HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-07-17 - Orange Coast PilotI t ' . I 8)' GARV GRANVILLE Of'" INllV fl11M MAlff A form UCL.A rootbaJI player wbo dn ves a hi•h· pow red Pe>rJcht-h.-desert~ •• havlna "a mtnd ot it• own" taket credit for com Int up 1th the name Aramco. "Th namo lt.aelf w 11 th name or tho Amerlcttn Arabi n OU Com puny In SaudJ Arabia.·· Rlchurd Donald told tho Or ante County Grand Jury two months u10. "Wh t w<1 wantod to do .we wanfed to give the Im· preHlon rt! waa a lot ol money and possitNy Arabian mont'y rtnvol vt"d l." Oon11ld testified. But Aramco, u borrowed nume that melms power In Saudi Ara bl a. failed to work It& churm in Orange.County. Instead or yielding riches, Aramco Investment. Inc. landed lta roundtrt. ullegcd founders and others who circled abo\Jt it In the middle of an Ornnge County Grand Jury ln· v~nlsaUon. The ei&ht-month investigation ended July 1. . That la when coupty Supetvisors Ralph Diedrich and Philip Anthony along with Anaheim City Councilman William Kott were indicted by the Grand Jury. SUNDAY ' Indicted with the three officeholders were police In· lormer-turned·1>.9litloaJ.financier Gen~ Conrad and two political ~les. Fullerton attorney Michael Rem· in1ton and ~86' jeweler Martin Kirschner. RemingtQp was -attorne"Y,~r Supervisor Ralph Dledrlch. The six indlctees were charged with various mlsde· meanor and felony violations or stale political campaian laws. And in the closing stages of the lengthy investigation leading lo the indictments, Aramco Investmedt, Inc. was, center stage: That's because Donald told the Grand Jury ln late May that he fronted for Conrad in the formation and operation or the Orange County version of Aramco. Moreover, Donald testified, he assumed that Rem· ington was playing the same role for Supervisor Diedrich - front man In a...p'l!nniless investment company spruced up with theglamornameArttmco. In testimony June 14, however, Remington insisted that . - be acted oo hls own, Ltiat Diedrich bad no Interest In Aramco. And early this year when Dtedrtch w s speaklns to the Grand Jury, h• denied bavioa any bualness de1Un1s with Conrad. ~ a result, the Aramco lssue before the jury was. who told the truth: Donald the self-coolessed front man for Conrad? Or was it Diedrich and llemlngton? Oai one side of the lasue stdod Donald. an attorney who once was a varting euard on the UCLA football team. Donald made news or sorts early this yt!ar when he spent a night ln Orange County Jail arter falling to settle ac· counts on more than 20 traffic tickets, most o( them for spee(!ing. "I don't know. My Porsche seems to have a mind or its own," he said when asked how it happened he picked up so many speeding tickets. Donald earlier bad made news of still another sort when, on Conrad's behalf, he filed a $130 million lawsuit against the Orange County District Attorney's Office. (See MAGIC NAME, Page Al) • • t • • • VOL. 70, NO. 198, 7 SECTIONS, 92 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A SUNDAY,JULY17, 1977 . TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ' Ledger Cites Pay To ·Hanna . WASHINGTON <AP) -The Justice Department has ledgers apparcnUy detailing payments to several congressmen by a South · Korean businessman under in- vestigation for influence-buying. according to the Washington Post. The news»apcr said it has .a copy of one of the books ; for 1970, .with $5,000 notations beside the names of former Reps. Richard T. Hanna <D·Calif. J, and William E. Minshall CR-Ohio>. Toe ledger belongs to alleged Korean agent Tongsun Park, the Po~t reported in today's ecli· lions. The newspaper noted the list· -lngs d«> not mean. cash e ctually was delivered to the con· gressmen, but said the Justice Department is using the ledger ' entries for leads . . _\.-Hanna first told the Post he "new of no such payments, but, 1 "clfter being told of the ledger. ~· said any money r eceived must have been a campaign contribu- tion. The newspaper said Han· na's 1970 campaign disclosure re· port did not list Park as a con- tributor. Minshah could l'\Ol be reached for comment. ·The newspaper quoted its sources as saying "four or five" more ledgers llst a few other con- gressmen ~ho allegedly had financial dealings with Park. The books were round in a cabinet in Park 's one-time Washington mansion after being overlooked earlier. . Both Hanna and Minshall pre- viously have been linked with Park. However, the ledger is' the first mention of cash payments. Both former congressmen (See PARK, Page A2) 'Mode for Gawki.ag W_hen you're as small as David Hand, 18 months, ot Laguna Beach. the thought strikes hard. 'Who. or what1 has a boot this size?' The answer is artyst Jorg Dubin '01 · Newport Beach. The pottery boot is' creation on display at the Art A-Fair in Laguna Beach. The annual showing • of the more traditional arts shares "Laguna Canyon with two other festivals after a last minute approval of a move from last year's site. Hours are from 11 a.m. lo 11 p.m . Monday-Thursday, H a.m. to midnight Friday. Saturday. Copilot, Dead Bae~ J(oreans Downplay Confrontation PA;'llMU!'lJOM. Korea CAP> - North Korea Saturday released the copilot and the bodies of three other crewmen of a U.S. helicopter shot down over Com- munist terr!tor~ 1hree days arc Tt.. I>' ompt release underscored • efforts by both sides not to let the incident lead to a confrontation. Observers said they could not r ecall the North Koreans acting so quickly in the past to ret:.arn American survivors or remains. President Carter welcomec! the release but said through I:! spokesman in Washingtcn, DC .. that he "deplored the loss of life and the exce9Sive reaction t6 an un;.rmed and ipadverlent in· truslon.'" The transfer began as wooden coffil\s c:onfainiog the bodies ot three dead Afnerican servicemen were beought by North Korean army trucks to a spot just outside the conference center in Panmunjon. The Pentagon identified the ~ead as CWO Joseph A. Miles, 26. t h e pilot of the downed :·l:icci:ter: Srt. R"hert C . Haynes. 29, of Anniston, Ala . and Sgt. Ron Wells, 22, of El Paso, Tex. U.S. Army Col. T e rre nce McClain and several soldiers of the 19th ~viation aattalion. the unit tQ which the downed chopper was as~ig"ed. went over to iden- tify the bodies. ' Then an eight-m'an U .N. detail carried the coffins one by one and handed them ove r lo an American honor guard on the de- marcation line. The guard draped the caskets with American flags and i:t.:t them in· to waiting ambulances. Col. McOlaln went back across lhe.-detn~r~ line and escort-- ed back the solt'.' surv;\"or of Thursday's incident. WarrantOf- f1ccr Glenn 1\1. Schwanke. 28, of Spring Green. Was. Schwanke had arrived by car and walked unaided across the dernarcation line. lie looked tired and shaken. but his only vtsible injuries were a bruise under the chin and scratches on his face. North . Koreans had firs t reported· Scbwankc was wounded. His • molhcr. Patricia Schwanke. said in Wiscoru;in she had been. in- formed by the Army that her son's only IQ.jury was a bruised right knee and cuts on the leg. Schwanke and the dead were taken to a U.N. Command ad· vance camp 1.2 miles so~ ofthe truce village a were flown HB Crash ·. Fatal. lo Two By JACKIE HYMAN Of Tiit O•llY ,.llet ~I Two men are dead und two more are hovering between lJfe anq death as the result of three separate tr,affic accidents that struck the Orange Coast early Saturday night. One of the dead m en has been ld.entifte-d a Richard .t\. Hetnandez. ~.~f Pico Rivera. He a1'd the: other, unidentitl~ victim were passengers in a car driven by his brother .Rudy Danie1 Hernandez. 27. who is in guerd~ condiliOft at Huntington lntercommunit.' Hospital. T~e brother WaS booked On SUS· ~icion of mansl..!!.ugbter as a re- suit of U1c.l:.4C J>.n). accident at. Beach Boulevard and Yorktown A venue in Huntlngton Beach. Folice said the three men were riding in ~ Volkswagen that ap· parently !"an a red light at the in- tersection. striking a car driven by Ela!ne Rotter. 5 1, of Westminster She suffered less serious wjw.ies. Th~ two cru:.~ careened into a thlrc! ca!' stopped in a left turn !ant.. That c ... ::-bouncee back into a foµrth car. No one wa! reported injure<! in eitte1 of those two car-.. pclice said. • None ot the three men in U!e Volkswagen carried identifica- tion. but polic~ traced the identi· ty o( the driver through the car registration. His parents iden,. tified him and the body of his l>rother early this morning. Another accident about two hours earlier. also in Huntington Beaeh. left Rlcha1·d Lee Ni.x. 25, of Anaheim, In very critical con· d1tion at Pacifica Hospital. : Poij<?e sal~ Nix apparentl!>;did not. noUee that the ..car in front ol him had stopped ai a crosswalk on Pacific Coast Highway. Nix's motorcycle orasq~into the back of the ~ar, /Ungidg hlm forward. He was not wearing a helmeL Police said no one in tl\e car was irtjured. (SttT.RAFlllC, Page A2> Parallel Jobs ~id -President's ~al~11ei,.g Act By JOANNE REYNOLDS Of tlM O.lly l"llOt St•fl VALENCIA -To meet him, . there can be little doubt that Peter C. Kremer i's a mnn under pre&Sure. In elght days he will become the. c-hief e"· e c-u ti ve ot- Jicer of the Irvine Com- pany and the strain ol the takeover la .. YMOLos sbowLna In a gru~llng schedule that crows more demanding as the deadflne nears. He has been descrit>ed as a man with an outstanding sense of humor during his 14 years tenure, but in the.grind of leaving hjs job · as executive-vice president of the Newhall Land and Farming Com- pany, the humor has nearly disap- peared. Kr~mei-said he hasn't had time to worry about the small necessities of leav\ng his wide- r a .-i gin g ~eadquarters In northern Los Angeles county for Newport Center. Rls wit~ is doing the househunting wbUe be worries about the large-scale tasks S\lCb as the psychologic1d problems in- herent in the chan~ of leadership ol the cornpaoy '1 1,000 employes. I . .''At leashhat's how flla=·th~Y tell me there ~t~.'' he sa,xs 4 • smallsmlle-·•t've bef!ll s 'g a couple of days nt a titil& iA Newport Beach and I'm naf.'~e it wouldn't bie better if l'i just waited untU alter U\e asth." · What.he is referring to ;s the close oC Oranae CQunty•s_ most famous laJl(I sale. On July 25, the owoerib.ipof Ute Irvine Qompany -and $337 million -wlll.change hands u will the top m8,Mge· ment. passlne from ,lrVtne com- pany President Ray Watson to Kremer. What happens· after that re· main$ t9 be S<!th, altbou11l lt ~a$ been t.h~ ~bject 9C nearly end· less speculation and ruJ'flOr. all of which Kremer d.ismisse$. "I'm looking forward tt the time when thins• have settled dow'n. Once tbe sa._, ••• closed and I'v~ be'un to work, It CM,teht to be better. ' }\% DAILY PILOT Sund•r· Jutr 11, tan WeM/y review of Orange Coast highlights Frisbee star fades away at age 16 A11n.s champs havu It touih. Take Chris Joh.naon, at 18, be'a M runner.up Frlabee champ of th• U.S. with no new heights lo re- ach ... at least until he wu hared by the Colla Mesa recreation department to teach younptera bow to toss their owo Friabees in championship style. Chris is kept from further com- petition by the Frisbee's manufacturer, Wbammo, which sponsors yearly competitions for 15·and- youneer only. But lhis Frisbee r elated job too must end a nd the for- m c r ch<.1mp ·tur n e d -· teacher w111 be sw1tche<1 lo duty as a ma10tainence N cwport B<•.1c h EX.CHAMP JOHNSON .# man and equipment hauler. Ah. fickle, fleeting fame. Bay bridge wins panel's okay ' The coast commission bottleneck on plans to build a · l\ew Newport Bay bridge on Coast Highway bas been broken, which means that the traffic bottleneck that over heats tempers and radiators alike will be broken as well. The new bridge will be 20 feet high and will have six lanes for traffic. No word on an expected completion dale for the span. 11411,tj Young bird gets tapped for pair's magic act Buena Park magicians Paul and Marie Fidler last week took advantage of a bumper crop of babies at Llon Country Safari to replace Ichabod, an ostri ch used in their act. Ichabod, their fourth ostrich. was killed in a freak ac· cident in Huntington Beach last month. The problem, they say, was finding a bird mellow enough to get along with them 41 and trainable enough to avoid spoiling the act. They had quite a choice. The park had 26 adult OS· triches, dozens of youngsters and 42 eggs incubating. .Mission Viejo Viejo drivers to see red Those low-visibility fireplugs tbat.eaused a judge to dis- miss parking tickets issued to motorsists who said they couldn't spot them are about to be marked more clearly. The buff.colored, squat plugs will remain as they are, but the curbing nearby will be painted red. County Supervisors approved the worJc with paint to be supplied by the Moulton- Niguel Water District and labor offered by Explorer Scouts. County officials report they're trying to find a pleasing, but more visible plug design for future developments. Probe lJrged Korean Scandal lntenai/ies WASHINGTON (AP> - Demands that President Carter appoint a special prosecutor to lnvesllgate alleged Korean in- fluence-buying in Congress in- tensified Saturday following the r esignation of the House ethics committee's chief counsel. Phihp A. Lacovara resigned Friday as counsel to the House·· panel's probe following a dispute with the committee's chairman~ Rep. JohnJ. Flynt (D·Ga.). The committee is looking into reports that the South Korean government sought to acquire in- fluence in Congress through gilts of money and favors to some lawmakers. "The resignation of Philip Lacovara means simply that t.be From Page Al PARK • ., •• hosted other politicians, at the George Town Club, Park's private club in Washington. A former director of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency has tesµned Park used $3 million in Korean gotiernment funds to · finance the club. The newspaper said the money m entioned in the ledger came · from Park's commissions on U .S.-subsidizcd sales of rice to South Korea. investigation of Korean ln.ftuence peddling in the Conaress has come to a screeching halt," Bill Brock, chairman or the Re-publican National Committee, said in a statement. "The appointment of a special prosecutor is a bipartisan pro- posal," Brock said. "It must be supported by the President and the Democratic leadership that t-0 date nas been content with the fo9t-drag41ng and delay of the lf,ouse ethics committee." .Some Democrats joined in the c~l for a special prosecutor, among them Reps. Nick ~aball of West Virginia and · Andrew Maguire of New Jersey. ''How can the American people bave confidence in this inquiry wt)~n there are news accounts of rhe involvement of more than 115 present and past members of Congress in this scandal? .. Rahall asked. "It is time we had a special prosecutor." But Sen. Majority Leader Robert Byrd said there is no need for a special prosecutor, that the situation is not comparable to Watergate. Pointing out that the Justice Department already~ ln-vestigJltlng the allege cqn- greasional corruption, yrd added: "There's no indication of partiality being shown. There is every indication that the Depart- ment of Justice is proceeding ex-peditiously." · Gates Asked to. Cut Employe Request By KATHY CLANCY Of Ille O.Hy Pllol Swlf Orange County Sheriff Brad Gates was given the weekend to think about the 61 employes he requested for the coming year at a cost of $902,000. County Supervisors• Chairman Tom Riley proposed in a late Fri- day afternoon budget session that Gates might be given the new employes if he would agree to reduce his overtime and extra help positions to make up part of the cost. Gates said the need for the new positions has been prompted in part by the growing South Orange County population. South County substation now are al 1,222 per investigator per year, . while County Auditor·Controller Vic Heim has set 900 as the max· imum each should have. In addition, Gates said, addi· tional patrol units are needed to reduce what now are up 'to 10- minute response times for calls lo seven or eight minutes. Gates currenUy has a staff or 957 e mployes. His total budget request for the 1977-78 fiscal year was $26.8 million, up from $24.5 Ulilllon in the past year. Supervisors will continue Mon- day with a·week-long session of hearings into $558.8 million worth or budget proposals. I' Dally ~lot~., lllc.Mnl I( .... : TWO DIED HERE AFTER CAR ALLEGEDLY RAN LIGHT :: • Tragedy Waa Only One ot Three Serlo~a Coast Crashes --: Fr .. Page Al · TRAFFIC TRAGEDIES. • • ·. About an hour later, another motorcyclist suffered critical in- juries when !tis cycle went out of control on Estancia Avenue just south of Swan Circle in Costa Mesa. The cyclist, Thomas Edward Keating, 22. of 2673 Orang,e Ave., Costa Mesa, underwent emergency surgery last night at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital. A passenger, Roy Benjamin But- teling, 21, of 599 Knowell Place, · Costa Mesa, suffered injuries to his· left eye, plus cuts and abrasions. Police Officer Alan Kent said that, according lo a witness, Keating was driving about 60 miles an hour in a 40-mile:~r· hour zone when his motorcycle failed to round a curve and struck the curb. · The motorcycle skidded f()f about 33 feet, then leaped ·ttie curb onto the sidewalk, skidded again and flipped repeatedly, traveling about 355 feet before U. s topped. Both driver and passenger were flung off shortly before the motorcycle came to a rest. Cycle parts also flew of( and landed in the dirt field where the cycle was found, Kent said. Keating, who was not wearing a helmet, s uffered massive dam a~e to his neck and head. He had requested a new chief deputy, 14 regular deputies. three sergeants and 16 additional investigators to help carry in- creased c:alls and caseloads. R~.~~':~~e'~. Mo·~ ]~yful · S~ING GREEN, Wis. CAP> Schwanke's only injuries were a -Patricia Schwanke broke into bruised right knee and lacer· smiles and started calling ations to a leg, but that he would relatives Saturday when she got be kept in a hospital overnight at official word that her 28-year·old Seoul. There was no immediate son. shot down in North Korea. word on \\thether he would be had beeo released at the truce g1 ven a leave to go home. But Cowit:y Administrative or. ficer Robert Thomas has r e- commended he be granted only; 21 new employes. Supervisor Ralph Diedrich suggested Gates prepare a priority list detailing which posi· tions he needs the most. Gates told supervisors: .. We have got to provide a service and this is the minimum level we need todothejob." He ~aid. for exampfe. caseloads or invesltgators in the village or Panmunjom and was The bodies of the three not seriously injured. ,, Am'erican soldiers were turned Then Mrs. Schwanke, who had over to U.S. military officers at been working in the bakery of a th~ same time Schwanke was local grocery store since 5 a.m., freed. decided it was time to go home, .'Mrs. Schwanke said that on said her employer, who had of-Friday she had received a fered her the day off earlier. telephone call from Jody Powell) Sewage-Spill F ~uls Bay "She's very jubilant and hap-. President Carter's press py, all smiles," J erry Baryen· secretary, saying her son bad -bruch said. "She decided then survived the cr ash. she was Aoing home, right then and there.' . ' Her son, CWO Glenn SchwjlnJ<.e, was captured and Front Page Al three other men were killed BACK About 7,200 caUons of raw sewage spilled into Newport Harbor and forced the closing of a beach Saturday alter a check valve misfunctioned near the Orange County Harbor Patrol headquarters on Bayside Drive. A Harbor Patrol officer first noticed the sewage coming out of a holding tank in the parking lot and backing up In restr0<1ms about8a.m. Saturday. A call to the Environmental Management.. Agency (EMA>. Which O)VJ\$ the building, led to .#antic efforts to make repairs. I Finally, eight hours later, the flow of sewage was shut ore. "Apparently the city main line forced its way into our system through malfunction of a check valve,'' said Sgt. Harry Wright of the Harbor Patrol. No damage to the building was reported, but a massive cleanup ertort was tequked on the main hallway and five rooms. Most o£ the sewage eventually found its way intothebay. 'flie Orange Coun\y ·Health Department has posted "no swimming" signs from the Balboa Yacht Club at 1801 Bayside Drive QaSt the Harbor Patrol bullcJing to the county beach at 2015 Bayside Drive. Samples of water were taken to check the bacteria couot. Sgt. Wrlaht said the building cleanup was complete by 8 p.m. Saturday but that health officials would be returning today to take . additional water samples, on the basis 'of which they will de- termine whether to reopen the beach, leave it closed or close ad-dltlonal beaC'bes. ' • · 'toltuoately, a slx·foot high tide Saturday night followed by a• minus tide this morning was ex., pected to provide e nough· fl ushing action to solve the pro- blem, Sgt. Wright said. I SUNDAY • DAILY PILOT • HER SON'S SAFE CWO Glenn Schwenke ·'f<!pNun~ ·gt,me Critic If' • ~Tr.am/erred~ SACRAMENTO .(AP> -The W•0!11l an who ltd a state cr;u~.ltdown on nursinf homes wu.remov'9d frooi her job Fri- d•Y amid allegations that the 1$r..,m adminiatratlon waa cav- JN-.in to the nursing home in-dutlY. . Two Health Department ata!· fen. jlDd 'one source close to the Ila~·· Little Hoover Cotn- ii>iaaioa, all of whom ask~ not to lte· .qamed, claimed the nursing home industry had pre.sured da. J!UlY state health d1reot.or &., f'l:Rtunler to trJnaler Dr . Q.-leneffaniqtoa, .. , A Health pepattment spoke111nan .. id Procnml• had ,._Qllned comment. 1: /l'be Health l>epartm~nt 1ave no reuoo for lb. HVTI~'• tr1G1ter to a pew Job aa IPeclal utlsi.nt on nurtln• care to de· a t ent director .i.rome • ~1)Gllt P.A:rd.be .... , an111uil"lilaey ..... ,..,. iafltroldjob. I a tuauttteded u belddthe llceb1ln.c and ce rtification dkoi&Jcln bY DoOald Hauptn:aan. ~ foriDerll UM 4lvill0n'1 u-_..,. ditectOr ... v...... ~ love9ti1atoi'. Thursday when North Korean • • • troops shot down thei> helicopter afte{ it strayed · over North KQrean territory. - He was able to walk across the border checkpoint and did not need a stretcher. "Oh, wow! That sounds good," hjs mother . had said earlier when told that •• his only visible signs of irtjury were some scratches . Baryenbrucb said an officer at Ft. McCoy, Wis., told her from there to a military hospital in Seoul. • The North Kqreans -refused to return th e CH47 Chinook h e lico pter, saying it was destroyed and they did not warit it used for anti-Communist prO- paganda. About 200 soldiers Crom bofh sides and journalists watched the proceedings io"silence. .. Pub Bet Lea~ to Ro~· Rogers .. .. . By Sft;\'•: MIT('trnu. Of ... 0.IJ Pitel •wH :: PaU'lck an ftcld, thr l':n•lt•h Photo to Be Briton 's Proof "It would be a shame 1f he came all thls way and the damn thing didn't work, wouldn't 1l," she laughed stman who m.ldl! u b.•l hc- tould m t Roy Roat.'r . h1.11t llw l>root M n ~" loduy 6LHt<r t1h..ik }OI hand¥ With th1• iit'qUtn C'IMcf tDI oC lhf' l'11wboy11 ~l lh1• ()r .m t.' ('c)Onl v fo'~u Thf'r•· INl't t• 1>h:nly or \\ llOl' 'Jl"'- to th\' ad Id Roy Ro&t•r,ah!pp«I qul 111 hi) trn1l\'r t>l'hlnd lht· C ranchl.md An·nu tn mt'ct hl11 edm1rfr The tall, sm1hna cowboy, mude t en taller hy hla whitt' hut and 'boots. strode up to lbt man who 1·»mt' 6.000 miles to ~cc him, and air .ib~"<i h1l> hand ·Ar~· you huv1n~ u iood lime h1•r1• · lloit'l l!I usk,•ct M ansC11·hl a11 lht• Unlon s new friend. Ltnd11. 'tllupptld pictures with u pair of 1·umtiru11 Munshl'ld s.mJ thut yes. he Is 11 .. vmg J Mood time and that 1t w 011 a pl~asure t.o meet the cow· boy . all the while smiling like a Cheshire cal Into the cameras held by tur. companion from Glendale Swarm of Warm Wishes APWorepholO Fellow contcstanb !'iwarm around new Miss Unive rse. .Jane lle Commissiong, 24. the first black Miss Universe tn the pageant's 26-ycar hi story. The jubilant Miss Trinidad- Tobago collected the crown at the contest's climax Satur- day night. in Santo Domingo. You !>Cl' Pat rick had more nd· 1n~ on lhu. meelrng than JUSL see 1ng the smgm& cowboy He's got a bet with the owner of a pub in Brighton. England that he could gel his photograph taken with Roy Rogers And here he wa::., doing JUSt that The bet? A pint of ule when he gt<ts home If hl' had tak e n som e names down. he could have got· teo u lot more photographs. because as he stood with the s pectacularly bedecked cowboy. tans began to pour from the stands all c:nrying Instamatic cameras. They probably didn't know who the grinning Englishm an was shal<1ng hands with their cowboy star. but 1t d1dn 't seem to matter. Cameras clicked <1nd fl<1shbulbs popped And all tht: whilt: Mansfield's friend L.rnda s napped away with two camcras one hl•r•-. t ht' other his "M\ film ~ <tl lca!'>L two n•ars old .. ' Sht.• confided . ' ( JUSt hope It turns out · The bet w1lh the pub landlord 4 cam e last August after Mansfield admitted to having more lbao a pmt of ~er in the Brunswick Inn, which he frequents on occasion. An American woman in the pub was telling the regulars what a good place the Umted Stales 1s and, in particular, Southern California. That led to talk about film stars. and ended with Mansfield making a bet that he could gel his photo taken with Roy Rogers. "But you know," Mansfi eld said. sipping on a cold American beer at the fairgrounds, "that woman wus right " ·'This really 1s a good country I ve thoroughly enjoyed the last month or so herl' " The 43·year·old postman's only vo('al l'Omplainl about tht• l>tates was higher pnccs. which may torce him lo hustle back to England befor€' he'!-> ready But ht"ll tn to ralt011 hi-. mone~ until Aug 7. when ht• plans to return to Brighton and that glass of lukewarm ale. Medicaid Kickbacks Called Widespread, WASHINGTON I AP > "Kickbacks are a way of Life rn Medicaid" despite attempts to curb fraud in the government's health care program for the elderly, the Senate Committee on Aging reported Saturday. A I though a 1972 law sl'l:. spcc1ftc penalties for abuses. fe\\ cases have bt!en prosecuted and onlv ont: led to a l'On\<'1(·t1on. the study said The panel re(•om mended th<it the offenses bl• made felonies in- sltwcl of misdem eanors for both the Mcdican' and Med1ca1d pro· grams Leg1slat1on strengthen- ing lhl· sanction:. 1s under n111- s1dcrat1on in Congrc:.s Medi ca id . a s tat t• ad · ministere d program . paid Sl5.5 billion for health services in fi scul year t.975 for the aged. blind and disabled. About 28 million Americans are eligibll· to have 50 to 78 Pl'l'l'l'nt of the cost of their health earl' paid through this progr am . The committee report is the re- sult of eight years of investiga· lion. Previous reports have dealt with specific problem areas ·'The e' 1dence 1s overwhelm mg that many phurmacists arc required to pay kickbacks to nursing home operators as a pre· cond 1l1on of obtaining a nursing home's husmcss · lhl' report said Somt' pharmacists also p;,iy rl' hates to the operators of climes "hi eh st•n l' urban an•as ,md to hospitals !>1 . .1t.•cwli1.1ng in wellart• patients, thl' <:ommitlt'l' found. Clinical la boratonc!'> which hope to do busmcss with certain nursing homes also arc required to make special payments. The committee said this practire has led to a consolidation of th1• First, ~ut Not Fastest • la boratorv business so that 16 laboratories control 70 percent of New York state's Medicaid busi· ness. 12 control 60 percent of New J er sey's business a nd 12 control 65 percent of llhno1s' business. The report CJted ev1cU>nce col lected by a special prosecutor for New York's nursmg homes. Ven dors and suppliers of m eal. linen and laundry sl'rv1ce. produ('e groceries. and medical suppltes m ake under-the-table payments re~ularly to retain nursing homC' business. this evidence shows Kilroy's Kialoa Captures Handicap Win B\ALMONLOCKABEY • D•tly Potol e .. 11nq l!dilor HO:-.JOLULU Jim Kilroy has been accustomed lo bnngmg his 79-foot maxi-ketch K1 aloa homl' ahead of the fleet in most long distance vachl races he has en tered in thC' nl•arly two years since thl' boat was built in Sturgeon Bav. Wisc. But the disaµpointmcnl of fini s hing fifth 111 the 29th Los ·Angeles-to-llonolulu race was salved by finishing fast t•nough to capturl' the ha ndicap win in the 55-boat D~ision I for heavy dis· placement'Yachb. ll was the first time :;inee 1971 that Class A yachts have won overall ha ndicap honors in the Transpac. That was the year that Mark .Johnl>on·s 73-foot ketch Windward Passage scored <1 c l ean sweep with a record t)reaking first to finish plus over all and Class A ha ndicap vic- tories. · The 1977 Tra nspac was scored as the windiest a nd fastest . Honolulu race since 1955. Two yachts were still at sea Saturday night and expected lo rinish to· day . One was the 41-fool s loop 'Mis tress Ill sailed by a UC Irvine crew. She was dis masted u week ago nearly 1,000 mile:> from the finish. • The other yacht was Tahuna, from Long Beach. ' ·• The blustery ~ade winds blew Bill Lee's 67-foot light displace· 111ent sled Merlin to a new record of ei~ht days and 11 hours. ne,arly . 22 hours better than Wind· ward Passage's r ecor d f or monohulls. and two hours better than the multihull record of eight days and 13 hours set by Enc Tabarly's 73-foot tnmaran Pl'n Duick IV in 1969. Merlin's record passage kept her at the top of the 10-boat ultra li&ht djsplacement neet on han· dicap time. staving off her most serious threat. the 36-foot Swecl Okolebyonehour a nd 13 minutes. This year's Trans pac was scored on a handicap distance of 1,669 miles as opposed to the a c· lual mileage of 2:225. The change was made to give the Class A yachts a better chance. Kilroy. who was one of the ad· vocates of the shorter handicap distance. was busy with a com- puter less than a day after he was assured of victory and calculated that Kialoa would have won even under the2,225-mile handicap dis· tance. Despite his handicap win. the failure to win line honors has sent Kilroybacktolhedrawing board. Unhappy with his boal-for-boat defeat by Windward Passage in the Transpac and the recent Cal Cup Match series, Kilroy says ne is considering a new keel for Kialoa that will bring the yacht closer to Passage's weight. Kialoa finished about an hour behind Passage in this year's Transpac. Official handicap results were compiled Saturday by the ~uit Puts. W edJ,ing ·ln F, oCus -Finally Transpac race committee. They are· 01"1\lon Onr, o~r•H ''''t tC tafo..-\.P(.000 W1ndw•rdPa\~ tn1rd. P,,,.nlom Ctais~ A Ur\t K11tlort ~tcono W1ndw~,.<1 P"\\dO"' tf\lrd Pnantom Cl•\S R ftr-.t Sc-t11rdmoutrw, P obPrl AIP11:t11ttft.,r ~ .. 111~. We\!> i..<ond. Tuoa Sob Co'""" Hitwa" lhlrd, Undine, Norm O•wlty, Hawe .. Cla" C first, /.rlan•. ~or9~ r ""''°"· Lo' At"C)ttl,t. W<ol'd. M"rn1ft, M iii Smith Lo'° Aru~lf>.,, tntrd, R&ey L W Ta.,.1or, Sdn r=r,1nc1aco Cl•S\ 0 tirst, V1v1tnt, Scott Atr1tander dnd Phil ~owe, NtWPOrl Hart>or Y achl Ctut> \~Cond L•Alleqro. Pe1f!r Araooff. H•Wdtf, tn•l'O C.Ollon let! .. Jo1'n Arm•, Eatrio. Y acfll Club 01¥1\ion II fj"'· Merltn; \KOncJ 5wfJ~t OkOIP GreQQ G1lll'H('. Hawd1t, tf\1rd, Ortrt ... r Harr-v MOIO\hCO, lQll9 B<MCh Gotcha Ge ts SA Manager Into Trouble The cat.cher went awry when a Santa Ana restaurant manager who thought he had nabbed four suspects found hi mself kidnaped. Police said that four m en walked out of Bob's Big Boy, 1200 E. 17th St .. about midnight Fri· day without paying for their meals. Manager John Joseph Hallock. 36, of Whittier, chased the four into the parking lot. whe re tw.o'of them were climbing into the cab of a pickup truck and two into the truck bed. . Police said Hallock jumped ill. to the truck bed and told the men they had been caught. , His aMouncement seemed a bit hasty, however. as the truck took off. Police said the truck finally turned o(C the 91 Freeway in Sa& ta Ana Canyon al Weir Can'Y<>n Road, where one or the men al· tacked Hallock with a claw ~am­ mer and threatened to kill him, The manager jumped down and fled. • Hallo<:k finally managed to nag down a deputy sberiff'stcar, police said, and based on i~ formaUon he gave three suspect• have ~ arrested. A fourth i& being8QU1ht. • •1 Booked on suspicion of aasault with a deadly weapon, kJdltap and defrauding an innkeeper were Charles K. Royster '1~1 Richard N. P louffe. 18:' 'and Leo'hardo Sarmfonto, 18.' All three men Jive 1n Santa Ana. • ' U•llock escaped unlnJu•td• pqllce aatd. ' s :":ot all kickbacks are cash transactions The committee"' own mvest1gat1ons found lhal ~omo pharmacists paid tht> salaries of ct•rtain nursing homc employes. Transforme r Blast Cuts Irv ine Powe r An apparent ex plosion followed by a fire m a Southern California Edison Company un- derg round tra nsformer shut orr power in part of rrvine Saturday night. Edison spokesman Fred Massey said electricity was cut off about 7:45 p.m . and restored within two hours to 198 customers, mostly industries, in the area of the tra nsformer at Jamboree Road and McGaw Avenue. INSTANT DRE-SS 21~·' IMCH S!Jncf!y. July 11, 107'7 OAILYPtlOT Daily Pllol St.lff _, SOUVENIR FOR THE NONBELIEVERS BACK HOME Patrick Mansfield Meets Roy Rogers on Dare . . ._MAGIC NAME. • • (From Page Al) Another recent witness before the Grand Jury, attorney • Max Garrick Jr .. told the jury that when the suit was filed. "Donald was jumping around like a lunatic" saying "We are going to gel (Dist. Atty. Cecil) Hicks this time." Before that, Donald. the former Bruin football player. had tiptoed onto the Orange County political scene as the purported owner of Orange County Public Relations. But, Donald admitted in his May 26 testimony before the Grand Jury, Conrad was the real owner of the PR firm he s aid was designed "lo work as a public r elaltons firm for various politicians." Like Aramco. Orange County Public Relations was short lived. a victim of the bad publicity that came down on Conrad last January. But it was Aramco that oncl' bricflv fli rted with finan· c1al fame · According lo Rt•mmgton·s June 14 tl'sllm ony . he and Donald through Aramco e<1ch put up $15,000 <is a deposit on the distressed Del Webb Townhouse 1n Fn•sno ··it was a 12-story office bu1ld1ng we could acquire for S3 million m cash. which was approximately 20 pl'rcent of its replacement value. And Conrad was supposedly brokering a loan for $.5 m1llton.'' Remington testified "Out of the Del Webb deal Wl' wen' supposed to gcnerate Sl million apiece And out of the other deals we probably would have made another $1 million.'' s aid Rem· inglon. He went on to s ay that the townhoust' deal and others fell through when Conrad failed to deliver on the promised loans. "Unfortunately, Mr. Coor ad is a flake. So, it didn't hap· pen," Remington said as he told the Grand Jury of Aram· co's unfulfilled financial promise. Worse, Remington testified , he and Donald were out the $15,000 apiece they had put up on the Fresno deal. Remington insisted that the $15,000 forfeited on the Del Webb deal was his. a check drawn on his business account by a secretary while he was honeymoonmg m Hawaii. . The Fullerton attorney admitted that 1t was Diedrich who introduced him into the Conrad·Donald allia nce. And. be said. al an imt1al meeting m his office Diedrich was present for a few m inutes but left befon • the business ctiscuss1on got under way. In Donald's version. Diedrich wa-; m Re mington's office when he and Conrad arrived. "And. as I walked in. Mr. Diedrich s comment was. 'If anybody ever claims I was at this mcelmg, I am gomg to de- ny it'." Dona ld tes tlfied. " ..... And then shortly after a ll this discussion took place. Mr. Diedrich got up and said he had tQ leave. He left," he continued. . In a conversation a few weeks ago. Remington branded Donald's quote or Diedrich "a lie. purl' •rnd simple nothing m ore than a lie." Like Remington, Diedrich has denied ever having any business interest with Aramco and tor Conrad. The Grand Jury apparently reJected Donald's version of Aramco's founding because none of the charges in the in· dictments handed down July l touch on the firm's faltering past. 1£ anything was s alvaged from Aramco's s hort life. it apparently was Donald's reputation as a selector of names. When he testified before the Grand Jury late last month. Whittier oil magnate J ack Unch s aid he was "in· trigued by lhe name Aramco" but stepped away from doing any business with the firm. "I am sure everyone knows that Aramco is the largest crude (oil) producfl' in the world." Urich testified. •·Aramco is an excellent name." he added . A4 DAIL y PllOf Sunday. July 17, 1917 Carter: Cut Is On WASHISCTON <AP) Pret1l· dent Carter. who alrndy hMa dis· do td pli.M to ln rn tu• own allaff by 2t pcrrt•nt, uy11 ht• hoiw• thul by October 1978 the numtwr of l'mplO)l in lht· ft-dt•rul aovtirn m .. nt 1itt•ll Ii.· nu h1Kht•r thun UI Ol· tobf'r 1976 · Wtt •tartl-d \\Ith lht· mobt d1f fat·ult ont:" ol ull u11 fllr .,, I um t•on Bargain May Stop 1st Veto WA SllDlGTON I AP) - D e mol·rat1c <.•on~res!.1ona l leaders art' st•ek1ng to head off the I 1r:.t 't.>to confrontation with Pre:.1dC'nt Carter by urging a comµ1 om1-.e gl\ ing Carter his \\ 1:.h on cant:ehng the Clinch Rn er breeder rc.ictor but allow· in ~ eon!.trul'l1on of half the 18 w .1 t c r p r o J e l' t s h <' w a n t .., ... erappl'd CO~GRESSIONAI. :-OUUl'l'l'S :-.av Carll'r 1s l'Ollsldl'rtng the <·om prorTU..,c proposal . I hough 1t was unclear if hl' wuulcl accept it. When the St•1wte passed the Sl0.4-bilhon public works aJJ· propriation bill last week, atten- tion was focused on fundipg for nl'utron warheads, a new family of nuclear weapons. But the money bill approved by the Senate also contains funds for Clinch River and nine of the 18 water proJects thC' President vi aced on a so-called hit list Inclusion of either Clinch River or the waler prOJl'l·ts could r<.'sult 111 a presidential veto of the hill. Ca rt er. <isk(•cl at his news con· frr(•ncP Tul'sda' about the status of hi s relat1onsh1p with Congress. rC'phed th.it · ·ttwn• are sOml' thrn~s on which the Congress and I sttl I disagree " 0 :'J E WAS CI 11H· h ll 1 v e r Bl•s1des that. he said, "I think lhl'l"l' arc excessive umounts of :.ti location of funds for water pro· JCl'lS." When the House voted on its vers ion of the appropriations bill. money was cul out for only one of the water proJccls C<1rter op posC'd. Under lhl· c·omprom1se sug- gcstl'd to Carter bv lfoust.• Speaker Thomas O'Neill and others. the llouse :rnd Senate would a~cept the n1nC' watt>r pro- .1cct cuts \'Oted by the Senate. The Clinch Ri' er project in Oak Ridge. Tenn . was to be the pilot plant <imong several pl anned breeder rC':il'lors fueled with plutonium cctrn\.'d, 1md that Is cuttln6J down the eicecut.lve omce of the Presi· dent." ho told u Rroup o(, new• oxe~ullveis bdore leaving thls Wl'\lk nd tor Cump Ouvld, Md. A tn1nscrlpt of the meeting was re· h:u!ied by the White House on Suturday SHORTLY At'TER speuking with the ed1tot !l and broadcast news dlreclors. Carter unveiled h1lf n-orauniiation plan with a daim~ savini of $6 milliC>n a ~·eur to taxpayers. Additionally, Carter said, his plun to cut down on government papenYOl'!(ls proceeding. "I was just notified Monday morning by the Secretary of Labor, Ray Marshall, that the number of forms that are used by OSHA (Occupational Safety and AP WirepMla TELLS OF SOVIET WARNING Egypt's Anwar Sadat TROOPUMIT TALKS URGED BONN. West Germany (A P > Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. n·- turning from talks with Pres1 dent Carlt!r, savs the West should give new emphasis t<> troop. reduction taiks with the Soviets since strategic arms negotiations have stalled. In an interview with North German radio , taped in Washington and broadcast here Saturday. the chancellor also ex pressed concern over the slow pace of talks between the United States and the Soviet Union aimed at reaching a new s trategic arms agreement. or SALT II. Looting Suspects Clog N. Y. Courts NEW YORK 11\P) -As the temperature soared to a record· matching 98 degree's. New York's prison and court systems came close to chaos Saturday. Officials feared the troubles caused by cop- ing with blackout-related arrests could s park yet another crisis. Mcanwh11L'. Police Commissioner Michael Codd ordered an l'X· tra 1,500 uniformed policemen to join the 2,500 already working Saturday night to quell any outbreaks on streets already littered with the evidence of looting during the blackout that began WednC's day m~ht. . Following the largest mass arrest in New York City's history. Jails and holding pens m the court houses in four borpughs remained .1ammed as a volunteer army of Judges. prosecutors and Legal Aid Soc1ely lawyers struggled With the aftermath or the billion dollar blackout. Most of the 3.521 persons arrested in the looting which came while the city was blacked out Wednesday and Thursday were still being held. Not until Saturday afternoon was there any movement in arraignment procedures. Authonl1es then began pairing suspects with their fingerprints and police records. At the Bronx County Court House. 360 prisoners we re jammed into a single detention pen for the third s weltering day. Officials estimated iL would be Tuesday at the earliest before all those arrested will see a judge. "It's a nightmare; it's inhumane; we admit it, but we can't do anything about it,'' said Philip Leshin. a spokesman for the Correc· lions Department. Jlealth Admlnlslration> would be reduced by 50 percent and that the remaining forms required would be greatly simplified." The President also said: ''There is no way to rationalize in· herent conflicts" such as the gov· ernment's paying price supports to tobacco farmers while warn· ing that cigarettes can endanger health. He added that he sees no likelihood of Congress' eliminat· mg the price supports. -HE FAVORS relaxation of mandatory retirement laws but "there are still some details In the legislation that have to be worked out." -No consideration has been given to freezing suc h hospitalization costs as doctors' fees. Sadat Told, Don't Snub The Soviets • CAIRO <AP > -Egyptian President Anwar Sadat said Saturday that the Soviet Union recently warned Egypt against ignoring the Kremlin in any new Middle East peace negotiations. But he replied: ''The only coun· try I have to please is my own na· lion." "'Sadat fllso claimed that the Soviets had told Egypt it knew of a Sudan ese plan to jnvade Ethiopia. The president said the warnings were delivered to Egyptian Foreign Minister . Ismail Fahmy during his visit to Moscow last month. "There is no provision in our constitution that says that before signing an agreement involving my country, l have to run to the Soviet Union for clearance." Sadat declared in a four-hour. nationaly televised speech to his party. The speech appeared lo reaf· firm his confidence in United States mediation efforts in the Middle East. Sadat's speech came as Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin started the first full day of a U.S. visit during which he is expected to present a closely guarded Is raeli peace plan to President Carter. But Sadat made only brief re· ference to Begin. saying he was "trying to confuse world opin· ion" about his stand on con· llnued Israeli occupation of Arab territory captured in the 1967 Six· Day War. Creim Note '6'JApollo MoonFl~ght CAPE CANAVERAL CAP> - An estimated 300 people gather ed here Saturday to celebrate the anniversary of the launching of Apollo 11, t he space mission that landed the first man on the moon. The historic mission began on July 16, 1969, when the Saturn V launch rocket carrying three astronauts was launched from the Kennedy Space Center. On Saturday, members of Apollo 11 Commemorative As· sociation, a group composed mostly of former aerospace workers, gathered at the center's firing room to simulate the final countdown. A tribute to the late Wernher von Braun, a leading contributor to the moon pro~ram, wa.s given by a group or officials. The Apollo ll crew was not pre· sent. U.S. Suffers a Singeing Heal, Humidity Set RecordJJ in t~ East v.s.s ....... ,,, ' MtO l ei" I _.. Cel• ., ... ___,_== a;;;;a .. .it .... ,, Out•"'•" ---·=· • ., ,,,.,,., ... _,Ill· Oestrt tl'M• •ttt (II' t"8tt •flfr'- nooll anti "'""114J lh11ndtr"'°""-''' HIQ/\I ...-io ,.,. .. ,,_ IOO ,. '°' In th• "'°" de•fl 19'° '"'" !Oj .. 112 !It ti-elow dltMft, Oen~•r 011lulh H-l11lu HCKISIWI lnd'IPOll~ K•n'sCllY LttV~ Lo&Atoel• l!Mmjillls Mleml Mptf-St,I". NtwOrl-~·.,. Oillt,CllY l"l>lltd'!IM• ~,,,,, l"lltlllurtll 1"'11•1'141,0-... i.ldlmoM st. l.oul• S.lll.•1<• Stt10l9'1 S.I\~"" SQtfl• '"4!1M Wtt1111191on \ Columbia Counter Mrs. Murphy's Task: • Tabulate the Salmon . By JULES LOH ,.,. $.pecl•I CorreajMndenl BONNEVILLE, Ore. <AP> -When Lewis and Clark reachedlheColumbia River tn 1805 it was a stream gone mad, "foaming and bolling in a most horrible manner." a 'river alive with airy irrides· cent rips from bank to benk- and alive with salmon. graciously provided at 50 or so barricades on the Colum· bia and its feeders so the de· termined saJmon, and fishes ~1milarly inclined, can get home t-0 do their duty. Mrs. Murphy's working conditions are, indeed, fascinatinc. At Bonneville Dam, the first and oldest on the Colum· bia. fishe5 discover that the only way upstream ia through a narrow chamber walled by a 5· by 5-foot lighted pane of glass. Man has changed the river, damming it into a string or flat lakes tame enough for water skiers, but man can't change the habits of the Pacific salmon. A MARVELOUS creature, the salmon. So great is its urge lo sur· ( AMERICA J On the other side of the glass sits Mrs. Murphy. feet on a carpeted footstool. radio delivering soft music, hot plate and ice box at her elbow. vive as a species that 1t braves any ob~tacle to return . after a life at sea , to the pre cise freshwater stream among the Columbia'!> labyrinthine tributaries, the precise gravel bar where 1t first knew life, there to spawn .;ind die. Lewis and Clark saw the river so thick with salmon the fish fairly leape<t into nets, so plentiful tbe Indians used them as fuel. "THAT'S A sockeye.'' Click. "That's a chinook, and a nice one." Click. ''Those three are steelheads." Click, click, click. "There's a shay. They're about finished run· ning now." Click. · Mrs. Murphy's clicker has a row of five buttons to count the different species,. and a second row, of buttons to, as she says, uncount the fish that drift back downstream, pass· ing the window the. wrong way. A calculator does the necessary arithmetic at the end of her shifL ,.,.w1,.-10 COUNTING ON COLUMBIA Mra. A$1nH Murphy . ( Now, alas, so few salmon return upstream for that ul· ti mate act of procreation that a person can literally count each one, fish by struggling fish. Agnes Murphy. clicker in hand like a gatekeeper at a turnstyle. Is one of the persons who counts them. "No. I don't think s itting here eight hours a day count· ing fish is boring. I've been doing it since 1971 and I wouldn't still be at 1t if I didn't hke it. In fact, it can get pret· ty exciting. "THE WORKING condi· tions are much better now than they used to be. We used to have to sit in a shack, sort of a n outhouse, and count them from above as they went up the fish ladder. This room is so much better. with the lfildio and all." . A fish ladder Is a watery staircase which the Corps of Engineers. the Bureuu of Reclamation and assorted' other dam builders have The other day her shift ended with this report: . She hac counted an upward bound net total of 223 chinook salmon, so she wrote down 268. She had counted 169 sockeye salmon, and wrote 203. She had counted 898 steelhead trout, and wrote 1.078, and 52 shad and wrote 62. "It's a factored count," she CfXplained. "We take a 10· minute rest out of each hour, and to account for that, and for the fish that swim at night -not many do, I guess fish sleep at night -we add 1.2 percent to the count.'• MRS. MURPHY is right about fish sleeping, or at least not swimming, at night. Biologists find that they only need to count from 5 a .m . to 9 p.m ., which works out con· veniently to two eight-hour shifts. "When the fish are runninp, heavy you stay mighty busy. ' Mrs. Murphy said. "When the shad were running in June we counted 45,574 in two shifts. That's a lot ot fish." So adept is Mrs. Murphy at her job that she not only iden· tifies each passing fish, and some groups flip by the win· dow at a right fancy cJlp, but she also notes whether any• are damaged, and how, and reports that too. "There was a seal out in the r iver a few weeks ago ~ally having a ball. tor&the fish up something awful. If it's a bad wound the fish likely· won't make it to spawn." AS WILD and furious as the river was in the days of Lewis and Clark, its hazards, in· eluding an occasional seal. were certainly far fewer than the merciless gauntlet of turbines and spillways today's fish endure both com· ing and going. To help, federal and stale biologists snatch a few fat m amas and papas and use them to breed about eight million salmon and trout fingerlings in hatcheries'and , restock the river every year. Here's hoping those babies are a hardy bunch. When we want to find .out if our School Program is effective in getting young people involved in their world, ' we ask the experts. Teachers .. They tell ua our VEC School Program, In combination with today'• newspaper, I• the most effective way they've found to build atudent aweraneH and to develop atudents' critical thinking, rHdlng, and discus· aton tkllls. Our program ts dHlgned to draw students Into dlscuHlona of today·• majof IHuea. BHt ot all, the program challengH kid• to UM their mlnda llnd lmegtnatlon• and to Hc4>m• Involved In their communltr end In the world around them. As pertne,. with the schools In th• education of our Y0\1"9 people, we feel this la on• of our moat Important projects. We could tell you 1!'0,. •bOut our school program, but the educetors at thH• achoo!• HY It so much better: r "For th• first time, many atudent• are becoming aware and are beginning to take an Interest In th• world CMit91de th•I• •hometown' beceuae of this very ,v•luabl• aid. Thank you 'f•ry much!" ' Pot furth•r lntorm1Uon •bout • .,, VIC pr09re1"', cont•l\l °"' publl~ Htv'lct ,,.." ....... ~321 . · ~•m•• H. Cox 11emttr\tary Sc~ot ... Founuil" Valt1y, Catlforma DAILY PILOT t - LOS A:-..ca;1.1-;s 11\I') Bet"ause uf "fl'llhtcnlna& nuw •vldeDC"C," It 1" unltkf'I)' that o OPQMd Alliikan llll termlnaJ In .Bea.ch will b 1&pprovad, lht rman or thl• atato Air R our Board Hid Salurdu' Tom Quinn uld lhMl thu St~111 dard Od ol Ohio propoul woulll prtclud~ Callfornlia from rl'ct•1\ '"' a shure or larl(l' natural i:u .. •upph~ \\hH'h :.n· l'~pectt'd to bec'omi• :H .uluhh· f1om Canudu •nd Mt•>.ic (I 0\ l'I tht• OC1't lhrl~ year11 "BASED ON whul we heurd to dur. I don't see how we could tip prove it," Quinn told the As· aoclated Press during a break in the first major pubhc hearing on the proje<:t. As proposed by Sohio, the pro- ject \\OUld bring crude 011 from Valdez, AJaska, to Long Bcuch by lanker and then pipe 1l to Midland, Texas, for refining and marketing an the Midwest To aict the 011 lo the Gulf Coust. Sohao had proposed that 1l take over un ldl1.1 El Puo Natural Gas <. 'o pl1x:llnt' llowevur, ~poke:imcrl ror two i.t1&to uacncle:1 the Calltornu1 Enl·raiv Commhuuon and the Puhhl' UllhUe11 Commbs1on lt"1l 1f1l't.I Suturduy thut 1( Soh10 \\ 1·1 •· t1llowcd to lake over the 1,11wl11w, tht•1e would be no way 1111 Cal1fu1 run to bring new n..1lurul &as suppltl!s into the shit~. DOTH AGENCIES suggested thul Sohio be denJed permission lo build the Long Beach tanker termlnul unless it was willing to <.0on11 trucl a separate pipeline for carrying its crude oil lo the Gulf Coa~t. Robert Schaadt. tt spokesman for the Sobio Transportation Co . :.aid his company had stuclied the pess1bi11ty of a separate pipeline three years ago, but discarded the idea as too expensive. IDkerPotted Friemlly Rithr Arrested INGLEWOOD (AP) A young hitchhiker coaxed two men in a car into giving him a ride by saying he could turn them on to some " good gruss." Unfortunately for him. the two men were plainclothes police officers. Police said the youth flagged dowJl ~heir unmarked car. offering "good grass" if they woul4 give him a ride to Hollywood. They were transporting a woman to the station for booking at the time. Officers said the young man. once inside the car, happi- ly lit up a marijuana cigarette. then complimented them on their nice radio, nice car and nice clothes. As they offered him handcuff<;, he r<.'aliled h(• \\as not going lo lloJlywood after all. Hts ridt' t•nded al lhl' µol1te .... t.ilwn when• hl· w.1-. booked for IO\ csligat1on of m<ir11uan<1 pus-.u .. s1on. Girl, 3, Collects Damages for Attack SACRAMENTO CAP) The family or a small girl who was seriously lllJUrl'd by a wolf that w~ndered away from a W:..lt Db ney movie set at Lakr Tahoe has won more than $900,000 1n damages. 0\'cr $600,000 of the total came in a Superior Court verdict Fn day against Wall Disney Produr- tions. The girl, Shl'lli Crum. now 6 years old. got $550.000 of that She was attacked by the wolf while playing sn her backyard at South L.1kc Tahoe sn October 1974. The other S.100.000 came an a settlement with Pisces Produt· tsons. Inc., which had contracted with Disney lo makl' the movie .Jurr1 Cornplete11 Week LOS ANGELES (AP> .Juroro.; in \he retrial or former Manson fol ower Leslie Van llouten ended one full week of delibt•ra tions Saturday without rl'aching a verdict. The six-man, s1~·woman ,tUr\'. sequestered since beginning de liberations last Saturday, is e\· pected to reconvene Monda,· Miss Van Houten 1s charged in the murders of grocer Leno La Bianca and his wife. Rosem<1n . se"'.en.years ago ~ Rhk Studie• LOS ANGELES <AP> A ma- jor earthquake could severely damage a San Pedro liqul'f1cd petroleum storage faciHly and epijl its contents, a Stale Public UU)ities Commission study says. The PUC initially said the LPG laeility, located near thl' Newporl·lnglewood and thl' Palos Verdes fault zones. could withstand a n earthquake or between 5.5 and 6.0, considered the maximum expectable in thl' area. But a report released Fn · John Wayne Signs ABC TV Contract tos ANGELES (~P) -John W iyne, the 70-)'ear-old star of mivles datinJ back to 1~, bas si1ncid an exclusive two-yur cofl'tiact with the ABC Television nelwork. ABC Hid Friday. · ~BC declined to say how mucb Wayne wU1 earn under j.he CQll· qact, which the networJc sscya 1lart1 wlth the 19'17·'18 televtsloo season. the network said Wayne, wllose most recent picture was "'the SbooU1t," wUt "appear u himself ln 11~ qaaJor two-hour sp,ctals, eacb Pl'Olf•m uni(lue in e°"cept. and each apeciffoally ~ored to ht• taluta." lt. didn't elaboret.. Yf 11M also will ~eat-star In oat nnet, 1pecl'1. year. :t'b• veteran actor woh an Madem.r award in 19el for blS Pc;tr11al oC Rooster CoabUiu tn z·,n,v Grit." _ [ BRIEFS J dav said recent studies show a quake ~f 7.0 is possibjj!. Riot Shakes E'ol•orn FOLSOM (AP l A batlle hcl\\ ecn black and white inmates in the maximum-security section of Folsom Pnson Saturdav was broken up by guards who rfred 10 shots. prison officials said. At least four inmates were hit by buckshot that scallered from beanbags fired. n e ar th e prisoners. None was seriously hurt. Later. inmate, Robert Moore, 38. was stabbed in the ab· tlomen·outside his cell. Cuba Exile W arrn Tirne For Newton OAKLAND --Jailed Black P;)nther leader Huey Newton says he was treated as a pr1 vil<.'ged foreigner during his self-imposed exile in Cuba but preferred to work in a cement plant. Newton. in his first interview since ending his exile and return- ing home. told the San Francisco Examiner that after fleeing t<' Cuba his family lived at first in the Havana Libre hotel, which was a Hilton before the Cuban re- volution. HE SAID for a few months they were given a grand tour or schools, factories, farms and housing in all six provinces. "After I got familiar with the country, they wanted lo make me an instructor at the University or Havana, but J wanted experience working wltb the proletariat," he said in today's Examiner. He said he moved with his wife, Gwen, and two children to a three-bedroom apartment in rural Santa Clara, about 2!50 miles from Havana, where he waa assigned to repair trucks in a cement plant. After six monttts, the family m oved to Havana and Newton taucht history of social move- tn en t s at. the Uni verslty or Havana. He said be never asked to sec CUban leader Fidel Castro. "WHEN I went to Cuba they gave me \he most important thine. refuge," Newton aatd. Newton remain~ th Black Panther P~rty'a leader whlle io Cuba, comrnunicaUn; only oc· caalonal telopbooe calls and Jet· ten. Before his exile, he had at81Ud to atffr the party awa.y from · violent rhetorlc and toward com- mun1ly acuon. ~ He s~ud 11 the i,tatc reruscs to allow Soh10 to use the El Puso Natural Gas lane, the company will r econsider alternative 1 routes to get the oil to the Midw est Among the alternatives, he said, would be a pipeline trom Kitlmat, British Columbia, to the northern U.S., or sh\J>ping the oil through the Panama Canal to the Gulf Coast.. Howe\er, Fred Garibaldi, I.he president or Sohlo Transporta- tion Co.. said the Long Beach terminal was the "most stucli~d , project jn the history of Calirornfa" and that "all issues have been adequately answered." A~W.,...,..IO HE.CLAll\1ED that th~ project would "subscribe to the highest air-quality standards in the coun· try or the world " According to an 18-monlh study released by the ARB last week. the Long Beach terminal would dail) create pollution equal to that emitted by 2 7 million automobiles an the South Coast Air Basin that includes Los Angeles, Oran~c. R1vcrs1de and San Bernardino counties GIANT ALASKA OIL TANKER LIKE THE SS OVERSEAS CHICAGO MAY BE TOO.RISKY State Air Resources Board Friday Heard Evidence Claiming Spill Dangers Should Kiii Port <"" Home Boom Slowing? In add1t1on. the report said the project would cause six to eight minor oil spills yearly, plus one · major spill t•ach in the Santa Barban1 Channel <ind the Port of Long Beach. A major spill was defined as the loss of more than 60,000 harrels of oil caused by a ship collision or grounding. Dr. Jane Hall, a special assis· tant to Quinn, said other studies have estimated that "at least OIY ce" during the 25-year life of the project, one of the tankers would be involved in an accident that would cause it to spill its 1.2 million barrels of oil alon(_ the coast. . Sohio petitioned lo be al lowed to take over the El Paso Natural G<is pipeline because natural gas out- put in the Gulf Coast has been. dPclinang. leaving the pipeline 1dlt> Southern California's housing boom shows signs of slacking off and prices could levt'l off, con eludes an informal newspaper study. T h e demand for home mortgages has declined in the past few weeks, owners are sell- ing older homes at lower prices, houses in some ar~s are not be· ing sold quickly, atlcl more build· ing orders are being canceled, the study r eports. AND ALTHOUGH some sav· ings and loan officials insist the prime interest rate for home mortgages wiJI remain at 9 25 percent, other officials say it could drop lo 9 percent, the study added. It concluded that rising home prices are likely to level off. but are not expected to drop. "We've seen a decline in loan demand or about 30 percent in the last six weeks." said George H Haley, senior vice president of Bank of America. Great Western Savings & Loan Assn., for exam· ple, originated $239 million in loans during April compared to $224 million in June. Haley added that as a result of this trend, home mortgage in· terest rates may officially drop to 9 percent in the next 30 days. IN ADDITION. builders such as Nathan Shapell, president of Shapell Industries in Beverly Hills have been pressuring speculators oul of the mark et. Savings and loan officials .,ay they either do not lend to s peculators or demand higher down pay ments and charge 0.5 'i SUMMER SOUTH COAST PLAZA percent more ror nonowner occu- pants. · Older homes. a~so affected b) the trend, arc not being sold as fast. "Every third or fourlh list· ing says 'Something Like 'price drastically reduced,' or 'reduced $.5,000' ," said one San Fernando Valley real estate sales manager. ''The market isn't going to fall away, but 1 think we've finally reached the ceiling on some of these outlandish prices," said the unidentified manager. Th<.' survey was conducted b~· the Los Angeles Times and published in today's edition. r Call 642-5678. Put • tew words to work for you .. • CLEARANCE & SALE ST ARTS TOMORROW. Designer T -$hirts. Collectors, pick a color, pick a $12-$34, Save famous name! Innovators. Orig. Two-pant pantsuits. Wear one pair today, tonight! Town and Travel Casuals. Orig. the other $46, 22.99 Dresses, skirt sets. Lots to choose from! ·Town & Travel Casuals. Originally $36-$60, Now 17 .99-·29.99 Soft cotton print skirts. Great look with yourT -shirts,. blouses. Sherwyn 14K gold neck chains, Sp9rtswear. Orig. $18, 8. 99 bracelets, pierced . Beautiful accessories! . Fine Jewel'ry. . ear r 1ngs. save 25°/o Shifts. Everyone's favorite for lounging, relaxing. Robes and Leisurewear. Orig $9-$12, Now 6.99 ' Bill Blass designer group of briefers, bras, Bra & Body Fashions. Orig. $12-$34, and bikinis. 2.25-7.50 Designer jew~lry from DVF, Lanvin, Anne Klein , more famous na~es. Fashion jewelry. Orig. $5-$~0, Save 1/2 Hathaway dress shirts Men's18.50-$24 12.99-13.99 I 7 Long sleeve '~portshirts. Men's Sportswear. $23, 1 Q·.99 Men's Suits·.; ~Men's Cl0tning. Originally $165, $129 l .. Burnt. orang~~ cotton \/elvet: 87" wide arm sofa. 60" ioveseat. Furniture. Reg. $S49, $599, ·$379, $399 Discontinuedj ,de~igner sheets. Twin to king sizes. . · Bedroom bcessories. brig. $10 .to $20, 4~99-13.99 ' Mikasa IDdi n Feast stoneware, 20 -piece set now on safe. ning ~ecessories. ·origina·lly $80, 54.99 Copco Matte ij1aek cookware, Hous~wares. ~Save 60 % .. tt .. •t .. ·. • I .... · .. ... . . · .. ' •I . · .. . . .. ... ,. J1 • , .. , 1l8 DAii.. Y PILOT Sunday, July 17, 1877 Success ·Takes to the W,oo.ds 'BDl'rOR'S NCYl'E -l.IM IOrM olltfr ~ citJI tamUy-Just aa ha.rd u ever, someUmes seven acm.u.rt. Bob mu tt.ctd.td tbat ftleqfbt CM gom• days a week-but tbere are fow aeparaUons. won't"'°"",,.. •Jlor1. o IN dn>ppedoeaondNtNat· ......... ---~• ~m H~now. t' h•..a~ .... ed tonnl Vmnont. ••we're working a.nd Uvin1t together. My .. , G EOaGE p a dauabter worn ln tbe store. also. y OU don't even LONOONOERRY."Vt.(Ap) _ Bob Hill • bave to wear watches up here. You don't even burned with amblUoo. Tbore lt wu, that aUttor-look •t tho dock. You•re your own boss. You set your own pace." tna ~ponte world. Hl1 tat.her poloted out lbe Bob Hill, with wife Mary Jane (right) and daughter Cathleen, ride along their rustic road to tM top throu1h 1alea and marketlne. AT TIMES THE Jlllls simply close their• Bob Hill took that road. H11 father Wll l)rOUd store and do what they want. Signs have been of hlm, and be waa proud of that. Five mat.jor posted on the door, .. Watching the parade.'' .. Go- companies.10 homee a.ad 20 yeara lat.r. Bob ftlll mi fiahina," "Went to the beach, see you tomor• be1an to wonder wh tber tbc anUclpatloo ol 1uc· row." ceH w o't more Ntllfyanc than aucceaa ltselt. Customers? ''They'll wait, they'll be there tomorrow,"· HEaK HE WAS, ade 44, a s:K>,OOO·a-year· Hill · • i ti says • . plua vice president of tho CBS Commun ca on "It's an euy life," says bis wife. "I used to ' and Technology Group. Ho b d an otter -at a give a lot of formal dinner parties, but no more. ( s1x-fiJura salary -to helld another firm as presi-b d h of it It' ni t et f ·t dent There were two Cadillac.a ln his d&ra"'e, a enoug · s ce 0 g away rom 1 • expressway -for them the road to happiness. • a Tb ere are no social pressures here." . and his ZS.foot boat could sleep five. The Hills. have lived ln their modified log ' . He dropped out. came to tb.iwustic town of house with four bedrooms, a living room, two · 1.000, opened a hardware store, devoted himself baths and all the modern conveniences, longer to le1s\ll"e and tus family. That's where the final than in any other home during their marriage. , ' 1rooy comes in. d Success pursued Bob Hill to Londonderry, Why di Bob Hill waitsolongtochange? and now. 1t would seem. be has the best of .. I hadn't reached where I wanted to go," he several possible worlds. How he got there -to a says. "l wasn't fully played out. You bad to have world he never dreamed about -~bows that the it all. It is a part of corporate life. You make it. s traight road may be the shortest distance you spend it. We've enjoyed it but we've gone between two points, but the back roads are a lot that .~rfitegi:u.~ i gained. 1 came out a wi·nner." more interesting. Four years ago Bob lhll realized he was at a crossroads. "I ASKED ~IYSELF, 'Do 1 want to keep challenging myself or spend the rest of my life enjoying my family and having fun?' ·'I was tired of crawling on and ore airplanes, the harassment and hassle. I had enough of board meetings and staff meetings and au that hoopla that goes with it.'• That's when Robert P . Hill quit his job. turned down the new one, sold his Cadillacs, his boat and his Stamford, Conn., home. He packed up his wife of 21 years, Mary Jane, a former airline hostess, and his 14-year-old daughter Cathleen, and headed for Vermont's greenery and a new way of life. "I was the right age," Hill, now 48, sa¥S· ''The time was right. .. We made the decision as a family." ON THE OTHER hand. Hill didn't intend lo retreat to the woods and·li ve on nuts and berries. A rustic hardware store seemed a nice com- promise between the need to make a living and a new, more carefree way of life . But after a year of owning the store, Hill re· alized that business was sharply seasonal - brisk when the tourists or skiers were there, slow in the long int~als. He began to look for · somethjng to manufacture . The product he came up with was candles What, he said, can be more natural to New England than candles·! And the manufacturing 'process was clean, fitting in· with Vermont's tough environmental criteria. He dropped the m:Jhufacturing idea when he found that Price's Candles of London, England, was planning lo distribute candles in the United. States. AND SO, ONE step leading to another. he found himself back in a sizable business again, as Price's New England distributor. He will set up similar distributorships in the rest of the Unit· ed States. Hill has been distributing candles from the basement of hia hardw..are store, but he's giving up t he store and pla'ns to move into. a 2,000 square-foot warehouse. Has the wheel come full circle. with the · dropout dropping back in? Not the way Hill sees it. He now has the best of both worlds. "My heart is now back in the big arena," he says, "but l'm working out of Londonderry. It makes it easy for me. I'm not involved in that harassment. The~marketing techniques are soft · and subtle. "l'M ABSOLUTELY happier now even though l'm making less of everything. I'm in· dependent. with nobody to answer to. The press\ll"es you make in this business are your own. "I'm just doing a consulting job and setting up a total marketing and sales program for Price's Candles Ltd .. but I'm doing 1t right out of here. So I'm not on their payroll as an employe. I'm at an arm's length from the company. I'm calling the shots, setting up distributors. 12 to 15 independent people." He says he will be making one or two trips. but there is no way he will be traveling as much as be did. He, Mary Jane and Cathle~n work as a No More 'Head Of Ho113elwl4' WASHINGTON (AP) -Concluding that the man in the house is not necessarily the head of the household, the government is changing the way it collects statistics. The result may change the way Americans look on paper to future policy.makers, officials say. • Although the government's statistical profile or its population should reflect reality, it does not, says economist Janet L. Norwood, deputy commissioner foe' data anal)tllis at.the Bureau of Labor Statistics. BEQt1IRING census-takers to label the man in the house as the "head" of the household not only ia anachroaisUc but also can mislead policy- makers by givin1 a distorted view of society, said Ms. Norwood. · New insigbta about the relaUonabip of SAVE 50%! Steel Tennis Rackets r Improve your game with a [leW racket from Sears! --· Folding Stroller 1388 . SAVE 25%.! Fall 1977 Little and Bi,.; Boy!>·. Girls' Jackets, Parkas and Coat~. He~ulsr 299 3224 ~:il2.<J<J 10 You can save on warm winter coa1s·'Elnd 1ackets t:>y buyrng now during our pre-season sater Chrl· dren·s 3-6X. bays' 8-16, g1r1s· 7 14 and s1udent's sizes. 8:1 .. ;•1 ~ ... ·, ~h .. ri 2111 82.?<J R~ce"'"ll Rlenl.rt _ __2:1'> Lightweight Stroller folds ror easy carrying. •3640 1 3,,; ~L'7 P\.11. llia.,.,r-l'r,.foldt'd___ ""•· ~1.77 l'l.1;. 01apn "ed. 'lh1gh1 __ 3~~ •. S t'J.'J'J :1-tn I lligh Chair __ _ 15"'' . "il'J.W Pl•YP""--15'"' 16.'>'l lar rat _____ _ 13 .... SI 1.1111 f.rtb ----35"'' IJ .•J•J ~lattr~•'-____ l 0"" 3., .. .i.'l'J Humprr Pad_ ----- 1 ,., , ........ ., _______ 3;•i 811by '\rr~• Pritf'i Ulrch.,. lhruugh July 23 14-Speed Blender Rrgular Se]Nlr•tr •36.IJft 1997 5-cup gl1ss jar. Solid state circuitry. Ramo· veble cutter assembly. With 119rage Jars. In colof1. -82962·3·5 2:i:i ~2. 79 Pl.11. Watnproof Paul•---r·~,.. . . l 'JI a2.:111 Pl.I(. lnfanb Pullo•cr ~hirt__ '"'•· l'le u . Tuddl .. ,..' Traoniog l'an~.2 r .. 78r :!''c ,., :1•1c "'"""'d Oiap..r Pins. 4 5 l ra1t1 .. ~ ur Par1r 1rn. 1 ... ,. lnrant-.' or 10.tdlt-""~ Bn"~r l'•nh_3 ,,.., s5 lnhtnt•' ur To<ldl~,...· 2 J '>horl ~1 ...... ~hlrt_____ r ... s f,irh' or llu>o' 'ilttp/l'ta" "et ___ } 1111 3,,.,.i5, lnt1•lll'd 'With Pad Rtplar 11s.'7-r1. v11. A durable all-nylon pile carpet with a 1oft, smooth feel. Soll and 1taln ret111an1, It comee In 18 beautlfUI rnutll·colofltlonl Carpet Pritt-I Elftttl•e lhroqh July 23. n 30-Gal. Gas Water Heater peraoas within tam Wes are needed. she said. · •;w The Census Bureau will cJrop tta "bead or '"' • Jlaa:Mbold" label with the 1980 cemu. after sue· " ~ eeatullJ ~ a form that cua yleld needed ~~·.!·data about thtjaqilly without making member• ., • aqwbOlaboe.s;wesatd.I • 8499 Olan lined tal'k I• ruttprOOf, hal IMIQM• 1lum enod• that ~P• Pf•V•nl c•rro•lo11 • lullt•ln adju1table t'*"'°91al. SI ... bur· ner la hMt ,.,.tent. ,,, I .... NORWOOD said too . many pollCY· >{ 1 I 100 .. talk about the "8ffl'C8'• family .. 8 Men's Western Clothing ... ;.h~~~lt<J 699 H~~~~·'"' 7 99 Shirts are short Sleeve 1n solrds and plaids S·XL. Jeans are 100~. cotton denim. Sizes to ht most men. I • , . k ·/ Men's Kodel® Polyeste r and Cotton Underwear Hrguler 1:1 . .,.1 ll<'l!ular $4. 1.l'J A·~hirt 349 ~~~~ 44 ... 9 J Bri.,f ,.... V :\ k .. • •• Cf' ... \llf11'• l'Pderw .... Prk~ t:rrttti•f 1hrma,11h Jul~ 111 ~;{.,sa>o 335 10 6 75 Choose briefs that o!ler ligh1. moderate or firm control. In Bra and Girdle Depl. J<'amily Athletic Shoes -.'hil .. quanhhr• IM"l Has wrap-around sole. Blue. green, red, or. yellow. SAVE $24! 5 -Pc. Roxanne= Outdoor Furniture. Regular -93.95 6to~~~ ' ~mJ&e4 Qlaaali~ Set Includes: S29.99, 42-ln. Table ... S22; $15.99·ea. Chairs(4) ••• 11 97 ea. Made with 1·1n. aJum - rnum tubing. White plHtlo arm reata. Cushion• have fabric tap· o.nt-fumitllrt' not availahlf' ., Sea" 0t, .. ,.i.e a Seto. tlollywebd or ~•I• ~toa~a ported vlnyf covara with cotton blCkl. IJ'l.'XI Makhing Cluiiw_32.88 '31J.Y9 ~latd1i .. Cl~ Oiair_at,88 2-Gal. Tank Sprayer 9'~. llS.99 1@99 I , ~ .. ·-= . ~· Sports Field Stars Top Players W ari1 in on the Acting BL!!! '2!? .. "!.. Tbe •c n4I 11 • corridor out.aid a L.os Anseles <-0urtroom. A profeutonal killer la on trial. Durinc a rtteu he and hi• accu1cr, DC!l. Woodrow Edlaon York. exchanae inaullJI. "You ain't even 1ot ~tcMbool me in the buck.'' snaps the Police olflcer. "That's an id ea," the kUler1noer1. THE MURDERER 11 played by Dean Stockwell, a veteran film star. Det. York i5 played by Orenthal J am('S Sampson. better known as O.J .• open-field runner an pro football atadlums and cer- t aan atrporls. O.J . Simpson, star of the Buffalo Bills, TV com- merciala and sportcasts, as taking the bigeeat plunge of hii. five -year actin& career. His performances so far have neither repelled nor en· thralled cr1lics or audiences. He has played secon- dary roles ln TV 's "Medical Cen,er," in the features "The Klansman," "Killer Force," "The Towering Inferno," "Cassandra Crossing" and the unreleased "Capricorn One," plus a brief bit in .. Roots." Nothing much to strain has acting muscles. But in "D.H.Q." Cdetectave headquarters). a two-hour ' I JI /' ,1· . ~·' • Columbia Picture& Television movie to be shown on CBS next aeuoo, he will need to portray scorn, as in the scene with killer Stockwell, plus fear, joy and aadness. He alao muat play the lover of his detective 1ldeklck, actress Elizabeth Montgomery. CAN O.J. succeed in a field that has defeated many an athlete? )liss Montgomery, star of "Bewitched," beUeves he can. "I'm not surprised at how well O.J. does as an actor," she says. "First or all, I've seen his previous work. Secondly, I believe that anyone whose talent is beyond the ordinary is usually not limited to one field." O".J , Simpson is the latest in a long line of star athletes who have been attracted to the movie world. It started back in the silent-film era with Jack Dempsey ("Manhattan Madness"), Babe Ruth ("Goln' Home") and Gene Tunney ("The Fighting Marine"). In 1933 heavyweight champion Max Baer· and Myrna Loy co-starred In MGM's "The Pcizefighter and the Lady." The role or Tarzan proved a natural attraction for athletes, including swimmers Johnny Weissmuller and Buster Crabbe, decathlon stars Herman Brix (Bruce Bennett) and Glenn Morris, \ \ Cling-Alon® Hosiery Salt• \11th1" .. ••r aotl '''" f'rt""' ' lf,.rhH• 1hr-uu•h Juh .;!.l •.i· •:,! 111.14 '"'l r;(~ • • l"lf•. "' .. .....,,... t..: "11 1'17h '"" i i' "' .o;.;u, f .... nw1 u· t a .... '~f. :,?;, • mrh 1•ut1nu1n "••:! t': · uwh t'ulln-urn ''':" 'huultlr r 1 uh· '• .• r hrf'••·'ttll .. r ~ t 7 t flmr•nio" t .a .... -·•n . ._l _·11 .. ;c1 I l -.11.;11 '2' Pant~· Jlo.,t• "iam·J..ini.t .. IC··~ I 99 ·" 1 1~1·,·c1 I'• } 1 <) 1':!,t1tt Pr .~ """·i.. t•J I ull ·I 1.:11..-" f'otnh If,. .. ,. :!. *'' t•r · ~I . •1•1 ·1 hi· rup • """tuf·L.enar... _ I ;•1 l'r l hn&: ... .\Ion..., Uo-.1.-r\ ,., .. • .. Ufr<"ltu• 1hrouch Juh 111 ~unsensor!' ~u'.'µ:a~~e~ Av11.·•c:-.. on styles for •11m 0 5 "'(i ••'d her .,, :;; ·!•ray of plashc ~ ~· _,• er.<. ~ 1111 frames I • • DAR. y PILOT Al 0 . J. Simpson plays detective, Elizabeth Montgomery •' his sidekick in television movie "D. H. Q." Simpsons win at acting is a rarity. Most sports figures :-~ fail to score in Hollywood. UCLA basketball player Denny Miller, pro foot-Hollywood performers rrom Johnny Mack Brown to ballers Mike Henry and Ron Ely. Jim Brown plus Alex Karras, Don Meredith andJoe . Namath. From boxjng: Buddy Bae r, Maxie THE DECATHLON also has produced such act-Rosenbloom, Rocky Graziano, Lou Nova, Ken. ing hopefuls as Bob Mathias, Rafer Johnson and Norton. Bruce Jenner. The football world has given For every athlete who achieves movie stardom, SAVE SJ! 40 Lb. Box Laundry Det'Prgcnl H~gultir j 15.•l'I 1249 to 60%! • Sporl~wt•ar • Pantsuib • Dr<"~~e~ • Limite d • Coat ~ • Swimwear • Playwcar Quant it it·~ St· I 1·t• ll'd 'li-. ...... · Pa 111 .. 299 _399 Style& 10 wear 1n or out Polyester knots and PO· lyester and collon blends Pull-on or styled pants in polyester de>Yble knoll or w oven polyester and collon blends. ••u ent thc-Heat" With Misses' . · Panbuits and Dresses 8 99 lo1299 Selected Junior Pants ~rn· Sii.ii '" s 11 .41';' 299 t.urh u( lhf'\f" .tJ,,.ru .. r1I 1h•nt' ... rradil"' 11•Ail11bl~ for -.Ir '" Md-.r1 .. rd. dozens fail. Muhammed All, currently starring as Muha mmad Ali in Columbia Pictures' ••ne Greatest," suggests the r eason: .. . "Most athletes who turn actor are displeased with their athletic careers and use their fame to seek another career. That is why most of them don't m ake it; they go after acting for the wrong reasons. "ME, l'M THE most famoas man in the world. and I can make five or six million dollars in one night. So fame and money isn't my motivation. I made 'The Greatest' because it gave me a chance to r each people in a different way. I'll make more movies, but onl y if they are clean and have something to say for humanity." O.J. Simpson admits another motivation: Ego satisfaction. "No doubt about it, athletes are accustomed to being patted on the back," he says. "It's tou~b to feed that ego after you 're through with sports. "Football is more-immediately satisfying. because the applause is spGntaneous. But I've also found satisfaction in investigating roles." . Simpson says he considered acting as a sideline until he worked with such veterans as Richard Burton and Lee Marvin on "The Klansman." Then he began to consider acting as a career, though at present he can earn four times as much money in ~ foot~~~ WORST thing I have to face is the fact that I have a strong, established personality." he says. "1 i have to play against that personality in my roles. For instance, I have no running scenes in 'D.H.Q.'" Swimmer Mark Spitz evidences the frustra-· lion that some athletes I' ace as actors. After becom- ing an instant superstar with his seven gold medals at the 1972 Olympics. he came to Hollywood to make a big splash as an actor. But in fi ve years, he has on- ly a few TV variety show appear ances and one sm all role in "Emer gency" to his credit . "An athlete can show physical ability and win'. a business man can display intellectual capacity and succeed," Spitz says. "Hut m acting there are no guidelines. You can be a dummy or a genius, ugly or good looking. 'Art' is in the eye of the beholder. "If the producers decide you don't. have 'art,• you don't get the job." Capo District Trustees Fill Energy Post . By ANNE COOPER Clo,,.. D•lly PllOI Sl•ll ., •• I ~ ( ~ I Mix and Mtil<'h Perma -Prest" Sheets Hurry In For These Terrific Buys ft~i ar a ..: J\!:P'it"e Edward Piel , of San Clemente, h as b een hired by the Capistrano Unified School District to fill the newly created t post of safety.energy coordinator. -- Solid or Print Muslin Sheet~ Choose from el)her Bon Bon solld or Shower of Stars print sheets ol 50% polyes- ter and 50% cotton. •ull flat or Fiurd 2.~ Qur"n Finl or hllrd :;.1~ l\lnic Hal or •'fllrd 7.'~ "••ndanl Plllowra•r• 2.24' l)m'"" Pillnwta••• 2. 7<J l\i"ll Pillowu ... • :t:l4' 'ln1rhin11 Shm• rr of <;o""' ~mfortrr \l•o A~ailololr SAVE '10! Craftsm B. Dual·Aclion ·ander C. 2-Speecl abN Saw :;-:.!;; 1999 ~if.~; l 999 Crtllsman 11nder d•v•lop• rnulmum 116 HP, 4000 tP!t'· No·loed lll)Md. 11163, Oraftsl'l\an saw dewtoP• 111 HP. 0 to 3200 SPM. No loed •peed. 11721~ For Back-to-School Fashions ' 45-in. Brushed .. Polyester and CotU>n Denim Blues for Casu.ai Looks \ ·19~; yard Children'• Cotton Broadcloth Prinu 45-inch R~lar }47 81.'l'I yd. r•"' 60·in. Coupe De Ville• Tcxtul'i'd PolyfflCr •·anln•y Print8 Sew tall dreases. tops. 45-in. Polye1ilU and C"..ollon Gingham Chttka · Auortcd colon.. 87~~ Assonec cotors. 60-in. Sunillnc• Tuturcd Polyl'tlcr for porl8wcar s:J~i:r·yd. 24 7 . .,, Assorted fashion solids. Digilal Control Garage Door Opener 6159 'A HP. A11tomallc Nf4'ty rever'M aulomallcally NtvtrHI II doot 11 ob1truc1ed going up or ~. llt!S.C Piel, 48, was formerly assistant naval instruc· ·tor in the district's Naval Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corp s CNJROTC>. He was re- cently commend ed by the Capistrano school board for his contribu- tion to the award· w1r.:ling program. c iel wa: ir.volved with t~e NJROTC from its in· ception ~n 1968 in the Caplstrahcf district until it folded this year, due to !ow student enrollment. IN IDS NEW position, Piel will earn an annual salary ol $15, 768. He will be responsible for the school district's safety program and will monitor district. energy use, in order to recom· mend conservation measures. District trustees authorized the position in May when an insurance catrler warned them that their existing aaf ety program ls impractical. Sam. Cbicu, assistant lf Uperlntendent for general services. has worked half·lJm• on t.be dhtrlct's safety pro· enmi b\lt. ho ~aid the Job requ re1 a full-time person. , Tbe ln1urance com· pany, lndUIUial Indom- nlty Q>mpany. toured four Capiatrano achoo.la ill ~pri11 11'd found 19 uf ety Uarill. Tbe firm ~IDeiilded that. the cflettiC\, ......... .,. t1 ~ -bold pli• NEWCOORDfNMrOR EdwardPieJ cipals accountable r safety in their schools. ~ "The most impGrtanl aspect.~r the.-safety pr~ gram is that one mart should be put in charge-· and held responsible, r tbey said in their in· spection r eport to tb district. . ... PIEL WAS chose• .. from UDOftl live app cants, rour from within · t h e dJ at r 1 c t , w h o qualified for personal in. terviews. a district spok•man said. "He wu selected ror his exten-she bacle--rround In teachlna, ett- f orcement of saf et.y 1tt15 darda and public rela· tlonir, '' she 1ald. Plet h also full!': accredited by the U.l i' state Department as 'l· clvil defenae coord,natdlJ and could aasum reapol'lllblllty ror actlool dlltrict clvU ~ tent• prosram. t apokeaunaald.. HedlMIUMIM pollU.~lo f ·Al . ( D.AILY Pll.DT EDITORIAL PAGE ) .. . . l t l Tax Relief } .. What tt\ r huppcnt'd to property tax r eform? Just y~ar uao the shock w ve generated by kyrock Utli propl•rty tux bllla wu followed by a tor· rent of rhetoric from Cullfomla lc1t3lcators who cried in unison , "Somethln; must be done!" • To 1 mal\ and woman -lhey declared that. tux rt•Ucf ror lh~ overburdened hom .. -owner would be the "top pr1or1ty" atem on the lcalaluUon they would pro- J>OS@ tn Secrnment.o. It wn~ unthinkable, said lhe legis lators, that the mnntionary rliJc ln 1useased valuation should con· tinue to inflate the property tax bills of hard·working Cahfornlans. . All this was som ewhat encouraslni. so the prop- er~ owners paid their infiated tax bWs and waited hopefully This month the little cards announcing the new assessed valuations have once more popped up in the ma1llx}xcs And once more. the passing year has added several more thousands of dollars to the assessor's valuation of our homes. And once mor e. barring som e s ort of miracle, the increased valuation will be reflected in the tax bills that arrive in Octobe r . So what's been going on m Sacramento? Oh, they ha vcn 't forgotten us. In fact. there ·s !)Carcely a legislator who hasn't tossed some bright t ax reform proposal into the hopper. There h ave been debates and hearings and floor votes on homeowner relief, renter relief, r ebates, ceilings, freezes, ~pending limits, split rolls ... a nd on and on. The r esult is a complex m ass of legislation that would take about two full pages of this newspaper to · begin to explain. • The bright ideas were amalgamated into two m a jor bills, plus a couple of minor bills. Both propose limits on state spending, limits on the amount of r evenue to be raised by property tax. relative to inflation, and special levels of assessment for owner-occupied property. The most desirable (or least undellrable, perhaps), SB 12 by Sen. Jerry Smith, received the most Senate votes and bas the backing of the Brown Administration. It would off er $500 million in homeowner relief and $250 million in reJlter relief and proposes no new taxes. But SB 12 seems likely to bog down ln the Assembly. That body favored Assemblyman Willi~ Brown's AB 999. but realized it seemed doomed because it in· eluded proposals for hundreds-of millions of new taxes to off set property tax relief. So the Assembly "hijacked" the Sen~te's second· choice bill, SB . 154 by Sen. Nicholas Petris, and amended 131 pages of AB 999 into that upper house measure. It now appears that this amalgam will be the bill that gets the attention of the Senate-Assembly con- ference committee when the legislators get back to work next month. M~while, the taxpayers are not the only ones who are gelling i mpatient. One frustrated legis lator vows he will seek a baJlot initiative to force tax cuts. As he sees it. the public at this point c an expect no m ore from the laboring in Sacramento than "a few political aspirins ,'' instead of t he s ignificant tax relief 1t needs. It 1s tame for the governor to step in and try to move this legislative mountain as he did in the agricultural labor relations bill impasse -or stand by for a ballot initiative that could really gum up the s tate's fiscal works. The taxpayers have had the rhetoric, they've had the debates -and soon they '11 have the new bills. While it's not likely much. can be done to reduce them at this point, it wouldn't hurt to commubicate your views to your legislators, who are at home this month -though the Orange County delegation has been sympathetic to the problem. And by all means write to the governor and urge him to get into the act -now! . -~a . Carter, Mondale Need a Lesson on Teachers WASHJNGTON So the Vire President bellowed to the r<·· public 's largest teacher's un 100, the Na lional Educa· l ion Assn .. that Pres1 dent Carter now supports a $1.5 billion hik e in federal spend· ing on education. Hooray and Huzzah! Waller Mondale shows that he can quickly slip back mto campaign rhetoric The lm election 1s over. Mr Vice President. You and Jimmy Carter won. You nct•d not pan<kr to the powerful N.EA. "'h•<'h publicly endorsed the Carter· Mondale team. thus brc.il..m_g its traditional <how lhrv halt• lh!ll word> neutrality · NEA dunned 1ls mt•mbcrs for check-off dollars dutifully roull'd Lo poht1cal action. an.d dropp<'d nearly three m1l11nn bucks on Democrat1r cand1dalc-s, includ in_g a good t·h1111k for Carter Mondale. YOU CAN Tlli\NK the N EA for its obvious partisanship and big help in 1976, Mr. Vice President. hut do you have to annou nce a re· t•iprocal drop of Sl.5 billion on lhc t•ducation est<1bhshmcnt just lo gd an apprec1at1vc something from this gang of job-hungry un· ionists? Oh, you praise the Carter Ad· ministration for making "the largest increase in federal dollars for education since the Elementary and Secondary Act was passed in 1965." And you got the usual baying sounds from the NEA multitude by scoring the Nixon·l-~ord suc- cession as "one of the most anti· education administrations in his· tory." The Vice President dem onstrated a cuteness a nd a superficiality. He conveniently neglected to mention that only a few weeks ago, the Carter Ad· ministration was opposed to any increase in the education budgeL Its spending proposal was actual· ly low~r than th(' last four Ad· ministration's budgets. BUT THAT'S JUST a bit of political sleight of hand by Carter-Monda!<'. What r eally hurts Is the mindless assumption by the Vice President that to spend more billions in education 1s to improve it. One of the great bitter truths of our time is to know that while enrollments shrink, spending on education rises a nd s tudent achievement drops. Education 1s not so short on f:Jnds, as it is in the discipline of real teaching. The Council for Basic Educa· lion, which oppose~ these de· bilitating trends. can tick off case after <'ase documenting lh<' aforementioned. unforlunatl'.' truth: -A $1.8 MILLION study of ·"innovative'' education shows that these expensive programs did not produce higher at'htcve ment. In fact. students in rl'.' latively traditional programs demonstrated greater scholastic im provement, and the most im· proved readers were those who received plain old one-on -one in struction. -In the 1968-1976 period. the Consumer Price Index rose 59 percent, but per-pupil costs r06 e 132 percent. Instead of returning to basics, school administrators struggled to save the jobs or un. needed teachers when school boards demanded cost cuts. -Students (mostly Spanish) in bilingual programs who achieved proficiency in English were kept in the program to pre· serve teachers' jobs, though re· search shows that they should be ( THI~SCHJ moved in to regular classes. Oth er stud e nts were un- necessarily assigned to such pi:o- gr a ms to satisfy a constituency, thus mixing pedagogy with politic!'. -A STUDY OF Philadelphia public schools shows that ad· vanced degrees of a teacher arc "irrelevant to s tudent achieve- ment:" "equalization" of spend- ing in schools provides little educational benefit: matching teacher rnce lo student race was "'apparently immaterial" to stu- dent achievement. Question If researchers are right that unequal di stribution of resources results in better educa· Punch n·I ~{ tion. will the courts go along with the idea? Final conclusion: Bet- ter teachers, net more spending a nd/or "equalizalid'n " pro- grams, are responsible for stu dent improvement. In state after state, officials painfully learned that the NEA system of measuring quality education by the amount of ex· penditures is wrong, and that the only true test is how well children r ead. write and comprehend. THIS SPRING, for example. the s upe rintendent of the Maricopa County (Phoenix, Ariz.> schools, suggested a freeze in slate funding pending a review of "where we have been and where we are h eaded with education in Arizona.