HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-08-11 - Orange Coast PilotAl'Wl ....... TESTS CONFIRM THIS WAS MURDER WEAPON Policeman Edward Zlgo Shows Suspect'• Gun ~ I DAILY PILOT * * * 10< * * * THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 11, 1977 llOL. 1t, lllO tn, 4 HCTIOffS, 41 l'AG8S Slaying Suspect Captured NEW YORK CAP> '-A $35 ticket ror parking too near a fire hydrant led police lo a shy postal worker they said was "Son of Sam." the night stalker who killed s ix young people and wounded seven with his .44· caliber revolver. The arrest came as David Berkowitz, 24, left his apartment house Wednesday nl1ht In sur· burba'\ Yonkers and enco~tered police, who had staked out the building. (Related stories, map, Pa1eC4,. Police said that as Berkowitz ' stepped into his car, they asked Mm who he was, and Berkowitz replied: "I'm Son or Sam. Okay, you've eot me." He orrered no re· slstance. police said. "We have him," a police spokesman for 1st Deputy Police Commissioner Jam ea Taylor told reporters later. Police said he told them he wanted to "ao out In a blue of glory" because he fell the police Coat ·weather Night throucb mid· mornln1 low cloud1, otberwlle fal.r with h111 aunShlne thtouth Frlday. Lowa tonlcbt 51 to tt. Hiehs Friday 70 at beaches to mid...,. inland. • Al'WI..,..... HELD IN SLAYING$ David Berkowitz, 24 were closing in on him. Berkowitz was formally booked today at the 84th Precinct ln Brooklyn on charges of second·degree murder, at. templed murder, Hsault and po11ession of a deadly weapon In the murder of Stacy Moskowitz, 20, the killer's la.test vlcUm. Her date, llobert Violante, 20, was woundfd and m•y never see (See SUSPECI'. Pase .U) Four Stabbed To Death in ~ideArea ' 'Son of Sam' Sus' et ' II II Explosion Cuts Power To 3,250 in NeWport County Events .. Decried State Controller Kenneth Cory ~ said Wednesday he Is consider· ln1 getting out or politics because It 11 a "weird'' buainess. Cory. a form er central Oran1e County state assemblyman, said Orange County politics have been particularly stran1e. "or late." the Democrat said, "I'm being very 1Jad I'm from Orange County and no longer here Historically ln this county, there has been a lack or un- d e rstandlne about what the Constitution is about, and what freedom ls about." Cory did not further explain the remarks. He spoke at UC . Irvine before about'° secondary school teachers attendln1 the Robert. A. Tan Institute of Gov- ernment Seminar. Cory sald he Is "tired" of the seemingly endlesa investlaauons of pollUcianJ, lncludln1 himself. The controller was lnvestieat· ed for more tb~ a year in con- nection with $600,000 in cam- palp contrlbutlons he received from indicted Orange County poUUcal donor Dr. Louis Cella . .. J'm tired of havinc to prove that I'm not a criminal." be said. Cory blamed the rash of political lnveatl1atlon1 on <S..CORY, PapA.2> ' ... % DAil Y PllOf s Evidence Dismissed Tools OWJted in Killing Case Tuo!• found 111l • d 11ert locaUon llc1:t'Cll)' planned •• tb •c n fur t~ lhoot1111 of &1C1tno1raphlc mi•'"' thal wuuld end with th k1lhn.:• arlf1 d1Pimtmhcrm1nt ot t~ o f•male 1•rllrl1•11nu have bl:'rn barr• hom lh• c11e a..:.un t m a1·1·u!>Nl C'o~t• Mt.:ll..n J ud.ic I I W urr1m K nl1ht r• J ctt<l Uw rnlh:cllon of ln1tru m~nla iu. 1n11dml11lbh· ttv1dence In Or.mace County SupNIOr Court action Uwt ln<·lul.lc:d bll'I reduction uf "'1cd lierre Doul(lu1' bail from t.!~.000lo1150,000 The JU<hco held that the c;c1:1r1·h Homes, Gravel Pit Face OC Planners B)' llA THY CLANCY Of ... CHI,,,..._ ..... < )riAJlle County Plaruung Com m1~s1onens were asked Wedn~ diay to consider which i.hould have lop pnortlv ruraJ canyon l'lom~ or a pror)()~ed sand and ~ravel mine County supt-rv1:1ors , consider· >ng 11 pos~1l1le amendments to t·ounty land use guides, asked the eomm.laston to report on expand- ing boundanes for a proposed gravel mining operation In Williams Canyon, located about five milea north of El Toro In addition, they were asked to consider g1vrng Wtlllam Grady, owner of 645 acres in Williama Canyon. up to two yurs to file proof that valuable sand and gravel d(•pos1ts exist and that the m 1nang 01H•rat1on wall receive nece15sary permits. Grady, a f'ullerton pastor, had <.1skt:d for two years lo meet \ araous mining requirements, bu l county planhing com m1ssion(•rs had recommended be bt• g1 vt.'O one year m!>tead G r<.111) c·ontcnds the urea con lams 91 m1ll1on tons of sand and gri.l\(•I an<I "ants supervisors to n•stnct any home development in the arna that could aoterfere "1th future m1nana operations. Hut Mary Ann Brown, one of ... 1, W1ll1am ., Ca nyon homeowners, said the sand and gravel issue already has been pc•nding for 12 years She said one more year should he ample lime for Grady to com- Bandit Ge ts $200 Cash in Laguna Heist A blond «unman hit the Tic Toe Market in Laguna Beach taking 1200 and the clerk's glasses today Police Sgt Vic Sagan said the I JO a m. crime at the market, 885 Glenneyre St .. was com- mitted by a man an his early 209, about six feel tall, of average build and wearing an Air Force- type n11htjacket The man produced a long· barreled handgun and demanded the clerk tum over the store's re- ceipts and then before leaving, he ordered the clerk to give him his wire-rim l(Jasses. No vehicle was seen or heard leavina the area. The bandit eluded police units comblng the area. Officer Ban Hinuelf In A San Clemente police officer round himaelf a prisoner early to- day, when hi• key would not open either door of the police st.atlon bookin1 caae. Police Chief Gary Brown said someone -prob•bly a person who was under arrest -had 11tuffed both key holes of the booking cage with somethlnt which might be chewln11Um. Brown sllid tbe officer banled on the window of the cage doors to attract the attention of fellow officers, who released him from brief confinement. · plete his studies und obtain permits for the operat1on .. Th.is ls des truction of nature ft the very extreme, .. !>he said of the mining proposol Oon tallow one man ·~ get nch quack scheme to destroy the dreams of properly owners 1n Wllhams Canyon " Mrs Brown charged a natural r esource des1gnat1on now stamp~ on county maps or Grady's property is based on ·'non-proven'' and ··non factual" information supplied by Grady. But Grady said after the meet ing he has paid for ~xtenblve studies of his land and is con vinced the sand and gravel de· posits are there. Grady said he plans to use pro ceeds from lhe m1mn1 to finance church and mission work Williams Canyon as among five canyons involved in a 32-000.acre Silverado-Modjeska Canvon planning study under way since 1972. Richard Munsell. assistant director of the county Environ mental Management Agency <E MA>. said roughly half the land as owned by the federal gov ernment and Is ins ide the Cleveland National Fore!>t $100 Taken From Woman Gas Attendant A robber Who s1mulated a weapon, took $100 frol'YJ a female gas station attendant in San Clemente Wednesday night and forced her to he on the floor while he and his girlfriend fled on foot. The attendant told San Clemente police a man with blond curly hair and a woman with "dirty blond" hair held her up about 8 p.m. at the Fta11 Sta- tion, 422N. Ave. de la Estrella. The man took about $100 in bills and stuffed them In his shirt pocket before ordering the atten- dant to the floor. the employe said. Then he and his accomplice ran south on Avenida de la Estrella. F~PageAJ CORY ••• Richard Nixon. He called Proposition 9 cam- paign contribution disclosure legislation "an overreaction." "I even have to report lt when my nel1hbor 1ives my kid a peanut-butter-and -jelly sandwich, because over the cou rae or a year t hoae aandwt~ ml1ht add up to a 1tf\ over $2$." Of Dr. Cella, Cory said he wu amued ijlat anyone would want to contrtbote seoo,ooo to the cam· paicn of a atate controller. More amuing, Cory uld, wu th at .. He never asked me for anythlnf." Cory aald he believes Cella donated the money "because he was crazy,'' just for the sake of partlclpalln1 Ln politics. • Commentlnl on his running battle with Standard 011 of CillfomlA (he campal«ned With the slogan "The m an the oil com- pantes rear mott">, Cory said he 11 confident a lawault beln« pre- pared against the oil consortium headed by Standard, alle1lng prlce·flxlnl, wm be won by the state. u1 mlcht end up under a truck somewhere," he aald, "but they'll pay." ror tho instruments had violated l>ou1l11' constitutional nahts. The 54·year-old upholsterer faces arr&A.11nment Aug. 18 on chur1e1 of attempted murder and conaplracy. He has not yet l'Ome op with the reduced bail und as held in rounty jail . The ruhng by Judge Knight prevents the prosecution from in- troducing as evidence an assort- ment of butcher knives .. bone saws, Ice picks and other hutru- monu alle&edly found July 20 near a Yucca Valley desert shack DoUjClas was arrested at the scene by two undercover pohce women who claimed they were enlisted for lesbian lovemaking 1 n movies to be 1hot by Douglas It Is alleged that Douglas then intended to murder them and dis· member them as the hnaJ scene 1n his · ·snuff porno" movie A. witness testified in mumc1p1.1I court action against Douglas that he offered her $1,000 for each of Clve women he asked her to recruit for movie malting and subsequent torture and eli minallon. She testified that Douglas told her he had already killed five such women who starred In his movies. dismembered them and burled them in the surrounding desert A. prolonged search of the area has flliled t.o produce.any human remain~ Delly ...... ...., ...... CITY CREWS CUT BACK BAMBOO PATCH A't SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO'S AIRPORT After Long Legal Delay, • Potentially Oangerou• Situation la Eliminated Airport Bamboo Slashed Hazard Eliminated at Capistrano's Airport By .WJl.LIAM llODG E Ol IM 0.Uf ~1191 SWI San Juan Capllitruno cit y crews have beaun removing a troublesome bamboo patch that has forced a shortening of the Cl · ty airport's runway. The runway shortening, or dered by state aeronautics of fi('tals bel·ause the bamboo pre scnted a hazard to approaching aircraft, created an "extremely dangerous" s1tuat1on. an airport owner told t'Ouncilmen last week. .. We were finally able to run down the attorney for the trust and he gave us verbal perm1ss1on lo cul down the bamboo," San Juan City Manager James Mocalis said Wednesday. Mocalis told councilmen last week the city could not remove lhe bamboo since the landowner on whose property the patch wus located had dled recently. Califorrua regional d1reetor for the State Div1 s 1on of Aeronautics, said Wednesday it was lhc bamboo patch that prompted the slate-ordered runway shortening. "Our words were, if the bam- boo was re moved we would check out the runway agam," he said. "I didn't thank we had a m1 su nderstand1n g with Mocahs." SA Man Seriously Hurt in Shooting "We'll invite the state lo come back now and take another look to see if the threshold can be moved back," Mocahs said. The so-called ''displaced threshold" requires piloU lo land beyond the normal landln1 spot on the airfield's runway. The move cut 368 feet off the re1ular 1,900-foot runway. Even though Mocalis will ask state inspectors to check out. the runway again, he maintains he was told a freeway advertising s ign alone was enough to require the displaced threshold. Tucker aald the 1tate is try"1g to get a freeway advertising sign m the area removed. The sian is localed next to the San Di~go Freeway just to the nght or the auport's approach course. State officials are aw&itina a state Supreme Court decision on a suit med aaalns\. sign abate· ment procedures. The "dlsplaced threshold" con- troversy surfaced last week when an angry airport owner told coun c ilme n the shorte n ed runway created an extremely dangerous situation for pilots landing at the airport. A 28 year-old Santa Ana man was reported m serious condltion today after a shooUng incident Wednesday night in a residential ne1J(hborhood. Listed as tbe victim in the police report was Anthony G. Ouvis, 28, of Santa Ana, who re- portedly was struck three tjmes about his body by bullets fired from a handgun Taken into custody and booked on s us pi cion or attemtped murder aftt>r the shooting inci· dent in the 400 block of S Raitt St. in Santa Ana was Tommy E Williams. 20, of Santa Ana Wi tnesses told police that Davis was talking with Williams when he was struck by the first bullet. E',....P~A J SUSPECT ... again Wearing worn-out blue jeans, a light blue and white striped shirt and light brown suede shoes, Berkowilt smiled at reporters as a cordon of police moved him out or the precinct house. Berkowitz was arraigned later in Brooklyn Crim inal Court for the murder or MllB Moskowitz. Criminal Court Judge Richard Brown ordered tum held without ball and sent him to Kinas Coun- ty Hospital for a psychiatric ex- aminaUon. The CO\lrtroom was Jammed wltb reporters and police of- fice u, all of whom were 1earched wllh a metal detector before entenn1. Brown ordered that Berkowitz be se1re1ated from other prisoners. Eqene Gold, the district at- torney for Brooklyn, aMounced that a 1rand juJ')' would belin conslderiDJ the cue later today. Police said thev seized two shot1un1 in his seventh-floor apartment and a .44-callber Charter Arms Bulldog revolver Berkowitz carried with him as he entered his cream-colored Ford Galaxie sed1tn outalde his apart- ment houae. They said be al10 carried a brown bag with two dozen bullets and a poem. Balll1Uca testa early today con· fir med the revolver was the same one that was used ln the killlnt of Mlaa Moskowitz, police said. Later, they said teatl linked the 1un to an eerUer Son ol Sam attack, and tuta r elatin1 to other attack.I were in procreaa. The poem found ln the bat described the death of a )'OUftl woman -" .•. And hut• drops of lead poured doWn upon 'her head until she wu dead. . • " Police aald they found a l\l~ tnachine 1un in a 1unny 11ck ln 8erkowits' car and also found 1ever al notes tn hi• car and •..Partment, one of whlcb warned th1t Soi' of Sam would lctll 1Ca1n. ' "I want to tff the anlm.al '1 (ace that toOk m y baby'• ur,, .. Miu Moekowtt.a' mothe r Neysa, Hid tod•Y· "And l wanl him to 1 ome.'' A nfttip•ptr, a televiltoo •ta· tlon end columnl1t Jlmmy BNlllin 11ld todar that ~ice had t ol4 them tht.\ 8.rkowJtJ, a Sll,000 • year tetter aoner at a "'l Qft'tce 1ri the Bron•t said be =anntd to at.like ntxt lt1 IQlfolk • on the far end M L«at b ~ 1lld ... ~' pJailntfd to .lllH the 1 bmilehibe 1ue ln a dlHOlbeQUe or iiltbt ;ti.ab. When the victim bf'l(an stag· gcrlng away, w1tnesscb said , he was shot two more limes before he collapsed on the sidewalk Police today could gave no motive for the shooting But Earl Tucker, Southern ®QUALITY TELEVISION The 1978 Models are coming at higher Prices Country mrrenctJ The 8RITTANY • HU301! Genuine O.k wtnetr• and Mi.ct "•rdwOod aolldl on top end e nds. Front end .,.. of ,simulated wood Entire ubln.t flnl1t19d In Antlqut ~k color. CtsttrJ. The CHARTRES• H2550P French Provlnclal 1tylod console. Graceful cebrlole legs eno In a scroll. Genuine Pecan veneers and 1elect hatdwOOd sol Ide on top. Front, ends and legs of simulated wood Entire cabinet t>eaullrully finished In Pecan color with the look ol llno dla1re1slng. 1977 MODEL CLEARANCE SALE 13• ·I 7"· I f .. ·2J".JS" ....... ~coLOR SETS dlOblicls&wMht Call for Pricing I ull I u•·lo~1 M urrnu I;,., ,.,.,, Out ,.,.,.,,.,.of Out• \ , • .,,. f.uorcurl••(• Ou I c·c·1·11 l 11·odu.·1 Ht• '••II: ·375 East 17th St. Costa Mesa J .. t Or&nge Coast EDITION T od•y' Clo Ing N.Y.Stoek8 VOL. 70, NO. 223, 4 SECTIONS, ~2 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, AUGUST.11, 1977 C TEN CENT~ NNC Crowd Chants, 'Kill? Kill!'1 .... w.,....... TESTS CONFIRM THIS WAS MURDER WEAPON Policeman Edward Zlgo Shows Suspect'• Gun Accused 'Son of Sam' Arrested NEW YORK (AP) -The greatest manhunt in New York City twstory ended today with the accused .44-caliber slayer con- signed to a mental ward. Outside the court, a sidewalk crowd de· manded his life be forfeited, chantin1, "KUI! Kill!" The seizure of ,lhe so-called Son of Sam, satd by police to be responsible for six murders, came as he reportedly planned a monumental bloodbath to climax his dark career. Paunchy, bland-looking David Berkowitz, 24, an Army veteran who worked as a $13,000-a-year postal clerk, was quoted as say- ing he planned a machine-gun raid on an unselected but pre- sumably crowded discotheque in the Humptons, the Long Island !>Ummer h1mnt of the wealthy and socially prominent. Police said Berkowitz, who was a New York City auxiliary policeman for three years in the early 1970s, told them he wanted to "go out in a blaze of glory." An unmailed letter to Suffolk County authorities and a map of Long Island beaches reportedly were found in Berkowitz's car after his arrest Wednesday night outside bis apartment house in Yonkers, u city of 150,000 adJOtn· ing New York City to the north. At a news conference, Police Commissioner Michael Codd said that a $35 parking hcket hung on Berkowitz's car near the scene of the last murder and a tlp from a source in Yonk4'rs were key factors leading to his arrest. Codd also revealed for the first time that Berkowitz had left a fingerprint on one of two earlier notes that rell into police hands. Berkowitz went b~fore Judge Richard Brown in the Brooklyn Criminal Court shortly before noon. He was charged with the latest of the six slayings, that of Stacy Moskowitz, 20, last July 31 two days past the anniversary of the first 44-callber murder. He also was charged with the attempted murder of her boyfriend. Robert Violante, also 20, who may have been blinded for life by the killer's gunfire. Other charges included assault and possession of a deadly weapon, the .44-caliber Bulldog revolver that wan used in all six slayings and in the wounding or seven other persons. "Are you David Berkowitz?" asked Judge Brown "Yes," replied the defendant softly, a smile ever present dur- ing various appearances throughout the day. He was clad in worn jeans, brown suede shoes. a light blue and white, short-sleeved sbi,rt. His dark haJr was unruly, but not unduly long, his eyes clear and blue, his slcin smooth. Brown ordered Berkowitz re- m anded to Brooklyn's Kings County Hospital, w h ere psychiatrists will determine whether Berkowitz is mentally capable of pleading to the charges and standing trial. A re- port was expected within 30 days. "I think the accused is entiUed to a defense," said Philip Peltz, one of two lawyers who represented the defendant. after the bail hearing ended. "We all have an obligation to protect his precious rights." But 100 to 200 persons on the sidewalk outside the court house ... 11r1...,... HELD IN SLAYINGS David Berkowitz, 24. disagreed, shouting in unison, '' Klll ! Kill! " Also in disagreement was bartender John Diel, who (See SUSPECT, Page A.2) Ken Cory P anning to Leave Poli~ics? IHlly ...... ''-" .... BOB WILSON, WIFE MARYALICE, VIEW NEW PARK Mesa Council Might Name It After Ex-mayor Wilson Park? I Costa Mesa Ponden Horwr Any way you look at It, it's going to be called Wilson Park But Costa Mesa councilmen kicked around the idea this week or naming It Robert M. Wilson Park alter the colorful three-time mayor or the same name. 11le park parcel pondered by councilmen is a 3.7-acre site al Wilson Street and Fordham Drive, behind the Harbor Shopplne Center In Costa Mesa. FOR PLANNING PURPOSES, the part ii called Wilson Street Park, accordin1 to Keith Van Holt, director Leisure Servicel. "We usually name parks for tbe street. nearest to them," he explained. But. councllmen thought. It would be nlce to name one or the city's more than 20 parka after Bob Wilson. After all, be was mayor three times durtn.a bis 18-year perch on the clly council dais. He was on the city's planninl commtasion for seven years before that. Calls County Probings 'Weird' State Controller Kenneth Cory said Wednesday he is consider· in& getting out of politics because it Is a "weird" business. Cory, a former central Orange County state assemblyman, said Orange County politics havt been particularly •U:anae. • "Of late;· the Democrat said, "I'm beln1 very ll•d I'm from Orange County and no longer here. Hlatortcally In this eounty, there bas been a lack of un· deratanding about what tbe ConsUtuUon Is about, and what freedom Is about .. " Cory did not further explain the remarks. He spoke at UC Irvine. berore about 40 secondary school teachers attending the Robert A. Tait JnsUtute of Gov- ernment Seminar. Cory said he 11 ''tired" o( tbe seemingly endless lnvesltgallons or politicians, including himself. The controller was investigat- ed for more than a year In con- nection with $600,000 in cam- paign contributions he received from Indicted Orange County political don.or Dr. Louis Cella. "I'm tired or having to prove that I'm not• criminal," he said. Cory blamed the rash or political lnvestlaattons on Richard Nixon. Ile called Proposition 9 cam- pa 1 gn contribution discloi.ure leg1slatloo "an overreacUon. '· "I even have to report it when my neighbor gives my kid a peanut-butter -and -jelly sandwich, because over the co urse of a year those sandwiches might add up to a glfl over$25." Of Dr. Cella, Cory said he was amazed that anyone would want to contribute $600,000 to the cam- paign of a stat-: controller. More amazing, Cory said, was that "He never asked me for anythin1." COey 1aid t\• bellev,. Cella donated the money "because he was orazy," just for the sake of patt1clpatln& in politics. CommenUnai on bis runnln1 battle with Standard OU of CalifomJa <he campaiened with the slogan "The man the o1J com- panies fear most"), Cory said be is confident a lawsuit belQI pre- pared against the oil consortium headed by Standard, alle1ing price-fixing, will be won by the state. "r might end up under a truck somewhere," he said, ''but they')) pay." . o.11, Net, ............ POLITICS 'WEIRD' Co9'troller Cory Attorney Springs a Surprise By'TOM BAR.LE\' 0t .... oe11,,.. ........ Edward Charles Allaway•s lawyer decided ln a surprise move today to orter no defense to charges that bis client killed seven people and wounded two others on the Cal Slate Fullerton campus. Deputy Public Defender Ron Butler's decision slarUed the prosecution ln view of his earlier declaration that he would ar1ue his client's diminished mental capacity at the time of the cam· pus 1booUnp. Butler rel'Used lo comment to- day on the reuon for his over- n1ghtawit.cb in tactics. But it. was learned that he no'tv intends to use those witnesses scheduled for today's court ac- tion as rart of the •anil)' phase that wil conclude the trial If the jury returns guilty verdict.a on any or all of the nine felony count.a. TheJwy will be s'nt to ita de· llbera ans alter Butler and Chftf De~ty Dtstrtct Attomey Jam Enriiht offer tbe.lr final argu- ments. EM&bt closed hi• cue agalq,at th• former campus Janilol' late W ed.n81da1 after callin1 a total ot lS pn»ec\itklo ~tnases to (be · covtroom. Allaway De/'!me Withhel,d Butler then stated that he would bring a number or wit- nesses to the stand today in the belief that the jury might return a finding of diminished mental capaic1ty. His overni&ht change of stance was described today by a veteran trial lawyer as "a decision to put all his eggs in one basket. "Butler obviously believes he can get a rullng of insanity rrom this jury," the lawyer said. "He intends lo concentrate his fire on the sanity phase.•· Among the witnesses remain· ing on call today are Allaway·s estranged wife and a former spouse who may now be used in the ex~cted sanity phase ot the trial. Butler commented Wedn&day' that he regards Bonnie Allaway, 26, as a key witness in bis defeme of Allaway, 32. It was testified before the prosecut.ioo closed Jts case Wed- Judge ·~jty~ 'Snuff'_ Tools Not Evidence Tools fouod at a desert l~atlon . menta u inadm!sslble evidence allegedly planned u the scene in Orange County Superior Court for the shooting of porno1raphic . actlon that Included h.ls reducUon mo'i'tes that would end with the of Fred 8erre r>ou1laa' b•ll killings and dlamemberment. ot from ~.ooo to $150,000. two female j•rttcl&>anta have 'l'he judge held that the seatch been barre from the caH for the ittstrument.s had ~otaled against an accused ~ta Mes an. Douclu' constituUonal rlibta. Judge H. Warren knflht. ~ Tbe 5'·year-old uphol 1t4rer Jected the collectlon Of 1lnat.ni· <See EVIDBNCS, PaseAJ) nesday that Mrs. Allaway was with her husband when he surren- dered to Anaheim pollce oo Julf 12, 1976. Sh~ sued hlm for divorce three days before he alle1edly took 'a rlne to the Cal State Fullerl<>I\ campus and shot nine people, sevenotwhom died. . AU.way's former wife, Carol. also u on caJl. 1t was learned Ulal her tesUmony would be based cm pnchiatric problems be tnC9Wl· tered during their marriase:. Butler said the jury will be told of Allawa7's treatmei.t at a Mlch.l;an mental hospital aJld subsequent e-yaluaUons or flla progress bypaychlatrlsts. C Tnu11oar. Augu11 11, 1177 II Relai d Fo11r Stabbed In Apartment !'\ t: s I l> ... I A 1' ) -'J' b ~ bloodied bodle• or • anndmo(ht'r. h.er dau&htcr and twn 1randth1ld,..n we-rfl found ~tabbed to ck-alb he.re euly to- day "I don t 1•vt'r w11nt to 11~ ainy. th1n1 hit~ tha.t •a••n ... aauJ II antn Theil. '3, a t riend al Ull: famlly wbo nUed polite. "lt aboul made me akk. • · lfoDterey County Coroner Haney Hlllbun 1denUflod the women u Josepbme Smith, 81, and btr dauabter, Suzanne Harris, 21. He said the ttrls wen Mrs. Harns' dau1hter. Rachel Hanis, 8, and M~. Harns' ruece, Renee Ferguson, lS In a bner statement. pobce would say only that four femaJe5 were found stabbed lo death in a bloodied apartment after officers were caJled lo invesUaate a "aus- picious circumstance." The bodies were found m a duplex apartment in this ocean- front community on the edge of a 1prawllng Army base at Ft. Ord, about 120 miles south of San Francisco. Thiel, who said he was a friend SJCWoman Killed in Auto Crash \ San Juan Capistrano woman wa~ k11lcd and ~even pt!ople were tnJured Wcdne!>day night when two cars collided In lh~ 1ntersec- L1on of La Paz Road and Moulton Parkway in the Laeuna HHla area. A coroner's report tentatively tdt!nl.tfied the dead woman as Louise Marie Pearson, 84, of 32302 Alipaz Road, San Juan Capistrano. Said to be in critical condition in Saddleback Comm unity Hospital is the driver of the car ln which Mrs. Pearson was a passenger, tentaUvely Identified a~ Pauline Hiler. 85, o( 32141 Paseo Caroline. San Juan Capistrano. According to a California ,. Highway Patrol report, Mrs. Hiler allegedly ran a stop slrn al La Pai Road and Moulton Parkway at about 9:30 p.m. Mrs. Hiler's Ca(' reportedly col- 1llded with a westbound auto on Moulton Parkway driven by Paul Edward Wimmer, 44, of 297'2 An- na Maria Drive, Laguna Niguel. In the car with Wimmer were Elizabeth Wimmer, 10, Hilda • Wimmer, 81, and Lucy Wimmer, 29, all of the Anna Maria Drive address. Also in the Wimmer auto were Robert. Barnes, !57. and Gertie Barnes, 50, both of Arvada, Colo. All occupants of the Wimmer l'ur were taken to Saddleback Community Hospital with in· Juries ran~ing from minor to ~l'rious, according to the CHP re- port. Rap Dropped On Polmuki LOS ANGELES CAP> -A free· lance photoarapher'a complaint that he was assaulted by movie director Roman Polanald h.u been rejected by prosecutors. "In the Interest of justice )Ve 've rejected any criminal t'harges," Deputy Dlalrict At- torney Michael Monurna &aid Wednesday. Photosrapher Curt Gunther complained to police Tuesday that after ht snapped a picture of Polanski kneelin& at the grave or bis wife, Sharon Tate. the mov· le director leaped upon him and snatched a costly motorized camera. DA ILY PILOT of Kctotitfa mother, Lornunc f''l'tl\U!On •aid he wont to Mfl'I Smlth'a duplex l.lOOut 5 30 a.m . e1ft.-r tryln11 to h:lephono th1· fumily "Renee didn't show up for her JOI.> ut the Youth Corps yester d;iy," hes11ld. "1 went over tt1 their how.e and knocked on the door The ltghL<t were on and I saw their UWe dog mslde running around.'' Thiel said he went around to the back and saw a person he thought was Renee on floor with her hands tied behind her back ''She had her 01ghtgown on," he said. Thiel went tor police and found a squad car at a nearby marl<et He said the policeman kicked the door in and they entered tht! d uplex ··1 walked in and saw blood all over and the officer told me to get out," he said. "It was bad " He !>aid he saw bloody footprints m the kitchen before he left. An investigator told a reporter there was no evidence of forced entry, and no motive was im· mediately known. "I wish I knew who did it," Thiel said. "They were all Christlitn people." Thiel said Mrs. Smith .. nd tbe Harrises had returned lo Seaside from Kansas City about one year ago. He said they were natives of the area but had II ved for a time in Kansas. Miss Ferguson was living with her grandmother, he said "They were doine real good, ' he said A neighbor, Mary Peters, !>Bid the duplex where the bodies were found borders on her backyard. '· 1 didn't hear a thing." ~he said. "The police have been here this morning, but I don't know a thing about it. .. CM Plumber .. D. Dickinson Dead at 54 Don Dickinson Wade Jr ... plumber in Costa Mesa for more than two decades. died Monday at the age of 54 . Mr. Wade was busines~ manager for the Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 582 until hi!> retirement lut June. The 29-yea.r Costa Mesa res1 dent was elected business aeent for the local union in 1960. He served in that capacity until 1967 when he was named business manager . Mr. Wade wns a member orthe executive board of the Plumbers and Steamfitters District Council No. 16 of Southern Callfomia and also a member of the California Pipe Trades and the Orange County Building and Construc- tion Trades. He is survived by his wife, Mary L. Wade, of the family borne at 2664 Santa Ana Ave : sons James O. Wade and Don D. Wade Ill: daughter Ann S Wade; grandd aughter Anna Laura Wade and dauchur-ln-law Susan M. Wade, all of Costa Mesa. Mr. Wade also ts survived by his mother, Dorothy Smith of Newport Beach, and brother Daniel S. Wade, Sr .• San Jose. Services were to be held today at St. John the Dlvtne Eptscopal Church in Cosla Mesa. Burial was t.o be private. Burglars Hit House in NB A Newport Crest resident who lert a 1Udlnc 1lu1 door partially ajar while sbe was out for the day returned home Wednesday to find that thieves had taken $6,345 worth of jewelry and a castette recorder. Shella Neather1y or 4 Goodwill Court reported the break.in at $:'5p.m. Wednelday. I.nvesUptora aa.ld the buri1ars apparently cUmbect ooto the res· ldence'e balcony and lll\ed the open slldlna llau door oft it.a tract ln or4er to &a.In entrance. Oell,,..M-. NEWPORT TRIANGLE Compromlae Studied Zone Flap Solutioii By Riley? Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley bas come up with a proppsal aimed at settling a zonmg dispute over 6S acres of unincorporated land surrounded by the city of Newport Beach. Supervl!>ors shipped the pro· posaJ to county Planning Com- missioners and called for their report by Aug. 31. The tnangl~ of land is bounded by an oil field, Superior A venue and Production Place and cu'r- rently is zoned for commercial and industrial facilities along with apartments and a mobile home park. Newport Beach city officials had request.ed lhal most of the land, except for Its southern tip, be zoned for either light industry or offices. But county planning com- mlbsloners recommended that thl' land north of 15th street belwt't'n Monrovia and Placentia A venue:. ttlong with that southern portion be zoned for apartments or mobile homes with the re- m amder for industry and offlces. Riley said Wednesday the com· m1ss1oner's recommendation meets neither with the appro~al of area residents nor Newport Beach officials Instead. he proposed zoning the area generally west of Monrovia for light industry, and the area generally east of Placentia for offices. with the re· maindcr left for apartments and thl· mobile home park. Newpc'rt Beach officials have feared leaving a large area zoned for apartments could lead to de· velopment of 165 additional units near Hoag Memorial Hospital. TONIGHT "SOMETHING'$ AFOOT" Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. Fairgrounds, August 10-13. 17-20, H 30 p.m. Reservations: 556-5459 "GODSPELL" -Summer musical staged by four high ~chools in Newport-Mesa dis- trtct, Corona del Mar' High" School. August 10-13, 8 p. m. "VANITIES" -South Coast Repertory Theater. Tuesday. Sunday throueh Aug. 21, 8 p.m. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1Z CONCERTS IN THE PARl<--... U.S. Marine Corps Band, Costa Mesa Uons Park, 8 p.m. "DANCES AT 8" -Contem- porary daoce eroup, occ Auditorium, 8 p.m. MOTORCYCLE SPEEDWAY RACING -Fal~grounds, 8 p.m. F....,PageAJ SUSPECT.· .• escaped injury Jan. 30 when his gi rl friend, Christine Freund, 36, became Son of Sam's second fatality. Diel declared, "What use dots he have for society? They should just let him loose, and 1et other people take care of him. Ht has no place on the earth." And Miss Moskowitz's father, J•rcy1 said bitterly: "If they left me aJone 'with him, I'd look at hlm and say, 'Why?' Then I'd probabty at.art awtnlloe. t doa't · awtu euily, but I'm a teamster. and I'd wipe the floor with the ltllY·" .......... ...... __ ,_.., ~··~ VO(•"'°'*"' ................. _, __ ... .., '~*;.-=-_... ... '-....,..,___ Mesa SU;immen Compete in Meet ,., .... Ml""',..,._ A bill domi mem.,.n oJ eo,ta ., ... , ~aua Club co~c iWltti • Gtwr ,auJll,IWlftUD la tM Amate\lr' Athletic UOJon 011,aiPle Rim nWet held lo Lone Be.tdl la1t wtek. • Students 'Exiled' • McNally School Closing Weighed •• 87 PIDUP ROSM ARIN oua.~,.....,, ... About 300 "difficult" students wbo attend continuation school because they don't fit Into the normal program in the Newport.- Mesa School District are rinding themselves exiles District trustees are lryinc to close the scbool they attend, McNally High at 19th Street and Newport. Boulevard, and relocate the students lo other facilities to cul costs. In a district of rapid enroll· ment decline which ls closing one or two elementary school sites each year, that would aeem a fairly simple task. But the real problem, accord- ing to district spokeameo, is that nobody wants the pupils. Parents object to the student.a -mo,,t of whom are at the school because of discipline problems -being plunked down in their neighborhoods Last year, trustees held public hearings on separate proposals to relocate McNally to either Kaiser Middle School or Bay View Elementary School in Costa Mesa. Huge turnouts or angry and picketing parents showed up to oppose the closing of either school and the replacement with Mc Nally students. The school board appointed a citizens advisory committee in March to find a solution. This week the advisory com- m illee reported back with two alternaUve1 and the names of three other elementary schools that might house the continua· lion school Protest Aired CJ\PE TOWN, Soulh Africa I AP J South African newspapers protested editorial- ly today over the presence oC an American diplomat's wife, Judy W1ll1ams, at a protest dem- on~lralion against the razing of a black shantytown The committee's r1rst alternative was to sell off just the front portion of the seven.acre McNally site and maintain clusrooma in tbe rear. The other alternative was lo race angry parents a1aln in public hearings-this time at Whittier. Wilson and Moote Vista elementartes, all in Costa Mesa. Public h eaclnas will be Sl'heduled after school start::. again in September. Each of the schools had pre v1ousJy been 1denW1ed, be<:aus~ or Jow enrollments, as ca.odidates for closing. District spokesmen said the trustee:i are aiming for the tall of 1978 to find a more or less perma- nent site for the conllnuation schooJ. Medal Due ·u1m Hero Seeka Higheat Horwr LA MESA <AP) -"I mean to have that medal," says Herman Miller, meaning the Congressional Medal of Honor which he expected to get for military action in 1904. Miller, 98, says he was recommended for it by his Army captain for heroism dunng the Philippme Insurrection. The award got lost m red tape, he sau..I Wednesday at a reunion here of three of the last 17 membt.>rs of the Spanish-American War Veterans of California. Although a special bill was introduced to give him the medal, he said, Congress m•ver completed action because World War JI brokt' out. Miller said he will travel to the White House and sit on President Carter's front step until the medal is his. "They called me Two.gun Miller,'· said the Oceanside resident. "I will not take my guns to Washington when l picket the President. But I mean to have that medal.·· Fro• Page A I EVIDENCE REFUSED. • • races arraignment Aug 18 on charges of attempted murder and conspiracy. He has not yet come up with the reduced bail and is held in county Jail. The ruling by Judge Knight prevent-; the prosecution from in· troducing as evidence an assort menl of butcher knives, bone sa\\s, 1tc picks and other instru ment::. ulleg<.'dly found July 20 near .. Yucca Valley desert ~hack Douglus was arrested at the s<.'ene by two undercover police women who daimed they wert> enlisted for lesbian lovemaking in movies to be shot by Douglas. The 1978 Models are cominCJ at higher Prices I I The CHARTRES• H2550P French Provincial styled console. Graceful cabrlole lega end In a scroll. Genuine Pocan veneers and soloct hardwood &Olida on top. Front, end1 and tags of simulated wood. Entire cabinet beautifully finished In Pecan color with the look of fine distressing. 19.77 MODEL CLEARANCE SALE I 3"·17"-l f".JJ"·2511 ....... COLOR SETS ahoMacl&&Wlllle t .. \ . ' Thw'tday,Augu1111, tG77 DAILY PflOT ,41 Power Plant Eye~ for Huntington B> ams •T BAaK a ....... .,,,,.. ...... Southern Cahlornl • ltdJaon <'nmpany falrd • nottre of tnt~nl today to build a $7110 mtlUon £•neraun1 pl;,anl that l~ upec:ted to bt~rauon&J by llil). R\A'ltintton Bearh haa been d~ l1nated oneo nf four possible altc for tbc 1.2'0 mt'cur11tt atauon TM noU<"e or lntt'nt w aa fHed ~1th tbt' Calllorn1a Entrl)' (.;om ml»IQf'I wh1r h h.. the pnmary Monarch Appeals To Irish BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) -Queen Eluabeth 11 ap- pealed today to feuding Protea· tants and Roman Cathohcs in Northern Ireland lo "forgive and forget ' their centur1es·old hatreds and end eight years or i.ectarian bloodshed The 51-year-old monarch said ID a ::;'1ort speech at tho New Umverslty of Ulster at Coleraine, ID the north of the war·tom prov- 1n ce, that there are hopeful !>lgns of reconciliation. She declared: "Tho6e with different beliefs and aspirations understand that if this community Is to survive and prosper \.hey must live and work together m Criendshlp and forgiveness. "There is no place here for old fears and attitudes born of his· tory, no place for blame for what is past." Th~ que<'n dell vered her ~reech a rew hours after 0y1ng hy helicopter to the campus on the second and final day of a con troverslal silver jubilee visit to Northern Ireland. Irish Republican Army euer· nllas warned earlier they had 'breached security" al the un· 1 versity and hinted they had planted a bomb there. The queen refused to cancel her eight-hour visit to the heavily auarded 300-acre uoiverslty com, ple1:. Troops searched the cam- pus but found no bombs, and no terroriat action bad been report- ed by mldaftemoon. £1sewhere, police reported a bomb exploded tn a gaaoUne sta· • lion in west Belfast and started (l big fire. but no casualties were reported. Pollce blamed the IRA for the bombing. The queen said she had met with security chiefs, government omcials and people from both Protestant and Catholic ahettos during her visit and commented: "I have sensed a common bond and a shared hope for the future." WnnorLeads Star Cltus Titre Race• SAN DIEGO -Dennis Connor of San Diego fed two other former world champions in a bid tor the North American championship in the International Star Class Wednesday. At the end of the first four races it wu a close batUe for points among Connor, Bill Buchan of Seattle and Ding Schoonmaker of Miami, Fla. With ftnl.ah~ of 2-1-1-2 Connor had 190 polota -six ahead ot Buchan whose finishes ot 3-8-2-1 eaveblml&C. Schoonmaker bad a filth place fln1ab Wednesday wbicb dropped him tothlrd place with 178 points. He was the earlier leader with flolabel of 1·2-3. Jn fowtb place wu Pete Ben- nett of San Diego with flnlahea ot 9-8-M for 175 points. and fifth waa defendlnt champion Peter Wr~sht ot Southern Lake Mtcbllan, with 169. The lint four races have been sailed in Ueht to moderate airs In the ocean off Point Loma. The &an Olqo Yacht Club i• halt to tbe '2 competitors which lnclude 1everaJ from Europe r.-apon.a1b1hty for c ... tJrylni new 11oweir plant.a ln th• al ate Hiii Compton, !dlaoo '• arH m una1e-r In llunllntiton Roach, aald that a hHrln1t proceaa on the •It• 11rloctJon will t•k• •bout 18 moot.ha. Another lK month¥ 1~ required to addr ~i. envtrnnm~hal con t'trna and otheir matters before rirtwal construction t'an iJtart, C'ompton u1d Three othf'r &Ile" havt'! been Tennis Anyone? nominated for the new tacllity by Edi.on They Include Ormand Beach aoutb ol Oxnard In Ventura Coun- ty, Lucerne Valley in San Bernardino County a.nd Buttes which la lncluded in the Kern County portion of the Ant.lope Valley. Compton said it Huntineton Beach la eventually selected, the new taclllUee would be added at the present Edison Joutlon at Newland Avenue and PaclCic Coast Hiah way. The new facility would be made up ot three units, eacb WI· 101 five turbines to run tive aeoeraton. The turbines would be powered by jet enitnes and would operate on diatUlate liquid fuel with the capabillly of burning synthetic gus. if feasible, according to Compton. Dall't .-! ... , .... ,...... One of the most unusual places lo play tennis in Orange County 1s thb public tourt on top of a \\,1t(•r rC'St'r\'01r in Laguna Bt•;ieh·!'. Blud>ir<I Canyon Since Laguna b short on fl:.it !'.paces upon \\h1ch to build tcnni-. courts. dty officials got together with the folks in charge at the Laguna Beach County Water District and "o rkcd out this arrangement If ~ ou loM' on the court. you can always drown } our ~orrows in the reservoir underneath it Firemen's Hopes Flicker Wnlainment Near for Tiro State Blazes By Tbe Auoelated Presa Spirit.a are looklng up today on fire lines at th.re• major blazes still searing scenic California, with two of the fires nearine con- tamment and another a.lowly be- ing remed in. The stubborn Marble·Cone in- rcrno, which has now engulfed 92,200 acres In the Los Padres National Forest on the Central California coast. was conlinwng Its assault on the area's precious watershed. waler servilli the nearb)' resori towns. A decision was made Wedoes· day to uae motoriifd equipment in building fire Uo 1n P,e V • taoa Wilderness at th .t>rtf1 of ttw blu~ Sllch equlpmen ii probibft.ed under the Wlldemeq Act of 19&4 except in emereency situations. east of Porterville. Three new tires were reported in Washington and Oregon, but ofCicials reported conlainment or near containment of blazes that hove been searing brush anli forest land in Colorado, Nevada · and Arizona. An addJtional steam turbine would be powered from the waste exhaust ot the engines. Th.is would lead to 1reater etri c1ency and cleaner burruna when 1eneratlng electric eneray. Compton said. •'There ls no question that the plant would add emissions," Compton said. "But it would be more erflcient and cleaner than the extslUli plant and tl would meet all enviromncntal standards." The present Huntiniton B .. ch plant bu the capacity ol 891 megawatts and ls powered by ,... fined fuel. Compton aald there is nearly a four percent arowt.b in eoern needs each year. He said a new power source will be needed by 1985 to prevent the threat ol sporadic blackouts. $30 Million Issue 81 More Join Jet Noise Suit A further 81 Harbor Area homeowners have asked to be as- sociated with Superior Court legal action that could be aimed at Orange County Airport that could c:ost the county as much as $30 m111ionmdamaies. It a request by attorney Jerrold F'adem is granted they will join rorces with 64 homeowner!> whose trl$1 on the jet noise issue is scheduled to open Oct. 11. The 145 plaintiffs would then contend that the operation of jet aircraft from the county airport has had an adverse efrect on tbelr health and environment and has lowered property values in the area. The addition of 81 more names to the lawsuit is seen as stem· ming from the recent court vic- tory or Santa Ana Heights de- veloper Harry Rinker who was given $305,000 in damages by a Superior Court jury. But that award may be cut to Sl75,000 in the light or Judge Prank Domenichlni 's rullng that the jury award was excessive a nd should be reduced by $130,000. Judge Domenichlnl advised Fadem that, it the Rinkers reject the $175,000 figure, he will order a new lrtal. Fadem is plannina to appeal the ruling. Oil Fire Doused LAS VEGAS (AP> -Fire fighters wor)<ed ror nearly two hours to douse a stubborn oil fire under the staare of the ZieBfeld Theater in the MGM Grand Hotel, authorllles say. Fadem successfully argued for Rinker that the developer and other Harbor Area homeowners were assured when they bouCht their properties that jet alrcratt would never fly from the county airport. Air California and Hughes Airwest now operate jet service from the county facility. Man Refused Service, Dies In SA Street A man who was rerused service at a Santa Ana dlner Wednesday nlght dashed out the diner's door and into the street where he wu hit and killed by two cars. A coroner's report said the vie· tim, Daniel Murdoch Smith, 22, or 2806 W. 17th St., Santa Ana, was refused service at Jerry's Barbecue ror "unknown reas- ons." Whatever those reaaons were, Smith ~rtedly reacted to them by running out ot the restaurant door at 1600 W. Fairview St. and dashing into the street. There, be wu fint struck by a southbound car and then run over by a northbo~~ a~to. the cor. oner's report •~either driver wascl~d. A corooeris investigator noteit that Smith's mother, father and t.bree silt.en were killed ei1ht years aao ln a Massacbuaetb traffic accident. H. J. GARRETT'S The California Department or Forestry said growth of the wlld fire finally was being slowed and w's 40 per~t contained. Flrertghten Wednesday re- ported full containment of thJ'ff other fires, the 2,245-acre Cabaron fire In Riverside Coun- ty, the l ,300·acre Freeway fire near Truckee and the 7,600-acre lire in SequolJ National Forest SVltlltlER ••• ''Morale ls improving," said CDF spokesperson Kathy Ross. "The rtre did slow in Ila move- ment." Two other blazes, which to1ether had laid waste to more than 100,000 acres on the state's oortbeaatern edge and cauaed about 1181.5 million damaae. had lost much of their rage by today. The ''Scarface" blaze In Modoc County had been encircled by firellnes arouftd 80 percent of Its perimeter and was reported by the CDF 60 percent controlled. "We've just about got it." said CDF spokesman Sandra Quadro, volclng the feelings of the 1,944 firefllhten aWl at work on the blue. The Ponderosa fire, burninc In the nearby Shasta Trinity Na- tional Forest, waa &5 percent con- tained with full containment on the two blues expected by day'a end. Llibtnlnl bad beeri the culprit in most ot the el1bt major blues that flared up since Auiust 1. In that period, 262,817 acres have been ravaeed across the stato ln a chainof'70bluea. The northeut.em portion of tht Marble-Cone proved the most troublesome to the 4,390 tlren&htera sWI batUlna the 11· day-old blue. At stake wu the valu•ble Carmel Valley waterlbed-the dense brush and Umber that collect and pw1ry County Pilot Charged With Pot Smuggling A Judge and baturr vtalted a Tustin man in bis Yuma, Ariz .• hospital room Wednesday, but in· stead or nowers or candy, they brought the alleged marijuana smugeter more bad news. Mark Brenhuber, 28, whose plane carrying a load of 400 pounds of alleaed Mexican mari- juana crashed Monday night~ breaking hla leg, was formally arraigned on aeveral criminal cbarcea. Tbe Judie waa ushered lnto hl.s room and formally adviaed him he faces counta of importin1, tramporttn1 and tran1portln1 marijuana ror aale. Yuma County Sheriff's dep. utlea have placed a 24·hour armed 1uard on Brenbuber'a ho1pltal room, all1sln1 that. deaplt.e b.b broken lea, he t.rttd to bobble to freedom after Mon· day'1cr .. h. Brenh~ber Is listed In aatistac- . tory condftlon. His aln1le enctne plane wu destroyed In the acct· dent cauaed when It clipped power llnes near the hamlet Of Wellton. CONTINlJES SA VE 15 to 25°/o ON UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS AND SOFAS Illustrated above Is one of the many styles offered during this money saving event. Beautiful 7 ft. or 8 ft. loose pillowback curved sofa in a wide selection of fabrics including tapestries. prints. velvets and woven fabrics. SAIJE PRICED •595. 5 Ft. 1Ateie ,,._, •J• IAils w. .. DAil Y PILOT .lat ,... C ti II ,~J ~. ~~ wltla Te• arpbl•~ llEAt10lAl.I. l'U.Ut;~: C:omu11. nov-l..hP. rlty uf Nt-wport Beach -.h1ch I!> 1 n<'f' uaa1n. 1'1111n1 ba\Uc- w1th our "'ondnful 1.talt" re~1onial ro;a t I c«1rnm1 ,,,ion This tlmf· the f1«ht 1s 11\1·r ht·•c h vollt•yball l>O'll' l h•l » 111(hl four IJ<.li.b th.il hold u~> \Ollt>Vbdll n•·t down on lh1· t'~ntn ,.ul• ~ 12th Stret'l K~•u·h The rel(ionol <"O•Sl<1I com· ml.5Slon people, 1n their 1nfm1te "1~m. have decreed that the 'olleyball .... et up "mounts to a · '>lructure • upon the :.acred 'ohorehm· As s uch. the t'Odstal czars declare the city must have a rnastal perm1l for the four poi.ts !'llewport Beach Asi.1stant City Attorney llugh <.:offs n says this 1ntcrprelallOn Of lhe law IS absurd. ·rnt:Y 'RE JUST f'OUR 'ft' wooden posts, '>l uck m the sand ~ When vnu stretch nets between ~ them. you've ~ot two volleyball >. ('OUrl!!. '• Thus the battle has been ~ 101ned 'fwu attorneys are m- ~ volvcd. A deputy attorney I i.:cneraJ. representing the august tr)i.lslal <:omm1ss1on. haa wntten the city. painfully explainine the f n1:ed for the shoreline permit. f. The aforementione d city ' '""'er Coffin has written back a ~ 1 h rce page reply. explaining why ' lour wooden 4-by 4's do not con-~ ~t 1lutl' coastal development. ~ You have tu admit four posls 1n ~ lht' !l and hardly r ival the ~ Promontory Point apartments as ~ an 1mposanJ! coastal structure ; But never mind that It 1s now ~ l'lt'.Jr that the (•1ty and the state .· •• <'0;1stul whet•lcr'> arc l{Oang to :· l1>C'k lt•l(al horns on lhts one in a :. monumental fushwn :: ThoM• four vo ll eyuall po!!tS :· may c•nd up planted before the :' l' nitt'd Stutei. Supreme Court ': It muy go down ui. the 1''our· ~ J'o!-tler Decision ~ YOU CAN SEE how this in· ~ f1n1te legal debate might shape : 1 up. <>n the one hand. the city at- f , lorney <'ould argue that 1( you take a single 4-by-4 post m the sand. this could hardly be de· ~ fined as a. coastal structure It's ,ust. one upriaht slick. he could arg\14!. . O n the other hand. the ~ , Califorrua Attorney General can , .iq:ue you actually have four ~ sticks. And fours sticks would I': i·onslltute a structure. ~ The debate may boil down to '• how close together the sticks ~ have Lo be in order to be develop· ~ !lH'nl. ·: •. In order to escape a structure· :; t' 11c ruling, Newport Beach may : have to inRtall tht> world's widest : 'olleyball court, w1lh a nel 220 .. ~ ) urds long •• As an alternative, the city :: 1·ould hire four tall basketball ~ pluycrs, under the yo uth employ· •. rT)t•nt pro~rum. <md have each of f them hold up one C'nd or the ~·,·volleyball net -;:. City 0Cf1c1als . however. miaht ~ nt•ed to maxe u rule that the tall '.' hoys holding the nets move -, a round every now and then. Th1a ' would assure that BOme coast.al , oHlcaals couldn't come skulkin~ ;, nround and rule that the boys i: wf're a shorehne s tructure. ~, ~ • ~­-: ~ ~ l'LL BET YOU think all of this "pretty silly. Well maybe. But s ince the tax- payers are footing the ball lo keep the coastal commission in bus1 · ness, you wouldn 'l want them sit· ling around doing not.hint(, would 3ou? Thurtday, Auquat 11, 1911 Wholesale Prices Down Decline First 2-01onth Drop Since Winter WASflJNGTON <AP> Wholeaal• prices decllned for the ~' rond month m .. row In July H f•rm and proceas4td food prices krpl druppinJl, Uw l.11bor 0.p•rtment aaid today. 'Ill dt'<'llnt! of onv tt1nlh of a percent In the wholesale price In· du w .. , not &0 bait "" the seven tenths decrft8e the month before. Hut 1t m1.1rkrd tht" flrat two month drop alnce wlnter.1978. Whole•sulti pr1n ch1ar11ett usually ahow up flt the conaumer level f"Vf'OlUulJy, but SO fir grocery atore food prices have continued IQinl .. ,, They r011•: t!tti ht tenth11 of• percent in the latett consumer report an J unl' ·n, .. prn·e or raw f111m producls dechned in July 1.8 percent ;Jrt~r .t 6 k pe• < 1·nt decline the month before. ln the last three monthi. farm pr1cl's have dropped 10.6 percent, on a seasonally ad· JU11l4"<1 b8"tl!>. l'ONTRIB\JTIN<. MORE TO THE JULY decline. however, wert! proc~ssc.'<1 fooda and reeds, s uch as veaetable oils, animal fats and sugar They dropped 2 4 percent aner a 1. 7 percent decline the month before Pnces of industrial commodities went up one-half of a pen:enl ... rter seasonal adjustment, after a nae of three-tenths or a per«ftt in June The two-month dechne an the over-all mdex followed nine con· !>ecut1ve months of pnce increases. The last back-lo-back decline m LevyTax Opposed By Utilities WASHING TON <AP 1 Utility executives opposed today Pres•· dent Carter's plan lo levy taxes against their companies as an m· centive to bum more coal. W. Reid Thompson, vice <:hairmao of Edison Electric Jnstitute, told the Senate Finance Committee that the laxes were unnecessary since it already made economic sense to stop burrung oil and natural gas and use more coal. prlc~ was a two-tenths of a percent drop an January 1976 and • four· tenths drop th• followln& month. The July report was good news for administration economists. who are counting on lnfiatlon lo slow a bit in the second half of the year. However. farm prices are volatile, and most other cate1oriea showed 1ll&ht increases. THE PRICE INDEXES FOR LUMBER and wood product.6 and for machinery and equipment rose more than in JUM. Prices also turned up for metals, hides, aklns and textiles after declines the pre· vlous month. Wholesale prices declined for chemicals, fumtture and household 1ooda after increasing an June. · The bigeest contributor to a l percent nse in metal• pnces was steel and alumlnum purchues. Many industries bou1ht steel before July anticipating tbe price increues annoWlced by the steel in· duatry. Among farm product.I, hay, hayseeds and oilaeeda dropped lbe most in July. fallln& in price by 25.8 percenL Other bl& dropl were shown by &rains, 3.6 percent; H ve poultry. S.5 percent; and flben. 2 percent. Leadmg the processed foods decline are crude veaetable oil, which plunged 31 2 percent in price, animal fats and oils, 17.8 per· cent; and ona mnl feeds, 15 percent. But until new coal-burning plants come o n the lane. Thompson said, 1t makes sense to gel the most out of existing 011 and natural gas burning power plants without paying the taxes and adding to household electric bills. Strike Closes Plant c·uml' dc~p1tc a jud1c1a l order to hall picketing. The unrest was touched off bv .1 C'ompany d1sc.:1plthary a c tion after a Ju. Iv i .1 "h<.•at walkout .. \ wildcat s tnke has halted opcrat10ns at tht• Chrysler Corp. t•ng1ne plant in Tn·n ton. '11C'h . as some 2.000 cmployes rdused to c·ro:-.s p1c:ket I mt·~ Tuesday. The ref us a I Arabians Briefed By Vance ALEXANDRIA, Egypt CAP) - Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance wrapped up his Middle East mission today, reportinc to Arab leaders on Israel's refusal to deal with the Palestine Libera· t1on Organizalloo. E1ypt's Presi· dent Anwar Sadat c alled the stance "a very hard Israeli line." Vance, who began the day in the Jsraeh capital. touched down briefly in Amman. Jordan, and Syria's capital of Damascus before Oymi lo an Egyptian air base 30 miles south of the sum- mer capltal of Alexandria. After COQf errlng for an hour. both Vance and Sadat said con- tacts between the United States and the countries involved in the Middle East c:oofllct would COO· tmue In New York next month. ·'I would like to remind all the parties that the second Sinai dis· t•ngagemeot agreement expires m October 1978,'' Sadat said. SADAT RE•'EllBED to the accord worked out by former U S Secretary or State Henry A. Kissinger whereby Israeli and Egyptian forces withdrew. Vance began his current Mideast tour Aug. l m Alexan· dria. He made his first Mideast tour in February. His next stop was London to take part in a series of meetings related to a British-American plan to bring black rule to Rhodesia. VANCE DISPATCHED Alfred Athertoo, assistant secretary of state for Middle Eastern affairs, to Saudi Arabia to brief leaders there. Vance went to Saudi Arabia during the mit1al swmg of has m1ss1on last week. An official traveling with Van ce denied an lsrael1 nt'Wlipaper report that the U S ambassador to Egypt has met secretly with a representative of t he Palestine Liberation Orgaruzal1on. Edison, a n or~a nuati on representing private power com· panies, estimates the taxes would amount to some $40 billion through 1985. All told, the or· Ranization said. the utility sec- tions of Carter's national energy program would cost consumers ~ome $60 billion. i U.S. OK of Panama .Treaty .Se~n J :If WASHINGTON <AP> -AdministraUon officials areopttmistic ' Wednesday niaht io Panama. the culmination of almost 13 ~ars of 1 HANS G. TANZLER, the ma- yor of Jacksonville, Fla.. and chief executive of that city's municipal power company. alao oppo&ed the tax me en ti ve plan. ~ they can rally the required two-thirds s upport needed m the Senate neaottations. J • to ratify a new Panama treaty. A clearer pictore>of Senate sentiment will emuaeooce the ad· ~ Recent admil'Nstration surveys indicate about 50 senators are ' ministration lobbyin1 campailn eoes into full swinl when Congress • l included to favor a new treaty, 22 tend to oppose it and th~ rest are t returns from tt.s. recess after Labor Day. Presidential adviser Ta.nzler said the tax was aim· ply another cosUy'roadblock In raising capital for new coal burn· mg and nuclear fueled power plants. f undecided,sourcessay. . .. Hamilton Jordan rep(>rtedly will play a key role in maint.alninc j '' "I thinx it looks pretty good," one official said.~'ln fact, J 'm canaJ neutrality, mindful that Senate ratification would be impossi· ~ al m06l sure we can do it." . ble without it. • ,,; ~ The sources say these are rough estimates and acknowled&e it ' THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES also must pass enabl· _. won't. be easy to muster the 67 votes needed for raUflcalioo. They re· ing legislation as part of the ratification process but only a majority I( the plan is passed. Tansler said, "You will have effectively t urned out the lights al the end of the tunnel and the light.I of the peopleof Florida.'' Thompson said the Institute based its cost estimate on what it says companies would have lo ~pend on coal·burnin& equip· mcnl, the laxes they would have , to pay for continuing lo use oil ;rnd natural gas and the cost of In· stalling new types of meters. THE HOUSE· PASSED version ' of the President's program. now before the tax-writing Senate rommlUee, is Intended to chanae how electricity is used while cut ting the amount of oil and natural gas utilities consume. Backers often say they don't know how much It would cost consumel'ft. They say the pro- posed changes have never been tried all at once and add that local conditions would affect the program's price tag. call the enthusiasm generated by Republican presidential hopeful vote is needed. Ronald Reaean last year with keep-the-canal campalan speeches. The important hurdle is In the Senate. One recent survey in· AGREEMENT ON A DRAtT TREATY was announced • dicated that only 31 senators are favorably disposed toward a new treaty, 13 fewer than the administration estimate. * * * PANAMA CITY. Panama <AP> --Tens of thousands of ships pay hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to use the Panama Canal, But what was the s mallest fee ever collected by the waterway's toll collectors? It was 36 cents. deposited by Richard Halliburton, who swam the canal in 1928. llAlll • 23.5 w.ft. l&RIHRAIM· FREID" ·Indian Summer Summer Upper Midwe1t Mercury Near Freezing AtlMle . ,,,,.,........,. .. _ ..... H ... •lefl l<t<k_ol .. l •tV ..... Llllle-k ~ . .., ....... ~ MIMI! M O ...... lffWOltuM .... ..,..,. ()k.....,..Cil., ~ 111'1111 ........ ~· ........ °". ltl~ I \.Ml!t It UN ""~l.C• ........ w .......... Ht• W. l"t, . .. .. ., .. ,. n .. ,. .. ,. lfl II .. ,. " n .. 7• .... . ... ., n .. ,, ., ,. 11 )) " n '°' u 100 .. .. ,. ., 14 '4 .. .. ., ., .. ~ .... II F•nd d Finance Bill Clears Panel SACRAlll:NTO CAP> -A blU P'OvidiftlJNbllc ftnandnl f~ atatewtde and leli&Jat.lYe eandlda* bu eleared ltl lint C9nunttt.et. but the author la 1lum about 119 ch c• down the road. Amemblyma Vk Pa.do <D-lacramento), laid Wedne9day that before the meuuN la heard ln January b7 the Assembly Waya and lleam Com· alLtee. aeveral cbani• would probably bave to be .... Alpr111nt, btWd, be'• a Jona way from bavin1 • 11111 tba1 cou.ld (' lear both bouael. 8tN ~Bit• Sl•IC? SACRAMENTO CAP' -Ca.Utomia's pet bird iadUlt.r7 bu been hit by the exot.lc NewcuUe dJJ. eue foe Lbe MCODd time WI year. ltate offlciala say. R..a telt8 coa.ftrmed tbe d.laeue In Exotic BU. IDd SaDDlha. a abop In BUenfleld, the state t>eputDMDt ol Food and Acrlculture reported WedDIM&y. "The disease entered [ 1 Hawaii in a 1hlpmeol of STATE parrot• from Exotic _ Birds and Supplies," said ""--------Dr. Patton Smith, depart· ment animal health chief. Solar Enern Credit •~-d SACRAMENTO CAP> -A state Senate com- mit.tee bu moved to &ive the backers of solar eneqy wnat they say la the financial brea.kthrouah they need -a 50 percent tax credit on costs of solar ay1tema. Wednesday's 6-3 vote of the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee sent the Asaembly- approved bW totbe Finance Committee. The bill by Aaaemblyman Gary Hart <D·Santa Barbara), would allow individuals and corpora· lions to receive 50 percent credit, up to a maximum of $3,000 for the coat of solar water heaUna and air condiUonin& lrultallations. E' .... l.A Prints Def rfH!lted LOS ANGELES CAP> -Four Episcopal priests wbOH cooaregationa decided lo break away from the Qurcb alter it accepted women as priests have been removed from the ml.niatrv. Biabop Robert C. Rusack of the Episcopal Diocese of Loa An1elea made the decision Friday, six montha after be bad suspended the four priest.a. 'Ibe defrocked priests are the Revs. John D. Barker and Elwood B. Trigg of St. Mary of the Angels, Hollywood ; William T. St. John Brown of St. Matthias, Sun Valley, and Forrest O. Miler of Our Savior's, Los Aneelea. .lapaane Plants In (].§.