1 ~80 ---,l~llN~~~=--=S~--str uct. >. right on lOlh ~~~~~~~~~ Pim sep iuest quarters 1 falrway at Rancho San r.. off dbl gar. Big yard. fam rm, nu cpls/pa nt Joaquin. Spectacular OfllMIMCi fruittree9!$61,950. Open Hae Sat/Su fORC£S$11r view or Npt. Center .tr For f t tlme R .E . SOlITHLANOERS 962-4SM aft 9PM. ~ night ligbta. Need fut aaJe11penon. We funUlb 64.2-6368 Hr MU. Sq Pri Thi• lovely 4Br, 1 :\loB• sale. Only 189.500 pleaaant office racWU.., 1 Home needs a hllle Owner /agent 541-UllO tr al 0 In 1 f 0 r n e., Duplex E11talde Costa By owner. 3 Br. 2ba, g work. CooveoiftlUy closet•----.... ---4 Ucensea •an ltlat atep. Mesa. 3 bdrm owner & l ram rm, RV accesao 3 ca to scbls, churches, pka. THI TfaJlACI up comml.Nlon at'bechtle. bdrm rental Great loc. & 1 _1_ar_. _S7_0.900 __ 83&-02 __ 1_-1 thoppi~. Kitchen w /lots c.ontael Dee Francts. lax shelter. Priced to sell t .... ._Oii ied I 04 ol cupboard space. Terrific "Cardiff" model ~IHI ....... at 191, 750. S.CS·5882 •••••••••••••••••••••• S.W.OOOtOfrer oo major greenbelt, de-..._,,_. ,.....,, GOOD .YI S6S Resale Specialists .. 3 846-81§79 evea. corated In light eolora, ~J od la I aJry and beautiful! Up. -..0 ,., ~--3 lge bdrm1, 2 bath, new 4 or$ bdrm m e .vat MMt~Oll graded carpets, dr•pe• mn ~-- paint near new crpt. somew/poolll 968-4602 HcmiMMr 1042 andtUe,lovelypatlowlth SPICllS Close' to schools. shop· Pennington Properties •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• gas BBQ. Garden views Few left like thla • Ju.st ping. golf course. Cov'd HOME & INCOME! Weatherly Bay 3Br, 3Ba. from alJ windows. Close U.k'dl 4 oceanfront lota patio, fruit trees. Many bouaes on t lot, 3 Br &r oondo. pool, alip avail. to shoppln11. J>OOl and ln the heart ol Lal\lna xtras. $68,900. Hadley Br. Try $10,000 dwn. t97.5000wnr846·2M2. Jacuzzi. A lontaatlc 2 Beach, wtlh tremendeua 1Utr1. m• )963-8933 118.500. fulJ price. Prln 1.......L-. 1044 bdrm. homo priced tn rommerclal or retldon· 7 HOMES WAT'S WRONG ............ C.M7 Tod•Y we ha vc the beat seJedJoft ol prime bomH ever off.red. Seven bomea priced from t\$,000. NO down to vell. lnvtttcn pje ... caU 140.3666 48RZ8A, Fam Rm, FJP. on quiet 1treet. Short wtilt to Catholic Chutth and School. $72,500. only pis. Kent Roaers ,...._ sellalS74,900 tl a l potential; for Rlty' 848..aoo ••••••••••••••••••••••• particulars, c•ll h.,uc Notice 111111 red hill ~" 552-7500 Govern.mm\ Hnmabl~ loan•. Avallablo l Q)'OMI No new Jo'ln COi la. Low lntereet avalla b&e, lab over pay~ 3 & 4 Bedrooma, Tarbell. Bult.on, call IMHl5' WOODBRIDGE NEW PLACE LISTING IY OWHER tn the t>eaullful, qulet Wtlwh"t .... SpUt.lovtl 3 Br: 'fl/.,.,., fl'rplc , beam cell'p,,~. kitchen. sec.soo. tall ~ar Grttobnar plG M EA t>OWS Mobile GI Tl!ftu5 ~.at.~~~~ai':I:. Home Park. Tbla Royal p;MlceS ................. ... ...,.,.,. Lancer coacb bU ever• .. vn ...,_.,, • lltl=•WH.._. Immediate occupancy. ythlnf. Cuatom wood 494-0711 , 1110,000. 5111-3537 after _,._. tpm. Principal• only. l*>tlln1. up11.... c~. • -......_.. •-• Surer h•• boucht 6drapee ~U•l A/C • .........-............ ,_ .. another andMUST·Sl:l.L cpt. kilch Eneloaed ....... -•• .-_..,. •• on>teaJonalJ d t«t 1111111111 porch, 1lora10 •P•ce PROfl'tsslONALLY • bdrm ..... ~:Orr:: av pJonl LAND6CAPSD nos WEEK -END. Huie -======;;.·· mrl ZBa, tamrQ), liYJ'ID, finished bonua room and woo o B R I D G E . utl 1t1 rcn, a11.ooo. many otbtr amenJtle. Bea\llilw 2 ttory 4br. 3N 131-11.51 Pr\ce Juat r.-duced to by ownr. WUl sell ot lae ..;...-~-uit-1-... -.-,..-.... -. -1111.eoo w /oSJ(.lon t.o buy. 640 oooe ""--. '"""" INT1.R.E. NETWORK a.. · 2 beth .ntb 1tarie pOO&, ====------I Calloow! 982-71'1 Wooclwfdgts;>tatM ~·8600 private eommua,ttf. -U~'d 48r, Yam rm, Walk to btacb Ir &mnil Ht 833-9781 Hester-Brown ti At tOe SM.I IY ow.a Lp:!mark Bolsa Series Al . tront lnd•CP'I incl. (.'()WU. sm,aoo. a~~~~~~~. ea. f:r!~:.!!: 4p~~·:i; =t=~':;!ia~~ 4523CAMMl>a=ll'/ftft C:::::::~ mnS.U.elot.RVprt'I · ~Un to .. u tbttr tf·4 at 208 w Vale, OPENDAJLY c::t -.-.PltMa-19 .._..._ lntne.Ph81M!'IZ7 IA..11.TOtP.M. . ot ~Shore· A home to remember! 8ednn aftd den. l ~ bath. Comple tely carpeted Atriu m view rro bedroom & living rm E'njoy the .-armth o '#O()d and charm of mir ron. Obie gar wt aut openet".Ownerneedsfas sale.CaUS4G-11Sl '!.e~ HERITAGE . • REALTORS ''!"Pt.AM Comp. redecor.; on eu de tac. 1st Time offer for aale.3 BR. 3 ba., faro rm. Finished & panel gara(e.:_ '$134,750 COlllN ASSOC. lealloc1 759-012 3Br, 2Ba, din rm, lg ram ----- rm, PQ91, quest hse, tm· mac. ti 1s.ooo. MS-~:; /JD.NIGEL IlAl l EY & ASSl.:l[ll\TES ON THE SAND Huge 4 Bedroom. 4 Bath home across the sand from the roanng surf Huge floor to ceiling -c· ... -......---,•Y•l•L.-,,.•G• .. -t fireplace between the big ---'" picture windows. Also. 2 8dnn house In C·l zone, large guest quarters or 116.000 summer rental. Bettt>r UDO ISLE Hurry! Call 645-0303 i Bdrm + den; frplc • patto.: beamt'd cell hv 1111 rm. ll4S.000. LIDO REALTY • -~I I' I .. 1 ... ' I \. * c,7'J -7JOO * HAllOtl VllW MOMTIGO C8R, 2UA. wet bu Shows like ll model Pro l 'ly ldac:pd VI t::W VIEW, VlEW 671-7601 FO~ESTE .OLSON .... ,.... . ~ ,,. .. ., • w.dneeday, January 19. 1917 red hill ~ .. .'. l 552-7500 Turtt.llockGletl * :. f.\ DAILY Ptl.OT ~f;; Plan lll, 4 Br + fam. 1...:.-......:::....._ ____ ,.. $750 mo lease. 640-2666 I .. OAK. v PILOT * w.dneeday J e m ta......,._ I :_----..... _..-.;.;;..;;...__-:-.-.,--......;.;.;;;;;;.;.;;=;.&..:.;· ::;:8"::.;.:U!fY;:;,.i:..;1;.:,:..• .;,:t:;.;.;. ••• •• •• • ••• •••••••••••• ••••••••• •• •••• .. •••••• \ =·~~!':.:!.~~ ... ~ .. ~!':.!'::~~~~ .. ~!.'.'!.'!.~ .... ~~ ...... ?~.~~ =~ ..... ~~ !:':!'!:~!.~ ... ~~.~~ ~.~~ •.• !~.~~ .. ~,-5001 ,,,..... .uoo .. ··············&·--· ~ ..................... . 0 Mau,...,,.._.. 3769 4 ra:..w. twllhu. 2 Br. 2 ba, Cllarminl Centrally ... ,..........,.. •• ....................... P'OWld· y mal~ lr'bh ~.~ ........ !~~. ······················ ~~ ....... ?~!. pallo, lndry hook up. located 2Bt'. ma. 2 blka 1j' "'! /7. c-·--.. a.1 Setter. =11 tut her HO P'E£ N Sboppt St>ac 2t>~ t to bch 87$ Call~-dTt rrom beach, all uUl..~ all ~w• Ovet 600 Active loeal ~ar l.rvtAa Ave <.'M Warner&. e';;stcil 4 8~~2 View Stole~~ or child 2.Br wigar lllS. Nu .~~· 2 Or, l"' ba, new decur. mo G'T·P40•~· bwi. l.l.aunp. Ploaae rail 548-JOl1 • ba G$mo s.9 865S ok Wint tr $25S (l l water pd. u 7s C", bltns, gar Adlts, no peta ............. 3112 m 1J I I 0\. fJI or Jtop by for f!'ff Info --m S60t Orange Pb btwn 1·~ ~ ~ ~7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •~a V11,.. .,t.Jriv• r(Qza All cateaorin fJ t ypea LOST. W ltt G rt 11 t ..._.. r.wl.a.d or --836-41.ZO --Dtl 2 br pool n'C We luan.Alee to ple1au ~. mai.. An.~ 10 Uwku...._.. ll00s.t11a....., 3716 8AYMt:AOOWS 2 8rl"-tntnplex,cpu, :me Lovciy lot~taon f'~"> m I)/ / C'7'. f' )'Ou. "Woode.tock " \'It ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Spac cheery. CUI)' 2 Br drlle. dshwshr. no pet.a 2900 AJoma olf Crown J .. 5 •da v.,.a. .i.J,-. ~' 751·1741 'IWUn HS. lf r~ OI In llACH llHTAl.$ 2 BR. 2 ba on t~ oc~en. 11pta. end aar. cloee to 1250 ll3t ~ Viallty Pk way. From UNITED BUSJNF.SS fo. placaU. 711-G4 WINTER SVIUIEll tu,,, 1700 , unlum 1GOO beech .ti college. Avail NJCE 2 br. ref rift. incl. L& $285 831 <*57 ~ / m .$45 4123 ~~~= F. FOUND, bwn/wVbt ~mal(' YEARl.Y Tot.ahecurlty,elevators. feb lst No klda orpeta P'it patio t(1ds OK. no Me rtleodt 3169 ; a •6a • lacl'OSllromKooaLna> P\lppy,Ouffy. 1e .• ,~nt• Pr'oe>tttY M an11eml'nl ~ faclUUes U9·28M Ji)-!240 846.oo73 ....., • ~ mo ~$880 wpol Sut•-i-. ,,.__,, & M•a laabel Is Onqe, C M BwTWbU• Realtor --...--••••••••••••••••••••••• • A /J If ..., "" """.. tM.a-21112 •n Newport Blvd. tf t tw"'' • Beautiful brand new 2 br, asllror Bill PAIJOilEWPORT _,y o/J>olf. U8J Open 1 d•111-------- N B 17~ UlthllliillllHI 1 ba. Beamed cellln11. EASI'SrDE Triplt1Jt. La. APA.lt'TMINn ...................... MAHUFACTU .. M• f'O\INO Baaaet Hound , ••••••••••••••••• •••••• free 11land ·a frplc. bltna, deluxe 2 br, pvt. pallo. 1or2 Bedrooms and P t4d 1 West •Ide. C.ll ~7 MIWPOIT HACH G••uci' 1102 Ma ny Wll\dowa, $295 gar Adlts, DO pet.a. New T~ ...... a.. 4300 Offh:e....., 4400 l ufti....~t.lnp'·"-t.eofrn_ul ... aller•:JO. ' • Bedroom, 2 bath. Walk ••••••••••••••••••••••• 645-8256 9'79·3378 pulnl & cpta $2511 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... ·~ ... .., V't .. " · ,... Froms:M!>.50 ment projected net Found: Doberman, n.·11 Jo b•a c b View 211tWATEllFttOMT ~S.•newcWne 646-L509ft8400020 Open9-60aUy AVOIDJNCOMPATIDL& Nr~MU. $280.000c.bllyr. Pretent male.VlcNrec.talltaa =::i~~1:s2s I Un· Bwltms, czts. drps. 0· townhouses Frptc, encl 2 Br. 1 buth w /pallo Spa-Pools-Te~ ROOMMATES!! NEWPORT BEACH owner UMble lo handle. Park.548-07&1 C .. 751·3191 ~2· huge eek. garage gar 2 br & 3 br, 2 hn OW /atove S24S. Sml pet Across from fashion Hou<.cMotes832...,.134 stcres&OfflceSultes Can be relocated ""---... Wh ..,_, D&I ......, trom$32$.M2·1603 1tllowed C.11646-0176 hlatld at Jamboree on T*'ThtGwt1worti FromS300 2810AvooSt. Levencew/29%down. r.......... t •uu ...., .l(t . CSELECT 3001 f1NL£YAVE. N.O San Joaquin Hills Road. o.tOfFMMllllcl 642·11"lr6'1~6106 Ull 751~J741 Malo PQ)dJe. New chv. tPROPERTIES JACOISREALTY AU$295MO. 2 Br untum aarden apt. (7141644-1900 ·niATRJGHT.-t~N nur Mt", Feddr n 67!'>-6670 Brand new lownbouses. 2 AduJLS Nt!wly redecotat· -~ SGY• SS by 519~ layfroat Offlcet Hou• .,., Hot Dog ••atrvlew, SA. $51·Z3611_ CD .. ... ---Br. 1-... Da lruilanl mo\•e· ed. Dllhwhr. A/C Ga.s & •DB..UXE-·-~ Avail. 1175-8141 Franchi&e. E-Z help run F o u ND .· c 0 11 1 ,. • 1164 sot• fB .. ..,. b h •-UJ 2 ..... pd Pt. c11r0 "rt .,. bulf b ~ b • ._. ... d J400 I .• ...,., ac ,.. u . 1n. Peu & 1nfanl8 ok wu 1 · a w. .,., • 11:.ast I 3 r. a . Park Nwpt J8r. 2.,.,Ba, Exec. Ofc. Spertacular Sl.500 + mo. net. Plus Westmintter Ir P'alrvlt!w .. •-•••••••••••••••••• blkabeech. Fenced patios. t!n cl p o o & r ec roo m l.t'ase.lncl spac.1 aster furn twnhae. Cherie, v\ewolN~Harb.& manyothenlol.ntpect. S A, l /l2/77. Mal t . •t1t111tlnatott Beach 3Br, N.B Sl50 bach. All uttl 11arage, dJsbwuhers, air ~/$2'45.979·1911 suite, din rm & dbl 83J..2900da}',64C>-1173eve ocean. Furn: Secy " 711-J741 &»5502 8 lbb 1 Pool + singles cond-1922 Meyer Sl See 1 wnhl 2 R garag e . Auto d oor t 1 1 U'NlTEDBUSrNESS •--------~ 1 • c "· poo · H.B. $165. l br. "'r utll mgr.arcall642-6612 NBaew d x l ... erd, Chrl o~r avail. Pool Ir NEWPORT Creat. 1bare ~cp · serv ces inc· LOST lrteb setter Jan <'bU4reo welc .. oe. S39S Kid.'&: pet& • ear. p ... ya 1 recreaUoo area. Adult.s 3bd Condo: t~ls. pool, .-.. me Udo Villaee loc , INVESTMENTS .. mo.53M.5e6 evc~twknds U 8 . $1M. 2+2 •·plu THEIAYLEAP. OK.$32$.utUpd MSJ.3$6 only.Nopeb.From$360. pvt. ba. S200. M2·3$60, lJDOBUSlNESSCNTR 15.25111es.VerdeDr E. 14th.lHOUlldcootac:t91ll · C_.,aMinl.. Klds or alngles l Bdnn, weter pd $230 O.. PoW 3126 865 Antiaos Way <213) 481·7030 <714 >67$-4030 Sult.e 108. CCl9ta Mesa SJl·5lU. Doc bu Ml"IOU>1 •r. ... cu...oMI..., ..,anaaed by ._.__ .__..._.. ••R" U81 Open 1 days. ear Infect.Ion. MUlt have u.fw'llllM4 l425 tiA ""-'""' Beaul.lfuJ, spacious new ....................... '" " Shatt beautlruJ home 00 ~ ._ .... _ medid.oe. Reward. ·•••••••••••••••••••••••,..SIS 6ll·20ll apl.s.Pool,pvtpat1os Ve ry la rge 2 Br. 2lla GranadaMamtCo. Udolsle,your eo&tS300••••••••••••••••••••••• AMUSB4BCTCT1l DOlAC. 2 Br J B.t. 1275 Adu.Ila. no peu w stove & refn.: New .._ v. ulil. 675-8745 LAGUNA llACH Battin& Caaes, Gamet, L 0 S T G e r m a n r No pets Watir. dryr '*°talc.ct 3806 329 Avocado.C. M pa111t. pvt balcony. 1st, IAYFttOMTHOME all&Zrun~fu.n .. Neulq Sboc1ba.lredPolnter. t7th • poof. 494-031S_. SJC' •••••• ••• •••• •• •••••••• 646-0883 last & dep 496-0195 BR b SJ800 M 1 Share modern wood .ti llSTAUIANT szs.ooo. yr. w /rtO promo-& Plat't!'nlia Ave. C. M ZIH<. IOA. deck Yearly, 4 ·4 8· oyry alus oceanfront apt Old World Oiarm with Uoo. 119~ f\111 price. 631-3800.~ ARBOWH!:AD 3 bd. J li;.i $32.), ulll lncludt'd l 8r2 Ba, UJ>per. no pets 2 t ....... 09 a.ach ll40 STEPS TO IEACH W/48 yr old male perfec· ocean vlew·dinlng .ti Call fordetalla. LOST ~ IJ"01rD ltunneae _ oew condo on l;,ltt-. ll11clo. 1573 3731 eves kids ok. Sil& 1027 Valen ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR, 2ba., unt. S42S llorust who wants qwet cocktails. Excellent, Ull 751-3741 kitten. Bra w/sold eyu . . '900. mo. (213 IS41 lil91i cia. S.0-9080, 546-81185 Leet & 2 Br. 2 ba. Adull11 3 BR. 2ba., 1.1nr. S400 atmoephere. $400 mo. yr· leuelttmt.1180.000. PIUA Reward. H.B . ._ 1108 ••........-.a.---I RR. carp. bll·ms, pri• LARGE 3 b T hou only . no pt!tll. Pool 28R,2ba.$325 ly. Start Feb. 1, eak for •-deck G<1ra11e Year r own H • Fro Ted..646-825 • Ullfwalthed 1525 lea.wonly 1"!75 Mo Bkr Dthwhr. pool Adults jacuua m = ;;,0· 7evcs. ll'12 000 GR REWARD Male St>nacer ··•••••••••••••••••••••• M4 2343!1 To !i From $210 mo. Gas pd. L91..S2 Magnolia, l Female to abare 3Br on 2 Yr. new.' lllhklO Vlejo. Spaniel, ruat • wht, ahrt bJlANDNEW38r2~lb, ----778 ScottPl ,otrPl..in•n 1 Br S:.!15 &2 8r ... R65 ocean. NB. &200+utll. Onlyal~ofPQtenUal. tale. In( ••ra. 11 d 5 (Die. VJ mi from Dohen~ lai)oaPeniftlUf..J 3807 tla.M2·5073 Ut1 l pd 4! blks bch. Chuckor0an97$.&37 NEWPORTBCHSTORE $40,000~'r. net. oo.. ll:-Z medication, • freqnt .,.,..., ••••••••••••••••••••••• . ~'t meals Fam upset St. Bch It Dana Wha . rl d l' 1 2 Br 2 ba Mt1sa \'im lt• Dshwhr ldaspl. cpts. 2630AvonSt.·S2'70Mo. .,.,., . • $tSO per mo. 634 8282, Su ers ream • $175 ill ,.. p' d · , . , drnoo ~3611 . Roommate, 3 Br duplex. Jerry Wynn <213)411-7701 Ull 751.1741 1_548-4'4S3 ___ • -----E Id Stv/tefng L'~•> r • w • c '" i; •1 r ·,... ....... + uUI Nr beafth ... 8-5PM,524-t0l2 vs. pa ·. r n Adults, no pets $275 --"""" · ~ ' FOUND H k /Sa d --------Main Rent1l1 S40·5a70 "brcondo + bonws, 2 ba. I LagWJa. 494-8480 700 Sq. Ft. olc. avl. Pac. c-sH-bl.. ' l U!J Jh mo,y~ -~xnU_._-1600 --· S*-1081 " "-l H N B h. VYTWS vw-... ma e. ~ ep. em ~ ttTWnt •-II 3111 •OIJVI P•R"' * vr. old model. Back Bay. "9 • wy, ewport c MOM .. POP VI Co t H N ., •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ~1trano -oc .. Br l b ... Id d ~ "' C~ ·..,. ..i-bltns .._._ ResPollSlble young couple &200 mo. Call: Robbie .. c .. wy . ., COOTA MESA DUPLEX z ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4pet 'ot. txr r;;, r;:; t!'11t An HOMES ~~646-1114 · · _.... toshare3 bdrm hse, 3 ma S48-07S7 ~~~u~ne: f~t URGENT. MMln • Br. pvt yd & 11aa. mar· J Br, ocean view, frplc. Pla••.""""l877. Nu 2 & 3 Bdrm .. blt-lrus. from pier. aurfeu. ... .. al F d 81 .. Poodt _ ried cpl, I ctuld ok, no Near everything. $375. -••r-cpts, drJlll, encl. gar., all 3 Br. 2 ba. new paint & 862·7308. Balboa ltland; retail, .,... ways busy. Shoc1 oun : aca t! .-. ..,...,. mo ., • ., .,.,.,., No""'• 493"'900 Ron Bedroom w/loft frplc nu. (714) 847·7!Wl6, 10am· _....., ~ blk bay & bcb. comm ere . or office hours. Benlooly t12l>mo, Irvine Ave/Brit\ol, Nwpt .·.-.-· -· .,....."""' ...--· · ~m 7dys ~ ..... tv•--~ll03 Straight F·M shr 48r, apace. Off·alreet park-Terma.A&\. 751-1400 Bch.~ ,eve Coro.a .. Mar 112 encl. gar, applns, pool & ..... • . _,,'I.-,. W/VU E-Blulf ms. 9-5 •••••••••••••••••••••• jacuul. Adults only. 38r. 288• crpts & drpa. MIM900orM4.QI04aft 5. ~~-A~~x~:n,~R~: leer/W19tTGftr'll FOUND~ Do~ochr $2ll0.845-44ll Ocean view. 3 br, 2 ba, Walk lo bay & ocean. &M-234.3Mon.loFri.~5 18$00 MONTH l)'pe, bUck 0 male 4f ·-· ,_..,ahd 2 Br. bltns. DIW. cpta, garage. Avail. 1-10. S33S. 979-3993 aak for Fred, Want F 3'·35. 28R apt, l Pool'ubk.. ci,u.u. c.oueceP11.CM.se.1ns _,. d d It ..-• ..,,.. ~9088 """'........ Sl42.SO, Cdl(, nr bch. Store $275. 20x80, ex· macbJ.De & other gam.. R•ward, Golden ' &b, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..._., ..... 3707 •••••••••••••••••••••••• !"z Br, 2 Ba. incl util Nr beach S325. I HS W Bal Bl~d 962 0505 Winter .real '"v ~~1 a~ no .....,._..,; .,........,... ~bfrl0,a.ft7 pos~ &S.000 ca~ dally. lncluded In tale. Hot ma~ le. Vic. u.c.J. "~·-(61 ....,.... ; Llc2BR. NEW/DELUXE Lrg 2 Br. frpl. gar. yrly. 2334 Nwpt Blvd. C.M Blvd. loc. Tuma. Ail. ''OSO" 548-'1932 ~ ..., " l.,if!r~_... szu. 2 Br l~ Ba, slud~ Huie pvt paUo./aduJta. $170. 675-0068 or ~3312. Female roommate to Plmg fmt/blt, FA beat· 151-1400 ---· ------~. paho, adj shops, Huntington Harbour Joe •hare home ln Laguna. Ing 2 restr ms, cptd, ._ft.AA"""-"--SIOOO. llWAl.D ---------. CORONA DEL MAR no peta. 213·592·S227 area. Sue497-U'7. 840-5300 675-7788 r-&• _"..,~ .American Tourlater 2 Br Townhouu. frplc. ---------1 Ul811SLynn 846-3S41 Dplx. 2Br, 1ba.1 door to NETSSl,200110. brown atandard brief IMY1BEACH1PIER PaUo l br S325 Ul1l pd 303 F. E"'Jge wate t 1-811 2866 Pool,tenm1 Someocean l8r0RANGEST bch.MIN·viewotoc:.1100 GarCllJHforRNt4l50 t.dmfriall~ 4500 Owner not well 6 wlU Return fu.11 .ti Calallna viewa. Close Quiet & clean. carport, & Nl:W l br, frplc, bea m sq ft. 979-8705 or s.46-5805 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• a.cnfice this well eslab. ~::'ts. No :J •. u::'. to ahoppmg ai fine beach. t"an furn. Adults, no pets. cdl. bltns, pool, volley Ag\. · l>bl hJ door, $70. Single 1600 sq. tl.2955 B&C Rao-abop. Affluent cllentele. asked. Ask ror 0.IUl&a 844-2-111 1210. 673-6372 ball, gar. ~.1142-6834 2 Br, newly redec. All tJle S3S. 7254 James Sl. Co6la dolph St. C.M. 1288. mo. Need• a gr e' •' "• Rottloo 875-af7 -;;;;;~~~$;"J2uwl~~~~~~~~~' "e 2 br •tud10 apl. 2br, n -h t~-.. -e, 4 Br l~ Ba, '"Itch & bath. Garage. Mega673·77!7 64&-2130orll79-3709 CJl)erator for added pro. ---·------Beech llvtnl!' $1 32 Ulll -.. ~ o•; ..,, .. ,. a fit.I. A-. 751-1400 r.ldlnllt SJSO pd Singl~ ok Fee 2ba, qwel bldg, S250. mo. new cpt.s. pvt patio, rec Steps lo water. 1$375/mo. Garage ror Rent, dwntwn Industrial Unit zoned ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mam ~ntals, 540-~370 EH JOY 1977 Lge Bachelor. Sl8S Mesa f acl I. $325. 963·2S32 ; 642·S225 Laauna Bch. S30 mo. for Fiberglass work. Els tab. Boutique. Prl me de! Mar area. 11118-oo.59 53&-1461 D-• ~ 1930 N 8 loc SlO 000 1 Orlnk1ng problem! ·pcEANFRONT 3 br. new. In lhlt exeitlng new apt.! OCEANFRONT 3 Br 2 Ba, 497-2113 · · · · · + nv. Call Alcohol Helpline lge , dl x, frpl c, Spacious 2 bdrm., 2New3Br.2ba,cpts.drp1, 2blkstoH.B.H.S. duplex.Fpk,patio,cpla, OfficeRatltal 44001200 aq.ft. M·l apace 64G-l232orMH7~eves. 24hnadaym.MaO :wuber/dryer. dshwhr. 2 bathl, frplc. Deep brown frplc w/patio-balcy. $115. 2 br. + 2br/den. gar. rec drpl, no pets. Avail Feb. ....................... w /front ore. tee rear • .. .t PREGNANT? •·.earaar.Nopet.s.Nowtil carpeting.Modemsunny 2cargar.63l-3900 facil,$275up.190S1Holly 1, 675·2895 aft 4PM door. 223 Phase. Sl9S. 'o,'-.....-.ia. C 1 I'd &' 1 June 30. S5SO m o. kitchen. Lge. private 842-4739 Evl/Wlcncb mo . Unit 10. 6Z9 -p~wrf 5015 ar ng con' e o •• ~ aundeck. Surprising view Termlna1 Way. S40-S7lO ••••••••••••••••••••••• counseling & referral. · ol NewPort HUia & just ""Sh1tlwt Co•e" I Br. 3 ba, pvt patio, encl. OCEAN VU, yrly z Br l da ..... ,..., n..-~ ot 1 __ __, 1 ,__ Abortion, edoptloft • -...,... -"'"' • T-......-.&..-~--;;-~ lndustr'I S&S0.000 bldg · ,.~ ......... M-17 .... l~ blk1. to beach •-gar., bltn1, dahwhr. Ba, dpa. Patio & yard. fl . .....-uuolevea. ..,..._,. e.._. rv...., lt~tn1. ....................... 1~. Adulu only, no •-----Children o lt . 2\702 $3SO mo. 844 -8780 ; ..,.,:=--.....,... StorOIJI 4550 want to trade up for ARE M1·Z5Q 'lmall bacb apt. Pool Ulll ~ please $42.S Mo.. New 2 Bdrm. units, 1 '-" Brook bur 1 t . S 3 7 s. Mi-3639 ./-••••••••••••••••••••••• same. Or 0 ...... e Co ma- 1 k leu. Batbt, Air. P a tios, 96Z-07T8 ~,...__ Smallboa •·trail ·-*SLl&RON S* lld.,$175. to non amo er Adults, no pets. 1919 WATB.FltOMT v --l w en, reo-jor shopping ctr. Pnne nA m«& UJ. -·a L~ H . Anaheim. $280/mo. Appl. New lwr,l br. 2 ba, $375. NEW 2 br & 2 be +den ¥"...,_..... tal space, Sl.00 per foot. only. Reply ad 11794, Dal· OlTl'CALL llASSAOE ~ aa v'tUH Oave546-4l4l f'tple, patio. Chld/pel IUJ1•'"' apt.a ol' Umit length 22'. 1819 ty Pilot, P.O. Boa "*· ..._lZJ' ..,Coelaw.ta 1724 .. CiA~,,,.~1'A.t I~~~~~~~~~ ok (1')82.64116 -1 Moorovia Ave. CM. SH Coata Men Ca.93Dll. •••••••••••••~••••••••• v '~ I . •BullUna M,rorcall548-M:!7 ' '11lEEXPERJENC&" '40 00 WI& & UP Gl*>-8m Unfttrn 2 bdrm apt. Neer •Trash Compactor .._,to Lo. 5021 Adult motel. Cloaed ' fV-' bch. adult.a, oopeta, pool. •Wet Bar •l MO PREE RENT• Storage Garage, $30. 1958 •••••••••••••••••••••• circuit 'IV. For e--.a =~~M~:d~r~~va1I New 2 br, l ba. frpk, SJUUO. •Fireplace 1·2·3 Rm. olfica from Maple ~ ve, C .lf · fd,z.d&JtdT.D.'1 tJom.14S-MT •PhoneServ, Hid """I b4tna. garaae. Adults, no ---------·• •Pnvatebeach 12S per ino Adj Man.ger Ul apt 5· PH: LOANSAVAJLABt.!: ,...,, .. IEADY MOW • Plexigl.ass encl. patios i.rponer Hot.I. No leue ~ Credit not lmporWit Zf7SNewport Blvd.CM pets S350 ~1840 2 br. 1 ba, cloaed •Smoltedetecton ........ m-azzsnlnoon ............... w~ ""L"O S'TJ.48U8"* 5-18·11'7$5 or 64.S-l987 gara g•• "'o pelt, no •Slips a" ail. to teuanu · -.. ---.. _ er 2 Br. l ba gar apt. New ~~ ., •••••••••••••••••••••-SUS CASIT AS cpts. drps. S300 mo. Call childttn. 425 A 12th St 919 Bayside Dr. 873-8414 60" PM S9 f'T C. ttudetlt need9 room '. Minutes to NB l BR ~9e08 3 Br, 1 ~ ba, r']k, patio, 4 Br & den, 2 ~ fl'Ollt 1817 WESTCLlf'P'·NB to rent. Call aft &pm. Hot • furn Adutu. no ~ti; -----cl. a• ..... ge. vall now porch, encl 1un deck, AGT. 541-5032 ovrl20. 1.s1.m1. 2110Newport Blvd M CW!tom buHt Duplex, 2:.----------.1 ~.. .. ... -t l b b $495 ------------------ ----BR. den. 21J Bo. 2 deck lM>ot()ongeOoll1ty-s S350.84M900 ~1~ 0 c · · 1501 Westclff Dr. Mother/daughter wanl pa.UOli, frpk, So-Of llwy moatbeootllJlaPQl1menf 4·PLEX 2 br 2 ba , a'.::c;'FtnanclalCtr 2·38r boun/1d/own 2 BR Furn S2 Lt'ase sszs. Agt. Dave S. communlles.ArelO~ balcony. cpt.s, drps.1215. 2 br. l"" ba townhouae Office Spoce lot/rrly. SSOO·SS~ or Lola ol bltns. pool, walk 114'-72ll mo.1163-2S32or 536-14111 style. Adults oo pet.a. CallonSUeManager $375. Incl. utll. Rd. I. toahopptne. ~mi bea<'h South of Highway. 2 selflngdlsreoms. $W.S48·2882 (714)M2·311leJCta48 17S.99118day/eve. 9'n w 19th St bd b t 1 wo'8ffals, and mojeSllc Newly painted. 3 Br 2.,., Stll-Ow.! rm, 1 •· irep ace. 1rees. Feotumg poo11, Bo, dJnlng area, fplc, gar l~CH YEARI. Y II You Need A Stalled ctr Cpfe & dauahter need 4Br SC~HS HOKE OWNERS borrow at low bank rates to con· aolidaw debta, pay laxea, toe a vacation, room addition, awim POOi. pay olf niltinj :.od or any pul1>0ee, •KAREN'S* OlTOCALL ll~AG E SPll-2All ... J780 AlonJON COWIJeUa.1 A Referral f>rel. tat-avail. wlmda 2' Kr Helpllae 54'7 .... •SPIRJTVAL Rf!ADER Fully UceDMd 18155 El Camino Real San Clem41ftte. For appt. ~~ 49%-729' V1U.A PO MON A APTS P'lani 1 bdrm.s from $21!) Qd«, adwt compltlt N ~ ~. 17eG Pumun Av., C W "'2·2()1~ ~~~~~~--., Adults S32S mo. 875·3717 Jocuzzt. 90000, bllofclt lncl'd. 1375. 846-0814 2 br. 2 ba & 3 br. 2 ba Furnlahed Office. u 11 ~~me/yd/f~'l ·~~a Z Br l Ba , 11ar. adulll no ondexcllngekJbhouse ---------•duplex unll• w1ocean THE EXECUTIVE s e, OW1I • • pet41. 1295 mo. 833--0821 , Wlfl•~""I........., T-~ 2 Br, blUna, relrii. gar, view. Steps lo bcb. Call SUITE. Rent Includes Rel. worting &. !ltudent. MICHANtCS NATIONM.IAHI C714'6J ... l954 RELAXJ.NG MASSAGE UobJames·Uc:. ICuaeur 840-01118&873-902.1 .uo.ou "'"-patio. P>O. 1 blk to bch. Debbie, day1 531-1012; f!llme recept .. phooo & 675-9906dA)'/eve. -----gym,ond'deyboi<Jf _536-_31M_7_._536_·277 __ 4· ___ , evesS48-4912 mall service. util & •PALM READER• eta~~~~t~t~:, z ba ~~!.,...... 4 er condo, 2i,; ba c..,u. T......, 3890 Jllll.llorial. Secy's· & ofc .. ._.,1'""'' Nrrn ~O 000 S20readlncforSLO dupl 4'x , f l r e plece. ··-, .. ~,.., .... """""""" drpa, gar , paUu, POUi. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~n'"t!..!~n·!~7·0Newport A••i:• u;.u , Paat,present6future Outcalla 9-,, '94·Sl l t .._, Wmled 5030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ d J ~ r.._.-11~"""""'-S3"0 838 •121 V1lla \,,IC' ""• V"t'U"',. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uc '"'">-• 1-u" 1-apsrtment. a u ~. n aarea•. c-IOM t.o shops .ti '"' ,.....,...,. u.., ... ...., Paclnc ·'" 2 BR Townhouse. patio, ....... lit TD recNaliorull land ____ ~_ .... _.., __ ..-__ pet&, S41·4208 aft 4 be~h 1475 per mo. A•k 0Mondf#o8ec2toom ---------• adlla, S270/mo. Appt. Prime location In Hunt· °tea ...,, IOOI loan. 10% intereal-7 EXOTIC '-llLS PM_ .. _ __ for M111i. 675 2311 NJA.., lMng. Near beach. $160. 1 br Dave. 546-4141 I n JC t on B e a c h on .. ::?? ....... ? ........ • year due dal4!. I Property • • t-.e"9• le.c• 1740 111Mrt 1 rule line Ofnc.esOC*l 9-0CH0600 KJdaok. Fee Brookhurst, 800 square sales price $140.000. l Mr Massage ti ModeUn~ • ••• .. •••••••••••• •• ••• ~t •~ •n cou ZRr 1 Now ......... MaJn Reotall, :W0-5370 feet. Single. garden type GHh &-A..+kpn Rlclutrd, Bam!tt Realty. <Mcall Only 542-31S ·~ "" m ·--"' store or ornce. Good ex Carl')' unique 1peclaJUes 642-5200 ~ STUDIO Be. front '34<1•mo 2 Hr. 28r1Ba,n.rbch.end11ar. ••••••••••••••••••••••• poaure. aaa1gned park· gills, smaJl rumishlnp, lllllill,,.....,.~..,..~-..... ~1111111 •atlfllGirh """-Sil WHfdy.. 2ba. rear. NOOtmo Cl!I to suo. 1005 Alabame THE EXCmNG ing. Call Mr Plummer m1n1atures, exclualve Would like to m eet rbUk1tc~•TV" •hool. ~rk" bch. Atll 544-S70laft5:30 PALMMISAAPTS. 9llU'797 beach area. Mm+CJ9t., Trwat 1ea1Jemenforda,oreve Untm • UtJllLl.-11 for Mtul.11'7~2311· MINUTES TO NPT Ull 117-4200 D99di 5035 fun ~ .. 2 1ty, 2 Br 1 ~ Ba condo Dl:LUXI OFFICES ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------MIL& TO OC~AN br, l ba, remodeled Pool. jacunl. stove , BCH. c.ommi" lndtU apaces, SICOHDTl.UST Help for parent.a. Free ' _.,..s.lhtw.t.e Sharp!l400.mo refng,wuh/dryhookup, Bach,l"2BR. 200to2000aq.n .As low fllocwC:O. _. lk. -Lo• .... s ledure Jan Jl,T:30pm. 721Y...tfo .. lfyd ffn.U118 eves newlycpt'd&redec.'280 fromSl.95. as3'<aq.ft.LagNl!!uel&"991 .,0000-_, ~Co Ooala for Parents. Been 8.lvdal YOt'ktown .......____ ~a·u mo. 7SIM088dy1 ; 67J.8704 Adults. No Peta Minion Viejo a r ea. s.'!0.000. YRLY NET .. ~ ma .... mum. m· m.llllO 'JL.A --• -1581 Meu Dr. WdJ esub. South Oraaae pet.it.Ive rat.es for aood ----------411 evs <s BlksEutofNewport Hand1 to S.D. Frwy. County atore, owners creditappUcan\a, RJTA.~So CoutHwy, ...... .._.. auWul brand new l br.' itx l&e 3 Br. au & wtr Blvd.) Call: 831·1400 falling health fotteuale. MOIUNS llA1n L. 8 . PleaH eontact ....................... frf't et and 'll frplc , Fodal .. ¥1.... . Bltns. encl patio. 546--88llO PROX400aq.l\,C·Zat 29?'oDown. ,.49 ... 057 * mURo0t.ti..~· or .IJm . a.. UllJ pd. <>Ran view. dahd wabt. many lwl~. S21 91. Wilson St 5. Mtr2716 p•.vllWl .... ft_ ~ E. 17th Sl. Sulle P. Ull IJ7 ... 200 .. ,... CJ'I' J1 a ulta, no pe • _ .. 5 1148-2010 """" "-SllS/mo Doyle 548-0479 MaiftRentala.~5370 MU258,m .m11 MODELOPF:~ 10-srM ~ 1142 2NDUHIT ClotW.)Stare LOANS 9% Working mlddl•·aeed •lfWl ... rt .__ .. --17L 9 Casa de Hermoea Enjoy the pr1v11 cy of ....................... ...._ Be ...... ffOUSI Modern OflClce suit• su.ooo. net. Help·run. • ....... __..TD 1 ~, ;:~ :~aa~ !~fddl~~ _.... • -.. pt 1n I c i•~ )'out own humv w 1lat N bo uta Aft Laguna Beach tor pro· Caauf.11 weer for a•l11' & --llollU --"•••••• .. •••••••••••••"'"'a "' repa e ....... tncdpalio.att.gar.wood '330 r. Har ur. 3BR C.ontemporat')'&caaual resstonalpcraon,appro• a uy a. Carry mo11l FalrestTeTmt1111nc-et94.9 ag~ludy Rot.Wrtte ad ,...,! USTIUY ~~ti!~.~.0~4:; 3d~; burning frplc, pool It 2~~ Trtp~~;i~~m or The belt of Newport's S50 1q . ft. S2SO mo. lease popuJar bran<J.. Very It· s.ttter~Co 118Slt Dally Pilot, P.O. ~peopleaayyouiet (Mp.blda>sno. Jacuul 2br.l~baatart· a .,pm. · aoodUfe. Mary Bordman RHltor trac.bellchloc: '42·Z171 '4M6ll Box ~.C.M .,Ca.92828 liftWyoupayfor' We or UIOW.WlllOO inlat~mo. lntlle 3144 •8eamedce1llnp "94·2414 Ull ll7·4200 Hneht, atmng carpenter fer more And lbe price L'\ •••••••••••••••• ••••• •• •2 POob & rec centers __ __.,, IL......... '• __._1 (met.ICulow wnrltef) nda -w:-5· MemberabJp in al.ceabr,lbatownbouae Bache.IOC' Apt, fpl~. encl WOODBRIOOE •Plusbcrpt14'drape11 ~••-.....-Stttclwt&Tlllniip•D191C--. apt Aile i'+. agl •• aJlh Club. A tennla VIQ111t.-tco1npln.Oara1e £~·~:l pool, jac, P.lNESAPTS •Andaom~hmore Deluxeolfk eswlth Cuuncedlecraftahopon p.,... d1/ veatt.artanwillexdl. re _.. \lb, f't'M lenftla le.aona • p.Uo. Adutta only No · 1. 2 & • bdrm unila. Furn. bachelor &230 efficientaecreta;I main •lreet In buay a..t & ,._. palra/remodcl fol' ~art .. ..... ...... M"' •-1 • U-"'-1 b ..... c fft'Vicea. Ideal f •--'·t •-. ,.._..._.., •--al ••••••••••••••••••••••• -• T..,. Wrl ., AllUarda. Swlmm1n1 ...... --.,..,_. or '"'lllESEVILLE" Dealan•d like oarly , ..... ,.. r _... oc 1 ..,... .. ....,,. .. ......,.. IUI: 1100 ,.., ... -· &.Ad &sz, •.. Golf Drhlna Ranae. 117-8517 2 br w/gar. Adult.a Nn California bun1alowa. HUllY FOi •cB~EnrR CENTA Rn clleotele. Low rent. •a a c...... Daily Pilot, P .O lo• • ·-~ Aa..a l"\..n ..... 1'7 ... 200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.680 c u n-. ... ,. nna1 ~ Jrt•t ac ZBrnlce&dc.,,cto.eto cpts&dri».1._bltna.fncd From $210 113 llST-n"" •Baker 54&-2982 -• · ·"'··-· lirillta: Su.Dda.)' 88~. ahOpplng. Adult• only. ydw/paUo.watcrpd. PIMMone. Otch.rsS.s. 1'33Supel1or 1atw•Wortdof l4J;. lf!lt ~~~.!1,:c~~ Nopeta.MUD 21819 ~~~ ..... .., •tda.11.~:::knda· Ne6-m?:aJcb •b-alea.aeahlon°'anbce1e1pNaC:PI~ ~=~ ttn-oeh Pt =•a• -•-•• r R d led Free C o neultatloa ••••• ................ . Nie. 1 br, frplc, pool. c:Roter perfectforamall ecenlly remo • . aetaioo' r714 1551-«ll4 ~. Yourrtfttdollan1oeven 8dulu. nopiN. mo. mo. CodoW... Jl24 ...... 3124 IOOllll 4000 buel neu. USO·Sl75 ahnya bwsy. dynamite - r<,1 hartbtr•••A terrl fie 541-47S'7or....,,,. ••••••••••¥••••••••••• •••••-.. -•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 673-8117 beach loc. Ow11Cr movtng SCDlU I r'ft' ......... 1005 ~nee crew, pro. ROOMS szs 11 Ith t.o llawali Come check ~·~ •••••••••••••••• ....... ·~ t .. alonal mana•ement Bfl,cpt.d,,..KldaOK. ftS I .. ltcben • ..,•50u~lt-up C\lstomofflc.1uitn11\tar It. atmwros MEN WOlfEl'C ,'I j f•'t that care1b •nd Nopeta. '31)Qmo. SM Hln(i ,. . .... 17th St .. <".At& M • be· .... 1-... ·oo -· ..... -fti~odly net1h ort. ~ •pta.548-lrT~ lna cc ..iplelely te ·•-------·-'-6-'"""""~" \ lkldalt open dally U>·'· BR 0 _ _._ •N -1,., Ll't Bedrm furn. Pvt decor•~· Space avail •--& Wine-~e --~mbl~ -IAIT'llC• 40(:. "'""'' DO one under 21 4 .... _. -r .. ,, .. bath. KitcheD prtvll SUS floom J30 aq (\. lo no ·~ DCC'I"" EEDLr. " -TWO REX Cl.MS ,1: ~'~~Ji?,:' m .. ~~~ ~::-if.4n':.~ t~: mo. uw. paid 91Me99 ~ per 1q n. Ca 1 Sanclwlch A youn~ lady 1 know NA~~iU~oo -~th~~PAl'l<'Y 557·1Ml Room tor rent w/ltltch Shor. tbln11 •he'd like to AS8T8TANCS ~ rh In Costa Meaa. ~ ~ n. Newport ntvd. become " nurH Sbe =:O Adull E.side Jt.2 bt apts. ~ 1 Fem u u Dito Ideal omce or retail Owner tra ale rre d Uk• to give people th• OP •wa OUwoodGardl'nApt.a E11cl &ar. pallo, PoOI. 1145-D.5 ' Complex adj Cannery OveraeH-wlll trade NEEDLE. ~ •ltvlae(at18th> ~~k,!_new . no pet1. -Vllh1ge 8'5-~ equit.yforcl•ar 1111to, ._ •• -__.-,-1:.----... ----I A lT I ... D ta S .,.....,,.,,o cant land oc leaM option. _. ..._ 5300 "" UU>66$~ Cla111fled ads It'll bti s otflcet 1\ 'fit N F.1 Full price 112.000. Call: ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• SCHOOL: Duplex 2 Br • •ar, encl Item•, 1mall Item• or Camino ReaJ. Saa Clem MM424 LOST uualo Irish Seuer 110. &. tn-.1t.,$A patio. ~aby OK . taop. any item. Jul call F.•ceiit toe: 6 patkln1 ASSOCtATEO Dec J.8t.b Slatu• Euclid a..1teo 1990 .,.,. ... Pl. 41'1 mo 842 5818. ~I (}JI) ---.n •. so. COAST DKRS vk ~1..5' Schooel eo..t To Oout ' ' I ·-. _......,.. ... * dd t.. Build It .. Olctper 1t .Hammer it. .. Carpet SERVICE it...Cement It .. Wire it ... Hoe it ... Crean It. Move IL.Press IL.Paint lt...Nal l lt...Plaster 1t. .. Fix It ... I RECTORY Accuallwg CGrpe1.tw ~or ...... t ~ &a l'iw••• ....._._,......., Pc:i1"""9,!Poperi99 'tl .. IRIJ .................................................................................................................................................... 1 ....................................................... .. BookkttPlDaServlce FINISH. R'-MOD~L ~ .. Ceorgt'ptlrner•Sona Exp.JapaCMMGardt!nt!r. JIOUSEQ.£ANIN<i Doaut 6 o ·er1.-11 maS,AINTIM6 SUt.IJc.lna.loprlcHtoo LUMB•RRaoalr,,.... laallBualoeuAccount.a Rpr Smoll Jobs OK A.dds1Rmdl1P11nt/Plan1 <'omp yard •~rv1c e, Hyrellablecouplc Land1cap1n1 Calm E•,.r'd Reu Ratea f.xl.aior 1peclallat Try plpe. IDalalhllo• Reaarat.. 1141100 Re& 9790379 SmlJObs·Llc'd5S7_.32 clun up. free eat Refs MS-51lJ work. 1prlnlclt1r11 In Free Eat. Call Oene JM-Cahro&38~ aervlcH . G. 01'1•'· Arcllhd•al HARDWORK MH2lO HOUSF;CLEANINO 11 ~::!{re~:~;l ;~~~~I ~ "-twfltepair 1_eo.a __ u. _____ _ ••••u•u••u•e•uun• Home Improvement or REMOD~;LS GtoeialServlcet Our Bu~lne1 1 . Call Haulln' tr work sod PAINTING lol/Exl •••••n •uu•n••nun Atthalectural 4& Struc repair. Bob, 673· 1116 ADDITIONS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jarure's Ra11edy Anni laWN ~at ~.07o;i Real. d~able. f"ree VEl\V NEAT PATCH tural Plans Kmdl & 0 lk» .. "5-2$Ubome. Aettnt Bktc'a 1·778·1784 HANDYMAN·Homes " 67~ .i..CallJayMS-7t6S JOBS6TKXTURI!! •••••••••••••••••••• ... ~ conatrucuoo. Relld LOU'S HO ... .,. R•P 10.,, Hi34·21>78 LcJ.2810'1 Apt1. Couc 1~nl1 oua M•ara, P'neV..l US.1'39 CANOPYTYS&RVJCS /Com 'l /lnduitrlal .,.., c. A.....,., Crallaman Ph:~ro<>i EXPERIENCED. Depen ....................... WORKGUARANTEED • ,_ lltRAT~S!!RvtCI ...,7020 JO Yr exp. carpentry, LEEM.JARVIS ~ dabk. reft. Hunt'g Bch Free Ea\· Blockwalls lntrJExlJ'.F°l'eeF..al PATCHPLN;TERING AtF•irPri~-lm ---------• panl'nc, patio " dra Add1t's, Rmdl'a. Hu 8-5. ~-.. only.900-53.'52 a lum pa 'one brick' 21yra Expr.&U-0295 uALLTYPES•• W.,alttLx 5S1·™· Ph962 3200 Lie 317156 •••••0 ••••0 •uuu n o R Id c :I R P'reelllt. MCM!l25 _, . VO prof c A R p ET ee I omm . cu. p...&..£y C ltl ;:~··~ .. t ••••••••••••• Room add1l101U1, urp>rta, LEE M. J ARVIS I'~ ~~rTR::~: Q.EANING, floor• wlo Uc 32SS86. Bob 750-93S4. ....-09I' • . Hccnel·Addillol\I. •••••••••••••••••••- .,., tya •!,. "•1•1dmyvhme P•tlo covers t:xrert Addjt'a, Rmdl'a. Hrs 9.5 TIM 541-41306 dow care. Out.ch Main· 96().~ A;:.-S~~ .. ~!lr1 1.~ SSt5 co over blk walla. _.; £=ICP'rTUe. i:".,: .,.aer/c.UC F In craftsman, 1ma l or Pb962·3200,Uc3178:16 la\anceService537·~ 1 ._.~-· 11•'.-rm ~.lowratesse6-48 tt I. ett,a I. fant.a .It up. llrlY·Wkl,Y. cornmHcial Jub11 too Ha\l1J.o11,movl.ng,cleanup Fireplaces-Paotcl'I ~calnclmatrl/labor -.~ wetcomeSM-M•aft . 