HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-12-25 - Orange Coast Pilot,, --~ SUNDAY DAI LY PILOT I * * * ' * 1 .. VOL. 70, NO. 359, 7 SECTIONS, 76 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A SUNDAY, DE;CEMBER2S, 1977 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 'T~as the Night Before Christmas • • • &yond the ornaments and song, Christmas is people. What were they doing on Christmas Eve? Chnslmas Eve to many still means being on Lhe JOb. As family and friends put awa~ the la!.ks of the workaday \\Orld a nd gather for early celebratton of the holiday. others go about the ''routine"' of delivering babies in hospitals, keeping <i check on s peeding o r drunk drivers. muking connections for the many cross -co untr v telephone culls The etnl•rgcnc·) room c:n•w at ll oag Memorial J£o sp1tal Preshrtrnan in ~ewport Beat·h 1s lhn•<.• and a half hours in lo thr :1 to 11 p.m. shirt Ed Pillar. of Costa !\lt•sJ, an e me rgency medical technwian says 1t has been "quite slow · · April Burval of Costa Mesa has logged 15 emergency cases sincf' her shift began. Among those an' five bone injuries <such as spra ined ankles>. three persons with abdominable pains . two with Injured heads and one serious overdose case. The other emergency room .,cc relarv. Tern Uush of Tor rann-. sa)S '""c hate at" about having to work Christmas Eve llowever, l'illar claims it is .. worth Lhe :.a('raf1c<' " Dr. Jame:, Cast'Y has a JO\ial attitude ;.1bout being called m lo .. sew up" a head cul. lie relates how •1 week ago lo day he and has family were m St Christmas El'f> .~Innes C"1Jmp1/ed h11 /Jolly />1/111 .\lofl r111•mbPf\ Ho111nnnd 1-:stratla .Ir (ian1 Ciran 11/11• Jerrr1 llert1·nMe111. \\ 11/10111 llncly!' nnd .lack1e ll11mnr1 c;eorgc. l 't<1h and nced(•cl emcrgenc:v auto work. The only responses h<' gol from garages wcrc• "brinl-( 11 Ill tomorrow. Can you imagine if we did th.at '!" he asked. laughing. Rohertta Dunham. Huntington Beach. a mobile intensive care RN, monitors calls of paramedt(' units countywide and takes three Gifts Front .the Midmag Santa ·s soft, cuddly gift to a patient at Children ·s Hospital of Orange County is one of 65 animals, some win- nings from carnival midways. from Jim Cruz and Vince Walker, both of Huntington Beach. The pair and friends came to the hospital Saturday to give the animals to young patlents. Cruz, who has a good pitching arm, loves carnival games. The two men J?lan lo repeat their giving 'next year. . or thoM· st:'ck1ng emcrgenC'y .11d ·\\'t> get complu1nts rrom old foll-.s at Christmas lime. They an• loncl\' and '' o uld rather be adm1ttl•d to the hospital.·· Hohertta said. 0\'er an the pcdi11tncs ward lour patients rest quietly. David Sussman, 13. of Irvine, ha ... been in th<:' hospital "two "<:'cks ancf one da~ " lit· won "t be home forChnstmah llul thl' articulate ~ nungslcr '°'Ill':-from h1:. h<'d and sin.!. 1L 's no h1g lo:-.s I don't care "about thl· holacla~ or whc·re I spend 1t ·· Dand, v.ho had an allergic re att ion to a \'irus. guilleombcreu. ti. Jewish. Still. he says Christmas is a ··Joyous lime for my family." There arc severa l presents, wrapped in bright pap<.'r, stacked under the sink. And a string o r holiday ,:treetan g cards st retch<.'s across the top of his bed lcngth-v.1se. There's a s mall tre<' on top of tht• television. Su:.sman, w<:'aring blue pa· 1amas, seems more concerned ahuul h1:-. haselwll future th•in s pt•nd1n~ the holiday in the hoi.p1tC1l R<1nnit• Tut•kt•1 props hl'rsclf up \\1th a p1llo\\ Ill her sixth floor r0<1m and contemplates spending Chrii.tmas al lloag as s he re eu\ t•rs from t\\O consecut1vt:' sur genc•s I Icr emotions arc m 1xed Sh<' is full of praise for the ... taff. "'The nurses are · fan- tastic.·· she said. 1\nd beside her bed al the win- dow is a large decorated tree with presents under it. lier fnmi· ly hrought them In. ··This 1s reall y sad," she saad ··ir I dicln 'l have as neat <1 family ·· ··1 usually make everything for Christmas. the coffee cake and my own ,:t1fls." she said. "this is upsetting ··we alwa\:. had an old- foshaoned Christmas with dad playing Santa Claus." Mary Ross, the evening shaft s u pervisor, says "il's quie t through the house" but that her "ork is a hllle more hectic than us ual because the shift isn't fully staffed on Christmas Eve. She accepts that "someboch has to work the 3 t.o 11 shift" anri it is "sort or implied single peo pie shouldn't be off on Christma!" Eve.·· l11Seorch of Stock-i~g Stuffer ••• The hour is 9::JO p.m. There Isn't much traffic on 17th St re et in Costa Mesa. A business block of two s uper· markets. four smalle r s tores and a discount drug store is dark save the latter business. Thrifty"s Drugs. The lights still burn bright from inside. Among the many signs in the window is one that reads "Thrif- ty has a complete selection of last minute girt items at discount prices." Dally l"llel "'"9.., 9lkM"ll ~ LYNNE WAGGONER, 12, HUNTINGTON BEACH, SINGS AT EVENING CHURCH SERVICE Belly Weakley of Coe; ta Mesa b onl' of the remaining shoppers. It ·s all she can do to "rap an arm uround a coffee maker :.he has JUSt bought ·This is m} l<i:.t gift,· s he .,a) s. her bag blue eyl'S :,parkhng Miss Weakley. u cashier al dnother discount store, says s he has bought the gift for her room- mates, Steve and Ann Rhode. ··1 always seem to worry about domg my shoppmg at the end.·· she says. Sisters Susan Conoly of Newport Beach and Linda San- doval of Long Beach. browse near the back or the store. Linda holds four pair of socks an her hand. ··1 had one particular person in mind that I wanted lo get a small atem for so we came in here.·· Linda said . "We're browsing bccaust:' we have 22 nieces and nephews and I hope to find some other things. "[never have tame to devote lo s hopping when I'm working fulltime." says Linda who owns a n automotive and industria l equipment business in Long Beach. Onlt1Santa Should Work. •. Ralph Zavala seemed resii;lned to remaining on the job at a liquor store 'till m idn ight Christmas E\'e 001 go lo midnight Mass af· lerwards. ··he said. '·It works out good, because the kids don't open I thc.-1r gifts "ti! lht· mornanJ! anvwav Zavala. \\ho \\Orked last Christmas En• too. :.aad most people who c·oml' in :-.ecm lo lw hu)·ang liquor lor parllc•i, · '\CJ>.t door. the~ were closan~ up at Lh<' Alpha Beta. Rruce .\I orj!an said he ·s worked there l'\'ery Christm as Ev<' lor fi n· ycar:s. · ··we·re used to 1t, kandu. ·· ht• s::11d. 'Td rather ht! hom e.·· He said most people who come in on Christmas Eve are those who forgot to buy what they need. In fact, Morgan said, it seems to him m ost of the m are generally forgetful "I've seen the same person an her'! three lames lo-d ·1 v .. 'Then he added. "I think the only one who should have lo work on Christmas Eve is Santa Claus.·· Soatp Warnes Lonely LI ve• ... For the homeless. tra nsient men who haunt backstreels and ulleys in downtown Santa Ana, Christmas Eve meant an hour churc h service and a hot bowl of soup in the kitchen of the rescue mission on Sycamore Street. Today, those men without roots, most of them locked in combat with demon rum, will return to the m1:,sion soup kitchen. T here. they wi ll take part in a turkey Christmas dinner com- plete with all the trimmings. BOON GROSS HOME, HUNTINGTON HARBOUR TACKUNG GIANTS -"Lit· tie" Oxoco, an independent oil company, takes on the blJ 8uYS 1nd wins. DaJly Pilot staff writer Joann• Reynolds explains how the rlrm succeed.I against the multlnalionala in the oil-lease bualneu. Paae C5. • THE UVING'S l"8Y -When two middle-income prdfe.tiOIUlls marry QMt1 abo Joln Incomes. TIM r..wt ti • bofteymOOll life with no ..,,mes about. meetln' the hoaae payment. The As· 1od•ticl Prel.a Jookl blto t.bit ll'OWl!ll ... MDeaOD.o PpeAlO. \I . HYPNOSIS SELP DELP - Hypnosis for self·lmprovement or 1elt~awar4lnesa is a growing trend In the United States, an~­ soctated Press story discloses. To help accommodate the seekers ls a 1rowtn1 number or hypnoUlcllnics. PaeeA7. THIN IS IN -·Eating ts a ma- jor American pastime. and los· Ing the weilht added thereby bas become a blC buaihess, Nowhere h that more true than ln Caltromta and. Tbe AllOClated Presa takM a took at the vade(y of met.bods for taJCtq olf Jk>&Ulds. P11ea. Bul Christmas E\'c, exc·ept for a somewhat sparsely decorated. fraal white Chrtstmus tret• at tht-. m1ss1on alt;ir. wasn"t much dir fcrcnt than any olh l!f night During th<• s<'rmon about .io men were told that the i.:reatest Christmas gift ever 1s salvation ·come forward Acc('pt this 1-!&ft. · · the homeles:, men were un;ed A few cume forward to kneel silently in the arms of mission workers. workers 'Y,hO once had been lost men but who had found salvation at the small brit•k mis-• sion In the heart of Santa Ana's derelict area. • As the con\"erls knelt lo receive the girt of sah·ation. their m atei; hurried to the soup kitchen There. on Christmas Eve, the\' sat at long tables intently s taring al lhc plas tic dishes before them Few words were exchanged between the men as they con· sumed their welcom<' m eal of heavy soup. breud. coffee and day-old donuts. When finished with their meal. some of the transients shuffled outside. c arry ing with them flimsy suitcases or s hopping- bags that carried all their world ly possessions. As they strolled off into lht" Chris tmas Eve night. the mission workers said. ''Don't worry,i They have a nook or cranny staked out somewhere. They'll be all right.·· H owever. h e ad d e d . .. Christmas Eve in the streets can be a heart-breakini! ex perience for a youni.: man. rt is a time when they realize just bow alone they are.·· • :t Swallow•Bar I .'~ot BW1tUng. •• San Juan Capistrano ·s famed 201-year-old mission was snenlat 9 :06 p.m. The last two stragglers from a chorus group that performed a , Christmas concert al San Juan Elementary School stood by a de·,. serlcd curh reciting lines for • ·'The Sunny Side Of The St reel" Theirs were the only sounds to break thecvening·ssilencc. · Down the street from the milr sion. pa rtying cowhands and. cowRlrls were discussing what happened to whom and nibbling a dark brown slab that da red lo call itself "beef jerky." ~ The bar wasn "t exactly bustl• ing at 9: 18 p.m. Gene waited silently on the five or six souls rsee CHRISTl\IAS. Page A2 ) llUfuS.,..da9 , I , ' ( c .42 DAIL V PILOT ' .· · . CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN 'THE GOLD RUSH' 'Tramp' Exits Scr een Pioneer Passes GENEY~. Switzerland CAP) -Charlie ChapUn has died al the a,::e of 88, the famed comedian's house· holrl told the Associated Press. flt· cltt•<I at 7 p.m. Saturday at his mansion in Corsier O\ <'rlookmg the t·astcrn end of Lake ~ - G l' IH'' a -c.·.a:~ .... t'haplin·s '' 1fe Oona O'Neill, 1 dau{.!htr r of tht• late playwright Eugene fl':'\l'ill. and tht•1r children were present "'hen hi' diC'd, atTording to the household spok esperson Ch;1plrn had Ii \'Cd in seclusion at the mans1un, le Mano1r de Ban, in recent years. Sir Chnrlt·s Chaplin --he was of- ricially kn ighted by Queen Elizabeth II cwA~LIN in 1975 told an interviewer that year : "Life is a marvl'lous. a \\m1dC'rful thing, but as you get on you always thank of moments past-and you always think ol d<':.tth " ( 'ha plan. th<' mastl'r comic of the silent screen, was born 11110 a thC'atn<'al family 10 London on April !fl, 1889. ChrtstC'nC'd Charles Spentcr Chaplin. ht· made hi s debut un ::-l <IJ'l' us an infant when ht• was carriC'<l in his mother·s .inn ... From lht• agl' <if seven he was acllvcty identified with I hl• I hL't1ll'r ( 'hanhn was reco~nizcd the world ~vcr <;ts a comic ~l·n1us who:-.c vision and talent helped give birth lo llol· lywood and the film industry in the 1920s. To mo\·wgoers, Chaplin was always the shufning little tramp whose pantomimed misadventures made them laugh m any language. The derby, Mustache and baggy trousers became an international signature for the legend who rose rrom a trouping vaudeville show to become the toast of Hollywood and the cclehrity who helped m ake it fa mous. For 40 years Chaplin lived in the l 'nitcd States, conquering silent film au· .I. cl1c·m'es with his artful clowning and ex· pnncling his talent into directing. "' -But off-screen Chaplin li ved a drama. Even before he was harred from America in 1952, the image of the be· lo\'ed little tramp had yielded to one TlllAMP of sour controversy. Chaplin horn in south London, had remained a British sub.1crt while hvin~ in Aml'rica. He became caught in a c;wirl of controversy about his political opinions in the tense c-:.i rlv da\'!-i of the Cold War. 'i'hc ·u.s. Congress' llnusc Committee on Un-American i\ctivilws ~ug~estrd in 1947 he was associated with com· mun ism. a chari.:c he always denied. Th<' l lnitcd Statt•s revoked his entry permit in 1952 and his bitter estranl!ement with the country that gave him fame was under way. lt would not abate until 20 years later , ''hen Chaplin returned lo Hollywood in lriumph for a tumultuous tribute and a special Oscar recogniz.ing his con· tribul1on lo the film industry. His silent films of a generation earlier were still playing in maJor movie houses and still drawing giggles from l'hildr<'n too young to understand what initially drove him from Aml'nt•1. 'Israelis Must Leave'' Sadat's West Bank Stance Firms JSMAILIA, Egypt CAP> - President Anwar Sadat named a new foreign minister Saturday on the eve of his s ummit with Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin and told Palestinians he will insist that Israeli t roops leave the West Ba nk of the Jordan River .. Peace based on justice is coming," he declared in a speech to 160 visiting West Bank Palesti· nlans. "We will insist on the withdrawal of Is raeli forces from your land." Sadat's statement appeared to surpass the concessions which, according lo some reports, Begin is bringing to the Christmas Day sum m il here. Nonetheless, sources at the Egyptian-Israeli conference in Cairo have said Begin will uresent "new think- ing'· and that"his private positions are more conciliatory than his public statements. Pres ident Carter, who s up· ports the Israeli-Egyptian talks, said inPlains, Ga., Saturday that he has not talked lo Sadat or Begin, "but r probably will before lhey meet.'' A White House spokeswoman in Plains also announced that Carter would meet with King Hussein of J ordan during the pre- sident's Dec. JI.J an. 1 visit to Iran. H ussei n , an Arab moder ate, has not joined the Egyptian-Israeli peace drive but has praised Sadat for starting it. Sadat appointed a longtime fr iend , Mohamed Ibrahim Kamel, as foreign minis ter, replacing Ismail Fahmy who re- signed Nov. 17 to protest Sadat's trip lo J erusalem. Kamel is a career diplomat who for the last four years was ambassador to West Germany. Sadat told the Palestinian doc· tors, lawyers and farmers who cam e to show support for hlm: "Tell them <in the West Bank) that their time of suffering has ended .... Their long nlght is about to end." Police Seek Two Suspects In Robbery Orange police and Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies were still searching today for two men who robbed a s upermarket Fri- day night in Orange. DAVID E. RING Fro• Page A J The duo, one brandishing a handgun, entered Albertson·s Super market, 332S E. Chapman Ave. al 10:15 p.m . Friday, con· fronted the employees, in· limidated customers and collect- ed money from several places, Newspaper Executive,· lting, Dies CHRISTMAS EVE. • • according to Orange police. David E. Ring, former co. The two suspects fled, but not owner of the old Globe-Herald, before an unidentified woman forerunner to the Daily Pilot, customer was able to get a died Saturday aft.er a lengthy W· who sought refuge from another winter night. By 11 :34 p.m. the Mission San Juan Capistrano was full. The crowd at the end of the garden path to the tiny chapel slowly i.:rew until it was filled by talk of ··There's no more room" and ''Another person won't fit in there." f'lging H onte To Tu&a. •• Th e Betson 's broug ht the description and license plate ness. Hewas67. custom to Newport Beach from numberoftheircar, police said. Mr. Ring had been a resident of Albuque rque, N.M. where it is After a high speed chase, in· the Harbor area for more than 33 practiced citywide. volving lhree police departments ) cars. Their's is not the only house on and the deputies, the car was He is survived by his wife, Ga 1 ax y o r iv e with the stopped at a railroad site at 15300 Marian; a stepson, Stephen Whit· luminanas. Valley View Blvd., La Mirada. tington, of Hong Kong; two step- Traffie crawls with only the The suspects escaped on foot, but cla ughtcrs, Susan Mathers of parking lamps of vehicles lit as Sl ,500 in cash and weapon were Seattle and Nancy Bush of their occupants gaie at the sight found, according lo deputies. Arcadia and his brother, Edward on a heavily overcast Christmas Orange police have issued a Ring, of Washington D.C. Eve plea for the woman customer to · ·d f th f th furnish them with rurther in-A funeral Mass will be Res1 ents rom e top 0 e celebrated Monday at 7 p.m. 1n hill are also out for a look, walk-formation. St. Joachim Church of Costa Mesa ing the long block to the Belson's No one was injured in the by Msgr. Thomas Nevin. and back. holdup. Thoughts of a midnight flight "In contrast to all the evil in Mr. Ring and bis long-time to Oklahoma and an old friend the world this shows the good and friend Walter Burroughs bought who won't make it home for the rem inds us.of the birth of J esus," the weekly Globe·Herald in late holidays this year were on the Joanne Buchanansaid. FOOTBALL 1947. From that grew the Dally mind of Tim. a Huntington Beach "ll 's beautiful fun. More peo-Pilot with its seven day a week. barlende< <addl•d woth wo,kinc pie s hould do it." adds hec I (f-1 s•ven •diUon oovecage of all the late shift Saturday. mother, Mattie Buchanan. ON TV cities in the Orange Coast area. Tim could only look to the early Pam Betson and fi ve other • liurroughs recalled, "Dave 10 p.m. l'losing lime when he fami ly members or friends wasn't trained as a newspaper would rush home and then to Los helped place 257 cnndles in sand man, but his contributions to the Angeles International Airport for inside a brown paper bag. They FIESTA BOWL growth of the newsp aper and to his rtight to Tulsa where his put the first sack o ut at 1 p.m. Channel 2, Noon the welfare of the entire Orange parentsnowlive. Saturdayanditwas5:30whenthe C t a ere witbou• II e reme mber s a fellow nuoma~-r.'~re w . " last candle was lit. Penn Stare (10.1) ~ Okl a homan who rode freight 11 k o · t t atArtzonaState (9-2) trains from the West and tried It wi ta e 9 minu es 0 Burroughs added, .. As a can: every Christmas season to roll gather them up today· sultant in industrial reJations 1 into Muskogee just in time fqrlhe ''This is a family thing," Pam Twoof thetopcoaches, Joe there were some times brier holl.days. said. "It just wouldn't seem like Paterno and F rank Kush, periods when he was moving to Ch l t •th t d ·ng ·t " meet in this one. So do two "Ile d1·ed m· a boardin" house r s mas wi ou 01 1 · another assignment. During one " A d alth h j t I 1· of the best offenses-i!acb fire a few years ago," said Tim n oug a e a r mer such hiatus, Bill Cagney and I as he m ethodicall y poured c limbing in its takeoff from averaging over 30 points a p e r s u aded hi m lo become anolherdinnercocktail. OrangeCountyAlrportcrackslhe game. ll could be high Supervisor Clare Nelson's depu. .. 1t was 8 hard life for him, .. he still night air, the viewer can vis-scoring. Penn State's a ty, a position he filled with dis· added. ualizc a time when candles were hea vy favorite. tmction. As a waitress dismantles a the only man-made source of Funeral arrangements are be- droop1ng Christmas tree and pre-light leading processions lo a See Details ing handled by Baltz Bergeron o( pares to throw it in the tras h, place of worship to observe His In Sports Section Costa Mesa. another employeesnaps aphoto-~b_i_rt_h_·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­graph with a pocket camera. 1.. .... 1nari1U' Glow Lum Sight•een. •• Traffic on Polaris Drive slows as it approaches Galaxy Drive in Dover Shores, Newport Beach. Looming slightly to the right is an awe Inspiring sight of row upon row of ground level lights tha tgiveoffaneerieorangeglow. The lights are part of the Dr. John Betson famiJy·s observance of the luminaria, a custom that originated in Mexico as a symbol of light leading the three wise men to the baby Jes us. STARTS TOMORROW .•• ALL STORES OPEN 9:00 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. HOLIDAY SALE New Strangler Victim? Famous Maker Sportswear Sale Including Pendleton and Villager Tioolfth Body Fouml on Pasadena Hilhide LOS ANGELES <A P > -A young woman whose partially nude body was found dumped on a hillside early Saturday is believed to be the 12th victim of the Hillside Strangler, police said. The victim was identified as Paula Gwen Ward, 18, of Los Angeles, said Pas adena police Sgt. Ben Hetherington. A second womll.l> fpund dead hours after Miss Wa rd was ruled out as a possible victim of the s trangler, oHiccrs said. Miss Ward's body was found on a s lope in the hills surrounding Pasadena's Rose Bowl. Los Angeles County coroner's in- vestigators determined that s he had been strangled, but not sex· ually molested. All of the 11 young women con- side red victims of the Hillside Strangler have been strangled, but only some of them were sex- ually molested. "We are technically cons ider-ing her victim No. 12," said Pasad~na police spokesman John McAUster. But he said the Los Angeles Pollce Depart· ment's Hillside Strangler Task Force had not posillvely de· ~rm lned whether the younc -om an wu lndeed the vlctlm ot the penon btiJeved to have ~Ued at least 11 young women atnce Oct.1& "She flt.a the victims ' pronte, '' McAUlter •aid. "She·a female, younr, she wu not stabbed, abo 'WH not lbot, and •b• WU found In a billy area. Sbe wu black, lib the atran'1er'1 ftrn Tiell~" , Yolanda Washington, 20. McAlister said that by con· sldering the young woman a vie· tim of the strangler, his depart· ment gained the aid of a 65-man task force set up to investigate the stranglings. Two men found in the area were taken In by police for routine questioning, "basically to exonerate them," one orficer said, One was quickly released. Police said the other man seemed unwilling to cooperate with illves tigators, but they would not give further details of the investigaUon. The body of a second woman was found hours after the flnt discovery, but her death wu "not being treated as another victim of the Hillside Strangler," said Police Commander William Booth. The official spokesman sajd Lhe task force invesU1atec1 the apparent k1llifl!t, but dls- counted the possiblJlty that the victim was killed by t h e strangler because she was found in an urban parking lot instead of on a hillside and because abe ap. patently was killed at lht 1cene. None of the youna women 432 Win Freedom BU ENOS AtltES, Arsnt.lna CAP) -The IDW&aij' SOWS'D· ment •SU fr" •n poUtJe•l prllOMrl ID a aan.taiM a..._. ty, tbe lritenor llJalatiJ' an. nouoced Frtdlr. NO Pl'Ollllneat pri1oner1 were amo•a u.o.. tcbeduled for NINH. counted as victims of the Hillside Strangler were murdered at ~he sites where they were dis· covered, police said. Most of the Hills ide-Strangler's victim s have bee n nude or partially clad ; all were strangled, some were sexually molested. SUNDAY DAILY PILOT Reg. $28 to $140 Up to 1120FF Jackets, Blazel"I, Sweaters, Vests, Pants, Shirts, Skirts. Choose from an aasortment of styles and fabrics Including 100% virgin wool ... from th8M and other famous makers. ·> -. .. . . . - , Sunday, Cecember 25, 1977 OAILVPILOT A3 ' New.Year, 1..awWorih To8sting 1 11) GLENN WBJTE Of Tiie......, ........ TJJUANA-&me mercbanls here are expectioi a business wiadfall on the tint day or im. United States CU.toms Service o(fldala wbo wort the border crosstnc from nJuana to tbe U.S. are heaving a uab or relief. Less MexWan Booze Will Go Down the Drain i I • • ' And people who heretofore had been denied tbeJrlvilece or bringing a quart liquor into. CallfomiafromMex.lco, will have the richt to carry in the booie aa of J&Ul. l. ' ,Prior to that date no liquor ~~uld be brought across uslifomia's international border unless the party carrying it was ttaveUnc in a commercial vehi· cle (bus or airplane). i I I t BILINGUAL LIQUOR SIGN It was a California law that prohibited folks rrom doing in California wh at they urc entitled lo do anywhere else in America- bring in 32 ounces of alcholic beverage once every 30 days. However, that law has been re· ))ealed. A wade r ange of opinion exists in Tijuana regarding what could lie a dollars bonanza for the clozens or liquor stores whose ~helve,.t1re lined with Kahlua, le· quila, rum, gm and vodka he Mexiunspec1alties which can be bought for about half what they would cost in the United States. Various liquor store employL•es were checked by the Daily Pilot and hC're is the wide range of views offerL'CI: Eulalio Mcndei Carcia- "There should be IOIDe advan- tage for us who sell liquor now that tourist.a can take it back. "I believe our buaineas will benefit substantially. But moeto! the increue 1n sales will be fo.r the st.ores downtown. The busi. nosses on the edge or town wJJl probably note very litUe increase in revenue." . ~ Garcia adds that prices ary generally lower in the stores that are away from the central downtown aren, ranging from 15 or 20 cents to as much as a dollar a bottle. Research made by this re- porter substantiated that claim. Juan Gidoy Cervanles-"We hope it (busloesa) will be better, but I don't think the repeal of tbe law wlll bring a lot of new tourists to Tijuana. "When it (liquor) was forbid- den to be taken across the border, people wanted it. Now that they can take it, they may lose interest. "It is true that liquor ii generally less expensive at super- markets than in the liquor stores. That's because supermarket& pay lower taxes than do liquor :-.tores. "But we find that people would prefer to pay more than have to wander around looking for the best price." Guillermo Percz-.. The new Jaw is good for both sides of the horder. We'll sell more liquor and you'll get It cheaper. "I believe we'll sell more, but not a lot more. Many people are buying it now, but they hide it and smuggle ii baclt across the border." Carlos Garcia-'' I expect sales to increase in my store-maybe as much as 40 percent. Riehl now liquor distributors in Mexico are considering raising prices, but I don't think they '11 do it. Top Pri.:e Winner Sketch of a "Little Drummer Boy•• <above> was judfed t he be::.t entry in the Daily Pilot's Uncle Len dra~rrg t·ontest for Christmas carols. As his prize, the artist, Scott Juhl, 14, <at left , below> took his family to DiS>- neyland Jnr a day. Grandmother Elizabeth J uhl, prOOltd parents Clarence and Frnncile Juhl and brother, Blake of Huntington Bea ch joined the Edison High School freshman on the outing. ••peop)e come In naw lo buy ll· quor and we tell them they can't take it across the border. But )n many cases they buy il anyway." Mexican visitors bureau of- ficial MarceliDo Gomez says he expects o big Increase ln liquor . sales with the change in law. Tijuana llquor stons have done a thriving business from Americans despite lbe'ex1stence of the law which says they may not carry beer, wine or boozetnto California on foot, in a prtvate vehicle or on a private boat or airplane. Some purchases were for con- sumption while below the border. Others were made by people lg· norant of California's law against bringing il into the state. And others simply took the risk or s muggling it into California. l r they were causht they were subject to fine, usually in the amount of the contraband li· quor's value in the U.S. · Additionally, the liquor they tried to bring across the border was poured down the drain by U.S. customs officials. One official told the Daily Pilot that 100 botllea a day being dumped didn't seem like an ex· aggerated estimate. • Byron Peters a senior inspec· tor who bas served at the border separating Tij1Jana . a nd San Ysidro for seven years, believes that enabllng people to b(ing in 32 ounces of booze is good. 1 "I feel lt will make it easier for the traveling public now that they can bring into California their liquor exemption as entitled under federal law,·' Peters says. •·And it will make it easier for the Customs Service here at the border. People got upset with us whe n they were t old they couldn't bring In liquor. These were the honest people who declared having it in their poi.session, now kn~lng they couldn't bt1n1 it In. -·They had the option or return· ing it to Me>tico or dumping It down the drain here. They would get upset, feeling they had not been properly~ \nformcd. For some people it' absolutely ruined their trip." The Jaw was particularly perplexing for travelers or other nationalltles whose travel origtn and dtstlnaUon were outside the U.S., yet who were crossing into California on part of their journey. They, too, had to dump liquor down the drain, or return to Mex· ico to drink it there. Uhder the new law, American citt~em, 21 or older, are enUtled to brl.bg across 32 ounces once every 30 days. Peters admits it will be difficult to keep tabs on people who might try to bring Ii· quor across more frequently. And be says that the U.S. authoriUes will not split hairs with pebpl~ brlnglhg across Hter m easure bottles, although a lit.er is abolll 34 ounces. Tbe liter will be passed as it it' Were a quart. Foreign travelers will be en· titled to carry one quart or liquor for themselves and four quarts as gifts. And so it will be, for people on both sides of the border and for those who guard the border: a happy beginning !or 1978. ,_ ________ _.. ___ * * . WHEN StGN GOES JAN. 1 Store.(Below) May Gain . *----------..,! D~trict Woes Shopping to Find Bargain in Liquor Survey Says 'Cut Services' ByKA111YCLANCY High property taxes and the cost of medical care for illegal a liens seem to be the issues rank- ing highest in the collective minds of resid ents or South Orange Cou nt y's Fifth Supervitorial District. Fifty-four percent of the 6,500 r esidents wbo returned surveys mailed out in ~eptember by Supervisor Tttomas Riiey said they favor cutting back service to reduce property laxes. In addition, about 47 percent said free county-paid emergency medical care for illegal aliens should be discontinued o r paid by the federal gOYernment. Riley's district includes· a s m all section of Huntington Beach and stretches through Irvine~ Costa Mesa, portions of the Saddleback Valley south through San Clemente. When it comes to preserving the county's dwindling supply of farmland, 43 perceat said they would favor's bond issue aimed at buying up choice agricultural acres. s.t. 50.6 percent at tllose ro· turniag Uae sul"\teys aaN they would appoeesoch a meaattre. On a ~arate questiOll that alked resld«MU wtiicb aspect of tlle enviremnent de.et~ the most protectton. 33.7 percent s aid 'open spacre UCI farm land should rank highest. Another 22.4 pefte9t said they favored protect!<Ma of l>eacbes ~imBoard Hires Ferraro ForSclwols and parks and 28.3 percent listed natural resources. The fifth district survey also s howed that 52.2 percent of those a nswering the questions are not impacted by activities at Orange County Airport. However, those living in cities near the airport were the most affected. Thirty-nine percent of the Newport Beach residents re.ponding ~ they were very impacted, 28 p e rcent were somewhat impacted and 30 per· cent saicHbey weren't affected. In 81$Wering questions dealing with inflation and growth, 30.6; porcent said county budgets shovld take growth and inflation int.o account, and Z3.3 percent sug- g eated incre.ased state and federal subsidies to provide local services. Sixteen percent said the costs or county government. arc too high and 1'.6 percent said county government is generally good. Nine percent said there is dis· honesty in county government a nd 1. 7 percent said government is not responsive to-citizens. Jn assessing needs for senfo1' citizens. 29.1 percent Usted ta1t relief and 14.5 percent said pro· grams to assist and involve senior citizens should rank high on c011nty priorities. Nearly six percent said senior citizens need cheaper housing, 6.8 =ent said seniors need "not speclal" and 7.3percent cited a need for public transportation. TIJUANA -Bargains in liquor? Tijuana has them and if you are _planning to travel here Jan. 1, 1978 or thereafter, you can bnng back a quart or liter bollle of liquor, wine, beer or liqueur. It pays to shop for your purchase. Generally, supermarkets have the best buys in tequila, rum, gin, vodka, Kahlua or Tia Maria, the most popular alcobo!Jc beverages to American tourists. ONE SUPERMARKET IS located on Avenida Revoluc· cion, just north or the jai alai palace. Another is a block to the right of Revoluccion as you travel north ftom the center of town and as you arrive at the jai alai palace. It is also cheaper if you have pesos to pay with since you get those at the bank at 22.68 for $1 while store exchange is generally 20 pesos to a dollar. A quart of Kahlua will cost you between S4.9S and SS.95. A quart of Tia Marla runs about $6.50. A quart or tc· quila <Cuervo or Sauza, the top brands> figures out between $2.35 and $3. 70, depending where you shop. SAUZA CONMEMORATIVO can cost as little as $3.25 a fifth to as mllCh as $4.9Safifth. Oso Negro gin, 80 proof, is as low as $2.S<n liter. Bacardi rum is about $3.SO a liter. You can also buy most tequila, rum, vodka aftd gin in hall gallon and gallon containers. If four people are traveling together, they are permitt.ed to bring across a gallon bottle, which combines the one quart allocation per person over 21. THERE ARE BARGAINS, to be sure. But you have to shop to flnd the best ones and you will be better off to go a few blocks to the right or left of Avenida Jtevoluccion and look for liquor stor~. or seek out the supermarkets <the Jarge ones, not the little neighborhood variety. A store named Limon bas good buys, as does one named Cali Mex. Mexico has many lesser-known brand liquors that sell considerably cheaper than the popular labels. But you may sacrifice something in quality of product if you purchase them. ~..-..oer..~co UPON ~ ... *-,, 0 t Monday l. l 2 Price i Tuesday 1 o-6 i AbJ ruric I 1 o-6 It , • • ,~ . . . . tl . ,, ~this coupon must be presented] l..-~~~-~~~~~.~~J. I .I '\ I DAILY PllOl Sunday 011c•mber 25. 1977 WEATHER I NATION I WORLD Talks to Cover 'rough Issues '\SMAILlA. F.g)pl <AP> Hert! arf! some of the issues hkelv lo be dtscusse~ at the Chr1stma~ Day 1>UJllm1t here bet\\ccn Egvp lian PrcS1dcnl Anwar Sadat amt hl'{leU Prime Minister Menahem Bcgm· -T ll E •Fl'Tll R E of the Jsraeli·O<'C11p1ed West Dank uf Lht• Jordun H1\'er und the Gaw ·stnp · lsraeJ1 troops t·aµlurl'd thl· Wl•sl Bani.. from Jordan a nd the Gaza Stnp from Egypt m the 1967 Arab-Israeli Wur Saeli.It says ht· \\ 111 demand comµlete m1litar\' withdrav.al from the· nccupwd territories followe<l hv !>elf determination for the Palestm wns who ltvethere Begin ts lhou~ht tu be: n•ad) lo p r n p o s t• a j u 1 n l I ., r ..i t· I 1 JordJnian-P<.1lel-ttn1..111 1·ounc1l lo Stations In Space Proposefl. W/\SHl;'l;C;TO:'\ 1,\P 1 llun drc>ds of t\mcrH·an-. toulcl he II\· in~ In span• : . .111d beaming solar l'nt:rgv h.1t·k to t·:1rth h) the end of t hi:-tl'lltury u11<fl'r 11l•in~ that Congrt>s:-. i;, being a;,k<:d to l'n dor.,t.• .i:-. ,1 nal11111.il goal Thl' ~Olar pm~ t•r :-.latwns t'ould bl' a sll.'fl toward ;,pa('l' tolon1ta lion O\ t•r-.ec the area for a trans1t1on µtnod of fl\ l· ye.irs. lsruel1 troops \H1uld rtjmcun. under lil'J.:1n's plJn The sovereignt y qul'.'st1on \1ould hl' ldl OPl'n und pw, ... 1bly put to a \'Ole al the end of tht• pcrnid -ESTABLISIJ1'1 ENT OF ~in 111dt•pt:ndt•n t stale for lht' 1 I rn1ll1<1n l'..1ll·st1n1ans now It\ mg undl'r lsral.'11 <Hlminbtrution 111 lhl' oc·t·111m·d Wl'st Bc.tnk and C.11.i Strip lsr:ic·I has reJeCtl'd J\rab ell·· mands for a separate Palc!>ttniun .,l..ttc. and Be~111 has 1ndl(:..1ted hl· "ill propo::.c gr<1nt1ng c1\ ti :111tonom) tc1 Palestinian Arab:. II\ ing in th<' Wci.t Bank and Gi.lli.I ~tr IJ> Sadat has :.aid that ts not (•nough. but high Egyptian <1f· fH·1als say He~in is ready to orrer s1gn1fic-anlly m<>rl' contl11atnr) proposals than have been made public. -ISRAELI WITHDRAWAL from E~ypt 's Sana1 Peninsula. The p1·ospet·t of u separate l:.raeli-Egyptian agreement on this issue hus concerned Arab hardliners who frar Sudat will seek to benehl his own country while dropping other Arab de- mands, including Palestinian rights and Israeli return of Syria's Golan I le1ghts Egyptian officia l s acknowledge that the Sinai is one of Sadat's major concerns, but say he would rather seek ten· tative agreement on a wider peace pact that would benefit all Arabs. -T HE ISSUE of who will n•pre:.t·nt the Palest1n1an people All' Wire ...... T ll E R ESOLl'TIO~ rails spt•(·1ricall\' for .i ~tudy lo dC'· tcrrnine 1f the n:1t111n !>hould sl·l cJ go.ii uf dt•H•loptng mannc:<I spa1·r· l.1hnralortl'" lo I ran-.m1t -.olar l'lll'rg \ h,\ the'.\ t•ar 21l00 NASA ENVISIONS GIANT ENERGY ISLAND IN SPACE 100,000 Aboard Would Beam Sun's Power Back to Earth II al-.o :-.a.\s lhl• nation ~hould l.11111l'h an .ill·OUI ('ffort lo U~Sl''>S )111l1·11t1.il 11-.t•-.11( "l'·ll't' Tht• proposal. fan·~ rouJ,!h ~lilllJ.! 1n ;o J>l'rto<f whC'n the v11\ 1•1 nnwnl st•t·m" un11H<'rl'!'>l1·d 111 "Pl'rHling lari.:t· "llm'> of nwnt'.\ !Ill ... p.11·1• Millionaire Spreads TUX>-wheeled Joy T it ESTA TIO~S \1 crnld capturf." .,cilar l'llt'rl!\' with hugf." arrays uf -.ular panrb and transmit 11 to t•arth h\' microwave. the wav mo:-.t tefo\'ls1nn :-.hows and Ion ~ d1:-.l..1nn· phnnt• (',1lb art· t·c.trncd Thl· slaltcm:-. an· 1•nv1s1oned a-. fot1•r11nnt·rs of 1..trgl' mann1•rl "l'Jl'l' u1l11n1t·... \11U1 1110.000 or flllll'l! l>l"''Plt· b,\ lhl· yt•ar 2025 " -- ' \, l\llNNl'<:t\POL!S <A P ) A Jewish m1llwnaire whose purents Wl'rc Loo poor to buy him a h1q d<' bought 1.050 two- '' ht•ekr!--and pn·sentl•d them lo need\' t·htldr en <tl u lavish Chn<,tmas party ht•re Saturday The 1·hildren. <1ged 7 to 11. -.hnl'l .. l·d w 1th dt•lll!hl as a curtain rose al the conclusion of the par ,. ......... -----~~--~~~~lili:~~~~~ Blasti11g for Safety ·"·1 .. "'°10 I' ~Explosion s:}wars conveyor chute at New Orleans grain •ele,·ator wher·<:> al least 33 workers died last week. Chute :threatened s.c·archers below and was d emol1s hed to insure ttheir safety. ) ,atcst \·ictim was found Saturday nighl. Al least three more remain missing t y to rc•veal row upon row of shiny new bicycles. It was a mat· ler of seconds hefore the children were aboard tht• b1kl.'S. riding in circles and blowing their horns. "Thal l!U\' must be rich or something.·· s md To~ u Stewart. 11. of Rohbmsdalc. She said she had a hike al home. "but it's hrulwn PER('\' ROSS, 61 . came back from lhl1 H'rl?l' of bankruptcy in 1rn;:1 to ;,('(I 111:-. polyethlcne film .111d hag manufacturing firm, Polv Tet·h. for S8 m1ll1on in 1969. Sine~ thl.'n. by h1~ own account. hl• ~ s pl'nt much of his lime look- ing for'' ays to give away money. ·A II my life I wanted a bike," Hoss told a reporter. "I didn't have a bike until l was 17 --and thaL was used with two flat ll l'l'S." The Christmas Eve party al the M inneapolts Auditorium cost Sl75.000. There was u seemingly endless supply of soa11 pop, hot dogs. potato chips. popcorn and kc crc•am plus "warm-up" pre· M'OLS wallets for the boys. purses for Lhe girls. Sl m change for eacn child. piggy buni<s; and transistor radios. "\'Ei\RS AGO, when I was nbout 12. I was a poor boy selling popcorn outside t hi s .1uditoraum. ·· Ross lold the rnrldren "Today I'm able to see t hut ea<·n and every one of you nc.ts plenty of it to eat." Ross, who now lives in the fas hionable Minneapolis suburb of Edina, grew up in the copper· mining town of Laurium, Mich .• where he helped his Russian im· migrant parents in a scrap metal business. now Spotty Over Nation New E•wrland, Midwest Share White Yule .. I Coa•tal Weather ~OINT CO.,CEPTION 'tO Ml!XICAN 80A1>Elt ANO OUT tO MILIS • Ll9llt verltlllt wl,,ds tllrtV.11 llllt _,,. .... U teml110 """'"" tt _.. • .. 1t •nets tty tf • tern-. WIM wew• t lo 1 lttl. w.11tr1v _.1, t to• 1ttt eec, .. ,,._ It t tet i-.c.M1411r*9 ft911 cleuttl'i· ..... ~ ....., -'"' -.. IOw ~ ........ ~"'· ,.. ........ ..... AllanUI hltlf'M't 8111'1'trclt. 801ton 8ullelo CMtlttnSC °'''-(;ln<I""'"' CltrtllM Dall'loWlll Otflwtr ,.,,Miii!, ........ ......... ........ ......... ICM'tClly l.HV•t so JI ,. I u 0 .. "° ~ 1J ., ,, " • ,, n ,, ., LMA1194ilft M•mpMs Ml.ml Miiwaukee Mpls·SI P HtwOrlHn1 HtWYOrlt. Otl•.Clly Pflllacl'Pfll• Phoenl• PlllJl>llr ... P'lland,~• St. Levis S.llLakt s,t,, C>ltoo S.nFra" SHlllt ~•na WaslllnQIOfl . ..., ...... .., ..... ~ " SS .. 41 IS ~ JI H " ., 71 " u " •• 0 )I JO II •• )) ~ 40 J7 SS » 4S u •• Jt J7 JO •1 ,. ti -04 JI ,. Mone!.., ~rod.ty II you do lleC ,..,.., .,.,.,. -•l>v&30o"' c,....,,0-t 7 p,., •NI your CODY wtll 118 M1 ... N at a reronvened Gene\'a peace t·onfcrence on the Middle East. including the 2 mllllon P alestin· ians now living in Arab and European countries. Arab nations decided at a i.um- mit conference at Rabat. Moroc- co. 1n 1974 that Yas1r Arafat's ~uerrilla Palestine Liberation Orgun1zallon is the sol e ll'gitimale representative or the Palestinian people. But Begin's government has steadfastly re· fused to negotiate with the PLO because its charter calls for the dismantling of the Israeli state. Sadat and Begin ure expected lo discuss naming PLO members only remotely linked lo Arafat. Sadat hus suggested ha,·ing a Pulestinian-Amcrican professor speak for the Palestinians al Geneva Nativity Site Hit By Blast BETllLEHEM. Occupied West Hank IAP ) A chorus of bells h c r a I <l e d t h c u r r i ,. a I o f Christmas Day Ill the town where Christ was born a:. thousands of p1l~rims refused lo let a bomb explosion just off Manger Square dampen their holiday spirit!>. About 15.000 visitors milling in a carnival atmosphere outside the Church of the N at1vity ::.hrugged and ignored the blast that echoed off the i:lncient church stones. A choir ::.1nging carols on a wooden stage did not miss a note. "Jo one was hurt. A l>Cnior police officer at the scene s uid "it's itlmnst certain" the ex· 1>los1on was ('aused bv ;1 bomb The hlast !lhatlcred windov.i. m :in emptv room on the second floor of a buildinA nn the :.ide st reel about 30 feet from the squarl' Israeli police and soldiers had been guard1n~ the area against the possibihty of Arab terrorist attacks. Soviet Trial Watch Asked WASfllNGTON CJ\P l • The National Acadi>m\· of Sciences. 10 an unprecendented move. has asked the Soviet Union for permission to send a le1?a l ob· :-.er\'er to the pending trial of Russian computer scientist and human rights activist Anatoly Shcharansky. In the past. the academy's Com mitlee on Human Rights has come out in support of dissidents or imprisoned scientists in various countries. but the academy has not sought to send an observer to such a lriai. 'ltlan of the Year' All'WI ...... Time :\l;,agaz11H' !--ay-. till'~·\ t' l'ho ... l'n F:g~ pt1.an Pr<:>s1dcnt .\nwar Sadat ':\Ian ol thl· Yt'a1" tor hi-. p<:a('C' efforts in lhl' Mick•ast. Tht• :\lagai'int· <.•1tecl h1~ \\ tlltngnt·!-i~ to se11.e a ·fre!>h approach.· his pohlll'al and personal tourag<.' and rc·soh·c to restorl· pcatl' Pope Calls for Love In Christinas Mass VATICAN CITY CA P ) Pope Paul VI ushered in Christma:. b) relt·brating a midnight l\la!'>s tn St Peter's Rasilil'a and e'<prC'SS· ml! hope in ht~ homily that the day marking the b1rlh of .Jc:.u~ may bnng "J t·ull of love" lo all ml'n "Ol'R S AVIOUR . tl<.-arl~ beloved. is burn lod:n" Let u:-. re .. JOtl'e," the 80 year-old Pope sard. quoting a 5th·l'entury pontiff. Sl. Len. "There is no place for sad ne:.s \\here hfe is born the hfe th~l has allayed in us the fear or death and filled us with the joy of a promised eternity." Pope Paul delivered his brief sl.'rmon from the throne under lht> flood-lit dome of the Ras1lira. The sermon deull i.oll'IV with Christmas. as is usual during the Chrisas midnight Mas!.. and made no mention of problem::. facing the world. such as the Middll.• East or guerrilla fighting in Africa. The Pope called Christmas u "wonderful and uplifting joy ... source of unquenchable happt· ness." llE SAJD: "Brethren! All men and women• What is Christmas, 1f not this great historic and cos- mic event. e.xtremely com- munity-oriented because it is directed to universal propor- twns. and at lht.' l-:.1me lime tn· l'Ornparahly 1nl1matc and personal for each one of us-the t'\ l'nt whcn•b) tht· Eternal Word of God. by who:w JlO\\'er we :.tlrrad,\' liH• our naturl.11 live!'>. has comeini.earchof us " Winds Lash North Sea LONDON (AP> ~Hurricane­ s trcn gth winds las h ed t he En~Ji:.h Channel and coastal are.is of England, Ireland. - Holland and Denmark on Satur- day. und six persons were known to have died in the churning seas Seven m o re were feared drowned. A moth<'r and four children drowned as they tried to escape from the barge Laguna, loaded with dies('! fuel. after it hit a breakwater near the Belgian port of Antwerp. port officials said. The barge sank. The winds also capsized a small boat off the southeast coast of I re land and the lone occupant was drowned, the marine rescue center at Shannon reported. His body was recovered Saturday morning. MIKE'S CARPET * Warehouse To all of my Customers <-<-THANKS'' · is a Small Word to Express Our Appreciation and Pleasure for the Privilege of Having Sened YOU ' Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year MIKE'S CARPET WAREHOUSE 124 East 17th Street 2nd LOCATION-1690 Placentia (at 17th) COSTA ~A• 645-4330 I .v STATE NEWS Kidnap Victim Slain OAKDALE (AP> -The boUnd body of an Oakdale phyaiclan's wife waa found partially con- cealed in a lumber pile near an abandoned flour mill 14 milea east of here. Following a tip, Oakdale police and Stanislaus County sheriff's officers searched the Knights Ferry area early Saturday where they found the body or Bernice E. Chourel, 64. AN AlITOPSY by Dr. William Ernoehazy. county pathologist, found Mrs. Chouret had been suf- focated, but he did nol say how ~he was killed. Described a:-. a s mull, frail woman, Mrs. Chourel had been the object of a ~t atcwide search since Thursday morning when her husband received a SS0,000 ransom demand and a former Modesto man was found dead in her garage. Oakdale Police Chief Dave Sundy said his department re· ceived word that Knights Ferry was a "prime" search area. He said identification experts. pathologists and a deputy district attorney were called to the scene after a two-hour search ended in discovery of the woman's body FRIDA\' NIGHT FBI agenb arrested a Kentucky man, Clark· Rutland, 24, in San Mateo. on ~us­ pi clon of kidnapping Mrs. Chouret and murdering Richard Doyle Wolfe. 27, of Las Vegas, Nev. Wolfe's hacked-up body was found in the Chouret garage. Oakdale police said the case will be turned over to the county district attorney Tuesday for fil. ing of additional charges against Rutland, who is in custody in San Francisco. Officer Dan Sipes said Oakdale police ure t•ontinuing the in- \'estigotion although information the y have ind icate' ''ther e wouldn't appl'Jr to bl' anyone <.•lse inrnl ved " be:-. ides R ulland and Wolfe. SI PES ALSO said witnesses saw Rulland·and Wolfe together earlier on the day of the kidnap· ping and murder, supporting the Oakdate police theory that the two were involved in the plot together but Wolfe was killed when he got cold feet and wanted out. Wolfe was found stabbed to death in the dead woman's garage· after the ransom demand was re- ceived bv Dr. Edward E. Chour<.'t An autopsy indicated Wolfe was stabbed in the neck with ~rass clippers found near his body. The doctor's nurse and a friend round Wolfe dead when they went to the house after rect!iving the ransom demand at the doctor's office. They also found Mrs. · Chouret·s car missing and the house unlocked. SUNDY SAID the woman's car was found Friday night in nearby Modesto about one half hour before Rutland ·s arrest. The ransom demand was made by a man who identified himself as an Oakdale police sergeant. and told the nurse he was holding Mrs. Chouret and that the doctor s h ou ld s tart gathering the money. Sierra Snowy Hills Due for More By Tbe Aasocla~ Press A While Christmas Ln the high Sierra is a sure thing and the National Weather Service said there was a chance more snow may pad the healthy base provided by this week's storm. Jn fact, the weather service held out the chance or rain showers for most of Northern California today, a welcomed gin for the drought-stricken region. SNOW FELL on much of the high Sierra Friday. but snowplows managed lo keep major routes open. The pre- dlcled snow level for Saturday's flurries was 4,000 feet in the north and 5.000 to 7,000 fe(!t over the Sierra Nevada, weather officials said. Temperatures were to remain stable as the cloud cover increased over much or the slate's northern tip Saturday, the weather service said. The region's recent series or rain and snow storms lifted hopes that California was beginning to turn the comer in its worst drought in history, but state officials said much more of the wet stuff is needed. A spokesman for the state Drought Information Center reports that three of the larg~t rei.ervoirs in California slill are critically low. SHASTA DAM has a capacity of 4.5 million acre feet but has only about 914,000 acre feet in ~torage, officials said. Folsom Dam has only 182,600 acre feet or water in a dam which can hold l million acre feet. Oroville Dam 1~ 1ust one· third full and has a capacity of 3.5 million acre feet. But the potential for water runoff looks promising in som e areas. The East Bay Municipal Utility District report- ed 60 inches of snow al the 6,000-foot level of the Sierra watershed above its huge Parde~ Dam. ··Normally at this year there would only be 30 inches or ~now there," a spokesmlln c;aid. "and last year at this time or year there was no s now at all.·· LA Police, FireDlen Save 20 in Blaze LOS ANGELES <AP) -Al least 20 persons were rescued from a blazing downtown hotel when four Los An geles police of- ficers broke down !ll•veral doors and led them to safet y, authorities n ·1:x>rtcd None of the re~1dcnts of tht· sm oke-fill ed Charman Hotel were injured in the fire Friday, and Los Angeles city firefighters later extinguished a fire on two mattresses, officials said. Three of the officers -Doug Ashenbrenner, Emmett Bader and Kurt Miles - were treated for smoke inhal ation at California Hospital and later re- leased. Police said Orricer Roger Supervisors Posts Filled SACRAMENTO <AP> -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. has named a 66-year-old retired en~ineer and a 24-year·old photogrHphic assis· tant to boards of supervisors in Mariposa and Glenn counties. Harold Weber of Mariposa and Jean Rumiano of Willows were appointed by Brown to fill unex- pired terms Friday. Weber is a member of the Union ot Concerned Scientists and the Stanislaus Sare Energy Committee. Ms. Rumiano works for a photography shop in Willows. She is a Republican a nd succeeds the late Howard Jlolvick on the Glenn County board. ( ___ ST._lf_TE ___ J :\lagnunson ulso aided in the rC'scue. Broke r Conv i c t ed LOS AN~LES CAP> Form er Century City s tockbroker Thomas P . Richardson has been eonvicted of conspiracy in connection with an alleged stock manipulation :-.che me that may have cost un· 1versity pension funds as much as SJ million. · U.S. District Judge Matt Byrne found the 38-year-old Ricbaulson :!uilty an er cond11ctin~ a norljury trial on the charge la~t Thurs d :av l':rncteen other counts :iJ,:ainst the former broker will be <lroppNl ~•l his J an. 16 senlenc mg Gadaering Co•dy SAN DIEGO <AP> -John Freeburg is truly Santa for 38 of his wife 's relatives f rom Roekford, Ill. -he bought each of them a round trip airplane ticket to San Diego so the family <'ould be together for the holidays. Jn addition to paying for the airline tickets, Freeburg also made arrangements for hotel rooms and two limous ines for sightseeing. u ·s been a long-held dream that the family could gel to gether for at least one Christmas, a family member said. Medi-Cal Deficit 'Shr~' Doors Open Monday, December 26, at 8:30 A.M. SACRAMENTO <AP> -The still·uncxplained S200 million Medi-Cal de- ficit has shrunk by more than half. a legislator has quoted Gov. Edmund Brown J r. as saying. The slate has not made a.v changes in the medical car& program for the needy since the deficit was first learned of in late August. and I here waa no immediate explanation for the re· duclion in the deficit. Assemblyman Art Torres, D·Los Angele~. chairman of the As· sem bly•a. hcallh and welfare budget subcom· mittee, said Brown told him last week that the admlnlstrallon now ettlmatts the defitti at $90 million. State olnctall have ai. lrlbutecl the deficit to an unexpeeted rtu in the easelold ot the m edical- ly need,y and medically lndletnt program s. . .. . ~ SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE 1/3 TO 1/2 OFF ORIGINAL PRICES 1.magn1n .. SUndly, Oeclmber 25, 1qn DA.IL y PILOT A&-- Adrift for Four Days Lost Mate Rescued·~: • FORT BRAGG (AP) -Four days after he was cast adrift in a raft from his storm-swamped fishing bout, Nick Lackey was re· united with his wife and children Christmas Eve, hours uflt!r he was rescued from the Pacific by a passing freighter. The Fort Bragg fisherman was flown to Lillie River Airport by a Coast Guard four-engine Cl30 aircraft for u hero's welcome by his wife Carol and two children and a s mall band of friends who refused to believe he was lost. THE COAST Guard confirmed accounts given by townspeople that the service had suspended the search 1-'riday but resumed it Saturday under great pre~sure from citizens waging a telephone campaign. Weak and near exhau~tion from a slet>pless fou r-day vigil. Mrs. Lackey waited in her car to be joined by her husband, who walked as if hjs feet were hurt- ing. The couple, nanked by their two confused Infant children, em- braced, then drove oU by themselves. Marring the happy moment was the fact that Ernie Lopez, Lackey's friend and crewman, the only other occupant of the 38-foot Blessed Redeemer, was still missing. Lackey said he last saw him hanging onto a floating bait box TllE TWO WERE tossed into the sea last Tuesday in a storm that battered the boat with 40· knot winds and 40-foot waves. With th e Coast Guard searching a huge square of sea nertr from Fort Bragg, Lackey wo • spotted around noon Satur- day by a passing Greek freighter, the 5th Avenue, about 20 miles west of Coos Bay, Ore .. In good condition. he was taken to a Coos Bay hospital for a chec~up. and flown to Little River, not far from the Lackey home. J ro ni ca ll v. 1t w::is h e r husband ·~ c,w.a mping that J.(Ot credit from Mrs. Lackey for sav- ing her life and those or her children, Crystal, 2, and Jade early last Wednesday morning. WITH 1'1RS. Lackey and the children asleep in their frame house outside Fort Bragg, the telephone rang at 3 a.m. Mrs. ' Lackey opened her eyes and as she took the telephone she saw the C'e iling on fire. ''The call told me Nlck was missing, .. she said, weeping. "If it were not for that call, t and the children would be dead." She ran into the children·~ bedroom. tucked one under each arm, "and dashed out into a stormy night. The entire house, all Its con- tents and three pet dogs were lost in the fire reported to have start- ed from a storm-damaged chimney. provided her with a mobile homiJ , · on the site of the burned-out house, and people contributed· food. clothing, household goods , and e\-en a stove . "It's overwhelming, I can't·· believe it," she said at the time. "People ar~ doing everything." l THE SMALL community, about 150 miles north of San Francisco, opened their heart& to the s tricken family. Georgia- Pacific Corp.. a logging firm. The Coast Guard. which had searched :.ibout 18,000 squar~ miles of the Pacific from Tues· '· day through Saturday, had , planned to resume the search for Lopez today. ", Arm·y Effort Surgeons S ave'Stretch' SAN FRANCISCO tAP > -A San Francisco o<::topus named Stretch was hit between the eyes by a surgeon's blade as scientists battled Mother Nature lo keep the creature alive. . Female octopuses typically lose their appetites and die of s tarvation after they lay their eggs. But Stretch, a 40-pound graybrown eight-li_mbed beauty, was too popular with tourists a~ the Stean~art Aquarium to let. her die s o casually. according to aquanum director Dr. John Mcc osker. So he and Dr. Michael Lagios, a Children's HoS'JJital pathologist who had done surgery on s hark and dolphin in the past. opted to operate. First. they dipped Stretch in an alcohol-and-wa~er bath that quickly knocked her out. Then they cut a tw~-1nch in- cision between Strctch's eyes and removed an optic gland. Wodinsky theorized that the tiny glands secrete a hormone that controls octopl's s exual and parental behavior. The surgeons plucked one tiny orange optic gland from. the white flesh or Stretch's forehad just as the anlmal came to gripping McCosker's arm with her suckers. ' "Sew her up quickly," McCosker said. ''Forget th& other gtand. We'll go after it another time." St.retch is doing fine. ... ' ;, •'' •• Juvenile Court's Ward Dies Mter Flu Diagnosis · SAN LEANDRO (AP> -A 14-year·Old ward of the Alameda County Juvenile Court died of peritonitis five days after he cQmplained of feeling ill and a county doctor diagnosed possible influenza, officials said Satur· day. The diagnosis was mudc following an examination last Monday aflc·r Casey /I.. Barnell had snid he felt sick. a coroner 's investigator said. He was pro- nounced dead on arrival Friday morning at Fairmont HospiLa) here, officials said. ,' "We're certain of the peritonitis,·• said Roland Prahl, coroner's chief investigator ... W& still have to decide what caused. it." ~ He was the son of Elvy Andis&. who lives in Union City with, her husbarfd, Marion Andis. H. J. GARRETT'S WINTER SA STARTS TOMORROW SA VE 15 to 25°/o ON UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS AND SOFAS. ~· Illustrated above is one of the many styles offered during this money saving event Beautifu l 7 ft or 8 ft. loose pillowback curved sofa in a wide selection of fabrics incl uding tapestries, prints. velvets and woven fabrics. SA£E PRICED 8595. ..... .....,., .. , •J•~ . •• YWI fauoril• fflttrior df~ wfU ~ hopw to. usist you. \J PltOFESSIONAl. IHTlRIOl DE51GNEkS Optn Mo"·• nun. l Fri. bes. .. • • . '• ' A• DAit v PILOT * Su"lday De~mt>.r 25 1977 ~artoonist Moons for ·Art Painting Soothes M11llins Artist's Spirit Bv JACKIE HYMAN the Army and planning n career In advertising ii· • • oi11.oa111f'111utatt lustration, returned to join his Cather at cartooning. Ferd Johnson's paintings rarely have people in Other family members also get into the act, them. with ideas coming from Ferd's wife Doris and • His landscapes and seascapes of Corona del Tom's wife Anne, along with his sons Brad, Chris, Mar are people-less for a reason. Alter 601ears as a Brooke and Doug, a Dailf Pilot paper carrier. .cartoonist, it's hard for Johnson lo pamt people without balloons coming out of their mouths. WHAT KIND OF ideas do they look for? ''l stick lo local scenes mainly," says J ohnson. "Whatever affects you as runny," Tom says. ?2, who gets up al 5 a.m. to paint impressionistic "Fortunately there's a lot of characters so if you scenes before pulling in a ntll day's work on the think there's something funny, there's usually Moon Mullins comic strip. somebody it will fit. "The idea is to make something that hits a lot or HIS SON TOM, 45, or Newport Beach, who people who have experiences in common," Ferd works with him on the strip, also creates artwork on adds. the side. He illustrates educational film strips. •·Everybody gives you ideas," he says. "You The two work together in a one.room office on just have to be on the lookout for them." Coast Higway in Corona del Mar. The room is piled The cartooning has led to a number of honors high with comics sections and original drawings. for Ferd, including a new one. On Jan. 28, he will be The informal atmosphere of the office reflects one of seven persons to receive Americana Awards the Johnson's working style. from Cypress College. The week begins with rough ideas sketched in ballpoint pen by Ferd. He brings in six or eight HIS MANY YEARS or cartooning are some weekly strip ideas, while Tom comes in with ideas help in his landscape painting, Ferd says. But in for the Sunday comics. other ways he has to fight his cartooning instincts. "Basically the drawing's in there just like it is TOGETHE R THE\' dis cuss ideas and draw the with a cartoon, but you have to look at it a different strip, with the Sunday coloring provided by Ferd's way." he said. "They (viewers} have to look at it a PAINTING Moon Mullins strip comb/'1e$ work of family team, Ferd Johnson and his son Tom. The elder Johnson also spends his time painting scenes at Corona de/ Mar coastline. wife Doris. long time. With a cartoon, it's JO seconds.'' Is it difficult for a rather and son team to work __,_:..:_ _____ _:_ _________ ...:___::::.::..~..!.:.....~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~-------- together amicably'! "We argue these things out," Ferd says. "We don't pull any punches. lie has a way of telling me when my stuff smells.·' The two work six weeks ahead on daily strips and 12 weeks on Sunday strips. They've just finished one for Valentine's Day. Ahd Ferd says he never takes a vacation. He used to work even further a head and then travel for a month '·butitknocksyouout. ll's not worth it." FERD'S CAREER began at the age of 12 when he won a cartoon contest put on by the Erie, Pa. Dispatch-Herald. He went on to study art and then to h ang around the Chicago Tribune, where Frank Willard was starting the Moon Mullins strip. Aft.er hanging around the office till he was noticed, Ferd landed a job assisting Willard and drawing the "Texas Slim" strip. Then in 1958, when Willard died, Ferd Johnson took over the strip full-time. Hls son Tom, then in Johnson spends morning hours at easel. Lovc,I~e attllJov ... ., HARTS SPORTING GOODS 538 CENTER ST. COSTA~ N••• transportation 't . ou .s. FM CJUsmed Ad ACTION C:.ll A DWtf Plot Ad-mer '4%01671 ,,_-JicoAT LATEX WALL PAlllT • FAST 30·MIM. DAVI • WMITE AND COLORll • YMf!R Cl.EAMUPI • WASHABLE AMllHI SOLID VIEllYe\il~~~M!~~MD TRtMt • BENDABL -HI CAREFREE lOW·WAX F\NIS · . : HIGH-GLOSS SHINE RESSISWT;M~~:~~ OUT! • MARBLEIZED PATIERH ~3988 1 FAUCETS ALSO REDUCED 'llJfj/j~lfl OAK PARQUET ~ FLOOR TILE • REAL INLAID OAK! • RICH WOOD TONES - CHOICE OF SHADES! •FINISHED , WAXED! 