HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-02-11 - Orange Coast Pilotrange Coast EDI TION .. Dfa:e-a-!,f ne Bargains Todag VOL. 71, NO. 42. 3 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY. CALI FORNI A SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1978 TEN CENTS County Ternied Efilergency Area- Diedrich 'DA Link'~ Crumples By GARY GRANVILLE Of .. ~Uy P'li.t S~lt A clandestine 1977 friendship between indicted Orange County Supervisor Ralph Diedrich and Deputy District Attorney Orella Sears crumpled· Friday in Superior Court when they gave conflicting versions of the same story. Diedrich testified that Mrs. Sears last year said Hicks was out to get him. Moreover, Diedrich added, Mrs. Sears fingered Assistant Dist. Atty. Michael Capizzi as "the hatchet man" assigned to get the job done. In her testimony, Mrs. Sears denied ever having said anything like that Diedrich was in Judge John Flynn's court in an attempt to prove Hicks and his starr art· prejudiced against him The beleagured· 53 -year-old county supervisor wants Judge Flynn to remove the Orange County District Attorney's Of· fice headed by Hicks as his pro secutor on bribery related charges. Those charges were brought against Di edrich and co defendant LeRoy Rose last 'Dec. 15 10 a county Grand Jury tndict ment. The verbal connict over what Mrs. Sears did or did not Sa ) about the DA 's motives for in· vestigating Diedrich wasn't the only major discrepancy in the Sears-Diedrich testimony. For example, Diedrich said Mrs. Sears and her husband in· vited him to their Fullerton home "at least four times" in the rirst six munths or 1977. Mrs. Sears said Diedrich visit ed her home "only once or twice'' during the six-month period. The Fullerton supervisor said his first invitation to the Sears home came in early 1977 and the deputy DA wanted "to discuss the entire investigation" of him that was then under way. But Mrs. Sears denied even knewing that Diedrich was the target or a political corruption <See DIEDRICH. Page A2) Man Hurled From Hotel An unidentified resident or a downtown Santa Ana hotel hov- ered near death early today after he was thrown ofC a second floororbalcon·y. Police arrested Charles Per- singer, 21 and Joseph Reiser, 29, of Santa Ana in connection with . the incident at the Chandler Hotel, 411 W. 4th St., which was reported just before midnight. The victim, thought to be about 60 years old, surrered serious injuries. He was hospitalized at the UC Irvine Medical Center. Persinger and Reiser were booked lhto Orange County Jail on charges or assualt with a dead· lyweapon. QUARTERBACK HUNG 'EM UP LAGUNA VOLUNTEER CARRIES BELONGINGS FROM MILLIGAN HOME IN CANYON Canyon Victim Said Nine Trees Slammed Into Home In Half Hour Friday Morning Trees Spread Terror 70..f ooters Batter Laguna Canyon Homes By ~"'fEVE MITCHELL OlllM Dally PlletSl•ll Tilt• wind <.1nd lhl' pitch lar~m·s~ ro.tltll'<I ~oml' rescuer:. 1n Laguna Canyon Friday morn- ing :\nd thl' rain made thing:. tough for cn•ryonl'. Hut 1t was the 90-yca r-old euealyptus tree:. ~nappin~ in half and falling to the earth that :,truck fear in the hl'urts of policemen, firemen and city work crews. "You couldn't see the eucalyp· tus grove." recalls Police Capt Neil Purcell. "It was 3 a .m . and ~ ou couldn't even see your hand in front of your race ... But you could hear the 70-foot high trees groan as winds roared down the canyon and onto Woodland Drive, Fairywood Walk and Roosevelt Street just outside town Conviction Of Battin Stands Up Former Orang~ County supcrvisor Robert Bat'tin's bid to overturn the 1976 criminal con- viction that resulted in his ouster from public office ended in failure Friday. The end came when Superior Court Judge Kenneth Lae ruled the jury that found Ballin guilty or misusmg his political office was not prejudiced against Bat· tio in particular or politicians in general. It was when Battin was sen- tenced to 30 days in jail and or· dered to pay a $3,SOO fine in Ju- ly, 1976, t.ttat his stormy political career came to an end. With that sentencing by Judge Lae came Battin's automatic re· moval from office and a lifetime ban against hlm ever again bold· ing public office. The 46-year-old rormer county supervisor whose ouster for us ing bis county-paid staff In a 1974 poUUcal campaign came JUst six months before the end or his second four-year term bas not yet served the brief jail sen· tence Now, all his appeals have been lost unless he decides to carry his case to the state Supreme Court. Judge Lae's ftnding that Bat· tin's jury was not prejudiced came almost two months after a one-day hearing at which the 12 Jurors who convicted Battin in 1976 w~re called back to the courtroom. TouchJng oft the hearing was former jury forewontan Gloria Godfrey's statement that she heRrd one juror aay before the trial becan that "all pollUcians aro crooks." But after bearing testimOQY from the jurors dwinl the one· day htarin1: Jud&• Lae de· 1 termlned to his own aaUltac:tiM that no furora catTHCt ~J.UCe With them iotc>Ui Jurj room. The fmdlnti' of fact auppoi't.lq ··God, 1t was terrifying," said Purcell at the end of a 13-hour dav. A half dozen homes on those three streets were hit by tons or lumber Friday morning, sending families out into the darkness and rescuers out onto flooded Laguna Canyon Road. The worst hit was the home of Mrs. BeneUa Milligan, 80. who friends say has lived at her Fairywood Wa lk address for more than four decades. Mrs. Milligan and her daughter, Evelyn Crockett, were inside the wooden home when the first tree came down at 3 a.m., Purcell said. A second tree pinned artist Bob Young, 41, inside his home al 1250 Roosevelt. Firemen freed the man who suffered a brwsed thigh. '"Then they started falling like dominoes." the police ca plain said. "You couldn't see them coming. You just heard a crack and then you had to stand there and wait." He said dozens of trees fell between 3 and 3:30 a .m., slrik· mg six or seven homes in the tightly grouped neighborhood. By 6 a.m., the area looked like a lumber miJI, witb families wandering in and out of crushed homes, taking belongings to their vans and trucks for transfer to friends and relatives homes. More homeowners ar- rived from the makes hift evacuation center at City Hall to assess damage to their homes .. Plannmg commissioner Belin- da Blacketer, a close friend or (SeeTREES.PageA2) Nightmare Was Real Girl Believed 4 Murders a Dream SEASIDE, Calif. CAP> -A 14-year-old girl saw four of her relatives hacked to death last August, but ror three months dismissed the bloody attack as a bad dream, according to testimony released Friday. Rayleen Ferguson testified in Municipal Court on Dec. 15 that she watched helplessly as her grandmother, sister, aunt and cousin were repeatedly stabbed, but awoke the next morning thinking she had had a nightmare. M lss Ferguson 's cousin, Harold Bicknell, 19, and a pair or teen-age girls -Karen Kirby, 15, and Terri Milligan, 14 - have all been charged in the Aug. 9 mass slayings. Her four hours of testimony Most Offices To Be Closed For Holiday came during a preliminary hearing for Bicknell, who goes on trial in Superior Court on Feb. 27 on four counts of murder. The state Supreme Court denied a bid Friday by the public defender representing Bicknell to seal the bearing tra n script and it was im· mediately released . In her testimony, Miss Ferguson was asked why she finally told her blzarr' story to a district attorney's investlgator in late November. ''Maybe I thought if I talked about it to someone, you know, becau11e I have been trying to block il out of my mind," she said. "I just thought if I talked wlth him I would forget about the thing and then I wouldn't be so bugged. I mean, it wouldn't bother me anymore.·' Rayleen's sister, Renee Ferguson, 15; her grandmother, Josephine Smith, 66i her aunt, Susanne Harris, 27; and her cousin, Rachel Harris, 6, were slain at Mrs. Smith's home. Miss Ferguson testified she was standing outside the kitchen wh"en the attack, which followed an argument between Renee aod Bicknell, began. "I heard screaming," she said, addin& that she saw knives swinging and blood and was then t struck on the bac-of the bead and knocked unconscious . She said she woke up the nt'I\ morning In Miu Kirb1'1 bedroom and told Ml K.lrby 11he bad had a baddteHl. "She laid, 'J don't want to bear about It.'." •h• testlt18d. Miss F.,.usoa testilled Q9 all() once tried to teU 8h:kneU •bout the dream and he •creed, "Yea, it doea ~m like a dream." Public ddender lANY Bisel au.actel 1M testimony dunnc Wind Damages Reach Mi1Jions Orange County Supervisors Friday declared their county to be in a state of emergency and state officials were expected to- day to survey the county in pre- paration for a statewide disaster declaration. Thomas Riley, chairman or the county board of supervisors, issued the emergency proclama- tion at 5 p.m. Friday. It will ena- ble victims of the devastating storm to qualify for low interest loans to repair storm-related damage. Meanwhile, local officials along the Orange Coast estimat- ed the havoc wrecked by the hurricane-force wind and rain to be in the millions of dollars. As mop-up operations con- tinued today, Orange Coast folks grided for still another storm ex· peeled to hit the coast by Sun- day. One Sheriff's deputy, supervis· mg the flood-ravaged canyons of the Santa Ana Mountains noted grimly, "If we have any more rain, we've just about bought the farm." It iwas a sentiment shared by other public officials struggling to get their jurisdictions back to normal: -SEAL BEACH: The Seal Beach pier wilt remain closed indefinitely due to major struc· tural damage. -HUNTINGTON BEACH: City officials could only guess that storm damage would run "well into the millions of dollars" from the storm which hit a trailer park with tornado-like winds and elsewhere uprooted trees, blew out windows and pulled up roofs. Damaee from the trailer park alone '1ras set at $1.2 million. The Huntington and Bolsa Chica state beaches were closed Friday as was the Huntington pier. Ollicials could not say if they would be re-opened today. "It depends on bow hard the wind is blowing," commented one. FOUNTAIN VALLEY: More than 100 trees were destroyed and four home roofs were tom off by what officials think was the same tornado-like condition that struck first in Huntington Beach. -NEWPORT BEACH: More than 1,000 city-owned parkway trees, valued at more than $300,000, were destroyed. Slope damage .M> bluffs and hills is estimate!.'.3t $1 million, although no homes are currently en- dangered. The Newport Pier remains. closed due to structural damage I .ink Probed In Newport Rank Holdup A bandit. remarkably like the lightning-fast bank robber who bas terrorized Costa Mesa for the past three weeks, took more than $1,000 from a bank on the Newport-Costa Mesa city line Friday afternoon. Like the man sought for taking $4,500 in four Costa Mesa rob- beries, the Friday afternoon bandit struck at about 2 p.m., this time hitting the Bank of America in Westcliff Plaia at Westcllff Drive and Irvine A venue in Newport. Irvine Avenue at that point marks the dividing line between the two cities. Newport Beach Detective Sgt. Ken Thompson declined to say the man sought ln the Friday robbery is the same man sought by Costa Mesa for the other four stickups, although he did acknowledge there are remarlta· ble similarities in the cases: Thompson .said the bandit wore a dark""l>lue windbreaker and light-colored pants. He apparently entered and lelt the bank alone and presented bia cash demand ln the lorm of a note banded to one teller. No weapon was seen. He is de&erlbed u being more thin she feet tan. wetcbJn1 about lM pounds with brown balr and a brown moustache. And Uk• tbe COit.a Mesa rob- bery '""~\be vanished fn>m the bank •lore 1Urtled employees eould acUvate bank ~aaeraa to aet bis pbotocnph. and beach erosion was reported al Little Corona del Mar, Main Corona del Mar and the Newport Pier beaches. Damage est1mates to boats and docks in the harbor tom loose by the gusts which were clocked up to 92 mph, remain unavailable. "We're still trymg to get the hundreds of loose boats secured and brace ourselves for the next storm," <See EMERGENCY, PageA2) * * * 8 Kille"' Hundreds Homeless LOS ANGELt5 <AP) -Hun- dreds of Southern Californians dug through mud-caked rubble today to salvage what they could of their battered homes after lhe region's most savage rainstorm 10 nearly a decade. At least eight persons were killed in the storm, and more than 400 persons were left home· less. Rescuers were searching · for nine persons -three of them children -missing after the tiny mountain hamlet of Hidden Springs was entirely washed away from its mountain perch 25 miles north of Los Angeles. The storm -the third in less • than a week to rake Southern California - started as heavy rain Thursday night. But the tor- rent continued until rivers were rushing through residential areas, scooping up cars and mud and people. More than a foot of rain soaked parts of the San Gabriel and San Bernardino mountains, and 31~ inches poured onto downtown Los Angeles in less than 24 hours. Winds were clocked a high as 92 mph. ?4ore than 200 homes suffered major damage -100 in the Sunl and area north of Los Angeles alone. Officials said a total damage estimate may not be compiled for weeks, but speculated it pro- bably would run into the millions. Disaster specialists from the state Office of Emergency Services were touring nine bard· hit counties -Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, San Bernardino, Riverside, Kern, Tulare, Fresno and Mono. The Board of Supervisors pro· claimed a state or emergency for Los Angeles County and other counties made similar an- nouncements. In a macabre sidelight, 30 graves yielded up their dead when a section of the mountain· top Verdugo Hills Cemetery col- lapsed at the height of the storm. The bodies tumbled along torrents of water down residen· tial streets and into backyards in suburban Tunjunga. Pohce agencies throughout <See 8 DEAD, Page A2) Coast Weather Increasing cloudiness. Gusty winds to decrease to 15 to 25 mph. Cooler with overnight lows in 40S. Highs Saturday near 55 and Sun- day near60. .INSIDE TODAY Strong-minded Howord Jarvia im't. about to gfve up on his loZ relfe/ initiative. "1 got embedded in m11 mind two wordl -nevtr quit,'' htt say1. See. Page AS. t.•ex Deify .... ltllft ..... CLEMENTE VET DIEFENBACH READIES PATIENT FOR FREEDOM OFFSHORE Sam's Fully Recovered After Washing Up on Beach Three Weeke Ago Sam Almost Flips In the End, Sea Lion Opt,s for Free!lom By ANNE COOPER 041MDallr .. UolSIAlll .\ whiff of the :.ca and the :;aght of wavt's St'nt "Sam" the young sea !ton bounding over San Clemcntt''s main heath. back to the w att'r after three wet· ks rn hospitul For nc<1rly an hour the fri sky µup swam playfully up and down 111 front of S~1n Clemente lifeguard hcadquart(•rs, a p parently t;.i king hii; lime t11 t:hoose bt'twecn fn·c•dom and t i-,h-rich captivity. Three weeks ago he· was a dif ferent animal -wc:.ik and in shock. His doctors speculated later that he must h;n c taken a bl•ating on ofrshore rocks in heavy seas. His lhpp<'rs wen• torn, m1d he didn't hLJ\'P enough strength to gl't ;may from city llfeguarrts when they found him beached nl'nr the municipLJI pier. 'l'hr ~ua nt-. tnok t11m lo the San Cl emente V eterinary Hos pital, where Dr. J a mes Die fenbach had treated five other s ick or injured sea lions in the past year. A run at the hospital had been l'Onvcrted to a seal pool, where Sam was able to take it easy, eating fish and antibiotics until his wounds had healed. · .. H e was s uch a c lever LI n i m a l," said Diefenbach .. Within a day or two he had it rigured oul that we would feed him mornings and evenings if he was in his pool. •'As soon as he heard us tn the office in the morning, he'd jump into the pool and bark until be gol his fish.•• The prolecled environment and plentiful fish helped Sam put on eight i>ounds during his hospital stay. He weighed in al .i9 pounds the day of his release. "He's just a young sea lion," said Diefenbach ... probably between two and three years old. With his youth working for him, his good health now and a belly full of fish. he should do pretty weu.·· "I was concerned that he might have grown too ac- customed to his life lo captivi- ty,., the vet said. "Ir he were tame. he probably wouldn't be able to make the adjustment back to his natural habitat. "Just before we set out for the beach. I had him running loose while I cleaned the cage we were going to use to transport him . 1 had a bad moment when I tried to get him into the cage - he was plenty aggressive, growl· ing and showing his teeth. "Once I had him in the cage. I realized how good it was that he isn't a pet -we wouldn't wanl him s howing up on the beach to visit, once we put him back rn the water.'' f"rona Page Al New Gazebo Will Be Dedicated DIEDRICH SPLIT. • • probe Jet alone discussing it with him. The cootrailict1on in the one t1me secret friends' testimony continued when Diedrich talked of "long, mtensive" telephone calls initiated by Mrs. Sears. Her description of the phone calls was far more reserved. Mrs. Scars alsn said she was Front Page Al TREES ... :'11 r-. 1\l11ligan. was carrying a load of books lo the woman's un- ..,culhcd ~aragc Friday after- noon "'These people have been try- ing to gt'l the city to trim those tn-es for a long time," s he said, pomlinJ.! to the greatly thinned grove of eucalyptus. Mayb1• they'JI #!Cl the word this timl' f"ro• Page A J DREAM •.• the hearing, calling Jl. "an in- credible story ... in all or hum an nature l can't believe that could ever exist." Bicknell was arrested Oct. 26 in San Diego. Miss Milligan, ar- rested in Santa Rosa on Oct. 27, • Miss Kirby, arrested Nov. 29 in Seaside, stand trial in juvenile court next month Miss Ferguson has not been charged. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT onl)"' kidding when she talked with Diedrich about a judgeship. He said the conversations were earnest. Defense attorney Marshall Morgan wa.9 attempting to show through what Mrs. Sears al- ledgedly told Diedrich that, in- deed, Hicks and bis staff are prc•judiced against his client. And in the other corner. Capizzi was attempting to show the prejudice aUegations are lit- tle more than an attempt "to make mountains out of molehills." When cross-examing Diedrich. for example, Caplui fUtL!trated that the Fullerton supervisor wasn 't the only county supervisor who bad voted on 1975-76 issues that caused fric- tion between Hicks and the Board of Supervisors. Capizzi also attempted to sbow that Diedrich had once made light of 1976 telephone conversa- tion with Hicks that ended with the DA calling Diedrich "a stupid" SOB and abrupU~ alam· ming the receiver down. That abbreviated but ap. parently animated converaalion is now a cornerstone in the Diedrich effort to get Hicks and his staff ousted as his pro- secutors. That i ssue was won by Diedrich on the political corrup- tion case Jate last year when Judge Philip Schwab ordered the DA ort the case, a ruling un- successfully challenged in higher courts. Capizzi indicated at the outset ot Friday's hearing he intends to show the Issues involved ln the bribery case dilfer from those involved in the earlier indict- ment. That will come later. however. The two sides were still ham- mering at each other late Friday afternoon when Judge Flynn re- cessed the hearing until Wednes· day morning. The refurbished Palisades gazebo in Capistrano Beach will be dedicated Sunday, celebrat- ing the opening of the historic view site to the public. The gazebo is an exact copy of a Doheny family eazebo. com- pleted on the high promontory in 1929. said Mickey Valentine, ex- ec utl ve secretary of the Capistrano Bay Parks and Recreation District. The parks district acquired the property in 1975 and began the renovation of the gazebo and surrounding acre park last year. The dedication is planned at 2: 30 p.m. Sunday at 24601 Palisades Drive. Fifth District Supervisor Thomas Riley will discuss the historical value of the site, said Mrs. Valentine. Additional information on the dedication is available by call- ing the parka district, •96--f25t. F,.....PageAI 8DEAD ••• Southern C'11fornia were on 24-bour alert. and the Los Angeles Police Department's Emereency Operations Center was activated for the fint lime in its history, In Mono County Slbout 200 miles north of Los Angeles, several skiers were reported missing after avalanches came thundering down the mountains at June Lake, Twin Lakes and Conway Peak. The county was d eclared an emeriency area because of the avalanches; heavy snows and high winds. The tiny resort of June Lake was cut otl alt.er a mauive avalanche plied SllOW 25 feet deep on two-laaempw~ 158. Wppos .Safe They Went Under Water HOW DO YOU COUNT your hippos when they're hiding their heads Under tho rising river's waters? That was the dilemma which laced Lion Country Sof arl officials Friday when they discovered the night's wind had knocked fences out. With the anim&l pai'k•s river swollen, ran1era had trouble counting the hippos which dunk underwat,r. THEY CAUED FOR the help ot a helicopter but !ound that all the hippos were present and tl'.'Joylli• the wet weather. Democrat Hopefuls BaShful? Unless a Democratic candidate steps forward in the 14th As· sembly District before 5 p.m. Tuesday, the RepubUcan. P arty June 6 will win back the st4te As· sernbb' seat U..y lost to maverick Democrat Ron Cordova in 1976. That's because as of late Friday afternoon no Democrat h ad declared intentions to seek the of- fi ce Cordova is vacating to run for stateSenatei.Dlbe36thD1strict. Ir there ls no Democratic can· di date in the June 6 primary elec- tion, then, barring a write-in can- didate, the winner of the four· candidate Republican primary will run unopposed in the Nov. ember general election. When the deadline for filing declaration of Intention fell tb1s week, the Republican lineup in the 7 4th consisted of: -·F.ormer school trustee Marian Bergeson who ran Orange County's most successful write-in campaign ever in 1976 when she finished a close third to Cordova and Republican nominee Jim Slemons. -·Irvine businessman- attorney Bob Willes. -Businesswoman Kathy Alls- ElserofSouthLaguna. -Newport Beach business ex- ecutive Lee Walkins. It will be one of those fo~ Republicans who will represent the heavily Republican 74th lf a Democrat doesn't come forward to attempt to pick up where Cordova will leave off. In the 73rd Assembly District, incumbent Democrat Dennis Mangers won't have any primary election competition from within bis own party. But four Republicans filed their declarations and will compete June 6 for the right to attempt to win back the seal Mangers wrest- ed from long-time Republican in- cumbent Robert Burke in 1976. The quartet of 74th Assembly District Republican candidates includes legislative analyst Chuck Gibson, Huntington Beach school trustee John Hundley, 1974 county supervisorial candidate Nolan FrizzeJle and builder Tom Burke. Cordova isn't the only Democratic candidate to come forward to challenge for the 36th Senate District seat being vacat- e d by Republisan Dennis Carpenter. Also on the Democratic list in the 38th is Gregory Kuczynski, an El Toro businessman. And competing in the Republican primary in June will be six candidates. Among tho frontrunners for the GOP nomination are Gil Ferguson, a former Irvine Com- pany official and more recently executive directorofCEED, ade· veloper-wtion organization. One-time American Independ- ant Party presidential nominee as well as a former state legislator and congressman, John Schmitz of Corona del Mar is another prominent name in the race. Fountain Valley City Coun- cilman George Scott is another Republican candidate to declare intbe36th. The GOP field is completed by Huntington Beach businessman Stephen Holden, Jim Martindale of Newport Beach and geography instructor Jon S. Brand of Laguna Beach. E'.-...PageAI BATTIN ••• Judge Lae's decision concluded no juror said Battin must be guilty because all politicians are crooks. Also concluded in the findings is neither bias nor prejudice by any juror was established dur- ing the hearing that, short of a successful Supreme Court ap- peal. ended Battin's almost two- year battle to vindicate himself. "Holly, .. a.year-old spayed wire·haired fox. terrier. is a 1000 watchdog. erooys con· • versations with children. and ls available from the HantjnJton Beach Humane Society, $36-8480. IMMr ................ .., .... c... TROUBLE SPOTS -Numbers on map indicate areas hardest ~it by latest storm. (1) Huntington Beach, where tW1Ster tore up a moblle home park. (2) Newport ~arbor. where high winds blew boats loose from moor- ings. (3) Laguna Canyon, where falling trees and' high wa~er sent residents scurrying from their homes. (4) lrvme, where mud and water closed most north-south streets. (5) Silverado, where storm runoff chased real- dents to high ground. F ..... PageAJ Huntington~s EMERGENCY Wind Victims said Harbor Patrol spokesman, Sgt. Ralph Huffman. S J O COSTA MESA: Full shlfb of Weal t Ut city crews were expected to re- m at n on the Job over the weekend to clean up fallen trees that were sent cascading onto homes, cars. patios, swimming pools and utiUty lines by the storm. No damange esimtates were available, although one city employee said the storm was the worst he'd seen in 2l years. IRVINE: The city that of·. flcially loves trees lost more than 50 of its biggest Eucalyptus trees and most of its main nortb- south roadways in the torrential downpour. LAGUNA BEACH: More than 30 r esid ents of Laguna Canyon wer e forced to flee during Thursday's storm. which turned the canyon into a ragilll river, aJ)d many remained out for the weekend. Some beach erosio.n was re. 1 ported at the city's Main Beach and city authorities reported the loss of "numerous trees.•• SAN CLEMENTE: San Diego Gas and Electric Company employees were expected to con- tinue repair work throUgb tbe weekend from the scores of minor power outages caused by blowing trees and debris. A spokesman for the Southern California Edison Company, hard hit by the fierce storm, said dollar estimate from the damage would be impossible to assess for several days. Police Seize 2 in Anaheim An Anaheim couple was booked late Friday night on sus- picion of holding up one local bank a.nd trying to hold up another. Police arrested Dan William LaMarr, 32, and Claudia Yvonne Bronner, 19 in connection with the holdup of the Golden State BanJt, 619 S. Brookhurst St. and the attempted robbery of the Crocker National Bank, 2231 W. Linclon Ave.15 minutes later. The couple was not taken in for more than three hours after the two 2 p.m. incidents. Tbey were arrested when Officer James Taylor, a three-year veteran • spotted their car which matched the description o! the robbers' getaway vehicle. Residents or the Huntiniton Beach trailer park nattened by tornado-like winds from Fx:iday morning's wind storm, spent a jittery Friday nigbt in mU.. s hift. borrowed and rented shelters, fearful another storm would strike again. . A spokesman for the American Red Cross team which was coordloatln« the mop-up at the Huntington-By. The-Sea Mobile Home Trailer Park commented late Friday night, "We•re OK as long as the .weather bolds. If it gets stormy again, some of these people are going to get panicky." He said the residents of the park at 21852 Newland Ave. were "going into altersboct-'0 about 12 hours after the destruc· live tempest struck. While officials were Clebatllqr if the wind storm was the worst disaster ever to hit Bunthlgtm Beach, there was couenaus on one thing. Those at the scene were un- animous in their bellef that it wu nearly a ml:racle that no one wu killed oraeriously injured. Only six persons suffered minor injuries when a water spout touched ground at 1:55 a .m. Friday and tossed large coaches about almost like matchboxes. ~st seriousl7 Injured , P ula Dix~ suffered a s de · location. She was at the scene ottbe devuta. tion with ber arm in a sling after receiving hospital treatmeat. Fourteen ol the coaches were totallY. destroyed. 24 incvnd major damage and 40 more suf. !ered minor damage. The total• Joss was estimated at more than $1.2 million. Mayor Ron Pattinson. wbo toured the area by foot and by helicopter. said, "It was a mira- cle that noooe was killed. The storm has not been Of- ficially declared a tornado by the U.S. Weather Bureau but Pattinson said it Jooked like one to him. .. From the air you could see where it struck and then skipped to strike again ... be said. Vincent Moorhouse. wbo directed emergency work by a large force of city employees. said the storm started as a water spout over the ocean. He said be believes that it became a tomado when it bit tba ground. Merlin Reaches Manzanillo First MANZANILLO -Phil Lee's 67-foot sloop Merlin out of Santa Cruz, breezed to another record- sm ashing elapsed Ume victory in the 1,140-mile San Diego to Manzanillo yacht race Friday, making it two out of three qainst her arch rival, the 69- foot Driner sailed by Harry Moloshco, Long Beach. Merlin finished at 2:16 p.m. PST on a dytni breeze leaving Drifter to slap about in a dead calm five miles from the finish for six hours. Drifter flnlsbecl at 8:50 p.m. Botb yachts beat Ute e1apMc1 time record of aeven daya and 18 hours set by Ragtime In Ute 19'18 race. Merlin owned tbe new record wlth an elapsed UJ:ae ot th dQS. two hours. 18 mi.Dutel and AO aeconds. l>rUter's elapie4 time WH Six d~. eight boW8 aDd S) minutes. Fred Prel11' 8'·foot aloop ~ bun Xartna ... ..., was expected to be the third. yacht to fanlsh about C a.m. to.- day. Lee said the three yachts bat· tled within sight of each other for the first three days. 1be boats separated at Cape San Lazaro when Merlin pulled of- fshore in ·a 25-knot breeze and logged a bUsterlng 296·mlle day's nm while her rlvala were staying Inshore. It was the third m•tch between Merlin and Drifter since they were launcbecl 1en Utan a year qo. In lut summer'• Transpac to Honolulu. Merlin flnlabed 19 minutes ahead ol Drin.r wtlb a new record. ID the Lclaf Beach to La Pu race lut November, DrUter beat Merllil b1 · about etcht minutes. Al tbe flrlt ftnllbw, Merlin ls clln•la• precarloualT to tbe •andk:ap lead. Sile ean Olll.J loose it to ooe of U.. cl ... B or C boats ~=L-::.'&M'°'!~ ., I r ( n p c I. 1 J G 0 2: 0 ,., ~I th Y• f( J< u~ 19 • t YI tr u hi m to PE sa gl te I he th m se of ah Ll ( sir Hs ' Lo tht f te1 En 0 I sht the h l "S Th ~ 17 Die In Plane Crash RICHLAND, Wash. <A P> -A comm utcr airplane bound for Seattle nose-dived into the ground and burst lnto f)ames shortly after takeoff Friday, and all 17 persons aboard were killed, authorities said. 1''rank DuBree, director or marketing for Columbia Pacific Airlines of Richland, said the twin-engine Beechcraft 99 was carrying u full load or 1.5 passengers and a crew of two when 1l took off from Richland J\rrport. about 11 ~ miles east of this southeastern Washington commumtv The plane was climbing when "it looked hkc 1l hcid stopped in the air," l)UJd Richland police Patrolman Mark Panther, who was about a mile from the airport when he saw the era.ft go down. ··1 thought to mysetr. 'It looks like a ghder ' The nose tilted down a htlle bit and then the plane went out of sight," he said. By the lime he reached the crash site, the plane was "t.otal- ly engulft..>d an flames. ll 's the worst dh .. asl<.'r I've eve( seen." said Panther The Federal Av\ution Ad- ministration uv.d Hichland police each said 17 'people were killed. The idemities of,.the victims were bdng withheld until re- latives could be notified. The plane went down about half a mile from the end of the runway in a flat, sagebrush- covered urea Ratlalion Chief Dan Downs of the Richland Fire Department said . "ll appeared no one even had a chance to make an at- l(•m pl to get out "I'd say they were killed in- stantaneou:.ly from the looks of 1t The bodies were very ap· part•nt. They were piled up." li e said lh(• fire was all- consuming before firemen ar- rived. which he said was two minull''i uftcr the crash. Richlan1t police Sgt. Bob Ly- nt>ss said lhl•r(' wm. lrllle left or thl· pl;11w l'Xl'•'Pl for the tuil sec- tion "It's just a hunch of molten 1r<>n." he saicl. Anotht:r eyewit"ess. Dave Rigdon, :.i pilot and airplane mechanic from nearby Ken- newick. said he watched the plane take off and said the pilot was "doing a beautiful job." -· . Vplif ting Experience When the wind blew <incl thb eucalyptus trcl' tell on:r in Lag una Beach ul 4().t llol- ly St.. it rooted up I hl· pC.l\'t:'Jnl'llt ;rnd lhl' \'olk s wag<.>n pt1rked cu rb~tdl'-Owne r Laurn llolmel'!. a third ~r<i<ll· tcacht•r at Ande rson Ell>ml'nlarv School. C11rnn:1 ckl :\Jar. :,k-pt right thi·ou gh tlw uplw.I\ al \;l:'1ghhor:. <1d,·bed hl:'I' llwt Mllltt·I h1ng '' ;1-. up with hl't' litlll' car LA Police Free Actor LOS ANGELES CAP) A part-lime actor, held by police for two days in the Hillside Strangler case. was released from jail Friday. lie told re- porters he had been using drugs when he was arrested. No charge ever was filed against Ned T. York, 32 ln California, a person may be held for 48 hours without being charged, as long as police tell the prisoner what crime they are investigating. quarters and out into the street by cameramen and reporters, he said his call to police had been inspired by news reports of a •·strangler letter" sent to Mayor Tom Bradley. York said he called "because of the letter the mayor released. I wanted to help stop the killing of the:>t.' evil women.·· lie :.aid he was not the author of the letter. m which a man who l'la1mcd to be the Mrangler told of feeling compelled to kill "bad and evil ladys. '' Weckler, the strangler's ninth victim. Friends of York lold reporters the actor h<id been up all night Tuesday talking with a friend about Miss We{'klcr before he called police. York, a bit-part player. had appt.oared on the TV show "Starskv and llutch " ln one recent episode, he played a policeman Saturday, February 11. 1978 DAILY PILOT Jf.3 Oil Regulation Tower Claims Study Hidden By JACKIE WYMAN OltlleOally l'ilet Sqlf Senator John Tower, R-Texas said Friday in Newport Beach he believes President Carter's stand in favor of increasing re- gulation of oil and gas prices has been influenced bypeople in lhe Department of Energy who favor nationalization or lhe in-dustry. Tower told members of the California Independent Producers Association he believes lbe energy department suppressed a report showing that energy company stockholders are not showing an excessive return on investments and that oil company debts are increasing. Tower, chairman of the Senate Rt>publican Policy Committee and an opponent of federal price control on oil and gas produc- tion. said his requests for a copy of the report were ignored and he finally obtained one only through a well-connected ne~~ reporter. He said Carter might have maintained his earlier stand against regulation had he been acquainted with the report. ··And the only thing that would be worse than nationahza- t1on ... is that once they have done it. they invite the postal service to operate it.·• Tower said at a luncheon meeting at the Newporter Inn. Tower said be believes that the increased controls contained m Carter's energy plan would lower profits and provide d1sm REPORT SUPRESSEO? U.S. Senator Tower <·enllves for producers to search out new sourc<'s of energy, possibly paving the way for ra. lion al ization However, u new compromise <'Urrently under discussion might be acceptable, Tower said. lie explalfled that conferees from-the Senate a nd House of Rcpresentati ves arc currently hammering out :.in energy bill that would ha\•e a chance of pa:>-;mg both Houses. and that the 1s!.uc or energy price regula- tion rs one of the s tumbling blocks York was arrested after he re- portedly claimed responsibility for the killings in a rambling telephone caU lo police. But of- ficers found nothing at hi s Hollywood Hills home to link him to the killings or a dozen young women over the past six months. York, an overtly rE>ligious man who was separated from his wife three weeks ago, was met at the Jail by his hrother. Jay, and friends, including a religious counselor October, 1977 Color 1V Survey.