9113-2'\1'7 Refettncts 960·3564 llectrtcal $7 /up. Treework Oenfr•I hsecln'& t,.i, da. or 8nck Coccret• Patio Guat, lnard. free eat. ~-... Expr'd Ule HttM oda Joh. ..... ._k n ••••••••••••••• .. •••• Reu fast free esl full da. exper. Chtlallne BWckWalla BOQPilll TedQ7-1900orSS2013-4 ,....,. .. ~ t_...-.,. e ,._..Sar-flee ""'ECTRIC"L SERVIC"' . ' "•"-8437 ' R.ela.!'At.a.$4&.ot84 HOMI-; SAVt:RS PLUM .., ... tom wM,. U .._ •••••••••••••••• ••••••• -P""' ~ " "' ~ '""' -•··t -pert paper hana Sml Job olt 4 -.... ••••••••••••••••••••••• CALLS USfbr. Call MASONRY WORK II.--.,.. BINl.i .It 111'.ATlNG. Free _._., Typlq at home, any kmd C..rpet Mao will lay yours 842-8233 Sonny .It Jer FREE haul· t-of bri k ,tof, ... 8 .It ) n I b 'i l he 1 ad Y est SIO llr Hone!<l a. _493_~_..._. ____ _ Rua. ratt'S, wlJI PICkup or mine Re pair& &c _ ing. cleanup. tree work n·--c ' "' specl•lut Rt>llable SC'rv B.->rl\ & T,..kYlce &del.~·~1 clearunic Loo! Guar work G•.... for uaable Items. Fen· ~~le work . Call 7 14 /1 47 .. 167 Ms trc ha. 84 7 0383 le ...................... - Master Craflaman. Specialty finish, re modeling & repairs Rela. 499-3105 ••••••••••••••••••••••• U A TRAVEL AGENT Morning Aftt'moon Evemng CLASSES ~'TA RT MONTHLY PACIFIC TU Va SCHOOL 610 E 17th St. S Anu H ,.._655 Accredaled ~A TTS Ea la bl.IJ hed 1963 FlnanclaJ AJd Proarams BEA PROFESSIONAL COCKTAIL WAITR~SS •$99.00• ENTER AN EXCITING PROFI T & GLAMOUROUS PROFFESSJON •Learn in 40 hrs from profanl's lhe rine art of waitress lt'chniques. •Free placement Svs •Day or evening ses11oiu CALL 171•> 751-9UM Fer a rn:e consult 10 one or the mO!lt prorlt profess So. Cahf Waitress, Inc. 17922 Sky Park Bl. Ste C Irvine. Calif., 92714 Priv Plano Instr By Exper. Teacher UOyn) 642·4630 Evea. Jabs W.ttd. 7075 ••••••••••••••••••••••• at bigger savmgs. f'r es ••••••••••••••••••••••• cea1bld111 removed UwetheOallyPllot 751·31.50 ~JIW6 WEEDING-CLEANUPS 5SHOO.S "l'aat Result" aervict TIRED OF PAlNTING" ---------Retnovall, lrlmmlDf. •Weekly Maintenance• ' dirertory Your ....... SCRAPlNG !! Increase IF YOU pl'\llllnC, fre. ..c. Uc' We Care carpet Cleaoert Free Est 642.990'1 Ha•lde •.• g ....................... your ho~ value-aave have a aerv1~ to offer OT 1-Ull,y lnaured. IO-mt Steam Clean or Shampoo •••••••••• ••• •••••••••• aenice b our Friendly Movtng Co Effl· w fislumlnurn siding & goocia to 1ell. rlace an ad Tnmmln1. toppl111, ~ Al.o Upholatery·All work SELL Idle items wllh a Wanl a REALLY CLEAN spec a ally· clent. rrtendly service. t.nrn. Fully warranted. in the D a J y P 11 o t movlna. claan&11>. ,...._ llJ&l'. Refs/MC. Free est Dally PllotClaaslfled Ad. HOUSE? Call Gln&ham Call 642-$878 ext. m Low eat po11 rates. S48-3120or aft S63l 1378 Clualfled Section . . rates. Uc/l~rd. T.., R.eu Rates· 645-3116 &t2·5678. Girl Free esls. ~5123 M7~. Want AdJI CaU 642-5'178 Pboae&42·58'78. '4Wl.Jt ArcWtectwai ABVS ITTER/Llle ~ GU .... RDS Inter. Decorator. rrea JobC ... ola housewrlc. Bach Catbt!r IOOtClllPB COMPANION (Daytime> 0 ~ lance. lnt'I mullc•I U ' Is •ceW. ,., 1 nda t d' 20 h F /tlmfl. payroll. A /P. ror eldeorly woman. Llt.e C:O.ta Meta t be m e for ho m e . PJtJ.me. Mu.t b8v• 90IDe ~'R~d':~~ii:i\i~s~YC Mo::'T~~: 1e~y tt'. A/R. Invoicing, some hlkPC "meala. 5 dy wk. DO m TO m Permanent. FUii & Part· mt~J. 213/674-4040 exper. ID electrical. amblLious & wor k Dwntwn H .B. work laxes. Mature career CAM loc. Prefone wbo SantaAllaco.wooJdUk• Ume.Phone,lranspre· plumbln1.lee aueiu-. w /mln. supervision. 848-Z291 ,home980-4183 pertOO for amaJI manul. drives. tom e ea pr yourexpertlaelnlbisofc q 'd. Retired welcome.•-------• carpentry a/coed. Good Sal -.. 0 h c II ' 3 0 ) E m p I 0 y • • • • w /elderl~ req. 768--01~ Typlnf 'd Call c . Call S4&-02'7•. otc hrs 10-2, INVENTORY wq•. eah betwa .. m • for~pt4'."'~~ r. 8 Ba-... m&S •·L Benef1ll. Costa Me ... forUllerVlewappt. tiol C~Empk>)'m::t Clo&edWednesday 2Pm. Sat Ju Did tar ...,. • 15313364forap"' .t.a u~•CIW! appl. a1k for •ea. 1--------t IRANCH MAMAGEl --· ---'-'"".,._. ---Companion wanted who ''6ency, ~· GUAIDS WAMTID 873-5380. ZOE. A Federal Savinga A3· BOOKS wlahes to eupplement>--R_A __ P_E_R_Y_R_O_O_M_, Full I P/tlme wtnda. JCrrHMIYCO. aoc. 11 aeekln & a St.letlh social security locome WORKER, uper. or lrvine.Ale21&over.1h bPrnenUyhirlo1 MAMtCUllST manaoer for Its N.B. ofr u-~1,, .. • by acting u Uve-ln com· non .. &""r. Wiii tr a.La. tu re m e n pre t 'd CM INVENTORY Wa.nt.t for C.. ._ For prec11lon electro .. 1 .._.... • paoioo to older woman. ~ u s I ... t "' medw:ucal astembly of lodlvidua • mual be MooftllC)Men Call 588.8851 for In· 8-4:30 or 5-U -on-Fri. Unilorau furn. Ca.r tr Tuee.JanZ&thfl'Oin a oo. •Ill •••• amaU componeJtts. Eic-lam1har w/lhe com· Mllllon Dollar corp. tervew 1_NZ-__ 1.M3 ______ --.1 pho ne nee. Ap ply •PMt{)CompletJoo pedl(uru F ltl••· per.pref'd. OayiOnly muruty & reside io the ne«1a " ol --1-·------Un1verul Protection ApplyTodayOurl.at& 541-15'1~ STACOSWITCHIMC klcal area. Financial or men women ELECT R 0 L U X Service, 1228 W. 5Ut St.. Regular&.oraHoun 00.meu exper. i1 de· any aae wbo enjoy CO()t(CHIP Authorized ulu " Santa Ana. Interview 24FolhlHI.._.. MATURI! WOllAJI U.398alterCoetaMesa aired whJcb can effec-spea.ldogw/olhera&who Dinner 1 or 2 n.lgbu, 6 service. M /F. Full-M·F l O:aO -ooon 6 p /tlme to wal u•• .,.A .... ~~OE4mlploycr lively 1llmulate new ::;::;w~;{~~~eraae tu-s . Al.solunchcook, l or P/t1mesu.4W l. .. :JOpm. Eq~~::,-pl,_w ~!>~~!.·-~='.!!' ~ .... ..,.,.,.... bt.Yineaa development. ,.,.... 2 ... 4 b J . -. rvn ..,.,.,.,. _, ·--~..-..-r------------.t asal1l cuatomen. & ... yi. ra. eani • ... crow "' cer & A.ula-Ha.irdreuer lo leue st.a· Need car, Ute ~ mot!vat. pel'90IUM!I. XJnt No actual aellin• In· Bistro Laiuna Bc h taot. Good benefits, Uoo, contemporary halri--------•11-547_.ao __ . _____ _ ll'l'nlBl(RS .. 1 d •. ~ved " no setllng ap· *-89818A.M to UAld. Laguna Niiu.el. 4"-SlU atucUo lo Laauu Beach. MK.Ill ~ n g con I .. pointment.a. Work w /one CAl'Mf' lxptr'd 1' <r_S:U_. _·12M------1 Call M. Williama & AA· JC HMHIY CO. MllCHAMICI E....a.-~ R-ly t.o Mr. Kerr ~ the most popular ft VYR-e --.,..,.UT ... lY .,... ........... ...,Wed-Sat Cor l1 lookln1 for a Recent nper. Ap•lr Xlnl op~:ru-:-Y Jn Mis -[71,1522-0610 successful producl.1 on for conv. hosp pref'd. --... -.,_ ..,.., ._....,,..., Pa.rt-Time Shell Slatlo11, ITC.. A sion v't';jo • lndu1trlal Equal Oppor Employer the market today. An In· F /time. Hr1 10:30a.m to TO PRESIDENT Fub Interview Pf• Clotbed lrvine, Nwpt. lkL Co m P 1 ex. Ma le or rn/f expensive product wbo'a 7pm. Apply Park Lido 1'Goodl P\nancial Serv. firm. Hair Styllat wanted apply SICURITY female. Must have ---------1 name Is a household Coov ateacen t, 468 carceroppor. Very ln penoo So. Cit. Plaia, PllSOM Mechanic, Sen. Sta"-. 1--------• word lhruout the world. Jl'l a 11 ah Ip Rd • N . D . cbalJe.1111ng. X.lnt •klll• 540-M88 Cius A •moc lie. ~ manual dexterity In Work ln a youthful, 64Z-ll044. req'd. 75wpmlypln&.100 Ex-per. req'd, Xlnl work· Minor repair. Gr.at op small com ponenls . BANll:JG friendly atmosphere " wpm sh. 3611 San Miguel @·. lni cooda "out.atandan1 por. Apply 25IO N....,n Fami har1 ty ualn have fWl while you earn COOIC~'d Dr.Ne Sulte200 beneltll. Blvd.Coat.a Ill••· mlCJ'06COpe very helpful PQSIJI IOP pay. You receive a Ftllme poeit1on. Apply In Apply In Penon Good benents. Salary guaranteed salary+ ex-pe r1on , Le81arrlti ~··~ HAPPYPBSOH! Moa·Frll0am-4pm Me•ctl ......... commensural.e w/eaper. Our beautiful Newport 1 lib 1 F b c f •t• N Need-... , N rt 24 '-M•lllcMd Orhll .. r alsn Call Carol, S81-3830 fo Beach Branch ii current· treme Y era com· Nrenc a Del, d .. N ri .,.. '°'; a ewpo Hewport leodl P"' _•..:..p.:..pt_. ______ -t ly seeking eaper'd In =:ur !ii~0i:uc;:: ~g_,ort v • f/C IOODUPta ::::."'~ai:P~=~~~ y,qua10pporErnplcf)'er i8!t::!~8::P~:3 :::i!t dividualb for the follow Xlot advancement ---------111000. Fee Ne go. maoaaerial ak1lls To neededtoworkboUl t>.ck Asst Bookk~,.._ S750 lng ~nln&a: po5111bilaUea for bolh men COOK, pantry man or Orp.niza.Uonal abiliues. SllOO/t'ee Nego. Also Fee•---------& Crool ore full time Secretaries ..... ...,.,.. &women cook• helper. Phone La.1.Bcb.Allo FeeJobl . .Joba.Call ControlCareer MW1lbepreparedto b8• Dental/Chrsd ;i() '"-dts.cr.t.y 499-2271uk for Cbef Call Control Career Employment Aaeocy, lf£YPUNCH dledlveraeduU.ellnboay &crowOfncer Sl3K+ Typea&prepareaLoan& No exper. nee. You re· CooU.Ex-rbreakfHl& Employment Aaeocy, 5S6-850$. ft otc. Exper belplul but flacrow materiala. Ex· cevefull a wblle~tne ..-558-8505 ---------OPEIAJOIS will consider wllbout. lrvi.nePenonnelAgency 11 l I •· · P Y lunch. Apply in person,.__ ___ .------Heady '• Halrcut t1na 481l E .J7Uteoat.Me.a (e e n t y p n& • trained. You can wor See Gabby alt 3.30pm.a--------•I .. Good typlllc eaaenUaJ ~SEMBLERS - 5uite2Z4 142-1470 shorthand alt ilia are ~or eve. hrs. On· Beach House lnn. 619 Parlor needs A.ulat.aot. 2 d Shift Send resume st.atina ea· -Available .Jan. \8. prac '.!!!!~~~~~~~! necesaary. , ly 10 mln. by Fwy. from "'--y H-'low I-. La11. F/C BOOMEEPER CdM.875-0808 n per • aalary re~re llcal nur.1e. 4~1. ext ~ JI di ..-~~r "' ....,, • •· •-Ad •-•11 '"" lll 9 JOPM • aurrouo og com· Bch. n-...,.a•-ly N-·"'·-' Home Attendant, Uve tn. 2 men .. .., -· .. Y ....,un : Altracilve rlrl, pert Ume T.... munklea. You owe It to ?;'iiioi;\w:n's~ 'fr. exper. Can1 for elder· Hyland C..boratortet bH PUot. PO Bo& 15IO, eo.ta ·' Mature Udy L1¥e-in com· R . E . O c . T 1p1 n g P'revlOWI nperlence 1111 )'CUl'llelf to at least ln· COOK ly person. Send resume lmme<bate openinga for Msa. Ca . 92S2I paolon & ll bslckpr +clerical, with l.nlerest Commercial Paylnt & vestlgale lblJI unu1ual Short Order, ellper. pre· to Ad 1830, DaUy Pilot. Keypunch Ope r a tort Elderly person or semi· ua aal• car.er. Seud re· Rece1v1n1 Teller re · opJ>Or. Contact ReDee f 'd. Apply 0 r ind er Po Box 1S60, Cost.a Mesa, with key·to-dl1k e• · Men. perm. p/time ror LA invahd Reta. avail. aume to· Ad 815, The quired. RDUl,9SMN>ll8. Rest a urant, 1400 W. Ca.92828. pi'rience. Our present Timee home deUYWJ' a ~ Daily Pilot, P.O. Box Paci.fie Coast Hwy, N.B. ---------a;ystem LS IBM 129. We Newport" Colt.a 11 .. ·~ "--ta ... Ca It •-•~ted •· 3uaJJfl..... HOSTISS are chang.log to lntrea. Hust have dependable ........,, .....,. ... eaa. . ... ..,.~ "' L'U, IOYS .......... 11'!.1•• • <Ask for Pete) ... be re1l .. , __ .. to t4'llp W..e.d 7100 921112'7 ple&M (all the ranch t.o ~ --Good experience and car• a .......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------• acbedule an lnt.ervt.w for Da.tly Piiot routa In COOKS Ul6ll2 MacArthur Blvd Attractive lady over 2J work rerord ls desirable. &150mo. 548-17~. AO TAIB Auto Body i;nan. eaper'd 1714175Z.OllO Arch Beach area of Male or remale. over 18 SuitelOO Irvine wtdlnlnc room eaper. ForlnlormaUoncaU.· P/Ume. Mon, Thurw " + e•per d aaoder, 1.4una Beach. Mu.at be to work days. Ap'pl) In F.quaJOpporEmployer Ft tlme eves. ApKI Sat. ~ Hn1 per wk. Muat 80-2052 CITY at lea.at 10 yeara old. penon: wkda)'I Ambrosia, .,.,___ ..... .... • ... 'or oaT•co '::wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 211,smaothSt.N.o. be neat, pleasant " enjoy Automoti•e ~ --· ._ '' ..-I• dealinl( w 11.M public. Ap-New DUll SllcJP M«Sa NATIONAL , _arc_ula_Uon __ . -----• I 720 s .. crier CM p-•~ ~~I Man_,..., H o u • e b o Y o r ply 1n per11on . Ptn help. IOYSAMO(illU .....,. • ._..... _,.....,, liouNkecpef', S morn' •.fHVt!r. 1660 Placenua Top wases pa1c1. Engine! Ba. 10 to 15 year•. Ea"" COOi( W ANTID rean exper. ln marine « 5 aftttnooDa per w Ave eo.ta&t esa. ------· ... int-,.__,_ OOODPAY painting needed by 4 hra per day. Mon·P'rl. • .................. ., .. ., ,,..... ~··· Equal Oppor Employer ......-..tmaa mone~ CO to WesuaU ~ .. maker ol 0 r Su n . T b u r 1 . .... ••1 buffttS & pollaben. up·1 ... --------i ...,. ,_r w-.. 1e t•Ub· A-'y J.Jlu Rtf,er ...,,.vert .... ng bolslery ehampooera,•· ~::;"u-.-.: ... _ ·•ly ....,. vov · the worl 'a ftne1t Housework. laundry J• SICIET• •y ~~ "" ....., .. 400So. Coaat wy ·-''boa'· Qu-'"'ed "an abop'a "-errand• f "--check out, ~ck-up 6 de· --~-Pilot. <Y'r•oaportalloo U'"'"• "•a .. b ..... ... ....,, .. · • WOtk. for med.ta director Ii A l ,._._.. -• -' • •-..,. ~ dldate must be upeblie buty profealollal. Mut Typtn Wlla very ~ a ,__ provided. No delaven., d tupervWna a crew ol have own tral\I & relt cathy Ferryman <7 lA > ~5000 eat 2CY1 HYLAND LABORATORIES 3300Hyland Ave Costa Mesa, ca mm M&mt True, penn. larw Sl75-S200 wk. Fuller Bn.llbSalet, 554·1151 . ,..1... te$t'20 ~"' ioodt 6 app&rti div. o( m~or retailer aeeka career bouDd per1on. Call Charle• Rina. 833-2'100. Dnn1I • Denni• PeraoD1ul Service of 1"1M. aaa M.icbelaon Dr. :t·ct.' .... -a~!" • .'4:~r 31159 •rbor 81, CM S.nk !l'J'!l'._req'd or col lectioa. Phone DBJVl!RY IOY .. 10 men for .... 1-t •-de· 170 .. .,..,.....,, Ulu ~ ... ,... -6'LS-1030 ~OPBATOI 536-VTU 4 Hrs Day, 5 da19 W'4!k . .,.. II k _...XI t• . perw ... ,_,.._ p{ul Roomforadvan '"N"vcRv..-77 .. _.,.ri_ ... ---------i $2 .SO br. Lloyd'• ta wor . o op-MOO&MAK• eement. Apply Nation11 ...... ,... ..... ~... IOYS AMD (iUU.S N 2038 N portunlty for the rigbt Houlelteeper. eaper. ror Eaper. In flber1la11. Sy11tems Corp , 4361 AUTO.SBYJCI Contact BobCreiahton Miaioo V El T B~CM . Ap;i,po1~ man. Good aalary Is coov. hosp. Day •bill LAMIMATOllS wood, prolotypea • Eqwal <>Poottunity Employer 8trch Sl N 8 . INnr o-.o••vma lrvineNaUoo&IBank lejo . oro benefits . Cal l Ma _Ca_ll_MZ-__ 24_t_o____ ..J...H .. --u 1---lthoda 0 C ..,. ' "'"-. -3700 E o E area. Eatn your own penoa. w ..,.__,_. .. ...,.,...11 _. -We1t.aaJI Corp, bu Im· in-lllVlll .... -Au'port_> ___ _. Permaiitntpo.IUondnv ......., . money aelbog 1ubecr1p· -=---------• r c~t· ., ..... , HOUSBCl!PB med. vacancl .. ror F"Nelaoca.162-D Ua.l\.J ---------4 lnll cWlt.nmC'nl "aa~1't ~• uooaaftencbool. Forln· Del...-yj'Mewtf.,., <lr'a.,..., .... men · Farr11ly of •· wtbaby moklers •touch-up peo-..:pm.'--·------- Afflli.ale in&Sffvl<"e Mgt .lnmlsc Ta.LB fonnatlon,cal1830-C>aU Permanentpart·OmeJob1-----------1 some Enstlah. Relaabl• pie w/at leut l yr ex·1·-------- Tu Sh~ln ta'U Ideal for retm~-P\dl time position avalla deUvmng early mornln1 n. Malnlenance /Han· free to travel tome. Liv• per!ence In boata. Appl7 Mill .. 1 h w-type wantln• lel1urely ble r-New Bra.n"h in MSIOY LA Time1 to homet lo drman, days, ror the In .• ..,.,. mo Newport to the Securlty Guard., •---"' "' ........ _~ l in /NB M l • '-"bor" "·"quet Club _.,., Strool• capable ol nr p.let'1o p ...... ant1urToun c;a.ui MeH. Expcnence ........, ...... -.. rv e areu. u1 ....... •JUI' · 875-481•. Z75 MeCormlck, Costa din)l.I. § Mlff'1' r acb of 5 preferrf'd lst Federal for banquet <S.pt. Mu.at dbe rbe1Uable&havedepeo· ~.~1711 _betkwfnT4 ·5prn , -------Maa. ~~or&::••ift.":W:: dll)'I .. weeJt. I.al.ala 1llOO s 1 r H 11 ood s--1r1.1. .. •ru.b&Engllsh. a e tran1port11tion . .__.....-__ .. _,a_s _or __ oo-'y'-.--t Housekeeper, It coolung.~~~~~~~~~I · • month Mllllt l\uvl' "ood av na• 0 0 yw ....-~ Sala----m 5*-0233 U eln formal re cou I-live.In nice almoapbere V'UtJ.OR ri\RT rnu-: ,. Contact Mr. Chumbley Only experienced need __ • ..__,..,.,., __ o_. ___ ._1VC110fc Feerald .~Ca. II ,.....,u ~. drl~ record & know 8•6·3355. Equal Opp. apply. App~ In persoa ~ ......... 11.. GOIMGUP? p.... trts-.._. 1-------- we ar!' now 11ppoinlln1> tbC' area See Service Emplyr fem to &plfi Mon tbtu .,..,..,,...~ '1 f ..... u-.. -"'--......._ u ~ d!sttlbutonJ for famou.' M It r , H O WA R D ,-----Vfi. ~rt« Inn Hotel. CHAllSIDI ~eel In a UD vanel)' ................. .,...., .. -.-. ve -l•-------- n.mc br.nd lum • Chevrolet. Dove 6 Quail BAR GIRL. Attractive ·-oo a .. •-.. ur Blud _10 spot. En)O)'teeutefuture l.n. EDI 1peakin4. C.llt We need on r1etie, n-... "'~"" • • Expel''d .,...., . Short work wt-ll"ious corp. Also dr he, car avail. Call breath mutts featur1ni: SU . Newport °"'acb Salary +. Coile&e OK Irvine. wk. Benef\U. Buay prac· F~ Jo~. Call Bonole _sur_-_MH..;_·------art I e u I ate Pe o P I • ~8~ 0 ff i 0 • • WR I GI. F. y ·s • TI (; --------C.M fMt-5544. Uce ltB 982-~31 W/dynamlc penonaliUea TACS You may ktap ---------·--------•!_ __ . --·---·--~ ::0 :r.Z'l~~~::i:.~ HouHkeeper ·llalelgh thJt we can tralD to in· OVe rload your prc1enl Job and AYON llAUTY OPtt Oencal Oeo1al cbalralde u1Ltt. Servi t 1 tn 2082 Hllll Hotplt.al. UOl E. tniduce our product lo It.art .P/hmc 6 upaod to No follow. nee. E•per f\lll Ume poslUoo opeo ce o rv e, ut.bSt. NBN-5'70'1 c&11toraen ln c.iu. a. 117'4061 (A't Umc later If you dt' pref'd. Call 64.S>lOCIO f'nl£1AL for expr penoo &o aui.t Michelson Dr. Artr.ooa. Work 6 hrs a ~ .._.. alre Oet ln on the around llMd A lnimeM 8 0 AT £ x P., b 0 a t atn deal.1st In Irvine. Some O > Girl Offlce-SS'16 per HOUla_,. day. perm. In our omce flooroflhla mulU-mllllon WM ...... Gn... carpenter, al10 nper OfRC( knowled1e ol upabded rno. Mu1t have aome Part ume. 8tUdenta OK. lndeeaarl o,r·l:n.dlAylrpoofc.rtalL~ :n~~=~1;.~a. 1$ lndUltl>' Wt furnish u,y_. duilelpttf'd.55Umbet leCManal nper. Tr1>8 14 hr. H Sundance ., -all retail outlets To = ........ 1 aeJcoat touc:b-up man t•a. min eo 7'm. Some 1b or Drive. NB. Pb&U·lm moephere. Crt4Uve op NOWl-URlNO ut .... b -Gd ro benetlU. Ap0ly ln r l l l n g w . ror men 6 wo1M11 to Sectt...._ qua Y you ""-ave IA"t A O lbow you bow penon to: Cryatallner M S I D A T A 1 Pee w · ,.... a\M, a few hours apart to build It nm your own Corp, 1428 Placeolla CORPORATION hu an DllttlAtshhat Zv~ from recep-HOUSEKEEPER. mom make u much money•• M91UOlln u~ and $4ClOO <'Hh In· , ol A c M Immediate openlnic for needed for t>uay aroup tloo to order taklna. lnga Nr. Elden • Wllaon you desire while reial11· se.t a .. ,.,......,. v4!Slment, )"or more in· =~;..c::1nJ:.~~ _v_•_. --·-----1 an lndJvldual whoenJoys aPfflalty ,r.ractlce. Gd CalJrornla T ·Sblrll, CM.~aft6PM Inc an xlnt base Ht.TY C.... ,,....... formation wr1te lo Ott 'l'o rind cxg l~t this BOAT t)'pinaandaenaral otflee oppoc}orrichtalrl.Only 94f.l717ukforEvan. lmmed. opening )n Ml•· ~r!'~A~~~m:~~ll~0· Wwi••el9~ lributor D1vl:11on, J'O dWJ ln amhs8 .,.,. MANUFAcruRER dudea. expsrdMedappl)'.Non·oaAV&YARO thlft. alonVt.JoCor1ecretary ,._._. Boa 5311. Ore!n, CA m21 portu~y (!.1~ M0-704l-;. NEEDS SANDERS• We dter· u~llmt co01 ssno1&er.cal1M4-«MIS. male, 40 6 ov•. F/llme, Good cferic.l aklll•, 11 ::.~::,:'~~J~~~t;c;; tm=~·i°" PLEASE I Ill CL UDE Zenith 1 we. MOLDERS paay bener1ta loclud· DENT Al. Exp • d , mutt have ref'a. Call bkkH. Salary Sl.21 ·1150 momlnp. For -nonat CALLTODAY I ~PHl~ON;::.E~N~U:;:M:.:B~E~R~---1~~~~~~~~~ ~icaUona now belnR ~· . Orilaodonlc .U.t. •ant41d. ~ wk: l\eaume required. interview contaCt: Mt. accepted. Applr •t Toopa'/torriJbtpenon GU, ..... ,.1 For appt. call Mr. Ray, RoNl83N098.Tlaui Wr••--------Aml>llloua persona wbo S.b)'alt.ter 7 yr, boy an Sec u r I t y 0 f t c •. W daya per )'ear vac:a· C.M 541.5170 · ~ 7~1J Ubnrt• ~.Equal Op-Offlce/Cu.1to1ner a.~•. want tll earn m«e but a(hJ El Camino Rul £RICSON YACHTS, ll3l Uon. Paid Ufe a. Medical ' ' Jl'UU • P/tlme. El Toro le --------E I PtnoQ. lllftl baNltla. cao only work part•Ume kbl. Irvine. 552·i088 Deere Av•1..Sa.ota Ana. lnauran ce. 11 Paid Dental Cbalr_,Sde .. al.It. ....,. 8dl area•. cu 6 --------par. m1101er Equal ()Dot. Em.,.,, 15'742\i. btt 3pm. (.NO PHOHr;CALLS> bollday1 per year Esper ~Uc nee. 4 phon• nee. Unlrorma IMSUIAHCl/kty Sa.vtck'9 )....a.n, tall .... ..._, 6 ....... IODY .... &U .. ......._ lbywk. rwn. Please phone tiw f1re6Cuu.alt)' At•nc)' Uq.tn ti.bysW. ....s.ct em MuDIOD few •fJPl. _,,,. tter •« Sa"""'a)'I, ~1-U you are lntcrelt«t In appt. Mr. Dever, ('11A) Penonal Llnel for 2 chlldren .,..11. 11 666-tmo ~rmaoently poulbly Wanted. Experienced. jojoJoi a proare.,lve D9ft'ALW SN-22"1'1. Robettaonlmuranet for45da,..f42.tll6 1---------aome eve work. ref. Full Ume. Good beneflta. carporalloa pleue con IOOllm• i.---------Coroaa Del Mar ----''-------KlmCE 54$-5115 aft I. A p p I '1 • t A I I e o Lad P~ o.pt. .25-35. t '1tf olc, Auta fTl.-"50 '· ....... A/PBOOKXflEPtR BARYSITTER. R••P .. Old1mobile/Cadlllac. Rec Led.pr ii milt ese. •-------11~ H _. HllJcwilwa Mutt ha•• trirt home loYtn« woman to bab)'ltt 2 •a a 2 C a m I o o M$I t.ail. eo-M12. J-4PM ot ...,. ur-•.J Now llltAlr¥lewtq •lo. ~Qttructton exper. tnf1nt twin 1lrla on .. no. Lac Nlcuel. m.o57I IHSUIAMCI Olllplrat.alyN-.ded CoHl PlH• l,oe. '°' ...._. tend raume ft elternat101 weekdaya. •at.QIOO DAT A Coata Mua aaency '1U·dllObOtwteoM f/tlm• Of Ou lltlJ. salary ,..quliemenu to Cal164U'JS3 Boollkffper/Accouot.ant COlllOlA1'0M DIMTAl.Auht• DMdl • ab1 w1auto ex-Plaittaoolyb9tnSO.. U.dtr Devek>P,nlcnt Co.. f;'j! tJ """ "···-· l!apr 'd Ortbodoatlc per. XJ.ol opp0rtunlt1. 6U xiln -• Wl Dove 8t N.8 t2J660 BABYSITl'ER my bomt, inct. 1""-~. c b a Ir a Id• a a 1 I at . ~ noon ptl'JOl-J · Nophonectl11plca1t klboa Penin I cltlld, 2 /wk. New AtlanUa l 40Ntd.rAH Bellt&end. WUUa1 t.o PAltT·tlmelPll.fl'tH• -;.;:;.;;;;;:;;;;;;~:;~rwlc.8'73.W7 1_&._a.11 _ _.n_•_._., __ a._aodo __ 1_pb_, Ceste Meu. Ce ~~:"'v •· NMOTO, IM~I livery or oft . •· u , tJH1 _.,._, OROUPK.EAtmi lllllUlaoArlllw'Bl~d 8'7J.'191,_.. To pla~ yoor messa.ie before the readlnt ~bll(, phone Dally l'llol Cl&ullied, 142-6471 BVSTTTER for~ year IMlk££ftl 1'714JS.t4Jl1 DIDUJPTcat()(Oeel.Alftl· a..A.IMIUAMIN!lR iuMlOO lrvloe Plrt•llmt ,.._--' • old boy Da)'Um•. need eooe a.ray. r•tM&tlH Sa11:r'~~;.st~Tt7 l~~Scl~uJ~Oppoco~~~S~m~ptor~~·r~l.-dlU...!""~!·•~--~~· !.!.,_ n~ptlonal per1on ror ~boaJ"dComputcn F.4ual~ exptrience preferred, ....---••·ClltlltlG\' thi•-llkin. 546-6351 ilOOO Ptt Month Employw 111/r .. u .. • ..-Emplo)'.nPayAllPees , ________ _,non·•._o .. tr. "'••.or .. ___ ,,.....__.. Ua RWlden Al•M1 ---------i.c.eat«==.r.:1...,_:::::!.fl:.:IO::... ___ ll ,_~,...,..-. 8ABY51Tl'f;R 8 )'r boy, aft KbJ/aoma en. Lov· U. u re Oftly. Bal Penla AfUPM. Nl)2827 4C»081.rcb&t, Ste UM mpanlori for elderly l*tlwMIMr, ofOtt. M.91 11' 1 •MJ<.~• Newport a.act. uuuo 1ec1r ntldt'-• WffkeM&. BNtol-Ba.ter, -c.llC c.u C.11 for Appttr.tab '81 C&J su IZ'TG. aft IP'ft, 546.alO "U"IWl!ll GAllAOI SALi adt ln aw.D6 fOf' Maid &erv fa PIXMl .... 0,, tbtOaU1Ptlotbttn1baP. Wuodr7 IUJp. APD!Y ln laptr 'I pr t l'•· Wiii PY n1utu. To ,aa.ca your po ra o n °"It : -n 60 tn1a. A&l abiftunll. M draw1n1 card, pbont Newport BJvd . Coat• .,., ca.o w,,. ..... 142-M78toda)' ... .. .. .JJ1L " OAll. 'f PtlOT * ~ I•• 1050 '-••• I OIO b ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• ......... •••••••••••••• ~Stile IOS 5 S-. 1051 •::vdtH/ ....,Wmitlld 7 100HelpW..tect 7IOOHlilpW..tecl 7100 .............................................. G•w:.. 9010 ~-._,. .............................................. ....................... ········•············•• PIOPLE P£RSON SECRETARY ~~ l9' Shock Wf.-1uard dory, ...................... . t:s• aeec11 p1ume .. RECEPTIONIST ""'°"..,. WHY RENT FURNnuRE? DECOR.A tOR•s ~ oan. rwi eov•r • Triumph ,,..,. C\ib. 9150 IOC.lawt..ll'wPPfy. Fill· HetA.~ForA Sl.200.842·2912 Neb work, wlll run. IJ capltaliied. 873-2223. -SICAIT.A.Y IUY ~ co ....... m IOOMS WAREHOUSE SALE WANTED: 14' Boat trlr &?:50/blt. 540-l8a An opm1n, now exlats ln l-' •-· a ... ir.. o•n-IUT ,_ ~YJ ..__ ..... Ot-derfilrt our manufacturlna In°"" mmmen: .. ,..." of.AU. MIW PUINl1Ull • vw1 • -few 14' aJumlnum ...,..t. Fqr 1mall bual.nesa. Ute radllty for a ful1,llmt1 dAlpt. Candidatft mual -·I .. tel --v ·--~7616 lm-12$Yamaha MX typlna le bllltpae. Non· Recti""1"~'·t poua1 IOOd typtn1.1h a. ,,_ --........ S2IJO • amoter.t55(1mo.&CIH550 _.... ... ' t.d~e a.kllll. Attrac· •Me--.dld ,.....,,__ 0~ M .. , ............ S-eltl IMM294at\fl'm. Phone Solicitors, P /T Our candidate will Uvualary•beoeflll. RH DB.IYaT ~Ac cttHrMt-Wldllr&t..._ IMh.tc•tn•r~ Make dinner •ppolnt· poueaa littclerical 11k1U11 Coatad Doria Mllc"-!I S. tt CUl11S ,_ Pw •la• .. ~ ......... ~~! v.:J:. J:,!:~nt~ lUO mmts from uur ollicit. and the ab&Uty to grc:M -"N-CtrDr NB & •-d"-•-HUllT FOR llST SB.ICTIOM y .......,.C RP.........,,Y _....,, No SELLING. Mon·Fri, and route vl1l\Or1 and ..., ..,_...,.. ' ••--A'-L11 A ...... , ... WPM. Need 5 rehable l\M!IU. PJlX dHlrable, 1 $M-S280 0,-~I ..... ) p.a Ncw6 RAtmodti ....,..._., people lmmed SZ.75 + bulnotmandalory. P'.qual()ppc.-Employer INIS.Hll't.wM.CM MMlll 1131t1t o tlwAn .. Me.,,.,.IMdl catlEv•. ~ S.jatllt f J,'O bonid. Prtf 18 4t over SICTRY ~ • (Hoag Hospital Area) ....._Power t040 ••-•-• .. •••••••.<;.. • ~5484 Petec offers Pt'rmantn\ Irvine Ad Acency need.a 54MZIO .. r••••-••••-••••••• 211'GMCMOl'ORJtOM• Pbobe w ork answer employment with''" out· froot dHll: pen;on. Good SJOPJACK M. open OMC Sp.se. Wntrrata. Prt phone your home. occaa st.andlna benefit packasc phone voice, fast ac· Mw ' 1'11 ,,...to Y• · 1045 ~ VHF, baltt.ank, trailer, pty&D-JIH, llOperday. ~ lncludJn1 company p11d curat.e typlD& essential. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• coven1. l9500. &13-062:9. M2.a7 Nwpl -.:,..-,.--'"---=,,..--:----t medical. dental. lon1< Some shorthand orspeed ........ 1001 Spayed. declawecU & or Geoo9t 59 IOU Mfscel••Dln 1010 , Pit Sales, ~110 wli up. term d.IBabully aod hfo writing helpful. Call •••--•••••••••••••••• old Slameae cats. Not ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 Larson. canopy, Mere GMC Late "73, xlot. eoad .. Men, ladles. students. insurance. 551-2390 !Holl AM. ttood •IY~ chldro. c.-NTMIW ~ elec start. Ult trlr, slpa .6. $18,900. UH P!u1/Sat. :154 ·185J. ' Wonderfmld 9112-1'908 &581 K4:1so. llunl. Reh. d.t 1 1 h x.tntcond.~.M&--0290 Pclana,NB.UJ.•11 8»-1M. P\ease apply to Secy ror mgmt company Sat/Sun Jan 22/23. 9 to 4 116 Y ruat l\Y oa P ua • with up. an general or-Of ~S! Fw•=• 1050 l.WofOoodia! :>uJ:11a:::s:,:cnli«:, ~b:;,ra~ ~i#.' ~~ 2S~i:,~~2!~ PCC fice&typin&.~·5300 HUGE wi:irehouae •••••••••••••••••••••••2nd Hander. 120 E. 23rd, · , ~ 5HP outbd'. Wlntet-rata.144-1315 Service Station Allen· crammed wilb over 600 St"UNNING Rwt Velvet CM Mon· Fri lO·S. 2Stmmons cribs, l pine. 1 ~ e q u 1 I> p e d Busllll..IESS dant. ex~r'd. Day" musle boxe1. nklielo· Sola&loveseat.~l wood Clothe•. ti~ens , maple.<JennyUDd>xlnt BRISTOL. so.ooo: urroTrav-Co211'with only " Eves. fUU & p/time. Ap-dean Pianos. clttus or· game set. mat~hing col· housewares. Dnve ln. cood. 5S 1al aquarium r734IIOf7 evs. 28,000 mUes aad BRAND Shel Sta 1ans. wall elodu, ft.e server & wall w\Jt. w/at.and.~21677 NEW ENOlNE. Peffect SYSTEMS ply, NIB tJon, l7tb & 1randfather t'locll:a, OAK King si Bedroom Sup e r Garage Sale. Banlc Repo. .&!'Mathews. thrOQlbol.ll with all &he ADiVlllOl'IOf Irvine. · fucinati.oaanUques. aet. Naug Sofa & lov· lumber, furn . etc. Hi~~-bedd so<1 a, dbl bed dbl ubin. Ideal live extras. lncludlnl ref .. PertecComputerCorp. SERVICESTATION Over$1,000.000Worth eeeal Den furniture, Qn 549-3612; 3264 Mlclugao s.,.mg. b 51 & ~ u aboard. $%2,928. Firm. ~.abower plwbaUt, R~~~R GROUP 17021 Von Karman ATTENDANT American 1ntemaliooal az bdrm set. Kg or Qn Ave. CM . mattress, metal desk. (714)SSl-2221 sleeps &ix. completely f SanUI All11, Calif. 92714 21 or older. Apply In Galleries; 1.802·T Ketter· mattreaa & box aprtnp, .....__ 8060 ~31216 aell-contaJned with lb We have an opening or person, Wed·Mon 1oam ine St .. Irvine. Tel. i1asa top dinette. lge de-~ For 1ale awlmmln• .......,. 25' V-h ull. p ar tially own a•ne11ator ._.rtced an ex Per 1 enc e d An Equal Opportunity to 4pm, 2983 Harbor, '154-1T17. Open Wed thru corator lamps'. High ••••••••••••••••••••••• · " ...,... finished. Malle ofr. Call way under market tor salesperson. Ouutand· Employer M /F C.M. ut Baker St. Sat. 9 AM to4 PK. Visit! back cut Velvet chair. For Sllle : 2 ponies & show ~~call in am. Phone 641MS7S4. that rue motor home In ~~t~:~c:~~~ll~put ---------.! SeruiA• Stati'on Allen· *mla.cn 1010 ALL IN BEAUTIFUL quarte~11':!; l""'l . ----Gt• 11111 37 tbi1 condition at only • ~"" ...-CONDmON.554-4760 ..,.. '""""' For Sale Samsonite 2 -SJ.0,500. Cell today. BUI CALLforlnterview dant, exper'd. Full or ••••••••••••••••••••••• '69 AFT Caban w /2 u .-u ...... ..-673-7601 RICEPT/TYPIST part·lime. Apply Arco REF1UGERATORS •I BUY•* Appy Gelding, perm re· ~r~u1uage tao. beads. 2 ahwra. 'f~ KW n&<VN....,_,. F/tame experienced. Station, 17th & Irvine, WASHERS-DRYERS * gis, 10 yrs old. Tack in· e 1688 geoerat«, twlD F1aptup RENT770VERLAND29' .,.ti•• O.C. Airport area. Call CM. Reconditioos·Repros Ii Good used ~rn.llure & cl 'd, ~p1rlled. $675. Oyna·Gym like new. Paid 225HP. sharp, clean, FULLY EQUIPPED. Gem9to3only.S56-07'70 ---------,i Fr&tDamage.Gu&r/l>t,I. Appllances--OR I wlll ~l $11(). wilJ sacririce szoo. great live-aboard. PP.554-u:n UALISTATE s:;::.c~1~:::.'°Anva~t~~!s 29~DrsUtn~:n!ep°:s· aetlorSELLforYou. Ha•illaWGoochl06S Call6'1~146l ~qucui~s~."~7~~.er TNT .. 9170 SB.l HOMES 1---------.. nr-A MASTas AUCTION ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... o;a ..,..,. .,.,, ..,_ RETAIL ~:~ds~~xrer~r~~ 1815NewportBl.CM '4MU6&113-9'2S MOVING, MUST SELL, w,::~·~=~~e~2o3o.w~:~: 'SKIPJ,\CK16$~.oo 14 ~Nu11et ll'lrlr, LEAIN ASSJ MANAGER handwriting. Apply CALL548-T180 SAVE! JAN. SALE. New wuber, dryer. clr 1"V. 846-6406. Lrtr.DIQO.C.11 fully ecd/Uke new. A/C, J c~rts b . motos 2590 Newpor t . & used furn appl's sewing mach, coffee \bl. 173·3415 awn.inJ.~. l_...._lnl ""'llS For r."""' wear c am Blvd. C-Ot!ila Mesa. Rerngerator 1975 Ad· rnLtsc Wilson'; Baraai~ game tbl chra, sofa & ALUMINUM Patio Cover, o----------•--~------ lllAUll ~ store. Opportunity for mirall.9cuft.Pald$400, Nook 2 Stores-545&814 chr.67~164 evea. U'x.:M', dnt C'ODd. $71, 14' Outboard , 4 place, GoldenFalcon"742S',SC, OpeoingsexistinOrange advancement. Salary Sh.ip'g, Recv'g clerk. Ex· 1195/firm.642·2Sl9 W 00 CM 642.~ & Yooremove.~ 315HJ>Evinrude,compw/ air,btfl wd panel.lllb• ..S Newport Beach ror eommensurate w /ex per. per, full time. Call Jim 5'18-3:262' · · C'Orltroll. gu tallk, •k•, a:mc1 U90Q.142-J.m. Exp er 1 enc e d Appl y io pers o n ; Davis S46-0606 insertlruleline Jl•••t 1071 t set t;A left ha..-c1 &<>if trlr,14Z$orolr.911-l10fl--------- S&l .. persons Interested P ET RI ES. l 4 7 ' •PHILCO REfal<i Matching Naugahyde ••••••••••••••••••••••• clba & ba1. dat eo94. aft6Pll raUer. tandem aale, m investments. We sell Westm inster Mal I, Speed printer needs ~.;,<;&ST1164.S-SELL78S'T Win& back sofa. chair & WANTED M0.~4 •--£/ comp. acid. 10' to.I. l ' _.. list S3 to $5 million Westminster. counter girl, eitp. pref. •v • ,.. d -wtde. crpt.d. M5-M'I _, ~~~~~~~~~l._!Lq~~~Hil~'~la~83IHl880~~~-1 ottoman ...... e new. sa . Ve!vet sol• haAd carftd Cle... t010o----"-------dol.l&n per month Sales1. una · · ~9._!?'1~eOTHEI; ..... R die color, $500/ofr. TOP CASH DOLLAR enda . Star Sewl•I •••••••••••• .. ••••--........... UMlfr tllO q .. dr upled last year. S ..... LIO ... T ,..._,., '"' ..... 549-Zl.32 PAID FOR YOUR mach•"e 648-?sei •••••••• .. •••••••••-.. J>r.Ugiou.s offices. 60 t~ ,,_. ~ JEWELR,Y. WATCHES, "' · · DON'T IUY ~ to 100 % commission SBYICE MAMAGIEll STAT TYPISTS Wa•ber & Dryer 1150 Mel.,.,._ & ART O~. GOLD, Skis. Fisher supergls 300 A IOAT .pbt, video and personal for Boat Manufacturer. UU.. .Accesa. WhM. 59 SILVER SERVICE. CM w /bindings SJO. Toni tralnlnc. Call Donald Exprd In flberglasa boat ~=~:ee~ SC.Min Decorator in trouble, FINE FURN & AN· Sailer Fbrgls 18.5 CM JOIN Berman, President, construction & equip· Kenmore waaber & gas muat aeU everything In TIQU~.645-2200. w/blndlngsS2S.Skiboob Allnew,excl\lll"Cl.UB Quail Place r~perties, :h'enpt~:llb~~i~~:~p~~yh ~er. rum areal, ~ IJ10ck. Uv rm, din rm , Muat sell Indian Coral & poles. Arrow xlra bvy IONA. Callf·Hawall. J~. (714)752·._v. firm.tl'f3..:M40alUPM bdrm, wall deeor aplen· b ra cel"l • Items duty noor & cpl sham· Cl ubbouae. Par t1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .:.;.:..;..:....._..:.......:..... ___ _.benefits. apply at Jensen "' · • • S3S misc sml tbls --•• ld ft.eal Eiltate salesperson, Marine. 200-A, Kalmus, Non working appUaocea ty. Cpt remnants. All deaperate PP. vaJll&ble, pooer • · Crulsea e m ..... o •Carter full time. Contact Shield CM Equal Opp. Emplr wanted. Also REPAIRS q ual. mdse! Priced Offer.988-7S97 _S4G-07 __ 62_.______ NO RENTAL FEES "arb for 383 Plymouth Real F.state. 494-8093 &SALES 5848 1upsr lo! HWTY tor be3t . Sid boots. sz 8 & 6. Lge FREE SalUng lessons. 'Road runner. 962·9985 Real F.Atate Salesperson SALESCllEllK 111662 Mac.Arthur Blvd 648-.electklo. Cnt-Jo-Son Int. 30 kl Kunzite nng, un· cual sola spinet organ Umited number charter Steve tired of eves & wknds? f\iUor P/Time No eves Suite100 Irvine Moved . Mu al sell 54Q..5871, 3029 S. Harbor U.'luaJcullnt8ctsettlng. $300: 640-S296; 586·twl00 IJ)emberahlpaavailable. 1--rand--()penln---g-:_E_v_an-.- 3 We need men & women or Sundays. Apply 1n F.Qual'OpporEmployer Frigidaire wabr, dryer, 81 .. S.A. SZ000.646-8922 askforAnn. CALLNOW t7l4>498-6681 Automotive Painting With R. E. exp <or related person. btwn 9·11 am on· !~~~~~~~~~I SJ.00. The Blufrs. 644-lSOt Sert a Orthopedic twin U...tock 1075 ..:::::.:.:::::....::=:__---. -l::--::--W::-;;;----::90:::-::6-:;0~1 H.B. FrH f:at. 894-7078 held) \0 do PR work for ly. No phone calls. Cost.a "'---"--~ waa .. --. bed, :itlnt cond. $3S ••••••••••••••••••••••• New Sta.ndlil'd car MobUe & M St.a•·oners 270 E ~'" n.auu....... .....,. · Telephone, VHF. Solid au Good income esa u · • Sl'B40CillAPHB great condition. SlOO. 493-7578 Reg.Morganmare,brolte State. saso. Cost Sl200. 16,trlr.newtransl& forSaM won'g cond to the right,_l7_lh_.C_M ______ -t CLER11 II C.118'2-2194. ..__.c f .. artinvllle to ride & drive, blk Ph~2775 more. $1,425. 646-8255 or ••••••••••••••••••••••• parties." 759·0059 or SA.LlSClBIC " tu•.1<."I• an ° ,.. parade Morgan geldlng, ---------• 5817505 9510 $48-4922 1973 OE 22' S by S, auto ·triple ~r. mirror & Ena, Western (714) MhcellCllMOa . · --,,..-------!Wanted lo learn sta· The County of Orange lcemaker . DO fr ost, twolargerugbtslandsi.n aiou w-.A..... R l CSON 29', F •ll ·I······················ Raal F.atale ti one ry bus l n es s . lif'ed A d G •aso walnut, SSOO. Corner _...... crse/race, ... 1,000 olr. 1-l ton "12 Chevy P /U. Nu OfFfCEMh ~NA0GER Plea.santwork.rull time. ~~g~a;~~lr qluoar t1he ~~ 0 rn. • · group with yellow 1Cell .. w 8080 ... 5•5 •• 5 •• c··~·5••H••F0••••1••• 6'1S.1B30ev&4;11:nds brks & tires, ma& whl&. for branc in range Beach Stationers Cowl p b 1 ~ t formlca table, yellow & ••••••••••••••••••••• •• A w /9' cm pr . Gd co11d . Qlunty. Real Eetate lie 4020Campua Dr. NB Dull: irlc~!l ::lensf've lkydH 1020 blue floral covers & lbree w· ......... ED Good used fum/refrigs 973 Catalina 27. well beaut . cstm lnL l2800 for req. Clerical. ad· dictation & typing. This ••••••••••••••••••••••• bolste rs. SlOO. Two Anl fnrs&stovea546-0768 equipped for raclna • bodl.S4111H076aft8 • ai11i1tratlve, manage. SaJ•iad)'·women's wear. · · 11 •NEW USED BIKES• lingerie chest S20 each. TOP CASH DOLLAR cruising, PP. 988-llN .. nt responsibilities. lllusl be txper'd & position is an on.ca . Call979-8123or~7-5153. PAID FOR YOUR Used sofa bd, brown, or / Wntten repbes only: to mature Approx. 