331!. • SUNNY COLORS! • SELF·STICK BACKS! • SPILLS, DIRT WIPE AWAY ! •GLOWING NO·WAX SHINE! ¢ 12"~12 " 1;-oJ.Jt 79~: 39~o. FT. @ mstrong 12·FT VlllYL FLOORING @ms trong llYLOll SHAG CARPET SQUARES ~---'-'SPARIUIG .;:! ~! MIRROR Tll£ CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY COSTA MESA 2221 Hm bor II. (MewWIMal . Ph. 645-1.26 •-nu~11C.1m . ,..... ~ •DENSE RICH PILE ! •FADE RESISTANT! •LOOKS WALL·TO·WALLI &9 ¢ • SELF·STICK, FOAM SQ RUBBER BACKS! FT: 12" 112" OVER 270 HOME IMPflOvtMENT CUlfTtRS COAST TO COAST Westninster 15191 Beach 898-3388 Santa Ana 322 w. 17th 547 .. 7791 .,.., , .. , ... s.t. ~0.1:30 , ... ,_..,. ,~,... USE OUR LAYAWAY .HYPNOSIS 6unct.y, December 25, 1977 DAILY PILOT A 7' Hypnosi,s Boost to Meeting Potential I I I Once Scorned Practice Now Popular Sell-help Procedure ' MADISON Wis. (AP) -Sort, indirect hghtmg plays on contemporary Oriental paintings and statues. Plush carpeting, recliner chairs and floor pillows ln earth tones create warmth. Soothing sounds or the surf come from stereo speakers behind woodpaneled walls. Quiet and dark and comfortable. this is a hypnosis parlor. It is the Rand Jf ypnosls Institute Inc .. one of dozens or self·lmprovement hypnosis clinics which have sprung up across the nation in the past rew years. "Hypnosis," says owner Tamara Rand, "is coming out of the closet. Society has opened up enough to accept hypnosis. People are always look· ing for ways to help themselves." MISS RAND, WHO ALSO runs a hypnosis clinic in Los Angeles, where she lives. says her clients range from · entertainers. politicians and busi- nessmen l0 stud~nts and farm wives. They turn to hypnosis as another cxteni.ion of the so-called human potential movement. Some, graduates of transcendental meditation or yoga, want lo delve more deeply into their souls; others are looking for an easier way to right such personal demons a!> smoking, drinking and overeating People also try hypnosis to learn to relax, deal with success or improve the memory, but the cur· rent interest in the field has also led to important new uses in law enforcement and medicine. "We don't cure people of their problems," Miss Rand says. "We show them how to help themselves. We are what we think we are. We have a mental im· age of ourselves in our minds. For example, hyp- nosis can help a smoker learn to visualize himself as a non-smoker." Hypnosis was used as long as 5,000 years ago, but today's experts still know little about what it is or how it works. They describe it ln vague terms - a st ate of complete relaxation and intense concen- tration with heightened suggestibility. All agree there is no •'trance" as such, and a hypnotized person is never really asleep. Daydreaming is a state or hypnosis. So is star· mg at flickering fireplace flames or becoming absorbed in a book. So is driving for hours and then not being able to recall much of the tnp. And the appeal of some charismatic speakers. such as Adolf Hitler with mass audiences and Jim- my Carter with small groups, may be due at least in part to their hypnotic deh veries. Dr. Paul S11cerdote. a Riverdale, N.Y., psychiatrist who uses hypnos is in most of his cases, says blood pressure drops and other body mechanisms slow under hypnosis. Some people are much easier to hypnotize and go into a much deeper hypnotic state than others, but authorities can't always pick them out. They do know, generally. that very young children and peo- ple with very low IQs are the most susceptible to hypnosis. PEOPLE WHO HA VE BEEN hypnotized usual· ly describe it as very relaxing; they are aware or ' everything happening. Some question whether they were really hypnotized even though they follow the hypnotist's instructions explicitly in their mind's eye. Most hypnoHsts who help people who want to stop smoking or lose weight rely heavily on self. hypnosis. teaching clients to perform various men· tal exercises with key words to help visualize themselves as a non-~mokerorslim .,.,.... Dr. William Kroger. a Beverly Hills James ('Aape~, a fo_rmer movie actor tumed psychiatrist, says the principles of hypnosis actual-. hypnotist, claims his 200 performances on ly are the basis for su~h relatively new movements college campus have done more to dispel as TM, yoga, EST, biofeedback and acupuncture. myths about hypnosis than articles. . . ;. HAVE A BEAq:TIFUL SUNDAY !'.r Then cancel whatever doing Monday. I you re THe AFTER-CHRISTMAS SALE AND CLEARANCE BEGINS MONDAY AT 8 I and the tremendous values in .every department of the store will keep you busy all day long. Shop 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. .. .. ~ ' • • . • ~ .. • \ ' t • ~ " • t ~· • .., . ,. .. Orange Coa:>t Daily Pilot Editorial P~e ......................................................................................... ThomH Keevll/Edltor sunci.1. December 26, 19TT ~Obert N. Weed/Publisher Tidings of Joy· Worth a Repeat And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. · ' And Joseph also went up from Galilee out o! the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unt~ the cit y of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife being great with child. ' And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered . And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a m anger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And , lo, the angel of the Lord came upon' them , and the glory of the Lord shone round about them : and they wer e sore afraid. And the angel said unto them , Fear not : for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a m anger. And suddenly there was with th~ angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and sa ying, Glory to God in the highest, and on ea rth peace, good will toward men. St. Luke, Chapter 2 King James Version The Holy Bible The Secret of Givfug ~er Children: There J«ms 10 be some q~siion about who J am, whue J live ind what I do. Lu me antwer 1hose questions here and now. I am 1be spiri1 of 1iving, and i1 is nor impot11n1that1hose receivin& know where the ~if1 romu from. I live in each of you and )'Our fr~nds. W hen you look in10 1he eyu of your hrorhers, sisrers and nei~hbors .•• and Stt love and un.:ltrH1ndin1, frrc: of prejudict and stlf·inru c:u ••• 1htn you know wha1 ii is I do. You mi1tht think I 1n1rr:•~ ooly work one day och )tit, but ltt me tell you 11 secrr1. I work nrry d'y of !he year for chose who rully believe in mt. Love, S. Oaus Boyd I Raisin Tip ByL.M. BOYD Raisins are sold, too, in six·packs, each pack being just about the size of a reg· ular unfilte red cigarette package. One raisin pack fits nicely into a shirt pocket. Such be what I intend to put there the next time the wi se urge arises to quit smoking. T h e hand goes up automatically, lakes out the pack unconsciously, and what comes forth? A raisin. 'Raisin cost: maybe 13 cents • a pack. Possible savings: 3 ' life. It's time to brood on this. Deeply. Dear Gloomy Gus Gloomcanwa1tl Merry Christmas! GUS Q. "Don't three out of four kids live with both their parents?" A. Those are the statistical indications. And three out of 20 live with their mothers on: ly. And nine out of 100 Jive with one natural parent and one stepparent. And one out of 100 lives with the lather only. What's the origin of the phrase "by and large"? That's what our Language man wanted to know. Writes' a kindly client: "The 'by' comes from the old English suffix for town as in Whitby, Grisby, Kirkby, Corby. The 'large' comes trom''at large' meaning the open coun- tryside. In effect, "by and large" once meant "in the town and out in the coun· trysido!' Mabellephobe l• a non· sense word coococled u a label for M ybQdy wbo hates tho telephone company. ln Roaring Sprlns, Pa., a man was amt.enced to from t~ to 12 months in JaJI for matb\1 1.w obactne phoee calls. All' wore to employffl of lhe pbone compeny. Jle po111bly ls a mablllepbobe. ,. Nick Thimmesch Human . \ Rights 'Lah' Ferments MANAGUA, Nicaragua -This relatively poor country and its strong man ruler, President Anastasio Somoza, get an ii'l· ordan ale amount of attention these days. The Carter Administration uses small Nicaragua as It laboratory for i ts human rights e n · deuvors. Dal· ed photos of Somoza, mak· inA him look 1 i k e a n an n t1ycd bullfrog, oc· cupy new ~ pa~cs and at tendanl stone~ arc hardly flat- tering Somoza 1s no better or worse than the nm of Latin leaders. But Nicaragua and the United States have had u ~pecial relationship for gt•nerations, one which in· volves canal plans, the Mannes, the Bay of Pigs episode and anti- Corn munist efforts in Latin America. Nicaragua has been under Jack Anderson attack by terrorist guerrillas, and Somoza's government has responded with r e pressive measures. This, in turn, caused nonterrorists In Nicaragua and elsewhere to rise in complalnt against Somoza. Heavens, he's even been threatened with cutoffs or U.S. assistance. To interview him is to be driven 50 miles lo his seaside estate, Montelimar, where, since his serious heart attack this sum· mer, Somoza walks six miles on the beach every day. There ·are guns in the vehicle, guns at the sentry post, guns on his phalanx of bodyguards. Somoza, 52, is leaner and more agreeable than news pictures in-· dicate. His confidence is rooted in his wealth and the awareness that he and his father have pretty much run Nicaragua for 41 years. JllS PENCHANT for security arose because his father was as· sassinated in office, and guer· rillas conducted a modest "Tel offensive" two months ago. He affects poise over Uncle Sam's n~w attitude towerd hJm. "Any developing country like ours needs to rely on rich friends," he said, "but. not necessarily the United States. Japan, Germany a.nd Spain also help us. "Reliance is apparent when donors start giving; and when it stops, there is no more reliance, right? Then you work it out by yourself. The United States can- not survive by being isolationist. "I BELIEVE in c~nstitutional g uarantees, and they are c~rtailed only ~hen people violate the consl1tullon with violence. A government which uses the right to maintain rights or other people is liable to be charged with repression. "By my conscience. nobody has been put in jail for his opi· nions. But we put people in jail for the intent of violent over- throw of our government "The United States is so large that the only way terrorism af. feels it is hijacking. Everybody hears about terrorism, but you don't feel this disease until it hits you.'' SOMO'LA SAYS that the ter- rorists <Sandinista movement> are under control now, though "oppositionists steal that name and use it to subvert the coun· try." He claims he would like to see his. political oppos ition, the Traditional Conservative Party, strengthen, so there would be more consensus. At various times, the anti- Somoza LaPrensa, Nlcaragua·s largest daily paper, bas been can call us liberal socialist. Your country is socialized to the hilt, isn'lit?" STILL. THERE is a Jong list or charges or beating. torture, ll· legal jailings and murders com- mitted by the Somoza regime. Somoza's backers say the rough stuff was in retaliation for t.er· rorist activities, including the killings ot 130 Nicaraguans, many or them local pro-Somoia sheriffs. Chamorro, the courageous editor of LaPre nsa, was Somoza ·s boyhood friend. The friendship ended, Chamorra told me, "in 1956. the last time I talked to him. He had me arrest· ed and brought to bis house where he supervised my torture. It would be undignified for me to talk lo him now. "The Somozas have been kill- ing people since 1939. You must buy justice from them. He cannot reform because he has all the power and all the business. His r egime has a facade of de· mocracy. "SOMOZA RELAXES repression now because the Unit~ ed States pressures him. Your embassy has good intentions and s hould give economic but not military aid. "The violence in Nicaragua comes fro m the top und gen~ates violence al the bottom. When Somoza disappears, we will have democratization and pluralism, as in Spain. We can be d emocratic again." ·· cen so red o r s hut down. There are businessmen and other neutralists in Nicaragua who argue that Somoza must re- form and believe he probably will. LaPren sa's editor, Pedro Chamorro, a fearless. man, wants to be president. Somoza is Jess SOMO'lA HIMSELF told me. disturbed by Chamorro's daHy "I have regrets that I have been drumbeat than he is by the fact tied up all my life doing all this that in 1977 the New York Times political work. I have n ot had has d one nine pieces on -time to enjoy myself. I look Nicaragua and the Washington forward to leaving office On Post, 12. December, 1980)." "WHAT BOTHERS me is that outside people come in and only visit the opposition and print w h at they say,'' Somoza declares. Somoza says Nicaragua ls "a very liberal country" where peo- ple. "from the age of reason are taught about their equality. You By then , t he Carter Ad- ministration's human rights policy will have been put to the tes t , along with Somoza. Nicaragua has only 2.5 million people and is of small economic or strategic importance to the United States -but it's a handy laboratory for Carter·s human rights innovators. 'Nothing-can-he-done' Syndrome Deadly W ASHI NGTON -C .N. Parkinson, in propounding htS law that the volume of work will a lw ays ex- pand to ac· comm odate the ri s in g numb e r of employees. dre w his best examples from the wan· ing British Empire. He showed how the clerical force or the Royal Navy expanded in inverse ratio to the decline in the number or ships. This internal drive toward ex· pansion can be seen at every period of the bureaucratic age, from its infancy in France to its maturity in America. The birth of the first modern bureaucracy was heralded by the appearance of a handful of royal officials in the French Court late in the 12th century. So feverishly did they multiply that by 1303, a royal decree. had to be issued or· dering the dismissal of four out of every five officials. THE DECREE was resisted successfully, thus initialing an unbroken historical pattern. By the 18th century, according to the Duke de Saint.Simon, there were 80,000 officials involved merely in administering the salt tax. In contemporary America, there are 15 million public servants at all levels of government. The goal of most bureaucrats is to avoid unfavorable attention, which is best accomplished by steering clear or hot potatoes. Veteran bureaucrats are skilled at evading issues, s hifting responsibility and diverting de- cisions to someone else. The more committees and sub- . committees there are to share the burden of decision, the less chance there is that any single bureaucrat will be blamed. THE DEDICATED bureaucrat, therefore, places his faith and trust in non·decisions. He operates on the principle that he cannot be reprimanded for de· cisions he does not make. This has produced a game -which is played in just about every gov· ernment office -of pass·the·· buck and shuffle·the·papers. Consider the case of the Wee· quahic Park Plaza building in Newark. N.J . As far back as May, 1976, officials of the Hous- ing and Urba n Development Department were advised that secfions of the out.er wall of the 24·slory structure were in danger of collapsing onto the busy in· te rsection where the building stands. -An independent consulting e ngineer warned the federal authorities that "corr-ective ac· tion must be accomplished as soon as possible, for one does not know it and when large sections of brick may fall." H is report was passed around the Housing and Urban Development Department. Of- ficials exchanged me mos and held discussions but ignored the warning. For example, the area direc- tor, agreeing that "a very dangerous condition exists which m ust be corrected," passed the ball to the U.S. attorney on the grounds ~at "the project is within your jurisdiction." By October 1976, HUD's own engineer notified the federal authorities that "collapse of two sections of the front wall at the seventh and tenth floors is immi- nent." In alarm, he added: "These sections can fall onto the nearby s idewalk and inj ure pedestrians." IN DECEMBER a year ago, Newark's buildings superinten- dent, Anthony DeCastro, gave federal officials 10 days to start correcting the violations. Decastro told us that the U.S. at· tomey's office promised fullest cooperation. Yet "nothing was done,•• Decastro said. Last August 25, a section of the seventh floor shifted, and several bricks came splattering down. Fortunately, it happened after midnight, when the sidewalks were empty of pedestrians. Otherwise, several people could have been killed. The morning after the bricks spilled down from seven floors Mailbox I 'RAM Aim. Misrepresented' To the Editor: In your article of Sunday Dec. 18, titled 1'Alcoho1lcs Find Route Back To Work," we at the R.A.M. ~nter find there are some misleading statements. To begin with R.A.M. stands lor Recovery, Actlvlty and Motiv1t1on_ not AcUvatloo and Moderation. AWOllOUCS wUI never again be able to go back to "mod.er.· Uon" In tbelr dri.nldn1. but need badly to use their enerates that were ablorbed in drinkln1, into con1trucUve motivation. Work wllb a minlmum ot pruaure seems toNt.beamwer. Secondly. never It th.la pro- rram or AJcobol.l.Q Anonymous a Nll•Joas provam. To be a wbole peraoo Uvlnj in toc1_,•a world I one must have peace ot mind, a hulthy body and 1 spiritual out- look on life. This is what we both are strivtne toward. In no way. ls this a religious program u portrayed in your article, but every one reallteS there ls a ••power cruter than ourselves" rulln& thb universe. THIRDLY, if the R .A.M. Center had a $50,000 a year budget we all would be beppy. Cut that nearly in half and you better bit the working funds. Wl)en you couple thla fact wlth the fact that so to eo alcobollcs on a recovery p~ram or some sort. pas• t.broulh the doors of the R.A.11. Center every month and are helped back to a productive Hll·I~ life., thl1 ls ttally • • •flJ'Y uW.l price to pay. We at the R.A.M. Center are grateful to be or service. BILL HARRIS Proiram Coord.lnator 1Wos.,.,.1e ..... To the EcJit.or: In your wue dated Dec. 17, fOU report.eel the Gray Pant.hers meeting with the Capistrano Valley Jllgb School students, and I would llkciocorrect an error. It appears that J aaJd that the maximum Soctal Security a person can receive is $296 a month. Tbls, of course, is not so. What I had intended to say was that 11 a person 11 receiving Social Security amountinr to S2M or .mons • month, then be or ahe ls not entiUed to any aup-ptememar,, aid. NAOKlTBOMAS I • above. limited emergency repair work began. But il quickly came. lo a halt because o f new bureaucratic fuddle. TYPJCALLV, a spokesman for the housing agency disavowed any responsibility, and the assis· Lant U.S. attorney handling the case brusquely refused to answer our questions . The inefficiency or the govern· m ent bureaucracy has been documented again and again. Yet the Amtfrican people con- tinue to call upon the bureaucrats increasingly to direct and control the nation's activities. The bureaucracy's dominance over other sectors of our society is becoming all·encompassing. Not only does government at all levels now consume 40 per· cent of the gross national pro· duct , as compared to 10 percent 40 years ago, but every private enterprise of any consequence is now ensnarled in government red tape. BUREAUCRATIZATION en. tails the rigid observance or set rules and procedures, the in· terminable seek ing of permission for any divergence. Kept within its proper sphere, such rigidity is beneficent. Im· posed upon society al large, it re- sults in stagnation. . It is also well-established that those segments of the population in the benevolent toils of the bureaucracy ~omc apathetic and succumb to the nothing-can· be-done·anyway syndrome. We frequently see television ii\· terviews, for instance, with· tenants of public housing. They may well be the descendants ot those who cleared the wilder- ness. Yet they complain lislleasty that weeks have passed and no one has come around from the housing authority to fix the toilet or scrape off the flaking paint. ALL IS LEFT to the authorities, but no one tru.1l5 them to perlorm. Eventually this mistrust. and resentment will spread to all authority, although the dependence on It. docs not lessen. We ba,•e seen in our time the fulfillment or de Tocqueville'a warning that cllizeos who do not take part to some extent in the public adminJstratlon will forget how to make use of tbolr lranchl e, will stop exerclstna U: and wUI become d lslllusloaed y,iith elected repreacmt.Uvea. ' . I' ,, Al ' .. -... ft,..• • . To write the Dally Pllot/Bo>C 1560, Costa Mes.. CA ~2626 Orange Coast Daily Pilot 1 J .. ore ~.P--'-'-'·'-o._n _____ So_nd4-y,•DeQ41-•m•be•r 25_. •1e•T1·-------•T•o•C.-ll•t•he•D•1•1•1v•P•l•lo•tn_,._~_2~.3.2•1 ------· ~r .... . . ' · .. . ~ ' . • •I "I " .;~· TRB j Energy Fight Lacks F ollowship Could I say a timid word ln su~ port of Jimmy Carter'! No one else seems to be. I haven't seen editorial writers and columnists so patronizing and condescend- ing to a President since Harry Truman in 1948. <Truman managed lo s urviye it, you re- member, and I suspect Carter may, too, though it's still a ques- tion.) Carter has been maladroit and inept in a lot of things in his first year. You can forgive a Presi· dent for calling himself "Jimmy" if he wants to and l won't bold it against against a m an just because he's devout; but to cling to old-friend Bert Lance under all the circumstances re- vealed here is not merely tempt- ing fate, but, it's bad politics. sistance, a lot of people complain that he keeps things disturbed a nd that he's either too activist, or not activist enough, and that anyway he's either ineffective or incompetent. But energy is the problem. We will probably have $2 g~oline in a few years. We have one-sixth or the world's population and use a third of its energy. Petroleum and natural gas are running out. The price has risen 500 percent since 1973. JAPAN DAS cut oil imports; Germany has cut imports; the British and Italians have cut theirs. The United States is im· porting more than ever . We've increased oil imports 40 percent since 1973. Nixon handled the oil embargo in 1973. It reveals the power or oiJ-exporqng countries to blackmail us for political ends. Nixon exhorted the nation to ral- ly round. He sent up a package to Congress in January, 1974, ex· plaining that with the relatively painless proposals everything would betakencareof; uw E MUST NEVER again be caught so dependent upon uncer- tain supplies," he explained en- couragingly. "We can be essen· lially independent oC foreign energy producers." When the embargo ended he said the crisis was over. He hailed a future of "energy in- dependence" with a typical con· cluding Nixon inspirational flouris h about "the American spirit reasserting itself for the lasting benefit of America and the world." Va.) chided the new President tor "over-reacting" to the fll'St Senate committee defeats. Al a subsequent press conference Carter said that he had been moderate and accurate:" he wa~ criticizing "the inordinate in. fluence of the lobbyists," he said. "I have confidence in the sound judgment or the Congress," in handling "the gravest domesti<; issue which I shall face during my own term of office a& the President." He estimated $45 billion worth of oil would be im· ported this year. I Paul Harvey·· ONE OF THE BIG problems of the nation right now, I think, is not weak leadership but weak followship. President Carter is one or the hardest workers, fastest learners. most disciplined execuli ves we have had for a long while. He's been telling the na· lion every chance he gets that the country's number one problem is energy. What does a president do? He wants Congress to act and the House has passed a fairly re· asonable bill but the Senate balks and now it's in conference. A pre- s ident tries to pressure Congress by appealing to the public. Carter has done this repeatedly. Maybe he doesn't say the right things; maybe he says them in the wrong tone of voice. Maybe the nation needs Richard Nixon or J'crry Ford to electrify it. All he left out, of course, was that world oil supplies were still runnfog out and that we were more dependent than ever. The Senate didn't respond. The London Economist last week mused on Senate Financ~ chairman Russell Long: "More people are bound to begin ask- ing," it said. "whether it is proper. in this moral age, for ::i man with $2 million in oil and gas interests to be given such a strong hand in drafting a national energy program." Ah, America. . MR. CARTER didn't curb hii; criticism, .at first anyway. On Sept. 29, he said that energy problems became . more severe with "every passing day" willt tremendous press ure on the Senate from lobbyists. On Oct. 13, he warned of ''the biggest ripoff in history" threatened by oil companies. "Never before in our history has this much money been involved in a decision con· trdllcd by government policy and by legislation,·· he said. Remember That It's His Birthday The real miracle or Chnslmas is that any r eligious significance rcm:.uns. Despite the gaudy wrapping. the m eaning of Christmas remains. somehow, intact. A bovc the cacophony of razzmatazz there is yet audi- ble the simple grandeur of the carillon. Mercenary merchants decorate bot- tles with images of angels, yet somehow fail to drown them. ANO TllOUGll OUR eager eyes now search the skies for manmade stars. we yet remember best the one which, once upon a time, stood still over a stublc. This is the m iracle of Chrislm1ts. Nol thal so many profane the day with :-.c•lf-indulgcnce, hut that so many still lruds::c thrnu).(h lht• snow to an early service or a midnight Mas:.. . I saw a drunkc·n strcelcorncr Santa wilh booze on his breath and his beard in his hand hauled off to jail one Christmastime ... But I saw the whole selCless Salvation Army standing by its kettle an the cold giving meaning to His birth and ~urposc to ll1s life. And I saw a woman with shoes twice-resoled leave a dollar there. NO, VIRGINIA, THE unbelievers are the greatest proof of what lhey profess to disbelieve. For two centuncs they have sought lo destroy Christmas. They coined ribald greeting cards to divert the devout. They sought, with hmte science. to deny the infinite. They ncgot1alcd with union contracts for Christmas "gifts ... THEY CROWNF.D THE day with imitation gold and hung it on an artificial tr~e and said, ··see ... ·• But when lhev had done their worst. Christmas was still thcr(•, haunt1.ng them, shaming them, calling out to them -"Believe'" Instead of rising to his as· Oil Slid~. That's one way a President can handle the energy problem. Perhaps Jerry Ford is a better example of what to do. Suddenly brought to office he noted that imported oil was sending up prices, causing inflation. So he got his WIN buttons -"Whip Inflation Now!" Nixon gave us half measures, and Ford gave us a slogan. THE ENERGY problem got worse. Carter inherited it, as he did a sour economy, a seething Middle East, a nuclear arms race, a Panama Canal negotia- tion. high prices, unemployme.nt, a tax mess, a welfare mess, and all the other things he would like to tackle and is criticized for not solving. Carter was in office only three months when he caUed a joint session of Congress \o urge on them that "the grestesl domestic challenge our nation will face in our lifetime" is energy. As an engineer, he saw it. He said he couldn't be "inspirational" in what he had to say: the problem was simply. that "our demand for fuel keeps rising more quick· ly than our production." In fi gures, demand rises five percent a year while domestic oil production falls six percent. He said we imported $35 billion worth of oil in 1976 and would spend more this year. It is this rising purchase of oil that gives the nation the huge trade deficit that is unsettling the -..orld. He called the oil effort "the moral equivalent of war." THE HOUSE passed the Carte r energy p ackage, the Senate balked. Senate majority leade r Robert Byrd CD . West Carter went to the nation on TV, Nov. 8, but it was a flat, un- inspired delivery; instead or the trumpet blowing ta-ran-tara it was toot-toot. "With every pass- ing month our energy problems have grown worse. : .In the next few weeks the stre ngth and courage of our political system will be proven ... We should not give them (oil companies) huge windfall profits." nut il was dull. He said that oil prices were bound to rise from equalizing taxes: the question was whether bisrncr luxes would benefit the Treas ury, or the oil companies? Every SS billion increase in oil jmport.s costs 200.000 American jobs, he said. It caused hardly a ripple. P olstcrs found no change in public altitude. FDR made eJec- tri fy in{! s peec hes when the danger was visible and horrify. ing ..-the Depression -the at- tacll. of Pearl Har bor. How does a Presrdent rouse a nation when the ulamity hasn 'I. happened yet? Reviewers called Carter weak, ineffectual. perhaps a one term President The energy crisis remains. • TRB 1:r a lor1gstand1n11 Wcuhmgton bylme It.~ author cur rently is Richard Strout of t h1• Christian Science Monitor If. after s,:encrations of effort to disparage the day, whnl do you suppose would happen if we, instead, renewed it'! 1'herc arc no more lengths to which we can go to dilute its sign1ficanct'. Pl'rhaps we should revert to reverence. Thanks for Gift of Health Comes Later FOR IF TlllS MAGIC day, despite the slings and ar- rows or outrageous fortune, has somehow s urvived and thrived. with proper care and tending, the love it represents might heal all our hurts. The faith we could not starve to death. properly fed just once each year , might overwhelm the world. By JULIUS 8 . RICHMOND, M.D. Dr. Richmond is surgeon general of the U.S. Public Health Service. fluenced 1n the selection of gifts by the type of reaction they may elicit in the children for whom they are intended. A skateboard -guaranteed to be the fastest in the neighborhood is a good bet to extract an e nthusias tic "Neato" or an ear-to·ear s mile. On the other hand, a warm winter coal would likely prompt a more lukewarm reaction. Anyway, we've tried everytrung else. The rev1talizat1on of Christmas will be as tedious as its C'ros ion was gradual, but there is no better lime than now for it is later than it has ever been. Children are the most obvious benefactors during these end-of· year holidays, although it may be sometimes difficult to decide who receives the most joy, the child who accepts the girt or the parent or grandparent who bestows the gift. WHERE DO WE BEGIN? With prayerful thankful- ness. I think. "Merry Christmas," we traditionally say. Yet that is not the larger meaning or the day. It's His birthday -not yours. This may explain why we adults are so frequently in- SO, WE GIVE priority to the gift that will be most appreciated Christmas Miracles Still Come at 95 'I Set Out With Heavy Heart to Find a Nursing Home' By PAULINE COLEMAN Pauline Colemon ii a rrtired nurse ruidlng in San Juan Capistrano. A yea,. ago. my father, who was 94 and whl' Ji vcd with us , had a brain seizure and was taken to an acute bospitaJ. Almost <Wernigtlt, he became totally un· aware or time, person and place, whereu be hnd been remarkably alert, jolly and an inlet ral part or our lives. The doctor shook his head. "HE WllL REQUlllE 24-bour nursing care," he told us, "and should go to a nursing home." The impact of his words were as it he had sald. "We scotcnct lhis man to t.ba· gallowit." I had.read, heard over television and 1een tint band some nursing homes and, llnowlna J wu phjskally unable to care for him 2A hou.ra a day and lhl!_ tt wu financially impoHlble to hire nuflelrfft out. with a heavy heart to ftnd a nurslnl homo. • There were Chrlatma• trtes 1towtu from wlndowt, Chrlttmaa c.rot. anil people ru1bln1 home laden with patlr•PI and 111\1. lt was a Ume to be merry. 1 found myself remtmberlnt all tbt Oriatmalel of m7 childhood Ind a JOY· iDI f.U. wbo Deftl' (cqot • OC' b&i grandchJldren -and now that he was old and ill he wu sentenced to die where the aged were neglected. I felt misera- ble, guilty and trapped. I searched! Much of what 1 bad heard was true, and then right here 1n NcWJ)Ort Beach I found a nursing home wtth •P· proximately 100 patients or more. THE ROOMS were lmtnaculate, Ught, airy and ,uractlve. There wu a warm, friendly atmoepbere. The paUenta were -well cared fOI' and happy. The place was called hrk Superior Health Care and In the montbt that followed I realized It was well named. A mlracle took placie. Due to excellent care, 1ny father btcan to rt· cover. Tbere w.. 1lntln1 In the cheerful yellow ad8 whlta Joanie with iu Mautll\al 1rHn plant.. Tblrt were nfre1bmenl1 and nicely sened. aoarilblni tn)'I. The hOUSekeepe.n, the cook, tbtl tberiplat, t.h aid• and tht .,... .,... 'fiMDdlY dedicated. k1ad 1 od adeQl...Sln1. Tbe door to t.be .. Director of Nursing was open. She was always available and willing to talk with you when there was a need. TODAY WAS my father's 95th birth· day. He and his "neighbors," as he calls his fellow patients, had birthday cake and sang Christmas carols. It is the Christmas season again. My father laughs and sings once more. He is with people in his own age bracket, nursed by people who care. He loves u.,, dearly and we love him. but I know he would be lonely if he had to leave. It is his home. He has made friends and loves those who cart! for him. My heart overflows with araUtude and thanks to God above that such a place ex· ists. I think or the words of the Bible: .. Joaamucb as ye have done it unto the leaatoftbete, my brethren, yo have done it unto Me.•• I WISH there were more convalescent hospltals llke this. Nono of us would have to aay1 as l'~c heard nur•es remark, "1 hope to God none of my loved ones or 1 ever land in ono of thtso places." Ml'8. Riddell, R.N., nuni.ol director. bas nt a ftry bl.th at.aDdard for btr ataff. She deserves much c:rjtdlt. Wouldn't it be .-onderful if more pl.Acts c:Ould,J>Atten alter her. over the girt that is most needed. This year, however, I strongly urge all g randpa r e nts and parents to add to their s hopping list a gin which very decidedly falls into the "needed" category. Let's call it a gift or health. Health and youth are frequent- ly associated with one another. How many times, when we reel free of aches and pains, do we say: "l feel like a young kid." Yet, youngsters have no guaran- tees of good health. Indeed, there are many diseases which afflict the young more than any other age group in our popul ation. Among these are: polio, mea s les , rubella, mumps, diphtheria, pertuss is and tetanus. The gift of health I have in mind is "immunization", the only known method or protecting our children pgainst thes~ dis- eases. IMMUNIZATION'-JS a gift which carries well-documented value. Jn 1954, there were more than 18 thousand cases of polio reported in this country: ln 1976, there were nine. This dramatic drop is directly due to immuniza· Uon. Based on available data re· garding immunization for measles alone, it is projected that more Ulan 3.000 lives have been saved and more than 10,000 cases of mental retardation averted during the past 13 years. Oh, yes, measles can cause men- tal retardatioo. All of these so- called common chUdhood dls· eases Cati lead to 1erlou1 com· pllcatlons, h andicappini those afntcted for a Oteume . With th1s ktnd of evidence, one would \bJnk that parents and grandparents would be sure to bestow the 1ift of immuniaat.loo on tbe children they love some Lime during the year. Yet, there are more than 20 million chlldren who are not now fully s>rotected osalllst one or more of UJese dis· eases. 1-"ISPEC::T that m.any people are una•are OC tbO potentlally sertou c:oueq~ Of tbes• diseases. Maoy others. I am sure, reel that polio, measles. rubella and the others have been conquered, that their threat was for a past generation and not for today 's youth. Unfortunately, this is not true. Our recent experien ce with measles demonstrates that all too c I early. Last year, we had about 41J thousand mC'aslcs cases, a jump or about 65 percent over the pre- vious year. This year. we are ex- pcc ting between 60 a nd 70 thousand cases. Few people re- alize that for every one thousand m easles cases reported . there is one death recorded. Immunization may not be the ea siest g ift to give . F or grandparents. it may mean p esterin~ the parents of grandchildren until they make sure the youngsters arc com· plctely up to date with their im- munization protection. FOR PARENTS, it may mean laking lime from a busy schedule to contact their doctors' offices or local health departments in or- der to get a reading on the im- m uni zalion s t a tus of theil' children and then. if necessary. taking appropriate action to get their children fully immunized. But certainly, the value or the girt of immunization far exceeds anythin~ that can be purchased in a store. ' t SunCS.y, 0.C..mt>ttt 2S. 1977 LIVING ~:Twin Incomes Add Up to the Good Life ' , By DANIEL Q. HAN EV A-.&atM ~·Writ« BOSTON <APl For many upward· boun d midd le ·cl ass Ame r ican s . Cflris tine and Richard Lunt live a <tr-am: At age 33 they have a $120,000 h~u se in the s uburbs, li ve·in >teusckeeper for their two kids, and an ~ensivc foreign cur. They lake winter tfi1>S to Florida and are members of a tanisclub. • JUcbard Lunt as an engineer for a con· tQJWng firm. His salary is good but not lnisb. • How can they do it? , T HE ANSWER ts women 'l> hb Christine Lunt is a bank executive. Together, they earn $70,000 a year A few years a.:o. mun~ well·pay1ng, men only jobs began opening to wom~n Now the financial result 1s becoming clear. ll 1s creating a new kind of middle· el ass wealth ln America Women become profes:.1onals. pro· fesslonals marry p rofessionals. and between them, they JOin two medium sala ries into a single fat one. Though still small, this category as growing quickly. The federal Bureau of POL VESTER BE REG. 3. 99 ea. QUEEN SIZE ~~~~~~~~~~~-. EDITOR'S NOTE -Fmanciol relUlts art coming in from the demand for eqool pay for t'q1.lal work, and women aren't the only ones benefitmg. The biggest wmnen are prof esau:mal couple•. Thefr doul>U in- comes art creating a new kind of middlt· class wealth Labor Sbtistics estimates that there were 686,000 professional couples in 1965. By last year, the number had grown to 1 2 mHUon. But two workers in the same family c reates added expenses. Some couples REG. 4.99 ea. KING SIZE 2 FOR SAVE,00 3.98 II MAJORlABU 8 TRACK TAPES FORMER TV •fMEIAUDf 2!.5 •l' AIMANT l .l ·OI. conFLACON SPRAY MIST ,,..._. '"" ....... IN liiM. Twe lt'lely ..,,, 2.0l. 27!. DANA TABU & AMBUSH SPRAY COLOGNES w,..,,.... II ... llmty .. ""'"-"' --''· 2 '°'s5 v.-Al1illl -DiMt ,.,,., • .,., -Attlt1• -OeeMe .. c;.w • .,.,_ IM1 Atfilt1 -Al TIMI I WlfW Ww l •l.T.O. -~ 0. • o.IJ ,_, .. -&.14 • ..., °"""'. with children say the first $15,000 earned goes to h1ghcr taxes, housekeepers and· or ba bysitler s But Christine Lunt wouldn't have it any other way "ONE OF THE most important things is the freedom from worry," she says. ''We've never worried about whether we'll cat tomorrow. We've never wor· ried about things that we can't afford. If we can't afford something, it's probably a luxury we don't need." Her husband, Richard, adds, "It's not gross luxury, but we have enough money to do everything that we want to do." .. ' . ' . ' ' The Lunts a re typical of this new version of the good life. They are still young but· well established in their careers. They have a big new house on a wooded lot Jn suburban Acton. They drive a Mercedes. They enjoy livtne ex· pensive presents to friends and rel· atives. And though they don't boast. they're aware of the style that separates them from fellow worke r s who support famtlles on one professional income. "We have more disposable income for <See LIVING'S, P•1e All) •100% ~, .. POL nsnR ~,, •WltmRWEIGHT •WON'T SHRJNl REG. 5.99 SAYE 2.00 SALE! 1 st QUALITY 72x90" BLANKETS •16·01.0ATMUl ·••·01. l lGAl SANOWIClt QIMlS • 14·01. <NOCOU Tl Olll' • 11·01 VITT A MOINING COflfl WOil! 0 COOi IU lllClUDU: •SUGAI •COCOllUT •OAtMUL •ICfO JIUIT OOK FOi THE m1ow ' IU Of UNADVfR1'JSED fnMS HA~E~~ TAGSI HUNDlfDS & MAY VARY flOM STOii TO n"CAUY RIDUQD YOURS WHll.f STOCKS ~-:.;, HURRY lot C!.f.ihiil!.t#ill!.ilihP.IMN.PNihAI 20% OFF MIN'S, WOMBG', OfltHou COATS &JACKETS siiiPWfAR MDn, WOMIG•, OlftOllNs SWEATERS· SIUCnoGIOU, JEWELRY lfG. l.ONOW2.39 llG. Ut MOW I. 79 11G.1.1nowf6c MIWS&WOM8t'$ SLIPPERS HUatDGIOUP MEN'S SHIRTS _IEG.6.99NOW 5.59 l fG. s.o. NOW 4.3t ' I ' J G n 1' sci r;: LIVING Ar rt.oto COUPLE'S DOUBLE INCOME ALLOWS WIDER ECONOMIC CHOICES Richard Lunt, Engineer, Christine Lunt, Bank Executive, Live Well LIVING'S FINE ON 2 INCOMES . <From Page AlO) things hke Joining a tennis club,'' says Richard. "And I never mow the lawn. Jt's a decision we can make to hire som ebody to do that." Some of these couples already are thinking about building enough sav- ings to slow down or even retire in middle age. THIS IS A GOAL of Lucille Zanghi, 28, a Boston s tockbroker. She and her husband. a computer salesman, will make ubout $50,000 this year. And next year with higher commissions, they expect to earn $80,000. "One of the reasons why I think it's worth working very hard right now and making a lot of money." says Ms. Zanghi, "is that we feel at some point in our lives ... maybe 20 years from now, we're qoing to be able to say 'To hell with it. Let's go to Martha's Vineyard and raise golden retrievers . or live in Europe for a while.' We'll have freedom, and you can only have that if you have enough money to back you." The Zanghis have no children, so their goals are a little different than those of Lita Nelsen. her husband and their two children. i•'o r Mrs. Nelson, a chemical engineer in Bedford, Mass., the run of two incomes is the little lux- uries. She and her husband, an elec- trical engineer, have a combined in- come of more than $60,000 a year. She says she likes the idea of being able to serve wine to dinner guests without checking her bank balance. "IT'S VER V MIDDLE-CLASS liv- ing, but the difference is lhe freedom lo spend trivially," she says. ''We can go out to dinner and not worry about it. IC I want to buy expensive shoes: I - just go out and do il. Those kinds of purchases ar<' made much more casually, and that's probably what the m oney buys us more than anything else.'' Patricia Light, a psychologist at Harvard Business School, says some members of this new middle class don't know the meaning of an impor- tant economic factor: "They can'l believe there is something called dis- posable income." She adds: "There arc many young couples who will start out saving the entire second income until they get ready to buy a house." ONE SUCH couple is Amy Abrahams and her husband. two years out or dental school, who are building a house in suburban Sharon. Ms. Abrahams worked as an in- s urance actuary while her husband was in school. After he went into prac- tice. they fouitd it easy to save money . "Since we were used to living on one income, that habit carried over," Ms. Abrahams said. Though they now make about $10,000, "we've tended to live on my income and save lhe other portion." Still other couples say that two good incomes allow them to lake n sks, such as starting new careers that can lead to even bigger salaries. Rut some couples find themselves competing for wages. "There arc a lot of ways in which couples can compete with each other." psychologist Light says, "money, visibility, s tatus, more hurdles passed faster. But somehow, the notion or the woman outearning the man is hard for many couples to handle psychologically, and it's not just the man." if\: clab iona \T1 Boating and Social Club ,, SAILBOAT CHARTER such aa the Iona Mark II .. Excallber zt and othen. SAILING COURSES Salllng School at special ralea "Crewlng Courses" for the family. WEEKEND CRUISES Sall lai:gu aio.u as part of a workln1 crew. I SOCIAL ACTIVITIES '1ncludln1 t ennis -tournaments, back1ammon, pong, video blackjack,' slant •• TV Kreen, dlKO partlel, TGIF parties, Sanday brunches <membera , .only> and many more. \... Many ll(iJvltle. now taklnf place! : .T.hl s Su·n day, ·we 'r e having a ,.share the ride" day on 90me of eur boats. Call for details and::;::::;;~ Wormatlon • ._. • , ' 9Jnday,December25.1977 I DAILY PILOT AJ. ~ 4 FAST-PACED TV GAMES IN-1 HALF PRICE! Get more fun from your TV at our lowest price ever! Play tennis, handball, hockey and practice. Ball speed, angle, paddle size co ntrols. Made in our own factory! was 3995 REALISTIC®STEREO HEADSET Reg. 2495 SAVE 40°/o 95 33·1002 --as ~ seen on national TV __ Our Custom-Pro brings you the magic of private stereo at $10 oH' Bassport design for sharper bass and treble Ad1ustable headband. padded earcushions. Great add·on for your Christmas stereo' CHARGE IT (MOST STORES) • ~ ONE HANDER 1 I~ MOBILE CB SAVE 550 Reg. 16995 ~~~-~~~It ~~stha~I ~1~~j 119 9 5 Nearly 30°0 ott1 21-1s25 COMPACT MOBILE CB SAVE 540 8 TRACK/RECORDER SAVE 30°/o AUDIO SYSTEM BARGAIN ! Reg.59" 31!! Reg.,,95 9911 14-944 Molli .. VHF U14f Ute "' Some Sllltl .nd lout~'" Mev 8-Unlr#ful Ot lloqu•ft a , .. mlC -Ch«* ...,~ local Au- Realistic TR-882 stereo play/record tape deck records any source for home or car use. $30 off I 1...,.rtlH WIRELESS •TERCOM SAVE 20o/o 2·1EY MEMORY CALCULATOR CUT 46% • l#•listic ST A·52 AM-FM Stereo Receiver • Two MC-51JO Shelf Speakers • LAB-52 Changer, Cartridge Hl·fl RECEIVER SAVE.s7o Pl.AV IT $MART: RADIO SHACK HAS 61 YEARS EXl'ERIENCf IN ELECTRONICS/ lMMl--. Mkcu•m ':';t;.';;: ...... --... __ , .. """ •.Af!.'=8' ...... SAVE 10980 - I I I ~· . ' BU Ff ERIN HEAD & ·SHOULDERS TABLETS DEODORANT SOAP .. :- " • . . , ., ;, .. :· ,. ., . 170 Sheet Roll Bonus Size for Only le More Than Reg. Size. Auorted Print& and C"lnrt. " •Moisturizing Clean sing Cream 9 oz. ~ Economy Size. • 12 oz, Pure Cologne Enjoy the beautiful low p11ces and let your complexion show you why OuBarry is called the skin care specialist. •LIQUID TREASURE SHAMPOO Du[?A;;>;;>-r SklN llil~l~ lOli<)'I - ~'TWICE AS FAST AS ASPIRIN" Bottle of 60 L.ONG LASTING MOISTURIZING Body Lotion With the fresh, clean fracrance of Jean Nale! General Or•I Hygiene end Breath Control ~t,,. ·Wind Song coLoGNE SPRAY MIST 1.s oz. ·Cachet 2 95 SPRAY MIST EA. • 1.7 oz. _. 4.75 and 4.25 Values! ( •Skin Freshene r 2 96 CORDAY : EA. • SPRAY ~ •Ory Skin Cream 4.s oz. ~o~~~~~uRs ~ •Eye Cream Plu s • 1 Mo1sh:1.! balm 2 25 !or dry skin. 2.5 oz. I GB l ·::.::::: ~ _,.......... ' ().,~ AVIANCE VERY SILKY BODY LOTION 12 oz. •' 2.4 oz. 2 76 _ J 7,50 Value' ( I,, . ••• • l@_ 2.3 .,. ~ '1;!~urizer • 02 • 3.51 '4.95 l • '_~A . ' . . I . . Moisturizin~ CREAM with CEF ·1200 •SKIN FIRM IN G LOTION 10 oz. •SKIN FRESHNER LOTION 10 oz. •FOUNDATION LOTION 10 oz • HELENA RUBINSTEIN 1<..~ FLEX BALSAM & PROTEIN HEAVEN SENT Ultra Feminine ... .7 .00 .---~----.... ~"' ANDREA ~ 'Eye Q's' Eye Make-up ~~~ Remover Pads Coftdftloas •It cl11n1! R ... 2.00. l~,.t50 ·~s~!e~l~~u9as. 1 3 9 16 oz. I EA. ~ •CONDITIONER 1 Assorted fomwlas. 1Boi.1.49 EA. MILK PLUS 6 ·~.~:e~;,~,~~~TURIZER 3.5 ... 1.95 ·~,~;~~;,~~oisturizes. g.rs ••· 2.49 DRY SKIN RELIEF. MOISTURE LOTION 10 oz. 15•8 oz. ~~~= !ri~•bemty l 7 9 2 • 3 9 " LIP QUENCHERS LIPSTICK by Cha p Stick Assorted colors • MERRY CHRISTMAS T<J /\II 011r CustnmC'rs . . ' . , , I " ••. 1.39 Ftdtt ansf&frtly ti1fr aenlly and easily. Rte. 3,00. DOROTHY GRAY 'CELLOGEN' CREAMS Moisturizing Hormone Cream Super smoothing night creams for dry skin. Moisturizing Cream with Vitamin A ... -.. ,.. .. --. ..,::.-,..._., . ...,,.. -,~ --... -~·~..,-.-·r-·~1 I \ i r .,/ ' • 0 •• JI-. -T ._ • --, ~." . ·• . I" ' ' . I. 1..: -,. -J • · .• I ,.._ . . .. _. . .. ~' '\ , ~. •. '· .'r' ~ . __...... . • I r ,• • '• I • • • l l ~ •, • ... • • . • ' • -... ' ~ . -~ -4-..... •• • -~ca... .. . , . . .. ' • TRAVEL SKI MOUNTAIN MANAGER DICK REUTER Tough Life Moumaineer Lovt~ It K IRKWOOD. Calif. (AP> After m~rnag- ing to survive in the high Sierr:.i for more than :JO years, thC' mounl:.iin manager .or Kirk~:lOd Meadows ski rc:-.orl has turned into a Javn,g legend hcrN1h4>ul:. .. Oick Hcutc.•r ha:. been caught in b1~ aval:meht•s and w<1'> nc·urly killed tn a Call off a 50.root-high C'hair lifl tower I k has hunted, tr:.ippcd. log~ccl. dynamited, surveyed. snow- shocd and skied all over the rugged central and norther n S1t>rril Nl·vada di,id1ng California and Nevada R EUTER, 54, doesn 't hkc the fact that he has been banged around in the µrocess_ lo~­ ing a rib and part or a lung. breaking his $houldcr and getting ('h1ll<.'<.I on uncounted mountaintops whe re the frostbite factor might dip to 40 degrees he low zero. .. But that's part of the hazard." says the lean, plain spok<.•n lkuter "When you're 10 this kind of bll!>1nc:ss there are n ski.. If you don't" ant to do this kind of stuff, don't get in· to 1t "Th<.'n '-. no UM: kidding )OU. I 'm not the man I uM:d to bl.•.·· h<.· adds. Uul he J.>Oinls to his h<.•ad and add-; "A lot of it's up here. You can du <i hl'll of a lot if vou'rc detcrmined." l11s l'o-workl';.s, rno'ltly younger. will at· ll'st to th11l. H<.·ut<·r. "'ho patrols the big s ki arl'a on skis to <:he1·k ror avalanche harnrd:., ortcn IC'a\'cs them huffing and puffing even though he C'~1rril'S a hPa \'Y rrnck and they don't D UKING T llE drought 1n the 1930s, Reuter moved with his family to the Oroville, Calif .. area from Nebraska. Arter military service in ~urope during World War II, he re· turned to northern California and a life of working in thl' woods. first as a trapper. H.l•uter also took on othe r JObs hke snow surveyi. ror th<.· California Water Resources Dcp<irtmcnt. That meant treks of 10 days or so. sk11 ng 20 miles a day. to m easure snowpack I ll•h copll'rs arc used for most or th.JL "ork no\\ Stay in Motel Was Milk Run By PETER LAWLOR "I wonder 1fthey have a C'Ow out in back." Thal was my reaction atter l 'O cneckeO mto a l'ew Zealand motel and the first knock on the door was the owner holding a bottle of fresh milk. IL was ~1 routine part of the friendly service in down-to·earth New 7.caland. This was something often missed in the c heck·you·in-and·forget-you e stablishments elsewhere. AND, IN NEW ZEALAND, all the bas ic items for a cup or tea are right there in your room so you can prepare it your own way, including a sensible teapot that pours and doesn't dribble -and a supp- ly of tea, coffee and s ugar. And hoteliers wouldn't dream of having a bottle or milk just standing in the room refrigerator ~ it could have been yesterday's and that would never do. ll has to come by ha nd to the door, often accom- panied by a newspaper. The kitchenette sel·Up is not just a pan and a few knives and plates tossed into a cupboard. Often you'll find a workable toaster , a good bread knife. a can opener. m atched c ups and plates and an effi- cient electric kettle. You're not expected to go out in ttt7 early morning to hunt for a coffee shop. INSTEAD; YOU VISIT tbe neatest grocer and stock up on the country,'s biggest bargains -bread, cheese and butter. Or, better yet . a doien oysters which you pop in the refrigerator and serve as a lunch srw:k with crackers? Plus, of course, a bottle of local stout. Smoked New Zealand Snapper cut snack-size a nd served cold with fresh brown bread and butter is another tasty treat. Even the smallest town will have at least one modem motel. Motels are fair ly new to the scene in New Zealand -almost unk.nown 20 years ago. · On my second morning the milk didn't appear, though the paper was there. I figured. "oh well. perhaps it's just a fint day service to help you settle in." A few minutes later the owner appeared, red faced u though be had just run across the paddock. "Very IOtTY" be apologized. "I'll have to get on to· the girl about this." A five mJ,nute wall on brewlng, the bllly ls a carcUJlal ain in New Zealand. -Sunday, December 25, 1977 DAIL y PILOT A J3 CB Helps Keep Traveler Safe WASllJ NGTON <:\P l Holiday travelers may find some comfort m knowing then."i. more emergency aid 1mmediatdy available to motorists now than there e'ver was Jus t C'Ons1der these l>tat 1st1cs: Ninety-four percent of the i.tale poli("e de1>artments use CB radios in some way in their public s afety pro- ~rams. a<.'cording to J :.urvcy by Inspec- tor Robert F.. Ellis of Lhc Washington Metropolitan Polict' De partment. state poli-ce use of CB radio -esUmates CB reports cut its res ponse time in half. CBers have three main ways to sum- mon help in emergencies: try to reach a Smokey. or policeman, monltonng the radio; call for a monitor from REACT ALERT or other voluntary organization: or ask for help from a local base or mobile station. JOHN SODOLSKI, EIA communica· lions vice presiderit. offers these tips to travelingCBers: · A oaHIY ATLA BANKRUPTCY S9 DIVOICE $95 Uncnnlesled 640.2507 ~ • • • .. , • ... -IN ADDITION, F.llas found, •·small towns. counties and large cities alike are inte rfacing their police and other public safety communications facilities with CB radio users." One out or every nine cars now is equipped with a CB radio, accordm g to estimates by the Electronic Industries Ai>i.ociation. <i trade group representing CB manufacturers . TRAVEL -Limit coAversations to getting or gi ving directions and r e porting em ergencies and road hazards. -Use Channel 9 only for emergencies. -U there is an emergency, don't add Aft tr Christmas Safe to the congestion. On the other hand, if the accident or breakdown is in an isolat- ed area and the need for assistance is im· mediate. stop and see if you can help. Starts Tues. Dec.'t6 at Huntington Cen"'· Beach Blvd. & Edinger at the San Diego Fwy. Thous<inds of volunteers monitor CB channels. often 24 hour!. a day. to of· f<.·r a:.s1:.tance to m otorists in trouble The National Safely Council sayi. more than 1.000 per:.on:. died in trafff1c acci· dents during the Christmas 'and New Year's holidays lai.l year. Nearly 500 dicrl this r'ai.l Thanksgiving weekend. While there is no way of knowing how many deaths may have been averted by e mergency CB broadcasts. there 1s evidence that CB radio 1s providing the quickest means for motorists to summon help. FOR INSTANCE, the Missouri Stale Highway Patrol -a pioneer in lsilverwoodsl SEMI· ANNUAL Law e nforcement officials em- phasize that the mos t effective as- s is tance CBers can provide i s identification of drunk and unsafe drivers or speeders, hazardoui. road con- ditions, accidents. ambulance or other e me rgency vehicle needs, potentially dangerous obs tructions or stranded motorists. STARTSTOMORROW ... ALLSTORESOPEN9:00AMT09:00PM Reg. $175 to $245 149eo.209eo Collection of Current Vested Suits Including lamou:, designer suits by Pierre Cardin & Nino Cerruti Reg. $235 to $365 -28ft90 Hart Schaffner & Marx I~~ --. ~ - Famous Quality Suits Save on America's best known brand including all wool, premium Silver Trumpeler Suits by Hart Schaffner & Marx. Reg. $185 to $235 Foursome Suits. . . . 159.90-199.90 Vested suits with extra slacks, wools & wool blends Reg. $100 to $135 Sport Coats ....... 84.90-109.90 Patterns & solid color blazers, wools & wool blends Reg. $27.50 to $45.00 Slacks .......• 22.90·34.90 Including wool flannels & famous elasticized waistband slacks Reg. $75.00 to $79.50 Raincoats . . . . . 59.90·64.90 With zip-in liner for extra warmth Not Jll ~110:; il•ld color~ ovJ1IJblo in ol/ :.toros Your A o:.~:O' Recycled. 0••"91.' coa~t con~ I\ 111., ott1c1a1 recycling centw tor Cosl.J Me\a. . . SAVE ON FURNISHINGS SAVE ON SPORTSWEAR , ' Reg. $18.50-$22.50 Reg. to$32.50 Sport Shirts 13.99·19.99 · Dress Shirts Famous brands, long sleeve. permanent press fabrics 1 • 10.90 .:· \~.· Reg. $8.50-$10.00 Lft'.~ .. Neckwear /t/:f 'lJ·: Silk blends, polyesters, ~?\ l many patterns ~"I • ~\ 3.90 ~~- Reg. $12.()()..$15.00 . Better Neckwear Including pure silk, designer labels Now8.90 Reg.$9.00"Mandate•. Now 7.20 Support Underwear save as you slim down Reg. $2.00 ......... Now 1.49 · Long sleeves, many styles, patterns Reg. $16-$20 Knit Shirts . Now 12.99 Long sleeves; including turtlenecks Reg. $27.50 . . . . . . . . . Now 21.99 Shawl Collar Cardigan Aztec design trim, 100% acrylic knit Reg. $25-$30 Sweaters.. 19.99-21.99 Cardigan and pullover styles Reg. $17 Golf. . . . . . . . . Now 12.99 Classic Shirts Shorts1eeve.100%cottonknit Reg. $65 Casual Suits . . NQW 38.99 Two piece styles FA•OUS MAKER SHOE SALE Reg.$49.95 •......•... 39.90 Scotch Grain Wing Tips All lealhtr, leather lined P:lanes On-time "Cushion Sole" Socks •11·•0 Anklet style. aort Orton· acrylic Reg. $42.50 . . . . . . . . . . 29.90 Johnston & Murphy Casuals Glove leather, cusl'llon ln!lole Reg. $13-$"14.... . • Now 9.90 WASHINGTON (AP) -Eastern Air Lines topped the Civil Aeronautics Board'• September performante report, postlna a 98.3 perccmt on·llme record between ll'ort lauderd•le and Phlladdpbia. Overall the oa-ttme performan~ of domestic acbedultcl airlines tn the United St.ates avera1ed 82 percent la Se,tember, th• board aaid. Tb.ii wu up fri>m ~ ln Au1~t1 but below th• 88 percent ncord laatSeptemt>.r. Men's Pajamas Oacron/cotton and cotton flannels "' , Reg. $65 ........... . Nettleton Slip-Ons All leather, black or brown A.I~ DAil Y PILOT At Mini lf.N. Huntington B<•uc:h l li~h School students won the •war· tor China at mini-tJ.0i. gathcnn~. Top row, from left, Bill McGrants, Hoyt Yed, Don Osterland .. Ccmtcr. Kathy McGraw. Bottom row. at left. Chris Townst!nd, John Walle r and J eff T hompson. Delegation carried oft a third ol t11L;.d awurd::. during a simulated crisis. BB Student Delegates Stop a War at MUN 'By RAYMOND ESTRADA ()j the O•llt Piiot St~tl A Taiwanese National has just as· sassinal ed a high-ranking Red Chinese orricial. Communist troops from mainland China invade the tiny island nation of Taiwan. Global war is threatened. RED CHINA sinks a U.S. bat· tleship. But U.S. military officials quickly deny the sinking. 'l'hc 15-member United Nations ~ecurity Council huddles in a pre·. dawn emergency session. Conflicting hatlle reports continue to pour in. As dawn brightens on America's Enst Coast, the IJleary-eyed Security Councll emerges with its resolutions: -A ceasefire is declared with the U .S. an apparent victor; -U.S. troops must withdraw Crom Taiwan. Huntington Beach High Sebool stu· dents. representing Red China, acted out this scenario at the Harvard Model United Nations <MUN> held iD Boston Dec. S.11. TOE MUN IS an annual student simulation of the real United Nations ~ssccnbly 1n New York. The Taiwan crisis was this year's "emergency tof>i c." according to Huntington Beach lhgh School MUN advisor J,ynn Aai.e. Huntington Dcach students Chris Townsend and Jcrr Thompson were instrumental in bringing the key re· solutions throu~h the emergency Security Council session. But it was the entire Huntinatoa Beach <Red China) 11-member de- legation that took lop honors in the scholastic event which Involved 2,000 high school students from 100 schools in 21 states, Mexico City a nd Quebec. Huntington Beach delegates took about one-third of all possible MUN awards this year at the Harvard .simulation. TEACHER AASE said the simula- tion requires each of hls students to in· tcnsively research world aflaira md be proficient in public speaJdnl. im• ']>romptu address, informal caueos!Qg and debate. Security Council d•l•fates Townsend and Thompson oul-b&U)ied a Virginia!rep school d.i.,ate wbo repramted the U.S. Even thouah U.S. troops withdrew and .. Taiwan r ights were real. firmed." no resolution was drafted to send the Communist troops back to mainland China. "That never came up," said Townaeocl. The MUN Security Council de· legates were drai&ed out of bed at 3 a.m. to consider the fate of the world. AFTER SEVEaAL ho urs of caucusing and debating, the Red China delqation convinced the 15· member panel that Taiwan is a part of China and that U.S. troops pre- sence there wu a violation of in- tematiooal law. A total Ot 32 Huntington Beach sbJ.. dent. .Uended u.e simulaUan and represented Pakistan. Arganislan and Cameroon as well as Red China. •°The best schools usually get the U.S., USSR or Red China because they are the major world powers," Aase said. MUN is considered one of an East Coast high school's major activtties each year. To win at a nattonal le\'el is considered as prestigious as being named CIF football champs, said Aase. Restaurant Cream llLLIM>UWAY MO•TVARY Charity R11n 110 Broadway ea.ta Mesa 642~f50 SMmf TVTHtll UMI A race througb open: and Jar1a Barry' WISTCUFJ'. CHAf'll Newport's Back Bay junior. The five-mile 427 E. l 71h St. sponsored by Cask •n • ra~ was woa by Dr. lt:en Costa M .. • &44Ma88 CJeaver·restauran\s bas Lttwaek, senior, Steve Santa Ana Chapel raised $2,.200 (or Orange Tasbtro, open, and 518 N. Bfoedway County child al>use pro-Dougfass Clutr, funior . Santa Ana• 647-4131 &rams. The ram's relay was PlmCI llOTMDS About 400 w teld WOD ~ U.. N.,,-,ort SMITffS' MOITUARY SS each to enter one of Beacla Cast •n• Cleaftr 627 Main St. several events. team and the women's H"'111ngeon Beach Winne.rs ot the 8.2-mile rela1 DJ u.e Ancient 631M638. 1'8Ce were Ed Abhoe1er, Jl&l'IMr t1'19W. senior; Steve Scott, • n•Fl.MllY Health Chier COl.°"9AL FUHIUL MO ... 780~M.A¥9. ~ THE -In New-Post W 1nster 893·3525 EPTUN Dr. Gerald B. Slnykln, PACIACYllW SOOETY director of the Student llmiec>llAL PA• ClfMATIOff Jlealt.k Service at UC c.ner.ry Mortuaty JrvhJe, lras assumed the O\apel Burial at Sea ~::."C:~ Ule Padllc 3IOO Pacfllc view Odwe u. ..... N.-.port, aoetau.. Clftfbrnla (714J ..... 743f WIJUam C.. ... of ...... 2700 .. O:Z.:.."!r.. Daaa Polat, i•· -mlnlltntcr ol the Cl tt c•a1C1C ..... Coaetffwr. stlMlftlt ..... c..... ........., Suite• rma u.. new ,.c of • ~'-ch Newport .. ~ tnaanr. 15 CIM(. ... ll•m&ertflit1> ot tire ~ .. ,... .. HfldF'r••~ PedfkO.. ...... AI· s.r......, Oloi.trtno '4: toelatJon, an atnliate ot ""5-t17• tbe Am.W.. ~· He•ltb ~ .... 11 =liticlet ltl Ill en~• frOaa tbe w.wna Un.lt.N atat .... d BrtU•• c•e" 6 .. ""' .. ··:..· ( Pilot Logbook ) W alkin' Jones: A Soldier's Saga By ARTDU& a . VINSEL Of--D~Pl•Mlllf ft WM"!IJllN and blaclr. at a time wben black wun.'t yet beMttfal and he had the long, lean, mun stride ot tbe eareer infantryman; a .walk tbat muat have earned him from Korea lo Khe Sanb. Staff Sgt. John Jones, U.S. Anny, was more than j~t a. soldiu'Holdier. <>De Christmas week, the«>mmofthe Pourtb Platoon Second Battalion, Third Brt1..se, many or m from ~ Or~1• Cout, wereju.t begtJiama to llP' prec1ate Sef'geant Jones. We were most· ly draftees, angry, bitter and re.entfaJ. -especially Co be drafted and delivered to Port Ont at Christmastime. W alkin' Jmes, as he became known to di•Unsuisb blm from Runain' Jona, another platoon sereeant who made his m en march double-time almost every- wllere, understood us and our !eeUnp. .. JlJWP DO WHAT you bave to so ,,,..,.L it pleases me and I'll take care of everyooe elle, .. be said or those above in the chain of command. He lived among us in a tiny squadroom in the wooden, Wor!d War I~ vintage tiarracks. His qua~ers were sparsely furnished. with a lare,e, black-bordered portrait of the late President John F. Kennedy predominating the decor. TbeJFKaasasaiAationoccurred only a month earlier. Aadtbere was a C1Uut bottle and a water glass for what we came to reall11e were Seraa•t Jones' long nights of loneliness. We never teamed thew~ of his brooding nights. He wa»a bard maato ll:Dow. He hinted at a minor child Jiving in the Deep South, never any wife and mother. SO•ETlllD D iAT up .a neady dawn, counseling a ftl'J' distur'*I yommcsol._, a tanna boxer who had ap- Puatb' suflencl a bnltn injury affectlnf bis behavior. 