HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-08-09 - Orange Coast Pilot-\ Killed \ \, • Witnesses Tag CSF Slayer • County Youth's Slaying Myste~y '(See Page A3) • Teachers Fined for Walkout ' • $850,000 Transit Fonds Stolen DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * * TUESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 9, 1977 VOL. ,., NO. 121, J HCTIOlfl, • ~AO•I , CSF Deaths ~ , I , . I I Witnesses Name Allaway as Killer l By TOM BARLEY Of .. Oell'f'Pllet ltetf Four women employes pointed out EJward Charles Allaway Monday as the rlneman who ter- rorized the Cal Stale Fullerton campus as the trial or the former university janitor got under way. Library secretary Karen Dwinell told an Oranae County Superior Court jury that she was with the first two of Allaway's al· leged nine victims when the de-f end ant burst into her office at f 8 : 30 a.m. on July 12, 1976. "Ke. stopped In front ol my l desk and pointed his aun at my I chest," the witness hesltanUy testified. She said abe believes her ure 1 was saved by the action ol photo- • 1rapber Paul Httzber9, aoz who ' jumped on Allaway u the aefen~ 4ant alleaedly menaced Mrs. Dwinell with a .22-callber rine. I ' I 1 lnjured Pil.ot ! HeJtJ; Wreck • "He turned around and shot Paul, shooting from the hip," Mrs. Dwinell said. She said Al- laway then turned and shot technican Bruce Jacobson, 32, as Jacobson fled into the con- ference room. Mn. Dwioell tesUOed that she heard more gunfire as she souaht refuae from Allaway and saw the defendant shootina In the direc· tlon of the graphic arts secUon lo the basement of the campus library. The witness said she later learned that the body of 1raphic art& employe Frank Teplansky, 51, was found io that area. Allaway, 32. Is accused ol the ldlllnas of aeven people lncJudlna Herzber1, Jacobaon and TeplaMky. It 11 also alle1ed and not denied by the defense that be additional- ly wounded tw~ other campus employes in what the proHcution detcribed Monday aa a six· minute •bootlni ra~pa1e. Allaway hu pleaded not ptlty and D(lt guilty by reaaon ol in- sanity, Tbe same J~ in Judie RC>bert P. Kneeland 1 courtroom will ~ uked to determine his sanity lt 1uflt1 verdicts are re- turned in the 1uilt pbue Of lbe trial. The Jury ld't the courtroom Moftda)' rar a toar ot the c1111pus Ubrat)'. and the rurround1n1 area after. bearlnl an Optnlna state-• meat from c:lde(J>ePUty:blltrict Attcnty JUMllEiarilbt. Enrltht'a •ecolld ltneu teawted wbeO the J~>ntumed t.o~~Uia,_s~-·~­terti All~ Ill t.M eontdor Of the caanp;.at Utirary 1bOrtJr titer roar.,_.._ bed been tilled. (8eliAUAWAY, h1eAI). New Fire Rages OnSlopes - By The Aaaoclated Press A fire on steep mountain slopes raged out of control today In Un- der-dry Southern California brush after deatroyina 10 animals and a house. The CalifOl'nia Department of Forestry aald tbe fire, ~ miles west of Palm Sprin1s and one mile soutbeut of Cabuon, bad destroyed 1,000 acra of bruab on steep mountain slopes from the 1,600 to the 4,200-foot level. Fire spokeswoman Nora Ryan sald the blaze 1utted a two- bedroom house late Monday, kill- Ins two doas, seven a oats and one horse after the two occupants escaped. No other dwellings were threatened by the fire wbicb was reported only 10 percent con- t n I ned by mldm<>rnlna. the spokeswoman said. Six alr tankers dropped fire- retardanl chemicals while 850 firemen fouaht the blaze on the ground. Offlclala said crews from Mltbi1an, Indiana, Arkan1aa, Miaslssippt, North Carolina, Wyominc and Utah have been flo~n in to Join 850 local firemen. The fire was buminl only one m Ile from tbe San Jacinto Wilderness area, but the pre. serve remained open to hikers and campers today, authorities said. Meanwhile, favorable weather condJl.ions aided firefiChters atrUQlinf to rreaerve precious Central Cal fornla coHtal waterahed, where fire threatens future floodln1 in the ravqed timberland. <SM ElllES, Pace.A!) " Sun., Sea and Voutft Youn~ bodysurfer leaps wave as he heads out for one more ride --perhaps the wave of the day -near the Huntington Beach Pier. Monday was a sparkling day along tbe Orange Coast as this photo of sHhouetted pier and surf er attests. It's the kind of cool summer photo you can cut out and send to your rel all ves who are sweltering through summer ln other parts of the U.S. Ju(Jge Fines .. Group 'I Ill Teaclier Strike SAN DIEGO (AP) -Pupils were "hostages'' of a teachers' organbation which sta1ed a four· day· strik' in June, a Judie says in finina the 1roup '4.~ and or· derlne Its leade~ JaUed. Superior Court Judge Geor1e A, Laur said the San Dleco Teachers Assoclltlon and its president were aullty or contempt ln dlsregardln1 tourt orders to holdofftheatiike. The Official, Huth P. Boyle, wu fined'4,000 on a total ol eltht contempt clt1tJon1. He waa or· d..-.clJ.u.d for 40day1, all IM 10 day1 at tltat 1uspended, and put on threeyeara' probation. 'The wllkout June s throucll ~e 9 w• a '=ah~tl\11 blot °'- the hisb:lry or the teacbint p~ f easion lri San Die10," aald Luar 111 ordtf •Olltlv.. . .t1'be ~-. trJ'*'• f<l' ~ proved ailary and wort cODdl· uau ~ a pr1Umh1ary l•· J.ctlan llliuld ~ anou. ... Judi•· They retumed to work after re- celvinc assurancea that there would be no reprisals for the strike, fint in San Dleao history. Some classrooms operated normally with substitutes. "The only persons directly af. (ected by ..ute •trike were the children, wno, in blunt language, were exploited u hostages for the purpoees of a political power play," added Lazar. Boyle1 who stepped O\lt •• presJdentoftherroupAua.1. wu told to report to county Jail Aue. 22. An attorney said war'• ac- tion wOU.ld be appeialed. "J'm dilapPotnted. tbat•a all," Boyleaaid~ 'Before the ~npTlsal :.plid1e; the 8,too-member aHOClatlon wu :proml .. d a return to bar1ainin• in it.J $8.5·m1Won de- m&nda. A counterGfte.r tCltalUnc ts mlUtan U.at IDCluided a 5 per. cut pay lncre.ue wu rejected by tbeteldMrl llll week. The ~hen naue from •.•is to t20,391 unu.U1, av•~ •11.oea; Parachutist Dies in Fall BAKERSFI'!:LD (AP) -A woman skydiver trom Lancaster fell to her death when her reHrVe par•chute became tangled Jn ber maln chute, Kern Coun(y cor· oner's olfice reported. Darlene A. Bauer, 26, was killed ln a jump from an alrpl~• 3,500 feet above the Calltornta Ci· ty airport drop zone In the Mo- jave Desert Sunday. ff er main chute tailed tO IU.Uy deploy, so abe pulled tbe reMrVe cbut. and it tan1led, COron&r Richard Gervais so.id. : Al DAil y lt!LOT s TU!!C!!X.Auguatl, 1117 Vance Visits Israel On Peace QueSt Jt;RU S ALY.M .tAP> - Secretary or St.te Cyrua R. Vane~. c.-.rf')'tna word uf puulblc Palcsuiuan coocesalons, arri•ed in br I.Oday far wbal cou.14 be the climax of hla MJddle ~ ~ace mi"run. vnnc f ed cloao q tionJns by Prime Mlnl1ter Menahem li~aln and other laraeU leaders on whether th United Statea re- main 1 committed not to ne•otlate with Yaslr Arafat'• Palettiate Ut>uaUon Or1anll•· Al'WI,.,.... DAYTON HOUSE BURNS AS FIREMEN FIDDLE Striking Firefighters Refuse to Help Picketing Firemen lgl'U)re House Fire DAYTON, Ohio (AP) -Fires broke out in two abandoned apartment houses today and spread to at least one occupied dwelling while striking firemen picketed three blocks away and refused to help douse the flames. The first blaie, which gutted the apartment building, also severely damaged an adjacent two-story frame house occupied by two families. No injuries were reported. l-'iremen from the neighboring community of Madison Township responded to a call for help but were too late to keep the house from being engulfed 'Ote. second lire wtll burning uncontrolled, and residents or nearby homes were tryine to re- move their belongings for fear it would spread. · An occupant or the frame house, Bob Jackson, aa1d Dayton firemen punched a hole in the wall, then told residents they would have lo fl&ht the fire them1eJves. • More than 3'70 Dayton firemen Hid when they walked off the Job Monday that they would ~d .only in Ufe-or·deJth altuaUons. Their action left thl1 city or 241,000 without tire protection for the finrt time lo history and with llmltecl ambulance service. Some policemen were expect· ed to stay off the job today ln •Qp- DAILY PILOT port of the strike in sympathy with demands by Fire Fi&hters Local 136 for higher waaes and a !Shorter work week. The added prospect of diminished police protection had city olficials, businesses and res- idents preparing for possible duly as supplemental safety forces. Negotiators met until early to- day trying unsuccessfully to rewrite a contract for firemen to replace one that expired Feb. 28. Judge WUllam Wolff Jr. of the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court ordered the firemen back lo their posts slx hours after thelr work stoppage beaan, but none ol the firemen returned. Key issues in the stnke are wages and working hours. Firefighters start at $1.2,043 a year, and the union la seeltln& a 6 percent increase. The city has of· fered a 2.65 percent waie in- crease. Firefighters aJso want their work week reduced from S2 to'8hours. City Manager James Alloway called the strike "unconsciona- ble" because half the liremen 11 ve outside the city and aaJd the city cannot afford the $6.25 mllllon lt woUtd cost to hire eirtra firemen over the next five years to reduce the work week. Meanwhile, suburban flre· fl1htln& companies have been told to atand by to assist Dayton'• rematflln& tlre·fl&htlne force, and private ambulance com· panles were beln• tent to emergencies usually covered :t>Y firemen. lion (PW). Forelan Mlnllter Moshe Dayan wet corned Vance at planeslde up- on hll arrival from Saudi Arabia ond aald, .. Whenever you accept our vtew1. we will be 1n tW1 a1reement wlth you.·· Dayan wu 1peaktng In a llaht 'feln, but his comment foreabadowed dlfficulUH in Vance'• talk.I bere. At a news conference ln Talt, Saudi Arabla, before Oyine be.re. Vance cooftnned that be bu bad indirect cootacta with the PLO through various Arab in· termediaries. "We have had no direct contact with the PLO," he said, adding: "We are informed by the various Arab parties u to the poeitioos ol the PLO and have been so in· formed as we proceeded through my visit" Vance bu been in the Middle East nine days. The PLO bas refused to accept United Nations resolutions delay· ing the eroundwork for a peaceful settlement of the Arab- 1 sraeli conlllct, in part because these recognize Israel's right to exist and speak of the Palestin- ian quest for a homeland only as a "refuaee problem." The PLO charter also calls for replace- ment or the Jewish state by a secular Palestine. In a "memorandum of agree- ment" between the United States and Israel in 1975, former Secretary or State Henry A. Kiss- inger pledeed that W uhlngtoo "wlll not recognize or ne1ot.iate with the PLO as long as the PLO does not recognize Israel's ri1ht to exist and does not accept Security Council Resolutions 242 and338." Resolution 242 calls for Israeli withdrawal from occupied ter- ritories, resolution of the "ref- ugee problem" and recopition of the ri«ht of every Mideast state to live in secure borders, and Resolution 338 set up the Geneva peace conference. Vance told reporters he had heard rumors that the PLO may be considerine a change of posi- tion in regard to Resolution 242. "But," he said, "I have seen nothing concrete yet." If the PLO accepted the resolu· lion, adopted after the 1967 war. the United States would not insist that the PLO charter also be re- vised, Vancesaid. "If the PLO were to accept 242 they would be acceptini the priA· ciple that they recognized the rlaht of llrael to ex lat in a state of peace within secure and rec- 01nized boundaries," he said. ••(fhat, in my judgment, would re- voketheco•eaant." · Court Action Recal,l,s Tate Tragic Death LOS ANGELES (AP> -Eight years aio today, on a soft sum· mE'r evenins, beautiful and preg- nant actress Sharon Tate and four others were murdered ln • crime which shocked the world. Jn the past week. Sharon Tate's death was remembered in two separate courtrooms. Last Saturday, Chari ea Manson "famtly" member Leslie Van Hout.en received a mistrial when the jury in btr retrial could not decide what her role was in the Aug. 9, 1969, Tate murders and the killinas ol Leno and Roleroary Bianca the follow- ln& niahl On Monday, Miu Tale's widower, Roman Polan1kl. pleaded IUllty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13·year-old &lrl and waa ordered to undereo psychlatric examination. Had Polanslll 11 trlal pro- ceeded, it would have ~ to- day -a blttercoln~ldeneefortM movie director known u the m•w ol th• macabre. Island in the Sun Here's a fellow who definitely is between a rock and a wet place. If it was summer solitude this swimmer was seeking, he found it Monday off Laguna Beach. NB Company Sued In Pact Dispute A Newport Beach company is being sued for $10 million In a dis· pule over distribution of an intra· red scanner for mllltary use in nine Arab slates and other coun- tries. The Or~e County Superior Court lawsuit alleges the com· pany. Ford Aerospace and Com- munications Corp .. fatled to meet contracts approved by the U.S. State Department. Felix International Marketing asks the court to order Ford lo fulfill the contracts. A Ford Aerospace spokesman said today, however, that there are no existing or pending con- tracts with Felix . The spokesman said tht! company had not yet been served notice of the lawsuit. so c.ould . not com- ment on its alleftations. The spokesman said FeUx had been hired at one time to do a marketing survey to determine likely distribution points. Fellx claims it has a contract to distribute the Ford scannlng device, called a "minJ·flir," for mini forward·look1n1 infra·red. The scanner works like a television camera that photo- graphs through dark, clouds or smoke, using the beat given off objects to form images. It has military applications. The lawsuit claims that Felix obtained State Department permission to export the device from Britain but Ford falled to follow through on its part of the contract. The action states the scanner was to be expOrted to Japan, Iran, Pakistan, Indoneala, Egypt, Jordan and seven other Arab states. Four A.Treated At Nuke Plant SEABROOK, N.H. (AP> - Four people were arrested for treapa11in1 at tbe Seabrook nuclear power plant site today after tbey entered the property to plant trees, police said. The four, who were not lden- ttfiecl. were carrytn1 trea and abruba and were lua than. 100 feet rrom the plant entrance wh.n they were arrested by state pollce. Tbe demonstrators were part of a IJ'OUP ol nlne penons who camped acroA the 1treet from the plant entrance Monday nl&ht. As the arrests took place, the others •ans protest aonis. After the arre1ts, the others loft the •Ile. The U.S. Forest Service re- cently purchased a unit which 1s suppcsed to enable firefighters to spot the heart of a blaze through thick smoke. Fro•PageAJ FIRES... . Officials said the 8T,OOO.acre Umber flJ'e ln the Loe Padres N~· tional Forest near Bil Sur was 30 percent contained early today, but they were not s~lng when the blaze. called the Marble- Cone, may be fully contained. "They bad lt, lost it and now they've got it back a1aln. '' aald Barbara Rowe. California Department of Foest_ry. ..We've got good weather today so things are looking a bit bet.- ter." More than 3,500 firemen were being helped by four mule pack trains, carrying fire.fighting equipment to remote areas in the pristine wilderness. The 801400-acre "Scarface" fire in the northeastern comer of the stale was 80 percent con- tained and 40 percent controlled early today. Firefighters expect- ed to have the Modoc County blaze fully contained by toni&ht. Two smaller fires that seared ruaged terrain within 20 miles or the Scarface blaze were con· tain(l(l Mooday nl&llt, leaving two otben yet to be harnessed, the dlvtsionsaid. . The Marble-Cone blue~ cud· died ln steep timberland ot the Los Padres NaUonal Forest, has caused $172 mlWon damage to the Carmel, Anoyo Seco and Bie Sur watershed -tbe dense hillside brush land and trees that purify and collect water and act lo prevent mudslides. •'Even if we have a normal wtnta, there wUl be an extreme d anier of flood.Ing,'' said Robert Binder, assistant district enslneer for the Mont,erey Coun- ty Flood Control District. Nyerere Feted NASIMLLE, Tenn. CAP) Tan1anlan President Julias K. Nyerere, a country muafc ran, visited the Grand Ole Opry Rouse and wu entertained by country music stars Ronnie Miisap and Charli• Prtde. Mllaap and Pride performed for about two bouts Monday ltw Nyerere and bis party. Front Page A I ALLAWAY. • Marcia Martinet quoted Al· laway as muttering to her: "Something's not ·right here. This doesn't belong here." She testified that she believed Allaway was referring lo the rifle he carried when be made the second comment and brushed past her. Other witnesses testified that they lhou&ht aomeoae Wta play. ing a joke on campus employes when they saw people running in •PPIHllt tenor lll4 beard what sounded like •'popping ooiles from a toy cun.'• . Enri•ht told the jury tbat AJ. laway'a behavior after the killing ahould convince them that be was sane.even if' 'he was mental- ly dilturbed · · aL the Ume of the ahoot.lngs. The prosecutor said tesUmony wlll prove that Allaway·--went with his estran1ed wile to the Hilt.clfl Inn in Anaheirn and called lcoal police to confess to the kill· ines and arranae for bis sur- render. He said Alhlway bouaht the .22-caliber rifle used in the kill· ings two days earlier and • methodically planned the cam· pus slaughter ror reasons that will become clear during tbe trial. 7Mwtangs Shot, Killed RENO, Nev. CAP> -Seven captured wild horses were shot to death by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management at its Palomino Valley corals 25 miles north ot here. BLM spokesman Carl Gidlund said Monday the mustanes were killed because they either were old, slck or injured. In one in· stance, Gldlund noted, one ol tho horses tired to kill a wrangler. The BLM la rounding up 2,SOO mustangs in the north-central part of the state and putting them up for "adopUon." Officials fear that many horses will die because or the two-year drought. N:ewport Police Probing Suicide Newport Beach det~Uves said today they have not ~ able to establish a motive ln tbe suicide of a 23-yeat-old man wbo shot blmaelt to death M~ at b1a parents• hoine. Det. Ken Sm.1th said tile man, Benjamin Cruq>, killed blmlelt wlth a .45-callber ••ml· automatic pl1to1. According to Smlth, Crump Uved in a l&r'lfO apartment behind h1I ptreld.I' bomeat423San 8ernard1DOAn. Orange Coast EDITION Today~s ~I lag N.Y.S•oeka YOL. 70, NO. 221, 3 SECTtONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1971 c I J TEN CENTS Big Spender's Fliftg. Ends in Ar.rest WA BINGTON (AP) - -C. bert aeemed to bne a IGt _..,tho otW IO'· enmHt employes ear a1 ~ .... ,..,. . A.._ tw months &JO, Sibert it.ud abowiQI up at bb otfJee D Ut Department ot Transport.a. UOD ~ oew suit.I and bras· 11D1 about lab new Lincoln Mark V C.Uneotal and a Mercedes be boQ&titbil wUe. Tim he ~-invitlna ftU'Y• cine In the dtlce to haach and ln· slated on pk.kl up tb• eb«k. Ht alto bouCbt a a.-home wllb a 1wtmmln1 pool. And a JO.fOOl bOUMboat. bert'• auddal wealth mlde bla bolNI auspicloua. How could a 30-year·old low·level bureaucrat who reviewed mua- tranait. grant appllcatlona f« the department have ao much money? The 1ovemment. 's answer to thla question led to Sibert'• at· rut Friday on embeulement cb&r1es ln Lu Veau u be 1ct off an airplane from Wuhinatoo carrytn1 "58,000 cub. By the time the Department of Tr ansportaUon be&an look.lni in· to Slbert'a finances, he already was under inveatl1aUon by the FBI and the Secret Service, which had been tipped to his spending spree by Informant.a. Sibert reportedly explained hia 1udden wealth to curious ne.lcJibcn by claiming be won a Jar,. lawsuit. qainat two aecurl- tr tull'ds wbo be 1aid bad beaten him. Federal tnvestl1ators say be 1ot the money by embeulin1 government funds, dlvertln1 federal 1rantl for the Atlanta subway system to his bank ac· count. Government agents say they aren't sure how much money Sibert alle1edJy stole but have accounted for $850,000 in purchasa. Jnvest11ator1 sa1 Sibert al· le1edly used the money to buy at least 12 luxury cars, the new · home and houseboat, a toplesa . bar about a block from FBI head· ·quarters here, and numerous real eatate parcels here and ln the western United States. "We're finding more real estate by the hour," one a1ent. said. The FBI ls still roundlnC up the can Slbert recenU)' bou&bt. Si~ ol Clinton, Md., was ar- reated in Las Ve1as with Lois A. Benson, 30, ol Capitol Hei&ht.s. Md. She was releued on penanal ree;ocnizance and or- dered to report to District of Columbia ofllclala to tace charges.· Sibert.'s 23-year-old wife also <See FLING, Pase AZ) Fire Rages West of Palm Springs 'Flt to Prose~ute' AG's Office Backs Hicks BJ GARY GRANVILLE CM• OMly ,....., .. " The state Attorney General's omce has found that a series of so-called political prosecutions U\ Orange County have been justified and that the District At- torney's Office is flt to prosecute indicted county Supervisor Philip Anthony. The AG 's findings are included in a seven-page single-spaced let- ter sent last Frtday to Anthony's attorney, Thomas Crosby. Survivor Tells CSF Shootings By TOM BAJlLEY Oltlle Detty ........... One ol t.wo aurvlvon ol a sboot- ln1 rampa1e whlcb left nine peo. pie d)'lni or wounded on the Cal State Fullerton campua a year ago today Identified Edward Charles Allaway as the man who shot him in th• chest. Dr. Donald Keran, 57, chairman of t.he Unlveralty Library, told an Oranie County Superior Court Jury that he waa shot by Allaway as he tried to take the defendant'• rifle from him. Keran testifled that be wu thrown to the noor by Allaway and fell oo the dropped rine In a bid to prevent Allaway from retrlevtne It. "The next thln1 I knew, J was on my back," be said. ''Then I wu shot as I tried to roll out of the way and I lay there expecUn1 him to shoot me again." Keran said that when be re- alized that. Allaway wu leavtn1 the area be drag1ed blmsell lnto a nearby olflce and telephoned /or help. He ~ tbe Jury that he then 1ta11ered back into the paasaeeway but collapsed and lott eonsciousnas from what be described u a be,ty IC>Ja ot blood. <'5eeAUAWAY, Pa1eAI) Another recipient of the letter waa Fullerton Attorney Michael Remington, an Anthony co· indlctee. Purpose of the letter wu to re· ject pleas by . the two indicted men for the AG's office to take their prosecution out or dlstrlct A tlorney Cecil Hicks' hands. Along with Supervisor Ralph Diedrich and three other pollUcal figures, Anthony and Remineton were Indicted by the Oran1e County Grand . Jury July 1 on charges related to alle1ed viola· lions of state campaip re1ula· lions. The attorney 1eneral's wrltten rejection of the move by Anthony and Remington to have their ca•• taken out ol the DA 'a banda was, ln effect, a staunch defense of the Dlltrict Attorney'• Office. Referring to past "polltlcal prosecutions" in the count.y, the attorney 1eneral'1 letter aald, ·'The conviction rate Indicates tboee proaecuUons were proper. "The dlatrict attomey la mere· ly doina the job he wu elected to do. •'The prosecQtlona dem· onatrate to the public In Oranae County that the dUtrict attorney ls not accordln1 pref· erential treatment to public of· ficlals but la proeeeutint all of. fensea in an Lmpart.Jal and even handed manner.'' t.be AG's letter Hid. lt noted that "the prosecution of public orticlals In Oran1e County ls nothing new." Cases cited in the letter In· eluded protetuUon in 1978 of former county supervisor Robert BaWn and lbe early 1978 indict· ment ~ ooe-Ume count.y poUdcal kln1maker Dr. Louis Cella .. The AG noted in Battin'• cue that a Superior Court Judie had taken a bard look at allqaUons of dlacrtrninatory prosecution. <See ~EPO&T, Pa1e Ai> 'OHver' Showing Set for Senion The Oscar-wtn1tln1 mualcal "Oliver'' will be ab~ free ol chars• to older Cotta lle1an1 Thunday au:aop.m. The clty'a Department of Leisure Services 11 alrlna the lllm, bUed oa Cb1rl11 Dickens' novel, ••ouver Twlat." in the Downt.Own Community Ceit.er. SN ~ St. For tUl'thc in· formatJon, call ~•1. Here's a fellow who definitely is between a rock and a wet place. If it was isummer' solitude this swimmer was leeldng, he found it Monday off Laguha Beach. Terrain , Hampers Control By Tbe Anoelated Press A fire on steep mountain slopes raged out ol control today in tin· der-dry Southern California bruah after destroyin1 10 animals and a house. The Callfomia Department of Forestry said the fire, 2S miles west ot Palm Springs and one mile southeast ot Cabuon, bad destroyed 1,000 acres or brush on , steep mountain 1lope1 from tbe 1,600 to the 4,200·foot level. Fire spokeswoman Nora Ryan I &aid the blaze IUtled 8 tWO- bedroom house late Monday. kill· lng two d<>1a, seven goats and one horse aft.er the two occupants escaped. No other dwellings were threatened by the fire which waa reported only 10 percent con· talned by mldmornin&, the spokeswoman aaid. Six air tanker• dropped r.,._ retardant chemicals while 850 fJrtmen f()Ulht the blaze on the 1round. Offictals said crews from Ml chi& an, Indiana, Arkan1aa, Hiaslaalppl, North Carolina. Wyoming and Utah ]udgeFina - Teachen/or 4-day Strike have been fiown In to Joln 850 • M Pl S k 'localflremen. esa anners ee mrr.er:::-:b~n·T:~.::: ' SAN DIEGO (AP> -Pupils were "bostaaes" of a teachers' or1anization which stated a lout· clay strfke in June, a Judie says in finJng the 1roup 14,500 and «· derlnl its Ind« jailed. SUpertor Court Judie ~1e A. Lazar said the San Dle10 Teachers A11oclatton and (ts prealdent were aunty of contempt in dlsregardln1 court orden to hold olftheattlke. The oftlcial, Hucb P. Boyle, was lined St,000 on a total ol et1bt contempt cltaUona. He wu or· dered Jalled fOC' '° d&.1•1 all but 10 daya ol that auapendea, and put on threeyeara' probation. The walkout June a throuib ) Jun• 9 wu a "abaroelUJ blot on the history of the teacblnl pro- fesalon In s111 Dleco, •• aaid Laur in hla «der Monday. The teachers trJint f « im· proved a_.ary and work coodl· ~ons tsnored •~PrlllillliivY in· unction issued by another Juctce. hey returned to work after re- eelvtna u1uranc11 that U:aere W'OWd be no rePriuta fOC' the st.rlke, flnt ln San Dlqo hlitory. Some cl111room1 operated normally wttb aubeUtu*· Density Definition Colla Mesa planners, gearlnt up f « a major revision ol the clty'1 1eneral plan, 1ou1ht guldance from eouncil members Monda)' afternoon on how they should define reaidenUal demit.y. Planner Paul Dudley asked councilmen durin1 a study session lf they want to consider people density or buildlns densi· ty when refenin& to overcrowd· ing ln residential areu. The definition of density has Jons been tbe aubject of debate amODI councilmen, and Mon· day'a meettn• did not result ln any ccncrete answers. But coandtmen dld ur1e plan· nen to •o abfad wltb the re- search and preparaUon of a re- vised General Plan for the city - a tuk that la expected to take 18 months to two yean to complete. state law reqlllrel all cities to adopt a 1eneraJ plan to 1ulde fUture development. It ill simply a broad •i.tement of develop- ment. pc>Ucy and doeS not pteclae- ly deftM dtfflOSHMnt or IOhea. Counctlm«t eartter thla year bud1e(ed D00,000 for * NVbed 1eaeral pbm. 'lbe lut tlme tbe plan received a major overhaul waa l.G 1910. al eitJ Wlll IM HMlAC oot.alde cOnJ\&ltantl to b!illn work Cl\ th• revlMd plan tn e next '" montht, ccordlni to Ctty M anqer Fred SorsabaJ. But councilmen Monday were aaked their oplnlona on the term density. "We need to know if you're talk.ini about people density or bulldlnc density," Dudley said. He said t.hat, lD re1ards to populaUon limits, Costa Mesa would aUll need housin1, "even lf we closed the doors to t.he city and dldn 't let anyone elae in." Vice Mayor Jack Hammett 1ald he dido 't believe the city could lock people out, ''so density can't be baaed on the number of people in a oven area." Baatna density on the number of dWellina unltl per acre bu Its drawbac.U too, councilmen aa1d. They aaid high denalt.y de· veJopmenta, comprlaed of bacbelor apartments or one· bedroom unitl might keep the number of residents down. "But When you 10 to medlum den.aity projects, wllb two or <&eeDIN81TY,, Pa1e tU> WUdernesa area, but the pre- serve remained open to bikers and campers today, authorities Hid. ' Meanwhile, favorable weather conditions aided llreft&htera strugglidg to preserve preeloua -Central California coaat.al watershed, where fire threaten. future noodin1 in the ravased timberland. Officials said the 87 ,000-acre timber fire ln the Los Padres Na· tional Foreet near Bil Sur was 30 percent contained early today, but they were not aaytn1 when the blue, called the Marble· Cone. may be fully contained. "They had lt, lost It and now they've get it back a1aln,•· said Barbara Rowe, California Department of FoHtry. "We've got good weathu ~ 10 things are tooldne a btt bet- ter." More than 3,500 firemen were beinJ helped by four mule pack t.ralns, carrying lire·fl•htlna equipment to remote areu tn tile prtatlne wilderneu. The 80,400·ttre "Scarface" fire in the nortbeaatern comer ~ tbe state wu Ir> percent cona talMd and 40 percent controlled early today. ~ ------ --~-- DAil 'f ~11.0T c MADI IJl f THll II LAYOUT FOR PROPOS!D 'OOURTI' Rl810INTIAL Ol!VELOPMENT Costa M••• Coundlmen lndJcal• They Uu 71-untt Ptofect P11nned for North Sid• Zoning Change Sought Developers Hope /or 78 New Me1a Homea " eroup of Lone Beach i:fe. , eloper~ were 1n Costa Mesa Monday. te6l101 City Council v. <'ters for a proposed 78-umt single family proJect they'd bke to bwld in north Costa Mesa. Representallves of the Long Beacb Construction Company presented plans for the 11.S acre parcel. The land 1s located north oC Baker Street and between Babb and Bear Street an north Costa Meba. Called ''The Courtll," and resplendent with cobblestone-like TONIGHT NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL BOARD -Regular meetme. 7 30 p.m. Costa Mesa City Coun· c1l chambers. WEDNESDA V, AUGUST 10 "SOMETHING'S AFOOT" Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, f<'airgrounds, August 10-13 and 11.20. 8:30 p.m. Reservations: 556·5459. MUSIC OF AMERICA -Free Concert, Dixieland Jazz wlth Jack McVay , South Coast Village, 7:30 p.m. ft From Pag~ A I ' _DENSITY ••. three bedroom unit.a, you can ac· tually have more people per acre." Mayor Norma Hertzog said. "You have more people and more cars in the project as op· posed to a high density project with only one person livln1 In each apartment.·· Dudley admitted the question 1s complex adding that a partial solution to building' density is bet· tcr designed projects. "And even attractive projects can become a problem because of poor management,·· he said. He suggested the possibility of the clty looking into requlrtnc a management plan to tie present· ed by developeni of large apart· ment complexe&.., Canal Treaty May Be Near PL.AINS, Ga. (AP> -Prsi· dent· Carter, encounterln1 crlUcilm of bl• Panama Canal treaty. thlnk1 it wUl be "pretty decent .. 1nd 11 ukln• con· creumen to with.bold Judlment uotll they aee it, bia chief spokeaman aaid today. There have been report.a that an announcement ol it.a term• willbemadeaoon. Some of the reports that ne1totlatort are reacbln1 111'• ment on the treaty are based on the fact that necotlator Sol Unowil'I'• term aa 1ptcla1 En· baaaador eitptrea Wednesday. DAILY PILOT str~. tennl& courts and a swim ming pool , the development would be comprised of single family homes with Iota averaging about3,700squar.efeel The developer 1s seeking an amendment to tbe city's eeneral plao f<X" medium density residen· Ual oo about half of the parcel, curr.iUy planned for low density development. The other half of the project area is already planned for medlum density. Zoning of the entire parcel is commercial. So approval of the project would mean a chanee In the Front Page A J • general plan for half the area, then a rezone to medium deru;ity development before the de· veloper could present final de- velopment plans. Council members and several homeowners in the area ap· peared to favor the 1incle family homes over commercial de· 1velopment. saying homes would blend well with single family homes to the north. After reviewing plans with the developer, councilmen agreed to consider a general plan change at next Monday's councll meet· ing. Caner OKs OC Flood Funding An appropriation of $400,000 for designing a Santa Ana River flood control project was ap· proved Monday in a $10 billion public works bill si1ned by Presi- dent Carter. The funding for the initial staaes of the project, which has been on the drawing boards since . 1962, would affect three counties -O~ange, San Bemardlno and Riverside. The area was identified as the nation's worst flood threat west of the Mississippi River by an Army Corps of Engineers study In 1965. Ed Just, Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency direc· tor, said the funds will allow planning for construction of a dam at Mentone near the Redlands airport, raising t.be Prado Dam at Corona and Im· provmg the Santa Ana River channels ln Ornqe County. Just said he ls hopeful that funds will be available this Oc· tober. Future phuea or the $1 billion project will require additional congressional appropriations, be said. Just said tbat the Fountain Valley-Huntington Beach area is · particularly vulnerable to over· flow from the Santa Ana River. He said that the lowlands near the sanitation district plants and the Edison Company bulldlnt could be under seven feet of water in case ol severe fl()C)C:l1n1 . Mesans Visit Observatory A family eacursion to Griffitb Park Observatory is 1cbeduled Wednesday by the Costa Mesa Department of Leisure Services. "A Voya.ce to Man," Is the ti- tle ot a Planetarium pro1ram. to be followed by the obeervat.ory'a Laaerlum show. C-Olt ls $S for adults, IUO for teens and '4 tor children 5 to 12 years old. The price includes round trip tranaportaUon to both ahows and admission. The bu. will leave the Or~e County FairlJ'O'U'd• at 8:30 p.m .• returnlna at 11 p.m. For further Information call Mike Putnam at 5GS-$481. --- Trustee Hopefuls Vie Wed By PIDUP ROSMARIN Otta.~ .. 1'"'4 l&eft The new trustee to be appoint- ed tM!gbt to the Newport.Mesa 1cbool board will be opJ>09ed to tbe collective bU'laining rlCbt:a ol teachers and concerned with informln& the public about acbool financing. Eacb of the five candidates VY· ine to replaee realanla1 trustee M arlan Ber1eaon expre11ed those view•. They were ln· tervlewed by the board Monday. Mrs Berge1on did not participate In the interviews. Mrs. Beraeson. of the third trustee district, la quiUin& the board after 13 years to 1eek an Assembly aeat. Tryin& to take her spot on the school board are Ann Beaupre, 34, a Santa Ana Hei&bts day-care facility owner; B.J. stllllnl. 40. a Newport Beach homemaker and volunteer worker; Stanley Leaum, 34, a Co1ta Mesa laogua1e researcher; E.S. de Mocskonyl: 53. a Newport Beach mechanical engineer. and Den· nis Johnson, 34. a Santa Ana Heights manufacturine ex· ecutive. After Monday's session, the ap· plicants were put on call for possible further Interviews. Board President Roderick Mac· Millian said be wanted the ap· polntment made· at toni&ht's board meeUn& set for 7: 30 at Costa Mesa City Council cbam· bers, 77 Fair Drive. In the interview1, each can· dldate expreaaed mlaalvlngs with tbe collective bar&alnlne system as it appllea to teachers. "I'm afraid I'm not very sym· pathetlc with public service employe strikes," Mrs. Skilling said flatly. Asked about whether he could ever support a teacher on the board of education, de Moc:skonyi compared lt lo plac· ing a union ateward on a com· pany board of directors: "No way," heaaid. Mrs. Skilling said lf she were appointed she Wi>Uld work to lm· prove the district'• counaellng servlcJlS. Thou1b she aaid exist· ine services are deflclent, 1he was not specific. Mrs. Beaupre uraed a review of hl1h school pro1ram1 for "validity." She aald "quite a few" need scrutiny. Johnson caJled for a return to fundamental education and a fosterinl ol aeU·dlsctpllne among students Leaum told trustees he is con· cerned that klndercarten has become more babyslttin& than education. He decried a pro· liferation of "silly courses" that don't prepare a child to function in the community as, he said, they are supposed to do. Fro•Pa"AJ FLING ••• was arrested Friday but the chargea were dropped Monday. An FBI affidavit said Sibert has admitted the embewement scheme. He reportedly lA>ld FBI aaentl he had abQut '20.000 ln ne1otiable aecu.rltJes in a 11/e at a fasb.ionable Wubin1c.t hotel where he rented thr" rooms, and that there were addit.lonal caah and Jewelry in the rooma. Sibert t1 being held In Las Vegas in lieu ol a tl00,000 boad. William B<»well, UMTA'1 as- sociate administrator for ad- ministration, 1aid be bad talked with Sibert only three or four limes over the yeara. He said Sibert bad a reputatlon as ••very lmpreuive, very likable, a ptet· ty sharp IUY.'' Aluminum Stolen Empt~ at Panel·Alr CorP .• 1571 MacArthur Blvd., t91cJ Polfce thievet c!U'ried olf $3,500 w~ of aluminum 11\eeta from the Coit Mesa air condltlonlna firm over the weekend. ., ........ DAYTON HOUSE BURNS AS LOCAL FIREMEN FIDOLE N~bortng Flr9f19trter1 Come to th• Reacue Picketing Firemen Ignore House Fire DAYTON, Ohio CAP> -Fires broke out in two abandoned apartment houses today and spread to at least one occupied dwelllna while atrlkin1 firemen picketed three block.a away and refused to help douae the names. The firat blaze. wblcb autted the apartment bu!ldtllJ, aJao severely damaged an adjacent two-st.ory fraUle house occupied by two families. No injuries were reported, Firemen rrom the nelahboring community of .Madlaon Town.ship responded to a call for help but were too late to keep the house Crom being enaulfed. The second fire was bumlng uncontrolled, and residents of neflJ'by homes were tryln1 to re· move their belonalnta for fear it would apread. An occupant of the frame house. Bob Jackson, said Dayton firemen punched a bole ln the wall, then told resident.a they would have to fi&hl the fire themselves. More than 370 Dayton firemen said when they walked off the Job Monday that they would respond only in llfe-or-death altuaUons. Thelr action left thla city or 2411000 without fire protection for tbe flrst time m history and with Umlted ambulanceaervtce. Some policemen were ~t· eel to atay off th' Job today ln IUP· port of the strike in 11mpathy with demands by P'tre Jl1tfiten Local 136 for hJgher wa1ea and a shorter work week. The added prospect of diminished police protection bad city of8clals, bualneuea and ra- identa preparln1 for possible duty as supplemental 1atety force.. Ne,ottaton ft)et um:U early to- day trytnc uneucceJlfully to rewrite a contract for nremen to replace one \Mt expired Peb. 28. Judge William Wolff Jr. ol tbe Montaomery Count1 Common Pleas Court ordered the ftremtn back to their poata ahc hOW'I after their wortc ttoppa1tt bee~ but none ol the firemeh rttutnoa. Key issues in the strike are wages and workina hours . Firelight.en start at S~t043 a year, and the union la 1ee1Ung a 6 percent increase. The city bas of· fered a 2.65 percent waae in· crease. Flrefiahters also want their work week reduced from ~ to48hours. Fro..Page.41 REPORT ••• ''Nothin1 Improper was ahown and, on the contrary, reaaonable law enforcement was dem· onslrated, ".the letter said. In Cella's cue, ''the district at· torney handled the cue as any · district attomey would handle lt ... Reminatoo ls in Wyomtna and was unavallable for comment to- day. Crosby wp in court and aJso unavailable for comment, ac· cordJna to a worker in bis office. Still unanswered by the at- torney genera) 'a office la a re· quest by tbe Board of Supervlsore for the Attorney General's Office to take over An· thony's and Diedrich'• prose- cution. The board voted unanimously for the request at the concluai(){l of lta budlet heartna• when An· thony said he wun 't certaia w._etber or not a contllct of ln- tereat ex.llted. Kids Find Human Heart NEWPORT NEWS. Va. <AP> -PoUce speculate that a buman heart fourid in a Jar 1w aooie chlld.ren playtn1 near thelt bome bere mil)' have been stolen h'om a 1ctCl'lce laboratory aQd then dtacarded. The heart was tent to thi .ta~ mecUcal examiner'• office tn Norfolk for po11Uve ldentlft~ Uon an. It WU found Monclay. DA.tLYP'ILOT A3 'Totall~ lnnoeent # Why Did Mattll.ew MeKeone Die? By ROBE T 8ABK£& ...... ,.... .... 1'.1n t en· year-old Matth w Mc:Keone died Satur· day. nc.•v(.'r knowin9' why an asaallant fired a 1bot1un bli!'.l mto hiJii ubdomcn when he nn.1w red I.be door at a fru.ond't home. "Matthew WWI chcerrul ond conacloua up to th nd," hJ:\ uncle, ElU'I Hunt, au.id Monday, •'The priest told him thot het 1hould forgive the man who 1tiot him a.ndhcdJd. "HE WAS NOT bitter ot all altbou1b he waa Ctt· tain thnt he had never teen the i\Jft.man ~fore and he dsdn 't know why hew~ 1hot, · · Hunuaid. Young Mc-Ktonl! wu wounded the evening of Jun~ 26 at <a larJie &Jpartmcnt complex at 15123 Brookhursl St. Westm1ru,ter. Ill• ;.ind his frit.•nd5 had played a eortball game and th<'y tu.id Just returned to a teammate's apartment for a cool\out. 11ccord.ing to Hunt. Sam Sch..,eitzer Art Painstaking For Laguna Scribe By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Ot llllt Dally l"I ... Jt;ill Sam Schweitzer, 74, the Laguna Scnbe, 1s a master ot an art that ls dying. He hand-leUers eleganl scrolls ln the fashion or medieval monks who tolled In monasteries He thrives on his work and has aet age 90 as his tentative retire· menl date, bul don't coont on it. "I graduated art school 50 years ago and six months before I got oull had a JOb. I haven 'l had an empty day since," says Schweitzer, one of about 100 ex h1b1tors at Laguna Beach's Art· A·Flllr. Schweitzer, a six year l.uguna Beach resldent, also works an another medium pastry "I paint cakes," he says, still'· ing at the casual visitor over an elegant whit e Van Dyk e mustache and goatee as though daring you to laugh, or question that statement. What he m eans 111 that he paintB right on the cakes ''My biggest job was Raphael ·s Madonna and Child Some gal named Smith here 1n Laguna wanted me lo do 1t ror a party," aays the amb1t1ous and cnergelH' Schweitzer, a newlywed .. You know how you fill in the oulllne when you 're doing a watercolor pa1ntang" Well, on a 1 cake you can't draw with a pencil I 410 l use yellow Cood colonna and a brush and then mix the other I colors with red, blue and green " I But lettermg 1s Schweitzer's first. love. He can do his work aimultaneously with both hands r The Ohio·born, onetime ad· vertislng agency art director demonstrates by executing a perrect buttcrrty on a pad of •ketcruna paper. one ballpoint pen in each hand. The sketch Is virtually perfect on each side, as though done with compuss and c l aipcrs itllho ugh It was Creehanded Schweilztr hcf(an 14..'tlering with his fir.,t Joli Jt agl' 15 with an engra,inl: houi-<' ~pec1ahzlng 1n wedding invll allon~ Schwc•itZl'r ., prl'C errt•d s tyle for scrollwork and plaque!\ he methochcullv lurn-. oul I!! norid beautirul and Mtt•n regal, with arge mlrodul·lon letter., or border In .cold lt•ar and crimsons and blues He has cxec·ulcd scroll~ for \!J.S. presidenb ford, Nixon, and 'tormer Cullrorn iu governor Ronald Reugan uncl l!i currently at work on a scroll for President Jimmy Carter Luuna Beach Police Chief Jon Sp'arb b tc:beduled to Introduce controversial San Francl11co Sberilf R.tcbatrd Hon1l1lo, who oallllon for Human Rlihta • Wednesd.,.lnAnahelm. THRIVES ON WORK Scribe Schweitzer Schweitzer says his mo:.l am bilious piece Is a plaque done for his brother Emanuel. 73. a Long t 1sland physician forced lnto re t1remenl by poor health. He feels bis own work Is what has helped keep him vigorous, healthy and well and 1t Is obvious that to the Laguna Scribe his work and his play are one and the same. "As long as you have a 10 a.m. to 10 pm. workday, you might as we ll make use of It,•· says Schweitzer. who ls aenerally in his booth at the Laruna Canyon Road Art·A·Falr festival. "I do all my commercial work here. unlike some of these others who sil and gab or knit " Schweitzer's work ethic is em· phasized in the customized Schweitzer famUy crest be re· cenlly completed. It has an artist's palette in a hon's paw and. at the base, a cross·section of a human brain. The brain Is surrounded by nine tiny little droplets of llquld. "Know what those are?" he asks ... Drops of sweat. Success la nine·tenths perspiration and one· tenth inspiration." Matthew answered a knock on the door and was POIJCE TERMED the shooting senseless. Westminster Police Officer Earle Graham said investlgaton believe that tho 1u.spect bad been roam· lne through the huge apartment complex, knockin' on dOOl'I at random while seeldnJ drugs. Graham aald the man apparenUy became out- raged because be couldn't find any narcotics and believed tha\ someone in the complex had been stall· ing him In order to call police. · Graham said the assailant went to his car to get the gun before shooting McKeone. "WE KNOW OF no reasons why he chose this particular apartment to do the shooting,•• Graham ~aid. "McKeone was a totally innocent party." McKeone immediately needed 27 pints or blood at Fountain Valley Community Hospital and bis llCe was saved at that time by a large number of blood donors. Before his death over the weekend, the wounded youth underwent six major operations. His right leg was amputated. A coroner·s investigator said his death was due to peritonitis and was related to the· gunshot wound in his abdomen. ' · A FUNERAL MASS was recited Monday In Garden Grove. McKeone was living tn that clty with hla uncle and aunt and was ·employed as a atoc:k clerk at an Anaheim manufacturing firm. His remains were shipped to his parents• home near Pittsburgh, Pa. Anthony Thomas Owen, 25, of Santa Ana, was ar- rested a few days after the incident in Westmin&ter. HE IS BEING held in Orange County Jail in lieu of $.50,000 bail. · Police say they are now seeking a murder com- plaint against Owen because of McKeone's death. Olding Ends Eight Bills _Stuclfed With Fatal , Panel Eyes Porno Law Pl C h sometimes ln comblnatlon. ane ras SACRAMENT 0 (AP) -''Today the pro.stilutes' trick is Some would redettne the word Everyone at the leglslatlve hear· to tum .~eh' ooscenities into free obscenity, on which the court Two Orange Coast men killed. ine on child pornoaraphy ap· speech aaldone. system hutbelaatword. Sunday when their light airplane peared wimna to help stamp It But representatives or the Others would increase . plummeted into a lonely canyon out. American Civil Liberties Union p enalties on present laws, stake ncur Big Bear Lake were ap· But no one seemed to know how and California Attorneys for out protection of children as purenlly on a weekend outing to write a law that the courts Criminal J~s~ice objected that more Important than other con· with relatives or one victim. would let stand. s ome provisions would hove slderations, or go·anerthosewho The dead men were identified That was the scene late Mon· onerous si~e effects. although no employ or profit. from mi.Don for lateMondayas pllotRaymondC. day before the Assembly onespokunfavorofchtldpomo-suchuses. Orzulak. 28, of 4632 Havenhurst Criminal Justice Committee. graphy. . Sen Bob Wilson <D·La Mesa). Circle, lrvtne, and Gary L. Nuss, The members heard testimony "Many or these _bills pose whose bill -SB 470 -contains a of 508 Hunungton Street. Hunt· on eieht bills aimed against the trem~~ous constitutional prot>. detailed definition, admitted that 1ngton Beach Both men died on use or children and minors in lems, srudone. If pasaed, it would face a court 1 m pact. a ccording lo San making porno1raph1c matenals. "What we're dealing with here challenge. But if pot, the sale of Bernardino County sheriff's of· After two hours. the members is properly free speech" s rud picture magazines or nude f1c1als. decided to mull them till the next another. ' chlldren ln suegestlve poses Sher1fC's investigators report· meeting Friday. The authors, each with wide would conUnue. ed the two men had been vtsiting Law enforce ment officers citizen backing, attacked the "So I tb1nk it's worth lhe cam· Orzuhuc 's brother. who lives In pleaded for laws with teeth. problem In different ways, ble." the Big Bear Lake area, prior to ------------------------------------ the crash. Several w1tnei.ses told tn· vest1gators the s 1ngle·engine Cesi.nu 172 was fiylng at treetop level and buzzing campgrounds near the lake just before the 7:40 p.m. crash. A 1''ederal Aviation Ad · ministration <FAA> ofricial said Monday. however, authorities don't beheve the airplane clipped tree tops causlnf( 1t to crash. · lie wus rty1m1 away from the lake in a westerly direction where the mountain drops in t.'lcv;1t1on ratht:r abruptly," the FAA .. pokes mun 11a1d He c•st1muted Orzulak's plane would have been 1.000 feet above the rouah lerriun when ll plunged and slammed into o rocky atta "at an al most vertical descent." The spokeiiman said the cause or the crash I!) i;tlll under m· "ei.tlgahon Orzulak. who was a Marine Corpi. lieutenant stationed at El Toro. rented the light plane from Mountain Air Service at Big Bear City Airport. Airport officials said the plane took off at about 7 p.m. Funeral services for Orzulak will be held In Levittown. Penn. He Is 1urvlved by his brother, Robert Orzulak or Big Bear Lake, and hl1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Orzulak of Levitt· town, Penn. Funeral arrangements for Nuss are still pending noUfica· lion or next of kin 118 Concrete 'Contractor' Held in Fraud A llunt1ngton Beach man who allegedJy posed as a concrete contractor and collected more than $3,000 for work that was never carrled out hu been jailed by Orange County sheriff's of· lie era. Cbaraes of irand theft have been filed a1ain1t Adonis Elmer Addlsoo, 26, of 6922 Tucana Drl!~:.wttb tbe alJeaatlon that be llleeauY poe'keted '3,065. lnv.Uaatora said the money was paid to Addi.ton by Lacuna Hilla resldtntl who 1ave Addltoo contracts for concrete work at thelrhom• , eas·-----........... SPORTING GOODS 4 Sl.PER SPORT STORES Sl.YC£ 1924 l1 ~ NEW ARRIVALS 1978 SPORT ,:J : . • ROSSIGNOL SKIS NEWS ~· •OLIN SKIS ,. • -~ .. 