* "I was smoking angel dust, und l 'm not in control of my ~peech,'' the lanky, mustachioed York told reporters as he was released from jail at noon. Angel dust, lhe slang term for a drug also known as PCP, is a polenl hallucinogen. York at first declined to make a statement. But as he was pursued through police head ''I'm going to ~o home, pray and talk to the Lord," York said. I l 1s brother paid $6S to clear York's record of unpaid traffic li<'kcts. then t<>ld reporters : "I 'm sure you newspaper people are going to ~ive my brother as much coverage on his release for traffic violations as you did when he was arrested." York had been booked for in- vest1 gation of murder in the death or 20-year-old Kristina Seniors Pack Clout Candidates Woo Leisure World Voters Ry JERRY CLAUSEN OI U.. Dally "llM 9'Mf l'rc~1dcnt Gerald Ford was campaigning t\Md to retain his office in 1979 when he invited Thomas R1)(-y to meet with him one eveniJlg in Los Angeles. Riley politely refused. The Fifth Distr ict Or ange Couoty supervisor had a com- mitment to speak before a World War I veterans' organizat ion that night in Leisure World. Some observers might sur- m1~e that Riley selected the pol1lically correct option. Ford b no longer president, but the four-square-mile walled retire- ment community that contains a powerful bloc or 16 ,330 re· gistered voters remains the sup- portive heart or Riley's Fifth District. And 1976 was the year Riiey defeated Max Binswanger to re- tain his supervisorial seat, garnerin~ nearly twice as many Leisure World votes as his ma- jor adversary along the way. The retired Marine Corps gent'ral and most other area politicians seldom miss op- portunities to speak to the com- m unity's residents, whether It's before the powerful 1,400- member Republican Club or a dog and cat club. "I think the political reasons . would have to be very obvious," Riley says. "There are about 18.000 voters down there, and the opportunity to communicate almost has to come by lnvita· lion." Those voters are actively 1VOOed by notional and state can- didates as well as those hanging on to or seekin& seats from among county voters. "Leisure Worlders have about • 90 percent turnout at primaries and aeneral elec- tJons," saya Davis Mitchell, re· tirement communl\y 1ealdent who organized a 167 -penon phone bank In 1978 to turn C>Ul, Republicans on behalf of Ford and U.S. Senate hopeful S.l . Hayakawa. "We had a very nne J>lurall-tJ," Mitchell recalls. The average Leisure World vottr is 71fean old, has a 50-50 chance o holding a colle1• dearee and has an annu1J In- come of appro:ldroattly $11,000 1 year, alatlsUu 1~w. "Oef'lerally speak.Ina. they are very conservatlv~ , " SQI D4inata Carpenter ot New]»Ort B .. eh, aeth Dlatrlcl atate 1tn1toi'. "lt'a Qbt dlrrtcult ror me to keep rap-J>ort. •• Carpenter, vo ice or the Senate's conservative element, says he believes Leisure World residents are "voters who have fairly cohesive political rela- tionships, a commonality of in- terest (and) fixed incomes most- ly. Tbey are very much alike all people who have prepared for their own retirement." It apparently is this com- monality and self sufficiency that creates the bloc vote that many politicians believe can sway an Orange County election. lt a lso makes relatively fallow ground for more liberal can- didates, Carpenter insists. "But," he says, "for people running for statewide offices, that's one of the first places they go w hen they come lo the county." "Our Republican Club has a membership or more than 1,400. and Leisure World has a re- 'Ge11erall11 Spealc• f 119, the11 are very ~atf1'e.' gistered Republican census in the realm of 12,000," says Dr. John Fernald, club president. "Therefore. these candidates have found out over the years that this is a very vital part or Orange County." "Secondly," he adds, "state and national candidates re- cognize the ramification or the 20,000 at Leisure World spread- ing throughout the 50 slates (through family and business contacts)." While the Republicans generally are recognized as a solid force to consider in any election, the Democratic Party Is admitedly small potatoes ln the walled community. Only 3,317 voters are re- 1lstered as Democrats. s ays Freda Magid, Democratic Club president. ··B~t there 's one thing. Whet.her they are Republicans . or Democrats, Leisure Worlders vote, and lhey are active (cam-palaners>, ••she says. She 1tay1 sbe believes Jimmy Carter made a mistake to pul- ing up Lebure World In his 1'11 campaian awtn& lnto the county. appearint at an iU-falcd Santa Ana parade instead. Cart•r. 1he 1ays. ••• 1cbeduled to speak •l LellMirt World tilloN 1dvlHu urled him to ,....... tM appearace in ra vor of a downtown parade "htch resulted in a poor turnout. 'I warned them, but nobody listened," she says, insisting that her neighbors will turn out for almost any visitor in an at- tem pt to gain understanding. President Ford didn't pass by the community. He slopped to renew acquaintances made six year earlier when he spoke in the community as an unheralded congressman from Michigan. Ronald Reagan visited the community and gained over- whelming support there. So did beret-wearing U.S. Senate hopeCul S.I. Hayakawa, now Senator Hayakawa. This year all of the GOP ~uber natorial candidates already have spoken ~fore the community's Republicans or are scheduled during the next few months, Dr. Fernald reports. On the other side of the ledger, Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. ap- pear<'d before the Democratic Party Club during his last elec- tion. Visiting firemen have included U.S. Senators Birch Bayh of In-• diana, Frank Church of Idaho, John Tunney and Alan Cranston of California and Muriel Hum- phrey of Minnesota. The mosl frequent Democratic visitor is 14th District As· semblyman Ron Cordova who s ays he visits his constituents there ''al least 30 times a year, including at least a dozen ap· pearances on the community's closed-circuit television hookup. The conservative Democrat is so concerned with doing a job for Leisure World residents that he spotted his county office close to the community. "I'm very coneerned about the conditions and standard of living of our senior citizens," he says. "Secondly ," he adds, "it (Leisure World) has the highest percentage of registered voters of any ldent\ftabJe community. Thlrd, it has the hiihest percen- tage turnou& of registered voter1." Cordova, who recently an- nounced that he is now a can· dldale for the 36th District senate seat held by Carpenter, appreciates the incumbent- access key to the guarded com· munlty. No on' enters the complex to rtach tta more than 16,000 voters without invtlatlon. PoUUclana are forbidden &o walk lu 40 pre- cinct&. SEARS, SONY, GE, ZENITH AND RCA Over a thousand people saw six differept 19" diagonal color pictures side by side. They were asked to pick the best overall picture. The clear winner was Sylvania Superset. And that's not all... in the 25" CASH-90 IJr..,-t1I Model CX7l 72W 19" DIAGONAL diagonal color picture survey. the Superset did it again. That's right. Sylvania's Superset beat Zenith, RCA. Magnavox, Quasar and Sears. The Sylvania Superset.. Side by side, we beat them all! TERMS UPTO 16-MOS. Model Cl7278P 25" DIAGONAL PHOHE FOR LOW PRICES •Survey results available upon l'fqUHL Wn~ to GTE Market.Inf( Setvlcee, 'il) Eznpi~ Drive, W~t Seneca. Nl'w York 142'24 PHOHEFOR LOW PRICES It" DIAGONAL llMOn SUPER Y ALUES FtlOM THE -~~==~11'!"!1~~ SUPER-SET PEOPLE sm CA7115W C.17111W 25" DIAGONAL aEMOTf PHONE FOR LOW PRICE .zr OfA~L TAIU MODB. cu.zoo WHY BUY AT ABC? 00 d.-,. (3 peymentt) MIM u ~ or low down ano .-monms 10 pay (O.A.C.) -,, .. 0.ll"NY and S.t up (111' dlegoMI llnd l#Q9f) -8.,,ll:Amerleard -MMt., C~ -W. WVIC. •ti.t we ..it - No commi.IQnld s.t.smen. _ _L __ • --· W1 FOi WAllANTY P~I ~ ..... ---........ , 4 DM..YPtlOT Saturday, Fetwuaty 11 , 1978 Break in the Sta .... Bikini-clad beachgoers play s lam ba ll a t Anita Street in Laguna Bea ch during b r e ak in s t o rm t h is w e ek . Bur dark cloud :-. l'Ventua lly chased a ll but. wets uited surfers from the sand later in t he day. Newport Eyes Insurance Council to Consider Four Clwices Monday Newport Beach city coun- cilmen will discuss four choices ror supplying city employees with unemployment insurance under the terms or a new state la w Monday afternoon T he cheapest plun would cost the city a minimum of $40,000, a ccordinJt to City Mana~cr Robert Wynn, and the most cost· Jy could run as high as $139,500 IN A MEMO to councilmen, Wynn suggests the city adopt a t hird plan, which will initially cost the city eight-tenths or a per- cent of iL-; gross payroll or a bout $84 ,000. Wynn said he is recommend· ing that plan because the cost or the r isk factors under the other three proposals are too high. The four options are contained in Assembly Bill 644, passed by the Legislature last month in answer to feder al legislation m andating unemployment m surance coverage for all govern mentemployees THE FIRST METHOD, and the most expensive, is called the contribution method and would cost city government 3.6 percent for the fir s t $6,000 of e ach employee's wages. A second option. called t he joint reimbursement account. would require the city to join with a group of public entities in an account controlled by state officials. Wynn rejected that op- tion as being too risky. The option that would co~t the least, initially, is the individual r e im bursem ent account, in which the city's contribution is based on its past turnover ex- perience. W\.NN SAID T HAT option "ould cost about $40,000, but, 1f Lh t• J ar v1l>·Gann in it iat ive passel> and city government 1s forced to lay off employees, the cont ribution would in cr ease :.bar ply. The plan Wynn is recommend· ang 1s the local public entity employees fund. He noted that, af the cost in contributions ex- ceeds the benefits paid, the money is held in a reserve ac- count against future benefit pay- ments . Wynn said councilmen must rC'port which option they plan to u:.r lo the state by Feb. 27. A Whale of a Time Levimhans Condncting Rites Off Coast SAN IGNACIO, Mexico (AP) --T he annual mating and birth· giving rites of the California gray wha l~ are taking place in the San Ignacio Lagoon on the P a c i fic Ocean s ide of Baja California. About 1.000 of the huge mam- mals may be seen in the 12-mile lagoon. Their northward migra· lion to the Bering Strait begins soon. NA T URALIST TED Walker suid his frequent tri ps have con- vinced him that the gr ay whales have grown in numbe r from fe wer than 500in1947 to more than 8,000 and possible 12.000. In a r ecent visit le d b y Wa lk er, a San Diego newspaper rl'porter described the mating as "a uniquely civilized act." "Two males swam in pursuit of the female, each quite ob- viously prepared fo r sex." wrote Neil Moraan or the San Diego Evening Tribune "BUT ONL\. ONE prevails. T he other male assis ts in hold· ing ihe two together during the act and appears to swim in their company afterward for several hours before moving off toward a more successful quest." T here are two othe r Baja California lagoons to which the g r ay whales swim in early winter . Scammon's Lagoon. about 80 ai r miles nor t hwest o f San. Ignacio. is a whale sanctuary w ith restrictions against boat traffic. It has the highest whale population. MAGDALENA BAY, a bout 150 miles southeast, is believed to be the third most populous. Some whales swim still fa rther south around the tip of Baja California and into the Gulf of Califorf)ia. The first scientific study of the m a t ing and breeding grounds b<.'gan at Scripps Ins titute or Oceanography in San Diego in 1951. Today an estimated 100,000 people visit the lagoons from boats . mostly on excurs ions from U.S. coastal cities. To the north, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Ser vice keeps a f e- search station which monitors the gray whales at Unimak Pass an the Aleutian Islands on their puss a gc to and from the Bering Sea Reinstated Drug Director to Quit SAC RAME NTO CAP ) J osette Mondanaro plans to leave s tate government by July 1, a decision she made before her dismissal and reinstatement as s tate drug abuse director, she said Friday. "Months before the dismissal. it was in my life plan not to be part of the reorganization," she s aid in an interview. "This has nothing to do with my being fi red ." Dr . Mondanaro was fired by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Oct . 25 as chief or the Health Depart- ment's S ubs t a nce Abu s e Division. She got her job back We dnesd ay when the state Personnel Board ruled that a profanity-filled letter she wrote on state stationary was not a valid reason for firing. She said she hopes to find a job somewhere in California In health administration. Storm Toll Hits 35 Troops A.gain Move Into Massaclwsetts $; ...... "'. 11:11•.M, 5:2511,M. IUNOAY ft:-.m. .,,,..,11. '11M11.111. •:*"" JI II " . SI ,_. J7 07 t• t2 ,7 00 " u SI ti ts ,. " Ot uoo ..... t7 " ., .. 41 .. .. n .. . JI " " ,, un Los Anvel" Loulsvlllt Mafnplll• Miami ~llWeUl\ff MPlt·SI. P l'ffwOrtHM HtwYMll Ollll . City om.ti• ~lad'""• PflOenl• l'ffttllllro11 l"'tlan411, Or• f11pld City M.Leuls Salt L•-• S.lfOI ... Sen !'ran k •lll• '-911ant We'11l11<1lon S• U JI 0t .. 2! " s~ lS °' n.., to ,, '2 II JO • • u 2t ,, u .. 2t .. o• " II n• S4 .. "' ta Jot .. 4$ • 31 tt ,. . LOCAL/WEATHER /NA+JONAL f/Joston in Deep Freez e ResU/snta fWn Short of Cas"' Food ~ By The Aa10clated Preti Boston ran short of cash and groceries Friday, and thousands wa ndered s nowy s treets ln 6earcb ot open banks and stores with supplies. At the same time, olficJals feared d isease out · breaks In shelters housing storm victims. "There's no money. The banks can 't get their peoP.le in to open up. People h aven 't gotlen paychecks.'' s aid Michael Wartell, manager of a branch o( B l anchard 's l iquoT s upermarket, one of Boston'• largest. tarouih IO deliver aaoeey. "'tr• eu't cet eDOUP IPOQey from colM1udal banks. Tbey laave .PtJ'IOQnel ahort••e& #id doc,.t have· people to set mooey out ol the s afes •od i ot o armored eerrien.'' said William Mayt"173, vleo j)t'esldent of the P rovident I nstitutlon for Sav lnes. PRIOAV MABKED TH E four th day that Bolton and other parts of SOUUlern New EnaJand w~re virtually atUJeo by the blluard that bad plied record s nowfalls on Monday and Tues· ~ay. EasterD Musachuaett.s re- m:u ned In a state of emergency, with a ban on non-emergency driving, until at least 12 :01 a.m. today. Under the emergency, drug stores and food stores were en- couraged to open, but many had some supply problems because deliveries couldn't be made. For lhe most part, restaurants were closed. In the town of Hull, located on a thin neck or land across the harbor from Bo:.ton. 11.000 resi- dents were without heat and power ror the firth day, and acres of ice from tidal flooding rilled t he strttts l "P EOPLE BEG US to cash checks. We're begging them for change and bills." "We're very low on a lot of t t hjngs," said the m anager of a Cumberland Farms Store. Clemente Cuts Due J ohn Shevlin. head of regional purchasing for A&P Stores. said ''We 'r e doing everything we possibly can to move things into the stores." If Jarvis Passes? SHEVUN SAID' A&P stores were particularly low on milk and also had proble ms keeping up supplies of bread, eggs and oLhe r perishables - E very San Clemente city de- partment funded by properly taxes -including police and fi re departments -will face cuts if the J arvis property tax initiative is passed June 6, Cit)> Mana~er Ger ald Weeks said this week. In Massac husetts . Rhode Js la nd and Connecticut. t he storm has killed at least 35 peo· pie. Cash was a maJor problem for residents trying to get their lives back to normal. T he city finance department 1:. presently prepar ing two parallel 1978-79 budgets, Weeks said - one •'regular" budget and a "The phone lines are rmging off the hook," said Bob S piller, president or the Boston Five Cents Savings Bank where of· fices that could open limited ser vices to cashmg checks with a $100 ceiling on withdrawals F RIDA\' WAS THE first day banks were permitted to open s in ce Monday, when som e closed e arly as the blizzard began. And some banks that wer e able to open reported Jimitcd a m o unts of cas h on ha nd as a rmor ed cars could n ot get Indictme nt Names Hustler's Flynt Al'W ....... To Ma,.,,, CIN C INNATI (A P ) Publis her Larry Flynt, whose Hus tler magazine got him a j ail sentence, was indict ed aga in Friday in connection with the maiUng of pamphlets on child abuse and with the selling of Hu s tle r a fte r it h a d been declared obscene. Co untry music singer Lynn And e r so n will marr y Lo u is ia n a oilm a n H a r old S t rea m Tuesday at h is home in Lake Charles, La . Brigh~en your day! Each day the Dally Pilot adda • llttJe brightness to your llfe with colorful columnists, I n t eresting features , eye-catching pictures -end of course, 16 humor panels and comics. Our own Tom Murphlne po~ .. gentle tun at the life and polltlcs along the Orange Coast, In his wry "Just Coasting" column. Rays of hope and humor can be found In the new Featuring pages of the Dally Piiot. That 11 where Ann Lenders gives her cogent and pungent advice. And Erma Bombeck turns houaehold happenings Into hRarlty. (And don't mfaa your horoscope!) . . On Saturday•, children find game• end gigglee In Uncle Len'• Corner, while adults turn to Herb Caen'• entertaining column from San Francisco. The bright, new, eatler-to-reed pages of the Dally Piiot bring you the news you need, Information you can uae and some day-brightening momenta. Keep up with your world and have • good time doing It, with the DAILY PILOT 642-4321 second budget reduced by 27 percent. "I F THE J ARVIS an1t1at1ve passes in J une. we'll have to cut our general fund expenditures by $1 . t million." sa id Weeks. "Our initial approach in de· veloping the parallel budgets i~ to m ake 27 percent cuts across the board. "It's difficult to sec how "l' could reduce expe nditures l7 percent without affecting police and fire services. With 82 per- cent of t he b ud g et payin ~ sal aries. we're going to sel· personnel changes if the J ar\'1s thing goes through " The J arvis inillatavc. whi<.'11 will appear on the June 6 ballot. 'A ould limit California propert:. taxes to one percent of assessc·d value. This figure would be based on 1975·76 assessed value. with limits impos<'d on annual ·}»creases. . UNAFFECTED I F the J arvis initiative is a pproved, would bL· San Cleme nte's sewer. watt•r a nd golf S('rvices. which do not depend on property taxes. Thc::.L· services arc financed by fct•::. and pay their own way. "O ur prel imin ary budg<'t hearings will be in late May or early June,'' said Weeh. "We may try to gel the parallel budgets ready a li ttle earlier than usual. It might be a good idea for people to see 14hat services would be most affected • by the Jar vis millallvc before they go to the polls to \Ille on t .. I • \ .. CALIFORNIA J MUSIC Saturday. February 11, 1978 DAILY PILOT .45 JarVis W on'f Give Up ~ . -.. 'I'm Going to Stay Till It Wins or l Die' Survivor Hugged Altct' Oi\'t•n of P1tt:-.ln1q.~h liug:-. lw r daughll'1. !'alt;. :!:J, alll'r the <laughtl•r \\ "" rl'k.1;,<•d from a lv1;,p1lal F1 id.I\ :\l i:-."i Divt.•n was OllL' 111' 2;; pt•opl l' miun·d 111 lilt.• eoll i:-.1on F riday of a t rollt•.\ :111cl ;1 hu-; 111 the ( 1 t ~· :-. ;,oulh :-.uk Fuur p('opk' d1t.•d . :\11:-.-. Din.•n :-.ut li:rcd lt.og ill Ill I'll'" Year's First Laguna Craft Show Slated The first or this Yl·a r's ('r:lft lo.hows \\Ill tJkC place cm Fore::.t A\'cnuc in L:1gunJ Ik:1ch Ft'h 19, ''1th local <:r aftsmen displaying wares along the blockt•d off ro:iit Tom Lt•::.lll'. Craft Gu1ltl pn·sidl•nt. !i.11<1 !ht• !-.how i'i open free le> lht• public from Ill a m lo :-.umltm n Jlung Fort·!it. from Coast l11 ghway to Cl c n n e \'rl'. Crafts md ullt· l'U!-ilom jt•\\t Ir~ lt•:1lhl•r \\'1i rk , <.:t'r <1 1n1 c s . CHP t T macra mc'. <.:ollagt•:-. \\OUd\\ork . 0 .L ry p ho l n g r 01 p h::. . b Io '' n g I .1 :-. ' clothing and olhc·r originals. CB Equi·pme..,.* Craft c;uild ~ho11 -. \\Ill .11-.ll IU takl' µb cl' F<·h . <!fi anti Marth ;,, all 111 t·on111n!'l 111n with tlw Laguna Bt.'al'h \\ intt•r Fl'sl11 ,11 ANTI.SEMITIC WORDS TOGO I OBERAMMEHGi\l'. \\'l·~l Germany (i\J>l 'flw 'I own Council has \'ol<:d to n •\ i~l' till' 227-ycar-old s cript of the Oberammergau Passion Play tu r <' m o \' t> r l' ft' re n cc s J t' " is h J.!r<lllP'-t•on~1dcr unli·Semit1c The .kwl'oh groups complain lhal in the play. slagcu every 10 .Y l'ars , onl ~ th e Jt•ws a rt· rn pon'1blt• for the death of J c-.us. T he n•\·1~cd scrapl \.\Ill he ust•d 111 llw rwxt production, in I I rnHo. S \('H\:\1ENTO CA P) Thl• t'aliturn1 a llrgh\HlY Patrol is m- st.11l111 i..: l'it i1cns band radios in -.onH• patrol C•ir" lor a (j().<fay 11•-.t nt whl•ther tlwy tan s peed r,•s pon ~e In at'l'1cknts. ~t a llctl \ d11cll•s <1nd drunken driver~ · It '' 111 lake apprnx1matl'ly .1 month bl'forl' ti ll r;,irlios ure in· :-.t.dled. Motori!->b can CX fX'Cl us 10 he on till' air abnut MarC'h 1." CH P Commissioner Glen Craig :-.tlld. Thi• r adio' w ill bc> installed in R5::! of the Marty 2,000 crt P cur:-.. .