0Dftlte,.....•hile noiMle*>' •alkinc by md alan«d dowJI ataTimellaJIMIGe ph<JCoaa..llig blacb beina beaten 1" pofiee a tlae ~ ~ hM1ns over ane recruit's shoulder. I ''It is not all like that," be said with a gentle grin. .Platoon Sergeant Janes' request for us to simply meet hfs ~tandanls tlad a cut1ously cbartsmatic effect, or perhaps it was simply the man. By the end or eight weeks, we were number oae amOAg the four platoons in almost everything. Walkin' Jones had done the impossible. Conversely, Runnin' Jones' platoon had drop~ from fint to foartb in aehievement. And bis men hated him, especially wbm be got drunk a\ the NCO Club Saturday while the.J saabbed the barracks and then wouldn't dis· tribute passes until they heard all his war a tortes again. BUT WHEN IT was WalJdn' Jones' tum to call cadence in his resonantly mellow voice as we marched up the com- pany street ~ tbe guidon-bearer•s blue-and-white pennant cracked in a crisp Pacific wind, other companies came out towa tcb. The 'I'hird Brigade Boogie was Wa lkin' Jones' marching song. Sbonly after returning toemli.a atatus md newspaptt work. an edlto.r bmlled me the AP aad UPI weekty Vietnam war dead roster oae aftenlooo lo check it for a.oy local men killed in combet. One name stood out and caagbt my eye: STAFF SGT. JORN .JONES. He was from the Deep South and the sole survivor listed was a minor child. One must not attempt to play God by hoping one John J ones died instead of aDOdleT aad-after all-tbere are 46 John J oneses listed in the Orange County telephone direc· tory a lone. _ But perhaps it was a good thing Watkin' Jones was such a hard m an lo know. &Al.A NEW\'EARS EVE CELEBRATION Fab-.,, c.o.se Ga..cOin.er Compllmeni.ry Champagne Favon No!MMakecs o.ac.g all awning, to fhe ,IEf'F llAIUllS QUARTET tlUO ~ IU!S!a'VATIOMS REQUIRE.I> I 4M-M77 HoC...<>-tilcr &,.....~ PUBUC NOTICE "1Cn1'WS evtt-. llMmJJl'A1'SMl#T TM ftlllowlftg.,.,_ -•1111 ~ ••: MESA RENT-A.CAR, 1nt1 IMcll 81¥11., ~ ....... c;MlfOml• Viejo ..__ Oii....._ '75$2 -· ........ ~ ............... . lfornlet2W7 This !>""-ts COftChKt9d bY -. un--.i..s -••tlon 0...-tNn • .... , ... Yl""°'•dNO~. This st-w• fl._ wltll the Count'( O.-Of Or-..C:...,.• Nw- etnber ». 1977 • l'llnl Publl...., Or ... QilllfOlllp ~ o.ce .., ._ ~·· 1'lll. •m s .... n PUBUC NOTICE ..HH: CAfltfUITION CLaAWlllS. fOfW W•rner ,. .... ,.__,,. Ytffell .. CA. ft708 • Nlce•u O••r••• euroer, II Woodl-Pl.,1~.CA.tl/t~ Sll•I• C.ft#l9'1e lllH .. I', 11 *ooc:l••nd Pl., ......... CA. nn• l Mi bUSll'MliS Is conduct.cl b'( • 91nerel W<tnerW>llto • Nicola.,._ This ll•t--flltd wlOI lhe County Cieri< OfOre1191 C:..ntvon Oe<. 13, 1917 • , ..... Publl$Md °'-C-1 o.i1y Piiot. o.c.11.u.191h•J-... tiai 1911 5704.n ITATaMalM"OPUAllOGll •llW Ol'USaOI' FICTITIOUS IUStN•UNllMt! ~he following --hes ati.ndO<led Ille use ol u. flct111-11u11,,.,...,..., POU.Y'S GOLDEN OIFTS. :nm Compeq Lene. HUfttlnglOft ... , •• Gtlllornl•,_ The Flcllttous Busl~s Na~ r e· fe<red to-... -f!IDln OnJn9a Count'fatMllnll2. "11• Ellu-Wllllil McO.m>ott. 21"1 C..mp .. 1 1..-, Huntlfte(on hac:h, Celitomle9- Tlll sbuslness -c.onducled by Mi In· dfllldvel. L~Mc:Cbli&lt This S.l-..L -flied with tM C....ty Clwll or or-.. c-., on ~_,,1W7, COUNTY NEWS PUBUC NOTICE NUii ~ ..... ar....t (Na o.ll'f Piiot, o.c.mllw4. 11, ,.,25, 1'71 SIOS.17 ":" l Pt18LIC NOTICE • PUBUC NOTICE TM lol_.,. penon Is 001119 buSi• MUH L.AND$CAPll AllCHITIICT\JRt:, ~ l..S South SUr\ltllt, -·'"· c.. Glen M. MUNI. 241S Holly Lene, ,__., e-.r..c.. Tiii• bual-I• ~tld b'f ii tor• ..,.u.. LANDSCAPE AllCHI lEClURE, IHC. Olen Antlnl<, ,.,....._ Thi• t\9........,. -fflM wllll lhe County Clerlr. ol Ofenge County on OeotnOWl.1977. F ... U ~llllllled a-,.e Cbesl 0.Cly Pilot DK. 11. II. 25, lfn Jen. I, lt11 SIM-71 PUBLIC NOTICE l'tCTtTIOUS llU51N£SS N~ STAT9,Ml!INT Tl'9 lollowlnQ 119non Is c:lolng Ml· ~SdS 4 FOUR WHBELl!;llS DIREC· TORY, 231 IMUeo41e St., cost. Mew. CA9f•17 O.,,nll A ao-,, 2l1 ~llo SI , Cotl•Meu. CA n.v 11111 busl-It conducted by an In· diwl6uel ~ .... .,_.., This s~...-w•1 lllf!d w1lh the C-1y C,_.ol arw,.. C-ty on Dec. ~1tn l'l'1la FNe7J PubtltltW Or-. CINlt Oetl't Pltet. PllMI .... or.,.. Clint Delly PllOl Dlt<en'Ws<l, ll.11,lS, ltn SJtt.n o.c. "· 2S. 1'71 JM ..... 1'11 '22<>-7' P\JBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE '"'CTI nous •usi" HS '"'CT'ITI CIUS .,,,. Nf SS "AM9STAT8.MI:.,-HMM STA,....MT T ... , ........ __ ..,......_ Tllefollowlno...-•• .... llllSI• -H: neu•s· 8 .C. E NTERPRISES. un E MR DESIGNS, U76 Herbor I a..,,.,o,. onve. "••!Mf'l a..c111. et11c1 .• No. m. CA4A Mete, C..lllorn•• I Cllllomle9M3 9242' F..-V. Ottlbertl, »ft 88'yll._.. l!it-M. 1199d, 7J16 H-Blvd •• • Orlw, H~ lle1KJ11 Cellf-• t1M2 No. JU, Cb\"" MtM, Ol•tonll• t»11> ! Rudy A. Bolllver, W 5o. l•11l11Q eor..., HenMn, uoo Owall Sl., No. 4 81..S .. I..~ Angitles, Cell~le"904 106, N-_.i llffch, Cell-ii tMO I Tiiis .,.,,,,,.H II ConcllK\ed D'f • This buttn .. s I• <ondllcled by .. gtner•l INl~lp. QM<tf'•I P4N''\ner,f.io. t' FranllV.CtlllMrtl l!"herM ... Md Tiii$ st•--flied Wlt!t '"" Tiiis 1te-t _, llled With the O>unty Cl-ot Oranoe Gowlty en eo..,,,., Cl-ot Or•noe County on I No••mblrl0, 1"7. • Decemt1er 1, 1977. NUii NJ2S Publlslted Or~ C.O.st Delly Pilot, Published Or•nQt to.st Delly Pilot. OK.4, II, l .. 3$, 1977 5066-71 DeumlMH, lt, ll,lS.1917 509&-77 PUBt.re NOTICE FUl71 Publlshfld °'""Vt Cout Dally Pilot. Dec. 11, 25, 1911Jen.1,1, n1a ft1BLJC NOO'JCE PUBLIC NOTICE IE-H Opfw Tiils t!M-_. hl-.f "'ttl'I tM C-tY Clfflt ol Or•noe County ort No•. J0, 1tn. F14Jl1 Pullll ..... OfenQP Colllt ~lly Piiot, ....,. ~•.11. tt.z.s. "11 sio.-11 ........ cir-. Qllll o.lf'( ..... -----------DK. t\, 1'.2So 1'77,Jeft.1. ltl9 SIW-17 PUBLIC NOTICE .. II % OFF ALL CHRISTMAS ITEMS CHRISTMAS CARDS • Box of 20 5030FF 20' x 3" 2 PLY GARLAND • Model .::14320 5030FF 20-LIGHT INDOOR CHRISTMAS SET e' MOdel #5001 5030FF r: SCOTCH PINE 2' • Model .::1 s201 4 ' • Model .::15401 6' • Model .::14601 7' • Model :::35701 Avoid some of the rush and crush when Christmas of '78 rolls around. And pick up exceptional values, too. Like a magnfflcent man-made Scotch Pine with all the trimmings, Including a delightful chirping bird. Plus Indoor and outdoor lights, garlands and stick-on bows. Gorgeous wrapping paper and beautifully illustrated cards are also here. So stock up now, and stash It away. You and your budget will be better off next year. ALL CHRISTMAS ITEMS SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND 26~ 4-ROLL GIFT PAPER • MOdel #40·2611 5030FF 1 ~" ORNAMENTS • Model #C0 /36 1759 5030FF I II % OFF ALL CHRISTMAS ITEMS 25-LIGHT OUTDOOR CHRISTMAS SET • Model #W227 /25B 50.30FF 25 CHRISTMAS BOWS • Model #504·0111. 5030FF CHIRPtNG BIRD • Model .#tl091 5030FF PRICES IN EFFECT MON. DEC. -26-SAT. DliG. 31 ONLY. • • I J80AILY PILOT " Sund1y Dec.mber 25. 1977 •• NATIONAL NEW YORK <AP) U.S privers Feeling the Pinch gasoline consumption 1s leveling off for the first time since the end of the Arab 011 embargo, and re· searchers predict it will actually decline 1n the 1980s. Two res pected resear ch groups report that gasoline de- mand this year has increased less than 3 percent from the d~ mand last year. prices are discouraging use," said Dan Lundberg, publisher of the Los Angeles-based Lundberg Letter, a weekly compilation or gasoline statistics. According to Lundberg's sur- vey of gasoline s tation sales in every state, demand increased during the first nine months of 1977 by only 2.2 percent. He said the trend indicated that by the 1980s, the demand would begin to decline. lns t1lute. iln industry group which momtors gasoline ship- ments Crom refineries, said Wed· nesday that deliveries increased by 2.6 percent this year That compares with an in- crease or 5.1 percent in 1976, and an average 3.7 percent increase s ince 1974. whon the oil embargo was lifted. Year·to-year con- sumption figures have increased at about the same rate as de- li very figures. Gas Comumplion Evening Off -At Last Tall Tale Told i\TLi\NTi\ 11\1'1 Wh en llenry 'lulll•n:. was 9, he \\as an .1H•rage g rem mg bo~ Hut \\ ht•n Ill'\\,,.., Ill. he· began to gro\\ .111cl g row and gn>\' AND Wiit:~ Ill'\\,,.., 11. Henn was 7 tom :! Al '12. hl' had grim n f!nothl•r lfl('h ''They put ll\l' 11nd1•r observution." he n ·(·alls flow. at G2. Now. \\'C•anng shoes and a hal. lll''s 7 fool ·9 , Whl'n lw \\as growing up, tw s;11d 1n ;.111 in· ~ervil'\\. thl'f't• \\ l'rt' no bad t1nll's t·\ en during a hnt'f .... pan \\ hl•n hl' gn•\\ an 1m·h a wt•ck ''Thosl' \\'l'l'f' lhl' l){'SI dav:. of m\ hflo." ht• n.• cailcd "I ~as too b1J.( for Jn\· of th<.' oth1·r ktcb lo 1.(1\.t' me a bacl time llE RF.CAU~\Oi playing baskelbuil 1n high :.chool. "I t got kind of monotonous." he said. "In thoseda,>s. you had a renter Jump after every bnskt•t. /\II I did was lip lt,c hall lo a leammat1· afld then stand under the ~skel and \\ail fcir h1111 lo throw it lo nw :'\o onl' ~Jsc was Ii fef'I tall I rt• mem twr "t' "Oil Olll' gumc 3R f) .. lie ulso pla~t·d ;1 l1tl11· Coot hall .. Evt'l) t1nw s11ml1onc tripped nw. I made· a first down.·· ht•sa1d ' 0 As far as I'm concerned. I believe gasoline prices are eet· ting into the area where high The Ame rican Petroleum Starts Monday, December 26th. Shop 9:00 a~m. to 9:30 p.m. *Except Downtown. L.A. open 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Shop for annual savings on:• famous maker women's sportswear-·· •robes and sleepwear • shoes and accessories• mens and young mens sportswear• men's suits• and much more. .· BUT SllO\V business '11.IJJtlf~M beckoned, and Henry r. was the h1g third of a com edy d ance t eam, Lowe. l11te :rnd Stanley Stanley was 5 -11, / f Ienry was O\'er 8 feN tall in his top hat. anfl Lowe was :I-foot 2. "No on<• eould 1m personall' us." :-i a1d llenry. The a<'t gan' hirth to a lot of one-liners On Henry·:-S ill' 22 s-hoes : "I clon't !.h1ne ·em. I run 'cm through a 1 car wash." On Maria, hts 5-foot-2 wife of 41 years: "She w as s h o ppin g 1n downtown Chicago one d ay and saw a sign in the • window that said. 'Giant Saic.' So she went in and got one'' ON OTHER giants claiming to be 8 feet tall : "All you got to do to dis· claim them is drop them into a swimming pool, fill it . up to the 11-Coot- le v e I and they'll a ll drown " GI Feeling Inflation WASHINGTON (AP) -The numbers of mar· ried U.S. soldiers arc in· creasing and so are their llnanciaJ problems, the ·Army's chief of s taf( :;ays. Gen. Bernard Rogers has estimated that 50 percent to 80 percent or the youn g married. ·enlisted soldiers are los- jng the ballle against high rents and other costs. 1 He said one way to ·solve the problem is re- _gional allo wa nces for high ·cost areas, a system used for blue collar federal workers. That system features match ing f e dera l sala r ies with those or local craft jobs in thp ptivate Hclor. ·- •• lttSIDE: •Movies • E~tertalnment , , • SUndly. O.C.mber 25, 19n DAILY PILOT aJ Denyer, .Oakland Upend Rlayc)ff Foes ,Broncos Outscore . Errant Pittsburgh DENVER CAP> -Ile was only doing his job, Denver Broncos linebacker Tom J ackson in· sisted. "I think I'm supposed to make the big plays happe n as a weakside linebacker ," J ackson said in the dressing room Satur- day. He made three or the biggest plays In Denver 's 34·21 American Football Conference playoff vie· tory over the Pittsburgh Steelers. Jackson intercepted two Terry Bradshaw passes in the fourth quarter, setting up a field goal and a touchdown that helped bury the Steelers. Earlier he re· turned a rumble 30 yards to set up a second quarter Denver TD. "On the first inte r ception, Bradshaw threw a little low and I was able to get a hand on it and pull it in," Jackson said. "On the other one I recognized the play - he hit it on me several weeks ago. When I saw the pattern coming, I stood my ground." Sharing in Jackson's heroics were old pro Jim Turner who booted two final-per iod fi eld goals to break a 21·21 tic and Craig Morton, who passed 34 yards for the clinching score with Jess than two minutes to play. The victory advances Denver to the American Football Con· ference championship game here New Year's Day against the 10akland Raiders, who defeated Bait imore 37-31 in double over· 1time earlier Saturday. ( "The interceptions really hurt 1lls," said Steelers coach Chuck 1Noll. "You can't make that many jmistakes against a goo<l team in •the playoffs." i Bradshaw said the Steelers 1were forced into a throwing ·game in the second half. Rcfj!r· ring to the interceptions he said: , .. I just threw them right in there. .'One was deflected, the other slipped." Turner's 44-yard field goal with seven minutes left snapped a 21 -21 tie. Just two minutes later, Turner converted a 25· yarder after J ackson had re· turned an inte rception lo the Steelers 9-yard line. Jackson the n picked orr another Bradshaw pass with two minutes l e ft a nd Morton threw his second touchdown pass "Of the game, a 34-yarder to wide f ' ~ceiver Jack Dolbin to clinch the victory. Bradshaw, who earlier ran for ~score had lied the game for the hird time with a 1-yard scoring oss lo reserve tight end Lar ry rown early in the fourth period. ~was Brown's first reception of he season. Bradshaw's throw made the core 21·2 1 but Denver, with orton throwing 9 yards to Otis · rmstrong and 18 to Haven oses, drove to the Steelers 27. When a third down pass into th~ end zone was incomplete however the Broncos had to set· tie for Turner 's 44-yard field goal. Bradshaw, going lo the air in an attempt to rally the Steelers, was picked off by the leaping J ackson who r eturned 32 yards and set up Turner's second field goal, a 25-yarder. Just before Turner hit. the Broncos thought they had a TD on Morton ·s pass to Xoses in the end zone. But the officials ruled the ball was tipped by another Denver player and the play was called incomplete. Jac kson the n bedeviled Bradshaw once more stepping in front of another pass and grab- bing it near midfield and return· ing it to the Steelers 33. Morton was expected to slay on the ground in an effort to run out the clock and protect the six· point lead. But he crossed up the Steelers and hit Dolbin in the end zone for the wrapup touchdown. The game disintegrated into a near brawl in the closing seconds or the half. The dispute apparent· ly started when Pittsburgh de· fensive tackle Joe Greene decked offensive guard Paul Howard with a ri ght uppercut. Howard was forced to leave the game but the incident wasn't detected by the officials. On the next play. Greene was penalized for punching center Mike Montier. As both teams left the sidelines for the dressing rooms. coaches and players on both dubs had lo be re:.tramed from fi ghting. D1n-l.Y1l17,,.. (Turner klO I 0 14 0 1-11 1 1 1 l)~ Plt-Elr_,..w l 'un (~r~l• 11.l<k) Den-.tlrmstrono lOrun I Turn., kl<k I Pll Harri• l run IGet~la klO I Den~"30paulromMorton lTurnerkkkl Pll-8rown 1 PllU !rom Bradsr..w 1c;.rel• kltkl Den-FGTurne<O Den FGlurnerlS Den-Dot04n l41WU lrom Morion (Turner kick I A-75,011 Slff .. rs •.-c"· Flr\I down• 11 IS Aus,,.s·v•ros :19-111 '1·10J Pusln9 yerds I 17 UJ Aolurn y.,.d,i 31 76 Pe•.es 1 .. J7.J 11.u.o Punt\ •·:M S.• FumblH·lo<t 2·1 J.I Penaltl111-y"'ds 10•7 J.20 IHOIYIOUAL LEAOEltS RUSHING-PmsburCJI>, H•rrls 21-'2, 8r8dth- A->l. Bl•ler 7.u . Den-. ArmtltOfll 11 .... Lyt~ 12-26, ICe~t. S.10. PASSIHG-f'lllsllurvfl, 8r41ChNw , .. ,7-J. m 'l'•trds. Oen-. MM1'>n l •·JU, 1'4. A ECE IYIHG-f'ltttOvrot., Sl•ll•ortt. •·IO, Harri' .. 20. C~nlnghitm ~ Oert~. Odoms )·0. ~ 2-0, ~~n.en l·ll. FANSRIOT ~­ GUSGOW FALLS LONDbN (AP> -The Glasgow Rangers in first place ih the Premier Division of the Scot- tish Soccer League suffered a 4-0 defeat at the hands or second place Aberdeen Saturday in a game that was delayed for a llme by rioting fans. Glasgow supporters poured on· to the field after Aberdeen's third goal and play was halted while order was restored. Alt ........ Oakland Wim It In Overti,,w, 37-31 BALTIMORE {AP ) -Ken game into overtime. It came Stabler's third touchdown plfss to after Stabler, who had hit Casper Dave Casper, a lO·rarder after43 with touchdown passes covering seconds ot the second O\tertime 8 and 10 yards in the thlr4 period, gave the defending Super • quarter,foWld the big tight end Bowl champion Oakland Raiders for a 42 -yard gain lo the a 37·31 sudden-death victory over Baltimore 14 with 2 minutes re- the Bal\imore Colts Saturday in maining. the National Football League's After three tries at the line left third-longest playoff game ever. the Raiders inches s hort of a first down just shy of the Baltimore 4-y ard line, Oakland let 23 seconds run off the clock before calling time out and bringing in Mann. The victory sent the American Conference's wild-card.team into the AFC championship game New Year's Day against Denver. For the Colts, it, was a third straight first-round~oss agalnst a defending Super Bowl champion. They were beaten 28-10 and 4<>·14 the past two years by the Pit· ts burgh Steelers. Stabler, who completed 21of40 passes for 345 yards, 4!onnected on 5 of 6 attempts during Oak· land's SS· yard winning drive. The Raiders came through on two crucial third down plays one o diving catch by Cliff Branch at the Baltimore 26 on a third· and-19 play. The first down was achieved by the length of the ball. His kick wiped out a 31·28 Baltimore lead built on Ron Lee's pair of fourth quarter touchdowns, the second a 13-yard burst with 7:54 rema1ning. Mann had a chance to win it with 5:40 gone in overtime -but a 48-yard field goal attempt was blocked. Mann's longest field goal of the season was a 42· yarder. ONE OF THOSE RABID DENVER FANS SOUNDS OFF, Errol Mann's 22·yard field goal for Oakland with 26 seeonda left in the fourth period sent the Unti l an so.yard drive c ulminated by Lee's l ·yard fourth down plunge early in the final period that gave Baltimore a 24·21 lead, the Colts had scored touchdowns only on a 61-yard in· terceplion return by Bruce Laird and an 87-yard kickoff return by Marshall Johnson. Baltimore quarterback Bert. Jones, with a net 21 yards pass- ing through the first three quarters, completed two passes for 41 yards to set up Lee's first TD. The Raiders held for three downs from the l before Lee barely reache4 the 1oal line witll his fourth down leap. Oakland, which sc.red on three l ightning drives plus ·a touchdown foll•wing a blocked punt, came lrom behind for the third time to go ahead 28·24 ma 1-yard plunge by Pete Banastak with 9:12toplay. 1 The Colts, scoring much tbe way Oakland did on three of its TDs, then went 73 yards jn foOr plays. Jones connec ed on pHses or 30 and 16 yards, then • Lee covered the final 21 yards on two s prints. J ones would up with only 114 yards net passing, completing ~ only 12 o{ 26 attempts. He was- aacked 6 limes for SO yards in losses. The longest game In NFL playoff history was Dec. 25, 1971. when Atiami beat Kansas City • 27-24 in a first-round AFC gatne that went22:40 into overtime. · The second longest was an old ·.American Football League playoff, when the Dallas T exa.Qs, now Kansas City, beat Houston 20·17 in17:54 of overtime. Prior to Mann's t ying field goal ..the lead changed hands six times in the explosive second half with a brief span of the third quarter especially hectic. KLAND'S teo HENDRICKS SETS QUAR~~RBACK 19~ JONfS ON HIS EAR. During a 3:48 str etch, tM Raiders scored two touchdowps separ ated by Johnson 's kickoff return. Dozen Hogs May Boycott , ) ~· . Bo Is Impressed 7 0 ,. 10 0 4-at 0 10 7 1' 0 o-.3, O.k-Davl\JOrun IMannlllcll, Bat ~amU l ll'lltr«P414'1 return IUl\Nrt llkll, 8al-FGLlni,.rt,. Jf olt?eJi-nes Sparkle 0.11.-c........a...W.trom sc-.r UUM llk11l ea1-Joiw-l1llk1tolfrelolm lLillNn kklll 0•11.-C.-lOpnslrom St41bl~~"ia.j 8•1-A. l.M l '""' 1LlrtNf1111ckl oa11-a-. ... 1nin~""1116) 8•1-A. Lff Unlft <U,,,,.rtlll<U O•k-FGMMfltt L: Ii In ft, .. ged Drills ' ' 0.11.~ lOpeu tromSllll>lff lnot ldr• A~.7U .. ....,, Olli Finl clowns 11 2Z llllSl>el·Y•rch 4M6' ~17 Passino v•rdl l1• 11• Return yareb •2 G PASADENI\. r-~ic}ligan coach Bo Schembechler ltaa said 'his Wolverines must have good practices if they are to do well in their J an. 2 Rose Bowl dale with Washington and Saturday he said he has been impressed with his squad's workouts. •'We had another solld :11ract1ce toda y," said Sche~beCltler, whose Wolverines have been in Southe rn Californ••· Cbr four days. , •• "The thinl l'm most pleased about is tbe effort ex~nded by the player,;. They've really put everytbinc into thefr practices so far.'' ' Was$naton, too, us had good drllls sln(!e .arrivlD11 f41' ttie Rose Bowl last Tuesday, aftording to H\lnies coadt Don Jam.e Wa1hlncton..'1 wort&qqts have not been al'lntetase -1MhJcan 's since the Huski• ua a leavler aigbt·teemc •~• tlan their BIJTtn~ "Th•_. ~ thout •• tolijti~ • " .. d Ctu': ~·James ... ~ =but=~3~ 'rt B-t~~ one lri· ~ •ft;~ a .. e re-.. ..,.._ '> le I• = .. 11 Steele, the t eam's leadin g rusher, has been sl9wed by a puU ed groin muscle but will be able lo practice Monday, J ames s aid. · . The Wolverines also have a sltg}\tly injured tailback. Harlan Fhickleby is recoveriog from a )>Ulled hamstring muscle injury. PH.es :11.c.J tt·M Punh 1-4' ~ FumblM·lo&t •·Z HI PeMllle$-y.,OS 7..S 1-81 INOIVIDUAL LIEADIEH RUSHIHG-o.tllend. van Eepn '"'" Davis , ..... Ban<htd ll·l1. Beltlmore,MllCIHlll :ZU1,A. Lee 11·46. LHlosl-3', JoncH.6-JO. PASSING-OUlend, Sl•liler 21 .. 0·?, ,.,. Balllmore, .i-s 12.-.0. 1'4. RfCEIVING-OeMland, 811etl'llkolf , .... 8r1nct. 6·10, ~ •·70. Belllmore. Mlk.IMlt J·>t, $Colt 1-0, R. Lee, 2·22, McC.ultY M 1, ·Chance Paid Off ' Raiden CtUh It Inf or Win ' BALTIMORE CAP> -John Madden figured he had the odds beat so he bet the whole pot. It came up a full house. The Oakland coach satd the 10-yard touchdown pass from Keo Stabler to Dave Casper 43 seccnds into a second overtime period that beat ~~Umore Colts 37·31 Saturday was just one or three chances the .-S lrad comin• to ~in the American ~tball Con: l~ence p)11yotr ·e~ · .,It w .. ffCClnd .town. and I fllured we'd go tor the touchdown,'" MaOdeit ..W=.,lf failed I wM acolot to put Pet& Banasiak in for ~ -sown f we didn't HOre or tet the first down on tha( •e'd klek a goat." T"-'ll> taet: thf tblrd abort .... ange scoring connection between Slabler and ~ Qf.&he lon1 .rt!tDOQP, ended a contest that the ... t&tan cOlietl cwnffd amonl Cl' tOuchelt Jn which he has .f•~clpetecl. .. The Slqler>Bowl was tough even,_tbOUh lt wasn't close," Mad .. 4'11 nictefJUt Juuary's victory over M~Slnesota for the title. ~'The Mlaml ..... W91' on a last-second Stabler tO ai.rence Davis paasJ~ Ultlt'Uplaydhwuru11ed"heconllnued "butlhl1wasoneotlhem, m doabU~ It." · 8&a1Ur. wbo completed 21 of 40 'P•sses for ~ )'al'dl said • kn,w llle f\nal throw to Casper wu lhe wlnnlna TD ' U I008 U I 1aw f blm hea.lhil111.1beat..Jkftewhe'dcatcblt.'' ' . . Wbile the vi~ moved tbe delendlnl Super Bowl uamp1 blfi' ~~ cM ,.,....., came their locker room wu ~ ._._.,,,,,__.r~~~==:& .. , ..... ~ _., .. .,J.os Al Entries .... '-, 0-,Trau• .. . ......... ,1., ..... . t1t•ST i.ACa-e .,-. s \'Mf' ..... & ~ ... o.1m1 .... l'litU "·*· C\Mmlft911'1t•U.OOO ~t l'tite 1u.-..m1 no "T_,,.,_ llo Jlnvtt.0~-'>) 111 Ro•y Joy IP.ult,,.I 11t Qwl\ fOlor 11>.lom!Wt 119 Olvla<• (Cn~rl 1n Easy e1 ... RldQlt te.iu 111 K•wHh Clvl\ 1 ... rll 10 Btul•h"• OW.r99 tCl.,l•M> 17? T" P•rtY (8.tnll•l 111 HCOllO RAC« -3$0 Yerd1. l 'VU• old lllllH. Cl•lmlt19. Purit ~ 000. Clelmlng price $1 J1111 Oro Prlelt IMylHI 1 It 1..omltt MIU IC.roote) 171 &o<n O•ncttr 1Knloht1 1n P•h!.l,,,.rol Vtllty IClerll .. 1 12t Crema Roc••t fHtrt> '11 Bunny's B..,...y IP*lllNI 11' S<olh<l•lt I-Ir I 119 Ettl Btooor (W••d) U2 THIAD RAC• -110 Y"'cH· 3 yor 01d1 & up Cltlmlnv. ""r~ $2, 100, Cl•omlng Otl<t U.000 P•PI>•"• Brtl IW•rdl n• SVQtr 1..0tl Crttt. IC.ri<tl 112 Wt"il1d Fun IKlllQht) 110 W" Alll1< (ti.111 1U Rlli!~d &omber ICre-..r I I 19 C,lddV"S AocUI ILl~ml 119 FINI Mlwon IMylt\) 119 Wll'd Jam,.,.. IBMotul 119 On Tiie HouH IA4ot••l 119 H•w•llin ltlt ICttdo,.l 119 FOUR TH RAC~ 400 VifCh. 2 year Old\ •11-anct P\irM 51,000 Eur ICln ILoQlwm) 1" LtMS C,o,.... E4t91• llCnlOhll • 112 Ellle Te IC¥00.WI lit Somt K•ncH~ltr (TrMsurtl 11• BlondH R.o 1 ... ru 1n W•NIS N WOdllrt tAclalrl I" • Fll'TH AAC~ -400 vards. 3 vear • olds. Cl•lmlrio. Pury '3,400. Cl••m· •no Pr ltt U0,000 • Goin Jf'l'4 18M>k•) 111 T1'11olortheSllOw CW•dl 112 Mr Bo Cl\OrQI! 1Tr.,.ur•I in F•rrn1no1on l1Cn1on1 > 1n Ree>eal Rooet ILl.,...ml 11t RO< k the Ct>.lrt ICardl>1• I I" Go ~cooper Ml>n I Haro I 1q MIQhly Jan 1Mrl .. I 112 SIXTH A•IE -<IOO v•rd\. l yur Old\' up. AllOw•nc•. P\>•M "°°°· Mr. Ra.n De<k IMylH) "' o(1nda Su-tW,thonl 111 lh1nk MOnoy IAG<Mr I 120 A Zurt R-"'I IH•rl) 119 • O, T #tth•VS fTtr•iur•> Ut Two 10 {lo IWd•dl 111 !.oulM•n ~lie......, IUl!ft•ml llt Cicio,.. •CMdotal 11• SEVENTH llACE -lJO Yt<dll. J n •r old• .itow..nce Pu~~. M1QhlV Mo'l'fr\ IACS.lrl 119 Kelly Sun\l>lne ICrt-rl 119 811 Moor• 11..t-ml 111 L1mih Etl.t lfrN\urel 11' P•\\um Jot-e IW•rd) 11' tCh•I G.rl 10-00Jil 11' 111 .. oect event !Hirt) 11' M llttCh•rQl!IDeloml>ol) IU So"'e K•nda RnvlNn 1114'\k•) '" JOdt<k IM1ltht-lll 119 llGHTH RACE )00 v•rCI•. For 111 ~Qt\ Pur><' IU.~. Dock •fm IAdtlrl 11? Nallve Cr• .. IMy~l 117 r au Juo~ 1r • ..,,.,,,, lit Lll"o Blut si-p ILlph~ml 119 Deck A Bar IKnlOhll 110 So~pln Lile• .i.1 1De1omb41 119 Tl"fY Ootkeld IC..rdo1al 110 ff"!f'v Go MoOre IW .. dl 114 P1ntM11 WlitrCI I Har II 110 Tonio'\ Ml\\ Ct>ICk IRouohl 119 NINTH RACE -l.SO vardt 3 ye1r olds & up. fllll .. & meres. Cl•lmlnq, • Puru '3100. Claiming Pr1<• \.lSOO. • Luk I Oolonne IPtullne) 111 Cettt>rllv Doll IAclalrl 110 • M.lkt YourMow IDomlngvul 110 '-.0M1u Elsie ll..11>Nml lit 'linloy Me (l(nlQl>ll 170 lly Sy Belly IC¥dot1I 119 • Dofla Bar IH•rll 110 •EIKllon Glrl !My~) 120 Ete.nal Red RIA)'( IT-..rtl 110 ·Tntt\ Cteu ~le,.\\el 110 Flt:t1ta Bowl Tiff · Sun Devils Duel t Penn State Today TEMPE, Ariz. (AP> -Eighth-Paterno also hopes his troops ranked Peno State slighted by have gotten over their dlsap- the m.Jor bowls because of a 1at• polntment at losing an Orange season schedule chanae was a Bowl bid because the bowl group nine-point favorite to vent its refused to watt for the winner of frustration on 15th-rated Arizona the Penn State-Pitt iame, played Stale today in the seventh annual a week later t.o for~ a national Fiesta Bowl. television douJ>leheader with the T he Nittany Lions, champions Army--Navy game. of the East, came here, in the Statistically, Penn State and words o( aefensive tackle Bruce the host Sun Devils appear even- Clark, because il kept them from ly matched especially op offense. being completely out or the bowl The Lions average 442..4 y~rds picture. They felt their 10•1 re· and 31.6 points per' game, while cord earned them a say in the ASU managed 422.1 yards ·an~ making or the 1977 national col-33.5 points. While both have Jeglate champion. balanced attacks Patemo's of. Penn Slate coach Joe Paterno tense is keyed on the passing Q( however hopes bis team isn't im-quarterback Chuck Fusina and On 1'1' Toda" Kush's on quarterback Dennis Sproul. Chan•el 2 at N oon Penn State"s edge is its sd1edull'. The Lions lost only to pressed by the odds against an Kentucky, one of the nation's top Arizona State team that wound IO ll'ams, and bcal three bowl up co-champion of the Western teams _ Pill. Maryland and Athletic Conference with an North Carolina State. Nine of the over-all 9·2 record under Frank Sun Devils' opponents had losing Kush. seasons. "I hope we know what we have f"usina, 3 190-pound junior, to do to win this game," said completed 142 of 246 pasi;es for Paterno. who in his 12-year head 2,221 yards and 15 touchdowns . coaching career al Penn State Ile had nine intercepted. has the highest winning percen-On defense. Penn State allowed tage of any coach in the country. 1.1 2 points a game keyed by mid· ''Wehave to bequickandC1lert. die g uar d Randy Sidler, And despite what Frank says. we linC'backer Rick Donaldson and a won't be able to overpower secondary featuring Neil Hutton them." and MikeCuman. Kush who has the third highest On the other side, Kush de- winning percentage in college rl' pends on the passing of Sproul to lishes his underdog status. He's :-pl it end John J efferson, a first constantly reminded evNyone l<'am All ·Arnerican . While Prep Cagers In Tourneys Orange Coast area high school basketball t eam s return to tournament action on several fronts following Christmas with 11 leams active. Among the defending cham· pions playing will be Fountain Valley at the Santiago tourney; Huntington Beach al the San Diego University tourney; and San Clemente at the Katella (Anaheim) tourne)'. Next week's tournament slate: M41ftdey tcet<tlla Hltlll TtWMl'ltlll 7-llolllng Hiiis VJ St. Anti-y I l :)O-F11tltf1Dn nKaltlle, ' ' Ir~ .. ltll T__,t llt 3-Ntfl vs Le .. ebra; 4:4S-Sun11y Hlli. •t •I '-'"; 6:30-Anllltetm "' P~lfl<a; •:U-8'N va i.....,. •• NCll. Tw•y ltr•Hllll T.WMme<it 2-Gar-._Gt_ ft llOM!Mtd; 4:0 -.. ISllOP MoftlOQmtfy~ Lo6 Al-Jlot, 6:Jl)-\A Qllil'lli vt 111Uul411 VIile; t: ls-$0nor•.,. Tfoy. &111-...... TMPft-t 'e.m.-itlftll tll ,.,. World v• ea,i11r-ve11~; Nton-$Aft .l«lfllo YI lrvl ... Hlllt; J p.m.-Eltl-• WOnltrloCl\flJtle<i KeutleT..,,,......-it 7-Lono Such WlllM>fl YI Bt"trlY Hills; l :JO-Lotraw ian Cltf!tellt•. , Lai v ... , Reoc,,. Tt.,,.,.tme111 t •.m ,-1..t• Vt911 lltll_., vs Avlt llOft; 10 0 - 1..ei V .. tl Clarll 'i\ l19Mlt; 11:)() l..H V-ot• Wesltrn w Vista; 2: u Mir al Hit •• Cr-•nt• Vallo; •-Cll•pPer•I vs La Pueftlt; • >0- Vocellon.i TKll v• Maw Ot11 I ts S.IMIM •• La• Vtoas ~llO; 10-U.O.poc V\ Palo. II•"'"· s.... D19ft Ulllwr1llr ,_,.._, 10 •.m.-SO HIOo-•I Gtllrtmont; H11<1llfto10n s .. ch t>yt; 2p m.-P•lrlO H.nry v1Ml .. lon llay; 6 P·'l'·-ao-Y vs Unlwrslly S.lnls; HOO'> - Polnl loma "' El Ctplten; •-so Unl11tnlly"' 11 Cemlt>OJ •-so ICHrner vs Ctrlsl»d; s.n 01990 Ll"'olnl>Y•. St. l'r-ls lit• ''•"<ll<t IT_,,., 1-w .. t......,t •• s.n.Jott l..lck; t:IO-Monttvt .. I• vs GuncltrM>ft. W"'1"4ey St. !Ir-It (Sin Fral\CIK•I To11r11ey 7-EOl\OI\ lJ-lunJ.lnoton lk!e<ltl "'' S.11 Fr•riclsto Ayer; t:>O~AllOIVSSt. Fra"'ls. Wecl11"4ay Santi ... Hllfl TovrMmtrtl 3:>0-Kt"'*'Y vi Botw Grandt; S-8utna P•rll \I'll l'owntalrt Y.sll•Y; 1-£1 Dor-va TusUn; 1:>0-:t.•ntl-oo •• Wttlmfn\ttr. 0ran99 Hltll Tovr11a"'""' 3:>0--0¥ey YI et Mode<\a; S-~rvtlt Yl $evt,._ na; 7--0<a119t "' CAie MtM; l :>O-Footlllll "' Merl••· that his team is s maller and fullback Mike Harris is ASU 's could be muscled out of the game top ground gainer with 738 yards. Shark Derby Set by the mons ters from Pen· Kush says he'll go with (reshman nsylvania's snow men. Newton Williams who has rour A shark-catching derby will be The Penn State squad, also dis-carries for 22 yards but was out conducted out of Davey's ~ker appointed by the unseasonable much of the season with an ankle at the Balboa Pavilion from cool. cloudy weather, has spent injury. J anuary through June with HORSE RACING/ MISCELLANY Los Alamitos Results ......., ,....,, Tree' ,HI f'llllT RAC• -lJO YMdS. 2 Y•tr Old~. Cralmi"!I. Pline U, 100 OaWfll,...._ ICter1 ... 1 4.IO 1 ... 2.10 Joe Ootta lH.v1) J.00 a.oo l"°Atlrotoow (lartU) 2.At "Tlmt -lLU AlllO r.n -S..Ch • Ru'1!, Pioneer Jao, Sptlleo; F•lr L.tOy, Hiiiy Biiiy Junior. Born c.sl\, Fl .. 1 Sl>lrtl, 11., .. •v eci.o Scretclled -Tiiiy Clll<hft, B•mlly Doo, ThlrCIHouie, .AJ>rll Fo .. lJ llOCA 4-0.Wft Srtaaw & 6-Jw Dent,Pa1•us. .. llCONO llACE -400 vard1,) Yetr olds. Cltlmtno . ..,,,.. SJ,000 Klpty 01011 <Caroora I 11.00 s . ..o 3.oo FrlendlySlrlp (Tr.,.>urt) 5.<IO S.00 $e1190lt IHaMI 1AO T1mo -ao.~ Atio r•n -Vaoaoond Jol\11, B•a~lhu\, Htlull, Doli04• R Bars Notcra1c11t1 f!_ltlRO lrAtt -uo yarlk. 2 yur o-~1.irning. flllrw $2,600 0..PHC-oe 104ifemMl UO UO 3.00 Alie• !loyalty (CMdott) 1.80 3.40 8uo Menow ITr•suttl 2..0 Tl,,..-1. 14 Alto ,.,. -Hfoti Slue c;, .. ,. Que 5uutt, Oal"'04h1, Prt•ms Berlty, Sllle Wltlle, Wrenglei<J BUI, Go $<tt TGq Scratched -Owlr99 810. Elrrwr (;o I Cule H Tru • .Jelti Angle U luclt I·~ CIMfr• & 1· •11<u lleyelty, 1'•141 Sl .. .JO SIXT'N IUC• -•10 Y•rck ) VHr °'"' I. up. ""°"'an<•. Pvrw lt,000 Klel>UrQ'I Intent ICarO.HI "To Olt 11..111Nrnl Of* Smoothie trr·-we) Time -41.M •100 '"" -Otll'a ""'4t•. s19 Se<19tr II•, S.-b Lark, ~ T roubl•~ M..,.., P- NO S<r•ltllft SIYINTM R•CI! -3SO .,trds. 2 year tldl. AllOwente. Pune U,000 lluuT• IWebOft) S • .O 4 40 2 IO 1 .... ,.,, Jet (0.kfrtb,11 10.00 • 00 Alamitos Al•• (TrNH,,tl 14 10 Tlmt-17.tO Altoo r•n -lruy Spirit, AWov.rt, Flttl 01..,., Uly • Patc,lt. So<lety Set· uon. CMI• Hiii Clltrm, ltll• Go M•n Scr .. ched-l'fa<lmlllftlo Two U laati. >-&vu T .. & •·lmt F•st Jel.f'alcl,M.00 E IGHTH llACI -3.SO Y•rdt. 2 Yttr olds. Puruu«>.ooo. The c.o10en Si.ct Futurity l8111r11Mlr19) Easy Otlfjl.Jel ICe rcJOlal.lt 3.00 2.40 Soul Bl>Q IVauoMI 9.60 .S lO Straw Bo twaro) '·'° Time -11.69 Also ren -Per,., Ce<1y0<1, ICtllltS ~.Ml Sty, 1,... Dvpe, MtdnlQl>t Ad· v•nct, Ltntrs E••v Jet, Rt0vfll • p- S<r•IClted -Blondvs cllilroer NINTH llACI! -JSO Ytrds. 2 y .. r olds. Clilmlng. PwJe u,.oo Gro> .. APlrikOM IT renure> " 00 U 00 12 20 Tort1t1t fl•l ICttdoltl • 10 4 10 Jleuw Joltrt IF,.,,) .s 10 Tlmt "11 Al\O ,.,. _AlalliLaM,~CvttGuy. Htt•p•yne, B•UY l!ti.. w .. Min WllO, l..ove You So, 0.-. o-., krtl<fltel -P.....,,,, °""" WIHy, Alamltos~ 11.._ ll•wlauor u luci. 14-~"-a •· "T"1111a "M, .. Md S1,4U ... Allen· Cl4o"'•-7.t1• POCKET PAGER COVERS FOUR . COUNTIES ORANGE CO .• Lt.. CO. SAN BERNARDINO CO. RIVERSIDE CO. s 2 ooo· :.:.c-... Al.SO CAR PHONES PERSONAL COMMUNJCATtON I COMPAMY l'OUllTH llACE -UOYtrds he.r --:;;:==========~ o•~h Cl•lm•l'll· For ,,..IOtn\. Purse Call 642-5678. .......... ~f4TW HO W. 19"1 St~ Cott• ~ n.100 Put a few words :r.unwt '"'"~' to work tor IWtrdl S 40 3 80 l .10 llaln Off Oro Clerl1\0l 9.00 6.00 MlnMo1tNO.. IAdelrl •.80 Tlmt-18 .. Also ran K4pCy's Lull•by, Nuthtr Bux, FHI OM, t...dy Ella B•r, J•IJ Po\ctern, BtrelltClt•Ck, lll•GoJet Scretcl>td -Ote•nt, Mt;y l<athrlne, l..lml" Barrtd1lar, Suoan Caprlcor11 ,,l'TH RACe -lSO yerds. 3 yHr olos & up. Cl•lmlno. PurMt ._.,200 Oupllq11lck tHull 24.00 14.40 1.40 Aomeo Scrip •Adair) 9 l>O 6.00 Ouews Bid 1Mytesl u .20 Tlmt-1191 AlllO ran A Okkey1 Bar• Gold, A· R•ck On Man. B•vou BooQlt , Ftoutrot, Smooth Me, Jet Ticket, Mldwtv Auler No scr•l<hes A·S•rry WOOOllOule tralnede~lry ~~~~~~~~~~~ u h.scw s.o...it.t111c1t & ._"•-•:; Strip, I' aid M"-50 631.0202 CALL ME IFYOU .. UD MAJOR MEDICAL INSURANCE QUOTES FOR 1978 J. I. CARL& CO. HIEW,OltT HACH EMl>t.OYEl ll[NHll PLJINN£AS S•NCt 1970 PHOHIE: 640-4260 SKI ASPEN M.. Stop C .. •rter fro• Or.,. C...ty Airport to A.,...J-.21 .._ .... 21. BUY or LEASE FIAT most of the week horseback rid· $l,500 in prize money being of- ing. playing shuffleboard and fered for the largest catches. SI 5 5 pinball machines. Paterno is When Man o'War won the Bel-First prize will be $750 with ~~ troubled that they've lost the mont Slakes in 1920 only one S500 fdr second and $250 for t hird POI USIHATIONS & l20 W. WARNB. SANTA ANA .557-2132 quickness that highlighted their horse, Donnacona, opposed him. place with three trips per month 1 .. fOIM4nOM CALL season closing victory ove~r.~P~it:t-~M~a~n~o~·w~ar~w~o~n~b~y-=-20~le~n~g~lhs=-a~t~~b:_e~i· n~g~~l~a~n~n~e~d:._. -----~~=~8;3~3~·~2~9~7=0~=:!.:~~§:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for the Eastern crown. _ odds of l·to-25. ~~..- ************* Ernie Nevers scored 40 ! HOLIDAY ! points in one National -*CLEARANCE SALlit Football League game, * playing ror the Chicago it IS STILL ON! Cardinals against the _. 1'rt.T-'berS Chicago Bears in 1929. ,.. 1 ~ •:MMfilAp:m~J,•J!tO : oe~~~r~~~c • DENNIS ROSENE 11•" ,... ·: 1425 IAKER ST. it 4t0 W. Coaat t+twy. A ,.. ACROSS FROM FEDCO : Newport ae1ct1 ......... ~ ! ~osr4ft •9M1 E0s9• ! .. 1•11i14ii,.,.iii10ill11iiiiiiii ~ 5 v-~ --• ************" P*O~LASS® 'll01DOGCIR' SIATBOUI 3 DayaOnfy S..ptr mull•·<olored ''Hot Do1111•r'" •~ ottboord fecilurts sl19h1 ~1c~to1I, 21" H lf·tontoi,,.cl be<1rlno1 ond dyt·<Oll ohimlftum lf11<ks. So,,. today. ADJUSTAILE CHEST PULL 3Dayt 6'' .. Only IEGEIT® BASKETBALL 4•• BROADWAY REVIEWED Broadway Not All Good Superlatives Sum Up 1977 in Thearer By WILLIAM GLOVER NEW YORK CAP> -Superlatives <not all good) ofthe 1977 lheatrical year: Most impressive data: Broadway's record box office ($91 million) and audience boom (from 7.2 million to 8.3 in one year). Most unimpressive deed: An apprentice The story of two women wbofile friencbblp suddenJy became • miaUer of life Md daltb. '"Julia' is a gem. Fred Zinnemann has directed a masterful movie. Jane Fonda in her finest role ... Vanessa Redgrave is glorious., Jason Robards gives one of the year's most memorable performances." S..s.:d on a lrUe SIO<y Daily at 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 a.a11iat1ciPr.1111A~~~mcHFREOZINNE~N fm .LA.NE FON~ VNjtSSA R£1XiR4¥1 JULIA i~"O JA.50N RO!lAR0.5 HAI. HOCBROOK playwright's leap from the Brooklyn Bridge lo advertise his work. Dan Cameron Rodlll broke 13 ribs but no producer called for his script. Biggest hit: The comlc·strip musical "An· nie.", wiMer of seven Tony awards and SRO popularity. Biggest nop; The musical "Hellzapoppin," which closed before it otrlcially opened at a Sl million loss. HAPPIEST PERFORMER: Sandy, a waif rescued from the dog-pound for canine stardom in "Annie." Angriest performer : TV's Ted Knight who assailed the cnlics when his Main Stem debut in "Some of My Best Friends" ended after five performances. Most poignant gesture: The one-minute dimout of the GreC1t White Way in memory of ac- tor A If red Lunt, who died at 85. Mo:.t absurd feud. The Minskoffs banning produ<.'er Alexander IL Cohen's limo from Shubert Alley because he closed "Hellzapoppin" "hi ch was to have played al their theater. Most expectable event: Continuing vendetta between American and British Equity over ex- change or performers. Most unexpected event: The ~treat of pro- tean producer Joseph Papp from operation of Lincoln Center's two theaters. Sunniest opening: Formation of a repertory company under the direction or Frank Dunlop that will work at both the Brooklyn Academy of Music and the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles. DARKEST CLOSING: The shutdown of the Amer i<.':in Shakespeare Festival al Stratford, Conn .. after 23 yeu rs of operation. Most mtcrcstinJ! trend: The emergence of a do£en women as commercial theater producers :\to~t fatuous move Producer Papp's de cis1on to invite reviewers the week shows close at his Pubh<.' Theater instead of the night they open. Thespic events to remember of less exlreme classification. DURING TUE YEAR, 53 productions ar· rived on the Rialt or which 19 continue to greet the New Year ... six others flopped during road .. Sunday, December 25, 1977 DAILY PILOT 8:J . ,. .. ,.,..,. SANDY 'HAPPIEST PERFORMER' tryouts .. profitable ventures that have already closed include Lily Tomlin's one-woman gig, ..OthCr\.\ise Engaged" that won the Critics Cir· cle best play award. ··A Party With Betty Comden and Adolph Green." and such long-run fadeouts as "California Suite,·· "Chicago ... "Equus" and ''Pippin:· which netted S3.5 million for its angels ... Top Tony performer trophies went to Al Paclno. Julie Harrris. Dorothy Loudon and Barry Bostwick, and "The Shadow Box" won the Pulitzer Prize for drama ... Miss Tomlin ran into a $2 million libel suit because she wbimsic:ally listed former opera diva Zinka Milanov as her standby ... in a variation or the theater's "break a leg" for luck superstition, Andrea Marcovicci was accidentally hit on the head with a pipe but her stellar shot in ''Nefertiti" succumbed out of town anyway ... Dan Dailey lost the lead role in an upco.ming musical when he broke his hip dur- ing a diMcr theater performance In addition to Lunt, death claimed such other noted players as Zero Mostel. 62 ; Onslow Stevens, 70, Ethel Barrymore Colt.56: Marjorie Gateson, 86: Joan Tctzel, 56, and Ethel Waters. 80; and dramatist-. Richard Bissell, 63; Terence Rattigan, 66. and Carl Zuck mayer. 80. · The year's shortest run was recorded by ·'Som ething Old, Something New." It opened and closed oo J an. 1. and possibly told producers something. The first arrival of 1978 isn't slated until Jan. 9. Gypsies?~- Rates Upset Actors LOS ANGELES CAP >-Representatives ofm~­ jor actors' organizations complained that actors are charged excessively hl~h automobile ln· suranee rates or denied insurance because com· panies stereotype them as "gypsies." "Actors are considered gypsies by insurance com panies . . . people who are like circus performers," George Ives ot the Actors Equity Association told a slate legislative commit'69 ln· vestigating automobile insurance costs. Lev Mailer of the Screen Actors Guild's legislative committee said the high rates unfair· ly penalize the many thespians who are not earo· ing superstar salaries. "Most of Hollywood's actors are not affluent," he said. "Out of a membership or 37 ,000, we have 27 ,000 who make less than $1,000 a year in movies and TV.·' CMITUINOUS II IUf.lfWI THI CHOlllOYS ,., CUNT IASl'WOOO OAUHTln111 4'111 tts I~~=.::~~::~:,· ... -'"WI Uf NOT MoHf•• • ,~':,":' • C\OSI INCOUNTIH m1531.-aa Of THI THllD tm• ....._ __ •-__J fl•--.S. IJAMl.utl:*'11t & 11 • -·· ND PU•I OUl'UltlOUI II I I UT HUii THE CHOIUOYS Ill 11 rOO J:)O 6:00 :~O l h OO Red Skelton Due in Anaheim ••• • Newport Fashion Island Newport Center Between M acArthur a nd Jamboree at Pacific Coast Highway 644·0760 Jn a world gone mad ... who needs a funny, fabulous love story? YOU DO! HENRY SALLY WINKLER FIELD 'Finding t/1e 011e you love ... is finding yourself 1~1:1ict1:s (PG) A TURMAN-FOSTER C OMPJ\NY PRODUCTION "I II.ROES"' Co-stamng HARRISON FORD L CITV CUIT~f CHUMA Red Skelton will make a rare concert ap· pcarancc at 7:30 p.m . Thursday, Jan. 26 at the 1\n~1heim Convention Center. Skt•lton will portray many or his classic charac· tcrs and comt.•dy and mime routines from the days \.\hen he wus u big weekly hit on television. Some of those characters are Clem Klidid· lllJOnMSn. .. -·1$'1t rtr<• .,.,...,,. RI CHARD BURTON -----~'EQUUS" lPHER FJRTHl·COLIN BLAKELY JOAN PLOWRJGHT ·HARRY ANDRE~ EILEEN ATKINS ...-JENNYAGUTTER !i<•!'M"...,t-trlHR!IHAFflR • 8.<lt(O""°",.,..i'strl.'yt>y l'UlR~FfER Mi.ilkbyAICHAAOlOONlY&lNNtn. l'tl)CIJ(((l~, LtSTlR M.RSKY...., u.uonKASTN~R ...... -·-·-·nl.,... dlehopper, Gertrude and Jleathclirr . Tickets arc SS.50, S7.50 and $6.50. They are available by mail order only to the Anaheim Con- vention Center Box Office, 800 W Kalella Ave . Anaheim. Further information 1s available by telephon- ing 635-5000. CUNT EASTWOOD <R> • I A 11.tiPaSO a..w1m II "THE GAUNTLET:~SONDRA LOCKE YllRIOY llDW1. 8Ull !hi~ lllCllS Si!RYO • ~~ ~~ t¥ nJT OIUY D111t~b'jClNI IASl\',tQl· Jliric J!RRY fllll't · Pl.'J.D:I' · takl.,lflGXf.• ••• ~ro JOllAT::a~fOO cmtlll .~a~ to~:.E:: Ha ~~~0 I ~"* ,;.5f~ ~· CN-_,. e .,... .. Nllftl OH OOOf!NI "VI . OUMUU IAU Y IHI IOtlN fUVOlTA SA1'UIDAY NIGHT HVll<•> Nit rumNfTT 1ow ,,., HINn WINIU.11 e Ul.l T lllLOI HllOIS CPOI ..WI Offfll SIDI OF MTN lllOI OVTUOIOUI 111 llJf HUii THI CHOIHOY5 111 "us THI CAI lllOI <•AIUI NOfftON e Ill lllM(I( ftUfONINI PUii ""' ,ANrNll STlllCH AGAIN lllOI .. DAILY PILOT "'f'ttCI Of THI ACn~~IP'GI ,,.,,.. .. , ~.wc;t OOflH r llfl Hiii AHYMOU )H IH "FIRE SALE" IPGI IJf IOtff "THE LA TE SHOW" 4 00·1 l t ':'HEROES" IPGI \ ' 'i.~~.:.1: 10 WAlt Ol"'6tf \ "PETE'S DRAGOM" tJOOJ)OttO ,, •••• 00 "P'Jfef OFTHt ACTION" IP'GI I 00 UO t H "AUCf OOIS"' T LIYf Hfff ... , ... ou· 1 1~00 Sunday Dffc.m~r 25, 1977 Film Shorts Grow TV Exposure Aid to Movies LOS ANG ELi'.:S (i\l'l You've sel'n 1t o n T V. now 110 MH' It ul the mo\'lc hOU!>C T h a t 's lht• ntt':>'IU~t· movie p ro- dut·crs want lt>lt'\'l:-.1011 v1t1wt·r:. to get . Tht' rt><l!>On th1·v :-.1·ml ~tnrs to the ta lk show cin·u1 t: 111med with chµs from tht•1r lat.<>st fl1r k. fo r 11 free plug . The reason thC'y 11ls11 Mtpply to TV stu t1 ons urnund lhe world t wo -to· :.1x -mlnull' "f<'alurt'ltcs" that take vicwc•rs lx•hind tht'rumcrn to meet the ell rC'c lor and sl urs "I TIONK IT'S unt' of thl' most 1m port ant outll'tS wr h:n l"." sa)'s J ohn Flinn of Columhia P1C'tures "Proof of tha t is ho\.\ much 1t would cost 1r we had to hu\' the :11r time I f ,·011 l't1n ~et it on for rrl•(', and do ll l~g1t1m:itcly, it 's ~rt.•11t That':. wh) you t ry to get on • 01n,1h. Merv a nd the other talk shows wllh your per~onalllies. I think the T\ t"<po-.url' was one of the things that contrihutc<l to the s uccess of 'Tht Dct·p· .. TIME MAGAZINE And In a rt' a l ('Oup. "Sta r Wars, .. "Thc Deep" and "A Bridge Too Far" t•ach i:ot a one-hour special on network tc lovis1on. Despite high ratings for the first two. no new "The Making of ... ·· specials are in the works. allhough there Is l>pcculalion that "Close En· t•ounte rs of the Third Kind " eventually will gel the royal treatment. It s hould be noted that unlike guest shots on talk shows , the networks bought lhe one-hour s pecials and sold advertisina lime to he lp pay for t hem. "Fox Television put the 'Star Wa rs' !>pcc iul together and ABC bought it," says John Fricdkin, a s pokes man for 20th Centur y J<'ox .. But that was because 1t was the biggest film in his- torv 1r we'd tried to sell them that s pecial before the film opened. they'd havcsentmc toashrink " P ER RV MASSEY , DIRECTOR of pro~ram administrat ion for NBC, s ays. "We experimented with an hour, but you t akc a tc rri ble risk because the s how docsn 't always hold u p that long. Ours on 'A Bridge Too Far' didn't hold up because we re lied too much on in· tcrviews. The show on 'Star Wars' mad e good usc of the robots and 'T he Dee p ' ui.ed a lot of underwater foolaf:(e. ·· The networks rare ly run the fcalurcttcs supplied by the movie s lud1os. The way the networks see il. why should they plug a movie when lhcy can u!-.c the time to hype one of thcirownshuws'' The onl y fe~1turcllc to run on a network so far this season was a six- m1nutf' pu.•cc on ''Close Encounters" that I\ BC aired fo llowing · 'The Gather- mi:" onSunday, Dec.4. .. ters,'" sa ys J im Malloy of Saraband Inc.. makers of the fcaturette for Colum bia. "Jf it's that big. they'll go for it. But for the smaller films they're not interested.·· But w h a t p r o d ucer s miss with U.S. television, they make up for in Europe. There, featurettes not only run on TV but also as s horts in movie theaters. The one on "Close Encount· e rs" is called "Watch The Skies" in the theaters. "WHO MAKES SHORT sub1ect~ now?·· asks Friedk1 n. "There a rc no mor e Pete Smiths and others who used lo make ~hort subjects . If you blow the fil m up lo 35mm you can ge t it played in theaters abr oad. """'"'" ...... MOVIE PLUGGERS / HOROSCOPE From the outrageous No.1 Best-Seller TIE CHOIRBOYS rpG -~ .1 IV\"l\Ht..1h11,.•l'rot.'t"'l<•'IL~"' " ......... ·~ ........... . -·-·--c _,.,., ........ c~ 0 ··~~ ~ ·-···. ~-·-· • "/\DC came to Co lumbia because uf the b1j! inte rest in 'Close Encoun- Boroseope "In Italy. you can't buy lime on t e levis ion lo advertise movies. although lhey will run the featuretLes . France h as three big programs on films. And one program is just on American films.·· Daily at Cin~m~ 2:00. 4:on 6:00, 8:00 10:15 Aries: Right Past Wrongs ''COUSIN COUSINE" 1111 "'LEGRANDE ,.!; ClNTURY 21 '°C Cllll MA BySydneyOmarr ltlO~DAY, DEC. 26 LIBRA (Sept. 23·Uct. BOURGEOISE'" :::...-~~-;:; 22): Spotlight on wha t '·===~=:'"=:""'::=:'"::::u::s==::!.--------..:.....--~~...:_:.:.=_..=====­yo u want and how to i\RIF.S< March 21 -April 19 > Emphasis on con· ti us ions. sccuril). cor · reeli ng pust error s . hullding on a more solid m ake it happen. Family, -----------------------------, foundation. TAtiRt'S 1/\pril 20· May 201. Accent on short trips , IC'ltt'rs, ll'lephone messn~cs. Relative who 1s bcg1nnin~ a new cycle or 'enturt' fills you in. !>Ce ks guidance. GEMINI C May21 -June 20 1 · Emphasis on money. ~ i ft s. eva lua tion .of fn t'ndship. Spiritual in- ~iJ.lhts nrc gained -you can gcl a "revelation" connec ted with future p l ans . hopes, a s pir a - tions. CANCER <J une 21· July 221: Take lead - don 't permit poor quaJi. ty , intimidation. You're going places and you wi II have verification. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Yo u break shackles; restrictions can fa de . You are on b rink of dis· edwards LIDO CINEMA cove ry.adventure . PLUS (PG) VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. "PARDON .... EWPORT BLVD. AT VIA LIDO 22 >: Give full play to in· ,.... tellectual curio s i t y. MON AFFAIRE" NEWPORT BEACH 673-8350 Don't be satis fied merely ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to know something oc-cur red-find out why it ha ppenea. dom e s tic s i t u ation , hom e, harmony where it counts-these are most signific ant. SCORPIO IOct. 23- Nov. 21 >: Pa th is m ade s m ooth b y you n g, c r e ative indiv i d u a l. Realize that a ge nuine at- tachment could form ... b u t n o s trings are necessa ry. SAG11TARIUS <Nov. 22-D e c . 21 ): S tudy Scorpio m essag e. Be aware of how to achieve goal-including cost-per- un1t, invest me nt p ro - cedure, agreement, in· volving fi scal condition of partner or mate. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan.19>: E mphasis on mutual agreements, un- dersta n d in g - specifically. you will be conce rned with con tract. joint effort, legal rights. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20· J:t"eb. 18): Practical mat· ters d ominate -be aware of employm ent picture. incl uding c ha n ce t o str eamline procedures. PISCES <F e b. 19 · Ma rch 20): Give feelings chance to find outlet. Ex- press, imprint s tyle . Your intuitive capacities surface. ~~-~----~-~-------~- c1nenome Ei scAeEn 631.& 2553 tOffiPLEX Cllapman "'"• &. ~nl~ Ana "'•Hway MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "CLOSE EN U OF THE THIRD KIND" (PG) eox OFFICE OPENS IOA M OAll'I' , 1'46-2 5 111-8 0&-10-•& "SATURDAY ~IGHT FEVER" CR) "LOOKlNG FOR MR. GOODBAR" CR) "1900" (R) "THE SPY WHO LOVED ME" "THE DEEP" (PG) "BOBBY DEERFtB.0" CPG) "ALICE OOESNT LIVE HERE ANYMOREM - MAAK HAMILL HARPJSON FON) CAMIE FISHEi\ PETER CUSHING end ALEC GUINNESS ~ ond Chc:t2d b,1 GE())GE LUCAS ProdJced b,1 GAAYKUroz M.JSK b,1 JOH~ WILLIAMS R6,NAV151()1J® PnJNT5 CJ'( 0€ UJ)E: '1 T€01NICOl.OR~ SCHEDULE DAILY AT 2:11, 1:00 7:30, 10:00 ) NlYm> .. T 'AIHION tal.ANO N!W'10AT CINTlf• l!TWHN MoA"THUA ANO JAMIO"EE AT PACIFIC COAIT HIGHWAY '44-0780 ( t I t ( ~ MOVIES I CROSSWORD &lndf:Y. Dec:eft\ber 25, 1977 Leist Task Leaves 'Em Dragon By BOB THO II AS LOS ANGELES -One ol the brilht new stars of the holiday movie aeason ii named Elliot. He's a dragon. t.be creation ol a bearded, 43-year Dllney vet.erannamedKen Andenon. Anderson doesn't look tt.. but be•a a ereat-grand!ather -"and I wasn't e.en so good as a grandfather.·• be quips. He was ready to retire from Disney Productions a year or so aao when executive producer Ron Miller tossed a challenge at him: help put a full-si'Zed dragon on the screen and make him perform with human ac· tors. .. WHY NOT?" Ke n Anderson agreed. Arter all, he had been fielding challenges for Disney since 1934, when he JOined the group or artists Wall was collecting to make "Snow White" and other features. Newly married and inspired by the Imagery of the "Silly Symphonies," Anderson thought the studio might be an in· teresting place to work. Walt Disney learned Anderson had been an architect and assigned him to devise new ways to photograph car· loons. Since then he has been dazzllng with his versatility, creating every- thing from cartoon characters to Disneyland attractions. • 'l had finished doing the characters for another feature, 'Catfish Bend.' and was about ready lo retire," said Anderson. "Then Ron gave me an 'Book, Candle' Auditions Due The Garden Grove Community Theatre will hold auditions for its up- coming production Bell, Book and Candle, by John Van Druten, on January 3. and 4, 7:30 p.m. at Lake School, 1080l Orangewood, Garden Grove. Guest director Carl Castiglione is seeking two women and three men between the ages of 19 and 65 to fill the cast. . "Bell. Rook and Cetndle" opens Feb. 17 and wall run four weekends through March 11. 1978. For furlhr r information call 554-1452. orieinaJ story that he aald Walt had been lnteresied ln. .. IT WAS ABOUT a boy and hil draeon. but the draeon never ap. peared to aoy•. The vlllaae bad to keep making up excuses for all the damage that happened -a fruk storm or somethtna. The draaon came into the story only in the boy's dream, and then he was Just a storybook dragon with no intimation of personality. "I was really on a spot. I felt I shouldn't be critical of somelhlnJ both Walt and Ron had believed in. I could have drawn a dragon out of any book, but I decided to operate on the ploy that Elliot appears to those who are in need of bis help.'• From 9 a.m. until noon one morn- ing, Anderson made a series of sketches for his concept or the star or "Pete's Dragon." Ron Miller and co- producer Jerome Courtland saw the result and were charmed. Miller con· vinced Anderson to stay on and direct the young animators who would bring Elliot to full, fire-breathing life. IT WASN'T EASY. Elliot was to ap· pear throughout the movie, doing scenes with Helen Reddy, Mickey Rooney, Red Buttons, Shelley Winters and Jim Dale. The scale had to be diminished so Elliot's face would not seem too huge in his many scenes with young Sean Marshall, who plays Pete. •'The schedule for animation was backbreaking." Anderson said. "The "picture had been set with the Radio City Music Hall for this Christmas and it had to be delivered in lime. Fortunately, Don Bluth, one of the young animators, came aboard as director, and he did a tremendous job. "All of the young crew did . They worked twice as fast as we older animators could have. On 'Pete's Dragon,• you bad to be young or you would die." DISNEY HAD combined cartoons with live acllon before "Song of the South," "Mary Poppins " but never against natural locations. Scenes were filmed at the Disney ranch and at a lighthouse the Disney crew built from scratch near Morro Bay, Calif. Elliot was then added. "lt wasn't hard to get the actors to TODAY'S CIDSSIDID PU·IZLB ACROSS 76 American 153 Depend 23 Pintail ducks 103 Per1onaUty Ind Ian 164 Male heir 31 Cuckoo 108 Pigpen 1 Charter 77H1gh 1 55 Choir voice 33Amblllon 108 Metal aplcul1 6Wearlng mountain 167Common: 34Rad1at1 1 09 Samovar a ll'IOH 78Sll1con Hawaiian 36Thr11·to9d 1 tOS1nat1 10 Carb0n111 1ymbOI 1 59 P1<1lan poet sloths m111enger 14 Barters 80 Long1corn 180 Exololt 37H11vyaw1ll 113Atno time 190.aolate beetle 181 lnupen1iv1 39 Purposlve 11 5 Cote sound 20 Carry 83 Nostril• 1 63 Analyzlng 4 2 Miiitary coat 119 lnaolent 21 Uncommon 86 Lyn e POtm 188 G111k vowel USmoothtng 1 21 Slightest 22 WWII plcturea 87 Abounded 167 Out of prefix lOOI 1 24 Correlative 24 Plural ending 89 Indian htll 188 .. Ulalum1 .. 46 Uproar 1 25 Small donkey 25 Encountered 90 ProSICUle poet 48Pre11nlly 127 Poetic 26 Minute 92 Pred1t1rmln1d 189 Donated 500nce more .. 1>1tor1 .. p11tlcle 94 M1m1cs 171 fixe 51 In favor of 128 Japaneee 27 Paradise 06 Outtay 1 7 2 Lubricate 53 Thoroughfare· drama 26Concluda lil9 TV headliner 1 7 4 Greeting abbr 1 JP Cetes11al 29 Hindu mantra 100 lntroduca 175 Wollish 55 Between 1 32 Stame&e com 30 Excl11m1111on 1 04 Goll mound 177 Lamb"s 57 Buddhist 134 Spanlah 32 Wandered I 05 Distress pen name monk article a1mleealy signal I 7 8 Sign lub•"J' 58 Real estate 135 Engllsh 35 Haughty walk 107 Toe score :i 1 79 Compelle map basket 37 Female 111lnt wds 181 Anxious 69 Chest sound 137 Overseer 38 Tranamllted 111 Persian 182 Genuine 60 Cry ol pain 138 Without Latin 40 Outfit gateway 1 83 Exhausted 61 Concerning 140Con11oke 41 Send back 11 2 Straighten 184 Church 63Cove 142"411n 43 Bother 114 Streat olflclal 66Qrain 1•3 Savs ••Man· a 1 t 6 Regarding goddHS 144 Sudsy brew nickname 11 7 Brazilian DOWN 88Qoltclub 145 Sorrow 45 Attempted parrot 1 Fl09ger 61 Boundary 1 46 Alllludlnlzig 4 7 Farm hands 1 I 8 Elllpllcal 2 0r~I pauae 88Attendto 1 48 Hawaiian Ith 49 Rellglou1 1 20 Yule aong 3Forellmb 71 Donkey 1 50 French soul ceremonies 1 22 Endearmerit 4 Appear 73 Eritrea! 15 1 Family 51 Beats term 5 Matriculate 75 Voung3tar member merclleasly 1 :.>3 Sallor'a ••onal 6 Horizontal 18 Brown color 1 52 lnatrucr 52 Fairy port 1 25 Cherrr. variety timber 79 Archetype 1 54 Downright 54 F-urlotn 1 26 Relax ng 7Head 81 .SQuare 158WlldWUI 56Sugar-1 29 V1ct0fy aignal covering measure show holders 131 Wood sorrel 8 Playful 82 Sprtnt 1 58 Poeltlve pole 57 Fur scarf 133 Beat mammal 84 Chemical ult 161 Geometric 58 lnYtstlgate 2 1 38 Paid athlete 9 Morecoally 85 Ward off aolld 1 O Loaner 88 Gym pad 182 Ashen wds 137 Dinner 11 Po11u11d g 1 Prime 1 84 Ponce da •••• 82 Network courses I 2 Er1a· brother character 1 85 Malden e•S11 Inlet 139Calchell 13 Income 93 Angec 188Porker 65 Celtic dl1lecl abbreviation propertiea 95 A11lgned tuk 170 By way of 1•1 Irish sea god 1 4' tncantalion 97 Soup 73 p I 69 Secular 1 4 2 Vino lrull 1 5 Blln~ vegetable 1 ot coYar ng 70 Scale note t 6 Con1uncllon 9a Eternity 178 New Zealand 7 2 Pro1ec11ng 145 NIYllVe1$el 1 7 Chlne11 coin 100 Pagan od fOfl label 147 Summit 18 1rr19utar 101 Wheel~ub 1800dln"1 74 Quote 1119 Conscript 19 Wild animal 1 02 Pars11 brother work in a scene with a dragon who would be painted in later," said An· de rson. "They r ehearsed with a model, so they knew what to expect. But the live-acUon crew had to b& helped. They bad trouble adjusting t.o the ract that Elliot would later rill up half the screen." Ken Anderson expects to retire finally next April. and he plans to write and illustrate books and do some painting -"having seen what passes for art today, l hope to restore some faith in beauty." Ile will leave with faith in the new crop of Disney animators -"they have the same kind of drive and ambi· tion that we had in the '30s. Nothing is beyond them." Disney's Ken Anderson holds his creation, Elliot the dragon, star of new film for families CATCH THE FEVER IF YOU'RE NOT SURE YOU HAVE THE FEVER NOW, AFTER TODAY, YOU'LL SAY YOU ALWAYS DID. ..... •u PUolA •••.•••••••••. Ut•UH f'OUOIJAIM f.UUY c-... ................ , .. 1n-tt" AMAHllM CIMfUIY 11 •••••••••••••• nwttl OlA~I OlA~I MALL •.•••••.•. 07-1141 MIHIOll Yl&JO c-• .................. 11-..ttt Wlll'MMlnt c..-. wer ···-·······"M•n COSJAMISA MUIOI ....... 11 .... ....... ..................... _ ....... ..... ·~-STAIOUW DJ. •••••••••••••• 6"•1Mt S14LllACH IOHWOH •.•••••. IJIJI 4-4" THEY LEAD THE LEAGUE IN SCORING ... AFTER THE GAME I ~ ' DODI MQllCI.,... AIDD&ll.mnDAlll ...... ,,n 1111 111111.111 ·mnam11a1 Ill.I. CLllllDI .......... IDBBnPlllTDI ... ~..._· 1ci_...,.wu.ra iDittUI ...,.,....,......,w,.... ,,_.., Dlfll MQllCI trna111111y lllCUll. ll'l'IDI .... .-..... PARAMOUNT l'ICTUR£S rRtstNTS IOHN TRAVOlTA KAllCN lYNNGOflNCY "'SA TUllDAY NIG11TflVLll'" A llOBlR T STIGWOOD rRODUC TIO"' ' Suecni>lay by NORMAN WU<llll D1reu~ by IOHN 8ADHAM taew1h1e Proclu«r K!VIN M<CO«MICK rroctuced by llOBUT STIGWOOO 0...-.......................... ., ..... ~ .......... ~.---. ... ~ ...... I'"\ lii'lr.n.;;;;;:u;:;~O;;~ (J I COJi;.,..•""r ~':~':'.: .. :'..!~=----- If He could do His number on the Red Sea ••• and bring the cham,tonshtp to the 69 Mets ••• why should it be so Hard to believe He's back again? '" • ••• islt~ A JERRY WEINTRAUB PRODUCTION GEORGE BURNS • JOHN DENVER • "OH, GOD!" Rf GARR • DONALD PLEASENCE (PG) . . .. ~ ~ $ .. r .. ~ •. • ~ ·. •, .· .• :· •' ·: .. '• ~ ,. .. .. :. .. .. • "' , - -DA!lYPILOT Sunday, December 25, 1977 Commercial Kids Patience Pays Off for Director NEW YORK CAP) -A nerve· million-dollar outfit. wracking business? Try making TV For E isenbere. working with commercials with kids. children means plenty or preparation Nut B. Eisenberg does it ror a living and a pleasant atmosphere for shoot· and he's found patience goes a long ing. And that in an environment that way. ' includes, not necessarily in order of "That's very important," says the importance, restlessness, wandering man one trade magazine called a "do-minds and back>stage moms. It-yourself child psychologist." "But The process almost always starts there's also the ability to make the with auditions. kids feel comfortable. I guess you just have to like children.'' Eisenberg's NBE Productions works a lot with kids it's become 3omething of a specially. ADVERTISERS, SAYS Eisen - berg, arc working harder all the time lo attract the child viewer as well as the family that watches TV - and that means using more kids in more commercials. "A director working with kids has to be almo:.t lake an E1:.enhower in World War II," he says, "hnnging a lot of p<..'<>plc and a lot of different ideas to~cthcr. "You know, there arc lots of very sharp people in advNLising. and the agencies come with ideas and lots or points of view. You can't just let them go at the kids. "So it's a new kind of specially," he says, "the ability to interpret the ·~reative people's concepts and gel the kids to perform in line with what was conceived. "MOST P EOPLE REALIZE this.'' Eisenberg :.ays, "and with kids, the tendency 1s to let the d1rcctor do more directing." Eis <'nbcrg, a sll'ndcr, pleas ant m an, hus been mak1n,I! commercials for television for 20 years in the car· Jy days, 1t was h \ c spots . Since then he's worked in both videotape and 'film and today, NUE Productions is a "THE CONVENTIONAL producers tend to want to go with the safe peo- ple,'' Eisenberg say~. "There's a lot of money on the line and they like to work with people who've done it before. "And there are those of us trying lo add new people, always looking for fresh faces, ethnic faces. "Working with kids is a nebulous situation to begin with," he says. "There's this old saying in the busi- ness, 'l want a 5-year-old so get me an 8-year-old who looks kind of little." · Eisenberg works most of the time with advertising agencies, and they're the ones who schedule audi- tions. The call usually summons the same people -often whole families become well known to the producer. "When we cast kids, we have many . children to look at," Eisenberg says. "I try to be very 'simpatico' with the ones who don't make it. SO WHAT MAKES Nat Eisenberg s o successful working with children? "The word I hear mos t is patience,'' he says, "maybe with some warmth, s ome humor. "And I 've worked with some really good kids," he says. "Like Patty Duke. She was a great little kid and did a good job. I've done a Jot recently with Anita Bryant's children, they're fun to work with." • KIDS I ERMA BOMB ECK E,...a ·--~k So Today Is ¥6ur Birthday 25. You're called Capricorns. You were born between Dec. 22 and Jan. 20. A goodly number of you were born on Dec. Today is your birthday. Few will have cakes with candles. Few will have presents wrapped in birthday paper. WHAT'S IT LIKE TO share your birthday with the most commercial holiday of the year? Most of you say it is less than a religious ex· perience. It's a day of listening to "I lumped your birthday and Christmas present together into one big gift." Not so with this column. It is not a Christmas column. It's a Happy Birthday to all or you born on Dec. 25. I envy you. How special it must be for you to sit and renect why you were chosen to make your appearance into the world on the exact day of a s mall baby boy in Bethelehem nearly 2,000 years ago. THE MANY TIMES you must have reflected on the man's birthday you share and what He would have thought if someone had jammed a hair dryer in His hands and said, "So, you had the bad luck to be born on Christmas! Tougho!" We tend to forget Christmas birthdays. They get Jost in a sea of Santa Claus arriving In a helicopte.r. mistletoe daiquiris1 dolts with bionic eyes, nucrowave ov~n~, ~na stores open on Christmas until 3 p.m . If it is of any comfort, sometimes I imagine a nother Capricorn with large brown/black/green/blue eyes, wearing tC robe and sandals, being bumped and jostled in the traCCic of the city, lamenting, ''They forgot my birthday too." "BROTHER SUN SISTER MOON'' 7:00 "ROMEO AND JULIET" 4:20 & 9:15 MERRY CHRISTMAS! 