2S hrs averaging approxunale-~S:"a::=t':: JEWELRY WATCH~ tan, g cond. reasonable. 16' Hobie Cat. full race, eaisalCa tl20 crane Realty & Manage. wk.Call963-7501 ly 30 hrs. per week. Call Sltateboarda. Anllque Oak BuUet, ART OBJECTS. GOLD: 893-$420. w/U'alle~ SJ.500. or best ••••-••••••••••••••••• ment Co .. 11611 San Vin-('114 > 834 ·11184 i m · Cycle&rCo, 2'88 Newport custom Spanish stereo SILVER s ER VICE. olfer. 20 Tornado, best 1958 MG M agnette . cente Blvd, Suite 560, SALIS/ mediately ror a test ap-Blvd.C.M.8'2-'19l0 cab & Cedar cheat. FINE FURN. & AN·~~~~ ~~~b i~ag:':1. dfa-.673-5876 Unrestored, runs great! L.A.~ MAHAGIEMEHT poi.nCtmeoOUMTYt. OF M).81)8l TIQUES.845-2200 Reasonable. 831·2128 Finnno.57·~ 3td owner. Ci()(). MS-fl06 tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ We 're loolun11 for J s harp Reblt/guam renta.l.s, re· Dbl Bed Set w/frame, anytime. wit.bout trlr lllOO with. ,_or_64&-85 __ 1'_& ____ _ RealFAtateSaJes people Interested an a ORANGE pairs,res~aUons. Elec· $100. Lge walnut Desk, LU&GAGETAGS 96UT72aft6pm. 'SST·Bird SSOOOorig ml 1000/oCOMM. f/time, perm. position In rstSOMHaDEPT. trostat1c painting. $30. Small Desk. 120. fromyourbusinffscard WAMTTOIUY prthls serto'us tnq onJy' men's l'lothmg sales & 625N. RouSt New I used w h Is • 962·01..59 Send one card for tach ORIENTAL IUGS. ·Cat 15', 3 mo old. Wh S4M22s . Joan our new ~ls~~Hice, management Pnor ex Santa Ana, Ca 9"l70l parts/access. Trades. tag plus ooe spare. We NEED-USED Persian h u l I , cs t m s a 11 s, u----·------ jw;\ opening~ ISSl~n per nece"s Sal&romm AnAilirmallve OCEANFRONT 8'Couchw/matcbinglov-r eturn permaoeDtlY "Chinese Ruas•& tramp /striping. Mr. '5S T-Blrd boll on con· VieJo.Wepreerexprd &prof1t sbareplan <.:all E BICYCLES eseat,2eodtbls,8'coo· sealed attractive tag& T tt 1 PVt Schubert. 830·136l, linen ta l k it. S450. saleamen & brokers. Jo'or for 1nterv1 ew bet wn Acl.ioo mployer Balboa, 8'1~10 vertlble couch, 963·2268 strap, meeting airline P~~:S ~~~. ~~14 · D)-8450 .. 5411-42.28. =~a~'k'~b.!!!:i~· con-IOam 6pm, Mon lhru Sat. Boys 10-~peed bllte, 216 ID· Burlingtoo House ktng1 ie I.D. requirements. Pre· '7).H' Hobie Cat ~ I HcM:9 llty THE LOOK 644 6500 ~pplement your lncome. ch. Excellent condJUon, bdrm set. Paid $2200. Sell vent IOS3 & theft! For a Rec e o l st t of En· Pvt Pt ~ "!"' -=-• 95 8-ttw 1 Sales Exee. nds part .~me As· $40. S81-!iM2. $800. flrm. Approx 100 penonallUld t.ag enclose cyclopedia Briltan1ca. wttrlr.18$(). ff B Y· ••~••••••••••••••~~ 516"2 340 REPRESENTATIVE so Sal.open645 1Ul2 .. . ,.,.,_ Ume Gm shag C?pl wallpaper, fabric or Call751~ 536-2'739 · · Experienced 1n bwldtng Tff(ber Pre School Ex· 27 ten speed ~1ke, In ex· ii). Oak eod tbla, S95: "Day Glo" paper & we Mlllkal · Eodeavor Sloop. like For sale: Dune Buggy, .,.......,,oa.tllt. P/llme. 20 d.i5tnbutJon ot book!! & ...,... ooly. Full tune. Split ce114le84nt7 ~1d1tlon. C..11 CdM,6'7S.l7S4 will back & trim your ~ llh 1013 new. Sips 4. full keel, 5 New Pouche en& & 'h;.p;'r wll WiJI pay min rna~aunes. Ground noor rtiin ID Hunt. Bch Over (7 ) ......, • tags. Or try lwo cards ..... :.;;; ............. sails, dbl lifeUne., all ac· gauges. 1 of a klnd. $3SOO. waae. No typ111g oe(' opportunity with :iuthor 35. Call 536-3588 all 12 Cah 103S Twin bed & mattress, back to ~a:rcF..5: Conn Mln·O·Matk elec. cessortea. sszso. or best ,_75_1_·254 ______ _ Call 548-5839 or world fame Coota<'t ••••••••••••••••••••••• almost new. drawer S2eaor 3/$S organ. excellent condi· dler. S48-0742 or W.'1818 4 Wlteef on... t550 -----·----.. Mr Wngbt, 645 IM9' TECHNICIAN Himalayan kittens, CFA, ~l:da&~·b I $9:i~~· ~~~a 4/5tags Sl Mea Uoa, tllOQ, P.P. $32-UMI or83J.~1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sa.Jes Tme Pa""r Pre>d. M&F, Blue & Seal, l250 "-Tl· ........ 23... · 6/9taga $l:soea: ,.,.. __ • It & Sllpa/ '18 Ford P'250 ~ t.oa, •er· RECDVING SI0.100 +Co Cw Ceramics or Science up.S52·1Sll ._,. .... ; ....,... ... lOormoreSl.40,a. ~,..... Docb t071 ranly. Mustaell! .. rofe••aonal "tt•tude bac.kground mandatory ft...-10 .. 0 FOR SALE. ROUND SaJesTax lnChJded ErflipMtllf IOll ••••••••••••••••-••••• ~aft.~ .-.... .. ' Basic understa.nd1nl( ol ~ .. ••••••••••••••• •••••• •• INSPECTION M>Uahl by Rmwlni.t corp. electroruc:s mandatory. 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• BED, USED. MO. NO CARD? OlivetU·Undrwd elec add Private dO<'k for rHt, '64 Wagoneer. 4+4. R1lDll S m a I I e I ,. c t r o for mtry mktnJ: pc~ilton Yrs exper rrec Xlnt 00 G OBEDIENCE 846-526.5 Draw your own or send mach. Sldm Wied at hm Dover Shores, NB. Up to gd. Gd tires. $1100/bat mHhtnlcal s witc h Call RlllMa('eY.833•2700 bencl1ts. aalary com CLASStoslart Wed. Jan ltallao coctt._11 table name, address, phone & cmplts~ 180 642·9646 ' ss ·. max hat . 11'. ofr.642·2S20 Oeruu.1' It ~nnlll Penu>n l I b .. 30 N pl/I In 30 .. ....,,. .. ad __ ... d .. ~ood we'll make one card per . . Prevailing rate. sn.azm1---------manul acturt'r haa lm nelServ1ceoflrvlne.2082 mensura c: w a c .. 19, 7. pm. w rv e ......, • "'VIN ... tag.Add2S<eacb. Pets 8087 (714J ; (213H'2A"'"81 '74 Jeep. ~ ton. shell. r'nf'd nprrnns• In rtceiv. ltfOUlld Mission Vie10 In area. 546-4928 Pb 837·34$3 $3$. Send cbecll: or money or· ••••••••••••••••••••••• mags, odter inras, 30M in1" ~uk>n lMi>tt· MlcMIJoc\Dr ifostnal area Call Carol . der\O: P II I d loah..~& mi,$4850.67S.2521 uon r('(fUlnn11 pmflcJent Si8J.3830forappt SCCYM'JSH Temtr AKC, 2Pc.Coucb,biue. PILOTPllMTIHG arrot, we lra ne ' Sid 9010•--------- uae CJI ~I.Ilion meUW'· SECRETARIES Temus lnsln.K'tnr, must ~/~~e, 1bow quell· Gooc1 ~ seo. P.O. Box 1580 ~a~e~!~ ~~.~t~ ....................... '51 Wlllys Wgn, vs. 312 me lnstn.rnw'nl.$. Work· $100 SZOOOO be exper'd W/f!roup Costa Meaa,Ca.92ali a.a:f0rBrud ' 16' FO Trl ·Hull. 85 Cad. •apd, O.D. S875 In I kn o w I<' d ii e of Mr> • yr leuons. Av1t1I 9 12 Mon & 2 Adorable puppies .,... 1 Hlde·a ·bed sola, 185. l · Chrysler 08, XJnt cond. 1 _54U67 __ 3 _____ _ dAlNNloCl&I tolera.nclna Many Co's Need Wed 8.1 Sat. S3 per hr w e Im a ran er, ~ 1lngle bed, AS. ~Beer draft«, bo6da ~Keg nmos 10.30% OFF AT Great. for fiah'g & 11kl'1. ~ t560 fll ·~ ¥14 5 teq'd ltl VOUT~DAY • F' Vao. 752.7355. Doberman, 8 wkl old. atl6PM cl beer, new rood. $200. PARKER 'S PETS. $2300. 644-0578 ••••••••••••••••••••••• pr« la ton Inspection It Y.mployeni ay All eu ---$10. «-3370 673-5276. Call at'l l lAllll. Newport Beach. a c rl ti,. e, • 5 8 1 n l • 1 claalrablr In r<.-ct'ivlng ln Uz Rc:lnd~r.\ Agency UTOT!M Wanted: Formal dinin1,1 Good Ull l /24/77 ' llP9di0ll 4020Rir<'hSt.Stel04 R_..AILCI ER"'S German Shorthair, reg rm rurnlture In good CUSTOM · Tta ea.t-"-Crewcab~\OnP/\J. f>vt STACOSWl'TCH IMC N"'PC>rt Beach 833·8190 Want";d. Oppo' Mu~tles AKCfemale, all aho\8, gd cond. Im med. cub. EM S "'-os & ()rps 8090 •••••'••••••••••••••••• Pt1. l ·-....... r "-u M-a Call for Ap,.,. /Eiltab '85 ba .......... ov1 $70 536-7625 ._,. ""-WOY WOOD ••••••••••••••••••••••• C•• ll'lo Sale/ 9500. M5-820S _...,.,, """' -.. 0 ... ror advancement avail. _ • .,,.126'....,.... • ,......_ 91201---------IR""f J041 ~ •-,._ .. ... 50%T080%0P'F Beby •rand piano Awn a.iut , •.. 1 11 ..... · l•--------•I vvo:nings u• """ta .. esa, -Yellow fr Gr«n Sofa, Ov ino4 It uerna ., hrdli ~ Sa ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 .... v. 'Very ow m et. f..qual()ppor'Employer SICafrAllY Anabeun. Garden Grove Lab·Sbepberd, needs loobnew,$75. ~M.CN'°f.eJ:da ~':~mi · c Sle.per for Mlnl lrucll:, xlnt cond. ~u•l tell. Atvad.fve, over lB. for l:IEALnt SPA. We will traJn rl,ht penon for ...,. tun Job. Mr Oee. CMl.ln) 752,9541. Hunt. Bch llr-.nch &Westminster. pxt home. Free to lov-Call173-S3ZZ ~ 833-9'Tro 1295 81-GtO&ft.. 4.00. •P'all·Thne 64~7702 lnafatnily.&4&-1LS4. Spinet Ptano-Oould, good ~aft 8 PM. "13 Dodp i$ t4ft PU. V8, •OoodTyptat VETERJNARVRECEPT z Ped.lit~ Lbua Apso 2S::~~.~.'r.'.~ GARACEOOOR,uaed. cond. ~25. Call •tler 3l8en1111crlncea.cofr •SbarO\and ,. t .. d _...-__. malel female, .....ice oe-.. ..,. •a. NOW Goodcondltioo Spm.962-8995. "13, llt,\' Dreamer C.l'D· ovrili».~31'70 •Bank e&p pref 'd 1 ime. some w .. n 11. ...... ..-.-1 ..,. ........,.. ~7-4841 IO 4 pr,fullyaelfconl'd,H1du-----r----- Peraon a I I n ter v w1 Md ~ave min of 11 mos 5 mo. S200 ea. W 11 S350u. Pha'Ta.2S49 SpcwtMig Gooch 9 jacu. FAU, W /btr, w/'fl '12 Ford p/u, \11 ton. auto. Tllun. Jan 20 lOam 'lil exper in veuirinary hosp. aeperai.. M0-41.30 HIDloA-ISS + Eiartb Worm sale for ••••••••••••••••••••••• OMC l Ton 4M, nra~aa tape, nds mlno1' repair lpcn ' CUBrlato371 V3eSterBlrinarr. For Sale, AKC Oolderi ~.1 .... 1-ep·'llo..,f'tom garden. Let the worm Kneissl 18SsklswlthS.M5 lnka.AC,P /S,P/lt, \&al $2,100.~ . OOLOIHSTATI nlc. 1 · t1lo · R " s d ,..., -""" • .. help you cutuvate. 1000 bindings , S90 batt. Castelli! tape dk,o----------- 1 .o.uw s.ntaAlla,979-acwto etrlever amoye mo,regufromSJ..50,all M. 3000 SlO. Also worm 631 Ol8Snn.erS i4,000ml,llkenew.•.200 '72 Oat!lun.. XJnt cond. a..c..f, to S1SO ~ milt puppies. Xlnt famUy wood 1ame sits $385, cof· cHllngs. e ·s WORM or bet ~ AM/FM stereo. Sl~O. Perltct *'Ol for en tlOOWamerAve.HB Waitress Food1CocktalL'I. dog,5wll:".S30.493-6414 lee tables, lamps, Cline FARM. 17362 Oolhard, HeadSld.s w/Marker Bin· Bet.8&5,545-8664 Lh_.lQUcpenonseekin1 Equal Opp Employer Apply all4pm,Sld's Blue -cbn, Wlng back chrs. H.B 847·5141. dinp, sso. Kaallnger Sk) Moforiudllbs 9140 - pretll•loua corp. Call m /f Beet.1072tatPl,N.B FrfttoYm 1041 ''The Uttle Store lbat · Boota.sz6,$2S.tr75·9067 ·-··•••••••••••••••••• '82 FordPlckupll\Ton,1f W.Ue Parks, 833-2700 ---------W"'.,,.RS'"'"'S ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uraderttlls all the atores Deak, quality knee bole N hi d JAWA MOf'ID SHO bed w1campc:r shell Nd!! DIMla•DeftnhPerson ,,_.,llUIO""" that won 't be un · file drwr, beautiful Newnberilu11 ort on • trarr11 . work ssoo. oeis.nk:eofl"ine,2QC SICDTAatlS &Dusboy11 Free Mlnl Schnauaer dtt9old." birch, aos. W/Chalr $20 skJ.S,180cm,S3S 64()-0019 ~3823 IOdlielloaDr. FU\ ar'()Wlq co. hu 1 E.itper'd Only A.fply In =~d ~29~bedlent, a.ctt ... tiricet! sliding glasa door aet, 646-8922 Mait!:zr::s· / :-Ots--P-U ___ m __ .--------at ope11ln1• for UPf'r'd person. New orker · nu:ruRNlTURE new $80 + wardrobe Dlvin~ulp, Scuba Pro, ti SO 8'1ln"'ooda ~-.... !J!a per. eecretarlAll. Worll lnJov· RMtaurant. 428 E. 11th ECTI doon 6'15-l.M9 --.. '-VIQ ----.-sT ..JM of ood "'• ,._ M CONN ON . ldnt S700 or best of. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 754-1830 _ _. """'"' _, n.w cs. l co. "'· .......,t,a esa. -1 K""'l U It L HO ~ tw Hllboat co. If you benelltl. l Poaltlon req'11 • "w ""• 0 • ff OSPITAL BED, •er 8'4·22'71 For Sale ''15 Yamaha _...._ ______ _ bave\bublllty\Obandle th llO+wpm other JICMll· Waitreaa, 2 yrs exper Fri/&t/&JnlOto5. manually operated TY 1911o. DT2SO. Streel·Dlrl. '72Courlertsbell. vtry gd a bu1J awllchbQ&rd, can Uon req•a 0 dtctaphone mlnimum.Cocktalla. Ap· .... A poker tbl $350. tx.13 w/alde rails, xlnt cond 1::..,,, .,...___ 1091 Xt ras, sharp. U15. condw.$1350. Mer llpm. do U•-•~pl h ......... =· If ~ou have Pl¥ In penion. 1.eBlarritz1 """'f ..,"' ••-........ ,.. ""• ~ ...... _,., 830-·-t • ..., n1. ave a .,..... N N 81 a Oval braldtd r\13 -· ........ 0 •.,_,.., ••••••••••••••••••••••• -··-~.;........;;.;....;._· ------.,_., .. troot ofc ap-fO(ld ng611 &a.Na 414 o. Htport v hJO Penlan rue SU. Ill 8oot1 l Nord l ea 19" Cir T.V. tbl mdl. dnt '65 Honda ~. 5000 o:il '72 Ford Courter. •harp ~~v~~~; :':1.:r:~:fr0~!'; :~~s::oonpcr o~ly. Call7S1-e503 Met~ra. Never used. ~nuld_...f~~· ... J29u~:ver· mi. &d mtrTS1$0. ALSOStr =~opmr but. 1'15-7043 CIODUd •are ex\.remel1 S71tem• Corp •• 43411 P!Tlmt catbler Olan· .. .,. S. 1015 Excellent condition. Siu ... -. _, . .,. pm "1• Honda rail 70. ---=--·----- lllllDCtu.al c&IJ .\q.D Smith. Blttb St, N.B. <Near carlo'a Two Cuya From ••••••••••••••••••••••• tOmed. 1175· 494·2417 aft. Tan db er 1 3 o o o X lW1• 190 ml, like nu MobUe Romo Towr. Jo'ord Nt4'rll. 0 Airport) ltaly Rest.aurant. 10065 Oarap Sale: I an. lbt ft s. crourleld reel-to· reel · Mustaell. 548-30ll tilt ~ab . 1972. <213 I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~in~Aa~Yt--1 G~Ld Ave, Ftn Vly 22nd. 1tcl51 Shasta. nn. an.man compressor, Tape Deck, xlnt cond. is K.Awua.kl 400 tripla. •tJt8orevs.•i.o3S4 ~/fYPIST ~ dl~ or NYSP. co. ..-. tront olc rettpt. Oood typin, akilla. Type 55+ wpm, BM Norclco lruacrlben. Apply 1n pettlCll\, 2nd noor, CPI B.udlJ\11• ltO Newport ar Dr., Newport Beach l(,J' .. m•U.......,. NaUonal rompaQJ', 1 &lrl •3311 VaJley~ntlques, blktt, boaefi•f:ayirun SSS. C.11 GOO firm 645·14t8 Runteitcelleot. llOO ,_ 9570 olflu, requires Ulf AREHOUSE MAIL maiw la. a1ttt5P -~9 RCA color tv. 19", l!ood 83l.Q.1Maft~I •••••••••• .. •••••-•••• atarter. reliable, .-11 or· CLERK~ Women·• AP· MOvtNO SALE· Jan 22, Barber'• chair, elect. condition console 1125. "1S IYI' ~8 Yamaha In· '72 'J'ra,elall, AtC. rad.lo, 1anbed, typln1 •SH p aret J>l•lrlbutor . Zl. book&.~. aola atove,1kJ•hlkln1boot5. CallllS:z.t.m dW'O.~i.OOOml,xlntc:ond. t owloa equippe d . ::.~~lb•o.no•t:~~:!ut~~ V/Umc m -seos OlllJ-.ewr,......,.... ~=~ .:~~"~:~: ~aft6:30pm e;,,d nc.-w ~ldland CB ~.l\J\S,~-0181 QIOO/ofr. •atd, aft 8 Hcretary t o Salo omeri. 2$ & older to ,........,..,.."',..._. O•••ooct North Apta.Movtq, GEStcreoC-Orrs. R.idio , Model No . KAW. 74, 100, 0 ·4, TRD, pm. _, illhHJer, permanent wt ror Houaecleanlnl H 'MY _ _,_, 1171 ~Pl. Apt Ct>iil 1795, S.ic SH15 13-3338 Pd $149.99. ask· 10 1pd, dlrt .. lr'Mt. U.S0 Dodge Step Va.n. kitchen.. poll&Jo(l. C.U l<W appt. !:-'.t...'!OP $, Id hra. Cl!ldEE H·20'7, Off ln ., NB U1>hol1 c balr4. etc In• S95 or beat offer mi, Pvt pty. '44-1718 ''"plng, many lllra.a t714)-.zs44 v•Hr>llN N>aG 8«M3111 ~ OlM ms. fl150.M4-74et ) I • .. Wedneaday. January 19, 1m _ Autoa. h1tporhd I Aaltot. lmporhd Autot. lmporW w.dnMd1y. January 19. 1977 DAil Y l'\LOT n V-'570 .......-;.-_,orted Wot. a.,_w ;:;;;~·;: .... ;;•;;, T;;.;t;u•o .... ••;;·~S ~:;: ............. ,;jj AllfM. Uae4 !A.tot. UMd ~ U"4 -J , ............................................................................................ ···••••••4'9•••········· ............................................................................................ . :11,fbrd Va& eo,000 mt. 3 IMW '712 Rot 't721 ._ Mercedu Beoa 2308. •a Toyota Cotan.i, iood C .. ac tt I C d....... ttJO tfl2 I y lpl.C"pl'I · a.es. ••••••••~•••••••~n••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• PS, PB, AM /FM, all runoln& cood, S800 17 •••••••••••••••••••••• ..................... _ •••-•••••••••• .. ...-• 8"-JJ.ZI ·71 8$0 SPI DER. Pere leather int. Like n•w ~I013eva. _ 1m Cad EldoCpe 1mma lt11 LJNCOLM 'SS 111"'1U.1 DI YI. al<J, ,.l)odpCmprVan.Sdt t'ond nu ''!11 & clutcb SMOO. m4>'1"12·27t7 ,,...... t7'7 VOLVO hall power. Landau to TOWHCOUPI PS. AC. lartty 1111;.c. • C!Glll, Du enc. maa;a, '1600 83C> ~. 491 i594 "TS ~L.. Lo ml, Maple on••• .. ••••••• .. •••••• io.cMd St~ M'1·391!3 Full powor 1ncludln1 ::;-..... Sbatp! ' 1real $1660 or bat '73F'1al XJnt t·ond.Grut clr.$16.~ lt7'T ....... TR-7 HERE MOW vin1l top, tilt wheel, ECONOMICAL Ford 77 BMWS ~lafl6 pm. 7ZMIZ300S i.t rlpln i:. 0 13UU > tape. air cond. Look• "15 -., ,. J ... d 1 d B. 3.5 Rlldu«d th111 week to •=COLORS ioodl (Ol'fREC> ... .,. ....... ._.. • •1oat.HwtRrbr. gas m1 le1111e, 3J..35 mpa. Call837 7600 Roya l bl ue w /whlt~ • (!?)B mUe ... ,,..,AM /FM .--. 6.vcy5..,.,c m . '71Flatl.24TC Xlnt con Xlnl cond, 1'11 ~r . Ai..ILYS4t95 " ...._416 qlW, panel, etc. New :111 uoo m 1 roid la ls . AM/FM Cassette stereo. '-'" * MODB.S .,., • LM4ed t•OL!>S W.. lo ml. ~-Ph HER£ NOW $:?075 b•t ulr Pvt pty. met blue, velvet UP · !luge aavinl(s on a u tt • s.dao. W•U a&ln· . eo.mi tiJ.\-Ol!n t•\\ wknd_s_. --bolslerey, rare t'le•anl lllJinin1 IH'W 760. & tah~•d . n so. D•J• " "' ~ •• Vet61$.1* ,. Olevy Vaa. AN/Flit. ,.,.. ·c r ptn'a , aold. ...... Ma.ke orr. Afl 7:i t<'iat I:!~ Svyder Con· car. must see. (566PQV> Oemosln1t1X'k Nabers IMW RESALES 1 ert 2s.ooo 1111, stereo, Pvt. pty. S'1500. 9'3·9129 MAICi)UIS VOLVO 'JO Ob.TA 88, .,.._. '70 2ROOC S 1 :. p . mJt:,:., ltk1: n1:w. $21195 250-MB Sein '72. Drk bm Mts.gON VIEJO Cadillac• U.000 mi ... N ... ~ ~~~i 1~RKK> 8.lJ.1709 _ _ it1nt c:ood, nte nu. sr.ooci IJl·HIO 4tS.1210 eon• ttU t.S:!0!fr.~~·r_~ ::; '73 3 ocs 4 :.p . '7JFJAT 128SLC '"'· ~-034SLW. Pvt. Volbwogew 9770 ORAMGICOUMTY Quality.and Price •••••••••••••-•••••••• Jfltt'I, m.-n1 s... ... DMm. ~W-*4 9590 ........................ CASHFO•CAIS! "1:oP S Dollar I paid ror dean II.Md ears. trucks & Cortettea. Ask .ror PauJ O'Neill. C!l67KLM > J«-bll. ens: .. only 10.000 J>'.Y,Pburly.544-74119. ···~··••••••••••••••••• VOLVO Guill'anteed '6 6 Corvette 421.,_tomt _ __, _____ _ '7:1 Uan1rt11 I 'I p . rru. Nl•W 1ntcn or.& c:pl. '76MIZ450SL MEW* vw·s EXU.USIVEL\'VOLVO L1mingSs>«iilli$l$ $4000/bsl. Needs htlle '73 0ldaCu.tlua&l]llNIQe. (tiflOPPM) FMlaa ;~d. ,'Z'~111::.,. mho·rlrcl~,rdl 81.tt_ wl\h blue Interior. ' ~-V n.-I Pr•'crrad R•t•• work. Dys 754-21,86, aft S, 2dr, xlnt. SZSSOorlMlltef· ·t:i BuvariJ 1 '" .1,~ ·~ . ~ L1 -n•w. Discount OVER75 ,_.gest olvo ..,..,a er "'' " .. ~. W.~ ferl30-1'1$1 <J.1.81.Jo'~t > i.po1 er, vinyl lup. Spol ~-y,...., low m·'e• ,.._.STOCK 100 ran11e Cou.nt.y! L •tgeest S•la"tlon ·----------'7.5 200<! t\ 111~11 1 lt'l>'> new pJint &15·7 ~·· ~J ".... " BUYorLEASE • N '"' '7S Corvette SSG 4.apd,'" '917 15~1 \ /\ l!!Ot>\1 \ c; I .1(( !>l'\1 751 .. ~rlCMt Car Plan, All Model• Colon DIRECT ufu~~1!s~~td Auto. PS. PB. Alr. T toP ....................... . HOWARD C ... •rold Dove" Qu111Sta. NEWPORT BEACH WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR TOP USED CARS FOREIGN, DOMESTIC or CLASSICS SADDLHACk ~-f ~m o ngt Co ty '5.000/hlll. "2-IOSZ. 'TS Pluto Runabout, air _,v_l_~::a·~:~:::9 ~ ............ !!~~ !~~!~~:.~~own~;~; c;r,,.,,.~r !•s. ( ~~;:,;,:::, ~:~:;;·;:;.·!!:! :~~i~~ ;r·~~'. '-V4'a Master Dealer rel Holly & headers, Urea 5.\1..mt. lrandMew•77 takins deHvery •77 7to0WHtmlnater Blvd. Anaheim 750-2011 ..!GOO H,rborBtvJ. & maai. 3 spd auto .' __ ._;,,;;__ ____ _ CREVIER U your caru extra clean aeeusfll"6t. & I ST • l~OAOWAY SA.HIA AHA. Ho.,.,...DA Cars .SOSLC. $15,900. wtsco WHtmlft•t~ H 3-7'51 Cosu ~~s• 540-9100 Needs aome work, $'1SO. 1914 P l a t o atatwac. ,.... I <71•> 5.S6-6S919am:spm '76 • 242, sunrl. AM/FM 842-SOB2or 536~Ul6 peen. AIM trau ., redlo. MANY wkdays. USED* vw·s stereo, over dr. 6 m ag Nabers heater.airccmd\Oleae-tAUEtt IUICK 292.S Harbor Blvd. 835·3171 To Choo•e From' OVH 50 whls + <now t '"es, foe ~ 9935 low miteaae -hcelleot .. . MG 9742 htetS, ce7 Ski r;ck. will Cadillac 2 ;;:-;?;................. conclit.ioa Colta Mesa 979-2500 UNIVERSITY ••••••••••••••••••••••• IM STOCIC sacrifice, leavmg COUD· i2 Coronet custom wen. IZ.750 m.-:t •USED BMW's* Oldsmobile 197•MG MIDGET H9-dtofind try. 1s2.noo days or PS, PB, air COC>il, 38,000 '72PimoRunabout.Seeto THC UlllMA7f O•IVIHO lllACHIHf WE BUY CLEAMCA.RS acnucxs · 7 '.I u .s v u r 1 a Hoed. Cws • GMC RA>yal blue w /matching models 752-8777 eves rm 617 ml. Sl.800. !IC.-CS appr. $HOO. Bef Sp111, 1\11to sunroof·906LVY Truc:lts Int erior . tOll LIN ). Vol. '73. 1800 es. Ona C....-o f917 '7S Colt, U .500 m l , 846·221'. Aft tpm, ·1 1:i 11CSAS/R 1f6LWB CostaMesa S40-9640 OMLY•"795 / WITHAM cond. days. 838·5155 '67Camaro,6cyl,3onthe $3.000.67~,673-'1115 -7-2---........--.-.-.. -_.-- 1;:1 t600upd ZXX8f.i> 2850Harbor Blvd. Reduced this week. lo ~ o.,.,iir. Personal c.ir. m int ••••••••••••••••••••••• automatic, like n ew, 875-8493 ·7~.l!UO:.!S1RUl2N B ---~ .,.. V J •I J \ Eves,SSt-5051 ~·ot umn . g d cond. ..-----CONNRL CHMOLET '762002S/R0325 '76 BJue Honda wgn, stick rJ.'''"''i"' ' -8>01bsl. <194·4366 '71 Charger SE. .a.ooo mi, $ll00. 541-3112 Closed Oft 54andays shi.f\, xlnl rood, $3SOO 7800 Westminster Blvd. l owner, AC. PS, new 968-0380 We1tmln1te r 893-7551 1973 VOLVO <.:A MARO 197.2, ~ \'8 t1n•s & m or e $1700 '73 Pinto Wp , auto. air ORANGE COUMTY'S 4 SEO autom.iuc. Newly p1inl· 96J.80'l9 cood, xlnt cood. $Za00. 2828 Harbor Blvd OLDES• J.._,.. 9730 '70 VW Pop Top. Hcbll 16 AH t'd 51lver with mags, new ---~1.89. btwo 9'S. COSTA MESA ,1 •• • • Aulomat1t·, pwr. M1mr d I e-.700 830 •727 ••••••••••" •• • •• •• eng New tire~. paint, ' ra ia :. .,,.. · ., Ford 9940 '71 Pinto R na.......a• 4 aipd 546-1200 ~~ • i ·ti'. '..J ~· $2000. <714 >63l·OO·UI l::f~~~-f~~~Gl~ather aftcr•1 30 _ •••u•••••••••••••••••• A tC. W ~W .A'ifl'IM • TOP DOLLA R \i,111 : ·~I ~ '73 s-S-1 QHLY $4395 ';4 Ca maro LT. 21,000 '74 Torino Wgn. 6 pa&Y, stereo. Sl.200. Ph4'-U73 PAID •d : MGI 9744 Newu'b':ks, ~int~~!~: mi's Sharp, clean, local r11~k. new radials, 3UOO ...___ "'O IM~EOIATEL y Sales Serv1ce-Leas1ng • •_. ••••••••••••••••••••••• radio. 12275/oCr. 644-0094 <·ar $3750. 557.9349 tru. Clean $2650. 673-2'38, ::~";. ......... -.. FOR ALL Roy Carver.Inc: ...... '.~~"l ·~':'~l.:·~.·lf-U '67 MGB GT. Xlnt cond,. 1912VOLVO 673-lMJO t>\eS. . FOREIGN CARS Rolls ftoyce 1n1 w Sports c.ir <.:ente r. Sel('Cl low mi .. wires, radials, 76 Convert,' sooo m i, 164 SB>AH ·~\ <;:.~~0·~f:t "1~'08nt~~ 1963 Ford Galaxie Wgn, AJLAS CALL OR COME IN 1S40J amboree from over 50qua1Jty used new cpl & paint. $l4S0/ AP4 /F M st ereo can .. Automatic.-. pwr. s teer. -.oltt\"-tolr . 4 ..... 3432 slick s hift, new tires, TOSEf. Us ofr ~97 <>tW>c cocoa mat.s cover Pert ing, leather interior. _,.,.. "" · Newport Beach 640-6444 mod els · Triumphs , ... ·.-..... .,.,,7 1 • · · $175.~6658 ~-. ..... NEWPORT MPORTS c-.: 9715 Jaguars. MG's, Many .. ~-&...-. 9750 _-.. __ .ss ______ radlo.heater &air cond. CheTI"Olet 9920 -'---------l'"JYmi.._ I( NB ...,... •to e B Y I' -a•e e"•I ___,,... '7 W h I Immarulate lhruout~ .. ••••••••••••••••••••• By ownr. ''10 Ford Lld. Open ty ft~. 'til 10 3100 W. Csl wy, ••••••••••••••••••••••• " r . u ..,., ., • s ..... · ••••••••••••••••••••••• l est pr a ia Poptop 08-tFLJ ). Sale priced l't PM 642-9405 ble payments 1975 T" •G.. camper. Xlnt rond. Pvt ouLY $ll9S '75 Nova 2 dr. 40,000 mi Brougham. New tire:.. 2929Harbor Blvd.,· __________ 1·74 Capri, auto, 4 cyl, """ "" pty 646-l823 "" Good cond . S29QO . S9llO.bstofr.963-2883 eo.t.a Mesa • WE BUY orange w1blk interior. gd '74 JAG XJ6L, excep-chocolate brown. 5 s pd , · · 646-5987 aft 9.JOP&f •USED CARS & cond S23001bst riHr. Cull tional. low m1. corporate au-, stereo cassette, very '64 VWSqback. Reblt eng, 1971 VOLVO ---------Ud. '<Ir. Landau top 1989. 546-1934 TRUCKS• &\6 G4()I) car. Loaded , comp I clean. 25.000 m1. :\1ust trans, xlnt e<>nd lhruout 142 SEO"'"" '72 Monte Carlo $1700 Brand new motor. $900.i---------- ComelnorCall -------mainlrecords .The J AG sell '. Wkdys call Lou $000/olr.494-2145. .." PStPIJ.a1r,tilt whl,66M: 960-3971. '67 Valiant sedan.$49S.6 '71Capn. newcng,ctutch. you've been looking for Bisbal: 979.2333 .t speed w1ovt•rdri \l' 64-00633 cyl. Great en&. Ti1bt fllEEAppralaol etc nuns xlnt Sl59S Pvt ply 752 7~1 ti 305. - -'69 CMPR. Oil cir .• snow /\,•'FM & lt•ather in .. -----'76 _Gra~ada 4 dr, VS,8500 body, br uised re nder Grotts Chevrolet Must ~t·ll Ii~;, 3622 Jfl :'\ton F"ri "r.l 914 Silver, good corid, tire;, sips. 3. very cln. ten-.·· CJJI ONG). Sale '76 Monte Carlo. P S, rru . PS .. PB, air: vinyl 17$-7788 18211 Beach Blvd 5 JO M UST S E L L T If IS $1700. MS-6649 pnce<t :>l p / B. A t C , AM t I-' M roof $4600 644 9277 afl•--------- llunungton Beach Dotswi 9 720 '74 SEDAH WEEK. s.1995 bi.l ofr 0Ht..Y$2395 Mem>.$4800.6738587 SP~~ '74 PlymGold[)ugter.All 147·6087•549°3331 •••••••••••tt••••••tt•• Low mi l t>,, ,,),rr PP.963-1883 N '68SQIACK l""c El Camino, 6 -~ ... -I. '7S Granada.Gh1a.Stereo 1 , !~~~5?·000 mL XlnL metallw p;11nl, like new ew mags, Mic helin 1969VOLVO """ ~· I rl I e Sb r ""'°""'"'" TOP DRIVE A Call 1\mt•ncan Car Plan. 'fi.2 Hrdtp Cabnolet. x1ol raillals, Gabriel shocki-. R&ll, Air. $1000/make e ec sn • si v r. a l>·•--------- iSHl!llO cond thruoul. $4700. Frendo racing brakes, WAGON olr Call S36·7430. $4300. 644 117s eves. '76 Valiant Brougham 2 DOLLAR LITTLE... Call646-6837. Hurst shll\er. Coco mat:;, Automatic, radio & air l9Z1. Chevy 4 dr. sedan Mlf'cury --9960 ~l~~~ 6•000 mi. PAID SAVE A LOT '71 XKF: 4 2 Rdstr Rbll 191;6 Porsche 912. Sunr'f-leather steering wheel. cond. (ZLK680). Sa le Restored, perfect. ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR CLEAN eng. all rcpls , ('Xlra:.. S.Spd trans alum n ms .engine, 6mos. new. !011 pncedat 554-7829or!J93.6652 Super &harp 2 dr Hrdtp, '73 Gold Duster, a uto. IMPORT CARS SllOP&COMPAR E Xlnt.~h r~79 ___ $S200.Eves.'968-5484. · change & ~al ve adj. ONLY $1595 --------1 C&ll Rod,af\.6:30. P/S, P/B, very cl•n. BARWICK DATSUN Jettwn 9732 every lSOO mlles). Super '74 Monle Carlo. blk on 536-0907 Orig. owner. $lits. AU MODELS San J uan Capistrano ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• i i 9JJT Porsche (looks c lean. $1800 FJ RM . blk, vinyl top, 1 owner. Mm'-9952 84().3446 · 8] l-1375 493.3375 •73 J ensrn llealey. Xlnt like '74 Carre ra ) Blk, 548·S735. 646·8080 e ven· $2950. Pb: 497-2646. ••••:;:::••••••••••••••• .-..£!--9965 fal'f.ory mags, air, perf. l..ngs. - NEWPORT DATSUN ~ood . .,.~~ mi. S4SOO In out. Best offer. Must _0 8--11 bl '63 Nova, P ·S, new '66 Classic M usta n &, •••••••••••••••••-•••• 1rm.'""' sell.496-3ZJ3 i us. as re l eng. brakes. runs well. great S li ver. Com pl etel y "10 Grand Prix. all pwr. Sp'"CIALS Kanna"" Ghio 9735 Bought new last mo. ror lrarup. $550. 7Sl·7099 aft. restored. New eng., brks. good coad. First '1SOO ~ •••••••••••• •• •• •• •• ••. 1970 • 911T Tar Ra. mai: S3200. Wiii sell for $2100. 6 up ho I • Owned b y takes.~ B210 4 Door 4 speed, whls, xlllt cond, $6500 (714 > 772 'Z797 h $1950 Bob radio. l~PKE» 71 Karmann Ghia. A 1C. 67:J..8008 ---------IAllfos, Used '65 Chevy Biscayne. Runs ~~:,ic. • • 1966 L a ~ans. Good .._.OW $2l9S s e mi auto. 1\ M F M -------Ul68 VW Bug. Xlnt cond. ••••••••••••••••••••••• good. FM tape. Make of. transportationur.$375. "" stereo spkr' tl IO 7ll20, Porsche '70 9JIT. Super b Ster eos-trk inc. $U50. Gefteral 990 I fer. 67S-3210 '66 Mustang, Auto, Gd MS-l.S2'7 Student will buy older 888 DOVESTREF.1' 49:J..6204 cond. A1C. new tires. 979-GS89or556-6279 afl5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• nd 6 I 20 g ....,S Dod•e "-rt I( 1l needs ' ~ •1 Arth .,,., J al Su S rt co · cy · m p · ..,, · " V4 ,,e .. r '' acn ur ---9738 parnt. lransm. f10001ofr. "" mp a per po Ph673-256t or67!>-2574 '&9 Fire bird 350, 45'1111. work. 0 K. Cheap please. & J amboree Roads Mcndo 49'.HJ94. '64 VW, sunroof. good con· Convert, P IS, P/B. A(f, ,real cond, new u,. & 646-7146 833· 1300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• dtUon $400. can after 5, l27 V-8. $795. 842·2710 '66 289 VS. 87,000 ori.f ml. brlts. 833-0164 Alltos. IMporl.d ----1966 Porsche. new eng.. 6'2·2615 2500 on rebll eng. New ••••••••••••••••••••••• TOP BUYER d utch. etc. s spd/mags. 972 VW B 20 For Sale, 69 Nova, xlnt tires & brks. R&H, $1200. VfCJll 9974 .,__ f -""".67J..l658evet' l ui:. ,OOO m1on cood. Sl..500. P/S, P /B, .,.,,an • 1,.02733 · ••••••••••••••••••••,•• Alfa Ron.o 9705 d~j u~ ir~ti & 13"1' Top ~ reblteng, AM/FM. $1600. aulo, 640-ml bef 9, afl .,...,..,_..., .....,. 1974 Veca Hatchback GT ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ar pai or imports Ph: 548-5484. lOPM '66 289 Mustang. Arr, -·• wbeels, A M/Fii, lO "67 Alfa Romeo COSTA M£SA Rolls Royct' 9756 --------1 "-. GTVCpe Gd cond. DATSUll..I 2150H.t.Grlhd.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '70 VW Pop.Top, in gd '64 CORVAIR Monza 4spd 88•000 mi. nds paint. mf •. 1 ownr. Xlnt cond. 646-11189 dar-,.... Costo Me-M 645-5700 "'l DEALER IN U S A cond. New tires, paint, l coupe, runs xlnt, ss.w. '83 Sl.200. 979·9684 aft. S Asking $2,950. 963489 ---· 284.5 ll.u-bor Bl\'d. ___ · · · YT new eng, xtra propane AMC 9905 Moiua, auto. coupe. runs Autos, Mew 9100 Autos. N•w tlOO Audi 9707 Cm.ta ,1f.>~a ___ 54_0G4l0 '7• o. a•dii nx3 Coupe .. 1 JR ROY t.aok.$2450.968-4962 ••••••••••••••••••••••• good S3.50 646·7016 .. .... ~ R . . --............................... ·······-··· .. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• pd d CARVEn . '68 Javelin, F M 8 track, . ud 00 S .<f '76 2110 Z. ;I.Int co nd . s • un f.>r wm ty. very " 64 VW. Bus. nds trans· mags, headers, s harp •'73 Monte Carlo. Ctn. n A I l IA. 4 r auto. A:'ll f\1 ·11r JO 000 m1 clean837 3202 r ROLLS·ROYC[ axle. ssso. or be.st offer . ...ui. 673·S29S lux /int. eng /bdy xlnl a11nr11 AIC. AM /FM. Xlra cln ta.kc n\<'~ 'te~se ~t S1S9. -----1"41J•m borM 549-0BSI ~ AJC, $3250. PP. 963·9191. • $1995. 640-5ti98 mo ~ 1320 a!>k ror Slit'. 'H Maz.da Rolary ll XJ. :! ~"!:~ ... <,. Well 9910 Dr. 4 i.p, very <'lean. 1.._ __ _,__ 70 VW Ca ..,UV\ r~•-9925 '74 lOOLS. Cray. 4 dr. sun· diiya · m per. _,., or ••••••••••••••••••••••• _. , • ......- "( 1 radio & 8 lraC'k stert'O. Cl0Sf 0 SUNDAYS best o((er. 3,000 mi, on · k ••••••••••••••••••••••• o~e r • &Ir, AMIF')1 ,tcreo. 'iJ ~oz Mu~t ~di S-'1)0 $r700 646·2.'i93 rcblt eng clean runs 197'3 Bwc Cenlury, ~ ~r. iS Co d b . ~ $USO 835-3323 or I • -----Toyoto 9765 • • xlnt cond fu lly eqwp d r 0 a, orig ownr. s400 ...,._1432. :ft'~nance $1700 63l·J617 ~~.'.~!? .••. ~?.~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~fl;'~760 ask for $2395.644.7572 · ~~~:~ T~~~i~c~· ,:s:r, IMW 9712 ·;o 2. m l' r~ htt;;;;; L•a•-'77 75 vw Camper. 9300 m i. '68 Riviera, xlnt shape, ~9S. 763-5697. 557 ~ •••••••••••••••••••••" . ·II t.o>k I ,.. -I t d D1 • 975·2285 air. full pwr, gd I.Ires. ,.........J.1~...1. 9930 m"~' '' ,,~ in ....... w. Used x n con . ys. $1500 557·7592 aft 6 ..._....._....a l MI BMW 14100. Air . $3l2.'1r.1.15t11 """" Evs;SSH442 · -. ••••••••••••••••••••••• AM JF)t. Michelin u r"' ----OVER 100 TOYOTAS . Codllfoc 9915 1975MARKIV xtnt.. rebll mtr. 23 Mrt, '71 ll;it .1111 hlO. 4 Dr. auto. MERCEDES 67 VW Sqrbck. Stroker ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. aver. Ctn. t1&hl bod} ;11r. II 1r.1< le. S<!~IS Ph E E W Crank 1850 CC. Xlnl • Aq ua edition. f'ull power ~.Call 49'J-4 161. t.tn 21•17 OH DISPLAY H R MO cond Sl200 1974 Cod1llac includin g vinyl top, • --- -HouM of lm~rfs ' M7-8271 Bro ugham. Meta llic leather in ten or. t ill "78 BMW ~ I AM FM 'i6 :?MZ .. .i\rr "'Ith bl;1rk •.._.EW COLORS blue. vinyl lop , blue wheel. cruise control, stereo cu s, 4 gJ)d, rar inte rior \ir ,·ond MF.~~~~~ZE:fi.ER "" •• Vol•o 9772 crushM vclvcl i.nlenor AM/FAhtereo, air cond. mmp. Xlnl cond Dll)S m.i i..,. ·'" r ~t . l'lt •MEWMOD1:1.S ••••••••••••••••••••••• WADED . Full Power. (S89RXH). ~.evea &60w.9 5,S00m1 Cll'.in, :.ha rp, 61162:'\Jonrhf.>stcr, Huge Savings on/\LL re· 70 Volvo 164, clean. Low m ileage ! $8.000. $1316 not 1'\l'n hrokrn in 1•1•t HuenaPark maining n ew 765 & AM/FM,air.PS,llhrinl. Days. 630-1710 -i':ves, ' ~ .. ~r:. 43s~·~~u~~~ l>wntr mu.'>t ~ ... 11' $6.IKXI On h S~-7250 r Demos. 642·0735 all 6PM 633"9264. Pri. ply.: __ _ GUSTAFSON air cond .. pwr ,tttrln..: ti! ··i i, ----l e La ADil ""Y The Better Barl!atn '74 Wgn. Fact sir, 4-spd, 11115 Eldorado Cpe. Vf.>ry pwr w 1ndows. N 1• w •1:; l!Jl"un Rdw. 1968-2!10 SE. xlnl. rnn1I MARQUIS TOYOTA rock, stereo, In mi. clean w /many extras M1 ch e hn 1 lm mao 'illOO Drk.Brownldr,$4,!>00 MISSIONVI EJO Xlnt c o nd. $4700. Pvt ply. $81 95. Ph LINCOLN MERCURY 16800 Be0tch Blvd Huntington B<>ach 842·8844 CASH BACK O'I l'IAAT!' CllN BE U5l!D M DOWN PAYMEMT OM ALL 1976 FIAT 131'• 2 doon. 4 doorl. ~ w.,... I .. Dick Miller Motors . RAT T OR . . ' s... s .... 10 . ~a. °"""8 M....._ 120 W. w.,....at So..._, s.t.AM • 557.2132. 4tHOll.759-~7l 11.lfi ll!i-Ullflpm 642·S200or 5411 AAUi 8llr2880495·1210 9627022. 8'71-0300 ~ Mew 9100 4ato1. Hew 9100 Autoa. Mew 9100 Auto--._-... -.-..,-----1 Autos, Mew 9100 Autos, New flOOIAMtot, Mew ftOO ....................... ·········•···••·•······ ......•................ ................•••.... ............•....•..... ..•••...........•...•. . ................................................................... . IAIGAIN SPECIALS on ALL USED CARS '7JDODGE coa°"'1' :::;.:'*:kt..:' 1699 .,,.._.,~. '7JVW CAMl'lll ··~ ........ s3299 l•O'l'to•• '75 CHEVY IMPALA WAM>M PRICES R-E-E-EAL Y GIVEN OVER THE. PHONE -847-6087 e PHONE e 549·3331- BRAND NEW 1 ''!if • J\pr lj,(. t>-' tilhtu~ r U I $ A. l<t ·~ •t "'t M~ICtM1 APlt ... °' ... _'_'· .. .. 1975 TRIUMPH TR-7 4 Cyltnd9'S. <Hloeed. AM-FM radio & cassette. heater & bucket seat& License No 878NBS s4295 1976 PLY. FURY SALON SEDAM V-8. automatic factory Atr cond1hon1ng power steering. power brakes AM racho. heater white side wall tires vinyl top side moldings License No 322PEC s3795 1972 OLDSMOllLE CUTLASS COUP! V-8. 1utometlc. power 11eenng, p0wer brakes, radio. helter. White side wall ttres, vlnyt top. Mtr. No. 05021. s1795 ' Outstanding values on every lrand Hew I 977 Chryller •d ,.,..._... in Atlas '1 Huge ln•ttltory! S.. AtfCls now for Jmucry C...._ce Sa¥1ngs! BRAND ME 1977 VOl.:ARE'2 DOOR SEDAN lncudes: aur seat. cloth & ~l~attc lransm1ss1 YI. stee1 belted on .. Power br BRAND MEW '8d1a1 tires an~kes. POwer steen more. ng, bench 1977 ARROWS HERE MOW! r BRAND HEW 1977 VOYAGERS OM DISPLAY, READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1976 PLYMOUTH VOi.ARE SEDAM 6 cyl .. auotmatlc. radio. heater. power steering. pawer brakes. white side wall tires. air conditioning, vinyl top. License No. 296PIK. s3795 I 976 DODGE TRADESMAN 100 HOUSECAR V-8, auotmalic. ractOl'Y air cond • p. steering. p. brakes. AM-FM 8 trad<. heater. tire rad<. rear outside spare. fully ~g~r.-t·iijii ''° Ml<."·· 1975 PLYMOUTH TIAILDUSTEl MULTIPURPOSE 4• 4 8 cylinders. automatic. heater. rear seat. Mtr. No. 97 $4295 • 1973 PONTIAC VENTURA COUPE 8 eyrlnders. outomatte. radio, heater. power steering, power brakes. white.. sidewall ltres. air conditioning. License No. 0 70HWA. '1795 1973 MERCURY MOMTEGO SEDAM V·8. eutomatic. air conditioning. power steering, power brakes. AM-FM stereo. heater. wt11te sidewall "res. vinyl top. License No. 626MWZ. $1895 1974 CHEVY Va.A COUPE • cylinder, 4-e(>eed, radio, heater. vtnyt tap. UceAte No. 208KPE. s1495 l . Huntington Beac h Fountain Valley EDITION Afternoon N." .. Stoek * * VOL. 70, NO. 19, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES Los Alamitos Bftse ' Issue 'In Dark Two conai ressmen say they have been getting the runaround about plans to convert the Lo6 Alamitos Naval Air Station to a California National Guard base. Reps. Mark Hannafor d · <O- Lakewood) and Jerry Patterson <0 -Santa Ana) complain that the Department of Defense bas not kept them informed of the im- pending takeover. In a letter to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, the CB Jolt Kills HB Resident · By ARTHUR R. VINSEL -Oft~ D•llr "llotsi.11 A Huntington Beach tavern owner was killed a nd bis 12-year old d aughter seriously burned Tuesday when their CB radio an tenoa struck a 12,000-volt powe r line as they maneuvered it around I on their garage roof. l Robert Jarrell. 