1, ... ...; I • LANGE SKIS • ALBACORE SEA. . {. , i:· C al'-IS SON IS GREAT -\ •HEX EL Siu AND NEAL'S HAS All ·~\ I PRE SEASON SPECIALS THE RIGHT GEAR POR ~1':f~) NEW •• HIKCllflllLIOHT 19900 THESE FIGHTINGEST . ~::~ ~r ~·~~·.~~ .... ~, . FISH RODS -REELS - sK1 00001Es •2 r~~~~~~,~~.~ ..... , 14s00 LINE ANO LURES NEW SCOTT BOOTS NEW NORDtCA BOOTS #3 DYNUTAlt MIOALISf 15500 • SKA TE ~~~!' ~·~~~~~ .... ...,, BOARDERS SURFER , ~ ~ &un SANDALS -;~~~.-i/ · Reg. 11 .95 ~""' . . ~1 SALE SAlE 795 rHEsi ut rHE L rt4~n PR1ce GOOD OllES ~1, . .. 22 s1NGLE sHoT 2sso UOIES .. •1 R-e. Price 38.50 ...• WCMCOMIH Bill . ~, '. SA''E 10 00 wrrH HIC»C HllL "' "'\.. J • J.. ,, ' • ~" -~~~;,~ 315 .=-.. 7/j,~' , p ALL SHOT 1 0'' Qf f w /Hte»c Hm ·' j.1 ?-"'· ~ SHELL AMMO ~~.,.... . . 815 d SA VEI SA VEI JOGGERS AND RU,.NERS COM,lffl UHi OI lfSf MODILS TIGER ADIDAS IOIMA ., .... 15': ~ .... .' .. 31" ~~~~~ .... 29" OWUI.,. 2~tS ~.~~ .... 25• SPECS :t,.i,. ..... t 24• M1H · •" .1 ~ CLS n 1100 ••••••••.••.•.•.••• 1 ~ ;1 f'#EAL'S HAS JUST RE· CEIVEO A SHIPMENT OF GULl WING TRUCKS THEY MAKE ANY SKATE 80ARO TURN ANO BAL.ANCE BETTER •BACKPACKERS ARE FINDING THE UPPER COUNTRY IN GOOD SHAPE -NOT AS AFFECTED BY THE DROUGHT AS IS THE LOWER REGIONS, SO GET AWAY FROM THE ASPHALT JUN· OLE -GO 8ACIC· PACKING • LAOUMATICls Off at br :att.ut wtlb Mlddl• sen at • CSO'lmlA~1l IAluaa Beach utlrY am.-momlnl, he sued om Uie wtndow at a lm.a 1&.rn.m ol tiompe.r-to·bumper on Coaat JU W&1 and obi«VM: ··I daft think there an many t.ounw tn towq t.blt year a there wctt last season.'' • I swarly ehoked on my toast aodJUI. ••ff.ow in the world do you de- termine a tbina like that," I •ked ... Just lock out lbere." He didn't have a ready ex· plana:l.lon to his analyail. "Just seems bite not as many people," be mu.ec:l Now it appears lbat lbe experts have come along and supported hl•ri .... LAGUNA BEACH, the Art Colony ol our Oranae Coast, is smack ln lbe middle of its tourist season. Three art sbowa. are 10- ing all at lbe same time out ln Lacuna Canyon. The beach ls wall-to·wall sun· burned bodies. The plannln& commission la studying a pro- posal to install more parking meters. You know things should be busy. Yet at two of lbe three art shows currently runnln&, of· ficlals have suneated atten· dance is down. Sally Reeve, the public relations person for the Festival ol AIU, figures lbe gate has ebbed about lS percent when compared to last summer. But sh~ attributes thia to the fact that last seaaon was an all-lime record for the Festival. Up the road and across the s treet, s pokesmen for tbe Sawdust Festival estimate atten· dance has dropped 20 percent. One spokesman attributed this lo the fact that the Laaunacops once called a slgalert on traffic conditions. I DON'T REALLY think you can blame the Lagunacops for that. Only last Sundaf, at mid·af · ternoon, traffic wu backed up at a 11tand1Wl from the art ahow JocaUon1 all the way IDland to the San Diego Freeway. I mean 90Ud. Nothinl WU movtni. • Some ol thole moto1'1141 may still be trying to reach Lquna. And yet, amulnalY, there were at Jeut three crub• Uttered aloo1 lbe hiibway which bad become one Jq, thin parklna lot. · One driver aimply abandoned bis stat.ion wa1on out ln the mid· die ol lbe road, both ends of it crumpled. How in the world do you cruh and crumple when nolhint ls moving? Somebody fiaured out how to do it. MEANWWLE, AS the Bil FeaUval and lbe Sawdust show are reportin& attendance dOWll all1htly, the Art·A·Falr, a newcomer to the canyon area. re- ported an attendance boom. Spokeamen Hid u many people have viewed Art-A-Fair in tbe first three weekl u aaw lt durln& the enUre lix·week run lut year. You ban to auspect thatA.rt·A· Fair'• 1ucceu la due larcely to ill new locaUon. Yean before, the lbow wu located on Coast Hlabway where tbv. la no park· tns. Now it'• out \he canyon with the otb• two abow• where th•e ls 1caotparkin1. Thus If you ever ftnd a p•kini place ln Lquna, you mlabt u well bani mto it and aee every· tblDJ. ' . . . • Bai ACted ~one?· . Playboy Test Says King ·Killer Li.es President Carter served watermelon to newsmen and his .brother Billy ~m ~onday alter a tour pf peanut fields dunng his vacation m Plains, Ga. The weight of the melon momentarily replaced heavier weiahts on his shoulders. NEW YORK <AP>-Lledetec· tor t•tl have eatablilhed that Jamee Earl Ray acted alone in the ldlllnl ot Dr. Mart.In Luther Kin• Jr., l>l.,boy ma1u1ne HY• in it.I September blue. But the warden at the prlaon where Ray la being held aaya the teatl were con.duct.d under falH pretenaea. The ma111loe aaya ln a copyrl1bted atory that tt ar- ranced • u. deWc:tor teat for the convicted killer by John E. Reid and Aalociates. lnc. PIAYllOY CALLED Retd and Aaaoclates "one ot lbe oldest and most respected. poly1raph· examination flnnl ln lbe coun· try.'' Bay, 49, took the poly&rapb lest in the preaence of bla lawyer on June 22 al Brushy Mountain Penitentiary lo Tenneaaee. where he It aervtns a 98·)'eaf aen- tence for the murder ot Rev. Klna. Playboy says. The mqazlne 1a.y1 Ray failed the test wbea he denied killing the civU rlchts leader. Volcano Peppers Island Residents, Tourists Removed From Resort Rn'• attorney, Jack Kwahaw. aaid tbe poqf:aph eumtnation wu (ault.Y. 'Aayone wbo can read one of theae cbarta caa tell," Kershaw Mld ill NubvWe Mon· day. "I am amaaed that a retPOnllbte fl.rm would put out auchachast." · STONN&Y LAN~, Brushy Mountaln Ptmlteotlary warden. Hid he l'M aJlCJ')' that Playboy. with Kerabaw'f belp, pmetrated tbe -111 ol bla prtaoq IO soon alter llay'a escape epltode. .. We got Roud.lnled ls •hat we lot," Lane Hid in a telepboM ln· tervlew from bla bom• Monday nilbt. 0 We dldD't know unW tb1I afternoon that Playboy bad been in boreaft«tbeescape." The Interview took place nine day1 aft• rt.y•s capture follow- IDI an escape from the prison with six other inmates. His freedom ended after lbree days in the rou&b terrain a~ the maximam-ffC\lrit)' iastl~ tloo. THE MAGAZINE released the followine transcript ol the ccin· venaUoa•r- Q ... Dld you kill Martin Luther Kins Jr.?" A."No." Q. "Dld you fire the 1bot that kllled MartlDLuther IODI Jr.?" A."No." Q ... Do you know for nre who killed Martin Luther Kini Jr.?" A. .. No ... TOKYO (AP> -Hokkaido ( J are surprised by a CIA report island's volcanic Mt. Usu spewed JN SHORT concluding there may be a slow· smoke and ashes skyward today ing or the Sovl•t Union's - d '--· ed -"rtto-· .. -'ow "' TBE POLYG&APH de· an suv ... er r......... ..._ ~ • economic arowth rote i th t with thumb-sized rock.I, forcing -decade. .. n e nex termlned Ray wu not tel11nl the the evacuali.on ol most reaidents ident:lfied seraeanta. actloo on a truth ln the above anawers, ed u1~. •'Tberewu nof(ot· t.tn1 or coerdm or aQth1Da.' : TBE llAOUINC SAD I~ tervl••tr• then aaked Bat, •'Aren't~ blni wb• 10'1 •&7 you didn't WCl'k With aQJCJDO ca tht1 escape?" "No," be replied. •'J wouldn't want to 10 into too ma.Jl1 d.ebUI.. but I'm not ~.f' But I dan't want to take ,.pa;wtbOI~ or aQYt.blnc. .. lntervleweu told R•Y• ··~ay. 1W know JW'te a liar.• "Yes. l 1m9Wthat:'laeaal4. Senate Asks Wuneilfor Korea Case CIUCAGO CAP) -Twoneb after alYinl that DO I ... had ·taken cub paymenta cir 111ta from South Korean lobbylatl. Sen. ¥a1 stevenaon DI 1919 the Senate Ethics Committee ta look· ing for a special counsel to bead ita inveaUaaLloo Into the powSac scandal. The Illlnols Democrat. chairman of the Ethlca Commit. tee, told reportera at tbe American Bar AuoclaUoa eoa. vention here on MondQ tht& bla panel probably will appalnt a special counsel 0 wltbln tbt Deal week or two." and tourists from the aurround· bill ln the 1tate leglBlature that Rep. Richard Bolling <D-Mo.), Playboy says, but tbe maclllne ing area, authorities report.cl. would give lbem more time off and Sen. William Proxmire CD· jud•ed the foUowtna &DIW .. U "WE A&B o-&·-... Scientists said there were five for good behavior and amnesty Wis.>. said the CIA findina is or truthful: .... .....,_ ...,. more eruptiona today in the forthehoetagelncldent. profound slpificance to Soviet Q ... Dld1n70Deulryoutoklll 1ettothebottom0Ublam.U..," volcanoonJapan's northernmoet leaders who may be forced to de-MartlnLutbel'KlntJr.?" Slevenaonaald. island. about 600 miles northeast Red Eeono•IJ SlolDs? cide whether to continue hiih A. "No... MOit speculaUon about m.,a1 of Tokyo and 40 miles southwest levels of military spendina. Q. ..Did )'OU arranse with acts by members of the~ orthecityofSapporo. WASHINGTON (AP> -Two anyoae to kU1 Martin Luther thu.a far hu centered CID the The current series of eruptions members or Congress say they Kbd Jr.?" House. and it.I Ethlca Committee began Sunday, and by late Mon· Mt~•• SlalN A. "No." recently named former day most ol the 12,000 people in Expe • al GASTON, Ore. CAP> _ A Q. "Dld anyone tlve you any Water1ate special prosecutor the bot 1prin11 reaort area r:amelit you"a woman who twice eave moneytoklllMartlnLutherKin& Leon Jaworakl u lta special around the 2.400-foot mountain ... Jr.?" counsel. had been evacuated. There have evidence in cases lnvolvin& A ... No... Twodaya a10, theSenatepmel b _......of ualti H dr C members of the Hell's Ancels received lnformatlon from tbe eennor ... VV&-cu ea. Y Ogen 8r motorcycle club may have been RAY PLEADED GVILTY to Ju11Uce Department CJD JCanQ ---&"---... murdered for revenge, 11ay11 a h rll aift .nvtn ...,. .. agn .. ~ Washington County Sheriff's of· t eAp 4.1988, murder of Kini. • ... a. · Due for '78 r1 ·al Helaterattemptedtochanaehl• NAPANOCH, N.Y. (AP) ct • • plea and bu unsuccesafully STEVENSON•ull:'Wta- Rebelllous inmates at the ar.rvo-eom• Eastern Correctional Facility SALT LAKE CITY <AP> -A The body or Margo Compton, southt a new trial, attrlbuUna mentwbenaakedwbethstbtap- here beld 11 boltaaet for almOlt Utah firm has announced plans 25, her 6-year-old twin daughters, the alaylna to a myat.erloua ac· :=~ ~=~~= 12 hours before releaalng them to market 100 hydrogen-powered Sylvia and Sandra, and Gary co~~. the June escape, discovered lnform1Uoa pdnUM andr--' .. "tothelrceu.uon. carsnextyear,aodltspresldent Seslar, 19, a visitina Coaat R •-'dth tollledala ... ·bya-·•-• ....... l&U46 -ed1 b·~-w Guardsman f d Sund ay ~ e magazine he acted • "'"' _,....,._ day night. • pr eta J'\&Avaen w be availa· • were oun ay alone, altboqb a total of seven But be said be no lqer eoal4 ' No hostage was hurt, but two ble in service stations within a in an iaolated houae in farm coun· inma•---... ..;_a repeat bl• atatement ........ DO prison workera and lbree ln· decide. try southwest of Portland. Each ~-....-. eenalof wu lrivolved ill~;...,. mates were iDJured durln& a BlRlllnoeer J!WlnasR, president of bad been shot throu1h the head. ~·==.·"1if~ ·,;~ qw:~~ dal. sc~e~~~~-.ne p~qy ~~h~·~=======================~----------prisoners bad said they wanted or Provo, announced a three-year r better food, dilmiual d two un· plan for development of the car. SBIKIS PUBSVE 'SON OF S4M' NEW YORK (AP) -The mysterious killer who calla hlmaelf "Son~ Bam" 1n letters ·to offlclala and ll""PQen bu bten on the mlnda ot Dla.Jl1 N.w Yorkers, lncludlDa •ome tn· trepreneun. Tmlul to cUb to on the ldller'a 110torlety, they've begun selling .,Son of Sam" T- 1hirtl. The white T·abl.rta with black lettering were on sale ill Ctntrat Park Monday nlaht to pauenby headed to a nearby cocicert. The 1birta feature the crude police composite lkttch d the .4'-c.Uber ldller, wbo bu Jdl1ed slx psacoa and wounded aeven oth .. tn llWe u:aore than a year. Surroundlna the a.ketch are tb• words, "Son ot Sam -Get him before be get.a you.•• BILLINGS SAID the company will •ell 10 converted Datsun B210s for $10,000 each thill year and 100 of thia year'a models have been ordered.. hesald. .. BW1np was intervlewed In a KSL-TV documentary aired Monday DiSbt. The firm bu a mulU·mJ.Won. dollar facUlty near Ironton, Utah, and crtmJ pateots on a hYdrotren carburetor and coat• veraloo •)'Item. · BJLUNGSSAIDTBE can wlll be equlwed wtth a dubboard switch that can transfer trotn aaaollne to hydrogen. For uother $10,000, owners can buy an electrolyser 'lbat will automatically recbarge the hydroaen tank overnl&bt, be aatd. In 1B19, the comppy will oiler conversion kit.a, so motorists can have mecbanica convert their own veblclea to uae hydro1en. BllllJlll •ald b)' then be bopelS coal 1..Wcatloa plaJlta will beill opar.UOO. prod.ucl.n1 hydro&en uab~uct. (.~oast •• 1 .... , ... ,-... ,_,,11 ...... .. * * * , ..... , ·• .. : f / Qpinion On Hape Altered LOS A.'JG EU:S t AP l -The tat• Court of A p1Jeal1 baa alt.end &.be lao11u1"• ln • ~_...al ra~ df'<lt.IOD la wtalc • judae warned ._. w o hatdab&ke alone lo apeet llmla.al ad•eacet tnm men wbo pick Lhcmup. Tbl •arni.ne. C'ODlaJ.aed lD u,. JuJy .a> oplnloe wntteo bJ JUIUC9 L)'Dft D Compton. wu Ol"Cler..s modllaed bJ the aame three· JudJ• panel that heard UM eue. Mow~. the JualJces refused lo uvettum their •. revenal ol the rapedc:fmd&Qt'a ronrictloa. COMPTON, alone wtth Justiees Lester W. Roth and Edwin F. Beacb. deleted from the OlllrUoa a reference to U.. fact lbe alle8ed rape v1cllm bad "vohmtari11 entered" &.be vehi- cle cl the delendant, Clllford AlaaBuat. Tbey al10 deleted these pasaqee: •'While it m~ not a peak well or the prevalllne standard of morality In society, a lone female t who, ln light of all the warning signals that appear almost daily Jn the news media, hitchhikes on the 1treet.s or a metropo\Jtan area like Los Angeles, must at 1east Dea.-.~I•• Bodies foresee the possibllity that a man "'~•• D ., .. ,..,.... DAILYPILOT 4f Laetrile nm· Killed ;la1elnbly NixB. 'Choice' For. Caiar Victinu , SACRAMENTO CAP) -but the measure's author, Sen: ·"People wbo are barualnc Le,salltloo that w~:,i~:se Wllllam Campbell (J\·Heeienda people fOf' the use ol Laetrilo UM ol Laetril• tor W Heiebta>. cMclued that be would · 1bouldbeiadldedformuder.'• cancer vtctlma wu kllled Mon· push for approval •&lln ~t But u.s. Rep. Henry wumU. da.ytntbeCllllomlalsae11>bly. year. (J>·Lol A.Dael•), wbo Hld The. ~bly Health Commit· Tbe tally cm SB 245 wu one btileves Laetrile uael11a urpct tee. t;y a U vote, defeated a vote short ol puaqe in the 11· · Ca11tomlatoawaltteder&a't•ti.n& &enat.paued bill tbat had Just member committee and over-of theaubliaoc•. been ameaded to restrtct UM of rode emotional testimony from tbe controv.,.lal apricot plt d• actor-com•Han Red Buttons. rtvative to altuaUona 1n wblcb tbe eattent wu apected to die Aft1WA1· THE VOTE WAS a victory for the BrO'ND. ad.mlnl1t.rat.lon and · the Natioaal Cancer lnstltute. BUTTONS, WHO left the Capitol abortly after teautylnc, told bow b1a wife bu 1ucceufWly fought cancer with the belp ot Laetrile. The packed eallery ap. plauded when he concluded; California G11n Law Advertising Slated LOS ANGELES (AP) -Billboards, televisions and radios soon will be lldvillna the at.ate'a crimiDall: "Use a cun. Go to prl.soo. Don'tdoit." The California Stop Crime Commisalon said Monday it hopes to publiciie a new California law that requires alat.e prison sentences for people wbo uae guna to commit crimes. THE COMMISSION'S 1oal is to reduce gun.related crime in the at ate by 30 percent. . Republlcan Slate Sen. George Deukmejian of Long Beach has said 75 percent of those who use euna during crimes are now sent to state prisons, compared to 40 percent before the law went into effect l asl January. DONALD DNNEDY, bead ol the Federal DniC Adm1a.lltn· ti on, and w um an HlG that leaalbatlon of Laetrlle In Calltomla ln any way would coo. Vince aome people that the Ab- 1tance works. Tbe bill 1tat.d that It was not makinsauch aJudlment. Approval ln Cllllor11ia would ..open up the floocltates f~ all sort• of quackery." Waxman warned. "Any d.n&i wblch keeps a paumt from •eelna a physician ar elves a false bope ••• ii not a safedrue; lUJ condemnln&&hose people to die." KENNEDY SAID, "I would urge YoU to wait, to the end f1 • next year, when we expect to cet reswta" f1 federal teata. uu the Jecialature paaa• <Campbell's bill), you would itve lt (Laetrile> legitimacy far beyond what lt. should have.'• who picks her up wlJJ make sex- ual advances to her . . ·' "THE LONE FEMALE h1tchblker in the absence ot an emereency ailuation, as a prac tical matter, edvlsee all who pass by that sb.e is wilUng to enter the vehicle with anyone who stops and 1n doing so advertises that she has less concern for the con· sequences than the average female." Country and Western singer Dolly Parton provides quite an armful for bodv-bullder Arnold Schwarzenegger a~ the two posed r ecently during t.1 photo session for Rollin~ Stone magazme. · DEUKMEnAN, who wrote the law. said 25 television and 65 radio stations will begin carrytng the warning messages this week. More than !500 advertisers -258 ln the Los Angeles and San Diego areas -have donated billboards for the campaign, be added. Kennedy said tests have not round Laetrile effective a,ainst tumors in animals and that a system for tesUnc in humans was . bel ng devised. Dr. Jerome Lackner, Brown's health director. also testified aaainat the bill. Copl,ey Trust $63 Million The court subslltuted these re· marks with a passage pomting out that the evidence or the v1c- t1 m in the case was tn direct con- flict with that or the defendant that the victim never clearly re fused consent. SAN DIEGO (AP) -The late newspaper publisher James S. Copley reported· ly left an estate valued at about f63 million. The figure was disclosed by trustees of the James S. Copley Revocable Trust, saying the report was be· Ing flled in San Diego County Superior Court by the state inheritance tax referee. "ON THE CRUCIAL issues or whether the vlcUrn ln fact con aented ar wbetbel' the defendant was aware ol her Jack of cooaent. undisputed potttom of the record concernine the circumstances between the two become of im· portance to sugeest inherent probability .•. • · The trustees, Helen K. Copley and Joseph P. Kin· ney, said the California !'late inheritance tax amounted to $4,585,594. They said the trwit had en- tered into a final agree- ment with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service accepting a federal estate lax of $18,314,85.1. . The Ccurt of Appeals in writing the new opmion Friday, refused to revene its findings that In- structions by the trial judge to the Jury in the rape cue on the ?ise d a prior sex offense by the idefendant was prejudicial. I ' ' : 'Playing Footsie' I • • ~ FBI Probes Agent Actions in Vegas LOS ANGELES <AP> -Complaints that FBt agents were ac· cepting free meals, show tlck.U and were "Pl"Yinl footsie'' with or· ganiied crime neures a parted a probe of the buteau's Lu Veaa.s or. lice, the Los An1eles Tlme1 reported today. FBI Director Clarence Kelley conflrmtd that an investi8ation look place, but would give no details to the newspaper except lo say that the resulta or the inquiry were belni reviewed for possible dis· ciplinary action. "Scxne of our agenta are playing footsie with the same 1uys J we 're tr)'ln& to pul ln Jail," one aaent told the Ttmet. t l Parb Ma11 Bloc!k Pe~ Plarlt LOS ANGELES <AP> -Pl81ll f0!' a mammoth PoWtr plant to provide electricity for 1 mUUon homes 1n Southem Callfornla, Nevada and Utah may bave to be dropped lf th• U.S. refUMt to allow it to be built near two national parka lo Utah. U.S. Interior Secretary Cecil Andl'UI bu recommend.ct that the coal.fueled lntermountain Power Project not be built neat Capitol Reef and Canyoolandl national pules because of a posalble environ· mental damaae, t.he Loe An1eles Tlmea r@Ori.cl today. ( J The -..s billion, 3,000. • meaawatt plant wu l!r•at.cS ST ATE under the auapic:11 of ttie In· termountaln con1ortlum, · · :-formed by the .Southern Callfomla Cttl• of Loi Anaelea, Puadeaa. Burbank, Glendale, Anaheim and Rlvenlde. n't lose your cool this· summer. Insulate. Because insulation can help your air conditioner keep your house cool in the summer. And it's not all that expensive to insulate . Especially if you· do it yourself. Your investment becomes even more attractive when you realize that from the very first day your insulation goes in, you'll save on cooling costs. And, in the winter, you can cut the energy you use for heating by up to 20%. Every month. For as long as you own your home. Visit your local Do-It-Yourself Insulation Dealer or building supply store. They'll tell you how easy it is to survive the summer in Southern California. Without losing your cool. Don't wait. Insulate. ( • I • D Tliey Should Refuse C mp111i:11 frnunrt· tJuwlm1uro llitterntnl~ flied rt•· rMU\ b) Or a.n.i•· Count~ ~fl\ t• 1upt•rvtsorai "lhO\\ thut u •1' UlC umt• cu oup uf tlunori. who c-ontlnue to heu11 dollaA th~ 2'U J>t>r' '"ur lo ht•lp tht•m prolong tht'tr pohucal <'ar M.'U In th · m~un , tht· he:uv) cl111101 "1 ut c bulld~r". dt· 'clot><'l".!I. cnganet·rN. lohb) iisth <And other• 1VhO ~1thor do bu~in~i. with tht· t•ouu\\ ur ht1vt• w aila~e 1n count\ lttWL'TTlment d Cl!\IOTih . ,, Somt' o1 tho l' donon1 111 pn' ;.itt• <·onvcr11ullcm-. <'UrS<'! the pohl11.·ul S\alcm lhut ticcmln"I\ mukc& hl'fl~ ~nd C'Of1llf\UUU~ <0u11111u1an <·untnbt1tton:. •1 nt•c·••s:.an • t•o:.l of dotnl( bU!->IOl'!>~ rur lht•m " llo\\t'\t•r \\1th""" oa ft.y. 1•l(t'l'1Jl1011,. lht•\ go 1m j pl.1\'&nJl tht· ~u1111uwn ctolla1 VtHn•• that lw' brou~ht 1 c >r .lllJ!t• t 'uunl \ '" muc·h J(rtt•I .incl l·mh.11 rJ,.~mt•nt ' \II lht· hea\' tl111101 .. nt•t·d to clo tu hwlt th1· tloll~u·. J t•un,umrnJ.: "~ :.h•m '' lo .. ,1\ '\11 tu lhl· uffu:c holdt-r~ J "ho cunl llHJ;Jll\ J~}\ fur thMt rn11nt•\ • \nd 1f n·fusJ.rlJ.! to fll('I ttw s\,tt-m dl'"' '"'" lht'm 111 ; .. ''hat pohtcl~ 1s t·ull1·cl ·-.l·ccs-. 111 "t>Vcrnmt·nt lh~n ~ .. j Lht> Grand Jur~ should tJ<.' told thiJt an Orange Count~ t ..tmpaign dollar., l'<rn Ix· lriJdl'd tor f;J\ or' from gm : t'rnmt-nl. I ? Immigration Facts Pr~1dcnt CJrter s plan for lmnging thl· 11legul ahen problem undl•r C'ontrol is sun.· tu gent!ruk pll'nt\ , of dbcuss1on hut 'umc ol lht• C'rtt1c.·1sm alrea1h 'oiced as nol e11t1n•h· valacl • The plan ''uul<t"grant l'l'.,tdt•nt ~d11..·11 !'>l,1tus to lu" 'abiding al1 e11-. \\ho t:nll'l'l'd Lill' <.'ounlr~ heforl' .Jan I. W70. t·riahltr1J.: thl•111 to <Jppl~ l1w 1·it111•n'>hip 111 II\ 1· ·' t•ar-. Tl11 -. • ., 11•,1,1111;.dilt• though a n·l:lll\ t·h ... m.111 JH'l'('l'(ll ;1g1• ul lh1· l'Ul'll'l\l 1·-.t1m:f11•d tllt·~;tl ,1!11•11 p11pulat1on \\011ld Ill' l'11g1bl1· · .\111:11' "ho t•ntt•n'CJ dltrgi.llh bl'l \\ t•t•fl 1 h.11 dat c.· ,ind .J.111 1 111 1111-. 'c.·.ir would be.· plan·<! 111 ..i "!Jt!C'tul non clt•purt .i11l1· < :1t1•goi' wht('h '' ould t'nahlt• tht'm 111 r.:ma&n und work for five yeorb. but not to brmg in rl'latlve orquahfy rorgovernment benefits Presumublb' .,ome of these might ~Hmtuall\ ciuulify ror resident ahen status. though this 1s not spelled out It. is this a.econd category ihaL 1s being criticized on grounds •t would create a new class or non-citizens In fact, we already have such a <:lass . and have had lor many years. These are the "purolees" admitted to the country over the pust three decades under special lmmigr:.t· lion 1.>0licies uuthorizcd by Congress Umler this lcglslution. the Attorner Gener~rl ·may m hll'I discretion parole an to the U .S iemporara h un<kr su('h conditions as he ma} prescribe for t•tncr~cnc~ rc:.iso11s or for reasons deemed stric~ly 1n t ht.· public 111tcresl uny alien applying for adm1:-.s1on · Thc act ''ill'! used by Pt·es1dent Eisenhower an 195H to .1dm1t, thou ... a rHh or Hungarian rcJ'u~ee!'> ,..., 11<11·ote~:-. Most r e ma1nt-d to bt.·c·ome permenent n·stderft's und !tater c1t1zens It ww. used m the 1960s to itdm11 m <11 t.• thi.ln hi.ilf J mtlhon Cubans It was used in 1975 tu admit 145.000 South \'1et namese, Laotians and Cambodians as "parolees." ol "hom 5,000 a year are permitted to move to resident ;J hen status And it has JUM been invoked aga&n by President Carter to Pl'rmit the emergency admission of 15.000 more lndo-Chrnese r efugees the "boat people" (\•ho han• cst:aJH!d by scu since the end ol lhe war To date. thOSl' bc11d1Ung from th1~ spt't:lill extt•p I 1•m lo 1mm1grat1on rules h:.t\'l' bt'l'll rdugces of olll' lo.and 111· unoth(·r·. hut the.· t•x1·cpt1on~ h;H <· l1et'n mad1· \\ 1thuu1 damagt· lo 1h1· <·ou11tr\ .ind ''1th tht• .il1t•11 .... d11I~ n·g1-.1<·n·d ;11111 .1t.·1·011nt1·i°I l11r \\ llll'h ,.., ampur t .111 t So Pn•..adc11t ('Jrtt·r ., proµo .... al 11111wludt• lht· Ill'\\ n•l ugces I rurn µu\ erl' Jncl unt•mplu.' nwnt ,., pt•rh•1P" not all lh<tl rt•\ ulut 1on,1r·. Winning Isn't Most Important Dear Gloon1y Gu~ Clue for J1\i'Pte York 1ffayor Candidafes I (SYDNEY HARRIS) If · wmmnl( rs ltl\· 11111~ thing.· as m;,iny foolbull 1·nuches would have us believe. whut doe:; 1l really maltl•r ho\\-you win" 11 "n 1 ce guy!\ fan 1sh I as! .. how dh . 1 we rate that Nicest Guy wh11 . I finished naalcd lo a t•ros!'. 111..t• ,, common criminal Jt•1•1ed at by .1 -mob of sold a en." Once winnini.: hl·<·11ml'" th<' mosl 1mporl;in1 111 onl\ important thing, lht>n eve rythanJ.( 1• Ii. l' mus 1 nect.'SSarth hc .,uhor dtnalt' ln I t Y. o 11 rannot 'a) w 1nn1 n f.! w1th1n thl' ru l es" or "within the law." because Ir winning is the only thing, t~ rules can be violated and l14w11 can be broken. it you arl' ubl~ to J,?l't a way with lt I'"·' ~l'shoulddonatc lht• .,talc' $2 billion tux sur µtu:, lo tht.• Jt:rry Brown H t• l' I t• t' t 1 o n .,. u n d 1 n honor of the mun ~ hu made rt poss1hlc 1. t-::-.ox G•oom, ""' comm,nl\ ,,. '"'""'"*'o 01 ,.,.dtn .tttd 0• ,.., net•\'''''" n O.ct ttw1 •1t.,\ •f Utt rte•\P•Pt' ~tnct v.>ur Ptt ... .,,lo Gloomy c;u, O.t••• ft1tot pla~ l'I'=> at c hc1mct1cally ~calctl in different room .... monitored h.) t·ameras amt tapes And tV1•11 lht>n. unsrrupulous player., would rind $0ffit' way lu ~··· ;tround th1:. Unll•ss you urc th· eply convan<'fd that there 1-. no glory or renl iaan to be had from winning h) foul means. there • .., nothing lo sustain you in the U.Oll' or ra1r mean, and sporlsmanlikt· behuvior THE IDOLATORS OF 11ucct!.55 for ila own sake lend lo ju.stify the anttcs or a Jimmy Connors or an Ille Nastase on the lennla court as "part of u fierce competitive ~rive to win." But here we must apply Kant's 11 cute1&otlcul imperative.'' This saya, almply. that no one haa a rlaht to do that which. if everyone did It. would dissolve the social order. Blackout Typified Problems "EW YUHh Uunng lhc thret· \\-t't'ks stnt't.' thf' gHat lJlu«kout 111 1977. ma\IJral t·1rn 1hdat1· M urao C'uorno has bl·1·11 a-;k1n).( 11 11ut'st11111 that proh<·'> 111 lhl· c·•in· of th1-. 1·1t\ ., -.1tkn1''' Was ltw 1111111·1• 1111·1·1• 11·-.trt11111 ti It~ .1 1H1 ... 1i1111t ord1·r .J 11 I' 11 '' t.1·11 1 h1• light'> Wl'lll Olli ' Tht•n• hu., lic1•11 1111H11"''1·1 I 111111 1·1ty hall •If' polll'<' hr·.11lq11.111<·1 " c 1111mo ·.., q \I l' .., l I ti II .., lt.1\ t' rt·<·••I\ ('(I ltt1lt-puhl11·1I} lo I 11Ill1 f' I' I \ II 1 1· a I ••I lorgl\ ablt· 111 .1111•nt11111 .i-. "' I' \ I' 11 I )\· Ill u c I J l " I ,1111ltl!Utl:' I 111 ch to\\ ard lht• Sept Ii pr 1mur~ Yet th1· JTIS\\l'r • .., important Ye!->. poltt·f· were under urderi. not t11 use forcti ugaan.!>l looter~ While not .id,ot·ut1n~ blood1>hed. Cuomo trat1c1zes the ci~· for the lack uf any plun to prplect pr1v1tte pro~rty. lnex· CllSuble ubsenteeism by poll ct of rlceu ~gruvated failure lo pro· vlde a back·UP fore~ of state POllce or National Guardsmen But Mayor Abraham Beame. seeklna reelection. \)Oints with pride to the handling of the blaci.t>ut amid his journeys to Washington in quei.t of more federal money ( EV ANS-NOV AK ) 111 ii I .1 Ir I ,1 I Io 11 .i 111 t1 II t.: f 1 l ~ t•rllpltl\1° .... lhl· 1dl1•'"'' 1-;.tll ror h"' p I 1 11111 \\'a .... h 111i.:t1111 Th t• I'\ t'llt:-111•11· .1111\ 11 l•·lld lllJUSllf~ 1111· Ford .11111 l'it1ll'1 .1dm1111.,1r:i • "'""' 11'111111-: :'\1•\\ '\ 111 I.. to ht'iJl th ••II 111ll1l'tl'll \l.l1t1111f.., l·'t11 t lw1 111u 11· l h1· hi ;1dwut "''llllJ.( lid" 111.idt• 1111111' Jll'C\l'n I !"II 11111 11111\ 1111' lnp ,.,.,UI' In th1• 111.1\lfl ;ill\ I ollllfl.Jlj..'111.11\ lhl•flnl'.\o 1 '"" .., 111 < 1111.,111!-11111! 1111· rcai 11d1111•d II\ I'"' 1·h11p.11 hit' krll1.·1 """ "' ""111 1111l111<1a11., agr c1• 111 .• 1 1111 \11!1 '"' nf 1111• 1·11\ an• in l t'I f''>ff·d 11111\ Ill 11fftl'l0holdt•r-. ""'' 1.111 p1 .. 11 •1·1 '"''' ancl fll Opl'l t \ rhal m.I\ lw \\fl\ I ht• 1•arh h1i.: lead cn111)t'd IJ\ l'\ fkp Ikllu \lnwg. lht.· C'and1dJlt' or tht> left "dasapp<'anng Although Muyor H e a m c ., I t.· 1 ., , ' J t I a c· k ., on C u n s " I 1 d •• I t• d f: d 1 s o n ., performuncc.• 1n the bluckout gained dei.perulely needed ~up port, he has leveled off uguan The .beneficiaries would seem to be Secretary or Stote Cuomo und Rep. Edward Koch. Koch. once con11idered 11 stereotyped Manhattan liberal. now calls for capital punishment and attacks ·'the nut~ on the left who dump on middle class values " His telev1s1on com mercleli. hav(' stressed low and 11rclcr J ltne echoed b\' Cuomo In ht., lle\H'"' T\' spots ·But the :ii perccnl undct·1ded vote shm\ n h~ ont.• p11 \ult' poll!.lt•r a m11nl h hl•ton· t•lecllon cla~ sui.:~e..,ls Kot·h and Cuomo an.· not c11nvrn1· 1ni.: the.· t•leetorate e1lhcr. TllE WAY the bluckoul was handled mdil'ulcs why ObJCl'ltv1· •1ulside sources wath close polatt• l'Onncctaons say 8.000 officers faall'<I to ..,how for emergency du t y that night Thl' principal stat t•d 1 euson. Low morale und CVl'll lowl·r seru.c of duty which tnfl'C"- 1 ht• cit~ 's workers dcspalc h1i;:h puy and lavish pensions Pcrhups anolh.cr reason for lht· no-shows was the stundmg order ai.t<1msl lht> use of force Wh1ll• .1 hloll<.h shoot out was uvoadcd lh<•n.' W<'l'l' no prov1s 1on-. for "Jtl•r guns. rubber bulleL'> or ol h<'r non-lethal. crowd ·control rl t• \' 1<· t·' N or w a s t h t· r l' a moh11t1at1oii plan for the Na 11onal Guard or state police lo quickly provide a depth of un aformed olficers that mtf(ht have deterred lootinJt The result wus a burlesqu<' or law enforcement that led to thas often repeated farce aadly out numbered police would chase looters from u store; once the police moved on. the looters would return to strip the store. So Cuomo strike~ a responsive note when he caUs the city's corrosive problem "a growing expectation o( impunity by law-breakers operatlnf( on the principle thut 1·nm1· doe.\ PJ' \ :'\l'" Yori.. Ttml'' edatonal folio\\ 1111! th1• hlttl'knut lalkecl about 1 <1i.:1· "tl·mm1ng from tht• 11111hll·m-. ol r:1l't' and ptl\'l'r· h 111 I atl. tht• n•u I rage hc.•rt• thn·t• v.t•t•k" lall'I' <·x1sts amon~ ordlnan JH•oplt• black und '"hill· who pt•n·1•1vt< their gov-• tornm<•nl as unJbll' 10 make sun· !hat crtml' cl<>l'S not pay They set· no CIVIi l'l~hls ISSUl' tn rampaging hlucks with t·nm1nul records Jg- norml! ·.,out hrot her .. signs in lht• windo\\-.., of blac·I.. owned bust· TIU: "llAGt:" of the ordinar~· pt•opl«' ha~ lrouhlc.• relating lo a t\ptt·all~ unl'nhi.thtened cam· pa1~11 for mayor of New York lh·.1m1• It'll' unC'onvanced "''l'nl'I"' that lh!' ('ll\' IS on tht• \\a~ up ,1i.:•11n i-:ven les' <'n·dabl>. Mr., /\bwg promises .,he hu' lhc kl'Y to lht' federal Tr t•a,un C11mmt'rc1als sho~ ~oc•h na1hn~ :iway ul all oppo ncnts and Cuomo talking about ha' ltulu1n 1mm1grant fathers g roc·crv store• The pcoplt'. Cuomo told U!->. art• · pust c~·n1c1sm · Bu~ besides l'Yntc·1sm. there 1s mtk<.'Cl fear hcrl' lh<.1t the looters may re- assert their impunity some or· dinury evening aloliunset without wu1tmg for a power blackout. Jr any candidate actually convinces the crly that such crime will not pay. he will be elected mayor with th<' <'lf'menh or a puhlic m:andr1ll• There 1s no way to stop lhas. except by the built-In rnoral standards of the competitors The laws of contract bridge, for instance. say n othing about c he atina or l•k1'ng unfair advanla&t oC your opponents These matters are handled in lhe · Proprieties" bul proprieties are a matter of morality and personal conduct, and cannot be legislated. I N H I G H • L E V E I. tournaments. the players are now separated by a screen 10 that. they cannot 1&ive band sacnals to their partners. There is a barrier aJong the bo\tc>m Of lhe table, 19 that they cannot kick each other. But the latest scandal involve• 1lvin1 lllic:il informaUon by a 1ertea of 11ntlt1 andcoqhl. IC all players behaved like Connors and Nastase. there could be no organized tennb; the game would dissolve in conflict and chaos. If everyone lied. as 11 means or getting ahead. nobody C'ould be believed If we all stole. nothing would be safe. and society wo\lld dlsinlegf'ale Morality ls a practical matter as much as a high ethical precept THE BLACKOU I "'dlsaster typifies what ails the nation's premier cit,.)' mlamanaiement nt clly hall: lndi11cipllne and de-~Night of the Animals' There Jt no way to atop cheaUn1 In bridge unlHI 1111 four WINNING cun never be the fT\,Olt 1mportanL thm1. because how you wln determines what you are. and what you are det ermines your value. to younolr and to everybody else. When that Nicest Guy told ua that.· 'the lc~t shall be firat," we were beln1& warned that the real wlnners and losers are not neces1arlly thoee whose namea we see on the acoreboard. '/An I._., p#!t» In tM ~ EMt. •• th# ,,_.,. Did Government Set thB Example? LONDON'S Dally Telqraph focuHd on LoOtera. Vandals. Arl0f1Ut. Br'\ Ill Terror to City.•· Londeri'• ~))' Expr-. aald ''Clvlllutloil ••nt out like 11 11 ht•• ~at ~· dUf.-.nt lhl1 time from the blae~oal ln 1865? TMh th~re were Ml1 a handful d ar· em d noJtpHAefllt tnJuri .. Thh ~ tbOulaada wan er· ruted 11cl h.undreda of pollc:emen "" ~ doleftl or U11D•~liaJVe4 n.·o ... ~n·,.. =--·wwa 1t1...:1r1 o1.,., ... w ~ OblMetated • 1~ ftoln t ( PAUL HARVEY) . a bombina. Furniture attowrooms emptied. From a sih,(le car dealership. 50 new PontJ•cs stolen. And tons of TV sets, stereos, liquor. auns . . . been i.ettma the bad example ~­ venali.z.lng the producers to re· w~rd the paraslllc -· If it is government's fault for 11ponsoring the somethln1&·for- nothlng philosophy -- How do we turn back? Our Prctldent. our Congress and our courts are not unmindful of their complicity BuL pra1ma\lcally. 1s there .any way at lhls late date to re- wean spoiled bral.S? Th11 as the consideration which mu11t g•v<' lht-m pause DAILY PILOT ,,. •• One-man Foree Florida Town of 600 Free of &.rnie· U HA, t 111 f A J' 1 .. 1'Jtha, a community of f lortda'" moat ttame·frff town And r don t hclllt•te w c:r.Sll their one man pOll lone i1 hu ky. dr wUn1 <Jff1cer •o dfdli:at eid hooncf! arr tM tU1 dauabter C'hlef D Rc1111ttr U)'I lb• town '*1PI• de :-.f'n e tM trtdlt tot the town'• cltao record ..... Orlando with 87U roaldenta, had 108 caaea of larceny haat year. BUT T Ht;RE ARE ZERO AftL 11cross the cnm" chart In Altha . Rec11ter re1uJarty ael3 ve1etables and fruit, anonymOUJ alfts placed on the porch of blJ home tcro.1 the street from city hall. He drinks tree col· roe ut Che town., onJy restaurant. 0 ••• TU!!d!y.Augusti, 1977 r. ' , · r 'J!U!to~ Detmled -==•Iii!:: WASJUNGTON ( P> Details of the victory .... ,i:·1::~:;·.,.,·. •"'"i~ O"er lbe British ror at. Yorktown, the baUle ":~ ". ·. · ·• • : ..tbi~ sU!ect A1Qe mdependence, are t forth " ':"''.· "~· ... ~ ~ • iR a oew M.fa • te\_from the NaU011al Paric ,.,.. • Service • ... "Victory at Yorktown· The Story ot ibe Last Cumpaien ot the American JlevoluUon" includes maps and brief sketohe,s of the leade.Vinvolved. Copies can be ob~ned for $2.30 each from the Superintendent of ,Documents. U.S. Goy•rnDJent PrlnUni Office, Waahinaton. D.C. 20402. Ask for stock no. 024-0bs·0060·5. ''CO as•; l 'M PaE,UDIC£D," HE H.Y• "The people are th~ potl~ and th. police are the ~pie.I ~y " Reports at th~ f'tor1da Department of Criminal La enforcement ahow no robbertea, car thena or buralarles aa Altha ttu1 yur ur laat. "The people here are the flnesl you ·n: find anywhere," the duel aays. Ilia eyet take on a hurt look ln explainln1 the re· n•nt arre.l of his 22-year·old d auahter . He .inawered a call about a fam ily disturbance. His dauahtcr wWI Involved a ll1ht with her husband. For fast relief from that stuffy feeling ... nw •~t crunc• or •ny con equt:nt'C In the four •1u ·m1h1 tc.,.n 1u·st ut 1'allaha11ee ,,..., • break an ut A L H11uina' "''' v1<:f' ~t .. twn i.lmosl four >c<An. ago. And that "'"' h) <An out•1der lll·~1 ,lt•r '"Y' ht• "'J.. ''''"ll'IUUI> (Jf tht- i.lt;tnj.14.'r .. , i.0011 ab he Jrn\·t•d in town GettJng word 111 ... break.an Reg1sttr cruised lht i.rea m his patrol car and $0lled the stranger as he casually lned lo hitchhike out o( town. Chief Register turned on his blue dome light, pulled alongside and pushed open the 1J8SK('l11(Cr door Of hi.. REGISTER lTUISt·r "(;t;T IN," T iit: SIX·f'OOT, 2:JO·µuund officer cl1 .1wlcd "Diel )'IHI think that 1u:.l because th1i. 1s a -.mall town. we didn't hove no law enforcement ll('l'e''" Small l·1t1t·'· lrad11111nall.)o m1111: t rime free lhan urban area:., generally have at least a few reported off ens~ each year South Florida's Jupiter Island, J>Opulatum 352, n .•portoo lR ca1>ei. of larceny and four of breaking ctnd entering last year Edgewood, a town near New York Looters Weren't 'Hungry' Nl-:W YOHK IAI» Hrooklyn District At torney Eugcnl' Gold hu:. released a survey which he said contrud1cted statements by such leaders ai. President Carter that hunger motivated the looter:. during the July 13 14 blackout Gold :.11111d Monday that of the 176 people indicted 1.004 were arre11ted in the tx>rough 48 percent were regularly employed, 41 percent were in an an· li·poverty or educational program and fewer than 10 percent were on welfure "The figures speak for themselves, .. Gold told reporters. "They call into question the assertion that hunger was behind the looting." He called on Carter 1md others to "re·evaluate their statemenL'i " Gold said the survey showed that only six groceries were looted while 39 furniture stores, 20 drug stores. 17 Jewelry stor es and 10 clothing stores weremvade<l L.!tJ.Boyd --- Cooper Slow On ·His lines Not every :.choolboy knows that America was discovered because of spoiled meat. Wealthy Europeans liked m eat enormously. but couldn't keep it from rotting without refrigeration. unless they made tl exceedingly spicy Problem was, too few spices. That's what the early trip to the New World was all about. a search for spices to preserve that meat WHIG Q. 'You recall reading about that old political party called Whit ls it true the name alood ror ·we Hope In God,.," A Many thought so But Whil was short for Whlggamore, a member of the Scottish 1roup that marched to Edinburgh in 1648 to oppose the court party Q. "Who coined phrase 'Jet Set'?" A. Same fellow who coined "Cafe Society." Co lu m n ist C h o l ly Knickerbocker otherwise known as Maury Paul. On Dr. Samuel Johnson 'a watch was a short Greek Inscr iption: "For the nt1ht com eth ." ll wu his me11aae to hlmaeU to live well and Cully In hls re- m alnln1 Umo on earth. The enttre New Testament 1en· te nce r eads! "For the nlcht com th when no ma~ can .-ork. •· FAST 1JDIES Tbe claim that Mick!)' Rooney it moat pro· bably the fastest male 1tuCty In Hollywood bu bes eOnftrmed by R111te Callow, a veteran ~1dmOlt a.t yeara In th• ftlm bUslneu. And s_,11Je: "~cleat female tud)', I tJUnt. •as VlVien Lit'i1h. Slowest wu Gary Cooper, wbbnl we called 'Coop.' He once told me It took blm M leut 11 houra to t arn Just a cou· pie o1.-.es ol diaJ01ue.'' THE CHIEF PUT B ER IN THE back seat ot the squ1td car, drove her to the jail he uses in HlounlJiitown and asked the Judae to deny bond so ~he would have to spend the night in jail to teach her ,. let.i.on ·'The JUdl(t: rc111ly laid 1t on her 'uui.e he knew how bad tl hurt me," Reg11>ter i.ays "I won't he to you ft hurt me l h4d to tell my own daughter she couldn't ride in the front with me · · Tijuana Mayor Picked TIJUANA, Mexico CAP> -Cattleman Xicoten· catl Leyva Mortera, a cousin or former President Miguel Aleman. will become mayor or Baja California's biggest city Dec 1. The voters elected him overwhelmingly Sunday as the candidate or the ruling Partido Revolu· c1on<Ario lnstltuclonal. Levyu Mortera. 37. will replace Fernando Marquez Arce for a three.year term Billy the Kid's• Denim Gang is here! ALLERGY? (714) 543-9624 Recorded Massage AL LER;Y CONTR OL fOUMDATIOM Bu 1513, Otaoie Ca 92668 Write fw,..... htfWMet10.. For Oassllled Ad ACTION Call A DAILY rlLOT AD· VISOR 642°5671 • Here's the lowdown: denim 1eans and vests, plaid shirts. velour pullovers. Loaded with d~ta1ls: brass· tone studs, pockets. 1topst1tch1ng, zigzagging. Mix and match colors. choose navy or rust Jeans. 4 · 7. $10 Sizes 8· 16, 12.50 Both. shm or regular. Snap front vest, 4. 7, 7.50 Sizes 8 · 16, 8.75 Madras plaid shirt. rust /navy/honey/red, 4 7. $9 Sizes 8 ·16. $12 Cotton velour top, 4 -7 .• 8.50 8·16. $11 Jeans. vest. shirt, polyester I cotton. The Boys' Shops Come to the showdown! See Billy the Kid* Fall fashions, tomorrow 2 30-4:30 While you're here, ask about lhe contest' Boys' Shops I '"'-i . < .111 U• hr.I IJkc .i I 1r•t 1'i .mnnol Hom.: li11pro\"11wn1 I''"" ,.. .... -. ... ., nl \1tU \\,•II 'l"•' 1 .. 11 .ind •Jo Ju"' II\ h• \• '"' 1'(lnlr,k '"' L·~~..kr rt .. JI ,,, .... 1.11.--1\ '"" ldrt111y '""111 (\·1111.il .i·r 'cmd1lh llllt·J A ~.-..1'6.:~ '.\ Jffa_• ftlOUI lu \\1111111111•1 I'"' A I Ulil 111 k1I t,. I 1\1 •11 ,,, "nv liun~ iOl pro1 vm""' or ~or111ng · ca you can thrnk of ""' h· ~·,ur' "1th .i lu"' lO•I Homl! lmprOH'll1'1ll l '.Id" hom the h1>I N.111onal Bank of Ot~ng.> Count\'. t h 'Jlh .. ' I F~t National Banlc:.::-- l MAIN OFFICE Mt'"41ef ol ~ 0 11.•, ... 'I,.. At the Plaza in downtown Ordnge COSTA MESA: Mes.l Verde & Ad,1m' IRVINE: Untw r:.11y Dr. & M11.h1?l~11n Dr LAGUNA HILLS: Ah( 1,1 P.irkw.iv & !:i.111 brt1<10 Fri•,•w.w ) .. ~nnw 'OOt® (K(nGl • \ /, I,' 0 \ I . • ... .... .,, F.uDL \' CIRCtJ • BJBll~CampingPel'Dlits Nixed Women's Ballf . For Undeveloped Areas ER.4 Berw/it . Set on Coast , •·oo we hove to W'1te our nomei °'will Daddy sign for all of u~?" Camplna ~tnltl for ~ •• un· d vtloC*l portJona ot th• Clt\'eland NaUonal P'or..t will not be tuutd Wl· tll further notJce ~cauae of tbla 1eason'1 ftrt dan1er, U.S. Forut Service olt1cla11 have annOWlced. Porat Sa'vfet apokesman Grover Payne uld the dryne11 of the brushland and the commitment of foreat fireft&hters to blaaes ln Central and Northern California forced tbe camplnt permit blackout. TEN DAYS AGO fire oauaed by an illeaal campfire in a forest area cloaed to camping rava1ed more than ~.ooo acres ol brush across the Orange County line ln Riverside County But Payne said It ls continued dry- n e as and the othe r manpower· consuming California blaies that caused curtailment of the 18-monlh· old wUdernesa permit proaram. Until January, 1976, Payne ex- plained, campers were restricted to develoo•d camplnc areas. Then, however, the permit system waa atanec:t to give campers a chance to use remote, undeveloped areu u well. WHILE THE restrlcUon continues, campers are encoura1ed to use de- veloped family campsites whJch are fllled on a first-come, llrst·•erved baels. In addition, campers may book group campsites tor 20 to 100 vialton through Ticketron. A Ust of group campsites may be ob- tained from local Forest Service of. fices or by writing Forest Head- quarters, 880 Front St., Room S·S·S, San Die&o 92188. L:::r.z::::.:2.:=ni!~~~~~.::»:~:d.,......,.....-30:l~~~ For the Record Ol'Y'"Pics Plarmed For Handicapped tt0A0 MaMOttlAL MOSPITA1. -~llUaYTllllAlt JlllyU,lffl #r -Mr> w1111.,,, Jul '"'' s..i11 Yroer. l'-1•1" Vallo boy "HCI DOTHIH SMrTHS' MOlTUAlY 827 Main St Hurvinoton Bedch 536-6539 rlttc ,.AMIL Y COLOHIAL fUHHAL HO Ml 7801 BolsaAvP Westmonstr r 893-3525 '"C"'C YtlW MIMOllAL 'AH Cemetery Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pac1l1c View Drive Newport Callforn1a 644-2700 Mc COi MiCK MOITUAlllS Laguna Beach 494.941 5 Laguna Hill'> 7&8·0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 IALTl·IH6HOM FUHll.il HOMI Corona del Mar 6 73.9450 Costa Mesa 646-2424 llU llOADW A Y MOITUAIY 110 Broadwav Costa Mei;a 15-42·9150 SMITH TVTMtU UMI COST A Mls.t. CHAf'll 427 E t7th St Costa Mesa • 15-46-4888 Santa Ana Chapel 518 N Broadway Santa Ana• 547-4131 • Mr -MrL. ~ Ke._, 116 WHI J-, CAita #MU, lloy Ml ... Mr'L •-.rt """"*· "" l"ort .-..-. H.wport heclt, lloy Mr -Mn. Te<T...ce51\anwe!l.U20 l nd Ave,,.., Corona CS.I Mer, 0 1r1 Mr end AoltL T.,ry ~r. ''" M<l'_,_mlMt.r,lloy JMfy14,lffl Mr al\d Mr1. All.., JoM •, IUO P'•llenlNI. Fountain Veller, olrl Mr ...0 Mn Wfjll.,,, 11\IO.l'-U lt !>lerro El.,.,., lrvlM ,Qlrl Mr 1n0 Mn Terry Clew .,oer. ... , Mt FMJdtnAv•nuc. Wt\t"'•n•ler, bOy Jiffy IS, lf17 M r ano Mrs Mleahtl Ba~er. 11111 Put rt•llltl Oro. Mll\lon Vltlo girl M r •nd Mn RICky Al<IWlrd• 14H• Et"' C1rclt1. Fount1lnV1llt"Y Qlfl Mr and Mo 0.k•r Hln1 JOIST Powo S<1nll-. !Min J-. CtPhlr....,, Qlrl Mr •""3 Mn JOM'Pf\ De rrow, 1150 AO.ml. T »I Cool• Mew, bOy Mr ...0 Ml'l. V1<1or Jk l"lo, tS71 f rleri.coul'I Orlve. H""llf\OIOI\ Beach. t lrl July"· 1'11 Mr. and AM\. Oavld llr-•. 1'311 Hew......,. ~. Huntlnglon Beach, Olrl "'" -Mrs B<uco MIMll. llJSS Gum Tr" ~. HU111i"910<1 hac:ll, etrl M r -Mn Jet-G ... y....,, 40) 11111 SlrHI •C H""lll\QlonBta<h,bOy Mr an0 Mn 11-n ~Id. 11941 VI• $ema 1Mr1e Minion 11 .. 10. bov July 11. 1m Mr 111d Mr\ GloM Guidry. S191 P-.!u.a 0r1 ... Hunllnol°" Beac:h. Qlrl M r a.nd Mo OICk l(~I !IOU Eo _ _.., Hun11no1on .. acll.b0r Mr -Mt\. Aalllll CurNnlr>Qt, M$1 Deatlt Netfra a LA I It BE nv JO aLAllt, •ffldenl of H .... ,. lnQton lie.ch. c.tllomle. ~.,-away Auou" •. "" el tlle eoe of .._ SM I• •urvlvotd b'(...,. llutOeftd Joe a, 81alr, O•UQlllW Mery .Jo a1e1r. H_,,,.l11919ft BH<ll. Ce •• motlier on LorralM Co<k,.I anO br°"'ff Lelall9 Olcllr ... bOlh Of HUQllH ~I .. , T .. u . ,lll'tral HrVIC .. Wiii ba llele Sllft •• it.111. 14 In Hughft ,.,...,, Tua .. ,....,.. may <•11 IOdll'r ltwft J:~M to t :OOPW al Pi.rce llrol'-" SmlU.' Mor1uart. HunllnQ1on .. acll. ~lerte areCNr1 $ml1M' MofWwvdir.c~ oUtCAt( MUVANT it.ZNAI(, termerly el Leowne ... ell, Celll .. l\le PHM4 .... , ......... ""· 5'INI-.. ., tw. brol,...., Gere Kwtill.,., lA& "-'"- Ca el\CI Y.,..MI Kwt111 ... Marwltlt, ,rar•u Sh.., Grace Oawfltlt, L.M A""'-. ca. 3ef'vkes 11·1MM WM., Pecllk View ~I. Ef\lo,,,.,....,., ~ac:ll~ "'-....._ .. I....._.~ au<~ l"eclfk v.._ ....,,._., •rec· '""· HatlQl\al L-. H .... llneton 8•«"· bOy JOiiy It, 1977 M r anO Mn EOwaro U llller, 111'6 a1 ... Alll-. l'Olllllall\ Vellay, bOY ~1:1:,:1-:.!., ~~1:::v'°"· uw vie Nearly 200 sever ely handicapped students from J111,10, m1 fi ve Orange County special education centers are ~;"~=~o~.°'' ~<•· 1"1 Church, expected to take part in the second annual Very M r a"o Mr\ Eric w e11on. u•o Special Olympics sponsored by lhe County Depart- eov-or1 ... Coron• cMI M•r. bO~ m enl or Edl·cation M r' •nO MO V1(10r $11 .. rl, ?0411 . .. • OrewClrcl• ....... lll\Qlon8o<h.b0v The Aug. 26 Olympics will be held al the J.P M r •nO Mo :.o~in. 1 Solen•. 1'"'~reeley Development Center for the Handicapped Qi rt Ju1y11.m 1 in Orange and wlll Involve youn&sters from Gill M r •no Mr\ wm iem c •• .., •Moon Education Center in Huntington Beach, Irvine 1n9 0.w lAnt'. tr111n.e, tJot Mr ano Mn A1<1W1ro w 1111am' in• Development Center and other special educallon ~~v ~•·,;~on:rC::kM:C~~v ,.11 fa c11it1es Pori s..-.ne. HtwPotl Buell, Qlrl M r anO M" Brun B•Uo 10• P•ll<en Plec.-. Colt• Mew, Olrl Ju1,u.1m M r •l\d Mrt Al•" W-•rO. H I Co,.,.,. Streel, COit• IMU. olrl M r . end Mr1 Mere LerlOll, 1100 Pel•rMlfl w..,. Ape 568, Cotta Mew, bOy M r •l\d Mrt ltOl\Mlh Klno ... ,o T r-o A-. !I Toro, Otrf JlllyU, lfTJ Nor efld Mn Sc .. I Siio<-JOi 61nd Slret1. H--1 lleec.11. 01r1 Mr el\d Mr\ 11-Reed I0'1 Oua ll Cire10. """''"91"" h ath bey M r •nO Mn A1<lwrd Or._ 1Jl4 L•urel Plett, H-1'1 8tltCll. bOy Mr -Mn Go"(! WOl\Q IM1 W- bOrO Ori .. , H""llllQton h e< h, Qlrl M r -Mn A-• Oar,,.11 1111 5HI aa1-8 1v0. 8elb0e Qlrl ft'r -Mn A-n 81.c:"nMI, lt01 *""°"' 0.1,,. "*•PG<' Beecl\, 01r1 Mr. eM MrL H.,ry $1Mft. *1 L• .. n He,,.,.O.lw ,HunOl\Qionllee<h bOV Mr •NI Mr1 Wllllam llot>I", 1 .. 11 Via T .... N .11 Toro. bOV Deatlu Euewhere LOS ANGELES <AP) -Memorial services for Ellnof'e Earl Heuhaw, 83, a member or a pioneer California ram1· ly and lonatJme resident ot Loi Angeles. wlll be held Thursday. She died l11t week in Medford, Ore. OR. JOAN HONEYCUTT of the Fullerton Development Center for the Handicapped saidP.Jl· hke the local and national Special Olymplca lot the handicapped the Very Special Olympics is dealaned for youngsters with more severedisablUUes. The proiram started last year tbrouah the Knott Development Center in Buena Park and wu expanded into a countywide competition, 1be1ald. THE YOUNGSTERS, AGED 3 to 21, will com. pete m events including a ball catch, pine pons dart, crawling race, circle throw, competition b•t· ting and wheelchair races. First a nd second phu:e winners of each event wall recei ve medals and third place winners will re- ceive ribbons. Childrens Hospital Needs Volunteers Volunteers are needed at Chiidrens Hospital or Orange County to help trained personnel care for sick and inJured children, accordine to Frances Staw1ck1, director or volunteers People over 16'8ble to work at least four hours a week are encouraged to apply. Volunteers assist in reedlni patients, escortinc them to labs, admittin1 and dischareiftl patients, worklna ln the gift shop, tecretarial work and recreatlooal therapy. Interested persons should cail 633-8030. ORANGE COUNTY T .. rmn1ng Set for Diabetics A aeries of tralnlng classes for diabetic younisters Is being of· fered at Chlldrens Hospital of Orange County. The 7 p.m. sessions wlll be held in Con· ference Room 2 or the hospital, 1109 W. La Veta Ave., Oranse. on Sept. 20 and ?:1, and Oct. 4and11. . Invitations are belnf malled to 10,000 Ora.nae County resldenta for the ERA <Equal Rl1hta Amendment) Oran1e County blncllt from T to 10 p.m. Au,. 211 at the Sheraton Newport. Reserv•tlom mu.at bo m .... by Aus. 20 by call-inc 842-5834 between t a.m. and a p .m. and •s151 · eventap, or bY writlnJ ERA Ora.nae Count)', c /o Karen Peters, treasurer, 2:m N. BoU.rbon St •• Apt. M ·I Ora.nae 9211115. TU AUG. IC BUPFET dinner t1 belnC 1ponsored by a coallUon ol 20 women'• IJ'OUP• in celebration of the ~ anniversary of women's ri8ht to vote and ln support ol pass.,e ol the El\A. A1J proceeds from the SlJ.~acb tJcket &ales will eo to ERAmirJca for raUficatlon fo tbe Equal Rl&'bta Amendment. 