'IUHGDO .. QI THI S•IOIU" 'COOOU.LA •S THI C()j .. IC ..owsnr trGI AL l'ACIHO ll'GI "IOllY DEERFIELD" m MAllll l THIA DIS THIATUS-ORAHGI CO SENIOR OTIZENS S 1.50 S . COAST PLAZA J'IOltmtlSI SOJlll llltr*'*' "SEMI TOUGH" !RI DAJLY I !l0.J:J0.5:l0·7:JO.t:JO SO. COAST PLAZA . )tlU111t1UI S44 l!ll flttrMIUIC "Sl.TUUAY HIGHT flYB" a1 DAILY I :4S.l:45-5:50· 1:00.10:00 ~ 1WIN CINEMA A •cm!CKllllO F\.MJ Oii CllASH" ~ l"OI HO>'WY WINKLER WU FIELD Pm'I· - DRA&DI } -oNEOF111E BEST PlcnJRES OF ntE YEAR." ~1 -------------~ \ •At Your Service •Ann Landers •Hippenlngs •Buslne$S ... SUnday, December 25, 1977 OAILY PILOT ¥OU .. ''YI i ifMMA fi8 ' •;ew:;z. 9XF 4 5'#f ·!'' 89¥1..-.;,. +•4 >:Cil\e4e4•.e•+=-·• a••! 512 'Ad? *''41 •a,.,;a, ;1;:;; ;Qbbnd def 1; A;; 4 "b. ; e::.•t1.t1453 C!#*iZ*l':t Genie1:e Lnng, 4. Fou nta111 Valley Carleen Johnson, 12, Costa Mesa Peter Ventura, 5, Newport Beach Sherry Wishney, 9, Laguna Beach Laguna Beach Tezt bJ1 Lft Pal/ffe Photl>• bJI Lu Pot/M, Pot O'DoftMll, Gart1 Ambroae The Wonder . Of Christmas Paquette Munch, JO months, Mission Viejo Dustin Idler, 6,·Newport Beach Bret Eckles, H-2, Corona del Mar Wendy Gentry, 1. Crystal Bolg~r, 8, Margaret Mmer, 8, Costa M~sa Christmas is for children and the wonder of the season is best seen reflected in their faces. Then those of us who now get socks and underwear and ties can remember how it used to be. It is Christmas lights that shine on every house, packages hidden in secret places, warm smells of Christmas cookies baking, a scary fat man· in a red suit, a tree in the liviog room that blooms witti light, hanging stocking and leaving cookies for Santa, and the baby Jesus born in a manger long ago. The wonder of Christmas fs the wonder of a few days each year when the world once again remembers PeaC8 on ttarth I ' ~ t .. I . .. • , .• . • 'l • .. • ' 0 DAILY PllOT rain !!e-c!!!us Californians Are Leaders in Ke"eping Fit reduction l~ -pardon the expression -a big, fat succetHI -gets a blend of exercllo and pamJ>tflnl. .. LOS ANGELES (AP> -In Cahfomia, where movie stars' figures are their fortunes and bikinis a.re haule couture, the business of weight Callromlana •pend more time, money and energy lluhUna nab than any other Americans. Other spas otrer a Jui expeulve variation on the same formula. At Rancho La Puerta, a visitor pays MS a day fOl' a procram empbulzlng health food and yosa. Pala Mesa, a couples· orlePted resort near San Dle10, off en tennla and golf as part of a "Total You" package. Not far away. the La Costa resort offeta a health ~d sports program. .. . r •, • . " ~ • . :· .... • . .. . .. .. ... ... .. " . • .· .. ·~ .,..,, ....... WRAPPING UP TO TONE DOWN They try acupuncture, electric shoc.k, biofeedback and behavior modUication. They have celluUte massages, have their bodies wrapped ln wet flannel and lift weights. SOME TURN TO doctors who put them on semlstarvatlon dlets or administer shots derived from the urine of pregnant women. Others join diet clubll and hire private exercise coacties. "People in California seem to be more thin- orie nted," says Gary Mertes of Schick Laboratories, a branch of the razor blade con- cern that has taken up weight reduction. That's not to say people aren't weight con- scious elsewhere. The California phenomenon is part or a nationwide business that a recent report found caters to 70 million Americans and lakes in SlO billion a year. Weight Watchers of America, one of the oldest and best known reducing plans. will gross well over $30 million this year. "People are realizing that as they expand, their experience of life is constricted," says Dr. James J. J ulian, a Hollywood physician who s pecializes in taking inches off the wastelines of movie stars. "They arc separated by a wall of Cat from the joy of life." THERE ARE FEW bonafide medical guidelines. The California Medical Association's policy says: "The treatment of obsesity by uns- cientific methods may well be a menace to the health of California citizens." It urges caution in using drugs and advises "safe dieting." Among the more popular methods of reduc- tion are health spas offering a week or more of intensive excercise, dieting and beautification treatments at remote hideaways. One of the best known is The Golden Door at Escondido. where for $1,250 a week, the visitor -usually a woman * * One or the stars of the wel1ht-reduction game is Dr. Julian, who says, "I d1dn 't choose this field, the movie stars chose ltf or me." JULIAN HAS FOUR thriving .,weight normalization centers" in the Los Angeles area and lives in a Spanish hillside villa built for Hopalong Cassidy star WUllam Boyd. He is plan· ning a private theater for ma.as lectures on weight control. Julian uses four basic treatments, three or them diets. The fourth is the cootrovenlal HCG ..fat mobilizing" shots, which come from the urine of pregnant women. He insists the shots, which have been denounced as useless by the Food and Drug Administration and the CallfQJ'llia Medical Association, are effective. Julian looks for things to coogratulate pa- tients about, not to punish them. Not so at Schick Laboratories, where punishment ls part of a method that has cured alcoholics and smokers. The key is electric shock called "negative stimulus." Every day, clients arrive at Schick centers bearing their favorite fattening foods. Each goes to a room where a therapist attaches an elec· trical device to bis wrist. He chews on bis brownie or pizza, but if he swallows it, he gets a mild electrical shock. "We're re moving years of proeram- ming in the snemory," says Curtis Kent, Schick's vice president and general manager. * ·Firms Fund Fitness Plan 6eg1ns at LUZZETT A Bernard's. A mora beautiful you is the perfect way to brf ghten your holiday 1eason and spirits. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The price of ex- ecutive success frequently includes a pot belly, a martini habit and sudden awareness of heart at- tack statistics. A gift of Beauty is the perl~ "to me gift" becauM it is somethlf\9 to be enjoyed by ybul'MU. your friends and your famity. · Please join· the &)(perts at LUZZETT A ..Bernard's for your share of holiday magic our expect staff off.,. • . · comQtete servic$a to the ditc•rning Lady •nd Gentleman. , r LUZZETT A Ber"-rd's is tne only way to start~ Holiday season and bnghten y0ur New Year •• , 253 off custom draperies including fabric, lining, labor, installation! Give your home a bright, new holiday appe!JI Choose from a lovely selection of fabrics including damasks, sheers, satins, and morel Our experts will make your draperies to order. Call today for an at home appointment. 253 off our woven wood panel draperies. Dram'ltlcally different drapes move vertlcally to the sides of windows. Great for sliding doors or for any window where you want the advantages of wood panels while enjoying the view Md look of drapes. Colorful patterns. You can also save 253 on our woven wood shades! Choose from 23 delightful patterns. Woven wood shades come In lots nf dazzling colors and a wide variety of shapes, slzeci and patterns. Don't delay. Take adVantage of thesP savlnga nowl '• Now corporations who have lost too many lop people in their prime are fighting back with company-funded fitness programs for the flabby and fatigued. In downtown Los Angeles, an outfit called Fitness Systems Inc. has a membership of some 400 executives who work out at a modem "fitness center " in the bowels of a high-rise office build· ing and shopping plaza. "In two years, our mem~rs have lost an average total of 1.2 tons," says Cindy MlUer, FIS director of marketing. WITH EMPLOYERS PA YING half or more of the $500 annual t ab, executives are en- couraged to trim down and tone up. Elsewhere in the Los Angeles area, FIS in· stalls in-house exercise facilities at corporations willing to make the investment. They range from a minigym of 200 to 1,000 square feet to a 6,000 square-foot facility with an indoor jogging track. Physiologists supervise each exercise program. FIS has built private gyms for such com· panies as Fluor Corp., headquartered in Irvine. Teledyne Inc .. Great Western Savings and the Los Angeles Times. AT FIS HEADQUARTERS, the exercise plan, developed by fitness expert and author L. E. Morehouse, has a double thrust -weight loss and cardiovascular development. The program includes indoor joeglng, elec· tronic bicycles that monitor the heart rate, and stretching and flexibility exercises. The typical regime ls 30 to 40 minutes three times a week . FIS was started by former corporate ex- ecutives WilUam L. Horton and F. Paul Karres, Harvard business school 8raduates who felt their colleagues would see fitness as money in the bank. The enthusiasm of their current executive members appears to strengthen their theory. WHEN IT COMES TO APPRAISING JEWELRY SHARP BECAUSE ... WE'RE THE FIRST AND ONLY PROFESSIONAL JEWELERS IN TH! UNITED STATES OFFERING A COMPUTERIZED APPRAISAL SERVICE. ALL DIAMONDS AAE APPRAISED AND REGISTERED WITH AN ABSOLUTE EVAl.UATION REFLECTING CURRENT MARKET VALUE. DO YOU KNOW Y0°UR OIAMOHOos VALUE RECENTLY IHCffEASED7 We know t~t wMf'e lnMK•ne. .,.,..Is are concerned. a d•t•lled ~ of the Jewerly Is all-lmpol't•nt, partlcularty In ref~ to plottlna Of othenriM lndbtln1 the present charactertstict or bl1ml1hu In a atone. At least half the value of •n edequate •PP'~= lies In the later use of th•t 1wa1111 to check th• . ry for ct.mace°' to verity the lcltntlt1, dttlcn °' conetNctlOn of tht ,,_. In the ewent of loll. IO(M. Mf\.UAHT4:UT "'°'°"TIOfd "T r~~-t -1 • td .. ;> -1 HEALTH SALE! BLOUSES SIZES: 38 to 46 Great (lssortment of prints. Famous labels. All sales final. es RALF-SIZE SHOP 1105 .Wwport ll•cL. Costa Mna Hours: 10 to 6-ft\on., Thurs., ftrl. to 9 p.m. Sun. 12 to s ••Mlarn«lcard • Maitff Char .. v ·ou'RE NEXT! TAKE 60 MINUTES and look your best for the holidays! •ACME • WRINKLES • DRY SKIN •OILY SKIN • LINES •BLEMISHES HON-SURGICAL ••• /ace lifting can begin with your first visit! C~ Fer ............. TODAY !Ya~'t, SKIN CARE CENTER HUMTIHfiTOH HACH 1 !le17 C.0.~aro A•~ IAc.tOla lrOtn l<"""UI lt4-754Z '• f . r .: .. .. "Got o problem'> Then write to l'ot Dunn Pot waU cut red tape, getting the on.twtrs and action you need to solve wqu1tles m govemmt11t and bwme.u. Motl your q~stion.s to Pat Dunn, Al Your Service, Orange Coast Dolly Pilot. P 0 . l:Jo.r 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Its many letters as possible w ill be answered. but phoned mquines or letters not including the reader '& f ulL name. address and business hours· phone numbercannot be considered. Thascolumnoppeorsdo1· ly ucept Saturdays." 1t1Jg Sant a lJ•e• O.l•neg DEAR PAT: My child is just old enough to be inte rested in Santa Claus thls Christmas. She's asked me where Santa's s led and reindeer cam<' from and why he comes down the chlmney to bring tus gifts Everyone knows the sled and reindeer came from the North Pole, but l 'm stumped for an answer about why he comes down the chimney. Can you find out? I'm sure a lot of other youngsters would be interested too A.J .. San Clemente Santa's ~lelgh and reindeer must have come from the North Pole ~ince tha t's where Santa Uvet. But, the flrat lime anyone learned about &bit wu wb~n tbe ''llll itver's" traasport•tioo w at told about ln ••A Visit From St. Nlcbolaa," lke famous ~m by Cle ment C. Moore. Tbe belief tbat Sa.ota delivers bJs i lfu to the bome via tbe cblmney a;tem from an old Norse legend. The Norse belleved that the &oddeas Hertha wo"ld bring good luck to a bome 11 sbe appeared In tbe Ortplace. It'• only n6tural tJlat Santa would choose lh1s method of eatutnc houses to bring lucky (&Dd good!> cblJdr~ tbelr Chris tmas glib. Glow Power'• B nteffcaf. DEAR PAT: l 'veheardthatfluorescenllampli save energy, but I don't know any actual com· parison figures. Could you find out and let me know? I need some ne w Jlghtlng Cixtures and will consider fluorescent lights If the savings in elec- tricity is really significan t. S. P ., Hunllngton Beach Fluor~cent lamps definitely would be your best energy saver. They provide three to four limes as much light per watt as an Incandescent lamp and they glve off less heat. In D oze A bout B e ll Ti...n? DEAR PJ\T My son and I are getting a ship's bell as a Christmas prei.ent for my father 's boat. Now we both would like to know how the 'arious bell ringing times were established. G.G .. Newport Beach The English navy divided &be 2-i·bour day at , • f Parenthood Planted? w •. Small Doses of New Me dical Inf ormation , ( • .. r " " # • , .. ... ·~ ·~ .. .... ·~ .. '. ' .,. . ., ··' • :, ., 't . ., .. ., . ' :1. : ~ ' . . •. : ~ By ALTON BLAKESLEE Anotl•IM Prt·u S<l•••U E•ltor NEW YOHK Man's first medicines came from plants. Even today it's estimated that at least 25 per cent of all prescriptions contain active principles extracted from pla nts. Now a worldwide s urvey is checking folklore· and other reports on m ore than 5.000 spedes of plants that might be useful in birth and fertility ('Ontrol. An IRM computer 1s analyzing all the in· formation, says Dr. Norman R. Farnsworth, pha rmacologist of the University of Illinois Medical Center. It 1s one of six centers taking part in the World Jlealth Organization project. Onl' reason for looking at plants: Primitive people apparently s uccessfully used various plant ci..tract)', for birth control Don't Blamf" Fido "l\tulttplc !-.cll·rosis 1i. not a contagious db- case. That 1s one rc•;.1s11n lhl•re's no hrm evidence Lhal small dogs and cats trans mit MS lo their owners, say Ors. John M. Adams. a physician. and llarnld D. Snow, \'l't erin:.i ri :rn. of tht' U111\'l'rsity of California at Los Angeles Medical Cent l'r Somt• t•arlicr reports hav<' mentioned susp1 c1ons finking houi.c pets wllh the ncr\'C dis ease. Wnt1ng in thr Journal of the Am<!rican .\l<!dical Assoc1al1on, ,\dams and Snow S<tY diste mper rn ·dogs 1s compar:1bll' to mca.,Jcs m humani.. ""llh both cauSt·d by \'lrusc:-. that :-.ccm related nut "thl're 1s no firm cv1denee that human bc mJ,!li get d1c,tl:'mper or measles from dogs Likc·wist'. do~s do not get meas les from humans or from ht'rng inoculated with live measles 'irus " :\'o be a11d Babies Pregnant women living near noisy airports had smaller habies th:.10 women in quieter areas . • J apant.'sc researchers report. Some 340 women exposed to the ai rport noise had lower levels of an important hormone. human placental 111Nogcn, between the 30th and :JGth weeks of pregnancy, than 112 expectant mothers exposed to relative ly little s uch noise, and their bahics weighed somewhat less. report \'.Ando and H. Hattori of Kobe University Blood Pre1111 ure T alk The chances of developing high blood pres · s ure. hypertension. a rc two lo three times greater than ordinary 1r one ot your parents had elevated pressure. says Dr. Henry Lynch of Creighton l 1ntvers1ty in Omaha. Neb '! Toy Tip s . ~ If both parents had h:> perten:.100 . ·your risk I)> rather enormous ... he adds E\ en so, he con llnues, some such children never develop ele\'Clt · ed pressure. Dr. Lynch spoke on genetic aspects {lf hypertension ;1l a meeting sponsored by L'rl'1ghton unq CIRA Ph:1rmat <'utical Company Wright in ~regnaneg For years doctors have advised women not to ,:!ain much weight dur ing pregnancy . But now such authoritative groups as the Na- tional Rescureh Council und American College of Obs tetricians a nd Gynctologists are recom · mending that women (.lain 20 to 25 pounds during a normal J'Tegnuney. Statistically, mfant death rates and sickness a rc much greater among low birth weight habie:-.. Dr. Myron Winick writes in Modern :\I edicine magazine II<' is direc tor of the Institute or Huma n Nutrition at Columbia l 1ni\'NS1ty's Colle~e of Phys icians and Surgeons Eighteen countr1 e~ have lower infant mortality than the United Statec;, and the major contributing factor "1s our relati vely high in· cidencc" of low birth weight infants. Dr. Winick says 5 H 0 p :.Jt Banne d ? WASHINGTON <AP> : 1 Last year about 43.300 AFTE R CHRISTMAS SALE children were treated in hospitals from injuries · ' suffered when playing ' ' \\'ilh toys, the Consumrr ~od,u<:t Safety Com. m1ss1on,ays. So the commission has a dopted a r egulation whic l) is ai m ed at eliminating potentially hazardous sha rp points • on toys inten ded for m all children If t h e comm1ss1on shows that points on toys • pose an unreason able risk of injury, it can ban the items from sale . 20% OFF THIS WEEK ONLY • LAMPS • PICTURES • DECORATIVE ACCESSORI ES &Jnday, December as. 1971 DAILY PILOT C:J sea Into slx "dog watches,'' each t pannlnf a four-hour Period shared by two men at the wbed of old sailing ships. The flrst bell In the fi rst doc watch ls struck at 30 minutes after mldnlibt. Fro m then oo, one bell Is added eacb ball itoar until, at c a.m., elgbt bells are atrudc, mar ldnc the end ol the fi rst four-bour dog watch. At C:30 a.m., in the s~ond dog watch, the r.lock 1trtke1 one be11. then proceeds untll 8 a .m. with the strik· in g or eight bells. T he Identical four-hour cycle is carried out all day. R o l y Tree Spra"fl fi'rmtt Oak DEAR PAT: When were Christmas trees first decorated, and why was the fir tree chosen to be a symbol associ~ted with Christ? O.J ., Costa Me~a While the cus t o m o f decor a ting tbe Christmas tree has been traced to the Germans as early as the H OO or 1500s, the tre4! as a symbol originated, according to one legend, about 1,ZOO years ago, says The World Book Encyclopedia. T he English missionary WlnUrid, who late r became St. &nlface. Is said to have come upon some Druids who wt>re about to s lay a yO'ing prince as an offe ring to their god Thor. Wlnifrid called a halt to the proceedings and c ut down t.he sacred oak t ree against which the human sacriflce was to have t aken place. Legend has It tha t a young rtr tree sprang up where the oak had stood. The missionary told the Druids te adopt the Ur as their new holy tree and explained to them that it was the lrt'e or peace and of Cbrbt. Join Team ~ Volwiteers Have Heart J\ call to aclton for the February 1978 Heart campaign has been issued by Ed Riley. board chairman of the Orange County c hapter of the American Hearl Association. "WE NF.ED VOLUNT EERS to help fight American's No. 1 killer. In addition to collect· ing contributions for research. education and community programs. the volunteers pass out information that can save hves," he said. The information handed out by volunteers deals mainly with recognition of warning signals of heart attack and stroke. emergency action and information on the n sk factors of heart disease. Campaign headquarters are at 1043 Civic Cente r Drive West, Santa J\na or call Jeanette Smith, campaign clerk Ht 714 /547·3001. • • • The Voluntary Action Center of South Orani::e County 1s ready to a ssist you in finding the right \'Oluntt•cr opportunity for you. where your skills and Inte rests arc clearly matched with the needs of the community. Don't delay Call now at 675-9210 or 833·9278 for more information on how you can help. Over 60'! A!-.k for the Retired Senior Volunteer Program P ERSONS AFt E t:R GENTLV needed throughout the Chr1stmC1s and New Year holiday!> to donate hlood in anticipation or the many acc1dcnL-. that occur during thl' i,calion \'our donation or time and blood could mean S:l\'IO~ J hfe .\1lss1on \'1cJO \ oluntccri, arc bcrng sought to care for children of polenhally abusive pttrents "h1le they attend mcclin~s geared to help them deal'' 1th their children A typist and clc·ncal worker willing lo t·om m it four hours per week for 3 to 4 months 1:-. nel'dcd hy a l\l 1ss1on V1eJo i.heltered workshop for h:1nd1capped persons PRICED TO CLEAR Sf.Hf AT SJ888 HERE'S YOUR PART TIME MAID! T•" OP WA$HltU• THOSI INITY CLOTHIS1 LIT U$ DO rT flOl YOU •..... -........... ......, ..... ,_ ....... _ .. _, ... 1t111u.e-... liJ•""' C ORONA .. MAR LAUNDRY J2ll L C-t HwY. 640..1100 ---·"'.-·- After Christmas Sale Start~ Monday, oec. 26 All stores open 10 a.m. -9 p.m. Entire stocf.. of Fall & Holiday Fashions SpomweJr, Drcs~c~. PJnts, CoJts, Lingerie Up to 1 I 2 Off~:,~:··' '\;.;\\port lk.i1..h r J~hivn l•l.1nd L.1 H.1tir.1 l-J,111011 !:>qUJt\' AMERICAN MADE H .. dwood Finish s21as I • I ·. ' \ ' " Cl DAil. Y PILOT -. - ., .. '· . . - .. - A a a La•den Groanded Six Months DEAR ANN LANDERS: What can you do when you are a teenage girl and your parents have lost all trust in you just because of one party? All of this "no trust'' started two weeks ago at my best girl friend's house. Brenda <not her real name> is a neat kid. Her parents are very nice, too. But they came home a lot earlier than expected the night of this party. One of the boys was throwing up in the kitchen sink when they walked in. <Another dude had heaved on the liv· ing room tug but we cleaned it up very nicely with soda pop. They noticed it anyway.) Brenda's dad said he smelled pot and told everyone to go home. Unfortunately one of the girls left her pipe behind and that was the "evidence." I do not smoke dope, but I did have a few sips of beer . Not being much of a drinker, it got to me and I was laughing a lot and acting silly. Bren. da 's mother drove me home, woke up my parents and said, "Here is your daughter. She got drunk at our house tonight and we are sorry." 1 am 14 years old and have been grounded for s ix months. l can't go anyplace except to school and church and to a movie with a girl friend on Saturday afternoon. My mom takes us down and picks us up. l feel like I am in jail. How can I re- gain the trust of my parents? -IN CHAINS DEAR CHAINS: The only way to regain lost confidence ls by performance. Show your parents you can be trusted by honoring the rules and regulations that have been set up. Don't try lo cut any comers or get away with anything. If after four months you have a perfect re· cord, ask II you can be "on parole for the remain· lng 60 days." If they say no, accept the hall s tretch. rr they say yes, do everything you can to prove to them that you h ave learned your lesson and you will then earn thelr trust. Good luck. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I hope you will print this. A lot of folks need lo know how to speak to a person who is wearing a hearing aid. Of coW"Se it is natural to assume that a person who wears an aid is hard of hearing. but why don't folks realize that the aid amplifies the sound and it's not one bit helpful when someone screams in their ears? Screaming can cause nervousness and dis· courage the use of the aid. It is much more helpful if a person will speak more slowly and enunciate his words. Please put this in your column. It would mean a lot. -STILL TREMBLl~G IN TALLAHASSEE DEAR T.: Herc it ls. I hope it helps. And now I have a suggestion. Why don't you hard·of· hearing folks who gel hollered at clip this col· ·.·mn, carry It with Y.OU and hand it to the offend· ing parties at the appropriate moment? I can say it more easily than you -and no one wlll be of· fended. In fact, a real friend will appreciate the information. CONFIDENTIAL TO WANT TO GET IT STRAIGHT: Marjorie Holmes' lovely poem, "A Prayer for Cross Mothers," appears in the book "I've Got to Talk lo Somebody, God ," available in paperback from Bantam. From left, Robert Hill, Teri Huston, Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson. ANN LANDERS/HAPPENINGS Party Was E~gaging The kaleidoscope of color from the passing Christmas boat parade in Newport Harbor set the festive mood for the engagement party for Teri Huston of Newport Beach and Robert Hill or Laguna Beach. The brtde-elect, who graduated from Laguna Beach High School, is the daughter or Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson of Encino. Her fiance, a USC gradu ate, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill of Santa Ana. The couple plans to marry New Year's Day in Ireland. Strolling musicians entertained guests at the Sunday evening party, which was held in the Harbor Island home.of Coy Hirsch. Among those attend in~ were: Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson. Mrs. Robert Hill, Harriet Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harmon and their daughters. Kris Nelson and Kelly Voyne, Mr. and Mrs. Don Nelson, John and Pilar Wayne, Abigail van Buren. Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams. Supervisor Tom Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn O'Connor, Mrs. Thomas O'Connor. Jerry Rubenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, Morry Merk!_~ John Klug, Mr. and Mrs. Don Woodward, iu . and Mrs. Scott Perry, Casey Hirsch and John and Eric Huston. Far left, Teri Huston with Harriet Nelson; immediate left, Abigail van Buren has discussion with John Wayne. Santa's Elf is Named Murray All of Santa's elves aren't located at the North Pole. For 16 years, Tustin resident Murray McLean has been assembling and painting scale model airplanes and jets to make Christll141s a lit· tie brighter for needy Southern California children. McLean. industrial market specialist at ITT Jahsco Products in Costa Mesa. spends about three hours a day <nearly 1,000 hours annually> making the models. Each December they ar~ distributed to children through the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots program Ornaments Christmas generosity has a way or happen· ing to just about everybody this time of year. and Joe Cavanaugh's customers at Merrell Hair lfop penbags By Marcia Forsberg Design in Corona del Mar are in on the sharing. Cavanaugh gave styrofoam balls to patrons who wanted to participate, which they transformed into delightful holiday ornaments. Next week, the 30 decorations will be Judged for a contest. then auctioned. Proceeds will be turned over to tile American Cancer Society. Valentine Ball Dr. Beverly Strongman has been named chairman of the 19th annual Valentine Ball planned by the Silver and Gold chapter of the auxiliury of the South Coast Community Hospital T hemed Orchids lo You, the ball 1s a fund· raising event for the hospital. It is scheduled for Saturday. Feb. 4, al the Newporter Inn. ··A major portion of the proceeds of the Valentine Ball is contributed by patrons," said Mrs. Blnie Hoy, patrons chairman. . Dr. Strongman has named Mrs. Helen Vail as co-chairman. Cissy Sharp as secretary and Fran Fleck as treasurer. Gourmet Faire WeddinfJs/Engagemetits Las Marineras Auxiliary, Family Service Association of Orange County. celebrated a festive Gourmet Faire recently at the China Cove home or Mrs. Gerald TbomJ)son. Outgoing president, Mrs. McKee Thompson, announced new officers for 1978. They are Mrs. Rober& Hlldet>rand (president). Mrs. William . Sandberg, Mrs. Gregory Kresal, Mrs. Harris McCormick, Mrs. Frank Marshall and Mrs. William LaPJante. Skawin-Juni Roxanne Juni, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Junl of Midland, Texas, and Michael Skawin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Skawin oC Newport Beach, have been married in St. An· drew's Presbyterian Church. The bride graduated from the University of ~ · Minnesota and the American Graduate School of • International Management in Phoenix, Aritona. -' She is employed by McDonnell Douglas Finance Corporation. The bridegroom graduated from the Universi· ty of Redlands, and the American Graduate '" School of International Management in Phoenix. ' He is an industrial broker in Orange County . .The couple will live in Corona del Mar. • I L i I ly-Segerstro m Denee Lilly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Lil-' \ ly of Santa Ana, and Ted Segerstrom, son of Mr. and Mm Harold Segeratrom of Santa Ana, are engaged. The future bride graduated from Saddleback High School. Her fiance graduated from Santa '' Ana High School, attended Orange Coast • College, and attends Cal State, Fullerton. • A Jan. 21, 1978, wedding is planned. Green-Stevenson SHan Green. dau1bter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Green of Irvine, and Thomas Steve.MOO, son of the late Mr. and Mra. Carl Stnenecn, will be married Jan. I• in the Marine COfP1 B8lle a..,,.t lD Sula Ana. fte lllltde .,_.._. from Unlm'lttJ llllh SCIMMll...SS.. Dl.,o &&ate t,Jmvemlf. Green.Stevenson Lllly-Segerstrom Mrs. Skawin Holstein-Fowler A holiday wedding reception was given recent· ly for Mr. and Mrs. George M. Holstelll at the Newport Beach Tennis Club. The event, which 40 couples attended. was given by Mt. and Mrs. Lary Johnson. The Holsteins were married in the Hawaiian Islands. and will live in Newport Beach. The bride is the former Mary Fowler of Newport Beach. McKeebe-Benson Orlando, F1a., will be the home of newlyweds Jtonda Be:lloll ~d Tom lies.bl. wbo a - chaa1ed wedd.lu vows ID tbe t..a l'anlt bome of her parents, Mr. and •n. D.lt ..._.. JlcXeebe, 1oa cl lln. Amaablbe MoKeebe of Orlando. attended Valencia Ocllltl• lll Orlando. Tbe bride craduated lrom Florida Teeblliolomcal Uftlvenity In OrLando and wlll t.Hb With a apeclalty in leamlna diaabWtl•. M iss Wonn attended the University of California at Irvine, the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, and will receive'her bachelor's degree from California State University, Fullerton, in June. Her future husband graduated from University High School. An April 29, 1978. wedding at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church , Newport Beach, ill planned. England-Pelletier Mr~ and Mrs. Bruce England of Newport Beach announce the en1acement of their daughter, Susan, to Robert Pelletier, IOD of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pelletier Sr. of Coata Me1a. The wedding is plan1M11 for Auiuat, 1978, in WblttferColJegeChapel, Wblttier. The bride eraduated from Newport Harbor Kl1b School and attends WhitUer Collete. Her fiance, also a Newport Harbor High School graduate, attends the University or SoutMm Cauromia. Wedding and engogemcnt OllllOUnef'Mftts run on SurwlaJI in tM DcUil PIUIC. F'Of"N are avaaJable a.t all Ooil11 PiloC o/Jlc•• or b11 caJltng tht Feoturfl Deport mftlt, 642"'321 • To ovoid d~"'""· ~ ...... o.pea-"4w. brfcWt oH rtm&tded to Mot-,~ ~ atorW1, 10flll o bloclt-Olld.....,_ gloaq o/ the bride M oJ Uw c:ovple, to till l'f(dvra~OM--&./or'IU..~. r I . . Volunteering The Auxiliary of Hoag Memorial Hospital· Presbyterian has announced the names of volun· leers who have received pins in recognition of hours worked atthe hospital Heading the list was Mrs. Harry F. Kohaut, Costa Mesa, for 6,000 hours. Others were Mrs. El· la M. Stevens, 4.000 hours; Mrs. L. L. Arntffo, 2,500 : Mrs. Robert L. StableC", 2,000; Loren F. · <Bud) Jones, 1,500; Mrs. Robert L. Nlcbols and Mrs. RolandWells, l,000. Candystripers included Mary Andrews, 450 hours; Diane Wlnocur, Margaret Locu and Cin· dy Price, 300; MJchelle Henryk and Ju Graser, 250; Lori Brusseau, 150; Debbie Doenltoefer, 100; Sue Yeldch and Cara M attla, 50. People Peering Winners of Via Lido Plaza's Christmas Cookery Contest include Kerry Austln, grand prize. for Christmas Cream Cheese Mince Pie; Patty Coon, Clovcd Leg of Lamb; Anita Kraael, Huzarpusze Hungarian Christmas Cookies; El· len Sherwood, Spaghetti Salad: Cwtbt Anders09i Cheese Lace Canapcs. All winners are from Newport Beach . Marianne Baez has been chosen by the Newport Harbor Buslnes!I and Professional Woman as the club's representative at the an. nual Young Career Women's competition .•• Pamela Dempster, daughter of Mn. Mary Dempsttt of Huntington Beach and the late All· drew (Harry) Dempster, has been Installed as Honored Queen of Bethel '#321, Huntin1ton Beach. of the International Order or Job's Daughters. Inatalled with her were Elleea Belcle, senior princess; Lort Har&mu, junior princess; Kelley Smith, gUidc; Tani S•Uterlud, marshal . . . The Newport Ac11~my of Modeling and Acllng has announced that. Shlrley Arc:o.U will manage the modeling dlvislon of National fndependent Pictures Corporatloo. ..... 1. ' ORANGE COUNTY Business OF THE WEEK SUnday, Decemoer 25, 1977 DAIL v PILOT C5 Oxoco 'David' Dogs Oil Goliaths' Heels By JOANNE REYNOLDS OfllM D•llr f'll•U~" In the eight years that Oxoco has been in ex- istence, 1t has grown from a $20,000 idea to a $20 million thorn in the sade or the big oil companies. P ronounced ox-ee-coe, the firm is the brain child or would-be geologist Robert F riedenberg, who gave up a comfortable career in publishing to t ry h is hand at financing oil exploration and drill· in . A SMALL MAN who sports a grey goatee, Fr iedenberg is obvious- ly a scrapper, a man who r elis hes the fun of going "head to head '· with the multinationals an the scramble for new sources of crude oil and natural gas So far, he and four other people who make up the staff of th e Newport Center-based firm , h ave been re- markably success ful o ... ,,. .... _ Acco rd ing to FRIEDENBERG Friedenberg, t he com· pany has been able to increase its reserves each year. That means that in spite of the drilling opera- tions the company operates, at the close of each year, Oxoco has found itself silting on top of more oil than it had at the beginning of the year. Jn 1978 Oxoco will expand into the search for uranium . NIGER .If ( / / I J * SEYCHEllf';> l (,J i.,,7 J OXOCO LEASE *oxoco APPLICATION Dilly Pilot M.lp deC'1ded they hked lhe Soulhcrn CahJornia am· b1unC'e and stur1 ed looking for u place to settle ··w E DROVE DOWN th t• cou:.t until we found a I own we laked ... hE' recalled "We drove into Newport Beach ubout the t ime thcy were finis hing tbe Union Bank m Newport Center "We liked at and in one day we leased an office here and bought two homes After that we had only to go back to Philadelphia and tell our fa milies we were moving out here · · Friedenberg 1s still in thc Union Bank building. although growth ha:1 caused Oxoco to move three times. Friedenberg attributes his s uccess to the fact that Oxoco docs exactly the· same thing that the giant corporations do when they are exploring and dnlhng foroal The pram.u ~ dafll·rcnct' 1:-. that Oxoco. being many time:-. smalll•r. n in movc fuster and respond better than tht• g1anb "We have to go to the places where the giant oil companie-; h:n c policies forbid- ding them to be there,· he saud FRIE DE NBERG SAVS his compan} goes through exactly the same procedure as Exxon when 1t comes to sizing up a potential lease, bidding for the lease and doin~ the drilling "We do everything they do up to the point of loading the oil 1(1 a tanker and taking it to a refinery. We sell it at th<it point .. Fri<'denbcr~ note:-. that on the international scale. Oxoco movt.•s into c:ountncs where the giants won't go. "We'll go 1n when lht• g uns arc still s mok- ing." he say!'\ of places lake Ghana and Angola wher e Oxot.·o wu:. the first to sign agreements with regimes that sea zed power after revolutions Expansion ais the primary company goal and one that has led 1t from being strictly an offshore t•xploration and drllhn~ firm to one that operates like a mllli vcri.aon of its hui::e competitors such as tiulf or .t;xxon. MAP PINPOINTS OXOCO DRILLING LEASES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD The ~aants may haVl' control over t he oil-rich Pers ian Gulf \.\ hcrl' 11 takes m11l1ons of dollars in cash jUlSt to get a lea:.t.•. but Fracclcnl>erg l akes ob- vious pride in being among thl' delegation welcom- ing the represcnl<1t1vcs of Gulf, Shell or Exxon tt> west Africa or the Se} che ll es ''here he has already closed deals for offshore leases ORIGINALLY, FRIE DE NBERG was trained as a geologist and in fact worked his way through college doing oil fi eld work That experience taught rum one lhing: He doesn't like field geology. So after graduation, he went into printing and pubhshing. lt gave him lime to pursue his hobby. marine technology. "[used to ~o on expeditions m my spare lime ... h<' explained. It was on such outings that he became familiar with offs hore oil exploration. About that time he heard about a pair of den- tists who madt• $2 m1lhon by !>elling a tract they had least?d off of Canad:.i , Friedenberg decided it was time to try h1is hand HE RAISED S20,000 from friends and took the µlung<'. forming the Offshore Exploration Oil Com pan y, afterwards known as Oxoco. In the eight years the company has operated. there have been bumps a nd scrapes, but the firm has always expanded, due to some cagey moves on his part. He is not s hy about attributing a lot of his suc- cess to being in the right place at the right t ime . "I was lucky to be doing this kind of work when no one else was.•• he said Friedenberg hkes to say that Oxoco is unique. It as a small firm that operates successfully on an in- ternational scale. with oil leases in 20 foreign coun- tries. Jn addition, Friedenberg says his company is unique in that it 1s small yet competes successfully for domesllc offshore oil leases A OONSORTIUM PUT together by Oxoco won the rights to drill in five tracts off Santa Rosa Island during the 1975 sale of federal 011 leases in the Santa narbara Channel. The company. which began strictly as an in- ternat ional offshore drallinJ:: firm, has moved into domestic markets to find the revenue needed lo keep it moving, Fnedcnber~ explained. Jn addition to the offshore lcuses. it holds property in Texas. Oklahoma and Colorado "With an international deal, you could wait five years before you see any revenue. We realized ear- ly on. we had to have somcthin~ constant lo provide operating revenues," he said. One of the fi rst people to joan the one-m an staff of Oxoco. was Friedenberg's boyhood friend , Jack Willis, who undertook finding some domestic oil properties. Today. Oxoco operates three distinct divisions the international oper ation, run basically by Friedenberg, the domestic exploration and drilling operation. run by Willis. and a third arm. t~e ac- Merchants' Yule Merry Consumer Confidence SpWTed Sp ending South Coast merchants who were dreaming of a green Chn stmas have apparently gotten it. . Preliminar y sales figures compiled in a s urvey of selected s tores an South Coast shopping centers indicate that Christmas shoppers reflected growing consumer confidence by purchasing as much as 25 perc<'nl more than last year. MERCHANTS, NORMALLY secretive about artual dollar fi gures. uniformly reported that not only did coast residents spend more, they spent mure at each purchase. Gayle Hoepner, owner of Toys Inte rnational in South Coast Plaza said, ''Money is looser now than J 've seen in 10 years. It lakes you back lo before Nixon. "There seem s to be a complete let-down of the usual conservatism." But the loose pursestrings of Yule shoppers wasn 't m irrored in their selection of merchandise. Quality seemed to be the watchword, and, accord- ing to Hoepner, s hoppe rs seem ed to know what they wanted. "Ir people didn't find the specific item lhey wanted, they just walked away." A good example, What did people buy'> According to a spokesperson for Bullock's, "Things that are ~oing to last. "Generally, what was selling well was any sort, luxury item that was authentic-silk. cashmere, 18 karat gold jewelry, crepe .... "she said. Books also sold well, reports Ms . Leslie G revcn, manager of Pickwick Books, South Coast Plaza. She reported sales about 25 percent higher than last year. "There was an increased head count, but people were purchasm~ more on each transaction ... BIOGRAPHIES, PSYCHOLOGY, personality s tories and self-improvement books were among the leaders. she saad But if cash flowed freely this holiday season, so did t he credit. Ban k of America has noted a fairly consistent rise in cr edit card usage CBankAm ericard and its own version of Master Charge) throughout the year. Or ange County figu res coincide with statewide incr eases of about 33 percent on charge cards. <BankAmericard use up about 2S percent, Master • Charge up about 7 per cent.> The spokesman s aid the rise is consistent with bank economists' projections of r ising consum e r confide nce and spending for this period. A DAIL l' Pilot Ele c troni~ Fle ld Resear ch opinion poll of 500 respondents. due for r elease in Thursday's Progress Edition, a lso s hows t hat confiden ce. The poll found 51 JAMMED PARKING LOT TELLS A GREEN·CHRISTMAS STORY percent felt economic amprovernent will continue, 24 percent thought H would not, while an additional 2S percent offe red n o opinion. he s aid. watt a n electronic football game made by Ma tte l. IT WAS, "EITHER you have it or you don't.." His customers refuaed to switch to b1gher Ol' lower priced s ubstitutes (although some aW'itchlna may have occurred tn the final hours bef~ the bolldaf >. Fashion Island, which empbuiaa high fashion clothiDJ stores and bas five mljor cbains and 17 am alltr out.let.I, reporttd conailtent dall.11ales 1ub- atanllally lltgber than 1._t year•a. Tratnc countl done by tbe two centers indicate 't>etweea 1 and 11 perc~nt more i boppen tba" Jut year. Expa111icm or s>aJ'klng lot.a and new acceN. rout~•. plm the 1rn val ol t Ma,nin were liven credit bY South Coul Piasa man.,emtnt. in their brl&ht uJea picture. Center m ercbutt alto cit.eel a ynr·lonl p10= gram to Improve cuatomtr aervlri u anOther lac· Lor ln both tncreased tramc and •al•. A sense of gener al optim ism and the Infusion of • new industry were \he most frequent reasons ol· tered fOCopUmism. The pessimistic vie w cited lnfl-.uon, high gov· emment COit.i and unemployment as juiUfic.tion for bnit&llCJ. • Bank ot America's sJ)Oktsmaa said. however. that lhe consumer'• happy mood Is not ahared by manufactuNrs. ••THE MAN1JPACTUREa •s 1ack ot confidence it lied to lU'lretOlvtd issues t ucb as tax chan1es and enern ." · He added, ''they remember the aurprittea of double dltit tnnatton, the on crisla and belnl cautbt with a lat lnventory altuatloo. • · Ttie paradox or ~lcUa1 4txpectaUona, be aid. '-not 1urprl1lne. bteame "cona111nm have .,. led the •• , .. quis1t1on d1v1s1on , run hy board chairman Lt:<>nard Carr. CARR IS CONSTANTLY on lhe look-out for other small oil companies with domestic holdings that are looking for par tners or who want to sell out. It's a nother way of increasing the number of 011 leases or reserves held by Oxoco. Oxoco is a publicly-held firm. Its stock is traded over the counter at about S3 a share It hit a high of $4 in May Oddly, Friedenberg says. although Oxoco has become a pubhc tompany. it has never !>old its THF. ETIQUETTE OF business done· an those · smoking gun" countnel> isn't quite the same as Newport Center. he says reqallan~ one lease signed m Ghana after ;i recalcitrant c1v1I servant wais pursuaded to chan~l' nat10n1:1I policy at the point of a machine gun wi<'ldcd by the.· country's newest strong m<io shares in a publi<· issue In the curly days of the company, when he de· c ided to get into domestic 011 , Friedenberg found the best wuy to put :.a d<'al together to raise the money to buy into fields an Texa!>, Oklahoma and Colorado w;,i:-. to trade shares of Oxoco for money ' G ualc ha.., proVl'll an cffccll\ l' tool us well. 1-'raedenbt>rg says lie note:-. thal the company's tracts in th"' North Sl·a were• won not by tryin~ tn out-cash the.• h1g oat c·ompunies, but b~ forming a Rritash 1r1v1•:-.tor-crnnc.•d fir·m. Sl•<t Search, with cSN• oxoco. P agt' C7 J from the limited partne rs in a drilling fund. G F' d rower ine SO THF. COMPANY went "public'' but the FRESNO (AP 1 A s hares about four m illion were traded directly Ker n County cotton to the partners in the fund in exchange for cash. grower has been fined Jronically .. that deal ended on the assumption . Sl0.000 and ordered lo t~at t he acq~1red leases were not worth much. spend 30 day<; in jail for a Sance then, Friedenberg says, they have proven to be conviction of federal m very productive. · co m e Lax l' v a~ 1 on . The deal that ~ot Oxoco anto the domestic However, the sentence market also eventually became the reason that 1t against Otis T Paige of moved from Friedenberg's ho metown or Buttonwillow was slaved Philadelphia to Newport Reach until March 1 by U.S. Theprmcipalsofthe d r1lling fundwerebased an District Court Judge Los Angeles He and Wallis came out in early 1973, M .D . Crocker 0 0 eONSUMEft.S '78 PORSCHES ARE HERE! PORSCHE LEASING NEW & USED CALL THE EXPERT BILL YATES. IMC. VW/PORSCHE 837 -4800 493-4511 PRINTED lllJVERTIS/Nfi BEST .. •• •• •• •• A recent study by t he American Association of Ad ve rtising Agencies shows that consumers are most favora bl e to the ads they see in the print media. Second are ads in t he electronic media, and least favorable are outdoor and direct mail advertising . The AAAA study concentrated on cons umer attitudes tow ard advertising and sought to pinpoint the issues whi ch moJd public opinion. The study found that the overwhelming m ajority of the public endorsed ad vertising as a n essen t ia l institution in the economic syste m. Your Claily newspaper is the best place for your advertising"; message. / DAILY PILOT r : • r " ' I" • • 4 ,. " .. "' • .. • .. • , • .. ' • ..· O.U.YPllOT Cf AMERICAN STO CK EXC ANGE OXOCO TAKES ON OIL'S GIANTS. • • "'" llOUNl .... ~ .... ' ... . ... - \ -. oot ... · .. .... ,0 . 1000 I'll rm· lhl~ alt· • ...._: ..,. __, oor.: ···~ "I • - .. ,, .. , ~ . .. • • • • , .. • .. • • .. • ... I '° • 0 f>AllYPtlOT Sunday, Oec.mber 25, 1971 I • EDUCATION General Education Called · 'Disaster Area' LOS AN GELES ·cAP) -- 'Qeneral education desianed to give students a broad range of skills is "a disaster area" at roos t U .S. colleges and un- iversities, with English and math esp.ecially negl ected , the Carnegie Foundation for the Ad- vancement of Teaching says. ''Leaming how to !earn is one ol the best investments that can be made for an effective life," the New York-based foundation sajd in a 312-page report. But it said colleges more and more were "giving the students what.ever they want." allowing. them to di vi de two-thirds of their course time, on the aver age, between often "aimless" elec· lives and narrow courses in their major subject. "WE ALSO note that some de· partments, particularly the sciences and the professional schools, tend to be very greedy for the time of their s tudents. and some control may be necessary over their imperialistic tenden- e &Ttlrtft cies, so that they do not squeeze out general education," the re- port said. · Besides English and m ath, such skUls as statistics and using library sources are frequently ig- nored, the study noted, and many schools no longer require a foreign language unless a £lu· dent majors in it. The percentage of colleges re· quiring 411 students to take E nglish declined from 90 percent to 72 percent between 1967 and 1971, the report said, while the percentage of institutions requir- ing math dropped from 33 per- cent to 20 percent during the sam e period and the percentage requiring a foreign language fell from 73 to 53 percent. THE REPORT said many stu- dents entering college need basic English and math courses. It cit- ed 1975 tests showing tha\ 26 per- cent or entering freshmen at Ohio Stat e University had not mastered high school math and 30 percent lacked acceptable col· ftRU -UT. 1HJG. 'Sf •T lege-level writing skills. The study also said schools need to do a better Job of prepar- ing 'tudents for the outside world and recommended rnore pro- gram s Uke work-study, ln which classroom instruction is com- bined with experience 011 a job. "For many, integration or education and the world of work does not really begin until after they graduate," the study said. The report, which took 2~ I years to prepare, drew heavily on national surveys of student and. f aculty views ·and ex· perlences, studies of hundreds of co l lege and u niversity catalogues, and visits by the. Carnegie staff to scores of cam- puses. ll was formally presented by Clark Kerr, chairman of the Carnegie Council on Polley ·studies in Higher EducaUon and former president of the Unlveni- ty of Call!omia system. ' . I MANY MORE UNADVERTISED . SPECIAL THIS IS JUST A SAMPUNG Of THE HUNDREDS OF ITEMS ON SALE AT THE GIANT BOYS JANUARY CLEARANCE SALEll i, MEN'S DEPARTMENT SALE PRICE D ~~MllAsw:'ia ~ ~ ................. $17.97 0 STIPttlN DOUOUS lONO Sl&VI $18.97 sntnD nMTUNICtcU ... $V .SO .•..•...••. , . 0 ::::.~c:::~~.~~-~r::~ ...... $15.97 0 =~:so~~·~··· $16.97 & $20.97 0 ::-:,1:,~~~.~~-~~ ............ .' ... $25.97 0 ::.~~-~~~.'~~~ .............. $26.97 0 WIATHlll WAfCHElt J.1'0Nf $23.97 POl Y RU.ID JAaclf a ... $3a. 99 .............. . D ~~~~.~·-~ ........ $36.97 . D ~~~"~·~ ............ $4.97 D ==-~~~~~ .............. $7.97 D =:-.!~er,:.~~~-.............. $6.97 D ~~~~~-· ................... $14.97 0 =-'=~~~ ....................... $13.97 BOOT DEPARTMENT SALE PRICE 0 =~.:~11.00 .... $8.8811$11.88 D lAaOI SIUCTION Of I.ADIB .. YI IOOTS $338 88 ON $ALI .... $SUS .. $67.95 .........• ~ -& IP LEVI'S DEPT. SALE PRICE D UVl'SCOIDl\AIB .... $14.49 $1.97 (S..,W , Y.._, lwt c.&.'1 ~) .•........... D ::;:.>:.~.~~-~~-····· $11.97 D AU UVl'I IAStCS ON SALlll ITaAIOHT LEOS, CCU llLLS, DINM -.&.I, NUVO RAM. ltG l8LSll UDIES DEPARTMENT WE na o =..~~ ........................ sa.11 · D ~~~~.~~ .......... $13.97 D :;_s.,~~ ~~ ..................... $13.97 0 ~-=·=~.~~~,.~ ....... $12.97 D ::;:.~.~~~1_".I ................ S1U7 · D =~':r~ ................ :.$17.97 &., D ,~ TUil. INAll "°",..Ute ..-•7 ... llXICllMCICITS .... $41.00 ••••• , ••••• , ....... \ MEN'S DEPARTMENT SALE PRICE D ~~~.~~-~~ .......... $6.97 .o ::m~.~~.~-~ .......... $4.97 D =~~9~~~.~ .......... $13.97 D :!~:':'.~~~~~.~~ ......... $24.97 D ~C:a!~~~~~-~~.~~~-·· $23.97 _q =:~ ................ $30.97 D =.s~.~:' .. ~~ ....... $16.97 '• D COWMllA ICN1' LONG SLBVI STllPl'B> $15.97 CMWNICICSWIAtm .... $U.OO •..••••..••• D ~":':'so~~~ ..................... $11.97 .D =~~~.v-~~~ ...... 30% OFF D =~-~~~·-······ .............. $13.97 BOOT DEPARTMENT SALE PRICE D =:s=:._~~-'~: ............. $3.88 D MIN'S CONVllSI C.-X PIO DBUXE $11.88 T9NS SHOIS (WM'TI) .... $17.00 •••••••••••• D ::71~~.~~.~~ ........ $8.88 D ~::'~:S~-~.~~ ........ $38.18 LEVI'S DEPARTMENT SAUPllCE D ~~m=.~~~~: ~~~: ........ $1.97 o ::;::.~~~~.~~ ...... s11.11 . LADIES DEPARTMENT SAU na · o =~~.~ .................. $9.97 D ~.~~.~~-~ .............. $13.87 D ~~~.=~-............ S13.17 D LMGIAISOlfMINTOfCOWlNICIC $7.17 I IWIA111S POI MLS .... $11." .. f ll.".. . .. D =~~=····· ........... $17.17 •• D =,~.~~.~~ . .' ...... SU7 . MEN'S DEPARTMENT SALEPllCE D :::=.~~.~~-......... $12.97 D =~~.~-~·-······· $9.97 D :'~l~s~.~~-~~~ ........ $12.97 D ~:~~~~~~.~~~ ......... $26.97 D ~~":o~.~ ............. $25.97 0 =~~~.~.~~~~ ...... $12.97 o·=-=-~~~~ .......... $4.97 0 ~=~==···· ....... $16J7 ' .. BOOT DEPARTMENT SALE PRICE D ~~.::S~~-~.~ ..... $38.88 D 10r s CONYaS1 ALL AM8IC>.N $3.88 T9NSIHOIS .... "·" •••••• ·•· ·•· •• •· ... .. D ::S~~~-~-............... $9.88 D ~~~~~~~ ............. $8.88 0 . CONWISI C.-X PllO DIWlCI WHm $11.88 ,...,IHOIS .... $17.00 •••• , ............. . LEVI'S DEPARTMENT D ALL I.M'S IASICS OH SAUit STUIGHT LIGS, coao MW. D1NM IB1S, NUVO P\AM, llG Ill.I.Sii 0 ::1~~~~-~~~~ ...... $11.97 . UDIES DEPARTMENT .SALE PRICE o·::.:.~~.~~~~~ ....... s1u1 D =~~~~.'-~ .......... $11.97 o=::.~~.~~.'.~ .......... Sl.97 0 =·~~.~~-~~~~-...... $13.97 D ::;w.~.~-~~ ............... ·. $9.97 . D AltQl19CIOW\ NICk SWIAMS $7 .., _.............................. ... ,., l i Su~y. December 25, 1977 DAIL~ PILOT DI ····•••••·•········••·• ·••••·················· HMHs for Sak ~CMdH For Sak ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~=~ .......... !~~~ ~~ .......... !~~~ 1002 G...,..t 1002 ····•······•··•···•···· .•....•.•...•.••....... • * HAPPY HOLIDAYS * * A rtcr l8 year~ or "crvtce to {he HARBOR AHEA, wr are lookin~ forward to our 2!H h with great expectations' . To our numL•rou~ friends & clients, we have two sinterc wishes one. that S<anta brings you cvc•n more than you deserve twu. that the new year c·xceec1s your ~realest anticipat ions~ lli\PPY llOLIDA YS TO YOU AND YOURS 759-0811 fi.ut ~ G-tut Wultiot 'BUg. Have A Unique Christmas! U~l()UI: li()Ml:S REALTORS' THE NICEST PfOPU Sf LLINC THF N( A TES T HNAr .> .1 ,(J NLV'Jl'OIH Cl NH II OHIVI 1r,•) OJ 11 CORONA DEL MAR, 675 6000 MESA VERDE, 546 5990 • CALL US I 002 GtMral 1002 G"'uol I 002 Getteral 1002 ...•.•.....•.•.....•••..•..••...•.•....••••... .......................................••....• POOL HOME!! 158,900!! VA. TERMS l'n·mc·ndous 3 br hom1• w ovcr:.1wll fam rm ~ ma.,s1\'l' hntk lrph' 1111 qwel, !.Cclll!ll·d ).I S1·ll1•1 mu"t mov!' 111 a hurn & will c11tetl•un an\ ro'.•:-. uflcr. 754-7800 @ ............. . OHE STORY CONDO L pool" & p11ll111i.: gr 1'1'11 l lk!tlrm' 2 h.1l11,, l<.11,1·d lw.orth l1tl01Jl.11 ,. ;\. l.1n:1• Ii ,·rng room. :-..·wp111 i fkJCh JUclrl'~!>' Sili.~~I GOLF COURSE HOME S111X'r 5 rm . 3 U \. 3 l-.1r J.(ar. Lrg. 1-'H, ~tone frpk. pul10 o n l .11rw;i y lorl'\'er 'll'"'· 521-1.00o LAKEfRONT CONDO Luxur~· 3 Bit, 2 B,\. lrg. dt'n, ).i)' LH. lrplr Nr. l'luhhou~c" "et· s.:atcs lort•\'l'f \'ll'W. :)100.000 PAREL WALKER 675-4144 m ll.\lTOR CORONA DELMAR :1 llu,::c Bn.. :1 trll' IJ,\, HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM '', 1 J .. ,• ; ''· r 1. [~IEMHI] Happy Holidays! ~ COATS& WALLACE REAL ESTATE , INC. tll•n. d1n111,i.: rm. :! .,l, S.EH\'l:"liG w :!ti' nJ)l•n hc.1m l'cll C06ta ;\lcsa trv1m• 111)!. .... till' entry. frpl<' . Huntington ~a<'h CAMEO SHORES "Pt:t'I at·ulur ocC'anfront homt.:. \'1t·w beach, breaking waves, spec tacular i.unsl'l!> behind CatuJma Jslaud. Ele~anl s1mpllc1 ty In th is 4 IH'drm. dininJ: rm & r :1mil y rm homC'. S78S,OOO !>hown by appt. only PETE BARRETT -REALTY- 5~z.s200 HAMGIO .I llr. I ha tur111shctl hou!.c nr W On·anlront Uhl gJr. Sl25,000. Bu rr Whit l! Rl!alt~r 2901 Nr wport Blvd NB 1714167S-4630 PETE BARRETT -REALTY- 642-5200 11.cl har, l:iundry rm. :'\l'wporl Beach nH•r,;;1LCd cthl ~ar. :JOoO ---------1·-----iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sci. fl of \'t•ry unique II\·· __ -=--=._ _ ---------1 rni.:-.pan'. ~ *MERRY* CHRISTMAS S 149.500 20112 Orchid JACOBS REALTY ('\Jk. d~~~·Z0c?11n111rt:r Fmm all nl u~ ,1l 675-6670 hi«, :l l1ctlrm 1.111111\ homl' tlus.:e lol and h1wk p ;tl10 011.nl•r ha 1 mmcd lh1' 1' rt'llll\ l11r C. F. ColHworlhy REALTORS 640-0020 LOVELY I lldrm . I .int rm :.!•: h.1 homl· The O\\ lll'r" h,l\'C Just I m1~lwd 1111 grading lrom lhl' m·w rnc.hl'<I ta lc roof lo (•1111 per plumh1n~. Thu; r' a mlL'lM"t' helon: tlccrclmg · ''° anythmg dM•' CHEAP CONDO! SO lo $2500 m OVl"> you 111 ('all for 1mmcdinll' 1nlo :.11 ~2.'i l\~'t HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUR UNITS l·'our luxur10us units "11 h ~ Whol~ Cnw at PAVILION RLTRS WisMsOur FT-ieftds & N~ighbors AWHALEOFA Christmas & 1978 Cadillacs to Go·CarL-> Whatever the 1'~ad Roll 'cm off the market With a Classified Ad Call Now! 642-5678 Seil lhmg!> fa~t with Dail~ ll:i\'l? something to sell" Pilot Wunl i\cli-Cla!t:11f1ed ads do it well. \'l)U 1111\\ ' , PETE BARRETT -REALTY- 642-5200 MERRY CHRISTMAS from the i.taff of ·,Lachenmyer Realtor ABANDONED GIANT $87,500 llui:c ,, Bdrm & :I hath 30'x<el' family room l\'lass1\'C' Palos Vcrctl· rcx•k fircplat·c rn family rm. Used bnck m li ving room. Wet l>ar & much much more! Vacated, owner desperate. Take advantage NOW. J.C. NASH RLTRS 540.510 I 1002 GeMral 1002i--------------MJ ..................•.•.•...................••.. FROM THE STAFF AT COLDWELL l.AMKER A COU>WBJ. IANKEI CO. 644-1766 2161 SAN JOAQUIN Hill$ RO IN NEWPORT CENTER VALUE? Whether you buy or M'll. you mus t know \alue. Come m to ll,1rbor lt<•al tv for a free ('Om · p 0uter1zcd mad.ct e,·aJuallon of the homt· you w;mt lQ buy •>r sell ,\lso. ask ahout our one year home µroi 1·1·11110 plan. • A niv1s1011 ol Harbor 111\'Cstmenl Co ClllssiClcd Ads sell big Items, small Items or any Item. 6'4.2·5678. EASTSIDE BACH PAD $69,200 L.11 f.:l'. lc\'l'I lol. I ru1 l ll'l'l''· :! ll4:drm:., :.! hath;.., i:<1rai:l'. 1\ j!l'('at fixer Ill>· 1~·r 111 ht .... l E:r,t..id<' loe:r llllfl LI\(' Ill llll\\' l'lll:il'j.!l' l<lkr 5BR&2 BA Wood floor-.. wood .. hinglt• roof. flrcplat·e. 11hlc l(ar••!lt· SG l.500. c;1 1'11 \ lmannni: a\·a1l S.inla Ana near Warner Roy McCardl~ 181 0 H~wport 81Yd. Costa Mesa 548-7729 REC CARPET ' LOWDOWN! Start<'r home in great area! Large yard! Low 1•nn•' Vt\ or l-'llA term!>. VETS! 'Ion • up' t::.t• )Our c;.1. l~rwfit-.' Fanlal.,llc 3 hedrnom• Ccirn<'r lol! Onh•Si:!.500' Call now'. 754-1202 Real Estate Sales Start the New Year right by assoc1atrng with ex· pencncro professionals. SEl ... E(,I PROPERTIES offers Lop commissions with producL1vc incen- ll\'CS on no potential fee at the lop. Opening exist 111 r<'S1dcntial & invesl· mcnl division. For con· f1denlial interview <-all 556·2600. C::SELECT T PROPERTIES Jlnve· something to sell? I 002 GeMral I 002 GtMral I 002 Classified ads do It well. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••······••··········· ' J I _.; G.-ral '002 GtMrol I 002 HOUSH For s• HouHS f:or s. ....... for~ ••••••···········•····· •.••••...........•..... ·•••··················• ····••····•···•·•···••• ..•.••.•...........•.•. REALTORS 675-551' IY APPOINTMENT IALIOA. PENINSULA. -Cholu spot; dOH to HewP_:Ort Harbor yacht club. Step out Hie front door to a sandy beach. Lonly. custom built CafM Cod. thru bedroom on an R-2 lot with room to btaild 211d ...... $350.000. CORONA HIGHLANDS -SurpriH In CorotMI .. Mar. A. 2 b.df'oom home with smaH incCMM •If tt.cJol I to help pay ~ costs. Also a great swlmtftiftCJ pool for your pfHSW'e & rflallotiOft, Or priYate b.och. $165,500. MESA. VERDE -Owne,.-GCJe"t wants sale tftis wool-end. bcelletit large, two story family home; newly carpet~d. formal dining room, falnily room newly carpeted. It's a biay. $128.000. IDrin to PlacNtia to Swan to,,._,.,, JASMINE CREEK -One you ftoye be"' waiting for. Plan 6 and beautifully decorat.d; mmter suit~ witft private study and ocean •iew; tftree bedroom hotM in prl•• comn..tity, TENNIS, pool, jacuzzj, clubhouse. Whe... the living Is great - REMEMBER, I bow because I llYe Hier~ too. Jean Col~. 1225,000. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 25 15 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Ma,. 675-5511 1002 GeMral 1002 .................•..... ········•·•···••·····•· VA TERMS FINANCING MADE EASY! G.net-al I 002 G._rol I 002 G........ I 002 . ................................................................... . ~675·34t1 --. -~ L.USK'8R I \LIY u .Ju//11 /J I 1' ,1.., ,\ .\.111 ( ,, 21)1~E C oo,t H .. v C.orona~Mar BIG CAHYOH DEA.ME most popular Versailles model. end unit. Gor geous night view with Catalina as a bonus. Hi ghly upgraded. Priced to sdl. CORONA DEL MA.R DUPLEX this dupll'X has been c·om plctcly remodeled new <·urpt•ts lhruout. new paint inside and out. New applinnccs. Each unit features: 2 bcdrms. l bath. llighly desirable• rental area. COSTA MESA. TIUPLEX reduced! Approx 2830 sq.ft. of well maintained living spac~. 4 Carports. IO yrs old . located in good rc11lul urea. New carpet. paint & wallpaper front umt , DW & bltns. all units. Offered at ~144.500. CAMEO SHORES t rom the moment you enter tht.· courtyard gate~ of th1:. Cameo Shores beauty you arc> •tware of an 1mmaculalt' 4 l>edrm + pool home. Total· ly upgraded. MAGNIFICENT VIEW. Offered at 8375.000. SPYGLASS -This popular Portsmouth model offers :i hedrms, 2 bath. Immaculate condition. 3 Car garag~. Approx 2 yrs old. Also offers beautirul ocean view Tinted windows. Owner will carry l:.trS?e 2nd trust · dl·ed. Offered at !'\298.000. 675·3411 ' LUSKiREALTY a Julzfl D. /, u \/., ({ Son Co . 2515 E. Coost Hwy Corona de-I Mar .. GNeral I 002 Genttal I 002 GflMral I OOi . .•....................•.....•........•..••••• ······················- Happy Holidoys! NEm FAST SALE, ~~~ ~~~~~1~1~~~- \' .\. F II .\ buy c r " f I \\c•lcome' ltt'rluc1•d S<f l .. uxuraou~ly luru · ~ 3 Uedrm. l '• b.1lh. 3 bcdrm, 3 hath. form. dine rm. heated dbl~ unir111c W•t"(I hrH'k p.1t1r i;:ara.:e. Security itall', with w ' B UQ,. hu itc pnvatedock.$250.000 . culdl">ac lot. !liow onh ""·"" • 400Lll" ~ RIR AU.' i'll !@(;li~llimrn c.M4 =,_;w: 962-4471(r.I: 54~·8103 -11.:_:__.-• OHLY $62,500 ~t buy in the area. ;\1r conditioner and M)ffiC other nice xtra·s. Call1n11 us 1;. a must -The dol( bill!l>~ A quick escow and this Vl•ar· ... bc!>t Christmas prc"l'nt is yours. !>IG-Zll:! :! l'IH111·1• prnpl'rtlc~ a\ JllJbll· ~ FAMILY HOME tnVINE TF.n.R.\CE-5 bedrms. I baths. formal dining rm .. lum1ly rm . f1replat'l' Enlt•rta1n around lhl• ~µarkl1ns.: pool. Ol'fl•rNI .1l :.:! l-l.!r50 ~-...-c &J..J.72ill ~~~~! .......... ~?~.~ ~~!'! .......... ~~!~· l-";•. !/'/• ! I••,• [ ~ Bl] , __ M•art•6•~•0R •• ;.~.s.~.•a_•_e_ MARVELOUS MONACO $2000DOWH SS0,950 ::! llcdrm, 11 2 bath Contl11 ;'lie~ L'arpets & pa1111 1-:nd unit raerni.: gn•t·n are:i Hurr:,, won't la!ll 516·581!0 ~HERITAGE REALTORS CJll us uboul th1' rm maculale one ownl·r. 2 bedroom. con' crt1hll' den homt• 111 ll.1rhor View ll uml·~. The owner 's meticulous cart• to C\'ery ma1ntenanc1 nL-ed wall 1mprcs... you .\nd till' highly com pclit1ve price of ~I Ji.,,j(ll) fee wall pleaSl' your pocketbook Geftffal I 002 G...era-1 - ---1 002 Call 644-72 I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. IMCOME!!! IlALBOA PENIN . :; Years young; duplex. :1 up & 3 down; ocean side nf blvd. Prid e ol ownership property. good rental history. S189.000 lncludingJand '. BALBOA PENJN. Just rl!duccd! 6 Units. five :! bdrms. & I 1-bdrm .. on :! Jot..:;. Jusl steps to beach Owner moll\'alcd' FEE Sl~tPLF. duple\ :1 bclrms., 2 bath:> each un il. One extra lar~c fronl owner's unit. Blt·rn s. frplc. Prrccd at Sli5,0l.IO. BAY AV!'.:. duple\ 2 Bdrm. home + l·bdrm O\•er garage; in xlntlocu· tion. Priced at Sl75,000 ..•.•.•.......•••.•.... HOLIDAY GREETINGS & WARMEST WISHES FOR /\ Ha ppy, Hea lth~· New Yenr (JL;,\JL PLr\CE PROl'I::HTIES. I:'\('. <iC.\lL PL.\CE U E\' l::LO l' ~l E~T 1:;2 1!)20 II 673-3663 642·2253 Eves Getteral I 002 Geweral 1002 associated 8WOKERS--AEALTORS 101'• W Bolbno A7l ltltd .............................................. • :k ulktt~~rihui>lnia~ * Pelt· & fllartlro Ua1 rPtr Ma.r & Bt1he Adnan Liz Beazlf'1/ ; macnab /Irvine realty ~INER HOMES FROM S46.000 TO S895,000 T'WAS THE HIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS •.• "hat a great time to buy & start '78 off nJ!ht! Just the home for you a gor~eous "E" plan in The Hluffs · s1wcious. form(•r model on wide gn:cnbclt. 