•' He voiced doubts about such elective courses for junior high students as "Critique of the Cinema " and "Bachelor ... uSo we see that these triangles are not merely elmllar, they are actually congruent! Isn't tbat wonderful? Doesn't. It make you want to sing and shout?" French Connection of Beauty and W orth1 Old Bellibones Good As ·New CHARLES McCABE circulation. It defines a class of women that is much less rare than we ml1ht think; and1ln ad· mtrableclaas lt ls. Beauty in women has a bad name these days. And with plen· ty or buit. For reuons that are not clear to me, beauUful women ar e almost encourc~•d to be treacbeC'OUI tn our society. They have the opportunities, Lord know&, and they have b-een known to sel.zt them. Her goodness consists largely in bet unwUUngnesa to play the games of treachery. She h.U tbe intesdt.Y ot most people-who ex· eel at anything. Her excellence, and her goodness, consistt In knowing who she ia and resolute. ly re maining just thaL Survival." Much of it boils down lo this. Wh en teachers b ecome un- ionized, they tend to lose motiva· tion. anc! are more likely to in- dulge in "pass the buck" educa- tion routing students to expensive special programs and r esource teams -thus avoiding the tough job of teaching. HAPPILY, THERE are many exceptions to this pattern, but it 1s prevalent enoug h that Mr. Mo ndale should lhink twice before he puts out that simplistic stuff about more spending equal- ing better education. By that logic, he and Mr. Carter should have plumped for the Bl bomber in order to get a more effective defense system. The present educational establishment. in the U.S., mean- ing unions like &he NEA, is the Bl bomber of education, and what a pity, especially for our children. State IWY Group Will Support ERA 1 To the Editor: The July 11 story in the Pilot on the International Women's Year conferences now being held across the country is misleading -as is the headline: "Anti·ERA- Forces Grow: Only New York Votes 'Yes'inCaucus." As a member of the executive committee of the Californi~ Coordinating Committee of IWY, I should like to point out to you that our state meeting held on June 19 voted overwhelmingly to support the Equal Rights Amendment and also resolved that all women shall have the right to control their reproduc- tive lives regardless of income and status. THESE WERE just two of the many subjects dealing with women that were addressed in a forthright and affirmative man· ner dur ing the four-day California meeting held at the University of Southern California. Ninety-six delegates and five alternates. the largest state del- egation in the country. were elected by the body to represent California in Houston at the na· tlonal conference to take place in November. Six of the delegates. including myself, are from Orange County VIVIAN HALL Notttalgle Drive To the Editor: A !ew days ago, you published a pictW'e of a 1900 Locomobile. It brought back memories to me or a slmllar automobile. My father was Pacific cOast aalea manager ror Henry· R Worthlnctoft Steam Pump Co. The New York office shipped a 1900 Locomobile out to San P'ran· ~lsco for my father to try and t Imagine they preferred to have it blow up in San Francisco rather than New York. ( MMLBOX J We were all delighted when it was shipped to a salesman in Honolulu where it b.urned up. JOSEPHINE KEELER Pendon Payoff • • To the Editor: Your editor ial ''Pension Payoff" on Friday, July 8, is almost unbelievable. Where. in the private sector, could anyone. after two years on the job get a $41,382 pension from a job which pays $56,150 per year? As I recall, the recipient. Fire Chief Kenneth Long, is also only S2 years old and in good health. THEN here comes Evelle Younser with four separate tax· payer-supported pensions col- lecting $53,226 per year six years from now.· The gross injustice of such ripoffs against the taxpayers and Social Security recipients should be headlined on the front pages or our newspapers until the public insists that such\inequilies stop. I suggest headlines since many more peol>le must read them than read edJtortaJs. DALE JOHNSON o.-ANOI! COAIT DAILY PILOT .. Sonday. Juty 11. 1en DAILY PILOT A 'FriendS' Collect _';fhrough Loophole .. ~ -· 81 S ~N l.llTWIN • Sum utt..u 61 A,,,.. '"*'~'"' from Loa A.U• lln arftcl• ti ''fmnlld /rom IM J11rw Colt/"""4 JDUmaJ, a mUftthl11 onal11116 o/ atCll~ gr;iwrnmf'nt artd poltlac• It !>OUnda like 1t m11ht be _. cun for the bunro squad, but It '11 pcrlecUy hiaiul A couple of J(uya act up a phol\e opt•ruUon to r.-1~f' lfl<M't'Y for u popular candidate "'ho Ot•\ l'r ht>ard of them or ••kud for lhe1r hdp 8ut thanks to lhi: way the t'cd~r.t Elecuon., Comm111aon <FEC> Juuled lta r~1ulauons to protect both the ri&ht ot free speech and the $1,000 limit on In dh'idual contnbuUons. tho phone-bank hustle is absolutely l~«i•I, and the or· ganuers can count their money on th• pohce-stallon steps as tone aa they hav• regLStered and ftled ftnanclal statements w1tb the 1''.EC. A COUPLE OF enterprising Call!or· nian.s named Bill Morrison and Charles Reade did e.xacUy lbat last year, takini io over $110,000 from contributors who lbo~bt the money W8$ IOing to the cam· paigns of Ronald Reagan, S . I. Hayakawa, or Gerald Ford. In fact, more than $81,000 stayed with Morrison and Reade in the form or fees and com· missions, and a chunk of the rest went to fund-raising c·omm1ssions for telephone solicitors. What actually was spent on adverlls· ing was so diffuse and ineffective that it I) wasn't even noticed by the official cam· paigns. Reade and Morrison were able to pull this orr and stay free by woclting a loophole that could undermine broad· based financing of political campaigns in years to come. They registered each operation as an "independent political committee" - a stepchjld of the U.S. Sutft'eme Court's 1976 Buckley V. Valeo decision, badly r aised by the FEC. When the court struck down the $1,000 limit on independent expenditures as an infrin~ement on a citizen who want· ed to support <or :ittnck > candidates, it seemed as if it had created a loophole that a. fat cat could drive a chauffere(l limousine through. Big donors could give Sl,000 to the official campaign and huge sums to its "independent'' committ~es. TO CLOSE TH~ independent com- mittee loophole, the FEC traced the fine line drawn by the court between expen- diture and contribution. rr you . buy billboard space to post your political message, you 're m aking an expenditure, and you're free to spend as much a& you like. IC you give to a committee that Is rallinl money to buy billboard space. you are contribuUna. and the lndMdu.al limit.a apply. The dlfference, accordloi to a ma· jor1ty of the court, la control, and you are excrcialna tree speecb only when you have full control of the expression. To keep lndependenl spenders from btcomlng a tactical arm or campaigns. the FEC ruled that they could not coordJna~ cooperate, or communicate with ffie ciAdJdat~. or his or her people. All of their printed matter and public ad· verUainC must atnte clearly i nd con· aplcuoualy thut tbuy are not authorlzed by lhe candidate. THE SAFEGUARDS did what they were lntended to do. When Reagan's Florida chairman tried to set himsell up as an independent to raise money in II· Unoi.J, the FEC stopped tum. When a dis· srunt.led Carter supporter, Herb Haflf, bou&bt full.pace newspaper ads to at· tack Carter, no spending limit lnterfered with his right of free speech. Estabfished fundraisers rejeded the independent route as dangerous and de· ceit!ul. But what the rules (ailed to do was f>rotect contributors and candidates · against an independent's unauthorized haod in their pockets. Under the law, anyone can use a candidate's name to raise money. The telephone Is not included in the detailed list of media that must carry the "un· authorized" disclaimer. Candidates pro- hibited by law from coordinating, cooperating, or communicating with in· dependent errorts cannot convincingly disavow anyone asking for money on ·their behalf. On May 13 Morrison and Reade re· gistered. a statement or organization with the FEC for the Friends for Reagan Committee. Similar to Citizens for Reagan, the official Reagan committee, and most other presidential campaigns in ·Los Angeles, the Friends were head- quartered on Wilshire Boulevard. But their address -5455 Wilshire, Suite 1900 -was not the expected busy head· quarters packed with volunteers and cartons of literature. It was a quiet room housing the Lee Tower Telephone Answering Service -used as a mall drop by the Friends for Reagan. A DAY LATER, Morrison and Reade filed a statement with the Los Angeles County Clerk that.they would be doing business under the fictitious names of Friends for Reagan and Poh- Spectrum, a political consulting firm evidently created that day. Poll · Spectrum consisted of Morrison and Reade as limited partners and, within the next six months. the neophyte firm was to take in nearly $75,000 in fees from unauthorized committees headed by one or both of them. Telepbon.e fund-raisers were recruited through newspaper ads and set lo work mining lists of conservative givers. Their approach: Friends for Reagan is an independent committee, registered with the FEC, given the responsibility of purchasing television time to air a speech Reagan had given in Texas. But the approach harvested $63,788.74, most of it pouring in the week before the California primary. The list or contributors was as rich in Texas oil as in little old ladies from Pasadena ; even John O'Melveny of the prestigious O'Melveny and Myers law firm chipped in $250. Under their authority as ofr1cers an Fr1ends for Reagan, Morn:.on and Reade paid themselves, as Polt· Spectrum. $27,275. THE DIRECT MEDIA expenditures of Friends for Reagan were less than $16,000 of the total collected. but even these are interesting. Their report ac· counts for $10,729 for the purchase of media -all of it listed simply as paid to the Bank of America for l'ashier 's checks. (Such fuzzy reporting has since been disallowed by the FEC. hut wal> permitted at that lime. l Another $5,000 -also paid to the Bank of America for a cashier's check - went to "television production costs'' despite the fact that 28.5 minutes of a 30 mmute program were donated and the tape reproduction was cited separately. A phone check of television stations reveals that the tape did air on Los Angeles' Channel 13 on a Saturday night at 9:30, opposite a CBS comedy and the NBC movie and sandwiched between a religious program called ''Voice of the Martyrs" and a public affairs broadcast rerun called "Wednesday Morning." The cost was $4,000. Lyn Nofziger, who beaded the or. ficial Reagan campaign in California, was unaware that the program had ever run and felt that Reagan bad made many speeches better than the one on the Tex- as tape. BUT IT WAS A GOOD month's work for Morrison and Reade. By their own fi gures. a bare quarter of the total was spent to promote the candidate. The rest was "overhead." Morrison and Reade proved flexible. On the very day of the California primary, they filed a statement or or- ganization for another independent com- mittee. Friends for Hayakawa_ ThC' memorable-speech approach was abandoned in favor of co-existence (and confusion) with the official cam· pa1gn. The committee name, Friends for Hayakawa, was clOle to the name ot Hayakawa's early organization, Prtenda of Hayakawa. · One of the first ex~nditures was for a brochure sLrikin&lY similar lo the o(. h rlcial campaiao's brochure, but bearing .. tbe Friends for Hayakawa identification 1 and the small print disclaimer that the committee was not authorized by tbe candidate. The telephone appeal wu · s lmi.>IY a general requestror funds.· \c' IT WORKED WELL enough. The ' Friends raised nearly ~.000 wilhha'\: three months. .. But unli)ce the Reagan people who'!~ rode breathlessly Into California after·...; months on the campaign trail, Hayakawa's campaign managers :•;. noUced the competition for their owa·/1· candidate's dollar. In mid-September, Hayakawa attorneys took the Friends to•r court, charging trademark infringe·,., ... ment, unfair competitlon and damage to Hayakawa's reputaUoo and chances of. winning. · .~ Friends for Hayakawa had paid out ' $982 in actual campaign expenses. Of the ". nearly $54,000 lert in the till. Poli· Spectrum took about $40,300 and the rest went to fund-raising commissions, which included $1,360 for Morrison and Reade. • THE HAYAKAWA attorneys' un-·' mistakable demand that the Friends for Hayakawa disband was given on July 16. ' Proven money-raiser Ronald Reagan · ' had failed to get the Republican nomina-' tion. So on August 25, Businessmen for Ford was born, housed back at the ., former Friends for Reagan address-.•. Morrison was treasurer and Reade pro- moted himself to national chairman. The Ford committee took in $52,000. Mor-·· rison and ·Reade kept $10,750 in Poli- Spectrum (ees and personal fund-raising ' commissions. ' David Liggett or Spencer-Roberts \ Associates, who managed the Ford cam· -- paign in California, was unaware that the group existed. Morrison and Reade were not the the only ones to try a good idea. These independent fund-raising operatlons trouble political pro- fessionals, who worry about losing con· trol of their campaigns. A rew dollars go- ing pstray doesn't concern them nearly ' as much as the possibility that an un-· authorized 1roup will take itself serious· ly and launch a rival campaign. But · solutions are hard to come by. •" The one legislative r eform proposed • by the Hayakawa people is a require· ment that a chilling disclaimer began ' • each telephone contact by an un•"'i authorized committee. .. MOSCOW American-Soviet relations have taken a downturn ever since Pr es ident Carter madt• his statement on Human Rights. Jim· m y Carter's own comment on thi s de· velopm e nt was that he was •·sur· ba.:;sy people were not surprise<! In fact. one wonders whether our Moscow embassy experts·were even consulted before the Pres1· dent jumped into this issu~ The President is NOT being . criticized here for having made Human Rights the basic theme of his foreign policy. the moment an American presi· dent asked for it. That is why many Americans here feel that Jimmy Carter may actually have hurt the cause of the dissidents, just as Sen. Henry Jackson (D· Wash.) hurt the cause of Soviet Jews with the restrictive amendment on trade that was tied to their release. . ., cotlld have written a privati' let·,• · ~ ter to the Soviet leader, rsferring r( to-the continuing commitment of·, his Administration to improved American·Soviet relations, and ,, saying he looked forward to : meeting with Brezhnev in order .~. to discuss all issues bearing on ·• , that question. !• .. ( NORMAN COUSINS ) View From Moscow: Carter's Tactics Actually Harmed Dissidents' Cause prised" by the reaction of the Soviet leaders. This particular comment by the President is a terrible indict- m ent or Jimmy Carter's ad- visers. Their job is to protect the President against surprise. He cannot do his job properly unless he is full y informed about the probable consequences or any particular line: of action. Why should the President have been "surprised" by the sudden tightening of the atmosphere in American-Soviet relations and by the negative effect on SALT of the way he approaches the Human Rights issue·• .. AMERICANS HERE in Moscow whose business it is to l<now how Soviet leaders may re· act were not surprised. And there is good reason to believe our em· What troubles them 1s the particular way the President chose to tackle the problem. There is the reeling here that the President's tactics may actually bave harmed the cause of the dis· sidents. Those who have had. any suc- cess in negotiating with the Russians over the years know that the last thing in the world to do is to go public with any de· mands or suggestions involvin~ Soviet internal policy. THE RUSSIANS can be count ed upon to resist or reJect any ac· tion that puts them in the position of appearing to knuck le under to outside pressure. Worse still. it is hardly likely that Leonid Brezhnev will do any thing for which Jimmy Carter will get personal credit. Even if the Soviet leader had intended to make some con· cessions in the case of the dissi· dents. that initiative would probably have been withdrawn ONE HUNDRED thousand Jews bad left the Soviet Union at the time Sen. J ackson thought he was helping them by coruteding expanded trade with the "Soviet Union to liberalized Soviet eml· gration policy. The result of that particular approach was that on· Jy a trickle of Jews has been able to get out since. Si milarly. it would not be sur· prising if some Soviet dissiden~ felt that President Carter had complicated their situation by not knowing how best to advance their cau.se. Certainly, Jimmy Carter is right in identifying the cause of Human Rights as a paramount concern of his Administration. But he should be equally con- cerned about the need to be effec· live . What should he have done? Jimmy Carter's advisers should have told h.im that the beat way to help the dissident's was through personal diplomacy. He .. IN nos context, he could havt' .. e~ressed the view that one of· the most difficult barriers to such ., improved relations between the . two countries was the situation of .• ,. the dissidents. He could have said that he looked forward lo his .i personal meeting with Leonid r,· Brezhnev in order to have e direct excbanae or views on tM matter. · 1 Such a letter might or might not• "r have helped. But it might have 111' had a chance. ;• A lot is at stake in. Jimm)''"' Carter's policy towards the Sov· ";. iet Union. A breakdown in de-I tente could knock the spots off hi! •' hopes for bringing the arms ract · under control and for cutting iDtc •1 - a major cause of inflation-• military spending. ' Even in terms of the Huma11 Rights issue, it would be a won· derful thing if Jimmy Carter, through the adroit use of the ..,, , presidency, could bring about a ' real improvement in their ~' wretched condition. ' • Africa Eyes Soviet Of,f ensive With Suspicion While Amin and Rhodesia dominated the headlines, the Libreville su mmit moved rightward from OAU meetings of recent years. The conference went on record, though euphemistically, against spread· mg Soviet interference in African affairs. AN ALGERIAN erfort to mud· dy the language picked up only 18 votes (includinJ the f\ve "front· line" 1ta\es> outof 49. U.S. diplomata, discreetly watcbtn1 from the corridora here. atU1buted tbla rejection of the rad.Jell bloc to now U.S. ln- ltlatl\Tes ~galnst white mlllorit.y rule in southern Africa_ Hardly anybody else all'ffd. . Rather, the Russlatl hand In lost 1prlna11 rebel lnvutQn ot Zaire h~ Ml most or th• ~ll· nenl -eapeclally French· apeaking Africa -eyelftl the Rusaian bear with ausptclon. ( EV ANS-NOV Ali. ) Save for Somalia's complaint about Ethiopian genocide, none of this was considered by the four-day summit. Therefore, a controlling principle in Africa: Human rithts are violated only If a white man abuses a blnck man; a black man repreaalng, im· prisoning another black man Is worthy of no allenUon. Whlle everybody upresstd outra(e agalnat Rhode•I•'• white minority government, thue was earlr, c>ppo1ltion wh n tht "&ont· line • states wanted to anoint Communlat·backed •'patriotic front" guerrtllu at rulera Of the future Zimbabwe. SENEGAL AND otb:tr French· spcakln; couritrl~• worried about addlllonal Marxlat In· ing one-party control for Zim· ba bwe without benefit oC elecUons certainly did not bother the con- servatives -typically the host president. Omar Bongo or Gabon. lnt.lmately allied with France and on good terms with the U~S., Bonio welcomes private en· terprlle. deplores the prc1encc 0( Ut• Ruulan-backed Cubans Jn Africa and op~ed •the tn- • uion of Zaire. r ~}8 DAIL V PILOT . "'"~ .. "~:·· ., ~ ~ ,,. ~""!';' fl". ~ 9und!X1Ju!x11, 1971 • <.t• -TOMBAllLEY something to say on lawyer ad· f °' ..... ..,,.... ... " vertialna." . Oraoao County'• attorney·, Both Shallenberger and • . . artu 't ~rambllna to aet on the Oran1e County Bar Association ,( advertlaina bandwa1on. president William Wenke of -County ,, Despite tho 5-4 United States Newport Beach pointed out that Supreme Court rulln1 that local bar asaochltions can do a ~rmlll l awyers to advertise creat. deal to keep members wlthbi l\ddellnes established by wlt:b1n the euidellnea indicated Lawyers the eowt, they seem reluctant to by the United States Supreme venture tnto the un!amillar field Court. ._ Santa Ana attorney Garvin "We're working on t his Shallenber1er, preaident·elect of problem now. We'll discuss it the State Bar of Californilt, in our next month's bulletin," Hesitant bellev~ lawrers in this county Wenke said. 11nd state ue waiUns for expect· ed action by the California WENKE EXPLAINED that Supreme Court on the issue. the hiih court ruling limits On Ads lawyers to newspaper advertis· .. IUGlff NOW, this issue is be· ing with the proviso that the ad· Ing examined by the board of vertiser reveal "with good taste"· lovernors of the State Bar," bia fees for uncomplicated legal ballenber1er said. matters. · "After we come up with our "Uncontested divorces, adop- views on what has always been a tlons, petitions for change of very controversial issue, we ex-name, that sort of thing," Wenke pect the state high court to have said. "And we expect the ad· Ready for Emergencies By JACK CHAPPELL Of ... 0.Mly ~li.t $l~ll Working with m1htary prcc1s1on. the group quickly assembled a small forest of radio antennas, hooked up ~oph1stacated transmitters and re ceivers and began broadcasting message:. from a hilltop an Laguna Beach. · No candest.me uctiv1ty, this was an emergency communication exercise by the South Orange County Amateur Jtadio Association. During a 24·hour period of con- tinuous broadcast ing, the amateur radio operators <HAMS> made 4,500 radio contacts with other HAMS in every major county in California, . virtually every state in the union and ORANGE COUNTY . the U.S. possessions m the Pacific. said Joe Franek of South Laguna. pro. gram coordinator. THE EXERCISE callt!d for the dub to operate as if Laguna Beach hud been isolated by some disaster iAnd . normal commun1cat1ons methods were knocked out. The club used emergency power provided by a 10.000 watt mililal'y generator cast off by the Marine Corps as unusable . The diesel generator was restored by club mem· bers.· Franek said the first station was on the air within an hour of the club's ar· rival on the site. He said that, for the next exercise, a goal of a half hour has been set. The Laguna HAMS commurucate with a vast network of amateur radio operators across the country and the world. , THE SOUTH Coast club, which an· eludes members from Laguna Beach. Laguna Hills. South Laguna. M1ss1on Viejo. San Juan Capistra no Capistrano Beach and San Clemente. will have a booth at the Orange Coun· ty Fair, now through July 24 . Free radiogram i. will hl· transmitted from the fair and 10 formation about amateur radio pro· 1ects will be available Amateur radio instruction 1s avail a ble through Saddleback Community College, Franek said. In addition to offering emergency radio communications, the South Coast club has provided mobile com munication for walk·a·thons ror numerous charitable causes. "Our club was even made an honorary 'Bluebird' because we pro· vided ~ommo for their walk along the Santa Ana river," Franek said. WRONG SPOT FOR THEFT SAC RAMENTO <AP) An FBI agent r.a; peneel to orive past his own apartment during working hou r s and noticed the curtains were closed -he hadn't closed them before leav· ing home. So the agent stopped and, he said, had notrou· ble collaring youths aged 12 and 15 who were haul· ing out firearms. liquor and jewelry. The agent asked not to be identified. vertlsina to be reasonably framed -no televiaion or billboardJJ or that kind of neon apf:cJI." enke and Shallenberger ac that Oran1e County hnffWs are not advertising in the •umbers that both men ex· ~ lq the wake ol the htch ruling. t some of those who have tb1s new medium have gone be>;lnd the guidelines," Wenke sai , "This is something we can ta~ up at the local level, I thj ..• • ALLENBERGER drew u chuckle when be discussed the Los Angeles lawyer who leaped into the advertising field with the a nnouncement that he would handle aircraft cr,sh lawsuits on a class action basis "for 20 per· centofthe dam ages awarded." "ft(ow that's the very thing w e're t r ying to a void," he THE NEPTUNE SOCIETY CREMATION . Burial at Sea (714) 646-7431 Day or Nlaht No S.leeMe" •Wt e.eM 2400 w. CoHt Hwy. grinned. "Not all lawyers agTee •'That s..t decision was a nar· . that advertisina ls necessary but row decision," be pointed out. most of thos6 who want it would "It didn't satisfy a lot of lawyers like to see a nice, restrained tone aod the Issue is by no means set· to it." tled ... Wenke agreed with the com· ShallenbH1er feels muy ment. that advertising on thole Orance County lawyers will Imes can help both the lawyers make their decision on advert.is· and the public. me when the State Bar he will "We all know that there are a head next year makes its find· lot or people who would turn to mss . ' lawyers much more readily if they knew in advance what it was "LAWYERS IN this area are going to cost them," Wenke said traditionally conservative and "BUT WE HAVE to remember they're even more so when it that there are many areas or law comes to the sensitive issue of ad· where no such guarantee can be verlislng," he said. given," he said. •·we have to "But we lre pretty solidly restrict our advertising to the un· agreed that advertising, for those complicated, routine issues that who want lt, must be ln keeping the high court addressed itself with the dignity or the pro· to.'' fession," Shallenberger said. Wenke said his own law firm "Some good, common sense has no plans for advertising its guidelines will help a lot,,. he fees in the near future "if indeed said. "And we at the StaUI Bar we ever seriously consider such a are going to iey apd produce move. some." You are cordi1Hr ifl¥1tett lo attend an Informative meet- i"9 we 1re holding for pr1Y11e lenders (and their friench) who have eapreaaed inttreat in trusl deed in,ll•lments. ()lticers of our companr will pr ... nt and dl1cu11 the manJ rewarding benefits ot using the hfgh yield low rlak trust dted lnveal"'4tnts 11 1 building block lor invest- menl 1ecurilJ. Thia evening seminar ia tree, but sealing ia limited, and ,.. must have your reaerv1tlon In •d~ance. PIHM c1ll: HUNTINGTON BEACH (714) l-41·2225 (coli.at). JULY 28, 1977 I!M1i l :OOP.M. PLACE :AtRPORTER INN (Skyllnet' Rooms 1 I 2) 18700 MIC Arthur Bouleward · Irvine, C1llfornil(Opposlte Orange County Alrp«t P1•1tttled I r: ~~~~~HO..!'~_!-~~'•rm 32 Oll1Cft llWouglloul c.iom. Ind Anzona Suite 9 Newport Beach, Calif. 92863 PteaM •and Frea Portfolio to: Thousands of prudent people believe it is by investing in trust deed loans arrange d by Union Home Loa ns. And here's why they've been so pleased - NAME ...•.......•...•.•.. ADDRESS ............. . .. ~-For the Record 'Dilday I rot hers 111n1ra1 ,,ircc;tors .~City-... _ .. ·_·.·_· .. _.zi:_~;,.·_s·~-~· Huntington Beoch Chapel -Beoch Blvd. & Tolbert long Beoch Chapel -Redondo Ave. & Broadway HIGH INCOME! Consider the earnings advantage of invest· ing in trust deed loans that pay10% to 12%* over savings accounts and investme nts that pay from 4%% to 7%%. You can add from hundre ds to thousands of dollars to your annual ~ncome without lifting a finger. But let us explain how you get this higher Income. Db•oiutlon• Of Marrlag~ Fll.-IJUttel l "'IR D. hvtor W Ill ...,d 5.tndr<> 't'On• HICl(O)(. Friinc~·AllV and o.w•d L LINNE, u1v1na M end t",1l~t'I T ANDER90N, Su1annp t vnn •nd T"°"'a> J.rne>; BRYCE. M~rllvn E111abf>th 3nd Frtdr1ck W~n d< II GHVMM, LVMP l and James ~ HFADINGTON, MtCllael D and Rllond .. L.: HURWITZ. Doris c and Pnollp J . STROUSe. Torri l .. nd JamM c : Wll.CO)(. Rt(l\drd Cl\MIPS dnd Snell& Gai• .. Decatur o.1c1oy Don o,1c1oy aurr Dilday 24 HOURS 842-7771 A~ross the street from Good Shepherd Cemetery Happenings.,. mma1 .. un Films Theater Dance Televl1ion In the BOYLE ldura l•~ .ind Jonn #amSPY. AYOTTE, Lorell• 6 .tnd Paul p MAUZFY, Don W•yM And Sut~n Die"" BALLEN Denni\ and l>fot>ra kav. NfWTON. VIYltn D •nd 11111 . HUll, Hubl'rl H Md l"IOl'tn<P t ACOSTA, Gabrlel JuarN ~nd Janf't LOUl\t', WILSON, Ruby Maud -----------------------------------~"=---­ !Ind Waller Woodrow. DOLL, IC•r•n Elt1aMlll and David AlbNI, GEl7 t frry Md c.eor~ F SIMON. Jtn• Davi\ dnd Cyru\ ~orris. WOL TEl'IS. Juclv •nd Vincent J, Lynn; COLDl l'ION. Marie and JMnn W : SCROGGINS, M_.lnd• M ..., Dan M , l'llDL, Con,lin<'t L Md 8t1Jtn R . COMES. N4ncy Rull\ and •otwrt Allan, BELL, Nvt• Jean dnd <;.,v DouQtas HOLMES. Oorotny """and Billy N~ale; ALE)(ANOfl'I. ltay S and 8 1t1y 0 . GUZMAN, M•r11erlla OltCWn.1\ and Fernando llo'YEl'IS, J•y Ev•n -V•leri.• C'RISPINO. LI""-' L. •ncl Rlcnard A ~Hlllo'PF MONJllWM<l(ClrlC(arl AU:XANOER. Yvonne Ellt•btlll•nd Oon•ld H•rtl•on; 1(15HA8A, David •nd lnq,,d , MC LAUGHLI N. Jolln Fra11klln and Fran<es Mtr-.rHu JACKSON, Kllrtn F and Wtlht' J • OE MAY, Patrk k L and ICtlllleen ~.: ltOSS. Jo Mn and Jam~• O CAVALLUCCI, RllOnd• Lynn •nd 9ern11rd JOIWI. PACtFIC YllW MIMOlJAL P4ttl( Cemetery ¥ortuarv Chapel 3500 Pacific View Drive Newport. CahfOr{lt8 644-.27-00 MeCOttMICJ MOITU4ttllS Laguna Beach ... -49'4·1M15 Laguna ~Ills ,, 788-0933 S.,, Juan C.oistrtno •95--1 ne ·If ~~e~ like this has hapeened ~o Y,OU ~ / ignore tliis ad. It's not that we're prejudiced against drivers who've had a fender bender or speeding ticket. It's just that this ad is for all you A·l drivers. You're what's known as pre- ferred risk. Under preferred risk insurance you get all the coverage you want at the -' lowest avail able cost. For example, if you're ,.; married, over 25 • years of age, drive less than thiee miles to work and only ~"Want to meet the mini· mum state teQ.uire- ments, a plan with $15,000/$3Q,000 bodily injury and $10,000 ~perty damage is just $116 a yem: But do you know what cost suits you? ;..-Here's how you find out. Just call Fem at You eliminate the m iddle-man ... the bank or savings and loan. You see. these institutions profit by the diffe rence in what fhey pay people in interes t and what they earn by making higher Interest investments li ke loans on real 'estate secured by trust deeds. By investing in a trust deed arranged by Union Home Loans,_you earn that EXTRA 2Y2%to 7%annually-and that's important money! SECURITY! We've been in business 27 years, and through all the e conomic ups and downs, NEVER has.any Investor ever lost a pe nny on any trus~ de~ arranged by Union Home, Loans. That's because evetY c.ust dee d loan we offe r to you is backed by solid equity in real prb\>erty. Our loan committee is experienced and tough. If there is1h• slightest question about the security be- hind a trust d eed loan, ft won't be offered to you. PERFORMANCE! By providing excellent service to the thousands of people who Invest through Union Home Loans. we've grown to be the largest In our fie ld. with 32 offices. We offer you a wide variety of Investment opportunities from $1,000 to $100,000 o r more. ~ Over half of the people investing through Union Home Loans are referred to us by satisfied ctlents. Many have bee .... nlon clients for more than 20 years! CONVENIENCl!l--Yf e arrange to c.ollect all loan payments '" for you and also ar"nge to send you your monthly check along • with a current stat,ment of your a ccount. We handle all the paper- work. The 10% to.t.2% return that you receive Is N£T to you. ACTNOWI 1o -,,_ . . I t I Cleaver Puts Aiigei-on. Ice OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) -"I wanLed lO •~ wave. of eon- 1ternatlon throu1h the wbJte race." he wrote ln "Soul on Ice," his llSI book. "l know thal lf I bad not bee.a apprehended, I · would have slit aorne whlt• throats." Today, he renounce. tbote words, "but they were hone1t at the time." When be 1oes on trial · on cbarces ol attempted murder, ,t.e will be nanted by three at-J.orney1-all white. -AT 41, ELDRIDGE Leroy Cleaver says he finally knows lwbo he is. The ghetto-bred firebrand whose thunderlne thetoric once exhorted masses ol Jlngry young men lo arms and -cared the wits out of others now ,peaks gently to well·dressed au-~iences, preaching the gcspel of Jes us Christ. · Occasionally. the former White pouse "dirty tricks" poUUcal operative, Charles Colson, ls at his side. The y proclaim themselves "brothers in Christ" llnd talk of their past contempt for each other, their religious ~onversions and their new devo- j.ions. : Cleaver spends hls days lectur- ing and preachine, his trial in limbo awaiting the outcome of legal maneuvers. Jus t this )nonth. the California Court of ·Appeals turned down Cleaver's request for access to FBI files on flim. After a nine year stretch in prison for assault, Cleaver ·'"'·~ moved swiftly tp tho front ranks ol ti\• Black Panther party and almoat dled in a shootout with Police in 1868. The aame year. he ran for prealdent as the candidate of the PHc• and Freedom party, aeek- inJ to dllmantle many ot the In· 1titutlona he now embraces. He 1otmorethan25,000votea. Wttbbl three weeks of the elec· tlon, be wu on the run, launching a seven-year exile to avoid arrest on charges stemmlne from the shootout. He wandered through Cuba, North Korea and North Vietnam, eventualfy settling in France. CLEAVER SAYS a profound religious experience prompted his decision to come home and make his peace, knowing jail and attempted murder charges aw ailed him. He now projects the image of a zealous patriot, embittering those who stood with him in the 1960s. A former comrade, Stew Albert, says be would like to see him "handed over to a jury of his peers to be tried for political treason." Cleaver admits that he is "hav- ing great problems with those who do no\ want me to change, who want me to conform to their 1988 images of me. But ail that is gone forever -and I'm glad." I Is Cleaver sincere or trying to win sympathy from potential jurors? WHEN HE WA.S released from jail on $100,000 bail la.st Aug. 13, '1000 RE HATE ~~~ IJAN(:IA \01u1 .1n.11111h lh· ,, ........... ,.11• •lo'..t' I .... t ... l'••IU•llt , ''''"' 11 1• • t,, t).. I 1 "''' 111 I J, t I ••II ,11.!o I f 111 ol fo 1 l ,,.,,f 1+11)\ I hf 11 I , •IHI .,1,I• "''h 1111 .111 •I 11111. ,., 1•1111111• -~-. f:haracteri~ed ;Travis Parry, a 22- :year resident of Costa ~Mesa, will be awear-- :ing at tbe Orange -:County Fair now ;through July 24 as a :.different person each :day. Here he is as a :rural postman. Dtllf "ll•t ,.i.wlly ,.atrictc O'~lt Jt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *It fine Food ~ t'il ~ets Home . !!\t 'l\rmy' ~ SAN DIEGO (AP) - ,The last dlrtner al the · Salvation Army center tvu corned beet and cab· ba1e. the n11ht bef oro • ta»saae and sauerkraut. · Tb• ''wofklnl m~·· meals" served up by ~ook Frank Moulder will be different next week. Jhouch. Drexel Heritage · Summer ·sale '('. 'I .. , I' • t\ , . . .. .It~ •i• . I •j I'• I .. WOATH OF ORexet. AND HERITAGE FURNITURE OF \'OUR CHOIClt ,' NOWOURINO OUR OREXEL~HERITAGE SUMMftR SALE SW!EPSTAK~ ( '· I ' ' I • , .. ,,,,_ Su!\9!Y, .My 17, 1017 DAI\. y PILOT A ft No-fa Ult Wins Support · and that the federal cov· ernment should not in- terf ore with state ln· 1urance systems.· tn the poll, 76,, percent ot the drivers favored fundtamental leglalaUve reform of the auto in- surance system. LESNIK SAID the finding ''represents an ureent plea for action·: to transform the coun· try's auto ins urance . system. He called for a . no-fault law "which eliminates the abuses and waste of the present legal system." Magnuson also cited a recent Transportation Department study of the 16 state no-fault laws concluding that no-fa ult works better than the traditional system ol de- termining liabilit~ The study found that no-fault appears to be compensating more ac- cident victims more completely and m ore AQdrew J. Blemiller equitably.· . director of the labo1 Maanuson•a bill. federation'• department ahnllac tooae pendin1 ln of leclslatton, ·aatd the .House. would require ••American consumer all stat.es to enact no-automobile owners an . fa ult law1 ttiat would . accident victims have meet minimum federal wailed too lone for this standar~ · . consumer reform." · I ~NOUNONG THE OPENING OF .THE KASI.OW MEDICAL-SELF- . CARE CEtmR, INC. Newport Beach Offering: . A. Nutritionally oriented self· ·care program B. Respanse paint therapy for treatment of: 1. Smokln_g addiction 2. Appetite oontrol. ! J ., •I I 351 Hospital Rood, ... ,., Newport Beach 631.:2112 ALL WORK FULLY siiAGs GUARANTEE DI lit QUALITY CARPIT Otl. Y ·--$300 fN QUALITY ,ADDING :=: :::-... .. ANDLAIOR AVAIAltl :~ .. WI INSTAtl.~ VAWJIT0'6.9S , MEI'S I i:.:::· I BAiLOI® Q SPORTSHIRTS / ........ Each For comfort and good looks • our Bon-Lon® shirts of easy wear-easy core Monsanto~ / nylon with collar and placket --~.~//front in assorted colors. ... "u.ft ... TM. WRIST RADIO 696· Each Solid stole AM rodio with od· justoble strop. Sove todoy! ' ~ ~ DOME LAMP 3~~ Uniquely styh1d plostic dome lomp in vlbront colors. Savel I Model as-60 I ALARM CLOCK 1096 . Each Sleekly fl'tyled digitol electric alorm cle><k with lighted dial. ·~~·~-1·~~-...--- 2-PAK BATIERIES 42~kg. Your choice of "C" or "O" cell. 9· V Battery ........... 14' Model 26-34 ISSES' COTT Oii T-SHIRTS Our Reg. 2.96 Each Popular tees in a sizzling arra)l of stripes and solid colors team up perfectly with shorts and jeans for the warm weather months. No-fuss cotton knit. Save now. SON-OF-A GUN® PISTOL HAIR DRYER Two 'Oays Only Each Cloirols(t small, compact pistol dryer fits in the palm of your hand, yet delivers a big 1200 watts of drying power for quick drying and styling. ' · C-harge jt at Kmart! AM/FM/FM-STEREO af ~CK PLAYER Slide controls for volume, tretle, 14 0 0 bass and balance. Jocks for phono input, out/tape input, tape output, speakers and head la-.. h phones. (),a1"99 itl N-odtJ -SKT-63. --( K mort' ADVHTISID MHCHANOISE POUCY o...i--... ... -............... -.. _ ... __ .. __ .... _ .. _ .................... --·--..... -· .. '-t.-c:o.... .. _ ... .... __ .... ....-...... -..... --.. -......... _. __ ........ _ ... __ ..... ____ °"" ......, ...... ____ ...,... BOYS' POCKET . TEE-SHIRTS Each Sharp pocket tee-shirts in a selection of two-tone com· binations. Carefree cot· ton/polyester knit is great for svmmer wear. Save now . 12 OZ.* PEANUTS VLASIC® PICKLES 6"8h. Delicious dry-r~sted peonuh. No oir or sugor odded. Sowl ..... Wt. CHINET® PLATES 1!? Choice of ~O pok plain or 45· pok divided paper plates. 84c 1 •• Choice of dill or kosh.r dill. ~ N. net wt. Sovt ot Kmart. DISllFECTAIT 1!~ IClll1 household germs on~ odors. 12 oun~• pet W9ipht. Injuries, ·Questionahl B1UMA.Mocla&ed Prl'll For a ~ • million lnvc•l· meot. Uw cau nla Anael1 have a pla)er out fo1 th1· suson wtt.b a ruptured dl~c. a pla)'er out for Wl'l'kl with u fractured hand and a pluyC"r suHerlna from bulllnt: anemta Thr fortunei. of formN movie cowboy G_i.:ne Aulry never huve been greut In baseball. but they wen• t•\ peeled to tuke an upaw101 when he opened h11 1.tad dlebags and landed three free - t.t1c1\h1 by :uanm& thti b111 money contracts Thero has C\ en been con J\lclurc on how vice pre11dent .nd ii~neral manager Harry Daalton keeps his job. Dalton was lni.trumenlal an buildlnl the champ1onsh1p leaim• al Baltimore before he cumc to the Xngels In October 1971. The Orioles had, from 1966, won four American Lea~ue pennirn t~ und two World Series talles. The best the Angels have done under the Dalton regime has been rourtb place. When the seneral ma ,g~ fired Norm Sherry. o . manaier last week and btred. coach Dave Garcia aa the iuxth pilot of the club in six years, DaJtoncommented: "We feel the team is de- rinitcly a contending clW> and has the capablllty to mb~e in .. to the middle of the pen a11t race the second bulf o( thf season." • Yel Bobby Grich is oul~i\b a herniated disc in his d,s that required s urgery, oe ' I ,. THE CUBS' STEVE ONTIVEROS SCORES UNDER WARREN BRUSSTAR. Otiveros Received a Head Injury Whe n Brusstar Fell on Him and Came out of the Game. Cubs Outlast Phils, 9-8 Gross' Triple Cleam Bases, Breaks 6-6 Tie PHILADELPllIA <APl P.hiladelph1a put on a Gross shift a nd that's what it turned out to be .. for the Phil hes -~oss. It was the lop of the seventh of ·, a 6·6 game Saturdav bet wean the Phillies and the Chicago Cubs The Cubs had the ba:.es loaded and two out. _, Cubs manager llcrman f'ranh sent Greg Gross up to but for pitcher Pete Broberg Thl• Phillies immediately went into the opposi(e-ficld shift for thl• left-handed s l<tp hillc•r the lefl fielder almost on the line. the center fie(der shaded towards left and the right fieldt-r pull!.'d around towards center. "That's the way everybody plays me." said Gross. after lw made the defense look gross with a shot down the right field hnc for a thr ee·run triple. "I always hit either throul!lh the m iddle or lo left. Well . almost always." That was just enough lo give the Cubs a 9-8 victory and mon~ Irish Standout them three games in front of the second-place Phillies in the Na tional League East A relieved Franks commented . "All I know 1s thal.wc came hen· m first place and we're goinj! to leave in first plan' ... The Phillies had swept a cloubleheadcr f'riday night to cul a four-game Chicago lead lo JUst two A victory Saturday would have reduced it to one with a cha nce lo virtually deadlock tfit· race by winning today "ll was a real good win for us ... said Gross. "We played badly in the doubleheader and lost a 6·0 lead today, but we didn't quit. Maybe we regained our momcn· tum. The mark of a good club 1s to come back.·· "I'll be satisfied with three out of four." said Phillies manager Danny Ozark. The 92·degree day. with humidity to match. was no place for pitchers or umpires. llom<.> ·plate ump Doug flar vev had to I'll Have to Earn My Spot--Branning It would seem logical that Rich Branning will be one o( the University of Notre Dame starl- ing guards this coming basket- b(lll season. After all, he started for the lnsh last year as a freshman and did a commendable job, averaging 10.8 points per game and making the key points and play that led Notre Dame past UCLA last December. However, Branning, a product of Marina High in Huntington WHirfE has gotten stronger. "1 hope I've improved in every area of the game/' he adds. "There are things you pick up ' by playing with older guys. Like bothering the guy with the ball. reaching here a nd there lo harass him.•• Br.anning is back in Huntington Beach for the summer. playing basketball, of course. OUT AND ABOUT-Darrell Fick of Stanton recently was chosen most valuable swimmer al the University or Texas. Fun- ny, l never think Of that school In terms of swimming. OF GUTS-Bullfitbter Aa&oalo Lomell.D Rrety rites lll&b la &lie (ata deputmeat. la 1• a b.all'a bora HYeied. Lo .. dla't femoral ar&er'J u4 tlle ••tMor aearly Wed -. dea&b.. ID i•n be .,P gored hi tbe Unr wblle flCMlaJ la Tt,JllHa. I hi~ U.e mllfortaM Of naa1 tllatoae. And Jut two yean •10 ln Mex· Ito City, a ball'a ltorm nearly dJI· embowledblm. Tod1y he ls back on 111• f e~ and 1t11J fiCbtlnt bulla. In fad. tbl• af• teraoon at4 he'll be ha at lion al Tl· Jtlaaa '1dow .. tovV1t bidlrl•I· 11.'ave the• ~amc in lhe sixth in- 111ni;. T he ~ubs led 6-0 after J 1 :i 1n- n10gs bul 12·gamc wrnner Rick Reuschel, who Had allowed only six earned runs in his last IO out· 1ngs covt•nng 652 :i rnnings. l'ouldn'l hold lhl' lvad ll owever. L a rn Bi1tn e r opened the Cubs seventh with a smgle off loser Ron Reed. 6·.t. and Bobby Murccr was hit by a pitch After the runners moved up on Jerry Morales' grounder. Dave Rost•llo was inte ntionally walked. loading the bases. Bill Buckner nicd out but Gross lined his triple down the right-field line for a 9·6 Chicago lead. The Phillies came back with a pair of unearned runs in the bol· tom of the seventh against Cubs relief ace Bruce Sutter. 8 ake McBride was sure on an error and Larry Bowa doubled him to third. McBride scored on an in- field out with Bown moving to third from where he tallied on a sacrifice fl v. Chicago "took a 2-0 lead in the first inning of( Phillies starter Randy Lerth. who loaded the bases on two walks around ;.i single by Jose Cardenal. One run scored on a double Jfay -.and another on an RBI s ingle by Morales. Sunda • JU 17, 1977 DAILY PILOT rades Haunting Angels Rudi hu & trac&ure..Jn. b1I --.An1-11-befere being-U>aded right hand and m ay be out and then his rortunes another month. Don Baylor is changed. hittini just .221. is not happy A year ago, it was Bill with hls designated hi\~'s Melton who was supposed to role and has complaJned he s upply •he power for the wasn't being used ln the field AQ.1els and he failed. Tbe enough. Angels traded him for a Meanwhile. around major minor league pitcher. league baseball. s uch former This was to be the year but Ang e l s a s pl tch er Ed when the managerial change Figueroa. Jim Spencer and came. California was in fifth Mickey Rlvers have been do-place in the AL West and 91h ing well. • games behind the surprising Pilch~" Andy Hassler l06t While Sox. 17 strat&ht games with the Ve te ran Andy Etchebar· ren. who was lempora pitching coach a couple 06 days wben the Angels fir"' Bill)' Muffett along with Sherry.coD\mented: "l'membarrassed. l'me barrassed for Mr. Autry. Mr. Dalton, Mr. Red P terson and the fans. They mt a good team to1ether and._. let them down.•· Inrielder Jerry Re my sa he expected a manageri change would be made, s See Angels Page 82 [)Odgers' John Beats Angels Win, 5-4 Ryan Erases Padres, ,l-0 .. K. f , M SAN DIEGO (AP) Bob OU ax s ar O_wchink~ wasn't schedul~ to p1tchunhlafler~heAll-Star~ame Hard-throwing Nolan Ryan ~1bout the All-star thing and 9l>n- next week. But.in the la~t minute broke Sandy Koufax's record for centrate on the res t of he he wa~ pressed into_ service by the 10 or more strikeout games and season," said Ryan. San Diego Padr~s Saturday night Don Baylor hit an eighth·inning The h ard-throwing r~· l · and the. rook1.c . left·h~nd er home run Saturday night to lead hander added that h is si le responded by rel1r10g l~le first 22 the Califor;nia Angels to a 5.4 vie-season strikc_ou~ r ecord of is Los Angeles Dodgers he had tory over the Seattle Manners still No . lonh1shsl. faHced . S G h' before a Helmet Night crowd of ''I'd like to get 400 strike ts . . owever .. teve arvcy it a 29,068. but it's not a burning goal of l e. s9u1bber which was .rule~. a. base Ryan. 13-8, became the maJor August and September are d hit lo break up Owchtnk<? s bid ~or league's first 13-game winner months on pitchers and ur a. perfect game. Later in the m-with his 16th complete game. strikeouts tend to drop off." ning. the Dodgers got the only run Bill Stein was called out on The series concludes today th 0 Tl' T d s trikes in the eighth innmg. former UC Irvine s.t.ar g!rY n O Gfl becoming Ryan's 10th victim of Wheelock (4-6) pitching for ~t- Channel J l at 12:55 the night. h was the 98th game in tie against Paul Hartzell (3·6> · which Ryan had struck out 10 or SEATTLE c11.u"oRNll&' of the game and went on to a l·O de· cision San Diego manager Ah 10 Dark. whale praising Dodgers pitche r Tommy John's fou r hitter. scoffed at Garvey's s pell breaking hit. .. A good throw by third basemen Tucker Ashford and Gar\'ey would of been out." said Dark. "That might have made a big difference.'' Owchinko. 3.5, was the second scheduled batter in the bottom of the eighth and was pulled for a pinch·hitter with the Padres trail- ing l ·O. Would Dark have kept Owchinko in were the perfect game still in tact at that point and the game a scoreless tie? "Thankfully. I d1dn 't have to m ake that decis ion.'· Dark mused. Owchinko. a last·minute replacement for injured John D'Acqwsto. got the second out of the eighth when Garvey wa~ forced at second base on a grounder by Dusty Baker. But Baker then advanced to third base on a single by Glenn Burke and scored the game's on- ly run on Steve Yeager's base hit up the middle. Owchinko, 3·5, allowed only three hits. and was r emoved for u pinch-hitter in the bottom of the' eighth. Rollie Fingers finished up for the Padres. LOSAHGELU Marini 7b Ru\~H. \\ Sm1tll.rl C•y, lb Garv•y, lb Ba~~r.11 l!urltr cf v .. .,qttr • Jol>n 11 •b r h bl • 0 0 0 '0 0 0 • 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 J 0 t 0 JI 0 0 l 0 ' 0 I 0 I t 1000 • .lO I l I SAN DIEGO Cnmpn, 7b Afmon~ '' lv1•. lb Wlnlld rl t<lnQmn,11 H~ll<lrk,,1 ORbrf\. c 4 \lllrd )b Owcnio p , GRllrO~ pn Fln<ier\. p Tota•~ •b r II bl J 0 0 0 J 0 I 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 t 0 l 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1000 1000 0000 19 0 . 0 Lo• • "O"'~' 000 000 01~ 1 Sdn 0•""° 000 000 (JC» 0 l 08 l~ Anq< lh 1 '>•" O•t'QO. lB WlnhetO S Almon Owcl\•n~o \ol\l' (W 10-~' Owcll1ri1<0 ll.J..)I F1n9Prs T I 51 A J1,'6ol IP H R RR II 50 • 0 0 J 1 J I I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Ange& Slate AllG•muon KMPC Radio 11101 July I 1 Se•lllf!•I Cahfotnla Jutv )1 (dllfom111 at M1nr·-.e~f"' July 17 C•htorn111 •t M 1Meir.ol.u 1p.m ~ 1Sp"' ) 2~P ,,,, more batters in his career and ex tended his season total to 232. Baylor homered leading off Lhl' eighth inning to break a 4·4 tie. 'Fhc loser was Enrique Romo. 5-7. Ryan said he felt relieved after getting the record. ·'The score was tied ( 4-4) a nd I didn't want any more distrac- tions. Seattle is tough enough lo pitch against because they have so many pesky hitters. I'd much rather pitch against a club with a lot of free swingers than pitch against Seattle, even though it's an expansion club." said Ryan. Ryan, who rejected a chance to pitch in the AJl -star game Tues- day because American Leagu~ manager Billy Martin didn't choose him originally. racked up his 13th victory-tops in the major leagues. He struck out 12. ··Right now 1 Just want to forget * * * APPEAL REJECTED BY HALOS' RYAN NEW YORK (AP> -Pitcher Nolan Ryan of the Cali fornia Angels rejected a n appeal by American Lea~ue president Lee MacPhail to partici pate in the All ·st ar ga m e. a l eagu e spokesman said Saturday night. The spokesman said MacPha1l talked with Ryan by phone and appealed to the fireballing right- hander to take part in next Tues- day night's game "for the good of baseball and himself." However, Ryan still refused to join the AL team because he was not one of the original picks by manager Billy Martin of the New York Yankees. •b r" bt •I{ bi Cru1 lb • I 1 0 Cl\alk 'lb J Io Colltn• <I S 0 I I Rtmv, ,b • O o M.,.y~r,IO Stdnton. rl 8rcJun, U St•'" lb 8NM\I Oil S11n-.on,c (01111; ( CRvla'" Ru Jn.,,, pl> • 0 0 ' 8onO\,rl 1 1' 0 0 J 1 O o Solaita. lb 4-" 1 l l 0 0 0 IHor•\ cf O 0 O J 0 I I B~ylor, J• J I I J 0 ' 0 GC>OOwNJn 4,. I o 0 I 0 0 Mlln .. \," 4 f 1 l I 0 II (I 8rt<JQ\. lb ~ ( 0 0 1100 Hmpl"(.< 2 •20 I 0 0 0 Flor~. pr QlO 0 lO • s • Ecnt""·' o o o Total\ JO 8 ) 10101> Ydtll• 004 000 m -• ,.,111orn1• on 000 lijrc-s E Cl\•lk OP-!>•alll~ I . L08-St'atut. h (dlllorntd 6. 78 Cnalk. HR ·MUllln•~•P •. Solaita 111, B•vlor 110). SB·Cl\<1lk, 8aylot,i!> CRtVllOICIS, CMlk SF -Mev@r. ' IP Ii R ER 5',>QUI 7.3 5 A 4 Montaci"" 411,.3 1 o o Romo (L, 5-11 I' l I I Ryan (W. JJ.11 • • 4 H8P-8y ~ul 18.tylorl. 8v Ryan (Sti B•tk 'iegul, MonlllQ~ l 1 18 A-1'1,068. • Floyd Lea Nicklaus •' By 3 ShotS' SUTTON, Mass. (AP) -lt1!y F loyd, owmng a solid, th~­ stroke advantage. isn't even c!Qn· sider ing the possibiJity of l~g the lead today in the final r°"'1d of the Pleasant Valley ~If Classic. "l 'm playing much too well r it to happen." Floyd said Sa&iir- day after his four-under-par coupled with double bogey s- aster1.hat struck down the ~r contenders -had staked hint'to sole control of the top spot in 'die chase for the $50,000 first priz'1: ··1 hope this doesn't come~ff the wrong way. but I know ~w On TV Todafl Channel 4 at 12:30 well I'm playing. I have tAllaJ confidence. I'm playing golf=w like riding a bicycle. You just et on i~ and do it without thi abou\ it. "Tbat'.s the way I'm playJag. My swing is too good to produ~ a bad round. I'm not even thin g of the possibUi ty. "r have nothing but posi thoughts, very J><)sitive thoug "Any time you h ave'. n established player three str. in front going into the last r he's going to be bard to·han He only got there by playing first .three •rounds t)etter anyone else. "It he's swinging well, pJa well, confident, there's no re his game should change io last round. 1 I • l'I ' DAILY PILOT ANGELS. • • OWIMed From Pase Bl 1111 ''llaaqJnr l• th• toulhut jcii ln tho world. If th~ pllly<•r. dOft'l pla). lhe m1na1~r tis lhe ooe wbo aoca. Wt le~ Norm and ourulv• down by not playlna Ml w.tl u we abould. •• Tb.-e have been varloua ex· c n why the An1ela hav~'l won a pennant alnco they camo lnto e>Clatenct In Ital. Somt: manqan have been too toueh, 1toou11. t:r• l• oo doubt lhla year thut rt haYc blutAld hopes, and n alter Dave Garcia became ~er U.11 w~ek, ace left. •Med plt.cber Frank Tananaa 1me UJ>with a sore eibow. berry, the former Los eles Dodgers catcher and In the Angels minor leagu~ em, was ~urµrased that he . blamed for the t.eam 's poor ing. Although he readily admitted en the free agents were s11ned l be was the man on the spot, erry commmted, "I fell I did a 100<1 job and don 'l think they can ·•tkme me for where we are. I •on'l think I could have done •nylhmg differenL I can't hit for Baylor." Latest to join the injury list ws pitcher Gary Ross who s uf· fered from bone chips in his elbow and needed surgery. Those who have been on the list include Gil Flores, Rusty Torres, Mario Guerrero, Rance Mulliniks and Thad Bosley plus Buylor, who earlier In the year was out with a pulled hamstring. Then the Angels acquired pitcher Gary Nolan from Cincin- nati. He started one American League game and came up wilh a sore right shoulder. · Two acquisitions who have done well are relief pitchers Dave Laroche and Dyar Miller wtth 3·0 and 3·1 records si nce join· ing the Angels. But looking back, the club traded LaRoche for Leo Cardenas ami had to give up Bruce Bochte and Sid Monge lo get him back this year. Sneva Breaks 200 Barrie~ CAMBRIDGE JUNCTION. Mich. -Tom Sneva. track re· cord holder at Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the first to 6fflciaily break the 200 miles per hour barrier there. again topped 200 miles an hour Saturday in Winning the pole pos 1t1on for ~oday's Ind1anapol1s car portion of the Norton Twin 200s. , Sneta brought his new Penske · PCS·Cosworth around car owner Roger Penske's two.mile Mi ch igan International Speedway at 200.278 m .p.h .. edg- ing Johnny Rutherford by .02 seconds for the day's fastest speed. Rutherford was clocked at 200.167 mph in :.i McLaren M24 · Cos worth. Jets Trade Hill HEMPSTEAD. N.Y. -The New York Jets have traded 14· year veteran offensive tackle Winston Hill to the Miam i Dolphins for conditional future considerations, the National Football League team an- nounced Saturday. -·· ... w • ..,.. .. NAMATH GETS PHYSICAL-New Rams quarterback Joe Namath poses with trainer Gary Tuthill during the team's physical examinations Saturday in Los Angeles. The Rams open their training camp today at Cal State (Fullerton>. Sports in Brief McEnroe Defeated; Vilas, Kodes Win CINCINNATI -Teenage sensation John McEnroe was up- set by Ri c k Fagel in a quarterfinal match Saturday in the Western Tennis Cham· pionships. McEnroe, an 18·year·old amateur who lost to Jimmy Con· nors in Wimbledon's semifinals, fell lo the unheralded Fagel. 6·1. 6-2. John Alexander defeated Terry Moore. 4-6, 6·3, 6·2 to set up a semifinal match with Harold Solomcm, who defeated John James, 6·3. 6-2. Fagel will face Mark Cox. who defeated Ishmael El Shafei. 6·3, 1·6. l'Uos Advance• KITZBUEHEL, Austria - Guillermo Vilas anb Jan Kodes gained the finals of an lnterna· tional Lennis tournament Satur· day. Vilas beat Zeljko Franulovic. 6-2. 7·5, and Kodes won over Karl Meiler. 6-3, 6·4. In the women's semifinals, Katja Ebbinghaus beat Helen Anliot. 6·1. 4-6. 6-3 and Renata Tomanova defeated Mary Carillo. 6-3, 6-1. StanTriWllpla PHOENIX-The Orange Coun· ty Stars romped to an easy 3·0 International Volleyball Associa· lion victory over the Phoenix Heat before a crowd of 2,387, here, Saturday night. The Stars won by scores or 12·8, 12·3. 12·7. The \'ictory kept the Stars in first place in the IVA's Western Div1s1on. Orange County has :.i 10·8 record. VCL A Tab11 Coach LOS ANGELES -Jim liar· rick. u Utah Slate assistant basketball coach for the lasl four years. has been selected to a similar post at UCLA, where he'll serve under new Bruins coach Gary Cunningham. Harrick is 39 and a graduate of Morris Harvey College in Charleston, W. Va. He earned a masters degree from the U ni versity of Southern California. Harrick began his coaching career in 1964 at Morningside High School in Inglewood. post· ing a 103·16 record during his four years as head coach lhere. Hunt Breeze• SILVERSTONE. England World champion James Hunt of Britain drove his McLaren to an easy victory in the British Grand Prix Saturday after his closest challengers were forced into the pits. Niki Lauda of Austria finished second in a Ferrari and Gunnar Nilsson of Sweden was third in a Lotus Ford. Baseball Standings It was Hunt's first Grand Prix victory of the year. He roared away on his own over the last 15 laps of the 68·lap race after John Watson of Northern Ireland. the pacesetter. dropped out wilh fuel pressure trouble. Denver Picks Coach NATIONAL LEAGUE East Dlvlsloa Chicago , J\hlladelphia \!Sitts burgh St. Louis Montreal New York W L Pot. GB 53 34 .609 51 38 .573 3 49 St .544 5'h 47 44 .516 8 41 47 .477 12\.'.i 36 53 .404 18 West Division Dodgers 58 33 .637 CinciMati 48 40 .545 81,i2 San Francisco 43 50 .462 16 Houston 42 so .458 l&•h San Diego 40 54 .426 19'h Atlanta 33 57 .367 24'h AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division Baltimore Boston ~~York Cleveland Detroit Milwaukee Toront.o W L Pct. GB . 53 38 .582 51 37 .~ h so 41 .549 3 40 47 .460 11 40 49 .449 12 40 49 .449 12 33 57 .367 19"2 \Yest Division Chicago Kansas City Minnes9la Texas Aa1et1 Oakland Seattle 53 36 .596 50 38 .568 211~ 48 42 .533 5"2 46 43 .517 7 42 45 .483 10 39 49 ,443 13th 40 54 .426 15~ DENVER -Bill Weimar, a highly successful Colorado prep coach, was named head basket- ball coach at the University of Denver Saturday in a move to re· vive the school's sagging pro· gram. Weimar, 53, was an assistant the past season under Al Harden. who resigned in May with two years left on a three·year con- tract. lldewc N••• r1tie MILWAUKEE -Jerry Vidovic won a battle of two 2(). year old collegian~ in 90-degree heat Saturday to become the U.S. PubUc Links golf champion. He posted a 4·and·2 victory over Jeff Kern In the scheduled 3e·hole flnal or Ute slx·day meet. Ola Rfu 738tla -. PoJo Finals Set Today; • NIMA, Concord Adv8nce B,y ROGER CARLSON Ol 1111 o.l ly '"-' 'i.tt Championship play ln the 1977 National AAU outdoor water polo tournament is on tap today at Newport Rarbor High wilh de· ftndlna champion Concord and Newport·lrvlne·Mesa Aquatics <Nl.¥A> boasting perfect marks after lour encounters Friday and Saturday. ~ction begins with two games at lO 'an'lo-11 a.m .• with two more tills at 3: 30 and 4: 30 p. m. If Con-cotd and NIMA are victorious in the morning, the 4:30 tiff is the championship decider. Should eithtt Cor both> stumble In the morn ing, a number of T ... y'a Sclle4vle .... ""'~ ... ,..,.,....,.,. 4"'4-U 11 a,m.-Se. C..ht. All·•la<\ IJ·11 VS NIMA (4.01 J JO p m.-So. C..111 All-ttars Yl StMllO<O • lOp.in.-<on<ordvaNIMA possibilities are present in the af- ternoon session to determine the champion. NIMA. under UC Irvine coach Ed Newland, found things rough in Saturday's victories over West Valley Aquatics (San Jose) and Stanford~specially the latter tilt featuring the sccond·seeded Cardinals. 1976 NCAA cham- pions. the penalty shot try when all seemed on t~e line. "Our defense was a little weak." said Newland of the con· quest of Stanford. "Stanford gol som e cheap goals on us, but Malone's stop and Figueroa's steal saved us.·• Early it was Figueroa's scor· ing and defense that gave NIMA a quick lift, but Stanford refused to fold. In morning action NIMA's de· fense was superb ·in defeating West VaUey, 7·4, with a man·short defense sending West Valley away empty-handed seven times. In that victory, Jack Dickman led NI MA with four goals. .Concord, under lhe coacbWg oC ~ Cut.mo. meanwhtte. cut El "Toro to ribbons, 9-0, then pro- ceeded to blast away at the Southern California All-stars. 6-1. With Jon Svendsen, Peter Schnugg, Doug Arth. Jim Purcell and goalies Charles Chattan. Con· cord looms as the favorite today to win it all. Chattan, an unknown quantity prior to this tourney, was impressive Saturday. NIMA places most of its chances on the ability of Figueroa, Dickmann, Kruse. Nick Baba and Malone. wc..,..,., • .,.,.11 ken-.o..rten w .. 1 V.afl~ I t 1 2-4 NIMA 2 2 2 1-f W••• v .. ••v SCO<l"I lloy I, Yn,clon 1, S...uel• 2 NtMA t<orn>Q Dickmann 4, l'loueroa 2, flabe 1 so ... wt°"''"" So, Calll All •1•1'1 1 1 I 1-6 8•ac11A-lk> O 1 0 1-3 All·••.,.• 1<.orlng· llndrolll I, Oov•tt. erac11ey 2, Var901. Betct• Horln9: Slmol\ I, CtmPll•ll 1, Wana1yna10 1 Scort lly Ov.,ltn ConcorOB ' It 00-1, S1e11toro J 1 3 •-1' Conco<d lhcoril\g WarO •. l•t I SlafllorO \(Of'ln<;I' Arnold'· A"9<'10 2. MCOoNIO 2, Oavll t,JolwnsMn I, H611erkamp 1. Sc•,.. by Ouanen Et Toro O O O 0-C Concord A 2 t 2 J-4 Concoro A Ml'>''"' Sc:llr\u9Q 2, Mclau9flllti 2, AOOerlMln2, 8rkker I, Sl•fl-1, ~heronl I. "-~·~ NIMA 2 3 0 ~ $1a11ford O J 2 2-1 NIMA tcorlnlj· Fl9ueroa •. Kr11w 2, Ok.IL_,., 1 Pl'lllPOl I. ' s1 ... 1or.s •c.or•oo s111K >. ~'° 1. o.w1s 1, HalferhMnp I. Concord 1 J 1 1-. So Ctlll All.\I.,., 0 1 0 0-1 Co11coro UO•lng· SvtnOun J. BrlckM I, Rooenson 1, Pu1ce111 .. All·S1arSKOfl"I: llndt'Oll\ I ScorebyO...rten Wol Volley • 2 o •-10 Concoro B 1 o o o-1 Wtsl VailtY \<Or,,,g. Roy •• Un~ 2, Walson 2.$•mUftlH Con<onl 8 scorll\Q. Pruett t, LM' 1 Score by Qwrttn 8MOAq""lk> I 2 I >-1 flToro I 0 •1 0-J Beach \corono W•wrzvnsitl ~. C1mpllell I, Prl(e 1, Ouckrw r I \El ToroKOftnQ. 8erge•on 2, Rollinson 1. With the score at 6-6 with 2: 16 Jell NIMA goalie Bob Ma.lone blocked a penalty try by Stan· ford's Drew McDonald. Thrives on Work Moments later it was tied at seven. but Gary Figueroa came . up. with a steal after missing a shot on a man.up situation, passed to Jim Kruse and the lat· ter fired from the corner with 14 seconds left to give NlMA its triumph. ll marks the f1rsl time NIMA has entered the last day of Na- tional AAU action with a perfect r ecord. NIMA once lied for second in this tourney. Relief Specialist -a Unique Breed Figueroa scored four goals to pace the winners over Stanford, which lost goalie Chris Dorst with 1 :48 left 111 the half on an ejection penalty and w<1s plagued by mistakes throughout the early going. Malone had nine bona fide saves and stole th<! ball once. in ciddit1on to hi s cruC'ial block of TV Sports TODAY Noon 14>-SUPER BOWL HIGHLIGHTS -Highlights of the Oakland Raiders- Minnesota Vikings Super Bowl XI . played at Pasadena's Rose Bowl. 12 :30 (4) -GOLF -Fmnl round play in the $250.000 Pleasant Valley Classic from Sutton, Mass. 12:55 (ll) -DODGERS BASEBALL -The Los Angeles Dodgers meet the Padres al San Diego in Na- tional League baseball ac- tion. l p .m. (2) -BOXING - Three matches from Miami feature Mik e Rossman (30-3·3) against Marcel Clay < 19·8) in a light·heavy tiff; Olympic_champion Howard Davis (3·0) meets Dom Monaco (24·6·1); and Ronnie Harris (22·0) fights Frank Reiche (24·7·3) in a mid· dleweight match. NEW YORK ( AP> -Skip Lockwood of lhe New York Mets says being a relief pitcher is easy. There's nothing to it. "You Just come to the ball-park every day with the idea that you're go- ing to pitch," the Mets' relief ace says. "You get yourself into a routine and it becomes pretty easy. You make sure you do the same thing every day so you don't hurt your arm." "You've got to take rare of your arm," says BruC'c Sutter of the Chicago Cubs. "You have to be able to tell them when you can't pitch.·· Sutter has pitched well and oflen for tht:, Cubs this season. His split.finger fastball. which b what Sutter calls his forkball, has had National League hitters baffled from opening day and has had the Cubs on top of the Na- tional League East. The relieC specialist is a unique' breed. He thrives on work. There are no three or four·day rests between assignments. It's an everyday job. .. I wish Whitey Herzog would use me more." says Kansas City ace Mark Littell. "It seems like the more often I pitch. the better I do. If I go too long without work· ing. I lose my sharpness and have trouble getting loose." Whether it's the split·flnger fastball. the screwball or the knuckler, relievers must use their best pitch_ in pressure silua- tions. And pressure. physical and mental. is an intricate part of the relief pitcher's life. · · I.t (the pressur e) is not som ething you learn to cope with." says San Diego's Rollie Italy Ousts Sweden· BAASTAD, Sweden (AP> -Paolo Bertolucci and Adriano Panalta teamed to win Saturday's doubles match. giving defending Davis Cup cham- pion Italy an unbeatable ~-0 lead over 1975 winner Sweden in their beat-of.five 1977 European B-.zone s emifinal. The experienced Itallan pair downed' Jan . Norback. a rookie on the Swedish team, and Rolf Norberg 6-3, 6·3. 3·8. 6-4 in two hours, 10 minutes oo send Italy against either Hungary or Spain in the zone finals. Fingers. "You just go ou.1, there and do what you have to~·" ·'I really enjoy ctfiose tight situations wqen the game is on the line," says Pittsburgh's Rich Gossage. "I have no problem at all getting charged up. Just hand me the ball and I'm psyched.'' .. As a short reliever. I know ex. actly what I have to do." Lockwood adds. "I come in and throw as hard us I can for as long as I have to." · Clay Carroll. former Nationat League Fireman·of·the-Year, now wth the St. Louis Cardinals. says the mental pressure is what troubles ypung relievers the most. ·'I think the pressure is mosUy mental." Carroll says. "If you I don't think you're going to get the hitter out. you probably won'L I can relax because l'm used to it. Maybe with a younger guy the pressure might be too much." "I drink a lot." Dodgers knuckleballer Charlie Hough quips. "No. seriously, you come to the ballpark knowing you might have something to do with the outcome of the game and that's fun•· Mesa Tabs Shupp Bob Shupp, a former Downey High a n d Cerritos College aquatics ace, has been chosen swim coach al Costa Mesa High, replacing Bill Pascual. Shupp is a lso the coach of Beach Aquatics. based out of Long Beach. which competed in the 1977 National AAU water polo championships at Newport Harbor High. · The Swedes. who had hardly played together ------------------- before this match, battled till the end fighting off three match p0ints in the next to last game but then had to1urrender to P~natta's pc>werful serves. lt was Italy's rlflb atraJght victory in Davis Cup play o\fer its Swedi1h arch nvata. And it was an ex· peeled win, aa the Swedes had to play without Bjorn ~------tT· Borg,regarded u the world's No. l tennis star. WILLIAM A. VON RANZOW Orange Orange County's oldllt Llncoln·Mercury O.ltrltilp • I.ave r · Mesa League Defeated. Balaae dLoop Is Tops~ Terry By Borg "'DAVE CUNNINGHAM OlllleD .. 1,~ ... auH Durln1 the winter C huck Te rry wus a ·second slrtnc forward for the New York Nt:t~. 11111 team, raddlod wU.b dl11tin11ion, finished wllh the won t re-cord In protc••lonal busket.ball. But. thla aummt'r Terry Is 11 leading scorer in the C<Jtibl Mna Summti r Open Leaaue and hill team, Spano's Drones, 11 In lin t phtce, driving low ard ill s~nd straleht championship. The league ha.s become a summer training cround fO«" National Buskelball Association pros, former colleae stars and an assortment of the best plaY1round players around. Some NBA pros couldn't even gel · into the leacue. Their team s were beaten during a playoff tournament to decide wbicb 'would be scheduled in· lo the 10.team league. Those who didn't m ake the cut included Bob Weiss of the Washington Bullets, former Portland Trail Blazer Geoff Petne and former Kansas City King Rick Adelmann. Players whose learns dld make it include Bill9 Paultz of the San Antonio Spurs and Brian Am· broLich, former Huntington Beach High. Golden Wesl College and Brigham Young University star. • "When l heard that Paultz was going to be p lay. ing for Build a nd Grow I called up Swen Nater and got him to play for us," Terry says. Nater, a former UCLA center, helped Spano's Drones to their third straight victory, and has in· dicated his schedule will permit him to play through mid-July. The Drones also have Dale Dillon, a starting guard at Cal State (Long Beach) last season. Terry is also \t,. Long Beach alum: having earned All·CIF and '"Moore League player of the year honors at Long Beach Jordan High, then mak· ing hi.s mark in college basketball at Long Beach City College and Cal SJ.ate (Long B~ach>. He views the Costa Mesa O~ League as "a good outlet. lt'.!l lhe only league ot its kind around here." Cal State <Los Angeles) runs a summer pro league that Terry p-articipated in once, but be says he much prefers the Costa Mesa circuit now. "The LA league has become kind of a rookie camp and it didn't do me too much good." Terry says. "The ballplayers are JUSl trying to impress everybody and that's not what I'm looki ng for." Instead. Terry was searching for a way to keep in shape during the NBA off-season. lie says he's found it now. 'Tm just trying to run up and down the court and get some work." Terry says. I really like the league. It's not a life-or-death situation. We j ust have a good time and go out for a few beers afterwards." Finals Set Today ln'Seniors Tour~ey Finals in the first a n· nual Capistrano Racquet Club sen ior s ten nis tournam e nt a r e scheduled toda>· with Pasadena's Horst Ritter facing Cost a Mesa's Bob Duesler in the featured men 's 35-year-old .m atch. Action begins at 9: 30 this morning with Ritter and Ducsler tangling at 11. Another top matc h fi gures to be the men's 45 s ing les finale whe r e Newport Beach's Hugh Stewart t akes on J im Calderwood of Laguna Beach at 9:30. The Capistrano Rae· quet Club is located in San J uan Capistrano on San Juan Creek Road. adjacent to San Juan Hills golf course. Drags Slated For Amateurs Drag racing (amateur style> is on tap Wednes· day at Orange County In· l e rnational R aceway with gates opening al s. time trials from 5:30 to lS Metls Slft91H 5-m•J AIU•r Ol!I FrdnU •1. 6-J, Due~ler def Su.m.tn6-t, 1-0. rtll'NI •OMe<t• Sl,,.CH Semis Oevl\ dri ~tM>n t-6, M, ""l: OOH def A09e•H·l. •·I 0 ~· S1nqln Sern1• CalOerwooo Ol!I L•v•1>9"one 6-1. •-6. 6 1 S1n.ar1 Ocl 9-m.t~l''1·6, 6·J. SO -SinqtH S."lll Hubl>drd .,... Wetv. ""'· 1 ... 6-1, ltauderdef Me11~7·6. 7-6,.,.t. SS Mens Sift91H S.mh c1,.m~" dl'I Ceuna 6·l . 6·•. Ci•llow•vMI M•r.on1•-6.6·l 6-t. Ml~-51"911'\ 5.ftrll• Htll ""'' Soutnwl" l>-2, •.O. HotKon dcl Proul• 6-l. 6-0 U ~• Sl"91H S.mls Stanton def wa1erl't0u~ 1>-1, 61. 8edl9•ndt!t A Jolwli.on6-t, 6-0 W-)I Slft<llH SemlS Mr Calle Clf'I Evans •·6. 6-1. 6-1 . C.00dw1n def Hlll~and 1·6. S·2, JO-all rel ired. W.onwn 40 Sl"'!IU Sett\11 O'Sll•UVMe\W det Scnwartz S·7, 6·). 6·J, Slrewdef Harper6~.6·7. Women !OSlnglH S.m•• Adler def Tout 6-1, 1-6; !)N,Hon def Hay\ 6 •. 6-J. JS~· OoublH S.mh Fr•nlt·Jonn.on def Goldbcrq. tl••son 6 •. 1-6. e>vesmler-Leitnttr1eo ~I Aoqt'n·Straw,,.•,6·• .. MeftjOoubfesS.mis Du•~l,.r-Pnllpot d•I Aooers Ao<>tnl'r ""'· 6·•. CAldl'rWood·DO•S Clf'I Llndb0r9 Pr0d,.n6 • 6·3 o ~· Deubles S.mls C•ld"'''OOd si-ma"-er dl'I L•,... l:>fo•l·HuObolrd l>-3, 7 6, ~'"' Sltw•rl Ot'I 8rv..,t·~teoon. cwt au II. SO MtftS Ooublos S. mi 1 Andt'rson·Mlllt'r dot Leonard· Dudley .,_), ••. Kaudo!r·~l1ttr ""1 O•••d.on-N1mrno1>-1 •·1 u-.Douf)IHS.....ls AnderJOn Miller d•f G•lloway. Putnam ,._l, 6~. O.v1~(~moers <Ml Hl-ntttll·HUQf!H .. • ..... .. _ OoublesS.mls Hlopen\ltll·Hu9n4s def Harris· Kr•us .. 2,6-t; u MeM Ooubles Semis 10:30. Conel WeclHly del Gul'•tln· Admission Is $3 for 5Pencer 1-s, .... Lmon-eo..g1e •• d l nd r h'ld · Abnot-8r-.cwl•u1t. a u ts a $1 or c t ren w-ao...111 .. s.'"" 6·12. Pugn-HltletwMMI dllf Hlncny-Polset Passen gers are al· ~~n~;!~~;.mrv•111""1 511ven.· ·lowed in most cars and W_,4'oe..11Mas.m11 t.ber e is no ""'arge fot pit Strew·Adlfl' Clfl O'Co~nor-ltellly ,. ""f 6-0, 6·0; Sc1'w.vtz·Brow1> clef Gordon· pass or carentl'y. o ·s111UQM1tssv"4:11-3. w-111S00-1t1•S.ml1 · Pro Soccer. Nt,,11AftMf1a..s.icwLe...,. O•tlH 1,St. LouliO w tshl"ll'o<I J, St!\ Jost 0 P'I. Leudtrdelef, T .. m H-ell I Ml!Wlffote 1, Ttm!MI eavo A-1ull teCCllt' LHtW N-Yertt 1. Ci-t!end I SKr~ot,Cellfor11leO H-JerMv 1, Rhode lsl•ndl hnt• ••rlNlr• •t co .. nectlcvt. postp&.'41d Schmldl·Ma)dltk cMf Adle<'·Duk.,, dtl•ult: it.mllng-Mlcktlwall de f 51\elt-Tout M. M. 6-2. Mffl JS, -.....a JO Ml•M Ooultlft SHnlt uPR BrYtnt·Roi.ener clel lwask•· Rltttr J·•· •·•, •·J : McC•be· Lel<Nttied dtf Evens..OOldller9 .. ,, .. 1 Mffl 4S, -.Ws .. MIUf OMMts ~ H•rP••·H••~r dtf SltlcM!Ore· l>udl.., W. •• ... , ; H•vw••d-INll-dtf Ktt1~9·RO<l!lfl .. I,~ HOLLYWOOD, Fla. <AP ) -The Cl eveland· P i tt s burgh Nets trounced the San Dleeo Friars, 31·20, Saturday night, taking every set b e fore the largest Florida audience ever assembled to see World Team Tennis acUon. Sweden's Bjorn Borg, this year·~ Wimbledon winner proved to be the crowd pleaser as he j oined with Ma rty Riessen to edge Newport B e ach res ident Rod Laver and Raz Reid. 5-2, in a nine -point tie breakeT. In singles, Bor g d efeated Laver, 6·3. The victorv came after the doubles 'teams dead· locked at six games in regular play. Cleveland· Pittsburgh had· already o.11, ,.,._ ~·"' R 1e wo n the r1r st three GREGORY GHICA GIVES POINTERS ON SOCCER TO MEMBERS OF ONE OF HIS CAMPS RECENTLY AT GOLDEN WEs.T. matches or the evening ·l ::~~;r~~t~~"r~~,,~~ Soeeer Camp Helps Build Prog .. am{: place in the E astern ;·, Division standings. San Diego holds third pl ace ByCRAIGSHEFF in the Western Division. 0t,..o.11v P1~01s1111 A crowd of 8,470 was on Gregory Ghlca wants hand despite stormy to have the N_o. 1 JC soc· weather which caused ~er program m the s tate, several minor po wer 1fnot.thecountry. . fa ilures t hrough the ~le~ not far trom that night. goal right now .. The regular season 1:he Rumanian-born WTT match was the fi rst Gh1ce1 logged an 18·3 re- in Sputb Florida since t-ord last year _for 6-0ld~n the Florida Flamingos West College in only his played one season in second season at the Miami m 1974. Huntm.gton Beach cam· pus. His team was ratC'd No l in the state for Clntlollld JI, S.-01"0 10 Womt-n -S1M10f't \CU tC' bt'ot G'H'trant ..,l S•m•onfl,<U furnt>Ylt fC I lle<1I Guurant IC R••d, 1·S Men -8Mq cc 1 DP~I l """'· 6 J Borq. Roe\'A'n I() bl!dl Laver A. Reid, 1·6 S·2 ltoel>redker l M 1•ed Doub!,.\ R1t'"\\~n SomlonPHu 1(1 De•• A Rood Guerr.in1,6-J manv weeks. Bu·t Gh1ca is looking to the futur e-and that's one reason why he re- cently conduct ed two one-week soccer camps at Golde n West for youths 8·16 years of age. "The two big r easons I held this camp were ( 1) for the people of lhe t-Om· munity and (2) for my sot-cer program 1n the future. And fra nkly, I also wanted to make a buck," says Gh1ce1. A total of 120 kids (60 per session> attended the cam ps (which went from 9 a .m . to 6 p.m . Monday through Friday> with each charged $75 per session. A d iscount of $10 is al· lowed for each additional child in a fa mily attend· ing. And if a n entire team enrolls, each youth gets a discount. Jn the inaugural camp last year, Ghica barely broke even-primarily because of the equip· m ent he had to buy- such as balls and goals. But his key expenses this year are ins t r uctor s <each gets $200 p er week>. field rental ($100 per week). brochures, lune he:. and insur ance. ''l t-crt a1n ly won't become a millionair e with this camp," says Ghica, "but I think I de· serve the money. 1 've worked very ha r d at this." . Ghica's typical day in· eludes arriving at 7 m the morning to line the fie lds, greeting the ki ds from 8: ~to 9, then hold· ing instructional periods, giving chalk talks, show· ing films and playing games. A -l,A/Oat Hollvwood Fl.i F HewYorlt7'GolclenGaterl ll avor1•te Men -Mayt'r(NV ) l>t•I Okktr I 6 Okker·M6CM1lllan (GI be.ti AullPI~ Los Al Results Mixed in are a pair of hair hour breaks <with refreshments>. a hair hour or s wimming and an hour for lunch-which u s ually in c lud es a sandwich, some kincj of fruit, potato chips and milk. Ghica's camp is not ex· traordinary. but it's uni- que because it is one of the few offered on all· day basis. And Ghica says his instructors are among the very best. MavH6·• Wom~n -w~ INYI bl!At Holla c t d3f 6·1: Wade-King INYI b .. I ap ores Nagel'°n-Ourrf>.J. Ml••d -8'>~ven AulfelS IN YI bed I FcwS41urday FIRST RACE 1SO vard,. 3 yur otds & up C'"""'"" Pu"" l1, too Durr-MacMllloan6·2 Go M A-Un.ivail•bleatNewVork an FRIDAY'S RE SUL TS G Caplured Enritl>t\ 0 (C.trdot•I S 60 •.OO 3 20 Moon Slak• I Broo~.i 16.•0 tO •O SH· Port JI, So•l .. l 1l Women -S10•• (S Pl 01'81 Cnmyrevv, I 6 Ru \"•11 SIO•~ IS Pl beat Moro1ova·Kro\n•n~ 1 s M en Ciot""'tln (S-PI Dl'tJf 9ott\OV, 6 J 8oro ,ov-l(<1kui1" ISi D•at Oocner!V·Ciol'm•n 6 • M•llPd-Russ.-11-Docnerty IS Pl beal MorOlOYll•ICdkUh.t,. I Ov •rt1 m~-Ooc her l v Ciorma" IS.Pl be.I 8ol'osov-l<akulla. IO A -2 IO<ll Porll...,d GolcHn Gators 21, IMloan• tt Womtn HOll•day l(,(;l••al Barker. ~.n .. t. N-lu• .. Dun IGG I l>NI M•1•110n t<oyomura 6 • Men-Gerul.tll1\ Ill bf'AI O•••• 6·•: 01t1rer·McM1ll.•n 1C.C.1 O..nt Ston•·~rut41us, I>-• M•••d-M<Mlllan Ourr ((i(il llUI StO"~-t<.•~·omura, 6 • A.u,... ... aotabl~ dt tndl.naooh• Standings Jel Print ICrt"!)l!rl ti 110 Tome ~-tl.21 Al\O ran • Ch"" Gold<tu~\I. Un dy's Cnanl, Punken Tl>r<'dl, Splnnonq BuQ, Gr~1ous Rt'C>el. l.!'O Proam, Got laGOMdn No scratchr\ U Es..t<la 4-C.P'urH Enrlcn.s & J.Moo11 Slallt, P••d Ul7 JO SECOND llAC.E lSOy•r<X 1 VP~r otd\ Cfa1mtno For mtt1df'n\ Pur\ie \1100 ""'"Y Bars IKmgnll 6 20 J .O 190 l.OYf'YOUSolW•rd.I 4 20 300 Dupes C.Mr9f' IBanl.s t • 00 T•mf' ti 41 Atw ran ~tlrnf' S4'm Voo Ooo He• Proper P-Go I( olly (<II Go. Snadow S..nd1P, Ao<kMebPt Top Spur Scratcn•O -Bouy Ell• V.i•n GamblH, 511111 ano x•eno. Loac>ed 0.0 TH IRD RACE JSO v.irds. 2 fear .olds. Claomlng Pur~U.600 6erOeGO tWardt Ca1cna Go (Adair I Call Me Nick 10.lombd I Tlme -11.20 Also rdn -Br~•" Brown rlasn. M<Jdl' In MoorP, JP I .. 8rt•rt~. Alaknam Aellt'lator. HU•lll'n BHch No scr&IChH SS Ell•d• 7-Bar Ot Go & l·Calclla Go, P•ldSISf.SO FOURn. ltACE •OOY•rd\ lVt'M old\. Claomlng. For 11111es Pur\f n.300 A-Oueen Tu IM•tcllelll t770 }60 380 Miu Ppnny p-!HoJrll 1 00 • 80 Miss Ann Go ( Kn1vn11.,. • 10 Time -100 Alto ran-A Bulllllf'Gumm., Min RhO<I• Go, Ool14 8•r. Ro.td Afl9"1 Korsen l<nllt Hoscr•tc~ A·EdwardC AllrP<lentrv FIFTH RACE -AGO yards l yur Olds. Allowanc:e. Pu~e~,000 H•'s a P~esu"' (Ad•irl 3 .0 J 00 1 60 Suw•llff Jude (Alllwnl •to J 60 Mr Jet -U ILlon•ml t Ml Time-to 11 Al'° ri1n-Tllllllc MOnl!'f, Mtn Klncl, The C•nclldllle NO Strale?llJ SIXTH RACE -350 'fAfdS. 3 ve•r olds & up. Cltlfning. Purse SA,200 Grancle<lt'S Tia IMl1chelll Sun Sltlne (Rough! Yorty (Wardl Tlmt -t8,03 I 00 S,70 l .60 t 1.00 1.•0 J.40 Also ,.,, -Jet Cller119r ?. Jint Jim Dal'dY, Oend\''S Go 8kl. n .... 10 Go, Super Surch.lrgtl, War Cl!lc's EchO, Jays Ot<ll • Scretcllecf-Jet Don, Oulfy Spears, F1v1no 0i1o ettt SS aaacu ~Mldecll't Tl• & S.Suft s111 .... P'•td'*-lt nviNTM 11w -..oo ,.,.ds. > yetf oldJ & ~ IMltatlon•I lla11dlcap. Purse U0,000. n.. Ge ~ Oo. LIUle e1 .. SflHil (LIPl\eml HO UO 1M Area Sports N~tove (rpt·k I My It\ I 11 60 i.'80 f 111,hv Go Moore tAlllsonl 3.00 none 10 OJ At\o ran A Zurp Rf'OUl"Sl, D.ck '•m Tonio s Mis. Chit~. Da•od Ci1or1, l w1nJ,t, K1oty'\Orurn No s<ratcl>es EIGHTH RACE -•.O yards. 3 year Ol<I> Ct41n""9 Pu.-.eS7 100 Sl•rl6ntmp ll1pn•ml ISllO S•O S80 Cf't' Cl'• Crl•la ICardozdl J 00 2.60 C.l•d•-.t ITr"a~ure1 J 40 T•m• n j/ Al\O ri1n • Ml Budd1t'n Sll"f'al11nq Jonn Ju.an Scwrklw. N19n1 Pr-o..-it,.. \fl'n•tor llC:rm•r. f'.ren ty Tip, Snoo1f't•.t Scral<~ -Proper Counl, Noc-turnal -· ve1.e1 ~odV-, Don.' Com~•' U E u<I• J.St..iaMn>I' & t.Gtt CH Crist•, P•ld"4.• H IHTH RACE -J~ yards J vear old• & 119 Claiming Pur~ U . too Aockal~llrr IC6rdotd I 1 00 • 40 1 80 Tnrf'• Clwrs "'""9"' I 28 20 6 70 Myl<lngM.tlot'rlBrookSI •.60 Tlmc-18.t9 AIM> ran -Tonto• Bo Jinglt', Al..,.. Qut', Ml<UI O.w, Ch•rli• euoet, L•'" Luncll. O\ave Tiny No\Crdtc~s U E••cl• ).Rockatellff & t.Tltree CnM\, P1idl52l.l0 AltMdanc• -9.800 One of those instruct· ors, George Mitton or Fountain Valley, says the camp fulfllls an im· port ant need. "Soccer is growing very fast, especially in Southe rn Calif o-rnt a ( 125,000 are expected to play AYSO in 1977), we need camps like this to provide the very best in- struction. I think Greg is providing a muc h - nee ded service to the communi~." says Mil· ton, a printer for a Long Bea ch newspaper. Pat Husted. another instructor, echoes Mit- ton 's feelings. ''I've been involved in A YSO (American Youth Sports Calendar Sund•V IJwty 171 Mrtro li·..-q•.Je b&'\eb.\11 CUC Irvine Alfllfl•<\"" Fulitrton Hom•••,., UC (,.,,,,fl' tdouolthead•r at l"'oon•: Soutnprn C•l1lorl'l.t Cotl•qe llllnQuMd5 "" Gol~ WHI COllPqe Au"'"" at Soutnern (ahlorl'•a (Olh-Of' ldoublt-tlt-.oderal l'oonl. Witfpr polo AAU Natoonals at Ntw1><>rt H•rbor H•Qft Tnorouqnor•d Leaoue IJu~l>all: Tu\ton "' Foun1111n Vallo DodQt'r> •I FV AK Ctr (dOubltnt-· at ••. Ou,_ 11\0ttM V•tW •I Marona High •ctoubl•ht•"'r .i ti. O••nve·Villa P••k vs CO\la NII' .. C3plalnJ "' CO\t• Me\a HolJh ldoubl<'N'a<Mr•t 10a.m 1. WOIT'Pn's sollball: Southern Cahlorn1a lourn.tmf'nl •t Oran.,.,·s H•rl "'•rlt ls.cidlelJllck Stars •I 8 pm ). Mlftdly !July 111 LA911M Bffc:" Left9UIJ l>llSl!etl>llll ($91\ Cl-I• .... MIHlon Viejo •• S;:IO; eap,,,...,, Vellev vs Estancle at 6:0 ; ~ 8e11<:h vs El C•ml"° ttl; D1111tHlllsvs f'001nlll•": ur. Open IJlltlletbell league •I E1tencf• HIQll (Southern Cal Auto vs ~I• MH• Clippers •I , : Sr>eno's D.-s vs Rellablt Lumber •11: 301. Stlltt Ane Hltn IJHkl'tllelt letgut (LA OUllll• vs Ulllw rslty et•; Canyon VI HewPOr-1 H•rl>or tt81. aest Loi ~ft ColltQ9 l:IHltet• 1:1111 IM9ut (0ol0tn West Coll999 YI Etst LosAngeltsal 1:301. Mtlro Lteg11e IJllMINlll COrtnve Cent COii• P'lrtlH VI 5ovtllec'ft Cellfornle College lltnguercU al Ofa1191•1 Hert Parll, Tp.m. I. Haf'11ow"'"buetlell (W.Stm!Mt ... vs Lt Quint• •I FV Rte. Ctr S:lO; Edltooll "'EMM<I• •I TeWlllitle Ptfk S.>0; FCIUl'!eill Velley vs Cost. ~ at TeWll'lltlt P"11 I; ~ .. Mw v~ Huntl"91on Beeclt et Lions Parlt at S.JO; Bois• Gr•ndfl vs Ntwport Harl>Or •t Lions Parlt •181. T~, (JUI• ttl Cost• ~..coront del Mar Leegue l:lasltetl>otll tourn&me<1t at Costa M•'• H1Qh (C:O.-dll Mar VI Coll• Miu •11:45; War-...n N _ _., H•rbor•t S: Foothlll vs El Toro•t6: IS, P•c•llc• VS \/a191'Cl••I 7•301. Open 1>aS1tt11><111 •e•o~ at E'laf\Ci• Hl9h IGt'ne Tunks 'YS Wtsllldt Baro.rs al 7; 8ulld -Grow v\ VenguardSell:301 Huntington 8t•cll btaketbell le•gue at Huntington B••cll H•llh IEstancle vs WestmlMI~ et 6 30: Huntington 0.ac:h vs Mar•n• at 7:4SI; At Edison Hign !Edison vs Lu Amigos at 6:30; Founte1n Valley o ·VIII• P"rk •t 7:4S). Long llff<n Oty Colt.Qe beSUll><lll Fugue ton~ Cout Colleo-vs 0rllf!ge~yAll~arset8p.m I. Metro League l>•ffllell-Goldtn WUt Coll19t RU$tlerl vs L.t Fond" Juniors et SMt• An• Memorlal P•rk et 7p.rn.l. NEW& USED PORSCHE LEASING CAUTHIQPaT BILL YATES, tttc. VW/POISCHI U'l..CSOO .. 'A~ll Soccer Organization) th• past few years in Hunt, ihgton Beach and I fell that by teaching at tbot camp was the least-,t could do for these kids .. 'f says Husted. When 60 kids g e t together at one limo there bas to be some PJ:Ol- blems. but Ghica sa~a discipline is a m iow matter. •·we keep a very tight r ein so we don't have to discipline that often,'( says Ghica. ''We try to ma ke it fun ," ad d s Milton . "Gr eg does not allow a'll cursing and we seld~ hear atly. If some kid does curse, then we harJ to crack down. Althouag the parents are putting out S75 for these kids. we don't pamper them. lS we did they would ~ m e diately take ovef~ They are her e to le~ soccer." says Mitton. .;JI Most of those atten~ ing tbe camp have 1 iif l e a.s t t-w:o years !!,Jf,J per1ence m soccer. ~ or the 120 attending ijle two sessions, 15 we~ girls-mos t of wh w e re g ood s o cc players. And most of the youtlis are intent on learnin)t soccer or advancin~ their own abilities. ~ "We teach the basiC; skills of lhe game and r think we leach it very well. We had quite a fey kids come back tm&- wer e here last year a nd I'm sure a Jot of them · will be back next year. saysGhica. " -. -, . DAILY PILOT Sund• Jut 17, 1977 TO RDl!•!R WHIRi! SHE'S TAAVl!Ll!D Peggy Ho9kln• Coll9Ct•, Ctwrm1, BadgH ( Turtle's Traek Slow-and Easyrolflaska By MICHAEL PASKEVICH Of U. 0.Wlf "llot St.ti Pegay Hoskins' scrapbook or newspaper clippings about her bears the title "This Turtle's Tale," a reference to the reptile that haunted her dreams and caused her to embark on a solo driving trek that has covered nearl v 40.000 miles. With five of her six children grown and on their own. the 6l·ycar· old widow first began having turtle dreams in 1973. IN HER DREAMS SHE saw herself traveling lo faraway places, but never in a plane or in a train. And in each dream there was the ever present turtle who mysteriously appeared amid the scenery. One day the secret revealed itself in a pet store in her hometown of Morton Grove, Ill. As she stood staring at a glass case housing turtles "wailing for them to tell me something" a question from a clerk made it all clear "llow would you Ii ke lo carry your house on your back.," the worn an asked. It was quite simple Mrs. Hoskins gave the young woman a big / hug and a kiss and raced from the store, certain that the befuddled clerk suspected she had gone off the deep end. AFl'ER WEEKS Ot' searching for JUSt the ri ght home to carry with her on her travels. the grandmother of five sold her suburban lO·room home and bought a 23·foot sclf·contarned motor home She d1dn 't know how to dn vc then She left Morton (;rove with her 14·year-olcl son in December of 1974 and has nev~:r rt'lurncd Like a turtle. Mrs. lloskins has taken 1t slow and ea!'>y, crawling down highways that hu\'e taken her to Kt•y West. Fla. across tht- country, south as far as Acapulco. and north up to Alasku In September. 1976. her )OUng son decided to leave aml went to stay with n sister in Culg • .ir) ll was then that Mrs. Hoskins look her firsl and most chall enging solo trip. u dnve along the Alcan Highway up lo Prudhoe Bay. Alaska Al.ONG TllE Pl'ITED gravel road which has a !>pt•ed lim it of 30 miles per hour in some stretches. Mrs. Hoskins viewed the ('Onslruc lion of the Alaska p1pC'linc. which she calls one of her b1~gesl thrills Throughout her travels Mrs. Hoskins tows a car for use when she stays in town with friends. But most of the time she sleeps inside the motor home which contains all the comforts of home: a television. shower. full kitchen. and a CB radio which she uses inf re quently. Loneliness? Well. Mrs llo::.kms admits there 1~ som('. "bul I'd be lonely at home and I don't want to sperid m) ti mt· tulk1ng cibout my aches and pain'> "she says with a smile "I don't get bored. I feel there 1s always something up <tht•ad that's interesting," she said AMONG llER ADVENTURES ha\·e been tal.1ng J hot :.11r balloon ride 1.n Phocm'<. climbing pyramids 1!1 ~.1c'<ll'O .. rnd ndini? a' raft down the Yukon River in Alaska She is now sh1) ing with friends in llunlrngtrin Beach and hope!. to take a ride on the Goodyl':tr Blimp bdort• lt•a\ 1ni.: although ..,hl· ad mils she has a fear of heights An impcrtl:lnt part of each ~lt>p is u St'arch rur momentos to sup pl emcnt the di ary sh<· kccp5 of h{'f travl'ls. ~ht' has a nylon jatkct emblazonE>d with 270 p:.itthcs und hf.'r lll'l'klan .. 1s we1ghtt·d down with more than 100 s1I ver eh arms sh1• h~1s hr)ught along the W:I.\ Mrs. Hoskms 1s unsurp of her nl'xt stop or 1f she ~ill ever settle down. Her only definite pl an is to ~omeday puhl1~h :i book on her travc>ls, provided sht> can find a cartoomst who can sketch a turtll' with personality. ~.~Gold Permits • ;-.. ~elp Campers If you are planning to 11s1l national parks. monument11. or recreation areas managed by the federal govt!rn- 1nent this s ummer. you ('an Sa\'e some money. l • For $10 you con get a pt•rm1t that 1s 1 good for a calendar year adm1tt1ng I you and anyone in your car to any of .l these areas that l'hur~t· an udmit· -1--lance fee. And if you <tre over 62. vou ! ~an get a free permit. · i THESE PERMITS are called l Golden Eagle und GQldeo Ag e • Passports. The Department or In· terlor, which makes them avaUabte, has a free brochure lelling bow you go I about 1etttna these passes. For your t copy, send a postcard to the ; Conaumer Information Center , Dep\.. i ~728'Pueblo, Coll. 81009. TRAVEL You have to apply for a Golden AtH• Passport in per!Jon Cby la'' tf\cy're not available hy mail). And . ~·ou will have lo ~how proof of age. iiuch as state driver's li cense with your birUi date. or a birth certificllte You can get a Golden Age Pa.ssport at most fede ral r ecreation areas, where you 'lo be using it. So you may not need ~ actually get the Passpcrt before ~ginning a vacation trip. ..-; ' ..... ' . "'• .. Ch11r: h Tops HistorJ.. . PUBUC NOl'ICE fllCTITIOU18UIOtUS NAMISTAThdMT TIMI N1'"'11g ---Is *1"9 bu~f. -·•: The name Edgar Allan Poe arouses imaaes of extrav.,ant, pastly tales. Despite Poe't ob- ae11lon with ertm subjecta, tpany still take pleasure in his \torka and come to visit bis final resting place, Westminster Cbureb and cemetery. Located in downtown Baltimore, this old cemetery is one or the most concentrated. patches or history in the United States. Few are aware that llf. teen generals of the Re\>olution and the War of 1812 ~e buried here. West.inlnster's cemetery dates from 1'141 and bas one of the few catacorpbsinthe U.S. JN FACT, visitors can~ lhe catacombs and view a mass grave for Revolutionary ,War soldiers. Such heroic "troops or tbe line" won praise from George Washington during the war and gave Maryland its nickname - The-Old Une-State.-- 0 ne visitor to Westminster comes yearly and leaves a bottle of "very fme scotch" whiskey on the Poe memorial. Church his· torian and Poe scholar, Sam Porpoh, says this visitor is anonymous, but devoted. Porpora delights in telling vis- itors that many of Poe's "most gruesome tales were probably in· fluenced by Westminster, although no biographer has tied Poe to this cemetery. H~ must have spent a lot or time here, vis- iting his family's plot." Porpora s uggests that Poe's story, "The Premature Burial," was influenced by Westminster. HISTORIAN SAM PORPORA BY POE'S GRAVE McOUtlt&'I ICe Ctt EA M PARLOR, 1ti MMll $t., .. ll>N. CA .,.., Jo"" A. McO-., 1'JD VIII• Rffl. ~env-.CAtMJ Tiii• --u II cOl"dlKted •Y .., In· .... IOl!oll. .Joll<'t A. McOulte Tlllt tlal-t W•t filed w11n I~ County Cle•~ ~ ~anoe County on July ,l. ,.,,, ,.,.. Publls!WCI o. • ._ COHt O<llly Pilot, Ju11 10, 11,:u,11, 1t11 2'°6-11 PVBLIC NOTICE "1CTITIOUS 8USINISS N.t.Ma.STAT•MINT Tiit f .. loWl'IQ per-It 001119 bu)I• ...... .,: Mr. Coltr, 211•C Kodlelt SI., Anolltlm, CA '2801 Tllotnls K. Lewi .. Jr .. t21·C Kodiak SI .. AllOllelrn, CA t2I01 T"lt bu$1i.ut II cenductld by.,. 111· dlvlduol. TllOl'l\ll$ K. Lo wls, Jr. , Tlllt 11.i,,..,.nt w" fllOO wllll tlle Covn11 ClertL of Ot.,.. O>ul!ty on J une .... ,, ne111 PublltMO Oranoo Cele" Delly Pllol, July l, 10. 11. t•. 1tn P\18UC NOTICE f'ICTI TIOUS BUSI NHS H.t.Ma '1.t.T•M•NT TM tooowlnQ ~ b OOlllQ buo•· nus'"' CH AMPI ON MOBIL E' POWEAWASH, 21322 Sand Ooll•r L•M, Hlln41ngton Buell, CA. '71>A6 eruct Mlelloel Pukl11I, 11Jn S.NI Oollat l-. MU11t1ngton Buell, CA. 92646 Tnls t>uslnnt Is conduc:tld by "" "' dMdUO I, B•uc• M. f wclnl Thia tllt""""l)WH filed wltll ..... Cou"lY Cltl'lt of0r°"91 Cou/lty on June n.1q11 11nm Publls~ OronQe COHI D•lly Pilot, June 2un0 July), 10, 11, 1911 • ?!SH,! PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITtOUI austNH5 NAMIE ST .t. TIMI NT T,,. IOllOWl'IQ 11tr10M •rtdoillO buSI· MUH: FIRESIDE ASSOCIATES, HI y,.. lo Trucllo. flftw-1 S.t<'ll, CA. 92* Floyd B. Bfor.,lund, •.st Vlsr• Trucna, Htwe>Ort Beach, CA. 92'60 ROber1 L Tllomoson, •10 Vl)la Truc1>e, ......