-, SAN DIEGO (AP> -Japanese automakers are interested in locating manufacturing plants In the United States and California "will be one of the logical aitea for such projects," Japan's am· buaador to the United Stales says. Fwnihiko Toao. here for briefings on Japan- U.S. relations, told reporters that questions of lax- es, environmental reaulattons and .,roflt potential remain to be answered before any auto plant sites are selected. Togo told the San Diego Union that California is a lolicai place for the site of a Japanese auto plant because the atat.e l& the largest U.S. market for Japanese auto makers. NOW /NEWPORT NEW/THE CHESSA DAVIS COLLECTION She person1lly presents her dressy 1epu1tes with trunk show and inform1I modef ing 11:30 to 3:30 tomorrow In Mt. Wiishire Sportswear, Newport. l'Wo-part hlrmony In rote and taupe, t-m·I. Polyester crepe de chine bloute, $53. Wool/polyester challf 1 stcJrt. $77. Ms. Wiishire Sporbwear, . Newport BW. • Rare l'ultor This baby white shark, a stranger in Santa Barbara waters, was captured alive by two local fishermen Wednesday. The year·old s hark, about four feet long and weighing nearly 75 pounds. was do mg well while be mg walked in the water by the two benef ac· tors Bill Sets 'Remote' LNG Site SACRAMENTO (AP) -CaWomia's first liq· uefied natural gas port would be at a remote site, ehm1nating Los Angeles Harbor and Ox- nard, under a com- promise bill 1n the legislature Top industry officials and key legislators negotiated the com- promise bill. They re· leased details Wednes- day, and 1et it for an In· ltial Assembly hearlna next Thursday. KEITH McKINNEY, president or Western LNG Associates. said the bill does not specify a site, but leans heavily toward Pt. Conception bec.'ause It Is the only in· dustry proposal that fits the measure's definition of remoteness. McKiMey said the Pt. Conception port could be built by tl\e summer of 1982 •t a cost or S600 million That's a year later than Oxnard or Loa Angeles Harbor could be completed. HOOVER'S. •• Mo. I Upright • Tip-toe Carpet selector low to shag. • Wrap around furniture guard • Cast aluminum chassis • All Jteel agitator • • Oufok and clean bag changer • 13Vi Quart bag capacity • Full time edge cleaning • Two speed motor 7990 ModafU4101 Attachment a Included ., HOOVER Convertible . • Low to shag adJUltments • Laui19 dlapoSabfe bag' • 3 Po&itton handle • Edge cteanl!"o • All stee1 agitator • • Furniture guard ._ Attachments optional l J. T!!ur!d!v.AuAuat 11~ 11'7 DAILY~LOT IA§ Brown 'Sp · ced Outl;i • • Governor Revea& Upbeat Y-uion SACRAMENTO CAP) -Jerry Brown bu a new meuaae -an up· beat vlslon of 1paceablpe, solar ener1y and a proaperoua new ''eraotpoqlblUUes. •• Tba 1loomy ta lk of limited resources, lowered expectations and an "era of limits" haa been muted. THE H ·.,.-EAR·OLD 1ovemor aaya St's not a cbanae. but a "ayn. thesis" ot ldeu. "Out of limits. posalbWties emerge,'' he uya. "Small may be beautltul on earth, but ln apace, bi&aer is better. "We still have very great Um.Its. But through apace development. we can monitor the oceans, the water and cropa, and husband our natural re· sources," be says. "IN FAcr. the two go toaether. They're in· tertwined and lntereoD· nect.ed. There b a •YD· thesis between ecoloay and technoloe1," Brown told reporters Wedn ... ( NEWSA!Y.,,Ll'SIS ) day, discu11tn1 the Space Daya aympoeium he it sponlOJ'inl today ln connection with the firat solo Oi&bt ot the apace sbutUe. "It's not a question or either-or. It's bolh·and. Llmlt.a make it possible for new dlacoveriea and new ideu co emer1e." The "era of limits" pbilosopblzin1 caucbt the public's fancy na· tionwide in Brown '1 s pectacular, late- starting campaign for the Democratic nomina· tion for president last year. But now the &rim HOOVER ••• Powerdrive.. • Forward or reverse with no effort automatically • Automatic rug ad1ustment • Triple filtered exhaust air , • Large dispoaable bag • All steel agitator • Full time edge cleaning • vtnyl furniture guard. 17495 Attachments Included PortdpOwer -. TODAY BROWN 1 s fond of talkln& a tot about apacelhlps. And he h11 in mlnd the real thing -manufactured m Calllomia, of coune' not the rhetorical crafb he noted when be talked earlier ol "planetary re- a 11 s m" and .. lha:. 1paee1hip earth." Some of the talk atrtk es critics a ~ downrilbt fiaky -IUCh a1 the concept that California may launch its own satellite. But Brown clearly has ~ political eye out for more practical aspects of b.ls space talk. . ..,· D IL\' PILO'.I' ~ITOBIAL PAGE ~ Poor PerforDlance -~ ...:;;-.,,. :. ....... ., ... ·-.... --: .. --"' ' .. 8~ 00\\ Or...nare County r idents should b • -.rru,lomt'd lo th foC1U1b •P«tacular e~ruxhrally t1ta1t'd by the county Board or Su pen i s<JI"• Th~ bnan1 ·~ blar k romf'dy lradltlon \\US k l alt\ t• 1 u~ay wh~n indicted c:oun 1~ Su~"''ur R.1lph 01<.'drich rPnd off Dia tnct \tlomt."V Ct•r1l Htck• '"1d tht•n abruptly "alk~ out of u budaet mt'CtJl\g After admlltma he rouldn't undertake,, 'tudy or tht• ct111trt<"l ~10rnf'y'tt hudget \\ lthout (e-elm.: b1ast•d, J.>iedrleh WU~ right an rl1~uahf~ mit h1m:-.l'lf from part1c1pation in th<.> hudRet debatt.> Ho~e\.E>r. he wa. ... .:r~i.ly wrong when h~ w;ed thl' hudget meeting tormat to air h1 i. per:-.onal gnevanct's against another elect t•ct official Such ~t'lf :>enr1n1 exercises have ln~come tommonplace on the Board or Supen·1i.or~ in recent years Without doubt the~ disrupt what should be the orderly con. duct of pubhc business. It is bad enouah to have elected public otfre1als under a cloud of suspicion while they go about their dulles. Displays such as Diedrich·s produce even more cynicism about the system of (:!overnment. Legal at Last Word reaches us that the Navy is going to ~1,·e up the church--The Trestles, that holiest and mos t inaccessible of surfing -.pots along our coast is going public. For years intrepid surfers have braved the wrath of the Mannes to sneak across Camp Pendleton property south of San <'lcmente to reach the wondrous waves of Tht' Trestle-, \nrl there \\.ere some hvely chases as :\I arines .,ought Lo defend their rightful hearhhcad But now the Navy has taken at least -.11me of the fun out of the game by making it ..ill quite legal. · .\ revision of the lease that enabled the State Parks Department to create San Onofre State Beach will add the 200-feet of heathfront at the mouth of San Mateo Creek. known as The Trestles. to the tntc·mannged beach park. There is no payment involved, but tho state must malntru..n tho property. The movo lncludt!d 1lvlnf( up an area reserved for enlisted men, but the Marines have retained another 61·acro beach section w ha ch the state hud been eyeing. The state parks folk say they will try to preserve the marshland at the mouth of the neek at The Trel)tles as a wlldlif e and plant habitat and bring back growth destroyed in ~1 armes · war l'tames The surfers should, and we're sure will .1ppreclate the Navy's generosity even Lho4&h i.ome of the <·hallenge of their game has been lost Car Repair Costs An insurance study analyzing current auto repair costs has come up with the r e markable conclusion that the bill to replace all the parts on a tolally wrecked 1977 stan- dard sedan with a factory price of $4,681 would come to exactly $21,471. That's figuring labor at $12 an hour and replacement with new parts. Obviously, no one is about to try repair- ing a totally wrecked car, but the study points out that at this rate, damage to less than one-fourth of the car's parts would bring the repair bill up to more than the . purchase price. And if only 10 percent of the parts had to be replaced, the repair bill still would exceed $2,000. The leap in car repair costs has been relatively recent. The cost of major front- end repairs on standard 1977 models runs from 70 to80 percent higher than the same re· pairs would have cost in a 1972 front- end collision. Contributing to this is an 80 percent in· c rease in the cost of parts and a 40 to 50 per· cent increase in labor charges. All of which presumably indicates that there's more behind those skyrocketing car insurance bills than a sudden upsurge in the number of bad drivers out there running in· Lo one another. . If this goes on, mass transit may be the only answer. The Initiative Process Reassurillg to Voters, Though Few Succeed Only three iniUative measures are currenUy in prospect for next June's primary ballot, according to Secretary of State March Fong Eu. None may make lt althoueh the drives currenUy under way have unW Jairuary 26 to gather the 499,846 signatures each must have to qualify for submission to the voters. Two of the proposals are aimed <il property tax refortns while the third would ban strikes by public '{ employes. s omething already barred by numerou s c ourt de - cisions . A fourth 1n - 1liaUve at- tempt, that deaiened to require a two-third s vote by the Legislature. to eoact any tax measure, hu aJ.ready failed to aather the neceuary qualifylnc signatures wit.hln the t1.rne llm1t. There b ample thne however for anyone to undertake a move· ment to place inlUatlvet oo the ballot at the 1eneral election in November, 1978. And, the record s hows that moat lnitlatlve measures which have appeared on the ballots ln the put have awaited the general electkml. In fact. lt bu ooly been ln re- cent years tbat lnitlatlvea have been submitted In pri111ary elec- tions with any frequency. Even then they have been scarce with only on tn each of the put three ( EARL WATERS ) geDeral etection.s. Of those only one pasaed. giving a 331,-\ percent averaie ol success. That is Just sU1bUy higher than the in- itiatives wbich have been aub· milted at general elections over the years. P&OVISIONS for tbe in· itiattn, referendum. and recall were campatp aolla of reform Governor Hiram Jobnsoa llDd were enaded by the LePJ,ature in 191L Stnee then the recall, although attempted on a fflW OC· c aelOl).I, tbe last directed at Roaald Reasan. has never made It to tbe ballot. The referendum llkewla8 hu f011Dd m.11 use wlth ODl1 14 reachhla the ballot llnce 1930 ud onl,y sbc ol tbo9e su~ ID fact tbe referendum bMD1 beeG relCllUd to aince 19'1 When labor faUflll In lta attempt to ovtrturn the l.A&klature'• ban oa MCDn· da.ry boycotts. Tbe wldeat u1•1• qfi, the Johalon reforms hd been' the In· itlativ.. which atDc. uao bu IMO 115 PC"OPOSala ~allh fW tlie ballot at• tenet al etectlooa IDd one ~aJ e&eeUoo htld la ~Mt, fo'I an a.,.ra1e of ~.8 ballot pr'QPCllltlau pe.-deeUoft. Tb.at~ m97 HCllD law to the ~c •blch l'eiularb' ~ an......, ol more tba.n le ballot pl"opQlltloi at uch •ecw"al election, with often the total be· 101 more than 20. The &realest number of ballot propositions slnc4' 1920 waa 80 in 1922 and the fewest wu 9 1n 1968. The fact la that most ot the measures have been placed there by the Leatalature and are either bond acta or conatltutional amend· menta. The greatest number of in- ltiative measures on any ballot wu 11 ln 1922 while only one ap- peared tn each ol seven elections and nane in the 1970 election. TBE G&BAT quantity of sl1natures aeceua.ry to qualify an lnltlatlve, nearly 500,000 valid nam111 which means aathering about 800,000 to 111ake certain, bu ade4 •a deterrent to would be bdtlatlve promoters, The rate of suaeesa must also d.tm the ai'dor ol many proponent.t. For deep6te qe IWM ofteo spent ln bebalf ot lnltlatlve proposals few• than aae out of three win YOW appreval. In the D 8eneral, one spedal i.Dd three prl1D81"f elecUoal l1nce iaao. anlJ 38ol118 loltllltift propoHll were passed b)' the vdA!n. Tbe lnittatm, often critized beeauae ot lta avallability to crackpot ~. nevertbeleu · l1 t'arclently defeDded by IOC.f\ lfOUPI • the State Qamtier ol Co~qam-ee u a vltal tool ol Hlt- 1ovenuneot. Uke t.be recall and ret~u111. seldom med and rarely euccaelult there seems a reaaaurance for the people that aucb methods exist f~r their ~e if needed. Misconceptions Abound Neutron Bomb Facts WASHJNGTON The people· poisoning neutron bomb bah become the summer's most emo· tional issue, yet 1t may not be quite the ogre iLc; critics claim. It is a nasty weapon, lo be sure, whose victims wall suffer violenl nausea, diar- rhea and other un - p 1 e as a nt '3y mptom s before they die. But many m isconcep· tions have been spread 'a bout the bomb. From White House, Pentagon and congressional sources, we have obtained anrormation that may help lo set the record straight: The neutron bomb has been portrayed as a weapon that kills people and spares buildings. It has become a symbol, therefore, of an inhuman military pollcy that sacrifices people in order to take over their property intact. In fact, the bomb is a defensive Dear Gloon1y Gus Praise the Lord for the congressmen who had sense enough to vote down Carter's gas tax, savine workers of California, especially, at lea.st $50 a year to drive to work. K.ft'. (JACK AN1>ERSON) weapon, whlch might help stop a Soviet invasion of Western Europe with reduced damage to the besieged cities. -BY REDUCING the blast. heat and fallout, the neutron bomb can be used with more pre· cision against the attackers. The objective is to destroy the ad- vancing forces. without devastat· ing allied property. An orrenslve would have the opposite objec- tive; tbe aim would be to destroy hostile territory, particularly military facllltie~. transportation lines and supply centers, so the enemy couldn't use them. The neutron bomb. therefore, would makt.> <1 poor of· fensive weapon. -Critics are fearful that field commanders would be tempted to use the bomb aa a conventional weapon because of its low yield. In fact. the bomb will become part of the nuclear an1enal. which is Wlder the direct control of the president. The arsenal already contains nuclear shelli. and warheads of lower yield. The neutron bomb. despite its re· duced blast, would destroy a few square miles or property. "It's a bii bomb not to be used casual ly." empbasited a White House adviser. -PENTAGON strategists warn that the allies would lose a conventional war with the Soviet Union on the Europe an mainland. I~ case of a Soviet at- tack, therefote, the United State~ must either strike back with nuclear wcllpons or abandon Europe. lt'a juat possible lhe neutron bon)b could stop an in- v aslon without a nuclear Armageddol'). "This will give the president an option that won't devitstute Europe." explained one of hts advisers. ''And lbe nussums will have to consider that optJon before they attack.·· Rep. M. Robert Carr. D·Mlch., a i.taunch congressional opponent of the arms race. agrees that the neutron bomb "will decrease the probability of war and lncreast- the probability of containing nuclear war should it occur." -The 1mpress1on i s -widespread that neutron bombs wall ht> added lo the nuclear stockpile. ~ctually, they will r e<pl ace ex is tang nuclear weapons. Rep. Carr in an un· published study also suggests: '"fhe neutron bomb should ena· ble us to reduce our total number <.1f tactical weapons in Europe - perhaps retiring three older weapons for each neutron bomb deployed." SOURCES CLOSE lo President Carter contend that he shouldn't ue held to the letter ot his cam- paign statements about nuclear weapons. ··A seasoned president appreciates the subtleties of his responsiblhlles more than a can· d1date can, .. said one associate. "While he's still a very idealistic man his fU"St duty is to make !>UI 1• the country can defend 1 I '<l'lf • <·Jn ~eys he will support the 1lt•\ t'lopmcnt of the neutron homh But he warns forcefully: · Ir I see evidence that the rele- \ ant dec1s1on-makers show any ,.~nc; of regarding the neutron homb as a tool to make nuclear \\ .1 r a routine operation, I shall 1,,. 1•ompellcd to oppose its 1 , o} rncnt. .. lie concludes: "Probably the most serious danger in the neutron bomb is the fact that. wh ale in itllelf it doesn't make a ~reat deal of difference one way or the other, it has distracted public attention fro'm more ~ignlficant national defense is- .SUE'S • ' Cockfightirig Language '\ [ J eyes on another male fowl oo his CHARLES territory. Slloe.o U.. Urit• feolber had more MeCABE than pasat~ interest. A kind ot '-----------fightiq ~ the WhitebackeJ, the1e tenna wu recentlJ made by William Baa.croft Mellor in the IJJl'libtlf and acbolarly Uttle quarterly for word freaks, Vnbt.6n. AmoQa eoeters• term• in cur· rent use: ,,..-0 out on. o Jfohl, /l11· big U.. CIOOJ>, ctdrrig, G t.oifto, dfod QGfM. CockoJ. IM~ c:om• from the ~ pracUce of puttlnr the cocka out on country "walks•' where Cher are no other roo1~. Thia bardent tbeU· bod.leii ud lilooltl their esoes to the pQlbt where tbe eoek ..rill DClt stand lbe lll'eMDt9 of any ottier male fowl. H• llM9 •a..,,. deeeribes a ooct1'1da -~. Wlnc&Pdbl .t)'le tbat bloft qp a small~ ricue at dull ftWl u.. Pit noar. c ....... to~ rel4R'1 to the -~'. .111111 ta .. , Jill'.fJOor. ,,.,. cCa ii PiMtd WlJa4 It blfON tlte~ftaM. u .. f.U. to,. -..rt1' 10 the mark to meet bl.I foe lie it Mlil IMllt &o "come up to ~·, bu white nun at the bue ti its tall. Some other ftahtin1 cocks do ai.o. When tbe tall of ooe ~ t.bese birds Is drooped duri.Qa' a f".Pt. aod the cock aetnowledaes de· feat, the ~U nutt Showa plain· ly, while nortnally covered by the saddle and tail feathers. MY fAVORrrE contribution or the· wottd of cocking to our lanauaae la ~ exprealon bfJ> 11our peclm tip. Thia ls a perfectly normal expression ln Britain. wb... t me to be ol aoc..t counge. Tbe upreuioa refea to lhe aamecoct'a bill Whea tho bird 11 tired md neat defeat. ll keep11 atQktnc lower end lowet- towanl the lrOQDd. Thant JCU. ,' Mr.Jlelb • DAILY PILOT ..,.._ ---·. .. ---~ -- • ~ .. • . ' Abortion Aid. COntinlles It's HAWTHORNE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS for the right start In life State Aaaistance Holds Despite Fund Cutoff s,,11t Oscar-winning cs(·tor George Kenned) csnd his Wtfe. Revel. have 'eparated after 18 years of marriage They h ave tw o children ACRAM ,NTO <AP> Oov Edmund Brown Jr ••Y ' California plan.a to continue Lo pay few abortion.a lot low-lncomt women deaplte any cutort of federal funds. Rut the 0.mocraUc 1ovemor HJd he wun't prepared t.o talk about how Iona California will continue payln1 for Medl·Cal abortJon.11 or where \be money will come from lf Pre11dent Carter'• adcninlslratlon con linue. iu cutoff ol federal funds aaowN DISCUSSED the abortJoa iuue in a question-and answer seuioo Wednesday at a symposium of female public ol f1c1als and continued the di~ cuu100 with reporters at an am promptu news conference. "The law in California 1s gomg lo cooUnue as it wu, ·· Brown said, but he declined to 1lve details. "It's a s ufficiently complex le1al qu•hon that I'm not ready to a1ve an opinion on it It's not t'ven clear that there are addi- tional coeta, ·•Brown aaid "I DON'T REALLY think U's the money thal'a at iasue. It's the principle." be added in a con· venation with reporters Currently, about half of the 140,000 abortions performed an· nually in CaUlornla are paid for by Medi·Cal, which Is financed in part by atate and an part by federal funds. But varlout authorities have offered different estimates of the 1mpaclof a cutoff of federai abor· uon fund.a STATE SEN. ARLt.N Gregono !0-San Mateo> ~aid about 15,000 of the 70,000 Medi-C al financed abortions last year were paid solely with slate funds whale federal funds, covered 90 percent of the $18S-per-pat1ent cost of the other SS,000 Medi-Cal abortions. Gregorio, who has authored legJslaUon for the state to cover any abortion funda cut oft by t.be federal government, said it will cost California up to &2t mJllJoa to continue the abortioa p.roaram at cWTent levels this year. ' But Brown uid the tiaure ml&ht be less than that, and possibly nothing at an. He also said he is still expects the U.S. Senate to restore the abortion funds, which both the House and Carter are trying to cut. MEANWHILE, NO matter where the funds ultimately come from. California cannot cut any Medi-Cal service without 10 days' notice, and Brown said• Ki1def1,,ten 111111 Ith Gtlde • All ~ dassa EllMlt~- Fan Semeater Startt Tuelday, SepL I Reglatratlon Fee ONLY S20 • Reaaonable Tuition T1on>QOttol'°" Avoloble -C!\.lct.;. of a1I foit. en ··-··-·-111111!--we1Cl)"10 -h fl KhOO•I< "~d -teo<:hin9 the 4 ~--ICk>inr) 1 ... 11. pi,o...cs), wnl°"') )1111,metlC. ·~·~ FOUNTAIN VALLEY • 16835 Brookhurst 1ust n0tlll of Watrter 714-962-3312 A Pmatr School ol Otsl1nchon Founded in 1942" there are no plans lo issue such a ___ ....;;...._------------------.,.-------notice.· ·'I think that 1f abortion ts wrong, it should be wron1 for everyone," Brown told the sym- posium. Clvll Grumbling ... Gloomy Gus In the DAILY PILOT -::::================================================================i Mexican Aide: . ; • l ~!·l Respect Aliens '~1 ALBUQUERQUE CAP) Americans asked for : t cheap Mexican labor in the put, and now should respect the right.a or illegal allena in the United l States, said Mexico's representative to the national • ~ GI Forum convention l Raul R6el Martinez said President Carter's proposal of amnesty for Illegal aliens is a "good ! measure." but that the solution to the illegal alien · . J problem must be based on human rights • • "WE ARE A COUNTRY of 65 million and we • I don 't have enough jobs. But you have to understand t1 we believe an international rights," he said Wednes- day l 11 "We are not ashamed to accept that we are poor," Martinez, speaking through an interpreter. added. "But the solution doesn't only belong with Mexico " Martinez also s aid the average per capita in· come of Americans is about $16,000, while the in· come of a Mexican alien living in the United States 1s a bout $700. MARTINEZ ALSO SAJD his country recognizes that illegal aliens are a problem in the United States, but said Americans must remember that during World War I and World War II, while Americans were fighting, Mexicans were taking care of the fields and industries in the United States. Mexico is as worried as the tlnited States 1s about the problem, which was a major topic of di»· cusslon In meetings between Mexican President _ Jose Lopez Portillo and Carter. Martinez said. He said that any solutlona to the problem will come from meetings to be held between represen- tatives of t.be two countries. Martinez did not I specify a date for the dlscusaiona, but said "solu- tions will come soon." a Some 3,000 deleaatea reaiatered for t.be conven- tion, which orcanlzera said would discuss a variety of issues of interest to Spanish Americans. The con- vention is to continue for a week. · ~ Connnittee Rejects Union Rights Bill # SACRAMENTO (AP> -The year's major col· lecllve bargaining bill, to expand union ri&bta of some 100,000 University of California and state-col· lege employes. has been defeated by a Senate com· mittee. But supporters of AB 1091 by Assemblyman Howard Berman (D-Beverly Hills) quietly huddled Wednesday t.o try to work out amendments that would keep tbe bill alive for this year. THE BILL FAILED passaae on a 7-4 vote in the Senate Education Committee. which the measure must clear this week to have a chance to take effect in 1978.. Berman aald he would try for another vote. The acUon wu a m.;o ... victory for UC and Calilornla State University and Colle1e officials whohad•troollY oppGled the bill. n WOtJLD HA VE extended to public college employea the same collecUve bargainlna rights won by public school employes ln 1175. the 1tate'a only public work era with thou rlabta. The measure would allow them to choose a panel to bar1atn wltb school ottlclala about wqes and worklna cond.ltlon1. Salary aareementa would be subject t.o appropriation ol the money by the leelalature. ••1 think p«1ple Just have dee]> reservatloa.s a~t the ilffect ot tb1t proeeu Clft the eovernance ol hll)ler ectUeatlon/' UC spok•man a.Ye Ardlttl told rePGll'tMI· u. mo Nici t.be ·~ct blraalDJ.nt eoaJd m.. tnadelDtO icadelillo m.u.n. • .. .. ... •' Celebrate' weve put together f al IS best parts. Catch the excltementf Arthur Richards mixes son. soft challis with the cream of the corduroys. mo great textures. Three Important parts. What a matchl Ifs your supersult. Dress. Skirt. Blouse. The blouse. $40. Skirt. $50. In batik prtm rayon challls. The Eton Jacket. Beige cotton corduroy. $130. Sizes 4-14. Just one of the great fashion Ideas from Newport, where we're celebrating our 1oth birthday with style! Designer Sportswear. 104. Shop Thursday and Friday 1[µ]. • 'I , .l , ... .. . . •' . .. . ' I • I! I 1 ---· ... • --~-~---.l 'Plain Talk' for GOP Badbam Says Party Should Reach the People .,o.c.uumNG .... _.. .......... ep.abllcan Coa1re11man llobert Badbam of Newport ISeKb u.ya the OOP wlll rebuthl t elf caly lhrouah plain and can· 4ld ~peaktna to vottra. "Our titaeet drawback!' he aald ln a talk at UC Irvine ... la that RepubUcana say it wrona. They lt.mM1 around at parties and Wk to each other an b11 w()('da." Badham u1d Republicans have found difficulty relatin& real pollUcal 1s'luet1 to voters. .. TEu.ING IT HOW 1l 1s," he aa1d, as lhe w;;y the party will ex- pand tta membenhip, wbicb now is just over 20 percent of national registered voters. The fre-.hman congreiisman who served seven term.a in th~ C alllorma Leaialature, talked W ednelday to about 40 secondary school teachers attendlni the an- nual Robert A Taft lnt.Utute of Government Seminar. In other remarks, Badham ~cored the f1rbl :.ix months of the Carter adm1n1strat1on "mediocre to poor." li e l-ia1d Pres1dt•nt Carter bu abown a reluctance to \lfOtk with th• Con1re11. and - through "clever timl.ni" -•ten- dency to introduce important new pro£rams when Coniresa ls in recess. Badham, junior member ol the House Armed Se:rvloe1 Commit· tee, said moce of Lba1 body's closed meetings to dlacuu ·classified" malerail about U.S defense should be opened to the public. ••• BIU.S BY state Sen. Dennis Carpenter (R-Newport Beach> that would make it harder for criminal defendents to gain freedom on ball have been shunt ed into interim study. Action by tbe A11embly Crlmlnal JUttice Committee meas tbat a whole 1ertee ol bl111, lncludlnc the two b1 Carpenter, wllt have to wait aootber year betore they are COD· alct.ed apln. A ccmmit&ee member . aaid the actlan w• taken because there have~ many bUla on the aub- ject lntl"oduced thla aeNlon and committee members felt lt would be better to atudy them all at the sametlme. CABPENTEB'S 88 461 would greatly restrict tht practice ol r•l•uln1 oo ball people who have been convicted and are awaiting appeal. Proponents aay it would curb convicted criminala such •dope peddlen who often IO back into business as soon as they make bail in order to pay their lawyers. SCA 34, also by Carpenter, would put a constitutional amendment proposal on the ballot to deny bail to defendants who "may pose an extreme or un- usual threat to the judicial pro- cess or the public safety," as de- termined by a hearing. ESTATE JEWELRY & Precious Cargo Fine Crystal, Porcelains, China, Bronzes, Rugs, Furniture, Silver, Oils, etc. \LF.VF.LANU <AP 1 An 1-"BJ a~ent here alert cd by a traniiport rental J ).!<•nl in Antonu found S 7'i,OOO worth of .... c·ulpture in silver and olht·r valuable metab \\hen he opened the doors of a rental truck, the 1-'Hll.ays The Clt·vcland FRI agent.a said Wedneaday the sculpture, the work ot Israeli artist Aqbaron Bezalel, was at.olen July 20 while en route from a New York City show to a Chicago gallery The Phoenix central di<ipatcher for U-Haul re· ported recovery of a U- H au I truok at a Cleveland rental outlel. leading to the recovery or the sculpture Lawyer Jailed SA'll Olf:GO !AP> J\ n attorney con" 1 Cl(•d of . h<'lping cmbeule union pension funds ha~ been ..,(•ntenced to five years in f(•dcral prison Robert A n d r <' <· n . a t • w a s a formt•r attorn l•y for Lo« .11 89 of lhl' I ntcrna- t111nal Lahorn-. L'nion of North Amt•rit·a • 1% Million Dollars Worth~ Don't miss this important sale! 5 Lou of di1mond 10lit1ir111nd du11en. F1n1 ~ Friday Night m111'11nd l1dit1 watches. rinp, lll'finp, ~~ br1celtts, necklacel. etc., •t with di•· Al.Ill monds, tmtr1ld1, rubies, 11pphim. " · --:J• 12 • 8 pm SMtal i"'portant llrtt tmtrafd1 IMSPICTIOM: and 11pphir11. ~ PllDA Y. AUG. 1 Zttl • *' * • • • • • • • • • .... ~ I 7 I ' . .__. ,.... . ,.. . . Fine crystal, china sets, Property mcwed tor conwnlllnoe European furniture, ot 11•• to· bronzes, rugs, oils Ne rt Ga II. • and many other wpo er1es items. ,_ • Ltd. Hundreds of ~ 2542wEsr coAsr HIG~wA~ Newport Beach, California gold ~ Aero• th• ttrMt from -of the flnnt waterfront rettauranu In 5outhem c.llfornle. chains lB Contact UI for info on our Saturday and Sundiy night lllts this wnk. Fl'H Adm1Nlo~ Pl/b/IC Mid Tl"MS: BriAmericard · MaterChetge =!,'!,. q Penonal ctiedl • C•lh · Some e11c.nded tenn• cen be arrenoed (714) 645-2200 CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED UNTIL 6 p.m. FRIDAY Art Levine • Auctioneer -·.::: -:.· ·. ·-. .-.~ ~O)f~ ..z:·.~ 11.S.corutrudlonon IM Ponomo Canal 1'qan'l The ~ wn 1'°4 •nd ttNt • Pl•n W•t to OPttt • Wltw., W•l' .a'OU ffW IStltmUI of. P•Mm• for ~ ,,,. P.clflc •nif::Aftantie Oe»af'll, Under tlWl · '"'*' .. vision "' G.W. GoenYI• ttNt df'fam bKame • ,..., .. lty and pn AWUlt 1S, 191' "" f ,,,, ,,..,,,,,, ,,..,.,..,.. 7Rt:~ :r NIIMI 2S ,,..n Hrller on the ,,,...,,,, L.09 An- ' 1lteofthe ..... CltY Hall, tM John Sloeser Cltl'pet Co. t>eo•n sellf ng trne carwts to Southland homn •nd bulldlno • refJClfaHon un-matctted In ttte Southland. It's vour euarantH of complete satisfaction When V0U Mxf Ptln:hlN carpet, draperln or vinyl floorlMI. • • • the OLDEST carpet retailer in So. Calif. CARPET 1 DRAPERIES• VINYL and PARQUET FLOORING t WALLCOVERING ANNUAL SUMMER SAVINGS SALE Prices good thru August 31st FREE CARPET PADDING FOR ANY RESIDENTIAL CARPET PURCHASE WE WILL PROVIDE AN EQUAL AMOUNT OF PADDING. • .• FREEi! W• carry a complete .. \ectlon of AIM111lON0 •&aor care Prochtct• C.ollto"•'t Corr«•ort L-117111 -c-~. l~z 'Wt future Bruce Rtll Olk Floorint. Live a llttte with n-; tradttlonal elegance and dassk look of solid oak floors '"from '2.91 sq, ft. installed. ~ 103 FM STEREO SOUNDS or THE HARBOR C>The Gap Store lnc.1977 , ......... seller of Levis-The Gap. 1h I' { ' 'I :v., : r· i ; ·~ • l ... Nessie Appears \ 1-.1tor.., to Little.· Sc1uJm Lake in Holder nt•s .... '\ 11 rccenth :-.aw this unusual look 111g monster lloutang about She's the late'>l r ~ncl1t1011 CJf lht• Lock :'liess monster don<• up tor tht· <111nual Squam Lakes Opt•n. an .dtt•rnall\ c hc>at rac:c meet H :n Banned Drug } Still in Use • f, WASHINGTON CAP> ·Two weeks after HEW . ~· Secretary Joseph A: Califano Jr. banned a widely used ant1dtabet1c drug as "an imminent hazard to the public hee1lth," the Food and Drug Administra- tion <FDA> hai. advised patients taking the drui to consult their physicians --------- about sw1tchinJ.: lo other d h therap) un er l e trade names }o'()A comm1ss1on<•rDB I Jnd DB I -TD Donald Kenned), in the ~~nufactured hy C1ba- f1r st public comment (,e1~y and Mellrol from the Dcparlm<•nt of m anufuclured by USV Health. Education und Pharmareut1cal1' Welfare CHEW > s1n1·e the bun wus announced. W cdne ... c1a~ su1d diabetics "sht>uld not discontinue taking phen forman without consult- ing lh~1r phys1c1uns " Jobless Ra.te Vp CALl•'ANO an -J Stat nounced '" a 66 page n e legal doc1.1ment on July 25 that the drug phen SACRAMENTO CAP > -' formm. used by . some The unemployment , 350:000 diabetics in the rate in Cali!ornia United States. was being clam bed half a percent in 1 ~ obrdered o,rr tdhe dml arkdet July. up to 7 4 percent, ecause o a ea Y M e the state has reported. effect that sometimes At the same time the s trikes patients taking Jobless total was' the the drug lowest in JO months and Kennedy noted that the number of un phenformm ~111 continue employed continued to to be avaal~ble ror drop. but the decline general use until Oct 23. • was less than normal " when the ban lakes cf· tt'!e state Employme~t feet, "!IO that there con Development Depart- be an orderly transition mentsaid Wednesday t • I by patients to other · therapy " BF.CAUSE THE decline was less than ~ ~T T 11 F. .de P 11 r.t normal. "the seasonally- f!'Cnl 8 public inform.a adjusted unemployment t1on officials had bel'n tn· rate moved up .. the d _ i1tr uctcd •'not to go . • e • .. , partment said. beyond the 0Cflc1al or-Frank Merle a dep rt· der in answering ques . · a lions Some officials menl sPokes.man, said a nonethelesi. advised normal decline for July callers to see their doc in unemployment would tors have been about 72,000 · but 1t was only 21,300 Phenformin 1s market causing the unemploy- fd in the United State~ ment rate to climb Carter. Aides 'Addlepated' WASIUNGTON <AP> -President Carter hQ surrounded himself with aaalstanta who are, for the most part. young, bright and level-headed. Some also are absent-minded. EXAMPLE: A SPECIAL ASSISTANT, offered a ride home from a party at a downtown hotel. had his beneractor drive him to the Chevy Chue secllon of the city Once there. th~y cruised down atreet afler street. for nearly an hour. until the Carter mun recoanized his own house. ll seem his wife drives him to and from the White House so ht really has scan~ motivation for rememberina where hellv :.· _,.= ~~ -----............... ~----"' ------·-1Jl'lllf>- ' .. WE BEUEVE1111AT PEOPLE have a right to live and to die the way they want." said Sharon H. Imbul. co-author of the report with other re· searchers at the boepltal. "People have a right ta make their own decisions and to know what's hap- pening to them," abeuld in an interview. During the paat two years, 24 severely burned adults who unged in age from 19 to 90 were ad- mitted to the the hospital's bum center. Doctors checked medical records ln each case and found that no one whose burns and age matched the vic- tim's had ever survived. When given a choice ot treatment, all but three .. .. ~'"' ... , . ' -,. 1500 of them decided they wanted only basic care and pain medicine. All 24 later died. In such cases. the center's most experienced doctor tells the patient of bis condition. No family members are allowed in the room. THE DOCTOR .. TRIES TO uaume the role of a compassionate friend who la wil11nc to listen," the researchers wrote. "Hands are often held, and an effort ls made to look deeply into the patient's eyes to perceive the unspoken quesUooa that may lie there." · Most patients accept the aeriouanesa of their ~ituation. . . .. The very frequent question -·Am I going to die?' -is answered truthfully by the statement, •we cannot predict the future . We can only aay that, to our knowledce. no one in the put of your age and with your alze of burn has ever sur· vived thl5 injury, with or without maximal treat- ment,• "the researchers wrote. ONCE THE DECISION Is made to die without a struggle. the patients become peaceful. the re- searchers said "They then try to live their lives completely and fully to the end, saying things that they must say to those important to them. making proper plans, preparations and apolo11es." .... :. ' ,.,'t . , .... to.Qbtain Decision· The minority who want all th al med1cabc1 can give them 'are put in the burn center•, int care unit. ...~. The researcher' told of two sisters, a&ed 0 10, who were burned in a car accident. The you was burned over 92 percent ol her body and older over 96 percent. 1 4 THE YOUNGt:R, WHEN told about her cond~ tJon, replied: "Well, I never dreamed that life would end like thla, but since we all have to go sometime, I'd like to ao quietly and comfortably.'' The older sister, consulted 1>eparately, could not believe she was so badly injured. ··1 feel so good," she said. "Wouldn't I be h\ll1.ln& horribly if l were going to die?'' Finally, the woman refused full therapy but de- nied she was dying. THEN, THE RESEARCHEBS wrote, .. lbe sis- ter's beds were placed next to each other so that they could see and touch each other easily. They discussed funeral arrangements and then joked, an the next breath, a bout the damage done to their hair. The hospital chaplain prayed with them." The younger sister died several hours later, and the older died the next da)'. ... ... .. • • ... \ .... -.. -·-·----~-··-----.. .. ___ ... ____ ,...._~-- QUHNIE Iv 'hll lnttrlondl 'Whale' Blimp Nl.Xed Help Needed Saddlebaet Com · muntty a-.,1p Ual ls Planners Shoot Doun Advertising BalWon aeekinl " luat..-1 to ttat't the bOUtlque ahop, located ln th• maln lobby of tho holpltal. at 2~1 Via Estrada. La1una Hills. BJ aOBERT IAJlUa ..... o.1 ............. ''WUllt lht Whale," a lar•e advertislnc blimp that hu flown hllh over t.bt San Dle10 and Garden G rov (rww aye 1lnet 1974, hu been ahot down. The Westminster Plannlne Commi11lon voted 3·1 lo deny a yur's extension tor Sunset Ford lo fly thti hellum·fUled adverUalnt device. The blimp haa stirred crtUclsm from residents who chum ll UJ an eyesore and a hazard lo traffic. AN AUDIENCE OF %00 appeared at Monday niaht '11 meetma and petlllons both for and against Wiiiie contalned more than 2.000 signatures. Sul\$cl Ford Sales Manager Jim Hanson said the company has filed an appeal or lhe planning commiJaion action. "For the moment, Willie has been temporarily retired to h1a launchlna platform," Hanson aaid. He aald Willie won't be holated 11ain unW alter the Aue. 22 appeal 10 u not to alienate anyone. .. I've never trusted a JMn who donn'l work behind a dHk." HANSON SAID THE 29-root. blue and white blimp which bu become known by his rans as "Willie the Whale" is nol only loved by children but baa accounted for about 30 percent of the aeeocy's busine&S. Judge Sues Media Hanson said lhe blimp wu installed because · In Tick e t Incide nt Home Exemptions Increase in State . . Radio Stut1on KPOL, the Los Angeles Times and employes or both or ganizataons have heen sued for more than $10 million in damages by a retir e d Los Angeles municipal court Judge. Judge Joseph Grillo claims in the two Orange County Superior Court actions that the station and the newspaper ex- posed hlm lo ridicule and contempt an October, 1976. T HE COMMENTS by both defendants stem from Gnllo's Jailing of a Los Angele!> Count y clerical worker who was cited by the judge for contempt after he re- fused to give Grillo an airline ticket lo Sacramento Dedication Scheduled AtIJbrary Orange County Supervisor Philip An· thony and Westmmsler Mayor Joy Neugebauer will be among !tpeakers at the Aug. 21 dedication ceremony for the new Westminster branch library. The 12 ·30 p .m . ceremony will be held at the library, 8180 13th Sl., Westminster. The public is Invited. The $830,000 library, open to the public since June 27, is the Orange County Library's 26th branch raclllty. Other speakers al the Aug. 21 ceremony will be County Ubrarian Harry Rowe Jr. and Lois Hart, president, Friends of the Westminster Library. The 18,000·square foot building conta1ns 85,000 books. nearly 500 periodicals and more than 2,000 records, coun· ty omctals said. It wUI • serve residents or Hunt· • in&ton Beach , Garden Grove, Midway City and Westminster. The build· in1 also conlalns a com· m unity meeting room for 100 and a chlldren'a atory area with an am · phlt.beatre, Meetings Planned Los J\n~cles County Our Ass<><.·iation officials who 1nvei.l1gatcd the in · t 1dcnt !taJd Grillo wanted the airline ticket as part of hii; plan to lobby for more judges in the state capital. GRILLO CLAIMS in the two lawsuits that comments on his alleged actions by both the radio s tati o n a nd the newspaper amounted to libel. SACRAMENTO 1/\P) The number of ho meowner property tax exemptions worth about S200 each has increased by 130,900 to a new statewide total lo 3 89 million, officials say. The State Board of Equalization said the in· crease reflects the number of new single-family houses buHt during the past year. Since 1973, state law has provided for the ex· emption of Sl,750 of assessed value or $7,000 or fuJI cash value for a qualified homeowner. The state expects to reimburse counties $800 m illion this year for the exemptions, an Increase of about $:W m11hon from 1976. The corduroy suit never looked better. Now, pre-season priced. This fall. co11on corduroy comes into Hs own with all the fashion and refinements of more expensive suits. Vested, of course, with tapered silhouette, soft shouldef'S, hacking pockels (note real ticket pocket) side vcnls and removeabte storm tab. On the in· side full satin lining and lc•Jr u111tty pockels II alladds up to great fashion and great value. Regular and long sizes. Reg. 95 00 Pre-season price 69.90 trees had obscured the aaency rrom the freeways. He l&ld lhe bUmp, which rues 80 feet hl1h. WU the best way to attract customere. WESTMINSTER PLANNING Director Jerry Kenny said that trees and veaetaUon have been trimmed and the a1ency la now vlaible. ORANGE COUNTY lnter1'6ted people may call Betty BuJkey, volunteer chairman at 581·1'51. or the sift shop. 837-4500, extension 150. He Indic ated that plannJnt comml11loners pro-bably relt that Willie had outUved its usefulness. ----""-.._ ____ ....._ ________ _ It hliB been n ymg under a number of temporary WAN' TED perm1ts since 1974 Wiilie •~actu ally the third blimp to fly over the agency. It was Installed last month DIAllONDS • GEMSTONES HANSON SAID THAT Wallie I and Willle t• Jewels by Josepha 11 Harchlng for diamond• and were World War 11 barra1e balloons lbat were oemstonee from ptlvate lndlVlduala and-~ Car91ul purcha~ed as war surplus. e11amlnatlon al'ld evaluation by our •Xl*tS. Highatt He 1aid the latest edJUon was bou1ht from a prtca.s paid. call 540-toee 10.9 dally, Saturd-r 1o-e, balloon maker for $3.~. ~ur.d-r cloMd. Mk foi Batty Qraoe or Frank V.,darWall "It ls more aerodynamic and more esthetic je· wel s by •ioseph than its predeces1or11, •'Hanson said. "We wouldn't have the whale ti we dJdn't need him," he said. "l can't see any harm and the ldds South COMt Pfua. 3333 Brt1to1. CoataMesa• ~9098 loveblm." BACK TO SCHOOL WITH $AVING$ ------_______ , -------------., •• #501 MEN'S : : I I SHRINK TO FlT!:' ,----·-· ... '' .... .... # .. --,.---• --·-;; I AT OUR ·<,.··/' I' • \ COMPETITORS ·., FIRST QUALITY ; .' \ ', '13'° 999 ,·,· ·.'. NOW :: ' \.. *.,II, ~ .. -,: ......... _ ___ ... -; ..... ·"' -.... :....... ,,.;_,,, .................... .,.·: ... , --·----------, ----------·--,. ... MEN'S •• '. DENIM BELLS :':' ~· ------------... , ';, ... -.. -.. : :'... . .'"'----. --: : ~ I I "TOU.R -~'··· .... • •• ' ' " .. . . ~ 1 1 COMPETITORS • ,1199 1 • : • •16• :.· .. NOW " • t I• ,, ~· -. .. · ... _ ,,'-.-' ... .... :-... ... ..... ,, 1' -.. : ... · ......... :.---::::,--' -. ' ·-----------·-, BOYS' /STUDENTS' I : : HUSKIES : ·' \ \ CORD BELLS f :' .,.-----------,, ,, .. -··-ot1iit--... --~-·-.:-.,,.,,, ~· --~-... .· .. -&· 'h ''ATOU1t ··~'/,•'SIZES ,, \ ~ C:OMP£TITORS • ·' 4' 7 : ; \ l -··14'° 099 ' I I I •7.,; 8 14 a --II ~~·~.~w 2636 11~~-:!:' ...... :.:.: .. -_·:, ,,-;:· ........ , wo mEns DEPC. COIDUROY IWll Sir• ~13 Available In Brown & Navy ALSO FROM ORGAHICALL Y GROWN: (2) PATCH POCIP CGIDUIOY PAIT Sizes 5·13 •15 00 Av11lablt in 8fown & N111Y • -Shftn with stripe tow! from a 1roup of cowt and V n«k swtatlft from Sal\ ftafte!ICO &¥Wtattt t•s - MEN'S CORD BELLS !:' ' .... -----... ----::::~' -,~.-.. -----.. :-....... . ---..... ,... .... .. ... .. , 1 ', AT OUR ':-·, ', FIRST QUAUTY : ,' I ' COMPETITORS •• <.1_~"Now 11 ~~J '--·:::~·:---·' ::::>-...... __ ... MEN'S • I NUVO FLARES :: . '.----------... _ ., <; .. -··---... :::....... , ..... _:---·---:~ t ... ... , , • ~ AT OUR • ... :··/ ,, .. ~ ~ COMPETITO~ 1399 : ,· ',I '1600 I I ~·. NOW · :: • "· ,,..,.4 ... -.: ......... ·.:....... ...--;:': , ... · ... .. ..... ,.. ... , ._ ..... : ... ·:, .,,."" ...... -... ----·--, .. ·------------.,. .. BOYS' /STUDENTS' I i ! HUSKIES • • t I ~I DENIM BELLS ;: , .... ----.... ....--·-· ... f l ... -·---..... ...--_ .... -..... :....., '*'--........... 4* ,• ," 11 •:TOUR •,:'~·:.,' '' ,,., . 149 ·· • • COMPETITORS •' SIZES • . ~I •121t,615'° 8·14 I ' •' 199 .. \~~-~ow 2636 1 _,.!J .... -... ~ ...... ., ...... ............. ,..,,.,,,., ... .. _ ... _ .. ::::;::.- rOOCWEAR . liilli LADY FR1E BOOT SALE: VAlUtSTO $62.00 MOW . •4U9 . OTfflA fN VALUES UP TO $70.00 : f. · NOW AS LOW AS '49.99 r ALSO UMIT£0 QUANTITIU Of °.( OTH£1t a1 • LADY FRYE "OW a-i9.91· AS LOWAS~.J ~. ACME LlDY'S IOOTS VMUISTOW.00 .... 00 '26. OTH£R ACME LADrS IOOTS AS AS'11M -. .. , .. , ..... '~Ollfl Hairs' Televi5ton critic Gent> Shalll. left. and Boston Pops conductor Arthur Fielder c heck scor es during rehearsal for a performance near Lenox . .\las~ Shalit ts narrator fro .. Peter and the Wolf " He descnbes h1mst.'lr as a "serious" musician and bas.soon player . For the Record ·" ........ IAMQ.8M8NT8 O.Na•ALHOSl'ITAL ,.,., .. tm Mr. -Mrs. IC-.tll Attrlov•r, 0- Pelnt. boy Mr17,tm Mr. -Mrs. DeYld o.etly, EI T«-. 91rt Mr -~ Ml<"-1 F .. ney, ~n J 11M1 c:..itar-• ...., ,,.., ., , "" Mr -Mrs. _..,..., .._, Jr , S.11 J-c:.HI·-· 91rl Mr __. Mrt. •-rt Wtlr , S.11 ,_,.,,, Mr -M••. Ollllert S.M, S.11 , .......... r1 .JW/ly •• "'" Mr -"'"' • .., P9ttrMn, S... J ... n Cff•tt .... bo'f , .. ,Jl,1''7 Mr -""" •on•ld ICf\W S•n c•-.oirt Mr -Mn IC-I" Oo-. ~ Cl-•.glrl · rtaCI ll0114MS SMITHS' MOtn'UAIY 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 PllKPAMILY COl.OMIAL "'MllAI. HOMI 7801 Bolsa Ave Westminster 893·3525 rACIHC YllW MEMORIAL rAllC Cemetery Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pac1f1c View Dnve Newport Cahlorn1a 644-2700 McCORMICK WO ITU All IS Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495.1779 IALTZ-aH•llOM llUMllAL HOMI Corona del Mar 6 73-9"50 Costa Mesa 646-2424 llU'llOADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·91 50 Deaths Elsewhere CHICAGO (AP> - Florene Fenchel, 76 • sister of the late come· d1an Jack Benny, died at her home Tuesday night. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. CAP> -Dr. Grete Leimer Blbrla&. a pro· tege and later an as- sociate of Sigmund Freud, died at her home here Wednesday. She was 78. LOS ANGELES (AP> -Vlnce BarneU. a mov. 1e comedian wbo became so well known as a pro- fessional pul·On arwt that it was hard for HT"h) to carry off his routines · without being detected, died Wednesday. He was 75. Death Notlre• CA•UON JOHN CA•~.,...._ tJ/I Corona def Mer, Cettlornle. Pentd awey AllQu•l I. lt77 Survtwd by wile Ka,..,, <hllOren •andY and Bonnie, fat ... r C. C. (l(tpl C...rl....,, motMr Elinore C...rtson, Onterlo, Ca Granclfat,..r <>tear H., C•rfton, Auror•. Mo. Memortel "'"'c•~ 11 OOAM Fri • Auo. 12 •I Pac ti I< 111-Owtpel I i.rtnent wl ti N private In IMN of 1-n. ,_.,,..,. .. conlrlbuOon• to ,,.. Amerle._ Haert Auoclallon. Peclflc llltw -"MY Oire<lor. CA•l'l!NTa• MAOo.t.LENS N (ARl'ENTE!t, , .. ••d~t of ~I S.ech, (alllomla PH~,,_.., ..._,.,I, 1'77. s-IW<I by ..... -""'*· de"91119" Jodv. '°" Mk'-'· moth« G•ICle 1o1ar .. u. ClowN'(, Ca , skier JecqwCIN H-. Oow,.ey, Ce ., .,.,.. .. ., Jolol' I'. Cert>tnlw ,..,..,., ~k" ll:OOAM. Set., ""9 !ht "9<111< II 1ew 0\8Clel. 1 ... 1tr,,,..,I at Pacific Vl.w Me,_lel Par-P9ClllC II-M9t"-Y dlr9<tors. WAD• OOH OICKIN~ WAO& Jll., ....,_ dent of O.~ Meu, Cal-a . Pe...t ••••"-'I, 1m. s....riwd ~ llht wl .. M¥v L W-, -J-O. W--Oon 0. W-Ill, ~tor Allll s. w-. ··~f'ltef' ·-Leur• W--1111 delloMlr_.,._,_ SU'*" M. W-. •H tJ/I COS1a Mffa. C&. Mother Oorolhr Smith, Nawpe'1 BNCll. ca. lfld ~ Oenr.t s. w• Sr , Se!> .i-. Ca. -1•1 ...-..ic. wlll lit held now.., Auv. 11, J:OOPM .. SI JOhft the OMne l!lllK..,_I ChlH'Cfl. Cott• MeM lr'ilermenl will be private, In ,, ... of ''-'· doNtlOM m•Y be m•d• lo lh• Hearl Fund. Betti 8tr91ron, C«-del MM,dlrecton. ••AYMI• ClllO BRAYME._, restdlllt of H..,t. l1191on 8Mcll, Callfornl•. ,._ -•Y A119utt 10, 1'71. SurvlW<I by hvlblnd Oavld, deu91lltr Palrlcle 8row11, ... •SMITH 1'\ITHIU. LA .. COSTAMHACHAP& 427 E 17th St. ""-· c. .. Nt9ftlS ~ ....... Verda l'WterMn, Lone Beach, ca., WeUlen Mn.....,_, OeremOfll. ea. Md Jay~ HovslOfl. Tu,. 1a.. .,. o.wi. catt, "'--' .._, ea. Ind GWWI o-wt. SM Ole9o. Ca. Crypltlde HOICH Wiii be ,,1., 11:~w.-... ..... _...,...Par11. "*"· Torry ,,_..,_ offldatlf'e, .. ., ........., Mw1ultY dll"lldan. Co-.ta Mesa • 64M888 Santa Ana Chapel 518 N Broadway Santa Ana• 547~131 ~ 20% --.... _.._. ... _._._..,. ----. -· . . ---· -· ---.:::- . .. .. DM.YPILOT AIJ . Blackouts'·f!ost Rises ' Prevention MetJ1U Electricity Ratea May CUmb WASH IN Ci T 0 N < A P ' Edlaoo Company, told the Joint cost the consumer more when be Conwumert ma)' have to pay Committee on Defente Produc· pays hll electric btl11. We have to hl1her electric bllla to prevent tlon Wednesday ~at redundant try to balance the two factors." powtrblackoulJlllltetheonethat facilities ·•co•ttn1 in the Dunn aaid extra transmission d.rkened New York City for 2S mlJllons" are needed to prevent lines cost about SU mtlllon per ho u ra 111 t month , a con power blackouts. The costs ol the mile . .ireNlonalhearlnahasbeentold extra'facllities probably would "WB HAVE ABOUT 50 An olflclal of New York Caty 's be passed alonatocootumen, he miles, but to be f\.ally effective electric utility ai10 testified that testified. tbey would bave to connect to he bellev• elld.rlc companies In Sen. William Proxmire, (I). feeder llnos that come from lont other clUet are vulnerable to Wis.> ftaid, "It'• becomhl• ob-dlnancea outalde our service maHlve power fallurea. viowi that we have to do more to area," be tald. "It would take protect thi1 lndU1try from many mllllom of dollars and tbls ~ CAJUlOLL H. DUNN, aenlor natural dlaast.en and Hbotale. probably would bave to be -=================~ vice president of Consolidated But when we do Mt lt 11 lolDI to PUMdcntotbeconaumer." -. HeTIUnks BigAppk ls Rome NEW YORK CAP) Nick ScotU, 83, left his home 1n San Pedro for Rome Sunday D.l&ht When he 1tepped off the plane, the nephews he expected to meet ham were nowhere to be seen. So he began searching for them, s pending the next two daya ridlna buses. There were p1azaa, yea. and the fanHlfar backyard gardens fllled with tomatoes and zuc· cbini squash. But where were the m emorable landmarks of llal,y? Not In Ozone Park, the neighborhood of Queens where ScotU was wan· derin&. By mletake, he had stepped off his Trane World Airllne'a jet when it atopped In New York for an hour on its way abroad. Wilh the help o( an an· terpreter -Scotti's Jtallan is better than his English -detectives das· covered what had hap· pened. They telephoned hi s daughter in California and put him on the first plane home. . 1977CARS and TRUCKS ALL MAKES! '833-0555 Alk For OUr UASl SPm.WST° at HOWARD OleVralet oar-• Oooe .... o..11 h NEWPORT BEACH ~--~~~~~~~....;..~~....;:;.._~.;__~.:..;.:;;..:.;;,.,;;;;;.;..;;.;:.;~:::.::..;_ __ ~~------~;.;.:.;;-.....~--~~~~~~~~ 11 111111 BOOGIE BOARDS large. ... 3CJ88 Small •• 1988 . The Morey Boogie is how everyone can enjoy surfing. Beginners ride It immediately, and experts do really fantastic things on it. You outrun the curling section, stall. cut back, do 8Qinnera and knee ride. And Imagine zooming your BOYS' OR ~ < · Morey Boogie across the snowt ·-...........................•................ GIRLS' 20" HI-RISE BICYCLE 4688 Coaster brake, black tires, banana saddle, chrome handlebar. reflector pedals. Partlally assembled. waNABD JOGGING SHOES ss a-_ ................... pedded OClleo .... •t2. Mllllll9 111"°"1tii ___ .._. VJ.9 SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS 100 l& OlYMPIC ~ BAIEI SET IASIEYIAl1. ·1777 586 .., ............. ,0 ..... 2 OlllCllll .............. ....,.,,.... -. ............ corf M*er ........ --· ~ .................. « ..... MEN'S JOGGING SUIT 1599 · Machine washable cotton/nY1on suit has zis>front Jacket, pull-on elastic ~iatband pants. Assorted colors in slzes~-XL NOVELTY T-SHIRTS MEN'S IOJs• 399 2'9 New looks of th• seaon In all the very most p o pular patterns and OOlora.. S-M-l·XL I -.. A #IJrS OtECIED SllRT 3CJ9 Colcwtul ~ efllm '"''" IOfl9 _.,. .,.__,.. oellll> MK. 5.PtEa SINKSET "249 699 STANDARD DOOIMlllOR I ' • ~---. --.--. -- 'Kissinger' A Real Qam H.AaRJSBURG, Pa. <AP> - It 'a late at nliht and you 're fiddl lnl with the knoba on your ham rad lo. Suddenly, you tune m Henry Klasln1er Henry Klssin1er" The accent on the airwaves belonas to Ed Bolton, un · employed night club entert1Uner. alnglng-doi trainer, short wave 0 radio enthusiast and Kisa.ln18r Impersonator. Bolton's Kissi.n&er ls so con- v I ncinc that ham operator.a around the country have called their local newspapers to say they've chatted with the former secretary of state ··My Kissinger is better than Rich Little's. And he's a m1lhonaire and I'm slttlns hen counUnt my chance. Then bu aot to be som•thlnl wl"Olq," Bolt.on lamented. ealdea mlmlckinl world leaders (Adolf Hitler and Frank.Un D. Rooeevelt included>. ht' says be can impersonate the whole Amoa 'n Andy cast. sine operatic solos and entertain "In the style of Robert Goulet .. .. Bridge Work i n Newport Orange Count~ cre\\s expect to complete 1 his S600,000 bridge widening project on .Jamboree Road O\ !'\ovember. Bridge ptl ing:-. on Wt.'!'il ~ldt.• of four-lane overpaS!>o ~ill be matd1ed on the other side to <TPatt.• u -.1x lane d1v1deo bridge The Cit~ of Newport Beach 1s also widening Jam ooree to -.ix lane~ from MacArthur Boule\ ard to F.a~t.bluH Drive in conjunc t 101'1 "1th tht• <:ount~ bridge proJect The ~·t~ road Joh will co:-.t S400,000. .. I V\Y~ll )I I )j\.J\11 ·NI \l\/J \)RI' I ~l ;\<. ,I Next Stop El DOrGdo? DE WALK CARACAS, Venezuela <AP> -The American explorer who found the Lost City of the Incas is about lo set out on a new quest for El Dorado, the fabled city or gold that has tantalized explorers for four centuries. Gene Savey, SO. a native of Bellingham, Wash .. who hves in Reno, Nev., said he'll leave around Aug. 15 aboard a 60-foot schooner, saHint up the Ortnoco River along a route first tried in U9S by Sir Walter Raleigh one of the more prominent past searchers for the country of the "Golden Man." UNLIKE HIS PREDECESSORS, Savey is not after fabulous treasure "We're looktng to shed some new liihl on the legend of El Dorado," Savey said in an interview ·· fs El Dorado a legend or did it really exist~·· Aft f'r 15 years or study. he believes the legends Exhibits Wante d " .. The Dana Niguel library has display case _ space available for south Orange County residents who have collecl1ons. ex- hibits and handicrafts available for viewing Further information 1s available by calling 496-5517. ALLERGY? (714) 543-9624 Recorded Message lllElGY CON UOL FOUKOATIOM Box 1513, Oran&• Ca 92161 Wnt• fer Pt-M Mt~ ...., ........ HIATIQ All CONO. m.. ..... ·--· S..'lke II\ v-Ar.. C.11 MISSIOfl Vlt!JO Mn CAlnliM C.lllltr- 1$411\ 0i4ocl0 ,,.,,.,,et Ave(f Pllwy.) 495-0401 COSTAMISA ,,,._..,,.,vd 142-1 753. SC 1.ll Ul7U7 point to an Indian clvlUzalioo that once existed in the jungles of Venezuela. According to Indian legend, El Dorado was founded by a god-ktng or the same name who, in an annual ceremony, was rolled in gold and washed in a sacred lake PROM THE MIDDLE OF THE 16th century a procession or conquis tadors and other explorers went In ..earch of the fabulous sti,, and Its location shifted as new areas were searched without luck. Savey said that 1n his research he noted similanlles tn legends about the founders or several Indian civ1hzat1ons tn Latin America. They include Quetzalcoutl. the "feathered serpent" god of the Teltecs and Aztecs. and Viracocha Kon-Tikt, popularized by Thor Heyerdahl with his Kon-Tiki expedltJon. .AIL.IL ID~ y ~ JB!E([]JIIMllJ!U!NJ(G <aU. [J{/J):~ctL.TIL I • I ',• You con m••t the occoalon with confidence in fermal attire 'from our outatandlng Hlection. ,.. ........ I Prld&V' August 12,1977 · I WISTCUFf PLAZA Cl.IAMBS It L:AUMD-S • 646-2392 ' ,. I t ( .. . . BILK CANDY· SALE . I l u l ., . ,. . : ' I . \ ( . ~ ......... ENTERPRISE UNDERGOES DIMENSION TESTS Many Factors In America's Cup Na zis Cited t! Horoscopes Said Harmful NEW YORK CAP) -If you djaJ "Horoscopes By Phone" and are told, "Columbus Day could (ind you aeekln1 new worlds," holdtn& out for that big day ln October could harm you, says a troup or scientlatl and science writers. And bellevln& In some "cults or unreason .. c·ould harm or kill you, the aroup says. THE COMMITTEE FOR the Scient1f1c In· vesU1ation of Claims of the Paranormai says behef in such things aa astroloay. powers of levitation, the "Rermuda Triangle" as a mysterious graveyard of ships and airplanes and belief in UFOs may '"break down our critical judgment, 1t may also break down our resistance to new and unforeseen forms of tyranny." The group defines "paranormal" as belier in unproven or myalic phenomena. The committee says It objects to books, newspaper accounts, magazines, and TV and radio presentations that ll saya are pouring ··a steady tor· rent ol pa.r~mal claim• Jnto the marketplace." It caJled fOf' cooperation with the scientific com- m"nily to J)t'Ovlde "more responsible balanced t.rtatment ol clah11s of the paranormal." COMIUTTEE MEMBERS have cited evidence that people have loet their lives or spent large sums di money out.of a belief In the paranormal. Milbourne Christopher, committee member and a maglclao. claims that some 200 persons are known to have ~Oled thermelvea u the result of a look into the future throuib horoscopes or other means. Committee co-chairman Paul Kurtz, a philosophy profeaaor. saya an example of the s pread.in& acceptance or 11cientifically unfounded subjects was that the New York Telephone Com- pany offers "Horoscopes by Phone." A COMMl1TEE STATEMENT says "When a society l1norea all objective standards of knowledge, It opens the door to the possible develop- ment of Ideological cults. A di1turbln1 parallel is that the irraUonailsm of Nazi Germany was pre- cpded by a vaat arowth In lhe befrlt In the occult in the Weimar Republic." Kurtz say1 the commltl'9 haa filed a complaint with the Federal Communications CommlHion a1alnsl NBC televlalon network. It proteata the con- tent ot what It called "quut-documentarlea" and films ln prime time on "Blpoot," th• ''Outer Space Connection." and demonic poueulon. ~ -· -·--·--~-· ---------- !?Knd!xa Auau.t 11. 1m • DAILY PILOT A J:J America's COntentkrs MeaSure Up • • NE WPORT. R.1. <AP> -Jnoroutofthewater. lt ·, lmpo11lble to tell which la faster 1imply by look- In& at 12·meter Amerlca'a Cup yachts. ll'I even lmpoulble to tell if lt'a a 12·meter un- UI you meuure It. 809 BUJMl!!NITOCK. chief measurer for the New York Yacht Club, bu been appl.)'ln1 b1a ruler1 and auJca to three American and five forei1n com· peUtort durln• the put few weella. "There are well over a hundred rneuurementa to be taken ot all tht 12-meter yachta btre," Blumenstock aald. "And there Is oo •ln.sl• meuurement on a 12- meter that actually 11 12 meten." lUumenatock h11 been worklnc wlth Oscar Weber or Zurich. Switzerland, cblef measurer for the Y achl Club d 'Hyerea. chaUencer of record. ALSO INVOLVED IN THE welgbin1 and measuring baa been Tony Watts, wbo hu the same lllle u Blumenstock but works for the International Yacht Racln1 Union Se are Taeties Devices Work Too Well OAKLAND (AP) -Juanita Souct-.aux Is mad . Snakes and owls are topplin& rrom the palm trees in her nel1hborhood. fright~nin1 pasaersby out of their wits. . The fearsome creatures are artifidal, made of plastic or rubber. They were placed in the trees by Mrs. Boudreaux's neighbors to scare away pl1eons. Instead, says Mrs. Boudreaux, they are scaring away pedestrian•. •'One of these green sn'1<es fell on a lady and we haven't seen her since,·• she told the city council. 8lumeMi,ock s11d both French yachta. whlch beloac to ballpoint pen mqnate Baron Marcel Bleh, have been checked out of the water. The span have~ measured, balanced and wel1hed. Sveri1t, the Swed11h challen1er, haa been measured out of the water. However. her spars and sails must be checked and the ship must be wel&hed. THE TWO AUSTRALIAN boats, Gretel ll •nd Australia, have been measured out oC ~water and :SJARTTHE NIGHT WITH ATEQUllA SUNRISE OR . YOU'LL HATE YO RSELF IN THE-YOU the u.llnn Gretel II have been lnapected. RoweveL Blumeqstoclc 1ald h4s hu )'.i to loot at Austral.la' &alls. Entaprlae, ntw l ol the United statet • e tries, ~as been eheeked out ol tht water. The mu~ of Cour~ ~dJnd..,.aclence, both Kini'' Pob\t Syndicate yad)ts. have been balanced aftd wdtbed IUumtnat.ock de crtbed Sveri1e. the SwedJth entry, as tbtt moat radjeaJ deelp of the yach~ here th.is auminer. "Svorlt• ls the most dlffere•t , 12·met.er, but not Q radlcaf u Mariner." be added. Mrs. Boudreaux asked the .council to spray the trees to chase the offendin& blrda so the make- believe monsters could be removed. The matter was taken under adviaement. KNOW WHEN Be elegantly enclosed Put up a beautiful -yet practtcal -redwood fence You'll have total pnvacy and protection around your home and yard And decay-resistant redwood doesn't lose its good looks w1Jh the years Every1h1ng you need 1s here. including help from the experts in our Lumber Department A. ROUGH REDWOOD RAIL 2x4' x8' Reg. 2.49 1.98 B. ROUGH REDWOOD POST 4 x 4 x8' Reg.5.99 4.88 C. ROUGH REDWOOD BOARD 1x12•6' Reg. t .4'9 2.88 1 xexe• Reg. 1.89 1.48 Zero In on be•uty Spnay1 molt llttx paint. unthln'*1, It the rate of 7Ya or.. per minute. Hkndlll 11llty for mulUfle appllcat1on1. In our Pain Store now. WAGNER SPRAY GUN, Model ttw 190 Reg.GUO &8.88 Model ttw 280 Aeg. 79.90 74.88 Flnl1h off toom1 eaalty, elegantly W1ll1 t1ke on 1 atrlklng dMP·ICulplured •fftet with thl• premixed eerytlc·balld wall and celling finish. Reedy to uee. euy to 19P,IY and cleen. It h11 a "long wortclng time. • ao you can control the depth end pattern for any effect deal red. Auorted colore. 2 g11. RUFF·"· Reg. 109 12.88 • I ., K"P wood lodklng good Pr ... rve th• natural beau~ of wood with Woodhfe. A ciear, palnta~. w1ter-ripellent pr ... ivallve to dip, brush Of •prey on. UM It for lence1, wood .,Ina, petlo fumllure. Cott 1ence pol1* before putting them In the ground -Woodtlfe protteta agalntf rot, .. rmlt" and wlfPlng. , Gallen. WOODUFE, Reg. 7..CO 5.88 ' • • TRIAL LAW CRUSADER -.m1·e EHie Rubin -·-------......_ -----~-- . - Trial Lau;yer: Legality Criisader ~ MIAMl (AP) -Trial laW)'• Elllt Rubln .... b11111elt II • Doil QuJxot. on a -.ood boNe. But be keepe a picture of a •bite knllbt ln b1a olflce u a remlDder of tome ol b.ll lqal C?UHdel. Jn 19Gt, when lrat• football f 1na foupt to end television blackouta ol local 1am11l ~'!_~ entered the fray .. a "DOOV)''' tbat turned into a four.year bat- tle be HYI COit blm '15,000. EARLY TJU8 YEO, wb*l the furor over Dade Count)''• homoaexuaJ rlcbtt ordinance wu at lta peak, Rubin flied a •ult In b1a own name qu•Uoainl the cooatituUonallty of the COD· trovenlal law. . And be helped Water1ate burglar E. Howard Huot wiD parole and defended two Ke)' West aailOl'S who relUMd to take , a wine flu shot.a. The 52-year-old MIJtmJ lawyer agrees the only thlot many ol his cases have 1o common la the publicity ·be creates. ..I plead 'Don Quixote on Wooden Horse' 1ultty," be 11ys. "I do 1eek pubUclty for the cause. and peo- ple I belleve ln. I tb1nk I've been fJ&bUDI causa uce I played football· for the Holy Cross C~aden before 1 broke my lhou)der.·· WIBLE MANY or the 200 ea1e1 Rabin takes each year dta't ibvolve cruaadlne, be main· tifu the p)_Ollt lnteresttna Clnel come to lllm becauae Of bis reputation. And the reputaUon baan•t hurt Rubin'• practice, whlcb be aaya earns him an an- nual lncomeio slxfilUffll. "A law1er's treatest eoal ls to make law,,. be H)'I. "Law ls n•ws becaQle lt'a the cement that ilues our &Oclety tocether. I ooly ~·news becaUJe of the people that come to me." . A naUve ol Syracuse, N.Y., Rubln tradusted from from the Unlverslty ol Miami'• law school In 1951. He's made headlines since the mld·1950s when be was an uslstant attorney 1eneral in charee of anU-Communlstn, a position oo Joaaer In exilt.ence. WIDLE IN THAT poet, be helped develop a mandatory b1&b school cour1e ealled .. Americanism v1. Com· mun11m'' and waa called a "amall·bore McCarthy" by Wasbln1too CQlumotat Drew Pearson. Rubin says bis flrat love la trial law, a prat:Uce be 11y1 ls dlaap- pearlna aa attorneys become more specialized. · "A jury trial ls not the search· for truth many people th.lnJc," Rubin says. "It's a contest between advocates trylne to con- vince a jury of the truth of their cause.•• cues, Rubin says be Is most satislfled with a class acUon suit be filed tor Florida bone ownen agaJnst a law whlch quarllltlnel animals when they ahow a positive reaction to a hilt for ewamp fever vtrua. S~Oby ' Cuhert in Irvine 'l1le fnatallaUoo of a culvert at the Hlcu Canyon Wub atooi CUiver Drive ln Irvine h• been approved by Orance County Supervisors. • ~ The board atreed ~ to share in the con.structlae costa with the city. The culvwt Will replace a deteriol'atlal timber bridge. The ~tya·1 lhare ol tbe project is expected to be $15,000 • .,.,.re.,...,,. Actress Brenda Vaccaro plans to end her 23-day marriafe to semiretired at· torney 'W.tlllam Spencer Bishop, ac~ing to an an: nouncement i~orn her · publicist Paul Bloclb. - 57,828 See Pele Score 2 RV11lE1tlORD, N.J ,\ c~d ol Sl. tbe lat& t ln ~urlh Am ncan Soccer l..eape pla>'(lff . •alched u Pet. ICOt.ct two COAb and tbt New VOite ..;05mos •M a Jo d claion o,,.,- the Tampa Bay Rowdlu W~ay ruahlh re. The Co~moa wall meet f'l Lauderdale & Slrikert in 1 two· toia me sel for the Ea1tern Davl&lcm champ1oostup Gia.SI ... Bet8#r TOKYO -Sadaharu Ob slu.ued his 3lst home run ol the season Wednesday to help the Yomlun Gunta beat the Chunichi Dragons 7 ·3 before 35,000 sptttators ln a Japanese League game at Nacoya. ll was Oh's 747th career home run US slugger Hank Aaron finished with 756 homers for his career. Sioan Se~ond KARLSTAD. Sweden Mike Windsor upset fellow-A merican Dwight Stones Wednesday in the high jump at an international track and field meet here for his second victory within 24 nours. Windsor. who won another meet in Ymea, in northern Sweden, Tuesday, leaped 7·5'r'l. Stones. the former world rec· o rd bolder, cleared 7-3~ to finis h second. Greg Joy of Canada, second ahead or Stones in the Olympics, finished tied for third with a Swede al 7·2. Sprinter Clancey Edwards, winner of the 200 meters at Umea, nipped Swede Chris G arpenborg in the 100-meler dash at 10 41 seconds The Swede timed 10 44 and Charlie Wells of the U.S. was third al 10.48 m a razor-thin finish. OH~Eje~•ed PITTSBURGH Pittsburgh outfielder Al Ohver was ejected from a game here Wednesday night after a physically jarring confrontation with first base um · pi re Bruce Froemming. In the second innine acainst the Chicago Cubs, Oliver belted what appeared to be a double over the head of right fielder Bobby Darwin. However. pllcher Da ve Roberta made an appeal play. throwing the ball to Bill Buclmer a t first base and Froemming called Oliver out, claimlna he failed to touch the base. Tbe infuriated Oliver bolt.ed . from second base and ran run speed at Froemmme. 