3 BR + famil~· rm. A great huy at Sl57.500' Bob () Wt?n:. f).12-8235. <0·21 ) NEW LISTING! ON l. Y S229.500 for this Havcrest hcnuty in ext'cllcnt loc:.it1on: Ivan Wells classie w '•1 BRs, formal dinin~ rm. is land kitchen & family rm overlooking patio & pool area. Owner bought smallt•r home> hurry! Mary Lou Madon 642-8235. (B-22) STOP LOOKING! E\'cr;.·thing is here! Perfect 2 "BR + conv. den homr in beautiful setting <across from greenbelt & 1-blk to pool & clubhouse). Beautifull y land scape d w cxtensi\·e brick work +covered patio. Prid<.'-Of·ownership! ~145.000 It·<.· :\Tar.1or1t• :\lahon fi4-l ·6200. I B-2:ll CUSTOM BUILT IA YftlOHT Frenc h Rcl!ency! You'll recognize quality from the moment you step into the courtyard of this gracious 5 HR home w , French doors lcadint.! to brick terrace on the bay w, pier & slip. 2-story dining rm: lg. family rm: separate den or BR w ;outsid e> <.'ntrfltH'<.'. S550.000 leasehol cl . Barbara Aun e l1.t2-8235. ( 13-24) DRAMATIC .. . : .. ... r• • ·~· • . .. ~; ... . .. .. . .. .. , .. . • • • .. , • "" • • • • G......a 1002G_r .. Poul Be!Qu.' Custom, q uality-huilt wood & glass h ome under construction So. of Hwy in Old Cdl\l. Great VIEW! 2-story, 5 BR. 4 bath w /3 patios. Sauna -jacuzzi -walk-in closets -3-car garage. Approx. 3700 sq.rt. o f comfort. S395.000. L:vnne valentine 644·6200. ( n .25) .. • .. . • .· ,• Mlkt Dlokl• Deon Brodfnrd Jim & Lo11 Brldgl'~ Rtnon Cortwright Ed & f:laine Chapm111r Elena Co11gl1/m Eileen D1ructdd11 Siuon Durham Mor(lort'I Dli(/1•11 Anne Go/Ion GfN"JILJltln Gorlar11I Moria Glcrunni B rlJ I.. 1 ltl t11 G61.d Tom lloJlllu Curt II erbt'r11t • Kt1' Knight TomKM1i: Cllrt Loraon Pm Le•t.r Jim Morovbh Dlclc Mc Dermolt Glenna McCeodJI (;nil .\ICIMJ\ :\hrrl~y ,\1ichNm111r Judy M llchcll lrrry ()'Brim l.111do Oel/1 Btllll PoJ(TU' Ann Peters UtrTJI P/1$tfr Rick Rickard Jean IUtler Ken Ro,. Jtofl Sutl'1fl • DorittTomm Rorbclto Von Darltnc YOU11g HARIOR VIEW PALERMO 2·story home w 13 spacious BRs & huge mas ter s uite w sitting rm & balconv Warm familv rm w iwet bar & fircplt1tc + 2nd. fireplace in formal li \'in~ rm Ideal family h o m e for , 169,900 f cf' . .Joye'<' Edlund fl.12·R235. (fi·26) SPA.CIOUSt Shows like a model! Beautifully expanded Somerset in Harbor View Homes on cul·dc-sac near pool & park. 5 BRs, formal dining, Jg. family rm. w ideck to oversized yard. Owners leaving. $219,500 fee. Barbaro Aune 642-8235. <B·27 > .· .• : • . • .. # • fj 'h ... '• • • . -Ho.et fer S. Homu For S. D! DAILY PILOT Sunday, Oecem~ 25, 1971 l ~-4.'\4"' .. , l •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :~~~ ....... 1~~~~ ....... 1~~~ ....... ~.~~ ....... ~~ .......... !~~ !~::~ .......... !~~ ~:::!:!';~ ....... ~:.~~ ....... ~~~ ..... .. ·-· I 002 G1•r.. I 002 Gt•rel I 002 GtMf'Cll I 002 . G....... . I 002 G..,... I 00 Costa Meta I 024 ............................................... ······················· ....................... ....................... ...................... . ..................... . ·~ \ I :-.. i I . '1 '\ AYLOR CO. Hl<Al.'J(>I:~ -.1111 1· l!f·W SINCERE GREETINGS FOR A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON TO OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CLl&ITS CAMEO HIGHl.AMDS-4179,500 Like quiet country li ving in Corona det Mar? Then see this lovely 4 BR home 1 today! Nice fam rm, formal dining + bonus rm. Lgc private front court.yd. View of ocean & hills. IALIOA ISl.AMD-Sll9,500 Wa lk to beach, shops & boating from this inviting 3 bdrm 3 bath 2-story home including lge mstr suite with ad- joining s unny study. Oversized double -garage, nice south patio. MANY SPUHDORED 2 & DEH IM IRVIHE TERRACE Elegant simplicity, spacious rooms, finest construction & detail , magnifi· cent li v room , hands ome den, secluded patio & modest ocean view. Offered al $275,000 incl. land. IA YFtlOHT APT-FOR LEASE Lovely 3 bdrm 2 bath triplex apart- ment for tease. Plush cptng,l lge rms. Terrific bay view & on sanay beach. Close-in loc. walk to shops. $750 mo. Office closed Dec. 24 & 25. Open Monday, Dec. 26. WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., REALTORS 21 I I San Joaquin HIUs Road MEWrORT CENTER, H.I . 644-4910 S©~otllA-~£trs· Tliat lnfri9uin9 W orrl Gome with a Chudle -----._ .... aAY L POUM----- 0 .__ Ille 6 ICIOMbi..f -.a below IO ...... 6 ...... _d.. "'"' ..,,,... ol _,t.1ft1111N-..ol- NOS I RE I, S U R C I E I I I' I I HOC REH I I I I I' H O TC IM I I I I I ' H ESCO N I I I I I I II lan't euy going to the movlee theee d.lya. Flr.t, you hlMI to consult y04JI ~. end thin y04lll --. f C J T " E l I 1l·tS ·, 1-----...-.~-0 c-....... dMlle .,...,..., • .... -.&..I -.&..I __._14___.l_n ..... 1--' ""' z.::i:.::, ~ .::. · •;~5{\j'0 r r I' r r r I' · e [~i'=>' I I I I I I I I' I' r• I I I I I Sea.AM-LETS Answers ht Classification 51 00 GeMNll I ooi G....al I 002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• macnab I Irvine realty ma'I I~ new '/}ear tring p eace lo five anJ grow in /ail~ & love & fuumon'I• ':Jor lhe 23rJ '!ear ma'I we per~onaf f'I lhanL otu wondsr/uf /,Uln~ anJ cfienl~ in newport.JJ.al'lor,- ~llUw anJ all o/ o,.<UUF eaun1'1 fo,. anol~r lrsmendow IOMD REALTY PRESENTS r ASTORAL VIEW -Monarch Summit II. Plan B. 3 BR, 2 BA, prof. lndscpd & decorated. Sll9,500. OPEN DAILY. 22769 Mariano Dr., Laguna Niguel. FANTASTIC -F~m1ly home, 4 BR, 2 BA , dclightl'ul kitc hen w ,·new upplianccs, DR, newly decorated. new plush carpeting thru-out. P r of. Jndscpd. Room for pool. $117 ,500. OPEN EVERY SAT 1:30-4 :30. 30032 Bello Place. Laguna Niguel. DANA rOIMT -Duplex, Lrg. 1 Yr. new. UPPER. a BH, 2 BA, w/ocean view for lsc. S.150. LOWEH. 2 BR, 2 BA, parking for 4 cars. Priced right at S165,000. LAGUNA" HIGUEL -4 BH. 2 BA, best buy in area. Perfect for family. J\1 as ter BR sep. from other BR's. SI24.900. WESTMINSTER -OPEN EVERY SUN 1 :30-4 :30 at !l3!J2 Coronet Ave. - Beaut: family home, 3200 sq. fl. 3 Huge BR, 3 full BA. Prof. lndscpd & decorated. Many amcnitic!). Most beaut home in art·a. Sl49,500. RENTALS FORMER MOOR -home 3 BR, den, 2 BA, Jrg. yard. Dana Point. n ent or l~c. option. :S·HiO/ mo. PLUSH BLUE LAGOOH -lse. Ocean view, 3 BR, 3 HA, pvt. beach, 2 pools, tennis crts, vo lleyball , gate guard, Rec. room. lnclds washer, dryer in laundry room. Sti50/mo. RENT OR LEASE -option. 3 BR, 2 BA, pool recently re-decorntcd & lndscpd. Low maint. S475 mo. Duna Point. 831-9411 494-8035 BOND REALTY ~~ .......... !~~~,~~~ .......... !~~ 3 BDRM IH OLD CDM Light & airy and cheerful is this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on one of your favorite streets in Old Corona del Mar. Just walk down the tree lined a ve nue to shops , r esta urants and services. Then back home to Caney flooring a :Jd roomy comfort. Proudly presented at 5138,500. U~l()U I: li()MI:§ REAL TORS~. 675·6000 2443 East Coast Highway. Corona del Mar JISO m MPSJ V1·rdc, JI 51\G 5990 I I 002 CHMnt I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MANAGER-REAL ESTATE NEWPORT BEACH A prime opportunity with an outstand· ing real estate or ganization + high earn ings! Experien ce is a must. Prestigious location. All applications held in strictest confidence. Please r eply to Ad #68, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 SEEK & ff Nit OfRISTMAS EVE H Y C E A R R T N A E R A I N 0 E S C l P A Y l E I 0 l E Q 0 R N A M E G R I R E S H G S 0 R A C G N I T E E R G S R 0 0 T H N T G N I T E E R G S 0 H l A H S T A T S 0 R A C Y G R S l I I s EN olc HR I s TM A slE v EIH c R 0 G E T R E N T I I U 0 I H L E A H V T N P M A N 0 L S L L N I U P R 0 U I E H A S A C A T E H 0 J Y P 0 0 C N 0 L N Y T K S L M R E 0 K G L I G S S S H E T I M E T A E 0 L P S I N T B A L E S N E T T 0 R U N S Q P G F T S E T T G S 0 R A E C A S T M P I L I A R I S I E W E L A T N A S S G R H W T J H 0 M I S T S U A L C N G 0 J K G X Y C lrdtructiom: Hidden wordl below IPPt« fonw11d, bd· -,et. up, down °' dl1100Mllv. Flod eld\ end bo• h '"· .. Tree Ornaments Greeting C&rds ~ Star Yule Log Shopp1ng ~ Carols Stockings Reindeer q G1fts Mistletoe Santa Cleus Monday: ? ? ? ? WISHING YOU THE IEST HOLIDAYS MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY MEW YEAR 640-9900 \·.\I J J~:l' Ill~: .. \ I :r,· 1470 JAM BOREE RD . N EWPORT BEACH ll'EHIMSULA rolNT 4 Bdrm., 2 ba. home. All amenities. Lovely area, fe w s teps to beach. Sl89,500 LIDO ISLE Newly remode led 4 bdrm., den, 4 baths, living rm. w/cathedral ceiling. Lge. master bdrm. suite. S224,950 llG CAMYOM 4 BR, fam. rm., 3 baths. Beautifully decorated Broadmoor Plan 3, on extra large lot. $325,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J4 1 Buy\1dt· 011ve NB b7'.> 6lbl A c::oMIDllEHT ~AHO ~INC COIOE fOtt TH[ CM. ON THE GO. International 'Jesigner Pattern MADE F.ASY ~, , _., .. , 72791 J>re.-tucklng or the yoke lneol mlllcee thitl Font.on11 dreee eaey to make. The etand-\1~ coller elllende to lio In front l!IC!dln1 intere11t t.o the clauic et.ylln1. A 2ipper cloein1 i9 at the center bock. 72791 la cul In Mino 6-18 1111d niquiree 3 yda. of 45" fobr\c (ot eizo 12. To orders aend pattem nwnbor, 11ize, namo, addre•• and •ip. Price 12.60 plue 3o. •hlPPinl lllld bandllq. Foll & Wlftter Oreu Pattern Book, Sl,50 oo•tfl•' DulgnH Sew Tip Book, $1.00 poatpold Make check payable to Spadea, Mail lo this newspaper, c ·o Spadea, 2 Br1d&e St., Milford. N.J. 08848. Dept. Cx·lS. Personalized Designer Pattern MADS EASY VISTA CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Beautiful land is available to you from all level to a knoll with a 360 degree view. All plantable. Call us for prices & locations. EHJOYTHE HOLIDAY S!ASOM in tb111 4 BR h ome. Proleulonally d('corated & beaut. park·llk~ yard. Vacant& ready IOI' youl 540..3666 Wltel.'111 RIAl l>TAH WE ALSO HAVE 2, 3, & 4 h*ootn HonMs, with or without acreage. What price range do you pref er? Like new, by owner. 431i Princeton. 4Br, 2ba. pool. 18),900. 6'2·3729 aft. s. A SUPER DUPLEX IS ALSO AVAIL 1 Side has 3 lidr ms &. 21'2 baths. Approx. 1638 Sq. ft. of living space. The other unit has approx. 1400 sq. ft. with 3 Bdrms .& 2 Baths. These units arc close into VISTA , and about 12 minutes driving time to beach. Super sharp! Great for the two family sit uation or as rentals. $130,000. New Condos. 2 Bt. 2i,., Ba, 2 frpk's, cer:t\"QJ i: tile kitchens & bath. POOii .&-. spa. 675-4912 Broker OR A COZY 2 IR HOME W /SHAKE ROOF and a charming little guest house. Strictly pride of ownership. SSS,000. URBAN SUBURBAN REALTY l7 I 41727-4200 or l7141 727-0520 PRICE IS RIGHT Pvt party, must sell one of two prope rtlea on Flower St.. in East C.M. 1 duplex or 1 lot W/2 houses. 673-6372 ** R·2 ** ROOM TO BUILD. Recently remodeled 2 bedroom home on R·2 lot! Great mcome poten· llal. $87 .500. I 002 Wboa lslcmd 1006 HANDYMAN'S MEW LISTIMGS! * * CHIMA COVE Pat Stolqh Oo Shell St., Corona del 1086 S..to Crut Crt. M a r ; n e w l Y • P r o • Costa Mesa fessionally decorated, 2 You are the wmner of 2 bdrm. + den · 3 baths • 3 free tickets worth S14 to stay home w/elevalor; HOLIDAY OM ICE gourmet kilch · all teak at the cabinets & floor, wet bar. ANAHEIM frplc. Some bay view, CONVENTION loo! Steps lO beach & CENTER bay. $299.500 n..... 27th ' l t COSTAMESA """'· --..an. s · 8 R 0 0 K V 1 E W Free Tickets good for TOWNHOUSE,3 BR,2~ Dec. 30th or 31 st ba .• all elec. bit-Ins. performances. Ca ll brick frplc .• upgraded 642·5678, ext. 333, to carpets, 2 landscaped claim your tickets. patios, pool are a.----*-*---- DREAM HOME Fantastic opportunity for the handyman 1eelc· ing a large workshop at home. Big separ ate buildmg in back suitable fo r mechanic, wood workt'r, electrician. or ? '! ! Belt.er hurry: Call 6'\5-0303. FORESTE OLSON .... ... . ~ . .. ·. ••~....,c e c Mesa Verde Golf Club 5 Br, fantastic view. '-Ill Acre. $295,000. Shown by appl. only. 1790 Panay $9-l.990 ! A 540--0608 OCEAN VIEW! Caplstrarto leach l O 18 __ _;et.:;__ ___ _ Cir. Steps lo ocean; deluxe •••••••••••••••••••••••1--------- duplex, 4 & 2 bdrm. units. OCEAN VIEW 2 ._~ C pl Park 3 cars. $189,000! . ..,. • r · Will trade for home near Q u 1 e t s t · C I s t o the bay heach/schl. Rm for boat. UDO SAMDS RV, etc. $85.000. Prin on· H k. . ly. 493-5412 op, s 1p or Jump to ----------ocean; like n ew 3 bdrms., 2 baths, used Cor'OftCI def Mer I 022 brick frplc., new kitchen ••••••••e•••••••••••• •• & 8'1 l a pp 11 a n c es , carpels, drapes. Only IARGAIM!! 3 Bdrms .• 2 baths; com· pletcly remodeled, room for boats & campers; a must see; • Eastside Costa Mesa. Call --___. z p I I I $145.000! CORONA DEL MAR Ocean side of hwy, de· llghtfutly charming 2 BR. home + near new 4 BR. apl. car garage. SI 3,450 DOWH CORONA pa. MAR DOif Y. 1'1WCIC.UK 2 BR. 1 BA home on R·2 I ~o!..0.! \ $185.000! lcAoCI lay Prop. Realton •675-7060 * IOACRES lot. Uve in front unit ~--while building 2nd unit 640•7000 on rear or loL Out.stand· ~~~~~~~~~ ing investment. Only Sllt,500. CALL 955-0350 II f Jr•• 1.. 01< ' '"\/~11,.,.,. 'r Ill 101.1'<),lO, lH Vt i..t ll>f 11•, 31R--3 BA $59,500 Don't believe it , we didn't either, but it's for real. Has to be Orange Co holt.est property. Low down. payments I 1ke rent. Put this on your must see list. Rancho California. Prime avocado coun-try!! Great income • WAHTED potential. Good terms Home In Spygl ass, avail. Consid er ex· South port Mod e l change. $50,000. Call . w/Catallna view. Will 540-1151 pay top dollar . Call Nick 540-3666 .,~#~HERITAGE . • REALTORS White Water VJew North Laguna Beach Condo, overlooking Diver's Cove. Superb location. Steps lo beach and shopping. Large 1 bed.rm. fplc, 1~ baths, 9· ceilings. French doors lead to 300 sq.n. patio. $12..500. Down & owe. 6W7270 Wlteln11 AIAl E!>T ATf Vracln. Agent 752·6521 -_.;;;;====::..--EA.STSIDE 4 br + den, House & separate apt. new cpts. dbl gar, 1~ ba, Comer iv.a lots. 2 Ubl 5 rrun. ocean-Rey Sehl, garages. Apt has Lower Eiltancia area. $75,000. bach unit. $169,500. 646-5821. Owner. 640-7588. -------- Broad moor ocean view. ~.Cl. 4 Bdrms. 2YJ ba . Lge l1 v. rm .. separ ate din. rm .. spacious kit. & ram. rm. opening out onto a lge backyard w/putting green & pond situated on greenbelt. Asking price $270.000 By appt: 64G-1286 Durux $130,000! Great So of hwy. loco· lion! 2 BR + 1 BR, t'ach w/privatc patio area. One of the least ex· CHOICE ~TSIOE pensive investment pro-RAMCH REALTY perlies in CdM. (Offered subj. to cancellation or1 ___ s_s_1_.2_0_0_0 __ _ exlsUngescrow). (832a> Holly Markas 644·8200 jl , ...... • OAILYPILOr D:J ~!~!.~~-~~ ....... !~~!~!.~~~~ ....... . ..................................................................... ........ leeda I 041 LagMne •ects f 041 HOVlu For Sale HCMnu For Sak H-ttt For Selk OftMr ••of Estcrir , ··•·····•·········•••••······················· ············•·········· ....................... ········•·············· ~;;..····;..;.,···zo·oo t C............ I 014 L..-IMctt t 041 i.,...•ec1t I 041 ....................... ....•..............••.• •\t••·················· ..._wporlleodt •069 Mewporlleoc:lt 1069 ScUtia..,.. IOH .. ~ ....... ~ ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HIWl"OAT HllGHTS, BIKE TO BEACH $63,500 Lingo Rt.J&mn Pnvatc ~ndo:1cd frnnl Courtyani enhuncc.s cute J Hdrm & family room 'l'rlr acet.~-. Unusual lo\\ pnce tor <lrl'U \'1•tcran' otters e1wourJi:ed Take Jdvant:Ji:c. HEW HOME J.C.Mcnlt baltors 540°5111 -Clow in. oc.an view, l ~. l beth.. Wall to beach and town from ttti1 spllt ,..,., custom hom• wffft opett beam cetfin111. redwood acc:enh, stained glau ... $ 169,500. 499-4551 t.A t;l:-\\ NH;t' El. t!l!'i 17:?!1 I)"\ r<H:"\1' 193·8812 L.\(:l 'N,\ u1-;,\t 'II .l{J7.Jl3l WOODSTREA.M ......,....°" leoch 1 040 lrviRe I 044 \.>cJuxc UJ>s.:radc't.l .J UH ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• condo w1d1111n ~ rm . nm -.wdy t-:nll un11 111 Meeds T.L.Ccre 1mm1• Ea!,ls11ll· lcw.111011 Selkr w11uld l1kl• 1.1!'.t c:.rr•.w' I 1~11 1 \'1•1• ''1111!>•111 t;I:! H:!:l:1 BYOWHER Stlpcr tfr<in :i hr :.! hJ IJIO rm (/II lfUll'I l'UI Ill' ,,ac. :'l<r :!Olh lr \'lnl' l>rl\ll hy 20'.Jd All!>O ~ t.111 ,,.aa.91197 ur t:!IJJ IJi ltilfl ;1 Bdrm, 2 H:1-s1;!;.0<10 L'lo·w 111 Gohll'n \\',•,,1 C.:ollci.:1• I'll ... 1iu11p1ni.; c1•11 ll'I'> I )Jl('O :-.un I .} l.}~11 t .11 n1· LJlll' !'>IJL,\l.IFOH'\I \Ill.I"\ !Wb·:,OV.'> :,~ u ... ,~.ic :-.µc1·1ali:.h. 3.4 or :; burm modcb avarl. :.omc w I pooh.. !l68-I002 PeMington Properties DcnaP'~M 1026~...w....aon ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~r DANA POINT CHARMER W /OCEAN VIEW 1042 •.•......•..........•.. SEAGATE IH·:l•:l'W \TEH T~llSE 1;111.1·,1 ""''" w;,all•rlrnnt ,at 11111\' '-1~~1 ;;1Ht ('.all Ill ol.1\' t'l'Hl'ELL ltt-:,\t. l'Y .! Ill< horal•• th.a\ •1lh•1' 1111 l'IU•' l t·Jllll'<'.• l t ftl• de·t~Hn~ 1i111tt1' ·fl•'.t llll(J Ill kilt h1·11 "111111 i.Jlh &. µl."lt'I. ~M'llllllt 1---------1 ANCHOIAGI ~~••••••••••••!?.~~ INVESTMENTS 1714t 496-771.t $158,500 ~========::::::!Deane home-Univ. Parle "Kensington" mdl. fcultain Yaftey 1034 wt pool, jacuzzi. & air •••••••••••••••••• ••• •• Cslm. pool decking. 2250 _________ 1 ~<t ft. '.\linr-blind :. thruout, Corning Cook LI.Ve In Luxury t•IP :.tO\ ,. 1u!.h .11r111rn .111lo. ~1>nnlo.l1•rs & lilt·~ 1 1m ., · ha. hul.!t' L1111 1 "'nr \~t ~.10 1.;-11; WOt ll>Rll lllC ~: ''JI( 1-;-.,1.' 1, ""' \ ti l.1 1.!•• "' \\ ..... 1 ht 11li:1• Tlw h<'st 111 1>111 h \\11rhl' Arrh1tt•1·111r.1ll\ 11111(1111• ~&:I bdrm al 1~1l'h1'<I & dt•l;il'hed re· Lile 2br home. Be.111t l.mdsc;1pin.i. fi<'ady lo lllO\l."IO SW.UJOO 559 11312 VILLAGE I C'.1rnl>r11IJ:c '.\l uJcl 0 11 CflUt'l 'tn·l'l ~· Bilrnh :.! lm . Y.1111'11 h.a ... m<1ny "" u ..L'> •• ncY. dr~h"' J!>hcr ... moi..1• lll·l1'l'lor-. t·ui.tom paneling in <kn or txlrm. .\.fuM !>L't.' lo., pprec ia le. IJ5Z3 C.01Pus Da · IRV1Me UNIV. PARK :1 U d r m . . l b .1 • townhome. One of lhl' more popular models an V1llace II. Excellent location overlooking ma· jor greenbelt. Let us show you UU. home to day: '+523 CAMPIJ5 Da·IR'llME sufonccs lrom ~!16,000.t--------- ~·1161 HAVE A MERRY -------mi -----CHllSTMAS WOODBRIDGE .FROM ntESTAt-'F OF '-·~Oft IHclt f 040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PRESCOTT KED llli.LH~ALTY Lg.o.t Woodbridge home S lldrm or 4 Rdrm+dcn. I IJR. frplc. ,·ery clean. uvcr s 1t<'d lot, fully $71.7!15 A1,11rox 1550 liq fl. hvt ... cpd. Ideal for pool. ownt1r out of :.talc. /\JI upi,:rded. Mexican red hill ~, 5';.?-7500 !I00-41+1. ______ 1 paver:; tile. A C I.iv. din ~~~~~~~~~ SAU IY OWNER ~ 3 bnth :i Car gar.1-3 Ur. 1a, bJ Cont.lo. Liv Nr 1>ark. W:tlk In l:ikc.l-_______ _ SIHl>.000 Rrkr Ownr OURllSTWISHES rm. <l111 rm t.c 111s11l1• ~.5:.! ll:!l orll.15 :1.~3.~ FOR A H..a.ppy !Jund 1 m . p, t. l>Jl111, " 1x1ol & t.:J r t:p11rJclc1I L;o..1\ ERSITY P.\RK 0'<· CHltlSTMAS '0 1.,.1mm1111 w.111 J ,111n <oru. J nr. :!'.i Da. bonus FRO.\lTilESTAFF<W Stilt t:JU l'h %:! :1~7 '\O rm :.!2fXI ~<irt ~ew cptc... IH::O lllLL RF.Al.TY \(;1~ ' II~. i.teps from maJ. WOODSY 2 STY Ru:,1 1<· .1rr h11 .. r tur<' with ..it>und;mt l(l;a,.., lll•a\' 'hak~ roof. ',1ulh·cl c·C'1I· in.:s. -;wt'f•prng m:l!'\l('r .111u 1·hilllr1•n ~ win,.; ()pt'n hc.irlh t 1rcpl ,act>. '.\I a i: a /. 1 n c pc r r l' c 1 kitchen. ~lull1 p11q1o!>C area. In the $70':o.. One n( our newer home!>. Bkr .>:lti·!IJU . VA or FHA Sparklinll S uns hine home with larl(c d1111ni:: r m. H .. buth.s, J br 's. Covered PJ t •o. hlock wall. corner lot.,\ beauty .ll 873.000. 53l ~J(J rve-, ~~l·'H!H lnt'1 RE M.twork greenbelt & pool. Owner \va1I 1mmcJ Sll2.000. 5.>2·8t.87 _______ , red hill ~,,,:. 552-7500 WOODBRIDGl --~- nnO,\ DM OOH . .i ftR . A BARGAIN! tam. rm., pool lie s pa, lllil t.gc 2 Br home. Beaut lmtsrpJ! .. deckinJ!. renc· lan<L-,cnprng & patio Im · in~. l(or~eous 1m1lrove· nuae. ~.000. Ph SS!Hl:l\2 mc•nt '>. model home --------- run<I. Move· II\ ready. J\l!ent 64Q..5S60 L.,.. hoch ao41 WHERE ELSE. •• .c:in you find a 4 bdrm .. ~· 2 bath home with Mt. & uolf course views. com· munity pool & jacuzzi. tennis. bike lrails .. you n11nw 1l -this home has 1l. 1-\:e lantJ. too! $111.U.150 Qld1llacs to Go·Cnrts ••••••••••••••••••••••• WllKDIDIR7 We ha,·e one; walk lo beach & markets; an 1m macuJnle ch.'.lrmer wrth expans ion poss!bilitaci.. The price Is r l1Jht · Sll5,M Sclhng anythrnl{ wrth .1 Whatever lbe ~·ad UHtTS Con venient. Nortb Laguna location pro· \1des easy access & e::isy rcntahihty. This duple' is 1deuJ for the owner/OC· cupunt who w:1nl!\ a hedi,:e against inna11on. $1119,500 D:11ly Pilot Clas1Jfil-d /\d Holl 'em offlhe market I!> n :.rmple matt.er • • . With a Clnsslfled Ad _Just call &i2-5678_. __ Call Now• 642·5678 flXER lrvfM 1044 lrviM 1044 ;\Jcander thru th e WATCH SANTA See Sunla go from house lo houst- from the living room & 1.x.it'm view~ overlooking Laguna. J Bdrm. 2';: baths wilh pnvacy & ~ec lus 1on . 5149,500. SWIMMING IN DECEMBER Ranch style 4 bdrm. 3 bath with ocean view & heated ::swim min~ pool inviting a 11 vear entertain mer'lt. Warm & gr;tc'ious for your enjoyment. $175.000 PANORAMIC SUNSET VIEW LHrgc inlerior atrium for your fa voritc flowers & hanging plants. centered around 4 bdrm. J bath c ustom home. Ocean vi ew from dining room, Jiving room & master s uite. Hi gh enough to sec Palos Verde~ & ratalina s unseL.s. S210.000. Promise her anything. BUT .. Give her a home for Christ mas! MAY 0 COHl'OllAI ltl!'I 380 GLENNEYRE LAGUNA BEACH c (714) 494·2146 K ltG CAMYON-SICUllTY & PltV A.CY Charming 4 BR homf' \V/Spac rnastt:r BR. living room &r kitchen looking C'Ut onto attractively landscapE:d private yard w/magnificent pool & jacuzzi. Catht:dral ceilings in living room, dt:n &. formal dining room. 2 lrg floor to ee1bng firE:places By appointment only G40·5971 IY OWMB -$305,000 LCllJla'HI leach I 0"8 ..._wport leoch f 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• SPANISH STYLE tiO l"t. b:iyfront. ·t DR. dt:n, Rud llll• roof. :Arched pier.on Peninsula portll'O t:nlry; 2 BJL II'' :'llarshall Rllr. 675·4600 rm. w/bay window & lrpl. Drnriut rm. Spacauus l·Plex. IOU ft. from ocean; rear grounds. See today S2UUJOOW/hmd! al SHllS,OfJO. Hurry! ~larshall Rlty_67_s_-iooo_ !\IL'-~IOn Hrah v 194 0731 IYOWNER Clrff llnven 1·xcc. hme OWtBWILL COMSU'>IA LIASl/OPTIOH Oil dus ~auulul :? an Villa Paciri<:J home. Cnrh>drat C"elhnp, m1r. nirrd wardrobe, adult commu'!ily. ~7.500. AMC MORA• DUPLl.X 1:-:,tr.1 '<harp :!. BR unit 'I. l:lotl\ w/pr1vate patlO'I. OwnH will h Ip 11n,mce. Call tSS.0350 • I ' • I• .. ~ ' 1 •• \ 11111•. • . INYISlMIMTS I 00 + uMlTS 17141496-7711 1-'ant:ulit' prldt! 01 -----~~hip unlt'I, only t WKtntirtster to•• \'l':JrS old. ll\':.tr :.l a\,• •••• •••• • • •• • • •• • • • • •• • tI111vers1Ly. V\•ry sl ron~ HF.Rt:'S YOUll Cll.\N("I~ ttnlal areu. ~.750,000. Be<1ul J Ill! holllc, ~:!500 1 y, In. I l dn. t:~ll nnw,.. ::?t hr llo ..-W .. scr\'m: K4tHIHm a~t . ....Im OUR BEST BUY -Prap~• Vets lcl.s ' KO on lhl.S olll:. 3 1400 OUAtu1. Hl~l llACM Ult !>tart.er deh~hl. Grent mve::;urwnl on R-4 lot. 01 fered al ~900. 891-7155 TIUP'LEX. C.M. Great. E1u.ts11l 1.! 101·. 11ew1•r 3br, :!b.i. frµlc, yd I:?> 2l>r. 1u.i. "au~. L'lll'I i:ar SlM.000 'l'omtee. RJtr, 1142.11;o:1 L01J1119afofllls I 0 5 0 ..........••.......•... w i.:ue!>I hOUb<'. :.unk,·n Ott.r Red Estate lk nl Estate F:xec. cxpr'd h\ rm , lm·m . d1n. rm .. J ••••••••••••••••••••••• IO gu\'ernm,•nt ,.u1Js1ct , ~· r 11 I 1· ., & 11 u 1 ~ 1 H°"'9 Prn.:r.un.' \\;111L.' to JOiia i 'l11Y.11h11m1• .I Hr 11111 rm "'. rm. :.!h" 11.ilO ... a1 It S7.i.l0 1 ;,.;1 I 'JI FIXER l'l'l'F.R \\ :J"!iUITI lo..in . Su per buy at satl.!IOO. :J Or, 2 ba. Agt 7138-5008 t.'l(•.:.111l·e ~ :1 Udr mi. . .! ,_.For*!•..... • 1 1 OO 'l'11l11r1< '' ln\'t•11tor .. 1 ... at"'~ '156 ....... .. ... ,. "''"l ~ hu1hlt•r In IH11ld :1111 111 11 "• 'p"·~ .. .;.."'1~ .~ ... ,..,-.,., ••••••••••••••••••••••• 415 1r3te "' .. ~ o . • 1 J<'l'IS ll1s;h profit pulct1 ----:M~. 2 br +I· R. top con< UJ1 \\ n k D:uly PilCtl. Newport &toe. nrA~"J~h;380 \lit! u:i. Box 1560. Cm.1.1 &•.....,... '.\lc=.a. C':\ 9~6 Condo ECOHOMYU-~~MG~1i--.............. _ $ 79,500. Several Homes priced DUPLEX 1~ Block to Westclirr from $9.750. to SIS,250. CORONA DEL MAR Pl C . 2 B d Adult. !'ark. Oran~e ""· 'd f h lAllJIMCI MiCJIMI I 052° LAlgiMa Higitd f 052 ~.~!~ .... !~.~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• aza. . ozy e r m County. Park rent under ~per pn e o owners 1p home With pool. Xlnt SlOO. RetJring or fixed Jn. units with fireplace)> • f AMILY CHRISTMAS .. ~~~~~~ ~ lll."<lmum with nut!>tand· 111~ \ ll'W 111 11cea11 Ot 1·1\ \ I 1 J.: h l s T 11 l :a 11 ~ a " JtU '11-.hl•aJ & tmm.i1·11l.11t· Ill t'\l'r\ 111•1 ,111 0111\ ~lli>l.rllMI 1:1:! I buy. Qlll now. 645·7221 come. let U3 s how you enn~ gara>tes, shak .. Season's Gtt.til'lqs how you can' live com roofs & have been com FROM forwbly :Al a p1·1ce you rJlt'tl'ly rt'lurhrshe<I' New. luxurious 4 hdrm with l'omplt'lt• landscuping ,'<,: rt'ady tn mn, l' in Fn>sh nalural sun ltghtc<l farmly room & clinin~ room & in adclitton lhl' twinkle of li ghts 111 lht· mght t1mt' view. S139.50ct WMtc:llff Realty e3Jl :1t1orrl Pal·1 fll• C:oa-it (o .Quail l J11~Jll-t1 Jnr 21o:; P. u 1111 • Plac• Hd. Anulw1m t1''.l! 111t1io Praperties OCEAN FRONT AGE •oo ou~~.s5~-~:~c~cm i.uc .. Tra1leram11 l!Jt;.i, Wx4~> 1.1 ________ _ wl10x3U'_ cl01Jed porch IASTSfDE/CM Ok>ace sill!. At.Ills. r_'vt~ Reduced Sl0,000! 3 on I I 076 Party. 1-'or appt & mro lot Ind. pool + rm to (7141499-1737. build 4 men. P1ans in· • •••••••••••••••••••••• •f1·,; I E "I., I ..... ., ( ·,· ;, , •• 1. ' J I t I 1 , 1 1 1 1 , 1 ~ I' ! ' I MAY 0 CK C ORPORATI ON l'IORSSIONAL Acreage for sale 1100 eluded. For delatled lnfo. 380 GLENNEYRE LAGUNA BEPCH Just Reduced! ExJ>('nenre th!! warm reel 1ni.: of this 1m - macul:Jte 3 b~droom homc t::njoy the lu11h 11 ... w t'.1rµ1·t1111t :inn rw:il't•tul 11t•w •ii th1· \ 1111•\' 1111•11 \I ;11Hlt•r 111 I Ii " II I' .a 11 I 1 I 11 I I ' l.111d .1 .1 p•·•I i;.tttf•·11 ~ '"" oi11h ~ 111.:Mll I.I.It IUIL.DfHCi San CJ~~ prof. bldg. office suites avail. 1·8 Roomli. Large parking iil°l!a. Rent :.il 53' per sq. ll Con~1d1:r t rJde~ & lrrm~ ~.'l<!.51HI ·l!>:l lr.!13 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call: RYE ACRES Kathy Tracy Rltr. SC8-1927 7S2·2887 (714) 494·2148 Hard to hnd horae pro· r.~~~~~~~~~ ptrty. Brand new 3 BR. 2 BA home llu,.;e family DUPLEX room. wl'l har lrpk . :i MEW"PORT 1·.ir 1.!:Jrat:l' Wrnt l la)ool : Ht... n HEIGHTS LGCJMO luc:h 1.048 LOCJllta leoc:h I 048 ........... ....... .... .. . ..................... . 17\lt lo'j: ,Jl~'l J.rl.t• I 1J.,IJ h 111J',t• :! II\' l)y, 111•r .i hr .! h.1 01·~·an 'll'Y. 11pst.Hr' T1111 con1l Hedwt>t11l 1°111 ,.,. f:im1I~· an•.1. !'ran 1111ly plti. il27.000. 4!>4·1207 ---RIVIERA EXCLUSIVES men IN THE SKY, J bdrms. & den, fantastic ocean & cit y views! Xlnl nei"hborhQod, close to schools. See today at Slfll,.500 110:\H: & INCO:'II F.. fi t:nil,. do\\nluwn La1'una Bca1'11 :1 Commerc1ul. :J r e'l11frnt1 .. 1. Fa 111<1!>ll c C>Celtfl \'lf'W5. $595.000 Ol'POnTUN ITY OF .\ Llf'ETIM l'.: ! ()('~anlronl rest.1ur:rnt . heart of UIRUna l1<.o.1ch All new cqulpmtnt SR.'i0.000 MY S TI C 111 1.1.S . O\'erlc1oking LaJ:un 111. 3.tllMJ ::.q. It Chris Ahel dlll>1Wwd 5 bdrm. home. I\ r ar<' opportunity al $.'T75,000 MA\.NH'I CF:NT 3200 liq. ft.. 4 b<lrm ., 4 1h bath home. F'incsl oceanfront oommunit v. Loudll of ex. tr fl.!>. $350. rioo BUILDF.R'S a ttention: two R·2 lots, heart o( Dana Point. Both for $8.\(XX) lNV l-.:STMENT op- portunity . u bc:Jutiful ~I. heart of Laguna flcach. CfQ!.(' to benche!t & parks Xlnl' cond. $150,IXIO OH».!:.! 11 .• :111 h('tlr1111111 , 111111111·1<·1~ 11· _._, .nt 1ho111-. l•J.1" ,1 '1>arklr111~ ~" 5 lOO 111•w ;1 l1t•1lroom .,lutl111. :'\. •••••• !~.~••••••••!•••• Two hath:. clH:h, 1:01y -....A, . . f1rcpla1:cs & k1tchl·11 s Ht ,,, t ,,',If•• ,, I (•. Studio apt .. Ho!ii;moor you'll lo\'c! sus5,000 ---Towers. Leasure World. NOR INS REALTY I l'./i1111 ,,, 1. d I~ Pl I/ j bbl 1 lbl oJ1 Jddti HOLIDAY SHCIAL Lge lot. 3 bdrm. Close lo beachrl & trwys. Priced to i.cll ' Don't. miss thr,, • c:lll now. 5"-0022. S. Jucm F'or S'aJe or rt"nt. E<Jtate I~~ Capistrano I 078 sacrifice. 494-3167 ii IPtllctl ••••••••••••••••••••••• WHY,.. y MOtlE7 Co..nerclal Praparlitt• J t ... ~ 000 8. l ,.qDCSrty 1600 1_. ... 25_!•1ftl ., us ..,O"'lt • lg WO ••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• _,... WV-UL>I, ,CH U.SYUVING 1n this f'r1sy-can· i Bdrm. 2 b:llh 0 y .(); ;.an e J s ,. w a I k t o :\t a 1 n Beath Easy terms with story hom e with 3 Rclrms • 21f.? bath s , Newport Beach C·I. cor· family.dining room , ner lot. Good parkini;. WO 0 d r O C) ( ~ !) r I c k Great (or tmllll bw!inesl. I ire pl act>. talc k 1tchen, S97.!500 Ai:~nt 6-lli·4]RO __ tra.o;h compactor. elec· ~/ • tnc l(ura~e door O~t!r. (Wts sale 1800 Rtt~I 1-:~t:ittt de· Uy owne r . <.;.ill ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 06 J -198-2700. Missioft ~iejo ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUIU'LIX Costa Mesa.great r~.ntal area -owner~!> unit. Sl50.~Xl &16-:N28 or 545<U83 :Lachenmyer Realtor pnvatc rinancm)!: 11 ~ INVEST HOW! easy to sec tht'I vacan11---------Lowest prr~d :t BR. 11 1 Fkuld<'r mu,,l i.l'll :!!-hJrp i--------- property. Only $85,500 Hill TOP VIEW R\ tn V1lla1tC' San .Juun. E Chlt.1 :\h·~;i hou.,,•., un 2On1 St'C llw :.1Harklln1' lrl~., Srn~I<' lcu"1· '-l'Clude d I lot Orw •'> 1ww. onl' rs lrom t h1" I hclrm h11mf' 111 rondo. $6l,SOO r<'l>Wll. ~1Jm11 all Of-". Lo; worth th1i; prn·e. Rut .; r l' a l t a rn 1 I y 4 ANCHOIACH n:rL"i wll n<rwM;):;:.:21 you can live near llw nc1ghllorhn1J<l. Only llUVll!STMENT'S SeaM1t'sCirNtilt9s bt!ach in Corona del Mar S'ro,000 754·7M00 ni,'t. '"•5 ~ and hav{l rear tl•nunts ~~~~~~~~~ 1714t 496-7711 hclppay.$175,000. 3 Bd 2 b l !::::::======~1 rm. a . carpc • I C""'"'~L ...... Y drpi, patio. landscupcd, s.hl Ana I 0 0 ............ Cl~ ( d b t f I j ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOUSEAl.ONI SUPER INCOME Tu'< 'hl'lt.-r """ hltli: x unit' rn '-Ul)Ol.'r 101 ·hkrn~ SJ5U.1X•1 RISTORB> ;;i.M5o!0~'..):25 v ew. ~YEAR MEW W.itcffffltHlty Old Spanish mansion ---------1 ---------with an ocean view. 3 un· tWwporl IHct. I 069 TRJ.l.IVIL Balboa. 7 Unhs, Steps to its one mile to Dana ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR. 2 BA. highly up. bch. ·UH 2 beds, 1 bach. 2 Ho.iws-1 Lot-CM Point Marina. $215,000. •HARIOtl VllW graded, with step·down Pool. ~.000. By Owner. R~ed SI 0,000 * 494-1057 * 3 er CARMEL. Owner. living room. raised din· _:.IO'M __ 0owu __ ._64_5-_30S __ i. __ 1 Owner said "SELi, IT". Sl38,500. Appt 644-7730. inir room. !ltep-<ln master 2 r; p:i c 1 ou s J Bdrm Oceanfront houu. 5 Bdrm. $33.S,OOO. lnqulrie.s BR. Luxury plus offered hou~ l·'rpl.-... beamed at'8UOO. Thel(gllt~e (·1•11'gs&'.\IOllE! Submit 540.3666 on the~ Cent otter ttfftelc*lll RIAl lHAll l'mForYou! to : P .O Box io2s, I've aot. 3 BR. a warm _T_e_m_ec:u __ l•------1 den. big vaulter Ir cl" .. HWI MONTEGO 4br, 2bo. great yard. wet bar. naee fam rm Ownr 20\S r ort tile an<I loh or otlwr <''<· nwhc.1 t>tO· ll-1111 ---tras. :"\r. sehool $1 :r1, IOO DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS C4!ll) SEA YIEW :-.icw uµitratled. liar llarbor. IX'!>l \iCw. room for pool. S25.000 IC!{S thun markol al S250,0UO 644-4:W --------1 VA I. FHA 'I' CM1 Con Stl\ II. fil1cl II, Trode II Wtlh 0 w .. 1 Ad Terms-$79,500 [e42 ·5878 J Extra s ga lo re! _ . One Coll Stfvke foil Crtdtt Apptoval --------- Peopll' who n~l'd l'eopl1• Th,1l s what lhl' 1),\1 L V Pl LOT SERVICE DIR l':CTOllY is all about! ••••••••••••• •• ••. ••• •• ••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• pathways & eventually find the green shlnglcd. , 2·story, 2 bdrm. house; even hat. a basemeol. $131,500 Sell idle itema Beauti(ully l;1n<lscaped Summerfr~ld ho me, ctean 3 bedrm. Lots or HEWPORT HTS t.recs. Country kitchen. lnc:ome Property 2000 JMome Property 2000 macnab I lrVlne realty TOUU LOVE THIS! One of the fin esl offerings of a Broadmoor Wildwood Patio Home in fabulous Woodbridge! 3 hugl! BRs. formal d ining off lovely. atrtum, gourmet kitchen w /G.E. built-Ins. UpJ:raded thru.out w i plush cpts, custom ceramic W e; gorgeo u s drps + pr or. I a ndscaping. ONLY S99.950. Forrest Powers 752·1414~ (B·28) DESlFt&.O PATIO HOMI Privacy! Quiet cul-de-sac I Darling 2 BR +conv. den home for only S83,9001 Natalio Benjamin 7S2-1414. <B·29) ATTN: Mlt. aENT PA Ya! GOOD BUY! Thie 3 BR townhome is one of lrvme•1 best values & ready for you to make Jt your 0 Happy Homo0 • • Close to J>OOI~ jacuul & now pork. $79,900. Madclin6 Cross 752-1414. CB·30) MlalY CHRISTMAS From I.he st.alt at COldweJJ Banker USE THE DAILY PILOT "FAST RPUL-T'' 'StRVICE D1RltCTOR.Y J'orBMOlt s.rv•ceCall MZ·517h'Xl. 322 NOTICE how Daily Pilot Class. tried ads display their messages wilb Je11bihly and impact'! Our ads. we o.re proud to IQ'z.. really get r esults. rhonc 642-5678. CE a111 BLlllfS CD. OVER 50 YEARS.OF SERVICE YllW HOMI ,,.. ARCH IA Y SOUTH LAGUNA. Architect Deslpe,d. Custom Built-. Two Years Yom1. Ma,macat 4 Br 4' Flt Some W1tA A J'anur ~ Vtew From Nearly Every Room. A Dell~ Jlriihl And Cbetrflll ~oDtemporary Wit.ft Vaulted S,•llio11. BxqulsJte Decor, .D x peas I vei Hoa e')'--B e i &• CUplldq. Splendid Ute Of G.laa And w.ai. PIMcl sn.s,oeo Three lldrm. 2 ba home dining a rea. brick on tropically plnnlcd tot. fircplal·e. S7!l,500. BK R. One of n kind. Waiting ~17~ for n apocaul person.111111U. De9igned for fun Ii vlng. 675-4961. . THECilUSOHCO. · . 2819Ncwport Rlvd, N.B. "'#f lnCdffom1!__ PeoplewhoneedPeopfo You don't need a gun to That's what tho "draw fa.~t" when you DAILY PILOT ~~an ad In the Daily SERVICE DIRECTORY Pilot WantAds! CaJI now ls all about I -642·56'78. ~-~---~-~ HtWpot t leoc" I 069 Newport leach I OM •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• cae: ao111 1'1111 aa~ OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE ILUFFS. GAEA T IUY! Spedaeular Townboule. sr.=-Bed11m1. 3 Baths Plus amlly lliJll1111. Millay Custom Fnturea. Lrfe. Covered BalCOll'7· Patio OYuJoab Pool And Ramada. Tbe HOcDe ls Vacant A.lid Jlelidy To ••ff lldO. Let's Go IDtpect. Prl .. AI. ~SabJiB,O«fer.J .............................................. macnab I Irvine realty 2 HOMIS-1 LOT Eastside Costa Mesa -2 charming, new 3 nR homes on lg. lot w /magnifi cent trees. Live in l -lease the other! Near Newport schools & park. Sl90.000 Rnrhara Aune 642-823.5. < 8 ·33) TRIPLEX 1nvei;tment property on Balboa P eninsula · prime location for summer/winter rent.ul. t. 2 & 3 BR units, partially furnished. ~159.500. Lynne Valentine 644·6200. <B-J.t ) 1M10A ISLAND DUPUX Home + incom e! F l exibl financing on this terrific property t Front uni&. w /sep. entrance & 4 BRs (3+den); rear unit w/2 Bas. hdwd noors + loads of charm. S2.1 •.SOO. Joyce Edlund 642-8235. (8.-38) - ~ ...... ,. ....... "'""·~~ ··•••••···••··········· ...._ Pr1p1rtr 2 ooo ;:.::::.: :::.:.::; ........ • ••••••••••••••••••••• •• --,,.,,... ·~ JI 52 .....•......••......... UUIES Hunt Bch, Co\ met on' P'lmf> locat100 lrumd<' H igh 1n romt Pd pty A&ent SlSS,000 e.11·h ~- 2200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l-lLOT COSTAMISA Can bulld 13 -14 unlti. $~.000. Cal 955-0150 f:aL f/\Yl(JU 1 IJMPJ'\l\IY J.lf A• f CJi..11, 01 I.It I f)f'l J:1•; -------- HAWAII Choice acrcagt! O\ l•rlook mg the Pac1f1c. 56500 p•·r iJl'fC One & I hrt•t• oH'l't' parcds a\ a1lulile II urn fo1· bt~l select 1011 · '"°"' Jbr. d'·n. 3hJ, :.hurt 1lnH• ~· ... '"'>. "'r IJl.l S5.5I) 100 1'31 :u :!If Mewpo1i hoch 3 169 ....................•.. llcauhlul W1•!>l NcYt port ht-,1th/ronl home 5·ti 1$r 2 ha. SJX't'lal lov. rate fur ti mo b1· '1a) 1·on~1ller ~ rl) (711 1956 511i I ···········••···•······ 3202 ...••..•...........•... 1tor.n :F1:-.:m:11s Thow.amls ul lt('nl.ib All arl'as all price!> Sample: ~ tbr m11h1l" util µrl $2:.!52br kids & r~t-. Sl5U:Jhr n•nt 111 l>uv LJFETl:\11-~S t-:tt\'I (' t-: 557-0822 ...........••.•.••.•... S1>J<.'ll>WI t:'\l'<.' & IJmlh hoc™-" 3ttr. 3ba. lilt' t..irn rm It pk 11\ 1 p,1t1w. <'Lt ~-29Tu E\''' !'.:'<ct· & F..1m1h lloml' I' r> i:raded. l.u1lbcJ~·d 3Br. Jba. f..im rm. \cry ..,par1ou.,. 644 ~u l'\ e11 CostaMfta 3224 ...•..•..•............. SPECIAL 5 Br J Ba honw on 11011 <'OUr.e Opt avail nuw ~5 mo t>-10·2!1111 3 br 1·0\lai;:e. pool. j~•l'Uttt . dt!>hwa!>her. adults only. G4S 2.l!JK POOL & TENNIS I Br. 1-'am Hm. 3 lh1 to11 rlo. Lge P' t 11at10 rl't' rm, dl' S liU. ti73·7:l77, ti31 Wl!O Hous.tt Uafw'lllsa..ct ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MERRY . CHRISTMAS l 'n1H·r~1ty P:irk Terrace lwnhnw. 31\r, :!ba. frpk, d b I i.: .1 1 . S I i 5 / m u . !-.P\·orl 19711 in a br;,nd n u w b e ,, c h h o m , .. Sp.1c1~. up"r.1dcd thru out. frplc. dbl ~prai.:1.-. p\l > .ird Children & pets wcl rnm c only 55.25 mo ~t' da•I)' I 5 513 17th s~. ,\i;t oo<H>11>1 or !1-W-1311 5527~1h ................. ... Exe<'Ull\'l' horn<' n~·ar Nuoc.11.Jndgl' $650. :"\1:w. " 0t·ean. ·I hd :i ha. tam! llr. :J ba , ()y,11 17 11 1 rm. d1n rm. ~et liar. fm• 5.1:! 3-l-lti. C:!l3! KJti 81S<J7 rini.;. outdoor HUq & LOCJ-9tO hach 3248 pool S750 mo; l\>n~•dcr ••••••••••••••••••••••• be 1 Olll. K.Lll 0707; 008·-13-17 ~ Br hou:.c. do~ to bcat•h S I.SU mo . ,\fl 6pm, 1!17 H!Y.:!ord~1ys -199·2101. WAl..K TO l.H:AC'll, nool & IL'llOJ~ 1';,\l'lllnJ.: :! Story. 4 l.ldrm~. 3 l>a. ~un dcl'k & atrium. Stii5 mu li.c. LA It G t; h 0 fl\ ,. II II W,\T EH \\Ith IJOH\ tlm·k. 2 Stol'y w I bdrm~. fam rm. din rm & pnval·y S\2001 mo hsc. :1 Liil. :! U.\. pool. h:nn•d ~ .ird, ~ t•ur !!:tr . 1·lir..l' tu ~l·hl:. & !.h1ie. !)~J5 m u ht & I .c.l tii3 1515 * '* IJ L>O NOIUJ bO:~l lrJl':t ~:!~ ('µh Thomas Monck 11011 t-:xct· 2 IJdrm. dt•ri D.f 041L y Plt'bT Sunday, OffemMr 25. 19'7T Apartments Fvmished <:«"OM cW Mar 3822 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CostoMHo 37241-------••••••••••••••••••••••• MESAPIMES . 898-7855 ----------1 E Bro;ul""' a) 3 Br. 111.1 1111 :! hr w .:w \\' .ilt•r p1I 1h·Iil wilr1· I ~111m :!ilO \ 2036 Ocean llv. tll111ni; rm ~cw In & uut Balboa SiOO mo STl'DIO WEEt<L Y RA TES Full K1tch~·n & T\' (JOCl\.'i & l;t1hlll''> (Sll<:~r:~ '\iew ~tud10 :ipt s-.ao. l Br S:!!l.i \\ .111 Jan. ht. l'ool. Jal·uu 1 & laundo rm \<lulh. nu pct.!.. Opcu d.111~ :!ii.)() llarl 3 ,\ w ('\I l:\ho:,.1 \'erde l>r1tc 1-:U:.l olf llJrbor Blvd). S1!J :!I 17 ;;~:tJ Heady to build on lol. 1.111 l<e>llC' OCCUll \IC\\ <'\. \\.ii\.. 10 bcal'h. l .. 1i.:u11.1 ~11er JS.:l•nl uiJ i:!'Hi Few Rem cw Lean 3 UH. ~575 'mu. ">~)1\c,1c1a Trcc L•1 :! llH. \IC\\. S5:!S lllU I:!>!': lkg.,nra :! fill. den. Sti25 m., l'HI l'ort Cardiff 3 llll dl·n. '1cw. :>975 :!125 \'Jl'hl Radiant CM of County Properly 2550 :! HR. den.' 1cv., ::;1w. :.11 '1nn1anus 1-~lc .......•......•........ 5 Bit. S7llO ' mo Mini R•ch w/View :..'012 l'ort We) bridge Sml h o m e o n .') J <' 11111,famrm,tlinrm. S\\l!d1~h frpk, I~ 1>0n·h, \'11'w. S!J7:> mo ro:.c gordc11 . F ru1 t. 20WY:il'ht Hc!>olult• Almond ll'l'l'.' Corral l'hll'kl·n huu ... l' Ont> I 675-3411 I S~.980 'tcrm.-. <~.oil ~Ir llllllll I• rc•y S I:! .I 1;111 llt• n ·-·'-·-··-·~~-···· lhnklc !LE. ' ' Real Estate Wanted 2900 Bdboa Peninsula 3207 .•.••.......•.....•..•.•••..••••..••..•...•... ~ur Ot'\\ p;1111t. 1·111' cirµ .. >12.'> 1110 i.1;, 111;1 .! Hr l'J>h. dq,... l.1'1' OK no clui.: .... lpk i.:ar ::;4111;, mo w:; 2:!1 1 :J lJH :! li.i. lqill. l11ln!t, 88.S ~11;1ll' .SI. ::; l:!.i mo bl & la'l + M'l' g;j:l !13()5 :"\e ar So. Coa~t Pl.1ta. 4Rr. :! story, ram r111. pool, 2600 ~q ft. Jndudc-. pnul Sl'f\\('l', StiJ<J Olli Dave ~~ 7506 li:Jfi. 11 :rn I llr I ' ' BJ I 111.on-\ TO 111' \l 11 JlrtUlll l'lllr\ 1t1k ,.:rdnr ~!IS mo l''I IJOi ~ ISJ.i \ Jl'.1nt J ;m I J llt.'dt m . :! hJ l·rpb. drP'-. ll'll<'<'d \ .1nl S:l!J5. Uti3 45ti7 A1wnt. 1111 fee. Modem:! llll. :! Ha, frpk, 11wl g.ir. walk to IH'h, nu Pl'~ :)J7!i. 53AJ i~lli ~ BH. :! ha. nr Want'-.. :! lilt.:! Uu Townhouw, nr Frpl.) arcl. \..11bo. OK ::.100 hdl, adult' m l'r 10. :-,p;i, ITll> • .;.1.S-Sl:!IH•\'I'" 111101, i1•11111i.. \'<.Jrk :-hrrp.,, I Br. i::a:. & w,11l'r pd ~:! 111 .\dull:-, llU pd". ~I~ 113.1 :!I hr sl'<'llrtt\' 1\\'ad .J ,111 I !Jl;:J ·II i!' e\ t''> E\ "~ t>U·CRS35. 1; Iii C t:!:J To" nh111 N· :! hr. :! lta, Ill'\\ t•nll unit .\dull 11\'o•r :! Br. hUJ.!l' bonu' ru11rn 10 !Nill .>l:JOor!w;;! 11:,; \ uu arc lh1: winner ol :! ()"' I.I UO Spcl'IJI :! tn'l.'llt'k1·l~ worth Sl4 lo lirJrrn + +-Gt..moruu ... .... OLID .. Y 0.... E h1dl·a~.1y ~mu " · A '""IC O'\ \\' \TEil Fahulou-. ;it lhe \'IE\\' ::! Hr "' IJ~·Jul Ill• \:"\ .\J n:rn C<J'\\\·r:~TIO:"\ 1'Qr ~ mo lw l'LOSETOQC~,\~ Royal Suites Mot.t ..!llHtJ"'ewport Bhd, 01 6-C.! · 2ti I I SUSCASITAS G!\lWE=" \PTS COJIO:'tii\lJl-:L \I \H :.? !Ir T11v. llhllU!>l'. I rµk Pool. 11·11m!-Some ui:c.in & l'.11 .. 1111..t 'It.'\\~ Clu"t' lo fa..,h111n hlJml & hnl' b1 .. ad1 .\ho l Br ti 11 :!t> 11 CE:"\TElt '\1n·lv lurn large & Lk.•c 2ith JJrl. l.•l Wat--"'---t Home• "m..JI 1 br ,\dul<s. onlv. ____ .... _ .. __ I "I bit d ·' ...,rvn • 0 1 .,110 ... · -----_ r g->r. 11!>.rrpts. rp:.. Frl'l' T1e\..t>t;. guod for Call 63I·1400 1 1 1 11 dpc:. ~ ·'ewport S""'lt!!>s. \\'Jlk to h<'h. S:?l5 mo. 1 c hild OK. No IJ<'<'. :JIJl h or 3 1•1••--...... ----•I 1 1~ """· 0 .,..,.,, .. , '"" 3417 ~ ,. 4Hr:J8a 1-'m rm 2100b<tfl ..!::.~ .,...,. . .,.,..,, .,..J • pt·rformaf)l'ei.. Call LOCJ1noleoch 3748 Yrly,500.\cai:ia&l5·70-lll t:H2·5ti7K. ext. 333, l o New Sea\1cw. 3 Or,:! h.i daim.)ouruckct;,. Pool. le n n 1 ~. J a <' JBr. :!' "ua. t pl & drps. Oen. l{aml' rm. 2 frpk'~. Ot·can. mountuin & l'lt ''· \\'I k t 11 bl' h & I y,.' r1 !:'700 mo Al(t ·1!17 ·2-lji, I I\\ 1\r I:! I :115!!5 :155 i :1 Bdrm. :! h;1. ;itrium. Sina 'mo yrty ti75 O~H:? Sharp ll arbor V1t•w )lonal'U :J Ur. nr pool. 111 !'I grdn1'. Avu1l n•>W li-11 li:!ll ~1b lctl!>e, no 1k11<1..i1 ,.,. ttllll'l•tl, a\ <111 1m1nul ,;;:; 1~!1 4! fll..r ...•.•••...•••.....••.• L.\HG E rmm~c. furn b;it•"""lor Lots nf room . hlk ltl beach. S:!GS mo. ·CJ.I !IOI I. ---[..,\(;t;~,\ ui-:Al..'.11 ~ITn. 1-.;:o-; ~li5 w\... S~51J rnt>. ~la11l "en . color TV. h1•al1•1I POCl l . I 7 11 l H11 ;.w1. ~111.; x l'u.i:.t l lw~· Lul\ury l lJr \\ / m1111 o.;.:an & Jl'llY \'ICYt :.. only !tlCP:, LO Cl11n:.i CO\t! s 150/ mtJ t,j':')-:!.'»5 Coda Mesa 3824 •··················•••· 2 Bil. l Ba dupki1:. Cpts. clrJJ:>. rdrii.i. slv . l'lll'I gur. :\o pl'l~ S:.!ill mo. f).Mj-l:!-hi SUPER MICE 9UllT·MO POOL ~ • Lo(:ked gar. w/I.: :.tor. • •D'W. pallo. lndry rm •Sp..•1:1al t·abmet s p:iec •Gas lwat. gas cookini:. g.L, hot water all pd. • ,\tlults, JIU J>cL-. . I rm S!!JS mo. tn mo :!323 !-.:Iden .\' e. C tll t>lti-003:! w lrpk. b1J.! lot. :!Uti::! I)\\'';..; Pr o pl' rt y 111 :J Br. 2 Ila, dhl J.!.lf'. O\<'r Wall ul'e. ::;:i;,u rn11 :! 111-:l>l<OO~I f'oy,11huu:-.c Inglewood. ll,1~lhorrw •.i1ed lot lmmat'. 110 tj.t2.IJ2!t! ,\tlull l.l\10J.(S:1::i11 I r 11 I1· . <'er m p I t· t l' I y remdld \\'alk lo hl.'..lth 6.: to\111 SllOU mo Ph 1;.w.;11~1 WESTCLIFF I BR. :! Ll.\. fpk. flonn·d Y••rd. lrt11l tree~. :! 1·;,r g.tr . "''"H'11iu.... r,ou mu bt & la~l 6i;$ 1;; 15 Mewport Beach 37 69 ..•......••..•••....... Foichollo"" Vi1109e ti:!l W Wd:.on 1itn 211\IJ n :11.-.; OH UNl"l H:"\ •:!br tov.TI home \\ I q >I :.! Hr. ~:JJ & S:.!:10. :"\n pt'l.-., h"'n' 0 .1\. :JOO \'1~·toria ti.JI :!I ii or So. Uay area" p1•1' r.~· a 'c :>:>:!:> m u. -!JI>::! ~l\li:J WILL PAY CASH!! l:!l:Jl 1-l7·:!·UO Jhr lba nu <'Pt pnt .trp live BIG! I lir. S:!JU :111 ~I l'"a Ur. .\v~11l J.in hl .\dull-.. nu pc•ts . {'all &12-1~·1. l'h Tom D'All<'M•andro T.D. PROPERTIES t'.!13 1117 1·6907 or <71t l 511i b:!lll ;i nyll m (' or lil4>S.11)·~'>21 aft Gpm \\•ar Hound 3 Dr, 2 ba, <'pl~ drpe.. stove. refriJ:. S500 mo U).9317 all 6 pm. -------3222 Rentals ....................... ••••••••••••:•••••••••• 11\111. 3 Br. f'am1h . :! fplc, Housn funushed 11ct•.1n '1cw S!IOO mu. •••••••••••••••• •••••• • ... :tJ_C,.,..~ Balboa Peftinwda 31 07 ' · •••••• • •• •• •• • • • • • •• • • • 3 Ur hou~"-'-t·r1n~. drp~. C)l'EA:'\FHO:'\T-l lir :: h;t fir,·pl;il'l' ::;:,oo nru hom1' a\ <111 l"ch thru Ju i.111 K'!lli Iv. Frpll'. Yt ai.h rl n . 1bh1\hr :! l'olf g.ir '\c JicL' SiSOr mo 1;14 ti;;>.:! LOCJlna Beach 1148 ......•......••....•.. Thi~" .11·h;1rnwr • :i Bil.~ li.1 .. clt·n. J lrpk-. P;.it111 s:;:!.) \lo , } t·:.irl~ l':.iul :\lar1111 llllr IH I ;:111:1 1;;;) 5\121 1m·u )d. \..1cb OK. ::;:r.:'l !J.IJC.oni:n.·::.~ 7~1 1.!105 3242 • •••••••••••••••••••••• -I BR2 BA, new rpL-.. & ulll Walk to Sh .. 38 '"·[l· pa al S-150 mo. C .ii t ' ops r , ~ • a 551).:!Q;O \gt llOOI. J:ll'UU.I ,\.,k for --'---· -\lar} Ellt-n ~O Jill!! or -I Br. J ha, :!200 ,,1 rt ~ 1371 ·•h't 1244 Cornt>r lot 3105 Lorl·n l"ine Ln. S-175 mo FJm1he" 5-lS.. 750b ••••••••••••••••••••••• :.! l:lr. I h.i duple\' 111111!. lgc t'.'nd. yard. S111i.:k l'<ll g:.iragt'. 11..1,..her drn·r hook up. \..rds & Jll'ls 111. i52-~. Gary. HWPT HEIGHTS :i U<lrm. 2 bath. lgc ram . ~~.' pu<ll',, m~!l)' \II .1:0. s.J,;i mo.!)(,_! !1131 L'm\ l'k 111. 3 Br :!', Ila. + h11nu' rm. (hfurd. :s.}:!5 :Hi it» I. H:l:J :1:.! I;, RENTALS :.! Bil. I B;i 5:11.l :.! UH + 11. :.! h.1 ::;:,110 J !Ill. :.! ll;i . S·li'.i :1:1.; :1 llH. 21 / ha ~Ii 5 1!1,> 1 llH. :t•" ha s:ioo Ii:.!.-, 11 UH. 3 Ba. . . StiOtl lli.i ;, Bil, :1 Ha . .. Slii.-1 3 1Jll2'1ba ll\11m s SGilO Lake Forest 3255 ..........•............ ** Ari Ebbatson 2013 Mcramar Balboa You arc the w1nnl'r of :! lf\'l.' llt·k1•L\ wunh ~I I lo HOllDA Y OH ICE at thl' .\:"\.\J tt:rn l'0:"\'1-::"\TIU:"\ n::-.:n:n Ot-c· :!it h Jan hl. Fr1·•· I 1d;1•h ~"'''' lur I> I I' J 0 l Ji <I r :I 1' I 111•rformanl'c .... ('all Ii I:.! 7>1171:1. \' \ t :1:.a:J. t" durrn your I tl·\.."b * * SPECIAL 3 Br 21 ~ Ba condo. nc" I> ik'<.'()f'd Opt ;I\ llll. J a n 1 ~mo 1>-102!1KI Bluffs I le' l'I 2 Bil :.! h.1 Beaut. p:.ir\.. lo1·;1tu1n -~ Age~6"11·113:J 11\'ll I Br. t-'Jm Hm. l'lc.in. 11r1s.;radl•1I. par\.. \IC\\' XJ11l l'IJO\I ~·;; .. mo ~u 21x.s It\ Y:-.llClll I·:.-.. diarn11ni: :J Hr. :! B.1 hofllt•. lill 11' cl-.hYt~hr lplo-. IH'.lnl l'I;.:-.. I l1lk lia\, S:11ill 213 .;1:> :!il.111 (;1tE1\T HECHE.\TIO:"\ S\\1mm111.:. "auna:. :.! h1·alth (•luh:.. t11lt1JrJ~ night lq~l"ttcu ll·nn1'I t'•lllrt-. Pru & pro ~hop i:olf 1lriving ranjlc. part~ room F L' :'\ i\ (' T I \' I T I 1-: S 1-'ullllme director. lro•t• ~11<l,1y hrunr h. llUq "· trip'. parlll':. . .,port ll1Un1:.1ml'llt~ & moro•: •LGe tMllO & o•nc. i;urui;c •1\dult.s onl \' Pool & JaCUlll av .. 111 ---- Woodland Village s.is Paulunno ~;iut1ful. nt>w. adult apb Crea\ location :! i:ioob. '.!jJ('U/lh ~lo\ c 1111mmed1Jlcl> Bachelor S2:!5S:!1:1 I Bdrm !'!!b.J ::>..!7., :! Hdrm S:?'Jj ~J~j !lent al OrfH·•· Opt•n Ua1l) ~I h ThL ~l a11u)!l'llll'lll i:M lbll or ti I:! lti():I \\'ec;t S1<fr·I Ur. hlln!t drp,, S:!2S mo avail I I 7ll 5!1~ ll am1ll on. ~&!I ;:11:1 !'\cw :! br. gar<ll'n patio. U W, pool. adults ~A\ ocadn. 5"ll-8'191 LA MAMCHA APTS . L.:e :.! br gJrdcn apb & 3 br twnh:.•• lJ:.hwhr, bl1n-.. 1•1wl ~ar. cat-hb<t' 1'1~11 Ga., pd i7J:S Scott Pl 1;.tl Jlli:I LS.:\' 2 hr, ~ ha !tludto. Co<:ta Me:.,1 S2!15. mu Avml. Jun. 2nd. !J\:lll·Oti:>ll \l(Aft:\IER. thr w guc~t ltw. SJ50 hr!>I & la~L 1 dcp. ,\va 1I 1 15 '7 19-\.1:1131 rradt• vnur c.ld -.tuft' for lll'W ~llOtllt:'t \\Ith a (.'la.,~llll'dad.1:12.:.tiil'> :J llr. t.1m rm. t1pl1'. rlshYthr. m·w c·rp1-., tlrp ... 011 1he Lakt• :\t••\ :lhr, 211,1 ilN;whl'l.l 1'1\ nhnw L'11h & drps. Pn\'all' :.pa 1111 111 a '1 l'r btl rm . CI tllJ lul·1ht1cs 87\-:Jl!tl9 11.trbor \'1l'W llom<'" :1 hr :!'•ha. 11:1• lam rm.:!~\.\ hu1.:t• lli.ltlO. qut('l loll' \'l.111g s1::111 ~-,,."bit• ll'l'llb l>llllill Ill-: \L."l'J 1-'l'L ,\l'TS "111Alcs. t&.:! hl•tlrrninl" ~'urn & unlurn. ~l otkb llJX.'ll d <lil) 111 lO 7. lttHlfll mall' -.en1ce a\;111. .:>-o ll':i~e ~<1uir<'d. Surry udul~ ooly. no pc\s WESTIA Y TRIPLEXES COSTA :\I ES\ H HA!'\O N I·:W :\J0tlnn Duplex. For lnfor mallon <.:all i;1:i 5X55 Success r.oat ! 9456 1oy,.22Y2 "" 1lT 6.1\iw. 11f ~-r~ Baby, Baby! 7058 P1otect !),by from drafts ind cold wilh lt1is s11uc set. BABY A BABY with a J)ltl· ty. cuddly sel Croclltt cap, 1ackel, booties of J.ply f•t>Ctf· 1n1 yarn 1n easy palte!n stitch. Pattein 7058. d11ect1ons fol 6 to-12·montll Slit. SI.ZS tor mil patte1n Add 3~ tKll pattern IOI lust class Stw our SUCCCSS COAT-111m111 and llandltne Stfld lo: Ahte lfeoU ii s J(lu"I· claSSIC. U&hl ll>f any Needlecraft Dept . 10S tune• No Stt·1n sJetwts. no compl1cattd dt1J1ls-choose Daily Pilot doubltkn•ts. wool bltnds loi lU. Ol4 CM4MI Sta., Mtw Punted Patte1n 94~6 'fort M'f 10011. rri11t llMt, u.ir S. 101 12'-4 Mdrm. Zip, r1tttr11 •~mbtt. "" . lts l , ...,, I '>S V~Ul oat~~ 1978 N([OL( t61i. 18\,, 20"· 21~ Sue !~Iii CRAn ul•lor Choose from ·(bust 37> taUs l\< 'Ill' SO 22~ dts•cn~. 3 lrtt 1n$1C!e. All Sc-4 Sl.2S It! •~ P1t1tn1. a alls, lln11, Ctochet ~nd 1st M4 ~ "' ..ell l'lttant lot £.Mr~ '11' ~-SlJO flflt-deD .... 11.-:... , .... ~ Setl4 . • _ • ...,.... • ........ .Sl.50 tt: Stiff '11' M Qliltts ...... SUS JllAIWI MAm• St1tc11 '•' Plkfl Q.11ts ...... sus Cl9clMt Wlttl ~ ...... Sl .• Pattern Oti>t. «2 Cltdllt • .._.. ........ SlM Oallv Piiot llltb f"'7 QllllJ .......... Jt.• ...... --~ ........... 11·• tn w. ••1111 St .• ...., '°"' s.w a bH ............. 1.rs ., 101ll. '""' .. ,. • • ................ lJO DIUS. ZlP, sm M4 mu n..c.-..-. ...... suo •UMata. l Hlitplll Ctadlet W ..... JlJO ~ SIO lol$ OOwhtn ~u sew 1lllt.lllt ~ W. ...... SlM 11 yourself' 011 of n "' cttt~\. i.c... ...,... ....... s1.• 1141111 top1. lotal W«drob~ I.._. ~ W ...... Sl.• 111tte1n1 111 NlW IALL WINTER c...-citt M ....... SIM PAnlRN C'.ATM.06 Cov!!f!n IOI ~i 114 .... Sl.• ~11r 11111~111 I• Stlld 7St U Prin fU ........ 7Sf , .... ~ ....... $1.00 ..... • #1 ....... n. llllMt(.-W, .Sl.00 a .... #! .... ~ --~W .. $1.00 lS fMIJH .• , .. nt ,.. .......... Y• $1.st .. II'"" .......... ~ & puint \ll'"" \\•rch• s.11;;,. mo :>10 tiiji ,\, c11I I 15 BEAUTIFUL MESAVEROE Spa.-101h :Jhr. :.!ll.1 Fam rm. frpk. hltru.. nu erpt. Jlt.1t·hl'll i.:..ir. fnnl nll :'\o l>l't!> s.150 mu . lf523 C.otPUS .0.· /RVIWE ~l!-1 I IJH or 1;31 I :..'ti# -"[\uilt·r<'k'I. -I 111 l.im rm. e Toro 1232 dm rm :! h.1. \ WYt ot l'l'I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,\\Jal \IJn :JrU. L''-" ~per. lmdy :J br. 2 h.1 c;nlnr. Yt.llt•r. a,..,1111 lpl<:. npl. lt•nl'l'O ~ti. due:. pd II\ mtnc•r S:li:l Newport hoch 3269 ••.•.••.••...•.•....... !Jclu\l' C:undu. :! lrg hr,. :!', b.1 \\' I> <, .ir ! '11111 .I ,ll'U//1 S 1.111 ~u:.! 111!1 FINER HOME Sh.11 p llJ1 . :!l>,1 lormal flf(; C: \:\'YOX .\h~ul11I " 11111 rm r11m1111' rm . I) sma,..hrnl( \u ~u,l.1 :!iOU.'t It b.1t·k h.1\ ·"''·' 1'1.in ,\ ma,.1,•rp11·tl' ut \1.111 1mnll'<I :-1;:,o clr.1m.illt' dl',1r.:11 \\ 11 h un •>I.:! •1;11;i ,..urp.""l'd gol 1 1·1111 r-.l• Ill'~· 3 BH. & oll'n Ott•Jnlront llo ml' :>'i!.1.) \111nth Jl.int•ll,.I. 'hwl I l·r' n fll HASTINGS & CO. ~r I~ 1.~1: :! Hr_ 1 ha. ,1-:.11 Oa.kw oOd G.uden A par t ments Me_,.n hec"/~ Kl1IJ l nme •at l7th • ~IJ.~,O Me-.,.orl le-WSowtti I iOO lfilh ,-=1 I DO\ \'r JI lfil;' l 1>12 llliO REAL.TORS 640-5560 tii5-25.:17or 111 •1$-l·O!YiU 3280 ~~~~~~ Santo Ana I llr From ::;;!Ho :.! Br From :>:10:1 :l Hr . .!. IJa From S:r.>:; Bcautllul 11t·~ :J un1l IJU1hlins.;~. ~Int lt>(',1t111n nl'.lr So Co.i 't 1:1.11 .1 l'h1IJr1tn v. clt•nm(' :-.:o ~·t~ lfrnlal olfll'\' OVl'll d<1rl~ IO 5 ~Ill Hukcr !'ti. I hlk \\' 1>f l3r1..,lol ;)57 :iii:) 2Ur Duplex. l m1 trom ocean. o.1.tr & 1>(:1rdner pJ. lncd hkyd tii3·nl58 OC11M1Pomt 3826 .........•..•.......... l'anor.1ma \ ll'Yt . new t•ln~ :!IJr. :! b.1 + tlcn l·pl~ :".o Pd" \htr l!lti 1o<J7 I licclroom apl. ~.ir .1i:c. I rrule lo bo. ,1l'h \l 0.1nJ 1'01nl -l!l:l.C>J7.J I.Id'> Jll'L'> ~1·ll00mc S:J!15 .\i:t :.11 JltJ2 Lu,un· Condo. J bl.•llrm. 3 Sh;1rp I lwdrm. :! Ila bath.'dl'n, walk lobcJC'h _ !Jti3·45ti7. Agcnl. no I l'l' T\t1lhse custom 2Hr. :!Ha. \\' <'Ph. l1·nn·d :,aril. Poul. l l'nlll!>. ::,i;;;u mo ·······················11m-.... _____ __ SuPt.'r \ JIUl' :i br. :! 1>.1. fplc. UW, 1·arpt·l'> 1\111 .. & pcl 0 1\ S:Jl!:>. !.IH:J l~11ii BACHELOR APT. LA CASA ILAMCA Bach. 1 lr·A•I How ,\II ut rli; pd . <'pts. <lrp:.. pool, lndry fac·~ Adult~ oH•r ;$~. no pct" o r 1·hilrlrcn CJll Sur 5~6-7707 or llenry &12·!1137 2hr. lg1· & mode rn. All nu ,1ppl t'u\ l'rL'fl ~r. cpls ii. drl" $~:, ffill -19X-031X l-:\'l.~ 2 Ur duplex"""'' icw. ~l'" ly rl-dl.'C .. crpt!. & dq.>' ~)·mo t).15 0110 d.iy.:. or -19'J .t;!t:, l'\ l'~ ~11p1:r ..irca S~5. ~:J·-IJ67 I Avail Ill m~. lt>aM' t\sk Agent. no fc..'l!. tor J ay, Agent. &t4·7270 ~ --- \\'e are pleased to announ ce that thi s news paper will ru n t he HOLIDAY ON ICE "Fmd Your Name Contest .. in the ('l<1 ssified section beginning Decemhc·r lfi thru December 2fi. Readers whose names ar<' list('d. (some where in th e classified ad s) wi ll receive. absolulclr free. two re s erved sc at u 'c k c t s t o HOLIDAY ON ICE opening at Anaheim Convention Center, 800 W. Katella Av e , Anaheim Calif. Decembe r 27 th and running through January 1st, 1978. ,,- Y ou m ay find. your na me hidd e n a n yw he r l' i n th r classified section preceded bv t '''o stars < • '*) making you eligible to recei\'e a pair or tickets for a night at HOLIDAY ON ICE as guest o( the Daily Pilot. .·~ ... r I~, . .. ' ~ .. ~, ~ ,,.1 .......... . ..-' ·:" ~: ,~ ........ ~~ .. ~ •• ~ hf"! j~· V: '. ~=? Agent.. no fcl·. .\LL L'TIU.; l'O' 100' lrom lhl' ocean.' Sautft LOCJUnG 3 2 8 6 Semi turn1sh{'(J \\'llll l•-----.... --•I ..•..••••.............. now: :!ill Jo:. Bc1lb1n1 HJvd Charmin it 3 !Ir h'c. I rg \'rly · 8:!5l'I per mn. '.\'() ~undk. ()(·can ,.11 • lrµk, FEE C..:;11 1 Sul· ;.it blk from r)\t bd1 \rill" r~!">Jt~·~;~;-~.m~.l~fl~)'~ll~n~lc~·~~~ $475 incl ulll l!l'J .. 11; I I Westminster 3298 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Almost new. 1 lwdrm. 2 i1,1 w I f p I c. U W & t' p I :.. P r cs t 1i:1uu-. neighbor hootl ~ 175. 963-4567. Ai.:ent. nor .... Bea ut. 2 sMry h11mt'. :1 br. 2 ba, W/fplc. IJW, l'Jll'.. St25. 963-15(17 1\i;1·11l. no fC't.' 3425 ····•··········•·••···· 1-\~D:\t \RI\, ~lagnoha "1lant11 JI B .'r(lults ontr. O\'t'r 10 :\Ii I hon S rt'l' far1l St:l·unl). all :.ippll<' !J00.1:166 t•\'{'~ OCEANFRONT :1 11H. :! ba. yrly . S59S STEPS TO IEACH 2 Br , houM' unr. SJi.i associated BROKERS-Rl Al TORS l OH W l olboo4''1HJ .'-:wpl f: Bluff, 2 slra 1ghl prof men !>Cl.'k :Jrd to .,hare l1itc ocn tu horn~· w pool s:mo mo. incl 11111 • m.1111 & i.:rilnr •·llh~ ~tnants lMumlsbHI ...•......•............ Duplexn Fvm 3550 G«Mral 3802 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :.! Dr. 2 ba. a ll bltni.. I rpk, l.'lll'I. ga r .. l1al <:o ny. J,aundry rm S325. Thi. :\lgrnl 6·12 lll03 '.! Br. I' 1 lw lownh•>U.;l' \\ patw. filU Joann :-,1 Small pcb ~Ill ilJJX 2 br townhw :! hr a t>l w pool &J.1~·u111 6-15 2.t!J8 ---- ...._,.incJton B•och 1840 .........•............. SllAHP :I Hr dl'luXl' lw.1l'h unit. [) W. lrµl1-. pal111, ,.:ar .\\ :11l 9'il,·:!.'J;)I! BRAHDHEW :l l\r .11>l c-ondo-.. 1•or1\ ,. mcnt lol'. 5 umh J\ I ~ 11Ml up !11>11 507. Ii 10 1i;11 1'1•w dl'lu'<<' lw11ho; ;,pf ~ I~ Jbr :!l)a lpk bltn!t WIJ hkup p;illo dhl attarh Rar SJ!!,; s.15 :Jlil~I. !463--12111 •Z.l:>:\11::.';ADH • J..o\'ely & new 2 Br 2 U..1 upper. O'looks. S,\ Coon· try Oub. 631·1816 1 RR. pcl 0 1' $2..'>0 mo 3:!h ---------• J:llh Sl. C..11 Jll S:30 •• 8doft P•arca• 22842 Mantcauo Dr. LOCJUnCI Hlgu.a Yoo are the v.·rnner of 2 fn.'<' t1rkct.:. wurth S14 tu HOllDA Y ON ICE atlhl' .\ili.\111-:DI CONV'E~TION o;Nn~n D<>r. 27th-J an. ltll. Free T ickets gl)od for Ut>c. 30th o r 31 st !itiO <l~S:? ----Ll\'k: :'liear The Reach· • Cosadet Sql Bc.>au11ru1 Adult Apt!> <;,,., & Wa1t•r Paid. i!ltilil Urool..hur,l. 1113 962-6653 2 l3H. 2ba. frpl, 0 '\V. ~.1r ~:i:!:1 mo . 2 l ti l :! UroiH-hul'llL, 55i -1579 ~ ~-~ 2 Bdrm with gar:1s.;<'. 11\r bcuch. $260/mn. Cull 9H2·37>3.1 ---performances. Cdll " d I MboaP.._.CI 1107 ,,t>w Ix 4P I'>.. J Br. W'...,... 642·5678. t·Kl. .J3J, to 1"rplc hltns '" hk <!br. rondo. Pool, enclosed uur. Child . OK. Hl'fs. Garden Gro~e. S300 m o. Cnll 848-1188, Tim Moran "''""' ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'laim your tirkct:.. • ·' "''' p . •r..a.cH V .. C .. TIO... y:ird. g:1r SJ95 545·XOI. -"' "' ...,. N:re harh. $190. Res p. * • 2 BR. 2 both uppPr udlt. Ut il pd, No pets. 106 ---------1 962·42l~ duplex tastefully rurn & E &ly t\\'e. apl 9. Cotto M.sa 3124 Costo_M_e_s_a ___ 3_8_2_<4 decorated 1.g. bolC'On) -•··~··••••••••••·~··••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• w/parlial o<'can vll'IA Coronctdet Mar 3822 StePli tu beuch & 1111hlir ••••••••••••••••••••••• lCMi~ ,\\a1l. 'Lil Ju1\l' 1.1: 21Jr. 18 3 , Cre:-hly $3.15 mo <HJ<! 1 1wnll'1, slll\'C & rcfrll! .. l'auJnBulleyl>42·823~ '>OWlh of hwy. udulL". no pru. ~ mu. 67~-569;-, L.ge lbr apt. Gr(!al toe. r\u ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'huttPr s. G:tr . Avail 146oaP ... sula 3707 1 I 78 S.-.,0 213·..i.29·5!131 ···········~··········· Lge 4 br upper, all appl Acroe.s rrom brh. Winter onl)•. SS2S/ lnO. 962· t 904 2 Br. I hath, aarage, paliO $3SO. ca11 640--002.8 &lrh Apl. rurn. Ste.~ tc SHARP bd\. S'l2.5 P~r mo. \"rl)' =~~:.: 1122 APARTMENT ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. l lln. 2 story. Com• lbroploo lhe b4'ach. pV1 munlt y pool. 43~2 ·~l. '~· e ate. /\\'I ll ShorertC.Rl. S?OS mo . for yeor round occupan· 675·2311 ,\GT. Dil)S. NO C>'· $3."..U mQ. 213 !>28· 11144 FF.£ • ....... ._ 3724 -----............. •• •• • • ••• • Z St' 2 811, llkl' ritw, 2 tar UOW. & Uft atar. wu ber/dr)'t . $t45 c. • ..t&A ..... ,. mo. 75EM13l , 494 2006 ~."'>J ._.toom -----MaJdeervire. pool BlG cozy lbr, frt>t. ~I. -~81,C M. Sn-I/married opt. No .. -tnM M$-M1 pell/ ctu"W $350. 64(). '7030 1 BEDROOM +. DEN APTS • • l Bedr'oom. 2 bath • Ove r 1000 ~q. ft. • Large balcoru es • Walk-in closets. •Pane.ling & rirepla~es •And m uch much more! 557-8020 9 AM-5:30 Pl\l every day . editerranean ViUag • 1977 DAILY PILOT 0$ ~dd it...Bu1 td 1t. Oic"\per it ... Hammer it ... Coroel t ... Cement it ... Wire 1t...Hoe it .. Clean 1t. .M ove ... Press 1t ... Paint 1l .Na1t 1t. .. Pta st~r 1t • Fix 1t ·SERVICE DIRECTORY Plumb 1t. .• Pat e 1L .. 1pe 1 ..• emoae 1 ... Roof lt...Landscape it... Tile it... Trim it. .. Sew it. .. H au I it... Add it. .. Plant it ... A l ter it... Learn It.. . ~~~~~ ...... ~-~~~~ ........ ll & J Apphunce Sen l \uiwt Man will I uy your!! TRIP ~1 1Anca:s1 0 o r mine. fl1·p:ur:1 & • 202SS. l\lum, S ,\ d canmg 1001 l iuJr "orl- *-2422 9:\1 Olli:J Jl b111ger ~U\ mg:. !-'rec ..-~ ..... 1, t>-1.5 3b4t. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ShumjJO() & :.tc.1m d 1•,111 Biaby:uttm~ mr hOml.', .. :1 Color hrightt•nc rl>. "ht Toro, Lakt• Forest art•a. qlls 10111111 blt·u1·h Cit-an Wkly, wknd!.. O\'cr n111ht lt v, 1h11 rm, hall $15. ,\\'g &emcr11enc1c:.. 581 ·::i'i20 rm S7 5(), cw<'h SIO, chr $.'> t;u,1r ehm pd odor Ccrpetltet" C:pt r epair 15 ) rs ,., pr ••••••• ••••• • •• • •• 0 •• • 0 Uo "Ork m ) 'd r IC.·h 0 O 0 HS. w 1 n do w :; , 531·0101 <' u b 1 n t! l s , s h c I ,. e s . ---ltou~h l l1n1 -.h. Ptekup CotMnCJ \\'Ork t)..12 b'783 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ----f'orthcop..•na1r.,1lr,iir All Inte rio r re modt'ltn ~. occas i o n 1>e r .. n n al paneling. 1·ubmcls. room s1·n·1re. Cabana C1ter re prod Ut' l 1 o n . .!-: n~ s ini; ti45·l!ti511 b"75· 14il7 C.,,.nt/Coftcret• \VOODWORKS. :.ill types, ••••••••••••••• •••••• •• cabinl'l,,, patios. lll1· \I.I. Conc rete "''"" remdls. somt: d,·c. h1 Ulock. lmd -. ~lu mp & qua!. l'rompl :.\ c. frt·l· 1-on~rt:k w.111' :wcurll) t.o:.l. &1.2 li:l>I Bwltlt•r-. !SJ.I •11111 The ta!tte!tt draw 111 ttll' ,\.,phult 'Cont:rl'll' & 11·~·e \\"cbt. . a Ouily Pilot rl·m o\ ul & 1'lt-.11111µs . Clul>,lftt:d \<l P hon1· Fre e E:.l. ti:ll ·5078. f>.12·5ti18. l.1e1:ru.ctl. Apartntenh Unfwn. Apartments u..turn. ....................... ..••..•....•.•.•••..•.. ~~~.~~.?!.~~ Newport Beach 1869 ...................•... I BR. I b.1 .• c a rpl·b. dr,1rx.-s. rt:fng. & "u:.hci Lar l!e :Jhr. :!h.1 jp\ Sun I urn. S:!SO \lu llt>J·l2·12 tl1•t·k, :! blkl> lo bch ~3'.!5 ------m•1 vrl). :!IJ.I .t:Jrd St. LOIJU"a leach 3848 1·~1 1il•i.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Luxury ~·nlhousc. 2 br. :! "''"' & lov1•ly cluplt•x. :1 ba 11111 rm trpk hiL! hd r m. :! h,1 ;\pl Ilg!:. v ,·c \I 11'1 0 1.1,.' t,, ,.,;,:,o mo 111:> :!I l l ur cio\\ n l 11\\ II l) I j .; 11111 i.11. "11~1 •l!}I :!Jill\'\ I''>. !IJ7 U:!>t.! (. hO ll"t• l'onllo :it goll courM-. 3 UH. ~ lo .1 . \aultt't.l c1?1I , lg1· d1·1·k. IIl't:'>, pool, wshr d r)l'I $450 )!11 \J.:t !ti I i.'illl Sup..·r I hr, lri;. un1ciu•· features, 1111•an v iew, blk SUB-LUSE :1 llr. Z ba. frpll-. g,1r:.ig~·. p;1110. Lo~t rnomrnatl'. \"ou ran h.1 \'l' I :t'l mo 's n ·nt & dl'JXN I. Jus t S 175. mo yrly & its your:-. 2 hll-s IK'h. Ava il. imml'd. lii5-423tl Jft ti pm io lX'h. ,\dill>. No pets. W. Nwpt llt'h :Jllr. :!ll:i , $350. 49-1·3280 49'J·~f.i0(). part I y I "r n , h It n :-. . ----cbhw~hr. JliOOsq It . rpl~. LOC]Ufta Hi911ef 3852 I r µt.-. ~ rl v :S5:lll m o ••••••••• ••• •• •• • •• • • • • t>t.:!·2565 :..tit t,P \1 :0-We I & :! lir. S2H5 & UJ> pool & rt·1· roo m qu1t"t Ul"l'LEX :.! hr ~ dc11 I ;i.rt<a IOI iitili • Blk to h1:.1l'h. Y1o;HI) 1,·usl'. S-l!J5'mu 1;:11 1o:J:! Newport leach 3869 ••••••• • •• •. •. • • • •• •... San C!etnenie l 8 7 6 PARK NEWPORT ••••••••••••••••••••••• flu c h l' I 0 r.. . 1 0 r :! Sp.trl.lmi; ~Ur:! llu t·u~do. Bedroom.' & T•iwnhou:o.t·, g;1~· nu~!. "~~1111~ 1 tl'W. From S:!H 50 ,t!.1 mo t;J:I 1 i-0 I .t 11 Spertacul.1r sp a, lulal 1 Hr. Sl 'i.) mu t "t1I p1I r eC'rcalw11 prog ram. Walk to c\'l'rv thtng . 1-0<.·1al prol(ram. 7 pools. H 1~ 1709. 211 Gr;1n:111.t tenn1i. t'Ourb l\l Va!thmn - --- bl:.ind, Jumbort•e & S:rn T11Stin 1890 Joaquin 11111.., Hoad ••••• ••• •• • • •• •• • •• • • • • (714) 644· 1900 NOW YOU CAN AFFO RD !\JEWPOr, T BEACH Park Newport ... Croi9 Stannard 1480 Def Mar An. LGCJllfta leoch You are the winner or 2 I rt-c uckl'ls worth SI I to HOllDA Y OH ICE al tlw \' \I 11-: 1)1 «O;\;\"E:O-:TIO:-; LL'Xl'HY \l'T 1.1\"1:-;c; n ::-.;nm UH·rlookmi.: The W.1\l'r 1>1.·1·. :.?i1h J:.in Isl • l'rl'1' Tit kell> ltOOd lor Enju) S7.)ll noo s p,•r U 1:1·. J Oth o r .11s1 tjl"\Jlar s p;1,7sw1mmmA p1•rl ormant'l'b . ('.tll p1lOls. 8 lighted court:-.. ti12·5678. e xt :1:1:1. t o miles ol btkc trails . put· clJ1m your l1l'Kl'l'>. ling ... hut llt·llOurds * * ................••••..• ROOM ADDITIONS Apurtmcnb &. lloubL'b Kttehen Rem\Xll·hnt: Ph1n"> & Finuncini: '' .111 l''or free t'l>t c;ill 1>31 30!!~ Ken Ahn•nlJcrg & Hill Sht•rbarorr IXO\'I·: L1n•ru.L-d & Uonch•d R J llufrrnan & S111\. G,·n Conlr U..:.10 111 ,\It & 1\1hl, p a t 1 o l> 1· a b 1 n ,. l ~ . torm1C'a Ntw rort'l. ltr-:o. & eomm ·1 111:; 11; 11 ur ~ 4~11. Ltt· & bun;J,·d Bectrical .•...•........•.......• ELECTHIC \L SEH\'l\'E C1\1.l-'i SIS hr. & S \I.\ I.I. J 0 BS 8'1:.! ·l!Zl:l lkdrical ••••••••••••••••••••••• ELY.ertUCIA!'\ l'r1ecd rt~hl·lrce c11l1 mall· 0 11 lar;:e or sm.UI )Ob.!> IJl't"f\SL-cl li7:1 0:159 .................•..... R1011c1 clan"!: rm :set, lo:('" nu1nl.' wooll Jn(•ludcs buHel. tublc & tl c hair:1 ~7-iti06 Gcrdeftinq ......•••••.•.......... Wt-;t:OING·CLl-:ANUl'S Wr<!kly Malntenanrt' 1-'rt'<' l 0St &l2·!1'.J07 U11: It l.;intbL·;,pe )f .1111· lcnann· )\ow & Ed~t· Full ma1nl. hauling. dcan·up,, r otot1llini;. l-'r1..'t" i-:,1. ti75-551ti GtMral S...-•ic~s ......••..•.......•..•. Sk1ploucJ11r. 011mp trut•k JI au lini;. l l"l'l' work. )!rad1ni;. di! mu l'lt' 1131-1257 HauliftcJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ()('(' STUDl-:~T. Bil( J I ton trv<'k Trash, trim, ett· Kandy ""2 5703 HouHd""4nC) ••••••••••••••••••••••• Want a R fo;Al.LY CLEA:'I: llOUSI-;? C.111 l;ingham Girl. Free elit &-15·5123 SUNSHINE GIRLS All types or home & orcicc t l e ;in1ni: pac l-a ges. Special Apu. & IL~: work. Bonded/insured. ~·ree l'bt!l & 1nst:mt :.cr\11t:c. 5-W·9~&5&2·0245 Hubbard a~ctrk The lmma<-ula ll' Cll'.mmg i,~ .. Wi I J lt\,'ll)\')t\N: Carpcntr~. Co. \'OUR SATISI" \C l.Jl Jt71JO l'lcctncul. plumlnni.: & T IO:-! Gl'AH 759 o37i noor:-. l'h ~i ·27H7 Hubbard Sectnc I .11• :t.'7136 1, l:i i.Hi I SPECIAL OFFER l'o,t L11(ht in:o.tall1•d ~Wor l~s hi:J !'