_,. lkocll, CA. '2'60 Edward s. Foley, .. 70 Alat~r. D•l¥e, WOOOI-Hiiis, CA. '1»4 ·'There were 18 premature burials here. because the cemetery was a hobo's jungle," he sai({. They would come here and open the doors to sJeep inside the tombs, but many or the tomb doors had spring locks on them. and they would shut accidental- ly, locking the person inside-'· Porpora also believes an un u "u a l tomb located in the cemetery inspired Poe's pcem. "The Raven." three miles from BaJlimore. Dur· ing the War of 1812. while the British attacked the rort. Francis Scott Key witnessed the battle and was inspired to write "The Star·Spangled Banner." . '"" bU>IMU ,, (Ondu<t&d bv .. Williamsburg, in 1781. Virginia's 11•,..••l1NtrtMrs111p. liberty bell in the Bruton Parish Tiiis :~~:!:'!'!~~eel wltn llW Church rang out the news of the county c1 ... 11o10r-. "°""'"'o" JU<\~ Declaration or Independence 19• "11 FTl lH after Cornwallis' surrender at Pub"""° 0ranve cont O•"Y P••o1 Yorktown. Ju11J,10 11. 1•. "" Pennsylvania churches firmly _________ 17_92_·1_1 established the princi ple of re-PUBLIC NOTICE THE SEA captain buried in the to m b was ci founde r of the Rosicrucian order in the U.S .. a movement devoted to psychic begun in the 17th century. This sea captain's ship was named Pallas. Greek for the goddess of Nearby is the Star·Spangled Banner FlaJ( House Museum, former home of Mary Young Pic kersgill . who made the flag which flew o\•er Fort McHenry. In fact . throughout Geor ge Wa s hington Country Maryland, Delaware, Penn- sylvania and Virginia his· toric sites abound. ligious freedom in this country.---------- wisdOfn. • Jes uits and Quake r s both FICTIT10UUUSIHHI l bl . h d h ' 1 • NAME STATEMENT es a is e t cir ear Y meeLing ,,,. 1011owong "'"s.ons arec1o1no bu~•· houses in the city of Philadelphia nm.I\ where the first black preachers e11,:~.~N~~~1:1~~~1~~r~J.~· ~:~ in America came out of St. Fount~.,. RNI E~ldte'1"corpora1. George's Methodist Chur"h ad.• C&IHornl• corporation, 1os11 en .. ~ • A.,.. Fouot•lnValiey,C.lll.n70ll Porpora asks. "Is it a coin c1de nce that Poe's raven sits on a bust of Pallas in the poem. and that the subject in the poem is studying 'many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore· in the second line of the poem?" VIRGINIA IS particularly proud of its churches which are political an d religious landmarks. The oldest Protestant church Thi\ busJn~s IS conducted by. C0<--11 · I f h-oor.itoon ~ti serving as a.p ac.e o wors ip """"1ainRHtElt•t•lnc . m North Amen ca is the Fort NrwtonG. M•.,.•· Prn. Christiana (Holy Trinity) Church '"" 1 .. ..,,.,.,,, ..,., 111ec1 "'"" '"• f ded . 698 W'I . CountyClel1tofOrtn9CCOunlyonJU11• oun m l at 1 mmgton, 11. 1911 In St. John 's Churc h in Ric hmond, Virginia. Patrick Henry delivered his famous "Give me liberty or give me death" spe ec h Nearby in Del. "'*111 F . PuDh~IWCI 0r•"91! Coast o .. IY P1lc>1. Many visitors also enjoy stop- ping at Fort McHenry, a national monument and historical shrine ( or more mformat1on. write J111, J, 10, 1u•. m1 - George Washington Country, 2960·71 O n e East Cary Street. Richmond. Virginia 23219 > PUBLIC NOTICE Chinese Require Invitations FICTITIOUS 8U51NESS NAM• STAT•MENT '"' fo11-1ng o.rson ts 00tno t>us• ~,, .. \ HEW LIFE TA8ERNAClE. 1M11 M••n SI . Huntinoton BthKh, (A '1648 Un1ltd Pentecostal Cllurcll. ,. (9'ltforn1.:; coroor•t•on. 18971 Main St HU"llftglon 0.Kll, CA. 97MI By STAN DELAPLANE SAN PRANCISCO If a visit to Red China is your cup of tea. CP Air (Canadian) has been very successful getting visas for .. \mericans. Usually in groups. Occasionally 1ntl ividuals : "We got a visa for an American psychiatrist and his wife " C3unch of California teen.agers fl ew over a week ago (at group rates). In Hong Kong. CP Air took them to the border where Chinese tourist people put themoo the train for Peking. "Chinese were very polite and helpful. .. C P Air offices <in all big Ameri.can cities) will look into your prospects. <They get visa information from the Chinese Em· bassy in Ottawa.) Write for a leaflet: ''Tips on Getting a Visa into China." CP Air, San Francisco In· ternational Airport. San Francisco. CA 9·tl28. It's free. , 1 * * • CmNESE DO NOT want journalists or nosy individual tourists poking around. I've made a dozen applications. Ottawa Em· bassy and China Travel office in Hong Kong ~imply don't answer. Wtilked into the travel office in Hong Kong (on Peking Road behind the grand old Peninsula Hotel): "Who invited you to visit China?" said the desk girl. I said: "I don't kno\f anybody in China .• But if I can get a visa, maybe I can meel somebody to invite me." She said: "Sorry. You m'ust be invited first." That IS inscrutable... sO back to the Peninsula's famous lobby -<where Good Guys CIA and such -sat on one side of the room and Bad Guys -s muggle rs etc. -sat on the other> and ordered a stiff Scotch ~ Foiled again. * * * "The phrase ·see Naples and Die': Is it because there is a nearby island called 'dje' or •dt'? That the saying has nothing to do with expiring after seeing the glories or Naples? (I have a bet on this.)" For you the bell tolls. Not <1n island An Italia n proverb. "See Naples and die'' like drop de ad. "Vedi Napoli e poi muon .. <I love questions like this that I can answer Il gives a touch of culture. And I might gel that Chinese visa after all > * • • ... believe there is some country where you can get. yourself a title • ..-;--." Many small countries Central America etc. -tack a "Doctor" on your na me if you go t hrough a short college course. For $5 you can be ordained by mail in sever al churches in the U.S. a nd thereafter call yourself .. Reverend So·and· so." You can become a Mohammedan. make the pilgrimage to Mecca. and be ever a fter called "Hadji." You can. join the Army and be ''Private." Otherwise I never heard of it. Americans aren 't allowed to assume foreign nobility titles. • * • ''Have you anything on gold panning ln the Mother Lode?" California weekend gold panning's not so good this year. Not enough rain and runoff to move the nuggets that are still hid· ing. T I'll\ b\J''"''i f\ tonduct.O Dtf , CO' .. por•t•°" UnllJ!CI Pe"IKMl•I Cnurc" Ju.>nll• W. Rud<kll, "'°' Th•\ •""-nl 9'1h 111.i<I will> Th• County CltM< of Or~Countv on Jun• 21. ,q,, F71UI Put>ll~l>MI 0tdnQf (O<l't Daily Pflot June ?b <Ind Julv J. 10. 11. 1'11 1HS I' PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSIHISS NAME STATEMENT l n. tollowtnq Ptrsonl ore d01n9 bu\1- neti~ ., HARBOR lAWN MEMOIHl>l PARK, 16>S ut•lt< Ave .. COSld M"S" CAn6'6 .... ,.bOr i::t~~• ~rmorl•I Pttrll, a rt1htorn1.l Ct"""C'fHV Coroor•t•on. H:•1) r., ... .,""" Co.MM•s•.CA91U6 Tn•s t>usnw>s ~conducted by• cor· DOrdllon H1roor llt\f M(l'mOf'iel P'9r~ f1yHononro. T fl.,..~n Pr•s lll•J •1•1-t w,,./ t,1..., wl1n ti.. Coun1y C1tr• of °'""9t Counly on Julv ! 1971 PuD"'""" Or~--Coa>I OJ•IY Pllol JUl'f IQ, 11.1•. )I 19/7 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTIT10U$ au SI NESS NAM.i STAT•M•NT r "• 1011owtno person• •re c1o1119 busi· ftfl\\ it\ • PHOTOGRAPHY UNLI MITED 'NC .. 1 ... Beach Blvd., Hu111l11910<1 9ucn. CA. •a.1 Pnol09•tPlly U"llmll~d Inc., e C•lllornle co•DO;et•on. 16'8'1 BH<.TI 9••d . Hvn111191°" 8Uc:ll, C"-'1~1 Th1\ bU~ltl('H IS conductltd bv" COt· POrfltlOn PH()TOGl'AP .. Y l.INLIMlfeOll:!IC. ll'll~ '111......,t w .. fllld with '"" Count v Cler~ of Or~ Covnty on J11t1~ 11, 1911 fl"174 Publl•"ed 0..0flfft C:O.lt OM" l"lrol, July J, 10, 11, 1', 1911 *1'1f Ae•I at•t• .. Queatlons/Comment By ftandatl Mccardle, PhD. Reattor Tbttl" uenu• tv me w lK" many unknuwna ln buyln1 rt"al nlale. Tbl1 car me. I reall1~ thf'rc arf' ma.Dy 1.c·tor" 1ovt-rnln1 rtal e tat0 and many fattla Lo each fnlor Am I too o\l••r('unct'rned? I dg't want &o lf'l m)'•tlf low 1omethln1 and be sorry. L.M.lt., Coata Mesa WbenevPr you t·onlt'rn!JIUlt' buyln1 real estate. )OU autom"LJcally are faced with M bundle or condi· hons, rithta, te1al re•trlcllon!I, c.'Uljements and less tantible ractora thilt might scuu YoU tr they were true buard1. In tact, not knowinl( how extensive they are could indeed scare you Thu unknown 1~ .i I ways hardest to I ace Fortwiately. in t.:alltorma a whole orgamzcd system of laws de!l1gncd lo protect the real estate buyer from unknowns has been developed Whilc tbey cannot protect bad Judgement, they do at least SJ!l forth a procedure that must be followed to transfer uUe legally California's first comprehensive real estate Law was drawn up some 50 ,Y'e1lt'S ago by members of the CAR working wath members of the state legislature, to provide such protection. It becamc the model for many other state.s The taws are there to protect you Your Realtor and his attorney working together can penetrate even Lhe most difficult and tangled situation. T HE REALTORS WERE INTERESTED tn making the process safer and therefore more widespread. Self interest? Yes, but enlightened self interest is onl! of thl• forces that keeps our free en· terprise system functioning One result of lhc new law was lhat real estate agents became licensed by the state. giving the prospective buyer or seller assurance that the agent is acquainted with the busic laws relating to real estate. This began a proi.:css that has become increasingly more demanding as candidates take e~aminations for a real estate broker or real estate s~lesman li cense In addition, the CAH. to which the realtor belongs. is continually sponsoring educational courses held throughout thl· state These go into the practical aspects of real l''>lalc investment, taxes. rnarket analys1~. and other fac·lors that need to be \Ulderstood THE STATE COLl.E<a:s. JU~IOR COllE'~es. Univers1t) uf Caltforn1.1 and many of the priv;llP u111vers1l1es :.incl collegt'" an· adding coursc:-. dl• signed lo makl' real t·st.ill• lill'lbt·c.s more ~xpert and more up lo dall• 111 tht•1 r me: hods How does all lhh affC'el you when you think of buying real estule'! Tht• laws an<1 regulatwns which have evolved have mallc 1t ea~y :rnd s .. re to huy real estate. within n·asi>n 'I lw bu\ t•r and ~ei:cr must ~now or qu1 d.ly h·arn th at lht.•i·t• an· Slll'h things as grant ckl'cls, 11th· 1n~u1·trnce polic1l:!:s. easements, ZOn ing reslri<'l 101\S. ('I)\ !'OUntS, mOrlga~e Conditions :l,llcl otht'r tools usl'd 111 the ownership and transfer or proper!). Bul lhL' biggl'sl dfcct this has had on buyers and sellers i:s lo offl•r them a whole body of trained people. lo :1dvisc them , guide them, and assure them that they arc gelling the facts they need to Jl)ake a proper JUdgemenl YOU CAN BE SURE THAT lhe legal facts of tt}e transfer are not being overlooked. 1L lets you tocus on the intangibles when you buy. ls the loca- tion good., Is the zoning likely to change? What are populat10n trends. school plans, pricing curves and Qlhl'r factors affecting Lhe future of the property" i\eal estate use. development and management is rapidly becoming a mature science. and like mo<>l sciL•nccs. of l>L·1wf1t to all of us 1n .someti mes ~ ~urpn-..ing ways ,• Vigorous R esales S een Across U.S. WA!-;lllNGTON Continued vigorous activity id the n•sail• home.• nwrkL•t and a less-thfln·expected iocn.·:u ... 111 the median price of existing homes have been n•µorlccl by the National Association of Realtor~ • In its monthly ex1st1ng home sales report, the ,·~sociat1on 's Dcp;irtmL·nt of Economics and Re~l':1rch reported resale lran:wctions in May total· Klg .1bout 333,000 single.•. family units. On a seasonal- ly adJuslL·d annu al ba!:ii-... sales would total 3,450,000, 23 percent above last May·s annual rate and 45 per- cent ahead of the May 1975 I<.·\ el Valencia Plan for Retirees Retlreea may choose from a variety of noor plans with immediate oc· cupancy aullablt at Villa Valencia, t.ht IUX· ury r~ttrement apartment /hotel In Laguna Hilla. The retlrement villa 111 now two-lhlrds occupied and there is a waltinl llat for some plans, so ln· terested rente r s are urted to make an early selection. Villa Valencia offers apartmenta on a monthly rental or lease basis with coats ranging from $650 to $1,400 per month and no cash investment or entrance fee required. FOUR FLOOR plans with optional kitcbenetle are featured and tbe un· its may be rented furnished or un - furnished. A complete list of interior appoint· ments designed for safe· ty and convenience is in· eluded. Monthly rentals in· elude complete daily meals. paid utilities, dai· ly maid service, Z4·hour health-care supervision, local transportation and group and recreational activities. Villa Valencia is locat· ed at 24552 Paseo de Valencia. adjacent to tbe Laguna Hllls Mall and within walking distance of shops and services. in· cluding Saddleback Valley Hospital INTER ESTED re tirees are invited to at tend regularly scheduled Sunday open houses from l to 5 p.m., with tours of the facilities. The retirement apartment/hotel may be . easily reached by taking the San Diego Freeway to the El Toro Road exit in Laguna Hills, which becomes Paseo de Valencia. Continue past the shopping center to Villa Valencia, directly! south of Sears ,Roebuck. • Sunda • Ju 17, 1977 ... \ our raople Are ao1na Placasl The Record-Setting President's Council enjoy a festive , all-expense-paid Hawaiian. Holiday. These happy people ea rned membership in the prestigk>us President's Council for their outstanding sales efforts in 1976. Not only are they going places monetarily at Walker & Lee, but physically.as well. This exciting trip to Maui for members and their spouses included many memorable hours of relaxation, fun and ca maraderie. The beautiful Sheraton Maui provided the Hawaiian hespitality for many evening social get- togethers. The days were filled with golf, swimmi ng, picnics, fishing trips, sailing, sigtit seeing, plus festive dinners and of course, a famous luau. where to next? This c,ame group will soon spend an activity packed week-end at the Hotel Del Coronado resort in San Diego. At Walker & Lee, we apprecia te our top producers, Jnd we prove our appreciation. Individual sales Jchievement 1s rewarded on many levels and in many ways. If you want to start going places, now is the time to join your ca reer to the winners at Walker & Lee. Call one of our local managers who can explain all the benefits of being J part of 1he nation'c, largest independent residential real estate company, or Larry Blodgett, Director of Personnel. (714) 776-9350. ' Walker & Lee Real Estate 10,237 Homes Sold in 1977* Administrative Offices: 1477 South Manchester Avenue, Ani1t'teim, California 92802 •net sales through July 3, 19n We are having a To a nno unce that.Title Ins urance and Trust is now in Newport Beach. 'Ve have just opened a Title Office to service the greater Newport Beach area. The office offers a full ra~ge of title insurance services. And, in ord er to meet the rapidly chang!Q.g, needs of Orange Coun.~Y'. TI has move~ the· Trust Department to the Newportj3each facility. ______ ........... ··-r·--·· . ·'!'!?. •. ' . l . ... ··-·--·-~ I .. ~· I ·---·~j I .,. --~-·--.. --·-··-····--·········--+--· - ----.. -·-· I ... I.~ ····::.·.~~=·-·-·~ ~·---~ -~--1 .~.:..--·· .---1 '~ .-··-···-1 1 --i ~ '-----! : ··-I .. ~--_.,......---,·-I -1--~ J __ ~ .. -·-i .>-.2-_J. ~~i 1~ ! _____ ..,..,.... ----·· I ,,,, I i ~·-___ __... _____________ ""_ ·•··. .•. ~ TITLE INSURANC:E ~ AND TRlJST . . !:.~a ~~ I A TICOA CX>MMNY • Sunda . Ju 17, 1977 KIDS TEST TURTLE ROCK PASEO IN IRVINE New Turtle RockPaSeo Now Open ~ The second link in what will become • four·mile·lonl(, tree· lined pedestrian and cyclist cor· rldor tr aversing the Irvine village of Turtle Rock ls now complete and open for public use. · The first portion of the Turtle Roe k Paseo, extending from Willia m R. Mason Regi'onal Puk, on the village's northern boundary, to Turtle Rock Drive, was completed and opened in m id· December. The newest length of the cor- ridor to open extends beneath Turtle Rock Drive by means of a pedestrian underpass and wends its w ay throu g h th e ne w neighborhood of Turtle Rock Glen toStarcrest. RANGING FROM 75 to 200 feet in width, the p aseo is in fact part of the drainage system. The trail w i ll acco mmod a t e non - motorized travel within the village, connecling residences with several schools, parks and ultimately the village shopping center planned for the early 1980s. Rancho San Joaquin Villas Being Built The key element in the paseo i,s a n 11-foot -w id e con c r e te pedestrian and cycle path. This will be complemented with a series of benches, 1,700 newly p la nted t rees and attractive li ghting units. The future southern terminus for the village-wide paseo will be a 20-acre public park being de- veloped by the city of Irvine. Work on this public facility is currently expected to get un- der way around August. Construction is under way on Irvine P acific Development Company's Villas al Rancho San J oaquin, 144 adult condominiums on a 14.S-acrc site near Cuh•cr a nd Mi chelson Drives in the adult recreational onenll'd com· munity of Rancho San Joaquin, acco r ding to Jame !> Montgomery, proJCCt manager for the r rv1nc Company '!> homcbutlding unit. phasize enclosed atriums and high ceiling volum es. Designed by the architectural firm ofCorbin-Yamafugi. the one and two story residences will present contemporary Spanish architecture with while stucco and tile roofs. Front entries will be private courtyards oriented to quiet pedestrian paths similar to homes on Lido Isle, Mont gomery stated. TH E PEDESTRIAN un-· derpass beneath Turtle Rock Drive is one of two tunnels de· :,1gned specificall y lo separate and protect foot and bike traffic from automobiles, according to Ford. In all, eight sections of the rib- bon-like park arc planned, with new links being added as Ule \'illage grows. Com pletion of the entire system is scheduled for some time in 1982. with comple· ti on of the vill age itself. The one and two-bedroom. two- bath homes will ran1ie from l.145 to 1.524 square feet and will em- Models will open in January 1978. Irvine Pacific Development Company is currently taking names of int.?rested people . " legant ranch -estates on a country acre. . ~~;;_~ -'~ .C-'' '>'~~~ ~~ .~ ........... ~· ~/ . -,,_ -' ~· . . .. . :\" ~-'. -I -. .:$.1 µ -• "" :d ~ r~ \.-.,,~ ·~ I 1 .... ~ ~ ~~1. :.>'::> ,. · . ~ = .---....,.·.., .~ -~Jz ~ --'.!'.'.--=~ ~~· --:.;,.;:r.a~('/ .. tr' ,1,, -:;;- •• ,._ • n ._, ~ "'i;~~ L, ~ l· ~~ I I -~•4\/ ••• bl.,.~I~(,!... ..e.,,, ~.,.__, ~~;( ., ~~1.r:::::,,f"'ij.~· -I .. • .. r... .t}. .-""· ,. • ....-I n ''f _-/, ~ I '_..., .-... . a ., ' ~ ~ . l .,.. '" , •. _,,>4-, I C'\ .l.---1 '· '.-... ---• • <~·"' "'. ~ i'· ...) - An opportunity like this may only come along but once: Dramatic masterfully-designed ranch style hom~s gracefully nestled on gently rolling or terraced one acre lots with total useable space. There's room enough to accent your home with a swimming pool or tenni·s court or even both. Or perhaps a corral for your favorite saddle horses is more to your liking. Whatever the preference, the land is all yours to enjoy to the fullest. With the community defined by white rail fencing and Interwoven with extensive bridle trails and beautiful eucalyptus trees y~u'll be reminded of . Kentucky Blue Grass country. And there are more~emlnders like winding . circular drives, country lane streets and turn-of ·the-century stteet Jlghting. Now look at the classically-built homes themselves. A limited collection of · 35 imposing 4 and 5 ~edroom ranch estates that reflect the land's rich tradition and romantic heritage. The architecture is distinctive with elevations up to 12!?' w'de and floor plars featuring up to 3540 square feet~ Luxury amenities Include elegant double entry doors with leaded glass Inserts, sculptuted brick fireplaces, French patio windows and doors, jewelry safes, ml~ro-wave ovens, dual-zoned air conditlonf ng, antique faucets, country-styled hardwood cabinets, laundry rooms, guest suite, 3-car garages, old·f ashioned verandas and more ••• so ntllch more. P.romlse yourself to visit LazyCreek soon. It's a.very special place that you and your family wm want to call home for a long time to come. ~ Ptices range from $195,000 to _$239,000'"~ .. -... If You Missed Marina ,Del Rey, Lido, Maui or Balboa ... You Can Still · Live o ·n A Marina 50 New Condominiums For Sale This Week at Oceanside Marina from $104,500 N ow. an opportunity to purcha!>e a brilnd new yiew condominium home in one of th~ South- land's finest on the·sea locallons ... the prestigi- ous Mannd Club dl beautiful Oceanside harbor. STATEMENT //us t/irn• lt'Or <Jld b111/l~1114 lius bt:'t:'ll 1111•C11t•l·d 111 /111r1c11io11 c111rl lws JU!>/ 11011· "·«'11'1 ·d u//1cro/ S11tt! /A>p11rtr ll<'flt of Ht!ol f ~rot.• opprol'll/ fur ~ole It 111t:'n11:, lllll rill! l'itrl' todnl' nt three t't'nr ,,r,j /)I ( ('~ '" th1~ '" ., ... , (1~(1111 ()II the ic(lt('r /ocC1l11111 l1111111•cl11111• U((1tpo111:l'. '""· /rn tho:.t! !Jtt!Cll s1111111wr 1IOl'S ollt'nd Dow:. up<111 pt IV 00 AM tocfm.:. SAN CLCMLNTL \ MRRINR..-i( cwr>~ , \ OCEANS ID Located appro\11l1cl tdy halfv.·ay between boom· 1119.0rdngl' County cH1<.I exciting San D1t'go. thl.! Munna Club is one of the ld~t on the·wc.lter loca· t1ons in oll of Southern Cc;1hforn1cl . ii'!> ,.in oppor· tu111ly lh<'t w;i: n~V('f h.i1)1wn <.1go111 .• md 11 ·::. cwciilable to you this weekl•nd. ,Just t<1kt' lhP Scm Diego Freewily to 1111• Oct'.lll· side I lclrbor off I ornp .. doors open di 'u no A.M today. WEST COAST PACIFIC Exclusive Real Estate Sales Agents Every unit a view! A Never Again Opportunity Here you will enjoy the ultimate in privacy and . ' .. •' clll the dmenities of a privt1te club atmosphere. Relax with club members m the gracious "First •! Cabin .. club room. spo. !jym. pool and sauna ... and. best of all. a lux uriour, one or two bedroom ·.~ home thJt overlooks on~ of the most breathtak-:. 111~ views you'll hnd an1iWhl!re in the \.VOrld. .. Sail. Boat... ·:~, Look out to the harbor. the quaint fishing village ~. dnd the unique !>hops of lhe marina. or out to ._. . I' the !>t>d and II<> c\it'r changing ~cene. Boat slips . ~. ~ d\<ltlablc ... Buth golf <H1d tennis ne.:irby ... Walk · tu the bedch! Don't Delay Thert! ha::; never been anything quite like the Mdnna Club .and. mo:.t importantly to you. there never v.1111 be dnything like 11 3gain! Act tlm; wl!ekend. MARINA~(: GLUD~ 1200 Harbor Drive North Oceanside: Calif 92045 Sales: Phone 714/722-1555 Enjoy Full Service Retirement Living With NO INVESTMENT! ~ vn~~R~~?.~~~2~!,0 Orange County's Retirement Apartment Hotel With 'l'eiu)er . Loving doneerfi '\\] Te-nder loving Concern • At Villd Valencia we u nders1and (etlrement's special needs. Thal'$ why life ' here is so complete; quiet or itlmula1ing, private or · socW. "at hom6" or highly mobile. Whatever ~uns you best, you'll find it here ... <1long with T.L.C. . • ·,<;f.J "V Rentill includft meMJ",ordered from a menu' Meals are dellciou' with ii variety of choices for differing tastes. Dally maid service is included, as well as all utillti~. ~Our own mln'-bus for mobile fun .ind conve11ience. If you don't dtlve. you'll still get around jtnt u much .s you like I Or walk to nearby shopping m.ill and fin.incl.ii services. ~Health c..ve -we're prepared. Our. staff . ~ ~re trillned In basic health care. There is a .,.,._.,.· •• ed nurse on duty it 111 times, and there'u doctor 4-hourall,~ '\\] O~r full·time Social Acllvltin Director arranges tours, mov1M Jnd orlwr Kroup lune rion~. r acilhies for the popular rec-rr.111on,1l J<.11v11tC\ arc .ill right he·re a1 home, tool \.\'Y Costs --lower than you think. Because so much 1s mduded, your rent buy\ much more of 1he &ood life at Vill.i Valenc1.i .. and wt1hout d1~1urblng your uvings for a down p<1ymen1 or Jny olh<'f.kind of entrance fee. This mea~ .111 yoor ~dv1ni1~ t.m go nghl on working for yout Rentals from 5650 per month _ Owned and personally operated by those who serve you. : . . ! ... ...._ .. Suhday, Juty 17. 1977 .. -_...., DAILY PtLOT M · PVBUC. NOTICE Housiµg Equality Ey~d-. FHA.May .Up 0 Mortgage Limit P'ICT1TIOUSaUSIHllS HAN\8 STATIM&NT The IOllOWlllQ ~--... 11Hf6 -·~ •• t. STAMI' Of' AHrtfN"4 ~T.U. MAltKETIHO. 411 w..t Diii-ire S...t• AM, C..lll•ftia tm7 O•r<y H. H•ll. 121'1 T Gtto.n~c..i11-··~ o.1ew.Ht11,1mo.191e w ASHINOTON -While l•Qeralb 1ndonlna • Admln11tradon'1 tw>ualnf altalety for low in· mt famWtt. Ult NatJonaJ AllaoclaUoo of Home ollden CNAKB> 11y1 equal atU:AUoo muat bo ven to the bowlln1 need.a ot bJue collar worken nd otlMr' aHr•1• income famlUea who have been ced out of the market tn recent ye art. Vondal Gravlee, a home builder from Birm· 1bam, Al•bama, and vice prealdent•lrtuurer ot e NA.JIB, tuUO~ before Hou .. bea.rtnca on UD'a budcel request for flacal 1978, which betlnl t. l. l .. 1'11£ NATIONAL HOUSING ailuahon has pecome complicated in recent years by infhttlon mailer Houses puahtni "P mort1•1e lntereet rat.a and construe· Uon coat.a, alona with real estate and other taxes •ad uUllty coat.a, beyond a correspood1n1 increase ln f amlly lncome," Grav lee said. "Tbua, the J>ro- blem of provldJn1 bouainl alfordable to mi.UIQris of. low and moderate Income familles, bas escalated into a complex question of provlcUn1 houtlng to a wbole ranie of middle-income familles." . REAL ESTATE . Gravlee expressed disappolntment that HUD C Wll not seeking release of $S blWon ~8f the omwner Brooke-Cranston mortgage purchase program,· which provides 7~ percent interest rates for middle ·s income buyers. This money would help erevent. 11.rl'JP.'\/' another collapse in housing production in the event ----.I of a mortgage money squeeze or sudden rise in in· terest rates which "may well occur in 1918, .. he Talk Set said. • WASHING TON . -By lnereaaiog mortga1e llmlta and reduclnr down PQment requlrementa under the FHA mort1a1e luurance pro1ram1, tho 1ovemment could create new homeownership OP· portunltles tor tbouaand1 of moderate and middle income famllles. . ,._.M, C411fWnla .,._ .... .,,.o.~Jr_"f_. ·--,,..,..., (lallfemla tU1' , ... IMlllMM " <•eiictlll geNral ,,.,_nNfl 1 1 0.19W.H.it Tiiis It-I wH fllel C-ty '*" "'Or .... c-ttr u. "" PllbllWld Or .. CMtt o.at -I"'""·"''·...,..,..,. ttn · Tb1s propQeal was made toda.y by Robert Ar· qutUa. of suburban Chicago. prM!dent of the Na· tional Assoel•tion of Home Builders <NAHB>, before a "°"'" subcommittee bee.ring of the Com· mSttee on Banklna, FiDance and Urban Aff alrs, The committee ts hearing teaUmony on housing authorization legislation for &cal 1978, which P1mnouuus1N1sa beilJlS Oct. 1. . . HAMUTATIMINT Arquilla noted that aince the present FHA ne!!':~1owi119 •10" .. ,..°'*"._. aln1le family mortga1e limit of $4$,000 wu last in· Au olo coN uoi. 001. creased the sales price of a typical FHA home in· :~~~'.~.~=.~~•°"""'._ creased 41 percent. He urged Coogreu to raise the · Au ... M.c Wolff, ms""'"-~ FHA mortaa10 limit to '60,000. ::: bu •s.• eo.i. -... CA. A panel discussion of w.., .... o.v1• 01<k1n-. 277J..._ the recently completed FHA DOWN PAYMENT requirements also ~~~,,,. ~.i.•s.tOJ.c.u-. Consumer Attitude must be reduced "or manyfamiJles will find FHA This bus'"'"''~-• Survey will take plac~ at programs are useless to them, unless they have oe11er.i e:r:-i::.:::_.. Monday's meeting of the substantial cash reserves with which to meet the n.11 11.i-t w~ rtled ...... ' Home Builders Council hefty down payment requlreminl.$," he said. HUD coun1yc'"'""°'~c-cy.,,.. BUT GRAVLEE NOTED THAT only a handful at the Airporter IM. has made the same recommendation. '· im ...,,.., Gravlee cited the Section 23S home ownetiahip program as one of the best laws on the books to cope with this affordability crisis of moderate and low in· come families. Under this program, the govern· mentsubsidizes interest rates as low as five percent. orecast in 1980s • SAN FRANCISCO <AP 1 The energy crunch The study, which was As far aa other housing programs are con· P11b1 .. -0r~ eo.si o.11y Plio.. t• eans houses or the 1980s will be sm.aller and many of Section 235 units have been started since the pro· com m1·ss1·oned by the cerned, at least for the immediate future, NAHB J11ne1•.-Jutyl.10.11,1'n 21M-n ·11 f t I h t h It t gram was reactivated in October, 1975. Production 1 ea ure so ar ea mg, a ousmg consu an Orange County Chapter. sided with HUD Secretary Patricia Harris who sup. P:CLIC NOTICE f could be stimulated under this program, he said, by . uu ays. reducing the down payment requirement to 3 per· Building Industry As· Ports the concept that HUD and Congress work , "Probably some IO percent of homes built in the cent, increasing the interest rate subsidy, removing sociation, was compiled together lo implement and fund fully a wide-range f 80s will have some kind of solar heating," the requirementlhat qnly 40percent9f the homes in from over 1, 100 in· of programs that are already on the books, making athaniel H. Rogg told the 57th annu~I conference a subdivision can be financed under 235, and in· terviews with ootentlal whatever modifications are necessary to improve l'tCTITIOUS 8UStNUS NAME STATIMENT the National Association of Mutual Savings creasing the mortgage limits. especially in the high new home buyers. their effectiveness. anks. costs areas of the northeast and California. Panel members will be The Section 235 program, which subsidizes Th• toHowtnQ penon u doing bllsi· MUii~ R EAi. E STATE APPRAISAi. COMPANY, 10211 Sl•lcr Ave.,.-. t•ln V•114>V. CA 92108 · industry experts~ Ken· mortgage interest rates for moderate income • "But considering the expense. · .. :.ome kind of However, he praised the efforts of HUD's new neth w. Agid, vice presi· families, was described by Arquilla as one of the Warren K, HOPPk•. 11'192~1 = o 1 s, Hunt•nvton Be.en. CA ~x incentive or other stimulus will probably have administrators for attempting to turn statistics into dent sales and market· government's most effective homeownership p'ro-f be introduced to bring use age lo this level.'· actual housing starts under the Section 8 rental as· in g. Jr vine pact f i c grams. He supported HU D's proposal for increas· ·!I Rogg, a former vice president of the National sistance program for low income families. NAHB Development Company; ing maximum mortgage limits to make the pro· jssociation of Home Builders, also said that the urged Congress and the Administration to "re· Lester Goodman, presi· gram more workable. Thll buJ.IMH ll conctucl..:I I> dlYodu•I. W¥rf!fl IC. HoDPk• • This •lalemenl w .. \ lllf'd witll th<' County Clerk~ OrenQ<e County on Jyly .~rinking American family will play a role in the orient"lheprogram to new production, instead of re· dent of Lester Goodman · t sign of housing through the next decade. lying on existing housing. Only about 41,000Section 8 Associates; Mark Gram, B AkRQCUILLAto AIM> RE~~Mb ENDED that the housing starts had been recorded in the program's manager of the market· roo e-rans 0 program, wiuc provides ?It~ per- t.1917. # F l Publt\hrd O.~nqe C0ct>I Daily 1. July 9, 16, 23, JO. 1'17 1966-77 "ln general, one can assume that lower popula· first2· \12years. ing Research Depart-cent mortgage money for middle income home on increases tend to decrease housing require· ment, the Irvine Com· buyers, be extended on a stand.by basis so that it PUBUC NOTIC~ I) ents." he said. ''On the other hand, smaller NAH.B also urged Congress to allow private pany, and c. Robert Per· could be triggered anytime housing production fell milies, or fewer persons per household, mean a builders to participate in the Section 202 program . ryman, vice president, below a certiµn level. "If such a program had been rger housing demand, but probably not for the for the elderly. Presently, the program is limited to Hubbert Advertising and on the books in 1974, jt might have been possible to P'ICTIT'IOUS BUSINESS "" i NAMESTATEMINT t.ul T ... IOll-lf'O PtfSOft Is OOlnfl!Usl- ame kind of u1:11ts." non-profit sponsors. public relations. prevent things from getting'as bad u they did." On-.,._ ________ .:._ _________________________________________ ly 1.1 million starts were recorded in 1975, a 30-year ntssu· • MET•MORPHOUS, .. S So. ~,1 Hwy ... ..,..,.,. BHcll. CA 91651 J•nnttle lodmfll. 8'S So. dilrit ONLY 9 Left in Phases I & D! Homes to match the mood of Lake Forest. Created in a se- cluded setting, Influential Homes are embraced by the natt1ral beauty of this woods and water wonder- lftn,t And 1\ward-winning Butfot design achieves new heights of eleganct'. Herr. are archi\ectural clu .. ic• ir. '\ choice of 1 & 2 story r.Jana.. :~ & 4 bedrooms and 2 & a baths -~s h in apaco and th~ ~y!aplen<lored amen itil'• Uiat mark prestigious, cuatom· quality homes by Butler. Highlighted by: up to thrte J low. ' Arquilla also urged Congress to consider some new subsidy concepts that would assist the millions of young working families, particularly first time buyers, who have been priced out of the market. "The national housing situation has been com- plicated in recent years by innation pushing up mortgage interest rates and construction costs. along with real estate and other taxes and utility costs, beyond a corresponding increase in family in· come." he said ... Thus, the problem ot providing housing affordable to millions of low and moderate income families. has escalated into the complex question of providing housing to a whole range of middle-income families unable to afford the me- dian priced home." Hwy ,LagllNBe.C:h.CA.916SI -. T "''' bu\IM'Sli •i conducted by .~ ,,;. dlvodual • Jallntll~ LOCl"'4'11 I! Thi\ 'trlten'\f'rU WO~ f 1I"'° Wtlf\ *"4' Counly Cl~rk ol OrM>ge CountyonJJ.lt' 11 107 l••" F111l0 Pubthho!O <>"•~ C<>.t~I Oa11v fllol. Ju,,.. 76.•ndJulyJ. 10.11. 1911 l ll'l.'l'\ PUBUC NOTICE __ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT • ........_ ,.,.., lollowit>Q person I• 0011>9 bu'~ ntHU • I MOBILE COMPUTE II SERVI(£ J 104 Via Oullo. N•wPorl 8t.t<h. CA ~"l1 Ro9rr Sa .. llt. 704 VI• Outlu' Ntwoon Btacn. CA •?~3 , Tnl\ ~MH " conducted bv .tn '"] G din d•v1du•I ra g 1------------i R09!'r Savlllt PUBl.JC NOTICE , hi$ ,,.,1> ..... nt "'"~ l•ll'd With t~ i-------------1 ~o:;;~Y Ctrr~ a! Or.,~ County on Jul~ U d W FICTITIOUSBUSINEU Fl141o'. n .. 19110"""'9 per-•re dOlt>gtHl"'t· PuDll~""" 0r .. ...,.. Cod• t O••IY Pt101.1 n er ay NAMESTATEMEHT ness u : July 10. I/ 14, lt, 1q11 G din h CLEARWATERPOOLSUPPLYl ra g 8S begun for SPAS. 6S3 W-r. Hunt.,,gton Bta<ll. the recently-a nnounced CA.q1'41 Brock Homes Lake Mich.WI c Talbot.118J• E~rdld. Wtstmlmllr, CA. t26IJ Forest development, ac· oavtd a.1gn1on, 1~ s o.~"n•n. d . t T d C AM/leirn,CA.~ COr tog 0 e OX• Thi\ buslnus Is conducttd Dy • Southern Cal Horn i a ~·r•l1»rtnen1"P k tin• f Mk!IMIC. Talboll mar e g manager or T111s sta1m.ent ...... tt1oc1 .. Ith '"" M . J . Brock and Sons, eoun1yc1-o10.~c.oun1yonJ111y Inc., developers of the •.rm . ,,,,.... project. Publlllled Or~ co•$t oauy Piiot, Brock Homes Lake u1y 11,2•,31,anc1A111111si1. ,.,, Forest will consist of 99 306,..77 PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE I ~~--------~' l'IC1'1TIOUS 8USINESS NAME STATEMENT .. Trw 10Howlng perwin •s oolng bu••· nus as PROBE PROFESSI O NAL' BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. Jl6U Scenot Or. South Uguna. CA.,,.,, MlthM'I Patrick GIHf.OI>, Jl6U Sonic Or., South U9.,.... CA. '7671 , Thi\ 1>11'1nttS$ It tondlKlecl by •n In· dlvldvll Mike Glt>•50fl • This Sl.tlement WU '""° Wllh '"" ' County Clllfk of 0..ngot County on Jun~ J 10, 1q11 homes on 20 acres local· ed on the northwest cor· ner of Trabuco Road and Lake Forest Drive. Pre· sales information is ex· peeled to be available in J!J)y.1"1'7. . P'17711 ) PICTITIOUS 8USINESS • Publl'llC<l Or&nqtt Coul Oally Pilot, • NAMEITATl!MEHT July 11,24,31.-August7, 1971 I ------PUBIJC NOT}CE TM following persons art 00tnq bus•· JI 11.11 I nmi.s~nd M. ENTERPRISES. m B f>UBLIC NOTICE I R11by Avt .• Balboa I \land. CA '17661 K•tllry" G. M41rrero. '21 Ruby P'tCTI TIOUS 8USINl!5S . Ave .• Balboa lsllN'd. CA. '11662 NAME STATEMENT ' t ~ry Terry Goodwin, 7319 VIWI l 1'>1' tollOWtf'<J person Is ootno bll" H~rta.~8each,CA.•7MO ""''"~ I This buSIMU IJ conducted by .. MIOWAY MOTOR'i. •SOil M1d .... 1 Plc:TIT10US BUSINESS gtne••I ~'1nenlllp Pl • MidWdYCllY. CA <n6SS NAMltTATEMEHT ICatllrvnG.Marr~ro M"roa,..t L. Adams, 201 W. 1lnd Tl,.,..._,. •rwins •rt dOl119 busl This Slatement w•• l•ll!d wilh tht SI .. S.n Pt(lro CA. 90131 neu H ; County Cltnt of Or11119t COl.ll'lly on July Th" bu>•"6S ,, conducltd bV •n 1n. J A & M HEALTH PAOCUCTS CO.. 12. 1911. dlVldu•I UUJftd St.. NfWOOf't Beach. CA. 9166) . F711IO Mar91~t L. Ad•ms JolVI R. ~Layglllln. 2Sl 62nd St.. PllbH-""f Or-Co1t•I Oaily Piiot Thi• •l•l"f"<!nt was lllf'd wllll t~ Ntw-18Hch, Ca. '1MJ July l7,24,Jt,-.c!AUCJ11lt1, 1tl1. Coun1y Cl•r~ a! 0<en9t' COUt>h•on June Ad<I..,... M M<L•ughhn, 2St 6lnd 303111 11 1911 St., New-1 eeaa..CA. '1663 1-----------,.,,,,, This b11slM\\ Is conCtucltd by ~ PUBLIC NOTICE Publl<hfd Oranqe Coe\t O•ily Piiot. oentr•lpartner\lllP. JuM 16.dnclJUIYJ.10, 11.1911 JONI II M<L4HJ911llf\ Tiiis •t•l-1 w•s flltd wltll the C®"'" CJ«-of OrM99 C-ty on July n . .,,,, '71747 Pvbll"*I 0r8"91 C:0.1t 6.lty P iiot, July 11, u ,11 • ...c1....,s11, 1'11 PVBUC NeTICE "'crmous austNUS HAMltTAT•MIH"T T ... followlng tH'-II dolh9 bu~I· MUH: Jl!Nll'('-CONS1'1WCTION CO., 21$ '61h $1. C&sll fMU, C.111. tt6t1 Jottpf\ P.atrkll Sw-, 21S '"" St., Coste ~w.c..111.m11 Tiii~ b\islnHS I~ conclllcltld by 8n In. Olvldu•I. • JOSfllll Pllrlell s""a"" This 1lllt-' wot flied wltll the County CllMI Of Or91>99 County on J.,... u, lt'7. FICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATEMENT TM IOll-111Q perSOll i. ooono IN\1 nenes: lEATliEAS WEST, 1816 Soulh Coot Hwy., U.0-B~atll. CA t2'SI 69'Y~llcl4lott.3~19Vlrglllla W•Y. SoU111~.CA9?611 . This buliftlH 11 <Ol'duttecl by ... In· dlvld~I G¥vlllo1Mll Thi\ s11t1ment wa• lllf'd with the Cou!lly Otrll fl! Of.,91 Cou111Y on July 13. 1977 • ""'" P\lblllhed Oranoe Coall O•lly Pilot. J uly 11.1,11.~Auo. 7. 1917 311a.11 PUBUC NOTICE ;ICTITtOUSBUSINISS PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTIT10US BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT TN• IOllO'Ol"O PWrSC>n " dOll\g bU>1·I n~\\ "' ; Wl lO FIRE. 1$7$ MeH Verde Or ·1 Co, la Mfo,_,, (A 916111 I rrnt' M8P SplC"r 14JOO BU•na ~I • I S1M 106.C'·irO..nGrovo.CA~,W· i Thi( bu~•ntl>S I< tondlKt&d by on '" 1 dl\ltdu.al I Ir~,.. M, S!>icrr 1 Thi\• ,1~1 • .._, .... ~ flltd Wllh t~~, Co11n1y Clt'<ll of Or.in<ie Countyon July .S,1'#1.' "'7M1t Pub1ov..d o.-c.,.,rD•llY Pilot , July 10 II. 2•. JI, 1911 I mf.77 I PVBUC NOTICE • U DAILY PILOT Sunday. July 17, 1977 N attonal Report , Slow Housing Comeback Seen W ASIQNOTON Despite laat year'• naltooal re1ur1ence of bou1ln1 activity followtn1 the de· epe1t recC!l.llon "Ince World War II, commttclal nnd lndu1trlal re al U late activity will not rot.urn to dormal levels until the fourth quarter of 1977. accordlne to the N atJonal Auoclatlon of Realtors rurtber dtarupted the recovery Just aa it be1an to 1atber momen· lum. However, he predicted that the economy would perform ex· ceedlnaly well for the balance of the year, makin1 the tint quarter of 1978 rtpe for an active commercial and industrial real eatate market. OTHER IDGHLIGJITS of the report: . Gold Nugget Winne~. The Inverness, one of the mod~ls in Irvine's Turtle Rock Glen patio homes, has received a Gold Nugget merit award for ••best single-family detached home of , 1,800 to 2,400 square feet. The Inverness model has four bedrooms, two baths, a family room and a sky·lit library. lo the commercial and in dustrial section of its monthly StatU.11 Report. the association polnta out that such activity must await the latter stages of the business cycle when the economy acbie,•es a strong growth rate and a higher rate of ullhzation of existing capacities. These condi· lions will not be met until the final quarter of the year. the re port says IN RELEASING the report. as sociation executive vice presi- dent H. Jackson Pontius said. "Due to the severity of the re- cession, the economic recovery has been an erratic and drawn· out process. Indeed, even though the economic decline ended more than 22 months ago, we should still consider ourselves in the in- itial phase of the upturn.'' -Total commercial and in· dustrtal construction was static during the last quarter of 1976 at about the $19 billion level, and declined ~lighUy from the third quarter. Of that total, about $6.5 billion was for industrial con- struction and the balance com· mercial. -Increases or about 11 per· cent in both commercial and in· dustrial outlays are expected during 1977, but much of that gain will represent price in· Irvine Company Cited Pontius cited the coldes t winter on record as having FirD18 Join Globe Globe Worldwid e Business Brokerage. Inc . of Lansing, Mich., have announced the ap- pointment of Select Properties of Costa Mesa. Le Raisor Realty of Irvine, Waterfront Homes of Newport Beach, Cole of Newport in Corona de! Mar and Newell As soc1 ales of Laguna Ol•ach. to their national nl'lwork creases. -The dollar volume or new construction contracts increased impressively in the last quarter, with the volume index rising to 202 (1976=100). In the previous three quarters, the index ranged The Irvine Company has been cited for lhe best total marketing program in Southern California by the Southern California Chapter of the American Marketing Association <SCAM A). Accepting the president's "Marsy" award (Marketing Success of the Year) for the Village of Woodbridge marketing program was Vice Pres1 dent Douglas M. Gfeller. head of the Irvine Com · pany's Residential Development Division. from 180 to 194. -Utilization of industrial THE WINNING PROGRAM involved com- capacity continues lo be low, munity and housing product development based on hovering throughout the year at extensive market research; the generation of and about 80 percent, according to communication with more than 8,000 prospects the Federal Reserve Series and before the village opening; a grand opening involv- about 83 percent according to the ing an invitational preview week climaxed by a lot- Chase Econometrics Series. The tery which attracted national press and television coverage; and a continuing program of advertising, figures for the pre-recession year publicity, merchandising and community relations. of 1973 were 87.5 percent and 92.5 percentrespectively. Jn accepting the award, Gfeller s aid he -Preliminary reports for the believed that the key to the Village of Woodbridge's fourth quarter i ndicate an now legendary success was the involvement of estimated expenditure rate for marketing experts from the initial planning stages new plant and equipment of on. Sl27.9 billion, a modest 4.3 per-"Because of their continual efforts, we did not cent gain over the third quarter. d esign the community or the homes in the com munity solely on economic and design criteria," ex- plained Gfeller. We continually thought about the people who would ultimately live in Woodbridge and the people in the City of Irvjne whq would be neighbors of Woodbridge. The result, so far. has • been an unqualified success in human as well as economic terms. "THE FIRST RESIDENTS are already telling' us -through research, informal feedback and en- thusiastic participation in community activities - that they find Woodbridge to be an excellent place to live," added Gfeller. "We will be building about 5,000 more homes there through the early 1980's, so this resident satisfaction is essential to long-term success. ~feller named Irvine Company marketing ex - ecutives K~nneth W. Agid, Rita T. Dickey and Catole Jamieson as the people directly responsible for designing and implementing the award·winning Woodbridge marketing program. ln addition lo the Irvine Company's four other Southern Cahforma firms won Marsy awards These mcluded Lloyd's Bank. Carl's Jr., United California Bank and Telautographs, Inc. • • Lake Forest· I Influential. i .. f Hol'l'WS Sell· • An appeaUns recrotton-1 lifestyle and luxury features Ot·. fered at no additional cost malt,~ Butler Housing Corp. 's Infl• tial Homes in Lake Forest sp popular that l2S units have bee\' sold in the past six months, ~ cording to Wes Welssinger'r- Walker and Lee, Inc., regio " sales director for the Irvine d&- veloper. , "Undoubtedly, the success c:I. this development is due in part to the community's lakes 11ri~ forests,•• said Weissinger. ''If ad<Ution. there are tremendq recreational opportunities at tlie communiity's recreation club'io which all residents belong for aP- proximately $10 a month.'• • .. · AMONG THE recreation'al facilities offered at tbe clUll_ which is directly across the street from In.fluential Home(. are: three swimming pc><>ls, tn-· eluding a 2S yard pool with rac:- ing stripes and a wading pool ffJJ' children six years and yo~ five tennis courts, two of w~ are lighted: men:.t and wom locker rooms: a teen center pin ball machines, pong, bum pool and pool tables; bas'ket and sand vollevball courts; c I u bhouse with a firepla kitchen, bar, weight room card room. Paddle and sail are available for rental. Influential Homes of L Forest are priced from $9S, The sales office is open fro a.m . to dusk. To reach the developm take the Santa Ana Freew the Lake Forest Drive off ra Go northeast on Lake Fores Jeronimo Road, then left • Jeronimo one block to models. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""""~ Free Real Estate Course at College Real EstaLc for the Consumer, a four-part lee· ture series that present s information on how lo buy and sell a home and income property, will be of- fered at Orange Coast College this summer. The series meets on successive Thursday eve- nings, beginning this Thursday from 7:30-9:30 p.m. in OCC's Science Hall. Admission is free and the public is invited to attend THE SERIES IS CO·SPONOSR ED by the '.'Jew port lla rbor·Co .... t.i :\ksa Ooard of Realtors and tht' Huntington Beach Fountain Valley Board of Realtors The series c11ord1 11ator 1..., Richa rd Hart. man:iger of Oml•gc.i Husines., Sales. a realty firm that specializes 1n commercial and business sales: I fart 1s an expert on hus1nes:-. site selection and busi- ness opportunities "How to Sell " is th e title of the opening session. featuring guest lectur('r Lila Gerber of Executive llomes. The presentation will be concerned with evaluating the market. offers and counter ofrers, escrow procedures, and taxes. L.A. "BUCK'' NF.WSOME OF Walker and Lee will presenl 1.hc second lecture. on July 28, titled "How to Buy." Newsome will look at area loca- tion. type or property, appreciation and resale potential. and financing. The Aug. 4 session. featuring Robert Licata of the Real Eslaters. will focus on real estate invest· ment opportunities. Licata Wlll cover single family residential, multiple residential. and commercial anti mdustrial properties. "How to Buy an ln\'eStment" is the title of the fi nal lecture set for Aug. 11. Richard Poucher of Loomis Properties will discuss t axes and finance. return on ime::.tmcnt, and developing and planning an offer. For information about the series, phone 556-5880 Tro"1el Awaftl lroine Woodbri:dge Cited The Irvine Village of Woodbridge has received the 10th Masonry Golden Trowel Award for the stonework on the village's thematic wood bridge, according to Edward C. Meeker, manager of the Orange County Masonry Trade Promotion Trust. "Each year the masonry trade organization re- cognizes the organization responsible for the best use of stone," explained Meeker. "The work al Woodbridge was truly outstanding." Accepting the award was the Perdian Group, the landscape architects retained by the Irvine Company to design the North Lake Beach Club which is one of the recreation-oriented com- munlty'a major amenities. · The Perdian Group, in turn, recommended aecoed eeneratlon atone mason Fay Weathers to do the actual stonework. Weathers applied a topplnJ oU teclmlque used by craftsmen in the thlrt!es. The atone desip on the bride• inspired addi- tional mucmy touches throuchout the villqe-(lft alto•, alOQI the master trail, even on a couple of the lnd!vJduaJ boualna products such as the Woodbriqe Towehomes by Warmlnauin Development Com·· pany and the WoodbridJe Pines Apartments by the Irvine Company's MulU·.Family Diviai~. Fairway Village . won't just change the way you live. It will change the way you think. Fnim1ay Villagl.' is a new, private rcsickntial rommunf ly dcsig11 ed for those who seek and appreciate tile finer tlii11gs 111 lift.'. You will fi 11d it la vish but with an nir of casual 111 for111alit y; active but in a relaxed manner and above all, lifr at Fn1 rn1ay Village is nt all times graciou s. C11tt'-G 11t1rd,•d Pm·m 11 Living at Fairway Village you'll quite likely find youri.elf enjoying an added measure of peace-of-mind knowing your home is tucked aw.iy behind .i gate-guarded entry removed from annoying and unwanted intrusions. A Rt•::-iirt £111•1111111111·111 The three private night-lighted tennis court~, the sparkling swimming and therapy pools, sunbathing decks and the bicycle and foot paths that wander thrtlugh lush landscaping could get you to thinking about pampering yourself a bit more than you have been.'"VSU'Just might find yourself thinkl"g about a set of tennis befqre work, or maybe jogging fo~ 15 rnjnutes or 20 minutes undet'le;ith a beautiful California fUnset. Perh.Jps it's a l.uy weekf.I\~ )SJ retched out by the pool. Whatever it is, it's all here, waiting for you to enjoy. I 1111111,•, ;pif/1 Or111)t11 The ho-!lles p~ Fairway Village a>:e ~r•rnatic, innovative and sophisticated. Many offer wood tongue and ·groove cathedral ceilings with exposed beams, Interior atriums, soaring clerestory glass, entry courtyards, skylights( maenUicent fireplaces an~ spectacular master s"'tk Ttrey wlll give you a great sense of pride when you're prthtelf alone and whm yo11~tertail). Jn 1 wGdct\,f\ook-alike, pretty-mu~tt~1me comm•nlllt" f ~irway VOtage is like a tifti\'fi'Of ft'eth 1ir. lt truly Is on ~f· ·kind. Come see It tod~ ' d "" 1tt! fM Homei '~~ $98,900 Models ~pen dolly 10 AM to 8 PM . • Rlnrsldt fruw17 C911 to S. H1rbor Blvd. t\lt. North to 8ut1nchury Ro1d. IUght to entry. Orugt Fruw1y 1571 to Yorb1 Lind• Blwd. edt. Wt1t On Yorb• Linda Blvd. to State Colhtg• llvd!, No;th to llut1nchuty Ro.1d; lefl to entry. ' . •. . -..... ·-. I Is the Pill Too -Hard ·to SWaBoW? Meritt by JACICIE HYMAN p Ot ... 0•11• .......... . '-' Cllll )'OU answer the ru11owtn1 quesllon11: r. Wh at commonly usf'd form ot birth control, Oothtr lhan 1lt-r1lliallon. un lead lo aterlU~y? pt How eff~llvc Is the dlaphrajm ., bl Whul la thr u fest method or birth control for the "oman's hl"1&llh' ~ WHAT IS THt: tnolil .:tlt·,·UH method of b birth control'' p Which l ar..:C' Kroup of women has recently b been discovt>rl'd lo be ut h111h risk of mortality from takmg the pill'' Health Risks vs. Birth Control One practicing Newport Beach gynecologist reported {illmg as many as five diaphragms & day recently. The diaphragm, a flexible disc ~v·. ering the uterine cervix which the woman in~.U \..., herself prior to. intercourse. Is considered. tbe - safest form or contraception for the woman·· heitlth if backed up by abortion. When used with contraceptive jelly, It ·Is about 92 percent effective, according to this d~-. tor's staUslu.•s. That's not quite up lo the pill'• 9fl percent eCfoctivl·ncss, howt•ver CpercentaJe!I areperyearol u~e> It depends on lhe woman, accordini to Dr. Deryck R. Kent, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at UC Irvine Medical Center. ''IT'S A RISK balancing factor. I would ad- vise pills to one wo~an and not to another. The risk or taking the pall must be balanced against how important it is that she·not g~t pregnant.•• i Can th~ pill dJma~c a fetus if taken by a •pregnant woman., • c If you can't answ<>r mo:.t of the questions, 'byou're probably Jn the miljortty. The only d problem 1s (hat not knowing Jbout the pill and other forms or birth control l'Jn lead to more serious problems than an unwanted pregnancy. • For women 1l can le.t.d to stenlJly, a de· TtDS DOCTOR, WllO asked that hi s name not be used, said that unhl the pill received widespread bad publicity about two years aeo. he filled only about one diaphragm a year. "We had lo blow the dust orr them, .. he said. "I think it's very Important that the woman understand the factors and enter into tbe de4 cision-making process,'' Dr. Kent added. "One of my big hangups is that doctors do not spend enough time educating their patienta.'' He gave three hypothetical situations of women seeking birth control. One is a healthy 18-year-old living wRb her boyfriend, still going to ~chool and opposed to abortion. For her , he said pills would be a good choice. · l I. · formed du.Id, ore~ en death. I RECENTLY C'ONTROVERSY has centered on the birth control pill, a form of contraception used by m1lhons of wom en in the Unjted States since 1l was introduced about IS years ago. Dis· coveries of Possible side effects have led to I pubhcity and fear. The diaphragm, hke the pill, is only availa- ble by prescription Contraceptive foam and con· doms may be pun·h3sed without one Is the danger of side effects -ranging from headaches and weight gains to blood clots and possibly death great enough to warrant the switch to a ll':-OS dcpcndablt.• method of birth con· trol., THE SECOND EXAMPLE was ll 3S·year-old mother of three children wbo smokes but is otherwise in good health. For her be would ad· vise either a "barrier met.hod" -diaphragm, foam or condoms, or a combination of these -or an intra-uterine device (IUD), which is s1,1rgical· • Women -and the men who care about them -must weigh the contraceptive advantages of the pill against the dangers of side effects, a deformed child or even death. DAILY PILOT SECTION C .. Sunday. July 17, 1977 1 I 'What Happened to Me ... ' Almost et>(!ry woman seems lo have her own tale or mis- adventures with. contraception, ranging Crom the humorous to.the near·tragic.. ~ The most serious incident concerned the Dalkon shield . ~type or intra-uterine device (IUD> that is no longer sold. l "I HAD ONE inserted myself and was told by ihe doctor that 1l was the greatest thing going." said Chris tleary, director of lhe Feminist Women's Health Center in Santa Ana. I "ll perforated my uterus and I had to have surgery to have at removed. E ventually they did take it orr the market but there are women who still have the Dalkon shield insert· ed and in March there was a woman. I think she was the 18th or 19th woman who has died from complications of the D alkon shield.·· A lighter talc or woe was rc{ated by a young woman who had had difficulty inserting her diaphragm . "ll would shoot out and hat the wall." she said. "IL was embarrassing." A SINGLE WOMAN who quit laking the pill to 4se a diaphragm but soon switched back said sbe did so because the diaphragm "was so messy " · However, a m arried woman who has discontinued \JSing f the pill s aid, "You can really feel your body cycle again. It's I great." ·. • Two women, one married and one ~ingle, are P.erbaps typical of many pill users. The single woman. who's 27 and has used the pill for six- years, said she hlls had "no real problems." She started on the pilJ because "il seemed the easiest and tht:' safest Before that it was pretty hil and miss." BAD PUBLICITY ON the pill has affected her but "not enough to do anything about it. I look at the risk of gelUng pregnant and the risk of side effects and I'd rather take the risk of side effects." One benefit sh~ noted was that "it's r ea,Jly regulated my period incredibly. Before I started I was really irregular and I had bad cramps." Tht:> married woman had a less pleasant experience with the pall, which she took for four years. "Tht· firsl ones I took made me fat and gave me headaches." she said. She then switched to a pill with a lower dose of hormones. HOWEVER, ANOTHER side effect occurred. "I have developed arthrius and it seems to be the Jp1 n1on or my doctors that thjs is somehow linked to my tak· ing the pill." She said it 1s betjeved the pill triggered calcification of her joints. She went off the pill lo have her first child, l hen used foam and condoms for a short time. They provided "all the spontaneity of a train ride," she said. The woman then had an IUt> it\serted and said she found 1t t.hs>roughly &.atisfact.ocy..Sbe.had..U removed in or· der to become pregnant again. ·• 1 ' . . AFfER THE IR SECOND child was born, the wom an 's husband had a vasectomy. Looking back. she noted that When·~he first went on the pill in 1968, she was given no inform-a.lion about possible bad side e ffects. "With the doctor. t here was 110 question but that Ural was what I would take." ' t •O,, I About 30 percent of pill users smoke. Doctors say, 'Women who smoke should give up birth control pins or give up smoking:' ly Implanted in the uterus and apparentl stimulates the body's defense ayslem apinst aperm cells. • The IUD, he noted, can "destroy ber abllit . to have children" by causing infections that leadt to block~ tubes. For a woman who already l\Ur • u many' children as she wants, however, thisic,·. woul4 not be a serious side effect; Dr. Kenq wJI' noted. ·t · • The third case be cited would be that of a sex~? I 1 ually acUve lJ-year-old who has just started-.t:J 1 •. menustr4ting. 111'r o• ~E.ill· "THE ONLY GROUP where the pregnancy~'• V rate is increasing is the teen.ager," Dr. Kent I said. "And the mortality rate for pregnancies inJ . .,. . girls under 15 is five to six times that oC a womanif» ,,.... in ber 20s." 'I >'I · Y QUn1 girls often believe they are omnipotent !. 11 •. arid won't get pregnant, he said. "You've got tal .. 1.10 get throogb lo her that she is vulnerable." _ .• uh However, he said, a girl starting on the pJll t" n• that young could expect to be on it !or 10 or »,.:.1'• years at least. Because of the unknown effects of-1 01! taking the pill for so long, Dr. Kent s aid he would.1 .. 111' recommend the girl use a diaphragm along with ''l foam and condoms, which together would give her 98 percent protection. • ~ 1 . .· '""" DESPITE SOME reservations, however, be lt."l• said, "I think that pills are a very important and.JO relatively safe method or birth control." .,,,., Just what is the pill, anyway? , , i,, ti The pill is basicall y composed of two· o111 estrogens and progesterone, which are female ')111 hormones. A hormone is a substance secreted by"'· IJ, one organ and carried, p erhaps by the ·11J.· bloodstream, to another organ, which it .1:11 chemically stimulates to perform a certain funo-. 'l lion. ,, . Normally, Dr. Kent explained, a low level of female hormones in the blood s ignals the pituitary gland in the brain that it's time for ovulation. nA THE PITUITARY, which is the body's ,, master gland, then sends a chemical s ignal to the.1" i ovaries to release an egg. If intercourse then oc-, ,. i • curs, the woman may become pregnant. . .. '"· However, the high level oC female hormones •.-1.' maintained by the pill ''Cakes the pituitary out.·· .. , , Dr. Kent said. As a result, ovulation does not oc-.• cur. 11, Women taking the pill do stop taking it for , ,,, one week per month however to allow the uterus . ., to get-rid or excess lining and blood buit up to receive the fertahzed egg that never arrived. These women then experience a m enstrual ";::) period similar to that occurring normally when '1 they're not on the pill. only usually milder. UNTIL RECENTLY, some women took ") what were known as sequential pills, in which" \. they first took estrogen, then progesterone - which is the order in which the hormones ar~1 normally secreted. However, sequential 'pills "" caused changes in the uterine lining that were -111 thought to be precancerous. They ~re also less· ,., effective at preventing pregnancy than combina· lion pills. n ti• The advantages of the pill lo the woman who , ..,, does not want to get pregnant are obvious. But nu•, some women should not lake it, Dr. Kent noted. Recent evidence has shown that women who smoke -and about 30 percent of pill-takers do - are at far greater risk of complications than non-. smokers. "WOMEN WHO SMOKE should give up '·'' birth control pills or give up s moking," Dr. Kent '"•;I said. A table published in "F amily Planning Perspectives" last year gives some eye-opening " .. • statistics on the mortality rates associated witll 1.! J various contraceptive practices and pregnancy •.. 1• at different ages. The death rate is per 100,000 , , , nonslerile women. For no birth control method. the death rate is . 5.6 at age IS-19, 7.4 at age 2S.29 and 22.6 at age '' ., 40-44. 'l)I For women using IUDs only, it is 0.9, 1.2 and ,,,,,. l.~ respectively. For abortion only, it is 1.2. 1.8 ·. ·.-.c, and 1.2. With barrier methods such as the diaphragm , ., d • back~ up by abortion, the death rate drops to 0.2 at age 15-19, 0.3 at age 25-29 and 0.2 al age 40·44, making this the safest method. THE NEWS IS IN the figures for women tak· ing the pill. divided into ~mokers and non· , ' J smokers. · · · · For nonsmokers, the death r ate is 1.4 at 01 15·19. l .5 al25·29 and 7.1 at40·44. For smokers, it is 1.5, 1.6 and S8.9, r espe.o· ; ;, lively. The startling last figure r eflects a soaring death rate for smokers on the pill -10.8 per T 100,000 women at age 30·34 and 13.4 al 35-39, ' jumping to 58.9 at 40·44. "Smoking and oral contraceptives really ·don't mix," stressed lnez Geisler, a nurse pracli· , \ tioner at Planned Parenthood in Orange. UCI's Dr. Kent pointed out some of the pill's side effects that could contribute to lhe m ort.al.ity. rate, or cause other serious problems. •irf 1 "The pill has a lot or different {'ffects 11'" (SeeTHE PILL, PageC2) , ~ •')h r.1() ~, ..... '\I '•l.tJ · · .,·II f t l l ' l l } 1'' I!" (2 DAILY PILOT Eyes Can Write , ..... With TV '• . 12-year Licenses Seen SACRAMENTO (AP) -lf you have a good driving record and are under 55 years of a1e, you. may soon be able to get a drivers license good for 12 y~ars in.stead of four, state officials say. Motor Vehicle Director Rerman Sltlas has suggested that possibility, which would re- quire legi41ative approval, aa one way of cutting cos ti and tem- porarily increaslne bis depart· Sillas acknowledged some dts- ad vantages: -An S.Or 12-year-old phot.o on a driver's license might not be good identification. -Federal standards require driver re-examination al least every four years, although those standards "are in the process of becoming negotiable." -Loni-term licenses might lead to more accidents. Holmes said the license sug. geatioo stems trom a study start- ed after tbe legislative analyst's office 1uggested that the OMV come up with a fee structure that would pay for OMV services. t CAMBRIDGE. M•11 \AP) Movlns only their eyts, people par1lyied from heed to toe m•y eoon be able to communlfate by writina on a televl1ion 1cre•a. They can use a 1lmple 1y1tem lbat allo~ the~ to compose messa1es, draw plcturea and play 1ames. It require. only a TV •creen, a camen and 1 ll1bt b\llb. · 01ent'srevenues. Ancient Egyptian Drug . \ "Thls is for people who can't O'IOVe anythtni t>xcept their eyes," saJd Richard Warren, the deyeloper "We envislqp thls for ~pJe who are flat on their backs but need a com mun1calion $YSlem" THIS IS HOW 1t works A light bulb is set up a few feet from the patient. The hght reflects off the patient's eye into a video camera. Then the camera re- cords the hght on the TV screen as a bright, green dot As the patient moves his eye, the green dot skitters across the screen, leaving behind a brown trail. The brown lines fade away in about a minute. AP Wlrepllolo With it, patients can write sim· p ie m essages or while away the time drawing pictures and play- 'ing games. The device will be installed soon at a Veterans Ad· .ministrativc hos pital, and a .more sophisticated version could be in widespread use within three years, according to Warren. PARAL VZED PEOPLE COULD 'TALK' WITH TV One of Developer• Showa How New Syetem Works worked on the project. Warren said the lab will design a TV with different kinds of phosphor so the image will last a few seconds or several minutes, depending on what the patient wants. The screens could pro- bably be made by a television · manufacturer for about $300, he said. THE SYSTEM is being de· veloped at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, a nonprofit research lab affiliated with the .Massachusetts rnstitute of l echnology. All the parts are easy to buy, and hospitals could assemble the system themselves for about $500, Warren said. "You can learn to write your Jlame and say hello in just a few -seconds." said Derith Glover. an MIT graduate student who also The key to keeping the images on the screen is a chemical called phosphor. On ordinary television sets, the phosphor holds the pic- ture for a moment and thei< fades. But in this system , the phosphor keeps the image for about a minute. Warren said the goal is to keep the cost low enough so hospitals can buy several of the systems without making a big invest- ment. To make it more versatile. IBE PILL AND PRUDENCE. • • (From Page Cl> and they're really extensive." he said. "They af· feet the liver (which processes the pill) and the blood vessels. You could s ay that the pill would cause a woman who has a tendency toward diabetes to become diabetic. "It also interferes with the uptake of certain Yitamins ... Vitamin 86 lack is nowd to be as- sociated with depression, so that depression may be a result of the pill." Planned Parenthood's Inez Geisler, an R.N. with advanced training in family planning, added, "When a woman is on birth control pills ~he is in a similar condition to being pregnant, eve n in her dietary needs." A well-balanced diet Is needed to prevent headaches and fatigue. she said. ANOTHER EFFECT, Dr. Kent said, is "women have been known to develop high blood pressure on the pill. This Is usually reversible if they come off the pill.'' High blood pressure is as- sociated with strokes and heart attacks. Fibroi d tumors of the uterus may grow un- der the stimulation of the pill. he said. In addi- tion, it f9ay interfere with the working of drugs taken by epileptics to control their seizures. ''Young women who take the pill are more ·susceptible lo gall bladder disease," Dr. Kent said. And blood clotting, somcllmes leading to strokes, is a serious side effect. However, "birth control pills have never yet been proven to cause cancer. There's no evidence at the present time that anyone has de- veloped cancer as a result of taking the pill," he ~aid. Pills can even reduce benign breast dis- ease, he noted ,. AND IN WOMEN WHO formerly bad a heavy menstrual flow, the pill can reduce nutri- tional anemia by cutting the blood loss. knowledge of the pill causing these tumors. but il is theoretically possible," Dr. Kent said. He added that a woman who wants to get pregnant should stop taking the pill and use another birth control method for two months until her system ls back to normal before becoming pregnant. Certain factors contraindicate -show the inadvisability or -certain women's taking the pill, Dr. Kent said. Absolute contraindications, he said, are severe migraines, markedly impaired ll ver func- tion, known or sus pected breast cancer or estrogen-dependent tumors, undiagnosed ab- normal genital bleeding and known or suspected pregnancy. RELATI VE CONTR AINDICATIONS - which should be considered before the woman chooses the pill -include less severe migraines. depression. hypertension (high blood pressure). fibroid tumors or the uterus, and irregular periods. · "Very often doctors unfortunately put youngsters on the pill to regulate liAeir cycles," Dr. Kent said. After going off the pill, the girl may find the problem Intensified. Instead, he said. the doctor should first determine why the periods are irregular. Smokine and being over 40 years old are other reasons agalnst use of the plll, he said. THE SIDE EFFECTS can sound quite frightening, but actually they occur in only a tiny percentage of women on the pill, frequently those with contraindications. "I teel really good about pills for the selected group of people that has been well-screened," Planned Parenthood's Inez Geisler said. "Birth control pills are primarily for the woman who absolutely cannot handle a preg- <See PILL, Page Cl) · A four-year license now costs $.1.25. UNDER SILLAS' proposal, a driver could get an eight-year Yields New Skin Cure · license for $16.50 or a i2-year license for $9. 75. Sillas said the lone-term license would not be offered to those over 55 because accident rates rise at that age. The long-term license also would not be offered to drivers classified as "negligent" because they get too many trafhc tickets, said OMV spokesman Lionel Holmes. Sillas estimated enough younger drivers would choose long-term licenses to increase re- venues by $7 to $8 million a year in the first four years. THE SAVINGS in reduced paper work was estimated at $4 to $6 million over that period. Yoec Ca n Help BOSTON (AP> -A new treat· ment for the skin dl&ease psoriaals bas proved etcective in an overwhelming percentaae or patients tested nationwide, re- ~archers at Massachusetts \6-,neral Hospital say. The treatment, developed three years ago, cleared up severe flaking and scaling skin in 88 percent of the patients who participated in the tests in 16 medical centers across the·coun- try. R ESEARC HE RS said the treatment involves exposure to ultra-violet light and a light· sensitive drug used by the an- Full Files Need Work A number of aides are needed tor the Orange County Public Health and Medical : c1ent Eeyptians to treat skin dis- eases. The simple treatment is a dramatic departure from the costly and inconvenient coal-tar baths now used in severe cases they said. · About eight million Americans suffer from the disease. Over a l~·year period, 1,086 patients were given the new treatment . called photochemotherapy. as reported m the current issue of the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. With the exception of 169 patients still in the first phase of treat· ment, the peeling and' scalin~ skin caused by psoriasis cleared up ln 88 percent of the cases. Services' expectant parents classes. Help is needed with phones, files, classroom setup and escorting patients. Being able to speak Spanish would be helpful. SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Job training will be provided. For more information, call Mary Ann Jarvis, 778-5551, Ext. 393 weekdays from 8 to5. THE HUNTINGTON BEACH Community Free Clinic needs similar help, especially psychology students interested in familiariz· . ing themselves wlth t he medical field. A disco dance teacher 11 needed by the Huntington Beach-Fountain Valley Girls Club. Details on these volunteer openings available from the West Orange County Voluntary Action Center, 530-2370. A SURVEY OF low-income persons' legai needs and desires requires the able voices 01 a number o( persons 21 and older. People who hke creating children's crafts are needed by a non-profit Santa Ana or- ganization during this summer. Now in Progress Sprinq & Summer Formals Assorted Sportswear. Swimwear & Cotton Orem:", /}1'111lp1/ (,1~r., Via Lido Plaza 3423 Via Lido. Numbf>r 13 fl"I••• OOOf to~""" ...-.vilM 675--0321 Hours 10-6 Sun 11-5 A pro-life animal sheltef' in Laguna Beach needs the help of responsible persons who like to work with animals and wtlh paper work. • •• - ----• --·---# -.. · ..... -... -~ ... -----• ---- Information on how you can help others in the programs mentioned here available bf calling the South Orange County Voluntary Action Center at675·9210 or 833·9278. Delp For I' OU Medical emergencies require information on how to cope BEFORE they occur. The Department of the lntetior offers a pocket-sized guide to treatment of a number of emergency Ula. Send 80 cents to the Consumer Information Center. Dept. 120 E, Pueblo, CO. 81009. With summer travel on hand. the Landmark Publishing Company offers a guide to toll-free telephone numbers that may be useful t.o vacationers. Cost is $2.50. Write Landmark Publishing, Box 3287 R. Burl- ington, Vt. 05401. RASMUSSEN'S . SUMMER ~ SAVINGS New Western and English Saddles $50°~ro $200°0on Used Western and English Saddles $1 QOOto$4QOOoff r•gu1u price Contrary to what was formerly believed, though, Dr. Kent said the pill may have adverse eHects on a fetus. The reastm. he said, is that the progesterone In the pill is related to male hormones. In some tases where the pill has accidentally been taken during pregnancy, a female cblld has been born masculinized with an enlarged cllt.oris and closed vagina. Luzzetta Bernard 11111~11111111~111111 1 11111 All Pants Mens, LedlH & Children• Levie, LH •nd Wr•n11ter1 $3°0 Off (Denims. COiors & t<l'l'ts) However. Dr. Kent said the pill is not believed to affect fetuses as did DES, a synthetic estrogen formerly given to pregnant women who tnight miscarry DES was later found lo cause genital ·rnalformations in the offspring or these pregnan- ties and in some daughters a formerly rare and virulent form of vaginal cancer. ·'There are no cases recorded to my ; I ANNUAL 20°/o OFF DECORATING SALE! .. Ltt "' "-'P yov ettltt • MM ~Ul 110..._,. Our trtlt'ltef ..ootltort Hlfcfl our t1brl0 and d•ltft llt>ttry kl not ot'llY Hff you1 U1111 t>ut to '111er the \lerf beet ~ 111d t1bflc co-ot d I 1'11t I on 1. Tiier• 11 no 1ddHlon11 ohlre• tor tlllt 1ervlc)-. You P•V oniv tor tilt "*Ghlftfllt VOii Mlect. Presemts Summer Hair r The Colorr-, ·he Cut, The Perm Unmistakably The Finest 1111111 1111111111 llHI .. Mens -Ladlea . Leisure Suits Lee-Ploneerwear $2QOO off regular pric e I I I I I I I I I I Ii I I Western Felt Hats and Engllsf:I Hunt Hats $ 5 °0 off regular prl~ • Sunday. July 17, 19~ DAILV PILOT I M11rders Of 2 · HB Girls Unsolved a Year L _a._e S&ol1a by ARnrua VINSEL Of* 0.1, pt1t1 IWI CandJ Ready and Sheryl Peteraon abar~d lb• .-lt'rnal Utin11 of youth •ll• r1n11 or peraon.al ind pcnttf'nCf', an ur1e for freedom, and • dei.tre to u perlwce and feel all or whal life bas to offer. The tut ttlln1 lhry (ell the ni1hl ol Aul 24, 1976, wa1 the savage 'hammeMna oi a broad blade buck knife rammed re peatedly lnto their breast.a and backs on a lonely beach And -perhaps -they could reel for a fleetin1 m omenl the • coldness ol the roueh granite . breakwater boulders on which they collapsed to die. They were bpt.h lS years old. Their hands were cut, ward.LDg off the savage stabs. "They were no anaels," a Huntingtoo Beach Pier area as- soc i ale would later tell * * iauthor1ll "But they didn't de- ' rvelhia. •• Today, the two murden re- m a In W\IC>lved. A t'OUple of beach town Street People who didn't care to be known to auoclalea by •DY namua more formal than Skunk and Shorty have alao dlsap- pured, alter beln& Interviewed by homicide detectives. The tra1lc story wlJI be repeat- ed and reprinted in newspapers tbrou1hout America this sum- m er. Naive younasters waeer cuts against guns, knives and brute force, too often unaware they are even eambling. Boys as well as young girls are preyed-upon by the ruthless cruiaers who watch the beach scene like a hawk watches a chicken yard. Orange County Sheriff's Detec- tive Lt. Robert GriUeth, in whose Jurisdictional territory the * Troubled People . Find Help at L.Y.N.N. "He who as not BU811 being bom 13 btuy dying .•. " -Bob Dylan Slogans are only words or groups of words, but this one im- printed over a photo of a glorious- ly blooming dandelion and the empty husk of one gone to seed • mean much lo Ann McLean and other people who care. She keeps busy 12 hours or more a day as director of Hunt- ington Beach's L.Y N N. Center, j helping prove the words the acronym represents : Love Your Neighbor Now ORGANIZED more than three years ago by a cadre of caring .: people within Sts. Simon & Jude C Catholic Church. the L.Y.N N. ~ Center is a ralht'r unique force:- ' withiR the Orange Coast com munily. ' "We deal with people prob- ; Jems." says the no-nonsense l redhead who presides over a warm, if cluttered and poster- bedecked office and roars about town in a battered van I "All ages of people and all .kinds of problems," adds Ms. McLean. lighting up a cigarette after a particularly hectic day of de~g with cr ises in the lives of p eople unequipped to handle them. .. THE ONLY thing l haven't· had yet today is a full-on strungout junkie ... and I'd bet- ter not even say that because the day isn·t over yet." s he declares through a cloud of smoke. The location at 222 Fifth St .. not far from the Huntington Beach Pier, is ideal for helping the transient youthful population that surges through the seaside community like a tidal flow, especially In the summertime. Not all of the L.Y.N.N. Cen- ter's clientele is comprised of the tran~ent without food or funds, or tne aged confined to a rut and an older home on which his or her pension will barely cover the taxes. A LOUNGE boasting a pool table, books, games. cheap refreshments and totally free talk from someone who well re- members the agonies of adolescence are also available. Sometimes a sympathetic ear is all a troubled youngster needs, but the L.Y.N.N. Center is well · connected with contacts in Orange Coast counseling service! forlhosewhoneedmoresupport. "And we get at least two Oally ~llet Slaff l'tlete L. Y .N.N. CENTER DIRECTOR Ann McLean runaways a week on the average, explains Ms. McLean, noting lhe figure always rises with the lure of summer's surf and sun. ''Wint RUNAWAYS, we work very closely wilh the ' Family Crisis Center in Costa Mesa," she says of lhose who drop out of Orang~ ~ homes and 5000 tire or sicken of life among lhe Street People, a culture that can be ruthless and vicious . L. Y.N.N. has frequently iµde<l travelers stranded without funds or due to automobile breakdowns and insufficient money or a lack of credit cards lo finance hotel lodging. "But we're struggling now without Philadelphia House," she says of the rormer downtown area youth hostelry closed by the city due to defective electrical wiring. Despite increasing operational costs, Mrs. McLean sees no pre- dictable decline. in community service. THE MONTHLY budget in- cludes her salary and $300 for rent and has been averaging $S5 for telephone service, a c9st apt to skyJ;ocket In months ahead due to Pu6lic Utilities Commission ap- proval of individual billing for business calls. · The L.Y.N.N Center hcis two telephone lines, handling about 500 calls out per month. ''Sometimes it 'takes 15 telephone calls jusl lo gel food for somebody, or 15 calls to get aride for a senior citiffll to the hospital or to a doctor's appointment," she explains. Pim PROBLEMS. • • <From PageC2) nancy right now. "On real deep questioning, If a patient is on pills and she's gotten pregnant, we usually ftnd out lhat there bas been a use failure." "YOU DON'T RA VE as much pregnancy protecUon with an IUD,•• she said. "Wilh a diaphraem, I think you have quite good protection if you don't cheat al all." "For SOtne women, the pill ls the bes~meana of birth c011b'o1 but we don't really advocate the plll," commented Chris Cleary, director of ~e Fermmst Women's Healthcelltttin Sanla Ana. "We feel that it's really dancerous to women's health. We feel that it's teen overpreacribed, il's been used as tbe answer to birth control When th«e .ar.e..aJot ot contraindication& to using the pill that aren't taken into consideration often enou1b." Ready and Peterson murders oc- curred, says there is nothinJ new ln th•case. "But we are still talking to peo- ple from time to Ume," says OCSO Set. Bill Miller. The &lrls are believed to have 1one with someone they knew the ni1ht ol the murders, which oc- curred at lhe foot of bluffs n~ the terminus of Golden W~t Street at Pacific Coast HighWaf. · "But, coupled with that &lldtlle 'lrash bag' killer case,, you ought to tell kids not to hitchhike," adds Sgt. Miller .. But young girls who become in- volved with a crowd too old, too fast and loo tough for their years create the most problems for themselves and police, officers say. "A lot ol kids, young girla 13 to 18, come down to the beac.ti and mingle with crowsls they shouldn't min1le with," says Newport Beach Police Detective; Sgt. Mike Bllteb. • •'They snarf down all the beer and marijuana they think they can handle and then they're in trouble .•• we've gone with ·parents to house after house where a girl stayed one night and then moved on to another house." Blitch notes Newport Beach Police Department· policy re- quires the apprehension and de: tention ol any hitchhiker under 16 <·torr. release to her parents. He aays they have detained 300 teenaged hitchhikers within lheputmonth. Hitchhiking ls Ulegal on Newport }leach streets, thus lhe municipal ordinance affords many opportunities to check out youngsters spotted thumbing a ride. .. We're constantly b&vinl pro. blema ·with these young •ala httchhildng," says Costa Mesa Police Detective Gerry Tbompeon. "They're just standJD& there · wlth their thumb out waitlngfor aomethi~ to happen to them. They don t realil:e there are wi awful lot of crazy people oil there." Detective ~ompson said his deparvnent recenUy asmted ·tn a case lnvol~ a 1irl picked \tP by a male motorist, sexually molested, held captiv~ in IAng Beach for two days, shot and dum~ in Anaheim. . She survived the rape and gunshot woundlnt., but she will carry the memories to her .irave. ·. • "We've had a whole lot of tranalent kids hitting town lately. Most of them are from Florid~ "" believe 1t or nOtt'' HY• '#i McLe-.~OI the L. Y.~. (Love Your Nel1hbor NOW) Center in cJoWDtOwD Bunt.inatoo Beach. ••• Tile store froat f adllty 11.p:I FUth St., neat the pier, cate;'to all sorta ol the down·and-out and ts fln.anced largely by St.a. Simon & Jude Catholic Church. ' One ol tt.a tunctiona is arr_,. lnl places to sleep for the bn>ke and homeless, in addttion tO ot- ferlns food and fellowship in the s pl rlt of ac ceP'ti n g t~e responstbtllty of · being one•s brother's keeper. . (f andy Ready ud Sheryl Pete.rson said they were going to the L.Y.N.N. Center the last t.lme they were seen alive and s~e wilh anyone. · . "Bu~they never got here. ·MI_ says the center's director. McLean. . : -· Only 7 ounces of crepe de chine But what an impact! . . I Beautiful, sensuous stuff that doesn't even come to 1/2 pound! So right. So often. This-minute fashion. By California Girl in a wrlnkle·free textured polyester. Mail/phone. Bet_ter Sportswear Dresses. 51. The soft blouson button-front shirt and pleated skirt. ..rust or teal. 6-14. $75. . -:- ~ I ·""· .. ·. .. , ,. .. '· .. l • l • u 11 a t. l L ( I f ' . • l , . " , DAILY fttl.OT ..... .. ' . ... rrtlDdl of Mac and June McCoy joined to1ether tor a buffet luncheon at St. Michael and All Anaels Episcopal Churda ill Coronadel Mar to1ay "we love you." The retired cOUPtt wlll IOCID be movlna to Yucca van.,. and were feted for thtlr lonstlmt lovolvement with the Newport Harboe' Q>uncll of Churataee aad It.I awdllluy or1anJ11tioa, FISH. " · · Tbe festive luncheon was the lfffte of warm exchanges wtth min1atera, volunteer 'worketa and· lonatime friends teatlfy. tng to tho D\lle years of dewtecl nrvtce to othtn alven lty tbe McCoys._ FISH is a totally vdunteer or1anlzation belpln1 others in the community or new to the community; whether it be tranaportiq tbem ~ tbed~~· h~Plnl ~find a.job or brinlina tbem fQOCL Volunteers like th·e McCoys are often called In the middle of the niS}lt to go and help someone in trouble. Julla Chase, a member of tbe steering committee for FISH, says "You can always depend on the McCoys.•• She cited their tireless work and C<>ntin\Jed devotion to others. .. In every organization there are a few people who say. 'I believe in the organization and want to m ake it work,"' says Carolyn Milliken, another volunteer. · .. The McCoys are some of those people and this is our op- portunity to say, we love you. we're aratef ul, and thank you. .. .. ... Carolyn· Milliken with. Mac, June McCoy As pictures were taken and people began helping themselves to the sumptuous luncheon, the McCoys appeared to be a little overwhelmed. It was June who modesUy said, .. We're not quite surewh,y~'r~belngholiore~.'' • When asked what they will do in sunny Yucca Valley, she satd they'd always wanted to live there, but added. "We'd dearly love U>ast Coupks FISH volunteer Julia Chase chats with the Revs. Don Maddox and Charles Clark (above). The Rev. Cecil Hoffman and Nancy Stansfield (at right) join festivities. to set up another FISH organi.z~Uon,: • . . . • . The major underlying philoeopby of the group is "do what you can do." Everything ta donated; including gasoline by drivers, such as the McCoys, while others give food for needy . persons, or volunteer to help with hoUiewor~ or baby·sitttna. ' FISH, in conjunction with tbe Soroptlmists and Hoag · Memorial Hospital-Pretbyterlan, is responsible for the mobile meals program for shut·ins and the elderly. · Nuptials . Performed Taylor-Dufour Calvary Chapel, Dana P otnl , was the setting for the marriage ceremonv of Marie DuFour and David Taylor or San Juan Capistrano. The bride is a graduate of San Clem(!nte High School and at· 'tended Saddleback College. Her husband. an alumnus of Rancho -Alamitos High School. Garden Grove. earned a BA degree in ·~4lrine science at California $1.ate University, Fullerton. 'the newlyweds, who will live iJ> San Clemente, are the aaughter of the Jerry Du Fours of San Clemente and son of the Gordon Taylors, Garden Grove. 000 Atwood-Summers Sherrie Lee Summers of orona del Mar and David E. twCMMI , San Diego, exchanged arriage vows In a home eremony ln Rancho Santa Fe. The bride attended Pacific nton College and graduated ~om Loma Linda University th a BS degree in dental 11ene. Her husband attended Vallejo College and graduated from Pacific Union College with dearees in English and biology. Parenti of the' newlyweds, who will Uve al Capistrano Beach. are Mrs. Ber<lyce Summers of San . Diego and tbe late Dr. Grant L. Summers and Mrs. Dorothy Atwood of Benicia and the lale Dr. AltonC. Atwood. ••• Riha-Babier United Methodist Church, Oran1eville, Ill., was tbe setting for the marria1a of Rose Babier and Thomas Riha, both of Costa Mesa. , • Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Roswell C. Babier of OrangevUle and Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Riha Sr., Costa Mesa. The newlyweds, who traduat,.. ed from OrangevWe Hi1h &:hool, will Uve tn Buena Park. The brld• 1taduated from Hiahland CQtnl!IUnity Colle1e, Fr~port. Ill,, and her bu.band earned • BA decree ln accountln1 from CaUfornla State Unlveralty, Fullerton. Lees·Somervi I le Making their home in San Jose are David Michael Lees and bis bride, the former Kathryn Anne Somerville, who were married in the United Methodist Church, Fortuna. Their parents are ~r. and Mrs. David John Somerville of Fortuna and Mr. and Mrs. ' Howard Lees, Irvine . The newlyweds graduated from Calfiornia State University, San Jose. She affiliated with Gamma Phi Beta and he with Si1maNu. ••• France~·Carney Melody Ann Camey, daughter of the Thoma_& Jam'-s Carneys ot1 Newport Beach, became the bride of Richard Frances of J ack1on Hole, Wyo. in garden nupt1al ceremonies conducted in that city. The bride Jraduated from Newport Harbor High School and majored I.ft te~les and art at Oran1e Cout Colle«e. Her bUl'bud araduated from Jackaon m1h Scbool aJld at- I 1 ~colleges in Utah, Foothill Colle1e in San Francisco and the Unlverslty of Colorado. The ~ewlyweds will Jive in il n, Wyo. ..... Walker-Murphy MAS.ATWOOD attending UCLA. 'the bridegroom took his MS at Colorado State University and will enter veterinarian J1ehoal tber~ in yie fall. They wlll ltye ln Fort ColliQs. · ••• UCLA araduates Teresa Anne Ezell·Ct.tdzik ¥111'9b.Y, Corona del M8!. and Withli W. Walker, Fort q,lllna, Barbara Cudzilt became the Colo., were married tn services · bride of Ken Ezell during nuptial conducted at St. Catbef~e ol ·ceremonies conducted in Crown SitanaOburch,l.11~ Beach. Valley covenant ChUl'Ch, Lquna ' . ,TbeirparentaareMr.•aaOMrs. Niguel · IMk R. Murphy, Corona deJ Paraltloft,benewlyw"', who I •; Dr. WllTtll Walkerl La paduat.d from Dana Hilla mah CeDada, and Nft. Rooert Schoot,.are Mr. and Mrt. Joe 1Hoil••1 La~ Cudlit of. Jl.llaion Viejo and. Mr. ll in.new lln. Walbr afttliated and Mra. Jobn £sell, Lac\Mla ,,w " ~ ~ 'l'IMta while NlgueL 0 MAS. EZELL The bride also attended UC lrvit>e. ••• Newman-Searby In a small, quiet borne ceremony Su.an Lil\lta Searby became the bride .of 0l)'IQN Miobael Newman. Both are tesi- (\ents of Laguna Belch. Their parents are Babette Searby, Lacuna Nlsuel: Clay Searby, Ancboraae: Mn. Bob Carew, Emerald Bay. and CJ Newman, San Cl.-.nte. Tbe new~edli are •redaatee of Lll\lb• Beach Hljh 8choa1 and wW live in L_apa Mach. He also attende4 6a4dlebact Collqe. ORANGE COUNTY Business OF THE .WEEK Opti Sees Market. ~l~arly Firm's Laser Lenses Light Fusion's Fire BJ THOM LEOOQ bf .. o.w ........... According to Dugan, (ate earth and .. doped" lenses may run from ~.ooo to $15,000 each. 'Ibo firm also makes "rods," cylin- ders of special glass used luers. (Doped lenses contain traces ot special materials which alter transmission characteristics.) ()ptl.Syatems 'fnc ia an odd amat1am ot wMk at the frontier ot acleoc• and the production oC product.a by antique, artisan- centered methods. Dugan and Buzzard aretWQ'of several former employes who purchased the optical company from KMS Fusion Division less than two years ago. And that, according lo Opli-System's president W.G. Du1an. ia one of the challenges that make tbe business interesting. 'the group herded the business through two harrowing months of negotiations, then suffered through the anticipation of what they call "the Black Summer." TUE nRM makes lenses, very special lenses, for exotic lasers throu1h prototype lenses for more conventional uses such as pbotoeraphy. rangefinders and satellites They survived the transition from division to independent firm and have since seen the business grow steadily to $1.2 million in sales last year, and a probable $1.8 million during the coming year. Most exotic among its proJeclS are the lenses being made for the SHIVA laser al Lawrence Livermore Laboratories at LJvermore, Calif. They are being used to focus lasers designed to ignite fuel used ror fusion reactor testing. Making those lenses and flats (plain glasses designed to pro- duce laser emissions) involves producmg nearly perfect aspheric DUGAN SAYS the firm has tried to stay diversified. Among its products are lenses used to deposit color phosphors on the pic- ture tubes or RCA and GTE/Sylvania television sets. and flatsurfaces. . Other tasks include developmental work for Ponder and Best <Vivitar). Spherical lenses are ground to the shape oC a section of a sphere. Aspherics have a variable curve surface th?tt prod~ces per(ect transmission without having to use hght-wastmg multiple elements for correction "We have to be careful what business is accepted," says Dugan. ''We try to book (prototype) business that leads to other products. ··we like to take advantage of the learning curve.