39. of 6522 Limerick Drive, and Tjlmmy J Jarrell. 12, were appar ently 1 knocked from the roof to the lawn below by the powerful jolt from I Southe~ California Edison Com- pany wares. I Jarrell was pronounced dead ' at Huntington lnlercommunity I Hospital about one hour after ar- rival following the mid-morning 1 tragedy at their home in north Huntington Beach I He suffered massive electrical burns. according to Fire Depart ment Capt. John Backen. J arrell's daughter was listed an stable condition today at the UC I Irvine Medical Center Burn Unit, but it will be several days before the extent of her burns and danger to her life 1s really known. "She has numerous entrance ;a'nd ex.it electrical burns," Cap. t Backen explained. "With elec- trical shock. you don't know what internal damage was done for awhile.·· He s aid the youngster was awake and alert, however. when police and firemen arrived on the scene to rind her rather beyond help 1 Athletic shoes such as those used for track or Jogging pro- 1 bably saved the Jarrell g1rl"s bfe. Capt. Backen suggested. "They have thick rubber sol.es 1 ·ancl they ansulate pretty wel I," he 1 uid. "'Instead of grounding her, 'they caused the current to blow out the side of her big toe." <Stt KILLED, Page A2l In6ugural Schedlile Announced . WASHINGTON <AP> -Here ls a scheodule ofthe ma1or inaugural events (all tJmcs rac1f1c Stan dardl TODAY 4 p. m PreinauJlural gala atthe Kennedy Center. attended by Cart t"r and Mondale Cwill be lelev1sedbyCBS-TVat9p m > THURSDAY S a .m . Interde nominational Prayer Service at Lincoln Memorial. 5 :30 a .m . In auguration ceremony at the Capitol. 8 :30 a .m . Inauguration ceremony at Uie Capital. ?O: 15 a.m. Inaugural parade 1 6p.m. Inaugural balls. I IGary Gilmore Ashes Spread SALT LAKE CITY (AP) Just before be walked to his death, Gary Gilmore bade farewell to two fellow Death Row inmates and told them, "I'll be seein& you directly," family sources say. The words were reported Tues· day, as an airplane made three paaaea over Spaniltl Fork and Sprln1vUle, two towns 60 miles' south ot here, acatterfng the uhe1 of tbe executed killer u he requested. Tbe ruabt was made ahortly aft.er a SO.minute closed funtraJ tttettded by 20 relaUvd, trtends and auoelatea •ot Gllmore'l falDllf, tllle IOUTCet laid. A pot. tion or tho aahes were kept by his uncle, Vem D'Amico. • two congressmen charged that defen se oftlcl'als have not cooper ated m supplying Informa- tion about the department's plans for the base. • • "Despite our ,frequent re quest for iqformalton. we have been repea(edly put off with the remark that the department has not made a final decision as to the disposition of Los Alamitos Naval Air Station." the letter said "This is no longer suCfl cient." California National Guard of- ficials in Sacramento said Tues- day that they have been inrormed that the signing of an agreement for the takeover Is "imminent." Lt. Col. Grant S. Pyle Ill said the Guard bas received $4.00,000 tor transition costs and a budget of $3 million to operate th~ base. H e said h e ex pects the takeover to occur around March l Hannaford said that residents of Los Alamitos, Seal Beach and Rosarnoor are concerned about the possibility or increased air activity as well as the discon- tinuation of services to area re- tired personnel. , The Los ,Ala mitos ba:,e ex· change, a commissary and a gymnasium all race a shutdown in the takeover. according to Hannaford. "It is unfortunate that this inci- dent must serve as a reminder that the military does not operate in a vacuum,•· the letter ti.aid . Lt. Col. Pyle said that'the Na- tional Guard plans no Increase in air activity at the station. He said the Nali~nal Guard has been operating about 100 helicop- ters out of Los Alarnitos for more than a year and he doesn't expect an increase. "There ure r141 plans for big military jets or general aviation Won 't Disclose Details ~ use at the station." he said. He said efforts will be m ade maintain certain facilities. PyJ , said there ls .a possibility 0( concessionaire> operating a count 1rocery s tore and dr store for re'lired service pe net He said there are plans to lain a s ubstantial number civilian workers now employ at the station. Riley Testifies 'Slasher' Ge ts Lile Sentence For 9 Murders Depos itions Filed ,\ Fire and Ire Frozen Potomac River reflects light from pre-inaugural fireworks over the Lincoln Memorial Tuesday night. The C<i pitol. al the left. and the partially obstructed Washington Monument share in the refracted glory. (Rela't- ed story Page A3 > Hughes.Ailments J LOS ANGELES CA P I Con- . ( Many, Court Says BB Chiropractor Dies in Sa11na Bath vict ed "Skid Row Slasher" Vaughn Orrin Gr eenwood was sentenced to lire in prikon today for murdering nine m en. Superior Court Judge Earl C. Broady urged parole authorities to give a "long and close look" at Greenwood's history before ever releasing him. He sentenced the 33-year-old transient from Chicago to the life sentence concurrently with a 32-year-to-lire term already 'be- ing served for assault. llOUSTON <AP> -Court docu- ments filed today indicate the late billionaire Howard Hughes suC- re~d from cancer, a peptic ulcer, kidney disease, badly decayed teeth and undernourishment. Testimony m the form of de- positions taken from doctors who performed an autopsy on Hughes were filed with Harns County Probate Judge Pal Gregory. Methodist Hospital officials later delivered the autopsyfeport to Gregory, who has ·Texas jurisdiction for matters Involving Hughes' estate, and its details have not been released. Maldonado's deposition described Hughes' teeth as in as "poor shape as any I have seen since l was ln training 15 to lf> years ago." Long time Huntington Beach chiropractor Dr. Ammond Fo• Robinson was found dead in a sauna bath at his cllni<' Tuesday. His body had apparently been in the sauna nearly 24 hours. The victim. who died on his 57lh blrthllay. was apparently striCken with a heart attack while using the heat and steam facility at his office al 212 ' 2 Mam St He had pracllced in downtown Huntington Beach for 18 years A native Californian. Dr. Robinson lived with his wire. Edith, who survives him. al 3400 Peachtree.Lane. Newport Beach. , Investigators said Mrs . R obi nson f inall y became alarmed on Tuesday morning when her husband did not come home and she could ge~ no answer when telephoning hlS of- , fice. BOAT S4JLED ON FIRSr DAY "We sold the boat the fi rst night the ad ran In the paper. We got a lol ol calls and are very happy we advertised in the Daily Pilot." That'• the tales success ex- perienced by th. Newport Beach woman who placed this classilled ad: • Sabot Schoclt 4000 aeries. racln1 rlSt•d. new Ulman 11111. S2:iO ua-xx xx If you have a boat to sell, call 6'2-St'71. lt only t.aktt a few words ln the naht pl•ce to attract • buyer. AJ~ the Orange Coat, the riKbl pace is ln the Dally Pilot. "It was his common practice to stay and work all night at the of- fi ce." Huntington Beach police •~Detective Bert Chadwick ex- plained today, or the reason for the victim 's wife not to in- vestigate his absence sooner. He said Or. Robinson often caught up on paper work re- quired for his practice and then napped at the office rather than drive to Newport Beach. A memorial service will be held for Dr. Robinson at a dale yet to be selected. Rites for the apparent heart at- tack victim, who ente red his pro- fession as years ago, are under dlrecllon of the Neptune Society. Cremation and burial at sea are planned.· Investigators s aid it will be about three weeks before the cause of death can be confirmed by coroners• deputies but• there were no signs of foul play. Broady said he believed Greenwood was driven by a com- pulsion to kill. During the course of the trial. t h e cou rt wa s told how Greenwood's victims. mostly Skid Row transients like himself. had been attacked with a knife. their throat's sliced from ear lo ear in a ritualistic manner Evidence of the slasher drink- ing some victims' ttlood was in· troduced. Antitrust Probed WASHINGTON <AP) The Justice Department has opened a preliminary Investigation into posalble antitrust violations by Australian publlsher Rupert Murdoch In hla acquisition of two New York City newspapers. .., ,.; Dr. Jack Titus, pathologist at Baylor College or Medicine, sald he found a peptic ulcer, a "tiny focus of cancer" in Ute prostate gland. scar tissue blocking t.be urinary trart and uremic poison- mg 1'itus laid the kidneys were shrunken by an ailment tbal may have been caused by a drug llughes took from 1946to 1972. Dr Oscar 8 . Maldonado, an oral surgeon al Methodist llospital where the autopsy was performed April 6. said' the teeth or the billiona1rl' were so badly de- cayed they must have been "very, very painful " Hughes dieq April 5 while being flown to Houston from Acapulco, Mexico. for medical treatment. A brief report released after the autopsy attributed death to kidney faHure Educators ·Endorse 3 M~. Wet•a De.clinea Fi:n.aneial Backintl By SA YMOND EBT•ADA JR. "I am pleued w'tt\ the en-dor,ed candidate bH refuaed 0t .. o.1,,""",.." doraement," said Mrs. Wessa, campaien funds. lncumt>.nt Zita WHaa and who wu appointed to the board "Usually they come running to candldatet John K. Hundley and last May to fill a vacancy. "But 1 ~sformoney,"said Mrs. Miller. Ann Funck have beeo endorsed don't always expect to a1ree wtth "We wUl now apply to the 14. fot 1eat1 on tbe Huotln1ton the teachers and will not aceec>t sodallen for Better Citlunsl\ip Beach Union Hlch School Db· any money from t.he DEA." <ABC> (the political acUon arm .trtct Board of Trustees by U.. District Educ at.on AH oclation H e I en Ml 11 er, a , D EA of the. Call(omla Teachers AIJ. <DEA> spokesman, uld Tuesday, 1oclatlon> for fundtn.i the C&ft· , · "She'• not aahamed or our en· didates' campai1na," Hld ~ But Mn. Wcs1a retuaed to ac-dortement but feels 1be hu Cooper, DE.A pruldent. , cept any campatp fund.I which ral11d eDCM.llb money wit.boot "They will decide how much candidates could receive as a nt· ua." funding ~e can aet and make suit of the teachen' endonement The DEA repreaenutlve aatd their co.ntrtbullon t.o the can· for the March 8 election. thla waa lhe flnt limo an en-<See ENOOUE, P-ceAI) I Titus Identified the drug that caused the kidney failure as phenacetin, an analgesic Hughes was said to have started taxing after he was injured in a 1946 plane crash. Titus quoted Hughes' personal doctors as say- ing they got their patient to stop taking the drug in 1972. The pathologist said Hughes died a t 1 :Z7 p.m. on April 5 as the plane bringing him to Houston passed over Brownsville. He said Hughes was being brought to Houston because tho Hughes Medical Foundation had "medical scholars" at Methodist Hospital. Coast We ather Con sld erablt> h ig h cloudiness through Thur•· day. Htihs in 70s. Lows 44 toS2. ' INSIDE TODAY Thfrt11•one u1tdcnt• of Oronge Coolt communilfe• ~come AmcTicon dtiunl m noturolfzoUon ceremony, 1tOTJ1, picture, .. 41. • , r -, .41 DAILY PILOT H/F Wednesday January 19 19n Meeting Set on ~11BF11nds Residents oc Uuntioaton Beach 'Will get their uy Thursday nleht oo how $1.25 mHllon in federal money should be divided among city projects. The money was allocated to the city by the Department of lloua· ing and Urban Development The met,ting will be held at 7 J>.tn in Room 8 ·7 of the Hunt ington Beach Civic Center. A public hearing and action by the planning commission and ci· ty counciJ will follow. A Housing and Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee has assigned pre· li~ lnary priorities for projects after a aeries of meetings. Projects ranked highly in the in)lial review include $250,000 for t he purchase of land for a senior cipzen how;ing complex $105.000 Jen-improvements in the senior dhzen recreation center, $25,000 tor acquisition of a park site. ~Also. $100,000 to provide low in· terest rehabilitation loans to low and mod e rat e in co m e homeowners . $43,500 for projects to improve the mobility or the handicapped throughout the city and $205,000 for a boys' club and comm unity center 1n the Bushard area. Other projects that committee members have reviewed include Newland House renovations, a clubhouse al Terry Park, city gym renovations, a handicapped s wim complex. storm drains, im- provements to water mains, re· construction or the Lake Street Fire Station and renovations to the municipal pier Acting Planning Director Edward Selich said the money is designed to assist persons of low and moderate incom.e. to ._tlfminate signs of blight or de· 1eriorating conditions or to meet 11rgent community needs. Com plaints have been lodged that the advisory committee apparently didn't include low· income members. Seh ch said there 1s nothing in federal regulations that requir~ such membership and that of· tiaials didn't ask the economic st•tus of members. "We made efforts, however, to :se e that there was broad representation ori the commit· t,ee." hesaJd Controls LHt? Ford Try Likely ta Fail WASHINGTON <APJ -ln a last-minute move before leavtna ofllce. President Ford today proposed urung prtcecootrol&® gasoline. The move ls expected to face strong opposition In Congress. which has 15 days in which lo velo Ford's move. A negative vote in either lhe House or the Senate would kill the action. Administration spokesmen ha~e said that re· moval of ~asoline price controls would have little 1m mediate effect at the pumps. The Federal Energy Administration estimates the price of unleaded gas could go up about two cents a gallon, reflecting its higher refining costs. Thal in· crease may be offset by slight reductions in the price of ordinary gasoline which bears part of the refining costs of the unleaded variety, the FEA says. Congressional critics, however, claim that prices could climb as much as six cents a gallon. 2 Held in Kidnap, LA Crime Spree LOS ANGELES (AP) -Police arrested two youths today after a three-hour crime s pree in which a veteran Los Angeles radio s port scaster was k1dnaped, another man fired on and robbed and a home burglarized. KFWB radio newsman Cleve Hermann was kidnaped early lo· 'Emergency' Schedu/,ed Warning sirens will wail over HU{ltington Beach al noon Jan. 28. There will be no need for panic, however. The city's Fire Department will be testing its disaster warn- lni system, a collection of sirens mounted on fire sta- tions. Civil Defense Director George Thyden said he will be working on equipment which will come through loud and clear in every sec· tton of the city. Test soundings will be held on the last Friday or each month at noon, Thyden said. day and forced to drive to hlS Sherman Oaks apartment, where he and his wife were robbed, of- ficers said. In Beverly Hills, Los Angeles Times distributor Leo Kempton, 56, was robbed or $100, then fired on Neither Kempton nor anyon~ else involved in the spree was in· jured, pohcesa1d. The two youths, not immediate· ly identified by police, were ar· rested al4:20 a.m., in a home on Mulholland Drive after a s1lenl alarm was tripped. OHiccrs gave their ages as 18and19. HermaM was accosted outside a Hollywood bowling alley at i · 30 a.m. and forced to drive to his home. There the two youths took his money, his wife's ring and his car, officers said. ~ermann reportedly fell into conversation with his abductors who. police said, told nim their troubles and then agreed to return the money, but kept the ring and car. A short time later they told Kempton they wanted to buy a newspaper, but he said he had no change. Officers said they robbed him or $100 at gunpoint. then fired a shot at him. Another victim was confronted by the youths on Benedict Canyon Road, but no details were availa· ble. Amnesty RuledOut ~ By Ford WA SHINGTON (A PI -Presi· dent Ford ruled out blanket am· nesty for Vietnam military de· sert,era and draft evaden today bu• directed thal wounded and decorated veterans who rtteived other·tha.n-honorable discharges have their status changed to honor able discharges. Ford late laat month said he would look lnto the possibility of a seneraJ amnesty for Vetnam war desert.en and draft resister.. after he was asked to by thC' widow of Sen. Philip A. Hart <D Mich.), who bad Supported such amnesty. In a letter to Mrs. Hart today. the President said he ''decided to maintain my position on eamed clemency and hope you will un· derstand." Door-to-door Seller Permit Nixed by FV The Fountain Valley City Council revoked the business license Tu~day for a door-to. door candy and cookie firm known as Boys Enterprize Com- pany. Police officials said the firm, which employs black juveniles to sell the confections. has been misrepresenting itsell a s a charitable organization like the Boys Club. Lt. John Beddow s aid the owner of the firm, William C. Hooks, also known as Tyrone Hooks . was arres ted in December by Westminster police. Hooks' firm was known as the Youth Development .Company while operating in Westminster. "Not only is he operating 11· legally and causing enforcement problerfl's." said Beddow, "he is also depriving community-based service clubs and charitable or· ganizations from poss ible re-~ venue they usually obtain Crom door-to·door candy or cookie sales." Hooks was not present al the Tuesday meeting. City officials wrote a Jett.er lo his firm advising him or the revocation of the busi· ness license. ~ 'WE'RE. HEROIN ADDICTS AND WE NEED MONEY' Meu Polle• S.ek Aobbera Who Look Uk• Thi• Two Gunnien Rob Mesa :W 01nan, 82 By STEVE MITCHELL Ol ... IMlly~S..H An 82-year-old woman and her young nie<:e were held at gun- point in their Cost.a Mesa home by two men who ransacked several rooms before escaping with $600 in cub and a ruby ring Monday night. Police said Mrs. Ruth Swope, or 1842 Park Ave .• waited until Tuesday morning to report the robbery to police after being warned by the gunmen that her niece would be harmed if she call~d for help. Officers reconstructed the crime Uus way: The two men knocked on the front door lo Mrs. Swope's home at about 9 p.m. Monday, and when she opened the door, they asked if they could use the phone. The pair said there had been an accident, and when Mrs. Swope's niece attempted to band the phone out the door to them, they pushed their way into lb~ home, Wtdlet of HB Mayor Lost Huntington .Beach police lo were alerted today to be on the lookout for Mayor Harriett Wieder, or at least for her official mayor or the town badge, busi· ness cards and other items of identification. . brandishing 1.1 rJnr and a .38 caliber revolver "'We're heroin addict!> and we oeed {Jloney,'' Mrs. Swope said the pa.ir shouterj. "We know you have it." One of the gunmen (ook th<· telephone from the 12-year-Old girl and yanked the cord out of the wall before marching 'Mrs S wope and the niece into a bedroom where the suspect with the rifle stood watch over them KILLED •.• A neighbor. Richard Durwill. ·call ed poUce after being alerted by Mrs. Jarrell. who was home at the time and reportedly became hysterical. • Investigators said the two v1c· lims were working with a CB radio antenna about 30 feet high when it brushed the power Unes above the family residence. An identical accident in Lo6 Angeles last weekend electrocut· ed two teenaged CB radio en· thusiasts and critically burned a third helping them erect an an· ' tenna. promptmg renewed warn· ings by power company official~. Southern California Edlfon Co m pany s pokes man BIJI Compton told newsm en shortly after Tuesday's tragedy in Hunt· lngton Beach that the utibty firm has issued numerous warnings to CB users. RILEY TESTIFIES. • • The pair allegedly broke into the h-0me of a realtor on Mulholland Drive, where police were summoned by a s ilent alarm. Officers said they were ar- rested in the process of robbmg the house and had pockets stuffed '4"ith Jewelry Police said Hooks was arrested Dec. 22 in Weatminster tor doing business without a city license or a police department permit. Mayor Wieder, of 16261 Tis· bury Circle, called officers Tues· day to report her wallet had been either Jost, misplaced or stQlen somewhere. So tar today, the Hunlibgt.on Harbour district resident's credentials were still misslng. Fire Department Capt. Backen said many· people caught up In the current CB radio craze do not realize the dangers involved in attempting to erect their own home aerials. Adrian Kuyper if the Board of Supervisors could block the .airline's mou• In response to Riley's written Nov 11 mqu1ry. Kuyper Dec 1 :\aid 1t 1s ··extremely doubtful" that the C1v1I Aeronautics Board would grant a full heariag on A1rwrsl 's request Kuyper's memo pointed out that the a1rltnc wac; not request rn~ a dd1t1onal flights from <)rangr County Airport but merC'· Jy It nk extension lo existing fltghts D1edr1ch e11 rly lhts week ad nutted he was 1rr1tated bv Auwest·s application to the "c· tension because th~ <.·o mpany had ·'fa tied lo constd\!r the coun· t y's position .. Yei., )OU bet l gave Don Brown hell and told hi m I wouldn't be too interested 1n ..inythtn& he had to say from lhat point out." Oledr1ch said He 1n!'ll:.t1•d that his tongue lashing of lirown, which ended in th t• c ounty «1Ha1te where Djedrrch parks h1~ C'ar. was the result of what he saw as Alrwe~t 'll highhandedness and had nothing to do with political campaigns Malone and Sanders 5a1d last ·week they had lunch with BroWTI :it an N.'onomic confer~nce In Anaheim the day Diedrich cut Joose on the Sacromento-ba11ed Jiughes lobbyist. But both said they kn~w Jtolb1ng that might shed light on the Diedrich-Brown verbal altercatJon. 0"AN0l COAn ... DAILY PILOT 'f._ Of~ tM\t 0•119 .. t~t Wl ... W"'lft I''""' blN>oftl"'""'---\ ,.,.." 1,.,..,..~ .... ,,..o....,.... fAnltl'oflh\f\•"4C.,._,.,.., ._.,..,.,..,~ -• ftYhu\~ M ~Nl•T t9'f' ...... " .-~ .... t .. ( • '• ___ , ........ ,_,.. "--··~ '4V"lt• ........ .._._.._ ·~,.. '"'" V•ll•'I lrun,. \eHttott• V11H•'t ~"' ll~t "#'A'l'li ~11fl\("f'f A" ... '-··~•l•t'\ ti~ Wftl•'""" S.••WO•• ~ ~. U ... ""''"" •--' <Nl!Ji•'"'~ •'*"'' ·~ .......... , ...... \,, .. , '°''"""'· .. (.411,f-tff'lt•.,..,. ..... ,.,,. .... • ,,.,.,.."' •"'Wf .. 11 ... l\IWt u ct• C•tt• v , • .,.~\•ftol>"' .. fllift t,.,,.,,..., ......... .,,.. ·'·~~:.~:·~·· ~ .... .......... .,..,..q ... ~ ... .. a .. , ... " -. ,.,,.,... ~ .. ., A.\\l\,t~t Mtt~ll"IQ ~IOf'\ ·-"··-.... Or-~· ..... HulttlntllOll IOMtl~ tlllfll#••" ._ •• ,. ................... ~ 0 ... ,.. ., ... Oftlc•• l~ ~::." ~.::::;;~~' "'-'•bol\ v., .. , tll01 IA ~•I ...... • ,,.,.oi ... ••......v Tolopt19110 (714)142~1 CIH~ M•eftl .. M2·5f11 , __ ,,,Cit_(_•°"'""""'·' ... ..... ,uo c.,~·c 1::&, o:.~, '~~.,~:~~~. ~.,., ., ..... , .. ~"''"" ,..,,,,. "'•• ff ,..,"'41ut•a ••...-~• , .. ,,., "'"'"'''4' t• , .............. , '"•H cl10 "'"r. IHI'• •• Ct••• ,,..,., C•tfl.,•10 ••tU t •lit• •• "" ,., 11 It ~f'Uy· tn ,...u '\t '' flPl4iftt"'"tt mlUttf'' ---""-""' And in a conversation !ale las t week. Riley said that should he be called to testify he would "have to put things in their pro· per perspective." "Ralph <Diedrich I talks hard and sometimes pretty tough. Thal 's just the way he 1s and sometimes he u5es stronger words than he really means," said Rtle) • J "d have to tell the jury that." he added. R iley also s aid that he ~o met1mes I al ks fr eely and renects on his own thoughts at his staff meetings. "M y own comments ptobably could be misinterpreted," the Newport Beach supervisor said When reminded that he ~ad said Diedrich was mad as hell when he came to see him on the Alrwest matter, Riley said, "Did I say that? I iuess I must have. But you know how Ralph is " Dimes March Planne d in Seal Beach Final plaru1 are under way for lhe Seal Beach March of D1mel> Mothers' March campaign Jan 30 . Police Chief and campaign chairman Edward L. ClbbarelU explained that volunteers will march through the city's reslden· tial areas offering to collect donatloM to help finance re· search and treatment of mentaJ and physical handicaps resulllng from congenital birth defects. Heading the overall campaign nn a city district basis will he Mrs. Carl Slone, of the College Park West a rea Iler fellow worker ror that area is Allene Harding, also of College Park West. College Park East campaign l eaders arc J a net Yearn, Patricia Davis, Ann New and Diane Schmitt, f'ra• Page A I ENDORSE. • d1dates' campai1:n committees," said Mrs. Miller. Hundley and Mrs. Funck could expect to receive about $1,000 each, she said. Even though Mrs. Wcssa won't take money, she said today she will allow DEA c ampaign ~ workers to assist her election committee. "Our main strength in the elec- tion is in providing manpower and building a rapport with the voters m the school district," said Mrs. Miller . Each teacher in the 867· member DEA donates $S per year to the union's pohtical ac- tion committee to provide cam. palfn (unds, said Mrs. Miller. "They can request to have that donation back, but so far only three teachers have done that, .. she added. The donalioni. are sent to ABC in Burlingame. '•People think we try to own the candid.ates we endorse but we don 't," the DEA official said ··w e expect them to be open lo in formation from us and not just the administration." The DEA endorsed the cam· paigns of formeT Trustees Ron Shenkman and Robert Knox as well as current Trustees Ralph Bauer. Don MacAlllater and Helen Ditt.e. The teachers' union endorsed Hundley In his unsuccessful at- l.empt in the Nov. 2 special elec lion. Hundley finished second an u four-c andidate field. Hundley, a teacher.supervisor for the Artesia-Bellflowe r Cerritos Uruhed School D1str1C'l, received S2,000 from J\BC In the November election . Mrs. Funck. the DEA 's third choice. is the executive director of a non-profit organliat1on which rrov1dcs educational mat.e'ria for bUnd students. Mrs. Miller said. Barbara Barton chairs tht camp•iKn in Seal Beach'll Old Town dl.alrlct, tylnf( on the ocean side or Pacific Coast Highway. Oiler Dr um Major Brown in New York Wl.d8 Parade Fint SACRAMENTO CAP> Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. ls meeting Huntinaton BeAch High School with New York business '". drum maj« Bob Avuradcl won ecatlvea today before conUnuinQ first place In compelltfon a1atnat to Washlngton, D.C., for the pre-2 1 Southern Cal If o rn la sldcntiaftnaucuration Thursday. ptrformeni at the Riverside SOO He 11 to return P'rtday for a mtet· parade In Ontario !Qt Saturday tn1 o f t he Unherwlty of The Oller marchlna band Calllornla board ol re1enta ln placed third and Ute drlll team San Frandaeo. fourth ln ~ cornpeUtloo • .. NOlV . IS YOUR ...,HANCE TO SAVE 10-60 3 DURING OUR { JANUARY CLEARANCE ~ SALE WE ARE GOING ALL OUT TO MAKE. THIS OUR MOST IMPRrSSIVf SAL( rvtNT EVER NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVf. HiROUGHOUT OUR i'NTIRE STORE IN ML DEPART MENTS. ON CURRENT ANO DISCONTINUED LINES FR OM SUCH PRESTIGIOUS MANUFACTURERS AS DREXEL. HERITAGf: HENR£00N BAKU~ CEN TURY WOOOMARK. MARGE CARSON . SHERRILL STANTON C00P£:R MRELOOM STIFFLf ANf> MANV MOHf CALL ONE OF OUA 0£St(jNlR~ rOUAY.OR BlrTlA VU STOP BV AND SI I FOR VOURSI l F WHY WE ARE Mi\KINu THI!) OUH c~R[A TlSJ SAL( r vr R FINE FURNITURE •INTElllO!f DESIGN The Store of Famo u s Names CONVfNI[ '°" T Fl MNCINC PHOHS!>IONAI, INT( HIOR U[~IGN WITHOUT OBLICl\TION /\ND COMPOIHABLF l1AAKINCi t u"kl•y, W1'fln1•\<J,1v Thur'"·• ol ,., I 'i.1111111<1'1'. 9 JO 11> 5 30 Mono.iv. 12 to 9. !-11tl.Jv 9 30 10 It .. i ·. l .f._ Irvine EDITION * * Tod ay's Closing I N.~.Stoeks !VOL. 70, NO. 19, 4 SECTIONS,~ PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1977 l ~il-m ~aces Fine f~!:_VKA~~h~.~!~!wu Tree or how many trees were mis takenly cut down, but he s he'll ofter to replace each mls ... takenly removed tree with a ne.: tree of "better quality." ' ... - o.lty~leaft ...... EUC~L YPTUS WIND BREAK MINUS 38 TREES: IO OTHERS TRIMMED IN HALF The PreeleyCompanlea M•y Be Fin~ for TrH Destruction In OrangetrH t Hughe~' I . ~Dise'¥~ ;Multiple HOUSTON (AP) -Court docu- ments filed today indicate the late billionaire Howard Hughes suf· fered from cancer, a peptic ulcer, kidney disease. badly decayed teeth and undernourishment. Testimony in the form or de- positions taken from doctors who performed an autdpsy on Hughes ~ere filed with Harris County j'ProbateJudge Pat Gregory. Dr. Jack Titus, pathologist at Baylor College of Medicine, said he found a peptic ulcer. a ''tiny focus or cancer" in the prostate gland. scar tissue blocking the urinary tract and uremic poison- 1 ing I Titus said the ltjdneys were s hrunken by an ailment that may have been caused by a drug Hughes took from 1946to 1972. Or. Oscar B. Maldonado, an loral su rgeon at Method ist I Hospital where the autopsy was performed April 6. said the teeth lof the billionaire were so badly de· lcayed they must have been .. very. very painful." . Hughesdted April 5..wttife bein~ jnown to Houston from Acapulco, 1 Mexico. for medical treatment. A brier t-eport released after th<' autopsy attributed death to ltidney failure Methodist Hospital officials later delivered the autopsy report 'to Gregory, who has Texas Jurisdiction for matters involvmg .Hughes' estate, and its ~eta1ls have not bffn released Maldonado's deposi lion described Hughes' teeth as in as ··poor shape as any I have seen .since l was in training 15 to Iii years ago " Titus 1denUf1ed the drug that caused the kidney failure as phenacetin, an analgesic Hughes was said to have started taking after he was mjured in a )946 plane crash . Titus quoted Hughes' personal doctors as say- 103 they got their patient to stop taklng the drug in 1972. The pathologist said Hughes CSee HUGHES, Pa1e AZ> Or::l4 ,~:.a~t \\'eath er Considerable hig h cloudiness through lfhura- day. Hl&hs in 70s. Lows 44 to52. INSIDE TOD~ Y Thlrtw·onf reddfnl• of Orange Coon commtmltt.• become Amerlcon dtimu m not u ralfiotlon cetfmonJI, •torv . pictun, Al City Sclwol Tour Slated El Camino. Greentree and College Park Elemen- tary Schools will be the featured campuses on Friday·s Irvine Unif1ed School District tour.' The tour will begin al 8:30 a.m. at district head- quarters. at 2941 Alton Ave., where there will be a quick briefing and coffee and rolls. Then. tour members will proceed by bus to the three school sites. where prin- cipals will show off their campuses. The public is invited to participate. For more in· £.ormation and reserva-, tions, phone Fran Morton or Nancy Rowland, at 556-4900. Survivors Of Missing Boot Sought By ALMON LOCKABEY DllllY 1'1191 -11 ... ll• .. or Coast Guard search and rescue teams searched the waters 14 miles southwest of Dana Point today for possible survivors of a 33-foot cabin cruiser reported overdue out of its West Basin berth at Dana Harbor. The boat has been identified as the Robbie I. owned by Alex. ander Masters, 55. of Fullerto~ Masters has been reported miss- ing by his family. Debris recovered in the search has been positively identified as belonging6to Robbie l . but Sgt. Richard Ison of the Orange County Harbor Department said there was no indication that the vessel had exploded or bumed. "This is a most confusing situation." said Sergeant Olson. .. We don't know at this time ifthe owner was aboard or how many passengers may have been aboard. However, Mrs. Mastera has reported her husband miss- ing and his automobile has been located at the marina." Olson said debris round within a two-square mile area included a hatch cover, seat cus)lions, a styrofoam ice chest. emergency gas cans. a section of carpeting, a suitcase and a child's life jacket. "The only si19 of fire was a , small burn on the life Jacket." Olson said. First report or the m ls sing boat was made by radio from another vets.el heading for Catalina bland aU:.S p.m. Tuesday. The report to the Coast Guard said merely that debrla was noatln& ln the area. A Coast Guard search by the Point Divide out of Newport and two hellcopt.era bu turned up no bodtes or aurvfvon. The search la conUnutni today, accordin1 to Cout Guard officers In San Die10. Toll Bike Nixed SACRAMENTO (AP) -Tolls should not be lncreued on the San Frandaco Bay Brid&e to aub- atd.lre BART -at leut hot foe • wblle -Le!Oalative Analyst A.. Alan Postu.IdTuadll.1. Utility Station Blasted SAUSAIJTO CAP) -A utility statio1t was attacked today by un-11 erg round revolutionaries angered at the death of an elderly Midwest man wbo died when his gas was turned off during the re- cent cold spell, authorities said. Police said tbe serie:s of o - plosiona in a smaJJ Pacific G• & Electric substation 1twakeoed hundred.a of Sausalito residents butcauaednodamageorinjurles. The New World Liberation Front claimed respomibility for the blasts in a statement issued by self-styled NWLF courier Jac· ques Rogiers. The body of a 74-year-old man was found last week in Mansfield, Ohio. when his utilities wer~ cut off because of an $18blU owed. Rogiers said the ixplosions were "in memory of the death" and to underscore NWLF de· mands for free electricity "to aged poor living on fixed incomes below the poverty level in the San f'ranciscoBayarea." , PG&E spokesman Paul Girard s aid FBI investigators de- termined three explosives were detonated at the substation. He said PG&E experienced such attacks since 1968, but that this first attack in 1977 would not attain the NWLF goals. ·'The damage C'aused by groups or organizations in attempt to pre- ss illegal demands are passed along to PG&E customers in the form of higher rates." Girard • said. ·· The FBI says little 1s known about the NWLF. The group has claimed responsibility for numerous bombings in recent years in the San Francisco Bay area. Woman, 82, Robbed in Costa Mesa By STEVE MITCHELL OI ... Dolly f'li.t ll•H An 82-year-old woman and her young niece were held at gun- point ln their Costa Mesa 'home by two men who ransacked several rooms before~scaplng with $600 in cuh and a ruby ring Monday night. - Police sa.icf..Mra. Ruth Swope, ot 1842 Park Ave., waited until .Tuesday mornin& to rea.rt the robbery to police artel" being warned by tbe gunmen that her niece wOUfd be b1trmed It she called for beJp. Officers reconstructed tbe crime thJI way: The two men knocked on the front dbor to Mn. Swope'a bome at about 9 p.m. Monday, and wbeo 1he opened tbe door, they u r..ct ii they could UH UM phone. 1be pair 1ald there had bMa an ~lct.nt, and when Mra. Mwope'1 niece attempted to h•Gd tbe phoo.e out the door to them , they putb.-. t.beJ.r way Into tht bom .. brandl1bln1 • nne and a •• caliber nwlver. ··we•re Mroin addJcc. 