8arbara Feldon, wtio co-atJrTed u A1ent 99 in televlalon'a "Get Smart" will attend, u wlll KNBC· TV newscaster Frank Crus OFFICERS Of' ERA Oranse County also are conducting a statewide search for a aultra,ette to be preeented the firat annual Allee Paul AWard at the benefit. • . Allee Paul, who died July 9 at aae 82,, wrote the ERA. Sulfraaettes are uked to aend · t!Mir bio- graphies by Aug. 18 to• 'Search for Suttr.,ette ... c /o Nancy Pole~ Park Newport, Newport.Beach 92680. Topics covered include medical considerations of the youn1 diabetic, proper diet and emo· Uonal aspects of the ill· ------------------- neas. Classes are limited to 10 ramltles per session. There is a $10 r e e . Further Information 1s available by calling 633-6030. extension 7194. STIMULATES young minds Saturdaya In the DAILY PILOT .QUALITY l&IUrGnce at reasonable prices! . AUTO MAllll• OYH JI ....... · COLLl•I STUDIMT • SIH•LI OYll 20 · 5168. ,.., ... SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS FOR r LARGE BUSINESS POLICIES HOME OWNERS $ YIAILY $ 173 50,000 • • • • • • • • S I 00,000 •• '.~~~ ~ $ 3 6 3 • ........... "'• s..•111 & "-ccw• Y• • ..... P'abMr """ fwtoo.-9'. - YACHTS LARGE BOAT Dtsc.ouNTS EXTENDED WORLDWIDE CRUISING COVERAtiE COMMERCIAi. BOATS BOB PALEY ,MORTHOC-546-3205 & ASSOC, ·INC~SOUTHOC-642-6500 Cl The Gap ~tore lnc.1977 New lower prices fro1n the 'VorlCIS largest seller of LeviS-'Ihe Gap. Weed R'ateller Curt Colwell, entomology senior, watches milkweed as part of his summer job help- lne with research at the University of 11· linois. As a "weed watcher." he works in sunlight and moonlight for $2.50 an hour. Couple End 'Sky Living' OMAHA, Neb. CAP) It was "more nice than bad," but Bridgette Money said s he and her husband, Sam, 19, won't m1sa their honeymoon quarters in a lent atop a shopping center marquee. The Moneys spent the first three weeks of wedded life in the camper lo earn Sl,000 and an all· expenses.paid Laa Vegas honeymoon in a promo- tion for radio slallon K YNN ''IT WASN'T BAD AT ALL," lhe 18-year-old bridesald. After spending three weeks perched 2S feel In the air, she admitted, "l feel better. I bke having my feet on lbe 1round." Some 200 persons were on hand when the honey- moon ended and the couple came down lo a wedding reception at the shopping center. WITH TELEPHONE, CB RADIO and a port· able outhouse, they settled in for the honeymoon. "We got a lot of calls from an over," she said. "It shocked us. They'd wake us up and say something like 'This is a radio station In Florida.' It \V8S weird." They also had visits from her dog Gidget and they adopted a black cat, named Marquee. IT STARTED with a want ad seeking an engaged couple for three weeks of outside work. Their wedding took place July 17, just outside the 8·bY·l6-Coot tent camper on a platform on a mar- quee of Crossroads shoppint center. at Omaha's busiest intersection. They were forced down twice on the second day by tornado warnln14. Since their safety wu in· volved, they didn't forfeit their chance for the $1,000 and the eifts donated by aboppina center merchants. With the honeymoon over, the Moneys headed for four days In LH Ve1as. Goose On The Loose n.day. AUauat t , 1177 DAIL V PILOT A 9 . . New ~o:t:ker Elays Human Cr~eltY. ay l1JLZI LOH .,. ....... ca s a• NEW YORK -The baby •poaum eUmblnl up the back of Duncan Wriibt'• chair and onto b1I 1hoUJd wu only mildly CU.tractl.na, at least eom· pared to tbt mynah bird RrteeblDJ obleenttles downatalrl. Jn th.11 concrete Ju"11e, Duncan Wrlebt la the head ot the American Soclety for tbt Pttventtun ot Cru ltytoAnlmalJ. DtJNCAN, WHO CONTftll trrl.D to tbt delln.· quencyolthat mynahT "Somebody who thouaht teacbln1 lt fUtb waa cute. ll waan't. lt'a another form of abuat. That bird can never have a home. It would 1tt bounced from place to place aa the novelty wean off. Tbat'a wh)t It wu brou~ht here. I'll ju1t keep lt here." ( J And the 'poasum. Wlll AMERICA It find a home? "No. A lot of people would want to make a pet of her but 1he'1 a wild animal. Her mother wu killed rlfht here in midtown Manhattan, can you Imagine. There we.re 10 ln the lltt.r. Our problem ls to see that we don't domesticate them. When they are old enough I'll take them south. P.robably Virglnla, and turn them looee in the woods. • THE IRONY OF AN URBAN 'poasum, or even a trashy-mouth mynah, does not escape Duncan Wright. He is a man of rare wit himself, but ol rare sensitivity, too, so the sadness doesn't escape bhn either. Take Harvey. Harvey was brou1ht to him because Harvey was mean. Harvey bit people. Harvey is a rabbit. Duncan Wrieht, with a chuckle, deslsnated Harvey as hls personal Attack Rabbit and uses the beast to help raise money for t)te ASPCA. AT A FUND RAISER THE other nl1ht at Madison Square Garden, Harvey blt three people, including basketball star Willia Reed. But where ··-. . - otb ...... only tbe bwoor, Du.Dean Wriaht a"' reuoafordiltre11. · "Rabbit.a aren't born to bite. Somebody teased that rabbit and made him the way he i1. The pro- blem ls not with the rabbit but with the per1on who would do that. The real problem ls sod al.·· That aeta cloee to what motivates DWlcan Wri1ht. which la not Just animals but all creatures treat and am all, especially people. AS A BOY GROWING UP in California, Dun· • can Wrlabt never owned a pet. JI• 1raduated from LoyotaVntverstty of Los Ancelei u a phyaicttt-and worked at that proteaaion for 20 years. At Loyola, tboup, be cot something more than a dttfff. "Tho Jesuit.a 1ave me two th1nt1. One was a sense ol commitment to fundamental morallty, the other a senslUvlty to the obllcation to commit my1elfto somethin1. WhUe I like arum ala, my com· mltment la to humanity in all tta forms." So Duncan Wrl1ht 1ave up physics seven years ago and lut year moved to New Yortt to head its ASPCA. Is that his idea of serving humanJty? "THE ASPCA IS CRITICIZED, I know. Some say all that Ume and effort would be better spent J>revenUng cruelty to children, to people, rather than animals . You can 't separate humanitarianism. U's all of a piece. "A society that tncouraees abuse of animals, as OW'I does, will never solve It.a human problems. Tum your bead when a kid throws an animal off the roof of a building, just for fun, and you can damn well bet that when he'a 16 or 17 he'll be mu11ini people 1n the subway.·· Duncan Wrl1ht'1 passion is understandable, but "encourages" does seem toostrone a word. "NOT IN THE LEAST. WE kill 14 million dogs and cats a year because there's nothing else to do with them. Just bring them to the shelter, 'iet somebody else do it for you, absolve yourself of the responsibillty. "Let the cat have kittens. Let the children see the miracle of life. I say. let them also learn about death. I . .. ..,.,...... NEW YORKERS ARE SOFT ON ANIMALS Pedestrians Aid Dog Chelned In Hot Sun "Parents get u dog for the kids to take to the • beach on vacation, then leave It there when they come home. It happens all the Ume. ll'a the live·toy ; syndrome." ~ • • • . . -- ; t ; .. .. . , , ... , ,, p ' , ·: \ t \ \ ~ ' • • ' • .. . -~---------·~ ---------- Y '9tLOl Tle!d!y, A9u.t I, ttn Danger of Fire Studied Tonight's TV Big'11ights KJIJ 8.00 -.. Por1ralt ln Dlnck ... Lana Turner Bnd Anthony Qulnn are cau&ht in a web ot lnlrtfUO as they con- sptre to kill h r husband <Uoyd Solan> in t.his 1960 movie drama. ABC fJ 9:00 -.. GrUfin nnd Phoenix -a Love Story." Peter Falk and Jill Clayburgb portray loven with a common bond -both are surterlllg from terminal illness -in this 1976 TV movie. CBS EJ 11 :30 --.. The Wings of Eagles... John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara are teamed again in this movie drama from 1957 with Dan Dailey. TV DAILY LOG TUESDAY iv•HINO Joe·s w;te i~d ct11ld are kidnapped Robert Loe.c11. Rowhnd Cuh •nd ~1nd1 ~e1th euest. D (])<BJ (~ Cl)) Movie: (C) (2hr) "Gtiffill Md P'lloetlu-A LM 5*J" (dra) 76-Pelet r atk. Jill Cl1ybur1h, John Lehne. Dorothy l nslu, lle11 H1m1m. Geor1e Chndler. Two lonely peoplt meet by ICQdent alld. lltlloucll they slla1e httlt 111 common, tllty fall 111 kNt Thtv wl11rhnlMI l'OlllJllCe a a brief ent, IHlt • tlttll' little lime fOftlhel' tlley desccrftr 1 new mt IOI tole m Mtn "'""' s... Cl) Tiit VirsJnb11 fD OP!11 Tll11tr• ··rroublt in r.11111· leonJrd B,,nslttn conducts. eD Mast•,-. n.atre -9:~- f.I (lllJ rn> OM 011 It A Time (R) Al1n's emer1e11Cy ull to find a doctor tor Julie creeles othar une1ptettd eme11encies. 10:00 0 ((}1) CD) m Kola• (RI Ko1ak's 11 year-old aodsoo. 1heo who has not seen the heulenant In 10 yms. 1\ 1n trouble with lhe law. U Ill) (I) fJD OJ ,olict Story tR) '1ht Blue rog" Orvorc,d, 111~ "pvtatlOll tarnished by bribery alle t•llons. police ott1cer McGr1w 1s given a second cllance. 11west1gatin1 charaes of polite couuphon 1n Ch1n1 lawn-1Ull as he 1s work1n1 oul a rtconc11t1Uon 111tlh his e• w1ft a a11ews fl ) lilftie: "Tiie Grut Mtll" (dra) ·s1-Jose Ferrer. Oun J1ue1 fD rlccMlly ClrM O>ElliuMMI GAt IM T" -10:30-m G> G> lltws (al WNW tf SllRMI 11:00 • CI> • CJ) [I u ... .. ~ ()) ((}1) CJ)) CJ lltws 8 (8 Cl)) LM Alneric11 Stytt • lrtlllllM 19 FtfllllOOI 2lfilllt Cl) llarClll w.y, IU. <Slllttf"-M • Lltll!t c:.n.tlo111 -~!«lea m lllldlllVLllnf ..,_. -11:30- • («J) Cl)) Cl)~ (I:) '1111 Wllp If bl*" (dra) '57-Jolln WIYflt, Ma111ttn O'ltara. Dan D1llty. D Ill> Cl) D 11>...., C.. Cl)~"Mr ........ ... ..... (~ .... , .. ., laffe. • CJ) 9 19 Cl)) ... It: "FM~' .... •tra. ·~*""" ec-..M 12:00 er .... a.. ...... CC> ... ~....., ..... (I ...... (lllJS) '71-lttd !Ml.one. AllCI Playl.., Sytvia Mrles. ......... ~ ..... (1:).,.....,. ......... ~) '51-Jtlf Qlandler. -12!30-: ="let• ....... (co11) ''6-1'dlf Jta•!Oa. JllftU Crala. 1100 II D Cl) 0 ,..,,... • ...w: 1f"'*' c.m." "Wan, olT1111," ''TN"°"*' ...... -1:3(µ. • llMI: ml ...... a.." (l!IP) ''4-loti& Kifolf, Sul*!llll Festtr. 2c00 45-...... llJ. 1r--=-~ ........ ... '1ht F.ol IOu.f, '' 111eeo..a-." • . Panel Wanta Input on Conttwt Adheaivea 11 nae Aaldac.d ...... STICKY a\ILB -Many contact adbeslves aucb aa tbol• uaed to futen noor tiles would be reatrlcted under _utulatlona proposed b1 the Cooaum Product Safety Commiialon. Tbo commJaalon Hid the adhesives are tx· lremely nammable abd may even ltnlte exple>1lve- ly u.ndet certain condltJoos. Under the commlaalon propo1~ sale of aomt of tbt a:lhealvet 1n containers ol more than oo•balf &Jllll would be banned. Studies by the commluion 1t&tt have tndlcated, offlclal1 aald, "that u Utile u one pint of extremely nammablt contact adhesive may produce a aub· atantial eJCplotlon huard." .. While tho propoaed ban affect.a ooly "oxtreme-- ly flammable' prOduct.a, thoao with a Ouh point of 20 dearees Fahrenheit or leas, lt may be extended to flammable llem1 with nub polnu u hl1b u 80 de&rees, orrlclals said. The Oash point is the lowest temperature at ( ) wblch vapors from a pro-NEWS TO USE dud ignite instantly _ __ when tested wlth a small name. The commissaon ls seeking comment on the proposed ban and also wants comments on Ute Idea ~ extending the ban to items with hither flash points. Interested persons should write by Sept. U to the Office of the Secretary. Consumer Product Sale· ty Commission, 1111 18th St. NW. Third Floor, W asbington, O.C. 20207. APPRENTICE MARINES? -The Marine Corps has reached an agreement with the Depart· ment of Labor for the operation of certam training programs so Marines will be able to gel credit in later Ufe for their experience In the service. Similar programs already have been set up for the Navy and Army and officials said discussions arc under way with the Air Force Under the plan, service training programs for selected occ upations will meet Labor Department standards for apprenticeships in those jobs. A person who completed service training could re· ceive credit after leaving the service and begin world.na as a journeyman In some Jobs. Details of which Marine programs will be in· eluded have not bffn completed. but a spokesman said that the fint Navy training under the plan cov· ers cooks, bakers and photographic technicians. . NOISE STANDARD -There may be a JitUe less noise from construction sites under a regula· lion pr~ed by the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA ls settin& standards for noise from new wheel and crawler tractors used in con· s truction work. Safari Park Report• Gain Lion Country Safari, Inc .. Laguna Hills. has re· ported second-quarter revenues of Sl,137,5'2, with a new net income per share (before extraordinary credit> of 13 cents. Giving effect to an ex· traordinary credit of $4,802,298, net per·share in· come was $2.8S. The figures compared wtth revenues for the second quarter of 1976 of $1,290,199, when there wu a per-share loss of 19 cents. Shareholders re-elected Harry Shuster, chairman; Alvin (Skip) Alexander and Jerry Kobrin to one-year terms. Biiiard Get• Co11tract The advanced materials tec:hnoto1y dlvl1lon ot the Willard Company, Cocta Mesa and Fountain Valley, has been award~ a $M,092 contract for the manufacture of flber1laas contalnen for the U.S . Air Force San Antonio materiel area at Kelly Air Force Base. In the past year, Wtllard has received eontracts worth more than '4 mUUon from varl~• acenclu of the U.S. eovernment for the mlllufacture of fiberglass components, armored can and boau. Allft'ga11 to Paw Dl.,ldelld Directors of Allercan PbarmaceutJcall, Irvine. have declared a replar quarterly cub dividend ot 10 cent& a share on lt. common stock. payables.pt. 1 to sbueholden of record Au1. 15. The action is In accordance with a ftnn policy~ pay annual dividends of 40 cent& a •hare. IAHI• Vol...e l11erea.n Newport Equity Funda, Newport Beacl1, bu posted a record $8.3 mUUon In loans durtna the first six m<JJlths of 1971. A tolaJ ol 339 loan11 were arranaed bJ the com- pany dwin& the fint two quarten, compared with 1e1 loans and a volume of '2.1 million durtn.1 the same period in 1978. Fof the 12·month period endlnc June ao, the firm arran1ed sos loan• totaUnt Sl.0.9 million com· pared wttb m loana ~ $t mllllOll dwi.ftJ the comparable period. endloa a year aio. eomblnlni t.bJ.a atanQrd with new noll.e ruJ for air com,preeson and medlwn IAd btavy trucu abould reduce noise at construcUon 1ttes by 1'7 per. cent by ise1, the aaency Hid. Penon.s Interested ln detalla of \ht no&ae ~ cul.at.loot f~ tractors or wantiftl to comment oa them abould write to the Standarda and R•aul•Uou Divialon AW-471, Ottlce of No.IH Abatement and Contl'c)I, Attn; Whtel and Crawler Tractor Docket No. 77·2. U.S. Environmental Protectloo Acenay. W~,D.C.20460. MOBILE HOME COUNCIL -The pvernment ls looldni far people to serve on its National Mobilt Home Adviaory Council. The 1roup advises the Department of Houahla and Urban Development and there will be ta vacan- cies thiJ month, lncludln1 four for people represent· lng e<>nsumer aroups and community oreanlsa· tiODI. The council meets twice a year and pay is '100 a day plus expenses. U you want to nominate someone for the coun· ell, write to the Asslatant Secretary for Nei&bborboods, Voluntary Assoclatlona and Consumer ProtecUon, Attn: Moblle H'ome DMalon, Room 4100, U.S. Department of Houslng and Urban Development. Wuh.lnatoo, D.C. 3M10. DIAllOND WARNING -Watch out for pro- moters tryiJla to sell you diamonds as an lnveat· ment. That's the word from the federal omce of Consumer Affairs, which reporta "a trowinl sroup of promoters pushln& 'investment trade' diamoods." The office says that althouah diamonds may seem glamorous, the stones offered In such sales often are low in quality and hiah In price. According to the aaency, you should never buy a" diamond ol any value without a certiflcate from the Gemological Institute of America or a laboratory of equal integrity. Only a responsible jeweler will know what is required. The consumer office noted that diamonds have increased in value In the last tew years but said there has been heavy inflation over the same period. "Those who buy diamonds for investment rather than romance could be. ln for the shock - and lou -of their lives," the offlce warned. DEAP TRAVEL HELP -Amtrak bas established a toll·free telephone service for deaf people with access to teletypewriters. They can use the service to obtain timetable WormaUon and to make reservations. To take advantage of the service, use a teletypewriter to call 800·S23-M90. Water Walleers These two crew members Crom the German ship Paul R. Russ aren't really walklng on the water as they apply a fresh coat ot paint to the ship's hull. They're standing on a small wooden raft that allows them to move about with ease. The ship was docked at Milwaukee, Wis .. for the refurbishing job. EdUon ListB Gairu Southern California Ed1aon Company hu an- nounced eaminaa ln the second quarter ended June 30 of 88 cents a share, compared with 84 cents re· corded for the same pertod lut year. Net income for the thtte months wu SM million. compared with $St million in the second quarter a year ago. Operatin1 ~venues in the quarter just ended totaled $472 mUlioo, up from $&38 million in the same period ol 1976. Edison's net Income for the first six months of 1977 was $127 million, equal to Sl.93 a common share after preferred dividend requirements. This compared with net Income of $98 millJon in the first half of 1976, or $1.60 a share, based on fewer weighted-average shares. Over The Counter HASOUsHitcp . Vp• and Doemu .c"?., + -+ .... + "' + "' + ,, + .... + , .. + v. + lo'l + t + '" .. \, + "' .. '-+ 11 • + ... .. --+' + l1t + "" + "' + t + .... + ... ~ u. tit ~: fi:I U• toi U• tOO "" ,., U• ti u. .. u. ti Vo t.t U• U Up 1.1 Up 77 U11 •t Ue ... utt '1 u. •.1 Up '' u. •• Ult tJ u. .J Ut> u • U• 60 Up U Ue .st ~~ l'ct. ·~ -t Off tt.? m(o -2 OH tU '' -J Off IS.I 2 -"' Off "·' 2 .. '4 Off "·' J\tl -4' OH to.7 2'4 -"' Off. 10.0 w --.. Off 10.0 llt -'-Off tU tioli -W. OH tO.O N-lteU 1t ... ,_, "' .. " l.J J -" Oft '·' • -Ill Oft 1.1 " -·~ Off u N -I.; Oft 7.t r =: J°" ;~ -" .... ~ -"' 6.7 M -"" 6.7 711. -~ t.S r::: u 4 -" ... . • .. .. Off ... . __ .............., ........ ____ _ • .• TRJ\NSAC'l10NS !ed!y. Auauat t. 1111 I IN·. DAA. V ,.LOT A 11 Anticipated Tax Fight Fades Out By IOHN CUNNIFF AP ............ Among the items expected lo bt l.neludod In President Carter's t.ax packqe ls one that ln some lnalances would double t.be tax on lone·term capital 1aina, a muau.re lbat some say wlll set off an explosion ~ controveny. Don't bet on It. The Preaident'a f6elln1a on the matter have been known lor a long UmeJ but ao far the ftelin11 of those likely to be aflected baven"t ~ tc:nited. U there's a fuse on thla one it muat be wet. NEVERTHELESS, THE VERY NOTION ot making capital sains less attractive ls bound to have an impact on homeowners. investors, industry, the economy. PotenUa.Uy, It is as controversial as any tax matter ln several years. In an attempt to make the tax codt1 fairer and simpler. those behind the idea uy th-1 lone-term capital 1atns, such as you would make h'om the sale ol a house or stocks, should be taxed as ordinary Income tnatead of at haltlbat rate. That undoubtedly would simplify the tax forms, wbJch are made complex and longer by the need to account separately for capital gains. But whether they would then be fairer ls another matter. First off. some say the tax already is a tax on an illusion. That is, with infia· tion running 6 or 7 percent on average for several years now. many so-called capital gains aren't real. AN INDIVIDUAL WHO WISHES to cu1um•11 sell one $35,000 house and buy another of the same price, for example, misht find he couldn't afford to do ao. Auumlnt the house now owned was bought five years aco for '25,000. inOation had added $10,000, the homeowner would find himself after taxes with far less than $35,000, unless he _!!lanaged to avail himself of a little-known section of the tax c~~ - From one point of view, therefore, it would seem that the capital gains tax should be adjusted for inflation in or- der to end the practice of assessing taxes on unreal, paper profits. Instead, the assessment would be raised. Other critics argue that capltal gains are a special lorm of income, in which a greater degrei! of risk ls assumed than b taken on by those with an assured income. A capital 1ains invest«, it la pointed out, has a greater chance ol lostng. BUT, IT MIGHT BE countered, the capital 1aJner stands to make an occasional killing and. lf not that, then a fairly substantial reward. It's the old risk-reward ratio; as risk rises, so does the size of the potential reward. Another argument for continuing the capital 1ains tax ls that the country needs it. That is, new investments must be encouraged if the economy is to e~pand and make Jobs available for a growing population. I Oddly, however, the arguments aren't being beard. No cries of doom from Wall Str~t. wbfch In the past bas had a tendency to scream murder even when the alleeed crime was an assault oo the wrlat. THE BIG INSTITUTIONS, which stand to be hurt. seem to be on the sidelines. Growth companies, which could be forced to change their goals to emphasizing dividends In· stead of growth, seem interested but not concerned. Perhaps. lt might be argued, they await a formal pro- posal by the Carter administration. If ao, they should note that a group ol Republican congressmen already hu liven limited. euarded approval to the notion. . The queatioo probably lan't so much whether capital gains are desirable or undesirable, but why some of the most powerful financial entitles in the land haven't apoken out yet, for or aialnst. That in It.self bas the ingredients of still another del>ate. Early Gains Fade, Dow 'Unchanged NEW YORK <AP) -Concern over rislnf tbort·term ID· terest rates kept the stock market on the defensive today. Prices were mixed in moderate trading. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial•. up about 2 points 1n a short-lived upturn at mid·day. closed uncbaneed at879.42. Gainers maintained a Hi lead over losers among New York Stock Exchanee·llated issues. BigBoardvolumecameto19.9milllonshares. The Dow had fallen 9.27 points Monday to a 19-month low. Analysts said the depressed prices of many blue chip Issues attracted some cautious buying today. Do.,.lone•Al'erage• M'flat St~lu Did .~'Gelr'""' ......... ()ow.J-·-"" °"" "!' Low 0.. °" :io ll'd m .OI 114. •n.19 t1'.h ••••.. 30 T"' 221 st m. lit.st ma-t,01 'I ~t~ ~:!! ~t: ~:il ~~= :· 1' ~ ........................ ,I'd 1."" .... .. .................. ,j;i viii& • . ..................... _. 6JSlll •••••••..•.••...••••.••••• 2, - Hl!W YOftl( IAPI-leltl, f '·"'· •I<• •"" ...t Ulenclt ~ Ole te" ~" ectlve AIMrkM 9to(,. EICll.. i-a, tf .. lllG ~"' .. -~ "· ~ '"······ ltt,tOO •S-•1'41 c.r11eln .:::::·:· gt21 Im ;-1~ K•lfff 11111. •• • • • S',,_ + ~ =f.i""'.. '1._ -~ """····· ,7 ,~ ... ..... I + _. ~..... ....... '1... •• :~ Gt ... I .•••••• iii; -, __ ......... .. " - Nl!W YORK (AP) IA'-"IS MEW 'l'Ofll( IAl"I ·NY Sto<k Mlft ~ro• fflwl • •• • • • ••••••••••• "·'°°..«» P'revleul drf • • . . • • . . • . . • • • • IS,'10,AIOO Wffll eec> ...................... 17,ttO.IOO Month ll90 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12,410,0DO v .. ,..., ................... 1 ...... . T-.,."" ... •... .. . .. . . . . . . . . ,,,.,, J•" \; •o o.te •••.••••••••.• ·• i, MO mt••• ................. 1,l ,1 1'1 lo t»C. • . • • • • • • • • • . .. • • • a." . \ YftlLOT "'OM fl th m06t truatrat1tt1 th la buJt.a'la • ~ &l' la )'OU •Cl'tmp and H•• and borrow a-.,_. it tarm out to bl• I •• ukl JohA QWnn. d!m:· tor ti the B\iriau ~ COQ&u.m T P ti • which la preplrlq the booklet.a. "IN llANY c.ua. the buyer of a 1 mon trlee to ne1otlat. lo cood f altlt with tht deal• Of manuta • and 1n too many lnat.anc tb deal r °' maauf ac-- tu rtr 1trtna1 the con1umtr alo~." Tb• Dowae11ter•1 Lemon GWde. due out next monlb. will explain bow to buy a car. abop for • ttirllly 10U and lDJUta.aee and uncMrltand 1 warranty QW.nn aatd. at wU1 coat out-ol-ct.aters Sl.) • Ht Hld the brochure will tn· clud a table on wbat a dealer pays tor a oar so that tu buyer can Jude• the dlff erence between tb• .Uck• Prtce and a falr dealer proftt. TBB NEBD FOa aucb a brochure wu queat.loned by an auto iDdUIU'y apokeeman, Pbll Workman of Ueneral Motor• COrp. He bid•" oetroat ~1 that there ls no such thin• u a Jemcn, tbe term 11nerilly liven to a new ear that 6as problems 10 severe they cannot t>. solved. Workman Hid GM bu ex· panded cuatomer aervicee. and maintained that 1P01t couumera know how toa~ for a car. avr QUINN SAID tt waa "aia · appropfiate r"ponse for t.be 1tatt to )lelp people do th1np they normally could not ~o :f I I I I 1 I rl • 4 ~ , ' ( I ~ ~ •• f • , ·~-BUMP WILLS RELA VS TO FIRST OVER SLIDING RICH McKINNEY TO COMPL&TE TRIPLE PLAY. Sports in Brief Injury KOs Mesan; Simpson's Eye Okay Detroit Lions kicker Benny Rlcardo, a resident of Costa Mesa, suHercd a shoulder separation during bla team '11 pre· season opener Saturday and may be lost Cor lbe season. "It's kind of frustrating Lo work so long for somettuna and then have It end at the beginning ot lbe very first game," mcardo told the Dally Pilot. Ricardo had kicked a 35-yard field goal prior to bJs injury. which came on the ensuing klck.olf. He was aaslsting on a tackle when two Kansas City Chiefs closed In on him. Dt!tt'oll won the game. 17·0, but the injury put a damper on the celebration for Ricardo .. t 'll have suraery as soon as the bllsterlna goes down but It looks like I'm throuah for the year," Rlcardosays. quarterback Dan Fouts and run· ning back Mercury Morris from the roster. · The two former National Foot bull League starters were put on the .. reserved. did nol report" last ln order to be reinstuted. they must apply to the league commissioner's office Neither has explained why he refused to report to tbe pre· season camp which opened July 22. a team spokesman said See Briefs, Page BZ OAKLAND (AP> -Wide re- ceiver Morris Bradshaw caueht touchdown passes from Ken Stabler and Mike Rae to spark the Super Bowl champion Oakland R&iders to a 40..0 rout of the Houston Oilers Monday nl&ht. RANGERS RECORD A TRIPLE PUY ARLINGTON (APl -TheTex· as Rangers pulled the first triple play In their slit-year history In the fifth innin& of Monday nl&bt's second aame against the OaldandA's. Mitchell Paae and Rich McKinney of Oakland walked to st«rt the inninc off Texas starter Roger Moret. who had not al- lowed a hit. Manny Sanguillen rip_ped a ground shot to third baseman Toby Harrah. who Cloved the ball, stepped on third and made a perfect peg to 11econd baseman Bump Wills, who relayed the ball to fi Nt basemJn Mll<e Hararove to beat Sanaulllea. The game wits delayed fi v• minutes while I.be tlanrera' rans gove the team a standing ova· lion. . React Tempen are flar1nt ln the clubhoule ot the frustrated ctn- cttmatl aw u th• •truulln1 world champions try to 1et, back in the National Lea1ue Welt pen- nant race. Unhappy over recent crttlcal revlows, several members of the Reds are feuding with the press corps Catcher Johnny Bench •s miffed at what he terms "cbeapshot artists," sluacer George Foster u snubblna "necaUve writers" and shortstop Dave Coocefcion u. fuminl that he was s ngled o ut as a acapeaoat. At one Point, after Bench and Concepcion loudly assailed • to separate writers, team captain Pete Rose interrupted the heated outbunt to defend tho writers and direct aoc:ne barah wOC'ds at the ballclub. ·'The only thlnl this team leads the leaarue in is suntans," snapped Rose. Tho dilcord surfaced as the Reds attempted to recover rrom their worat slump ln years. Cin· cinnaU. \fhlch bad lost 20 of 28 games. went Into a four·aame series with Loe Anaeles Monda.v niaht. trailing the first.place Dod&ers by 11"'4 aames. Bench was Irate over an artJcle posted on the clubhouse bulletm board that suggested the Rods· poor pttformance this season as John Stands Out Ready I or Burial, Says Cincy Skipper LOS ANGELES CAP> The Loa Angeles Dodgers had just shut out the Cincinnati Reds 4·0 on Tommy John's two·hitter to move 121~ 1ames In front in th e National League West, and Reds manager Sparky Anderson com· mented: "I'm not dead until they bury me, but 1 have a terrible feeling they're about ready to." The two· time world champion Reds bad entered the four-came series with the hopes of scoring a sweep and 1ettJn1 back into the West Divitlon pennant race. But the 34-year-old John, who . has made a career or beating the Reds, not only shut them out, be. also slugged his first home run In nine years. The Dodgers host ClnclMati tonl&ht at 7:30. The action can be heard on KABC radio 790. "Hitting the home run wall a big thrill, no question about that," said John, who has an 8-1 career record ag1tiost ClnclMati. • ··But to shut down the Reds like that ratei; even a bigaer thrill. To shut them out means l 've done a great job or pitching ... The victory ended a four-came losing streak tor the Dodaers. John, 13·4, hurled his second shutout of the ae~soo and the 3Znd of his career wbll~ pitcbine hia sevenlh 11tralght victory. ·He· allowed only a aecond-lnnln1 sinale by G~rae Foster and a thlrd·lnnln4 double by Ken Grlf· fey . He retired the final 18 Red• in order. "He'a ·either the best they've got or be'a trlcldn& \Ii;' sald An· derson. "There was no preuure on us tonight. Tommy John just stuck it to us He pitched a great game .. John homered in the third off loser PauJ Moskau, 2-3. and one out later, Bill Russell drilled a double down the left.field line Third bas~man Pete Rose dis· puled whether the ball was fair, argwng so Intently with umpire John Mcsherry that he was thrown out or the game. An- derson also was ejected. When play resumed, ReHie Smi<h shot a line drive Into the left.field pavilion for hls 20th home run of the season and a 3·0 4.f.s Angeles lead . · ·'If there was any time for a kid to make a bad pitch. that was it," said Smith. "Everybody was arguing with the umpll'e so all the pitcher could do was go over to the bench and sit down.·· The Dodgers added a fourth run an the sixth inrung when Ron Cey singled. With two out. Rick Monday singled hlm home CtllfCINNATI ... 11 .. Ao1.:l1> ? 0 0 0 ll:nlohllb 1 o o~ Grlllty rl • 0 1 0 ~Jb •oo o G Fo'IM ff • 0 I 0 Btn<h< JOOO Conctl!*I" t O O o Or•to•n to l o o o Gtr0f'1Mocl J 0 t !, M0\11.Up : 0 0 • Arm1Mt11terp11 \ ~ 0 •••boll p 0 0 0 l.OSAHOILH LOP9'?b Au'"'"'' SmtllHt c.,,., O.trv.., ID Mones.yd eurltec.r lt•llertt Vngerc JOflfl p ••• II Iii 4 0 .,. • I I 11 4 I I 1 • '' 0 ••oo 1 0 I I o•oo l 0., 0 1 I) 1111 J I I I Toti!\ 1' t 1 T .... 1 )I 4 1 • Clnc:l"""I' 000 11C10 ooo-. LOI AllO'I.. OOJ 001 001c _. E -0..V.y LOI <lnclnNtl 4, LCll Anotlet 4 H ~"-r ... .,,,_11 M• J-ttl, Smltll ltol. s~~ Mo1lleu lL.,MI lorboll Jetin rw. ,,.o T 1S>A-..U1 "' .... ••••to I & 4 4 1 l r • o o o o ' ) 0 • ' • trace ble to a lactadalsieal at- titude dUrini 1prin1 ua1nin1. • Manacer,Spart)' AQdenoQ hu aareed ii\ part wt\.h tbe premi.ae. "We wefe all wlned ana dln~." Anderson aald. "1'b guys went to Hawaii fo~ television au~rteam com~-• tion and made a lot Of money. ' Foster, whQse 38 home~ have hlm even with Hae Wilson's atll-time N atlona Lea,ue record pace, is refuslni intt>rvlews With seveol writers. "1bere are some writen who only ask ne1aUve thinp. I doo'l plan to talk to necaUve writers,·· Foster said durinc the wedtend serlcs against the Pittaburcb Pirates. Ho would not elaborate Coacepclon feels be was un-r aJrly criticized aft.er f aillng t.o complete a double play that cost. the Reda a game a1a.iruft St. Louis. Rose scolded Concepcion: "A couple days qo he <the writer) called you the beat shortstop in the big teaaues. I doubt lf he bu changed his mind." Concepcion is nlrtin.g with the major league record for fewest errors in one season. He bu oocy siit ln 105 games, one below the. all·time record. Afterwards, Rose &rumbled over relaxed team policies., "Five years ago, tie had soD)e rules." he said. "There was no golf. tennis or swlmmlns on game days. lt's dlfferent now The only rule we have says I'm not allowed to brinf my boy into the clubhouse anymore."- Rose said he was not sure how h1b teammates reacted to hi11 sharp words, but added: "I told the truth. I was honest.'' NoProndse Tom .Lad· --Murcer ~· f11run1 an Enaenada are most exclu~ively from the States. Why do these peo .i IO there to fish'! *"lt'a a dilferent world, like a ailon to me," veteran Porter a)'fte, a deputy tax uses.or m Los Anaeles say a ''I come down here about every three weeb dunnc the summtt and bave been doing 10 for 20 ye an '' A former deckhand. Woody Woodcock of Hunt.mgton Beach. $ays: "I like 1t here It h. ~mething different. ll 's a good l)lacetoget away." .. A construction worker from l\amona sayi, the personal atten· don ctven by the deckhands Is a biJ plus to him "It isn't like ~hing back home and I've never en 11kunked down here," he s. uan t:scobar as a native or Colombia but currently Is an llirplane pilot out or Las Vegas "l come here once a year and flhtd it well worth the while I BWEFS ... . Coatlaaed from BJ Gell ftntdC• Alex Petric of Vasta has fired a ~·under-par 69 at Mesa Verde Q!Hlntry Club lo win the eighth touroament on tbe Conference Western Amateur Golf Aasoca- tjc)n summer tour. :.rhe 19·year-old Arizona State University sophomore Mooday ~Qllected four birdies on the 6JIOO-yard course to win by one • stroke over Mike Stephens of West Covina. Four players tlcd at 71 They were Jeff Port of Brentwood, Mike Turner of North Hollywood, •flrk O'Meara of Mission Viejo and Bill Veile of Hemet IV Kim Roll FORT WORTH -Chuck Mer- rell and Cheryl Davis of Fountain Valley won the freshm an diance flaals Monday ln the 1ecood day of the 11-day U.S. Am ateur Boller Skatinc championships. The freshman dance dlvilloo is for boys and Cirla 13·14 yean old. rtavio Leonin Jr. and ClaudeUe Arseneault of Waltham, Mau .• took second and Tom Wensel and Monica Muray of Fountain Valley finished third. u1uaUy camp al RoHnta Bncb and drive down ror tbe day.'' ht .. ,, .. Donna Mitchell ol • GICl'&t. Utah, i• unt of m "Y who ftlbed for the tiut time out of tnaerutda. "I didn't know what lo e.ipect when I went out. But when I ltlt home, 1 had two Uttn11 In mind, I wanted to 10 tb Mexleo and I wanted to 10 ocun fll!\ln1 ao J combined the two." •ht H)'S. A naUve Tijuana man 1oe1 out for the n1h be can brtn1 home to the table. "l alwa~• Item lo 1et fiah and even lf the boat 1oea out· 11de to fllh f« albacore. tt uaual· Iv comes back and fla.ba the local banks for awhile. Tht fishing ii lood there.'' Bau. barracuda and bottom fJsh are more plentiful and seldom ts a fisherman shut out from catching somethini in these waters A couple from San Dieco cites crowded conditions on San Diego boat.a during the yeUowtall and albacore seasons u their reason for going to Ensenada to fish. A f.ather-son combination from Calexico is vacation.inc ln Mex- ico. "I enjoy flahin1 here more than in San Diego because I don't get sick. The water doesn't seem to be as rough here," the father says When the boat goes outside for albacore (about a two-hour tripJ, yellowfln tuna, yeUowtall, sltlp· jack and other spetles are also m the water. along with sharks Live anchovies for bail are plentiful although a little small at this time of the year. Jig fishing is also a mu.st on outside trips and passeneers are rotated, giving each a 15·20 minute period lo man the hoes and hope tor a big fish. Deckhands do everything possible to help first-timers catch a fish and are helpful In many ways, both to the neophyte and the veteran. Are the boats s afe and seaworthy? * * * Tho out ot the le1lttmate 11ndint1 ue kept up and the bl1· 1er on 0per1te with two or three cU•el 011n to aas\lfo a Hie tttum in cue of Ca,llure ol ono. Plenty or lire preservers are avaUablo In cue of emer1ency on boat.a out or th• le11t1mat.e J andJnc• alont them ain1tteet. T h ere are occa1lonally huatlers who are not coMected wlth any of the landings, who are trytni to •• nlhennen to 10 out on their smaller boats, which are often in disrepair. Stay away from t.bele to avoid ~•Ible trou· ble, such as sinking . Landing operator Alfonso Suurrey says all boat.I and operators wbo have had trouble 1n the pa.st in this area, have been run out ot buainess. "I have been here 12 years and in all that time. I bave beard of only a few boats that have had trouble," he says. "One, the Vic- toria, sank but all 12 passengers were picked up by other boats. "They had a much worse accl· dent out of San Diego last year when the Chubasco hJt the Island of Guadalupe. But nobody says anything about that one." Even though bunks are availa· ble at no extra cost, they are not available for those who wish ·to arrive the night before and sleep aboard. "We used to do lh1s but not anymore," Susarrey says. "Peer pie &ol to having drlnkin& parties aboard the boat and we were afraid they mleht catch ll on flre or dlaable it so we couJdn 't go flshint." For those who don't catch f15b but want to bring some back with them, they are readily available from vendors alon1 the docks. Cosu vary for dJfferent species although these merchants seem to have any variety ready t.o cut up and ice for brinaing back to the U.S. For example, fresh yellowtaiJ sells for $1 a pound. That's flshJng in Mexico. * * * Mexican Fish Facts • ENSENADA A deep sea fishing trip out of Ens en ad a, Mex 1co requires a minimum of ex- pense and hassle. Here arc the ins and outs of what it will require and cost you: Travel: It's 70 miles south of San Diego, so from the Oranae Coast area, figure rouehly 3SO miles <round trip> worth ol ia.s. Toll rood In Mex\CO Is S3.4S round trip. The road ls excellent. License: lt'a U.50 pesos (about SS cents) for a Mexican fishing llcenae. Fare: $10 per person on the boat, includes breakfast. A rod and reel rental costs an addltlonal $2.50 Lunch con.slsling of ham and tomuto sandwiches and soft drinks la available for a nominal cost No passport or papers are neces.ary tor entry into Mexico u far south u Ensenada. A Mexican lishing license en· titles one to bring fi•b back across the border with llmlu the same a.a they are In the U.S. An Ice house la near the docks and rtsh can be teed ror transport or they can be smoked ovcrnieht Ir you are 11taylng In town an ex· traday POUllTM ltACI -uov ...... r,,_ ..... 0Mnl119-~ ""'*'--Pww SHOO. ColOr ""°* 1""11 ,. ....... u o UNMOK.11 IClrC1oe1I Ml t.to "41flt "-'•Job ll<11ltflll MO TllM-tUI AllO lltn -I ... Go Jet. •-ttl ClllO, ...,_., 0.. H .... y, ~IMI °""' ............ " ...... l . ...... ,,,~ .. Dew~ ...... lft ...... . .. ......... ALBACORE B!ND RODS ON FISHING TAI~ IN M!lCfCAN WAT!AS. "'"',.. """"" •..-... lwlfll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~-MMI Baseball Standings AME RICAN LEAGUE East Dhll.lon Boston Baltimore New York Detroit Milwaukee Cleveland Toronto W L Pct. GB 84 (3 .598 62 47 •• 3 60 49 .550 s 49 St .454 15y, 49 63 .441 1711 46 61 .430 18 38 70 -~ 26"4, Wu t DfvJaloa Chicago Minnesota Texas Kansas City Angels Seattle Oakland 64 44 .593 ss 41 .sao i 62 47 .• 21i'J 61 47 .565 3 S4 S4 .500 10 48 6S .42S 181 ~ 42 88 .382 23 ,...,..., .. o.-· C1IN-i. .. t.1t<111 ... tClly._t Tuts S.J, Olllllltd 2-t lllUl'llOfe 6, Ci.v.t-> O.tl'Oll•,Mlt-u1t Clll<Alga S, Sffltte 4 Only .-met ICllHlllH T .... 'tO.- M~ fTfeY-U lltd SI ..... •ttl •I Detroit tlilOn<M11 UlldSylleel_.l,a.lofl ,..,_ er..... 1 11·"' Ml .. ,_. IJet ... _ .. ,,,,., Cttvel1"4 C'ltr"'°rrle J.tl et atttl-• 1~1 ...... .,, .. ,,11 Se.cu.~-.. ,~ ..... ,.,, .. ~ 151-1"1),ll Of\IY911Nf~ ........... ._. SHttltlf..,._e,11 Ct....C--~.11 c.111.,.,...,.....,.,., 1te-atun ... "11 Oall:ltNUlNewV~-.11 Only ..... ~ Mll.,,......1U,.trel111 Los Alamitos Entries f'I"" RACa -«ID,..,._ I JM" .. '"-CNI"""" PwM ti. lel Y-W•ll .. IMllChelll 17.IO , .. l.«I Vllrlno 1-eu IClrelotel S.tO 2.te OH· Tllmlllfll Tl#MI__,. !Hetti 2 20 OH SollfVelue IA,,..rl t lO TllM-10)1 Al .. ltl'I -FOll'f l'lllfl, l.ellulltlr. ,.,_,. ... $(¥ H•toMCtwt. OH·~'-"- SlltTII lllACI -"9 Ytrch. J , .. , .... a.-.~~ua. He¥ ... 1'"9r Cl!'M.,...l ...... uo 110 9•'"°"91d ICerdOtel UO 760 Kl\--'l IOtlomNI >.«I Tl--11.• Alto ltlll -.HI P.,1111, eo.e.etk. fllK~lw, 0....11 .. Mer .... , Ollcllufl\ Mt" Hotcr .. Clln u •u«• 7·'"•••• ,.,., I .. 114Wne914(Nl41U ... llYl lfTN lll•C• -eoo Y•rd\. J .,.., *' I W. AllOWMQI let fflllft •114..-.~ .... MlltlttaWMlf\ Cc.ntoul ·~ 4.00 2.IO l'IHI H' ~Irle IH~I 2M UO MIHSlllMo.t Clt9111mt) 2.20 Tl--to.10. Alto 1114111 -A·RUllllln It-. A-MltJ '""""'· M'(1lery Te. l..t ht 9er, •i......., HtlCI~ A·W 0. T9'110rtr .. lledt1Mry. • , ... ,,. lllACI -JJll yerft. 2 YN<" elC11. Clllf·treel, (111"'1110. f'er _....., l'Wtlf u:IOO. Wer T~ .. l.AMlrl , .... Mil tM Jett~ UllW*l .... Ml Ml l'MI OW n..l .. llM> Me ,, __ ,.,, AIM !WI -Mllwy Ill Metleft, It .. lfll Cllkll.. fi'k • ~. H..._. IM- 11111, ~l'lltWft, li«H W l'M#, MllllMll,. .. ~:::-:;._. Tf'llCUf & WN. c........,,... .... IUNTM 1t•U -*'° ,...,.. 1 .,_ •Ide, CICll•llted. ClefMI .... f'O' , mtl*"9. ...,,,. IDDD. O.IM9A1n ,.,_,,HAO •JI UO M'f l'lc:lrle,.._y IMYtlil> J .0 4M HMdyWMc;" CAdelrl I• Tlmtt -19.:W AllO fll ... -I'll•!.,-Telf~. f'AMI' ~-411, Tlll'f Olk-..,, .. IU 1( ..... , 'I .. Ooo ..... LI"11ll aWNdtltw, Ki. 1,v .. o. ~otcrlllcllel. u ..... 1.0.lflf9llit .. ··-IH l'tcllte.._.,,,.._,,,,...., 121 At..,._.-7.0U. '" 122 117 ttt ni .. .. ' I I I , ""'" l"ulll °'"""' Cont Delly Piiot, ...... .,. 11.30, ,.,, J4»71 J&Ml'5 K. NAAVSE """"'"Uw UIS W. It-... ... o II_.., Sllott 1* l"tsl Office ... JOn GtrHN. Callflrllla tt241 11UIUl-4U1 l"v•ll"*' 0r-. C~I D•ly Piiot, ull',,,U,-~11 t "" auMJ PUBUC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE ]*d!r. August t , 1'77 "1BUC NO'l'ICB PUBLIC NOl'ICS PUBUC NOTICE IUNIUOlt cou•TO, TH• STATll Oii' CALI l'O•NIA 1'011 TNaCOUNTYOl'O•.utOI .... ~ NOTIC• 01' Ml!AlllNO Ofl P•TITIOH 1'()411 P•CMIATll 01' WILL ANO l'Olt LITTIU TUTAM• ... TA•Y,ANO f'ITITIOH l'Oll ClOMo MUNITY f'ltOf'lltTY CO .. • ,1.,.11ATt0tt ..u•su.un TO P•oa c •1n110. IE..-« WILLIAM J OIST•LI au W.J. OISTt!LI, Oe<tawd. N0TIC8 15 HEAEIV 01\ll!N ~t JAMES L SMITli Ml lllM l\eftl11 • ---,-1cn-nou--1-1-u-si-.,.-.-u---1 11e11U011 tor ~Of wi11 Mid'°' Lat-ten T~ Mid fw Community NAMalTATllMalfT P...-rtv <Mf.....,.llofl, t• the f'tll· PUBLIC NOTICE TN""'°""""' ,___dolllf ..._ ti-.~ to w1>k1t It -fw Mat •4:. CH I C I( I II E • S 0 N lllftll« pettl(utMS, Md IMI llw ll- VOLICSWAGEN-flOf'5CHll·AUDI; a. aftd pt-Clf ,....,Int tl'lt .__ ~ llHll CHICK IVEltSON VOl.KSWAOl!N,· c. wt.., Augult :IO. lffl, llt IO:OO •• m •• In the~ of ~rtl'Mfll No 3 of CHICK IVEASOff f'OttSC..E·AuOI; .. 1c1 c:ourt, •t 100 Civic Canta• Ori .. O. ITALIA-AMl!•ICAN VACHT IM-Wot, 1., tllt City ol Santa Ant, POltTS, '4S Ettl CMtt H19ftwa'(, '-'Hornlt ,..,._, ltedl. C.llfoml• ""° -. CHICK IVl'ASON, INC., a O....SA4•u•U,ttl1. CellfOfnla ,-111on. ~j E•u CMtl Wlu.tAMl. ltJOHN, -,._ co..ity o.rtl ':;f.;;''Y· ~ e .. ch, C.lllomla l'•AMKJ.lt"'fAll•Jll. Tl\IJ ~I It -ltd by t <Of· 4u..-...._,llilltt ... ~MIMI.CA 11outlott. Atttr.,ftrt f'tti"- CHICIC IV•~. INC. ....illlN Or ..... GNst Dally Piiot 0.A.CHAAl.TOH, Aut.t,I0,.._"17 HJt.n AJst.S.C.TrMt T"ll It...,_ Wat flltd Wllh IM ------------COUlll'f Clet'k d Or-CCIU"IY on July u. 1'11 • ,,..,. -------------PUBUC NOTICE """''"'" Or-Cotfl OaOy Pllo4, J8if lt,1'.-.--...1.•. "" PUBUCNOl'ICB • PUBUCNGnCE PVBUC NOTICE FUNKY WINKERBEAN JOH~ DARLIN& HERE AT A ~MER BAND CAMP! Rl'1HT ~ I 'M 'TALKIN& Will-I A WPlc.Al BAND D1REC.TbR ... by Ind Anderson IOOMIR t Mt~ oQJ'ff. .UY'l~G 60A4t (JI; /ANJe . • ~Al,IA'f ASSES2T1vtNf~S' f(2AININ6 ~ > ,,. 10 (.lSSoiJS MACC.IA, l'O 1.llCE ~t'M& O' TMA'T ' A'~!KTtVlNIH T~AINING ... by Tom S.tiuk WPICAL !!? HOW'D <yioo LIKE TO WEAR 'THAf MICROPHONE HOME I R\L ~ ........ -....... . . , .-.v- TODAY'S CIDISIDID PVZZLI UNITED Feature SyndiC1te ACROSS I ' J ' --t"llf"l-..-~~-1 ! . . • .._, ~ , ., 1 e f I Yt t f -. ' • I 1 •• .,. • • ~ t t 't • • • •• • . . . .. "" .. ... -~ ·----- 2 Premieres in Mesa ND StJJllME• mu.teal at Ult Civic ""P.lln1-..M b 1 aatlrtcal trt..tment ~ 1ueb Britl1h ~ • "Tm UttJe Indiana," on wblcb it b iamlly bued. Tbt 10.member Colta N•• cut con· ckta ~ Hewett, Candee. sa-.1e, M vk Lewl1, Ebe lldl . Jack WWcmbaebet, Fred Owen. C.tM O'Mtlveny. Stan Wluick. Daryl lndea and Jtidt.aH..,e. Patl Tambelllnl. retldeot director oC tbt I playhauH nc• ltt form UOD In 11a. ta dlr.ctina the &hcJW wlth Oml11 Davit u musleil dli'eCtor Gd Robb RJaa u choreocr~. Performucet wUl ~ave Wtdfteld•YI tblau&b Saturd~ for two weeb at the CommunJty Cent. riditortum on~ Oraria• County JPalrtrounda. RMerVatlont ISf·NSt. A 11· PE&PO•MANCE •nt•t•ment •• •cheduled tor uvaoltl•, ... com9dy revolvln1 a.round three I or mer Texu cheerleaders wbloh followt t.helr Hve1 from 1983 tot.ht present. John· David Keller lt dirtcUni tM 8CR production. Lee Shallet, Mart.ha McFarland and Caroline Smith port.ray the thrff 1lrl1 whoH Uvu provide In· •atbtl Into the chan,1n1 ol America over the Lut aevwalyeara. "VaniUn" wUl bo· performed ntabtty except The Lorw Ranger/ _. Will Ride A.gain •STAI WAIS" INI l..OS ANGELES CAP) -Move over Superman and Sheena, Queen Of the Junale. here comes - with a hearty "Hi Ho. Silver!" -tbeLoae Ranier. Intermission Tom Titus Monday at 8 p.m. with two 3 p.m. Sunday maUneea, thrqb Au1. 21, at the SCR theater, 182'7 Newport Blvd., Colla Men. ReaervaUona 8*1MI. ••• nu; SECOND PRODtJCRON ot the Hunt· lnaton Beach Playhouse ln Jtl now format as a din· ner theater, "My D1u1bter'1 Rated X,'' 11 in re- bearaal (or an Aua. 19 opentn1. John WUUama la d1r«tlilt the colDedY which wlll be a nnt tor local audlence1. Cut memb«i ln· elude Robert Rel)frow, Ann Leverett. Patricla Corbett. David Brown an« Robert Stackf. "My Dau1hter" wlll be presen~ for five weekend•. Frlday1 tbrouab Sund1y1, at the Edaewater Hyatt Houae on Oout Hl&hway at W eatminster EOUJev ard In Loni Beach. Reserva· lions are betn1 taken at 82M583. .... BACKSTAGE -Oranae County's two Sebas· tian'• dinner theater operaUON in San Clemente and Anlhefm have been honored by • 1pecla1 re- solution ot the ooonty'1 Board of Supervisors. . .lbe plaque ~nted to owner Ernie Verre praises his tbeaten for "enhanclng the cultural climate for all Orance CounUans" ... Sebastian's currenUy bu "My Fair Ledy'' playing ln San Clemente and ''Carnlvai" at Anaheim's Grand Hotel. .. TY'Soqp' Aasmliid, By Rabbis LOS ANGELES <AP> -The Board ol Rabbil of Southern Callf Oflll• have blasted tbe a11.,ec1 sexual aematlooalllra ot t>-....,,-~~~:--c·~ a new fall aerte1 on ABC eot:SUtd "Soap ... The 175-member or· 1antaaUoo iuued a 1tat• meet •~DI the¥ "wUl not alt by ldly wbile tbe moral foundat.lona ot our ·~•tt..Y are behis ~at· tered aown. .. Tbe rabble called f cw tbe netwOrk to "come to lt.a 1en1e1" and rernove the provocative 1lluaUon comedy from the fall schedule. ABC .u~ently an· nounced that lt was ......... The EyeOftbe a ·Tfter 0 , ........ ,.. .. _, __ ....... ,_,,,....,....,. changing certaJn scenes L-:....:.~...:..;..u:;;..a::..;.i.;.,.......,. ........ The Lone Raneer and Tooto will be made Into a major motJoo picture by the Wtather Corp .. tlaus joinlni other Jaraer·tban·llf• heroes on the allver a.creen. ,ai;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia=-;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiilJ] from lbe veraiona which ========::::::;' COA T PLAZA 1'1flmt11Sl ~Hiii '"um.c "THE DEEP .. CPGI J)AILY-7:JM:4' i JAT/!Uto'-l:JO.J:li .. 1:4M:OO Ho,._ TOOPA.-INI "FOR THIE LOVE Ofl IENJI" lGt ''A BRIDGE TOO FAR" PG No~- "NEW YORK. NEW YORK'" (PG) "THE SPY WHO LOVED ME" "ANNIE HALL' {PG) "YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN" "ONE ON ONE" (PG) "S~OKEY & THE BANDIT" "MOONSHINE COUNTY EXPRESS" (PG) "THE LAST REMAKE OF BEAU GESTE" "BIT~ THE BULLET" (PG) "ANNIE HA~L .. "YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN" (PGJ "THE SPY WHO LOVED ME" "VIGILANTE FORCE" (PG) "OTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT" "EXORCIST If :THE HERETIC" {A) The masked man first appeared on radio in 1933, end since then has been around almost con· ttouously in the comics, books. movies and televlalon. "Superman" la now ln production in London, New York and Canada, and "Sheena" will 10 into production early In 1978. Agifferent kind of ... ·-·--.. Its the llGGESl tt'a the IESt Its BOND. And l'*fffHJ. SOUTH COAST Pl.Ali CINIDOMI 546-271 I 6]4-2553 639-7160 5]4-6212 193..0546 STADIUM DllYl-IH HI-WAY 39 DllVE-IH U.A. WISTMIMSTER -IS MUI IOCMt MOC>et <!'Ml ~'THE SPY WHO LOVID ~~1 fMt StoeY Of A W-ft ONI ON ONI I~) ,,. MNtUllOV ... OICMOf NOM • f..ofllf tOrTOMJ IOLLll COASTIR '"°' soeo. '° "'"' -~-,-~:"'""""\ ·rMt OlllAfUf Ot .&!l 41DVfHfuttll SINIAD a IYI 4 ' Of THI ftOIR 111411 Ml .. lltl • tOtl. CM HftO NIW YOik, NIW YOik tH I •1110 . ,.., ...... ., ~·o. "° '""u ,.., non Of • WIHH1tt ONI ON ONI "01 attracted widespread controversy when flrlt announced. SELL Idle ltema wltb a DaU1 Pilot Clu1Wed Ad. ~ ----··. -. -......................... ...-..... ~ ·--- ............. NO ONE COUNTS THE RIDERS IN IOWA'S RAGBAAl·Y ThouHnde of Cyell1t• Empty Country1ld•'• Kttehen• "Got a problem" Then wnte to Pat Dunn Pat wall cut red tape, ~ttmg the aruwn1 and actwn you need to aolve wquihe1 In government and bu.nne.u Mad your queatimu to Pat Dunn, At Your Service. Orange Coa1t Dml11 PtLot, P.O Boz 1560. COiia Mesa. CA 92626 . .U matlJ/ letters as poaii~ will be answered. but phoru!d hlqulnes or lettn1 not including the reoaer'1 full name. address and bu.nneu houra' phone number cannot be con1td•red Thas column appeari dat· ly ezcept Saturdays.·' DEAR PAT: Is it possible to form a small cor- poration in this state without the aid and expense of an attorney? E. V .. Costa Mesa BITE TAKEN JACKSONVILLE, Fla. CAP> -The police are looking for three mug. gera with lour sets of teeth. Otl• Raymes told police he was walklnl toward a bus atatioo in downtown Jack.soovllle when he was jumped. After the three knocked him down and took his wallet with its $30, they grabbed b1s Sl 70 worth of dentures - from bis pocket. ........... -... · ROCKFORD, Iowa (AP) -A horde roll• 1cro11 Jowa Jn the late aummer, en1ul.flnl towna and eatinl every. tbloittcanfiDd. "We were 1wamped," aald Thelma Koch, Rockford city councilwoman. "They come in aucb a larce aroup - thouaandaoftbem. •• THE BOaDE IS RAGBRAI·V. Translated: the Des Moines Reglater's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, the fifth auch ride. No one knowa for aure bow many persom are taking part in the ride. becaU1e no one la counting, said John Karru, one of the organizers. Rockford was set upon by somewhere between 3,000 and 4,000 bicycUsta making their way through 400 miles of back highways from Onawa on the Mi.saourl River east to Lansing on the Mississippi. ''THERE'S PEOPLE IN their 70s, young kids, and older ladies ln their wlde·brimmed hats," said Bob Jarboe, a photographer with the group. "It's incredible. The farmers put lawn chain out in lhelr fields and wave at them as they pedal by.