·· Dugan says the firm's employes, about 45, are an unusual IT IS VERY hard to make aspheric lenses. says Opti-Systems partner, engineer and physicist Bob Buzzard. mix. · "Over the last four or five years, we've probably hired about Oaoly Piiot P"°ta. by Thom Lt<O<I Bob Buzzard, Opti-Systems vice president, adjusts interferometer to check laser 'flat.' Technician Dennis-Garrity uses archaic hand method to grind corrections into laser lens 'Go Slow Til '79' Economic Formula? AN ECONOMIC Memorandum by Dean Witter and'C°o., published to defend its prediction of a long and moder ate cycle or economic growth ~nd in- flation -cites five reasons for lhefr optimism: -Consumer sensitivity to inflation (rising pricel>) has made them withhold spending. And a shift away from manufacturing to lower-paid service jobs has made the consumer unable to sup- port a long mflationnry cycle. -OPEC pricing depends, to some extent. upon U.S. inflation rates reaching peaks of 8-9 percent. Such rates would touch off 10 percent price hikes for oil. pushing inflation to double digits <a polilical bombshell for Washington). -Less-developed countries owe U.S. banks more than $50 billion. High inflation rates in a short boom cycle would push many into bankruptcy Moderate expansion is safer since bankruptcies would ignite risky internaLional political turmoil. -Conservative monetary policy, holding down the amount of currency in circulation. has been FED policy since the Nixon years. An expansionist turn is unlikely since the major world economic powers are committed to modern le growth. -Presidential policies may be the most deli- cate part of the Witter thesis. Forecasters suggest ·79 will be a recession year. President Carter may wish to delay that Ull alter eleclions by rest~aining congress' spending urge. Besides. the Federal Reserve Board will take the heat. Willer's report suggests. A bonus fo r bt.:sincss . the n•port adds, may come in 1979 when a cut in corporate tax rates might be just what the doC'tor orckred for a robust election-year economy • • • IMPROVING Tll'E capabilities of employes can be a costly item an busines"' budget -or, it can be an inexpensive road to improved performance. One source of instruction easily overlooked by Orange Coast businessmen art• the colleges and universities which offer training ranging Crom the purely technical to the abstractly scientific Orange Coast College offers a variety of in- service programs for upgrading skills as well as a number of management (supervisory) programs. An advisory committee made up of busi- nessmen guide £acuity in establishing and tailoring courses to meet needs of business and Industry in the area. Some colleges can hold classes in a plant. if large enough enrollments are involved. Other institudons may be able lo pro~e train- ing in areas where e mploye skills are lacktng at no dfrect cost.to the employer. ' Troubled New.POrt Firm ... ~ Eye$ Turnarouitd, Sale The volatUe electronics business has tripped up many firms, but it ca~e as a surprise in November of 19'16Wherrone of the most s\lccessful CUe<l for proie.uon under Cbapl'er 11 of the bankruptty I aws. The firm is Western Digital, a de- signer and pl'Oducer of exotic, larae- acale integrated circuits, located in Newport Beach. ' -, v ..., . n.eeo..a. ..... Opti~Systema ·incorporated: a privately held California corporation that designs and manufactures laser and commercial epherteal, aspherle and flat lenses: 1978 grass sales: $1.2 million 45 empl0)'9'. au at Irvine manufacturtng facility located at 18551 Von Karman Ave. ·Key officers: W. G~ Dugan, president; Bob Buzzard. vice presfdent; John Haeger, vice president; Billy Ly, comptroller; Howard Sflne, production manager and Don Smal~. director of computer applleattpns. 150 people total. But, we've gone through a purification proce That makes us sound a lilUe cold hearted, but. it's n necessary." HE SAYS the firm began by hiring experienced optii technicians, but since, "we''(e moved toward people with stro" mechanical capabilities." · & They have, be says, learned quickly and haven't been h .. - pered by old attitudes and methods. How do they hang on to skilled employ es? ''Well, most of the key people are stock holders; second, e try to pay them well, and third, most people think th.is is an tereating place to work. There are plenty ot tecbnic 1 challenges." · Dugan's role in the company is almost completely as a manager. , . l HE IS THE one, says Buzzard, who keeps the scientist's ur•e to''tryitout"incheck. , Such attitudes can prove cosUy since working at the edge.o~y-) technology means unusual and time-consuming pr.bblems.c~t be anticipated, and, be adds, " they usually do appear. • Buzzard, a lanky figure whose eyes brighten at the mention of the word problem,. was a pioneer in work on mak- ing laser holograms, those ghostly images that· reproduce pictures in three dimensions. "My role in this company is testing," he says. Testing Is critical since specifications limit errors to the length of a few waves or light (a few millionths of an inch) .. Each new optic involves engineering test instruments. The firm has had to make its own testing devices for some applications and has adapted existing instruments to their own uses BUZZARD'S background also includes computers. They are used in designing optical .Products. W. G. Dugan: \ He says the firm has been 'E ·t · ~ k · trying to find ways to use com-xc1, mg ,o no~ puters to control lens making we II succeed t machines . It is, Dugan points out, another example of the "strange mi lure of archaic and advanced techniques" used by the firm. A walk around the plant illustrates the point. In one room, large blocks of roughly shaped glass are placl on rotating discs where diamond impregnated wheels gri rough shapes and curves in the traditional way. Successive grinding and measuring by laser interferomete bring the glass elements to precise specifications. _,) THE ELEMENTS go back and forth between the artisan with hjs hand-held polishing device and the laser instruments. Dugan says Opti-Systems' market is very fluid, chantlqg rapidly as prototypes are ordered, produced an9 delivered - Clients have included Hughes. Rockwell. RCA. Owens Jl- linois. the Navy and IBM. "Advancing the state or the ari is a key element of the de· dsion to accept a customer," he says. "It gives us a competitive edge." The future? "We· know growth is happening," says Dugan, "But it's hap- pening slowly so I'm not paying attention to it daily. We're taking care of the basics." . THE naM. anticipating its new sales iuark. recenUy h1r~ a marketing and a production supervisor. , 1 ...... "But I think the most important thing is that we 'te all having fun here," says Dugan. . :- •'I think it would be impossible tor most of us to go back t~ .a job where we didn't have a piece of the action. ' , .,. .. "We all work real bard here -all our people spend kfQg hours-there's a lot of dedicatio!"·'' '\{' Dugan's serious expression lifted for a moment as he smU&I and added, "and, it's exciting to know we're going to be ~~­ cessful." WANTED ' Week's and Year's High, Low, Clo e . ' Al\1ERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE ~ek 'tt ancl Y ~ar' Hi~h, Low, Clos~ NEW YORK STOCKS CONTINlJEO ~.JJly 11.1971 DAil Y PtLOl' ·.WESTERN .DIGITAL REVIVING? •.•• (FrolDP11eCf) They control memory dtvlces. eapedally "Ooppy dlau1" ltnks to umote termrnals ano act u ortanl.ien ot. lnlormaUon prm to tr &Dlmlaalon.. lll8SLl&'8 TASK. he 11,15, it to briQI lhe nrm out of Chapter 11. That mean.a a lurnarow,ci, aomet.bini he's done before for electronics firms, or a salt. tndusll}' 9bl~vers say a turn around etrort b unllltely, and that nesotlaUoos with several possible tiuyers are under way. The buyer, says Ml11ler. will get a plum. Plant operations are al 10 per- cen( of capacity, technolocy levels and capability in the MOS/LSI fteld are ex · traordinary. and the equipment •and specialized plant for manufacturing are rirst rate. ADDED TO that is the already developed 16 bil microprocessbr and a product line with Solid sales -lf tbe compan.y end5 ll• flnaD. cl al trGubl•. And Jaft Missler. th• &$al problems or • comptny' lo Cllapecr 11 1n almplJ Dlt ,,. MnL ff• 1l•t1 core mau,emw hi._ mub, dtl"f the rteen\. ,&yb.ck ol I portion of I • mWloQ loan to United Ca1Ucni1 ·~· 1,• petlODI, about aoo la lbeir Mal911iaplant. Ttley aredown&ol . about 250 employts now. SAL& TO 14 !Ate.rated PW ml1ht well mean • r.tum to roriner employe ltvela, he uid. Mllller holds hopes the firm wlll not be closed. "It would be tr aclc to abareholden who wouldn'l be A CR BC It :o r for mer able to partklplte In Weslm1's customer• •~owed tbty are 'ood future; to employ• wbo'n' awaittna cltarlnc of llnanclal • autrered through bltd Umes ud probltma, but are ready to beain to the communltJ, which needs ordering watera thal o«Urs. r11m1 to employ people and feed; llllllw, wbo studs to earn 1 tbeeconomy,"aald lllaa.ler. 1ub1tantlal c'5h bonus upon sale ol UM flna. 11y1 be ls concerned that Lbe bualnea qot fall Into t.be hands-of a eo«"IOf•le barf.Sil hllnter who ,would simply strip the comp&lU' ol equipment and ttthnolocY. His success In avoiding that could produce a bis bonus tor business alq the Orange Coast. Western Dlcltal once employed A NAnVB OF the Orange Cout. lli.uJer bu become emo- UonaUy involved in revMni Weatem Digital. "I'm not a hired gµn senl here to kill the com· pany.1 live here." Missler sees the company lenv· ing Chapter 11 by Fall. Industry observers believe Its sale will be com pitted before that. ' -.. .. •: ~. ... .. , -... 31'41. "' I~·~ , .... ,.,.. ' .... ~ ~·· "• .1 DAILY PILOf SLA Miniseries Planned LOS ANGELES CAP> Can the man who brouahl us John Boy. Grandma tmd 111 lbe r t ot 'The Wal~ " ti~• " th Sym. bloneu Ube.ration Army? Lee Rkh, the~ yur-oJdpr I· dcnl of Lorlmar Producllona. aayayea Lorimar. ho no\·•· hue done» lot more th.an tll family lhow• like "The Wallona" and lt.a ~ venture. ··a la Enourch." Tho ~pany bu clipped into tho un· kworld belon wU.b a look ul the arlea MMIOO murders. ''Helter Skelter," a tour·hoor TV movie focuaed on the Manaon tl'lal, touchina only ll1ht..b' on the pisly murders themeel vet. ~we're 1otq to do 'Voices' ex· ctly Hiit e we did 'Heller elter,' "says Rich ·~--DEVELOPING SERIES Producer Rich "'Reller Skelter' was in the works yeara before an this talk about violence," Rieb says. "We could have goll.eh away with a lot. more than we put in.'' ·•And we were doing a non· violent police show (''l'be Blue Kni&ht') when everyone else was doi ng police shows with violence;" says Rich. RICH EMPHASIZES that the SLA and Hitler entries are only two of about 20 possible pro- grams or aeries in parallel de· velopment. A rroflle of Studs Lonigan, <a outh from the James Farrel Depfession-era trilogy of novels) ana "a lot of things like the Waltons or in that same general area." After a look at Lori mar, it's ob· vioua•tbat many of its projects. no matter the subject, come from one source-books. . HE'S &EFERIUNG tu "The ~01ces of Guns," a book about Ae SLA ror which Lorimar h~ ja4 the right.a for two years ·:.''Whal we want to do 1s ex· · '.&inine those people, find out :tpbere they came from, who they :Were imd why they got turned off ~d why they became members iJtbeSLA. -" "Now..,,the one thing that we con't want to do as the Patty llearst s tory -everybody tlready knows about that. The ,.,cond thing that we don't want to do is anything a bout the t)olence of the SLA, the shootout. '1tything of.that kind.'' · Also in the script stage is another TV mini-series. "Hitler." "We're doing Hitler in an en- tir ely different sort of way," says Rich. "We're doing his early life up until the time he becomes chancellor. We're not doing the war, because everybody knows about the war. "Tbe Voices of Guns" is ba.<>ed oi\ the recent. book by journalists Paul Avery and Vin McLellan. ''Hitler" is based on the John Toland book. The stories behind "The Blue Knight." and even the "Waltons" and ''8 Is Enough" were first told in books. Many production companies keep an eye on the current literary crop for story ideas, but few develop as many as Lorimar. • Although Rich knows the route \he television drama will take. 'he script for the CBS mini· feries, possibly to be televised ~arly next year, is still in the ?Vriting stage. "WE'RE GOING to show who he was, how he became what he was, what circumstances put him where h e wa s. Simultaneously we're going to show how a German family is af. reeled by Adolf Hitler and his rise." All three networks. y,nd er pressure from such groups-ls the Parent-Teacher Association and the American Medical Associa· lion, have announced no new police s hows for next season. But Rich says that dramas about Hitler or terrorist groups are not a convenient way to circumvent bans on gratuitous violence. AL BURTON, vic-e president or Norman Lear's Tandem Produc· tions. says his company, which makes comedies such as "All in the Family" and "One Day at a Time," has nothing against liter ary property as a story source. "We just haven't run up against one yet. RICH SAYS violence must of couc.se be noted. SLA leader William Harris, for example. was first exposed to violence as a Marine. ; 1'We wiJJ show how the Manne Corps affected his life. affected ·his thoughts, affected what he ~leved in." :;-,#. ~·­., "The advantages would seem to be that you get to read it before you commission it (for a series>." says Burton, "and you get to see if it sells first.'' Diane Eokolow, a Lorimar vice president, is based in New York. where she grabs galleys or up- coming books ror Rich to r ead. . "TDDA~ CIDSSIDID l'VIZLI "LUMIERE" · SUl-TITLl!SIR) ACROSS • 1 lnlended 6 Heallh resorts 10 Boys school 14 Coarse fabric :.19 Alohabel • unit ·;20 German > Mone ; 21 Small brook : 22 Printers errors :• 24 Half an ., em ;· 25 Goll mound > 26 Spml tamp 0·.2] Girls oame .2e Recline ·• 29 Hunting • cry • .. JO Alaska " mountain 32 Peek·<!· -boo ' openings • 35 Council 37 Kn1ghl s t1lle 38 Fem1n1ne name 40 Snow runner 41 Arabian country 43 Church seat 44 Aclua111v ·•5 Expunge •7 T erminale '9 Rehearse :-quickly .. 2wds : 5' T rop1cat • lree ~ 52 Low • Island : 54 Actors • 1oke ·-66 Helf ~ .. 7 D1sllgure 8 Separated ~ 2 Baleful " ~4 Time zone abbr. 65 P11ckles 69 Ma1urino agent 70 Rougn lava 72 Brown k1w1 74 Lampreys 76 Greasy 77 Gangsters gun 78 Elevator direction 80 Unite ltrmly 83 Englisn writer 86 Convert leather 87 Decorates 89 Shoe fealure 90 Biblical land 92 Excavalino machine 94 Outen Cheese 96 Scolled 99 Certain 100 Roman magistrate 104 Musical syllable 105 Spanish hero 107 lmta1e 111 Grow old 112 Enclose closely 114 Drowsy 116 Nondrinker abbr 117 Trouble 118 Network 1?0 Weaving device 122 Musical d1rec1ron 123 For eumole 125 Possessec; 126 Abhor 12Q Tibetan gazelle 131 Blbhcal king 133 Function 138 lndMdual 137 Intelligent • 139 Seaeaot• 141 Priest's robe, 142 Adhere 145 Ghost 147 ScolllSl'I congress 149 Asiatic country 153 Hodgepodge 154 Have reality 155 Head cavity 157 Small draughl 159 Fork prong 160 German electncian 161 Arcltetype 163 New England ofl1c1al 166 Cahlorn1a fort t67 Polynesian lily 168 Brazilian macaw 169 Tense 17 1 Roman road 172 English 1urisd1cllon 174 Alleged force 175 German pnson I 77 Egyptian genle 1 78 Hindu robe 179 Evervs1xtv minules 101 Siity 182 Grandiose 183 Palen up 184 Peruvian mountains DOWN 1 Fixer 2 And Laton 1 Siamese coin 4 Scottish turn•P 5 Woody plants 6 Oozing 7 Essence 8 Irritate 9 Sizing coat 10 Stately bearing 11 OutQ{ edge 12 Shade trees 13 Baby's · e~losure 14 Ul)der 15 Parched 16 Anger 17 Tartinrs note 18 Moral principles 19 Depart 23 Main artery 31 The Altar 33 Supplement 34 Australian birds 36 Sauls uncle 37 Chemical salt 39 Demander 42 Commotion 44 WeJls ••••• 46 At'tlays poetic 48 Pat gently so Ballot caster 51 Proh1b11 53 Blbhcal pronoun 55 Wardrobe item 5·7 Musical note 58 Myth 59 Minced oath 60 Negative vole 61 Cordage fiber 63 Female rabbit 65 Russian despots 66 Frankish peasahts 67 V1vac1fy 68 Since· Scot II sh 7 I Perform 73 Tempers 75 Conducted 78 Excessive 79 Sacred song 8! Dawn goddhs 82 Rocky hill 84 Intimidate 85 PIU!Tl8d bird 88 Legal matter 9 t Death 93 Allow 95 Feminine name 97 Bitter vetcl't 98 Brief awlm 100 Poker It_,,. 101 Curved molding 102 Selnes 103 American author 106 Eosin 108 Evergreen 109 Yarn llull 110 Olherw1se 113 Tenet 1 t5 Greek letter 110 Time period t2t Complains 124 Travel f25 Planets path 127 Printers ttu1d 128 Helm poa111on 130 Aesthetic 132 Fortlly 134 New Zealand tort 135 Knead 137 Enclose 138 Vocat sound t40 Breathing passage 142 lnjeotlons 143 Pac1t1c tSland 144 Doc(rine 145 Before prefix 146 Obslinale 148 lndlatlnct 150 Lile prehx 151 Matriculates 152 Presidential nickname 154 Truism 156 Brlatles 158 Ottoman title 161 Perala 162 Eucatyptua secretloo 164 Spanish WIX 165 Mld<hty t68 Armpit t70 Wire service 173 Rumen 176 One or any 180 Concem1nq 1581 W. SUN.FLOWER W. OF BRISTOL C.M. '!>40-0594 "STAR WARS" l'GI "AllR>GE TOO FAR" CPGI "A lltJDGf TOO FAR" ll"GI '151.AMD OF DR. MOREAU" lPGI "ORCATHI klllB wHALF' "GRl'lU r' C .. GI "ltUIY" I RI "lillD" lltJ "F.AMTAmc A~IMATIOM AmVil" Cl"GI · "FAMTASTIC l'UHEr'. 'HATRES-ORANGE CO SOlll cmzm sue Ecology Fan The Lorax loudly voices his complaints as be fights to preserve some threatened Truffula trees on the award-winning animated special "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax." It will air at 8 p.m. Tuesday on Channel 2. :i ' Kids Wise Up to Parents \ \I \IC 11'"' t 11<..., .'I I 1"1. LI/ A MI NNELLI ·ROBERT DE NIRO .. . "NEW YORK. NEW YORK" .._, .. 1'" I .I \Ill \1 \t H \ll 11-1\1 \1<111"-\I \IC II' ., •·I • I \Ill \I \t II \LI 11 Ii.-. •·I I" \I \H 11'...,, C llt-.i .'I I'• .t.,. •• 11 11'\ll' V.l,i...1 IJ<•••llCl.lhl l<l t II \l(ltJI I '!JO PASSES PL EASE I 9!1 ... ~ ... "11f!!! "A BRIDGE TOO FAR" PG Pio"-- "ANNIE HALL" PG "YOUNG FRANKENSTJ:IN'' PG "NEW YORK • NEW YORK" PG • No'- out is when you tell 'em everyone else's mother says yes and you get ... (the whole table in unison) 'l'M NOT EVERYONE E~E'SMQTHER!'" ''Where do they get these phrases?" ''Maybe there's a book of them that the hospital passes out on the day you take a baby home from the hospital ... Wise Sayings for Parents." l "Do you suppose mothers really have that ex· I tra power they say fhe:ydo? The one about, 'No mat-I ter where you are or what you're doing ... I'll know.'" THEY THOUGHT about that one for awhile, then one said, "Probably not, but who wants to take a chance On it?" -The conversation turned to Saturday night tnd one of them said, "Let's crash Kathy Krupp's party." "Uyour parents knew they'd kill us." "We won'ttell 'em." ·'That's sneaky and that's dishonest.'• "No. that's sparing them ... and that's love." Skater Breaks the Ice Nl!W YOlllC <AP> -Toller ;'Tautoa b •U'Y aer1oua about ~ l.kat.1n1 d in.. It M'lonp ln lq)Umate lheater, far ·emo•ed trom tho tbroe·rlna 1o.ctaea.tan lnQOrtt uen ... ''TbcM tee companlea aHn't 'or me," he ·~·· ••They bave a nooopoly on ooe form al They "'' all the tame ahow. OnJJ the lam• ~baftle. The1 are btc ex rav11an1u\ but. the1 aren't 'eaJ ly bit on au lint. eotbey have <> •umtitute a lot of lblnp few real •llaUn1 eueUeau -a 1mUe •e,., a willlo there and an ever· ">r-.ent cbonaa line cl ffOtlly- lruaed womea " So rat.her tbao uso hll Olympic )ron1e medal .. lever ace for • lucreUve ice compal\Y contract, Cranston Qpt.ed ror his own show. "Sbtinc lD iLa purest form is beautiful in itself," the 27-year· >Id Canaclian says . ··1 didn't think we needed chimpanzees :omiq out oo skates. That's pro- bably the most embarrassing lblna f°' any skater to see. "I COULD HA VE a beautiful girl come out on the back of an elephant. I'm sure that would get a tremendous ovation. Or we could have costumes filled with >parklers. But I didn't want that "It basically comes down to gimmicks. I constantly had to Cight against those things and make sure the •katlng was great." The solution was to bring together skating superstars like Gordon McKellen Jr., three-time U.S. men's champion, Olympian Wendy Burge and the interna- tionally ranked dance couple of Colleen O'Connor and Jim Millns . Then, after some economJc setbacks to the show. his uncle, Sen. Alan Cr anston of California, helped him find the necessary backing. The result is "The Ice Show." which oJSened for four weeks at Th• Paluco on Broaclway and ataycd an extra four. Cranston and b.la cut of 1$ move to Loa Ancel• tor tour weeb on A\&I. 5. then to ToroGto. Soutb America •nd&urooe. D&TB&•IN.\TION has led Craa.atoo Lo aucceaa after set· bacu before. OuriAI tbe 1978 Olympics m I nn1~k. where be won abrome medal, bo became disenchanted with the pollUc1 and narrow· mlndednesaofamateur1kaUn&. "I WU an adult being J\ldled by-children. They didn't know 'Skating in Its purest form is beautiful Jn itself ... I didn't think we needed chimpanzees coming out on skates.' half as much as I did. 1 decided 1 could no longer µk.e their games seriously. ''For me. everything shifted. My prioC"lues were not to get a gold medal. but to hold on to my principles. I knew I was a pawn in one gigantic c hess game. Under the circumstances, get· ting a bronze medal was an achievement." HE ALSO SAYS he had out· grown lhe Canadian Figure Skat· ing Association. which he calls a bunch of old-fashioned autocrats who didn't believe in the star syst em. "I h ad to extricate myself completely.'' At a crossroads, Cranston con- sidered three routes: give up skating to concentrate on his other artistic pursuits -painting and writing; join one or the three established touring ice shows or build his own ice company. He chose the latter, a decision that led to r adical departure from the conventional. Libra: Keep Your Temper MONDAY, JVLY 18 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 2l·Aprll 19): What had been draining you emotionally and fin ancially could com e to 5nd -if you so permit. • TAU US (April 20-May 20): Your "anchor" is very uch in evidence. Individual who has t to do with r security figures In spotlight. t GEMINI <May 21-June 20); You get facts concerning loana, flnanot~obltialioos. All may not be what appears on s urtace. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Accent on what ' you own. how to make the most of It. what to do about acquiring more for your money. Hia aoal la to keep t.be show at fl. constant tUah level o"kattna - but not at the expense of eater- talnment. -.. OUIUNG EACH J>erformaf\ct. when he Isn't on staee. he watches the other skaters "like a vulture. Somebody bas to drive the truck, lower the boom and crack the whip. I'm the person." The show-stopper in the troupe is McKellen, an energetic enter· tainer who la often called "the Chaplin ol the ice." But Cranston aays there ls no competition for applause. "The whole cosnpany operates as a family. U Gordy gets an ova· tlon, the company as a wb~e feels great. That means we're· o- ing over and that's nice. As &, father of the group, I'm only too h appy to bear tbe audience responding to any of us.'' Cranston's style is m ore in- terpretive, more expressive than Mc Kellen's. Called the "Nureyev on ice," Cranston cringes at com· parisoos with other artists. "I'VE ALWAYS fought against being slotted as anything but myself," he says. "If Nureyev were to come to the show, I'm sure he'd be aghast and think · l 'm not anything like that.' Nor do l think I'm anything like him." But the comparison holds in that both Cranston and Nureyev are thoroughly devoted to lhe perfection of their arts. "As a skater 1 ·want to hit every possible audience," Cranston says. "Skating could be a great performing art. But it has to be taken seriously. It has to be given a certain respect and dignity." ,, \. Call 642-5678. Put a few words lo work for you. LEO CJuly 23-Aug. 22): Be prepared for added responsibility. Reward factor also wlll in· crease. VlllGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 ): Individual who talked behind your back finds that you are stronger than suspected. Fllm1 Theater D•nce Televlalon LIBRA ,<Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Heavy-handed "friend" could arouse your Ire. Key is maintain balance; keep long.range view In focus. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov. 21): Emphasis on co-oper ation with relative. Prestige Is up. SAGITfARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): .. Long. term Investm ents should be considered. Alm towards enhancing chances for security. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19 ): Financial questions are subject' of dialogue, corresPon· dence. Key ls to be prepared for varlet)'. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Check for •'secret clause." Some who should be explaining seem to be very sUent -suddenly. Aasert needs. PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20): Friendship and work could create extra burden -if you mix them. The choice ls your own, but be aware of consequences. ' " In the lt1!11flQl(•ll "The Year's Best Movie STAR WARS h\ EDWARDS Nl!WPOAT CINEMA ·N-OW ON TH! LARGEST 8CRl!l!N WEST OF NEW YORK •• .71 fEl!T WIDE IV 35 FEET TALL -2825 SQUARE FEET - P"!SENTED IN FULL 70MM AND SIX TRACK IT'!AIO -DOLBY SYSTEM -THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PlCTVRE AND THE FINEST SOUND ·QUALITY EVER AEPAODUCIED IN THE THEATRE. MO"I! AVAILABLE Sl!Ats 1252 LUXURIOUS MOHAIR LOOl!S -50·100% MORE SEATS THAN ANY OTHER THEATRE. IF YOU itAVEN'T IEEN STAR WARS AT EDWARDS NEWPORT CINEMA VQU HAVEN'T llEN ITI IF YOU'RE PLANNING TO SEE STAR WARS (AND YOU Rl!ALLY SHOULD) YOU'U. OET THE MOIT: AT IOWARDI NEWPORT: OIANT SCRtlM -'-70 MM -DOLBY STEAEOPHQNt SOUND-LPTS OF ·~ ......... ~-- I.A N~DA ' • WEWOOD 4 WALl.fll UllOAIM "llllCt i 1 to lllOflDA'I'""" IAlVlllOA' tt....... _,_, IL*O lo S 00 I.A NIMDA 4 OHL Y I UMOA'l'S & HOLIOA'l'l 12'JO 1o t'«I ..,,.. OM lllM> OM Tr VIVA KNllVILI (l'Ol "us LOGAN'S RUN '"°' "THI°"' AND ~l'l'I" VIVA KNllVILI !PO> 'lUS LOGAN'S RUN ("01 "°'"' ONI ANO OHl ti" VIVA KNllVILI ''°' 'lut LOGAN'S RUN (l'OI a..fl. INI -4.,... .. • .... II ..... ITAa WAH NtOWINO ,., a.Ma 1010 tolll'I', NO 'UHi "THI 0Ht IMO ~YI" VIVA kNllVILltJOI ~u• lOOAH'S RUN CHI II Sunday. July 17, 1977 DAILY PILOT cj Canadian skating champion and Olympic bronze medali$t Toller Cranston is producing and starring in Broadway's first theatrical production on ice. The OM and only ,. .. HM IMI Knie In his first •MMltlc movie role. . -, .. .. . ... ... ~ .::::-PanaV1S10n ® TechnlCOlor Otstnbuled by Warner BrosC)A Warner Communications Com I ' .. . Caught I ~Passing - • • Two-wheelers and four-wheelers (below) were a~ the attractions Saturday at the Fiesta La Cris- t ianita parade in San Clemente. Summer fun was the theme of the f I oat presented by the Old City Plaza Merchants Association (above). Its message of "School's Out" may have been lost on one viewer, however; 2-year-old M olly Flint Cleft) of San Clemente isn't quite ready for the sc hoolhouse yet. Fro• Page Al BALANCE IS THE OBJECTIVE. • • t • . . . "" -N1;whall Land and Farming C"ompany The company was formed from tbe holdings of ttie Newhall fami-~..;Jnd operates IOur div1s1ons on lts 147,000 acres in the Newhall kr.ea and in the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys. ·or the four d1v1 si ons - agriculture. oil and gas, recrea- tion and real estate -Dickason said Kremer has worked in all hlJl oil and gas. .-• Kremer agrees that his work in . Yalencia has been good tr aining, P-0rnting out the remarkable P!{rallels between the two com· .J>anies -similarities that extend • to his matching points of view with his predecessor. : The youthful-looking Kremer says he is not surprised that what h.e say.s sometimes sounds like it eom es from Watson. "You cannot be in the business l.>1 developing planned com - lft.IHlities· and not have the same. -~fnt of view." he said. "This is a yefy, very complicated business. ,:lift real challenge is to achieve a tiatanee." ::!touring Vale~ia, Kremer 1s ~iously proud or the balance ~~ went into producing the ~munity or 16,000 nestled into Jh.e-Santa Clarita Valley of the ~O$eles National Forest. l·:sxcept for the oak-studded rs that ring the community. ·developm ents could be Irvine ftom the spaclpus, landscaped lodustrial park to the low·key i\elghborhood shopping centers :-n<j the recreational complexes. .Tuesday Talk ~~cheduled on velopers at Valencia was Milton Brock of M. J. Brock and Sons, de\•clopers or sev'era}-proje . Orange County as well. Brock built 350 homes in Valencia. ··Yeah." Brock remembers with a wry laugh." Pete's a sharp guy. He's real intelligent. "We were the last builder out there before they decided to go on their own. He may have picked up a few pointers from us." According to Kremer, it's n who builds, it's what thex build, how they build it and when. "It's that m atter of balance," he said. ''It's what it's really all about." The glimmers of what is likely to happen at the Irvine Qompany -after the new owners lake over are few. Kremer p olitely declines to discuss them, noting that such discussion would be pr em a tu re until after escrow closes. And. he points out. because he is not used to being the subject of publicity. Valencia has only one local newspaper, a thrice weekly one. Also unlike Orange County, Valencia is the subject or only o ne governm ental agency's jurisdiction -the county of Loa Angeles. Kremer concedes it will be a major change to find his worlt subject to approval of several dif. ferent agencies, but his curren« boss says he thinks Kremer cad deal with it. . "He handles himself very well," Dickas<>q said. ''He has a great sense or humor and in this business you need it.'' <.. Kre mer conc~es he is 1t b1t short on humor in the press or tl'yth} to close ou\ one job an<{ lifestyle and open up another. He says he bas had to leave the househuntin& to his wife an added that it's been a bi "traumatic" since they had jus completed building a new b(>m in Pacific Palisades. He aaid wryly he is developinc a split personality from spenctint a few da~ it a time in Irvine ·company headquarters and the rest of his time in Valencia. Kremet ii wtlllq to talk about chana•. liUt Only i" • eeneral 'ft'BY, steertna Clear Of specif'lcs. WbUe he al!'ees that be a Watton wre a almilar point view abOut balaee In pl communities, he a110 Ukes tQ note that ... i5 not an imitaUGiri ·RayWataon. "I'm an indMdual and there • \ • 6211 bQDois. WtstminiStl!r 7117 Anlea. 8U!na Pitk ma Stralhmore, Anaheim 13347 lllew4and. Garden Gnl~e 2419 Dlantlcleer, Anaheim 547 S. lamett. Wlle1111 7752 Oevonwood, Ganle11 Gfove 12231 Mley, Ganlen Grove 1240 Allwood dicle. A/laheim 1509Z Bri&lltdn,'Westminister 3172 Vallejo, Anaheim Kendor. Buena Paril 3432 Milan, Wes1minS1er 5190 Dresden. CypreS$ 19219 Stefani. Cy1>1ess ·4532 StlJron. La Palma 1&443 Beach, Bellfl wer -1417 West F;iwn1 O.itario 1460 NO!!h Siem. Va0n.1a 2064 s. Fem. Ont 1110 703 Helm$dale. Valinda 1174 Stovall, ttaclencla Helfhts 1758 E. Granada. Ontaoo 13651 Frady, Chino 6477 Elena. Ontar:o 3984 v.i1ow . Chino 3019 Cindy. C4\llino 6036 Vicente. Chi~ 10516 Welts, Riverside 11r>75 Rob!~. Riverside 9166 Tamafino, Fontana 11958 TllloUEhbred. Mira Loma 000 Stayner Way, Horc4 $57,800 $58,900 $59.500 $62,500 $62.950 S64.900 S64.950 $67,000 $61,500 $74.500 $74,950 m.ooo $75,950 m.95o sas.ooo S89.900 m.soo S71.500 $89,900 S91.900 S93.900 S9J.900 $97.500 $47,950 $48.SOO $49.500 $49,900 $54.500 $54,950 $62.500 S81.SOO $42.500 3 3 3 3 4 l l 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 I'll e e 2 • • • • H• e e 2 •••• 11/o • • • I • • IV. e e e IY. e e e 2 •••• l!f. ••• 2 • • • H• e e e 3 !'Iii • 4 • 5 • • 3 • • 3 2 • • ••• 4 2 • • • • 5 2'h • • • • 4 H'i ••• J 2 • • • • 4 2 • • • • 3 114 •• 2 l'h •••• 3 2 • • 3 11" • • •• 4 llH • • 3 2 ••••• 3 2 ••••• 4 J 1 e 3 2 • • $42,SOO 4 2 $45.AXIO J 1 e $47.950 3 1 e e e 714/522-2856 or 213/860-0371 714/894.()611 714/522·2856 or 213/850-0371 7141527-5138 714/894--0611 714/ 636-9350 714tn2-7211 7141871·1542 714/636-9350 714 13716770 7,l41S17·Sll8 714/871· 1542 m 714/527-5138 213/421 ·9481 213/430-7564 or 714/<i27·227J 213/430-7564 Or 714/527·2273 213/860·3303 714/860·3303 213/924-5539 213/430-7564 or 7141527·2273 714/627-7561 213/965--0785 213/965-0785 714/961-4836 714/627-7561 714/627·7561 714/598·5651 or 213/ 714/54 7-0608 714/~f360". • 714154 Hl608 714/835·1360 $48.500 4 2 • 714/547.aiOS SSS.SOO 3 2 • • • 714/68~141 or 714/735·2400 $55.750 4 2 • • • • • 714/547-0608 $58.900 3 2 • • • • 714/835-1360 6460 Etiwa , Mira Loma $63,950 3 2 • e e 7141685-0141 or 714/735-Z400 • • • ... O* homes-availal>le! 2040 Paloma, Costa Mesa 2010 Baltra, Costa Mesa 1224 Emx. Newport Buch Coral, llewpoi\ Buch .. 26682 tajle La Bomba. San Juan Caplstral!O 23l>1 ClvWUflfl, El Toro 24112 Bintrocil. El Toro 2alf>2 Bras!Ma. Misslon-Yitlo 22042 [splendor, Mission Viejo I 11135 E. lalce Fl Drive. fllorwa Ill 241 Marian. La Mabra 6liO Pinelluut. La Habra dway, Whittier 15452 Pastrana, La Mirada 397 Everireen. Brea 12016 Hartllale, La Mirada 12004 Hartrlale. La Mirada 5139 Kilklee. Lore~ D37 Cortner, E. Lakewood 2816 Del Amo. LaktwOOd 2828 E. Collins 400 S. Flower #144. Orance 2943 Cottonwood 116. Orance 2130 Linda Way, Santa Ana 2146 E. V•n Owen. Drane• ·3 1¥1 •••. • • 4 2Vr •• $116.500 5 3 • • • • 118,IXIO 4 3 • • • • $119.950 4 2Yz • • • • $121,500 3 2 • • • • $129,500 4 2 • • • • $149,500 3 2 •• 3 2"4 • 2 • 3 2 • • • 4 2 • • • 4 3 ••• • 2 2 • • 3 • • • • 2 • 3 1 e e 3 2 • • •• $58.900 3 2 • • • $69,900 3 2 • • • • m.soo 4 2 • • • S76.500 4 2 $45.500 2 $56.000 2 I e • • 714/586-4000 714/661·2311 714/58MDOO 714/586-4000 714158HOOO 213/421-9481 213/598-2751 213/426-4421 213/421-9481 2131421·9481 213/421-9411 $64.500 2 21h • • • • • 714/637-6770 S66.900 3 l'h • • • • • 114163Hno $72.000 4 2 • • • 714/546~ DAILY PtLOT 8und!y, July 17, 1 m • f Mi's Fair in Mesa 1n1tn1 cowboy etar Roy Roa rs and hl1 wlf 1 Dalo Evana hHdllbt cUvlU11 today at U\1 Oran10 County J'alr. Backed up by tM &Ont ot ~ Pion rs, and th1 lr own •on. Dus· ty. Roy and Dalt wlll pcsrform •l 3 and 8 p m 1n lbt OroodatW\d Arena on the Calr•round1. Adm11:.1on to ellhtr pt.>tforman<"e 11 $4 for rc1>urved )4\•ais. $J tor &t:nerial adm1nlon and $1 for children unde-r 13 Oeneral dmlHlon lo the r11r 1rounds Is 12. ond $1 for 11nrkln& the Boos Drothen1 and Raln, both soft rock Rroupi., wlll ~rrorm tonight at 6 land 9 o'clock in the amphitheater. Admlsalon to lhose perfo.rmancea ls free. Other acUvltlea today and Monday include: TODAY ALL DAY lnatant dress mak· int. handy brick demonstration. cr0£heti111 display and tile de· monstration in lhe Home Uving and Desien Pavilion. 9 a .m . 4·H and FFA d alry goat judging begins. Noon. Acrylic palntrngs technl- ques shown tn Ftne Arts Build· ing. 1 p.m. Joyce Burband school of dance in Little Theater. 1:30 p.m. Oriental cooking in Gourmet Gallery. 1 :30 lo 3 :30 p.m . Canyon Grass pe rforms on Mountain Dew Stage. 3 p .m . Look·a ·L1k e contest, Heritage Stage. 3 p .m. Roy Rogers, Dale Evans in Grandstand Arena. 4 p.m. Nono Sina Polynesian dancers, LlttleTheater. 4 p.m. Pickins and Reid Band, Heritage Stage. 5 p.m. 4·H Junior round-robin showmanship, judglng ring. 5 p.m. Awards ceremony for breeding animal winners. 6 p.m . Boos Brothers and Rain, am phi theater. 6 p m. Makalaini and Her Hui· o-Wahines, Little Theater. 6 :30 p.m. Montezuma 's Revenge, Mountain Dew Stage. 6 :45 pm. South Gate Youth Blt.Jld. on fairgrounds. J p.m. 4·H milking contest. Hjfritage Stage. '1 :30 p.m . Parade, on fair· grounds. 'p.m. Roy Rogers, Dale Evans in):;randstand Arena. i p.m . Ben Vandermeidc, hyp· n ist, Heritage Stage. p.m. Boos Brothers and Rain. aasphithealer. f MONDAY ~LL DAY Pattern fitting and cqlor selection crocheting, sun screen demonstration. brick de· ml>nstralion. all in llome Living aitd Design Pavilion. \\ ~ to S p.m. Giant paint in. Artistic Cree-for-all with CLOWN QUENCHES THIRST AT JUST THE RIGHT HEIGHT Charles Sjolander, 13, of Fullerton Tours Fair on Unicycle fairgoers participating in Fine Arts Building. 1: 30 to 5:30 p.m. Blue Spirit Band, Mountain Dew Stage. 1:30 p.m . 4-H and FFA "This Lillie Pig Goes to Market," on Heritage Stag~. 1: 30 p . m . Crepes Suzettes dl• monstration, Gourmet Gallery. 2 p.m . Eddie's Magic and Mime show, Heritage Stage 3 p . m . Popcorn Theater Marionettes. on grounds 3 p.m. Singout Young Gener ation, Heritage Stage. 4:30 p.m. Ice carving by Peter North at Gourmet Gallery. 6 p.m. Jose Feliciano. am· phi theater. 6 :30 p .m . Montezuma's Revenge. Mountain Dew Stage. 7 : 30 p . m . Parade on fair· grounds 7 :30 p.m . Fashion Show of orig inal crocheted clothes jn II o m £' L h · i n g a n d Desi g n . Pavilion. 8 p.m. Hurricane Hell Drivers. 10 Grandstand Arena. 9 p.m. Jo!'e Feliciano in am· ph1Lheakr 9 : 15 p.m. Ben Vandermeide. hypnotist. Heritage Stage. · The fairgrounds will remain open until midnight Monday and every rught through next Sunday. ... 6 4 . Z· • 5 6 I ' 7 .§ D A I L y , p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I . E D I"' (stat• ....•... 1000-2999 tntaia .......... 3000-4699 Butlntu, lnveatment & finoncial •......... 5000-504t ...._..for Sale MOVING BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS? Just 58 days to buy, close escrow & move-in bef. schl begins! Lovely, spac. 3 BR, Fam-rm hm waiting for you in 'the best schl area (it really is).· Children may easily walk to elem, mid or Hi Sehl. in Npt. Hts. 5 tnln bch. Optft Sat & S. 1-5 3000 Clay Strwt * * UMITID llOURS CLEO MARSAUSI 54e.znt 646-7414 G...,... I 0021 Getter.. I 002 ···········4!··········· ...................... . PENINSULA home. 4 Or 5 BR, 3 ba. all amenjties. Lovely neighborhood, a few steps from the beach. $195,000. OTHER prestige waterfront homes with pier & float from $385,000 up. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR .l·il B11r1d1· O'""'' N D e:,75 61 6 1 1--------iG._,..a 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TOASTIMG MARSHMELLOWS In front of your huie fireplace Ol"I those long winter ni&hll is gonna be mighty pleasant. 4 Large bdrms 2"'1 baths comple· ment this :I-story rustic charmer. Beautiful , ________ galley kitchen to please the resident c)lef. Cov· ~ patio surrounded by weepin1 willows and fruit trees. All this and best Eastslde address too! 846-'1171 PMblaher's Notice: All real estate advertised ln this newspaper is sub· ject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it Ulegal to advertise "any pre· ference. II mltatlon, or discrimination based on race, colllr. religion, sex. or national origin, or an Intention to make any such preference, lim1ta· Uon, or discrimination.'' nus newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in viola· tion of the law. Ol'fN 1119•IISIUN10111 NICI• ---··-:] THE REAL ESTATE RS TERRIFIC TWO STORY TOWMHOME . H CAMYOM C.C. SJI0,000 Beautltul park-like approach to ent.rY ot this lovely custom home on Pit Cyn. golf course. Rustle & quaint with a c0unt.ry flavo11.. Rough sawn -wooct exterior. 5 BR, huge play room, st\ldY & 51~ baths. Informafliving! 22 CYPRESS PT. LN. Sat/Sun 1·5:30 THE CHAIM Oil LIDO ISi.i is ·exemplified in this lovely 3 bdrm plus den home. Sunny south patio with· flowers & statuary. Lge mstr suite with huge private s undeck. Many im· . prvmts. Corner Lido Nord. $215.000 236 VIA MENTONE SAT/SUN 1·5:30 HARIOR VIEW HOMIS -S17',IOO Jn newest section or this lovely area of young families. Lge 4 BR & fam r m home with huge rear yard. Ple.nty room for pool, flowers, fruit trees, etc . Near new shoppin~ ctr. pool & ten.nis. courts. Land included. 2239 PORT LERWICKSAT/SUN 1·~:30· IRVIHE TERRACE FftOMT IOW · Fabulous view of ocean. Catalina, Bay & bright lights! Beautiful home w/3 bdrms (2 lge ms tr suites) each with · private bath. Lovely pool. $295.000 · llG CANYOM TOWHHOME -LEASE Owner welcomes 3 to 6 month lease. NEW 2 bdrm. sitting rm, 2 bath. lge DR. Lge patios. cptd & draped. A beauty and a steal at f695 month. 32 CANYON ISLAND SAT/SUN 1·5:30 (Off Ford Road east of Jamboree) ' HOME & IMCOME $295,000 What a building! What an opportuni· ty! Just a year old! Quality construe· lion & in NewPQrt Harbor high school vicinity. 5 Units consist of beaut 3 BR owner's unit w/fam rm, formal ·nR. 2~ baths, 2 frpt. 4 Other units w/2 BR. 2 baths & frpl in ea. Alriurns & patios. 211 I San Joaquin HiUa Rood NEWPORT CENTY, N.I. 644·49 IO MESA VEADi S pacious & airy 2 bedroom, 2 bath in adult community with pool. jacuzzi & much more. It's less than two years old & you couldn't touch ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a new one for this low $60.500 price of $74.900. CALL G_.NI I OQ% 556-2660. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• B Story, 2 Br. with built· in kitchen, private patio, and sparkling communl· lY pool. This I.a one of the lowest priced properties in the Meu Verde area of Costa Men. Call q\icldy :'751·3191 C:SEl.ECT I PROPERTIES C:SEl.ECT I PROPERTIES People who need People Tbat'swhattbe DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY l.s all about! ~~~~~~~~· A CONVENIENT SHOPPING AN SEWINC CUIOE FOlt THE QAL ON THE CO. International Desigrier Pattern ,._ FOR SALE BY OWNER SPYGLASS $214,500 Lusk Nantucket MOdel Ocean/Catalina View 640-7789 646-5809 Getttrol I 0021G9Mf'.t f 002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OFFICE BUILDING Great Costa Mesa corner. 17. Suites. Zohed air conditioning. reflective glass, hydraulic elevator: newly carpeted & draped. S325.000 . LIDO R£AtTl' . ·· ;r.'" U 77 Vie Ude. ..,wport 8"dt 67.J-7300 Gt Mr.. I 002 Gt•.. · fOOI ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• MISAVERDE CUSTOM HOME Fabulous custom home in Meta Verde. Superlm· macl&Ute lhree bedroom wlth family roo m 1 formal dining room ana pool that Is completely renovated. Just be ready to move In and soe the lrtfa•: Two fireplaces, ex\eQ1lve landscaping, custom built-ins, large eodosed patio. Call now $t&-2.113. .... • """' , .... lf'S""" l'O" #(;(• GREAT BUY In lrvm.•s C\dvetdale! Fantastic 3 Bedroom t U you 10001.e )'OU IOlef Red Olrpet. 754-1202 4-IUX Only 3~ yr. old Bride al Ownership a11lt1 wttb o\ler 4,«IO 1q. .Ciball • -• bt&YJ ftMll. air concUtk>llmt ; private patiol! SALES ASSO<'IATE CHUCK BROWN OPIM HOUSIS 8141 Foxhall. Jfunltngton Beuch 3 BEDROOM , l'·• BA <:on<ln S69.500 177 Mohler, AnJhcim 11111-. 4 BEDROOM. F.H . ~1 1 B<• 1631 Avenida Selva. Fullerton • J BEDROOMS CONDO. 2 BA . Sl08.500 568,000 5308 Seashore Dr . Nt•wport Bt:!a<:h :! & 4 BDRM DUPLJo:X $189.900 10499 Salina~ River. llununglon B<:h 5 BEDROOM. FAM R:\1 . 2a ... BA $122.900 16182 Watson Cirdl'. Westminster 5 ~ EDROOM. 4 BATH $118.900 1621 So. Douglas, Santa Ana 3 BEDROOM, F;R .. 2 BA 18055 Magnolia SJ. Fountain Valley 963°8311 S75 .900 ANOTHER WINHIHG CdM DUPLEX This clean. sharp, recently upgraded In vestment property offers a fine OP· portunity for owner to "live in". with rental to help. $159,500 A SWEET BACHELOR'S· PAD Though you don't really need to be a bachefor. to appreciate this nice 3 bdrm .. 2 bath condo in The Bluffs. The price is low at $117,000. Try it -you · could fall in love! OPEN SUH. 1·5 2323 VISTA HOGAR 28 ACRES INDUSTRIAL LAHD Railway & utilities to property: in · dus trial waste·line close by. Xlnt loca- t ion. Priced at S20.000 per acre. Clear. Owner may joint venture. 673-4400 HARBOR REALTY Division of Harbor Investment Co. 1002Getteral 1002 .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• General I OO~ .. ral I 002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR THE YOUNG IN H~RT Unusual. excitin$! Lido Isle home' :J Bdrm.<; .. 3 baths. 2 frplcs .. formal din· ing rm .. family rm. with wet bar. larl!c pool. sauna room . Mstr bdrm. suite with large jacuai. Fabulous home for entertaining! App't. only. S385.000 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1·5 213 ABALONE, BALBOA ISLAMD Charming. cozy beach home w1lh bachelor cottnge. Laq~e patio.· Rest buy at $167.500. WANT THE BEST? Stunning home on Little Balboa Island Grand Canal :i Bdrms .. 3 baths. e levator. gourmet kitchen : small boat dock + 2 bdrm. apl. Call for brochure or app't. to view this lovely home. $385.000 . RUMBOLD REALTY INVESTMENTS 312 MARINE AV&fUE IALIOA ISLAND 675-4822 Getter al 1002~a1 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~COATS & WALLACE ~REAL ESTATE, INC. A LOCALLY OWNED COMPANY SERVING THE SOUlH C AST AREA SINCE 1963 IDEALLY LOCATED 4 Bedroom. Green Valley home just s teps to outstandin~ Cox Elem. School and private 21 acre park with 3 s wimming pools and family recreation f acilitics. Great invest- ment in family fun . JUST REDUCED TO S89.900. Call 962·4454 TRY THIS FOR SIGHS! Close to beach location. Near Edison High School. Vaulted ceil- ings in living room. large country kitchen. 3 Bedrooms. including large private master suite. This new listing is a real value at $86.000. Call now 962·4454. FLOWER LOVERS Many windows of this 3 bedroom Harbor View Hills Home look out on terraced back yard where flowers bloom. Call for appointment to see Mrs. Clean 's home at $185.000. Call 640·6161 A MAN'S AMBITION A WOMAN'S DREAM This custbm Big Canyon is located on beautiful golf course. The sparkl- ing home with patio + maid's quarteri; make this an ideal home fo-r the discriminating buyer. $465t000. Call 64().6161 ,, 5stf .J3.!if' 644-1133 rt·alh ANYTIME SUPER DELUXE END UNIT E-Model; magnificent -enlarged to 4 bdrms. & family. Super property sur · rounded by trees. rock gardens. etc. Decorated to perfection. wallpapeJ>S. oak flooring. wet bar & many other decorator features. Open Sun. 1·5 & most weekdays. 2056 Vista Cajon. $199.500 ELEGANT TRINA On beautiful greenbelt. 3 Bdrms .. 211:t baths. Beautiful location. 522 Vi sta Grande. Open Sun. 1·5. LEASES Featured this week: 4 BR. :1 bath~. great patio. $650 Mo .. Open 1·5 Sun 2107 Descanso . Other avail. leases starting $500 :\to. G.-ral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Bdrms .. 2 baths: lge. living rm. + 2 bdrm .. 1 b<1th apt. Patio. 2 C'ar g;,irage. $250.000 3 .Bdrms. & den. 2·slory home. 2 Patios. view of South bay. Shown bv app't. only. $275.000 · WILLIAM WINTON REAL ESTATE 229 Marine, Balboa Island 675-3331 I Gne-ral 1002GeMra1 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ON THE WATER Spacious 1 Bedroom, 1 bath, den con - do vt/wet-bar, fireplace, gourmet kitchen. sunken living room. Deluxe upgrades, wall coverings. mirrors. Immaculate. After '5 and wknds, (213) 598-4989. Wkdays (714) 642·6673. Open house Sat & Sun 11-5. 5107 Marina Pacifica Dr, N ., Key 21 , Long Beach. Own.et: $1.ot,950. 7 UHITS I All 2 bedroom. l 1h bath. Some with ocean view & central courtyard. This new complex provides an excellent tax shelter for the investor. Asking $365.000. EXTRAVAGANT Executive home ln cen.tr.ally located, prestigious UN•enlty rn. · Minutes to s hopplng. schools, & tr ansporta ti on. Priced for i~mediatc sale. $129,500~ - 7 GOOOWIU COURT'/ Delightful 2 & d9'f condo. is the BEST IN THE C1'l:5T. Beautiful night .view. OPEN SAT/SUN .• 1-5 $127,500. 20361 E. OCEAN ILVD:/ Living at its bes on the Penin. Point; perfect for small family; 2 & conv. den; ideally l~ted ~ear bay & ocean. Lge. priv. P4t10 .. Liv. rm. features book-lined frplc. wall. with ,open beam ceil. , OPEN SAT./SUN. 1-5. A s teal at SJ.?.900 oc!EAHFRONT DUPLEX./ Prime location on best beach. Deluxe & dramatic owner's unit. Fabulous view of rolling · surf & breaking waves. Call to see. NEWPORT SHORES WATERFROMT1 Immac. 3 BR. & fam. rm .. near -. clubhouse, pool & tennb. Jmmed. possess. ·only $127.600 MONEY MAKING DUPLEX! Just listed! 'l·Blk. to ocean. Best rental area. Furn. for summer/winter bookings. Lge. 3 BR. & 2 BR .. 2 frpl. 5167,000 DAVIDSON REALTY 5801 W Coo~t Hwy N B 645 • 7575 3116 Newporl Blvd . N B 673-9060 GeMral I 002 IGeMral · I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• OPEN 1-5 SAT This Hew Listing in Bayer-est 1739 TRADEWINDS LANE 4 BR. 2 BA . separate master suite. gourmet kitchen, low maint. rear yard with s parkling heated pool. Ivan Wells lis ted at only $225,000. HARBOR VIEW OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1.5 I 80 I Port V annouth 4 Bdrms .. family home with countrv kitchen. Award ·winning landscaping. Large corner Jot. Beautifully deC'orat· • ed designer wallpaper. SPYGLASS HILL OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUM 1-5 2 3 lod~ga lay 3 Bdrm .. formal dining room with up· ~raded appointments. ocean view. secluded stone jacuzzi and waterfall adjacent to master bedroom. Lowest price with view. OPEH HOUSE SUND.A Y 1 ·4 1130 West Sierra Near So. Cst. Plaza, 3 Bdrms .. 2 baths. new paint & carpeL'i Shows like a model. S79.900. YOUR HOME TOWN BROICH! 673-7601 ~~~!'! .......... !!~~,~~~~~! .......... !!~~ The Dalebout Association Real Estate Specialist <Dover Shores/ Baycrest/Westclif() ~ME wmt US-to prestkjlous 1315 A1ttfCJUCI Woy. Th• • IMltCJ "°°"' Is a oTtlblc occetthd by ~INJ thirty fl•! foet .,._.,d ceHUM)a. Faur IMdt'oolM. Pihate master suiff. GeMrous famia, ~ wftll P.-quet floors. .An IMC.._ foiMal'diftiftg room. Tnlly mt offMftC) of ~c clstinction. This ls,GR,Hckni•• pffS...tatfCllt by n.. Dalebout( Assoclo- ffon. $255,000. . . o..., Saturday dl'ld SUltday I ·5 O..n Toda!· 21ilv. EMTRADA 41R. llA 2100 Sq. ft. family home: crisp & fresh new decor. Best early area, near pool. Kids love lt here " enjoy .. chore-rreen ,peace • ~.ooo gets you the Sood Ille. . i!i -t~dllll\!• .\: l!.·11 .• i!~cllli11 •, H111<1 '>-10 r,5f)O l\nyl1n11• E..1 ,fhlufl Prc1I Blc1q NEWPORT HEIGHTS SI lS,000 WITH LAMD End unit. 3 BR .. , 2'12 ba .. kitch/fam. rm.; beautiful de- cor. 1850 Sq. fl.; cathedral ceil .• wide greenbelt. OPEN SUM. I ·S 40 I VISTA SUERTE .,, .MD UNIT. CUSTOM Enlarged. one of 3 kind home of builder. developer of Bluffs. 2800 Sq. ft.; 2 huge BR .. 2~ ' ba .• fam. rm .. spectacular water view. Nothing to compare in Newport . at $285.000. OPEN l.oS 2427 VISTA MOILEU,. LEASES ~ Bay view. 3 BR. fam. rm .. 21,~ ba .. 2250 sq. ft. S725 Mo. llG CANYON 4 BR. fam. rm .. view. pool. jac. $1500 Mo. .. 1 Blk to Cliff Dr. Architect designed home, set among tower· ang panes & lovely gardens. 3 BR, 2 BA, Sl57,500. RANCHO HELEN 8. DOWD .. S.AN JOAQUIN REALTOR, IMC. MLS 64~0134 Beaut. ocean view from 1973 T U t & T Sal every\. window in this 2 op s er op esman . . ., BR, 2 'IBA condominium 1974 & 1975 R......Up tastsefully decorated. ~wpart-Mna locrd of Rf'Clltors Close to pool & jacuzzi.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $92,500. 673·7011 Farrell~~ STEPS TO BEACH $84,900 Newport Beach ! Decorators dream. Cozy wood grained living room with Swedish (ireplace. Butcher block counter top in this LOVELY LIDO ISLE PRIVATE BEACHES-TENNIS COL'RTS- lbCLUBHOUSE Spacious 3 bedroom. den. 2 bath. home. Larsie livm~ room. separate dminir room. modern kitchen. 3 car garage. 45 l'•t. Street to street lot with sunny South patio. $225,000. 673-4239 I gourmet kitchen. Cozy ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~!'!! hideaway master wing = with mirrored wardrobe ...... 1111!1••••••••••• Two more spa c ious bedrooms. custom sun· deck, teMis, swimming & boating facilities. Don't be too late. Call now752·1700 ()PfN Ill 0 •II ~ fUN IO 8( NI('(• l•ll~&ltll Custom leautv! 311'.I Years new w /4 br's, dming rm AND family rm. Raised tiJe entry. 2 baths. delx kit., lge patio, E·Z care yard. Reduced •for immed. sale to $87,950. 531·5800. eve54J..63SS Wntha•en Realton lnt1 RE Network WHITEWATER VIEW POOL SAUNA -$83,900 Harbor Pacific heated & filtered pool withjacuzzi. Overlooks beach. Secluded private bar·b· que patio. Secluded second story den with ocean vietv. To see this exciting property, call 962·7788 . .Q. K€Y 'V P.€ALTOP.S A A LOT FORA LITTLE $56,000 How's this for value? Park like setting · com· munity pool -beautifully decorated 2 story, 2 bdrm, l"" bath adult COD· dominlum ! Spiral atalrcase -enclosed ipraae. Priced for quick sale! Don't wait, call now 842-2535 CE .· 110181 BLllNS ca~ '" OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE "' • OPEN SUMDA Y 1-s~ Spacious 2 Story Home -Easily Expandable. 3 Large Bedrooms. 2'h Baths, Family Room. Separate Din-'1' ing Room Country Kitchen. Custom '• Shutters & Chandeliers. Lovelv Cur- tains & Blinds, Refrigerator Included. Over 2000 Square Feet. LarJ?e Shaded Patio. Pool Size Yard. Only $159.000. 2021 PORT BRISTOL CIRCLE CORONA TOWNHOUSE Canvon Crest Estates Area Of Corona Del Mar. End Unit "E" Pian With 2 Bedrooms. 2'h Baths, 2 Fireplaces. 3 Patios. Built-In AU Electric Kitchen . Beautifully Carpeted & Draped. Near Pool & Jacuaai. $124,900. #10 CREST CIRCLE DllAMA TIC TOWMHOUSE-"ILUFFS'• Much In-Demand Tri -level End Unit "R Plan" With View. Highly Upgraded Wood Pegged Floors In Both Entry Hall & Kitchen, 2 Spacious Bedrooms. 2112 Baths. Den, Wet Bar. All-Electric Kitchen. Formal Dining Room. Patio: $162.500. 2927 PERLA LDCE A PENJHOU$E -•'11.UA=S .. Spectacular 2 Story End Unit Townhouse With Full Balcony Highly Upgraded. Overlooks Pool & Cabana. 2 Spacious Bedrooll) Suites 3 Baths. Huge Family Room. Easily Convertible To Another Suite. Many Other Fine Features. Near Schools & Shops. Seller Transferred $167,500 2444 VISTA NOBLEZA PLAM 3 IROADMOOR, TURnE ROCK Ever Popular Single Level Broad· moor With 4 Bedrooms 2'h Baths Lge. Family Room. Del Piso Tile Entry Beautifully Landscaped. Wrap Around Patio. Newly Painted & Immaculate 3 Car Gar. Near Parks & Pool $129,500 59St SIERRA BJ}_A VO CHA' I n••n COMPAltSON In Dover ShOres!·Gracious 1 Story French Regency Wit!\ Exciting Bay View. Gated Gar,.ten Courtyard En· try . Living Room With Marble Fireplace. Fomtty Rdoni, Wet Bar, • Bedrooms. Sunken Tub.Shower In Master Suite, 3'h Baths. Formal Dlnin; Room. AU-Electric Kitchen. S'28S,OOO. ~ . ,. . . ...... ~ . . OUTRAGEOUS ... . pnn: n·duction'. J lkh m • 1 I.la Hu) shore~ home. romplrlt-ly redone Lns ide & out curpets. rlrapes. bJths & landscapmg Can 'l Jast at Sl59,500 C. F. COLESWORTHY 640-0020 EASTBLUFF CENTER ~II. macnab I Irvine ~ realty FINER HOMES FROM $72,500 TO $1,350,000 OPEN SUH 1-5 PM. 2612 VISTA DEL ORO, BLUFFS. Customized "V" plan; 3 BRs din- ing rm, 21/:? baths. Reautiful pa~quet ei:itry, plush beige earpeting, m•w kitc h en, mirrored wardrobes. Charming private patio for sunning. Orf cred at Sll7 ,500. <D-41) FINEST QUALITY HOME OPEM SUH 1·5 PM. 1307 SANTIAGO, WESTCLIFF/DOVER SHORES. Exceptionally attractive 4 BR, 212 baths w /sc p a rate d inin g + handsome paneled den w/wet bar & refrig. Gori!eous ba{'k gardens w/2 covered patios. S215,000. (U-42) BALBOA ISLAND L ocation ! Location! Charming olde r 4 BR hom e w/1 BR apt. over garage. Sand.v beach in front. $351.000. OPEN SUM 1·5 PM. 542 SOUTH IAYFROMT. CD -43) OUTSTANDING FAMILY HOME OPEM SUH 12·5 PM . 1806 SAMDLEWOOD, BA YCREST. Coff San- tiago) 4 lg. BRs, 3 baths in this Ivan We lls ho me w/separatc dmmg, family rm & courtyard entry for complete privacy on quiet street. Charming back area surrounding pool. <D-44 > COMTIMPORARY IV AM WB.LS- S I 69 ,000 OPEM SUH I ·5 PM. 1909 COM· MODORE. BA YCREST. (off Mariners) Beautifully landscaped & s unny patio in rear yard & room for pool. 4 BRs, 3 baths, dining & family rm w/lot.s of glass thruout. Air cond. 4 patios for outdoor living. <D-45) THE BLUFFS Choice 3 BR. 21h bath end unit w/ lovely bay view! Lovely wallpapers & cpts .. -bright & fresh! Complete sec. syst e m . $162,500. Ma x inc Williams 642-8235. <D-46) REDUCED TO SEU. OutstandinJ? value in Eastbluff. Lus k built 3 BR. 2 baths w/fo rmal dining & parquet floored family rm. I mmediate possession poss ible. $142.500. La rr y Dyer 642-8235 . (0-47 ) SPARKLING HEW DUPLEX Rare location So. of Bayside Dr. - c ustomized by owner. 3 BRs, 2 baths each. Fireplaces -2 blks to beach. A must see! $265,000. Har- riet Perry 642-8235. (D-48) · TREMENDOUS 4 BR "Palermo" model w/180 degree view! Ric hly paneled downstairs; shutters; quality floor coverings. Ultra-clean thruout ! Carl Butler 642-8235. CD-49) DELIGHT OF NEWPORT HEIGHTS Cozy. shaded glen area (off Santa Ana & Broad St.s) & R-2 lot make this 4 BR. 2 bath + study home an interesting investment opportunity. Lovely place to live ! Generous b ea utifully land sc.aped ' sprinklered. buildable lot g~s thru & up to La Jolla St. Priced to sell w /quick possession possible! $161,950. Tom Allinson 64°·8235 (D-SO) . ~ • . WISTCLtff Sharp. spacious condominium w/2 BRs, 2 baths & dining. Decorator cpts/drps, fireplace, mirrored wardrobes, gourmet kttclwn & pool. $84,500. Harriet. Perry 642·823S. (D-Sl) PllCIS na-tM• YOU OUT? This may be your last chance tQ get lbto this "Carmel" model on fee land in Harbor View Momcs I Lg. yai'd. Clean & neatt Carl Bulle~ -~. (D.s2) . . . . . . . CHOICI NORTH TUSTIN Thia 3 bdrm home baa a dming room & aeta on ap- prox "'• acre of beautiful parklike setting in the Foothill lhgh School dls- tm1. Priced for quick ~ale at S89.500. OPEN SUNDAY l·S i091 Foothill Blvd. AHOPREALTY 731-4911 Ask for Don or Helen 2 STORY 4 BDRM POOL&BEACH Joe to beach from this lughly upgraded twnhm Gourmet kitchen with form al dining . New l'arpl'ls throughout Windml( st;urs to master s uatl! and children's quartt•r!> Call 963-6767 f,,,~,r ~·I iLJf"li')ll f'Jrfl' [~ ll~&Hill HEW LISTINGS! EASTSIDE C.M. Clean & comfortable 3 bdrm. + family, 2 bath home; bnck frplc. · in x lnt neighborhood . $84,500' COSTA MESA Creom of College Park · parkhke entry & patio + 3 bdrm . & family, 2 baths; dbl. brick !rplc. Low maintenance . $87,500 Make offer ! WOODBRIDGE Broadmoor home, 2 BR + den + dining rm. + eat.mg area in kitchen Gorgeous brick frplc. Low ma1nt. yard $98,500! HEW LISTING! Ocean I blk,, deluxe duplex: 3 BR. 2 ba. ea Close to stores & Lado Villagc Reduced lo $167,950' BAYFROHT OPEN SAT /SUH I ·5 1805 W.BAY Brand new duplex; 3 & 2 BR .. frplcs .. sundecks, 4 car garage. Close to restaura nts & p l a y Uungs. Seller will help finance. Reduced to $!85.000! CORONA DEL MAR OPEN SUM. I ·5 708AVOCADO Ocean side of hwy.; charming 2 'BR. house + near new 4 BR. apt. + 4 car garage. $185,000! Balboa Bay Prop. Realten • 675-7060 * 3 BDRM POOL&BEACH Located on quiet tree lined ~lreet. Close to schools & major shop- ping centers. Huge hv rm. with fireplace . Servc·through window to private pavlllion. Priced at 562.500. Call 963-6767 oPfN 1119. ,, s IUN roof M(fl [eq11111 ' Eashlde,CM (2) 2 Bedroom homea- one new, one remodeled. Cloee to 17th Street shop· ping and Newport Harbor High. A super in· vestment. Hurry. just listed, call 546-5880. ~~HERITAGE • • REALTORS NOSTALGIC HW" RB>UCED SS,000 S c e n i c tr e't! I i n e d nei&hborhood. Charm & warmth rill this home. Plmh carpeting. Coiy fi~place. Sunny kitchen. Hideaway mast.er win1. Two more apaciou bedroom1. Stepdo.,n family room. PooWde lot too I J utt reduced $119,900! Don'L wait. CAil now752·1700 . O#'fN 1119 ." s rUNfOU NICI' [lfllBVll HEW BA YFROHT 2 Bfl. Large condo with family rm. or 3rd bdrm. Beautifully decorated, draped & carpeted. Large boat slip avail. 2 Car garage &. elevator electronically guarded. Lease at $990 per mo. or buy with lease/option, or purchase now at $245,900. 621 Lido Park Dr .• C-2, NB EXCEPTIONAL BLUFFS .. E .. Extremely motivated seller offers this very popular 2-level condo with 3 bdrms .. lge. family rm .. 21A? baths, 2 frplcs. & 2 patios overlooking a wide, beautiful greenbelt. Home is s uper, with new carpeting & Del Piso tile en- try. Priced way below market at $149.500. 2216 Vis ta Dorado <off del Oro>. HARBOR VIEW HOME Largest I-level 4 bdrm. model. with family rm. & an added den. Formal dining rm. & s uper kitchen. A very good inve s tment at $149 ,750 INCLUDING THE LAND. 1839 Port W estbourne, ONE OF A KIND HighJy upgraded Trina condo in the exclusive Bluffs. Previously 3 bdrms .. 2'h baths. but owner has profess. con- verted two bdrms. into one huge mslr. suite. A real gem! $159.900. 500 Vista Grande. 1To5 SUN. only. LOTS OF LAND This s plendid Harbor View home has a large, poolsizc yard. great for the young family. 4 Bdrms. on one level. with family rm. & formal dining rm. $149,500. 1627 Port Abbey. HORST'S CA.SRE A n exceptionally lovely home in Spyglass Ridge with 4 bdrms .. family rm. with wet bar & frplc .. secluded library. co untry kitchen with microwave oven' & a complete dark room. 3 Car gar agt•. Quiet privacy with inspiring ocean & canyon views. Priced for fast sale at $298.950. 1607 Castle Cove. CORONA DEL MAR 1/2 ILOCK TO BEACH Walk a few s teps to overlook the b each. jetty & s hips galore! Ve ry sharp & lovely 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home in the best part of Corona del Mar. Owner will finance at 9'/t-. Asking S18S,OOO. 223 Orchid Ave. 759-0811 450 NEWPORT CENTER ORI VE 759·081 1 S@\\<il}A-~t,!rS• Tliof ln#1i911ln9 Word Gom• wl#li o Clt.c I• .... W CIAY a.*"" .. ----- 0 ._.... tM. llCt~ _.. ilelow 10 ....,.,. • ~ -c1.. ,,..,, ..... ,. .. _.. ...... .,. .. ......... OPEN HOUSES 645 IA YSIDE DRIVE-NEWPORT IEACH: Promofttory lay "wak-rfrOftt home", p1 ... & sllp tor so· boat. Spacious tow ~ hotM with unuwal qame room wHh co•y fireplace o•trlooldncJ the water. lecaltffully chcOf'Clhd -shows llke a tNMW ltotne. OPEN SAT & SUH I to 5. $450,000. 4500 ROXBURY DRIVE: CAMEO SHORES in Corona del Mar: pr.stfglous priYat.. com- munity with prl•at• beachH. 5partdln9 tflree bedroom & family room home with OCEAN VIEW: ••pKlolly large ycrd with sKluded patio. OPEM SAT & SUM I to 5. $266,000. 633 LIDO PARK DRIVE. UNIT E-1 LIDO BASIN: SoplUsHcat.d IMftCJ "On The lay''. ExciffncJ three bedroom or two & deft condominium. Security! Prl•acy! Pier & 1Hp aHHable for larcJe boat. Connnl...t to Lido shops, banks & n1tauranh. OPEM SUMDAY 1-5 # 19 ROIOH COURT, NEWPORT CREST: Hewporl leach. four beG-oom & .family room lfllt lenl condominium. Family oritftf.. ~. hthrestfnC}fy decorated. Includes use of pool, jacuul, sauna & tennis courts. $162,950. OPEM SAT 605 LARKSPUR -CORONA DB. MAR: Lar9e DUPLEX -two Mdroom, two baths & thrff l>Hroom, two & one-.'°'1 baths. Well located and In fine conditi on. S 186,500. OPEN SAT & SUH I ·5 . 50 PIERPONT -DEL CERRO: Costa . MHa choice area. Four ~ and family ROOM -beautiful qarden. $79,950. OPEN SUHDA Y 1-5 COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2515 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mer 675-5511 G...eral 1002b eMral 1002 ···•············•·•···············•·····•••••· t' Open House Sat. & Sun 1-5 CORONA HIGHLANDS Canyon Location On a huge wooded lot with a "5 Gallon Ocean View". a flawless 3 bedroom. 2 bath h ome. Walking distance to private beach. Only S153.000. 504 S.award Rd. Cati 644-7211 etlfB I 1002~ 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE GOOD LIFE In this Harbor View home; 2 bdrms .. dining rm. & den. with pool. jacuzzi & great view! Total charm geared to candlelight dinners & great outdoor living. Sl49.900. OPEM DAILY 1·5 1812 NEWPORT .HILLS DR. EAST Orange Coast . 2600 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar REAL ESTATE 644·4141 1002 pen fiowe~ TODAY 1 TO 5 THE COYE Completely furn. & beautifully de· corated former model. 2 Bdrm.. 2 bath condominium. Excitingly dif· ferent ! $185,000. Ls hold. 974 BAYSIDE COY! WIST EASTILUFF l ·Story 4 bdrm. on cbpice front row. comer lot. Spacious-dining or fami- ly rm., brkfst. rm.. lge. covered patio. $159.SOO. Lshold. 2909 CATALPA liMCMO SAM JOA9UIH Sun & swim outside your door ... then enjoy privacy & view from this out- st an dtng z bdrm. & den con dominium. It 's special I $109,500 Z..M&DlOMA . HAllOll VllW HOMIS Spacious family hoine in ex . nelghborhood. 4 Bdrms.. 2\t b Sparkling pool with slide & sweep. Wide lot with RV access. $205,000 1'70 n. DUHL ... M C•CLI Start in Cameo Shores. <tnd finish on the bayfront. Whateve r you're looking for from a large home to a compac t condominium it's on today's tour. It 's arranged geogra phi cal l y for yo ur convenience, so all you need is this ad and a couple of hours to sample a bit of the life style Newport has to offer. And on top of that, at each home you will have the opportunity to meet another fuJl time sales professional from Coldwell Banker. the nation's most respected name in Real E.5tate. FIRST OFFERING Spacious Cameo Shores view home. 4 BDRM. family room with custom decor throughout. Sparkling pool & jacuzzi. Lar~e patio. $295.000. OPEM 1·5 4539 ORRINGTON OLD CORONA DEL MAR Vacation all year long . And where will you find a 4 bedroom. 21h bath home with red brick fireplace, shake roof and lots of closet space .... plus a 1 bedroom apartment .... for $179,500 including Jand! OPEN I ·5 7 J 5 JASMINE HARBOR VIEW -SAMDPIPEA Beautiful 4 bedroom, 2li-'.! bath home with poo l & jacuzzi: Lovely landscaping. You'll fall in love wita this one. $225,000 with land. OPEN 1·5 1214 ICEEL DRIVE EXP ANDED HARBOR VIEW HOME 4 bedroom, 3 bath, family home, just a few steps from the park, clubhouse & pool. Can be seen at any time. Ask about favorable financing. $177.500 -Fee OPEM 1·5 · I 815 PORT CARLOW LOCATION! LOCATIOHI LOCATION! Harbor View Horries Portofino. close to park & pool. Ready for you to start the new school year. Need a. bonus room, 3 bedrooms, 3112 baths? All for $170,000. OPEN 1-5 1836 PORT TIFF ... OHi OF A klHD -IN -HVH U nique 5 bedroom, 2'h bath. expanded Palermo model in lovely Harbor Vie w Homes. Lots of privacy. Extra large dining room with bay window. Many extras. $193.500 Fee. OPEN 1-5 1960 PORT liMSGATE HARBOR VIEW Immaculate Harbor View Home on large corner lot. 4 bedroom. family room Montego Model. A great buy for a yaung family! $159,500. OPEH I ·5 170 I PORT WESTIOURME PANORAMIC VIEW H.uge living room with French _doors to charming patio. Beautiful wood floors. Marble jacuzzi tub. Immediately available at $284,500 and you own the land. OPEN HOUSE 1·5 # 15 RUE CANNES / Y ACA TIOM LIVING Rare sing le-level 3 BR. 2 BA townhome on quiet cul-delsac in the Bluffs. Easy walking distance to s hopping & recreation. L Quality decorating inside & out. Just reduced to $159,SOO '\ OPEH l·S 410 ONDA ILUFFS-SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME Sparkling Z plan on beautiful greenbelt. 5 bedrooms, 2 separate enclosed patios, quality tile, cus tom sh utters. Many upgraded features. $155,000 OPEH 1·5 302 VISTA TRUCHA IAYSHOAES -PRIYA TE AREA Live a little ! Enjoy swimming, boating, s ecurity. & this charming 3 Bdrms., Fam. Rm. home. Owner will finance & save you money. $159,500. OPEN l·S 25 IS aE$TYf!W . LUXURIOUS CONDO R are elegance in highly upgraded· Newport Crest 3 bedroom unit with dining room. Luxurious master suite includes richly paneled study. Better than a decorator model at $14s;ooo. OPIN a.s IA YAtONT -SLIP AYAILAILI Co!item~.!!L_elegance~. Luxur fvmg wi a panoramic Di v ew. Custom designed. Four rooms. dining room, ftimily room plus separate guest Apt. Exterior beauUfully l andscaped. Entry with MCUrlty gate. $349,500 · O,IM lel f41 W. IAY AYI.: • . • ••• •' , - •' ,. i I I I I I ' ~:.~~ ........ ,~.~.~ ........ ~::.~~~ ....... 1 ~~.'!~~ ........ ~!!!.~~~~ ....... ,~:~!.~~.~....... _Su_~_... ... r._J_ul.._Y...;.1.;,.;7•...;.1-.9...;.n;__ __ .....,. ____ ..,:D~A,;:.IL::.Y:...P::.;l:::L.::.0.:..T__,:D~5~ 8111 IA 1001•.-..t 1001 .,.,.. IOOJ .... ,.. IOOJ Gtftef'OI 1002GeMf'OI 1002 ~:::=~~.' ...... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• GtfMI.. I 002 ll l Y I l Y J (>Ill> A N /~.,,/,,,,.-' HOHSE HAVEN In San Juan Cap~lrano 3.S.00 ~q rt. br~athtaklng born•· 5 Bdrm . 4 balhll & 1ueet coHatw 30'x60' pool, c•ndo!',f'd with wrou,:hl mm fonc(.• 011 ti l lovely acres. Zoned tor 1 ~u:rt• lot1' Tux shelter? Pnct'<I for upprec1ultcm 993,600. HALCYON DAYS tn Sun Juan Cap1~trc.1no F\sh pond & waterfall In fronl t•ourlyttnl, punot •lllHl' view of rollln~ hills. 3 Bdrm & 2 baths, beuutirut µat.Jo, r~dwood rencin g & m un u· u r l'd y n rd . M uny <'US tom reuturt!~ . . . • . . . . $77,500. BIG INCOME BUT CAN'T SAVE? This 1s your chance! 4 Bdrm .• 21h baths. loaded with extras & upgrades. Low, low down, owner will help you finance. Can't Ja~t at.. . . . $83,500 H ATE YARD WORK '~ View of ocean & hill->, 3 Bdrm . 2 bath home u pgraded throughout, central air conditioning, electric garage door opener Enjoy sunny San Juan Capistrano. PriC'('d at only ... $83.500. EXCELLENT FAM IL Y N EIGIIBORIIOOD. Country kitchen home, 3 Bdrm., 2 baths, self cleaning oven, large fenced yard with room for pool in fabulous Mission Viejo. Priced for quick sale ................ $76,500. REDUCE FOR SUMMER! Put on your bikini & walk 2 blocks to the beach from this 3 Bdrm .. 2 bath, open beamed ceiling home. Price reduced from $95,000 for quick sale .... $87,500. FREE RENTALS CALL 493-4521 "EnrythitMJ we touch tums to Sold" 33161 Camino Capbtrano, Suite L San Juan Capistrano GeMral 1002 ••••.............•.••. ···················~··· R-2 ZONING A1mrox 71100 sq rt. lot 1n turn 11f cul-de sac. Ideal to build one more unit Exjstm~ home a 2 bed rm + mother-in·law or S(uest rm w 1sep hath. Nf.'ar Newport lits. Heduccd Lo S72.000. Open Sat /S4Jn 1-5 1'578 Rivenide, C.M. ~~4i-l*fi -ANYTIME FOUND ~ecluded 3 bedroom home with pool and rum· pus room for family go. rng In all ll1rections. Ccn- t r a 11 y lo cated off F11 1 rv1ew and McCor mack. 3129 Bray Lane, CM. Open Sat/Sun 1 5. $76,460. 4oour• C.M. AllMI..._ Have something you want SELL idle items with a to sell? Class1hed ads do Daily Pilot Class1f1ed Ad. it well. 642-5678. 00 5678 G.-rol I 002 General I 002 .•••..•................ ·················••···· PRESTIGIOUS IRVINE TERRACE $285,000 . Outstanding custom 5 bedroom family rm. house with 157 ft. frontage on prirM street. Beautifuf pool and ICll'C_le back yard witti lush landscapin9 and privacy. A perfe.c:t family ho!M that shows "pride of ownership" by one family. Shown by appointment. ON WATERFRONT $258.500 Charmine) 3 Bdrm+family room home. Your own boat dock+a private CJAfft yard, brick patio & aviary. WA TERFROMT--flXER UPPER $240,000 firm Gi9antic 5 or 6 .,.._oom home on tM water with boat dock. Two I~ patios and lots of square foot• to arT~ to suit yOUI' own styt•. Nffds a facelift. but what a challtnge! BEACH DUPLEX-+IEWPORT $189,500 -Acrou tM strfft from Ocean. L~ 4 & 2 Bdrm Units. Leen opt for $10,000 down & S 1500 ~mo. Open Sot/Sunday 1·5 PM MESA VERDE--MAGMIFICEMT SI 53,000 Exceptional 2-story home with 4 bedroom1. step-down family nn. fonnal dinln9 room and hu~• kltc:ht1t. 2 fireplocn. Lush landscapiMJ Jn front Oftd bock. Tnily a pride of oWMnhip home. Of*' S.... I ·S p.m. IM UNIVERSITY PARIC-4RYIMI $94,950 · hclfffMJ Eclnburg modtf to~ with 3 ........ + ,..,..1 "" & 21/2 both.. HtNJe bad& yard with bridr paHo 9td fiNpff. HOMES OPE..-1 ·S This Aftemoon UMl9UI IM SHORECLIFFS 4 bdrm .• pool, mini estate. new kitchen, im· mac., $215,000. See Dottie Johnson at 242 Driftwood. UNICfMIE IM HARIOR VIEW HOMES -3 bdrm., family home. nr park/pool. lmmac. See Elaine Bell at 1830 Port Ashley. Bring S152,000. UMICjMIE OVER NEWPORT HARBOR -4 bdrm .. 2 story. incredible bay views. room for tennis. Sec Mary Ann An- derson at 1101 Kings Road. $298,000. UHICfMIE IN OLD CORONA Da. MAR "Cottage-like" 3000 s q. ft.. 4 bdrm., 5 baths. 2 frplc:s. $242.500. Sec Barb Hutchings at 310 Orchid Ave. UNIQUE IN IRVIME TERRACE New list- ing, 3 bdrm .. needs quick escrow. $135,000. Sec Nadine Croul at 1312 San- tanella. UMIQUE IM HARBOR VIEW HOMES Portofino. 4 bdrm., rec room, paddle tennis court, 1mmac See Wendy Beam at 1718 Port Margate. Bring $185.000 and vour Lennis balls. UNIQUE IM MESA VERDE -hidden two story, added room. pool. jacuzzi. Near park. S139,950. Sec Barbara Orahood at 2832 Boa Vista Or. UNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW HOMES Four bdrm .. single c;tory, fantastic: view. nr. tennis Sec Carol Wilkinson al 2320 Port Aberdeen Bring SH>!l.900 UNIQUE IN TURTLEROCK Spacious 1 bdrm townhome. supcrc:ll'an Owner will lease option or sell now. s1:1s.ooo See Laraine O'Nc.•ill ;it 18741 Past•o Cortez ~EAL TORS" THf NICfST PEOPLr SELL INC THf Nf JI TES r HOM£S General CORONA DEL MAR, 675·6000 MESA VERDE, 546-5990 • CALL US I ooi!Grneral 1002 •····························•·••············· *Jech Reaft'i * Cameo Skorej NEW EXCLUSIVE LISTING Elegant cust. built. 3 l~e. bctrms . :J bath. family home. with a s pac1ou:-. open feeling & s uper floor plan' Marvelous 180' Ocean .. Jettv & Catalina view from m str. suite. with all new bath & bdrm #l: lge. living rm. & all new kitchen with bit-in microwave. Formal dining rm. & brkfst. rm. overlook courtyard lawn with room for pool. F'abulous paneled game rm. with hi hcam ceil.. antiqu(• brick frpl. & wet bar with refrig .. winc s torage cab. incl. Steps to 3 priv beaches. S335.000 OPEN TODAY 2-6 4545 GORHAM DR. The Cameo Shores Resldtttt Specialists CALL 673-7040 I I 002 GeMrol 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Burr White Realtor 2901 Newport Blvd --------- Newport 8Pach, CA 92663 3 br. 2 ba. $153,500 Opttt House Sat & Sm I 2-5 429 ''M" Strfft 2 br. 2 ba, $105,ooO Mini view Q,.~ 3 br. 2 ba, large pool View $98,500 ~le /Jarrell Jea!Jg pre~enfj LOCATION + PRIVACY lM HIWPOttT HACH -bright and cheerful 3 bedroom home with open beams. located on a quiet street in Newport Heights. Large bedrooms for the growing family. Offered at $134,900. 435 AlilO, H.B. Open Sat/Sun 1-5 THE GREATEST FAMILY PLACE OH (f)UIET CUL DE SAC -Spacious 4 bdr·m. family room home on large lot. All new country kitchen with bltns. Custom built in Newport Beach. Nice- ly landscaped -a real delight. Just reduced to $140,000. LAKE FOREST--LAKEFRONT LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY! Brand n ew lakefront home, with Jarge reduction in price -just for you. 3 Bedrms & family rm -large master suite. fireplace. Includes boat dock a nd special view! Now $132,500. with ex- cellent terms. 27756 Bayshon Lab Forest Sun 1-5 EXCLUSIVE LINCOLN LANE BEAUTIFUL MEW LISTING! -Tradi· tional 3 bedrm home with formal din· ing room. Custom stained glass win- dows, shutters thruout, brick fireplace, tile entry. Move-in condition -in a park like setting! $195,000. COTTAGE WITH A VIEW BRAND HEW -ready to move into m August. 3 Bedrooms and dining room. one story -well planned and well C'onstructed. Just reduced to $84,500! I 094 Hamilton, Marina Hkjhlanch. CM Open Sat/Sun 1-5 BRAND NEW BAYFRONT HOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION -pier and sliJ:Y for 35' boat. 3 Bedrooms. family room. formal dining room. 2 fireplaces. 3 car garage -muc.·h. much more! Just listed at $285,000. Drive by #46 Balboa Coves and see. YES, WE HAVE CONDOS! BLUFFS -Carmelita model. new lis t · ing. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, located on wide greenbelt. just a few spaces from t'Ommunity pool. Extra bltn storage in double garage. Price includes new carpeting to bt• ins talled! Excellent huv at $145.000. 26S4 Villa Omada, M.B. Sot/Sun 1-5 MESA VERDE VILLA featuring reonomv and convenience. Light, bright a·nd clean -2 bedrms. com- m unity pool. vacant and ready Lo move. $.58,oOO. 1648 C Iowa, Costa Mesa Sot/Sun 1-5 RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN -new listing. beautifully upgraded 2 bedroom, den, 2 bath home with panoramic view. All on upper level in excellent location, $110,000. BLUFFS-TRl ... A END UNIT , with view~ J Bedrooms. tastefully decorated. Large private side patio, as well as front view patio with firepit. $160.000 . DOVER SHORES-VIEW HOME A TOUCH OF QUIET ELEGANCE -from its gated · courtyard thru to the trellised patio. Quality custom built. with 5 bedrooms. 4112 baths formal dining room. family room and rumpus room. Fantastic master suite! Shown by appt. only $325,000. HALF ACRE ESTATE IM THE HEART OF NEWPORT -classic eolonial, 7 bedrm home with all the amenities. Extensive use of wood paneling. parquet floors. bltns -even 3 fireplaces. Formal dining, family room. pool with jacuzzi. 4 Full baths + 2 half baths. Large trees enhance beautiful landscaping. A very special opportunity for a very s pecial family. $385.000. fiwral 1002Ge•ral 1002 .............................................. OPEN TODAY l·S pm 1700 PORT .ABBEY. Super low price for quick sale. 4·BR. 1-story Montego on great corner loc:ation. Come see &: hurry~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• s.w-RxerUJper OWMr wanu fast action. J Bedrm, 1 bath, West.side home. Priced below market at ~.soo Owner I Agent 64f·SS80 u.sk for Larry. .TARBELL REAlTORs · 21MCDM Sharp 2 -3 bedrms, 3 baths, 2 bedrm, l bath, $180,000. Good income. So. or Hwy 2 -on over· 1 sized lot w /great poten· Lial Cor additional large unit. 3 BR, 2 BA; I BR, l BA, $1SS,OOO. . 644-7270 PEHIN.POltolT 2 Bdrms. +;dining area, frplc.. blt·ln kitchen: secluded patio. Move·in condition! $135,000 673·3663 S48·0715 Eves associated Ilk OK EAS--A EAL TOA S 101~ W Bolboo b I 1·Jb6 I LCll"C)e & Beachy 3 BR+ den+ game rm, yards to ocean, only $115,000. Hurry!! Mice & Brite Yards to water. 3 br, 2 ba. big yard. Won't last. SIJ0,000 Fee. ON THE BEACH 3 Bdrm . 2 ba. home m We:.t Newport. llas a rantast.Jc location plus a tcrnfac VIEW. Perfect for your residence or vacation home. See this weekend OPEN 11 to 4. H802W. OCEANFRONT lf523 CAMPIJ5Da~IRVlffE COLLEGE PARKC.M . Gracious lanai patio en- try. California living with indoor/outdoor seduded Cam. rm. over· looking fun r1lled, glitter· ing pool. 3 BR. Huge E ·Z care yard. $82,000 Agt 642.2237 NEAT CLEAN & READY! For immediate occupancy, 4 Br +office. nr shopping & freeway. New cpts, drps & pctlnt. Xlnl terms available. Owner/Agt. 642-~ll or 548-2733 LAKE ELSINORE I Plus acre R-3, includ· ing 4 BR. 2 Ba house, l BR &: den, 2 Ba house. 4·Plex, upstairs, finished 3 more unlts downstairs, all crptd. Lake view. $120,000. Let's talk terms. Approox. 80 Acres, utlUt..ies at front of pro· perty, great lake view. Zoned RR. s220.ooo. quarterl~ payments. Cl Includes 7 Cumished Wlils, great as bachelor pad. Plus large 3 Br, I~ ba, house. frplc, crpt'g, plus work area. $100,000. Uberal terms. A91fd 17141678-1332 CDM VICTORIAN Out of the past but remodeled new 2 BR, studio VlEW VAWY 640.9900 IRVIHE 2 BR, Arborlake Hlghly upgraded Huae lot VALLEY 640.9900 MIWPOltT CltEST 3Bll Fam rm 2~ BA. Gracious living• aeclasion Outatandint Value Below market $121,.900 ACT FAST! VA.LUY 4 BR Fan) & Bon111 Rtn Spac. "Z" Pl.,i Beaut l)ecor.tnd Unit YAU.IV C0$fAMISA 3 BR., ti;. BA Eiclcus)V9 LRGJm",ireatYaliae Golf Course Vista!! Lush and lovelytt Attractive home in ship shape condition• Kitchen with eating area and no wax floors; dining room area, fun time lam1-~om and brick fireplace. 3 glorrous bedrooms Large covered patio; garage door opener! Don't wait• S75.000 Call 540-1720 All You Could Want!! Super 4 bedroom home with entertainer's wet bar in the family room and special effects w1lh mirrors! Kitchen featuring eating area and built ins; dining room, attractive entry and 2 stone fireplaces. Covered patio. sprinklers. Prolesslonal landscaping -lush! can't last! $144.500. Call 540-1720 UnbelleYable! ! Huntinaton Harbor!! Spanish S'\yled 2 story executive with extras galore! Professional decor: plush carpet. custom tile. 2 fireplaces. game room, formal dining room. family room. eating area and ex· 1ra baths. 3 bedrooms. 2 lovely patios, gorgeous pool and greenhouse" Call for mo<e details' s212.ooo 540-1720 Cream Puff!! Immaculate• There's place tor everything m this 5 bedroom home. Eating atea with bar, family room and handsome lireptaoe Tile and wood floors. huge living room. Better hurry! Vacanlf $83.000 Call 540·1720 Executive's Dream! Glorious home with pool. jacuzzi. fountain and sunken BBQ pit• Wet bar in bonus room. den. formal dining room. ea11nq area. Tile entry, 4 bedrooms and stone fireplace' Covered patio, sprinklers. Call now! $142.500 54Q-1720 Large Rumpus Room! Attractive home with separate family room and rumpus room• Dining room area. eating nOOk. bnck fireplace and 3 bedrooms Includes drapes and bookcases. Statue fountain 1n rear yard• Patio Belter hurry! $75.000. Gall 540-1720 Lushlv Landscaped!! Beautlully landscaped lru1t trees galore' Ranch style home with family room. den. din- ing room and eating area. 3 bedrooms. Enclosed. carpeted patio. Ideal for summer! located 1n Easts1de Cos1a Mesa!• Better hurry! low taxes S79 500 540-1720 Prestiqlous Spaniard! Lovely Spanish style home m Mesa Woods arEtal <;ozy living room with flreplace and ma.1est1c de1hngs. 4 bedrooms with spacious master suite featuring walk in closet and wardrobe mirror doors. Tile entry, dining room. country kitchen and family room. Central air. Patio. sprinklers. Better Hurry! $112.900 Csll 540-1720 Beautiful Lanai!! Ideal home lor entertaining! Outside lirep1t. gorgeous pool, and patio. lnS1de. find dining room. entry. spacious family room with circular fireplace plus elegant bt1ck fireplace In living room. 3 bedrooms. Supet homel Call soon! $89.950 54().1720 Best Buy In Mesa Woods! The lush att1um will beautify your complete home' Garden type k•tchen with eating area. dining room lor entertaining and 3 bedrooms. Brick fireplace and family room, patio and sprinklers. Great area1 Beller hurry• S88 500 • Cafl 54Q-1720 540-1720 2955 Hcrbor Blvd. Costa Mesa • .. ·' .. ' DAILY PILOT a BR, 2l' 0a Townhom• ' \AL'• llH. OOll 7H·07'1 ESTATE SALES! ~.nul) hum• 11n M.ult-111 ~ Mc•"' Vf'nh• Ill J I t'M .A loH•h honw.. """" .... l"t'ptm~ 11111 1111 hul' .ip pnrc \ .. h.w $100 oou 'I' ry 911;!,\0l 'i Hl•d1v nm !. h.11 h Ill'" er homt' lkt'1rn 'u·w On Via ll1lt c-n.1 ~:in t'lt'rnt'lllt' llHh llU'°' ht• •na .,., 11•ri1 .. i1 \ 1111ro x v " I u 1• ~'I ~ 111111 'l' r y ~.!IOO !. Bt>liruum I 1 '"r on Jrd St CoronJ1lo hlJ111I value h in th1• IJrrti fl.t.ite ffiJ ~ .11 11·111 h11l 11I ~1 50tJ ""Pt'I hu\ Jl lhl!> pnrt• So~r f1i..er •m hi Sl 1n SeJl BeJc:h !. un J lul MJrkt•l \Jlu1· 11111hl ht• $120.000 I nrll.11 hub """' bt'lnj.! .1< 1 t•J1l1 ti I 1' ~.uoo World W1d1· llrt1Kl'I ... 67J 1!'>15 lll:.l I l''' Property Sµ1•1·1allsh BAYSHORES LIVEWITH THE STARS A pr1rll' of h o me ownl'r !>hlp a r t•a The beach, :.u1i ;11111 on·Jn can be yours anti wail ltll you sec thi:. lwo bedroom ptu ... J!Uc..,t 11u a r l t·rs home. ll hJs hct•n rc duced h) ovcr S7 000 Call now 5-16 23 13 WOODBRIDGE ARBORLAKE (in•J l ll1<·J t111n JU-.! J ..,1.1p .1nll .1 Jump from pn \ all· lal.1• <11111 1·n11·r l a 1 n m 1• n l a r l' a :.! -.cparatc m.1~lcr ... u1tt•s. Jll on nm· ll·vc-1 full) carpclt'd. uni) )1:.!l.500 673 85.'>41 [®tm] BIG POOL BIG HOME •m a Mesa Vl•nlc l'UI rle sac 4 &•drms. 2 baths +la rge family room <'l'n 1enng around IGxJb pool -S hak~ roo f .double fireplace Jnd rlmmg rm Price d ri i.:ht . l'a ll 54&5880 ~HERITAGE REALTORS A SUW.MERFIELD FOR AL.i SEASONS 1-'0 R TODAY a ol·h ~htful pool 11; ~rr: l'a s) l' a re yard, !-'Oft TOMOHHOW a comfy l'Ounln k1te nl'll Wtlh :~ l'lll'l'f ) lll t•pl:tl'l' ,\NU FOIU-:V~:H J n1tc bed r ,rn m:-:-. JHll i l's' I y mamlaint•cl 11. :. 1·11nvt" nient loca tmn ni•tir South Coast Plai.i For 1m m edialt· ..,how1111! l'all b'73·8550 ,,,,,,' ? • [®IE&Hil] 4 BR BEAUTY POOL· S74,550 Best buy 1n ~ach arcu. Just hsled. o wner bou,l!hl another want!> fu..,l !talc 4 larJ{e Br. bill family kitchen. spurklln~ pool and oversized yard. Designed for family run . don't wall! Call now! 8422535. 1 SOSO Capri Lan • Mesa Verd , CM . 540.11..51 • SaUSun 1·5 I llOlOOM 16942 Pa<:1fic Cbt Hwy. Unat 201. HB U62 77M $83.000 Sun 12·6 8S42 Wb.itesails <L Cuestn} HB 963-8278 $121,950 Sunday 1-5 124 Grand Canal, Bal. Isl. 6154000 $26.S,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 llOIOOM 1955 Port Nelson CH.V.H) NB . • ltl19 "[)" lowu St . Mesu Verde nt :rnn S00.50'' Sun 1·5 10 ('OH ', Woodhrld~l'. Ir\' 640-7609 SattSun 1·5 8872 &;tlshire. Hunt Beach 962·8&i7 Sat/Sun 1·5 904 Liard St .. Costa Mesa DIRECTORY ll7:i X.'».'10 Sl'..H,500 Sul Sun 1 5 H:l7 Plu111. ('os t:t Mt!~U 5 U1 2:11 :J $(18,000 Sunday l ·5 546-4141 $78,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 8202 Brixhim Cir cle. H B ...... ....., ... ..,,_.,_ ... ......_. .. c,.._ ......... M-.liM ...... leWW-...... ,._,a. ......... "r ........ g .... -Iii....,., DAllY MOT WANT ADJ.,.,_ 17t:iSo JourwWy <Ofl Huitt>SA .....,.,..._...._.,._.,...,..~._ht_llllifwwllwlli ... c ...... 111• .,_. 963-6767 $128,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 fl7 :1 :io:!2 $4~>.000 Sat & Sun 11 & 28 l.akc\'u:w . I rvinl' 750 0087 Sl 19,500 Sut Sun l 5 • •6802W 0<.'~anfronl. N.B. 833 M60<1 $285,000 Sat/Sun 11 ·4 511 Catalina. Npt tl~ts. N.D. 616-7711 ~at/Sun 1·5 '1 l Cove Woodbridge. l rv. ti40 9900 19042 llilbhon), lit. Beach ~ Sun 1·5 96:J.li7h7 $59.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 • 1652 "C" Iowa St.. Mesa Verde 751 3Wl $61.500 Sat 1 5 2 II & FAM RM or DEN 1201 La.Jolla. San Clemente -l!J2-2 HXI S:JlS,000 Sunday 1 5 <!1659 (kt•an Vista Dr Laguna Bch l!Hl-~·11 $189.500 Sun 1·5 • lHl'.! ;';11;;•wport Hills Dr. East. NB 6-14·-1848 $149.900 Daily 1·5 505 Marigold. Corona del Mar 675-5200 Sat Sun l·S 2063 E . Ocean Bl \'d. <Blba PnJ NB 645-7575 S159.900 Sat 1Sun t ·5 17 Stc.t r Thislk. Deerfield. In-. 640-9900 Sun 1 5 70 Lakeview (Woodbridge) Irv. 752-1414 SI 19 ,950 Sat/Sun 1·5 1951 Port Locksleigh. Newport Bch 675-3411 $146.900 Sun l ·5 214 Dahlia, Corona del M<.ir 640-9900 Sat 1 ·5 145 Bluebird Canyon, Lag una Bch 494-7578 $131 ,500 Sun. 1·4 2 IR & GUEST 1578 R1\·erside. Costa M esa ()4o·881 l S72.000 S<.it Sun t-5 2 IR & FAM & GUEST :!Hi Brnadwa,\'. Costa Mesa H44i-7171 $9 1.500 Sun l-5 s...,. 17886 Elm St., 1'~ountain Valley 968·8406 $74,000 Sat/Sun 25 Ash Tree Ln (Un. Park) Irvine 552-7500 Sll9,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 578 Sturgeon Dr .. Costa Mesa 751-0066 $78,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 •#41 Mainsail (JasmineCrk)CdM 640-6759 $189,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1412 Santanell a <Irv. Terr.) QtM 644-9917 $139,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 •861 Senate, Costa Mesa 833-0639 $79,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 !tt WillowTrec <Univ Park) Irv 552-0434 Sat/Sun 2338 Colgate. College Pk. C.M . 642-223'? S82.000 Sun 1·5 1721 Kings Rd. CliffHaven. NB 631 ·0331 $255.000 Sunday 1·5 • l Escapade Court. Newport Bch 645-9322 Sat/Sun 10·6 984 Grove Place. Costa Mesa 675-1642 $68.500 Sat /Sun 1-5 14552 Guama. Irvine 540·1151 $95,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3000 Clay St. CNwpt Hgts) N.B. 646-74 14 Sat/Sun 1·5 6272 Vatcher. Hunt. Beach 847·8273 $75,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 7 Rock Springs <Deerfield), Irv. 559-0228 $94,900 Sat/Sun 12·5 22782 Avalon St.. El Toro 548-1168 $84,900 Daily 3·8 21061 Shakleford. Hunt. Beach 963-6767 $109.500 Sun 1 5 •3534 FuC'hsia CGreenbrook). CM 957 . 1320 598.500 Sal/Sun 10·5 9 Skipper Road. Irvine 558-3327 $109.000 Sat Sun 1·5 191 2 Port Manlcigh Pl.. N.B. 644 -7730 $152,500 Sunday 2·5 3 BEDROOM 24165 Jagger . El Toro J;H? Cirl'll' Way. ~o Lag Ul'h 586-5158 $81.500 Sat tSun 11 ·5 .1-10·2fi02 Sl92.500 Sun 12 !) 515 Poplar. Laguna Beach 217 C't•dar. :'-Jwpt Shon'!'>. :"H 494-7840 $250.000 Sat Sun 1·5 518-2787 $84,500 Sunday 12 5 1100 Sandpiper Dr .. CdM 2!1 Timbc.•rline <OcC'rfil'lcJ ) Jrv. 644-5347 $239.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 752-6521 $97 .900 S<.il!Sun 1 :l 2021 Port Bristol Cir. CHVH) NB 1412 lrvme. Newport Deach $159,000 Sun 1·5 642-5477 S88.000 Sat/Sun 10·4 435 Aliso. Newport Ht~. N.B. 5291 Gl enstone Dr . Hunt. Beach 642-5200 $134.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 840·2647 Sal/Sun •3129 Bray Lane. Costa Mesa • 1506 Irvine Ave .. Nwpt Bch 646-3255 $79.460 Sat/Sun 1-5 646 6173 Sl 23.500 Sal/Sun l ·5 14682 Danborough CT Meadows ) 1336 Conway, Costa Mesa 644-7383 592.950 Sat/Sun 1·5 540-6293 $67.000 Sat'Sun 1·5. 30 1653 New Hampshire. ~fesa /V, CM 25-t8 Westminster. Costa Mesa 752-0861 $82.500 Sunday 12·5 833-1768 Sat, Sun 1·5 884 Presidio. Mes adel Mar, CM 1437 Sere nade Ter 1 ln· Terrl Cdl\1 752-0861 S86.900 Sunday 12·5 67:l..J..l00 Daily 1-5 2201 Salta. Santa Ana 1957 Port ChclsC'a P l. Newport Bch 752-0861 $70.900 Sunday 12·5 633-105-1 Sal' Sun 1·5 1712 Highland Dr .. Newport Bch 2Cl72 Cluh Mesa Pl. Eas ts1clc C.M. 957-0701 $159 .500 Sunday 1-5 556-2660 $74,900 Sa ti Sun 1·5 2298 Redlands Dr .. Newport Bch 33761 Old Bridge Rd. Da rra Point 642-0596 $115.000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 493-9416 $92,000 Sat/Sun I ·5 •9442 Pier Dr. CS Port l Hntg. Bch l3966 Faimoulh. Wes tminster 968-9367 $99.900 Sat/Sun 11·5 842·9371 $74.500 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 t9251 Sierra Cadiz (T. Rock) Irv. .1:m-62nd St.. Newport Shores. NB 644-1766 $122.000 Sun. 1-5 548-0066 $130.000 Fee Sat/Sun 1 ·5 54:J Santa Ana (Newport Hts. l N. B. 228!1 Republic. Cos ta Mesa 646-4463 Sat/Sun l-5 546-2313 S74 ,900 Sunday 10-5 1541 Miramar. Balboa Penin 20822 Lancelot, Huntington Bch 673·6880 $155,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 546-2313 $75.750 Sat/Sun 2-6 1140 Mission Dr .. Costa Mesa 4346 Winters weet Way (Univ Pk> Irv 545-6475 Sat/Sun 1·5 1-436-4952 $84.500 Sun. 12·5 1917YachtEnchantress.NB . 20652 Tiller Circle. Huntington Bch 759-1200 S279,500 Daily 10·5 848-1511 $103.750 Sat'Sun 12·5 4545 Gorham <Cameo Shores) CdM 429 ''M" Street. Balboa Pcnin 673-7040 $335,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 675-4630 $153.500 Sat/Sun 12·5 • 17942 Mann St.. Irvine 237 Wakeforest. College Park. CM 646-3928 $105.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 646-3928 $78.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 547 Riverside Dr., Npwt Bch •501 Tustin. Newport Beach 752-1700 $119,900 Sat2·5/Sunl0·3 5--16-2313 $155.000 Sat Sun 1-5 3726Sausilito, Irvine 17521 Teachers. lr\'ine 752-1700 $85.500 Satll·5/Sunl2·4 754-1202 $87 .500 Sun. 1·5 223 Orchid Ave .. Corona del Mar 2918 Cat'alpa, Eastbluff, N.B. 759-0811 S185.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 540·ll5l $133,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4o1 Vista Roma <Bluffs> N.B. 118 D Masters Circle. Costa Mesa 642.8235 Sat/Sun 1.5 645-~3 $125,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 6392 Alexandria. Huntington Beach •4l5l Sillima n. Huntington Hrbr 540·1l5l $68.000 Sat/Sun 1.5 540-1720 $212,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3382 Marigold. Costa Mesa * 1934 Port Trinity Pl. <HVlfls)NB 640-9900 Sat/Sun 1·5 644·7328 $184.