1:Dd we need mooe:r.'' lln. &#ope Hid t1ee VIClllU. Pac• AZ> f , 0t111eo.11, ...... , .. " "completely barfled" by the tree• The1>resley Companies may be situation and said he cqpld not rined up to $19,000 for chopping understand why the subcontrac • down 38 eucalyptus trees and tor, Kennedy Brothers. did more severely lrimmlng 80 others work than the contract called for. withoutcitypermlssioninthenew, Today, Presley phoned the Orantreedev,lopmentin Irvine. Daily Pilot to say he had been in touch with the subcontractor and The tree destruction was dis-is now trying to determine how covered last week by city stafr many trees were felled and why members. who are recommend-it occurred. • lng that the company be fined "Maybe it was just a case of an $500 tor every missing tree or be overeager man with a saw," required to replant 38 new trees I t d "W d 't at loeations to be determined by Pres ey sugges e . e ~on know whathappened." , the city. Presley said he may not agree Randall Presley. president of with the city's figures. In terms Won't Disclose De tai ls Bob McNatt, or the city's com• munfty development depart; menl. said . the company su~ milted a tree maintenance pro. gram last year that indicated 30 eucalyptus trees needed to be re. moved to make way for the hous· ing development, located off l rvine Center Drive at a slte between Jeffrey and S•nd Ca~ oyon Roads. But McNatt said Presley had <See TREES, Pa'e AZ> Riley Testifies ... In Diedrich ·case By GARY GRANVI LLE OI U.. D•lly l'llot Sl•H Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley appeared before the county Grand Jury as it con- tinued its probe Tuesday into the campaign fund raising activities of Supervisor Ralph Diedrich. · Riley refused today to discuss any details of his testimony before the jury but admitted he had responded to the jury's sub- poena and had testified. The Newport Beach supervisor's testimony in an in· vestigation of another county supervisor is believed to be the first time one supervisor has been called to testiry in the in- vestigation or another. A Riley ajde, Kirk Evans, also put in an appearance before the J ury u 4id two aides to Supervisor Ralph Clark, Steve Malone and Greg Sanders. • And, sources close to the Diedrich probe reported , representatives of two major de- velopers. like Riley, made un· seen entrances..lnto the Grand Jury room. Testimony in the Diedrich probe got under way two weeks ago. Dolllll.l'IHt SUH ....... TESTIFIES IN PROBE Supervlaor Riley Initially. the probe centered on Hughes Airwest and reported aJ- legati9ns that the airline had been cajoled lo give campaign contributions to poUliclans sup. ported by Diedricti. Since then, the investigation reportedly has grown to cover al- legations that heavy-handed t~e­ tics were used to SQlicit cam;i paign funds for Diedrich favored candidates, including County Supervisor Philip Anthony, and Assemblyman Dennis Mangers CD-Huntington Beach). Called to testify when the Diedrich probe got under way were Hughes public relations director Michael Murphy and Hughes lobbyist Donald K. Brown. Another opening day witness was Riley aide Scott Ferguson. In an interview before the in· vestlgation opened, Riley ad· milted that "some time ln l~te October or early November Diedrich had come to his office ··mad as hellat Airwest." ..,. Riley said Diedrich told him he would back him in an effort to stymie an Airwest bid to provide llnklng air service from Orange County Airport through Salt Lake City aodon to Denver. The Newport Beaeh supervisor then asked County Counsel (5ee RILEY, Pa&e A2) Supervisors FIX Airport Taxi Rates Irv ine Panel Meets On S ite Situation Rates for taxica~s that pick up passengers at Orange Coun- ty Airport were set by county supervisors Tuesday. The board has invited taxi firms to bid on an exclusive t hree-year franchise al the lirport. But the firms must agree lo charge no more than 90 cents for the first one-fourth mile of travel plus 20 cents for each ad· dltional quarter mile. They also may charge no more than $9 per hour for customer-:-equested waiting time. County official~ said the rates are based on those in cities sur· rounding th'e airport. The franchise will be given to the firm that offers the county the highest incon\e per taxi passenger with a five-cent minimum. An existing franchise with the YeHow Cab Co. of Costa Mesa and .Newport Beach is expiring, officials said. That contract gives the county an Income or 6.S cents per passenger lrvine Community Services Commissioners will meet tonight al city hall to discuss how the former community college site al Jeffrey Road and the Santa Ana Freeway should be used. Com m1ss1oners. whose meet· ing begins at 7:30, will attempt to make a r~ommendation to the city council and planning commission regarding the 200- acre site. The site is now shown on the city's general plan as a location for im1titutional uses. such as a comm unity college. But the Saddleback Communi- ty College District is now con- sidering two other sites Instead. Blind May Serve? SAC RAMENTO (AP) -The bltnd would be able to. serve on juries in CaJlfornia under Jegisla· ti on introduced Tuesday. The m c:asure, written by Sen. Alex Gar ci'8, "-CD · Los Angeles). is similar to a law approved last year in the stale or Washington Colitrols Lift? , Ford Try Likely to Fail WASHINGTON (AP) -In a last-minute moll before leaving office, President Ford today proposllll liftingpticecontrblsongasoline. The move )I\ expected to race strong opposition ln ConBress, whicft has 15 days jn which to veto Ford's move. A negative vote in either the House or the Senate would kill the action. Administration spokesmen have said that re- moval of guollne price controls would have little am- medlate~rrect at the pumps. The Federal Energy Administration estimates the price or unleaded gas could so up about two cents a,aallon, renectlng its hl1ber refining costs. That ln- d'reaac may be oftsel by slight reductions in the price of OTdlnary sasoline which bears part of the refining cost.a f4 the unleaded variety. the FEA says. · ~()rial critlca, however, claim that prices could cUlnb as much as six centl a gAllon. \ .. • so the city must decide what other uses should be permitted. Com missioners will consider five alternatives, including one prepared by the landowner, the Irvine Company, and Copr others prepared by city staff members,. The Irvine Company is sug- gesting mostly medium density residential development, with some medium-high density re· sidential uses and some special· ly commercial. The city's proposals include: -The same plan as the Irvine Company's, but adding a burrer zone between the freeway and any dwellings. -A plan that would have only open space uses. s uch as a golf course. -One that would have mostly medium density residential, with some medium-high density tt• sidentl al uses. a commercial recreation area and a buffer zone. ·The last plan is a comblna· lion plan. The parcel has some special noise problems due to its proximi- ty lo the freeway and the marine base BOAT S41LED ON FIRSI' DAY "We sold the boat tbe flnt night the ad ran in the paper. We got a lot of calls and are very happy we advertiaed ln lhy>alb Pilot." That's the sales succet., ex. perienced by the Newport Beach woman who placed Olis clasailltd ad: Sabot Schock 4000 series. rating rigged, new Ulman sail. ~ Ull· xx xx If you have a boatitt aell. call 642·51'78. - It only takes a few words In the rtibt place to attract a. buyer. Alcxic the Orao1e Coast. the rtpt place la ln the Dally Piiot. ·' ~ ·~ 0,t,IL V PILOT Wednesday J1nuary 19. 1977 • Ford: No Amnesty I Wo~'t A.ct on Deserters, Draft Evade-rs WASHINGTON CAP> -Pres! dent Ford ruled out blanket am· n•ty tor Vietnam mlUtary de· setters and draft evaders today but directed that wounded and decorated veterans who received other· than-honor•ble diaebar&es ha•e their status cbanaed to honorable discharges. Beatings Denied By Mother By TOM BAaLEY I OI.,. o.<1, ~, ... St.ti! Qlose to tears under an in- tfllSive cross examination by an an_gry prosecutor , Carolyn lbwster of San Clemente re· peatedly denied Tuesday that she had ever beaten her 2.year-old daughter. Mrs. Brewster. 24. told Deputy District Attorney f'rank Fasel ;nd an attentive Jury that she ad· milted beating her httle girl after her arrest because co-defendant Kenneth Ray Bolden urged her to do so. ''Ue told me that I would get off lightly beC'ausc of my nervous condition and the beatings my ex·hus band used to give me," she testified. "lie <Bolden) said fie would get 15 years in jail if he was convicted." Bolden, a Camp Pendleton Marine , and Mrs. Brews ter are being tried in Orange County Superior Court on multiple ch"arges of child abuse. It is alleged that each or both i nflicted what almost proved to b e fa tal injuries on Cora Brewster Aug. 17. The 2·ycar·old recovered after brain s urgery ln San Clem ente General Hospital. Mrs. Brewster testified Tues- day that Bolden beat her little girl with his Marine Corps belt urttil s he was black and blue and once held a lighted cigarette to th~ child's chest while she watched. Fasel, obviously distressed by the admission, told the witness: "That 's incredibl e , Mrs . Brewster. Why did you allow hint,, to do something hke that to ' Cora?" "I was aft.aid of him." Mrs. Brewster explained. "He had alC"e ady showed me his clenched fist,. I was once nearly killed by a man and I didn't want it to happen again ·• 'Why didn 't you leave him and take your children 1Jenn1rer, " l'Jnd Cora, 21 with you'>" the pro- 'ecutor ai;ked "You had re )c1lives in Cahforn1a Why d1dn t ;;;ou go to them~ "None of my relatives would 11ave me." Mr.. Brewster said. "[ meant to leave him l Bolden> Jus~ as soon as l had got enough money together and I'd already told him that 1r he beat my kids again he'd have to go.·· Bolden has te~tir1ed that Mrs. Brewster was respon'i 1hie for the beatings. He told th~ 111ry that Mrs. Brewster becaml' frustrat· ed and nervous when he was away on guard duty at Camp Pendleton and that she told him that she look 1t out on Cora Bolden admitted that he was ;alone m the family's motel room w·th Cora and Jennifer last AuK 17 when the younger child SUS· hlined her most seriou1 tnJuries. The Martne explained lo the JUry that the child roUed otr the bed and fell onto his metal am· munition box He said she was unconscious when he reached her und failed to respond to mouth to mouth resuscitation. Mrs. Brewster adm itted fn her testimony t hat Jennifer was taken out of her custody for six months by state authorities while she was living in Florida with Frank Brewster the man wh<> married her after Cora was born. Oii.AHO[ COAST DAILY PILOT =:t..~~~:n ::.::::-..:~::. ON'' Pue.1\1'\.f,._.C....,_,•"• ._,..,,....,..._...,.. ...,..l\Mft Mo'Wf•Y IMOvOf' r•fde" ,., ~· #19-'4 frrM•Dftil't 11•-c" ...... ,..,,..(W\ .. M:'"'~ t••fll Y•lt•'r h •I"• \4001•~· V•ll•t 41'0 l~----~ \Out1'(••\I A~~ .. l...,_ k outM1\lllrtd k•~411•n .,.... ~ ,,. ;!~ ... ~~:.':;1.T.'.:!..~.:,.,..,... .. , ._, .. _ .... ,..," ....... ~·Wr ~ ..... <....., v ... ..,.....,.,. • ..,~-.. __. y._ ............. 1: ••• ., ,_.,_,.... ""-~ ........ ... °""""',. "" .,._,. -At"''•f'i ._f\ottl,.. l4f4tr\ Ofllcea C..l•Mou »twn1a..11..o1 '---.... ~ .... o-.., ... _. ";'!."'t:c~~~ .. ;'w:t..~~ etl ... 0._,,_.., TeltpllOne (71A)~1 Cl .. tffled Adwtt11""9 Mt·M'Pt ._ ....... v .... , ...... Olll(e Mt..-JtO "'-"'°'ca.-4M-OIJO Font late last month said be would Jook into the poqlbUJty ol a 1eneral amnesty for Vet.nam war deserters and draft resiaten after be was asked to by the widow of Sen. PhiUp A. Hart <D· Mich.), who bad s upported aucb amneaty. thera the opportun_lty lo "work their . way back into sodety" throuah public service. According to While H ouse calculations, 106,472 draft re. sisters were eligible for the pro- eram but onJy 21,723 took advan. tage of it before iL explred last year. In a letter to Mrs. Hart today. the Pret1ident said be "decided lo maintain my l>06iUon on earned clemency and hope you wm Wl· deratand. . College Signups Record "Within m y clemency pro· gram. however, f have directed that the other·than·honorable diacbarges received by former service members who we re wounded in combat or r eceived decorations for valor in combat in Vietnam eacb be reviewed and upgraded to discharges under honorable conditions unless there is a compelling reason to the contrary in any case," Ford wrote. · A White House spokesman said only deserters would be affected by Ford's new directive and that at most 700 veterans would be eligible. The While House released a copy of the two-page letter to Mrs. Hart after deputy White House counsel Edward Schmults telephoned Mrs. Hart and read the letter to her. SchmuJts said that Mrs. Hart thanked him and said that she wanted to think about the letter before commenting on it. The President also sent letters to the secretaries of the three armed services and the comman- dant of the Coast Guard asking them to evaluate how many peo- ple would be eligible under his new program. Those who have their other· than ·honorable discharge c hanged to honorable would become eligible for veterans benefits, including medical A:are and GI education benefits. In 1974, Ford offered drart re- sisters, but not deserters, a form of limited amnesty by giving Prices' Up In County By the Associated Press Rising living costs took another hefty bite out of Southern Californi ans ' pocketbooks last month. but the annual rate of in· crease remains well below 197S and 1976. The U.S. Bureau of Labor StaHstics said today that prices rose by 0.4 percent 10 Los Angeles and Orange counties during December, bringing the total increase for the year to5.6 perct>nt In 1976. pnces rose by 9 I percent, and in 1975 by 11 9 percent. according to Jim Wurth. head or the Bureau o r Labor Statisties, Southern California office. TREES ... not yet applied for a tree removal permit for any of the eucalyptus trees. A permit had been granted for 3,600 orange trees and three pine trees, he said. .. 0 ( the trees which remam 180), every tree has been severe· ly 'pleached' or topped more than SO percent of the origlJlaJ height. thus destroy1og the character and beauty of the wtnd break," McNattsa1d. He added that ·pleachmg' som t>ti mes causes an immediate dedine in the trees and eventual death. Presley admitted today be was not happy with the "pruning job" and pointed out that It doesn't help the looks of the housing pro· ject, either. But he contended that there may be only eight more tree.5 fe lled than were called for , because of his original plan to cut down30tr~. Presley said he was not aware that any further tree permit was neces.sary after the tree main- tenance plan was submitted. Mc NaU agreed that the city may have allowed many of the 30 trees to be removed. But he said hia reconunended fines against Presley take into account the 1evere pleaching of the other a> trees and the failure by Presley to carry out the tree maintenance program. Asslltant City Manager Paul Brady Hid today that either h•mself or City Manager BUI Woollett will contact Presley and Inform him or the proposed fine. Brady said a •lmllar situation occurred lut ~ar, when the Irvine Company removod 25 eucalyptus trees in the Wood· brld1e actlvlty corridor area. near Barranca Road, without permlulon. "Wt believe lt wat un•nten- Uonal and U..t the subcontractor Just made a mistake," Brady laid . "But we ·mlde them replace each ol thole trees and we pro- bably will do the um• wltb Pntley," he added. Tuesday was the first day of re- g is tr a t 10 n for the spr i ng semester at Saddleback College and more than 2,000 people showed up -an a ll·time one day record for the Mission Viejo school. "We were really thrilled by the turnout," said Dan Armstrong, community information officer at the college. "The record for one day before this was only about 1.700 and an average big day 1s about J,SOOto 1,600." The Oood of registrants kept college offlcials busy from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. with breaks only for lunch and dinner ' Armstrong attributed the large first·day turnout to the ract that many continuing students failed to go through pre-regis tration at the end or last semester. '·A lot of them took off on Christmas vacation right after their last final," he said. "They were here yesterday, though.'' This week's registration is for continuing students and new stu· dents by appointment only. Open reglstrahon won't take place un· til next week. Signups for Sad· dleback's off.campus program also begin Monday and continue through Feb. 4 'Armstrong said that as or the end of the first day or registra· tion, a total of 6,371 students had enrolled for the spring semester. Fro•PageAl RILEY ••• Adrian Kuyper if the Board of Supervisors could block the airline's move. ln response to Riley 's written Nov. 11 inquiry, Kuyper Dec. 1 said it is "extremely doubtruJ" that the Civil Aeronautics Board would grant a full hearing on A1rwcst's request Kuyper·s memo pointed out that the airUne was not request· lnR add1t1onal nights from Orange County Airport but m ere· ly link extens ion to existing flights Diedrich early this wee k ad- m I tted he was irritated by A1rwest's applkation to the ex· tension because the com pany had ·'foiled to cons ider the coun· ty's position. "Yes, you bet I gave Don B rown hel l and t old him I wouldn't be too interested in anything he had to say from that point out," Diedrich said. He insisted that his tongue lashlnl' or Brown, which ended in the county garage where Diednch parks his car , was the result of what he saw as Airwest 's highhandedness and had nothing to do with political campaigns. Malone and Sanders said last week they had lunch with Brown at an economic conference in Anaheim the day Diedrich cut loose on the Sacramento-based Hughes lobbyist. But both s aid t h ey knew nothing that might shed light on the Dledrich·Brown verbal And In a conversation late last week, Riley said that should he be called to testily he would "have to put things in their pro- per perspective." "Ralph <Diedrich) talks hard and sometimes pretty tough. Thal 's Just the way he Is and som etimes he uses stronger words than he really means," said Riley. "I'd have to tell the jury that," he added. Riiey a lso said that he som etimes talks freely and renecu on his own thoughta al his staff meetings. "My own comments probably could be misinterpreted," the Newport ~ach supervisor said. When reminded that he had said Diedrich was mad H hell .,.,hen he came to see him on the Airwul matter, Riley saJd, "Did 'J say that? I fU851 J must have. But you know 'ow Ralph Is." f"..._P11pAJ VICTIMS ••• the pair abouted. "We know you haveJt.'' One of the aunmen took the teJ•phone from the Ja.yoa_r-()Jd tlrl and yanked the tofd out of the wall befON marcldn1 Mrs. Swope and the niece Into a bedroom! whero t.bt 1u1pect wtt.b th• rtne ltood watch over them. • Buddy Beam Handicapped Talk Show Topic O.llyl'llMltaH- AfDS HANDICAPPED S•ddlebeck'1 DeMarco l'ro•PopAJ IRJGHES ... died at 1:27 p.m. on Aprll 5 as the plane bringing him to Houston passed over BrownsvHle. He said Hughes w aa being brought to Houston bec ause the . Hughes Medical Foundation had ·'medicaJ scholars" at Mf:thodist Hospital. He said the foundation· has such scholars at vadous medical institutlons over the country. Titus quoted Hughes' personal. physicians as describing Hughes as an extremely d!Hlcult person to provide medical care for . By WILLIAM SCB1l£1B£K Otttll9 o.ltr ...... S..lf The electronic votce isn't particularly loud yet but Joseph DeM arco still flgures h is message is getting out via the airwaves o f Saddleback College's tiny FM radio station, KSBR. DeMarco. a tall, well·bullt young man of 28. bosta a halt- hour talk show each Wednesda,y evening at 6 p.m. that examines the world of the ph~ically han· dica pped. The radio perso Uy ltnows first hand ol the mytbs and mis· underslandincs that surround disabling illness and injury. He is le gally blind -the victim of multiple sclerosis (MS) that struck when he was 16 years old. "The program I do on KSB R is designed to t1lta void that I see in media coverage of the physically inconvenienced," said DeMarco, using the term he coined ror peo- ple with disabilities. DeMarco and the rest of the staff of KSBR are looking forward to the time when the sta- tion will send out a signal blanketing Orange County. As it now stands, the transmit· ter atop the Mission Viejo school's library beams out only 10 watts at 88.S on the radio band. "The FCC (Federal Com- munications Commission) is con· sidering our application to go to Class A status with 3,000 watts," DeM arco said. "That would real· ly be great for the station and for my show." BB Chiropractor Dies in Sauna Bath Long·hme Huntington Beach chiropractor Or. Ammond Ford Robinson was found dead tn a s auna bath at his clinic Tuesday His body tiad apparently been 10 the sauna nearly 24 hours. 'The victim. who du~d on his 57lh birthday, wus appa rt'nlly stricken with a heart :ittack while using the heat and ste~m facility at hls oHtce at 2121 , Main St. He had practiced in downtown Huntington Beach ror 18 years A native Cali fornian, Or. Robinson lived with his wife, Edith . who survives him , al 3400 Peachtree Lane, Newport Beach. Investigat or s said Mr11 . Robinson fin a ll y b ecame alarmed on Tuesday morning when her husband did not come home a nd she could get no answer when telephoning his or. fice. "It was his common practice to stay and work all night at the of· rice," Huntington Beac~ police Detective Bert Chadwick ex· plained today. of the reason for the v1ctim ·s wire not to in· vestigate his absence sooner He said Dr. Robinson often caught up on paper work re· quired for his practice and then napped at the office rather than drive to Newport Beach. /\ memorial service will be held for Dr. Robinson at a date ) et to be selected. Rites for the apparent heart at· tack victim, rho entered his pro· fession 35 years ago. are under direction oi the Neptune Society. Cre mation and burial at sea are planned. Investigators said it will be about I hrec weeks before the cause of death can be confirmed by coroners· deputies but there ...;ere no s igns oHoul play. NOW The radJo stallon ts funded en· tlrely by the c0Ue1• district ud. with the exception of pald facu!t.y member& ~ho teacb in tbe ra41o and televiaion program at t.htt school. the atalf ia made >JP ot student voluoteers. The expansion to 3,000 watta was delayed by a t.rtal)I wta.h Mexico that probibJt.d boolUn' the output ol any ttatlon wltbln 120 inll• ol the border. nae. restriction bas slnce been eaaed and Mexico has approved the KSBR application. Dtllarco said. Despite t.he stall.on'• current limited raaie, DeMarco said be thinks his prolJ'am and others oo KSBR are servin& a need 1n the south coWlty. He sajd pl'OIJ"am director Bob Shannon. who ls al.so a peraonali· ty on K Fl in Los Angeles, is cear· ing tbe statioo toward an even mix of rock, toll rock, cltp.lcal and public service proJ"ram· ming. Non·commercial KSBR la on the air 12 boura a day, from to a .m . to 10 p.m. but DeKarc:o said it may eventually run around tbe clock . D•Marco's procram on the problems of bandicapiled people -called "Wider Horizons" - this week won the recognition ot the Orange County Epilepsy Society. The organizatioft honored him for "helping lllbt the candle" otunderatandinf. ·'It ls very important for me to let people know what can be done and who to tum to for help in such situations," De Marco sald. DeM arco conceded be 11 trying to "sell" the Idea that a radio program on the handicapped and their problems can not only be of great service to~ community but could also have a large au- dience. "Sure, I'd Uke to do this pro- fessionally," he said. "Radio is a lot or fun but right now it ls more important to fill this void that I see." The program on KSBR centers around specific handicaps and usually consists of special guests who discuss the problems in· volved with each type or dis· ability. De Marco said he wants people with physical handicaps to call him and relate experiences or difficulties they have had. "l really want some respbnse from people who are disabled," he said. DeMarco's phone number in Mission Viejo is 830·7562. Of bis own battle with MS. De Marco said he ''can live with it but I will never accept it." At one lime in b is life, h e was a quadripleeic but gradually fought back to relative iood health and a positive outlook. IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE 10-60 % . DURING OUR JANUA ~y CLEARANCE SALE WE ARE GOING ALL OUT TO MAl(E THIS OUR MOST IMPRESSIVE SALE EVENT ~VER. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE STORE, IN All DEPART· MENTS, ON CURRENT ANO DISCONTINUED LINES FROM SUCH PRESTIGIOUS MANUFACTURERS AS DREXEL, HERITAGE. HENREOON, BAKER, CENnJRY, WOOOMARK. MARGE CARSON, SHERRILL, STANTON COOPER. l\IHELOOM. STIFFL E AND MANY MORE CALL ONE OF OUR OE SIGNERS TODAY. OR BETTER VET. STOP BY ANO SH FOR YOURSELF WHY WE ARE MAKING THIS OUR GREATESTSALE EVER The Store of Famous Names COlllVtN1£NT r!NANCING, PROFESSIONAi. INTE RIOR orste-;N WITHOUT OBLIGA TION ANO COMPORT ABLE PA RKING T1,11,s<1o1v, Wl'tlnnd~y. Tnvrsc1.iv it1ld S.nuuJuy: 9 30 10 & 30 Mu1Wby· 12 to 9. Fnd•v: 9.30 10 9. l t "' ,, f "' Laguna/South Coast EDITION . . Afte rnoon N.,-. S toe k j ! OL 70, NO. 19, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COU~TY, CALIFORNIA WEONESDAY,JANUARY1~1"7 COurt .Hears Child-heating r By TOM BARLEY °' ',. Q•ll' ,.,._. si.tt Close to tears un~er an in· 'tensive cross examination by. an angry prosecutor, Carolyn Brewster of San Clemente re· peatedly denied Tuesday that she had ever beaten her 2·year-old . daughter. 1 Mrs. Brewster, 24. told Deputy 1 District Altomey Frank Fasel and an attentive jury that she ad· • milted beating her litUe girl after Marine, and Mrs. Brewster are her arrest because co.defendant being tried in Orange County Kenneth Ray Bolden urged her to .superior Court 011 multiple do so. • charges of child abuse. "He told me that 1 would get off It is alleged that each or both lightly becabse of my nervous inflicted what almost proved to condition and the beatings my b . fatal injuries on Cora ex·husband used to give me," she Brewster Aug. 17. The 2·year-old testified. ''He (Bolden) said he recovered after brain surgery ill would gel 15 years in jail if he San Clemente General Hospital. was convicted." Mrs. Brewster testified Tues· Bolden, a Camp Pendleton day that Bolden beat . her little ~unset on Lake Forest I Brilliant clouds and bright sunshine com· i bined for this serene sunset Tuesday over Lake Forest in Laguna Hills. A group of ducks provide the only signs of activity in this picturesque scene as local residents settle down for a restful evening. . Radicals Raid _111ness Tallied 1 Hughes Document. Revealed Utility A,f ter Shutoff Death HOUSTON <AP > Court docu- ments filed today indicate the late bill1ona1r<' Howard Hughes suf fered from rancer. a peptic ulcer. k1dne~ dJseasc. badly decayed ~eeth and undernou ris hment I Testimony in the form or de- ~s1t1ons taken from doctors who ~erformed an autop~y on llughes ere filed with Harns Countv ro~ateJudge PatGre~ory · I Dr Jaclc Tilus. pathologist at ~avlor College of Medicine. said ~e found a peptic ulcer. a 'tiny ocu!I of cancer" in the prostate land. 'sear tissue blodong the ~rlnary tract and urcmir poison Jn~ 1 Titus' said tht• kidney~ were •hrunken b} an J llmrnt that may have heen caused by a drug llutithe.-. took from t946to 1972 oflhe billionaire were so badly de- cayed they must have been "very, very painful " Hughes died April 5 while being flown to Houston from Acapulco, Mexico. for medical treatment A brief report released arter the autopsy attributed death to kidney failure Methodist Hospital officials latt>r delivered the autopsy report to Gregory. who has Texas 1urisd1ctJon for matter!! involving Hughes' estate. and its details have not been released. Maldonado's deposition described Hughes' teeth as in as "poor s hape as any J havf' seen smre I was in trainl\ig 15 to lb yeurs ago .. Titu11 Identified the druft that caused the kidney failure as phenacetin. an analgesic llughes was said lo have started taking after he was injured in a 1946 • SAUSALITO !AP> -A utility station vras attacked today by un· derground revolutionaries angered at the death of an elderly Midwest man who die~whcn his gas was turned off during the re. cent cold spell, authorities said. Police said the series of ex· plosions in a small Pacific Gas & Electric substation awakened hundreds or Sausalito resid~ts but caused no damage or injuries. The New WorJd Liberation Pronl claimed responsibility for the btasts in a statement issued by self.styled NWLF courier Jae. ques Rogier~ The body or a 74·year-old man was found last week in Mansfield, Ohio. when his utilities were cut off bee a use of an $18 bil I owed Rog1ers said the explosions were "in memory of the death" and lo underscore NWLr-' de· C>r Oscar B l>yfaldonado. an (lrill sur~N>n al Methodist Ho.1p1tal ~her•· lhl' .rntopsy was p('rformcd /\pril fl. s&1d th~tceth plane crash. • mands for free •elect.ricity "to S. Laguna Library • Won't Close-Yet South La~una Reach residents tvOn at least a temporary reprieve on the proposed closing or their branch library from Orange County supervisors Tuesday Rather than s hut down the branch in March as had been pl anned. Supervi:1 or Thomas JU!ey requesteti that 1t i.tay open at least throotithJum• Skip Hinchman of 31722 Scenic Drive presented a petition signed by l,400 residents askU\R that the branch remain open "We belie~ and reel very .irongly that the library ts an in· vestment in the community," he said. "It is a human service that is meeting a need in South Laguna." County officials had planned to close tbe branch, at 31658 S. Coast 11J1bway, inMarcbjust before the new Dana Niguel branch at Niguel ltoad and Mariner Drive i!i set to begln operation. ' A report to supervisors said the branch has about 3, lSO card liolders and that circulation has tropped 11 prrcent' since the aguna Beach branch opened in t973. In addition. Its 9S0.1quare.root ltorelront location does not pro· lde space for a community room r for more than 7,750 volumes, iounty officials said. 'Qley explained re1ldcl\U of th~ tr .. instead could use either the ew 10 ,000·squtrc·fOot Dana f1ue~ branch or th~ Laguna .. Beach facility two to three miles away But Hinchman argued that the South Laguna library, has pro- vided a ~•Me of rommuhity 1dcn· t1ty durin~ the 19 years 1t has operated and is wanted by resi dents Many r1tizens who now walk lo the library would be hard preSlled to travel to another brattch, he said The board agreed to postpone the closing at least until June to learn if its use changes ~ter the new branch opens. County officials said It cost.II about $29,000 a year to operate, ln· eluding rent and salaries for two staff members. Suift Kick RouuRaput A qaked young man accosted a San Clemente police cadet u she walked lrom the city'• Communl· ty Clubhouse on CaUt SevtUe Tuesday nlabt. The woman used her police tralnin1 to dlscourage the would· be rapist, who wore hl• dark brown bajr ln a military atyle. Sbe klclted him ln the arotn. Her "attaclce~" wu IHt ·~ runnln1 west o" Avenlda Cabrlno. • aged poor living on fi xed incomes below the poverty level in the San Francisco Bay area.'' PG&E spokesman Paul Girard said FBI investigators de· termined three explosives were detonated at the substation. He said· PG&E experienced such attacks since 1968, but that this first attack in 1977 would not attain the NWLF goals. "The damage caused by groups or organizations in attempt to pre· ss illegal demands are passf'd along to PG&E customers in the form or higher rates." Girard said. The FRI says little is kno~ about the NWLF. gfrl ~th his Marine Corps bell until she was black and blue and • once held a lighted cigarette to lhe child's chest while she watched. Fasel, obviously distr~ssed by' the admi.ssl~. told the witness: ''That's incredible, Mrs. Brewster. Why did you allow him lo do something like that to Cora?" "I was afraid of him," Mrs. Brewster explained "He had' already showed me his ~nched fist. 1 was once nearly k1Ued by a man and I d1dn 't want 1t t.o happen again." "Why didn't you leave him and take your childre~ (Jennifer. 