·· Friday night was apent ln Decorah, where tbe rldera found Luther College's doors wide open. The fieldhouae waa available for swlmmin1 and aames. Overnight ac-commodations were available in dormitories and break.fast was served ln the college dlnlng hall Saturday morning. THE WODEN WOMAN'S Club called everyone in the phone book, aakint them to bake cookies for the · bikers. In Rocklord, they aold •.500 chocolate chip ~kies. In Ida Grove. tho National Guard armory wu opened tor showers and east ot Castana, Robert Hawthorne provided water. "I've ridden a bike 1 lot ol places and I know what it'• Uke to be without water:• be sald. ONE SURPRISED COUPLE were Dave Trein11, 22. of Spartanbur1. S.C., and Erin Potter, 21, of Stockton. Pedalinl into Iowa on a croa.s·country trip, they came acrou a pattolman at Hi11lway 20 dlrecUne theal to turn lett. They did, and suddenly were sur· rounded by tbouaaods or other blken . "We've been in places where no one had even beard of ~pie pedaJln.a across the country,• a aid Trelnls. "We go to Iowa and suddenly we're partofalfOUp. Weird." AT 'ITl'ONlCA, POPUl.A'l10N S9, Florence Reynolds• County Kltcheo restaurant was emptied of ens, bacon, hash browns and aauiaie. . "By~:3Q a.m. I'm 1oing to switch to just beefl>Uf1ers. I don't know what else to do," Mrs. Reynoldsaaid. "I wasn't prepared for th1s." she said. "I thought everyone wu goin1 to eat at the campgrounds," Bernice Kramer, who spearheaded preparations in New Hampton. populatlon3,620, said, ''Jt'f lhebiegut tbio&tohappenhere since the Sara Lee plant opened Ci ve yeari ago." QUEENIE Why smoke this much ~r.· .. . For many yean In Callfomla, tbe proceu of In· corporation has been a relaUvely easy tHk for at· torneya, but lmpoaslble for tbe avera1e llldlvldual. As ol Jan. 1, 1177 tbe law, u U appUet to amall pro-m corporations, makes IDcorporatlon euler and more nexlble. Before consuJtinl au attonaey, check out the book, "How To Form \'oar Own CalJlornJa Corporation," by Anthony Muell.Ho <Nolo Press, 220 Sacrartaento St., Berkeley, CA 9'702). This 1ulde tins you all tbe forms aad lutnctloaa necessary to rue your own prontable corporation, al well a• a I general dlscD.Ssloa of practJc:al aspects of aeUlnl up ~ a corporation. If It's atlll "Greek" to you, find an at· ., torney. 18mgtor 1.1 mg nlc. l3mg tor 0 .8mg nlc. 10mgtor 0.7mg nlc. 19mgfor 1.2 mg nlc. 13mgklr 0.9mgnlc. 16 mg tor 1.2 mg nlc. Mlraor Too Y-9 te S..e1 DEAR.PAT: Can a minor file a small claims tourt 1uJt, or must the plaintiff be 18 years old? Any person who ls 18 or older may flle a aul& I -A.A., Mission Vi~~ this court. A mJnor may do so on.Ir Ube laH a par or auardlan accompanying him lO file his saJt u appear In court. J Bf'ftC ·.~atural' Pe•t PoU.n J DEAR PAT: Do you kn.ow ot 811,)' non-chemic ant repellant? Ants are a real problem thia aum· mer. J. W .. San Clemente You'll Hecl 2 tableapoou of saaaatrH leave• and z cups of water. Boll UM leaves .ln U.e water fw nn minutes, cool and auala. Palat on ut nuawa11 and l&ore leftover llquld la 1Jua or plaatlc con· talnera, Patient• f'h Beltr1 Mi-rut DEAR PAT: Is there any mall order company that sells clotblna patterns for fat people? G.A., lrvlne The ft.rm you •ant 11 called "Aba.ndaatly Youn." Wrltt to Box lZl, A.Ddover, er Mm lor more liitorm.Uoe. 11all c:oaapaay la atrutaeecl wtu. tbe Natlollal AHoclatlen to Aid Fat People (Box 2a, MWord, CTMdOl. .... _ .. -..... -... "' ....... ln NOVftn"bc:r 1175 lhl . tmatt Stltcl Commatlt~ In· t~IU r ltuitd a r~rl 01& at• iru11•t~aon into ailtQld CIA m1mt of Mafia I ader1 to arrongt /or tM OI• MW~.iw&on oJ Premt., 1''idtt Ca1tro n ,~ olf() dUClo1td tMit Pretfdml John r. KA· nt'd11 had o •·ctuu /rWnd" who 1imultaneov1l11 waa o "clot• tnm:f" of Ma/Ja /tgur•• Som GlcncaPui ond Jolin RoielU, both in fhl olleg&d CIA plot · Thi nomt oJ thal "cla~t /ntnd" -Judllh Campbell Ez· ntr-«JOn waa leaked to th• prt11. prompting wiMIJ"tod 'Pf'nUa.laon Uiat 1h• WCI a lmk bct~tfl th• utu:ltrWOrld and the WN.re llouir , Dan and Judith Exner at home. \Nheelchair races are just one of the activities bringing the disabled together for a spirit of social camraderie. Picnic Breaks ·New Barriers ---... ................. ._ .... ........ . . . . 'I Know What I Am' 'Friend' Tel Is Her Stofy BJ DENNIS MeLELLAN ot•Dlltyl'ttetl ..... A vlaltor to Dan and Judith Ex· ner'a Jtaaed :ierfront home on the Balboa P ula presses the doorbell at thef nt 1ate. "Yes?" ub a volceoverthein· tercom. Business atated, the 1ate ls electronically released. Bualneu, in this cue, la to talk to JudJt.b Campbell Exner now that her autoblo1rapby, "My Story,'' which details her alle1ed love affairs with President Ken· nedy and Malla boss Sam Gian· can a. baa been published. The reason for wrilln& the book, Mrs. Exner maintains, wu to set the record straight. She has been Jabeled a Malia 1py, an op· portunist, a booker and a party girl by thepreu and a liar by Ken· nedy loyalists. Dan Exner. the bearded former professional golfer who 11'\&rrled "Kate," as' he caUs bis wife, only seven months before the commit· tee report was released, escorts the visitor past the swimming pool and into the two-story house. On this particular day, the couple's Doberman watchdog is nowhere in sight. The animaJ was added to the household because Mrs. Exner feared for her hfe: both Giancana and his associate Rosellt have been murdered. JUDITH CAMPBELL EXNER, whose stunning beauty ln earlier years often prompted com· parisona with Elizabeth Taylor. Is, at 43, still an attractive, Im· maculately-groomed raven· haired woman who obviously takes treat pride ln her ap· pearance. Dressed in a noral caftan, Mrs. Exner s at on a sofa In their spacious livln1 room, which off era a view ot the bay through Jargeslldingglasadoon. As she pref era, her husband, casually dressed ln shorts and open-necked knit shirt, Is at her side. Throughout most of the ln· tervlew they bold hands. By CHEBYL ROMO Of• o.lly .. ,... ..... There'll be games, soda pop, a bring your own potluck picnic and probably alew ants. It'll bea regwar, otd-fuhlos:iec:t picnic. . but most of the athletes will be on wheels. . The Disabled Students Union ol Orange Coast CQ1le1e la boldinl Its flrlst picnic on the lawn at Costa Mesa'• Wakeham Park, Despite atatin1 In February that she would not make the uauaJ rounds of talk shows to promote her book, both Mrs. Exner and her husband recently returned from a trip EaattodoJuatthat. They also are doln1 talk show Interview• over the telephone from tbelr home. Mrs. Exner thought Ovid Demaris (the author-journalist who wrote the book) woul4 hln· die the interviews after public&· Uon. "I was naive to think that would be lt," she says. "It isn't enough to say who I am ln the book-j>eople have to see for themlelvea." WHEN SHE APPEARED on the "Phil Donahue Show" In Chicago, she says, the audience was hostile at first, but was turned around by the end of the show. "They realized I was not what they had read abou\ me." . She adds that a Kennedy loyalist had prevented publica· Uon of one major book review and that sort or thing would continue if she did not make herself avail&· bletothepress. Again, she says the reason for the boolc and the interviews is to clarify who and what she ts. Judith Immoor Campbell Ex· ner came from a wealthy Los Angeles family that often spent summers in Balboa. She married actor William Campbell In the 1950s. And after six years of what she calla a "dluatrous mar· rlage." she was divorced and began datlnc again. "In some 12 or so years I had a couple of affairs -not affalrs - love affairs in my Ufe," she says. "I don't think that should label me as a party girl or prostitute.•' · Thrust into the llmell&bt in 1975, after remainina silent for 15 years, she says ahe reached a point where she wouldn't even leave the house because of the humlllallon she was aolng through. 0 1 CAN'T UVE that way. I know what I am and I will not hav~ P.eOJ>le saytn1 things other than What I am. It bas been a ter- rlble ftght. I'm still not convtnc· Ina 10me people. But I am con- vincing a great many others." • She says ahe ori1lnally b.-d no lntentlon of talklnt to the press atter her name waa leaked. (The committee, ahe notes, bad \lft· anlmously decided not tn Identify her because "they realized I had no involvement with the llletal activities of the CIA and the \lft• derworld.") It wasn't untU Kennedy's former secretaey Evelyn Uncoln called her a liar (re1arcllna ber relation.ship with Kennedy) and Kennedy aide Dave Powers said the only Campbell be ever heard of was chunky beef, that she de· cidedtohave a press conference. She maintains she was ln con- tact with Miss Lincoln on numerous occasions and bad lunch with both Kennedy and Powers several times. Mn. Ex- ner says she can understand why they were trying to protect Ken· nedy, but not ln the way they did it. "I would bave been only too happy lf Evelyn Lincoln and Dave Powers bad said, 'Yes, abe was a friend ol bis as he had many friends.' · "I think It would have died down and I wouldn't have bad to say anytblna." She adds that when columnists were repte1entln1 her as a spy on the presidency, they were put· tint her and her family's lives ln dan1er. .. When we decided to say something, a book wasn't even thought of. All I was eoing to do was release a statement to the press. Now, I know that is very naive-I know It now-I didn't know then that it would just make it worse." It was in 1960-afler her divorce-that Frank Sinatra, with whom she claims she also was intimate, introduced her to presidential contender John Ken· nedy, she says. (Sinatra, through his attorney, has since stated "hell hath no fury like a husUer with a literary agent.") She claims Sinatra also ln· troduced her to Sam Gaancana. <See TELLING, Pagt'CZ> BEA ANDERSON, Editor Tueedly,AUQutt9,1977 Cl ' . . l • \ .. . . . . .. A DM.Y ~LOT Tueeday, AUQU9t I , 1177' New Attitude Needs Adopting ( Ar1n La~ders ~ 1>EA.Jl ANH LANDE.RB: Five 1 qo I married a an who ... Cll\'Ctted and bad two adopt· .. bo11-Ho paid child l\lPPOf't . &.Dd .... the bco'I ... ry olh« •Mlmd. To be perfe ct11 bonH t, I co.ddn 1 IJt.and lbem •auao I u.. u.y ..... not h1a n .. h and blOOll. J told blm he'd have to let tbe:lr D8W atepl at.her edopt UMm • I'd cet a divorce. He fln&Uy ~·1eeated to the adopUoin and ,woudeid NEVEJ\ lo ... the boya qalA • I so& precnut tut )'..r and MW 1lie Ms a blood 100. lt 't been Ulree ~ &ince IM't a.em thoae adopted kids. Yest«day his ex· Cactus Crafted Fred Harvey of Tucson sits behind one of the tables he ma kes from the wood of saguaro cactus skeletons, some more than 200 years old. Harvey designs lamps, planters and other similar objects from the skeletons of the dead cactus. No two of the desert leviathans are a like and Harvey plans to tour crafts fairs across the country with his wares. Sagittarius wlfe aent a Jetter aayJnt. "The· boy1 a.re do!o1 lino." <Sho even bad Uwt1a.U to enclole f.lcture1.) What butna DlO Ur I thal the bH no In don o telllna tho boy1 they were adopted. J think I abould tell them. They are 12 and .t3 -old coou&h to handle the truth. My hu1band uy1 I 'm wroaa H aJ.a.o 1&y1 be '1 aorry he 1avo up hJ1 rlJht.to100 them - aaod lt'1 my fault. Thit problem bu cauaed many flpta. My buaband clahm he can't !:fnet about t.bote kids and I am 11 unreaaonable. 1bey are NOT bll blood IODI and the tho\acht ol them rnak• me tick. Wbo i• ri1ht? Shouldn't m y bu•band t.ell them be'1 not and never WU their REAL lather? - TROUBLEBREWIN' . DBAft T&OlJBLE: I •ave •••~• takeo the poelUoa &Ila& adopted chUcl.ren 1bouJd be told early &bat they were .. ebolee.•• ud Ill a HM whore dlen II a ··~ tUt. &oo, lboald be Olplabaed. Stnce )'OW' llu1band . ud Illa former wUe did Nar cbooM to do 10 -keep YCM&r Dote OU& el ti. I precUc:l youi:.:f.O:' to bave yov banclt twl )'OW' mantqe to1etber UDleu yo.a fold out of thll sltuaUoo comple&ety ad la lllm do u be wtaba ha retard to bu pny1oua fuaJ.11. . .............. YouAdiust Weddings~· and Engagements WedDe.Say, heat It 87 SYDNEYOMAJUl To .ivoid disappointment. prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding stories with black and white glo1sy photographs to the Daily Pilot People Department one week before the wedding. Pictures received after that tlme will not be used. For eniagement announcements it is imperative that the 1tory, allO accom· panled by a black and white aloss)' pie· ture. be submitted six wuks or more ~fore the wedding date; otherwise it will not be published. To help fill requirements on both"wed• ding and engaf ement stories, forms are available ln 11 Daily Pilot omcea. Fur· tMr questions wlll be answered by People Department staff members at 642-4321. Betrothal Johnson-Bushmlaer An Oct. 8 weddln• ln t.be Community Presbyterian Church, Laguna Beach 11 belna planned by Janet Ann Johnson and Kevin Bu1hmlaer. Newa of their engaeement an4 f~ weddlnl have been announced by bet parentl, Mr. anclM.n. Jerry A. Jobnsondt.aaunaBeach. Hll parents are Mr. and Mn. BarTJ Bmhmlur alao d the same city. The betrothed 1radu1ted tram Lapna Buch Jlltb School and Mtaa Johnaoa ttud1ed at ~couece. DEAR ANN LANDERS: It's been a while since you printed the letter from Good Fortune Cookie, Uae child who tbouaht bis stepdad wu neat. I have not for1otten ll. I'd like to advise any perlClO about to wed a "slnate parent" lb.at it la eaaenUal that you airee to joint diaclpUne or make it clear at the outset that you will remain uninvolved. Bellevo me, thla t. vita.I. You aee, I too, wu "neat.•• unW it came time tor my atepchildren to learnrtibtfrom wrcec. All bell broke loose •hen my partner helm cballenainl my authority and countermandinl my d.ladpll.nary meuu.r• u lf I wu an1nterferiq1tran1er . U I did nothlnc, It meant more trouble. My non-action waa in· terpr«ed as lack of love t« the children. It d.ldn 't take Iona for the klda to pt ck this up. The result w aa extreme perml11lveness, arautni betwffn my spouae and my1el.t and then -open warfare. Tho kids couldn't care less. They pu.abed our marrlaae over the clltt and left. What about us? We are as divided u we were durlQa tbe )'e&n when we foqbt about them. But we atm live un:. der cine root -like atraqen. •millDa Oil the outald• and crylnc She's 'Board' No More on tbe lnaide. Slcn me - SUBSTI'IVrE DEAa llJBSTITVTE: Yoa can tlaat Uvbllf Teo bad r:· dld•'t 1ee8' U1t •elp • a eoaaelGr earl1 ud atra.JtMea U1e eu .. t -or aepara&• ,..,..,..._IL Is alcohollsrn ruininl your life? Know the dancer alenala and what to do. Read the booklet, "Alcoholllm -Hope and Help:• by Ann Landers. Eoelose&ocents ln eoln .tt.b Joar nqullt ad a 10111. atamped, •elf·addrealtd envelope to Ann Landen. P.O. .Box 11985, aitcqo. lll. eom. New Wrinkle to Tale ByEllMABOMBECK An ad in a midwest newspaper read, WANTED: Woman to do lronlng for houaewlle 10 ye~ behind ln everythln1. Must have 11tron1 courage and sense of humor. Phone -- Now there's a woman I could live next door to In perfect harmony. I iron .. By appoint· ment only." I learned long ago that if J ironed and hung three dresses in my dauehter's closet, she would change Ulree times during dinner. The other day my aon wanted me to iron his Jeana ror a class play. "Which Jes faces the au- dience?" I asked wlth my iron poised in mid-air. "Boy," he said, "you're 1ure not like Mrs. Breck." J hadn't thought about Mrs. Breck in years. She was an an- tiseptic old broad who used to live two houses down from me. She had an annoying habit of put- ting her ironing board up on Tuesd,ays and puttin1 It away aeain at the end or the day. From C1 (What can yoca expect from a woman who lroo e d belt bucklelT) One afternoon l dropped In on her • the waa presslni tbe toques In ber IClll 'I tennla &hoes. . •'\'ou know wbat you are, Mrs. Breck? .. hald. "A drudae." · "Ob, I enjoy lrontna," abe said. "You keep talldna like that and someone ls loins to put you In a home." "What's ao bad about lron- ine?" lbe rrtnned. "No one does it," I snapped. •'Did you ever see the women on soap operu lronf They're just norm.al, American housewives. But do you ever see t.bem In front of an lnlal.na board? No! 'lbey're out having abortions, commlt- tina murder, blacltmaillnc their bou, undueoinc aureery, hav· lnl fun! Uyou weren't chained to . this lt(lOlng board you, too, could be out doing all aorta ot exciUn&. thlnas. . "Uke what?" sbe chuckled, prHSlng the wrinkle out ol a pair or sweat socks and Coldine them ' r ,.. neatly. AT WIT'S · END "You could atve Tupperware parUes, learn to acuba dlve, learn bot.el management while slttina under a hair dryer, have an aff alr wit.b tbe Avon lady'a un· enJployed brotber-ln·law, atng alone with Jack LaLanne, collect. antique barbed wire, take a course ln Hebrew Flower Ar· r~, start chain letters. •. I don t know1 woman, uae 1our lm· agination! • . I read the newspaper ad qaln. It intrlcued me so that I dialed the number and wilted. "Hello. Mrs. Breck •peak- ing ... " Son ol a cun. U sure makes you feel good when you had a part in someone's success, doesn't it? • • .Telling Her Side .. , was introduced to him aa Sam Flood." she recalls. "But if I had bffn in- troduced to him as 8am Glancana I atlll wouldn't have known wbo be was.'' Delplte bet eventual realization of who Glancana waa, she continued seeing him. "Sam to me waa a very a5)0d and true friend. I never have Judnd an)'body on what anyone elJe would llY about b1m. You accept your frtenda for what tbey are to you.·· Althoup abe aya abe bu been under FBI rurvtWance eince 1980 and b• been subjected to "•nere0 baruament, 1be ne•er knew the aien- cy had a ftle on her until the Senate committee 1ubpoenaeclher. mi. couple h11 DOrtlona ot some FBI Illes in their ~on and 11 workina for release of the remalnder .) Maintains Mra. Em.er: "l bave never been ·Involved In any llle1al activity ud they know t.hla. And this, of courae, 11qui1eevident1n all of their reports." She adds, "I never Jmn anythlni about Sam Glancana'a bullnesaor JohnRoaelll'• bualneu. t can't understand tbe PBI'a conduct all throu1h th yeara when tt la so obvious I bad nothln• to do wlth 8D1tblna. '' PEOPLE OIT£N ASK ber bow tbe could write the book and how &he could do thia to Jackie Kennedy. "But," the counters, ••tJiey don'f ato-p to put themael vea ln my 1boe1. l want to tell you I would do anythlq to save the llf e ot my husband and the llv•otinembetlof mf lamUy. "I feel for her (Mrs. Kennedy) -I think stie's a fine woman -and I feel for ber children. Sut · l feel for my husband and m1 f amlly alao. • .t,d.ldn 't aak tor all thla.'' All for the intimate relationship she says she had with President Kennedy, she makes no ex· cuaes "for having sone with a married man." "Wit.b my kind of upbringing you can't really make that right. When you are in love with someone you do raUooallze and at the time you d0t makettriabt. ..AND, OF COURsE, Jack did make it rlaht. He told me his marriage was over." She says rumors ot the Kennedys• marital problems did not originate with her book. She claims, too, that at the lime she knew nothing of his numerous alleged romances. "If I had been aware of anything at the Ume I would not bave continued seeing him." What is in store tor the Exners, who now Jive off real estate investments? <Exner'• aolf career, tbey say, was "totally destroyed" as - result ol the publlclty. > "I'll continue juat as lone u I have co with the book," says Mrs. Exner. ''The idea is to 1et the book read, to cet the people to understand what wu golna on." She adds: "Dear God, someday lt'a aotni to ,end a.ud I will not have to talk to anyone a1aln." FINAL MARKDOWN Upto ~Off c Pt1BlJ NOTICE .-nce ... n101TOW1 ...... CIOUnOf' , .. , '"''•• ..... 1 .. ... T.e CIDUllYY W CHI ... , .... .,... '"-.. 116 ... 0 •• ,, •• , ... •O"D MO l. ••I I W I• l'- o. .. --ouce " ........ 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N MIClftol OOHAlO W SH .. W, lot ""'9 ~rtl"'"1t f'tlf Vl!k.I" o.tll+ont;r ., tr~"r• mc.,rv out t'Wt t¥rn\Of the ,.,, #ill °' W'4 <19f'-t•\.fo4 10 wt.In• ,,. t-r•ft(e •a Mrr-bt fT\Mkt '°' fur tr1iftt' ~l<ul•I'\. ............... ct •f •• "' °" AllOU\I 11, '"' •I 1rw <ourlroom Of 0.0.rt..,..,. J Of ,,,. \uoerl0t Court Of C•lll0tnlt, co,,,.tv nt OrMIQt' r11v ot Mnl•""" Dot..S July H 1•11 WILLIAM t: \I JOHN tounlv !'.l•r• SyD .. l'I' J OUNITZ 111s. .... ,...,or •ntrtfNlll•,C..111 ttJU ..... _,, ,.., "91111 ... ., Pubtl\hltd Or.not C01HI Di1•'Y Pt101 AUQ ? J 9, 1'17 JAOl II PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUS IUSINt:U IC~I! ST4TIMINT ,,,. IOll-•nq ,,.,..,,. I• clOlnq bu" '"" ., THE ORIGINAL HOY fUll COM PANY. , ... N•""Po'I 81•0 , c .. 1. llUM,CA'1421 Wiii._ F Alnl~v 1 ICJ H•ven Pl Hew-' llH<n, CA '1MO • Tnf\ llU>lneu I• <°"°'Kl..S l>y •n 1.,. dlYld~t WUllAm F A1nl•'f' Tn11 ,1.i-nt .... , 111..i ""''" the Cou"'y Cl•t• 01 Or~ County°" A119 ), 1917 • "'"" l'ubl•lheo Or-CNtl D•llv l'llOI AUQl1'U, 1•,U,l0, 1'7/ ).<).< 11 "CTITIOUS IUSINIU NAMI HATIMINT f ,,1• h>llOWl"Q OH '.nt\ I\ dol,,Q l>U\I "'"'l •\ 11015<"01 100 11 AIJOIO OM"I N,, 1 \•ndtltlinQ '""'""'' f ,_ '111 lt Aobf.rl M ~II\ a 1 \A,,.,Ot ll"Q ''Yli'M' CA'11t• Thi\ t>v\ffWU I\. (Gndut'f9d hY "'°' .,, ctl•leklel 11-rtM ~I"" Thh \if.tt#fNnf "'"' ,.,«J Wtf'1 f .. cou,.t v C•.,.k ol Or-Cou~tv o" July .,., ,.,, ,., .. J:I P111>11.-a. • ._ c ...... O•llv Piiot Au9utl 1, '· 16 U. "" P UBLIC NOTICF. "'CTITIOUS •us1 .. 1.ss NAMI ST4TIMI NT "lM lol-l'Q pertm> I• 40!~ l>u\I -H GfllfAf AMPRICAH W INDOW COMl'AHV, 11"? -I""• 10~, C.•r- C.ro••, CA •»AO OonelO HenHn, 11091 AOrl•n Guo." O<ow CA '1'40 Tl•" .,.,..,,.., I• <OfldllCl_.i Dy .., In •1vld1WI 0....ldH.,,..,n n .. .ie1""'"'1 .... 11100 "'''" ,,,. County C'"11 of Or-County on Juty ...•• 11 ,., .. ,. Publl....., 0.-eo .. 1 0.t•ly Pllol, July t• 2' . ...0 .&vou\t 2. •. 1'11 )C))H/ P UBLIC NOTICE "'CTITIOUI IUlllCllH NAM• ST1\TllMI NT Tile f011-1r19 ,,.,,.,.. ta dolno bu•' n•NM. lE.ONHAllOT £Ll!Cf .. IC, llJJ S.n c.rit., Cotta Mete, CA, '3l2' Edwenl M ~. 2m ~n C.,lot. CciaU. -. •• CA '1•2' 1~1. M"'-'6 Is C-.CIAtd by ... In· dl•klua4 ldownlM.~dt Tiii\ 11•1-i •H fifed wlttl "'9 CoUftly Cl.,k of Orenoe CO\lnty on AUGlnt J, 1'17 "'"" 1'111111 ... ~to.ti o ... ., "''°'· "'"""" '· ... 2J, JO, "" PUBUC NOTICE fltCT1nous au1u1ns NAMll ITATllMllllT , ...... -.. ""'°"' MetMl"9 llu\I MU et COLL.INS 4SSOCIATl!:S 5'7 5eft • Nl<o .. 1 Drlw, ,....,,..n l•ac~. CA .,... •' .. .. . .... . •• •udOt Collln~. Inc., • C.lffOt'lll• c.,_.tlen, J67 Sett Nlcol•• Or,.,., N••l*t leac.ft, CA '1M4 Thia QIMM It c-.cteO by • ~· llOf•llO!', "-(.ofllM, Ill< 811dft Oolllnt, ,.,..ldotl\I ~hit tla"""'"t wn flled •1111 tlw C-IV CIMI-' Cl'lllOI Co.inly en,,..,., e.1m. "''"' ~ ..... a... CMM Oally ll'ltoc. <IJ ,...,..... ..... u.•. 1'17 .PUBUC NOTICE .. , 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D ' ~-~~ ......•...•• ~!.~.5:!! ....... ~:.~~ ..... .. 1-------....... 1ooi le5;;;... 1002 . ..,. ............................................................ . ........... I TU!!d!y, Auau.t !, 1m OAll y PIL.OT g ~.~~~ ....... ~.~.~ ....... ~:::.~ .. ~ ....... 1~-~.5:!:. ...... . G1•r.. . 1001 Gwrel 1002 ' 1002 e...... IOOZ =:.:=~n: SH FOREVER!! •..•...............•.•• ....................... ....................... .. .................... . DAILY PU.OT .,....,., ltMty fw .... flrtt .. .cerrw .,...,. ... ..ty . ••••••••••••••••••••••• AIUYB'S M.UltlY HIAMHOMI 'l'bnt bd.rma. family & dW.rta room in •• yr old home. 0"• of Co11 tu MvH't llneet trut•t1 1..owut prtc:• horo11 1u-ound. lkop your •hop· s>tna ind ull nC1w for un •PSJl. ,.~,a ... on a clear day, from th.ls like new 4 tid.rm. & formal dlnina rm. home. It has been profess. decorated, Incl. deep pile carpeting. There is a secluded den or Ubrary & a complete dnk room. The property ls located on Spyglass Rldge, with an xlnt view of canyon & the BLUE PACIFIC. A realistic price at $287,500 ... and you own the land! 759-0811 Ftut~ °'eat w .. ~ 1H4g. BLUFFS Premium single lt:vel Anita Plan 3 Br 2 Ba, fireflace, sunken living room, new came car~ts lhruout, JU8t been completely painted inside & out. Agent . 0,... Dally HI Sold at: $107,900 432 Vhta SH1rta · 645-9950 551-4031 • ~ llVJMI COMOOMIMUM • r..,..1N ftlf •rt\ •ll'Y fO t ~ IJ f • t•lll:I !1:~!'! .......... !~~~1!1:~ ..•....••• !~~ One of t.be best ! A San Carl~ model end unJt in Rancho San Joaquin with a vtew of the park. 2 bedrooms, a den, 2~ baths and a dde d feat ures throughout. LocatJon is near the pool. near the greenbelt and of course, cl06e to UCI, schools and shopping. At $122,500, U'd better C. 450 NEWPORT CENTER OAIVl?-759-0811 JOOl ••••••• • •••• • • • ••••• • •• Ge:Mral I 002 j ~rol I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sol.-Heated Pool Large 2 story Co.ta Mesa 4 bedroom home. Heuv) shake roof, euatom bnck and Ule work. G111 BBQ. Low maJntenance yard Hurry, owner moved to Canada and must 11ell 1 Prieed only $82,500. Sub m1t your terms. Cull 546-5880. .. .,.,,~ HERITAGE . • REALTORS HAUOR YIEW-$179,SOO A beautiful 4 BR "Palermo" in Harbor View's newest area. Near ten· nis court & pool. Newly landscaped lge rear yard w /well designed brick patio. A great family home s ur· rounded by extra nice neighbors. IRVIME 'YERUCE Corona del Mar. Sharp 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home with ocean view. All this for $162,500. Call for private showing, we know you'll enjoy this lovely view home! 67)-4400 U,_,lfJUI: li()Ml:i REAL TORS .. , 675-6000 2443 East Coast Highway, Coron• del Mar also'" Mesa Verde, a t 546 ·5990 1002 G.....-al 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• OU> WORLD'S CHAIM Beyond description • 3 Irr. bclrms, z charming baths • 11 sunny kitchen • fireplace • private brick patio · a break11tst patio olC your larre Uv. rm., open beam cellin g, natural wood paneling, solid paneled doors, IYOWHER BIG CANYON TWNllOME 3 br, 3 ba hf}hly up· graded El Dorado mdl. Extra Ji patio, air cood,. Pool, jacuu.l & le.nnls an qt11et 1olf crse. 1ettin1:. $179,000. Ownr /Agt . 759-0087 •TRl-l'LEXES •FOUR.PLEXES 2239 PORT LERWICK Open Wed 1·5 2111 S. Jooquht HIUs Rood G.,..rol I 002 I GetMral 1002 short walk lo Corona de11---------M a r Beach and Restaurants, oh yes u cute guest house ror Grandma or F'riend:. UUa one 1s a dream t•ome HOME+ BUSINESS NEWPORT CEHTN. N.I. 644-4910 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Availablt> S un ~et Heights ·and down to" n GeMrol I 002 Geweral I 002 H unttn gt on He a ch G ocxl LIDO ISLE home. 3 BR., 2 ba .. street to street lot Brick patio. $196,000 • h It & •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tax s e ers apprecia lio n Priced from $16.5,000 and up Call for details. rams REALTY INC. 714 /146·1371 STAR IRIGHT Super dean Ba}shorc~ garden home on one of best str eet:; 1n area Wood & bnck exterior. fresh landscaping, com µletely r emodeled in· t e r1 or hy one or Nt•wporl ':; best de ----------c s1i:ner' 3 Sp.iciou:. bdrmi. & :! liJth.,, with new tile & cvunterlo(>!o . Call for app't C. F. Cotesworthv REALTORS 640-0010 B/\LllOA l~Ll\~I> 5 Ur:! Ua . \ll'W of pov1hon, ~hurl' mo>11r1ni:. all rur111tun•i. S:?:i.~.IHMl l''lr1l 11 me ()f frrt•tl 111RE1': l'nll\ 1-:ust1>1<Jc. CM Hoom tor ll V &. boJt Show:. pride 111 ownen;h1p $1 lU,500 SANTA ANA DREAM HOME For couple wanting lg gourmet kltchen·custom designed r1replace in LR ·overlooking enlic1n11 pool·lg master bdrm & hath + lit room & lialh PENINSULA home, 4 or 5 BR, 3 ba., all amenities. Lovely ,neighborhood, a few steps from the beach. $195.000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR l·l I Roy\ul1 011v .. N B 67';, 6 161 with ouL~tde door lwa~ G.,...... I 002 G....,.ol I 002 beauty salon> RV pork· ••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••• mi.t. Nice area, tree hoed i;treet 1426 S Flowe1 SA lOO~ll'* RMI!\\ C.M.,~ IOATlAS & RY'S ATTEMTIOM START NOW OCIAHFROMT TRIPLEX Two 3-bdrm., 2 bath units &one2·bdrm., 1 bath+ a guest. Xlnt location ; good winter/summer renl.uls. Dl!,SOO associated OHOI< EllS l<El\1 TORS JO/', W U~11t ... v 6 1 1 1,., J true. 646·7171 OP(N 111~•II\11,Jrl I ) at t,• I' [-lllld NANTUCICIT IUCH EST A TE ZSTY ·5 IR $16,000 Large a utornot1 vr aaraee located on Newport Blvd + r t- aidence In the rear. C :! lot. 82~~xl91. Owner may bclp finance. FuU price ~~ -ANYTIME Tree lined entry. Huge Uv, rm. with crackUng fireplace & wall or glassi--------- view of &rounds. LarRe country kitchen. Dining HARBOR rm. Separate wing for secluded guest auiles, HIGHLANDS sweeping stairi1 l o Short walk to Mcuiner~ hJdeaway muster sulte & school & park. Spacious 3 ch ildren's quarters. bdrm, 2 bath fmly home Hw-ry! Just Usted. Won 'I w big pool siied yrd. Not• lutlongl 963·788t previously on market.• Ql'VJ 1119 • II S f(}N /<,) N NI I • J USl litted. 846. 7711 [lfilfiNtll ("""'!!!!ID' 1 T~ Commer1·1ul Units, Newport llt•1)!hh l'oten- lial lnl'()ml· '2.100 mo S'l:.l.0011 2 Bedroom, 2 bath condo. W£"\l nr Harbor. Gllrden Grove School11' Super r lcan' Supt•r Duy• $3.S,000 llED l'ARPET, 7!)4 1202 Hu)!e lot I 100 by 1201 with bl~k wall & boat ~:ile:.. frwt trees, double de lllched 1arage. Allruc live 3 Br 112 Bath home Hardwood floors & built ins A bargain at $66,200 , ________ _ BUILD UNITS -3r!ta!~c ~aO ~!:. a;l~e:,: ~~312~ ~~ (~~~:~ NWPT HGTS asking $145.000, San take up to 4 unft1 RUCklR REALTY ,.~4758 531 ·5800 Eves SM·2348 Inn RE Network llG IUY-CDM Marcoa. Mary Kincaid w/varlance. l!"iesyacceas DUPLEX 81g lot big potential for Agt. 744-4081 or 746-1942 on 3 sides ol th~ choke extra big unit 3 Bdrm. 2 ,_t7_1_4> _______ rcom:::::,er"'lot...,&M.-rm•7711"1u,.. ......-- PASSPORT TO HAPPINESS BRANONEW3BR. LAKE $87,900 Never lived in. Steps toLake&park too! View of rolllng hills. Dou· ble door entry on lo cerami<' tile. Massive Bu. l Bdrm. l Ba .1•--------SOUGll OF lltWAY Asking SlSS,000 NESnEDIM ••FREE-• v .. COllltMfittcJ Ir Info. Senlc:e 3 BR home with 2 l1replaces. huae lot ~1th pool & rrwt trees. Hurry! Owner wanl1 quick eurow. Ne~ on the market. r1replace, formal dine 1.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;=: arejl, handy gour met,1•. ________ _ on large cul-de-i5ac lot. Beautiful 3 bedrm Mesa Verde home. Many ex· tra, lncludtnc wet bar, lge paUo, enclosed aun- room and vecetable garden. Hur ry, won't last at $79, 750. 546-5880 FrMLlltofVA Homu In O.C. Orange Qi=~. Larges( VA Home Broker Cdl24Hra. Call 640.& 161 ~ COATS &WALLACE Rl:.AL ESTATE, INC. kitchen, tuck away master s uite with mlr· rored wardrobe. 2 More queen sized bdrms. Anx · 1ou1 owner. Call now 'IS2·1700 °"" rll 9 ' "s 1u1vro11 N<t' !VIRill Clasalfled ads sell bis 675-2626 Item.a, small It.ems or Find what you want in WORLDREALESTATE ~~~m . Just call DailyPUotClessUieds. CHARMING CdM Dut'LIXES 2 new e.xclu11lve offerings this week. One aouth of ~, ! ~ HERITAGE • . REALTORS Hil(hwoy has Z.2 bdrm11 & 1----------1 gueat rm .. Ju.st one block 1---------t.o big Corona beach. The OCEAN •• other feotures 2·2 bdrm ... J Block, del uxe units right In the center duplex; 3 BR, 2 ba. ea. of town, priced lo sell ot Cloee to stores & Lido $149,500. Cati todar Cor Village. Reduced to private view ni. $1.67,950 ~·Hf°FVNtOUl'K(I lafbooleyfttop. ~~ !:~ .......... !~~ ~~~~ .......... !~.~~ [8 'NMll .:;tm0 2 Brand naw !\farina 1.~ 't]t.~~~~=~-~-~-~·~·~11:1~-~~~ Highlands homes. 2 ft ~ WOWS52,900 Story. 3 bedrooms, din· mecnab I I I ~ACRE PLUS HORSES .... COST A MHA Ing rooms with ocean fV Q8 Looklnf for room to This 3 Bdrm, lamtly v I e w s ! Ea c h h as Jtu spread out" This unique room home ls located on fireplace, shake roof, f88 ~ prorrty hu it ell. 5 BR. the North side of C.M. ~II built and well priced , poo It Jacuui. a barn Nur So. Coast Plaza and at9.50l.Avaflablemid ---'-----:-----------wllh a bonus room 1cbool•. ll 1s the perftct Auguat. above, prof. lndscpg & Dxer. Will not last -call PETE BARRETT . UMtqUAUID V11W lot& oC lrlr acceaa. Jn the now 1ee this or one or our -REALTY-or coastline + fabulous ·gard~n hill• of YOt'ba Linda. ~~'!'~·,~~1!1(fl area w view of hills! Literally the Agent, 11sao.14eo H.M20f last house in Corona del Mar. The -\ ~, ....... , THE fl f. Al iJ ·'".~ ' I 11:1. £STATERS , . .J OCEANYIEW IMHwrTHGTS Thi.a 3 bdrm Spanish home Ls new. Bwlt by J M Es • VERDE Trent. Hannon. u con " ulna all of hla many EXEC. HOME xtraa. Very largo home Uniquely desi&ned home for just over $200,000. txilt around lfe btn pool Can be youra. Move up This elecant 4 bdrm and live. Call for your h ome la l deal lo r aoot. 548-"2313 1raclou1 fmly ll•ln1. bftN ut 9· ,, HurH0101c1• Contalns a fam rm,[~ , I E!!::·~~:e~ w,,ltUIH1\1 blt·Jn ucuum & in- tercom"• bobby shop/· EARLY dark rm . o uutandtna EASTSIDE PtOltsstonal land1epln1 • htn tdeaa Verde area, Charmine 8 bedroom e lose to the Countr with oew 1h1ke roof, i uJUmat.e tn privacy. 4 BR family Jiome 1n good. school district. Keya to 3 Came<> Shores beaches. Fee land. Beverly Morphy 642·8235. (0 -67) Chab.8'8-7TU l&rl• brick fi replaces, C~ONA DIL MAI doub&e 1arqe & much DU'1.IX ""°"" •WeU m aintained LoVel>' dup!O, euh urut wtlh beautlM landacap· b&vln• t bedroom. each. Rnl Jl'Atate lnl " priced Co sell at Walk to beacb.. .Priced to iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiSf •·950• CALL55f..a&eo. tell. YITlbM CSEL.ECT ~l~.tl~ I I ... ~ \I #' I I I '' 14., . '• ~. HOUSD4G SBVICI T' PROPERTIES C4U 10UI' local Vtitaran Cu\stlor for falo. on VA boine Joans. CaJI; SELL Jdle t&emj with • Bkr . .s:lf.TTTT, >t HRS. o.1lT PUotClau!Oed M . I04m. .'W!rY T ........... ,. Heatt'wlW. .............. ...... .... We . .._..,_.S. FwW. ,, ...... s. .... s. ;····:..:;:.:;.········· .................. ,. ............................................. "··· •·•·•···••••••····•·••· ·············-····-• .._................. ,_... • ..................... rnllf IOJ4 ~ I044 ~ 1044........ • 1044 Nipel IOI J .._. ttu ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .............................................. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ~-~i;;~ ........ . ....... .. c:.te ..._. IOJ4 e.t.MeM f OJ4tllil!'!'lm'----•r ri • 1~1 I 1 •• -.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• IUl81" .._.G NO VACANCYll ....................... ....... ............... d ... .... roa~VOAYS ...._, ' &11 . MISA VllDI •utlruJly upvaded 1 FOUNT~IN t N v z s T M t; N T This a l moll uw s CsH9 v-z lood lurk Cuat()O'I moo S.• -j br •ilh ccty brick fplc tn and M.Ubu Uahtt add.I JnJY'EMI Tb.• curHQt ~rmpa. ~ ~· .. 1r •• l MUl pl u. ilom• ln lb4I M•a ~ an10ou1 ! Colonul MP family rm. Ac~n to charm to &be lovely tenant 0( this J bedrout ,.... • or •PUt~. wr V.,. MCtion o1 CGtia VlCW ol lt\o 101C couru . J POQ1 aad 23 acr. park. DlJIJlk and b&ock, mulU· home tn the Terrace of >'W· Decorator cMlalped. Lingo One .. Mt11. a BR, fam. rrn • &i 8tdrm1, ramllr. room •.eoo. level paUo. 3 Bdrm1., 31,~ Univ nlty Park de1lrt1 Prof. l~•pad petJo, u t hno to llCUl lut"l qu.arter11. wUb lU ow11 I r•plaee • (iii l'-N ~· +tam. rm. Edlnbura to remain. An ~•cellent pool ., t•anla eourtf RIAi. Ena:rt ••et I • H••POt(. 11'6.000 and dlo.lnl room arta. Ji SI___ Model In VIII. l . The opportunUy. CaU for de· ne.arbt. lutt beautUl&I to .. "41l. f1MIOO No wu kllt'htn noor, :m · MClu.lon ot 1 corner lot t.&fll b* at uchuy to mala· MOliNSllALTY I M•a V.rck 4 l11r1e covar•d ri•tlo. mak•t.bb anldeaUamt· I tain.Eu1tobwandan PACISlllR II •61 .. _. wal ......... V m.~. Lel 1 11 It !! 1~ ""---•...... &N\ ou•-ta•d-'nl value at * 4f.._ •ot7 * .... .. .., .., liK.R CallMO-lT:IO 4Hw Y '"""" -_, .... w -P.11 -c·· t• ...,._.,_ ....... ....,. C.. • • tennl• "rt•. Xlnt • lll.5,'77. llACM IPIC:aAL Java R.d addnu, Dkr. -to be cherished IH-6100 et, I IM• 11-. 2VJ .... ._., ..._ m Duptn. 1 ~ bl.kl to 11Ml1l. 4br,2'-2ba. We'reopenUllforyou Sl .... ed °" a a_... lot _... ~ewllfll. .... li .. J'OU •unlQue I.<.tvelypool. CENTURY 21 ...... ledsc ....... SIJJ,000. t:mhleatn al l« .• d•· "f I In CGll ...... s" r.ota or r>r1va<"y. l l17.000. 8l1RP'REALTY 495-1720 Ii b..i value oo RIAL EST A TE Kntt!ll1o1 k t!alty, N¥.a30l, UMC:HllALTY &al Pea XANADU O.th e tis pN/I. co. wlJI JUST LISTID 1_&._1_6._9823_· -----I • llf·2000 ~~ &°0t{fJIA LAGUNA ll£AL ESTATE, '7»..o?e1 10M I>&' opcsnl.n1 olc'a In D»Hq. n . ot eleaant llv· ....... leach I 041 498-lm.2 499·4~1 ~-= 0..-'a ptldc>. 1 un"• NJ)l. &h • C.)f. arH• Uia. 3 nr. den, 110 Fam Hi.ttffaC)f0tt leach I 040 TUITLI IOClC ••••••••••••••••••••••• mi!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lml!!! W.W. •tboe 134S,ooo '#/1 bne oporun11 for Rm. siool.. new paint ... ••••••••••••••••••••• 1tm1t1MIMT "' lbrWll ft.ult)' '7HIOO n • w o r • " P " r atove It O\'M , Larcu tlAUTll'UL Lrs. 4 BR model w/a BA, . u.-a MICJUll . I OU .._ • I06t w .. Plraon¥ ~,..who mnuah yard for 11hulllf' k ---------• Jocatad 00 unuauaJJy Jra. H.4V84 •••••• ... •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• MIWPOINTUSTING are lot•ru • in a board, etc. Me .. Vurdc'a HS&SATrAR let. !,,.Bdm>A ,·~,!.~1 thth~wY·.~ &ftAU 'TCOMMUulTY SOMEISIT c:.,_.,Apply b)'ulhn& fllll~tarea 114&,SOO. UNTINCiTOM RedC_...t V4U.IY ..,,... ""' ... .., -.. " S~mndy. t harmln1 ClHMOO M7-0ll0 ~bmll otters on lhla a11 .~-the ocean " downtown. 2 BR + den, detached A 1'erTa COt&a We par. l9o •tor>' homf'. GINm· tor lnte1 view lllrina o wn• r h • • b •e n 4 BR s lnf le story wlth iiiiii~~~ Ll&ht "airy, very clean. homeoo lar1e corner lot. qu« entry ball bq1na Illa ti.rdwood n n. lar1e MoothniFtlbyappt. transletred. Lvl)'3bdrm family room. n e ar Owner flnaneina at La" d s c a Pl n C >'OUT tour thru thls pro. fam. rm .. pvl. brick 1u•11.-u ~ fmly rm home 11 "·' __. 1 • 8~\~ 88$500 w/s prJnklers , n e w feuJoaa.lty deeotated S ,.uo, t.autitul muter ~ "'MCW .. •ULn ...... v~a e • PoOls, ten· ~o·Rl..'..S ·111! "'Ln drapes ai carpet. Never bedroom PLUS family bdrm .auste + ~ addl· p.&c•s--a 11u 0t-. -. freshly painted & de-nil cou.rta, park-1)riced " " SA IJved tn. looks like a room "SOMERSET" tlonal bdr m 1 w,.,.... A '" .. , • •45 9161 oorated Uke a model. Air r1thtonl 1133.JllO, 49,. •057 * _...._l 0 bo New ~n -. ......... -.ooo. • ~. In lo\ely a rea, t hla " • cond, prof. landtcped.1---------* .-. ............ · wner want.I to me. .,."" «»Yer· ff'Oti.i S w 0 0 0 "Pace.eu.er''4bedroom --~9491 ---------1 dealnow. Inc•. eirtenalve Qsed l\•ALroa 2bath wilbllreplace ha~ 38drm home Prtnc.only nifa ina~ftclent paUo 41R·ll4THS ~ bnclc.,.Uol,custom wall c. .... wood fenced yard. poo' J. For appL. call '4&-3'90 UMtVUSITY PAD ho •~ _._ 0 1 Vlewl Lee. uv. rm. hu ~ unJtl Is bootca ... r ro II· IT~t double aarace-All the Spm lo8pm Mon . Fri. Chancellor, 4 Br 2'-\ l a, 1ot-':td• .rib! e!dv: : beam cell., frpl, w1ll1 of (0: lualriou.s Newport Beach C:.-0..det M.. I 022 msredJenu for comtorta· TWO M _.STERS! Real &tato ~~opFsa.mp,oRomt.', wteanlknlt110. cul-dHac on a Eucalyp· lla.1 ~.eafdamto. pramUo··· 6'bllatnlh. ~,,.,.. oomnauntt1. ••••••••••••••••••• ••• • ble family 1.iv1n1. Only A B .. lUI lined 1reenbell. Walk 6oute "tfftl "' zz.i• CDM DUPLUES $1211,500. Why aettle for ONE? 8'S Renie Speclallata. 3, SllS,950. Y.,wner Prine to poolt. apn, tennla and ktlch., laundry area. A Jl'.J. ':\.lil/j9• I£ jQuaH ~ Thia rambling 2·alory. 3 ·I or 5 bdrm models avail, _onl---'y_. _5S_l-623 __ l ____ 1 very cloae to thopplna buy. S128.SOO ,T\A' • pa--- bedroom. home has TWO aome w rJ)OOls . 968-4«>2 Mwloa Realty 4N-07Sl ' .-.. CO R ON'\ 11 l G II l l .Quall ~ m u t 1·r hedrooms. Pennington Properties WOODBRIDGE with quick a cceu to -D--wtitta . LANDS-2 2 BR units. • d 1 An freeways 25162 Lo Estrada ·-· _,.,712.-20 · H uge lot fo'l ex l ble Plac• sepuratc an n~ room , SAY "HELLO-;;--ever popular 2 story Trade°" may le~tt/op L-MI--' i•ooou.t11n.:fw.o. lf.tCN Prap--&.f-bnck Clreplacc m II vine "Blsquay" model, sltllnic I Uon. Immac. 3 vr old 3 --·-,..... n:rnrina . creat Polen ;;f.~920 room. n ew up stair11 TOA.GOODtUY on abonualotovorlook· BR, +2 BAhm"wtpool, 4'9S..008i "GRllMUIH" SOu.Tll OFlllGlfW/\Y ••ooOUAt~H-•w.a.r_11<tc~ caq>etinu. freshly puint Valut"iS'th<"wordfor thls ~apark.48edroom,3 . , outside gas BBQ & fire 3Br. 2.Ba llv rm, frpk . 1 ._........_,..~.__ .... __ e d <' x l c r •or A N D 3Br. :ma decorator •harp baths, 2 fireplaces, Cami· rin I L HIJ'-N e dm rm lut put1o pr r __.,. -·~-Rare 3 ua •· t 8" c ·~ES"V.,11DE "~ If I I " g. n aa .... _...ooo Ind pd'r d. d ' ". "uy now -move tnta•-. 0 .,. " r "' "' 5" u.:aul u poo ' u rt•at home. F' .. atu""n" walls of ly room, formol dlnln° ..,., llN\ l h sc nc y 67 " 157 u '''" od I d I S " 11 "' " --·~ eqW Y + CllS ' for rashlonable "-·-•-· m e ~ un lll. • uper. lliUTY llveablllty In lovely mirrors, plush carpeting room -SP ECIALl.Y fotL B h rt tot 2 car 11ar $91 soo ~ .. ,. Priced Jual redut•ed I neighborhood n ear lld ushlandscaplna.Only PRfCED FOR QUICK &If. c pror. y. 1972 11 · ' · Club ltvln• wltb pool Yr. warranty. 4 bdrm. fmly & Crml d m sc h o o I 8 . 0 n I Y $89,750. Aak to He 1t SALE$1.35.000 Zairodzky, ltr. -~c. tennis courts & privet~ P RfME LOCATION -rm 2 s tory-highly . up. s 9 5. o o o -v /\ As NOW! RANCH RIALTY •l94-86ll IY OWNER alll"den pallor You1l lov4! Old COM. 3 BR & 1 BR. graded Wide lot gives SUMAOLE' . 551 ·ZOOO OWN YOU ll your earthy camel ... _,,..,. ..... '""· '"'"'i". & "" ...... " u· ,Quat· ~ ~ ShoncRHftyre1t IM. jQp~·~ Well pl•Mod ... YfCO•· OWN PARK! .... •tin. with tosellt.oday. f~ 8,,!ts lo n a 11 y NewWoodbridgeCondo .temp hi-beam cell'c . Approx, ~3 a c.-rc Prof coordlnat.ln1 ceram ic VALUY '40-9900 onl Sf• · Offered a t a..-.llrtl ~~~.d~a~:: !;::.::1 level entr. Per manent lndscpd. 4br, tom rm, tile entry and kitchen • ---Y 22.500.MS-94lll • PlllC9 146-5573 • • -r1s2•1~ 0 Canyon" Ocean vu in· islandcook.cnlr, pantry, formal dlnln1 r oom. f~\ l'.~totll p~~ (~1wnma1mrn1 Prap:1.,~~ · ••LANDMARK t.OOQUAILn Nt ••ACM ore73-302.2. wn.AJl. sures capital apprecla-~~:~~~:Jl-~~o VllW. ~:~··~ •• ~: t.irooar:! T(lQ\ ~ woo ou•1ur.fff •UCM Byowner.5br,3 baths.3 THECOLOHY UHIVEASITYrA.RK t 1on. 3 Bdrma<&Istr ----With aUUn1 roomr Ex-~. Real Eltate car car, brick patio, up • St4.t50 20x23') 2~!1 ba+f•m rm. LAKE PARK-Spectacular elusive areal $1«,500, S7S.OOO MO DOWN P'.Ctrpet,lowmalnt. Lowestpnced4BR 2 8A Exclt ln K t::dlnbu ra Two 24' view balconies . 48r 2 s l y n ext lo 1/z IUC TO OCEAN Oldt"r d up lex Cu:er· PAYMENT S:UOO 963-637:! home in this pDpular modt-1 townhome w 3 ovr;iz i ar"o((.st park'f . Gree0nbll w view of Zig II l"'""-'I Completely remodeled upper. Webb Rlty ar1:a. AIC. l>on't wail bdrms. ramlly rm. 21 ~ Quiet privacy, yet conve-gural avail on lt.c option , ---~ on an overi•lzed lol A 493-0761 83l·2170 TO VETS VAUEY 640-9900 b:ith!!. Huie backyard ment lo shope. $160.000 at$650mo own5407SS9 Plaat limaahing 4 BR plWI den -Homei. located In Costa w, bnt"k patio & rl~pil. Tons oC wood & ,1011 Prap...tfn plus formal dmmg plus LOVE:L Y CORNER Mesa and Hunt1n iiton '--=======:=...I Wi.iterl'ront Homes Bkr7S9-03SS 7'2•"20 hl140 family room with <HOME IN Beach areas . Call Cor tic· 631-1400 .....__ ~~~~~~~~~ Norfhview i.oo ouau t. *"" open be.ims , natural MESA. NORTH laJ!s and more tnform.i ~~!~!~~!!~ NuTurUetoek lllghli.nd1 Qul~(ly localed o n a EASnLUFf _ wood textures and o<.'ean N1cely derora~ ·cxccp-Lion. Plan :J w f4 Bdrmlf. Cum beauuCul cul de !tO<.', this s BR, very Jarae2at.ory, and jetty view Crom laonally clean w13 bdrms 540-3666 rm. /\viul Aul(. $165,000. SPECTACULAR VIEW. 3 bedroom home 111 1m· f11mlly home near ~rk. mpster 1m.lte & sundc-rk & fmly r m. Cstm plan· ---------Call 7S2·06170wn/Agt Lacuna nli ht llChls & macu late . with vie w $1S9,9SO. JU1t 11teps toO<.'ean Blvd t.cra in btflly landscpcd REDUCED!! ------Catalina sunaets. from upeta1rs put10 and R.C.TAYLORCO S'lJ.5,000 ~ordcn & courlyd. Be LIASIOPTIOM LARGE COllMER Custom 3 BR. 3 BA. many upgra1frd t•xtras • Call 644-7211 liure lo&""" '"Is on·•. It's Ur a nd new 2 bed r m street lo str eet lot. 2 $129,250 (428) '55-0310 /Jn Nl(J[l: 01\/l.[Y & A55LIC I AT ES "" .. , ~ Sellers SO}'. reduc.-e It and aa.ly$83,500.~S.949L ---------plu.•bhome. Community sell it. 110 we orr'' " l\ r>ct•r1 ield Park home Palu•,huao deck.Quall· ......... SH pool, aauna, J11cuu1. l.i &drm. single st or)' thul has· tie.in upgraded ty thru·out. $250,1100. ' .......-'HT OME ~ Walkm t~ lee COLLEGE Mos l ease o pt io n. Colony home-pn ri•cl lu v1:r)' nicely 3 beautiful Ownerwlllflnance. Customblt.at.urdyhome. $90,000 S47Si mo UKR scll!CallfW·331W hedroom11, o 11cparate BOMDRliLTY Umque0rplan.8BR,2 Real Estate 96.1-7866 RED CARPET lamlly room with,. c.-01.y 831·94 I 1 83 l·.22 12 ~.!!11'1n!o. tFsA hoefatvt, f•rplnlcu.t CJ~~:s'!~~~ a~.~P~~~ios~jil-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.; PARK REALTORS C1ru11l11cc and comCorto THeCIJ.LISO ... CO. 1..clo6e to tennla. 1162,000 On Th F I F;;';uk;Jl~wner, J Br ~~~~~~~--! hi,• putw tor cventnM =@= " 0wner64().7030 e arway A 4 Hr l'l.l S an orldcd 2\2 (1,1 Conr11> Sl!7.000 ,.-_________ lu111111c ~llfnrappt ,..~ Realtor or Meiia Verde Country fam rm. und throu1thl) w.occan view. Need~·-~ By owner Beaut pvt 23i 9 Newport8lvd. CORONA Oub.OneoCaklndquoll-upuac.Jcd -loc11led on a p:unt & cpt 003707'1, alt OWHHA.MXIOUS @> area t.ownh<>me. Ocean Newport&h.1171-4961 HIGH' ,. ._.DS ty bui lt home. Shake quiet rul·de-11uc street ~PM SEA.LY'S LOSS ~ llG OCEAN VU vicw 3 br. 2 frplcs, p\1 DRMTlCALLY '°"'" roof • s to ne fplc · 4 Thi• 1:. truh "l-'IRS1 -YOUR GAIH!I I 1\o loan problems, l>O!>t.I· beac h. te nnis, pool REDUCED 1be Ideal combination or bcdrll'l$, 3 bath, family CABIN" t\ccomodallon WAr.K TO~Cll ,.., '• Ne'' nn ttil' markt•t """ ble low down payment. 4 Sl 23 .ooo 834 3333 or Sea view ' Brdm1, 2~ a n e w home In o n :ind formal dinin g . rorthe "BELOWTlF.C'K '' New :l Rr 3 lla )':nitll'h llu• o~n"r m"~l ~i·ll ilit~ Bdrm 2ba frplc Shake 494 3320 Ba ( 21 •·• .. l b I h d 100xl2S Lot. Call Cord·· Tudor de• ., blk ~ .. ~ ~, ~ ~ ' · · ------ --• am rm. rp.., '•"' c 5 11 1 !I e "' pnccof .. ii;:n. -. 11 week· You II hnd \.11111· roof In M11Uc Hllls. 1 .J.• JE........-st IOSS atruima. Unbellev.ble. neighborhood, (ealuring tmls on lhl& beaulllul e x-$79 900 from the beach Vaull1.od D"'L,HIN •E .._ rvrw all lbe latest appoint ecull ve h o me C c.1 1 • ce11tngs & i.uper Cloor plu.'< r..antm.t1t· t';1hl111111;i RAMCH RE.ALTY ,... IL • ••••••••••••••••••••••• view or, Catalina and men l s . 0 v e r s I t e d s.M>-USl -~1 et. plan. (o'enced&lnd!lcpn.i hvtn~ m lht!t suflCI shJri1 55 1-JOOO C•l 494.a581 MUST SELL Dcoul. Park valley Uchtl. Brand new. 1ara1e. large rooms. 3 You can still select your Orecnlr N' home t; I>· Pl. 3 br, 2 ba home Loke upiraded. le a steal at • graded thruoul an1t in only .-.29 uv.. JV CO balh.alepdownwet·bar. c;irpets' All c uato m uu1v.•.t.IHI N~TH'"GUU.l &rec.pnv'as.l'his home -,.,.,,., .••• . If r t I mO\'C ·ln <'ond1t1on " r"""" "" I.A "'"" • ~-8614 761-7lli30 lr~:~L~.!'! view. al ully ANYTIME e:afluNr-;i.:,c1 1 09Nc·950v· AIL Complcle with 2 bdrmi.. VI Lt.AGE II 2 Cu1lom Ocean view al S9l,500. 15 pnced un·1----· ------ ...,....;a...,.., walking dll· ''"" • A du and Ca m1ly r m . 11.5 Meadowaweet Dnve homes under constr. de r sold out mdls MEWPORTHTS. tance to private beach.r--------·1·~~~~~~~~~1 CallM0-524 • Hurry on this one. It by. <'all lo see ! THE /\rchlt. Christian Able. _<>wn __ r_ia_~_.4_94_·_97_6_7 ___ ,Super family home wlih S19S.OOO. tee. ._.EAR MALL I· PRESTIGIOUS won't last! Priced ut uq MARQUETTE! Eleunt. S3H .ooo . sa so ,ooo. Lake Front 4 Br home pri vate malr . suite. CAU.U ... 7211 " WESTSIDE rA.INftl.ACE dermarket.all8UOO townhomc, completely 546-1622 W/bonua,rm,dock.hoble $11 4,900. Auuma ble L4rie 3 Bdrm. 2 ba, huge remodeled & redecor. in 1---------cat, 11 kit, decorator de IOlln. • 1 • . lot. creel carpet.a, Cresh BrCanHd A 0 RewM cEaRrp! e t =!rc,~nt!U~~.u~~~~~ 'XJnl la1le~ 3 BR., form, FAIULOUS signed lhru-out. SIGS.SOO. point, redwood patio. .. dirt. rm.. t.\fam. rm., 2 OCEAN VIEWS Open house so •/Sun "'· e thruout. naw floor In ""' ew •,... en ""v I t1 •· buJJd bl 22725 l1lamnrc 837.9<17 muc h mor .. Pric d aner4bdrm.Cul-de·11uc. ~I .... Al .. , ... h • below market.Call .. No Agents ! Owner. • .. "Valll " appll•pc "' e ar.e"" a e. u " $abulou1 Burtlnaa me kilchcn, new Pullmans In 960-5272 .... , • .., es. 180 degree view lots in or67S·S949 Mod e l In HV Hiiia. HADL!YREALTY bllthroom1'.Thls homc 111 tNerlooks major ll'Mn· quiet & p r esll glou11 ~cloua w/ Fem Rm, 96l-1933 a real gem. Beller hurry , VACANT-172.800. a Br, 4 BR BONUS t>elL: pool & rec. ll'ea nel&hborboode In the ---------+ nearby. Call Lor raine ... _, L Be orm1I Dlnlnl Rfn, 2 It won't last ' Call new carpet, freab paint. 182 500 udr\"' aauna ach. fplc'a, h111e bonua tm. VA. EASTSIDE 64$-030.1 atrium model. REAL ' M2·7007ot833·33&7 FromSM,OOOlolBS,000. Lar"e pool-1ized view Crowded?Comeseelhl5 ESTATE hy McVAY , Corgeous rormal livln11 VILLAGlflf C-.ey&Contpany lot. F'amlly envlronmcnt 1paclou1 4 bedroom. 2 BEACH. 842-9371. room hosu ma.,,mcent Sun1hlJ\e yellow & walls llOCSo. Coast Hwy. in naturally beauu ru1 bath cafl>'ted home wlth BY OWNER ., br, 1 ..... ba, Spanish brick fireplace o1 11lus openlna onto 2 LAGUNA BEACH s u r r o u n d I n 11 11 • n1ammoth llroplace-• ~ Inlaid with aold veined pallo1 are featured. 4f7.z457 Owner/AJlt. 8 \ a ppt on PLUS a 28xl5 cabtn·ltke Id. HB Joe on Oul-dffac, mirrors. Formal d ine. J!!asy C.llf. llvln1 6' en· --------- ly.Mo&-5\\9 den! Lovely Eastslde •----·-----~ ___ ,.. prln.ooly.8414491 Giant ad on bonus room. tertalnJ.n& cao be )'OUrt BV OWNER·lBr Cottsge Owner Must Sell! Lowell loc atio n and only V t Super brlfh\ co11ve . lo ~a B~h ~m~dln. 2 bib from Woods Cove -'red Ocean view avail. $74.SOO. Llunv GCGft nledce kitchen. 4 Family rm. • Wi a. Ii Beach, secluded, SD&,500. ""' ·~I I Ready to 1o1 Lower than aW!d bdrm• or den for ttntral alr. Greenbell. & 494-6290 or 494.4003 2 Frplc'a, 3 BR. fam-rm. II 1 4 a.ilnfta SH 000 an,y 3 bednn, 1"' bath dad & mom. E·Z car• mt. view. EtlJoy poolt Ii warm"' mvltlna. Great PICIC9 . see tt• 4 Bedrmi. 0,. 3 unll. Excell llunUngton OOf"''~Q. rs •LW•oa1f'rl1• transr .... makc o ffer! fonnal din .• Spanish We. , Quo~I Juac. Usled. ~ Oie nrat lo Twnhm. Very clean end yard. C.11quick7sz.1100 t e n n l • ; • e l I e r ent~rlllnment ho me. a..--1; .. a · bedrmt with den If you Bch 1oc o 1 •1:•"""" [~ I Call Eve11" ~~~·~White Sails :C: =~·!f2° UA04 ~e~~~.c ~r~fkr~.~ 1:a~ ~:;~~. :~ 'll~l1f;\ ::::~co:~~~~4 ce.teMHs 902~ IASYUVIMG ~':';,:~a~\d· ~:':J:tln~n~ TURTLEROCK ....................... I BR, beam cellina li V· drapes. Lot.a of bltn• in Anxious GOLDEN GLORY IY OWNER rm. Is a cheery country the 1arafe. Can'i laat! ! ShaJ1> 4 bodrm, a •lor>' In ci..