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1905 Yacht Enchantress. Sea View 102 lntrepid (Newport Crest) NB 833-2907 $214.990 Sat/Sun 1.5 644-6200 $129,900 SetVSun 1·5 2431 Santa Ana Ave .. Costa Mesa 19471Sierra Lago CTurtlerocl<) Irv. 640-9900 Sat/Sun 1·5 644·6200 Sat/Sun 1·5 341 Flower. East.side CM •215Lug()fliaSt. NwptS~s. NB 646-7711 Sat/Sun 1-5 54&--0066 SUS,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 22551 Killy. El Toro 942 Azalea, Costa Mesa 545.9491 $73.,.900 Sunday 1·5 546·2313 $93,000 Sunday 1·5 H'll CdM 4286Seton. Irvine 2821 Pebble (HV 1 s) . 752.1700 $99,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 640·1.208 S275.ooo Sun 1·5 1845 Pt. Westboume <HVHms> N.B. 2127 Republic St.. Costa Mesa 640.cCDJ\ $147•500 Sat/Sun 1.5 631·3882 $62,500 Sunday 1·5 ~ ai& Nuevo (R.SanJoaquin) Irv •2907 Baker, Costa Mesa 644·5403/640-7986 Sun l·S 546.2313 $93,100 Sunday l ·S 33 Birdsong. Irvine 2284 Northumberland. Orange 559-0002 $115,000 Sun 10·5 '546·2313 $88,500 Set/&ln 1·5 2330 Westminster. Costo Mesa •206 La Jolla. Ne\vport Beach 962-7788 $69,500 Sun 1·5 5'6·2313 $212,000. . Sat/Sun 10·5 438 Jasmin~ Lagun~ Bcncb • 236 Via Mentone (Ltdo Isle) N.B. 494·7S78 $162.500 Sun l·~ 644..f.9lb $215,000 Sat/Sµn 1·5:30 -9 C®J Brook.Trvl.rie · ~nu Keel, Harbor View Hlls, CdM $4<4-9411 ' .SW\day l·S 640-6\61 $189,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1312 Santanella. JrvTe.rr: CdM 5952 Zion Cir .• Park Huntiri~ HB 67~ $135 000 Sunday l·S S45·1M91 '96,500 ht/Sun 1·5 1851 Port Seaboume. Nwpt Beach 3091 Roanoke J;n, Costa Mesa 615-3411 $145 ooo Sunday 1.5 s.4~·9491 $18,SOO Sunday l ·S 027 w p k L ' s t A 8531 Marvale, Lf.Ddrnarll;, HB ,. 1 • ar a.. 81' a na • 545·N91 $106 000 Sunday 1·5 9?9·1050 $78,000 . Sun 1•5 .,, 101 Kings Pl~. Newport Beach l • & FAM lM w 084 ~ '350.000 $it/SWlJ·5 127 San Pablo, San ~mentl' 241 E. Wil&on. Costa MHa 492-4986 '149,500 &at /Sun l· 751-3191 $72.500 sat/Sun 12·5 •1514 Ruth Ut CWeslcliff) N.8 4191 Blac:kfin, Rac~uelClb. Irv 173.7300 $149 at/Sun i~s 646,1111 ~ t /Sun 1·5 1830 Port Ashley, HVHomes, NB 675-6000 $152,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •8 Monterey Cir .. Spyglass. CdM 675·34ll $237,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2284 Fordham, Coll Park. CM · 646-7711 Sat/Sun 1·5 20881 Balgair Cir, Hunt'g Beach 646-7711 , Sat/Sun 1·5 2967 Mindanao. Mesa Verde, CM 556-2660 Sunday 1·5 #8 Varlovento. Nwpt Crest 640-9900 Sun 1·5 * 1955 "F " Greenleaf. Anaheim 751-3191 $54,000 S 11-3/S 12·4 382 Esther <Eastside I Costa Mesa 642-8235 Sun. 1·5 24942 Silver Leaf Ln. Laguna Hills 644-6200 Sun. 1-5 901 Alder Place <East bluff) NB 642·8235 Sun. 1·5 2612 Vista del Oro <Bluffs ) NB 642-8235 $117.500 Sun. 1·5 409 Columbus Circle. CdM 642-8235 $189,500 Sun. J-5 1718 Labrador, Mesa Ver de. CM 546-4141 $79,500 Sun 1·6 10122 Stonybrook. Meredith. HB 546-4141 $112.000 Sunday 1·5 310 Colleen Place. Costa Mesa 540-1720 $79,500 Sunday 1-5 658 Joann, Costa Mesa 540-1720 $75,000 Sunday 1-5 656 W. Darrell. Costa Mesa 540-1720 $75,000 Sunday 1·5 1317 Circle Way, No Laguna Bch 549-9347 5205,000 Sun 12·5 19381 Sierra Chula (T.Rock ) Irv. 752-1414 $115.000 Sun. 1-5 •2935 Java Rd .. Mesa Verde. C.M. 675-8800 Sunday 1-5 29476 Pelican Way. Laguna Niguel 493·7958 $89,500 Sun 12·5 • • 27756 Bays ho re La. LakeForest 642-5200 $132,500 Sun 1·5 55 Acacia Tree Lane. I rvine 552·1938 $130.000 Sun 11·4 1859 Pt. Margate CHVHomes) N.B. 675-2373 Sun. 1-5 · 1224 Essex Ln <Westcliff} N.B. 645-2717 5145.000 Sun. 1·5 231 Lugonia. Newport Beach 548-5801 Open Sunday 1 ·5 2748 San Carlos <Mesa del Mar) CM 549-9347 $79,950 Sunday 1-6 464 Ogle. Costa Mes a 675-1642 $129,500 Sun. 1·5 1300 Seacrest. HrbrVuHlls. CdM 640-6161 Sl95,500 Sunday 1-5 1312 Seacrest, HbrbrVuHlls, CdM 640·6161 $185,000 Sunday l ·5 5516 River Ave .. Newport Beach ' 646-7171 $115,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 IEDROOM 5315 River Ave .. Newport Bch 631-3900 $152,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 •234 Colton. Newport Beach 646-2748 $115.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 3071 Yellowstone, Mes aNorth . CM 546-4141 $71.500 Sat /Sun 1·5 317 Poinsettia. Corona del Mar 673 -4647, 673-1121 Sat /Sun 1-5 2296 Placentia. Costa Mesa 645-3025 $70 ,500 Sat/Sl!n 1-5 4607 Gorham Dr <Ca meo Shrs) CdM 494-1177 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 14881 Groveview (Willows) Irv. 552·5900 $72 ,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 4392 Margarita <Greentree) Irv. 552·5900 $92.500 Sat/Sun 12·5 20 Whistling Swan <Woodbridge) Irv 752-6688 Sl24,900 Sat/Sun 12·5 18931 Antioch Dr CTurtlerock> Irv. 752-6688 $133,900 · Sat/Sun 12·5 19422 Harding Lane, Huntngfo Bch 963-4977 $72.500 Sat/Sun 223 Via Ithaca. (Lido Isle> NB 673-0289 $225.000 Sun. I~ 4 Roanne Circle, Irvine 833-3307 Slll.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 •2101 Highland, Newport Bch 540-1151 $137,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 9411 Breakwater, Huntington Bch 546-2313 $83.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 113 Via Nice (Lido Is le) Npt Bch. 645·7575 $215,000 Sun. 1·5 3095 Trinity, Costa Mesa 545.9491 $85,000 Sunday 1 ·5 837 S. New Haven, Hunt. Beach 545-9491 $91,500 Sunday 1·5 •242 Driftwood, Shorecliffs,CdM 675·6000 $215,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2901 Catalpa (Eastbluff) N.B. 640·1108 $159.500 Sun. 1·5 •1970 Pt. Dunleigh <HV Homes) NB 644-1094 $205,000 SWl. 1·5 2141 Aster, Costa Mesa 646·7171 $105,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 210 Poinsettia. Corona del Mar 642--823.5 $215,000 Sat /Sun l·S 66TI Marilyn Dr. J:lunt Bch 848·8869 $85,500 Sun 29296 Sonoma Way, San Juan Cap. $84,990 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 120 Kings Place, Newport Beach 645-0?58 $259,900 1·5 Daily *901 Bellis, Eastbluff, N.B. 644·1009 $179,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 17122 Camelot Cir., Huntington Bch 846-4303 $126,900 Sat/Sun 12·5 2163 National Ave., Costa Mesa 645·2319 $69,500 Sat/Sun all day 727 Bellis <E·Bluff) NB 644-0045 $175,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 468 DeSala Terr .. Corona del Mar 640-1700 $195,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 22461 Atomo, Mission Viejo 586-8392 $125,900 Sa 10·5. S 12-5 8706 Frazer River Circ .. Fnt. Val. 963-3712 5116.000 Sat/Sun 9·5 5622 Maryport Or .. Huntington Bch 840-1907 Sat/Sun. All Day 5951 Sierra Bravo. Turtle Rock 631-1&>0 $129.500 Sun 1·5 • 1087 Redding. Mes a Woods, CM 549·8655 $123,900 Sat/Sun l ·5 •20861 Woodlea Ln .. Hunl'g Bch 968·9403 $107,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 24401 Calle Torcido, Lake Forest 645-7221 $126,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 1008 Westcliff (Dover Shores) NB 675·3850 $205,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 1315 Antigua. Baycrst, Dvr Shores 642·7408 $255,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •1924 Leeward Lane. Newport Bch 645-7221 Sat/Sun 1-5 340 Catalina (Newport Heights> NB 642-8235 $161,950 Sat/Sun 1·5 2106 S~mtiago (Dover Shores) NB 642·8235 $226,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2226 Port Carlisle (HV Homes) NB 642-8235 Sat/Sun 1·5 2015 Port Chelsea (HVHomes > NB 642-8235 $161.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 •1718 Galaxy Drive <Dover Shrs )NB 642·8235 $275.000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 1627 Pt. Abbey (HV Homes) NB 759·0811 $149.500 Sat/Sun J -5 1607 Castle Cove. Corona del Mar 759-0811 $298.950 Sat/Sun 1·5 2226 Alta Vista (Eastbluff) N.B. 640-0020 $157,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3187 Madiera. Costa Mesa 546-231'3 $92,500 Sunday 1-5 2069 Mandarin. Costa Mesa 540-1720 $144,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 3356'California, Costa Mesa 546·2313 $95,000 Sunday l·S 1214 Londonderry. Costa Mesa 754-1202 $79.500 Sun. l~ 7782 Citadel, Westminster 842-9371 $104,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2239 Port Lerwick <HrbrVuHms) N .B. 644·4910 $179.500 Sat/Sun 1·5:30 2409 Bonnie Place, Costa Mes a 645-0303 $134,500 Sat/Sun 1-5:30 3812 Scottsdale. Irvine 752-1700 $122.500 Sat/Sun 12·4 3947 Capri, The Colony. Irv. 673-8.550 $119.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 40 Royal St. George. Big Cyn. NB 759-0087 Sat/Sun 1·5 1839 Pt. Westbourne (HV Hms) NB . 759·0811 $149,750 Sat/Sun l -5 21322 Bulkhead, Huntington Beach 963-6767 $95,000 Sun 1·5 114 w. Stevens, Santa Ana 963·6767 $95.850 Sat/Sun 1·5 5432 Sierra Roja, Turtlerock, Irv. 545-9491 $126.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 #9 Redrock. Deerfield. Irv. 545-9491 $124,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1833 Garry, Santa Ana 545-9491 $97,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 20911 Balgair Cir., Hunlngtn Bch 646·7711 Sat/Sun 1·5 4615 Cortland, Corona del Mar 675·3411 $160.000 Sat/Sun l·S •3030 Country Club Dr, M~a/V.CM 646-7711 Sunday 1-5 987 Presidio. Mesa del Mar. C.M . 556-2660 Sunday 1-5 721 Bellis, East Bluff 640·9900 Sat/Sun 10-6 417 Vis ta Suerte. The "Bluffs" 640-9900 Sat/Sun l·S 1422 Keel Dr .. HarborVH. CdM 644·5615 Sat/Sun l·S 2010 Baltra, Mesa Verde, OM 545-9491 $129,500 Sat/Sun l·S 3514 S. Ramona, Crossroads, SA 545-9491 $85,950 Sat/Sun 1·5 310 Orchid Ave., Old CdM, CdM ~75-6000 $242,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1718 Port Margate. HVHomes. NB 675-6000 $185,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1 •1539 CUmberland Lo., Nwpt Sch ~7414 $172,SOO Sat/Sun 1-4: 30 220 J~mine, Corona dcl Mar 64•·7211 $230,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 6362 Sierra Elena Rd <Turtlerock > lrv 752-0SlS Sat/Sun l~ 191S Wiodward Lane, Nwpt Beach 4 • Ir fAM lt-4 w DIM _ 7~·1920 WD.SOO .Sat/Sun 12- 11 CartMI. Bay {spygla4-~ 1 ) CaM •1800 Newport Hills Dr. E., CdM 64 .. 7383 $289.500 Sat/Sun.t..S • 67S.2311 $210.000 Sunday 1·5 '1984 Lemn~. Costa Mes a 751 Olymplcl-Coflt.a Mesa 545-5126 $109,000 Sat/Sun 2·S 752·1920 ~.900 Sun 1~ 5U2 K8.006ha ~ (Turtlereck> Jrv t ~Alabama Ci.re., Cost.a Mesa 762-1691 $134,900 S.t/Sun 12·6 751'·3191 · Sunday 1~ * 1806 Port'We9tboume. <HVH> NB 16$8 Mlnorca, Costa Mesa M<>-4950 $174,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 751-3191 $89,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 28 Morro Bay Or ($py11. Hills) NB • 1081 Parkhill, Costa Mesa 640-6410 • SaUSun 8'5-7221 Sunday 12·4 535 ~tic Way. Laguna Bch •7502 Vantage Dr, Huntinl(ton Beh 875 6670 $239,000 Sun l·S 2131944 8855 $UO,OOO Sun l ·S •2242 Heather Ln. N wport Bch 2924 catalpa, Newport Beach 645-at • $175,000 Sat.!&ift t ·S 144.-0S $1~000 &m ~s • l ..... _._!.~!!!!!~ .......... ~ .... tt!~.~~ ........ 1t:=:~.~ ....... ~~ ........ ~lE.~~ ~ S!.ft!ly • .!u!r 17, tm' . • DAILYP\LOT DZ 8ocatt1:. •otJ5•M•• iooz ~ eooz • 'i002 .._. ••• ~s.w ........ ,...s. I.._...,_~ UY & OCEAN VIDIS :....._.,., •• __ _.. ....... 0 •04···,-...... ..... .. ......... -· ... ~ ................ ~·;·;·-ti·\ .. ·~~ .. ~ .... ;--·;,;· .. ···-·~;; ;;.::;;; .......... ~i;~ S lier will Ono.nee Lhit custom de· Al~ I r. ••••••••··-··-·-··· ••-••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••-••••-· ·•1n 4 br bom w/puooremic vlewa -.UflGfOUS •VM TMRACai1 f•lilv" .Fm!! of ~Ure consUlne. $249,000. SJU,000 l ~ Harbor vu"'·1~,. Ulllllftll VIEW .-.. O••llrt I _.._ ' IM*1oom fwUy ,., RE LTV • BR, Sii.a ba, 1'{ame rm nNlDUft .....,,... ...... wMlt 117 ft. fr•t..M °" _._ tfrfft. for FUN! plw.,la,e fa.utJ Sp.tcious 4 br. l bu fumlly home 1 -...... poo1-~ .__ ~ ,... :.: rm. TIDClt ~ ept. w/fanwuc IVW•I & jul'ual. udj1u.·ent ,..... -.._.,.. becAcv-4 with • ' H I llG CAMYOM cstm wet bu. amaay a· ,..,~ 1~-a.... -~ .....i•-y ~ w*nn6y 'tras. Gor0 eows! Hu....., to Gl'('Cnbcll paa·k . 2 frpk~ .. wet bnr -~ -,... -. "" ,_._ "' . SPICTACUL.Alt YllW wilh S174Ji00. .., & IA ~unbathlnQ putio & more! hCMH tW shows "pride of ow..nhlp .. by Of ·us from this 4 Br & fam. rm., 2th c.entury21/Sandpf\-,er 0J)t!n Sunday 15. utOO Nt·wporl f Hlhi °" fwtlly. S8'oww by appMttiwwt. • • b~~-~~lfeb Style h ome' featuring CARLA HINSON Or East. 5210.000. LARGE DUPLEX_.ALIOA ISi.AHO 1 • c . A~on pit. open be~tns. outside 640-"9SOor64-4·SO.S 1 CUFF DR upy UPJS en e g area. . OPEN FOR YOUR VIEWING CAMIO HICH4L.AHDS -4 bedrm, movP in condition. B<'autifut ' cart,>ets &. drapes. View. Offered at $160,000. Open Sat/Sun l ·S; 4615 Cortland, CdM. . .--n . na • U S0,000 40 Royal St. George, Npt. Bch. OCEANFRONT I' anlasll<' J bdrm .. den Cam1ly Mint condition 4 ond J bedroom units . Open Sat/Sun 1·5pm J Lots home on gorgrou!) rurner site +9H1t quarten. Terrific lecaffon with . ... ' . , ' $300,000 • Aerossfronr CltH •Or Profe:,slonully de<.-orated Mtff VllW of Hw lay. Owner wlU c.-ry ,,:, sandy beaeb. Level, cor· thruout. Opportunity for addin' 2nd ~ *'--clnCJ on this 1peclat lftcOtM pro-' °WbbDIRIDGE ARlotl a,AKE ::U-un~~=:: SPYGLASS --large 5 bedrm bonus story to caipturP Mean & bay view!\. ,.....,. .,. vl~:·,1lhc mountains· & OnAn ri·elds o.c . income oc sell sub-room home featuring 3 fplcs, one in $192.~ '-"· _. Ject to exchange. Tarn n'le master bedr m, located on a lt'4 acre DIRECTORY frCJ¥n; ·. NEW 2 br, 2 ba luxury condo o« San Diefo Fwy at lot with a mini-orchard. Also features nr~~~e, Sunken living room with Elm. Lots • cor ner la1·ge pool and jacuzzi and a bltn gas fiGC;R!~e-:. Separate dining room. Two J\laipar " Carlsbad BBQ. Offered at $289,900. Open ca~'it4fage de YOUR OWN P RIVAT E ~~kbad. Rea_Uor SatJSun 1·5; #2 Mission Bay, CdM. R~l\}(YARD. $119,500. -------1 Uloft.E( E AST SI DE COSTA 28 Lake View. Irvine Open Sat/Sun l-5pm 759·15 IS 759.0017 KESA LDftlJ owner's d • Br. Z 88, 2f rpk:s. Pim. t WO 2 Br II.Dils + 4 gar. Near nu. near s bopping calt.er. SlGS.SOO. OPIH SUH l·S 3()t letJl PlattC.M. Jl.Al\EL WALKER &15-4144 ce .. lOlt lHEIWFfS HAUOR Yl!W -Owner De1perat .. beauiifully decorated. 2 bedrm. den h om e. With ma ny extras. Off the kitcheu is a beautiful patio with a waterfall. Offered at $139,900. submit· offers. 1951 Port Locksle1gh, Neweort: Beach; Open Sun 1·5. HARBOR VJEW -very nice, 2 bed.room den or 3 bedroom home. <Monaco mode)) Singl e s tory. offered at $145.000. 1851 Port Seaboume. Newport Beach. Open S unday 1·5 ........... .,_..., ... ,.. ........... ,.. ........................ _ ...... ~. -~ ............... ., ._.. ............. ...,.,DAILY PILOT WAKI' ADS •• ...._. Great family home. hqe playroom or 5tla bllm. Fantutie 1reeabelt. view. Enela5ed pa.tio with fareplt. 'n.e BblUs rtnmt. 411 Vista Saene. ~House Sat/Sun l·S WOODIRIDG.E -new 3 bed room Townhome. located on the Jake next to pool and sand beach and rec center. Buyer will h ave choice of ·color of carpet. 55 Lakeview. Irvine; open Sat/~1-5 . ....,..,...._...._ .... ,.. ... .,......,.1a.t_••••-.._ ..... ~ .... s•.,_. s..Mr- 4 IR & FAM RM or DEN 2645 Bunya St. <EBluff) NB 640·9777 S157.000 Sun. 1:30·5:30 300 Esther SL <Eastsidc> C.M. $82.500 Sun 1·5 9562 Panac('a. Hunl111~ton Beach 962·5521 '962·1554 Sunday 1·5 17171 Pml'hurs l. Huntington Bch 962·5S2L S!.13.!lOO Sunday 1·5 15720 Primrose. Westminster 962-5521 $76 .950 "\. Sund<.iy l ·5 11085 Begonia, Fountain Valley 9fi2·S.521 S94.950 Sunday 1·5 •3462 Eboe. Irvine 540· l 720 $142.500 Sunday l ·5 •5 Rue Chatcau Royal <BigCynlNB f'44·6200 $315,000 Sun. 1·5 1909 Commodore <B::ivcrest) NB 642·8235' $169.000 · Sun. l ·S • 1806 Sandlewood <B~ycrest> NB 642-8235 Sun. 12·5 1307 Santiago <Westchff) NB 642·8235 5215.000 Sun. 1·5 •2832 Boa Vista Or. McsaVetde.CM 546·5990 S139.950 Sunday 1·5 2320 Port Aberdeen, llVHomes. ·NB 675-6000 Sl69.900 Sunday 1·5 1874 l Pa.seo Cortez. Turtlerock. Irv G75·6000 $135.000 Sunday 1·5 •3922 Capri. Irvine 979· 1050 Sll6.900 Sun 1·5 3145 Limerick Ln .. Costa Mesa 645-0:))3 S82.500 . Sun. 1-5:30 1014 Mariners. (Dover Shrs) NB G45·0303 S.'385.000 Sun. 1·6 1101 Kin~s Rel. Cliffha\'Cn. NB 675·6000 S2!J8,000 Sunday l ·5 956 Magellan. M~sadcll\Jar. CM 557-8372 $87.000 Sun 1·5 5 BEDROOM 901 Celtis. F.as thluff. Nwpt Beach S-1~·7i29 $148.000 Sunday 1·5 19GO Port Ramsgatc OIVJDs >N B 6-t 1·9000 $193.500 Sun 1·5 ••542 S. Bayfront <Bal Isl> NB 6'12·8235 sa.5L.OOO Sun 1·5 S IR & FAM RM or DEN :.>no2 La~arto <Mission Viejo) 8.H-8260 $175.000 SatfSun 1·5 27 Bodega Bn,y Or .. Spyglass. CdM 640-7789 S284.500 Sat/Sun 10·5 19641 Topeka Ln. Huntington Beach 962-4112 $126.500 Sat/Sun 12·6 #15 Balboa Ccwes, Newport Beach 631·1400 $240,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 Si~!'l Ottawa Ri\'er Cir .. Ft. Valley 67fi·ITT41 Sat/Sun 1·6 •2306 Aralia. Eastbluff. NB 642-5200 Sl81.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 907 Bellis <Eastbluff) N.B. 754-1202 $176.ooo Sat/Sun 1·5 2 Royal St. O<'orge <DigCyn> N.B. G..t2-8235 S449.500 Sal/Sun 1:5 41 Bodega Bay (Spyglass> CdM 644--0200 S,at/Sun 1·5 1101 Cully Sark. Huntington Beach s40.1120 S13s.ooo . Sat1sun 1·5 2a Cypress Pt. Ln.' CBig Cyp) N.B. «>«•10 S350,~ Sat/Sun 1·5:30 s Royal St. Georgt-. Big CabYo'l 640-6161 1 S46S.OOO Sat /Sun 1·5 2 Mission Bay. Cofona.del Mar 675-3411 $289.~ Sat/Sun 1·5 920 Crocus. Costa Mesa 545.9491 $116.SOO Sunday 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 2520 Univers ity Dr . :"lwpt Beat'h 752-9023 Sundav 1·5 5 Wintergreen < Dccrl1t>lc1 > lrv · 675-1642 $77.000 SaLSun 1-5 i; 10 Crest Circle. Cd!\1 631·1800 Sl24,900 Sun l·S * 1648 C Iowa St. Mesa\l(•rdeV1llas 642·5200 $58,000 Sal/Sun l ·5 21653 Ocenn Vista. So. Laguna 552-7500 Sl49,900 Sat1Sun 1·5 32 Rock Rose. Univ. Pk .. Irvine 751-3191 S84.500 Sat/Sun 12·4 500 Vista Grande (Bluffs) N.B 759-0811 $159.900 Sun. l ·S •1639CJowaSt. (Mesa Vcrde>CM 754-0247 S..59,500 Sat/Sun 11 ·6 2 IR & FAM RM or DEN 2444 Vista Nobleza. ntuffs. N B. 631-1800 $167.500 Sun 1·5 #17 G'retel Court. Npl Crest. NB 673-1020 $109,500 Sundav 1.5 7 Goodwill Ct (Newport Crest> N·a 645·7575 $127.500 S<i l Sun 1-5 • •'121 Lido Park Or.(' 2. ~ B · 759-0811 S::it Sun l·S 3 BEDROOM 1970 San Bruno <The Bluffs> N. B 640:7000 S115.<>00 Sun.1-5 505 Vr.;ta Grande <Bluffs> NB 640·4089 Sl49.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2323 Vista Hoga r (Illuffs) N. B. · 673·4400 Sun. 1·5 15506 "J" William!'>. Tuslin 646·7711 Sat/Sun 1·5 2225 Vista Huerta Cliluffs > N.Jl. 759-9065 S95.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 345 University <Unit E ). Costa Mesa 751·1473 S82.500 Sat/Sun 1 :30·5 522 Vista Grande <Bluffs) N. B. 644-1133 Sun. 1·5 l IR & FAM RM or DE:H 2216 Vista Dorado <Bluffs ) N.B. 759·0811 $149 .500 Sat/Sun 1·5 21 White Water c.JasmmeCrk>CdM 640· 7000 Sun l ·5 334 Vista Trueba (Bluffs> N.B. 548·1290 S145.000 Sat/Sun l : 30·4: ~ 701 Goldenrod. Corona del Mar 675·6670 $159.500 Sun 1·5 4 BEDROOM •2634 Vista Ornada. Bluffs. NB 642-5200 S145.000 . Sat/Sttft\t·5 21146 Chester brook. I Hg. Beach 963·67P1 $75,000 Sun 1·5 1777 Mitchell #52. Tustin 646-7711 Sunday 1·5 2114 Vista Entrada <Bluffs) N.B. 640·5560 $149.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 IR & FAM RM or DE:H 2056 Vist a Cajon <Bturrs > N.B. 644·1133 S199.SOO Sun. 1·5 il'OWNHOUSES FOR SALE ' 1839 Tanager. Mesa/V. C.M.. =-' 54MM91 StS~.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 _ _ 2 IED_.OOM 18586 Pueblo Cir .. Runtinglon Bdi 38n Hamilton. Culverdate. Irv. 545-9491 SlOS,OOf> Sat/Sun 12·S 2 Drakes BeY1 Sp}tglass. CdM 675-3411 $109.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2734 Sandpiper. Mesa Verde. CM 546--4141 $147 SOO Sunday l ·S 7 Monteclto. Spyglass. CdM 6'7S·34U $3:$,5()0 Sunday 1·5 3710 S. Alder St .. Santa An a 541~ S00,000 . S\ut. 1·5 1.,,1 Geneva. IM'ine ~4·9411 SuOclay 1-S •1820 Janglet ~rt C~ta Metta 645-0303 u11.ooo sun. 1-s~30 , ........... .. 962-0185 . Stil/Sun 12·5 , . l llDltOOM #4 P ebbJewood <Woodbridge) l rv. SS1·5774 187,®0 SUnday 12·5 h J n & l'~M IM ... 0'4 3015Clubhousc, "Mesa Verde, CM 545·9491 Sot/Sun l·S 2 ft & 4 IR 708 Avocado. Corona del Mar 615·1060 S18S,OOO Sun. 1·5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE I IR & STUDIO 2927 Terry Rd., Laguna Beach 494·8551 Sl29.500 Sun 1·4 llR&21R 719 -719112 Marigold . Corona del Mar 640·7804 S149i.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2387 Norse. Costa Mesa 979·8533 Sat/Sunday 1·5 . 2 IR & I BR 417 Marigold. Corona del Mar 675-6160 $157.500 Sat/Sun 1·4 135 Cecil Pl.. Eastside. CM 548-1927 $88,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 11R&21R 304 f 306 E. Broadway. E /Side CM 675-1972 !115.000 Sal/Sun 1·4 206 30th. Newport Beach 646-7171 $147.500 Sat only 2 IR & 3 IR • •1805 W. Bay. Newport Bch 675-7060 S285.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 IR & I IR 600 Acacia. Corona del Mar 640·9900 Sun 1·5 l IR & 2 IR 365·36.51/:i La Perle Pl.. Nwpt Bch 673·8494 $189.500 Sun 1·4 4 IR & 2 BR 110 37th St (West> Newport Bench 631·1400 $189.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 II a l BR 109 35th St., Newport Beach 557-7325 $190.000 Sunday Z OH A LOT 625 S . Ross. Santa Ana 646-7711 . ,., ,, ' . Sunday 1·5 ,, .\.:fOURPLEXES ·.r: .:· F.OR SALE ••• ;.. t • I J I •'I 2 IR Ir I II 6l.01Vfoteria. San Ctemente ~88..zf22 Sat/Sun 1·5 Ill~' I ,r '!'/, J , 2 IR & 3 0 Be ®b.h.Constantine. Hunl'g Beach 84644483 Sat U-4, Sun 1·5 ,,~ ',,('\ ,. ~: <;OMDO~IHIUP-45 II'".'' . FOR REMT. t h f1rt11t' z· llOIOQM ~ 321~ Island Dr.(8i& Cyn) NB ~tp S695/Mo. Sat/Sun 1·5:30 ••®aCove. Nwpt Bch 648-7171 S9SO/Mt> Sat /Sun 1·5 NEWPORT IEACH Fantastic custocn fa mily home on cul-de-sac hi- beam ceilings with z large stone lireplaces, separate rumpus room wilh wet bar. gounn« k1tchln with walk·'4 pen- try and center ulaad range , se parate breakfast room. N9Vly decorated den . pltac warm & roiy large fa.ml· ly room. Even has an of· fice or sewing room. Drive through garage with boat access. 3 Bathroom s . doub le si.r\k4, 2 large bedrooms. What more could you want? Open Sunday 1·5 1857 Braemar Way Newport Beach SPYGLASS -New home. 5 bedrm. ap- prox 3'l16 sq.ft. with view. Popular Nantucket model. Offered at $329.500. 7 Montecito. Open Sunday l..S. SPYGoLASS -beautif ul 3 bedrm P ortsmouth model. features : beaut pool & jacuzzi. Super deep 3 car gar age that has a children's game r oom ~d a bath with dressing area for pool .. Plus room for all 3 cars. Highly upgr aded, move·in cond .. of- fered at $237,500. Open Sat/Sun 1·5; 8 Monterey Circle. SPYeioLASS -just lii:;ted . Owner mov- ing out of state! Highly upgraded. 5 bedrm. 3 bath home. Fantastic view. Offered at $299.500. Open Sat/Sun 1-5: 2 Drakes Bay. CdM. OTitER PROPERTIES AVAILABLE TURJUaoctC HtGHL.AMDS -just listed 3 bedrm. family room. formal dining room. popular plan I. Corner lot loca- tion. Home to have super upgradEts. Pneed to sell -------:..;;._--1 TU•TI.BOCIC HIGHLAHDS -brand 1-------..i new 4 bedrm. 21h bath. Lusk built CHARMING OLDER home. Plan III. next to greenbelt and SPANISH HOME Spacious 2 s·ty, 3Br, 2Ba, pool. Buyer b.aJi choke of carpet color. Cam r m. blt n s, panoramlc ocean view. H.Alt80I VllW -super upgraded 3 $84,500. (714) 722-4364 bedrm. fam ily r m. formal dining rm OH GOLfCOURSE Palm Springs area~by owner. New rondo 2 br, 2 ba Rancho Las Palmas CC . Write : 1718 Tradewinds Ln , NB 92660. home !Carme1 model). This home is a must see! Jiom e was professionally decorated a nd a lso pf'ofessiona lly landsc-.aped. 'nle back yard features a large custom jacuzzi with waterfall with 10\'>'s o f hanging a nd potted plants. E>$tra storage also built in t he attic. Calf for additional inform ation. OPEHHOUSE SAT & SUH 1·5 DOVER SH ~IS -beaut iful view 220 Jasnilne, CdM hom_e. 4 Be ·m. for mal dining, large lfl Blk to Ocean family rm. ~ded 600 sq.ft; bonus completely remodeled , roo~ over 3 cal: g.arage. This is a fan· on an oversized lot. A tastac. custom b-.a.1lt home. Offered at smashing 4 BR plus den onlv S28.5 000. plus formal dining plus · ' huge Camily room with SPYGLASS -new tiome is a 4 bedrm . . ~~ t::i~e:·a~a~;:.! 2lh bath, approx. 2100 sq.ft. Comer lot and Jetty view from with a view. Pop1..dar Tradewinds master suil.e & sundeck. model. Ofrcred at S315.,.000. Jt.L'lt steps to Ocean Blvd. \ $230.000. IRVIHE -new 3 bedrnt. family rm in Calf 644-7211 Irvine Coves. Sycamore-plan. 2 story. ~ approx 1700sq. It. $95,950. ~ HAalOR VIEW -(Lusk). large 6 bedrm. formal dining, family room. 1~~ s!!'"...;.!;~t. Home on s uper large culdesac lot with (Tuitin ). FOR THE a large pool and jacuzzi. Also in one LOVE OF LIVI.NG, you com er of the lot is your own private musl see this new on the putting green. Offered at $269,500. market, Tustin condo in prestigious San J uan JtUST USTID -nice 3 b edrm. Meadows. A ra~ find, ··-"" ··-=th d •th with 8 Mt. view & Ow1u1ome "' m any upgra es w1 poolside tocat.ion. warm an assumable 8% loon. Call for in· decor to go with an format ion. arched brick frpk. Adult «>mmunily at ill heal! S14,900 .552·70~0 . THE ·• VlLlACE. . REALTORS • .. DAil Y Pll.OT Open \ Houses :t t :lRR-mT.000 J 81\-1.U,UOO 4 8R-SHS,OOO 979-1050 CENTURY 21 Sunday, Jutx 17, 11111 ~OME Ii INCOME $tl7,100 3 bedroom & don. 2 baths. Sporkhng home with riroplac<i & all new kitchen. PLUS Larue 1 bedroom income unit. W ulk to heuC'h & ~hops. Come see this llt•;.suty ! OPEN HOUSE SATJ.SUM 1-4 SUPER IOMUS Immaculate cond\tlon thruout. Spacious 3 bedrm and dinln1. Ciao\ 11Md family room. Thu 111 the r.:1tll)' neat, hurd to find family home. Set! this before you buy. Hurry, call us aL540-J1Sl. ~ .. HERITAGE . • REALTORS VA TERMS! EASTSIDE VA IUYUS Coro..o ~ M• I 022 Corona det Mar I 022 $3:l:SO. mo' e• you Into •••••••••••• •••••• ••• •• •• •••• •••• • ••••••• •••• • Newly remodeled home, Jwil neht for a young family. quiet tree lined •harp 3 \Jdrm bomt ~II(' lot. lffilnJ t' l • )TMw, m.soo POOlHOME Lovt!ly Men Verde -t bdrm " rarn rm qllumbed for ~ t't hJr I opens to ~parkbng pool & Pilt10 OUercd (or ~113.500 REDUCED $9500 Beaut 4 br ~ dt•n & llcauttful rW1tac duplu, 2 OWNER 3 Br + guest , nr street, prof. landscaping, BR. 4 l·BR, bHnl t'cll , bch, view. Opn Sat/Sun plush burnt orange t:11rden patio SH9.SOO l ·S. 673-4047 or 673·1121 carpet thruoul. Large PAULMARTIN i---------~ master bedrm w/dress· Real ~late 644-7383 ing rm. All UUs and much JASMINE CREE< OCEANCANYONVIEW more! Hurry! Call Mott Popul• # 3 Mdf &&S--0303 28r & den, So of Hw y, 1 2200+ sq ft of elegant llv· blk to beach, $215,000 Owner will carry. Shown ang. 38r, 2Ba. lam rm. tJ, appt only, Owner bkr Teak parquet Clooring thru-0ut entry. h v rm & bi3 5740 frml din rm. Spac Mstr FORESTE OLSON .... ( t.t• Ao fl.J .. '\ bon~ rm homC' in :'1."Pt1---------Shores 3 Bick!> lo lit><1th swte w scp patio. dres:. mg rm & separate his & PUBLIC her vanataes. Rom an MESA VERDE buth & :.tall showC'r SUPER S llARP 4Br, Optional purt ha:>c plan' dVaJI ARROWHEAD LOTS Highly upgraded cpl ~. 2Ba, fam rm, frplc, cov· 2Vacllntlot:.inl.JJ..,. \1 NOTICE drp s & s hutte r :. er~d pat io. gr€'a l ro~head Both olt,•11•tl Beautifully landscaped lndscpg, quit.'l a rea. for $900 bnck pataoi. off LR. 1''1t & many dec·orator xtra<;. l"Quall l liillPlac• Prap.,-tt .. 7 .. 52~ 19'20 " l•OO OUAIHT. NlWttOU llACH COST A MESA WEEKEND SPECIAL M Br. Most :;ecluded end o~n Sat sun 2.5 1.E.\SE, 3 bed rm l'oni.Ju HEW HOME model in private park 719S4 Lemnos, C.M. MESA DEL MAR for s.715 m1J. It hui. la•t•11 setting. Must be seen to By o wn er $109,500 288SltegisLane owner occupiri.J .rnd Spyglass Hill be appreciated. 24hr sec. 545.5726 Open Fri/Sat/Sun 1·5 :-.hows 1t..ANDWE CAN 28MorrolayDr. Comm clubhse, lighted ----3br,2badreamhouse. SllOW YOU OTllEHS .i BR, 2•, Bu , opportunity tennis courts, pools and IUY 2 HOUSES We invite you to see & 645-3474 to save before being list· Jacuzzis. 41 Mainsail Dr. & SAVE $5,000 submit offer. Whelan • i t-d. 640·6410 or 644 ·4684 OCCe r ed by owner . Prime E. Sade 2 Classic RealEstate,540·3666 . _' '· ' _' _'I bOpey~,nppHt ouse Sat/Sun or ~~8t9i~~o~ ?.~enorh~ua:.I~ Spanish Homes, side by Halecrest by owner. 3 Br, " ~ide. Xlnt investment op· 640·6759forappomtment. ~y or starter home. Of· Fam Rm, 2 Ba , huge • =:::::::!!:~:::. fered at S00,500 ca. or fplc, fully cpt'd, drp'd. Attractive Duplex, ea. un· ---------$ll4,000for both. Bristol t ond. $71,500. 1t 2br, 2ba. frplc. crpt'g. Hcrbor View Hills 549·1&2 ---------1 Walk to bch S200 000 LUSK·BURLJNGAME "° -·11-c:n rt · ---------OPEN HOUSES ~7'63 ' ' · Fee, 4 Br, 3 Ba. t'um OCVI 1e rrope ies GREENBROOK. own~r SUH. 1·5 Rm. din rm, bonu:, rm, (714) 549_2467 must sell immaculate 3 OCH MOUNTAIN VU open bea m ceiling!> Br 2 Ba. Living Rm . 1970 SAM BRUNO HARBOR VIEW lllLLS Circular s ta I r ca:.e 1---------" cathderal re1lg!>. pool, The Bluff-; Tn lt.'vel 3 Tasteful decor w ne~ Bedul lndscpg Hoom J L• t d very pvt yard ;'\r park Hdrm . 2 hath condo, wet cpts. d~ & wallpaper. for pool. 3150 sq fl 01>\.·n USt IS e . Open House SJt Sun h<1r. !oundl'l'k · frt•shl~ s <' t off th 1 s ~ u n n y Ilouse Sal Sun I 5, 1422 Qfs1 rable Soulh Coa:-.t ~.500. 3435 F\Jl'h~1u. nr pamled \.J<"unt SI 15.000 <'hecrful home w Ii.: patio Keel Dr .. 644·56\6 Shores Patao home. 2 S. Cst Plaza !157 13~0. 21 WHITEWATER & pool Beautifully btdrm +den . \'Julted ofc.979-2700 Ja!.mmc Crt!Ck o~ncr lndscpd , co mpl e t e OPEN Sat/Sun 1-5 l'CIUOJ.:!'>, fplc, scp. dine BYOWNEn mo\mg&anx1ou~to:.cll' pravaey. JBr, 2':.Ba, HJGHATOP~PYGLASS Central air Mirrored Submit' paneled ram rm, formal .;;MOHROBAY wardrohc. 2 car ~a r 3brH.ba,frpk,bllni. din rm off lg hv rm. Elegantly appointed Close lo South Coa:.t 548•5082 Qwet secluded street on Po r l s m o u t h l\l d I Village & Orange Co. Custom Ele9anc:~ .__ ...... s p GREEN BROOK Lowest price, best v;llue. 3 BR, 2 BA, separate dining room, separate utility rOOJlt. Highly upgraded, new look in mini-blinds throughout beautiful, large family room. Low maintenance pool size yard. 3 Years new. Move-in condition. Walk to SC Plaza, min to freeway, Sellers motivated, bought anoth~r. Open House Sunday 1·5 942 . Azalea. Agent •MESA VERDE GOLF COURSE OPEN SAT & SUN 1 5 Buccola 5 bdrm 2 story nghl on 9th green. Fan- tastic floor plan & home for the executJvc who en· JO YS e nlerta1n1ng & ~rac1ous fmly laving. W 1off Mesa Verde Dr . East on Golf Course Dr , to street. 1839 Tanager. 545·9491 UPPER BACK BAY $78,000. MESA VERD& POOL HOME L:ixwious 4 br. 3 ba, im· mac. cond. Form din. rm, fam rm, wet ba, huge master sui le. SUl>,500 . Open house Sat/Sun 1·5 1812 Oriole Dr .... pc realty 557-8717 644-3545 Best locataon E-side. 3 br, 3 br, 2 ba home, I yr new. 2 ba. 376 ~Aagnolla . Upgraded. '"' m1 lo bch S72.SOO. By owner Nr. Calvary Chapcl, D.P ~7114 By owner. $92.000. Open -house 1·5 Sat & Sun. 33761 EAST SIDE Old Bndge Rd .i9J 9446 BY BAC~ IA Y B Toro I 032 Sharp 2 yr new Condo, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3Br. 2Ba. secluded pvt Countryside Homes patio, pvt deck off ms~r 3br. :!ba, fam rm <.;en· bdrm. Very qwet area an tral air. upgraded - popular development. move in 1:ond Assuma· Arthur Reese Realtor. ble loan . Hy o>wncr. 751-1473 $81.500. 586·5151J LACUESTA 4 BEDROOM. WALK TO TllE OCEAN . CALL REAL BSTATE BY McV AY, 842·9371. y owner 4 Br 2 Ba, Sl8.!IOU dn & a ssume SSS.000 In, $W0 mo. Nr Broo khur s t / Heil. SITT 7272 EVERYTHING YOU COULD WANT -lbr, fam rm w wet bar on quiet Cul·de·Sac. Decorator design lhruout including new custom drapes & carpeting. I I I BI u ff s over Io o k an g w 1pastoral view. S22S.OOO Airpc>rt. Hurry! wilh some ocean view. JasmmeCreek.. fee. 752·7799 or 494 0029 848-16B8 New 4 bdrm, J bath LoH•ly customated home wc:.l of Irvine A\/e. Cozy den New i.hakc roof Hardwood floors Good value, i.o caH n o w ~-7221 COLLEGE PARK. 4 Br 2 Opl:.aJ HSE ··ui..1 I 5 Private g arden patio '""" ' ,... • wigas fire pit. Must see l>ON Y. rlVllOCW< ' IH:Jll lOH ' ~E C-Hwy eo.ono o.t-640·7000 Open SAT 1SUN 1·5 Or by James D. Tatum. Rllr. A*rk Realty h o m es . M a r i n '* Appl. ------Highlands Tract. Canyon 1100 Sandpiper Dr. CostQ Mesa I 024 or. at Hamilton. Agent. By owner Prin only. •••••••• • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • &12·0758 Ontu 2280 I Larkin to appreciate. By Owner· II/ Beautiful decorator Prin only. $126,900. Open '''21 model, 2 sty JBr, 28a Sat/Sun 12·5. 17122 ~ MESA VERDE homeon cul-de-sac, love· CamelotCir.846·4303 Ba. cul de sac. By owner. $79,500. 751-4232 544.5347 848-1314 ,.. ________ I S239,500. Mesa V•rde + Pool -----~ I I ™ CLUBHOUSE VILLA ly ground patio, close lo Decorators homC' 4br CA.HYON VILLAGE WestcHff Realty Best Poolst'de loc. everythin~. $112,500. Lake STORY Landmark, 4 br, won't be a problem in F 2 I r 8 CAllMFEVER -----i---------1 this spacious 4 bCdroom . 2ba Super cln. lri.: lol New sub·d1vis1on Wilson OPEN SAT&SUN 1_5 orcsl Dr. to Aspen lo 1 ·2 ):J • am. rm. I mos. ilatboalsland . 1006 2 bath, carpeted home beaut lndscp·g Custom at Clnyon Dr. C.M. 2 Open House Sat/Sun Sharp 3 br, ram rm Oswego. • ~k~;: ~i'~;e, C/21 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~EXT TO BE"'CH with ma mm 0 l h drps &crpts. $129,500. By story, 3 bdrm. From Lo wei.t price' College townhouse. Fabulous loc. HOWARD JOHMSOH, ___ a_. __ . ___ _ WATERFRONT ....... "' ureplace-PLUSll 28xt5 Owner 545·4197 S78.500.0urlstad·Better Parkhomc.lbr.2 ba,lge w1greal view of green REALTY YOWNER·SAVESS WITH DOCK b. tik d I L I llurry! w. Mors. Agent. lot. rrwt trees. pnced lo "ell & pool Beaut 1714J497 174 .. COM ca in· e en . ove Y PRESTJGIOUS '".'0758 US78000 ,, . • "' 2story 4 br, 2o,.; ba. Cam . OPENS T Su Eastside location & only .,... :.e · · #!rounds. Nearly new cpl ------•· d d • A '· N 1 5 Mesa Verde for only 646-39'.!8S45-~3 Move in cond. Call n ghl Fountain Vaftey I 034 rm, t•ust. "' upgra e 124 Grand Canal S74.500. -..,SOO. Lovely home in MEW LISTING ,.,........ thruout Open Sat & Sun, 4 BR. den. frpk oprn This s pataous s unny IE. 1Qua1·1 ~ e..,...." lab I's h e d It •·t 'Lt II now on this one! 545.9491 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5622 Maryporl Dr . home features 5 lar~e " 5 come-.., serve 1 e W off MeH Verde Dr. I bdrm ram, ~ ba. cust 840-l907 ~~~i. & lg patio or bedrooms each with Plac• neighborhood Cls lo & airy, attractive. beam West on Clubhouse Dr. ilrps.cpt.s. sell cln oven private bath. !-'amity PraplN'ti•a schls. parks & i.hops l•eilngs. cedar panelmg. 3015Clubhouse. smooth cook top, ds h SURFSIDE CONDO S'-6S,OOO room with "et bar & 7.Sl-'920 Call· • 2 patios. park-hke yard OPENS TJSUH I 5 wshr. micro solarlan fir, OPEN HOUSE l·S ... uper custom ka'tchen 14000UAllUNlWll'OllTllACH lntttnohonol Westside. 9>7.500 w L A • pool , rlre rin1. .. ...., 11=· DON TYLKR A ASSOC •• REALTORS . "' ... I• e7a-•OOO •BAYFROMT* ·~ ft1a gnaf1ccnl Bay front home 3 Dr. 3 Ba. giant ilonus room, J rrpl<'s., & 2 wcl·bars . Al 409 N Bayfront. Open House this wkend. S:l81l,OOO. by owner . Will not last ! ~o G&'8 afl SPM '1 R It '"2 0758 2548 W tmi t 2 Sty, 4 BR, 2'' Ba, dbl The paint is fresh in & vL...& Op_...-~ Red Estate Network ·'ors eu Y._ .... __ 3 Bdrms. n~~ pa~~,% & sdoorprin!!!r 500 s. a 80 ut2 garage gar, frplc. walk lo bch . out New carpels. drapes All1T f""'" ·-· 752-0861 BY ow~ER ....... . ,(I finance $72.500. <E· Beach Blvd, & s hutters. Spectacular New ne"er occupied Br --J"'ll out New kitchen, new i---------avai1.0wner847·1689. S.AUanta.)536-9487 fireplaces & shiJo doors. home w /lndscpd front MESA VERDE Lovely 2 Story. 3Br. carpet . huge renced rear Mesa Verde Condo, im- Also fealures 4 car gar., yard,draperieslhruout 2ba +bonus rm. Beaut yard.roomfor camper. mac28r.enclgar,patio,BY owner• Br 2 Ba, TOP! Condo below aar cond., hot waler. circ. Ofrered at $85,900. WjPOOL lndscp. 2000sq fl. S18,500. Pyramid E11chanCJOn pool. $59,500. 154·0247. $18,900 dn & a ssume market. by ownr, nice pump&allondoublelot Ph751-0066 833-1768 Ownr $55,000 In. $440 mo. Nr urut,28r,1Ba,847·9943 with 3 hghtcd patios. '1!Hville'Properties Charming 2 stor y, 5 ---------11--_.::...::...:~..:....::...:_ __ , _________ 1 Brookh~rst / Hj!iJ , Home offered at $330,000. bedroom home, perfect OPEN SUH. 1-5 Open Sat jSun 1-5 ona Point I 026 897-7272 Principles may call for (714) 549-2467 for summer pool side 464 OGLE 838 w. Wilson appointment. ---------parties. Large open liv· Newport Heights area 3 Bdrms .. 2 bath&; nicely GET. UP & GO mg rm. b1i: dining rm 3 Bdrms .. 2 baths, lge. tund!!capcd. Priced un· ••••••••••••••••••••••• BIGCAHYOM "GREEHIRIER" "'ilh one or these two 3 graced by a glimmering family rm. with wet bar; clcr market! Won't la:.l. bdrm ··ST ARTER chandelier. breakfas t dining rm .. 3 frplcs. Bil· 561.000. Buy now · move in later · HOMES!" One freshly area & large entertain-in s le r eo . Pro Ce s s . Pierr<'. Agt ti75 1179 for fashionable Country painted in und out one mg family rm opening landscpd. $129,500 UNlTEO BHOKEHS Club living with pool, 1---------1 with near-new c:irpeb . onto the s ham mering OPEN SAT /SUM 1·5 646-741.i tennis courts & private 209 NARCISSUS 673 7130 By Owner 8728 Ottawa Ri•. Cir. 5 BR, 3 Ba. cul-de-sac, entertainment delight, ()pen Sal/Sun 1·6. Shafer & Allen Realty, Inc. 675·6741 or 960-1980day or nhcht .AISOLU1ELY FANTASTIC! 4 bdrm, 2 ba, highly up· graded /decorator's de- lite! Beaut. cov'ed. patio & fully landscpd. yd. Marina HJ Sehl. dist. On· ly $74,500. BESTVALUE Cencedyards.S66.000and pool 1-'or appt. call 984GROVEPL -gardenpatio!You 'lllove Balboa Peninsula I 007 ~.ooo. 645·0303. • lmma<'. 3 Br. 2ba. fam your earthy cam e l ••••••••••••••••••••••• IM SPYGLASS 3 Bdrms., family rm. rm. College Pk. Cul-d-carpetin g with SPAMISHVILLA ~ WESTS.DE Surrounded by towering REALTY,IMC. hardwood floor~. 3 Br 2 reduced to ~89.500! 4 • Plac• • menl or starter home tile entry and kitchen • Large LivmJ? Hm." fplc. Price was $298.000. now Im 1Quail ~ New paint. Good invest· sac By owner 557 7096 coordinating ceramic native trees, topped 141-2323 wired Ule, desirable end 1 ________ _ Ba+ den Step& to buy or BR .. ocean view, pool, t Prap•rt·1•a ~E~RT I" '"'CH New 3 Br. lge lot. fully formal diniftt room. •· Jacuzzi. 2 frplcs. f'ee, " "'""' ~ lndscpd. Broker (j I w • ar and ·ocean. Open House 1 od W 'ti t '' 752•1920 arepace, e~ • Sal/Sun 12-4PM. 1541 a · on as ·· l'OOOUAllST Nl~T HACH •·~-~ REALTY 675-1642 ____ 7_52_·_9023 ___ __, huge master bedroom Mtramar PAULMARTIN . ------,..---r---------with sitting room! Ex· Micheal Real ~late Real Estate 644-7383 NO LOTTERY 5 IDRM 3 BATH ACROSS FROM clusivearea! $144,SOO. 673 6880 EASTSIDE DUPLEX Huge mstr. Fam Rm. _____ · _ cozy 3 br, 2 ba duplex, 2 And better buy than new 2 br. 1 br. $88,500. Xlnt. (pie, den, sprnklrs. Sand· GOLF COURSE patios & 1 br. Lse opt. or ·upgraded thruout, from for owner/user. pointe beauty. $96,000. 3 Br2 Ba, w/bltn stereo 11 ·Qua~I · Corona det Mor I 022 sell Sl53,000. Prin. only. Ule entry to mirrored Kathy Tracy Rltr. Nicely lndscpd, open TV. Seller needs fast • Plac. ~t town~use. Featur· 1 Br w /new cpt, pajnt. 1ng . a nal~ed entry. Reduced szooo to S66,SOO. spacious living & dining N HB by own. 9634759 room, Senora pleasing 1---'--'------ Cantioa ttltchen, king r , 4 BR, l~~ Ba, view slie maater bdrm suite, 2 lot. close lo bch. $72,500. Bandido bedroom, & f9.t22 Harding Ln. H.B. much much more. Only 96J.4977 640-7030 wardrobe. 3 bdrm + 541J.l927 752 2887 patios, gar opnr. Opn escrow a....--w•a $13,000. Ast to see it•--------- ~··••••••••••••••••••• DUPLEX huge fmly kitchen. Wall -----.--··-•I sun.1.5pM · . ·-· -..;s;.1920 ol •lass overlooks co\l'd latoos&....a. R•~ty 1600 QUAil Sf. N HACH ~ 5'toncrnt NOW! CaUf Rustic Ranch 4 br. 3 ba. F R • study 2 F.P .. all new bltns. Prof lndscp. Xtra l11e corner lot. OPEN SAT/SUN I -l 1008 Westclif(, Dover Shore~ Newport B:i y H t: 675·3850 EXCEPTIOHAU! patio. Extensive use of MESA DEL MAR ""1" Each unit 3 BR, 2 ba., liv. brick complete custom s br. 3 ba. Freshly paint· ____ S4_l_·533.l____ ~ ~~;~~~u~E 110m HEW MARl.,.A 84•6~5573 rm., din. r m.; over 1400 landscplng. Near So. ed thruout, new crpt. ONLY $62.500 {or this Spr ead out in this r { I• · · h Co l Pl .,9 950 c~ 11630.an9•.C<>tl•Mfl<I sq. t. o aving m eac as asa. •• • · .,.,,e '99,500. charmil'l'g home 3 Br spacious 4 bdrm (amlly wut. Only 12 yrs. old. Of. today. 546·1'154 Open Howie Sat/Sun 1·5. home w /wood burning 1 ____ 6_4_5_·9_16_1 __ , home with fireside living •UHDH PRICED1t fered at $1921500 2753 Cibola frplc, on lge Jot. 631;3882 MES'"' VERDE room, hideaway master $74,000 sJ'ultp 3br. Fam Shown by app't . only ~7·8117: 644·3545 Bkr Bk.t. "" bdrm, enclosed yard & rm, nr scbls. Assumable Very good luck. custom, patio. Asking $104.900. GI loan. Xlntlocatlon. HOWDY built home In the Mesa Open house Sat/Sun i.s1 ___ o_wn __ er_._968_·84_06_· __ MEIGHIOR! 1 1 MESA DEL MAR Verde section or Costa 25211 Ya~ht Ot-. In lovely MESA NOR1H Jmma~ 3l3r. 28~, din rm. Mesa. 3 Br. fem. rm. & I GREl!HIROOI< a~a. TWO s~jo~ 4 new cp\s/drps. Enelsd possible guest quarters. AMCHOIAfH SPACIMAKER I bedrooms. 2 baU\ ra~lly eatio $84,$00. Open AsklngS16S,ooo. IMYESTMIMTS 2900sqR,3carearageon homes sit acros$ ·rt be S.t/Sun 12·•· 2885 .(\NZA Open House Sun l·S 17141 496-7711 80xl20 lot, shaded by tJ.111 at.reet from one another I Ln.&'Jt·U40or831·9081 293SJava Rd. ========~I ~. •u.let cut-cte·sac, Family rooms. fenced , ___ A""'gt_67_5-8800 ____ • clo. to •<hJ, parll. com· yards Ir freshly palntect1...._ ____ ...__ __ CastoMtsa IOl••CostaMno 1024 munity J>OOI, fU9,000. exteriors! n..1:. -1000. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ConvenUonal or owner VlUJ" .., •••••••••r••••••••••••• --tu On•...._ w. .a-•·J" and $67,900. lf.\,\fr)'-..-w ......... rot' uc .. 111 burry! ' • phone Mt•S8 . 18157 Santa ~~tta Clrele. macnab / lrvtne PrinOnly. ,. realty IXCLUSIVR Y EASTSfDI Decorator perfect 3 BR. 2 bath condo w/plush carpeting, plenty of wood & matching wall treatments. Private btlck atrium. 3-ear garage w /storage. Community pool & jacuzzL S88.SOO . Holly Markas &t4·6200. (0 ·53) PltlCE REDUCED! 3 lg. bdrms. 1% ba +bltn. stereo spkrs . Great family ho m e, priced to sell fast ! SID.900. IMMACULATE! New cpt..'I & bath noor;s. Tasterully decor'd. in Earthtones & yellows. 3 bdrm, H~ ba. $69,500 YB.I.OW DOU.HOUSI N"r the beach! 4 Big 83 ·s. country kitchen. fafnll.y center. a e.u.. Lota of panelln1 aod 1peclal tffects. Btlck BBQ and patio In manlCUNd rur · lot l A treat beach area l).q ! BKRta.551.L IYOWMa Downtown. 1mmac. 2Br. w.t>ach apt off dbl car gar, corner lot, $91 ,500. 136-2024 • • "-s•t .. rS. rHowtt'wS. McMttH ForS-. Ho.lsts For W• · HotHHFor Sale l Hou1t1 PorSclN Sonday, July 17, 1977 DAILY PILOT Dl, ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •· .._,. af1e1Mda 1040U t' t'•leeclt 10401;"'~-' '""--· 1044 •n~· 104 "me • 1044 ~~~!.~~••••••• ~!!:.~~~ ........ ~~:!.~.~ .. ~· ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 04a •••••••••• ,............ .._._ .................. u•••••••• ... •••••••••• •-L-1044 1 i..--1044 •-• · ... ;!S-J 3 ........ •• ••• ••• • • • • • •• ' ........... "----,--oc.. - ... OPEN HOUSE At/SAT JS.UM 11·1 SMlc• Co.tlo Oftltt HftUSI t I -1 •. • • . . · ............... ••• • ••• • ....... -•••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• ,, •• :!021 Dut~tT.r. Thll 4Br, 30SlLE RAISOR I REAL n·s ~ 20612 T1hr Clrde Spac\ous 2200 sq. n. 3 br .• 2\i\ ba home /beaut. l nd'>cp'd yurd & patio. t .. ormal dl n . rm. bltna, C'Ul»t. wullpapeT, ~lect. aarag~ door opener. Pool tbl & nllquo fixtures ind'd $103,750. M rlncr R. E. 848·1511 l BR, upttalra O\odtl, IPllCM>ul IWMleck. Call Rem EUla CcmlW')' 21 INIO-:WS en.a Country 9'8·1188 EXCHANGE HUNTlNCTON HARBOUR bomu. Want lnt-um• un1t1 Any area. ~ulty ~.aoo. Need apts with spendabl•. Not area • bow1d. '""'IMJf•leec'-1040 .......... •IHclt 1040 T .. C.UUSONCO. •••••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Realtors ~~:,;:~ ~0/rr8pt~ '~Ji .. /., OPIN HOUSE DIRECTORY f<anc'fw San (J _ at:/uin ~~A&l.55941146, • ·'1 .. SAT. & SUN. l·S P.M. (70 OPEN HOUSIS • ~ Q\i¢c~ Joculion Beautiful San Luis Sat 15m I 2-5 comes with this un-R e y Mod e 1 in 20 Wb(1illnc Swan. ique 2 bdrm, PLUS Rancho San Joa. Woodbridge. Beautiful STUDY Chancellor qufn. 3 bdrm, 2~2 •Br1 A/C, lots of redwood Iii% overlooking b ~. • break fa s t de<'a. Vlew. Sl2UOQ. .tev iy_ greenbelts. nobk a nd VIEW 11931 A n tioch Dr, t3 lo POOL and J u s t steps from Turllerock. View. Im· ~l S. Golf Course. Fast mac. Many bltlna. 4BR. 17912 MANN escrow possible. Last chance to buy in prestigious San Joaquin for less than $100,000. 2 hr. super upgraded. Others available. J i"' rate. ss 1-516' SAN JOAQUIN REALTORS 1044 ..... 1044 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NOR INS REAL1Y WILDmtaf1s..... 2819Ncwport Blvd. Nrwport Bch. 675-4961 Prof la n d a ca P e d ) J .STREET '#4 p ALOS $llt3,900. ~l "WIL.\;()N 'i\callf>(" (714) 752-8688 v '.· -AIUCKHORH --------•1 or intimate weekedds. 'Ibe perfect beach ~t- •llA T IUY LA CUIST A hettlp Ar90 S. ~ MocW 2 Story -1 Yr New -4 Bdrms. PormaJ Din Rm , Family Rm . 3 8 1.tl\s, 3 Car Gar , Plush Cpls & Drapes, Par- quet Entry, Mirrored Wardrobe Doors in Mstr Bdrm. La.radscaping front & rear. 2400 sq ft of s heer delight. IUL ESTATE IY LUCIA CCllt6l-1271 ISLAND LIVING 48r, 2~ba waterfront h ome . C o n c r eie deck+85' boat dock. Why aettJe for a CondoT Buy th.is home for $229,000 PurceU Rlty, Sunset Bch 213/S82·1ll81, 1141846-2848 n• 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ''0000 "°"''' ~ .. tftVA~ut• TURTLEROCK Broa d· moor home, ' BR, 2'At Ba. liv, ram. form. din, hlgbJy upgraded. Best toe. You own the land. $134,900. 752· 1891 Open House Sat/Sun. WOODBRIDGE, S&S --------1 "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I Redwdod. 3 Br, 2'At ba, Deerfield Aspen Jbr, -= frplc, A!C prep, wet bar, 2''!1ba, !am rm. 2 story. upgraded, immed occup. 1880 sq fl. $.94,900. 7 Rock Hi.nHncJton hoch I 040 HwllacJ• leoch I 040 Nr park. school, pool. Springs. ~. Open ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-•••••••••••••••••••• 585,700 PP. Open hse House Sal/Sun 12·5 · INVESTORS NEW 4 PLEXES Beach & Su o da y 12· s. Peb · Woodbridge Place Biscay l..5e1opt to J an. '78. 1 yr Conslaollne. Buy now blewood. SS1-S774 model b .. _ 39 ulc.1 townhouse. Agl. while being constructed. --------· 4 r, 3.,.. Sl ,SOO. 968·2297 or 963-0867 Lg. cust. desian units. New Woodbnd~c ,c_ondo 644-eGlS, 968-3988 Muller Rltrs. 846-4493 2 Hr + den, 2 ba ...... e opt, fownhou1e. Walk to $87.SOO, $500./m o. $155,000 'Eiveryth ing has 'beef). done to this fovely 4 bdrm, 2'14.i · bltffl·\fale Model in VILL. III. Prof. (I e~or a t e d a n d larl,d'~cJaped. 1'71$7 OAK TREE LANE Culverdale's Best ! 5 bdrm, 2~ ba, formal din, fam. r m .• C'Ove r ed patio .. New paint ins i d e and o ut. PLUS a gt'eat loca· ti on . 3951 HENDRIX 'fS23 CAMPUsDa~IRVINE 't573 C.utPUsDl:JRVIWE in the great commuoit)' ot Deerfield is available now for only $89,950. Nicely up1radecl thruout &on a cul-de·sac location & pro f ess i o n ally landscaped front & rear. Call for appointment. RAHCH REALTY 551·2000 o,. .. Hoen. Sat /S ... Exec 3 br, 2 ba, Univ Park. landscpd, low maint yd. Won't last. si~.ooo. 646-3928 552. 7360 beach . 2 spacious LL-i 644-4847or 6'7~22. Own. Fa b u lous yard for bedrooms, den, H'• bath, ~~ Agt. Turtlerock Pres. home. 4 frpl, 2Vi car gar. Too 1041 --'-'----.---+--. --. br&den.17862 ViaSiena, '"N 1044 many amenities to men· ••••••••••••••• •••••••• Wood~r:idge C ss~g. Air 8J3.0763 ()pen Sal & Sun ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.-.lne 1044 Lachenmyer· tion S74 500 Owne r •IY OWNER c.ond1l1oned 3br, 2'hba, l·S · • · · . . library, 2 frplcs, over --------968·0267 J Br/near bch/cho1ce loc 2100 sq rt. Upgraded. Span. court yd w /foun· &W-alSO or 640-0646 ASSUMABLE LOAN OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 19881 Cambridge S h a r p end unit townhome. 10% financ· 1ng available. Owners bought new. Only $52,000. REALTY INC. 714/846-1371 SEXY Beautiful 3 Br. 2 Ba, home highly upgraded & professionally decorat· ed. Perfect for entertain- ing. Close to the beach With ocean bree7.e. Just r<.'duced SS.000 fo r fast s a l e . Ope n H ouse Sat/Sun 12·5. 5871 LUO· c·efield. Huntin gton Beach Whelan Real Estate 898·78M . tam. Frplc, lots or xtras. -------- $70,000. 536.0757. 3 MILES TO BEACH Owner , 4Br, 2Ba. lg kitchen, Cam rm, frplc. oversized2 car gar, e:isy yd maint, $7'.900. 20101 Port Circle, 962·2628 RAMCH RIAL TY 551-ZOOO . red hill ..... I I ll <' . • r) () (I DEERAELD PRICED TO SELL ••••••••••••••••••••••• Realtor REDUCED $3,000 Just what you've been looking for ; 4 bdrms., formal dining rm., 3 car Super sharp Park Home. gar age: la rge yard . Plan 5. 4 bdrms, formal Near green belt in dtning room , step down beautiful Ranch a rea. tobeautifuJlamilyroom. Now $111 ,900. Open Lge kitchen. breakfast Sal/Sun. 4 Roanne Cir· nook & 3 CuJJ baths. Prof .. cle. landscaped. CENTENNIAL . Call now. Real&late 833·3307 17561 SPRUCE TRU LANE A P a rk II home in super condi· tion and j ust a short distance to the Village III r ecreation center. The Exeter model is a single s tory 4 bdrm. 2 baUl with a family r oom . Automatic s pr inklers front and rear. Priced at $114,000. Open Sun. 1·5 2017 YA TCH VIMDIX Come see the 180° view of icatali.na, the ocean. Newport Center and the mcnantatns. G~arded gate. tennis courts Nrid swim.mini pool. Four BR, FR. DR. 3 baths. Priced at ~9.000. Open Sun. l ·S. .BIG HOUSE UtttePric• Beauhful 4 bedrm. 2' i bath home, many excep· tionaJ features. Rare op· portunity, priced to sell. ~21 tage wlth class. Ope n lloorplan upper, 1uest apt. lower. Features stained glass. skyliehts. Roman tub, exceUe nl. view & 3 blocks lo beach. A specia l bous~lor spec1al people. $1'9.liQI). --' RmREMEMT '. HAVEN 2 Bdrm., 2 bath 0.Y·O apt. A stone's throw to the ocean & downtown. Light & airy, very dean. Financing a vaUSbll'. $8.5,000. • * 494-8057 t OCEAN VIEW LOT Large buildable lot In a pr es ti g iou s neighborhood in Laguna WOODIRIDGE Beach. •·500· : Steps to beach c lub. Causey & CCMQpmlf Choose your own in· llOtSo. Coastl{wy. terior. This 4 BR & 2 BA LAGUNABEAClf me is ready for occup. 497·2457 now. 835-0211 ext 9582 or•---5-0-TH--15--- caJ t '67 ~3.S34. LCICJIU"O leoch I 048 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llCM So. Coast Jlw y. LAGUNA BEACH 497-2457 2BR, all wood & gJ + lrg otc. zoned I es t ate. No. • d. ocean s ide of bwt1. $170,000 equity or F .P . $220,000 for units or! .... ZAGRODDY. Rltr. 494-1611 •SPARIUNG• HILLTOP HOMt View or ocean, cit)'. m o unt ains. 3 Br. l +:i4+1t!i ba. Den, game rm. 2 Crplcs, 2300 sq ft, Al $250,000 this beauty won'tlast. Locatedat51S Poplar (NoofHighSU~ Ask for Fred Kilker oI. McGarvey /Clark Rlty. 1-933-3100or1·528-8762 OPEN HSESUN 1-S LARGE SUMDECI ' Overlooking 80 degree view of downlown lights, mountains, & ocean. Lovely ' Br, 3 ba home. $173,900 ,.. .., • LAGUNA BEACW 4StN.CST,.._, 414-0741 • EASY-11 beach access when you own this Woods Cov,e cottage +a nearly new. o<iean view studio apt. above the 1arage. You'll love the brick&, bealnecl ceilings, 2 frplcs., hdwd. noors & location! 'lulttllr $285,000 .<" .. . ., .. I ••• OAA. V AA or: SY . 11.. 1fT7. t4MtH for S. Houae1 For S• ... ,. Ho.set for S. Ho.M For S. He.Ml Fot-Sde jHou'" For S• ...... , 9lot' S.. I._... Par S. ...... , For S* •••••••••••••••••••••~· ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••··~··••••• ••••••:••••••••-•••-· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._ .................. ~ .............................................. lapleHa.,..e 105J Mewpcwileodt ••·'l06t HitwpcN'fa..ch 106' Me .. ,...._. l06t Mewporthec:h 106' Mtwporlleodt 1069 ~ leec9' I 041 L.,_,. hech I 048 .._.. I 04' •••••••••••••••••••••--• •••••••••••••••(•..,_•~· •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••:r.'9:•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••• ••••••• •••••• .., ..... ••••:••••••••••• .............. ••••••••• Ma..ch~ll ~TOOA.llJ 1111111_,,....,,.......,.......,~-~ HillOlVllWI ~ PI a o B. 2 Br. den. I 224 NottW..acf lr9'd tjew U.tf.g A Terra ecu tile parquet ' Lingo Rul&lAn OPEH HOUSI 5-d9y My f7 t46 Q8i•era. L...,_ .._,. 1:00. 4:00 Panornmu· o<·Nm ttnd coastline views, 3 bt.'<lroom.-.. 21:: h 1th~ Ooen hvin~ room with bru:k fll"l'pla<'e S132.500 I OH Madt10t1 ,.._. LCICJIM• lffc" 12:00 -1:00 Secludt>ct ,., oodctl upper Bluebird Canyon. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths with family room easily converted t0 4th bedroom Ocean and mountain views. $189.500 ~<H I It {,\(;I'\\ 111!1 l.'1.11 I \(,I '\ "\11,f'l'I. I'!'.> li:!K 11\'A l'l>I ~T 1!13·881 :! A1tP Valley lut $10,000 lbwall \ot v. ac 112.soo UVO·l blk to bch $.S-1,$00 or1-:N is au Nye~ ... $1~.ooo. 2Br. 28 11, ocn vu, rurn 627 N)'tis Sit29.!IOO Ci.wt •~n¥ Tudor 4' Or /3Da 1''ant&11tlc whitewater vu. ~M ... I IOSJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• llST Sii.LEi 4 lkdroom. 2 b&lb, qwct 3lreet In Pacesetter I with view. Many up grades. $129,SOO. IOMD REALTY 831-9411 lla,llATwtthM Beautiful new home in Sea Tertace comumunl- ty. fo'ireplace. Security gate. Fully landscaped. Hurry before summer ! J w.t reduced lo $99,900. Ron EllJs·960-23S8 C·2l X Cntry 848·1188 •OWNER. S89,SOO. 3 Ur 2 -----------------Ba . Av a ii ab I e 1 m · Lacpno Beoch I 048 Loguna leach I 048 medintely. Mint cond. 29436 Vista Plaza. Beaut lndscp, cornr lot, short ...••••••..•.....•..... ···············~······· PORTER REALTY 1000 N. Coast Hwy 497-2468 ILUEllRD CYM. OftEH SUM. 1-4 96 7 M•adowlark Ln. 3 Bdrms .. den. ti ark room, decks. ocean & mt. vMlws. Owner has left state, anxious! Submit of(eT. $165.000 OCEANFRONT The \'ery fine:-t location in Laguna !ONE Of' A KIND•'>. home for Very Special People S8SO.OOO EMERALD BAY :! Bdrm occ:m Vll'Y. 1·01 t.1ge. ideal for rN1n·d HIGH OH A HILL rntl, possible, pending Nct'<.ls cpts. drps & in· sale, your house. 499·1625 tenor paint. This 10 yr . old home is a bargain for ' · F 0 0 TH J LL S ' ' those who can do their Townhome own decorating. New Largest model. Former paint outside~ew dis· builder's model home. 3 hwasher. xlnt: c<md. Just Br, 21h Ba, loaded with needs TLC. 3 br, 2 ba, xtras. Min to Newport, pvt. patios. elec. garage Santa Ana. Only $76,450. opnr. Forever view. _Own_· _r_/_B_kr_4_9_s_-6_789 __ _ owe SlSO.OOO. FAHT ASTIC VIEW 497•1711 New 2br, 2ba Twnhse in ,._ -, /lee ,tt -~ RE Al TY .. . MONARCH SUMMIT Adull community w/clubhousc, pool & jacuzzi. Mountain, valley &ocean view. 1·ouplc or ncy, I) Wl'Ch 1---------$99,500 THI & Babcock batty Inc. Pnv;ik commun11' with tenni!. courts p11r( f>OOI & beach. S200.000 OKEAMOS The vast sen can bt• }ours Crom H l'nnlt•m porary Y.ood & glas:-van tage poinl ullow1ng hm1t lt·ss white water vistas Cn;ative fln:mcing poss1 ble: (299) S239.000 OCEAHYIEW 1':xqu1i.1lely decorated 2Br. den. 2Ba Condo. huge work rm. deck. 2 frplcs, good view. 111 yrs old. pool, rec facilities. Sl21 ,SOO. GO'oD LOCATION HORTH LAGUNA Walk to town, 2Br, lBa. own yo ur ow n apt. -193-0331 499.4797 FAMILY HOME With lovely tropical garden. S Bdrms. 212 baths, located on a quiet s treet . Idea l for Chlldren. Charming sun· n y kitchen with breakfast area. $113,500. 830.5050 496-4040 ------=-----~ -- 9>'7.500. Owner will carry ---------Isl T 0 . to qualified buyer . SH.000. 831·9'22 or Baycrest: 3 Blf, dJn. rm. E.U'l'ILUFF ~try hall begl.N your C'J/ -<::1 u &31·2212 Jl lam. rm. Refreshln1Jy DehahUul home w ith tour tbru tbJa pro· Jhe Jrawtt! ra LAb Forest I OU done. Pool. $189,SOO pool, jGcuni, Clreplt, fe11lonally decorated r •••••••••••••••••••r••• -G~. patio heate r , htb 5·bdttn, PLUS ramlly 1.20-FTustinA ,t-1.p. houstt-S b e drms, 3 ropm "SOMERSET" 365 3651L LaPerle Place *NEW* ltEALTOIS 64 ·4623 bathJ,1 formal d lnin& home . New wall -• 1'2 room, breakfast room coverings, extensive Near 15th, off Tustin, smart 1945 sq IYOWMllt andfamUyroom .Alllhls used brick patios, rt . 2-story cedar & stucco home + 2 LAKEFRONT Exclusive Newpert Crest + 3 car 1arage & much, c us tom wall units & bdrm .. 2 bath income unit. Drop by on condo.Spacio"3180nn., much more! Beautifully bookcase.! In illustrious Sun. 'tween 1 & 4 PM, we'll be there 2\; bath, ~H..<:beo caredfor,vacantandre· Newport Beach com-lleauti rrptd & drpd. 2 sl.y hm on 36 acre lake, tow maint. & fenced grounds. 4 BR. 3 BA. ceo· tral alr on s uper lake Joe!! Sail to pvt. lake & lennl.s club! This proper- ty 1s fantastic & vac at $138,000! ! I ** 3 LEVEL CONTEMP w/separate dining j)rea adytoryou!l $181,SOO. munity. with the plans. Buy now & enjoy the & upgraded carpets. and 2306 Aralia, H.I. ·finish. $189,500 drapes. Eltcel~nt loea-Open Sat JS-" t .5 HUIOR VllW tion & cond•llQJl. Must Another of our beautiful sell. Asking $124,000. PETE BARRETT "SOMERSET" model Phone , -REALTY-homes awaits your in· 675-4958 673~55$) ,..2.5200 spectionl Five bdrms, "" family room , 2 ILU~$1t1 r.~~~~~~~~I fireplaces, pro(essional· Jy decorated in subtle .. ~<>Uma de/ v«at g"~ 673-8494 2435 E. Coost Hwy .. COl'OftCI del Mer 0,...HousaJrA , HEWPORTHTS. ea rth tones. Great 222SVistaHUerta New lisUng! 3 Bdrms., NewportBeacharea! Hewporthach 106tHewportleach 1069 3 Bedroom.~ d.lning rm .. sbalte roof. 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• NewCarpets~s car carage. $94,500. -Ny .. molh.r $9S,0000wner /Agt Ownerwt11carry1st. in disl.iniuisbed Harbor ~~ 833-8551 dys.~-214tev ALL DRESSED U, View Homes area! A 4. .. & waiting for you; 3 bdrm "MON'TEGO " bdrms., family rm. with Country English Sll4,900 With assumable flavor -extensive patio & loan overhang · used brick en- ,... try · a soft interior blend ol cushy, camel carpet- ing, wall coverings & s hutters · custom wall units & formal dining room ! SlS9,SOO. ENJOY HAPPY DAYS .. .in your own h ome in Harbor View Homes. Cha rming. newly decorated 3 + den. formal dining rm .. + extras. OftEN SUH. I ·S 1859 ftORT MARGATE RACHELLE ROBERS, REALTOR 3333 E. COAST HIGHWAY 20Uh...,Mde,N.I . 111 I COROHA DEL MAR 675-2373 __ 6_4_6_-4_4_6_3__ • D;'! ~ ~~....-..........--~ Prop..-..... '· EARLY BLUFFS 752•1920 Mew~ Beach I 069ltWwport Beach I 069 3 BR + lam. rm. w /fpl. 1400 OUAIL$t. NlWPOt HACH •••••.-•••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••. Extras galore! $145,000 HARIOR VU C .. •Miu CAYWOOD REALTY -... * 541•1290 * 3BR, fam-rm , din-rm, 28A. Prime lam. Joe. in ---------• Npt. lkb. By owner. in-cl 'a land. Open SAT /SUN l·S. 1812 Port Manleigh Pl. Call 644· 7730. LIYRM /GUEST IA GHGJAMRM OPEH DAILY W/IA 11-4 RHODA MAGIL, llltr 17141 642-3600 BfG CAHYOH "OAKCREST I" Cool, off.white carpeting and a rich, warm par· quct entry & kitchen create a splendid con· trasl in this Big Canyon lownhome complete with pools & tennis courts! Sunken li ving room. fireplace. separate din· mg room & wet bar -all can be yours at $129,SOO •MQuail ~ -liiii I Plac• Prap•rti•• 7S2-1920 1•00 OUAllSl HIWl'Ofl lfACN UDO ISLE ~HERITAGE •. REALTORS \ \ I ,.,. i. Hw••• Pw Sde °"9otf' .,., t.t• I~ Re• flt.,• OHw •• ., bt.te f C>Hltf' Real ltt.te Sunday. July 17, 1977 DAILY PILOT DJ Aai ••-••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••.••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• .... ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• H U f -"•d . u--........ _. ... ,,: M , .. la 10.t S...._ -....~r..__.. -""'-r--.tw U. ....... cl ~••H • •• ~_,,_._-u UoJ!°f ..aw,.. • ,.-a.......__-..._ "'"•p1rty 2000 ._ P'r1p•1.,-2000 -·"~'' ~.-. ~·r ........ -.. •••••••••• •••• .. •••••• ........... •••• .. ••••••••' ... ,,.,,..... ....................... _...,....-1071 ....................... ....................... ~•••rtf· 2550 ,,..,,rty 2510 .......__,_.-..a J 6 Casto....._ nz4 T ~un UOO ••••••••••••• • ••• • ••••• ••••·;--t••••••• •••• ........ ••••••••••••••• __.... ~ JO oro ....,..J tSLI I ! ...................................................................... . 1 br. l\t ba. alet.500. IY OWNll TAX SH ELTEI . " !'r'Qj t: l Br " Lott OD Little VACA.NT :s br, Zba,. Cpta, :s br, alr, s>aU9r o.m.r. m.eaa 4 br, dln rm/fam rm La , • r. ri.l• Q ulaod with IOllinl Uv· drfis, dab/W:Jb. dbl 1ar. a.an,., pool cJoae. Xln •-...,0.-m'lll mur bdrm • .: bath •w ,! b LA J LLA inl room. $GO/mo lse. &41-TllO ccmd. peo.err.n11 --• 1076 114,HO. Vllliti• S11,n •>:, m8'00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Juan. 11 lot . vaull~ • • ·---------c-rn•n ..... ! ewly painted 3br, 2ba NIAi ~11'11 Cutl dtJ)lt. UP· .... Front Beloro )'OU P•Y some W/country klt, frplc, llVll:IA HACH auded C'pl • wood PROTECT YOUR INCOME . . .....,. .... 3207 qenciea ror the .. run crpta, drpe. ta.c'd Yard. Gftal 3 bedroom. 2 bath burn1nc trpl~ Super ........... •••••••••••• a r 0 u n d • • ca I I Cloee to 1cbb "abop'&. WJbUuUluJ ~·n klt('b wtall bltru A/C 4'aso1·.a.lv on .... Oc.-$195. \JW pd. Beach cot· CONSUMERS GUlDE.,_sn_5_mo....;.;...~.:..;_ ___ _ 41 unyOA vlt'w Short UN of Villa1o l.aku :I BUILD YOUR ESTATE .,. ... , tace. Fee Many have aod are 1lad V6y 3234 wallc to on• 01 San puol1 SF.t!ITNOW! lSto * * Waves break on a sandy bqacb fifty Homefinders 55'7--0822 tbey did. lOO'a or bse'i, •••••••••••••o•••••••• ~m41'ni.·a most ct .. ,.1ra Avery, t; on Avery to feet ftom the living room and master plex'a " apt's avaUable •SUPER SHARP• b!l' bf-aches On l\ot t.ott Mariu<"rl l e. So on 17 UNITS bedroom .. 4,750 sq. ft. S bedrooms. 5 NOW! At Beach or ... Up ~ulru.uttvklwlrpnvit<'Y Matt1ut1r1h1 to Vllh1ae b t '-a ~ f' l Mod b W l CorOMcWM• 3222 to lOO'a or NEW UsUn&s Newl)'pa.l.nted11ty,4br, . l1I Rd, ten on v111aiit1 ttd. to Adult.'i, pool, n ear Knotts Berry Farm ~~ "-· U'e p aces. er · arm Y ••••••••••••••••••••••• each day. s ma 11 2 ba. lrplc ln Uv rm. Nt'w hna Sonoma Way, left tv 22 UHITS decorat~. All within a walled com · )) , fee/FREE ure service. breakfast bar In lam . YllW TO l!ll298 Soru1rn11 Way. Arlult.s, courtya rd apts. Xlnt rentals 1 pOdnd.rMuch privacy. · MS..ooo rm, bltns, xtras. ~mo. CATALIHA OPEN SAT & SUM 1·5 . 44 UMITS · ·'; · $950,000 ••Ca ...... rsGtll• Nr. Mapolia &.Elllt. Oulalandma 2 bedroom. HILLTOP .a.cal PooJ, pride of ownership Ow~/t\gent -.2-br_t_abse __ lll_es_a_V_e-rde-.•,_9!f3..«l07_v ______ . a balb adult 11011 "" ntlPLU 52SS'pruceSt. 714·297..0229 Patio pool S32S/mo u eryprivateexecutlve d s 2 s Ur. 3 ba, ltca country l . • ' · home w/10' walls. 3 br, 2 omiowum aunu. lutchen Pool. Horses l Yr o d, central Huntington Beach ·San Di_., Ca. SOUTH OF lllWAY-3 W/Db.kop.133·89"1' ba, ram rm, bl'--, WJD. deck.• w ,&uper ocean FOURPL•v r n "'"" vtew + hgbl.\ ol lhe city OK. Ttnnls mbrshp 5A ?d y ·• BR home. o~rdwood ICIDS,.mOI A/C, extras. $SOO /mo. ~low C"all for more 1210.000 <714)495 ~ Near.new, close to beach, Hunt Bc h •·;#f. n.oors. brick fireplace. F.astsidetwnbaeS39Smo 968-4737 or $40-~ll or fe.ttBuresERTHA HEN RY Scinta AM I 010 MOTIL ll'ICOMt ~rty 2000 Mcwt• hMn. ;~~p~ ~,:::. lot. 675-G58orM5 t&al . 96Ull82 , 10 Units -brand new Huntm· gton Surf •••• -..................... R--2 .. 00 REALTORS ••••••••• ••• ••••••••••• M 1 th be 1' I ,.,. --· \ .. su~MER-R .......... AL -4br, i'4ba . ., .... ..-, car, -•odl 1240 ote on e ach~.9 x gross • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... ""'""" d ..... N1 ... 2tS Del Mar 492 41.Zl '6n..I I UMn'S-IALIOA On bl k f Cb' crpts, rps. o pets. •IY o ...... ,..a Princl Only . 4duplties,all2br,2ba, e oc r?m ma Adults w /cblld. OK. Ref~----------~...,.....,....~...,..~-...J I Br house/furn/$30,000 4 car encl. garage. Bay Cove Beach lP Corona needed. P9S mo. 289 E. •AVAILAILI• COffHroT'SOH! Take over low VA pay· Alrri.,.OrangeCo.Locatioftsl view.Sl.J0,000/dplx delMar. 16tbSt.642·02'Safl5PM *MOW* 1201 LaJoUa ~~~7 No qualifying TomLee.Rltr,642-1603 REALTYCOMf>ANY CORONA DEL MAR _ • M~DELMAR Open Suft. 1·5 KENT ROGERS REALTY HEW Spectacular canyon & SPECIAL Su!>t!r tui.tom home atop o.MxEJC.&A.CM "rHESPRIHGS.. ocean view. 2 Br +"den. RedecJBr2 8a,avJnow. San Clemente See Dana Tustin 1090 848_8300 zbr.l ,,.._ RANCHO MIRAGE Yea.tlylease.$600/mo. $&50mo.64G-298l Point Hbr & coa:.t for ••••••••••••••••••••••• KZ....:.,~r. $88,~ Exclusive guarded com· COLE OF NEWPORT rrult>s. Top quality 3tWI ONLY $89,500 "'! ... , rocy • munity across from REALTORS 3 Bedroom Condo with :.Q ft ll~e rms, 2 11: 3 Bdrm, d1n1ng rm. Ap· 548-19:l7 752·2887 Eisenhower Med. 675--5511 hugemaatersulte.Fami· bdrm:. could be 4' Wind prox •4 acre of beautiful . C.enter. 3 BR's, morning ---------1 ly room, fireplace, 2 car '!lg staircase. wet bar 1 parklike sc:tt1ng. Top .lneome Prop«ty 20001ncCNM Property 2000 DUPLEXES, H.B. rm., 3 baths. w/falrway Oeluxe homew/view. 3 Br ttar. pool, tennis, sauna, ~ec to believe 1l . north Tustin area 1n •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 dupl~xes, block to &Mln.views.2·Car + JBa,FR,wetbar,FP,2 Jacuzzi included. $425 S301RS.IOOOGl~ ... LSP ....... ISH f'oo()pelhill HHidist~~-15 ~~. ~~ beach, (2)3br,2ba,encl. golf cart gar . Full COil\· car gar , bltns, refrig, _c_al_l_~ __ n ____ _ ""' "'" n ouse""n · $1 puterized sec. sys. Mem· W/D, 415 Poppy. Agt. red tile roof, wht. !lluc,·o 1091 Foothill Blvd. LET YOUR FINGERS garages. 65.000. bershlp applications 673-4288or67S-38SO home. Juslllke the day it AESOP Realty Tom Lee, Rltr, 00.l603 avail. for "The Club". was bui It. Choice loc. Ask for Don or Helen OQ THE WALKING FOR SALE Plans in office (30 day SPYGLASS 4 Br• Fim Ope be ·1· 7314911 I t' ) $209 500 Rm.&bonusrm. View. Houses, condominiums and townbomes. Month to month rentals startiag at $32S to $!MIO. Located in Huntington Harbour and Huntington Beach. Call J us for more details. -•. , REALTY INC. 714/846-1171 n am ce1 gs., cor· · Mini Warehouse Storage comp e ion . , . M4-62Z3or6"-6'926 ncr frpl., new kitch. Only T 1 M d h. hi through our extensive list of income facility. 100% leased· in Tom AUlnson 642·8235 ---------• , ... 110 HOME S7S 000 us in ea ows, 1g y (0.S9) "' · DUPLEXLOT upgradedPhinl4.JBR. propertyifyou 'reread yto m ove upor primelocation.12%cash 1 _________ 1Lge unfum duplex w/, _________ Brand new 2 br, 2 b.a. Ch . 1 h lk t fam. rm .. 2'1'.i ba. Green· s tart your investment program. For on cash return for fNrpo~~.~·7$350030 ·Lease. SHARP! szso, utll pd, brick fplc, woven woods, oice oc., s ort.wa :> belt & pools. $92,950 solid professional counselin~. consult $250,000 do~ payment. •RIVEll LOT• r--.....,. pool won't last! Sml fee, wet bar, upgraded pll.15b. f:s~~~-o~~~.~~ wont Reai'~fa~:tART~.7383 the experts a t Quail Place Properties. Callforappt. , Ariz, Blythe area. CdM, lge 3 Br hse, lge Llv unt.~C ft...1...... crptc, pool, saua.a, AA Inc. and learn h ow to pyramid your MAYO CK $6,000,lO%down. Rm, & 500 sq.ft. Fam ** OltMnlt"S _ _. jacuui,$f7S.968-91M7 otherRealEstate ·t· "th · h d / ·c:'"'""""T'"" 1 __ $7_S_Mo_._71_4_-&U_-_3460 __ Rm 3 Ba 2 car gar REALTORS equ1 1es w1 an exc ange an or LA,.., ... ,. D<.v"'U •• .,.,.:.~y ... c:.. 673 .• .,,.., • 2 Br house w/frplc, gar, Verynice3bt,2babome. ••••••••••••••••••••••• h w h ·1 bl 2 2 QVIV\ ~ Out of C .... ...&.. WUUUi:) ~ .IMVV . N El c· . 1 Mobile Ho..s pure ase. e now ave ava1 a e • , (7M)494•2Me __,,, · · enclsd yard, greenhouse. Cpt.s, drps, nu paint, 2 307 . ammo Rea For Sale I IOO 3, 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 5, 6. 6, 6, 6. 7, 8. 9. .-Property 2550 CameoShores4 Br,3Ba, Couple~prer,2 no kids, carh1gar~'. pahtio, con$v3.7t5o San Clem 492-2100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 18. 26, 32, 64. & 203 units pl us TRIPLEX C.M ••••••••••••••••••••••• ocn Vu, pvt bch's, yrly Pets. . $ 3 S I m o, sc s "' s ops. . · l d · d t · 1 t Great loca•i·o'n, new. er 3 IRAMD MEW 4 IR'S lse. Aug 1 or 15. $SSO. lst/last+dep. 642·2584 963-4567 Agt. No fee. BEST MOBILE HOME BUY commerc1a an m us na proper y. • 675-6563 A PROFESSIONAL STAFF OF OVER 45, br, 2ba, frpJc, yard. (2) 0tt 'l2 Acre. $71,950 4 Br, 2 ba .. W-Side. Lrg 4 BR.Condo, cpts, dfllS . •LUXURY IBr. very pvt &. qwet. bt>at h. ~olf, blfl p;.1tio. flowers. $49.SOO -t96-2371 OF THE YEAR i 1x52 Adult park. priced to sell nghl now! San ---------1 Juan Capistrano. LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE, SMALL 2br, lba, patios, encl. With complete tsl class Lease attractive home. 2 yard & patio. Dbl gar. refng, pool, t enDJs, garages. SJ.70,000. kitchen, air cond, fully br, stove. Couple. No Fresh & clean. $450. mo. clubhse, $350 mo. ls.l, ,, ENOUGH TO CARE. OPEN TIL 9PM. Tom Lee. Rltr, °'2· 1603 landscaped, 3 car garage pets. 442 Dahlia, 675-3300 Kids ok. 673· 7794 eves. last & dep. 979-7888 & tack room. f'enced for DLXDUPLEX horses. Walk'g distance So. of Hiway: 2 bd 1 ba, Clean 2 Br. Adults, no NEAR BEACH. 3 llR con:- to all ~hools, sbop'g & frpl, balcony. $375 firm. pets. Garage. $240/mo. do. Dbl gar, pools, te~ LOCATrON' Great 3 Br, 2 Ba. home on bcaut1ru1 canyon with \'ICW of Riviera Beath. On 11 2 lots to insure view and RED CARPET Healtors •192 9700 831-9955 496.4775 ------- BEACH PAD • PRlME EASTSIDE .. COSTA MESA -RIGHT REALTY - 979-8533 parks. 675-3217 773 W. Wilson642·8205 court, lse. Ph:962-6365. 4Jll Pacific. Riverside 2 Br, dining rm.lndry rm, Clean 2 br, single sty, 1 Walk to bch & all scbls. k . ()pe~=~~~9~~0·6 F'P, 2 car gar, $500 mo. ba. gar, adlts/no pets. 4br 2stx bm. Newly de~. A. ALBIN REALTY lse. 640-8684 2390 Elden CM. S260 mo. Kids OK. $485. lBt "last COlllll9 htcCMM Property ZOOO Cos la Mesa 4· PI ex 5574 Miss·o , . mo rent. 963-6682. Pro~al , 1600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $139,000. Lllrge units, Rlverslde c:itf Uve on tree lined Poppy Townhouse Apartment: 2 ~ pnvaC'y. New listing at lluntington by the Sea. Sl25.000. Walk \.2 block lo beach. Bl::RTllA HENRY t0x60 w /lge enclosed ,.... •r new paint. Prime invest· • · Ave, jn a 28r, 1Ba home bedroom, 1 'Ar bath, 3 BR, 2 BA home,."~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• *TRl-PLEX* me nt location. Try OYtofState thathasalllheusual +a drapes, carpels, buillin Ada ms & Magnoh'a 11'1 CPA SEEKS Pride of ownership, only $?5,000down. Property 2600 LOT of charm. Ground oven. pvt patio. 1 child, adults. $400. Coats Approx SSOO OOO 2 years old! Spacious 3 Also ••••••••••••••••••••••• level, 2 frplcs, detached small petOK. Wallace RE962~ REALTORS parch & w/ lge deck and 2J50e1 Mar 492·4121 I g c ('ove r c d ---------i porch+pat io. Next lo SUPER LOCATION Enjoy 1l all! 2 br. condo, overlooking goU crse. 1 blk from ocean .• Clubhse. pool, gar. Owner unx clubho u se & pool. PRICED TO SELL. 536-771 1or551-6042. . • • bed.room, 2 bath owner's 2 Tri-P~exes, .good self Montana Properly for locked garage. 4 blks $250 .• 545-6169 REALL y NICE . prime commercial unitwith!treplace! suppo;Lin~ Ul)lts. One 3 sale by owner 2 small from beach. $.500 mo. Jb 2 b f dil . prop. in La9uno or BR with fireplace & Two . 1· Lse. 675-0913 or 673·0732 r, a, am rm, 2 BR townhouse type un· houses + . six ols. Year 4 Bedroom rm combo w /fplc. ~.: Newport. Principals I .Quail ~ its. East Santa Ana. ~d fishing. good bunt. Beaut 3 Br. 2v.r Ba front . ths 963·7866 .. LESS TO BUY! LESS TO KEEP! oftlypleose. Ch Pl ~.500 each (l5"/a down m g. very good water duplex. Cpts. t>Un& •• ~g rm, Cplc, 2 ba . • • , (lilt 392·2868 _..!!~ .. • • payment>. Agt 540-0655 wel.1. For further Info patio, l gar, $450 lse. CalJ double garage, patio. Beaut. 3 br, 2 ba; Cam rm~ ...,..., wr1 t e to : ff er man 673·7513 Agent 5'50/mo. fpl<', cpts, drps. No pets 1ou s! Bkrs. ln\llled. Lower dwn mo. pymts, s.59,900. Bkr.·714 48S·633l like rent. Well buill l2x60 Pnme Commercial cor· 7.52-1920 Luxurious owners plus 5 . Gutekuns t , Box 128, Roy McCardle 2 K I d s · G r e a t · neracrossnewCivicCtr. ••OOOUAILST NIWf'OltUIACH spacious units. H.B. Wmston,Mont.ana,59647 Attractive 3 br home, RedtorlllOHewpori neighborhood, $42S> ideal for hi·rise bldg.---------Everything close. OWC. Ronchts.Fanws frplc, mod kitchen. CostaMnaSA8·7729 963-456'7Agt.Nof~. Long Bch. 2t3423·ll95 BEACH 4.PLEX Prine. only.847""732 Groves • 2700 Avail. Aug.1st. 960-2641 $120 HOUSE! SPANISH CHARMER m adult pet park. Cozy VIEW!!! home w cooler (FV3319). 0 SJOOOdwn. <0.A.C.l ccan & golf course Cord Land view! 3 BR . 21-;i ba.. M.H Resales. SHARP 5 office bldg., 4 formal din. rm. frplc.. 638·8502 blocks lo Huntington fa m 1 I y rm N c w Beach pier. Potential landscaping. "2400 + Sq Dbl wide. $23.000 furn'd. growth income $l4,400 ft. Open house Sat/Sun M ob i I e P a r k o n per year. Priced to sell al 1·6. 127 San Pablo. Brookhurst.962·7540 Sl20.000.Coats &Wallace Sl49,500Agel\t492·4986 Trailer spa~ up to 8x3S ". _R ... e_a_l_Es_ta_te_962_·_44_54_. --1 IMMACULATE Adult par k. no pets. Commtrcial Center 4Urulsw/flreplacesnear 2 Units Santa Ana, SSOO. •••••••••••••••·~·•••••Quaint 2 br, 1 b a l,2and3bedrmCoodos. Ul.11 pd! Pat. ref, many Beach & Adam~. One mo. gross income. Rancho Capistrano bungalow. n ewly d e· Unfurnished more avl. Small fee,• year hlew. Pride or $55,000. By owner. 2Y.r acres parcels from ~~t~~~~~~~l~ld~ t.aent646-3255 rfJeE~~.&45-4900 •: owners p. S22S,()()O. 5414054 or&44-07B2 $10,750 Cull price. Na· patio. Open Sat &Sun 1·5. F.astside 3Br, 1~ ba, new • •COMIMWn Gui•.' Oc.anft-ofttoge tiooal Forest area. Pvt SOllAvocado.544~1 cpts/drps, Coe d yd,--------- 4-Plex roads & e ntry gates. DuplexSQ...Qt~ 1 BR, carport. 2S22 Santa {Ula. $240, lge 1 Br, pool! pat,+., lnvestOr's delight, local· 1~J~~i::4:tALTY lge patio. $285~_,.~o. No $350/mo . 646-3192· = Sml tee, uot.' ed in" ~e r~~reatlonal Call 131--0333 pets. Agt. 644·7211 Newly painted, tge :i Br * •Con1umeu Gui• · ::ues~~ee~n emente. hal Estcrh 2Ba, fplc, beaut tropical -'-! w H 1 T E w AT E R be.._ 2800 Co.to Mesa 3224 encl yd, nr sbope-school. 3Br, 1 ~Ba. corner lot, OPEN SUN. t 5 548·6173 S. Laguna. A Rare Find Lovely 3 Br home on --------First time offered, prime REAL TY INC. \aluable R·3 lot . walk to The Meadows location+ vacanteorner 714/846-1371 beach & shopc;. Priced to If you'd like the rtnest in for expansion. ---------sell $79.500. 109 E. Portal mobile home living, see Arch Bay Real Estate REALTY ••••• :;:,;. •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• $47S. 67S.2082 cloee to sch! & shopping, 498·2722 Deluxe Corona Del Mar ln1tant Mon-in Village Walk Condo 3 Br 2 $400 mo. 96z..2Wll5 Arch Bay Real !::slate what we have to offer in 499.2277 49!J.2277 the beaut iful. quiet C San J"°" Meadows. Priced to sell =:e~i;c!:~(f j70"0 Capistrano I 078 at SJS.900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Anaheim Condo, 2 BR. 1 Ba, l yr old, upgraded c rpls. ai r , owner. 528-8864 Real Estate Counselor COSfA MESA TRIPLEX Duplex. close to ocean. Centrally loc .• Costa Ba, dbl gar, patio, pool, Neat & Clean 3 Br, 2 ba. Profes investment lBlktoE.l7lhSt. $140,000 equity for in· Mesa. Nr new "J'.wnhse, Jae. Nr. S. Cst Plaza. patio. $375 mo. 658)., atU1lysis. appraisals, tax Prine. only. 96S·l2Vl duslriaJ or comm. prop. 2bl\ H4 ba, din/rm, 644-0t59, ownr/agt. Edgemont. 536..S754. · & exch;i nge advice. -----=-----Mr Hertel. owner/agent. patio. gar, air cond, Qui b F Speciafrzing in Bch 544-4910, 731-0599eves. bltns, lndscped,only $31S et n rbd, 4 Br am Sitoacious 2 sly twnbse. 3 mo. Small pet, child ok·. Rm, fplc, bltns, 2 car Br 21h Ba;. Cor"!lal dining mulU·plcl' properties. hal Estate 1921 Anaheim St. Call gar. N. Costa Mesa. By rm, {pie lll living rm, & Sellers & buyers avail. 1 Br Wanted 2900 Mgr. to see. 64.5-4655 apptonly 642-9285 mslr "bdrm, many xtras. Call Ron Ellis $440 mo. 834·0243; aft 6 · TRANSFERRED Beaut 3 bedrm. 2 bath 2 story. Surro unded by phu h gardens. deep pile crplg, cathedral ceilings, massive fplc. hu ge master bedrm suite. On· lyS77.900. Century 21-0C.0-2358 HALECREST 3 br, 2 ba, · Leisure World Towers Ft-ff C0ttsuffaffoft Crpl. Quiet neighborhood. 848·24911 " Lux retire. Meals.1---------Families only, no pets. Clean.f br condo racing RED CARPET 496-4775131·9955 Highly upgraded 3 br home . Good neighborhood, l mi lo ocean. Affordable! Owner. 493-3543 $5000 lelow Market! Sun Hollow 4 br. 21., ba upgraded mdl. A/C. $79,009. 492.4337 CAnAIH'S HILL Brand new 3 Br, Condo with mountain and ocean view. Upgraded carpet and a real beauty on a top 11.reet coruer. $87 ,900. 830.5050 496-4041 maids, 10% dn. $35,000. ----------''-$425. 545-7S06eves tenttis courts, pool & IJ573 C PU T\.. I 496-1840 'Two 4#1.UES iJ:~~s_::~~~t~a, 2 BR. 1 BA, pets le kJds ~iro~. ~o.m~~~. AM 5£1a·RVll(E Duplexes/ COSTAMESA OK.Fncdyd&encl.gar. or751 ,,_,. Onlts sGle 1800 Excellent corner loca· ........., '58 Hicks 8x45 1 br (cap· $295 mo .. lat , $100 sec. ---------tajn 's bed>. ~ew roof & ••••••••••••••••••••••• dep, $50 clna. dep. 3 br, 2 ba. Drive thru dbl ext. paml. Adult C. M. 3 Unila·A very lrg 3 br, 2 park. $5500. 541H173 ba. 3 br, 1 ba, & small bach. 1 Hse from ocean. Ac,...oge for sole 1200 .FUrn included. $275,00(). ••••••••••••••••••••••• 962-8244 THREE ACRES Fantastic view has this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with beautiful pool & jacuzzi. Plenty of room for ho~es & etc. Terms. BKR. (714) 676-5717 OR522·2080 --------~· l UNITS East.side, Costa Mesa- well maintained aod con· veniently located near businesses. shopping and --..-_ ...... ..;..;..o~--__.-t>us line. Nice 2 bedroom 1-__;..--_::.;_ ___ _ home in front. 2 bedrm duplexes In r ear. Pete Barrett Realty, 642·5200. Must see, 62 acre prime APT FOR. SALE 4 Plex, wlimproved farm land in H .B . SlD g I e story high desert, in alfalfa $135,000. 20% d wn entry. On main hwy,1_84'1_·7_353 ______ _ wtwell, el!ctricity, ga•, lx~levlthMwt phone " tall trees. . . "" Priced to sell quick. 51300 Qtiet cul-de·HC ID HB. z per acre. By oweer. BR., .lBa., 3Br. 1~ Ba, g.21173 J priced-•t $81,900. For ---------i PJlt. Call N.o236 Prtnc. only.Bb'. ... , . , . • I~ 0A1L. v PflOT 1unc1ay'j.,fr 11 1m N•i" u~•d Apa''*"'' Ft&rNIHcf ... I I ·················~····· ••••••••••••••••••••••• -~••Udm .. ,,. H """',.:a.• u ••aU.fwahlicd MewpartlHdl '2'' lalaoaltlelf11n•~ .. 106 ~i:-;•;; .. 7-~ ;;;:; ... -......... jj4• ---··jjii ....................... ~~·~·;-;;,:,:;·r: lllilJm .. U4J •-•n•uu•-•••••••• ................... ••••• HarborVlow4br,2bl,nr. a,pT, '91)l~\ol3$.Z20o I _ .... --··-· MO w~ Lovtlt a br homt . ... pool • ecbool. '4U. (ext2'13); wbdl41M·ll8e ~I D COlldo. mlot lbr&*loboaMI SMO/mo f~ View, AvalL Now. MO-lMl«~ ~~eaq, • ..._ ._, am•td-'-I br ocmdo 1100 "75/mca. ENJOY TIIE PENIN PT. nice Z BR "..f&lr•, deck. SMftstt1na1 -~ • lllt.e'*' Clll>atat lbrpeUobomeAJC· 1110 Ma~R=-~o':to Lovely 2 Br+ Fam Rm, dbhes. etc;'JIN·~ Ba1. A winning combination· • J br ooodo A/C "71 Ott 2 Ba hmo. Fl.Im. or unt. Qunmer ~ rJtt~. Wl· of adult apwtment homes A nA n.,.'M£NTS ....... U44 lbr $.Y11 Ccndo 00 IOlf courae 3br for one year. $625 peuno. lll t/17. TMn teUe for with luxury appointments and LUXURY ,Y-Mn t • , ,_,. .. , ............... lbrA/C t315 21>9. A/C, avail. Au.i.lll ~7S'11.All· winter. Catt Phil, superb recreation at a premium l•J•J llDROOM UMftS aenAU lbr SM tm/mo. MMMI NEWPORT CREST _M_&a_s_1_116 __ ___.....___ location. Tennla-Qvmothefai>v • FIATUllMG • 3 br AJC MU ._._ __ • ....... _ 3 . . spa•swlmming•bllllards :!D.lbe ...... $1110/415 or ~ &per 3br, 2~ ba. Up· -... 11ul'i&tll 707 Jr.one Bedroom . UMl9U1AHDDIAMATICR.OOltPLANS 38R.,J8a ......... /111 JbrT/H "50 OCEAN VIEW, 4 Br, airaded-mlrrora. wet ........... .,........... One&TwoBedrooma.OneBath ·Q Custom designed with exceptionally 38Jl.2~ aa. •••••••• tQO JbrT/ll M65 Fam Rm, formal dlnloa, bar, vaulted· ce!Un1a. 1 br yrlyi .-1mo. No . ~~o. · P.RMt u-ua VllAR large rooms, dramatic entry ways, •BLJa. ........... MIO JbrA/C _.76 a car aar, pvt comm. tennis, pool, jacu.azi, pets. · ~ ....... ._ J -n••--,,•-v-ANARSttUO.U.S lbr A/C l'OO w/pvt bcb tacll. Pool, beach. $1525. 8""8S8S 875-59)0~er \al .-.· • · · and luxurious amenities throughout. 388.ZBL .......... "50 1br,deo $526 tennh, .uoo mo. OPENSUN. 12-S,BigCyn. eor.a .. ·M.:r ~72i ~~~5!50!!Pa!u!la~.!!,_~no~~~·!~!:__!C!o!!hl!!Mt!ao!!!75!1!-1!995!!~ Located on · T~t-4D-rsm Townhouse 00 coll cnie. 2 ......... ,.~.~ .... = HARBOR BLUFFS CIRCLE · · 1 br, 2'h ba, ilen; new & Bachelor w7lttcli & bat'li (Near &>lsa Chica and Warner) MOHilCH SUMMIT beaut. S925 per mo. #5 quiet res11JiiUA'l · ~: lcAoa r..-..ea 3107 Cotta Mna 3824 HUNTINGTON BEACH Outat.andintnew 2br 2ba Sea Island Dr., cor. Ford Wal.It to ~b.:I $350. nso. ·~··••••••••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• • 846-1328 or 840-1123 townhOUMa ht ADULT &Jamboree util inc, A~ L''f6t-U61 -----------------• C 0 M M U N I T y Choice .Npt Ht.s home. 4 aft. 6pm. ll . '·' Duplex. 3br. 2ba, 1500 aq Adult E-slde 1 br cottage. I w/clubbou1e, pool, & bdrm, 3 ba. lam, din, Codau....-11 .i. .. 24 ft.Onbeacb,oceanvlew. jDs~r, fl.pie, ~~ol, i.agllMaMlvuel 3852 LagilnaMMJlstl '* 3152 • ,.....,..u •••• ·n jacuasi. Ocean I& mo --al 213 /550·0800 dya or IC • enc gar •• udlll• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -.-n __ tain iewa UA-den. Pool, ocean view. •••••••••••"'-""••••• 434-9574 eves & wk:nds dry. $300. 6"-0878 4JS13~J>a:llMME ...._ __ .1_1_1_.z_ooo ___ 1 v Slt0l$4SO ~~7/Z.. iaoo mo .• ~:!~-UP 4 Bdrm TUR11.EBOCK 1 ... Ii *-c:ock *1V & Maid A. ail 'J'U8'ftZ R~ VIEW 3 Immediate move lo. R""rlK. BAYSHORES *Pbooe$eq. rcl ;:;:-: :;:;.2 1aBaPol~ ~~J..5oN REALTOR 493--0331 ... 499-<4797 3Br, 2ba, lrplc; bltns, 2376Newp0rt ly , CM ~298ils752-6688 r--~ Villa • Br 2~ patio. Pvt beaches. $875 548·9755or6'1>398'1 S5G mo. All· 7~1.88 ....,. • " l •--.... ., 3286 :.::...;.;:...:::.::.:..:.:::..:..:...:..=...:.::=--1--------1 Ba, Ip c, pool, 2 mi yry ...... .,... SUSCASll'AS •--------is BR Campus View Avl. beach. M2S mo. 846-3301 l~~~~~~~~~~I Neatly rurn. large & Two Bedrooms 8/L $\SO. Call: Ml·S032 .,. • ----mall b JlaDcho Agt. Monarch Summit Condo, ror .....,...,....3Br, 3Ba home, s l r. $225 to S'l60. SanJoaq $t9S 2 Br 2 Ba, fplc, swidk, w/oommanding view of Adults, no pet.. 2110 lJ Pk Vill 11 .._,50 LG 4 br •. 2\.'a ba, dbl gar, cpt'd patio" crt yd. Fan· ocean at Nwpt Harbor, Newport Blvd. w'!mut Sq · ~5 yd. 1 mL from UCI. ~. Wile ocn vu, rec racil. walk to Ensign & Har bot Oma Poilst 3726 Rancho SanuarJoeaq _25 No pets. 840-3879 eve $425. 213-89'1·S2.32 High Scbls from quiet -Kings Rd address, avail •••••••••··~··••••••••• Deerfield $375 3 br, 2 ba, ~e Rock 4 Br house w /pool. $515. Sept 1. Owner 548-41.92 SUper neat villa. 1 br, Three Bedrooms Home w /atrium_. gaa AvailAug: days, 642-ll22eves. court. yd, pvt. $200. University Park $475 bbq, Is pvt jacUUJ. $S4S 495-662t Single 49&-5293· 673-2332 College Park $450 rwto. Owner, 752-13N WATERFRONT w /DOCK . ' V"ll 1 $475 SHORE.5 Garden Home Luxury 3 yr old ·1950 Studio apt tor sngt. near ec.a'*"-leactl lt 11 MESA VERDE, 2nd fir, 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Br. l Ba, gar, mature .• SEA TERRACE APTS New deluxe 2 story 2 br a d l t s • N o p e t 11 • duplex apt .w/l!A ba, Eve/wknds5'6-9926 fn>lc. Ocean view from NOW RENTING Lite, ~vaulted Ceilings, paneling the Bhdfs overlooking a1r.Y new apts. Open dal· •Self:cleaning _oven, dis_bwasher Capo. Beach. 34638 ty. U-5:30.Nochildrenor •Patio, balcomes, storage space CaminoCepbt.rano. S425. ·pets. 1 br. $265, 2 br. $295. •Reserve parking cai;-ports ~m. mo 494-9583 Pvt. ~ti06, encl gar. 332 •Pool, jacuzzi. sa~na, tennis WALK TO BCH 3 Br 2 Ba, sundeek, oceanvu. $350. 493-7587; 675-3760 BEACH DUPLEX-Sun deck, 38r, 28a, din rm, gar, $350 mo. 483-7S8T or 675-3760 _________ , ~~a~::= Rily. · •Short pvt underpass to beach (Gard~ like landscaping IMSTAMT·IM ·~1068'lo·an ~hopping Eastside lge 2 br, patio, •Minutes to freeway beam cell. Small pet, •Som. e ocean view11pts small child ok. UW pd. $275/mo. 362 E. 20th St. Mgr. 6t&-'381or642-0282 NOW RENTING 1 age Orange Tree Patio home 3 BR 2 Ba elegant ' sq.ft. 3 Br 2 Ba, gar, beach. $115 mo. Util pd. • ~~e~ee $450 2 br, den, tennis & pool'. $600mo.~eves. lndry, w/dshwshr, bit.us, Non-smkt'.1-493-8275 CoronacWMcr 3822 n gc $475 Dbl e gar. No fee. fplc, cpts, drpe, $650 yrly u _1___._ leach 3740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LA CASA 11.AMCA lach.. I &2 BR A•olLMow I b*m $275 2 bclna $325 Adult community, sorry no·pets Office Open Daily 9·6 17141661-0901 .Rancho San Joaq. $.595 Newport. Irvine Realtors Lc*e Forest 3255 l D ..... .....,._.. 1-------.-.. Four Bedrooms o.,., ~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• se. ys. 613-6100; evs ••••••••••••••••••••••• o.o.riov:JU 774-iM08 red hill~··· 552-7500 UMDA ISU · · Long term avail! Superb location on tip of Island. Mediterranean de· cor w/over 6,500 sq.ft. of tiled floors & elegant off-white wool carpeting. 5 BR suites, spacious living areas, ~levat~r. dock for lg. boat, pool, 1acuzz1 & sauna. Also avail for lease/option. Cathy Schweickert 642-823.5. (D-6()) . . HARIOlt Vl!W KMOLl.S-4111!*- Brand new. charming Cape Cod 2 BR home w/magnificent valley view. Steps to pool, tennis & rec. facilities & S min. drive to Fashion ~Jana. Owner will consider pets & children. Paula Balley su .. 8235. (D-61) DOYa SHOIU IAYMOMT I s BR + mald's. w/~arat.e dlillri« rm. Pier & fJoat will take up to 501 boat. $1700/mo. Mu.tne Wtlliams 8'z.823S. (D.Q) f WtltwfrOllt COltdo LOYeJ121ty,38r,l'hBa, 38t'coodo, 1~ Ba, bltM, fl>1c,$1St1tb'.87s.m5 ..-oc. dues pd. Atent. 5(1.S33J. CONDO. 2 ~. 4 n.tlal JJfO .88. 3 Ba, ssso. mo. ~-~ ...................... . ' ZBr hlxury arda;I Condo Oc111 Btacb bowie. ~ blk A/C, DVI, ~. pOQI, to ocean. air, lba. S3SO 2 car pr S,;,~ f4.s-54IM I*' mo.Wrb' lM. UtU 1.n.1--.=...........;.............;;..--__ cld'd. Cpl or family pre-Wtlln it1l1• 3291 fd.11>91'11 ••••••• -. ...... _ •••• 11-Bl.its lmmac II!., 4 bf~ =~ftil o-abelt, low deDaiU' 2 now.ailldnin,petaOK :Ooa Br Z'-' Ba, fPk, SllShno.Owner...,_ • pool. maint pd.··---------Ave tarso. tlOO. Eff. Ca 1da •zfil ti ~ ............ assoc iate d BP01<;f 1>< 1.11111rt"•11". lfJ]', ~ I '.''I t , ,... All utils pd., cpts., drps, pool, lndry. fac's. Adults over 35, no yets or children. Ca l Sue: 556-rm or call Henry: 842-9137 23J31 Mariner Dr. Laguna Niguel Coda Mesa 3824 Huto41R9011 leodl 3140 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Duplex, triplexes & four· plexes, 1·2 bdrm & den, 1\.'a & 2 baths, fireplace, in houses laundry hookup, en<'losed yard, enclosed 2-car garages. Close to schools, shop- ping " Dana Po1nl Harbor. From $295. mon· lhly. Golden Lantern St. &Acapulco. Dana Point. 714/831-3294 SMASHING VllW of waves hitting the __ _._ ______ ----------• rocks. 2 .br, 2 ba condo, BLOC• FIOM IEACH din rm, beam cell'gs. 3 Br, view balcony, Frplc, 2 t>&lcotl)esJ_F,w dahwahr, frpk!. 1ar. No sttpe to l>ch. Nr. victor J)eU, 205 1.Stb St. 860-4140 Huao'is. $bOO mo. Ad.Us .• or53S-1718. ownr/~. Call Maey'tou ---------• Mulon,. 64•·1115 or SPACIOUS 642-8235 ---------•a frpk:'t, JOOO 14 A+. _,.. _ __,...;.;... ____ , PWlbl1-'dislhldi¥e CID Cllll{. coast. St.epl to pvt bcb. Beaut. trees, ----~ -. -. ' # 'Afalw•h&Ww.. .,............. S...rl..W. 4200 Offtcel...t.. 4400 ..... trialll...tal 4100 a....-..t SU(?d!x,Juty 17, 1977 DAILY PILOT DJf •••••••••••••...••..•.. .•.••.••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••.•••••••••••••••.•• o,, ........ , 1011 ............ ll41 S-a...tlh 117,~a del Mar oc .. n· D&UXlofACIS MISSIONVlEJO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ledlt,._, 5300 MllpW..t.d 7100HllpW..ted 71QO •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• front l br aleep e PQl· 44 J.850.a'JOOSQ. t'T. Energy ••••••••• .. •-••••••••• ••••;•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I H "'-oc.u vln•, ll01 OCEANFRONT APT leaa. vu mowk.ril-1'7'7 ~~·~. ~.·.:~: ~~~ce~~ Discovery FOUND male Basset July Acca• l"'tA.Mlysl Ap&.0 Manqtt1for60 tolO &li.00 ~ t..aa Ouch Flnal ln adult Uvtna. No Newport Buch nur u 351< sq ft La.Nl&uel It . Patented/mll & markel r ln Irvine. Lll_es peop~le, Queer Starter SIM unit a in Cot.ta Mcaa. C:.11 ct1 pet.a plu ... 2 Dr, 2ba oc.an Lie abr. 2ba. car. Ml11ion V&eJO, areas. U40 aq. ft. Xlnt Joe. 3 tni inveatmenl. szo.ooo. anores cal.I. Pinlll& 1°' 'Ib1I faJDOUI NYSE co. i3 631-2950 t:n ~i Up Ol1hw1hr, Avall.nowl"2·leo3 Handy to S.D. Frwy. doorto«PtacentlaSt.at Sec. Mr. Robertson, owne:r.tea.tl08 olfe~cthl.s''footlnt.he..--------- l-frpl\'a, carport All ••• C.11 .131-1400 782 W. 20th. Call Snn· 213-"11-6333 BlkDobermanFemlound door ~loo to you U ~.~ •••• ~.~~ ~1~L11tl~f1~,!r local ~~~~·•0l~P1m0'·,11.~ ~-....l,.-dcuoa days 6'2·0212, Minion Viejo •rea. you have an accountln& Alaembl)' mr. lba upper Condo on nlMID&' m-"-; Wi'5.:ii107Mw-o:t93 .... ~ evu*-2277 · MwytoL.o. 5021 S3'7-«Y70or557.a.st des. orotherde1. w/hvy 1olr rouru Balcony, BrandneWOC'Htl ~.w NTH FR~ Sfot.091 4550 ....................... FOUND 3 .!lnuce, acct°' & bwi MECHANICAL sa-uo Rfll Ir{) S.1'U. a Br CA>ndo • UDO lSLI ~II service. No leuere· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ht, 2N & lrd T.D.'s SprincJ'tfi:P::;:~ m<~>· coune:1. You will aasut PRICISIOH Adt-l•d3Cl3or4tHtOO UOM411CH"~'M22 L&utudiow/1undcck, q 'd. 200-fiOOsq. ft. Plel\tY RV S 0 LOANSAVAJ' •sLE "'--'anJr·Hi· ... ,,.,...... acclna i upen. Jn addl· ASSIMILEltS • -avlwkly 8'15·6401 of parkina. a082 S,E. · · torage ran~e ,.._ .. ,l 1 ...,. C;OaJ_. • ....,.,...,, tion to t09 beneld.a, m· ... .,,.... ... ._ ll" aur 1'1 11•. uo y1.rd1 ----Bristol St. Newp~rt Co unty Intern 1 "'~not. mportant. LOST : Miniature clud. •tock opUons, you •••••••••••••••••••••••from huach fle&. c1110CEANFRONT28r,2ba, Beacb.s.57·7010 Raceway.75cperft.~r lroker.673-4111 Schnauzer, female, maybeythelrextenslve 8:JC> t't?.6 fum.Ulhed nicely S.150 wk mo. Complete servJce line of personal products Now Julr· '315 /wk Aua. THE EfACIENJ dept.714-675·1290 "--rt-s.T-t ult/pepper, vie Laguna at. a wbopplng discount. I -• d 1 2" ,_ ~ • -Deb. $200 reward for re-NW11. """ u .ov.,.y upper UJ> ex. ur, Wa erfront Humt:• Rtntali Wcmitid 46oo DHdi 5015 lw7V c1ee to app cant. lb• Squeaky clean. 831-1400 ALTERNATIVE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••'••••••••• tum494·19Zl6,496-41427 Abigail Abbot Personnel YOU CAN AFFORD Ot'un view. 111r, no pet• Pff'IOMlh 5350 A1ency. 4500 campu.s ~. 4.D3 1231,493 Md f\am. Bach. apt, CdM. l Ope b h (fl N:EWPORT BCH area. 1 Lo .. ·~ 9% ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dr. N.B. 557-6122 NEWPORT BEA(h Blk to bch. Aug. $400. n n ranc o ce or or 2 brapt. w/pool & ten· M"'1 1..~rc• dtiluxe 2 br. 2 be, mo. 875-9267 or 549-8.1111 startyoW'own company nls for mo. ol Aug. AboMTDLo.t Drinldn,problem7 AccountRep. bltna, aaras" l6t & laat. alt. s ror a fraction or the co~t. 213·275-7119 Fairest Terms slnce 1949 Call Alcohol Helpline MONEY MAKEttl $400/mo Adult.I> only. Month to month rent m 2' hn a day 835·3830 Salary + for this "very Oceanfront. Weekly. 3:907 eludes; recpt. service, GARDEN & Bird lovers, Satfflto ~Co. prestigous" spot. You UJXURY APT~IVINO 2t.ir. Iba, cw. Seubore Dr. 3 Br, 2ba, person.allied phone cov-if)'Ollknowola qulet2 br 642-2171 S4S.0611 PREGNANT? will have the freedom + Ovu._.,,_n Tbe Waler (1)771 2379or ~1-4119 completely furn. Avail era,1e, cont. room, mail a~ w/garden/patio Wl· Carina conHdential 1 "• ii to .......... --Aue 13·20, Sept 3-10. Ph service, underground der .poo. for an artistic PRIVAT!PAln counseling & referral. ea.,..., en eage earn on Park New~rt We ore a small manuf co w /job opportunities tor precisioo mechanical •11 semblers w /6 mo's ex· per. You will have the chance to move up to f\11· ly qualified machjne tool builder. We offer good benefits & you will work on a variety ol PCB drill· in& machines, adjustini«. trimming & tilting to tolerance. Apply Jn Person """' ·-prkd •·more em~y-.. qw'et gentle Will pay more 'or yo"• Abortion, adoption & this "out of the omce Job Enjoy sno.ooo 1pec S.