\II the r a dio ' will havl' <'mC"ri,:t•ncy channl'I O\ c•rrick , t•apab1lily, m<·aning tha t any call on Channel 9 \\Ill be heard n •ga rd less of . what channt'l 1s tuned in. LOS ANGELES (AP) -When Howard Jarvis bought his home, the same one he's lived in for :rr years. the owner wanted $9,000. Jarvis quickly wrote a check ror $8,SOO and said, "Ir you want it -fine. I'll give you 60 seconds lo make up your mind." That's Jarvis for you -brisk, strong-minded, quick to nail down a deal. THE HOUSE IS now worth ahoul $80,000, with an annual prop(•rty tax bill amo~nting to nearly a third of what Jarvis ortganally paid for it. But it was not his skyrocketing property taxes J arv1s was wor- ried about when he drew the tax n •lief initiative thnt has the California Legi:;lalure scurrying about to come up with an alternative. "I'm not ~oing lo gain a thing out of this no matter what hap- 1)('ns." the 75·year·Old Jarvis thundered. "It won't affect me 20 cents. I can afford my $2,500 µro1wrty tax. I'm not doing it for myst·lf." TllOUGll SHORT IN stature, .Janis seems big because of his rn as~ive head, massive body and hoom ang voice, which takes off ltkl• a hurtling steam roller and Ju-.t kt't'ps going and going and going. "l 'm known as a hard-nosed. crusly old guy, but I'm not," .Jarvis said. "Everybody· in my position has to be kind of an ac- tor, a ham " Jar\'IS is lh(' director Of the /\pa rt mcnt Association of Los Angeles, for which he receives a modl'!-.l salary, and somehow word has gotten around that he owns 50 <ipartmcnts and st ands to profit if his initiative passes. ••1 DON'T OWN any apart· ment buildings," J a rvis said. "I wouldn't buy one. It's a lousy in· vt•stm('nl." Ile says he's a rich man, but "l 'm not a millionaire like some Pl'Ople s ay. I'm half a m11l1ona1re. . Jar\'1s got rich early m life \\ hl·n he bought some weekly nt'w~papcrs alter graduating lrom law school in l.itah. where he was born. lie saul he worked t•1ght hours a day, seven days u week all the time he was in col- ll•ge to save enough money to gel into the newspaper business. HE MADE A "FANTASTIC s ucet'ss" of the newspapers and sold the chain for $105,500 in the 1930s . He then headed west ht•eause he had met California attorney Earl Warren at a political convention and Warren told him, "A man like you !'lhould be in California." Singer Says 'Yuk' r • NAME in the \.. NEWS He soon got inlQ industry and owned a large business that had 13,000 employees when be sold at and retired in 1962. "I came lo the conclusion one man cquld not own and operate a business of that size " HE WAS AFRAID he would ha,·e a heart attack and die. ''I was going to th.e office at 6 in the morning and s taying 'til 10 at night and the average m achinist -he came in at 8 and went home at 4. All he had to worry about was whether I could get enough money to pay him his c heck." J arvis was all set to retire and live on a boat in the Bahamas when he happened to attend a tax meeting in 1962. He had a trimaran with a five-room house in the middle built in Taiwan. "I GOT THE DAMN boat built and I went to this tax meeting," Jarvis recalled. "The firs t damn thing you know, I'm chairman, and I never got to the Bahamas and the goddam boat is still over there ." For 15 years. taxes have been on h is mind. He set up the Unit- ed Organization of Taxpayers, which he soys is the largest such group in the country. The group has a board of directors, and "in all these years this board of directors and 'me met every month and we worked. We had a streak where we defeated 31 of 31 bond is· sues ... We saved the taxpayers hundreds or millions ... THIS JUNE'S BALLOT in- itiative, which qualified with more than a million signatures, is the fourth amendment the Jarvis group has proposed. The other three lost. When a proposed amendment fa iled las t June by 1,400 signatures. Jarvis snt down the next day, rewrote it and started again. "I 'en goin,g to stay in this tax thing tiU it eilMr wins or 1"8\e," he vowed. "I grew up on a farm in Utah and I got embedded ln my mmd two words -never quit." JARVIS SAYS HIS main no- tion on property laxes Is that they should "only pay for pro- perly-related services. That in- cl udcs police protection, !ire protection, sewer systems, :.treets, lights, garbage and those things. It should not pay for welfare, food stamps, illegal aliens." Jarvis does n 't think the Legislature will come to agree- ment on a property tax law and says "it won 't do them any good if they do. Any law they pass has no e ffect a t all because our amendment will wipe it out." JARVIS HAS WASHED his hands of party politics although he spent 30 active years as a Republican. 'I might have been the most active Republican in the United States from 1932 to 1962," he said. "But I came to the con- clusion there was no such thing left as the Republican Party." He says people are "disgusted with politicians. They're 40 !eel below used car salesmen." THE ONL \' PEOPLf: who ('arc about the country these days arc military officers, Jarvis said. "I think they're concerned with the security and the de- fense of this country and I don't think many other people are. I feel if the Russians invaded Lopg B<?ach most people in Los Angeles would say, 'Well, we're not going to do anything until they gel to 6th Street."' Very much o family m an, .Jarvis eagerly shows orr photo. graphs of his only child, a 38- year-old daughter who lives in Arizona and is a world chamlfion :-keel :.hooter. .,,_..,.... 'KIND OF AN ACTOR' Howard Jervis HER MOTHER DIED of cancer shortly after the child was born and Jarvis remarried. That wife developed a brain tumor and spent 11 years in the hospital, al a cost of $200,000 to Jarvls in the days before such costs were tax deductible. .. That was t ough, but fortunately I was able to handle it," he said. "She was worth $200 million." Jarvis now lives with his third wife. He says he was a 2 handicap ~olfer for 30 years, but hls real passion is !ishing. He and his daughter spend every Labor Day trout fishing In Jackson. Wyo., where he owns three acres. 68 Rings Stolen LA MESA CAP) - A dark- halred man wearing a pony t ail. escaped with G8 diamond rings after pulling a gun on thret> e mployees of Kovan's Jewelry Store, pohce say . Four Nevada Cities Hit SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Four major Nevada urban areas will be listed in the ~deral Register as belng amont those <lreas throughout the country that fall to meet required air quality standards, the En.viron- mentol Protection Agency said. They are Reno, Carson City. Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas. UNDER A lt'T7 environmental J:iw, each s~ate bad to submit by Feb. 3 ~am~ of areu whJch foil to meet the designated air quality. By the end of the year, stat.es must provide f or approval specific plans for reaching those standards by 1982. DAVE CALKIN, a~sistant public information olficer or the regional EPA office, said that in casea where problems arlse, the law allows for possible extension up to 1987 for attaining the air quality shl'ndards. Calkin pointed out tltc inser- tion of names of the areas in the Federal Register is merely a means or getting them on record al this time. Cowury Star 'Too Serious?' NASIMLLE, Tenn. (/\P) -Six yl'ars after :.he burs t onto the coun try music ~ccne with the smas h hit "The Jlapp1cst Girl in lhc Whole USA," Donna Fargo ~ays her lirestylc• and values havcn'l changed much, though she may :.till be a little too s erious on stage. Saddleback Patio ... "I look at myself as a serious person -too serious, in fa cl," she said 1n an interview. "I have tQ guard against it when 1 go on stage . .. I JUST SAW my s elf on a television show and l thought, 'Yuk.' I was loo :.erious. I sang a light· heartrd son~ too s eriously " Nevertheless. :.he's r c·mained al the top of her profession. Billboard magazine recently named her the second leading female country singer of 1977, behind Crystal Gayle and ahead of supers tars like Loretta Lynn and Dolly Parton. He r late-year . ( NASIWILLE ) __ SO_UN_D_ single, "That Was Yesterday," was listed as the 15th top song of the year. And her current release, "Do I Love You?". is climbing steadily up the charts. SEVEN YEARS AGO, she was teaching advanced high school English in Covina. Music, until then a diversion, became her work when she r eleased •'The Happiest Girl ln the Whole USA" and followed it with hits like "Funny Face," ·•superman." "You Were Always There" and "LitUe Girl Gone." "I'm not different,., she said, ' searching her mind for words lo describe her lifestyle and values before music propelled her to stardom. "In some ways I feel more se(ure and in others more insecure. "l'm grateful and ~eased that l could do what I wanted and that people could appreclatc my songwriting. But there's always th• pre!&ure of coming up with your next record. 8ul I like cballenaes and somrt!me• you work belt under pN:ssur . ···~· TRINICING HA N'T • c•n•ed. What can really chance iS yvur eco, but l 'vo trfed not to Jet that 'l'M NOT DIFFERENT' Singer Donna Fargo happen. We're all faced with si milar pressures and subject to the same things -death, success, happiness. .. I try not to let things get the best of me by looking at it all as an ex· perience. I've matured and people think my songwriting has matured, but I don't see tha t much dif· ference." To help fill creative n eeds, she is writing a book of poetry during idle moments, "like when I'm under the hair dryer. .. IT'S A VARIETY of things - som e onc·llners and some ort-the- wall stuff. I want to write poetry that you can't do in music l>ecause of restrictions. In writing a soni, you're restrlc\ed to three minutes and you worry abou\ getting your albums . balanced with up-tempo son1s and others. In poetry, I can throw 1n something really dumb lt I want to. "ll's been tun, but I need more time to work on it. I love worda." Governor to Run~ LANSING, Mlcl>. (AP) -MtchJ1an Cov. WilUam Milliken, a Republlcan ~ pow r in a normall1 D Mocratlc i.tale, 8JlQOUnced Friday he will attlt A ·electiQa IOt • &bird term. 11•1 IH ,.,,,,. IN/cit 011 ••111• !! r-,, , ... ~ ' . -f ' J . ....,,_ , ........... .. -· . ~·-.... ....,.~ . . . . ·. ..... ... First Spaeeborn • •• ~at will it take for Man to reach the planets, maybe the st~r~? According to one space expert, ': a generation of Man whose home isn't Earth. About 200 U FO buffs . futuri s t s. sc ientists and engineers sat quietly at first as the NASA film chronicling Man 's achaevcments an space unreeled. Then, after a few moments, like a group of true believers at a Sunday meeting, the gather· Ing, began to break out in joyous noises. "ALL RIGHT!" murmured one man, a futuris t-designer whose eyes shined in the refl ect- ed light of the image of Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E . Aldrin Jr on the grey dus l of the Moon. The now-familiar ~rcnes of Man playing on the Moon, hop· ping. Jumping and taking photo· graphs of each other ~ct.•mt.•d Lo touch all or lhe m bet·au:.r tht.•v a g ree : .M an's destiny ltl'S an s pace. IL 1s a '1s1on of the future Dr Kram A. Ehricke callt:d lhe Ex- traterrestrial lmperal1vc. Ehrich, lun<:hl•on six·aker at a seminar al the l\l ust.•um of Science and Industry in Los Angeles on "Our Extralerrestrial ,Heritage: From UFOs to Space Colon it..•s," Jinked µasl and future by saying lhat indu!>triilltzalwn and colonarntwn of space are lhc tnl'vttablc 111..'Xl stages of the ln- d us tr 1 a l Rc\olution, which began m·arly :->00 )'e<irs ui.:o. "Wll.\T WE'l.L frnd out there we don"l know What \\l''ll do out there wt• don 'l know," thl' scien- tis t and former ht'ad of develop- ment or lht• Space Shulllt• s aid. But, he added, "There'll be no Jarvis: De1nocrat Dilenuna By F'REU W. KLINE C..ltOI 14••n Sttvlo SACRAMENTO -It appears at least privately, that, many Republican!. <ind conscr vatl\·cs of either party arc rejoicing over the dilemma in which the Jarvis lax limit initiative has put California liberals. which by definition means mos tly Democrats. rever sa l o f the Indus trial Revolution.·· Man's move Into s pace de· pends, he s;ud, on the way we A<> about at. Firs t must come s pace an · duslrial1zataon, learning lo use the special quulities of space to make items neede d on Earth. The consc·qu c n ces. said Ehrir ke. wall be the broadt>ning of Man's ~un 1val skills in a hostile environment. N EX'f M l 'ST come E XO· urbuni1.att0n, he beltl'\'CS. tht· dcH•lopment of t•xtralcrreslnal resources and lt•;1rnmg to l1H' an gr e;ller numbers bt•yond the Earth. Third, he s:ud. must comr Exo-an<lustrsaltzal1un, the pro· dUCll \'C Ut1ltzal1on of ~xtratcr­ n•slrial re!>uured; Before wt>'rc a ble lo 01>eratl' well in s p:ice. certainly before we began to l'xplore neighbors an thc l\11l ky Way. he :.aid, men must undergo a fundamental change. "I 'm really; in my personal lire, bt•lwc('n two worlds. i\ly t•arly ltfe was 1>penl an Europe with it:-. Rt•n<1issance c•ducallon. Then, I mOH!d, and have lived an America s1nc:c ".U1 E RIC.\ IS nut a t'Ontanua- l1on of Euro))t•." he sCJid. and early exµlon•rs lo the new world were not 1nlcn•stcd an :mother Euro pe. "PsycholoI:ically lhey"re total· ly daffercnl worlds." The changes in men who came to the unexplored and unexplo1t· ed Americas, are lhe same ones we will have Lo undergo lo ex- plore deep s pace, Jive for long periods aboard s pace factorit'i. or reside in colonies on lhe }!loon. But Ehricke's vision of Man in space isn't hmilcd lo our orb1l· ing neighbor. ''THE ~100N as home for ex tralerrestrial people will be a very attractive place. Cand) I behe\'e we \\Ill go tu very larce It mils. "Lunar people will be al home in space In their hfclimcs, they '' 111 \'1s1t many moons. many planets ··These JH'ople will be rwct:-.sary for :\Jan to explore tht· untn•rse." he said. <iddmg that as a rei.uJt · "history will t'<>n llllUC 011 £;1 rth, hul With CX· pansaon into new channels of space <tnd time." Turning lo the qucslion or o the r life in tht• uni verse. Ehrat•ke explained has belief that the development of life on planets surroundrni,: other suns as probable, but lhal diffe rence:. in energy output by the star at the center of s uch systems may 'ary enough lo speed up or re· t .i rd e\·olut1onary steps. ST.\RS IN the arms of tht• ~a l axy. :-.ha ix•d lake s piraled len- tacks ot an octupus. he :-.au1. formed b11lt0ns of year:, latt•r than lhosl' nt•ar the ccnll'r. IL means, he said. lhal ltfe an this galaxy may be as old <t!' 5 to 6 billion years. .. If evolution went 10 percent faster on some st ars. because of lhe impact of t•nergy levd dif- fen•nccs, ltfe on another planet (formed about tht• same time as Earth> would han• reached our point or dt·n•luumcnt 400 mil hon years ai.:o. ··Jf the st~1r cxplockd during that period. life llwre had to :-.kip. tu find ::.unw" lwrc l'h,e lo It n· · · Hut. Fil' add:-.. "I helll'H' ltfc in the univcr~c 1:-. vcn• young. and very unlikt'ly." Ehrickc, "ho was consul· tanl lo lhe Air Force in its in Already the sound and the fury has begun In a n effort lo use scare laclacs to defeat the in- itiative. Leading the way with this tactic is Assembly Speaker Leo McCarthy, who has said the initiative will cause the "dis- mantling of local government." 11 A JUG a= WINE., A ~EA1? OF LETTUCE AND THOU.w " T HERE WAS eve'\ a headline an a San Francis co area news paper: "Assembly Speaker Leads Fight on Tax Proposi· tion." lie ·has sounded more and more pessimistic ov er the likely hood that the s tate Legislature will come up with any tax relief plan in the very near future. Obviously, if Jarvis passes. the ball will be squarely in the Legislature's court. Either the lawmakers will pass lax In- creases to help local govern- ments make up for the $7 billio"'- to $8 billion net loss expected from the limits set by the in· itiative, or "they will let local • governmeA(leaders dangle. Either way, it's a no-win situa· lion for the Democrats. Since they dominate the Legislature by large marains in.both houses, any huge tax increases will be laid squarely in .the laps of Democrats. Pro-producer Proper?. By TUOMAS D. ELIAS Furor over e lobbyist's report has -at least for now -saved California gas c9nsum eu almost $110 million a year. ~ The r eport from the executive secretary of the California Gas Pro<lucers Association was to have been the basis for a state Lands Commission declsfon to up the price of natural tas drilled on state-ovfned lands. Jt has been prip~d aJ $1.20 per thousand cubic feet an~ w8'11tl have climbed to Jl.91, prodacll\1 about $2 mUllan for lhe slate treasury. BU't THE p0rice paid for gu drilled on stllte lands sets the pattern for gas found on private property, so the increase would h~ve meant $110 mlltion in new cons umer costs. The case, decided late last month, was ri!plete with Ironies. For one thing, the gas pro· ducers' execulive, Henry Lip. pelt. has preached for years that hfa clients need price increues. lie has never berore cotten an,wbtte with that a rgum'1t. Thia time, thou1h. he as hired at '75 an hoUr by ttie tom· mllslon to write a report on 1u prlcin1 qi tbe Jandl! Com· mtuloe .._&f ..,.nded •Po prgvel ill I.; Al. The ~, m 6(ln. hOwi ~ refused &O '9lt at01t1 • .,.... Gm tndic1un1 -. tl ~ •• r WOI de""'9 on lhe ol arbltraUon betw .. IMlfie Gu Ir Ekittric to iuicl llhe lane piij(luc:en. r SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FOCUS Opposition from PG&E.· the cities of San Francisco and Los An1eles, consumer groupS and the state Public Utilities Com· mission helped sway the com- mission. Sb did politics. The dispute plttedd' state Con- troller ..Ken COry, i!hairtnan of the Land.S agency, in a peculiar spot. · Cory's cam paign In 1974 was .baaed la raely on a conten· lion that he was tne No. 1 enemy of large oil companies. Llppett's clientele includes such oil-firms as AUanUc, Buttes, McCulloch and Argo. Even Lippett made no bones about his lack or objectivity. '*l'M VOICING the satne reel· ln gs now •that I 've always voited," he said at the helght ot the controversy. "If there's any '. ORAHOK '°AST • DAILY Pile: conmct of interest, it"s on the part of lhe people who hired me." Why was he hired? "We're a producer and Henry's producer- oriented," said Robert Hite, chief counsel of the Lands agency. • Hite's answer raised another unresolved issue: ,Whose side ~bould state staffers be on? Clearly, they belong with pro· ducers when it will bring the state tnore money. But what · about situations like this, where more money for the state means more cost lo consumers, who are taxpayers? That question remains Un · answered, along with the exact determination of future state gas prices. ~IPPi.TI' ARGUED both in b~ report and in appearances before other regulatory bodies, that the gas producers need hi~her prices as an inceniive lo drill for more fuel. He said that previous price re· g\llations caused a 50 percent drop in California gas produc-· lion lrolJl the 1969 high of 1 mllHon cubic fetl per day. But f04fa of the proposed price la creases felt consumers would be paying too much under Up. pelt'a propoeal. "By hlrlng L\ppett," char1ed Deputy San Francisco Cit.r At· torney Leonard SnaidM, "the Cand Commission 1taff acted with and on Mhalf nt California 11s producera without concern for the lnttre.sti or lhe people of t.6e 1t1te." \CSt1gal1on or UFOs during lhe '50s, suggested this cast doubt on the existence of craft from o the r s ta r systems vis1l1ng Earth. But. Ill' hedccd. "The fac•t Wl' haven"t been '1::.1led ai:; nol an ~•ri:umt·nt ai:atnsl U ~'0:-.1 "THE REPORTS of st~hl 111gs. •• he s aid, ··a r e nol u:-.cful. .nothing more th<in lriv1a." And. he added. those re ports art.