-2 68 "' lutchen1trikea a balance BKRCall54G 1720 excell Wettalde. 118. ,.~., •t1· r. 1-..Ba. J t ed d t -.. UM\ horn. w/new paint. cpll w/nature to include ten· 1.11 r uce o_..,.....,. "drpa, aut.o a•r opar. nla & 1wlmmln1 tn this TIRDIU. C.21S..brMze many other xtraa. 01il1 deltghttul Twn'hm . 962·5521 aa,900. 1122 Cbarleelon, Throw raponalb\Uty out _....__......., _____ , 157...arT the window • t.o make It 1°# f 1,. Clff tornl•'• 11,---------1 ~Ible. tall XANADU 1---------0PEN I 0·4 R E.TMJ.o'l1l COUIGl .. AIUC 1'741 TuJUn. CM 8,t17.29! 11.AUTIISU Sul* I bt, a ba, ~allo a Br 2 Bl Ru ntblne Just Li11~! ! Condo. Nr. 11bopptn1 . Hom • nr 1ehool1, ntw· 349 ftriftcefott A.altln« •n.~oo. 8kr . ly painted lnrddo & out. Oor1eou1 upan dftd ~1MS P\ill1 crpt'4 &r dr'l>'d, "Lido" + new pool. _.....__--....;.....--. ....... :.....;_1 roomy front • baclc •.aoo. , I UNtTS yardl. Corn for aale 2126 C_..... Brand ""· all 1•1tory. by own•r-. Prtnc onJ)'. 4 BR • .POOi • )"k /q n. Offert« at S300,0Cl0 SJ2.11Sl 117 JOO Open DallJ a;5; .... 5'11 .. l RUSTIC llAUTYI AJI beamed & ton1ue & aroc>vt ce l H n 111 w/lurdwood flra. Spacloul fam. r m w /ff'Pl. II ac~ to cov'd. petlo. Parklike yd. Lot.a ol lr~ea In n•llhbotbood. J br. 2 ba. '86,950 All term1. UCB.I.EMT • MOTH. Heart or Lacuna loca- tion ; xlnt condition . large pool le recreation 1rea. Short walk to beoch. F0r Information call Rl•Mrsltffllty 494-5671 4'9·2900 Entertainer 3 Bedroom, I bath home wttb pool, on country slro let. Butcher block! Tiie kitchen w /r oaewood c1blnett. Game room o p e n s o n t o pool W/CJbana. n te,SOO (4S4> By owner, 4 Rr Cua FOURPt.IX Sarga. Spectucular un· s I 56 000 obstruc ted mounloln & • • golf rourse view. Walk lo Newly rebuilt tourpJex.1 golf roune, lake, rccreo· Bedrm, l bath ln each lion center. Professlonal· unit. Across (rom beach. ly landtcaped, beautiful· lrwpect and aubmK JOUr ly decorat(ld wllh all up-1.t.erma __ ._BK_R_ea._~_u_. __ gra du . Afte r 6 pm Ou.fra.to.,&.1t weekda)'l837-3200 Sbr )baU:p 4 br2badown 3llOOaq fl. Onold Fumlthed uso.ooo. l'JS.5C8'1 Alent 3 Br. 2 Ba. tplc. formal dining rm. lac kitchen & family rm. nr schools & shopa 5',000 K·R Properties 49H t700 3 Br. 2 &. fp)(', forma1r--------- dlnlng rm. lee kitchen & OCEANFIOMT =1)' .. ~~r 1~ools & e.::.!.U:~t2tZ• K·R Properties 49~ 875-SS>O l&OWMilklT Mewpoti a.ach I 0'9 FJepnt Npt. Crat Con· •••••••• •• ••••• •• • •••• • do a br + den 1rp1. wet R E. Sales bar. POOi, teuait. walk to WANTED Happy, en bch. lhuslaatlc sele" peoplt1 OVEN HOUSESunOq who to J oy m air In I t t•GreteJCrt. MON.EV ! For pluah new AJl.541-40421t17t-22:10 olc:. al 3336 Via Lldo.1---------- Cell: Roa~r B rowo. '*SOMBSIT" 173-1020 Jn ~ BARBOR VJtW irH, a pro· fea1lon•lb' ctocont.t s bedroom, 2~ baUt falillly bo«nt. doM to part and acbool. awaJtl ,._... IJll. •J*tlcn. hiDUi room, .a tittplac.; fonna1 dalo& room. Oreat N••P«.t -~h oru. . ' 14 ...... .-. (.._..,,.,... °"9r'llMI•.... ~......... ..._.,.. rw ,u.-.. .. ~ 1-day.Auo••.1111 DM.YPtLOT ................................. ····-·-··· ·--···-··-···· ....................... , .......... ···-·-~... ··········-······· ..;..;;;=;;A;l,=-s;;;;,=.i..;.;;:---------------.-..--... .............. tHt Ma..wtlt IOHMrl_flr .. 1200 .._,. .. ..., 2000 ............. 31" C:...Mete 3224 ...... U.fw 'rtr• Uafw '(tut ,_..,, 4 ........................... ~ .......... ~ ................................................................................................................................................................ . 6UMrTS I Bdrm ~-.x ..... ,, Ct I ......... , .............. u•o ....... W&..ioo.I HIJIM .......... .. I 1/4 A Ca IS Prtmt H.8. *aU.. All dee. 2lla. V.-11lM.2 door:. a.tor. you PO' 1ome ........... , ... ,. ...... ••-••;=••••••••• •••••-•••••••-• · HAllOI YllW HOMIS for )WI' IDObUe bomt or I Br, l"' Ba. Owner will frocn *ob. •Simo. a1taclea for the "run Ln5e w / pt to ~ ... ,_ Corldt • lllfoeune. 2Br, Br. ff1>k, bu, lrf 1un- bld 1 ••te. South of t•U or coHldtr all m...a a r o u n d ' ' c a l I 0bt ' Ula 2JSa / i. w fD dKk, l bl• from oco.n· PtP:.cSed P•ltirmo odbJ : • bdrm.a., Oarana. UtU evaJL J\AU trideil.Apot. '°' BUC Oceans br .,.tlo CONSUMERS GUIDE aem>ely alltlfu • new ftiiia;:~~.+.11.n ' rroot. Mature adtt. Oll.ly. ramll~ rm .. formal d •· EKQullit~ ...,. 111 IOO BXJ\ 1•.a.1Jir1 • -· 14.any have and are 1lad S&S house w/a coD· A all -Witiier ' I l d i h ., .• oe • · · .... • pr. Bltaa. Wntr. 1400 ... _v did. 100.5 or ...... 1 Unuous flow of spec.. 3 1 ......... a..:.....:.....a. ••51 ..!-~. • .-o:-de .. or. B .. aut fu 1roun t w l <Tl4lt'71-1711 -~ ........... u__.. --... ., .. -.... 1pu wl'l:I, ,..,,.. 8 h -~ •• ··-... .. OR•..,.,_ -..... ...._... -~·_.. .. , .. ~··II apt'• avaJlablt' r & den, lfbly &IP· ••••••••••••••••••••••• rtdwood dt<cluna. playhoulo, On pit. --a:raded t J t S585 .. __ ... _, __ ..... -·-a11 d aJ BBQ W>'W\ 000 ' ..... n-1 'llOO s 1'R1PL!lX. OI. 2 Br 1"' 'Brllarb«Vle1PHomu, WI At Beach or ... Up lb OC'L us t d • AUradlve2 I\)' \wnhle. a Yeuly U9"8CMK, _.. ..... WAY1:11• • U 181 • ..,_,, .-n-• • an a. •a •1 -I •·-""''··---mo tol00'1ofNEWUatlng1 mon • oca e nr Brl~Bahllcc .... -hW&hr PrtbchtnBalboa.$180. Bf d XI t f d ua, • nl u ... oan, --·----·-. Yorktown&Mapolla •Lai-, , T •• I~~ u°ui. !..r.,b;: 1125,000. Owar/.Aft. MHl$3 e, •,cFRb EdEallyf. sm,a ll CUl!:El\B~ALTY. dub fadJ. •• tenn11,l_mo_._t7U790 _____ _ ~000. via ldor''i.att,1 1J0.0117 ~ notf1. BaJ1horet. ~ 8 1erv ce. 846-$531 ms mo. -.ons · 2 Br 2 Ba, aar." blk from Y . 7. LIDO llEALTY eo. mo__,1 ZOHIDC-D Sm. mad3br, 2ba, empt. ••Cat11...,Gtt1• Condo a Bt i Ba "-le ....._va.fo l2'7 l>IY&iocean, Sll00mo1r· ~ 1117 YI• U., H..,... 9"cJt 4 ui-. ~ tut• Ana l'r f\lrL MSc>. ~. pool, park, tennb••rt.; "••••••••••••••0 ••••• ty. ~-&Ml; MCS-Z848 -1 67•7300 TWOACllS avtccemer.o...-.'*' LU>018L&ar2B• 81 1 ~3brta~tu..tamnn. s.w>.mo.~IA.5 CASTADasoL eo.tttMeM · 1724 .. ~.a:i1~:~bM:~t1T~ 4 :5.fn; ~e.r.,.:,or o.»:t.f; ~~~m=" •· 3 Br twnhle. 1" ba. poo1, ~ ~~81;: ...................... . ......... .... , o• s. a. IL.... I 07' ~:fnmall oL ln fJuta AU. lllt,000 SHARP 3 Br J e.. m.10E lee 1aies. klda ok. no ~.aai.aao $40.00,WEl!IC & UP ... ~ ................ ._................. m•im-Min. o.mtalleir.tt.,1Utr. S.Cl1mrth 3176 BoousRm,.Ubltns,fplc, peU.AftS,8'0-12'15, ... .,....... 32't :~•l'°11~:~ii:a11 \JI)() ISU C:HAJUUNG ORUl--OOaO ~-.. ••••• .. •••••••••••••• qui.et cul de 110. '450. • ...... •••••••••-••••• •PhoneSerY, Hld pool •Br • ._. W. bearMauita 'MU ~~A term. C.lJ COMM. Acrease ln 8!,owner· Duples ... 11111 ~v!n8:;~1'1uf?: UiMl330 • ..._: 3242 i...8:;.~=~-zm~~~M OWT .All-~ on Uua ~bedroom beauty San Berdoo. U•' fron· ~~·Co.:O.':D:t!!i $SIS. -.an.a PRESTIOJOUS ROME •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• MOll&b. A&Cl>t ""1lJI --------with •vef'7t.biJll. Co1y taao on JlJath~nd Ave. at ll•,.500. 3 BR Upper 2 'Br 3 Be, Cloto to beacb. t Br. 3 ba eod condo oa LAJe ftttnt 2 Ir . ow.ewau. fircpl2ace, beny •hake nr. Palm. Will divide, BJl lower, trpJc~ • ._..Ullt,_wbMtl lli.'!Omo.541.ae.o-w polntsurroundedbyw\de NWPTCRPSl'CONDO Pool mature adltl,. ao CARRY ~AMCIMG rod. cu ~as•. room term a avl. 1200,000. balcoolea. encl. 2 car -•••••••••••••••••••• or64&-aeo5Aaent cb1nnel1. 55' 1lde lle 4 BR. cbUdren OK. Pool. peta:l2SQ.~387l fut RV You Ulovt-11 Waedler Realty Co . .,.,. r-·•-p•-~I G ,,. l101 .tBedrm&den 1nefenced dock. $1200 mo. Alt tennia, walk tobch. YrJ,y S CWlrkliftC 3 bed rm, 2 Bt:RntA HENRY 714..aM-6787 • · -..... -_,_ • • •.. ~1879 llSSO. MH'151 BUNGALOW. Employed beth and tacnJJy room REALTORS 520' Neptune, H. • .. ••••••••••••••••••••• )"ard, fplc. Meaa Verde. . pen on, DO smokers. Lo"tst pnced 11n11t• m DlllMar 492 .. 1121 FfYEACIES U2·0U dt. lpaa, N.8.Steo.Nr.bchpool ~ynow.~/mo.llt WATERNOMT ForLe....aBr,aBabome. Mak1Senice548·TI97 l.imUy hom~ In pnt.11.' or -------Fantastic view. well 1-337·1.lill CdM 2br, $325. Kida/pet. &laat.. 67~ 35' Dock, 2 br, 2'.i ba, wtcommandia1 view of --------- owoush1 p t;i;!>thlufC OCEAN VIEW water, can beapllt. Good Duples +'Bdrm home OceanviewT.H. 3 Br Ocean Vlew hou~e. Coodo.$185.Mo.M&-2708 ocean at Nwpt Hatbor, DGMP-.. 3721> Now vacant. Seller 3 "edr•·o-., bath , ··'-U bo ~,,,. .. t. ..,1 .. ..,,,. Call C.M.Lie3br~ramrm, •neFamRrn ,,_. .. ,. ~ walktoEnl!llpfsHarbor allOtlvated. •·or dewb, ., " "'' ' .or your muu e me or ...... .. • ..,.,.,. $3SS, (/p, beams, kids. .. ' ..... _' ..,.,., Hl&h Scbls from qwet -••••• .. •••••••••••••• call$«t-lLSl. l'rH1deot1aJ Jlelgbts bldg 1ite. Xlnt t.erm1. , 15MSOOorl31-0481 CM ,..._ ..,..,. kldJ _._ mo. 673-6743 Klnp Rd addreu, avalJ SUPER VILLAS 1 Br, baJ, .; '!.~--» HERITAGE lOwnbomc. Close to J.IOOI, BKR. Hatet.oCommute? ff.s(;ta;SiMnr~b Lee l Br, $325, l1e 2 Br, '""-3244 Sept L Owner 54M1l2 vu, myrd, 1ar. eo. 1 i=tl~~~ 1;1!~~ l:~ <b~'~~l l:laveWeGotTbo H.B.2br$210Kicbfpeta '3M. Peta OK, 145 Mesa •••••••1;;;:u;••••••• ~.642-UZZev... SmllrBr.fl00.'9&-5293 • • REALTORS Slll,000. Anawer!f S.C. $WI util pd nr bch Dr. 5'6-'1945 Bluff a ' Bdrm., -.at Mt.,.... leedt 37'9 HbmePlusBuilneN C.M. 2br S185, furn MESA VERDE 2BR,2ba •••••• S3DS/440 loc Uon. F •Odol. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------AMCHOIAGI Charmine 2 BR Is den mobile bome, ldda/peta 2 ~,_,, 4 bedrm +den. 2BR,2t.'lba ........ '500 •. Aaent=~:i WATMHOHT IHYISTMIMTS 1100 home wl.Ul buae covered olt. ,_.. T • 3 BR, 2 Ba .•••••• 1385/550 ...;....---------~•Br, fam rm in patJo, 3 c.r garaie & H.B.3br,$2951ddll/peta d.IJUn&rm,cbolcecomer 3BR,2~Ba ......... f&,50 And wat.t vlew luxury area! Tbp cond. Won't t7 I 4t 496-7711 •••••••••• ••••• •••• •••• green thumb landacap-C.M. Sl95 ulll pd. bach :ocJ:?~~moi ~;~:ner 4 BR, 2 ba ... ·• ... • • S625 UDO 14 YNOMT apta. l·BR, $1200 tno., 2 Jut. Call John Van.Ian Nu• Plex. Dana Pnt. All 2 lng. Jt'a beautlfut wide wuta. Pool. P'ee. nc ·~en · 'BR,2~ Ba ......... $'795 Br nd •-·· 2 8&, ll500 Mo. Company,548-8614 Saft.Juan br,patios,frplc.$225,000. andout. .Jfometlz>ders 557-0822N\vptHats1 yr old 3Br a ttew, apac......, BJLLGRUNDY Pvt party has twni;;::: CapMrano I 078 200% Depr. Bkr. 842·0556 AND .... ExlaUn& 16 by 20 CotoN .. Mor 3222 2ija, cpts/drpa, aai, $i125 ~'!;:d!8::c"~~Ti'cii~ REALTOR. S7S-616L $10,000 under markcl ••••••••••••••••••••••• or840-1441 f\. addition would make a · mo 642-5722 'I -~ r •A• """"'M 1 fantaallc dreu 1hop, ••••••••••••••••••••••• · ~ ' ~e _,,., o., year Y· Muat move. Newr!<Jrt $49,500 ._...aProptriy 1400 D ~-• IAY lilEACH STIPS TO BEACH Crest.3br +retreat Jba Casa do Capistrano Con · ••••••••••••••••••••••• nort11t. dentist office or )) ,3Br, 28a, 2car gar.1>allo. '16'191,?r IEALTY 75t-Oll I 3 BR,2ba ~yrQ' Modem. Near 2000 6q n do 2 Ur 1 ba custom your dream come true. big yd, new wallpaper & t..l'Jf SPEClAL RATES Teon!s+pool.64~9322 drp'I , d1~hwsbr, pool. MG Lot, 130 by 130 Zoned C·S. Corner lot paint In" out, auper 02.28600 F«aummerrentala 3 "" with on sate &c street clean,kidaO~Nopeta. ~· NEWPORT CREST IY OWNER. 48R 49 4""1 pr e 5 e n t J Y h a 1 parklna. Busy location. 96&-'7212 CONDO Lu.s« hl Eustbluff. l'<Jo11I 2.75 "'CRES automotive &hop. Owner Century 21 We,,t SS4-4MO •Br 2''-.. A t---•-_, A will aell lot &toe busl-CORO-NA DEL .... A to_ Clean 3 br, t ba house. Lge " • .,. u.1, 'l!'ru.w1, ...,.,., wJ&Olar heattr. Corner Unobstructed view, nesa. West ca.ta MeH. Spe-ac"lar canwyolUlon ... yd, dbl p.raie, SS:SO/mo. walk to beach. Avail associated l<XS1'7S.000Pb6'l4·100'J Cleveland Corest . 13 2TRl-PLEXES _;:·":..... ... BR+~-:' ~ now. lmmac. S$25/mo. MJles off Frwy. Cuatom Convenient flnancUi1. Side by alde, H.B. Buy ..,.,_ Y ...... ~ ._... TURTLEROCK Clll548-G7. NEWPORT SHORES bt.ilt 2 BR, beam cell· Owner retlrlDa. Call one or both, 1149,500 yearlJltue. $550/mo. ELEGANT brand nu, xlnt 3 Br2 Ba bttl & c:oqln• n;-v;,;;:;;:--:;n:;:;-:;:::;~I~~~~~~~~~ 1111 01< r11-, 111111 .,,we; l I 'Jit h l f, "t t, t t f. l Lgst. l ·aty 3 Br, 2 ba lngs, horse corral, barn Marshall otaea. 5'6-041 ciach. -area. 21ty house. Nr bcb. out. lAe W,5229 OD Wat. w/boat dock. "Mrs. Clean live~ here" & lack room. Jacuzzi Agent l46-ll5 I a.osE TO WATER-hi Sbd,Sba.~.6'6-1035 · Lee 3Br, fam nn Ii ofc. 1&, doM to bay, pk a. Walk to beach, pool & si•uoo. Drolter ~2986 o.cS c:orooa del Mar. 2 • 11JE WILLOWS. • Br, Patio & pr 1 v a c ~ beach, $275 mo. Sep~ tennis. '99.'150 or 495-4486 Cemetery Loh/ Red •tote Mort Bedroom. No children, 3 Br 2 Ba, t.ae Fam Rm. 2bJ, hv rm, din rm, fam $1SOO/b\O. lo.June 1'. 875-0544 N.B. CAYWOOD s.taAno lOIO Cryph ISOO llPRIMIUHITS nopet&.$425/mo. yard, car, children & rm. $400. 64'·1'80., ~w/trplc. PaUo&car SUNDECK UUla pd, 2 br. REALTY. J'JC ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Ju~t 1teps to boacb. SUMMERRENTAL-petaOK. $US. 7~·5all ~~.est2Z. 'sdrm completcl.Y furn ~ blk ocean. Wntr S300 __ •_S_48_·_12_9_0_• __ i--------l'·AlR.HAvEN <SA.) Lot. s.&25.000. f'lrm. Owner One block from Cblna 0-Polnt 322' 2WICSNEERENT with beach &c view. mo.2L3.a.M-7222efUPM EASY Beautiful location. Call wi ll carry. Cove Beach iD Corooa ••••••••••••••••••••••• Univ. Pk, 5 Br, S.SO J.ae. lllOO/mo. Winter Jeuo. 1 Br-single adult blk to WANTED: ~~~e ~~~e~h~~·~:.~ c-:::~~,:~/;ow... M~~i41:',v~~~r~nta de1&foFHEWPORT c~o:Jn!? Pea.:83 t~~':,! Ml.e?.Slor49'7·3230 ;~~ilOMES ·:e~~sx~f~Y· '42-sooz JI OM E ON WAT F. R n<.-w. Upgraded carpets houses for sale 1700 ~~Bl\l), CA. REALTORS homes for leue. 2000 to 831·1400 wi40' plus, boat clm·k. & drnpc s. prof .••••••••••••••••••••••• 675-5511 • zn>sq ft Nopets $550 TWOBedrooma S.Juaft Llllda Isle. Dover Shores lllndsc11ped, easy main· Lelllure World Towers 20 UNITS ---t714) 1Sz.&511 • • Walnut Square •••••• t37S WES'OC'LlFP' 3 Br 2 Ba. Capistrano 3778 or?~ Private porty only tenancc yard. Seller Is WE cozy unrum duplex RancboSanJoaq •• "50 fplc. 1>aUo, dbl aar, s.t7s ••••••••••••••••••••••• 64-61452. mottvated. $79,500 with Lux retire. Meals, Eaat,alde Colla Mesa lBr. rrµk & pool. s.150. Maan10cent view, fan-RancboS.nJoaq •• $:500 1rdnr inclcf. Avl 9/1. 2Br Condo completely --------•VA terms. Red Carpet maids, 10% dn. '35,000. Pride ot ownership Le~ . .Nopet.s.64u-7030 tasUchouse.Openhou1e THREEBedtooiDa 6-44-'172'1 dya; S'8·1232 furn.pool,mmo. Realtors 49&-1840 1750,000. Call A1e01 lot • • · · ·--Sat/SUn 1·5, 831>62 Pe-OranreTree .......... $450 evs. «·8'57 BIOCANYON 645•1474 DuDlesff/ Detalla.751-6063 IRAHDSPAHKIHG qulto, D.P .. ~or Woodbridge •••••••• 1''15 aean,aUractlve3br.zba JJroadmoor Plan •. Onltuate 1800 Ooe-;;-M~;-9-Plex ~7tl Nt'A hrifl(ht & t·~•l"Y 3 64l""'79' Univ.Park ........ $6'15 bouse-dbl iaraae, lae ~lwids W/pool, many custom --••••••••••••••••••••••• "-·-Co d ·. l & "' • 2 ba rr11I sundt!rk. 3 nr 2 )Ja, ~~leteJv re-VW•1e111 •••••••••• -25 covered pat.lo, (Deel yanl. .,.-L..&.__._...._ ... features. S31S.OOO Westmlnlttt' l Otl .... n..... mp. re tl<' • • v11•w <l~lt'Ai.hr In l)rimt ~ RancboSanJoa" ~ Rm, --..... RV. ... t!O ---644~7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DUPLEX ~lnt.ed. New ruof. nt!wj l'tlM 1 .. , :l 111101 frt1m dct•oralod. aJJey & ... •• .or....,..or ·-. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---Span. ,t11cc1>. ~~:>.om 1.,.,.," ..._1!,., ,,., 11.,\,. orean view. $425/mo. Turtle Rock ........ SS'I~ l548-'6llO G•••al 310Z ALMOST OCUHFAOMT HIDEAWAY IHTHIS Cor-del Mor United Broker~. 04i; 74 1 ~ I •. ~:. rn' , "" i.111 ··~ ·' or tl92-33H5/642·0S65 VlD FOUlllR Bedrooma BLUFFS Coad<> 4 br, 2 ba, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ~ --• • • 818 •• • • • • • ••• llOO l l •150 •-.--------Cnm pletely remodeled I r.7!1 rn 1 )lriv11le 2Br, 2~ bathll, v ew, nr. poo • • . •• and redecorated. Ready • frpk, blllns, cpt3/drpe. _Leaaelfo-8429 2 Bdmu. Never lived in. 3 Bdrml!I 2 •lo1y I ., ....... b 'th f Do hi "" J J d d 1 mi to beach. Also de· -., ·o • ,, .,.,..room ome w1 or occupancy. u e ••t"' y an 1cape . BLUFFS.1 Br, 2 ba, Lr .. hoosctobeach. Sl29.~IO IMllt master bedroom+ gura11ew1th alley access. Encld 1:ar. Avail now. pat. pool, great Joe.* luxe new townhouse. NEWPORT IEACH 1!4'n wtth warm panelmg. Good locatloo. Owner 10 Sl'l5/mo. Pb 49J.6309 or mo. .un•l4&. Open 12·S dally. 1407 ~TY 675-1642 Hui:c. lovely old tree& callM.S-7221 558-0188 ----------r Delaware. Huntington ~~~~~~~~ '-Urround pollo area. CENTURY 21 -------LGE II~ Hiiie, 2 Br, Beach. IU-9601 ~1826 C.tOM Udoltl• I :Xtra larae lot, house is now under oonstruc:llon 3 Br & bonua rm, 3 B:i, formal•chnlnc. 11f'parzate Uvlntr/famlly rooms. 2 P r o ( e s s 1 o n a II )' '-Aid ..... .......i ..... d pvt. or A"'. W ~aff•....Mu ,_ --~•~-~ 1_.~!u~w·~--~·~'~p·~·~ll~~~~~~~~; I ands ca ped with •s~ "--·r ~"'".!!!"m''""'o.· •• .-...... bcb.'3115mo.6Ts.1J57 !lpnnklers. S78,SOO. •-----------~ ....., ~-~!:r!~:'!! .. ~~.!~ to~ avail. f'IMUI UDO ISU ~!~ ..... ~.~~ fpl c'!., all c u11l o m REALTYINC. feat.o res Broker 714/846·1371 _cooperation. 8 5 540 :13HJ I•--------'* ILUFFS * Original area, 4 BR. J ha. end unit. Totally reclec Move·ln ready. $149,000 HASTIMfiS & CO. REALTORS 640.5560 Price Reduced TW04.PUXI$ COSTAMISA Excellent cornet loco· lion. Can be aold separalely or lolether. Newly painted and com· pletely ~eroded. PRlC REDUCED- BRI GOFFER! HARIOR YU S76.SOO. Submit terms. PA&.StMO C.21Seabreeie. -------- 4Br, 2"'e., 1am rm. din 962-SSZ I •TRM-LIX* rm. Pf or Ind• c Pd ·i·-------· Prlde d ownenblp,' only jacun.J .. Owner at r e·, _________ 2 year. oklt Spacloua 3 d\ftd price of SlM,000. Lo..ty '-'My Ho.e bedroom, 2 bath owner'• _644-m1 __________ , 3 Bdrms +ad&'ed Bdrm unit with fireplace I --------•I or den and l.ge family 1/J ACRE PARK LIKE aetUna ln Cl ltrhavtn. 3 &drms. :! baths. beameod ceihnfls, formal dlnln1 room, lonal, breakfut room, air cond. Is lnaulaled or893-2526 1181,!IOO Roy Mc:Ctrele Othtt' RMI It tot• I UHITS.IALIOA 4duplexes, all 2br, 2ba, ....._. lllOMewprot •.;.:.;·.;;;~·•••••••• c.t. ~ 14'·1'72t flcwo Sale I I 00 , __ ___.__..._...._-. ....................... 1---------1 .....,.,,.....,, ·BY OWNER. Harbor View '58 llkb 8x45, 1 bl' (cap- Boa.19 Montero. 'Br I taln'• bed>. n.-roof A Ba, 1 -•~. aut.o 1.ortnlrs, en. patn&. Ad.-lt c. K. • ~ llQf\Mr. lUllY Jttral, par'k. 5tM11S .... patio & lndlcpn1. suo.ooa. Owlw' w/carry 2Br. fumiabed, eompl.U aid D . tbawD bT appt. 001 view, IUD dedt, eo. PMc. Ol\ly, DS-ZM2 or lAl\Ull '5-aaC> '1SHT41 . lcaaftnd tt for~· Btacb UM 1Pff)aJJ1L ... .. l'cnclC111&199. ~Dt~ ln...un.lt~ Btluw marlrtt f'iet; W.WWI • ...._. C.UtrMNI ~ 2550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NOWAmMG ~~.:J::t:. ONEOFAKIND lBRdenAdult SMl>/mo 81MOMor&M-12tl 1 Bdrm with Iott & root 2BRdenA/Cadolt 11180 IWdea. Elccitlnl 2 Story 3BR D'IS 2.Br, Iba. lri encl. yd. livlfti room on LITI'LE 2BR $425 Fruit Creet, quiet ISLAND GRAND 4BR S450 nlbbrtld, nr scbla, 3-car CANAL. • M50/ino1N. 38R. $485 gar. Kids OK, cpta only. SALISBURYRLTY 48R,A/C $495 $385. 646·840, 2315 673-alOO ::~: ~~g ~ M.~gar~ Dr lo 1Br+den,1 Ba, 1pUt 48R S600 a B.R, 2 BA, 35' boat slip, Jevel, fP!c, incJda aas, -----------------r Z.1ty. 4 yrs old. Cb.lldren S31Syrly.67).293S . OK.Call6'15-67'75. lmrer' a Br, 2 Ba furn ot' 1'25/mo lncludes 1ardeDer 3 Br, 2 ba . Avail 8/U/'17. Ref'I re- Cb11elr · · S.Cle•et• 3276 ':f'.u:'1in:I~~ 8::~~~ •••••••••••• •••••••• •• • SlOO/mo yrly. 8'1HMO 3br Zb• Twnhae, Min 1--------- UNCH RIM.TY 551·2000 CcsUI Hom• S42S mo. IALI04 ISLAMD (71') 558·6201, (213 > New 1 Br apt. cpts. drps. m.-0554 bla, lae. mo. m.sm . ' . ~ • 4000 ....................... FretN:h 9ucrift" Condo, 3 Br 2 Ra t74l T~tin. $395. t>is ti822 ... lcw ..... 1 \V, WUtcJGM6-J010 f'\JRN OR WtrUl\N •htownho11t w/trpi •J '*""' 6 n . Pl'•I• •Adi.Ill•, cblld lUahtt l'WJul &IJaa&Ul ... lL PARJ( NEWPORT Bachelors, 1 or 2 ________ , Bedrooma "Townhouaes From 1259.50 Spectacular apa, .total recreatlon proeram, eoclal program. 8 pool.a, I ;i & 1 Bdrm~. rnuturt> 28r, lBu, b1tn11. very ---------Z Br cottage, near big .idult.s, l:llS pd. 778 ~l'Olt ,. I c a n . 7 8 8 A pl l 2 n HR OCEAN Corona beach. By week Pl tH2·5073 Shlium1Ar, no pets, $2SCI Brick lirepl1lce, nr park. orwt.-ck.aa40-fi004 -----mo 6428907or759·S81>7 J.1ke new. 2 ba. L11e Balboa Jaland 2 Bdrm. £1\STSIOE Dupltx 2 hr. · -.._... ,,,.,., ·-.. aar. PlO mo. i br. c.lhl HOWRENTIMG _,,mo.v • ..--. s.aoo wk, Aug &. Sept. .iar wiwtksbp. 5350. J:l5 Cecil Pl. •. s.8.J927, Br 5265. Encl garages 752-2887 Agt. w ~lorage, patios. No S58:S/mo.146-7171 3 Br 2 Ba. bllm. cpL~. peL~ or children. Open 2 Br llh Ba townhouse pallo. szso 2515 Orange l>aily ll ·:io.5:30. 332 Vic· sl\I~ adults no pets. Ave. 61:1·0053 or Tim tona Blwn Harbor & $245 S..2612 • •---------• No.port Blvd. Call--·------- Mt>.t«her,64S 3474__ 646·3'1:1fior540.2960 3 Br 2 Ba, ocean view, 1 1-:;S fDE Co1y barh MullanRealty hoo&efrbeach.SHS.yr. w lrplc. new df'c·or ly.673-Ul84, 10801JVeSt. Sl95 mo. Aft tr Spm., Br /" .. "° N . t>75 2913 M . ""' .,arage "!"' • ew On Penutsul11, nice 1 Br, ---------• c rpt.s thruoul. to enced yd blt'p& lo heh. $250 yrly ...... to Shere 4300 . , llr ? 113 w pool Spa<'~ w1p.at10. Wat.er pd. 2221 fS1J.l684 ••••••••••••••••••••••• · • ~ ' · "A' Placentia. Call btwn ---------ror HV or lr lr. P vt ISllJ6.4l20 "" ...,...2B 8 1 Femaloroommale,3BR. ~<1rdf'rt No JX'L'l S380 mo. · ' ----vo:n r" . r, 1 8 • yr Y 2 Ba apt. on Balboa Blvd. S.l8 6118.'i. $450, quiet cple or l 6'7S{;()3S an. 7 m. - - -OClftO Polftt 3826 sin~le, many futures P :.! Br. 5235, m o N f'w ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642-8973 AVOIDlNCOMPATJBLE t~ ra pt!S • p u Io l. 7 7 J l & 2 Bdrm Arits • ~1valla· STEPS TO 81'.:At:H 4 Hr ROOMMATES!! Shalimar, 113 7~1111185 or ble1mmed111tely. ., u-f I •• 'd ' ~3442 ll6I 11798 " ...,, Pc. cp... rpll. housemattei.1line1l1t · ~ Yrly l11e. 642·3443 Takes the Guesswork Xtra ll(l" z Hr l'·i Ha walk S Tero 3132 ;-Blk to b h 3 DR ·~ ;-outofllndln1(lhat ' LOAMS 9% Alaoz.d1Di.- I•> llhops & !lt'hools. No ••••••••••• ••••••• ••••• d' t . c 'btt • Ml a, HIGHT ROOMMATE flCl'l ~s S40.6..'l38 owns au·s, m. pa 10. SI 1 _ _:..._· -Nu 3 Dr. 2 Ha. A/C. crpts. j!ar, lease S475. 127 44lh __ 832·4134 nee 1971 USS. 2 IR, 2 le drps, bltns. no pets St.640-6l40 Male rmrnate wanted ' 1395/mo. 581-7687, --• , lJpata&rs. no pets. Meu *"8lJ7 J.ido Bayfront. 435 Via must be over 25. ahr 4 Br lndlestriof Units · Verde uro11 • .557·7513 or -Lido Soud 2 Brdms 3 Ba bme In HH. $150 mo 831·2919 . Fount.in van.y 3834 $600 mo. &u.esss 0; + M1 utll. C•ll Mike, 1400 ~~~:.~~~~med r J U I b k 'f d ••••••••••••••••••••••• 752.7799 &+f.41!82or9ft2·9T-«I occupancy. Lea1ln .. of· r, ge ac ' rnt Y 2 Br condo Communit -• w;gard serv on qwcl <~ul pool. teM~ Av:ul ~,[ NptHls: nr. Hoag, au 3ur. D:ltinr.: & share rentals, ficeopen 9-5 Mon·Fri. 711 rl sa<'. Plimo f.:nsl CM 3rd S38S oo8.98Z7 · 2ba. F/P. S500/ino. UTJL Video Enterprlau, W. 17th St. IC4or call FOUND: Mix Gorman l<K'.. 206S ltfarian Way. • · pd. Dominic6"i·7173 ~115lor11'91-8716 •4Z..446l Sbep & Akita? Pup. $3li0/mo.963--0643 .......... 1 .. ch 3t40 ,,;.________ Belee&w!ute. Edm1er1t ••••••••••••••••••••••• Deluxe Nwpt Hgts 2 levef, Rmtoate wanted male, ---------• BolaaCblca.840-2034 Z DR apt. 1 ba, patio, i• ......... "'HEW.• ~!.·.?~c~ patios. MOO noosmok_.!!:·~2· 2 Br. BRAND NEW·Llgbt & lndry. fac's. $23S, 1st & -nv mu .............., ..,,.........,, bngbt ofc suite + 1600 FOUND: 10 wk old, Shep J..u.t., SlllO dcp. 646-5717. 2Brapts.1411Delaware. ·--------aq. ft. facLory or ~lilt puppy, area 762Sbalimar.Apt.4 Jm Open 12·S Dally. I OCEANFRONT2Br1Ba, Respptytosharo2brapt, warehouse. Drpe. cpta, Monrovia & 18th. 818. ---------1 Mlle lo ocean. 642-t601 gar. annwal. $42!> No PrlcNwpt. Sl95+~uUI. alrcond.,lgetruclcdoor. Fem.631-21.!0dyw. EASTSIDE A#J.. S31H808 pt>ts 213·330-81114 Eves~ Ideal loc 24• per sq.f\. aa VILLA CORDOVA NEW 2 BR, 2 Ba. $325. Try ~ D~Pllo; Clrl.Wanlady.0.60share •f,ockedgar.w/lgstor. Froe 1 month rent IC OaSllfiedAdlobuy,11eU 2 Br apt C .M . $135. •D/W,displ.lndryrm leased for 6 mo's . orrentaomething. _~ __ 1_1e ________ _ •Special cabinet 11p1lce JMS.3777 •Adults. no pet.,. lBR $240, 2BR ~S Month to monU1 Open noon tJI $ 23231':1denAve,C.M. S48..s31. S185. 1 BR. 1l0ve, retrlg. gar. upst.alrt. Nr Falrvtaw. & Wllson. No BANBURYCROSS pet• or klda. 5~9·3838 2 Bedroom Crom S270. 150 I Westclff Dr. _Newport Finandal Ctr ~Office S,.C• Call on Sli• M an.a1er m•> IQ.3Ul ut a.a DB.UXI OFflC:IS Comml • lodatl apa~ea. aoo to 2000 aq. ft. >..low aa 19' aq. ft. La1Nt1uel f, Ml11lon Viejo eroa1. Haod)' le> S.D. Frwy. Call: 831·1400 -.· -':' ~ . tnoMfs 1310 H.lpW•t.4 7IOO'Hel,W•ltd 7100 . ....................................... , .................... .,, ... . IX011C GllLS 'lilul.&J• Ir llocMlng Outcall14W1•1~3250 DAHCIOFFUN Boaut. Dude Cirla. dance •rap ~-lOAM to 2AM, Kea \bru Sat. &25 N. Eucll4. Aoabelm. AMWAY' CORPORATION OFFICE-GaBAL General office. clerical & typtng needed to fill vacant position. Ex· celltnt benefits & locaUon. Houri - 4: ~-Ex~rience required. Reply 1100 E. Dyer Rd. Santa Ana. Ct\ 92705 ~ilher in person or by pia11. 7100 Alla"" s.r. PIX Want to ~rk af\emooos & evenblp In N.B. fa OBI areas! Work f/Ume or p/Ume. Wedtenda a --------~ 7100 ASSIMIUR IMSPICTott TIME Male or Female El~ronlc components a11embly. day 1bllt0 F/tlme. Good co. benefit.. Apply In Person Only Betweenl:30&3:30 C:OWUUTB C:OIJIOUTIOM 71 l W.11 .. St ......, .... Costa MeM 44S. I 50 I m111t. Xtra pay !or ex· Allfat. ManqerfOC'lrCtn. per'd operators. EOE. de p e D 4 en t H. B . Olll 66CM>812 druast.c:t'e. Need dfUI w srooerY l&.ont uper. Mr. Hatch IC7 ·2511 • At-luucnt H-.. Mal.tan~• Cpl Alslat.ant Trainee Middle aged experienced ·ALL for 120 Units, COM. Apt + salary, no children. UNEMPLOYED 644·26ll Local Distributor fof' larse Manufacturer ~ APPLIANCE hlrint tor Sis urflee ,. TECHNICIAN delivery. Mu1t have Our appliance lechnt· valid drivera llcenae. clans earn S18,000 to Eamupto S20,000 per yr-5 day Wk· $7 pw ....... xlnt Cringe beneflll·musl Cal 75 l·ffto ~ exper'd-openlnas In --------- C.M., Fullerton & Wh.lt-1---------tler-Certitled Appliance. S40-4720 APPLIANCE RB'All.MAM !ltajor household •P· pllanoes, min 3 yrs ex· FJtlme po.. foto men &J ...:per_._c_.M_.~ __ S2_15 ___ 1 woroen w/lnrtlaU•e" ASSEMIL Y LIAD Aaembly ot 1mall elec· tro meehanical devicea. Requires exper. ln dJrectlng work of up to 10 uaemblen. Day ahltl. STACOSWJTCH IMC U3I Bahr Coata Mela 54f·3041 Equal Oppor EmploJtr Aueml>Jy MECHANICAL ftUC:ISION ASSIMILBS We are a tmaJI manut co. w/job opportunltles for prec:JaloD mecbanlcal ... temblera w II mo'• ex· ability to prtseat ldeu iq exp•ndlnl dlvlalon ot progrff1(••• iatet'Da• llooal co. No ap neeea. w. ww traid. Rapid •d· vancer:nenl postlbillt1. F« interview call: our new office betWn 9:10am &2:00pin. IMCOSTAWHA llf·t Ill AUTOMOnYI Our new. Chevrolet d .. alershlp Jn tbe lrvloe Auto Cent.or la DOW blrtn• for au departm .... See usNOW'l JOI MACPHEISON CMIQO&.IT 21AJMC....l>dte lllVJNE CAU.761-7222 1 ,. ... BABYSITTER CM. my borne foe 7 )r. uld .. 2 ... old. 171 Je:-t an CPM BABYSITflR. lit~ hakp U'I. ,Oii' tNcMr, ) t.od ~. OWft tramip, CdM, m~tTl-Ollrl IHBYSITTER. Lo•1n11 cn:ature •oman '°' ? tc) .. .. r oWt. our home, days. ::>JcAr_e•-~~~~~ ~I":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 8ab)'llll~. 'foo Tu•><1 & l''r1. l :•sam o ~s pm. Boy I mn l\. ~irl ~ >r& Collece rrlt are;a 5'IS le:? ----BA.BYSITTt:R n11udcJ. lleturc woman, my home, Mon thru Fri 7$l-taOaASPM BABYSITTER Needed. My home, Mon. tbru Fri. Own trans. Sal. open. Refs. please. ~ & ~32116 DabY?>llter (/lame, 2 boys 5 & 2, Irvine Colony Hmes area. Pref yout hotne S.Sl-4765 aft 6PM MICROWAVE COOKING CLASSES ST ARTIMG MOW Personal lnstrue11ons Comolete Selectton Microwave Acceuof'les Now ottering specialized OOur$es • Mealc. • Pwty F...- " Low C4Mrit a.... Sf.,. S.- • Cletwt ,_ Heil4-y Metllt 'learn to raally use your eicpen'11ve envesiment." We teach every pha .. e ot MICROWAVE COOKING Complete 7•,; Hour - 3 Week Cour:.o F« ~ l•fonMfiOll c .. 761-5011 MICROW Ji. VE M/i.GIC COOKING SCHOOLS A C/i.REER OPPORTUNITY BANK TELLER JOBS AVAILABLE • MEH AHO WOMEN • DAY ANO EVENltilG CLASSES • PLACIMIHT AS~STAMCE • FIHAHQHG A VAILAILE 714-973-1366 AMUJCAM TELLER SCHOOLS 777 S. Moin St .. Wt• 17 5 Or-,.,CAtzUI Across From Fashion Sou.tre labysitter Want~ Looking for respoMtblc 4' lund person Cor 20 mos old boy. 2 days wk, Tues--p;;;;;;;;;:=;m:;:;;;;:;:;::;;;:::::=::;::J.:::===========-=' TtL My home, CdM area. I SIG-7849 BanlcmgSavings &Loan TELi.St ~1lsslon V1CJO, perm. Po6•tion. Frr. Typing re- quired. Xlnl career op· portunily & benefit.a. Call Mn. Baldndge 516-aOOO Banking TELLERS PosttJOfll open for lull- Ume & p/timu expcr'd Tellers al Tustio office & .Airport om cc. BOOKKKEPERS Tra11lefl pos1l1ons TW>tin olfice "Airport otr ac:t- American College of Paramedical Arts and Sciences -. . "/IV OUESr OF EXCELLENCE" New Classes Starting Now in the Following· Operating Room Techn1c1an Respiratory Therapr Technician Emergency Medrca Technician Lawyer's Assistant Rnanclal Aid P'r09"cns • Job Ploc.......t A11i1tance Cal Today for lnfonMtlon . (7141 547-0305 J N~T J\ LL~f EN1' LOAN SECRETARY llank expcr. rcq'd . ~==llllll~==illllllllllll=======ri==============================~ "l'ustmoffice. 1600 Horth lroadway, Saata /i.aa Apply Personnt>I Dept SANTIAGO BANK 53$ E bl St. 'l'uslin Pel'MOnel Dept 832·5200 F.qua1 ()ppor Employer »an1tln1 Polilfona Open For: TR'-l!ll HE.ADIKKPR &nil experience req'd. Contact Bob Creighton )n lne Na.tJonal Bank 833-3700. E. 0. E. Banking Our beautlCul Newport Beach Branch has \he foUowin1t positions av1ul: BEA TRAVEL AGENT Day & Night Classes For Men & Women PACIFfC TIAVIL SCHOOL 610 ... 17"' s.r..t. t.iteAM, C. U701 I C.AU C7 I 41 543.9495 Established 1963 Financial Aid Program:. f.ccrnd1ted By Tn& AccrAdl11ng Commission of TELLER The National A111oc1a11on ol Trade & Technical Offeo'1CJ ~loidenh A lnd t:he"C" f1tdt•lduol & Small Graup l~•trud1on ;.sR r.b r l<vnc.Jur<J 1• 1 • 1 , , • 1 • M0t1·$.1t fl~x1hlt1 ,:r,.,..,,, 1!1 1 Cre<119nllaliac1 ,r "' I a vrs e.<perrenc·~ Photte 768°1560 CClftodo Business CentH UHi ~ $t. #501, ll Toro Will perform duliu of Scnools. '================= Commercial paying It re· ................. ...i 111 celvlng Teller. Six "1 months prior teller's cx- per. req'd. ASSIST. Of'BATIOHS OfftCH Must be knowlcdgable In all areaa ot Branch Operations. Will aastsl the Operauon. Officer ln U.. aupervlslon of other employees. Prior expe1-. h1act.ionin1 ln tbb capadty b ne~11. Both PQ9ltlooa wiJI orrer competitive aalariea xlntco. benefits. Ir Interested, pleue call the Branch to achedule an interview. l714> 7$2-0580 • CITY MAT10MAL. IAHK EQual Oppor Employer BAJlGJRL IRVIME UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW 4400 C..,.. Dt>. ~ .._, C. tJHO ~ '7t.o7,l I ...... ,... lt77 fAU A W'"'1R 9Ut0&.L.MIMT onM. •Evening O..,.es-4 Year ProorMi •Now In 5th Ye. of Instruction • G~ earn J.O. or L.LB. degree• Graduat .. Quality to take Calll. Bar Exam , ~ v,. Oolleoe A.A. degl'ff needed fol-ecfmfMlon H regul• student • • 01S11noufahed faculty ol judgee & attorneys. -••or~~ 8ullellr\/A~!Of> N•"'9 •• •••··•••••••••••••• .Alfictt•• •••••••••••••••••• ,,.,,,,.,. .•...•.........................•..•.•......•.••. z ........ . IP) NURSES AIDE_&. TUl~ING . V fiapp'J di/'1 ;:/)evefopmenf MEN ·~nfer . Klnder;arteo ctasses Now Avallable Enroll Now For Fall lbhda•De,e.. TIAIM POlt CML •YICI DAMS Postal Cltrtr/Cnw WOMEN ~l,1bu. De,>endable'. rs c ~+ .... 6544 SUI/HOUR ... a.. .. 'fwhh, ...... ....., Ottiiw 'fy,.. Of""' .,, ..... MSWfll ~ CalttqrapptM-1711 .c - b UAUTY<>PE'RATOR N!WPORTER INN ..... l lrM0-4140 --C'l TMIDle Shell°" ,,.School ,,, . .,,.;,, ............. c.k ..... Announces the ppenlng of registration for classes starting September 8. 1g77, A Happy & St1mura111~ Environment Is Prov!Oed For A Limited Number Of Children Under The Guidance Of A Trained & Licensed Staff. Please Gall Joyce Tachner at 552·77e7 or Muriel Oangott at 538·8979 tor further 1ntormat1on. ~== ~ MONIESSORI HARBOR-MESA SCHOOL ... woo....no r ... en .... ,.., lo fne Jlllf °' ,_ ... .,.11 ..... , .. ..,. -MA.lf&.-?Ufl ........ J ... Y__, lfQU.IMCl .. MCA,_ 4CU•tne-~I ndo•-"''*'"°" • P-1·0 _"ll,.'"9'-~Ul~·J0<e1Qn '""'" .... ...... , .. wt.~ O.y I =~~~°'" JfH ~ ITWO \OCAflOoltl 1111 _, tMa 549·380~ _,._, -.::"ll't1r-"--+-• ~G"e/J~~ •lnd1v1dua1 Proqrams to •Corroct •Re•nlorco • Ret1ab1111J1 .. • AdV.)nCI) .,1uden1 Abllit•n SUMMIA SC~OOL • Compr&Mns1ve Read1"g Reactin , progr•m for pre 1at graders , • D119nostlc IMl1ng•v11ua11ons •Reading worksnops·11t through 611' grad1t • Mal'1 Work1hopt--Basiae tnroug/\ Algebi'• STUDENT IMf'ltOYEMENT C:err& EM..._. ~1114-c• to I C)o .. .,. Dr, s .. 206 c.a M••florf .. .,.. c.iu. 64J.fOH 20 Alltel.UT AVAIL.AIU AT LOWIST U. TIS IM OU.MCM COUMTT ........ tty ... __.. ..... Md For c...,.... Oetllils C• MOW '79· 1155 19711 Air,.rt Wey S-"t .... .. , .............. 0 w;s c.-,..,.... COAmlME R.O.P. A Beauty Career Has II Alll -~~--o:: -• .._"""-~""-.. ·• dr'l. ·----•'--· -l'jl "'""9111 COASTUME 1.0 .. P. I~ now offering classes in: Cosmetology. Manlcunng & Skin Care At ~~ IUIUTY alulOt •Kh<I•,. .. c.-.... __ Nationally Accredited _ _.,_,,,,._ c ........ ..._. Dir . .t Adllll"'-t. 641-JHO .. OtlLDR£N'S CORNER PRl-satOOl & EmNDfD DAY~ Ed~. Social I R9CfMflonaJ Program. Exoetienoe with small animal's. Fleld tril)8 thrvout the year. 10 YNra elel*fence With chlldron. Ooen eartl•tSl)m. •OH 3 to 9 accepted. Home environment. .............. c .. ...,,.. ,.. ........... 6-41J.MJ4 rmu~{@f Radcliffe HaU • TRADITIONAL 3R's • DEVELOP SOUND STUDY HABITS • MAX. 20 STUDENTS PER CLASS •TRANSPORTATION • EXTENDED DAY CARE KINDERGARTEN THRU 8TH GRADE 121 South Citron, Anaheim, Callfomla 92805 (714) 835-7892 .. A Private school dedicated to Academic Achi4Wement" lnlne School Of Creative Cook~ Jnferftalfonal Froocls MICkmes~ Sept. I Jth & I 4tL ...... Tu.td1J,A!fi..Wtt, tf117 it .•• Bultd lt ... Ol•P9r lt ... Hammer It ... C•rpet SERVICE lt ••• c ment lt .•• Wlre lt ... Hoe lt ... Clean it ... Movo lt ... Pre ! lt ... Palnt lt ... Nall It .. Plaster lt...Flx rt .• DIRECTORY '"II• 11•--'-,.~._..._ ......_....... Hr'r1 II 11de•l•1 p..wa-•opelri-,..._./Plipss... ...,...~ ....... ~..... ~ .......... ,. -~ ·•••···········•••· ...................... . ....................... ....................... ........••.•........... ·••··········•··••··••· ........................................................................ . ~. & a PAl& airi-Utu will )IJ )91an Alt.aUotil fail eUiclenl Oardo.nln18'ntco: clean Hlulinf, ~i.of1 cleanQJ> ~lean1n1 by reliable PAINTING lnl/ExL Ex ~~:il~~~·r~nr' :::! V:-C:SN,,E.tl:A,.-n:: ao-e.nw.c1u or mlu R•P••r• 6 I) ycan exputenc:• In \IP " haullna. weekly '1/up. Tl'Mwor•. Reu, couple. l\4!fe~c:e1. Call p'd., bonelt. neat. Roa.. •ll MMSil ,.ndy fneell. •tm C~IH1l4, .. Ma:t 'c:la.nina i.;.,1 Ouair work flu\"" od .. wana m.&lntenanc:e. ll .. aona· tut.l,...•U0-4WI 96S-58130f'l-a8~12e Uc'd.D1vet64·JOf5 · • ....__.__..._ "~•-aavi.op. nn m.amJac:ILto ~::'r.~r::k•,t.lorm~':!!· OCC Student. Bis"" T SU.50 wkly/bl·wkly. P.-1-&Y--Co1&.1-PA~NTER wlll trade......., _........ elt ~ a...~-..a · ,, nuu. ., °'"""'"",.abJ .. wJn -'"' p1mllna for a van or •••-••-•••• ......... ' .... ••••••••••••••••••• • -"-~llorMll..-r true .. Truh, tree trim, I""'"" e, own ... ans. AveraaeExtr\StryS395 Pick lruek 6'2>038e • p~ Your Jlume C S A tM •••••••u•uuu....... etc. aandy 60·~708. Xln.lrefa. Kelly~ 2Story '54.5, lntr ~rm up . DB.A.I:NSC.EARED a:nc.. tote. "-.t rat.ii ...... P.· ... ~ ...... ,. !L&CTIUCAL SERVICE 'r~!::!o Se:Ci'~~ow 50-W Exper1enc:ed clunln& Prlcea incl matr'l-labor Comm1 & Resld~Ual. No ~0:;1~ fw "" at call Jim ....._,1 ~Uca : Qual CAl.1..1Alhr,4i SMALL U1.f70l(or freo•t. \Q>t. CBZAPBST baullnt In lad.)' wantt more bomf)a. Guar/Jnard, Freoat. )ob too big OC' too amall, -------- lafim •Pta>ed uUi•I•. n JO IO-IZl3 tan. l'r est.. CH!:APJ Hu rererence1. Santa Ted!&-OlMorUS-'1085 20 .YrS expr. Room• MAJ\V'SPLUMBING ...,.,11.1U,U.f ~. ltlli'111'd9tctrlc Reliable £11pr J apeno .. toWorMS-JJIO Ana. call alt. 4pm, PROFESSIONAL Painl· ~d~~~lsUc. •MMIO'J• r ..... -.uoo UcGTlll ~' Oardooer. ReasooabJe, 562-1313 m,. lnwr/Exter. Reas, NOJOBTOOSllA.LL c.,..atr7, u1 t)'pe, c-•/CMlittt h'ee•t.CMH230Mlke. Y--..._.__ HOUS!:CLEAN11'lG worksuar6'2·<X386 Bill tc Bob's Exterior Rooflllg ......_ dDan. *-• .__ .................... • 1 ~til StrYIC91 :,.~......... Two men, honest, rella· PalnUn1 Service. Ex· u•••••••• .. ••••-.•H•u C:.-'l Uc!-. AA I, ••"••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Wan• a R"''"T•YCLE'""' ble reaaooablt Call PahlUnrr. Local·Estab & tremel7 uaa ra\t1 ~U.. IJc fr Ju AU -.nu Ml>~. Al.I pbNI UEDIHO.Q.EAMJPS Hom • ~ nn 840--. lnaured. Tons of rera. 8'IHll8 t J'r L Wal ~ '*>c!ll • bnck Week.l;Maloi.oanc. Jt-·~tApart~~.~t HOUSE? Call Olneham • Frlendl¥/eflicient ~ .... ~ :i-830 t.. 1't p c.IWah.,N'mockl. WCldl-Fr .. ~ta. Uc Ir ~est 8'2-9&07 __.. remuuouwi. Gi.rl.Free•tMWlZI Mo~ tmoo4917 PAlNT·PAPER _,......._. repalra, L•c. "u1cll bcmdedt7J..t'7JO. &42·6783 ""-... --{ff·~-~• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3>yraexpr. Fr.ee1t.. ya. .. ,..~.. rll 1aar. CEMENT WOBK. All Prof1G_.._.. HANDYMAN:CtrpeoLry, "c;;:;;.~-::.i crt'YSEf!VlCE ~.~~s::t:~~l:~. Nowa.it.lnl.D-38'1S ... •••••••••••• .. •••••• ..-st4 Aunda. ReuonaW.. l'reo Act aow! tor comp elf'drical, plumbllllt 6 CalUf.r.L)'IUl638-ml MOVERS Tryme-<:allco83e·S655 Expertencedpainw,ownCER.AMICTILE.. New or c.,.t5-Tk.e ••m•e1IO-CS malnt. ol laWQI, ab.rube nuors6'6-68Sl.84T·27S'1 I.OCALlrSTATE-WlDE Al~l ... ,6yrauperienc:e remodel. Free ..i, aml -·-•••••••••••••ON• uauerew "v-...... ~ .. lrefla.W-·Rlllly,•;R~1!.omm. HANDYMAN l)IMACULATE CLEAN· 3'Hra 7days WORKGUARANTEEO inside Is out. ~d jobe, Jobe welcome. ~26 mpoo la s&eam dean pr...,.~ " t~i'..'hi;;, _,., ... ~~ .... ~.,""' NOJOBTOOSMALL JNG. YouDE.5ERVEtbe 714·523-4462 lnleriot/Extr. Free eat. yard work. miner re.1_.n._s ______ _ ~ bnlNt• .. : wit Sel)'OUr°'"1fonn1 uve MOWING -1'.0GING 675-2440 BEST.759--0377 213-94-HJIO 25yl"llexp.842-029S paln.CallGreg,919-9621 T,..Senlce qlUlOmiableecb. a:llamQ'.E·~ ' Trimming, l.:li:anups, Rosemarie's HousecJna. Know le• Palntln&. Painting: $300/$350 for .. ••••••••••••••••••••• bv, din rm. ball '15. Ave llaullne. etc. Reaa. ,._~ Xlntwork, refs, ~drata, PCllntiftg/PaperirMJ lnt/Eltt, commercial averaae i story ext, Removing, trtmmlnc. nn 17.SO. coueb SlO, c Walkwaya, drlvewa71, fW&.m52 ..,.----J owntrans6'2·1403 •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• apls . realdentlal & $4.507up for 2 sty. Guar. t.oppins. fteat. llc/haa. ln ~ Guar ellm pet odot. P9Uol. fiatwork, 85' to $1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• . , PETERS PAINTING mobllebomea.1136-1120 Uc~ iw2.1831 area 14)'T'S. Tonyl45.Jl~ C')lt repair. 15 ,.,. rirpr. per ft.~. Dan Have somethlnc you waot Sklploader, dump ll'uck, Alice s ~owe<:foanlllg. Expr'd. Reas Rates. ' Do work IQ)'aell. &cf lO sell'' Cl&Nil'..S ada do haulmg, tree work, grad· Reas, reliable, rer11. Own Free Eat.. Call Gene S.lllhlnp fut with Dally Find what you want ln SELL idle ltema with a !31~101. S.UidJe ttema 64.Z-6671 It well. &GWrS. ina,demo, etc 751·3930 trans. 640-..S71; 64.2·7207 552-0&M Pilot Wao1Ada, Daily PllolClasslfieds. Dally PUotCluatnedAd. HllpW..... 7100 W..t.d 7100 HelpWarrhd 7100 HllpWantecl 7100 HlfpWant.d 7100 HefpW..tff 7100.W,W•hd 7100 HtfpW..ted 7100 tWpW..W 1100 .......................................................................................................................................... ······················· ............................................. . Jtttpr Asal1taot, Full C.....,.o....,.,. COFFEE SHOP DRAPERY room worker General Office Housecleaners women L A N D S C A P E MANAGEMENT NIGHT CLERK, 1ood 1lme. Mature. 9"19-7550, P/time work. Min 3 Hrs. Cashier Hosle~ses & exper. pref'd. Up to sS OM;,. 0 hwtdrwd over 21, reha0ble refs, FOREMAN, expez:, full PEOPLE PERSON salary, apply ln person !\frsVanHoru lluat bava car. C.M., Wailreaaes. Exprdonly. hour 642.1843 We want 3 SUPER owntram 6421403 lime, wa11e neeotiable, Exec needs Ptllme 85· only. All Baba Motel, N.B. & Cd.M areas. App. Over 21. Apply 10 person · · -' 997-2.1628 soc. in wholesale s~pply. 2250NewportBlvd. CM. BoatCarpenter ty , Newport·Mesa blwn1&3l'M.Airporter DRIVERS SHARP,Greganou1>girl HOUSEKEEPER 1''ully c:ap1lalucd. Fiberglass &Gel·Coat Unified Sebool DU.tnct, I n o JI o t e I. 187 0 0 t:arly A;\J. 3.6, delivery that ca~es n~ut tb; fo~ No exper. nee. Bayview Lautt*y WC>t"br 642-1634. 1--------• .Repairmen. Apply al, Food Service Uept .. 1857 MacArthur, Irvine. LA Times, C.M. SJOO pany. .xce ent & i ls M:mor, 350 w. Buy, C.M. Wknds only. Bayview ua.11o..1 a.GRa/C •SHIER NOW Recruitlna aharp, Da.naPointSbipyard Placentia Ave, C.M. mo+.MS·0770Bob common:.l.'nseareprere· 642-J505. Conv. Hosp, 206.SThurin """'"'"" 5ft • ambitious man to aell 3t671PuertoPlace 556-32'13 CONSTRSECRETARY qws1h:s. Ideal surround· Avc.CM64.2·3506. Fast food restaurant 1 hardware, tool.a 15 ahop Dana Pobll Harbor Secretary to Operations or u 1 & c: 0 5 met I c 1011:.. atmosphere and Ho Us EK EE p ER / opening-40 hr. wk, 6800 equipment to industrial ---------•e.areterta full & p/Ume. Mer & Purchaalng Agt. sales11lrl. responsible. pay (lf)'OlldotheJob!). GOVERNESS (Llve·1n >. Lesa! Secretary;must CoastHwy,N.B.~120 aecounta. Avg S280 per ••BOOK.KEEPING Exper. prct'd Santa Exper ln residential con· Call 968·4447 ( Fnl. We are a small Medical N 8. hm nd.!I full t'harge have at ltalt 1 YT Call!. ClskforRobertHwit wk. No exper. nee. Call CdM realty and devtl<>P,: Ana/Irv. area 870-63'73 tract admlnlllraUon. Valle)') Co. near the airport & of person lo run hsehld. exper. xlot lYPIDI skills ---------1 751.91:14. tneot firm needs exp d For Major Orange Co fer an eruoyable. stable Hesponsibllltws lncl's reqwred, sblhnd oot re· MANICURIST i---------~1rl Friday, exec/i.ccy Canvass :\lan·Needcd 1m· Bwlders. Salary com· Eloct.ncian new construe. opportunity. Apply al supervision or 2 girls, quired. Bsy H.B. otfice. Take over clientele Tom1--------- t ype. Must have con· med, fully ex per 'd mt:nsurate w/exper. tion, residential, uxp'd. 3,198-M Airport Loop Dr, a~es 12 & 15, hi1kp'g 847.$>41 Rno Jlalr Stylists 218 E. structlon bltkpg exp. 0 c: ea n s l de are a Plemse send resume to Call 8-5. 642·3482 CM or call Mr. Hill ot duties. Must he muture, mh, C.M. 645-4012 Communication aklll.s es· 1~1188 Ad No. ~. Daily Pilot, 556-1905 as well as able to relate LEGAL SECRETARY senllal. Salary open. l'. O. Bu 1560, Coeta to teenagers. 11 1 ~tan· Small bualnesa litigation M 1A?U R ~ W ~MAN Welton41Co.67J.e00. CARWASll Mesa,Ca.921626 Enilncer1ng GeneralOffi~ dards of neatness, !1rm in Newport Ctr P ime 0 we come Help wanted. FUU Time. rURCHASIHG/ t'leanllnes~ & oroanlia· s.eeka exper'd le~al sec) newcomers & .contact ---------1 Over 18. Apply in per50fl COOK 0 or tnanee. )lust have mercbanta. F1ex1ble hrs. Metro Car WHh. 2950 ORAfTSMlU M/f RECEPTIONIST lion req'd Due to hi ex· >.Int skills. Call Linda Need car, lite lypLDe. 800111(£PING .Harbor Bl, Co!!La Mesa. 67S·2&50 M Cheery personality, uood peel relauna to care of s.&7 3095 ft ., the "irla. a 4 ""denree is 640-8Ml0. -• • HUR~YMAH Exper'd, fiUme. perm. Mature male over ll. 6 Days Sat tnclud. Sat/SUn. WOt"k w/planta & trees. S3 Hr & up. Ad· vancemeot poteculal. La£tlna Hilla Nunery, Inc, El Toro. a:JG.5653. \ t • g & Fl" grooming & accurate "' ~· • -------.. \\'Oun !ft .ure Cashier Clerk to work COOK Mechanicaldrartsperaon lypin"of4""•pmne"d'"I fcref'd; xlnt opport for L~•LSECY Mature women tor < lcrks J 1ke (lguro work th·• 5 " ~ ft ~ " hJ h lliWA. ' · ... URSES &.fDIS · • · 9·J0.6 Mon & Sat. 12·6 llomc styl1i cooking for W1 ... years t'Xptorience for hu:.y purcha~. dl•pl. ormer sc teac er. An housecleaning service " .-. U.'t' JO key. Top SSS & Thurs & Fri in CdM. retirement bome in lnthed{•vclopmento/de· Vant'lY of duties, l(ooll u(tive person who alao Onew3year,.exper,xlnl pitime. Car nee. Top S &ORDBLIES val'ation pay. Good refa & exp roq'd. Laguna Be.ch. '94·9458. 111(n drawmi:s & 1>arts \\Orkang hf'~ & bcnt·ftt~. enJOYs the arts Is dtslra· skills, no shorthand ri· &lS·Sl23 Expet'd. Bayview Conv. Hrs lO increase 1n Fall. le.ts i'pJ>ly, N,'ati'onal c,·,·stAm" blc. !\fu11t drive: C:llr Is q 'd . Call for appt. JI """""' Th"-'-A 6~ f[l.1P0 11AHY ti( l .. Calt 540.4455 17802Slc)o Park SoitelOl lnine Equal Oppor Employer BOOKKEEPERS l2t Positions Sl,OSOP..-Mo RE & Med Sllppll1>11 Employers Pay All lt'ccs l.1 z Reinders ARCOCY 1020 Birch Sl. Ste HM Newpc>rt Beach 833.SlOO Call for appt/estab '6S d U COOK ,, ,.,J ~-id-' Sh Id be fl 752·2518. Mechanic:, general all 06P. -...... ... au ve, No stu ents plea11t'. Ca Corp , .tJtil llart'h s t, N 8 prov .,... ou ex· CM 642-lSOS Mrs. Adam >1 for 10• Pantry & ldtchen helper Paul Dosi· er r '\eJr oc J\i rport ) 1hle regard'g working LEGAL SECRETARY around exper. Dom•Uc, · • terview, 64-1-7575 499-2271 ask for chef Jo: 0 c:. v.knds. Lovely pvt rm & Foreign & Marine, own ..... URSES &.fO"' • . -tor Newport Beach fi rm. tools. wages negotiable. ..., "' 5 CASHIERS COOKS. BARTENDERS. Associates, Gc;-ra-IO!-ra-ce --~~th.. ~au;d~=~'!'s0~m~ Renetal practic e , 11.5 Mon·1''rl, 00 Sat. 7fto3&d3l0Mll.exvp.prde-DRIVERS P /Ume Over I Consider tralnee, if ex· '''"'-0777 erre • esa er e lmmed. Cull & p/Ume 2l yr! lmmed ope~ngs nc. RECEPT /TYPIST to: M. Seeger, P.O. Box ceUent ak.lll.t. Mag card """' Coov. Hosp. 6el Center opeo.ioa• In our. aell ApplY' tn person, Me •n :1050 f<.edhill Ave Escrow Dept. has re· 19547, lrv, Ca. 93713. helpful. Salary corn· MECHANIC, radiator & St .. CM aerv ce llH etahona. Ed.'I l>tzza Parlor, 410 E Cos1a ~esa. 92626 quirement for a Recep· menaurate. Call Laura transmission. Exper. •N--.. -_-,,.-g-----. - CaltBU.92.cl:.,&s.A.areaa. 17thSt,CM. 17141556·7075 twrust/Typl~t. Min l yr Inspector 759.0234 ~eq5.30ca. ll 847-5593 M·F ..... ..,L_,11•1 •. 30 .:en'I ore exper. req'd. er '" C~SHIER COOKS & COUNTER EciuJJ OpporEmployer Typing 50 wpm. Xlnt UquorStore Xlnt beoeflta &c aal. , 111-:LP, Days & e ve v.orklng conds &benef1ts ELECTRICAL Clerk, mature. uper. MEDICAL p/time, 3~ Please call or apply, Wkdya. Somo exp pref d. sh1t'ts. Apply, Del Taco, lnrlud. dental. Salary fume. Apply In person daya wk. Exper 111 aaalat· Roya.le Conv. Hoep. 1030 Neal, personable, de· 1720SuperiorAve,C M. <"Ommcnsuratc w1exper. 1195 w. l9lh St. Costa In& opbthalmoloeist. W.Warner,SA546-MSO pend. ~n1uneenng Apply at INSPECTOR Mesa ' Se o d r e s u m c t o PRODUCIEMAM COOKS & Waitresses, So. MAMUFACTURIMG ~fanncrs S:l\'in~s - . Clussified ad no. 952, ct o Nursing Trim set.up display Lag, CM· NR. P /lime & EMGIHEER 1515 Wei.tc111rr Drivr Lite Maintenance, Day Pully Pilot. PO Box 1560, RH SUPERV. 3-11 P/UrM. Ex~r°'d. . 1''/timc c:otrcc Shop Px· Nl•wport Bch BOE Shift. Apply In person. C-Oi!ata Mesa Calif. 9'~26. LVM-lt911ef 3·11 STUDEHT HELPER Pc r . It t' rs PI e a s e . I 'or production develop. A. minimum of on• Nt>wport Dunes, 1131 Include present employ LVM-1 l~ Part-Time. All needed Charlie's Chill Ofc. (7 W ~!:;~11~~r;t"':~~e~~~~: GEHUA.L OfftCE year's current U• Back &y Dr,N.B. me1it&avaJlab11Jty. F/Ume&P/Ume lo work In country ranch 549.o351 Eicpcr an documeota· Late typin11. reaerv•· peritftee in in-process , _________ , MEDICAL RECErT Join• team laur•ted i11 market. 831.(~). La«iwa COOK. wanted ex per t10n . production line tions, "N' t T. ArtPP0 1Y in ~neat mspediott of LUNCH COUl'4TER .... ,_.only, for busy ... _.. quality geriatric care. Nleue& XI n t w n & e s . f( o o d troubll'shootin~ & cost penon ewpo unes, IOlcMr points and .i.e.. Food rt........&1on ;dnce. S46-J903 ....,.; Rehab orient«i. 174 Bed benerlts. Apply 1n r e d uction . De gree JJJtBac:kBayDr,N.B. tro•mechanlcol In• Ex-r'd .... :~'",;anted SNF. C&ll Mra. Darms. IOotO(UPIMG Oe~:!~~~~:~~~or. pe r son• C n no . s prefd. GENERAL OFFICE -ocen subosaembly to ;;,rk ntlunch counter •MEDICAL OFFICE 9.3, 828-77ao. 501 s. Ex~andlna mortgaiie Don 1°d E St 1 Restaurant. 2241 I': STACOSWlTCH IMC Must like phone conlact, r ppepa11·0 n aand· ... ch•• & RecepUonlst & clerical Beach, Anaheim. '--I Ii I 0 a •.• evens, nc, Coastllwy,NB.SeeChcf 1139BakAr,...-.taM"""a work'"g w/cua•-m" ... •· iMP9dlon to company , ,. .. , "n b k d B IHI ng rm n ranl(e 1828 Fullerton Ave. CM. " """"' -"' "' ... u .. d I d salads. Some grill work oc aroun • uay Part time, U Hr care Co. hus an lmmod. open· 646-3915. 549·3041 detail work. Ll1ht typ. raw n CJ s an included. UnUorm furn. Dermatoloeist's o!c In Thrus. Fri. Elderly inl{ 1or an indi\'. w/ex· COUllt.er Girl Nec.>ded For Equal Oppor Employer mg. ntll beneflta. Vaca· s,-clflcotion1 .. Mutt Med & hosp benefit.a. AP· C.M. Exper. pref d or gnUmD, whl chr patient, per. as an asallt.ant book· CLEANER Orycleaners 18 Or over lion, siclt: pay. ln$urance, hcrn SOIM trobting In ply, Lindberg Nutntion, will train. 6'.S-7510, 771 Newport area. Call coll. kK'pcr ){usthavepnor Animal hos pital in 644--08aa. etc. Apply 9-2 wkdays. el•ctroal~ and betwn the Carr0015el & W.l!llhSteP,C.M. 6·9pm. (2\3) 592·5763, .. ~ lnmorta~ebank ----------1 ~~~ Barden'11 Pest Control, e..,_. · · · Irvine. FUil or p/Ume. co u NT ~. R G r R Ls • -cL-'c_. -.....ey. BWJocka lower level in ....... Offi (714) 640-8893 .. Pl t ct ... '"96 Randolph, C.M. , ... ._ 1111t_ • • Miculcal ceA.sslatant. • 10~· rase on a Span. speaklna olc Exec.Sec'y toS12K " So CoaatPlaz Sho pina Cathv Tho mpson at f>.l.4·!>160. permant•nl pos1t1on. Ex Proll:/OprtlBM S3.SJ.3K S46-:!670 . a P .. Will train. Must be able OCCUPATIONAL Un1 C al Mort11a&:e . per. only. l''Ull or part D bcellentbefttftta C.enter. C.M. Apply al toworkeves&torwknds. THERAPIST 1111963·7873 Cleanine·p/time days t 1 me · A P P 1 Y 'l:f~or:t;~raon t~:h; GEHERALOFFICE A•aRcibl• Vitamlncounter. Lite typing. Spanish de· Small psychiatric Equal Oppor Employer S3.SOh r. Eves U/ hr. GOODENOUGH Natural F·ees Paid/ Also Fee Jobs 1 Girl ofc. tor a mall C.M. slrable. M8·TI71. holpital noeda part·Ume -...;.....--'-"---"'---1 Lacuna or Ir•ine . Food, 105 Main St. ""'' ·te~plnt l!•ash 10 (' , .OOKKEEPER• C BalboaP"'ft 87"23•"' IrvmePersoMelAgedcy ""'..., •1 .., • If quallfl•d and In• Med Sec'y Recept .emporary occupa· r / WomenortMn.Ml--0714 ..... ~ ..... 488Et7UlColltaMesa Key. ooo pbone hnsfed ht Ht1a posi• MACHIMIST p/tJme. Upm. Moo-FrL Uonaltherapyald,prefer hm1~mlllt.Cbooal1k,,~ .. f~123r P. rop. Cleaning lady, Mature, D.Wnry & ~1te22A 642·1470 ~~2f~! :~ Hoa. __... IR .._.._ Good geneul back· Exppref'd. ~ exper ln recreatlon•l or • """"' I Stock c•~ ~~ """'' r--·~-ground. Set·QJ> A operate . related field. Contact -~-------• for Dinner P a1bouae. ~ 1er"1Mwhm-21>m. toe vartety ot machines In· ?drmt Tme. perm. Earn Sara l'er1uaoQ at IOOKKEEPEl/SICY m.