4 and Cora, 2 > with you'!" the pro- secutor asked. "You had re· latives in California. Why didn't yougotolhem?'' • ·'None or my relatives would have me," Mr11. Brewster said "I meant to leave him CBolden> Just as soon as..I had got enou money together' and I'd alre told him that If he beat my kl again he'd have to go." Boldel) has testified that Mrs Brewster was responsible for th beatings. He told the jury tha Mrs. Brewster became frustrat- ed and nervous when he was <See DENl.U.. Pace AZ> : Riley ~ Testifies - Jury Continues Died~ch Probe B y GARY GRANVILLE Ol IM Dilly ,.llot ~t•tl Orange County Su pen 1sor Thom as Riley appeared before the county Grand Jury as 1t con- tinued its probe Tuesday into the campaign fund raising act1v1tics of Supervisor RaJph Diedrich. Riley refused today to discuss any details or his testimony before the jury but admitted he had responded to the jury's sub poena and had testified The Newport Bea c h supervisor 's t<>slimony in an in vesligation or another county supervisor is believed to be life firs t time one superv1sor has bee'\ called to testify m the m· vest1galion of another A Riley aide. Kirk Evans. also put in an appearance before the Jur y as did two aides to Supervisor Ralph Clark. Steve Malone and Greg Sanders. And. sourres close to the Diedrich probe reported, representatives or two major de· velopers. like Riley, made un seen entranres into the Grand Jury room Testimony 1n th<' Dtl'drich probe got under ~a) two wl'eki. ago. Initially. the probe centered on 1 Hughes Airwest and reported al·) legations that the airline had l been cajoled to give campaign l contributions to politicians sup-\ ported by Diedrich. Since then, the investigatimv reportedly has grown to cover ali legations that heavy.handed tac-.. tics were used tq solicit cam· paign funds for Diedrich favored • candidates. including County ~ Supervisor Ph1hp Anthony, andJ Assemblyman Dennis Mangers• <D·Huntington Beach I • 1 Ca lied to testify when the <See RILEY, P age A2> • ' Survivors Of Overdue Boat Sought Beard Saves Water Use TRENTON, N.J. (AP> - New Jersey Energy Office administrator Burt Ross has vowed not to shave un· til the state's natural gas emergenc)', caused by the severe cold spell , is over. , Sycmnore Hills Plan Approv~ B1 A.LllONLOCkAB~Y -~ ... llMti.oeatlitt .. Coast Guard search and rescue teams searched the waters 14 miles 'wout.bwest of Dana Point today for poselble SUTvivors Of a 33·fool cabin cruiser reported overdue out of its West Basin berth at Dana Harbor The boat has been identified as the Robbie r. owned by Alf'x . ander Masters, 55. of Fullerton Masters has been reported miss- ing by his family. Debris recovered in the search has been positively 1dent1f1ed as belonging to Robbie I, but S~'t. Richard Olson of the Orange County Harbor Department said there was no indication that the ves5el had exploded or burned "This Is a most confusing situation, .. said Sergea{lt Olson. "We don't know at this time if the owner was aboard or how many passenge rs may have been aboard. However, Mrs. Masters has reported her husband mi!;s. ing and his automobile has been located atthe marina." Olson said debris found within a two.square mile area lncludc<l a hatch cover, seat cushions. a styrofoam ice chest. emergency , gas cans. a section of carpetin~. a suitcase and a child's •life jacket. "The only sign of fire was a smaJI bum on the life jacket," Olson said. First report of th,e missing boat was made by radio from another vessel heading for Catalina Island at 4:45 p.m. Tuesday. The report to the Coast Guard 11nid merely that debris was floalJnG in tbe area. ' A Coast Guard search by the Pomt Divide out of Newport and two helicopters has turned up no bodies or survivors. The srarch is continuing Loday, accord1nrt to Coast Guard officers m ~H n Diego "If you don't shave, you save hot water. Most peo- ple don't reaJize how much hot water they use when they 're shaving," said Ross Tuesday . His staff or six will also grow beards. he said. Mrs. Johnson Final Rites Slated Today • Fun tr al services for Helen Ed· na Johnson. a 30·year resident of Capistrano Beach who once owned Johnson's Variety Store. were scheduled today at Palis ades United Methodist Church. • Mrs. J ohnson d1e<I Saturday. She was 84 Mrs. John!ion ltved al 26561 Via Sacramento. Before his d~ath, her husband Edven and she ran the Capi11trano Bearh shop for 19 year s . Mrs . J ohni.on was a member of the Palisades Uruted Methodist Church. She was born Sept 23. IR92, in San Otego. She is survived hy a godchild. Janet Tevere of Long Beach. and a close friend. Esther Leimbach. Burial was scheduled at Pacific View Memorial Park Toll Hike Nixed SACRAMENTO <A P I • Tolls should Mt t)(> incrrased on the Sirn Fram·isco Ha~ Rnrls:e t•> s11h· sidi1.e rl/\1<1' at least not for •1 wh1l(' · 1...-•gr.;latlvt• Arwll'.'ll /\ A Inn P Olll ~aid ,·ursdny Deapit.e concerns a~ut the irn- pa ct of upcoming land use studies, the Laguna Beach Plan-' ning Commission gave initial ,.- proval Tuesday to a low-density residential , commercial and recreational plan for Sycamore j Hills. • The vote was 3·2 with Com· mission Chairman William Peckham and Vice Chairman Diana Dike opposed to the con- cept pJan for the S22 acres north of the intersection of El Toro and Laguna Canyon Roads. While approving the plan,,,the com mission found an environ- mental impact report on the pro- posal inadequate and sent it back for addition of supporting details. Final action on the plan was continued to4:30p.m. Jan. 25. In putting together the concep- tual plan for the undeve~ped land, the commission brushed by Peckbam's concerns that tbe body was making planning com· mitments be.fore three important items were resolved. These 111cluded alignment ot the San Joaquin mils transport'\· t1on corndor. rate of the Laguna Lakes Regional Park. and the Laguna Greenbelt implementa. lion study . The city is under Superior Court order to make haste in the planning for the property as a re· suit of suits brought by the lan- downer. Concepts favored by the com- mission included development or about 100 residential units in six pocket canyons along El Toro Road, development of a rarmer's market style commercial area and recreation and nature study areas. The comm1ss1on did not favor development or either a golf 'course or a convention center· hotel complex FarDJ. Preserve Foe To Present Case Or :::~:a~I We athe r Co n ~iderable high cloudineu lhrO\l&h Thurs· day. High.a ln 70s. Lows .W to52. San Juan Capistr aoo City Councilman John Sweehe)' has prepared a lenlthy written &rlU· ment against an agricultural pre· aervaUon fee ordinlUl 4'. which the council will contllder for adoption tonight The medib1 la scheduled for 7 p m. ln dty otrlces, 32400 Pasoo Addanto At tbc lirn ttodinll of the or· dinance two week• aeo. coun cllmen opprovod it on a 3·21 vote. Couocllmcin Sweoney and lllcba~ McDowell opposed the ordinuce. Jt tht I• ordinance la •doslted lon1'bt . • reftdentlal bWJdva ln Sen Jll.l.ll will p.,-$.500 per ~ when tht1 apply for buJldlns I permlta. Commercial and ln· .t dustrial developers w~ay $1,000 per acre. Fees w be channeled lnt.o a farm p erva tion Cund. In his memo, addreaaed lo fell(\w councilmen, Sweeney sr1ued that San Juan voters re- jected agricultural preservation last March when they votecl,.down INSIDE TOD~ Y Thtrt11-one relld•nta o/ Orongt Cooal communltlei become Am.neon dliufU in 11otutolt10Hon reremon11. ltOrJI, pictur•, Al. a proposed lax to save farmln1 I Mayar ~1~11 Nash bas said ••ex thal. although voters reJected a .t.1v .. ,,.,,,ke 1111 ,_...,,., ..... ._. .. ~ .... lax to preserve farming. they ~M.-.,.. ..... ._., .. 11_ voted 1,800 to 1.500 t.o preserve ~.":.l'.'.! 01~: ~~ aariculture throush aome other c-1<1 Pt ,. • muns. &:'J.-.::t~ : tt::'MerWh In a memo wrtlten two months •11..n.1,.... ,.. , .. 111• after tho lil&fch election. Nub J=:•-• :! = aaid compl lona·range plan· :::.C... P.g :'::..C"7:... :;:: ~ nlna 11 c,»1tunl ~ ,.. LaM... a ,•. (~ • , ..... ~t".:._!,. --------~-· ( ... L/SC ,~Pricea Vp lnCounly By UleAaaoelated Preu Rl1in1 livinl COila took another hdty bUe out of Southern CaJifornlan.,· pocket:x>oks last month, but the annual rate of in- ' crease remains well below 1975and19'1C.. The U S. Bureau o! Labor Statistics said today that prices rose by 0.4 percent in Los Angeles and Oran1e counties during December, bringing the total increase for the year to S.6 percent, Jn 1976, prices rose by 9.1 percent, and in 1975 by 11.9 percent, according to Jim Wurth, head of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Southern Californiaomce. SC Mulls ~,850 For Studies ·Three studies relating to up- grading San Clemente's sewer plant operation will cost tax· payers $4-0,850, 1f the City Council takes city staff advice and hires the three consultants. The council meets at 7:30 tonight al the Civic Center, 100 Avenida Presidio. , One study would verify pre- vious cost estimates performed by John Carollo Engineers of a five-year improvement plan for the water reclamation plant. Cost would be $4,350. Another study would be of maintenance and operation costs 11\Volved in a planned overland !>ewer pipeline to connect from San Clemente to a regional dis- posal point in Dana Poinl. Lale last year San Clemente re1orned the regional program, the South East Regional Reclamation Authority San Clemente sewage would be piped from the city and JOm a huge ocean outfall for dumping into the sea .Estimated costs for that study are Sll,500 The third consultant would <"harge $25,000 to prepare a sup- t>lem ental environmental impact report required for joining the SER RA outfall project. Other items on tonight's ;igenda: -A public hearing to change the zoning or lots at 102 to 104 Avenida Santa Margarita from high density residential to 'hifhway commercial. -Formal adoption or the Orange County paramedic roaster plan The council voted previously lo endorse the plan, which calls for a San Clemente paramedic station, but to delay participation until voters can de- c.•ide on fwiding in March. 1978. ~ An agreement between the city and the county to provide Hfegu • ..-d sHv1ce for unln· corporated county ar1:& south of .\liso Be;lch in South Laguna, to San Clemente borders t'ro•P~A I SWEENEY. • ~ervnllon. !>hould not be decided by popular vote One reason for th~. he !\a1d, 1s that people W1th Jl'IMley are able to have dts· proporlionatt> Impact on voters. In• direct challenge to Nash's :,posihon. Swttney proposed in his Jnl!"mo that :> hond election be !held to raiae funds for the ac· 41tuisit1on of farmlands. rather dhan imposing fees on city de· ~elopment •· PerhaJX'I, after March, 1976 ~when voters reJected the tax ineaaurel, there 1s some trepida- t ion about lettln« the publlr in on such far-reaching decisions,·• he i a1d . Sweeney su~gested that, J'ather than preserving farming, the city wouJd do better to pre •erve open space. OftANOf COAST ~.f( DAILY PILOT TltiP Or.,.,. C.-\t 0•••• ••llilM ..-wtiM<" •• c..-~ __ ,..,,..~ ...... ,, ... PY'tlf'......,.,,,,.°'.,.... ~'.'!:'·=:~~::..-~:-.~~~:.: #*'4 Mf•~t l•H" H~f'ltl ..... tw~f'I ftlv"I la\R Vt H•y lrv41111f '•OCU.-.Clt V•ll•Y •M ~:':': =~MT~~~~~~'.:::J't.::::.~';:_ t;::; ... ~,~..;;~!'!.~.~:!..~\~f}O Wht 8•y ·~ .. -p .... , •• ,.. MWI l''Wlllh,,.., , .... c-.. ¥Ke ~.,.....,,.,~ C:-..f'ltl'f,,~ , ........... """ fdtlOf f"9fft.i14., • .,.,... .. MttVct•~EdrltOf" a.. ...... ""' _ .. '""" A''""-"'M.Moo-..t•-.n LN llll• leacll Office n .. c;.....,. • .,,..!il,.., MIH1f'14 A .... t\\ ~ 0 ...... t)4.t) Office• Ceo\t• ~,. lMWHI 94'yS,u .. , "~"f::,~·:!~.;,.:::t!~~~,4 ., ~" o .... ,., ... ..., Tttl.,iho111 {114)"'2~1 CIH llfled Aclve,... M2•Mn Lag11111 .. acll All 01p1111MM1: • Tt lept1911e 4 ...... ''-'""'-...... LB Pumpkin Patrol Amuck By JACK CHAPPELL Of ... O.•I• ,., ... S"'tl Lagunan Bruce Dunn 's Pumpkin Patrol II, a former FBI car, ran amuck ln dnverless con- dition and era.shed Tuesday. This may force evacuation of a rat family from Dunn's Pumpkm Patrol l, a former highway patrol unit well known in the Art Colony for having a pumpkin on the roof where the red Ught used to be and beer labeJs where police emblems were. If you think all this sounds complicated, you should hear Dunn tell it. Troubles for Dunn, who is also known to his friends as "Sir Bruce,·' began when he hopped into Pumpkin Patrol I and drove ofr for school at Saddleback College .. Had Dunn looked in his rear. view mirror, he might have seen that his second car, the aforementioned Pumpkin Patrol II. was following him -vt•ry closely, in fact. Closely, that was, until Dunn turned the corner at Oak and Catalina street. Pumpkin Patrol II didn't tum. It rumbled on. driverless, and crashed into an electrical pole at 445 Oak Street. Power was knocked out to nearby houses. Police said it looked like Pumpkm Patrol II was knocked out permanently. lt was towed away with heavy damage to the front end. Dunn said he always parked the two cars bumper-to-bumper in front of his Oak Street re- sidence. He figures someone released the emergency brake on the rear car causing it to roll orr when the front car was moved. All this now gets back to the fate of the rat family Dunn was raising rats in the back of the CHP car. He wants lo start a zoo in Laguna Beach. But, tbe loss of Pumpkin Patrol •II means he"ll have to move a bunch or clothes in to the trunk or Pumpkin Patrol I where the rats are now, so the rats may have to be evicted. Dunn does have a third vehicle. But there isn't room for rats or much clothing on thl' pumpkin motorcycle. Tonight's Age nda Laguna Pet Count Gets Council Eye Authorization for a census of Laguna Beach's pet population will be mulled by the City Council tonight The council be~ms with re· gular business at 3 30 p.m .. ad- journs for dinner at 5 p.m. and re- convenes at 6 p.m. to take up public hearings. public com- munications .and unfinished busi- ness A proposal suggested by the Pet Responsibility Committ~. a council-appointed advisory DENIAL ... away on guard duty at Camp Pendleton and that she told tum that she took it out on Cora. Bolden admitted that he was alone in the family's motel room with Cora and Jennifer last Aug 17 when the younger child su5- talned her most serious injuries. The Marine explained to the JUry that the child rolled off the bed and fell onto his metal am munition box. He said she was unconsc ious when he reached her and failed to respond to mouth to mouth resuscitation. Mrs Brewster admllted in her tc:.t1mon) that Jennifer was taken out of her custody for six months by state authorities while ))he wa11 hvin~ in Florida with Frank Rrew~ter the man who marned her after Cora was born. She testified that Jennifer was the daughter of anoth<'r man wrth whom she had sexual intercoursl' whlle they were dating and before fthe met Brewftter She told the Jury that Bolden asked her lo live with him in San Clemente after they met in San Diego last March "and promised to take good care of me and my kids and never hit u:. "At first It was real nice and he played with the kids and liked them." she liaid "Rut after that, well, you know the rest." Home Burglar ized Rurglars took a JSmm camera, a telescope and tripod and class rin~s with an estimated worth or SSOO Tuesday from the home or Vern llodjte, 4-0J I Calle Juno, San Clemt>nlc. police said group, seeks permission lo con· duct a census of the city's pet population and lo distribute flyers explaining the city's animal services It also suggests the city retain Or H .D. Carper to provide i.1x low-cost rabies vaccination clinics Other counril business in- cludes: -Consideration or recommen· dations from the parks commit· tee for installation of lighting at Irvine Bowl tennis courts and construction of restrooms at Rid· die Field Park. -A ' specific plan limiting de· ,·elopment at the Crescent Bay Point area -Deliberation on the city's role in tt\e Patriots' Day Parade in February. Immunization Clinic Set At Laguna A free immunization cli9ic for children u11d adults will he held from 3 until 8 p.m. Thur-;day at El Morro School. 8681 North Coast lhghw&)'. northwes t of Laguna Beach. National and State studies completed recently s how im- munization levels e1gainst polio . measles, rubella, d1phthcril1, whooping cough, mumps and tetanus arc dropping. Outbreaks of lhese preventable diseases have been reported throughout the country. A seriou.., measles outbreak occurred last spring al several Orange County high schools. The diseases are still around and the need for pre- vention is as important as ever, according to the Orange CoWJty Health Department The chnic 1~ designed to meet the needs of the school age child. but persons of all ages, including adults are encouraged to take ad· vantage of lhe free 1mrnun1za· hons. ParPnL<; must accompsmy their r hild to the chnic and they should bring any Immunization records they have. HB Chiropractor Dies in Sa11na Bath Long-Ume Huntington Beach chiropractor Dr. J\mmond Ford Robinson was round dead in a sauna bath at his clinic Tuesday. His body had apparently been in the sauna nearly 24 hours. The 'victim, who died on his S7th birthday, was apparently stricke n with o heart attack while using the heat and steam facility at his office at 212i., Main St. He had pracUced in downtown Huntington Beach for 18 years A native Californian, Dr. Robinson lived with his wire, Edith, who survives him, at 3400 Peachtree Lane, Newport Beach. Investigators uaid Mrs . Robinson finally became alarmed on Tuesday mornina when her hu."band did not come home and she could ael no answer when telepboftin• bis or. nee. "It •u his common practice to stay and work all ni&ht at tbe of· li ce," Huntinf(lon Beach police Deteclive Bert Chadwick ex- plained today, of the reason for the victim's wife not to in- vestigate his absence sooner. He said Dr. Robinson often caught up on paper work re- quired for his practice and then napped at the oftice rather than drive to Newport Beach. A m emorial service wlll be held for Dr. Robinson at a dale yet to be sel~ted. Rites ror the apparent heart at- tack vicUm, who entered hls pro- fession 35 years ago, are under direction of the Neptune Society Cremation and bur1al at sea are planned. lnvestiaators s aid It wlll be about thr~ weeks before the cause of deat.h can be confirmed by cor oners' d putie1 but there were no slgn.a of foul play. , Students Out a n d Al»out Laguna Beach High School American Field Service students get together for last time before flying off for semester at schools across u.S. and foreign countries. Students, and their destinations from left are : Brad Howe. Brazil; Kathleen Kramer , Kendal Park, N .J.; Craig Benson. to be placed; Jill Youma s, New Brighton. Minn.; Craig French, ewport, Australia, Darcy Murphine, Blue Springs, Mo.. and Kerry Nicholson, Cattaraugus, N.Y. Cle mente Girl Still Serious After Crash An 18-year-old San Clemente girl remained in guarded cond1· lion today at South Coast Com- munity Hospital following a two- car traffic accident Friday in South Laguna. Debbie Mcintosh nf 147 S Canada Road. was a passenger 10 a car driv en by Glen McKenzie, 29. of the same ad· dress. She received head in- juries. The accident occurred as McKenzie. northbound on Pac1f1c Coast Highway near Aliso Beach, attempted a U-turn. officers or the California Jhghway Patrol said. The accident invol\'ed another vehicle driven by Ronald Pnce. 18. of 3029 Cresta Way, Laguna Beach . Price was given emergency treatment at th{· scene as was McKenzie and 7 year-old Christopher Jersted, <J passenger m the McKen21e car F roMPage AJ • RILEY TESTIFIES. • • Diedrich probe got under way were Hughes public relations director Michael Murphy a nd Hughes lobbyist Donald K. Brown. Another opening day witness was Riley aide Scott Ferguson. In an interview before the in- vestigation Ot>ened. Riley ad- mitted tMt "some time in late October or early November Diedrich had come to his oCfice "mad as hell at A1rwest." Riley said Diedrich told him he would back him in an effort to stymie an Airwesl bid to provide linking air service from Orange County Airport through Sall Lake Cijy and on to Denve~ The N('wport Beach supervisor then ask('d County Counsel Adrian Kuyp('r 1r the Board of Supervisor5 could block the airline's move. In response to Riley 's written Nov. 11 inquiry. Kuyper Oec. l ~aid 1t l!i "extremely doubtful" that the Civil Aeronautics Board would grant a full hearing on Airwest 's r<'qucst. , , Kuyper':. memo pointed out that the airline was not requesl- in g a dd1 t1onal flights from Orange County Airport but mere- NOW ly link extension to exntlng flights. Diedrich early this week ad- mitted be was Irritated by Airwest's application to the ex- tension because the company had "failed to consider the coun- ty's position. "Yes, you bet I gave Don Brown hell and told him I wouldn't be too interested in anything be had to say from that point out," Diedrich said. lie insisted that his tongue lashing or Brown, which ended in the county garage w~ere Diedrich parks bis car, was the result of what he saw as Airwest's highhandedness and had nothing to do with political campaigns. · Malone and Sanders said last week they had lunch with Brown at a n economic conrerence in Anaheim the day Diedrich cut loose on the Sacramento-based Hughes lobbyist. But bottl said they knew nothing that might shed light on the Diedc1ch-Brown verbal And in a conversation lat.e last week, Riley said that should he l>e called to testify he would "have to put things in their pro- ~r perspective." . I IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE 10-60 % DURING OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE WE ARE GOING All OUT TO MAKE THIS OUR MOST IMPRESSIVE SALE EVENT EVER. NOW IS THE TIM[ TO SAVE THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE STORE, IN Al,.L DEPART MENTS, ON CURRENT ANO £J ISCONTINUEO LINES FROM SUCH PllESTIGIOUS MANUFACTURERS AS DREXE.L. HlRITAGE. Ht:NREDON. BAKE.A, CENTURY . WOODM/\RK . MARGE CARSON SHERRILL. STANTON COOPER AIRELOOM. ST IFFLE AND MANY MOR£ CALL ONE OF OUR DESIGNERS TODAY.OR BETTER YET. STOP BY ANO SH roR YOURSELF WHY WE ARE MAKING THIS OUR GREATEST SALE EVER FINE FURNITURE • INTERIOR DESIGN 1514 NORTH MAIN• SANTA llHA T h e Store of Famous Names CONVfNl[NI ft"-ANCtllll> f'"()fE'S~tONAL INTElltOR 0£SIC.N WITHOt f <>Rt IGA t tON ANO COMPOR I A6Lf PARK.IN(, T11r'\ll,1v \.\11·Ulll'\CJdV, fliuf\I ·,11111 S .. turd,1y 9 JO lu !> JO Mol\IJ,1y I? i\l tl•IV ' 9 30 io 9 tn•l f>.41 43i1 Orange Coast EDITION * * ' I Today's C:Joslug ~ N.'Y.Stoeb VOL. 70, NO. 19, ~SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE C UNTY, CALIFORNIA W EDNESDAY, J1'NUARY 19, 1977 Inflation Julllp Slows r W ASH I N GT 0 N < A Pl -sumer pr!... to 3.4 percent In cent ID rroc.,.,. pri ... last year, During · Consumer prices rose a moderate 1972. the first December-to-December I four-tenths of a percent in In 1973, prices rose 8.8 percent, •• drop since 1961, helped slow the 1 December, bringing the over-all followed by a 12.2 R,ercent rate in infiation rate, the Labor Depart- rise in prices in 1976 to4.8 per~nt, 1974 and a seven percent inflation mentaaid. •the smallest inflatJon rate 11Hour rate In 1975. lo announcing the year-end 1 years. the government reported Although the rate of inflation figures, the department also re- l today. cooled last year, the annuaJ in-ported that the purchasing_ power The annual increase bettered crease was sull more than wbat of the average worker's paycheck ltheFordadm1mstrallon'sgoaJof Americans had become ac-mcreasedfortbethirdmonthina reducing inflation to a five or six customed to during most of the row, rising two-tenths of a per- ! percent rate for the year and post-World War ll period wben cent. I marked the best record s ince prices increased an average of Over the year, r eal spendable ~borate £9vernment wa_g_e-twolothreeperccntayear. earnin~s -lake-home pay alter 1 J>r1ce controls held the rise In con· A decline of nine-tenths of a per-reductioos for fuflalionan<rCaxes -were up one-tenth of a percent as a 1.8 percent increase in real gross average weekly earnings more than offset a rise in taxes, lbe government said. Retail pric~s for food, nonfood commodities and services au rose Jess than in 1975. Declines for beef, pork and poultry led to the decline in grocery prices last year. In 1975, these prices rose 6.2 }H!rcenL Over-all food prices, including the cost of restaurant meals, in- creased six·tenthS ol a petcent1n Won't Disclose Details 1976, down dramatically (fom 6.S percent the previous year. Nonfood commodities rose 5.1 percent in 197&, compared with 6.2 percent in 1975. Smaller in- creases for gasoline, fuel oil, household durables and new cars conlri buted to the slowdown. The cost of services rose 7 .3 per- cent last year, less than the 8.1 percent advance ln 1975. Charges for medical care and transportation service• in- creased about as much as in 1975. Riley ·Testifies Frozen Potomac River renects light from pre-inaugural fireworks ovt•r the Lincoln Memorial Tuc~day night The C a pitol, at the left. and lhc partial!} obstruc ted WashmJ!lon Monument share m the refracted glory. cRelat- l'd s~ory Page i\31 ~~~~~~~~~~~ t "Crackdown' Joh Continues -City . ' 8yJOANNF.RF.VNOLDS Of .... ~.,,,.,,.. ~l•lf Five )'t'ars ai.to, Newport ~each city councilmen ordered a •·crackdown" on ht'alth and safe- t y violations in the city's 10 ~ailer parks after one trailer re- •ident Rave them a shocking ac· ~OUnt o( hvini.r COn<htions IO hJS ~ark . 1 Controversy swirled around the crackdown for more than a )'ear. Trailer r~s1dents and park e>wners charge<i the push to up-s rad e the parks was dis· criminatory and politically tnotivated. Cdunc1lmen arcus(.-d city staff members of laxity in Jelling the s1tuat1on deteriorate 110 badly Building officials, in turn, pointed to budget cuts BOAT S41LED ON FIRST DAY "We sold the boat the flt'St night tbe ad ran ln the paper. We got a lot of calls and are very happy we advertised in the Daily Pilot." That's the sales success U · )>erienced by the Newp<>rt Beach woman who placed tt\iS classified aid : Sabol Scho<'k 4000 series ruclnar r1;raf'd , new Ulman sail S250 xxx· """" rr you have a boat to sell, call 142·5678. lt only takes a few words in the rt1hl place to attract a ,. buyer. Along the Orange Coast. the rl,:rht place u in the Dally Pilot. -- which reduced manpower for trainer park 1nspeclions Tht' push to bring the parks up to standard condition culminated with the removal of 35 ''bungalows" -and the eviction or their residenL'i from the Bay Shores Trailer Park in 1973. When the crackdown started. city orticials said there were some parks where raw sewage was running under the trailers and electrical service panels were easily accessible lo children. A lour of any of the 10 parks to- day indicates definite improve- ment in th06e kinds of obvtous violations, but city &ilding Director £ob Fowler says the work on the trailer parks is conti- nuing. "We have some of the oldest • mobile home parks in the slate," Fowlu said. "Jn fact it's my belief that some of the state laws regulating trailers and trailer parks are based on t.he things that have happened here.·' In a city known for its astronomical property values, the 1,000 trailer spaces spread out In ten parks are imp<>rtant because they provide a limited source of low coat hou.slng. The state coastal commission believes the parks are so impor- tant for that reason that com· misalonen denied a proposal two years ago to replace a trailer park wltb a rntaurant and shop· ping area.• Looklne back on the crackdown oC . five yean ago, Fowler says the parks hne beel'I 1reatly lmprov~. ''Tbo places where there were <See TaAJl:Elt, Pa1e A2 ) ' In Diedrich Case By GARY GRANVILLE OI UM D•lly '"11•1 Sl~ll Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley appeared before the county Grand Jury as it con- tinued its probe Tuesday into the campaign fund raisin& activities of Supervisor Ralph Diedrich. Riley refused today to discuss any details or "bis testimony before the jury but admitted he had responded to the jury's sub- poena and had testified. The Newport Beach supervisor's testimony in an in- vestigation of another county supervisor is believed to be the first lime one supervisor has been called to testily in the in- vestigation of another. A Riley aJde, Kirk Evans, also put in an appearance before the jur y as did two aides to Supervisor Ralph Clark, Steve Malone and Greg Sanders. And, sources close to the Died rich probe reported, reprdlentatives or two major de- velopers, like Riley, made un· seen entrances into the Grand Jury room. Testimony in the Diedrich probe eot under way two weeks ago. Df"J'Pllot .......... lEmAES IN PROBE Supervlaor Alley lnitialJy, the probe centered on Hughes Alrwest and reported al· legations that the airline had been cajoled to give campaign Newport Resident contributions to politicians sup· ported by Die<irich. Since then, the investigation reportedly has grown to cover al· legations that heavy-handed tac- tics were used lo solicit cam- paign funds for Diedrich favored candidates, including County Supervisor Philip Anthony, and Assemblyman Dennis Mangers tD-Huntington Beach>. Called lo testify when lhe Diedrich probe got under way were Hughes public relations director Michael Murphy and Hughes lobbyist Donald K Brown. Another opening day witness was Riley aide Scott Ferguson. In an interview before the in· vestigation opened, Riley ad- mitted that "some time in late October or early November Diedrich had come lo his office ..mad as hell at Airwesl." Riley wd Diedrich told him he would back him in an effort t(> stymie an Airwesl bid to provide linking alr service from Orange County Airport through Salt Lake City and on to Denver. The Newport Beach supervisor then asked County Counsel <Su RILEY, Page A2) Chiropracter Stricken Long-time Huntington Beach chiropractor Or. Ammond Ford Robinson was found dead in a sauna bath at his clinic Tuesday. His body had apparently been in the sauna nearly 24 hours. vesligate his absence sooner. He said Dr. Robinson often caught up on paper work. re- quired for his practice and then napped at the office rather than drive to Newport Beach. A memorial service will be held for Dr. Robinson al a date yet lo be selected. Rites for the apparent heart at· tack victim, who entered his pro- ression 35 years ago, are under direction of the Neptune Society. Cremation and burial at sea are planned. Investigators said it will be about three ~eeks before the cause of death can be confirmed by coroners' deputies but there were no signs of foul play. The victim, who died on his 57th birthday, was apparently stricken with a heart attack while uslng the heat and steam facility at his ortice at 212~ Main St. He had practiced In downtown Huntington Beach for 18 years. • A native Californian, Dr. l\obinson lived with his wife. Edith, who survives him, at 3400 Peachtree Lane, Newport Beach. Investigators said Mrs. Robinson finall y became alarmed on Tuesday morning when ber husband did not come home and she could get no answer when telephoning his of· fice. Jolt Frolll Antenna Kills HB Bar Owner "It was his common practice to stay and work all night at the of- fice," Huntington Beach police Detective Berl Chadwick ex- plained today, of the reason for the victim's wife not to in· City Surprised By ARTHUR R. VINSEL OI .... O•llr ,., ... Si1tl A Huntington B~ach tavern owner was killed and his 12-year- old daughter seriously burned Tuesday when their CB radio an- teoqa struck • 12,000-voll p<>wer line as they maneuvered it around on ttceir earage roof. Newport Building Slump Ends in '76 Newport Beach came out of the as the continuing rise of property recent building slump Jn spec:· values in Newport Beach. tacular fashion ln 1976, with a Jn 1976, the perriiifs issued wallop\na S'14 million worth of totaled 2,486, which ls n~rly l ,000 permitalsaued. moretbanwerellJsued in 1975. AccordJnc to figurH reJeaHd He safd the bulk oC the work was by Bob Fowler, the city's asals· ln reslderitJaJ cOMtrucdon which tent director of community de· •ccountedfor716oCthe permltJJ- velopmtnt in charge or building, 410 were single famlly, 85 were th 19?6 pennltl were worth $39 duplexes and 221 were mullf- AiitUoo more than the permits ls· family unJta. sued ln lt'IS. Fowler said l.t'76 ii not the city•s Fowler aay1 be dld not. an-bitlejf,yur. Tbat wu 1972 when tlclpate such • at.artJJna rlH In perml wCll'th •106 mllUon were bulldlna. la&ued. "lhurecauabtmeflalfooted," He noted that '72wu •big year buald. btcau,ae It prec-.d the lnaUtu· He uid the hu1e Increase Is du. tloa ot the coutal corn mission inequalpanatoantncreaselnthel and Hnral lar1c projecta w re number of permits laauied u well <See PUMITS. Pac• AZ) Robert J arrell, 39, or 6522 Limerick Drive, and Tammy Jarrell, 12, were apparently knocked from the roof to the lawn below by the powerful jolt from Southen California Edlson Com- pany wires. J arrell was pronounced dead at Hunlin~n lntercommunity Hospital about one hour after ar· rival followlnll the mid-morning tragedy at their home in north Huntington Beach. He suffered massive electrical burns, according to Fire Depart· ment Capt. John Backen. J arrell's daughter was listed in stable condition today at the UC Irvine Medical Center Burn UnJl, but it will be several days before the extent of her burns and danger to her Jire Is really known. ·~ "She has numerous cfl&ance and exit electrical bums." Cap. Backen explained. "Wlth elec- trical shock, you don't. know what internal damage was done for awhile.'' He sajd the youn1ster was awake ancl alert, however, whm police and firemen arrived on the scene to find her father beyond help. Athletic aboes such as thoae uaed for track or joflihl pro- bably saved tho Jarrel girl'• Ute, Capt. Backen 1u11eited. "Tbey have thick rubber aoles and they lnsulato pretty well," he 1atd. "lnat.ead ot aroundinl her, they caused the current to blow ·out. th\&idl of her bll toe.'•. 197 ~Up lnCoWlly By the Associated Press .Rising living costs took a nother hefty bite out or Southern Californians• pocketbooks last month, but the annuaJ rate or in- crease remains well below 197Sand 1976: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics said today that prices rose by 0.4 percent in Lbs Angeles and Orange counties during Decem her. bringing the total increase for the year t-0 5.6 percent. In 1976, prices rose by 9.1 percent, and in 1975by11.9 , percent, ~ccording to Jim Wurth, head of the Bureau or Labor S t atistics, Southern California office. Survivors Of Overdue Boat Sought By ALMONLOCKABEY 0.011, l'llot -!Mt Ir .... Coast Guard search and rescue teams searched the waters 14 miles southw~t or Dana Point today for possible survivors of a 33-fool cabin cruiser reported overdue out of its West Basin berth at Dana Harbor. The boat has been identified as the Robbie I. owned by Ale>t• ander Masters, SS, of Fullerton. Masters has been reported miss-- ptg by his family. • Debris recovered ln lbe search has .been positively identified as belonging to Robbie I, but SJe' Richard Olson of the Orange County Harbor Department said there was no indication that the vesseJ had expJoded or burned. ·'This ls a most confusing situation," said Sergeant Olson. ·'We don't know at this time il the owner was aboard or how many passengers may have been aboard. However, Mrs. Masters has reported her husband miss-- ing and his automobile has been located atthe marina." Olson said debris found within a two-square mile area included a hatch cover, seat cushions, a · styrofoam ice chest, emergency gas cans, a section of carpeting. a suitcase and a child's Jife jacket. , "The only sign or fire was a small burn on the life jacket .... Olson said. First report of the missing boat was made by r adio from another vessel heading for Catalina Island at4:4S p.m. Tuesday. Tb,e rep<>rl to the Coast Guard said merely that.d€Dr~ was floating in the area . A Coast Guard search by the Point Divide out or Newport aod two helicopters has turned up no bodies or survivors. The search is continuing today, according to Coast Guard officers in San Diego. Bell Backed BULLETIN WASIDNGTON (AP > -Tllo Senate .Judiciary CommJttee thla afternoon approved tbe nom I nation of Atlanta lawyer Griffin Bell to be attorney general by a vote of 10 to 3. Coast 'j Weather Co n s iderable high cloudiness through Thurs- day. Highs in 70s. Lows 44 to52. INSIDE TODAY Tllfrt11-one rttfdtnh of Orongt Coa1t communltfe• ~come Americon cilfun.t in naturallcaCion cttemon11. 1to'11, picture, Al. A2 DAILY PILOT N Center Hearing Slated Newport Beach planrung com· mlasloners will open a series or public hearings Thursday night to discuss the master plllD for the Senior Citizens Center lo be built .U.Coronadel Mar. The Parks, Beaches and llecreatlon Commi.uion will hold a 8econd public hearing Feb. 1 for additional public comment and the city council plans a similar hearing in the near future. The master plan calls for the center to occupy an 8,352·square· foot building al Ma rguerite and Fifth Avenues In Corona del Mar. The building is currently occupied by a private school. The master plan also includes plans for the possible construc- tion of a 4,000·square-foot auditorium and cafeteria build· iog and additional parking spaces if needed. 