• not convincing WhJ t about tho!>e odd rodio ln 111sm1ss1ons from outer space? .48 ,. The density or stars a round the Earth, he said, means that we are nol able to accurately set our s1i:hts on the possibility they arc from ltvin~ beings. "We need incre asingly ... ens it1ve instruments to m erely locate their source•." he sa1d . ll1s comment brou~hl a smile from one long-unemployed cnginec•r who:-.c l)pec1alty had hcen dl'VIStnf.! wavs trJ sharpen M ~1n':-. hearing with antenna turned to the vast s pace sur- roundanc his lattle island, Earth. -By Thom u coq By HERB CA6N SAN FRANCISCO -The latest ba tch or declassified files an Washmglon d1sclo:-.e that. an 1964. the S F . office of the F 81 employed al least 92 "national security" infor- mants (working on New Left aclivtlies) while the Las Vegas office had none. zero. t1lch Of cour:-.c. Las Vegas was and is only a center of or- 1Zan11l'd mob ucth 1lil•s, a !IUbjccl of minimal interest Co Jed gar (!leadlanc Hunter ) Hoover. EX-L.A. POLICE Chief Ed Davis. The Great R1 ghl Hope. as trying lo tnJeCt a btt of sexism mlo the race for Go' ernor. In Fresno. he described lhe Brown crew a~ "Just boobs," <idding roguishly, "Of cour~e. some of them a rc very nice boobs!" CHILL IS THE AIR: Two adjoining death notires published in S.F. last Tues. read like the beginning or a suspense novel. The first began, "Dr. Bernard Shore. 49. a Lawrence Livermore Laboratory b1ophys1c1st. died yester- day of cancer," followed by .. Dr. Myron W. Knapp, a senior physicist at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, died of cancer Sunday. lie was 53. " ... A Lawrence Lab spokesman says "Tragic, but only a coincidence." BO'JTOM UNES: Would you believe that the marshes around Gnoss Field, Novalo's airport, are now so deep that an incoming pilot spotted the Loch Gnoss Monster last week? Take Art Sell's word for it. AS FOR T HE hideous namephreak habit. how can I ever kick il when insidious types like Dan Bushnell dis· cover that at Vallejo's Dan Mini School. a course in "Quickie Desserts" is be ing taught by Miss Brenda Goo? Alas. JOHN CHIPPS, Pres. of Mann Laboratory Supply in San Rafael, last week received a purchase order from the cil) of Kingston, N.Y., with this notice printed thereon in red letters: "Voucher form attached. We understand that our cumbersome system may be an inconvenience, but as a municipal agency, we are not allowed to use more efh. cicnt alternatives" ... Carve that in stone on City Hall! SETl'ING CAREFULL\' into a booth, Lillian Hellman <her eyesight is a problem and she is here lo see a specialist), nodded yes, she did like "Julia," the hit film in which Jane Fonda plays Lillian 11ellman. Jason Robards. as the late Dashiell Hammett, her Great Friend for 30 .years, "was okay, but he wasn't Dash." As ror the scene in which the young Jane-Ljllian throws her typewriter out the window, LiUhm laughed. ''Never happened," she scoffed. "Do you know any writer who'd throw a typewriter out the window? Why, it'd be like throwing your head away." . She was asked about "Hammell." lhe novel written by Marin's Joe Gores, and which Francis Coppola has bought for a movie. "I didn't like it," sh~ said. "l wrote to Mr. Coppola, whom I have never met. and said I'd do every. thing in my power to stop the movie -that the story was · a disgrace to Dash's memory. "lie wrote back that HE wouldn't care what people wrote or said about him after he was dead. I replied 'Either you are very young or very insensitive.' That was the end of our correspondence. But the script was offered to Robert RedCord, who was thoughtful enough to tell me he didn't Like it either, and was turning it down." WHEN AND IF the Golden G<lte Bridge suicide bar- rier is erected, where then shall those people go who wlsh lo hurl their butts lnto infinity? Kensincton Hill. friend of mankind, sueiests the bridge that crosses Dean Creek on Highway 101 near Redwey. It bas no barrier and ts suitably n1med the Elmer lforlbutt Memorial Bnd1e. . I P&\ll THIS leads us ineluctably lnto Namephreak Country. 1t•ol'. starters, the Journal of Cali.I. ww Enfo~­ ment has a slx·photo spread on the S.F. PollC6 decoy unit In action, with ahots or a thief snatchln1 a wallet (rom the pro trate form of Lt.. Charles Beene, the d tall"• bead dick. All photo. taken by Officer Dick WaUette member of the decoy wht. -. CHILDREN'S P.AGE Hi again, kids, and a happy Valentine's Day to you all. It'll be especially happy this time for Peter Macinnis or Huntington Beach and Susan DeLacy or Costa Mesa. They were the winner and runner·up, respectively. in our Valentine's drawing contest. Peter's original depiction of two snakes cozying up to each other earned 'him first prize, a brunch at the Marriott Hotel. Susan chose birds as her subject. and they sang sweetly enough for second place, and 6he'll be returned to a Disney movie. FJNAUSTS IN THE "love is" contest for the week were Alan Packer, Kim Polla and Kellie Scott, a ll of Irvine, and Patrick Knapp or Huntington Beach. Honorable mention goes to Jeff Fisher of IrvinC'. Lisa Shipley of Costa Mesa and Glen Coffey and Kathy Bennitt, both of Newport Beach. Next week's art contest will be built <.1round a the me of Washin gton's Birthday. There arc lots of picture ideas for George Washington from his boyhood to the presidency, so let 's see how many yo u can come up with. BE SURE TO DRAW your pictures on four by four inch paper in bl::ick ink or pen, though. Some nice Valentines were disqualified because they Wl'rt' the wrong :,izc. Send llwm lo Unde Len. P.0 Box 1560, Costa Ml·sa 92G26. And don't forget lo m<:ludc yo ur name, address, age and phont• number. Till then, happy days to you and :.tll your \'alen· tines. • • ~4 .... ····~ ~ HUNTINGTON BEACH WINNER Peter Maclnnl1. f3, 18111 Wharton St. Slit~. February 11. 1978 DAILY PILOT ~ f Best.to Brusli What Cau ses Tooth Decay? Tbe ZZ·volume World Book En- cy clbpedla ls beln1 sent to Mlcbael Welnsteln. age t, of Sarasota. Fla., for bis question: HOW DO TEETH DECA \'~ Daily brushlnJ of the teeth is perhaps the easaest and most ef· fective step you can take to pre- vent tooth decay. In addition to keeping your teeth clean, daily brushing is also an excellent way to stimulate gums and keep them firm. Brushing should be done after every meal if possi- ble, or rinsing with water if a brush Isn't handy when you eat away from home. Dentists don't know exactly why teeth decay, but they cer- tainly know how teeth decay. Bacteria found on the teeth causes food lo ferment. and fermentation forms an acid that destroys tooth enamel. Once a tooth's e namel has been destroyed, decay can attack the dentine, and unless the cavity is filled quickly, the decay can pro-· gress. Dental caries, as tooth decay is called, is the most common disease or man. Almost every- one has a decayed tooth at some time during his life. The s hocking statistic is lbal about half of all the 3-year-olds in the United States have at least one decayed tooth, while more than 96 percent or all high school stu- dents have some decayed teeth. . CAVITIES, WIUCR are holes in the teeth caused by caries, usually form on the chewing sur- faces or the back teeth and near the places where the teeth touch each other. Decay happens at these places because it is often bard to clean_them properly. controversial subject in the area of tooth care. Many dentists believe the chemical should be added to drinking water as a way to prevent tooth decay, while others are against its use. Fluorides are included in some toothpastes and many dentists use the treatment or painting a nuoride solution on children's teeth. Many dentists recommend sail and baking soda as an lnex· pensive and effective den- trifrice. Some suggest mixing one part of salt with three parts of baking soda, although either may be used alone. An inflammation of the gums called gingivitis can be caused by food beco ming pac ked between the teeth, improper toothbrushing, injury to the teeth or diseases that affect the body as a whole. The direct cause of the inflammation is the formation of plaque and tartar on the teeth. Andy ~ends the 1978 World Book Science \'ear Annual to Betsy Green, age J3, of North Brunswick, N.J., for her ques- tion: WHAT IS THE FLU? Influenza is the name of an.in- Cectious disease that is caused by the influenza virus and com- monly called the nu. Reasons Why the Birds Sing In addition to dally brushing, a person should make a habit or visiting his dentist twice each year . With this type of schedule, a dentist will often be able to re- move small decayed areas and fill the cavities painlessly. This will prevent later tooth loss. We 've all had the symptoms of the flu: chills, fever, headache, aches in the joints and general weakness. Influenza is primarily a respiratory d isease. The virus is inhaled, medical men report, and it comes in contact with. the cells of the upper air passages. The influenza virus penetrates the cells that line these passages and reproduces within them. DEAR ELLIE, Why do birds sing? SUSAN E. Dear Susan, Most birds-sin& to declare their territory to others of their species. Frequenlly they choose special places from which to sing so that they can be eas il y located by would-be in- truders. In this sense, the song 1s a way to avoid actual connict over territory. Song 1s also an important act in uniting a pair of birds, and of course it is in volved in breeding acliv1li(.•s where it 1s a form of "display." The urge lo sing at this lime is brought about by hormonal changes which also prepare the birds lo nest. Bird songs are truly a fun - damental part of this animal's existenc(•. In addition to the songs , there are various calls made for s uch purposes as follows: keeplllg m tt'ouch with othe rs while flying, feeding calls, and communicating between parents and young. Ellie DEAR ELLIE, I would like to know why some animals can see at night and some can't, KEVINW. Dear Kevin, The light sensitive portion of the eye, the retina-, of most vertebrates is composed of two kinds of cells: the cone cells responsible for vision in bright light and the rod cells for vision in darker circumstances. In an animal ac- tive by day, cone cells pre- dominate; and in one active by night, the rod cells are most numerous. Some animals such as birds are day creat\lres (owls, of course, are not) and must. spend the hours of darkness In one place. Such creatures have eyes in which the retina cells are practically all cone-type. Therefore, they are helpless in the dark, and should one of these birds be disturbed at night and fa ll from its perch, it could only flounder about, unable to detect another roosting place. In order to take advantage of all available light. night animals have enormous eyes, oft en out of all proportion to the size of the face. Of all mammals, the in- se ct-hunling t arsir has the largest eyes in proportion to Its size . In general, night vision is of short range, and most night animals rely on sight only when the prey is within striking dis- tance. Ther efore, they must have a good sense of hearing or of smell or of touch. Ellie DEAR ELLIE. Of all the snakes, how many are poisonous? BILLYD. Dear Billy, It Is generally as- sumed that abo~t Qne third of the approximately 2,'500 different .species of snakes ate poisonous -that is, they have poison strong enough to cause a human pain or dangerous injury. But this is not to say that only a third of the world's snakes are dangerous because some of the boas and pythons, s pecies that are not poisonous, can be ex- tremely dangerous with their powerful constriction abilities. And on the other hand, there are poiso nous snakes like the marine variety that practically never bile even if they are picked up Venom 1s a chemical s ub· stance that can cause severe in- jury to other animals even when it is injected in small quantities. Its primary function is to protect the animals and to help procure food. Strangely, many poisonous sn:lkes are useful to man in the preparation of some medicines. and there are a number of dis- eases that scientists are al· tempting to treat with some dilute form of snake venom. Cer- Kids to Get Energy Plan WASHINGTON (AP) -The Department of Energy has de .. veloped an education program stressing conservation for use in grades four through six. "Your Energy World," consists of four units discussing energy re- sources and problems and ways to save energy in transportation, home and the school. Teachers may obtain one copy or "Your Energy World" without charge after Feb. 20 by writing to the Department of Energy, Technical Information Center, P .O. Box 62, Oak Ridre. Tenn., 37830. lain s n akes are kept and "milked," that is, made to dis- charge their venom into a con- tainer so that it can be used in scientific experiments and in the manufacture of medicinal sub- stances. Snakes do not go around biting at random but only to obtain food or to protect themselves: Also, a well-balanced diet, most dentists agree, can help a person develop and maintain sound teeth. Since teeth are made up largely of phosphorus and calcium, roods containing th'ese items are important. You'll find rich amounts of these e}ements in milk and ~eafy green vegetablell. Send your question on a post card to.Ask ~ndy "in care of this newsp)lpet. making sure to in- clude your name, age and ad· dress. Entries··are open to girls and boys 7 to 17 '· Ellie FLUORIDATION has been a THE QUIZ world scope (10 polnla for .. ch quHlion •n•w•r•d COlreclly) 1 Minnesota Governor Rudy Perpich ap· pointed Muriel Humphrey to succeed her lale husl>and, Hubert, in the United States Senate. True or False: No other women are currently serving in the Senate. 2 Panama's leader, General Omar Torrijos. told visiting U.S. senators he (CHOOSE ONE: would, would not) turn his country over to clvilian control if the Senate approves the Panama Canal treaties. 3 According to 1 recent repon by the U.S. labor Department, about .• l .. percent of American women with children under 18 are now in the work force. a-2J b-,.J1 c~ I• 4 Senator Edwud Kennedy recently urged the American Medical Association to support national health insuranee legislation. True or False: The AMA has traditionally 09posed such lesislatlon. 5 E9yptla'l PreMdent .. l •.• was Kheduled to travel to che United S&ates to tlltk with American leaders about his country's position in Middle East peace negotiations. newsname In ~te Jmuary I an- nounced my retirement after 13 seasons as one of the top quarterbacks in professional football. In 1969 I led the New York Jets to an upset victory In the Super Bowl. Who am ll 1-satelhte ...... 2-satiate J.saturatt' ~tire S-savor >C•ite, smell IMatlsfy, quench c-orbitina body ..,.,ony, rldtcule •fill completely In addition to belnt a famUy fun featur~; THE' QUIZ la an Integral part of the la-classroom news program presented in Orange Coast area schools as a public service by the Dally Piiot. · Aftl-n•-r'-ldt-l ~l•w""ll • news picture (10 polnta It you antwer thft quntlon correctly! lnvesligators wearing antl·rad1a11on gear flew mlo (.anilda's Nonhwest Terrilories, where a Soviet nutlear satcll11e had reportedly disin1egra1ed over the earlh Several lop leadrrs. including Canadian Prime Minister .. ? .• ~new m advance 1ha1 the satellite was tumbling from ils orb11 sportlight (2 potnlt tor HC:h quntlon anawered corr~tly) 1 R~beno Duran scored a lechnical ~nockout over tsteban DeJesus to take undisputed claim to 1he world (CHOO!>E ONE: lighcweight, welterweight) boxini: hllc· 2 Australian Evonne Goolagong h:is been making a comeback after giving binh to ii daughter last May. What sport does Goolagong pl;iyl 3 John Havlicek of 1he Nationdl Ba,kc1ball A\\otlauon's (CHOOSE ONE: Boston Celtics. Ph1ladelph1a 76ers) an- nounced that he would retire at the end of the current season. 4 Only .. l .. has scored more career field goals in the NBA than Havlicek. a-Bill Russell b-Wlh Chamberlain c-Oscar Robertson S The Texas Rangers traded 39-ye.ir-old pitcher Gaylord Perry to the (CHOOSf ONE: 5.ln Diego P.idres, MinnesotJ Twins) for relief pitcher Dave Tomlin and a reponed 5125,000 in cash. roundtable 'emtti dl1<:111tlon (no KO,.) What ac\lon, If any, should governments take to Wlm their dtlrens about the possible dangert from falling sp.1cecniftl · YOU9' tCOf.I: 11 to 1• ,_... -TOii ICOMJ It to 10 '°""" -!wceflent. 11 to IO polnll -OOOd. 11 to '70 polnt1 -'•ft. 21· 7t •Vic, tnc~ • DAIL. V PllOT Battle l'oacftf \ c t 1· c s s M l' l i n a i\lcrcoun. a member of the Grcl'k parlia - ment. says slw will I ight to change the rule that no women member may wear ~l acks to scs;ion:, of the National As- se mbly. She says ->hl''ll comply with the ruling during her l'flort. ... -.. -.. ' Over The Counter MASDU"*JI ':.:1: ~~·; ,J,, ...... u '" \(; ...... , ... 1' .......... tHM 1~~ .1~ =1~~ "> I Pl<MIAvl u» "'"' ,.1.,,.,s ''~ 1~r. ~::ar .. M1'• PIHllM tV> "-P4 \o '" -tt· , n. •14 Proe•P 10 .. 111 • PbS•HC ll ' )s. Pun .... 11 ' 1)' I PvlDC~ 1H. n • .. ow11 .... , ,: ,:~ ::r.rt' •l'e I~ Ae,cl>m 11 II llevmnd ,!~ '{:; =~~~p 1"• 11V. It-"'' 21\o 71\1 AotelOll 2S U"' AOUff II~ l'C. Rvs$IOV 1'\'t "\'o SHh., 1S.1' llJI Su11D1I ,.._,, JO\!> S<rl1>9H lllt II~ Stls0.11 :;:; l!~ t:::-~r IS I~ SnoOnTI 1•~ 1~ Sol1cr.11s 211• ?>'• sce1w1r 2~,t .. ~~~f! 73..,.. 24'• St-yn , ... u 11 11 ... , ... II .. 1 ':.~'~'· N.t\SDAQ Su•mary ,.., 1 ,.,., 111. u•. NEW YORK (AP) -Motl active over-, lh IM<-ter stotlls SU(ll)lltd by HASD. "'~ 1n. N•m• vo1.-81d Aalled Cito. 11 II HobleAll • tn.JOO 2Nt 21 + f ,..,, IS\'1 PYovLI• • 209,100 ,..,, 301/J + ,.,. ll• ti.:. S..O.ru • • 111,AOO S S"' + h S'• ~ CltrSoG• 140,100 •~ Sle + ~ I ' T1<08ell • 11'1,100 >2"• 33 -llJ 16~ 1'~ Gv1£mp ... IOO I~ I ..... nv. 21•\ '51vKlno ~ I 1"• +1'16 2r1 ~ ~J~~~I •• 11::: ~~~ m.-; ! ~ 41 •H• P090Pd • • 11,SOC> I~ 14 10"• t0"- 11 ... "" Ad'llnCtd .................. . ll'h 11 Decllnec! • .................. . "' 202 :JIV. Jt Unch1"941d ................ . •11. I0\4 Totll luun ............ • ..... · • 1,m 2.514 ti 21v. nv. H..., hl9hs ................... .. S'ill 5111 "'9• lows ..................... . 11 llY, T011I ultt ................... . 