~. Mn Vanfforn 12·l0pm Fd & Sat. & EXEC. SECRET A.RY a--.u OFFICE Ute cJudln1 turret lathe. up to nooo mo. E\l.ller 488-5102 Varied duties, bO •molt· CLERK f 0 r H.B. lG.ipm Sun. 18 Yn or To mktn.ii dlr. in flnan· typi;;7'°ikpg .• 10 key vertlcle &s borhontal Bruab ('114) m-4247. •--------- ing. flex. hrs. Sal drupton, p/Ume. Ex· over.40HrainFall.Hiah clal11erv1cesfirm.Resp.1 add, etc. Houseware ~~ mllls, punch pre111e1. •--------pendaon11dlla.MS-lli01. per. not aec. Min qe 24. ~~~uor, 495 E. l1th challen~lng pos lnvolv-atcn.MD-9494 ((J; Small preclalon parts,l-•M•OU>-•,.-15-5•0N-- Bookkeeper·P /lime. 8'7·2.563. Illa areas of aecurtl.ies, smaU1hop.DayaonJy. lttature ex,...r'd •· fa.at ,... eonv ., ... .-.11...11-... • DELIVERY Help netded. Insur • R. E. 640-0123 GEH'L STACOSWITCH IMC Sm a 11 mo Id ah op . • ,.._. • ~·""~"'"'' .. or 5 ....... .,.r 'tll1t 4 hrs ""'r M a.1~1HANCE BRUNSWICK 1139 Baker Coet4 Mesa Operate transfer &/or In· 11tarter. Sal open. Call ~·for noort.na con· d~y· t;.y ~~rk £;~ DEC. SlCRETARY "" .... , 549•3041 jcctlon molding equip. betwn 9aJD " 4pm ._ ,..~ •--·•-· · Opnor. for htg•Jy NOW JNTERVJEWJNG WlllTraln. • .......... COlllw .... uvu eic· overS350-ttr.Mf..37M •· " f I" m toy t 1:'-oalOpporEmploy•r 64.5-22H. -he!-·•. 11•1·-seoo ----...,.-----1 motivated, outstandln1 or P .. me e P men ~-"' STACOSWITCH IMC ..-..--_, d . 1 "' as general malnt.enance CORPQR•Tf ON +. 85'1'41111 M•tryJH•wspoper eicee. i.ecy es ar na a help for location near OC " 1139 Baker Co&ta M•a ---------•I Pennanentpart·UmeJob challen10ng pos & xlnt Airport. Phan• ti>r appt Dtftttt1•DM1loft MACJnNIST/SET-UP 549·3041 ~ d•Uverlna early momln.-compensation. Newport lot lntervw. 549-8874 Set up & short run, punch Equal Oppor Employer a;.i J.A Times to homes In Federal, 3355 Via Udo, Sat.Pepperoni'• ll'llHwborll•d preuea, autom.itlc, '9.~ Irvine/NB areu. MU4t St.210.NewportBch. ZIOOS.E.Br11tot CottoM .. oCa92U6 c:hUC!ket, mill. lathe. & lrllJ.., be rellablo & have depen· EXECl.JTIVE WOMEN'S Santa Ana HelRhta lmOT drill presses. Some tool & J dab le tra.ntportatlon. C 0 UNC1 L Ne ada 3 F.qual Oppor Employer Equal Opl)Or1unlt1 die ex per belpful but oot ~UllQ(K'S SalaryS300.rno.~s.ms WOCIMQp/Uma.173-4'118 Glrl·Phoae Order O.k EmployerM/F "'C:~trumentCorp ~~~~ DENTAL Chair Amat. PACTORYllELP lite typing, noo smoker I~~~~~~~~ 64.2-8090 MOTS.MA.IDS AtOMT OISIC C&.UIC , :~"WtlS"IQb x~'it.,e;:t Handtoo1 .... mb~.tu11· onty.Hnt1scb. ~mo. tn.tanera,cabi.TV.Kxp. --M-,.-10-s,-,-m-M_E_ ... U*ANOl\.H 1---------t Ume,1tartll.00b.r.App. 148-1550 d•alred. trainee COD• Good benefits. 'Rollda)' _....;;;.. ________ , PAUU,.~INH ra.... 4-tllf. ty btlort DOU. Curry Girls neededroraandwfeh tldered. Alao Fltl hm, Llf\Ul& Hill•, Con- WOOOLAHO ~IL.l.e torPedodonU.LXlnteal ToolCo..SllH.otmAve, dellvery.!:%...ork.Sali-technician" bend t.actPenonnet,SM-5000. t11.wro"r llAOH + f-'-p L-..... v-...r CM. comm ...... --t e c h n l c l a n • BUllOllS WILSlllE • IUJ uom'llJ• -II"" • • _..,,_, ..,_.a ..t-C bl _, neceaa. 141-1511. I!..&. lfl>•OIY um::iprom.,._ a e ... "• • >tAIDS * r"''-• Girl wanted p/tlme to &e.3380 · TbetnnatLlf:• D __ ... , "ITHO Men Ii TMG'atl 1'eedtd work for T·Shlrt ahop. ------._-1--t ... N "-tBw• 1una ••"""'.,....., now1LoUot1fOtkavalll Appt1. Vlllage Fair JANITORIAL• maa· ~ ,\,4 ,. ~dralde •,~, ' • RDA . No feel Call or como In e'""-1n1 Center llJOE teoance mu· Purer --------4 ..... iuraor lame. ~I 8,Q;:StHwy,LaiBob. 1temJ·retlrad male. MAtHTa.A.HCIMAllll Newpor\Bch.'42·2'21 714-1.667 1 "2-1747(btwn3-5only> Mud have upor. Jn PromptTtmpServicu malntalnlnr restaurant rtteSo. Main St.SA & related eqUlpm•nt at haVt a WOtkhlS ,... ,_ ... 't Jcoowledte of th• elec· · PeUl"l'I t.rteal " plurablul trada. -. Apply •t. OraQe Councy IUO hr hr to •~rt. =~~~~~~-1 Rtttnrant fatvlc.a. M UH ral HI. lU 7 1..;;;.;.;..-.;:...o.;o-.------llJl 1>11lnW.SUlt.8Au. llonrnla A... H. 8. ..11'-lpm,j Jla.a lJU'la Ptl. .... 12$; ---------_ _l_J/--~-... .,._ ... -""' -.. _ _..,,,. ~.~.~ ..... !~.~.!:T,~~ ..... !~ ~.~~ ..... ?!!~~~~ ..... ?~.~~ ~~::'!4 .. , ... ?!,~~ ~r.!::,., ...... ,~~.~~ TU!!d!x1 Auq~':7 A • O~LY'1LOT A -------1-------•1 l+.LISM .. WAMTa Sta AtMDctao&. v I rf f-.1...' 8'cl1tJt DaqvneJ lfoao........ 8060 ~,.-•• • ...... W t060 IU ONIATOll I 11$ ~·• la nt&ll ,._,.. 6 .k...s. ~ .... 1 •-.,..-, llllocfl w/fl41N) cn11. tan ••-• ... -............. ._.__, 81 ,,_ ........ -...... . l&)ia.calllllCMa -•• • COoOl.DtMAfOlt ... t, II ttt.. xlnt ~ ~ Qh Rout , ~··~".;"_ .. ,_ .. ._...,P.U~= ... ..,........ ='f.;.~=•l,Lb', Hohil•Molel 1Altuew,SU0.11MUT ~llbrtd Oeldtn1-h9 toilet Oat l:nl\llb 1.5'VertlUN8;!i•· H 111 tnun .. w•a•pplicaot. SALlll'IOPLI • · · Jr you poauu 1 ...... Mtltlft.8021 Eatllab. 11.1 bnd1. draft.IDldllab.ldtaftl', ~!,....,........ t'or. for SM!W l>nfer'• atore ltr"V Sta Help ...ttd bn· mmhnum OI I l"' rwi. ....................... Sound. Xlot dltpc19llloll _.a._13CT _______ --------- 6 ~ c ..... tk hkt open In I la J.eJture med. J\IU or p/t. Apply. time~ expwteoc. ln lJMd Lu bet 4 ... u .. 18. eG.~aru IBM £xee Tne-riter CAL 25. lJ'JI National F llrH put. XJnt co. World, La1uaa Hill• •EOstHwy,NI tbeHotel/ll*l HrVlcea <22), :.'•xtO"xH' ~4 >. APOendbc qv. a.1 mare, savln z'u Copier: Cha01plon. Loathd. to iLt E•Pt:r req'd. .... _.Mim be upw. lo Sb!pplQCJIWeelYiq 1ucll u operaU001, food a''xlO"xH~" <43a> T· 4 Yit. ptOl. trato.d Eq. Secretary Desk. z &ec. bap cl ulls Nr o.w 7 ~ Apply Pt*11tnel rt I u "I • t O • W e I r U Q.111 t. a.v...,., or NI• Ind bneket.I (JI) ~ ~ t1bbon wfn DelQ, 81).7050 h.p. Honda 0 /8. '8900- I tol "' 61• ltl t J&im pm Moo lhru rrl •DCllUWMr ou~. Ca d but bavt • dell ... to tralll • at rated lbowa. "541.16 · Uta> lla·Z88S or ('110 Uwt.111 ..,_.. lilrL l>oullU. t :ao.dl ~ Some..,.... Pftf' ' 10'llll 9duJta you are the .Detlt IMO AlltrorLaw-a. 'ftt+t ao11 •Moe C41114M411 NN nta.r a : •• p"'. Dr. p. r • .uu.n. to train. Var1et1 ooe Wt .,. 1ootln1 ror. ....................... ....................... -------- 1 ,. Peik t'..qi.&J( 'n;epbrm/t Corporate Othou, gf.,dutrcl. M~ be •~•Jdo We ofter taceUent work· u.... AJJto9 AKC. f\lffy _...., I070 Coctatlal1, normall, Q\aract!". boat • N.e _ SWl.,101 ll\'U>el~~~~~~~~~j t7U>MO-'NIM un heavy lllljl••· • 1n1 cooditloaa, nwblt llWt mos-cl &aid 1t •••• .. •••••••••••••••" •Jl51cup.ca.uarldUS. aHp. Z3 Ketch. Sturdy. t:.qut«>iJJIU' •mplo)rr I· OaUf. driven Uc. Appty, boun, and excellent wb.N.B • ...,., • W& uTED eN-0.108 IOOd nQl.ni. etc. $1000 IAUI HaUonal S~t.lQI OOrp, aal•1'7 baHd on ea· ~" a.1311 NSTCONTIOL rrft.n'IBJ Oil Blftb N.B. CNeer Hrieoct 111 quaUlloa• Fneto Y• 1041 TOP CASH DOLLAR ..__. °'1JaM 8090 -------SUf'f'l.IMBfT ~~IM OCA.lrport> .o.E. Ucm.. 1oi.rat.c1? Cloa· ....................... PAID FOR vouR•••• .. ••• .. ••-•••• .. •• ~to~nt&allboat.40 TICH YOUI IMCOMI With • wttbo.at 1h. IO ,..,. n-"' "dml . JEW-RY W"TCHES •~" Pl p1 lJ to 80'. Bare boat. Sept G wpm +• Short. • tost• SlON PAINT&B. "'*'. --... ~. ~ 0 PW • WOf'Ul1 PtoJect1 .... • A • IW'JUIJl •Jel' 1"°' thruSeptU.111-6W. SHS SSH .... ._ ... • lM Must know Use r.tn .. · tratar, Ooutlio• R.O.P., larco HCk fJ ltf\-oYer ART OBJltCTS. GOLD, )'tart old. XlDL cood. ---------Steady j1>b for nall ,_-.No H~r. ~ t'mfll ah&rin& &NJ group hraltb. ApJ'I)' t'rl am-11. LllD)-cl P..t <'on lNl. .W E. 0, r It~ SA. PAITTIMI P'1 ace: Im med epea•ni: DD Rarllor Blvd.;::1 )VD. Vlllied l.n*a a>l· SILVER SERVICE, •. 1..-orlO 11' eat. "TT. Sea Spray. T&.9'HOMIWOltl • ~ C. Oolta ...... • oral Lot• of-tome. FINE f'URN • AN· WilrtttJerQltMtw/beadl xlnt eondlllon, e1200. HOUllWfYll CT'M),,..1115 ~aAerlpm. 'nQUBS.NW200 :/e.xlateon""loD· · N.wequlp,615-0Sll COUlctllTUD9CTS STOC• Gia&. WAJTllESS. °""II, daJ Nd sd boaMJ for a mo U.....U 1071 IU-1144 DllunC'9hamble 38 Geeraot .. d UourlJ Youn\ alat llrt DNdad. eh1ft. Appb', afl4pm, Sd ldttam. 2 wbt. 2 b1k. 1 ...... _,, .. -....... ball Pl Oppot. to jola I tarnUles ,,... rtua DDDu1. •=• :=.uUIO•;: IOCIM e1ertoet ~ ~~ Av. amt. mai......., a.c. Marian mare. broke 8/1::'.!!aa lleftl' ::· 1n their 1on1 Audtne. P~H wlicl1MJ Hav" prn to 1:30 pm. Call ~S Elplt n, m. ll'IO•-•--' to rtcle 6 drivel. blli Must een' bst oh" ~ harmonlou loYe affair M6-G'Zlor c.ometo2:50 E. ~ W"l'l'D-a __ ,.._,, ....... e. _.. llotlu letalog, •aoo 8•75 177• w/o rnarveloua aallboat. '~ opccunf:I 13 ID .,.,._Ot c.taM S J9Fdb.lool.al,N.B. nA&~JtOexl. nee:. JM01.C~. En1, WHiern (71') • • • • ••· SLOOOO+onlYSSOmo for ~...;~~=~iif~11 1 .. .._ l71D2SuPar1r l:l&odlroomcletltf«t~ ¢~~~2LI._'~~; GH452 a.1011 (213)8.Tllldya. ~t.y.14Nm ' &Jw..c..o.' nta:; ~~~Emp~~· tniaoodA~atto.11ln1 :~ Ulam~> ~KIN1 1.F tcwColbomU 1• .!'!' M11e•-•• IOIO ?t.~~.!~ ... ~!!~ 11• O'D•t. d•t Hiier_ PLANT MAMAGY ~~r,-.:!:t a::~~~~~~~~~J uper. pp..,. penoa ... Waitreue9 " C bl ....,. ... yr e •~ •••••••••• .... ••••••••• let. Matlin Ulta $1450 Incl trlr • motor. :CU:r:.~i!"t!t m~:: iresslve very toaetber f ~~ t1:;r:r;,..•:,;:; day " n1a1rt ahlft!. ;s:P am. Obed. tmd. au WANTED 2 <:. ttiW. une :111P> 840-'JO:IO...,. foe Oranae Cty. pl:.nt C:-:: to ua11t market. S.C.tt•y to$HO Ave.trvfne.751-0635 only.NewYorkerlleat6 MALk& P"lt'• part TOP CASH DOLLAR Blliatr.~11 Raein1Sellat.f\all1equlp. ~ dea. • II , .. ,.direcl«l l 1 • s' aS.Ce nretaria!t l a·l. Free. Join ta.let dept. lo Deli, 421 E 11 St. CM, SCol c tr. l!tDbabP~· PAID FOR y 0 UR c.a--....... New Ullmao HU. no. cnmpany up. pref'd. • ooe or top nal'I eo'1. TUCHB·A.IDI h 631·28» ~·•• aa I... JEWELRY, WATCHES, -;; '80tS 1XL~ 6.&1ar)' l20.000to ~.ooo =~~I~ ~ut Local ofc needa 1ood Huntln1lon Beac WAITRESS Part time ART OBJECTS, GOLD,·-·-•••••"••-·•- + profit lh.arin&. Send t714)832-211ll slcil.Ja "aome previous Headstart. p/tlme. Ml.5 luncb. cau'between 9 6 Ma.Mo.man6bep,4yn SILVER Sl'!RVlCE,1--------111 ~~~~~~ ?~~ --------1 salet aec:r«artaJ back· Permo.CaUlll.'l-iSl&. Uamtorappt.548-N41 old. To coo~ home. FINE FURN. & AN• let Clau. GLASS ,.._._11 c ........., •SALES• around for tbla prime --------1w-:.-...._..1Coc._._.,_ Dan.at·au:J,te0-6022 'nQUES.145-2200 DISPL"Y C•••• &. ""9UI ea.a, a............ spot. Xlnt benefit• & T""'-a.-...s I --· &'VUU .... wt. Be '-~ "....... aL... PradlcaJNurse . Exper'd Sales or PR growth polenUal. A110 _ ....... a et Applyaf\4;],Sid'aBlue Samoyed. nda home, male LUGGAGE TAGS nc ... uvm a m"VW Want.edPart·Time. work. Sell anliquea. Fee Jobs Call Chris. YOUDOtiff Bee&.10'72 tPl,NB "fem. a" 4 Yl'll oJd fl'OmfOW'bcleloeucard. retail store. LUce new. Call 549 2759 Mature uttltude essen. ~.Coastal Penon· HAVE TO .J-w/papera. 9S2-109T 8md one card for each &11-lOOS -------- Perm. position. Must be net Agency, mo Harbor STAHD OM WMTRbS.DIMMa ~ct'~!~t Village Blvd, C.M. YOUI H!AD We accept appllcaUons rltESSMA.H TRHE Some offset pre11s cx1~r helprul. Full en. benefits. C.all Dorothy~T-6963 TOFIHD ~e0:·.Tdb.uo ~·~ii ~:';".r.; Fvntltur• IOSO A. GOOD JOI! Res t a u r a n t • 18 4 8 2 •••••• •••• •••,.••••• .... Apply In person, Pen S 3 I es r or S e a 1 on nysaver. 1660 Plecent1a, Showc:ue demonstrating SECRET ARIES CM quality line of toys & & TYPISTS 1(1&. No <.'Ollectlon or de-Looklllg for REAL ESTA.Tl tlvenng. No Investment. SoccC!llSful, friendly, sw· Work your own hn. Nd Tftl!PO'• J Wort&? toging Laaun• Beach re car. 537-6371 Earn extra money work· aJtor baa opemne for A Ing local asalanmenta lJSTER & MOTIVATF.D SALES-Full " part· that add inlerett to your SALESPERSON, prefer time, coametology hie & open new op- exper. but will awe on knowledge helpful, portunillee. Your office the job tralnUlJC Hlllic Laguna Bch. 49'1-1003 ski.Us are valued at McCormack Realty <to SALES LADY . yrs. at iooo N_ Coaat Part tJme. for exclusive ~Q~ of flee • Hwy.) "94-7M1 Real &tateSalespenon I 00% COMMISSIOH We (urnlah des k - t.:lepbone-.ecretary & help. LACASARLTY 495 1870 eve: 831-0737 antiques & gill ahop al 0 overload Soulh Coast Plaza. Call • :>frsHelme,549-8748 157.0061 172.'J Blrcb st, NB SALESMAN lat run movies nowl~~~~~~~~~ inallable in Laguna SECIETAIY Beach! Salesmen to de· Part time to full Um• tor monstrate & boolc·up new, growlna Yacht current cable TV sub-Brokera1e. Brolteral(e --------1 scribenJ. Full & P/Ume. experience preferred- Mr. DeUJa 831-100>. 10 to Call Nancy, between REAL ESTA TE _4p'-m.------4 9AM & OPM any day. Creative & prol. co. wlll _67H'll __ 1 ____ _ 800l'I be openlnlf oCc'a Jo SA.LISPl!llSOH Secretary, p/Ume 20-25 Npl Bch & C.M. areaa. Dltectfleld hrL Lite typtoa & bk· We have open.lop for For electro-mecb•t kpngsldlla.Callm..a308. Tlm&-Life Ubrariea has MacArthur Blvd, Irvine STOREWlDESALE absolutely the finest New & uaed rum. appl's. p/llme sales jobs avalla· Wattreues/Hosteaaea Mu mllc. Wilson'• Bargain ble In Orange Co. No Barken Restaurant 212 Nook. US & 814 W. 19th, door to door & no pre· ~· 17th St. CM. Now tak-CM. M2-7130&~ ssure tactics. We use a I.DI applications. I frl di ap. Beige tooa, cut velvet n ce euy en Y Welder Rell arc exper. down nlled g• eofa. $395. ~acb & our re&ut•Uoo weld.in& thin waJl slain· TS-1111 ne:.":":: !r~r : ~:'a!; leu steel tublnt. aozs S: ---· -----• aalary+ac:ommlaslon& KilsonS.A. **I BUY** a areal bonua plan. Weneed50peoplewboare Good used rumlture &t Thent la eJtoeUent m06ey at least 10 lbs over· Appliances-OR I will on the job + the at-welChL Call Ms. Stone at sell or SELL for You. moephere Is c11ual & 7Sl-917S. We can tell you MASTlltS AUC:TIOM fun_ Try a job you'll en· how to lose pounds ac 64M6H & lll·t'21 joy for a chanae. We earn money at the same --------• have (3) Part-time stllf\a Urne. c~H PAID &t'u.ll·Tllnela.orc:ounie, ---------1 Fer cd uaed turn, anU- avallable. Our 1ta!f peo. Merct...cllw ques&clrTV'1,m-t1a3 pie enjoy excellent ••••••••••••••••••••••• benefits lnclud1n& health Alttkptt 1005 --------1 &i life lnaurance. •••••• ••••••• 0 •• •• •• • •• Try It You'll uew1t1 · Wonderland G1vE us A cALL . Of Antifllles•. For A Penonal tntervw .,""." 133-IOtS HUGE warehouse • ...,..,. crammed with over l500 TIM& ...... .,,. mualc: bo&ea, nlckelo-UBRARl.ES Equal Opp Emplyr m/t ~ pl.uoe, circ:us or· n e w o r e x P e r manuf.1-3 Yn selling ex· saJeepenona "min who per. " technical back· are lntereated in a inundlnrela~fteld. SECIET ARY Telepbooe Tool Boom NHd bardworklna. 8a.lat·Earn to S20,000+. dlveralfled, mature u~ Ora.nae Co. penon. Small c:o. w/lota & LA. Great beoetltl. ol resp. Xlnt typinl & ah security le npld edvan· r~fd. Good bene. P•Y· cement Call Republlc career_ Apply tty callln& Cal 149·l04 I 631-0400 ~7 ·0110 for lnte!'Ylew. Hlrtna Equal()pporEmplo)'er Mon thru FTI by appt. SALES Ml.salon Viejo area-Call Recepl/F /tsme, typist. Part llme. S-9pm. Mon· Qirol, 5ll-3830. loam to Roy, 714/SM·9088. for tnterior Detiaoer, Fra, perfect for College _noon. _______ _ must have personable Student, no pre.sure . SECIETAlY eppear & llt.e bkpng ex· sales or quot.al to meet. 1 Olrl clc In N.B. Seit per. Call btwn 9 & 12. _531_.(Bl.1 ______ 91 starter, good aec:y sldUa 581-9710 SA.LJS.a!TA.IL nee. xtnt beoeflta. Lra -------- RECEPTIONIST Homeatead Furniture _co._'JS2._l_GO_. ----• ---------• Full time. penouable, Co's •rand openlna Secretary·M&rine orient· good telephone 1kllla. makea It necaa. to hire ed. Exper. prel'd. Mon ~pply tn person to Mr. an out101.nf penonalit.J' thna Fri. Wa1e open. Aak t\&entes at Robt. Beln. for retall 111•. Furn. r or Li a 8 • m · 'pm , Wm Frost & Auoc. 1401 &ales exper. S. a plua. M.\-ZM4. n..ftUSt NB Qil17~1·U42focappt.. --------~=::-:.::::·:...:..::~·----~--t~~-----:---;SECRETARY P /Tlme, Real l!'.tstate Sal .. People SALIS-ll11'AIL with Xerox 800 card ex. wanted. Up to 90/lOr# Otrlce supply ft ala· per. Newport Secretarial ---------...:---------• comm. split. Newpor tionera ooeda expcr'd re-Servtce.. 7D-D'17 . &ach. 548-8814 tail sales person. B' /tlme. . ---------phone Io r a pp t. Secreta1'7 /rueptlonl1t RDiTAURANT 714/557·9212 Alt ror Mr. needed for front otnce. CHEF;A.SSIST Weal, Newport Sta· ~:!ft=~ ~:,f~1~bc:!::'· Uonert. Inc. du1m. up. pre~'d ~ leandnl dl.nner. La Salea·Telepbooe Spwcraft.,MS-nt7 :a::~. 4 9'·1997 PART SECRETARY, Person P\'iday f'ull or put time. Good typlna, 1pelUna NOW HIRING TIME 1kll11 eueaa th I. Con1eni1J N •~port ~~~~~~~~1~-:-'.:":::::---:'."""."".:':"":~::":~I•-------• Center omee. Small;;;; PRGHT DAMAGED --------t SMACICSHOP 3446 L eo.t Hwy C.....4'1M• AU Poeltlona Re-OpenloC AUC. 11.at Apply In peraoo 9-4 Mon tb.ru Friday Equal Oppm-•mployer WORK lfOWIAaftrm. ~ HOI'POINT SALE. l3Clt Dltllnt table, I ebaln; TYPISTS w. Warur DI' Harbor, xJntc)god. S1JO Work r.1time l.Q one o1 SICllETAIY 112-auo our c reulatlon aalH Ptr foe lnataraoce ofc. Min 4S wi>m. Varl•ty of room1 ft atlll have Gd ~e perlOQ&lltJ, hn aa1l1nmenu. Long & p I e u u re time tor tleslble. Sandy '752-5131. short term. Top SSS le youraeJI. You en work SICltlTAllY vacatloftP&1. near home fr lllll panue outalde actl•lU••· We TO SI0,000 P91...,.. + ~m. All ADM1M ASSISTANT le PM bn avail. Call ror A.Dhn•l Hospital N.8. --.-UT--A-UIA--MT---1 detalla, Ptraon nel " Off lo• 1.oa. An••l•Tim. M-. 844-HIO. 6-r~~ It•.•, '•f t,'\•· 'f Ill I. Now Hbbtf 1.l*"d rood ~ • CocktaU Walu.to1. 1 ________ 1 Alto. apw'd buayboy9. Call ......,.,.,, The lteach Mouae lm1 -~ SlMPJ HolloWI.-. Mii BS. • •ZODIAC Port·A· M arlne Inflatab~ Boata ' ...._ bu• e.f Aidol. l•r•rtM • l•IMritd U1ed ...... U-.4 A11tot. Ulff . ... ,.:.~:;............. ......... ............. . ....... ,............. . .................................................................. . 4-..aOrf ... tllO ..._W..t.4 tltd o.t.. • 9720 MMadla.._ 9740 Toy.N 9761 C.elllC· ttll Ca 'r 9tJl ltllt... · ttl2 tlll ................ 4•••••• ................................................................................................................................................................ . : ...................... ''8""'W "• WIWtulUY * DRIYIA * ~IM1%4SOSa lt71TOYOTA -• '100...nlbli • V.f,'AIT. 11 ONDA ·uo Ct. tiG?0'1rm = YOUID•TSUM Silver exterior, toalber c-~.a.w•GOto..t "TlBXl,...-Y iood P/S, lllc:hellHt ne.r DUJM•ter, ·ury 1 ' • ~ * Ll.,.....E * """""" A " c:eoditlc>o. GUO. traJW bkt. wta. eoqr ~ .... ••tterJ Ure .... To)' Landu u1le r PAJDroRORNOT ', .. ••• imcrior,1unro0Ur1tereo Autornauc, alr ~d. 6 '57..otOafl.6 -.cJL., -d. -100/ofr: __. , .... DAii 1 •1 5 .&.VE .&. LOT caHette. Low mHe1. " M /FM d • ~ ...... -,_ -·wa ~· •WD. AM·FM ---v-A A n r. I 0. lt7,CADILl.Ae Dedp 99ll ~ aAwt. lat I« ..::::::....-----CMt. ~ llOI TOP CAIS ~~,>,~:~ BZl'~i·~ (929MWK>. B.DOIADO COUPI ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• ,.&aad;;;.;;;;;.;;lY:;.· ..... _ _.........., __ Mt :a:l7 ,....._to __ ,_,. #rom. OMLY $3195 ,..._ ....... BAHWICI< DA T\UN u• · • ~ · • l ..--.acu. • Cabriolet top, full leUber '7• '-'UUeer, Da ra...-.. , lluttan Lotded alr. " '7ZMl%250 MAl~UISTOYOTA interior, to/40 power A /C . Good mofl· Sl Oall.itd11 P .. 9HO eAMWICK OAHU,_. ' ' ' ~,r!. f:X:~c:!:~~~ 11'r.1za~N .. ;1~t~10 ::,~~·pe A:,~~! ~·::3 S1100/bltotr.83l).t1 d allday&a.MWlll rnent • to w mllea. pQWUUSlata.C5aoPCX). "13W¢8pau.A·lcon . "7S Mach I, lo mDeaae, llJI ll/S4'1J LI/'> I ' ' •1• ' '" 8)1 IJ7'>'1'1l-1l7',' ••••••••••••••••••••••• WE BUY ~IAHCUS &11UCtcl NlWPORT DATSUN (aGWG). '18 CeUca GT, hardtop, 58988 Low mi. loaded. ~. xlntcond. all xtru.JluA 1llver, I 1pd, AM/l'M P/P87a-1383/041-T3llO aell175-4W •71 M-DllSR itereo, pwr dJtc bric.a, ,..;.. _______ _ flOITHlll5T RllTPllCU c.aJa........_ •• radiate . L o w m l. Nat)ers ll&Monaco.alr,PB,PS. 1H8 Mu1hn1. auto, 1n 1t)9Wroom condJtlon. $44SO./bltolr. '94.-S rum Ooo, Id CONS_., ~M hardtop, V8, new Ures •. For the economy ot ml,'850.~ a1ldn1 11,100. 8'11·5211 TODAY! 819DOV£STREET N~ar MacArthur fc Jamboree Roads lll-1300 dloaeJ fc the tux~ Of a Tri.... 97'7 C'...:..lillac Pord H40a_e.:....vs.:....·------- ....................... ~ .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Olclli•lllle 9tlS !,lj,: ' SO.CALIF'S LAA GEST fleet al ''New" Mot« Home Rent.ala. Over 140 llT1 modela to choole from; 18'to32'. Insurance included Dale's RV Rentals, Inc. (714~ 9570 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1972FOllD IUlll.ETOP YAN A camper apecial·fully aelt contained & in ex· MARQUIS MOTORS 28802 Marguerite Pkwy. Mls.sION VIEJO 831·2110 495-1210 cellent condition. $3995. --------- --------• Pri. pt.y. 531· 7977. Autos, Imported R.V. STORAGE OCJR. 75' 1973 FOllD •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• per ft per mo. Compl Audi 9707 a e r v l c e d e p t SURFER V AM •••••••• • •••• • • • •••• • • • (714)6'7H.280 VS, aul O!J1fllC, pwr. '74~ Andi l<lOLS, 4 apd, ---------1 steering, air ~ond,, fancy air, AM/FM stereo, s un MOTOR HOM ES wheels & ~Ires, deluxe In· roof, lo mi, $3350. 8JC>.949S FOR RENT terior, uruque portholes· or~J2 Ftom$150wk. 77~ even includes CB radio!--------- EZ term.w·O.A.C. 1 yr. Austin-Healey 9709 au T THI rRJCE IHCUASll!! 119NEWCARS ATTHEOLD PRICES All modet. now availa· ble. Call or ace ua before you bu.Y " ! COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845HARBOR BLVD. 54M4 I 0 540.0Z 1 l Ml\>ION VII JO /Ml'QRI\ ('o. • I '••• • ., .. . ... l!JI 1/41! 4Y) 110·1 Mini 20' Dodge Motor part• & labor service ••••••••••••••••••••••• bme, '13, loaded, lmmac, cantracl avail. (07372V). '59 Austin Healy 30®. '77 8210 Pl 7 000 ma, 1976 Ml!!. MIDGET 38.000 mi,~. 67~2000 Aut.o~ter'a price is Very good, best offer te ~·pd• w RDIT Fireball M.H 23• OHL Y S449S over $2000. 64().6593 rur, s reo. 11 COHVERTllLE TR T 19178. 2500 ml. Red, Oa.u. etereo. ~. &a1·2.ll.8 •71 vw Bue. AM /FM $1395. Private Party. Call TI4/983-5803. .... .a.1ras $4000 · 968-6893 4 ---"' di · lri sell-cont. plus stereo " •UTl"'OAO _..';:.TER IMW 9712 s~, ra o. pan • P-'G6 VW Squareback, good CB. Sips 8. 645-2283 • ~ ll!lcrt 9725 in& wilb special rack & cond1Uon 1750/beat Offer Dtv.-Nabera Cadillac 'p,j .. :_.:;;i~~ir.:Yr.il ~••••••••••••••••••••• wheels. Has extra low 67J.e721 MTR. HOME aJpe 8, $225. 1425 Baker St C M maleaae. (249RJL ). ---------1 wk.,5'mUe.P.P. ~~blkeutofH~i,;,rBI '72SPORTCOUPE OHLY$3995 'tll VW BUG. Gd cond. 839-71M2 5-spd, m ag wheel s. Radials, rblt ena. maaa. Trailen, T~ 9170 1-lon '66 Chev step-van AM/FM radio, d ua l Sl050.Calll42·3571 ••••••••••••••••••••••• w/'73 8 cyl. eng. • 14 mpg, COME IN & SEE pipes, blk vinyl hard-top, '74 YW 9 pass, -~·HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA DATSUN ••••••••••••••••••••••• lt7SOLO'S CUTLASS SALON P'lnllhad in brome w /tan lot«ior. AM/nl ~. , pwr. ateerin1·brake1· witldows, bociet seals, vinyl iop, air eond., cnise eontrol, tilt wbee!. Lot"ally drlv•n car, <aaBNJO). OMLYS4ttS MA19UIS VOLVO MISSION VIEJO 131.2110 4tS.1210 everything good cond. canary yellow. Good coo· -15' Arl1tocrat. Gae 14'x8' bed, windowll, ex THE AU MEW dilloo. A.eking $1950 or 28'SHARBORBLVD. S3970. 645-9989 S4M4105i0._!)213 •••••••••••••••-•••••• 1973 Pinto Runabout. ref'riaeratDr, stove, oven, tru. Call 645·3269; 630CSI MOW!ll n'lllleofrer. ~3818 alter I 540.6410540.0Z13 BAJA BUG '68 VW, 1100 '72 Maverick 302 Va, AT. Slim. Low mllea&e. xlnt & head. Dinellehbattery 646-7008 --... 5pmor673.714,a.ndleave . -cc, sunroof, AM /FM '72 Impala Cuatom, a/c:, PS, 4 dr, radials. $1500 cond. After 8 PM. ll1ht, gaa Irita bt, 110 ---------COMPLETE 1n111ror Tammy. 68 MG Mlget. Completelr. s• .. -. 8 trk, CB radio, new palnt & Urea, lo Firm. li48 ·7232, aft, .:.548-::..:1362:..;.:. _____ _ hookup, elect c rallea, ~Tradesman 100 Side & · I 1 ..... .,., mi' V lean $1100 s·JO/wknds •-hJtcb Incl. Very clean. backwlndowed,alr,P/S. IODYSHOP '74 Fl t 124 s d -new in out. Mullt ae · J arman wbla. $1500 ....... ';....3er/ c · · -·--------~ Wgn V-6 auto PS 6a1 -4 15 I a It er 4 P/D. 11\llly loaded. $4800 HOW OrEH a PY er con-SlSOO. Ph 675'8772 ev' 6'5-M57 .....,._,, . 1970. 2·dr, stick. 6 cyl. PB. N11' t1m/bru.' Xlnt weekday•. XJnt cond. Call 494·2018. ::::eo~ ~~P~ a.A ~3[a~ <213> e93-7'768 dys. •66 vw. Rur11 good, look• '83Chevy Nova. ~:°d. Radio, $850. c:ood. $2100. 75142215 alt 8 Trailtn,utllty 9110 Dodge Van. Be d. cot , SADDLEIACIC 762-5752 . -Opel 9746 bad.1495. $575•::,_":e~~ona. . 496-PtyMOUlh t9'0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• atove. refrl g., water YALLEYIMPORTS '71 Flall24Spyder Conv, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call494·3223 '71Mav,2dr,6 cyl,3spd, ••••••••••••••••••••••• .5' UTIUT.Y TRAJLER $1500/olr. 646-0111 831-2040 495-4949 J m m ac, AM I F M , 1972 OP& GT '8a Bua. Run• great. Nda Chryller 9925 R/H, 48M orta mi, clean. '13 Duster, idnt cond, PS. -Calleves: dl ls to *'4.50 •-••••••••••••••••••••••• $1Z75.846-2466 PB.airoond,65,000-1 -Save on Dealer 's Prom: ra a · new P· • · 4 speed , alr cond. & •mos device. Call aft. uu. 81$-1402 0'7·31.95 ma"•. Loo'-· like NEW ! 5PM, 586-1845 1976 Cordoba while, \.'1 '71 .. averick S2l00 968-2S3l ---------• '11 Dodge Van 8 ·100, ... ~ vtnroof,A/C,cruise con· •• d One mo. old, 2 wheel box perfect cood. for $2000 '74 14M TC. Auto, stereo. Ui4EOQ). 071 Weathlla Pop.top. trol, tilt wheel; blue Int, 6 cyl, auto, xlnt c:on • 'Tl Duster V-1, auto, A/C, lrlr, new Urea, Uaht, leu than price new. & radials 34M ml. Xlot OMLY$l695 Xlntcond. Manyexlraa. alannaystem,10,900ml, $1,350 . ..iM-6220 P /S . Good c:ond. tarp.S171.a.2Ul Cultom exterior and in· 1 n • llOADWAY cood. $3075. 846-5830 MARQUIS TOYOTA Qll5. Oya, 5411-4177 or xlntcond.,SMQO.t98-2831 Mercwy 9950 S12SO/betolr.8'7.J104 -.a..-9!-•--r-.a.-terlor, mags , AM/FM SAMTA AMA eves, FA ____ ---Mls.5IONVIEJO ev•875-4344. ,.. ...... b .... 9930 ••••••••••••••••••••••• P--"'-996S ---·-· .._ stereo ca u ette w /4 835·3171 _ .... ---&Acc"1anff 9400 apkn, pwr str, pwr br. TMSUL1111AT1o11MNOM•CH'"" 13t-ztl0495-IZIO 'OS vw Bus lood cond ....................... ORANGECOUNTY'S ..................... .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SWJ·roof'. 50,000 ml war-USEDIMW' Hoftde '727 1973 0 J GT Air · rebll •Pl aood '70U>r,leather,xlntUret HIEWlST '74 Firebird Esprit 350 SAVEWrnl ranty. See to appreciate. * 1 * ••••••••••••••••••••••• AM/FMP:_pe x~t cood' tranaportatlon •1100 & me ch coo d a 1 UNCOLN·MERCURY eng. Turbo hydro, vtn11l USED"REBUILT lluat aell fut. Aaklng '74 BAVARIA, Auto lrandN '77 Make ofr• s4s-7381 . Flrml3Ml58 evidenced by paid blll1. Dealel'lhiplanowOPEN roor, AK/~ ral y ~~.,C:NCARPA.R'l'S !.!.!,~ . .£.: ... Sp5v.9pl·y5. 8 61 ~~~~S/R?46LWB HONDA.WC · $1000. 501 N. Bayfroot, RAY FLAD!IOE wheels, tilt w , lomi, "~.....-.. ~ • ...,... ,... ars '1a But, xlnt cond., camp Balboa Jal. 87~1'6 lJNCOLN· .. ERCURY belt. offtt. 673-03IO' Da)'ll ./Transmwions '76200241pd S/R 401PDP u.e.111.1y Porsct. 9750 eqapped, $2J50or make,..__,,..._ 993Z ~18AutoCenterDr. ~140~ <t'Reu' Enda 72 P'onS Econollne auto. '5 0002. 41p. Air. ZKG 138 lll'UU'll otrer 11a.eoo. __.,..,.... 1 ood d .,900 N '7 ocs .._pd 220KMT ••••••••••••••••••••••• · SD-·Lake Forest ex t '7 o B on n e" l l t e. .. .rnr.s I con . .. . ew 33 . .., . To CltooH Frond ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• .. ., • nencttrt paint. ~l-7593 ~PQ3M.Osl ' s pd S /R UNIVERSITY 1968 Porsche, new clutch 87VW8q~back, whole l'7SCOIVITTE IRVINE . pasaena« Sta wsn, AC, .,..Doon "''° "trans, strona ens. or parta, SJ.50 or best'oC· 2 ToP1. name red w/tan 131·7000 full p...r, .SS,000 mi, $850 • .{Bumpers '76 Ford Van, duel gas Cloted Oft 5-dayt OldaMOblle $3.'5ClO 615-a:GO fer. Earl WUUanu Tex· 61W860 IMPORT tanks, long whl base, u!..-....l.. c ... • GMC '78Ponchett18. Perteet. aco,Me-2503,afte =Fi~·P!~~c;.:,~ Oood70~~!° .. Slou0t.0Lo ft...-=.:.=..:-•:.:.;;.;rt_u._lr_d ___ 9_t_7_0 AUTO SUPPLY ·C!Ultom cab, 53,000 m i. ORAHGICOUMTY'S .---.. e 000 c II """"" ... • •- xlnt--.a ,.,.1 ....,.~ r--1.-Polar ulue. 11 , • a •• Sqblt, nu...,, .. , &l Urea. AM/ M radio, . chrome -• .. .,., -1 •• 1 ~"'?" ••••••••••••••••••••••• lOlN.Jl&Doh•ter, ..vuu,U<J ·--OLDEST "°""H,_bo ... BI d 8#4045 T'QC.ml.Sl:sOO;;;;r. wtre wbeela. Wholetale ..... ...,,._ -..., • 1968 T·Btrd, orti owner. Anaheim 178-9900 '65 Ford· Van. Nu eng, & """" ar r v · bl b k •6500 · Costa Mesa 540-9640 '?l Porsche 914, new 7P.839all8 ue oo • : re· '7ll Montego MX. Good full pwr, air cond. xJnt '&t-'77 Used Mustana trana & tires. ~or bst 9730 paint, '74 engine, xt.ras. Yol•o 9772 ~:,!!::~ (839MVG ). condltloa $1.00. Or offer. cond, l1500.M"790J Parle. 990 No. Parker, ofr.All&PM.ll46-843l JCllJllCI" daya 832·4.281, eve1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ;;.:..1 $6 7 •2913 v-99711 C II 2000 •••••••••••• ••••••••••• ~ Y 6 I -,,.-• Oranae. a 997· '74 Chevy, oust. paint, Sales-Service-Leu lnac ,78 JAG UAR XJ6L 22M MS-5f70 1972 VOLVO ~&:"'VOLVO '78 Monarch Ghia, 4 dr, ..................... .. Four Renetade tiree on t ~. a·~ ~fn{~!~m~~~o Rov CarYer ,Inc. ml, xlnt cond. •iz.ooo. '82 Pwache WB coupe, Pl 100 COUPI ON VIEJO white w l19ddle velour YIGA '1' poll1bed alum 8 lua MlrMW' SC 4.92-283'1 RoUsrtoyce BMW Bus 911i·2100, home new paint, interior, Already • .. c:la11lc"·' 131·2110495-1210 ~~~·::1.!~i HATCHIAC:ICGT maas. all for 1111i. '· · 1540Jamboree ._'94-MGZ_...;.: _________ bralcea, clutch . 1~ed w/overdrlve. DI DEllO 11---' tranl a.6-0'11I ..... GJIC ...... 5000 l -ae .. h ........ H """"--1·-oo . ., ......... 1 /Fii 1•-a track.. $157. mo. IC:O•ery • -.. •• -m,ex· ...... .,..~ a'ftl': _,_.,72 XK' 81 2 2 +2 D-·F _., .,__., ..,....,.. • Manapm.eot Co. (114) air cood., etc • ... -...a....-ir~-tru.Sl49~0652 '76 -200!, loe blue, a yr JAOUAlt. Partially ~·!8!1!1141•>'4 luther lntulor . 870-1170 (lla/3532).WuP19S. -n11r-wrnty. air, AM /FM. ratored. Very clean, lolsloyw 975' (a)lETV), ONLY SJ2tl ••••••••••••••••••••••• '71BeauvWewindow Van hood bra. Best orr loa ded. 11500. Ph ... -................... ONLYS49t5 HOWAIDClritvrolet ~=!PL t•Jo <~vroteu. u ,aoo ml. 84M519 <714)9IM-0318 *1 DEALER IN U.S.A. MAlqUIS Vot..YO DovelrQuaUSta. ~· gr Auto, P/8 , •ery cln. 9732 llJSSIONVll!JO NEWPOllTBEACff ....................... S111s.~ Cott 9111......_ ~ aov 1•t 2a10 .. t•121q •• Asss '50 CHEV. BEL AIR. On· , ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• CARVER a • ., .-•~- lY M,000 oriClnal mu ... ..._W..t.41 9590 Super Sharp. lo mi'•· '75 '74~ J .H.1 cau. dec:k, ROUS·lt0YC£ 'l'bla car la bl PERFECT .Dodie Colt. $!450. Call pod cooa., $5500. Cell odllnal coodJtJoa. You ••••••••••••••• .. •••••• 84.0·1112. Evea afl e, Nark 1l 840·5000 or ~"':;:. mun ... 1 Lookt, r1lM TOP· 873-:w7& ...;s.w. ...... 111:.:;,_•------\._ __ _,...,.... acaUe& $1,000 or bell DOLLAR Dahull 9720 IC-Ghio 9735 __ o.ou __ o_SUH_o_Av_s __ c:uhoftw.m•a. 4 W1Me1 Drhn tSIO p AID FORQ.EAN ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~] 'I Hf f\ ,. t\1 ,JrJ " 1~. ' ,4 . · · •,. Hf I\ c •• '\ ''I l() I l•\l 1..-0ITCAIS ALLMODll.S •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 .Z, 'apd, a7c. map, '71 Karmann Ghla 1eml· am/fm, xlnt cond.(MR auto. Good cond. 1195() CBS > $4575 . D y firm. P /P 840-7020, I U·1Hl,pm/wkn4a "93-G>4 675-5480 _"T3_Ka:..;;.;..rroa;__M __ G_h_ia-.-F-M-. 290Z Silver on Blk. Auto, clean, n eeds front alr, c:ua tape, whl1, fender. $2500/lrade ? Pb 42000 ml. lmmac. 414.2130 5e·lf'1' ...;,;..~::.:..------ lt1ZDATSUM - miracle mazda I , T-, Huntington Beaeh FountalD Valley EOl:rlON VOL. 70. NO. 221, 3 SECTIONS, 28 PAGE$ ORANGE COUNTV1 CALIFORNIA Aft eraooa N.Y.Stoeks TEN CEN Valley Group to Fight Marine llouslng Fountain Valley resident.a have or1&0&&ed a 1r au roota effort to <>ppoM a U S Manne Corps plan to bwJd • many u 1,300 military housina uruta m lb• middle ol Mile Square Park. Mrs. Terry Ryan, of 11188 Bellflower Ave., Fountain Valley. said today she and her nea&hbon have scheduled an 8 o'clock meetmg tonight wath aov· ernmeotal and local homeowner•' uaoclaUoo l•ldera at home. But Mn. Ryan 1 d th meet· lng WU "I }ow.key Ol'1anl18· tional I therln1," and not in· tended lot' everyone. · •'We wUI have another meeting befo.-e Sept. a •bJch la 1 very crucial date,'' Hid Mn. Ryan. fm ~lty, county, conareulonal and milltary olficlala wW huddle at the Fountain Valley city hall Sept. 8 to bear-the Marine Corps proposal on the controversial boualne plan. Mn. Ryan aaid a petition will be granted tonight which would oppose the Marine Housing plan. She cited the potential drain on city services and the burden on local schools if the plan is Im· plemented. Peter Burwell, another or- 1antzer for tont&ht's meetln1. said representaUves from otflces of Congressman Robert Badbam<R-Newport Beach) and First District Supervisor Philip Anthony tr.ve indicated they will attend. Fountain Valley Mayor Roaer Stanton, Hunt1n1ton Beach Union Hleh. 'School District Trustee Zita Wesaa, Fountain VaUey <Elementary> School Dis- trlct Trustee Betty Mlsnanelll and other offlclala have also r.lanned to attend, said the cneet· n1 organlJer. Although no formal proposal has been completed by military o Ulcl ala, Mari naCorps spokesmen have indic!lled they would like to build at least 2QO housing unita in Oranie Cowt£y. by Um. A critical low cost bou.stn1 shortaee ex.lats for low income · enlisted servicemen in Orqe County, Marine officltil said. Mrs. Ryan sald t.be poasibllily ol tradlng the Mlle Squafe alte for other property will also be ex· plored at toniebl 's meeting. Marine and county officials have sugaested that the Mile Square land could be traded for other property near El Toro Air StaUon. Fire Rages West of Palm Springs Control Project Funded An appropriation of $400,000 for desigrung a Santa Ana River flood control project was ap· proved Monday an a $10 billion public works bill signed by Presi· dent Carter. The funding for the initial stages of the project, which has been on the drawing boards since 1962, would affect three counties -Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside. The area was identified as the nation's worst flood threat west of the Mississippi River by an Army Corps of Engineers study JO 1965. Ed Just, Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency direc· tor, said the funds wUI allow planning for construction of a J dam at Mentone near the . Redlands airport, raising the Prado Dam at Corona and im· proving the Santa Ana River )channels ln OmagtCounty. Just said he la hopeful that funds wlll be available this Oc· tober. Future phases of the Sl billion project will require additional congressional appropriations, he said. Just said that the Fountain Valley-Huntington Beach area is particularly vulnerable to over· 1 flow from the Santa Ana River. He said that the lowlands near the sanitation district plants and the Edison Company building could be under seven feet of water in case of severe flooding. The appropriation was pre· viously deleted by the Senate from a House version of the public works bill because of a number oC other controversial measures, Just said. It was later resto~ by a con· gressional conference committee and sent to the President July 25. Just said the planning and de- dgn work by the Army Corps of Engineers for the first phase will ake about a year. I fwo Shot Dead t BELFAST. Northern Ireland (AP> -Ric>tln1 and gun baWes Jroke out ln thla tense clty early oday, one day before Queen Elizabeth Jl'S vialt to Nonbem reland. A Boman Catholic youth md a Briti~ trooper were lhot ead In aepahte incldentt. Sun, Sea and Youth Young body surfer leaps wave as he heads out for one more ride --perhaps the wave or the day -· near the Huntington Beach pier. Monday was il sparkling day along lbe Orange Coast as this photo of silhouetted pier and surfer attests. It's the kind of cool summer photo you can cut out and send to your relatives who are sweltering through summer in other parts of the U.S. W Reaidems May Get Tax Fund Re bate Critic of Airport Raps Safety Claim Valley Homes Blacked Out ~Pou:erCut Scores of Fow:ataln Valley r•i· denta re!yine on electric clocks probably ovenle:pt toda', due to a major power I allure tbat affect· ed 2,730 homes and bUJinesaes durlnl pred1W1thour1. Southem Califom1a Edison Company spokesman Jim Ken· nedy Hid the 2:23 a.m. blackout wu blamed oo failure of a plece of equn>meat lo an undercrounct power line. He said by 3:30 a.m., eQ. per- cent of the nrvtce area bad power reetored Terrain Hampers ContrOI By The Alloc:lated Press A fire on sleep mountain slopes raeed out ol eonl.rol today in tin· der·dry Southern California brush after destroying 10 animals and a house. The California Department or Forestry said the fire, 25 miles west of Palm Springs and one mile aoutheast of Cabazon, bad destroyed 1.000 acres of brush on steep mountain slopes from the 1,600 to the 4,200-foot level. Fire spokeswoman Nora Ryan said the blue gutted a two- bedroom house late Monday, kill· ing two dogs, seven goats and one .horse after the two occupants escaped. No other dwellings were threatened by the fire which was reported only 10 percent con· tained by mldmornln&, the spokeswoman said. •' Slx air tankers dropped fire- retardant chemicals whiJe 850 firemen rouaht the blaze on the ,round. Officials said crews tom Mlcbi1an, Indiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, North Carolina, Wyoming and Utah· have been nown in to Join 850 local llremen. The fire was burning only one mile from the San J aclnto Wilderness area, but the pre- serve remained open to hikers and campers today, authorities said. Meanwhile, favorable weather conditions aided firefighters struUUng to preserve precious Central California coastal watershed, where fire threatens future floodine In the rava&ed timberland. Officials said the 81,000-acre timber Ore in the Los Padres Na- tional Forest near Big Sur was 30 percent contained early today. but they were not saying "'1en the blue, called the Marble· Cone, may be fully contained. "They bad It, lost it and now they've &ot It back aeain, •• said Barbara Rowe, Callforota Department of Foestry •• ••we've 1ot &ood weather today 10 th1np are Jookin& a bit f>et.. ter." . More \ban 3,500 firemen were belnt helped by four mule pack ·tralna, cart'yln& flre-ll1btln1 equipment to remote areas in the priitlne wildernm. Tbe 80,400-acre .. Scarf ace'" fire ht the northeastern comer of <lee n U'.8, Pase AZ) DAil Y Pll OT M/F Antlwny Plea Hit Attorney General Singer Back First Date After Fi-re Trpgedy LAS VEGAS, Nev <AP> -Sll'\ltr John Davidson has returned to the staae Cor the lint time since his appearance at a Kentucky supper club where a. fire kWed 164 people. But he re· fuses to d.ltcuss the dl•· uter and walked out of an Interview Whet) the subject came up. I Backs County DA ltJ A•Y GllAHVILL£ ... IMllr .......... TM at.ate Attorney Crneral'1 omc. baa found that a acne:. cA • M-Called pohUul prottteuUoaa ln Oranc• County have been I J\llUntd and that \.be DIJt.rkl Al tonM'Y'• Office la nt lO prC»ecUU= tadlct.ed county Supervisor ~pAotboay. Tbe AO'• flndlnp ue lncludod In aaeven·P1&1e1lqlo-1paced Jet. lt'r 1ent lnat .Frida)' to Anlhony'is uttornoy, Thoma• Crosby Anotb r recipient or the letter wa• Fullerton Attorney Mlcb1&el Rcminlflon. 0&n Anlhony co lndl~ Purpoae oC the letter wu to re ject plu.11 by the two indicted 'Dad, Why? Suroioor Knows Dat.e Died NEW YORK <AP> -Now Robert Violante knows. Blind in one eye and possibly blind in the .other Violante knows that his date, Stacy Moskowitz, wa~ ktlled in the attack by the .44-caliber kallcr called ··Son of Sam." Violante's fathl•r. Pal. said he told his 20-yc:.ir old son lhl• news ~radually . .. We talked a lot about manhood and about being tough." the cider Violante said. '"But he never once cru .. >d "Then I told ham about Stacy. You know. I had to t ell him. J le fan ally got emotional and he looked u1> and said, 'Dad, why"?" The youth finall y broke into tears, his fatha-said. Miss Moskowitz, who had been on her first date with Robert on July 30 when the killer struck, was buried last week. dead of a bullet to the brain. She was the sixth victim slain by the killer who for more than a year has been preying on young peo· pie. especially ('Ouples necking or just talking m parked cars in Queens, The Bronx and now Brookl) n. $850,000 Diverted Transit Aid Held In Theft of Funds WASllINGTON (AP) -An employe or the federal Urban Mass Transit Administration is charged with dlverllna $8.'50,000 in federal funds to hls use. The money William C. Sibert, • 29, ls accused or steaJing had been earmarked for the M etropolltan Atlanta Rapld Transit Authority. Sibert, or suburban ·suttland, Md., was arrested Friday In Las Vegas, Nev .. as he and a party of friends stepped off an airplane. According to an affidavit, Sibert had $59.000 in cash on him when arrested Sibert 111 a low-level financial nssistant with UMTA. Part of his duties included giving initial ap- proval lo vouchers requesting Department of TrunsportaUon Front Page AJ FIRES ••• the state was 80 percent con· talned and 40 percent controlled earl)' today. Firefighters expect· ed lo have the Modoc County blue fully contained by t.oniebt. Two amaUer fires that seared rugced terrain wltbln 20 miles ol the $Carface blaze were con· tained Monday ni1bt, leavin1 two otben yet to be harnessed, the dlvu.tmsald. The Marble-Cone blaze, cud· 1dled in steep timberland of lbe Loa Padres National Forest, bas caused $172 million damace to the Carmel, Arroyo Seco and Bli $ur watershed -the dense hlllllde brush land and trees that purtty and coiled waler and act lo p,revent mud.slides. 'Even If we have a normal wlnter, tbete will be an extreme dan1u <A ftoodln1," aald Robert Binder, ahiatant dlltrict en1lneer for th• Monterey Coun· ty Flood Control Dtatrtct. funds for various state and local rapid transll systems, tbe al· fidavil said. Prosecutors allege that from March 19, Sibert toOk on the Iden· lily of the Atlanta transit aaency, depositing $724,361 lo an account at Suburbaa Trual Co. It wae al- leged he ma<M a number <A de- posits in which be placed a por· lion of the race value of the U.S. Treasury check In the bank and took the balance in cash. Arrested with Sibert in Las Vegas Friday was Lola Ann Benson, who was not otherwise identified. Prosecutors alleged that she had received about $65,000 from Sibert in persooaJ and certified checks. CSF Survivor Names Allaway In Death Trial By TOM BARLEY OfU.o.41y~ ......... One of two survivors o( a shoot· in1 rampage which left nine peo- ple dying or wounded on the CaJ State Fullerton campus a year ago today identified Edward Charles Allaway as the man who shot him in the chest. Dr. Donald Keran, 57, chairman of the University Library, told an Oranee County Superior Court jury that he was shot by Allaway as he tried to take lhe def end an L's rlne rrom him. Keran testified that he was thrown lo lbe floor by Allaway and fell on lbe dropped rtne In a bid lo preven\ Allaway from retrieving it. "The next lhtng l knew, J wa1 on my back." ho said. ''Then I wu &hot as I tried to roll ou\ of tho w~ and I lay there expectln1 hlm tO aboOt me e1aln." Keran •~d tbilt when be r• allied that Allaway t111 leavln1 the arM be drafted litmaelf lnto a nearby CJIQce and telephoned lorbdp. • men ror t.be AG's <Afice to tue t.helr pr01eCu1ion out .ol dlatrict Attorney Cecil Hicks' hands. Along with Supervisor Ralph Diedrich and three other political figures, Anthony and Reminctcn were indicted by the Oranae County Grand Jury July 1 on charges related lo alle1ed viola· lions of state campaign reaula- tion.s. The attorney general's written rejection of the move by Anthony and Remington to bave their c a.ses taken out of the DA 'a handa was, ln etrect, a staunch defense or the District Attorney's ()(fice. Referring to past "political prosecutiOOJ" in lbe county, the attorney seneral's letter said, "The conviction rate indicates those prosecutions were proper. .. The district attorney Is mere- ly doing the job he was elected to do. "The prosecutions dem· onstrate to the public in Orange County that the district attorney is not according pref· erentlal treatment to public of· flclaJa but is prosecuting all of. renaes in an Impartial and even handed manner," the AG'a letter sald. It noted that "the prosecution or public orticlals in Orange County la nothing new." Cases cited in the letter in- eluded prosecution in 1978 of former county supervisor Robert BaWn and the early 1978 lndlct· ment of one·time county politicll klngmaker Dr. Louis Cella. The AG noted in Battin'& cue that a Superior Court judae had taken a hard look at alleeaUona of discriminatory prosecuU011. "Nothing Improper waa shown and. on the contrary, reasonable law enforcement was dem· onstrated. ''the letter a aid. In Celia's.case, "the district al· torney handled the case as any district attorney would handle it ... Remington Is in Wyoming and wa1 unavaJlable ror comment.~ day. Crosby was in court and a1lo unavailable for comment, ac- cordlna to a worker ln hb office. Davidson appean conft. dent and relaxed on staee here. In a. back.ataae in· tervlew. however, the popular perCCX"mer'a open. lau1hin1 staae manner turned to tl1ht·Upped an· noyance wben a reporter casually as.keel bow his life had been arrected by the May 28 blue at lbe Bever- ly Hilla Supper Club in South Gate, Ky. "I JUST WOULD rather not even menUoo the Cire, because I just don't want to talk about lb• fire." he aaJd. "So many people lost their llves in It. It was a erieat tragedy. There's no reason to rake It over. Everybody's taJked about the fire. It's all over. I don't want to talk about the fire." Davidson wu asked in the weekend Interview lf he was nervous about play- l ng again in a large ahowroom such as the one at the Hilton Hotel here, where as many as 1,100 people can dine, drink and watch the abows, But be said he didn't want to become involved in ques- tions about room capacities because of pendlnJ lawsuit.a. "IT REALLY gets Into a legal matter," Davidson said. "I've been in· terviewed by Kentucky state tnvestlgalors. If I say things about the fire . . . I can't ..• It's Just a ticklish area because It was a great tragedy. There've been so many lawsuit.a on both aides that I'd rather not be a part of because I was simply the entertainer there.'' Davidson lben stood up, 1aid, .. I'm sorry, let's all do something else," and abruptly ended the in· terview, refusing to taik .~ ............ RETURNS TO STAGE Singer Davld1on about anything, even his new act. THE FIRE AT the sub· urban Cincinnati night spot is being investJaated by a Kentucky committee headed by the state pollce commissioner. A con· gressional hearina Is planned for October In Cin- cinnati, About two dozen' suits have been filed in Kentucky seeldn1 a total of $750 million In damage.. Davidsoo'a act was d~ signed by hb new music director. Tom Schell, who replaces Doualaa Herro, klUed in the fire after a •~·year asaociation with Davidian. The act relies heavily on combining clever arrangements, con- temporary ballads and Davidson's energy. THE 35·YEAR·OLD Ohio native complained after the show here that he received but one standing ovation, instead of the three he had been 1ettlng durtna previous shows. But the audience was en- thusiastic. ''We think he's the greatest. there is," sald a Georeta man sitting in the rrootofthe abowroom. Still unantwered by the t\.- torney eeneral'a office b a nt- quest by the Board of Supervlsora for the Attorn•)' General'• Offtce to tak• over Ao· tbony's and Diedrich'• prou· cutJon. The board voted unanimously for the request at tbe conclu.alon of its budtet hearings when An· lhony aaJd he wun 't certain whether or not a conflict cl ln· terest existed. Vance Faces Tough Talks With Israel FroMPageAI AIRPORT. • • ming pool. Livengood said that at another time. a plane cruhed Into the school yard at Meadow View School where a group of childreJ' were playing. Ho said there wer"" no Injuries. And last May, a banner-towin1 plane dropped It.a banner lnlo power lines near the ail'port. The city council look acUon to bait banner t.owini operationa at the airport after that incident. JERUSALEM (AP) - Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance, carryln1 word or possible PalesUnian concessions, arrived in Israel today for wbat could be the cUmax or bla Middle Eut peace mission. Vance faced close questioning by Prime Mlntater Menabem Begin and other llraell leaders on whet.her the United States re· mains committed not lo ne1eot.tate wltb Yaalr Ararat's Pale.tine Ubetation Orsanlu- tion <PW>. FOl'eip M.lnlater Moshe Dayan welcomed Vance at planesldt up· on hla arrival from Saudi Arabia and said, "Whenever you accept. our views, we will be ln full agreement wtlb you.·· Dayan wu speakin1 ln a Uabt OL' ED HOCK veto, but bis comment foreahadowed dlfflcultles in Vance's tal~ here. C4'rV"''llES DE'C"V At.a news conference in Talf. i 11.J, .-ic' A • Studt Arabia, before fiylng here. WASHINGTON CAP> -At. Vance confirmed lbatbe bas had least on• concerned Texa.n Indirect contacts wtth lbe PLO thinks be knows whom to b18Jbe t.hrougb varioua Arab in· for what he doesn't like about the t6rmedlarla. eneray bill. ..Wo have had no direct contact He wrote hla concresaman, "I with the PLO,'' he 1ald, adding: ur1e you to use Your vote and In· ••we a.