>01:1 l!:.t\'l' :-omclh111i.: you wanl 10 :-ell".' l'l.1ss1rwd ads do ii well &12 5671! Sdhn~ anything with ;1 Daily Pilot Cluss1r1ed Ad 1s a simple matter Just call 042·5078. Office Rentol 4400 Office R...tat 4400 ~s/ln-..st/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Finmtce EXECUTIVE ROW, Inc • ••••••••••••••••••••••• lminess Opportunity 5005 ..•....•..............• SAN CLEMENTE l'l't Shop & Grnommg. lld1rmg artt>r 7 good ~l·;u-:.. Fine loca tion & d 1l'nlcli.•. Ht;HTIIA 111-:Nll\' KEALTUHS Mmonry P~r_,.nn9 "-a .... /Repair TrH ~Ice ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• llrn•kwork. Small 1obs. YOUNG :\!AN 5 yr:. l'lq Jr Nt•WJ)Ort, co~tJ ~l l"b<.I & Ill walleovcrin g. Fret! In 1m• 675-:ll75 e\"l'!I. est.. ... l).i>8576 Andy ramttnciPaperin9 ••.•..•••.••..•.......• 1'1:.1'1.;HS l't\INTING f:xpr'd. Rt•a s ltull'S. !-'rel! ~:st. l".111 Gene ~().1511 PllOl-"~'iSIO~ \I, l';i ml· 1111: Inter t::i.t.o r ltl'Js , 11oork guar f3.12 f\Jlil:i Pt11ntlng. Extr/ln~r. Ex · Prof paint'.: & pa~rh;ing init Clt".u'I. "ork s:uur \''rel· l':.t !J 57 U:l 11 . ~·-l:Jll3 Paint Your Costt~ ,\\'eral(e 1-:xtr l Stry S:J'J5 2Story ™s. lntrS.t!lrm PrH'C:. incl malrl labor Guar/lnsr-F'ree l''l Lic~t. Tro 636·7UH5 pr'cl. honest nl·ul. rt us . MICHAELS PAINTING · L.1c'cl!JG.1.1().15 l)uw ext. houses & comm P1\TC1l Pl.ASTk:HINC: Ht>mov.1b . 1r1mm111i.:. ,\ 11 t y p e s . I-' r c c pru111n~. l'Tl'<' 1·-.l. l.ll"·J . es_!l~'l. Call ~O·&l.2S (111ly IJISUrt'tl ~..:_ll2!15 ......... Wotwbeds ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• llOMF.SA\'Jo:ns l'lumb Pint> & :-.0 11 11 011k mi.: & llt:atlllt( Fri•,• 1•11l, wJterht'(ls ~mpl\'11· llnl' SIO hr ll0tw~t & rehublt< & 11l'1' Hv,11w11 1.il1lc o;~·n•<'t'. llol\. '.\I (" 01\. T1•rry·.,. Nwpl ·UU)' 7~1·3150Cll'IM7·0JX3 t>.1.2 Olli! ,\ny plumh111L: "ult•rl---------- wn ll-.1k:. li.1thro11m t•nd. cc ram11 till· l<eai. 832·2-lllli Roofln«J ......••.....•......... $1.62 per DAY 'Olllt's ALL you pay lur .1 lnlerw r. cxterlOI' pJint 1 n i: S u p r (' m e workrnan.,h1p. C;1ll J ack 961! 711:1-1 bldg's. 615-5141 art. Spm ROOFS 1-'0lt Ll':SS ,_·-toM pailltift9 ,\II types. (1n j J1 "' ;111 ._... ~'ree c~l. ht· liond 'tl. Ill• :wda)' au Ill thl• PHOFF.'iSJ01"1\I. PH EP & PAl:\'TlNG r-;XTEll . !leas I n:.r. l.1c 23ti7 I l. Frel' l'::-1 6J!Vi391 I lou~l· Pa111ling. 10 yr:. l'\ · pr ~li. C~1 areu.,, I' )I S~IALL -J\IY l'Rlet-;s A H I': S M ,\ L L H o 11 &12·6799 Extwior SfMciallst ~r. &>mor rlf "'''" tli.,t•nt 15yr• IOC•I refs. Lit•'d K!).1.().1'.!l a11v11rn1• hundcd. insrd & guar • work. F'rei!esls. Won't be ROOFS ll1'tallt•<l taclun underbid. 1138·1081 d1ret'l; e~tah :IS ) r-. Call Pfmter/Repair ••••••••••••••••••••••• VERY NE,\T PATCH JOB..'i &TEXTUHE f'rec l'lit 893· MJ!I ! !amid Gunn ;H•l 2\Hil ....•...•.............. Cer amic till''· kitchen~. bathroom:-.. & cnl r ys Fret.•esl l"hm·k 5 11H>31l5 DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY 1•1 I r \Ill\ 642-5678 Lost & Found 5300 Ptr'SOMils 5350 Help Wanted 7100 Help Want~ 7 I 00 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• REWARD For return of while long ham.'<I male c:it. Lost I 2 I I S . V ll' 1 9 l h & Attrad1ve Christian g:il 2-1, 5"5". 1251bs. Me<!t ~IO· ct!re guy to 34. P.O. Uox 1148, G.G. 92642 :\lonro\"la. 646-5908 ~terry Chnstmas lo our ----____ , friends from Crew & Found 12115 youni: male Charlie . "S tud:. ol husky, black with whitc. l'hl.'Crio" \'1c Bcuch & I n · ASSEMBLER TRAINEES Needed Immediately Long & short term a:.· i.1gnmcn1s. llol1da y & vacation pay llospital11:allon plan uvailabh>. Start today! Cl en cul Merry Christmas To All O!You 1-'rom R11 a . Chn:.. )ltchclk. Connw. Sally & Cuny ol Coostal Personnef ACJfftCY 540·6055 Prestigious office space In Newport Och/Airport area. Tasteful reception lob- by, telephone message service, con- ference rooms, kitchen, beverage, in- outgoing mail service, dictating & copy machines, travel consultants, com- puterized typesetting. Complete secretarial services available as needed. From $290 per mo. 215 l)cJ ~lar 1!12 d1anaJ)Oh:.. II B. 9f.S·7870_ WI TC II Y II 0 L I 0 A\" 11"'1 PLl\YMATE SOUGllT. w-Found Ccmale lmh Setler occ. PETER. 645-57118 12• 21 Vic. Brookhur~l & 2790 I (arbor. CM Cal 17141752· 7170 Roona 4000 Office R...tal 4400 ············•·········· Room w1 k1tchcnetlc SS0 week & up. !N8·975S Sunny Hoom E 1bluff un forn. pll bath, i..1t prt\ St:!.'> + &10 :!810 "\11•c furn"d rm 101· wurk 1ng p1•r:-.on w/p,t ha. ~I:!: mo <: :\1 751 ~;..XH VacotiOft Rentals 4250 •••..••.........••..... Cabin. lhJ.! £\l-ar . 'IP' I 18 S.1..'i up Pool llil. 1•1 r t \". dbl lrpl. l!ll·Blil l Rentals to Shor~ 4300 ..••.•.•.....•......... Rmmtc m•t'<ll·d. f'c ma l1• Sh..irt• 2 txtrm 2 ba a1>l. C;\I :\lu!tt be neat. lle h.1 hl1• 5.'l6-~J.cl0 bcf 11 . 00 1\ )1 & art 6:00 l'M. Ge11l' N1. .. ·d a i.:rcat roommatl·~ Cut hvrnj! cxpcn!>l'S ~ <·au The Or ung1· Count v f>rorl's:o.1onal' House-Mot~s Unltd 832·'11:~1 f)o.•pcnrlable StnCt' 1!17l ~h:1rt· :! ltdrm l ba up-.lr~ i 1~ blk to heh rn :>\B lkrn1e 956·9300 "nrk. li.31 Ht.ii home $1Xi.:lll + ulll 4150 .................•...•• ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR LEASE The most com pet1U\'\' ratl'S in town : F ull y scrv1~'<I & 1mpro\·ect uf fict.'l. Space a\•:111 : J..t~lS & 1533 sq It at 60 pt•r Ct Abo J\':.111. 434 to -1200 MJ It from 1;2' lo 66' per fl Call Prop. ~!gr .. Judy Clark. !133·1!813 or ~top by -1100 Birch St. Suite 1().1 I I .blk rrom () c· 1\1rvo rt. U1rc h at Uovcl. N B Open )IOI\ lhru 1-'r l 8::.>.5.30 SINGLE to J room sultr~ .w :1il r\r OC ,\1rpurl l·\tll !'ol'r\ICL'lo. ;1va1I. Il l dud rcCl'PI. tCI Ulll>Wl'r )Jhont•,, Con r l' r L' fl l"I room. Xl'rOl( m:1ch 1-"ull 't:"Y :-.l·n". for mfu. pl1•11~t c-all 114 !133 Jl.i-10 . THE SHlrY ARD A U1v1,1nn nr lfarhnr l11n•,lm1•n1 C"n FUNKY LITTLE PLANT STORE In pnmc locallon. Anx· 1ous owner mu!tt sell qwckly . ...-uu price 55,000 plus in\'Cntor)'. Owner muy help finance. I furry. t :.i k r :td\IOlllU~e II EAL TOH. !lG2· 17118 OCEA:"ffllONT )lr\RKET )lu!-.l :.ell ' ~ ... t SJS.000.) r. .\i;enl. &42·-1758 Corona cit!! :\I a r h11S1rtl·b~ m .on :.1..-Cl\l-parl n1•r 111 lul I\' t <1p1lal11.1.•d 11 hol,·~ulc l1t1~tnlo;,S. Xlnt up 11011t1111 l\ Call )I r Br own 1~10·!1018 Investment Ad:.ims. HB. 968·3'142 ...-o und . d og s mall l onA h air blk /wht Fatches, fem. Vic. So Coa ~t P l a z a . S .A . s:n ·~7 or 545· l 8 I !I 1-'ound. We1maran c r . brown. male, Vic. Lu Paz & S D . ...-rwy, Lal(. ll1lli. 768 1129 ---- 1.tit.l \"l\'tnlty Bul>hartf &. Elh:.. F. \'. Male Gcrm:i n Slll'pard. Tan with Mlllll' hlaek on fan'. I~ 16 i7. !Jli2 ~1 l.11:-.l , gn ·y •whl l'upµy . brown mark1ni: on hl·:.id & car.;. ~o c·ollar. \"it· <')µrt>~:, Sl S.,\ lits. !lil>·SJJJ ------Opportunity 5015 r"1>urul German Shorth:ilr, ••••••••••••••••••••••• hlk. wht, relnevcr. pup . II vou"re nOl ):t>lllnJ: 13 111 • n •turn on )llll r 111\e:.t· nwnt, call ~andy Hoss. 1\JM Co 837.:17.11 ___ _ MoMytoLoon 5025 ······•·············•·· ht. 2nd & 3rd T.D.'s L<J,\;\;S .\ \' i\ I I.I\ BLF: l'rt'lhl ·nol 1 mport311l Broker, 493·3 I 02 :\loney 1'\v::ulnblc. many ~ources. :.ill projects . S5o" mrn 1.;2 1:052 Mort~. Trvst Dttdl 5035 ............•••••...... LOWEST \ 11· Bal l'cnn. 675·5~13. 1-· u u n d I n j u r e cl b I k Sh1•pherd rem. ,·1c l!llh & Balboa Blvd. 559·5501. ti73 1371 ·----- Fo und : Light Color f> \HAK t::ET . .Costa )l l''>:l nr Harbor 1:11 & S U Frwy. Call 515· litii IO 1dt:nll I~ • LOST . "I:; Prcciou:." 8 mo .. male. blk/wht cal W 0l'a rollar & tag, '"' \\' II tl m 1 I to n . C ~I . nrward ! &16~1010 ---~T: Vic. Brookhurs t & l::ths. 1''tn Vly. 2 d.o~s. female minl·Schnaui:cr. & her 2 mo. old fem<1le pup Both salt & pepper . Rl'ward ! 968.;990 MERRY CHRISTMAS SAGER From your fGYorite Ccrnef'S Personal Services 5160 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• Joan Decot 1800 rcrk Hew port H.wport leach You :Jrc the wtnncr nr ;! ln'l' tit·h L' worth St I l•J HOllDAY OM ICE Jt the 1\~,\J I El :\I <"ONVl-:NTI O:-; CENTF:rt IJcr. 27th-.Jan. Isl F'rct• Tickets good for DI' c :rn th 0 r a Is l pl·rrormancc., C Jll 6.t2.-5ti711, l'X l. 333. lO cl:i1m your llckcl.li .. . 5450 .......•.•.•.•....•.... 3848 c_....1 Drive 546·4741 (Across From Orange Co. A1rporl) Equal Oppor Employer A.SSEMDLEli TRAIN EE SANTAANA Call 5-19·2"75. Autmnot1ve New Detail Shop needs help. Top wage!> paid. Engine Steamers. cng painlcrs, bufrers & polishe rs . up hols tcry s hampooers . JR. CLERK SR. CLERK & CLERICAL ASST Varied jobs w ith & without exper. 111 good ofr surroundings. Call Today! HO FEES to~ office • ~OJ overload 557.0061 3723 Birch St. NU eheck out. p1t:k·up & de·~~~~~~~~~~ livery. Apply at. I· :!059 ll:irbor 81. C)I 645·1030 AVON CLERICAL Goon l) ping. sh optional . Math aptitude . !'hone skills & ab1bly lo accept resp. in fast movjng <'lee· tron1cs business. f\pply. Avnet t;lectronics. 350 Christmas Eamin9s McCormick Ave. CM lecJ'nHow 7SH~)6l. For AVON CLSUCAL REPRESENTATIVES N11tht shirt. 5pm·l :30am Best lime to establish f'inanc1al firm scek:s at· customers. Interes ted? cur. indh•. "/figure ap • * Call S40.70.U or Zenith tttude Xlnt benefits. E~ David Burwood 7·1359 pt?r. helpful. CPI. 11111 24651 Yenoblo Ln. Newport Ctr Dr. NII M• • y• • i;.14·4~!60. a:.k for Sundv llSIOft ••1° Babysitter. sub stitult' t:cill>. · You arc the winnl•r or :! mother needed ror 17 mo. -- lre<'ltl·kets worth SI I to old baby girl. ~Ion lhru CLERK TYPIST HOllDAY OM ICE 1-"ri 1·30 to 5:30. '.\ly Tratnt'<! position for Bill at lhl' home or )ours. )lus t be 1ng Clerk rn Insurance A1'i\11Ell\1 de pendable & have rers. C-0. in 1'wpt Uch Good C'ONV F:~TIO:-; 67!>J736or SS9·S387 typmg skills. Salary l•i ti':~TF:R ---------1 SSOO & good company 0<.'t.'. 27lh-.Jan 1st. BAKER Exp'd or appren· bcnef1Lc;. 833·8450 Free Tickets ~oo<l for lice. Call btwn. MM & COCKTAIL SrnAh• AuraRe O\ t·rh1:ad ~~~~~~------- Apca lnwnts hrnish~ door. S3S :'l;o. 6. 731 W. lllsiMss Rental 4450 orUnfurnished 3900 ltllh Sl.CM tiiJ.ji87 1•\l' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uarhs from SZ7 l.50 mo. ~tRatH 1st T.D.'s, also 2nd T.D. Loons. ~-r· Aust. Shep. puppy. hlk/whl. docked tarl. rem 5 mo·!. old. Vie. £Iden & 22nd. C.M Reward . 548·149-l Del· 30 th or :11 s t _noon __ ._496-_1_.i_10 ____ 1 WAITRESS pcr£ormances C al I 6.t2·5678. e ~t. 333. IQ da.im your tickets. IUUTY OPERATOR Assist. F'/t1me for busy .!>alon. 200 Newport Clr Dr.N.6 . L('am rn 40 hr:. the m ost l'~c 1tang. glamoro us . h1i.:hly paitl profcs:.. lhy or eve sc.c;swns l'lace- mcnl assist. Good job op p()r. Ah o I&:! bdrm pl:.ins 2 :.l<lry townhouses El•·c. k 1tt h. pra \'. patio~ & hal r on1 t!~. c rph . d :-;1pr r1ei.. p,1rk1n ~ clt!1·:.itnrs Optional maid :.en lt'l' At Fas hion l!>land. ,J:.im· boree & S un .Jo aquin Hilb Rd ftorle::umA 1n1orm al1nn . 714/644·1900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• THE 1-;xcrr1Nc PALM MESA APTS. ;\lll\1..:Tl-:S TO:"\ PT BCll na~·h. 1&2 on frnmS220. & up \dull~. No I'd:. 15111 '.\lesa Or. t5 Hlk!> 1-:a sl of :>\ewport Bil c1 l :HG·9!1f.O ---- Rooms 4000 ················•··•··· l\mbass:idor Inn 111 Costa ~11.':>a. 2277 llnrhnr. l'en· BACHELOR PT lrally locatrrl, 235 room!> A • )IANY with k 1tc hen, ,\LLt:TILS PD' phont> & T\" Sw1mm11111 )00' from the o<'can . 1)()()1. j3cuu1, and rce Sem1·rurnls hcd. ,\\·1111 room. Daily & weekl)' now: 201 t::. Halbo:.i Ulvd. rate!> :.tarting from S it! a Vrly. S250 per m n. NO Wl'i!k f'E E . C J II : Sue al &15·1840 __ _ !J56.TI07 anytim e Sleeping rms S7S·SI05 mo. Newport Shor es. I Br . dplx. £pie. 2 Ba. s ngl gar . . .ssoo mo. &IS-7 •150 i\11 SJO. wk Share kil t· bath. Shown l\lon·Sat. Rcrs req 'd. 55tHX>S8 or 548·5954 $430. 3 Br. 2 ba. encl. gar Young prof )fff. Park Blktobeach. Balcony, no Nwpl. NB. $190 mo. pcts. 759·0999 e\IS; 731 ·015( TSL Mgmt 642-1603 dys. ~Mtsa 1824 C_os_t_a_M_es_o ___ 3824 '······················ ···············~······~ Mediterranean Villag •Beamed ceilings, wood paneling •Grasscloth wallcovering •Fireplaces, wet bars •Dishwashers, walk·in closets •Balconies, patios •Park·Uke landsc~ping •Swimming pools, JJc:uui •Lighted tennis ~urts •lllnutes to freeways &l beaches •Security syst•ms assure prlvocy · 1 ... OOM I l•IOOM I W a •-1 • TOWMNOUSI SIN<;t~E C.\HMa: Car or storagt• 4 DB.UXE OFC'S Conf. rm .. scat 25. all panell-<1. :.m. whs e an re· Fatrl.-St Terms 111nce 19-19 Sotttft' Mtg. Co. 642-2171 545·06 I I * * S3S/ mo !Iii:.! 353: E J q c '.\I. d h I c; u r SturaJ(t: onh· S75 per mo &15-0733 or 631 I 95fi ar. 1 or 2 yr ll·:.t~e. Lake H1.-t.1red couple has m oney 1---------- F'o r c \l .irca . l\e nl lolend. tst&2ndT.O.'s Personals 5350 ~yrnt..t& llarkm., A.:ent. Fl37 ·37•1.t ••••••••••••••••••••••• rr.paration 7U·~I 9393 ----------Drinking problem? ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---Sold my home in Laguna Call Alcohol Helpline Jobs Wanted, 7075 Office Rental 4400 Approx 400 sq., ft. C·2, lh'uc h. Will s e ll m y 24hrsaday835·383Q •••••••••••••••••••.,.•• ••••••••••••••••••••••• AC. at 1:JO E. 17th St. S29.550 2nd T .O. for Pn\lateOulyNurs c 65• rER sn FT Sl50tmo Doyle ~· 11611 523.00>. cash. C:ill Ken , PREGNANT? Ll\•c in or oul. "" -----bi:I s.is Car in g c o nfidential IG17WESTCLIFF·NB S280 ls e Storf'·Orr1cc. __ _.. ___ ~-:-----counseling & referral. &'6·2104 Room no. 22 i\GT. 54l·5032 960sq fl under 30=. 19478 ~emtfth/ Abortion. adoption & Position Wanted Res1· 150 I Westcliff Dr. Beach m. 11 B. 842"2834 • ~~ k('('pmg. dent Maintenance man Newport Financial Ctr Store, :!()10 E. C-Oasl llwy., ••••••••••••••••••••••• _A_P_C_'A_K_E ____ S47·2563 ror motel or Apt complex L-'--Offl S Corona drl M r · $350 pc (pref. grounds work l. ~.., c~ poce a • r Amouncetmftts 5100 •MICHEi.LE'S * B.S ueg 10 agricultur t'. Call on Site Manai:er mo. P:iul ,\lartin. Rltr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ou II M f &14·7383 675·5621 lea . assage expenencc in Cah orn1a (jl II fi-12·3111ext246 IOM 1·2AM 731·4.t62 agronomy, ha\le tools & holl· Irvine C.enll'r Industrial Rental 4500 • * eqwpml for m inor re pair Allan Herrin9 Spiritual Reockr & tnlr decorating. Wr1tc Executive Su 11es ••••••••••••••••••••••• All !-.Ile suites now av:11I !>IOOSq ft nrindustrial pro· (IK2·400 sq. ft.I Rent rn 1x'rtY w/J~)() sq rt o r air d . Hecept.. phone :ins.. t•ond oft-s. '"'6· 1653. ~56 ulll .. Janitorial, mail & Handolph A\'e, C'.\l corr~ ~erv .. ronf rm. 3--2 O O S r I n . lounJ(e. kitch prh"gs & q . l · prof. ~ecretarial sen-. on dus tfComm I. 2952 Ran premises. (114)549·9595 ~~f~.A ve, CM Ca 11 s...,.. 4550 ....................... · G 1 t 181SSo. El Camino Real po. Box 1345. CM. 926l6 26451 Via a• o o San Clemente. F'ully lit . o~call542·3Sll art 7 PM. Mission Vlelo For appl. 492·72'~ .... _.,w__._ ... --7-10-0 You are the winner of 2 ntn 1111nwu free tickets worth $14 to DANCE OF 1-'UN •••••••••••••••• • • •••• • HOLIDAY OH ICE 0tn nude girls dance & --------atthe rap ses1ion. 10/\M lo ANAHEIM 2AM Mon ·Sal 625 N. CONVENTION Euclid Anah 559·6150 CENTER 1''REESE.5$10NW/AD Dec. 27th-Jan. 1s t. Acctng Bkkpng TEMPORARY Register TO<lo y to work on various accounting & bookkeepin g assign. Boat operators, 20 ton 1n· land hcl'n~e. all s hirts open. Wntt• to Ad ll:J3. Daily Pilot , P 0 . Rox 1560. Costa lllesa, Cl\. 92626 Bookkeeper/Typist for CPA orfice tn Corona llr l Mar. Salary open. biS.2070 BOOKSTORE CLERK Experience necess ary. Wnle P.O. Rox 4481. fr\lme. C.\. 92716. statml! expenencc and wage re· qu1re ments ----- IOYS·GIRLS 12·16 year.; of ;1jtc. Even· ing work. Ohltlin new subsC'ript1on'> for the Dai· ly Pilot worktnJ.l with an adult supcrv1~or. Earn S20 lo S30 per week o r more. call 1213) 596-0296 noon t o Sp m . 121:n 498-2473. 5pm·9pm. Call Collect. ntE EFflCIEHT Al.TERNA TIVE Fre<! Tickets good for Storage units from Sl5 Dec. 30th o r 3 1 st. RELAXING MASSAC E BobJ:imes·Lic Masseur OutcaJI 9-9, 494.su i mcnts. Work close to, _________ _ you r home . F igure I FAYTES ' 11 I I I I' l' I I' I I 0 E G £ W mo. Jmloor & outdoor RV perf ormanfes. C a II & boat storage. Mgr on 642·5678. ext'. 333, to premise. 24 hrs security. claim your tlctcetsj The Slorngc Place. 18305 * Mt. Langley, No. of Ellis. ----*----- Founlaln Valley. WEPUY MUSIC Phone 964-l607 Having p port)' or getting married? Cull the Wyn· nloew'11. Al1. klnds of mustc. versatile S r>lerc b a nd , 1 v o c a 11 s l . 1/526-2965 MASSAGE FlfiURE MODELS ESCORTS OUTCAUOHLY 631-3111 Clerks to Sr . Accoun· t:inls needed thruoul OrnngcCo. Robert Half's Aet'Ollntemps SOOS. Main. Ste 501 No. Tower. Union Bank In The City or Ora nae 714/835-4103 mEMllEIS s.tni shift. Yartoua pro· ollC~ an~att)'. Good workinff cone&. Lona ttrm alillJlm.t'nt.8 Ca 11 SELL Idle ltemll wtlh o ~Uy Pilot ChauJr1L'C! ,\d GARAGE :>ALE ot'ls In lh~ OllllY Pilot brinit hup· P>' resuk11. To pl rt1'Y«.IW' drawtn[f u rd, phontl ~·5m tod.a.1. Call 714/751·9I94 S o . CaliL Cocktail Wa1trC'~SCll. In c. li~U Sky Park UI . S lo C. lrvmt!. ca 9211'1 COOKS Breakfast. Lunch, dm· ner. Exper'd. Apply 111 per son. :\ta Bark1•r 'i. Resl<1urant. 212 E. 17th St. C.M. COOK r.:Xper'd only. All shills <;ood pa~· & bener1ts. Ap· ply, Jolly Ro~er, ,100 S {;(Ja:.t Hwy. Lr11~un:.i Bt!uch ------- COOK lor crew of 4 sa1hnJ( to 1\capulco Jon 15. Ex· peml'S & air fare home pu1d lleply to Clas!'\1r1ed Ad 119!).1, t:IO Daily Pilot, PO Box 1560, Cos ta ~'ll'Sa. CA 92626 COOK F/TIME S;,it & Sun 6am·2:JOpm , Wed thru Fri IOam· 6 :30pm. '.\l cs.1 Vr rdc Con\'. llo:.p. 6fil Center SI. C~t 5-18-5585. COOK P:irt time. Some e \rwr. nee. Apply in pcr:.on ·r11c Derby, 1262 S.~. Dnstul. SA. ----- COOK Reher Shift. Conlinrntal l\lcnu. Apply, Victor Hul(O hm. 361 Chrf Or. Laguna Be:iC'h 3.5 .Mon- F'r1. -------Cooks. c,q;"d 1 yr minimum. dny·nlgM s h ift. t:nll Amela n ',. .R~l1turant. 642 943.t COUNSELORS &-c our ad for !louse eounselors wanted. Oak Tree Homd S40·•l7M --C'OONT>~R GIRL P /Umc for wkd)"& &S~l. 673-5385 CUSTOMll SIRVICI/ SIQITAIY' Tt•lrphono & typing ex ~r nee. Ul-0 bldtpnJt. Co locat.«I nl!At' OC Al rport • M0-7800. • i 1 r .... ~. H.ltaW..tecf 7100 '""••-RIO 08 OAILYPILOT &ndat. O.C.mt>.r '25. 1977 -*MAt. f 'W...-.d 7 I 00 twp W_.ed 71 00 Help W..ted 7 I 00 ......................... .... ........................................... . Help~ 710 ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• S<-rvlcc Sta. Allt'nd11nt, exprr'd. l!\dl or pl llmu . APlllY Arcu Slatlon, 171.b & l.rv1oe. C.M. ••••••••••••••••••••• 4. FRGH't' DAMAOtD ""'°Y• 8041 Milcelw 1010 Mbcssl••-IHO Ucl1\t•nm1•t; lu1 t •• \ r1~ 111 ~ e .t c "1 l't'rm p lllllt' ~ ~i HOUSRHPas 'loo cape1 nr1.: Xlnt l1end1ts IDClW i.iclt PJY BJ)\tew Con\ :?055 rhurm, C:\f G"2 JS(l5 PRODUCTION TYPIST , .... rmo .:148 r;w D&JYHY ~h .. ~'!li;.'t'r C..:ouncr .,. " I I' .. ct.a)' w1L. J' hmc .un IW µm Know Or~ Co ~3149 btwn II & lO/\M llOC::,£K£EP!::lt \ umAQ. mawre. c .. ~ to do nU l\Olm:hold work, :J Ju y:. " i.., ref et't'ftl'<'tl. 'tint puy R\•ply to l111&11lf1ed AdtlCl'l, Uaily l'llot. PO Lime 1560. CclSlil M~u.('a ~ IBM SELECTRIC tr l>~TAL ASSu;'f t:ic~. llll'C. i-· tJmt'. X ,..,} c crt t.:aJJ 545-o.i.<u Otii~/DrafhMan r:. pcricnce<.I ..ttrnrate Typist needed Jmmedt<tlt.•ly. 70 wpm (must > l'url r1m1• I h11rMlllY & ... 1"1lla}" Oav Sh11'1 Saturrtny "'•i:ht Shlfl lor dl•l"\rat·,11 t11ni.ull1ni: Jluu,t·klq>el 111utun·, 7 :S ••ni:m\•t'r-. nlr l'.'lpr 1n .'lhllt Ill J!Ul':ll hnmt-l':\J ll°i:. 11~1 dhl & rnmm li41).6iJt, .. :xt•Pllent WOl'kin~ (•onc1it1ons .\pplv 1n J.ln~on '"tin' °'111111 1111..i rt· -um~ tu UJll' K:ir1:.ila o. lluu.~t·kccP"I liv1· 111 I·::. b~f"· t7•~1 i-: l'on~t ""'' 1wr al ~OITil' l':n~llsh ...,1 .. I l '1111H1.1 111·1 M a1 . Soc "ice c·ar1t lll'l" Bl'h t ',\ 'l:!ii:!:1 "' l"illl I'; I I) dw1•kcd 55:.! !171111 Orange CoastOaily Pilot 1.11 1'4~1 p, .. ,1; 1 l1·rk \\1•t'l.1·11d •l.1.\.'> \1111J;1!>'>,1dur 11111 ~~~I S.1 Bn:.tol, S1\ J1111ncd1att· •11)t!11111~;, lull ,,. p/11me. Nu 1'\Jll'I ut•c A.i:t·s J7 UU"U ~ 540 .u IX \lar1nc C<ll''1 JJO West lay St .. Costa MHa Al>k f'o1· l'aul Ward .\n Jt:qual Opportunity i-;mployt.-r OISHWASHU \\l'\I thru Sut. PM ;,11111 \lt-:-J Verde Con\. 111.-.11 •J,I C<•nll'r St. CM ORAPRY WORJ<ROOM \,, "''' t 'l"'r ti -.di 'I.JI I 111., t·111µlo)1•1• tull 111 I' 11rn1 \11vl' IX:I.> \\ hll lu•r \\I' H i ('M 11r 1•all •·L! IKl"I &IGtMilRIMG AIDE II t '11) <Jf ~wportlJt•alh ::,t13ti·Sl3l!l Per l\f() F1hni.t licudllne l /!J/71'. 1'"11r 111formul1on & a 11 pl11•;it1<>ns ronl:il"I l'1•n1111111•l Ofl' . :1:1110 '\1•1\p11r1 01,·cJ . 'i Ii •.Ill :?101 Fiberqlass Molding l'ra111l••• ~ ~flllH Food Service A sst Substih.lte 1 kt 1 .111 B.1s1~ .! 21 .. 111' l•'I tl.1~ s:i LO, ...... h1 \p pl\ 1u Jn1t'll· l.:nll 11 ti ""houl l>i-;tril't . :!•1 11 \lton i\\c. lrvint'. (il41 ...,j(i4.!JOO ,.;qual Oµpor 1-:mJlltl\ l'r ':..u-tlcrwr nl'\•c:.h-d lur upt t111nph•\ 111 l'o,l.1 \h•i-.1 :!l:lll<1i.1 ~l GENERAL LABORERS '"'"l1'«l lrnrnccl1.1t1 I\ l..ont.: '" '>horl t•·rm '" -•i.:nmcnh llol1d;I\ '" I .J l' •• I I ti II I> ,1 ' llvsp1tal11atao11 vl.111 ,11 ;.11b1Jfl' Start Tocl.1\ · VOLT "•MIPOPAJ..\V ... AVCtl • 3848 Campus Driv~ 54M74r 1.\er~ Frum Orange <.:o J\1qiorr 1 1·:.1ual Oppor Emp)o\t•r GENERAL OFFICE .I I lt•rtwrt ll.1ll .l1•wt•ll1·r· 111..,.1 l'o,"t l'l.11.1 111 .. ~1, ,1 rl"P Pl'r..,011 111 wnrl. in th.: oh" \ .1111 I\ •11 al11t1c· ... 1-·,1w1 hdplul lout ~111 tr.1111 I .di II. l•\ .1•1 1.li't S125 · S200 wk \\c ~ 111 lrJIO )UU Ill \'1H I. 15 lu 2:i Ill'> .1 ~i. 11a our lJ Jn,µ.1r1 .1111111 Saf ary + Bonus GEMBAL a.ECTRIC BUILDIR'S CENTER FiH" lll{J("C info: 558-0f)!IJ JANITORIAL I' 11m1· )1(111 1"11 :i 111 .• 1~·r tl.1\ !-.;111 t:lt-m ·" 1·J s:1 J Jr t:..1115-m 781:! LEGAL SECY .Sm uu:.1nci-~ h1J~.1\111n hrm 10 Xvt Cnlr M0•''-!> l'\lil'f ll'J?Jl "l'l'} \111-.l h .1' l' ' I n t ., I.. 1 I I " "h11rthanll req. Suhm1t rl'sumc rn l'Onfldencc tu \d ;:987, D:uly P1lol. PO. Ro:ic 1s110, Costa :\lt~a. CA, !12lk!ii --- LOAN PROCESSOR Flf.\. \'.\ Con,·. •'\IH'r. lt'tf d l'olll.lt"( ("\lllfH• l.J'\11·r. 111 11 11:.i.;o;.xw \l,1 1111 \11 Uull" 1'11 M.AIMTENAHCE MAH \l,1lllrl·. full 111111• 111 I , luh ll.·nd1h I .ill W1'il "il011;j.1.:1.11:1 -.1 \N1\(; 1-::\1 E.\T l'l•;ol'LE l'f':HS<J!\° 1':>.e•· m•,•ds p. t1mt• .1-. i.oc: m whulc:.;ilc :<uµpl r Fu 11 \" t• .I" It •• t I I l' ,, 1~12 lti31 :\l ,\TIJHE Wom;.m tu ~1t W/SCmHnvahd. hrs n1•x - 1hll• CdM. n-10 -7i 15. t.1-1 (nJ9 l'•ll1 l"ull T1ml'. IJ!..t• ur rit'r~ '"' mat..,· dell' t'rlt'' hi'? :SS::,: 11t·r hr \lu-.1 h.1\ c rc·ll;Jhlt' 1 .11 ,\ pl1om• W1· I 1 .1111 1 .111 I he• F u I I 1• r H r 11 ' h I • • i:>I r.171 SALES SUl'PLE.MENT YOUR INCOME S$$$SSSS P.lRTTIME 1'B.IPHOMI WORK HOUSEWJYfS PART TIME COlllGE STUDENT~ SUMDAY OHLY r. u a ran teed flour I\" Un,..-r ltHlrup lmndl1•-; •>I \\'ai.:e Plus &nu~. :, :10 Dally Ptlot lo l'tir r•lT" 111n to 8:30 pm. t'.dl \tu:.t have v•in or l•1r~t· 64&4223orcometo2SO K station wajtvn + 11,ood J7Ul St., Cotit.1.1 Mesa. driving n·~urd . C;1ll - - IH:!·-13::!1 • .;.-..k lur llarr} Salt•sJl1rl. rcllnlllc lor Si:dt'y or Don W1ll1~11m. buut1ql.lt' shop m Nwpt Peri Time Only \111"1 llC111> lw• t'lnplu\1·11 .11111 In«· Ill \\ufl, Ill Ill\ lk-h, ltt•fi. r"tf Apply ln • .U ;r:C!, IJ:ulv l'1lol. I' II H11~ I iii~•. I 'osl .J "•"\.I. (. \ !J:l11ll1 •mull ,1pµl 1.U1l't· tHhlf11°"> , _________ _ 111 Jlf lre.1tmc•11t 1•11u1p 11w111 'Ion Fri t. ltt I tt l•\I l Ir .\Inn Tbw 1, 111 1•1 I '.\I ,.. !-..11 11 :111 \\I 111;: .11 I ':'It S:!8U IH'r mu •al:u \ 11r profit .,fi .1r111..: pr11 t!LIOI. \\ h1t•h1•\ l'I \ Oii 1• 1 ,. I c r N '' 1 ' 11 n ,. e cs s a r y . :.. 11 m , m a n a J! e m l' n t o 11 portunitu~ av:ul. l'h"n~ for mt<'nt<>w :iftl•r I l'\t 'li!I JHnl PASTRY CHEF I \1,111 c1111.·r.1t11111 :-Ok1ll• ti tl11·.,1.11ur \1>1•\\ \ 11 lu1 1111 " Inn Mil t'ltlt 111 1 .. 1c1111.1 I\, .wh I 1 \I 1111 In 1'1 llllUJ)' I 11Jl.1h•1 p Jilli• :";m1 .1n-,:pl111g :1ppl11 o1 t11111o.; lur :\Ion & 'l 111·-. 1111-:ht "h1tt:. .. \µpl\ :1a 111 1pm. l'c'llll) :.:.n l'I'. l hllll l'l;wl·11lla Co:.la :\k-..1 'PRIHTSHOP <>fbct ur Xl·rn~rJJlhu· kl·~ •11>c r oA lur . I•: x pl'rlCIH"I' llCl'C!>-..'r\ :"1•w :.hu11 ul1l11111~ ·wrox !I IOU mactune \\'ntl' I' 0. llo:ic S\1.1·~ SLAP A SMILE JON YOUR FACE & A BULGE IN YOUR WALLET TIME LIFF. l.lBR.\IHES "·" hoth lull~ pllrl 11m1 Jlel'>llmn-. .1vall I I· 1111 Im 111i.: .irl 1r11I ale 1n1ll\ 11lual, ~ h11 .ire ,.,11!1•1 lt1 ll•a111 hnw lom.1l.1·111p S ,..,~.,:-. WE OFFER: Hourty'Salary Guanl. CommissiOfts lncent1ve Bonuses CALL US TODAY AND START SMILIN SJJ.8095 TIME/LIFE LIBRARIES. INC. Equal Opp Emplyr m /f '481. lrrn1c. Cr\. !12illi. '.\l F: 0 I l' •\I. It EC J> T ,latm~ «q1t·ri••111·p .111d SJIJr} 11p1·n. lflll>(t "·'~"n~1u1nm1•ut h•·tll.'f1b.Span1shhl'lµlul Seam,tn•''· p;t\· 1nrn- ll11 .. tnl 1'.11 I. .\1 ~cJ l•---------1 mt•11,ur.11c· w l''Cpe r (ir1)Up, 722 B:iker. <.:~1 PUIUC WORKS SJJ1t.1 ''"·' Clll ·, 1•1 :! ti.i IHSPECTOR I MEDICAL ASST. cny of Ni:wpon Ut .. 1d1 ~·rimt ofr :!.'i llr-. a "k :>I.~ ~l!ltAl l'cr \lo 1-;,1wr 11N' l'ont.H·l Film~ d~01dline I t!/ iH ./IJ<f\ 'l'i!l ilil:! llo·q, I ) r:-t'\111'1 rn MESSENGER/ OFACE ASST. I' llffil' llr-. lll'\.1111•· (·.111~1~ publ 11 \\Orl.s 1·1111 l 1 tit" I"'° or lfL'IPl'I t mn ~ 11r 111 !-.1-.:.\\tSTnt-:s!'. l''tllt?r"<I lanorv prnduc111111. l'X· pJnd1ni:: 1.1.,h111n 1n L ,J J.! u II .1 11 I h \I l' l!~I :J.Ui2 GENER.AL OFFICE I.Ill' t~ 111111! & l1kkp i.: 1·;111 i;;:; w :111 f111 111 11·n w1' "1•wp11r1 I· 1•11•1 ' ov.~nn,c \It )'I 11 Ell' S II Jo: I. PE H lurm:1hun .S. a1.11>liral 11111-. 1 • 111tan Pl·r~unn..-1 ( >11 .!JOO ~l·\\ port Bl\ 11. N U 1•10 :!101 lJvc 111. Newborn & ;, yr 1----------11111 Own room Eni:I Suv1ce Sta. N1g.ht 1\1teod 2 Or;> mtl"' •1 \\ k \pply, Shell lith & Irvine. N 8 St>rv ::,1J Hcip ntleded 1m· rl'lt'd. r'\All or µ L Apply, !J!lO E. O.t .Hwy. Nwpt lkh. H'1rP<>lNT SJ\L)!. 3101o ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• W. Warner nr Harbor, l!'reo puppiu:s, Gennari Santa Ana. 919-Z92l 8beo mix 7 wlbs. 1 Male11 CASH PAlO lt2 tcaa.. ~!JS For Wsltr/l>n rs/Rctn1 ngcr. longhaired rem It.it· worlung or oot 957 1133 k>n. 8 wks old. Adouble. - -845-9109 CASHPAlD ~~~~~~~~ J-'or \Ysbr/Oryrs/Refrig FwMtw. 1050 work1111ernot957-IW •••••••·---···-•••• WANTED TOP CASH DOI.I,/\ R PAID fOR YOUR J~.RY, WATCH ES. ART OHJECTS. GOLD. S l L VER S t.: RV IC t-; , f'INt.: FURN. It AN TIQU&C;. 845-2200 SCRAM-lETS .. , ANSWERS .. Sl.if ny-Wedge l..doo -Gallon - "EASY-GOlNG ---· --i-------'I II ~'TOnE. F\111 or Part 'l'amc Uerk. Apply m µer:.oo. 28933 <.:r own Valley P rkwy, Lag. STOR&Wl.DESALF. New ~UM.Cl fum. appl's, lllise. Wlbon'a Buga1n Nook. 545 ft 814 w. 19th, CM. 8CZ-1930 &c S48·3262 J hupPen to bave a vcr> LUGGAGE TAGS aood·ruiturcd salary. 11 i-. rrom your bwiness card. ~~\SY ·GOING. ?\i~Ut'_L~-~·~-~- Swllchhoard Operators lull & P1 t1ml'. Will train. ~i.>~177<!. T elephoM Sol.s \\ant to m;dw mont•y? Can you :.di 011 the phone·• Top Sin our busi· ncss. "46·3030. a11k Cor ~Y ______ _ Telephone Sales A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO WORK. I DIDN'T WANT TO GO If y09•n llOt haTWJfun woe kiieg or MOkiltcj CJOOd MOM"f t'ALLUSPOH \'I JVl'J•:IWtl'.:W IASEPAY + COMM + 80HUSES lunJ;: lh-.tanCl' Lmt•s 1 ·.1-.u;.11. 1-\Jn .\lmo~pl11>1 •• FUM-TIME PART-TIME II rnu rc.1.10 well, like lo 1.1lk on the phone & want llll'l\JUY your JOb ... Call TIME/LIFE LIBRARIES INC 833-8095 E<1ual Opp Emplyr m/f Ta.£f'HOHE SALES T1n'tl 11I the ru11\ llH ·• fht~ ;oti is lor ·' 1111' I ·a1t l·:-Nuw .\I 833-8095 Tl:\TE-LIPJ-: l.IBRAf<IF.S .. )lmil Opp J-;mplyr m 1 r ----- Telephone Sales We wall train. Earn C hristm a s money. Sal;iry arxJ commission. Qill. 631·0337. ask for Don Tow Truck Drivers ex- pcr·d. Top pay. Apply. <;&WTowin~.1000 Irvine 1\w. NR"42-1252 F:xpcr·11 only for lt'm- Hc co ndltio ned Refrigeraters, wuhen & dryers. Freight damaged & Model Home returns. Guar/del. Also new appliances o.t COit + 10';., DUNLAP'S 10960 'falbt'rt <ut Euclid) FV. 96.1 l1121 Opo 7 days. WANTED J\pt she refrigerator, 24" wide, ri1:,1lt hinge, left handle. Must be clean and In i;.'OOd condition. N~d JM- MF.DrATEL \'! SJS.3645 Befri.:, Coldspot, good .:.hupu. $40. U!ave your mes.sage a!AHS-W9 1ac41...t Gfftf!I s~; (t. lon g c us1om padded portable bar with multiplex tuner, 8 track & turnt:ible·all <1rc built· ins-plus two c us tom wrought iron bur stools. Sharp! S81-74-t6. **I BUY** Good used Furniturl.) & Appliances--OR I will sell or SELL Cor You MASTBtS AUCTION 64'"8"6 & Ul-9'25 CASH PAID F1>r gd ~ furn. an ti- ques & cir TV's. 957·8133 Send one card for each L\'NOE MlCi WELD&a taz plus one spare. We UKJ::NE.W. $30Q. re turn permanently 9i'9·962l sealed :mract1 ve tui: & •----------str:ip, meelinJ: ulrhnc MINK STOLE. worth l.D. requirement:i. Pre-S.)00. Will st'll for $300. venl loss & thctt ~ f\1r a Bt.•uut ('1.>n1L 750-3685 per.ionufrtcd I.lg t'm·losl• wullpapl•r, labrlc or KtNCSl7.i'~ Posturpe~c­ "Dav C..h)' 1,,q~r & wa· lll'<i&fruml' will · U...ck & lrUJl your l~lh :J.:U:I lugs. Ur ll'Y twu 1•11rcl:, back lu l.J1.ll'k. l'HICI::..':i S2e1.1orl/i5 4'5 tugsSI WeoA lll!H<.1~ $1 51> cu JO or moreSl .40t.•a. .Sales TliX lncludud NO<.:AIU>:• Draw your own. or :.end name, lilddrl.!l>:.. phone ,\: "e'll make one card per lag. Add 25 t-at·h l'or S.1h• Wood •4< >d4liS rt•ta1I stort' 1·mmt1•r & globt• type IJS?hl 1Jxlur11s The Top Ornwn. BaRIQ,.1 l'>laml. l'.Jll 833-:JtiZ! 111 t~l-1 ~HK Krn~ St OAK Waterbed. C:ornpl w lhtr. liner p!.'(l~tul !ihect... & pnd As " SI Sl) Chris 1137 ·22oll 1hsm 1i.11 :!l'17etes Lady Kenmore washer & g.1~ drvcr. S:?50. Whirlpool WJsher S:>O "cnmorc washer SiS l'ortahle 1bi.hwai.hcr SJO Guarantet'fl S4ti-t4672 New c uslOJil mad1• Send checkormon~vor· ;\ k .1 1 :.; l c rt' o T .1 p 1 H1·111rd1•1 .~ llL 111on I jul\,11 wroui:bl iron bark.11 t derto \\1th '.! glass shtil ves & s PILOT PRIMTIHG holtle holders ·$i;;. r O Um. 1500 t• ill 11i'I .1i;>1, lhRhback casu1tl chuir lAlista .\les.£. <.:a. li2ti;!ti \link roar. full t(•ni::th (nt"e(b rel'over1ng>·S:!5. ----11•11ur0tl \<'OllJn. ~11c 11 Wh1rl p11ol Wash er & CatlfW2·0138. PUIUCAUCTIOM \wr SIS(){) .. \skin!' SliStl Dryer. l yr aid. Xlol -.-MANY ITE:ltS Of 1-'l~E "P ~"I "'"""' ,.,,.,"'-"'I cood.$300,tboth. ~70 Sol!~ walnut rolltop de~lc. ESTATE JEWELRY , ,_r_ . .,.,_._~ __ . .,...,.. __ ,...., __ . --48 S·roll. beaut. ong. A RT 0 BJ ECTS. AN· Lg Wooding band s;i. 7 wr.. 81~ydH 8020 cond.$1200.~ TIQU'f!i, FINE FURN .. :.m diamonds S70. L11. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ETC. PHONE FOR IN· hvy swug lamp w/r.,:. USED BlK"'" Brown Jordan 40x60 oval ~ .. &:-'> table & 6 chairs. Orig. FO. & BROCH URE. ~lassW.S.10-7814 Hl'<'Ond. Buy, sell, trade. &IS-2200 ---------Cycle &Co.2A88Newport price S1876. 1st SS00.1 ________ _ Hlvd. <.:.M:. 642·1'!110 takes~ 6-10-8208_____ Pinba~_ l!~oosball Vid 1 eo 1 s Pi~ & Or.Jans 8090 ---Yellow print sofa S250. :! Newoowied. gu;1r.1 c . ll1rycl~. New & (],t'd . ):old velv1•t chairs. S:!::i S:SSU. & up. ~IU-l:j4t ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,\J,J. CiUAltANTJ-;1-;o. '\I'\\ Brand 'lamt' 1-'iann' lk~t.ut'\.'fl l.'nusers. Enitl ca. tiil·Hi!.l'J \'1i.t·11u nl 10 'i pd Clc:irancc 'Jlt·. 1:1anl ,a,·1n.J!' Orl·:1nl runt Bil·~ l'll''· B.1lhoa 1175·115111 Ant11 1>1run~ It m se: a. Phr:. I lcar Walnut liovd cond StijO, ol r. ~18-0291 l!oy !> IU·~pd grn if " Jr. Misc. fW'tlllurc including Schwinn Vantty. Like .Dining rm & bdrm sets. new. 1>73· i677. 67s-.c837 993-0570 Ctuiser, Moto X, l5])d & Gs.jtS. 8055 JOspd bikes, xlnt rond. ••••••••-•••••-•••••• $20-$35.~ 24" Schwinn SUper Sport 10 s pd, like oew $90. 640-8218 Camlt-mlr ~,...... 1010 ................ ~ ...... $279.U •CllRISTMAS• •SPECIAL• l.8lens. Immediate Delivay 474 I. I 7Ht Sf., CM (7141642·1012 f'URIC AUCTION MANY FINE ITEMS OF ESTATE JEWELRY, ART O BJECTS, AN'- TIQUES. FINE F UR'.'f .• F.TC. PHONE FOR I ~ l''O. & BROCH t;RE. !P&S-2200 Sale. furn. lamJ)". mlsl' items 20621 Sandpiper l.n, H. R S.'lR· 18811 8060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Andalusian (Spanish Mare> Pure white. 3 yrs old . Gentle. $500. fl73.0719. ...... , 1070 ....................... WANTED • • OcnllDyk•MDn 27703 Ort..4Ja Hwy IU'. nn·r 1·1N\ ll.·,11·h \)u,.11• l'•·nt1·1 I: 11•1 l\.·.1d1 llh d 11 t\ 1111 lj.1.1t. SClll Juan Cop. Kalllwrn J-:ll·1·tro 1'1:1n1, You .are the wmner n( ~ xlnl l11nll S/!.">11 Wkrla)' fn!e llckets worth SH Lo 1>40·5a40 Eve." &. wkmb HOLIDAY OH ICI ~182 AN~!JbeEIM' SACRIFICE -Shafer "" console piano. ExCt'llecit CONVENTION' shape. !\ten')' Christmas CENTER for-$800. 213/896-818t Dec. 27th-Jan. lsl. afterllP:\I Free Tickets good for --------- D er. 30th or list Al\'TIQl!EORG.\N performan ces. Call (;oodcond111011 6 12·56i'I. ext. 333. to S.IOO olr ~ti-02\ll claim \our t1clwt., * • J>\t 111 I) 1nu't :>oAl'. :! l<~·m m~ituu ell•t·l t } lk'"" flll'I' Cost 111·1·r St;i.111 l'a Will h1kc$2.'i0ca C:ill /l..l(;.8(19~ 9010 ••••••••••• PIANO SALE THIS WfftC OHL Y! l0 l'IUGffr.-\ FIW:\I ~rn:, 1; S<l tat AN U $!1.j<I STEINWAY. A-l ::,H ll:i Paufs riCMO Shoppe 72fl W. 19th CM Stt8·7272 RlIJIDllDILIE YACHT IROICBtS • SP!CIALS SU lAY24'.,..,.& ~ •••.•.•• Sit.too .u;>UAlttUS Zl' tn.IW, 0 /I S.,... IMiy .... $,$00 c...,,. w Slit ••ail s1oop ............ •.ooo SAIL porary'" Jan. Possible Cal u m e t 22 .. v iew f 'tllllt' J>Ol>. 754· 1555· camera. 4x5. never used. TOP CASH DOLLAR PAID FOR YO U R JEWELRY. WATCHES, ART OBJECI'S, GOLD, SILVER S ERVICE . F I NE FURN & .\1'· TIQU ES. 64>2200 1075 COC.UMllA 57' Dtl lO M111 ••• ..., ,_ .. IHOM 6AIOIH SI'S.... MS WwW c,....,. .... 17JM IMPHIAL'1" 1974.ctsl.~W...*'4 •• 116M COlOMADO 45' Aft ceb11. Dll l..r Y .. 72.tM MAI._ 40' l.+cll, 11•9 stu,. •-..•... '4.SM MA YR.OWU 40' btcll. "" .._._. .... OHR POWER CHtUS JS' 191], f9-A !HreWy. Ottty .• $11,000 TOLLY 21' ~. ~ t., ~ fhla •• OffH W .\J TR F. SS w anted $105. 49"1·S388SteYe 1035 !>-~II'.\! or llAM to 2PM . <:.ts ,\pply Tmo·s Puza. 30242 Crown Valley Pkwy -·--··-··---•• 1.ai.:un:i Niguel. ~~;i ~~~)e$~~5.t 1llen1 WR.DER 776-0987 Ooga 8040 MacGregor Yacbt Olrp. 1631 Pla<'cntia, CM ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Reg. Morgan mare, broke lo ride & drive. blk parade Morgan gelding, E n.i:;, West ern (714 ) 338·1011 • CHAtifrrMAM Hy.. 4ofi't bow - ..................................... l6M CHRIS JI' 5"aklff, Din.ti. FISF .•.... 41.SM ~ .._ .. '7S.9117 o-,, 496-0063 (; t' 11 l \I.II 11 I l'll ,1 11 I I' i.:ank111'1 I l.1nl I\ 11rk1•1 roi i.:t·n·1 ~'Irk ... :ugll,h •1>c.•ak1nc Xln\ t11•nd1ts \pµI~ 111 pcr~on , 'i:rn.tpi1><'r Inn t-.. T1•11n1-. nuh. :!IOI I. ('1l11'>t llwv ( d:\1 -.pk')!. S.'li·!r.!l'l MOTOR ROUTE Oad y l1ilol rout1• 10 :0.flowport lkach. 1\rl1·r rnio11.' :\loml:i ~ th roui.: h Fnctav 1ll11~ S':.1t11nl:1) "1. Sund.1y rnt'lrn111g-.. (;rm.-. S 11~1 11t·r month s:.o 1·a:-h 11 .. f'l•"t rt."1u1n•1I Cood for 1•olll'gL· slU1knt 11r :!11cl 111111rnl' CJll li·I:! Lill 1\.'>k lor C1rrul.iOoo Duality Control Manager 1\\•ftl'>flal'l' pri.Jduct;, l'tt. Jll•t'<.I~ t:Xpcr'd per!ion (or 041111ll•strUCll\·(.' t('SllOg. ilimcn..icmal '"'l>Ctlmn .'t work in,.: tn :\f IL-<) !lll!lR \ f)l"OC('dUrt'' Srnll 11' 'ume lo PO l\o' II S.a .._.i.n/G. Ofc HAPPY f!0!.10.\YS Wt> will r<'Or<>n nn Jan 3rd to , l;.111 you in your ,'11.:w )\•<ir':. l'Jrccr Employers f';1y J\IJ t-•ecs Liz Hl'inllt•r'I J\.t:cncy , 102U Oin·h. Sil' 104 :-;('wpo11 JIN1<·h H:JJ.f!IJ)(J Merch•cl,. Boxer pups. AK C •••••••••••-•••••••••• Heglsl4!red. Champion ~ IOOS sired. sso. 847-0688 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DOG TRAINtNG PVmJC AUCTION Your Place or Mine Sctrcwr) Tup person tn MANY ITEMS OF FlNE .loon Martin 548-0059 011eralc olll•·i.:1rl market-ESTATE JEWELRY, -. in.: offlrc. l':xct'llt•nt tn•· ART O BJECTS, AN· TINY TOY whlt.e Poodles our famous DIME-A-LINES HAPPY HOLIDAYS In int> Pcr<mnncl genr' 1118 E l7lh Cost:1 :\k-..1 Sml<' 2U 1>12· Mill 110!\te~s. neut & a llnit nw l:l·2f> fin . S.1 no Per I Ir 1173-Hl 10 llOCSECLt<:,\NIN<i l'Jt:RSONNf;I. l':mployl•cs with ur without transport~1t111n must be obk to get to the •1ffi<'Ct•ach mornlnl{. Oar nr e1c work ov1ul11ble. Juli or p1tlme ba.'llS. Top wa~t·i. 540·9S2.';. Till' 'iunsh111<' Girl, 1700 1-; liary.S~ HOUSECLUMIHG P11rt CC' full lime fli3·81511 llOUSEOO s1-:w1ts lhrrlt'd <'Pl only . no c hlld run. 11' c 1n Supervise 6 lt'enall<" u r la . f;xptntes t- "olary Oat Tr~ Homes 540-4754 llo"-.~ DIC you want t.o sell'? QauHwd am do 1t well Coll NOW. 1;.12-5971 MOTOR ROUTE Oti.IVERY fo 11lo11ver Jnr~l' mOIOI mull' m S Lai:una .mtl l.u>:una ~1.11111•1 llu111 have 1!<11.t dn \'m~ rt'(•orol .11111 llt•1x•111l.1hlt• ,111111 S~l I .1 .. h lil•PQ-.il l'l•ljlll l't•d Vor 1nform:1I 100 c;dl 1~2-t!t!I. ,11-k for llJrr\ St'<'lcy or 0<111 W1lhams · Newport StalJoni:rs. Int• nee~s lhl"alrc ticket l'lc•rk for mul uul :tlll·m·). 1-'ull or plhmc Phone l11r uppl !">57-921:.! ai;k for Mr W<-st. Meow't"lf*' D_.i•ery Mature resp. odult for l'arly AM delw . Mus t ha\'C trail."'. 84().:nSG N I G H T AUD IT OR f.xpi.>r'd, Jl:1rt-tlnw Ap1> ly Ucn Hrnwn·, )fold Jtl06 C:oa"t llwy. So. L;Ji::vna HIGHT CLERK Mun 10 hr week Tra\ ('IOdRC, 620R w <.:oas~ ~wy.,NB MlaSBAIOlS &OUHUIS Xlnt ben..-it~ lnclud i11clt pay. &1yvn Conv. 20M Thurin. CM 6'12 3!SOS Mes&Aeots 74:30 • ~u.ao. Ellper. pr~f'c{. CO\Ulll")' Club CM~. Home. 540-301>1. •;\;1·wport flt-al'h 1·.1 !Y.!f;60 REAL ESTATE ProfE's<11onal. llC'C'nsr1I s .ilc:.111·011le WoAlll1•1I l!l'Ocrous tomm1!''111n~ \II\ .1111•(• lrarnm~ 642-5062 Century 21 Crocker 621W.19tk., CM k 11 "· f TIQUES FINE FURN for Chnstmni;, male " N 0· I 0 D . \ "' ._ . 111 i: s · 1 ' "' 1 rm ~ONE FOR 1,.:: fem. 67:H17l9or751-5588 I VA LI S p ort ab e L stnght razor and t,, DIE~ 11l't1<'ht'ru1'>1•r pn.~on;il1 Ly r<"<tuircd. i::rc-1-n ~ '' toilet sin. RolJaway bed, brush and mu~ $12 s<.'l. blk<' with ba~kel S2.I. E\l'l'llcnt 11otun11aL F 0 & DROCIIURE. Oacmbund puppy, AKC, Jo·· wide s teel frame Small :inliqare Florentine Boy·s '.\lotox "tingru,· ~alary S~IUO +-0 c; 64:>-2200 male. ff you wont the foam m attress U S. table with dra\\C'r S2.;. 5:!.i. 1;:; ill 1m IJ radr:il \trPQrt arc,1 )133.AAS() for ----------very best. 5S7·8469, Corner-desk sin i:le '.\lt'tal utility lui>li: "•th 11r1· <.; ;11 :\ldm :!II() ~i..1, •1Pl>l MUSIC IOX'ES 548-2884 dn1wer S4. Inva lid's roll<'t\ S5. LO\C'SPat ::,.5. Holy 81hle S.1. n.1 quad cane $12. 968-56S8 nor al palll·m upholsterv d 1.111 t m '" 1 c 't· ri··· 1, SECRET ARY CLOCl<S Christmas Cut1es• Toy 3235 :\tct;il !Jl'd fr:tm<> ~"i :u, ·'t:!ll .. SJO !;Jtur1lu' hir ('on,truct ion l"o Slot Machlnes. N1cl1elo-Poodle puppies, .S wks PRTNCE tennis rac!\Ut't Rollnboot TV 'itdnd :ss. onl~ 10·3. 6.IG 3Glll• "\car lirookhurSl &. deons. pbonograpbs . old, 3 m nle!t, l fe m S2S. AM /FM S·track Seven piece hra-;, fm• .\d.1m.-.. 11 B Call ht .... n !l World's i aricesl selec-(apricot.11ilver). 963-5861 home .stereo plus nice i.crcen Wllh 11nd1mns HHI KrNr. maltr(.'!;S $25. nu ... ,\:\J&5P\1.962r.GS.1 11011 Also ~1fts. -----capccabinetS25.548·3900 tools S25. T\\<i old ian ~pring-. S2:l. Twm lwol furnn ure. a nllqucs. 1f you know Lnbs, 1 have _,...;_ ________ Lerns S5 each. Stt'<!I \\hip l0?lllJ>ll•tt> S2!>; l!oov• 1 s .. ,.rl'tJr) lor Npt Heh i\mcncan International; an ext~y intelligent THREE wood bar stools and coil for CU Sl O WeM· \•'ruum S20. (,u1tar ~1.. 111.1rk<·t1111( r e"I t' arr h tll02 Kettering; lrvmc. one. ~1.gree, fine blood with wood back:; S!O inghouse s poc" :<.av(•r ( I 0 <· k . r ;i rl 1 n s 111 firm C.rowth "PP<>r Xlnt 1s.-im. Open Wed . ..Snt. lme, registered, femaJe. each. 30" bed $20. Blue radio S5. Pair of bot<ts c .hil<lrt'n s <1klo;, polt-' ~kill.c; rcq_·c1 751 02l_m ~~~~~~~~~~ 7 mo!i .• black Lab. Call velvet twtn cover, new JW ... boots. tail. "ood. siie 1,.nrhn1t"~ ~IO\'f'S. pan1_, Real 1-: ... tatc Sales Ptoph• : -Thd m a S<HM366 SIS. 67S4l7l '0 "' • · want\-'d L'p to !lO JO', ----------·---------•! -----------12 SlO. Ship cl1K·k with S:l SI~. Fi~e 'l<I boots ~1. •• romm split Nwpt Rrh SECatETARY ST!WAJtTROTH Ped i~ree Gotden Lab PACE 2J ch8Mel CB 522. sails. works good ~5.. ~lrn ~ ~k1 s m~rkct b1n•f ~:n O!l80 Order Coordinator ,\.rftl'\UES Retriever, 11 rno old. Child's 16" bike 8. Car-Horse clock. good 25. rngs S20. H11.ir dry1.>1· ... RECWTIOHIST lmmt.•(.t F /t1me 1lt~n1n1< for sharp, pcrson11h!(' POX Jkccpt , W 1\<triow, olher ofc dutH·s · \all lrvme Savmi:-s. 752 6 IS.; EOE. Rt.-staurant help for .J :1ck Jn-The-Box, 1mmt<tl1atc oix·nings on all shi lls Jl 3 016ta Mesa i1tor{'S l'll'U'-•' apply in per.;on lS5 E. 17th St. 1205&kerSt :!23.S ff arbor Bh d RETAIL CLERKS l(nn1onal snlc~ ofc for •i\ME'ru"'"CAN .,. Oi\L"• Fem. $90. 644-6141 rom board and stand SJ. Electric portable rarl10 S 5 $7 • Men s s 1111 "· '"' • ..... . 673-2912 with ANM/Fl\J TVI· ;nckl•ts, l>hi rts. punb, thi!< world witlc munuf. The lal'IJest most com· Chnstmns Gift. Purcbr-ed ----------TVIJ, pohre. wrather. s2.s10. Girl·8 l'lol~"" has an openini.: ror 11 prchensive inventory o ( wh t Poodle, lov es HOOVER c a n iste r AC-DC ~. J>:11r !!llv('r ~1 -S3 1:164 Hampsh1r1• s~iles 11ccy/eoordinator. Americaii Oak Antiques cblldren, best offer vnc uum S20 . TV plate candle hollll•rs S.'l. <.:1r. NB. Dover Shon·· POti. req's accurate lYP· m Calli. We buy direct & 493-1665 Old wooden nail k<'ll S.'J. <near Antlf'un >. 9.3 mg & •'ood telephone ..... _ · t PORTA.BL .. B'W plavs .., PJSS '·"'"' savtngs on o .. · "' · · Ca, sl iron toy fu-c wal(on T \VO handm"dc bat•oii ~ommumcallon sk ills. you. Als o , Antique AKC Regu&ered goodS25.32 .. boydoll SS. lh l h SlO " • ~xper pref'd. hut we <>-.......tuct..ions are avall mmjature choc Poodle. 36x18x9suitcase like new wa wo Oflll''! · twirler.; outC1ts. sizes 8· 111 II th ul1 t '"',,....... 11 S8 film _ ..... _ 8 Cil Metal Cosco kitchen ·w·a"h ,m .......... , wi t rau> e n., attheverylowestprices. _Male.ca 552..4187. · nuwr mm ""' stool SI. Metal bar stool1-,.,-"_"_._...,.._""-'---~rs "". Good !>al & • _,, t,... Afterll AM ,,, .. ,,,,.,..,.. v.. ....,.._•a"',' al· ....__tow-IA.1115 • .....,_""' St.SO. 1-·ivc gallon water R J B S20. White 1n rrt ... For op~ eall L' l)~ETl RD s A ~ ' --1!13~&SOO!>am·5om '50Tb.N .....,.F · ) ••••••••••·-·--·••••REALISTIC ster eo jug wlth wrought iron drawerdresaerforchihl' A \ff, L.'JC IAt ?Sle'IV-1...-922-. rwy cassette deck. hardly i>land, good for planll'r room 15. While tl111 Potter& BrumfiPld 1>11 used S25 844-6SIB S5. Sm3'1 rad.Jo SS. <.:om· rorobe far chi Ide; room, 1 """'-Sun-Wedl0·6 ' bat boot. . smi lO S3 d raw<.'r ml..,;in·~. "IO I' 2fil8l i\Hm1d:1 v-.. " ~ 1\rropucr1o &'Dnu:s..S11UC)..8 Child"'t bike carrier-set Bu ndle-. d ccor:ito.- SnnJuanCapist rano boot.b S20. Lawn mower S3. Child's back pact.. i-h1ni::lei;. co .. 1 •-io.!J·· Equal()ppor Employer ,__________ wlth catcher ~l Crystal carlner SJ. Two tli1h each, "'II t...l..c SG 1'.1Ch •• c handelier $20. Good aqu:uiums with light, Car seal ~3 . Vnll1 portable typewriter s:?O. S.'i.· Si.SO. Wn'JU#tht iron b:irstools S4 ~nch l.adl1•' 962·83'73 sland SIO. l.00i<'lt allv<.'r bike l20. Green m al'h{n•· WHOLESALE TO'mE. TRADE ~ ..... Ltd. Sec'y (04' ft P.:. tCrm typ. t"'{/ h. blct>I-Ability to work 1ndependcn1lv OC i\lrpc1rt~l7- SEC1Y t sm lilliPico H.L f714Jlf'.J.7509 Our company lll nckins OAltllOOSIEll. Drattln1 an enthu~\astle sec'J Taltl~. Pine. lloos lor, w/tpqd t1PMf • dkta-Par .._uei top hbte. taon tkill• to aid H c M2"·7Xf NOTAKE china: platttrs, plates. eups, .. ucers, ahou •nd ve-cctable fur long coat. now condl· t.11. G1r-ls 20" bike s:io tion 52.s. Ladles ~ire 201).i Cr~wliiotoi Sl . Ro}.; brown fu r co:it. new con-10: .. F:vil Kni<'1·el h1ka. L dilion S2~. EleC'\nc 7.arold.S20.M7-2757 i._;,.;;_...;....;.;..;. __ ...;_..;;_;..__. healer 220 volt. heavy du· ty Sl2. Rollin& ~ $2. Portable typewrite r SlO AR RURETOR Datsun. with cue. Srrturdayooty. also Renault Rio ~5 s 4 a • o 1 e 1 • l 7 a 2 S97 Victoria. 842--0135 ~ach. 835-8886 Nit Wcttmlmter Aft, Cott.a RENA ULT Dolphln e WASllER, Frl~idmrc $!.~. 1 ____ .=_;:_ _ _.__.r.•:ee.a::::=::-::::-::--::-:I ensine 125. Rett of ~at RCA Color TV. nt't'fl~ ~--~~-~-------- •· '2.S. 390 Ford lour bwr•I work S25. Cou ch ~:.?. •CA.1CAN l'egoeJ • m snlfalct 113.. QryM ,. Queen llcedho:1rd Sl7. f!..1~ .. ff!;..,., torqucnite aulomollc 11451'J Clvi<" Cc•ntl'r D r. ~vaavwwumd .. ~-transrni&,lon '25. V.W, S.A. 5412703 or 835 te!G l.,!!~~!!~::.:.:_==~!!!:!!!..------1 dlllC bnb hont Aldo m. or no •""""'-"' call bad\> '72 Ford pkku,, udlaate _n_~;...:ic_t_~_·ec_k_. ____ ___ S\S. z;lS Chevy 6 Cc)'linder lJ ll 011 Fri It f d n Ctn 11 ••4 ns. u l'ord ,..,.daerator, works good lrautnJsston. ~ WW S!S. 646-S364 .. ~ •• 111-1141 - \ • • .. \ .... o.oemw 25. 1m DAJlVPILOT D7 v.. 9570 ....... cwt.cl A..lot, l.,ori9cl , 1 I ,& -.. • j ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........................ ••••••••••••••••••••••• _,, ... ..._ ' • • ~ L-• • ~ ~~.~ .. ~!~.~ ~~ ..... !~;4.! tcJ:I "5o -i:,~:-'!l~~u~it': ~~~ci ~ ............. !?.'.! ~='-~ .... !?~! ~.':'!!~~ ....... ~-~~.-........ ~.~~ .......... . -Foa SAU!U ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• trw. •a; ?S> SE, sliver, PS, PB. YolmwOCJl'fl 9770 C mdllac 99 I 5 Cltrrroltt 9920 SPMTO.GAM •77 St!.i H•Y 2~ rt . t\r74 2SO Vn1naha MX· $3500. elcc sunrC, AM/ 1''M ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Two manual bof"lft~ Wt:ekende r wllb 70 Tunyk.ltfrootfork, Doi( AMtosW..ted 9590 swroo,4sprl,cleun,must '71 VW BuK, Wcstralln Sacnnce 71 Fl Dotado '670rF.Vt.:.l.LE,~tlcoad. co1uolt w/buill in hours. Muat •dJ; boul?bt ~..!!.;J,t:.:.7SSOO· Call ••••••••••••••••••••••• sel1$4275 10fr.53U·00-13 Cni:nper. reblt eng. like yellow lo.elect to mi as: P/S, P/U. .:d. th~ • ......... _ box .. 11eparote new boat.. Prt. N y, <.:all ................ ~ p.m. WE w·u IUY .~. Make ocrer. $2850. s .. -tse' .,,.d..;. •UA ~..... $500 firm. 751-4203 t llW"....... .,. ·n280SE. 536·666! or eves ......... -.... .,_...-61'M LClllie apuker cabln1..-t. Jenyat '74 YAMAHA RD3508, YOURD"'TSU,... .... _. d •t k ff 1...;.;;:...;...;. ______ _ Beaullf&ll uound. $795. 544-1151 show rm cond 1600 mi R,. " AUU 00063j 2s~7 co er. l2l.3)TSS92·5023 ZORAN IM· '74 ELOO Wht wired lnL OryMtf' 9'1S W.2562 ors-46-1200 Must see to. apprcc: PAJVf'O ORNOT 1978 BMW's . POR ,4205thSt.H.B. Sunroof. xlnL cood. Lo ••••••••••••••••••••••• T..-ftftl • "'R , mi, twJy equip'd. Best S1~tot.r. Dan642·~ """._,_ HERE .._.OW.' MR '74 450 SLC. 76 vw Bui; Convertible, ofr 495-672'1 an.6P l\f. 1977 CHRYSLBl ~rea ch Provincial Ww-litzer Spinet, xlol eand.. $9SO.. 840-2957 SEA RAY'S FOil TOP CARS "" s pas:s, sprts cpe. unrnac. rt.'Cl w/blk top, AMffM • COltDOIA. '':i!t'~ ~~~1~ 11\illy eqpt lncl ract elec s~reo cassette, H .000 '62 Cad. Must sell this Only 4 894 miJesl Full ..... 1978 .... _ .... _.. COMPLETE snrf. Stereo cass , leath nu, clean sbarp, $4800. wee.k, $200 or offer. power, 'air cond .. cruise -_... 613-S710; ~·ns. BOOY SHOP int r. $ 1 7. 5 O O. P P 631·0035 StZ-0135 t.'Ol\trol, stereo. lilt wheel I 8'-30' Honda XLl25.. mint cond. NOW OPEH <n4>640-9323 '73 Bw;, rblt, gootrnlle.o;, ,72 EL DORADO & ult the deluxe em~. s,. illMJGoock 8094 HARRISOH•s t1:S;~ailer, 3 bike $225. WE BUY 1976 Mer cedes 3000 , $1795. I ~ Loaded&Sharp! t9'-J9TDD) • Fischer Su perglas ~ SEA RA y C&.EANCARS EXCBJ.EHT silver, drk bl mt, loaded, Call 494·214.Q <> $2950 644-6421 $5988 ....................... anowskis, 195 cm w/o l • A •'75 Honda XR75. Lo ml. SB.ECTIOMOF xlnt rood $14,100. PP. '70VWVANCAMPER • ..,.. El Do. Blue w/wh' ..._._.,c,-rrs. MK-500 Wood :?327 So. Ma ll. S. • T&M pt' pe c •-w shoe"· & TRUC11S LES 768-o""" •&. • ........ _ "' • ...,. """· " IMWRESA """" Loaded! XJntcond. \'lnyl top, all xtrrui. X.Jnt Nabers J 70cm w/Eckel bind· 540-6555 $300/bstofr.644·5874 iftp.$45. Ski bools·SiLCS 3101 Coast Hwr.. N.B. We may have your next '69 280SL~hite. Top SJOO(). Pb 494-7600 l'Of1d. S:!.995. 673-4743 '~ 7 8~ 0 $750 ""5 6312547 ·coNNELL <·arinourinveutory.Call shape. Ht"I . $9950 or $3S & 145~ h.iil'; 7c~ • MotorHolnH. Sale/ us today! tughestofr.&i6-2l36dys '70 VW with & '73 Rblt '7 6 c p e D c v 111 c Cad.II C ~eSN akalebag 26 rt . Thunderbird R...t/Storage 9160 CHEVROLET 831·204049$.4949 ·~MB 190, xlnt in/out. =.os~C~l~~·~7~~d ~~1r;i:a~'!d.eA'I~:!'::..~~~ I a & s kate dre;s.alze 10 "'ormula (offshore). 351 ••••••••••••••••••••••• """"" .._toff /I 'd al re .?6011 tl.11hor Blvl.I. (dilld).all for $$(). Call V8's. all navigational Rent a 1977 ExcuUve ~/:::~d. WAKTB>TO IUY _,.,., . ...,..67~ '65Bug, '70Bug& '67 Baja ~1 u· or pay-u · c'"'" M,•:..i ;i.tC).9IOO MZ-0138. gear & ground tackle. Motorhome or Mini· 5 .. 6•1200 Qualttyused BMWs. Bug. All In xlnt cond. ------•!!!!!!!!!'!!~~!!!!!!!~ Sleeps four. Under 50 mot.orhome from Herb "' ROY CARVER BMW MG 9742 Must sell all 3. Any reas. '76 Coupe De Ville, blue, ! Clrishms Special hours used since new. 6 Friedlander. Call any or -WE--P-A_Y_T_O_P_DO_L_L_AJ_( _1 JS40Jamboree Road ••••••••••••••••••••••• offer. 552-0528 or 833-1607 many xtras, only 17,000 'TT Cordova. Clllly equip. Kawasaki J et Skis & wheel traJler included· tbesenumbers FORTOPUSEDCARS NEWPORTBEACH •74 MIDGt.'T red, 27350 _an--"'ytt_._m_e_. ______ 1 m1, S7,000 by own~r 7ooomrs. Bydrocraft Dynafoils al~o full canvas. Call 89"6777 FOREIGN, DOMESTIC 64o.6444 mi, tonneau cov, $2700. VGl•o 9772 ~ Call8'5-31.SS TransWorldR:c.,OOOW. ~~Fellcrat OO-OOlOor 537.7777 orCLASSlCS ~ 642-4S37 Mon, Wed. Fri, ....................... C o 9917 '71 Newport. Full,, CoastHwy.,N ·631·4860 ll. 821-1888 Uyour carisextraclean CGpri 9715 f~otherdnys IEFORIYOU ••••••••••••••••••••••• equipped,Al.t/FM. Very Dyna.star Skis. GT. Jr "The Thoroughbred or MOTOR HOMES seew.lll'St. ••••••••••••••••••••••• MGI 9744 SB.L YOUR 1978CAMAROLT dean..~968-9919 Race 170 C:~I. $25-1 1.iO Boats". 19' Century FORRENT IAUERIUICK '73, V6, 4-spd, 49M. X.Jnt ••••••••••••••••••••••• VOLVO, ()nly28"5mlles. Factory Cor'#ette 9~32 CM w/hind1ngi. $40, Huncibout. co m pl. 29'.l.S Harboclilvd. cond. l Owner. Call ·m MGB GT, new paint, ai.r cood. stereo with 8 )tetal detector $120. rei.to rcd. Formerly From$lOO. wk. Tio.-0644 C.OStaMesa 979·2500 646-t267or646-0M4. uphol & Ur~. Make of· See us for a top dollar track, a~tomalic, pwr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 640-8218 owm.:d by famous.pilot. RENT Fireball 23' Self fer. Must sell. $2650. estimate! steering & loaded ! 77CorYeffeT·Top ~ R t ant Perfect lor bay or island cont Aulo/air cc CB TOP · '71 Capri, 1600cc eng. 4· 536-6662 or c•ves (213) MA.R"'UIS VOLVO Showroom r res h ! Only 0000 miles & w ith _ ... , n aur • ""'Cl\/\ "·'" '"'"·l · · • ' spd gd cond $1100/best ""' f J I lcr 8095 run . ...,.,.,., ........ ,,....., __ stereo,slps 6645-2283 DOLLAR · · · 592-5023 7.0HAN IM· MISSION VIEJO (7:JtTDl). actQcy warrant)' to u Y P.a.10 b73-224l PORTS,4205thSt.ll.D. 831-2880495-1210 Pri edtos..11 '71S. Burgundy, full ••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 n. Apollo molorhome. "" C C1 power, 11p..-cd control, FOR CLEAN Datawi 9720 Ope4 9746 ORANG£ COUNTY tupc & all factory equip· ••••••••••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••• ••• ••• VOLVO Nabe 1ncnt 1nc. (actory nua~ .. DRIVE A * Dix '76, auto. Ml/FM I rs wh~~ls. (176TCP). LITTLE. rdls,lomi,lknub~l EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO OMLY$9775 C u s t o m M a d l' Boats, Rem/ Must see to appreciate! SliOWCAS ES. Sol id Chcrter 9050 Call John 1'._ellcr at naturaJ grain wood. Sit •••••• ••••••••••••••••• f>'l2·0010 or 54-0·8211. ~ down type.~', 1/4" non· SEE THE CllRISTMJ\S --------- .glare plate top. Dra::.s LITES. 38' Kelch, S75 Motor Hotm Rental hardware. 4 avallJble. rutl'ly melds all. &16··I005 I 8'/2 to 32' $250 each or all for~!)()() •--..:.--------1 Fully self contained PP 549·3850 Rt~erve now for TY, Radio. 8oah. SaiJ 9060 Holidays&. weekends. HIR, Stereo 8098 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• WA.MT RESULTS? 35 watt Stereo amphrier & SeU your boat thru AM/FM tuner. Great SOUTHWESTEllM Christmas present. $110. YACHT SALES REG~C'i M OTOR IIO~tE RENTALS 925 N. Harbor Blvd, S.A. ••531·2503•. 9170 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 846-2487 FUJI/NEWPORT 8' AM/FM Walnut console DEALERS 1955 Landcrulser, 8x35' 1883~· Bf ACH Bl VO ~tUNT INGlON BEACH ~4J 77111 ~40 0442 IMPORT CARS ALL MODELS * .. * olr.213-648.~wk, LurgestVolvoDealer Cadi•JJac ......... port llMtrs SAVE A LOT 714·846·~---inBOUYrangeLCoE~~'J! ~rbor.~staMesa or '""""' :2600 I t.1rhor Cllvcl. 642-0795 SHOP &COM PARE '72 Rallye 4 spd, AM /FM, DIRECT Cml,t M,,,,15 411.111CKJ radials, new ball, brk:., s BARWICK DATSUN ~·'" I J.1n < ·~q11~ • • .1111 • 831-1375 493.3375 The '78s Are Hen All models & colors. 1..-diat•, DeliYery Today! ::~· (~~s)~f3-t7~g; ~·,·~· .~·~'"'·' ~a.!!!Yrol!!!d!!!!!!!!~! '?~ l~~~~~~ s~:er~~~: 54&-6'rl8 l1 j__4 • J ~ ~ 9920 S7450, offer. 752·7521 -------1 wkdays Porsche 9 7 SO 2()25 S Manchester •••••••• • •••••• • • • • • • •• _ _:._..:-------- •••••• • •••••••• • •• ••••• Anaheim 750-2011 DodCJe 99 35 1971 PORSCHE -"!'!"---~--~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• • 911 T AMtos, UMCI it-it '68 RT Charger. 440 5 speed, a ir cond., ••••••••••••••••••••••• it it magnum. Loaded. Buns s tereo w /turntable. (714)673-9211 Travel trlr. Dbl bed, lge Sacrifice $100. 960·5843 . k1tch, bath & shower, after6PM TT. :Jl Clipper Manne. full xlra Bdrm, easy ltft ---------1 head r oom, loaded . tutch. $2000 ca.sh. 2191 WE MEED CLEAN USB>CARS MOW CALL PAPPY 540-5630 Last chance for fantastic savings on all remaining ·n models in stock. AMffM radio & many IWdt 9910 it • good. $300/or oCr. deluxe extras. Shows ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • * !J68.300l meticulous care inside & '16 Century, Indy 500 it Jt-Ford out ! (O'J8GIT). replica. all pwr, AM/FM • it ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9940 IALDWIN ORGAN 837·2644 Harbor Bl. CM, Sp 70 or ...,.,,,,,. "73 """" ---------1 call 642·2238; 646-6577 ~ " ~ LA.SER 2553 23" RCA color TV con:.ole, $700 540·2-1!>1 Auto S~ice, Parts '"'5 s all B/W l "AO & Acceuories 9400 2626 HARBOR BLVD. $1 • m por . .,.. .• _...._ 51• / 5'18-9824 .......,.._ 1ps ••••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA Docks 9070 '64-'77 Used Mus tang ---- Nearly new supc_•r hlcreo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Parts. lJ90 No. Parker, WE BUY s .yste m . Bet am ax S200 RewanJ tor helping Orangc.Call!l.17·2000 USB>CARS! videotape recorder. llci.1 lint.I a :.lip rental for a ::12· We're the new Chcvrol<'t offer. 4!H·813l 1\1,mrlcr. neam 11 'l ". Autos for Sale dealership in th<! lrn1w Must sacrifice. Peavey n·~·ttt:l.e C'lcaran~cr ·.IG~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Auto Center. We need ,Musician Amp. $254. Wkd~~ (71~> ~li.3·9ti5•, Aldi~/ youruscdcar! •Quilters channel P.A. & Wkods C7l4l 9137·00 __ l7_. __ • Classics 9520 JOE : Mitchell cabinets. $!)54. PVT DOCK avail. llunt ••••••••••••••••••••••• MAC PHERSON :Eves, 548-0479 or days ingtoo Harbour, rorvery Reblt '66 Su n bea m CHEVROLET ! 642-6835 lge & small boat. Near Alpine, $1500 work done the main channel. (7HI on it in past yr. Good 1011 XSOX & SOX • LINCOLN·MERCURY COSTA MESA DATSUN 284SHARBOR BLVD. 540-6410 540.021 l NEWPORT DATSUN '17 Clearance l>emo &. executive sale now goinl'(on-hurry' ~DOVESTREJ::T (Near MacArthur Dlvd. & Jamboree Road I NEWPORT BEACH 831-1300 $6988 stereo 8-trk. cruise con· it it trol. $3.695. :>52·9708 it ' it Nabers Coclloc .9915 it-• .....••.•.•..•.••...... . ,.. . .. Cadillac Nabers ~=~~=~~· ~'f100 I l.11 h111 UtvJ. { • •\l,1 l\k-.i ).m 1) I 00 '64 SC. xlnt cond, alarm. :.t('reo, lugga1,1e ruck, must sell $4800/ Bs l ofr. 646-1713 '70 Por.>che 914, hke n~·w. Cadillac 494-1111 546-9'67 ti ~;---PHIL LONG FORD l-.... , ......... """o.,. ....... .. • ••• -. •• c.....-,.....,. '61 SHELBY Cobra, orig, GT 350. Best oUer. ~aft6PM J>ioneer Car Stereo 8911-1611 cond, Sac. $1300/B&l Ofr •cassette deck. KP 301 . ---------• : FM I Doi by w I P · 16 L • 5'16-6110or 631-2656 21 Auto Center Ori ve IHVINE 768-7222 Call many xtra:., J\M/"'M USED CAR CLEARANCE SALE -..;;.--.:..---·l.74 LTD 2-dr h/t, Air. ! speakers. Must sacrifice. Tl'CIRSpOl"fation · Bmt offer. 67a-9262 aft. •••••••••••••••••••• ••• • I 4pm Motorized likes 9140 Hivicra ·Classic Desi11n 1964. Xlnt mech. cond. Autoa. lmporhd ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jloah&Marine VcspaCiaoMoped , 19ili. :\l any new parl"t new ••.,•••••••••••••••••••• ltres. Bc:-.l over $1500 General 970 I ! Ecpipment Xlnt cond. Gl.2·922..t •••••••••••••• •• ••• • ••• ~ ......... •;0•j0 646-4267 or 646 0554 Reyr~:al 9 5 30 :••••••••••••••••••••••• PEUGEOT l\IOPEO. 14~)..· ••••••••••••••••••••••• I ccllcnt con<I, 1,300 cm. <.:onvt. 4 seal !>lr<'<'t l<'Aal * * $425. 552·7!H5 dune buggy. ~I. C:all Martha Co~ll 'iii Foxi Moped. 2 :.cater. 529~--· ------ • 733 Le*~ xlnt rond, $350. best of· 4 Wheel Drins 9550 : Hia1titq011 leach fer. Must sell! 675-4547 ...................... . 1':\'00 arc the winner of 2 Moped Garellt, Super JEEPS "77" frt'C tJcket.s worth $14 to Spart, Motorcycle de· CJ. 5 • s , C J · 7 ' s , ~ HOLIDAY OM ICE sign, 011 injector sys. 1 Cherokees, Wagoneers, '• at the mo old. Forced to sell Pick-ups, up to SI ,200 dts· ~ ANAHEIM $4200rig. $560. 552·1293 counts. 5 yr SQ,000 mile :: COCNV~NTERION ,77 Cimalli Moped, fl wks warrantY-' available. • E~· • ~ C--'and Mtn Inc : "--27th J·nlst new.COslS500 T;ike$310. vr• :~ Fr~"Tickc;:; ~ood 'tor 645·6680 2001 E tst. SA 558·8000 ~D ec. JO t h or 31 i. t l~H·h Maxi Moped. 1100 COSTA MESA perform ances. Call rru.$:!90 &uc & JEEP 642-5678. ext. 333. lo 4!)4 6167 """ claimyourltckct.s. TOO * * JAWA. Good condition. MANY St75. JEEPS A~ red shank, used 6 Cnll 492·0167 MUST SELL 70 limes, onrs. pump, xlnl ---------1 ** Sydney Roberti I 0420 Echo Crt. Fountoen valley You arc the winner of ~ frt.-e lJ ckcU. worth $14 lo HOLIDAY OH ICE at the J\NAJIJ::IM CONVENTION CENT EH Dec. Z7th-Jan. l i.l. Free Tickets good for Dec. :lOt h or :list pcrrorman c cl>. Call ti·l2·5ti7~. ext. 3:l3, to claim your ticket:.. .. * Alfa Romeo 9705 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1976 red Alfa Spider. Ex· cellent cond. Ori~. owner. AM/Fl\1 stereo, lo MEWPORTDATSUH cai.s, must sell (2131 for the best buy in a new _-129_' _·_3860 ______ _ or used Datsun! 833-1300 Porsche ''i4, 91 1 Targa In· d 1 a H ('(I. U I k l rt m Lea th er. l mma1. i.> 280Z. 2+2, JUlO, _&'4_-4_5_1_0 ____ _ loaded. 21.000 mi Xlnl ·n 911 49~1 m1. Weber :-.. cood. S5.950'ofr. 4!1'.l·4~ rebll & w recpL'> .. air, IS '1;1; Datsun Sta Wa i;. ext.ras.$4005.49-i 2130 Clean. runs well. S 100 2131438-7161. ·75 Datsun 610 Wagon. Lo m1·s. Mu:.l i.ell. $3000. Call 9f>J.4870. '72 PORSCHE 91 4 Ma~'I. 1\Ml l-'M 13 tr.id•, reblt eng .. new tires. many extras. Must St>l' to apprec. $4200. 7iOGMQ C:11l M2·4909 bl•lt1rt• " µm: Mtt•r 5 pm 8'llHi~12:I '73 Z.IOZ. aut.o, air, mags, FM, lo miles. $3700. 675-86.18Evcs. '7H'i 924. Assume l.'ie. eat 9725 LoaclC'd, mtnt cond. Cop- " per metallic. 686·521:10 •••••••••••••••••••••• • d~. 673-1585 evs LEASE TAKEOVER ·---1976 FIAT ·1;g Porsche !HI, :; spd, mu~t sell, make offer. • Oratqe County's Seville Center 1976 CAOILI.AC SEVILLE All leather. 'lerco tape. crw:-.c (Onlrol & cill the deluxe extra s. (629NHO I. $9888 (5) 1977 & 1976Sev11les To Choose From • 1977 CADILLAC DEVIUES Coupes & Sedans (7 > To Choose From AN EXAMPLE: Leather. Cabriolet lop, cruise control. stereo with digital readout, etc. C318RXH>. Pnccd as low 124 SPIDER !J68.1128 Only 15 months remain· 1----------as ing oo lease. 5 speed, a ir rood., stereo cassette & mags. (70lNZE>. Please call Cort Fox for details. $9588 Rol1Roy~ 9756 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 631 -1181 •t DEALER IN U.S.A. cond. Must sell $5!15. Mo~o!f:~/ JEEPS BY 548-0220. 91 5 0 CH RJSTM AS Mcrift ••••••••••••••••••••••• Please CUii IMW 9712 ~•••••'•••••••!?~~ mileage. 968-0llf>l ROY CARVER ROllS·ROYC£ 1976 CADILLAC COWE DEVILLES (ti) To Choose From AN EXAMPLE: Leather. till wheel , stereo. Cabriolet top, lo:idcd with e xtras. (952Nl'.'i). Priced as low as ••••••••••••••••••••••• loafs. e 9030 1973 Kawasaki 75cc Mint· 549-8023 Eqllpa•nt Tratl Like new $225. '>C?• llARBOR BLVD. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 751·· ...,..,. CREVIER .-cndMew '77 HONDA Cars 1M0Jll ... -•• 11Ww-18uch \L----'-444• pS/Pll Xlntcond. ~. si7-8IS80aft.2 1977CHEYY MC>MTE CARLO • Fartor.r 1ur con<! .• vinyl '74 Gran Torino, company top, full power, electnc car, matnl. by. dealer. wmdows Al\1 /f'M stereo immal'. Metallic blue, tape & ioaded ~tth ex· vmyl tor. AC:, l'S, PU. tra.s. ( 121HF:P). S?475 &12 i i _04 ____ _ $5888 Nabers Cadillac 21ioo 11.uhm Blvd. C 11\l.I M!!\.I :.-10.<) ltKI •HEW '77 CHEV. MONZA MIRAGE 2+2HATCHBACK Auto. trans., air contl .. P'\T. stecnn~ & brakes. radio, special new patnl job & much more! (12S422) • How Only $4998 HOWARD CheYf'Olet Dove&Qua1I St.s. NEWPORT a .. :ACH Ul-0555811-0116 iS Ford Gr an Torino Broui:ham. Vii. air, P/S, P/H, AM/1''.M s t ereo LaPl!. loadc.'Cl. S3200/offer. 832 1765 9945 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '77 Lincoln C:onlinent;il 4 d r, $ 7 1 9 5 • W h I t t• w/burgundy int. Xlnt cond. B y owne r. 714· 752·1524 Metcury 9950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANGE COUNTY'S NEWEST TJ JljCQl.N·MEHCUHY 1.Nalcrsh1p is now OP Ell< RAY FLADEIOE UNCOLN-MERCUTlY 16-18 Auto Center Dr. SDF'w)'·Lake Forest exit IRVlNE 830.7000 9955 • * ···········••········•• RoberiSchwcrn '70 Toro nado Cus~. GRAY MARINE __..;.._______ Costa Mesi.I 'lbetTadJtional heavy du· Honda R-75, looks & runs ·n Scout JI lnter'I. Great $1 ST • llOAOWAY ty, ligbt weight marine good. Safe lo ride. Come deal! Must see-Must SANTA A"A engine. To 350 HP. Ge· with tool kit. 493·5148 sell. Trade small truck 835·3171 nuln e new parti.. TTYamahal!Ochappyxlnt or car+ cash con· TWEU1.11Mu10R1V1NOMACtllfl« Authonzed o1str: Bnslol cocld. $425. n Honda 250 sidered. 837 -97 10 or •USED BMW'i* MANY ClOS(O SVNO~YS To Choos~ From! '66 R.R. Sil vcr Shadow. U..._.IVERSITY x I n t c o n d • W h t 1""'1111 Sl8,000/best ofr. 631·054 $7388 • 1975 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE F\111 power, air cond., leather. cruise control. t:abriolet lop & loaded! <920NCW). 29lOThirdAn Absolutely Jmmac. Oni.! Coroftodef Mer o wner. Sl850. Call h . ' 2~ ·:.:.:...;:..:.199.:.:.;;... -----You are t c wmner o -freeticketsworlb$14to Pinto 9957 Oldsmobil~ Robin HOLIDAY OM ICE ••••••••••••••••••••••• Services, Costa Mesa. motosport $250. 548·3900 IQ)-6686 aft. 5 '7-120021\ 710URC <714>892-854l :-. . Trvcks 9560 '752000/\Ser. 2z:m Honda Can • GMCT -oyot--a----,-7-6_5, Trucks ••••••••••••••••••••••• at lhe '74 Panto Squire wagon - AXAllEIM l.u1t1tagc ri.I Ck, mal! CONVEN1'10:'-i wlH'l'IS (wide), tap I! *ZODIAC Cil Suzuki 125 RM, xtra.; ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'i620024spdS/R401PDP Port·A·Mannc !or ,.racin~. Gd ('Ond. '77 GMC PU,~~ Ton '76530iAS/R712PQ:'11 2850 Harbor Divel. Costa Mesa 540·9640 BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR CENTER dcck/rad10, auto, low Dec. 27th-Jan. tst. crull'S. Sl:'.195 or offer. Cart 962;J237~lZ7ccest. Ave. llH shrlbed. low miles & ex· '77320iASIR 1771lSK Inflatable Boat.'I . Cnll 646-0422 · Closed On~ 2925College, C.M. --tras. · --r· 77 Red Honda, 7,600 mt, $3600. Owner. 