1t'llMa .. oa Top PEBBLE BEACH -Evan "Big Cat" Willlams succesatully defended his title in the National Long Drtvine Cbamplonsbip with a record drive of 353 yard.I~ 24 inches on the Pebble Beach GoU Links. ait.e of the stth Professional Golfers AssoclaUon championship which beean to· day. Williams, a 6-6 non-tourina pro from Ne.w Jersey, received $15,000 for winning the contest. His longest drive surpassed his best of last year, 307 yarda, which was the old record In the contest held annually at the PGA event. Crull Ge•• Aid HAZEL CREST, Ill. A citizens band radio club in this Chicago suburb has established a trust fund for a seriously ill bo)I whose father has requested no lurther publicity. Scott Crull, 12, ot Calumet City. first learned only this week that the eondltlon he bas 1uffered from for three years 1a bone cancer when it wu meoUoned by a sportscaster on a nation.Pde telecast of a Cblca10 Cubs ~BRIEFS P11e m -· .. --"-~--· .,.. .... ~ ---------------·-----· ......... ---.. DAILY PtLOT SJ Dodge '·Hooton Against Seave~ . . NOSE DIVE -The Dodgers' Dave Lopes appears to be out in the top photo but his head-first di\'e into second base knocked the ball loose from Pete Rose·s glove lbol· NCAA Divided Over Playoffs GREENSBORO, N.C'. (AP ) - The successful and the still strug· gling conferences of the NCAA Division I are divided over a plan to reduce the number of automatic invitations to the na· tional basketball tournament. The proposal would drop from 18 to 16 the number of con· ferences automatically getting tournament berths, and assJJn them to only the 16 conferences with the best tournament reeords over the past five yean. It was recommended by the NCAA's Division I Basketball Committee last month and were to be con· sldered Wednesday and today by the NCAA Executive Committee meeting at Greensboro. ·'On the surface lt appears it favon the independent acbools, •• saJd Robert C. James, Atlantic Coast CGof erence commissioner and a member of the 11-member executive committee. ..But our feeling ii that it opens m«e op- portunity for second place teams in the conferences.•• . ,. ....... tom L Lopes scored the game·s only run two plays later as the Dodgers defeated Cincinnati. l·O, Wednesday night at Dodger Stadium. .,. ..... The new restriction would lake erfect with the 1980 national rourruutlent. and the basketball committee would meet In 1979 to review each conference's record over the pas t five years of tournament play. CARL YASTRZEMSKI, RANCE MULLINIKS COLLIDE. U Attendance Over 2 Million Tonight LOS ANGELES (AP) -Wben to tblrd base. Joe Morsan drew .. Rlck Rbo4en pltcbes against the two-out walk ln the fl.rat llmln&. Clnclnnatl Reds, there's not stole seeond and went to third Cll\ much middle iround. catcher steve Yeaaer'a throwing "'I don't throw too many error. But Rhoden reUrect average sames against them," Oeorae Foster on .a ~to the ~·year-old Los Angeles end the lnninl· rl1ht·b•ndet said Wednesday . Rhoclencutdownllbatunlna niebt attet pltehlnl a 1-0 sbotout. row until Johnny Bench sot "Either J pitch very well or very aboard on Ron Cu'• CICe-out er- poorly. Usually if I can ret past ror ln the fifth. One out later,, t.be early innin.. ~s work Concepcion 11.ned a siDO• tO out.0 center. But JoUll pitcher Freel Rhoden pitched very well, al-Norman ll'OLIDded into a farce lowinl only two hlts, both by . play. ----------· Concepclon's lDfield hlt with De4flen Slate · one out ln the ei&bth wu the ... --..,.uac Int) Reds' final aasp. Aug I I Ci11e'-1( ft l.,. Al109lu A"9 lfAU., .. etLosA-lel AU9 l)Aff_,l ... L .. A_... , "P"'· The Dodaeu scored the 1:'5p "'· game's only run ln the th1.rd in· • m~"' ning, than.la to Davy Lopes• _D_a_vo_Cooc--e-pc-lon-,-.-n-d_o_nl_y_fo_u_r stamina and an error by the baserunnen. Reds. The will raised Los Angeles' Lopes led off with a walk and lead in tbt.Jliiational League West was caugt\1,off base b~ Norman's tol2~e911esovertheReds. pick off throw. But Lo'pes Cincinnati manager Sparky reached secood safely wMll Cin-a Andenort said before the four· clnnatl third baseban Pete Rose, game series that his team needed who was coverinl the bag, a sweep to get back into conten· droppedathrowbyJoeMorgan. lion. Now. the Reds must win The throw by Morpn WU the 1 h ' ll f this IU'th toss in the nmdown. ton g t to earn a ap t o "In that attuatlon ·~ •ust week's four games. ..., w.v1 1 T---1-ht's aam" ts a sellout, as threw the ball one too many .,.._. • times," said Lo-. ''They didn't wu Wednesdv night's contest. r-The Dodiera will move past the run me back &o flnt u 800D as t mllll k i b tt they abould have. wo on mar n ome a en· "lwaan'ttlredattheendofthe dancetoalgbt. run~butt• .. •-a..•"--.·· Tom Se•ver. 11·5, pitches for ........... uuu. .......,1 _,..,. the Reda tonight against the Dodgers' Burt Hooton, 9-6 • Rhoden walked only one batter and atruck out three in raising his record to 13·7 with biJ first shutout of the season. He had a no-hitter for~ innings. "When you shut out that ball club from the right side you are really pitching some game.'' said Dodgen manager Tom Lasorda. "I bet you there aren't too many right·bandera who have shut them out." The Reds got only one runner CINClltNA'ff "-· GrtH..,rl •rlllW A Oto •tOI 3000 .. 0 0 0 lOOO 3001 JOOO J 0 t 0 2000 0000 1110 0 100 30. 2. Mof'911'12b G,_11 OrlftMlli. lleMllC c;.ronlmod ~lollu HonnMIP 81111nQNmP Lump!! llorbeftp Tote•• LOaAMOaUS L41PH11t "llSM41U Smllllrl eeva Gerw'(lb -er" ·-cf Vff99rC R"-P Mrllllll 2t10 2010 302 1 •••• .. 0 0. 3120 3 100 3 100 :J 01 0 Totels 'l7 1 • ' '" .. It •••• so • ••o~• 1 0 0 0 0 • 1 0 • • 0 0 • 2 0 • • • Still Feeis Pain Bench Comes Back From ''i.6 Disaster -. Almost unaoticed, s uperstar catcher Job.n.nJ Bench is fashion· lnS • ltioni comeback to bis dis· appoi.DtiD.a 1.976 suson, despite naums l.Qjurles that cloud bis future as a Qncbmatt Red. "When it all &et.I down to it, it doesn't mean too rnucb wbeo the team Isn't doinl well, .. said Bench of bl.I unheralded eeuon. whleb lndudes a .272 battlne average with 28bome runs andlO rum batted ln. Last year the 10,.tlme All«ar batted only .234 with 16 homers and1'rbl. • • After 10 years, you 're aoina to be judged by bow the team does, especially afte.r two World Seriee,''tatd Bench. "My bad year last year didn't bother me because the team did· well.'' be added. • · · Teammate Geor1e Foster's sen.satiClllal home nm and rbi paces baYe monopolised media a.od fan attmticm. Bench noted. "He'• just bavina an~ year. He hasn't been lea~ alat. of menm buefor me. .. • BeDch nmoftd bis lbll't. re-veallna the acan of two m.tot' operadans In fl" ,un: Gae to remove a beGlp leslon from his lun1 and the otber to eoned a shoulder problem eaaaed by a home plate coU1aion. · And then be talk..t about Im latest '°'1tCe of pain, The ACC. among the win· ningest basketball leaeu,s in the country, would have Uttle trouble keeping fts automatic bid, as it holda a 15-7 record in five years of tournament play. Angels' Streak Ended 0 1 have aome rouah pertod9 from the knees. I'm Colnl to wort hard um winter. then lee if it's neceasary to have them operated oa.." ''TheJ really bother me when I'm tired. You 1et that wqwben you 're playlnJ[ bard beca~e evel')' game ii crudal.'' be ~ and' alJo polm.t out that bis shoulder eomettmes •·atlff-But conferences with am'aller budgets and smaller success stories, or universities still bulld- ine their baaketball programs, could have their teams effecUve· ly thrown in with the lndepen· dents. compet.lne for the remain· ing 18 berths. • . ' Wasn't Our Wil.deat ~Says Zimmer a two-nm p1nch bomer to U. tbe score with none out ln the el&bth. Tben followln1 two w•lk• sandwiched around a sac:rUlce. Carl Yutnemsld abJlled a.ba.rP- ly into center tor the d~ run. IOITM , ....... ~ .. ,,, .. .,.,.~ .... ,.,.._ a111 Vad»wmllllt It I 2 Flll!C 4220 G.$c41tn. 4 ft t ......... 4122 __ ,. ., 11 0111 ... a to to up." Addina to Bmch'a banlm -been the Dell'-e'1llllt111t •-•re ot the Bedl' »ltrMna mm tlda M8tOD. No Doekey Merger BOSTON (AP> -"This manaim. ls euy. You Just sit back and enjoy the game," Boston manaeer Don Zimmer satd Wednesday nlsbt after the Red Sox rallied for six l'\IDI In the sennth and eiabth lnnlngs for a wild 11·10 victory over "the Callfonda Attaeb. ''No, tbl• wun't the wildest game we~ve been ln th~ year," Zimmer said u bis Red Sox celebrated the Amerlcan League's longest winning streak ofthese.uon, ucames. The victory. oPIDln• a home A~lsSlaCe AllOl!Mtt111CMP'C• .... 1111t • C:.1'\1111111 , , t 2 o.,teJlt • 0. 0 Tltall *It 14U 002 °" --..o "It mat. It toalla Wbm ,. haveao1D11D1MW~ll._~ eballemre eTef7 cla1• ~ID reauail.,., • Beoch. who baa p!Qect ta $1411. the Reds' llnt 1111ames. naMc1. .. "l didn't apeet. to 1et. tbSs man.v 1ame1." "We've had a lot of wild ones tbts year,•• Zlml'Qer said. ••When the wind is blo•in~ out l t t,onltht, you see some craay tb1ilP happen here.'' The Red SOx spotted Calllornia el•ht r&u11 Jn lbe alxth and seventh tnriliiP •nd a 10.S letd bef oro Uiiloildhil their b!i ~ and snaPS)lnl lbe Ancell• a!X· aame~stnak. Re1erve outfielder Berftle Carbo came off UM belch ti> d.rtll AUii 11 OllllorfllHt .. CCIII .. !Slllolft> A119.12Clilllot'IN•O•ewVll'll J:as-.111 •• Alll!.13C.llf0'1'j•ft-VM• 10;551.ln, a~8lf.:=t.~th'!='=. achina bees eDcl bla c•hlnc career. · . .... d lib to play three to fite more Jean but I dOabt If it'll tie cl.tChlna, '' be wet.. Would be Jib to J:.la1&1t bue art.beov«lltkl! ~~ tll18 dab wm'l dolr it." be udd ID ...,.,.. to..., . Jleda•p;w"'SMDdaa.p. .• ·: --' .,,_. Eastwick Ans We rs Criticis01 ClNCINNATl IAP> Rawly Eastwick bitterly rejects Cincln· natl ii~netol manuger Dick Waaner'11 contention that he hurt the: Red•' monJe and team leuders Pete Ro11e and Joe MQrUW1 back F;1&11twlck up ttAStwlck, 1976'11 National l.eogue Flre111an of tf\e Year. wu tr 4ed June 15 lo the St lA>Uil' Cardinals for roo.kie Doua& Ce&pllla. Euttwick, who had blut- ed the Reds· mana1emenl and uld he was "Insulted" by their contract offers belbre .the tra&de, WH called a bad Influence by Wo1ner. "That's a Jot of bull. Wainer la full of bull," Eutwick said while In Cincinnati for the four-1ame Reda·Catdinals series. "Uslen. l(O ask the players over there 1f l caused probtems. They'll tell you the truth " Rose, the Reds' veteran team cuptrun, said, "That's just like saying 1 was a ba<l innuence when 1 was holding out. Lord, no, Eastwack didn't cause any prob· lcms with th• players. The man said what he felt and you have to rHpect f\im for that. Of courao, sometimes you s houldn't say everything you reel. .. •·1 don't want to say anything for the rest of the players, but I don't think he caused any prob· lems," Morgan added. "I know he didn't affect me. l got along well with him." Said Eastwick: '' l said a lot or things before and arter I was traded, but a lot or the players. af reed with me. There are a lot o players who are tired of pu(. ting up with all the pettiness from the management " JOHNNY MIZE, SHUNNED BY HALL OF FAME. Cincinnati rans booed Eastwick Friday night when he made his (1 rst major league 1>tart, losing to the Reds, 6-5. Baseball Great "I'm intelligent enough to re· ahze that the fans are pretty well duped into believing I was the bad guy in this. I expected it." Johnny Mize Story: Eastwick, 3·5 with a 4.33 earned run average since joining St. Louis, admitted, "I've been struggling a little bit. I've got too many things running through my mind. I've got to try and eet myself together.'· Many Frustrations The 27-year·old righthander added, though, "One and a haif months don't make a trade. They're over there trying to build up Capilla and make the trade look good. By lbe Associated Pre!li. Baseball threw Its annual bai.h in Coopenstown, NY Monday to induct five new members lntothe Hall of Fame. It's always a .. grand party. except for those gu)'1J who aren't invited. Johnny Mize m 1ssed the ceremonies. He was at home 1n Demorest, Ga. and there arc some people who will tell you ,), Mize was not In the right small town lbat day. Hts absence from r the Hall of Fame remains one or the lar1er injustices perpetrated by the Shrine's electors. The simple stattsUcs are Im- posing. Mire played 15 years in the major leagues, hit 359 home "' • · runa and batted .312. There are many men with plaques han1ing ~; in Cooperstown whole numbers " are not nearly aa lmpres•lve. .~: "I get letten Just about every '• .• day from people all ewer \he : country," said Mbe ... They aay they can't under1tand wby I • never cot in. I don't know why ~ either. Only thine I could do was play:• The memories of Mize certain· ly confirm that. He came up with the .. St. Louis Cardinals In 1936 and for bla first nine major leacue seasons. Interrupted by three yean in the Navy durine World War II, he never bl\ less Lhan .302. He led the NaUonai L.equo in battinc with a .349 aver• In 1939 and U.at wu 15 potnta less than he bad hit two yean earlier when he finished second. •'The year I batted .364, Joe Mtdwtck bit .374," aald MJze. .. "The next year l bit .337 bull WU • second a1aln bec•uae Ernie : Lombardi hit .3'2. Then r won tt .. ... -~ .. t the nextaeason." grounders. I wtuld have had base hits. But I lllt the ball right at him both times for outs The same kind or balls in July or August would have been base hats. I went O·fOr·4 and Lombardi won the title · • Maze went lo the New York Giants in 1942 and after the war, he returned to become one of the league's top home run threats. He tied Hall of Famer Ralph Kiner for the National Learue home run crown in 1947 when he hit 51 and won the title outri1bt With 4QJhe DeU year. In 19f9, he was sold to the New York Yankees and became C aaey Sten1el 's pinch-hitting "From what J 've' aeen of Capilla. he looks ltke a good kid. but he's only been around the league once, I've been here three years and I helped them win two World Series.·· Eastwick said he's sticking to his vow not to sign a contract this season, but said be respects Cardinals' President Au1uat A. Busch. "He's a ereat owner. Baseball could use a few more owners like him." specialist. In 1950, aa a part-BRIEFS timer, he had only 76 hlta but25o( • • • them were home runs. And he drove in 72 runs. ' Coatlnaed from Bl • :f In 1952, Mize batted .coo with baseball.game. . three home runs in the World William Caputo, president of Series and was c:bonn moit . valuable playel'. "Tbty iave me the Crossroad• Citizens Band a plaque,·• .MU:e iald. ''The next Club of Hazel Crest, announced year, they started slvlnl the . ·Wednesday that the club mem· Serles MVP a car be rs, with the permission or In l953, his las.t major lea.cue Scott's parents, had ,established season. Mite had 19 pinch hit.a. a trust fund In lbe boy s name .. one short of what was at that Caputo eald funds sent to ham ll me the record for Scott would bt deposited at "In the la~t game of the the FtrstState Bank of Harvey. season, I c~me to bat," he said. BtNIC D01Dtt• Scar• "The left fielder wu over cbat· tang with tome euya In th~ PHOENIX -The Orance bullpen down lbe foul llne and County Stars bad their five· hadn't ~one back to bi• reautar match wiMlnC streak •napped posiUon. Wednesday nt1ht u they l~t a "I sllced lbe ball Just over the three-came 1weep to the host sbortatop'a head. Ifne wu pl~· Phoenix Heat ln lntematloaal Ing me normally, lt would bave Volleyball Aasoclalton action fallen in. But be wasn't. He here. caught lb~ ball and I mlsaed the Game scores were 12·8, 12-'7, record. It wea just like the 12:8. Theloudropa Orad1&Coun· Lazzeri thine." ty a record to 16-12 but It still Mize kept n1ht on mlsaln1. leads the Westem Dlvlfion by Hall of Fame eli1lblllty rules one-half ••me over 'Santa were chan1ed when he retired Barbara, which beat Denver wlth the llve·year waitln1 period Wednesday. Imposed. ··Just one or thou thtn1s, 1 gueu," he said. Then he pused through the writers' ell1lb1Uty In· to the hands of the old·Umers committee, which hold• his fate now. Ironically. that committee i• under tlre and could be leglJlated out of exl1tence before Iona. Mize doean't Utlok about the Hall Of Fame now. "l cave up on it Iona qo." ht aald. "I've foftottef\•bOW lt." Miriy Qt,'..hr& old pala are ln ~ thOulh. Some of tbtil wW biifatlietlq at Vankff S~tut'day tof the annual o w ':'+ MJUJ laowever, won be b'Ud. '11 Mft't vlt«I," bt Hid ~- Her Story Was Her Life Aaignment Became a Love Story TULSA <AP> -Forty one yeara aio a youn1 joumallsm student In Arkansas wu U· sicned to Interview Paul Dean, a youn1 up-and·coaunc baaeball player. It halted hu budc1tn1 career u a re~rter, but ahe married U.. 1\lbJeet of the ln· tervlew. Today Dorotl\Y and Pauj are tiappU)' married apd ttUl actlve lJt "9tball. Paul, remellMred by the nlckn•co• •'Daffy.·' and h1a older brothel\ the late Dluy Dean, were a colorful and bl1hly succe11ful pllcblne comblnatlon for the st. Louis Cardinals. Dluy had Joined the Cardinals ln 1932, Paul join· ln1 blm two years later. In bis rookie year, Paul pitched a oo-bltt« and won 19 eamea. two In the World Serie•. Currently Dorothy and Paul are ln Tulsa where he ls conducUnt a cllnlc for the American AHoclaUon 1\tba Oilers. They return on weekends to an apartment they have at Sprlncdale, A.rk. They allO have a farm at Lake Vlllace, Ark., and a home in Dallu where lbey have Uved off-and-on for M years. , ''llove baseball and always have," Mn. Dean said at their apartment. "When you are married to a major leaiue bueball star there ls no areater ll!e. Diz and Paul wereatan." After Paul Joined the Cardlnal1, ahe traveled with -the team unW their flrat cbUd was born. After that sbe limit· ed her tollowin1 to home ea met. "All the travel waa by tram then," ahe recalled. "l would pack a trunk, 1tay In a hotel three or four days, then re· ,, .. He'll Be 43 And Trying For ~lympic8 NASHVILLE (AP) -The only athlete to win eold medals in lour consecutive Olympics hu come out of retirement and ls tra.lnln1 tor the 1980 Games In Moscow He will be 43 that year. "\Jler~ wu a 1reat deal of prenure on me ln 1969 and uno and the whole thine had become unenjoy.able," diacus thrower Al Oertel' said In a telephone ln· tervlew. He participated ln no or· ganlted competition from 1968-1976. Oerter said, however, that he yearned for the thrilJ of the Olympics alter workine on a public televt1lon tum aeries broadcut bet.ore the Montreal Gam• in 1176. "The pressure wu no looter there, 161 eald, 'Why not 10 back and0 do lt aiatn?'" he said. "I alwaya had lt in my lbou1ht pat· II tern to aet back tO throwing sometime. I ml1bt be too old lo compete, but I just doq't know." Oerter aald he w aa pleased with the pro1rees he has made ao rar thls year, spendln1 a couple of hours a day throwin1 the dis· cue at .h1a home town of West Islip, N.Y. He won a cold medal at Melbourne, AuatraUa ln 1956. at Rome lo 1960, at Tokyo ln 1964, and atMelico City in 1988. "In ont year I've re1alned all my strenllb plus aome lbat I had in 1980. Wbetber l can convert that to throwtnc for dl1tance re- maim to be aeen," he aald. Oerter aald be 11 not lnta'eat41d in maJdnl a bii name for himself before1aeo. Omer 1alcl be hopett athletes wm compete wtth a ap1rtt ot unity in the 1'*> Olympic Gamea, but he '1 not counUns on lt. "Pollttc1 are lnevitable," be · said. "Any Ume you havt a world tormn llke that, people will use lt u aacb. I don't think I've been to any Gam• where there wu any unit)'." pack the tnmk. put It back on the train aod 10 oo." Baseball bad more fan ln· terest in that era, she believes. ·'There were b«t« play en and more colorful playen There was more lnl•eat lA them. with many mon mlD()r l .. tue team~ acrou tht country.'' Dtan amplified on that. ·'Tb ere were 60 minor lt11ue1 back lben," be said. "Now then are only about 12 ·'The decline ln bueball also can be attributed to Going Back IN SPORTS televl1lon. air condltlomn1 and more 1porta. Now lbere are auch thins• u wreaUlnl and roller derbys," he •aid. Hra. Dean believes the hlCh salaries paid players todl}' hurt baseball. "The fans bave lost interest. There la ao mu.eh blckerina between the owners and the playera over the salaries," she aald. . Paul ·-and Dorothy were very close..to Dizzy. Durlna hla last year they called each other at leut once a week. "When we lost Dizzy, we lost a very colorful person," she said. ··we wonhlpped Diz." Mrs. Dean also believes her husband wu overlooked In a lot of bl.a accomplishments. "Paul was the youngest member of the Gasbouse Gani." she said. "There will never be another eroup like it. There won't be another team as interesllni as the Cardinals oC1934." After Paul lefl the major lea1ues, he pitched for Houston and Dallas. Since his playing days, Paul has owned and operated mlnor lea1ue clubs. He makes public appearances. owns land and has built houses in Dtllas. "He saved bJa money from the playing days," hb wife says. "He is a very iood bu.loessman. "If he had made a lar1e salary, he would have saved at. He is very conaervative. We are not lbe klnd to blow money. l have everylbin1 I need or want." Mrs. Dean, onginally from Eudora, Ark., never 1ot her collece degree, lacking one semester. Al one Ume she bad hoped to eraduate and become a newspaper re· porter. She never worked after marrylnc and aaya she IS bar PY with her life. • · wouldn't trade a baseball life for anything, not even being the wife of the President," she says . .. Baseball ls all we know. I have been in it a.Ince I was 18. That Is why 1 love it.·· The Deans have four children and 12 grandchildren. She keeps a photoeraph album close at hand tilth pictures or the ramUy and friends. •' l llke to read and enjoy my grandchildren, but J don't babyalt much." she aays. "I crochet and have a bit in· tere.t ln all sports.·• The Los Angeles Dodgers are her favorite major league team. The baseball player they most admire is Joe Dim auto. They attend reunions and keep up with baseball. "And we enjoy each other's company," she added quleUy. Baseball Standings • AMERICAN LEAGUE East Dlvl1loa Boston Batu more New York Detroit Milwaukee Cleveland Toronto W L Pct. GB 65 43 .602 64 47 .577 21.11 61 49 .55.5 5 51 60 .459 151n so 65 .435 18'"'' 47 62 .431 1si;., 39 70 .358 261 ~ We11t Dlvlalon Chicago Minnesota Kansas Cltr Texu Aa1elll Seattle Oakland 65 45 .591 65 48 .575 11 2 62 47 .see 21 2 62 48 .564 3 S4 SS .495 10'1'2 48 67 .417 19\.'J 42 69 .378 2312 ..•. -... ~ BelllmoRS.SeelUea Cle.,..Md6.~1 lletlot11,Cell-•t0 IC-Cltyl, Tueu H-VOtU,OelllMCU OnlYtM•U<"""4ed Detroit s. Mlhf~ l , .. , .• o.- CtllfoclrlN 19nttl•-tlet ........ 1""91.01." Ml-.U t0olt1l ... lttTore111110 llyt'CIJ~l,ft Setlll• IA-II .. 71 •I ••lllmore ,,.,,,..,, IMOI,,. 0•11MC1 CT.,,...llNI >21 et Hew Vot11 CTo•nr 11·!01,n IC•-Oty tColtlorn ll·IOI et Tu<K I.Ale• ·-11•1.n Cl......,,., IWelltMletCllli•oo llCrt•« Ml," °"'Ytt ..... K ... dUled ,,..,...,OINM, Ml...,._M Cleftlelld, fl 1Ce11N9CllY•tTor-.n Otll19"Clet .. 11lmcwe.n 5eettle et Bo5te111," Ctll ...... eet -Yoti. ~ Ml~•IO.lrolt " Cllle990etT~H•" NATIONAL LEAGUE Eut Dlvl1loa : W L .Pct. Gls Philadelphia 66 44 .600 ..t. Chicago 64 47 .577 2~ Pittsburgh 64 49 .566 3~ St. Louis 63 51 .55.1 5 Montreal 52 61 .460 15'12 New York 47 63 .427 19 West Division Dodgers ClnciMati Houston San Francisco San Diego Atlanta 69 44 .611 56 !56 .500 12 '12 53 62 .461 17 52 62 .'56 17h 51 67 .432 20~ '° 7l .:.» 28 ..... ....,.."'-" ~t l.callt ). ....., Ven I Pllll-plllt ..... -1'"4 M "1~1. Oll<e90 I, llfM!fte\ s ... ow.o•1. At_e.,I, 2nd oenw111,,,.._ Lot Mclel• I, CJnclNYtl 0 H°"'tonl,S..."r~ll<o6 , ... .,..~ H-1on t~ •UI et ~ •r-llC.O IHAll<klMI Momtwl 18'......,MI 91 lltlll*l""'e llCNU·7l Htw V0ttt IZaclWy S.101 at Pl~ ~ '0 ,ft ClfKl ...... I ISee..,. I l·SI et l.ot Anoe ... °""'eo. .. ,,,,, AllMle lllutll-... , et S.... O._ IOWC!Mllllo \.7)," OftlY ........ KNcklled ... .... , .• a.-.. 1'110-llfll••·~ ,,._ VW'li et PltullurOll, n MOfltnel et It. l.olllt." H-IOfl et SM Ole9o. n """"• .. L.ot4"9f.., ... '"'''"""" •' w. ....... •W.• .. Phoenix Edges Strings, 28-26 INGLEWOOD -The Western Division·leadln1 Phoenix Rae· quell won the decisive final men'• double set to edfe the Los An1elea Strinp. 28-28, in a World Team TennJa match at the Forum Wednesday nJ1ht. The Racqueta pair of Roes Caa&-Butch Watts outluttd Los Angeles' Ille Nutue and Charlie Paaarell M to decide the thrill· Ing match. * * * .....y_ .......... ,. Mtn-IMwr tNVI -Mtt ..... I ... ,. ~· llvtfett lln'lllM1Mlt'9Wll<l111 M11 ...... . w--w• fHYl11Nt..,_ .. ,;w-1Cl11t'""''--.-• ...,.......,. .. a. Ml_, -1(1 .. ~t IHYI .............. ICelllllle•t. ·-~ ...... ., ... .............. Men• -""'" Ill Mel Oentleltl• 6 ·4; ~ ... 1111-..~E--14. w--iuw.tl ... t Cl> .... ~ .. ,; Ht.,,.., .. ,.._ C•I llt« KIYtMW ........ 11 " Ml.:! -Ea•SM-181 bfft S .... M-11 76. owrtt--..... l!mff_ 1•1 ......... O.rllflftlaM, A-U-....... llt ........ ................... hrt .. WOIMll -t..il ... ¥ 1001 ONt R'-IC .. ,, ll11t"f~IS.ltlW.t ..... lltft·DwrM, M..-. -o.r-l~I lleet Oll!M 7"; Ok-· M<MlllMCOOlllMt~"'""M' Ml .. 41 -Ouff-M<Mlllatt COO i ...... 51.,, •• OoclltnY 1-S. A -~~llt~IMCI MOVE THE PAPERWORK OUT! Wl1H A COMBUTER BASED WORD PROCESSOR What'• Doing Outdoor• JIM NIEMIEC t w11lrr an ,1111.: 1 ur111r1uua lo ba Kood lllona lh• MJ1Ulb r-oa,tll111 "'1tt1 full !\Ml k~ of b1a 11nd mllll i.mf' h5h beu11 '""' 1111111 ror 111• t lU'11lerM S<:hooh~ nl aJb4il'ur1 ar~ hf1H· .. 11J 11ut fn1m M11rro ll•Y lC> 120 mil $tl1Ulh al thr Mt''" an h11riJto1 Th111 1t.rltf't fl~hr.tl ul111i111l lht ~ M.nd41rlual 1h1'.'0 ,.ua.\l '14-t'<'k 1o1.1lh ownl•r Ciitli '1>t•n, 111 Ntiw1><>rl Hu' h It wu' ;o good I rlJ1 hla:hh•hlt·d hy 12 JI& "ll 'k"""' and .. tt,.u·un 11vt•t 11u1na ilround 2:J pound11 JU'r (1i.h ~tml 11( lht• IU llCJO lfl(.tk pl•C't' mmc 40 m1le111 uff J>04nt i...1rn.a 111 70 l117211t:air•~ c·11lrr1 Wlll~r \I prr.J1'i llmt• N•~Wl)(Jrt IU>d U1mu t111rhor prt' •ll' !lporlf"hcr& ari· hltuna !lm•ll a<:hooh of longflM e11ht nu lea NE <>I the eut end or Catalina <&nd aibo 10 tu 17 miles from Pyramid beadlna out towards the 43 fathom SPol Nortbttn •port (tshtna l11t1din111 M• r1sh1.n1 the Tanner Banks area and also out.aide lhe Chmnel Islands. Longfans should be waUun euy reach of Morro B•> landmas bytbt!I weekend. San D1eao r~hing 11 &ood overall, accordlna to landln& spokesmen. Many boats are aotna over the hump daJl) <more than 100 albacore per da¥ >.The ~archer. Prowler. Pactf1c Queen and Qualifier good day boab running out of San Diego where the fish are an)-where from 3S to 80 mlles off the Point Large ~chool~ of alb1es are concentrated off Colonel !><>me 120 miles below the boarder and here ~port.fisher!'.> on two and three-day trips are boating more than 200 fish per day for light angling loads In addition to albacore, yellowta1l, dolphin to 20 pounds. blucfin and yellowfan tuna a re also included in daily fl!>h l'OUJlL .. from the San Diego based neel Even though the water 1s a btl on the warm side and sk1pJack are here. veteran skipper Frank LoPreste expecU. the remainder or the 11eason to be good. last· mg well mlo late September f'int ftfarUn Cat("f1 ;: Orange County angler Bob Maln weighed lo the first marlin of the season. Main hooked the 122 pound spokebill while tro1Un1 an albacore feather off the east end of Catalina aboard his sportfisber the "Boundlog Main". Since last Thursday 10 more bllllLsh have been caught and this weekend should be a good one with lots of private boats ready to bead out. M06t of the action Is around t.he 14 Mlle Bank, towards the 295 Spot wltb another good bile area during the week at LaJolla. Large lures trolled fast, live macketel found under kl'lp patties and slow trolled flyers should be productivf' enticers for biUflsh anglers lo drop In front ol feeding or sleeplng marlin. If you are going to lay ovt>r at one or the outer Island!> at night, stick out a bright light and try to net a live nylng fish. llf.,at Plag11e• ll101ter• The coa~tal deer season got off to a warm start this past weekend as the warm weather and fires made hunting uncomfortable Those hunters who stuck >l out were able to see lots of deer but not many legal bucks according td' field reports. Final figures for opening weekend are slo'fr' to come in but it looks like it was on a par with last year's opening There is word o'ut that hunting will be very limited in many or our forests if the dry weather continues. If you are planning a hunt soon it would be best to check with your local ranger in advance to find out about any fire closures in effect I don't ttunk I have to remand everyone who goes into the field to be extremely careful with smoking, camp fires and vehicles Let's not burn up any more trees this year Dot•e Outlook Good As expected, dove hunting should be good this season with Iota of birds reported ln most huntlog areu checked. Flights have moved into the lm· perlal Valley, along the Colorado River, Central valleys and Rlvf'ralde County, bul there are not too many birds at Coto de Caza, at th11 wr1Ung. Usually Colo has better late season buntln& than It does over the opening due to heavy gun pressure. Tbe 1977 Oran1e County Chapter Duck.a Unlimited Dloner Party will take place at Oran1e County Falr· grounds September 15 tbJ• year. Ticket.a can be purchased at lhe door or stop by lhe Grant Boys In Cost• Mesa and see Vlr&ll. Inland Lok~• Slflu.· Hass, catfish and bluegi ll are hitting at most Southland lakes but not an any good numbers Fish have gone to deeper water in !icarch or cooler water temperature and will slay there t1l the days start roohng off a bit m September Trout fishing 1s slow except for a few of the lakes who heavily stocked themselves with ram bows this past sprinl( Big Bear 1s vcr) "'eedy and dropping fast but some trout are being caught on worms and 1rnlmon escgs over rocky area. Trolling•~ all but out al B1e Bear due to heavy speed boat and water skung pressure Silverwood 1s. slow for trout but listed as fair for catfish and bass. All other lakes In Southern California have lowering water levels and weed problems and fistuna Is on the slow side. Thursday. Auguat 11, 1177 DAILY PILOT 83 Aztecs Quarter Horse R aeing Dolt Los A lami tos Entries lnOT LOS ANGELES The home field advantage worked when it counted, bringing the Los Angeles Aztecs a victory in a North American Soccer League quarter final playoff game Ane Mlhailovich scored an unassistell goal at 2:28 or a sudden· death overtime period Wednesday night to help the Aztecs down the San Jose Earthquakes 2·1 at the Coliseum, which bad been an unlucky spot re· cenUy. A crowd or 4,308 saw the duel. The Aztecs had been worried about playing at home, since they lost their last four reaular season games here, two at the hands or the Earth- quakes. The Aztecs meet Southern Division cham- pion DaJlas in the second round of the N ASL playoffs Sunday mght at the Coliseum, and then next week in Dallas in the finale of a two.game, total goal series. The winner of the Los Angeles-Dallas series will advance to the Western Conference championship series that starts Aug. 21. Wednesday ni~bt 's game had no score until the 60th minute when Ill· ja Mille scored an un- assisted goal for San Jose. The Aztecs tied the game with only 4:54 left in regulation when George Best scored an unassisted goal. The teams were deadlocked until Mihailov1ch. who played only 16 minutes of the game, kicked in the winner. I""*"" T--0.., T,_ti f'• __ ,:• u ·--,1,.1 aN •JtllUI Ul&«IMIN,6• ... -•ec•• PIAST llACtl ->• yltcb 1 YN• o"" (lelml"I Fw _.<llt.., """" •1200 Cla1mlng Prtce UOOO l\la<...., IT,...,11ttl 1n J•l•Crlt .... (Pt1.1llNI IU Top Seu' IBtoo«\I •n True 8.tCIQff !H41rtl tn Go Otrllng !Adair! '" My PtUft<ltr IROllQlll 121 Jetta Sate. ICre-rl in c,..111noow.r11e l<Atil 111 Moapa t>IO (<:ardoia l In wave Mii On IO.tomi..1 "' SICOND AACI 110 Y<trch J year 01<11 & 1111 Cltlmlno Pur.. •noo c1a1mt11Q ,.,.,cenooo 011 JO<ly (1'..Ullnt) 113 JuOY'• _, c ... r11 tn H1wallM1lllHI ICMclOtat ttt w .. Riiier llidalrl t" CuttomedTallOrttd IAlll-.1 in AoyaiOtl'l•t !AOUQlll 1n SN>r1lllodltt1u.-..m1 1n Ca-Slrip 19Mktl 121 THIRD \tACe-:-a yarfl J yoar ol<lt&•Clalmlfll l'wM.nof, Clalml119 Pn<tUGOO .......... n ™-(Mylft) 121 oAlohtYC!WtW IHtrtl tn 819 M Tt11Gtorvt IDtiomotl 111 e11arnev 1..-s> 1n Mr a.c:Md> (l'.,llNI 112 Lale l...ul>Ch !"oollllel<ll 1n SoeedY s.tvaMett IMttclwHI tn Cl\artieGnv tC..r<lor•l tn Tidy o· ArQtfll !(.all Ill Charm Gal" IAdalrl t?l POU•TH lllACI l\O •••d• 1 vear ota .........,,, Cta1m1no p.,,.. '1200 ClaimlftQ P<lce •lOOO B•m-tCtrooral 1n Com• On Ard!\ •A Ill win 1 t It Cllalt0\141 IROUQlll tit MluAoemOn A<ta"' '" Proper Tlmt llrt•\ul'ft 121 l'IC-lt P•-·· IH1rt I 1n Ot1tpM1aJe1 IC••-" 1n 1.ov1vouSo(Waro1 '" Men 's Goll LAGUNA II ACH A low NI 10\lm-I Wat ... l<I re· ctn111 tll Sall J1>an Hlll1 Country CIUCI by mtm11er1 o1 ,,,. Laouna hach mtn'tclub A Pll911t-I, ·Fran• H1nH" 111-10.-.11; 1. l.rne\I Jacobi C17·U_.0, 3, Joh" $neddo" CllO-IS 6'1 e Fll9M I Rtd Hullno• 111-tl-601. 2 Kon L•h"er lt?·tt~I l ltlel Fr•"• Rooan tn 11 651, Ha;ry5vk9' 1u.11-.s1 C ,.110111 -1 Ge••IO McGu1re Ill n ~SI 1 llltl Gordon Po1y1W 10" .... Pet HtM•no .. 10 ..... 1 J•<• McDowell 1111 .. , ) <11•1 Floyd Hult II& 1' '" JO\•O" Enr19111 11 lO 611, Low Min"• 17 10 of\, lynn C•tfH •rl ... ll •" 0 FllQlll I llPI B«• 8o1110 ... 15 Ml. Bv 1Cm'1Tlo111 •0 n .. l ll1tl S Elliott Lifton ... 14 10 Juhan Golli• ·•• 11 701 I Ou" 0o0>0n ctn• 111 E Fllohl ' Jack H•l<ll<OCk •s JO UI 1 Aolltrl B•I<~ ••• 11 -411, ) 111•1 Sid Pur1on '" 1t Ill 010 -1100-1' Ill WaltW'El"V II°'• 111 CASTAOILIOLGC ~ WllalO of Mio-Vte10 KO•ed a llof•I..._ on Ille t1&.y1rd I 111'1 hole el ,,_ Cnl• Del Sot ••· ecutlve golf 'OIWW rKtnUy utll\O a llve·-l'lnl round play In tM _,, • ctull BOB MAIN, FIRST MARLIN OF '77. The Aztecs were the league's top scoring team this year with 65 goals. With a 15·11 rec ord, they finished second in the Southern Division behind Dallas. San J05e was third with a 14-12 mark. cllamolOnWP tournamenl mllSI 114! compltltd try S\lncMly. II 11 1 malcl\ otay t-#llh 11• fllQllh lnctuOlno n playerl '" lllt CNmplon1lllp round Women's Golf Report Checking Out Cot1$t Area Action COSTAMllAOC P•rtnff'\ 9'ottor 8•11 T..,,,.."'."' I Setty 8'-. J.,, La .... 11te •2. 2 llel Ell.,. St111 ... Lu<lll• P-•. M••Y ~. Je"Y W•IOOf> N.,_ G•..ty ....... Scou .... , HI•) Slllrl•V t"ln• Carnall• K•""•dY Fra" Grotenftul\. lll•ncl ~-.... 1 Jun Patrick. MMY Zlm,.,.,inan, .. Crle<I ToumameMI A FllQM I Atlct Otfby .. 2 llltl AM 1'6Pl't\ Laver"9 Sl"CI"' .. e l'llQllt 1 w....i. And<tr...., .... 1 ll••l Fr.,,Grotenl>ul• N0<eneGrotdy .. C Fll;M I CarOI llou, 4S< 2 Pal Kale,'7. J s.t>dreMcFarl-.70 0 FllQtlt ' e11 ... SllPH. '°·, Ille) J•n La Pointe. Carnelle Ke"nedy, U . ILNIOUILC( Blind Draw To11rNrnent !Beller b•tl of lour-I. I Vlrol"I• E-v. Belfy JoM>on, E•••vn 1'111111111, Helen ~iv. 61 1 lllel <;ue Edi•°"• Julle ,.,,. Mt"O•trl StbDert, Vlvl•n '"QOYIA R•• Cochr1n 0••"'• Af4'1n•r, &Iv \1c9'ltr M•ude Wf'ld m&n L•1,,t1t 9,.., .. r K•Y V•nQ•ll' Mltdr..O WHOUr M'lrQArttt Wildm•n •1 81<1 •nd l •'fl"' S1\t•r fDUrn•nMnt t £ 11,,.11n M.4r~ Joyce Norman Jl 2 l•an""' L•Boo N•n<Y S..lul ll ) t 1f' l J~•t"lt'W Simm\ SU1&n WH\Of'\ '>"° (dlton Miiiie Pft~. J4 llANCHOSANJ04G\llNOC TIP\ Whl\tl• Tourft~t • -"" 8 Fll9hl1 I Kay ,,...,, » 1 lllffl M<Kl,,.ey. J7 C -t> "'O"'' I A" "•leall $heller. U . 1 Carolyn Waillrl0<1e. J1 One--tllr" -I .. ay h11m• '"""' I e.tty V~ Pal .. Ill· 1e1n. llMlll,. St•kllt....i. Lu wm .... ttt, 7 Kay May, eon"i. 0111\1-it, THf\6 Elmort. Aou Aotollltoll, IJS. •tOCANYC*C( T""' low 11o1111 IOI ,_._ touma mtnl A ""•Ill -I. 111•1 Ount Helpertn. Kathl•n """yor, JaOI• M<(loy. _.., t>oupe. OoMa Srnltll, Vlrelnl• su.1 ........ , i<.y -· Hel9n Pooler. Ut. J Lil Or .. 1. Toni OH ....... I. J.-Martin, JHn Lambert. uo • "1l9111 ·' ......... 11 .......... Jovc. lacll•ll••. Sally Wr!olll. Myr"• ea....... IP. 2 C..Cll Jeth. Robin McDowell, Lltlltla Tuel••. Ous•I• 81acklld9•. tM; s. Arla ••0•11 • Mickey l'af1'efl, 0'-w Hall, Aul" Ralf, IH. Ml ... VIADICC Molt p.,, T_,,_ (NII: A FllOlll-1 Vtrde Sl>frley, U; t. Glot'la Bowden, 14; l. ldel Mlir'f Aalltlll", emr Buro••. 11. 8 Fll9"f I Ole) 8art>era Mallek. Mav T~. Dottle M«rl•. Kelly Adam1.1J c Fllolll I Ult> Oolflt Jono, '>vlvla Pr-kt, 00.-0lllY JorO•n 11. • w-~··" SI•-• Play Tou,_,,f A FllQM •Groul • I Mary Altlekl", II 1 emy Bur<kft, ti (Nitti I Natalie '""'· ... 2 M<or .. w1"1ar1\\, n 8 ""°"' <Groul I Elllt KlltOn ti 1 Betty H""''· .. (Noll I Marv FC11Mr0411, 10. 1 1<41Ny AC1Am1, II C l'llof'tl IGroul I Dottle.-.. IOol 2 J...,. Poff, IOS INtll I Ja<l<it Nut. II 1 ftal P11<e 1S '4fllJUAN HILLSOC G.,.,, Dey wllll Sa• Clen,.,,I• w-'Golf...,_,.,""' mn -... lie T--1) Sen Cle!Nfli. re· '""'' "'"' ,. .. ,,,._, 111•1 .... Ciiium. H OoodllU•I. SS; l. IC. N~ S7 SecOf'CI FhOl>I I E Clltrry, II, 1 M. 1(1.,_ M. J llltl A Mllc ... 11, S T11,,..... SI TlllrCI l'HQM I M41ry Ple<tt. U. 2. IC "~lo. 11. ) V. H-t. SI, 4 M •-.u San J11an Hiiia ru111t1· Finl 1'110111-1 l!tlen Ian, ... 2 lllol Dot· lie 0.Vrlft. JKllt '--• • Sec-FllQM t. -le Martin. u: t. Ille) ,, .. °""" .... Me<< c;..-,, ,_ .. .__SI. Tlllrd l'llolfl-1. t.\Mt!IN Sl.,lt\I', St; 2. LCMlfff Stdoff. SI; J. "o OSterlOll. 16. MIMIC* lff l.IO CC ~IOf• T__..I (Quaflfyl~ ROUlldl: Low or--t. llell\ Ir°"'", '4; l . Or9ta LlttM, ff. Low Mt-1. Ulal Grwtll Litten. Mwlltl Adolpl>, ed•thic111s1ev, 1._ L-0.-, Low Ntt TOW-'' Ii Flloht (Gtoft) -I. M41•1 .. Nevin, IS. 1Ne11-1 1Ctt11ya.um..n,n e F>loM tGnH1-1 ... ., •r-n, •• !Nell i ~nlct CO.llfln, IS c FllOlll (Oroul I Sh•rf EHiman. Mn (Netl I c1 .... Him "'ono.n tnHHOLa Nancy MO<tlttt of N-llO" leacll, c4IOIU.W -Oftd pta<e In llW l'GA 1111"°' '°" tourn.-M al YorlMI LI ... ""CO\llllrv Club "'ctntlv Moc~ttt thOI an IJ lyl"O for IN IM<I ti -of ,....,1at1°" play '" I ... otr11 11 u 690 tirac•et b<ll 1.,,1 In • pleyoff ta 54nl• nw.rn,...,, of Gtrdef' ~-T__. .,.e111«1 to compete In a four-<tty, 1>toolt ,_,,_, al Dis- ney W«W'l Meonoflt Goll C.ollrM In Of ....... ,. ...... 1111 MHAVl•DICC W"'" Ale• Petric of VIII• won tlw! Co,,tklenc;t Western Amateur Goll A,,_ \OCitllon IWAGAl IW•N1m9'\I wllll a ., ti Mna Verde Counlry Clllll ""' wfftt PM• rOWMS w•' the towe$t In five '(ear,for.tn•m.t~•t t'N<.OUf'M T II• mon'• C111b c111mplon1i'llP beQiMalllleendoft ... .._111 • .,,,..,......., 1o-ni-·1 ................ (<Afll fll..-nt •ACll -• v••~ J Y .... eec.. •C.V • ._,, Mlket.,.l( ..... r) atej r it H4 C'*"1otlll aw ... oe11 s.i lc..Nu•' L lltle l"-Y ,._ CIC"""' I Ol<I' Cltl"""' l"llne um> Ct .. """I Price• 11.000 11• 11°"'1t at.ea -mv.,... 3 ..... 114 -4ti I. .. c..-.... PvtM UJOO 1n Ctal,...llQ l'rictUOGO P°""IW.,.I A...,.,., Rove• IAOUOf\I Mr 8o0\at9t ILt .... ml Oeo&ll0\61-CTrN....,..I YOlll>O<ll -1 IKnltjl\ll 011'4y'' Go ICAIU t It Jollll' l llloO,tll ( ....... I .,, Ill 111 Mr Tl .. r Roc ... t!Otl°"'llel 111 llamtlll,,l!tlY IGeniloHI Ill Ill BIO M Trv K-•ell IMllO•il I Ill Gr ... 1"9ulf\I SIXTH llACI U0 yard<ft J yN< old 11111.. C1a1m11111 p.,rtt UloGll ClelmlllQ Price MJOO '" "'"''~ 1"11'-I Wll<ll Cr-Citic (IC"IGM I e .. 1.o...ce< 1a...11 "''''Nall ... CAcMlr) ... , .. 111 Ill Call NitAAtnl\a IMyl .. I e.1ta 81-, IWarOI Tw•fllytl\,..Sltl<IDO IBrooh l T aka low (A<lal r l '" '" NINTH llACI -)~yard). ) Y .. • 11• old• Cttlmlne """" $1400 Cl•tm1no tit Prlc.e UC00 SwlllQ Ol'I Gal t tKtrtl O;o Prllll.ol tCruoer I "' Groue Aol•lll-tc.ntou I 1tt Ofym--le.Ill 111 ... •11 Mid Aoclo.•11• tUpfl41ml I" Que s...rt• !Dttomoe I F .. U~'" My Nfll (TrN\Utt I LOflllla Ml• !Ctrdo1• I '" MIHWonW1y IT,...Wt•I "' R-1..0 1Htr1l ••• 112 •11. 111 ,,, dYINTM ltACI 4«1 yara• 2 ..... , -& .. A•-·"'·· ....... O.S--CA<ialrll He1...-(MllCl\9111 Wtyww;S lka (Warf I Atlentl .. IL.ipMml 11? 1n a.-Oldle <Mytaa) S1SOO. CNftbEl ..... CUllM"'I ... Race Results ..... -. 0-.Tr•O,.a\t ,.IAST 11.llCS -G yllfd• 1 yur 0101. 011m.no. For ,......,,,. ,..., .. '1100 Jell Oe\1re 1c.a111 1.01«11•0 T .... Roclo.ei l rH\U,. I 1 .. 1,. ~'"'°"Jell Hatti 7 IO Time XI" Aho R... 0eK041 Oen Wll•I 1 0 1\•\tlf' 01c..,•y1 Mtu Fir• J .. t t•w•v G•v No<lur"•• 841ket Jt 8am1tyOoo NOM:rel<llt• u laacu .. Jell D<Hlr• ll • TIM• Rocket, IMIOt.00 SICONO llACI 400 y1rd• 1 •e•• olO\ F0<mal-.Purwn100 FtftlOI-CTreawrel Friar 8o11 IAdalrl Ttw CNuvlnlll !Hartl Time 20 .. 300 140 110 7 IO UO 3,. Af$O • ., Nohy Tu n. C11arllt ,._, NoKralcllH. ,TMlltO •ACI -ll70 yarclr J yt1r ofdl & UP CltlmlllQ PllrM IJOOO. Un C-ve le..ctll ,, 00 • tll 4 .. HIT.mp !c..roota I J IO I IO Qobolr Too (ICN9"tl 11 00 Tl-.. 11 Al>O R., Awe1 si.. c;o., Cotey ' Tlqer Soir• (;tao Nttlle •Lad ScrefclleO Z10 N' Go. ~tea"• Oue•I TOWln 0.-Be SI•• U eaacu l·Uft 01,... & 1 Iii Tem~, p.oltl"O• "0UllTH llACl 'llO •••O\ 1 •••• otd\ C•••ml"Q F-or m•.clit"' Purw \1100 HeltoGr.-w"y ACUtr •10 l.tO 1.0 Jell" A-I (Mylt• 11 IO •IO D•••nOoll fHeru / .a n..... 10" A \\O Ran lU<lil.\' •o' SurflNrt.m•n ,, .. , T '"' Procwr RtQa•O Ta~e Alm, M19'>1 M•M NO'litretCht\ I' I l'TH AACI 000 yard• I ye1r ~a• .. 1111. c1almlno Pv• .. UOOI C1lu<t Otvll (TrHture l Oooo Sailor (Adair I Fut Rel" IOelOn\1)111 Tlmt 10 M uo l lO 170 )10 7111 110 Area Sports tuMMllt S~TS USICIT•ALL c.et<I Meta°"" La ..... 141111611< .. H'9fll ~al"411o" WHlliatS• FCA-b'lforf••lover So.tno• Noser~ SIXTH •ACa -400 yanl~ J vt•• ot<I• & ..., 0...ml"I l'\irw U.!111 Cot>Y lltont •Dt-1 •JO 310 ,..., I mt Smeolh JetlMylt" II IO •-'I Al\011'9r"-•1 CLICt'>lml \ l'I n.... 20,. A.I• A.n MM*ntle ~o.<1•1 L1m1h Aocl<et. !IOI., CM•Ofl. GllO<lllout ~· '-°"'"''.Tilt J•-' S<rtlCllNI U lu<la ~ R._,. ll •I "' • S--Jet,pai011Ut SIYINTH RACI 400 yaro' l YHf OIOI .. ut> Allowance Pu"• '7000 Atlny 8utt IMltclltlll • 40 J.40 1 Ml Ro<k•I Laun< .... IC¥<10H)' 10 J 10 c.o Aed LAdV (A<ltlrl • oo Tl-20" Aho Ran T•• °"· Oetlla/I c.a. Specllt..,Tr!Ke,Mr -'teTw10 ScralcM<l-RtOC'•lOlt• llOHTH lllACa -J»yarcl._ 7 yu• olch Allow.,,c.e Purlt S3JOO I•"" ol Azllre !Mal rl J 40 ,..., , "° Kell ... Pop IC..dora) l IO J 00 Ima"•" Jet CDtlOmlle I • 10 Time-11 es Aho A•n • Pr1nc.e Je,tf"' A\you.tre, Clever Cvt• B•r. 0•"• W1l~y.Ho1Sb ~cr•t<"'td St•r' Abo~ P4rr 8unny Kkl Golll S..~~ n f.aacla , . ...,. •' Auir• • 1 ICtlllH ~. jNl4 'It lt fllllNTH 9'ACt: «Ml v•rd'\ l .,, .• , 010• Ctol4mlf" Pu~ UlOO M•ch••v Auter 0.lomt>a' •olO 7IO 100 SIO •40 Oolla 8M <W.irOI lllllllllQ Doc l 1pf\am I f,,.,. 101' ~ '° Al\O 9'eft 01'ph•n ~ 9o Ju•n Sparkle, Canotd11n ll1tn<1 Aull•" Rooet. HllllMll~Wlliy S<rafc--Str-l"O -· Tnr Stemmer U IUN .. Mlftay ••IH •&.Dell• ••• ,,..d.114 .. Atl..-nce 1, .. Hole-in-one Jean Nygard scored a hole-in-one on the 135- Y ard ninth hole at Los Alamitos Golf Course re- cenUy usina a 5-wood. Playing in the same group were Charlotte lh· die and Suzanne Casey ;::::::..-----------------------------------, Deep Sea ·R e port MARVA·C FEATURING: DASH FOR CASH ¥1. LllTLE BLUE SHEEP CBS 8 e:lO • "Two Rode · To lb • •• ft le hard Wulmark enh11t~ iJama ow 's H 1Man<'c in thl1 1961 tern wath Shtrlt•y Jom . IBC e 1:00 "Yan11tn'~ RoimtJow ... Thi~ l mu kal l'lhow~ how lhln"s arc in Glocca Mm ru. with l"r-<''1 Al'ltatre, P tuJa Clark and Tommv Stet•lt· KHJ flJ 8:00 .. Pillow Tulk · The Rack that ~lal1t'd tht• lkm' r>oy Rork Hudson·Tonv Rundall <·omt'd1e11 rolhnJ( and ear O\-d Ml'i'> Uuv .in <he Jr nomtnu taon. Wtth Thelma Rt0 ltt·1 ,.. " ~:,·rv DAILY LOG .. 7:00 'l E111tr1t11CJ Oftt GU i.aJ>Cl)G)Clllf'" llt U.11 Club tlJ My ThrH Softs •1 To Tell the Truth Cl) Co!Kentrltioll m I Lo.t Liiey Q) Tht Fil ~ ~!?. ~:::,:- !all Ml1MnJ llfD fl) Madltil/Ullflf .. ~ ( 2t1 ())) The hrtncl&• f amllt 1IJ er .. wrts D M Estate & Yeu -7:30- DWJ e t-American Style The OIW Ceu,lt u The r..a Siio• tJ Clftcliod ~a • Ill TIM Jtbr'a W.W ID Cl) Mato "IM m lewltdMll (Ill> (I)) 11M ..... flr111 8Ttdl(1~ SltepnMti. e CllaftMI ZI Ttllicllt (3 Cl)) IMr '-" Clltrri<•lllRIPt (Ul.Jlt'aO. ID Of111c• CounlJ Sllmmtf 8:00 fJ ((ll') (I)) Cl) TM WllloM (R) Ehubeth hu Ilia entire W1lto11 family on edit over Ille ftftltll cf her aleepwalklna. brou1ht on ~1 somtlhinc ITaumatic '"' saw at the lotal e1m1v1I ferris wllttl. ; O(l)mOMttle: (Jiit) "fWaa'a.....,.. (mus) -Fred Astaire, Petula Cl11k, Tommy Steele, Don franc:ks, Keenan Wy1111, Al freemen Jr. F1n11n lleals Glocct Morra·' pot ol IOI' 111d, P\lfllltd by the ltprtthaUtl Os. laka 1t to lle11t11Uy • .titre ~· burltl •t 1n Ille ltofe ti 1Nk1111 II '""Hst 1~ vatut · D .... "A lllct tt UW' (drtl '6~-Suunnt Pltsllttte, ltadforcl Olma1. 8e11 Gamfa, Pttlf Craves. Cl) .... : a:> (at) "Wltdl • IM .... ,. (dra) 'U-Btltt D&t&J, Paul l.llbs • •(1)9( (I)) ...... kl lilUii ''Wltomt 8aQ" '* rtt1llt llis f111t day as • teeclttr lflflen he lurntd llllt all llit fet11 Mre 11at1htd ...... <t> (21w) ..,.. t•" (rotn) '64-0oril Oay, llocll !Wion. tony Randall, Tlltlma R1tttf. • 9l1tlo1ul Ce .. ra,_k "Tht MillOll" CDPelTJlle-. S Mtvlt: CID (%l1r) "h1'8•r"· (SUS9) '7Z-Richard Roundtr ... ··Ftftytt-. .,Pt ... .,.. .... -1:30- • Cl) 9 <• (I)) ........... .... (II) Slril1ty'1 lll'•ll'lnt lilllf. ifter ltiril1nc w ~ i. llOt "'"' lo "*" '*· du. lo pllt her llaby "' tot •tlOI *" .,a tilt ~ ...,. .. "' font.rd 10 ua sh~ -~ 9:00 • (:Jl) (I)) (I) lladl Fhe-0 (I) MCClnalt lllOrU wi~ t Tokyo ... lftlCtf Vylll .. ~ ..... Mlllll .... hOll btfwt9I fflont1 Japan to~ •en.• ~~·--illv Ml1 ~ lOlro cef • <• ) IM"1 .. 00 • -ltolM" , •• Ill ........ ~-­.. Nit II Ille Ute MJIJMt to ~I Ollllid lltt•ll ~II Ito dMnt tbt MCftt '"" ltSb .... , llil llNltfl Md I Mllf'M WllO 111' II• rr •n lnt••t•~ed to bomb r. ft(IU•l•nl ..l•hOn mMt1Y Grlft111SIW G>TMYir&11111ft fD Tiit Act of Ul!Ceftl111ty Q!.l) Sumllltf film Clnslcs -9:30- 0 Tw1h&)lt Zent D COMEDY HlrS BACK! • "THREE'S COM,ANY" IJ (}) O:Ol (!JI(()) Thru's Comp1nJ (R) lwo btaulllul contem porary youne women need a lh1td roommate and decule to share their apartment With a Nn. m S.CC..r frOlll &erlwaay 10:00 0 ((12') Cf) (I) laruby JoMa CR) Bmlloid Dtnman 111n1s as a play· boy ec athlete •ho plots a d11f1tult S2 million c1o1i,r diamond heist that '"~~d an urhtt bUf&lary to obtain p~ns ol the secunty system 1u11d1ne th• lotlUnt In &ems. a.,..., I() MoW11: (2hr) "Good lltws" 1mus) •7-June Allyson, Pettr I ~wlOl(f IJ 3 1.0 Ut e ) Wuh1de Mtd1ul CR> My Physician. ~v lr1rnd Parr I Ur P.iktr l1&hts to ,.,,. thr hlr I d nun who ~ems dtlt1m1ntd to di• fl) Civale.Mt ol lo1in1 fn Mnterptt<t Th11t1e m u a..n Am• -10:30-m m mitews (I!!) Arntricua 11:00 D (1) D (I) ((Ill Cl)) all,..., CJ QJ) Cl) tm Ill ....., 0 (!21f (()) i..o.t AIMrit1n Style Cll Ironside m fem.-12Jlipt O> Marta Wiiby <a .... " Crtudle m "'°""" el> Medltll/lellltf b,ort -11;30-0 ((fl) CJ)) (I) Movies: llttak Dtl~r Us Some h 1I,'' "If Ht ltol· ltf1. Lit Hlnl Co" (dra) 68-Dana ~,nit RJymond St. JKques, Kevin McCarthy D !ft> (I) Cll ft-.., C.... ( t ) Mcmt: .,lt11111t" (adv) 47 Geo11e Rift, June HIVOC IJ (l) (8 ())) S.W.A.T.I The TII~ llll!lt S,.c11I CDMllllllm Tiit 700 au. fD~AIC£"""'c""9 tD CllMIN 34 12:00 8 TwllialltZ... • Mowle: ~ MGtltn'itlu ill P111l lice" (adv) '64-Jotn Shawlee, Vattrie V1rd1, Ceola• Montcomery. CD ero..wtts CD llowll: "I W. A Slloplifter'' (dra) '50-Mona Fruman, Scott Brady. • -12:30-: ttt ... llllttt .. ""'*9tlltr" (dra) '42-loretta Younc. Bnan Ahelllt, Jeff OoaHll, 1:00 D 8 (I) TlllMW 8 ~ "Rid lltllt," '111t Gos. pet Acc«d1n1 to Sl Matthew' -1:30- • ~ ..,.,._ ter Ja.i. 0.. .. (dft) '56-ll'11nt Oty, Riurdo ~talball. 2:00 G llewlt1: "Subt.,fuu." "hm Lin~ -2:1>5-a -. .. : <t> -s.. ..,, U.." (dra) '66-Josepll Cott111, Martha tlyer, Pattr CWl1na. -2:30-m ~ '1ht fortunes of C,p t11n ~.M "Vampl11 Men of tht lost Pia , .. . -. . .. ... ~-- 1111 Sweet 'Appk 'free' at Golden West . Golden West Colle1e has completed an am- b1lious, four·•how •urnmer 1euoo with u attrac- tl ve, lmaalnaUve and hlahly entwtalnlna produc· Ucm of '"Ibe Apple Tree " ThJa la a potpourri of three mlnl-muslcal com- f'dles In whlch the only common denominator is 1 umance. The mood ranaes from tender comedy tn thti flra.t uct ("The Oaary ot Adam and Eve"> t.o rau,·c>U1' ut.lre In the aecond ("Tbe Lady or the Tl l(t'I ") to freewheeltn11 farce in the thlrd <" Pu2111ionella" J Undt!r the deft directorial hand of Denise l>unnc, the puce or the Golden Weat show ls un: tformly brl11k , even in the "Adam and Eve" seg- ment which trndltionally baa tended to drag In past produt:tlOM. James Cook and Marsha Clark are wt•ll attuned to their roles in the aenealJ of history. with Miu Clark particularly en111Ln11 ln her duet with the bnake <Jeremy Davia). THE COLLEGE .ORCHESTRA nearly steals the :.potU11hl in ''The Lady or the Tiger" as Gerry Schroeder'i. troops strike up a torrid beat for the re· telhng or the ancient fable of early-day justice. Stephanle Smith la 1specially etrecUve aa the JeaJous prmceaa whoae lover'• fate rests ln her hands The runniest portion of the Show is Jules Felf· rer's lampoon on showbiz, "Pasalonella," an updat· -fiJdllEIS THE BAD JEWS BURS ARE• TUR ti.JU AllJ • YUR WIUIR niE BAD NEWS BEARS IN BREAKING TRAJNING WIWAM DEVANE CLIFTON JAMES •• • , ~AUL IMC:JtlllAN n,, ~ Jl'JiO"I G,,111.c••t't C,,.....,., C>Y 91.L L.AHCAIT'l• P v0 enh; UONAllOOOl()e(.-0 0° ... '"'1"r lieCMMl.PMllMAH rPG""T---;~i;1 •~•11AMOUNTP1CTUM ..... . L!: :!..!...._ ..... __ .. ..,._.,_ •J 11sCQl..CMll ... •• OIA-IWNT .... fOM ! I i UA City ~.)•II "'"'"...-.. • • WtlfM*tft• AHA*IM 11•-· Motll.. ..,...,... _Cl.......,. ........ .as.''°' OUHM NI.A 0...,..-.11 ........ ..i1.o>•o _.._.. •. . ... 1,..»ff IL fO.O AHAMllM ~ . ...... • Hl0JHO .......... IN.... .. .. •.• nwu1 CotfA MUA NUNT!MfOM ltACN 1-C.-•"~1•1 w .. -IM . M14ffl Things to Come 1936 Starring RAYMOND MASSEY and RALPH RICHARDSON Directed by WILLIAM CAMERON MENZIES Intermission Tom Titus Vitro, 21, b pJaytnr the role that won an Otcar for George Chaklrl1 for the American ualc Theater, which ls currc.nUy tour· in1it the musical across the COW\• try oo a seven·month stint.. He was one of more than 1,000 young actonJ who auditioned for the 5S slots in the company. ing of the Cinderella story or a chimney sweep Terri began his career as a <Stephanie Hardy) transformed into• sex symbol. youngster wlth Pall Tam· Ooualas O'Connor has some fine moments as the bellinl's 1uruor division of the mod heartthrob, while Wally Huntoon does an Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, amusingly wry job as the narrator. Huntoon's work taking the leading role in ''The Is more visible In the excellent 11cenic backdrops or Shoemaker and the Elves," v1T•o theahow. among other shows. He appeared in ''The Miracle ''The Apple Tree" speaks well tor the versaUli· Worker" at UC Irvine and "Harold" tor the Irvine ty of the Golden West drama proaram, which CommunltyTbeater. mounted the show on an abbreviated-schedule. The -----= five-performance engagement closed Sunday even· in1. .... COSTA MESA'S TERRI Vitro, an Orange Coast Collese 1raduate and former drama atudenl al UC Irvine, be.I begun his climb up the ladder or pro· fea1lonal theater by landina the role of Bernardo in a tourlnl production of "West Sldt Story." T SCREEN IN ORANGE COUNTY • MOST AVAILABLE SEATl°NG • FAN- TASTIC NEW SOUND SYSTEM • 70MM AND 6 TRACK DOLBY STEREO • STAR WARS T-SHIRTS AND POSTERS NOW,AVAILABLE. ~ SHOWTIMES DAILY· 12:00-2:30- 5:00. 7:11).10:00- 12:00 MIDNIQKT Harbor 11 Ad•~ Co11e MH• ~02 He fought wua and won them. He defied Pre1ldents-ancl might have been one. 'llltlllOtt ~ AIDerkM lier• o(ovtlme ... and ... wof Four years In preparation and productJon. ilnun 1Dll 1MJJllltt• llHMIHS· lllllPY·Jn•"MI &llllWU•Mlai"JlllCI •lllllr llPI SIM-1: "*ilr !Pa •UL'llM IOI ·fltlllU• SOl"l'll ('O ,\S'I' rut "1111 1 1' • 11 f~ f, It f Al If l~'t '' '4 . ~.w.-s..1:45 · •THIATUI County "A BRIDGE TOO FAR".,., l'HIATUD-- • FeStival d Arts • sawdust FestiVal •Art-a-Fair. 'ANNIE (PG) HALL: wi.w..,.._. . f:ik~~1 .. Champagne 'Changed' Aetor's BOme Q: I uy rt Mil be w11 ~,. ta Coanee· tk l. J111 hie94 c:l1t 1 .._ oo•et fresa It r lao t ••et.., . WM'•......,-•.a.auw.a,Pnrt•. JU. · You are. Tb r.uon for the mlaup I baelr ___ ,.n-=-""'' i me the arlur w u lnlcrvlewed by Lo\I U Paraon1. Aft• telliq h•r h wu born In Brld&~rt tttl'>. th y •IJ>ped on chem· P•ln• th r ut e>f the d1y. Mtwrtha lattt, lit1b waa atutled to THd ln Louella'• coJumn: "Mr. Mttchum wu born tn Ch1mpal1n. Ill · Q : I ttm••IH'r, Dl>t tCM> muy Hm en 110, aeel.n1 opt'ra a&ar lloa,.n Murlll'• &ffHI• ton IH I Ida ••n ,_k lfCIUP lD TODAY at 3 I I PM MO~~ AUG.u15 ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER ANAHEIM l"'ERl"ORMANCI'. !ICHr:OUl.E AUGUST A M P M P M TODAY (TfturMhy) •• , • • • • • ••• l 00• .••. I 00• TOMORROW (l'rldtY) • , • • • • l 00• • I 00• IJ SATU•DAY • • • • II oo•. . . . . l 00 . .• 00 14 SUNDAY • • • • • , • • • 1 10 I 00 U MONDAY • l 00• I 00• * CHI LOREN UNOEH 12 S2 00 '"''than .c!u1t pnc~ All S••ll ••••,.•0 S• SO SS SO · SI SO $7 .SO Tu Incl. TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT All Ttck•tron Outi.11 Including SHn. W•rds & T/111 BrCNldWll'I • All Mut11al Al/ifncM lncludmg Pitcif1c St•reo (f131 S Hill, L.AJ • Con~nrion C.nr•r 8011 Offiet1 • UN tunkAmttm:11rd /VISA/ or M•it•r Cl!•~ by me// or •Ibo• off1" • FOR TICKET INFORMATION CALL (114) &lS· fi()(X) A~~0 The Long Beach Arena WEDNESDAY, AUG. 17 thru SUNDAY, AUG. 21 THI LOYI Of llHJIN C1' MA T1HIH om y 4).A lllOGI TOO fAlM IPGI ~ IY ..... MCU OHL Y 4t.. "HNTUcn ,.,IO 'V MOYlrlll $1 .62 per DAY ThJl0s ALL you pay ror a :lodav"d 111 the DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY '"'IT "ow 642-5678 'Glad You Asked That' ~M ..... -4Hr•wc1Mr van W•&elH1tJter <N.T.) '10 ICUol prom1. Hai be mldo Uaat bta proltllloDt -Jin. Oareaee WctJI, New ltKbeUe, N.Y. A: David, now la, attendl a musical colle1e but 1llll plunk• the aeetar u • bobby. Hi• father con· tlnuee to werble both operatic and pop tunes for a llvlna. between 1tarrln1 in TV variety apeclala. Q : Wbat'1 th!• about Teueaee WWlama and Gr ta Garbo? Is b• trylaa to talk Iler out of retlre- ment by wrtllo1 ea ortalnal 1crtpt for berf - J .M.C., Lu Ve1&1, Nev. A. The rumor probably stems from a atory In the playwrt&ht'a latCJSt book of memoirs, ''TeM easee Wllllam1' Letten to Donald Windham. 1940-65." Garbo once told hlm she would like to make another picture -ao lona u the part w11 neither male nor female. Garbo alto rearetted that 1he wes not able to play "Dorian Gr ay." "In appearance," "JAUNTY FUN" ...... , ... ,~ ............ '"''...., ... h '"'' .......... , ...... ""' ..... Ufl. .,.,, ""'"' c~nn. •ur '"'' U 1M111.· -o..,..,._,Ti.ol"9f.._ Burt Reynolds ''Snl0k8y ... tw8andlt'' Sally Fleld ·-Jerry Reedn .Jackie Gle•son In sneu11e.i1oro1 .m11u I Sci~ay by JAMES LEE BARRETT and CHARLES SHYER & ALAN MANDEL • Story by HAL NEEDHAM & ROBERT L LEVY Music by Bn.L .llSTIS and JERRY REED · Uirected by HAL NEEDHAM · Produced by MORT ENGELBERG Emutl•t P1odvctt llOBEllT l lf'IY • A RA.STAR Production A UNIVERSAL Picture • TechnlColOf• =~== The Love Bug tutns the gte<lt taCe _;:_~~8~ SO COAST PLAZA "THI SPY WHO LOVED Ml" Cl'GI H&'l'l h,._,•llo .,.., ........ S COAST LAZA J41tltlll•fl)4111tl llllUOM "'THI SO•CUI ... -• N&'ll_.... ••• ... C>C:lr IPGt ...... -. COA T PLAZA Into a brand new HERBIE-DERBYI WALT DISNEY ~~s· GOES TOMON'R CARLO .. De.an JONES 0on oons Julie SOMMARS 1• NOW AT THESE THEATRES! . •lllllMI I IHI •b&llall al.al 1B11.11lal •·t• CALL THEATRES e FOR SHOWTIMES e AN OUTRAGEOUS ~:1.to:~eo;:;:~.p~~~:.·i::uc: !•=r:."a boy (wttb> the cold quality ot a mermaid. .. Q: Nobody I .. • WltUea t.-u UIWend WI crw· tloa. Wlaat wae tS.e ••m• t tile ao•• lea• MeCrack• •&111 ._,, emalu words. .. Uk•*"• Cbkbuaw, Cll1tta·booclde lecUllll doT .. -Mn. JaJDel Edward GUbor., Kllwaakee. A: The aona wu 'Pua That Peace Pipe;• tn- troduced by Joan ln a lttT colle1e musical film. "Good Newa." She co·1te.rnd with June Allyson, Peter Lawford, Patricia Marshall and Mel Torme. It's avaUableforTV. Send JIOU' quc1tionl to Hr1 GardMr, "Glod You Atktd That" CON Of tldl n~, P.O. 8oz 1560, Co.ta M•to 92826. MarilJ/f\ and Hr1 Gordner UU OMOtr at mon11 QUft· tWnl. at tMsl can fn t~r colum11, but tM \IOlurM o/ tl1Gil maka pntODal ffPlU• fm~. ...... ..., .... , ... , ~AMmlSIW.,......_ Helled .. • mejot American play, thl• POfaantly funny • ...,. aDout 3 ••• 1 .... ohfffteedan ef!Cf .,,.., lf'OW• lftl up pain•'°"'" to ICR'• ••for 1 ltmltecl eu,,.. ,.,..... t. u-11.1 A different kind of ... LA MllAM • • LAlllWOOO ' WAl.11• INIONN Hi.ct tia llOMDA\' .... IATUllDAY-....... "-'"' n::a .. - LA MlllADA 4 Olll Y IMnlDAYI a MOUDAYI tMt .. toe ................ ......, ...... N1W YOtllt, NIW YOIUC la.II • •ta ........ . a...y .... ...... INI~ IOUDCOAITllc ... ""' MIDWAYtNt .,11;,=J ~.=i.:7-?'~Cl cllll,.:,:) ~~:~~--=. cllll11;,=..J .. ~~·'irt::=.-. f OlHll Alll ~ VAi l f Y f1JllVI "' DALY PILOT "'THE SORCERER" PG .. ROCKY'• ... ,_ "A BRIDGE TOO FAR" PG ........ .. LOGAN'S RUN" "NEW YORK. NEW YORK" (PG) "THE SPY WHO LOVED ME" (PG) "ANNIE HALL' (PG) .. YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN'' "ONE ON ONE" (PG) · ..SMOKEY & THt BAN01r· .. MOONSHINE COUNTf EXPRESS" (PG) "THE LAST REMAKE OF BEAU GESTE': ··e1re THE BULLEr (PG) NTHE SPY WHO LOVED ME" . ··VIGILANTE FORCE .. (PG) "HERBIE GOES TO MONTE CARLO'" "NEVER A DULL MOMENT" CGl 8"0Al CHILOM.H'I ~ "OTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT" "EXORCIST ll:THE HERETIC" (R) ' Outdoor Cooking ·11w :.u11 dot•-. mo1 l· lh,111 1 an the :-.k111 ot '1-.1ton. to an Oxnurd amu:.emcnl park It .1 I .., o c ook .., I h c 1 r hot dogs . B 111 KlemschmuJl ts the designer-builder of th1.., parabolic: !'>Olar t:ookcr, which he sa)!'> . , ............. ''Il l cook eig ht lu Hi '' 1ener.., an about lou1 m 1null'!'> on J ... unn~ da~ lie sa) s tl 's pro b:J l>h the 111':-.l commerc1alh used solar hot dog cooker in the <.·ounlr~< Workers Grow Unhappy Survey Says ]ob Satisfaction Diminislws NEW YORK <AP> More American workers arc d1ssat1 sfied with their jobs now than at any other lime an lhe past 2.5 ye&rs , according to a new MtrV(') The poll. which has questioned employes of 159 l'Omparuc::. yearly ::.mce 1952, found 32 percent of t·urn•nt clerical employes are unhappy with the work they do Fauures Cor clerical workers between 1952 and 1959 showed only 24 percent of those ~ orkers were unhappy. Accordmg to the current poll by the Opmaon Research Corp of Princeton, N.J .. 38 percent of the employcs paid on an hourly basis dlsllke their jobs. up from the 31 percent tallied when lhe survey began. But there is a large gap between the feelings of 6.sob managers and 62,000 workers at lower levels in buslnesses. For instance, 91 percent of the managers surveyed said they were satisfied with their work. That percen· • tage has stayed relatively constant since 1952. T.\KING STOCK According to Harry O'Neill, executive vice president of Opinion Research, "Over the years. the conditions or work that arc most obvious lo the casual obser ver have am proved· !'lhorter hours. better pay, better benefits. "You would thh'lk that people are working less and should be enjoying it more. But while they may be working less. enjoyment -it would seem ts down " v Ma%da Dftlin C'aBfenlia Pa.a Mazda has denied reports that il is considerin1 the establishment of a California plant for manufac- turing vehicles. The company said it. has no plans to establish a manufacturing facility in California or elsewhere in the United States. However, Mazda said it was not ruUng out future consideration of a U .S M a:r.da pro· . due lion facility. ,,. Drought Lenn Talaed SACRAMENTO (AP) -Drou1ht-caused agricultural losses in California probably will ht about S800 million this year, the slate's drou1ht emergency task force estimates. The task force also said in a report farmers' nel income will be abol.\~17 perceot.len than usual, and if there Is a third dry year there will be severe un- deraround water sborta1c!s. But on the more cheerful side. the report al.so noted the drouiht probably won't cau11 •iini.ficant food price mcrea.'ies, and 1977 food production will be near or above the 1976 levcl Bank Agrf"n to Triple Sa~ SAN FRANCISCO <AP > -The Bank or California has agreed to sell three of its branches an Cahfom1a to Crocker National Bank for Sl.02S,OOO more than net asset value. It has announced The ·branches are in Greenbrae, Santa Rosa und Tahoe City The sale will be subject to approval by various • banking regulatory agencies and is not expected to be completed for several months, Wednesday's an· nouncement said Park Chooses AgfttCJI The Wild, Wild Wet, an amusement park, hH selected William Fawcett Advertisin&, Newport Beach. to handle its advertising. Lab Sele~t• Ag~cfl Medical Device Laboratories, Inc., Costa Me!la, has chosen CASA Advertising, Inc., Orange, for marketing communications. Serelce Names Agency Calypso Sailing Association, Newport Beach charter sailing service, has assigned promotional duties to Basso/Boatman, Inc .. Newport Beach. Neac Sermce Op~ Exchange Funds, Inc .. has opened ln Newport Beach. It was established to act as a principal ln de- ferred and concurrent exchan&es in cooperation with broker s. attorneys, escrow agent.a, accowt· tant.s and other principals. Bomb Detector Draws Interest . SAN DIEGO CAP) -Robert L. Meru adinlu there is little market for his letter bomb detector, 1 but says even Arab countries are 1howln1 Interest. A reason may be that it costs $190,000. Mertz is president, chairman and cblef eit· ecuUve offlce,r of IRT Corp., formerly part of General Atomle Laboratoriea. so FAR, IT BAS produced three of tb• dmcea about the slJe ot • frozen food cheat -OQt for tbe tJ .S. Post.al Sfp-vlce and one for the State Depart. m~t . A1J many u 80,000 letters a minute are fed Into the machine in which the contents are 'bombarded with nuclear radtatlon. A dltltal computer evaluates rapidly taken measurement.a. The screening sorts the ausp1cioul letten Into a •pedal stack. A bell aierta the operator. Merz said a falte alarm la impossible. · mE DEV1CE WAS devdoped during a rub of 1rplane hijackings al\d incidents of mail terror, but there have been .no reported ca&es 1lnct last aum· mer. Mertz concedes there \a "a Uml\ed mar'ket arid a bi&h price tq" for his macblne. but be aald Wed· nesday there bu been interest upreaud alto by Great BrJt&ln alon1 with "'lndlrect lnqulrlea on behalf ol Arab countrlea." Tb<>ee natlOhS wert nol ldentl.ned. . . .. .... .. . . . Bumeer ·Views Sought Safety Panel Studies New Labeling Policy 81 Tlae Alaoela&ed P1'etl BUMPER COMMENTS Monday 1J tbe deadline for com- ments oo the automobile bumper rulee bd.ng propoeed by the Na- tional Hlcbway Traffic Safety AdmlnlstraUoo. Under the reaulatlons. autos would have to be labeled aceord- ln1 to whether their bumpers meet a given standard requirlna only minimal damage In a crash at rive miles per hour. If the standard ls not met, the label would have to 1ta\e the cost of repalrlnt or replaclni the dama1ed bumper, including labor. 'Ibe rule would lake effect Sept. 1, 1978. U you want to comment, write to Docket No. 73-19, 74·11, Na- tional Highway Traffic Safety Admlniatralion, Room 5108, 400 7th St. SW, W aabin&ton 20580. TEST DEADLINE -lf you want to represent clients before the Internal Revenue Service, but you're not a lawyer or ac· countant, you have until Monday lo apply for the 1977 Special Enrollment Examinallon To qualify for tt'e exam you must flll oul Form 2587 and sub mit al to the Director, Audit Division. Internal Revenue Service. W astungton 20224. The Cor m can be obtained from your nearest IRSofCice. ( NEWS TO USE J termine I! someone was eligible, it included the value of the appli- cant's home over $35,000. The cutoff on home value was $35,000 in Alaska and Hawaii. The Social Security Ad- ministration announced that un· der the new rule, already In ef. feet. "the entire value of a home 1s excluded in determining whether the statutory resource llmitation la exceeded." A spokeswoman tor the qency said the change ls expected to as· silt elderly persons who own their homes but have limited sav- ings and income. Sb• declined to estimate how many persons would be affected, but aald it ls not expected to be a larae number. lf you think the change may make you eligible, for additional help, contact the nearest Social Security office for Information HEAR THIS, LATER A federal rult! !