'The Senior C1llun Center is be· ing financed through a three. phase federal Department of Housing and Urban Development grant. So far. the city has re- ceived $351,000 from two federal grant applications. There is no word yet on how much money Newport Beach will receive from its third grant ap- plication. said City Manager Bob Wynn. ,Some opposition rose from cit izens over the use of federal money for the center. but city councilmen voted Dec. 13 to go ahead with the third grant re· quest. Thursday's regular meetinl{ of the planning commission begins at 7 p.m. in council chambers. Supervisors Fix Airport Taxi Rates Rates Cor taxicabs that pick up passengers at Orange Coun ty Airport were set hy county supervisors Tuesday The board has invited taxi firms to bid on an exclusive three.year franchise at the airport But the firms must agree l'> char~e no more than 90 cents for the first one-fourth mile of t ravel plus 20 Cenls for each ad· ditional quarter mile. They also may charge no mort! than $9 per hour for customer requested waiting lime County official:. said the rates Jre based on those in cities sur rounding the airport The franchise wall be given to the hrm that offers tht! county the highes t incoml~ per taxi pa<;senf!<'r "1th J f1 ve cent minimum An ex1strng franch1C\e "'1th the Yellov. Cab Co or ((Isla Mesa and Newport Beach 1" l'Xparing. officials s aid That contract J:lves the county :an income of 6 ~ cents pt>r passenger f'ro• Pagr A I PERMITS ... pushed through to avoid the com mission permit pr<><'ess lie cit~ Newport Cre~t. Promontory Point and Promontory Bay as thret' that WC're tackled in 1972 to ;.avoid the comm 1 's1nn Fowler"1vs he 'N's mQrt' hu1ld init activity aheatl "Thert>'ll IM' a couple of slack months herr. ' hl' s a1d "But ll'll p1rk up a.iarn in Marc h an<l 1(0 on into the <;urn mer '' Fowler said he prrd1cte<l at the s tart of lhe f1<;cal \Car in July that the city ~ould ''sue S42 mlll11m worth or permits an 197b 77 .. But '4t' finished calendar '76 .... ilh a total of S40 m1lhon ror the lasts1x months. "l was really surprtsed. but that's the kind of s urprise wc like." OAAHOlCOA9T H DAILY PILOT ni.o..~ c .. ,, O•llf Pttot ..-tft*"'".,•UI>'" "'""'° ttw> Pff9\ ~,,, I\ Otib4l-"'dbT.,. ().,,.. C...4'f ~1"'1~co~••"" ~Mt4J'l1Mt..,,..,• ""'"'VWd Me1Mt.'f' U\tOVQf\ flt' .... ..,. (Mtlf Mf'l4 P+t•Mtt &..-,"' HY" .. "flO" -..~" fJAii~ I••" Y•fl•y fr •IL"•, 'itrkffteHll V•ll•J" •"1'4 ~=~~~~~.:~~~ ~!:. r,;:~o~~~:;:!~~~:~.:_ i» __ ,, ... ., .. _., .. _ "'"''Otftt .... ~,_,.. .. , .. , .. c-. Vtt~ flltH'6t"UNI o. ..... ....,_..... TMMetlC""" 10,.., nr.ii.""', .... ~ ................ ~""-' -..... .. ~'"'''."''Mt~ ...... E.d•t ... , Tef11Jllon• (1f.tl ~1 Cle•Nflect Ac1Hr119lfll ~·M71 A dam M eets Eve Peggy O'Hare and Mark S1ciHon1 will perform scenes from the mus ical. "/\dam and Evt!," Jan. 26 at Newport Hcach City Hull dunng a prevJcw of the 1977 Newport Beach City J\rts Fes tival. Preview, city officials said, is basically to acquaint artists -performing and visual with the whys and wherefores of the festival. )iowever, public is invited, loo. It s tarts at 7 :30 p.m . in city coun· cil chambers_ Call l.>40·2110 for detai ls. Hughes A ilments Many, Court Says HO USTON <AP1 Courtducu men ts filed today iod1catl' the lall' b1lliona1re llo!fard llughes ~ur rered from cancer, a peptic ulcer. kidney disease. badly decayt.-d teeth and undernourishment Testimony in the form of di.' positions taken from doctors whu performed an autop:..y on Hughe~ were filed with lldrris Count\ Probate Judge Pat G regof} Dr. Jack Titus. path1>log1:.t at Baylor College.' of Medicine. sa11J he found a peptic ulcer. a "tiny focus of cancer" in the prostate g land. scar tissue blocking the urinary tract and uremic po1Mm ing. Hospital Ile said the foundation has such scholars at various medical anst1tut1ons over the country Tilus quoted Hughes' personal phys1c1ans as describing Hughes a:. an extremely difficult person to provide medical care for. He quoted them as saying he re· fused to see a dentist. refused to submit to medical examinations or tests and often em barked on er· rattc dieting habits, refusing to drink fluids or eat much of anything for periods of lim e. Front Page Al Womap Robbed .. Mesa Police Seek TUJO A.nned Men ByftSVS llJTCRELL Cll ....... """ """ An 82-year-old woman a nd her young niece were held at aun· point in their Coeta Meta home by two men who ransacked sever al rooms before escapin& with MOO 1n cash and a ruby ring Mond"&y night. Police said Mrs. Ruth Swope, or 1842 Park Ave., waited until Tuesday morning to report the robbery to police after being warned bY the gunmen tbat b~r niece would be harmed If she .called for help. Ofllcers reconstructed the crlme this way: The two mt:n tnocked on the rront door to Mrs. Swope's home at about 9 p.m. Monday, and when abe OJ>Cned the door, they asked If they could use the phon~. Scudder Jury Back For Deliberations The pair sald there had beeo an accJdent, and wh11n Mra. Swope's niece attempted to hand the phone out tbe door to them , they pushed their way into the home, brandishing a rifle and a .38 caliber revolver. "We're heroin addicts and we need money," Mrs. Swope said the pair shouted. "We Jcnow you have it." One of the gunmen took the teleph one from the 12·year-old girl and yanked the cord out ol the wall before marching Mrs. Swope and the niece Into a bedroom where the suspect with the rifle stood watch over them. A jury that was heard late Tue&day arguing loudly in the jury room resumed its delibera· lions today in the Orange Coun- ty Superior Court trial or two men accused of kidnaplnr potato chip heir John H. "Jack .. Scudder of Newport Beach. Judge Richard Beacom endec the fourth day or deliberatioru Tuesday night by sending the panel hom~ after dete rmining that no verdict had been re· ached. Two or the jurors who served throughout the trial and in the early deliberations have been excused because of illness. They have been replaced by two alternate jurors who sat with the reg ular panel throughout the trial. Court olCicials noted, that any further illness among the jurors will automatically m ean the declaration of a mistrial and the ordering of a new trial for WiJJiam Rudy Wesson. 45, of Tustin and Rickt Dale Sellers,. Chief Warns Of Fund Pitch Newport Beach Poltce Chief B. James Glavas is cautioning resi· dents to be wary or telephone solicitors who say they represent the Orange County Puce o r. ficers' Association. Glavas said several residents have been called and asked to buy tickets to a fund-raising event sponsored by the associa· tlon. He is advising residents that 20, o( Hermosa Beach. The two inen are accused of kidnaping Scudder.~. last Aug. 19 in Huntington Beach. It is al· leged that they intended to bold the wealthy Balboa Island man until a $250,000 ransom was paid. Both men and two other de- fense witnesses testified that Scudder helped to plan the kid· napiog in return for the lion's share of the ransom money. Scudder denied the allesation. Meanwhile, the other gunman searched the house, finding the cash and the ring, which Mrs. Swope said is worth $100. Mrs. Swope has been in the llmeli1bt recenUy in coanection with her fight to keep the City or Costa Meu from purcba.sin.r a home abeowns on Cent.er Street. F rom Page Al filLEY TESTIFIES. • • Adrian Kuyper if the Board or Supervisors could block tbe airline's move. • In response to Riley's written Nov. 11 inq'Uiry, Kuyper Dec. 1 said it is "extremely doubtful" that the Civil Aeronautics Board would grant a full hearing on Airwest's request. Kuyper's memo pointed out that tbe airline was not request· 1ng additional nights from Orange County Airport but mere- 1 y link extension lo . existing fights . • Diedrich early this week ad· milted he was ·irritated by Airwest's application to the ex· tension because the company had "failed to consider the coun· ty's position. "Yes, you bet I gave Don Brown he ll and told him l wouldn't be too interested in anything he had to say from that point out,'' Diedrich said. week they had lunch with Brown at 81' economic conference in Anaheim the day Diedrich ,cyt Joose on the Sacramento·based Hughes IObbyiat. But both said they knew nothin1 that mlgbt shed light on tbe Dledrlcb-Brown verbal And in a conversation iate ia.st week, Riley said that should he be called to testify he weuld "have to put things in their pro- per pe rspective." "Ralph (Diedrich) talks hard and sometimes pretty tough. That's just the way he is and sometimes he uses stronger words than he really means," said Riley. "I'd have to tell the jury that," he ad~ed. Riley also said that he sometimes talks freely and renects on his own thoughts at his staff meetings. Titus said the k1dn l'ys '>'err shrunken by an ailment that may have been caused by a drui: Hughes took from 194b to 1972. TRAILER the Newport Beach police de· • • • partment is not inolved with the association and "any solicita· problems with thl' utilities have tions from this group in th epame rep I aced some of the bad sewer of the Newport Beach Police gas and water lines and they . Department should be ignored." He insisted that his tongue lashing or Brown, which ended in the county garage where Diedrich parks his car, was the result of what be saw as Air-west's highhandedness and bad nothing to do with political campaigns. ''My own comments probably could be misinterpreted," tbe Newport Beach supervisor said. When reminded that he had said Diedrich was mad as hell when be came to aee him on the Airwest matter, Riley said, "Did I say that? I guess I must have. But you know bow Ralph is." Malone a nd Sanders said last Dr. Oscar B. Maldonado. an oral surgeon al Methodist Hospital where the autopsy wa\ performed April &. said the teeth of the billionaire were ~o bad!} dl· cayed they must haH been Hr) very painrul · have all .new electrical hook -----------------------------------------ups."' Fowlersaad. llu~hes died April 5 "'l11lt• twin).! nown IO llouston from \1•:ipuk11. Mexico. for medical lrcalml'nt /\ brief report released after t h1• autopsy attributed rle.ith to kidney failure M l'thod1:-il llosp1t ;ii nfri l·1 als later delivered the autop~) rt'port to Gregory. who ha ~ T<'xa:-. JUrtsdarlion for mfjlt<'rs mvolvmJ.: Hughes· estate. and its detmls have not been released M aldonado·s dc·~os 1t10n descrtb<-'d Hughe~· h!l•th as in a~ ··poor shape as any [ have :-.ct-n since I was in lramini.: l!i to Iii years a~o ·· Titus adentifie<l the <lrul,! that c au:>ed tht> k1dne\ fJllun• a' phenarf.'lm. an anaii:co;u· llui.the-. "' as said to have Marled laking arte-r he was injured in a J94h p I an P c r a<; h T 1 tu s q u n t 1· !I Hu~hes' person;.! docl11r~ a' Sil} mg they ~ot their pat1t•n t 111 ~top taking thedrugin 1972. The potholog1st said lluJ.tht•\ died at I 'l7 p m on J\pnl 5 as the plane brmging him to llou!.ton passed over Brownsville. lie s aid Hughes was being t)rought to Houst-0n because the Hughes Medical Foundation had "medical scholars" at Methodist Another problem encountered in the 1nspect1ons five yean ago ·w:ts that trailers had been -.q ul.'e1rd onto undersized lots or had been put. on spots required for automob1ll' parking ThoM' arf.' lhr kinds of obvious problems Fowler says have been takrn cart.•of .. We've even managed lo gel som e of the really old. dllapidat· t•<l trailcrs. replaced, .. he said . As good as the s ituation seems Ill romparison to 1972. r'owler cautions that there is still a lot of work to be don<'. Thr inspector hired to handle the crackdown remains on the ci - ty payroll and still devotes 25 percent or his working time to the trailer parkH He makes annual inspl'cllons or eaeh park as well as regular inspections of any pro· 1>osed remodeling ortrailers. !'·owler ~aad the city spends about $5.000 administering trailer parks -an t!X pense that could be dropped if the city de· <'1dcd to tum the administration JOh over lo the :Hate. The state mandates a fee for trailer parks rrom which the city )!Pt:, about S2.500 a year But Fowler said he and other Maff mt>mbers would rather ket>p the administrative powers and the ability to Inspect and enforce bu1ld1ngcodes inthecity. "The s t ale is vastly un· dermanned and we have better control orthe situation this way," he said. Bayside Park Plan Hearing Tlwrsday Debate is expected Thursday night at a public hearing s lated by the Newport Beach Planning Commission on the proposed m aster plan for Bayside Park in Corona del Mar. The plan in· eludes a tennis court that is op- posed by some property owners. A petition signed by 68 resi· dents claims construction of the court next to the Goldenrod Avenue footbridge would be a distraction and would lower the value of t.hlir property. The petition was presented to the city council ln December and councUrnen decided to refer thf' question to the planning com· mission for a publlc hearlng. The 8.7•acre park ha11 been pro·· posed for the put lwo·and·a·half years fol1owln1 a atale grant of • S90.000 from the 1974 park bond fund . When built. Jt will stretch alongside Bayside Drive from the existing city park at Carna· lion Avenue to Jasmine Avenue. Although the strip f.&rk wlll be primarily pusive with a heavy emphasis on landscaping, It will also con t ain a bike and pedeatrian trail , a play area and a multi-use hard courl for basketball, volleyball or four· 11quare. Prote1ts over the lnstallatlon of an unUehted tennis court have ~o for been unsucc~llful with both the coruitnl commission and Parka, Reach and Recreation commlaslon ueholdinC the pro- posed master p)an . NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE 10-603 DURING OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE WE ARE GOING ALL OUT TO MAKE THIS OUR MOST IMPRESSIVE SALE EVENT EVER. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE STORE , IN ALL DEPART MENTS, ON CURRENT AND OISCONTINUE.O LINES FROM SUCH PRESTIGIOUS MANUFACTURERS AS DREXEL. HERITAGE, HENAEDON, BAl<EA, CENTURY, WOOOMARI<. MARGE CARSON, SHERRILL, STANTON COOPER . AIRELOOM, STIFFLE ANO MANY MORE CALL ONE OF OUR DESIGNERS TODAY.OR BETTER YET. STOP BY AND SEE FOR YOURSELF WHY WE ARE MAKING THIS OUR GREATEST SALE EVER The Store of Famous Names CONVENIENT FINANCING. PROFESSIONl\L INTERIOR 0£::.IGN WITHOUT Ol:JLICiATION ANO COMPORT ABLE PARKING. Tutscf.Jy. Weclnt>\rfav. Thursday and Saturrfay· 9 30 10 5 30. Mond11y 12 10 9 Frn1ay: 9 ·30 to 9 . - f Saddleback E DITI O N • /\f tera-n ·I N.Y ... toek H VOL 70, NO. 19, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE OUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, J ANUARY 19, 1977 TEN CE • Hugh.,s Suffered Manu Illnesses HOUSTON <AP) -Court dOCU· men ts filed today indicate the late billionaire Howard Hughes suf. fered from cancer, a t,>ept1c ulcer, kidney disease, badly decayed teeth and undernourishment. Testimony in the form of de- positions taken from doctors who performed an autopsy on Hughes were filed with Harris County Probate Judge Pat Gregory. Dr. Jack Titus, pathologist al Baylor College of Medicine, said he found a peptic ulcer. a "tiny focus of cancer" in the prostate gland, scar tissue blocking the urinary tract and uremic poison· ing. •• Titus said the •kidneys were shrunken by an ailme nt that may have been caused by a drug Hughes took from 1946to1972. Dr. Oscar B. Maldonado, an oral s urgeon a t Methodist Hospital where the autopsy was performed April 6, said the teeth of the billionaire were so badly de· cayed they must have been •·very. very palnfuJ." Hughes ched April 5 while being nown to Houston from Acapulco, Mexico, for medical treatment. A brief ·report released after the autopsy attributed death to kidney failure. Methodist Hospital officials later deliyered the autopsy report to Gregory, who bas Texas Jurisdiction for matters involving I Riley Testifies ; Jury Continnes Diedrich Probe By GARY GRANVILLE OltM Dally ~Uol Stall Orange County Super visor Thomas Riley appeared before the county Gr~ry as it con· tidued its pro&! Tue!day into the , campaign fund raising activities , o( Supervisor Ralph Diedrich. Riley refused today to discuss any details of his testimony before the JUry but admitted he r had responded to the jury's sub· poena and had testified. T h e Newport B e a c h · 1 super visor's testimony in an in· J vestigation of another county j supervisor is believed lo be the Off Dana Point I ----··-- ' Cirst tame one super visor has been called to testify in the in· vestagat1on of anotlrer. A Riley aide, Kirk E vans, also put in a n appearance before lhe j u r y as did tw o ai des to Supervisor Ralph Clark, Steve Malone and Greg Sanders. And, sources c lose to the Di e dric h probe r e porte d , representatives of two major de· velopers, like Raley, made un- seen entrances into the Grand Jury room. Testimony in the Diedrich probe got under way two weeks ago Initially, lhe probe centered on Hughes A.irwest and reported al· legations that the airline had been cajoled to give campaign contributions to politicians sup. ported by Diedrich. Slnce then, the investigation reportedly has grown to cover aJ. legations that heavy-banded tac- tics were used to solicit cam- paign funds for Diedrich ravored candidates, including County Supervisor Philip Anthony, and Assemblyman Dennis Mangers <D-Hunhngton Beach). Called to testify when the <See RILEY, Page AZ> Beatings I Coast Guard Teains Denied I Seeking Lost Boat By Mother By TOM BAKLEY Of .. o.t,,"9t.1Qfl I By ALMON LOCKABEY I o.llY ~li.t hortl,.. Eollt91 Coast Guard s earch and rescue )teams searched the waters 14 miles wouthwest of Dana Point today for possible survivors of a 33-foot cabin cruiser reported overdue out of its West Basin berth at Dana Harbor. The boat has been identified as the Robbie I. owned by Alex · ander Maaters. SS, of Fullerton. Masters has been reported miss· mg by his family Debns recovered m the search has been positively ident1f1ed as belonging to Robbie I. but Sgt. Ri~hard Olson of the Orange County Harbor Department said there was oo indicallon that the vessel had exploded or burned ·'This 1s a most confus ing situation." said Sergeant Olson. "We don't know at this lime afthe ownef was aboard or how many pass engers may have been aboard However, M n Masters bas reported .her husband miss- ing and bis automobile has been located at the marina." Olson said debris found within a two-square mlle area included a hatch cover, seat cushions, a styrofoam ice chest. emergency gas cans. a section or carpeting. a suitc ¥e and a c hild's hfe J8Cket. ( "The only sign of fire was a small burn on the life Jacket," Olson said First report of the missing boat was made by radio from another vessel heading for Catalina Island at 4:45 p.m. Tuesday. The report to the Coast Guard s aid merely that debris was floating in the area A Coast Guard <.,earch by the Point D1v1de out or Newport and two helicopters has turned up no boc:hes or survivors. Tbe s earch is continuing today. according to Coas t Guard offa~ers in San Diego Close to tears under an in· tensive cross exaininaUon by an angry pro1eculor , Carolyn Brewster of San Clemente re- peatedly denied Tuesday tbatshe had ever beaten her 2-year-old daughter. Mrs. Brewst~r. 24, told Deputy District Attorney Frank Fasel and an attentive jury that she ad· milted beating her little girl after her arrest because co-defendant Kenneth Ray Bolden 11rged her to do so. ··He told me that I would get off lightly because of my nervous condition and the beatings my ex-husband used to give me,'.' she testified. "He (Bolden) said he would get lS years in jail if he was convicted.·· BoJden. a Camp Pendleton Marine, and Mrs. Brewster are heing tried in Orange' County Supe rior Court on multiple charges of child abiase. Tiro Gunmen Rob It is alJeged that each or both inflicted what almost proved lo be fatal Injuries on Cora Brewster Aug. 17. The 2-year-old recovered after brain surgery in San Clemente General Hospital. • Mesa Wo1na"' 82 Mrs. Brewster testified Tues- • day that Bolden beat her little girl with his Marine Corps belt until she was black and blue and once held a lighted cigarette to the child's ches t while s he watched. By STEn; MITCHELL OI-O•tty ~, ... Swff An 82-year old woman and her young oJece were held at gun- point 1n their C011ta Mesa home by two men who r a nsacked several rooms before escaping wllh S600 in cash and a ruby ring Monday night Police sa1d Mrs. Ruth Swope. of 1842 Park Ave .• waited until Tuesday morning to report the robbery to police after being warned by the gunmen that her Co ast Weathe r Considerable h i gh cloudiness through Thurs· day. Highs ln 70s. Lows 44 to52. INSIDE T ODAY Thfrt11·0M Nndcnla of Orono• Coo.It ccnnmulllll•• become Anvrican cfttm.. Jn notutollcotfon ceremonJI, llOTJI. pktun, Al. , l••ex niece would be harmed if she called for .help. Officer's reconstructed the crime thia way . The two men knocked on the rronl door to Mrs. Swope's home at about 9 p.m. Monday. and when she opened the door, they asked if they could use the phone. The pair said there had been an accident, and when Mrs. Swope's niece attempted to' hand the •phone out the door to them, they pushed their way Into the home, brandishing a rifle and a .~ caliber revolver. "We 're heroin addicts and we need money," Mrs. SY(.ope said the pair ahuuted. ··we know you have It.·· One of the gunmen took the telephone from the 12-year-old girl and yanked the cord out of the wall before marching Mrs. Swope and the niece into a bedroom where the suspect wlth the rifle stood watch over them. Meanwhile, the other gunman searched the house, finding the caab and the rina. which Mn. Swope aaid ia worth $100. Mrt. Swope hu been in tbe limelltht recently ln connecUoa wltb her fi1ht to keep the Cltj Cl( Costa M'eaa lrom purobaslna a home ahe owns on Center Street. Police today 1ald they are look- lnl for two wbit.c maJea, both 1n their early twenties. One ls described aa six Ifft tall, wltb sandy brown hair, brown eyes and welgbln1 between 150 and 170 pounds. · The •econd cunman la deacrlbc:d u about 1tx Ifft nve lnchea tall, w1th dark brown hair. a mustache, and wel1bJnc between 180 and 200 pounds. . , Fasel, obviously distressed by the admiAslon, told the witness: "That's incredible , Mrs. Brewster. Wh~· did you allow him to do something like that to Cora?" "J wu afraid of him," Mrs. Brewster· explained. "He had already showed me his clenched fist. I was once nearly killed by a man and J didn't wantlt to happen again." <See DENIAL, P a1e "2) Price• Vp In County 8 y &be A.uoelatecl Preaa Rlsin1 living costs took another hefty bite out of Soutbirn CaUfornlana' pocketboob Jut month, but the annual rate of ln- creaae remalnl •ell below 1975and1"76. The U.S. Bureau of Labor SlaU1tict 1aJd today that prices rOM by OA percent In Lot Anc.ie. and Orance countlet durin1 December. bdnatn1 the total increaae for the yearto5.6perc•nl. In J97t. prices roae by 9.1 pdrcent. and ln 1975 b)' 11.9 percent, accordinc to Jlm Wurth. head of tM Bureau ol Labor St1tlaUc1, South em Callfond• omc.. ' Hughes' estate, and lta details haveJlot been raleased. Maldonado's deposition described Hughes' teeth as in as •·poor shape a.s any I have seen since I was in training 15 to 16 yearaago." • Tltus identified the dt-ug that caused the kidney failure as phenacetin. an analgesic Hughes was said to have started taking after he was injured ln a 1946 plane crash. Titus quoted Hughes' personal doctors as say- ing they got. their patient to stop taking the drug in 1972. t The pathologist saad Hughes died at 1:27 p.m. on April Sas the plane brinling him to Houat.on pa.sed over Brownsville. He said Hughes was being brought to Houston because the Hughes Medical Foundation had "medical scholars" at MethOdist Hospital. He sa~ the foundation has such scholars at various Sunset on Lake Forest medical institutions over country. Titus quoted Hughes' pel'aon~ physicians aa .describing Huaheif as an extremely difficult petaoo to provide medical care for. He quoted them as saying he Nf- rused to see a dentist, refused to submlt to medical examinations or teats and often embarked on er- ratic dieting habits, refusmc to drink fluids or eat much of anytblngtorperiodsortlme. Brilliant clouds and bright sunshine com- bined for this serene sunset Tuesday over Lake Forest in Laguna Hills. A group of ducks provide the only signs of activity in this picturesque scene as local residents settle down for a restful evening. Utility Station Rocked by Blasts SAUSALITO (AP> -A utility station was attacked today by un· derground revolutionaries angered at the death of an elderly Midwest man who died when his gas was turned off during the re· cent cold spell, authorities said. Police said the series of ex· plosions in a small Pacific Gas & Electric substation awakened hundreds of Sausalito residents but ca used no damage or injunes. The New World Liberation Front claimed responsibility for the bl as ts in a statement issued by self-styled NWLF courier Jae· ques Rogiers. The body of a 74.year -old man was found last week in Mansfield, Ohio, when bis utilities were cut off because of an Sl8blll owed. Rogiers said lhe explosion~ were "In memory of the death" and to underscore NWLF de- mands for free electricity "to aged poor living on fixed incomes below. the poverty level in the San Francisco Bay area ." PG&E sp<>kesman Paul Girard s aad FBI in vestigators de- termined three explosives were detoQ ated at the substation. He said PG&E experienced s uch attacks since' 1968. but that this first attack in 1977 wouJd not attain the NWLF goals. •'The damage caused by groups or organizations in attempt to pre- ss illegal demands are passed along to PG&E customers in the form of tugher rates,'' Girard said. The FBI Sll,YS little is known about the NWl..F. The group has c laim e d r esponsibility for numerous bombings in recent years in the San Francisco Bay area. Buddy Beam Handicapped Talk Slww Topic By WILLIAM SCHRE IBER Of ... O•Uy f'll-4 St.Ill The electronic voice Isn't particularly loud Yt!t but Joseph De Marco still figures his meaaage is getting out via the airwaves of Saddleback Colle1e's tiny FM radio station, KSBR. DeM arco, a tall, well-built young man of 28, hosts a half· hour talk show each Wednesday evening at 6 p.m. that examines the world ol the physically han-. dicapped. The radio personality knows first band of the myths and mis· underatandinca that surround dlHbllna lllneu and injury. He is le1ally blind -the victim or multiple 11clero1la •(MS) that 1truck when he was 16 yean old. ·'The program I do on KSBR la de1l1ned ~fill • votd t bat I aee in media covera1e of the 11h11lcally incooven.ienced,'' Hld O.Marco, u1ln1 the term be collled for pec>- pJe wlth diaabWU•. · ~ DeMarco and the real of the staff of KSBJ\ are looking forward totbe Umewhen the 1ta· Uoa wlll aend out a 1l1nal blanketina Orqe County. A• It now ltand.I, tbe tranamit- ter atop tbt Mlulon VleJo tchool'• Ubtary beema out aoly 10 w .at.a at •.Jon~ radio band. "Th• FCC CFtdtra\ Com-mualc~ Commiuloa) la con· ~ QUI' applkatbl to •o to ca.. A .._ with 1,080 •aU.." O.Jtino ...... "Thal •ould ruJ. 11 be are.at foe the ltatJon ud lor m71bow." ( Delly AIDS HANDtCA Sadchbeck'• O.Merco The radJo 1t.aUOI\ la fUnded en- Urely by the coUeae dlatrtct and, with the exception of paid faculty mem bers who teach lo \bt rad.lo and televilion Proctatn at tho 1ebool, the atalf ls made up o( aludent volunteers. The expanaloo to 3,000 watts waa delayed by • treaty with Me~ico that prohibited bootUnc the output of any st.Ilion wllhln 120 mUea of the border. Th.at rutrictlaa baa 1tnce beeo eued aJMI Mexito bu app.ro'red t.he ltSBR application. Dfllarco uld. ,8-ILADIO. hi• Al) •• .. CB Antenna . •; '• '• Blamed for Bizarre Death By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Ol UM OallJ ~llM Stall A Huntington Beach taverb owner was killed and his 12-yeat· old daughter seriously burned Tuesday when their CB radio an· tenna struck a 12,000-volt powG line as they maneuvered it arounsl on their garage t'oof. Robert Jarrell, 39, of 65:2 Limerick Drive, and Tamroy Jarrell, 12, were apparenUy knocked from the root to the lawn below by the powerful jok from Southen California Edison Co~ pany wires. Jarrell was pronounced dead at Huntington lntercommunlly Hospital about one hour after ar• rival following the mid-mornine tragedy at their home in north Huntington Beach. He suffered massive electrical burns, according to Fire Depart.. ment Capt. John Backen. Jarrell's daughter was listed in stable condition today at the UC lrvine Medical Center Burn Unit, but lt wlll be several days before the extent of ~r burns and danger to her nre Is really known. "She has numerous entrance and exit electrical burns," Cap. Backen explained. "With elec. trlcaJ shock, you don't know what internal damage was done fot awhile.'' He said the youngster wq awake and alert, however, when police and firemen arrived on th• scene to find her father beyond help. AthJetlc sboe.t such aa thoee u1ed for track or jogging pro- bably saved the Janell girl's Ufa. Capt. Backen 1uggeated. BOA.T S41LED ON FlllSI' DAY "We sold the boat the first n11ht the ad ran tn the paper. We 1ot a Jot of callt and are very happy we lldvert11ed in the DallJ Pllol." That'• the sales success u. perlenced )>y tbe Newport. Beach woman wbo placed lhl• clusine4 ad: ·Sabot Schock 4000 1crtea. ractn1 rl11ed. new Ulman aall. $250. xu-uxx U you have• bo•~t •en. call M2-51'18. It onlf takes a lw wontl in· lb• rilhl plac• to alt.rael a buyer. Alq the Otut• Cout;; th• rllht place 11 ln UM Daltr~ Pilot. I DAILY PILOT SB Wednttday Ja.,uary 19 19n .ord: No Amnesty lfo1''t Act on De~erters, Draft Evtulers WASHINGTON (AP) -Presi- dent Ford 1uled out blanket am· lty for Vietnam military de· era and draft evaden today t directed that wounded and dfforated veterans who received other-than-honorable dlacbarges bqve their status changed to honor able discharges. Ford late last month said he would look Into the possibility of a s•neral amoMty tor V.tA&m w1r deaerten and draft realaten after be was asked to by the widow of Sen. Philip A. Hart <D· Mich.), who had supported suc:h amnesty. In • letter to Mrs. Hart today, the Pre3ident said he "decided to maintain my position on earned clemency and hope you wlll un· derstand. f',.._Pa~A J filLEY TESTIFIES. • • Diedrich probe got under way were Hughes public relations director Michael Murphy and Hughes lobbyist Donald K 81J)Wn. t.nother opening d&y witness was Riley aide Scott Ferguson. Jn an interview before the in- ._,.tigation opened, Riley ad· ~tted that "some time in late Ollittober or early November Diedrich had come to his office "mad as hell at Airwest." Riley said Diednch told him he would back him in an effort lo stymie an Airwest bid to provide linking air service from Orange County Airport through Salt Lake City andontoDenver. The Newport Beach supervisor then asked County Counsel Adrian Kuyper if the Board of Supervisors could block the airline's move. In response to Riley's written Nov . 11 inquiry, Kuypes, Dec. l said it 1s "extremely doubtful" !Jiree Plays ; ~oBeStaged 4t Viejo High 'Mission Viejo High School's r>ram a Workshop will present a Dramatic Trilogy of three one- act plays at 7 .JO p.m. Thursday lilDd Friday in the school's LltUe Theater. that the Civil Aeronautics Board would grant a full hearing on Airwest's request. Kuyper's memo pointed out that the airline was not request· ing additional rlights from Orange County Airport but men·· ly link extension to existing flithts. Diedrich early this week ad· milted he was irritated by Airwest's application lo the ex- tension because the company had "failed to consider the coun- ty's position. "Yes, you bet I gave Don Brown hell and told him I wouldn 'l be too interested in anything he had to say from that point out," Diedrich said. He insisted that his tongue lashing of Brown, which ended in the county garage where Diedrich parks his car, was the result of what be saw as Airwest's highhandedness and had nothmg to do with political campaigns. • Malone and Sanders said last week they had lunch with Brown at an economic conference in Anaheim the day Diedrich cut loose on the Sacramento-based Hughes lobbyist. But both said they knew nothing that might shed light on the Diedrich-Brown verbal And in a conversation late last week, Riley said that should he be called to testify be would "have to put things in their pro- ~r perspective." "Ralph (Diedrich> talks hard and sometimes pretty tough. That's just the way he 1s and sometimes he uses s tronger words than he really means," said Rilev () "W{tbtn •my cJemency pro· &rail\, however. f have dlreded that the other-than-honorable discharges received by former service memb~rs who were wounded in combat or received decorations for valor in combat 1n Vietnam each be reviewed a.od upgraded to discharge::. under honorable conditions unless there is a compelling reason to the contrary in any case," Ford wrote. A White House spokesman said only deserters would be affected by Ford's new directive and that at most 700 veterans would be eligible. The Wlute House released a copy oC the two-page letter to Mrs. Hart alter deputy White House counsel Edward Schmults telephoned Mn>. Hart and read the letter to her. Schmu.lts s aid that Mrs. Hart thanked him and said that she wanted to think about the teller before commenting on it. The President also sent letters to the secretaries of the three armed services and the comman- dant of the Coa.st Guard asking them to evaluate how many peo- ple would be eligible under his new program. Those who have their other- th an-honorable discharge changed to honorable would become ellgible for veterans l;>enefits, including medical care and GI education benefits. Jn 1974, Ford offered draft re· sisters, but not deserters, a form of limited amnesty by giving them the opportunity to ·•work their way back into society .. through public service. Accordin& lo White House calculations, 106,472 draft re- sisters were eligible for the pro- gram but only 21,723 took advan-' tage o( it before ll expired laJlt year. Meny of those eligible refused lo accept Ford's offer because they felt they had acted morally by resisting what they believed lo be an illegal war and therefore required oo clemency President.elect Carter has said that be v.r\11 grant a pardon to Vietnam war draft evaders and will consider deserter!. on a case- by-case basis. . '- Oillty ...... Meff ....... HARVEY ON STAGE -El Toro High School drama students will present the play Harvey starting Thursday and run- ning through Saturday. Shown in this scene are. from left, Lori Varnado, Kelley McBride, Louis Rungel, Carl Binder (seat,.. ed ), Leslie Mcintosh. Barb Covington. Dean Esgrow, Sue Turnbow, Scott Schell, Nancy Malone, Sue Amandola and Lynn Schell. ~ College Sigrmps Record Tuesday was the first day of re· gistration for the spring semester at Saddleback College and more than 2,000 people showed up an all-time one day record for the Mission VieJo school. "We were really thrilled by the turnout," said Dan Armstrong, community information · officer at the college. "The record for one day before this was only about 1,700 and an average big day is about 1,500to 1,600 " The Oood of registrants kept college officials busy from 9 a m to 8 p.m. with breaks only for lunch and dinner. Armstrong attributed the large first-day turnout to the fact that many continuing students failed to go through pre-reglstralion at the end of last semester. '·A lot of them took oU on Christmas vacation right after their last final,'' he said. '"The) were here yesterday, though " This week's reg1stral1on 1s for continumg s tudents and new stu· dents by appointment only Open reg1::.trahon won't take place un · til next week S1gnups for Sad· dleback 's off-campus program also begin Monday and continue through Feb. 4. f',.._P~A J DENIAL ... "Why didn't you leave him and take your children (Jennifer. 