644·5441 or 540-2372 TOYOTA, See us for a top dollar estimate! $5988 • Free Tickets good for be seen 10 Col.ta. Mesa De c. 30th or 31s t Call870-4564forinlo. (n4)54()..2070 1!>71 ll0NDA3SO VGM 9570 ottAMGl!COUMTY'S GIA.Y MARINE ~44J9 or751·2137 Dave. ••••••••••••••••••••••• OLDEST '76 Honda WfJft MARQUIS TOY OT A MlSslON VIEJO 83 I ·2880 495.12'10 1974 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE Only 26,!m miles I Fu ti leather interior, AM/FM stereo with tape player, tilt. wheel, etc. C647LFK). performa nces. Ca ll '73 Pinto Hunabout, 2000 64~·5678, ~xt. 333, to cc, di~c. 4 spd. new tlr~. -n.e traditional heavy du· . , 1976 Dodge Bubble Top ty, light weight marine D\rt Bike .1~ Suzuki 90. Van, fully converted. engine To 350 HP. Ge· Good Cond1t1on $170. many xlras. must see nu in e n ew p n rt s . Call 551-3628 .-$9,875. 552·5849 Autboriud Distr: Bristol Vms 9570 v-9570 Services. Coal& J4eaa. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• ('114)8!1USU loah.PttWer 9040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2s n. Uninite Sportftsher. J owner, in mint condi· tJoo&loadcd! Custom in· ''terlor, pilot, A.D ... '. "\f.8.f., IUnlOIJ, out.rig· pn. AC/DC natural gas tefr1,erat\on & cooking, l:liml.nl top w/enclosure, ... Qlrysler manifold.a, •' n.... a elbowt plua ex. tn foel, Call Dale at .. ,,... '71 58.ARAY u• , Wedtader. Oatley , , beM. awtm 1t.ep, trttD tabt, VHF, FM. Xlot. eond.-- SURFER VANS 1977-3 TO OtOOSE FROM ~~ ...... Ge078 $9/4{11 DOOGE-8200 $D~ft0 Red. Allova. Qietom Paint. 4348& u-t 7 7 DODGE-8200 • $Lnnft Whtto.wheela.dellgnltt21eea U777 SaJes-Servlce-Lcasing Rav Caner,lltc. Rolls Aoyce BllW l540Jambcne Newport Beocb 640-6444 • "CLASSIC" 1070 BMW 2800CS COUPE-4 s peed, sun· root. !octory air cood .. Bla upunkt AM/FM stereo, eJectrlc windowa, light alloy wheels &. Nachtblau blue w/tan In· t.erior. ln cxcc.iQc.ot condl· llon tbnlout. Oely 83,000 milell Sto.• or bat of. fer. Prt. pt;.y. call OW1* atM2-0138. 'T1 3201, AM /FM. cau., drt cm w/belge lnL P/P 492-1422 $3150 673~1 clrumyourttckct.s. lug rack, 48.ooo mi, greal * * shape Sl500. 645-6940 Mcrldo 9738 '77 Corolla. Standard Int. deluxe ext. Must sell. 546-5744 uft 6 '7 7 M 0 NT E C a r 1 o _;e:...:v~es:.:/~e.::ar:...l.::.Y_A:...M ___ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• miracle mazda 9767 $5388 • AM /FM stereo \ape. '76 Runabout. 4 spd. O'wse, much more. Top AM/ fM stereo tape. maint. Honestly hke $2400. Ph492·7528 new. 493-3686 1973 CADILLAC 1976 CHEVY '76 TR7. Loaded. 3600 mi. SB>AN DE VILLE 21 IO ......_ ""4. $49-915 all 5, 213-532-5010 NJ power, factory air MONTI CARLO COiia Mesa 645-5700 X-2258 dys conditioning & loaded! F\111 power, factory :iir (768RlJ). con<! .. iipht pwr. S<!at, '74 TRG Xlnl. cond. ell'Clnc w1ooows &. acaL HUI.RY-HOW AT AMffM cass .. lugg rack, $ 3788 cruise control & all lhc MIRACLE MAZDA roll bar, lo mi. 546-6385 • extras. <Bspm.u. WITH'DIEPURCllASE VER $3988 OF ANY N£W '75 Spitfire. Stttto, mccb 0 150 1978 MAJ.DA. GLC xlnt, lnt/ext super aborp. J¥~~ ~~~M You wlll hcelve ao '3495· Call Don ?:30 5· • Nabers AM/PM stereo M>-2500, aA 6P M 5'8·61G3 .....-vo1rsw1111 9110 Nabers Cadillac or the caab ecaul•alent ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uw'l'uelday, Dec. 27th. HUGl!!SELEC'l'ION T ...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• '75 Pinto. Low miles. All' cond. auto, xlnt cond. ~. 646-JO.J6 rtymouth 9960 ······••······•········ '74 Gold })usll•r I 11 I h· cqu1p1>c<l. ab~C1l111<l v perfect S2850. [15.'l :.~•I 1974 Ply. Satcll1te M.1. Wag. 9 pu.o;s., l'/S, P/11,, Air, Gd, tires. tr.in,, Cooler, air shocks. trailer hitch. CB Rndiu lnd. Good Cond. $197: •• ~. 9970 eotn'IST SAU NEW & USED CABS Cadillac 2600 H.irhor Blvll. --D&C. 27tb Cmt.l M~w S~IMI 1 l)(J ""'"~•cu '11~ cub$$ tor your VYI. J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 1 ••••••••• ••••••• • • •• • •• ...._ p d I t Call 2600 H.u'horl3lvJ. 175 T · Bird Loadt-. d , • ........ -.a.i--.a•••• e or or no . Cc>"IJ u,, .. S'"""IOO d _ _, ~Y•• .., ...... orJ-.. •11~-.,"""' ,,... ~_.'bU. Oood ..... ,,lne. 24,000ml. mint coo •• 197SIMWl3CM mou.~.81700vd.C.M. ~eosw"if{iAMvw l.!!!!!!!~~~!!.I No~radlal u';es. $5,500/of'r.-t!n-49~' MUC blue wltb brown' '-4-7800Westmlrwttt Ave. ' $600/of'r.<l!M-35'37 19'1ll Thu n <I H II' rd • .a..thltlaterior. Sunroot1 Maw••..... 9740 aa.7SS10f83B·7880 ·::u:!ic~0~~!f· c~:: 'f.18 4Drtmpa!•. Excellent t.oaded. Musuell.~SOO. 81dam81k! fl la a~em. ·--•M• .. -•••u•..-'• VW ., f//.wreo Ir Lo"ded w/~uipmenl, cond.IUOD. Mako ofter. 675·2918 __ _ Oiiiii1on. (Jm788}, !'n .0 llefteda, 10,0IO tQedlr.AutAfS!!O. option"· 1 car owner. OIU~S ,.,. 9974 . OMLYStnl moea. Tm OYt.t ae.... can11s-1SJ0 M350.PbMS-noo ,._ -··•••••••·••••••••••· _.., '/ "7' Jm.pal• "*lm 2 Dr. 90\'C...-IMW · •n vw aus. Cleu. '18 f:ldo, wbll• In/out. Crum. Lo m l , well "7( HATC llBAC K JMl,11 t •ao.d 'II~& Wbit.9, a.at. alt, Pr I ya t • p • r l 1 . Lo1ded. 11,000 a:nt•a. equipped, lllot. Netr Manual. radJn, 11ll bit aa:tnO&TmlACll All/Pal 1t.eTeo. DIJ'S NOOO/J'lrm. 111·tOU s e.owC'OOCD el•••· Mleheflns. Sat'. le*YIAI racb, 2'000 mL f&J.50. •• lttt ... '14Dcr E"9m.l7a ews. ...,bit. 55MMS CIOUlllUY. SW.~ GtM48'l . . Sunday Oec:emb4l1 25 1977 EARLE IKE SAYS .. •77 VOLVO 242 s 4 o;p c11r cond1t1on1ng. AM/FM stereo 01n~lrop1ng "La s t on P IPft IVC24:>45H1 -l 16471 NEW '78 TOYOTA Corona 4 Door 5 soeed air AM FM !>lereo Ser 11AT10565824 177 VOLVO 264GLA Auto air cond1 tioning. Power windows, power steering (VC26465H 1-046100) 58399 '78 TOYOTA PICKUP Long bed. 5 speed. step bumper. mirrors AM/FM mono radio Less than 300 mites Ser #RN28116293 •77 VOLVO 245 Wagon-demo. Auto. air cond1t1oning. p0wer steering, Power brakes. prnstrrpmg. a track stereo. lug rack Less than 5000 mites. (VC24545H1-1638201 57999 NEW 1 77 TOYOTA H1Lux Steps1de Pickup 4 speed. AM radio. mirror~. chrome bumper, mags. custom paint & interior, wrde tries underseal. Ser #RN23055312 5523557 WE LEASE ALL MAKES AND MODELS! SERVICE/PARTS OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK! CREDIT UNIONS WELCOME! 2 YEAR OR 24,000 MILE SERVICE POLICY AVAIL.AILE 1974 COROLLA Wagon Low miles. 4 spd rack Loe 112321<MS 1976 TOYOTA COROLLA Lilt Back Air cond 5 $3695 spd low m11es Pretty yellow Lie #338POO 1972 TOYOTA CORONA 2 Or Hdtp 4 sPd air cond . rallye wheels $ 1795 very low mileage N1cet Nice' Csr• Lie #321FM 8 1971 DATSUN 2 Or. Coupe. 4 SPd . s1395 stereo. Nice car. Lie J394CPV 1971 VOLVO I 42E Auto, atr cond .. rust s2995 rebuilt engine. Lie #6810JW 1974 CORONA 2 Door Hdto 4 sPd stereo 8 track. mags Lrc 11389MCH 1970 TOYOTA CORONA Auto air new paint $ 1395 Lie 11622NDM 1973 VOLVO I 45E · Wagon 4 SPd. GOOd s3495 car -pretty car Excellent Price Lie #840PKE 1973 OPEL Manta Ralley 4 spd. $ 1995 mags. Lie. #745JFT 1973 DATSUN 2 Dr. Mags. 4 spd . lo w miles . Li e 1762HTM 1970 TOYOTA Corolla Sp!'lnt. 4 spd . white Good car Lrc #974CJP 1974 RENAULT GORDINI mileage N ice car. 5 spd . air cond . low $ 2895 L1c #737SEW 1973 VOLVO 144E Stick. Nice. car Met blue Lie #966SPM 1975 TOYOTA WAGON Corolla. A uto .. air. s2995 wood grained sides. Llc.'#974l 'MJ 1973 DATSUN 240% 1972 SAAB Sonnet New parnt. mags. A/C AM/FM, 4 speed. Low Mileage Ser. #97725001087 1965 DODGE DART IMMACULATE. One s 395 owner. 42.300 actual I miles. auto . PS 6 cyl. Lie. #RIH066 1974 VOLVO 145 Automatic. white with lots of exlras. High $ 3695 miles. low mileage on engine. Low low price Lie #899LJD 1972 DATSUN 2 Or. 4 spd .. stereo. new tires. good car. pale blue. Uc. #OS 51495 ~ . 1974 TOYOTA CELICA 4 spd., A/C, 8 track. s4595 GT~5spd .. l<>Wmlles. s3995 mags. tow miles. Lie. A/C, AM/FM, v root #420HNA mags, redial tires Lrc. #708LWF ON MOST USED CARS! 1976 DATSUN 8210. 4 sod .. AM/FM, 12.000 mrles. Lrc '!1700PXS 1973 VOLVO 164 Aut omatic . A /C. stereo o. steering. 536 I I new paint, velour interior. low mileage • Lie. #951HGG 1975 VOLVO 245 Nice car. low pnce s4795 excellent value. Lie • #367MX 1973 VOLVO I 45 Wagon 4 spd.. new paint. very clean car. Lie. t070HPP •74 DATSUN 8210 FASTBACK A uto trans . radio $ 2995 pretty blue. lo m ileage Lie. t903MGN FINAL SPORTS • LOCAL WANT ADS SUNDAY, DECIMIR 25, 1977 : THIS IS THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE, AND THIS IS THE MOUNT OF OLIVES AND THlS tS THE SEA OF GALILEE ... _l{QU DONr KNOW I KNOW I GOT AN~THING ABOUT -ML/ SHARE OF CHRl5TMA5, DO 't'OU? THE LOOT! 12-2.S NANCY I CAN'T STAND IT I'M HOME FROM SCHOOL , CAN I TALK AUNT FRITZJ TO YOU? 1 LOVE RERUNS I'M GLAD YOU DO Tf4AT'S NEAT,. WHERE'5 Tl4E L06 CABIN? NOT NOW--- I1M WATCH IN& A TV SHOW I HOPE YOU 'LL LIKE THIS RERUN OF LAST MONTH'S REP.ORT CARD '1'0U'VE HEARD OF GETHSEMANE, HAVEN'T '(OU? I TI40UG~T SOMEBOD'( WA5 BORN IN A LOG CASIN LOOK AT ·n-us PICTU~E OF ntE RIVER JORDAN .. ,ALONG THE SANK T~ERE ... f 5N 1T THAT A L06 CABIN ? Bv Ernie Bushmiller IT'S A RERUN OF A SHOW I 5AW LAST MONTH ~: HIST. 0 ENG. 0 GEOG. 0 MATH. 0 . . ' • DENNIS THE MENACE J NEVER NOTICE3D YOU BEIN1 '?PeOAL GOOD. -ANOAt.~ -ro S~IN<& YOU ~ME 61FT~. A~r ..... u~ COMIN~ OVE~. ~ C.AN'i WAIT TO 6BE HIM IN -rH~ MAT r KNITTE rO~ MIM •• / 1 N~Vf:'.R NoTJCeD IT EITHER. )_ .. °'""'I ye ~I AE'OLAT -rHAT. •. -11-41~ If -rHS HA~ YOU k:'NITTec> FOIC ME .•• ~ By Hank Ketcham -.: C> t> t> ~IJDGE PARHER <J <l <l IS THIS THE HOME OF JUDGE AND MRS. ALAN 8. PARKER? I WANT EACH OF YOU TO TAKE A - CUP OF EGGNOG! I WISH TO MAKE A TOAST! • • SEEING THAT YOU 8EAR GIFTS, WE WILL SO ADMIT IT! IT 5EEM5 THAT I WAS YOUR RESPONSIBLE FOR APOLOGY IS YOUR MEETING THIS DULY NOTED CHARACTER, ABBEY! AND I APOLOGIZE! ACCEPTED! BUT, APART FROM THE FACT THAT SHE HAS TOO MUCH MONEY, I LIKE HER,-.tUDGE! REGARDLESS OF OUR RELIGIOUS AFFILIATIONS, LET VS ADOPT THE SPIRIT WHICH 15 CHRISTMAS .•• A WORLD WITHOUT PREJUDtCE •.• A WORLD WITH JUSTICE AND FREEDOM ,,,AND, MOST OF ALL, A LOVE FOR ALL MANKIND! ' t j I ; I 0 0 0 oo 0 0 C> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) C) IT SHOUL-OWT 'TAKE. MUC.H L..ONGER IF EVER90NE DOES IT Rl&f.tr I JU&T STRAIGHTEN UP THE LINE: O~ 11-IE FAR L.EFT 1HERE ! C> 0 0 0 C> 0 0 MOON MU'• IN& FOR ME, LO~D P.? I NE:V~F! EXPFCTED ·· Bi,AB&>ER- MOUTH! DOCTOR SMOCK DELIVERY ROOM DELIVERY ROOM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 C> 0 0 ~ l.Ei~ JR<J ITONE MOf(E 1TME! 0 0 I KNOoJ 11"'6 AND c,>Ql) ALL cJJANi J 0 CHRl~iMA& ... 10 GO HOMEl • ~. 7# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 __. 0 -0 0 0 0 C) 0 0 0 0 -~~ . . .. -... -.... ~ -I • • ""',. . • . • - -• • .. -• .. • • btrFardJahn•an :t MY70DIAC SICSN IN ZIRCONS!! IT'S ~)<,ACTl-'t. WHAT I f W,ANT· BUT HS COLJ~DN'r TELL You Tl-f ~ WHOLE STOf<'I, Mass SWIVSL ... .... H~ ADORES ME! ONLY A MAN Wf-/O WORSHIPS HIS WOMAN COULD GUf;SS HER. HEA~T1S DESIRE' L.11<~ THIS .1 "\"'"~_., ~e He~~ HE L.SFT OlJT TH~ POST-HYPNOTIC 5UGG~STIONS ... HOWDIDYotJ Do IT, 1.0RC> P. ? . ~ DELIVERY ROOM ;t PON't CAL-L- l"T' NA~URAL.-. FOR MS 1"'0 ee WORKIN ' Al -rHRee 1N -rHe MORNIN' ON A HOC..-1 PAY.' By George Lemont DEL.IVERY ROOM . - . ... ::-: ... -~ RIN& oui; VE &JOYOUS CHRIS1MAS IJISLl-S! c.:»-. . ·'? I Z. -2.5 c.....,....... 'm n.. • ., ... aood ,,..,._ ~,.....-... IN f;MLJLArlON Of MY PR~PECESSORS,11-fE 3 WISE Me.N, rrs TIME: TO PfSPeNSf3 M'( YOl.EOPI! 61 FTS 10 -m e FOL K OF MY ~£::!.OV'P PIS#R ICIJ 'J><><>LE~'& ~!..THJS OL JOKE BOOK IS TERRIFIC~ ~EY! LISTEN TO THIS ONE !.. IHERfS A RU5StAN IN MOSCOW, NAMED RUDOLPH ... ~£ LOOKS OUT 1H£ WINDOW A~D SAYS,~ rrs RAINING ~ 11 c HIS W1FE LOOKS UP PROM ~ER K~llli1N6 AND SAVS,"NO,SWEErHEART; ITS SNOWINGt Of-4, w~u.. ... (!ht-'~ EVERY500Y ~ ' CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? Tbtte are at 1~1 six dlfftr· •nfea In dnwlna detaJls betwtt• top and bollotn panels. How quickly fan you find them? Chttk answers with tbow below . woq wcu1 lu1n1w 11 UOC!Cltlf •t ·11111"1w 11 -..n., 'S .i•jj()</l l-. MIG 't ·...-ti "'"' ., ·~ •t .0.JQ ·c ·eu1w1w 14 llllCllOO>f 1 , .. ,..~10 BOOMER· Mf~~{ CH~15lMA6, l..tNOA ! l'M MOM £.! I~ YoU TALK ti'LL. JOSI MAK6 MATl£12.S wo~se , fJO PON' T IAL.K 10 M~ Ai AU .. , UND~51AND ? ' votJ·r !AL.~ IO M6 , ~~! MOTLEY'S CREW I II 1 ' nal KauFma'1 ~ ---BULLETIN BOARD--- • HEAR, HEARJ Greeta.a card YtrW: ... IM-anl • _: RDI t. UM clatll of oece..11« ... a macJcal Was ud swttl to reatftll--. ... -'>lt't'er Herford. nu bluk. Hlnl:,Apwef rtt~ wilil "word." "PJIQ., ti ..-lkil9'1\ll ._.1 e Chatlenge: Find at least five five·letter words amona letters of CHRISTMAS. Ex: Charm. ·,.e 'Mii -l&tlelP '"el&ll '"9\1> 'A19\I) 't.lllK •Boxed lat If a boll of Olrtstau cudy wda'-3/4t'- Ha wdpt pho 3/4t'-of a pound, llow m11e• does It weiah1 T.lme limit: JO MCODda. 'IPUl'Od .., ... 1\j&ltM 11 e Riddle-Me-This! What two letters describe a bad child's stoclcins? MT. What two letters describe a slippery sidewal~? IC. 'f 5 . .6 12 'r .1~ • 7 10. 3· ~ ~ ·15 19 • l7 "' ... ... OVER AND Otrrt A .. die folowlllt colon for a d9tlJ ~ aboYe: I-Reel. 2-U. Ill•. 3-'YeUew. '-U. llton. 5-llalt toaa. 6-Marooe. 7-Dll. IN'on. t--U. pw.1. f-Oruae. By Brown and Casson !'M IN A ~OTT~tl MOOO IONIGHT ! ~vei<vfH1N6 W&rJT WfZ.ONv IOOAY . JtJs T ~f~atlG! •• J'M CAL.L-1~' rr GU11'6/ I}. ,r MARMADUKE ® GORDO THE CRECl-l!E F l<SUREs? JS IT Tl-IAT TIME: AC:IA IN f ,. WJJ..L il-IE'I, MAYBE, ONE DAV F INALLY FOl<..€:!ET'> • · NOi As J..OJ.J<& As i~El<.E Al<E OEPAl<.TMENT STOl<ES ANO MAIL O!<DER CATALOGSf • B CASEY WILL iHE.'I EVER. NOT DO n; I. WOJJOEf!l! BUT, .SHUCKS! II DOESN'T COST AN'/Tf/!Ne TO WISH JOY TO THE WORJ-Df • . December 25, 1en DAILY PILOT TASTE THE GOOD TIMES. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heahh. You'll remember Raleigh. The genuine tobacco flavor. Now with Double Coupons! fort.... Gift Cat.ao.-C.U toU-t....: ( 1-800) 626-5510. (""-....._ .. call collect: (5e2) 77•-7563.) lights. 14 mg. "taf. 1 .0 mg. nicotine; Filtef K'llgs.16 mg. ·ta('. I .1 mg. nicotine: longs. 17 mg. "tar. 1 .2 mg. nicoune w. per ciga11tte. FTC Repon Aug. 77 Ol&WTCo. - ASK THEM YOURSELF Send Ille question, • I ~ 10 "As.II," f.nlly ~ &41 ltJdn!llon Av.., New 'lblll, N.Y. 10022. W.'11 P1Y $S kw publislleO quntions. Sony. we gn't --Olhers. FOR DR. NORMAN VINCENT PEALE For many. CluUtmaa la a rellgl0tte holtda,. But what ..iue doa It ha .. for thoee no do aot ........ a rell- gloue day? -0 .8 ., Bartlenllle. Okla. • Christmas stands for the preeminent value of goodwill and brotherhood, quite apart from Its religious slgni&ance. In this sense, It would seem that the annual repetition of the brother· hood emphasis would be of value to the non-Christian popu· ,,. latlon. In Japan, basicaUy a non-Christian culture, the day Is celebrated with decorations and gaiety and an overall feeling of camaraderie. FOR DIONNE WARWICK£, recording star What ... your blggat Chrlatmu .urprtee? -V.M .• Albany. Ga. • I ~ed taking piano lessons at 6 and had to practice at a neighbor's house because we couldn't afford a piano. Every Christmas I hoped for one of my own but was alwayJ disap- pointed. When I was 9. I looked under the tree, and there w&S nothing -not even a tiny package. I couldn't keep back my tears. Then Mom and Dad took me to another room where there was an enormous package. I tore off the paper and found a piano. It was old and out of tune, but I didn't care. FOR BARRY NEWMAN, actor le there one Ctm.tma. gift yoa trMeare moet of all? -J.T., Danttlle, IU. • Yes. My dad was drafted by the Detroit Tigers, and, though his career was shon·llved, he was a big baseball hero as far as I was concerned. When I was 14, Dad gave.me his old glove for Christmas (by then, I'd been In LtttJe League for a couple of years). It was a terrific: present, and the first day of the season I made a spectacular catch with It. I still have that glov,e and always will -until (and If) I get mamed and have a son, when' I'll pass II on to him. FOR MARY ELJZABETH McDONOUGH, star of The Wal tons What'• yoar earllat Cbrletmu 1DC1Dory? -M.P., Saata Fe,N.M. e When I learned about Santa, I wondeTed how he managed to have supper on Christmas Eve, what wtth all hls traveling. I got so worried that he and the reindeer might get hungry, ~t Mom and Dad didn't know how to re.assure me. Then they hit on a super Idea. We left cookies fOI' Santa and carTots fOI' Rudolph by the flreplac.e. Every Christmas since then we've left the cookies and carrots. FOR THE •ASK THEM YOURSELF' EDITOR Do 90u hawe a.av c:orny holldey ooe-lbMn I c:ae ... oe Ch.rtmnu O.,? -C.A., Pomona, Callf. • VlctOI' Boege feels "Sant.a Claus has the right Idea -vlstt people onee a year, and you'll always be welcome." F1lp Wilson says: "When I was a kid, I lost respect fOf Santa. Everywhere I went, I saw hlm In a different store. Can't respect a guy who can't hold a steady job." "When I was married," claims Phyllis Diller. "Fang &Sited fOf the same thing every year: a dlv<>n:41." Joey Adams says he bought his mother-In-law a chair for Christmas, but his wtfe wouldn't let hlm plug It In. FOR BARBARA HOWAR, authof of Molt1ng Ends Meet rm throWlag a New Yur'e E" party ud want It to be cllftenat. You're a tentftc hoetae. Cao pou .... •• a few potatne? -R.T., M..U.Oa. Wls. e t don't think of myself as a ho.tess -r just as a gal who has people at her house fOf simple, Inexpensive food, good wine and fascinating conversation. I don't go In for fancy service. "That means my guests usually serve themselves. I use old bandanas as napkins, no place mats. I bke eating off a wooden table. I love candles -everything looks better by candlelight - and lots of food, espedally potatoes. FOR ROBERT YOUNG, star of Morcu. Welby. M.D. What wu you.r moet meaningful Chrlatm.u? -'· Morn, COl'pU Chrlatl, Taaa •The year Betty presented me wtth our ftnt child. Carol Ann. I was so dellghted with my unique gift that, for every present Betty received, I went out and had miniature duplicates made -and gave them to the new baby. FOR .IANET LENNON of The Lennon Sisters le It tnae you aad you.r eleten the each other home- made Clu19tmu ....-.u? -M.M .. Aebmv Park, N . .I. • Yes. The Idea started when we were little because money was tight. We made dolls' clothes from scnps of materlal and aayoned pictures on cardboard. Money Isn't so tight now, but we still make our gtfu. The famUy has grown -each of us has to tum out around 30 gifts -so we start real early. We give jewelry, woven, sewn or knitted things, candles, terrariums, plaques, pies and cakes. We let the little ones help by decorating plain white wrapping paper wtth finger paints. FOR JIMMY COCO, actor wa.at are 909 hoplat to fled uader ,.,., a. thlia ,..r? -G.S., V....Arb.. •You'll never believe this, but for the last 20 years I've want· ed a Charlie McCarthy doll. When I was 11 , my lister gave me one for Christmas. Never had a present before, or since. that I used as much. Guess that'• what put the acting bug In my head. A day didn't go by, untlJ It feD to p6eces years later, that I dldn°t play wtth It. Know of any place wher~ I can get another one? FOR FREDDY FENDER, country s1nger Did beiD9 po« etop you fro• c:e1ebnt1.t ChrtelmM .. a kid? -R.D., 0.-.b«o, Ky. e We did the best we could. From 12 on I worked on Christ· mas to help Mom suppon ftve kids on $24 a month. One job was shining shoes In honky-tonks. I liked honky-tonks because the guys in them were usually so drunk I'd shlne the same shoes three or four times, and they paid me each time. One night I made $10 at five cents a shine, enough for presents fOf Mom, my sister and three brothers. Each Christmas since then I think of thOM drunks and wtsh I c:ould find them lo say thanks. PRO AND CON Should Ratiftcatton Time For ERA Be Extended? PRO Rep. EllDbedi Hol ..... (0.-N.Y.) Twenty cosponsors and I have Introduced legblation to extend the ratification deadline. Although we hope the ERA wlO be ratlfted be· fore Man:h 22. 1979. there may be need fOf an Insurance pobcy to assure that the deadline WilJ not arbitrarily end debete befo.'e full consideration. Thre. more st.eta are needed to add the ERA to our Constitution. Nin. of the 15 unratifled atata, however, haw never voted on the ERA in both legislative houses, and five of the 15 will not have a leglslattve lallor\ In 1978. The ERA has generated sub- stantial Interest but. unfortunately, mlslnformatJon as weD. llMn· fore, opportunity for thorough legtslatlve consideration ls essenUal. CON Rep. RoMrt NcaGr, (R..11.). HOUM Judiciary Committee I was the principal Republkan sponsor of the ERA In the House when It was adopted by Congrus ln 1972. I continue my hope and expectation that this c:onstltutk>nal change will be ratified by the ne· ceaary 38 states during the allotted time which exptres In March 1979. However. legtslation to extend time for rattflcatton -while this may be constitutionally possible -smacks of weakness on the part of ERA proponents. Therefore, I have refused to job\ other backers of ERA. and I hope th6a propoMI will be withdrawn by Its sponson. Instead, let us conttnuc In our commitment that men and women thall have equal constitutional rights. ~ 1917 FMttl Y WE£Kl Y, INC. All rlOhts reMfved THE HEARTWARMING STORY Of A MAN WHO LOVES KIDS Those who know him well say that he made a covenant with God: he swore that if he got better he would devote his life to helping handicapped young people. ~. By Norman Lobsenz Randy Horton, 18, smiles broadly as he guides his hone ln a figure-eight pattern around the corral. A rope must be looped about Randy's waist and tied to the saddle pommel to keep him upright. But to Ran- dy, a Vktim of cerebral palsy. that'• pro- gress. Two years ago he could not sepa· rate his knees wkie enough to s1and or to walk, much less ride. Elght·year-okl Debby Is an autistic child who has never spoken a word. Tentatively, she reaches out and pats the nose of a pa· tlent mule. Then. as she Is helped onto the animal's back, the glrl suddenly breaches her se.H·lmposed wall of silence. "let's go, honle," she whispers. coaches for a horse-drawn ride. Later, Carpenter sees that each child hu a ham- burger or hot dog from the barbecue gr1JI, toasts marshmallows OWi the camptlre and Ol'den a soft drink at the "mesa-hall bar." And almost every younglter ~II to ride one of the stabAe'• patient hones. fOf many cl these children. the outtng II the first time they have enjoyed the tlmple pleasure. of normal Ille, their first experi- ence beyond Institutional walls and -per- haps most Important -the first time they have been treated as d they were not handicapped. For Carpenter, the smlJe on each chlld's face Is sufflde:nt reward for his efforts. "People often say, 'Why do you do so much for those kids?"' John says. "It's hard to make them realize how much more thoM kids do for me." i For mOl'e than 30 years. thousands of such physk.ally and psychologically handi- capped youngsters have been finding new stJengths within themselves ·-and new horizons for thetr lives -at John Carpenter's Heaven on Earth Ranch for handicapped children. C-,.... CUM to lai9 calbmii bv i6 Kdclat-UtenJJ,•..U• ...... u thoelJ, At age 9 he wu run over by a • lumber truck whlle plDylng near his fatha's ;._ _________________________ __. T~ Cttv of Los Angeles honors John Carpenter (r.) for his W<>'k with children. It mu.t be the nation'• moet uDll9U· al •there" cent&• Sprawled over three acres In the foothUls of l.a)cevlew Terrace, a smaD community less than an hour's drlw northeast of Los Angeles, Heaven on Earth Is a replica of a Western ghost town. Two stagecoacha and a covered wagon stand In the "town square," sur- rounded by ramshKkle wooden false· front buUdlngs bearing crudely lettered signs that read, "Blacksmith Shop," "As· say Office," "Jall," "Gruesome Gulch Sheriffs Office." Tacked to a makeshift "gallows" is the sign "Free Lemonade with Hangings." John Carpenter, who single-handedly founded, built and runs the Heaven on Earth Ranch, Is the Image of a Western cowboy, from his ten-gallon hat and string tie to his leather chaps and spurred boots. He strides to the main gate to welcome the arrival of a busload of crippled, retarded, spastic: 11nd emotionally disturbed boyt and girls from an area school. With the he4> of parents, teachers and a few volunteer aides, the 53-year-old Car- penter gendy helps the youngsten down froni the bus. Some Me In wheelchairs, some wur braces or protective helmets. some stare blankJy or watt tenM!y. But within a few moments the ghost town echoes to shouts and laughter u the youngsters dl9covc:r the slgm, ... the muJa and hones and aTe lifted Into stage- 4 e MMILY WEEIU.Y, o.-no.r 29. 19'7 Arkansas ranch. "1he doctors didn't think rd live," John recalls, "'but somehow I pulled through." Misfortune struck ag&n when he was 18. A promising baseball player. John was on his way to the Chka- go White Sox sprtng training camp when he was hit by a speeding cer. His lkull was fractured, his leg and back were broken 11nd Internal Injuries were severe. fOJ months Carpenter suffered In body casts and traction. f OJ seven years he could not walk without crutches. But out of his pain Carpenter developed enormous empathy for others who suf· fered. He avoids talktng about that perlod, but those who'know him well say that he made a cOYenant with God: he swore that If he got better he would devote his bfe to helping handicapped young people. To ,....t• bW •ob..._ Carpeater blr...t to .Ut ... "-beet -hones. By riding every day he gradually recov- ered enough to move to California, where he opened a stable for training and board- ing hones. "One day five young men came In and said they wanted to go rid.Ing," John re- calls. "I thought they were crazy. Four cl them WCTe totally blind, and one had only a glimmer of vision In one eye. But they In· listed, and I thought, why not? After aD, honeback-rtdlng Is more a matter of timing 11nd balance than of light. With me guiding them, they WCl'8 soon cantering around the rtng." The bllnd youths returned almost every weebnd. Newspapers picked up the story, Dnd u word spread, dozens of young people with other handicaps came to Carpenter'• stable hoping for a chance to ride. Meanwhile, as D ltunt man and a horM handler for We.stem movies, Car- penter had learned how set designers ae- ate the Illusion of cow towns and ranch houses. He dec:idcd to build Dn old Wat town of his own. Today's Heaven on Earth Ranch Is vtr- tually D one-man operation. With not much more than a saw, a hammer and nails, Carpenter constructed the ghost town. He feeds the anJrnals, mucks out the stalls and corrals, sweeps the p{a.nked "sidewalks," orders and prepares the cookout meals and handles the complex arrangements fOJ the kids' vtslt:s. Moreover, though the ranch Is lncOf- porated as a nonprofit char1table organiza- tion, tt ls ftnanced almott entirely out of Carpenter's own limited fundl, supple- mented only by occatlonal c:ontrtbudons from donors and a small monthly stipend from the Loe Angeles mea 1ehool systam, whkh 1ends Its spedal-educatlon clulcs to the ranch on a regular weekly schedule. "It COits over $1,500 a month to run this place," Carpenter estimates. *And ex- penses fOJ rent, food, hDy -everything keeps gotng up. With more flnanctng I could hire some help and accommodate twice as many youngsters." E ... eo. llbo.t 10,000 ddldNta ..Wt H ..... oe Eartla eec:lt year. To Carpenter, D childless widower, they give meaning to his Ille. "They are my family," he uys. To parents and educators, the ranch Is a place where chlldrcn who Me '° often avoided or rejected learn that the world can sometime. be IOYlng and wel- coming. Carpenter's flies are )Dmmed with c:ertlftcates and plaques from California's Governor. from the Mayor and City Coun- dl of Los Angeles, from countless tehools and organizations for handicapped chU- dren. What he treasures most. however, are letters liU this one: uMy 10-year-old son ls deaf 11nd autistic. Becaute he has two ma)or handicaps, he has bnn excluded from almost all state programs. Very few people w11nt to be bothered with him. Before going to your ranch he did not respond to anything or anyone. But now he has begun to open up, to show some Interest In ltfe, and I owe It aU to you .... lbank you for the love and compuelon you show to our children Dnd fOf giving them the chance to gain the dig.. nlty and Mlf-respect they deserve." But John Carpenter does not think he Is doing anything extraordinary. He points to stl1I another wooden sign promlncndy dis- played at the ranch gates. It reads: '°The MMol we render to others Is the rent we pay fOf our room on this earth ... Says fJlll Carpenter: "That's my phllo9ophy." lilJ.I The Japanese obviously know a good thing when they see one =-==-==-==--=-=• And so more people 1nJapon THE #l 0rebuy1ngVolkswagenRabb1ts than any other imported c ar. SEWN IMPORr r.~~ss~~~~~,~~. But fhe Rabbit has ... ... .,....., ... IN more total room than any Japanese car 1n its class The Rabbit hops trom 0 to 50 mph in 8 3 seconds. Most Japanese cars don t t vou re 1nter~sted 1n superior handling and maneuverability . you II get them 1n a Rabbit. be- cause the Rabbit has front- wheel drive. Most Japanese cars don't. If you're interested in econ- omy, a VW Rabbit with a diesel engine got the highest mile- age of any car 1n America for 1078: 53mpg on the highway, JOmpg 1n the city. The gasoline Rabbit 1s no 510uch. either. with 38mpg on ·'"'e highway, 25mog rn the crty . (EPA estimates . with standard transmission Your own mileage may vary. depending on how and where you drive. your car's cond1t1on and opti onal equip- ment) In short the Rabbit delivers precisely what thoughtful peoole anywhere want ma car: performance. room. handling, economy. So next time you have a yen for a terrific suk1y ak1 dinner. drive to the restaurant 1n a Rabbit And en1oy the best o f both worlds. VOLKSWAGEN DOES IT AGAIN (jj; ··~~ NoWJ the time for Belair. Thelow~t;' light mentlwlcigarette. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. A BEAUTIFUL BUFFET FOR BOWL-GAME VIEWING Why not enjoy college football's showdowns with friends and food? By Marilyn Hansen ROSE BOWL Pt.INCH 2 pta. ,,..,, ab••..,._, MNd, or..,..._.. hwnwt*9•tr• ......... ...... 'Ai cup ...,.. com •Jf'UP 1 cup r\llby pott wine 2 botttee ,~.._,. ~-.ctlMled 1 bottle f4l'5 qt.) .... ,.... ... wine, dlMled 1 .qt. bottle dub aoda, c:Nn.d 1. Place a whole strawberry In each ice-<ube tray Mdlon. FIJI with water; freeze. Make two trays. I . Sllce remaining strawbmies Into punch bowl. Add com syrup and pot1 wine; stir. 3 . Ju.st before Ml'Vlng, add champagne, r<>&e wine and d ub toda. Add stnlwberyY Ice cubes. Moires 41/1 qts .. 3614-oc.) pt.1n<:h·cup servltl91 HOT CHIPPED BEEF DIP I an. c:nam cl'9eM 2 ...., ... powm• 9"' cup snipped dfted or chipped beef or amoUcl allced be9I (2'11 to a oza.) 1 tllllt•p D Dft onion, '"6nced 2 t.tltHp DCM• chopped 9'"" P9P1*' 'A tMapoon ·aaS Dned p...- '11 oup cWry eourcrMm % ....... Mtunt ..,...,. ... .... .......... ,...... ..... c:ncbn 1. Blend toge1hcr aum chHte and mlDc. Milt In snipped beef. onion, green pepper, tealOned pep- per, sow cream and almonds. Spoon into a srnaD ungreased CMlel'o&e, .tlout a 2-eup alz.e . &ke at 350°F. for 15 minutes, or until hot. 2. Place on fable WlU1Tler Ot candle WlltTne. Gar· nlsh with additional almonds and serve with raw vegetable relishes or a1sp cockta11 crackers. Maw about 2 cups ORANGE BOWL HAM 1 can (1._.) fulJ coc*ed amobd htim s neftll Of ..... , thlntW deed Whole c:towM 1 can (1 lb.) ptneepple chunll1. undraJned 1 cupor•nee..-. 'h oup .... brown..,..., 1 tlllt11p a Mt bUtMf or matpltne v. ouplheny 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Sb ~m In a09IWtM ..... 3/8-lnch thick. t . Doc peel ol cnnge lbs wtlh doves. Arrange ham sllcies In &ergc, shalow baktng '*'· Place OA"flC illca .t nindom between ham allca. S~ Drain~ chunb llquld Into l ·qt. aauce- pan. Piece chunks on top of ham. •· To p1nupp1e syrup, lldd orange Jua. lkiuld brown sugar and butter; heat until butter mehl. Addlhmy. 5. Pow syrup owr ham and fruit. Bake, cO\/Cftd, 30 minutes. Uncover and baste with syrup; placc under broiler about 3 mJnuta to rj,az,e. Makes 8 NPVl'9 conoN BOWL ENCHD.ADAS 12 c8Mad or ff'Ollefl tM....s tortMla 2 tllll .. 1paow .. Morte1Mgor~oil 2 ~ (1Soz. abe) cMI con came wtth or wttMut bMf'9 't4 lb. ...... pr I llMd Afwtcen dw 1cup ..... onlon I. ffY tartlllas In hot ahcxtenlng a few seconds to .otten. Do not allow torltllas to get crtsp. Drain. I . Milt chill eon came, half ol chase and ook>ns. AD each tort:tBa with 2 t.ab&espoons cllil mlxture; TOI and place In shallow, greased baldngdlsh. 3. COYCr with remaining ch1JI and sprinkle with re- matning c:heac. Bab lnprehcatcd350°F. oven for 15 minutes or unliJ cheae melts. Moires 6 #M!lngs T.a.T. w.rts for ., _., ................. 4d1, .... ........... 1 'b !(, .. ... __ lllJ 2 tlw ....... ...... ,.... ......................... _,,.....,~ M .. n fmll M'll lln'D • • ... .,,__ W CWT PlllT t-. TMT'l lfllT WW ......... 11El In WTmR ~ ~ llT1111 •.• IQlcit,.... 11i11t T.M.T. 11 ,_ ..-... JIW'1I N N11i11t 11 .. "--,_..fl. ......,... ... ..... ...... ..... WrDtlf , 01 CHiii h jlrolUI• pb _,. ...-! ...... ...,.. ... "T.M.T.'" _., ...i It •Ill lie -tM 'IVT Ill .... Ult .. , I'• •Miii ~ • I "9Ull'L • -1,W. ......... n I I •1 -Y:ll.M "I .. • Alltl MltllMlc ... I ...... '17c._ llldll--"".J.IOt .... 1.i ... ~ .,...,.lllt!!WllJa.1-eet IA lllllft ti ftlt P~ IMlt -I '"" ...... •lit 1 1:.ti.T"l*ii"' XX PIMM Ill the cl~U p l· IOM 111 tlle lllPwej, 10 I "'°" = r:ri:-.=.:..tt-~ •.c..u. Olcio.t ,, C*dl,ct.t"......, Ofdtf. Or,,.. tM1 ... _,, tclledl ... i. 0 ~ 0 llNllWDICAIO a AMDllCNI WU$S a VISA . .....---·---...... ·--- 278741. liiMiiiml -------- 21mt.te CRYSTAL GAYU LC "CRYSTAL ... 271157 t Ciiiiil ------·-..--.-----..., f 1 .. I HOW THE ClUB OPERATES Simply mail the apphcattoo together with check or money order for s 1 86 as payment (that's s 1 00 for your ftm 11 selections. plus 864 for sh1pp1no and handhng). Every four weeks (13 times a year) you'll receive the Club's music magazine. wtuctt describes the Selection of the Month for eactt musical interest .. plus hundreds of alternates from every field of music. In add1tton, up to six times a year you may reoelve offers of Special Selections. usually at a discount off the regular Oub prioes. (And you11 also have an cpportunity to examine the aub's compre- hensiveannual-"The Yellf In Music." Well noltfy you when it'sready.andif youwishtoreceive it. do nothing-it will be snipped automatically for 1 s.day free trlal. With no obliga- tion to buy.) If you wish to reoeive the Selection of the Month or the Special Selection. you need do nothing-it will be shipped automatically. If you prefer an alternate selection. or none at all, simply fill In the response card always provided and mall it by the date specified. You will always have at least 10 days in wtucti to make your decision. If you ever reoelve any Selection without having had at least 10 days In which to decide, you may return It at our expense. for full credit Your own charge account will be opened ... the selections you order will be malled and billed at regular Oub prices, which currently are $8.98 or S7.98-plus shipping and handllng. lMult1ple unit aets and Double Selections may be aomewhat h~.) After completing your enrollment agreement (by buying 8 selections within 3 years). you may cancel membership at any time. If you decide to continue, youll be eliQible for our generous money-saving boous plan. Act now! NOTe .. ,.. "°'•-....... ~~ ..__ __ .. ,.... .. ....... , ...... r-----~--------------------cow H '..-aT ... CUl9 T ............... Glt, ,_ 2 .......... ,= ....................... IJO tor-.u2.15,-• .,......,..,_.._~ ........... ......, ................. ...... ...._,..._'° ....... ,..,. ...... ,,,~"""9FCIWDfta91l ................. ~ ... .._ .......... elft, ... IAM .... IO. -.,~·-"" ••cn111•.__ .. ..,..._. O•n.acw.,ru O .... '--wrl9C o .... c 71 0 ....... . ............ •" '• ' - I« -'• ••-1-111 ---~ ...... ... {Ml_...,. .............. ._., O ... Ullllll9• o ..... _, a ...... , o a...r•• .. _. D411111i4 ... ,..,._. R~ • - A!1·14·····i1i:.o.r-=o ......... ~--.. ···..-·-···· ...... .. '•MY FIRST CHRISTMAS IN AMERICA •• lt was a memorable occasion for these foreign-born celebrities, and they each reacted to the event in a different way. Warning : The Surgeon General H1,1 Determined That Cignna Smoking Is Dangerous to Yow Helhh. When It comes to celebrating Christmas, It seems there's no place like home, even to such globe-trotters as Hein R.cW, ucl Paal Mce.rtaev. That's why so many f<lfeign-bom celebrities like them have never ~t a Christm6s In the United States. Even If they've been long- time residents, when the street-comer Santas start ringing their bells, many, like Swedish actress Bibi Andersson. pack the!rbags and head fcx home. But tennis star MmUM Nnnitlloft. who de- fected from Czechoslovakia In 1975, has fond -. .. -;..·w-.u ....... -.. llJ-.r.u ....... ,. ~ m: ._.a 71. i ~ i Lulle Browne and Mllchall BaryahnUcov ore young louers In the moule Turning Point. memon.s o1 her ftrtt 0"1ltrMI 1n Amcrk:a. She spent that Chrlstrnu In Coloredo with • Czecho. skwaldan family, OM ol her COUllns Md his wh. "It was almott a family situation," she eeys. "We ceiebrated pr.tty much like we woWd at home." As Martina describes It. Christmas C?ech-sryle means a dinner Including f\sh soup and "\ou ol Christmas cookies." Ther8 would be a "huge tree decorated with foll-wrapped chocolate In the shape ol animals and people. There's eight or nine pounds of chocolata on the tree, but you have to keep putting mOt"e on because people eat It." This year Martina plans to spend Christmas wtth friends In Dallas, but because ol her defection, 5l'w wi1l miss out on her favorite part ol the cekbratk>n -seeing her family. The flnt Christmas In the United States was quite different for anotheT defector, Ruman dancer ....._. ..,....ow -It was his flnt real Christmas. "I had never raly oe1ebrated Chrlstmas before," says Baryshnlk.ov. "In Rusai. New Year's Is the Important holiday." After dancing In New Yorit with the American BaUd Theatre on Christmas Eve, 1974, Bary- shnikov had a tradttk>nal American celebration with a few friends and some feDow dancers. How did Baryshnikov react to his tint American Christmas? "It was strange to 1ee how excited people got because I didn't feel pert of It yet," he says. "It was like watching frWnds getting drunk when you're sober." As Baryshnikov~ It, the Russian New Year has clements of both the Amcrtcan Chrtstmas and our New Ycar'a ceWnllons. "You haw a big dlnna; you open champagne and stay up until very eady with evayone *9ng, dandng and eat· Ing." The ar of TM Turnfllg Point adda that "'there wll be a tree wtttwB kinda ol ornammtl, • and that praerm .. brought "" "'Gr.nddaddy FfOlt" and .. daughter. What does Baryshnlkcw 6nd mOlt Interesting about Christmas? "All this preparation, evayone running around to sec If they ca.n get presents, mak- ing bats, It's funny to me," he Alys with a laugh. Unlike Baryshnikov, ArgentiNan suophonila Gato BarbMrl. who wrote the 1COre for the movie LMl Tango In Paris, had always celebrated Christmas. but his case of cukwe shock was even greater. Because of the difference In talOOS, Christmas falls during the summer In Argentina, and the outdoor-oriented celebration reflects lt: light, fruity wtne punches, dandng In the plazas and even Fourth ol Ju)y-lllca speridera. Although they've been rtlkknts of New Yark City for yean, Barbieri and his wife would always celebrate Christmu In Argentina or another warm place. But lut year his daughter came to Wit with het 3-yar-old son, and the Barb6erts •mac1e a big effort to do Chrtstmu fOf him." They decorated the lfve Ctvtstm.s tree with c:andJa while the child slept, but he wouldn't touch the c.a.ndy the next day bealute "he thought ft belonged to Santa Claus." e.bMrt and hll wife don't haw any ftnn plans for Ctvtatmas. "There 19 a sad.nas because It Is a time for familla," he eeys. "Relattva may CAI on the phone, but they're d not her1I with us." .., ...... _ ... Now-diet expert Sidney Petrie reports on an exciting way to banish excess poundage ... look and feel better ... and NEVER go hungry with ... ''FAT DESTROYER FOODS''I Dear Friend: A fascinating concept has now been presented by a well-known diet expert-in a new book-to enable dieters to continue eating as much or as frequently as they did before, while slimmln& down! EAT ''FAT·DESTIMJYU fOOOI .. TIU. YOU llGU AJIO ITIU l.OIE WBIHTI Sllcl: ID "Fat-o.tloyu ~" Uld JOU'll loae ftiata&-il'1 ,,irtualt7 avtomatic-aayt Petric! A.-d what foodal 11 EAT-Al.L-YOU-WAl"T eonM-ol .•. C'lleaellac9tn .. . Vul ~ ... 8eof Stropiol ..• CaudiM 8-.. . Eus Baxdict ((ried or wftll mw.llroonla) •.. 0.-(die wWe ddlca1-t1 is 70\lt'I) ••• ~ Spveribe ..• Uak s.....,. . . Butter, Savca. Orula . . . Huqarian Gou&alt . . . ...S mud\ mom GENEROUS, MOUTH-WA Tl!aJNO HELPINGS of lee Craa ..• Butwnco4ch Puddina ... CarMtd C..utd ••• Fnlit·f1a'OOl'ed Gelatin ... Vanilla Puddlna ... Aotlk aauc:e Chocolate Blanc Manp ... ~ Cake ... Whlc»Ped. Cream o-erta ... wMhed down wftb IOblcts of rtd wine •.• coflee brcab ... frequm1 anacb ... 4rlnh ... 1nd much, ll'ucb more ... Chopped llenlns. O ctllle Fish ... BL Ta ..• blackberries ..• llnwbcrria ... bhlc· berries ... c~rr!H ... dates ... ftp •.. AND STILL THATS JUST TIU! BEOINNINOI But there are ccruJ.n foocb )'OU muat uotd. reporu the autllor, 11 least until you're all "1mmed down ID )'Ollr ide.i wetpt (it need not be a ~rmaMnl aacriftce)I A ICIEltTIFtC DflCOYOY THAT CM CHAME YOUR URI We all bow IOf'M l1.1ety penon who caft "eat lite a hone" and nuu pm a pound! W1tat has thn ~,_ p that )'OU bavcn't1 Than what Sidney Petric.. a diet IC)C!dalist who bu treated thouundi of ovuwdaht pcopla. wutkd IO t-. "l'Mn I made a fortuliou. dliaway,• M11 htric. ··c,,,.,,. '"°"''"''°'I JMr i.e .. ,... o.hcr food&, in~ an Itored n fat. lklt llOt "Fat·Dcauo:rcr Foock." aara Petric. Ea.caa ftFat-Destrotu Fooda" ue thrown olf n waste. More imponani -1n the abwnc:a of 11\oee othcf f~"Fal-C>estroycn" -to dr., body fat • ...,, he M)'ll "You caa 8Ctu&lly -~ of rour own fa1 eoina down the drah1." Thll H the ICJutlftc {~ Wt it DOW ~Uonmna ck catiq habit• of thouaancbl "flt·Deworcr Fooda" llR ll!AT-ALL-YO\.f- WAl"T foodt-Pctrie addl. lllcre an MOltl! ol than to dlooae from! lllcy -raaie leM 11<11111"-&n. wa1cr nwndonl They arc IO-f010 fOOlkl Ocher fooch contain "fal hooks." aara hcrie, that e111 literally hans Uc:eM fat on you. Tiier contain "empty c:Uoria"-tKt.i11a vii.al nutrlenlJ the body ..-dJ.. You could cat 1~ caloria a day of tllcm IOd feel weak, 1111 htric. A."4 they Piu.YENT WEIOHT l..0$5. Stlct 10 "Fat-Dntroycr Foocb." M )'I Petric. STUFF YOUlt· SEL-F ON llfEM, he aara. wl11to.t 111111. You wlU i11 all lltdihooct a>nlinue to SoM wclsht-But Id the oOltr foods alip ln-julc ooe or two of •hem-and lOU &re now prtd to pu1 the poundap on lftllead of take it 011'1. the atata. What are \lie -fat "-':1"? You11 find complete dc1all1 n htrif'•,... boot. HEllE II DIWIATIC PIGW nMT ''fAT·DEITIGYD ..a" CM_, YIU aan ... .._ ... , MO Mm 9001C1. LTD. ... L.---. 01• ., • M.Y. um THE WY WAY TO SHED POUlel FAST ••• fAITBt .•. fAITDTI IEllt FOi at-DAY '90 IUK TllAL lllllfT AWAY! r----MAIL HO RISK CX>UPON TODAY!----, ,._ Niii. LQ., .. AIF-1 Ullllwtll ............. l.Y. "'" .. Do . ~ • .. .. • • B • D .. - ... -... !!!!!!!!I!!!!!!~ ____ Quips & Quotes _____ _ ARMOUR'S ARMOURY THE MYSTERY OF MR. CLAUS Santa• an ama.rlng man: In suit of ,.d he'a 1p4c·ond·1pan, With trlmmln91 mode o/ anow-whl~ fur, At sight of which a cat will purr. At /eaat UN! alway• 1ee him thua, Without a apot or aflghtat muaa, Unspo41ed, unatolMd, a Mr. Clean. How does he manage to be 1nn Uke this, when In each city, town, Thou IOOty chlmMJI' h• coma down? ._. ' -Richard Armour TRUE OR FALSE? 1. Your family pet may be MTVtng u an In-house thaaplst. l . The family dog not onJy quallfta u · "fnon's best fnend" but abo as h1s best friend-maker. S. Many pet owners like pets better than they like people. t . Compartd wtth other forms of love, love of a pet carries wtth It the fewest risks. 5. If a dog can't be trained, the owner - not the dog -.. to blame. 6. Animals •• much better at mntal telepathy than people are. ANSWERS 1. True. Studies at the Universtty ol Cd- fomia show that "the ma)or role a pct plays In hJ owner's life • a therapeutic one -It actually helps him cope with tic In our complex. contemporary IOdety." Pets were found to be ego-boo.ting and, In many cues, mmtionl of how pet owners •• themMtva or would llM to be Men: 1wtft, athlcttc, physblly ettracttve. tntellt- gent, clever ot courageous. I\ Co&orado State Unlwnlty Jtudy, ni. Dog m a Ther- apeutic Ad}unci to Group T>i.raw, ha shown that the mere praencc of a dog In 1'JOUP treatment ha a bencftdal .Hect. 2. True. The Univenity of CallfomLutudy of doSI own.n found th.it people have dogs and other pell not oniy "to fulfll their Mlf·ldcnttty and Mlf-estecm but ai.o to serve aa a meant of mMttng and sodallz. Ing with ottm pieopM." I\ convenatk>n opener releUng to a pet not only II ~ table but alto often can fadkats an ac- qu.tntanc.ahlp. S. True. In a ~ .nady con- ducted by UntYnty of l.oulsvlle lnvafl. gllon, rMdom MmPla of pet owncnMd II • MllM.YWUJCLY,~• 1'r7 ADVICE TO COLLECTORS: Tlwr-.i one thing about lcleptomonlo -tJ you houe It, you con a/UXJV• tolce tomethlng /« tt. -RouSands I\ doctor wl1dng on the ~ ha said the tensk>na d Chrtltrnu shopping tax our nava and sanity. lAt's hope that thil doesn't gtvc the IRS boys any Ideas. -Doufd 0 . Ffvnn A/kr WI month• buvfng lpft, we con liell VoU tit« moa mlauNd .. orc1 rn the Engllah language .. only -llU only $49. 95. -A/Bolf Chances are thoM people you ... In banks wearing pained expnulons in. suf· fmng from withdrawal symptoms. -FranltT~ "I wish they wouldn't keep bugging me with that 1V commen:s.I,.. our good nctghbor complains. "I already have a mattrea that conforms to my body ltna. h sags In the mkklJe ... -Robert Ortien THROUGH A CHILD'S EYES Ow '-dv ... hlMntl. ~tel· ~..act..._tt .. .nows. ~ ..,.._-old Dlec:lS ... told .., ... mother to ILllll ....... --.... --des eood ........ DutiW'1 ebe ....... . .. .... the other ...... got to .... wry ... wie. ,,....,,. .. aum.d to ha modM:a' ..... ...... .. Mommy. !J1CM1 do ddl OM.'" -Nn.F.£..,._ Hattlelbwg,M.. Kldt ... fife dlff.,.,tty. Send w:a1ne1 contl1· butlont to ''Chlld:' Flll'lfly IN ~ &41 '--· lngton Alie., N.V., N.Y. 100:22. tlO If UMd- llOnt ,..um9d. MERRY CHRISTMAS W. llllah you doy• of holly, No dongerow "10ltl of dJre And happlnea necnr than nigher And all the belt -by gollv. PEOPLE QUIZ/By John E. Glbeon Do animals communicate through ESP? Can a dog make &lends for you? Can a cat serve as an In-house therapist? YOUR PET MAY HAVE POWERS YOU'D NEVER SUSPECT non-pet owners In ttw.e major c:lda and In small townt wet• lntervtewed regarding their attltuda tOWllrd others. Andlngl: town and dty wom.n and nonownen of pets dalmtd to .. people "'°"then pea. Mott pet ~ however, tlnct.d to , ... laa wel ur.delCood and a... wel regarded by others and ... lndned to .. thtt petl bet.ta than people. 4 . True. A study of why people own pets was conducted by Dr. Bruce Max Feld· mann. lecturer at the Untventty of Cab· fomia'a College of Natural Raourca and dnctot of the campus pet dnk::. "loYe for a pet," he points out. "ha a1molt no risks compared with love for other hurnanl, ~ Its many r1lka for both partla." He ~. however. that a negaUYe aspect of love for a pet Is the pampatng ot smothering that so often lads to a pet's neuroels. As an cump&e, he dta the obae pet overfed by the owner, who usa food u a major ....,.aaon of~- 5. faJM. PsydUairic: ltudla at Ohio State Untventty show that 90fM dogs with hy- perldnetlc tendenda are, In fact. antlsodal and that they not only are untralnab&e but aleo sccm to tab a perverse delight In thwarUng the wishes of thetr owners. Such canines wlU"literally bite the hand that feeda them If they have the opportunity." The doffs behavior. the Investigators potnt out, Is nonadaptive, leading to r-tectton by the dog's c.etaken. It's further noted that the "sodal feedback" that the dog rec:elva ... result of hts behavtor Is predictably negattw, which In the dog's view teems to julttfy lb par&nc:*i vtcw of the worid. (ln other wonk. such a dog lt lndlned to teact much as a hu- man being under simllar drcurnttancn.) 6. True. Noted animal paychologlllt S..- t!U lydec:kar sums up the raub ol ex· llyF ..... llaa'.-t UTTlE EMILY "'Yeah, well rn bet mv parents "" more bevond their Income than vour parents.,. tensive raearch on the~ of animal csimmunlcation In her recent book. What IM Anlmols Ten Me (Harper & Row). Her studla show that animals en- gage In nonvetbel communk:ation through ESP. Lydecker c::1ta results of tats that demonstrate how a person can communi- cate with his pet Ullng nonvcri>al language and ~what he wlltleS to oommu- ntcat. IO the anlmal. Pet owners are advised as foDows: "'To train the pet to understand the word 'lit.' fot example, tell It to 5*t while you vllualble II In that polltton. Sbon the animal wlD rapond to the command .. It reoetva the Image &om you. WtllJe this lnstrudlon II go6llg on. ESP communica- tion Is taking plaice. You an conwrmng In the antrnars language. A.s you become more Pl"Cftdent, chatllng with your pet (WI ESP ~ wll Mem natural." WhlJe such communication may prove dtftlcuJt for many to bckve, zoologists Maurice and Rob9rt Burton ot.Tvc In their new encyclopedia of animal behavior. Jrvlde tit« Animal World, that "It would tab a loc to convtnc. 110me dog owners that ttwir an- imals do not commwllcate by telepathy .. " The encydopedja notes lb'8dng ... amp&. of anllMI telepathy. Anally. psy- ddoglst J .B. Rhine. noted for his re- aearch In this .... ha rwpcmd lhat well- contn>W apertments on ESP In antmala conftrm mcs.nc. suggatlilg that the abil- ty of anlmM to Mnd and rectlYc telcpeth- le IMP gea II WI acquWtlon cJ the animal Oigllllllm that ~ COftldous MMD. T.a.pathy *> 1MY aplaln other puzzling 8IS*b of nm.I behavtor. such as the allillty of pets to ftnd the wey home ova Valt ~ and the tUnuhncous dllUlge of ~tlon of a flock of FR birds whedng ~In ftlgtd. IAa. I My name is Bob Lee, and I've started a new VITAMINS by MAIL eompanv 1 want ·to send you any (or all) of FOR ON'Y ~10C these quality nutritional products L ••• just to prove what I offer is equal to the very best, and that I will save you money! Ouaity for qua»ty our prices are low. Wffl? Because I have been selling Yllafnln supplements by mall for more than twenty.five years (WOlidng for somebody etse). I uw runy waya.to uve you money. Thought of betief ways to Improve aeMc:e. Saw exciting new product1. Yet management ignored my Ideas. Opportunity knocked when I and other senior employees were ~ by younger people. Thie became my chine. of 1 ltt.ttme, eo I put my expefiel~ to wot1t. I gathered" together a group of experienced and devoted people who think young, but are old fashioned In things like pereonal Mtlntion to customers, good producta, and WOl1<lng hard to get our orders out fast I /' ...... '· I I II ~~Dacc.W ... htnl I VITAMIN E Capsules LIVER KELP TllllMCa (todtM)T...._ IDa' pure alpfla tocopMiyl ....-ClllMlll 100 79• ~:!3 .. 0 10DAY SUPPLY 1.0 ~ u..- , ..... a • .. a.• o • .. 1..11 E-400uNfTI ::, • a ........ \.. O _,_ IM ~ 1·100= 1.200:.: ~= 1-1000:.= 0 100. • 0 100 L1' 0 100. ta 0 100· UI BREWER'S BREWER'S 0 500-4.ff 0 SCIO-Ut 0 SCIO-IA. It 0 SOO.IZ. • YEAST YEAST Yes, our company neec1t you and 'f04X orders If we are to ~IC08ed . Butwe can do someU*lg for you too, by givtng you a dlpendeble 80\.ICe of quaMty supplements at the lowfft prtcee poe1tie delv8f'ed right to your door. I will be personally supefViaing 'f04X orders from the day they arrive until the moment they are shipped. I unconcWonelly ....,.me. thet you must be completely ...... tied or we wtlt rwfund every penny you pmctl f.S .JUfl'A!!Jt~! ~.h., / ...... 91:1. Potau um 'lEE.PlEX' B Complex 50 mg. T*"' ~~.1.25 Cadl~. oon1a1na .... 0 7CAPSUUS 81.82, .~. Pwlto Add, Olollna ino.. 1 o• O • .. IM lol; • '3;. ~1~ l9kiifi; \.. o,. ..... ~ ·~ ...... Fol6c . Ullll-..... / ..... .. ...., IONEMEAL DOLOMITI T......_ T ....... I t 0 1000.l• 0 1000.lut 0 1000.17.M OIOOO.H.a I T...._ ..... wtc.ri.. 6 Vil. D c.11mar u 0 Crunchy Vanna. Butt.-.cotc:h VIT AMINSFoA HAIR CARE Same fonnula that oth«'I htMt charg.d $9.95 for 50 day eupply. D ONE WEEK 10-Ullllt-:. SUPPLY :-=, 0 50 DAY SUPPLY 3.95 I D l•lltMf\f.J.At D•llY9flf.ft.1S I ~.91• 0 ••1.n 0 1D•UI GARLIC OIL c..-.... =.91• O llDO'-UI 0 1000•1.a OMO,_ PROTEIN TllllMCa i~.1.89 o ...... 0 10IO ....... Natural 10 mg. ZINC T...._ 111 •• 2.98 0 ....... H19'1F1Mr .... BRAN T...,._ 100 as· T ..... o ... ,... 0--··· / HERBAL....,. 01u1n1c , ..... ~~.1.71 o••._. "-0,. ..... ~ 'PROTEIN' DIET POWDER o..~ 3.98 100 ... r-.. 100 ... , ..... O • .. UI \. 0 -•1.• ,J ACIDO-10,IOOUMt:a PHILUS vtt-111 A CsprulH T...._, ~2.10 100 69• r-.. o••._• / ""\ COD LIVER IQrmlA ALFALFA OIL , ...... c..,.u ... 100 ... , ..... =.n· o •'-1• o ... ._. \.. a .. wa.e ~ 0,. .. , .. , "' l"':--- VltamlnC with lloM Hips ...... 0 100 for lie o 500 tor z.• O 1000 for 4.Jt ... .... PROTEIN WAFERS 0 15 WARRS 10• ..... _ ...... •• &. , I I I I I (30"'9. In 3 a.be. 100 T ..... 98• 0 100 fC)( t .41 o 500 lor 1.n O 1000 tor tZ.11 9Prlnt ,,.,,.. rou wish to ord« Mlow 9 I BEE POLLEN Yltemln ~1 L.clthln, Kelp Md~ Vlneg1r High Potencr 500 mg. Toblets 0 30 TABLETS 010 DAY SUPPLY 1.0 ~:..-:. 10 ~=..-:. ....... 0 100 for Z.11 0 500 for H.tl \. 0 1000 '°' 22.tl ~ LECITHIN 1200mg.19 Grain Capsul .. 010 DAY SUPPLY 1.0-=--:. . ....... 0100fort.tl OllOOtot I.JI ·10~ 1 0-:-f~OWenz·~-1 0-~:~o 10- ,,,,,, '' ,, t ,,,,,'. ,,,, • ,, •••••••••••••••• ,, ,.,.,, •• ,,,,, •••••••••••• , ••••• , •••• ,, ••••••• : ........ \.1l1·l·l•1·•·)•,1,1,.1•lll.j. :+IL ..... 1.,. __ ,.,.,., .•. , .. .,1 ....• ~.,-1•1·1-. J . ·····:..'...l..'..1·······~·-1 ....•.•. , .•. ,. . ....,. 0 100for... OIJOOforl.• '=---- .....,. 0 100 fotlM O llOOfot 1.- LEE NUTRITION I LJ~r~.1'1ft1 l. W I' ......... lo 1) lt,,1~ '(()II' ()'11fH 1-lll~lt(J :luH-._,., nri~1 nee'·'"'"', 1 rq,r.• 'fl')LJ ,,. I , :~1 .,,, ~~---~---~~~~~~---~~~· Qumtfty .. ....... of "9duct Totel Prtce I ----.----.--------+---· I -----.--+--------6-~~--1 ~---t--+--~-~-~-+-~--1 ~~-+-~_._~~~~~~-4~~-I ~--___.--+---~~~-...... --~· I ---· • ---' .. .. 100~ .. .., 8ecll o .......... We ~J ALL,,_,..,., 'oU· 1moyn! C"Ci~d ,..._--------------I I Cit .... a,_ I ___________________ J About Our Cover Everyone recognizes the joOy o&d soul on our cover as Santa Claus -but wtthout Thomas Nast's painting you might not. Before Nut's 1874 painting, Santa CloUI -A Jollv Good Fellow, Santa wu a lean- er, poler figure than the jovial, jeUy-bell!ed St. Nick we know and love. Nast created Santa as we know him today. The German-born Nast's most famous work Is of another fat fellow, "Boss" Twud, the lnfamou1 leadcr of New York's Tammany HaU, whom he lampooned In the page$ of Harpc't Weekly. Mott of Nast's works, Ilka the Tweed series, are cartoons and sketches, and so the oll paint- ing of Santa, a 62• x 42• wort<, Is valued at approxlmateJy $25,000 by the Kennedy Gallery In New York City which owns It. Trimming Fat Off Restaurant Tabs Durtng the past year, the C06t of eattng out has lnaeaMd twtce as much as that of dining at home. But there's no need to ga lndigation when you look at your restau- rant blll -If you take advantage of these cost~ tip. &om home economists. • If taking the children, select a famdy restaurant or one that often "young peo- ple's plates" at reduced prices. • Look for restaurants featuring salad bars. Many offer salad and bread at all· you-can-eat prices. • Try to eat out at lunch rather than In the ewnlng to take advantage of the usuaUy leu expensive noontime prica. FAMD~ n.. l#W.,,.., 11'.,,ultHI ",, ............ .... Mot1on Ff9ftll ElllY .... V.#Aelee.,.,_. P9tr1dl M. UMMy IJl1•1h9 ~Scott o.o.mo ~ 1n THE Tapping Family Roots -By Mall If Roota tapped your Interest In tracing cal records and sources," says Ron your family tree, you can learn how -by Woods, coordinator of 8rtgham Young'• matl. Brigham Young Univ. Is offcrtng a Home Study Programs. new home-study program In genealogy Students have from 2 weeJu to a year to designed for people Interested In lcamJng comJ)Mte 11 cmne. There Is no time limit more about their ancestors. for the degree, although setting a tcheduJc Counes can be taken on either a credit Is encouraged. For the degree, ccrtatn or noncredit basis, and the ambtdous can basic courses In history, science, religion work toward a 2-year asaodate degree In and Engllsh are required In add1tloo to tt-i. genealogy. Students mey tpedallze In genealogy counes. Scandinavian, Brttlsh Of North American For more Information about the pro- genealogy, and .. they wlD learn about the gram, write: Brigham Young Univ., De- history, language and culture ol each grec Coordinator, 210 HRCB, Prow, country as well as the available geneaJogl-Utah 84602. A Home Away From Home James Whbmb R1ley Ho.pttal for Ch!Jdren ln lndianapolll bdeva that a parent's place Is In the holpltal. Stnoe 1971, the holpital'1 12-room Partnt Care Pavlb has allowed pamrtl to av.. eat and u.cp with their children durtng the young!ters' hospital ltayl. '"'The Pavilion Is for any chlld who doesn't need lnnvenous Ina or 24-hour nursing care," says Dr. Mon11 Green, the hospttal's phy9'dan-ln-<hlef. "Its d1'cf advantage Is that It maka holpltelratlon lets ttaumatk: to the chlldren." "The Pavlllion .-0 brtnga famlhs t~ gcther," continua Green . "h'• to Q1Y for them to drift apart because of medical prob&ems. Here pwenn feel Included." Don't Be Misled By Statistics What's the favorite American pastime? Who's the most popular entertainer? How average.,. you? You can find enswen to att these ques- lk>ns ln polls but only If you know how to inaM MnM ol the numbers. "MOit people .,. either overly 11Usting or unduJy tMptk:aJ of st.atiltlcs," says prof. Davtd Moore of Purdue Univ. 's Dept. of StaitsUa. "Numben are just like words - they can be true, false or tmt&evant." Prof. Moore teacha hit students how to analym stadltics ustng· common sense. "Ask youneJf whether the numben make MnN." he says. "If they teem out of line. they may be wrong ... AN hidden lnfluenca affecting the poU? For eumple, a National Food>all league poD showed that pro football Is the natton's No. l spectator sport, but It was taken ju.It before the Super Bowl. And out where the numbers come from. (In other words, Is the source rellabte?) Moore says GoVt. statistk:s are the m09t .a:urate., followed by polls by "nwtral" or- gantr.atlons, such as Gallup and Hams. Examine polls taken for private clients carefuly and, tn Moore's words. "look wtth • )aundiced eye at ttal1tCics from pro- ..... MCking publk:tty." Quick Takes w... .................... oa TV? Accofdlng to a ltUdy reported In tM Untv. ol Pennsytvanle's JoumoJ o/ Communlcodon, Pf<9"&1N dwtng famdy-vtewlng !UM show more physi- cal Intimacy and Innuendo than those broadcast after 9:00 P .M. (EST). Sttua· tlon comedies contaln the moat kiMtng and embracing. whlle vanety shows have the largat number of Innuendos. w.~...,.,. ............ pllal ,_....,. In tbe fata.re -for ,.._...,. lafanta. Dr. Annellae F. Kame of the Stanford Univ. Medical Center says that plactng the preemies on watert>edl In Incubators stgntftcantly reduces the lnddence of a common and serious breathing problem. Re- M41Ch also suggests that the movement stimulation provided by waterbeds may be effective In promoting develop- mental and behavioral progreu In pre- mature Infants. "'°" ........... .., look ... WO .,.•. .,.., she may be day- drearnlng. A MW ttudy reports that, at all ages, women daydream more often and more Intensely than men. But men and women daydream about the same things -~m-~ dreams are the most common, sexual ones next. 0..-dMt-cotults ............ u... doa't Mlp • .._... ......w lieMloll'° Mys the commlllloner of the Food and Drug Admlniltratlon. AD that daytime Mdattva can do Ill a u.- drowslnea through the antihlstamtna they contaln. Users ol the Mdattves rilk being drowsy diaing the day when they may be operating automobdes. BIRTHDAYS (aD Capricorn): S..-, - Cab Calloway 70: Tony Martin 64. Moe- ., -Phil Spector 37; Steve ADcn 56; Richard Wkimark 63; Alan King 50; Hen- ry Miiier 86. ,......., -Marlene Dletr1dl 73. W1 de II • ., -Sam leventon 66; Lou Jacobi 64; Maggie Smith 43; Manin Miiner 44; Lew Ayra 69. Tlamnday - Mary Tykr Moore 40; Jon Votght 39. F..+ ..., -Sandy Koufax 42; Bert Parlts 63: Bo Dtddacy 49: Del Shannon 38. s.t.- ., -John Denver 34; Hany Guardino 52; Nathen Milltctn 73; Pant Smtth 31. lllll1HDA y P£OPL£: -..,T,._..._._._._o .... < High and low tar smokers converted as news of - 'Enriched Flavor: tobacco~ There is a way to pack flavor -extra flavor -into a low tar cigarette. MERIT proved it. By cracking cigarette smoke down into separate elements, researchers were able to isolate certain "fl avor,rich " ingredients that deliver taste way out of proportion to tar. The result was 'Enriched Flavor' tobacco. Tobacco that delivers the kind of taste smokers can switch to. And stick with. "I tell·"°" that they are fantastic! ••• if you can chanie me, you can change anyonL 0 ---w..tt 1-. trn -Mrs. Bonnie Lindsay ·-... Bridgeport. ConnecttCUt Kings: Bmg"tlf:· 0.6mg nitotinuv. pe<c1gntt1,nCRepoftAug:n 100'1: 12 mg"t•:· 0.9lftll nicotinuv. percigemtebynt Method. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. U»I TAR-'ENRJCHED FLA\OR' This kind of smoker enthusiasm is typical of what smokers are saying about the taste of MERIT "After smoking one pack, l was reaPY amated ••• thn are as good as the cigarettes wiih higher tar!' -Mrs. Brenda Clart( Opelika. Alabama "I have been searching for a low tmc~for some time now. AU others l\,e tried have no taste ••• Iln a MERIT man." -Ray Echard _._ Parkersburg. West Virginia Only one cigarette has 1Enriched Flavor' tobacco. And you can taste it. Kings & lOO's LIMIT ONE CARTRIDGE WITH THE COUPON BELOW 20 EXP. NO. 110-126-135 $2.25 p1stpaid SKRUDLAND PHOTO HEBRON , ILLINOIS 60034 ADDRESS Off er ends MARCH30 1978 NEW BORDERLESS PRINTS STATE ZIP SADDt.llACI IMW 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 13 I ·2040 -4t4-4t4' CltlVIH MOTOIS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -13S.ll71 IOYCAIVHIMW 1540 Jamboree Road SUMSIT FOID 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. Westminster -64MOIO ftHIL LOMG FOID 43 Auto Center Drive Irvine-761-5111 Newport Beach -640-6444 Cij!(;I CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540." 00 CHEVROLET COHHELL CHEVROLET 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546· 1200 DATSUN IAIWICIC DA TSUH 33375 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano ll 1· 1315-4tl-ll75 DOT DATSUN 18835 Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach -142-7711 UMIVEltSITY OLDSMOllLE 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.9640 AU.EH OLDSMOllU. CADILLAC & •MC 28332 Camino Capistrano Laguna Niguel -111..0100 HONDA IOH fiOODWIM HOHDA 700 S. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton -171-0412 . TV WEEK, DECEMBER 25. 1877 LINCOLN-MERCURY JO..