>etting condallons on t-he sale and labeling or heannJ: aids has been postponed. The Food and Drug Ad manastralion rule was to go into effect Monday. It has been put off until Aug. 25 at the request or a federal judge who Is considering a challenge to the regulation quests that it establish safety rules for atUc ventilator fans and belt-driv~ &rinderl. The commlsalon had been asked to require that the tans be labeled to warn consumers that in the event or tire the fan thermostat would start the fan, wtucb would draw fresh air lnto the atUc and feed the tire. The petition requestina lhe rules also asked the commission to require a warning on the label telling consumers of lhe danaer of ~ fan 1tarting during clearuna or oiling. The CPSC said it does not con- sider such labelinc needed because there la no data showtnc any injuries associated with these conditions. Another petition aaked the commission to require that belt· driven grinders sold to con· sumers comply with the Occupa- tional Safety and Health Ad- ministration rules Cor industrial grinders. NEW PARK MAP The U.S. GeologacaJ Survey has issued a new topographic map of Glaclt'r National Park in Montana The map folds into a pocket· s11cd plastic Jllckel for outdoor use and 1s aimed at back·packers and other outdoors enlhusiasl.s. The exams will be held in Oc tober, but no one whose applica- tion is not received by Monday will be allowed to take them. V AL\JE EXCLUDED -Peo- ple applying for Supplemental Security Income wlll no lonaer have to include the value of their bomea in their resources, thanks to a new government regulation. Under the rule, hearing aids could be sold only to a person who haa bad his hearing checked by a doctor. U nl esa the buyer ,_ specifically waived the exam. the hearing aid could not be sold without a statement from a physician. Copies of the map are availa- ble for $2 each from the Branch of Distribution, U.S. Geological Survey, P.O. Box 25286, Federal Center, Denver, Colo. 80225. HUNTERS NOTE -Tbe Customs Service bas issued a re· minder that American sportsmen vlsilin& Canada and Mexico must comply wilb local game laws as well as applicable US. rules. The SSI proaram provides as· sistance for aeed. blind or dis- abled persons and their spouses tn addition to normal Social Security Previousl). when lhe govern menl counted ret.ources to de Manufacturers would be re· quired lo provide a detailed brochure telling consumers what hearing aids can do. how they work and how to use them NO FAN RULES -The Consumer Product Safety Com m11;s1on has turned down re Detalls on wildlife, endangered !>pecaes and hmats placed on mi- gratory game bards may be ob· tained from the Fish & Wildlife Service. Department of the In- terior , Wa.bhangton, DC 20240 HEW V~K IAPI ~n•n Co • 21~ Thi 104-~llt ullr fled '" 2•111 I• a .. llCltd al· 01nly M l~U'\O ,..,., S.C:w4 0•1• ~ .. -O.•~ Aun,_, 0•1• I V. , ... 1111 ~·a-. 0.yt~I JS V '"""eflCA ,. 1-.1 O.cor In 2\'t '"' ,,., 110( .... OtKlll Ao 1AIJ. 2.s•~. Al!l. Ind .. ._ S\O 0.l.u• C 2' ,. .. AflA ...... 1 • 0.1 CMT 13 1• AIO Inc tov. U"• Otl lfttBr 11\'t 20''t AVM Co ,.4 Jlr. o._, £1 l''lt "' AddlinW 6''1t n.. OIMI Cry "'" 1tlf. 44'tllou 2\<o l l ... Ol•n Crv :ao ~1 Albertt '"' ,,. ... Oocut•f J'\ ·~ .r.tkolM: .,,i ,,, .. Ooll•• G .._IO :~r~tp '" .. , Oorc11 o "'"' ""' 11'• U"\ Oovte Oil :!O 20'' AFurnil , 2'4 01111Mln 0 ""' 14' AGr .. I 10\\ l!m Ollf'lron 141.-t 1S'o AMkro1 u·~ ,,_.. '"''" In W• '" A hGom 2'11• lH> I~.~ ~~'! H~ AWeldfot ti•• 11' .. At'l>lnre 11-'"' ,..,., lk ••• 1 ""'-dOe ... ' flee Hucl 1•. ,.,, ... _.,.. ,. .. , ... Ell< Mod 1'• »t Anl•Cll ~ SI~ 1::::.yi.,' ~·h ,~ ArcJMev n1< l ·~~' n r,i• ~y °'' ""' 1"'1 A a II .. r,, • " 41 ""' "~· :~'f::ll.' ~ 'r.! fl•b T.., ·=~~ i~n~ 1 "16 I $-1• llodU11 U t• 24'-> ";\"" 1 1\1. =Hl<lb ,~ '!2 =l· s.... J6V. J1 ... ...," 11 .... tt• 'leo.' ~ '~ ••rttMk ... IO'lt Im~ 1'9 ~ a .. 11,,. ~ 7\\ fllWI\ n m 1••11.11> mt. '=: ::!k~;.u 1 .. t~ • 1: ~1' "=t '"' "" 91t1f,1 , .. ' l'r I 1'141~ 8 lflt4 I P 1''4 ti:: ,, '"" ._.. 3"' 'S" er. no. .141 ..,,,,.., 6 ·~ : '?oe j4 ::YI ••ooltSSc "'" 24 &-" :,••· nt •. ,., BrwTom ~ t~ Brwnlne ~ w. A Mu 11' IQ 811e11-. 4 4~ '"" tOVJ .... lllC= ''I: " ,. °' " ''"" '"= . ~ .. '"" Mt 12'6 ll'. Ca '' \II ':T Adv ts•'J t•'<I CemllllOI N " 11 lnhl In: tll4 C.nrlldH 21'4 N yrodrl t Jl4 C.pSwC,, •~ 5~ "l'fr R I~ I? ~j"Alr 2~ m ., I~ 1 ta'" ICh Jll't ... ,. 16V. 11 t<lt s 5\11 HofOOlrl 1'9 t \It PS I~ It = IJ 13'" Chm~ 14 1 ~ .. 1\oc ~ ~ II UV. Hlldr. P• 21~> U ~':, .... ~. ye 7\'r 7'\ ,, in ,. n,., ~ .... , Cl "' j J~ I~ NUCf( M Joo'\ 1:8~ ~ ifil= 11 'f Ind ~ 3141 Ill • "" SI ~II~ m:n'4 r,:~< ti II """*In ~ ~ ~fl~ 11\irntt o 211 ~ ·~;r '*· ~~· L I !Matt ''"" f ,_ Wlo'I " er-& 1.-t54-\ Jllf• 4t 1\\ Ovt>r Tht-Counlf'r HASDUstincp Jo1f'(ft M 1 s.14 1.11, p"""" ,~ ,... ti:' Et ~ ~ KellStl pf ~ lhi P090Pd "'"' 1~ £DC ~ 61111 l(etver 1•.i. 1~ Pcritts Co ... ·~ Tempe• ~ll~ Kam., A ,,.._ tfll> :::ri:.c '" ' Tedi Pub 77 71''t ~:-=~ • .. ~~ "'• 17\4 r..: ..... ,. 63 6S p 8-t .... 17 r.-1 lO'lt n.., Kayum • •Vt ~o t.ep 1\!o ,.., Tllny Co ~ ....... Keer Tr 10' • IO'lt ,,_ 7111 l fOKoCe .... s ~:::r. ~":. fl"' ?:'4 =~~r 6 .,,. r ..... o 11 ..... lt\!t ITYI 11 .... frlco Pd )IV) "II) K1y1 fllb 16'·' 17". l!IY<llm 11'1 IJ.I Trlln OCi " ,, l Key GusF 4 •'11 Revmftd lOl'o '"~ Tvton F """ 1111) IC•n lnl 11'"> 11• .. 11•<09 •q ""'~ Un McO•I IO 11 1(11>9 '"' )'• • Road E• """' 10·~ ~~ ~t. 1•'~ U'._ l("•P VOQ 0 1• 1.-•:. Rebln M 11 ,. 11'• "'"-Ltn<• In ~ "" R..,.i.., ,.. UV• 8k> ,.,... ,.,, Lend 11.. I 1'-lloutW ·~ t'' UPP"'I P 21 11'• l•M Co W,, I 711) llU\ Sl<W II' .. I 'Ill Velley en tO'~ 10,1.• S..dller ,.. J t""" Sir 16"• 17V. V•nO Air ••• 10 In Be.,! II\\ It ~•n Oat 1•1 1~ Ven<t !> si. s•. Loo l!lrn 6•• ''~ rlpe>!o H llo • Vrftro a1, • MelfhnG ,. ••• 1.,a.. e·· o.41 s• • s• 1 \14N 9"" 20 71 M.lj lltty . ,. "' ~F , .. •.. WU• Pu ...... M• Oort 11 JI wn~ 2~. ,..,, W\11 N<; IS.• "'' "'91••\I• .... ,.. Slllw 1t 1' WebO II~ JO'> H ' • Maul LP , .. u F"" "' ,. ,.,. Wel~t W 10~ '"• ~ 11'1. ""' Ifft! 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" U'h-'l ,. + , ... ll~;~ '"' . ,,. tf ; t.: 'J~~·~ N OAl\.Yl'fl.OT 17 Family Spen~ing Follows Pattern By SYLVIA PO~Ba How does your family's' 1pendln1 compare with the spendinJC habits of other f amlll• at your earnln•• level? At tbo top or the income scale. the lhare o1 before-tax income \'$25.000 or more> coins to lood and shelter Is mueb lesa than tho proportion spent on tMM bulc expenses of life by famUles ln the loweat before-tu ldeotne brackets ($3,000 orleu> IN DOLi.All TOTALS. THE blahw·lncome family spends more. SpeclftcalJy, th• 1bare pine for food or f am ill es ln the $25,000 or more braclc« ta rou1hly 19 pen~ent. compared with 23 percent for famUiet in the below $.1,000 In· come level. But ln dollars. the hltber- lncome family spends a total of '3,1.36 ror tood compared wlth $792 spent by the under '3,000 family. (The gap yawns even wider when the .. Money's Worth fcxus ls solely on spendlne for food at home: 9 percnet by the higher family earners compared with 20 p«cent by tht lowest f amlly earners.> Houalng reveals a similar pattern, with proportions for shelter (including utllltles, furnl1htn1s. and maintenance1 tapering down from 38 percent at the bottom of the lncorne ladder to 28 percent at the upper end. The dollar totals $1,310 at the bottom of the income ladder to $4,682 at the top For those ln the $25,000-and-over class. 9.4 percent or before-tax earnings aoea for clothing and 10.9 percent for recreation -translatln& into dollar totals or Sl,564 for buy· ing and maintenance of clothl.ng and Sl,824 for recreation alone. The dollar comparisons for the lowest income bracket are $218 n year ror clothing and $174 for recreation MEDICAL EXPENSES ACCOUNT FOR AN above· average share or the expenses of families In eacb income class below $10,000, -primarily because of a heavier con centration or elderly and Illness· prone members. How does family size compare? on average, at the top of the income scale, averaae famllies are larger CJ.II mem· bers). At the bottom. the average Is three members, and the average rises as the Income level rises. The bluest propor tlon of homeowners is In the highest income brackets, too. Spending is influenced by location and are only averages. Another point: While these naures were taken from the just released "Consumer Expend!lure Survey Series: In· terview Survey, 1972and1973" -the first survey In 12 year~ -prices have changed spectacularly In the years since. In· creasing dollar totals by one-third might provide a more re· allstic Idea. BELOW ARE DOLLAR TOTAIS for families with 1973 pre-tax incomes of $10,000.$11,999 and $15,000.$19,999. • ITEM Total living expenses Total food Clothing Housing Tr ansportat1on Recreation HealthCare Other .$10·11191 $8,001 J,767 617 2,342 1,697 S86 482 510 Dow Falls Again After Short R ise $15-11,IH $10,667 2.295 867 3.027 2,257 896 578 747 NEW YORK CAP> -Tbe atoek market turned downward today after the rally that began lact in Wed· neaday's session played lllelt out. 'Ibe Dow Jones aver110 of JO industrials, up about 2 points in early tradlna. cl~ed ottt.81 atm .43. Oainera held a very aU&bt edce on losers amon1 New York Stock Excbanae·llsted Issues after leadlnc by better than 2-1 earlier. Before the market opened the 1ov,emment reported th.at the aovemment reported that the wholesale price index declined 0.1 perce'1l ln July after a 0. 7 percent drop the pre· vtou.s month . M'Jaat S1ark11 Dfil .. lllW YOlll( CAflll flllrty T..Uy °"' '" ... 712 -v .,.. m , .. 1 ,..., 41 )I Jt 411 Family Asked Girl's Death EDINBURG, ,. Jl. (AP> Aller waJUna I -~ for a mlr t'le that d dn'l happen, the tamlly ol t 11·yur old Clrl ln tht uncun1c:lou1 •r1p of a rare ..Uy dt aae ordered her r11plr1t.or un· Plii~ld in •d r to I t ·'God and natur• lake ll• ('OUl'M •• o.blla Re)na, one ol ei1bt chHdren of a Mex lt'an·Amencan m11rant worker, wu taken off the rHpiralur at her family'• request and died aoon af tttward, her brother Joel uJd Wedmtad1y. DOCTOllB SAID THE attractive brunette with ~ brown eyes bad been kept all ve by the resplratOr a.lnce Aa1. 3 wbeo •ht laPHd i.Dto a coma cufltl"inl from amoebic meruncoeocepballU•. a rare cbsease that att cu the central nervou• l)'atem and destroys brain Celli. A spokesmu lot tile C.Oler for Disease Control in Atlanta sajd only 80 cues have been reported •orldwide &I.Me 1964 and there were only three known survivors. Symptoms include headache, malaue and vomitinc. followed by coma and respiratory ra.alure. Sara Reyna and Dahli<A's six brothers and two sisters bad agoruzed over the decision whether to r~move Dahha from the respirator after doctors in this Rio Grande Valley community told the family the s1luallon was hopeless THE REV. LUIS BRUM, a Catholic priest who oounseled the family dunng the ordeal, stressed ihal doctors held out no hope for Dahlia's recovery . .. As long as there 1s a chance of life, there 1s t\ope," he told them. "But the doctors have said ttiere is no hope for Dahlia. She has no brain waves. The respirator is keeping her heart pumping." He said Dahlia's case was "very. very different from the Karen Anne QuJnlan situation" since Dahlia was not emitting brain waves. Miss Quinlan is a comatose New Jersey woman whose family won a court suJt to remove her from a respirator. She remains alive. "THIS YOUNG LADY was at the wrong place at the wrong time," saJd Dr. Ben Gana, the Hidalgo County health officer. The lake where Dahlia reportedly contracted the disease was declared dangerous to swimmers by county officials "Delta Lake is off limits to swimmers until further notice," said Garza "We can't patrol the lake and keep people out but we have posted signs that let them know they are entenng the water at their own risk " DAHLIA SWAM IN T HE lake two weeks ago on a family outing. Doctors theorized the microscopic amoeba in the water, from which the disease was transmitted, probably entered her body through the nose "These a moebas exist everywhere, so to speak," said Garza. "But circumstances have to be very exact before anyone can contract the dis- ease." "She'd never been &1ck a day in her life," Mrs. Reyna said. "I keep wondering wh y ... why my Dahlia?" LM. Boyd HolV About Grand Pooba Why is il so many words used to denote people m authority. leaders, rulers, so on, begin with the letter "P"? Con;slder these: President, pope, prince, premier, prime minister, principal, pharaoh, parllamen· tarian, parson, priest, patriarch, pastor. pasha, parent, primate, potentate, prefect, pilot and prelate. It's not true to say the problems or today's youth are Identical to those of previous generations, as so often is claimed. For in· stance, what about the UnJverslty of Utah coed who lost her contact lens tn her boyfriend's beard? Thal sort of thing didn't happen when I was a lad. Already mentioned that the lateNI lines on the sides or fish are reaarded u a sixth stnae. Cllenl waata to know If there's a seventh sense on any sort of animal. Believe so. The pil viper 1en1e1 infrared wbicb la lnnatble to mam- mall. By use ol the pits beblnd ita eyea, it can locate lta prey even when blinded. Or 10 aaya a medical aatbority. LOVE AND WA& Goethe said, "Girl.a we love for what they are; youn1 meo far wb•t they pr.omlse to be." You lrequenUy bear a boy refened to u ••a promislna youna man." But nobody says. "she's a proml1lnc }'ouna strl. •• In 11 al milat' vein, some men are dt1cribed at "self- m ade," but no women aft. drive them screws 'Wit A or• gn11111 Gf tcttw*ivwl !If Ok· weir Ind IMJ'rt HHCillly ..... ~ ~ M.-lllp ltl4 ..,_ .. r~ wtnwt Of1j)t ~ •- watch , this pot and watch the water heat The Weat Bend Heat & Server doe• the Job faall Hntt 2 to 6 cup1 of water for Instant coffee, tea, 1oup, cocoa and other beverages. Thermostat maintain• proper aervlng temperaturea. Safety lock-on cover prevent• accidental apllls. Juat 8" high, butteraeotch exterior. neater lawns electrlcallJ Blaclt & Dedcet'a 14" rotary mower 11 dOuble lneut.1ed 111d provtd .. In· 11ant power at the fllctt of a lwttch. 314-10 3" ed~ cutting height. #8004.Reg.M.99 5888 •n 6i7 advertlH"alld organize for Kenn Wotk Ilka the PfOI and hang thlt ,..._..t'Welght c:anYU catpentet'I tool aoron wound your walat. It'• got Kenn'• phone number on the front In -you nMd Nm tor tdVIM. age 99 Reg. 12.95 plug It In and mow your law• ti" ultra quiet and efficient Black & Decker ei.c:trle rotary mower makes lewn we a cinch. Double ln1ulated lor Mt.ty and adJu1table cutting Might. #8010. Reg. 89.99 7411 your car'• belt friend Mllllonl of motorl8ta put their truat In Va!Yollne becauM It'• apeclally tonnulal9d to protect your car u~ der .. drMng condition•. 30 or 20 wt. 1 q\Jatt cant. 49tch C8M tf 24 _.... .............. 10.88 touch once tor water Convenient one handle control f~r amount and temper1ture ol water. Kitchen faucet hu bright chrome llnl1h and acrMn 1erat0f. Wllh 6 y .. r warranty. #87601. Reg 27 95 2111 1Lf i ' I: ., ~ ;; ~ ;' \1 ~­ \ gets right to ........___ ..... the problem Surge val\l9 tend• powerlul water pul9M through plpu to IOoMn and deaf blockage. Drain King ..• for t~· to 4" dralna. Reg. 4.95 311 In a small pack, Sheila Link has all the necessities of life (above). At right she shows women at South Coast Gun Club exactly what to take for a successful wilderness experience. BEA ANDERSON, Editor Thursday,Auguat11 , 1977 C1 Packing: The Key Hitting the Trail • 1n By JUDITH OLSON OltMOtllr~llltt Shella& Unk la one person who Ilka to travel llsbt on vacation. Give her a 19-pound backpack and she'• aet for a week or a weekend. . Her provlalona aren't modest. either. The firat meal out on the tratl might be steak, a potato roasted in the coals, green salad. coffee and a luxurious Scotch and water. "Don't !ut that In." she laughed an said or the cocktaU. "It's not a major necessity." But it illustrates that backpackane needn't be a lime of deprivation. An outdoorsman can have nearly all the comforts of home with a little planning before the trip. Teaching people to have a hap- py wilderness experience is one or the JOYS of Mrs. Link, 0 Bradley Beach, N.J. resident. One of the featured speakers at the recent women's workshop sponsored by the South Coast Gun Club, Mrs. Link gave many lips for both novice and ex· perienced backpackers. CONSIDERED ONE or the foremost authorities on wilder· ness living In the U.S .. Mrs. Link also is the first woman ever to be accepted by the state of New Jersey as an assistant deputy conservation oftlcer. She writes newspaper and maaazine columns, teaches sur· vival skills and canoelng, and was the first woman elected to the board ot directors of the Out· door Writers Assn. of America. Additionally, she is a wife, mother and former strine bass player In nightclubs. She has been a trailblazer for so long that she no longer feels uncomfortable being the first to do anything. "I spent time out of doors when it was necessary lo be a woodsman Now at isn't." she ex pliuned. "And I was ahead of the women's movement." Mrs. Llnk started her wtlder· ness training as a barefoot tom· boy in Southern California. She and her friends, she said, learned the ~lements of survival of necessity and by trial and error. "I WAS rascinated," she said of her early experience. "I took pride in being a competent woodsman." She now knows such important thinss as how to pick a good campsite, how to build a lean-to. how lo s tart fires without matches. where to build a fire tn relationship to camp and exactly what kind o( gear to take along_ Mrs. Llnk also teaches classes in wilderness survival wtuch she said sound very bizarre lo the outsider. She gives a demonstra· lion. for example, ol bow to dis· mantle an automobile and use It for various feeds. LearnlnE to survive la the wilderness and actually ac- complishing It gives a person a "tremendous psychological boost." she noted. The key knowledge is that a person can survive three minutes without air, three days wit.hoot water and three weeks without food. She reassures her students that starving to death probably 1s lhe least ottheir worries. "YOU HAVE TO understand Lhe basic priorities ... Mrs Link asserted. "W<' must first toke care of our bodies · · Backpackers or anyone enJOY ing the wilderness must be especially careful to not get too cold, she emphasized, since the lowerine of the body tem- perature can lead to death wiUun a few hours. While part~cipating in a five. day survival expedition on foot through sub·zero mountain wilderness to help establish guidelines for wilderness travelers. Mrs. Link almost Her Motto: 'Be a CSl0wn' By CHERYL ROMO 011111 Dally ~lletMalf She works amongst gUltenng sequins, beautiful people, exotic animals, bright colors and music. The world she lives In as Cast paced, electric, bizarre and sensual. People marry and brlni tbelr spouses Into the business. When they have children, they too. become part of the act. "Ruthie" Chaddock, at 23, is • tall, enthusiastic Texan who halls from a small town called Cuero ("It's clo,,e to San An· ton!o." > She Is appearfn1 with the Rlngllng Broe. Barnum and Balley Circus at the Anaheim Convention Center through Mon· • day, Aug.15. Mias Chaddock la dotna what • abe likes to do best. She makes : people lauch. The lad~ wtth red • patnted nose, floppy aboes, a • Baa1edf Ann wl1 and overslted dreu 11 a clown. Sbo alwaya wanted io be a : clown, Ibo ex plaint, arad ma10red ln chlldren'1 theater lft ec:illece and wocktd ln a dar care center tor youn11tera prior to comln, lO lb• circus t.hr" yeara a10. A tall funnyman atrolll W With .a real ftre burnlnc atop Illa fireman'• helmet and inctbV clown lt bU.sy J>Uttint an elephant 1uit on a lttUe, white 4«>1. "aUTHIE" C8ADDOCK WM one of O•• flr1t women to traduate from Rlnstilll sro.. Barnum aQd B1nu·1 Clown Collete. Mer arWadan. ..,. 1Meame GM OI the two , ....... dOW'ill la OM lboW AeMd~Wd .... ,....22 patJMllctl'M ... lllilftra esr.sa•rldlll a.. .............. t.red • \r.atlltloaallr •••• •.. ,,, ...... -=:==·"' 'If you feel low, the audience gets you out of it,' says 'Ruthie' Chaddock. 'There's really nothing like the feeling you get seeing people smiling.' cities. Every otlier Style became a victim of this condition hersel!. Her companions knew the symptoms, however, and quickly started atvm. her warm liquid and endrclint her with their own bodies for warmth. Members ot this experimental exped.ltlon were equipped only. wlth the clothes they were wearin1. a ralnsuil, knife, topo map and compass. They had no sleeping bags, tents, rood. water or mat.ches. THOUGH SUCH extremes arc possible . t h e average backpacker has a n1uch eai.ier time "roughing 1t" today than ever before. Mrs. Link srud. With modern equipment the hiker can earn all he needs and stall only have a 25-pound pack on his back And everyone can find some enjoyment an backpacking, she asserted. Some people enjoy getting out to walk but she likes to find a spot where she can hunt. fish or photo- graph. There sWl are places to escape the crowds, too, Mrs. Link added. "So many places have been publicized, like Yellowstone and Yosemite, but if people are will· ing to forego watching Old Faithful there are many areai; lert. Less than one percent of Yellowstone 1s ever seen by the pubhc. This is why I particularly enJOY wilderness camping." Mrs. Lmk also likes to hunt and a~ one point furnished the family with enough wild game and fish for seven months of meals · l kill nothing that I don't utilize." she said "I enjoy eating game Unlike domestic meat It isn't all shol up with enzymes for tenderizing.'' IF THE outdoorswoman h as one platform or soap box it is the Importance or caring for the wilderness so it will be here for the next generation to enjoy. ·'Ten years aao you could build :1 lean·tO Of trees Or a bough bed. which Is fragrant. spnngy and delightful. But this is not an ac. ccptable practice now, with the annux o( people on the trails "Yo4 should take only phot~ graphs and leave only fooH prints.·· When she teaches novices, Mrs. Link said. the two most fre· quently asked questions are whether there will be restroom$ along the way and it backpackers can expect to see dangerou~ anlmals. (There are no restrooms, she says with a laugh, and there probably won't be any dangerous animals at aJJ.) <See HOME, Pase Cl) .. u (2 DAJLYftlLOT Thuf9dax.Auguat 11. 1971 _ Taking Chance Not Worth Price (Ann Landers~ . • l>FAR ANN: That l•tt~r from Ute youn1 m wttb all th b11exual fnanda bothered me I don"\ ually ll"t adv•ce. bu\ I'd lJkt lO Mddt'" the r t "'U\11 lttt • tu him You aound Uk• • dee nt auy probably • r"w )t'arll )ouna"r than I am, 10 f think I know •ht"re )'W're COrniDI from TheH frtenda or 'oun .,.. ooan a JOl ol talklnt and from where you 'Nt ll. n ln<1 a Ilk• ever> body '1 into th• bli.cx ual ba1. Oon't buy It Did > w ev r •'mdcr why they are au 01er tn rttruil new pl1t)et11" I t'an tell you h '11 beu the thr1ll 11 In see an1 how mlllly atrai&hlt. tht') <'UI t ucker tnto their 11tupld or11e11 They 'v1• alr .. dy rauon.t1r:ed thalr lunky behavior, but th•> nttd to Justify 1t by t.elllnat you how areal It •~. 1'bey wouldn 'l want anyone lo think lbey·r~ u.hamed Well, I've dabbled ID pot, plUa and ex· perienced vatiout eultW't U1ps I've also 1een a lot ol fairtv .rood PtOC>I• burned out bv that atuff •• You bave LO draw lbe line aomewhere. If you really want LO do aomethlJ\I. 10 abead and do It ;.Massage: ~>Sole Mate ~< '\. ... ., . . . .. "Take off your shoes and bocks You have beautiful feet," urges Lisa Borel But your feel are tired and swollen. aching and smelly. What's more, your head aches and you've been batUlng a sore throat. All the more reason to take off your shoes, says Ms. Borel, a practitioner of reflexology, or zone therapy . Alter a session with her, your feet will feel relaxed and clean and you supposedly will be on your way to gett.inl rid of your headache and sorethroal And, you never want lO put on another pair of shoes In your hie becauae the freedom of going barefoot ts so entlclng. Though going shoeless 1$ not one of the teachings of reflexology, Ms. Borel believes that to be healthy, feet must be exposed to lbe air and get exercise outside the shoe. The feel, she asserted, are the key to health for the entire body. And reflexology, which is a therapeutic massage or the feet, states that each organ and part of the body has a nerve reflex in the root. By manipulating and massaging the feet and toes, problems in such areas as the sinus, liver, back, shoulders, kidneys and bladder can be al· leviated. "The foot is hkc a map," the Huntington Beach resident noted, showing a ch'art with r.:ore than two dozen areas of the body pencilled in cor· responding parts of the feet and toes. She said reflexology is an ancient Chinese healing method which ts related to acupressure l "A lot is psychological loo," she admitted. I: ''TouchJng the feel feels good." t Ms. Borel, who studied at the National .. :f Institute of Reflexology and ls a regular guest on 1 the Good Morning, Los Angeles television show, •::} said she believes doctors will be more accepting of therapies sucb as reflexology in the future. Meanwhile. she is on a one· woman campaign ·~ a1ainsl shoes-particularly blth·heeled women's shoes-end the American attltude that j . \ feet are u&)y. A native or Switzerland, abe said ahe learned early In her native country to be proud of every part of her body, including her feel. I :l 'I 'I .. I .. • . ' Ms. Borel stresses that healthy'feet are the key to beauty for a woman as well because ·'beauty Is only there when you feel truly well . "I can tell when a woman walks up to me if she baa pain," she added. "Eventually she will admit that she.has pain." Ms. Borel, a fashion and beauty consultant who has lived in many countries of the world and worked for large cosmetic companies, recom- mends that people walk on the beach without shoes or exercise their feet by lryln1 to pick up a tennis betll with their toe1. And, she tells her client.I to "play with" their reel In the bathtub--t""Ub and mu111e them while they aretn the warm water. She has one more hint for people Who re~y ANNUAL 20°/o OFF DECORATING SAL;EI The Romantic Look Delicate Lace and Tiny Pearl Buttons But let It be YOUR idea It's bard enouah to hve with our private mistakes. but to take a chance at aomelblJ\a tha\ aoYol ves a bunch ol bl1·mouths 1sdumb Hana an there. We aren't all perverts, and I ror OnCJ am red Up with those weirdos Tl IANKS FOR LETTING ME RAP DEAa FRIEND: Tbanb for rappln&. Glad to provide •P•ct for a .enalbte letter. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm a widow tn my lute ~ und would you believe I am hopelessly. lot ally an love wilh u mirn 20 yean my junior? During lhe slx montt\s our affair lasted I was the huppteht woman alive. It wu like beana re· t><>rn Jt'tt over now and 1 know It. ~Jlhougb he phones once In a while and say1 he ml&Se• me and we'll get together "u soon u he flnda the llme" I know It's only hp aervice and 1 am com· plelely devastated Don't tell me to "keep busy." I'm busier than any woman I know. My career is very de· mandlni I also ao out with other men. I even 1pent the night with someone -and It wu awfUJ. Whalnow,Coach? MIZZERA.BLE DEAR M.: Time IJ your srea&a& aUy. Meanwb.Ue. keep datln1 otben, avoid meoaJac around ud Rl.hus tb.e put. i'or eom• eruy rea10D the one Ua" sot away always 1oob beUer. < P .S. Let me know wb .. you flnd a replacement. dear.> DEAR ANN LANDERS: There'& Alcohollca Anonymous for people who-can't control their drlnklna and Gamblers Anonymous tor people who can't control their 1amblin1. What about an orgaruution for men who are Workahollca ! My husband'• cornpulslon lo work 18 houra a day, seven day• a week hq ruined bis health and mine. Ho haa no rolatloDlhJp with his cblldreo. We have no 10Clal Ure. Money? Oh, yes --plenty of that. But no time to 1pend lt. When we were young I waa proud that he was a 10-1etter but now I 1ee where It hu led him. Could tt be my fault bec~UJe I dldn 't cbaose him., -BEREFT Peering Around MILD R ED CORNELIUS was in· DEA& a: No OH CID ~ ... ,. a d.rhn. Hptt·•llfHtl•e •••raeblever -esHp' ltlm..U. \'oa're not to blame. Contused about what'• r11bt and what's wron1 ln today's "new morality"! You're not alone. If you want honest, down·t~artb in· rormatlon on your aex qu•tlona. read Ann Lan· den'• new booklet, "Hllh School Sex and How To Deal Wllh lt A Gulde ror Teens and Their Parents " Send 50 cents In coin plus a lon1. atamped,• Hlf·addressed envelope to Ann Lan· dens. P.O. Box 11995. Chicafo.111. 80611. 1120 Irvine Blvd . Newpott Beach 8-42·8"8-4 • stalled as presldent of -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;:;;:::::::::::::::::=====;;;- Soropti mlst Interna· lional of Laguna Beach atl a dinner lnatallatlon. Other new otncen ln· elude Carol La Jole and Roberta Dean, vice pres· 1dents; Diana Buchan. secretary; and Jean Milla, treasurer. Dlrec· tors are Florence Brown, Jeanne Hau, Mary Jo Mancuso and June Holman. GAYLE DOUGLA.8 of Fountain Valley was elected president of the newly-formed Sisterhood of Congreaallon B 'nal ,Tzedek. Abo elected lO the Sis· terbood board were LaUde Sperlln1. Lynne Burckln. Judi Kandell and Judy Powell, vice presidents; Serena Gore, secretary; Gloria Wodlnsky. treasurer. SOUTH COAST . ACTORS co.op Is always searching for new or experienced talent for films, TV, stage & commercials. CARLO AD Li.Z.J/mr SALE Slmr'~ · :\...~ .......:.I~ ... WHITE'S LA·Z-BOY •m:i MISSION VIEJO leff A•wy l'trvl nan-...."' two blocb IOllttt of MlaMo. ... poat Yoho ...... 495-5902 COSTA MESA NEWPORT 3 69 E. 17th 5trftt 1w .. t.ort s-.r.1 ··-"-• 1}•111 IM,. .. ,.,._._ .. ,.._.... 642·8657 'Fo r fee t to b e healthy, they must be (714 ) 957-0282 MOii. tt.r s.t. I 0.5 .... 1 .. 10.1 MOll.•T1illn. 10.6 ,.,.l 10.7 W. 10.5 exercised, belie ves Lisa Borel. want lo have happy feet and a happier marriage as a frln1e benefit. "Play the foot game with your spouse." she advises. "Maasaf'e hlJS or her feet You'll be 1ur· prised at what it does." ALLEN FRIES · NOW AT TEMPLETO SUN FROSTING FOIL FROSTING HAIR COLORING t~L.Doeton5 2030 QUAIL ST NEWPO"T BU.CH. CA 92660 • 714-5A().Jem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EVERYBODY LOVES OUR AUGUST SALE FINAL MARK DOWN Our 26th Anniversary Au9ust Sale includes our entire inventory 9f spr.ing a.nd summer fashions UP 10 amu IMVDITOIT % OFF ,SWIMSUITS & COVER-UPS Di •••• • Cole • Sirena •.Daffy \ .. . ' ... ' . .. ... . ~ .. .. .. . ... .......... Thuf'!day,August 11, 11n DAILY PILOT .,,ca Ahone; H.er hlaAg-up By E RMA BOMBECK ln talking with a work- ing molher the other day, she dbclosed one of the lltlle-d1scussed hazards of holdin1 down a job with one hand and tending a family with the other. She called 1t the "Telephone Crisis." At leaat once a day a working mother wlll be summoned to the buru- ness phone to hear the voice of her child say, "Mor.n. c·un I make a raft and mess around on the Ohio Riv e r with Huckleberry Hickey?" St.r1vln11 to keep her carpetland composure, From C1 the mot.her, remember· mg ahe 11 a profeaalonal. will clutch her throat and shout, "You leave the house and I'll break your hcaad.'' ·•If you want to find out how 1ndu,pensable you reaally are," &aid one mother. "just 11et a job and wall for the phone to ring. My kids have had me called out of con- ference i. involving thow;ands of dollars to electnty me with such breathlt!Ss dec1s1ons as. 1 Can 1 spilt a Pepsi with Kathy? 2. Guegs whal the dog dug up? • • .Home Fires Wom en Pilots ' Success Aired Capt Kath\ La Sauce of Lon,g Island. N Y . is one ~f 10 women who will graduate m September from the Air For~ s first pilot t r:umng class for women. Officials at Williams Air Force Batte, .\nz , 'av th£' exper imental program was a s uccess. How anyone can leave the comforts o( Indoor plumbing, central heat ing and electric ranges ts more than Mrs l~mk 's Libra's Ambition Accented husband. Frederic. an English teacher and pro- fessional drummer, can understand, so he keeps the home fires burning while his wife tackles lhe out of doors He makes it nicely. too, Mrs . Link said , which might also qualify him as an expert in sur- vival. F RIDAY, AUGUST lZ By SYDNEY OMARR TAURUS (April 20· promJnenUy. philosophical concepts, where legal matters are May20l: Accentonfresh VIRGO (Aua. 23-Sept. spiritual insights are concerned. Know it and---------- c hance s , new op. 22): Friendship and mostprecious. insist on basic facts. por tunities, outlet for romance dominate. SAGl'ITARIUS (Nov. Family member is creative expression. You Wishes come true. 22·Dec. 21): Dig beneath evasive. Don't create could meet someone who Tensions are relieved. turf ace Indications. Con-crisls. ARIES (March 21· April 19): You finish key transaction. What had been an annoyance Is re- moved. Prestige swings upward -vtews are vin· d1cated. s timulates and Individual who reads, cernwithoccultorhid· P ISCES (Feb. 19· depresses at orie and the wrilea, impart.a informa-den matters is evident. March 20): Emotion, in· sametime. lion. You know without tuition dominate . GEMINI (May 21-June LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. formal knowledge. Your Children are in picture, 20). Yes.youw1llcollect. 22): Accent on achieve-instincts, ESP work too . Ac ce nt 1s on No. you won't be caught ment. ambition, a defin1· overtime. kaleidos cope of ex- short Spotlight 1s on tion of what you want to CAPRICORN <Dec. pen ences. You may find "aluables. personal a cc o m PI 1 s h 22 Jan 19 ) Finis h 1l d1ff1cult to focu& on a po-.sess1ons, finances. Profes&1orial superiors rather than begin -look precise meaning F o llow through o n wouldhkeloseehowyou beyond the immediate. hunch live as well as work Let go of past tilled with If August 12th Is your CANCl::R <June 21-SCOR PI O <Oct 23· obligations, burdens. birthday, you are more July 22>· Lunar cycle ii. Nov. 21): Perceive d1f· guilt. Slate is wiped con&c1ous of physical ap- such that worries, cares ference between roman clean Go forth with ag-pearance than most could fade. Social activ1-tic Illusion and out· l(r ess ive n ei.s, con -persons. You have sense ty, travel, good food and rigbt deception. Stand fidence. of humor, are fond of s timulating company tall. Value yourself -re-AQUA RI US (Jan travel , you are ex· 1>revail. Open yourself to fuse to sell short, to be 20-Feb. 18): You don't pans1ve. generous, ex- , ..... out of tunet •u.s. ' ct:~ For Classlfled Ad ACTION Call A DAILY PILOT AD-YISOI 642·5'71 3. Did you wash my white abortl tor 1yro tomorrow? 4. I got an 83 on my bealth test. 5. Rick just got his driver's license. Can I ao with him to town and see how he does in traffic? The pbght of the work· 1 ng mother and Telephone Crisis reaches a feverish pitch m the summ~r months when the children are at home. There is perhaps nothine that strikes fear in a mother's heart as much as the followin& se· quence. "Hello, Mom. Tllia is Debbie." "GIVE ME THAT PHONE! Mom, thJa is Wesley and make her stop slappina ... "You're gonna &et it. AT WIT'S END J 'm tellin1. Mom. tell him it Is bis tum to set the table." ''I thought you told her 8he couldn't have 15 &iris m here at once." "I'm telling. Mom, did you know .. quit It• You'rehurting me ... "You're not even bleedin1 much . Mooooommmmmm ! " CU cit. Until Telepbooe Crisis 11 reeolved. it ii safe to UJIWM there will not be a woman ln the Wbite House. Can you Imagine setting a buay signal on theHotUoe? The T Ital Cl1b fir tlle T Ital Wmn ~ DOH-r II LEFT OUT! UMITED MEMIEISHIPSl ,.., c:...... ....... ., ..... &.ft! ·-._.., • ~"""'D ·~ ·~· • ,.__, Cou<to • f~-ppocf-• l.....,._..,~ ·-··-9"'-. So"--"-. y--ot>oat •k. . .....,car_......, • loclll .ca""'- PERMANENT WAVING experience. underestimated. Your have complete story travagant. LE0 (July23-Aug.22>:~~~~~~~~~~~~~_=-=..=_:::_=-::..:_.::__~__::__~~~~~~--~~----~~~=iii~;=:=:==:::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. Restriction is temporary. Cj>Mtttei.; I h. ,.,. bluo ~.~ J ho.r ord rm th.N•NJ ol "'" "'l o p'ltm~nenf wov11 Oo you rllComtnf"'ci 11 7 I~ S C • Hunt l!eorh) AMww; Y~. but I ~perd\ r.n .;whot ,,,ton Y"' qo 'O P ... monool ..,.,..,.1 on tJ $0<he0 Iv... I\ t') IOIJ(.h( lh.'1 tJ'~IO V wht·~.. •f'Wl''r>et oncttd ~Qt()f\ ..... ,, 1,..-;l ..,... ... _ I\ 1! po\\oblll IO '}"I " •o..ach ,,., ord 0 _.,, <>" •ho \0"19 doy7(Mr\ R W . Newport B.och) Ainww: Y~,. •I "· po1i.'ble ,f Y"'ll .,.,. '' not too ~ Mor" co,,d,t•O""'' will b11 involved 11 '' ;, h.<jJy blooched 1oth0< th<'Jn 1/ ti I\ U'1 1,n1..,j C;4JVA MXJ 1 HAIRSTYLIST ?630 Avon. Suite · 0 Newport Beach (714) 645-7290 Club, group, or- ganization enter your personal aura. Visit to hospital could result in solid information. Mystery. illusion figure THE BEST IN TOWN, RESORT &SWIMWEAR ~ M • N •011 •• •oect•n IA C\.IMoM .....,...., ""'"""" a meMMtomy D.ttty. l'rl,/1o<tl ..,. 326 Merine Ave. 8•lbo• Island 875-7880 272 N. C•nyon Dr. Palm Springs 325-8129 You've had breast surgery. . .. and now? rd II 111 1177 am' Toll-6Dead ·Killer Terrorized New York m.LU'I flrat vkUm, Lawia, 11, waa ahot and ldlltd 00 July 29, 1'78, .. •h• and • 11rllriend 11t ln a car outaldo lhelr Bronx partment Ker com· panJun, Jody Valente, lt, wu woundod Illa lHt vtcttm wu Stacy Mo.kowlt.a, 20, who died from a •un1hol wound t.o tho bead thrn daya after the annlvonary of Mita wurla'1 death Moat of the v1c•tlm1 were -.... saga of "Son of Sam"...__...,. WESTCHESHR " BROOKL Yll 4 Milts women, IDaQJ' wttb loq balr. All wtr• YOUD.I· The combination 1Urred an overwbelmln• fear in the New York City bol"Olllhl ol lbt Bronx llDd Queena. wbeN bla flrat Nven attackl occurred. 'lbe rear 1pread to Broold1ft, wbere the Son ot Sam struck bi.I .S,bth and me»t recent Ume. THE suaPllJSING Brooklyn shoot.ln.I lnttntllled the fear. It aeemecf that no area ln the city or llJI environ.a w11 aafe. The fear caused youne women to cut their hair and avoid the lovers' lanea he favored. Arter h.la first attack. the k1ller struck at lnte.rvala ran1ln1 from 5 to 13 weeka. LAST OCTOBER zt, Carl Denaro was wounded u be sat in a car with hla 1trlfrlend in Flushing, Queens. Lesa than a month later , on Nov. 27, Joan Lomino and Donna Dismul were ahot and wounded aa they sat in a car in F1oral Park, Queens. The second murder took place on Jan. 30 of this year. Christine Freund, 28, waa shot to death a.s she aat with her boyfriend In a car In Forest Hills, Queens. Virginia Voskertchlan, 19, was murdered March 8 as she walked down a Forest Hills street. It was a block away from the scene of Miss Freund's murder. IT WAS AT THIS point the police revealed that the three m urders might be related. A first. description. was released and authorities appealed to the public for help ln tracking the killer. Three more persona were to die u fruaU'ated police combed the city. On April 17, Alexander Esau, 19, and Valentina Suriani, 18, were ahot to death as they sat in a car in the Bronx, five blocks from where Miss Lauria died. AFTER THOSE murders, police said a note had been left at the bloody Bronx scene. The killer identified himself as "Son or Sam '' He vowed to strike again. A month later. he sent a second letter to New York Daily News columnist Jimmy Breslin. From the notes, police said the killer was a "paranoid, neurotic schizoid." r Sam Suspect Nailed t . • On June 26, he wounded Judy Placido and Sal Lupo as they sat in a car a block from the Elephaa discotheque ln Bayside, Queens. ON JULY zt, police braced for the anniversary of the first kill· ing. but Son of Sam did not strike. ' By Traf fie Ticket Two days later ht reappeared. M isa Moakowlb and Robert Violante, 20, were shot in the head u they aat in a Brooklyn lovers' lane early that Sunday momine. YONKERS. NY <AP> David Berkowitz, the 24-year-old postal "orker and ex soldier who police have arrested and believe is the .t4-callber killer known a!. "Son of Sam," is a mystery even to his (f osest neighbors. Mlaa Moskowitz, sectJons of her brain shattered, died a day later. L Police were led to Berkowitz by a traCCic ticket issued July 31 alone tne waterfront street In Brooklyn where the .44 -caliber killer claimed bis last victims, Stacy Moskowitz and Robert Violante. Miss Moskowitz died of a bullet "ound to the head. Violante, also ~ot i n the head, may be permanenUy blinded. ! BERKOWITZ MOVED into has s1venth·floor $238·•·monlh ~udio apartment in April 1976, fe>ur monlba before the Son of S.m claimed his flnit vtcUm. Police found two shotguns, ~pty liquor bottles, folders con- ning mops or Connecticut. ng Island, Westchester and the e borouahs of the city in the Ut- ~r-sU'ewn apartment. Berkowtt.i' next door neighbor and newsboy, Frankie Resto, 14, clescrlbed Berkowitz as a poUte man who guarded his privacy. "l guess he just kept to mself. He would open the door fld stand there 10 I couldn't see ln." Resto said: .,SOMETIMES, HE wouldn't deY for two or three weeks, ao he •ould Jmt sUp the money under tliedoot." ~ Last Christmas. Berkowitz cave the newaboy $lt0. ~ Manuel Soaa. the buildln1 S)lperintendent, uiel tJnlted Parcel Service dell vered a lar1e Jtackaae to Berkowitz about six ~onlba aco. He aald the packa1e d a ptcture or a rtno on the out- de. Berkowitz came home late •t nl•bt, be sald. picked ,up the ckqe. and walked quietly to 1apartmenl. 1188. BONA WILLIAMS, rtowtts• next-door nel1bb0r in t • apartment tiouae In a wtlr'.ctal netahborhood oo the tlldria ot Yonbn, wd ah never'"" him. 'String Them Up' Firemen Return; Residents Bitter DAYTON, Ohio (AP> -Firemenexchanted thelrplcketaltntforfire hoses today, but their 59-hour strike left bitter feelin1a amont resident.a who remember houses burning aa firemen stood by and watched. ·'If you ask me, they should have fired every one of them," a woman al a downtown office building said Wednesday. "They don't need no raises," said a man who bad• watched helplessly as homes burned. '"1'hey need to fire every one of those guys . . . They ouebt to 1et some or those firemen and atrlna them up." Clty Manager James Alloway· capitulated Wednesday to de· manda for more pay and fewer working hours, even 1ranUnJ the 375 firemen amnesty by d~ conteinpt of court char1ea. /tll!I*) WICIMlralOll WASHINGTON (AP>-Trytna to avoid the appearance of an open liibt with their bola, mem- ber& or the Carter admlnlatraUon who oppose th' President'• post· lion on abortion reportedly are wlthdrawtna • memorandum ex- pressin1 their dl111reement. Instead, between 23 and 30 aides, most of them women, plan to send indlvldual letten to Carter obJecUn1 to bJa belief that lbe federal 1ovemment abould not llNnce abOrUona for poor women, well-plac.d adml.n.lltra· tloo IOUteeS 11y. (IN SHORT J /li~WI ........ ONE OF FIVE MAJOR RESERVOIRS NEAR CUIOAD OBREGON REFLECTS DROUGHT Prolonged Dry Spell Teklng It• Toll on NortheHtern Mexico Region CARCASS OF DE.AO COW SPRAWLS IN THE DESERT OF NORTHERN MEXICO Wor1t Drought In 80 Ye•r• Parching 'BrHdbHket' Area of Nation Drought Hits Mexico Dry Srmuner Parclws Nation'~ Breadbasket CIUDAD OBREGON, Mexico CAP) -The droutht that is parching larte areu of the Unit- ed States has moved south into Mexico, sharply reducin1 water s upplies in the northwest farmlands and threatenln1 to br- ing nationwide food 1horta1es. In the states of Sonora and Slnaloa -an area that produces about half the country's food crops ~ the land is dry and cracked, the catUe scrawny and tile five bll irritation dams that supply most of its water a re down to one-lixth their normal level. .. IT'S BEEN THE driest July we've had in 11 years," says Carlos Manuel Castanos, the Aqricultural Department'• de- leaat.e to the area. "We will need two or three years of comtant heavy rain to cet over th11 one." Ca1tano1 1dd1, "Thi ralna were seant tn July and, altbouah weathermen predict tood pre- cipitation in Auauat, It wlll not be enouaJi."' The land i• too parched to re- cover It'• normal level of humldf- ty very quickly. THE SONORA·SINALOA ''breadbasket" produces rou1hly 70 percent of Mexico'• wheat and aoybeana, 80 percent of ii. aaf. flower 1eed u1ed for makln1 cooldq oil, '° percent of ltl cot· ton, one-ftftb ot the cattle that la exported and• number of other export crops web as tomatoes, ve1etabl•1, watermelon• and cantaloupes . For the fll'lt time ln memor)', winter wbea' aowto11 ~year are down by about half u a reault of what Go¥. AleJudro CanilJO Marcor ot SoDdra deacrlbel u "the wont drou,hUri 80 )'ears ... ( J or 38 degrees and a maximum of ECOWGY 78 degrees in January 1975 to a minimum or 45 and a maximum of 84 degrees in J anuary or this ----------.-year . dropped from six feet above sea level to an average of 108 feet Similarly, rainfall has dropped below sea level in the past de· from a normal 11 Inches aMually cade. to about four inches in the past As a result, salt water is seep-three years in the lower valleys ing in constantly from the Sea of and from 25 inches to about 14 in- Cortes, as the Gulf or California ches in the wateniheds of the is now called, increasing the Sierra Madres m the east. salinity of irrifalion wells as far inland as 70 and 100 miles. Southern Sonora and parts or northern Sinaloa have been r avaged over tbe years by ranchers and farmers clearing brush and cactus land for crops andcaWe. .. TREY HAVEN'T r eplanted the land wilh trees or resorted to other conservation plans," says Ca1tano1. "fla a result, the erosion has been terrific,· be adds. "Every year it takes more and more water t.o irrlsate the aame amount. of land -especially dur- inl dry spells because or higher evaporation and other factors." He describes the past three years u "the worst since records on rain/all and tempeatures started being kept a quarter or a century aeo." "THE FIVE DAM8 which normally tided us over durinC dry 1pell1 are now at the loweet polntl alnce the system was built 17 years qo," C11tane>1 aay1. He &tao claims the avera1e Wint« t.Jnperature bas been 1<>- lnl up steadily from a minimum . AS A RESULT, THE rate of evaporation is considerably higher everywhere in the area. Water supplies in the cities bave not been affected yet but they may be if it doesn't rain. ANIMAlogic"t$ \y .. ....., · · Sharks Goinfi l.!Jtated From Florida Preseroe · ST. PETERSBURG BEACH, Fla. <AP> -The Jaguar may already have a foster home. But the shark1 -they wlll be hard to place. • 1 • Shark World plina to cloae ltl doora here Labor Day. so Bozo the Ja•uar, Haclc11w and Fat Mama. both dolphlnJ, and many other ruJdentl at the marine attraction are looklnator new homet. 9NCE KNOWN AS THE AQUATAIJtJM, Shart World was r~ vamp'1d and renemed by owner Fr&nk Canova lo Decembel". l!'be Gulf abore park wu loalnl money, the owner 1&)'1, and b want.Id a ~ chance to add a rtde to help bJm out of the J'ff. The umtnc caH went to court, •here it. remains unresolved. Shark World 6tflda11 say the court upefthl added to tbe other loues belpeid them ct.dde to cloae. Wben you want to shut dowD moat bualneaa, you simply cloa• thedoari, But Shark World bu Uvln1 creatures to care for. llO'lO, A JAGUAa, MAY already bave a home J11 Mwco u one of lbe ftnt reUnea In a bqe anJmal attraction planned near Cozumel lllanit. off the Yucatan Ptnlniwa. P1ve dcilphlM ljplly blkllW &ct Ceon and wlU Ukely be aold to other park.I. But a federal law 1lv411 ownmhip of all marine mammals cap· t.urtd lince U72 to the 1overnm'"t. Thut. Wbltman aaya, the 10, .. ernment will hue to decide wha\ to Clo wJth 10 aharkl, e1cb 10 feet lon1. COULD Sl.AYINO OF FAMILY 8!EN PREVENTED? M•rgo Compton and O•ughter1 Sandra, Sylvl• Four Couldn't Escape 'Guns of Revenge' GASTON, Ore. CAP > --Margo Compton was 25. She had toiled as a 6ar maid, a car hop, a waitress and a hostess in a San Francisco nude en- counter parlor before she Jett California to try to make a good home for ber young twin daughters. ,Etitit months ago she settled in af Laurelwood near here. Instead Of walldng to work through San Fran- <bco'a seamy Tenderloin dtstrict, she drove aeveral miles along a wlndtng country road past orchards and corn fields to Hillsboro, where she worked for the st ate Children 's Services Divis.ion. But she couldn't escape MRS. COMPTON, 6-'VEAR-OLD daughters Sylvi a and Sandra and a frlend, Gary Seslar, 19, were shot ex ecutloo-style in what investigators believe was a revenge killing because of her testimony agains t members of the Hells Angels motorcycle club in a pimping case. * * * Cyclist's Trial Won't Be S~opp SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -Dist. Al· ty. Joseph Freitas says the trial of Hell5 Angels member Odis Garrett, charged with pimping and panden ng, wUJ go on in spite of the execulion- st1le murder or a key prosecution wit· ness. .. We still have a good case,·· Freitas •aid. H• said his office had entered the in- vestiption of the slaying of Marao Edith Compton, 25, her twin 8-year- old d auebters and am ale friend at her Gaston, Ore .. home. In response to questions, Freitas aahl it ls valid to assume Mrs . Compton could have been murdered e.lth er in revenee for testimony already elven or to prevent her from testifying any further. ''I'd say she was kind of livine on t.he wild side and getting in with the wrong group and was interested in changine and getting out of there," said Capt. Harold Kleve of the Washington County sheriff's office, which is handling the quadruple murder. Kleve and other investlptors met with law enforcement officen from San Francisco who s aid Mrs. Compton's testimony had helped con· vict three persons. She was scheduled to testily against a fourth next week. SHE HAD TOLD authorities that when she tried lo quit her job at the encounter parlor, the Hells Angels owners ordered her to keep workmf or pay S.S,000. They took her children captive. Officers s aid the parlor was• front for a house of prostitution. "She wanted to break away from that particular group and what they h a d her doine." Kleve said. "Laurelwood was a far cry from San Francisco and she had a regular Job and seemed to be getting alone well." After officers r etrieved her children, Mrs. Compton turned down a California offer to change her identi- ty, Kleve said. He s aid Donald Seslar, father of the male victim and a friend of Mrs. Compton, helped her move to Laurelwood, about 2S miles southwest of Portland. INVESTIGATORS POUND fresh homemade loaves or bread on top of the stove in the modest one-story home on a gravel road she and Seslar's father rented from the Seven- th-day Adventists. The elder Seslar was In El Paao, Tex., when ,the shootines occurred last Sunday between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. His son, stationed with the Cout Guard in North Bend, Ore., W8$ home recovering from a motorcycle acci-dent. There were two cups of coffee on the table in the living room where Mrs. Compton's and Gary Seslar's bodies were found. Convertible SOFA BED lncar•free 100% Herculon ~~~~ True n •fUPllH hlp wu never to re1t • • • aot ao .vldeat H In this Ear ly American iota bed b y 1'1axweU·Moore, Jhur!day.August11, 1977 ~.!~!~c~~~.~~~~~!:.! THE ICE -CREAM MA IUol'lliW "Oiat..wb tbat twin &iris, char&tne Mrs. Com~ton had been ar-We Make 0.. Owa Ice Cream '9ala 111 wta.tt_,.an to be a revenie rested for proahtutlon and on llro y.w.-6 ..... f# Mr mother, mi&bt be narcot.l.cs cbarJel-. leta ..__ • •Y.U tM Sm Pranetaco district at-Bradley said that when lt was .....,,, Clftlee ~lld not interfered in learned Mn. Compton wu to lestlly ClaU4 ewlOd1 proeMCU.np . in a San Francisco vice trial that .,...,_ Run Bradley of ValleJo, began last March 14, attempts were W'bO a;pc •...U Paul Compton, father made to serve ber 10 lbe custody p~ ol the mUrdered 11rt1, told the Orego-ceedings. nlaa tbat Compton intensified an at- tempt to aecure c"&tody of the chlldren .aei-lAlamlQf that the life ot hi• former wtlt, Marco Compton, was ln daqer, a1Jo enclancertng the lives of the ehlldren. At tbe Ume of the divorce, Compton bad wcn temporary custody of the chlldren l.lld had bepn action to as- BUT HE SAID proceH servers were prevented from doinl so by the San Francisco district attorney's of. flee because Mn. Compton wu under security protection. Bradley aald that durinc the March trial Compton learned that Mrs. Compton's Ute wu in dan1er. NEWPORT ~~ft CENTER H Ot=ll•cl ........ ' 5-1170 ---··-.......... * u ,, ·i' ... 1 ' ' .. • T I . NEWPORT BEACH,GARDEN CENTER AUGUST PLANT SALE ·· BEGINS l 0 AM, FRIDAY, AUGUST Color Quarts & Pony Packs INSTANT SUMMER COLOR WITH VARIETIES OF PETUNIA, VINCA, BEGONIA, IMPATIENS, COLEUS, ZINNIA, MUM, ALYSSUM, DAHLIA, SALVIA, PORTULACA, ANO MORE. Now49~eA. Ficus Beniamino t · -~ I ' I_, • REG .1 11 " THE BEAUTIFUL "WEEPING FIG": A GRACEFUL TREE THAT CAN BE GROWN INDOORS OR OUT. 5 Gal Size $799 '" A SUPER BUY AT 'I \: .\ \ • Super Indoor Plant Specials WE HAVE PUT TOGETHER AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF PROVEN DEPENDABLE HOUSEPLANTS. BIRO 'S NEST FERN POTH OS DIEFFENBACHIA COLEUS WANDERING JEWS ZEBRAS RUBBER PLANT FERNS NEPHTHYTIS IVIES . In 6 " Pots . sa~9 REG . 14" TO 17"' YOUR CHOICE EA. .. QUANTITI ES LIMITED TO STOCK ON'HANO ~ SPORT & LEISURE SALE STARTS FRIDAY, 10 AM, AUGUST 12th . . . Inflatable Boat Sale Motors & Acce s s ori e s Sevvlnr K26·4'6"x2'9" Keg. $16.99 T AS 1.2 HP Outboard Motor Reg. $139.95 . T \ ~vylor K36 S'6"x3'3" NOW 59 88 Nows14ss AC/DC Duo lnflator/OeOator Reg. $29.99 NOW 57488 NOW s1 _9es Reg. $26.95 " · · Sevylor K11 6 Car1velle '' Reg, $129.95 NOW s.9988 ,. Sevylor CP Canopy Reg. $39.99 NOW s2oas NOW s7ss I .. ' .. , Cornpin~ Equipment Sole Coleman Stove & Laniern Fuef NOW ( 1 gal.can) Reg. $1.99 99' ~ Electra life Jacke t Reg. $12.99 Backpacking Sale I I I 1 ... ... '· f • t l ' \ \ I { • DAil \' Pll.OT AN. JC!lftn (AP> -KJna ' • UUSMILD GI Jordm. a boy kiDI on • 1haky throne. • ..... hb l:Jth 81UUY at)' q • t.be Arab world'• moat durable leader. t1Yer Jabil•• feathlllu tb~t lhi• d rt k n&dom marldna lbe reir ot tho kln1 who b11 aurvlve ware, 11 ' asai.nauon attempt•. pert<>naJ crasedy and predtrllon that he • could nol lut. .. , t, TBB JtJBILEE WINDS ~ to day with parades and 1peeches an Amman'a aporU vallqe. ·' • H\&llein, then a U~year-old ~ wlthcouraae and muscles but lit- tle aperience. wu l°'talled ~ Au1. U. Im, as ruler of tbe "'! • Hubemite kinsdom after bis a grandfltber. Kin& Abdulla. WU assaumated. No other ruler lD the Arab world bu lasted as 1001. Tod1')', the 41·year-o1d Hussein seems firmly entrenched oo h1s throne, has the adulation ol most of his 1>ubJects and mainta1ru. .:ood relations with Arab neighbors who once reviled and even tned to overthrow him THE JORDANIAN monarch 11> among the most Wei.ternized of Arab Jeaderi. he chose London for a month'i. post jubilee vaca t10n -and that orientation and moderate pohtical line have earned him American and " British support at critical times. Hussein, a normally buoyant ' person with a playboy reputa- tion, has suffered recent set- backs that associates say left him subdued. Last February, hu; wife of four ' years, Queen Alya, died in a h elicopter crash. She was Hussein's third wife Palace ob- ~ervers say the marriage was very close and he was devastated by the loi.s. THE SAME MONTH, the monarchy wai. stung by press re- velations that Hussein had re· cc1ved payments from the U S Central Intelligence Agency He ms1sted the payments were not improper and merely con· 25 YEARS AS AULER Jordan's King HuHeln st1tuted aid for military secunty. The CIA link has fueled SUSPI· cions among Arab enemies that Hussein is an American .. tool." But insiders say the king has solid support at home, especially from the army, and that he is de· termined to remain an active ruler. ·'One is struck at how tranquil 1t all is." a Western diplomat said. IT WAS NOT always so tran- quil. Hussein has survived five known assassination attempts, and another half-dozen aborted coups. Many of 111' subjects believe Hussein, whom they revere as a descendant of the Prophet Moh am.med, enjoys a "Barak a·· -bl~g from God -because of his repeated escapes from death. "I fear only God," the kmg has said. "When he calls, I am ready " At the age or 15. Hussein wa~ praymg wilh his grandfather m Lhe Al -Aqsa mosque 1n Jerusalem when an assassin ~. - opened fire. Tbe tint w• tilled. end the st.oty h• it that Hussein escaped death because a bullet rlcocDeted olf a medal on his chest. RV EIN'S FATHER became kin& but soon wu declared men· tally unfit. Hussein was pro- claimed monarch and, after a cram course at Sandhurst military academy In B'l"italn, as- sumed the throne . Because of Jordan's reliance on WC8tem aid, the new monarch was a taraet of revolutionary re- alm ea in Eopt, Syria and Iraq. Eaypliao President Gamal Abdel Nasser. who had tUrned to M 01cow for ald, repeatedly labeled Huaseln a .. stooee Gt American imperialiam. •• In 1957, the kin& escaped two bizarre aasuainatlon attempts, one from poisoned nose drops and another from a bomb placed m the royal toilet. Jordanians c laim both were sent trom Nrusser. THE FOLLOWING year , British troops helped Hussein . wealher a coup attempt by his own prime minister and army colllmander. After long animosity. Hussein and Nasser signed a mutual de· fense pact as an act of expedien- cy in opposition to Israel. But Is rael rolled over the forces of both Arab nations in the 198'1 Six- Day war, and took the West Bank of the Jordan River from Jordan's control. The continued occupation of the West Bank constitutes Hussein's most pressing problem today. He calls himself a .. cautious optimist" about poi.s1b1ht.Jes for a peaceful settle· ment of the issue. ( ~OIUIAN COUSINS) EXPANDS YOUR WORLD In the DAILY PILOT .. . ·.:. .. . '• . Wallpaper.r to go SPECIAL FACTORY I • I J PURCHASE!. We have just completed a major purchase of a famous manufacturer's entire stock of discontinued patterns. Over 100 patterns to select from in pre-pasted vinyl-coated paper.· ALL SALE PAPERS ONE LOW PRICE! SI.II ri~~le roll Quantities ore limited to stock on hand, so shdp early for best selection. - I•• . . t. •• • m ob Find _ _..,,_,.,... .... loeauoa ol the UC Irvine l:~taJ:a111111:1, with Ind try and com · ,lt:>llM!irN ri&ht ont door, bu al· UCI atudent.a to «'blen 00• or th• tuchHt levela of plO)'meot •mc..n1 all \Jnlven1 ol Cah!om1a 1tudent1 St~~ at UC frvlne, UCLA ad UC R1ver11de ahow \ht ·abat le\eb ol employment. le atteoclin& achool, accord to a report just anued by tht venaty. AT ALL 'nlalEE ump~e~. bista perce.otqe of employed 'l.11iMO>deota b attnbuted to tbe fact t the campuses are near larce G~•ten ol employment. "Ua students are fortunate to next to the most rapidly crow- "' industrial complex m the ountry Orvlne Industrial omplex l.'' observes Bruce 1esenberg, as~111tant director of he UCI Career Planrung and Placement Center "Besides that, they're adja· nt to Newport Center and there e several major shopping • eas nearby. It's ideal," adds senberg, who say!I has tally m last year shows about 14.000 ent visits to the center seck- 1 employment. ::rsoME OF THOSE students e repeaters, but It just shows arge amount of traffic here. doaetJobs," he said. The campuses with the lowest at.ea of student employment are llllla Barbara, Davia and Santa z. ·all located in relaUvely IJ!laled areas. The report stat.ea that at though US. San Ji'ranclaco and Berkeley mpuHS are In metropolitan fas, their employment levels .. low because Job op- unJUes are not as good there nthesouthem areas. •Return to Oz," an animated • will be presented al 11 a.m. •· 19 at the Dana Ni1uei -·~· .... b county library. at the cor- ol Niguel Road and Pacmc ast Highway In La1una el. Admlssloo la free. ·--------------------.. -w • , ______ ,..,.,,._ -~ ... -~ SADDLEBACK COLLEGE LONG WAY FROM HOME Astronomy Instructor Recalls Fllght From Korea -T!wt!d!y, AupUlt 1 1. 11n Ll'SC DA!. V PILOT 7 'Fitiwan Coneerne~ M~a Businessman Reports on Trip Gene Roben1. 1•nual m1n11er for South Coast Plau and Town Center, hu returned from Taiwan, where he served as a consultant for two larse motel developera ln that country. The 58·year·old shopping center manacer said he did aa much learntnr aa consulttq dW'· in1 b1a week·long stay on the teland republic that Ilea in tbt abadow of Communist China - both pbyalcally and poliUcalJy. •'TllEIR UNDE&L YING COft· cem la what ls 1oln1 to happen to 18.5 mllllon people oia tbat islandr" Robena aald durtnc an lntef'Vlew In hh third floor offices at South C4ut Plaza. ''They are very apprehensive of our county's announ~ent tbat we are con11lderln1 normallztns relations with mainland China." And,Robenssays,recenlnews report• about a pullout of American troops In South Korea have done little to bolster their spirits. ROBENS SAID THESE con· cerna were expressed to blm by Taiwan clerks and aovemment officials aJlke during bis stay. While in the laland nation, the Orange Coat bualneaaman ad- dressed the Natloaal Martettna o.ltr .......... CONSULTANT Gene Robena Association of the Republic of China," and durtn1 a question and answer period, their quea- liooa always led back to our <America's) relatlonahlp with Red China," he said. "'IN llY SBOaT Ume U-e I not.Ct they do bave a real de. mo~ncy worklnt. It'• not a facad• or abam, It's a free caplt.alhtlc nation.'' He aaid the Taiwan people are be&tnnlnl to ciom• out ol their abella atnce beln1 ctrtven C*t of the mainland In 18'9. "It's amuin1 bow they're pro· 1rasing on their own,'' Robens 1aid. '1'bey U'e now exporting more than they're brin1lng In, from ttxWes to cement and mar- ble.'' BE SMD HE noticed new automobiles and bl1b·rile ltfuc· tuna tn Talpaj, a city of ~wo mllUan people. clUq tbeJQ as "1ood barometers of Jhe economy there." And bis eootat.a included lop ueC\lllves, many of tbem in thelr early 308. "Tbe people are ener1elic, bard·workln1 and boneat." Robenl •aid. But their underlyin1 concern is their own relationship with the United States. And how Red China (its Into lhe picture. Meea'e Amburgey Cited by Charity Prof's Head in Stars Robena ls a former U.S. Army colonel who served durina the Kennedy edminiatration u an advtaer to the secretary of the Army. But bis anawers to the queries ~ those of a private citizen. be said: "'I told them -from a personal perspective -that I believed the American people would never pera:Ut anything to happen to tboae U.5 mllllon friends of cwt. · Orville Amburgey, director or communications for the city of Costa Mesa, hu received a dlsl· lnguish«l service award from tbe United Way of Orance County. Ambur1ey•1 observations al some d the more tban 10 human care qenda of tbe Untted Way helped the or1anlaatlon de· terinlne allocattooa for each areney. Saddlehack Teacher Celestial Expert lrrine Selaools Odel By WILLIAM SCHREIBER Of ni. o.lty ,., ... St.ft When Saddleback College astronomy mslructor Yong Hak Kim was a young boy, gaZJng up at the stKrs above his North Korean village. he probably had no inkling of the c hallenges ahead. The first came when he wu 12 years old, fleeing on foot with his family from their little town near lhe Chinese border to escape the onrushing Korean War. ''I REMEMBER IT quite well," Kim said of his birthplace. now deep within a nation in the grip of what he calls "the most primitive kind of (ommunism." He still has relatives in the North but none have been heard from In many years. "We don't even know if they are dead or alive," he said. Aller re-setWng in Seoul, South Korea, Kim went to hl1b acbool and college during and after the war. He was drafted in hia Junior year of colle1e and spent 18 "nerve-wracking" months in the demilitarized zone. When his scboollng was over, Kim worked for seven years as a high school physics teacher. Then a trip to the United States on a government fellowahlp chanied the course of bla life again . ON IDS SECOND trip to this country, Kim arrived as a graduate student in aatro- phyalca at UC Berkely, where he earned hil advanced dearees. This too, held achallence. Klm'a diasertatton research ln· volved use of a computer to make theoretical models depicUn1 the evolution of at.an over billions of years to the final point of auper. nova -an explosion that emits more Ugbt than an entire ,1alax,y of 200 bUllon atan. "It la the most violent single event In the universe;• Kim aald of an explodlnl star. HIS wo-. WAS ao complex and unique t.bat Kim bad a hard time convlncln1 Berkeley'• faculty of I ta val!dlty. So be aoulbt the aid ot an ..... perfan expfotlou.'' Dr. Edward Teller. one of tbe world'a. foremon nuclear phyalcbta. The aciend.lt served on JUm•a cliaaa· tattoo committee. "He wu a little lntimldatini because be .la ao brilliant." Kim said of hla mentor. "It was a great honor to have him sip my thesis." Despite hla esoteric doctoral studies, Kim chose to teach rather than perform research because he views hlmaelf as more of a "1eneralisl" than a spedalJat. Tax Relief Plan ... T 18 JMPOaTANT for s ·upport Solic1·1ed somebody to bridge the 1ap be.tween researchers and tbJ . public,'' Kim 1ald. trvlne Schools Supt. Stan Tbougb he is e11entially a Corey la askin1 community pbyaicht by trainin1, Kim chose · • members to support Jtlislative to punue astronomy because of bllla dtllped to brtn1 relief to its potential value to future taxpayers. . genaatlons. Corey sent letters last week · uking th"t letters or mallgrams "Al the present, utronomy la be sent to Senator Dennis more of a romantic science kind Carpenter <R·Newport Beach> of borderline betwfeQ ldence, and Assemblyman Ron Cordova philosophy and rel11lon," be <D·El Toro) urpo, them to~ said. "But as our problems cm port two bWa that could brinl ex• earth become Ire at er, trait.ate aid and posalbly alown-aatronomy wlll continue to lniDelCboolturate. become more practical. Senate BUl 525 and AIMmbly KIM BSLJBVP man will eventullly be fotcltct to colonise tbe Void fl apace to esc..,e pollu. tloD U\!" OVlrC1"1wdln.1 cm bll honte »lauet. But be doan•& believe lataflttllar ntabt la poaatble ba1td on today's knowtedieorU.Pb>'llcal lws. ••'l'be untvere 11 Juat too vut," be Hid. 0~ .t the 1peed ot ll&bt. lt would ~ me>t9 than four yeera to reach tbe nearest star. Bow do you make a spacecrlft to IO tbe speed ot lilbtT" BW ea are tn a tonterence com- mittee. where letillaton .,. try. 1q to won out a c:ompromJH tax relWplm. DllTalCr OFnCIAU heft . I .. umated lrvtne could 1atn aa extra "11.000 tn ~te money it a favorable compromlJa .la worked '°"t. That rnon~ would be '1Jt •t Into tbe dlitrlct'1 contiqency . fund. wblcb was partially depl• ed ln an attempt to balance the buqet =._retain tbe same level Tint 'two bUJ.a are an attempt to comply wt~ the so-called Ser- rano decision, wblcb calla for equallztn1 the wealth and apend- in1 of school districts throug.bout California. Irvine is considered a moderat.e.weilth diatrlct, even tbOUlb the tesldences lnclucled in " lta bOMdarta are in a relatively bJft priC)O range. -The lnine Industrial Complex is not included in tbe school dis- trict boundaries, ao almost all of Irvtoe'• taxes are paid by bot:aeownen, rather tban In-dustry. omemaker Joins Unit Kim believes popular lnterelt in •pace exploraUon la •Wl blab but ha been mlll\llded. JIANJPBSTATIONS 01' tb1a mla,wded lntereat, be •mid. are fantasy mo\'ltll IUCh U •'fbr Wan " televtaion'a .. star Trek" and the conUnulq zeal for UFO a tortes. ot = 1ays an addftloaal '1 mlllion tavlnl could come ~ect. ly to Irvine tupayen U a pro. • iram called tile "Guaranteed Yield Prosram" .la tncl\lded In tile compromlae blIJ. BYWILLIAM E. HODGE OltMD91"' ,..... ... " ee Tyler or San Juan Cdlh1>,tatrano tbouibt ahe had emf. t quallllcatlons •hen ahe ap- ed fall a po1iUoo on the city's merelal Jnduatrlal lncen-Commlttee. .