11~ 22•· • t.7ft,1CO Crew Flies to Work Jet Solves Problem By JOYCE L. KENNEDY If you think you have a wicked commute, how about oil drilling c rews who jct as many as 2,000 miles -each way -to their jobs at Mid cast offshore oil rigs? T h a t 's how the s ala d m eet s the dressing in the unusual lifestyle of several hundred Reading & Bates Offshore Drilling Co. employees. THE TUI.SA-HEADQUARTERED firm found the sometimes harsh liv· ing conditions in areas nearest the rif!s were creating stamng head-. aches. l tsanswerwastocreateanex· patriate colony on Malta, an i£1and na- tion in the Mediterranean. Mal ta has beautiful weather much of tht> time, and far-cheaper living costs than the Mideast, where hous- ing is often cramped. fr~uently dir· ty and always expensive. Traveling to and from the job is done in a company leased Convair 880 jct, which seats 117 passengers. Fly· ing time from Malta to the farthest. s lop, Abu Dhabi, is 4~ hours. Rig crews do not make the trip dally. but. are on duty several days at a lime, then fly to Malta for a number of days. CHILDREN OF MALTA-based crews attend a ne wly create d ( CAREERS J .Am e rican school on the island. Families find plenty to do: movies, golf, tennis, squash. winter sports, horseback riding, night clubs, discos, and a wide variety of restaurants. )' As one Reading & Bates emptoyeet said, "Greater Houston it's not, but as a suburb, it's not bad at all." The success of the .Maltese colony has brought inquiries to Reading & Bates from other oil industry firms t'yeing Athens and the Canary h lands as home sites for employees work in~ in the Mideast and Africa. AND SOME FIRMS are said to be testing the idea of basing personnel in the U.S. or England and flying them to various far-away job sites on regular schedules. Arc these stretched-out commute:. lnore stressful than dally bouts with traffic-choked highways? Maybe not. As one expatriate comments, "It's not really a hard trip riding in a jet airliner. And look at all the advan· tages of living in a comfortable place like Malta when your job ii ln the h~~ desert of Iran." Deatla Neticn I UltONI! Mrvlces •Ill be l>e4d .,. SetwNy Deaths Elsewhere I PETER V. UAONE. rttltj111t of Fel>rullty 11, tmM 11:00 A.IA. .. Tiie l tvlne, Ca. l>flsed -•Yon ,,._.., Cllurcll·O. Tiie Forest In Altoona, PUBUC NOTICE , l'Wllt'*I 0.-.,. Coett Delly Piiot, Fitbruery t 1. 11, U, Mllrd\ '· lt1t UN PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE STOCKS I CAREERS J 081.TUARIES PUBUC NOTJCE PUBUC NOTICE RS903 NOTICE OF INTENT The Cal lfornia. Depar.tment of Transportation has' filed an application with the ·South Coast Regional Commission for Installation and modification of traffic signals, intersection llghtlng, minor roadwork and channellzation. This proposed work Is on MacArthur Boulevard (Route 73) between Bonita Canyon and the San Diego Freeway <Route 405). The SCRC Permit Number Is 2763. For further Information call Ronald Kosinski at (213) 620-3735. Published Orange Coast Dally Piiot Feb. 10, 11. 12. 1978 .C04-18 PUBUC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR SEMl•ANNU' .. REPORT TO THE HONORABLE BRUCE W. SUMNaRl.PR08ATIE JUI-OE OF. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE 0, CALI PORNIA, IN AND l'OR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE: JAMES E. HEIM, Publlc Administrator of said County, respectfully makes this return of all estates of dece- dents which have come Into his hands for the term commencing July 1, 1977, and ending December 31, 1977. -~ i;!' c 1l~ "" .. • :: l 'Ii~ c .. 11 !·-~ c & ~ -~ a ~e ... .?_! lti! .. '5,. w If 5 '!v.1 >::ti; ~,,d '5 ,C'S -15 i: 19Cz .ji ... o,. II(. c ., e• e-,.._ •.o. e t! tC,. .cc .. ./1!1: o.!!:c E !::1: -:I .&&I ... "" ... _ .. ,..= .. ,..c :3 ,..c :li. o. ... c,, Cl. Cl. u. z 0..1-C> u•-·-CW-C A·92203 Gt' ace L. O'Neil 7-1-n $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 .0. -0-A·91587 Otto Lennel Parish 1-1-77 13,888.37 351.33 13.3S 337.98 13,87S.02 A-92215 Arthur Early 7. S-77 658.6' 658.6' -0-6Sl.64 658.64 A-92300 Siies B. Seymour 7-12-77 1,114.42 61'.•2 -0-614 . .C2 1, 114.4? 7743-040 Ernest Coleman MS-77 32.25 32.25 -0-32.2S 32.2S A·92335 James Allen Harbin r.is-n 1,810..00 73.25 -0-73.2S 1,810.00 A·92336 VlncentJ. Hoese! Ms.77 2,745.27 2,165.19 557.06 1,608.83 2, 188.21 A-92370 Dorothy Baler Thompson 7-l'J-.77 1,077.38 1,077.38 -0-1,077.38 1,077.3& A·92103 Stanton J . Becker 7-21·77 10,203.15 7,976.90 89.90 7,887.00 10, 113.2S A-92529 Ruth Ann Balley a.. 1-77 1,675.61 1,675.61 361.08 1,3U.S3 1,314.S~ A·92304 John Stacy Sherwood a.. J.77 .... ,040.21 4',040.21 1,641.25 .C2,398.96 "42,398.% 77.Cl-041 JuanMartlnez a.. 4-77 .13 .13 -0· .13 .1~ A-8916S Howard Lee McNabb a.. 4.n 12,886.00 12,886.00 1,4n.32 11 ,413.68 11,.C13.6e A-92S62 Margaret Pointer s-•-n .C,A85.81 .C,A85.81 .SO.C.74 3,981.07 3,981.07 A·S6S98 Ronnie Joy Beach, aka Ronnie Joy case II 8-8-77 2,9.50.00 -0-.(). ·O· 2,950.00 A·92632 Michaella Murlllo 8-10-77 1, 169 • .50 1, 113 . .50 S.26 1,108.2.C 1, 164.24 A-91492 Rita Sarita O'Connor 7-22-77 28,052.00 S,940.31 1,664.16 4,276.15 26,387.84 A-92650 Berthe Wiiheimina Bornefeld S..11-77 2,365.00 1,312.29 346.41 1,035.81 2.018.52 A92457 Irene M. Trefry Lovett a..1'J.n 17,779.0I 16,614.08 1,000.,S 15,624-03 16,779.03 7743--044 Karl Gottred Hansen a..22-n 21.23 28.23 21. 3 -0--0-A~91974 John Pender S..23-77 .C7,3S9.23 19,335.86 3,951 .92 15,383.94 43,407.31 A-92291 Nina Burma n, aka Nina B. Buhrman a..~77 '14,034.0:Z 10,628.81 2,171.14 8,457.67 11,862.88 77.C3-04S Jesse Eugene Allen S..29-77 n .oo 't .S8 -0-.58 72.00 A-92375 Drury Wainwright Middleton 8-17·77 2,876.94 1,16S.S2 271.27 1,594.2S 2,605.67 A-92.508 Sabina Ruth Self S..29-77 7,656.79 7,656.79 2,091.16 .S,565.63 5,565.63 A·92599 Stanley Hamlltori S..29-77 1,319.19 3,913 ..... 12J.OO 3,788 ..... 8, 194.19 A·92295 Robert E. Klein a..'13-n 626,A93.81 74,863..71 7~S7.0S 67,306.66 618,936.77 A·75704 KatherlneLoulse Barri at 3-21·77 6S,93S.94 32,435.94 15,024.26 17,A11.68 50,911.68 77.CJ..042 Herman Wessendorf S..22·77 9.40 9.40 9.40 -0--0-7743-043 Patricia Wessendorf S..22·77 1SU6 1SU6 1SU6 -0--0-77.cl-047 Corinne Kreltlman Y<>hanna Olivas 9-12·71 S71 .S8 571.58 63.n .507.81 507.81 A·92983 Andrew J . Blackmon 9·14-77 292.93 292.93 67.96 224.97 224.97 A·92984 Raymond J. Burgh " 'J..14·77 1,4S4.A3 1,AS4.A3 SOl.31 946.12 946.12 7743-048 Eva Jane Guckert 9·16-77 • .ca .48 ."8 -0-..() .. A·93037 Margaret Craw 9.19-77 I03.13 803.13 668.90 134.23 134.23 A·93074 June Brown 9·21·77 1,476.07 1,476.07 1,000.56 475.51 .C75.51 A-93075 Hazel Daniels 'J..21·77 1,759.76 1,759.76 35.26 1,n4 . .so 1,n4.SO A-93076 Leroy J. Moriarty 'J..21-77 564.26 564.26 227.30 336.96 336.96 A~93077 Raymond Edward Gamblef.21.n 3,1S6.39 2,795.41 -0-2,795 . .Cl 3,1S6.39 7743-o.50 Larry AMs conner 'J..22·77 .50.00 S0.00 S.16 4C.84 4C.&C A-88088 Wllllam Edgar Selwyn 9-23-77 7,291.28 7,291.28 3,011.99 .c,2n.29 4,2n.29 A·76732 Emll A. Riese ,. 7.77 S,226.00 1,m.as 53.60 1,n4.2S s,1n.40 A·92769 George J. Br:Cn 'J..19-77 71,580.A9 8,161.90 3,374.30 4,794.60 74,206.19 7743-051 JOhn Eber Fl rnralCI 9-23-77 260.23 237.23 19.52 21'.71 ZA0.71 77.C3-GS3 Guyfred E. Pa mer 'J.ZS..77 75.00 59.00 6.13 52.87 68.87 7743-GS4 Ernest J . Scott 'J..29-77 29.00 29.00 29.00 -0--0-77.C3-o55 Mary Frances Scott 9-29-77 73.00 73.00 73.00 -0-""'" 77.C3..0.C9 Alicia Bartolo 9-16-77 5.00 -0--0-.(). S.00 7743-052 Mollie D. Clark 'J..22·77 149.49 149.At .(). 149 . .C9 1.c9 . .C9 10. 1'78. Survl-b'f "''wit• cum-Flor Id•. Interment wlll be at Tiie Ur-, sons Jamn l'llter Urone and Cllurcll•O·The Fornt Memorl•I Wllll1m Victor u-of El TDf'O, c.. G•rdens, Alt-. FIO<lda. Friends Two qr111C1C1>lldren, brothers Paul WllO wlSI> le pey tllllr r_.n rney UrOft• of El Cerrito. Ce., Michie! cell et the Smllll T1111>111 L•mb urone of tw1h Holl.,...,.t, Ca., John Westclllf ~.CJ I!. 17'tl St.. C.ta Urone of Sen 01990, Ce., sister M.u, Ce • ., --.., ...,_., u. 'lllrglnl• O--Oieft. ~. urone ·~ ,,,. 1'11 from t:oo AM to s:oo PM. Smith du\ltl•I ub Ted1nlclen wllll ITT Tullllll Ylft> Costa Mesa ltllortvoary C.non of Sent• Ma, ca. Resident of Cl I rectors........._ SACRAMENTO 0.P) on Sacramento radio -Services were s tations from 1938 to sche.duled toda y in · 19S2. Blaisdell died Mon- B a r s t o w tor Jo tin day of a heart attack in "Yodelln• Johnny•• an Appl e v ·alley Blaisdell, 65, who sang hospital. country western music -----------. ~ A·93196 MaxlneOra Ryan 10. 3--77 114."'3 A·93195 Anna I. Thompson 10. 3-77 70.c.62 814.43 42.75 771.68 771.68 704.62 704.62 .(). ..() . Irvine, Ca. tlnOe 1M. 5ffWCI In IM USMC In ... So. PecHlc lft World Wu SMfTM 11 Servlc.11 wtll be "914 et It,_, on CAROLINE llOSE SMITM, nlldtflt • of Cotta MK-. Ca. ,...... _., on -y F~ 13, 1'11 at PKlflc Fet>ruary ' 1'11 .. .,,. 899 of )4 'lllew Cllepel, Interment P1elllc Be4GWd • of Of'99IWY Sml1" and :-~~-ii=!!"':: M emorlel p.,11. P•clllc View mother to Oll'l•l11e & Eric Sfllltll. E NEED A LAWYER? low Legal FM MOrtuery directors. d•U9111er Gnca Smltll of SMt• ,.,.., aENNIETI' c. .. 1w1nv ai..... of DIMIOI• o..114c1, ESTELl.E ALMA 8ENNETT, r•~ Almctd• ll«tl9' end 9ell\9 Miiier. dtnt of S..C. ,.,,._Ca. PMMCl-•Y.., Mrs. Salltft-~ AlllSWll ~ f'•b,,..ry '• 1'71 at Ille it9'I of 72. tw ~lamltll too• eye'"' ,,_,..In Beloved wlte of Tllornn Bennett alto V•lltY, Ce. for 2 YHrs. Fu•r•I 111 0 j Mrvlctt """ be Oft Moftday "'*-Y turvlved by ll•r da119 en 119er 11 1'1t 81 'IO•«> A.Mo tit ~ .. O'Conkr of Sent• An•, Ce., Delores CMpel In R-0Hlll• ~ h\11 llt fl•tclft• ol Al-. Joan McKff of Flotldl SMl'llll ....,.,. o1 Mlclll94'11 llftd Whittler. Ce. wlllt Rev. Wllllem • llurl\&»o.effldattno, lllttnnefll Wiii lie llewt,., C.--of N11d1191n. Func!ral at RM Hllll -..orlel P-. Wlllnler. llaLHOADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 SMrTM-1VTHIU..l.AMI WHTCUAl CHAPIL •27 E. 17th St. Cqsta Mesa • 646-4888 Santa Ana Chapel .618N.B~ S)lntaAna·• 547 .. 131 · PIUCE UOTHUS SMrrMS' MCMn'UAIY. 827 Main St F rlencls -"4.111 to pey tllelr r-..cu mey cell af. 9'e 5"'11h TlltNll Lam9.. Coste Mesa Mortuery dlreuora. MMla for Ad Action Calla Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 f'l.U-INO HIEATINO Allt c;.o..o. SL Lk. 2116$1 5ffv at TU... Starts 1t Y-Oocw I Cell Slcwe ~t Y_. ArHI COSTAMEu642·1753 1u.~a1N. MISS~ Ytl!J049S-G4Q1 21m~~­ CSlll' ~~ ... A._y l"tlwy.) · Huntington Beach 53H539 . ,i PIBPAMILT PUB~IC AUCTION ""°"OMIA.L "*'UL HOMI TO THE TRADE IPUIUC •Divorce • Bankruptcy •Criminal • Wiiis-Probate • Incorporation • Accident-Injury •Eviction 640.2507 • 7801 Bolsa Ave. REMOVED FROM SOUTH AFRICAN CU8TOM8 NO. US 1257 . ' Westminster 893-3525 PACIFIC YllW ...WORIAL PAIK t.m.tery Mortuary Chapel 8500 Pacmc v1.w Drive NtwPOrt. t California • 644·2700 ~ McCOINICK • MOITUAlllS ~ Uouna 8 t9(:h j 494·9415 • lacauna Hiiis 7e&.o933 Ju•n C.pialrano •H-1778 11 BALES MAND MAO! OfHINTAL RUGS The above shlpmentwasorde~ byTehlren t4ouse <PTY> LTDofJHB SOUth Afrlc~ arrlvitd Durban 111.cm Via Good Hope cast .. voyag1 No. 11. Due to financial dlfflcultJes the shipment could not clear South Afrtcan customs. The entire Shl~t wn sent to Los An91les on the Ntdlloyd Kingston for c:omp1ete tiquldatlC111 to raise monev to pey cost lnc\lrHd. . Note: Thlt shlpmtnt was hand ptcktd and contains wry fine carptts In varying qualities and .sltes. This It • 9rt•t opportunity to acquire orltt1tal rugs. THE AUCTiON WILL TAl<E PLACE IATURDAY,PE8RUARY11 AT2P.M. VIEW DAY OF AUCTION t P.M. AT HOLIDAY INN 25205 LA ,AZ t'OAD· 1.:AOUNA HILLS I A-9302.4 Winona Louise Campbell 10-12.n 3,Ml.71 3,941.71 500.61 3,4'1.10 3,4'1.10 A9298S Robert Allen Nelson 10.12.n 5,732.00 ..... 92 87.30 .C,801.62 S,644.70 7743-0t6 Walter Norman Pautsen 8-30-n 258.60 159.60 -0-159.60 258.60 A·93123 Darlene Mlchaelyn DeGraff 10.14-n •7,450.00 5,311."8 U61A1 2,520.07 .... ,S81.S9 A·93231 Desollna Cruickshank 10. S.77 1,m.00 1,027.00 9.09 1,017.91 1,076.91 A·93230 Michael Fleramusca 10. S.77 1,2 5.00 1,1.eo.05 112.M 1,027.21 1, 102.16 A·93306 JohnG.Gersak 10-13--77 12A.6' 76'.78 1.77 756.01 115.87 A-93154 KathleenCorwrn 10-2M7 9,499.04 9'499.04 150.79 9,34@.25 9,348.25 77<C3-GS8 Denlel Murdock Smith 10-2.S-77 12.A3 12.A3 .(). 12.43 12."3 7743-QST Raymond B. Grey 10-2.S-77 58.54 58.54 ,67 57.87 57.87 A·93483 Renff B. Johnson 10-31-77 1,187.81 860.53 .468.60 391.93 719.21 A-93531 Alfred B. c:aswell 11· 2·77 1,194A3 1,194.43 96.10 1,098.33 1,098.33 A-93532 Eugene Ware 11· 2·77 1,410.00 1,192.00 53.81 1,138.19 1,356.19 77<C3-o59 EdlthKayMlller 10-28-77 471.13 2.13 .(). 2.13 478.13 A·93S52 Florence L Launders. 11· 4.77 511..47 511.47 511.47 -0-·O· A·93S51 Roberto Hernanae.i Crespo, aka Jorge ~ado 11· 4.17 670.50 610.$0 1.43 6'9.tJ7 669.07 A·93SS7 Stephen B. Doss 11· 4-77 141,620.21 40.00 .(). .C0.00 141,620.21 A·92887 Gustav Henry ScKulze 11-10-77 115,000.00 11.100.00 11,100.0CJ .(). 103,900.00 7743-060 Donald Jones 11-17-n 370.07 81.77 2.00 79.77 368.07 7743-<>61 Alan Bowes 11·21·77 513.52 513.52 .c...9s· 468.57 468.57 A·93127 Oorothv Jones Polk 1M8-77 •1,910.00 18,022.36 295.10 11,n1.26 41,614.90 A--93728 Joseph Bernard Round 11-1&-17 1,088.20 1,0ll.20 54.73 1,033.47 1,033.47 A·93113 A. Thomas Crook, Jr., 69,319.36 1,A00.00 29,432.06 67,979.36 and Dorothy Adamsetook1M0.17 30,132.06 A·93329 Charlotte G. Hayes 11·21-77 25,630.S6 25,630.56 3,531.7 .. 22,099.12 22,098.G 7743-<>62 Howard Martin, aka 467.00 , ... -0-6.88 467.00 Howard E. Disney 12· 2·77 A·93819 Walter wallfs 11.2fr.n 111.'2 811.9Z 2.37 816.55 816.55 A-93871 Wllllam Mlchfft Bupp 12· 2·71 1,610.49 37$.17 -0-375.17 1,610.69 A..f3818 EdlthNlmlck 11-29-n 536.!0 .... 95 -0-"6.95 536 • .50 A-93627 Virginia Lee Pott 12. 1.n ffA'0.00 1,208.8' 909.62 7,299.19 68,550.38 A-93673 Irma Elolt Parks 12· •11 38,703.9S 2,713.17 1,A61.25 1,24C.92 37,235.70 A-9391H Marten Grier 12·14-77 1,369A1 1,369.41 3.00 1,366.A1 1,366..Cl A-93992 Ryan T..-.nce Palma 1246·17 / 714.20 201.20 23.00 178.20 691.20 7743-066 John Doe 12·1S.77 11.00 ta.oo 11.00 -0-.(). 77"3-065 RoMrlo Herrtr• 1?·14-77 15.41 1.S.61 1.U 14.29 14.29 7743-067 Au9ell Francis~ 12•1S.17 111.CM ·°' .0. .04 131.04 7743"°63 Walter Wllllem 8n>wn 112-13-17 2.10 2..10 .19 1.91 1.91 7743-064 Ruth O.Young 12•14-77 '4.U '4.25 -0-6A.2J 6A.2S A-93931 James Shennen Lau....a Fry 12· •17 "°'" , .... 3.00 16S.86 547.96 A·92966 Aonel E. MtnlMr 11-•17 , ..... i,G17.22 ....,. 2,S70.23 6,353.01 M4069 Clarw R. 5mlth 1t.to-77 ...... + .0. .(). 20,0SO.OO . A_.,.155 Aalitmia:t:;:est 12•&17 •.ou.oo t,nuo -0-1,791.70 4,.025.00 A-94156 Otneve I 1249-77 1,1&26 1,146.26 I01.10 345.16 345.16 .A-9'157 lrwtn WlllM'cl SWIMdc 11-&17 .. ,.... 105.51 ... A 59.oa 1,682.05 A9'157 0.vkf Patmw Fer...-1Uf.17 no.oo n.12 -0-23.12 750.00 STATEOFCALIFORN•A) .# •: . . COUNTYOF~AHOE ) >- JAMES E .. HEI~ .... tint MylWOm, -11• llld'"9t Tllltlll ..... Pubfk Admlnlstr.tw In and , for tM County of Or .... , se.te of c.1 ...... lhlt tfte '°' tlllfll .. e trw _. ,_ c\iid> rwPott Of all .mt• of<»- c:Hents wN<ft ttew come 1n1o"",... tor period Cllftlft'MI~ '· tm,-:.:= Olcamblr 31, 1977, Including •H ....._ wtl~ M¥t net MitWore been rtJt1 W ltr f tMt"' la now and wes nal et any tlm• l""""'*I In.,. ·~of MY tltnd Oft 8ccouM., •Y ...... M ...,.,......., ... wtlld• he has lft the courM Of 'M ectmlnlltr• Ian, nor tt he essoci.ttd In buSIMll ar otMrwlM WI"' 8fttone whO f110 tntermtd. JAMES E. HEIM ~ Admlniltlator SUbsctlbed anct IWOm to befOf'9 methtl*'~ofJ~~ w. &. s . Count 8yAR!k.i1:4t:KR8G. ~ 41 .. ,. P*lllwd or._ C09lt °"" ~,..,.., '· 1Q, 11, "11 I I o Bulb Buying Early . Get Dahlias This Momh for Best Selection \J O'>t i.hoppcm,. know thut the · pit·kl•d 0\ l'I " look :;o orl<.'n round Ill lllrl·~ JU:O.l bcfort' Chn ... 1ma:. ca11 bl' avoided by hoppmg 111 Nm l·mb<.•r Jn lhc :-• .11nt· way, lht• "pickl•d·uvt:r " took al the Dahlia bulb counter that can be found in May can be avoided by selection from com· plete stocks in February or ear· ly March. The tubers may be easily Strawberries Fun, 'Siniple to Grow' On a d1f't. but love -.wecL5 '! Strawberries are the answer for you Thl' fn•sh ~WCl'l la!>le or garden Strawberries JUSt can't be matched h:-the :.tort' bought \'ariclles <ind a full cup of luscious fruit is only IO 50 c.·a lonl'~ c:ro"ing }our own 1~ simple and fun. Whether you grow a ha<·kyard lull or ;1 more rnodl•st .1mount on lht• pal11> or balcony, you 'II enjoy llavorl ul Strawber- ' '' ... you grow yuurselL U.\ RF.ROOT PLANTS or starlt•d planb in flats c:rn lie set nut no\\ Slrawlwrry plants do IJl's t 111 s11nnv lol·at1ons where t hl· I 1 1111 t·an ript•n properly l>ramagl' 1-. important so <iml•nd )llUr :.mis thoroughly 1r Lhey'rl' 1111 I h'· hPavy side• lht• compo:.t 11r rolll•d manure to 1•nrich thl' ... 011 Str:1wbt•rr} plc1nt::. do hne in l'1111 ta uwr~ i:.uch as :itrawberrv harn•ls. hanging t)fl~kels and "111dow box<>s loo. Just be sure ~Plant Care' Course Set At Coastline · flomc l'l:int Can·." a tu1L1on- l n·l• cour-.e. will IX' offered by Coaslltnl' Community Co llege on 'l'ut·~day-. and Frulays al loca- 1 wn ... tn Newport Ut«1ch and \\'1 ... tmm ... tc·r I lw 111111• '' t'l'k coursl' ml'cb I rrun !I to t l a m Tursdays at :"JP\\ port Hcach Ehrll Cluh, 515 Balhoa Ahd Nt•wport Beach: .1n tl from 10 a.m. to noon Fridavs at Bolsa Chica Park. 13660 l 'niversily. Westmmster STlfDENTS MA\' n•g1ster as lalt• as lht> st>cond class se!>sion. ..... span· permits The class 1s dt•s1gn,•d to provide information on 11 .cht and cultural require- rtll'llh for indoor and outdoor pl.111b. Miii. mixes. disease and ll""l control Thl' instructor 1s Marilynn < '11lw11. :1 profe::.s1onul nursery npl'r.ilor. TllE cot·Rs•: will mclude lu·lll trips lo Lill' Sherman Foun· d.1t11111 Cn•t•nhou:-.t'!> 1n Dana l'oint Spt'l'WI sesi.1ons will in· t lucle mo":-. hanging basket:.. ter- rar111 n1s. cl1sh gurde ns and board 1111n111tinJ,' nf Bromeliad and l·:p1ph\'lic· plants. Further mlormnlion 1s ava1la· hlC' by calling Coastline Com- mun 1ty College, 963-01!11. the containers are large enough to allow for healthy growth. Black plastic mulches can be laid down between the plants to keep the ftuit clean and dis- courage weeds. If you use a plastic mulch, be sure lo check under the plastic Lo sec if the soil 1s adt-<\uately watered. /\ drip 1rrigat1on ... yi.tem under a mulch or on thl· i.01 1 surface is fully compatiblu with Strawberry culture WHEN PLANTING be sun• not lo bury the c rown of the plunt_. To encourage fruiting, limit the number of runners from the plants. Fertilize the plants once a month as th('y begin growing this season and then once after lhl'Y stop bearing. Adequate wall'r is essential for a suc- n·:-:.ful crop -don't skimp. Sev<'ral varieties art• availa- hlt•, su com;ult your nurseryman for lhl' varieties that do begt and taste best in your <1rea. Weekend · Gardening Checklist e Gladiolus may be planted now. Be sure lo plant the corms level or they will grow al an angle. Dusting the corms with an insecticide will discourage thrips. e Finish up rose pruning if you haven't already done so. e When the grass and soil are waterlogged, wait for a sunny day to mow lawns. Foot and lawn mower traffic on wel lawns can compact the soil. e A II hardy annuali. can be planted now for early s pring bloom . P lant s napdragons. vio la s, Cale ndula s and Primroses. e To tum Hydrangea blooms blue or intensify the blue color, apply aluminum sulphate to the soil now. A l'alentineforM0111 N:.ithan Sklwr. left. and brother., Jeremy, present Mom. Ann kivcr, with n valentine bouquet from Roger's GardenK in Newport Bench. 