-eSOH & SOM UMCOLM-MllCUIY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.1630 OLDSMOBILE UHtVHSm Ol.DSMOllLI 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.9640 PONTIAC IOM•OODWIH POMTIAC -•MC 700 S. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton -171-0412 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVEISOM, IMC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -'7J.0900 TOYOTA llU.M.AXIY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Bl~d. Hunt. Beach -IU .. IH SUIOAY, DCCOllU 2$ t:JO 8 Cll "IA Wt!NR National pme. Buffalo vs. Cleveland .,, ... s.ar 11:00 9 ((ll) CJ)) Cl) l1lt Aeilb lwl P1nnsyf'ttn11 Sltlt n AmOllt Stale from Tempe. Anzona l:tO(Qt) Cll) ~ S:lOeMeJS-.. 7:t0 S Wwrien WtW WtnJO<s \'S Portland TUESOAY, OfCOllU l 7 7:20 G S Lalen W.W lakell ¥$. Colden S11tt W1111011 llftlNIUOU, DCCOllO U 6:JOQI Wllrien .....W Wanien n. n-.t. TKUISOAY, OfCOllH 1' 10:00 e ucu.....-1 FWIOAY I Of Cllll[I )0 12:00 ......... JOa.Otf ~ 1:00 e CJ) ell (6 Cl)) Tiie Gator .... live cover•te of this eame between Clemson 111d Plltsburall from Jac:h onv1lle. flonda l.ilO e ... /Grtr lwl The 40lh annual aame pits ll1e btst ,ouaae sen101s ~ Ille Horth apinst the Soulh 1n lhis classJC sports even! taped al Monltomery Al1bam1's Cumton Bowl SAfUIQ!L DCCOllU ll t:OO S !Ill r.adl .... Horth l:'lrol1n1 Slate n lowt Sia le IO:lO 8 (<Ill CJ)) Cll llM Siii 8"" loum1n1 State UniverS1ty vs Sltn· fOfd UnwtrSJty from £1 Pa.so, Teu.s. 11:00 e TIM r.adl .... Horth Carolina SUit n Iowa Stilt lrom Att1nt1 Geortia <a CE> Olfldtl 1'76 A1-Alltrica11 r.w r ... 1:00 Cil m (121) Cl)) a a £.111..wtsl , .... live from S,n ftan c1sco. lht best eollece loolball playm compete in thJS annual aame II 8 ()) c.llttt luletMR Notre Dame vs Kent ocky l:lO 8 ((ll) CJ)) CD CIS s,.rtl Stledlc..Ur 3:00 8 ~ill S,eclll Features Sil of the country's top skale boarders belwffn the 11es ol 13·17 S:OO . a ft Hn ............ use Tro11ns n Teo& A & ""~QIU tn tll1s live 11me from the Mlrodome 1n Houston. T uu. • CJ) (11 (QI CJ)) UC'• Mk ..... lftrts CIS..f11Me il'-rm111 SU•OAT, om.t ZS 6.-00 e "tllard ft .. ,..... s.Nlen" (com) '34-Lmel and H11dy. • "lllradt • l4tlt Stntt'' (dra) '41-Mmeen O'Hm. John Paynt. 1.-00 • (C) "Tiie OW...._ tlld tM s.aH (dra) '58-Spencer Trtey 9:00 II 0 ()) • a (C) ...... Ac-.. Sly" (Wes) '75-RKhard Boone. Stewart PeltfSOll e (J) IIDl (121> Cl)) (C) "f .. 11y Qrt" .(d11) '68-S.rbra Streisand lllOllCIA' OfCOll(I 2' 5:GO G (C) "UttM .., I.lat,. (~a) 'S3-81n1 Crosby, Cl1ude Dauph1nt 5:11 8 (C) "1lle ~ T,,.,. (dra) '73-RObM Foaworth. Mike f urell. 1.-00 e "'9llc My Way" (dra) '44-Blnc Crosby, Barry F11Jte1ald t:OI U IHl ()) D CD CC> ~ Mndt Ill CtllffleW U.U ." (dra) '77-M1ld1ell Ryan. Kur1 Russell. Andrew Prine • (J) <ID (121! ())) (C) "TM flllcaha" (wes) '76-Jamu Alnm fUESDAY D£WllO t 7 6.ilO G (C) "Tiie .... lall( KW (tom) '67-Tom Bosley, Guy MadGOll ~ 9 (C) "1 LM A..,...,,.. (rnys) '67-lda luptno, David Hartman. l-00 11 IHl CD 1Dt QJ CC> "PIM C.llJlll la .. ,...,.. (susp) '77-Kenl McCold, Diana Muld1u1. Shane S1nulko, Mepn McCord. e (C) ..._. tf tlllt.,,.,.. (llof) '72-foc Porter. K11lh Btfl HI 8 @ (J) G QI (C) "Tt«IAI" (dra) '77-lloy~hntr WIOIEDAY, DECDllO U • l:GO G "Mr .......... Mia 0r .. ..._,.(tom) '48-C.ry C11nt. 6:JI e (C).,.. • .. OwtlWe" (611) '73-lowi Gmnt l.iO e "Tw Tun W«e Ille llat" (1dv) '46-Alan Ladd, William 8tnd1~. t.00 9 (al) CIJ) (C) "Taf1tllllbc 1\e 0..., Carp" (Sllsp) '17 -Claudt Aluns. Cha/Its f11nk. D~h Winters. ntUISOAT DCCla.J H 1.10 e (C) ~ (1dY) '6~-Gofclon Stoll, Ollna Hyland 6:• 9 CC) "W. tM hclfic" (ldw) '42-Humpl111y Bot•rt Lile ...,.... ~ (mys) '4'-Blfb¥1 Stanwyck rflOAT DECOIB • l:Ot e (C) "Tiie ,_ ON" ~wu) '56-Robert Ryan. 1.10 e (C) "T ... ti TtttW" (llof) '62-Vineenl Prict, Peltr lo11e. t:Ol 9 ((11) (])) CJ) (C) "lMTt (edw) '7S-Altin Delon. Stanley Biker SAMIDAY ~U 6:tl e (C) "Tlll....., hitjlo (com) 'SJ-Don Murrey, tG M11sll1fl. 1.1111 e "Fnel ............ (dll) '76-F11nk Abt. t:ta e o Cl)• a Ct> "c-. lbd, Uttta SM••'' (dr•> ·n- Lauttnce Olrvier • .loenM Wooclwfrd, Came flWt. ORDER YOURS NOW • • 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS STYLISH TYPE ON GOOD OUAUTY WHITE GUMMED PAPER • PERSONA LIZED •EASY TO USE • FOR YOU OR A FRIEND r---------------------, Fill tn this coupon. clip and mail with $1. 75 to I Pilot Printing, Label Div. I Poet Office Box 1560 • 330.W Bay St. I Colt• Mesa. Callfomia 9282e I I I I I I I I I Be Sure to Use Vour ZIPCQde I I , PILOT PRINTING I I L---------------------J • • I ·~ -10:30-CJ) UHi tt It a.,.., I MORNING I II ((fl)(])) CJ) lift" Litt • Wwi•"• .. 9 CJ) m Q) •-u.t Arte Q) Cart.nllle Johnson hosts. • CD CD> <a CIJl szo,ooo ~llliil Dick Clar~ hosts tDltepl'sltli.a Q) 6-tf,,.. 11:00 8 (CU> (]))CJ) YM11 I Restless D IHl Cl) Ill 9 To S.y 1111 LNst Tom Kennedy hosts Tiit [j,. " llicbt • (]) Cll (all CJ)) Tiii llltttr S.1 8111 Anderson hosts Cl ~r U. ~rfdy Baron llosts • llletnlllftS Ill '-tr Pyle fD Cltctrk C.,.llJ -11:30- D ((fl) (])) CJ) St11ch for TOlllCWrow e e a Tiit '°"' SM Cl) Ryt11'1 ..... a CD CD> <a Cl)) r1111i1J FelHI tD l.et's lap Good II> llallllJ I Ille 'rtfttlOf 0 Cl) P'llif l>oMllM S.... fl:) Ilia ... llbrllle 8:00 • c.,tlil blpfM (]) QI! Carte.s ms-. m ((fl) CD> Tiit rn aw. tDZ..! -1:30- • CD>fut1r• Cl) Atdlia • Tiie FlilbtlMs m "*7 w..t,ecler aea~ &'tYilla .... ,. 9:00 II Tiit '1a Is lllPt wn. rna.. D 0 Cl) Cl Slftford I S. ••WtfJ Cl) • I lift LIKy .... la~ . ...,~ Cll (IB CJ)) Me o..csas S.. . ~,,.. QllUtlltltaKala •S-S1ntt (8ll'tlil0...5'119 -9:30-• «ll Cl) • ....,.. .... • ...,..,..,lfO D MIN: See Daytime Movres •MrTintS-.......... QlllmtlUt..._ CD Dedrtc -.., 10:00 llllllOC..77 e ow 111 a W11"1 of ,.,..... Clluck Woolery hosts e -..: Ste Daytime Movres Cl)""'.._ • (]) (II (121 Cl)) """ °"' • ...., Griffitlt •C.-... ((ll) (])) lllltcll QlllMI S -..: Ste Daytime Movies • a.... Mltnldlell AFT•RNOON 12:00 • "-tilM D Cl) G ftt llcMr, For Mtr e TwiiPt ZIM a CJ) (QI Cl)) All lllJ ClliWrt1 (fl) 0 lifts e lllfolit : Set Daylrme Moms. ._ 1-4 Kkl..if u.c.ii-Fnday. m I llflMI tf Jelllit (()1) (])) .._ Altlif/Jtt larlltl Cl.lhnJ 11111111 m lbdllil/llllrtr ..,.,, '9 s.a ... Stl'Mt -12:30- • ((ll) (])) Cl) As tllt Wtrld T11n11 B iUJ Cl) IJ!) 8 Days ti O•r I.Ml • 'l1lt llflllMtl CJ) OMra c.rt <ID All .., C11114,.11 at C.rtsllip of Eddie's flthtr fl:)Y111tw11Nltll 1:00 e Iii V111ty Cl) •na atld AllH • (]) (QI) Cl)) Ryan'• ...,. ....... • '-t Seart Cl.I llllwlt: See Daytime Movies -1:30- • (<DJ (])) Cl)"'' C.i4ll111 lJ&tlt D 0 Cl) Cl 9 l1lt Dldtfs Cl) Dia v ... .,,.. sa.. • Cil (JI <• Cl)) Ollt Ult le u.. G '8.wt Wink Mart1n~le h0$fs at Set la. 2:00 e omma..,..rhM • lift Alltrlull Style Cl) n.t "'1 m llllwle: See Daytime Movres ....... • f ..ily f'tltralt -2:15- • (])(fl (IB Cl)) Gmral HllJ!bl -2:30- • (<DJ (])) Cl) All I• Ille f M1i1J 3:00 a c:tllllU Otqlas D l'Ut'• Cat ·Ktll,..il~ (I) f r-4 Ai11tsttM • (]) (Clll Cl)) u,. of llipt Cl) IWtywoed C..lltditll Cial llloN: Ste Daytrme Movies ... Tiit FMtAeMs .., '*"' * *"• (()1) (])) T attiebles 0 (I) ftt llidler, f Of Mtt Cl.I 0.1 Gue tD ftNs for tltt h•ily (J)Olull! CD S...1111 Strttt t& Take JO -3:30- (]) llltn Ciriftitl Mon ll'9flSiclt Tues, Thur YtMlll '"pie Wednesday lllarws Welby r 11 D Mt41kll Ctnter • Dllllltl CJ) at at Illes knny a fllntstoMs <a m> ,.,.,. a llloN: See D1yllme Movies Cl) lrMy l4Mdl (<DJ(])) Ca,Ui• ...,.,. 8 (]) Tilt '-I SM fD F 1111ily f'lttrlib m ..... .., ci-est 4:00 Cl) ElwptlcJ OM G WIN Wi4I West ......,,,,.,.,. Park.er Steventon, right, and Shaun Caaaldy are the two young stars of the ABC adventure1myste<tes The Hardy Boys Mysteries, which al,. Sundsy 7-8PM. Stevenson and C8ssldy star as Frank and Joe Hardy, re1pectlvely, the teen- aged sons of world famous ln11e1tlgator Fenton Hardy, who-llke their father-cannot realat an exciting case with elusive clues. The Intriguing, 1u1penMful and frequenuy humorous adventures of Franklin W. Dixon's The Hardy Boys have captured the Imaginations of more than five generations of American youth , ... , I SUNDAY D£CD11U n I MORNING ....... Cl lllttillc n.. 11 C.lmy • .,.., Kl4l ((ll) Cl)) Jeny FWtll 0 Cll It .. WritbNI ((21 Cll) .. HlllllNr• D OW n.. c;.,.t 9:00 Cl) Cll ... tt-lw~ ...... Ille ,,_ • MIM: CC) ""'7 Tlltft, lt't feel lu(' (u1m1t1d) ·~ D Cll @ Cll Oral IMtfts OJI It .. WrittM • T• 1114 .ltfry .., ,._, Swaaart IS Ftitll tw r-, !Bl IMW Yow MM C9 I• .... , De c.ir -9:30- • ((ll) Cl)) Cll llU llshlN• Bulf1lo vs. Cleveland • (Mys1eJ .. Tiit Kill& Is Cotltill& cm s,.ctl'lllll ............ 8) OW TIN ""91 Holtr tDl Cll Clnbu1 Collctrt 121 (9 CD) Jhll111Y Swau1rt Cl Tiit Snilur 0 ""IN tf Trwtll en.torot~ 10100 CD e Cll HM ef '"'1 G SMr1111 It C.rlft1 Art l1nklttltr hosts e HtrtN fl Trvtll (flhMcNM 8 CD CllttDl1 Ir• W~ ~ •s.MeJ~ ·--sertet (ta CJ)) lM ,... llMllll TV WEEK, DECEMBER 25, 1977 01.w.Out ID rs,ct1k P1P'1111111111111• .. ,..,111 -10:30- • T1lil Is ... Lii• •CD (QI CD> la~• CllMIJ Wia CIDl Tiit t.fll11Mllt hnte .., C.lwary Cllapel @JeMiM 11:00 8 Acriallt»ft USA • Day " DilcMtJ CJ) fljiilu: .... ti llM Swtll • Cl) (9 CD> ""' ;,_,. A,t DREXHUMIAID * CHltlSTIW SPECIAL .... " .... ,. 9 Ftitll CM ... Cllristus Sena m ...,.: "The l1tlles1 Rebel" II) CIMKdl i• Ille ..... (ft) CJ) Tllt Sn!Mr a Ant ia,tist e1111rc11 • Electric eo.,..., cm TM ,,.... 0 HoriJMS 119 Vekt of Acrlculture -11:30- D Tiit SMrt Slllw • ,...., Swqprl .. Cl)w..MM • CJ) <• CJ)) ............... eACllrttbua~ • lhltt tit • ClllW .. ..,. a Mett t111 ,,.. • Tiit AIUllll F•llJ I iHIAAool 12:00 9 «m CD) CD Tiit F1..a .... Penn1ytven11 State n Anzona S!Jte Modem dentures/Fast repairs P909I See how easily your denture problems can be taken care of at Dr. Miller's Fauiily Dental Center. Dr. Alan Miller ,D .D.S. Family Dent•~' 2979 Fairview Rd., Costa Mesa . 979-3970 for rhe comer of Fol111iew & Boker wt'St o/ Sot! O.ego Fru'l} J 81\lf• C.t • SWla f1111ily ~ e CJ) cm (121 ())) Cllrlr111111 Same. from first United Mtthod11t Church G llletle: "Mr M11oo's Ch11stmu Cml" m Ciel Sl!llrt la U.S. F11• ltll'f1 e CllrilllultllM NII Mr ltttn m .._. c.r.1E1t u 1111• Cll~Carel ID lllowle: CC> (llir) wa 111111 C.1114 rtttr" (d11) '55-R1ehard rood m rr,., -12:30- G At OM Witll • lllrllttf .. u, CJ) WIN lillcllM • Mtwlt: ''A Cllri1t111 .. C1 rot" (classic) '38-Reainald Owen Q) H1111tiftctN "'" hra61 S Mtykrry RFD a llletle: "Copacabana" m LHft It to ltawtr 1:00 CJ) Mil• 11MI OMI CJ) Aliilul W.rW • ,..,.. 7 • AllMtt ' c.t111o <m (121 w> ·n usca H1c1111;1ts 0 ()) Cllriltlnal C..rt S I U.. IJlq e CllrilClla At ...,. • llkHlll'• lbyY -1:30- (J) Illy lllM111 CllrlUll Sptelal • 0. ea.,. ()) WtrW tf tllt $ea •IMIPt a;.....-. ..... 0> ()) llletlt : "Mlmlt el ll1t ....,. (d11) '48-Frank S1n1t,. • lllt lltlltJ'lllllnlrt (!21 ())) U.S. Ftrwt lt,.,t err,... 2100 • T1M lie Vtlloy CJ) ..._..: "Pillow ol Oeath" • llHI•: (C) "Anrllli111 Goes" (mus) '56-Bina Crosby CI1 lilly "*"' ~riltlan S,.Clal • lloflt: CC) ""icllolas lllQ!dy" Ccfusic) • ., _5., Cedric H1rdw1cke • fll'Ull S lllHt.: "flit Ad'9nturt1 ol aMill Heed" (adv) '38-[rrol Flynn CD ~11mtt11111 t1111st11W (IS ())) frawtlurt G llhwle: "Mr Pe.body and Int Mermaid" ID ...-: CC> (211r) ''SIJ 01t For Me" (mus) '59-Bina Crosby Ill FM!lly r.rtrtlt • ~tf C.lnry -2:30- (J) T1M H, ff Q rbtllla B lltlC S,.0.1 "Clt<k•t on the Hu rth" Mery Fr11 stirs. e lllewit: "Sally ind St Anne" • ~: VDJIPI to Sno IM ....... (R) ( s CJ)) Tiit ltlcert • ...,..0....1. et""""'4ai.t 3:00 a Ftettlltltltiln CJ) Sltnti9ll .,., Cllrin .. ~ ~Second Ch1nce'' CI1 llttlt: "Wlllt1 C~rl1t111u" (mus) '54-Blna Crosby. Danny K1ye ...... CC> wo.a tf n.Ntn" (dr1) '59-David Ladd (9 (1))~ • fali SMrt '-91 lttllr -3:30-• T..,,, Wic*' Tiit~ • IMlallt Tiit lliPt lllt Alll4ull TllW m w.u.ti.t • c.. ca (I))~ AMtrttKa Clll~USA eD r~~ • llllMd ..,.,, 4:00 D lilfflt : ...... ,,, l111i11tu" ('°m) ·~-Cary Grant. D Tiit S..., sa.. • """ & Hit Frittle Mr, lblOO'& Cllf1ltlllla Carol • CJ) '77 US&\~ DS,-01999 CD M"lt : CC> "Little Wo111en" (dr1) '49-June Allywn (<llJ {]))TIM r..--Clll ()) Mtot lllt ,,.. <3> Mowlt: "CMtit CllM tl tllt O,.r1" (com) '36-Warner Oland. fl) Wiii StrMt Wttk (a ())) o... u, Alolllld t11t WtrW a 11n ~ " t11t z.e• QI) lllrcw Wt6y e T1111 T1m1 T1111 -4:30- (J) Cllttlt11111 .. ~ =)-::i. lllUeft 8 (I) s,.clll Cllriaa Cllolr .......... ...._, ........ (al (J)) ....... Glll'llr."Jltttrbup " IDh~S. ellil a, S:OO CJ) llfl GMO ti 111t Wttl • (I) Stir TM CJ) Mlwle: "Senti CllUS ConQUtrt t~e M1rt11ns" •<11 0""' • Mlwle: "Hew """ ... My Veit;" (dra) '41-Walttr PidJeon d) illwlt: CC> "Gay l'urr4D (mu$ tar) '62-V04us ol Judy Cu11nd. Robert Goulet. Red Buttons. (UJ CJ) C..C.111 ID Flrillc LIM ... W.1111 lofdttt -5:30- •v•AINi 8:00 • (1) ... ...... CJ),..., .... &tltt ~ • -.....: ''tbrdl " lllt ..... s.wien" -l1urel and H11dy CD Mowlt: (Ztw) "lllrtde • l4ltl Str.r' (dfi) '41-Miurttn O'H1t1 (<llJ CJ)) '-" Sillcill ~ <Hl CJ) Wt Wisll Yt1 A llltrry QriQla l!D A lltlf .... It! lltllMI ca ())) nn r• M.t Aciltl a11..tn.,,... Qll ......, lf* ....,. -5:30- • (<lll CJ)) CJ) """ ()) tll liflW Kl ...... • llllC ..... C.ltrtll« (II • CMiltMel Canl '" Sa• OitlO f9 11,._ IA11p11t "'craru 0 CJ) ~ Chtbt ... Ctrol !! = .. s,..-, dlnlt"" G> lie ll11t llleflltt ., ........ fartt 7:00 D C<m c.Dl iO Millltll U Snow W111te/P'lnectllio • Blmbi a Moft/DlSllEY e a CJ) a a WHder111 WttW ff DilMy ·from Alt of Us to All ot Yoo" A $pe(•al all e1ttoon Christ mn proeram hosted by J1m1ny Cr1eket and futu11n1 such l1mou$ 015ney chu1cters as Clnderell1 Snow While. Oon1td Ouck, Bambi. P1noccht0, Peter Pan 1nd Chip n 01le Also scenes hom "Pete's Oraaon " ())"""" •CJ) (II (<al())) Har~ loys/ llncy °'" lllJtttrla (R) At an Al11c1n time preserve, Frank and Joe invutiaate a huse po1ch1n1 optr1· !ton In WhlCh I areal white hunter 1ppeers to be the prime suspect. e AlllM1I W.rW m M.ttca WtlllY a W•rriln WttMll W1111or1 VI. Portland : :or., Ytur Utt -7:30- • Tt tllo WM c-try • w.rw " Ille s.. • Ollce u,_ A a..k 8:00 a ((U) CJ)) CJ) .... Ulllblt to rel1tt lo people al parties, Brenda Mor1enstern turns to 1 "'shynm clinic" IOI proltUIOllll llelp •@ ())Cl lU'lllt191fWlle si.,t Tllrwall Qltbtms An an•· m1ted spec11I about 1 youne bruin who refuses to hit>ernate in winier so that he may search for Chustmas CJ) Tlllt ......... • rn <II ca ())> s11 111111M Ollar Ill•• Steve, who had thousht biafoot had aone back into spm catches up with him in lhe wilder ness and 1s amazed when his old f11end aoes on a ramp1ae e CHlttSTMAS SP'ECIAl * VMDEMAll FAMILY I Tlf[ POPtJW "IT IS Wlfll£11" SlllGEIS ..... ,.,.... CD llowit: CC> (Zllr) "TlM 014 Mu 1114 lllt S." (d11) '53-Spenctr Tracy, Felipe Pazos e SM fifty sa.. CD> Slaa Wt"-' -8:30- • (<llJ CJ)) ()) 0. O.r On (R) Julia ind Ma111 lurn nrver to trust 1n 1ud11!on1n1 attor. when t~ey at tempt to cas1 lhe11 11111 televtt1on commcmal G 0 CJ) Ill Q)J .... ll'a b l· llllJI An1m1led 1nler1>1et1hon ol the athludu of tht an1m1ls aboard NOlh's Ark 8 Twtstt4 lllllCb "'" • • tttl111 of lleauty. Dean Jona ruestJ °" "C.. Wat t1lt Woricl" • c.. ... tM lhfN Cl) "'' c... tllt c..trJ .. ,,..... cm Owtr l-r 9:00 8 ( (U) CJ)) Cl) All ltlJ lllt F 1111lly Cone! Archie Ines lo palch lh1np up between Edith 1nd her faith D 9 CJ) D ID llHlt: (C) (Zllr) "ac-IMt A CrMM llJ'' (wrs) '7S-Richard Boone, Stewert Peterson. HeMy W11coaon, Ct1nt R1tchrt When a youn1 boy's mistake results 1n Indians captunna his teen •fe sister. he sets out ••th the help o an old trapper to hnd her, tven thouah thttr parents have 11ven up • Oral llMtts ()) ....,... • lllt lltH • CJ) cm ( (I)) ltlHlt: (C) (Jin) "flHlllJ Girt" (d1') '68- 81rb11 Streisand, Omar Sl\1111. Kay MedfMd fhe story of ranny Bnce who overe1me • se11es of hurt bruk11n he1 hie while becom1nc one ol Ame11ca's most beloved stars. Ill ....... -tf'IMI .. ......,i.1111 Cl) RD HUMIAltD • CHlttsTMAS SPECIAL d) lt1 H•Mrtl 121) Tiit o .... , fJID MaatttJlec• '111t11tt: I, Claud1u' .., lllowle D Tiit IMcrtdtr -9:30- • ({ll) CJ)) CJ) Alb (R) Victor JO<Y 1ut1ta H 1n old lndlan who cl11ms Mel's Diner sill on • ®ed lnd._n bur .. 1 1round . a Tiie Kl~ II C.1111 CJ) "41tr w.-.... • """' r.i Armtrtlla 10100 a ((U) ())) CJ) Ctrol l"•ttt S...(R) • DIJ tf Dlact .. tf/ ll•llJ S..111rt CJ) n T.m A l\ltf eflMAtltlt71t111 • '"""° s..i.t S.rwt ,.. .. ..,...., •NtM l!Dliraetrtrfor- 11:00 BD ())llRs • hceMtttn CJ) T1M m tl4lll • llowit: ....... ''"" Wu Illy V111ty'' {dfl) '4 I-Waller Pld&eon CD Mofle: "fht Old Min & Ille Sta" ..,.._,_," 9 ())U.111 u a 700 a.~ -11:30-D S*lf S"'1s Flllltl..._. el IMC.. D 0 (I) QI Mowlt: CC> "EllJll .. lllt l.1111" (com) '67-Bob Hope ....... 700 Cid ())T ..... m'lllt..,. o...s 12:00 .()) ..... (ID lilftit: "II Happened Ont N11ht" 9 CJ) llhwlt: SP1n1$11 -12:45- • lllowle: CC> (Zllr) "Tiit WM "f'I" (1dv) '66-Cornel W~de. Gerl Van Der Btrc. Ken Camper -1:45- D At 011t 9'ltll •. Cll1ek Corea 01 ..... -2:10- ..... : "TIMI~ lrwdltrt" (dr1) ·~1 -Dourlu Fa11b1n~s Jr .. Ruth Warrick, Akim Tamiroff, H.B. Wtiner , ... 1 ( MONDAY DlCOllOM ftt ....... lfllnlole liltlfto. ,.._ _ DAmlil P10C1AMS. ... i., tw ,.. c.111uul11 ce, ,,. tllt 4.-1 ...... DAmME lllOWIEl t.GO D N..., c:.dlt" Cwes) ~6 Ftul Sinatra. l<tenan W)nn Wilham Con11d, Phylhs Kuk. Wallace ford. Do1olhy Adams 10!00 l1J ..,..., ....... c.-.-" (adv) ·43 Bob Hope. Oolothy tamour (21) "CllfiltlNS "' c.tfltttlcvl" (com) '45-0tnnis MO!&an, Bar bm Stanwyck. Sidney Green sh eel 12:00 m "Thb AboH All" (dra) '42 Tyrone Power. Joan fon taint. lhomas M1tcllell 1:00 QI) CC) "Ellltt UMlllln1" (com) '67 Jose rerrer, Shelly W1ntm. Elaine May 2:00 D CC) "Tiit lllrtt lh•· ketatnM (adv) '35-Walter Abel. Ma11ot Grahame. Paul lukas J:Ol 111 CC) uDo•'I IHI Sltnd Thtre" (com) "68-Robert Warner, GlyntS Johns. Mary T yltr Moore. Har.ey KOiman, 811b111 R~dts 3:30 8 CC) "lach1lor flat" (tom) '62-I v~y Weld. ferry fhonm. R1ch1rd Bey mer. Celeste Holm iViNING QI) [ntertlilllNllt T ""Pt mi> lot• "itll MNtli11t -7:30- D 11119C 0.C-trtary S,.Cial "No Ont is lmmunt" rh1s KNBC docu ment11y '°°'1 at elcOhohsm H 1 lam1ly disuse lhal alftcls far mo1t people tllan 1ust lhost who d11nl It UPIO•ts the Sltu&&lts, Pt1n Ind efforts to cope upe11tnced by lh"t fam1l1ts touched by alcoholism, as 11 also reviews a1enc1es and 11us Whtie htlp IS 1Yl1lablt . ....,....'-- (l)Tllt""'* e Mltdl '-PM (IJ .... Tllltl• (}I) Will lllleitW .. ~ • (QI Cl> kl) ,... .,.., 11111<11 G> I.Ifs Mt A 0..1 ((IIJ CJ)) fllllitr A"lif ...... ,. ... ,._. ll)wf @ Cl) WiW Wlri4 tf Altltnals mLAtnt~u..,. C1lt Last of t11t WIN '9 1"' r rtlldl Chef 8:00 9 ((IIJ CI)) C11 l.tr.ttt't bn Rem shOWl almoS1 human emoltons when he reacts w1lh elec11o·ma1netic sparks lo A11ana, a lemalt android who is runnrn1 a d1Cam analysis station Bui her dream·readrna tests on to1an and lessrca pose dual threats to the two Runners lhty drop into a danaero14 drum cycle. D ID Cl> m a Uttlt HMM • Ille l'rllrie (R) "Bhzard" A sud den, brller snowst01m 111ps some of Walnul Gron's children 1ncludrn1 hu11. Mary and Carrtt ln&alls. as tllty 11e Oii their way home lrom school TV WEEK, OECEMBEll 25. '977 • Mtwle: ''Goills My w.;• (dra) '44-Btn& Closby, Barry fttzaerald. (I) Mowl1: CC) (21tr) "Halll Clulatlu A1dtrsH" (Ian) 'S2- 0anny Maye. f fflty Crane er • m (Ill (QI (()) l.llCa• '1he Se11clt" luun ts confronted by a hostile she11tt and 11ncllers when he returns lo tilt mounl11ns-where lie $9tnl his torm1hve years lmn1 1n lht w1ld-1n $larch al htS 1den1try e n..JtUf'tWM m Cal'll •l'llltt & FrioMs Q) ...,.: CC) (fir) ~o..rt Sol(' (mus) 'SJ-Kathryn Crarson. Co<don MKR.at QI~ tD An l"1i11 ti CJi111plt11Plp Sblil& muu.,.... CID lest of Et-. ~ -1:30- • c.c.trftill m ma.ooo QMstlM CID°"' £aty 9:00 Iii ((IIJ CJ)) CJ) ..... (R) VIV 1an·s ptenure •I Arthur's sudden burst ol amorous behavlOI 1s over come by panit when rl becomes obvious that Arthur is 111st not himself 8 @ CD lll @ llletl1: CC) (Zlu) "Clulstlln Miracle it! Calllfitld U.S.A." (dra) '77-Mitchell Ryan, Kurt Russell, Andrew P1111t, Barbara Bab<oc~. john Carradine. fltt buildup ol d1n1e1ous tasses Ull$H an under11ound explosion 1n an unsale mine tllat trips some ot the miners alld sets on 1 lrant1C race to save their ltves YOU'RE NEXT! TAKE 60 MINUTES anti look yow best for the holidays! • ACNE • WRINKLES • DRY SKIN • LINES • OL Y SKIN • BLEMISHES NOl6-SUIGICAL ••• face lifting can begin with your first visit! C.,_. ... , ......... TOOAY r#'amily SKIN CARE CENTER HIWPOIT llACH HUMTI ... TOM llACH AMA .. M 2700 w. Coast Hwy .. Suite 210 16877 Gothard Ave. 1101 So. Euclid-Suite (Aeroae from Ancient Mariner) (Acrots from Levitz) ( t 81ock No. of Katelle) lt4-7M2 77M760 8 CJ.I Ml '2tl <l l Mtwlt : 1:) (21111) "Tllt Mac.all1111" (wes) '76-limes Alnm. ha M111e $.tint, R1clla1d ~1ley, Bruce Bodtllne1. Kathryn Holcomb In lh1s sa1.• ot a lam1tfs wutward trek 1n the 1860 s, ltb Ma"llan. a lier sptnd1n1 I 0 rurs in the Dakol• TtmlOIY 1tf111ns to Bull Run. V1r11n1a to v1stt his pa1ents 1nd brother Timothy. sister 1n law Kale ind tllt11 lour ch1ld1en Katt, who does nol want her family 1nwolved 1n Ille 1mpend1n1 Cm! War convinces lhenl to 10 IWUI 1W1th ltb G l-•M ••• m ... ,., "iffitt S11ow m le.Dirt O.U111I QI) Mo91t: er; (fit) ...... .,,. tllt ~ Hoeft" (adv) '64 r ran~ S1n1h1 Dun Martin. Peter f;I~ f.ID f'lf.s flf rtrwasioll m v CM'*''" c.rMo ~ O.Yid S...1114 Show -9:30- • < <17> , m '"'' htlY Whit• Sllow flflthtr and M111on Hull haye moved 1n with Joyce 1Wh1ft then house 1s oeine 1ep11nled and navinc them unde1fool tor two week\ is dr1vint Joyce up the IWlll tJ) fllriqut ti l'olMl tO:OO fJ (<llJ {})) (IJ Swiltll Pelt pl1ys 101l~etpe1 and Mic mas querades as a traine1 after ~ soccer ream's stir player rs murdered ...... CJ) llowie: Ml'itf1lr (dial 48 01t~ Po•tll I 1111>tth Scott CD '-i SIMr1 IJ)MINMlllo,.t• -10:30-. ..,..,,.... 11:00 G U QI 0 (I) CID OJI ,.._, • i.-Mtriu11 Style • ()) ((llJ ) Cll ..... e lltN: "Uttle .., IMf' (dra) 'SJ -Bina Clasby, Claude Dauphin m TIN IM4 c.,lt G>TIM "-,lllOll"n (SfWMlftnl'lltM e Old c...tt (9 Cl)) i.-......Un Style G V"INMa '9 W.lltdt• ID lbdlell1ut111r ~ -11:30- • ((ll) (])) (() .... e a (() CD al ...., c.,. (() 11 .. 11: "0111wevsl1 ~Mrs" (mys) '37-Ceur Romero • CJ) (JI (t.aJ (()) TIM Strttb et Siii F !'lllCilco Q)IMtr....., a> c.t S-rt ta Tiit 700 a.• ec.~uc•.., 12:00 •Twlllpt Z.. m Ftr"" r.,...... m -...: '1he l•dr Payi Off • "Rom1ntic Ate .. • ClltN )4 -12:30- • Gell Ault) (111,...... m en..ma 1100 u 8 CJ) 13l t....-rw• G IS,, -2:0S-a llltril: ce> "nit s.... ~ .. (IPtt) '$0-Votcts by S1ndl1 Dee. tommr K"h TUESDAY OlCUllU r7 for _.. _. 1fttnleell listillp. ,..._ ... OAmML NOGUMS. ... ...... ,.. et11••11Ce, .,. tllt ,,,,,_. DAmMf MOVIES t:lO • (1:) ....... ef ldJloll Apid Ille -" Htmlln" (adv) '63-Coldon Scott 10:00 • ct) "M1u.t<rt in tht lllCl f"trttt" (dr1) Cameron M1rtllell. Anl0ttell1 L uald• llll "Salil sat,t Htrt" (tom) >t Otck Po•tll IZ:OCI CD (C) "Tht Vlol111t 911111" (d11) 'SS-Glenn fOfd I ;00 Qt CC> 0-S.-Tilllls S.Wt11" (dra) ·13 Terry Thomn 2:00 a vrralld\ JoilM Ille WACS" (com) '!>4-Donafd O'Connor J:OO <m1 CCJ •111 [llMIJ Co!Mtry" (dr1) '68-Tony Fr1nCIOSI l:)O & CC) "Mr. ltolllls Ttln 1 Vmtlon" (com) '62 James SteW1rl, Maureen O'Mm •VaNINQ e:oo • (CJn(JJ)lleWI U ~ClJ D QJl hn -~-• ® (121) (JJ) ._ D .._.It: er; (%111) "Tht lu1 llftC IOd" (com) '67-Tom Bosley Guy Madrson. Slndn Milo CD TIMtrMJa.c:ti ll)lMWla • )MlltJ to M'MtlUt 1211 .., """' s.s lD leelll ••-•tallt.lt G)Aalb•.._ -~&C..Ctlo -6:30- • llfwle: CC) "I l.M t lllJlt•IY" (mrs) '67-ld1 Lupino. D1v1d Hitt man, Les Crane. (J) • .....,.., "'"" 9 Mtn Gf~ GJ My fllr• Sells <cm CJJ> Tiit 1.o11t bll•f =~~" ... CD Tiit '1~ Y11rs • Uttlt 1:00 (]) EIMf1t11CJ °"' 880 (()CDD,.._ eu.na. Tiit 0.. c.,i. (()Te Tel tM Trlltll CD Ii.-1.1cJ at TIM S1i91J tlllt l'IUdtM MIN: TIM ... hlMt Ralph Story and Stef1n1e [dQrd$ take 1 unique ~It. at the Rost Parade '"'" rart film loot.cc and 1 dml1n1 look 11 the Rose Queens end tlltll courts lh10u&11out lhtJellS ( a7) ())) .., T1l'1t s.s • ~ .... WM! ,., a Tiit CHI ff Mllttr tD llldlelll .... ..,., <• (()) 8"1\dlM ft Cllt~ TOftlclrt CD £lrtll s.. & s.r -7:20- D IS ulm lt1btbalf laheis vs Golden State Wa1110tS -7:30- .. CIMW C.111t11 ·~" .. CIJ TIM .... ,_ a <.fl QIJ <I) m Hollr•M4 ~111rts Tiit '"•"'" m ca an TIM 1tu1 lkftell G) let's llMI A 0..1 ((lll ) f 1111tfy ~·" m u. '"'"cMtltt Gm~ 8:00 G (<ln ( ) CIS h.-rtt "fhc Aliens" The o411ht of lht Mea 1C1n 111ec11 1hens 1n C.lll01n11. 1nd the dilemma uustd 10 "'1ierttans b1 then ir11m1111tion 1s e11m1ned G Ill! CID tD Mll'lllt : ~ (90) "l'ill• c..,. Is h r11illc" (mp) 77 -Ktnl McCord. 011na Mutdau1. Shine S1nutko, Me ran Mc Co•d llent McCord plays a w1d oweied fut f1&hle1 with two ch1ld1en who runs 1 lrre rescue slalton in Soullttrn Cal1lorn11 His SJSlt• 1n.11w t11h to help him by ea11nt 101 lht chlld1en and lllereby allow him to do his d1lhcuft rob e Mofle: C.CJ (2111) "Hlllds of ~ II,,.,.. (llor) '12 tuc Po11tr Keilh Bell (JJ .....,: (fir) "ltW111""4" (adv) · 38 W11ne1 Bui er F reddte Ba1tholomtw • (J§) (121 IJ )) H.,_, Dtrt (R) The Cunn1naham lam1lf and fonioe aet tO&tlher to ietal l)JSI se11ts h11111ia111s ID c,re1 lkr111tt & f ritlldl Ql tilt'flt: (Zllr) "SIM<k r 1111· ...t" (d11) '64 Stuar1 Wh1tm1ft Roddy McDow1tl fD ""MllJ amo B.lllel Shoes Part I ID la U111rpHoi1 ~ rarttit Efftd"-tu -&:30- • ()) <IDl (181 ) LHlllll ' Slll11tr llve1ne snares a date tor Sh11ley's New Year's Cn Party but then finds heriel1 sla& when his culfnend shows up ,, the aftaor m Cl9llllrib • CllilltM LM11111p l'IOfllllll t!l)o.tftaay 9:00 U ((llJ CD) (J) M•A•S•N (R) M1101 W1nchnler convey1n1 the dru11ness and frust111ton of htS new situa11on at the 4017th hoSp1tal 1n a IA!lf recordtnl to his p11enh. 1lso offers his c1nd1d ususment ol some ot its pr1nc1pal pell0n1htrts • CD (II (IJI) ) hret'I toe,1111 (R) Jack Janet and Ch11ssy t111nk 1 bu11111 hts stolen therr rtnl money and fr1n11c1lly tr1to1vo1d the landlord unhl they un 11pl1u 11 .... ,. Cflffill SMlt ., (JU llodlt, (~ II> .....,,_. n...111 -9:30- • (Ill> (])) OM D11 11 a Ti111t (R) On her 36th b11111day Ann looks 1n the mirror and 101 the h11t 11me rtahtts a middle 11ed woman 11 tookin& back e o w cra u Mttt•: (C) (90) "h r11m" (dra) ·11~ Lloyd Bochner. Juht Hewmar Cltn Garrell, Timothy Thomerson Lloyd Bochner s1111 in this Mm about th' hum1n comedies and dramH 1ffttt 1n& some ol the m1denls wttl\ ad· 101n1n1 ternces in 1 hiah11u 1p1r1m1nt bulldrne 8 C (IO)(~ llJI Soap Tht Tatu 1nd Cilmpbells are stunned •hen Sherill J1n~te1 arrests ont of 111em tor lhc 5'1yll\l ol Petet rs llowM: C"el (90) "Cltti11a Giul" (adv) '72 Guy Stockwell fm IUNG fUT ElHlllT • S'f:CIAL TONIGHT m T1lt Jrt11111ts ol Tilt1ntt1u11111 ,, study of the c,yph1ns' hltstyltt phllosoplloes and tullure Also is 1 loo~ 11 tht a111t1ets tound on the tomb ol rne boy ~inc 10:00 fl LOU GRAflT UNCOVUS * ftOUCE SEl SCANDAL G (()7) Cl)) ()) l..oll Gt1at (R) Alter be1na fired u a tele-.1sion news d11tcto1, Gnni hud) tor los An aelts An old l11cnd suuesb he t11t.e ove1 the ed1t0t's JOb 11 !he l A Tubunt, but the frn1I decision he 11 shocked to luin rests with the pubhshtt a 'l!Oman ...... Cl) Morie: ·•1tuel1t11d" (susp) 44-John Carridine. Jean Pa1kt1 a (}) (tOl (121J lfJ) ft,_llJ len s1on builds 1n thi li,.renct home when Nancy rec1ewes c1tts trom a ucrtl 1dm11er who ii obw1ousty ol>Ser'l1n1 her 11 close ranee a> Get Sur1 G> M•• 0.-t• ~~Circus -10:30- ID Q) fD lltwt 11:00 fJ • (lQJ l'Ji ""' u am t(l)') > m """ • l.tolt Allltria• Style • Mtrie: "1lle 8'111 ..,., ~ .. tcom) '67-Tom Bosley CD TIM<*~ ..,,,......, .... " a forMf ftmNOll S) Old Cll'ttt 5""' (9) ) i.-Mtlklfl Stylt Cl) El S.OW cit C.r1111ta Jlllltllet -11:30- • ((ll) (])) Cl) 111owi. u o (() cra a .lalwlJ ear. • lM AMtrlcall SfJlt (() Mowlt: "f1onhe1 Marshal" 8 (]) (lQJ (12ll ())) M0tlt: CJ:) "1lle M111 Who Would llat Die" (my1) '76-Dorothy Malone m tilet"""" m '-l wrt /JI) Tiit 700 Chlb GAICC.ftioetllhws Ci) M1dltil1L.-ret llt,.t 12:00 •TwlMPtZ.. m r"'"' rerfltlllll e lilorils: "Woild 1n Mr COl11er " · O~t W1r Slrttl -12:30- • llowltt: The Oml to Prt. · C;n111. 'Condtmned" m 11o¥1ea: ·Cun fury .. "F11n~en s111n 1970 Moonnse 1:00 (DTOINrr" 2:00 tD Mtrlta: "Codt of Scolland Yard ... "Blac~ Cobra" @ llwt -2:5S-a lltvlt: 'The Guns ol Auaust" P1199 t YOU CAN'T TELL THE PLAYERS 11? . ? '1. • • ? " WITHOUT A PROGRAM Ever been burned about Inaccurate televlslon l l stlngs In your newspaper? Cool It! Help Is at hand! Your Dally Piiot now brings you, each day, the most, the best, the most complete and the most up -to -the c o m m e r c I a ,I b r e a k listings ever offered. \ For TV Program Rely on News the DAILY PILOT 642-4321 P•tO fWBDN•SDAYf Dltom.11.1 f«lllk*4111M~llltlllo. ,..__ DAYTillE ~ ... i.., tor 1'lr ., .... _., are IM qyia...i.. Dlmtl£ llO¥IES t'.JO G •A..,, A Grl. IM A Dlf" (adv) '46-Jeriy H11nte1. Slliryn Motten 10:00 e "A Trtt Cr.., 11 ,, .. .,, ... (dra) '45 -0oiorhr McGu11r. James Dunn. Peen Ann Gainer. loan Blondell r1li "l~t lotti ti tltm1" (ad'i) 'S8-£1rol flynn, Juliette Greco, T rnor How11d, [dd1e Albert Orson Welles. Paul Lukas. Herbert lom. U:OO Ga CC) ''llt'1 DI It AcllR" (com) '53-Jane Wtman. Ray Miiiand. Aldo Ra{. 1:00 (3) CC) "Tai StoiJ" (com) '60-Anthony Perkins, Jane Fonda, Ray Walston, Marc Con ntlly, Anne lac~son, Murray Hamilto~. Bob W111hl B11t Burni 2:00 m "WlllcMIW .13" (wu) '50-Jamu St1wart. Sheller Winttn l:OO 9 CC) ''nt LHt QM" (wm) '69-0on Knotb. Anne F11nc1t ~JO e <CJl'll Telt S.t4H" ('°'71) '65-Bob Hope, Tut~r Weld, Frankie Anion. Dine Mtmll. Jeremy Slate. IVINING e:oo • CIJ (<Ill ())) """ 8 0 CIJ G 9 11rn I • EIMf.-cJ °"' CIJ AMy Gritfltli SMw • CJ) CID) ((21 CJ))...., D llftlt: (Z~r) "Mr. lludl•c 111114' Hi• Dre1• 1ft11tt" (com) '48-Cary Grant, Myrna Loy, Melvyn Ooualas, Sharyn Moffet. Connie Marsllall • Tiit lrady ._. at Tiit Wiii • ....., .. AMl!tllrt Qlli1f T1wttS-m i... atS.,lhlicM D f .. ter the lllWtni '-"' • *"' 11111 c.t• -6:30- • MM: CC) ............ lhll· siMn (dra) '73-loltn Gm11e, Ehl abtth "lonteomery CIJ Hlpl'aHt,.. ®)llifT ~ . .., ... _ (<Ill CJ)) Tiit u.. ...., S Wefrion ._...... Warrion vs Otnv mo.tar m c.aa.s.twate eF..a, ""1Ut QDUttleblall 1:00 CI> Tiit ""' $lltw ae@WIDID.., D I.Jina. (I) Tiit o.i c.,i. (l)ToT .. ttle Trd m 11.M 1.1q -1 '"'* -1 TV WEEK. OECEMBUI 25. 1en at W..·12 ...... lMoalt ,, .. ,. • .. Tiit llaclltll/t.911itr R..,.n ,. (()) lftltdlt4 0> fJM~ TtlllPf DYepWlttl ...... -7:30- (J) D let's "9 • lllt be.a ........ • Tiit ...,.._ "'" (1)1'111 ..... • Tiiey Stlll Sey I 0. A loOll It court1na, llVlnl to1ether and mar r111e 1n Ille Swu11inc Seventies in Los An1eles Tiie $121,0DO QMitllta CID> @ Cf) FIMy FM • ((21 (I)) Tiie ""' llllldl •llt'all*A Dul eu.111tt«Ua11 mo ., lliclit 8:00 8 (<Ill CJ)) CJ) '* TllMs (R) In 11be1Uon a111nst J J:s lake over as luder ot the C nns family, Thelma moves 1nlo her own off·campu5 apartment, bur l1nd1 th1t b1inc free may cost more thin she upected a a ~•a• ut• ... ThNa ff ~ Mlm "Wom1n In tltt Wilderneu' Gnuly Mtms trru to prm nl • wom1n from hllllnr !he bear aht btllt•ts Is fttOOnllblt toi her lathtr'l tr•clc d"th. • lltrie: (at) "T .. ,..,. ..... t'9 Mtel" (dre) '46-Alu ~1dd, William Btndia, 911e11 Oonlevy, Estlltr remandtr. Howard da Silva. CJ) .. : (Bw) '11lt "*-... .. P'lmr" (com) '4S-Bob Hope. Y11rl111a M1yo. W1lt11 81t11111n . • CJ) 9 <•CJ)) £1Cllt II C....,. ··Tnanctu " Wh111 Otvld"s roommate be11ns d1t1111 both Joan· nit 111d Suian. he ltlrns the tr11e m11n1n1 of "hell halh no l11rr hkt • woman 1nd 11t1 sistu when they co1111>11t notes D .ll&ef's WIW • en "'"" a ''*"' ......... s.., .... e ~ CHaa "Biiiet Shots" ConcluMon ol the two-p1rt dram1hc story by lf<>el Strea!11eld, locuSllll on lhree 1mponnshed orphan 11rls liv 1na 1n 1 buane boardtni house ll)u Utll"*" • Macie of Oil h llltiltc -1:30- •. (<Ill (J)) Sqm,l A run1w1r leen11e 1111 has lht Northrast Com· munitr Center 1n 1 turmo.I CJ) ~ car-. s,.dal -~ •tr...Wlb .......... ...,.. ID o..r U., 8:00 e (<Ill CJ)) h it : CC) (ar) ''T111•l•l1s: Tll• °''"' tara•" (susp) '77-Cliude Akins, Ci1111tS frank, Deborah W1nte1s. Sindy McPea•. Bert Rtmse11. Pit H1nc11 A horde of d11dly 1u1ntulas, un· leai/ltd'" the cush of 1 carlO plane, SOtHd terror and dut111n their w1k1 ts they lllOY• unchedtd throurb 1 Soulhwtsletn town. a @ CJ) a a ''"' su., ~"" "lhe Hawk R1u on Sun. day" Pippy and 1n Armr m1101 (Sean ClffiSOll) are auiened ro lud • m1u1on 1a11nst the top ltpanese comm1nder, but they ltarn that their plans my have been comp1omistd by TJ. 's newest heartthtob. who Is sus· peered of bttnl 111 enemy •rent • CIJ <Inl 1BJ CJ) Cllarll1'1 An· 1111 (2hr) "Anales tn P111d1u" Sabrina. l<elly aftd Bosley h••• 1u51 welcomed new Anaal KrtS Munroe 10 the tu m, when Cllarh1 calls from Hawau to uy lhal ht ~$ bun ~tdnaP9ed and will be ~tlled unless the Anaels fly to the islands and follow lht 1nstruct10M ot a flam OfOUS c11me qutenp1n named lt1tan1 llMle: (Zllf) "lhmaae 1111 tllt lld.s" (com) 11 -f'unk S1natu Dean M1tt111 .I,... .. llAtn ;tHtNI $llolt • "'SINt1 s llMlt: tCJ .. ,.. r11111 for Ser ,...a (com) '58-Andy C11H1lh ID Qi .. t hfitflMMU Dance 1n Amerrca m llKM u.11 CD A4dtlti City UM/b 10:00 II 0 CI> D 8 "*' Wo111111 "Amb1t1on" Pepper ralltu to lhe delanu ot a ttotsltot delecll~f wllou prime tnloimant emb1olll him 1n a dudly utort1on rrnt. .. .., ...... {J) Mowle: "Slloc•" (mp) ·•6- V1nctnl Pnc1. Lynn Barr e w S1i1Mt a Plcc.Mllly tire. -10:30-....... e TtMW• ff TIUMMl!lilft 11100 ••rncm a o,._ • LM A1Mrlu11 S'Jtl • CD «lll CD>O {f) .... II llMle: "Mr. lllfl4lllc 1411141 Hll or... MMM" (com) 48-Cuy Cunt. My1na Loy .. Tiit C*C. ... • Tiit .....,. .... ,.. IJlf«Mff.......i • Diel Cnetl s.... (QI (I)) LM a-Ian StJ't -11:30- • ((ll) CJ)) Cl) ...... 8 GI Cl) CJ QI>..._, C.- CI) llerie: "~ ii Ille Stl'Mtl" (Mp) '50-Rithard Wtdmar~ • Cil cm (QI)())) StankJ I II.tell Gt llltt,....., • Cit S-rt • Tiit 700 Cid fO UC C.pti.4 ,._ CD 11.tdhillllllrtr hport 12:00 II TwilicM 2- • ftfMf ftfllWIM a» lln1t1: "The Plundtms "Not T1111e We love" tDC-..M -12:30- • lllwllc: "Lydia Batley." Ctn tlll Della Rovere .. "House of r ur" • CD <11 ca > M1ltt'Y " Ille""' GI ...... My Cal Sii,' ·1ht In dHIAAl•ble "''"·" "1tto11of· 1:00 D @ CIJ IUl , ..... , .. •15" 2 :00 •Cll ""' II ~ "lmpe11al V•nus," "five Aahort tn StnCIPott" -2:5S- e 111••1•: (J:) "''"'"'' all-lh• o.cw" (com) '6J-Sand11 Ott ( THURSDAY 0£alll0 2.9 ftf _,... 1~ afttmeOll llstitlp, ,.._ ... DArrlME~a.. low, for ""' cem u.l111t1, 11• Ille daJ'•- OAmllE llO¥l£S t:JO D .... Sbrr's Da11pter" lwtS) 48-Rod Cameron 10:00 a "1at11 ot Multatta•" (Illa) ·11 R1t1 Hay...orth '81 (CJ "Th Story tf lllan· kl.r {dll) 57 Ronald Colman 12:00 GI CC) "nrtt lor Ille ShW' (mus) ·~~-Betty Crable 1:00 a CCJ "Lowe 111 • W«iu. a.I" (com) '61 Tommy Sands 2:00 D "Wttld In His Ams" (d11) '52-Creaory Peck Ann Blyth 3:00 CJ)) ~ "Tiit Ptrilt ol huliM" (1dv} '67-P•l Boont 3:30 8 (CJ "lltt Wren1 Sor" (com) '66-lohn Mills. Ralph Richardson lvlAIN6 J fD L.A. tnterdllna• CID Malllt Thtt T Ullt m 11twx1toc• 8 :00 B ( (llJ Cl)) Tiit WllteM Jean Marsh cuut Siii~ IS H•lary the wife of • ~e1m1n diplomat v.ho has come to Walton s moun111n lrom Eu•ooe tn tllt midst ol the N111 uprmnc Cun ous lo lum lust hind of the coun 11(5 lurmo1I John Boy •s an •mbrtt0us reporter puButS 1n 111ler Ylew with the YISllOr upiootrn1 • traumaltC e~ptr1ence H1t11y 1l try1n1 lo esuPt II t1li m Of CHll's Off1cm Poncht1ello and ~~er deal w1111 • rrnc ol cleYtt ca1 threYts, and tndus t111l tlue eels spilled 011 the lruwo e -..: (21tf) "0.UMt IMM· lrity" (mys) '44-811b111 Slanwyck, Edward G Robinson Mo¥1t: (Zllr) "Tltt l'rlnu •IM tltt ,..,,.,.. (dta) '37-fool rlynn 8 {])®(fa> Cl)) Welco111 '"~ ~., The sweatnou and Mr Koller plan a way to depro111m H0t1hack. who has 101ned 1 relt11ous cult because lie 1& 1111<1 ot lh• w•r his classmates trot him. e T11111 World 11-., Teleh tD Ctrel •rMtt I FtleMt at ~ (lllt) ~Ad OM" (dri ) '63-Ceorae ll1m11ton, ltd Klua min 121 Gullllllll• • OllCI U,.ii A C1-ic 'Robtn Hood Jr ·• Tht 1e1end ol RObtn HOO<I aeb t ntw look 1n thu sptc11I I hour version of the story 1n which 1oun1 peoplt play aH the ponttpat 1olu K11th Cllep1n pl1ys Robin G>Lt~• l!D WlllMtilM •114 c.. -1:30-• cm <• > Mitt'• H.a,.. ,.n111, "The Hospdal Stay" (R) The redoubtable Ott tonlronts a crouchy old baseball pl1ye1 w11o-11111ouah 1n lht hosp1t1l 1nd lontly-hun't tpo ken to his d1u1hter 1n I? years because slit mimed a white min CD T rvtll or c.iu.i'*'*' m °"' w., 9 :00 8 ((fl) (]))(I) H1•1li rw.o Dr Salcee Sandanarrk, t11le from the lyranny of hit native land. dies 1n 1 water lra1edy Iha! Sieve auardedly auumes to have been 1n .cctdenl but that Sand1nar1k'1 widow believes 1s murder 11 llll Cl) Ila OJ\ ltJMS at IS The 1ncruS1n& 1nl1tu11ton ol J1mes with hrs youna. •ll11c11n reacher rs matched only by his '°"'''" tor her welt11e when ht d11COYt1s that 'ht 1s 1>1e1n1nt • ()) ® (CZll ) IMNt MW· ltt (R) "Happy New Yrn" lbrners det1chYtJ lace 1 New Ye11 s be ot 1umws dfu111t.s. Pl(kl>O(ktt$. and 1 ~n1sfl·spu~n1 eipedant mother about lo J1Yf. buth m llAtn Griffi1 $llo9 • s.u.. ,,.. ""°""' 121 llmt: CC) (21u) '111i111l1 I lllKlnitr" (1dv) ·11-G1n1 Row l1nd1. Seymour ~.uel. Val Amr fm lltisic FrM ._ (R) Taped at the 1975 Aspen MuSIC festival. th1' p1otram capluttS the emnct of lhe lrstrul. where students tome ltom ~II over lht U S to observe reheall als and per1ormancu by two maior 01chestru. ieveral 11\lnor 11oups. master classes and workshop5 lor eh1mber music. ope11, etc m l11111tt el ~Ill ,,_ -9:30-• rn (ID) (<2tl m1 c.1111 c.u ... try <R> Chtel Roy 1s ucerl) 1w11trna the •rr•o l of the PrtStdenl of !hr Unrled Statu rn his town, but May01 Burnside 11vu Curtis the task ot ltlhn& Chief Ro) Illa! he 1Jrft wanted 1n the wekom1n1 party m llodNI T1,,t1u 10:00 8 ({ll) ) lam'J Jtt1H Belly meets an old collect fnend for lunth, wllo myste11ously d1sap~us du11n1 the mtal t11vin1 Betty with the 1espons1b1hty ot ~11n& for hll nine year old son .. 12Jl fllt Qll Tiie a.. of '5 "The Class Poel" Tiie tallest 11rl 1n the senior class finds love •nd succeis, then all seems 1011 when a traaedy strikes • UClA IHhlball A111ona al UCLA. Cl) M°"lt: CCJ (Zhr) "frlallt" (MP) '72-Susan Ceorae. Honor Blackman. • CD ® (9 (I)) ~ Fou at Giat SNrt ID ll11ttrpl1u Tll11t11 "I Claudlua" (R) m11111•o,.tot llD S.CC.r 11.tM In Ger1111111 -10:30-m., G>"'-' t t :OO • Cil • {J) (d?J CD> ,._ e @ CI>cm 11a1tm .. Tll•<* c. ... m n.......,_..,, . """' """"" ID Dk' Ct..n (QI CJ)) ll1n/llu u 11lu11 $tylt a> S4i,er Sllorl -11:30- • (<IJ) ) CI> Mo¥1t II QI) Cl) Ill al .ltlwlJ """" C1J Moflr. "o.t o1 t111 rt(' (dra) ·11-tda lup1no. John C1rf1tld. Thomn Mitchell 8 CD cm ca > rollu SltfJ /T11411'11Uy $,.dll ..... , ...... ID Get SINrt a n.. 100 Clll11 • Call(iOlled QC ..... C!> lllaclftil/l..11111r ••port 12:00 9 Twlllpt Z-m ,.,..., rerl!WMd 0) lilo¥ils; ''The SIOfy ol Moll't X," "Outside the law" -12:30- • lthrits: "Thts Is My Affltt .. "Al ways Goodbye." 'She Woll ot London" CD c,_,Wib 1 :00 G @ ()lJT-.. ••Sn GI liloties: '1ht Marryrnc Kind," "foe Down Below," 'Back for Cllrm mu" 2 :00 G Mo¥1a: "You Were Meant loi Me " "Hello, rrrKO, Hello" -2:05- • Mowlt: "A"°""" bw." (d11) '36-Kath111ne Hepburn, Herbert Mm11111. Cliztbelft Allan. Oonald Cmp, Van Helltn. Oev1d Manners. ,_.,, I • Hl' ,., d h.ipp\ 1•nf•rgi•t11 1r11•ndh rn.in who lnvP<. ht~ wt IP l'.ittt ht\ lour c htltlrt•n .ind thr"" 'tc•p-1 hddrt'n plu., onP '!Pp \ltn 1n IJ\\ h" lrH·nd' ht, '¥\Ork .ind lttt'rdll\ dn'!-thmg th.11 'J\' \I'' to litr· H<• .idm11p, pt'oplP \\.ho b11ng pl1•t1\ur1· 111 oth1•r' lo"l'' to 'hclrP p1•1.,onc1I .ind pr11ll'\\tm1.il l''<l)t'1tl'n< p , "dn clllt"'nltH' 11\ll'nc>r c1nd J <.hJmPft·,, 'l'llt1mc>n1c1ll't who geb n11'1\ ·t'\Pd di thl' \l'f\ thought 111 h" td.,,rJJtlE' tt•Jr- wrkl'r >\n \fr.111 to Rt>mt'mlwr thl' IY'i7 movtP about J \htplioard romc1nr" ,1,1111ng C1ry Cr.int anct Deborah k.1•rr H<• '' (,d\tn <\t.ic l1•od ,,fl(1 qdf<, d' C.1pt ' MPrrtll "tubrnJ.: on \8( ·, '-dturd.ty "•Kht htt \ertP\ The tm,e Bo.ii ( 10 11 P~I) wh" h dl<.11 ''d'' 8l'rn11• i...opelf TNI l.mge, frt>d Cr.incl';. I JU(('n r(' .... ('' plu, d weel..fy clu\- lf'f OI \jJcH~lcng gut•\I \fcH\ '\l\ork1ng tn !ht' \hO\.\ t~ Jrke being rn ht>cl\t•n bC'trer mr1yb11." (lnthuses the PbuJl1en1 ,\1,H L<•nd, ''ho plc1y11d Murrdy Sl.iughter nn ThP Mary l~ lf'f MnorP '-ho"" lur \t•ven <.easons Ber ore th.ii he \pen1 ..i lot ol yf'<lr' playrng tharacrer role'> on )tage. 1n movie\ ..ind on T\• "I pt.wed he.iv1P,, c rt>C'p\ and 1t>rk,, · shrug' Gavrn, who \omet rme\ 'nuncJ, like> ht-1u~t blew rn from Yonker\. "Mdyb<• ti "'d' typt'·Cd\ltng \!\hoc.ire' I'm ver> h.ippy I \\asn'1 al"-JY<i h.ippy, bul lhcJI'., p.in of the past ow 1<i terrific and rt keep<i gelltng better Alter those wonderful yNr' \.\tlh the i\1arr Tyler Moore gang. 11 dtdn I 'et.'m ltkPI~ thal Id luck out lrke this But I did The regular \tdrs 01 The low BocJt cJre lhe \ery best in the bus1ne\\ Tht-~ cJlso hclppen to be very terrrf1c people Bernie l\opell .,., ho pla\.<, Doc Adam B11cker the handsome. romantic <ih1p' phys1CtcJn 1s probably the most expe11enced and wr'icJtile actor in the cast. Trained as a da\src actor at '1e" York Untverstty. Kopel! hoped to become a lam1l1ar name rn roles created by Shakespe<>re and 'ihaw Instead, he became one of Hollywood 'youngest character actors 1n such serres as Thc!t Girl. The Dom Day 'ihow, Room 21.2. and The lack Benny ~how He CO·<.tarred in When Things Were Rotten (he was Alan A-Dale). Hot l Baltimore and Needles & Pin<t Ted Lange. who play<i Isaac the loveable bartender, was Clrflon Davis' streel·w"e buddy, lunior, in Thar's My Mama Later he was Harvard. the htp handyman in P119912 TV WEEI<. DECEMBER 2$, 1977 "'1r 1 & f1na A n.itl\f;' <>I Oakl.incl. (altl Lange d11Pctc•d thf' Oaklc1nd lnwmblt> TheatrP prociuct1on of .. R1chdrd Ill ' cJnd" 1.m•,t•ntl\ pr<'pdrtn~ tod11f;'ct .i nev. production in Lo' Angt·IP, 01 'I IJmll't " at thf' Inner City Cultural CPntN rn l.inuar~ rred Gr,mdy who pl.i,' pur'l'r Copher '>m1th. Kradu.ited mc1~nd <um 1.wdt• from I t.irv.ird Un1vrr~1ty .... uh a deKH'P rn lngl1,h HP round1·d · flw Propthl· t11in ,' c1n rn1prov,.,a1111nt1I 1 omPch, group which bc·c Jm<' d top proil''"<>n.il .111 r.i1 tton on the ea<,t c oa~t Crandy, '''" 1n h" LO\, hJ' .i r<•m.irk.tble bM kground 1n the tht'<llff' I IP""''" 111tr11du( t•d lo fV aucf1rnu•' in 1971 J\ Adnenn(' B.irlwc1u\ ho~frtt·nd in Maude, and w..i' lc1ter lf'.ilurt'd in '''grn('nt' or l'hyll1~. Wellome Bat k kotlf'r, < iwn< y, I h1• MJry lyll•r Muore C.,how and Dot L<1ur1>n lt'Wt''· pla~ ing c ruiw rltrl'c tor lulit' McCoy, 1s lht> "nt•w d"c ovpry" of thl• "'rrt'' Att1•r Jpr<'aring in a lew comm<'1uJJ,, ~he w,h < J't rn d 't'gmenf of Stars~y & Huh h. lht>n cl mcJ(Or roll' 1n f<1md~ When the sedrC'h w.i .. \.\f'll undt>rWa\ lur lht• gcrl to plav lultc', executive fH<>duc l'r A.irrin <.pt•ll1ng 'l"1rlt•nl} remembered lc1lm•n C.,hp \\ch ~1gnNl '"' 1lhnu1 tt•\ting and h.is alrl'ad\ be< omP ont• 01 1 .. 1 .. , ""'" \ mo,1 promr~rn~ \OUn.R '>lar' I'm such a fortunatt• m.in lw conlmues · 1 ..... enl) \I'd'' .igo v. hl'n An At1a11 to R1·m1·mber was released, l •Al•nt to '<'e ti O'-'t'r .ind OH'' It wa' lunny and 11 WdS '"d It tool.. pl.in• .iboarcf a luxur~ l1nP1 and 11 was lwaut11ul °"°'"' I go to work t•J<h Ud} abo.ird a place 111..<> that Anci 1 m lhE' c ant.irn FRIDAY I DlCUllO lO fOf llOfllllll .... 1tltfllOOll li1t111p. pltaM • OAmlllE ~. k · low, fol J111f um1111eftce, 111 Ille dl(i.-ies. OAmlllE lllOVIES 9:30 Cl CCJ "They Came from leyo11d Sp1ct" (SCI Ii) 67 Robert Hutton. Jenn1ter Jayne li May leddin 10:00 U "Moollbdt" (dra> C2 Jean Gab1n Ida Lupino Claud~ Rains. Thomas Mitchell Jerome Cowen (ft) "Co!lflict" (adv) 36 lohn Wayne. Ward Bond, Jean Roam 2:00 CJ ·eau of Ille Wild" (advl Charlton Heston l2ll CCJ "The Lions Are fttt" (doc) '70 Biii !ravers. V11g1n1a McKenna l:OO ClQJ CCJ "Dark Command" (wes) ·40 John Wayne. Waller P1daeon 3:30 D (.cJ "The rerils ol hulillt" (com) '67 Pat Bnone Pamela Austin. [dward [vriett Hon on. Terry Thomas I ll!Vll!NING 8 :00 u (Cll> ) ....,, U a11 Cl) Gt Of lllws 8 lMKl'fKJ OM Wy Griffitll SMw • CID> (t21l {I)) Tiit Gator llow4 Lr1e ton11ae ol lh1s tame beh1een Clemson and P11lsbu1&h horn JKk.sonv1lle f1011da CJ MIMe: CCJ (2111) '11M rroud Oim'' (wes) '56-Robert Ryan V11ain1o1 Mayo, Jeffrey Hunter Robert Middleton. waller Brennan m TIM lfldy lulKll .., The ... ies m JoufMJ to Afttnture al) lily ThtM Sons fll) Z..m ID Las S41tsrn ~ foodS !Of tlM Family • Allbott & c.tello -6:30-u TIM hict Is lti&ht (]) (3) ltoptl's MerOIS • My Thr• Solls ((fl) (3)) TIM l"9 Ranier fD Owr Easy m C.aan Salf&jt m r ._, Portrait mr Troop 7:00 D TIM lll•H•t Slltw Madeline Kahn 1uests U @ (J)OJlm~ eu.n~ CJ) TIM <M4 Couple CJ) T • T ti tile T nrtft Cl) I lM L11cJ .., Adllll-12 ((fl) CJ)) My """ Solls fB Ab~ "° °""' STiit~ 8 Yount reoplt's Special lhe l1t lie Match Cul' One of the m0$! beloved ol Hans Christian Andersen's t1ass1c tales. p1esenh 1ls louchin& messaae 1n a modern day se1t1n2 I he Little Match G11I. left atone on Chmtmu Eve to sell her matches lo a cold uncaring woild of shoppers wishes only foi kr<e. yet her needs 10 unnoticed unltl she l1nally londs love but by an uonit 4nd melan choly twist ot late u """"'" Gantt ( Thew.its rtJ Tht Ill 11111'111 m Tiie Brady Bunch 0) Let's lllau A Dal (ITTl CIJ) family Affair m Aito ll1111lllml ID LA. l11tt1cNn1e fm Hollywood $q Ullts i>t hce the Issue '1!) A Christmas Celebr1tion 8 :00 fJ (Cl1J ())) CD lie• Adnntures of Wond11 Woman frank Corshrn guests as a toymaker whose remote controlled toys and amaz1n2ly 'human" androids steal the ultra lop secret plans ot the XYZ Weapon D (2fl rll m (). Cl'O Sharkey 'Barracks Baby· A tough anti Navy conaresswoman embarks on a base 1nwect10n tour -unaware a pregnant Mu rcan woman 1s '" labor 1n Sharkefs barracks U lill'rie: ~ (Zlu) '1ales of Ttr· ro(' (ho1) '62 Vincent Puce Peter loire )) lllof1t: CCJ (lllf) ''Whert Ille •14 fern Glows" (adv) 7C James Wh1fll\Olt Beverly Garland G lltw Joltr's Wild m Carol hmtlt allCI friellds 0) lthlt/Gl'ey 8'wt The COth annual eame pits the best colle&e seniors of the No<th against the South tn this classtt sports event taped at Mon12omery Alabama's Cramton Bowl fl) T•i llo Macia all Gul!Sllloke m ell Wnllinlton Week In Item O> La thllrpadon -8:30-., (2SJ Cl) m ()JI Chico and the Man "Ed's Team" Ed plots lo turn reluclanl Raul into a local basketball star a Collctlltration m c,_.wits m ..... CommtntJIJ m '1\1 Wiil Strffl Wee• 9:00 D ((l7) ) CU ....-: CCJ (2111) "Z1111" (ad~) ·15-Alain Delon Stanley l!Jker. Ot11v11 Piccolo Alain Delon returns as the lettndary masked 11dei and hero ot tbe op!>fesstd "Dpu11n1 seem1naly out of nowlltre. and always cloektd 1n black with 1 mas~ to hide his face. lo110 1s actually lht second 1denhty of Die10. the aovernor of the colony of New A111on m Mtn Griffin SlloW Qll lllowie: ''Glut Clllltrl11t" (com) 68-Peter 0 Toole, Jeanne M01eau m risioM O> El SllGw De Eduardo II ell f"irina Unt 10:00 LI M11t11S Wet-,, llD. 0 tUl m Oll Qwincy Sul hed Be Thy Name" When an act1w1st priest known lor his ttusade atainst pornocraphy. 1s found dead of a htar1 attack 1n a prost1tutt s bedroom. Quincy suspects a porno pubhshe1 of comphc1ty 1n the death u CJ fl) """ (j) Movie: ''The Body Snatche1·· D Su111thin' Goo4 This musical special leatures l\elly Garrell Tht L0<;kers. P Aushn. llole & Parham ind Mal Z lawrence NJ Julie A11drtw1 & ltol>trt Goulet In Collurt (ISJ Cl)) Btwitchtd OJ Mundos Opuest• '1\1 l'8S Movie TIMltrt -10:30- m O>""" m Latino Collsortium ((8) ft)) Tiie Brady 8uMh 11:00 u ., a:J) Qt ..... Iii lM Alltric.al Style u rmi m ccn m> m""" U Mowit: '1he l'rCMld Ona" (wttl ·s6-Robert Ryan V1111n11 Mayo m Tiit 044 c.u,ie a> The HoetyWMrs t2IJ forMr ftmwood fii) Diel Cafltt Ca ) llt1JS/lowe American Stylt e aJJ CJ) m a The ~"'"' Flies (R) "Just Anolht1 Polish Wed TV WEEK DECEMBER 25. 1977 -11:30- f)Mowit D ~1' m QI! .-n, C.- {]) Movie: "Tt 811 Operator'' (dra) '59 Mdey Rooney • ~ (121 (J)) 8'rttb m Mttr.MWS a> Get SNrt t2IJ Tiie 700 Club m ea,tielled uc •"" ell Mldltillltflltr bport 12:00 lil Twiliallt z-m f Of t'ltl f erllWOOd II) lllofin: "Pem.' "The Phenii City SIOly'' -12:30- l l l Moofie: ··the M1dn11ht Story" l!t Mowles: "The Mummy," "The Mummy s Tomb." "The Mummy·s Ghost.'' "fhe Mummy's Curse 8 StJrtimt (IQ) Mftil: Man Who Wanted to live Forever m llfl G1111t of the WMk 1:00 D Talbllout ., Ill (fl) lllMllliatit Spe(ial () 1 lllowit1: "Blood and Sand," "Sensations·· 'Yellow Sky" CJ f Spy Cl) lllowiu : "Altau W11h A Stranrer ···Bent from the HJunted Cave · Sand' 2 :00 D Mowles. "Blood ind Sand 'Moon Om M11mi'' -3:20- D Movie: Ct) "lloi9 Yt11 See It. llol9 YM Dlll't"(com) 67-Jonathan Winters, Steve Allen. Jayne Meadows 9 lbdlell/l.lllrtf ""°" @ The .._ llolll "Blood. Sweat & d1na" Isaac Hayes auests as a pnson C1ony of Jim Rocklord. who at Jim's SUUtsllOn, &otS to WOik for a former parole olhcer·turned detective (Lou Gossett). who IS secretly try1n& to depnve R0tkf01d of a taree lee Cheers" ID Cllitonlll T t11lpl lf)5'ofb8°" -7:30-• M Stlf ..,..... ;oes One Day at A lime n . General HOS1>1tal • CJ) (Bl ((21) Cil) Donny I Mlrte Robert Youn& and Miss Amer 1ca 1uest . .,.... Donny and arle Osmond sing a medley of Elvia Presley's songs In their concert apot when ABC present• Donny & Marie, Fflday, at 9PM. Donny & Marie will alao have H their guest• Robert Young, Paul Lynde. Nell Seelaka and Miss America, Susan Perkin•. , ... 13 DICK CLARK RECALLS GOOFS Dick Clark, who hosts the "/Ive" portions, from New York's Times Square. of "New Year's Rocl<ln ' Eve '78," a 90-mlnute spec/al on ABC from 11 :30PM, Saturday to 1AM Sunday, January 1, 1978, admits to having "goofed" more than once over the years. For Instance, Clark, who by reputation has an "uncanny•· knack of being able to spot a potential star or a potential hit-recording early on, recalls being visited in his Philadelphia offices in 1963 by Bernie Binnicl<. a record promoter from London. Binniclc. asked Clark. to listen to a recording tiffed. "She Loves You." and Its flip side, "I'll Get You." He then showed Clark a pf)oto of the group which had recorded the songs. "Are they kidding?" Clark laughed. "They look /Ike jerks. And I don't think much of the record. Sounds old-fasfJioned, kind of hollow." Nevertheless Clark played the record on that day's Record Review feature of American Bandstand. "The kids rated It a 73, which meant they thought it was just lair. And, when I showed a photo of the group on camera, the kids snickered. So, I told Blnnick that in my opinion his company was promot- ing a group of losers. "The group, of course. was The Beatles." Fortunately for Clark, though. he has more often been right than wrong in assessing talent and re- cordings. On this sixth annual edition of "New Year's Rock- ing Eve. " Clark is joined by his co-hosts. Robert Hegyes (better known as "Epstein" on Welcome Back Kotter) and Suzanne Somers (Three's Com- pany). Providing the evening's musical entertain- ment is the country music association's top female vocal/st. Crystal Gayle, as well as Andy Gibb. K. C. and the Sunshine Band. the Ohio Players and Johnny Rivers. SATURDAY DEClMIER 31 MORNING 8:00 D ()) Slmrbe s..te1 G Community FttdNd <fD) F l'Olll Chin! to Ch111tt Q) Uniwtntty of tllt Air -6:30- • Camera TllrM D Tlllt'' Cat 9111 ValltJ ()) 'IV ,romo fiJ Hot F udtt Sllow m Unit Sia Cl) Mon11111 Sllow fa C.,tloMcl """ 7:00 D The SUtellinls D IJJ) CIJ m a Tiie c.e. lu11 (J) Hot '"&• Show D (])(JD) ((21) Cl)) Suptr· lritMs Hour (I) ,..,,. S.1111lltJ lllTllt rn Clllll m EltlM!lbry ..._, II) Sim Yorty se.ow a Waict •'°'Yo tDYora for lltalttl -7:30- • hctlttttl1 Cl),..,. ()) Ket!tatt S.n Dltco Q) MIN: a:) "Motlltf Is A fttslt· lfllfl" (c:om) '49-Loretti Voun1 fll) Et'1!1, s.. •nd ~' 8:00 D (Cll) (l)) Cl) 11111 811nn1/ b4I ltulllltr D ID> (]) Cilt 9 Spm S.11· liMla • Mo.it: (CJ Mfor the i-.. Mile" (dra) '60-Rei Allen • Cl) <IDl (al) ())) $cooWl All· Stir latf-A-LJlll!lia Ill MoN: (C} (2'1r) MAdioft lbn" (ac!Y) '67-Jean Gab1n. Robert Stack m-., ..... -8:30- D !fl) (J) Cilt a Supmritdl Cl) $fttd1Ktr fDW~ 9:00 D !fl) (J) m ID 9an1·SllHI ......,..,. (J) ..... lulltlJ ID Moolit: "Drht A Cfooled a.ct" (dra) ·~-Mlekey Rooney ll)MuMohal S QI) ...,. lewl North Caroltna State YS Iowa State. .,,. -9:30- • (Cll) CJ)) ()) lltman/Tarun • @ Cl) m Aclnnlues of llllllllllMIM Ali e Mowlt: "O.S.S." (dra) '46-Alan Ladd, Geraldine Fiti&mld (])..._,Ota .., WllNll ... , to .... f!DZIM GHJtus la Vitt 10:00 D 8 Cl) D 'f1Mllcltr Cl) Vllley el tflt llhlelhn D (]) ltDl (8 CJ)) Krofft ..... TV WEEK. DECEMBER 25. 11171 G WHIM Dtl4 or Aliff II) MMI: "lady 111 A Ja111" (com) '42-lrene Dunne. Ralph Bellamy f.ID V1'lo!I On 111 Trlmt 1'u1111u CDlaattlttollta"' -10:30- • (<lb CJ)) ()) Tiit Sun lffl lou1s1ana State University YS. Slln· ford University from El Paso, Tens D ID ()) Cl S.ardl alld • ..,. Cl) Morie: "Little Miu lrtlftt1" (com) '38-Shirley Temple. 111 SdttlCt rldltll Mowle fD 0-C. U11t11 A Ci.le m Withit • The ~ '""" 11:00 D 0 ()) Cit a.aa 1'11111 111cl Ille llitwlts • (]) cm <a ())) AIC WMk· encl S'9Cill "The Secret life of T K Oear1n1" An uaminahon of the re· l1t1onsh1p of the youna and the 11ed, the re1ection ot the old and how love uve1comes the aeneratton gap Jodie foster and Eduard franz star aa LA. Pattems G)S.lyl'illlittltl CDfTr.., -11:30- D o (]) Cl a.ct HallCI G1n1 ........ MarMe m WDrtcl " SIHY!wal .., The loW 0... fD film Ftatllrt ((21 ())) Anttric.111 llnclstallCI Qf) llldtalt's leawy I An•RNOON 12:00 D fllat'a Cit e SM f llllily llMlttoll CJ) Mewit: "Little '1*-" (com) '39-Shirley Temple. Rtchard Creene a (]) (ID) AMerlcan ltNstallcl Cl b$t SW. KWs m Soul Tniltl II) The ftldl folrl Nortlt Carolina State vs. Iowa State from Atlanla Geora1a. (ll) (J)lr.-. all Actloll llltatrt fD Tiit ,,tlldl Clltf (QI) (I)) Otficill 1976 Alf-A!Mrbl FO!ltMll Tu111 G)F•f1rla Fabl Ill Marlo ucl tl1t Ma1i< Mt'flt Mldlilll tm*9ttlc.tatlo -12:30- (J) Cliffwl* ....... Kleis D Tiit SNrl SllW ..... ., .. .., • Mtwle: 'teme .... ,,,,, ......... (com) '63-frank Sinatra. (ID) Merit: "Gild.I" fa hhlt Wittl leall(J ..... , (<21) Cl)) JoJ of CMidtaa m Aiiiui lib i...,... 1:00 cv m ca CJ)) a a last· Wtsl FttlNll live from S.n F 11n c1sco, the but collece toolb111 players compete 1n lhlunnual came . D @ Cll Coltec• lmetull Notre Damt vs. Kentucky ()) ..,,,.., ""' Mr • ...,_ llD Dr. Wiit Ill llclt*'s leawy -1:30-• <cm CIJ) ()) CIS $fin S,.C. .. (I) ,._.: #Hie* WU ,_. fr .. " (dOc) '68 eMWt&c.t111e err,..., 2:00 • flit lie V&lltr CJ) ....i.: '1h1ef' ID , ... ltt 111t F..ity e bl 19' Yewr Ult -2:30- • Sbm.. (II -..: "C,melol' e c.m-..t1t UllUtlN 3:00 a ~rjq s,.dat Futures t1• ol the country's top skatebot1 ders between the aaes of 13 17 • Tiit lltMll "Thomas Paine" ...... D Mtwie: "MJ Darliftl Cl1111tn· tilt" (wes) '46-Henl) fonda m Tar111 ((l?l CI)) kt111111/T1run 0 CJ) Mlflt: "RPtlAI S..llMI" (dfl) '44-John Wayne. • Dilce '77 • Fii• reeture e Clllt t11 la T 11dl • Kld ..... -3:30- • CJ) s,tct AcMtMy • SahlrUf (J)'-r,,.. • 'nlt._n • P'tlttr " .... Ill) Y .. 1 WIHI llbHliM 4r00 • Secrets " hh Cl) .... 12 • ~ .. Ille lttM" Ille s.. (J)Ktc-"--...... ..,...... e llMt: ~ "GllOf' (com) '62- Jackie Gleason, K1the11ne lbth (lIZJ (])~i:. ~ 8 8 M llltltH ..... lltilH&c.,.., ( 121 CJ)) AllMal Wtl'ld 0 TMs II tllt Ml • ..... r GlllllS -~:30- • flt Al!Mrt ·~ tllt ~ ""' CIJ Sll U.1 A C..111,io.i CJJ S.,... e Tak Is Ille NFL (}I ~ l'ID ......... • T,...,. ti TwtlllMt!Mln (QI CIJ) w.w "S.Mnl D r.. C... tht c..itry a Mt """ " "" ,,... ............ 5:00 9 111411 "M S The Myste110U5 Cripp\tr" e sa 1'n •••mla..t USC T ro1ans YS T u as A & M AU11s 1n 1111$ live p me from the AshOdOme 1n H0U1lon, Tew CJ) ~ "Tiie w.rw .. ~ ' Cetttllt'' (COlll) '6S-Abbott and Cosltlkl • ()) 9 (QI CJ)) AIC'1 IMt -..w .. s,n CJ) Star T rtli e llttle: ci::l "H1rc.l11 ll1"alH4'" (adv) '60-Stm Rtnea. StM• Kosclna e .. : "~ Illy S." (dr•) '49-Sptncer Trfey. Deborah Km • s.cc. ..... c.,..., • 0 SMll ~ Wltltf llltttHI 1 .... ,. .... ,,.. .. oi,., -5:30-•• o w .... D liJ lMI lvlAIN6 e:oo •• CJ) (lIZJ (])) ...... m lloflt: (%111) ''TM llcMIOI hl1f' (com) '~7-Don Murray @CJ)~ • Sbf Secctt m 0. A 0-rtna CIDCW.ti&. • Cl1ui,h11111, ..,..... -6:30-.... ,. .... CIJ Mlll9*.....,,. IJ llafY Tyler ..._, ())$111111111 • (JI<• CJ)) ... @ CJ) WM KillcM e n1s " t1tt tlfl 1:00 • ''"""* e•iu.e-W TiitMies .[,....._ ... ..,. (J)c:.tld. DS.-Ctf.._ <Bl Tiit ...... .lld ... • (!21 CJ)) Gt u-« ....... ... a w"" ....,.. s.. • l&ecl ,...,.... "' die -...s ......... Ci) .... ClJ Ulllb -~··""' -7:30- • Tiit SZS.000 Pyf..w (J)Miall """ • "' Sllldt Of_ •TW•....,_,. ~~ (I) Tiltt'• ....,.... ID CV ....,..,. .lacl SM l:)Fllllfedllrt eo.w.'aSa ... tat 8:00 8 (()1) CIJ) CJ) W llewlurt Sllew (R) Or. Hlflley's 11tempt at prov1dine psychoto11Cal aid lo men about to leave pnson tnd re ·en tel society 111s tum ehmb1n1 the walls B O CI>D~ _... lliltc °'"" ~ ,. ... Rill Mor· eno and loe Ctra1ioll are the hosts IOI NBC's ccwerac• "' the lestN1ties. 1nclud1nc 51 of Arntnc:a's outmnd· Int co11t1e homtconunc queens • .... (21w) "f.,...." .... 111111"' (dra) '76-frank Abe CJ) flleorit: (t) (fir) ''TIM ~ (sc1·h) '72-Clenn Cot bell. C.nwron Mrtchtll • CJ) (II <• CJ)), .... hb-~ha tmploys dtwtr1tt maaic mea· SU<es to frtt MarYin Decker from a buulttul witch's spell and save hii roarn~se_ D llttlf: ~ (Jllr) ''Tiit ''14t ... 1111 ,..." (ld'f) '75-fr1n' Sinatra, C.ry Grant, So9fll• lOftn. ID "IME Fl.£1>£1MAUS" • LMNSATtunt ltOST TORY IWIDAU • Ole flfftr.,a This cli me won. Is perfOfmed at the R011l Ope11 House in CoYtnt C.rdtns in London. TOiiy Randfll describes u cll IC! and conducts interviews in CoYent Gar· dtnl. Tiit dlaloCut Is In £11&11111 and tilt mutiQI ams '" 111 German. -~s.. e Ct It EnU Wiit • .... : ,. ....... ZtMl•" (dra) '37-Ronald Colman Ooid Niven, -~cm. O llwr...ctN t!D a.,.._. SUtillt -1:30- • ((fl) CI>) CD "''" Git lacll Ollltf Shl"t and Judt 11e all e•c1ttd about theu Iona 1w11trd vauhon to Hawau but his bou, Mr Gutman, played by r11eS1 David Opatosl!u C141Ct led II Wllll I Slllpnst WOik load that Im to be completed • Cil ci; (CBI ())) Ttllltlla "What's Wrona with Mr R1tht" lwo aood·lookin1 men-one a mere m01 tal, the other a warloek-try to stut Tabitha's heart tl)Colla .. 9:00 8 ((IJ) Cl)) CJ) Tiit J1flerw111 TV WEEK. DECEMBER 2&, 11177 e Tt dN WIW c...tty CJ) H T.US A Tiilef • Cil cm (8 CJ)) Tiit Litt ... , (R) "Messa1e IO< Maureen" Jtar11n1 Brenda Benet; "The Ac1p11lco Connecllon" st1rr•n1 Charo, "Gotcha" s1a111n1 Milton Btr1t, Alld11 ltndl1y s Ctutw• fqtvrt .,...,., ~ D Vltltln 11:00 • (]) • CJ) ""' a cm m a ... • (QI CJ)) l.M AMfiall Style w :e-...~ D sfri&M ,.,_.. m HUn llEW YWll • Fl<IM HArn HEE HAW Gt Htt Hew a> 1111ow1t:a: "The Witch," "Bloody Vampue," '1he Brave One" @ (J)AllM·IZ e Htur " ~ Cllristlll.U ~ (R) Georae IS m1n1 an old Navy -11·30- buddy. but 1s ii a man 01 a woman7~ 8 (Cl?! CIJ) ci> fiuJ lotllllar4o Louise 1s susc>1cious and-GtOllf 1s "" Yuf a b• s,.dal ltve from confused Nt w York's Waldorf Ast011a a a CJ) m a Mt¥1t: 11 @ w S.t•rdlJ 11111tt u.. ~ (fir) "Ct111t lac•, Ultit CJ) 1111t¥1e• "The Sea WoR" SlltN" (dra) '71-Laurtnce Olivier, e CJ) tD (Cll CJ)) ,... Yw• Joanne Woodward. C1111e fisher. W ll' Ew From Nrw Yorll. 01Ck Nteholas Camjlbell Adapra11on ol Cltr~ pushes the button thlt bt11ns Wilham tn1e's comp1Ssionalt drama the docent of !ht 1t1llttd blll m11• about Doc And Lota Delaney. • mid '"I the Nrw Year 1n l1mt$ Square dle11ed, m1dwtslern couple mourn ind 1n Hollywood Suu nne Somers Inc IOI the11 beltt1, byaone days. and ani Rooert Htl)'U 1re hosts to lhue. Ille cot1e1t student who Crystal Gayle. KC and the Sunshine bo11ds 1n their 110mt and rs Ille Band. Johnny Rivers, Andy Gibb and ta\alyst 1n the c1111S in wh1Ch Doc the Ohio P11yers 111d loll lhJC.O~er tMu dependtnct a ....._: "Dollars" on elth olllt1 8 ()) cm (QI CJ)) SllrikJ & ~ A hoodlum holds S11rsky tnd Hutch responsible for htS son's deatll. and 1n retaliation. ht c.11he1lly wounds Star$11y's c11tf11tnd e 111st.,,i.a Tllatrt -9:30- • (()1) (])) CJ) t_, blt4a• (R) Judat Walttt Frankhn suffers from a 111111 oomplH 11ler lt11ntn4 he ltu sent an innocent man lo.Jail .., ... : ci::i "Wild,,,. .... PllMt" (sci-f1) '67-Tol!Y RUSStll • l'l«Nllly Cite• 10:00 n ((ll) CJ)) CJ) lllia' (R) Chartu Clollt auests IS moflsler Arnie Brace, whose beautiful 11rlf11end, hnel (P1u~ Kellyj. 1s alto an eyew1tMU to • coe •1ihn1 whom Ko1•• his been ordered lo leave alone 12:00 e 111 .. 111: "The Old fuh1oned Way." "Co West Younc Man." ''The B11 Broadcast of 1938" at ll9orin: "All About Eve," '1he Sl•on Charm" (CllJ ) "9n/Sd-11 Tllutrt 1:00 • lllliWle: "taJtalll ...... , 1.0 . (com) '63-Greeory Pee•. Tony Curtis, An1ie Dickinson D o.t li'*"r'• ..._ C..Cert CJ) ~ "Re11tal Performance,'' "In Old ~manllo," ''from Istanbul, Orders to Kiil," "Tht foe1111n's Ball" D Tltrllcr <JD) llllliirit: "You Were Never love lit(' 2:00 G ....,..: ''The C.rpet of Ho11or," "Secret ol the C!nntst Carnation" Lett to right, QOflCert master Leb9rt Loml>ardo, conduetOf Victor Lombardo, and i.ad voeallsr Kenny Gardner are relldy to ring In another New Vear with Guy Lomba!Oo'a Royal Canadian• when the apeolal, "New Year'a Eve Wllh Guy Lomba!Oo'a Royal Canadians,'' la aired 11119 from N.w Ycwt'a W.ldOrf A.ttoria. Satutd-v •t 11 :30PM on CBS . ...... 15 T\I WUK, OlCOleEA 26. 1977 • atlantic music stereo SALE PRICES THRU DEC . 3 I st SELECTION . SERVICE . SATISFACTION -Slt-CCE '~IXTY ONE ATLANTIC'S 16111 ANNUAL PRE-INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE REC EIVHS, AMPS, SALE TAPE DECKS, SALE TU HERS COS! REEL-REil, CASSETIE COil NEW NfW KENWOOD KR7600 80+80 Watt $530 $399 FISHER CR5110 Cassette ... .... .$250 $159 RMS Receiver. [xcellent FM !OJ Deck. 3 heads (I)) SUPERSC!f[ A260 12+12W RMS . .SI~ $69 SONY TCI 18$0 Cassette ........•..... $210 $149 Amp. By Marantz (0) Deck. Top l~. Dolby (0) KENWOOD KT-8300 Tuner . "" .... $400 $289 JVC RO 1696 Reel-Reel Deck ... , ...... $250 $177 Top of the hne, Great FM !OJ Sound on Sruld. Switched Bias (OJ SUP£RSCCf£ R32010+10 Watt .... $219 $109 SONY TC186 SO Cassette Deck ........ UXl $199 RMS Receiver By Ma<antz 3 position Bias and EO. Dolby all JVC SEA 10 5 zone Grapl'uc $130 $79 SUPfRSCCfE CRS 1800 Stereo . . "$240 $149 Equalizer. Tape line Switching (OJ Cassette. Record Monitor IDl H·K 330C 20 + 20 Watt RMS . $230 $109 SUPERSca>f Cl OJA Port. ... .. .• ". $59 $31 Receiver. "Best Buy" Rated mi Cassette. Auto Shut off (OJ PIONEER TX 950011 Stereo S400 $299 SUPERSca>f S200S Stereo. . .$199 Sl29 AM-f M T 11\ef Top of line (0) Portable. ~ate speakers (()) SONY TC 377 Reel Reel . S420 $279 SPEAKERS COS! SALE 3 Head, Mentor, SOS (0) N(W SONIC/PIOOHR 8" 2 way .$40 Sil TUR NT AILES, Walnut·Vm Finish all CHANGERS, MISC. cosr SALE CERWIN VEGA Hed VIO $110 $49 NEW 8" ·2 Way-1 only ([)) BSR Changer Deluxe . .. ....... . $69 $16 JBl LlOO's 12" 3 Way . . . .$354 . $225 base. dust cover, cueing (Tl) $149 High Efficiency, Shelf Of Floor (0) KENWOOO Kf0055 Turntoole . . .. . ... Sl!Xl ALTEC LANSING Mod I ... ........ $99 $58 f ull·Auto. Belt Drive, Base & Cover ([)) 8" 2 Way·Oak Cab. High Efficiency (DJ PIONEER Pl.5ll Direct Onve . . . . . ... S250 $169 UL TRAUNEAR 460W 4 Way .. " .... S300 $169 Turn table. Full Auto (0) Walnut Towers. Small space Big bass (I)) ACCUTRAC 400) ('.omputer ............ $499 $299 EPICUR£ 20 + Walnut. Floor . . . .$275 $169 Turntable w/Remote & Cartridge IDl Standing. Top Rated (D) BIC 940 Belt Drive Auto ......... .$153 $79 PION££R S£205 Headphones. .•... $25 $15 Turntable. Base. cover. Grado cartridge(!)) Stereo. 20-20.00l Hz (d) All Blank Tapes. Reel-Reel, 8 Irk, cassette-At r.ost