• he la involved with the Alto · platrano Homeownera A•· :lit.kin and bolds a bachelor'a ,.. tn mathematics from San _, SUte. Sbe also bad t11"1'ed toward a muter'• decree ID• admlalstraUon. ' I ••Tbere ia otbel' lntelllctat Ute in tbe universe -at lealt there should be,"' be aafd. uaut tbe UD· lvene .la too lar1e to believe other tntelll1ence la comlJla bere tovlaltua." IQ bit cluaa at Saddleback, Kim will no doubt tell bl.a atu· d•nt1 of tbe opportunities utrcaomy off en. •'It ta op6n to everyone and laymen can mike 1t1ntneant eoqtrlb1o1tlon1,'' be ••Id. .. A1tronomy can I>• hJ•bJy. aophiatlcMed and at1nple •t the tame ttme: Many important df•· ~overl11 ba" been made by amateUn. THAT WOVLD result ln lower- ln1 the tu ra lD Imne aa..s Centi, 1'llJeh UDOUDtl to about fl , mtWon. dro0Dba1 tbe current SS.80tu rate bieloW the '5 lnel. ..We nm a f'lleally l\llJGlltble dJatrlct. but the rav1111 ot tnn. Uoo. salary pressures Ud the pecull..-tUee of state fundinl d scbooll IN maldq It lnC1UIJtly dUflcult. .. Cony Wl'CM. .. Jee ua In uqtn1 tax nlfonn. Wrtte and alao uk two hieada to wrne. It could' mate a dlf· f erence," t.Mlette.r conoludel. 001.EY MID U 1tnt tM let· tar a 1tM urau of u.e tebool bo~ "9dch dfriettd~ ~ trict at8ft members to ~ a .. pUbUc lnfClnllatloo campallh. •• QM Y ll'ILOT &lS W@Mrr ®@rrwR©@ a..,c ........ T~H.4 .... Caad D R PAT: Can you proviu me wtt.b a 1un· nr •aytotell whtn a can laalJ alUmlnun:at T.Y .. Hunllqt.oaBeacb MamJln• Mnrace na are uoi ... _.. ucl ••ellCll te th .._la, -. .. are .... edtttt. TM •Oil lmportut &Mac to remember a. &laat aa all· ........ caa •u a r....sed <cwnet la) NUom •It.la • Oaaie (separate beUom pt.ee> ud .. •Ide &e••· 'nley alM are n17 easy te cf'lllL A aapet wW • akk to lite aide ol u al•mbnlm eaa ud se•e are labelt• ''all·•l••I•••.'' Altlaoach ••riou H.SY~ tops abow Ute word, Alamlaam, tills does not atteaurtly meu U.e whole eu b aJambaum. For addltloaal detallt, write: Public RelatJons Manager, Metal llttycUnc, Reynolds Metal Co., Box %7"3, Richmond, VA. 23261. ,tfcdl f'i,... Kqt tM /None,,, Ran DEAR PAT f sent a $32 check for an as110rt- m ent of Christmas decorat1ons Crom Greenland StudJos tn Miami last December. All I've gotten so far 1s my canceled c.heck. When I wrote, Greenlantf replied that it had declared bankruptcy and that my "magazine request would be honored as soon as possible, or my money refunded." EvldenUy they don't even know what I ordered and my last couple <>f letters weren 'l answered. C.B., Newport Beach Greenland Studloc now ls ln the proeesa of 11· quldaUon under chapter 10 banknlptcy proceed· logs. The giant mall order firm's apoketman told A VS that no refunds are being issued at lll1I time and the business wW clo.e down for 1ood within a year. A VS previously reported that no orders bad been filled since November la anticipation or the Dt'c. 27, 1976 ch apt er 11 Cr eorganhaUon ) bankruptcy filing. You could appeal to Greealand's atlomt'y, Wllllam D. Seidle, but there ls Uttle chance )Our $32 will be refunded. Boold .. t A,.... 1' ou to tM 'l'~tlt DEAR READERS: The CaJJfornla Dental As· i.oclatlon bas published a consumer plde to dental health. Titled, "How to Seled a DeoUat -Wbat to Expect, How To Get the Best Deatal Care,'' fee, diagnosis and treatment plan, 24-boar emergency care and patient counselln1 aervtcea are a few of the subjttts covered. Single copies (English and Spanish) can be requested free from: Cal"ornla Dental Association, Box 81258, Loa An1ele1, CA. 90009. Tur1a-oft May Turn Into Law•ult DEAR PAT: I got behind In my rent. Even though I will be able to pay the full amount due withln two weeks. the landlord is threatening to turn off my ut1ht1es 1f I don't pay right away. Can he do ttus? H.R., Hunt1ngton Beach No, but ll he does anyway, you can take bJm to court and rttelve $100 for eacb day the aUUtle1 are turned olf, plus attorney's fees CclvU code 788.3). You should know that your landlord caa send yoa a notice asking you to pay or move out wlthJ• three days lf you are beblnd la your rent. Tbls applies to mooth·to-mootb ud lease l'fttall. If thla bappens, talk to an attorney f aat. lD mott el UleM 1att1. yoa wUJ bave oaly Rve days to uswer before • •eclaJon may be entered •1atn1t yoa. In •ddltloa, If you don't respoed and lose (or try• respond and lo.e>, yoa may find that the police wlll forcibly remove you after 1lvtn1 you a ..UC:e CO ~ve and/or the eoart may award the landlord treble damaae• <three times the rent owed) beeause of you refusal to leave. • J SOath county Care <£enter Drive Slated The south county Ch1l4 D., Care Advisory Co01mlttee hu announced a fund drive to finance the openlnf of a day care center for youn1 children by early tall. Coordinator Lee Steelman said tbe committee hu applied to the county for revenue 1harln1 funds. The need for the center ls felt to be so 1reat. however. that committee members have decided to Death Award proceedwlthafunddrlve. MRS. STEELMAN SAID THE committee FRESNO <AP> -The members want to be sure that rarents and children widow and children of ft who need a day care center wU have it, even lf 1ov- JUvenlde Iron worker ernment funding assistance falls throu1b. killed while dlamanUJn1 Acconllne to the committee tundln1 proposal, a carnival in Phoenix, the center would provide flve..day a week care for Aris., four years aco about 30, children from 2~ to 10 yean old. It would b ave been awarded be eeared to aervine low-income famllles (lnclud· ~.ooo by a jury here. Ing sln&l•parent families>. both Enallsh and non- The Wf011iful death ault English spealdn1. wu filed by Mr1. Jeanne Additional information on the day care center la !fa~~~~!?'~:~ ~a_v_at_1a_b_1e_b_y_c ... ~--''9a...::~·7333 __ or_83_1_-061_8_. ----, crushed Nov. 14, 1973 Pil ,._ cf t I when a ride called "The • Ot -ndl commen ar n, exelualvelv In lhe DAILY PILOT German Swing" col· Logbook lapsed on him J. ·STOCK SELECTION WALLCOVERING • CHOOSE 'RINJS, SOLIDS, FlORALS, STRIPHI '• MAN~PAmDI fft~ /'J!R/1 ~~ SCRUBBABLE ENAMEL SEMI-GLOSS 1 -~-- Headboardl Wall Decoration " Mall Aac:l<s ..._.T..., .... w . 10.J 1622 Moalton P_.way Tustin. c:c.t. s.lh A 17141 731-4636 VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE • GREAT FOR HEAVY TRAFFIC AREAS!• CHOICE OF POPULAR COLORS! 12·12~· ..... 1., 12 · e ~ $0.FT ) I • 33 .MPG H•HWAY 23MPG GIY lnecl Oii ... ,....... of tests co•d•cted or· certified by t .. e U.S. E11Ylro11111ent Protectlo• ACJetlCY .... typical CJGI 111fleap of this Yehlct. Is e1tlMcltecl to be 23 MPG city,. 33 MPG hl9hway. Yow actual mileage may YGrJ• FIREBIRDS . . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • TRANSAM • FORMULA • ESPRIT • 350'5 .• V-6's Set. t 2M2787234887c ~WITH: 4cylinder140 cubic inch engin~ & standard transmission Thund!y, August 11, 1971 DAlLYPiLOT . NEW . 1977 SUNBIRD~ OILY' • • 599.99 PER MONIH TOTAL DOWN ONLY 5595 · .. CASH OR TRADE S595.00 Total Down. 48 Monthly Payments of 199.99. Deferred Price l~IM.62. APR 13.09% On Ap()roved Credit •EW\ 1977 · FIREBIRD 350 ~1695 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . ' IXAMPl.I 19UIPPED WITH: • Factory Ajr Conditioning • Power Disc Brahes • ;'350 C.l. V8 Engine • Sport Mirrors • Automatic; Transmission • Radio • Power Steering • Rallye II Wheels 1972 PONTIAC ...,_NIX Y•I , I UIO, ltl M., l1olotl1 llt ooodttto,.ng, "°""' 11-1119, oow-llr""' ooi... ~ '"' ·-radio, l.MCllU IOll. llllve ~. '"' C7•18'Yl ~ DJ I 1 ----__ _, __ __ 2 D.lll '( Pll 0 I MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson "It's your bike! Tell hJm to get offl FUNKY WtNKERBEAN 1ME 51UOENT5 HERE AT BAND CAMP ARE REAU.(.) (J.X)RKIN<; HARD 10 GET REACX.l FOR iHE FALL { • TANKMcNAMARA MOON MULLINS He COULDN'r PoSSl8LY HAY~ .JUST TIPPSD · OVERiHE: FISH BOWL.. TGDAY'I lllllllD nllLI UNITED *ture Syndlcete BOOMER Al'Joi.P, £ \b>iDN''f ~y. '6tJ fOi A~ ~' WJtJef ,~ '1\le WMPf MISS PEACH l i I • MA~A1~ N~-T~~ . ll1f AA P '/ ,,, > HOW c:t>ES .. NO·,-H!~APY it-4!JCAPY '1 W0r:(I(, MA~C.IA? ! ..... ' '' by Tom Batiuk NOTHING WE DO 1$ ~NE! by Jeff Millar and Bill Hinds by Ferd and Tom Johnson by Wm. F. Brown and Mtl tasson TAXll ~ ALL. tH£ ~ 1111 TH~ WO.ZL.P ! PEANUTS ])ear Spike. by Mell YOU SIMPLY GO A~OUT YOU ~ t.1r:E A~ 1r: NOTHING I~ Wf(ONG, MAl(ING AE*Ol.lAT!l..'I NO .A11sMPT To CHANGe YOU ~ 8!~AV101( AT AL.L. ! 11''S A LOT L.!~~ i xPEN'$1VE., FOrt 1'HE ~Me ~E~L..T~.' ~,71 .,, ''······ o=iJ ~!·''· ...... . DOOLEY'S WORLD "Jl.4ERE DON'T S£f.M lO BE AS MAJ.JV SiARSOUI lt>NIGHT OR. SMOCK MOTLEY'$ CRew .AA""' &..It,,. ""+1'. UtJFORTiJNA~1:~ WE SEE FEWER ~H Nl6HT.... -rnE1R TWINKLES GR.AJ:)U.\U.Y BUR>J OUT, )tXJ IOJOWf \~ WHA."'1" PIP YOU C:::O, CAL.I..-HIM LJP IN IHf: MIPPL..6 OF THe ""'IGHT O!Ct SOMSTHIN' ~ MOf ~~ YOO ~LlS"f' 1'00K MINE sc;CON~ 1'0 DO A '1'A6K IHAI 5HOUL.D 1" A\..6 I ONLY FOUR 66CON06 . by Gus Arrlota TtJT'f • T,IJT/ "' Guess what. vl!!AH , eu-r HOW'c::> YOU KNOW THAI ?! i'VE ASKED MIM 10 BE M1 8E5T 8fA6lE ! ~ ~ vV:,11r by Roger Bradfield by George Lemont PUBLJC NO'tJCE 'ICTITIOUS •USINIU NAMI STATIMINT l~ fOUOWiJ"liQ PfW'M:ln ti. do'"'O bu\t ,,.,U.\ ITS FIV4TASTIC1 117 IE Ill" SI c ootUAeu, CA '2•21 Rolend JOHP" LftCoq, tUJ H Marl111 Poclflu. lon<J Deo<ll, CA '°90) Thb bu!Mn<t .. I• condu<tlHI by en In d•¥1dUel • Rol-J~lt(.oq T1111 M•t-nt ••• 111.0 w•tl'I •lie c.-ty ,,_"'Or-(C>Uftly on JWIY n . ,.,, ,.,.,.. PubUSIWd Or~ eo..i D•llY Piiot Ju1Y 21.-"'-st• ll It lt11 llH 11 PUBLIC NOTICE .....,. ..oTIC& TO Clt&DITOlllll .... A-mt1 SUl'llllllOlt COUlt"T OP THI &TATI Of' CAUl'OttlOA 'Olt 'THI COUNTY OP Ofl ANGI '" llleMlltterol Ille Ettateol PETEii -DUCA, 0ec.-No41U '' ,,......, 01¥111 t• crld•.,.• M¥h~ Ci.llM ... lnot Ille .. Id de<t• ....,. tt f!M Mid ctOlrn• lft tllO otflu o4 uw cter1<., Ille a19rew'-court er i. or•--'° .,. llltdersitMd ot tlle offk.e of .t.NTHONY del DUCA, ~ Honn• Ori,., S...tt larlMlre, CA. Clll 1 • ....,lcll lat ... otfl<O II the plec• ti lllllllnn• of ti. unclenftned '" 111 mot ten per1elfl4ne to .. Id elltte. ~ucll clelmo wit" ttte ntouory ¥ouc.llen mu~t bt fUld or .,.._...,led•• tlort .. ld wltllln fOllr f'llOfltht afltr '"" fl,.I ,...lketlan ol thl• "°'kt Oeltd JU4y U. 1971 A.NTHONY DEL OU( ... Euculor of ti.. will o1 .. lddec1<11n1 &NTNOflf'I' DIL DUCA .. "_.,.....Uw -"-°""" kllt.a..-o,CA '1tll Publltlled Or"'"99 Co.II O•••v Piiot Jut~?t.-Auou••• 11 II"" JJ22 11 P\JSUC ~once PUBLJC NOTICE "CTITIOUI IUllNIH NIIMI IT ATIMINT Tll<t folleW1fltl 119<'111M ored0i"9 bUM• """IS I 501.AR UT!l.ITIES 2. SOL.t.R CAPITAi. FUNDING, l.IMITEO, l. SOLAR OEL SUR, 4 DEL SUit OE VELOPMENTS. LI Ml TED. 21.SO Mt .. Verde Ori..., Ent, Su111 J Colla MeM,CAmM Otl SU. Growth Properllet, Inc • • C•lltornlt corporat101t, llSO Mo t Verdi! 0r1 .. IE.Kt. 5'1111 J, Golta Meu. CA'2U. Tllh _,,_,. I• c-ted 1>V • <'"'· -•lion o.4 Sur Growtll ~.I.Jiii. OoneldM.Sul'Mrl-• *' .. .., Tllh 1tat ...... 1 Wft filed w"" Ille C.-ly a.rt. ol Oronot C:-rtlTOft JUiy tt, 1'17. PUllUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE "CTIT10UI IUllNIH NAMI STATIMINT T,,. IOllCN(tne,.. _ ortelolno 1111111· neun: 8. ASHWOltTH'S, DJ3 9rlslol St., ~taMKo,CA.tltM tNtk SlltoNn:I AU.--111, 1t7'VI .. ta CeucMI, Newport Buell, CA t2..0 Dell S.. ..,,_,..,,, 1'H NO. 1400 E .• Provo, U1111 a.601 Thh busl""u Is <Ofldueled by • vener• permersl'llp INl1l s As-th Tiiis Slot-wo• filed w1tll 1,,. County CJ..-ol Or•noe Count'( on Juty 22. 1tn ~, Pullh""'° Or•nve C~t o .. 1y PllOt. July 21,.,.., ._,,, 4 II II. lt17 nson ...... --~-- l.&O.U. NOT1 Cl NOTIC:S INVITING •IDS PmlUC NOl'IC& NOTl«;e IS Hl!ltl•Y GIVIN tllett-------------4 IM &o.rd Of Tr..,._ Of the O<Hn Vl-IUIOOl Olttrlet ol 0rlfl99 Ceunlr. PUBLIC NOTICE Hunllnglan ... ell, C.llfomla, wm r• ------------! ul"" llldt ,.,.. ~lfne. Bld6 wlll .,. r•c•l..O ... i. t:eo ........ ._. "· 1977. al Ille Admln411r.i-Offke of ••Id Sc-I Dl1trlct, 1t7t War11er .... ~. H..wlftcllon ee.cl\, Qllforn4a, tJW , •I wflk:h II-Mid l>ldS will lie -Md -,_ In .c;c-. wllll S!*clflcallonl now on Ill• 1n tNt office of Yid Ohlrkt All ll-.,,.,.,_ ""°"°" 11116 bid mu1I,.,,.. ell -'luble 1-r•I. •l•I•. •lid lo<el c-.. Tiie Boen! Of Tr-,.._.the rl9h( to re)«t any -ell bid$, elld to ....... any lrreoularltvtlweff\. AU9U1tt,1m OCIANVllW SCHOOi. OISTltlCT •r:Jllllo"Jett"lllll,,.,• ClortulfU. llGMaof l'loutl-'"'*''"'" OrMl!ll CMlt O.tty Piiot •"9· 11, 111, 1m PUBUC NOTICE PICTIT10US •USINI• NAMI ITATIM&NT Tiie fol-Inv..,._ oredlll119 bo*- 4'74 •1cnT10UI •VllMHI NAMl ITAT9MIWT T11e tollowln9 perse11 11 t111ne b<nl-•M; PROPEltTY • ~AIUALTY SUltVEYORS, 141 W."etetle ·-... Sulle2IO,Or .... C.llftrllfetw7 °""'" " Oewllurtl, • Collloml• corwetklfl. Tlll1 bulllMISI I• Conducted by 0 <O(· PO<OtlOlo OUl'ltf!E&OliWHUltlt, INC. MlrtlnA. ~.Jr ~· Tiiis ~ w .. fllld wllll 1111 COU!ltr Clertt of Or•1toe County on A\lllolll 4, tf71 ''""' ..... ,._.Or..._ CN1t 0.Hy Pltot, A"fl. "· •• ts. Setit. '·"" >5*-71 PUBLIC NOTICE neU el 1-.-..----------f YOUNG &. SHOllT AND AS· SOCIATES, llOt w .. klltf Or .• Suit• 211,N-19H<ll CA.tUtO Ralpll C. 5'ler1 U0 Seftla AM A ..... Newpor1 le<Kll. CA. t2.~ • Jecll YounQ. H4'1 ~ ...... rt All •• l.4"1.-Hiib, CA. t2.U3 Tllh bullnet• i. conducted br • 1111...,• portnerllup ....... c. Sftort Tll•• si.t-wn flied wltll the CovnlY C!ef11 .. Orenoe C-.ty on Aug. J, 1977 ...,,... Putlll-Or-Coast Dally PllOI. Auo II II, 25, -Solpt. I, 1911 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICll IHVITI ... alOI NOTIC.S IS Hl. .. l!aY GIVEN tlwt Mtled pntlONIJ tw f11mllfll119 a ll l•••r, fftettrlel1, •q•IPlfttlll, ~-Swcll..._fllcAll10t .. fN'IM,.......,.ftf lllCOHST"UC. - ... - 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y ._..__ ............................ . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ERRORS: Acl'fertinn G...,... f 002 should c.heck ....... ads ••••••••••••••••••••••• cWly cmd Nport .,.. 2 $TOltY·4 IORM ron f..,.clmty. 1M Pa.US POOL DAILY "LOT ot1U1M1 Wlndlne stalrs to m111wr lablllty for tt. flnt 1.,. suite. New pluah carpets cornet htMrlloft oely. ~~"c'hg~~~:n ~f~k d~~ I•--------corator 1orden bonie. Priced at $74.HO for hlbllher'• Motter. qld.eta&le. C&ll 88:M717 All real estate advertised atN "19'"sfVN10 ~1 Hl(I' ~:fff.;~~1 lllid wbicb makes 1t ille&al lo . ::m 11•===-=- MES4YERDE OP9'FaJDAY l·S ZOl6ft!11.-ope Cow+ New on the mar-bi. 4 bedroom, 3 baths, Jara~ family room, tocmal dm · Ina room, 2 wood burning fU.Olaeu. Beautifully landscaped, sprinklers front and rear. $111,SOO. COU Of MEWPOllT REALTORS '71-Hll adverdae .. any pre-T ference, Umilatlon, or LIE.ASE A HAMTUCICIT cl1acrimina&Jon baaed on THE IEACH race, color, religion. sex, But NOT in a cramped. IEACH ESTATE or naUooal origin. or an torn down old beach 2 STY· 5 IR intenUon to make any :.hack Get comforublo $86,000 such preference. 1Jm1t~-an thll> apacaou:. 4 bdrm. 3 ~ IUled entry. Hui:e Uoo.ordiscrlminataon. hath beach area condo llv. rm. with cracklmg . . w tennis court.... pool & fireplace & waU of etai.s nu. newspaper will not JSCUlll. Pnvatc end umt. view of ground:.. Largl' know1nf lf accept 11nyl pay 00 more ror th&S tge 4 country kitchen. Di~n~ advert s ng for real1 bdrm than you would for rm Separate wing foi· estate which la i.n viola-• mo6l3 bdrms• 646·7711 secluded gue1t 11u1\I:''· Uooofthelaw. ' ,.weeping slaar!!! to Hwsfor Sale -i (~1wn11rn1a1m1 hideaway maslefllUlle ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••! children's quartl'lj'i. G....-al I 002._ _!teal Estate Hurry! Juat listed. Wtn t. I last Ions:! 963-7881 ••••••••••• ••••••• ••••• SOFT SUMMER Ol'fN Ill~." s fUN 10"' N .~ Lar~=~c:'esa j :..:~~~~:rb b~~! 1:•'111111· 4 bedroom home. Heavy Monterey Pines enjoy a _..;., ~ -·-··~ shake roof, custom brick cocktail 00 your paUo u and We '!".Orlt. Gas BBQ. you survey your pool size 3 IEDROOM f Low ma.mtenance yard. yard • lovely step saver $74 900 I Hurry, owner moved to1 open kltchen • large Uv, ' ca~ada and must sell. rm .• beautiful fireplace. It It's true that the three Priced only m .soo. Sub· secluded courtyard entry most import.ant fact.ors mlt your terms. Call 3 large bdrma • 2 lovely are locaUQa. Joc.alloD. I: S46-58a>. baths . a pride or locaUoo. then thla pro-perty has it aJI. Acroi.s ownership East Costa Crom tho Country Club on Mesa addrei.s. Cail a shady quiet street with ~'!;1~11.;.,,""""'" , • ., ,. adeeplot&alowpriceof ~!~ HERITAGE . . REALTORS _________ , I only S74 900. CAL~ P NWPT HG. TS [\IQMff: ·~~~~•Es MISAVERDIA DUPLEX llAUTIFUL HOME One of our fmesl. Ready *TRI-PLUES I 2 Separate houses on lo move in. Quiel street,' *FOUR-Pl.DES quielcul~·HCatreet. bdrms. ram. rm. dining AYallable. Sun1>et •.500 rm. wet bar and priced to Heights and downtown • ' sell fast and with a fut Huntington Beach. Good . L ~~ANYTIP-ii;. MEii. escrow, It will sell ilaelf tax. abeltera & apprec1a-when you see it. the fint lion. Priced from time. Call for your ap. Sl.65,000 and up. Cal& fol· porntment. 546-2313 details. f.>P!N Ill Y •II\ •UN ,()1111.-I I 0 -~Jt!.:S:L:!~n~'. '.t'.li!lffl ~ l T all 1Urn1tures. S'l3S,OOO. ~ c L A s s I F I E D Jom t lime offered. PROIAT£ SALE REAL TY •NC. $92.500 714/1~1371 THREE Units East.side. nus w a beautiful ~P.t--------­CM. Room for RV & pointed 4 bdrm, fam rm boat. Shows pride of home near Mesa Verde ownership. Slli,500. Q>untry Club. Call us lo 3 Br 21 :1 Ba, 2.16 e cres, see if )'OL& qualify. fantastic 180 dee. view, 546-2313 aaldnc s1cs.ooo. San TEN Commercial Units, Newport Heleht5. Poten· tial Income, S2,400 rno. 1231>,000. ltUCICER REAL TY ,42-4758 ~-~--------· MISAOILMAR lllt +POOL S'79,SOO Qwel tree lined street Gorgeous m a nlelf'd b r i c k C 1. r e p I a c c Decora tor m irr or~ hiehlig hl li ving rm Kitchen hosu. u wall of pantry . Tuck awa:v master swte. This M ut·Ni bit model t l> an x lnl starter homt' valut•: Call fast MIN ATlRACTION Xtra Sbarp&Jngle St«>' 2 Br Condo·with ahake roor,,.. fireplace, JN'tio, pool & Jacuui. a Years DfW. Beaut.llul park-like sett101 near So. Cat Plaza. Call now to see! $51.900 ~~ -ANYTIME O'rN 1u • 1rs fltW TO• Mt'f' .Marc:M. Mary Kincaid l•;INtl .::::::: $1.62 per DAY That's ALL you pu y fora JOdriy alt mlh~ DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY WATlltFIONT Brand nw. oo fee land- and Just Slaz,500. EnJoy SMiiing from your own dock, cooling breeze!i and panoramic view ol' lake ln LAKE FOREST_ 3 bedrooms. and family room. fireplace. large master swte. Excellent term~ are available to the lucky buyer. M IT,.,OW 642-5678 PETE BARRETT -REALTY- '42·52 .. 100! ········~··· ...... ····· tE 110111 BLllllS aa. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE HOISi COUMTRY ISTA.11 SAM JUAH . CAPISTIAMO Beautlf ully Located Hilltop Estate Of Approx. 5 Acrtlli. Mountain. Vall.by & Ocean Views. Luxurious 3 Year Old Custom Built Ranch Styles Hom4'. With 5 &:drooms 3Y.a Baths, Beam Cf:illngs. Marble & Ca~ Floors. Four Car GaragC!. Many E~· tras. $550,000. By Appointment 1 . ~11 ........... ,. ...... ,.,.Wt ....... ,..w. ........ ,.,. .. ~~.~.~ ..... ~.~.~ ....... j~:.~!4!'! ....... ~:::!.~.~ ....... ~.-~.~ ..... .. .,..,.. IOOZ •••rtll I OOZ Cerw .. M• I 021 C.. Mna I 024 c..t.W... I 024 .•••..•...•......•.•..• •••.......•....•....... ....................... ...................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••11!1i11 tHJ ........ lfOJ •••r.. 1002 ltMrill 1002 ......................... ·············•········• ............................................. . c CDMl!ACH conAGI NEAR MALL COOL POOL ... Larp s Bdrm. z be. bu1• lot, areat carpal.I. fre11b paint. redwood patlo1 mucb more .· Prlcea bdow market. Call Prtvate&T &oeattid. I 7ear MW JMlahbotbood. lluy decorator featlU' ar· raqed arouad 4 bedrnu, famll1 rm. and formal dlnlnc room. Nicely malmalned l&Ddac:aplnc aod perfectly •ltuated r' I 1117,000 flt 1·1 u. roJk -for a nt a bdrm., 2 balb home. ow you nn aftord to llv an• Blurt rood 'um. 11¥ THIACI Nev.ly carpeted &: d coratcd 3 bdrm .. 2 th home wtth ocun vl.w lhru lush rur ,·ard · ht-autlful Pine trc;n. lSZ,sOo Trv th11 for 111h11 ' '7M400 615 ROCKFORD RD., CAMEO HI.OS. So <> quwt. you can hear it! Glowing ~ hdrm ho mt·. 20x30 fl pool. Looks & hvt·., hk~ a model home & only Sl98.000 OPEH FRI. I 0.2. SUN. I ·S A MASTIRPIECE ... ln d Ian: th ta ia ln a chotctJ area • of CdM : Just on door from ~an Blvd. -with an easy walk to LIT· TLE CORONA BEACH. The home la located on two Cull Iota, with ap- prox. 5.000 aq. rt. of Uvtng space Tho noor plan with 5 bdrms. & 6 bath.1, waa , 90 bt:auUfully designed that evttry aq. rt. is complet ely utlllz&d an ldtml homo for a larg~ famUy . SSS0.000. Fe~ simple land - not l~aa(!hold I 759-0811 FOUR llDaOOMs, POa ... OST Y11W Clever four ~room slngfe story with professional decoratlns and landscaping, RV storage area and a foremost view of Newport Beach. the Back Bay and beyond. This Uni· que Home is located a few doors from the community's tennis. swim· ming and jaculZi f actllties. It's really fine at $169.900. I U,_.l()UI: li()Mt:S REAL TORS', 675·6000 2443 East Cossl Highway. Corona def Mc1r also m Mesa Verde. cJI !)46 5990 1oozlcH-ra1 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• LIDO ISLE home. 3 BR .. 2 ba., street to street lot. Brick patio. Sl96,000 Loe. ot ~ood and •talnod alasa siae.MO, lt.C. TA no• co. t5MJ50 C:DM DUPLIXIS HADLIY •I.AL TY HMtll L ---------• pool. To'" It b to love c 0 R 0 NA HIGH . MwtMHltM•• hi Call for H appt. and LANDS-2·Z BR units 5 new custom 4 Br. 3 Ba Mefor)'OUrMU.6'5-1221 Huie lot. Flexibl' home.. om• ocean CllU...ITURY 21 financing, great po\en· view. From tllS.SOO. ~ Ual Valley Dr. at lllfnlllon. WHtclff Rfflty SOUTH OF HIGHWAY-Exclu.ive Ast. 842·0'U8 Rure 3 BR & 1 BR re Pool modeled units. Super. IY OWN!R Priced Jual reduced. 1 Sharp ! sty, 5Br, 1'4Pa, Slt,'50-MHCI Vtrde Yr. warranty. ho I t •~ o b r PRIME LOCATION -mew/new pan, cp... reat ome or enter· Old COM . 3 BR & 1 BR. & drpe, auto gor opnr. t11lntn1. 3 Bedrm, 2 fplc• many other xtrH, onJy <one tn the family rm All new up1rade1. Priced 1112.900. 1122 Charlealon, and one In the llvln& loaelltoday. 557-Gl7 rooml. Out1lde, pool, v AUIY 640.tfOO ti & n -.it TA.. d Vllla0e Creek Townhse pa 0 r .. .., · .. .e 8 • iiiii!~~ • vantage. BKR Call 3br, 2ba, pool, jacuul, ~1720 cowta. Further Info Call Lff Ann attsH312 9AABa I, SUMITS ·~ 112 ILK TO OCEAN Completely remodeled on an oversized lot. A Brand new, all l story. "#I laCalfonle" Offered Ill S300.000 amuhing 4 BR plus den ~iii ~us formal dining plus d o~~ 1b~~~s~~t:~~ -}Im~ ~ood textures and ocean I----!·=-==~=-~­and jelly view Crom 3 Br Corner Lol, nr schools. ahopplng, fwy·s. aolf & tennis. Fplc • hardwood floors. new cpta. rresh paint, priced lo sell. By owner. $1i9.~. 540~ master 1wte & aundeck.llretllUC:8d Just steps to Ocean Blvd. ~ESA VERDE 3 Br 2 BJ. ~.000. $2500 Snift91 Om Rm. Fam f!!'!:. va· Coll 644·7211 Owner anxlou1! Colorful cant S89,9SO. 77h ...... view of the 1olf course. 3 ,;:-. ---·------.··· llAUTIPUL LIDO ISLE Handsome 2-story home on Lido Nord. Lge com er site 3 BR. FR. 3 baths. Beamed ceilings. functional kitch~ w/fine appliances & BBQ. Prof. decorated. Luxury cptng & drapes. $270,000 PENINSULA home. 4 or 5 BR, 3 ba .. all amenities. Lovety neighborhood, a few steps from the beach. $195,000 /Jn NIGll. GAILEY & /\55lJCll\f LS Bedrms, family room 1• with at.s own fireplace and dining room urea. No wax kitchen floor, large covered patio $72.SOO. Let's sell It'! BKRCnllM0·1720. 5 BR BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J4 I llu y ~l(lr• D11v1· N II bl'J 61ol 2111 S-Joaqultl Hih lload CHARMING Duplex, 3 Br, 2 Ba. & 1 Br. 2 Patios. MESA VERDE Great Trl level home on beautJrul family street. Quiet. quiet, quiet. Clean MIWPOtt'T CIHTB, M.I. 644-4' I 0 1002 GeMrol CI011e to tennis. Sl62.000 I 002 Owne1· 640·7030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• TARIEU. & sharp!! Sellers have CORONA bouahl another out of G...... I 002 GeMral . t 002 SANTA ANA BLUFFS CHERRY HIGHLANDS ":i I "'can .. forftla" ~~~riced to sell at IAYRtOHT ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••11•••••••••••••••••••Getwral 1002 G>ttteral 1002 Conveniently localed Theidealcomblnaliono£1 ____ ~----1 ' • .. --------1~-------~··••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••• l h h I •· own ouse: ac oo 11 ac u new home an an STERS! COROHA DEL MAR EASTSIDE DUPLEX DREAM HOME shopping: on on<' or the e 11 l a b I i s h e d TWO MA Br Jnd rww duple' 3 & 2 DUftLEX SIMftLE Bluf(s qulelesl ~treeti.. 3 nerahborhood, reaturin& Why set lie for ONE? Bit. frplc:. . ~unde<·ki;. 1 Lovely duplex, each un1l ILIGAMCE ~~.SOO. Ail MS-8976 For couple wanting lg Bdrms, I', bo condo all the latest appoint· nus rambllnl 2·story. 3 <or ~Jrai.:e t:lo!ote Io having 2 bedrooms each. IM THE ILUffS --------1 eowmet kitche}'I cui.tom that has been completely men t s. 0 v er s I zed bedroom. home h11s TWO r t·~l.tu ranh & play Walkt.obeach Pricedto deslinedfireplacelnLR redonf' tn qu1el earth gllraee. large rooms, 3 ma'ller bedrooms, thmj!i. Seller wall help sell. New exclusive offerinf ·overlooking enticing tones 8102.750 bath. step down wet·bar' separate d lnln1 room. ~!.~< .. ~~~ Hcduced to r;at~;:o:;~~ednt~lct~~~. COLLEGE l:°J."'~ ~~:m ttr'::at~ c. F. Colesworth~ mini OCt:an \lew. all Cully ~~~~~1r:~•!ceu1;,~·::~~---------.~""' •orgeous view. and PARK with outside door (wai. landscaped, walkingd!A SUPH ~ COATS&WALLACE REAL ESTATE . INC. -· lolboG loy Prop. highly uparaded. This Extru clean. spacious. be11uty salon). H\' park· _R_EA_L_TO_R_S 640·00 0 lance to pnvale beach. ~ed~l~~e ~~o"~Y ~o~n~ STAllTY HOME R~on home is spotless In every auractlve, family home. ing. Nice area. tree llned•--------i ~~6~:7211 beautiful pool! Great Like new 3 Br. new roor. ••• • 675-7060 • detaJI and II truly a de· 3 bdrms, 2 baths. dinin1 street. 1426 S. Flower NESnED IN liveability In lovely paint, copper plumbing. ·-.-..;..;..;..-.~--.~~~~~~~~~I light to view. Th.15 won't llu"e rmtf rm or SA • hb b d eor •· kitchen refurbished. • rm. " • · · · on lar0 e cul·de sac lot. ne.g or 00 n "' 'I ·" .. .. . . .. .. last. Call 67J.8550 today· £Ice /den Enc 'd patio. '""L..,."' FOR li11 r"' bed M s c h o o I s . O n I y Jluae lol & 2 car garage. IYOWHER OPtN11t 9 -rrHUNIOll/Nt(t• Recrcalionalvehlcleac· ..vv u ~· u"""w Beaullut 3 rm eaa S9S.OOO-V/\ AS· OnlySSS.900.Calltoday! [-I I c.M __ Vere.le home, Mitny ex· RIG CANYON · ·11iJ 'l!!'lJ c~s. Nicely landscped A . ,· • • lrull. mcludml( wet l>ar, --------SUMABLE' 3 lir, ·~"~,11~,~~iy up VETERAN ' ·' ,f Jij1J ~v~~~nl~~i~~t:~ct • • lgl' patio. enclost'<l 11un· SPY GUSS L£ ,.. ·--•• .. •••'-=~ room and vegetable S224 500 £1Qual~ J!riltled ~;1 Dorado mdl. HOUSINCi SUVICE shopplne. Just listed. garden llurry. won't • , 1u11::~ 11._u., Extra II! patio. uir rond, Call your local Veteran r:646::::·77'111'Pl•'nl•'9'1•• ·--------1 last at 179,750. 546 5880 Lovely Sandpiper model. Plac• ~ l 'ool. JC1C11111 ,\· t1•11na!4 111 Counselor for Info. on VA SPIC & SPAN IOATEIS & AV'S 4 Bdrm. ram rm. 2','J ba, Prap1Prtl•a W\ 17964~9;81...._ t1wet lo?Oll rr-.1· "dttni.t home loarua. Call: 2 frplcs, beautifully de· 752-1'20 ~17!1.UOO Ownr i\J:l. Ukr.S54H777,24llRS ATIEMTIOM corated & landscpd, 3860 14000UAIUT.H HA04 -------- i">90087 i--------•13Br.2Ba,rorceda1r& Hul(eloll100by120lwlth Ocean Birc h . Cal l ---·----M ·YerdeFIHr'Up --bltns. Used brick frplc. block wall & boat gate~'liriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.._ ___ •I 640-1880forappt. --------~ Lrg :> Br. 3 Ba. 2 fpl . •....................................... .-carpetedthruout. Double --------• rrwt trees. double de·----COLLEGE t rml dine-rm. Out of gar w opener. All ror SEE THIS ONE \ached garuge Allrac· Costa Mesa I 024 country owner wants ofr. --..::::::-.1::::::---::::::::::i-c::..--1 SOO.SOO.CaJlnow! Col\' 3 Bdrm home ti\'e 3 Br 112 Bath home .. ••••••••••••••••••••• JIM WELLS, RLTR, :--Rutft Lourie. Af# l.ar~e yard with mm1 or· Hardwood noors & bwlt· START MES"' VERDE PARK ___ S57_·8264 __ _ 646-4]10 rhard. Great romlly lrui Abarga1nal$66.200 " I l h I •· 531·58>0 Eves 554·2348 Very good luck. Custom areo .. c a.e 0 sc 00 8 "' I 1 RE ... -A tc built home In the Mesa A 4 Br PLUS an added IRAND HEW shopptnlil Sharp home. nt ",....WOf' Verd~aect1on or Costa fam rm. and throughly Border Interest! ~ 9078 8-18 ,,., 1fT""i-1fTM"r.- , It S l~l'I llfO'•ll blol!SOll dr ••lh romantl( luij sltMt-ldol fOf • bordff Doll Chmm! 2 STOIY.4 IDRM priced to 1ell. Askln1 --------1 M 3 BR r •. uparaded-locatcd on a He•er Ll•ed ht 0v.~~~~~,~~an 168.000. Hurry ! 540-1151 I IRAMD NEW l IR N 0 w ix:ible aues~~~~~~~:. qw"et cul·de·UC street. Deluxe Condo I • ... .,.:: ••7 900 Asking SlM.OOO. Thia 11 truly "FIRST Fireplace. dlabwaaber. one year old. Owner -5 -' Agt. 875·8800 CABIN" Accomodatlon must aell. A ssume Never Uved ln. Stepa to rorthe'·BELOWDECK" All uparades: cpt'g. SB0,000 al SIMI% interest. ·-------1m111 Lake & park too! View or 2 Bedroom. 2 bath condo. GOLF OR TENNIS pnceor drapes. Yard enclosed. Low monthly payments. rolling hills. Double door Wetil of Harbor, Garden Walk to Mesa Verde C.C. S79, 900 Ready for occupancy. H , Call'"""" .... entry on lo ceramic tile. Mc*• ofr. I 0°/o down IUT)'. -..v•67 Massive fireplace , Grove Schools! Super Charmln1 4Br, 2ba oo lin' ~-IL MNr•9·rtHUH•OlllNICt' OPEN HOUSI r 1 d' h nd clean I Su per Buy! corlot. ~l8H }kwporf Pier K& [JllMlll ~£,!g.~(·~;~ ~;:~;;:;~~~::.,:! _rs_54_:~ __ 2_R_E_o_CARPET. YEAG~s~fiALTY ANYTIME arllRJNlilr:Mllmn ~ Needs TLC to become a More queen sized bdrm• REAL ESTATE Call 673·2051 dream home. Call for Anxious owner. Call now 1 0 0 0 0 EXTRA MICE appl. tosee. 752·1700 Creatlve & pror. co. wlll Superbly upgraded 3 bdrm. 2 bath fmly home w/fmly rm, dining orea. patio, & very attractive entry. Blllly landscaped. Cotlvenient to schoob ., 4148-3928or640·4737 MN rir 'i•" sruN ro., ,~.,., • eoon be opening orc·11 In 1:!81, ~ .~IRIUi" ' ~ ~~~~~;.~:ff; Lachenmyer nc.illor ahoT>plng. Juat listed only mooo. &46-7711 You don't need a gun to "dtew fut" when you e>blce an ad ln the Dally Pilot Want Ada t Call now -842·$1'11. ~ Walkt:r G lr.e I OOZ Ga•r.. I OOZ ............................................... macneb I Irvine realty COllOHA DEL MAit By the sea -beautiful 2 BR home ln front ; likt: new 2 BR gu~st quarters in back. Lg. sunlit llvina rm. w/fireplace. On lot & a half. Will con1lder leas<:/option - 1205,000! Vlc Jashinski 642·8235. (G·69) ··=-=•=•:i•11~ 0 FF salespersons &mgrswho arc inlcr ealed In a LAKE FOREST career. Apply by calling WE VIEW 631-0400 SS7·0110 Lasl week's prll·e' 4 for Interview. Ilirlng S97 ,500 Bedroom. 3 both hom<' ! Mon thru Fri by appl. Panoramic: view or Owner mu s t 1ell 1partclln1 lake and rustic now! Purchued new -------- clubhouse from llvlna home! RED CARPET. MISA VERDI room and coclrtall paUo _7.;..54.-·ta>2..,._ _____ -1 llAUTY on mater auite .• Twin 4 bdrm, fmly & frml din sized bedrooms. and 3 rm. 2 1lor)l·hl1hty up. lul1°bethl. Warm lnvlUn1 ..... Pa•IUla I 00 ended. Wide lot •Iva covered patio bo1l1 ••••• .... •••••••••••••• prtvacy a: btn aarden t.a Pr1.vate luxury Jacuzzi. lalboa PanlM• p r o f e 1 1 i o n • l I y l>remlum 1rade floor .. _..Cott-ltandscaptd. Offered al ~window covertn11 -r 1 only $122.500. 5'5·"91 t.hroulhout. For appoint· 2 Bdrm.. 1 batn p u1 mentcaU982·7788. 11tudlo apartment. Large R·2 lot. One block to lhe A£ai. K€Y beach. Still time to enJo) R aJ Est •-~ f\E:ALTORSA aummor in Newport. ___ e ___ a.., __ _ ~ Walker & lfrn SP~ISH 11H6iiMS REALTY MO DOWM HACllMDA • 494-1057 * p~=T Sparkling 3 bedroom, 2 OWner't' pride, 7 units. Homes located In Costu bath with arched entry & 1216 W. Bulboit. $345,000 Meu and Hunlln•ton r«! tile root. Interior ot M h 11 R ll ff?~ 4800 Beach areas. Call for de· this home has been ura 0 ea Y • -tails and more lnforma· lavlahly pane l ed & Plftlftsula ftolnt u ~pered. Thl1 outatand· Attractive 3 Bdrm ln on. ln• oflertnf I• only 5 Park utuna. BeauUtul yura old & pr1ced for _ _._ I •· qul_ck Hie at $7S.500. carpetln1/la11\MC1ap nt • CAJ..L TSHltl. .UPI to bay or btach. CSEL£C4r TPROPERTIES 540-3666 Wltelc'1n & I h I I •, f/\ I I WESTSIDE CHARMER! 1026 B r a n d n e w 1· o r µ " I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • lhruout. n ew rloor 111 N E W • U N D E R kitchen. nt•w Pullrnani. an CONSTRU CT ION a 1>11throom11.Thu.h11me1~ IJrJ:t' home with 4 u real gem. lklll'r hurry· h1'flrnomi.. rumlly dtnln~ ll won 't I a i. t' C 11 I I room, & 21,1a bath. situ at· 645-0303 fd on a view lot with E·Z FORESTC OLSON ... . . . acceu to 1chooll & walk· Ing distance to Laauna Nlauel beach. An ex· c:ellen1 buy at tllt.SOO. •~-~ ...._...,...RNIW -------. IJcJ.5050 4tMO(O lbn :::--=-~ "i""ai~ sat.ooo w JW1t listed. Be the tint to NIAi MAllfMA tee lt1 4 Bednn1, or a Deluxe ocean view bednns with den Ir you duplex. Fully ~. 3 n eed , c 0 z y b r t c k BR. 2 BA owner'• unlt. 2 fl pl b kt • b BR, 2 BA lower level. re ace, rea aa. •r Preferred location. for 1nucks. New pamt. 80 Mos. old carpet and Sl49,500. drope11. Lots of blll\11 In .t ,......,..._._.,. .. the i•raae. Can't lul! • ~-· BKR Call MO· t720 IMVISTMIMTS TAllll.l ;~~=-7711 "#I "' CaUf°""o•• In excellent Dana Point ----..------• locuUon. 1·2 BR, H BR. COLLIGI PARK one of our beat, only HAUTllSll 'ii~eoAST PACJFIC Juat U.U'd! I REAL ESTATE 34t ,rlltcehNt ~ 831·2'00 Gor1tou1 ••P•nded "Lido" + new pool. UHlfUI ••252L ,...;;;. ~ • br. I bl. moU>er4a·la• • ~ • qrtrt. •ooo. Call forct.-4 BR. J>O~I • rm. \al.II. 117.600. Open 1>11ll112·5. Smith, D&Yidloe Rily ..... Wldd Gl-Z!l2 Ul-GISS tJNlttD81lo«ERS ,_. •• ..., 1014 ~7414 711.5951 ...................... . -... --............... ....._... _... , .._..,_Wt Heet..,_U. .._..,_We .....,,_We .__.,_·We , ....... ,..... l!y!d9.AUAU!t 1',117'7 OAILVPILOT •f P t•Y*J I OI ......__.._.I040 9" 1044L.p..9"ch 1041~ ..... IOH~ ...... 1012~.~.~ ........ ~.~~ ....... ~•••••-·-•u ······················· ······················· ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... J . .....,... • ••••••••••• ••••••• •• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••• ••••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... ...,..._••••••••••••• -·••••••••••••••••••• ..... ,.. leectt I 06 t41-rt..-I 06 5-lte AM I 010 YACONDO WOll.ISSll MOVACAMCYI! 41R·l lATHS .......................... :r.'ff .................................. .. M DOWM I 81\. i ba, frp!r • la• View! r.ae. llv I'm. hu ,i ... ii It rnd Ian.al. lot t N v lf 8 T .. E N T beam c.a., ft-pl, Walla ol IASY ~·.. !...~-J RR •11a100 ~ulck .,. ...... BUYf:n;' Tho current r::,1cadt.opaUoltlUb . LA•••()lt VllW ~as to lov ..... char-•--S 21t fil" uuna r.,ntl11 lllf,liOU ' ' bed ; fam. rm.; bllo. b•n """'9 n--•......., -.... ~ tinrll P•tlo dou CAYWOOD ton.int l>l lhl• 3 room ldtch., laundry area. A I g 0 Up""adud Palermo Mo&sl i 4 bdmu.. bedrm home, ooe rear blt pra • poc.11 l'lu.t • home ln the Terrace of buy 1128 500 •• E ·-1 new. uwadM earpeb '° • aJM>ppJni Ht.ALTY. INC. Unhenlty Park d"lr.. M~n Realty 4H·OTal IL--family rm., form al dining. X(IUut U. & d ra P .. , p r 0 f. v. t wt, doa'l wan • 141·1Zto • to remaJn. An eitcellent ~IAR. decor. Be autiful 1round1 with ~peel .... ,. main c.11 ar..i.. at WA.lkLll SPA.t•Ut opportunity. Call for de Tradt or ma7 Jeaae/Op• redwood decldnf. playbouae, fire plt. tenance yard. Seller b 540..J666 &Alli. lion. Jmmac. s yr old s s•... ~ VIL' ··s waterfall. dual "U BBQ. eMR,000 mat.lvated. '1'9.600 wltb Thia aflr, Zff• hoine la BR. + 2 DA hm w/pool, ~ ._ • ..,. ..-.._ ., .,._, VA t.rma. Red Carpel ,~.~~~:;";~~1n:r'9i'::r ~ nnL'i~La~~~~·.!8!~ COMPOMIMIUM ~-~LIDO REALTY US-J474 way 1J1 lire ' • cbaO&• lo ' tor La1. Deb property. ,_ •11• ".. .W. C.._ 1•11 ~~ ~ UM1qul.nt .. Hncen1 Z11rod•k1. Rltr. pl•ce to II•• with ••-•• ••tNIM (~ 3377 '1a Udo, N.._,.. IHdt FfXll·YA "'''°"'" ••••• 't, ., t 1f1;,dt! rm happl•r lh •nil I outalde IH J)RQ & Ore ~ Realton quality •n • borne I'.:• 4'4-1611 roo.. ..... feamt,.,. ...... --. -J 673-7300 Low down payment ' ....... <Ii.Iv•. but prkf'd rl11h1 lelC°'.'!J to •loY "... ......... ... ama ll monthly pay r-Rfto>I SLASHED at 1 IO Atk tu an u RAHCH HAL TY HORTH LA.GUHA ....,mtlc .... ......._$ 149•900 menu. provide an ex SIOOO NOW ' 551-2000 :! Cualom Ocean view 495•1720 cellenl<"hancetobtl)'lhl• l •~ )'''" thanN to ~ homea und(•r roniitr Newpertleodt 1069 Mt...,.,.leecti 106f 4Brhome,lamakel$So1 pkll-c> lhia lovf'l)' .1 Rk , Sherft,.tt TURTLE ROCK Ar~·h1t Christian Able •u•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• y 0 u r In v e 1 t men t ll"Oft\plelely r11rn1aht•d •..tty 'I l5. 000 . S3 50. 000 DANA sou·rn LAGUNA LUXURY THI ILUFFS Popular nel1bborhood bomit 1a «iC. 11 8 l.r1 146-1573 Lr11 4 UR model w a UA. ~16 1622 POINT LAOUNA BEACH xlnl 1chool1. Homir ,., lot w '-•ut. lancb<'"P IO<'»led on unusually Ir~ WA.ITIN<i FOil A 498-81112 f99-4151 49'7·1489 UYIMCi 2Br. 2Ba, 1pllllevel1, U.P· cant-seller an1tlou11 ~ ~ ~acb 1boola, w ANT PRESTIGl7 lot a Huae BR s We BA · 1taded cpta/drp1, ucht Call and 1ave. &hopplaa • park. CeJI V 4UIY 640-9900 CiOOD IUY7 · den, dlnlnl 'room. 2 aty fixutree. air cond, clo.e y..,. Joa..-R..tty U a. ~at HERE fT ISi ~ Mlguel I Ol2 Mlnlolt Vlefo I 067 w 29• open bea m cell· to pool, ahoppt.o1 centef'. 540-464' 540..3666 2 houses on 2 Iota, zoned ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I n I a. t 11 e e n tr 1' P .SOO. By owner/aieat, ________ _ l'f ltel.-i1 I .... 1\1614 IEA.UTIFUL S&SA.TPAlk HUNTIM<i TOM SUbnut olfers on Ulls al> o wner has been transferred Lvly 3 bdrm &. fmly rm bomt! 1::. fretihly painted & d\· coraled like • model \11 •·ond. prof lancbc·prd 545·U41H 1042 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C&11tom Wot.rfrOftt 4 Udrm Jba. beauufully 11t•1· UJvl'nport Island. ~pan1'h tile. huitc rm'i Hoom for ~2' boJl OWC' ~.""I u' 1 v e I 1 6 t i n ll S:ll0.000 Pun·•·ll Hlty. S1u1,1 t lkh Call ll lti 21148 NEW OlA.HGIWOOD This mafnlflrienl patio home m Irvine Groves 11 localed at the end of a cul de·sac on a 1':ucalyp tus hnl'd greenbelt Wulk tu pool)\, ~pa. tenn1io and 'ery <'lost• lo -.ho1,plni ~1th 4u1ck a rl'e"' lo freeways R3.oceanvlew;frpl,lota A.DULTCOMMUMITY MAD•ID671 flreplace,wetbar,laun· 64().WS BRADFORD PLACl oldeckln1. Walk to Vic· 2 BR +den. detached By owner. 4 Bt Caaa dr)'room,ove:rslied dou· \tACREKonerancbw/2 Townbome, 4 br, bet lor'i11Bcb.$11B,500. bomeonlaraecorner lot. Sarsa. Spec:t11ular un· hie pr, 3000 aq. ft. of hou1ea, works hop• loc.Ci8,9C50.Act.5S4MSSt OPEN L a n d 1 c a p l n 1 obltructed mountain & very unklue Urine apace. bana. Back Ba)' area on 2755SOLANAWAY w /sprlnkler1, new aollcounevlew,Walkto Sl.58"°°. the 1oU cne. lluat aeU SoulttL.ogm.u IOll ARCH BAY R.E. drapes 4' carpet. Never coif courM. laU,'ffOreA• JACOIS REALTY soon. suo.ooo. Owner ........................ . 499.2277 661·11Ul lived ln, looka like a tloncenter. Prot .. tonal· 67M670 m-011.Ur!MMOlJ QUllTQUA.LfTY F "IULOUS model. Own.er wanla to I)' land.leaped, bftuUllil· 2 br. lam rm. 2 ba. Al "' deal now. l.Y decorated •Ith •U US>· Fir. d I T OCIA.H views sradea. After I pm . IASTILU r 11J ACRE a u t <'om m . r: Five l.1r&e &c bulldable. ~ weekd1ty1 837-8260 1a~~i/h~m'!r::a; ~~~: PARK LJKI: 1etllnc In l.Ms'~rih: :~~on Rily lt!IJ dc~rce view lots in ~~ 3 Br, 2 Ba. Cplc, rormal .,,... 9:iO Cllffhaven. 3 Bedrms, 2 493-2252 83!·0&, quiet & pres tigioui. ~ ...,.., · bathe, beamed c4'11lnp. nl·111hborhoods in the ~d ;;."1 di.nlna rm, lae kitchen & R.C. TA. YLOR CO. formal dlninl room. heart or Laguna Beach ,JI'__! · ... ~9-'J.'l.'.>' Fhomlly;~r schools & 955-0350 lanai, breakfast room. W .. tminster I Of:' f'rom SSS.000 to SSS,000. . ;..tA)AV . 11 K.f:'j> OPc ties 492 8700 alr cond. & Insulated. •••••••••••••••••• •••• · Cousey & Contpelfly (1 • r r ~-NEWPORT HTS. s101.soo. 1-------• ll04So.Coes&Hwy. -· tWwportleach 1069 Super family home with RoyMcCarch HIDEAWAY l.AGUNABEACH FANTASTIC family •••.•••••••••••••••••••• private mstr. iuite. Rtclltor lllOHtwporf l.._.THIS 497 2457 R L• s I 1114,1100. Assu mable t " • home. 4 Bedrooms, 2 ·"'· "ea lo CostaMtM548·77l ... 3 bedroom home will· S&S R•ale Spec1alist.s 3, B-,-, _O_W_N-ER·lDr Cottaite baths. view and pool size WANTED Jlappy, en· ,in. ----------1 la.r&e mast.er bedroom ~ 4 or S bdrm models avail, l blks from Woods Cove lot SlZ7 000 thualasllc 18188 people den wlt.h warm panellnr aome\liipool.1,968-4602 RANCH REA.I.TY Beach. secluded. 198.500. iOMD REALTY M~E~~'3lr p':'U::~~! BJ0~~~:!~~~~ H1.11e, lovely old tree PawngtonPropertlell UHIVEASITYPA.RIC 551·2000 49f.Q:90 or494-4003 lll•941 I ore. al 3!36 Via Lido. Ba, l sty,auto aprtnln. surround patio area S"Y ''HELLO" S94.950 nc~·-L------1 ~~~~~~~~~1 £~•.1.020: Roa er Brown . x~A·~~~~" wtr aoft.nrr, many xt.ru. pr 0 f e •• I 0 n a ll ~ " E 1 . d' b LARGECORMER -""' v •.»oc Bea· .. pa•<-•··-~··pna. land1caped w1 l l· •o " GOOD IUY x c t 1 n Jt E In u r g MOTEL .... ...., • _., ___ .. , -CN\ ' " d I h OVERLOOKING GOLF --------• 1180,000. Owner W/CUTJ •..-~ ...... en .•• ......,.,. "'-• .. ·11• ... eword '"'·this mo I! town ome w,J A n...-rfl"ld Park home I •--------. 20&~.L .... _ "" '"' bdrms, family rm. 2~ ""-,,.. ' H~art or Laauna oca· COURSE, 3 bedroom. 2" 2nd TD, 1bown by appl. • 3Br,2Badecoratoraharp baths. Huge backyard that has been uperaded t1on : itlnt condition. bath, family room It REAL ESTATE .646~4463 Prine. Ollly. 13S-ZM2 or home. FeaturingwalJaor w,bnckpatio&flrepit. very nicely. 3 beautiful large pool & ret'reallon formal dinlnl room. Ul· cre&Uve I& prof. co. will Oc...frollt""-1...x 7S2·8'7f7 . . mirrors, plWlh <'lrpetmg WatorfrontHomea bedrooms, a separate oreu Short walk to most In quality with air be __ , r , 1 ....,..... & lu,,h land:lcapinl Only 631 1400 rarruly room with a coz.y be.1ch t'or information conditioning, breakfaal aoon o...,.un£ o c • n 9 br 3 ba up WESTCLIFF BEST BUY 169.750. Ask to aee It --------•fireplace and comforta· call area&overalzedfarage. Npt. Bch &C. · areaa. Cbr 2badown 3 DR. fam. rm .. prime REALTY INC. NOW! WOODBRIDGE 3 Br 2 Ba ble patio for evening RIYlera RHlty Huge atrium entry, 40 Cl. We have openln1s for 3800aq rt. area near 1chls & shop· ctt..----..t f'am Hm , Dan Rm, lel.5ure Callforappl. ... 9 ... 5678 '"ff 2100 ti 0 ra· a The n ew or e" Pe r 4yrsold P.ICll · 1212 P embroke. 71~/146.1371 ~.... SllS.000 \gt. 771·2386 , ,.. , • pa 0 n irw y. aale11peraona&cm1r1who Furnished t'>wner wanta offer. Call i--------• R-.Mw ---• I ,,_ h ul I bnl in Coh unhtrr Club hv· are lntereate d In a S4SO.OOO. •at. 842·0751. Open,-.-------~ 146 ... -5'5'73 :'\u Turtlerock Highlands La11una ucac cxq I le l in& In l e c o1cesl area career. Apply by callln1 675-5487 Agent Sal/Sun. ,. Plan 3 w 4 Bdrms. ram ucrc Ealate. 5000 sq l'l. 1225•000· 631-0400 557.0110 Pr1'c• Reduced rm Avail Aue. SlliS ooo Mo-.t beaullful entertain L...-a HICJlllf l..tty for Interview. Hlrlnl OCliNFROHT MPT HTS HOME ~ .. Lt\NDMAHK ment house, around a 136-IOIO 496-4040 Monlhru Fri by appl. Balboadupleit. 4 &3 Brs, Ovt'ner has boulht new n\. own6r 5 br, ." buth~. 3 l'all 7s:.? 06_17_o_wn_. ;_\Ill_ 1100 I. on pv l road . 0 _u ... --e Real v-u•A Custom bit 1turdy home. Love I y 4 bed rm .. •• n h l' ll v c n I y g 8 rd en ;:; =-~ .-DUI" ~ ... Unique nr plan. 3 BR. 2 hardwood floors. all nev. <:Jr Kar. bm-k palio, up UNIV. PA.RIC w , ponds. water tolls, "OA.KCltEST I" t175·~ bath, lot1 of walnut uppll'1. Yery uparaded ~.;n~pel. low m~~\1372 flS M~111~0~~~;e~~ Drive RANCH REALTY wulkwuys & more. Mu1t -1-6-2-L-Es·. oda Und..-Conttructlott IELOW MA.lklT panelln1. FA heal, frplc. Excell school•. NO\• ------b II I TH L~ 551-2000 IX' seen. Emergency sale 25 a tr Cool. orr.whlle aa-tln" Ele1anl Npt. Creal Con· THI CALLISON co. 17tl,500. Submit terms EASE y. ca to see. r, ---------1 by owno S426 000 • __ .... ,_...... ...... • n 1•-C21Se b L W/OP'l'TOllUY MARQUETfg! Elegant THl!COLONY r. • · --r-"T"""" •ind• ri<'h. warm par· do3br+den,frpl,wel nea ..... r 8 reeu. Brand new S&S house, townhome, completely 7 t HJ3.0ll~. 5-46.ec>la 495-0011 quet entry & kitchen bar. Pool, tennis, walk to 2B1BNewport Blvd. 962·5521 n c • r Y 0 r k t 0 w n & remodelcd & rrdccor. in Lowest priced 4 OR , 2111\ OC.EAMFROMT 3Br. 2Ba U\• rm. frplc, · creale a splendid con· bch. ~N~e~w~rpot:7:rt::Bc::ch.:::78'1~s.4~96~1~1~~~~~~~~~ Magoolta. 3 Br & den, xlnl l~te. J BR. form. • din rm. kit.I patio, prof trast In lh111 Bii( Canyon OPEN HOUSESund~ DRASTICALLY hlchly upgraded. $595 din. rm .. lge. fam. rm., 2 home In this popular 3 Arch Bay·FantuU<' vw lndacpd Coca yd. 67" 157' t.ownhome complete with tl6Gret.el Crt.. REDUCED LoYety Pcnnlly tt... mo. frplcs All new kitchen areu. A/C. Don't wait. Completely remod, 3 Br lot, 2 car ear. Slll ,500. pools & tenn.la courtal All· 548.f0f21£97J.2Z30 S.avlew 4 Brdm•. 2Ma 3 Bdrma+adc!ed Bdrm CHEER REALTY w qu11llly appliances, VALLEY 640..9900 S11cr1riceByOwner 1972Home. Sunken llvlnl r oom, Ba, lam rm. 2 frplc's, 2 or den and lae famll) 846·5531 overlooks major green· Below Market·SJ.50,000 fireplace, aeparate d in· UDO ISLE. a BR, 2 Ba, alrul m1. Unbelievable room. lmmacuJate. Gd ---------1 belt: pool & rec. area 04·714', 973· 1373. IYOWHER lnl room" wet bar . all fn':. suite, beamed cell· view ol'Calallna and neighborhood. Cloee to LE ... ctE 0 _10 .... ncarby. Call Lorraine S46-007S OWN YOUR can be youn atlJ.29 500 ncs t hru·o ut, South valley 11 ...... Braodoew. achll. 1119.900. ~ "' "' M2·7007or833·3307 OWNPARK! ' . brictedpaUo.slal.efrplc, --GLOBAL Brund new 2 bed rm A % p r 1lreet to 1treet, ~ blk to UJ>lraded, & a ateal at REAL ESTATE plui1h home Community YILLA.CiE m CA.HYON-OCIA.M vu In:~~ .. 4br~cf:m ,r:. II IQual~ pvt bcb, tennia, club hie. only S22t.500. J . v.co. EloUeSmllh892-3393 pool, sauna. jacurn. 6 REOUCEDS89,900 OpnHou11Ft-l/Sot 3 Bdr"?,& den ·-Spanish lalandcook.<'ntr.pantry, • Plac• 1196,000, By owner . _548_-18_H_._7_61-_7_620____ or893-2S26 ~1011 . leue option Sunshine yellow & walls Woodbrid11e.Theoneyou Hom e • View deck. wal. cab., pano view. Pr __._... Shownbyappt.813-033 ----------""" .,~1s BKR of iilus opening onto 2 have wan'-". Ma••ive 2 P..J-... tor family '"'n'·r 831 -~ ......... ....,,.,."' .-, mo. I f l d .c:u .... C'l•-.-.o~ " ~ • 1165.000. ....,... -r-2-1-LIDO ISLI!. ~ -f"'k"1•nf• I 07' 968-9047 pat os ere e a ure · Bdrm. 2 ba. w rrml din t.au1.la1. $199.SOO. ...--U.5t. .,...... UA04 '" --'" VITS SA.VI SS ---------1 l'All!y Call(. living & en· Ina rm. Come lo t32 LAKEPARK.Spedaculu -----------1 Sbr. den, tba. Perlect ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nodown,moveln.4br,2 ·-------1 tertolnln& can be yours Birdsong or call Vcro SUPHI 4Br, 2 sty, a eat to UDO ISLI cond. Lrs. open air llv/· GOING, GOING, OONEI be. modem kltch. <=Onve- WALK TO SURF'!! m this 3 BR . ram1d1n. Sharp. res. 640-0110 OClA.M VllW Grwnblt w/vtew of Zif· f Bt, ~ bile beach·tennla din area, 2 paUos. ra· Oeea.n view, I month old n I • n t le be a u t . New 3 Br 3 Ba English rm homew1tb2\2ba.& QuintardRlty87382SO gurat avall ont.eopllon OWT'Alt m-08 dlant hut. Many bllna. townbou ae i n San nel&hbor hood. Owner Tf udorh d~slg nh. V2 b11kds celntr~I alrE. ~reenbe11t ~ -------~~!'!!rr~ln~ ~:!! all650 mo. own5f0.7558 · · Security system. Cloee to Clemente, located In tranaferred WHtaide . rom t e beac . au le m . view. •vOY poo 11 .,. UPSTAIRS Pier. Walk to bucb. Lowell f Br, tam rm In beach. 2800 aq ft. By private community. 2 MS-2323 celllnas &c supt>r floor tennis: rail Evelyn DOWNSTAIRS area! Top cond. Won't O WN ER. SZU,OOO. Bedroom, 2~ bath. 3.1 ________ _ plan. 1''enced & lndscpnK EVEL YM COPELAND And . all around lhe cor· SJl!fi)F~ t VltaU It E 1----l!lml----1 lut. Call John Vanlan 6'7a.70ll.6"-28$4 pallo1, Z car 1ara1e. Yoo cun atlll sclcrt your REALTOR S52·04J4 ner lot: garden home In aus a • 11..J..:!:..a.Ly•1ew _Q>mpany,Hl"'8U , __ o_p_1to..1 __ H_O_U_S_l __ 1 sas.ooo. carpets ! All custom u · 1 Cal4f9·2241 f"lllurJD IOf"'ll L ...__.It_...... felltures. St09,950 Turtle Rock Broadmoor8. VIiiage Ill, mvers ty --------ml! Quietly local ed on a Pvt party h aa twnhae :Z: ,...,,...... ,.._,, OlhtftltHllltate ''"'A.NC G VAIL Pork. Enjoy custom bea· .. 'ful cul .. _ sa c, t'· $10,000 under mar'-et. Beautiful 2 SI.Ory 3 Br, 13 5010 .. ,L '"0'"0 f .,, IN A · Sll0,000 for quick sale. 3 b' h I I II vw uw .. • 2~ B c d in beat ""' -""' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call 000.5244 Br, 2 ba In beaut cond. ~a mets & s eves n V· Ready by mid Sept. Jbr & 3 bedroom home la m· Muat movp. Newport Eutbl~I ::ea~ Price re· ~ ~Moat BYOWNER2b l 'L b HARDESTY, RLTRS. ~nd~r~':'··Pt:~e~!dth~~ sludy,2ba.OcSe2aln9 "socoa· maculat~.:.~lth vie~ ere.t.ni.:.:;t-..... t.lbfta. duced.Ownermot.lvated, ~ ForS.. 1100 r. n 8• 875·2866, page Pat · ' nyon vu. • • from QPa ....... paUoa.~ Modem.rtearn>oaq • 1ubmlt allortera.11AM· P ANORAMIC oc-an.•.•••••••••••••••••••••• gd HB loc on Cul·dc·sac, Burnham. bath1;. l'ommunlly pools, 494.57211 many Uplf&dtd •Jttru. Tcnnia +pool.~ "' pnn only. 848.9491 ---------• rec. center. lcnnla . 1129 250 (42I) fPM Sat/Sun. 2424 Vista view. Gorgeoua cust. S8 ~cks 8x'3, 1 br (cap. Vacant Ready to ao! Lower than nny 3 bedrm. l'·• b.ith Twnhm Very clean end unit. ~it cell Hunt mi:ton Uch loc Only ~.900 Owner Anxious Sharp 4 bedrm. 2 story in ucell Weatelde. HB. Just redU<'ed to llM.500. C·21 Seabreeze 962-5521 llACHWALK B Model Twnhle, 3Br. 2Ba. very UPfraded. poola. tennil, a blks to bc h . 599,900. 19856 MariUme H.B. LACUISTA. aAC9UITCLI 33 Model Twnhae 38r, 28o, tcnnl1. voll yball. cloH to bch. S.."7 Ashland, K.8 . 9,900. llM·HSI tvel/Ytkndl. , . DEEAFIRD S92,000 Ant'1ques'And , IY OWNER• 41l Ho1ar Call Worldwide home, '4 ac. SlS0,000. tai.n a bed>, new roor ai Luak In Eaatblutt. Pool Broken 673·45'5 for Larsen 49&-1772 ext.. paint. Adult C. M. SJt~~~~e~t~ram 552·7000 ··. Stained Glass w1ao1ar heater. coroer directions. c~tARMrNG parJc.S48.e173 • rm. ntrlum. 2 frplcs . Enter another era with lot Sl75,000 Ph 8'4-1009 BEACH HOUSE 3 br, 2 173 ooo '76 Wlnnabego 111.nl. 21 . p11ho Nr. pool. short THE · ·· · · lhl~ superlative Woods' ---------ba, w/lge cool patio. Will consid~r VA terms Cab air . Xlnl cond. *all< to schl!I & park VJ LL AC"-' · · C-0vc home with Its own 113.500. Owner anxious. on this 2 bedroom beauty SlO.!iOOor ofr . 640-0010 S87.500. Shown bv appl REA LTORS j!IJCllt house and cueat WANTED: Call Properly House. with everythln1. Cozy '76 34x68'. tOmos. new. By Occupy 9 15 Owner .ipJrlment. The larae ~~~~~~~~~I 80 ... E ON WATER &12-3850 fireplace, heavy ahake owner. appt only. 5 Slat 873-2959 ocean view 11 made even -:: '"' ---------• rod 2 car irara1e room more ""aceful by the w ·40• plus. boat dock. WATERFRONT LIDO I R'V :'I' •~· • Pk.SJC493-8397 California llomes ;4Br. 3ba, A C den din. frplc, Nda TLC Owner , Aet. POPULAR 1 h ... -i hi h Unda Ille, Dover Sborea PENIN Penthouse apt, or ·You U ..... e It. •-------- U) veaetal on w c or?? Privale panv o-•~ . .->'olbalconu, Beau. bay BERTHAHENRY CAMBRIDGE abounds In the eardena. SUNNY , u.y •v REALTORS The large llvln1 room ln 644-1~. view. Boat slip, 2 Br. 2UI>el Mar 492·4121 SS9-8146, 552·&481 ... model in Greentree. ---------1 Juist awaiting your In· Woo6riclae Place 1pectjon: perfect home Bt.cayMdl.4.§r,3ba,up. for youn1 family . 3 ..,_ ...... ..,.,,. ·~~ 6018 Bdrms .. 2 ba. plus fam. are.-._,...,.,,-· kit. Extra lar1e. well _«_86.'S-_:n_eo _____ ... cared ror >'a rd. This home " ln "MJNT" COO· dillon.a.500 the maln bouae feaiures TOWHHOUH den, 2 Ba. Approx 2000 IQ a fireplace with an anti· Cheerfully decorated BlGCANYON rt. pool. lse lan d •. que manUeplece and In· and landacaPed. Roomy Br oadmoor Pla n 4• Sl75.000.87J.2332AGT. S..Ju. direct ll1btln1 via 1 I Br. den. 2bath. Enjoy w/pool, mH)' cuttom uWESTCLIPF3br,2ba. c,.1... 1078 atalned 1laaa celUna. Tht pool, clubboute, pl•1· 1 .. tures, 1111.000. F.R·., patio. Walk to ...................... . guest bouae leaturH IJ'OUDd. 1reenbelt wtU\JD 8"-taT Jhops/1choola. Sl4!i_OOO. S49,500 open beam cellln1a, a walkinldil~ n..-. 8*01001848-ul.9 ti replace. b a rd wood DOU'HIM a.L . .., .. i-r Cua 4e CasNatrano Con· ,,_ d .. nd I do. I Br, t ba, cuatom ,....,.., ee .. a an ocean C .. 4f4'111 drpt, dl1hw1br, pool. Yin'. The rueet apart·r~~~~~~~~ rnent ha• lb own co171-: _..., __ 1 _____ -t II.replace. Thi• qualntl--------111 property provid• PN>ll• lmlty to lhe beach. ocean views. Income and a quaint fetlln1 In a woodly aatt.ln.a. (4GS) 2.75AC•IS R.a.ncboCarrlUo Unob1truct e d view, Cleveland forfft. Cusl.Om bullt 2 BR, beam <"ell· lnp. horae corral, b11m le tock room. Jacuul. Com munlty Pool• S1'7,500. Broker 499·2916 or'95-4481 4CARGAIACJE Mloutu to beach. '41 a cr•. 4br, 2 ~b 1 . DramaUc ...odel. Opn Hae&ua l-S. a .. ,eoo;" , . NtwportlntM ~ PUIUC NOTICt IA.HK MUST SB.I. MOllUHOMI l.OSSISSIOM 'AM'TAITIC SAVIMM AUSALIS FIMAL DAIL 'f PIL.0 T IUJ l >MM \, ri a 111 S.• u. ''""" .i11 ''"" W.Ct: un lh11h111n.I A"'' Iii ralm ~ 111 di\ •• ('. IHm• jt\ I '211U ,0011 ~ ilrdh•t It• .a II ('u 'TU -t:Tft TWOACIES lnl m1n1 rtn• h 11•l• :<Int h•rm!l 8K H 1T1.a 11iTI I 01u.a-t63!1 RVEACRES P'anl•llltlC' Ylf'~. well ••let", un tw ~put Good fOf' )our mob1l~ h••mc or fnu'9dll A ust H , 1111 ·~ ail1:. Xlnt term• ---------1 BKH <714 ) 1m.SG1 OR52:!c~ 1300 ....................... ?II• 4 Plt!lC lJdOil l'nt. All 2 br. pallo:1 frph:. St2S,OOO axr., Depr Bkr IJ42 0556 Ot840-1UI -9-iMss Pro,...+y 1400 ••...•................. . SUPER :UARKET 12.400 !-.ct rt t:ross annuul '-''t'~ 11 .250,000. J.1qunr llrt-n!>f• " p l 1 o n a I . C' .1 I I l, . \shcrafl, 644 7270 . MG Lot, 130 by 130 rresently has automollve ~hop. Owner1---------1 11"•11 sell lot & or busl rn.-:.s \\\'lll Co<.la '1csa. Convl'n1cnt financing Ownt!r rt-llrinl(. Cull ,t,1rsh.ill O!'ll'U. 5-ltl I 111 )\i:t>nt Cemetery Loh/ Crypt~ I 500 •••.............•..•.•. lladmr Ht"•l '1t·m l'k, t:o-.la M t>Sa 8 Plex. 679 Q•nter Comp. rede<."d. & painted New roof, new Sp;1n. -.tul·ro S28S,OOO tlnitcll Brokers.646·7414 t.:ypn•ss Sl't' H lob, All ur 4..PLEX M-p, s:J95 l'a, SJIOO for 8 , C lkply lo ml PH56, lJully I ;,.oe .... osta Mesa loca-Wint.er rental, Baysbores. l'ilol. P.O Box 1560. tum. 3hr owner's unit. Sm. mod 3br, 2ba, cmpl. Co!.la Mesa, Ca. 92626. <;rf'al rental area. Prln t 'y furn. 5'50. ~. ---unly. \Y~tminslr :\temor1ul Pk Pacc'>Cller Reol Estate !,ai.t Supper DlS·Dl6 .848·2133 ;sl750 for bolb crypL"I - Write R. Sanvllle 1752 H..,flnqtoa lead' Calle Ponieote Santa Barbare. Ca. 93101 Condominiums /ToWlt• houses fOf' tof• I 7 0 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lt·1sure World Towers J,u, retire. Mea ls. maids. 103 dn. SJS.000. .A.96 1840 -------1ncomt ,ro,....+y 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MESA DELMAR FOURPLEX Seller motivated. CALL 540-3666 Wfielan Rllll !~TAT! come rovers cost . Fullerioft 28UMITS 10 LOTS! North S.n DltlO tout&l Stlb-Dlvta'°9:l! ,l'\Ul.Y lm· Pl'OV9d • 1*vtl I All ap. provall • .Pl.Pa • bwldtDa pefmni · atiaUablet PUrcbaae •D or partl Priced &om ..., ,&00 per JoU V.E.HowardACo. <1l4>1N-1'38 For Lease-3Br, 3Ba home, w /commanding view or ocean at Nwpt Harbor, wolk to Emlen & Harbor tt523 C.OIPUSJ)a~IRVttfl High Schls from qwet ---------• Kings Rd address, avail TIJRTLEROCK Sept 1. Own.r St8""19'l associated Uk1)J.; I u•. till"°' rnst~ ; .... A ...... I", '"I ' . 3Br2Ba, btfi&cozyin& daya,M2·1122eves. 1Br, cl01e lo bay, pk & ---------• out Lse 558· ~ beach, S275 mo. Sept ' · • Bluffs • Bdrm., great 10.June 14. 675-0S44 N B. •THE WILLOWS. • Br, locaUon. Former m~l. 1 Bedroom with fireplace. 2ba. Uv rm, dln rm, tam aszs. Agent644-1133 Garaee $450/mo rm. 1400. 6U·USO, Call.A&nt.631:1400 &»5050. ext 22. UDO IAYFROMT Bachelor apt, utll. pd. 2 WIS NU llHT Brand new. spacious 2 Steps to ocean. motmo. i---------. Univ. Pk. 5 Br, SSOO lse. bdrm.6denorSbdnn.,3 '42.133' eves6U~78 ~OfOn:lngtCollit(s 551.c!lll or49'7·3230 ba. coado. Security bldg. ---·------11 becdr\lt iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Leuea>Mo.,yearly. UDO ISLE 2 br, 1 ba, molt O~ TWOBedrooma IAYlllACH completely rum. Avail. comnuilleS.Af'llamg Walnut Square ...... S31S IW.TY 759.011 I Sept. Sth. Sl:iO. 642-6904 ~ W9I snoms. --------• RancboSanJoaq •• M50 IEACH ~·ols.andmojesllc RanchoSanJoaq ·• $500 NEWPORT CREST Dlx3brlwrduplex. Yrly lr ... Feo!Umgpools. • THREE Bedrooms CONDO $.'585. 751.9392 .Joeullt. 90\m. bllarOs. Oraoie Tree •••••••• M50 3 Br. 2"' ea. tennla, pool. and exClng ClltlhoUs8 Woodbridge •.•••.•• sns walk to beach. Av ail San Juan wltuoaol evenls. Tennts. Univ. Park ........ $475 now. lmmac. SS25/mo. Copktrano 3778 gym,ond vole'ytlOI ot Village Ill ••.••...•• $52S Call !W8-6317. ••••• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • The V1oge. Mott of RanchoSanJouq •• $550 2Br Condo, completely ~you'n11ookrlg Turtle Rock •.•....• $575 •WESTCLJFF 3br, 2ba, furn. pool, s.125 mo. f()(, FllTlhlre lsavoloble. FOUR &.'<!rooms F.R .. paUo. ms. 6'6-0100 492·8457 __ _ vmaee Ill ...•.•.... ssoo or 6'6-6219 One and 1Wo Bedroom F"OR Lse· Harbor View • IHWftb Adul LMng. Montego,' t br, ram rm, 2 Unfwnllhed Otflces open 9:00 IO 6:00, ba. · $600. 640· 1440 or •••••••••••• • •• • •• • • • •• Now renting. red hill ~,, ... 552-7500 6'4·7463anyUme. General 3802 ..__ ______ _ ---------. ...................... . 2 Bclnns. Never Uved In. 1 ml to beach. Also de· Juze ne w townhouse. Opeo 12·5 dally. 1407 Delaware. Huntington ---------· Beach. W.8801 8'8-1826 orAgl . Adults, E/side 2 Bds, pool, JUCUZZl, lndry. tncf. gar.$270.644.()878 THE VICTORIAN _________ 1 2 Bdrms, l ~ ba, with gar. $250. Adlts., carp. drps, range, fncd yd w/patio. Water pd. 667 ---------• Vi ctoria St. Call l·S NEWPORT APARTMENTS 2BR Sl90. Infants on)7. 1BR $165. Adulta only. + uUI. No pets. :M!IO Newport Blvd Costa Mesa Garden Apartments. 3 Bedrooma w /paUo. also 1 bedroom Is Bacb. Mature adults only. MarfWqm Apt #2 :z75 t. I Ith St. C.M. Ul-3003 LA CASA l&.:ANC4 IOQ.. I •ZIR AvmLNow-S50 Dep. All Wll pd.. cpta. ct.rs-. poof. lndry. lac'•· Adlllt. over u. no pet• or chltdr n. Call Sue: US-1111 or Renr1 ~ 6'2-11137 • . ... .,,.. ' ... . .. " .. .,.... . t=•"l ... ' Al• ....... u..... ........ h........ ltOCNnl 4000 Offfu ltentlll 4400 .... u Lod .. '-d noo ~ A Dt •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••-••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• °'Ffll~ 15005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ U1j!Ullf11,lt'T7 DAll.YptLOT C..MeM JIJ4 M SIH-plnte1111al1l•St~tno. . • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....,W..W 71odHei,W..e.4 7100HelpW..W 71ot ....................... tWttur 1 142 All mo wk Shllre" kit /• Dutta rt. San Clem. prc-> llCYCLi Lost. wbll• rnalt Spits, ....................... •••••••••••••• ............................... . •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• hath. fiht.1wn M uo·bat nun nt. m•w, Ol"C':ln vu. SPOITGOODS vie. ftarbOI' VM!w Illlla, • HAllOWU•HTS "unJy'•. Call alt ll>rn C.0•17:toll"'Y· S130 up IOOM ruward.6'4-2510 ACCOUNTING CLERK AutomotJ\·e or hire cl•1.nt •dull Kera rrq d '-" CJOOlt tl1 <:omplt'tc dulersh111 Lo5t. Splti white 111ale A full time position is availablt: for BC· SALESPERSON 11pair1mt!nl1 l.ucal.J In ~-. ,.. I llOO ft r uv111htblt:yourar~now1 m1m1lurcSamoyC'd. Vic 1 . l.ouoftratric urlu•h fl11ntln1llon :,\'A~l!t' + 44':, ,,: ~l Number one rated bll0V Pebllle Dr CdM Nd~ curalt: C t:rk t o assast ln busy Grc-1lt'urnin1pc>tcnt1Jl llarh11ur I h• llarbuur'• 'W~~~1u:~s .~." ~" 1111~11~ 111,,ruiw ~u1th• 111 lrvlnl' d'· 11nd Wilson sportlne medication. An·.. t o n~wspap(!r officu. Duti~ aru varied. SeJ1tn11To)ot.1 & Voh n 11flly •Ji•rtm~t rnm11htx up Apta ~ tHM lnilu•lll.il i·omplt-x w ICOOtb lndl.ldt•11 1nven ··Sam ·'. Raw a rel . Should bts a good typist and o~rah: a You ncc•d uutomol1vu s1,.•·iot111 1 U1 . 2 br, a,. i · ,,qui. Kt•y hH;k tcul\ 1101111> lnry. tnunini: & mcmt 6'-1·~10 lO·key adding machm~ with sktll ault'~ experience lo Ur t d• II, n(l(1r phm• t"rtot l't'nl to f•m In ''" & lll'l'fl•tarlal llt'f\ 11'1'~ ll~'lllllUftt•t• llll!h lnroml . Pr . . t ' rr1 t . quall(y ham e:llCJ, • r• t:Om c:han1• lur buby111tlt•t • Nutlonul SN \'ll'\'I Cu J)Olenllal , Ye,,r 'round LOST: 3 strand Bird . tVl?US 8CCOUO t~g 0 ee t:X~r ~nee CJll Sult-:i l\fanuger at pl,.nw11ted by 11nl'h11n1m1 matun• womttn prc-f'il tWl l2SO b~lness Call ror details Ce llan ncrklace. Coll JS desirable. Work m pleasant environ· MARQUIS MOTORS &5T'llD£ I Dr. dlln • r1. nr hc•JJ9, l ~r Old.. SDI mo l4J 03"6 ~ • ..,, na ,, atrum•. Ii Rer. rt1q 'l1 . 648 64V4l, \7lll!l'193.1l3 <714>4~-~Colled rntmt with good company bt:nefits in· MISSlONVJEJO eaullful t:luhhou111• 1·7l'M l'!111nsmpr1v olf11•••11plo ltt .~ Found ladl ..... wal"h, by cltJding '>weeks vacation aft .. r on... 1~1-2110495-1210 .-111wua, &ym, Jiu u1.11. -l!'l(IQ aq rt by llurl>u1 •• nnwn• ...., " ~ • " "' ~ lar~• pool ~ ~t ur .sll. Uoort Jue· uun Niro 1,v1 111"" & 105 Ywy ~10 2200 Oppot'hMfty 5015 Swunk Cleaners, Aul 4. year: company paid group insurance, ~rful V'"'i>lt•. W•• In homo Older pc•r ~Ull -••••••••••••••••••••••• C.11 546-1435 cr~t unlon, etc. Apply at: ~Ile you tu vi .11 Jl11rhour plt'1&11e. R<'f,M' ll'fllO CORONA DIL MAR nm1l 1':11tut0Sales• Found imall bile female Licht•. Pa••afil' <:u11el 5umnw ._-:....._. 4200 1.>t:luiw 11 m 91' lluul WE HAVE MAJOR poodle. Nr Sprinld•lo & OllAHGI COAST DAILY PlLOT llwytoW•rrwr,toAhum r _,.,,, unurnll'11 Vorv Ukr COMMERCIAL& w e 11 e 84().