-'-. .,,.,.._ .,. .. · ~. · " ... opportunity.'' Fee t.acwar spa, lsw1mm1ng C~tr.o ll71 Corona del Mar ~ bllt to nu:~~r~vE ~~&!:es~au Betsy 2ndT.D.642-3m ~:IE: 547-2563 Pafd/AlsoCaFee Jobs. Call ADVAHCm pools, 8 Ll&hted court:. ...... t•••••••••••••••• China Cove. Lge fncd S67 SAN NICOLAS DR, Ask us "bout 1st, 2nd or Control reer Employ· CC>MTaOL miles of btke trails. put OCEAHYIEW patio,carport.840-0446 SUITE106 Prof. working cpl seek Jrdtrustdffdloans.Cen· UMDA&VICKI ment Agency, 3400 647YOU1tCjSt Wig.shuffleboards Br;ind new 2'Br. $275 to Newport Beach.Ca home lo rent in area. lury 21 Investment OutcallMassocp Irvine, ste 203• N.B Santa.Anct.Calif. Bachs from $259 50 mo. Abo 1&2 bdrm plani. 2 story to~ nhou:.es Ele~ kllch, pn v. patios & balcon1e:.. c rpts. drape ri e». parking, elevalors S32S Nr Paco Beach. 105 Nwpt Bcb, nke 2 Br els to 640-5470 Xlnt rels. Needed at on-Olvision. 963-7866 For tM ""9 of itl _s.56-8505 ___ .______ Equal Oppor Employer Del Reposo. 714-496.5215 oee81l. Sips 6. gar. $300 ce.Cal1897-0312,498·3868. ------------------•!·--------· July. S.325 Aug. 675·6775 Z Pvt Olfices, reception & Ask for John Chase 2ftd TD Serving all Orange Co. 2 restrooms. 720 sq ft 18 mo. Beautlrul Foun· &35-7313 ScMlttl Loguna 3886 Waterfront, Nwpt Deb. total. Fnt Valley962•3200 Architel't wants 3 or 4 tain Valley home ....... 000 C..Jrf __ ...... _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• luxurious 3 Br w /boat bdr hous Harbor ""'v ..,... tual R__..-d k $400 $500 k m e nr. TD pays Sl66.67 mo. 1815So. El Camino Real Lgc. quiet, luxunous, ex· oc . · w · Plaza Hi. Calleves646·3531 $46.000 equity. ~ share cc 2 br. 2 ba apt. 675-6775 •II!>.. • ..u r .. ta SanClemente.F\Jllylic. ... ec""•• ~mes Corona del Mar, 2 adults, ( Sl 0 • 0 O 0 > ma>' be For appt. 492-7296 l::lc,·ator to scenic priv. VKation Rental1 4250 Office avail. Overlooks no children, no pets. purchased. ----'-''------ ACCOUMTS PAY.AILE CLEltK ASSEMBLERS bch. Party & game room, ••••••••••••••••••••••• airport & mountains R r MICHEUE'S* OptionalmJid~crv1ce total s~curity. Perfect · e erence present * living or wknd retreat for BIG &~AR LAKEFRONT Airport/Registry area. landlord. Need peaceful 13.79% yield & lots of Outcalt Massage An opening exists for an individual experienced in Accounts Payable and Receivable who types 65 wpm accurately and uses a 10-key. Shorthand helpful, but not Photo Resist Etch Production Al Fashion Island, Jam boree & San Joaquin Hills Rd. the adventurous adult. Cabms. (714 )866·7701 DS2 Michelson. Irvine. 2 br home nr. Marguerite equity makes this $4,937 1oAM·2AM· 731-4462 Starting at $515 /mo. 494·9727or839·5173 752·0234 & E. Cst l;lwy. Sept. 1st. TD interesting. 4BR 499-.2835 l block to beach. 1 br apt ''TheCompleteOlrice" Will sign lea5e. CaU col· house in Santa Ana pays 9 Olfi k lect (714)'54·7983. Mr & $54.25 mo. u •sSAl'!..E necessary . $700-1750. ~Hon operators """ • Please call for an ap-6.--. "-~nwnh fumlslMd furn. $100. week or $250. ces + wor room, Mrs Wilkinson. OWA Mortgage, Bkr Forleasinginformation: ~Umurnlthed 3900 mo. yearly. Util. incl. confer . rm, vault, S42·S66l ••••••••••••••••••••••• 871-8471; 833-2105 ~unge. Gmd floor. Xlnt ..._.sjlnvett/ FIGURE MODELS pointment .--MOS wmr pro- ESCORTS <714)835-2422 ceultuJ llne. h· OUTC••LONLY EqualOpportunlty perlence in Mask THE EXCITING Rentals to Sitar. 000 prk'g. 4.5< fl. Top Costa FinanCe AnncMlnc..,.nh/ Mesa loc. 2500 sq. ft. or ••••••••••••••••••••••• p ·--...1 / Alo Employer M/F Aligning, Oxide and ___ 6_3_1·_38_1_1 __ ~~~~~~~~I Mttal Elchl•CJ pr•· 714 /644-1900 New duplexes 2·3 br $350 up yrly. Family & pets ok. 675-4912 Steps to ~ach. 4 Br 2 Ba, fplc, cpts. drps, SSSO yrly lse. 642.3443 Ea;.tbluff 3 br. 2 oa Lease. Incl :.pac. master suite, din rm & dbl g a r a g c . 1\ u lo d o o r opener avail. l'ool & recreation area Adult:. unly. No pets. 1-'rom $367 up. 865 Amigos Way Nwpl Shores area. 11'2 bl.ks ocean, 2br, lba dplx. Yrly lse. 714·956·5871 PALM MESA APTS. ....................... fess < 714 > 540 2200 or ""'-S MINUTESTONPT Male or female needed to (714)494-4797 . ..._.0p_5_-s... Lost& foUnd BCH. share cozy 2-bdrm home ,.... •-n•r SOOS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bach.1&2 BR. in NB w /young pro· Improved ofc space, 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Allnowtc ... nts SI 00 from $210. & up. fessional. Vegetable rooms , all or part. AUTO WAXING Adults. No Pets garden, covered patio, Rccept. area. 125 sq. fl. Outstanding Oppor. 1561 Mesa Or. gar, frpl. Days 8-S, Room 1; 224 sq. ft. Room IndepConlractorterms (5 Blks East of Newport 634-2019 or eves come on 2: 321 sq. rt .. Room 3. 50' Metro Car Wash Blvd. l by! m Snug Harbor Rd. per sq. !\ .• incl utll. Nr. 2950 Harbor Blvd, CM ••••••••••••••••••••••• SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS •KAREN'S* OtrrCALL MASSAGE 6PM·2PM 973·0893 •SHARON'S* OtrrCALL MASSAGE 499-1224 546·9860 NB, Ron. 0 .. C. Airpo rt. Bud --------- Priess, 540·78008·5. MARINE RAD10 Parson-Chubby-EXOTIC GIRLS Fem only, mid·20's. Nice . SALES&SERVICE Turban -Unwise--' 2br apt at Lake Forest lfwpt C~r Courtyd win· GroM $108,000. year. F\Jll Nipple -Muster -Massage & Modeling ' Dr. $160mo. 586·2548 dowed ofc. Share recept price $37 ,OOO. includes SUSPICIOUS Outcall 542·3169 /543·32SO .... 1~ = ---------1 & secy. $150 mo. Joe $1 · w 11 Then there's the fat cou· THIS llt1N'J1NCJIUN Share Ba ch el or's lg 640-4l60 S,OOO. mventory. e pie sitting in a dark cor· Personal Service1 5360 · .. ,_,;;,·~r-twnhse, So. Csl Plaza estab. Owner moving out ner of a spa&hetti afld ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ area. Separate qtrs, fine· Executive office space, olstate. TIME, 751·1400 pizza place, saying: "We ly furnished, linens, dis· 950 sq. ft.~ p/.ft. 6 mo's Real Estate office for sale can't go on eating like DIVORCE FROM S250to S33S hes , 2 car gar , lease w'.opllon to renew. or manage w /option. th Is. My Weight 5 Beaut apt plans avail. wshr/dryr. $!50 + uUI. '96·5759•495·4858 BrokeriU.540-l..998 Watchers is getlini: LegalTypingService Furn or unturn. Bacb, 1 For quiet res~ male exec Offi · I SUSPICIOUS." Type.Serve· File b b over 40. (714) 545·4632 aft ice swte. 3 pvt rms. ge Hardware store Newport Complete Guaranteed 2 Br.huge deck,w/view. r.2 r. 1 ba ; 2 br. 2 1pM recepl.rm.form~llyuse Beach. 67S ·5800 . Lost&Found 5300 645 958 lge Liv Rn1, 1 blk l,o bch. baths. Beamed liv rms, by Ins. Co. Avail. Aug Seashore Real Estate ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 0 SJ6S.673·1260e\•es. dinin~ areas. storage, Furn Hse, COM. 2 bd 1st. Call Saunderson at LOST : 7/4, s haggy·1-2200HarborCostaMesa --P a t 1 0 s · d e c k s • W /D, 1 blk to beach, will fl ester n Business ); wht/blk male Sheepdog BAY VIEW. Stunnin}! 2 la ndscape.d ground.s. share with mature, $ervices. 563 West 19th mix. "Rags". Vic. br. 2 ba studio. Frplc. rov. prkg, hghted tennis, responsible M/F 20.40. St, C.M. Days 642·0212, LagunaNiguel.'99-l461 ~-nt& Patio. Pool. Eastbluff. v o 11eYba11. 2 st Y 67s..s 99 . 546 44 eves 546-2277 , .. _ Mature adults only. No c lubhouse, billiards, 1 ·mess. ·4 5· ---·------1 LOST Blk & ht f epcraffon 4 . l . Deluxe ore w /sec'y serv. : w . em .••••••••••••••••••••••• pets.Lseat$450.6400349 sw1mmh1ndg poo. ping Roommate wanted lo N OC i~rt BUSIHESS Siberian Huskie: 40 .lbs. JobsW--"---A 7075 poni;. Y ro·spa, gym. share 2 Br 2 Ba apt in ieerox. ear · ·a .. ..., · Su PM on v a L do ..,.~ 2 8 11 Bat h N So ..,C<\ 7c:"U>"" n. I I .••••••••••••••••••••••• r. 2 own sc. r rry.no~li;. F /Vly. Non smk r . _,.,permo. _..,,._, _ OPPORTUHITY Reward $50. F. Nyquist Hoag. Adlts, no pcls. SouthwestCoroer 968-8714 lENTREDUCED H.B. 673.8499 Housekeeper , cook, S28.S.64 .. 8710. Edinger/Newland RESTAURANT driver. Mature. Refs. Nice 2 Bf apt. w/lge deck. 8400Edingcr, H.B. Cut down ;ex~i:~~o~on~~ Well located in the Mesa Found; Royce Union $700pr mo. 642·3'Z16. avl now on yrly basis. (714)847·9605 U•ift«J Expenws! util. 963-1243: 960.3224 Verde Shopping Center. Bi k·~ • Vi c . E 1 • ER•kwn. Scie..u $350 mo. 615·6775 or -OPEN 9-5 DAIL y Share a home or aptrnent Near new. interesting. !J.! /972SM aegxtn ~!!a . Ca II Recent grad seeks posi· 673·6279 Rooms 4000 1'..... rn._. TT.-.... Office for lease. $150. immaculate: seating .....,. ...... ~E-'U.CJUt.> Vl'IW">Ul'tD ptmo. Reception area. capicity 74. Beer & wine Uon in government or ••••• •••••••••••••••••• Uk--.«~ OXit'dl"~ Pvt. ofc w /bath & wet license. Call for details. Lost: Burmese cat. male, private sector. BA, MS ACCOUNTING CLERK. t.rred. Experience in Duties incl. process acct. ..y phase of waftr payable w /c;omputcr •'--~1-1..1 system It asst. chief proces-..., u.·~nvvre. bkpr. Clerical exp., ac· ctg. olc., 10 key by touch & typing req'd. Apply in person at: Reeve~ Rub· ber, Inc. 415 Ave. P1co, SC.E .O.E. Inspection Supervisor ________ , For Quality Assurance Department; pre•iotl\ nilit.y et.dronic as· Accounting "OLD PROS" Aletafrtderick and Doris Wea•er Have A New Name APT accounting personnel lemporary Terrwocary Assignments Where you want to work with top hourly rates. We invite you to register ror temporary positions ii you have experience as: *Accountants •loold&~ * AccountlnCJ Cllu *Machine lkkprs •Keypunch Oprs •Slat Typl1ts PLEASE CALL = ,.rvl1ion re- We offfr excelltnt fr- inge benefih and working conditiolfs. For further informa· tion, contact Shirley Cenantes,·Solld Slate Products DMslon, SOO Superior A•e .. Newport leach, CA 92663. HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMP A.MY WATERFRONT VIEWS IN NEWPORT. ROOMS S25 wk up with o.> ~l61lt b,,u~owq bar. Agt. 644.7211 COLE OF NEWPORT 2 yrs old, blue collar. r.nvironmental Science: kitchen. $31 .50 wk up F 5 8324134 QtiM area. "Leroy". Position desired in relat· 547 7375 apls. 548·9755 or over yrs. CORONA del MAR, retail REALTORS 759-1218 ed field. Wrl te M . • Equal npponunitY M /F /HC employer Striking design and an elt'gant e~clt1ng wav to 11ve cnoose lofts. oav w1noows Skyllgh!s fire otaces vour own prtvate • oatlo or oatconv A tr1ena1v m1111on dollar rec center Tennis courrs roo Room in lovely, quiet Wanted Cem rmma~. age &professional bldg. 2411 675-551 f LOST C li C Mirltovicb, 110'~ S. Bay 540GoldenClrclc home. No drugs, pets or 19-24 to shr hse m HD. E. Coast. Hwy, 1630 BIG BEAR LAKE Vic. ~lsta&~r:~:e. c~: Fro11t, Balboa Island Ste212 Santa Ana ASSEMILEA smoking. Kitch. privgs. Eves 000.3868, Barbara s~ft./reta11. 408 sq.ft. Establisheq dinner ho\Me Ans "Lizzie". 642-8129 _92682._________ <OfC 4th St, between TRAINEES Promontory Poim lu•urv adult rentals from SAOO monthly, 100 Promonrorv.or West Just nortn of Jamooree on Pae11tc coast Hu:inwav Teteonont' 17141 67S 8000 owneo ano minaoeo Dv The trvlne Cbmoanv Back bay arca,.avallable Aug 16, $250. 2 bdrm, draperies. carpet, lrg patio. Mat adults only No pets. 642-2267 front, 550 sq.rt. rear. 731 Newport&SA Frwys) Does a 10 hour day, -t Female. $150 /mo. Femtoshr2bd2baapt: sq.ft. front side. ofc, & coffee shop. $75,000 Lost S lbl d l t YACHT CAPTAIN de· FreeParking days a week appeal to 963·8233before10:30 am. Rec fac, NB, $185 inc util. .,.. • .,....,. or 2435 E. Coast down payment includes . : m on ma e er· sires lull Ume position. _________ , M D 997 8233 u•.--..v business, liquor license, r I er w I f I ea c 1 r . Coast Guard Licensed, you? Conscientious ap- LAGUNA BEACH aureen -· Hwy . for details. fixtures and real estate. Adams /Harbor . Exper. in waters from plicants wiU)>etrained to STUDIO. $200 mo. 1st & £.752.2900 Newport Bay R. E. Inv. Income & expense Info Reward. 549-3762 SeatUe to Panama. Re!s. Accounting ass em b I e PI as tic ~~\)S~on smkrs pref'd. Rm mate n ee ded : Ste. 5· provided on request. Found: Shepherd/Setter (714)278-8337 TEMPORARY ~!c:t:~fr!~c!!.1:'~ 0:[ . Furnished 5 bdrm house THIMK! Silver Key Real Estate. mix male dog at Dis· Live-in companion. No $2.75/hour and excellent Sngl rm w/bath in Costa 'fz blk from beach. Design Plaza. F\111 svs PO Box 1703· Big Bear neyland.839·0091 drink/smoke. Mature RtHJitlerToday benefits. <Some over· Mesa. SllO/mo. 673-1077, COM . exec. ofcs. From $19S. Lake, Ca. 92315. (714) woman w /refs /expr Work Tomorrow lime required.) Call 548·4589 :lft 4 --Female, 23 yrs, attractive mo. Call Bonnie640·8668 866-5731 F o. U N D : F e ~ . seeks F /time care of Close To HolM (714) 835·2422 or apply in ---------. We1maraner /hound mix. Nr bch. lovely hm. pvt ba. & social needs roo!llmat.c EXECUTIVE SUITES Clever ~ople own then Vic. Circle Dr & S. Csl. elderly &/or emotionally person. ~~I~. ~~~~o~~:f~r. ~1:~~~:9sBiJ~1dence. o e I u x e o fr ice. ':n'*:n~us~/~f~:'y;~;~~~ Hwy.,So. Lag. 499.4479 ~n~.~;~7 person *•Aloc:._~ns w11~:::r~bvey personalized phone ~ov· tax advantages. Call for FOUND: Grey male cat. _...,.... 142SS. Village Way Room&Board 4050 Male 32 straight, share e rage, secretarial details. Ask for Jerry wht paws & chest. Vic. Male, 25, exp. in elec· •A.JPClerks SanuAna.CA. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUPER new Costa Mesa services. easy access to Hanis 714-751-8910 Magnolia & Ellis, FV. tronic & mech assbJy, •JR C•--'--,.I ________ _ Room & board for elderly townbome. 751-7593 frwys. 666 .Baker St, C.M. 968•2380 seeks related lndepen· *"' ....,.....,. Call Nr. o.c. Airport. 546·2982 dent piece work. Reis. *p-.-11 Clerks ASSEMBLERS person. eves: Mature person to share 2 TOWING SERVlc.I Lmt: Male Cat. Iona hair. 919-3927 eve/wknd Moc•r•h-•LL Assemblers, precision. 830-6436 Br,NwptffgtsHse.Incl WestsideCostaMesa. 5 trucks , radios . multigray.NwptHgbts. * ... prs maleorfem.4yrs.min Guest Ho.. 41 SO f.r"i.~udio . S145 mo. ~t::!~=~·gt~b established cllentele Reward. 646·1006 'i-~:~.L~1Gt!.t~1~~; . •Stat Typfsh exper. Good manual dex· Newly dee., 1 BR, walk to ••••••••••••••••••••••• CalllOfmor"edeUils. Lost; 7/10Camera (Olym lulor any morl'Ung or ~~~~n:o~d m~~::;!o~ beach.~. Vrly First time this year, • Share beaut lge house. Dana Pl. prominent, new. % pus 3SRC & Vivitar elec wlcnd. 541~1 ROBERT......... exper . Small compo- 759-0840 ground floor pvt room, Util, kitchen, laundry & ocean vu. Coast Hwy, U110--. nash.•Vic Vl-or Hug•A ---------accountetR'~ --.. nen•·. Hard work;"g, de· ---------• now avl., for an am· phone tum. Pref middle $1701,11).496-1840 PRO EXCHAIGE.• · ... '" tWpW..ted 7100 ~--"" uo ranc: All utll pd 2 br new b 1 t 1 d ed 631 n<>c2 Inn, Lag. lkh. Reward. dicated individuals ~. · • u a or y a y or ag man. '"""" ..,_ .... Call-lie ... K. Jon-.. •••••••••-•••••••••••• cpts&drps.No children genllemanatthepopular JUSTCOMPLET!D _, w "• ""· -PLEASECALL neec::f.d. Small co. or pet.s. Elegant location. Tustin Hacienda. Call M/F, 1 dep OK, 3 Br 2~ F\JU service offices, <182 963-67,39 557-7820 (713)629-1234 Accounting 714/l~C '103 w/g benefits, gd. Of>· 160115thSt 548-4922 now.838-3847 Ba Condo w/pool. NB. to 517 s.f.) Irv Ind LOSTorslrayed,14yrold ~ por. advancement. Call ---------f 63H806afl5orwknds. Co I .. ,_ d ,.. Carol; 581·3830, MV 2 Br, near ocean, yrly. S......r Rentals 4200 mf, e~;,... ecor, re· Earn utni $$ helping female Siamese cat. re SENIOR Fplc sundeck 5340 ••••••••••••••••••••••• N......,,.,,,. .... M·Ftosharelrg cept omst, secretary, local sofJ goods dis· cent surgery. Vic. Mesa •cCOUNTl•·u'! .. ' S48-Bi18 . ~~·~ear Beach. $220 Xet'QX, blueprint, mall & tri~. PJ\lme. Won· Verde &r Java Rd. CM "" "v ACCOUMTIMG CLK SAM CLEMl!NTE · ino.645-lOlO coffee serv. Formal con-derhLCor couples, 545-6332 CLERK Worl< in lovely new ores NEWPORT 8 EACH Beach homes, condos. ference rm & lounge, singles"'mo. Management a•IAft.IT DR89. in Costa Mesa. Asslst VILLAS and apts. Reserve now. •HOMESHARING• F\Jm/Unfum, avail dal-expr. helpful. CaU Mr. Lost: Tan/Wht & gray .,.,,., .., • bookkeeper w /journal Luxury apts overlooking aERTHAHENRY Need reap ladies 21·35 to ly, mc>/molse. 549.9595 Fathy 646-4533 afi.r 6 Calico fem .cat. Nr. entrys. Ty~ing & 10 key Newport Beach Bay. REALTORS sbare. lovel)'. houses & lus*"il...tal 4450 pm. Ut's have coffee & Marco Forester Sehl. Hyland Laboratoriea, a skills req d. Exper. In Includes tennis courts, 2UDelMar 492-4121 apts.listedwithU3. talk., SJC. New to area. lt•®tB company in th~ A/rec.&payrolldesired. health spas, pools. FreelbUn1/rererral• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ro~ard . 661·1487, bf&tt.bcarefleld,hasan Ooodco.benefits.Apply, jaouni uft Sauna. 1&2 bdr.ms. Newp_ort 9am-8pm 630-24114 4D•UXIOPC'S--RUtAURAM'I'. ~~la_skf9r_J4n~ J rnmedlate openin&J.Ot. ..NatloaalSyaten,.~Corp., Available montll to Btach. Garage. steps lo Con{. rm .. seat 25, all NEWPORT BEACH . &'1 elq)erlencett -$r. Ac· "3151 Birch St, N.B. (near month from $1100 to llSOO bch. S44-6899; 675·'7598 Garagirs paneled, sm. whae 1n re-Located hub of activity. Found· Min· poodle. countln1ClerUo-wdrk in OCAirport) EOE. ASSEMILY If you would..ll'ke to wotk in the Huntington Beach area & have 1 yr recent electrical assembly e)c· per .• you .may be qua)Hled a.._, an a~­ sembler trainee. MU\t have eaur. driven lk wt~crcrd drl'\'htg rec. Ablllt.y to read blueprirrt.s helpful. 4~ Day work w;. starting7A~I. per month. No Qhildren NPI' BCH 00 Penin J for atnt 4350 ar. l or 2 yr. lease. Lake su ~optb fl'OSS on male. cream & apricot, our Buclget,.Dtpt. 11le or~ts. For information · · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Forest area. Kent sho'rt Seoh 92 blue collar W/atonea. quallfted lndJvtd11~wllJ AmbtU01.11, attracti ve blk.to~eanorbay.2br. . · s:J&-12.85 f< tl 1 c Promontoey Pt>tnt. newly fum'd •l• wk Garsge needed for SJ>Orta Harkint. Owner moving. must auemblethe mon re-person or excep ona 141Ur:fltralion m.aooo. ly ren\al sns Ju0e i, car.storaaol.yr.S?a.cmG 714-511·9393 sell. 'terms. TIME, Pouod: Beaut. Bluk porUn• paclta(e. o(pp:_~~nlty ~nAGenl, C~ .. •t • Sept. July &J AUi $21~ afUPll, '151-1400 h-, , Labra'9or Retriever perform Yarhnce su ary o von). .,_.. ... ~-~-Dr LI lBr, S300 mo. Availa-~ • ATT&NTJON .ArUat • _._ lemale >.S oJd vi ' aoa.yals of 9"1*11U, CatlConnie,~ _ _..." t>le AusUl't 1. '168-16"16 or a.st ror Sandy. P!ocloted .a arafe Costa Craft.amen. sso to ftGO M6NIY Bl~ Pk~ .*5 c. e t • p • 1 • l n t • r • fl81..3414 Hunt Bch. 64CMOC77 , Dana Point·Fum, "alk to Xeu. S3S mo. vall Im· mo. UUl Ind. UNIQU)t la the nameol lhe 1ame. "7 department Journal · APPIJAMCI Equal()ppor Employer .Pwt N bcean. lBr, fam rm med. ret. atudlo ''Tl\t tac· We'll~ tM vehicle Found: BJack Cocbpoo traulen ud perform TIC*ICIA.,. AUTO liar n.~!r." ~r!>'leue1310• '*'• szoo wll: or $4.50 ~ M GS-S172 1ri1..1 tory" m !:. IOtb St, 10d provtde the body. In• pup. M. 4-t mOI, £d1eOn varloua special Dl'O.Je<!ta Our tppllanee technl· .___ + .__ ....... d • ""-oca 0 • 483-f73S Newport Buch or call vestmeat aeeur«l. Com· Pm on Raml.lton BB u Ullped. A4cUtlonal ctau uro $11,000 lo -~ mo.640-lm ~:.~1 G~de ~~o f7Mlll~M2'71 panr will prove an 531-1385 , • , du&* wW Include the IZ0,000 ,_ 71"-5 clty wk· Mechaftleneeded, etPfl'. 1 BR ,._ den.t s 'b 1 Beaut '8c bO.m• w/beacb -•· · • aV.ap crw net tn tx· ~bllity tor bud1et ~xbdrtDao bcmtOta, mmt nee. .! ..-eat toe ~Ok ri.a: out froot. Completel)' -~DERS D8U.K b'':fe d•t 1'7175 ceu Of~tll ooo. p/1r. Found; Male dot. BUt eontrol. Tlte aeleelled i. ftalMbM. openlnp In u.tMec••fc Pro! -~d Mao i .,; fum. P'abu1Qt4 view. $750 , • c '); • • n • • r en•-.-' :, mix. Appro1t I wb old. candkt•C• will a...,.. to Wbttt.Ser Fullertoa, C.M. f~ tuneup, c'1'buntlon. Rlt.i STw.To '1 aco wtJ"1Y • .O/WtA1.11uat. Office ...... " -. 4•H t~rt :-"°= ."-; : -New~•t Bhd/CoHt A.-.1acewWu•rk4itllie c.t.lfi;{AppIJuce <t14> Smoa Jlc. req'd. Both ' • ·' .... WATEJ\FRONTHOllES .............. -....... 1 BrtDJOWD f~ our !"' ~ 0.y. 5'$-4t'fl,_. ...s produtUoa lDd be 521"2274 pc)litkml Hiier•• eomm ~o~br, s~~~~'r,.~ · Pl·l'°! •· ' Wlm:WP ._IA ~t WUl~.twer ' Sfwltt W~ ' FOUND: Goalten~ Lab D•':' J:: =: Apt 1'1napr ror 31 units. 6, "T:t0 As:o'i '?"~°tf: (71••Slfl UL · Comfortable 2 'br home } rttwfOJl'tBEACH yow phOM f<w $10 ''* o.t..t&!-...'pj mht, lem•I•, Jutt. b•d ve wuy ptm ..,. ll~ couple. Man can A~S.A Su.M7a __ ~ 1 ... i lAJurui BHch. Walll tAI •uoo ~· 1\. LVJO p•t. tinooULI>alltPllotOlffce: \Poct:Hlt{ jlloto-1~' vie Sa'~~)'.11bel, eelle•t beneilts ro, t....tout.Salar)' +apt, · ·~ ·-.·-=- .Ltdo Bayfront. z Br !be•c~. AHll. J'91J ,4 i 1 batlla. s.400 per mo. MZ421 1 Ji __ ,ppher needed ..,.,.. N:81M2~100.~'\!~J -.~ imontntormadoacall: 1.C..11 ror appt. t lo s. Auto lualng self• •tfrplc. Sand>' beh. Ate. • tct.oaoo . C .... ""' ~; •. .. 1<Utror.-aew1tuitl0. ·~· ·0-~.. ..-+:.L1., •..: 1 J$48-049Z 1peuoo1, 110 ex pet. -.imo. ld-te85 'f"• ;. Ril• ic;.,.. a..J btllt• _., _ .M. -~~ • SIG. ~W~ ofta~"rU•l•C~ : ••0 ,..ill tyc.. Oit."7Pm,m.1' -.. ·~nec:.s. .ut train, Grett ... .~ , ., ~ ', ...,,_or ... 17t1 \. '~"GE·~ Al.to ~ ... n ole •: /flUIUl entatloftl' l 1pd, 1 tT1')~•Ulf Tnde 10'W old atalf !or po'81A.laJearnintlfol' s.lt11•1 .. :~~7' ~ ~ .-.• Lim l'·MB •ua,_,,. 'i!'' ~ r~aijjle eqllip •• • •:::... 115.-\ •";i ne•.i.&OOd~•• with a nJ1itpeopie.-.s11e ,11 ,.. "•••••• .. O•tnH••••J • ••ALDIAY·~ "",..t. AGT,IQ ~~ LAG\nl~ l bil&·~tO ~ f--.. ~~ IMI ~ r-. L·oat: Small •••· IWIMa 1·aliil89d8d.l42.a79 -•1 , \ ll'I ..• OCUM !f• c~!t.t Br~ .... ; l190"1w ...... 9r,' JWl, ._,~~ICI fl.,~~' llD>"J;;"'t= 11.._.~•••ll· IP"'~.~~ 1f1~MOW1'1'MlnMi ~net!u ~ n.~ .. L .... 1..::rr. ._.,, I'~: ... .!> -·~~ ·...... ' ~·~ :rPnlliC-1.J ''··-.~ • • ,. .!'~. 1MMMcGJllMt ....... ~~ ,...,., --. ····,cMt .... ·i ,,-,~ .• , ,... ,., ·•~ """ ._,;·i =Gr•'7-r.,.,..;...; \~'jfta;..:-.. """-'••""•"*· ' =c -~ ;:;q.,. ""'.· r..i ~ 1\;;.--DJiYPiiOl K••• : ....... ~ ...... ,,..,!Pi. ,, "71-• .Nlllr.PM:oadl.. so ln A1111 :tht t.11 ... ......., l.\.a..q ft'_.. Ill': Pail ~ ift1Mt*"0 •·--> IDlrWc.Jranl7 -Mia ~~UOl. U ·91 •• •• ., _ • JU Del hpuo. ""*'a '\, (IM)...,..OOllll Ql4--. hm &!tit'.~ ,-,"""~ ..._.'i?f. Ollitalhla:Ca-U. ~ )'Oll:Whl li llOt tlilren • .• • ~ , j 1 •• ,.' .,., t· --: ~Clll>OHlll --~ ·~-~ = • • •. ......, • ....,.,_dl!IMCOMlder Ml1te17 •"••IO"ta. ·1-·~·u1·!·'1 "''~.t ·9'1,0CMl,f'IONT f .~ llbs I -~ ---~...,; • r-iif LOii':.=: .. -=:=~ ·~gppqtUisllJ/ -r.: .tr.t. ~·=IJ:-".m··· .. · 1~ r h&·~lilMi:\..._ar,.a.: .... "lllDJld.AIC, ........ :"'~M .. A,l i 10.Call~ ~~f1"1tM.C•, -'~ ·-•':'o..7·. =.::HIC'ljlr7,._. ~ Ba;Cll -,. 1..,....r;.; iM1aa.,a; .. -L ,__·'°·~~: c.nm-.-. ~ii I•,............ . _ I iiiii l ~r-_ __ . _ --~·~ _ .... • • ._,1 --,--I -. ·, 1 l "' .. I,. '1\. I • ., f ( ... .... !~ .·~. • .... . --' . I ' 1 I I I ,, ~~ tl D ' DAILY PILOT ' ~ ····· Add 1t .• Buttd 1t.. 01aper tt ... Hammer 1t ... Carpet SERVICE tt...Ctmtnt 1t...W1re 1t Hoe it...Clean it. .. Move DIRECTORY h f. ~ '"' .. . ., .. . ' lt...Prnss 1l. •• Pa1nt 1t. .Nall 1t.. Plaster IL.Fix tt tl,..wal_. c.• M,Acwtlc •P.•art.f lhf 11 Home"CJHN.g MmonrY • ,..._.,.. .. ,.... ,........, s.wt.f/Ahi .. 1w ............. ~~~~..... ······'················ ········••···•········• ..................................................... , .................................................................................. . Al'PU I& HKPAIR SIO St-rHce Call caJI 1714 I ~ atr.l FAODOm.yAcouatlcs Q1ial Romodelln11. room acscu. llaullna.movtnt.cleanup UIMACULATE CLEAN· Block, brick. slump· PROFESSJONAL Paint· Repalrs/Replplo• Ladlfl Dre•~"::.•· •pra)'ud <'~lllnii1. re -tlon. plan chcc:lu 6 S7/up ~wort. Reas, ING. You DESERVE the stooe, walls & planters. In&-lnlft'/Exltt. Reas, Drains cleared, watei Alp t.raUoat,d •1 11 1. peln.&1&at,Ur1329615, en1lnterln& drawln••· rut.freeestM2·4m BE!>"T.75&-0:l'f7 Qwtlwork, reu price&. worlciuarMZ·0.186 htn tc ll-' R attern ra l DI . frtt ts.Jll UIOO Patten1on EnilnHrfna. --------1 Bond /lie. 536·9906, • e 'a ,..pea. ~ 541...ot ... ,....... Co M2 9666 HAULING Odd Jobs. The Moppets Cleaning 6:1'1~ lXOYE. Exp colhtudenla rates. D\clt Morra• . •••••••••••••••••••••• C-.t/COlltCl"e.. --L.uwatudentneedswork Servace. Call us 1f you -wil14ipaint your home. 768-7962 Cuatom Sewlog tD my \lat.ure 6dtpendablt• M)' ....................... G••lliMcJ J1m'94·.s&St need a good )Ob done. MoYlncJ Veey reait. rate. lot/ext. HOMESAVERS Plumb· home. 8.ild.nls, 1 pc, any hvlni: ('!Iii l.•w.il r••fa C~Mt.:NT WOHK All ••••••••••••••••••••••• . -"Rderrala.546·2393 •••••••••••••••••·-.~··~ Quality painting lna1tHeaUnaic•ircon· a1../a t ~le.$8 ·$12 fl.C "''nl' 1J ).ird Klrw.l.4 ltt.1M.11on1bll' f''tcc Hd.11bJt•K"JH''dJ11Jlllnt!i.c Sonny. Jer Free haul· OoY Lilt y JI act Student Bag u• l w/PRIDEIFreeest.Dan ditlonmg Free eat SlO CIUJdreo1 clothes! Xlnt ).&.S lWT "t <'111750 ~ •turdentor " h1mlllL·1o1pe ing, t'leonup, etc tor usa· Spotol~s'>. !__~!Coouw.lee lruc.·k. Trash. tree trim, 640-8197 hr. Hon~st & reU'•ble seamstre55. Soper ,rea~ -R•Hon11bll', frul' l'lll bll• items Fences. bldg's "" uu.,,, • .-P t R d 642 5703 tes 7S9-0l19Debbo C<rl If~ l'hllllp11 <'•m.nt t'o tl4S·~Mike1~1:1i rt'movl'd.6S7-~ WouJdLlkeToDo ltFor ec. lln Y · · -MasterP-alnters servtce.BolA.M/C OK. ra · n ••••••••••••••••••••••• PatJOI, room 11dJlllu1111 -You. 84.2-0720. ~9-3e66 751·3150 __ Televisa.. 1.,.rr tOl'1'ftlca It Gen I ,,.,,,_0 ~tt wor k 751 ~7 WEEDING t.1.l!:ANUI'~ Clll<~APEST hauhni in -Custom P11intio1, com· ••••••••••••••••••••••• try fln11h1n1 J\111i1I <.:.11 lO AM tu WM hl· Weekly M.11ntena11\·u town Fr e11ts. CHEAP! HOUSECLEANING w1t0 PoinffngJPopering petit&ve prices. Int/Ext. R.-dll & Repair CANOPY TV SERVICE wknds. fr •llh Mull lined in~ 1''tt-eei1t ~:l·W07 i;.12-2006or~ a PERSONAL TOUCH. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 552-0575 •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• Ut ftA.TESERVICE 7Sl IJIM.s..\T!m2 R&()l'on,·Mt> All ph1111es VF.RY t.OW PRJCES' HomtCa.-.Set'vlu Reliable,refs536S'Tl8 PET,ERSPAlNTJNO PamUng. Local·Estab &. Add-ons, patio. alcyllabts AtFalrPrices98CHW t"Ut'IC'r~ll'. hloc-k & hnri. on a•rdtinin.: mo1n ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hsewrk wkd)IJI, 7 vrs Expr d. Reas Rates insured. Tons or rers. & rprs. Res\d 4s comm 'I. Tiie work i''r\•c \·st11 1.u.· a. tenantt GC!Ot""C~92015 t,ov1n1 care or pets & Palm Spring!> arc11 ~E•t. Call Gene Friendly/efficient rrest~7 Lukay, # ••••••••••••••••••••••• f'irl)('ntry .nv lyp•, boflded875 9720 -ptanls an your home by Reliable. 913.3459 -----173-4967 298233 CERAMIC TILE. New or Pan.rJ. don~ 1·11· Also ChlldC.,.. ~,G .. Mr Mary Olll&45-l9l4 Lcnikc-'-nrightt;n up the Ho':"e! PAINTING CONTRAC· Home remodeling 41 re remodd.Frest.,atnljobs Comm'!. lll" .... L "" ~ Act now• for comp u~---a.....-ao.---..,....., Norms Paperbaog1nn1 TORS ·-• .,_ ... _alls s.M·mt • ••••••••••••••••••••••• rnaint. of l»wns. shrubs .---~ ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• AU kinds I Sta . palr most walls, doors, wgCOIJle.---. Ll<"ellllt'd clu.ld t'ut~ & trees Res & comm •••••••••••••••••• ••••• Jerry's Landscapmg , ree ~t. le TAKE NOTE etc 963-5458 -•· . w REALLY CLE &GardeningService he 330986. 8.3S-370S or . Oenmlc .. ;_, all types. 1:'"1-atnlal. finah. remodl'I. 1 lunlmiloo Be<ich Mcweeney. 64S·Sl24 ant a AN AO'> ntS 67s.&t!IO Will trade PRINTING REMODBJNG epecentryt. Free ~tm 2S repaira, Lac Quirk ~97-42Jl9 -----HOUSE? Call Gln1ham ...,~ ..... ,_,. :!lervlce Writ "U.tr ,..~~-y•nDCLE• .... up Gtrl.Freeest~Sl23 <any type or com· &andecka Kltche ynesper._ . .._ ...,., ...... 1~ ., ~ ..... ,... AA .._.... Landscaping, 30 yrs exp. Paint & Pl\pering, ~yrs merclal > for exterio ~-"-o-th---m •-..ct-t---_..... • 64$-9218&645-0009 w do & H l Jo'ree est. Li tensed :.erv'g Harbor area St .,.,. om '"" '"-_....,,_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• . in ws ousec ean-6'!Hll'9, C·27·1072 hc 183281. Rers furn painting of my bowie in ·ons Formic ••••••••••••••••••••••• c.,.t Service ftUT A IOOM OYER GeMral SenlcH ing 642-2356 Fullerton <labor only). Roofing Sidlo Removing, trimming. ••••••••••••••••••••••• YOUI GAR.AGE ••••••••• •••••• ••••.... Good rates· Good refs Masonry Calf for info, 870-4S64, Palatine Repairs toppil\g, fr est. Uc/ins. In C.arpet Man wall l .. y your:. ltoom Additions. Hou~es HANDYMAN·HOml''> & <.:all Mr Lynnn S36 7711 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Paint Your Ca1ff~ usk for Dave. All Work Guaranteed area 14yrs. TOQY64S-5124 or mine Rcp .. ir'> & Apartment Apts. Const1en1iou:. A.1J • H 1 · Fireplaces·PlaolA!r:. AverageExtrlSt $.395 Plaster{R--lr 26yrsexpr <'leaning too' Guar work Commercial cral'lsman Pb . 645-0302 Hea~~ :eh:~:Cr!~:~~n 1Bnck Concrete Patio 2 Story S49S, lntr ;r5rm ••••••••·;r.:···•••••••• Call Don Vkkera Removals. tri mmioc. lit bigger savml(:. fo'reL· Forfreee:.tcall631-3005 -. -trun.s 646·487lanyt1mc BO<.'kWalls BBQPiti, Pncesinclmalr'l·labor VERY NEAT PATCH IMG-7136 ~g, free est. Lic'd, fail. 645 ~6 Plans & Financing Avail. Hauling. moving, paint _R_f'f~, F8_ts_64_!~&1 Guar/lnsrd, Free est JOBS &TEXTURE uJly nsured 642·2&& snumpoo & l>tl•am cll•an Ken Ahrcnbcrg IXOYE ing: gur. cll?an. tra~h . llou.-.ecleanmg by reliable Free Es l. Block wa 11:1 . Ted 552·0134or636·708S Free est. 893-1439 Sewiftg/Alttf'atioRt Tutorin9 ('olor bnghleners. wht BlllSherbacoff maant. 1an1torlal. yd l'Ouplc Ht.1fer£'nccs. Call I t b k ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • I d & Bo d d care. Complete serv1l"t' 963 5813 or t-626~126 !> umps 0 n e · ri c AGAPE FORCE ept:, lOmin ble.11t·h Cle1111 .icense n e 541.0061, 542.3394 Bob, _ _ _ _ Res/Com·1. Reas, lier hv, din rm. hall $15 Av>.: Bedri al W&llorClarice Housecleaning. Mature. bond. Bob 750 9354 . PAINTING COMPANY rm $7.50, couch $10. l·hr c experienced. reliable 642·9177 3GENERATIONSOP · $5. Guar chm pct odor •••••••••••••••••• •••• • , $20 ( S36-09SO -----P111ntin~ Excellence Cpt repair 15 yr~ cxpr ELF.t.TIUCAL Sf;~VICE Classified Ads. sell 01 ~ 'res -·----Brick. block, slabs, frplcs. l.1c · Bonded • lnsurc.od. Do work mysetr. Refs CALLS SIS hr, & SMALL lte~s. small items or Sell things rast. with Daily st.onework. 20 yrs expr flcls furn. FREE ES';I'. !ill-0101 . JOBS 842·8233 any item. 642-5678. Pilot Want Ads. Refs, ests. 586·0358 Dan 839-58.51 ....••.......•.•..•.... 10% off w /this ad. Plumb· mg, water serv leaks, bathrm Incl. Re as 832·~68 Vicki's Originals Ores French Grammar & Shop ls closed, but hav Literature. Michael Red· llOme 8, 10 & U's left. Al ficld, M.A. 759·12'9 reduced. Expert design . ing, tailoring & riatyllng. Have something you want Alao see flnisbed etylea. to sell? Classified ads do Vicki, 586-5.540. It well. 642..s618. H~pWonted 7IOOHelpW•t.cl 710 HelpWanted 7100HelpWonttd 7100HelpWanted 7100 HelpWanted 71QOH.tpW•hd 1100HelpW•hcl 7100HelpW•t.d . 7100 ....................... ······················ .............................................. ······················· ...............................................................•..... ···················~··· .................. ) ................. ... AVON C LERICAL . HEB> EXTRA CASH? CLERK II DSJVERY ratSOM Juvenile Holl has a tem· Freeway Auto Supply porary Position funded Avery Prkway at S/D thru 12/31/77. Must be Frwy. Mission Viejo. I'll crow Electronics TECHMICIAM r Earmni:s arc good hour:-. SECRETARIES GENERAL omcE RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST JVa1lable · lon call> 24 - hours a day, 7 d:Jy.:1 :J week & holidays. Sh1fls 'a ry from morning , evenmg, midnight. Re· qwrcs 1 yr. or clericAl ex· perience. $3.86/hr. Please call t714) 834-6184 immediately for a test uppomtment. DB.IVERY MAH. P061l1on available for a1 individual with 2 )'etir' minimum basic elec I ron1c education or equivalent work ell· perience. Typing 30 wpm, and famll1aratr with computer tetminaJ operal1om. 1:. de~1rablt:. We can orrer tht qualified candidate an excellent slartmg salary with liber al frin g~ Escrow Secretary l mmed. Opening for Escrow Secy at our Laguna Beach ore. Min 6 mo's exper. req'd. Xlnt salary. working conds & benefits inclw. dental. Apply, THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH E.°"""" & Trolllfftg AchWstratiOll Announces Openings tor JrC flexible when you 're Jn AVON rcprt•!.cn l.tll\C <.:all ~o-704l or Zenith 7 1359 ;ea bys1ller 1 Housekeeper permanent II\ e in own bl'ach apartment. + ~wlary Sn~I non smoker 673 l l!il ~-Ip BABYSIT JHSEKPPR I l'h1ld Airline couple ; mwcl.s part time Pl·rson ~·Lave out b/5·7295 Two to Four Month Assignments Also Daily· Weekly NO FEES MANPOWER, INC. 645-2043 148 W. 19th St.. Costa Mesa Equal Opportunity Employer COUNTY OFOR.AHGE PERSOHHEL DEl'T. 625 N. Ross St Santa Ana, ca 92701 An Affirmative Action Employer •. B•AK--•E•R--------I~~~~.~~·:.~ ••••• !!.~~ ~r.~~:.~ ..... ?!.~~ --------- MARRIOTI' HOTEL CLERK TYPIST Ii I Is SeckinA A CASHIER for N.8. insurance agen· •BAKER• UANK Telephone Malure cy. Ins. exp. helpful, but t It' Some expcncnc·l· pr l'f'd •LOAM CLERK* person w exper. SSOO per not ne~._64_5·_9000 __ to:n1oy exccllcnl t:o Immediate opening rn mo. + benefits. Apply. henelil:. Huntington Beach office. The Earl'!> Plumbing. Apply9am·noon Mon f'rr Gl'ncrat office back· 1526 NewPort Blvd, G M ,. l I Personnel Department ~round. typing 45 wpm. &t2-175J !00 Newport Ccnlt•r Or Some loan experience CHILD CARE Newport Beach prcf<'rrcd Excellent ' · Woman to care for Fqual Opp Emplvr m r '>Jlar). working condi • J • lion:-. and benerils Call children in llarbor View , . j. orapplyatbranch Home ll-14 ~7095 aft ·u·AN-Kl•N•G ___ _, AMERICAN 6 :.>pm SAVINGS I' CONSUMER LENDING OFFICERS 7K.10 ~mger Hunt. Heh Mrs Braun 848·2222 Equal Opportuoily Employer M /F CLERICAL Immediate opening for part time and full time clerk /typist to assist in the legal advertising de· partmenl. lmmc.d1ate opcnrngi. ror BARMAID. CM area. Full t•xpenenl'Cd Ll'nri1ng 01 time. Top pay for right I rnrs who l'llJOY lhe person. Jim. 979.9497 Must be capable typist with IBM Selectric. -,d1allenges of a n<'w and --------1 c·xpandmu Auto Ll'using BAHMAIDS. Day. Night t'..' · O~pt Suluy t•om· & Relief Shins. Call for .. •,mrnsuralr wrth ex appt.548-7781 IMJriencc. Please l'Jll for -------1 Abilily to work well with I . I • I •• . : ,, appoinlment Barmaids. New classy detailed mutenal impor· Costa Mesa bar Call lant. Ability to meet Port 17, 646·3666 ·work deadlines is essen· ti al. UNITB> CALIFORNIA BANK Auto Leasin9 Dept l2 l3 > 435-8235 llARMAIO BEAC H BALBOA 673·9783 Aalomob1le required ror occasional dnvmg COCKTAIL WAITRESS Learn 1n 40 hrs the most exciting, glamourous. highly paid profess. Duy or eve sessions. Place· ment as:.ist Good job op· por. Call 7141751.9194 So. Calif Cocktail Waitresses, Inc . 17922 Sky Park Bl. Ste C, lrvine, Ca 92714 Coffee Shop Waitress. over 18. day shill. Apply to Rosemary , San Clemente Inn . 125 Avenida Espland1an , San Clem. COFFEE SHOP OPENINGS c; o o k·. d Is h washer, waitresses, hostess. App· ly in person. J.C., Pen· ney's, 200 Laguna. Hills Mall, Laguna Hills. Calif. EOE M·F FUil time for party renlal store. Must be neat, & able to do heavy lifting. Apply in person. 2025 Newport Blvd, C.M. Delivery. Home delivery of The Register in the af· temooo. Good pay for a couple or hrs each day. Approx $300·$400 mo Must have de}>endable car + backup. 540-3008. --- DWVERY Part time. $3 per hr. 21 or over. Own van or sta . wagon pref. but not re· quired. Good driving re· cord. For interview call Bonnie, 64-0-8668 · Manners Savings 1515 Westcli!f Dr. Newport Bch EOE ------EXEC. SECRET .ARY To Dir. of Mklog. Finan· c1aJ serv. firm. Type 70 wpm, sh 100 wpm . 64G-446J. benefits to include • ~~ c r e d i t u n i o n . FEE PAID med l ca I /de nta 1 an ExSec/rraveJ Sl4K + surance. R.E.tremeeula $14K+ ExecSec/Pres to$12K Please apply in persm AlsoFeeJobs to: Irvine Personnel Agency 488 E 17th Costa Mesa Suite m 642-lt70 The Positions Of: .ACCOUNT CLIU JR. $75' r.,-Month STIHO CLHK IMTIAMEDlAn $775 Per Month These are CETA funded positions & require Huntington Beach residency & 30 days prior unemployment. Applica· lions will be accepted until 3PM, July 27th at The Employment & Training Center. 538 Main St .• Huntington Beach. Het;Waat~ 710 HelpW..ted 7100 TREHDATA CORPORA TIOH STANDARD MEMORIES DIVISION ~~~~~~~~~~ ............................................. . HOUSEKEEPER FEMALE VOCALIST to join duo. Interested in µrofcssional career. At· tractive-18·22 yrs. 675·~ GRANNY SITTER. Part time with nursing capability or expr. for am!Nlant eater of poor memory. CdM. 673·7584 GUARDS for father & young son. Pleasant beaebfront home. F /titne, live in. Drive, lite secretarial/athletics. No smolce, straight. Refs. If qualified call 846·2289. • HAPPY MOOllUGHTlllG! I JOIMUSFOI OMIWHKIMD A MONTH. ' tWpW•t.4 11oottet,W..t.4 71 HetpW..tH 7100 HeipW•t.d 7100 HelpWanhd 7100 HtipW..ted 7100 ··•••·········•········ ••••.••.••••••••....•••..•.•.......•..•.............................. ······················· g;j;;·················· Sunday. July 17, 1 'J77 0A1Lv P1Lor DJa KEEP \'OUll JOU and ~IC.UASSISTAM'T Polkt1Cad•t llto20yrs . REALISTATf RETAIL INSURANCE ~!!~~ ..... ?!~.~!!~ ..... ?!~ ~~~ ..... ?!~~ &:Dab more •• lln Ii r o n l 1» r. f I c eo Io r l'Olle1ti a\ud~nta. Fe>r lnfo SALIS u )'OU have ~ dMlre to ---------•----------i 11t"uaa• .taa: t·o un ... tur ".>"hopodk Suraeon, Ac " application contact we h1tve Q of)t'ning tor• 'CLERKS aucceed, to ge& ahead SAU:S ~rl'D£TllllrS Wllb TC.: A W• tr111n, nual• lyp1tt. Hper d ln Newport Be1tch peraun self motivated & •ll financiaUy and to own ,.JU,11 AIU~ h h ffimmw1on. t'1.1ll Ina" l>'lll bo»rd iystt'm, net dePl · 3300 Ne~port iress1 ve ulesperson UTOTiEu your own buslneu, thta 1.11 SLAP A SMILE 1tA.-.tNff•• SICRIT AltY faclflf Permanent. Hrs 9 l o 3. Newport Center Resume " letter t o Adl96S Oa1ty Pilot, Box 1560, C05la Mesa, CA 938as SSJM)O or ~ Or.oicr ~ppnu 31 b~ ~r wk Blvd • Newport Rurh. who would like tu ...,.. youropportun1ly. f'ounty, •~ ZMl S.l111ry open <.:1&1l tor 10 before July 29. ltn7 become more involved Conveftlettce Mcwi&ets -Keep your present job ON YOUR f ACE :M,~= .. h ll'f"Vlew 11ppt &'2 llOOO w 1 n v ¢It men t pro o....1t,,....., open • ·t. 2nd #. while you train & 1et erlo4 ...t kilt'hrn 41 damns rrn ('Ip .-..... -~ ~ "' li & A BULGE •L--w mAlW-. Y>urn•n •n ICut.''' MODILS l'n>tlramm1n& pert1es Draw 11v41I 3rd shifts 10 Sao censed. .. ...... hum .. lAM JPM duft l'iuohwr1 Jdodrh1 W1rnteJ Protesslonalolc.-Clemente & Laguna -Ucensed m1lruction & • .,....,,..9 Service Station Atten L \I tM4"1b No NudH J»y Ku y COMPUTER R.C.TAYLORCO. Deach.Olherureashave aaent lr&lnlllg proairam IN YOUR WALLET .NoahorUtesb dant, exper'd. Day & M d I 1 & A r 95$-0350 operu.ngs also. No exper. ta free TOP SSS$$SSSSSSS Eves. Full & p /tlme. Ap LJo.t; \I ~to 1 \ IJi•rm , 0 " 0 11 4' n > OPllATOI req'd. Apply al any of -All lines of m1ura.11ce TIME/LIFE UBRARIES ply, Shell Station, l7lh & I' tinw non 11mll.r s )'I~ ~7tl61ti oucswres. written llwsbothfuJl&part 11 . NB 1•·1·.n' l <11 .. ,v 1111 M(Yrl';I. NIGHT n.l':llh., Out11ii. ~nt.ul oµcrntang RlCEPTIOMIST 2588Newport Blvd Unlimited t1¥rn1nf(s timePositionsavall rvlDe, · MJ 14<IO hdl time. AppJy NcWPo• t au lliM 300 model so in a for lively reul e1lal~ of. Co6ta Mesa 642·7702 potenUal. 4 Fun loving articulate Service Sta lion attend LYH \l\ltllo n Ht-l lrl I. p um.-. P11rk l.ldo <'1m\ l'.t'nter 4Gb f<hl(atup Jld, ~ 8 643-8044 \taclun1st UTaUSIOH MACHt ... 1$T t:.."Cpenented. C:nveyard & Days. St.art tmmed 6 ~ '! J,1µ, ~lAH • "t. ~ can 540-4455 t7802 Slty Purk ~Ile lUI II \ 1111 ~.:<iual Oppor ~:mplovt•r MACHINIST Cla::.::. .\ l.alhl· Oj.)<·1 J t11r truct'r c'<Pl'r 1lt•)t1rc<l make o" 11 '>l'l upe. & hJ \l toob MOR HIS INUL STHn:s 2001 W· CARHY. S •\ MAIDS. F /TIME HollJay Inn, l.uguna Hills Good benefits . Con la(1. Personnel 51Ui·SOOO. •MAIDS • The Inn at Laguna _!.!_IN Cst llwy, Laguna MAIMT.MAN Wanted, pl-lime. Appl:t Nolan ReJl ~tatt• Property Manal'(cmcnt 908 Glenneyre, Laguna \Janageml•nl traml'l' Fast growing M Jll Ordt•r firm i.ccks sh1pp1ni: mom sujlt.'n is<ir tratnl'« Job rcqwre:. some hft in~. purd1as111g & n·rc1' mg, tn\·cntnr~ eontrol. n•cord ket>pini:. hinng & fmn~ of Sh1ppm1: room J)(!n.ont•I St;irt S:I hr X9K 1:l!i7 l'h1rnncl Inn. fl03U W multi pro11ramming en f1c;e m Corona del Mar. Fam.rs Ina. Grot1p iodivlduals·who are Exper. not necessary l'.it·1fH· <:1>..at Hwy, N 8 vmmml•nl Requires J Brand new surround· JlmWetton 5-47-6572 eagertoleamhowto 837-7786 ti<\:! m1 yeara eits.ierience operat 1ngs Good salury and fr. SACRAMENTO s•• •s~ORG• .... 5777 MakeTopS$$$$$$ lrii IBM equipment and injle benefits. Should GRAPHIC _.. ~" We Offw: 540.4455 Service Sta hon Allen· MOTOllllOUTE avallaballlyloworksplit have Ute typing & good DESIGMEll An oul'heOne HourtySalary l'TtmSkyParll:Blvd daot, F/Ume, C~evron ·1·~ D»lly Pilot htHI llhif\. Must huve work\nfl phone personality. For needs sharp Recepllonist We are looking for Guam. COtNnl11ion1 StelOl trvlne =~es32°° Fairview, 1t1r&t" route In Minlo knowledge of DOS, JCll, further information, call for new office in Newport several high energy level lncttttlH lo..as.s F.quaJ Oppor Employer --------- V1t'ljo nea. iood for hit; and either POWER OR Paul Eoff, general Beach. Bnng resume to lndMduala for an excil-Service Station wanted ~hcM>i or college atudent. GRA.5P tllpe and disc manager Lusk Really. interview July 21. lPM, iag career in the music CAJl US JODAY (2) Full & p/time. Some APP~-" ~~I in&s $200-pe operat.i.oo.s. Must be seU 67~3411. lOOl Dove St .• Suite 2so. business. We are lhe S.C .. ••oO..SI lOO ,_ exper. Top wages + moo... ..,.1 642·4321 an mouvaled and dPpenda N.B. or mail to Chandler Organ Exchange located AND SJARJ -I""' comm & vac pay after l le11ve~ndpbone. ble;beableloworkw1th Media. 717 K St, Sulte in(lO)So.Calif.regional ~H1-l.E. yr. Apply, Carey's MOTOR ROUTE ~;~!lre~1t st>'!~~f1~!s 1:~d Recer~~ Ofc! 500· Sac. 95814 =:1:!1:.'r!~.0!~~ SMIUN Eu~=:r:YA~~:C~es ~~~~~i. :;,_ t 0 ~:::! D111ly Pilot route in growth opportunity plus $800-Look Good! Think SALES , training program, Sl'Hl095 . 4020BircbSt,Stel04 calls. Newport Beach, after· shift dJ.Uerenllal PleJse Sharp! Will work into ad pp lughest comm/guarn. & .,-,, Newport Beach 833·8190 ---------- noons. Monday thro~h send resume or apply m mJrustrallve spot. Oppor. YSOUURLl~CEHOMTE many fringe benefits. We TIME/Liff can for appt/estab '65 Service Sta Attendant. 1'"'riday. plwi Saturduy person abounds for the career " req. professionalism in exper'd. F\111 or p/time .ind Sunday mornings. m.mded Typmg-60 wpm SSSS SSSS the art of selling & a UIRARJES, INC Apply Arco Station, 17th OX>permonlhgross. SAHTAfE C.ill Control Career PARTTIME strong determmalion to Equa~OppEmplyrm/f Secretary, s t ock &lrvine.C.M. <'a::.h deposit required f~ . .._. "'TIO .... •L Employment Agency, TEt.ErHONEWORK succeed. Some organ brokerage office Pref . l'.111 642-4321 Come in "' ~""" """ J.\00 lrvme, :.le 203, N B keyboard ability IS req'd ----------1 experience Pleasant Serv Sta Help needed 1m· Jnd fill out appl Must CORPORA TIOM 556 8505 HOUSEWIVES If you are the one-Call SECRET •ay w 0 r kin~ c 0 n d s 1 n med. Full or p/t . Apply. own<·ar Goodforrel1red SO.SS<> MamSl COLLEGESTUDENTS DaphneJett.~~ A slimulallng environ 990EC5tHwy,NB µer..on Ask for c1n·ula-Oranae.Cahf ~ilill RECEPTIONIST Guaranteed Hourly Seeking an indiv. w/xlnl ment. Contact Sandra. SHIPPING& lion " Spelhng & typing 1mpor Wage Plus Bonus. 5.30 Real &tot• Sales sh & typing skills to work ~1460 tanl Apply, 225 Forest pm to 8 30 pm Call We have openings for an unique work environ-• ---RlCEIVING MUR5ERYMAM Opport~,i~4~~ployer 1\ve, Lal(una &ach ~-4223 or come to 250 E licensed salespersons 1n menl. Benefits include Sec r el a ~Y , Med 1 ca I Pnmarily will receive & f:Apcr'd, f lime Mature 17lhSt.,CostaMesa oursmallprogress1veof. 37 '12 br work week. c;o. Tra.nscr1ber, exp in 1nspectmechanical/elec· male over 21. 6 Days 1n· ---------•I RECEPTIONIST fice sponsored ins urance, ~d1ology, front ofc, full trical parts. I.E . pipes, clud Sat.Sun. Work Jn.-,urunl'C agency seeb SALES /C!:UMBIN~ education refund pro-time.495-4700&831·0740 valves, switches etc. w /plants & trees. SJ Hr & PUBLIC hn~hl & energetic girl An'Ounllng Payroll Serv ~.i.-Associ~TEs gram & more. Salary SECRET "'RY p/i! Some material handling, up. Overtime In s tor rec:eptionist pos1t1on We are new in Orange $735+. A warehousing & fork.Hrl Benefits. Advancement RELATIONS Duties include answer Co. looking for an ex· 1550 S. Coest Hwy. Contact Personnel Dept For prof lex: firm. lsnt operations. Req's 2 yr:s Potential. Laguna Hills Demunstratin!"t new hnl' mg busy switchboard per"d sales director to L~olHc~ 494-9421 PACIFIC MUTUAL surr, diversified d uties. comparable exper. & Nursery, Inc. El Toro. for top camera co Paul ~reeling clienL<; & somt head up our sales dept.l•---------r 700NewportCtrDr S3 hr. Typing 5S wpm. eurrentCalif. drivers Lie. 830-5653. orientation. Will s tart li~hl typing Exp We guarn. top com· SALES NewPortBeach Hrstobearr.832·5710 w/good driving rec. 4 1 ~ immed 4·8 Hour shHls. helpful. llours 9-6, Mon missions in Orange Co Equal Oppor Employer Day work wk starting NURSES.AIDES Allareas. f'·n Oi11Lmda549-816t Ask for Mr. l''rank , SECRETARY 7AM. & ORDERLIES Must be extremely well ----642.1403. $3,000 + nor mo. Public Rel. ~ time, sec All Shifts. Wlll lrain in· groomed, enlhus1aslll· & RECEPTIONIST We are "'e "e ~king 3 s.cr.t-to $1000 2'h hrs day, flex hrs. lakBRHratlon · d 1· h Full t" " bl ·--------~ -, Nwpt Cntr. Call Carol, lerested individuals e nJOY ea an~ w /l e ime rersona t qualified individuals ~."easy go~~-~r~at bus brs640-4119 Company L1do Conv. Center public. w l> h 0 n e e x P r Sales w/sales potential of 50K guy atto~ey 1s JOtnu~g 5352 Research Dr 1555Superi0,. Ave, NB We 're looking for people ftestaurant company +per yr. Self mollvation s mall law firm localed 10. SECRET ARTY /LecJGI ~3474 Hunt. Bch Call 646-776-1 lo work lhru the Summer Call549·9322 for appt ~ is prime qualification for beautiful of cs. near 0 .C. Newport Beach Law Equal Oppor Employer - HO FEES RECEPT /TYPIST . . success. Comprehensive Airport. He needs your Firm needs secretary <lit Field Supplier L~Div.Of CCN"p. Oil Field S...pplier Apply Now F lime Personable :,. :\ training program for legal background & or· witbatleast2yrsexprin MANPOWER, IMC. :;Iron!( typing sk1lb. '·• eagar lo learn & am· ganizational ability lo lltigalJon & domestic re· 448W 19th St -.ome .,h Apply ir bilious person. For m help_ him. l~'"t,. Free to latwos. PleasecallLinda Costa Mesa 1:>45 2043 pel">on. Sec Mr 1-'uente~ ' ~BLJ llQ(K"S terv1ew c:all 7M}-0421 applicant. Ab1ga11 Abbot at 752.5444 J Hofmann, Kavanaugh Personnel Agency, 4500 -------~~~~:t &B~i~~0:~11:!~ ]. WllSlljl'lf 500NewportCenterDr ~~-::'~us Dr N B . SECRETARY (~uJtl Sl. NU H Kt SALES, women's ready ,._-__________ Quality control. Sh nut LOS ANGELES wear, ""rmanent. full·-·· n('<: Typing. ::.omc f1hng , Hl·l·e1>tt0ni~l Npt !:kl "" Se"rc•nn·es telepho e Should be 1n P>.Llwl SPRINGS lime pos1t1on I.ANZ, ~ .... n . \r<'hllN'l )tl•ch l'Xp'd re -LOOKING FOR d d l k Ap I woool,o.No t.tLLS Newport Center 644.4411 epen en wor er. P· Purchasing EXPEDITER SHIPPING CLERK Exper. desired, but not req'd. Will train. Irvine area. Call for appl 540-7639. EOE. STUDENTS-JOBS FOR SUMMER '""~ llmng. Local Ofr ,\u tr;Jvel, lr\'tnc area EJrnmgs From S200-S400 ~r wk Must be well .:roomed & neat apl)\·ann~ Comm-, MANUF. MANAGER llonust:s & benefits 1-:x Career opportunity tn l>t.'r not nee. will tram l'urcha<;1n~ fnr Ex cept J.:1rl 1-'ric a) Pleas NFWPOR r BE .. c1-1 TEMPORARY WORk? ly , Stanford Applied in~ telephone manner:. Engineering. 3080 t~pini: rL•quircd. n< SALES F..arnexlramoneywork-Airway Dr . c M ~horthund l'all 557 78117 BULLOCK'S t'ILVERWOOOS mg loc;al assignments 540-9'l.SG. P /lime for $414 . .40 per mo. Growing co. Musl be 18+ Call lOam-lpm, 7141751-8285. Wl• :1n• a )tmJll rupidl) (.';.ill Mr Grove. Mon ped1ter with 2 3 years t•\ ).!ruw1og cnginct•nni.: & 7 18 . or Tues 7 HJ, ped1t1ng 'purchasing. manufat·turing <'11 8/\M·IOAM preferably in l)t!troleum sµt:c-iahzml( in l'quip for 898-4486 or construction industry the scmH•onduc tor m Duties are pnmarily ex llu.stry. We ure scekinl( ----pediling malt-ruil an exper 'd "Jack or ull Orlhodontic/Assist purchases from order trades" to <issume total Registered or eligible. placement to lime of de· P r o d u c t 1 o n Top wages. F iPart time. livery to packer Re· rcsporn;1bilit1e:.-Manuf Lag Bch 494_8555 quires good organ111ng '1t that add interest to your Hccc•pt1on1st needed fu1 WILSHIRE We have f/lime perm. life & open new op-SECRETARY rup1dly c'Cpandmg sport , SJles positions tn our portunities Your office · For building products ing good:. manufac;turer a leading fashion s1Wcial Fashion Island store in skills are valued at sales office. Construction Typing & lO·key actdin~ tystorewiltopenitsfirst the Furnishings & ~Q~ office • or building products ex· mat·hinc expcnence pre· Orange Co stort• 1n Women's Departments perience preferred. ferr<.'d. Apply an person NEWPORT BEACH on Xlnt incentive & benefit 0 OVe rload Newport area. 631-2400 Newporler lndustne~ Augustlst, 1977 Weoffcr pac kage Apply 1n 8-4:30. 644-8333 Eves & Inc. 17391 Murphy Ave an opportWlily to Join an person. 557-0061 wknd.s. Ir\' 751 06.15 exciting fashion forward 45 Fashion Island 3723 Birch St. NB Management e><per is and ~cheduling skills essen. & sales expcr 1~ 0 RT H 0 D 0 NT I C Salary commensurate Reccpl1on1sl typist very desirable If you Cha1rs1de As:si.slant Ex-w1t.h. experience and outstanding opportunit.) think you are lh(• person per pref 892-0213 ab Ir It y Ex c e 11 en I for attractive young lad} organization. The follow-New_.. S.och .,.. _________ Secretary for Sales/ mg areas for which we ,.-. ' Marketing Dept. Young are accepting applica I::qual Oppor. Employer Secretary /Bookkeeper Bio· Medical Corp. Self wewant,callforanappt. ----benefits and growth w1several years recept 646-1616 P/\INTING CONTRAC-potential. Please send re exp to learn mortgag( Orthodyne Efedronics TORS sume or apply an person banking bustness. S600 Costa Me!ta TAKE NOTI-: m lovely surroundings. !\1ARIN E FU EL Will trade PRINTING lany type o f com · mt'rr1al > for exterior paintani of my house in f\Jlk•rton 1lahor onl\ I Call for rnft>. x;o.1s·1;1 a.sk for Da' e SANT A FE Call Cynthia. 549-8871 INTERNATIONAL CORPORA TIOM SOSSo Mam St Orange. C1\ !l362G Equal Opportunity Reccpt typist Musl han goo d telephont pC'r~onaht}. type 6l wpm, nice appearance Nice waterfront location <.:all Bob. 675-9800 lions require strong sell-.,.._________ CREATIVE!!! sta r le r w I go o d ang background. SALES TRAINEES To $900! This newly secret.Arial skills. Typing r ed I · d SO wpm . Excel le nt Accesson.eS LARGE· .... "'T'L .orm r vtne co. nee s ~"" your interest in brand growth potential & SUPPLIER OF new spot~ Articulate. ex· be n e ( 1 l s New Port Intimate Apparel H "'RDW "'RE & per'd & gracious person Beach. 631-1855 "" "" w typing & some bkkpng & Foundations TOOLS exper. Split Fee/Also NOW HIRING Fee Jobs. Ca ll Control Luggage SALES TRAl,..EES Career Employment NO EXP ER NECESS Agency, 3400'"Irvme. s le SECRETARY for Art Gallery Good typing, Light bkkpg, full time. 549-9191 SECRETARY TECHNICIAN ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS Positions avail~ble in our Customer Ser vice and Production Depart ments for an individual with military electronics background or junior col lcge level electronic! courses. or at least onE' year of eJectronics ex· perience in analog and digital circuitry. We of· fer pleasant working conditions, exoellenl benefits package incJLJd. mg free medical. dental and hfe insurance. Please ask for Alan Adamo for immediate In terview. DAMA lJOCK OPERATOR For permanrnt pos1l1on in Nwpt Harbor Mu!.l huve local boal t•xper Prefer marnl•d over 30 ~ rs . m a t u r l' m a I c li?J-4300 PBX Operator Rel id Employer Rental Store gr:neyard & F ,t1me. Ex· ---------•I y ARD MAH Millinery XLNTTRAINlNG 203• N.a . s.56~505. PROGRAM 1WigStylistexp1 Goodstorliftgpay SECRETARY Part tame. Secretary to manager in i 101 Campus Drive Ins Agency, good work Irvine, Ca. 92664 :\t /\ T U ll E W O M A N 11 t 1 m e t o " ,. I t• o m l' newcomers & t·ont<1l'I merchunls f1L•xible hrs. "Iced cur. Ille typini:. ~17-3095 Pl'r pref'd , but will tr:i1n Good co benefit:-.. ---------•I EOE 1>16-8000 Quality Control '\lechanically 1n<'l1necl F lime 6 Day wk Wkd~ off Must be neat 111 ap pear & have ncal handwntin~. Will tram Apply 1930 Newporl W , 10-4, 5days wk, $3 hr. hte Shoes-omen S Earnings $2 I 0-$400 om c:e skills, Call Mr We are also acl·epling wlc Roberts 833· 1852. 9·5 ing exper & some S.11. (714) 833·1234 Ability to organize work. Equal Opportunity ~lature "omen wanted for hscdnit ... crv1cc p time Car nee Top S &15·5123 ME:DICAL ASSIST EnJOY oce<in brec1l•s" This lovel) beach o(c :.eeks assist. for Lile back &frontok DR. PEASOHHEl 1201 W. La Veta. Ste 209 Orange 633 !!740 Free & l'·ec MB>ICAL ASSIST. Personnel Interviewer lo $000 A dream come true for you if you like people, but gel tired of the :.ame surroundings. Thi:. co. offers you the op· por to move between lht•1r 3 branches IThey will even transport you J You will i nler\'Jew clencnl, dnvers & mam tcnance persons for them So. bnng your 1-2 yrs of exper. & land this unusual one. 100'1 Free to applicant. Abigail Ab· hot Personnel Agency. 4500 Campus Or. N.B. S57 6122. Top notch 1nd1v exper'd in back ofc procedures l•---------1 Sparkling personality for Personnel congenial 08 GYN prac uce. Sal. lo $700 Super benefits. DR. PERSONNEL 1201 W. La Veta, Ste 209 Orange 633·9740 Free& Fee MEDICAL SEC'Y Good exper. in btU1lneaa letters & forms. Greet pntienls & schedule appb. Lovely GYN prac- tice. N1t1ro. Fee. DR. -,ERSONNEL 1.201 W. La Veta, Ste 209 Orange 6.'13·9740 Free& Fee MEDJCALASSISTANT Back office girt. Hunt· ioatoo Beach Physician Reply f!la.ul/Jed Ad HT?. Oally Pllot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. Ca ll2S26 MedicaJ Tr-anscnber, exp in RaaiolOJY. front ofc, full Umo. 49$-4100 '5 &'Jl..(J'T40. Secretary Personnel Asst. Career oppor . for qualified indiv. Should have a min. of 5 yrs secretariat exper. al management level , be proficient in spelling & principles or grammar. & have mlo. skills of 10 wpn1 /l y ping & I 00 wpm /s horthand. a pp I 1 cat 1 on s for COMMISSIONS & 5 yrs + exper. Salary Employer M /F SECRET ARY S700 to SllOO depending on.~~~~~~~~~ Q.C. AMAL YST lmmed1<1te opening for a Blvd, CM ~.C Analyst has hc<·ome available dul' to rapid Heal l~lt~le Sales Pcopll growth Must he ex wantt>d Up to 90 10•, perienccd in passiV{' and comm spht Ncwporl actn·c elcC'trnnil· compo Beach. ~-8014 nenls Ab1hlv 111 work with data l'Olil'l't1nn and ---------• proficiency 1n report Retail writing IS desirable Thb lS an houri> poMt1on Carur Growth In Rl'toil Sales With A Fashion Leader I. Mognitt conti~s its l"KOCJl'izH leadenhfp in the fine apparel ht- BEAUTICIANS 1n our BONUSES Beauty Salon Must be well groomed & T ., ~·ff neat appearing. Career GI or/.~ I er & rapid advancement op. For our Men's portunllles. Xlnt co. Allerallori Dept benefits. CaU Mr. lning Mon. 7/188AM·1PM. Security F time Exper. nee We oHer an excellent Tues. 7 /19, 8AM·lOAM 751-9134 . Small Mfg firm in N.B. work exper. Xlnt work· needs exper. office girl. ing conditions. 752·8874 Pos ition inc lude s . telephone, typmg & book· Sec'y p {t. Nr OC Airport. keeping 548-9818 Gd slulls. flexible hrs. · Write Ad tt938, Daily Secretory-H.tp! Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Business & Financial Costa Mesa, CA. 92626 Con s u .1 l desires SECY/RECPT. part time. versatile. capable Harbor area. M.D.'S o( compensallori plan in·•--------.... ~~g~~~:ay at flee. Exp. pref. 540-4585 eluding a liberal dlsrount on store merchandise Please apply in person DAILY 10·12&H 83 F~HION ISLAND Equal Oppor Employer• HelpW•tH 7100 HefpW•t.d 7100 Heep Wanted 710 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• SALES Come grow with us in 011 r new fac1hl\ Excellent starting saiJry and ex cel lenl compan~ benefits. including a credit union. medil·al and dental insurunt'l' Please apply in person or send resume with l>alury history to dustry with the an· nowM:ed opnlng of its SALES bHutlful MW datt In TO THOSE WHO LOVE FASHION AND QUALITY TREHDATA CORPORATION STANDARD MEMORIES DIVISION An Applied Magnetics Co 3400 W Segerstrom Santa Ana.Calif. 92704 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Qmrity Assurance fMpector /Tech Xlnl oppor. in small c.o. for qualified tt'l»n. Muat have 4 >'l"I min exper. in eledronict. Call Carol, SoYth Coast Ploio. Costa M•sa. Because of our CJ"Owttl we cur- rentty han pa1lti0tts o•oilobl• for ••· p.riNCed D•porlmlnt MOltOCJers in several ~·= Gifts Meft'sWeor Lodlff ShHs ELECTRO MIC ORGAMSALES HIGHEST COM · MISSION/GUARANTE- E/FRINGE BENEFITS. Sell in high traffic shop- ping malls. Some ability to play the organ req'd. Previous sales expet . useful, but we will train yoU. Call Mr. Lyon, ~1. ATTENTION I THE NEW I. MAGNIN SOUTH COAST PLAZA IS SEEKING SALES ANO SUPPORT PERSONNEL Truly 1ti. l'mployml'm opporiuniry of o llfellme1 To WOtk tor o stOtl' with o world-wide repu1ot1onl To bt> su1rounded by thl' most l'f~on< merchonclls•I To setve the cornmuoit)'~ finest chemelel And. to ttnJoY the excell•nt beo.'ef•ts of'd se<vnty tho1 come f<orn w~ f0t o tenll.ll)'-old company All thts cont>. youtl ot the beou1lfuf new 1. Mogriln South Coosr Plozo StOfl' In Co"° M4r>o. Expen.,-iceod Xlll'S ond 5uppan Personnl'I Oil' ~"9 SOIJ9ht for full end porMI~ posu1ons 1n ~ follOwlncJ fields Fluer-~w.,, ~Stoff ~~~ *""Y StOfl Telephone o_,.,ototS ,,,.. ~o~ oppty. In p•rson or call: (714) 9.57-~ Mondoy dltov91\ ftfdoy, 10:00 om tO 4 100 ptn . ,tOC>5ourtl ro~w (Cometi t1' 'oWl•'I" otld M~ Sol\1xt A~) TB.EPHOME SALES lndustriol S..pply We are looking for ex per'd telephonesalespeo· pie to initiate our new program. management Potential. Salary + com· mission. 645-7318 Ask for Jim Tele~ne Sales Work p /time. Earn extra cash in our circulation sales room. F1exible hrs AM or PM. Men. women or students. 18 or ovr 54-0-0301 LA Times Telephone solicitors needed p /time, weekdays. S4 per hr. 537-3155. Telephone sales, Ad · vertis!ng Great potential lo make a lot ol money Jl\all or P tr. Salary + commission. 835-9692. 835..ae61 Teller, Savings & Loan. F tr, ex per. Must type !i()wpm. Phone for appl. Mrs. BaJdridge. 58H900. Keystone Savh1gs & LoallE.O.E. M/F.c m1a Banlt Exper. Required' Irvine NaUonal Bank Contact Bob Cteightt>n 833-3700. E.O.E. TICKET ReservatJons. Mature woman. Full time. f119.7~ Kn. Horn 1 Freet.You IOSO HorMs 1060 MltUllwous 1010 Mital .. .-1045,..,....... DJ8 DtlL y PILO T Sund•X· Jutx I 7. 1917 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IOI< ..... W-..1 71 00 ""'w....... 11 o" .... .-c•s 10 '0 Preo lo food home. lriah Cwitom t2" round• anti· Ree11tcred Qumer Mare, Queenaize mattttu fl box w ANTED ••••••••••••••-••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• aetltr, maJe, 7 m011. C1tll ued rut d tbl & .a 4 yo old 846 4591 or 1pr toc1. Spread " TOP C .. "'u DOLLAR • Wuben, drycn Churn ~760t q w e JJUng 36 matchln" 1ldo d.rana1 AO>n l're••I Aaenc:y up.1111tt· WOODWOllH l•te l1\Qdela $100 1 yr lovely cbrs w /custom IW&-l7 _ __ '30. ~ -· PA l D F 0 R Y 0 UR ms. oeuda ow1de • I for small boat1 Must 11uar Fret dalivory . Need A Home for made yellow & white cushions. Pa!orruno Pinto Quarter JEWELRY. WATCHES. --'-tool--bo--i --pi-ck:-- per •ol'I n" I . l r • v ~·I tuive worllinl knowledlJ• Matr Cha. Will alto buy Dalmatlon, 18 monltus. $250. + glass _topped horse aeldini Weslem Orient.al ebony dinlng ta· ART OBJE~.:.. OOLD, Col "' Ol' up. bmenUt-t<' t;"per "'" olpowertool• AJ>ply in m.31MO C.11847~ patio tble & 2 cbrs &Engllsh.Sho~wUlner. blc,b"fet"chalrs$200. SI LVER S£kVICE, :1:.r ::'.r1Ba.¥u~1s1!i I erred l.outec1 N lt P"n<lfl na w ll>lh St ----------w/yellow plastic covers Xlnlcond. 67~ 3590 Obi bed & frame $35. FINE FURN. " AN· Rear Airport t'TU t C'u.taM .. a tftur ) • l"ROHT DAMAGED LOVABLE Poodle, male, & 2 c baiae lounges. BoollcuebeadboardSZO. TIQUES.$4.52200 Vlr&iniaPl,CM. H<YrPOnn' SAL! 3308 ::'.'~~tuJu. 8 years ~3674 J.wetry 1070 Never installed CB, eo&t 1 l b d u A.nUque Sideboard "Hep· WOOOWC>alCUS W Warner nr llurlJOr, --ltalProvdintbl, w/&chrs, ....................... $150 .. Sell • .SSSJ 1al. :W:h.:e 'cu:~ s~t.i~1:;.~~ plewtute". $475. 0 Dinin& t.xper 'd C.tlH n•·t / S.mtaAna 811).2921 t'r'--e &old kitten, M. blue pads. Wrousbtt.ronpallo WA....,.ED aquanwn •I es $25. tionguaranteed&t2·7237 tbl, a cbrs $425. Steam lumttun m11lu1r• & 1n ey~ "I '10 GMC truck parts, rt. cablnet SlOO. Sm Oak .... C4L TY,.ST tcir woodwork Alao, CA.SHPAID S40-0208 iset,546-619'1 TOP CASH DOLLAR cab dama1ed. Pool Rocltlng chr Sl.25. CoCCee Ytut for tMlllUcal" offd 1natal1er1 w own io'or W1hr/Dryr1>/RefnK --mde·a ·bed Sofa. xlnt PAID FOR YOUR heate.r,oeedswork,$100. LUCiGAGITAGS tbl. Provincial $50. Qltla\tt:al docum<'nt'I tru<'k & tool• <:all workln&/not.1167-8133 Free puppies Mixed cond, $1SOOrBestoffer. JEWELRY, WATCHES, Colortv$1.25.52gal.elec. from your business card. Tourald trlr bitch $100. l>~ 65 wpm Wall Gl-«S> or como by 1.1tio Witl b\ly ao~e r~frigii, breed , Cock·a -poos & 552·8567, 646-9719 AJlT OBJECTS, GOLD, water beater, new, $75. Send loe card for e~h 545-2529 1ratnan-ontpl'OC.'c1a101 Woodworki., 921 ~·a. workln" or not Dachshund. SILVER SERV ICE, Tl.res $11. ea. RoUaway tat p uaonespare. e 1---------1-qu1p Prof1l"1e11cy In N .. twl CM .~ >iS-8109 Duncan Phyfe din tbl, 6 FINE FURN & AN · toolbox$S0.96().1.2H return pe rmane ntly Pool table, bdrm set, din 1erammiar r eq d For ' -__ •crapmel .... 675~ chrs, silver cabinet, x.lnl TIQUES.645-2200 sealed attractive t_ag & rm set , other misc. •l>~t runtHt Carol X RAY TECH. fam1&h:, 2 retnaerat.on, $SO, $30. Black&whiteMaleCHt.1 cond557·5711 · .. -.. --FOR SALE-Dana Point strap, meeting aullne 833-2639C.M . ..,mlth, Avc-1> 1''1n•nc1al ne•d•d-1 lmmed. for Sears Kenmore portable yr old, neutered. To gd --JADE, T1kt 2~ • New YachtClubmembership. l.D. requirements. Pre· Strv1cn, (714)644 *>Q R~y otliCll, loc in dlllhwasber, ~. Alll(ood bomo.983-3'31 RouodMaple~able, 1.eaJand. $100. Buy it now 4' save $100. vent 1085 & theft! For a POOL TABLE, coin F,q11al()pporEmploy~r New &•ch. Mulitbtl worklnacond 5452779 Be 1 1 h lb 21eal(es,4cba1rs.$50. 645-8953 Pb:495-6139 personalized tag enclose operated, slate top, 7' ARit ·CKT. 642-04tl4 for • · _ a& e. ma e, eat y, 5 556-6191 Uv-tock wallpaper, fabric or bar size. Xlot cood. $450. --u"vt Coldspot 19 Cll ft rolrlg. yrs old. Great w /klda. . . .. 8075 PINBALL MACH. 4 "~y Glo" paper & we 963-1448 TYPIST ---$200. 9118.4092 eves Shota&Uc.645·1496 f\lrruture & Yard Sale.••••••••••••••••••••••• player,completelyreblt. will back & trim your1--------- Llte t,ypm& Min 40 wpm Youni man w /Woodwork 213-323-31'? d ' c: yellow dinette set w /4 up· Reg. Moreau mare, broke 77().J.262 tags. or try two cards Gas reel mower, xlnt cond K">'PW>Cb ~ stmtl.ar u 10& oxpcir to leurn new ys. nee~Vwlahuntingdog ~t.i;tl swvl chain $80. to ride ~ drive, blk . back to back. $35 . 2060 Slate Ave. pee. helpful. Full co. buameu. 646-6075 Hotpoint refrigerator• ~pies, male or fem. 2 Girls bedroom set, gm, parade Morgan gelding Air Conditioner, wmdow PRICES. follow Oak St, aft 12. biet>eOU. For Info apply white aJMl lfood cond $50. Mo sold.~ .no bed $125. Chest $40. Eng, Western (114) Installation. $350 oew, $2eaor3/$S Ml•,,.elan .. -· "-'-avtt Prodocuon Merc"-dhe 968-9365 irnrr.11:.K1~s Misc. 546·32'2. 3134 338·1011 sellfor$175.586-2008. 4/5tag $160 ... ..._. 1011 • _..,.. • Pl •••••••••••••••••• •••• • .....,..,.. ' '.....,. Kerry Ln. CM s . ea Wanted T· 1&60 ncent1a. ~ 8005 GE Refrigerator Call673-0648 . Ml~ 8010 Lose we~gb~ & earn ~~::~·:.:ea. ••••••••••••••••••••••• r ••••••••••••••••••••••• Coppertone $S0 ho Nice Walnut Dining Set & ••••••••••••••••••••••• money doing it. Call Pat Sales Tax Included S CASH FOR S TYPIST 67,.3127675.0002 · To mew/lots of love, Buffet, $185, Antique Kin . tt &. bo 6'2-7Z17 NOCARD"'. Wonderland -mixed Australian Shep· square Oak Table.fMisc. ~iie ma ress X· Good used fum/refrigs 'lwpt. Bc:h. Adv A~cncy :-.1.-ek.s x.lnl typl.l>t w /JoJIC!> Jbility. C-Ommiss1on po~ includes outside sales of typesetting herv1ces tullowed by the actual l\l>eSetltng on our IBM 1·lectroruc selectnt· <·um poser IBM tr a 1n1n ~ ,1vail. Wnte Clas:.1fll'cl ad no. 974, c/o Daily Pilot PO Box 1560, Cos ta Mesa, Ca . 92626 • Hotpolnt u cu. It Dal·Labpups.645-3534 F\Jm.646-7004 springs. New $225. Sate pool table, 6 mo~ld. Draw your own or send Freezers & stoves Of Antiques! Refrigerator w/freeur. 2 YR. Male Pekingese 768-8494 S4br99and. Coro~Jl~~'!1.!'g• name, address. phone & 546--0768 H u l' ~ b $200 640-l&t2 u~.-~ . new,._... . .....,....,11 we'll make one card per ' w u r e o use · Needs yd ,.. __ <.-a nuu:>e and patio plants, tag. Add 2St each. Sm. C•ment Mix.r crammedw1thover500REFRIGERATOR-642.9815 ---r-• 8055 m~ny s ites with &'38SKYCIUEF5()tSL0T Sendcbeckormoneyor· Electric 67s.3587 mu~1c boxes. n1ckelo· Older Whirlpool. Work~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• w 1th o u l mac r a'? e MACHINE. Xlot cond. dert.o: Loi.-' al d'--on p1uno:.. circ us or well $45 675_3ll9 Blac k • 2 S 1 a m e s e PUBLIC AUCTION hangers. 588 Bay St • S850. 968·7974 PILOT PRIHTIHG -Ins~--£.. g an s. wall clocks, · · -neutercdmale.Verylov-MANYFINEITEMSOF CM,646-3412 JTW'IWnn 8083 g randrutht:r clocks. Blackstone gas drye r able,631·2729 ESTATE JEWELRY, ----l)e(.'orator has 190 yds of P.0 .Box1560 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rJ~cmallng antiques. Kenmore washer S50 ell ART OBJECTS, AN· Sabot, wood $100, dresser plush shag carpet, brwn Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 C M" 0 1 O\t~r Sl.000,000 Worth Beautiful white indoor kil· w/lge bev. mirror $95. color, will sell at my cost -onn m· ·Malle e et· Amt-ncan International ~~~:; ~~e:~.KJ~:r~~c ten. 4 mo, udult or older ~~~iIJ'~~E l;,t;r~: Obie Eng. schl dsk $110, all or part at SS.08 yd. PUBLIC AUCTION organ. excellent cond1 Gallcnes . 1802-T Ketter teed &delivered S4G·8672 child 535-~ FO. & BROCHURE. child's rd w/chairs $2S. 675·9U7 MANY ITEMS OF FINE tlon, $600, P.P. 532-1259 1n ~ St , Irvine. Tel. 645 2200 645-2169 . ESTATE JEWELRY, p v Bass amp. 2.15·· 75-t·l777. Open Wed lhru 4uction 8015 English Sta£fordsh1re Lab . Dloing rm set, 2 lg lamps. ART OBJECTS, AN. s"pe.akers, brand new. ryp1st/Gener11l Ofl1cc Sat !I AM to4 PM V t 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rru.x, spayed F, 2yrs. glvc Antiques d " lt t Laguna Festival PHgeanl 1 HP boat e og , wool TIQUES FINE FURN M l 11 Call 644 5736 PART-TIME · _ --=-.!:'1 • love &. protection in • .ine e s e • of Masters tickets, SlO, bedspread , water ETC PHONE FOR IN' us se · · · t., 5PM 1. ht t p a bun d " n c., plonts & misc. Sat/Sun Aug 22. Leave mess. ~ • ..iner, lst class. Make · · aft 4 pm ... • ig accura <' PUBLIC AUCTION s u c r y ~ 10.2. 19382 Surldale, HB. "'""' FO. & BROCHURE.•--.:.-------- 1yping & general office. MANY ITEMS OF FINE EST A TE SALE 49-1-4646 _ SeacliffTract. 497·1552 offer536-4558 M.'>-2200 Gui bran sen Ri a lto . ~~~~~~. de~~-esNaflial~~f. j (';STATE JEWELRY. July I 8· 19-20 f\nliture 8050 Sat & Sun 9.5, 440 Costa 92 yards new beige shag Walnut twn bed set, w I CITRUS Trees bearing Cadillac of organs. Anti· Insurance Co. localed in ART OBJECTS. AN· 5842PADUA. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa St. C.M. Refrig/ carpet, TV, sofa. Mission drsr, $100. Mens golf, fruit.. 4' to 8' t a ll. -que whl. 2 ex~~rna l Newport ·s 1-'inanc ial TIQUES. FINE FURN., HUNTINGTON BEACH ~'TOREWlDESALE fnr, Lawnmower, odds Viejo area. 581-8985 Haig Ultra, compw/bag, $12.~$16.50.548·2046 ' Leslie spkrs-p1ano-l!:fC. PHONE FOil IN· Vic: Springdale/Slater N & ed f I' $70 642-0l.54 . . rhy thm Pert. $3995. ~~So :\trs Lammers. FO. & BROCHURE. Hrs: 8:30 to 3 PM. 1929 a::. ~~lsonlf:°n:~:af~ &ends. King O'Lawn mower & · Two beautiful Koi fish ror 492·0658, 498·1133, 6452200 Coca Cola Commercial Nook. 545 & 814 w. l9th, MOVING·l2' l\tarine edger, good cond. $115, MOVING. Sacrifi~ing pond 12" & 15". 752-0749, _63_1·_344_3 _____ _ T YPIST /SECY. p/t1mc. lru.tanl cash paid for com· Ice Chest & Cap Opener. CM. 642-7930 &548·3262 plywood folding boat ladies 3 spd bike, $45, Herc couch, 2 chrs, desk, Turtle Rock. Office Furniture &r 'IAM to lPM hrs Mon Col b B. I b It 548·5306 pwredger,maplebencb, ---------1 . ' . • pleLe antique shop inven· um ia icyc e w Sl.50. Lg Oriental Ming chest, etc. 54().1535 W~HER & Dryer Sear 's ~pmtnt 8085 F'r1; 499-4087, Gretcht-n torte!>. C a ll Larry for 2. Mahog Parsons **I BUY** Dog lamp,6pcs4x8x1r.." SingJeBdrmset,wbt/gold Dix. Avocado $400/ofr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• pleasecall Morgan (714 )540-3955 Tables, Lincoln Rocker , Good used t'umiture & sheet rock, new $1. ea. $100, Golf clubs, bag & Pool table, beaut. antiq. Auto.garageopenerlyr. Selectric typewriters, 2 TYPIST/ GENERAL CLERK ------Self·clearung Gas sLove. Radio alarm clock . rt (I rt h d) S75 Ad t 1 h l" l bl 5 d ds SIDEWALKSALE Misc antique glas., & Appliances-OR I will k. h . ca e an • · s ye, ma og. pc. old.$200.673-6743 porta es, stan ar ,2 silver, Kenmore 2 door sell or SELL for You ~any itc e n Jlems ding mach <Jtemington) slate, leatb. pockets, elec standards. 540-8062 FINE ANTIQUES fng w i"ce maker. Off1c~ MASTERS4UCTIOH ome San,tiques, much $45. turned legs. w/ access. SLATE POOL TBL. $295 or548·7594 :-l B. fmJnc1al in~lllullon will train resp. mdl\ J ob cnLa1ls mis<' ore dulll'" .\ ,tat l> pm~ Preler I ~ 1 nfc t'xpcr. Call 8 12 & :! 5. t.i.t-4360, Sul' Cook ,\FFORDABLE PRICES " more. a e to continue $795.556-6220 firm: Anytime. 644·1618 ------ Tide WaterTradm~ Co. furn 2 desks. f1hn ~ 646-8686 & 833-9625 unliJ everything is dlS· Packard Bell console TV &640-1447 Pth 8087 Jno i:; c oast llwy. CdM cabinets & chairs Good posed of. Save Uus ad. w /stereo &. turntable,:.> yards of super cond. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hlwn Fernlea r & used furniture & hand C~HPAlD 946 Senate St. C.M. AM/FM.$250 Queensiie brow n carpeting. Attention C_raf~speople! WANTED Stud for al· Goldenrod tools Lots of clothes, For good used furn. anla· 548-0581 malt. & bx spgs. Very gd 613-5918 ~ applical1ons now tract. min. rem. Doxy. -linen&bnc·brac ques & color TV 's cond. $100. Queen head· . . bemg l\Ccep~ for the WiUpayfeeorallowpick Oak S/Holl Top desk. 54 ". HELEN NOLAND 957 8133 DOVER SHORES board, Jlcnredon, $75. JOk Kuoiite nng. Must 4th. ~ual Old Mam St. of Jitter. Need resp. by TYPIST jR~cpt rl'fm1shed. Best ofr ovr Z78 yds used carpeting, 640-1642 s e 11 · M 8 k e 0 ff e r · Fair 10 Ocean Park Sun. 7 /15. Eves 493-6844 SJC !•art time• for l"On:-truc· $1000. 963 9130 EARLY Amer Sofa. gd. draperies, twin bed & Nightclub supplies: un· Aug. 21st. Hurry! 1st --------- 8. I 8020 cond • :i match'g. Maple Oak Firewood, lcsi; than usual Jg redwood b rl lbl Red l Bo d 11on office. CJll Sh1rl<•y ...,......,.,,......,_... ___ ...J 1cyces this ll(:stofr.957-082.., chest . beds preads. u comelstservebas1s.ln· ta1 a an cage. !179-4222 ••••••••••••••••••••••• w a rd robe d 0 or s . •r.i cord. $40. & bar. 1' rnd mosaic wall formation (213) J99.1631 Make offer. Call after . French Fumishinqs JC Penny Swinger bike. SPECIAL SALE bars tools, lamps, El Call 546·9580 pc. Misc items. 548·6996 or (213)399·4544 Jpm. 897-0584 Llpholstcry Lead PN!>Oll Settee. china cabin el. m· w tbanana seal, perfect Gato 80 motor eye I e. familiar w iuphol . l"Ut luy m:1rblc ~op chest. tea cond $20. 644.6601 Inlaid wood coffee & end Misc. items. 646-4750. ting. sewing, i,ta plmg wagon, Lotus XV chrs. 6 --tbls, reg $.140. Now only 1624 Antigua Way. N.B. F time. Steady e mploy Vcnt'tian chrs. & many kildincJ Materials 8025 $l8S. Starting Sat at w1growinq co 510·114'1 items. lfl50 Edgechrf, ••••••••••••••••••••••• THEF'URNITURE .102SS.K1 bonl>r.S A Fullerton . S at/Sun UsedLumber.4"xl2"xl8' CONNECTION MOVIHGSALE 7351 Heil, Unit L. 11.D. v ET EH r N /\ H y lO 304 870·6423 (22 ), 3"xlO"'x16' (4 ), !142-1244 TECHNICIAN OH AS ~~~ 2"'xlO"x141~·· 1432). T An liq 's. Collectibles, Household items + .. S at /Sun 10·6 . 427 Narcissus, Corona del Mar. SISTANTwantcd. sala~~ i\nt1<i So lid Chl-rr; brac:_kets (26 ~644-0878 I Maple bar stools . $125. 960 •139 llx14 Braided r~. S75. open, ... droplcaf desk. ~latching (New) hardwood tbl legs 847.7670 t•hf'~l of drawers w /dbl w1brackets, les~ lhan 1 2 ---Porsche 914 ski r acks, WAITRESSES "\Jow mtc:rv1ewmg d.i 1 ly . 1l lOa m for Cockta il Wal t rt:Sb & fo'oocl Wa1tre~!.e:. The &•a<·h llousl' Inn. 619 Slc!'P' llollow Ln l.a gun.1 Beach. 494 9707 Waitress for Banquet.. & -.et -up waiter busboy positions Hohday In n l.a,::una Hills ConlaC"l pc·rsonel 586·5000 Waitress. exp. food & mckta11. Over 21 /\sk for "arcn, 644·9550 door.;. ornate brass de· whlse price. other gd Unique decorator mir· many items. Must sell! l'oration & wood carving. Swap m eet 1 t " m s rors. ~dimensional. p /P. 178 E. Bay St, CM . 2 Pc's $1500 or bst ofr 898-1183 n o L262 l'vt Ply 1198 2"13fl Garage Sale, 17692 El -Cameras & Solid Oak kmg bed set Nopal. H.B. <Goldenwest *** lntcrn.it1onal Antiques Art Show & Sale. Sat. Ju- ly :JO. IOAM IOPM. Sun. July 3 1 10AM·6flM. Booths avail. Orange County Fair Grounds Bulld1ni.t 11 14, Co s ta Me!>a Adm1ss1on S2 Large free park'g. For info: West Mountain Co. (213) 573 3440. Equipment 8030 btfl. sofa + loveseat' & Slater ) '73 Kawasaki ••••••••••••••••••••••• beveled glass coffee lbls: Mini Enduro 90, xlnt Pentax ES electronic 35 lamps, pecan dm rm + cond .• Chr ome side New Augus t '76. With 50. hutch, wall umts, wood pipes, Coca Cola vending 105. 200 lenses. bellows & game set. den furn. ~ofa machine. 2 blk/wht TV's, ang le f inder $4 95 bed, velvet chr 770.1262 2 y r o ld blk ma le 675-1323 bunks all 3mo ~Id lJ o b e r m a n . 5' x 8 • Minolta SRT 101, hlk body, 3 lens, flash Car rying case inc Id . ssoo. 644-8485 redwood deck . many DR Set. FR Prov ant1q, misc. items. Walnut. 2 leaves, 6 chrs, - blue velvet. Orig $3500, MOVING SALE 173 sell $2000 645·1666 aft Flower. CM. Sat & Sun Waitress Food /Co r k I a its. /\ntq Couch over 100 yr~ CANON FTB· 1 w WD I _.4 \pply aft 4pm, Sid's Blue old , SlOOO 'or best ofr. lens. Brand new, sllll an Hcel,l07 2lsl Pl,NB 5.'Ji.4521 ~ac. carton w /guar. -675-9495 6PM 9·3. Appl's & furn. REDECORATING·Btfl 8' 2 FAMILY Garage Sale. s ofa, qui l tcd. tu r Furniture. sports equip· quoise/gold, xlnt cond, ment, engine parts & S400.644·1Gl6 more. 10 AM to 5 PM. W A N T 1830 Walnut droµ leaf ta· -INDEP(';NIJENCt-; & IN· ble Xlnt cond. S325. Cats 8035 Sat/Sun. 19141 Lindsay Ln. Hunt Bcb. (Magnolia & Garfield behind K· Mart) (' 0 M E ., B c a ta x 675-7364 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •·ounsclor with T C /\. PERSIAN KITTENS Kmg size Matt. & box spr· ings. Xlnt cond. $125. 752-m96 aft 6 Pres tige . tugh com Himalayan. Came o nuS&1ons, we tram. Call PUBLIC $100/Up. Regis/Shots 552-9600 or So. Orange 546-9965 II i d e · a · B e d S o r a . Garage Sale Sat/Sun 10·5, Herculon tweed. Like 21032 Hagerstown Circle, Kittens·had shots. Dari· new SlOO. Twn bed $15. H.B. Chairs, games, etc. ing Tabbies, & solid col· 841-7754 l'ounty493·2881 AUCTION WAREHOUSi ALSO VEHICLE MAINT & DELIVERY. Gd driv ang record. Hvy lifting TuesthruSal,6:30AM lo :1:~. Start $.1 hr + over· time. No smoke. In· terviews l :30 lo 4, Mon ors. 3\ia mos. SI5. 979-8978 ----------'--Mesa Verde Treasure SUH JUL y 24 Drexel wood tbl w /4 cbrs, Sale. Many boxes ol anti· thruFr1. WINDOW DESIGNS 3195 D. Airport Loop Dr, Costa Mesa. Ph 556-6981 Weict.r /Precision SmalJ co. needs hard wor king, dedicated worker. Call Carol , 581·3830. We need 50 people who :.ire al least JO lbs over· welgbt. Call Ms. Stone at 751•9175. We can tell you how to loi1e pounds & eam money al the same time. Dogs 8040 good condition $95 . ques & collect., un · 12 NOON ••••••••••••••••••••••• Formica kitchen tbl $20. opened for 3 yrs. Port Denver Stale & Euro· AKC Poodle puppies, tiny 842·6746 gold dredge, like nu. pean consignment 18th & toy, all shots. Hide-o-bed SSO? Auto rest. whipped bot 19th century furnishings 530-6455 choc machine. 2 Belgian including sideboards, 644-5n8 waffle baking ovens, *DOBIES. 3 /M, 1 ff. rest s .. Lo--y organ hallstands. pianos , or· Xlnt. Rancho Doble Antiques: Dinette table, · ... ~.... · gan. baskets, shave mir-chest. wool hand.braided Surfboard, antiques at ch am p Ii n es . P . P . -•·c Sat/Sun "5 -0 rors. porcelains, glass, rug, table lamp. lIW> • "" • """° estate jewelry. etc. Over _64(). __ ~ __ or_8J3.. __ 3688 __ . --1 Club chair & ott. drop If. Bimini Pl, off Baker. 400 spectaculor items to Poodle puppy & mother, tble, lrg. mjrrot, dbl bed. be soldtothehigbestbid· S5Qeach. Any time until sold. der. 496-8311 64().7167 DoorsopenlOAM --------- 30 I 0 Redh.lll Lrg white Lab. 3 yn. gd watch dog . Loves Costa Mesa ~~~uetered . S6o. 540-4098 ·-------- SprinCJlr & Whit•. Auctioneers M ovin g Sale 1207 Goldenrod, CdM. Cstm sect 12'..it' Down cush, Lge wood coffee tbl, Eng oak spool leg tbles , Comm . Clr sctub polisher. Ant. glass, junk. Come see for yourself. Sat/Sun 1-5 TOMOl<l<ER WORLD TEAM TENNIS . ROD LAVER THE WIMBLEDON STARS COME TO ANAHEIM IN JULY. JULY21 JULY 28 Team Russia vs. San Diego JULY 23 Golden Gate vs San Diego JULY 30 San Diego vs. Los Angeles Sea Port vs. San Diego TEAM RUSSIA: Alex Metreveli, Ofgo Morozovo. Natosha Chmyrevo. GOLDEN GATES: Francoise Durr, Tom Okker. Frew McMillan, John Lucas. SEA PORT: Tom Gorman, Erik Von Dillen, Joanne Russell. LOS ANGELES: llie Notose, Rosie Casals, Charles Posorell. SAN DIEGO: Rod lover, Dionne Fromholtz. Cliff Drysdale, Kerry Reid. INDIANA: Vilas Geruloitis, Sue Barker, Allan Stone, Ann Kiyumoro. TMM . NNIS For ticket Information Call~ ~ (714)956-1890 "7At Starting Time . 7:30 P.M.· CONVaNTION C•NT•l't aoo w. KGMtla Ave • Anehef~ C.Hf. '2I02 I .,. "-''°'' I IOtO ~w.t.· ·· ...... w.w IHtt.Storw tOtO Mt!:C.~'' •-~1 , DJ• •t -..................... illlllW• •OlO ._._.. tOlO ........ -.-.·.-;:.;......... 9150 .......... u. ... SUnday.Jult11, 1977 OAJLVPILOT_ ,. W l't ,. .. J... ....-r-aA.cc••aorl•• 9400 ... \lt' 1er '-!Qmaaer •n• • •••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••0 •••••• DOAT8TORAOE m mo •0 •••••••••••••••••••• n••••••••••••••••••••• Tl"lllb 'S'° AlltetW..t.4 9190 ........ ported • O..aa. or L tree launch. Sall/Pwr SAVEWITH ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••-••••••-••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••·•· Eva, 14.M.»1 Nuwp0rt Dunes. 644·~10 Ule7 Tri. 6SO C.C. chopped USED It REBUILT 'lt7Z DATSUN 9707" IAIY eUHD BOAT ffllNS, BUYING If SllUNG? rebl.ilt cng & new tires. FOREIGN CAR PAllTS WE BUY r,_,...,.,.. $1100/or otr. Mu.l HU. l'Ensinet PICKUP Cl.UMCAaS -______ ..,_s MtM ••• ••••••• ••• ••••• ••••• _MS.ci __ oo_______ ""'-an•mis ... 4 speed, map, red.lo Ii lb • Yuchl hardwure. eqw' pmenl •· "UJ>· • u ·-sio.... excellent coodlUoo. ·RUCKS ~ IUa.l\o Orti•n °' "' Alrcreft 9 I I 0 Harley ?& XLH !ike new. IRear Ends V\'R64l • l.etlJ• U>o uhiMtl• pl1c5 All types, major name brands. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Extra set °'" ptpes. Only 11'\res < ). Phxw ~ o:nt f<,or :mil or power Bc~l pn (:t? In town N~w tuin1crs tor lease, noo mUa on lhla black .'Fenden We '"ced-SI 7 99 CONNDJ. Corona Airport, hur~ beauty, $2050. Pbone l'Ooors MllAC&.EMADA ~ti\ byOr•nd ·lfo111ur1l -• Ii IBwn 2.1.50H borBl d C... CHEYIOL£T i 1100 I bl' al u"" r UtUY auted OIUl'I.,.,. Sb aft.er 2 PM. M0-4181. pens ar v .. --· Wl.lliams Yacht Ge Mv•il. 83Ull7" 5'4·3197 ™PORT us-s100 N" w Po r' lJ •: u l h ar '&& Hooda 2SO Scrambler, AlITOSUPPLY 2SZIHarborBlvd. TIU¥> llll P.O. loa 20J. S. JUMCopiatra.o. t2'7S 1974 Ceu. 150 Com. 360 runsgood~OO. 101N. Manchester, 62 Chevy ~T P.U. Good COSTA MESA Small npr1rht J·i .. no ~~r.Bcn.XPonder. 84'f·3366 Anabetm 776-9900 ~~~~:Beu.er ___ 5_4_6-_l_Z_O_O __ _ w ~nch An11a t,rl•t•n 661 ·2220 "75 Kawasaki 400cc, lo 'M -'77 Used Muatanr WEPAYTOPDOLl..AR $*11.) C~. St*/ miles, xtras. $675. Call Parts. 990 No. Parker, 1974CHEYY FORTOPUSEDCARS t Jll t.4\ 11Mt. •• ~~•••••••••:.!!.~~ _97_&-_3_1_5 .... ~------Orange. Call 997·2000 EL CAMINO SS FOREli~~ESTIC PIANO W\lrltlzC'r !-.p1n1•t loah, ,ow.,. 904 loah. Sall 9060 llORTON Camper. !lips 4. l97.2 . Scrambler~ 4 HP. Chrom,e sidepipes, Thoe-Automatic, lilt wheel, . JI ~ar ls extra clean ¥Abo« Xlt1l <'und ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-'il!I .,,.. Ton PU $200/bsl nuniblke. Used LilUe~ like ly, 7 full length $40. pwr. steering & AM/FM seem first. f'hGl4 77ta •CONSULT A.MTS• orr 645.4697 new. Ucensed off·H1way 847·9560. Ask CorJeff. r(4~~!·). Run a super. IA.UM IUICK . B b • --$150. 962·37:;8 -·-ll Y Cirand , ''"•I I ALIA.COii-MA.ALiM lf you're 1n the market •71 :i.., Chevy Van/ •72 WANTED: 1973VWfront S.Pric .. $3775 ~HarborBJvd. Ceor1te Stcd, .. nuqau· ftSHBMA.M for :a yacht kl U!l help. crlllsu Mir conv, sips 4. 1974 Ho~da (354)_. only bumper. Call ~52-7SS2 MUlAC&.EMADA Costa Mesa 979-2500 v.hll.-5400 ~ 14tlb "II 1• w I\ n i 1 c r Expert advice, not ex retng/roof coolt:r •• 73 350 1 •. 000 Dll, cstm pa10t, nu now. 21.SOH d SpurtlL'lhen, deep V hull, pert saleamansblp WiJ t'U in Chevy eng, AC, PlJ>eS, xlut cond. $650. 64~5~00' C.JI. Zeroth Color TV. 21 • & Ma&nt1\Ult ~llcr~o. um .'SOie, b Olb nuor tnodds $15 u or bet otr. 6'\b ~ hi ti!>t!N, rouah ·wal41r, lire ".IOl brokera. • our mags, AM /FM <'USSette. 75HlllS8 Allfos for $ale /ool( ranre. ocean run function 15 to consult bike rack etc, $3100. •72 Su uk' TM400 Needs ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'SIEJCamino,goodcondi-oers F\all floatation wtyou to determine what 615-4884 all 5PM .. .ri..! ~ ....... ..:t d. •'""--/ tiotl, sacrifice, 6 eyl, HD would be best for your -eU&'U" p ... ""'• All• con -"!..~! Sporl6ncJ Gooda 1094 l.troductwy S• need.$ & tben to search & 1974 Week·N-Der camper. OnJy $150. 962-8108 CIOsslcs 9520 dutch & transmission. A :::::::............... V :at CC Volvo 255, 110 gal recomme d to fll lb l 8, 1 6 1 t ••••••••••••••••••••••• classic. first of its kind. TOP DOU.AR PAID FOR CLEAN COMll THIAU.HIW 6JOCSI f!K)Wflt COMPUTE IODYSHOP NOWOl'EN SADOLUACK V AUlY IMPORTS 831-2040 4t5-4949 CREVIER fuel L1sl $14,675 Sell n I a • seeps • comp e e. HONDA er 10 '12 xlnt • PINSTRl,ING. 547-3182 Jo'or Sale · Used Walson SJ0.950 need.631·~;842-6980 $1795.531·0758 cond.$225. Freehand,2S/upS48.7387 ---------&•ST•••~ow.v &oil dubei, biig and cart, V 2A HT twin Volvo 130's :at' WlNOROSE, trailera Uke new Camper. 8' bed 640-0926 '66 1 Too Step.Van. w /"73 SANTA AHA ~ ~~J-·3•5 7·9 iron:. JJO gal fuel. List SlS,455, ble, w/Newportsllp. Xlnt above cab w/boot. $500. "'IJHondalOO 1956 T-Blrd, P /S, P/B, eng. Windows.Xlntcood. 835·3171 ..,., .,._....,.,, Sell$l3,250. cood. Asking $5500. Call5S2·S287 S250 auto, both tops. Recond. ::.~~lltras. 6'5-l269; llilUUTMATIOfll'llMOMACtfNfE ~J 188.h~EAlHfiLVO HlJ1'. lrNGT(lN Ol ACH 8•1:.' ''ti I q o Q.t~ 2 Military Spnogfiekl Mdl \' 21 CC DfESf':L Volvo 761-0871 (714) 64S-302S &50. 67S.0204 IMPORT C ..... 5 *USED IMW's* 03 Xlnt rood High ~enal 106, L1sl $15,300. Sell '75 Open Road Camper STOP """ Number Cal 30-00, $135 $10!150 23' Ameri<'•n Sloop 1975 Van, conversion bubble '7l Yamaha new rebll STOPI AL.I.MODELS '743.0CpeS/R746LWB also Ant<i ltt!manKton V 17 Con .... o/e f'l6herman Jm mac cond. Fully top, like new 10,000 mi eng good co~d $350 Pvt DON'T BUY T•H"'T DOM'TIUYTHAT '7620024spdS/R9SONLF R 0 I Ii n g b I (H' k rt II f' Ll~l $1.540. Sell $3,495. . eq UI p. d. 7 ~ 0 B. 6. $7.~. 963· 1941 Ply .552--0646 • . "' .... EW TRUCK WE '76 ~ ap. Alys S70PQM 4!J4.SB&S We will beat any·dcul on headroom, in slip, Dana -------HEW TRUCK " 'S2002,45p.Air,ZKGLl8 ---.iny ~•ze SLEEKCRAFT. Point, $'9,000. $9800, mclg Runabout Camper, cup· '73 Suzuki TS 185, low m1. buy my 1956 Big window MEED · :;!.! a.o CS Cpe. 4spd. TV, Radio, ANGLER'S IOA.TS trlr. 714-751-7501 boards, spkrs, smoked xlnL cond. for work or buy my 1956 Big window Ford pick-up. lm -<-CNlltBT H.Fi s....._ 8098 --bubble #?lass windows. I •-'45 5459750 Ford p1ck ·up . Im · meculate with new CLEAN c1osec10nr... da •••• ~.;.;:;:.~••••••••• l!>SSNewportlllvd COLUMBlA34 overhead lights. $250. ~:k; · · or maculaliJ with new engine. brakes, wining .•USEDCARS .-n y~ (;osta Mesu 1973 Diesel. VHF, RDF, 645.2974 cngrne. brakes. wining etc. 289, C4. This truck NOW ORANGE COUNTY'S PanasomcAmp,turnt;ihlt· 8332311or645-60J5 A /P , roller furling, -----'73 SUldciTM75 de. 289. C4. This trU<'k can only appreciate in C .-OLDEST :tt!/'r.:iZki:~t.'u!1i'~~all ______ Avon, s li p & morl!. Fiberglass camper shell $250/bsl ofr. 833.0145 can only appreciate m value. $3750 or oHer, ALLPA..-..-Y • ___ _ 2S'CHRISCRAFT 675·8280or675-7884 ~!;., 1~~2gbe03d10 Dutsun PU voluc. $3750 or offer, must see to appreciate. 540•5630 . & -------~ . .,.. • VESPA 00 CC, new, 2 mos must seu lo appreciate. 673 • .,.,a Eves. ZS" Sylvania Color TV & New motor, VHF. sndr Aquarius 23, trailer, xlnl . - ----Id ..,.,.5 be t rr 673-4266 Eves. ~ Stereo.Sohdw;ilnuleon $6500. AY646·9000 cond.Mustsel/!$5000/n(.Motonaedlllces 9140 ° ·-"'or so er. -------__ sole. Pcrf eond A real 3 . • - -fer. 963-8212 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S45-067S '41 Buick Special, 4 dr, '74 :y4 Ton Chevy PU, de-. ·Sales-Service-Leasing buyat$250 833·0727 8 "14 Unfio .. molded ·77 Peugeot Moped. 500 MotorHCNMs.Solef completely orig 47,000 luxe camper special, 2626HAAIOAILVD. Rorc--,lnc. lbr~ls hus, cablll & F /B. Ne.wport Surprise 14'7 '.' mi's, xlnt cond . ....,00 or .. __../S...___ 160 mi, $3400. 768·7187 .,_,,_ oy= ., .. ' B~w Older RCA color TV, xlnt Deep V plr. design. f b 1 1 ~ IW'm' ._-_T" loaded w /all xtras COSTA MESA nuw> ~.., _ cond $.50. 2060 State Ave. Sl2,000/trade smaller 1 erg ass s oop. 20 bst ofr. 640-0384. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 546·0669 days, 631·3949 IMO Jamboree CM. Follow Oak Sl, aft boat.675·8074 mast, Lead CB keel, Jib l.9'17 Ba M ~ MOTOR HOMES 4Whfff Dri•H 9550 evesAskforMike WE PA·Y N rt Be cb 64CMJ444 & main. Xlnt cond., trlr, tavu.s . o..,...., xlnt FOR RENT ••••••••••••••••••••••• ewpo a 12-· ---18' California Vt'ntura 3 ~. Dys, 545-5511 x 265, cond. Lo mi. Must sell Fto $.c" k 77" ""H 1975 FORD Bronco '74 4x4, chrome TOP DOLLAR '76 BMW 200'l. Mint CO"d. eves,495-4181 $355. 554-7194 m '-'JVW • .,..,...... pok h ls 11 u 1 Pair lg Un1\'er!>1ly ll'\IJ nu. 302 V·80MC, Trlr 4X4 IROMCO s e w ee • ro cage, FOR NIFTY SUnrf, AM /FM stereo 8 speakers, >.Int ~ound, & full cover. Buying lrgr 111TE X ...... C--...1 '76 Cimatt1 Moped, xlnt Rent23' FIREBALL. S/C, h FM Cass., gd cond. $3500. tr tape deck. 23M mi, c•" 3503 bo t ,,73 5097 ft , mT ur-. loads of windows & Wit red exterior, wide, 6C5-50l6 IMPORTS bl B ~· a ·" · <'A"".PvtPty ,, .... 1802 cood,hardlyw.ed$350or h d t h 1 d mag w s. urgun-..,...,., U'Mi counter space. 645-22&3 eavy u y w ee s. ra 10 d / T .. Boats & Marine WANTED: Power boats. beit orr. 557·5789 & low miles. (911RT J). '73 TOYOTA Hilux 56000 MARQUIS MOTORS y creme. a..e over £-.:-nt 28' & up. We have buyers Schock 22 Full Race, Span· Motorc cles/ Motor Homt Rental ScM Pric.0.$4440 mi., $1005. Firm. 28802 Mar~uerlte Pkwy. pymts. Pb640-l6&3 ....-r··-•. d 1 ed naker, Genoa. 2 sets of ycie 499 2373 ••••••••••••••••••••••• <>< esperate Y ne your Class ·1 $4250 f Scoofffs 9150 I 8'/2' to 32' MIRACLE MA.ZOA. -eves. MISSI N VIEJO 1976 IMW 2002 Genet-al 90 IO ':52t1 3ng. ei9· II & ask for Ed Ownr. ~~-~:n~t or 0 r. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fully sell contained 2150 Harbor Blvd., C.M. 74 lnU. Travelall. VJ92, 831·2880 49S.l 2 I 0 Black exterior with sun- ....................... I l 5 7-5597, 9·5 or Reserve now for 645-5700 uto · PS PB to roof, AM/FM stereo & SCHOCK 2 m ~n dory . l7l4)5S6fl496 aflSPM _ FAMO. u .. s SCHOONER 75 YAMAHA 125 I'!-summerfunwknds. 8 K' air, ' ' w Autos, Imported lOO+mags. Low miles & .. 5l't'" P , all opt.ions. $3,740. ••••••••••••••••••••••• partially set up for r:ic SEARAY 1974, 22• over· 37x128. ,topcond,d1ese! ciro. Lffl thCM 4.000 REGENCY MOTOR 1976CHEYY 536-2729 GtMral 9701 veryclean.(950NYL>. mg, great for fti.hmg nilt•r. VHF, OF, dual auto pilot .. owner wants mll•s. $350. Coll HOMERENTALS 4X41LUER Sale,,.c.cl-$7425 w 1 offers Brkr 675 1940 '" 925 N. Harbor Blvd. S A. •m CHEVY ~ ton pk up. •••••~••••••••••••••••• /tr r $1500 firm batt, tnm tabs. teak S/S, ___ . ___ . · 6.,5.3622 ens. .,.53:.250J•• Automatic, pwr steerln~ Cm pr. shell /lumber SPECIAL MIRACLE MADA 494·ZGW ice box, i B. stove, DON'T CHARTER, Lease ----& brakes, radio, heater, ,. k A r 1 $1500 2150HarborBlvd.,C . .M. 10• Glasspar l{OOd eoni.I. lrcs hwater, head. 185 new !slander 28. loaded. ------air cond. new off road ~u17 ux. ue · · INVENTORY 645-5700 $250. hrs , s tcrco /cass . ''3 Share includes slip, '73 BMW R75/S $1700. or SO.CALIF'S tires & spoke wbls., s•LE 97 5 <.'all!f73.8~9 anchors1fenders&/ines. tax.ins.P/P.842·2821 make an offer. Call 1 ... GEST Cheyenne pkg., till '72FordCourierP.U. "' I Mu11t sc l. S8450. 673·5478 ----751·2002 aft 5 PM -wheel. cruise cont. &c Good cond. $1.500. '76 MG Midget Roadster ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wanted 12· 14 · r·;ir top aft 7PM wkdys/wknds CAL20. 1974. --fieetof "New" Motor more! ( J3676R >. E?. Eves499-4883 4·spd, A~ /FM radio, 1976 Green Capri IJ V-6, boat & l'arrier. Call 6 hp Evmrude. $4000/ BSA '62650R. A lOsenes. HomeRentals.Overl40 tcrms·O./\.C special stnpes, luggage 2,900 mi. Deluxe decor 675·<1038 26• Character Bay l:loat, terms. (714) 673.·2460 reblt on~. ong. $800 or 1977 models to choose MOW $7295 '71 Toyota, $1195 rack, Immaculate! Cah group, gm & wood in· -----fiaurehead on bow, seats --· best. 675-7M4 froro; 18' to32'. .... ... IERS . Or Best()(fer lease or buy. (425PHC) terior stick snrf ~· Boston Whaler Squall. s"'io new seat cusL.'ons ~. !JmnsCWznic ~ ----Jnsuranceincluded "'UT"o"'CEMTER 642-0182 '75 MGB Roadster FM stereo '8·trk.' nt 1972 9' comp w/sa1I, CC O· • • & k . Ill • !!!!: 67S.7'74 e 1976 Kawasaki 250. En· Dale's RV Rentals, Inc. "' 4-apd, AM/FM radio. Lo-cond. $3,800. 552-?475 bo J & ·'d •. , <'arpel coc pit cover. 25-Lan 1 -$7875 duro. 1000 mi. s,·1crif1'ee 111•>c"'"•••5 lA258akerSt CM '77GMCPU4x4 Lo ·1 d Sh 1 ter arc ruu l'r . ..,:,so. Palmer engine, old but cer, sa e $700 8 3 30 833 5377 ft .. """'"...... .. .. . . mt es an arp. 1---------Also have a pair of boat good. As kinJ: $4 .500 26Pears<>n 13,450 59636397·: • · ; a 540-9109 Loaded.AskingSB,000. Custom flnanclnc avail. '73 Capri, air cond, ex-davits.