1'hc Skivers are from Turtle Rock, Irvine. This year, in addition to Roger's Flori&t custom creations, an "old San Francisco·• flower cart full of fr shly cut flowers will be on hand so that · cu~lomcn; mny piC'k their own bouquet for that special :;.wt·('thcart. Roger's is locutcd al 2301 San Joaquin Hills Rond at Mac tthur 8t ·d:-. and 1 open dally from 9 o m. t t>.tn. ,, I/ stored for the few months before planting time in late April or May. There are no special pre- parations nece~sary for this storage a lthough the location c ho sen should be well - ventllated. Many gardeners store tubers in sawdust or sand between seasons in a cool dry place. This practice can be adopted for keeping new tubers as well, but it is not necessary. THERE ARE several dlf· ferent types of Dahlias ranging from dwarf forms to the large exhibition ty.pes which grow flowers 10 and 12 inches across tall, thick stems. The favorite flower types are the cactus. pompon and decorative. Cactus flo~ers have many thin petals sticking out in a loose, spiny pat- tern. Pompon flowers are much neater, having oval petals grow- ing close together, thus present- ing a smooth appearance. Decorative types, informal and form al, have thicker petals than the cactus, but the same loose appearance. WHEN SELECTING tht> tubers themselves be sure a por tion of stem is still attached Lo the tuber. The buds for this season's growth are located at the base of the stem -there are none on the tuber itself. Many co1ors are represented in the Dahlia tubers available to gardeners this month, including scarlet, lavender, pink, yellow and white. Browsing through the Dahlia display counter the home gardener can select the com- bination or flower form and col- or which most appeals to him. Booklet Free On Japanese Cherry Trees WASfllNGTON <A P> Tht· Agriculture Department.. .has 11 free booklet available on the o ri gin and his tory or the Japanese flowering cherry trees in the nation's capital. Officials said the bookl~t "tells the story or the trees' ffi· troduction into the United Stales during the early 1900s." includ· ing details of International diplomacy and protocol which look place between the United States and Japa~ THE BOOKLET is being made available at a time when many Americans may be think- inJ,t about coming to Washington this :.pring when the cherry trees are in bloom, officials said. Single free cop ies of the booklet, "The Japanese Flower- ing Cherry Trees of Washington.· D.c . .:· can be ordered by writ· ing: The Office of Governmental and Public Affairs, USDA. Washington. D.C. 20250. Rose Society '78 Handbook Now Available The 1978 edition or the American Rose Society's ''.handbook for Selecting Roses" is now available. This invalua- ble pocket·sized booklet lists all roses commercially available. Whether you want a stately Hybrid Tea, a friendly and pro- , fuse Climber, a Miniature - they are all listed. more than 1,000, alphabetically with type <HT, FL, etc.) color classifica- tion and a rating as to how well they grow, compiled from the reports of thousands of ARS members. There is also a section listing high Rated Roses for easy re- ference or choice. To obtain your copy. send 2SC and a stamped self-addressed enve lope to: The American Rose Society, P . o. Box ao,doo, Shreveport, Louisiana 71130, Spygla8s Hill Club to Meet Spyglua Hill Garden Club will holcl its Mlt meeting Wednes- day a t 9:30 a.m . at the home of Mn. Roger Hughes, 28 Mission Bay. Asaistin1 Mrs. Ha9h s with refrHhmenta will bt Mrs. Robert Cimlnl and Mrs. Jeff Peoce. Guest speaker for this month's me.uni will be Tom Jescb or Hines llhnery ln Santa Ana. Re will present a profram on the selection, care and use of suc- culent.1 ln the home iarden. AFRICAN VIOLET VARIETIES ADMIRED BY MEMBERS Vale rle Morales, Vice President and Ross Davis DAILY PILOT Pruning Period IsNoW . .. It's lime to take pruning shears in hand for fruit trees, • berry plants. grapes and bush and climbing roses, as well as. many ornamental trees. require annual pruntnl( during this cool period. ' Pruning s hould result in creat. ing sturdy trunk lines and well formed lateral branch heads. Young fruil trees. in particular, must be strengthened annually by correct pruning to carry the weight of successive crops ROSES, Pi\RTICULARL\', a rc among those plants that :-.hould be pruned while the. weather is cold enough to pr<!- \'ent further new growth Re- m a in in g foliage should be !>tnpped off to induce complete dormancy and prevent a carry- over of disease spores. Thin the roses out to not more than five strong canes. cutting tht• l:.1terals back to a couple ol :.tron~ dormant bud::.. Rose varieties and man\' s hrub vanet1e-. that g ro" s tiCfly upright, are pruned 'to outside buds and laterals to in rluence a more spreading habit Annual pruning stimulates an m- creased number of strong, well- formed stems and flowers. Tustana Society Sets Violet Show Hundreds or African Violet plants will be on exhibit and ror sate f<~l•b 25 and 26, at lhl' Tustin Community Center in Tustin. Tustana African Violet Society 1::. celebrating the completion of its fu:st year. All Southern Cali(ornians who grow. or aspire to grow, this beautiful houseplant arc invited to share m the festivities ac t·ording lo Chcridah Lewis. Stocks or bare root trees, vines and roses that are still available .•• m mos t nurseries for immedlaw !'•" planting, usually will have beell" :: pruned. If not. prune lhell')> • before planting lo force latera' .. brunchm~ <1nd avoid tall spindl)l '•. growth ~· . .-: president of this fastest growing :.ocietyinthecounty. Granger Gardens, Lyndon Lyon tr ailers, Champion variegates. ·:. .. · Arts Guild ·== THERE WILL be a door prize. To Hear Talk. MAN\" OF the plants are prizewinning varieties. Large and small plants and leaves of these same varieties will be of- fc>red for sale. Also, Tustana's famous soil m ix and Easy Care Kits will be on sale. .. ··~ Newest offC'rings of famous hybridiz<'rs will be featured; am on~ the m : Irene Fredettl' Originals, Max Moss, Utz. ·. BARE ROOTS NEED CARE Bare root planting season is upon us this month, which means it's time to think of roses, flower- ing fruit trees and spring shrubs such as forsythia, weigela, star magnolia and others. Don't make the mistake of bringing bare-root stock borne one weekend, plan- ning lo plant it the following week. If there is a delay, "heel- in" the stock (i.e . bury the roots or even the whole plant in moist soil ) until you are ready to plant. A one s tep operation from nursery to permanent site is much the preferable plap. l lours for viewing and sale are ~-8 pm. on Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p. m. on Sunday, Donation 50 cents. The Community Building 1s located at Centennial Way and Main Street in Tustin. Fuchsia Club Topic: Pests Costa Mt.•sa Bay Cities Branch of the National Fuchsia Society will present a topic on "Garden P~sts and control wil'h Insecticides." Monday al 1:30 p.m .. in Velcran''S Me morial Hall. 5fi5 W . 18th St . Cost~1 Mesa. Stuart Price. pl.mt tabl<' chairman. will accept all donu- tions which sponsor a student of ha,rticulture at Orange Coast College. Mary Warwick ls in chargl! of refreshments. Visitors ;.ire welcome By Designer Florul Arts Guild of Orang*! : County will present a program Monday al 10 a.m . at Santa Ana Women's Club, 601 North Baker, Santa Ana. Mrs. Mazie Jean George or Palos Verde will be demonstrat- ing "container craft". Flower arrangers know that an effective container is very much a part or the art and finding the correct cont.giner can be difficult. Mazie Jean, a hort1cultunst. accredited flower show judgl· and design instructor for Na- t ion a I Council State Garden Clubs, will explain ways or rreating containers as well as making arrangemC'nts in them The program 1s open t o anyone interested ancl further information may b<.' ohtained by calling Mrs. A. J. Ruhling, (714> 544-1617 or Mrs. J . P. Cosgrov<'. (7 14 ) 552. 7991. ORCHIDS A colorful plant for beddJng or pots and a great gift item-all 4" pots. assorted colors reduced 40%. Limited to stock on hand through 2/19(78. foT a unique and gorgeous gift we suggest an orchid from our spectacular collection of com- mon and rare varieties including Cymbldium. Phalaenopsis and Cattleya. POTPOURRI HF.ARTS A fragrant gift for Valentine's Day-our pop- ular potpourri (nower blossoms and spices) fashioned in heart-shaped sachets or red vel- vet trimmed in gold lace. FLOWER CART For a beautiful Valentine's Day bring your sweetheart to Roger's Gardens. Stroll through the winding garden paths and let her select her 'own fresh cut bouquet from our "Old San Francisco" flower cart. ThJs Valentine'• Day say •1 tove yoq" with an elegant custom creation from our flort8t. We wlll be adding that special touch to each bouquet and when It'• from Roger'e Garden. •he know. you really care. And •.• with our FTD and Teleflora 9eMce you ~n AV eomethlng beautiful to thOM apedal people by eltnply caUlng 64().6774. .· :,: I ' . ' .~.1.• ... D"1 .. LY·P·IL·O·T ........... Sa .. IY.rd·•·y .• F~ .. uatymi•'·'·.·9·7·a ................... ~ .... ~ .... ~.~-~.~ .............................................................. . Film Series to Begin Evangelical Free Church Logs 10 Weeks \ new 10-part film !.l'n1.·s l'n- t1tled, "Jlow Should Wt.• T hl'Jl Live" will begin S unday at Evangelical f'ree Church of Huntington Beach. 19 12 Florida £~·· near Bcarh and Adam!>. The ~1nms will be shown every Sun-~ay at 9 a.m and 7: 15 ll.m. for tO consecutive weeks. Nursery wi ll be-prov ided . • • • 'rhe Wom en 's Mi nistries of La ke Hills Community Church will presl'nt "Lift Up Your !::yes and Lonk." a salt1d lund11:on "1th m1ssinnarv the mt-to be held at Fellows.hip Hall Thur::.- <lay from 11.30 a .m . to l p.m. at :!3331 Moulton Parkway. Lu~un<t llilb • * • \ :.erv1t·1• of ded1eat111n .inti hlcssing ,,111 ht· hl'ld Sunu.1y al 11 a.m. at the new fa e1hty of l'nlly Church or Truth on Cam bridge Strt·et m Or an1.w A rt'- ce ption and pre:.t-nlal1on of future t:rO\\ th pl;ino.; hy Dr l'htlip Nicola. m1n1sll'r. \\Ill follow tht• M'l'Vlt'I.'. "1th tour::. 111 the m•w n·nl<·r • • • \ 11 wom1•n in lht· .Jc,, 1'>h n1m 1nun1t 1l''> ol "\1•\\ I>t•rt. ('()ron.1 dl'I 'May Fold Up' ~I a r. Irvine Balboa and other near by ar eai. a rc invit ed to C'oa !>lllne Cha pler at 8 p.m . Mon d&.1y. at Stale Mutual Sav 1n~s and Loa n, lHl MacArthur nlvd . Newport Beach. Election~ for the coming year will be held. fo llo we d b y a pl a n t and nrncr ame party and re fresh- ments. • • * Louis a nd Phil P a le rmo. "Apostles of Cheer ." will pr11- Sl'nt a song concert Wednesday at 7 30 p.m . a t Evangelical Free Church of Huntington Beach. J!JI:! Flor ida St. west of Beach and i\da ms. The Pa le rmo:. havt:> h1•t•n ministering as part of Yout h for Chri:.t, Interna tional ancl recently sang lo over 200,000 pl•rsorb during a Billy Graham Crusade in BraL1l • • • The annual Congress of the Unite d C hur c h o f Re ligioui. Scie nce will be held Monday thro u g h Thurs day in Los i\ngeles. Gla dys Wea\•er. Laura llE:lser and Lys1an Beatty will n· p r e s e n t t h e C h u r c h o r Reli g ious Science o f Laguna H1•ach. 20062 La ~una Canyon Hoacl. The Rev. Dr. Henry and Tombstone Church Needs New Members TO:\tHSTO'\E. /\r11 (/\P l -Churchgoing in the 1880s had t o t·11m pl'lt· "1th s<1ln11n:-., gunfights ;m d hawdyhouses 1n this legen tl;iry Wl·:-tl·rn town. T ht:rl' arc.· fewer such dis tractions in modern Tombstone. but St. P;iul's Episcopal Churc h, which easily s urvived the town's hey- day. is havmg trouble drawing a crowd and is in danger of folding. ST. P.\l'L'S, oldt•sl ProlL'Stant churc h in Arizona, has about a dozen ••C'tivc• memlw rs. said John llofrman, who a s warden is the t·ongreµ;it111 n's head lay person. "l 111iagim• that 1f thing!> go as lh<'Y ar e now. without new nll'm hL·rs. w1th1n a few years it will fold up." satd the 40-year-old 1 loffman. one• of th<.' younµer memhrrs of the congregation. "Only m~· \\'1ft• an<I 'laughlt'r ;in• young<'r" T llF. NEXT )OUnµL•sL church mem ber~ are 1n their 60:., ht• ~aid. and that is the problem . "With that kind of congregation. it's d ear that our mcmb<.•rs will be gone :-.oon." Hoffman said . The i.ma ll congregation does not allow St. Pa ul's enoug h money for its own priest a nd barely enough for maintena nce on the 'IG-ycar·old church build ing l he said. P r iests from other -..oulheastcrn Arizona Episcopa l churches take turns conducting Sunday st•n •1ces. Wll\' C':\N'T the church recruit new members. taking a lesson from a J9th-cl'ntury chu rc·h lt'adt'r who Hoffman says was known tor his succ<'ss in goinJ! from saloon to s alO()ll collecting money for , a rious church prnJecb.? "We don't hav<.• a recruiting process." Hoffman said. "We· ~hould IK• calling on p<•opl c lo encourage them to come back." That 1nb lil'S with thl' w;i rrkn. but Hoffman said he works out of town and often is not home until late evening, leaving him little free time. Re". Jtll Gerhard will be min 1sterial delegates • • • The a nnua l "Swt•e thea rt Bre akfast" will be held Wednes- day al Lake Hills Community Church at 6:30 a m . No advance reser vations a re rt-q uired and tickets mav be purc hased at Ute door for $1.25. For further in- for m at ion. call 837 · 7729. • •• Mus ical Offe ring. a six· member chamber group, will present a concert at 8 p.m . Sun- day a t the Tr in ity U nited Presbyt eri an Churc h, 13922 Prospect Ave .. Shn ta Ana. Tickets ure SS and may be re ser ved by calling. the ~hurch at 544-7850. • • • The newly formed Men's Club or T emple Bat \'ahm will meet a l 12:30 p.m . Sunday a t lOll Ca m e lbac k Ro ad, Newport Be a ch. S peaker will be Ben Selbs t . executive secretary or the Southern California Council of Temple Brotherhoods. The conte mporary Christian singing group "Shine" will con- d uct a full·lt>ngth concert in Fellowsl11µ Hall at (i pm. Sun clay. at Lake Hill-; Comm unity Churc h, 23:331 '.\loulton Parkway i\dm1s~1on 1s frcl' For furlht-r information. call 837-7729. • • • WIUteHouse Women Topic Of Speaker Mrs. Helen Bishop will speak on "Wom en of the While House" at a meelinJ? of the Unita rian Un ivers:llis t Church of Sad· dleback Valley Sunday. Mrs Bishop, a r etired nurst' and teacher. whose• hobby is his tory, will discuss the cnntrihu lions a nd history of 10 wive::. 11f U.S. presidents. "Thl•se women are colorful, and they le ft their ma r k on his tor y," s:lid Mrs Bis hop, a member of the church a nd a resident of Leisure World in Laguna Hills. The 10 wives whom she will d iscuss at the 10 a.m. ser vice a r e: Ma rth a Was h in gto n . Abigail Adams, Dolly Madison. Rachel J ackson, Mary Lincoln. Edi th Galt Wilson. Florenct' Harding, Grace Coolidge, Lou Hoover. and Eleanor Roosevelt The service wi ll be held m Valencia School. La Paz Rd. & P aseo de Vale n cia. Laguna Hilk New President T he Re'. M1 chat'I P Dra:-.coll . c hancellor and sccrl'tan to Bishop Wi lliam ll J ohnson of the Diocese of Orange. presents the gavel of office to newly-installed president Elizabeth Pedrotti of the Catholic Com m unity J\gencie:-. Auxiliary. Miss P edrotti is a me mber of St. Nicholas Church, Laguna Hilb T he Auxiliary r aises funds to a::.- :-.1s t the charitable e ffor ts of Bishop J ohnson tn Ora nge County Sweetheart Dinner Scheduled Tuesday Discover how to keep your marriage ahve and exc iting as Ca rden Grove Com m unity Chun•h's P a:-.tor Eml'rtlus Dr Haymond BN•kcrang and his wifl·. lla r ri1.·t . .,hare a t a SwN·lhcart l>mm•r on Tul•:-0<1;1~ Four Women Ordained WELLINGTON. New Zealand (AP> -Aga ins t a background o r dissentio11 , New Zea land's i\nglican Churc h has ordained its first four women priests. This makes three of tht' 22 na· llonal branches of Angli canism prcvioui.ly in the Un it ed Stales and Cunada -that hav11 ord a ined women. plus the m b - :-.ion diocese of Hong Kong at 7 p.m . in the c hurc h's F<'llowship Hall. Th1.• Bcckerings will enrich the h \'l's of co uples of all ages with lht•1r words of cxJ)(!riencc relat 1·<1 111 their own humorous way ;\I arrit•<I nl'arly 44 years. thl' lktkt·rmgs have a dau lo(hler . a :-on and three gr andr hi ldren. llR. BECKE RING served a:. c;GCC co-pastor for 10 years before retiring fo 1977. He was ins trumental in founding the New Hope Telephone CounselinJ.! Cc.•nter, the fir::.t live. 24-hour tl'le phonc coun!.eling ser vice• s ponsored by a single church in the United States Rcst'rvations for t his festive dinn(.•r a re availablc through Women's M inistrics. ;50. 7000. or hy v1s1ting the church campus al Cha pma n Avenue a nd Le wis St reel. Reserv<1 t1on de adline 1s Sunday Lenten Progr<;ims Scheduled :\ sen rs of Lenten program!>, including movies. lectures. and mus ic by tl\c Coast Muster Chorale. w ill be held every Thursday l'\cning in Corona dt•l Mar und1•r a us p1rcs o f the New por t 1la r bor Counc il or Churches. Overall lhl·nw or the lectures wall be "llL•ulth and Beauty for Pa rish and People." Dr Browne Ba rr. from l ht.> San F ranc1:.co Thl'olog1ral Seminary "'111 lit• o.;p1.·ukl'r 111 tlw :-.c.•ril':. and his topic:. an•. "(;t•ritol. l\sp1rm or E>..crc1sl•". ··what Kinsey Did to Sl'X. Wt"Vl' l>one.> to lhe Bible" and "Prcarhmg : Prote!>tant's Most Abus1.-d Po::.sib1hty" D R. 8.\RR 1s author of "East Bav and 1':d1•n ". "The Well Church Book" and otlwr books. The Ll•nkn progrums will h1.·g111 Thur:-.day a l 7:30 p m. in S;11nl Mit•hat•I and l\ll Angel:. Church. 3233 Pacif11• V1t•w L>r1Vl' T H E SCH E DULE t•a ll s for l.1ter programs on fo'cbruary 23. ;\larch 2. 9th and 16th • Churchc::. sponsoring lh1• pro - i.:ra m art• Newport Mclhodast. Community Congregational and Saint Marks Presbyterian. For additional info rmation call Doris Hoelscher, 644-0521 Newport Man To Attend Conference Thoma:. I\. Fuentes. Newport Beach. will AO to W;1 shmgton, U.C., this week to part1c1pate in t he U n ited S t a tes C a t holic Bishops' Ad visory Council n<J- twnal meclin~ Fuenll's. who servt's as chrec tor of cornmun1cations for tht· Ho m a n <.:at holiC' Diocese o f Or ange, w~1s rct·enlly appointed to the Advisory Counc il b y San Francisco Arch bis ho p J ohn Quinn. president of the National Council of Catholic Bis hops. He 1s a m onJ,!' 18 member~ selected - a t.large from across the country to a d vise the bishops on matter s of concern to the Church in Ame rica The lhrt·t• day mectinA will be hl.'ld just outside of Washington. l>.C. at t hr M arriottsvillt.> S piritua l Ce nte r 1n lhl' Mntherhoust• of the Bon Secour S 1 s l c r :-. . J\1 a r r 1o tts v 111 '" Maryland. ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY 'Pi~1mmtth C m~'\~1llfionnl C hHrd1 3262 IROAD ST., NEWPORT IEACH 642·Z740 SUMO A Y SHYICIS -t:OO Ir I O:lO A.M. ··uv1MG WITH THE SPlllT"1 Dr. John Llndvall, Paator I ST. JOHN THE DIVINE ,, ~---EPISCOl'AL CHURCH-----' " HO OIAMGI AYL COSTA M!SA-541·2217 THI ltfY. COHIAD A. • ..OltOQUIST, VICAI SUHDA Y: 8 "M -TRO.OITIONl\l EUCHARIST 10 AM ....+1()1.Y EUCHARIST CHURCH scHO<X-NllR&ERY CARE WIOHfSOA Y: 9 A.M. HfllY EUCl-t'IRIST --. ST.JAMESEPISCOPALCHURCH "'_ ~· WUCOMESYOU r ~. ,.,. 3209ViaUdo,Ntwp0rtBeoch SUMOAY 1:00 A.M.Hof¥ bcharist t:OO A.M. CMrcll Sclleol .... A.4WtlemeMOll I 0:00 A..M. Heer '-'-'•f. ............ ,,...,.. nws.., t;OO A I~ A..M. MlrMry c- TUISOAY IOA.M.Hoiy&c._.st,He ...... SW.Ice wlttiLA YIHG OM OF HAHDS FRIDA. Y 7:JO P .M. PNyer -a P'NIM n.a. •. J.a.r • ....,11.aector-,.._,1s.o210 ' Saint Michael And Alt Angeli Episcopal Church l2ll Pacific VI.-. on ... CoroM del Mer HURS8Y CHU CAH & C'MURCH SCHOOL t:lO A.M. SUHDA.Y HOf..Y C:OMMUMtOMS-1:00 & t:lO A.M. , tt.e,Can J .. ~1 ..... -w ... ...,.t:Jo..-. ' ~ ...... .,.....,,_D .. h.ltedw ,.._644-0461 ,u NEWPORT HARBOR • LUTHERAN CHURCH 791 Oo•ff Dr. ..._~ IHch '4 541·l6ll I09ff J. lff'9. f'estor G.-...A....._,,...._. EARLY WORSHIP . .. 800 AM CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 9.15 A M FESTIVE WORSHIP .... 