-~w B St n-t M quan or ort fiun VlCllO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll7) ij70() arn r , . . _,, ~ • ay .. """"' a esa ··~,I'll.It lk11H Chiu lo Ut:ACH llSY. Sl\"Jl• lo lnvest....+Propertt•• P.nonda USO Between tho hours of 8:00 AM-S:OO PM W1tnt'r ln Algonquin aund in Ni1t nc·h 1.uxur y l~l'nuttrul l"urn o ffl r1• Out11tandini: oppor. for •••••••H•••••••••••••• Call for appointment pJ~as& 18700 S1ybrook Lane-Jbr, Zba. Avail now $:1CIO H<1nk of ( o~L• M1·11u ~~~~i</\:~~•tPf1'::."~~ l?rinkin problem? 642-4321 •lit 176 7U Ml J3U w~t8&2 ~~·~:,,mo. Nv leu1>t1 Hunt lich S•curlty C.llAlcobolHalpUne Equal Opportuiilty 0 Employtr Automot1vo New Detu1l Shop net.-ds h,•lp. Top waaes paid. Enaint> St~umers. enit palnten;, buffers & pollsher1, up- holstery •ham pooer11. rhc.-ck out. pick-up & d~ livery. Apply at 20.SS Harbor Bl, CM 645-10:.l ---'--------C-Ondo 2 Br, 2' 1 b11 Gar BALBOA ISLANl> F,qwl1e5, 536&32. 2-l brt a day 83S·3830 , IBa. otar Bark Bay. Swim pool, dbhae. lt-n On L1tllo lalt> w ho.11 IRVINE PREGNANT• p.r, .,trcowrw vu, Ally1lll'rent1l.l'!ll>mo dock, 1IP18, 12im' h;.i> PrntfgeLocation MoMytoLoan 502S c I r td' I 1HelpW.-fed 7lOOHttpW•hcl 71001 _______ _ mo.. nodosa. ~·1133 IMl-13.i!Ui-S. patio TELEPHUN lo:, 2 1.ow rent! Mu11t &el! lo ••••••••••••••••••••••• co'u'na~f1n;o~ re1~:r:I. •••••••••••••••··~··••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• AVON ~. furn. AUi It Sept believe• 2 arti111.1 w11h tu ht, 2nd & 3rd T.O.'t Abortion, adoption " Dttun 2 BR. :l. Ba. frplc. L..-aa..clt 3141 ~1295wk.673 5644 iduare apacei. 1n lg bld·a r.OANSAVAILABLF! k~ng. Accountlna , ASSIMILYLEAD Mesa Verde At'ro~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• "' C edl' ot · ... J• "'CCOU.........,"'" "··-bl of 11 I ' from .. ~ ...... $300 751 8811 No. __ ,., nr Shaw's Cove. Balboa Island 2 Bdrm Oust leued ). Dt:coralcd r • n unponanL A ARE 547-2563 "'"' """., """"'m y ama e ec• .,.. .. AIU, • • ~00 k •-S by Arch. Skypark Cir lrdttr. 4tl-l I 02 Q.EllJ( tro mechanical devices. 2 kw •iit.1arace. szso. mo 3110&,loe. »pl D. l·Bdrm.apt.Oceanview w ·Au&"" rpt Fe.&l\JJ"e:J: fr~ utal. an LtHDA&VICKI 'IbeJollyRo&er,Inc.has Requlret exper. ln bakony S29S Kelley ~MU door patio w , trees & S WIMG LO AMS Outccil MotMp an eotly level opening directing wotlt or up to lO HES> EXTRA CASH1 Earnmas are ltood-bours are nexible when you ·r .. an AVON ropresen• tatlve. can 54()-7041 or Zenlth 7 • l.3S9. T~rAuoc. 494-1177 UDO ISLE pond , i.kyllles, con· 2nd&3TdT O'S Fortbef1uloUtl IOI.' en industrious lndiv. assemblen.Dayshift. l BR. Woods Cove area, Lg. 1 br-3 br. 2 ba wk ference rm, blw desks & J DAY APPROVAL Servlnl allOrana•Co.. loolrin1 for oppor. to STACOSWITCH IMC llF apt. SZlS. Near sb6p nr. tx:h. $340 mo. Ulih. or month, yrly? Avl now i.hel ves Heceptlon & Credit-No Problem 835-7313 IJ'OW. lluat be proficient 1139 Baker Coela Mesa ~~~~~~~~~ P n1. 313 17lh Place pd. Call eves or try duya1 ~l87& (7tl)753 mt9 St."<' 'y 'er v. av a i I Constructw1aLo;rns --------t W/lOkey adder. Posltlon 549-1041 BABYSITTER·Mature &U-246.1 494-7214 $7 5 S200. 548 00 1 I , CALL ANN 673-ll64i •MICHELLE'S* calls few filing, auditing F.qual Oppor Employer woman my home. Moo· 642.~64 ~£ T ---NB Besl beal'h Aui: s.t9 5110 -oldallysalesreportafor da Fri.988-8 SAS SIDE N~wly decorated 2 Br. weeks still avail' Also ~ Morlgo<Jn, Trust A ~ulcalll\taasa1~ ou.r restauronta & misc. Y· -- 103 ---- (,g fam rm. frplc, :! Walk to beach. Ulll 1nl'I wanter rental 2 hr c:111 ~'luxe offu·t'. ld525 sql 1H DttdS 5035 lO :-. •2AM 731-4462 gen'I office duties. Apply ASSEMILEtlS BABYSITTER. Lovinr, bdrm, I balh Two story. $375 yrly. be tween 1 11 311 A M '"'u r Pl' I. vn w a ~ · ••••••••••• •• ••• ••• •• • • Splrftuol Reader ln penoo, 17042 Gillette Assemblers, precision, mature woman for 2 & S «ncl yard . .S h arp• 2 Udrm t:ondo . Golf 642-4489 w.i te:r ill·•s, 11•11n spal'l' LQANSg% lSlSSo.El <;umlno Real A\le, Irvine. 8am·5pm malcorfem.4yrs.min yrolds.ourhomc.days. S350:m o. Ai;t i Clwner courscvu.$36.'i yrly -orr tol Pkl: ~m l'omm MonthruFri. exper.Goodmanualdex· SJC Area495·6435 960·5022 t'au:ita Vlloll Heallor Wkly & yrly al on•un, N11t ct·ntc1. <!052 Nwpl Hl v1t Alto 2nd TD Loan1 San Clemente. F'ully·llc. 1~~~~~~~~~1 terlly • good eyesl1:hl. -. -Cull 499-2241 Bch :lbr. Lal': lkh :!bd \Co r U a Y S l > C M t'ol' appl. 492•7296 1· soldering & microscope Babys1ller. Mature re~p. Beauliful qu1cl 2 Hr All 675-0922 119 3'1lh. NII ~'ifi 41111, 644 22211 l<'Vl'I, !"airest Terms sln<'e 19·19 ex per. Small compu adult to care for 6 mo JU• adult, no pets, r pts,drp:.. LOCJUM Hlguel 3852 --:»t ft Sattler Mtg. Co. *KAR EM'S* ACCOUNTING nen\.'J. llard working, de-rant. vie. Santa Isabel bllns, gar, storage, pool ••••••••••••••••••••••• Np t B c h 3 b r h m . 642-2171 545·06 I 1 4 Ol!J'CALL MASSAGE SUP£.RVISOR dlcaled ind 1 vid u als & Orange Ave. CM. Walk to every lhlnte Luxu'ry rondo, first nr, 3 Bayahorcs. :! blks pvt FREE RENT . 6PM·2PM 973-0893 '" needed. S mall co. 558-4476.on6.631-2419 Ideal for mlddh• a.11cd Br 2 Ba , on pvl golf bch. Whhr, dryr, sha.: Girl w1own 11el·y'1tl liu:. Announcements/ w/good be efil gd o couple. 1245. Call631·0419 course. S42S mo. 640·6843 crpt,. gar. yrd. LJbor can work for hc:rself r--als/ •SH ARO ... 'S* Immediate opening for d n 11 ' l 'c aP11• Babysitter for 1 yr old. My .-. Day wk~ li!SO, Sepl S200 Desk us r rile rtn ....... , ~ " an experienced accoun· por. 8 vancemen · home. Own trana. 4 2 Br. cpts. drps, range, Newport .. adt 3169 ·M2-963S clui.h rr~t 0 0 rr. I owe; Lost Ii FoUnd OUTCALL MASSAGE tant (3 lo S years> look· Carol; Ml-3830, MV nl&hls. reCs. 751-6889 retrt1. Ulll. Sr. Citizens ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Sk p k c J ••••••••••••••••••••••• ____ ,99-_t;.;.224;:._ __ -1 ..... Cor a challenge and ool .,...,.. Lagun Be h 1 b 1•. eve . y ar 1r, rv ... ______ __._ ~.. ASSEMILERS Babysit•-r .... •on ..... ~ • Y· _.., mo. 5'8·5337 . Npt HI.I: Bach, brand nu, a ac r, "1 Trd to ans ph'a 8·5, Mon · -·-"""'""•"'a 5100 EXOT CG R an opportunity lo Curther ~ .u "\Ka ~2344 $200,mo lse. UTIL PD blks lo beacb. Sl2S wk. 3 f'rt. for •rti•l nroup. In-••••••••••••••••••••••• I I LS hla/her ~roCesslonal Electronic assemblers Fri. 7:4Sarn-6:45 pm, Do tu• S br......., wk 494 5012 " u -•aJ• •-Modelin" .. T r I Cor amaU co. w /pleasant Boy 9 mo·s. girl 5 ..-. 1 8 mlJllc .,...,..117 . ....., · · come for extra work S ,.,._., ""' • "areer. e succeas u In J'" oK.•.f!!ie~o:::·~:ikd a..tal1t0Shan 4300 ~orlWS>-5110 SCRAM·LET Outcall5'2·31119/543-=o a~cant must have the =t>!e~1~~~~~h0a! ~~~e Prk area. Bey SL. SZlO mo. 541·5331 PA.AK NEWPORT ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----ANSWERS DAHCE OF FUN abilil.Y to operate efCec· at least 6 mo's exper. In ---------Ba c he Io r s, l or 2 M 1 DisUnct1ve Office. defik Uvely under preaaure in PCBo rds& ·r1 cu BABYSITTER needed. Lt 2Br, adults only, no Bedrooms &Townhouses a e rmmate wantt>d, space Sl25 per mo • Beaut. nude 11trl.a, dance • d.Ynamic ~ovlronment, 1 Wl "1 • a pets, enclosed patio, S2SO Jo'rom 1259.50 must be over 2S, -.hr 4 Br Munners Mlle Square Pirate -Frane -& rup heulons. lOAM lo and the confidence lo forappt. Ma tu re woman, my mo. 645·2007 Spectacular spa total 3 Ba hme i.n H B. SLSO mo N 8 64 5 5000 x 216 Muusy -Ltiard -2AM. Moo lhru Sal. 625 lead a 6·person staff OrihodyM Bectronic1 home. Mon lhru Fri. recreation program. + •:1 ul1 l. Call Mike, 6425002 , FUNERAL N.Euclld,Anahe1m. workln1 with com· &4&-1618 7Si.!)630aflSPM Dea Point 3826 social program. 8 pools. 6"4-4862 or 962"9746 You know, they ha vr puterhed accounting•---------BABYSITTER Needed. tennis couru At Fashion Dating & share rl'ntal~. Ixl '!,.ux!:..,~arclef•tn o,rr"rr•' .for computers now that arc ALLERGY COMTROL systems. involving ac· "'SSEMILER My home, Mon. tbru Fri. •••••••••••• ••••••••••• 1 1 nd J bo & s "• ...,. bll u u l'" ulmo-.l human. The other l ... FO•M "'TIO.... ....... ..... payable, payroll "' 11 a , am rec . an Video Ent«rprl:.l'I>, .;.,.,,> 15 1·..,-. .· · '"" " "' '"" ............. Own trans. Sal. opep. 2 Bdrm i\pl1> , avaalublc Joaqwn Hills Road. 835_1151or 006.8716 ~ mo l l ,,,ye St Ste d.ay l heard one ask If il Prr record rd mesuge and gen e r 8 I I edger IHSPECTOR TAME Rt>f's. please. 545-8686 fc Jmmedlately. t7 I 4t 644-1900 28.\, NU 113J.!J6.\7 ,. 0 •ti d go t O 1 l i. ( 213 1 281 ·2556, (7 14 l re#polllllbiUUes. Must be Male or Female M0-3296 ~1 -0798or4!:!:.I 0075 --Rmmale wanted m:.ilc, Business Rental--4450 ~·~l'~H'.!.r. 0 th "' r '11 543 9621 or wntc; AllcrsY familiar with account Electronic l'Omponents -------~ BR. 1 trn, partuilly New cluple~ci. 23 br ~ nonsmoker,SJC,2 Hr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Control F'oundalion, Box 11naly1ls and reconclHa· assembly, day s hift, 83bys1llc-r, rehob1e, for2 r~n'd SltJS. 4u3.2252 & ~e l;~~.91~amlly &pets_ ~9~·8&W •DELUXEOFC'S Lott&Found 5300 1~.0ranae.Ca.92G68 Uons ;willlnterfacewlth F :tlmo. Go o d co. yrold.U6PMwkdys.~ •1131-0655 agt -.:.. -Resp ply to share 2hr opt, ('t1nf rm . sl'al 2.~. all ••••••••••••••••••••••• REIJ\XrNG MASSAGE all level a or manage-~:~~·In Pel'Kon Only per wk. 5484678 aft 5 · Pa~lc view Uana 2 Br. huge deck, w/vaew. Prk Nwpt. S195+ '"' util p1melro, sm. whso an n .. ~50 Reward! Bo b-tail BobJamcs-Llc Masacur ment. Between8:30&3:JO Babysitter C;Ume, 2 boys Strands Beach . 2br, ~~ L 6 1 7 v., R1~ l blk lo bch. Eves759-0044 ar. 1 or 2 yr. lt•ai10 Lukt' ~~~~c~~!k l~ll~a~~ c~: Outcall 9·9. 494·51 I l Qualified candidates will COMPULITE ti!es2.1 :::.1n;re1olyoonuyr l~ba. Frplc, lishwshr, _ _..... .... """ -Female roommate want f~~r~~1~111 .irea. K(·nl 534356lor540·826J Retired seek petite allr. haveaBachelor'sdegree CORPORATION home.S51-476SaCUPM ref. etc. incl 'd. Beach liv· 2 IR MR OCEAN ed ! Over 21 lo share 3 • 714 581.9:iu3 lady friend mJd 11hctles. ln accounting and aome 711 w: 17th St tnJ. $400 mo. Avoll. Im-Brick fireplace,~ park. bdrm apt Mar beach. ---LOST: Near Park Lido. Nice dining & dalln~. recent aupervlsory ex· ' lulldlng F-1 I r lobpltter Wanted med. 71C·~eves Like new. 2 ba. Lse SlA3/mo. tndudlni ut1l. lndi.tstriat Rental 4500 long haired grayiwhllc Reply to ad 1945, Dalty perlence. E~cellent Lookln1 Ccw responsible .Toro l.32 $380/mo.673-8483 Eves alter 1 P.M. ••••••••••••••••••••••• cul.aMwer&to"l,uLu'·. Pilot, P.O. Bolt 1560, aalary, profit abaring,~~Cos~~ .. ~Mete~~6~4~5~·~15~0~1 &kfndpersonfor20moe • C17Wl84 Reward if found. 548-8157 Costa M•a, CL 921126 medical, life Insurance, old bo d k T • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nwpt J1ita d t N vac.llon and holiday y, 2 a:r•"' · ues• Nu3Br,2Ba,A/C,crpta, Br,2 8a,~~J:ftso~K~ Fem,43withfumtosharc lndustrialUnlh l-'ound blk/wht Puppy, MASSAGE benefit. ASSEMILYTRtilES ~~home,CdM~ .. drps, bllna. no pets. $.'595/mo.6'6-7171 rental cw find conienlol Wini OFFICE 8mo-lyr old. Very loni< FIGUll MOD ... S 12.50 Hr start. Xlnt co. Sa95/mo. Ul·'7687. ptytorentaptwlth,Pnrk 1400to 3800aq.R. lmmed hair. Vic. Meu Verde. ...., 8endr..UmewltbAIU'1 beoeni... Apply 2I.a8 So. l8HlJ7 2 Br, 1'-' Ba townboose Newport. 848·2564 Ml. occupancy. Leasing nr-C.M 642-1986 ESCORTS billtoryto: LyonSt,S.A. ,_ taleaV~ 3134 ~!~&c:,=-· no pets. glif {{,~~t=~~~~~1j1711 Found: amall blk male OUTCAUOMLY Alalat.Manaeerforlraln· .......... ••••••••••••• Attorney wlahell to 1h1re 642-4463 Doi. Vic. O.C.C. eo.u 611·3111 TRBtDATA dependent H .B . 2 Br condo. Community Oen P'rt 28r, 1Ba, yrly tux Cully Curn 4 Br beach Mesa. ~ll>fL _______ _._, STAHDAAD dn.lgstore. Need drug or pool, tennta. Avail Sept. MSO. quiet cple or l hie in Nwpt. Sept·Juoe. ---------•FOUND: 1J34 Class rln• Wanted: Male Under 20, MIMOIUISDtvlSIOH ~h.~~ex. per. Mr. Ban.kin& Savings & Loan TEUEtl Miulon Viejo, periu. poslUoo. F tr. Typln1 re- quired. Xlnt career 01>' portunity & benefits. Coll Mn. Baldridfe 586-8900 3rd. $3B5. 9l&CJ atn1le, many fealures PM>mo. 1147-0l&I Stonte or trucldnr yard. wrth lntt1'I• "'LER'' at ~hip + posa ahare AD Applied tlapetlctCo _nau; __ .... _ • ._ ______ 1 .... unrd •--h 3140 M2-1873 C l aero+ two 2br houses. Pomona School "•rd. me . .Jobn538-22D MOOW.S.aenttom i--------·1·-------.. ..-"....,.• --ut down 1750 per mo. sca..ae1JJ ~ Santa Ana CaJlf 92706 ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• STEPS TO BEACH,' Br, U•'-s..---1 Cotta Me$i. Call and Plf"Mftll Stf'Ylc" 1360 • • A TTEMTIOM: Banklnl IRANDHIWI 2 ea. fplc, cpla, drpa. Shar ...,.................. Rantdl1Wanted 4600 idenUfy,~ •••• .. ••••••••••• .. •••• TELLERS SS50 Yrly lse 6'2-3443 ea home or aptment ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND·. Mix German Chrutlan Counae1Un1 J!:Qual <>worJ,unlt1 we·ve «a\ a Job lo flt PoslUon. open for Cull· 2 Br apta.1411 Delaware, · 1'... .... Oi.uu UNuMrrm d 1 1 ...... 1ln , .. ___ _. E!mplayer M/F )'OW' dally routloe. Work u •· ,., 'd 118 Open 12·S Daily. 1 ~\Blklobch 3BR 2b ~-C M 1 br, 0 "er. Shep & Akita? Pup. ..,... so .,...,....,.,ea a5hrahift. Eamex&ra me .. p , .. me •xper Mile to ocean. 642-9601 downs~lrs 1bltM,'p1t1~' ~'1«~~k Dlr.nified, elderly lady, Bei1ie4'wt\1tfl,Edinger& JoyCoy~aU,O,$.L. 111------•-•I money and still have I~!!!r:i!}Jc':.tinoffice& Agt.536-1808 gar leue 0$'75 i2'1 "ui 0>~~ non-emkr, drinkrr, no BoLsaCbka.&+o-2034 Byapp&. l4GJl'Ml ti I r ii ""'""' N ""'" 2 BR, 2 Ba. rt"". St.i4o.61co • Forover 5yrs.832·ct~ ~fo8rr8~J'!~n!2~pst: T,..el 1410 ACCOUMTIMGCLK O:~t :.1°or~u~bo~~ e~: T~Oln~K,!l~~~.ETRusStl"' "'" ...,""' • FOUND: 10 wk old, Sb ••••••••••••• .. ••••• .. • G94EltAL OFFjCf periel)ce. We'll &.rain you, .... ~ ..-...,... ·• Free J month rent, H NptH~:nr.Hoa1,xiu3Br, Share beaut lge house. T14-831_-9997 ______ , ~~:ro~1!Pl~lh~rsi:. SeeSouthAmmca, Fully E l•ctronlca ananuf, and pay you wblle you omce&AIXirtotnce. leased lor 6 moa . 2ba,F/P.$SOO/mo.UTlL Util,kitcheo,laundry&Harbor Hlah Senior 1''em.63l·2180dys. eacourted J'.A, Tour. F.ducaUonorexper. in learn.lnaddltJontoyour I~STA LME~l' 1148-3777 PD.DornlnlcMS-'7173 ~m':!"6J~tlddlc Room+ 1 meol. Pay or Leaavlne Nov. e. AU A/Pq ~ A/P.ec neceu. salary you can eorn ex· LOAN ,New2&3Brluxury1pta, DeluxeNwptHgts2 1evel, · ~ronenl.SC8-0C91 FOUND: Blk. male. m eals. All Ups 11ald. Dutletrequlregoodtyp-tra money wlth our SECRETARY pvt patio-balcony. Fplc, 28r, 2Ba. 2 patios, $t60 Roommateneededforro-lor2bdrmrurnorunfurn al.mc6tgrowncatw/wh Travel Bo~a North, lnii, pleaaant pbone bonus program. All thla Dank exper. req~d. enclaar,walktobeach. mo.646-MSS malnder of August. hse t E 1 edyrd spotonthroat.VJc.19th BllrUlome, tb&i.both ~~:'J'r~k~P~ :o:0:}\(101s:t::e:t:~ TUaUnotnce. 509Delaware.53Ml962 OoetaMesa.846-8614 mlopet.rapR. ntc :'18 -.· "Hbr.645-7487 coast.t. Call lor U.lJ>ery, ..,...,.,_ ~ ApplyPenoanelDer>t -OCEANFRONT 2Br1 Ba, • en -.,......,. Lela Kfbaerly of Dls· ,,.,..._.eat -ween 8:30 pleaH apply at your SANTIAGO IA.HK WALITOllEACH aar, annual. $425 No Need female rrnmte. 536-7136 Found: SlameH Cat. a>very Travel, Lal\loa 1&4:30 nearest!'otomaLStoreor ASElstSt.TusUn TIMIERLIHE pet.a. tJ.3.330-881• fS:1~~~~ 5~~M.pt. Need un!urn room w /bath :~~· aJ:~ 'i.°!1::1!°: Beach. A.94·!18• 494-01113 C~~;~r· can 934 435 . Puaonoel Dep&832~ VILLAGE 1295, 2 br, new cpts " In ~vt residence. Npt 488-llSl hr exeensu to East • llilkl9g ,..11 Equal 0ppor Empl07« NewaduJtapartmenll drps. QuJet.1 1ood Joe. Sbare2BrbouseC.M.Sl!IO Be . Mr Jacks on. <;oasL Leavlnl fot nl. 4 Automotfye feuturlnt uolque Adult.a. no pets. 1601 1.Stb + utll, frplc, ~alio, nu 548-1192 AUi 20. CaU SU-3317 Coda W... 6 S. I 50 I Sdff c ...... deslim. Vaulted St.548-492:? ldtchen548·9S54 .....,.../tlt•••t/ ~~~~~~~~I £x~ence ceWnp, private WESTCUFF. Adult.I, no ka')H ~. ~·· clert Npt Bch no Buur:!•i ~e:-i!f yardl, fireplaces, pets. 1 or 2 br. 1700 •lteat 4350 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• porUn• ftrm. Seek sell· .ffl..i..Scbool Education 12ar"~esBod•more! WestclltrDr.aptlS. ••••:•••••••••••••••••• ......., 1tar U01 reapon. In· .(~erably 2 Jrs. col· ., room, ~.... n11e Car Garase, St. O..w...,.tf 5001 dlvldllal to handle lefe) Crom DJO. S. '"""!Mwlt 3176 Ann st. Laa Bch SS5 mo. ••••~i ....... ,......... .w .... 1 Groom .... 180-4114 ...... ••• .... •• •••• ... • Georae 494 st~' ANJTO ~ """' Ahomel>ytkbeach 2 BR. iar, pool, vtew. ' · J lUAL 80•1°~•· ·P'alttlveAwtude boneott.be bett,r adutta, no pets. $800. 290 Gar•I• for ront. storage CUOO mo. Income. SSOOO. ·Ablllt1toleam tblalalnllfel Delaado.d3-11188 only. 520 Mar1uerito, Ftnn.493... ·MoltoCall.Stronedff1re (:dM.C.UM0-7S48. for •n outatandln1 ureer wtt.b a succeaCul, entbu1i11tlc 1rowln1 corporaUob ·Top rom.pan1 benefJt.t Call Roa Ceatra .. ,..;..;...-....--_ ....... .__ ..... , forcomptet.ID.formaUon . IAUER IUICK _, IJ&rl»r Blvd. Cotta Meta 979-2500 BankinF. Positloos Open For: TBillt HIADUKPR Bank experience req 'd. Cootad Bob Creilbtol\0 .Irvine National Ba.Dk· a3-3700. E. O . .E. .! Bankinl Our beautiful NfWllO\'t Seach Branch has lite toUowtnapoaftJom ....Us TB.Ult WJO petf orm dutles of Cotnmerolal paYlna •re· cclvln1 Teller. Six mot1ths prior teller'• per,nq'd. I ASSIST. O'lliTIOtilS ,.. OHICEa MuaL be knowledaablo Ir• , all areaa of Bratlch OperaUont. Wlll ... -.c u. Operations om • t.be aupcrvf.aioa of «bar epiplo)teea. Prior Ul*°• functlOl'lll\f hi &b capad&Jll-.. •I - N DAILY PILOT Add 1t ... Bu1ld it ... Olapor 1t...Hammer It.. Carpet SERVICE 1t ••• Cem~nt it ... W1re lt ... Hoe lt .•. Clean lt...Move it .Pre~s 1t.:.Pamt It .. NI.Ill it...Pluter lt. .. Flx It ... DIRECTORY ...,__. 1.,-r C:.,.t W.lu lledric.. Cka t I 9 Hai6tg HouNc:,._,"9 Pelfttlftt/Papering ftcMttet/PaperilKJ 119 ............................................................................................. ·······-··············· ........................................................................................... . AJ•:JAl'Wr.: n';__!'~1R Nlampoo ••team clHn. '*•t.-dllfftrlc · S.m'• Oardenlnf. Exper. Kaulln1.movlnit. cleanup Japanese 111dy would llkll Paint Your Cos"• YOUNG Man, 6 yra eicpr IOMESAVER.S. Plumb C.~ 114 "'M"! ,:ZZ <'ulor brllhtenera: wht Uc flflJI 146-074 Low Prt«1. Call Collect S7 /up. Treework Reas, to houudea n. Ca 11 Av~r•ce t::dr l Slry ~ ln wallcovcrlnf. Fr~• diln~onl& 101!.QUnFr~ ~rt.colnlo ----'--' , tlU IOmlnbJuth.Clean .._.. m .920·1.515,5PM·7PM f11st,freee•t842·4~97 ~l.587 2c.ft--... ,lnlr~""'m Mt..1145.85T8,Andy • .... "" .. ..._ ~ Uv, din rm. hall 811. Av1 ...,.-:-:1 ---.,._1 _.., -· br. Honul & r•liablu ..-nn f1 AO touch a10 <'hr ....................... Ga•rtll SerYlces CHEAPEST haullna In A Woman• 1 t ouch Pnca lncl tnatr'Mabor PAINTING lnt/Ext. Ex· service. BofA, MIC OK. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •· 0~ aJJm p« .r. WJ:EDINO CLEANUl>t:i ••••••••••••••••••••••• town. Ft est.I. CHEAP! Houaecleanlni tailored Cuar/Jnsrd, Freeeal. p'd;• hooeal. ne•t. Reat. 751-1150 PROTECT Yow Jlom11 Cpt npatr. 11 )'rt ••I>"· We.klyMa1ntcn1nc• Home,,Apartm~nt. 842-299Sor&U-1390 to your needs. 546·0930 TedSS2--0134or83S-70i5 Uc d. DaveMf.1045 -D-0-.. -....,S-,...-E-A--RE_D_ orn.r.. etc. It-. uh.11 Do .. 11 D-f -....... 'D--'-"" od u nnu, '-&. I~ frM ftl call Jim wora mJH • ._a r.-nt tu.W07 ..... .,.u m e ns. WOMAN Wou Id llke PROFESSIONAL Paint· 8111 & Bob's Exterior FROM SS.SO ~~~·------..!!,1-0ICH • ,,.,, G • 842-8783 Houleclea.Mg hootecleanlna job. 7 yrs lna. Inler1Exter. Reaa. Palnt1n1 Sen Ice Ex· Call 751.aN2 · c.... ... .._.tic Acl now , ~orn:~m HANDYMAN: Carpentry, ....................... exp. In Palm Sprln11 "'orlrguar842--0388 t remely re as ralea MARV'S PLUMBING c.,...... . ....... ••••••••••••••• malnt of lawn• ahru .. ~ electrical, plumblna & Want a R!ALLY CLt:AN area. 963-3458 p-•-tma '--al Eatab •· 87S.Sll8 ••••••••••••••••••••••• · • "" n 1146.WI HOUSE• Call Glnaham aw ,.. £N\.. • "' ------• 846-9807 • t·ar~ntrv . any t J P'" •...:ti:w1my Al:1JW1tlt11. Qua I " lr-... Rea. " <'<>mm. 001'9 1, 8'7 2787 Girl. Fr~ etl 64.5·5123 MovlftCJ l~ured. 'l'ona of ref a. PAINT. PAPER NO JOB TOO SMALL Puwt doors ~~ Ab "" •Y•d <•llltt11. re · McWettney,84S·~IZ.1 HANDYMAN ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'rlendly/efflchnl 20yrael!pr.Jl'J'eoest. R-......... & .._1 <"ocnm 1. ht1ai. Art ;• ,Pll1'*· f~!:·1~~ 1 32DtVS, -.. OWING "'DGlNG-NO JOB TOO SMALL Wlnd0wa/Houaecleun1n1 CITY SERVICE 673""967 Nuwatttne. 838-3875 __, R ... ,....r rH d -..,., .... • .. 675 Good ratea · Good r~rs -· --•••• •• ••• • ••••• • •• • • • • • ~22_1!_ Trlmml11&. Cleanups. _ ~ Call Mr. Lynn53S·?7ll MOVERS •'1ne work. Stale lie & In-Paanlln1: $300/$350 f<>r w R. Parker Const rn. >tam1.n,1 fumh ttmock•I C.....e/C...uef• Jlaulln1. etc. H1·.u . DOG TRAINING LOCAL&STATE WIDE srd. Exterior spcclallat. avera1e l atory ext. Spec in rm add & rcipau', L1; Quick ••••••••••••••••••••••• 646·t8~ _ _ YourplactiorMlnl' lMMACULATE Cl,Jt:,AN .UHra 7l<l·S23.fJS2 7 days Tryme-Calico836-~ MSO/up for 2 sty. Cuar, remdl'I· L1cl308824, acrv tee W rk i u ar 8'\ 0 <.:tmcru All pha•f'"' Oard nl .,_ I John e75·2140 ING. You DESERVE lhu 213·944-4110 WORK GUARANTEED lie 334SS8. 842·1~1 bondedS81-91SO <13 • rumrm, block le brick e n1.x-rv1cc· c un -BEST. 759-0:117 _ __ __ _ • 14 "'tlrk rre. P11t.1. 1.ic & up 4' hauhn1. weekly GrodlftCJ . Palnti 190-...1" lntenort Extr. Free eat. Patios Roofing Cllo.....l.,..1 s•-a-cab•-.-. bondr.d 87~'720 malntenanco. Reason a· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rosemarie a Houseclnit "91 • r-• • CJ 25 yn eltp. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• .. ••••••••••••••• .. •• ...._.,., ..... •-......... . bl r I Xln k r d ••••••••• ••••• ••••••••• tor iar • utJI nos. Blt ON£._ll_AN--Cr-.w--o6-yra_e_x_, AA rol:93o rHke•;o~i::S· Sklploader. dump truck. t;or ~ ~~ rates. PETERS PAINTING Knowlea P'a In tln1. .CU.loml>ealp Palios Repeln. Lie 4' Ins. All •nicr.'40-71.54 pr pourto1 ~ fln11bln1t: ~u'or~..(1187 n. haullna. t.reework. grad-own ans . Expr'd. Reas Ratoa. lnt/E&t, comme rcial Wood Pa~~ .... ~oveu. lypa. Free est. Walt. c.,.t SerYice Set yoorown forma aave lng,demo,etc75t·3D30 Housecleanlna by reliable Free Eat Call Gene apt a, rtsldentlal " Redwood ~· 1 d~ Callanytime,S4l·S930 ••••••••••••••••••••••• mooey.lll·Z4.23 • Ron'• Lawn Service Mow HaullncJ couple. References. Call SS2-0458 ' mobllebomes. 838·1120 ~ WOC' "ea Tiie O.rpet Man will lay youra a.ctrtcal ~,'~.f~t;:'lr:.d.:t~-upa. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 96a-S8L3otl·6a8-6l26 Comm'l atRealdenUal. No Experienced pal.oter own "-hr R ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• or mine. Repalra & •••••••••••••'••••••••• OCC Student. Bl& ~ T HOUSECLEANING job too big or too amall Air·leaa 5yraexperlence I epatr CERAMIC TILE. New or 1 .......... ·-1 G k u Tr b Two h ' ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• remodel Free est 11 I c --........ uar wor ELECrtUCAL Sl!:RVJCE Re able Expr Japanese truck. as , tree trim, men, oneat, rella· 20 yra expr. Room• inaide & out. Odd Jobi, • m at bluer savui.as. Fre CALLS 115 hr & SMALL Gardener. Reasonable, etc. Randy 642·5703, ble. reasonable. Call 115/up. Fully lnard & Uc. yard work miner re-VEnYNEATPATCH jobs welcome. 536-24:!6 ti1t. ~3646 JOB.S 84Z·l233' f,_tWt. 845·~ Mike. 548-38M 840-3365. Odd jobs too 631J.C!99S pairs. Call Gre1. 9'79·9621 ~=·Is TEX.~~439 T: Senk• Get GREEN uah SeUlns anythln11 with a Have aomethi"!I you want Don't five up the ship! Clasal!led ada sell big The faatest draw In the Don't drop the ball! Cet a WOULDN'T YOU ••••••••••••••••••••••• for WHJTE elephant• Daily Pilot Cla111fied Ad to sell" CluS1fied ads do ''U.t' it in c1asa1rled it.e~. small Items or West ... a Daily Pilot )Ob with a low-coat Dally rather be 1allin1? Removin1. trl m min~. w1thaClus1fiedAd is a almple matter ••. it well -C all NOW, Stup to abore results• any item. Jual call Classified Ad. Phone Pilot ClassUled Ad. SeecluslllcaUonll060 toppin&,lrest.Ue.aru..ln Call 642·S678 JUSl call 842·5678. 642·S878. 642·5678 642 5678. 642·5678. Phone8'2·5678. It can'§ a reality! atea 14 yn. Tooy 645-5124 Help Wanted 7100 HefpWCMhd 7100 HetpWantetl 7100 HetpWonted 7100 HetpW ..... d 7100 Help Wonted 7100 HetpWant.cl 7100 HefpWanted 7100 HefpWont.d 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BEAUTY OPERATOR ~t:WPORTF.R INN 6440661 &640 4740 BEAUTY-Perllon for deanmg Lag HUl" beau· ty salon· F T !or 2 wks in Aug. &17·217S. BEAUTY-Person for t'leanlng El Toro beauty i.alon P , T. &17-4743. 1Jeauty0pr 2 I st Century Hair •i\i.i.t . Cb6lcome haircut· t..rl t.\ , I " ;;J .. ,: ... ~t~U llOCK'S ~r.iiWI lS~ IR~ LOS ANQELE8 PALM 8J>l'llHQ8 WOOOl.ANO Mii.LS NEWPOllT 8EACH Dookkeei>er, N.B. ureu Good typist lnstJranc(' exper. helpful, but nol nee. Will train. Mature person. SmaU congenial olc. 752·1830 or resume lo PO Box 8, Corona del Mar, Ca921625. DISllWASllER COFFEE SHOP /\pply In person. Mui Cashier Hostesses & doon's Irish Pub. 202 Waitressl'll. Expr'd only. 1 Newport Ctr Dr. N B Over 21. Apply 10 person DOCK '"SSIST ... .,..T blwn 1 & 3PM. A1rporter "' "'" Inn Hotel. 18700 Boal expr re qulrod. MacArthur, lrvane. P 1 li me-Full ti me. . 67J.3Sl5 C OOK 0o __ mes_U_c_h_e_lp-. 2-h-ra-ea_c_h 675-2650 weekday. Call evenin1s. Cook exp'd Over 21. App· _&I0-87 __ .s_. _____ _ ly 2441 E. Coast Hwy, DONUT Worker. no eitp. CdM between 2·4PM Counteri back. M·F only. 10am·3pm, Nwpt/lrv. GENERAL LABORERS HAIR STYLISTS lmmed. openings for talented hair cutters. Full aervice salon toe. In busy So. Cst Plaza Mall. . Call for appt. Reala Hair LEGAL SECRETARY MAJNTENANCE·Fu ll Smull business llliealion l Im e p a r k Ing l ot firm an Newport Ctr sweepor·dnvor. Mech, sooks exper'd legal secy ablllty & know Orange or tralnee. Must have Cty mandatory. Grav" xlnt skill.a. Call Llnda )'d 11.auf. S3.50hr Near 840-S60. Dyer Rd. 495-1370 Telephone & transporta· SaloD. 540-88 1.)()0 a must. Lon& & ahort 1 a--$&....-term uslgnment.a. Holl· HOSTESS-at OFFICE -...-,_... day, Vacation p 11, WOR~ · Clerk, mature, exper, Medical loaurance For N w pt B ch f/llme. Apply Lo person Available. Reataurant, student• 895 W. 19th St •• Cotta OK, atart $3.00 per hr. _M_•~•-· ------ _84_2_·_1225 _______ Lite Maintenance, Day HOSTESS Shll\. Apply in person, VOLT It l'l'O•' nt,•it'Y' •.t llVtt f •, • MAIMT.MAH Wanted. pt-time. Apply Nolan Real Estate Property Management 808Glenneyre, Laguna • •<'ult<'r (following pref I ·~ian1curi!ll(exper) 1673 . Irvine Ave. Suit e IL <' M.111rro:.s from Nwpl Hrh Oakwood Ap_ts_> __ BULLOCKS WILSHIRE A leadlnl fashion specially atore is now ac ccptang applicotions for tho followllli poe1tions. •• BOOKKEEPlNG CdM realty and develop· ment firm nee<U exp d girl Friday, exec/secy type. Mull have con· s lructlon bkkpg exp. Communication skills es· sentlnl. Salary op en. Welton & Co.1175-8900. IOOKKEEPIMG Expanding mortgage bankanl( firm in Orange Co. has an 1mmed. open- 752-TI64, 497·1459. 3141 Camput Drive 546-041 <Across From Orange Co. Airport I Equal Oppor Employer Attractive. alert. 21to30 Newport Dunes, 1131 w1flne public rapport. s _ea_c_k_Ba_.:..y_D_r.;....N_.B_. __ NI g h ts. Ambrosi a .1--------· w1<dys 12-4. SOS 30th St. NB -------HOTEL RECEPTIONIST LOGIC CIRCUIT DESIGNER for MNOS. antearnted c1rcu.1ts. S + yrs ex pr. Salary22K. MAHAGER/CAS~IEJt Fut !ood restaurant t opening-40 hr. wk. 6800 Coast Hwy, N .B. 646-0120 ask for Robert Hunt MATURE WOMA N P1 time l o welcome newcomers & contact merchants. Flexible hrs. Need car, llle typmi:. 547-3095. f I · IKKPR / Aul1tont I r.irl fnd:iy. no typing ll•J(1ble handwr1llng 3 rluy week Fo~h aon Island. Call Patti '""' 886.1 _____ _ Roat Carpenter 1"1herg lass & Gel·Coat Repoarmen Apply at, Danu Pornl Shipyard 34671 Puerto Place Dana Polllt Harbor SELLING FineJewefry Social fngroving Shoes ang for an indlv w ex-COOKS. AARTENDERS. per. aa. an as51slant book· DRIVERS. P tame Ov<'r keeper. Mulll have pnor 21 yrs. lmmed open1ngs. t'xper . In mortgage bank· Apply In person. Me ·n Ing. Please Contact F.ds Pizza Parlor, 4HI i-: DRIVERS Cathy Thom pson nl 17th St, C.M. Early AM. 3 6. dehvcry UnlCal Mo ngag e . LA Timcc;, C.M. S300 714/fl63.7873 COOKS & COUN'U;R mo+. 545-0770 Dob EqualOpporEmployer ll E LP, Days & eve --shift!'. Apply, Del Taco, Drug & cos m <'tic NON·SELL Cafehrla Helper 112oSupc_r1_~0_r_Avc. c M:... ~a~jjg~~a.~:~~oni'~,b~t S.curity P 1Ume work. Min 3 Hrs. COOKS & Waltrl'sses. So. Valley 1 CredJt Muat have car. C.M .. Lag. CM. NB. p time & __ ,;__ __ ---- IOOKICEEPER F/C Hous8ff ... 1-n N.B. & CdM ureas. App. F/llme. Coffee Shop cx- M Ill book f r<·~ I Y • Ne w Po rt· M e • a p e r . R e Cs p I c a s e . u · s or prop fftglMer l'ru!led School Dlstnct. Charlie's Chili Ole 17141 _mgmt. CaJJ640-0123. Jt'ood Ser vice Dept., 1857 549-0ML · ---------IOOKKHPER/SECY Weofferanopportunity Placentia Ave, C.M . _ __... _______ ,, _________ --------- Varied duUes, no s mok to Join an exclllng 5.56-3273 COUNTER G I RI. S. Engineering General Office, young 0 . tna. tiox. hrs. Sal de· laahion·forward permanent po1ltlon. t:x· MANUFACTURING ·•-kill organization. CANOY Clrla. Cashiers. per. only. ft'ull or part E .... .._1 .... E•R C. Co. needs girl w i uc· counta payable. 11ome nc· counl.'1 r eceivable back· ground. Dulles: typing. JO key by touch required. Salary open. Apply in per.son Wood Ll&hllng 1''1xture Co., 2031 S. t~. Mam St., Irvine. 546-2901 penwi on 11 11• 645-6501. Please Annly In Person apply Mann's So. Coast t A I row " '" .... 1 m e · P P Y For production develop· Bookkeeper·P /tlm c MonthruFrl3·Spm Plaza1Thealerafl2PM GOODENOUGH Natural mentor small eleclro· Mature, exper'd & fast 83Fothlonl11Clftd Canvass Man·Needed 1m· Food, lOS Main St. mechanical anembhcs. slarter. Sal open. Call Hewporihach m ed, fully exper'd BalboaPen.6732345 Exper. In documenla· h«>twn 9am & 4pm, Equal OppEmplyrm;r Oceanside a reacoUNTERHelp,p1Ume. lion. production line 6-15-_224_4 ______ ----------~1~ Days. Hours Uam·2pm. troubleshooting & rosl Hetp W..t.d 710 Help W•tH 7100 CASHIERS Call~9-068S. ~:e~'dction . Degree •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Imme<!. !ull & p/lime COUNTER GIRL. pJtame. STACOSWITCH IMC GEH'l ~ Cote Realty ~+· & Investment Company ATTIMTIOH Successful residential, com· mercial a nd industrial Salespersons and Brokers in the NEWPORT HARBOR/COSTA ME.5A and IRVINE areas. You know why you got into this business ... because you saw an op~ portunity to use your talents in deal· tngwith people ... providing a service which allows you to be creative, self -su(fichmt and to make MONEY. Why, then, are you working for someone wbo takes 80, 40 or even 50% of YOUR earnlnp? You no lonaer have to because now TNlll IS AM OP110M openings In our selr Capt. Mike's Fish Fry, 1139 Baker Costa Mesa MAIHTENAMCE service 1as stations. 81SW.19lhSt,CM 549·3041 NOW INTER-VIEWING ~?t·&z~::eoac S.A. areu. COURT Director. Tennis Equal Oppor Employer for Pitlme em1ployment · Club, H.B. Exp'd only 81 general ma ntenance CASHIER need apply. Over 30pre·1---------help ror location near OC ......... So f'd f'd. Prev. mamt. back· Estimator-Purchaser for Airport. Phone !or appt "•"Y8· me exp pre · ground Call bl aPM & home improvement rorlntervw,MIM1674. Neat. personable, de· SPMonl 536~ operation. Muat have ex· Sgt. Pepperonl's pend. y. per. & refs. CaU Vince 23005. E. Brtatol ftRODUCIMAH DellnryjHewapoper between 8AM·5:30PM. SantaAnaHe11hta92707 Trim. set-up •• d1aptay. Permanent part-lime job _7_59--02 __ 13______ Equal Oppor Employer P/lis:!~D· ~T Hda .... R deUvertn1 early mornlng EXEC SECRET ARY i...., ... -,,, ... .._.,.-,,, ... ..._.,.-,,, ... _...,.-,,, ... _.,.-,_..,.,...1 ,,v ~ r-111' LA Tlma to homes In • Part-nme. All nNdcd Irvlne/NB area.a. Muat To mlrtna dlr. In flnan· Gen Ofc p;thne to ~hr lo work ln c:oun\ry ranch be reUablo &c have depen· claJ services firm. Reap., Jr. Draftaperaon 1700+ market. 831~. La&W>a dable tranaportatlon. challenglnl poe lnvolv· Prog/OprflBM S3,naK Nlluel Salary $300. mo. 54fJ.-023S ~I areaa of securtUea, ~=·::J; Alao F~ .fo~ lnSUr., R.E. 640--0123 GIRL FRIDAY Non-amoker. over ~. Duties include bo.tos. cook. crew, elc on r Now you can work for and rf:celve 100% of YOUR commiaslon fe~s . with no split goin.C to thfs Brok"rage. Tbat•s co~t ... 100% of Uus commilsion goos tn your pocket. Jnte:r«1s ted? There's more ... .. .,. Dentel Ortho. aut CLr.RK for R.8 . druptore, p/Ume. E• Neat. honest. respons1· ble. oppty for advance ment. exper not nee 497·2Afi LOGIC CIRCUIT Mature women tor DESIGNER b~usecleanlns aervico for television & elec· p1tlme. Car nee. Top S tronlc 1ames. 5 yrs expr. _~ __ si...,23 _____ _ Salary 22K. Apply Mechanic. reneral a ll employment. develop· around exper. Domestic. ment dept. Call 558-4544 Foreian &c Marine, own for directions. E.0 .E. Ad toola, wares negotiable. paldrorbyemployer . 8·5 Mon-Fri, no Sat. WMCH COUNTER Food Prepcratlo.. 963-07'77 Medical Secret• ry, e x· perienced only. Newport Beach. M.S-0460 Exper'd person wanted to work at lunch counter •MEDICAL OFflCE preparing aandw1cbea & R~opUoo.IJt & clerical 118lad!I. Some grill work baclcaround. Bus y Included. Uniform furn. Dermatoloclat'a ofc in Med & hO!lp benefita. AP· C.M. Exper. pref'd or ply. Lindberg Nutrition, will traln. 645-7510, 771 betwn the Carrouael & W.19tbSteP,C.M. Bullocks, lower level tn MedJ 1 Offl .. ··lata t So. Coast Plua She>i>ping ca ce n.a n • Center, C.M. Apply at Will train. M~l be able Vitamin counter. lo wort eves &,or wknds. Ut.e typln&. Spaniab de· strable. 548-7'711. LVN Meckal A11t With Psychiatric experr For back office + X· for 1mall 1>9ycb unit. 841-3803 7:lJ0..4:30. 2 Day• wk +11-re.ys.~~.;._;__ ___ _ wknct mo. Royale Conv. Med. Sec'y Recept. Holp, ~. p/Ume. Z..6pm. Moo-FrL Exp prel'd. 54CM5115. MOLD NISS OPR Small mold s h op. Operate t raftifer &/or tn· Jectloo moldlna equip. WUITraln. STACOSWITCH IMC lJ.39 Baker Coela M e111& 54'·3041 ... ....... DAILY PILOT •• MllpW_... JIOO....,W..W 1100.W,W-.4 7100 .... W•t.d 7100H..,W..ted 1100 HefpWanted 7100 .......................................................................................................................................... Hetp W..t.d 7100 0o9t 1040 hregt U. IOSS MOTO& IOUTI P~ JN rd for nr. Rectp~/ F Jtlme, t)'pl1l, s.u..ES p b ol btlrri« pl u IA rnm· tor Interior Dealaner. Do Your El\JOY cnn1" SAUSPERSOM 1---------1······················· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Telephono Sat ea Waitrrll exp'd food ai Uwa APllO. AJ\C "1ufr)' IOU BTU Sup air rond1· coclrtall.' 1000 £. Cout UtUe moP1 of 11old. 10 Uoner 115 lOxlll tC'nl $7~. D• tr not .,,.•• : rnerr11l • tun1. Mual mi»l have perton•bl• Wotlt fuU or part tlma i£t Lii ft t ar ' ha~., ••,.r " t runap, eppear &. Ute bl&pn• •11 · an •X.Cltlo1 new bual· af en n Qit thru C.11 M.,11n•l ~7 0160, P9· C.U bt•• t 6 12, DIU. 11 you like pt-Opie 11 ~a M lo S •P',.1 ~A:-~ I 4 111 wkdyt :ill.f?lO mont>'.&. Ulla It lor you. Direct field For eleclro mech'I JnJtnul. 1·3 Vn 1el1Jna 011· per & technical back· around In related field A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO WORK. 11...., Npt n.h "4-""u. ~.N.B 640~14 Other ml!H'. Hema. -:r• °" . ._, W 31U ask fur Kartn 2 yr old Shih tzu. &raY & ;,;;.___ • IA~ Good fur ht1h 'UTCONTI~ llCIPTIOHIST Call ~llHn Coriway, ~wcellf-.. 1udcti1 TICH direct or collect Cal549·3041 Equal Opp0r Employer weneed~peoplewboare whllc.AXC.SlOO. No Junk Cara51e Sale: l leaat lO Iba over ~5099 Buh)' clolhca &. equlf· D . -lrvolOC' bUndll, Durant s 'u•lght C»ll ?th. Ston~ al BEAUT II moo. old r~m Clv. pots, ktrhn upp'I. 7~1 9175. W~ can te-11 you S..moyed, luebkn. To 14d ~e 146-~ Cor appt. ~ urats. QO p11r t'ull Ume-, a>er.onabll', '714 /4.55-0200 _...,. SIO ,. ck-11 ludy Job tor r••hl 111H>d ll'ltphono akllla. ,.._,... C'• I WJ.t:rtl (~ • " .,per "'''' APP4' la fN'l'llOI\ to Mr •SALES• S "-LES ,.,,. for c rt ••llmt l•o l•rulat lhartn1 and 1ruu11 ~C"fti.t •l Robt. Htltn. t:11per'd Sal., or PR " how lo lose pouoda &r home~. SC·Z:tU , inn Sima JI B 10.m· eam money at the aame ------c h ' Umt!. BOSTON Bull, ft1m tpmll/J.3. as_ ---iq Mmr " PMn• or h• • ll h A JI f, I Y t• r I Wm f'roat '-Auoc HOI wadi. Soll ant1q uu l'ltrt lime, S.9pm. Mon· a &Del hJI out 1p liim l1.. Lloyd '•l (.'on · ~Ult, NO_. blur• attitude eol'n fo'rl. pcrle:rt for C'olle&e I DIDN1 WANT TO GO w papen. All 1hotlt. Pd Sal/Sun 9-4 Golf. htwn, trol, IGI-r;. t>)tr ltd , Pt'rm po11lllon. Muat ~ Student, no pressure l l4 A a1NTAL AGT. dt•i)l·ndiihle. 11les or quotas tn meel. Merchoftdlae 1375.aelJ S200. 545-4119 kltch~n . bc-d oqu1 fl NIGHT CL 1-.H K 1ood ,.._ SoUcHor !Jr rfl). Mmml111lot1 on So Coaal Vlllllllt' 531-081\ .. laQ, apply In pcnon Work frorn bi1111ll H11n I~ Apply ~oli.n 1<1•111 UiE1>orothyM7tiV63 _ SCTY i BKKPR. p11rt ••••••••••••••••••••••• books, clothes. Etc. 1785 ~ 1005 ,.,...to You 104$ Ton11ger Dr. CM • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 557-4219 -- ClCll , AH Baba Molt-I, joo, •tu l •. I r n P ltr l Y " I l S lime. Archllecl ortk~ im 'nrport8hd CM 1llc •PJl•d or Hnlo1 M•n•llllmf'nl 008 Olen • .,. ea or ea son ----'--~~-·-rlt1'""8 t11 mul..e1 •111JlH nt•~ rf', l,MJCWl• 4tM fM2-t Showca&tHh1mon1lrntlng N.B. 645-9444 If you•,.. not ha•hMJfun woridnt or maldn9 CJOOdMOnty- CAUUSFOR W d I d To ri&llt fem. ". yr 0~ Giant. Gar. Sale. 2 f'am•· On er Qft Gt-rm Shep. O"nr lea ' ly,. Dbl oven el~c 11lo\•e!o, ________ ... for mt' tu l•ke Dr11pe1y <11111llly hnu uf toy:.; &1--------- '0W RetNIUq harp, 1ampl.:1 lo hom'"" I will ll•l41 t:.u.10 b•lt', l't•o11h.• 111n... No collN't1<1n or de SECRET""RIES Of Anti ues I Ing country. 040·092~ du.nil buHel cab, cheat u( HUGR wa ~h ou.!le l"ree Adortible Puppy. d.~ .. 11w1er11,k llotnd1 "t ~o. aebd~ man lo C'll llh.wn my profit ~ually wQnt.-d. Up lo ll01 ltl'I Uverina No lnvl·atml'nt " IUrd•v•. lnOb I< !lf\np v..1th )OU r.u OM7 tomm. 11plll Nt'wport Work your own hrs. Nd & TYPISTS ed 'th ..,.,. Female.2moaold. • .. ,ve roe er. w n run· cramm w1 ovrr "'-"' 968-~ die btod, twin rntlul\ eqillpmrnt to 1nc1U1tt11al Phone-a-0lleitou II.iv•· Oeat'h ~ 11#111 l'llr. 53'1 637l Lo4M&hMJ for IK~ Av1 ~ ~·r lmrned. operun11 IJ to SALt-;s-t'ull & part Tnnporory Work? AN INTF.RVIJ::W IASIPAY + COMM + IONUSES music boxeii, n~rkelo· twudbrd w/rimopy, lot-. deon planocs. clrtw. or· t'ree J:o'emale SplU to ol m1sr goodies. Fri & •I.. r\ou;ptt n1:t' Co.ti! tl&rt. •fl Mon·lo'rl ('.ill K1;teurant time. ro11motolo1oi Earnexlramooeywork· '751•LM. Audtt>y7S4·16111aft1PM NOW HIRING knowledae helpful, In& local 1111bianments Iona Dlatanco Llnes Casual, Fun AtmO!lphere FUN· TIME PART· TIME gan11. wull rlorlts. mnturecouplc. · S<Al 10022 Spar Cr, 11.B. arandfather. clocks, 588-34(5 962-385lor9b8-0llOO faarlnatlng anuques. - ------ MUls&SA lS &oaoau1s PLANT MANAGEtl 1.dlCuna Bch. 497-1003 Uwt add interest Lo your SALL"-'. Gr•alopportunJ Ille & open new OP· Over $1,000,000 Worlh Free aml bm dachshund GIANT Block Sale' s· American International 18 mot old. Lovable, Cmpr., tools. rum .. fng .• Gallenes, ta02·T Ketter· greal w Jkldl. 1168-3118 w a ah er. TV , I B Ar Rapidly 1rowtn1 mt1r SNACK SHOr """' " porturuUes. Your oCrlce 11eelu exp d Planl M i:r ly fcir the n&ht penon aJuUs are valuad at ing SL, Irvine. Tel. t-dt IOSO typewrlt.tr, t>rans. m u;1·. • Expe:r'd. S.yvic:w <.:onv Ho6p. 2IOS.S Thunn A\e, (.'M Ml-~ for Oran&e Cty ph1nt 3446 L Coeat Hwy PR Sales type. Salary + l::q,inttnne dt!' Ii 1, Corone det M• bonuaes. Apply at. 1838 ~Q~ Off i Ce • If you read writ. like lo talk on I.he phone & want to enjoy your jnb .. Cull 7M 1777 Open Wed l.hru "",. •• Fri, Sat & Sun, 9 to s. Sat.9AMto4PM.Vblt! ••••••••••••••••••••••• lOtUSamooDr .. 118. MUISlSAIDE romp11n)' up. prcf'd AllPoslllon.a Newport Blvd, CM 0 overload ~lary >l0.000 to IZ5.000 Rt! Opentn~Aua 31st 646-7741 T profit 1hann1. Sc-nd Apply 111 pere.on -------557~0061 TIME/LIFE LIBRARIES INC 83U095 Maho(!any slelah bed **I BUY** $2:50. Musive 8 drawer Good used FurnJLure & chesl $250. Eng. armoire Appllances Oil J will 132!1. Ornule church seUorSELLrorYou. chair S300. 1''rench sofa MASTERS AUCT10N SlSQ. Parlor lbl SSS. l.ov· 646-868' It lll·962S 6 FA.MIL Y SALE 7 Lo 3 Ir 3 to 11 . e11p prt !erred ~le)J \ erch Conv lf~p. b61 Ccnte $t.. C~J rnumtl to &11 13, L>a•I> 9 4 Mon thru fo'nd<1y SALES 3723 Birch St, NB P1lul, P 0 Box 15t>O, Equal Oppor Employer JC p....a ..... EYS 2 blocks ot har1ains in· cl'a a sailboat. dtsbc:.. rlothinf, turn, etr . Nantes C1r<'le .. Tho Ranch '', Irvine . Costa :.t~a. Ca 92626 U"'I" 24 fcn.hJo., ltland Nun1n1 RH SUPEAV. l-11 LVM-ltetl•f ). I I LVN·l 1·7 t'1t1me & P /time • Join 1.1 le11m 1nlercljl<-d 111 quality gen at r1c care Rehab oriented. 17 1 ~d SNF. Call Mrs Darmit, Prad1t·al Nur•e WJnh-d l'a&rl 1·1 mc. Call S-!9 :!75!1 PHSSMAM TRHE Some offset preaa t!X~r helpful. f'ull co. benrhts Avply lo peri.on, Pen nysuver , 1600 l'h1ct!nllu. C.M 9 ·3, 828·7730. 501 S Prc111 o~ralor, exp'd on Beach, Anaheim /\ 0 . Dick 300 333 3rd St., Part time, 12 llr care Lul(una Bea"h Thrus/ 1-'rl. I:: Ide rl Y REAL EST A TE RESTAURANT "luw lftnni: exper'd Food & <.:ot·kta1I Wa1ln·~)oo(•:. Abo, exper'd b~yboys. <:all 494·!1707, The 84!al·h Howse Inn, 619 Sleepy Hollow Ln, Lag Bch . --- HESTAURANT ~L1ture 11la blc u du It needed for F,t & P 1T poi.1t1on. al Nauclt·s Drive Thru. Cln, friendly atmosphere. Fast mo\ 1ng & challenain~ Apply at 21401 Brookhur!it I at llamllton 1 gnUmn, "'hi rhr put1cnl. Socceaaful, friendly, 11w Newport area Cull l'Oll in11inl( t,,aguna Beach re- 8 9pm. C213l 592 5763 oltor ha& openmsi for A RESTAURANT PIZZA 1714)640-86113 _ -LISTER & MOTIVATED :"oiow hinng for 1mml'll Nunln& SALESPERSoN, prefer p ttme employment IM LVM Chor.-MwH e11per. but wlll give on \1kd)!t & or wknds ,\l 7"' the JOb truln1ng H1lllr l""allon nr OC airport ll·7:30am Pos1t1oaa ope ..... · McCormack Really no .. ,~~t Jppear L"ast o n an Ir" ~roreaalonal S&F' ,,~. · r -• 1 yrs. at 1000 N Coast feet req'd. Apply 1n XlnlH .empo)'eeanack trwy.l 494·7SSI peri.on Mon thru fri bar. Up to 3 wk1 vac _...;;.... ______ _ D1ys sick leave. Call fo11---------•1 :!·4P~gi Pepperom , appt. Royale Conv. Hosp Real FAlate Salespcri.on 2300S E Br1!il<tl S46-64SO 100-oCOMMISSIOM INexlloMcOonald's l OFFICE hrlp wanted En We furn 16 h dell k -Equal Oppor 1-:mployrr thu11laatlc. CAREt:n tcl<'phone-secretary & -hlllp · ReMauranl minded girl for rronl ok LA CASA ALTY J.P. MAC'S REST. work In the world 'i> largest promotional 495·1870 eve: 831-0737 Now ncceptmi; apphca photoaraphy co. Somc1---------•1 UonJ for AM & PM po1<1 (.-Ollege prcf'd., olc exp. REAL ESTATE lions COOKS ~ndalor)' All promo lions from within. Pb *SALES* DISHWASHERS Call: Gall Giii rnr nppt Real Eiilate ulesp"ople WAITR!SS!S PCA lnternutlonul . open your future. Let us /\pply in person Sam 8.13-8053. help you lnLo the busl toam & 3pm·5pm, 10112 ncss-join a company J\ d,.. ms A ' l' , 1 /\ t OFFICE MGR name 16 years In Oranlll.' Brookhursl, In llunt Newport Beach luxury County Call Claire or Behl Rl'nl·A Car firm lo run W a r re n a l R to: A L Eq JO t.: I e orrtce.\\'crenlMerceflei; t:STATEby~1cVAY . _ua ppor mp oyr • 450,Sf. exclusively Ap 17 I 4J842-937 I pllcant ~hould l>e 1n , lelltgenl, indualrlous. ---------1 v..:11 oraanlwd & allrac live ~ual have t.op notch pen.onaltty 4t love Lo deal w.pubHc. Unique op portunlty ror lhe n11hl peuon. Pleaae phone t7l4 > 89t-4781 for In· lervlew. Paper;Palnt. up. man Cor quality res. Own tools 4t transp. 838-3117~ ------ PBX RECEPTIONIST REAL ESTATE Crrath.e & prof t'O. will IOOfl be openlng ofc's m Npt Bch & C.M. areas We have openinas for new or ex p e r aaJespersona & mgra who oro Interested in a cuee.r. Apply by eallln~ 831..(M()() 55 7 ·O llO for lnterviciw. Hiring Mon lhru Fri by oppt RETAIL CLERKS UTOT£M Coft•..-...C• Morkeh Poe1l1orw open lat, 2nd & 3rd 11hl rt1 In San Clemente & Laguna Beat·h. Other areas have openings also. No axper req'd. Apply at any or nurstores. 2588 Newport Blvd Cu-.la Mess 642· 7702 Retofl Salts Clerk Oahnken, 1819 Newport Blvd. C:\f. lWS-0223. Rabble•1 Rog & Map Women needed tor housecleaning aervlce. Newport leoch Now fntervlewinl( to'or Part-Tlnw Dav SALESHRP Appl¥ Jn Per$on JOnm·4prh Mon thru Fri Equal Oppor 1'.:mptoyer SALIS LADY !'art time. !or exrlul>1\'e unt1qul!'.'i & g1fl~i.htJp al South Coast Plu1.i Call ~1r., I lelme. ~!187411 -·- SALE.S LADY, exper. in exclu11ve womens ap parel. N U ~ yx:t} __ SALESMAN •Serrelarles, Clerks. Typis t&, Switchboard Operators lmmcdi11le Openings. Tlmeaa\ers Temporary Service 833·7755 SECRETARY Part time to full time for new, growtnlC Y»cht Brukera~e. Brokerage e>1penrnce prC'Cerred. Call Nam·y, between 9,\\f & 6P~t any day. 67'.J!12l 1 eseul w,4 m11tch1n& ------ chu.11'1 $750. 2473 Fairway Dr , CM. S48·1862 Equal Opp Emplyr m1f CASH PAID Frl;Sat Sun 9 3 (follow ---For Id used furn, anti theslgM)551-4468 Telephone Tool Room 0 AK 8 a r be r Cb r . ques &clrTV's, 957·8133 1.------~·-•_•_-, &les·Earn to $20,000+ R en I c k e l e d .1---------Wood dinette 5et, 3 ht' 11 Lnr11Uons Orunge Co. Refurbished. Ornate, un· MUST LIQUIDATE Rngg11/Slratton AllS mt1. & LA. GrPat benerlta, lque. Circa 1900. $850. Contemporary sorns & C::olcmun hlr. car rnck, aeeurlty & rapid advun· IJ83.4830 PP loveaeab at ('O!lt. Hide a chains, dlllhcs. clothe<,. cement. Call Republic -beds Sl.M. All wood col· toys, misc, h-i & Sat, Distributors, Inc. Mr. Antique Ward lee Box, all fee tbls, 3 pc Sl.50. Wall 9332Lltchfleld Dr. HB. Roy. 71\/8349088. mcl.ll.I, $12S. unll Sl75. Lg lamps $20. T-e-lc-·p-hon~ -Sa_l_l'b·_A_d-vr_r_t 67~6266 Games sets & bdrm Clearance Sale. Man)t Aaency, full & p lime Brass Cash regl.ster, rare suites. SAVE NOW• goodies! 204'7 Charle, Apt Great pol. Sol+ comm old ch1tn1:e counler & ™EFURNITURE J>..rear.CM Noonto5PM. 835-91112 1W 8SS9 IOl"ler. 4 old ladder back CONNECTION ' --'---ch rs. PP 962· 1981 7351 Heil. Un1l L. I l B. Yard Sale! Sat/Sun. SECRET ARY 2S Mu.sic Bo11 Discs, ts• :r" ·~~~·~342~·~l24~4~~~ Need hardworkini.:. The Reuben rorReg1.11aarePolyphon1: Glaanuc 5 family plus. Cor. of Rancho Rd. & Westminster, behind Rancho Liq. sto_re_. __ _ d1vers1 fied. mature SlOeach.962-6364 2 Decorator wood slab pcri;on. Small ro w lnts [ lee . couches. foam <'ushlon~. E ol resp Xlnl t~·ping & i.h • Antique clolhea. doille.s & 2 alz.es. soo ea. ss2 7722 DIVORCE SAL I 'l l run mo\ 1c~ no'I!. req'd. Gdod bene, pay handl~'Ork dbl :.z olive -------Ever)lh1n1? ~oes b y O\illlllble In l.JRun11 Mi.uionVteJoarea.C•ll ~o\o\Takm..: i.?rn ituJlted bedspreadQueensl1edbed.2yrs old. Saturday. Good deal!.! 8'>.irh' S.1IC11men lo de Carol, S8l·3830. lOam to \pphration~ For S44"670 Goodrond. 73t B.Shahmar,C_M __ mon:.lrlAlc & book-up 6313SS3 ---,_ turrent cable TV i.ub _noon________ 'llUTll.LUUS~ • ---fo)'1 &Sat. area rui;, baby :.1·nbers t 'ull & P ,llme Secret.ar)' • BUSPERSQN JONATHAN'S DurkpmeQueenbedroom Items. 1tlasi;wure, Avon ~tr Oellls 831 7CWO 10 to Ad AC)eftCy Metdl: Wholesale to the trade, suite. twin mall. Con· 1 t ems. m 1 s c. 6 74 l 4pm s E c R £TAR y w h 0 Apply In Person best qu.Uly anUques at temp. sofa & loveseat. Jardlnes, If. B. corner SALESMEN WANTED answers phone. typet.. 3 00-3.30PM Frldiay realistic cost prices. Parquet wood game set. Goldenwe!t1Saler handles media & lite 151 E. Coad Hwy Please stop by or call for Cor. Ibis. wall unll, sofa GIGANTIC SALE F:,pr'd 1n ret111I '>ll'rco bookkeepinJ.( Must hr Into 18335 Ml Laoaley tbl. Chrome & 1tlass i.alrs Call 5~0420 sharp, efflcicnl & have Newport leacll Fountain Valley. 968-133i dinette. gluss top rof tbl Pickup truck. tbl saw, SAi.ES I 0·4 ON THAT SALES JOB GOOD BUDDY! agencyexper. Equ11I Opopor Employrr ~ HI-back chrt. 846·8S40 dm&h1y wu,oars&,r 1001'ls ft TheSandbomCo cons rue on um ure Newport Beach CLEARANCE SALE King 1iie water bed. ever· makmg lumber, redwood TIRE Service S day wk. ed 1 ythlng lncld'd. Xlnt t·ond. slor age ahed $30 (U. m ·ti&l0·844\ Salary+ comm. Apply: PrasllcR uctons Sl 50. 53'7·2323 bwtwn haul>. hardwari., bshld -S • Co t --ti 3000 t::. Coa11t Hwy. OdM Thru Sonday Only 8 30 4 30 Sabn or afl 5 1 'l'h s < ec y na rue on _ ---J. ___ Plet'll Antieks. 2246 ,h : · · tema. ur· un ev<'s Secretary lo Operationb ---------1 Newport Blvd. CM. call631·1508 OK > !l29Arbor. C .M. '11!r & Pun·husln& Alolt TRAINEE lbe~hl~nd~R~a~m~•~ary_!:D~r~ug~s~-~--~~~~=.:~-64S.2511 • Exper m re"1dentiul ron ..: •FURNITURE Hanes 8060 tracl odm1n1stration Antonius Stradivarius For Major Orunge Co lt'$[M8LERS Faciebal Anno 17 vlolln Bunk beds, dresser & ••••••••••••••••••••••• Builders. Salary t·om M SS9-\678 bookcase. walnut. $275 • '> Q l r II o r s e . •, mensuratc w,exper lst&2ndShlf\a comple~.S36·1701 Thoroughbred Geldini::. Please sl.'nd resume lo nWM El!l'TATE: Unique!~~~~~~~~~ F.ni;hah 16 2 hand ... Tltb 11 Ht. most hoMst, Ad No 985, Duily Pilot IQ oak dnl( tbl w,2 lvs, . i bl 6 -h-1-. Sound. Xlnt· d14poe1tion. L...L..-•"-Ir L-1-•-1 p o Box 1560, Costa f1"; Le oak bkue; Oak 0 •1n ngndla .. ';,;. c 8 ~. ~.644..0388_a_ft~6_· __ _ ...,......... ... .., ""' VfW' ktchn chra · cut.e aet 6 x nt co · ••"" iob ie OrClft9' Co. W• Mesa, Ca. 02626 Windsor chra; Blrdaeye 962·3240 Appendlx Qtr. Bay mare, ~ a a.a.. pay, a Sccrelar)' for insurance 3141 C:."7: Dri.. maple princeas vanity Couch, tbls. dbl bed, 4 yn, prot. tralnl.'d Eng. NL. E r lr b .. _ d Conailt.tnt ribbon winner 9 ood comm .• xlnt office. ts. xper. pre . 54'9 741 w/m • ureau, c ... ; m reJ'rig, and Iota of mlsc. ted b 645-8lzt bonlll & casual tit· BusyStateFarm A&enl'• (AC1'Ql.IFrom ..:.J.:..am;.;..:.p_lb.:..l_.644 __ .1_0_11 ___ 1_ca~11_54S-__ 338'7 ______ 1 ~~ML!u~· • mo.,._. to t.,~ftCJ oUlce. MW470 Oranse Co. Airport> 4ppl..ce1 10 I 0 a.tom made corner bed ~ · w/aw 1ttrff 1. SICRITARY-Hwltl le.. Equal Opp0r Employer ••••••••••••••••••••••• unit wJtbl ,.atora•e un1t EG. IA Arab aeJdlnir. d e d Cl '" • Grey, very nad\yl Prnt. Modoortodoor.Ow 4 yrs expr. •tall T ..... __. ';'~he:Ocieu':eS:oo. 1e~~ '125.6'4-4518 train ed" ahow. ofc tpOCe It beaufffuj minded, l!Kln1, m101. ra• ~...... guar. Free· dell very. Medlt. Bdrm Set by Drew. 213-5.:...1..:.·'7;_4..,.16 ____ _ & no expw. nectss. aalopeo.C 144...a13. Minimum 2 yrs current Matr Cha. Wiil also buy. Solid Oak. Kn.a hdbrd, HoMMhold Gooch 106!5 W• Tr• SECllET ARY exp. In .~cbuaUon travel. 836-2840. dre11er. mlrrorw, nil• ••••••••••••••••••••• •• D7 Med. 11...... •Y aaency at.nds. Sl.200. 873-8158 SOUMDGOO Adr9ti1tratl•e bea<'h arta. Closed FRGHT DA MAG ED -----~ 11l1e box~prinp & Theft Col Aut. President. learn weeltendl. Salary open. llOTPOINT SALE. 8:.>8 9' Couch Cbm ) vinyl, nr mattress. Sl.00 or bet ofr. RUll!R OUCK mortgage banklna. Req. Oall 714-848-1339 w Warner nr Harbor new, S2SO &wolnut coffee Uaed 6mos .. like new. At motivated lndlv., l{d. · sa.ntaAna. 919.2921 ' & end tbl S175 bulh. 5.12-43.'iO.Evcs S30·6686 skills. Xlnt. benefits, 1146-4&49. 133-8095 worklnl' environ. Call CASH PAID -----_,, TIMf..LlllARIES David Connelly, S49·887l F'or Wshr, Dryrs/Rrfrig Large China Hulch. ull Jew .. ry 8070 fo:ciual Opp Emplyr m/f working or not 957-8133 wood. ljkc new, rolor ••••••••••••••••••••••• * Sf:CRETARY P/Tlme, •·par.el\ment" 52115 WANTED D 11 I I <· 11 11 n d rc'!lponslbH1ties will hr lo 01wra1t• 11u1· Jll'W pulst' rux ;Jnd to ah c 1om(' typine 1mpporl to p<>rhon 548·0757 SALES PEOPLE·exper'd ...:..:.:....-------! "anl1•d ror exclui.he ~:;.~f~nes. lite tYP· WASHER DRYER 91!2 l9flt TOP CASH D<>LLAH. aood p A I D •• 0 N y (} 11 It JEWELRY. WATCHES, ART OBJECTS. GOLD, TREMDATA CORr. St ..... d MtrnorfH Dlvlalon An Applltd Ma1nallr1 Co 8400 ~1entrom Santa Ana, Ca 92704 Equal Opportunity !mploytr M/F ·ROBINSONS Newport leach lntervteWinc appllcant.s For· COllMffc Salff f' /tlm• po1. Xlnt co. bcneflla. Esper req. d. .Apply Penonnel 2pm-4pm Mon thru Pr\ 2Fotlllonl.a.ct Newport.Cel\ter Equ.I Opp l!:mplyr m 1 f SAJLBOAT Mffr. needs S.ALIS SUPPltMIMT YOUllMCOME HSSSSSS PAlTTIMI ~IWORK HOUSIWIVIS COU.IGISTUOIMTS QuarentHd Hourly W• Plu. ~us. 0:30 pm to 1:30 pm. Call ~M cometo2SO &. Uth It., co.ta ..... womrn's & cblldren'i. C'lothlna store. Fo.sblon hland location. Full· time only. C11ll Rebecca 64-l-MO& _____ _;. SalesperM>n w/art supply ~xp. 12.~ hr to atart, 40 hr week. Apply only SECRETARY /Recpl. 3-SPM, Frl·S•t·Sun. 190 S/H & typlni. Lott of So. Coaat llwy. La JC. Deb. public: contact. Neat ap. pear. Personable at· SA&.IS,IRSON Utude ~. Pac. Coast ----------. For nne Jewelry store. Hwy. H-. B. 538·8832, TYPIST Dryer £xpW'd ln window di•· Securitlea Equities Must be fast. accurate, ' plity & knowledae of SF.CRETARY ror fabric china, crysl.al. allver & fine jewelry. P\111-tlme. wholesaler. Typlna, 6'73'9l34 heavy phone, some rec. · keeping. Hard worker. Muat have gd. mcmnry for detail wrk. Salury open. Phone: Waltor Hoffman, 540-:1236 •Secy/AdMl.At1t SISto Sf6,000 yr. MUSTkno"trf all phuet of con1tructlon Emplayen Pl>' All Fe • Uz Rotndtrt A&enC!Y ~ Blrcb St. ste 104 . -. \ ---------I SILVER SERV ICE, FINE PURN & AN• TIQUES. 645-2200 1010 I .. . .., ....... . . .. . 'f,..,,_1.,..8_DA--.t-.L Y_P .... ll,;;O~T---:-----:.:Ttl:.:,:u::.:,rMl::::.1iY•..:;A::u~g!!l!.t..!.l!.lf,..!l.!t1'7!.!. CI QIU,~/ JWtt,,.a/ _,. " -· -· lfilt 9 I JO CliuKs 'tS20 1010 C>fflct '-rwltwe & lotlh. 1 ... t / ••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••••••••••••···· ....................... ..,,..... 1011 ca..... 9010 I' £L DORADO Cabov•r '80 Volvo SU. red. WANTED ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cmpr. W/4 bydrauUc ~toorlf cond Nu TCI t"A II UOI I AH Welnul \ 1111ur OHil'f LKASY. J11eh 1750 &41·•71 thruout. Mtr it.Ill under p If> t 0 ,. \' Cl· M U k :i llt•wm-. 3d NC?W l~l1nd r 21. 1u h11ra 1 tnG ,ord C 11 m per, wrnty. St250. 552·7545, JI: ti It\ \\AlC ll ·s 11111 ,,,.,., C'll111i . too or tncltl • 1llp, t .. ~. In· Ltiad.ct m•lll rttr •lv Zl3'7M.Sl RI on.It 1 ~ '·Ul u 1•1 Lil• 110• •n WM IW'antt PP ll-C.! ~1 111 trir hltcl;, ciUtom Cllll.lit<' Studeb11ker l956 1 l. \' f. R s t.11 \ 11 •· llM ILICT•tC loots f060 la. fold-out be(! :<Int President Aa "· bt>iil of FINI. t"l It~ \S ~ •• ,., •••••;••••••••••••••••• thape Lo ml. Take over rer 6'&S·ll037 TI~ • li4\2:.'I.•• ,,,,·.,1 l )'p11wn1tr ~Int paymtnla ft·S, $4(}33113. 4MA.-.....1Drl LUGGAGE TAGS · 111 "44 ~1·1 21' MOltGOH ulU,MO:rm ,,.......,. v.. 9550 OUT ISL.AND -••••••••••••••••••••••• from nour bta11W , .,,, '"' 1017 1.uwdt-tl "rlh 1111 new K3 ford '• tQll w 74 eng ~-nil , ar•t 1 .. , r•r h •••••••••• ••••••• •••••. e<11upm1·n1 1md 1lt'epa II & lraM, ·• l!:I L>orudo pl \\ utlult ,. 111 r umfort rumper, l?OOO or make '" IP unr ,,,._,.. "<'11r k•l 11•h 1111rm1I" Atorn1t· 1. Gtntlia Viii'', offer ·2134 t•hHn Vl"1"1•n•nt l) ~ft) .. u11 t"t111tl ll'~Jl'J •lnl .. 11r11111\,. •• 6 aw 11.:J1ti ~.~~. ~~}11~~~~~/''°m Motorised llkta 9140 ''r••I' m••f"1•ne •lrhnr ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 0 r~111 1t•m• nr~ .,,1." \o•nt lo!,, 4 thrn I ..... , .......... Orpit• 1090 Y.kl<'SON ';f1 l.tkf' flt'\\. um llouda Exprt'Sb, lo Pl'"""'•h,,,1 ••IC tnrlt"'C! •••••••••••••••·••••••• d111t' thl. "hi, 1•t1 rn1,makeorrl"r Ra c,. ,. r u I " ,. r r 548·158G3 1llp1p«."r t.1hrt1 nr S111n .. 1 K1mbull J•11.1n11 l b> Glo ' 11•1wr le 1u· l.1•w ot•,.., n .. 11..r u11"<1 .:JJ U OOt•H MoSc'°:r:.~•/ •111 t,.rlr. .Ir •nm 'lr>ur h nl ••II. tMl ofr 11\<f't 1~· VC'nturnl'11t, ~' 9 I 50 lit~ Or Ir\ twu r •• 1111 IKlll) Ii 7 5 K 71 'L •' \ Xlnl Cond ••••••••••••••••••••••• '"'cit 111 l>ark . t:lW 111tl 77til'd>tt • ~ ~or873 04.tij Ves~ Scooter90cr PRI< •'..'. "monl Id ..,,,.,. ~r.;iiurl ~ St1tr1 lirilnd l'11111u C:Al. ~ lfl76 Sullonul ~ 0 _,,, e ~~ S1lilt•11 Walnut, Ii'. 11000 C.:hitmpwn Lo1ded. 10 IMS-067~ _ "'l1t~S15oe;1 f;.afS~1U hiiiJ'Of1»1la Nrnew75 '72 HONDA 350 CL llJorm«~Sl 4l1t•11 S.wMc)MochinH 109) h.p. Jlondu 0 ll t9&IO Scrambler . very gd s.ai~ Ta\ Int lui1t"I ••••••••• •••••••••••••• t213> ~2-~ or 1714 1 l:Ond., new battery, lire, SO t"\RI>~ Yiimuh.i (i M 1 Vt old UW.341W 14.000 ml Muil sell $li(l() Drew )our u'*n 01 ,,.,.d ·• • 84'L·Sf!Ol riamc ddr h< , & w l JIH' S1.'i (,cl for C.'hara1.'ter boat & N H. AMC-JE.U #I lft CoUf. WE OUTSELL ALL JEEP DEALERS IN THE STATE HUGI INVENTORY All Models New & Used Leasing Available CoataMHo AMCJHp 25.24 HARBOR BLVD Coflta Meea S49·1!1l23 JEEPS ••77" CJ -5's . C J -7's , Cherokees. Wagoneers, Plck-upti, up to Sl.200 dis counts. S yr 50,000 mile warrantya available. Copefood Mtn. lne 2001 E 1st. SA SS8-8000 "C II m~i.e :~: ,~ .. c:~~·r bca11U11og )lu&.•nt llip 23 ' Ketch Slurd}. tJ.: ,\rld 25 l'Jl'h 646 JlllH )tood nggani: t'lt' SlOOO ·74 1~ Su1uk1 TS $350 L Mwsl !iell Street legul. 1973 Toyota aodcrwser . O\evy 283 eng Solt top ~6 1281 list orr. 833 8936 or Se-nd cbttk or m1ont-\ "' Sporl"'9 Gooch 8094 <tlltl-dl •lerto ••••••••••••••••••••••• WJnt to rt>nl Sa1lhoal Ill PILOT PAINTING .! •1Jm1>l('tl.' \1arlrn outfit, LU so· Bare hoat Sept 6 75 l\awaskr 400 13,000 m1. 559-6395 JI 0 &x l'..t.11 •poll~. rl.'rh1. hne & JI)(" 1 Ulru Sept 11 675 ~21 Very clean but ne<·ds CJ engine work S350 or bc:.l 64 s. 4 cyl. New LI uni. offer 1131 Ol& clutch. llrei. Look:. & l'o.la \lt:'SJ , Ca •12f,2f, Ele"l ofr 611· l.518 15 t'at 77, St>a Spnn. • '77 llonda 750 K l"Ulll! gre1tl. S2000 or beb t ofr 661·-0122 or 495·51~ Ho:-pitJl Med Pt-rh·i:t rnn 1. Yll. \. <.;oi. I'' C:L I· Us xlnl cond1t ion SJ 2011 dtllon HI~ Ph 646-M5i Woods I 3 4-5. lroni. l to 't.'W('(jWp, 675·05611 beef 11 am or all t>pm 9 PW 1140 673-lMff 4000 m1 SI 700. c·ai;h •68 JHp W04JC>Mft', L>eluxe <.:olumbia :it; 510 0776 $2.070 Firm, 963·6366 Oppor. to JOlll 3 fum1he11 '7nlonda 5.SO four K , x.lnt . -- rn lhtnr. long stundrni.:. ru 0 n in g co nd 1 t ion, 69 Toy Land c rus a • r S"' I t' • fo'.1 m ti > 1\1 t• m Store, Rettovraftf, bersb1p, lrvrnc H<11;11111•( lor-8095 harmo01ou11 love dffarr 64().0l ·wagon' 57,000 ma , AM· w, a marvelous sailboat. FM cass. $2800. 646-3.537 Club 551 520{> •••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $10.000 + only $50 mo for 1975 Honda 550·4. Xlnl - -- the kitty. 64()..8JZJ • cond. High hack seal. 6 BRONCO '77, P :s , a ulo. It (. 0 \I I' N I I( h l t· I u h t.'·dccrt g. cpt , drpN, Jo~quipmt & turn ",huUi:rs , rup ctt· 631·2176&83-1·9950 Sat Sun. 2001 Bays ide Dr, CdM TY, Rodio, ---bend 'bars. $1100 or best V8. Off rd. prepared. 17' O'Oay, day sarler offer. 642.~14 art. 5.00 ~s0260l ofr. over S6800 '17 Kawasaki KE175 new HiFi, Ster.o 8098 warrn. Asking $650. 'Mink ••••••••••••••••••••••• SJ.450 rncl trlr & motor PM" _.. 640-7~. 493-6204 -Trucks --956-0 coal, never worn. de HOME VIDEO Racmg Sabot, fully cqwp New Ullman sail. no 7241 673-M93 New 1977 JlondJ 750 super ••••••••••••• •••• •••••• Mgner fashion, i.1 12 'iANYOV CORD II value S3200, at.king $1300 :! hr home video rt'· Broyhill bedrm i.ct , r order11 & ADVENT Country Amer Valut· VldcoBeam large scrreo •1.700, as km.c SU:IO. Call 1V's now rn stork. Call 1:?131262 1449 for our lu" pnc·ei. SJl:. I 0 •I I' a l'I r 11· v Id c 0 C\RRIEH \tr <.:ond1 Producti.,711·5 17·R8;1-t llOOt'r, K700 Ifft.:. hJrclly HOBIE 14 "FLAMER" :\ew 3 mos aso t1pec1al black anodized & colored :.ails. tramp etc Like new. F'lrSl $1,375 takes. ="o trlr. 645 22011 ur blS-3662 sport. maroon, 160 m1, super d eal at $2000 498-2831 '74 HONDA 200 Great shaJ>('. runs well $-150 Ph 5411 4166 '7t Yamaha 360 MX Xlnt f''on·ed tu -.ell Call 194 2044 or 1213 1332·80112 tLwd. SlSU c;i1 Corona M.11:nt1\ I)'( Con1>11lt: 19 dr 11111'1 t \pc" r1 l1•r S25 I'\ " 'll'rt'll llr l"r, dnll ht! i1 r n g •ir n J m 1• n l !fUl' cal> PP .\1 ake offer -.i:n•cn l1lk S25 4~il llltH ti-12-li.12 COLUMBIA l4 Mork II 1975<100<.:z Bwlt in '73, th1:. 1m Xlnl cond maculate s loop 1:; ready SY! 5099 lfrlrat'l1ng W11wgard An ---------c to cruise. w 7' headroom '7J i~ONOA .. u. 4 3100 Lt'nna for n·c·n•atronul New t'crwrn Vrga t:rf m salon Powered by ~ ~ • whrctc~ Ph642-:11m Toweni spkr!\. hi.t $299 Perktns lliesel auto nu. like new. oost orrcr Wuss 0 R. lJhlt'. ;f'<6. /\n cu Allanl1t· Mmue" :.ale pilot, RDF. dingy, furl 963-1650 tlqu" hrus.• flo11hl1• l>t•d ~)Hl'.I Jlb+cxtra:. SucrrfH'<' 76 YAM ... uA TI-500 " ., /\Tl./\NTll' MUSIC $28.500. Owner 531 3374 "'" 1·ha1r:.,, t•he:.t. m1:.1• 115 L' 17th C •1 da""or"•".7""•ev•·s· Stock except for down l99·313:J > r.. ,I' JV .,...., ,,.,., ~ plJ>t• & ('arburctor jel• :•1 gal h~·x<1gon aquurium -, -26' srtJRDY Dbl J-:nclcr ling. Xlnt cond. See to w stund 540 80,,., :J llt.'<'ondlt1oncd 1•ol11r TV :.. Sloop. Dbl hulled. I B apprec. $1000. 536 4758 -.peed btkr 525 645 ~175 all t>runds. all models, cng. Pvt heud, holding aft 6PM or wknds SIOll S2HR t-'rl•t• l>el tank. radio. t.lpt. 4. Xlnl MotorHom.a. Sal•/- <:reen shag caq>l.'l 24 xt5 fi..lli 178fl s afe fumily r ru1'\lng Rent/St 9160 and t6'x3•.~· S25 lor ull boat $6500 1-:vei. orate ~ 0846 •·Ai" after c; m Slt•reo. speake~:. .t r~1·ord 499-3562 ••••••••••••••••••••••• P -plllyer, $.SO C101lll eonih SO. CALIF'S \loving, all "oil wlr you lion :!7' Coronado I B. Vil F LARCiEST wash Fact guur. rev o'! 631 0352 fully cqu1p'd Sl:!.000 m<111:. fllr. IArrowhcud KENWOOD 4100 BIC 960 hrm. Call 551-1537 11wn11 parts ) $120 112 , . • • , pnce) 673-5644 & Quadraflcx 6 1pkri. 3 12 Kite. 14 OK Dingy, 15 -yr warranty. $400 Finn. all F.G w,trlrs RACQUETBALL 962-3770 Larry (7141682·3891alt.3J>m ~~s~er~~~~· :U~t11 ::,~ locrts & Morine mem~rship in Univer!>i IEqulptMttt ~A= Club, NB ;;;;:;;.; .......... 90.io ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oeet or "New'' Motor llome Rentai.. Over 1•0 1977 modela to choote from; ll'tol2'. Jnaurance lncluded Dale'• RV Rentals, Ina. (714 )559-4U6 SUMMER CLEARANCE! SUPER SELECTION OFGMCTRUCKS &VANS HUGE SAVIHCiS! /171\°".-_ ALLEN OLDSMOBILE •CADILl. AC GMC TRUCKS & VANS ,•111c.o1.--oc.•n\,..•"9(1 IAGllWI NIGl.Jfl , ............. .,,, 83 I ·0800 '7 4 Dahun Pleiu. Sl-450 1148-3673 '73Dat.aun PU. Air. ma11i.. radials. Xlnt cond $1950 or ofr. 840-0010 '71 GMC Truck w1'73 11· Do I p h i n C a m p 1• r Loaded. Xlnt. S570u 962-3119 '74 Chevy 4• ton 6 eyl PS. P 1B. auto 27.000 mt, longbed. 536·71i01i S:HOO. '74 GMC Jimmy Clean. 32.000 mr. 350 eng Trlr hitch w elec brake hkkp $3750. Ph 548·1989 1976 FORD . . AMtos W..t.d 95'0 Avto•. fmpofttd AadM. I•~ .... l ... ort.d ···••···········•••···· ···················••·• ............................................. . WI WILL IUY IMW 971 Z o.t.. 9720 ltftt '740 YOUR OA TSUN •••••• •• •• • • ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• .. •••• • ···~·· ••••••••••••••• • • PAJD FOR OR NO'f 1972 DATSUN 71Mii410$EL TOP DOLL.AR Z40l Silva' exterior. leather ' in1erior. aunl"OOI & 1tc~o SADDLEBACK FOR TOP CARS 4 apet.'d Wllh leSit thun caasaue. Low mllh. $0.000 mtl• (ZJ6KJCZ1. tmMlN•. BU¥ or leaH BARWICIC DA TSUH BMW "\,at• f•J.IU l .1111 .. (l ,t f\1l 831-1)75 493.3375 WE BUY CLIA.HCARS & TRUCKS CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 llurbor atvd COSTA MF.SA 546-1200 WE PAY TOP DOLLAlt F'ORTOP lJSEOCARS 1''0REJGN, DOMESTIC or(.;LASSICS Jr your car 1.11 extra rlcun 11CC wi rarst IAUERIUICK ~HarborBhd Cotta Mesu 979 2SOO TOP DOLLAR PAID t'ORCLEAN ~ 1811J'> Bl ACll Bl VO tlUNllNC.TON BEACH 8-1;> 77111 !">40 0·1·1:? IMPORT CARS ~ ALL MODELS • WE HEED CLEAN USEOCARS MOW CALL PAPPY 540·5630 1011\'SO\' & SO\' • LINCOLN· MERCURY 2626HARIOR BLVD. COSTA MESA TOPIUYER St-e us r1ri.t. & lasl. fop dollar 1>ard for 1mparh COSTA MESA DATSUN ~5 llarbor Blvd C06la Mesa 5411 6410 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FORHIFTY IMPORTS MAR9UIS MOTORS 28802 Marguerite Pkw> MISSION VIEJO 831-2880 495-1210 COM! IN & SEI £>.lta sharp' Won't l•at Other fine llSZ'• 111 lona&t I THE630CSI ONLY S4J95 atoett!;it:.a:lt°s~· HOW ON DISPLAY MARQUIS TOYOTA cou PE . t n nc:cllent iflSSION VIEJO coodlUon, lwu1ry eqwp OURCOMPUTE llf·211049g..IJIO maul & low mile11 IODY SHOP t688GWG > IS NOW OPEN 73 340Z, new paint & up hol 4 spd, air. maas. & more 5'&5·8986 •71 Mil DllSEL BMW RESALES 1972 200Ztll '7l Dalbun 510 4 dr, good ln showroom condlUon For tht economy of di.el " the I UltU r)' of 11 ~ 11pet.'d. air cond .. i.ler~ condition, mus t sell, c 41 :. Ii et t e & m li as . 11000. 675-0384 1627FGX 1• "72 Datsun 1200, 34,000 ml, ed N 1974 2002tH 4 speed, a1.r cond., :sun· roof & stereo c111aetle. (596.l\1CFI. 11uto trans. A /C, maa wheels. $1.500 or bat on. ~-4794 ·n Datsun Picku p, AM FM, casa«tte, 1bell, Ml\~10f< > llJO IM"c•#TS . .. /JJl1'4tl ~9,1704 ------- 1969 2002 20gal. tank. SUOO. . ..... Mew·Uied ova 100 ,.MERCEDES OHDISft.AY ,\utomatac, air contl. & 861-0l~ AM/FM radio. A On 4l ownerciAr. <ZRV44!1 t 1972 Z002 "11 510. -'dr 1edan, A, C, clean. $1500 ti rm 644·7054, aft 8495-4188 HoiSeof~ Alf l'HOR D Automatic with au cond. '76 Z 2+2. air. tape lo MERCED~ DEALER 6811Z Manchetter,, Buena Park SZJ.7ZIO 0 n e o w n ~ r t' " r nules. $500 + take ovi:r llllf"TQI lse pymt~. S179 11 751-11182 1977 320i White with black R~<.'uro t.t!al.s. wr cond, 4 speed, 1111:reo :.port sh.