~.7~---S7S-09l5 28.KlogsCruiser 9250 _._ · ----546·5327 (738PEP) cellent condi tion • . llGI Bo ---30Newport,ruce 26,500 70 NORTON Commando, WAMTTOBUY: AMC-JEEP '75 FlOO 6 cyl. 3 s pd, TR7Headquarters! Mechanic's certificate. • J~~ ass at .. notrlr 16' GLASPAR Ava/on. 30lslander.try 26,900 looks. runs like new. Lge used motorhome ~I inCaHf. desperate, must sell!! 4 1976 Super-sharp, Lo below BJue BooJt. . "A5.J973 75hpJohnsoneng.$600or 32Ericson, orrers S750Jofr. 494·0417 art Compl self·contained WEOUTSELLALL Xlntcond.673·155leves. mileage TR7's in stock. 846-3771. ____ ..... __ ·_ bestorr 673·7971 44PeafSOnCountessKcb lPM. 646·8301 JEEP DEALERS some with factory alr 1--------- 1 0 ' GLAS p I\ R tR'BoatTraller worldcruiseeqpl. 85.000 -•72 Wim....._ INTllESTATE '77 CHEVY 3~ ton 454 cood. Priced right. Can Citroeft 9716 Dingy _ $150 3 II p FOfi. ANY SAILBOAT '71 Yamaha lOOCC. A 1 ""'"r" HUGE IMVEHTORY Cmpr. Special. 11000 mi. buy orlea!e, call today. ••••••••••••••••••••!•• 1-;v1nrudl'-runs i::rcat ~':;~re~~ ,Y~ CALL US cond. $150. Phone Motorhome. Low mi's All Models New & Used 811', pwr, auto. crse. con-'75 Toyota Celka 73 SM. Im mac eood. Lo Sl"'' s7s.3119 · or · 968-0147 ManyCaxtrll~~Xln9076t cond , Aastn" Avai'labl". 1.rol. $6000. 673·3512 2·door hardtop, auto miles, leath intr. full ""· . . , Penguin 12' sailboat. Xlnt -.....,~ ""' "' l AM /FM t .........,. -------Marlin f sh1ng Jeff cs .,. Co•ta M••a rans, s ereo pwr. Auto trans. .......,.,. Bo..._ M ...... n. 1. . n .... shape, rjgaina ··trailer. '75 YAMAHA RD 350 6100 • ... '6S Dodge Pickup ~ Ton di vin 1 t r ct CAA -.. ,., --. T S I-B R d D F .,.....,. 21' 1973 Sports King, 360 ' 4 • ra o, Y op, a ory _......., Ecpipnwnt 90 30 . · · ·· ~ · • ·. · $300 642·0154 miles, xlnl cond. $500 call Dod 450 AMC Jeep air cond, runs good, $600. air cond .• Sharp! 60 . . Riggers. fghtn g chair. -640-0372 ge W/w~rrn, m1 252-t HARBOR BLVD. 548-5761 mont"' f1'nanc1'nn avail. Citroen .Maser.alt •1973 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1ustsell 751 1610 12' KITE, xlnt cond . 2 t I v .. .. range. cruise. c~n ro . Costa Mesa 549.a023 OAC.' l605NDH> 34,000 mt. New tires. Xlnt. *ZODIAC BAY BOAT 18, Cl . sails. car trailer. $.550. '76750HoodaSuperSport. dasha1r,supenormsula· ----------'73 DATSUN PKUP .74 MGBGT cond. Bargain $6500. P AM C · ass1c 673·1856 Cstmseat,sissybar.lug tion.$8350.CB&TVxtra. JEEPS .. 77'• AM/FM, A/C, lo mi. 4.spd, AM /FM radi'o, 833-7809,833..J066 ort-· anne entury Lapstrake-rack. 8000 mi, like new. Pvt t 842 3087 $HOO 546-5520 lnflatdble Boals Gray 1 /B. $2995. 675·3119 RANGER 23, 1 OWNER $18SO. Ph 559.4197 aft Py. · CJ -S 's , CJ • 7 • s. · -------• Mint cond. and priced Datsun 9720 2925(7Co14>1541eg0e_2•07c0.M. ..... R.,.,INELL 24, cnn·ser, New fall race sails Spm is Pace Arrow, 27', new Cherokees, Wagoneers, '65 Chevy PU, x.lnt cond, ri1ght! 27 b1u1y I ldease •••••••••••••••••••••-·~ <'• Rad'to depth'-t condition, loaded. 189 Pick·ups,upto$l.200dis-sli<'k. CB radio, .-.09S. Pans, ca to ay. IV OMC. sll'rn rm, $8250. Outbo ·d c 11'6"'15no07.91 Yam"ha 80'T'..a'Jb1.ke Virg1·n1·a Pl, CM. counts. 5 yr 50,000 mile 898 °•0'> -(706LVR> DR EA Sextant, calcul0 tor, & fli7''3826aft llAM ar · a · " '' 1 ......,.. .. ,,. ---------1 1975 Model. Li~e new. warrantys available. '730pel Manta Rally LITILE othcrn:iiscsuilrngrqulp, Bo R ----16' sloop, fbrgl. Nu cvr. ·S375 c · 11 549 1815 GMC'76Loaded C..._._ ... M&-.,lnc 62Chevy~Tontruck283 4-spd trans, radio. one ••• Jab&wmrhes,6313';.ou Caths, ent/ sa1·1s&trlr.Gdfamboat. Betwe.en 39AM ···ll'M ..,......-rr~ b .,,, 905 .,,. Sale 644-0687 200l Et.st, SA558-8000 eng, goods &JM'.. $895 or o(~lnGeCrP)and C he rry! SAVE A LOT ~'VINR-U-DE h--arter 0 $1700 548·1617 w-.. day• best.548-8531, Mike . ..,. c. 3 P $175. ••••••••••••••••••••••• . ---"""-"'· R.V STORAGE OCIR 7er SHOP&COMPARE --. · · .r '71 GMC % ton, 4spd,w19' V 9570 '74 Jaguar XJ12L tRa ch11 .uc•tball mem W"' .... TTORE ...... T '760'DayWidgeonw/trlrBMWR/75/6 Sll\'crl975 per ft per mo. Compl eaur.Camper,loomany ans 4·doorsedan.autotrans, BA.RWICKDATSUN. ">Crs ipSlaO 770 0353 38,""4'1, SAILBOAT & trlr package. spinner. Lo m1, xlnt' eond. Only s er v 1 c e d e P l xtras to list! Very clean. ••••••••••••••••••••••• power steering, power SanJuanCapistrano .10 llP Johnson. xlnt conn • 2 rudders. 2 set or sails $'2100. 897 4101 (714>675·1290 S.S,850. 540-7023 '76 l Ton Ford Van. Cstm brakes, AM /FM Stereo 831-1375 493-3315 ,, t 1 · Id $4c.'l f l wee k in Au gust. w/spinncr gear. S950. ---------intr. new brks/tires. with tape. door locks, air 1---------(00~~ s :"c · "'· 0 R*'sponsible Deep Sea 714.6Jl·2254afl 5 74 HONDA CBlQO Family Interested in rent· '75 Dodge PU w/shell Xlnt.$6500/bst.640-8786 cond., Loaded! An eJC· er._ PY·623·5051 Sailing Couplt· Ca11 --ing an RV for lrip lo Alr,360V8,4 spd Xtras. t' I B Bo '76 Pnndl ii;· t I C I d & b k Dodge 75, 8200 <'ustom cep iona car. uy or ats, Power 9040 !'Jul, days (7M )821-4332 !! w rai er Llkc new. never used. de 9620_7o955r a 0 a c · 54,950. 752·11980 lease. (680M EP> ••••••••••••••••••••••• io....o... S ii--906 ~ace rig w /exlra!>. luxewmdshield,rollbar, van, windows panel, '76TriumphSpitfire FORTHEIEST 24'SE"'R"'Y un, a 0 646-0002or979-42llc\CS rack and back cushion T .1 __ T 1 9170 '74 Ford Ranger '"IT. cpts, swivel seats, AM /FM d .. d FUETPRICES "' "' ••••••••••••••••••••••• -' l'GI....,, ra•• loaded, xlnt cond. $4995. dinette. rack, air, <'ruise, ra 10• •·S P • Sundancer bra ad new SOUTHWESTERN 19' sloop, sails. retracta· cost over $1000, will sell ••••••••••••••••••••••• orig ownr 559-8419 AM/FM 8 trk, 28,000 m1, bardLowtomp ainlcdsr·a!~pc.toCrayn Call Jim Metdlu• w/lrlr. $26.000 + invest ble keel, new motor & for $700 16' Shasta 3 beds. shower, be.st offer. 673...(388 · •"" ed. Boat loaded, free 100 Y A.CHT SA.LES trailer. $1950. 645·8615 962-8437 toilet. stove w /oveo, llMl :ivillil Jeep, restored, b\G' or lease. 066PQW) TODAY! gal of fuel. Priced to sell FuJt32,35,45,45MKlJ 1977 Su k' GS4 refrig. water htr, pre-asking $2,000. Aft 5PM, '77Dod&eCstmteakwood -888DOVESTREET 714t83J.2575 aft 7, days at' Shark Sloop $6.100 ~TEwlthStreellrlr&sl· zu I 00, new t t 7S9·UIS7 van conversion Ooly800 NearMacArthur-• 7 14 IS 4 6. 4 3 0 0. D . 28' Morgan equipt $22.5 mg. $350. cond, 1500 mi, $950. saure wa er sys em. rai Demo. H~s ever· . &Jamboree Roads Marsellua ~·Newport·race $24,400 540-2491 552-l6G4 S1S00.962-46J3 '75 Dodge. V-8, auto, PIS ything. Priced to sell. 833·1300 ---------1 JO'lsldrll-loaded SJJM CHARTER ·m Triumph, soocc. all 2'' Traveleze trlr. Like P /B A/C. 25,000 mi. &».9C46 IA8S()lj1Ht1~ueoult"ARO•BllEA --------- 30' CHRIS CONNIE 6 7 32' Erwin·d.sl,eqpl S34.5 ori&. ror sale. new. Lots of extras & '73 $S200. 842-2637 . rnl9901900 • l•3"'9~• 1976 Datsun 280Z, air, . Flyblidge, twin screws. :w Col. dsl. Super $32.8M CT-41 KETCH Qlll 673·7609. Jeep Wagoneer. Very • Dodie 75, ~.PB, stereo, AM/FM stereo cassette, canvass rm. bris tol, JS' fouji·Ukenew Ofrs By day, week, month clean. will sell together '73 Jeep Wagooeer & 24 customized m/out. 28,000 ... _1 9705 silver, custint. 831-3967 (714)436-4054 36' Isldr-excllnt S44M FUllyequipt, Comfort '76 Honda 550. 1700 mi. or separate 556-8674 Traveleze. trlr. Lots of mi. xlnt cond.. Best ofr. """' omto ' 41' CT Charter or $76M accommodations Fairing. rack. 2 rear box· · extras, Like new, Very 548·1386 •••••••••••••0 •••••••• '7S 280Z, air, steel radJa~. 17' Chrysler, Tri Hull, bow 45' Fuji anxious . Ofrs includes insurance. es. cvr, $100. Trans. Nimrod Tent trlr. Low clean. Will sell together *ALFA ROMEO* tape deck, xlnt cond. rider Volvo 1.0 .. 150 h.p., 2220 Newport 673·9211 for info call 673·8399 ma int. policy. 2 Helmets, profile hardtop. Slp1 4+. orseparate. S56-8674 '89 Dodge, camper, pop ORANGE COUNTY'S 559-3121 250 tot.al hrs. hke nu, re· -----''"---.---1---------1 tape deck. Ofr.833·0773. Complete w/lOvety add· '73 I t'I S t A t . top, sink, stove/oven fl DEALER! 1--------- ady to go, comp, w /all LIDO 14 · SIDNEY SABOT on rO?m· ~ardly used, p /S~ P /~~uR.&H~ 'iaa~~'. ~J; .. new tires, $2250. All "1'1 models .in stock. 1971 1200. Rblt eni. Xlnt C.G. equlp, sk1is, duel Trailer. Extras Xlnt cond w/hand trlr. '75 HONDA XR75. .tint. ~7ust like new. $525. New lites. $3995. 538.2288 -Up to $1500ofl on remain· cond. $1000. 547-8448. aft S batt, bait tank. and $2,19S 642-6706 $390.645-6000 cond . $350 . Villa ing'76models.(1806). t-543-__ 3292 ______ _ m t s3200 ----Motorcros..'lbool,,sz.7, · , J U '72FordVan ~ton.Auto, ~r7 x ras · · '66 CAL 25. Custom l6' Hobie Cat, many $25.496-3782 Traflers.Utflty 9110 ~,,EPSEPP.t·!.~·11Rblt P /S, v.s. XJnt cond. IEACHIMPORTS '76·280Z,newcond,air,4 galley . LPR. GEN, x.ttas,goodcond,$1400or -••••••••••••••••••••••• n.,, ,auo... rm. S299S.962·6461 84800VESJ'REET spd,AM/FM,llmo.old 1960 16' Glaspor bo;.il & SPIN. Dingy incl 'd. Good bsl offer. 848-0030 Try a Dai I y Pi Io t 218' heavy duty 2 axle flat 494-039S "11 GMC V l\o:l to VS. (Near MacArthur Blvd. i-586.()6 __ 77 ______ _ trlr,~ hp Evinrude mtr eond. $7900 /or otr. SPINNAKER ""-0 z Classified Ad to buy, sell bed trlr. 2" ball, $850. Have s~mctbing to sell? xlnt cood.anOn~ ~ner &JamboreeRoad) ·m Rar 2 r peed Xlnt ond. 543-M32 496-0U7 _ __ ___ radial, Rainbow <'olor: or rent somethln1. 980-1244 Classilled ads do It well. ~50. 536-'91M. -~~i..a:,:~ACH tops, r!u t>!.~~$:J~toir~ 44' Trawler. '76. Better 30'YAWL unique design. used '7IGMCV-8~tonSborty. .-4»_l_42S ______ _ th.an new, loaded. bnstol. ... AA cabin, new motor. twice. 673-6743 AutomatJc w /all opts. '76 Alfa Romeo AJtetta Datsun 1200, alereo, <714 >U0·6758 (2 l3> ~.995.. AYS46·9000 KlTESAJLBOAT Maas, radials,, scoop, ~~..?>mJ,alr,AM/FM map,nairs,•uap.New GH4SZ 23' Cllpper 08, trlr. knot. S5C)O. CWlt. Jll>L ham jn..sula· .. ....,. 9900all. ~ paint, lllntC!ODCL 7a.s81S NEWPORT DATSUN •. 17' Deep V runabout slpl 5L..aUsafety, bottom fW0..8208 t1on. Ele1aat but dura-''1'~Sp d bl _._ . · De.Ucllable hardtop. llO pajnt.t"P.633-&163 • ble.. One ol a kt.od lot l er, ue.~·~, MAKINGHW!baodptnd bp lobn.loa w/ftVtr tiJt Pattlalb' eompleted Star w/lolid oak trim s mot map, apd, 1311• mun. ot toy•! '67 Roaa.te. • Rblt tnt trtr. Many ex: ERICSON Z·3S, no better boat. includes au traUv old w/lOl mJ. uses.,;_ $5'100..e5'7~ bard "soft top. w~ll • aru. Clean. $2.150 • .Pb ·buy tor race or cndae. & rt1atna. $14,500or best l\llar. AmunelseorwUl "72 Splder Coover1Jble, bar, "oo. ALSO a•; 840-37!1 Newport.67a-0444 oUtr.M?-SI*> ~ ol4et" lmPort Md.an private party. $3400. ~~;...rn:!~· or~lntr'lllde.-.0011 f7$..01SiM ... -...,car.--·-•'" • Sund•l• July 17, 1977 Autos, ln1portH Autoa, lmporhd Autos, I•~ A.Mtos, IMport.d Alltoa, ln1ported A.Mtos, I•~ ~~;.,;;;.--~.;;:;.;:~-------....;:=.:;:::Jt:.::;:.:.&...:.:..:...:.:.;;.;. ;;.7.. .. ....... .. .. . .......•. ·~ . ,, ., ·-.. .. . . . . . .. . . .. ....... ... . . . . .. . . . . .. ........... . ............................................ . ...... .......... .... ••• ...,.,.... ..... h•pomd 9727 ~ ........... -9740 Mire...... t740.... t742 ~ 9750 ·········'············ ••••.•................. ·················•····· ....................... ················•······ ···•·······•····•······ ...............•.............................. l'§d...... 9162 ~ t7J W.. 9710 fllet 9715 HoodaAccont-76 Mercedes 12. ~450SL, tt77MG •POaSC .. tl IS •••••••••••••••••••••••. "•••••••••• ••• •••• • • • ••••••• •• • • ••• • •• • • • • •• &.eos. Ml"GETS COUPE Mew 77 S.IMiw ••••••••••••••••••••••• Go&d. sapci ~195. ,llWe us~. lo mi, mut be New. Used . ~ IUMOMIW tt7'D.--Jl0% •1s•~1a.SPVDER 51pd. 844-5873 seen to appreciat e OYRIOO Now1n1tod1.Buyyour '74Muceckw-8eDJtrade· lt77 DATSUN 4 •PMIS. 111101 wht.•cl•. air AM/li'M $4~ or best ,75 Honda Civic CVCC 714-499-3700 ER Midget from us and your (n. nua one shows prid ... JI 0 J DOOi <.'OOd , AM J.'M radio It ~ 1121 __ __ New radlall, hatchback. '7l 280 SE 3.S Coii~ sun· M CEDES Tunneau cover la FREE. ol ownent\tp. AU the fac· UU..811033l1Jl > v ti r ~ I 0 w m 1 I t' :. ..... 8 d c rt ble p p root leath int • l "'M OM DISPLA y Call for details about our tory aceeuories. Priced ..,. PY er unve 1 • S2600 I 559-4608 • . -• 6: u-~-of=" "!oique MAGIC PLAN to sell TODAY ! Call for MOW ONLY S2t6t !~I' ). must 11ell. reblt en1. new stereo, air, concours con· rllUllAe' I finaDCUl&. more information. IPlusOpuon > S•Pri~e4-S6'70 brb. roll bar. SUOO or JCllJIMll" t730 d.,l'ow mi. SUI.~. Pvt AUTHORlZ o . C907KJV) IAllWICK DATSUM MIU.Cl.I MAZDA "'' .,, Vkk•" 892·1l76 ....................... pty ..... 7:;oi ..... MERCEDES DEALER : : ltijU SanJuanCaptatrano :tl501Ja_rborBlvd ,c M . hm . or wkday mum'g, 1975 Jaauar XJ6L, lo ml, '66 ~. WeU c~ed for 6863Mancbes&er, ll l·ll714tJ.U11 US.-5700 875·7146 ---xlnt cood. Wire wheels, F ine car .. $2~0. Will Buena Parlt • • • tt7J.,..... 1401 '74 Jo'11l. nuw llrQ, valve $9300flrm. 497-1387 trade \IP ror §(.. or Flat 523-7210 Alloy wbeeta, air cond . l'lt:e u!~~u::t' Top Job,brks7=:m7 KamwnnGhla 9735 ~~i!1'81~N~.3012 w. OnlheSantaAnaFwy. ,,.~~e;:;~~;BM• AM/nl radlo &r super dollar paid for lmporti.. -----••••••••••••••••••••••• ._;;;;;;.........====== lltU•. StNet lowmdft.Ua776> COSTAMISA 1970 1''1AT 124 Spyder. 1961KarmannGhia.Fully '70 MBZ 250 coupe, air. ~y lltUe MG Midget. '72·91'·1.7, Orange & 12U1H ... Y4117141Hf.Y211 . S. M-.s.ieno D .._TSU.... New top, rblt eng. Xlnt reconditioned lo & out. P'.W, stereo. need$, must e.ry clean Inside & out. black, A.If/FM radio, MIUQ.I MA .... ._ A " L'Ond. 49301.36 Excellent. $1600. 546-4321 sell. 979-6200anytime Low miles •. runs like 8 xlntcond,673-6230 oyota 9765 H rbor 81 dAM~ 2.845 ll1trbor Hlvd ' . 973 Co f f clock. Racing tlres w. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 UO a v , C M. Colt Meu ~o 6'1lO 74 Spader , bought new an l upe, ront ender 1972 MIJ 3SOSL w/black conver t. top. '75 CARRERA. Loaded. '7S CELICA AM/FM s 645-1700 u --'76, 15,000 ma. Xlnl oond. damaged. Runs great. With 2 loPCI, :ruu factory Below bluebook ft $2650. Has to ao this wltnd., best spd Mint co"nd • House of Imports • .,..,,. .. '11 • •-e•' 11 • • •• t .. FREE· AIR AlllM.Mew taoo..,..1.Mew tlO Hood br a, AM/FM $1995.494·2130 equipment(llnlshed in 586-4417 olr.t.akes.53l·7319 ' Call962~ i.leroo. 9ti8·0863 Mazda 9738 silver W/black interior. MGI 9744 R ce 9756 <2930). 'lbi&wQek 177 DEMO ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• !! .............. ~r;'~Mark 11. Great .. • .. .. ... 850 Spider , xlnt cond. Lo rru. must sell. best orfer. 837·8159 ------2150 H ll•d. '74 X19 8 trk, radio. lug ,..........._ rack. mag:.., great car ~Mesa 645-5700 that's been perreclly i3 RX3 Wagon xlntcond maint'd Take older am· 4 spd, 611,000 ~ .... Bsl orr: port i.edan o r pkup. 644·9SSS 644-9647 • <l!J..1·0017 ONLY SI I i200 llO SE MGI SPECIALS •1 DEALER IN U.S.A. 67s.96?.8,67a.7291 MAR9UIS VOLVO Get your MGB Specials ROY MISSION VIEJO SI 7,468 while they last and selec-IRR CARVER '7a13 wgn. 4-spd, A~:_!~~ 831-288049S..U'IO PlusTax&IJc. (2508) lion is aood. Free r,56,000ml,oewun:a ... AM/FM Stereostrk, lugg • ROLLS·ROYCE brlcs. Body in fair cond. '76 Merced,~ t:iOSL 213 /921 8588 rack, wheel trim ring 1s.eo J1mbofn Xlnt running cond. Sac. Must sell. A•UB12 or • and special striping. Call Newiiort 11tac.1t $1400. 847·1689 ~ ~!:~~~~~~ ~~~~i~ci:i~.ue ClOSEO::AYS '71 Corolla Wag. 55K '77 Mercedes 280E, salver Mercedes Benz Dealer miles, xlnt cond. $1100 . or uphol. st.ereo. etc. '60-JOOSL Cpe Rdstr, red 1--'L ~ lJ1. \1 ~ hJ u .. green color, tobacco col-m nA nv T A ~Tri '76 Ce'·AaS56G--087T. 9Hardtop, Under SO m1, S16.700. lacquer/blk lthr. Con· 1 M lo CJ 9727 '75 RX3. must sell, make 963-l559 cours qlty 1.627.9598 or Q r :cir Co silver, S spd,. AM/FP.1 offer 1 X In L. Con d . -Hi27.9S66 . stereo. Pwr disc brks, ••••••••••••••••••••••• lt!S-4351 1976 300 DIES EL. Lo --•o0::.ou1" 1A€•80UL£vA110. BllEA Rolls Royce & Bentley radials. lo mi. $4590. Call ,. Honda .. Brand Mew '77 .72 RX3 C 1 d mileage. $13,800 '67 250S. Ong. owner. Aar, T14'9002t00 ·n~'1116• sales&serv1ce . 1_494_·_5885 ______ _ oupe, reseae • C811640-0236 P /W. s t ereo tape. MOB-GT •73 AM /FM •'63CLOUD ill HONDA Cars new pnt, aar, ~k. Xlnt. Bst/ofr 714 626 3344 Con . Gd d '68 Toyota Crown Station ,. MANY cond. 642·0560 SAVE $2,000 · · · stereo cassette, Air, .tnt Sl~~:,CTSJNO~f · Wagon. Fixer upper, $300 • ,,\I lh, ... ., ••• \ ..... :so.~.~-~~-= : To Choo1e FT-om! ·74 RXJ. Good pa ml job & Just ofC the ship, '77 MG 9742 cond, mustseUS48-47SO 75S "A" W.17th St, CM or bstofr. 962•3189 U..._.IVERSITY uphol. Gd tires. Best of-280E. perfect! 21 MPG, ••••••••••••••••••••••• MGB·GT'71,lowner,lots (714)631-0545 '74 Corolla 1200. 4 spd • "' .,.,. ' ...... , ......... f ,. .. . • =t::=====t= 0 ,, ~ . " :> x ...,. rer. 842·6441 clha~sy. metallic gdoldd , '70MG Midget, new radial of miles, but super cood. c-....ac ............. 0 ..... ,S AM /FM rad, xlnt cond . • Olc:hmobile w ate mter · Loa e ! tires. paint, trans .• top, in/out. Must see to ap· "'" "'"" " $1750. ~5-9530. it Hondo C • GMC Met'cede1 hn:i 9740 Stereo. $15,950. 675·7771 crpts, reblt eng, AM/FM prec. 586·8142 HORSELESS ... ... ,. Truc:crsLs ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1966 230 4-dr. $1800/best $2500. or bst ofr. 631·2611 1975 MGB·Red with black '7S Celica 4-spd. V~yl " '74 M BZ 280. Fully orrer or6405898 STAILES rool, AM·FM stereo, nu 2850 Harbor Blvd. eqwpped. Ivory /saddle. · 545.4851 · interior, 8 track stereo & Brokers of fine contem· steel radtals. Really ... .. .. Costa Mesa 540-9640 intr. $8500. Call 675.1830 '7S Midget w /carriage only 13,000 miles. Very porary sharp. $3895. 496-6581, cv, l·633-92'1Jdys •77 JOOD. Fully equip'd., rack. Only 10.000 mi. clean. <EPMGB>. Must ROLLS ROYCI!: 1975HOHDA 642-7497 • Sunroof, 670 Autobahn s:!llOO. Xlnt cond 642-0311 sell. $4000. Call Steve at BENTLEY '72 Celica ST, many ex-S I 646-4578or640-6444 tras, 41,000 mi, "'°"cood 72MBZ280 ~· Ful pwr. mi.$17,000firm.646-6434 '74 MG Midget. Orig . auwmobiles. $2300.962·6401 Sm/cognac antr. $7600. 97 MBZ SOSL owner. Mint cond. Call Opel 9746 2711 E. Coast Hwy ~L::::::::::;::~~fFr • ,~c5cg~d ~977-. ~~ld'ms~.,~~· &14-2614 _ 1 .s 4 .• ammac. actspm 495-5514 ••••••••••••••••••••••• (714)675-0930 riwnph . t767 -.. -... I, iJ • • • Salver /blk 1nl. tape. . . '70 Opel GT ood r-...1.. 9760 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 ._...~vo~ ... AM f'M i.len·o c:ai.i., '75 280S Loaded. Xlnt cruise air 23000ma Best z· 1 ti , • runs g • - "\J1f SS900 or h<;l orr. T IP . t'Ond $12.500 or best of· ofr 613.40i2 pp · •PPY al e 74 ~G goc:>d cond. ma ~s. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1976TRIUMPH ... it** * * * .,, * * * ••* * * * • * * • • * * * * 714.673.5411.1 afl 7 p M rer 842.0840 · · Midget. Ver) clean. ID· radials, 4 spd, moving, *SUI* TR7 ,. \\kd)s wknd:.. ·m MB 280SE sedan, auto. side & out. Low mil.es, mustsell 5S7·1009 ORANGE COUNTY'S With AM/FM stereo + , 1000 REBATE ~~! LANCIA \, u o .1n .,,, ... h lh• "'IUl'U •to h1h 1 ... , ,.Ill• •Jh of,,.,.,. p.11 m.-•il ·~ rr• • l\t" II ,, .. ~ ,ho'tlrt ftul'fl tlo1h t rt••tl11tdo1 1"1 .... llt"f ,., .. , ... , .... ,, lfUu fool I • ·n Mercedes 280SE. whale air. sunrooL AM / FM runs lake a clock. RaCJng p cond & nl • 'i6CIVICCui.t paant. Jtr. w c:onac: ml. lo mi. very S499S 644.a-076 orange w/black convert. antera 9747 #lSAABDEALER! ~r.oo~r mil~s . fm~ • mags, AM FM Stall un-clean. xlnl cond, orig · ----top. Below Blue Book ••••••••••••••••••••••• For Sales &Service • derwarranty5SHI027 ownrPP.546-8900 '70250C.MERCEDES valueatS2650.586·4417 '74L.Mint.Wbite,rarely l&ACHIMPORTS m aculate tbruout! ,. * * * * * * * * * * * *1 * * • * * * * * * * * •• -9800 - ---SSOOO. Private party AMto M 9800 driven. $16,000. 848 DOVE STREET (181PQQ). This week ~!·.~:.": ....... !~~~ ~"!.°.~·.~:.": ••••••• !~.~~ ~~·.~:.--:•••••••••••• .~"!.°.!·.~:.--: ....... !~~~ / Call 675-8911 ..... ~· .. :.":............ SSl-4038 (Near MacArthur Blvd. ,. .. ~~LUYIS$5T03Y90ST' .._ ' P,.ot 9748 &Jamboree Road) l"U'U\,. - ••••••••••••••••••••• •• NEWPORT BEACH MISSION VlEJO 4nd .. 111> 11ulh lh1~ .ul .11 llfff• ul 1•u•• h•n ALHAMBRA DATSUN ANAHEIM DATSUN ARCADIA DATSUN. INC. WALLY TUCKER DATSUN. INC. BALDWIN DATSUft CANOGA DATSUN COSTA MESA DATSUN CULVER CITY DATSUN DOWNEY DATSUN. INC. ATLANTIC DATSUN DNMISl1Y DATSUN CAnEN CIOYE HTSUM SlDtlllE DATSUN WE o·oN'T HAVE A MR. F. OR A MRS. G. BUT THE SAFEW A y ISTO TELL A FRIEND MARKET BASKET ~ RALPHS •11 11 • I 1 ALPHA B'tA· IF YOU DON'T BUY YOUR NEW DATSUN ·FROM Didi Balllo11r Mi SUN YOU MAY BE PA YING TOO MUCH!! CHECK YOUR CLOSEST DEALER LISTED HERE. GET THEIR PRICE IN WRITING. THEN COME SEE THE VOLUME IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '76210% 2 + t Auto . A/C, • ,, •• k tt•••o. 111111•. low "'""' (aHNWXl. IMMEDIATE DE ti VERY '7) 240Z •n 240% I A"lo , AIC, AMl l'M ntdlO, ~ ....... ~,). MOON DATSUN \ TRl·YALLEY DATSUN. IMC. LONG BEACH DATSUN DOWNTOWN l.l MOTORS IMPERIAL DATSUN, INC. UNIVERSAL CITY DATSUN, lMC. NEWPORT DATSUN QUALITY DATSUN IMPORT PASADENA ·oATSUM *PEUGEOT * 752-0900 831·2880 495-1210 All models now available .A.lltos Mew '800Autoa. Mew tlOO including 6045 & Diesels. •••••~•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Also a few '765 left at dis· -----------------count prices. BEACH IMPORTS 848 DOVE STREET (Near MacArthur Blvd. &JamboreeRoad) NEWPORT BEACH 75Z..0900 •PeugeofWOCJOft • '76 Pe ugeot Wagon . Economy. luxury, utility all in one car. Under 12.000 miles. can finance or lease. cau for details. Cser 1381 ) • HOuse of Imports .1, • -~•· ,,, • •1• I ' ·• "&•• ' '.. 't '· ,., 1972 PEUGEOT 504SEDAM Automatic, pwr. steering & brakes, sunroof & air cond. One owner car. (466GDE >. MOW$2995 BEACH IMPORTS 848 DOVE STREET NEWPORT BEACH 75Z..0900 '69 P e u geot. AM /FM radio. rWlS xlnt. $1200 or best offer. 536-7471 9750 ....................... •Porsche 91 IS Coupe '76 Mercedes· Bens trade- in and like new! All the factory accessories and low, low miles. Not our line of car and must sell or lease immediately. <Ser 1027). HOuse of Imports • w&•• .. 1 .. lllii I Jl•A"&'f , I.. I , '73 914 2.0 AM /FM cass. new cust. pot. Console, dlOO mi. ~100. 494-8139 '00 911, J7 ,000 mi, re bit eng. 5 spd. stereo, mags, immac, S5850. 675-2286 ur74 914·2.0 Leader. Com· fort Appearance & Performance GrQup. AM-FM cass.j94·9306 aasa CLEAN-UP SALE SHOP & COMPARE IF YOU MUST, BUT WE • FEEL THESE ARE THE LOWEST PRICE> FIATS IN SOUTHERN CALIF. AT DICK MILLER MOTORS . the VOLUME RAT DEAi.Ei • • • It". ~ • ' . ' . " _.; ""l1Pll.' ft,• .. .,,......._.... , .... ··~ . ... ~· ~ ~" BRAND NEW 1978FIAT12J .,., 4 DOOlt CUSTOM Viflyl Interior, A epeed, rodial ...... llnf9d gloN. (S«. 21237!7) SAllrllCI INCWOIS $400 fACTOIY UIATI MANO 1•F1ATaCPE o.tu.. "'°" <OUPI· 4 speed. UH, mint COftd. (UfLIV3) •.1295 1112FIAT1M SPiii 5 ...... Mogwi-1, AM/PM rodlo, Ille. (7T3GIO) •2995 11NRA01/t lrM/fM~ ...ty101l ..... Ck: OOWU) ·•4995 1f7U1AT Ul2& -,..,_...,_,,UH, rodial tirw .. "-Pl (356MCX) •1795 · 1'15RAT1M9'11 . or-.5.-1 --.,,Jt&H, ....... (769NIY) '4895 '\ ... .,. b t,t; ,. ·~ ...... ,..,...._ w.. .•• ,.,..... .......... ,...... ... ••. uat4 Autoa.·u1111 ....... u .. 4 &ind41r JuJy •1 1e11 oAJLv PILor oia ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• -' -I 4 ~ .......... !?~~ !~~ ....... !?~~ !~~ ...... !??.~ ~~ .......... !!.~~ ~~ .•••.•.••. !!~~ ~ ............. !!.~~ ~-~~·--······· ~.~~ ..........• ~~~~ ........ :,.. .. ,..UntmUMPH 'Tl V~ BHlle. A/C, 'IT 8u1, Xlnl Loolu 1970 DeVllle ¥Qld convt '7SCordobe,lomJ,Joaded, '74 Ford M1avtrick Oreb· Pinto 9917 POllliac '961 P.tioc 996' ...... """'' AM /~ M •ltreo radio. wrp runa lood reblt w 1ao .ooo ma 13.200 5'56S/Beft offer. s&l-5488 btr a ooo ml auto lood ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.._ 5 )TJ$000U mi <''<l rle11n, run1 well New ena aioonrm.4t7·l1M 8'282%3mom orevesun eves •haPe.'~ 9ea.ons '71 Pinto, rubs good, 1973POMTIAC ·n llonn1:v lllt!, 4 dr • LI•"•· .. "'<'II m11lntalned 7 needs body work f700 00 b nit A/C PS N war~~t7ol with > o'ir 13.000/btit Qfr 6M~7 lW714H VW •-door 1eda11 1,.,.0 C D VUI -All ConH ... fttd 9930 '82 Ford Falcon, aa ts or best offer 963-il!Mt ~ LI MANS WAGOH PaB ~P 4 b . d / ew ,.n._ • n.w l'pll ---SUOO "' oupe e e · , · · Automatic. air cond., "' ran ne w fin Cood Ml rtlon In VW 'Tl Uia 1 Pvt ownur. llA.1~ Eve. pwr, lthr 1u.•nh Only 7•••••••••••••••••••••• $1.50. pm ----pwr sleerloC + brakea, radials. Very good cond. 1locll C1ll for det111. Xt111 <"Inn v PIH H"ll. ---QllOO 71<&/~-0665 tves 73 MARI' IV, loaded. Call5*t580 •1 luggage rack, radio " $1400 Pb 58l·Sl94 about our uni u. bu)' eulo. l'I•. n C'w t1r1•" U..Jia Bl.II . UIOOt'l', whJ.a, 7~H~·2377days Xlnt. C01\d. Priced for '73GranTorinowan. Lua. ~!~toi:t.';,d~~~Gsi.~ heater <3GHOF>. EZ '77 Gran Pnx pis p l> like a 1.-u" AGIC "3· l~ru, 1bock1, 2 barrel. r sale . .552-918' nck, A/C, clean. Below 7Jt-2992' term:s·O A.C. 1 yr ,.art1 p /w, p /seat~. ttt' wht: Pl..A."1 76 VW ltiibblt •hit t·oruJ , ~.pain&. 1oatJ1, dull•h 1911 CADILLAC .64 CONTINENTAL Mlnt Blue Book. Trlr pka. 1 & labor 11crvlce poUcy AM/FM. T-roor Lo mi:.. lo mlluio. f\ ~i t·M Very dopendtblt• Sl.500 DIVILLl4DOOll cood, air new tires, lo owner.&oW~ Movme·Mu.sl sell ''73Pin· avail Many more Sac.Eves897~76 lklr• GTJ ~7111i1n 11 PM IL'tUU'7 llurdtop 1-Ull power, air ml l~athe.r int. Miat 'ti8 COUNTRY Sedan Sta to Runabout. l Owner. wagons to chootdrom. .. . ...... Ill \'W f 1.111tb11lk, Mood rnn\J1l111n Ci.II 11rt.-r ~ l'M Kim 5118 •OOd '81 vw Bu.. xlnl \'ll{HI tond &. many. many aell! $1195.151·0147 wan. fullv equlp'd. X.Jnt. a.,6QO mJ'I. XJ,ot CO!'d· MOW SJH5 UIG8 Le Maru.. V-8. CI Ulo . "°' other ew:lras (S;JJDBZl. cond *'oOO 9'79-2817 New Ura. $1700. Dunn1 MAIEIS vmyl lop, xlnl runnini; "w,N~~:ai~l5{IO ti:Zterms O.A c '89 Continent.al Mark 111. __ · !! ·--_ worktn1 hrs S51 7310. AUTO CENTER l'Ond S850 &16·2902 ONLY $1795 Kint cond. all xtras. '6'7 Country Squire Sta. ~cs/wkods 5S2·"4J6. 1425 Baker St .C.M. '71 Grund Prtx J. Bro"'n MAIERS S2500/0fr. 613•7525 Wgn. ruUy equip., gd '73 Pinto Squire Wagon 540.tl 09 ~ vinyl tp, PB. PS. PW, AUTOCEMTER 1973 M"rk 1V, l owner, cond S700/bs t ufr. 'Oood cond. Dix intr. t , . air t·ond . $1400. PP. l425 Buker St.. c . M 47 .IJC!9 mJ, uses reg gas, 846·6'783 owner $1895. can eves 61 LE MANS l ownr. 2 dr ~·llHW ;. TH 7 f.0111Jrrl ~Int '-~;r~ uir .c::wered dun~ Vel•o '772 cond 71)()(1 m1 $~711~ .. ~~">· I unNly hluntebrlt ••••••••••••••••••••••• 54().9109 loaded, exceptionally Lincoln 9t4S 646-3.531 hdtop. V-top. Auto, P /S, Thunderb' d 9970 clean64.S-7452 • ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• xtnt. cond. 644·1490 tr ... 1JUU)' •tY •. ew y re ... ~4'1lu: ' bus ~46 4300, tnu\I XJnt rwmln• c:ond. 197) VOLVO tun, W 2.57~ Mu.st~ tu appree. Mu.al 1 '4 SIDA.M t.•IJ SUOO/olr 6'5·.Wor Automatic. AM / I" M Y•w_,... '770 ~ 2l53 1l4treo, afr cond .. very 1971 Coupe DeVille. full pwr. Good cond $2,000. 646-1289 '75 Wagon. V.f, P /S, P /B, , --•••••••••••••••••••••,,• '66 Lincoln Conv. All op· '72 MARK IV' auto just tuned nu Converttble 64 Catalinu. 1911) VW eonv.:rt1ble. mt. ••••••••• •• ••• •• • • • • • • • low mlla & a local car. -n VW Bur Yellow I ·73 DELUXE But, Id. Immaculate thruout ! owner. Service rc•1·11rt1 t·ond., lo mi .. MW Mlch. (JMGDV). Thia week tlons; or~.· U\volce & lires'tbrks. Gd cond. Runs good. Make It a maintained well, good man1.1al. erod cond. 6 73•3008 $2SOO. 213-7'8~1 dys, cl.asslc. $350. Ph 5'1·53.SC cond. S2250/ofr. 642-l:!ll avail $2195. Ph 846 1>410 ~d~;~· ..-WOO. "6-1UC OMA. y $4395 DID YOU KNOW Th.al you can lease a late model used M erccdes Benz for about the same monthly coet as a new Chevy, Olds or Cadillac" Sl.S00,494-8 Maverick 9947 8'So4371eves. '73 Gran Prix onl.y 30,.500 CorY.tt.. . 9932 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1972Plnto,$995. mi , xln t, Mon -Fri v990 997~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.973 Maverlok, dbe 4 dr, 6 Good Condition. 6 4 4 • 120 3 .5 4 3 • l 9 3 6 ••••••••••••••• ••••••• • .. VW Xlnt cond, ~M -------MAaQUIS VOLVO • cricmal m1 Had lo' 1n.r '7l VW SQBC. Extra fine. MISSION VlEJO ~ SS6-0960 Eves/wtnds COR~11: 1 1 ES cyl, 36,000 ml, xlnt cond. VEGA '76 •ure. p,1 pty s.o 1535 Rblten1+. t:J 1.2aao 4t5· I 2 IO ---CaU833-7'7S A/C.$2300.848-2760 '72 Pinto. Auto, 8 lr'.&ck '73 F IREBJRD. Xlnt HATCHIACKGT CHOICE OF 12 '73 MA VEAICI< tape, Runs gd. Bst ofr cond. Great car. 1 owner. DEMO 5 speed trans • Wanted 73 \. W front -bumt>er Call 552 755<! '75 VW Bug. J'\lel lnj, new ll res. S:UOO now Call 496-<MOO '6S8aJJ Rug ''-'l''1' "'ork ·75 \'W L11Grandc $2900 $l50C.1ll Kl'n, 837 1;,90 firm CJll Kart'n 962-5773 POPTOP CA MPER 'i6 VW AM.nit stereo '61! \'W Squarl'b:il'I• i:oocl cond1l1un Lo m•·hke nu Must sell ll68 OJ7<! 642·4468, 631 · l.304 :;O VW Ca-;.,-per, xlnl 'ti6 VW flug , hke new, cond, must 11ell Ae111 of mW1t sell. $800 548.4939 fer 675•3l98 morn or eve OIAHGI COUNTY VOLVO EXCLUSIVELY VOL VO Largest Volvo Dculer 1n Orange Count)' BUY or LJ::,\St:: DIRECT House of lmpof"t'S ......... Ht\ft• ........ ""'' I ' I ' • I \ •• , I • \ ~ I 'l\C. '70 CAD Good cond I Owner. Med mileage i\~kml! Sl900 675·3675 ~ipj~7~etit]°''~1~!·1~ ·1;2 cad tn ram1ty ~ml'l' T T 'ti5 Jlun:-& look~ ctn S48·3364 be Con· ti Of r 2025 s. anchester '03 Cad. Fulrly 1(000 l'Ond Anaheim 760-2011 S400tbcstof!er ~IO·S.1:!4 Over $1100. Ph ru ,,.._ S:U95. Call 49'-0155 a I r c o n d e l c 1961 THRU 1977 Low Mi 's. Xlnt Cond. ..........,.,.... · • " C 11,.."90 ,....., PonU ' -M C ltl.'505/3.532). Wu $3795. • 4speeds&Automalics a .....,. 76 '73Stat1on Wgn. roof rack. UI~ ac "'° ilM on o~LY $3398 Or C--'"'' .----A c. Radio. disc braked vert. New paint. top & " WICJe _,,, s '70 Mavenck 6 cyl. Xlnt l'lffdsauto lrans. tires '3,000 mile!> HOWA.RDChevrol•t larcJed&ftMst appearing.good cond! $1000 646·5l46 6'75·1567 Ome&QuallSts SelediH Mus t i.ell. hus band --'---NEWPORT BEACH F:Z FlNANCING transferred! Leaving '72 Pinto Runabout. auto, '73 Pont. Custom Ventura 833-0555 WE LEASE lown soon! Call 752 1629 2000cc, RIH. good cond Hatchback V 8. uulo, ___ _ CORVETTES wknds or aft ti wkdys $1295. s.48·MM f\/C. P/B, P/S. M1chchn ·73 VEGA l.X -radials. cui.tom dual ex HOWARD Chevrold Mffcury 9950 '74 Runabout, great cond, b.alllila, radio. All main $850/bst ofr. Dove & Quail Streets ••••••••• • ••••• •••••••• reas. mi, must seU lhl.t \enance current. S249S. G7S..3l04 NEWPORT BEACH ·72 MONTEGO Must sell! wimd. best o!r. 644·5'59 84().762.5 12 Vega Wag. Lo m1'i. 833·0555 52000 mi, loaded. llas all Satafler5PM , . XJnt inter $975 or best 'Ill VW Beetle, new paint, '64 VW Van, $500. '75 Volvo 164E. 1-;t> mi. ~ul good condition $1285. Runagood. 536·1647 ly eqwpped. $6000. Ci.Ill 846-2487 '71 vw SQUAREBACK. _t>M·S47~dM , -maint. records. Like new ~"' EB Firebird. foll hghli.. 11 ofr. 842·42l5. 7~ Co.rv loaded: stereo, cond. $18.59. Ask for Lon· •• , .. _.h 9960 trk. very rli!11n. mus t ----- '66 Sedan OcVillc, gold, atr, Ult wheel, &extras. ny640·5600orG45.8982 ••••••••••••••••••••••• sell . sacn f i'c·c· S9uo '74 Vega Wgn, auto, air. full pwr. gr eat cond, Buy or assume Jeaae. 1976 PLYMOUTH 673·0559 AM/1''M tape dk, low ll1'l. '6S vw Bus. t600cc, runs Gd run n 1 n g con d . 1975 242GL. Llhr mt. A/C, good. $750 or be11l offer. $1500/bestofr.559·5920 5-spd , s nrf , AM·FM. 5.18-3182 ---~ --Super cln. $5350. ---'64 VW, '74 1600 eng, dual 631-0913 '70 VW Wgn, auto, looks & port heads, S.S. headers, runs good. $12001bst orr fat tires. tape deck. 1975 Volvo 164E . fully &t2·<lm9 wkd)s 900 orr !>49-4919 equipped + AM /FM 8 ------• track & speed control. 9800 Autos, M•w 980 ~orTOL. 831·3396 beaut. car $1295. 898·8583 Daya 8·5, 634·2019. Ron 13 Montego 9 pass wgn. Arrow Hatchback xlnt c.'Ond. ~. 898-8583 --'------. --dlx, tcp cond Lo mi. A . di & 1 '76 Fireb1rd E :-opril Camaro 9917 '81. Body customized by s:u.90. 968.5683 utomat1c, ra o on Y Loaded .. Sacrificl!' Must '7l VEGA WAGON Looks ••••••••••••••••••••••• Shelby. 327 4.spd, AM· 16,000 miles. Great gas sell! 642·483:! aft Ii pm good & runs good. SlOOU '70 Camoro, Good condi· FM. 2 tops. $8500/bst ofr. 1968 Mere Sta Wgn, air, saver. 1400117). or best ofr. 49&-4'749 afl ti on. New eng Sl995. See to appre. 496·8311 . good tires. reblt trans, Sal• ftrlced-$2975 Want Ads C;.i ll 642-5678 4PM 675 9171 good eng. $500. 549_2683 MIRACLE MAZDA 1975 CORVmE 21.50Harbor Blvd., c.M. Auto1, Used 4uto1, Used '67 327 V 8, ong. owner, xlnt cond, $1325 With 2 lope. Automatic, 1968 Colll(ar. Xlnt cond.. 645-5700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••··--· radio, heater, air cood. & new paint $1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• '72 1800E. mint cor1. 559.4595 640·0555 chrome wire wheels. _543 1'156 ___ 1.9m 2·dr. Runs very good . If unique is what WE HAVE THE CAR FOR YOU! I' Santa .. Ana Li~coln-Mercury Chevrolet 9920 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1!75CHEVY '72 VOLVO 1800 SF.. Sport Wgn. Shwrm tond Wht/ tan leath, fact air, A Full line of '71 -~t-~~~-:os_·~-~-tape_.2-2M Execut•1ve ·-~ir~~11-~~~:~r.4 spd. MONTE CARLO Automatic, P.wr steenng & brakes, till wheel. air cond., vinyl roof & low milea1e. (S85L WA> EZ terms-0 .A.C. ·~ 4·dr, 4 tyl, air Vt•ry Cars clean. Nds some t•ng wrk. $1300. 645 l79R ·75 242. AC. /\M /l"M tape, Lach. 4 spd, S4295. 640-1644. S48 . 2117 3 NOW $39'5 MAIERS AUTO CENTER 1425 Bn ker St., <; M . 540-9109 '63 Chevy Nova. wa~on. . . . . including a Full Factory Warranty SR~cial SALE N .• OVI. --~ . cora ore price (even thou1ond$) of dollora the market atlcbr price on a new Mercury or Continental , . . yet thy· hove only a few thousand miles on their meters . . . and are in virtually new ·car condition . . . A Full New CAR WARRANTY GOES WITH EVERY , EXECUTIVE CAR SOLO . . . so.o.o'. , . Autos, Used ••.••.••••.••.......... AMC 9905 .....••.............•.. 1971 Ambassador. 73.000 m1. xlnl. $1000. &10·092'i !kick 9910 Good trans . cur New brakes 5'1'l 4116. S290 '59 El Camm<>. must sell. Ber~1tin ul $500. 4 spd trans. '64 t•ngine. runs re al good. 547 3182 '75 MONZA 2~2. I c·yt. ;ur. S3250 l;.16 :i:i:111 ..•................••.. - ·75 Chev Impala. -1 dr. air . P.S only 6.000 mt, Pvt Ply. (714) 846· 7478 Automatic, pwr. steenng -+ brakes, & only 43,000 63 Chevy Wagon. ROOd original miles. Car I~ hke cond, new eng, new tires, brand new! <UDC64t ). S500 646·7889or 642·3390 1967 IUICK LESAIRE You must see this one for ----OML y $I Z9 5 Xlnl '67. 3.1M on new eng. PS1PB/PW. till slr, steel MAIERS lires. air s hocks. S895. AUTO CIHTIR 968-3680 aft 5: JO. 1425 Baker St., C.M. 54().9109 '68 Buick Electra. Runs good. $350. Call 642·0364 '72 ELECTRA 225. musl :.ell. make off<'r~ Xlnt tone!. 828-4351 197'1 Regal, onl' uwnPr. lo m1. air. AM FM ~terN>. ull whl. tll<'c winclows. xlnt cond. Must sell this week. PP 7 M·646·9273 74 LE SABRE LUX US New tires. 28.000 miles, mint condition Pnvale Party 962.g.i37 1976 Caprice Classic Sport. VS, auto trana, factory air, tilt P /S. split P /Scats. P /W, disc brakes, cruise ctrl, stCrt.'O radio, vinyl roof & much more. 56450 Call 893-6460 after 7 PM. '77 Chc\'elte Sandpiper 2,500 Mllt>s. AM flo'M SJ.450. 848.:JU:li '70 CllEVELLfo: Wj(n Needswrk. ~ 642·8129 (839MVG).Tbisweek '7• capn v.6 J\M/FM 4 $750 or best offer. OHL Y $6995 spd air brown. Xlnt cond 894·2833 a1\ .5 MAR9UIS TOYOTA $2900. 552 3586,6 PM '73 Duster. s cyt, stick, Ml~ON VIEJO ........ t 9t5" :.>MPG. Like. new! E x- 831• "11u·•9s.1---1 o .... s ClftCJ lA t , .. , ••••••••••••••••••••••• ras;$1400fo!fer847-32'20 ---~--~~-'75 Vette. T·top 20M ml '66 Auto 289. 57,000 orlJ. ·m VlP •-dr. hdtp, loaded. every extra. tUue w /blu~ mi. 2 ownrs. Xlnl con · VS, auto, A/C, P /S, P /B, leath inlr. 998·1739 Sl.800. 831-1548 __ P /Wind. Original.$695. Cougar • 9933 '69 Grande. Great car. ~~7 _ _ ___ _ •••••••••••••!••••••••• Movln1 mmt sell. $1300. '76 Volare 6. cust cpe, 197li Mercurf Cougar 968·7438 auto, air. P IS. P /08, XR7·Aulomotic. air '7-1 Mustang JI, P /S, P /B , R•d . AM /FM stereo cond .. stereo tape, lilt A.IC, vnyl rf, spec paint. cass .. v. top Cln. $3500. you seek, .... ,,... ...... """""-°"" l!IO To ~· ''""' wheel, pwr. wmdows & 4 spd, 4 cyl. Like new. &l5·~7 _ ~l~ ~e~t~ <0~73°f \ ~ $2650. M4·059I Autos, Mew 9800 Allto1, Hew 9100 IA..tos, Mew 9100 w h o I c s <• l c '7 3 M ust an K Con v . •••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •• •••••••••••• l~~•••••••••••••••••••-,• bluebook-$4675. Cort Fox Loaded, xtnt cond. 44M " Leasing. Call mi. $3900. Ph: 497·2041 _ 64$..lUI_ 1968 MUSTANG. - SUPER SHARP! 1970 XR7, A/T. P /S, P /8 . P /W, metallic blue w /blk leath. iot, immuc owner. S2150. 557-8794 While with red interior V·8 289. Auto. lran!I., power i;tecring, R /H. 'Good condil1on nuns great Cle;.i n SI 150. 497-4166 • 68 Cougar . fully equip·d. '74 Fstbck, auto. rally a beauty, pnced to sell! whls, ruu mstrum. lm- $1175.646-1753 mac $2900. 898-4155/ Dodge 9935 _968_·27_20_. _____ , ••••••••••••••••••••••• '67 Mustang 289, auto, '73 Charger. Xlnl cond. red/blk inl, needs work, $1500 cuh t a ke over perfect for restoration, pymts. ~7111aft5 best offer 49"M463 '70 DODGE DART. XLNT '67 Mustant 289. Rains COND. $975. &ood, ndt wk, good nxer Call49'7·3054 upper. s•oo or' bst. '64 DART. Stick, new _fr7_5-_050S _______ , alternator, starter. ex- haust aystm & used trans. Nds motor over- haul. $150. Ph 846-5969 Classic '57 Dodge. leaving Calif. must sell. She·Lo 536-6098. 831·4244 Ford 9940 . ..••.........••.•.•••• • . PHIL LONG FORD '11 MustanJ, p /1, p /b, a /cood, AM/FM a trk ster. $2000/bat ofr. 962·4821 '70 MUSTANG lo ml, gd. cond. Mu11l sell' Sl600 55:!· 1772 & G7S·6666 1973 Mustang, xlnt cond. Brown. vinyl top, auto. air. P /S $2750 or lx.'1!t of fer. 494-4142 Oldimoblt. r······················ 'B Cutlass Salon, Comp. equip. lmmac. lhru-out, 1owner.581-<>082 1 ~ ol lhe convertibles! SUPER VALUES! - 1977 PINTO 2 DR. SEDAM ~ '4 speed front disc brakes rack & p1n1on 'Q ~ steering. electric rear window detroste< _ ,. wheel covers 2 3 hire engine deluxe ' bumper group & tinted glass 1127830) NOW ONLY $ 3389 ***~***********~********** -1977 MUSTANG II 2 DR. . *************************** 1977 GRANADA 2 DR .COUPE Eau1prnl'ni C' D VA .,,.,11"" CrtJ•<.•'-1' rna11r irans . redial l•rPS powPr 1ron1 d1<.c bnkP<. 8 deluxe bum!)f'r aroup 1~41801'11 NOW ONLY $4499 . SU ·.Lease or But · Today's the dayl '64 ELECTRA. 62M mi by o r ig owner . New 1res/brlu. $1050. Ph 644·9188 '69 Chevy Concours Wagon. 350 V·8, auto, P /S , AM -FM, P / ' tailgate, Poal-tractlon. M i nt cond . Nu tlres/b rks. h id s us- pension. Lo m1. Hi gas mlleqe + xlraa. Mu1l aeetoappre. 1192·1410 Old• '7S, cranberry w /wbl. top. Full ' l ... ,_, .. ~•"'"'9o••-n eq~p'd. Uke new, 1ll8ll Buick Wildcat 4·dr. '77 Chevy Malibu clas•lc ..... -.... ~ ,.._ mi. 16150. 870-1096 1974 TOYOTA COUPE EQuipment includes 4 cyl. enqme automat1r tran1 .. radio & heater. (071KPH). Test-Drive The Continental Versailles The all-new 1977 Suptr-lu>eury littt. Uncoln, ·engineer.cf -io be the flne1t car In the world. Wide Mlectlon of colora. Gd Cond Askil'IJ ..-5 wgn. Air /1tereo, fully C.ll 98CHOde Sat/Sun_. . loaded. Lo m i. $5800. '75 G ~o Bro1hm. 74 Olds Cutlass Salon, 4 ---------• 493-479'7 AM/F stereo tape, cu.. in. eng. deluxe lnt. '7S B UICK Regal, air, A/C, PS/PB, new tlrea, vin lop, 13495. 644-7362 stereo. P IS. V-top, seats. 70 El Camino. w/shell. hi brks, sho,t~. Sharp. A CLASSIC! Tilt whl. A great buy! perform. bestoHer. $3695. Cali"ttwn 9-llam •68 442 Convertible. XJn $3500. 6'4·9836 aft 6:30 & _752·.5314 __ or . 7 : 30· llp m . Ca 11 cond, lo mt. see to ap wknds. --•Classic Corvalr Conv's. anytime on weekends . prcciatc. $1!!-00. 815·4759 9915 '63. '64. Reetored. Invest, 548·4788 i $ J f $1795 536 9993 '7' Cullass Salon 2-dr. ................. ""· · · ~l LTD Sta1"'n Wgn, PS. LoadOO, to '"'· nu otee , '73 Chevy caprice 9 p11ss PB. AC, ~track, new belt tires. lmmac. P / wgn, V8, auto. full pwr, tr a a 1, ~od con d $31995. &K-283'1 A!C. AM /fo'M. Ult steer· S;l500/Bestgtt. 96e·7146 --------'---! Ing . rack . Brown Ford '71LTJ), 2 dr, air, 1974 CADILLAC COUPI DIVlUE C.brlolet top, tilt •heel, CNH control, AM/FM sterfJC> wtUt tape player. C496KZI). $&595 Nat>ers .. cadlllac. w /woodaraln tides. Good full cond. $!515 or best olr. stereo, power. $975. .... (7lt)ssi.!@1" '• ~ $fautre Wp. ·ea Impala. runs good, p/1. p /b, a/c "50. 860-lQ. P\lllpwr •• Call!!·5"9 1974,INTO COUPE Top fuel economy In lh1s one! 4 cyl. engine 4 speed Crans .. radio & heater. 1596KOCI 1974 MERCURY CAPRI COUf'I 6 cyl engine. aotomat lc trans air conditioning. vinyl roof ... 1nter1or. radio & power brakes. (568KLD) ----~-~~~--- ' 9 7 6 MERCUltY COMIT & cyl engine. automallc Irani ractorv ;11r cond . pwr s1eer1ng. radio. htate<. 11ntPd Q•as~. ¥fnyl root & w'Slw tlrff 1&97NOKI , 1976 AMC PAC8t ~ cyl engine. autom111c Irani tactorv 11r cond racho. healer. vinyl root. tinted gteas & pwr steeting. 1692NIK) --~--~---~~ 197' FORD LTD COUPE ve. alJtomatlc tntns.. full l)OWef. tactOtV e1r cond • tape player. \lfnVf roof 4 tlnt9d grns. '3t&NYV~ ''"~ TRUMD811io va. eutomatic tran ... pwr. •t.-rlng • bfa'<es. fecto.IY etr ean<I., radio. ~•t« & w/S/w tlffl, C111AJW>. lt76 CHln COIYITTI V8. aut~IC trlna .. fectory elr oond .. tltrtO racHo, tinted gl&.t•. heatar. ow • te•trl~·brakH·Wlndows & wla1w tires. ftee~~ .. .,.,;. .. ~, ... ___ .................. ~-=f···· .. :': .... i:: ... TO •ARi• IK•S M.,. TOP" OP N•W ·&·ii••• -----·CARS -.--, ·~y :... prof•u;ooal salesmeft EARLE IKE puttiftCJ it on the line, you have Made us tt.e #I volume l,..ort store in Costa Mesa: SAYS: COME IH HOW AHD SEE WHY! '73 ~ILUX PU s2499 lur·Comp~r SllC'll t: 340 I 2T MAC IUMG Toyota MCJr. BANK FINANCING O.A.C. CREDIT UNIONS '. WE LEASE '67 ~.~!d~~.?UT $ 1 'iun Roof uBOBMIM '76 VOLVO STATION WAGONS DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER Never driven on city streets. Leasing company over bought! You save '71 ' COLT #003950 #002229 #003823 '71 DATSUN 51399 s1399 · ge_ Coa. 1 I WONOE~ WHAT I SHOOLDAAVE FOR LUNCH roDAY ... 1-11 NANCY wow --- YOU'RE GOOD I , , ' ----", .. , ... I FINAL SPORTS LOCAL WANT ADS SUNDAY, JULY 17. 1977 SPECIAL /ODAY 60'( TALK A60UT LOOS'/ WEATHER! . nus HA5 TO 6E THE OEAOEST NEl6HOORl100D 'N · THE DEADE5T TOWN IN T~E WHOLE STUPtO WO~LO! .. ONE DA'< IT15 TOO MOT, AND THE NEXT OA"f IT'S TOO COLD! T~AT'S IT ... AN OPEN·FACEO CRA6 SANOWlCH! By Ernie Bushmiller -. . . .. . .. ------ , , , , ' ' ' , -·· ····, ,' ' , , I , ' ' ' ' ' • • • • • • • , , , -. -... , .. I \ , , ' ' • • • ' ' ' . . -·,, I, ' , ' ' • ' • ' I • • I • A GIANT FLOWE:~, HUH? ve~! 1-r'~ A Ml~ACL.E OF= MOOEi?N HO~TICV1l..iLA~E / ,,..~ THE SIGt;,E~i, "'THE MO~T ~Pl!CTACLAl.A~ I THE MO~T ATT~ACT1ve &:LOWEC IN T~e WO~L.D ! DENNIS THE MENACE JU9T LOOK AT THIS NEWt;PAPeR! JHe NEXT ilME IT HAPPEN91'M GOING 10SPEAKTO 'WR FATHER! 1 OONTWANT'/0070 READ rr. .. :r WANT 'IOO TO LOOK AT fTf --• lr LOOl<S KINDA 9A[). I OON'i KNOW WHAT I OID, EJUT l PIO rr l'IGHT .' weL..L? WHAT 00 YD'4 T1-41NK ? MAY0€ IT WoUL.0 HE:l.P IF )t>U PUI A MUZZLE ON HIM. I T'HINK r DON'T WANT TO Sf HE~E WMEN THE · ' see ~UP .... - -· -- By Hank Ketcham . ~ --· C> [> t> ~IJDGE PARKER <1 <] <] WHILE DRIVING A88EY OUT TO LUNCH , ERIC STOPS AT A ROADSIDE PHONE! I DON'T LIKE N060DY I TOLD YEAH ... EXCEPT YOU NEVER MAKIN' A PATSY OUT YOU WE SAID WHEN! I DON'T WANT OF ME! ARE WE WOULD, TO WAIT UNTIL I'M READY GETTIN' MARRIED? DIDN'T I'? FOR SOCIAL SECURITY! •• .. • ... "' • .. .. WHAi'S EO GREAT ABOUT .sAiURDA'J NIG7~ ANC(WAQ? ; WHEN I'M ALONE IN M4 ROOM l l~TENING TO 1HE RADIO .•. IT Gl\JE.S NIE A CHANCE 1D 1l11NK ABOUf A L.01 OF THINGS / l STAr<T 10 DREAM ABOUf WHAT If'& GOING 10 BE U KE FOR ME IN 11-tE F01URE.f FRANKL(( I 11'5 PREfl4 HA~ 10 GE.I EXCrfED ABOUI Df.NTAl. E(:HOOL J MOON MU'' INS ,AH, Mri.AND M~s . WALKER·· BRLN~IN~ YOUR NEW APOIT ION OUT FOR.A BIT OFAIR? AND I SUPPOSE HE1LL. Be YouR FLJ T URE BU?INESS P,ARTNER? . we 'THOU~HT 'So UNTIL A Wr;E~ ,A<f;O ... ~ fl r; DOCTOR SMOCK • · FIN E· L.OO~ING LAD. ee:cAuse o,::: soMe eRI l.-L..l.AN-r ME:PICAL- Pl SCOVE:~Y You 've M.Ar?f3., f:H, POC ? 7-11 byFa1 ... Jo.._..•_ l 'THINK HE STAND HA'S your< NOSE, 8,ACI<'·· MRs. WALKER. HE.1lt- HIS FIRST WO~D~S DA-TA··· ~ET YOURS. By George Lemont • '~'/~, L-/MPIP LIZARD. I HAD A 600t/ llME= IOPAY. 1lt&Re'S A 1ROOP OF SOJ..PleRS ou-riHER&: SOMliWHeRE! r-11 ' ' J, 1-I 1 c.....,.q,. l'77, n.. ....... -' ,, ...... Sy"<io<olt ..... THINK SOLPIER, MAN!! AL.l-WRllE! I WILL! I WILL! 'l><><>LIEY'S~~~~::.:~ -I WISH I MAY, I WISH I MIGHT: I HAVE 1fi t: \NISH I WlSM 1bNIGHT. \ ... --- lHAT SHOULD SE EASY IN . VOUR CASE! ... CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EY~? There are at least six differ· eneea in dr1win1 detail• between lop and bottom panels. How qukkJy can you rind them? Check answers with those below. p..lUOlln ..,d..," lop n•ms ·9 1u1111w 11 'l"'u JO uw) c; p.>uo1111nd.>J •• nwW~H ·~ ·u~oqe 'l p.noa ·s 'lU•.aaH•P ~t <1.u.1 i 1u..i~u•p •t 1rw.L I .u~u.lHJllQ BOOMER ANO You R£AL.LY PL AYED A 8~.AUll~UL. GAM~ ! • NEXT TIME you're at a party and t·off.:c or tea 1~ i.erved. a~k ---BULLETIN BOARD ---e BORED OF ED! Teacher: "What three words are used most in this elm?" Student."---. _ ." Teacher: "Correct." What words? .. l'\OUl! 1,uop 1 .. •8mall Wonder! "Oopl'y. SIPepy, Grumpy, Do<'. Happy, Sneezy .... Who was Snow White's other pal, Mom?" asked Suzy. Can you answer? 1n111ne eWits Tester! Find two European cities amone consecutive letters: We had to 10 slow at the timber line. Time limit: One mlnu.te. to u!>t three c..ups bdore thi:y arc •Jot down these eight number1 between one and tilled Pl.ic..·i: them ~1dl.' by ~1d1: on nine: 32547891. Note a i.ix 1s missing. Now, mul- thc tJbh: w11h .i bowl ol lump tiply by sjx and observe what happens. ,ugar t'lt:\IJe them Now. c..h.illcngc by· ,13ndcr~ to Ji~lrihutc 10 lump\ ot 'IUgar .i· rnong th.: three cups ,o that an o<lJ number ol lump~ arc 1n c.ic..·h cup How th" 1~ done Plac.:c seven lump' of sugar in the llr.t cup. two in the ~econd cup. and one 1n the third cup Tht•n, plJc.:e the third rup 111"1k the ~c.:onc.l c.:up Thu'. the ~ c..·onll'nl\ ol th,· ,..-c..onJ '------------------ wp 1n ctlc..'c.:t " a to· EYE TO EYE! Two of the t>yes suspended m air above tal ol three lump' look enough alike to ~ taken for twin,, Which two eyes? 0 DOUBLE DIPPER! Simply add the followmc colors neatly for a surprise picture above: 1-Red. 2-Lt. blue. 3-Yellow. 4-Lt. brown. 5-Flesh tones. ~Ok. treen. 7-0k. blue. 8-0ran,e. SPELLBINDER! SCORE 10 poinLs for uaine aJI the --------- leu,ts in the •ord bel9" to form --------- twq,.complete w()l'da: COMPLETE . . . . . ... THEN acore 2 points each for all -----+----- wordro of four leUera or more --------- found amone the letters. Try to acore 1t leut 50 pointa. ----+----- ·11;od ·;owo:> :wwawuw ;o1qmod By Brown and Casson '{oo K...iow , SuW'f', IT 151"'( WH€1'J~€JZ. YOU W1,J O~ LOS6 li-'AT COLJNT5 ~ li'S HoW YOU PL.A{ fH6 G~t: 1 GU.SS t 'M JLl5T A P00'2 w1"1N6'2 - MOTLEY'S CREW Ben Tem leton & Tom Forman 1RUMAN, WE 60TIA 5IOP! IH\5 HIKE 15 KILLIN' ME.! JUST A Lllil..~ fARTHE:f2, POP.,, ,, 1 HEARD !ME.Re' 5 A 6RE.AT CAMPSITE J'C.JSI O'J~R iHl5 HILL. MARMADUKE® 7·17 GORDO TANK FNAM'AllA 9 • ::: c; :> t : -----! I i \\. ~·. '' ' c-- (~} P.f _ ·,,,--~----. ~ f/OWC~ VOLJ DON1T 6HOW /HE .STRAIN' • By Brad Anders on By Gus Arriola YOtJ SUR.E TAKE RISKS FOR A GUV W/Tf/ DIMINISJ.llN<:? . LIFE l<ES&;l<VJ:s/ WHV DO CATS RAT~ NIN. LIVES'f by }ef f Millar & Bill Hin~ July 17, 1977 DAILY PILOT TASTE THE GOOD TIMES. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangf!r9Us to Your Heahh. Filw ~gs. 16 mg. ~ur." 1 .1 mg. ricotilei longs.18 mg. "tar." 1.3 mg. nicotile, w. per cignna. FTC Repan Dec. 7S Good news! Raleigh now packs twice the coupons - 2 on every pack, 8 extra in every carton. So, you get any of more than 1,000 Raleigh gifts twice as fast. Genuine tobacco flavor plus Double Gift Coupons. That's Raleigh. For free gift catalog, call now, toll free:(l-800) 626-5510. (Ky. residents call collect: (502) 774-7563.) ·-·~ .. .. ' -~--. Now if ·rts twiceu ! ASK THEM YOURSELF Send tilt QUtstlon, • I ...-nl, to "Ask," Famlly Weeldy, 841 Lexington Avt., New Yof1c, N.Y. 10022. We'll pay 15 for pul>llshtcl questions. Sony, WI can't answtr others. FOR JODY POWEU, press secretary to President Carter Hu the new Informality In the White House detracted &om the dignity of the Praldency7 -M.C., Hunting- ton, W. Va. • No. Pomp and circumstance aren't necessary to maintain the dignity of the Presidency. Dignity seems to thrive In a wann, friendly, unstlff air -and thats the atmosphere the President has created. FOR EU.A GRASSO, Governor of Connectlcut Ha.e you ever been dlKrlmlnated egolnat because you are a woman? -Joyce Fontana, Enfield, Conn. • Since I first served in the Connecticut State Legislature in 1952, It has been my good fortune to be accepted as an equal by my male colleagues. But there was one occasion when a hastily caJled caucus was held In the men's cloak room. After that, more suitable locations \Clere found for the Party caucuses. FOR REP. JOHN CONYERS (0.-Mich.) Since Federal law prohibits receipt or transport In ln- tentate commerce of firearms by convicted felon. or mental Incompetent., do Federal regulation• prevent auch penona &om purchaalng flrearma that aren't prod· ucts of lnteratate commerce? -Brod Kluta, Sherman, Texas • Federal-laws and regulations apply only to Interstate com· merce and to the purchase or receipt of firearms from a Feder- ally licensed dealer. In all other cases, Including Intrastate trans- actions, state and local laws apply. FOR ELIZABETH POST, etiquette expert What'a the blggeat aoclal fluff you've committed? -B.G., Durham, N.C. • I was having lunch with a dear friend, and we got around to the subject of glft·glvlng. I spent a long time expounding on how so many people were sending boxes of cheeses for pre- sents. My friend suddenly got very quiet and a sour look settled on her face. I'm sure you can guess the reason: that was the friend who !misted on sending me boxes of cheeses year after year. FOR THE "ASK THEM YOURSEIF EDITOR What can you tell me about Comellua Ryan, the author of the book upon whJch the movie .4 Bridge Too Far la baaed. -Helen Brenton, Aabury. N . .I. . • Although a pro[lftc writer, his books, Including The Longe&t Doy, are all nonfiction and relate mainly to war. His greatest feat was probably his fight against his four-year illness. He fllled notebooks with more than 500 Interviews with doctors, nurses and patients and refused all allevtatlng medidne; he wanted to finish A Bridge Too Far with a sharp and clear mind. He was In his mld·SO's when he died In 1974. FOR MELANIE, recording star Whp do people hold candle. when you alng7 -P.W., Redwood CltJ, Calif. • It started seven years ago at the Woodstock Festival. I fol- lowed Ravi Shankar, who electrified the audience with his sitar playing. Whtie they were yelling for encores, I had to start my act, and his was a tough one to follow. I never thought they'd let me go on. And, to add to my nervousness, it started to rain. ' Then the rain and the audience calmed down, and a few peo- ple held up lit candles. It was supposed to be a sign of solidarity. FOR PELE, soccer star, New York Cosmos How doea aoccer played In the North American Socc:er · Lugue compare with that plaped la South America? -8.F .• Gallup. N.M. e The real difference Is the pace of the game. In Brazil we play with short passes and have offense In mind all the time. So far, I've seen the U.S. develop more like European teams, with de- fense and body contact. But we In America are starting to get our own blend of soccer. which will be as good as any In the world. After all. the NASL Is only 10 years old. FOR NEIL SEDAKA. songwriter Anp particular reuon wbp you called a aong &om your new.album •Amat11lo?" -R.C .. Bolae, Idaho • I like the way It .sounds, and I also like the place Itself, but I think I annoyed the big brass who produced the album. "Ama- rlDo only has 128 people who buy records," they exaggerated. "Why·couldn't you write about a big dty like Houston Instead?" FOR ORVIU.E SCHEU., author of In the Peoples Republic Do the Chlnae hue a aenae of humor? Are they as In· ac:rutable a• they're reputed to be? -P.S., Decatur. Ill. e They do laugh easlly, but their humor Is strange to foreign- ers. Quite often, their humor is politically Inclined, Involving a play on words Impossible to convey In another language. The Chinese are rarely auel, sarcastic or cynical. They never laugh at someone else's expense. Exceptions to this rule are jokes on offlctally approved enemies; Khrushchev jokes are always popular. FOR ANSEL ADAMS, one of the world's leading nature photographers Whp d.ld you chooee black and white landacape photog- raphy °""portraiture? -Dick Mack, Carmel. Calif. • In my professional days, l did all kinds of photographs but, as much of my time was spent In the wilderness, the work with nature took precedence over the usual professional directions. I prefer black and white because of the possibilities of control, and tt also allows for great abstraction. PRO AND CON Should Postal Service Be Cut To Five Days A Week? PRO Jam• R. Bra ... toa. Allllltant Postmaster General fOf Oeltvery Scrvlcet . W~vc made no final declsk>n to cut postal deliveries to five days a week, but a Congressionally created study commission did recom· mend such a move to help keep postage rates down. It would save the Postal 5ervk:e some $412 million a year, pmnlt holding an antic- ipated letter-rate Increase ne>d year to 15.cents, Instead of 16 cents, and would reduce the number d mbdellve:rcd letten because we could ebmlnate Ullng replacement can1ers on the regular ·carriers' days off. A Nielsen survey showed 79 peroent of those polled fa- v<>Nd eftmfnatk>n of Saturday delivery If It would hold down costs. t CON Robert K Hiwll, dlrectof cl Transportation and Communlca· llon, The Chamber cl Conimerce cl the United States The Postal 5eMce Is a tradltional element of our society. Reducing Its seMc.e Is never desirable because to many people hove come to depend on It. But It's plagued by deftclts detptt. soaring rates and Federal subtldles, and some doubts ltnger about the qualtty of Its savk:e, -Cutting delivery &om six to five days a week II pop<>Nd as a way to help pet'8 ristng costs. H It can demonstrate an eblllty to re- verse the present crtsll, then we ~ht consider a ftve.day plan a v\able alternative. But grater efforts mUlt also.be made to Improve lntenal efficiency. 0 "77FAMILYWEEKLY, INC. Allfiotlte WHAT WE ARE LEARNING ABOUT NUTRITION AND THE BRAIN ship with a woman, and the longest I ever held a job was 11 months. I was flnally diagnosed as schlzophrenk:, and I felt there was no hope fOf me ... Elllot, now 32, says he feels like a Mdlf- ferent person." He has been working in the same ad agency for two years and was recently promoted. He plans to be married in the spring. Nancy, Susan and Elliot credit their ' remark.able recoveries to orthomolecular 'ZilliltP. medicine, a popular but controversial Many researchers believe some forms of mental illness are brought on by nutritional imbalances that can be corrected under medical supervision. By Gloria Hochman Nancy C., 29, a Florida housewife. was severely depressed for 10 years. She was hospitalized twice, had two series of eJec. troshock treatments and swallowed hun- dreds of tranqulllz.ers and antidepressants. "Nothing helped," says Nancy "Most mornings I couldn't drag myself out of bed. I couldn't do my housework. I couldn't take care of my children or myself. I was always depressed and, finally. felt there was no out but suicide." That was three years ago. Today Nancy shows no signs of mental unrest. She wOfks as a legal seaetary, cares for her family and says she has Mmore energy than I ever dreamed possible." She ls confident she will never again lapse Into mental Illness. Susan R., a 42-year-okf secretary bving In Riverside. Caltf .. remembers having se- rious mental problems most of her life. As Glorlo Hochmon la on ourord·wlnnlng free· lance w11rcr .,,eclOIWng In medicine, psychology. Pill· chlotrv and othttr life «lcnca. 4 • ,AMILY weKLY, July 17, 1817 a child, she recalls spending a lot of time alone In her room. Playing with other chil- dren scared her. Ml always had abnormal fears," she says. "I thought people were following me or making fun of me. When I got older, I wouJd pace around the house, almost climbing walls, but afraid to go out- doors. No doctor seemed able to help me. Then I read an article about megavltamln therapy and found a doctor who would treat me. rve been on vitamins fOf almost a year now, and I can't believe how great I feel. Even my family doctor, who wu skeptical, ls beginning to feel the treatment has some merit." Elliot G .• who Uves In a suburb of New York City, tells a stmll.ar story. "I had been In thetapy off and on since I was 21." he says. .., had a hard time keeptng a .lob because ( would go off Into dreamlike epl· soda. I would loM my MnM ol time and miss appointments. My memocy would fall. My sense ol diltanc:c and ma went berwrk. Foods tasted funny. Then I would IOAP out ol tt end be O.K. foe a while. But H ne'1er lasted. I eouJdn't have a relation- branch of medldne that Unks nutrition to the way the brain functions. &slcally, orthomolecular psychiatrists say that the brain depends on vitamins and minerals to give It the energy it needs to work properly. These determine the brain's delicate chemical balance; lf It is disrupted, the way a person thlnks, feels and acts can be affected, and insomnia, fatigue, head- aches and depression can result. Chemical Imbalance can even lead to serious Ulness, including schizophrenia. Physicians who practice orthomoiecutar medk:i.ne use vita- mins, nutrition and drugs to correct the faulty brain chemlstly Thae daeorla ue not new. and medical sdence has been struggling fOf years to determine the relationship be- tween what people eat and how they behave. Since the tum of the century, eight medical conditions have emerged from disorders once called schizophrenia. The most notable was pellagra, whose victims, mainly the ruraJ poor, appeared to be mentally ill. Many ended up In lnstltudons for Ufe. In 1937 It was discovered that vitamin 83 (niacin) added to their diet wiped out the disease. Dr. Walter C. Alverez, emeritus consul· tant In medidne at the ~yo CUnlc, says, "What Impresses me greatly Is that already we are able to tell, after examining a lot o( blood and urlne samples, which are from scht+ophrenlcs and which are from normal people. That satisfies me that schizo- phrenia Is associated with abnormal chem· icals In the patient's body, chemicals that are Injuring his brain as much as an over- dose of alcohol wouJd ." And Harvard Medical School has developed chemical tests which can determine the extent and severity of serious mental Illness. Still, mo.t docton are not con- rinced. Many psychiatrists, In particular, lnslst mental tnness 1s always "psychologl· car' In origin. Other physicians, like Dr. John Paul Brady, chairman of the Univer- sity ol P~ylvanla's J)¥hiatry depart· ment, admit there ~ms to be a biochem~ cal agpect to mental Illness but are not sure that treatment with vitamins and nutri- ments Is the answc=. Despite such r lions, people with chronic mental ems ranging from mild depression to psychosis are turning to ort.homoleculu physk:ians for help. The North Natsau Mental Health Cen- ter In ManhasMt, N. Y .• a prominent ortho- /' molecular center, has treated 10,000 pa· tlents in the past seven years. The Brain Bio Center In Princeton, N.J., has treated 3,500 patients since 1973. And the Aca- demy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry esti· mates there are 200 to 300 practltloners around the Country. Psychiatrists like Dr. H. L. Newbold of New York City and Dr. Jack Ward of Trenton, N.J., were trained In traditional medldne but later found "nu· trltlonal psychiatry" more effective. Martha E. Is a case In point. She says she experienced a "fuU-blown psychosis. For eight months, I llved In an unreal world. Thoughts raced through my mind with efectrlc speed. It was as though I had turned on 15 radio stations, and they au had static on them. I saw faces in the moon, smelled roses when none was there. Anally, a friend told me about Dr. Carl Pfeiffer (former chief of the Division of Neurophannacology o( the New Jersey Bureau of Research In NeuroJogy and Psy- chiatry and current dlrectOf of Princeton's Braln Bio Center) 1 and I called him, In- sisting on an appointment. Or. Pfeiffer gave me lots of blood and urine tests and diagnosed me ~ suffering horn low hista· mine. He gave me a vitamin and mineral presatptlon and changed my diet. Myre· covery was amazingly rapid. Three months later, I was working, traveling, dating. I never needed medication. It was all done with nutrition." Although orthomolec:u.lu peyda&. tit.ts estimate their cure rate at 80 per· cent, they are not at all certain about what causes the lopsided chemistry in the first place. Many of them place the lmime on faulty nutrition, ~Uy chemical ad- ditives and excess sugar consumption. In addition, stress Is generally recognlud as another trigger of mental illness; a number of studies demonstrate stress alters body chemistry. Yet millions of Americans are victims of stress and have i>OOf eating habits but never become mentally Ill. The difference, says Dr Philip L. Bonnet, the Brain Bio Center's psychlatrtst, IS probably In· herttance. Bonnet speculates that some persons are born with a greater susceptt- blltty to schizophrenia. Those who are nol may pay fOf their poor eating habits or stressful lifestyles with arthritls, Insomnia, depression, anxiety and an Inability to con· centrate. These and other maladies may not keep them fTom funcdoning, says Bon· net, but they do keep people from bvtng up to their potential. Many orthomolecular doctors thus favor a dally vitamin program. Moce traditional dod~ are skeptical of claims for vitamins, and some believe there could be a danger In overdosing. at least with amain vitamins. Recognizing that vlhlmln therapy still bears some stigma of b4ring s&nply a fad. Bonnet says, "We think most physicians would believe In It If they were willing to examine our evidence. But medic:lne II a conservative held. Change takes a long time. And doctors are not trained In pre- ventive medJdne. Our medal training teaches us to be disease-oriented mher than heaJth!onented. My own tralnl,.g In psychiatry was traditional, but I becam.._ disenchanted with It bCaUM petlenb were not getting well. If ~ doctors would be more open-minded and gtve It • JR chance." Ill.I REVISED AND .. EXPANDED Yours to examine for 14 days FREE with no obligation to buy • .. EXTRA GIFT! Take this valuable cook book FREE! FREE-these fascinating "see through" charts of the human body .•. ...... ·,_ eccept ........ .... ......... a.a. ......... ca... deM F=llledlctll a... tor 14 .,.. ---wlloe, ..... ...... lonlobuJLWJOU .... loU... ... ,....., lleclc:el CWde, .... ,._. tor ..... , ... , ... pclilte9e ..... ......... , ............. .. lllcMle). If not COi pltlllJ .... tied, return the lledlul G•lcl• _..,,.,_.ct owe ..... tor tt. .,... a.ta of ... .._ Bodr .. ,..... lo bep,,.. "' .., ~ When illn~' threaten.\ ••• can you rcco~ni1.c your IH>dy'l< "dan~r ~goal'" before minor ailmt.-nb bc..'('()mc m:.jor mcdkal bill\? N EVll aEPOIU! bas there been a family medical book 10 practi. cal to use ... so easy to read and understand ... so up-to-date as the Better Homes and Gardeu FAMILY MEDICAL OUJDE. And now it has been revised and expanded to include a comprehen- sive illustrated Encyclopedia of Medical Terms Section . . . •Flrst Al4I with 2,000 definitions 10 take s.cttoii Tll~ the confusion out of bard-to-=~..':,. understand medical laaguqo. ti, rem.-. Yea, Better Homes and Gardena FAMILY MBDI· CAL GUIDE tells you how to give first aid, all about the problems of -'middle and old age, symptoms and treatment of stomach ~hie. hiah blood pressure, menopawe (and the seldom diacu11ed "male meno- pause .. ), 't:ancer, bow to avoid in- fectious diseases (or reco1nize their symptoms in the earliest staees). You are told about armoyina alterr and byperxositiviries, crippljq arthritis, ne~a, strokes and heart attack. rcpro- ductift systems of male and female, ~r­ ations, nutrition, liver, t.idneys, inteatmal disorden and urinary tract. Clurty lllusfnitcd lhmu~hout Over 900 illustrations show you bow your orpns function, where they are located - and what happens when they fail to worlr. properly. f:ompltlt: ~·•era~. rn.m c·bildnn'~ di'"..es Ir> bt:allb problt:m\ of old •Jet You set frank advice on female d.isorden, what to do about varic.ose veins, irregular- ities of the heartbeat (at.ippina a beat). You learn how to spot firsl siam of pros· tate trouble, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever. cancer of the breast, measles, appendicitis. You are liven advH:e on special problems such as: pelvic di90rders, congestjve fail- ures, ulcers, loss of viac>r. even freckles. Plus special advice and information on arthritic conditions. st.in problems, hear- ins djfficulties, other health problems that aft'ec\ older folks. Better Homes and Gar- dens FAMILY MEDICAL GUIDE has been prepared by 30 of America's most prominent physicians, surgeons, and spe- cialists, d0crors whose knowledge and opiruons have earned them international rccosnition. l Jpd11tcd with modtm mcdic·11I di<,('onrit' Here is reliable information about medical advances that have captured newsrptt headlines: new uodentaodinp o the causes and rreatmenr of ca.acer; new proa- ress in transplantatioo surpry; new facts about hepatitis, and mononucleosis. Plus facu every parent and youn1 penoo will want to Ir.now about discoveries in bered- iry -will the b"aby be nonnaJ? -and vital information about dru& abuse: what are the cflects of narcotic:s, marijuana, the balluciooaens (mescaline, peyote. LSD), and many more topics of CUJ"Rnt conc:em. You owe it to yourself and to your family to aee thls unique medical ,Wde. Now you can examine it for J4 days FR EE withour obliption to buy iL If for any reason you return the boot within cbla period. there is no charge; you pay ootbina. owe oothlna. r~ 131i7j1 c•j[(JITfi]Jjjiiffiii{:iii}:;fli-, ..... H_wl~ Dept. P02. Box "4SS"4, Da oina, Iowa S0336 Y u, lend me my free copy of ~ of the Huma.o Body" and the "Eat and Stay Slim" cook boot alOlla with the reviled and expended Bet1.et Homa and Gudcm Family Medical Guide, for 14 days' eumination. U I am not en- tirely •titled, I will retura the Family MedQJ Guide whhiD that time and owe oothiq for it. Or I may keep it and J:l for it i.o 3 euy monthly ftwt•Dmc:nta of SS.65 C8Cb _plus pcl9tqe and hand (and aaJa tu when aoolicable). Tbe -0.rta of the Hunwl"Body" and ".Eat ud Stay Slim" will be inctUded u a GIFT, .miDD to keep free even if I decide not to pun:bue the Family Medical Guide. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heahh. WHAT A FAMILY! The Jenners: Olympic decathlon champ Bruce, his wife Chrystie, their Labrador retriever named Bertha and her puppies. Here's the story of their remarka ble partnership. By Joseph N. Bell He lives In Malibu, high on a hilltop overlooking the Pacific. Two new Porsches are In the garage, and a dog barks some· where Inside the house Bruce Jenner an· swers the door on crutches. one leg bent In a hip-to-ankle cast. Despite the crutches he mounts the stairs effortlessly, explaining to his vlsilor, with mild embanassment, how his motorcycle jumped out from un· der him. He came down on his right knee and cracked the fibla and tore a mass of tendons. "It won't be back to normal for a year, but I don't care. I'm In no rush. If I were sttll competing, I wouldn't have been on the bike In the first place. I wouldn't even walk up and down stairs fast two years ago." There was good reason. The stakes were high. When Jenner won his last race ln Montreal's Olympic Stadium In the dusk of July 30. 1976, he became world record holder In the Olympic decathlon and win- ner of the Amateur Athletic: Unions prestf· g1ous Sullivan trophy. He was widely ac- claimed as the "world's gr~test athlete." He's lean and supple and. at 26. has an air of easy conffdence, a square jaw and earnest eyes that look stTalght at a listener None of this has been lost on the Holly- wood types who have flocked around. But so far, Jenner and h1s cool, Dresden-pretty wife. Chrystle, have kept tight contTol over their affaiJS. Jenner Is often compared With Mark Spitz, whose plans to capitalize with com- mercials and endonements on his 1972 Olympic performance were never really fuJ. filled. Jenner says he .. saw what happened to Marie," and wants to avoid the same un- productive route. A desire to control theJr own destinies has characterized both Bruce and Chrystle most of their lives. The son of a tree sur- geon. Bruce was rahed In several small upstate New York towns where he excel1-d In all sports. He went to Graceland College In Iowa and Int~ to concentrate on J~ph &II It a /rH /ol'lttf' and a port·llnHI ~~ o/ wrlllng oi the Untucnffy of Collfomlo -hvlnc H~ reguJarfv conlrfhtJta to manv no· Ilona/ publlcolk>ov. lndudlng HM-pet's, Good HOUMkeeplng, Meeds and The Nattonal ObMtwr football. Then his knee was shattered In practice a month into his first season. He never played football again. tumlng ex· elusively to track when he recovered. Bruce was in his first decathlon In 1970 and knew instantly it was what he wanted to do ''because there were so many things to improve In ." He was not a natural champion in any event, so brlnglng his scores up was tough. slogging work He put all his energy Into making the U.S . Olympic team In 1972. "My goal was finishing In the first ten - and I just made It. The biggest thing the '72 Games gave me was experience. When I went back four years later, I was familiar with the pressures and no longer In awe of an the things going on around me. I could concentrate totally on Winning." That meant four yeerl'of training wtth his eye filled firmly on a 51ngle goal. Chrystie knew this when she married Bruce a few months after the '72 Olym- pics. It was agreed she would work as an airline stewardess to supplement his part- tlme Insurance-selling job so Bruce could devote himself to training. "It wasn't a dif- ficult decisioo," she says. "fve never as· plred to a lot of money. so my salary and a llttJe help from his work were enough ... He trained out of his home In San Jose, where his coach and trainer was a LAbra· dor retriever named ~ who kept him soUdly on schedule whenever he was tempted to sleep In. "She trained,. every minute with me. When I'd lgnor'I: the alarm In the morning, she'd straddle me on the bed and bfeathe on my face until I got up . She was deflnttely a motivating factor all those ye.an. I felt guilty If I didn't take her outto tUn." · Although Bruces perfonnanc. lmpowd steadily, there were ttOmfi satotas problems along the way. Says Chrysde: "The one- dirnenslonal element ln hls pcnonallty reaDy bothtred me. That'• changing now, and he's growtng; whole new wortda .,. opening to him. W• knew he had to bt one dimensional then to succeed, but It could be frustrating. When he hurt himself In 1973, right after we moved to Cali- fornia, he had no job, no friends, and he couldn't do the one thing he was dedicated to. He had to be so narrow he didn't even have a hobby to faU back on. That's the risk you take for a slngle-mlnded goal." A curious s~ch took place In their posi- tions during Bruce's last year In training. It hit Bruce suddenly In 1975 that he was not prepared emotionally for the posslblllty of losing. "So," he says, "I got scared, and I really started to prepare myself to lose. I kept telling myself tfl:at l musn't put all my eggs In this one basket .:-. and I could see my performance going straight down.•· So could Chrystle. The two of them sat up talking for several nights about whet to do. And suddenly It was Chrystie who was saying: "lhat$ no way to win. Face It. Ad- mit to youneJf that the decathlon gdd medal Is the one thing In the world you want right now. Get that hunger back." He did -and a month later set a world's record, then went on to Montreal for his spectacular victory there. Bruce knew long before the f\nal event of the Olympic decathlon that he would never compete again. "That sense of final- ity gave me a lot of strength. When I walked off the victory stand and I looked back at that packed stadium, I said to myself. "That's It' -and I felt very good about It. I was ready for new~.:" . They came qulckly -and massively. A few days after his f\na.I victory, there were some la.Tge and Instant often for one-shot commadals. The Jenner:s turned them all down and set up an organlJatlon that ln- ch.aded a large talent agency and a proml-- nent ftrm of pubUdsts. FOf th1tt months. the JcnM!n sorted and dbculled vanous offers that poured In. Then they made a 10-year deal with a tnakfut food that will undetwrtte lecture toun b Bruce and a program of juvenile sports activities. His "deals .. now lndude a With Incredible dedication and a lot ef understanding and encouragement from his wife, Bruce won the title of "world's greatest athlete." Now, be- sieged with Jome and fortune, they ore struggling to retofn control of their destinies white pursuing new goals. two-year arrangement with ABC-1V as a sportscaster, plus Bruce's own endorse· ment Insignia, which he has so far licensed to a shoe manufacturer and several lines of clothing for young people. He was asked to test for the tit.le role in the $25 million movie of Superman, and he plans to do some dancing on a Oonnle and Marie show ln the faD and wlll prob- ably attend acting school. He wlll continue to gtve college and business groups his motivation lecture, which condudes with a fUm dlp ln slow motion against a musicaJ backdrop of "The lmpo551'ble Dre.am" of Bruce winning the 1.500-meter race. For such taDcs he now commands between $2,500 and $5,000 per appearance. To the occastonal Irritation of the proies- sk>na.ls who manage Bruce's career, Chrystte par1idpates In every bustnes.s de- cision. She's the enforcer when people don't pay up for Bruce's appearances ("I don't mind being the heavy; I don't feel we have to compromise with the lrr83J>OnslbJe ways ot people who deal with us.") and the devtl's advocate when Bruce's hMdlers are IJylng to seU him on a course of action. "I know," she says ftrmly, "That Bruce's manager and agents chuckle about the fact that they have to clear It through Chrystie first, but that's Q .K. We're In conttol ... w.'U still make the last dedslon. We're In a tuTtiy powerlul business now, and If the power exists outside us and not within us, w.'19 In trouble. W. lllten, but we don't delegate. W.'re not kJds. JR We can do just fine." Ill.II fMi'llYWHIU.V,JvlJU', tm • 7 I. J ( ApeacefulandscenlctrlpdowntheSuwonnee. By Jack McCllntock A river vacation gives ycu everything: water and fishing, spectacular V1ews, exercise and even -If yQu take along your bird book -an education. On a river ycu feel the clean heat of the sun and the refreshing shock of cold splashes from water that not long ago may have been snow. A river, says Claude Teny, the microbiologist and outfitter who took Jimmy Carter down the Chatooga where Delf~ronce was filmed, Is "a staircase set In stone and carpeted with running water." And the sport of running a river has grown tremendously since Americans first saw Robert F. Kennedy rafting down the Colorado a dozen ye.an ago. There are two bask: kinds of river b1ps: One can drift placidly on a tranquil, scenic stream, watching birds and taking pktures, or choose the challenge of white water. In most cases ycu have a choke of conveyance, too: canoe, kayak, nifi, even Inner tubes. [There's nothing like lashing a dozen btg truck tubes togeth- er, tossing a nctful of cold drinks Into one, and floattng with your friends for milet In somethJng coof like the Suwannff.) Your choice of transport depends mainly on temperament -whether you pref ar comfort or adventure, tranqullJty or excite- ment. Moa exciting -and most tndlvlduaJlstk: - ts the kayak, but handling It takes pn!ICtice, and you can't carry much. In & raft you can carry lob, and rafts are safer. Thetr disadvantage Is that, after a few mda, one tends to snvy the people In kayaks and canoes. The canoe la stiD the most flexlb&e and popular river vehlde, and It .iconttnua to be the most logkaJ craft for adventure," uys John Malo In his hoc*, W!Jdemas Conoefng. You can take a friend , carry plenty of gear, even sleep In a canoe. I • FAMILY WEEKLY, Jul}' 17, 1m RIDING A RIVER And on a quiet river a canoe is sale. Jf you enjoy danger, on the other hand, nothing beats white- water canoeing. Proper gear and a bit of study beforehand (Mala's book ls good, and there are others) are helpful II ycu haven't been on a river before, especially on one where ycu'IJ encounter more ac· Hon than the occasional riffle. On white water, helmets, life jackets and sneakers are essential. Ifs a unique experience, whether you tackle the raging white water of the Colorado in a kayak or lazily Ooat down the scenic Suwannee in a canoe. The best way to start Is with a commercial trip, using rented equipment and a guide. This costs cram If you think on economy car would put you 1n o compromising position, look again. . r With a Volkswagen you could ac- tually wind up with more room and com- fort than you have now. Our Dasher, for example, comes in a beautifully appointed 2-door hatchback or 4-door sedan , with fully reclining bucket seats, plush carpeting, and enough room for five passengers. In fact, the Dosher beats just about every car in its class tn combined interior room and trunk 6poce. And in a wagon, it hos more cargo area than any car in its class: Then there's our Rabbit, which hos been catching everyone by surprise. Even Detroit. To start with, 1t takes off like o shot. With acceleration from 0 to 50 mph in on amazing 7. 7 sec-0nds. (That's foster than o Triumph Spitfire.) And with front-wheel • drive that literally pulls you around corners. It also hos more room for about $25 a day per person (lunch often included), and II gives you a chance 'to learn to "read" the water and to practice paddle strokes. After one or two of these trips, and some homework, one Is ready to plan an independent trip. Here are some rivers that offer fine canoeing, kayaking and rafting. Wat In California, the Colorado, Eel, Klamath, Scott, Smith, Trinity and Van Duzen rivers are ex- cellent. The Sierra Club and Mountain Travel Inc. are reliable outfitters. In Montana the Yellowstone, Madison, Big Hole and Missouri rivers are good, and portions of the Missouri are unchanged since Lewis and Clark paddled it whlle seeking the Northwest Passage to the Poclfk . In Wyoming the Snake Is famous, and In Idaho, the classic Is the Salmon River -"The River of No Return." (In the West, some trips are being curtailed because of the drought, so a precheck Is In order.) Shooting a rapid with a group In a rubber raft, or alone in a kayak, Is an unforgettable expe- rience. Taking on vio- lent white water In a kayak, however, is not for beginners. Northeast. Maine Is still largely undeveloped and a river-runner's paradise. It's best may be the St. Johns, offering a 201-mlle run from Northeast Cany to Fort Kent, which Is, conveniently, the ter- people than 25 other ca rs you could buy (including Monzo,Mustongll, Pinto, Toyoto1Celico, and Datsun B-210). And more room for lt.Jggage than 53 other cars. (Would you believe, with the rear seat folded down it con hold 21 bogs of groceries. And with the seat folded up it still has more trunk space tho~ a Cadillac Seville.) Finally, we come to Sci rocco, our true sports car that giv~ you extravagance and plain good sense at the some time. Lost year Scirocco was the Trans Am Chomp for cars under 2 liters. And speaking of style, the Scirocco was just named one of the "25 best-designed factory-made prod- ucts available in America today" by F-ortune Magazine."" It also gives you something few sports cars can offer: room for four and more trunk , space than a Ford LTDIL Yet (omazingly!) a Scirocco hos the some the city. Dasher gets 36 mpg highway, 24 mpg city. (Of course, these ore EPA esti mates with standard transmissions. Your mileage may vary depending on how and where you drive, optional equipment and your car's condition.) With oil this going for our Volkswagens. we suggest you stop in to your Volkswagen dealer for a test sit. It's one way to get through the~ energy crisis without getting bent out of shape. E conomy without sacrifice. fuel economy as a Rabbit. ~ Both Scirocco and Rabbit get ~1111"'~ 37 mpg on the highway .and 24mpgirt ·•fortune. "'°'I l9n. minus of U.S. highway I, which starts In KeyWest. In Pennsylvania, the North Branch of the Susque- hanna, from the New York State line to Tunkhan- nock, Is one of the finest canoeing streams In the East, and It Is' accessible from a half-doz.en big cities. Mtdweet. Missouri has dozens of beautiful rivers, and In Minnesota, which has 13,000 miles of Inland rivers, there Is some of the finest canoe- ing In the world. The best may be In the Superior- Quetico Forest, a joint U.S. -Canada preserve with 400,000 acres of virgin forest and a labyrinth of lakes and meandering streams. Leave from Grand Garais, EJy or Crane Lake. Soutla. The Chatooga offers breathtaking white-water adventure, and at least three outfitters run tr1ps from northeast Georgia and North and South Carolina. (Southeastern Expeditions, the Nantahala Outdoor Center and Wlldwater Inc.) 'There are quieter riven, too, like the Chat- tahoochee. The Suwannee In Geo..gta and Florida Is serer\4!ly beautiful. For an unusual river trip, try the "River of Grass .. -Aorida's Everglades. Guid- ed canoe b1ps leave evay Thursday momlng from Ewrgl.ades Ctty. Fu Nortb. Real adventure ln the Northwest Tmttoria of Canada can be found on the Mac- Kenzie River, 1,000 navtgable mllU and a major highway to the Arctic:, from Great Slave Lake to the Beaufort Sea, with many signs of an-fJ111 dent Indians and Eskimos along the way. lili. For further Information wrt~ the state Depart- menta ·of Natural Ruoorcu In the .tata you wish to ulslt or the U.S. Department of the Interior In Waahlngton. (Aak about the WI.Id ortd Scenic llluer Systems.) Alao located In Woahlngton ON The Wll- demaa Soc:letv (1901 Pennsvluonlo Aue. N. W. 20006) and the Americ:on Forutrv Aasodauon 919 17th St. N. W. 20006). lMy bolh run guided rtvcratps. FAMILYW£EIU.Y,Ju'111,tt7'7 et INSIDE THE MIND Of A MANAGER Martin will manage the American League In Tuesdays nationally televised All-Star clash. By Neal Ashby .. From sandlot days. Billy Martin has been dash· ing. daring and all-too-eager to use his fists Time after time. his rage has boiled to the surface Just last month he did it again when he pulled slugging right fielder R~ie Jackson out of a Yankee gam~ In Boston. Martin tore Into Jackson for not putting enough effort Into fielding a ball. When Jackson answered back, Martin lunged for him and had to be restrained by his coaches. Back in 1957, Martin and some other Yankees got-into a nightclub row. causing Martin to be traded away to the National League. With the Cincinnati Reds in 1960. Martin "blew" over close pitches by Chicago Cubs hurler Jim Brewer, threw his "at at Brewer then punched him In the face . While managing the Minnesota Twins in 1969. Martin interceded in a nightclub bfawl between two of his star players and flattened one of them. pitcher Dave Boswell The Twins finished first in their division, but Martin was not rehired for 1970. He was fired before the end of his third season as manager of the Detroit Tigers In 1973, despite a consistent winning record and one division cham· pionshlp . General manager Jim U,mpbell indi· ~ted Martin was just too difficult. It was the same story with the Texas Rangers In 1975, though he had turned around the team's performance. "You play this game to win," Billy Martin says. "I can't tolerate anything less than a total effort to do It." One day In the Yankee dugout earUer this season Martin spoke to FAMILY WEEKLY about the finer points of the game. "We have a code In baseball for our signs. Touching the head Isl; face, 2; neck, 3; chest, 4 ; hands, 5; belt, 6; legs, 7. If you see a manager gtv· Ing 1-7-3 to the third base coach and the coach re- peating that to the batter and the batter bunts on the next pitch, then you've got their bunt sign. Of course, as they give the sign they're going \hrough a lot of other numbers to throw you off; you have to~ out which ones arc the real ones. "There's anocher way coaches can give away that some special play Is on," says Martin. "When something ls 'on,' a coach might give the stgns fast, trying to keep the other team from 'readlng' them, but give them slower If there's nothing rully on . .. Another ttme you might call for a pttchout," 11 . FAMILY WEEK.LY, July 17, 1m How does he steal the opposing team's signs, know when a· pitcher is tiring or ftgure out what type of pitch a batter is expecting? Field general Billy Martin candidly reveals the subtleties of running a major league baseball team &om the dugout. says Martin, still sllm and youthful-looking at 48, "Is when you see something that makes you think an opposing runner on first base Is going to try to steal second. Say your pitcher throws over to first to hold the runner close to the base, and you no- tice just then that the runner Is leaning a little to- ward second. That may mean he's getting ready to steal, and If you pitch out, the catcher may be able to frre the ball to one base or the other and catch the runner In between." lnRelders, Martin points out, often Indicate what kind of pitch the catcher has signaled for by the way they poQtk>n themselves. The difference may be only a couple of st8P5> but moving to the In· fielders' right (With a right-handed batter} may mean fastball because the batter Is likely to get the bat around quickly If he swings, and a shift to the left may signify curve ball because the hitter will probably swing later. The manager ~ alert his batters to watch for these moves by Infielders for an Indication of what kind of pitch to expect. becoming "wildlugh," according to Martin . "They tty to reach back and get a little extra on the pitch to make up for their fatigue, and that makes It harder for them to control the pitch and keep It loW to the batter, where It's harder for most of them to \, hit cleanly. If the opposing pitcher Is d6lng It, you can alert your batters to watch for high pitches. If It's yow pitcher, it's probably time to take him out of the game." Pitchers may give away the pitches they're throwing, using a continuous arm motion when throwing a straight fastball, or stopping mom.en· tartly as they twist their wrist for a curve. Pitchers also reveal when their arms are tiring by Martin even watches the umpires when they're calling plays to see if they're In the best position to see the action. "Sure," he says, "because lf the umpire Is not In 'O • J i He runs his team with ~ signsfromthedugout. i When it comes to family insurance, Steve Johnson is one of a kind. Jeanne and Bob Beals of Chesapeake, Vtrginia, are extremely happy · with their life insurance agent They're very pleased with their 1 1 j~ health insurance agent They' re completely satisfied with their home- owners agent "And we know our car insurance man is the best around:' Bob says. "We feel fortunate to have hhT) so close by.'' Of course, whatever the Beals think about one agent, they're bound to think about the others. Because all of them are State Fann agent, Steve Johnson. As a famUy insurance specialist, Steve can provide knowledgeable advice and person-to- HAfl fUM person service on all the policies they' re ever likely to need ''If we have any question about our coverages, or a claim, we don't have to wonder who to call," saysJeanne. ''Wejust call Steve. It's a real advantage having one agent nearby who can help us with everything." Having a State Farm family insurance man can be a real advantage for you. He's the one agentwho's backed by America's largest homeowners and auto insurer, and one of the largest life insurance companies, too. And there's probably one Uke Steve Johnson in your neighborhood. Check your Yellow Pages. A Uke a good nejghbm:, 9aCe Fcmn is them. .......... ,~ STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Home Offlcm: Bloomtl~o, lhols I A good manager knows when he has <> chance of winning an argument with an umpire. a position to see the play clearly, that's when you have a good argument If his dedslon goes "9alnst yow team." Batters may reveal their hope of getting a swing at a curve ball before It breaks by moving forward • in the batter's box. "If I see that," reveals Martin. "I have my pitcher throw closer to the batter. so he can't get the bat around on the curve before II breaks." Managers must also Joel< for the man who Is be- ginning to show his age ... In the fleJd," advisei Martin, uyou see It ln his range. He Just doesn't get to balls he used to be able to handle. Balls get through for hits that should be outs. In batting, the man Isn't as quick in swinging the bat. If you see that, you mJght pitch him more fAStballs, which can get by him faster." Martin uses the ttrne between Innings to good advantage. Some managen stay aloofty superior down at one end ol the bench. Martin strolls baQ< and forth tn the du9out. talking wlth his men, keeping them happy and loc*lng for .. that chance to IAUJch something." These days, the major league manager goes to - the bench armed with a lot ol Information about the opponents. "Re.ports come Into my office every week, either written or on the phone, from our three scouts around the counby watching the tean\I we're going to be playing soon." Martin takes his brief case off a table and pulls out some papers. "Thae are the written reports," he says. "They have filled-In blanks for each player's times at bat, and for general comments ... The reports advise Martin on how the Yankees should pitch to each man on the other team, who Will trY to steal and the counts they'll go on; who wiU bunt and what count they bunted on, how tQ. arTange ReJdeis to defense each batter and who Is "hot" wtth the bat "There Isn't anything the other team has been doing that we don't t<now about. This game Is a lot more complicated now than the general public realir.es. "You just have to stay on top ol things," Marttn oonduda. "Don't let the.little thi'9 get by you. That's the way to wtn. ~. Keeping track of the lttde things and not missing a thing that hap-,_ pens on the 8eld!" · lillm FAMILY WEEJU.Y, .Nty 11, 1117 • 0 • Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. SISSY SPACEK'S STRANGE ROAD TO STARDOM Although best known for her weird and terrifying roles, By Patricia Baum off-screen this young star radiates holl]espun warmth. ~ ~~~~~ 'f~~ 00 fasts Sissy Spacek has played every weirdo In Slssy began her acttng career after a the book. Just these past few months -faml)y tragedy During her senior year In dubbed "Sissy Spacek Season" by movie high school, a brother died of leukemia. buffs -she's played the spooky teenager The loss .. blew a hole In everything and with telekinesis ln Come, a spaced-out made me awani that we don't always have maid In Wekome to L.A. and a drab girl as much ttme as we suppose." To "get out who assumes her roommate's personality from underneath," she moved to New In Three Women. AD In aD, a funny way to York to pW11Ue a singing caner. arrive at success. Yet at Tl, Sissy Spacek Recalllng those cariy days with d!sbeaef, has definitely arrived. She was named Sissy says, "There I was, this skinny little Best Actress of 1976 by the National girl with a big guitar and patent leather Society of film Critics, has received an shoes. I was a blank page. With each Oscar nomination and Is now being halled group of people I .met I tried to be what- as one of Hollywood's most promising i " ever I felt they needed. I had no opinions young stars. f .