-e Informed by the various nuence to defeat Ed !tock's ~rab partlea u to the positions of Energy Committee proposal." the PLO and bave befln so ht· The bUI wu put tolfelber by the formed u we prc>ceeded thtou9h Kouae Ad Koc Conunittce on my vtalt ... Eneray. Vance M.t been tu the Middle , E aat nine days. The PLO bas refused to accept United Nations resolutions delay· ing the groundwork for a peaceful setUement ol the Arab- Iaraell conflict, in part because thejje recoenlze Israel's right to exist and speak of the Paleslln· Ian quest for a homeland only as a "refugee problem." The PLO charter also calla ror replace- ment of the Jewlsb state by a secular PalesUne. In a "memorandum of airee- ment'' bet.ween the United States aod Jarael in 1975, former Secretary of State Henry A. Kiss· Inger pledf ed that W uhinston "will not recoaruze or neaotlale with the PLO as long u lhe PLO does not recoemze Israel'• riaht to exist. and does not accept Security Council ResoluUona 242 and338.'' Resolution 24.2 calls for laraell withdrawal from occupied ter· ritories, resolution of the "rel· ugee problem" and recocnltioo of the right ol every Mideast. state " live in secure borders. and Resolution 338 set up the Geneva peace conference. Vance t.old rep0rtera llo bad heard rumors that. the PLO mar. be constderlns a chan1e of pos • tlon in r~ard lo ~oltJtJon w. "But,• he aald, .. , have seen nothina eoncrete yet," • Teachers Fined for 'Captives • SAN DIEGO <AP> -Pup! were "hoeta1•" ol a teachers organization which sta&ed • f day strike in June_ a Jud&• 1 in ftn1na th• troUP '4.500 and or derlns its leader J-1led . Superior Court Judge Geor1 A. Lazar said the San Dlee Teachers Association and ft president were fullty of contemp in dtsttgardln1 court orders t hold otrthe strike The otflclal, Hu&h P. Boyle was rmed 14,000 on a total of elgh contempt catatione. He was or dered jailed for 40 days, all but 1 days ol that suspended, and p~ on three years' probation. The walkout June 8 tbrooa June 9 waa a .. shameCul blot the history of the teacblne pr resslon In San Diego," said La.z m has order Monday. The teachers &?)'int for im proved salary and work coodi lions icnored a ·preliminary in Junction Issued by another judge They returned to work after r ceiving assurances that ther would be no reprisals for lb strike. first In San Diego history Some c lassrooms operate normally with substitutes. •'The only persons directly a fected by the strike were th children, who, In blunt langua1 were exploited as hostages f1 the purposes ol a Political pow play," added Lazar. Boyle. who stepped out presidentofthegrotlp Aug.1, w told lo report to count7 jail A 22. An attorney said Lazar's a tion would be appealed. "I'm disappointed, that's all. Boyleaaid. Before the no·reprisal pied& the 3.600-member asaociati was promised a return l bargaining In its $9.5-million d mnnds. A counteroffer lolallin SG million tbal included a s pe cent pay increase was reject by the teachers last we.ek. The teachers make from '9,9 lo S20,391 annually, averati $17,093. Iqjrued Piwt Hel,d; Wreck Reveals Pot A Tust.lD pllot remained 11bd armed guard in a Yuma, Ari hospiial today, aft.er trying crawl away from t.he wreck of bis crashed plane in wbi authorities claim they found pounds ol Mexican marijuana. Yuma County Sherllf's Offi deputies identlrted the assert smuagllng suspect as Ma Brenhuber, 28, who sucrerecl fractured leg in the Mond crash. Investigators chime Brenhuber still tried to esca despite tbe broken limb possible back injuries that lowed lbem to quickly cat.ch after trailing his J)ath a~rOtit field. He was arrested on the m Juana chqe wilb<Nt further l cident after the crash, whJch curred when hi• plane e1i power lines and blacked out area from Mohawk lo Tacna. InvesUaaJors laid tb theorize Brenl\uber was nyln extremely low alUtude buo · an isolated londinf a.trip at wbi to set down and unload the traband car1.,. The ectu-1 cra3h 1ite ,.,., n the tiny town oC Wellto aulhorlUes said. Bell TeU. Ties CHICAGO (AP> -Atty. Griffin Bell s-,ya be will. have dlsquaUfy htmaelf from i.a.:u any futur• Ju41oe DeplD"l[•n.- lnvettJ1atJon ot fellow Cabin member krt Lane•'• finenc becauae of bl• tles to tbe b Lance used to head.. • VOL 70, NO. 2211 3 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES •• I \. , TUESDAY, AUGUST 9 19U TEN CENTsf ·Tustin .Wants Out of Saddleb~ck JC .. ol Govwnon. Tuattn Khool board memben Marjorie D~ and Dr. Edward Boe•• are 1pearbeadlni the latM eff~ i'bey want a divorce from s.ddlebaek so they can llnk th r diltrlct to the Rancho San· tlaro <santa Ana> Community COUece )'Item. " If rs. Day. an attorney. wu one ol 8addleback01 ttauncbest 1up- ponera ln opposlna the 19'14 separation bid. She now claims the colleee ''doesn't 1tve a dam" about the people olTUatln. The de-annexation pusb ap- parently wu lrl11e-red by a r• cent decl1lon by Saddlebaclt Colle1e t.ruateea to build the dia· trict'• second campus In Irvine rather than three miles rarther north near the Tustin city Une. Tustin lru.lteea bave directed th~ !lalf to conduct a feaalbllity study ot de-annexation. Actlna Supt. Jam .. Bua aaid the report should be ready .. ln about 1lx weeks ... The man Bau appointed to prepare the study 11 Kam Votel, a Tustin dlstrtct admhllatrator and former Saddleback Collete trustee. • Aa one ot TuaUn '1 repreaen· tatives oo the colleie board dur· in& the 197• de-annexation try, Voael vebemenUyobJected totht peUtJoo drive and lta poealblt detrimental effect 0n the )'OWll dl1lrlct. Withdrawal by TusUn would leave the Irvine, Capl1trano, Laauna Beach and Saddlebact Unlfled School Dlltricts within Saddleback's boundaries. It WQUld a1ao reduce the col· le1e'1 $1.8 billion useaaed valu• Uon tu baH by about $355 mllUco, or 21 percent. Tbr4:e yean .,o, Tu.st1n eomprlled 2S pereeat ol Saddleback'a uaeued valuation. TuatlD Unllled 's BOleker 1ald be betieva Tu.st1n ruldeotsbave beG lhortebanaed by tho Sad· dJebaclt collesecliltrict. •'Tbe reuon ror our actioo la simply because we feel Tu.attn bu been told out on thl.I aecoocl (See cou.BGE. Pqe AZ) Fire Rages West of Pahn Sp~gs Measure Adopted In Irvine By WLAllYKAYE OI ... o.lly ...... SUff Irvine Tomorrow, a political group in Irvine, has adopted a r esolution calling for the popular election o( all directors or the Irvine Ranch Water Dlstrlcl. In adopting the resolution, the aroup points out: -The current system, of hav· lng directors elected by land· owners In.stead or homeowners, allows the IRWD to obUaate resl· dents lo pay bonded indebted- ness, user rees, water conaump· lion penalties and sewer char1es without voter approval. -The current system allows the I are est landowner, the Irvine Company, to control the board and the entire I RWD. The resolution uraes the City of J Irvine and the IRWD to take whatever steps necessary to In· · sure that directors ate elected ln a popular election. , Recently, the city council alao I decided to puah for popular elec- tion d water board members, but the city attorney hu not yet r eported back on bow it could be achieved. The tRWD board already bu d e<:lded to have two of ill 1even members elected by the public and to gradually tncreue that number as the Irvine population grows. I But the city council sald lt wants control in the hand• or res- idents SOOf\er that the 1radual phasing proeram would allow. A second resolution adopted bf Jrvine Tomorrow asks the clty council not to make a decision on General Plan Amendment Four until the impact of future taxes ln Irvine Is known. General Plan Amendment Four coosldera which land use options wtll be used In developlnt the reel ot Irvine. The council 1a near the end or the public heartna process and due to make a de· claioo soon. Jrv\ne Tomorrow said the city bu spent more than $3.5,000 oo an economic computer model that can project. the f\Jture eeonomlc lropect d land uae ded1lons, but that the Information bu not been Qsed 1n maklnt the 1eneral plan amendment declslona and that the tnrormatlon baa not been made known to the public. Parachutist Dies in Fan Recreating Rockwell About 45 Irvine youngsters took part In the first .. mini· pageant of American Ute .. Monday night at Rancho San Joaquin School. It wu the culmination of this summer's alter school playaround program and was a takeoff on the Camous Laguna Beach Pageant of the Matters. Children posed in scenes Crom American lire. such as the Norman Rockwell self portrait, above. Janice Simer· jian, behind newspaper, is posing as Rockwell, while Jan Ballard (right > is his wife. Attorney General Backs County DA and Remtntton to bave their caaea taken out of the DA'• handl was, tn effect, a staunch defense of the Dlatrtct Attomey•a Office. Referrln1 to put "poUUcal prosecutions .. ln the county, the attorney 1eneral'1 letter Hid. "The convtctton rate lndicates those proHCuttons were proper. ·'The diatrtct attorney it mere- ly dolnl th• Job he was elected to do. ''The proaecutlon1 dem· on1trate to the public in Orante County that the district attorney la not accordtna pref· erentlal treatment to public of. ficlala but la proe~uUnc all d · fens• ln an lmpartlal and even handed manner,'' the AG'• letter aald. It noted that 0 tbe prosecutton of publlc offlclal1 In · Oran1e c~ ii notblnt nMt ... Cases cited tn the Jett« ln. eluded Pl'OleeuU~rr 1 lri 1078 of <S.aEPOaT .... eAZ) Terrain Hampers Control By The Au.lated P"9I A fire on steep mountain 1lopes rqed out d control today In Un· der-dry Southern CalUornia brush after deatroyln1 10 animal.I and a house. The California Department d Foreatcy said the ftre, 25 mlle1 west d Palm Sprints and one mile aoutbeut of Cabuon. bad destroyed 1,000 acres or brush oo steep mountaln 1lopea from the 1,600 to the 4.200-foot level. Fire 1pokeawoman Nora Ryan said the blaze &'-ltted a two- bedroom house late Monday. kill· lne two doas, seven aoats and one horse after the two occupants escaped. No other dwellin11 were threatened by the fire which wu repOl,'ted only 10 percent con- t alned by mldmornln1, the •J>Okeswoman Mid. Six air tankera dropped flie. retardaut eAem.1~1 •hll• l50 firemen fou&ht tile blue cia Ute ,round. Otflclw aald er••• rom llltbltan, JndlaDa, Arka.nau, Ml11laaippl, North Carolina, WyomlnC and Utah' have been Oown In to Jotn l50 local firemen. The flt• wu burnlnl only one mile from the San Jacinto WildaneM area, but the .~ aerve remalned open to blken and umpera today. authoritiee said. · Meanwhile. I avorable weather C?onditton1 aided flrefl1htera struaUn1 to rreaervt preciOUI Central Cal fornla coHtal wa-.bed, where fire threetem futun floodlq ln the ravqtd • timberland. omc1a11 laid the 81,000.acre timber fire ln the IM Pad.rel Na· tlonal Forat near Bia Sur wu ao percent contained early today. but they w..-e not HYlnl wbm tbe blaze. called the Marble· Cone, mar be fully contained. .,They bad lt, loll it and DOW they've iot It back a1aln1 .. 1ald Barbara Rowe. Callrotnla Department of Foutry. "We'•e 1ot aooct weather today ao tb1np are looklnj a blt beb-. ter ... More than S,SOO firemen were betnr helped by toor mule pack trains. earrylnr flre·flahUnr equipment to remote are .. in the · p.rhtlne w11dem~11. T~e 80,400·acfe ••Scarface" fire ln the northeutem cOl'Qet ol the tt•te wal eo 0ercent con· tatnecl and .o_~ent contri>llecl early todq, Ftref1ibtftl expect. eel to have th.• Modoc Count1 blue fully contalried by ~i; Western Wildfires MONTANA .10111 WYOMING ' \ ,,,. t ~ "'--. ___ .. .P" Ss.,,.. --"'---r:_ _ _j , ...... JM.. ~ ,..,,. ,.,..,..,""" ,... ~\ : Sall lah C1ti ~ 11111•0 ~ NEVADA • ~.., ' Sa • CALIF UTAH I~ ioLORAD frlflCI •" ,,.. (M"':J-..... c... ~ ' . _1.,....--t----.., !!=.!!., '~ ARIZ. 11.M. . --.. . . .............. MAP POINTS OUT LOCATIONS OF WESTERN FIRES C811fomta•• Parched Brush Scofched by BtazH MneShot ~ BYTOMM•LEY lW ... .,_ NII ..... Oned two1univon ol a lboot· lDI rampaae wblcb left nloe peo- ple dytni «wounded en the Cal State !'U1lerton CUIPUI • year a10 loci&)' identified Edward Chari• Allaw., u t!Je man who •botblmin tbecbelt. Irvine Land Use ,Request • To Council I • . OT ' Teachers Fmedfor 'Captives' SAN DIEOO <Ar> -J'-plla •ae .. ~ .... ol • tea.ct..n' _, .... • cb 1t•1cd a four· da7 ltrik• la JUIHI. • Jud•• aaya •• 1n tha.aro ... ~and or· derlQll leaderJaUed. ~ Court Judi• Geor1e A. L11aar Hld the Sin D\eao T•adtus Auot'iatlon a.nd Jt.a PC' weni auUlY at cont.empt lo dia'91U'dJftl C'OUrt ordett t4 bold off the at.rikt'. Tbe alflctaJ, Hu1b P. Boyle, wa N.000 on a total of eilht c:oal.anpl cllaUofta. Ht .,., or· dered jailed for 40 days, all but 10 d.a,a of that 1uspend.ct, and put on three yeara' probation. Tbe walkout June 6 tbrou1b June I •u • "abamefuJ blot on the tustory of the teachmg pro- fession m San Diego," said Lazar m his order Monday. The teachers trying fer im- proved aalary and work coodl· tiom Ignored a preliminary in· junction assued by another Judce. They returned to work after re· ceiving assurances that there would be ao reprisaJs for the strike, first i.n San Diego history. Some claurooms operated normally with substitutes. "The only persons directly af. fected by the strike were the children, who, in blunt language, were exploited as hostages for the purposes of a polillcal power play," added Lazar. Boyle, who stepped out as president of the group Aug 1, W8h told to report lo county Jail Aug. 22 An attorney said Lazar's ac- tion would be appealed 'Tm disappointed, that's all.'' Boyle said Before the no reprisal pledge, the 3,600-member usoc1ation was promised a return to bargauuna in its $9 S·mllhon de· m ands. A counterolfer totalling $6 million that Included a S per- cent pay increase was re1ected by the teachers last week. The teachers make from $9,915 to $20,391 annually, averaging $17,093. ·Injured Pilot Held; Wreck · .. Reveah Pot A Tustin pilot remained under armed guard in a Yuma. Ariz., hospital today, alter trying to crawl away from the wreckaie of his crashed plane in wh.lch authorltjes claim they found 400 pounds of Mexican marijuana. Yuma County Sheriff's Office deputies Identified the asserted smuggline suspect a s Mark Brenhuber, 28, who suffered a fractured leg in the Monday crash. Investigators claimed Brenhubtt still tried to escape despite the broken limb and possible back injuries that al· lowed them to quickly catch up aner tr.iiina his path across a field. He waa arrested on the mart· juana cbar1e without further in· cident after the crash, which OC· curred when his plane clipped power lines and blacked out an area from Mohawk lo Tacna. Investigators 1 aid they theorize Brenhuber was fly1nf at extremely low altitude h&.&ntlnc an Isolated landtn1 •trip at whtcb to set down and unload the con· traband cu10. The actual era.sh site wu near the tiny town of Wellton, authortties said. Bell Tells Ties CIUCAGO (AP> -Atty. Qen. Griffin Bell aay1 he wUl have to. disquallly hJm1eJf fl-om leadlns any future Juatlce Department lnH•ti1atJon of teUow Cabinet membu Bert Lqce'a finances beeauae of hll ties to the bank t..nce used to head. DAILY PILOT -,, 11V!Ll;~Jl.>J.AU t7 • ~ $ o.ttr,... ....... WILL TUSTIN BE A SAODLEBACKCOLLEQE DROPOUT? Second Campua Site (f naet) Trtggera Lateet Spnt Plan fi'rona Page .42 COLLEGE EFFORT. • • campus issue," he said. "They have been playing games with us. The site they chose is too rar for our youog people to drive." SaddJeback trustees a1reed to build the new campus al Irvine Center Drive and Jeffrey Road. In so doing, they reversed an earlier decision to build at. Front Page A I ALLAWAY. • Keran spent several weeks in a local hospital. He wu listed in cr1ticaJ coodition for the first several days of his confinement. He told the jury today that he went after Allaway's rifle alter the defendant shot a library employe who hit him over the head with a plate in an effort to stop tum. The employe was identified to- day as Library Assistant Steve Becker, 30, whose body was later round outside the building. He had been shot in the back. Library secretary Karen Dwinell told an Orange County Superior Court jury that she was wilb the first two of Allaway's al· leged nine victims when the de· fendant bunt into her office at 8 :30 a.m. on July 12, 1976. "He stopped ln front of my desk and pointed his aun at my chest," the witnesa hesitantly testlfied. She said she believes ber life w u saved by the action of photo- grapher Paul Keriberg, 30, who jumped on Allaway as the defen· dant. allegedly menaced Mrs. Dwinell with a .22-cali ber rifle. "He turned around and shot Paul, sh~ng from the tup," Mrs. Dwinell said. She said Al· laway then turned and shot ttthnican Bruce J acobaon, 32, u Jacobson fled into the con-ference room. Mrs. Dwinell testified that she heard more gunfire u she soulhl refuge from Allaway and saw the defendant shootln1 in the direc- tion of tht! graphic arts section In the basement of the campus library. Tbe witneu said abe later learned that the body of graphic arts employe Frank Teplansky, Sl, wu found In that area. Allaway, 32, L\ accused of the kHUnp of seven people includfn1 Herzberc. J acob1on and Teplanaky. It la also alleged and not denied by th4t delenae that he addlUonaJ. ly wounded two other campus employes in wbat the proHCuUoo deecribed Monday aa a •ix· minute 1hootin1 ram pace. Allaway hu pleaded not aunty and not suilt.y by reason ol in· sanity. The aame jury ln JUdae Robert P. Kneeland'• courtroom wm be aated to determine his sanity lf guilty verdict.a are re- torned Jn the guilt phase of the trial. The Jury left the courtroom Monday for a tour of the campus llbr.,., and tbe aurroundlna area after hearln1 an openln& stat• met\t from chief 1~uty Dllt.rlct At~ Jani• ch . ~nrliht's Hcolld wltneu tatlfte« when the fury. returned to the~m thatabeencwn· kred AUawaf ln tilt corridor oC the campus Ubi'arr, ahdrtlt after lour people Is been tJllid. Myford Road and Bryan Avenue. In the 1974 .de-annexaUon move, backers of teparation also objected to the drlvlnc distance. At the time, there was lltUe talk of a seeond campus and the exist· ing facility ln Mia1lon Viejo was 20 miles from T\aaUn. Boseker believes mistakes were made in the last petition drive ror separation. He also believes 1ecea1ioo backed by the school board would have "a greater chance of succesa.' • Saddleback board President Larry Taylor of Laguna Beach said the new de-annexation taJk may reflect the fact that the col· lege hasn't done enough public relations in the Tustin area. '•Apparently, we dJdn 't do a good enough Job of keeplne them Informed that we are going to do a tremendous job ror Tustin with this new •ampus," be said. "Rancho Santiago is still a long way from bulldin1 Ila second campuf;' Taylor said ln ref· erence to the neighbor dlatrlct's planned campus near the north Tustin area. "But if It Is the will of the peo- pl c in Tustin to withdraw, I wouldn't try to stand in their way,"Taylorsaid. "My declaion (on the location of the second campus) wu based on what was best for the whole district and nobody c.n ccnvlnce me three miles lJ 1oln1 to malle that much difference." Any de-annexation move would face a number ol hurdles. Just to be considered, backera must gather the aignaturea or 25 per- cent of the Tu1Un Unified School District's realstered voters. They mu.t then go thrwch the Oran1e County Committee on School District ReorcanJsatJoo and flnlly to th• Coblmunlty College Board ol GOYernon. Tbe state panel can reject the move, call an eleetJon ooly In TUstln or call a vote In theentlrecoUegedlJ- trict. Even if all approval• are fained, there remalDI the llkeUbo9d that Tustin taxpayers will be obUgated to repay their abare of Saddlebaclc'• $6.5 mUllon bonded debt u a condl· tlon of 1eparaUon. Kids Find Human Heart NEWPORT NEWS, Va. <AP> -PolJce apec\ilate that • human heart found In a Jar by soqie cbUdren playina near their home here m~ have beeQ stal• from a science JaboratOr'J' ind thtD dtacarded. The heart .,., 1ent to the atate medical examiner'• office in NorfoUc for ~ttlve i~eQtttlc•· tlon aft~ lt wu found MOn.cley. J>Ollc' aald If· tbe bell'\ tW'llS out not to be a .,reeervtd 1peclmen, the)' would try to d• ttrmlne what It Wd·dolfts Jn a Jar. WASHINGTON <AP) -An emploYe ol th4' federal Urban 'Mu.a Transit Aclmlnlstration ls obaraed with dlvvUnc S&'I0.000 tn federal funds to his uae • The money WUUam C. stbert. n, Is eecu.sed ot steallq had been earmarked for the Metrop0Ut1n Atlanta Rapld Trlnlit Authority. Sibert, ol suburban SuJUand, Md., WU arrested Friday lo Las Ve1as. Nev., 81 be and a party of frlenda stepped off an airplane. Accordln, to an affidavit, Sibert .bad ~i.000 iQ cub oa h1m when arral«I. Sibert ts a Jow-tevel flnandaJ as1latant with UMTA. Part ot hla duti• included aivJ.na inJUaJ ap. provaJ to vouchers requesting Department of Transportation funds fOC' varioua state and local ·rapid transit syatema1 tbe af. Qdavttaald. Pro1ecuton alle1e that from March 19, Sibert took on the iden· tlty of the Atlanta transit agency, depositing $724,361 In an account at Suburban Trust Co. It was al· Jeeed be made a number or de- posita in which he placed a por- tion of the face value of the U.S. Treasury check ln the bank and t.ook the baJance ln cash. · Arrested with Sibert in Laa Vecaa Friday was Lola Ann Benson, who wu not otherwise identlfted. Pl'osecutora alle&ed that s he had received about $65,000 from Sibert in persona) and certified checks. Helm Named Director of Child Center Saddleback Collece trustees have named Llnda Helm, a Laauna Niguel resident, as supervisor of the nearly complet- ed and once-controversial cam- pus child day care center. Mn. Helm will admlnJ1ter the program designed to provide day supervlllon and pre-school In· atructlon to children whose parent.a attend classea at the col· lege. She has been director of the Shepherd of the Hilla Preschool In Mluion Viejo since 1973 and previoualy wu director o( South Sborea Preschool in Laauna NleueJ. The object or sharp debate by trustees for two years before It wu finally approved, the center is expected to open ln late fall. The opening wlll come about a year after atudenta argulne the need for the facility won ap- provaJ from the board. It will be housed In a campus build.inc left. vacan(last Aucust when athletic offices and locker rooms were moved Into the col· Jege's permanent tYm complex. l'he bulldina curre1'llY la being remodeled to provld• apace for a clasaroom, worj(room, offices, kitchen and outdoor play area. The center ia de1l1ned for about 80 children, aaed from two- apd-a-ball to six yeara. It ia ex- pected to be totally self ·supported by parenta althoueb dally fees have not yet been set. Fund• already hne been rai1ed and donated by atudent 11°"'511 and communJt1 memben to help 1upport tb• center. The playcround wu de1l1ned by Betsy Swa.nJOn, a former Sad· dleback student and UC Davis architecture iraduate. Strike Studied OTTA.WA. Canada (AP> -The ·Canadian Parliament waa meet- lnc today to conalder emer1ency lealtJ.Uoa lm'*1n1 a aetUement in Canada'• crtppllnc tbree-d-.v· old air trafflq controUen strike. The 2,200 contrplltr• are de· mQdini a 12.6 perc.,it pay In· creue. 7the propoeed le1l1lation would lmPOH an a percent bike. .l .~.,,...... DAYTON HOUSE BURNS AS FIREMEN flODli Striking Firefighter• RefuH to Hefp Picketing Firemen Ignore Howe Fire DAYTON, Oh10 (AP> -Fires broke out in two abanQoned apartment houses today aod spread to at least one occupied dwelling while strikln1 firemen picketed three blocks away and refused to help douse the names. The llrat blaze wblcb autted the apartment bulldlng, also severely damaged an adjacent two·atory frame house occupied by two famllles. No injuries were reported. Firemen from the neighboring community ol Madison Township responded to a call for help but were too late to keep the hoU.5e from being engulfed. The second fire was burning uncontrolled, and residents of nearby homes were trying to re move their belongings for rear ll would spread. An occupant of the fra m e house, Bob Jackson, said Dayton firemen punched a hole in the wall, then told residents they would have to fi&ht the fire themselves. More than 370 Dayton firemen said when they walked off the job Monday that they would respond only in ure-or-death situations. Their action left U1i1 city o( 241,000 without fire protection for the first time 1n history and with llmi\ed ambuJ4.nce service. Some policemen w~re expect- ed to stay off the job today in aup- port of the strike in sympathy with demands by Fire Flgbters Local L'Je tor higher wages and a 1borter work week. The added prospect of diminished police protection bad city official.a, businesses 8nd res- idents preparing fof possible duty as supplemental safety forces. Ne,otlat.on met until ecty t<>- day tryin1 unaucceaafully to rewrite a con~act for firea:aeo to replace one that expired Feb. 28. Judfe William Wolff Jr. ot the Montcomery Cowrty Common Pleas Coort ordertd the firemen back to their posts six houn after thetr wort stc>ppaae be&an, but none of the llHmen returned. Key issues in the strike are wages and working hours. Firefighters start at $12,043 a year, and the uruon ts seeking a 6 percent increase. The city has of· fered a 2.6S percent waee in- crease. Firefighters also want their work week reduced from S2 to 48hours. Fro•PageAJ REPORT ••• \ ' focmer county supervisor Robert BaUin and the early 1976 indict- ment of one-Um.e county poUU.Cal kingmaker Dr. Louis CeUa. The AG noted in BatUn's case that a Superior Court judee bad· taken a bard look at allegations of discriminatory prosecution. "Nothing improper wu shown and. on the contrary, reasonable law enforc:ement was dem- onstrated." the letter said. ln Cella 's 'cue, "the dlatrict at- torney handled tbe cue as any district attorney would hand.le it. .. Remlnaton is ln WyomJq and waa unavailable ror comment to- day. Crosby waa In court and also unavaJlable for comment, ac- cord.lq to a worker la his office. Still unanswered by the at- torney general's office Ls a re- q u eat by tbe Board of Supervisor• for the Attorney General's Office to take over An· tbony'a and Diedricb'a proae-cution. The board Med unantmous!y for the request at the canclusloa of It.a bud&tt beario.1s wbc An.· tbony Hid be wasn't eertal11 whether or not a conlllct of in- terest uiated. Terrorist 1..inked NEW YORK (.\P) -Police say a bomb found ln a erowded midtown offlu bulldin1 wu "defbUteb' connected" to umall terrorist 1troup dtmahdin& ln- dependencefor PuertolUco. -~-"'------- ' Altera a N. Y. Saoek.8 VOL. 70, NO. 22t, 3 SECTIONS, 28 PAGl!S ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1977 TEN CENT Tustin Wants Out of Saddlehack JC 8J WILUAM SCR&EDEA ·-o.ty~t49ff ADOUler ctn ve lo drop out al the Saddlebacll Community Collete District is takine shape in 1\dtln. Tbe new move comes three years .n.er a eroup called the "Collece Commitllee of Tustin" 1atbered 8,000 signatures on a pelJtMm to separate from Sad· dleback. It was rejected by the state commuruty college Board otOovwnon. T..ua 1ebool board memben Marjorie Day and Dr. J:dward Boseker are spfarhtadlna th• latest elfort. Tbey want a dlv«ee from Saddlebaek ao they can link their dlatrlct to the Rancho San- t1 a10 (Santa Ana) Community Collete System. Mn. Day, an attorney wu one of s.ddleback11 aiaunchllt toe>· porters in opposlnf the U74 separation bld. Sbe now claim.a the colleae "dOeln't atve a dam" about the people of Tua Un. The de-annexation push ap· parenUy wu trlaaered by a re- cent decision by Saddleback Coll-e t.naatees to build tbe dil- trlct'• second campus ln Irvine rather than three initea farther north near th• TuaUn city llne. Tustin ·trustees have directed their !laff to cOQduct a feulblllty study ~ de-annexation. Actln.i Supt. James Bus said the report shO\lld be ready "ln about six weeks." The man Bus appointed to prepare the study ls Hans Voeel, a TusUn district adminhtrator and former Saddleback Colleae trustee. M one or Tustln's represen· taUves on the colle1e board dur- ing the 1974 de-annexation try, Vo1el vebemenUy objected to the petition drive and \ts pouible detrlmental effect on the YOWll district. Withdrawal by TusUn would leave the Irvine, Capistrano. Laguna Beach and Saddleback Unified School Diatrtcts within Saddleback's boundariee. It would also reduce the col- leee's $1.8 bllllon assessed valua· tioo tax base by about $355 milllon, or 21 percent. Three years aio, Tustin comprised 25 per~t of Saddleback 'a assessed valuation. Tustin Unified's Boseker aald be believes Tustin resldenta have been shortcbanced by the Sad- dlebact coUece diltrlct. •'The reasoo for our action is simply because we feel Tustin bas been sold out on this second (See COLLEGE, Pace AZ) Fire Rages W~st of PaJm Sp~gs * * * Citizen Fire Aid UTged Laguna Beac h Fire Chief Charley Kuhn has appealed for citizen assistance in reportin1 all suspected fires and intruders in the closed brush areas around Laguna Beach. "All areas or brush in Laguna Beach have been closed and these areas have been posted," Chief Kuhn said. The signs and post1n1s. however, have not prevented motorcyclists and campers from venturing Into the high fire hazards areas. Fire Marshal Jim Presson and Laguna Beach police officers have cited dozens of persons in the closed areas in the last two weeks. Presson. who tramped the ' back lands rreparatory to a bulldozing o new fire road• . around La,guna, deserlbed the brush as "tinder dry." Chief Kuhn noted Orange County has been "very lucky" so far this season. but he said u ol last Thursday, all extra men and equlpme'ht from the Oranee County Ftre Department have been shifted to central and northern California. "If Orange County l:\aa a large brush fire, they are dependln& on the city fire department• of 'Orange County to help. •'The ftre hazard is extremely high. Men and equipment are low In Orange County," Chief Kuhn said. To report a fire or intrusion in the Laguna Beach closed brush areas, call <&94-llSSor 494·1121. Kids Find I H11man Heart I NEWPORT NEWS, VL (AP> -Police speculate that a human heart found In a jar by some children playtne near their home here may have been stolen from a science laboratory and then discarded. ·• The heart wu sent to the at.ate medical examiner'• offlt:e I• Norfolk for positive identlftca. tlon after it wu found Monday. Police said if the beart tW'DI out not Lo be a preserved 1 1peclnM1n. they would try to d• te:rriline what It was dOlnt tn a Jar •• Here's a fellow w}\o definitely is between a rock and a wet place. If It was summer solitude this swimmer was .• seeking, he found it Monday afternoon off Laguna Beach. Body Found In LB School Parking Lot Badham Backs Plan On School Ziggurat No Water Shortage in ThU Place By WILLIAM DODGE OfUll Deity ........... Congressman Robert Badham <R·Newport Beach> sald today bis office ii cooperatln1 with Capistrano Unllied School Dia· trict oftlclals tn esplorin( the possible leue of Laguna Nl&uel'a "Ziegurat" to rell~ve over- crowded acltool condlUona. "We are movlnc cloter to a day-to.day basta of ha\'ln1 somethitta d<10e ... Badt\am told a m orninc meetint of the C•platrano V•lley Excban1e Club. "Our pitch to the f edml IOV· ernment ti that they're not tet· Unf much rent now an4 the bulld· lhl could be put to gOod UH by the achool dJstrlct, .. Badham ex- plained. Only 21 gurat's '7:50,000 square feet of apacecurrenUy la beln1 used. Badbam'a executive ualstant. Howard Seelye, said the con· gressman wu due to meet with district olftciala later today to dl1cu11 tb• Zlnurat lease p0salbWt1es. Gar4en boles, rig&ed up to sup- ply water to a 40-unlt coo- dominlum complex ln San Clemente Iller a water main broke. sPUled about 1001al1ona of water Into a t.blrd·floor apart· mentMonday. Firemen vaeuumecl up the water at 241> S. Ota Vitta. Tbey l&ld it WU a pcten_Ual buard beuuu the water was 1preld.1D1 tbrouab ttie bu1ldlnl '• w alla IDd lealtjne throucll noon, ~ ·Into contact wJtb electrical Wil'· inf.• Terrain Hampers Control By The Aaaoclated Press A fire on steep mountain slopes raged out of control today in tin· der·dry Southern California brush after d estroying 10 animals and a house. The California Department of Forestry said the fire, 25 miles west of Palm Springs and one mile southeast of Cabazon, had destroyed 1,000 acres of brush on steep mountain slopes from the 1,600 to the 4,200.foot level. Fire spokeswoman Nora Ryan --.•Id the blaz.e gutted a Lwo-~droom house late Monday, kill· ing two dogs, seven 1oats and one horse alter the two occupants escaped. No other dwellines were threatened by the fire which was reported only 10 percent con-ta l ned by midmornine, the apokelwoman aald . Slx air tankers dropped fire· retardant cbemJcala while &50 firemen fouabt the blaze on the ,round. Officials said ,c.rewa rom Micbi1an, todlan·a, Arkansas, Mlaslsalppl, North Carolina, Wyomln& and Utah' have been flown in to join &50 \ocalfiremen. The fire was burning only one mUe from the San Jacinto Wilderness area, but the pre- serve remained open to bikers and campen today, authorities said. Meanwhile. favorable weather condltlona aided firefighter• 1tru1Sllnl to preserve precious Central California coastal watershed, where fire threatens future floodin& in the ravaced timberland. ' Officials aald the '7,ooo.acre timber fire ifl the Los Padres Na· tional Fdrest near Die Sur was 30 percent contained early today, but they were not saylq when the blaze, called the Marble· Cone. may be fully contained. "They had it, loet it and now they've '°' it back aaain ••• said Barbara Rowe. California Department of Foestr~ •. "We've aot 1ood weather tod., so t.h1nca are 1ootlna a bit bet. ttr.'' More than 3,500 firemen were beinl helped by four mule pack train•, cal'l')'ln1 flre·flC'tlnl equlpmeot to remote areu lD the }>riatine M.14em••· DAl'-Y PiLOT L/5C T mt 1m Anthony Plea Hit , Attorney Backs County DA. •1 G48Y GUNVILl.a .......... _ Tbt st.al• Attorney Gen~nLI'• Office bu found th•l a aenc of to-ca&J.d pol1Uc&I pro.ccutforu11r1 Oran1e County have been Ju.s&J.fted ud Lhal the D~tntl Al t.omey'a Office is nt to pr06ccute i•ditled county Supervlaor PhilJp Ant.boa)'. The AG'• flndln., are included ln a acvca· pa&o tln•le-1paud let· tcr acnt last Friday to Anthony'• 11ttornty. 'l'homa11 Crosby , AIWlhcr rc:clp!ent of the letter w~• l''u.Jlc:rtoo Attorney Michael lhmlnalon, i.n Anthony co· tndictee P~ ol Lhc letter wu to re Ject pleas by the two lndlcted r _J Otflyf' .... _M# WILL TUSTIN SE A SAODLEBACK COLLEGE DROP OUT? Second C•mpua Site (Intel) Trtggera Lateat Split Ptan From Page A.2 COLLEGE EFFORT. • • campus Issue," he said. "They have been playing games with us. The site they chose Is too far for our young people to drive." Saddleback trustees agreed to build the new campus at Jrvine Center Drive and Jeffrey Road. ln so doln1. they reversed an earlier declaion to build at Myford Road and Bryan Avenue In the 1974 de-annexation move, backer11 ol ser.•rallon also objected to the drlv n1 distance. At I.he time, there was htUe talk ot a second campus and the exist- ing fac1Uty in Mission Viejo was 20 milet from Tustin. Boseker believe11 mistakes were made tn the last peUllon drive for separation. He also beUeves secession backed by the school board would have "a treater chance of success.'' Saddleback board President Larry Taylor of Laguna Beach uJd the new de·anneutlon talk may reflect the fact that the col· lege hasn't done enou1h public relations in the Tustin area. "Apparently, we dldn 't do a Sood enou1h job of keeping them inform~ that we are golng to do a tremendous Job for Tustin with this new campus," he said. "Rancho Santiago ls still a long way from building It.a second eampua," Taylor said In ref· tteoc:e t.o the nei1bbor district's planned campua near the north TuaUnareL ·'But if lt Is the wtll of the peo- ple in TutUn to withdraw. I wouldn't try to stand ln thelr way,'' T•ylor uid. "My decllton (OD the location of the second campus) wu based on what wu belt for the whole district and nobody ean convince me three miles la 1otn1 to make lb at mucb dlff e.rence. ·' Any de-annexation move would lace a number ol hurdles. Just to be considered, backers must 1ather the atsnaturea of 25 per- cent <JI the Tustin Vnlfted School Dlltrlct'a re1lstered voters. TM)' muat then •o throuah the DAILY PILOT Orange County Committee on School District Reorganization and flnlly to the Community College Board of Governors. The state panel can reject the move, call an election only in Tustin or call a vote in the en lire college d~· trlct. Even if all approvals are gained, there remains the likelihood that Tustin taxpayers will be obligated to repay their share or Saddleback's $8.5 million bonded debt as a condl· lion o! separat(on. JuJgeF~s Teachers f o r 4-day Strike SAN DIEGO CAP> -Pupils were "hostages" of a teachers' organization wl\Jch staled a four· day strike In June, a judge says in fining the group $4,500 and or- dering its leader jailed. Superior Court. Judge Georae A. Lazar saJd the San Diego Teachers Association and its president were guiJly of contempt in dlsre1tardlng court orders t o hold o!f thestrlke. The olficial, Hugh P. Boyle, wu fined $4,000 on a total of et1ht cont.empt citations. He wu or· ~redJaUed tor40days, all but 10 day• of that suspended, and put on three years' probaUon. The walkoot June I throu1h June 9 wu a "shameful blot on the history ot the teachlnc pro- fession in San Dle10," aaid Lazar in hit orde.r Monday. . The teacbert tryln1 for Im· proved salary and work coodl· Uons tcnored a prellmlnary ln· Junction issued by another judge. They returned to work after re- cetvtn1 assurances that there would be no npriaal1 for the atrlke, flnt in San Dle10 history. Some clanroom1 operated normally wttb aubsUWtes. • "l'be Oft1.v persom directly al - fecttd by the attlke were tho tbUdren, who, ta blunt lanaua1e, were exploli.d u bolt.,• for the purpo1 ot a pollUcaJ powtr Dlay;: ad.dedI:aaar. men for the AO'• office lO tab lbelr proaecuuon out ot dl1trlct Attomey Cecil fflckt' haanda. Alona wtth Supervisor Ralph Diedrich and three other poUUcal flauree, Anthony and lhmlnaton were Indicted b,y the Oranie County Grand Jury Julr t on cbllr&ea related to alleaed viola· lions ot at.ate campatan retUl•· tlorus. The attorney aeneraJ'a written rejection ot the move by Anthony and Remloeton to have their cases taken out ot the DA 'a hands wa1, In effect, a staunch delenae of the District Attorney's Office. ReCerrin1 lo past "political prosecuUooa ·' in the county, the attorney eeneral 's letter said, ''The conviction rate indicates lhosepr06ecutlons were proper. ''The district attorney la mere- ly doing the job he was elected to do. "The prosecutions dem· onstrate to the public in OranBe County that the district attorney is not according pref· erential treatment to public of- ficials but ls prosecuting all or. renses ln an Impartial and even handed manner," the AG's letter said. ll noted that "the protecutlon of public otllcials In Orange County ls nothing new.'' Calles cited in the letter in· eluded prosecution in 1976 of former county supervllor Robert Battin and the early 1976 lndlct· ment o! one·tlme county pollbcal kingma.ker Dr. Loua Cella. The AG noted In Battln's case that a Superior Court judce bad taken a hard look at allegations of discriminatory prosecution. "Nothing improper was shown and. on the f.Ontrary, reasonable law enforc"ement was dem- onstrated, "the letter said. Helm Named Director of Child Ce n ter Saddleback Colleae trustees have named Linda Helm, a Laguna Nl1uel resident. Bl supervisor oC the nearly complet· ed and onc•controvenlal cam· pus child day care center. Mrs. Helm wllJ administtt the pro1ram desi1ned to provide day supervision and pre-school in· strucUon to children whose parents attend cluses at tbe col· lege. She has been dlrect.ol' of the Shepherd of the Hllls Preschool In Mission Viejo since 1m and previously wa~ director ol South Shores Preschool In Laguna Niguel. The object of sharp debate by trustees for two years before it was finally approved, the center Is expected to open in late tall. The opening will come about a year after student.a ar1u1n& th• need for the faclUty won •P· provaJ from the board. It will be housed in a campu1 buildint left \'acant lut August when athletic office& and locker rooms were moved into the col· lege'• permahentl)'m complex. Tb• buildin1 currently la belo1 remodeled t.o provide apace for a classroom, workroom, otfica, kitchen and outdoor pla.y area. The cebter la deal1ned f Or about 00 children, aaed from two- and-a·half to alx years. It it ex- pected to be totally aelt .. upported by parents t.ltho\llh d-.lly tees havenotyetbeenaet. Fund• already have been ratted and donated by student 1rOUJ>S and community members to help support the center. The playground was deaJ1aed by Betsy Swanson, a form• Sad· dleback 1ludent anct UC Davia architecture 1raduate. Survivo r Points t o ,A.llaUJay ' OllllY ""~ ...... MEDICS AID WOMAN VICTIM AT CRASH SCENE 4 Hurt In Accident That Cloaea Camino Capl1trano Wreck in San Juan Leaves Four Injured Four people were seriously In- jured thla momln1 when their car rolled off the San Otego Freeway and down an embank· ment south ot Avery Parkway In San Juan Capistrano. The driver Identified 8ll Jose M art1ne1 oi Oceanside, was pinned behind the wheel ot his wrecked vehicle until released by firemen. Hit three pasaenien, Ernie and Loyda Palma or Vista and Linda Perez, address unknown, had 1otten out of the wreck•1• by the llme California Highway Patrol officers arrived at the scene. CHP Offlcet Blll Pool sald the paaseoaers must have been helped by some of the many ~ pie who stopped along the freeway when the accident OC· curred. He said It did not appear th at they bad been ejected from the tumbling car. Officers said the driver ap- parently fell asleep before losing control of the car. Witnesses said the-car-, which was traveling south, appeared to be pullln& over t.o the aide ol the freeway, but continued down the bank, comh1J to rest. along Camino Capistrano. The victims were assisted at the scene by firemen, two paramedic unit.I, sheriff's dep· utles and CHP officers. They were taken t.o Mission Commun!· ty Hospital. CHP officers closed Camino Capistrano for about an hour after the 7: 15 a.m. accident. $850,000 D iver ted Transit Aid Held In Theft of Funds WASHING TON (AP) -An empl~e ol the rederal Urban Maas Transit Administration Is charged with diverting $8SO,OOO in federal funds to his use. The m<Jney Wtlllalt) C. Sibert, 29, 1-accused of stealin1 had F l"OlllPageAJ BODY ••• the parldna lot of the elementary school tut niaht. accordlni t.o 1tatemeqts made to a aherllf's depuly at the scene. After findJDI bis friend ap· parenUy dead, one of the men called Laiuna B•ach pollce. The acbool l• Just out.Ide the city lltalta &net 11berltr1 deputies were notllled. The dead ltlan. rrom out or •tat.e. waa lylna io • par kine at all next to a c:h aln Un.t fence aeparfti.nt the parktne lot from the elementary achool c,mpu.a. been earmarked for the M etropolltan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority. Sibert, of suburban SuiUand, Md ., was arrested Friday in Lu Vegas, Nev., as he and a party o! friends stepped oft an airplane. Accordlna to an affidavit, Sibert had $59,000 In cash on him when arrested. Sibert i. a low·Jevel ftnanclal auiatant with UMT A. Part ot bis duties included 1ivlo1 tniUaJ ai>- proval to vouchers requestlna Departmeat of Transportation funcb for nrioua state and local rapid transit systems, the af- fidavit said. • Prosecutors allege tbat from March u, SJbert took on the Iden· tity ot the Atlanta tran.&Jt &leMY, depotlUll,I $724,361 tn aa account at Suburban Trust Co. It was al- 1e1ett be made a aumbfr of de- po1ita In whicb he placed a por. lion ot the face value ot tht U.S. TrefSury cbe(:k: m the bank and took the balance ln cub. BY 'roM BAaLEV ................... One of two au.rvtvora of a lhool· • tns rampaae which left n1.oe peo-• pie d.)'lnc or wounded on the CaJ State Fullerton calnpUI a year aao today ldeollfled Edward Charles Allaway as the man who shot hlm ln the cheat. J>r. Donald Keran, 57, chairman of th• University Library, told an Orange County Superior Court jury that he was shot by Allaway as be trted to take the defendant'• rlfie hwo him. Keran testified that be was thrown to the noor by Allaway and fell on the dropped rifle In • bid to prevent Allaway from retrieving it. "The next thin1 l knew, I was oo my back/' he said. "Then I was shot as 1 tried to roll oot of the way and I lay there expec:Ung him lo shq:K me again." Keran aaid tbat when be re- alized that Allaway was leaving the area he drqaed himself into a nearby office and telephoned ror help. He told the jury that he then staggered back into the passageway but collapsed and lost consclousnesa from what be described as a heavy loss of blood. Keran spent several weeks in a local bospi,al. He waa listed ln critical condition lot the first several days ot his confinement. He told the jury today that he went alter Allaway's rifle after the defendant shot a library employe who hit h.lm over the head with a plate In an effort to stop him. The employe was identlfted to· day as Ubrary Asslstant Steve Becker, 30, whose body was later found out.side the building. He had been shot in the back. Hopping Hops On 'Boring' School Quote Laguna Beach school critic Bruce Hopping told the school board he liked the summer school newspaper, particularly the comments attributed to stu- dents about the summer session. Hopping's comments followed a glowing report by Art Filher, summer school principal. Readin& fro~ the newspaper, Hoppin& quoted student Mark Bitb.elJ, who was quoted as say- ila&, "ll'• a wute of the d~. Why iuchool so boring?" · School Board Prealdent Harry Blthell, was advised by Hopping to "have a conference With bl& son." Bit.hell, who had turned bright red,' said he would. but he added that hil son had not been a sum- mer school student and that he h•d perhaps been interviewed while ''he was standing around the campus." "Maybe he's bored because be isn't Jo.Ing t.o summer school," Trustee Marylyn Pauley, re- marked. fi'ro• Page A I FIRES ••• . the state Wal 80 percent con· tained and 40 percent controlled early toda.y. F\refithten expect- ed t.o have the Modoc County bla:ze fully coctained by ton.lpt. Two smaller fires that a'ared ru11ed terrain within 20 mil• oC tbe Scarface blue were COD• tained Monday nlcht, leavtn1two othen yet to be barneued, the divtslonaald. . .. Tbe lrfarblo-Qone blue, cud- dled In at.tip tJmberlan4 of the Los l>adres Natlooal Forest. bas caused $172 mllllon dama1e to the Carmel, Afr9.)'Q Seto Jnd Bl1 Sur watenb"1 -the dense hW.ldo brush land and tr• tha\. purify and collect water and act to prevent mudaUdea. J I - Orange Coast EDITION -·' Today,s Cl hag N.Y. Stoeks !fOL 70, NO. 221, 3 S!~TIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 19n N TEN CENTS~ . Newport Landowners· Halt Building BJ JOANN 'aEYNOLDI ... ...., ........ ta wbll ii to be called the Krflnll' Moratorium, all d tbe m.ljar landowners ia Newport Beacb voiuotecred MOOl!ay to halt developm t for • daya IA order to come up witb a pt to ume build.inc project.I to road lmprovemeits. Tbe proposaJ wu aecepC«I by cilJ councilmen who were aboul to consider a 1erl• ot pr0potal1 to Umlt oew deveJoOmtot Jn the clty. But be.for• councilmen could btsto d1tcu11lon of tb r pro- potala, Peter Kremer. the new presidmt d t.be Irvine Company uked f« a 30-day delay In coun· ell action in order to 1lve the clty'1 landowners Ume to meet wit.b 1nt.ertlled citizens and city staff memben. Kremer uld the landowners would use the time to take "a fresh look" at development achedullna In order to "achieve realist.le solutions to the city's trartlc and transportation needa." Hls pledge was endoned by repre1entatlvea of the Emkll)' Development Company, which Is developing Newport Place near the Oran1e County Airport; the Koll Company, wbJch Is develop- in1 Koll Center, also near the airport; Aeronutronic Division of Ford Aerospace and Com- munications Corp., which will be developing Ill 109-acre property on Jamboree Road; Beec:o Ud., which owns the 430-acre oil field ln Weal Newport, eventually destined tor residentlal develop· ment. and Pacific Mutual We Insurance. While Pacific Mutual does not own any developable land in Newport Beach, the company ls In neiiotlations with the Irvine Company for purchase of a parceJ adjacent to their Newport Center corporate headquarten. In addition, builder William Lust and representatives of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce told councilmen they would be willing_ to work wit.b the croup durln1 tbe 30-da.y hiatus. Councilman Paul Ryckotf, who bad planned to seek a third coun- cll vote on a bullclinl moratorium, made the motion for t.be »<ill)' continuance. He noted t.bat none of the de- velope.n wu slated to brin& in bulldint projects in the next 30 days, ao "I can't see the logic of (See PROJECT, Pase .U) Fire Rages West of Pahn Sp~gs For Appointees Newport Okays Study of Ethics Newport Beach city coun- cilmen decided Monday to have their ethics committee study possible conrllcts or interest among members of council· appointed boards and com- missions. Carter OKs OC Flood Funding An appropriation of $400,000 for designing a Santa Ana River flood control projed wu ap- proved Monday In a $10 billion public works bill 1l1ned by Presi· dent Carter. The funding for the lnlllal stages d the project, which has been on the drawin1 boarda since 1962, would affect three counties -Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside. The area wu Identified u the nation's worst nood threat west of the Mississippi River by an Army Corps of Englneera atudy in lSM. Ed Juat. Santa Ana River Flood Protection A1ency direc· tor, aaid the runds wlll allow planning ror construction or a dam at Mentone near the Redlands airport, ral1in1 the Prado Dam at Corona and Im· proving the Santa Ana River channels in Orna1e County. Just said he la hopeful that runds will be available this ~­ tober. Future phues of the $1 billion project. will require addiUonaJ conJl'easlonal appropriations, be said. · NB Meters Hit Newport Beach police are 1eektn1 the thlevu who •P· parenUy used a pu1 key to drain 1848 rrom 80 parkiq metm'I in central Newport. City employ• checkln& the meten Monda)' dil· ~ove.red the tou from the metal In the city parking lot at 2Sth Street. Coast Wea••er Late nl1hl and earty rpornin• lo• cloud1, otberwlH fair tbrou1b Wednesday with llttle cb•n•e 1A tempera111re. Hiehl raftllQl.