-enng wheel & hkt" N l':W ' c2~Rx.H 1 1973 lo•aria 4 speed. air cond . sun roof. met11lhc paint & on ly 27,000 onganal miles 11091.WA>. 1974 2002 -I speed, AM , FM & only 23,00Q or1g111al mllet.. Super sharp! (030KYT l. 1976 2002 I ~peed wtlh 11lereo c .i ssellc Super b! 1400NMV> 1973 3.0CSA t\ulnm.allc s unroof. air cond & low mile.,. t351JPS We also ha\e 114-0 I ~pecds 1n thri. modl'I 73 Dat:.un 240Z I ownl'r On the Santa An11 Fw> White red an t r M .. g '65 UIO, 4-door, sunroof. rt' whls. 4 !.pd. ull extra11 al clean. SUBS. 145·1425 $USO 1173·0368 or 642 8.'>82 or 646 9134 . - Rat 9725 '67 ~L stereo, dark ••••••••• ••••••• ••••••• blue, both tOl)b, 4 IS pd. '72 SPORT COUPE :1:.";,~.,::00 mi. best 5·spd. mag w heeli.. -- AM 1 FM radio, dual ~E '73, tan wllh tan. pipes, blk vanyl hard·top, 48,000 ml, super cle1tn. canary yellow. Good con· Sl0.500. Firm. 673-7118 dlllon. Asking Sl~ or :slMercedes l!IOSL, com make offer. 646-3818 an.er pletely overhauled, blk, 2 Spm or 673-7144 and leave tops 900 (7l4> 646-038! IMiforTammy. ___ . ----- 'Tl Fial 12t Spyder. Conv .. MG 974Z Im mac AM /FM ,••••••••••••••••••••••• r1tdlala, new top. $2450 1'76 Mei MIDGET 497.3195 CONVStTillE '74 u.t TC Auto. stereo, 4 speed. radio. pin stnp- rlldials 34M mi. Xlnl lni with 1pecaal rack & cond $3075. 646·5130 wheels. Has extra low evea, Ed mlleaK"e. <24tRJL,, '69 Flat 124 Sprt Cpe. great l'Ond, new valves & more. must see. moving mustaell Sl3SO. 842-6246 OHLY $3995 COSTA MESA DATSUN 1974 3.0Sla , 2M5HARBORBLVD Full power sunroof. air 1974 Spyd er. conv J4~4~540.0Zl3 cond & lt.'.1 lht>r int. absolutely beautiful. im. '68 MG Mlget. Cornpleltel.v IJ88KI F l 31.000 m1. 13995. 494-6877 ... • Evt:S new In, out. Must. aell $1500. Ph 675·1772 ev, 1975 l.OSi Hondo 9727 <.213l893-7768dys. 4 '\J)ei.'<I. sunroof, leather ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---- ml . arr cond. & rull •--:..1 ..... w •77 Meil 9744 power. 1009NJL1 IH"URU" ••••••••••••-•••'••••• 1975 SlOIA Automuuc. air cond & stereo. A (me one ownt>r r1tr C062Nl F l. HONDA Cars '68. Must :tell now. Xlnt M"'NY Radials, extras, -Very ,,. clean. $1700. Ph 837·238$ To ChooM "'°"'' Opet 9746 UMIV~R~ITY ··•·················•·• SADDLHACK Oldamobfi. 1972 OPEL GT WE'LL IUY YOUR v ALLEY IMPORTS Honda Ccrs • CiMC 4 ~peed, air cond ~ .. USED IM.,..RT· Trucks ma<l""'&sEOQ. Loob). like NEW' ~ 831-2040 495.4949 ... AUTOMOllLE 2850 Harbor Blvd 0~LY S2695 PAID FOR OR NOT Capri 9715 Cost.a Mesa 540-9640 " CAU..SALES MGR. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 CIVIC Blue Metalbc. MAl9UIS TOYOTA • T ··3v C b V I MISSIONVlEJO ILLYA ES • 6 apn,greals ape Wbl top, new c utch lll·Jll0""9r 1210 $'l700 New tires 4' brkea. .,, -VW..,ORSCHE Call 548-9708 bef 4pm 7SZ..9299 · SanJuanCapi1trano -----197' Opel GT. Aar, U7 ... 00 493-451 I Cott 9717 '71 2 dr Sedan, fronl whl AM/FM tape, slot cond. --- --••••••••••••••••••••••• dnve, ~ brkt, 35 MPG M:akeoCfer. ~-7381 WI IUY Super Sharp. lo mi's, '75 (town>. S72S. 540-S359 Pondte 9750 Verde Country w1lhp11ddle. $125 :\temoorsh1p avuJI. Had 873 7415 blwn 9-3 s..,.1•Ptckup Custom paint & inlenor 4 speed, air cond. & low miles. <lDUl.39). Priced toaellrut! llLL YATES VW-PORSCHE USlD CAIS! Dodge Colt !2450. Call 1~ H-.1-Cl I .. .n. b •••••••••••••••••••••• • • 640·1812. Eves aft 6, .. "'..,. v c,.,.,.., m , We re the new CheYTolct 873-3!178 ~/bl.Jc mt .. No air;. Nu SU US FllST! dealership m the lrvrnc -ttres &t tuneup. Great lo leave urt'a. t•nll -. - .!119-951·9445 loah, Mann• --EquiptMttf 9030 llainbow vacuum, porla· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ble Jacu.t:zt. outside Christ mus hghts 545-0703 <ias BBQ: new never bet•n llllt.'d. $6.'i R30 2732 5-10-2181.i \rme Ju1l'l'rn111r · N.apreme. M-5001 $75. Call 646·5639. Colema n camp oven SS \las kit 13. Play school ~ "Learn to read" r p.m. records & booka, ' ·_. . ·•ZODIAC Port-A-Marine Inflatable Boab 2925 College. C.M. (714) 540·2070 ' San Juu Capistrano 137-4100 493-451 t Auto Cenler. We need Datsun 9720 cond. $2200. 752-1245 dya; If )'OQ are I coc:!iderlo':,~ four used car! ••••••••••••••• .. •••••• 873-6817 eves. buylnpc orh eu I Y JOE next orsc e. MAC PHERSON *LDITTRIVLEEA * ~ ........... !!.~~ v:~:s~~E CHEVROLET * ••• * '18 JAGUAR XJ6L. 22M San.lua11Capistrano 21 AutoCenler Drive SAVE A LOT qii. xlnt cond. 112.000. 137400 4tJ-45 I I IRVINE SHO.P&COMPARE ::.~75-2100, h ome, ______ _ BAR WICK DATSU~ • 11• 1•1 1111 'l'I If 111•1 BJl -137549J.JJ7 5 NEWPORT DATSUN -'78 Ponche DUS. Perfeel '7 2 X K 1': B 12 2 + 2 Polar blue. 116,000. Call JAGUAR P11rl1a lly &M-8045 restored Very clean. ------ 1 oa d ed. $7500. Ph 19739142,0.Am,FMSt.rk. (714)994-0316 mac wbJa, xmt cond. - -l5200. 552-twatu PM Jaa. 1961 XKlSO•---------FOR THI llST dl'Ol)head. Xlnt runnlna '71 Poracbe 914, ne~ FLllT PRJCIS cond. Body " int. clean. pa1m. '74 engi~. xtra& CtlJl,.Meedl.am Malteoffer.S59-8074 daya 132-4281, nu TODAY! tc.....GMo 9735,_M$-$470 _____ _ MIDOVESTREET -.. ••••••••••••••••••• 'G ~ 856B (IOGJle. Near MacArthur "71 Karmaan Ghla aeml· new paint, hltarior. "Jamboree Roads auto. Good coocL Sl.950 b r • t e • , c I u t c b • 133-1300 firm. P /P 840-7020, Shar~':· 541·3Ul ---------~1 ~ aves. days llATTHEPIJCE INcal.ASlm '73 Karmium Ghia. JrM, I tn re>RSCHl clean, oeeda front 924 fender. GSOO/tl'ade ? Ph This bl'tek beauty fa ATW~~oc#NcES Gt-mo loaded . USOSLS>. All models now avalla· MGdd Special lb.la weekend at ble. Call or see ua before ...... ••••••••••• .. •••• OHL Y S9ff 9 10U buy!! t SAODLBACK m iracle mazda COSTA MESA DATSUN Y A&LIY IMPORTS IJ 1·2040 4tMt4t . . . . . . ( ~ I ~~':.~ ....... ~·.'~ ....... ~~·.'."!'~.~ ....... ~.~~·.~!~~ ........... ~~·.~~~ ........... ~~·.~~~........... lhut!d!t,Augu1t 11 , 11n DAIL.YPIL.OT DJ_J T Vol t77 .. Cocllec tt 15 • • Aldot. Uwd . ...... UMd ......_ Uaed .,... '''' ........ t770 •• • Corwttte ttl2 MMat.t ttl2 _. ................................... -.... • ................... .. .................... ....................... ....................... ••••••..............••• ....................... . .............•........ I ow...... ''" PCllAlc ''" ''" OT, n I· AM/PM. OIAMelCOUMTY Cadillac, '11 .. Puacn•r 'f'1 Vett.. '#'/8. n.tCll'9d .. Auto•· ~ ortl .. ••• .. •••••••••••••• .. ••-••••••••••••••••••• ••••-••••••-••••••••• •I AMI"'· C.~Ti•Prt •t•. Part1. VOLVO ~°:tJ:~~tJ:aoo ~~.8f':e~.:I· ;t_:~~':ci coo ~~.-~11Su"' u11 2'oood• "o'~~DtmAPRIXC a!:'1'!~ .. ~·!~··.~ l -r;xa. V LYV<>t-VO --"'~ preme. -· ""'" • ·-....,.., ·BAJA UO •• "'!1 1 lM'lt lVahoDeal r • L DORADO •~.000 '71Corv9Ues..alr. AM/FM '13 Mach J, lo mlleagt", m.lles,air~ltlon,good Hu low nulu. Tilt cond.m.ai• .::=::=::..:::::.:..=:::::.--1 re, tuiaroor, AM 1r t in Oran Co\11\l;yl ml, l.("alhet uphol, rull)i 1tereo. P:>, PB. PW, dntcond, ell xtru. Muat body, SIOOor bst olr. wheel pwtf atffnna· .70 r·uUA .st w ttHTOYOTA I trll, Cll ndlu, BUYorJ..WF. eciulp'd.MO-ml 8500. (714>•2728 1eU81MW . ~alUPM. lnkes'.-.tt & windows, ... -a dab.I .~1 •-•.a Jar••• -1111 IUOU DJ••-·"-I .._ II beel ..... r. pwr. new a.-COIOMA _.... 1 · • ,..._ • Lv tor Euro~. pick up mi "75 orani-T·top. IT200 or 1981 M u 1 tan I. auto, 1 911 O I d s C u t l a 1 •u•Y top • ra Y "' 1• bltd radia1a, real clean, I • • • ' • IM"m .. Cad Coftvt for •. belt olfer. Ev• &ft I , hardtop, VB. n•w Ure•. Supreme v.a. Very fine (913JYU). EZ tttrm•· nam~rl. lnS.l»-75" '* WVW Kw• IOOd l°'*-MB.-Sal\11-'M MZ-01'8 asklnl Sl,100. 675·5218 1bape.*5.PP.5Sl-7382 0 .A.C.lyr.p.irta&labor --........ y ... ,,. bll4 '4o5 ' .~ • ------eve service polll'Y avlal. rd t970 ~ .,. C.aH4N·m:J ;..t C..W-0 9917 'tiHVETl'EU7T·top,new 88 Della a , PS, PB. pvt uv•1l. Auto Center'• .............. ~ ...... ,. . UIS TOYOTA S. •••••••~••••••••••••••• pnt. Od. cond. SdOO. 72 Mu1tan1 1'11tback, ply. Oood Urea, $750. pnce i. T·Blrd, all pwr, 1QOd 0 , \.11UO n V.'HUalla Pop·top. Anahe' ~ 2011 Tl C11ma1o to ml "uto 875-3439 Air, PB. PS, AMJP'M, Sll>·IM» OHLY Slstt lranap,_,. 01 4'5-IZIO xtattond. llanytt•ll111 tm lf;lltJ-xlntcond.'mu1t1ell' ' -,67 F'~TBACK --~~ood cond. l2500 ,Into ---,9i7 MAIMS t46·52AO =S~ 141 •377 0 ' lllUJ Volvo 14 l Ml·O:t'74 4apd, 4.27, air, ••••••••••••••••••••••• AUTO CEMTllt Ve.-tt74 Auto, AC. Xlnt rond .. 78 ca maro. l5,000 ml, l5eOO ~30 1970 Mu1la~ auto t ran11, '75 Wgn. v.s. auto, PS, Div ·Nabers CadlUoc ••••••••••••••••••••••• • VW 8111, aond \!111111. srnoo 4H5 3!il0~ loadod. Mludenl must Cougar 9931 air, PSft . B, 11500. PB. Nu tlres1brk1. Xlnt "~:~e:,~~r~ Bl VEGA '76 re bit .... l(t1 od M•ll.4003015 _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9G0-1'178a 3.30PM cond.$2100.751·~-•-fU 1,.,.9109 HATCHIACKGT tran11portaUun 11100 ....... UA-... .. "'-l'tlw 1951 -ot • ..u 0..•roa.t '9ZO · i& Mach 1. V-8, lolded. '73 Pinto Waaon. 4 apd, DEMO. 5 1peed tra°'; ID mt. "-* Sat •••••••,.••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '71 RX7, very &ood New paint. &: tlrea. Call A/Cp need.a work, Runs. '74 FIJ'eblrd Eapril ~ al r con d . • etc : a3,~f'70.(11J4 '1Z ... 11Jat con<! ,. mp Ge.r.. ttO I ·:ie CHEV DEL AJR. On· condltJon. 12150. 6U-0'729ev1/wknd1. 1131115. 645-3051 q. 1\u'bo hydro. vinyl (15Q5/3:m). Waa $3795. --.-,11pped. CJ:IO w m•lu1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ly 34,000 or1&1n•I mllei. 557"240aft.I -..a..-L."-tts• roof. AM/1"11, rallr.i OMLY $3291 197' TOYOTA ctr•.fn.«ICW nu. I I PERl''ECT _ _. 11 'Tl RUNABOUT, xlnl. whedl t1Jt wheel lo m -•-,,,,._ • .___., * SS99 Sale * car • n Dodge ttll •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• runnln1 ' cyl Clean best 'iii#, rra-o* D , HOWAID ChH~t -ce...-.-•Sqblc, nu p&Jnl • t1r•. original condition. You ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1971 OLDS · mustaell S1200 0...128 • •!: IJS, Do\c&QuailStl. J epeed, air eond .• 7SK ml IUOO olr ml.lit ace! Looks, runa • • MIM>l40 u\lel. NEWPORT BEACH A111f'll -.m> rad to • 7~ &»3an'1 exceh11e,,nt. St.°2° or beat ~:·~~ ~=~:1 :~: ~~~bed ,_sbs SM.OM P'tyMouth 9960 Hl-0155 ,... as.tc:r. \OllNR...,..>. ---cu o er 638 . .,308, P/P8?,.1S83/8'8·T380 ru... w ronzow/tan ••••••••••••••••••••••• Peoplewhoneed,,_,.,le 1J moa&b. U,000 milei. 1172 VW WNtthalla Pop. '74! El Camino Claulc. • interior. AN/FM stereo, '73 Duster, xlnt cond, PS, ahould alwaya check the ·74 Ve11 Wason. xlnt Hnlu co.tract an · top camper. AM -t'Jd Full power, AC. AM·FM lBm Monaco, aar, PB, PS, pwr. 1teerlnfbrakea· PB. Alf cond, 85,000 ml, ServkeDirect~nthe cond. Like new. 4 Spd, ~thil lowpn9 ceot sta'eo, crpt'd, Mlchhnd• at.ereo,ca11ettrack.Xlnt rllDI rme, ad cond., 651if wtndol lws. buc,et aeadt., 12100.8118-2531 DAILYP fac.atr.snoo.w.asn ~ y $46 5 13500 £VC's wkn 1 cond. Low mileage. m1, IS50.-4fM·SM8 v ny t op, a r con ., --------1 ..... llftUIS TOY OT A "4-81114, dy .. 834 flJ93 cruise control, Ult wheel. '71 DuSter v.a. auto. A 1c, ...... .WW 910 ...... Mew 9IOO ._.., 15,595 S57·~5 '67 Coronel :;oo Radio Locally driven car . P /S. Good cond . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ••••••• llJSSJON VlEJO 'M BUG nttds 11ood home. ----AC h I Gd _ .. ' -"'JG lll·HIO 49S. I 2 t0 Short on look$, long on AMC 9905 197' CHIYY ' nu up 0 · COuu <-~ >. 11250/t»tolr.147·!104 perac.>nitlat). Won t eal ••••••••••••••••••••••• a CAMINO $700. 848-3!1\0 • OML y S49t5 '71 Cricket, needl work . .,, Corolla 1ta. waa. 4 mucb -3Zmpa. 1850.•m Rambler wan l300 Automatic. pwr steer 74 Chai. PS._PB, AC . MAltQUISVOLVO' Muatselllmmed.$800. •pd., AM Jl'Y. Michelin IU-5717. Ndi eng work Gd cond lnle. AMiFM radio & air A?it1F!'ft, VS, vm top, like MISSION VIEJO -49'·2307 ~ ... ad.. Xlnt cond. 8e1t of ,68 VW 8 ..... while-. ~e; _ot.herwi;e,49;s..;13_3ev11 cond. In excellent condr new JOM. SJOOO. 768·1129 131·2810 495·1210 ------ ,, -llOn·llke brand new! p-.....:ac 9965 MO-lf74 M7·2395tve battery, &ood rad1al1, ,74 GREMLIN 20000 ml (:5037..SI '63 Dan 6 cyl, Auto trans. 197z OLDS u•m -'175.7522550 t d Ac tk' 0a..1 y 5795 $2500rBesL()(fer TORO...,•DO 1971 Tt;7ota ru ns 11ood --- -min con · 1 • !. ..... L S 548·6208 ""' needs h&bt ;,.,ork. S700 o; '59 VW Buja. new pulnl/ shift . aid ':"' mlleui:c -----Full power, all" cond , beat olftf', 968·5513 IJll., O»wleH cond. thru· $18.'IO. 5IO·IW.rl Ford 9940 AM/FM stereo & cruise out. IB50. 893-3175 lulck 991 o ••••••••••••••••••••••• control. Just o beaullCul '75 SIU. AM1FM. tape, - -•••••••••;••••••••••••• 2845 HARBOR BLVD car! (988FUO >. EZ Map, vinyl rl, 29M ml, 'T3 Pop Top Camper, Im· . terms·O.A.C. 1 yr. parts Pvt pty S3290. IM7-0493 mac. cond. Must sell Im· 1973 Bwck Estate Wugon, 540-6410 540-0213 ,~-PHIL & labor service policy med S3:iOO 58l 7504 stereo, 8 track, orig -11 A l c , • Triumph 9767 · · ownr.S2500.64S5089evs, '72 lmp11l11 Cw.tom, a/c, LONG ava · u O en.er 8 .. •••••••••••••••••••••• VW 74 THING. 16.000 mi, ---n1•w point & tires, lo FORD price is 'J'R.7 1976 2500 mi Rod l3250. Xtra nice 640-1090 '74 Bwck Sta. Wag. Air. ma·~ Very de.in. $1700. ONLY $2699 Cass ate~eo SS300 · ' eveaJwknd.s, 944-0454 dy1 p s, AM FM ster 70,000 .536 tC73. . HAllRS · mi's. !2500. 833 8680 & --AUTO CENT!R 631·2110 una VW Super Bug, lots o ask for Dark. ·113 Chevy Nova. Dlv.-Nabt"n Cadillac ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1976 ,OHT1AC GRAND PRIX Ll&hl blue exterior. Ful· Jy equipped Including air con<J .. pwr. steering & wlndowa, cruise control, AMi FM stereo tape & low, low miles. Bank terms. t745PPF>. Priced to sell! Prime 'Ill Triumph G xtru. Very1harp Comp C~U ---99"j 5 ~75,runs11tron1. 1'2:1BakerSt.,C M. 6+ Sl7SO or olftr. Cell ICtra parta 12395 559 7243 •••••• :~••••••••••••••• 9fiO 31117 1,2 blk east ofllrirbor Bl ZMSHARBOR BLVD. _attt>~pm,6'U'730 _ ... SQU \REBACK lgt. • t>l <'URVAlll•• 540°9109 540-6410540.021] COSTA MESA DATSUN NOW AVAILABLE GOOD SELECTION OF HOIDAS IMMEDIA. Tl AV A.11.A.llLITY OR ORDR YOURS NOW RAY FLADEBOE HONDA MOTOR CAR S I b· 18 AUTO CENTER DRIVE IRVIHE 830-7000 '74 Spitfire llardtop Con blue. auto, gd. rond. it ('onv Cha'o!lll' "lu lop. , ............ ~.o.. ........ . Hrt, 16,000 ma. never s1200 W. U. Schoc:k pol st 1:1~ 53ti9!1'1J ........ ._c_ ·-A.Mtoa, Mew flOO Autos, Hew 9100 Autos, Mew ttOOAaitot. Mtw 9100 sed S3950 531 7tno Corp 350·> S Green' 1lle •••• ••• ••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••• ~ · · --St .. sl\.s.19.w1 n .. ,, '1 1 lmpalJ 1 tlr SACRll''JCE --1976 CADILLAC :15 01111 ml. pl'd cond i4 Gran Tonno Sta Wan 10081'R 250. new radlala '74 VW IUS ELDORADO COUlltE ~·1300 :IS!l 4!Jli5 Loaded, xlnt cond. Brn Rood body, xlnt cond. Lo ml, 13700 , tH5·9969 Cabriolello!', full lcJlhcr ti 1 Nova, ti c) I. auto, new S279j 640 9456 ___ _ Sl!IOO M5"'533 intt'rior. liO. 10 PO\\t'r tm• .... paint Good cond _ __._ - -'i4 Ba j1, run1 & looks seal, A :\I I' :\I ~ll·r••o ~!l!l owner !J60·4962. VoU.swCIC)eft ':770 l(Ood. $6S0 /8 est uffer w tape player & full ••••••••••••••••••••••• 531·7225 powerass1!>ls t5:!0l'CXI '68 C,\PfU('I·: Runs J!d VW SALE!!! '72 VW Westphalia pop. $8988 ~~~1 Mu:.t w ll ' S400 We Have An Excellent top camper. Xlnt cond. . 'ftri..T-1bers Selection 01 VW New rad. lire:., rebll. J. ~ '73 lmpula 4 <Ir liedon, '76 Granada. 2 dr, while w '>Jddl c ant. AM1FM lill'rt!<>, 1\C, St400 or t ake over lse al $135 mo. Dis· covery Management Co. (714' 870.1970 Buses&Camper1 eng. 2l MPG. orrer. uuto. A t:. P .S, P ;B, BILL YA.TIS 64~01 Cad1.l)ac "n>1 top. t ownl·r. Gd 1s1-3397days VW.PORSCHE '68 VW Bug. lmmuc Ong rnnd suns. ff.12110!!2 San Juan Capistrano owner. M111nl. paper'!. :?600 H.11hrn Bl\d Chrysl..-9925 ·~ JO~J~() 1Wan.1 A~~· 117-4800 493-4511 ~ 175. 645-8809 aft 5. Cm1.1 M.:~ • .s..io.!J I llO •••••••••••• ••••••••••• Ind, wJ_.5474 o m . . --------'OOVWSqbk.Xlntinside& -------· 1976CHRYSLIR co __ ·-------1 I t74 VW IUG out. Mual eell by 8/20. CORDOl.A Lincoln With radio Ii: heat~r fo40-l238 7 I D'Elt>gance coupe· Onlv 7025 ac-tuJI milH· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hard to tlnd mode l ----blue, sunroof, 8 trark. I 1 k c hr on d n cw' (508JPW). EZ terms Yol•o 9772 loaded.47,000 Ml.SSOOO. ,\utomJt1t•, air 1·ond. 'Ell Lanroln 2 dr Nu brks. 1\M F:\I 5875 or best of· O AC. 1 yr. pana & labor ••••••••••••••••••••••• 67_5_-5_728____ pwr ~•eerinit & b1 Jkcs !lervlce p~llcy av"al 1972YOLYO St>lling Grandma's Rnd many mon· '''lrJ'>' fer 6-l~ !»179 • AutoC(llter 1prict11 Pl 800 COUPE Fleetwood Brou&hom t766P DC > El. term' ONLYSZ49t Already a "class1e" 4 from Beverly Hilla, OA.C.1.yr parts "lubor' Maverick ••••••••••••••••••••••• HAIMS speed w overdrive, 11).000 orii ml, loaded, 1trvlce policy avatl AUTO CINTlll AM FM atereo 8 track &c $1500 541H_61_e ____ 1 Auto Center's pnce la '71 Mav, 2 dr, 6 cyl, 3 apd, R ti . .SM or11 ml, clean. 11275. S.2466 DlV -Nabets Cadillac I eat her 1 n t e r 1 or . OML Y SS499 · l~lETV>. 1973CADILLAC HAHRS '71 Maverick i.u.s Baker St .• c M. OllJLY $49 9 5 sr.n. .a. .... DIVILLE ~, 'i blk eut ol Harbor Bl " _.,..... AUTO CENTER 5~0-9109 . MAR~UISVOLYO Fully loaded-extra Dav.·NaberaCaddlac 8 cyl, auto, xlnt cond. Sl .350. <194-6220 MJSSIONVIEJO sharp! (774SER l. Thia l425BakerSt .. CM. 1974 VW 131·2110 495-121 o one wall sell fut at the \.~ blk eut or Harbor Bl '70 Maverick, R"11. auto trans. 8 Cyl. xtnt cond. t860. &&5-1188 days only. Westphalia C-..r wholesale price or 540.9 I 09 Loaded lncludtnl 1\.et'eo '74 Sla Wtn. 145, AC. Xlnt OML Y S349S caueue. Jn .xoellenl cond. Call Jeff Morse, · llLL YA.TES 1~~c~:r:1:%~;~~ condition I (MJCLO). 833-0S'TOdyi VW-PORSCHE tilt wheel, blue Int, alarm Mwcsy ttSO ••••••••••••••••••••••• SADDUIACK '70_V_O_L_V..,:;O_W ___ l_45_S_, San Juan Capistrano l""tem. 10,900 ml, xlnt Y.AUEY IMPORTS an. • 1 • EXTRA NICE. mus t 817·4800 493-4511 cond., SS50CU98·2831 ORANGE COUNTY'S MEW!ST LINCOLN·MERCURY Dealerlhlp ia now OPEN tJ 1·2040 495.4949 Sl'll! $2000. SC1M636 :l Continetttal 9930 , New 9100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• RAY FLADllOI 73 COMTIMIHT AL LINCOLN·MERCURY MARK IV 18-11 Auto Center Dr. Sliver Edition. Fully SDf'wy.LakeForeatexlt equipped lncludinR maa IRVINE' ~he..•1!! Only 40.000 ___ l _J0._7_0_0_0 ___ 1 milt• Can Lease . IH67\1PS > 70 MowtecJe SIOO SADDLEIACK ;rs5S7~/fs1~°.;'.t. Lo V ALLIY IMf'ORTS 13 I ·2040 49S.4t49 '76 M.onarcb Ghia, 4 dr, 19'73 Mark tV Loaded, ex· cellent condition. snoo. sca.11112 ttl2 white w ,aaddle velour 111t.. AM /FM 1tereoz AC. $&400. Or t&kt over 11e at $157. mo. Dl1covery Management Co. 1714) 87().1'70 ....................... -------- I '71 c:o1vm1 ·11 Mercury Montego, PS. 2 Tope. ,,a me rt"d w /tan PB. air cond, r\11\1 1aod. mt.erlor. Automatic. ah 1750· 6'2"7&5 cond., pwr. 1leerln1, '7$ Monteio Wacon. All AM1FM radio, chromt extras.$ new Urea. Sale ware wheel•. Wholesale or trade. Below bh1• bluebook·l8500: re· book. Ph 671·03118 or tall-$8065. (839MV0). 142-8582. 0Urprice l1 --------OMLY S6671 '71 Marq~11 •·dr, P /$, M•llftUIS VOLVO P/BI P/W, P/ler~1 A./C, --r Rad ala, Origin• owner. Ml~ION VIEJO C'l500. 675-1158 300 E. 131·2110 4'S.I Z I 0 Coast Hwy 450 Autoa, Mew 9100 Autos, Mew HOO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • At Phil lnng Ford at the . all new Irvine Auto Center Like Forest exit/~ Diego Freeway 77 ***************************************** 1977 PINTO 2 DR. SEDAN 4 1P19d. front dlao brakes, rack & pinion lteerlng, electric rear window defroster. whHI covers, 2.3 titre engine, deluxe bumper group & tinted glass. (127830). 1977 GRANADA 2 DR. COUPE 1977 MUST ANG II 2 DR. HARDTOP. 4 1peed, front disc braJcea. r1c1< I pinion tteerlng. tadlometer & 011 gauges, wheel cover., ctg. tighter & 2 3 titre engine. (137809). Equlpmerit C I 0 . V-8 engine, crutH-0-n'llllC trans., radta> llr•, power front ctlsc brek• & deluiw bumper group (241808). A SUPER VALUE AT ONLY $4499 • NEW CAR BUYS RN23-047992 &\ifl·)-fj? NEW 1977 PICKUP STEllO-AUTOMA TIC FJSS-74103 . NEW 1977 4x4 BANK FINANCING O.A.C. 2YEAI 24.000 MILE SERVICE POLICY AVAi.A .. OM MOST · u•c•11 20-- 30-- 40-- . . • USED CAR SPECIALS ... ·····~·, ......... ,. < ... . ·~--_:,,,,~ YOUR CHOICE 53899 ?3WAGON AUTO.COIOMA t 133HTX ~5 1299 --10 -20 -40 ----50 EAILE ly oer prof111lott .. ............... IKE ....... ,.. ........ H t•t #I ••I••• ............ c..e. Mtt& COMI IM MOW AMOSBWHYt NEW CAR BUYS YC28585E2003950 N 1976·V01.;YO WGN AUTOMATic.IUCKITS 6CYL~MOU VC242415HM 141562 l • ' I • Huntington Beaeh Fountain Valley • EPITION ·· • Afteraoon N.¥.Stoek8 TENCEN 'I'm Sen of ·sum' SayS NY S~spec~; Police Nab 'Shy' Postal Worker ...... ...,.... TESTS CONFIRM THIS WAS MURDER WEAPON Pollc•m•n Edw•rd Zlgo Showa Suapect'a Gun NEW YORK <AP> :_ A $35 ticket for parkin& too near a fire hydrant led police to a shy postal worker they said was "Son of Sam," the ni&ht stalker who kllled six youne· people and wounded seven with bla .«· caliber revolver. The arrest came as David Berkowitz, 24, left his apartment house Wednesday night in sur- burban Yonkers and encountered police, who had staked out the building. (Related stories, map, PageC4>. Police said that as Berkowitz stepped into his car, they asked him who he was, and Berkowitz replied · "l'm Son of Sam. Okay, you've got me.·· He offered no re- sistance, police said. "We have him." a police spokesman for 1st Deputy Police Commissioner James Taylor told reporters later. Pobce said he told them he wanted to "go out in a blaze of glory" because he felt the police were closing in on him. Berkowitz wa s formally booked today at the 84th Precmct m Brooklyn on charges of second-de&ree murder, at- tempted murder, 11sault and possession of a deadly weapon in the murder of Stacy Moskowitz, 2Q, the killer's latest victim. Her date, Robert Violante, 2Q, was wounded and may never see again. Wearing worn-out blue jeans, a light blue and white striped shirt and light brown suede shoes, Berkowitz smiled at reporters as a cordon of police moved him out of the precinct house. Berkowitz was arraigned later in Brooklyn Criminal Court for the murder of Miss Moskowitz. Criminal Court Judge Richard Brown ordered blm held without bail and sent him to Kings Coun· ty Hospital for a psychiatric ex-amination. The courtroom was jammed with reporters and police or. fi cers, all of whom were searched with a metal detector before entering. Brown ordered that Berkowitz be segregated from other prisoners. Eugene Gold, the district at· torney for Brooklyn, announced that a gran~ jury would belln considering the case later today. Police said tbev seized two shotguna lo bis seventh-noor apartment and a .44-callber Charter Arms Bulldog revolver Berkowitz carried with him u be entered his cream-colored Ford Galaxie sedan outsjde bJa apart- ment house. They said he also carried a brown bal with two dozen bullets and a poem. Ballistics tests early today con- fl r med the revolver was the same one that was used ln the killing of Miss Moskowitz, police said. Later, they said tests linked the 1un to an earlier Son of Sam attack, and tests relating to other attacks were in progress. The poem found in the bag described the death of a youn1 woman -" ... And hu1e drops of lead poured down upon her head until she was dead ... " Police said they found a sub- machine gun in a gunny sack In Berkowitz' car and also found several notes in bis car and apartment, one of which warned that Son of Sam would kill agam. •·1 want to see the animal's Al'WI ......... HELD IN SLAYINOS Davfd Berkowitz, 24 . face that took my baby's life,•• Miss Moskowitz' mother, Neysa, said today. "And 1 want him io see me." <See SUSPECT, Pa1e AZ) l I ' Ken Cory Planning to Leave Politics?i 'A Weird Business' D'tl!YPlltit .......... POLITICS ''WEIRD' Controller Cory t State Controller Kenneth Cory said Wednesday he ilf conslder- ln& 1etting out or polltlcs because it ls a "weird" business. Cory, a former central Oranee County state auemblyman, aald Or-.;i1e County politics have bee'!partlcularly stran1e. "~ late," the Democrat 1ald, ..I'm beln& very &lad I'm from Oranse County and no loater• here. Historically in this county, there bas been a lack of un· derstandina about what the Constitution is •bout., and what freedom is about.'' Cory did not further explain the remarks. He spoke at UC Irvine, before about 40 secondary school teachers attendlna the Robert A. Taft Institute of Gov- ernment Sermnar. Cory said he is "tired" of the seemingly endless lnvesti1ations of politiciana, lncludios himaell. The controller was investi&•t· Foeuses on Sanity Allaway's Lawyer Says 'No Defense' By TOM BAaLEY Ol .. Mty Pl ... IU!f Edward Cbarlea Allaway'• lawyer decided In a surprise move today to offer no defense to ebar1e1 that bis client killed seven people and wounded two . olben on the Cal State Fullerton campus. Deput,y Public Def ender Ron Buller'• decision startled the proeecuUon in view of bis earlier declar~tlon that be would arpe hi• client'• diminished mental ed for more than a year ln COO· nectlon with $600,000 in cam· pai&n contributions be received from Indicted Orange County political donor Dr. Louil Cella. "I'm tired of bavin1 to ~rove that I'm not a criminal," beaald. Cory blamed the rash of polltlcal lnve1t11atlon1 ~n Richard Nixon . He called Propoaltion 8 cam- pa ien coqtributlon disclosure legislation "an overreaction.'' "I even have to report It wbeil my neitbbor 1tvea my kid a p •a nut· butter· and ·Jelly sandwich, because over tbe course of a year those sancfwicba mlaht add up to a lift over$25." Of Dr. Cella, Cory said he was amazed that anyone would want to contribute $800,000 to the cam- paign Qf a state controller. More amuins, Cory aaid, was thJt "He oever asked me for anything." Cory said be believes Cella donated th.e money "because he was crazy;•• just for . the sake of participatin& in politics. Commentln& on his runfling battle with Standard OU of CallfornJa <he campaiped with the slogan "The man the oil com· panieii fear most"), Cory aald be is confident a lawsuit belnl pr• pared aeainat the oil consortium headed by Standard, alle&in& price-fixing, will be won by the at ate. "I ml1bt end up under a truck somewhere," he said, "but they'll pay." Four Stabbed To Death in Seaside Area ECUJI Does ft . Imagination is all ft takes to turrra chain fence into a tightrope. Maintaining a del· icate balance at Greenwald School in New Kensington, Pa., is John Kurst. 12. Resi~tion DelaY.S . , Teacher Settlement Pair Hired For Schools On Close Vote In a pair of 3-2 votes early to- day, Huntln1ton Beach City School District lrulteet installed a new uslstant 1uperinteadent of peraonnel and a new principal for Smith School. P atrlch Clark, chief negotiator for the ... ~ountaln Valley (elementary) ~h091 Dil· trtct, was named u th. new aastl· tant auperloteiideftt of penon. net. J:loard PrHtdent Brf an Garland aod tru1tee Dav• Sonkien vOWd •laiPt ber '"" polntment. ti DA YPILOT H /F Thurlld!>'· A111u.1 '1, 1tn Cri.m.e Taro Youtlu Held in ,COlinty Capen A tour day rr.m apr~a an~olv a en 1port1 <'•r an Hunt· tm · h, • 1450 robbery lD WHtmln11er and a bun11td burdary au mpt In Cypreu ap- .-rc:.nt.Jy el'ICkd Wednesday W1lh .._ arr.t ol "~u II year-old.a lo Ot • author1Uaaald. • ed °" char1ca of arand tlleft at.1to and htld tod11y In C>raf\Ce County Jail, .,.. David Walton, (If C~rd~n <irov• and l.yo.o J\obetU, a lt&Olltul with 00 at ldd~ I rdl"I \o On •Polle. Lt. 1ll ttenon. f>etcl'IOft uld th• pair wtrt ar· retled Wedne1day tvenln1 In Oramce alter an off dut.y Se•l Huc:b 1>0Uc_, officer, Grt1 Voun1, •Potted thtm In 1 n&al· colored MO reportedly 11\0len :fund-.y ln tlunlln•ton Beach. Cypreu police believe tht two men broke ln\O a home on Tues day afternoon but took off when they reaUzed the bomt Wlb oc- 7 Bart I n Ni g u e l San Juan Woman Killed in Crmh Hilel' alle1edly ran a stop 1l1n at La Paa Road and Moulton Parkway at about 8 :30 p.m. oupl d. Pollet utd bur1Jary · ch•r&• are peodlna •t•ln.al tbt pair. The auspect.s apparenUy then crulaed into Westminster and al· le1edly robbed a fast-food outlet employe of f4,.W whU" •ht wu maktnl a nl1bt deposit Tuesday ut a Bank of America branch at G o l dt" Wut Street a n d Westminster Avenue. We11tmin1ler Police Officer Earle Graham said th• two men dld not •how any weapons but simply grabbed the bank baa aftd took oil In the stolen car. The vtcUm. Robin Lincoln. 19. wMS not Injured. She la employed by a Weatm1nater Del Taco out· let. A countywfdt bulletin was la· aued Mondny and the alle1ed bandits were spolled late Wednesday uflernoon by Officer Youn1. who waa shopping In Oraftie. Oranae pohce movea tn ana captured the suspects at 6:30 p. m. Wednesday. Capturi11g the Sun Curved mirrors capture and concentrate the sun's energy to pump 1rrlgatlon water on the 76,000-acre Palomo Ranch n.ear the torrid desert town of Gila Bend. Ariz. A Sao Juan Capistrano woman w&1 killed and seven people wer. inJu.red Wednesday nlcht wben two can collided ln tbelntenec· t1on of La Pu Road and")!oulton Parkway in the La1una Nl1u1l area. A coroner'i; report tentatively tdenUfled the dead woman aa Louise Marie Pearson, M, of 32302 Alipu Roud, San Juan Capistrano. Mrs. Hiler'• car reportedly col· Uded with a westbound auto on Moult.on Parkway driven by Paul Edward Wimmer, 44, or 21r742 An na Marla Drive, Laguna Nl1uel. In the car with Wimmer were Elizabeth Wimmer, 10, Hilda Wimmer, 81, and Lucy Wimmer, 29, all of the Anna Marla Drive address. 'Snuff Tools' Nixed by Judge Said to be in cntical condition in Saddleback Community Hospital is the driver of the car in which Mr:i Pearson was a passenger, ten tall vely identified as Pauline II lier, 11!1, of 32141 Paseo Caroline. San Juan Capl1trano Accordin~ to a California H1ghw,.y Patrol roport, Mrs Alao in the Wimmer auto were Robert Bamea, 57, and Gertie Bamn, 50, both of Arvada, Colo. All occupants or the Wimmer car were taken lo Saddleback Community Hospital with In JUrlea ranging from minor to serious, according lo the CHP re port Tools round al a desert locaUon alle1edJy planned H tbe ecene for the shooting of porno1raphic movies that wol.lld end with the k111in1s and dl1mernbermenL of two Ccmale partlclpantl have been barred from the case aguLnSt an accused Costa Mesan. Judge 11 Warren Knilhl re· jecLed the collection of instru- ment.a as madm1S&lble evidence l,200 Nurses on Strike LOS ANG F.LES CAP> More than 1,200 reg1!ltered nuraes at four Kaiser Permanente health <.'Ure fU <.'iht1cs wulked o(f their Jobs toduy after a second round of ull naghl hargainlng talka failed to break the wuge dispute deadlock. Nurses set up picket lines at Kaiser's Fontana. Panorama Cl· t)', Bellflower ho1pltals and Kaiser's Sunset Boulevard clinic afler federal mediators failed to hammer out an a~reemellt by the • 7 a .m. strike deadline Hl by th• United Nurses AnoclaUon of Callfornlu. f'ro1tt P.,,. Al , SUSPECT •.. A newspaper. a televlalon sla· t.ion and columnist Jimmy Breslin said tod11y that police bad told them that Berkowlh. a $13,000 a year letler 1orter at a ~oat omce In the Bronx, aald he laMed ao 1trlke next In Sulfolk ounty, on the far end of Lona bland. They said ho alle1edly 'planned to use the submachine •un In a dl1cotheque or ni1ht club. l'rom Page A I ALLAWAY. • nesday that Mrs. Allaway was with her husband when he surren· dered to Anaheim police on July 12.1976. She su~ him for divorce three days before he aJlqedly took a tine to ij!e Cal State Fullerton campus and shot nine people, uv.-i or whom died. Allaway'• former wire, Carol, also 11 on call. It was learned \hat 'lier testimony would bo based.on payQblatric problems ht ericoun· ~red durlns their marria,e. Buller aald the Jury will be told of Allaway'• treatment at a ¥lohJ1an mental hoaplt-1 and •ubaequent evaluaUona of his pro~~ peycbla\rlats. ~11· DAILY PILOT Both sides have agreed to re turn lo the bargalnin8 table at I p. m. Friday in hopes of ending th~ stalemated talks. Kaiser hospitals have offered the nurses a 6.S percent pay hike while the nurses union Is holding out for an 8.5 percent Increase They also reportedly want a voice In stamng at the facilltles. Wednesday's talks broke down around 6 a .m .• accordlne to Canal Route'! Dushed line shows where proposed new Panama Cunal might be constructed by the United States. about to miles west of the present canal. CSee Page A4 > Kaiser Pcrm11nente spokesman Bonme Martin The nurses had schcdull'd the walkout al 7 a.m. Wednesday, but agreed to extend the deadline to 7 a. m. today at the request or the federal mediators. "We're optimistic that some kind or agreement will be reached when the talks resume," Martin said. "Meanwhile, we have doctors, supervisory nurs· Ing personnel and nursing person· net not Involved In the strike as- sumlni the duties of those who have walked out." A union apokeawoman said nurses will cc;mtlnue to picket while ne1otiatlon1 continue. Sonie elective surgery and routine medical procedures have been cancelled as a result o( the strike Martin also said some pa- tient appointments have been rescheduled. Mile Squar~ Meeting Set Fountain Valley Mayor Roter Stanton has called a meeting wltb city residents \0 dlacua \he U.S. Marine Corps propoeal to build mlUtary housln1 at Mlle Squue Park. Tbe meetlna wlll be held Mon· day jt I p.m . In City Council Chainbera aL 10200 Slater Ave. SA Man Seriously Hort in ShOoting A 28-year-old Santa Ana man wu reported ln a.erlous condition today after a ahooUnc incident Wednesday nl1ht 1n a resldonUal nel-1'1borbood. Li.t.ed as the vlcUm In ttie police report was Anthony (}. Oa~•,,28, of Sania Ana, who re-ponecuy waa •truck three times about lilJ body bf bullet.a fired from a hmdlllo. Taken into cuatody and booked on •utpleJon of atttm\ped murder after tht ahootlnc lncl· dent lo the 400 block of S. RaJtt St. ln Santa Ana was Tommy E. WllUamt, 20, of Santa Ana, Wltnea11t1 told pollct that Davit was talking wl\h Williams when he waa }!truck by tM first bullet. When ltle victim be1an ata1· 11.-lnJJ away, wltnesaea a~id1 he wu shot two more Umt1 J)e{Ore he collapsed Or) the aldewallc. Police toda)' could 1tve no motlvo tor thtahootina. m Oran1e County Superior Court action that included hie reduction of Fred Berre Dou1las' ball from $250,000 to $150,000. The judge held thaL the search ror the instruments had violated Douglas' constitutional ri1ht.s. The S4-year-old upholsterer . facea arraignment Aua. 18 on charges or attempted murder and conspiracy. He has not yet come up with the reduced bail and 1s held in county Jail The ruhng by Judge Knight prevents the prosecutioo from m· lroducinf as evidence e aaaort- ment of butcher knives, bone saws, lee picks and other lnslru· menl.!s allegedly round July 20 near a Yucca Valley desert shack. Dougla11 was arrested at the scene by two undercover police women who claimed they were enllated for lesbian lovemaking In movies \0 be shot by DouiJu. It la alle1ed that Oou1lu \hen intended to murder them and di•· member them as the final scene in hla "snuff porno" movie. A witness testified 1n municipal court action against Douglas that he offered her $1,000 ror each or five women he asked her to recruit for movie making and subsequent torture and elimination. She testified that Douglas told her he had already killed five such women who atarred in his movies, dismembered them and buried them ln the surrounding desert. ®QUALITY TELEVISION A prolonged 1earch or the area bas failed to produce any human remains. Navy 'Quiet' ·0n 2 Deaths ' SAN FRANCISCO <AP> • The Navy railed to report accidents which caused the dealhs or a 9. year-old girl and a middle-qed woman at Oak Knoll Naval Hospital, a report says. KRON.TV aaid Wednesday t~at the two deaths brought to five the number or patients who have died at the hospital as a re- sult ot ne1ll1ence. The 1978 Models are coming al higher Prices The CHARTRES • H2550, Fcenoh Provlnclal alyled cootole. Graceful cabflole legs eno In a scroll. Genuine Pecan veneert and 11laot hardwood eollda on top. Front, end• and l•Ot of simulated wood. Entire cabinet t>eau1lfully flnlehed In Pecan color with Ott loolc of fine dlatreaalng. 1977 MODEL CLEARANCE SALE I J"-17 .. •lt"·2111·ll .. •111111 C:QLOR SETS l l Irvme EDITION * * VOL 70. NO. 223. 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES Today's Clo t.g N.Y.Stoeks 11, 1'77 «·a TEN CENTS 'l'lll.Son of Sam' Says NY Suspect · Police Nab 'Shy' Postal Worker · ................ TESTS CONFIRM THIS WAS MURDER WEAPON Policeman Edward Zlgo Showa Suapect'a G\ln NEW YORK <AP> __. A $35 ticket for parkine too near a fire hydrant led police to a former auxiliary policeman they said was ''Son of Sam," the niebt stalker who kHled six young peo- ple and wounded seven with his .4-4-caliber revolver. The arrest came as David Berkowitz, 24, a shy postal worker, left bis apartment house Wednesday night in suburban Yonkers and encountered police. who had staked out the building. Police said that as ·Berkowitz stepped into bis car, they asked him who he was, and Berkowitz replied, "I'm Son of Sam. Okay, you've got me.'' He offered no re· sistance. "We have him," a police spokesman for 1st Deputy Police Comnussioner James Taylor told reporters later. At an afternoon news con· ference, Police Commissioner Michael Codd said Berkowitz had been an auxiliary New York policeman between 1970 and 1973 and been trained by the police in "law and unarmed defense," but bad not been given firearms trainine. Berkowitz served three years in the Army. Police said he told them he wanted to "10 out in a blue ot 1lory" because he felt the police were closing in on him. • Berkowitz was formally booked today at the 84lh Precinct in Brooklyn on char1es of second-degree murder, at· tempted murder, assault and i>ossession of a deadly weapon in the murder of Stacy Moskowitz, 20, the killer's latest victim. Her date, Robert Violante, 20, was wounded and may never see again. Wearing wom·out blue jeans, a light blue and white striped shirt and lighl brown suede shoes, Berkowitz smiled at reporters as a cordon or police moved him out of the precinct house. Berkowitz was arraigned later In Brooklyn Criminal Court for the murder of Miss Moskowitz. Criminal Court Judee Richard Brown ordered him held without bail and sent him to Kings Coun· ty Hospital for a psychiatric ex· aminaUon. The courtroom was jammed with reporters and police of· ticers, all of whom were searched with a metal detector before entering. Brown ordered that Berkowitz be segregated from other prisoners. Eugene Gold, the district at· lomey fbr Brooklyn, ann<>Unced that a grand jury would beiln considering the case later today. Police said thev seized two shotguns in his seventh-floor apartment and a .44-callber Charter Arms Bulldog revolver Berkowitz carried with him as he entered his cream-colored Ford Galaxie sedan outside his apart· ment house. They said he also carried a brown bag with two dozen bullets and a poem. Ballistics tests early today con· firmed the revolver was the same one that was used in the killing of Miss Moskowitz, police said. Later, they said tests linked the gun to an earlier Son or Sam attack, and tests relating to other attacks were In proeress. The poem found in the bag described the death or a young woman -" .•• And huge drops .. ............ HELO IN SLAYING& David Berkowitz, 24 of lead poured down upon her head until she was dead ... " Police said they found a sub- ma chine gun in a gunny sack in (See SUSPECT, Pase AZ) Shorter ----~ ..... e · School Days Refused By IDLARY KA YE • Ol IM D.tilly ,., ... Sl•tf Fearful that it might lead "to .. eroding education" in the Irvine Unified School District, trustees refused Wednesday to shorten the school day 15 minutes for fourth. fifth and sixth graders. Trust~ voled 4·1 to maintain the 3~minute day for students in those grades. In doine so, they re- fUJed to 10 along with a staff re- queat to shorten the day to 300 minutes to make lhines "~re manageable" for school prln· cipals Lee Sicoli was the only trustee to vote in favor of shortening the day. She said she did not believe 15 minutes would matter one way or another and that it should be tried for one year. Trustee Fred Gahm originally voted with Mrs. Slcoll, but on the final vote. Gahm chanced his mind. Trustee June Foley said she was afraid slicing 15 minutes off tbe daftmiiht be the be&lnninl of Foeuses on Sanity A..llaivay' s Lawyer Says 'No Defense' By TOii BARLEY OI .. o.lty '°""' ltMt Edward Charles Allawafs lawyer decided in a surpnse move today toioffer no defense to charges that his client killed I seven people a~d wounded lwo Carter Eying Coast Guard· Merger Plan "eroding education." Board President Dean Olson said he 1s philosophically op- posed to shortening the school day. "That's where learnin1 takes place. We need more, not less, student contact.•• Olson said. Assistant Superintendent Marilyn Harris told Olson that it's not the len&th of time in.the classroom that matters, it's bow the time is used. ''But if you don't spend the time in the classroom, nothin1'1 CWIY,.NtlUH..,... POLITICS 'WEIRD' Controller Cory going to happen,•• Olson responded. Mrs. Harris explained that the reason she was making the re- quest was to provide a "more manaeeable" system for school principals. Teachers have 275-minutes of "student teacher" contact time, which leaves another 40 minutes since the students have a 315- minute school day. School principals have been ua· ine traveline teachers, such as art and music apeclallsll, and part·time teachers to fill in the gap. Mrs. Harris said It would be easier and more fiexible If there waa only a 25 minute differential, Instead of 40 minutes. The same problem does not ex· lat in the lower grades. Kin· derga.rtnera have a 180-mlnute day. first and second graders have a 250-minute day and third graders attend school for 275 mlnut.es. Seventh and ei1hth graders are in school for 315 minutes, tkal tbe same problem does not exist because they travel amone dif· ferent teachers. High school stu- dents have 300-minute days. In casting bis vote for a 3~ minute day, Trustee Frank Hurd commented, "We've said all too lltlle about the impact of this on the Irids ••• I think they'll suffer. We are aoing the wrong way - down instead or up." He added that he bas bad numerous calls from parents asking him not to shorten the • day. Ken Cory to Quit? ~ Ca/,& Orange County Politia 'Weird' State Controller Kenneth Cory said Wednesday be is conakhr· ing iettinl out or politics because it la a "weird" business. Cory, a former cen~al Oranee County 1tate assemblyman, said Orange ~f_~nty politics have been partiwiarly strange. "Of late," .the Democrat said, "I'.m beine velj)' &lad I'm from Orapce County and no longer here.,Hlstoricall)".in this county, there bu been a lack or un- denta.Wlng about\ what the Constitution is about, and what freedom I.a about." Cory did not turther explain the remarks. He spoke at UC Irvine, before about 40 secondary school teachers attending the Robert ,A. Taft Institute of Gov· ernment Seminar. • Cory said he ts "tired" of the 1eeD\fnely endless Investigations or politicians, lncludin& himself. The controller waa lnvestieat· ed for more than a yeat' in con· nection with $600,000 in cam· palgn contributions he received from indicted Orange County political donor Dr. Louis Cella. 'Tm tired of having to prove that I'm not a criminal," he said. Cory blamed the rash of political investigations on Richard Nixon. He called Proposition 9 cam· paign contribution disclosure legislation "an overreaction." "I even have to report it when my nei&hbor elves my kid a pe anu l• butter· and ·Jelly sandwich, because over the course of a year thoae sandwiches mlght add up to a lift overSZS." Of Dr. Cella. Cory said he was amazed that anyone would want to contribute $600,000 to the cam· paign or a state cornroller. More amazing, Cory said, was that "'He never asked me for anything." Cory said he believes Cella donated the money ''because he was crazy," just for the sake of participating in politics. Commenting on his running battle With Standard Oil or California (he campaiened with the sloean ''The man the oil com· panies fear most"), Cory aaid he u confident a lawsuit beine pre- pared aaainst the oil consortium headed by Standard, aUeginc price-flXitla, will be won by the state. · Gay Marriage Banned? .. 1 might end up under a tnack somewhere,•• he said ... but. they'll pay.·· Stale Senate A.pprovea Brigg• MeQfure SACRAMENTO <AP>-A bill bannlne the lssuance of mar· ria1e licenses to bomosexuall wu approved by the atate Senate today wtthllU:l• oppoait.lon. The mea~ure. AB 601 by A'l1emtUyman· Bruce Nutande (R·Orani•>. cleared the upper boul4t on a 23.S vote and was aent to the AlaemblY for ac· Uon on Senate amendmenta. · The blll woulAot make it U· leau for a mJnlater to perfonn a weddlni ouemony tor a bo1110MXUal couple but it wou1d preWmt ~ cleru from'lail· IDI marrla1• lktDlel to ta1 couPlel. ' • The blll wouldn•t atop homoeexual couples from Uvina together or callln1 themselves married. even U the ltate didn't recocni&el~. · But cay-rtt}fta 1roup1 ta)' that without letal recoplUon of mar-- rl,fe,, thtJ don't have the •am• rllbta u other coUJ)I.. ID IUCb areu as Inheritance and ta.iet. The only debate came wben Sen. Milton Marki <R.san Fran· • claco), questioned the need for thebUL "Tbe fact II, there bave been no licenses Issued by county clerka to anyone other than men and women." Marki said. "'lbire ti no neceaslty for thla bill wbat.oever. •• But Brial aald ltate Jaw WU so clouded that a court nilibt OI'· der a Clerk to laue a mani•I• JiCIDM to. boldOIUual couple. Grenades Kill 2 MANILA. The Philippines <AP> -Twrorllts.threw MVe.rti hand grenades into a crowded outdoor market. kllllnc two permis and tnJurtnc u otben. Nl1bt throuah mld· mornlni low clouds, OtherWite fair with buy 1unah!ne ~Sh Friday. LOWI tontcht H to ff, Hl,11'1 Frida170 at be•ebea • to m.ld• lnWid. 2 DAILY PtlO r Thutlld• A uat 1 1 1 en olc~d Arrests Solve Crime Spree A tour din c 11m•· ~&>r&'t mvolv 1n1 " · t.o1a'I 1purt. tar In HWll• ancton S..t'h. • N.SO rob ry ln t1tm1nal«'r and • bunaled bur1lar) r.ttt•mpl 1n < ypre.Ji •P parently ndN1 Wednt"•d•Y with the .,....., of lWO 11 )'Hr.oldl In Or_anp. 1uthc>nU.-uld. 9oclred oa ~hara• ol 1rand 'heR 1uto ind held \Oday In Oranp County J•ll. art 01vld al ton, ol Ger en Grove and Ly11n Roberta . .ii tran•ltnt wlt.h 4Found Stabbed To Death SEASIDE IAPI -The bloodied bodies or a grandmother, her dauahter and two grandchildren were round stabbed to death here early lo· day ' I don't ever w1rnt lo aee any· thing like that a~ain ," said M arvln Theil, 43, a friend of the family who called police "It about made me sick '' Monterey County Coroner II arvey Hill bun 1denllfled the women as Jo&eph1ne Smith, 66. and her dauehter, Suzanne llarns. 28 lie said the &iris were Mrs It urns' daughter. Rachel llarri~. 6. and Mrs fl arris ·niece. Rt>n~ Ferguson. IS In a brief statement, pohce would say only that four females wen• found stabbed lo death ln a blood.led 1tpartment after officers were culled to investigate a "sus p1c1ous circumstance · · The bodies were round In a duplex apartment in this ocean· front community on the edge of a sprawling Army base at Ft. Ord, about 120 miles south of San Francisco. Thiel, who said he was a friend of Renee's mother, Lorraine FerilUllOn, said he went to Mrs. Smith's duplex about S.30 a.m. after trying to tehiphone the ram1ly. "Renee d1dn 't show up for her ~ JOb al the Youth Corps yester· day," hesa1d "l went over to t heir house and knocked on the door The llghta were on and I saw their lltUe do1 inside running around " Thiel said he went around to the back and saw a person he thought waa Renee on rtoor with her hands tied behind her back. "She had her nightgown on," he said Thiel went for pol ice and found a 11quad car at a nearby markat. He said the policemen kicked the door In and they entered the duplex "I walked In and aaw blood all over and the officer told me to get out." he auld. "It was bad." He said he saw bloody footprint.a in the kitchen before he left. An Investigator told a reporter there was no evidence of forced entry, and no motive wu lm- medlatelv known "I wtah I knew whod1d It," Thiel said ''They were all Chriatian people." Thiel aa1d Mra Smith and the Harrtaa had returned to Seulde from Ka.ntu City about one year a10. He aaid they were n1Uvu of the area but had lived for a time In Kanau. Ml.as Fer1uton wu llvln1 with her grandmother. he11ld. ·'They were dolni real &ood. · · he said. A netahbor. Mary Peten1, aald the duplu where the bodies wtrt found bordtrl on her backyard. •·1 didn't htll' 1 Ulin1." 1he Hid. "The Police have been htre thl• momln1, but 1 don't know a thing about i\." nu local addnJi,i., 1&ocord1n1 to Or1rn1&• Pollet· Lt Gall Pvteraon. 1•ete-r11on 11ud thu pair were ar rc:all•d Wcdnellduy even1n& 1n Or un.ie uftur un orr duty Sc1tl Ht'u<·h pol1t·1· oHlcer, Greg Yuun~. »p«>tlcid them 1n u rulit t·olor~ MG report•dly :.tolen Sunday Jn Huntington Beach CypreH police believe lhe two men hroke into a home on Tuta. day Jtemoon but Look off when they realized the home was oc cupied Police said burglary charges are pendln& against the pair The auapecll> uppuently then cruised into Westminster and al legedly robbed a fast-food outlet employe of $450 while bhe wa:. makmi a night deposit Tuesday ut a Bank of America branch 11t Golden West Street and Westminster A venue Westminster Police Ofllcer Earle Graham said the two men did not show. any weapol\B but simply erat>bed the bank I.lag and look orr in the stolen car. The victim. Robin Lincoln. 19. was not injured. She is employed by a Westminster Del 'l'Mco out let A countywide bulletin was 1s sued Monday and the alleged bandits were s pott ed late Wednesday afternoon by Officer Young. who was shoppme m Orange vrange police moved in and captured the suspects at 6 30 p m Wednesda} From Page A J ALLAWAY. • 12. 1976. She sued him for divorce three days before he allegedly took a rifle to the Cal State Fullerton campus and shot nine people, seven of whom died. Allaway's former wife, Carol. also is on call. It was learned that her testimony would be based on psychiatric problems he encoun tered during their marriage. Butler said the jury will be told of Allaway's treatment at a Michigan mental hospital and subsequent evaluations of his progress by psychiatrists Fro•Pa~AJ SUSPECT .•. Berkowitz' car and also found several notes in his car and apartment. one of which warned that Son of Sam would kill again. "I want to see the arum1l's face that took my baby's life," Miss Moskowitz' mother, Neysa, •. aaid today. "And l want him to see me.'' A newspaper, a televl1lon ala· lion and columnist Jimmy Breslin said today that police had told them that Berkowltx, a $13,000 a year letter sorter at a post office in the Bronx, said he planned to 1trike next.ln Suffolk County, on the f•r end of Long Island. They said he •ll•&edly planned to uae the 1ubm•chine gun In a discotheque or ni1ht club. Police said previously that the aame 44·eallber gun had been used In all eight attacks by the Son of Sam. Five women and one man died, three men and four women were wounded. * * .44-caliber Gun Traced to Store HOUSTON <AP> -Houston Polle• Oh.lei Han')' Caldwell 11ld today .that f~ral agent.I have traced to a ~ •hov her• the ··•-caliber aun bellevtd uaed by the NfJW York City killer dubbed ''Son(J(Sam. .. Polle• aald the weapon wts sold June 12, 1'71. te> a man ln his 20I. However, Caldwell aald be has been ln.stn.lcted by federal authorities not to contact the man or say mote about tht ln· vesUgatlon, COUNTY FIREMEN WORK TO EXTRACT VICTIMS FROM WRECKED CAA P•aaenger In This Cer Deed, Driver Crttlc•I After L•gune Hilla Colllalon Crash Kills SJC Woman 7 Hurt in 2-car Lagrma, Niguel Milhap A San Juan C1tpis trano woman was killc.>d and seven people were inJured Wednesday night when two curs colllded in the lntersec· lion or La Paz ij.oad and Moulton P itrkway 1n the Laguna Hilla au ea. A coroner's report tentatively 1dent.Jfied the dead woman as Louise Marie Pearson, 84, or "First R eso rt' Aids S tudents At UC Irvine Studenl!. enrolling at UC Irvine this fall for the fir&t time are Ln· vlted to take advantage begin- ning Monday of a student service called The Finl Resort. The fo'1rst Resort is sponsored by !->tudents and is designed to he lp ne w student• through r e~ist rat1on First Resort counselors will be available on the Ciriit noor or the admlnislra· tion building, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m . Monday through Friday Que:.llona about academic ad- v11ing. reg11tralion proeessea, ho usin g, financial aid and C'ounsehng will be answered by the fo1rst Resort counselors. Th.la year's program is being C'oordmated by seniors Mary Lof- tus and Chris Beard • Groucho Marx Reporte d Fair LOS ANGELES <AP> - Oroueho Marx is In ralr condition at Cedara-Slnal Medical Center, r eC'overlng from a bout of pneumonlti• that roroed hla hos pltalh:atlpn nearl)' two months ogo, a hospital official say1. The 86-year-old comedian "re· main• about the aame, he's sUll re coveri ng ," hospital apokeawoman Virglnla Bohan- non said Wedneaday. 1t waa not known when Marx would be re- lease4. Andrew Marx, the comedian'• 2T ·year.old grandson, con- servator and frequent vtaltor, was unavailable lor comment on Groucho's health Rap Dropped OnPolan.ki LOSANG~LES <AP> -A tree· lance photo1rapher's complaint that ~e was aa .. ul'ed by movie director Roman Pohmekl hJs been rejected by proaeci.itora, ·'In the interest ot Juatlce we've rejected any criminal char1et," Deputy Dlatrtct At· torn~ Michael Mont11qe taid Wtdnelday. 32302 Alipaz Road, t)an Juan Capistrano Said to be in critical condition In Saddleback Com munity Ho11pltal IS the driver or the car In which Mrs Pearson was a passenger. tentatively Identified as Pauline Hiler, 85, of 32141 P a11eo Carolin e, San Juan Capistrano According to a Californi a Highway Patrol report. Mrs Hiler allegedly ran a stop sign at La Paz Roud a nd Moulton Parkway at about 9 30 p m Mrs Hiler's car reportedly col llded with a westbound auto on Moulton Parkway driven by Paul Edward Wimmer. 44, of29742 An na Manu Drive, Laguna Niguel. In the car with Wimmer were Elizabeth Wimmer , 10, Hilda Wimmer , 81, and Lucy Wimmer, 29, all of the Anna Marla Dnve address. Also in the Wimmer auto were Robert Barnes, 57, and Gertie Barnes. 50, both or Arvada. Colo. AU occupants of the Wimmer car were taken to Saddleback Community Hospilal w1lh &n· Juries ranging from minor to ~enous. according to the CHP re· port Garage Shutdown SACRAMENTO IAP > A county bus repair 1arage tn Mountain View, Santa Clara County. has been told by the state to shut down a machine for a "serious safety violation" of usbestOli rules "QUALITY TELEVISION The CHARTRES• H2550P French Prov1nc101 6lyled console. Graceful cabnole legs eno 1n a scroll Genuine Pecan veneerJ and seloc1 hardwood soltda on lop Front, ends and legs of simulated wood Entire cabinet beautifully lrnlshed In Pecan color w11h the took of fine distressing 1,200 Nurses Walk Out LOS ANGELES <AP> -More then l,200 registered n\ll'leS at four Kwser Permanente bealUt care faclUti• walked oil their jobs today Miter a second round o( all·nl1ht bar1alnin1 talks railed to break the wage dispute deadlock Nurses eet up picket llnea aL Kaleer'• Fontane, Panorama Cl· ly. Bellrtowet hospltala and Kala r'1 Sunset Boulevard clinic arter federal mediator• failed to hammer out 1n .,reoment by the 7 1.m. strike deadline le\ by the United Nurses A11oclaUon of Callfornla Both 1ldes have acretd to,.... turn to the bar1alnln1 table at 1 p .m . Friday in hope. of endlnc the stalemated talk1. Kalaer hospltal1 have offered the nurses a 6.S percent pay hike while the nw-ses union ls holdJnc out tor an 8.S percent increase. They atlso reportedly want a voice ln stalf&nl al the faclUtsea. Wednesday's talk• brokt down around S a.m .. accordln1 to K1user Permanente spokesman Bonnie Martin. Tho n\lrltl had scheduled the walkout al 1 a.m. Wednesday. but a1reed to extend the dcudJine lo 7 a.m . today at the request of the federal mediators. BONES FOVND; DROWNED 1957 REDDING (AP) -The bones or a man who drowned 20 years a1:0 were revealed this week as Shasta Lake dropped to its lowest level in history The Shai.ta County coroner's oHace said a wallet was found in mud near the bones containing the Identification of George Svenson of San Francisco. Svenson was 53 when he was last seen on June 8, 1957 paddling :.i boat toward shore 1977 . MODEL CLEARANCE SALE Photo1rapher Curt Gunther compl1lned to police T'*«iay t.Hat after he 1napped a plc:tur• of Polanski kneelin1 at the arave of his wtf e, Sharon Tate, the mov· I 1"·17'•·1 , ... J J"•JI'" •111111 dlrectot'. leaJ)ed upon l\lrn apd 104tchQd a costly mot.Orl1ed u112era. COLOR SEJS ~ .......... 7 l Lag11na/South Coast EDITION VOL. 70, NO. 223, 4 S CTfONS, 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Afteraooa N •• Stoeks THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 19n • TEN CENTS. 'I'm Son of· Sam' Says NY .Suspec~ A~WI,..,..._ TESTS CONFIRM THIS WAS MURDER WEAPON • Pollcem•n Edward Zlgo Shows Su1pect'1 Gun Police Nab 'Shy' Postal Worker NEW YORK (AP> -A S3S ticket for parking too near a fire hydrant led police to a shy postal worker they said was "Son of Sam," the night stalker who killed s ix young people and wounded seven with bis .44· caliber revolver. The arrest came as David lierkow1tz, 24, left his apartment house Wednesday night in sur· burban Yonkers and encountered police, who had staked out the bu1ldmg. <Related stories, map, PageC4). Police said that as Berkowitz stepped into his car, they asked him who he was, and Berkowitz replied: •·r·m Son of Sam. Okay, you've got me.'' He offered no re· sistance, police said. "We have him,'' a police spokesman for 1st Deputy Police Commjssioner J ames·Taylor told reporters later. Police said he told them he wanted to "go out In a blaze of glory" because he felt the police were closing in on him. Berkowitz was formally booked today at the 84th Precinct in Brooklyn on charges of second degree murder, at· tempted murder , assault and possession of a deadly weapon ln the murder of Stacy Moskowitz, 20, the killer's latest victim. Her date, Robert Violante, 20, was wounded and may never see again Weanne worn.out blue Jeans, a light blue and while striped shirt and h ghl brown suede shoes, Berkowitz souled al reporters as a cordon of pohce moved hlm out or the prec inct house. Berkowitz was arraigned later in Brooklyn Criminal Court for the murder of Miss Moskowitz. Criminal Court Judge Richard Brown ordered hiO'l held without bail and sent hi m to Kings Coun. ty Hospital for a psychiatric ex· amination. The courtroom was jammed wilh reporters and police of· ficers, a ll of whom were searched with a metal detector before entering Brown ordered that Berkowitz be segregated from other prisoners. Eugene Gold, the district at· torney for Brooklyn, announced that a grand jury would bel!D considering the case later today. Police said thev sebed two shotguns in his seventh·fioor apartment and a .44·caliber Charter Arms Bulldog revolver Berkowitz carried with him as he entered his cream.colored Ford Gal axle sedan outside his apart· ment house. They said he also earned a brown bag with two dozen bullets and a poem. Ballistics tests early today con· firmed the revolver was the same one that was used in the killing or Miss Moskowitz, police said. Later, they said tests linked the gun to an earlier Son or Sam attack, and tests relating to other attacks were in progress. The poem found in the bag described the death of a young woman -". . .And hu1e drops or lead poured down upon her head untilshe was dead ... " Police said they found a sub- machine gun in a gunny sack in Berkowitz' car and also found several notes in his car and apartment, one or which warned that Son or Sam would kill a1ain. "I want t.o see the animal's A~WI .......... HELO IN SLAYINGS David Berkowitz, 24 · face that took my baby's life." Miss Moskowitz' mother. Neysa. said today. "And I want him to see me." <See SUSPECT, Pase AZ) San Juan WoDian Killed i¥. Ca,-Crash Laguna Niguel Collision Hurts 7 A San Juan Capistrano woman was killed and seven people were Injured Wednesday ni1ht when two cars colllded in the intersec· lion of La Paz Road and Moulton Parkway in the Laguna Niguel area. A coroner's report tentatively identified the dead woman as Louise Marie Pearson. 84, of 32302 AJlpaz Road, San Juan Capistrano. 1 Focuses on Sanity SaJd to be in critical condition Jn Saddleback Community Hospital i11 the driver of the car ln which Mrs. Pearson was a pasaen1er, tentatively identllled as Pauline Hiler, 85, of 32141 Paaeo Caroline, San Juan Capiatrano. ... A.llaway's Latcyer Says 'No Defense' By TOM BARLEY °' .. o.lly ,.. ... , .... Edward Charles Allaway's lawyer decided ln a surprise move today t.o offer no derenae t.o char1n that his client kllled seven people and wounded two others on the Cal State Fullerton campus. Carter Eying Coast Guard ' Merger Plan Deputy Public Defender Ron Butler's decision startled the prosecution ln view of his earlier declaration that he would argue bis client's diminished mental capacity at the time or the cam· pus shootings. Butler refused to comment to- day on the reason for his over· night switch-in-tad~. But it was learned that he now intends to use those witnesses scheduled for today's court ac- tion as part or the sanity phase that will conclude the trial Ir the jury returns guUty verdicts on any or all or the nine felony counts. The jury will be sent to Its de· liberations after Butler and Chief Deputy District Attorney James Enright offer their final ar1u- ments. Enright closed his case aiainst the former campus janitor late Wednesday after calling a total of 13 prosecution witnesses to the courtroom. B~ler then stated that he would bring a number of wit· nesse1 to tbe stand today tn the belief that tbe jury ml1ht return (See ALIA WAY• P•1e AZ> LaguDa Coverage Other La1un• Beach area st.ortes and photos appear today onPqeC'T. According to a California H11hway Patrol report, Mn. Hiler allqedly ran a stop sign at La Paa Road and Moulton Parkway at about 9:30 p.m. Mn. Hiler'• car reportedly col· Uded with a westbound auto on Mo.ult.on Parkway driven by Paul Edward Wimmer, 44, of 29742 An· na Maria Drtve, Laguna NifQel. In the car with Wimmer were Elizabeth Wimmer, 10, Hilda Wimmer, 81, and Lucy Wimmer, 29, all ol the Anna Marla Drive address. Also ln the Wimmer auto were Robert Sames, 57, and Gertie Barnes, 50, both of Arvada, Colo. All occupants of the Wimmer car were taken to Saddleback Community Hospital with in· juries ran1lng from minor to serious, according to the CHP re· port. ................ ~ COUNTY FIREMEN WORK TO !XTRACT VICTIMS FROM WRECKED CAR PHHnger In Thi• Car De1d, Driver Critical After L•gun• Hiiia Colll1lon Airport Hazard Removed San Juan Cuts Bamboo Pareh From Approach By WILLIAM RODGE OI t111 Delly P'IMt Sl.-H San Juan Capistrano city crews have besun removing a troublesome bamboo patch that has forced a 1bortening of the ci· ty airport's runway. The runway shortening, or· dered by state aeronautics of. ficlal1 becaute the bamboo pre- sented a hazard to approacblnt a.trcraft, created an "extremely danseroua" 1ltuaUon, an airport owner told councilmen laat week. "We we.re finally able to run down the att.omey for the trust and be gave us verbal permlaalon to cut down the bamboo," San Juan City Mana1er James Mocalis said Wednesday. Mocalls told councilmen last week the city could not remove the bamboo since the landowner on whQse property the patch was located had died recently .. "We'll invite the state t<> come back :now and take another look t.o 1ee lf the threshold can be moved back,'' Mocalls eald. The so·called "dl1placed threshold" requires pilota to land beyond the normal landin& apot on the airfield's runway. The move cut a. feet off the refl.l)ar 1,900-f oot runway. Even thouih Mocalla will uk state lruspectors to check out tho runway araln, be maintains be was told • freeway advertiainf sign alone waa enouab t.o requite the displaced lhreahold. But !tart Tucker, Southern California regional direetor fOC' the State blvlsion of Aeronautics, aald Wedneaclay lt was tbe bamboo patch that prompted the st•te·ordtred runwayabortentns. to get a freeway advertising sign in the area removed. The aign is located next t.o the San Die10 Freeway Just to the ri1ht of the airport's approach coarse. Sute official• are awaiting a state Supreme Co\trt decision on a auJt filed aaatnst 1iin abate- <&.HAZARD, Pase AZ) Coast Night lhrou1h mid· snornlat low cloud1, otberwiM fair with buy sunshine thtouib Friday. Lowa tonf1ht H to H . H.llba Friday '10 at beaches to mJd;aJa lDJand. ..... , illl. 'f PILOT u se 'Smiling Again' Laguna Water District Meets Goal ··w~ '" m 1hng • u1n p•ld Joe • an). 