~ about what luf!\lture l liked or anything Although on-screen she wallows In the <' J else. I didn't even know that making It as a weird, Sissy is not the least bit kooky. With !~~~~===~~===~--..:..:~~~~~~~~~~~~!.5 singer was supposed to be a struggle, that her Texas twang, Innocent blue eyes, long -every kki ln America had the same Ide.a." blond hair and sunny freckles, she radiates From left: Sissy as herself, as Pinley In Three Women and as Carrie. She sang In nightclubs, dkt background a homespun warmth. Her views and val-vocals for commerdals and later studied ues are down-to-earth. "It's hard finding something likable about a the other person. During the fllmlng of acting. Her first notable movie was Bod- Sissy's affec:ttng wholesomeness springs creep and then making her sympathetic," Come, Sissy kept a box under Carrie's bed lands. and during the ftlmlng of It she met naturally from her background. She was she says. If necessary, Sissy will go to slmtlar to the metal fishing-tackle box of se· her future husbond Jack Ask, a talented raised In the small town of Quitman, elaborate lengths to land these parts. For cret belongings she herself had as a child. art dlrec:tor. It was Corrie, however, that Tvxas, where her father was a county the Corrie screen t~. "I put Vaseline In To feel like an outcast, she made a point of put Sissy on the map. agricultural agent, and she was showered my hair and wore my little blue sailor dress not fraternizing with the other actors. Sissy now plans to branch out Into m<>t'e with love and affection. "I can remember from seventh grade. I reaRy l~ked -and Although her Involvement adds realism mature roles. "I feel lucky to have played Mom and Dad peeking In at my brothers felt -funky and ugly." to her roles, It has Its drawbacks. ''Some-young girls so long," she says. "But fm and me In our bedrooms," she says, "and Once she has a role, she Is not one to sit times," she admits, "I can't shake the char-tired of being grouped with Tatum O'Neal cooing over how beautiful and smart we back complacently. Sissy begins her unique acters off when f'm through with the fUm. and Jodie Foster. And It's getting hard for were. With that kind of devotion I always ritual of turning herself Into the character After Carrie I kept ainglng and withdraw-me to remember what I was like at 14. f m feh very secure." by donning white painter's clothes to totally Ing whenever I met people. I started to manted now and feeling more womanly. Today Sissy f)f'efers the klnky over the erase herself and then by employing any panic because my next film, Three Wo· And I want to play parts more rele-fJN straight roles because of their challenge. other technique that will transform her Into men, was looming so close. To exorcise vant to my llfe today." !All Introducing Ken.;L ~ation Tender Chunks. It's so tenCler you can cut it with a fork. lrs tender and chewy. Cuti ender Chunks with a fork, and you'll see why dogs like it so much. It's tender. It's chewy. Not hard and crumbly like ordinary dry dog food. It's a full meal; with all the nutrition a healthy dog needs every day. New Chunks . . Dogs prefer it 3 to 1. Dogs like yours. In homes like yours. They preferred Tender Chunks by 3 to 1 over the leading dry dog food. Dogs love it, and it's good for them. In 5, 10, and 20 pound bags. So you don't have to give up the bag to give your dog a food he really likes. 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City, OHeltom. 71109 WHEN YOU ORDER FROM ADVERTISERS IN FAMILY WEEKLY Please allow at leaat four weeks for deltvery. Since our advertisers often receive thou- sands of orders from all over the country, occasionally un- lntentlonal delays occur. If they do, Family Weekly wants to assist you as much as poa- alble. Just send the details of your order to: Mary Ayres, Famfly Weekly, 641 Lexington Avenue, New Y<m, NY 10022. Quips & Quotes In The Good Old Summertime Between ouches, the loving wiFe was applying ointment to hubby's fiery sunburn. "I can't stand It; fm going to die," moaned the patJent. "Honey, if I do, for Pete's sake bury me In the shade." -Lone Olinghouse Wont to get bock on your feet? Ma&S o few pay- ments on your car -Audrey Earle The actor was boasting to his colleague, "Boy, did I have that audience glued to their seats." "By golly," responded his friend, "I never tho ught of that ." -Dorothea Kent THROUGH A CHILD'S EVES Kida aee lite dltferently. Send angina/ contrtbutlona to"~ Family WMkly, 6'1 Lexington Ave., N.Y., N.Y.1 S101fuMd-noneretumed. I usually give the chUd for whom I baby .. lt a small treat when my Job le finished. I asked five-year-old Kurt 111bether he wanted to know what trat I had for him. Quite o· dted but pretending some tndJJJerence. he said. '"Tell It to me real low 'came I just want to know a llttJe." -,Jan Starling Fountain Volley, C.Olf/. PUYBAU..flll Toke me out to the ball game Forget about t'he fain. I wont to see o game ployed By eighteen ml/l/onoire.s .• -Woll Strelghtl/f By Frank Baglntkl LITil.E EMILY .. A pennv for vour thoughf:lf" fAMILY WEECLV, Jllfr tl, lt'n e f1 My Feet Were Killing Me .. Dntil I Discovered the Miracle of Hamburg! It was the Euro- pean trip I had al- ways dreamed about. I bad the time and money to go where I wanted -see what I wanted. But I soon learned that money and time don't mean much when your feet hurt too much to walk. After a few days of sightseeing my feet were killing me. Oh, I tried to lceep going. In Paris I limped through Notre Dame and along the Champs-Elysees. And I went up in the Eiffel Tower although I can't honestly say I remember the view. My feet were so tired and sore my whole body ached. While every- body else was having a great time, I was in my hotel \ room. I didn't even feel like sitting in a sidewalk cafe. The whole trip was like that until I got to Hamburg, Germany. There, by accident. I happened to bear } about an exciting INe.aklhrough for anyone who suffers from sore, aching feet and legs. This wonderful invention was a custom-made foot support called Flexible Featberspring. When I got a pair and slipped them into my shoes my pain disappeand al- most instantly. The flexible shock absorbing support they gave my feet was like cradling them on a cushion of air. I could walk, stand, even run. The relief was truly a miracle. And just one pair was all I needed. 1 learned that women also can wear them--cven with sandals and open backed shoes They're completely invisible. Imagine how duntbfoundcd I was to discover that these miraculous devices were sold only in Europe. Right then I determined that I would share the miracle J discovered in Hamburg with my own countrymen. Today thousands of Americans of all agcs--many with foot problems far more severe than otine--bave experienced this blessed relief for themselves. Herc's why Fcathcrsprings work for them and why they can work for you. These supports arc like nothing you've ever seen before. They arc custom fitted and made for your feet alone! Unlike con- ventional devices, they actually imitate the youthful elastic SUl>- port that Nature originally in- tended your feet to have. W!'atever your problem---coms, calluses, paln in the balls of your feet. burrung nerve ends, painful ankles, old injuries, backaches or just gen- erally sore, aching feet. Flex- ible Feathersprings will bring you guaranteed relief with every step you take. Do.'t..._,. ....... comort w• 'J. U )'OS feet ••rt, die •lracle of· Raab•'I Cla ~O·· WIMeforan 111-- IOI '-., 'nln .. llO oll&- pdo. ftMloeftf. , .... .... t .. ---· .....,. ----------------RATIUISPllMI lllUUnGIUI. COIPOUTIOlf 514 .. L 124a, ... fWI07 . lelttll, ""'' .. •121 VF.Si I want to team more about the auaran-1 feed reUef Flexible Feathenpring Foot Sup-1 ports can live-Pleale tcnd mo your free brochure. J undentand that there is no obU- pt.ioo and that no aaJesman will can. A Buyer's Gulde To Furniture • Before leaving your house. review your needs -where you live, how you live, the ages and number ol people In your family, the amount of entertaining you do at home, the spaces In which the furniture will be placed. the colors you already have In the room lo be furnished. • If there Is a lot of traffic In the room. or you have young children, steer d ear of natural colors and buy a fabric that has a tight weave and cleans easily. In addillon. make construction of your upholstered fur- niture a prime consldenition: 1. There should be no squeaks ln the frame Te$t for them by slt11ng down and pushing yourself back quickly. Test the seat to mal<e sure you do not feeJ springs. If the springs are !Wt peoperly, you'U sit the same way every time. The cushions should not fall Iowa.rd the center, sink at the arms or collapse under your legs. 2. Check for proper padding by lifting the seat cushions and feeling the deck. Run your hands over the arms, especially the edges, to determine whether they are pro- perly padded-You should not feel any of the frame. You also should feel padding when you run your hands over the outside of the couch. 3. Be sure cushions are not uniformly flat. ' Bulkiness assures that the fabric has been webbed over the foam fUling and reduces the possibility of the weave of the fabric becoming unnecessarily strained. 4_ Contemporary pieces should be on casters. Feel beneath the couch for cam- bric covering. The Interior should not ~ exposed. 5. Look for labels telling content, durabili- ty and cleaning Instructions_ 6. Look for arm caps on a good couch, In· eluded at no extra charge. An Expert Dole• Out Allowance Information It Isn't easy for parents to decide how much allowance to give their children. The first question, of course, Is whether your children should get an allowance Most family counselors say yes. "I feel kids should have an allowance to help teach them the value of money, how to save, even how to plan ahead," says Jane Bru- eck, supervisor of family services for the Family Counseling Center In St. Peters- burg, Fla. At what age should parents start giving their chUdren an allowance? "When kids learn to count, as young as 4 °' 5, I think It's time to give them an allowance - even If It's a quarter OC' less," says Ms. Brueck. "As the child gets older, his allowance should be slowly lna~d." Deciding when to start gtvtng children an allowance may not be as difflcuh as deter- mining how much money they should get. "The amount Is not as Important as the de· dslon-maklng process behind It. Parents should enter Into a dialogue with their child, discuss how much money he-Chinks Is necessary to get along," Ms. Brueck ad· vises. She also thinks "the family should sit down and dllcuss allowances In light of their financial situation Chlldrens allow- ances should (It ttwrlamUy budget." FAMILY WEEKLY TfN Hritnp~ Ml (IHlne ,.........,.. flullMeMt MononFIW\k ~v.; ....... DINcltof Patr\ol( M. Unsbiy ~y-Scott OeGatmo Are Supermen And Woftdet Women Insecure?. According to a Suinford Univ psycholo- gist, superma.scullne men as well as super- feminine women usually think poorly of themselves. MOYeover, they score lower on Intelligence tests than their more an- drogynous counterparts (those with a mlx· ture of masculine and feminine traits) Dr. Sandra Bern classified 1,500 Suinford SIU· dent volunteers by their preferences among 60 traits -20 "mascuHne" (e.g., ambitious, seH-rel~nt. assertive). 20 "feminine" (affectionate, gen~. under- standing) • and 20 "neutral" (friendly, likable, truthful) In follow-up tests, she found that those who had scored In the masculine and feminine extremes showed less self-assurance. more anxiety and more neurotic conflict. and they tended to score lower on l.Q. and creativity tests. "An androgynous personality," says Or. Bern, "allows one to be Independent and tender, assertive and yielding. It expands the range of behavior open to a person.'' A Child In The Hospital A child In the hospital faces anxleties and concerns, "but for a number of children hospitalization can be a remarkably posi- tive experience," says child psychologist Phyllis Magrab, Ph.D. "What parents do befote, during and after f°' their chUd can make the difference." Preparing a chUd of any age Is Important. she says, prefenibly with a hospital 0vfslt ahead of time. U that's not possible, prepare the chUd wtth an ex- p\anation of where he's going, why and what to expect. It's best to smy wtth young chUdren, who need assurance that they ere not being abandoned. Other ttps: 1. Don't let anxiety be transferred to the child. For example, don'f break bod news In front of him until you have time to gath· er your own strength to give an explanation. 2. Set priorities and rely on friends and family to help ao you can spend time wtth yourchUd. 3. Establish trust and be hones1 abOut what wUl and will not hurt. C. Listen with understanding to your child How To Put People At Eaae Putting people at ease Is a basic step In get- ting them to react favorably t()'.Vasd you, says Dr. Arnold Lazurus, a psychologist at Rutgers Univ. He offers these suggestions: • Let people hear your vok:e -don't just nod. The sound of the voice Is like a calling card or Introduction. • Avoid talking too much or too little. If you tend to be too quiet, use more words. You'll find that other people will loosen up. And If you're a compulsive talker, try to summarize. Others often llke to hold the floor themselves. • Use the word ''r' In your conversation. You're much less of a mystery when you disclose something about yourself. • Look for something you can comment on positively. Pick something that you genuinely like about the other person.and point It out to hlm. • Be able to la1.19h at yourself. U you tell a story In which you don't come out In a par- ticularly good light. you'll Immediately see other people warm up to you. They'U feel at ease because they have undoubtedly suffered slmUar discomforts. • Let your face express your feelings If It Is a mask, you're not going to put anybody at ease. If you're pleased about some- thing. show your feenngs. • Make eye contact with the other person. Looking up at the ceiling or down at the floor while speaking mal<es your listener feel Ill at ease. • If you disagree, attack the Idea rather than the person. You might say, "I disagree with that Idea," but don't say any- thing that Implies. "You are wrong for thinking that." Fnllll A Vlelf to Ille H~}ii~ ct... pfloto br Wllter ~Copyright~ 1161 Of'oeMt a ~.1nc. and let him talk. Treat older children as a "partner" with you ln their Ulness prob'4lms. 5. Overvisltlng Is bod, and v\sttors should be those people who are Important ln the child's life. Your fdends can give you sup- port In a visit outside the chllds room. Lo .. of Hearing: A Growing Problem MOfe Americans have been suffering from hearing loss in recent years because of In- creased noise pollution, yet not many peo- ple realize the sertousnes.s of constant ex- posure to noise. David P. Goldstein, prof. of audiology and speech sciences at Pur- due Univ., says the assault of noise on a person's hearing has a cumulative effect. "It may take 10 ro 15 years for the hearing loss to be realized. and by then it's too late." Goldstein points out that hearing stress occurs when a person Is subjected to too much sound. The person lhen may have what Is called a temporary threshold shih In which his hearing Is temporarily Im- paired. If he stays away from the noise, his hearing will come back, but eventually the problem may become permanent. A hear- ing aid can help, but fuU hearing will not be restored. Goldstein says the subtle signs ol overexposure to noise are ringing In the ears that subsides and fuzzmess or unclear sounds. To help prevent premature hear- ing loss due to noise pollution: • Tum down your stereo, radlo and T V. • If possible, av<*i places where the noise level Is high. • When buying products, such as vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers, select ones that are least noisy. Noise levels are listed on many products. • If hearing tests reveal that you have ear- ly signs of noise-induced he&'ing loss, wear protective ear devices when sub- jected to loud sounds. BIRTHDAYS (Sunday-Friday, Cancer: Saturday, Leo): S uncby -James Cagney 73; Phyllis Diller 60. Monday - John Glenn 56; Red Skelton 64; S. I. Hayakawa 71. 1\aaday -George McGovern 55; Ille Nastase 31: Vikki Carr 35. Wejlnaday -Natalie Wood 39; Duma Rigg 39; Elliot Richardton 57. Thursday -Isaac Stem 5 7; Don Knotts 53; Marshall McLuhan 66. Friday - Rose Kennedy 87; Orson Bean 49. Sat· wday -Don DlysdaJe 41: Pee Wee Re-ese58 BIRTHDAY P£OPl.E.: Roee Kennedy and Die NMtMe Tuste dominance cf higher tar cigarettes ~ ......... '-ill, ........... --~-----by T UNI TAR-'ENRICHED A.A\UR' fur years, you couldn, t get real tobacco flavor without high tar. Low tar cigarettes just couldn't measure up. Until MERIT. Until a breakthrough in tobacco science resulted in a way to boost tobacco flavor without the usual corresponding increase in tar. The result was 'Enriched Flavor~ tobaCCQ. ~ MERIT and MERIT 1005 were packed with this special tobacco And taste-tested against a number of higher tar cigarettes. Overall, smokers reported they liked the taste of both MERIT and MERIT 1005 as much as the taste of the higher tar cigarettes tested. ··Cigarettes having up to 60% more tar! Only one cigarette has 'Enriched Flavor' tobacco. And you can taste it. o,.........,.. ..... m ____ ..._ __ Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ... • .. ~ .................... . 111•••··-· .................... __ ...., ........ .-,t , Uitamin c · :.· ! • 1 ••1. :-:.. Hips 5112111 =~:. H1p1 ••r ...... $1 88 ••T ...... $1 29 ..... 2 • ....... • 500 -$8.75 500 -$6.29 -...1 .... _ ... ........ ..... -~-....c No. Mt 11..-011t1111dlll Eat • lflpehit ... aid .;., 3 tnty me1ls daily! 0. ~-... llllWllCaillllllhslltt ....... ..._. ""*",.... IOO'll.tlROAtlW-Cw f ,._f#llollllt llrtlltftl 611 .. , ...... Wl!Mtt I llocltr'I """"'*'' lllCWH C019llltlt-• Mf 1-lllfillOAlltr ,._,.,.. -~,. .... ..., ....... ~ .... ,. ...... ,."" No.771 • ~lMlr.....,,.., SZ .. •ll' C.., ....,,-SS.tteset ~....,,-ti.II America's Favorites~ FINEST QUALITY SUPPLEMENTS ---------· I Code• Siie f'rica I 150I 1111 I -. I I I I T$1 i I Add potl9ge & ~'"' .50 I 1 -1aee 0 c:IMCll or o-... ~ TOTAL S I I SADDLllACI IMW 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo IJ 1-1040 -4t4-4t4t CllVIH MOTOIS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -lll-3171 IOY CAIYlll IMW THIODOll IOllMS FOID 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -64J.OO IO SUHSITFOID 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. Westminster -64MO IO 1540 Jamboree Road wd!t;I NewfX)rt Beach -640.6444 ._..,_,..._. __ .- CADILLAC HAIMS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.tlOO CHEVROLET COMHB.L CHIVIOUT 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 DATSUN IUWIC. DATSUN 33375 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano IJl-1171 4tJ-JJ71 DOTDATSUM 18835 Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach -10.n1t uMtVHSITT OLDSMOllLI 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.'640 4Ultf OLDSMOllU. CA.Oii.UC & •MC 28332 Camino Capistrano Laguna Niguel -ell-0100 HONDA 1tOM •OOOWIM HOHDA 700 S. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton-171-0412 -- LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHl4SOM & SOM UMCOLM-MHCUIT 2626 Harbor BIVd. Q>sta Meu 14 .. MM TV WEEK, JULY 17. 1977 OLDSMOBILE UMIVMSITY OLDSMOllLI 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -140.9640 PONTIAC ION•OODWIM PONTIAC -•MC 700 S. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton -171-0412 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVllSON, INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 TOYOTA llUMillT TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. HuAt. Beach -147..aSIS .. SUllDAY, JULY 17 12:00 D $uptftlowl ll Hlahlllhb of the Superbowl XI, played on Jin. 9, 1971 with the Mlnnuota Vlkinp and Oaklend Ral~ers D"-fu 0 CD PINunt Valley Golf 12f>O D D a ,,._Ill hllty lioll Cllllk Covtraae ol the hnel round ol ttus toumement from Sutton, Mata CD o.1.., DutMV,,.IM 1:00 • (II?J ())) CD CIS s,.rta S,UI "Boaln(' CD l'.lodaer lntbell LOI An1e1t1 Ood1e11 vi San 01110 Padres 4:30 ())ht Fan 5:00 CJ) $polta Wlttl ltrtb • G"'1 Adveftture 5:30 <• CD) Ar•'• Spam Woftd TUESOAY, JULY 19 S:OO U 9J ()) CD 8 All.Star 11-.U <:overact of tht 48th 1nnu1I All Star baseball clusic from Yankee Stedlum In The Bronx, New Y°'k with sportscasters Tony Kubek and Jot G1111iola reportln1. Typecasting is an unfortunate. but inevitable, oc· SATURDAY, JULY ZJ 11:00 u ~ CIJ cm a Gnncbtancl/lllfot lNpt laseblll Teams to be curence in the world of show business, especially in announced. television. John Amos is one actor who is determined S WCT Challtn11 CllP not to let it happen to him. 11:30 e Anpls Baseball C11ttorn11 Anaers vs Minnesot1 Twtna. In case you were trapped in a cave the last six CD This W..k ill lllttblll 12:30 ())This WM•"' aa1111t11 months, and were not aware of 11, Amos superbly 1:00 •CD (JD) (13 Cl)) U.S. Woman'• Open lioll l~e covera1e of the portrayed the adult Kunta Kin le in ABC's landmark third round of play tn this roll tournament from the Hnelt1ne N11tonal miniseries "Roots." He 1s now working, and working Golf Club in Cllasu. Minnesota hard, on his TV comedy, Future Cop, which was given a ~~: :'c~)~ lowlint new lease on life when it was picked up for the fall by 4:00 fJ <<m Cil) Clltffl111 o,.n Celt NBC. In the senes, Amos plays opposite Ernest Cl) 1977 Allllt1111 500 Borgnine A robot poltceman 1s assigned to work with 4:30 ~ z::: =: Worid the parr, and Amos 1s the one who is..unaware that his 8 liftatllt s,.ts lttlllds new partner 1s a robot. The series gives Amos a chance 5:00 fJ ((]1) Cl)) Cl) CIS s,.,ts SpedKll!ar lo further develop the quality that first landed him tn • (ID) (all Cl)) AIC'1 WW. Wend of St*1s 'how business comedy. ':00: ~ = CllHI~ Following stints as a social worker. copywriter, tele· --------------------+ vision writer and football player (he was cut by 13 SUllDAY, JULY 17 l-00 B (C) "Trapert" (adv) '72-Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis. CD (C) "Mitt Mt in St. Louil" (mus) '45-Judy Garland. Tom 011ke. 1:00 CD (C) "The Comic" (com) '69-0ick Van Dyke, Michele lee. 9:00 a ()) (Im ('8) Cl)) CC) "Tiit 1.ot11 Geodii,t" (mys) '73-Elliot Gould, Sterlin& Hayden. 9:30 D O CD D 0 (C) "Nictit Ttrrw" (dra) '77-Vilene Harper, Richard Romanus MONDAY, JULY II 6:30 fJ (C) "Getttlt Glanf' (tdv) '67-0tnntS Wmer, Ve11 Miles, Ralph Meeker 1:00 Iii (C) "fltzwilly" (com) '68-0ick Van Dyke. 8ar1>111 Feldon. 9:00 D 9J CD D 0 (C) "Tiie Hlllldltlld of Notre Dame" (dra) '77- Warren Clarh, Kenneth H1lr1t, Michelle Newell. a CD cm ca Cl)) (C) "attct " ""'"" ..,, "' 1111t-111-t11t-.._ Mlfilolds" (dra) '72-...._ ..,..nl, TU£SDAY, JULY It 5:30 fJ (C) "De Ttw TM• T1lil Stnllpf" (dra) '70-Gene Barry. tOO G (C) "Sqwen A n...t" (com) '70-Jack Albtrtson, Walter Qt1ar1 9:00 8 ()) 9 (8 Cl)) CC) "LM St.ry" (drl) '70-Ryan O'Ntat, Ah McGraw - MDllDOAT JULY ZO ~-CC) "Tiie s-..aten" (4'1) ·~ 8ootll, Otvld Opetosllu 1.ilO e (C) "Tiie C.lbMB" (drl) '63-PollJ llt!J•n 9:00 8 (II?J CJ)) Cl) CC) "lit Ille Helt ff Ille lll&flt" (d11) '67-Sldnty Poitrtr, Rod Stercer. Wlll'en Oates ntUllSDAT JULY 21 ':JO 8 (C) "GINI" Plf1 I. ~dra) '4'-Rlta Haywottll, ~nn Ford l.ilO 111 (C) "I .,.... lit lM (dra) '58-Smn Haywrd. 9:00 U 0 Cl) Ill 0 CC) "£tic" (dra) '7~-Jolln S.vace. Patricia Nul FllDAY JIJLT Z2 1:319 (C) "We" O>ncl. (dra) ·U-llQ HlyWOffh l:GO. CJ) <• Cl)) CC)""' ... n.t,..., Merica" (dnt) '15-Yic Motrolt, Cliff OtY0q. e (1:) "lM II A Ill" (tom) 'l'-Gltnn fOfd, Ho,e la11p. t.30 • CJ) al (8 Cl)) CC) .......,.,. (dra) '75-Sissy Sl*tk. SAtiJIOAY HllY 13 l"CIO e CC) "r.llfa" ~) '48-hOb Hope, Jane Rlllltll. Lite CC) '1111 •11 IQt' (eo111b:;!0111 Bollty. Gvr Madiloft .. t.tte a• n <C> ,,_ (dra) '71-Ro0ertw.111er. • teams in four different leagues), Amos won the lead in Los Angeles' Ebony Showcase production of "Nor- man, Is That You," for which he also won a Los Angeles Drama Critics nomination for his perfor- mance. He was then Gordy, the weatherman. on the Mary Tyler Moore Show for three seasons, and a football coach in Wall Disney's "The World's Grearest Ath· lete," which turned out to be the second-highest grossing film ever for the Disney Studios. Amos was then contacted by Tandem Productions. and played the role of Florida's husband on Maude, That series begat Good Times, where he displayed his dramatic as well as comedic talents. After two and one-half years on Good Times, Amos decided lo roll the dice and leave the show in order to expand his talents and explore more challenging roles . The gamble paid oft with his powerful portrayal of the proud Mand1nka warrior The role is, of course, still following him around, but Amos is into other things; namely Future Cop, which begins shooting in mid- luly. It would be natural to assume that Amos would be disappointed 1n going from a history-making min· iseries to a situation comedy. Nol so, say the rugged actor. "I enjoy working the Ernie (Borgnine) very much," he says. "In fact. last season, I used lo get up early because I was so looking forward to that day's shoot- ing. We work together extremely well. Hey, he's an ·Academy Award win~r. If it doesn't bother him, it sure doesn't bother me." Ambs, who is currently In the pft)Cess of developin8 a one-man show a la James Whitmore. prefers to spend the maJorlty of his free time at his San f.ernando Valley home, working with Rusty, an Arabian/Quar· terhorse stallion which he raised and trained • .. .... ' t I j I MORN.™ I D @ Cl) m 0 It's AnJbOd(s m lllllwinlle nu • GlltSS a> Tiit Munsters -4:30- 8:00 D (j) Summer Stmtsler CD Tiit rn aub DWwledae ammmtllfts -6:30- • llllf nicboall Colirw D llGt fof w.nitn Only • W\I Altar• e Micllatl lKbon Show ()) TV ClmtOOlll a <Ill 9 futures m lom's lia Tot1 m Cirtoons ( llll ( f)) Romptf Room 7:00 fl (() (<llJ CJ)) lttws 11 @ L{) m a roc1ay Show • 700 Club Cil Cartoons • rn ®I cam> Mornl111 Amtriu a ussie m Dtnnis Ille Melll<A Cl) SP"CI ~er (8) Tiit 700 Club fD Yoe• ICN Healtll -7:30- (J) II> Cartoons e TM rn Chlb m Yoe! & f rietMls m lilisttr "°Cers 8:00 D ea,tltll Kanc•rw ai Cartoons _,, m r e1U 111e eat ((ll) CD) Tiit rn Club ll)Z..! -8:30- • futvm ([) Tiit Ardties GIMJ Mdia • hrly Pie m a c.rtoo11S fl) Willa ....,. 9:00 • ([) lttf•'• Lll(J CJ) Tiit rn aub Good e QI) ([) G S111CNd & Soll eTM Wery ([) l.tlw It te ....,., • All ... Allttlts er_, HMiM s. .11.M l.AlcJ cm ( 121> ())) Mi1 Oolla1aa Show ID I Dful ff Jannie al)UttltbUI ID SmtlM Street CIJ) Piii! Doulltll SM -9:30- • ([) l'ricll la llaM II ID> (I) D KollywM $4Uares e CJ) Diel hi Dyb m Hlpl's Htl-.s -~ ..... IS Flllilr Affair 10:00 1J @ ([) Cll MMI 14 f«tllM • lllllN: See O.yt1me M<N1tS ([)PtlTJ~ • CJ) CDl (aJ) ([)) "*"' Dlys • a.t & lln. MW •PllNcMlln ((ll) ())) IWl's Lll(J Qll llwlt: See Daytime Movies. ..... 1111'11 CIJ) , •• ,. °" -10:30- • ((ll) Cl)) CJ) lM" Uft U I]) 1!'Dl (al (I)) $20,000 fD '1i> Features D To Tell Ille Truth; Ntn rues l'yi1111id m Andy Griffith m W'rldllle Mvtnture ED Electric Com111n1 11:00 U ( "-!' ) Y 01111a & Restlm D QJl <.£• m 9J Shoot tor tlle Stars Tiit Eda• of 111p1 U IIal (all (I)) PREMIERE Tiie letttr Se1 8111 Anderson and Sarah Purcell host O lllowie: See Daylime Movies m111ttr0MW1 Ill Gomtr P'yle m Stallle Street -11:30- 0 (!Ill OJ) ([)Search for TOlllOfrow D l2J) (JJ m 9J Chico & the Man e Groucho (]) DiWOJce Court U ill (IQ) HBI ([)) hmilJ Feud m let's II.Ip II> Ninny & the Professor AFT•RNOON 12:00 U lloonti1111 D Tllll Girl U MoM: See Daylime Movies R)Jn's Hope U (]) (ail ([)) All Illy Cllildrt11 cm aJJ 11ns m Mowit: See Daytime Movies a> I Dfu111 of Jeannie (Clll CJ)) NocNI A.ffll1/Joe llf1tU 0 CJ) The ""' Show a ..... American Style m Mlclltil/ltllrtr bport -12:30-u (IIlJ CIJ) ([) As the World Tums .. @ Cl) m Q)) DIJS of Dur u.a (() Family Affair (Jlll All M1 Childre11 a> Covrtslllp of Eddie's Fatlltr a 0or1s °'' s. Ql) Yotl tor Htalttl 1:00 ([) That Girl • rn (all CJ)) R)Jn's Hope ...... m "'*' Ac111111 -1:30- • (()1) rn> CD The Guidinc Upt D 0 ([) 111t O Tiie o.ctDn ([)I LM LIKy U ())cm (8 CD) Ont life ID lM • Diwrce Cel!1 2:00 e (()1) CIJ) CD All ia Ille hrtily e a ([) a a AMllMr Woricl • Tit lit VIAty CD Did v .. llJ'I D lllewit: See Daytime Movtes ...... 1!D MKIWll l.tllrtr R.,.,-1 -2:15- • CJ) (Jlll ( 121 CJ)) Gt11t11 I ~ -2:30- • (()1) CJ)) CD Mltdl '"'"' (() ~" lf It ... "' 3:00 0 .IJ (IIlJ ) llttlttaies u m Tiie Golla Show U lOff AllttiaR Style ([) m Cartoem D CD ((21) C{J) Eda• of N1ctit ® Morie: See Daytime Movies m Gll1it111's Island ta CE Ironside '2IJ Ovr Gina Em History ol Art Q]) DiNh! m Sesamt Slrttl -3:30-u tm Mih Dourtas Show D Medical Center U Dinah! D CD lil<Nlt: Set Daytime Movies ([) Brady Bunch m Dinosaurs/ Jetsons CD Tllrn Stooses [I7J (3)) Bozo's Bia Top (3J fllntstonts Em Real Estate & You 4:00 ([) New Midey Mouse Club CJ) Emeraency One &ll fllntrid m Tiie lllonktes 11> Feli1 the Cat (IIlJ (})) The loM Ranaer @(I) Acllm·12 l2ll Potll"lt m Villa Altare ca rn> Cartoons IHl Hollywood $4j111 rtS Cilbaan's llUnd · m n. w1es 11> Pufnstuf/lidnillt (JI ) Pnu Is lie ht illl (I) llltn Griffin Show JfJ Tiie Ir ldJ Bunch fD Mistt1 •oe•rs (IBI D) Bon1nu (JJJ Whet! of fortMnc m Eltctric Company 5 :00 DDD CD®l lkn D 12)) cu m @ All-Star IHt· ball r uesday Covera1e ol the 48th annual All Star baseball classic from Yankee Stadium in The Bron,, New York Tony Kubek ind Joe Garag1ola are commeolalors U Bon11ua CJ) Courtsl11p of Eddie's flthu Ci1 Wild Wild West m Tht llew Michy Mouse Club CD (8) I Dream of Jeannie (3J I Dre1n of Junit m Sesame Strttt m Di111h! a The Lucy Shott '1i> Mister Roeers -5:30-u lll (ll!' ill) (llfl (li) News rIJ Ada11·l2 Cl Room 222 m Pluse Don't ut tht Dawes II> Ciel S...rt 121) My Tllr" Sons a lewitdled '9 Villa Altare The Lorax. a S.usalan symbol or ecology, loudly voices his complaints as he lights for the preaarvallon of soma threat- ened Truffula Treas, on the award-winning animated spa- cial, "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax," re-airing on CBS Tuesday at 8PM. PegeS SUNDAY I JULY 17 I IOIAHIQ * lndiutes an Mwtrtisement -5:45-m Tiie liMI Anmen/~ 8:00 Cl) Wedi, " Out Cl Youtll Ille laMs ..,......,._ -6:30- • TMI(• llell&ioft Cl) ~ Oii ll4ltrition 9 1i1111ic & Ille Sfc*en Wofd Cl) I.ti llltrt le Ullrt • Tiit m au11 8tWltlllt a t11t F1111tstionH 7:00 8 Lam, Unto My Fttt (I) Voice of Acriculturt U lllC Rtllaious Specl1I "l he Alternahwes" Jean Garton discusses altMtahves to 1bor110t1. ... , ... Mlrblt (])TM mau. Cl) TV I Loob It Learnina m 1111t 1err ..... • Enll.a ....., ""' @ Cl) Tiiis Is Ille lift ® H.I. Put .11 .• Stllf f,DYllCJ for~ ID Acricultvrt USA -7:30- • Liil Up& Uwe (I) Flitll fof Tedn D Lind ol tht lost gUnder'°I Cl) Yoei & F rietlds • Dey ol Disalnry m Tiit F1illtsto1e1 9 Cl) D..., ' Gollrtll (3) TlllMSM Tuie4o f.D Misttf Rottn (121J ) TOMI Kall llttlins (JJJ Sine Yow PrW to Him 8:00 UComm~I Cl) JlllllllJ S..auart SIMM D TIM ~ lrtim t.A.P.E..l.. l!I ""'9 & Friel* 8 (ynitNSS Los M&efes Star Trtl Clrtoofls u llft. lel'lf Jtlllins cm a,.,, r11w111 m Wondera1111 0>Rt1Hwillllr" (CI!J CJ)) Hour ol ,_, l2J) Cl) lnsipl fllt Sesame SlrMI <a Cl)> 0ay ot Discoftry Oll Wllo Is My lltiahllor -8:30- D Way Out IOalMs m m o., o1 Dhtoffry e Tlltl's Cit Cl) ltrry BlrMrd D O ()) It Is Wrltttn a MMtifts Time at CllYary ((IIJ CI)) .lel'ry F1lwell (!Bl ) RH Hll!ftNrd IUl Herald ol Trutll 9:00 D fir Out s,.c. llllb Q) CJ) III RH Hlllllbl"' .. Serttlll~ • Cimp!IS Profile: Y'_,alnt Oft Mritioll TEXAS BEAUTY Beautiful. poised and sensitive not only describes Kelly Garrett but Jaclyn Smith. who plays the role of Kelly in ABC's Charlie's Angels series. Wednesdays al lOPM. Like the character she plays, Jaclyn was born in Houston, Texas. She is the daughter of Jack and Margaret Ellen Smith and is the youngest of two children. Her father is a dentist. Jaclyn started her career in the performing arts by studying ballet at the age of three. While attending Pershing Junior High School, she began performing at Houston Community Playhouse. She continued acting there until she graduated from Lamar High School. Jaclyn then studied drama and psychology at T rinity Uni- versity at San Antonio. Texas. After returning home for a short time. Jaclyn tried working in New York. While there, she conducted a ballet class for underprivileged children in the Head Start program. Then as opportunities opened up for her there, she moved to the Wes1 Coast. Among the films in which she has appeared are "Bootleggers" and "The Adventurers." In ~reat demand as a model. Jaclyn bas appeared m some 75 commercials during the past eight years. Her television roles include appearances in two McClouds, Get Christy Love, The Rookies, a film for the World of Disney and a recurrent role in Switch. Jaclyn loves children and plans lo work in a project Involving younger children when she has more time available. Her love of animals .It .... ct 0 ()) Cl) Oral ltolltrts cm 1t 1a Wrttt111 m 11111111 s..uart a Faith hi! Today tD Dollliftao A Dollli11t1 8 llnow Your Billie -9:30-u •rto ' Ille Ml&ic Macllltt• D Aerkulturt USA • Oilltnsiorls Cl) ( CllJ Cl)) F au Ille lbtion a Tiie Kille Is Com1ne 1Im s,.dn1111 O> A lttttr Litt @ CJ) ~ From t.A.P .Lit. a ""· Llf., Je11lins ((21) (1)).111111111 Swawrt Show 9 MMt tht Press 10:00 I) Odys:My Cl) e ()) Hour of Pw.r 8 Dollllnao Cl) Did Clrtson Public Affairs ct Herald ol Truth cm Publk Pulst Cl) Golptl Hour ((ll) Cl)) Cl11tma S..tt1lffn llll ()) Foc111 on Entro a Sullda1 c.i.bnt1o11 I:) Sesame StrMI (121l Cl)) Louis Paul Llll111an m 1ftSicht 0 San Ditto I nsicle Out -10:30- D T Ollay's llelltlon u T\is b Ille lift 8 Cl) ((21) Cl)) Junior Almost AllytllMe liMs Cl) bltlrutieU Holtr D Aluziq P""*1 lttws ®~ ., Catnry Chl,.t l2J) Cl) S.. t11t USA ID Futbol Socm (8) JollliM 11:00 U Face Ille lbtioft D Cllristophtr Close-Up 1!1 Day ol Oiscowtry rqu,M: Wilclow to Ille Soutll U CJ) (all CJ)) Adwenlurts ot Gillipn CiMml' a Rt• Hvftlllard ({I) lsala and Answtrs m Mowll: "TM Goo4 Humor Man" (tom) '50-Jack Carson. Lola Al1K11ht m Cllllrdl in tltt ltomt l2J) Lind ol UM lost 131 first Baptist Churdl m Electric Co11111111y Im Human Dim1.nsicwl ID) Lind ol tht lost -11:30- D Mowll: ct) "You're "'"' Too Youns" (com) '55-Dean Martin. Jmy lewis, Diana Lynn. DOn Clmpus a Jimmy Swauut Show Cl) w..•end U CJ) ((21) Cl)) Animals. Animals (JA) lllovie: "Callins Dr. Kildare" (dra) '39-lew Ayres (Cl1J (}))Soul Traift G> Rellotl QI) ~ frOlll C.A.P .U . I Ah•RNOON 12:00 D SuperMI II H11hh&ltts ol the Stlperbowl XI. played on Jan 9. 1977 with lhe Minnesota V1k1n1s and Oakland Ra1dm has been transformed to the character she plays in the series. Her French poodle, Albert, has become a member of the cast of the series. Water skiing, swimming and horseback riding are among her hobbies. She also skis and plays a little tennis. She enjoys reading and listening to music, principally classical. Iii Movie: "llnlliclt" (iwes) '51- Tyrone Power, Suun H1yw11d • (]) (all ) lu uta and MM rt • l'l'9 Fu a) Ft~ fof roe., 3 CD '1wltlt vau., Coif a Volct ot Aarlclltt11re m Glul '•rfof1111nces tm Clll It lllK1r111i a ~lritanniu -12:30-.. m a ,,, .. .,., v111., '°" Clluic Coveraae ol the final round ol this tournament from Sutloo, Mass Ari """"* $fO'b 8 CJ) (121) ())) Dirt<tiOlls e Warrt14 Dud Of Ali9' ., .,..,., DlliM/l'ltllflM II) Vic10(J " s.. <cm CI>) $~ 121 U.S. Fatm lltl)Oft 1:00 D <cm CJ)) Cl) CBS Sports Special: USAC Allto llldn1 rn up1ori111 11e1111M CD hdrt lasthll San D1e10 Padres n . Los Anaeles Ood&ers • St•rthn• D AbMtt and c.tello (!DJ Allimala, Anh111ls Q) lloqers llltNll Los Anfelts Ood&ers vs San Oreao Padres Ill IGwtfJ Bors a Tllr• '&UflOrta to Mvl•lurt ca oo> Co1Mc1J a w1cs m 11ounc1 c.ro1t11 u ...... -1:30-rn Mtdh 8 Tiit W°IC DalllOM SllOW Cl) lilt Slllart (!DJ ""'" .. ltlt """ a Fon l'llltPot m P'icudilly ClrclfJ 2:00 rn Crisis 111tem11titft e llllowlt: "lt'1 Your 11111¥t" (com) '68-Edward G Robinson, Adolfo Cth. Terry Thomas a> T111111 (3) Mldic & Ille ~tn Wonl (al CD) Mottler lMt m Sltmptt en Domlllao Ci) Tiit -..1 ''°"' -2:30- CI> Topic D lllffttllt ,ma e Moftster RlllJ I) Mowie: "Tllt Iii $tt.tl" (Id¥) '49-Robert Mitchum, line Greer, Witham 8endtl 0 (() lttN of lllt "'- (21 COIN Wal' tlle WorW <a w> Tiit c......_ D Motlt: "YtelMM Kine" QI Maran~ D Mall kilft. lla11 DtstrtYI 3:00 8 111"9; ~ '1lle lfeMll $Ur" (•es~ie-Howtrd Duff, l1t1 S.ron (]) : "'Tiit S.rdlill1 WIM" (dtt) '46-Rokrt Youn1 UM OMWltll. .. (() HIO Clta•nal <II lhtle: "Tiit IU111'a ,.,., ... (tdv) '61-0oua McClure, lrll SI John, Clu7 StockwtN e Mfttt: ~ "Twlstd lr•ln" (llor) '74-f>at Cardi, Jolln Hiland ((l?J (J)) Tiit fWMf'UI S IMllllJ S•wrt ~ ID hcnllt tf flit Malm A looli. 11 Lt1una Btach's famM re·creatlon of cllSSIC artwork with live models (8 (()) WI .. T• Slfttte -3:30- (J) Tllh Ii llMball U Mowit: •Soait "°91t" (mus) '63-Kennelh MOie, Illy Brooks. (cm (})) CiMllll S.-teea (Jl)ll~TOMIKI• f,DWDau11 (IBJ (()) Sci-Fi llleat11 Ml ... : ct) ..... and lllB. loJo .loMs" (d~) '71-Desi A11111 Jr 4:00 U TM Sul!Uy Show D Ve7•11 lt ltlt lettOlll of IN Su Littlt ... CD $br Trd D MoM: ~ "TrillitJ h Stia Ml "-" (wes) '75-Bud Sptfl(er m lillwit: ct:> ~ '-dflttltri" (wes) '49-John Wayne, Ward Bond fB Somttt.1111 """ 9 (I) Mttl Ille l'fess a ~ .. S.rriwal f.D Wiii Strttt ""' m Amarian Antler -4:30- 0 Movie: Ct) "Stbfe Jet" (adv) 'SJ-Robert Sta<:~. Coleen Cro ,ni Fan 8 ()) v.kt of Acr\Cultv11 ®Slltflodltotmll fD W~ W... In ltnln CDWlld KlntM e ""kine tt c-t S:OO s,or1l With ltftb es..rr .... ([) llloftt: "Mart (If z.r." (adv) '40-TyrOM Powtf • Glut Adwnbi11 TIM Fii CIDl l'IMll II) Mowit: ct) •Mvrdtf l11e." (mys) '60-Stuact WMman. Peter Falk c cm CI>> ......, 111tMs 111 c-.t @(l)C:.C.W m flrilll u.. <• ([)) °",._.1p rts1W11 lmMttllMl'l'ISI a""" -5:30- (}.) Sawtell .. 9 ()) Cll 0 .... ({DJ lr.,.... (121) ([)) U"""1e iVINhld 7:00 II I cm CJJ l Cl) 60 flli11utt9 D @ Cl) Gt 0 WorW If oi.. MJ "The Secret of Old Gloty M1ne" The fne11dsh1p of a 11n1t111 cat Inds lo I feud between I ClllZltd prospeclol and a _JOUn& 1eolo1ist OVtf 1 deserted Alll'ona silver mine resulhna 1n 11e1r catastrophe when Ute old miner ~n1m1tes the u1s1in1 WOf._rnas (l)W'rW Kintdolll U CI>® (IZJJ (I)) llmr °'"/Hardy loft "Mystery ol tht Ghostw11ter's Cruise ' A rel111n1 crurst Oii • lu1ur, hntr lufns rnto 1 perilous adventure '°' N111CY Drew wllen Diie of the men on botrd. 1 mystery 1nlter receives lhruts a1a1nsl hrs Irle Cl Father Our htlm "Brother Dear Brother" When P1tr1ck's mother tails him lo tell hrm his brother Philip I~ 1n the llosp1lal, thines start lo co wron1 foi Patrick. Ql l'wryMllOll fB ~ un11111• "-Ir•• a lllovlt: CC) ''Gu1orln " (hor) '72-Cornel Wilde, Jenn11er S.11. m A1111Ha,111 • CID Amt1k1111 -7:30- (1) Andy Wlllla111a a 111m Thb l4ouJol W>""'" 8:00 11 ((JJJ ) :J) ~ (R) Rhoda experiences 1 severe SCPfratron Ptln when silt dtSCOYers her estian1ed husb.tnd with 1nottler woman U 0 Cl) GI Cit lllC S.•'-J Mpl.,.,: Mca.M "The Grut T Ill cab Stampede" Em ltlollsh Mars1111 McCloud rs 11lsely .ecused rn ttle sl1r1n1 of a New YCHk t1bb11-1nd d1u1 dealer-rt makes no d1fflrence to the dead man's ven1unce seek 1ne $1Sler. 1n lstttl t0ld1tr 8 st Ju4t T.U. Dannr Thomas hosts 1111s 5-hour telethon tor St Jude's Cttildren's Research H054>ital wrth fund.s 101nr to the research of deadly childhood dismes Marlo Thoma, Henrr Winkler, Penny Mar shall, R~rdo MDlltalban, Suaar R.y RobrnS011 appear Cl) -""'" • CI> crDl <ca w > su 111111o11 $ Man (R) Steve II lmd wnh th• cllotee of riskin1 his O'#n hfe or tht liva of 30.000 Arntl1Clns when a ruthless e1tortlon1s1 threatens to reluse deadly nerve 111 G lriii1 • Ille lilril Bruce Foriyt h hosts this special with 111ests T11t1UY, Honor Blttkman, Lena Zanron1, Tht Three Otlf'm fno, Oenii BtOWlow, Karen David and tht lrontl Blarr Danct11 m Mlwie: ct) 0-r) '11le t.k" (com) '69-0ICk Van Dyke, Mrchele Ltt, Mdey Rooney, Cornel Wrldt m SMI nny SJIW tDl .... M,. • o.c..ntary sa.c.. -1:30-• <cm CJ)) (() Pllyllls Pllyllrs hlS a YCry llt(t "$mall" problem when her dau&flltt 1n1101Jncts lier 1ntentioll ID mNJY tilt aon of 1 midl•t couple so.-..... 8:00 8 (Cnl (])) Cl) ~ (R) Tiie en1a1tment of Ptle's coll11• sweet· heart sends him on • fr•lllitd trill to reveal !he man's llue molivts befCH1 the 1mpendlna mtrrilp e Sl J"4t Teletlltll Continues ()) llWld T 11111 Tt11tlls • CI> 9 (QI (I)) UC s.u, lllPt fllo'lle: ~ (211r) "flit 1M1 liooArt" (mys) '73-Elliot Gould, Sterlin& H1Ydtn, H1111 Vtn P1ll1ndl Soph1sliuled p11n le e1e Philip Merlowe becomes involved wrlh m111der 1nd struae cll1r1e1m rn Hollywood C) Dr. Wilttf10fl m Ru H•Mi• S Tiit OM W., fD MaW"'9et Tlleatrt-'.W.." ., fl s-. .. Srhla P\1111 D Arlt IMluie & '-te S...tt hi CMcef1 -9:30- .. @ D 8 lllC lleM of t!'9 Wttl: ct) (90) •li;lt TOftOf" (dra) '77-Viltnt Harper, Richard Rom1nus. Mrchael Tolan, Bt1tr"e Manley, Quinn Cummrnp. Valtrie Hlfl>er s11rs as 1 molor1s1 forced lo flee for her life alter w1tnw1n1 the slayrnc ol a h11hw1y P1lrolman, G Voice ti tlM Martyn 10:00 II ((l?J (])) DelmOle C1ly slickers Delve«hio ind Shonsl1 are out o1 their elemut 1n tire Atizon1 desert lown to which they llne come lo prck up an u t11drted prooner 9 St. l-* T~ Conllnues Cl) w.tlflt " o.t • Ger1ltr 11111 hltrlrlc •OM TIM'-"' . ..... ®""''"""' ........ "'--CDV ... Ac..tar D P'icMllly area -10:30- (J) Sa• Olttt .. Er..t ...,., "°"' g Fntt, '""" m ttosar, D111ct • 11:00 ae w<IDl ma111n •St. JM Teletllell Conllnuei. Cl)Tllt ma. • lllllte: ct) ""'-C.lc" (com) '69-0ick Van Dyke, Michele Lee. . .... G) l .... JMHIUIS ((l?J (]) ~'!:' 0 (() lZ a l'uMlc ,., F.,.. (8(())Wy ..... D Jillllf Snu111 S... -11:15-((ll) CJ)> llltwlt: ,,._ ,.,.. .. -11:30-• _., '"'1a FlNI/ ....... ... '8llt DU Cll • Mme: ~ "JM [lltftllW' (dta) '76- JK• Lemmon, Ray Bolter (l)T ........ ..... : ct) ...... ~ (dra) 'll -P.W Simm. <m .... : "Ceeott'• ..,,.. (dra) :.-i: ~n Cllrt CD balellt,. -11:45-• .... : "l Pita II !tie S." (dta) '51-Moftlp!Wf Chi\. 12100 • 91. We,...._ Coetl11m Cl>Tlll ma. -1:30-u Al OM Wltlt-. -1:5$- • ltllllt: (CJ "1'• .. ftta" (adv) '58-Vlctor Mature, lucilr11 Paluul. , ... 7 MONDAY I JULY II For _.nin11nd alternoon flStiftp. plwt set DAmlllE l'llOGllAMS. Be- low, for po11r conwenitnce, 111 the dly's mmes. DAmlllE MOVIES 10:00 u "The fntislblt Ray'' (hor) '36-Bous Karloff ,llJ "''"''' to lll1nt1flts" (dra) 44-Humphrey Bocart 11:00 O "SatlJ & S1inl •nnt" (c~m) '52-Ann Blyth 12:00 U "Hiller" (dra) 62- Richard Basthart G> ~I "The M111y1n1 ll1nd" (com) '52-JUdy Holliday, Aldo Ray. Madee Kennedy 1:00 l1fl ('CJ "Wild lliwer" (adv) '60-Monteomery Clift 2:00 C1J CC) "Wipe Out" (dra) '74-Richard Conte. Henry S1fva 3:00 [OJ CC) "The ~ter1cl Affair" (dra) '56-Debbie Reynolds. Bette Davis 3:30 CD "To Exh His Own" (dra) '46-0hvia de Hav1lland D lC) "JourneJ lo the far Side af tflt S41n" (sci h) '69 Roy Th1nnes, Lynn Loring l!Vl!NING I m l'at1ridre family Q) Alils Smith & Jones fl) Classic Country ®1 LM lAlcy m Electric t.mpanJ O> Dumatic Series m flbki111 tt eount -6:30- £1 DENNIS WEAVER Ill * "CEllTlE GIANT" O Mowit: (CJ (90) "G.ntlt Gunt" (adv) '67-Dennis Weever, Vera Miles, Ralph Meeker <£a News J) m AlldJ Gnffitll 1IQJ Mt!Y Griffin$'-( <llJ (})) My Three Sons (3) Did Vu Oyb $'-ID Zoom . ( rai CJ)) Bewitdled '9 lllan Builds, 111111 OestrOJS 7:00 1 l) Emer1ency Ont 11 u @ ro m m 11ews u Liars au11 ({) My Three Sons Cl) To T tll Ille T rvtll a Conunt11tion m ll.Oft lAlcy Q) Tht Fii (@ f])) F1mity Affair m Action Df1ma 13) lllaytltrry Rf[) m lllacNeif.Leluer llej!Ort (<SJ CJ)) l'arttMlae F1mily (J))C,..Wits m llul &bit & You -7:30-e Coimuw 8uytiM n Lott Americall Str1t Tht Odd c.,i. D Let's Mab A Deal GALBRAITH INVESTIGATES CORPORATIONS A controversial look a1 the modern large corpora- tion will be provided by John Kenneth Galbraith on The Age of Uncertai nty. Thursday. from 9 to IOPM, on l<CET. Channel 28. Culling big corpora- tions "the mo!'it relentless forte for change in mod-P• • Cl) Name That Tune C1J The JMer'I Wild (GI Price Is Riehl m 8ewi1dl141 ((fll (])) &os,.1 S1n11n1 Jubllet fl) D1111111ic Series @ CJ) Wikl Wllfkl of An1m1b 13) Hopn's Htroes m C1111111tl 21 Tonipl (fa ) Brldy Buntll m l'mpert to Trnel 9 Liars CM '9 Cook1n1 W1lh • Conllnenlal nawor 8:00 O ((Ill l1J) The Jellersons (R) Funous when lhe Jeffersons IOI bid h" lo entertain her boylriend overn1&hl. florenee quits her 1ob 11 '2JJ m ID lilllt Hme on tflt Prairie Part I When Pa teams that Mary's se11ous illness 11111 requ11e upens1ve hosp1tallzal10n, he leaves the larm and lakes a daneerous high paying rob U Bl& Blttles First two hours of 12 hour history of WW II Hitler's ''Bhtzknee:· 1n<:lud1ne attacks on Poland, 1nvas1on of Denmuk Belgium. Holland, France Evacua hon of Dunkttk, r all of P111s ([) Mowit: CC) (Zllr) "The Sltrp- per" (dra) '63-Joanne Woodward u (]) ffG) ca ) Tiit four of Us Barbara Feldon stars as a younc widow who. alter the death of her husband. m11r1tes with her t•o children from the suburbs lo New York City 1n quest ol a new hie C1J lllowie: CC) (2hr) "Fillw1llr'' (com) '68-D1ck Van Dyke Barbara Feldon, Dame Edith Evans a> $2S,OOO l'Jr1mtd II) Perry Muon 13) lllorit: CC) (2hr) "X, Y, ' l " (dra) '72 -Eh1abelh Taylor fID The Forsytt Sa1a •. m Premier C:'!i) The Rtal l'eoplt -8:30- 0 ( l1 !J)) (() Shields and Y1tntll m C,-oss-Wrb (:!i) Bil Btidertiech Festin i 9:00 D (Ill\ :11) CE Maude (R) Maude and Waller have different reachons when they luro lhal a mil from a ps)'(holoe1sl and his wile may 1esult 1n an even1n1 ol male swappinc U @ €m Q)l llBC lllond1J Movie: f C) (Zllr) "The Huncltback of Noire Dime" (dra) '77-Warren Clarke. Kenneth Ha1ch. Michelle Newell Christopher Gable. Pierre Grineoire. Richard Morant V1clor Hueo's classic story set in Paris in 1485 during the Feast of Fools, of the 1mJmSlbfe love of a hunchbacked beflringer for a beaulllul gypsy girl. U (]) l:ml (<8) ([))ABC Monday lli(ht lllowle: CC) (Zllr) "The Effect of Gamma llaJS Oii lbn·fn-tht-Moon llllrisoldl" (dra) '72-Joanne Wood ward. Nell Polls. Roberta Wallach Living in absolute sq~lor. a mother tries lo b11n2 up her two dau1hle~ but, while one 1s able to escape inlo her intellect the olher seems destined to become another "half life" like he1 mother m "''" Griffin Show fl) Get Sllurt fB Japantse Orama tiiJ The Aa• of Uncertainty Ci> Ouid Susslind S'- ern economic life.'' Galbraith ~ays that they are J!'o the "lea11t unden.tood fon-e rn our hve, or to be exact. the mmt deliberately m1c;un<ler~1ood ." Galbrait h concedes that "the large corporal ion 1s here to stay. and those who woul<l break it up. confi ne its operatiom. arc al war with hiMory and the tyranny of circum'>tancc. People want large tasks performed. Large tasks require large orga- niza tions and that's how iii'>." At the same time. the economist argues that "strong national rules" are needed to "protect the public int erest and to make the large corporati on less private and acqu1 itivc and more a pu blic and social organization." He says <his has been happening in recent years. "What a corporation ca n do to air. water. landsca pe. or to the health and safety of its cu~tomers is far more constrained than it wa~ a mere decade ago. Ralph Nader didn'1 brmg this regulation. the trend brought Ralph Nader." To make his point about corporattoO\, Galbraith creates for the program a mythical corpora tion "UGE" (United Global Enterprt!'ies) and offers a wry examination of .the history. growth. manage· ment and influ ence of a great company. The princi- ples brought to life in "UGE" are then applied to a real corporation. Phil ips. located in the Nether- lands. Providing a rebuttal lo Galbraith's views at th e end of the program will be Dr. Robert Hessen. resean:h fellow at the Hoover Institution. Stanford University. The program repeaLc; Monday. July 25. 9PM. "The Age of Uncertainty" is a co-production of KCET and the BBC. -9:30- 0 (1111 J_) re All'' hir CR) Part I The conswrvdlm Richard ~ors 1gamst his helter 1udamen1 1w1ce •hen he lakts lhe Oemoc111tc Pte!Mdenl for ht\ new boss 1nd Gm aei for htS new secretary Q) REV. IKE * JOY OF LIVING! Learn How To H1te Your Money Make Money m •ev. lh/Joy ol lmna 10:00 U ( 17 ~ ) L Husbands 1nd Wini A sher of ltle 1n • typical Ame11can subu1b 1s !hr sub1ec1 ot 1h1s comedy aboul ltve d1spa14te couples. all close l11ends all ltvtng m lhe same commun11v D Ollews U Mowie: tC "8ul the Dnil" (adv) '5• Humphrey Bogart Cl) Wildlife Thutre 13) Mmus Welb1 fD &O Mlnutu to 11111 Un1Qur comedian Ma1t1n Mull. also a skillful mus1c1an. perlo1ms skits, sat11e ~nd sonas 111 this p1ogram lie also wel comes lhe comedy learn of no and (ddte, also eslabltshed mus1~1•ns and torme1 membe1s ul lhe \lna1ng eroup "The Turtle~ ' . -10:30-m m elllews 11:00 U Q 1U f l aJ)lhws o ® _r ~ m lltws D ('lf ti') Lon AmutUn Style 0 lrOASldt m "Rocke! To Sl,,dom" • With Gr1ndma Dunbar "FERllWOOO 2NIGHT!" m fttllWOOd 2"'"'' Ci) M'1cus Welby c tt m' Tiit Ran<h Show la !lest or Groucho m 8la<k m rn11 '11) M"lfetl/lehm Report -11:30-u (tfl l ) •)IA CBS Ute Mow~· ,~ llo11k 'The Betrayal ~ ''Sllirwa~ lo Hunn" (com1 '46-0avtd N1vtn, l\1m Hunter D @ 6) Im Ofl Johnny Cal1Gll lJ1 Movie: "Walk A Cr~ed Mtle'' (dra) '48 Lout$ Hayward D (I) ll:DI (\2.tl rtJ) Struts of S.n F11ncisu/Tom• m Rob Reiner's Dream * House A Nlthlmare! ''TABLOID" TONIGHT! m l'rtmlere T1bl0td ~ The 700 Club tm ABC C.P11011ed News m Clllem1 J4 12:00 D TwlHaht Zone D Movie: lCl ''Tht l'rom1w" (dr;) '69 John Castle Ian McKtllen m MtlrCHttW$ G> Movie• "foem1n Snt MJ Cllild" (com) S4 Sp1~e Jones -12;30- D Oupet m lAllt in s,.. 1:00 D ilJ) (J1 lllJ Tomorr" a Gftlt Awtry -1:30-a> Mowit: "llnt fimt We Lowe" (dra) '35 M11aare1 Sullavan -3:05- 0 •ovle: "A Ciy In lht fllpt" (dra) '&.6-Nat111e Wood TUESDAY JULY 19 fOf morn1n1 and afternoon listinp. plme set Oo\rTIME l'ROGAAMS. S.. low, !Of your to11ven1t11<e, 11e the dly's moms.. Oo\m ME MOVIES IO·oo O "ti Came from Outer Spice" (sci It) 53-Rithard Cl1tson Barbata Rush 2f "Okl1hom1 lttd" IVUS) 39 Humphrey Boeart 11:00 0 C-''Sien of Ille P111n'' (adv) '55 -Jeff Chandler 12.00 D "Carve Her lfame Wrth Prtdt" (dra) ~-Paul Scofield m "Golden Boy" (dra) 39 Wilham Holden 1·00 12§! C "hnauoo" (adv) '57-Peter Lawford 2:00 O (~1 "The Prtnle War of M1jor Ben50n" (com) ·55 Charlton Htslon lulte Adams. William Demarest 3:00 r10.1 1_c1 "Cry Terror" (dta) 58 James Mason 3:30 1 j l "The Accused" (mys) '48 I 01etta Young 0 C "first Men In the Moon'' (SC1 It) 64-[dward Judd. Lionel Jtffr1ts EVENING 8 :00 O ~D LL~lle.s C) 12:1) J m (JI) All·SIJr 8Ht· bill Cont d trom SPM Cove1aee ol tht 48th annual All Stai baseball tlassit hom Yankee Stadium 1n Tht BronA New YOik with spo11sustm ronr Kube• and Joe Garaeiota U Yoyaae lo the Bottom ol the Sf• _o Gomtt l'yle o c.i~. m Tiit P1rt11dae family Cl) AltH Smrth I Jones ( 1! 3 1) (\ft llJ) lfews m Clmlc Country t2f\ I Lowe LllCy fl) Ettdric Comp1ny m D111n1lic Series C:!i) Woodurve1's Work~ -6:30-u $1,000,000 SWITCH * THC CBS 6:30 MOVIE U Movie: tt_ (90) "Oo Tou T1ke This St11n1er" (dra) '70 -Gene Sari) Lloyd Bridges. Diane Baker J Pins 6 m w., Ciifh11t 10 Men Gnff1n ~ (tfI J)) My lllrH Son1 .3 Dia Van Drtt Sllow fmloom (Jt T> en.tclltd' C:!i> ~11 8v1ktl, ltb11 Dtslroys 7:00 .1' Emtral!ICJ Ont 0 l1111 Club ..£1 MJ Three Sons u .,...., Cf) To Tell tllt T rutll I) Concfftrttion m 1 LM Lucy .., Tiit Fil (<Ill CJ)) Family Atf1ir m AmtriCln lsrfff J..nh Hour (3) Mqbtrry Rr.D. tli) MKNeiH.ehm Rtport ((3) CJ)) Tiit ,.,trld11 family el) lleal Est.le & You -7:30- 0 t.o-e AmertUn Style Cl) The Odd Couplt Cl The Golla Sflow D Q1 HollJWOOCf Squ.res 0 The Johr's Wild m 11ewttt11td ([Tl ) ll•sllvtlle Oii Utt ROid la; Hor•n's Heroes ffi Clllnnel 21 Tontthl ((31 j)) Brac!J Bunch C:!i) Pllotocraplly: Herc's How 8:00 U ( 1T Y) e Dr Suess: The lofu A SfuSSJan symbol ol ecotoay speaks in behall ot all •1ldlile 1n his plea 101 the p1esertal1on of some thruttntd lrutluta lrtes and patches ol another product ol Seuss1an 1ma11na1ton ~nown JS gridtt erass D The Eiahth ~nnul Senior Olympics 0 Bia 81ltlu lhe Batlle ol 811ta1n·· Ne11lv d1sovered film d()(.uments lhe air eneounte1s bt tween the RAf and LultwaHe which decided this battle ··The Baille Ovei Europe" recounts d1st1uct1on ot Hambuia. Cologne, Schweinlur1 and Dresden. W Morie: . .c 1 (2hr) "A Rlae to Lin" (dra) 65-Suzanne Pleshette U (}, ,JO.t (f.211 ()) Happy 0115 'Spunky. Come Home" A ~omeless dog becomes the ll&ht ot fonzie's ltle and when Pots1e and Ralph lene lht aate open and 11 runs ••ay. they tell him that the 001 was stolen 11ther lhan lace his wiath D MOYie: ':t (2111) "S411tt11 A flowtf'" (com) ·10-Jad Albenson m l.nt of the Wild Cl) Peuy Muon @(I) Pim 13) Mowle: ~ (2hr) "ht Gr11t Whrtc Hot>e'' (d1a) 10 lames htl Jones. Jane Aleunder lou Gilbert fl) The Forsyte Sar• m mm future @ frank Sinatu Jr. In Co«e1t {ID Evenin& At PoP' -8:30-u (@ ) Cl.1 Besl Friend' A comedy about the zany ad~enlurts ol a group of teen age1s hom vary1ne backerounds, who hana iround toeether tn an apartment bu1ld1ne basement on Ch1caao's Northwest Side lames Canninr and Shmy Hursty star D CD ®J ((3) l umrit and Shirley Laverne and Shirley come to lhe rescue when thetr d1sappa1nted nerehbo1s L~nny 1nd Squ121y. &el stood ~P m Cross·Wib IJll 6 Mm Grrfftn 9:00 U ( fT 13 ) M•A•S•H (RI When he Wlt'Cks his 1eep. 1eturn1ne from a lo1w11d aid st1tron. and suffers a concusst0n, he is rescued by a Korean l1m11,, which does not speak Enctrsh To stay consctOUS Hawkeye launches into a non itop stream-of consciousness monolocus U lI: (IDJ ((81 Cl)) Tiit ABC Tuesd1y Mowlt. (C) (Zhr) "Leve StOIJ" (d11) 70-Ryan O'"eal, Air McGrn•. R1y Milland The decep hvtty simple $tory of two 1pparenlly m1sm1tched eolleae S1 udents who meet, fall tn love ind m11ry m MerY Griffin Sllow 0) Tht Virrlnltn fm Opera Thtatrt "World of V1cto1 Herbert" IHI Ton1 Bennett Sinat C:!i) Muterp1ece Tiie.ira -9:30-u ( !IJ J ) (I I One Day 11 A Timt (R) An uc1ted Schneider 1nvtltS Ann and the J11ls 10 the party he's &!Vin& whrte ht s ge1n1 to propose lo Ginny m Mtke Dolr&ln 10:00 O (11t ) l.. ltotak (R) Ko1ak tracks a psychotic ~1ller who has been tenorlltn& Manhattan O 0flews .J Movie: .c.. "Tiie Bia Shot" (da) 42 Humphttt Boaa1t @ ( f BoJirl Hour f3J Mucus Welby tm Ch1uao Sympllonr Orcllest11 Soltt Conducts Wainer m El Bltn Am1do (Jfl £1ewttness on Stmtt C:!i) Al the Top -10:30- U Nm mm m 11t1n 11:00 U {}) 0 Il l CfO> \ff! ""' u ff! rJJ m """ a (QIJ CIJ) t.o-e Amerian Style 0 ltonsldt m fttnWOOd 211illtt 0) Mum Welby crrn ) The Rlncl1 Shew (3 !lest of Groucho m utillo Consort111m m Dr1matk S.rles '9 MKlttil/lahrtr •eport -11:30-u (Ci11 ) CIS Ult 11110\'lt: ::cJ McMillan 111d Wile Blues for Sally M"' u u-m m (HJ Jatwiy C1t1011 J' Mowlt: "01n111011$1y l'ller Lrwt" (dra) ''I John G11lield D !' (llfl Cl)) Mowre of the WHk "Only Wtth Marrtec! Men" <11! Biretta m Ernesto Tht Slranae * Predictor Loou At The Future! Toni1ht m T1btold (3) The 700 Club F..m Captioned ABC lltws ED Cinema M 12:00 Iii Twlllaht Zone Ill Movie: CC) "II T tkes All ltinds'' (Mp) '69-Veta Mil~ m Mclt'alltWI Q) Movie. "teun!Oft in teno" (com) '51 Mark Slmns, Peaay Dow -12:30- 0 0111net m World of Sl!l"flYll 1:00 D IHl (JI) Tomorrow D All·llraht Show: "Tha Honer Pot." "tlwp WDm111,• "Hotllt In WJomin1" m Mttit: "Tile Mir1tl1 of lite Seib" (clq) ''6-Altda V1tlt -1:30-m Motil: "UllclttlMd" (dra) 6S- £1roy HlrKh, Barbara Hale 2:00 D Mowlt: (C) "Dimension 5" (susp) 67-Jellrty Hunter Iii Moviet: "lMen & Lollipojtj,'' "Our Attn1 Tlpr" a:oo m AIMllpt Sltow: "They"" 9y Nltht" J' , .... Noah Beery, who co-stars as James Garner's father. Rocky, in NBC's hit series. The Rockford Files (Fridays at 9PM), was born in the movie business Son of the late Noah Beery Sr .. and nephew of Wallace Beery, one of the industry's hrst superstars before that term became fashionable. Bee,Y d«lares. "I couldn't &el out of show business 1f I had wanted to-and I certainly never wanted to despite the pitfalls faetng the heir to a famous name." The senior Beery was a star v1lla1n in silent pictures and made1the transition into tallues with continued success "Dad wu the cl~c idea of whit the 1dul ~1llam should look hke. He was big, dark and beetle browed. I escaped that type-cast1ne because I was too young to be a villain when I started." Pidge Beery (Noah's nickname lrom childhood) recalls he started acting in a career-wise manner while still al North Hollywood High School, 1ust a stone's throw away from Universal Studios where Rockford 1s made. ''Lonr aeo I came up with a theory on how to survive in this business, and I've been doing 11 for about 40 years now," says Beery, addine: "If you want a long career, don't be a Romeo. Be the brother of the girl, or friend of the leadin& man. Of course. ri&hl now, I recommend father of the senes star!" T , • • • Roles in Westerns or outdoor types such as Beery's character of the retired truck driver on Rockford fit him quite naturally. "I hve on. a ranch, own e couple of trucks and frequently haul my own cattle to the market." says Beery. Beery and his second wife, Lisa, truly have the best of two worlds. "We've been married about 10 years and each had a family before we eot together. My two sons and a dauehter are erown and live in Los Angeles. and Lisa's teenage boys live on the ranch with us," Beery reports. When working on The Rockford Files which 1s about six months of the year, the Beerys lease a home OJI the beach m the Mahbu area. They commute to the ranch on wee(ends. "It's about 125 miles from Hollywood, in the Tehachapi Mountains, and stretches over about 2000 acres. In addition to cattle, they keep eoats, chickens, sheep and hogl. The home originally, Beery relates. was an old gasoline stat10n, euage and motel that seNed travelers on an intercontinental h1gtlway. "But the main higtlway now is some d1Stance away, and the lane to our house IS a tricky one and we don't have many folks dropp1111 by," says Pidae. with an element of self satisfaction in his voice. Tho111h the ranch is huae. and e larae l)Oft1on of rt 1s amine land, the Beerys utilize a portion for a vecetable and orchard area. "We are self su'flcient, and even hive our own water supply, something pretty iml)Oftant in California these days. We eel water from three natural sprinis, helped by three windmills," Beery notes. · • Despite the work load both on the ranch and In the series, Noah finds time to devote to sculpturing. He has received considerable critiul ac:c:laim lof his bronie WOfk and he has exhibited at a number of shows, includina the Main Trail Gellery in Scottsdale, Ariz. Beery is 1 devotee of Western artist C.M. Russell and has a large collection of Russell's work. Beery was the honorary chairman, re<:ently, of the C.M. Russell Auction Proaram at Great Falls. Mont., and narrated 1 film on Russell at the event. ~.10 I WEDNESDAY I JULY ZO f., lllOflrinc 1M afttnlooll ldtlllp, p6ute • OAmltE P'WOGIAllS. k-"'9, for ,.., al!Mllittla, .,. tlM 41'(1--. DAYTIM£ llOVlll 10:00 . "Jljpt T• Mars" (SCI h) ·52-Cameron Mitchell. M1r1uente l:Mpm1n IS "They Drift BJ lliallt'' (dra) 'CO-Humphrey Bo111t. Ann Shtnd1n. eeor.,r:.~tt 11 :00 Cl "Sil It Cnm" (drl) '55-Tony CurllS, Jullt Ad1ms, Georae lhder 12:00 a "Captain Eddlt" (dra) '45-frtd MKMurr1y, Lynn Ban GI "llr. S111ith "91 to Wlllliftcton" (dr1) '39-James Stewart, Jean Arthur, Edward As· nold. 1:00 rs "foclr1ae11 Kouri" (dra) '51-Paul Dou&las, Cr.ct Kelly, Richard Basehart Z:OO Ill (1:) "Lost Fliahl" (dra) '69-Lloy4 Br1d1es. Anne franc1s., Ralph Meeker °):00 ® (1:) "Once Yo• lliis A St11111er" (dra) '69-Paul Bu~t. !Arol L 1nley l;lO CD (1:) "Wab 11t WMft 11·1 Ovel' (com) '60-lrnit Koms, Marro Moore. • (1:) "'-•ub II" (sci 11) '73-Alu Cord, Manette H1rtley, Ted Cmldy, Percy Rodnaues lvlAINQ e:oo a Cll <@ Cl)) a .._ ll®Cll®Dllwt 8 Vofllt to tM lottM of Ille S.. (I) Gomer f'yte e CD (all Cll) llns DGY~• ID hltrid&t F1111ily ., Nin SMltlt ' ** • Clmic Coulltry at LM Lucy m 0ectt1c c-,a"' a> Dr11111tic Series D Maki111 It Coul!t -6:30- 0 MYSTERY SUS1'£MSE * "TIU SMUGGURS" U ll0ti1: CC) (to) "Tiie S111u1· 1ter1" (susp) '68-Sh1rlty Booth. David Opatosllu, Carol Lynley CI> ID W, &riffitll ® ...,. Gritfill .. (Cll>.(J)) Illy Thrte -121 Did Y1t1 Dykt ca Cll) 8"itdlecl IDl CD llns gj)llbll ......... 11Datrwp 7:00 ()) Elllfl'llCY 0... 11•@Cll1DllaMln •Uanaub (I) "" Thrte -(I) To T .. t1M Trvtll • c.c..itritiM m 1 LM IJlcy ID TIM Fii (Ill> CJ)) f..., Affair fa llorutl lNtlllt PYvcr.1111 (21 MQ!lenJ"U.D. fD ltdell!Ullfer a.,.i.1 (all (I)) hrtridl' F1111li, aerw.• CID "911 Eatatt & Tow ' • 0-CC.h., lo#'Vt..i '', • ..-1 • -7:30- 11 llll ll1111t That Tune • Lowe Anmian Style Cl) Thi Odd Couplt • Matdl GallMI Cll ma.ooo Question 11J Tiii .ltbf'1 Wild <IDI WiW Woc14 of Alllllllls IDlftil*' ((Ill CD) fl., '-" tt11 Coufttry @ CI> c.M~ SwtpslJttt (S)Hopn'stlnes fD CU.Ml 21 TOlllPI (ail ) ""' 8uKll 0 U.n CM '9 lls leld_,..• Festini 8:00 U ((ll) CJ)) (I) lilod TIMI ( R) When Thelm1's favorite teacher visits • the Ennses, she falls IOI JJ 's paint· 1n1s-and then for J.J himself. II !U> Cll GI 8 ll1• a11d TMMS ti Gri.aly AdalllS (R) "The Redemption of Ben" While Adams Is rtcoverma from an KCident. Ben 1s captured by an animal trainer who attempts to discipline him. II 811 Battles "lhe Battle ot the Pacific" Films ol the Japanese onslau&hl 1n the Pacific: The surprise attack of Purl Harbol, the Bataan 'death march.' fall ol Corre11dor and Battle ol Midway. Oroppina ol Atomic Bomb 1nd J1p1ntse surrender. Cl) ltofie: (1:) (2111) "11111 Wltll lty Wit• You 0-'t" (com) '66-lony Curtis • Cl) mt (QI) (I)) Deny 111111 llLtrlt (R) Gutsh ire Anne Ibara. Millon Btfle. H1psey Russtll and Paul Lynde D lllofil: (1:) (?fir) "Th• Cm· liken" (dra) '63-Polly Btfctn m MW WMM of Aniuls Q)~Matlft ® T1111is San Francisco Golden Catt11 vs Sin Oieao ID TIM Forsytt Sap CD Cllam,......ip Wrestlill ti!!> Austill City Ulllts -8:30- " ((Ill Cl)) (I) Ma rilyl llcC. an4 m11y Dawll Jr. Sllow loui$ Hye auests. ID Ctoll-Wib 9:00 U (<llJ CJ)) CIS W14Hsday llistil ltowle: (1:) (Zllr) u11 the Hell of th lll&hl" (dra) '67-Sidney Poitier, Rod Ste11er. Warren Oates. lee Grant. Whtn a wealthy indus- tnalisl 1s murdered 1n a small Mississippi town, a Hearo 1s 1cc111td, but he turns out lo be a Ph1l1detph11 110mic1dt upert He 1s rtsented by the town's Police 'h11t, who newerthelesS asu him to help solve the murder II @ CJ) m o c,o sur••r (R) "The Pim P1rty" Thouah Sllm.ey refuses to allow a cetebra· llOft II the elld OI boot camp, he IS fOfced to retonS!der .tien a pu:zi· min arrives bunna bundlu of aood11S and upects hiin to pay for it. • CJ) 9 (8 (I)) lal'lltl (R) When two thup becin riP9ina off other q1min1ls by 1mpersonatin1 police otf1t1rs, Biretta poses as 1 dru1 dealt1 to trip them. (I) ltoM: CC> (Zllf) "11lt ~ 11111" (mys) '74-Burt Lancaster, C:.mtron Mitchell • lllefy Criffil s.... .., Tiii Ylt1ltliltl ~ l:)htP'trt.f~ ..... Us ( Mr. & Mrs. Guy B•ll•rd & Felicia B.wlJ.rd. s.n A.moo. c.111. Pege 11 WEDNESDAY (Continued) -9:30-u tUl tl m .ttl Comedy fimt "Dauchlers" Michael Conslanl1nt plays a w1dowered chief of police who learns tllat law enloicement rs a lark compared to be1n1 lather and molhtr to a t110 ot arowrna dauahters 10:00 Cl Ii)) 3J m Qti lhnaston Cotlfidentral !he m,sterious dnlh ol a reporter trrend ol Tony M111no 1nwolwes Tony Btth and Kinvton 1n a Strres ol slaced acc1den1s and an utorhon plot lo poison the watet supply ol a reS0/1 D OMt'ln M0¥1t: l-'1 "Bulltb ol 9'11ots" (dra) '36-Humphrey Bo&ar1 0 (}) UQ1 (12fl .] ) Ch11li1's Anctls A cat111rt operation makes the m1suke ot robb1n1 a synd1ute man (3) Mart11$ Welby e!> llon -10:30- 0) Q) U) llns 11:00 D II ® m IUJ lllWl D (~ CU) love Amtrlu n Style O {]J @ Ll'llews 0 lronsidt m Meet A Live lndi1n on * "FERNWOOD 2NICHT!" CD ftmwood 2111chl Ci> Marciis Welby (CI1J C1J) The Ranch Sllow lll hit of Groucho Ell> Tiit Opell M111d CE lbdkiltltllrtt lt.,t -11:30- 0 (@ 3 ) ll t8S lite Motlt: l"C'l wMac.ho C,llllun" (WU) '70 David Janssen, Jean Staber& Cl ft .IJ m 9J W1MY ca,.. ,:I: Mowtt: "Condtmntd" (d11) 'JO-Ronald Coleman 0 (mJ (I.HJ CIJ) ltookm/ MJSltlJ of lfle Wttk m She Whips Men Happy • At Her Leather' Clstle "TABLOID'' TONIGHT! m Tabloid l3l Th• 700 Club G\l Captioned ABC htnlna lltwS 12:00 CJ Twlllp t Zone Cl lbie: Cc:> "Col« Me Dead" (dra) '69-Tom Tryon Carolyn JOnt$ m Mttront'ft m M4wle: "ht• for All" (com) '49-Rober1 Cummlnes. Ann Blyth -12:30-m Mcme: "Cry Hnoc" (dta) 'H - Mar1aret SullJvan. Ann Soulhnn 1:00 II l2J) T-mr Ill All llisllt Sllow: ''Tiit Molut11 tlMI the Girl," "T Jflnt," "Tlth1ttll Houn IJ Alt" -1:30- Q) Mo.le: wHollptOCI SIOIJ" (mys) '51-R~hard Conti, Juhe Adams 2:00 II ...... Deellltluturt: "~· 111t11t Wrttt Danatt," "Two Tllouund Womt•" -2:05-D Mtwlt: "!ton Prtnlin" (myg) '47-Ann Sheridan. Robert Alda. -2:30-. m All·Nltht Show: "The Jud&t Steps Out,'' "Atucl of tllt Cub Monsttf'' P9119 12 I THURSDAY I JULY 21 fOI IMfftUll rncl lfftfllOOll tistilt1$. ple.ut tee DAYTIME PtOGAAMS. St· lo., flt "°"' comttlieltct. 11e t!lt dly's "'°"*- •DAYTIME MOV1ES 10:00 U "The lnwisibt1 Aaent" (adv) '42-llona Massey S "Ptlrifid Forest" (d") '36-Humpltrey Bocart 11:00 G ct) "Tiit Miuiwppr" (adv) 'SJ Tyione Power 12:00 D "The Woman Who Cante front t!lt Su" (dra) '64-Dawn Adams. f 1 anco Silva CD "Tlt1I Certain Woman" (d11) '56 &lie Dam 1:00 121 ct) "Ulyaes" (dra) '55- Kir~ Douglas, S1lwana Mancano 2:00 1iJ ct:) "Oin1ah" (ad~) '65-Sianley Ba~er J:DO ClOl ct) "It Started W'rttt A •lu" (com) '59 Debbie Reynalds, Glenn r ord 3:30 Cil "The Emperor WallJ" (mus) '48-Brn& Cfosby O (t) "Th• Time Machine" (S(t 11) '60-Rod Taylor 8V8NING e:oo • ((II)!])) Qll lfft1 D ® @ CV m News Iii Voyqe to the lottoat of Ille Su lilfMf f'y'9 8 CD (QIJ >""' -~· Q) hr1riqt f M lly m • s.itll ""' JoM:s fBOmk C..lllry SI !Me Lucy m OtdrK C.pany CD Loot at lie -6:30-u Rita Hnworth Cluslc ,, "GILDA'' 6:30 Movie 8 Mo'lit: ct:) (90) ''Gilda" Part I (dra) '46-Rita Hlyworth (I) m AMI Grittltll ~ ®MtnGriffm~ ((ill Cil) lty Thr" SoM morn 111n all OIU Vt11 Dyke $/toll mz.om (rBI Cl)) 9"itcllld CID TOWll Talk ID 11111 Wldl, lb11 Oe:stro,i 1:00 l.D EINll*Y OM u • Q1l CJJ m m 11ews a Um a. Cl) lty l1tf9t SOllS Cll Jo T ... die Trwttt ec:..tr• mt Lowe 1.1cy CD T1tt Fii (C1?J CJ)) fa.tily Affair 9 Qidnn's Ptocra11 '211111111*1YlfD m llldWlllllltot .,.., ((21 CJ)) Tiit h~ Ftllllly QI) er-¥1b G llNI [l:bta & You -7:30- D AlldJ • lM AMl1ull Style Cl) T1tt Odd c.lt eTI1tGa11aS1w1w {)) CMlkl C.IW1 • T1tt ..,.., Wild tf.QJ 1211 (ll llalth Gafttt m e..ritched (@ ) Th• llws Fin• (21) Hocan's Heroes fll) CltnMI ZI T011iclll ( (2fJ ())) Stady 9*h m Price 1s ltlPI a Anienu: Tit• '""" u,.r11nct GD Ori•&• c-.tJ Sua1111tr 8:00 0 ((]J) ) Tiit WaltOIU (R) lrrn Walton flllds 1 baby deer 1n tht woods and b11ncs rt llorne 1n the hope that site will be allowtd to ~eep 11 a silu•hon whl(.h e1usts hawoc and a:rowth rn the fam~y II @ ()) III 0 Htll,_oH Hiail "II Didn't Htpptn One Hrthf' £uctne and P1ula. 1etun11nt from •n out ol town a5S1inment, encounter sorne unupecled events whteh force them to share 1 motel room ower nieht. f1ndrn& tlleu reputahons on lhe ltne. Paula tries dtsperalely to cleat up any Questt0ns about their bth1v101, but d1scovel'$ that Eucene 1s rather pleased with •h•I " being said about them CJ Iii S.ttles "Tht S.ttle of lhe Desert" Rommtl and Montaomer, match wits ower some 700 mrles of desert between Ltbya and [Cypt CIJ MOYtt: ct:) (Zltr) "'1111 ad Dollstt (mus) ·~s-Frank Sinatra B CD llDl (121J CJ)) Wtk .. • Bad !lotter The Kotte<'s aPJrtment is 1nwaded by all lite Swutnocs when Washmaton and Vernattan loi achtCe on 1Nrna1e Olllotit: (C)wl Wallt II (dra) 'SS-Susan Haywttd CD Katiwl Gee(ra,itic Q) '"IJ ..... lltJ a.o.ie: <tJ (2111) .. ,.,.4, .. , H1w11ien Style" (mus) '66-Elm Pmley, Suzanna lt•lh fD The ftnyt• Sap -8:30-u @ fl!) 8 Holl,.ood Hi&ll Paula man11es 10 aet £uaene • dale with the m0$t souahl alter cul 1n school by a1reema lo wnte htr h1slort term paper a <Il <Jm <~ <J)> Wllll'• .. .,. pe11in1 (R) The three boys are upsel when Shirley. Ille wailrw at lheu fav0<1le ti.neout. 1s fired Ql'l) Sta1bo11d 9:00 U (@ ) CJ) H1W1il rln·O (R) McGatrelt lrrei to un,,ol the mystery of a So¥ttt submurne 11111 foundered off the coast Ol ttie island and a sc1en1tst wllo has acctSJ lo the sub'5 seciet lnlor1111t1011 u 8 Cl) m a uc 1\11,.., lllallt lllofM: CC) (fir) "lllc" (d1a) '75-John Sn11•. Pat11c11 Hui Ma.-. Hamill A fact based drama aboul rount Enc lrnd and h11 heroic deterr111nat1011 to lrw hri lrft to tht fulltsl aftltou11t be is termrnally 111 G (]) ® (Qll CJ)) llntty Mitltr (R) WotthOWICZ roes to Barney fol achru wben lie becomes al tracttd to one of the Silts he arrested at Rose's "Y1lla1t A Go Go " CDlltn~SMll Cll T1tt Vlr1iltia11 m Tiit Act " ~ .. ,.., of lltl .........., fY Wt:.CP\ "V""'' 1• ,_.., 10:00 B (@ CI> (]J Barnaby lonu (R) Keepm& the key witness to • race track 1obberv ahve becomes Bar naby's tonorn alter one 11templ on the man's hie makes him rKOnsrder tes1tly1nt at the 1r11I ...... Mowit: ~(flu) "bet.et Id· 1nH (dra) '38-Humphrey Boaart D Cil <Iii ((3) ) AIC News a...u, "On Camera" Peter Jen· nines and Sandy Hill locus on Ihm subttets A New Enatand family at fhcted with a mysltrlOllS aenette drsu se, Mtehael Puce, who produus musicals 1n lt1s Conntelteul plly llouse, and the piople ot Enewtlak. e11led for 30 yea11, return to thtlf nuclear tesltn& damaatd 1sl1nds a librtllS w..., &l) Mmtrpiea Tllellr• m a 11e11 A1RHo fli> T eltwisNMI: Better or Wtr1t -10:30- m.., °'""" m Amenc•n• 11100 u CIJ a rn a tlft1 D 0 CIJ Cim m llMI 9 (QI) CJ)) Lowe Ameri<11 Style Glromidt CD Ftfl!WMCI Zltlpt QJ Mirao Wtlby ((Jl) (JJ) l1tt Raid Sltol fJI) led If "MCIM S)W..n Cl!) lbdltit/ltltrtr ••rt -11:30- D ( (Jl) CJJ l CJ) Cl$ lite llowit: a.i.' ''Dark Sunday" (C) "TM 1119 W"llti A ON•" (mys) '!>1-Jowph Cotten, Barbll 1 Stmrytk 11@ Cl) m a>..._, c.i.. CJ) lllfil: ·~ -. .. r (dra) '39-Joel McCteJ 8 CD <Iii (IBJ {))) S.W.A.T.1 The Tlm1iby lidrt Special m lllPOTOO MAii GETS * lllEOUOI ONl Y ON ''TABLOID" TOlllGHTI utT1llloW a T1tt 100 t1t111 S> taptionff UC £nlli111 llewa • CiMIU lt 12100 e T wilitlll lottt Ill Mowle: CC) "War o..lb~ (adv) '70~Cuy Madison, John lrel1nd m lihtraMWS at M"lt: "Rlc0<h•I lt111111nce" (com) ·~-Martortt Main -12:30- • Oupet 0) Croas-Yfrb 1:00 DD O TllMITW a All·111allt ~ .. : "W•ll i.to IWl,H "last Traill ffM Mll4rid: """ .. ....,., ""'*" m llowlr. "llr. s.rt TtudlH (du) '49-Gtenn Ford. Evelyn Keyes -1:30- • llovit: "Slfnt• Awak .. 1111" (clra) '59-lu 8at1ltr 2100 D , .. .,111: "tltt.rlffs G .. tlt- Ull," '1lM Cl,iM Htlft" -2:05--t:30-• (]) (Jal (llf) ())) rtLOT A.U. M-.n Sb9et Set In I llllsy HIW York City e111er1ency w11d, thla comtdy ftature.s a dtdlcated t11m of doctors and n111MS lryin& to Ptrform ~eir duties dHJ)ltt 1dvtrsitr11 . • Mtwll: CJ:) "l1tt S.Cttt ..... ltllftd'' (du) '6~-Jack Hedley. 3:00 CD Al-NIOt SMw: "Tltt s,irlt If Wat Poild," ...... of This Earth" FRIDAY JULY U for mon1111 and lfttfflOOft llstmcs. please tH DAmME l'llOGAAMS. Be· low, for your coonnitnu, are tflt day's .-la. DAmME MOVIES 10:00 11 "lllriliW. Man's hftnra· (mys)' U-lohn Carr1d1ne <al "Across the hcific" (adv) '42-Humphrey Bo cart 11:00 O "Up flOllt" (com) 51 - David Wayne. Tom Ewell 12:00 D "Circle of Dtctpllon'' (dra) "61 -Bradford Dillman m "l'tt11GNI Property" (com) "37-Jean Harlow, Robert Taylor 1:00 l3l CC) "A Hiett Wind in Ja. malu" (dra) '65-Anthony Quinn, Lita Kedrova l:OO o "h11ytllin1 But tht Truth" (com) '56-Maureen O'Hara, lohn FOfSYthe 3:00 ®I (CJ "l'etulia" (dra) '68 Juhe Chnstle, Georae C Scott 3:30 (]) "Cleopatra" (rom) '34 Claudette Colbert D CC) "Tiit Ome11 Man" (dr1) '71-Charlton Heston EV•NINO 8:00 f) (]) • (() ®l QI) """ D @ (() m llews u Vopse 111 1111 Bottom of 1t1t s.a Cl) Goetf Pyle fll Gollsmokt ... l'lrtriqt f llllUy Q) Mas Snlitll all4 ... ((ll) (}))( l2IJ Cl)) Mews fB Classic C.UntTy fill I I.aft l»cy fD Dtctric C.p111y m Oramatic Series D Matint It Colnt -6:30-u Rit• H•yworttl, Glenn • Ford "GILDA" l't. 2 U MovM: CC) (50) "Glkla" Concl (!Ira) '46-Rita Hayworth rn m AndJ Griffitll ®) lltn Griffll $'- ( 01l CD> Mr l1lrM Softt a Did v111 °"' mz.. <a (J)l 8ewitdle4 a.., DTOllll Tall e ~ Htf1's How 7 :00 (}) Ultrl*J OM 118@ tDGNtwt eu.nCM Cl) lily 111M S- (J) Tt Tel tM Trwtll e c.c.trtUoft • I lMlt l»cy ., 11lt Fii ((ll) Cl)) faM!l1 Aflllr • Attlle Draaa Slll"9"11J.D. fD lllldltll/L*w ~ (IS Cl)) hrtrWp Falllll) a en.a ec......s.n1n1111 -7:l0- • M1rlt in• tllt lil•&k Mowlt MlclllM !! ....... ~=-=~ 8:00 f) ((\II ) The Moscow Circus Part t Wilham Conrad hosts lh1s special showtn1 the best 1cls the Sov1el Circus has lo oiler Included are aeroal acts. an1m1l 1cts featuring tramed l!Mes, elephants and full 1rown brown bears Sh11ley Jones 1s the hostess IOI part II on Fnday, July 29 at 8Pt.l II IDl (J) C0 0 Suford and Solt (R) rred goes on a se>ree alter an Arab 011 executive assures him that there is od under the garden 1n the 1unkyard. D Bil llattlts "The Battle ol Nor mandy" D Oay 1s documented with hims lr1>111 both Allied and Geiman souroes. Destruction ol Cherboure harbor "Tht Battle of Germany" Hiiier !lunches desperate attack 1n Ardennes Forest llorit: CC) (2hr) "Le11nd of Btca Crwk" (dra) '72 -Davld Hess 8 CD <IGl ((81 Cl)) ABC Friday lli1hl Mttit Do11blefeature: CCJ (90) "TM "lCM Tllal !'ankled Allletict" (dra) '7S-Vtt Morrow, Cliff DeYoun1. l11tchael Constantine A dllrN ~Std on the true events resulhna from a famous Orson Welles 1938 radio broadcast Iha! convrnced millions of ltsteners America was be1n1 innded by Martians Clrtllll alld Company Cll llooril: CC) (Zll r) "loft Is A Bin" (com) '63-Glenn FOid m 111na o1 KtltlinrtOft G> rt.fry lbJOll l3l M"lt: CC) (2hr) "The Tiii Mtn" (dra) 'SS-Clark Gable fl:) e WeilllflltOll Week 111 Rniew m El C11M fB Slloltt1 -8:30- D l2Jl Cl) 1Ii1 8 Chico l Ille Man Jim Jordan (radio's Fibber McGee) makes his TV achn& debute u a 7 3 year old muffler mechanic who is hired by [d Brown. rn an artempt to 11ve a fellow senior c1t1zen a iob, but 1sn't 11ven anyth1n1 mean1nef ul to do Cf) s.. Ditrt tD"-'Wlts C»DWalSthttw.et ., [llfillw .. """ 9:00 fl ((ll) ) (I) CCJ (21N) "11lt Othtl" (MO) '72-Ull Hasen, Diana Muld1111. Chos Udvarnoly, Martin Udvlfnoky UIJ Haaen stars 1n the story ol • boy's cornpul\ion to prey upon hrs own f1m1I~ . e o Cl> mo 111e aoc.a1or• Ritt (R) "To Prolect and Strvt" An ourly enlhllSllshc police buff SlmUI· teneousty mali(ns the reputahon of Dt. 8tc~t1 encl 1eopardim Red· f0td's tft0tts to ptOltcl 1 youn1 women fTom unde1'0fld aunmen. ID lltn Clfftl11 Sllow m w s..it ...... Dfllllll I ...,._ M!IU. -9:30- u (]) ® (3) ([)) ABC Friday Movie Doublefulure: (CJ (!0) MKJtlmine" (dra) '75-Art Carney Sissy Spacek, Henry Winkler A youne heiress re1ec1s her family an!! pam pered hie lo 101n a aroup ol t"rorists m Mod SqUJd 10:00 IJ l21l (U m ti} Quincy (Rl Qu10cy goes up a111nst his mentor the top palholo11st in the country 1n a cast 1nvolv1ng a possible hom1c1lle and a fraudulenl insurance cl11m OGf»Mlws 1l.J Mme: -CJ "lnY1sible St11po" (dra) '40-Humphrey Bogart a> focus on Brillln '77 W Nancy Drew "Nancy Drew and the Hidden Sllowcase" el) l'BS Mowit Theatre -10:30- 11:00 D m D C1J ®I <lll llJ Nns O (SI CJ)) Lowe Alllerkan Style U m o News O Mo-tie: "Dar of tllt Triffids" (sci f1) '63-Howard Keel m Bathinc Beiuties And * Sexy Anlm•ls Only On "FERNWOOD 2NIGHT!" m Fernwood 2Ni(lll II> MarcllS W~y ((ll) (3)) The bnclt Sliow (3) Best of Groudlo m BIKt l'enpectnt on tllt Nns -11:30- f) (Clll Cl>) CIS lite Mcwie: "Quadser Fornint Has A c-in 111 the 8r0n1" (com)'70-Gene Wilder u ® oo m ® Jolwly c.. rv WEEll. JIJLV 17, 1917 I f 1 Movie: "Coroner Cree•" D C1J (121l 1J)) Barella lGl Mo-tit: (C) "Assi1nmenl to llllt" (d1a) '69-Paluck O'Neal m DOOIST DON TUTU * FOR TINY PATIENTS ''TABLOID" TONIGHT! m Tablold 13) 700 Club W Captioned ABC Ewtn1n1 llews 12:00 0 Disco '77 mMttrOMWS Q) Movie: "lnuders from Mars" (sci h) "53-Helen CJrter Cl> Madfttl/leltrer Rtpor1 -12:30- f 1 Movie: (CJ ""i1ht Creatures" D All·lli1ht Show: ''Tht S1lttll En· emy," "Catch As Catch Can," "RendtvOUs al Midni1ht" D Suspense Theatre m 8r11k "" Bank ~ Maclltit/leltrtr Report 1:00 U Talhbout D @ ((I QI) Midniellt Special O Thriller m Mowie: t~ ''Black Sabbath'' (hor) '46-B011s Kartott -1:30-m Mowie: "Rom1ntk Aae" (adv) 50 Hu1h W1lhams, Mai Zetterhna 2:00 Iii Doublelealure Mowit: (t) ''T111G1ht for lht Godi." "The Fortma11 Went to fr111u" -3:05- D lllov1t: "fr111d" ...(dra) 63- Montiomery Chit, Susannah YOik m All·NISlll Show: "Scand1I Sheet," "The M11m1 Story" Mauren Sllllman portrayt a country•wtttern •Inger addltced to ahota admlnlatet.d ~ a chic Manhattan doctor, In The Andros T1rgets, SatunSIV at 1 OPM on CBS. .. ... ,. ANNUAL DANCE . CONTEST An 1n111tuuon as old as the American Bandstand program itself, the show's Annual Dance Contest, got underway on Saturday, July 16, on ABC, when viewers-whose votes decide the winners-got their first look at this year's com- peting flnallat couples. The six couples will dance on the show each 'ubaequent week through August 27, the fin al day for viewers to ceat their votes. There are valuable prizes at stake, with Chevy Chevettea going to each of the first prize winner,. s Zenith comblna· tfon TV-record player to each of the second prize winner•. a Bally electronic pinball machine to the third place wlnner1, and various prizes to the others. And there Is something more: The 1975 winning couple, Fred Vultonnet and Debbie McKay. subsequently made their professional dance debuts with the Dick Clark "Good 01' Rock N' Roll Revue" In Las Vegas last year. while the 1976 winning couple, Jonnie Contreras and Linda Blythe. of Anaheim and San Bernadlno, California, respectively. will similarly turn "pro" as performers In the five-week engage- ment of Dick Clark's "Good 01' Rock N' Roll Revue" at Las Vegas' Aladdin Hotel starting July 29. where tlley wlll be featured along with such established stars as Freddy Can- non, Bo Dlddley. and the Shlrelles The Annual Dance Contests have been a feature of American Bandstand tonger than Clark, himself The con- tests began the year the show went on the air on WFIL. Ph1ladelphta, in 1952. II wasn't until late 1956 that Clark became the program's host Among other reasons the contest 1s held annually, ac- cording to Clark. Is that the program's ratings increase "tremendously" during the 10 weeks from the contest's start-to-finish. "Everybody loves to watch good dancers and everyone loves to Judge a contest." says Clark, in analyzing the popularity of the contests "Not only does our mall increase significantly during those ten weeks. In addf· lion there is greater excitement at contest time among the members ol the studio audience than during any other lime of the year " Clark points out that the big jump In ratings caused by the contest has not been lost on ad agencies and manufac· turers. "When the contests first started In Philadelphia. the prizes were modest-..5-speed recordings and albums. As the contest gained In importance, so did the prizes Phono- graph machine manufacturers came after us to tie-In, then came manufactures of TV sets, followed by makers of motor scooters-and now cars, vacation trips, and the like " ~mer/can Bendstend float Dick Clark, left. Introduces Lind• 8/ythe end Jonnie Contrera•. lest year's winners on th• show's Annval Dence Contest. Thia year's dancing com- oetltlon began Sarurdey, July 16, on ABC's Americen Band- stand, et 11:30AM, when the six competing couples were introduced. P•14 SATURDAY JULY 13 MdlAIAQ 8:00 D KldwDrld (]) Su111111tr s.ni.ttr II Community Fltdbua m i..I'• .,, -6:30- D That'• Cit e Tha 111 V1llty (J)Seedl 11 Hot fudl' S11ow m 11a1t"" II) Momin& Show fDcaotloned ...... O Villi Mttre 7:00 U Summtr Stmattr ., tDJ CIJ °' a WDod) WGM- '**"Show CJ) '°""' C.rt..s U (]) (iDJ ((21) Cl)) Tom I ltrl)- /ll11111111J Show Cl) Wanstrttt 11 TIM l'Tl Club m LA. '•Items m Sllll r orty Show m 11111 Bllil4s, 11111 DestrOJS -7:30- • C.mtfl Thret .. @ Cll m 9 ~ '•ntlltr lthcesett•n u (]) 9 ((8) Cl)) J1bbtrll• Cll Flr1t Aid m lloN: a::> "Hln11111n'• lllOt" (wes) 'SZ-R1ndolph Scott ( (J1J (])) lllKk Bllff1lo 8:00 U ((f» ~) Cl) SJfmtet I Tweety Iii Morie: H, ..... ~ (wtS) '54- Colnel Wilde. Yvonne DeC.rlo. (I) lup llulNly Clrtoons D CD !.IDl < (21) Cl)) SalotlJ o.o fil llowle: Ct:> "TlNer Jlcl" (wes) '54-Ster11n1 Hayden. Vera Ralston II> Romper looM S Voice of T°'Jo -8:30-u ((Jl) CJ)) Cl) Clue Club Cl) Tllt MuftSten f1J) The Ottlen 9:00 U (Clll (])) Cl) luas Bunny/ ""'6r11Mtr e o Cll e o Spltd a.w Cll Valley of tile Dinosaun m fllotlt: Ct) "List ., tltt C-antllta" (wes) 'S3-Brodmck Cmford, Batbm Hale. .., Wollla11: ... , to R..i m ..._ ..... 9:30- D 0 CI+lll Qll llt11st1r 5411111 Cl)......,Qual .... : Ct) "Iba Witt! IM Icy £,.... (tdv) '73-V"ictor Buono • CIJ !.IDl (Cit Cl)) l{llffts ... .. m SouttMrw Cllitm .,.. m Elb £s u Vida 10:00 9 (Cl?J Cl)) ()) TlllM e tDl CD a as,.. a.t1 FrtMtnsttln Jr. TV WEEK. J\JLY 17 1977 Cl) The J1tsons G W•ttd Dud Of Alive a> Mcwle: "A ,ublic Affair" (dra) '62-Myron McColmKk 13 Hot fud11 Show fD Vbloft On ID Trtbuna l'ubllca -10:30- • ((l!J CJ)) ()) lln Adventur.1 of lltmltl .. 0 ()) Ill a Iii Jolln. Uttlt John ()) llotk C.cart • CJ) (IIJ (8 ())) Super· friends II AbNtt & Costello a SlloPllll1t11 ID Ones Upen A Clwlc GI C«o Orllla 11:00 D ((Ill (])) Cl) Shmm/111$ Hour D (ll) Cl) llD 8 Gr1nd1t1nd/ Major lu&ut llattNll D CJ) Cial ((21) Cl)) Oddball Couple CD Just lot Tee111 (31 WCT Cll1lten11 Cup f1J) "°'' -11:30- • An11fs luebafl California Anaels vs. Minnesota Twins D CD CiDl (~Cl)) American llandstlnd m '11111 ..... in Baseball II» Wik1Ut1 Adftnture Ari•RNOON I 12:00 fJ ((J1J CD) Cl) Fat Albert Cll .loun117 ta Mftftlllrt Ill East Side Kid• m Tllt been Q) Sal Bllko a Adio4I T11e1t11 m ulino ConsoftJum -12:30- fJ ( (llJ (])) Cll A1' fl (])Topic Cl) This Wttk in llasebaff D,..,.. 7 Pubhc Alf111s CIIJ Wonts A ""'"'' m i..t 111 Sp1ct 0) lloYit: Ct) "White Sn111" (~v) '43-lon Hill, Mar11 Montez. fll) '•aunt of 1M llluttn ('211 (I)) U.S. F1rm Report ID C.rmitl 1100 fJ ((Ill (])) CD Cllildrt11'1 Film Fatnll "On Snow White" A film from Cmkoslovaki1 about a senw trve Jiii named Kalb. who libs to 1maa1ne herself 1n 1 ll1ry·t1le land, am! wti.t happens when slle ind her lnends produce th111 vtBion of the classic story. D f1lnl Futvrt (I)"° FH D CJ) Cial ((21) (I)) U.S. Womln's Open liolf live coveraee of tht t1111d round of plly in lhrs 1ott tournament from the Hazeltine National Goll Club 1n Chash, Minesot1 • SJlllN:"Wtwa~ (18) CJ)) Ctnlu!Nr'a """" CD Grin Cini M La Tardt -1:30- (1) Tiit been Ill llowlt: "lnvaioll of 1M Alriftlat """" (dra) '62-.lohll Ctrrtdint m S..I Tr11t1 2:00 8Mt41• (]) llowle: (t) ......... 111 l11dl1111" (adv) '44-Lon McAllister. 8 llnlt: (t) "H11111111 Dw,llct · '*1" (sci·fi) '6S-Gtor1e Nedtr • ...,blty ()) ... Ill.I • llorit: CC) "The C.n" (dre) '68-Dm An4rews, A111la Ekber1 ()) CiHlllt I: "Africt T eu. Style" ~~~~ullt O'Brien, John Miiia al Ttna11 ((fl)(])) led C..rt 0 ()) Mtwlt: ''Tiii• Sntp I.arid" <• ())) c:.u..r·. WotW GCIMIM 3' a ll•rM w"" ID Ort1111 C.U11ty Sam1111r -2:30- ......... 11 m Ovttr Limits ((21 ())) Trtfflllrt 3:00 8 It Tabs All Kin• ()) Wllcl Wild Wat D hit: ctl "Tll• Site• at ltlf llMr" (wes) '54-Van Johnson. <II M0tl1: (t) "&11n1 for San SMntt111" (•es) '68-Anlhony Quinn, Mjanette Comer. 81 llorit: (t) "St.119 bl TltuMtt !lee*" (wes) '64-Barry Sulhnn S Th Miiiie ftllct • c..t....,.ry Dillltlllofts (8 ()))~ er•~ •111Mlal 8 ... : (C) "M1rl11t'1 let's Iii" (drl) '61-Tom Tryon • Pal•t Alt111 With lh-c' __, -5:30- D O())D""" iviNINQ 8:00 ·())~(])) .... : :: CC) (IO) ''nit '81tf tct~ (com) '48-Bob Hope, Jane ltuSHll e r,... 9 SHAIEY'S rttsOOS 1t S200000 WCT TEJINIS COHOIS/ROCHE • WCT T..-awitjlloftllllps ilJ) (() Dlelecue iB)Httlln Gt Siar Soccer m Stt10t11 Y s.nores a lAlcy Show IDM Iller., -6:30- • (]) • ()) ('3) Cl)) lltwa D lllllC """ Conftrtnct m Tiii SI U,000 QuestlOll (<l?J (])) f'ro fin CD ()) Wild Kllltdont G Nulmllt on the ltoa4 0 lewltcllld 7:00 8 Tiit lluppeb (])AniNI ~ D Tiii Price la RlPt ())HM HIW e E,...;cn. la Allltles ()) "' S..l'dl °'-· G IS,, <II a-WilllMs at S.. Worid =. (~ ())) a QI) Lawrm e .. Alias SlllUI ' .loMs (<l?J (])) .... ""' CD Cl) S,.C. ltM a DllJ ,..,. .., fD '° llintts llO llltl • Aultlll City LI.its -7:30- • "'" ' "°" (]) Andy Williama I '" S.l'dl Of ••• f1hll future • Oisattrs: How ' Why ()) Ulltlllttd WDrtd =~~Ille C'.olllltry 8:00 D (<l?J (])) Cl) Mary Tyler lloo11 Shew (R) Gord' Howard, fofmer Mather men tor WJM·TV, returns lo M1nneapalrs IOf 1 visit after sian1ri1 a conrract to host 1 momlna 111hlork show. D G CI> D 0 E1111r1m1t (R) WttTle the panmedics art htlpin1 to correct a hlin& mess caused by a computtt enor, they rescue 1 younr· lttf wlMI is trapped In a dra111p1pe • lie llttles "Tht Battle ol Berlin" Cl) lllftit: CC> (ltlr) "The 111 Slit," (nl)'S) '46-Humplvey Botart • Cl) 9 (all Cl)) .... ., ..... " (R) uemy Aat111J IWlit Ste.t and Diana when lllty arrive In BllellOS Aires to pick up 1 secrtt lonnul• Critical to tlll nr elfort. • lllftlt: CJ:) (M) '11lt .... ~=T~~ Jack Ml!On, Art c.n..y, -~tlS. -~ltbdlW. s T•••b San rruclsco VS Plloen~. eO.C. .... AClmk ..... -8:30-a <<I?J CD> CD loll llewhrt S1low (R) Or. Hartley delend1 the work ethic when Jerry Robinson comes into mon., nd promptly retires from lht dtnUI profession ., Colla" ......... rltyllwae 8100 • (<l?J Cl)) ()) All "' tlM , a•lty (R) Nae mn pmsure from Clone will ftt Archie to take Edith out for a nlah on the town. but Edith ts hrtd of ukln1 "no" for an aruwer. D 0 ()) D 0 UC S.twU} Mowlt: CC) (2111) ··w,. ,,.. c.i. dltJ" (dre) '71-ltobtrt Wasner, David Mc!Allum. Edward Hardwickl. Allied POW's 11 Coldit2, 1 mu1mum security Germen prison camp, d1v1se a darin1, de59frale uc1pt plan that, rf successful, will set them to the safety of the Swiss b0<der . D (]) cm> ((8) CD) Stanky & Hutdl (R) A vlail•nle comm1tlu lakes the law into its own h1nd1 111 rel1li1tion lor criminals 11av1n1 been set free and Starsky becomes 1 prime candidate lo '°'" the croup. m BARB MANOREU & H. •-AXTON Oil HEE HAW m1ttt HIW l:)tfflllll1M,.,. ID lllasttfJllect TllUtrt -9:30- • (<l?J (])) Cl) Alb (II) Allee seatdlu IOI a way lo eapl11n the lactt ol hie to Tommy, but d1SCOVen lhal his school's sea ed11e1t10n clau is way 1hud ol her D llloril: ctl "Tiit ~ aid" (wes) '67-Jefl Hunter m lll0tlt: CC) "'iralts •f Memerey" (wes) '47-Mana Monlez, ROd Cameron 10:00 8 (<l?J Cl))()) l1Mt W,. Ttr-ltb (R) An East Side doctor 1s suspected ol admin1111rrn1 more than vit&min 8·12 to his chtnlele ·~-c.., Cl) .... Hau AIMfka • ~ Cial ((8) Cl)) ftltlllr and Flllltr Feather and Harry Vlotk out an tl•borate sdremt to npose a ftn· e11I whose defense conlr1ct rip.offs !lave led him lo commit murder m MttroMws 121 Cfwtvre f llt1lre g T1'e sa.t Yu11 ·~· ... CllDGtut ~ -10:30- • llflJMl T'll WEEK, JULY 17, 1977 11:00 ••<m m""" (]) ll•••llltvlt: "Tll• "'""" SeeUn" (com) '6'-Ann-Mar11tt 80())GB""" • LM a-kllt Style Cl) lilt S..rt • f rtpt lllPt •w.rwr ... r .... al llorit: CC) "WIW """ '1alllt" (h°'* '57-Tony Ruael, llu Cutonl 0 ())W.•12 (8 ())) lt1 M.11114 • "' -tlM C.fltrJ -11:30- ..... ,.: CC) ''n• Lt,... •• Uult hfftll" (dr1) '75-E!izabttll Mon t1Qmtry, Fritz Wu ver D 0 ()) D 0 Sat11rda1 llipt ()) ai..te: "Sod la llJ C.'llot" (dra) '45-Denn11 Moraan e Mowlt: "llrll111111 tf Alcatraz" (dra) '62-Burt Lancaster Cl) Clntma I "Tom Jones" Cial ai..it: (t) "llacl Gunn" (clrl) '72-Jim Brown. M1rt1n landau a 100 a11• GJ s,.d1I dt C.nnib 12100 • All lllpt Slllft "OM fNt • lttll," ..... ~ .... ., ... ''nit INtr 1114 th 0.tll" <cm m> n.. m. Cl4lb ((8) ())) lltwa/StJ.fl TlMtltrt ma....14 1:00 D ())leclc..rt D Tllrilltr m All·lllallt Show: "Hell a.tow Ztrt.'' "Attacl tf "' 50-FMt ....... " "Tiit lHltr n.t Slat.M .... Ytri" II) lilt-flt: CC> "C.lw•• tf ....,. (adv) '71 -Rory 9flhou11, lea M1.ssar1. 1:00 m A1t-111111t now: "Th• 111111t HoMs T tm1r," "The Alt Man" -1:30- D D W eo.c.tt 2:00 8 llMlt : CC) ''lftrld Wllhllt EM" (sci.fl) '56-HOrh Marlowe. D DMMltttt111t liewia: "lllM and SIM," "Dml lib Dt111Mtt" -2:30-• llorit: .... ,. ,,.. "" Ste" (dra) '5'-Jan Sterlin&. ()) --lillNs: "T. tlM be of tlM Ed " "IWa ""' 5"lti,. wc....•;J Bob Hartlty (Bob N9whart, rlilht) ci.t.ndt ,the work ethic when' Aobln~n (P9ter Bonen) come9Intol'ftOf'9Y1nd promptly ml,. from the dental protenlon, In the eplllOde of The Bob Newhart Show 1'9alrlng on CBS Slturdey et 8:30PM. ,...,. TV WEEK, JULY 17, 11177 • atlantic music stereo I Prices Good Until July 23rd) SELECTION -SERVICE -SATISFACTION -Slt-4CE 'SIXTY ONE SYSTEM OF THE WEEK $ KEN\NOOD ®PIONEER' BSR, ADC @PIONEER. HIGHWAY HI Ft I ... I 1"1005 TSl61 The Pioneer KP-8005 in-dash AM ·FM Cassette Stereo SU PERTUNER has 5·stat1on pre-set Pushbutton Tuning Locking Fast Forward and Rewind and Automatic Replay The TS-161 coax1a1 speakers have 10 oz magnets and decorator grilles Complete set includes atl mounting hardware TSl61 Ad• ..... szn.'o Mfg. Sucwshd Ust $389" KENWOOD S KR 2600 Stereo Receiver has plenty of pawer for 2 or 4 soeakers. Direct Coupled Output Flywheel Tuning and many more outstanding features SONICS P200 speakers use alt PIONEER companents The BSA 2260BX Automatic Turntable includes the Base Dusi Cover and AOC Magnetic Cartrtdge MID-YEAR CLEARANCE S-Haw. S-D-1. A• Gwwwalnd T AHDIBG Tit I 055 list w. Stft'ff R.cel•w .. \, ...... $69'.95 S44t.OO ESSAMT IA s,..a.-. ................. "OHIO CTF t It I 427.00 2St.OO ·c ....... o.u ............ 44US 27'-00 CHW ... VEGA 2 I 71t cET:;IG'A ·,·jj ······.ea. l9t.SO 2H.OO ... 6~~~ ~~"· .......••. 2tt.50 ltt.00 AM·FM Steno T-.•...... 400.00 247.00 HARMAM.:ARDOM 730 ...... 419.95 2H.OO ~ tc«l•w ...•.....•.. 41U5 21t.OO