·tnn MU' '10 at tiit.cb•Ho near IO tn· tand. l.R*l•to The Issue was trlgaered by Councilman Paul Ryckoff, who asked that the appointment of Larry Lynch to the planning commission be reconaidered. Lynch's firm does landscape planning work for the Irvine Company. Lynch has abstained from voting on company pro· posals before the commission. Councilmen declined tp re· consider Lynch's appointment until the ethics committee com· pleted a general study ·of con- fiict.I d interest. Ryckoff, who was pU5hin1 to have Lynch replaced, voted against waiting for completion or the study saying, "I think we are burying unnecessarily an Item that needs action." In a related matter, Coun· cllman Pete Barrett informed his colleques Friday t.bat he will be abatainint rrom all votes related to the Irvine Company. \ In a letter he personally de· livered to councUmen, Barrett explained that he haa an ownenhlp Interest ln the marine contractin1 firm of Gillis and Derby, Inc., which has done $40,000 worth of work for the Irvine Company ln the past two· and·a·half years. Barrett said he has sought rul· ln11 from the clty attorney, the state Pair Political Practices Commlaalon and hia personal at- torney on the potential confiict. Bl.l'l'ett also said he bas de· cided to abstain "Oil any matter atfecting the Irvine Company un· less lt ls clear to me that the pro- ht biUons of the Fair Political Practices Initiative do not ap· ply." Barrett said Gillis and Derby will cease to do business with the Irvine Company and he expecta to "be able to fully participate in council meetin1s in early 1978." Boy Doused By Chemical Island ilt· the Sun Here's a feltow 'who definitely is between a rock and a wet place. tr it was summer solitude this swimmer was seeking, he found it Monday off Laguna Beach. ·County DA Supported ' At,t,onwy General Rejectll Plea by Anthony By GARY GRANVILLE Of ... D .. lyl'Metltlff The state ·Attorney Geoeral's omce haa found that a •erles of so.called political prosecutions In Oranee County have bt!en· juaUfied and that the Dlftrlct At- torney's Office is fit to prosecute Indicted county Supervisor Philip Anthony. . The AG 's flndlnp are included In a seven-page 1lntle-apaced let- ter aent lut Friday to Anthony's attorney, Thomas Crosby. Another reclpient ol the letter waa Fullerton AUorney MJcbael Remington, an Antbony co- indlc*· Purpose d t.be letter wu to re- ject pleu by . the two indicted nten ror the AG'a office to take their proaet!UUon out of dlltrict Attorney Cecil Hicks' hands. Alona with Supervllor Ralph Diedrich and threeotherpollt1cal t11ur•. Anthony and Remlnlton were Indicted by tbe Orantt County Grand Jury July 1 on chlU'•• related to 1.Ue1ed vi!ll•· Uons ot state cnmpa~,... re1ula· tlona. • The attorney 1eneral's written rejeclfon Of the move by Anthony and Remington to have their cans taken out or the-DA 's bands wu, II\ effect, a 1taunch defense of the District Attorney's Office. Rtferrlna to pa1t ·'political prosecutions'' In the county, the OL' ED HOCK C4TCllES HECK WASHINGTON CAP) -At least one concerned Texan thin.ks he knows whom to blame for wbat he doesn't like about the enerty bill. He wrote hit ~rreasman, "I urge you to UH your vote and ln· lhaence to defeat Ed Hock'• Eneray Committee propo1al." The bill w.s put to1ether by the Houae Ad Jloc Committee on Enern. attorney general's letter said, ''The conviction rate indicates those prosecutions were proper. ·'The district attorney Is mere· !fo~ol.na ~e Job he was elected to "The prosecutions dem· onstrate to the publlc in Orange County that the district attorney ·is not according pref· erenUal treatment to public d · flclal1 but i1 proeecutln1 all of. fente1 tn an Impartial and even handed manner," the AG's leUer said. It noted that "the pra1ecuUon of public officials in Oran1e County ls notbina new.'' Cues cited in the letter in· eluded prosecution in 1976 or former county supervilor Robert Battin and the early 1978 indict· ment ot one-Ume county poUUcal kln1maker Dr. Louil Cella. The AG noted in Battin'• cue that a Superior Coun Judie had taken a hard Jook at alletationa or dlacrlmlnatory prosec\.IUon. (See REPOll't, t11e A!) Terrain Hampers Conirol By Tbe Auoctated Preu A fire on steep mountain slopes raged out of control today In tin- der.dry Southern California brush after destroyin1 10 animals and a hoUJe. The Cahfornia Department ot Forestry said the fire, 25 miles west or PaJm Springs and one mile southeast of Cabazon, had destroyed 1,000 acres or bn.Llh on steep mountain alopes rrom the 1,600 to the 4,200.root level. Fire spokeswoman Nora Ryan said the blaze gutted a two· bedroom house late Monda)', klll- lng two dogs, seven goats and one horse after the two occupants escaped. No other dwellings were threatened by the fire which was reported only 10 percent con· tatned by mldmornlne, the spokeswoman sald. Six air tankers dropped fire-. retardant chemicals while 850 firemen fought the blaze on the ground. Olllcials said erewa from Mtctri••n, Jndhn1, Arkansas, Mi11isslppi, North Carolina, Wyomin1 and Utah' have been nown In to join 850' local firemen. The fire was burning only one mile from the San Jacinto Wilderness area, but the pre- serve remaJned open to hikers and campen today, authorities said. Meanwhile, favorable weather conditions aided flreflebtera struaaling to preserve precious Central California coastal watershed, where fire threlterd future flooding In the ravqtd timberland. Otrlclals said the 87,000..acre Umber flre In the Loa Padres Na- tionaJ Forest near Bit Sur wu 30 percent contained early today, but they were not sayin1 when the blaze, called the Marbl~ Cone, may be rutty contained. "They had It, lost It and DOW they've sot It back atain,'' aald Barbara Rowe. CaUfornla Department of Foeatry. "We've 1ot iood weather toda1 10 tb1np are lookln1 a b1t beti- ter." Mons than 3,SOO firemen were being helped by four mule pack trains, carryln1 flr4t·flShtln1 equipment to remote a.reu Int.be prilUne wildetne11. Tbe 80,400-acre .. Scarface•• nre in t.be northeutem eomer of the atate wu 80 perceni con- taln«l and 40 percent coatrolle4 early today. ... N T Council Action In MICUOO Mooday oi1ht, lb• N t 8 ach Cl\1 Coun· ct! PAA.ID . DI 81~2 Lau c a Ul drhe lo form a parlunii d1•lrlcl from Udo Vlll•I• LD Md" Square al lh Nf'wport Pier. C4M lllaVf.\': Accepted the tratnc 1urvey and or· dcred 1uaff membera lo ~tn work on onchronlalns Uaht1 and Unuhna I n lurn• un Eul Co•1t lfl1hway, &JNEU !ITATION: A1r..ct to txpand tho yard et tb• Marin 'a nte Statlua lo provldt I rtat :ntranct \o Ult a taLIOn df Dov tr Ort\' t. UCt! PAY. ~nt city •liAff m"mben 11nd poUct: reprts•-nl1tl1vl'!I b1&clL tu aaJary neaotlutlona and aet Aua. 22 lot' a rev\ew ol thear pro,reaa Mn Shot • Survivor Relates CSF Blood Bath B~ TOM BARLEY Ot-o.ttr ............ One ot two aunivon ol a shoot· 1n1 rampage wblth left nine peo- ple dytna or wounded on the Cal State Fullerton campus a year a&o today identified Edward Chules Allaway as the man who shot h1m an the cheat. Dr. Donald Keran , 67 , chairman of the Un1v ers1ty Library, told an Orange County Superior Court jury that he was shot by Allaway as he tried to lake the defendant's rlne from him. Keran testified that he was thrown lo the floor by Allaway and fell on the dropped rifie in a bid to prevent Allaway from retrieving 1t. "The next thing I knew, I waa on my back." he said. "Then I was shot as I tried to roll out of the way and I lay there expectma him to shoot me again " Fro• Page 1t I Keran said that when he re- allied that Allaway was leavan1 the area he dragged himseU into a nearby office and telephoned ror help. He told the Jury that he then staggered back into the passageway but collapsed and lost consciousness from what he described as a heavy loss of blood. Keran spent several weeks In a local hospital. He was listed In critical condition for the first several days of his contlnemenl. He told the jury today that he went after Alfaway's rlOe after the defendant shot a library employe who hit hlm over the head with a plate in an effort to st.op him. The employe was Identified to- day aa Ubrary Assistant Steve Becker, 30, whose body was later round outside the building. He had been shot in the back. PROJECT ••. Library secretar y Karen Dwinell told an Oran&e County Superior Court jury that abe was with the first two of Altaway's al· le1ed nine victims when the de- rendanl burst lnto her office at 8 :30 a.m . on July 12.1976. calling it a moratorium," but he endorsed the principle of rev1s· Ina the impendin& development achedules. Council~an Ray Williams. who sugges~d calling the 30 days the Kremer Moratorium, sug· seated the chamber of commerce function as the forum bringing the developers, city staff mem- bers and inleres\ed citizens 'lotether. "Thia is an interestinll op- portunity to &el 1roups lo1ether which are growing apart and lo al leaat come lo&elher and have diaJogue. "We need lo take a chance and dot.ha," Wllliam1 said. Councilman Don Mcinnis lauded the propo1al as a "pa.1Uve step," c1lan& a letter sent to the city council by architect William Ficker. Ficker Is the leader of the city's Bridge Action Team which has 1wded plans for replacing the Pacific Coast H1&hway bridle over Upper Newport Bay. After two years ot work, the bridle plans have received all the necessary permlll and ri1ht· of·way acquisition is under way. Ficker's letter cited the move toward a building moratorium, which he said was being pushed by "NeaaUve Action Groups (NAG>." "They aeem to continually point out the problems but do very little to present the city. or others who are in the proceu of plannina, with any positive ac· lion or recommendations for aelvina what they con11der these problems to a,.," Ficker'• letter aald. Ficker'• letter recommended rejection or the moratorium. and, inattad, ina\llutlon of • '1omethln1 more akin to ·a 'Positive AoUon Team' tPAT on the M<!k > \o brin& toeethu the many critaUn peoplf ln the com- munity who can au11Ht to the council •om• aolullona or at leaat define problem• rathtr &ban merely deprlvln1 nelahbors in our commuoU.y ol the UJe of their land." OlltANQI OOAtT I .. DAILY PILOT , "He stopped ln front ol my desk and pointed hls gun at my chest," the witness hesitantly testified. She said she believes her llfe was saved by the action of photo- grapher Paul Herzberg, 30, who jumped on Allaway 111 the defen- dant alleeedly menaced Mrs. Dwinell with a .22-caliber rifle. "He turned around and shot Paul, shootin& from the hip." Mrs. Dwinell said. She srud Al· !a way then turned and shot technican Bruce J acobsoo, 32, as Jacobson fled Into the con· ference room. Mn. Dwinell testified that she heard more gunfire as she sought refuge from Allaway and saw the defendant 11bootinar m the d1rec- tlon of the graphic arts section in the basement of the campus library. The witness said she later learned that the body of araphlc arts employe Frank Teplansky, 51, was found in that area. Allawar, 32, is accused of the killings o :1even people including Herzber&, Jacobson and Tepl&n.Sky. It is also alleged and not denied by the defen.ae that he additional· ly wounded two other campus emptor.es in what the ~rosecutlon deacrtbed Mo~day as a six· minute 1hootin1 rampeae. Allaway has pleaded not &\lilly and not 111ilty by reason of in· sanity. The aame Jur.y In Judie Robert P. Kneeland's courtroom · will be asked to determine his sanity If guilty verdicts are re· turned in the arum phase of the trial. The jury. left the courtroom Monday for a tour of the campus Ubrary and the s\lrroundlna area after hearina an openlna state· ment from chief Deputy District Attorney James Enrl1ht. En.rlgbt's second wltneu teaUned wheQ the Juty returned to the courtroom that ahe encoun- tered Allaway in the corridor of the oampua library ahortly alter four people had been killed. Marcia Martinez quoted Al· laway .aa 111utterin1 to her: "Somethiof '• not right here. This doesn't belont bere." Sbe \eetlfted that ahe believed Allaway W•s nterrinl to the nne he carried when he made the ae~ond eomment and brushed J> .. tber. 0th• wttnuaes teaUfled that tbty thouCti\. IOD\tOftt WU fcl*>'· ln1 a Joke on c1mpu1 emp 01t1 when they ••w people rurinl.riC ln appar t.ttror ind h ar<t wh t sounded Uke "po"lll,I nola .a · from • l.01 aun." Share Views By PIOIJP ROSMARIN °' .. Oelty ............ Tht new trustee to be appoint· td ton.ltht to tht Newport.Meat •choo& board wlU be oppoeed to th• oollective baraaJnln1 rl&hll of teachers and concerned with informln& the public about school linanclna. F.ach or th• five candidates vy-ln1 to replace ree11nin1 truatee M.rlan Ber1Hon expre11ed thoae views. They were in- tl'rviewed by the board Monday. Mu 8er1eson did not Judge Fines Teachers for 4-day Strike SAN DIEGO (AP) -Pupils were "hostages" of a teachers' organization which staged a four- day strike in June, a judge says in fining the 1roup 54,SOO and or- derin& Its leader jailed. Superior Court Judse Geor1e A. Lazar sald the San Die10 Teachers Association and its president were 1ullty or contempt In dlsregard1n& court orders to hold off the strike. The otrlclal, Hu1h P. Boyle, was (ined 14,000 on a total ol eiiht contempt cltatlons. He wu or· der~ Jailed for 40 days, all but 10 days of that suspended, and p\lt on three yeara •probation. The walkout June 8 throu&h June 9 was a "shamerul blot on lhe history of the teachln1 pro- f ession In San Dle10." said Lazar 1n his order Monday. The teachers tryln1 for Im- proved salary and work coodJ- llons lanored • preliminary ln· Junction Issued by another Judie. They returned to work alter re- cel vlna assurances \hat there would be no reprisals for the strike, first In San Dle10 history. Some classr ooms operated normally with substitutes. •'Tho only peraons directly af. fected by the strike were the children, who, In blunt lanauaae, were exploited as hoala&es for the purpoeea of a political power play," added Lazar. Boyle, who stepped out as president oflhe group Aug. 1. wiu; told to report to county jail Aug. 22 . An attorney said Laiar·i ac· lion would be appealed. "I'm disappointed, tbal'1 all , .. Royleswd Before the no-reprisal pledge. the 3,600·member association was prom11,ed a return t o barRwnJng in 1t1 $9.6-million de- m ands A counteroffer totalling S6 million that included a 5 per· cent pay increase was rej~ted by the teachera lut week. participate in the Interviews Mrs. Berceson. of the third trustee dlslrlc:t, la qulttin& the boud after 13 years to atek an A11embty1eat. Tryln& to take her spot on the school board are Ann Beaupre, 34, a Santa Ana H•ilhts d•y-care faclllty owner; B.J . Sldutna, 40, a Newport Beacb homemaker and volunteer worker: Stanley Le1um, 34, a Co1ta Mesa laf\luaee researcher; E .S. de Mocskonyl, sa, a Newport Beach mechanlcal eneineer, and Den· nla John.son, 34, a Santa Ana Hetahts manufacturln1 ex- ecutive. After Monday'11esslon, the ap- plicants were put on call for possible further interviews. Board President Roderick Mac· Millian said he wanted the ap· pointmen\ made at tonl&ht's board meeUnc set for 1:30 at Coata Mesa City Council cham· bers, 71 Fair Drive. Jn the interviews, each can· didate expressed mls&ivlngs with the collective bargalnina system as it applies to teachers. "I'm afraid I'm not very sym- pathetic with public service employe atrikea," Mra. Skllllng aatdnaUy. Asked about whether he could ever support a teacher on thil board of eduoatlon, de Mocakonyl compared ll to plac- in& a union 1\eward on a com- pany board of directors: "No way, 11 be said. Mra. Skillln1 aald if she were appointed ahe would work to lm- prove the dlstric\'1 counaellng services. Thou&b she said exist· ln1 1ervlce1 are deficient, sbe was notapecillc. Mrs. Beaupre ur1ed a review of hl1h achool pro1ram1 for "valldJty." She uld "quite a few 11 need scrutiny. Johnson called for a return to fundamental education and a foaterin1 or self·dlsclpllne among students. Leaum told truste'es he Is con· cerned that klnderaarten has become more babysllUna than education. He decried a pro· liferaUon ol "silly coursea" that don't prepare a child to function In the community as, he said, they are supposed to do. Eatery Robbed LOS ANGELES tAP> -Two armed men robbed the Old Spaghetti Factory in Hollywood of $6,000, maklna it the second 11uch robbery In llve weeks. Pollce said the men, armed with handguna, entered the restaurant before il opened for business Monday and ordered four employes to remove their pants. 'Dad, Why? Swvivor Knows Date Died NEW YORK CAP 1 ··-Now Robert Violante knows. Blind in one eye and possibly blind in the othtr. Violante knows that his date, Stacy Mo1kowitz, was killed in the attack by the .44·caliber killer ctslled "SonolSam." Violante's father, Pat, said he told hls 20·year-old son the news gradually. "We talked a lot about manhood and about beine tough," the elder Violante said. "But he never one~ cried ..•. ··Then I told him about Stacy. You know. I had to tell him. He finally got emotiomtl and he looked up and said. 'Dad, why'?" The youth rtnally broke into tears. his fat her aald. Miss Moskowitz, who bad been on her ltr&t date with Robert on July 30 when the killer struck, waa burled last week, dead or a bullet to the brain. She was...{the sixth victim slain by the klller who for more than a year has been prey In' on young peo- ple, especially cout>les necking or Just talklna in parked cars in Queens, The Bronx and now Brooklyn. ...... ,.,.,.. DAYTON HOUSE BURNS AS FIREMEN FIDDLE Striking FJretlgl\tera RefuH to Help Picketing Firemen Ignore House Fire DAYTON, Ohio CAP> -Ftres broke out in two abandoned apartment houses today and spread to at teut one occupied dwelllni while striklnc firemen picketed three blocks away and refused to help douse the namet. The first blue, which gutted the apartment buildin&, also i1everely damaced an adjacent two-1tory frame house occupied by two f amllies. No injW'ies were reported. Firemen from the nei1hboring community ol M1tdison Township responded to a call for help but were too late to keep the houae from bein& enllJlfed. The second ftre wu burning uncontrolled, and residents or nearby homes were t.rying to re- move their belon1lng1 for f~ar it would spread. An ~cupant of the frame house, Bob Jackson, uid Dayton firemen punched a hole lo the walll then told re1ident1 they wou d have lo fi8bL the fire themselves. More than 370 Dayton firemen said when they walked off the Job Monday that lhey would rapond only in Ute-or-death ailu•Uons. Their action left thts city or 241,000 without fire protecllon for the first time in history and with limited ambulance service. Some policemen were expect. ed to alay of( the job today ln sup· port of the strike in sympathy with demands by Fire Fi&bters Local 136 ror hl1Jter wa1es and a aborter work week. The added prospect or diminished police protecUon had city offlciala, businesses and res- id eots preparin1 /or poulble duty at 1upplemenia1 aat•ty rorces. Necotiatora met until early to- day trying unaucceufully to rewrite a contract for firemen to r.pl ace one that explrtct Ftb. 28. Judfe Wllllam Wollr Jr. OI the Mont1omery County ~m111on Pleu Court Ol'dettd the firemen book to &beir pc»tl •he hourt alter their WQrk lloppa&• b-ctn. but nono of the firemen returned. Key issues In the strike are wagea and workina hour&. Flrefl1htert start at tl2,0.3 e year, and the union is seeking a 6 percent increase. The city bu of- fered a 2.6S percent wage in- crease. Flreflghtert also want their work week reduced from 52 to48hours. Fro• Page A I REPORT •.. "Nothin1 improper was shown and, on the contrary, reuonable law enforcement was dem· onstra\ed, ''theletteraaid. Jo Cella'acue, ''thedislrict at- torney h.uldled the case as any · distnct attorney would handle it. .. Remington ls in Wyoming and was unavadable for comment to- day. Croaby wu ln court and also unavailable for comment, ac· cord.ln1 to a worker in hla office. Still unanswered by the at- torney generaJ's office 11 a re- q u eat by the Board of S1.1pervl1or1 for the Attorney General's Office to take over An- thony's and Dledrlch'a prose- cution. The board voted un1nlmously for the request at the conclusion of Its budget hearings when An- thony aald be wun 't certaln wheth T' or not a conflict ol in· ternt exlslod. . Kids Find Ha11nan Heart N!!WPORT NEWS, Va. (AP> -Police a~ulate that a human heart found in a Jar by sorne chJldren pl•)'lnf near their home here may have been stolen from a science laborato.ry and then discarded. Thebeart was sent to t.M state medl~al examiner'• oflic• In NorfOlk for poelUve tdenutlca- tion alter Jt JtU found Monaay. , s ddlebaek Afternooa N.Y.Stoeks VOL. 70, NO. 221, 3 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1977 TEN CENT! Tustin Wants Ou:t of Saddlehack JC BJ WIU.IA• SEDS& ............... Another ctr1 e to drop out ol tbe Saddleback Coau:owllty CoUes• Oaatrlet t.1 laki.n& ahape ln Tustl~ Th new move com• three years after a group called ~ ''Coll e Committtee of Tultla" 1albend 1,000 •icnatww co a pet.iU<Jn to separate from s.d- dlehllclt. It was rejected b)' the 5tate community coUese Board ofGovemon. Tuaun stbool board members Marjorie Day and Dr. Edward BOHkw ire apearheadlni the lat t e«ort.1bey want a divorce from Saddlebaclt 10 they cullnk th.tr dJJtrict to the Rancho San. tiaao (Santa Ana> CommWlity couese System. Mra. Day, an attorney wuohe or S9ddlebaclt'• ataunctlest aup. porters In oppoalnc the 1974 aeparatioo bid. Sb• now claims the collqe "doesn't sjve a darn" about the people olT'"Un. The de-annexation push ap· parenUy wu tri11ered by a re- cent dtclslon by Saddleback Collete lrwltees to bulld the dis- trict 'a second campu. in Irvine rather than three mil• farther north near the Tustin clty Une. Tustin lruslee$ have directed their staff to conduct a feuiblllty study ot d•annexatlon. Actina Supt. J amt1 Bua said the report should be ready ''In about alx weeks." The man Bus appolnted to prepare the study ls Hana Vo1et. a TusUn district admlnla&.rat.or and former Saddleback Collete trustee. >.. one ol Tustin ·a repreaen· taUvea oo the colle1e board dur· in& the 197t de-annexation t.ry. V <>eel vehemently objected to the petition drive and Its possible detrimental effect on the youn& district. Withdrawal by Tustin would leave the Irvine, Capistrano, La1una Beach and Saddleback Unified School Districts within Saddleback'a boundaries. It would also reduce the col· lege'a $1.8 billion assessed valua· lion tax base by about $3M million, or 21 percent. 'fbree yea.rs aco. Tustin compr1.11ed 2.S percent of Saddleback·•..aseued valuation. TusUn UnlOed's Boseker said he believes Tustin resident.a have been ahortchUlled by the Sad· dleback coUeae district. "The reason for our acUon ls simply because we feel Tustin has been sold out on lhis second (SeeCOU.EGE, Pa&eAl) Fire Rages West of.Palm Springs ClJSD E ffort Badham Assists Zigg11rat Lease By WILLIAM HODGE Ol I .. o.11, l'li.t It.Hf Congressman Robert Badham ( R·Newport Beach> said today his office is cooperatlna with Caplstr..,o Unified School Dis- trict officials in exploring the possible lease of Laguna Niauel's ··z1geurat" to relieve over· crowded school conditions "We are moving closer to a day.to-day basis of having Survivor Tells CSF Slwotings By TOM BARLEY oe t11t o..,., ~ ..... ..,. One of two survivors of a shoot· Ing rampage which left nine peo- ple dying or wounded on the Cal State Fullerton campus a year ugo today identirled Edward Charles Allaway as the man who shot hJm ln the chest. Dr. Donald Keran. 57. chairman of the University Library, told an Orange County Superior Court jury that be was shot by Allaway as he tried to take the defendant's rine from him. Keran testified that he was thrown to the noor by Allaway and fell on the dropped rifle In a bid to prevent Allaway from retrlevin1 It. "The next thing I knew, I was on my back," be taid. "Then I waa abot u I tried to roll out of the w~ and I lay there expecting blm to shoot me a1ain." Keran said that when he re- alized that Allaway was leaving lbt area he drqged hlmaelf Into a nearby office and telephoned 'or help. He told the Jury that he Ulen ata11ered back Into the pa111ageway but collapsed and lost consclowsnea1 from what he described as a heavy I01s of blood. Keran spent several weeks In a Joell bOlpltaJ. ffe WU llated In <SHAU.AWAY, Pa•eAJ) .. something done." Badham told a morning meeting of the Capistrano Valley Exchange Cl ub. "Our pitch to the federal aov· ernment is that they're not aet· ling much r~nt now and the build· ing could be put to good use by the school dilltrict," Badham ,x. plained. Only 21 percent of the Zit· gurat's 750,000 square feet of space currently la bein& used. Badham's executive assistant, Howard Seelye, said the con· gresaman was due to meet with district officials later today to discuss the Ziggurat lease poaaiblli ti ea. Seelye claimed federal General Services AdminlatratJon (GSA> otrlcials wue tfttereated in the lepe propoeal alMl told him the rent for such an aareement was negotiable. "When I ulced them <GSA) about the renlai rate. they were very evulve," he explained. "I took that to mean the rate was open lo neaotlation ... But GSA officials have said In the past that they must charae fair market value for the Zig· gurat'a apace. They also have been lukewarm about the pro- posed school district use of the facility. The Zi1aurat lea.te proposal 11 one ol 14 altematlve plans under study by the Capistrano district to relieve projected overcrowded conditions. CSUD otficlalt eiq>ect 8,000 new atudenta in tbe district by 1982. A similar leHe plan was ne1oUated for a year and a half by the Orange County Sheriff's Dept. The plan wu subsequently abandoned ~auae the coet ot such a lease would have been "no bargain." The county received a quote ot $8 per square fool per year for leulne apace at lb• Zl11urat. H the Capistrano district leaHd all available apace at the se rate, the rent wO\\ld coet about .., million per year. Bombig Claimed DENVER <AP) -The New World Ll beraUon Front, a radical 1roup active ln CaJUornta, bu claimed responalbWty for the attempted bombln• ot a COOrl beer dla· trlbutcir 1n the Denver 'iuburb ol AW'Ol'a, policesald lod&J. Here 's a fellow who definitely is between a rock and a wet pla<:e. IC it was summer solltude this swimmer was seeking. he round lt Monday off Laguna Beach. Attorney: Gellei-al Backs ·t ounty DA By GA&Y GllANVI LLB °''"'Delly ....... ~ The state Attorney General's Office has found that a aeries ol so-called poUtlcal prosecutJona ln Orange County have been justified and that the District At· torney's Office ia fit to prosecute· indicted county Supervisor Philip Anthony. The AG 'a findings are lncluded in a seven· pate •m&le-apaced let· ter sent lut Friday to Anthony's attorney, Thomas Crosby. Another recipient ol the letter was Fullerton Attorney Uichad Remington, an Anthony co· lndlctee. Purpole of the letter was to rt· ject pleu by . the two ind(cted men for the AG'• office to take their prosecution out of dlltrict Attorney CecU H.le1'1' bandl. Aloni with SupeniaOI' Ralph Diedrich and three otber poll tic al fliut•, Anthony arwl Rtmlnlton were lndlcted by tb• Oran1e County Grad Jury J uly 1 on charg• related to allqed viola- tlona ol MIU campa11n repla. tlOftl. The ilttomey 1eneral's wrltl4D re.f«Uon o! tbe move ~1 AntbOQ,y and 1\eminston to have their cases taken out ol the DA 'a hands was, ln effect, a staunch defenn ofthtDlstrfctAttorney'aOMce. Referttnc to past "political prosecutl<>M" In the county, the attorney 1e:neral'1 letter said, "The conrictton rate ln4lcates thole pro1ecuUona were proper. "The district attorney is mere· ly doln& theJob he wu elected to do. "The proaecutlont dem· onalrat. to the public in Oran•e County that the distrfcl attorney la nol accordlna pref· erenUal treatment to pubUc of. f~clala but ts prosetutin1 all of· fensee ln an hnpartial and even <See REPORT. _.a1e AZ> Judge Fines Teachenfor 4-day Strike SAN DlEGO CAP> -Pupils were "hostqea" of a teachers' or1a.nlJatlon which stated a four· day strike in June, a jud1e says in fining the 1roup $4,500 and or· derina its leader Jailed. Superior Court Judee Geor1e A. Lazar said the San Dle&o Teachers Association and Its president were guilty of cont.mpt in disre1arCUnc court orders to holdotttheat.rike. The official, Huch P. Boyle, was fined $4,000 on a total of ei&ht contempt citations. He wu or· dered JI.lied for 40 days, all but 10 days ol UJat auspended, and put on three years• probatton. The walkout June 8 throulh June 9 w a "•bameful blot on the hlatory of the teachlnt pro- f estlon in San Dteco." aald war in hllorder MQC)day. The teachers trylfll for Im· proved salary a,nd worlc CObdi· tions l(nc)l'ed a prelimln.ry In· J\lnctton ltaued b)' another jucfCe, Terrain Hampers Control By Tile Auoclated Preas A fll'e on steep mountain slopes raged out ol con&.rol today In tin· der-dry Southern California brush arter destroyin1 10 animals and a house. The California Department of Forestry said the fire, 2S miles west ot Paim Springs and one mile southeast of Cabuon. had destroyed 1,000 acres of brush on steep mountain slopes from the 1,600tothe 4,200-foot level. Fire spokeswoman Nora Ryan said the blaze 1utted a two- bedroom hOU!e late Monday, kill· ing two dogs, seven goats and one horse after the two occupanta escaped. No other dwellincs were threatened by the fire which wu reported only 10 percent con· tained by midmornin1, the spokeswoman said. , Six air tankers dropped fire· • retatdant chemicals while ISO firemen fou1ht the blue on the ground. omctals said crews from Michl&an, Indiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, North Carolina. Wyomlne and Utah: have been nown in to Joln 8SO local firemen. The fire was burnine only one mile from the San Jacinto Wilderness area, but the pre- serve remained open to hikers and camper• today, authorities said. Meanwhile, favorable weather conditions aided flrefl1hters struggling to rreserve precious Central Cal fornia coastal watershed, where fire lhreatenJ future fioodlng in the ravaced timberland. Officials said the 87,000-acre limber fire In the Los Padres Na- tional Foreat near Ble Sur wu 30 percent contained early today, but they were not aayinl when the blaze, called the Marble- Cone, may be fully contained. "'Ibey bad it, lost it and now they've tot ll back again," said Barbara Rowe. California Department of Foeatry. "We've got lood weather today 10 ttlln1s are Joold.n, a bit bet· ter." More tban 3,500 firemen were beint belped by four mule pack tralna, carrytn1 firt·filbUn& equtpment to remote areaa iri tho pristine wtlderne,s. The 80,400-acre .. Scarface" fire iil the northeastern corner ol the ltate l!fU 80 percent coo· talned and .to percent controlled early tOC!ay. ~l Y PILOT SB ·Citizen Fire Aid Vrged t.•aun• Roch t'1re Chief CbarJ~> Kuhn hat appt'aJeod tor r1 l1Hn 1 tan~• tn rcportin.t all susPf'<'(td flttS md Intruders In the <'lo.ed brush ar«-11 wound La1una8eKh · AJI area.s of bnalh In l.afQll• But-h ha\ e bffn clos('(f and thae aru.s ha\e bffn poi.led," Chief KuhnsMicl The s11ns and poattn1a, boweHr. hnr-not prevented mot()l"(')t'hsu and campers from \ eotur1nc into the b11b fire batards areL\ fire Marshal Jim Presson and La1una Buch pohce officers have't1ted dozens of peraons in the clo:.ed areas in the last two weeks Presson who tramped the back land~ prepdr atory te a bulldozing or new r1re roads ctround Laguna, de5cr1bed the brush as ·'tinder dry · · Chier Kuhn noted Oran1e County has been "very lucky" so r ar Uus season, but be said as ot last Thursday, all extra men and e quipment from the Orange County f'1rc Department have been s hifted to central and northern California. "If Orange County has a large brush fire, they are depending on the city fi re departments of Orange County to help. "The fire hazard is extremely high Men and equipment are low In Orange County.'' Chief Kuhn said. T o report a fire or intrusion In the Laauna Beach closed bru.sh areas, ca1J ~94 1J5" or494·1121 Fro• Page A J ALLAWAY. • critical condition for the first several days of his confinement. He told the jury today that he went after Allaway's rlne after the defendant shot a library -<>mploye who hit him over the "}lead with a plate In an eCCort to ,itop him. The employe was Identified to- .pay as Ubrary Assistant Steve JBecker. 30, whoi1c body was later 1ound outside the bulldln&. He bad been shot in the back. Library sec retary Karen .Dwinell told an Orange County Superior Court jury that she was with the first two of Allaway's al- leged nine victims when the de- f endant burst Into her ortlce al 8 :30 a.m. on July 12, 1976. "He stopped in front of my desk and pointed his aun at my chest," the witness hesitanUy testified. She said she believes her Ufe w as saved by the action of photo- ;rapher Paul Herzbera. 30, who Jumped on Allaway as the defen- dant allegedly menaced Mrs. Pwinell with a .22.caliber rtne. • "He turned around and shot Paul, shooting from the hip," Mrs. Dwinell said. She saJd Al· laway then turned and ·shot technkan Bruce Jacobson, 32, as Jacobson fl ed Into the con- .ter ence room. , Mrs. Dwinell testified that she h eard more aunfire as she aouaht r efuge from Allaway and saw the derendant 1hootin1 In the dlrec. Uon ot the arapblc art.I aecUon in the basement of the campus library. The witness uld she later learned that the body of 1raphic rts employe Frank Teplanalcy. Jl, was found In that area. Allaway, 32, Is accuaed ol lbe klllln1s of seven people lncludJl\f Herzbe rg, J acob•on and Teplansky. Jt ls l.l.llo alleged and not denied by the derense that he addlUooal- 1)' wounded two other campus employes in what the prosecuUon described Monday 111 a alx· mlnute1hootln1 rimp.,e. Allaway hu pleaded not ,USlty ~d not guilty by reason ol lo· aanlty, The urne Jury In J~Ct Jlobert P. Kneelana•a courtroom will bt asked to determlQe his Janlty If aullty verdlct.9 are re- wrned in the 1uut phue ol tho lal. DAILY PILOT Firemen ··-Picket ~""-~ WILL TUSTIN BE A SAOOLEBACK COLLEGE ORO POUT? Second Campu• Site (tneet) Trtggera Latelt SpUt Plan f're• Page A2 COLLEGE EFFORT. • • campus issue," he said. "They have been playing games with us. The site they chose ls too far for our yoone people to drive." SaddJeback trusteea agreed to build the new campus at Irvine Center Drive and Jeffrey RoacJ. In so doing, they reversed an earlier decision to build at, TronJJit Aide Held in TIU3/t 0/$850,000 WASHINGTON (AP) -An employe ot the federal Urban Mus Transit AdminlatraUon Is charsed-rih..-clivertin1 $850,000 in federal funds to bis use. The money William C. Sibert, 29, ls accused of steallna had been earmarked for the M etropolilan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority. Sibert, of suburban Sultland, Md., was arrested Friday In Las Veaaa. Nev., as he and a party of friends stepped off an airplane. According to an altldavlt, Sibert had $59,000 in cash on him when arrested. Sibert Is a low·leve1 financial assistant with UMTA. Part or his duties included eivlne lnJtiaJ ap· prov al to' vouchers requesting Department of Trans portation funds for various state and local rapid transit systems. the af. fidavil said. Prosecutors alleae that from March 19, Sibert took on the Iden- tity of the Atlanta transit agency. depositinc $724,361 in an account at Suburban Tru't Co. It was al- leged he made a number of de· posits in which he placed a por- tion of the face value of the U.S. Treasury check In the bank and took the balance in cash. E'rot11 Page Al REPORT ••• handed manner," the AG's letter aaid. 1t noted that "the >prosecution of public offtctals In Oran1e County is nothing new." Cues cited in the letter In- cluded prosecution Jn 1976 of former county supervisor Robert BatUo and the early 1978 lndlct· ment of one-Ume county poUtJcal kingmaker Dr. Louil Cella. The AG noted in Battin'• case th1t • Superior Court Judie bad • taken • hard look 1t allecattona of dllerimlnatory proaeouUon. "Nothlne Jmproper was shown and. on the cootury. reuonablt law enforcement was dem· on1trated. "the letter said. lnCeU1'1.caae, "thedlstrictat· torney handled tht cue u any dJ1trtct 1ttorney would handle lt." Rem!oston la ln Wyomlf\I pd wu unaY&llabl• for comment to- day. Myford Road and Bryan Avenue. In the 1974 de·annexatlon move, backers of separation also . objected to the drivin1 distance. At the time, there was UtUe talk of a second campus and the exiat- ina facility in Miulon Viejo was 20 miles from Tustin. Boseker believes mistakes were made In the Jut petition .drive for separation. lie also believes secesalon backed by the school board would have "a greater chance ot succeu." Saddleback board President Larry Taylor ot Laauna Beach said the new de-annexation talk may reflect the fact that the col- lege hasn't done enou1h public relatJom In the Tustin area. "ApparenUy, we dido 't do a 1ood enough Job ot keeplnc them informed that we are 1oin1 to do a tremendOl.ll Job for TulUn with this new campUI," he Hld. •'Rancho Santta10 la still a long way from building its aecond campus." Taylor aaid in ref· erenc9 to the nel1hbor dialrict'a planned campus near the north Tustin area. "But if It la the wlll of the peo- ple in Tustln to withdraw, J wouldn't try to stand In their way." Taylor said. "My dedalon (on the location of the second campus) waa baaed on what was best for the whole district and nobody can convince me three mUes is goine to make that much difference." Any de-annexation move would face a number of hurdles. Just to be considered, backers must gather the signatures of 2S per- cent of the Tustin Unified School District's registered voters. They rnust then ao throu11h the Orange County Committee on School District Reorganization a nd finlly to the Community Collea• Board of Governora. The stale panel can reject the move, call an election only in Tuatin ot call a vote In tbeenUrecolleaedia- trict. Even If all approuts are 1ained, there remains the likelihood that Tustin taxpayers will be obligated to repay their sbar~ of Saddleback'• S6.5 rnllllon bonded debt u a condi· llon oheparatlon. Second Bomb Drop Reca/,l,et,J, NAGASAKI, Japan (AP) T" Thi• aoutbern Japanese city C)b. aerved lt\e 32nd annJvenary of the atomic bomblne today with a solemn ceremony atteJJded by an estimated 10,000 people, tnclud· in1 Hamilton Shirley Amer•· s1n1he, prealden\ of the t,Jnlted N attona General A1sertlbly. The ceremon.v waa held at the city'• Pe1c:e Park. Sirena blew throuiltout Naaaaaki at 11:02 a.m., tfie mo- ment the world'• 1eeood atomic bomb wu dropped 1 ... titan • week txtore Japan 1uneodered to~ WorJd War 11. At Blaze DAYTON, Ohlo (AP) -Ftres broke out to two abandoned apartment bouaes today and spread to at leut one occupJtd dwelllnl whlle •trlklna nremtn ptcketecl thNe blocks away and refused to help douse the namea. The flrat blue, which gutted the apartment buildln1. also sev..,ly dama1ed an lldJacent two-•tory trame house occupied by two famllles. No h\jurtes were reported. Firemen from the nel1hborin1 community ot MadJaon TOWftlhJp responded to a call for help but were too late to keep the house from beina ensutfed. The aecond fire waJ bumJng uncontrolled, and residents ot nearby homes were trylnt to te· move their belon1ln1s for fear lt would spread. An occupant ot th'• frame house, Bob Jackson, Hld Dayton firemen punched a bole In the w all1 then told resident.9 they wou1d bave to flaht the fire themaelvea. More than 370 Dayton firemen said when they walked off the job Monday that they would respond only in life-or-death situationa. Their action left this city of 241,000 without fire protecUon for the first time in history and with limited ambulance service. Some policemen were expect· ed to stay oil the Job today ln 1up- port of the strike in sympathy with demands by Fire F11)lters Local 136 f« hl1her wa1ea And a shorter work week. The added prospect of diminished police protection had city officials, buslneasea and res- idents preparinc for poulble duty as supplemental safety forces. Ne1ottaton met until early to- day tryin1 unaucceasfully to rewrite a contract for firemen to replace one that expired P'eb. 28. Juc:tce WUllam Wolff Jr. of the Montaomery County Common Pleas Court ordered the firemen back to their poats aix hours after thelr work stoppaae be1an. but none of the firemen returned . Key tsau8' In the strike are waaes and worklna hours. Firefl&htera start at S12,043 a year. and the unJon la seeldnc a 6 percent increase. The city haa of· fered a 2.SS percent wace In· crease. Firefl&bteu alao want their work week reduced rrom S2 to48boW'I. Pair Killed In Freeway Accident Two m~ were ktlled on the Riverside Freeway Monday night when a plckup truck driven by a drunken drivln1 suspect hurtled across a center dJvider, according to a California Hlshway Patrol report. Killed when the car In which they were ridini slammed Into the careenint pickup were the car's driver, Richat'd S1olotl, 34, and Victor Armandarl1, 28, both otCarona. A corooer'1 repOrt aaJd Szoloel was dead at the 1cene wbJJe Armandart1 died an hour lattt after Ute 7:..0 p.m. accident ln Canyon General Hoapltal. Anested on drunken drtvtn1 and felony ve hicular manalau1bter cbar1ea before be- ln1 taken to UCJ Medlc1J Oenter for treatment ot mlnor lniw1• wu the plokup truck'• drtnr, ThomH Da\'la, 21, of 11011 Dol'een Way, Santa Ana. Accord.tnt to tile CHP report, Davls wu drlvlni •utbound on the lreewt)' jut welt ~ Wefr Canyon ao.s when he \oat control ofhl1plckvp. Tb• truck Hportedly 1pun acroll the free"ay center dlvldtr end wu Hmmed b1 SIOloll 'I auto u . Jl bounced lnto th• eastbound tratne lanes. .. ME01C8 AID WOMAN VICTIM AT CRASH SCENE 4 Hurt In Acclde"t That Cto1H Camino Capl1trano Wreck in San Juan Leaves Four Injured Four people were seriously ln- Jured this momlng when their car rolled off the San Diego Freeway and down an embank m ent south of Avery Parkway In San Juan Capistrano. The driver Identified u Jose M artlnez oi Oceanside. w as pinned behind the wheel or bis wrecked vehicle until released b~ firemen. His three passengers, Ernie and Loyda Palma of Vista and Linda Peres, address unknown. had gotten out ol the wreckage by the time-Callfornla Highway Patrol offi~ers anlved at the scene. , CHP Officer Blll Pool sald the passengers must have been helped by some or tbe many peo- ple who slopped along the freeway when the accident OC· c urred. He said it did not appear that they had been ejected from the tumbling car. Officers said the driver ap-, parently rell asleep before losinit control or the car Witnesses said the car, which was traveling south. appeared to be pulling over to the side of the freeway, but continued down the bank. comlne to rest along Camino Capistrano. The victims were assisted at the scene b y fi remen, two . paramedic unit.a, sbertffa dep. uties and CHP ofricers. They were taken to Mi11ioo Commuru- ty Hospital. CHP officers closed Camino Capistrano for about an hour after the 7: 15 a m. accident. Niguel Resident New Care · Center Head Saddleback College trustees have named Linda Helm, a Lacuna Niguel resident, as supervisor of the nearly complet- ed and once·controveraial cam- pus ctUld day care center. Mn. Hdm will admin1ater the prosram de1i1ned to provide day auperviaion and pre-school ln- 1truetion lo children whose parents attend classes at the col- le1e. Sbe baa been director of the Shepherd ~ the Hilla Preachool tn Nisaloo Viejo 1lnce 1973 and previoualy wu cUrector of South Shores Preschool in Laauna Nlauet. The object of sharp debate by trustees for two yeara before it was finally apprQVedl tbe cent• l• eJCpected to C>per\ n late tall. Tht openin& will come about a year after •tudentl arau.ln• th• need ror the taclUty won •P· prov JI from the board. l\ wUI be botlaed In a campua bul 4lnl ltft vacant lNt Aucuat wb~ albJ.UO otftcea and locker rooms we ... movod lnto tho col· lece'a oermanent &Yro complex. The bulldin& currently is being remodeled to provide s pace for a classroom, workroom, office$. kitchen and outdoor play area. The center Is deslaned for about 60 children, a1ed from two- and·a·half to six years. It is ex- pected to be totally self ·supported by parent.a althou&.b daily fees havenotyel beensel. Fund• already have been ralaed and donated by student &rOUJ>I and community members to help aupport the center. The playaround was d esigned by Belay Swanaon. a former Sad- dleback atudeot and UC Davi• archJtectu.re 1raduate. Blast Stirs Cope TEL AVIV, lsnel <AP) -A loud exploalon on tbo \umac minutes before Secretary or SLate Cyrus R. Vallce'1 arrival today sent armed border poUcc radn1 to the aceQe. The bani came from a tire on an atrcraft. which exploded In the 86-dearee beat. NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS !ued!y. Auautt t. 1m s DAIL y .-ClOT ti I I Capital Gains Anticipated Tax Fight Fades Out By SOHN CUNNIFF .. ~ ............ Among the Items eapected to be inehaded ln President Caner'• tax paclra1e is one tba1 ln some lut.neea wouJd double the tu oo Iona-term capltal •alnl, a measure that. 90me 111 will aet on an explolloo ol controversy. Doo't bet on tt. The Prelltde:nt'• feellnp on lhe matter have been known for a lone Ulne, but so far the feeUn11 of those likely to ho affected haven't been l•llited. Jl there'• a fuse oo this one lt must be wet. NEVERTHELESS, TllB v••T NOTION ol malctnr c•pla..11ains lea aUractlve la bound to have an lmpact on bomeownera, invettora, lndultry, lb• economy. PotentJally, lt ls as caatrovenlal u any tu matt• in aevval years. In an attempt to make the tax code falrer and simpler, those behind the idea HY that loQc-t.m capital 1aJ.ns. such as you would make from the a ale ol a house or stocks, should be wed u ordinary lncome tnatead of at ball that rate. That undoubtedly would simplify the tax forms, which are made complex t,nd longer by the need to account separately for capital gains. But whether they would then be fairer 111 another matter. F'lnt off, some say the tax already is a tax on an illusion. That i.s. with infla- tion runnint 6 OI' 7 ~rcent on aver ace for several years now, many so-called capital pine aren l real. AN INDIVIDUAL WHO WJSBES to CUNNIP .. sell one S35,000 bouae and buy another of the aame price, for example, mi1ht flnd he couldn't afford to do ao. AsauminJ the house now owned was bought five years ago for $25,000, inflation had added $10,000, t.be homeowner wouJd find himself after taxes with far less than $35,000, unless he managed to av ail hhnself of a lilUe-known section of the tax code. From one point of view, therefore, it would Hem tbat the eapital gains tax should be ac1justed for inllaUon ln or- der to end the practice of usesain1 taxes on unreal, paper proftU. IQitead, the assessment would be ralled. OCher' criUcs araue that capital &alnl are a special form of Income, In which a ire.ater detree of risk it auumed than ls taken on by thole wltb an asaured income. A eapttal 1ain1 Investor,~ la pointed out, has a p-eater cbanc• of l<>1ln1. BUT, IT MIGHT BE countered, the capital 1ainet- stands to make an occasional killing and, Ir not that, thea a fairly substantial reward. It's the old risk-reward raUo; as risk rises, so does the size of the potential reward. A.notbB araument for continuing the capital talna tax ia that the country need.I lt. That is, new investment.a must be encourqod U tM economy ls to expand and maJte Johll avallable for a arowtnc populaUoo. Qddly, bow•vtr, th• arcument.s aren't being heard. No cries of doom from Wall Street. whlcb ln the pHt has had a tendency to scream murder even when the alleged crime was an assault on the wrist. 'DIE BIG INSTITUnONS. which stand to be hurt, seem to be on the sidelines. Growth companies, wblch could be forced to chance their 1oaJa to empbuillq dlvldenda ln· 1tead ol growth, Hem laterelted but not concerned. Perba91, lt ml1ht 13' araued. they awatt a formal p~o­ poeal by the Cuter a_dfnlnlltrat.loo. U '°•they 1bould note that • IJ'OUl> ol Republican conir .. men alread1 b.u aJveft llmltec1.1uarded appmal tb the noUoe. '1'he qaeltlon probably lu't ao much Wheth• cai>ttal 11lm are dt11lrable or undesirable. but wby aome of <the moat powerfUl nna.nclal entlUes ln the land haven't 1poken out yet., for or .,ahut. '!bat ln lllelf haa th• ln1redlent.1ol1tlll another deba~. ~ltwater Barky · Opens New Door DA VIS (AP) -University ot CaJlfomla aolenUats are 1rowin1 barley In Pacilic Cout sand 1.rrlsai.ct With sea water, and they H)' early results show they 1row araln at. halt the aver••• national rate. .., Whether that means barley or other crops can be tr0wn on beaches or deserts near the sea elaewbtre -say ln North: • Africa, Israel, India or Central or South Amertca -they aren't.sure. LESS PA& ALONG 18 ef r uperiment with saltwater lrrl1ation of wheat and tomatoea. ''Thll la atncUy experimental.•• 1ald Jack Norlyn. a re- aeardl auoclate worldn1 oo the project with nutrtUonJst Emanuel Epstein. "We dcn't .know lt we can trantftr lt to aom"'1lna prac· ti cal. 'There are lat.a ot qumtlona and no answ.,.•." Bellldel Hawater, only ~en and phosphorus wei-e fed to the batl91 they have 1rown for two yean oo dune aand at ~a Bl,Y, ~ ( . ] :!~north San Fran~ ~ ~~ Mlt"WV Norlyn aald the pro- ,,. LUA.I. .;;, n.r-w Ject produced O'ain at th• rat. ot abOut 1,000 pOUDdl per acre -half the national avv.,e for bar~ trOWD under .normal ccad1ttcm. IN CAUJOamA, U &\ID, bttley oowa tn normal aoU lnia•ted wttb:tt.ib watAll' ;llldl a,ooo to e.ooo pounds · ~l' &cff. up to thJ'tli UmJ1 tbe llltlanal a.erqe. '1'be sctent!itl 1i1d tbelr a~encs bave •hmnl that bule:J can ~ ~ ~w tmc.Uon. that lt•• PoUtfU to Mlltt 1tr.au ""ted for ... water cwtm-e. tbat th Jtaln Produ mu• aatflfaetor1 llvlltoC:k feed, 1114 tbat. tb• ~are 0 DO meam neallll· blt ... Saltwaterlmaatton wcn'twon ln 1o0dto1t. ModJ'lttalcl. beica&Mlthanuootothe~ wtlil41anddo.enot. ... • t t 1171 Guide· to Aid Auto Bu~e~ in So11r Deals • em on ' A. Maine <AP> -A understand • warranty Quinn Corp. H aatcttD Detroit Mcnday without Gedal ~ We '-Am•rnmMt broc:hure talled tho aald. at wUJ COit out:ol .. tatera that there ts no aucb thln1 as a 1tve people what they Died to a.cma. G\ddt wtll aoon be adv I•· "IN llANY CASES, the buyer SI.> lemon, t.bt term senerally Jlwn make lnteruient deClalOlll, If ........ CCII~• .. • __ .... _!'•, D• ~ ~.o,•_'°•'ndtt of a ltmOft trl• to neiotJ•t• ln He aald the brochure wU1 in· to a new cu that has problenw IO they cbole to. . ._. --..... .., " elude • table on what a dealer severe U\ey cannot be solved. Q how to lf'l tMir money back 11 &ood I lb wltb the taler or pays for a car ao that the buyer Workman •aid G.. hu ex· Accordln1 to utnn, the ..,..j. manufacturer and lo too many J""" t.b ..,.,f '° broehun wiU tell a COQSUmer ~ .,_. •dud • inatanc. t.he dealer or manulac· can -.e e -..u erence between paoded customer services, and bow to b&Odle problems wit.bout ••0ne ol t.he mo&t fru traUDI tur u 1lrtn1a tb• consumer tbeatlek•priceandafalrdealer maint.aintdtbatmottcoaaumera coo.iUltlD•attorneys,wbobe1aid la buytn1 • car 11 yw alona." proftt. know bow toabop for• car. often «hlllMously tell cllenta that tcr tmp and aave and borrow The Down .. ster'• Lemon THE NEED FOR such • Btrr QUINN SAID tt was 0 ,n lt la too expen&ln to sue, or that ·~ aDd lt tu.ms out to b9 • Gulde, due out next moatb, will brochure was qucaUoned by an ·appropriate responae for tbe they cu £ue no acUoa if tbe l•m•." said John Qwnn, dine· explain how to buy a car, abop for auto industry spokesman, Phil slate to help people do tblnas deal• or manufac:turw oa .. to tor ol the Bureau ol Consumer a thrtfty loan and lnautanc• and Workman of General Motor• they normally could not do maktrepaln. VNDDllAINB mnwar· ranti la,w, Qulan aatd. the bu.f .... rilhtl .. DO& limtted by a Wrltteo parutee:. For •~ample, lt a ear 11 auaranteed for U months or 12,000 IDilfs, aod 1ta traumlaaloa f ~ lit 18.000 miles. the bu)<• can 1• a frM new traDamlaion .If ht CUI abow a coart be hid eveey reuoaable expectaUoo that It wOalcl 1ut more &bu 11.ooomn-.