1enN •l m anr.11cr ol L.arun• tt.-111rh ('ountv Watu 0 llic1 And, 1ndt-1~ Sw1·im v ~H arnal "'II So.. It•• little h•PP> ran UUl Ill front ..,, lh• w•ter dl1tnct hcadqu rttri. '4h1t·h !!mild wheon the dt<itnrt mf' ... ti. 1t aoaJ of 15 percet. t'Ul batk It frowna whrn weekly lot.ala show U11a1e 11 u t'MdlnJ t.hat hm1t aler usaae for lhf! pat.I week tn Ul\Ula Beuh Willi nearly 18 pere«ll below that or the um~ penod Jut year That's why aw 'I wai1 all !>m1h:s Tbt week before, the dutncl Yi.op had !>lipped lo only 8 per- c-ent below that or last yeu . The frown wu pre5cnt then 'The water board hid even mullt'd c:nank1n1 up Ill public re lat1un11 cump11lan to remlnJ Pf'<> pit' Uw need fur wt1lcr 1ut\11n11111 w•• ,uu present, Swcuny 1u1d The-uoly UJJlunullun he hMd fo1 the r11c in Ul>Uj(c w1111 the hot w1•1tht-r und c:rowtb proJM:llcd to the bt.•ut•h bccOUlll' or the hnl Whul Wt• ha vc to believe I!'. th•il there wt.'rc u huck of a lot of pt·ovlc In I.own, but the water they re drinking here, they're not drmlun& m Coronu dd Mar or Torrance or 1>omeplace else," he udded. The city of Laguna Beach and the Laguna Beach County Water Dtatncl are two sepuatl! l(O\I ernmental enlJties. The caly 1s a customer or lhe du1tr1cl 11nd &!> a cu!ltomer, municipal Laguna hit.') cut water U.'le by 17 to 4e pe~eot dependina on the clty activity in· volvoo Sweany complimented the city on 11..\ efforts ul a JOklt meeting of the city council and the water board of dJrectors. Smee Aprll S when the cutback wuM declared. the district usage ti. down neurly 20 percent. Bourd President Richard J uhruu1J said the district had hud good cooperation from l'Veryonc Board member Wayne BagUn, nott.-d, however, that usage can 11llll chmb, especially with hot weather "We 've still got to get the me11sage across, we sllll need your help Things aren't aH that glorious out there," Sweany said, despite the smile. Ken Cory to Quit? Ud/,s Orange County Politics 'Weird' State Controller Kenneth Cory \.~aid Wt.'<.lnesday he is consider- )ng gett.mg out of politics because 1t 1s a "weird" business. Cory, a former central Orange County slate assemblyman, said Orange County politics have been particularly SI.range. "Of late," the Democrat said, · I'm ~ang very glad I'm from Orange County and no longer llt'rc Jhstoracally in this county, there has been a lack or un· tkrstanding about what the Conslttutaon ts about, and what rreedom 1s about." Cory did not rurlher explain the remarks. lie spoke at UC Irvine, before about 40 secondary :.chool teachers atlendmg the Robert A Tart JnslJtule or Gov· ernment Seminar. Cory said he is "tired" ol the seemingly endless invesUcaUoos ol politicians, including hll'll8eU. The controller was invest.teat- ed for more than a year ln con- nection with $600,000 in cam- paign contributions he received from indicted Orange County ' political donor Dr. Louis Cella. ''I'm tired or having to prove that I'm not a criminal," he said. De!IJ Plt.e It.ff PllM• POLITICS 'WEIRD' Controller Cory Cory blamed the rash of politic al investigations on Richard Nixon. Jim Dilley 'Ready For Another_ Fight' 'Tm anxious to be up and al them again. There's a lot or fi1ht lert in th.is old carcass," aa)d Laguna Greenbelt rounder Jim Dilley loday from his hospital bed, two weeks after sufferinc a heart atlack. Hospital officials said Dilley ~as been making steady progre~s since the attack. He hopes to be released from the hospital in several days, but will be confined lo bed for some time. Dalley's gentle manner and nimble wit have proved auc· cessful ~he has lobbied aealnat c:\evelopers and for preservation of undeveloped lands around Laguna Beach. The former university pro. fessor, owner of Dllley's Books in downtown Laeuna Beach , rostered the cause or the lA&una Greenbelt beginning in 1968 and has pushed it to official r ecognl- Protest Aired CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP> -South African newspapers prou.ted editorial· lY tod-.y over tbe preaence ot an ·.American dJplomat'11 wife, Judy WilUama, at a protest dem- onatratlon a1ain11t the raalne ot a black shantytown. °"ANOI COMT UK DAILY PILOT ti on by the city and county. Dilley bas served as president of the Laguna Greenbelt, Inc., fhe nonprofit organization set up lo lobby for and implement preservation oftbe lands, until re- cently when he step~ down due lo Ul health., · fi'rorn Page A I -, • a rindJng of diminished mental capaicity. His overnight change or stance • wu described today by a veteran trial lawyer u ••a decision to put all his egp in one basket. "Butler obviously believes he can Jet a ruli.u of insanity from • this jury," the lawyer said. "He lot.ends to concentrate his fire on the sanity pbue." • AIDOOi the witnesses remain· inl on call today are Allaway's estraneed wife and a former spouse who may now be used ln the expected sanity phase of the trial. Butler commented Wednesday that he retards Bonnie Allaway. 26; as a key witness in hia defense of Allaway, 32. It · wea testJfled before the prosecution cloeecl Its C8M Wed· nesda,y that Mra. Allaway was with her husband. when he summ- dered to Anaheim police on July 12,1976. She sued him fol' divorce three d•J'• before he aUeaecUy toQlt a rine to the Cal Stat.e Fullerton campua and abot nine people, HveD tA wbom died. Allaway'• former wile, Carol, also ii Oil call. It wu leamed that her tMtlmony would be based on p1ychlltrlc problenu he encoun· tued dµrina tbelr marrlaae. lie called Proposition 9 cam- paign contribution disclosure legislation "an overreaction." "I even have to report it when my neighbor gives my kid a peanut -butter-and-jelly sandwich, because over the course or a year those sandwiches might add'up to a gift over $25. '' Of Or Cella, Cory said be was amazed that anyone would want to contribute $600,000 to the cam- paign of a stale controller. More amazing, Cory said, was that "He never asked me for anything." Cory said be believes Cell a d onated the money "because he was crazy," justfor the sake or participating in pohllcs Commenting on his running battle with Standard Oil of California <he campaillled with the slogan "The man the oil com- panies fear most"), Cory said he is confident a lawsuit being pre- pared against the oil consortium headed by Standard, alleging price-fixing, will be won by the stale. "l might end up under a truck somewhe re," he said, "but they'll pay." 'Ibree Mesans Injured in .:. Laguna Crash Three Costa Mesa men were inJured in a traffic accident Wednesday ln Laeuna Beach. Randy Mendez, 20, of 534 Travers Drive, was most serious- ly hurt in the 3 p.m. miahap oo Pacific Coast Highway near an entrance to Emerald Bay. Mendez waa reported in stable condition today at, Mercy Hospital. He suffered a back in· jury in the colllalon. Also injured were William Hensley, 19, of SSO PaulariJlo Ave., and Robert Manning, 17, of 510 Pierpont Drive. Both were released after emer1ency room treatment at South Coast Com- m unity ffoepltal. Laguna Beach Police said 1 car driven by Mannina was southbound on Pacific Coast Hlabway when It collided broadside with a vehicle maklna a V-t.um across the hl1bway. The drivtr of the other vehicle was 1denUfled as Eve Moore, ST, of 1974 Federal St., Costa Mesa. Bandit Gets $200 Cashin I aguna Heist A blond eunman hit the 11c Toe Market In La1una Beach~ $200 and the clerk'• 1la11es today. Police s,t. Vlc Satan aald the 1:30 a.m. crime at tbe market. 885 Glenne)'re St., wu com· mltted by a man in h1I early 21111, about 1lx feet tall, ol averaae btUld and weartn1 an Air' 'J'olW- typo ru..ht Jack«. Th• man produced a lone· barreled band~ end demanded the clerk turn ovtr tbe 1tore'1 ~ celpt.t and then before le1Yiftc, he ordered t!M clerk to clve him bl.I Wlfe.rim aiaua. No vlhlcl• WU Hell Ot beUd leavlile lho area. Tbe bladtt eluded Police wit~ eombbaj the lttl. 4 ..... CITY CREWS CUT BACK BAMBOO PATCH AT SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO'S AIRPORT After Long Legel Deley, 1 Potentially Oangeroua SHu1tlon la Eliminated Frortt Page A J HAZARD •.. ment procedures. The "cfulplaced threshold' con· troversy surfaced last week when an angry airport owner told councilmen t he shortene~ runway created an extremely dangerous situation for ptlots landing Mt the airport. Officer Ban Himself In A San Clemente police offi cer found himself a prisoner early lo· day, when his key would not open either door or the police station booking cage. Police Chief Gary Brown said someone probably a person who was under arrest had stuffed both key holes or the booking cage with something which might be chewing gum. Brown swd the officer banged on the window of the cage doors to attract the attention or fellow officers, who released him from brief confinement. Judge Says 'Snuff' Tools Not Evidence Tools found at a desert location allegedly planned as the scene for the shooting of pornographic movies that would end with the killings and dismemberment of two female participants have been barred from the case against an accused Costa Mesan. Judge H. Warren Knight re· jected, the collection or inslru· ments as inadmissible evidence in Orange County Superior Court action that included his reduction of Fred Berre Douglas' bail from $250,000 to $150,000. T he judge beld that the search for the instruments had violated Douglas' constitutional rights. The 54-year-old upholsterer faces arraignment Aug. 18 on charges or attempted murder and conspiracy. He has nol yet come up with the reduced bad and is held in county jail.• . The ruling by Judge Knight prevents the prosecution from Ln· lroducang as evidence an assort· ®QUALITY TELEVISION The qHARTRES • H2550P French Provincial styled console. Graceful cabrlole legs enCI In a scroll. Genuine Pecan veneers and select hardwood solids on top. Front, ends and legs of slmulated wood. Entire cabinet beautifully finished In Pecan color with lhe look of fine dlatf9Slng. menl of butcher knives, bone saws, ice picks and other instru- ments allegedly found July 20 near a Yucca Valley desert l:>hack. Douglas was arrested at t.he scene by two undercover pollce women who claimed they were cnhsted for lesbian lovemaking in movies to be shot by Douglas. It is alleged that Douglas then intended to murder them and dis· member them as the final scene in his "snuff porno" movie. A witness test1f1ed in municipal court action against Douglas that he offered her Sl,000 for each of five women he asked her to recruit for movie making and s ubsequent torture and ehmmat1on She testified that Douglas told her he had already killed five such women who starred in his movies, dismembered them and burled them in the surrounding desert 1977 MODEL CLEARANCE SALE 13''•17 .. ·I 9'\.2J .. ·Z5 .. •ega•ll COLOR SE.TS aho W.Ck & wWh Call for Pricing \ Orange Coast EDITION VOL. 70, NO. 223,' SECTIONS, '2 PAGES Today's Closing N.Y. Stoeks N TEN CENT NYC Crowd Chants, 'Kill! Kill!' Accused 'Son of Sam ' Arrested 4PWl1'9"'9l• TESTS CONFIRM THIS WAS MURDER WEAPON Policeman Edward Zigo Shows Suspect's Gun NEW YORK CAP> -The greatest manhunt in New York City history ended today with the accused .44-cahber slayer con- signed to a mental ward. Outside the court, a sidewalk crowd de- manded his life be forfeited, chanting, "Kill' Kill'" The seizure of the so-called Son of Sam. said by police to be responsible for six murders, came as he reportedly planned a monumental bloodbath to climax his dark career. Paunchy, bland-looking David Berkowitz, 24, an Army veteran who worked as a $13,000·a-year po:,tal clerk, was quoted as say· mg he planned a machine-gun raid on an unselected but pre· sumably crowded discotheque in the Hamplons, the Long Island :;ummer haunt of the wealthy and socially prominent. Police said Berkowitz, who was a New York City auxiliary policeman for three years in the early 1970s, told them he want~ lo "go out in a blaze of glory." An unmaiied letter to Suffolk County authoralles and a map of Long hland beaches reportedly were found in Berkowitz's car after his arrest Wednesday nl1ht outside his apartment house in Yonkers, a city of 150,000 adjoin- ing New York City to the north. At a news conference, Police Commissioner Michael Codd said that a $35 parking ticket hung on Berkowitz's car near the scene of the last murder and a tip from a source in Yonkers were key factors leading to his arrest. Codd also revealed for the first time that Berkowitz had left a fingerprint on one or two earlier notes that fell mto police hands. Berkowitz went before Judge Richard Brown in the Brooklyn Criminal Court shortly before noon. He was charged with the latest or the six slayings, that of Stacy Moskowitz. 20, last July 31 -two days past the anniversary • of the first .44-caliber murder. He also was charged with the attempted murder or he r boyfriend, Robert Violante, also 20, who may have been blinded for life by the ktller's gunfire. Other charges included usault and possession of a deadly weapon, the 44 -callber Bulldog revolver that was used in all sax slayings and in the woundmg or seven other persons. "Are you David Berkowitz?" asked Judge Brown. "Yes," replied the defendant softly, a smile ever present dur- 1 n g various appearances throughout th~ day He was clad in worn jeans. brown suede shoes, a IJghl blue and white, short-sleeved shirt Has dark hair was unruly, but not unduly long, has eyes clear and blue, his skin smooth. Brown ordered Berkowitz re· munded lo Brooklyn's Kings County Hospita l , wher e psychiatrists will determine whether Berkowitz is mentally capable of pleading lo the charges and standing trial A re- port was expected within 30 days. "I trunk the accused Is entitled to a defense." said Philip Peltz, one of two l awy.ers who represented the defendant, after the bail hearing ended. "We 1111 have an obligation to protect hi s precious rights." But 100 to 200 persons on the sidewalk outside the court house APWl,..pMIO HELD IN SLAYINGS David Berkowitz, 24 · dis agreed, shouting an unison, "Kall ' KJll 1" Also in disagreement was bartt•ndt•r John Diel. who fStt !iUSPECT, Page A2) Ken Cory Planning· .to Leave · Politics? C>elly ........... -· POLITICS 'WEIRD' Controller Cory --- Calls Coun t y P rob ings 'W e ird' State Controller Kenneth Cory said Wednesday he Is consider- ing getting out of politics because it is a "weird" business. Cory, a former central Orange County stale assemblyman, said Orange County pollllcs have been particularly strange. "Of late," the Democrat said, ''I'm being very glad I'm from Orange County and no lonrer here. Historically in thl1 county, there has been a lack or un- derstanding about what the Constitution is about, and what freedom is about." Cory did not further explain the remarks. He spoke at UC lrvlne, before about 40 secondary school teachers attending the Robert A. Taft Institute or Gov· ernment Seminar. Cory said he Is "tired" of the seemingly cndle:.s invest1gat1on~ of politician:.. including htm:.clf The controller wa., in Vl''>I lltCIL ed for more than a ycur 111 t·on· nection with $600,00IJ 1n t·um paign t•ontnhut1on., hC' ret·c1ved Crom ind1l·ted Orang1· Count~ poltl.Jcal donor l>r l.ou1:. Ct:ll..i 'Tm tired of havin~ to prnVl' that I'm not a cl"lmlnal. .. he Mud Cory blam('d the rar.h or pollttcal lnve!>t1gut1ons on Richard Nixon. lie called Proposition 9 cam- paign contribution disclosure legislation •·an overreaction ... "I even have to report it when my neighbor gives my kid a peanut-butler -and-jelly sandwich, because over the course of a year those sandwiches might add up to a gin. overS25." Of Dr Cella, Cory said he was umall'd that anyone would want lo c·o11t n bulc $600,000 lo the cam- p;,i 1g11 ol a state controller. ~ rn l' ama11ng, Cory said, was 1 h.11 I h· lll'Vt•r asked me for .111 \ t hini.: " Cory said he believes t "t·ll;1 clonaled the money l1t·t·.111M· he was crazy." just ror l tw ..,u ke of parlicipatins in pdltlt('S Commenting on his running hulllc w1Lh Standard Oil of Cahfom1a Che campaigned with the slo~an "The man the oil com· panics rear most"'· Cory said he 1s confident a lawsuit t>.lng pre- pared against the oil consortium headed by Standard, alleging price-f&xmg , wall be won by the state. "I might end up-under a truck somewhere," he said, "but they'll pay." . Attorney Springs a Surprise By TOM BARLEY Oftlw Delly Piie! Stell Edward Charles Allaway's lawyer decided an a surprise move today to offer no defense to charges that his client killed seven people and wounded two others on the Cal State Fullerton campus. Deputy Public Defender Ron Butler's decision startled the prosecution m view of his earlier declaration that he would &riue his client's diminished mental capacity at the tame or the cam· pus shootinJts. Butler refused to comment lo- day -oo the reason ror his over· night switch ln tactics. But it wu learned that he now Coast Ni&ht throuah mid· mornln& low clouds, otherwise fair with hai.y sunshine throu1h Friday. Lows tonlcht Ge to ea. Rl1hs Friday TO at beaches to mid..,. Inland. Al~y Defeme WithhelJ, intends to use those witnesses scheduled for today's court ac- tion as part of the sanity phase that will conclude the trial IC the jury returns guilty verdicts on any or all of the nine felony counts. The jury will be sent to its de· liberations after Butler and Chief Deputy Di.strict Attorney James Enright offer their final ar1&1· ments. Enright closed his case against the former campus janitor late Wednesday after calllng a total or 13 prosecution witnesses lo the courtroom. Butler then stated that he would bring a number of wil· nesses to the stand today in the belief that the jury might return a finding of diminished mental capaicity. His overnight change of stance was deicribed today by a veteran trial lawyer as "a decision to put all his eggs in one basket. "Butler obviously believes he Arches Sold Ouner Ends 22 Yean at Cafe After 22 yean and three days, B a c h t l o r b o u g h t t h e Bob Qachelor is calllni lt qulta. restaurant and liquor 1tore that The 88·year.old Newport slt• on WHt Coast Hi1hway Beach retldent has 1old the beside the Newport Boulevard Arches restaurant and nelibbor· arches brfd(e Aus. 8, 1955. lnt liquor store and today wlll be He sold lt, in a deal that closed hi• last day on the job. • todaf, to a IJdo l1to couple, Mr. "You mlaht aay I'm planntni and Mrs. Neil Brooks. to take 1\ easy," the ailver·bai~ Bachelor declined to comment rest.aurateut Qld aa be readied on the price he 1ot ror the two Uae eaterj for lunch. (Ste ARCH , Pa&• "2> can get a ruling of insanity from , this jucy." the lawyer said. "He intends lo concentrate his fire on the sanity phase." Among the witnesses remain- ing on call today are Allaway's estranged wife and a former spouse who may now be used In the expected sanity phase of the trial. Buller commented Wednesday that he retards Bonnie Allaway, 26, as a key witness In his defense of Allaway, 32. It was testified before the prosecution closed its case Wed- nuday that Mra. Allaway was with her husband when he aurren· dered to Anaheim police on July 12, 1W76. She sued him for divorce three days before he alleaedly took a rtne to the Cal State Fullerton ' oampua and shot nine people, seven of. whom died. . Allaway's fQrmer wife, Carol. also ls on call. It W81 leamed that her tnt.Imony would be based on p1ychlat..ric problems ho enc:oun· terecl durint their marriat•· BUUer said the Jury wJU bt told or Allaway's treatment at a Mlchl1an mental hospital and sµbsequent ev1luatlon1 or hls Jf rosreu y P'YChlat.rlatl. Dally Pl ... St.ff PMI• t-41S HONOR GETS SEATS FOR BISHOP CENTER Dee Cook (Foreground) Aided by Ex·Councllman Don Elder Chambers Go Part of Newport, in Bialwp. By JOANNE REYNOLDS 041 .. 0e11rf'l ... SIMf There'll be a little bit or Newport Beach in Bishop after today. · 'l'RE 1,NNARDS ot Newport's old city council chambers were hauled out or city hall by former Newport Beach coun- cilman and current Bishop Mayor Dee Cook to complete the Inyo County's city's civic center. Cook said Bishop has never bad a civic center. Jts city council meets in the town's onJy auditorium whero ''the accoustie11 are worse than a cow barn." Not only ls the sound system bad, CoOk aald, but coun. cllmen are crowded toaether, two to a duk, which means they bave to straddle desk legs. Cook said he talked bls fellow councilmen Into remodel· tng an U,000-square fool wrn1 of a condemned school lo pro· vldelhetown with a olvlc center. INCLUDED IN the remodelinaJob, which was done wllh $70,000Jn revenue aharillg funds and volunteer help, la an 875.9Quare foot council chamber wtticb will be fumi&hed with Uledailand1eatincfromNewport'1 ab.ndonedchambers. The vacatecfNewport Beach cou"°"cll cbambera are 1lat· ed lo be retnodoled into otnce1pace to house either the trattlc Hfetf department or th buatnas Ucen e cUvillon. Tb•t 1tiOtk lsal fDr COft}pletlon bJ Doc. l. . J N Tl'lureday Aug111t 11, 1 tn Four Stabbed In Apartment SE AS I r> F. I A I' 1 • -Th~: bl o c1 d 1 e d b"d1 es of • u•ndmulher. her d•uJth\et and two grandcblldnn werr e rwnd i.t•bbod tu d..ath here •·•rly W. 1 da)'. · I don l c1."r v.iu1l to""" uny ttunrt lake lh11t 111ealn ." uad Marvin Thell, 43. a (nend ol the faroUy who called vollce. "Jl about made me 111ck •' Monterey County Coroner ffatTey Killbun 1dcntiOed the women u Joseptune Smith. 66, and her daughter, Suzanne Harns, 28. He s111d the saris were Mrs. H.arru' daughler. Raebel Harns, 6, and M rs Harns' ruece, Renee Fergu:.on, 15. ln a bner htatement. police would say only lhal four females were found stabbed to death ln a bloodied apartment after officers were calJed lo mvesllgate a "su.s- p1c1ous circumstance." The bodJes were found in a duplex apartment m tbJs ocean· front community on the edge of a sprawling Army base at Ft. Ord, about 120 miles south or San Francisco. SJC Woman Killed in Auto Crash /\ San Juan Cap1:.tr ano woman "'"as killed and ~even people were tnJUrl'<l Wednesday rught when two cars colladt•d an the intersec- l1on of La Paz Road CAnd Moulton Parkway an th(• Laguna Hills area. A coron<·r·!{ report tentatively 1dcnlif1t.>d the d<'<td woman as Louise Marie Pearson, 84, of 32302 /\hpa1. Hoad, San Juan Capistrano Said to be in critical condition 10 Saddleback Com munity I lospital 1s the driver of the car in which Mrs. Pearson was a passeng<'r, tentatively identified as Pauline Hiler, 85, of 32141 Pasco Caroli n e, San Juan C<1p1strano. According to a Ca1iforni<i Highway Patrol report , Mrs. • Hiler allegedly ran a stop sign at La Paz Road and Moulton Parkway at about 9· 30 p.m Mrs Hiler's car reportedly col· laded with a westbound auto on Moulton Parkway driven by Paul f1dward Wimmer, 44, of 29742 An· na Mana Drive, Laguna Niguel. In the car with Wimmer were Elizabeth Wimmer, 10, Hilda Wimmer, 81, and Lucy Wimmer, 29, all of the Anna Maria Drive address. Also in the Wimmer auto were Robert Barnes. 57, and Gertie Barnes, 50, both of Arvada. Colo. All occupants of the Wimmer car were taken to Saddleback Community Hospital with in· juries ranging from m inor to serious, according to the CHP re· port. Rap Dropped On Polanski LOS ANGELES t AP) -A Cree- la nee photographer's complaint that he was a~saulted by movie director Roman Polanski has been reJeeted by proseculQra. •·Jn the Interest of justice ~ we've rejected any criminal . charges," Deputy District Al· torney Michael Montaana ~aid Wednesday. Photographer Curt Gunther complained to police Tuesday that after he snapped a picture of Polanski kneellna at the (rave of his wile, Sharon Tate, the mov· ie director leaped upon ham and snatched a coatly motorized camera. ORANOI 00MT H DAILY PILOT . ...,. ...... ~-,,_ va....-~,!,= • ...._. ~ .,,.._. ........ .............. CMf'Mlll . ..-..... "' .. Mini-~ .. ~ 'J'h1el, who uld he wa• 11 friend 41J R•n~e·a lnotbcu-. Lorraine I'' .. r1u~ aald h~ went to Mra. Smlth'a duplex about 6:80 a.m. after trylnt: t.o telephone the lumlly. "Rene~ d1dn'l 11how up for her job ul the Youth Corp11 yester· duy." ht-swd. • J went onr to lbeJr houae and knoc:ked on the door. The U1hts wt!re on and I saw their UtUe dog m•lde running around." Thiel stud be went around lo the back and uw a J)4eCSOll he thought was Reoee on fioor with her hands tied behind her back. "She had her nightgown on," he said. Ttuel went for police and found a squad car at a nearby market. He said the policeman kicked the door in and they entered the duplex. .. I walked in and saw blood all over and the officer told me to &et out " he said ... It was bad." He said be saw bloody footpnnts in the kitchen before he left. An investigator told a reporter there was no evidence of forced entry, and no motive was im· mediately known. ··1 wish I knew whodidit,''Thiel said. "They were all Christian people." Thiel said Mrs. Smith and the Harrises had returned to Seaside from Kansas City about one year ago. He said they were natives of the area but had lived for a time in Kansas. • Miss Ferguson was living with her grandmother, be said. "They were doing real good," he said. A neighbor, Mary Peters. said the duplc1< where the bodies were found borders on her backyard. "l didn't hear a thing," she said. "The police have been here this morning, but I don't know a thing about it.•• Carter Eying Coast Guard Merger Plan WASHINGTON <AP) -The Carter administration Is con· s1dering merging the U.S. Coast Guard into a single federal agen· cy that would police the country's borders, according to informed sources. The Coast Guard transfer is one or several options in a draft re· or ganization proposal prepared by the White House OWce of Drug Abuse Policy. Al this stage, it is Just an option, the sources sald The paper is concerned with achieving greater coordination among the eight agencies that now have partial responsibility for the border. The Immigration and Naturalization Service has con· trot over lhe passage or aliens over the border, but lt often does not communicate with the Customs Service, which controls the flow of goods, inctudincdruaa. the reportsald. In addition to the Customs Service, various a1encies of lhe Agriculture and Justice depart· ments are active on the border, both in the drug enforcement field and ln tryirur to atop unhealthy plant.I and Wmala from entering thecountry. . The Coast. Guard. which bas responsibility for marine safety and search and rescue opera· tions, ia part of the Transporta· lion Department. The study included opUOM for placina the proposed umbrella border agency within one of tbe exlating departrnent1 and for creating a new Cabinet-level etc. partment tor lt, the sources sald. Tb«'~ aald th.It It ml&bt be po11lble to achieve better coordination and efftclency by merctnl all ot these or•anl&a· ttons. Butlt wanted that a mtrcer mlcht aertoualy dtarupt tbe pet10GDOI of tbe ••encles al· feeted. I - NEWPORT TRIANGLE ComptomlH Studied lnneFlap ~ Solution By Riley? Oranae County Supervisor Thomas Riley has come up with a proposal aimed at setllln& a i.oning dispute over 6S acres of unincorporated land surrounded by the city of Newport Beach. Supervisors shipped the p~ posal to county Planning Con:i· missioners and called for their report by Aug. 31 •• The trtan1le ol land la bounded by an oil field, Superior Avenue and Production Place and cur- rently is zoned for commercial and indualrial facilities along with apartments and a mobile. home park. Newport Beach city officials had requested that most of the land, except for it.a southern tip, be r.oned foe either Ugbt industry oromces. · • But county planning com- missioners recommended that the land north or 15th street between Monrovia and Placentia A venues along with that southern portion be zoned ror apartments or mobile homes with the re- mainder for industry and olfices. Riley said Wednesday the com· missioner's recommendation meets neither with the approval of area residents nor Newport Beach officials. Instead, he proposed zoning the area gene rally west of Monrovia for light industry, and th e a rea generally east of Placentia for offices. with the re· malnder left for apartments and the mobile home park. Newport Beach orricials have feared leavin& a large area zoned for apartments could lead to de· velopmenl of 165 additional units near Hoag Memorial Hospital. They said the county's zoning could permit up to 12 units an acre compared to Newport Beach's apartment zoning which hmils construction to eight units per acre. But numerous landowners in that triangle told suJ)flrvisors they wanted the cotJDtY density even hi gher than 12 units, con· tending lower densities would decrease their property values. · Fr-Page A J \ ARCHES ••• businesses, although various sources put it at $1.1 million. According t.o Bachelor, tbe restaurant, which serves French cuisine, hu operated lonaer Ulan any other in Newport Beaeh \ln· der a sin&le ownersbJp. "l think l 'll iUlt start collecting my Social Security," be com· mented. ••After all, I'm gotnc to be 87 in September.·• F,....P"fl8AI SUSPECT ••• escaped injury Jan. 30 when bis &lrl lrieod, ChriaUne Freund, 86, became Son o1 S•IJ\'I aecond fatality. I Dlel declared, .. Wbat UN does he haw IOI' IOCiety? Tbey 1hould juat let him )OOH, and )et otbtr people tak9 care of blm. & bu no place oo tbeeartb..0 And Yln Moakowtta'• father, Jury, aa1d bltt.ty: .. U tbef left me alone with him, I'd loot at blm and ..,, •Wbyt' Ttien I'd probabl.7 etart nlqbi .. I ti't •winf ~aslti, bUt I'm • teamster and rd wt~ u.e 0oor W\tb u;e I~·'' . Students 'Exiled' McNally Sclwol Closing Weig~d By PIOUP ROSMARIN Cll * Detl'r flt ... St.If About. 300 ••difficult" students who attend continuation school because they don't Cit Into the normal program in the Newport- Mua School District are findini themselves exiles. Dlatrict tru.atees ar4J tryloc to close the school they attend, McNall1 Hiah at 19th Street and Newport Boulevard, and relocate the students to other lacillties to cut costs. In a district of rapid enroll· ment decline which Is closing one or two elementary acbool sites each year, that would seem a fairly simple task. But the real problem, accord· ing to district spokesmen. la that nobody wants lhe pupils. Parents object to the students -most of whom are at the school because of discipline problems ._ bemg plunked down in th eir neighborhoods. Last year, trustees held public hearings on separate proposals to relocate McNally to either Kaiser Middle School or Bay Vlew Elementary School In Costa Mesa. ·Huge turnouts ol angry and picketing parents showed up to oppose the closing ol either school and the replacement with Mc Nally students. The school board appointed a citizens advisory committee in March to find a solution. This week the advisory com· mittee reported back with two alternatives and the names of three other elementary schools that might house the continua- tion school. · Protest Aired CAPE TOWN, South Africa <AP> -South African newspapers protested editorial· ly today over the presence of an American diplomat's wife, Judy Williams, at a protest dem· onstration against the raung of a black shantytown. The committee's hrst alternative was lo sell off just the front portion of the seven-acre M cNally site and maintain classrooms lo the rear. T he other alternative was lo face angry parents again in public bearings-this tlme at Whittler, Wilson and Monte Vista elementarles, aU ln Costa Mesa. Public hearlnas will be scheduled alter cbool starts again an September. Each ol the schools bad pre- viously been JdenU!ied. because ol tow enrollment&. as caa41dat. ror closing, Dilstrict spokesmen aald the trustees are almint for thefa.11 of 1918 to find a more or less perma. ncnt att.e for the conUnuUon :ichool. Judge Says 'Snuff' Tools Not Evidence Tool5 found at a desert location allegedly planned u the scene for the shooting of pornographic movies that would end with the killings and dismemberment of two female participants have been barred from the case against an accused Costa Mesan. Judge H. Warren Knight re- jected the collection of instru· ments as inadmissible evidence in Orange County Superior Court action that included his reduction of Fred Berre Douglas ' bail from $250,000 to $150,000. The judge beld that the search for the instruments hid vlol1ted Douglas' constitutional ri•hts. The S4·year -old upholsterer faces arraienmeot Aue. 18 on charges of attempted murder and conspiracy. He bas not yet come up with the reduced ball and is held in county jail. The ruling by Judie Knlebt prevents the prosecution from ln· troducing as evidence an assort· ment. or butcher knives. bone saws. ice picis and other instru- ments allegedly found July 20 near a Yucca Valley desert shack. Dougla:t was arrested at the 8Cene by two undercover police Burglars H it women who claimed they were enlisted for lesbian lovemaking in movies to be shot by Douglas. House I• n NB It is alleged that Douglas then ' intended to murder them and dis· A Newport Crest resident who member them as the final scene left a sliding glass door partially in bis "snuff porno" movie. ajarwbileshewasoutrortheday A witness testified In returned home Wednesday to municipal court action against rind that thieves had taken $6,345 Douglas that he ottered her Sl.000 worth of jewelry and a cassette for each ot tive woQlen be asked recorder. her to recruit for movie ma.lung Sheila Neatherly or 4 Goodwill and s ubsequent torture and Court reported the breakm at. eliminal1on. 5:45p.m . Wednesday. She tcsllhed thal Doualas told Investigators said the burglars her he had already killed five appattntlY climbed onto the res· such women who atarred lo hts 1dence's balcony and lifted the movies, dismembered them and open sliding glass door off its buried them in the surroundmg track in order to gain entrance. desert. ®QUALITY TELEVISION The CHARTRES• H2550P French Provincial styled console. Graceful cab<lole legs end In a seroll. Genuine Pecan veneers and select hardwood solids on top. Fro"'· ends and le{IS of simulated wood. Entire cabinet beautllully finished In Pecan color with the look of ltne distressing. I J"·l 7.,·l 9"'·23 .. ·25 .. ••• .. COLOR SETS C.SOMackllwWle COi~ for Pricing I 1111 I u•·t or11 Uurru••I ;,., ,.,.,,Our 1•,.,.,,.,. .. 1 0111• \ 1•ur f.uornt1lf'f' Ou I,.,.,.,, 1•ro1fuc·1 \\1• "••II: • 7 Thur day'• t:lo in11 Price1 - NYSE N QM.V~OT •f -Comparisons .. Family Spending Follows Pattern 8y8YLV1APO&TE& How does yoer family'•· apendlnl compare wlth the spenc:Una habits of other famill• at your earninis level? At the top of \he tnc:ome scaJe, tbe thare of before.tax income (IU,000 or more) 1ot.aa to IOOd and shelter ii much less than lbe proportion spent on U... basic expense& ot llfe by fljlfllUiea in the lowest before.tu Income bnteltets ($3,000 orleu>. IN OOLLA& TOTAL& TH£ hilher·lncome family spends more. Speclllcally, tbe share 1otn1 for food or families ln the $'25,000 or more bracltet ls rou1bly lt ~rcenl. compared wltb 23 perceatfor famlU• ln t.be below •.ooo ln· come level. But In dollars. lhe higher· income family l)>enda a total of $3.136 for food compared with $792 spent by the under sa.ooo family. C'fhe l•P yawns even wider when the Money's Worth focw; ls solely on spending for food at home: 9 percnet by the higher family earners compared with 20 percent by the· lowest family earners.> Housin1 reveals a similar pattern, with proportions for shelter (including utilities. fUmlshin1s. and maintenance> tapering down from 38 percent at the bottom of the income ladder to 28 percent at the upper end. The dollar totals: $1,310 at the bottom of the income ladder to $4,682 at the top. For those in the $25,000·and.over class. 9.4 percent of before.tax earnln11 1oes for clothlne and 10.9 percent for recreation -translaUnf Into dollar totals of $1,564. for buy· ing and maintenance o clothlnt and Sl,824 for recreation alone. The dollar comparisons for the lowest income bracket are$218 a year for clothing and $174 for recreation. MEDICAL EXPENSES ACCOUNT FOR AN above· average share of tbe expenaes ol families in each income class below $10,000, -primarily because of a heavier con centration of elderly and lllness·prone members. How does family size compare? on average. at the top or the income scale, averaae families are larger (3.811\em· bers). At the bottom. the average Is three members, and the average rises as the lncome level rises. The biggest propor· tion of homeowners is In the hisbest income brackets. too. SpendJng is influenced by location and are only averages. Another point: While thete figures were taken from the just released "Consumer Expenditure Survey Series: In· terviewSurvey. 1972 and 1973" -the first survey in 12 years -prices have changed 1pectacularly in the years since. In· creasing dollar total& by one-third might provide a more re· alislic idea. BELOW ARE DOLLAR TOTALS for families with 1973 pre.tax incomes of $10,000·$11,999 and SlS,000-$19,999 . • ITEM Total living expenses Total food Clothlng Housing Tr ansporta,Uon Recreation HealthCare Other :$10·1ltt9 $8,001 1.767 617 2,342 1,697 S86 482 510 Dmv Falls Again After Slwrt Rise $15·19,Ht $10,667 2,295 867 3,027 2,257 896 S78 747 NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market turned downward today after the rally that began late in Wed· nesday'a session played itaelf out. Tbe Dow Jones averaie of 30 industrials, up about 2 points in early trading, closedoff9.61 at877 .t3. Gainers held a very alight edge on losers among New York Stock Exchange·llsted rssues after leading by better than 2·1 earlier. Before the market opened the government reported that the government reported that the wholesale price index declintd 0.1 percent. in July after a o. 7 percent drop the pre· vious month. DeaelonnAr•rap• What Sto~k• Diff NSW Y~K (Atol l:WLY PtLOT re DI e Family A ked Girl's Death EDINBURG, Tu (AJ') After wutlln1 M .., for a miracle that didn't happen, the family of a 17') .. ar old 11irl an th• uncun•cloua trip ol a rare and deadly d.is.aae ordered her respirator un- plUU«f an order lo let "God and nature take it1 t"OUne.·· Dahlia Reyna, one of e11ht children of a Mex lcan·Ameriun m11rant worker, wu taken off the rapirator at her family'• requeat and died aoon al· tenrard, her brother Joel uld Wednesday DOCl'Oa8 8A1D THE attractive brunette with deep brown eyes had been kept ah ve by the respinlor since Aue. 3when1be lapaed Into a coma su!ferint from amoebic cnenangoencephalitla., 1 rare disease that attacks the central nervous system and destroys brain cells. • A spokesman for tbe Center for Disease Control in Atlanta said only 80 cases have been reported worldwide since 1968 and there were only three known survivors. Symptoms anclude headache, malaise and vomiting, followed by coma and respiratory ta1lure. Sara Reyna and Dahlia's six brothers and two sisters had agoniied over the decision whether to remove Dahlia from the respirator after doctors in this Rio Grande Valley community told the family the situation was hopeless. THE REV, LUIS BRUM, a Catholic priest who counseled the family <luring the ordeal, stressed that doctors held out no hope for Dahlia's recovery. ··As long as there is a chance of life, there is hope," he told them ... But the doctors have said there 1s no hope for Dahlia. She has no brain waves. The respirator 1s keeping her heart pumping." He said Dahlia's case was "very, very dirterent from the Karen Anne Quinlan situation" since Dahlia was not emitting brain waves. Miss Quinlan 1s a comatose New J ersey wom an whose family won a court suit to remove her trom a respirator She remains alive. "TIDS YOUNG LADY was at the wrong place at the wrong time," said Dr. Ben Garza, the Hidalgo Cou nty health officer The lake where Dahlia reportedly contracted the disease was declared dangerous to swimmers by county officials. "Delta Lake is off limits to swimmers until further notice," said Garza. "We can't patrol the lake and keep people out but we have posted signs that let them know they are entering the water at their own risk.'' DAlllJA SWAM IN THE lake two weeks ago on a family outing. Doctors theorized the microscopic a moeba in the water, from which the disease was transmitted, probably entered her body through the nose. "These amoebas exist everywhere, so to :.peak," said Garza. "But circumstances have to be very exact before anyone can contract the dis- ease." "She'd never been sick a day an her hfe," Mrs. Reyna said. "I keep wondering why. . why my Dahlia?" How About . Grand POoba I Why is it so many words used to denote people in authority, leaders. rulers, so on, begin with the letter "P"? Cof1$ider these: President, pope, prince, premier, prime minis ter, principal, pharaoh, parliamen- tarian, parson, priest, patriarch, pastor, pasha, parent, primatt::. potentate, prefect. pilot and prelate. It's not true to say the problems of today's youth are identical to those of previous generations, as so often is claimed. For in- stance, what about the University of Utah coed who lost her contact lens ln her boyfriend's beard? That sort of thing didn't happen when I was a lad. Already mentioned that the lateral lines on the sides of fish are regarded as a sixth sense. Cllut w•ntJ to know ti thpte•s a seventh sense on an1 sort of animal. Believe so. The pit viper senses infrared wnlch is invisible to mam· mats. By use or the pits behind its eyes, it can locate its prey even when blinded. Or so says a medical authority. LOVE AND WAil Goethe sald, "Girls we love for what they are: young men for what they promise to be." You frequenUy hear a boy referred to as "a promls,,lng YOl.lnl man." But Qobody says, ''she's a promlttng youna lf.rl." In a similar vein, some men ue described u "sell· made." but no women ar•. The aveuae husband in this country 1ett one new aweater •very (ov years. watch, this pot and watch ·the water heat The Weat Bend Heat & Server does the Job · faatl Heats 2 to 6 cups of water for lnatant coffee, tea, soup, cocoa and other beverages. Thermostat 1'1')alntalnt proper serving temperature•. Safety tock-on coMr preventa accidental spills. Just 8" high, butteracotch exterior. neater lawns electrlcafty Blaelc a Oecker'a 14" rotary mower 11 double lneulated and provides In· ttant power at the fllcJ< ol a 1wttch. 3/4" to 3" adjultable cutting height. #8004. Reg. 84.99 5888 ·-· ·-· _._......,. ........ . 99 Reg. 12.95 plug It In and mow your lawn 18" ultra quiet and efficient Black & Decker electric rotary mower m1ke1 lawn care a cinch. Double in1u1ated for .. fety and adJuatabla cutting height. #8010. Reg. 89.99 741s your car'• bait ti'lend Mllllona of motorlat. put their tru1t In VaJvollne beeauN It'• 1pecl1lly formulated to protect your car un· der en drMng condltlon1. 30 or 20 wt. 1 quart cane. 49~ch ctH tf24-. .............. 10.88 ~ - t ~ touch once tor water Convenient one handl.-e<>ntrol for amount and temperature of water. Kitchen faucet haa bright chrome llnlah and acreen aerator. With 6 year warranix. #87501. Reg. 27.95 21 15 11. ~ gets right to t...:;;;..__..._ the problem Surge valve Nndl pOMrful water pulMa through plJ>M to looeen end clear blockage. Drain King ... tor 1th" to 4'" draln1. Reg. 4'.95 31s 7 Saddlebaek Aft rnoo N.Y.Stoeu EDITION VOL. 70, NO. 223, •SECTIONS, .42 PAGES TEN CENTS. Al'WI...,.... TESTS CONFIRM THIS WAS MURDER WEAPON Policeman Edward Zlgo Show• Suspect'• Gun Police Nab 'Shy' Postal Worker NEW YORK CAP> -A $35 ticket for parking too near a fire hydrant led Police to a shy postal worker they said waa "Son of Sam,'' the nl&ht stalker who killed six youna people and wounded seven with his .44· caliber revolver. Tbe arrest came as David Berkowitz, 24, left his apartment bouae Wednesday night in sur· burban Yonkers and encountered police, who had staked out the building. (Related stories, map, PageC4). Police said that as If erkowitz stepped into his car, they asked him who he was, and Berkowitz replied: "I'm Son of Sam. Okay, you've got me.'' He offered no re· sistance, police said. "We have him." a police spokesman for lst Deputy Police Commissioner James Taylor told reporters later. Police said be told them he wanted to "go out in a blaze of glory'' because he felt the police were closing in on him. Berkowitz: was formally booked today at the 84th Precinct in Brooklyn on charges of second-degree murder, at- tempted murder, assault and possession of a deadly weapon in the murder of Stacy Moskowitz, 20, the killer's latest victim. Her date, Robert Violante, 20, wu wounded and may never see again. Wearing worn-out blue jeans, a light blue and white striped shirt and light brown suede shoes, Berkowitz smiled at reporters as a cordon of police rpoved him out of the precinct house. Berkowitz: was arraiened later in Brooklyn Criminal Court for the murder of Miss Moskowitz. Criminal Court Judge Richard Brown ordered him held without bail and sent him to Kings Coun· ty Hoopital for a psychiatric ex· amination. The courtroom was jammed with reporters and police of. ficers, all of whom were searched with a metal detector before entering. Brown ordered that Berkowitz: be segregated from other prisoners. Eugene Gold, the district at- torney for Brooklyn, announced that a grand jury would becin conslderlna the case later today. Police said tbev seized two shotguns in bis seventh·fioor apartment and a .44-caliber Charter Arms Bulldog revolver Berkowitz carried with him u be entered his cream-colored Ford Galaxie sedan outside his apart- ment house, They said be allto earned a brown bag with two dozen bullets and a poem. Ballistics tests early today con- firmed the revolver was the same one that was used in the killing of Miss Moskowitz, police said. Later, they said tests linked the gun to an earlier Son of Sam attack, and tests relatin1 to other attacks were in progress. The poem found in the bag described the death of a young woman -" ... And huee drops Of lead PoUred down upon her bead until she was dead ... " Police said they found a sub· machine gun in a gunny sack in Berkowitz' car and also found several notes in his car and apartment, one of which warned that Son of Sam would kUl again. "I want. to see the animal's Al'WI ........ HELD IN SLAYINGS David Berkowitz, 24 . face that took my baby's life," Miss Moeltowitz' mother, Neysa, said toda)'. "And I want him to see me." (See SUSPECT, Page AZ) San Juan W olllan Killed in Car Crash Laguna Hills Collision Hurts 7 A San Juan Capistrano woman was killed and seven people were injured Wednesday night when two cars collided in the intersec- tion of La Paz: Road and Moulton Parkway in the Laguna Hills area. A coroner's report tent.atively identified the dead woman as Louise Marie Pearson, 84, of Foeuses on Sanity A.llaway's Laivyer Says 'No Defense' By TOM BARLEY Ol .. o.lly~ ........ Edward Charles Allaway's lawyer decided in a surprise move today to offer no defense to cbar1ea that his client killed aeven people and wounded two others on the Cal State Fullerton campus. ~arter Eying · Coast Guard Merger Plan WASHINGTON (AP> -The Carter administration is con- aidefinl merglne the U.S. Coast Guard 1nto a single federal aeen- cy that would police the country's borders. accordine to informed sources. The Coast Guard transfer i.s one of several OPtlons lo a draf!!.t!; oraanl.z.ation proposal prep~9'.I by the White Houae Office of Dn&& Abuse Policy. At this ataae, it i. juataaopdon, tbeaourcesaald. The paper II concerned with ecbievtng a~ater coordination •IDOOI the el&ht a1encles that now have partial reaponalblllty fortbe border. The lmml1ratlon and Naturalbatlon Service has con- ttol over~ swsaae of aliens over tb border. but it. often does· not ~ommunlcate with the ~Service. wblch coctrUI theflowol aoodl. lnclud!qdnlp. tber'ep>rtaald. Jn addition to the Cuatoma ~ varioul .,encl• ol the A&rtc:altu:re and JuaUce ~ menta an actb• OD the border. botb la tbe~•orcemtntfttld and bl tryiAa to atop UilbiMltb1 .,laid.I a 'anhoal• from eatertna tbeecuttly. 2'M Coat Guard, wblcla bu ...., ...... ~ tot manae ..,., ,ad Mllreb _, rwtue .,... tkiai, II P111t ol tM TrWDOl'ta· Ucil DlpUtmMt. :n...,......,_...,. = tM ptep111ll umbnlla ~ wttbla .. "' .. ...... ~ ... Meir. ........... c. ...... ~·-~ ... -. ........... ..... nil f!llfll'" ... UUll tt ...... be pottl'1t to aclllt'H better ·=··--.-_.....,., ... ,,,. " .......... '.:::11:.!!!.......,~tllat·~ l~-viW=-~ Deputy Public •Defender Ron Butler's decision , startled the prosecution in view' of bis earlier declaratioo that he would ariue his client's diminiahed mental capacity at the time of the cam- pus shootings. Butler r4(fUSed to comment to- day on the-reason for his over- night switcti.ln tactics. But it was.learned that he now intef\dS to ~ ttwse witnesses scheduled forl,todt\Y's court ac- tion as part ofi th«:,i._sanity phase that will conclude we tNal if the jury returns guilty~ verdicts on . any or all of the nine felony counts. The jury will be sent to its de- liberations after Butler and Chief Deputy District Attorney James Enright offer their final ariu· ments. Enright closed his cue atainat the former campus janitor late Wednesday after calling a total of 13 prosecution witnesses to the courtroom. BuUer then stated that he would bring a number of wit· neuee to the stand today In the belief that the jury miaht return a flndJn& ot dimlniabed mental capalclty, His ovemlaht cbanie of stance was described today by a veteran trial lawyer as "a. deelalon to put all hll eap ln one baaket. ''Butler obvtoualy believes ht can get. a rulln1 of insanity from tbia Jury,'' the lawyer aatd. "He Intends to CC>flcentrate bis fire on thesanlly phaae. 0 • Amcni the wttnenes rem~ ln1 en call tOday are Allaway'• eatran1ed Wife and • .former 1pouse Who ma)' now be used ln the~ 1anlt1 phue ol the trill. .. Batler commented Wedilciday tut be recatds Bolin!e Allaway, 28. u • ke,y wttneat ln hll delenae ol ;Allaway' 32. It wu tutlftetl before the ~doled Ille ... Wed· ~ tJiiit lln. Allawa7 wu wttbWbiale..twhea lleaumn· --to ,AneWm jlolJe9 OD lul,J JI.~ ~--Min fclrdlYoret*M .._._,.. 'WGn M _.. .... , toot 'a me· to * ~ am h1liitm UlllpUI -.S lbat aiM peopa., .... o1--~ C .. ALMWAY.~AI> • 32302 Alipaz Road, San Juan Capistrano. Said to be in critical condition in Saddlebaclt Community Hospital la the driver of the car lo which Mrs. Pearson wu a paaaeneer, tentatively ldentifled as Pauline Hiler, 85, of 32141 P aaeo Caroline, San Juan Capistrano. Accordln1 to a California Highway Patrol report, Mrs. Hller allqedly ran a atop sign at La Pas Road and Moulton Partway at about 8: 30 p.m. Mr1. Hiler'• car reportedly col· Uded with a westbound auto on Moult.en Parkway driven by Paul Edward Wimmer, 44, of 29742 An· na Marla Drive, Lacuna Niiuel. Io the car with Wimmer were Elizabeth Wimmer, 10, Hilda Wimmer, 81, and Lucy Wimmer, 29, all ol the Anna Maria Drive address. Also in the Wimmer auto were Robert Barnes, 57, and Gertie Barnes, SO, both of Arv ad.a, Colo. ..... ,..,...,... All occupants of the Wimmer car were taken to Saddlebact Community Hospital with in- juries ranting from minor to serious, according to tbe CHP re· port. COUNTY FIREMEN WORK TO EXTRACT VICTIMS FROM WRECKED CAR PHHnger In Thi• Cer Dead, Driver Crltlcel After Lagun• Hiiia Colll1lon "' . Mission\ Viejo Tax Hike Sought By WILILIAM SCll&EIBEll Of .. D911y~ltaff Mbalon Viejo Municipal Ad·· viaory Council (MAC> members have recommended raising tb91 community's service area tax rate to its legal maximum to sup- port a $1.63 million budeet for the cominl year. The apend.lna plan, which still must be approved by Oran1e County aupervilor&, is $.'500,000 hiper than lut year. Dick Kelly, senior analyst for the County Administrative Of. flee, said most of the increase will be in the form of state park bond money and Mission Viejo Company donations. The MAC action this week came despite a plea by council member Kathleen Kelly to hold tbe rate at last year's level of 43.5 cents per $100 of assessed valua- tion. , The council majority, Homes, Gravel Pit F~e OC 'Planners BJUTB'f CIANCY mwlOQCl'I bad recommended be °' .. Del., ... ...., be-' I •··d · Orange COWlty PlannlU Com· a•VfllOhe)'ear m.-· m1-1.-...-. we.re asked W~edn-· Grady contends tb• area cao---IC&• ._ tains 91 mllllon tone of 11nd and day to coulder •hlcb ahoWd aravel and waota supervlson to ba.·e top pnont}' -rural Cl.IUGft restrict any home development liom• or a proposed •and Uid In the area that could ln\erfete •=~pervitora, Coftltder· With futute ail.nlDt oper1t1ons. tii1 l1 1'POillble IUIMdichneata '° But Mary Ann Brod, one ot dndJlaaidUMpldei, albdtbe 1 l x W 1111 am• Ca D 1 on commtMicJn tonDor't GD apendo homeowners, 11ld tb 1Ud a.lid ~• bouildal'M9. ·tw · • pcupoiliid 1raVel ~ue already bu belD 1ravel mlnln1 operation lo pendln1!orlJ,ean1. • WlllWm ~ local.tel abc* • She old ene more year lhoWd ft ft~_,. Oim Toro. bl ·~dine for Orad1 to com· In..._ tlltY . ..,......, to plete b11 1tadln and obtain .......... -... WlWam Gnd;, pehiilWfortheoperaUan • OWllll' fll "'~-.... Ill ~ "''Ibis ia de9trilet1oia ot nat&&N ~ ia, to t.. ,..... to flit et tbe ver1 extreme,"~ lhe ,... ._t ~· aUd _. aald of the ndnlq pro~al. sraftl-•llatlllil Md tluitu.t ''t>on' .iJ10W GDI man't tit rtch mhd111 _. ... Wlb rwelft qalck adMme to d11tioy tM alCPllUf....... ...... ot ,,..rt,r.,.,,..,. In °'*··•NH ... PMIOr,.... Wdllw~ ... ..... lDr .. ,.. • ... ... ...... dalt ... •..tinl =-...::r-:.=:· :.::.~ HI=~=:. DOW • however, aereed to ask supervisors for a rate of lliJhtly more than 46 cents per $100, despite the comm':¥11ty'a averaae valuation lncrease of about 36 percent bis year. For the average homeowner in Mission Viejo, tbe couneU'a rec- ommendation would mean an actual tax increase of SS to Sl.O to support such things as park de- velopment and maintenance and maintenance of medians, ereen· belts and slopes. The avera1e resident currently pay1 about "5 ln taxes toward the local aecvice area budiet. Council members recetved op- poalnf views from two by MAC committee members. Budaet and flDUC49 committee ch&lnnan ROyall Gels ariUed that the council should 0 Mt an uample" by boldJnC the rate at lut year'1 level. But para and recreaUOll eom- m i tt. e e spokesman ToDf. Loeclmer said the community's park program would suffer Ub- leaa tbe mulmum rate waa adopted. The final budget fipre for next ytar wu about ""5,000 lower than the apend.in1 plan pl'OpOled earlier. The tarter fleure would have required a tax rate 1n ex• ceuollbeleaal maximum. Nt1bt tbrou1h mtd- mornl•8 low eloud1, o~ fair with huJ IUDlhliW throUgh Friday. Lowa tonJ1b.t H to M. RJahl Friday 70 at beacbes to mld.8Ql ln1Ud. • .. DAILY l'ILOT SB f"u WI 11 11n ' ~eri Cory Planning to Leave Politics? Duo Boolu!d Arrests Solve Crime Spree A four-d•y t rlme apr .. anvulv- lQa a atclen •port.I car In Hunt- lnston 8eat'b, a StSO robbery lo WHlmlnster and • buniled burctarY attempt in CyprtK •P· parnty ended Wedneaday wlt.b the anest ol two 18 year.aids In Or e, aut.bonU• ,.Id Bocked on char1e1 of 1rand tbef\ auto and hetd today In Oraqe County JMtl, are David Walton. ol Garden Grove and Lyun Roberts, 11 transient with no local address. accordJna to Oranae Police Lt GaJI Peterson. Peterson sald the pair were ar- rested Wednesday evenana tn Oran1e after an ofr·duty SeaJ Beach police o rficer, Greg Young, spotted them 1n a ruat- colored MO reportedly stolen Sunday an Huntington Beach. Cypress police believe the two men broke into a home on Tues· day afternoon but look off when they realized the home was OC· cupied. Police said burglary charges are pending against the pair The su~pecls apparently then cruised into We11tmim1ter and al legedly robbed a fast.food outlet employe of $450 while s he was ma king a night deposit Tuesday at a Bank of America branch at Golden Wt's t Stree t and Westmmsler A venue Westminster Police Offi cer SA Man Shot; Police Nab Y 011ng SU8pect A 28-year·old Santa Ana man was reported In serious condition today after a shooting Incident Wednesday night in a residential neighborhood Listed as the vlcUm in the police report was Anthony G. Davis, 28, of Santa Ana, who re- • portedly was struck three limes •bout his body by bullet.I fired from a handgun. Taken Into custody and booked on suspicion or attemtped murder after the shooUna Inci- dent in the 400 block of S. Raitt St an Santa Ana was Tommy E. Williama, 20, of Santa Ana. Witnesses told police that Davis was talking with Williams when he was struck by the first bullet. When the vactam began sta1· gerlng away, witnesses said, be was shot two more limes before he collapsed on the sidewalk. Police today could elve no motive for the shooting t-;airte Oraham said the two men did Mt show any weapona but simply 1rabbed the banJt ba1 and took olf ln th~ stolen car. The vicUm. Robin Lincoln. 19. WH not injured. She la employed by a Westminster Del Taco out· let. A countywide bulletin was is· sued Monday and the alleeed bandits were s potted late Wednesday afternoon by Officer Young. who was shopping In Orange. Orange police moved tn and captured the suspects al e·JO p m . Wednesday From Page A J GUIDES ••• s tamped on county maps of Grady's property is based on "non-proven" and "no n · factual" information supplied by Grady But Grady said after the meet ing he has paid for extensive studies or his land and is con vinced the sand and gravel de· post ls are there. Grady said he plans to use pro· ceeds from the mining to finance church and mission work Williams Canyon is among rive canyons involved in a 32·000-acre Sil verado-Modjesk a Canyon planning study under way slnce 1972. Richard Munsell. assistant director of the county Environ· mental Management Aeency (EMA ), said roughly hair the land Is owned by the federal gov· e rnmenl and is inside the Cleveland National Forest Frona Page A J ALLAWAY. • Allaway's former wife, Carol, also la on call. It waa learned that her testimony would be based on psychiatric problems he encoun- tered durtng their marrlaae. Butler said the jury will be told of Allaway's treatment at a Mlchl1an mental hospital and subsequent evaluations or hi• proereas by p1ychlatrl1ts. Care Plan Hit By Papenrork Groucho Marx Reported Fair SACRAMENTO (AP) -In its first year, Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. 's $10-milllon experimental child care pro1ram had some problems, Including a lot of paperwork, says an advisory group. The advisory committee added Wednesday that the program, which serves 5,900 children and attempt.a lo move child care into leaa-structured, leas costly set· tin1s, hu 1ood points too. LOS ANGELES <AP) - Groucho Marx Is in fair condition ot Cedara-Sinai Medical Center , recovering from a bout of pneumonilis that forced hts hospltaltiallon nearly two month& a10. a hospital otncial says. The IS-year-old comedian "re· mains about the same, he's still r ecove r i ne ," hospita l spokeswoman Virginia Bohan· non aaid Wednesday It wu not known when Marx would be te· leased. Andrew Marx. the comedJan's 37·year-old 1rand1on, con· aervator and frequent vtsltor, was unavailable for comment on Groucho'a health. OftANOI COAsr .. DAILY PILOT At a Capltol news conference, Earl Peterson, vice chairman of the group, utd it waa frustrating to find small private groups raced with "such extensive paperwork and reportln1. F.._P-.eAJ SUSPECT ••• A newspaper, a television •ta· lloa and columnist Jimmy Brealln aaid today t.bat police bad told them that Betkowlh, a tlS.000 a year letter sorter at a post offtce ln tbe Bronx, said he planned to •trike next in Suffolk County, on the rar end of Lone llland. 'Ibey .. ld he allectdly planned to use the submachine sun in a dtacothtca.ue or ntsbt club. Pollce said previously that the ·aame .4'-callber IUD had been uMd in all eilbt attacka by t.he Son ot Sam. P'f ve women and one • man died, three men and four women wore wounded. * Captacring the Sun AltWI ......... County Events Decried State Controller Kenneth Cory said Wednesday he is consider- ing 1etllng out or politics because it 1s a "weird" busineas. Cory, a former central Oranae County stale assemblyman, said Oran1e County politics bave been particularly 1tran1e. "Of late," the Democrat sald, "l 'm bein1 very glad I 'm from Orange County and no lonae.r here. llistorically In thla county, there has been a lack of un- d e rstandane about what the Constitution Is about, and what freedom ts about · · Cory dJd not further explain the remark!. He spoke at UC Irvine, berore about 40 secondary school teachers attendln1 the Robert A. Taft Institute ol Gov~ ernment Seminar. Cory said he ts ''tired" of the seemingly endless lnvesU1atioos or poltllcians, lncludine himself. Curved mirrors capture and concentrate the sun ·s energy to pump irrif{atlon water on the 76,000-acre Paloma Ranch near the torrid desert town of Gila Bend; Ariz. The controller was investi1at· ed for more than a year in con- nection with $600,000 ln cam. palgn contributions be received from indicted Oranee County political donor Dr. Louis Cella. Judge Says 'Snuff' Tools.Not Evidence Navy 'Quiet' On2 Deaths SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -The Navy failed lo report accidents which caused the deaths or a 9· year-old girl and a middle·aged woman al Oak Knoll Naval I lospltal, a report says. "I'm tired or having lo prove that I'm not a criminal,'' he said. Cory blamed the rash or political In vestigations on Richard Nixon He called Proposition 9 cam· paign contribution disclos ure legislation "an overreaction ·· Tools found at a desert location alleg<.'Clly planned as the scene for the shooting of pornographic movies that would end with the k1lhngs and dismemberment of t WO rem ale participants have been barred from the case against an accused Costa Mes~. Jud&c II Warren Kmght re- Jected the collection of inslru· ments as inadmissible evidence in Orange County Superior Court action that Included his reduction of Fred Berre Douglas' ball from $2!50,000 lo $1!50,000. The judge held that the search for the instrument.a had violated Douglas' constitutional rights. The 5-4-year·old upholsterer faces arral,nment Aug. 18 on charaes of attempted murder and conspiracy. He hu not yet come up with lbe reduced ball and ls held In county Jail. The ruling by Judge Kni1ht prevents the prosecution from in· troduclng as evidence an uaort- m ent of butcher knives, bone saws, ice picks and other iDJlru· ments allegedly found July 20 near a Yucca Valley desert shack Douelas was arrested at t.be scene by two undercover police women who claimed they were enlls~ for lesbian lovemalUng In movies to be shot by Dout]u. It ia alleeed that Dou1lu then Intended to murder them and dis- member them as the final scene In his "snuff porno" movie. A witness testified ln municipal court action against Douglas that he offered her Sl,000 for each or five women he asked Four Stabbed To Death in Seaside Area SEASIDE CAP> -Two women and two youne elrla were found slabbed to death in a bloodied apartment here early today, police saJd. An investigator told a reportu the girls appeared to be about 8 and 14 years old. One woman was in her 20s and the fourth vtctim was an older woman, he said. Police were ~ailed to the apart· ment complex about 8 a.m. to in· vesU1ate what wu reporwd u a · 'susplcJous clrcumatancer'' Seaside Is on the Pacitlc Ocean near Monterey on the ed1e of a sprawlin1 Army base .-t Ft. Ord, about UC> mllea 1outb ot Sao Franctaco. Officers forced the door open and found the four brutally stabbed bodies, eccordlnt to a brief 1tatt'rnent releHed by police. The name1 of the women or th exact •Its were not lmtntdJatelJ avaUabJe. her lo recruit for movie makmg and s ubsequent torture and el 1 mtnataon. She testified that Douglas told her he had already kllled rive such women who starred in his movies. dismembered them and buried them in the surrounding desert. · KRON·TV said Wednesday that the two deaths brought lo five the number or patients who have died at the hospital as a re· suit of negligence. ·'I even have to report it when my neighbor gives my kid a pea nut-butter-and-jell y l>andw1ch. because over the co uri.e or a year those sandwiches mi&hl add up to a gilt overS25." ~ or Dr. Cell:i, Cory said he was amazed that anyone would want to contnbute $600.000 lo the cam· pa1gn or a state controller. ®QUALITY TELEVISION The 1978 Models are cominCJ at higher Prices The CHARTRES• H21!50P French Provincial slyted console. Graceful cabrlole legs eno tn a scroll. Genuine Pecan veneers and select hardwood solids on top. Front, ends and legs of simulated wood. Entire cabinet beauttlully finished In Pecan color with the took ol llne dlatrNS1ng. 1977 MODEL CLEARANCE SALE 1311-17"•1 , ... JJ".JI,. chgDRlll COLOR ·SETS .. Woclc Ir wNh Coll for Pricing