4 and Cora, 2) with you?'' the pro secutor asked. "You had re- latives in California. Why didn't you gotothem?" "None of my relatives would have me," Mrs. Brewster said 001 meant to leave him <Bolden > • Just as soon as I had got enough money together and I'd already told blm that if be beat my kids again he'd have to go.'' Bolden has testified that Mrs. Brewster was responsible for the beatings. He told the jury that Mrs. Brewster became frustrat ed and nervous when he was away on guard duty at Camp Pendleton and that she told him that she took 1tout on Cora Bolden admitted that he wa.'> alone in the family's moteJ room with Cora and Jennifer last Aug 17 when the younger child sus tained her most serious injuries. The Marine explained to the jury that the child rolled off the bed and fell ont-0 his metal am· munition box He said she was unconscious when he reache<1 her and Called to respond to mouth to mouth resusc1tat1on Mrs Brewster admitted 1n her tes timony that Jennifer \\ai. taken out of her custody for six months by i.tal.e authorities while she was living in Florida with Frank Brewster the man who married her after Cora was born. 'Harvey' Set At Toro High This Week El Toro HJgh School students wll1 be presenting "Harvey," their first student PioducUon, at 8 p.m. Thursday through Satur· day in Charger Hall. The play ls being directed by student Phil Foster. Carl Binder plays the lead character, Elwood P. Dowd, a calm man with an optimistic al· tltude toward llie. Co-stars are Barbara Cov · ington as Mrs. Veta, Louise Sim· moos, Dowd's high society sister, and Sue Turnbow as her daughter, MyrtJe Mae Simmons. Others in the cast include Lynn Schell, Sue Amandola, Leslie Mcintosh, Dean Esgrow, Lou.is Rangel, Kelley McBrlde, Scott Schell and Nancy Malone. Tickets will be sold al the door. little Thief Aids Burglary Burglars who robbed an El Toro home while the family was al church last weekend must have used a small child or a midget to gain entry, Orange County sheri(('so((icers belive. "Tht> Bald Soprano ... a comedy by Eugene l<>nesco, will be lhe first play. Actors include Malt Miller, Sharon Grover, Steve Levine. Colette Tessier, Sarah Blair and Robb Nimmo. '"Sorry, Wrong Number," a s uspense drama by Lucille Fletcher. will be the second play performed Jack Schoos. an ad· vanced drama student. will ~reel performances by Theresa H~rtman, Pam Mabry. Nancy Curran, Beth Ann Hartman and 8111 Swamck. 2 Held in Kidnap, LA Crime Spree Armstrong said that as of the end of the first day of registra- tion, a total of 6,371 students had enrolled for the spring semester. That includes the 4.300 continu· ing students who took advantage of pre-registration last fall. The enrollment figure for spr- ing is already almost hall of \,he total college enrollment at the start of the fall semester. She testified that Jennifer was the daughter of another man with whom she had sexual intercourse while they were dating aod before she met Brewster. She told the jury that Bolden asked her to live with him in San Clemente after they mel in San Diego last March "and promised to take good care of me aod my kids and never hit us. The window used by Ule_ In· truders at the home of pnliter Ron Mergeler, 38, of 20795 Canada Road, was much· too small for anyone of normal stature, de· putiessaid. They said the burglars left by the front door with jewelry and a television set, jointly valued at $270. The final selection 1s "The Proposal," Ly Anton Chekhov, with Bart Rukstalis, Ginger Han cock and Roland Dion Thi' trilogy has been coord1nat ed. by Anne Vardanian. rnstrur t.or of the Dram11 Workshop El T oro Man Loses Boat and T raile r A boat and trailer valued al $2 \000 have been stolen from an £1 Toro home by a thief who drove his tru l·k into the driveway, hitched up the boat and trailer nnd then drove off. Orange County sheriff's of fteers said the theft wu reported by sale'\man Timothy Franels Sheehan. 29. of 24251 Ankerton He and hts family were in the hdl'Tle at the time Gun~ TV Set Take n A burglar who snapped off the front door loek to gain entry too« a handgun. ammunillon and a color television set from a Musaon Vie· johome.home. Orange County sheriffs of· ficers uid the theft wu dis- covered by ~n . .James Arman· do. 2JS36 Pedero.o, when she returned to her home. The loss was valued at '690. OftANQf COAIT DAILY PILOT ""°'""" c .... 0..1, ~ ........ _,, , .. _ ---"'•" .. _,_.,. .... °'_ C...\t flitrutitt"""Q t.,,,..~. ,,....,. ... ~.,. ~·\~d ,...,...., ''"..,"" .......... , ..,. (Ali\t• ,.._..,. ~-..,.. ~--H-..-f'rii~ &tM,. ,....,_ •~-"•"•w ""'"'-\.t .. 1f"IMil• V•'"'" •N l~ ~-" ........ ,"'' ,. "...,.,.. ,.....,_,. ... fiOf' •\ ~._...,,. \•tvrO••'.,.. ~' ,._. c::~ .. ~~~~:t.ri,:~~~.,,. ~· .... ·-··-""·'~~~ ...... '"'" c .... , v~• l'Y .. klo•t -o.-ei-.._ ,_ ....... ,~,., 'O.::..:.~ ... -.-r.::- ~ ........ ·-,. .... ..... , ... , ........... ,.""' 1~94:11 V•llev °"'°9 ,,,., ................ ol'_._ °'""• CIMl•Mfw .......... _ --• .. c~ tN~-:,',~ ~ .. llClllllt ..... l~ (rt4)t44121 aautftM U.ertl-.~"11 '-4 ... , V•llO¥ -Ol11Lo M1~t• ''""'""'"'--....... s:ri:: ,.., °'':?:, C.-• """"'•"' °"""" ::r . ., .,~',,::r.,.,.,~~..:·,~~ :r:~ ~-=-::,:.n"tvt ,. .. , ... PfflN•tl• _. '-'-cteu ....... Nl4 .. C.... -... Cllll•t~I• h•ttrl~I.., W c••I•• » M ='* ~::!:or..,." _,.,i -~'"'" .. LOS ANGELES (AP ) Police arrested two youths today aftC'r a thrt'e·hour crime spree in which a veteran Los An$:eles radio sportscaster .,..s k1dnaped, anotht-r man fired on and robbed and a home burglarized KFWB radio ne~sman Cleve Hermann was k1dnaped early to- day and forced to drive lo h1s Sherman Oaks apartment. where he and his wi(e were robbed, of· ricers said. In Beverly Hills, Loi. Angeles Times distributor Leo Kempton, 56, was robbed of $100, then fired on. Neither Kempton nor anyone else involved an the spree was 1n JUred, polJcesaid. The two youths, not immediate ly identified by pohre, were ar rested al 4 20 a.m , in a home on Mulholland Drive afte r a silent alarm was tripped Offic<'rS gdVC their ages as 18and 19 Hermann was accosted outside a Hollywood bowhng alley at I ~ a m . and forced to drive to his home. There the two youths took his money. his wife's ring and his car , officers said. Hermann reportedly fell into conversation with his abductors who, police said, told him their troubles and then agreed to return the money, but kept the ring and car. A short time later they told Kempl«l they wanted to buy a newspaper, but be said he had no cha nge. Officers said they robbed him of $100 at gunpoint, then fired aahotatbim. Another victim was confronted by tbe youths on Benedict Canyon Road, but no details were availa- ble. The pair allegedly broke into the horne of a reallor on Program Set In Baaketball An o~ ba!ketball provam, sponsored by Saddleback Valley Unified School Dt1trict '• Rcrea· Uon Department, becim tonl&ht in tbe El Toro Hlah School om· n•alum The om wUJ be available for the provam Tuesday1 from 7 to, 10 p.m ., Wednesdays from 7 to t :ao p.m. and Saturday• Crom 2 to $p.m • However, t.be facllity wUI be clOled on Feb. 1 and 16. Tbote in· ttrealed In partlc:ipatln1 may coata ct the departmen t at '7....al, to verlfy the 1eb.chalt each week. Mulholland Drive, where pol\ct - were s ummoned by a s ilent alarm. Officers s aid lhey were ar- rested in the pr~css of rohbing thP house and had pockets stu£fcd with jewelry FroM Page A I RADIO ... Despite the station's current limited range, DeMarco said he thinks his program and others on KSBR arc serving a need in the south county. He said program director Bob Shannon, who is also a personali- ty on KFI in Los Angeles, is gear. ing the station toward an even mix of rock, sort rock, classical and public service program- ming. Non-commercial KSBR is on the air 12 hours a day, from 10 a.m . to lOp.m. but DeMarrosaid it may eventuany run around lhe clock. DeMarco's program on the problems of handicapped people -called "Wider Horizons" - this week won the recognition of the Orange County Epilepsy Society. The organization honored rum for "helping light the candle" of undentanding. "It is very important for me to let people know .what can be done and who to tum to for help In aoch sit uations ," DeMarco said. "People really need to know." DeMarco conceded he is trying to "sell" the Idea that a radio program on \he handicapped and t heir problem$ can not only be or great service to the community but could als<J have a large au- dience. "Sure. I'd like to do thl• pro- .Pnionally," he said. "RadJo i.s a lot of fun but right now It la more Important to fill UU. void that I .see." The program on K SBR centers around specific handicaps and , uauallY conaiall of speclal guests wbo chacuas ibe problems In- volved with each type of dls· abntty. DeM arco sald be •ant. people witb pbyslc:al band.ica1>1 to call hJm a.nd relau espertenca or dlfflcultiea they have h ad. "I really want tome reaponae from people who are dl1&bled.'" be ••id. DeMarco's phone number in MJulon VteJo is 8'0·'1562. OC hit own batUe with MS. DeMarco1aid he "can Uve with it but t wW never accept It." At one time rn hi• lllt, be ,,., • quadrlpl111c bul 1ndually loudlt bact to reJaUve 1qoct health ud a poelUve outlook. ' NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE 10-60% DURING OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE WE ARE GOING ALL OUT TO MAKE THIS OUR MOST IMPRESSIVE SALE EVENT EVER. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE T._.ROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE STORE . IN ALL DEPART· MENTS. ON CURRENT AND DISCONTINUED LINES FROM SUCH PRESTIGIOUS MANUFACTURERS AS DREXEL. HERITAGE, HENREDON. BAl(ER, CENTURY, WOOOMARK, MARGE CARSON, SHERRILL, STANTON COOPeR. AIRELOOM. STIFFLE ANO MANY MORE. CALL ONE OF OUR DESIGNERS TODAY.OR BETTER VET, STOP BY AND SEE FOR YOURSELF WHY WE ARE MAKING THIS OUR GR(ATEST SALE EVER The Store of Famous Names CONVENIENT FINANCING. PROFESSIONAL IN1 l AIOR OESIGN WITHOUT OBLIGATION AND COMPOATABlf PARKING Tuesd.iy Wr<1nt$rl1y, Thut)(1,ay 1nd S;11urcl .. y 9 JO to !> 30 Mond4y 12 to 9 F11dby. 9.JO lo 9 W edneaday'e Aftenaoon Prica ,\ NYSE COMPOSI1'E TRANSACTIONS .. w.dnesday. January 19. 1m s DAILY PILOT SJ RllDloa Dalltl Bond Packaging Sparks Interest 81 JOllN CUNN1YY .. ,. ......... ~ ............... Glen Joholon bad aeven newspaper. televlaloo ud radlolntttvlewatnMt.ml, Fla.oaMODday,Jan.10. 'lb.at was a particularly buty dQ'. On Tueeday be C-•• only five lntervtewt. OD WedoeldQ tour, Tbunday Just two. and Ob Friday three. All were to tbe lllaml·P'ort Laudenlalo-Palm Beach area. rr WAS JUST the beginning. Over a 10-day period Johoaon scheduled 40 lntervlews, moetlY on television, which would brlnc blm alao to St. Loula. Chica.go, PhiJadelJ)bla. Boston and to Ilia Pittabur&hotfice for a tlu-e. hour break. "I tum down two ror every oae I ae- cept," be aa.id. Jobnson mlgbt aeem like i.be boU.eilt talent. on the talk·sbow clrcuit, but be ll not ln abow business: be ls president d Federated Tax·Free Income Fund, whicb uaembles a porUolio d boodB and then otf«S the public abara ln it. SINCE ITS INCEPTION 3\i Q.t ... .,, month.a ago, Federa~ bu sold rnon than $26 million of shares to investors.. even tho\llb it does not rely on sales people in race-to-race contact with the public. The public cornea to it. Each day, on average, a thousand people call on Federaled's 18 toll-free lines seeklog lnformaUon on the fund. Many buy. "Our sales have plateaued at $1 mlll.lon a day." said Johnson, president of four funds wit.b a.aaets clote t.o $800 million. "I love to come to wOC'k in the mornlq." u.td the 47· ~ear-old dynamo. wbo once ran t.be U.S. Sa'Ylngs Bond Divi.aion and who baa been nmnin& ln bll present. roles since that day in October when Preltdent Ford alped the Tax Reform Act of 1976. Attached to that bill waa an amendment permitting mutual funda to "invest in tax·free municipal bonds and pass through to lbeir •bareboldets the tax ex· empt status of the interest earned oo tboee bonds." "TlllllTY MINUTES An'E& THE President signed tbe bill we we~ in buainesa, •• aa.id Johnson. Some others were ready at almost the aame time, and now there are 15 funds ln operation and 18 more ready for cleara!lce. In this abort lime the new funds, heavily promoted u tax-free, have sold to the public close to $600 million iD shares, a figure Jobn&on eathnat.ea will reach $4 bllllon th.la year. Amazing about tbls reeord is lbat the product, municipal boocla on which the federal goverru;nent a.eeb no income tax, have been around ror years. Tbere la tiWe new about them. The packaging's the thing. BEFORE THE PRESIDENT SIGNED the bill last Oc· tober. individuals could on there own buy municipal bond.a, and they still can, although usually only in units of $1,000 up and often in minimum unft.s of $$,000. At such prices the market waa limited. It was limited tor another reaaon too: It was generally felt that only the rtcb, in the blgber tax brackN, benefttted from tax exem~ lion. Tba( attitude bas changed. lnftation bas pushed rnanJ people into the 80 percent bracket. and now the advertise- ments for the funda suggest the tu-free factor should bed interest to people of almost every lneome. Tbe funds make it easy to bey. After ao initial lnYeSt· rnent of Sl,000, some funds permit addtUClaal aha.res to be purcb.ued in units or $100. And some pel"Dlit/ou to redeem aha.res to be purchased in unita 0( $100. An some permit you to redeem sharea as easily as writing a check. For the single person having taxable income of $14,000 -a 31 percent tax bracket -the advertisements maintain that a tax-free return of 5 percent is equivalent to a 7.25 per- cent return on which a tax would be levied. In addition, the ads relate, you enjoy diversification among many issues rather than dependblg on the results of Just one or two. You benefit from "full·Ume professional management" too. It all seems so easy, so coovenJent, so profitable, and it might be. But there are skepUca. Tbey want to &ff a track record, a record of performance, and since there lan't any they maintain that the Jury is still out. Nut: Ezamildng tM cl<JhM. Retirement? Not For 2 Founders PALO ALTO (A> (AP> -WlUlam R. Hewlett and David Packard have sbrugeed off retirement at 65 and said they will stay on ln coming years at Hewlett-Packard Company, the multi-million dollar electronics firm they founded in 1939. "I've been active for too long a time to quit," said Packard, who will celebrate b1a 6Slh birthday next Ses>- tem ber and plans to continue for tbe next five or aix years as board chairman. BEWLE'IT, WHO WILL BE '5lnMa.y1978, aald be wUl atep down as president but will "a.ssw:ne the posit.loo of vice chairman or some other position whose UUe I ahall coin at the time. "What else would I do?" ~ewlett said, responding to queries about r~ement at a recent meeting for analysts at lbe company's beadquarten here. ''I can't spend ao much ot my time, so much of my Ufe with somethina and then just walkaway." r Both Packard, who owns 33 percent of the company'• at.oet, and Hewlett, i wbo owns 24 percesit. said tbe1 plan to ;1» transfer thtlr shares to r1111Uy cbarlta· ble foundations to prevent any clltn.Q>tloo of tbe mmet for Hewlett.P1clW'd. llEWLETl'·PACILUD trldlUoa.al· ly baa eschewed exp8°'1oa ftaanced by borrowm,. In tm, for etam&llle, tbe company plat to •pend '120 mlWOa on PACllAllD capltal ~~t all but llO million o( tt ln the United States. and 1n«e tnan $100 tnUUoa oa research and develo~ meD\. And Hewlett aald all tho money will be drawn from profit and aa'Ylnp. "We are a JrOWtb company," be said. "and we finance srowtb th.roup e&nllnp. There have been argument.a made that we •bouJd lGltad ra1ae our dMdends, but tbOH ar1umeota attn 't made here." HewJe&t admitted that tM reee:at ualntt' meet.tni wu destined to quell specuJ.UOO about tile fOODden.' retirement and to introduce aome of t.be JOIUll maoqen belAc l">Omed to take \M relnl. Tbt Md~ ranttna officen ue executive vlee ptuidenta ftatpb t . Lee. 11. lobert L. Boolfa.ce. 52 and Job A. Ywo1. 44. Soviet& Surpass Plan MOSCOW CAP) -The Sovlet Uoloft Ml dnCJW:M!ed lt OYerfultWed lta industrial p.lao IOC' mg, edd1oJ to ita IChievemmtof ~I record lfUD cnp lut )'Ur. JnduatrlaJ prodUd.ion II'"' by 4.8 percent lut year, ' C<>tn\)azed .,iLb tbe Witt al (,3 percent, •C~ to I re- port by the OounclJ ol ltlnl5\en. I t I !Z-!!!P!!!J~lzt.~~~~J1!•J1!W7~~~~~~0A&l.~Y~~~LO~~~A~l!l~i---------------.. Smog Batt1.-s• 1.-Vo1eUpheld re ·~l'Jl!ies ME 'lElLS REDDING (AP>-A 9# M Sbalta Couhty judge hu:f ~~ ~ DD•ftrE" refUled to nullity an an· C -1!~ Cl.al: .. .-Ov C ur usu~ anaUon election that A!~~~D. Southern wllornia &MU&Uf!§ er ontrol MJf DISGO <AP> -made Reddin1 tbe snost a.-. ...... ~:.: • 111 feat ·~ popuJoUI CaUlornla cltY "''""''o" ••tJ() B7TBOllA8D. EUA8 Loeal offtctala In Southern Cal.lfonala baft ra1Hd auc.b a fuaa over tbelr obllaatlon to ftDuce a new .a.me.mudated •mOI ecatro& district t.Nt \be ruJ aMas"'n' of the Jaw seulns ~ tbe MW qeocy bu beell oblCured. One. UM poUtieaJ dut raised ~the tad that u. Anleler County can no toaier ilWll •moc control efforts lD the Southland hu •ettlld. tbeM polnta will remain: aetual IDQOI. tNt tbt tb1rd wW moet H .. ..._ be ~· near downtown nortb of Sacramento ltmc. ..... r •.• ,,...., alpM\ceaUDdcaatronnlalforJeantoco:::.i' IM Dl .. o la en Illa· Superior Court Judg~ ....... ' • •· ..... ...... ... preclmmed Clyde Sznall aJIO refused 4tS-040 I 111ebaitl&llmpactottbllnewlawwWbe•IM amddr ., t.be dtJ'f to order a r~ount of the •• ~~~~~ • ., ··l· ' SouUa ea.t Air Buio, lftcludlac <>nate. i. • a.o1cSlleBon. Nov.2ballotlng. 42.111 ,,.,..., =t•I•, S. 8eru.rctiDO .S Rlftl"lide c -·· 'n. ....... OG Blllkerl-;:==================:!!~==~ Bu lf!'.':t•:::-=~~~-~ ~~1~f:a:i~1 \:~~ REAL ESTATE SALES MANAGER be nqulnd ID Ute Sa ~iaeo kY ANa Later, baJlder ltdwtn We Me lookm9 lor top management Personnel w11h two S. JOllMIUia ValWJ, .... of wllkfa U.. c,ppa w a• elected years or more expenence .,, re11den1111 real H tata to ll'Owtacalrquali&prob&emr. ., MIMQetstabU9hod oll1ce in Huntington Beachif'ountll.ln ~. Vlllt'V •••· Exce1ten1 Compen.-uo" Send reeume In B\W ID SoutlMrb Ca11fclmia. tbere w1U be HW. ·----------conf'~ to Ad #788, Diiiy PllOt. P 0. Box IMO, preNUN to .... poU\llm CCJldrol ~--. _eoat. __ MMl __ ._c_"-------------' -ft' RU NO• BBBN llADS dear tllat II a tocaJ air pollution cootrol cUstrt.ct "°"'t cw cu't do lta Job, tbe ltat. will take away lta autbotttJ'. .......... -Reclon•' aovenumat .. now • reallt1. at least wbere reclonal probleml lb •CIMll· wbkb cto.a"t atop at city llmlfa « COUDt.1 ~.,.. ClOD· ffr'Md. di ll7t,-.. u.. ._ • .,. eoatrol .. ency ...... ne a plM for llMllill1 ltl&e and feeler al alr qUlllllJ atudu'dr. Queen Sil via of Sweden, 32, is preg · nant and expected to stve birth next July, the office of the Marshal of the Realm has an- DOUJ>eed. If the baby • a boy, he will · be heir to the Swedish throne. Sweden bas no female succession right.I. -hldmtries al all typet an tom. to baH to ,...~IOOTH~='!"!g~ ... ~-" r e t r o l 1 t-t b e l r CALHOllNIA amote1tack1 and fuel FOCUS 'i'ISAT ft.AN lltJll' OON'l'AJN A com~ rebeclUe fof' Neddnc tt.llCe staDdarda "at .._ earliest date ~able by appUcaUon ol all ,..,...,. Md ••allable coatrol measures ad ~.·· --- ID.OW MlW Pim OM TllE FWWIJI: I taakr wltb \be ''beet -------nallable <amoe> c:ootrol ~.·· THE nan nro POINTS A.as lar•••Y pollUcal and thus UDlikely to ba .. mada lmpeet on n.t ~ bml't yet ~ OD IDAllJ' llffeded I:,:• • publle au.uon Ml foemed • Lm Comty'r refulaJ &o p~ tta 11aano1-. ....... , •• budeet. Bleck Pine. T amt Jun1pera, I Nandlna. Abel111, Oleander. I Mofel9 Ina, and many more 69:. QOO MINIMUM -;;:;- $.0. Wholesale Growers Western Union Hike OK'd SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -West.em Union TeJeJTaph Company bas been authorized to raise it• rates by SI in Calllomia on telegrams, overnight teJeerams and money orders. The state Public Utilities Commission or- der u expected to in· crea,e the firm's gross annual r e venue by SMa.132 and to bring its California intrastate rates lD line witb existing uniform national rates already approved by the Federal Communlca· tiona Comml,asioo. THE NEW rates, ef· futlve Feb. 12. will br- ing the cottof a telegram of 15 basic words or less to $4.75. Overnilht wires with lbe bMic 100 words or leu will cost $4, and mOMY orders of S50 or lea will cost ~. 70, with larieor amounta costing more oa a graduated rate. The last increase granted Western Union by tbe PUC was Sl.l million annually on Ill arch 25. 1975. TB£ CO•PANY claimed that fOf' the 12 moolbs endina June JO, 1975 ill Cal.llornia in· traatate operations 1bo•ed a $1.4 million lou with a necative rate ol returnote.1 percent. Teem' Poll Nixes Drugs NEW YORK (AP) -Take it from the junior bjgh set: ha.rd druga are out, alcohol la la, TV violence doesn't breed the real tbiQI and tbe most important thing Jimmy Carter can do 1.1 achieve world peace. These were some of the firwHngs la a poll ol 2,000 kids in their earty teem, conducted by tbe ED· cyclopedia Britannica Educational Corp. JORN BENTON, CBAiallAN OF the corpora· lion, said Tuesday that the averqe 15-year-old bas seen 13,400 murders committed on television and that 94 percent of all cartoon abows caataln violence al the rateof23inddents anbour. But unlike many parents, psycbiatriata, sociologists and otbers, the young people, by a more than 90 percent majority, said they did not ftnd TV violence objectiooable. Amoog the minority, one younpter tboutht TV mayhem "makes me more violent" and aootber felt it "abows that life is very cheap" aDd calDeS young people to lose respect for iL BUT MOST OF THOSE POU.ED acned with one teen-ager wbo said that "It iu't a real world" or the OM/ tao called it "ju.ala way to relax." "Most of the fairy tales we have learned are violent, like Hansel and Gretel being oushed Into the oven, ao bow u that different from Tv!" aaked one. Puppetry Classes Planned at OCC Two da.s.teS in puppetry wlU be tau.lht at Orange Coa.lt College this spring by Melba Coana- ly . author of the boot "Playful Puppets." The betPDnina coune. Puppetry 120, will meet from 7 to 10 p.m. Mondays. In this cla.as students will be taug!rt tbe CClOltnlctioD and use ol pappets aDd atacea. Camtruction ol a man advanced varie- tJ ol puppet.a will be tau.pt la Puppetry m, which wW meet from 7 to 10 p.m. Wedoeldaya.- Reciltration continues tbroucb Feb. 10. For more tntormation, call~- SEN'IENCE 10~ SAN DIEGO <AP> Raymond Konno mut spend 10 years 1n ortaon alter bia convieUoo ol conaplraey ln a SZ· million beToln 1mu111- lag roundup with parole to Jut a llfetime. Tbe sentence was im· posed by U.S. Diatrtct Court Judge Gordon Tbompeoo on Moreno, 40, who WU ln jall on otber cb•rgea when beroln ... found la b1a cell at the Metropolitan CorredicDaJ C.t.w' pro-secutors laid. Ciudad De Huntington Beach * ATENCION RESIDENTES DE HUNTINGTON BEACH f LA CIUOAD OE HUNTIN(iTQN OEACH HTA P .. EPARANOO AHORA UNA APLICACION OE AVUOA PIOIRAL POR $1,245,000 Daares LOS RESIOENTES DE LA CIUOAD TIENEN DERECHO A ESTA AYUDA 8AJO EL ACTA OE DESARAOLLO DE VIVIENDA Y COMUNIDAO DE 1974. ESTOS FONDOS SON DESTINADOS A BENEFICIAR LAS FAM I LIAS DE BAJO 0 MODERAOAS ENTRADAS MEJORANOO LAS CONDICIONES OE VIVIENOA, LOS SERVICIOS DE LA COMUNIDAD 0 LAS OPORTUNIDADES ECONOMICAS. EL COMITE DE CIUDAOANOS CONSEJEROS PARA LOS CIUDADAMOS N£CESITA SUS IDEAS EN REFERENCIA AL DESARROLLO OE LA COMUNIDAD Y LOS INVIT A A USTEDES A LA ASAMBLEA OE LOS DIAS ,. Enero 20 de 1977 A LAS 7.00 p.m. EN EL LOCAL a:1 OE EL CENTRO CIVICO ES URGENTE QUE UD. ESTE PRESB'JTE I PARA MAS INFORMACfON LLAME AL TEL. 13•U211 11622 WAltB A~ FOUHTAIM VALLEY PHONE 546-142' YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO A mND OUR OPEN HOUSE IUleAY. J.AMlAff 23 -ROM 2 P.M.-5 P.M. We hlN9 recentty opened OUR NEW MORTUARY, in ~ with our oemetert and accounting offices. We ... be pfeeee(1 to give you a personal tour of the new fadlttteL fftirhovm nemorinl park MORTUARY -CEMETERY ,,...._,.-z 1702 E. F11rti-Ave.· Bet-n Tustin Ave. & Grand Avo S.0111 An11 Earning money is one rhing. Holding on lo 11 and making it grow is anorhcr. Perpetual Savings has various way!> of making your money make money. Even though Perpetual Savines is a sizable financw institution. rou'll foci comfortable with us. Our empk>yees ~ friendly. knowledgeable and take care of your transactions quickly. And we offer M enormous range of services. So when people ref er to us as a tower or strength, it's more than just a catchy phrase. Come in and see us soon. Where you put your money does make a difference. Highest Allowable Interest Annual It.lie Amaual Yield* 1tnm 5%% S.39% ::=:-~ 5%o/o-4 S.92% :.;:::: 61/zo/o.. 6. 72% !l:;!'·- 6% o/o-• 6.98% :!!".:c... .. 71h%-~ 7. 79% :::··- 1%o/,,.. 8.06% :::"·"° •With interest compounded daily and maintained ror Orte year. .. By Federal Jaw. early wilhdrawals on tcnn accounu ate subject 10 substantial lnteteat penalties. At Your Service, Service- And They 're Free I Some ~rv•u • ru1•Jtr• 4u;ifll'1'•fl~ b.-Uancc' I Safe Dt.·rx1~11 Jim: "J1,.,.ry ()crvacc Chcckm~ /\n.llun1 4'11v111"' Bond Travden. Cheli., lh :tk:111pt1un' Money Ortk1' ~aw-Hy Mail Copy Snvtlc Tru'' Deed Cnlkllaon' 1111.:r B1a11d1 l'ri ~tll..'gc\ klq1IH1tll: Jr ,111 11.'r IJc111 1kc~ Retirement Plans Tux-deferred Keo~h Plan A -.cll ·cmplo)'ctl rnd1 v1Jual mJ> dcpm11 l.'i'.I, of "'' 111 hi.:r :1nnuiJI mulmc ($7500 rm.1.>.111Hllll) 111 a Krngh pl.111 Bolh money contrihuted Im yo11N.' 11 :ind to r employee''' 1.1x tkduq1hk. ,,, '' 1he rntcrcsr it cim1' Alter n.:1111.:mcnt yvu·rc iaxed ar J mud1 lowl·r rate ,,., y1111 u~ 1~· money Pc1pctual P·'Y' the 'lnl\lcc fc~s. lndividuaJ Retirement Account Start your own lnd1v1tluru Rc11rcmcnt /\cc<)unl 11 you' re 001 aln.:acly an one Contrlbutc up to I 'i1k 11f y11ur annual income ($1 ~00 m.mmurn) 111 one payment or regular m'1all111cnt\. I he money contributed and the 1n1erc\t 11 canl\ arc tax dcducuhk until you u'c the money. Perpetual fM)' the ·1ru,1ct' tee' A TOWER OF STRENGTH PERPETUAL AVINGS IEVEkLY HILU <Mtht Ofr-.c<e>. 9720 Wihhl~ Blvd .. l21J> 274.(1()66 0 WESl'WOOO VILLAG~. 10866 Wilahlre 11\'d., (21)) 474·3~ 0 LARCHMONT, Lllrchmont Olvd. ~1 Beverly Blvd . (213) 46:Z·"46l 0 CANOGA PAaK, Victory Blvd ;(t Pl.in Avr .. ('2111 '4R-4141 ~ 0 NOKl'ffalDO&, 1a540 DnoMhirt St .• (21.l) 3ti0·2.l26 O• FULLERTON. JJ.\.4 Yctrh11 • ESfJc Linda 81¥d., <1'4• ft)·l200 0• NIWPORI' 8P.ACH, 1634 San Miaucl Blvd • (formerly ~ New MacAttW If~). <nu $40·1634 O •Opcn Saturday' from lO A M 10 2 p M. '-OJUl~ --·-~ , • • ' ' . -. --·--·· ~&11~~....;..;.;=.;~~-·------W-edf_·_*W!_~_~~·-Jan;;.;.m\WY.-....-1t~,-1t77~· , lnauguratlOn €overage ·'Old Bat' for binl • ByJAYSllAaBV'IT paractethatfollowtdtbeawearin~ Trout. apeaklq by phone from You·,.. oot .1otn1.' He was a/raid ifhefe.lt~ywhenhecoveredtbe LOS ANGELES CAP> -CBS' In of Prealdent' Franklin D. Waahington, said when be l~arned I'd 1etainlck and ruln thinp. fl rat lnau1uratlon, live, on a Walt~r Cronkite la covering his ROOlevelt. CBS planned to have someone re-network hookup, from hlCh •atop elchtb presidential lnauauratioo port the 1933 parade from the "I BEGGBD AND pleaded to 10. the Willard. Tbunday. But be'• the new kid on BE WOUED FOa CBS then. blimp, he apPlied for the Job. He but Paul Dou&lu dld i\," be added, that beat compared to an old friend told Ustenen what be aaw from his got it And quickly lost it. referrtna to the late actor who "NO, NOi' ll&ALLV." aald thei reporter, who beiao QO what ~If -RobertTroUtot ABCNewa. cbUly parade-route perch atop the start*1 u a CBS announcer in New Trout, 68, ls workin& h ls 12th in· old Willard Hot.el in Wuhington, Seems be admitted to the man ln . York. atatJon W'J'OP ln Waablneton. "J'd: bad more than a year of breakln1·. ln, ad-UbbiQJ, umounclne, and I\ wasn'taUt.batdtfferent." au1uraUon, doln1 it agaJo on rad.lo. D.C. Be Ulla.ht bave done it from a cbar&e he'd never been aloft Trout. who Joined ABC in 1175, The fint time was in March 1933, Navy blimp -a radio first -but before Wbereupon1 Trout aaid, the bavtac apent ma.t of bia 45 years lil when be reported on the inauautal bad bad luck. bola exclaimed, "Okay, that'• it. broadc~ with CBS, wu uked •r•,.... BROADCASTING VET ABC'• Robert Trout · ERA Gets OK From Indiana INDIANAPOLIS CAP) -Indiana has become the 35lh state to ratify the Equal Ri g ht s Amendment. The state Sen ate passed the meas ure 26-24 Tuesday after rejecting a proposal to put thP is . sue to a referendum twc years from now The ERA would pro- hibit discriminatio n because of sex. It needs ratification by three more states by March 22. 1979, lo become the 27th Am e ndment to the Constitulion. Legis latures an two states Nebraska and Tennessee -have voted to rescind their rat1f1ca- hon. but the legality of that move has not yet been determ ined. House Chores Lighten NEW YORK <APJ Come, get yO\K ears pierced at May Co. You'I pt new fashion hoops in Ml<'gqkf J*ted metal. They , I come in three lightweight sizes. and slip right irto 241< gold plated surgical steel hypo· alet'genit gud earrings. A registered nooe pierces yw Mn wittT a new modem method that takes just a mnrte ~ doesn't hurt a bit. Everyone must sign a consent form and those under 18 must bring a parent <!' guardian to sign for them. Hue your ears pierced downtown I~.: Thursday, January 20. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. f riday, Ja~L.WY 21. 11 a.m to 7 p.m. Satu /. fi. lanuary 22. 10 a.m. to 6 o.m. I other stores exctpt cerritos: Thursday. January 20. Woman·s work 1!> more 1---------------------- qulckly done than ever before, accordan& lo a survey or 50,000 McCall's magazine r eaders "R ega rdl ess o f whether ther hold JObS or are ful t1 m ~ hous~w1 ves, Ame rican women are spendin g less time on housework and enjoying 1l more .·· McCall'ssa1d .. Four out o f five women say they spend less than an hour a day straightening up, while half said that housework even brought th<'m ·oc cas1onal pleasure · Only on e woman out or 10 declared that s h<' 'hated housework · So much r o r the anonymous pundit. who observed that ··Man may work from '\lln to sun. but woman ·i. ~ork 1s never done · · Ad,,,•rt1,..m,.,.1 Ho1v lo Pick' Sleepers in Rare Plates !\OR 1 llll ROOK. 111 - The din:c1t1r nr .1 world- wide art c'o..h.tnJ?c in t h1~ Ch1ca~o ,11hurh ha' .1n- nounced ,, nc\' c,"v wa~ to \l.irl colk..:1rn~ r.irc por- celain rlate' v.11h htl?h re· snlc po1cn11al AccordanJ? tq H1,dcrid M11 cArthl(,L. uirn t•" ol the BradfbnJ I \\.h;rngc. one cxcqH 1on.tl plate priced at $25 111 196~ now brin11~ SI, 7 50, .1 nd a not her scll111r :it SlJ 7<t 1n I 96S now '>ell\ for S441l Mr. Mac Arthur "Y'i. .. Since many plate' do not increa\e tn v11luc, amateur\ often make 'criou' mh· , take\." lie olTc:r' a free re- port on what to look for. when to huy, what lo pay and much more. It even in·' ·· eludes '1pccia1 offer\ on cagerly-,ought colle..:to1 plate'! a t modc't CO\t. To ittl your free report with no obligation, Just send your m11nl.'. addrc,~. nnd 11r code to the llrad- ford I xchani:c. 19703 Brad· ford Place. Northbrook, Illinois 60062. /\ postcard! wilt do. To be sure ot reccivina your free copy please mail your rcqucsl bcrorc January 29,, 1971. 1'1<=••LA• •-•et't'M"N \ .. Semi . annual Hanes Sale Stockings, pantyhose, and Alive® support stockings style 415 with reinforced heel and toe South Paofic : ov.n Tau~. Topaz style 530 Wilking sheers South Patific, Town Taupe, Whitfl l 111lc• C.olor style 615 with nude heel, demi toe South Paaftc, Little Color, Barely Black style 205 Cantrece/lj with nude hPel South Pacific. Barely TherP pantyhose style 500 everydiy sheer with stretch nude heel, demi-toe South Pacific. Barely There. l1tt!e Color. Town Taupe. Cientle Brown style 550 everydiy sheer with stretch sanct.t-foot ~uth Pacific, Barely There, Navy, Barely Black style 709 tummy control with nude heel South Pa(lfic, Barely There, Little Color, Barely Bldck. Gentle Brown style 710 tummy control, with sancbl·foot South Pacific, Barely There, little Color 1.50 pr. reg. 1.75 3 pr. 4.50 6 pr. 9.00 1.50 pt. reg. 1.75 3 pr. 4.50 6 pr. 9.00 1.60 pr. reg. 1.95 3 pr. 4.80 6 pr. 9.60 2.50p(. reg. 3.00 l pr. 1.50 6 pr. 15.00 style 885 all cteir waist·to-toe South Pacific. Barely There. Little Color, Barely Black, Gentle Brown style 950 ultra sheer d ... mi ·toe pantyhose Black, Navy. Town Tau~. South Pacific, Barely There Alive® support style 805 sheer support stodcing.s South Pacific. Little Color. Mayf arr. Town Tau~ style 809 reinforced support pantyhose South Pacific, Mayfair, White, Town Taupe, Little Color style 810 nude heel support pantyhose Gentle Brown, Barely Black, South Pacific, Barely There, Little Color style 811 all clear toe·to·wiist support pantyhose South Paotic. Little Color, Mayfair, Navy Hane\ 43(/ 3.25pr. rtg. 3.95 3 pt. 9.75 6 pr. 19.50 4.95pr. reg. 5.95 3 pr. 14.85 6 pr. 29.70 DAILY PILOT Sid C1ast Pim -Costa Mesa, 3333 lrtstll St, 546-9321 Westminster Miii -Gelllelnnst at San Diep Fwy., 191-2521 . I • • 1 . , • .., 12..-to•,....ij11411 ... s•..,.10 .... ._t:Jo,... f .. . ' ' '··~