10:30 AM -~IU CAii AYA&Jlkt WELCOME CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH M issouri SynOd 760 Vic ten. St., Ces .. Mne Lotllw Y. T-w. Pestor -631·1611 WOASHI~ SHYICIS-1:15 & 11:00 A.M. S...,._y Sclleof & Ad91tl!W. Clua-t:lO AM. Cllristi-llffwlttery Sc"-1-5414166 I '--~~~~~~~~~~~~---'1 I PRINCE Of PUCE LUTHERAN CHURCH 1'17 MeM ..... Dr-Ceste MeM • .......,LNAMTMM.rAST09 9094=':.t ~ ~ -t:40 A..M. A.C. ' M ...... Wenlllp I & 11 :00 A.M. ASllSTAMn r,; .. u of, ... .....__ Sc ..... Mn. Je-. a.rec:tn_. Prilldp4 Ofllce-Mt.a• --··""" LUTHHAM CHURCH OF THE MAS'nlt, LCA 2tOtreclfk¥6ewDt-.,C.-. .. ..., 759-IOJI SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL-9:15 AM LJTUafMCAL WOISHIP -I O:JO AM .... no.-. J. llchhr. , ...... . ~~~~~~' I I wn1. .......... , tR LUTHERAN CHURCH 13141 ............ ._. .. s......,.-.,a~!"'' l:JO a 1•.JO AM -W--s.mc..s t:JO A.M-s-Hf Sc._._. A.M .... • PA.STOI JOil. A. SWIMUM PHOMI Hl.aJlt ~A --.ASSEMILY OF 4M>D 740W. WllS01t.Co1teMe1a 541-4704 DOMALDLl*8 , ... JACJ( llWIS ..w.r ....... A CordialWelconwfrom THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Costa Mesa FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19th St & Harbor Blvd Chwrcll Scltool ftw AIA9ff-t:l0 Wonllip -11 :00 A.M. Charles 0 Clark. M1n1ster:.. Costa Mesa North MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH Mes1V....,.&Bl•erSI 91H'3• Wonllip & Cllilwch School t:JOA.M. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA Huntington Beach FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 t 7th St 536-3537 Wtws ... s.nkr. I 0: IS LA Nuf\.e1"YC.re A11M0tntno CllwdtSd I 9:00&& Huntington Beach North COMMUNITY UtiflTED METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Heil Ave. 842~4461 Wonloip-U, IO:lO CMrchSdioel tlr IO:lOA.M. Newport Beacn HEWt'ORT CENTER t400W Balboa Blvd UNITED METHODIST 673·3805 Rev. Robert Sl'lepard Jr 1&01 MarguenteAve. Wonhip • Ctwrcei Schoel Coronadel Mar t: JO A.M. .,.:.o;:i:;;.=:c:.. Wltdoy rr .. school/DoyCort w.,...a _ __._....._ 1:45..,.. te S:OO ,.-. b•. Joa.. I .'""'• 644-0745 POUMTAJN YALLIY FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 11225 111.itwd Sf. tlJ.JSU HARIOR FELLOWSHIP lllLE CHURCH Ito 2lnUt .. CMte .,.._ '45-IOSO Or F. I<, Beshore. Sr . 00. LIT 0. PH 0 Steve Gamer-Youth Pastor t :l I ~SUNDAY SCttOOI. IO:>O ~"'TMI D .. CllHCtU Of '"' RllOIMA TIOM" 6:JO P.W-.. HOW WI SHOULD TH9t UVF' IP1SOOl rY. DI.,...._., MM "THI IBIOIMATIOM'" We•11..,. 7:00P.M. Adult Bible Study-New Life-'fouth CHllST CIMTlllD 11&1 TEACHING . '~ ·~ ~- 1J " TEMPLE BATY AHM "Ti IH•kl<tnj ~ i. -'It. labbl MAltK S. MILLH .,, EdKtrtor-Hatali• lay 1...1----"ii::=,,,l P'l-fticllc:t......Jo.t MosAlowlts . ~ ~Senk•-" .. ,. 1:00 ....... It .... ScMol-5-llly, t:lO -'. to I J ......... Sdieoi-Tllwsdllr. 4: IS • 6: 15 P·"'- 1011 Cat kck. Newport IMefl IOff J_._...I Jr. & Sr. Hhlt Gt..,,, Adltt ._..._ H.w ...,.._. Wttc--444-19" _........_,of UAHC SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HARBOR REFORM TEMPLE S.w..tt; SwTfcH Fridey ••""'9 I : I Sf' .M. F..ays-ke Fintfricl9yoftti.-llftl 7:JOP.M. Rabbi: Bernard P. Km~ Music: Myla Llehlman Educator. Don s Michael 1400 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach. Calif. Fwillf-tiell.c•675-7Zl0 not thyself separate regation trorn the conG -HILLEL Rabbi A. YISROEL KLEIN Cantor MEYER LISS . TEltPLE SHAR&I 8 17 WllST HAMILTON, COSTA Nla&A &48•151591i1 , , • .. I I \ COURSES BY NEWSPAPER S.unsay. Febr"8fY 11. 1978 DAii. v Pll.OT A J J Popular Cult-Ure MirrOrs Life • in U.S • By Dt\VlD M. WHITt: Walt Wlutman lnlu1t1ndy Wl· derst.ood what populur cullurt: was Mil about many decudt:s be.fore l><><:iologibls began to w.e this all-encompasbing lerm. As Whitman put it, "I hear America s1ng1ng, its varied carolb I hear.'' All around us we hear, see, touch, wear and table the varied carols or our in- di&enous popular c ulture. IT'S ARTH UR FI EDLER, s miling as thl• :,ales or his a lbums with the Bobton Pops passed the 50 million n:aark. while quoting the composer Rossini that "all music is good except the boring kind." It's Dagwood and Blondie Bumstead. L'il Abner and Mam- my Yokum. and good ol' Charlie Brown and Snoopy. It's 750,000 of ut. who waited in line three to four hours lo sec the art treasures of Kini.: Tut's tomb ul Washingt on 's Na tional GatJery. It's the Reader's D1g~st for the 40 million readers who thrive on its apple-pie wholesomeness· il's also llusller and Pcnthous~ for the m1lhons of voyeurs who thrive on a 1><·ek over the transom or the primal bC<:llc IT'S IUUHAMl\1AD ALI pro- l'laimlng. "This is Jot> Namath's country, but my world · It's McDonald's wht·rc they do it all for you and gross about SJ billion a year. Viva Big Mac ' It's six out o r every 10 Americans watching ··Roots" for eight consccutl\•c nights, eclipsing the telt:vision aud1encl' that previou:-ly made the mo\ it• "Gone With the Wind" the leader in spectator e\ cnts IT'S JOHN WA \"NE'S facl· wailing for iJ :,,culptor lo rind another Mount Rushmore to 1m moctalize him for s ucceeding generations of Americans. It's the Texaco Oil Co. ::.ponsoring the broadcasts or operas from the Mel for 38 con· sccutlvc year:,, during which Verdi, Puccini. Wagner. and Mozart were heard by more than a billion listener:; E,·cry society. or course, from l'<1rliest l'ivil1zatio11!> on, ha!> been typ1ricd by 1ls arts. th(' way 1ls pcopll' drc!>!>l'd, the roods they preparccl, its mu:-1c, il:i n· l1 gions -a composite picture that can be dcftnl'U a s lhal society's culture And what or American soc1el) today? IT IS CHARACTERIZED by a popular culture so pervasive that Americans spend al leas t one·third of the total hours of their li ves as willing partici· pants in it. Our · popular culture. which started in the 19th century. came to u peak during the ~h century with the rapid decline or the work week. Whereas our great.grandfathers put in a 7"l· r ALBUMS SELL WELL Arthur Fiedler hour week in 1900, by the 19708 we, their progl•ncy, \\ orked about ha tr that amoun t. Some Americans. a relatively small number. have chosen to fill thcir leisure with the "high cullurc" m arli-. and literary fare that ha~ traditionally attracted· tht• wealthiest or best educated clcmcnL ... of ::.ociety. Bl"T MOST AMERICANS pursue their leisure in terms of rn :iss entertainment. And it is mass entertainment l'nlertainment produced for a mass audience -that is a major foclor m d1sllngu1shing modern popular culture from other, earlier formi-. of folk culture. Mab!> entertumment iU.elf was mudc pos s ible b,y the 'IT'S MY WORLD' Muhammad All our popular culture is dis· i.eminated. During "those 60 hours every week or the year when we are at "leisure," the mass media are competing ferociously for our eyes and ears, to inform. persuade, but mainly to enter- tain us B ECAUSE O F TH E un· I\ ersality or popular culture, most or us reel that we know the media-made celebrities much bfller than our neighbors. · When an E lvis Presley or a Bing Crosby dies, there is sad- ness Celt by 100 million people, each of whom had his or her \'ersion or Elvis or Bing rein- forced hundreds or thousands or Editor's .\'ote: This is the first m a senes of 15 article& erplonng l'opular Culture: Mirror of Amencan Life." Dau&d Mannmg White, professor of mau communicahons at Virginia Commonwealth Umuers1ty, di.scv.sses the scope and nature of Amencan popular cultun'. which he sees as a mirror of the way mo1t o/ us tpend our leisure hours. Tiu.~ senes was. written /OT Courses by Newspaper, a J>TOgram de- i-eloped by UnrVffB1ty E:rtension, UC San D~go. and jvnded by a grant from the NatumaL Endowment /OT the Humanities. COl>Y"O"' 1tn II by"" R-•· ot the Unlversltl' °' ~ .......... ll'chnolo~ical inno\'ulions of the 19th ~•nd 20th cen turi es. ~cwspapers achieved a key role MH>n after the 1830s. when 1m· provt-ments in the printing pruc1:ss and increased literacy m.1de the flamboyant "penny pn•ss" so pervasive. MOTION PICTtJRES followed al the tum of this century. r adio i-. horlly thereafter. and finally. th a t mos t pervasive of all popular culture institutions, lelevision. Today we, us a nation. spend more than 600 billion hours each year just with the muss media of ll'll'vis ion. radio. news papers and m a~azines. motion pictures, phonograph records and tapes. These media arc the instru- ments through which most of limes by movies, records, radio and lelev1i.1on. Adnrtisers spt:!nd more than $35 billion a ·year in these media. lH>m barding each or us with 1.500 messages a day lo tell us what lo eat and wear. and how to get rid of t he nagging headaches that the "outside .. world gives us. IT IS A HUGE complex of in· duslr ies that pr ovides our popular culture, and Ir it Is a costly business. we apparenlly ::ire willing to pay the price. It is ~• profitable enterprise for the media moguls who can best grasp what the public wants. Imagine a mirror so vast and extensive that it reflects what most or us Americans are read· ing, listening to, or looking at READY FOR RUSHMORE John Wayne when we are not totally involved in our daily jobs or sleeping. Ten times as many or us could iden· tify Archie Bunker as Chief Justice Burger or Secretary of Stale Vance, and who couldn't describe Dick Tracy or Tarzan? Each day we Americans are molding U1e elements of popular culture into our lives. Popular culture, then, Ls the continuous process that mlrrors the manner in which most Americans spend perhaps the greatest segment or their Jives. A mirror, by its very nature, usually gives a realistic picture of what appears before it. but there are some mirrors that dis- tort and some that rocus on our grotesqueness. IF THE IMAGE or ourselves is less than the idealized picture we might wish to see, we should not blame the mirror.,.Our col- lective dreams, anxieties , and indeed our sheer existence have fashioned the mirror. Perhaps the mirror only reflects the masks and the myths we want to believe about ourselves. We are the m irror ; the mirror is us. Since we arc investing a total or about 25 years of our lives in our "leisure" hours, we cannot afford to be complacent about the quality o r our popular culture. ThP.refore. a continual. AMCREC4LLS 157,500 CARS DETROIT (AP) -American Motors Corp. ls recalling 157,500 cars because a broken tube in the emission control ..system could increase emissions rrom the tailpipe, AMC said. The voluntary recall covers aJI 1976 Gremlins, Hornets, Pacers and Matadors equipped with 258-cubic-inch, s ix-cylinder engines. s pokes man J ohn Pichurs ki said. conbtruclive feedback between the culture-consumer:., as Alvin Torner has termed us, and the popular culture dis pense rs, whether they be in New York, Hollywood, or Washington, D.C., is imperative. Wht:ther the media bil rons need us more than we need them begs the question. They provide the mass culture that rttls our leisure hours; but we make il lucrative for them. Our common goal s hould be a national popular culture that is enlighten- ing and enlivening as well as en- tertaining. UNLIKE SHAKESP EARE'S Mark Antony, our intention in this series is neither to bury nor to pralse popular culture, but rather to examine the ways lt reflects some important aspects of contemporary American life. tn t he next 14 weeks a group or distinguis hed sc holars and writers will discuss various facets of today's popular culture, examining its roots in the American past, its power as a elgantic industry. its role in in- terpreting (and sometimes ar- f~cting) social change in our na- tional life, and even its probable future. It is our hope that this series. utilizing the oldest or the mass media, the American press, will hel p many Amer icans un - den,tand the implications or llv· ing in a "mass-mediated" socle· ty, and thereby enable them to define more clearly the kind of popular culture most mean- ingful to their lives. NEXT WEEK: Herbert Gana J>TOf euor of ~iology at Columb~ Univer.Uy, discussei the role of the popular culture makera in our 1ociety. TAUGHT JOURNALISM David M•nnlng Whit• Prof Writes Books About Pop Culture David Manning While is pro- fessor of m ass communications al Virginia Com monwealth University, having previously been a professor of journalism at Boston University from 19'9 to 1975. He served as general editor of the New York Times' Arno Press series on Popular Culture in Americu, 1800-1925, and was co-editor, with Bernard Rosen- berg, or "Mass Culture: The Popular Arts in America," which was influential in creating interest in popular culture re- search among academicians. Other books include .. The Celluloid Weapon : Social Com· ment on Film," "Journalism in the Mass Media," and "Pop Cult In Amer ica." Roger's Gardens Newport Planners Ask Plan Revision Newport Beach planning commissioners have told representatives or Roger's Gardens they will have to prepare an·envlronmental Im· pact report and revise their plans before the commission will vote on a proposed expansion or the nursery showplace. Owners are seeking a use permit to expand the nursery at San Joa· quln Hills Road and MacArthur Boul ev ard lo include a tea more definitive plan and an en garden, some commercial sales vironmental impact report. of h ousewares and baker y goods, and some professional services such as landscape architecture. Community J>evelopment Director Rlcharcf Hogan said a number of neighborhood groups oppose the expansion on grounds that It would increase traffic and parking problems . Representatives of Roger's Gardens were asked t.o return Mar ch 16 with a revised and A TI'OIMIY AT·LA W BANKRUPTCY $95 DIVORCE $95 Uncontested ,40-2507 ( Call 642-5678. 1 Put • few word• to work for vou. ORANGE COAST CHURCH DffiECTORY HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH c-of f ok•I•• ..ct leli~. Cettto ...... a ... HlltClft Jorvl1, 'otlor f'ltoll• 17141 556-7717 SUH DA 'f WOISHlf' SllYtClS 11:00 4 .M.-SUHDAY SCHOOl t:4S 4.M. EYIHIHG Sf:RVICI-6:00 ,.M. WfDl'4ESDA 'f IVll'411'4G • 7:00 '·"'· YOUTH AHD ADULT lllLE STUDIES CHURCH OF CHRIST 117 w. Whoa, Cotto ...... 64'-l I t I we·re A Gotng . vlowing .. Growing Church SUMDA Y HttYICIS 8181.ESTUDY94 .M. WORSHIP10A.M. & ISP.M. "GOD HAS 4 •tn POI YOU" · f'AUL THOMAS. MIMISTU UYAH CROWE., YO&m4 Mtl'ftSTM ~Is •.,,.., to II•• M«9 COHSCIOUSL Y .. __ ...... CHURCH of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE OfU•lllOA t tACM *61 LAOUMA CANYON 110 -AT ll f<>4'0 llD HlttRY GEltHAltD-, Mllllstw 5-doy S..-•lcH -I 0:00 AM MllrMrf, Jr. Chirch & YCMlth c;,_. I 0 AM°""' C-CN0Met4f~t.A.n.t.U& llt .. "14'-44 THI WOAD NOM UNITY IS 11POISE11 ly TV Mtr, M-t-4• Lor4 The word p0lse brino11 up many Ptctures to our mind. I usually think of the p0lsed pertOn as one who n~r gets rattled. never panics, continues to think clearlY In the midst of confusion. and radiates a strong fffllng of self-.ssurance. Few of us have attained all thla. but we · would C>robablv like to. If we dO. It me1ns tti.t we are required to bolld Into our consctousneu etrono fM lings of strength and oonfldenct. We lti.n become more Ilk• the person Emerton described. ~who In th• midst of the crowd, keeps with perfect swMtnesa the l~enoe of aofltude:· ",.......,.. W. ....... .,.._ &Wty.,_ • ..., Ow~~-104.M. "FfMOI ... YOUlt 50URCI OP POW ... RrJ.~Maat11•1~,_._ CHRIST UMITY C CH Ofl .-WPORT MACH , .... a.-11 ... .,... ....,.,. ..... 646-1717 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES ~Of'IM~C...cN--~ Of ctmS'f,$C9fflST .. ~MAS~ 11SOUL11 SUHDAY,FllRUARYl2 Costa MHG -Fint Chwch of Christ, Sclettffat 2110 Mtte Ve ... Dr~ Cott• M•M 5'tMhry Sdlool - l 0 A.M. Cllurcll S..r•ic• -I 0 A.M. R~ Room, 2180 Mo o V"* Or. 9 A.MA:JO f'.M. ~"'"' s.t. Wed. 7-7:50 P.M.·f ·f :JO P.M. HulltiftgtOflleeeh-Fint Chwchof Chri1t, Sca...tl1 .. ltlt Ir Oll•t • .._.....,. .. leocll Chircll & S.itdoy Scheel -t:lO & I l.A.M. R .... R--UIMol!t St. CMll.DC.-PllO-fWieATSt:l•ttlH--S'IWT-- l"iM-ChrlstS...ScletKeSoc'-fyoflrTIM Senk" .. ,..~~ c-.. e .. ...-on .... s.aur1 w..,, ...., .... 5-My Sorricel-' 5-dsy ScMo6--l:OO P.M. ClllWC-~ We& s.t-Ylce-1 f'.M. LaiJi-e .. och-Fll'lt Ct.wchef C:lirbt, Sclewtf1t 6HHHJ11Dn•• Clliircll I SM..S.y ScMol-I 0 4.M. ............ -2 .. ,..... •••. Ml•'""-'leio-FlntC....,.hefC:hrht.Sca...tltt Cwdllwe ..._llfery ScllMt. 21H2 ~Dr. CMrcll & ~Scheel-I 0 A.M. ......, ..... -smw..,c.._ ............. Lef'n Hew,_rtleech-FintChlrct. C t,Sclettff1t JlOJ Yle LU...._.,.,. ...... c:a..rdt A ~Sc••" . fltO & lt:H A.M; ........... JlllYiel.We .,._, .._ Pri. -t A.M,.I f' .M. CtwldC.re~T...--t»lt lOA M lor....,,T ..... Newport leecll-Seco.tca.r.11 .. Ctwttt, Scll.etd lf 00 f'•Hk , .... o.. .. c..... ....... au..a.a...-,1c...,-1t4.M. ...... ·---Jiff ..... l.C-.tHwy .. C4M WID. ~ TISTIMOHY ...nlMGS- 1 P.~ AU CHUIC .. S All •re cord111lly lnv1ttd lo 1lt«nd tht church tervlces and enjoy the priviltaes of lh• · Rtodln1 Roome • l£f~\ 1srou:,fROt-=:SOENa PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES 1~ a • ~! ,...._c .... <e11.u ... ..,Qutell°',...._,__.t.AJ of the Coastal Areas '(-. ~ ... <) UY. ALIBT .... Ud', ....uTt• CHUICH OF nu covii'Wlit ~~:6 WORSHIP AHO SUMOAY SCHOOL 215=~~~.::!~"° I 0:30 A.M. . S-., Wonlllp & Clwclt k11ooi 1:10 Ir I 0:00 4.M. Monday Morning and Thurlday Evening Hedng Worklhop ~ SS7·Jl40 m-~--:::--~~:-:--~~.;...::.;:..:.=..~~~~~~1 URIAHUS SQUARE c......ity Presbyterian Church MacA,.._.at Ford Rood-Newport leach 411 '-"'A•t .. &..,...loedi F()AANtN$PIRATIOHALMESSAGEOIAl~1 Rn. 4riWJ. T ... tnky .... W-H. TMtt llMHZ ........,., Me. 64~17JI 9· I OA.M. -c..mti. EcliicoHott Hor Something wonderful will happen \o you at the IDPOITUllll CMC1I 8F IWClllS SCIDtCE 541 Center St.. Costa Mesa 846-1032 Dial·A·Prayer -646·6464 ~"'"'' ••rr•nott S....tces & 5-doy Sc-.. - 10:10 ...... ... ....-c.MCll--.-.... .......... M...._ . .,_,,...~.f-A,,,.,_ A C.rdial ...._ fre. die UNllID CHllClt OF ClllST COMMU•nCMUa COMGl!GATIOMAI. 61 I tt.aelrope An,. C-.. M_. 64 .. 7400 O....WW.IC.tl. MIRhhP 10•.w-s-a-w--Churcl>Sc1.ooill,;,t1...-vc.t• HARIOR OltlSTIAHOtUROf IDtUlfl11 ef C1ittttt 2411 .,,,..... .. s.... ....... S.5-57S1 SUHOAY SHYICH Churctl lcttool 1:30 .......... w ..... 10:45 "SEE WHAT THE LORD CANDO .. Rev. Gene R. Swanson Pastor Nursery & Child Care 10:15 A.M. -WonMp I I :15 A.M. -Follow•Mp "-f'tlo-. 4't· 7 SSS This Sunday WOFShlp in ST. ANDREW'S PRESIYTYJAM CHURCH 600 St. Andrews Road• Newpon Beach• 831·2880 M Sorricn 1:00, •:JO, 11:00 "IF CHRJST IS YOUR UGHT,,,.. ••• Dr. C.-y M. W .... 111. ~ CMW CINI~ .. a.rDS... AJAlhnlalt AIC Hli'UMI -64WW ST. MARK PRfSBfflRIAN OfURCH 2100 Mer Vitfo Dr.,.....,_. leecJI R ... WI•-Mc9"W. P .. tor Lnh ............. Dnctw SUHOA Y WORSffll 6 CHURCH SCHOOL t:OO A I O:JO 4.M. "'-t: 644-U41 COMMUHITY f'ttESIYTHIAN CHURCH of a.. JI.I•" C.10 ,~f'.,., 322Cn Oel OIJil<>o ~" >..Jt> Clokt....,, cauTm WOHHlf' •••••••••••••••••••••••• ttOO AM CB.llUTIOH SI.VICI ..................... lllO:H 4M CHURCH SCHOOL A ADUlT STUOllS •••••••• I lhlO AM A•v '°',..t)etil'tl Ci~• P1 'O' o~ .. Jn M1fl °''"~" Cf"lir1 .. 11A"\ E11JC.91•""" CHtllT f'USIYTIAIAM CHURc.4 20112 Megnofle, H.B._., Phone ~MO ln.~L ........ ,__ SHVtc:lk lt41 I It A.M. SUMD.AY SCMOOl tt A.M. AmND CHURCH THIS SUNDAY ' Saturdity, hbruvy 11, 1971 SEJ\T'fl.E CAP) When she ~~~· [ lll•n ct:. 11\l'r , a giant tattooed Phot-n1x bird -which swoops from her right :>houlder, d1sap· ~1us into the folds of her dress . and pops out on her left leg -~~;iW.;;:;:;,· strel<'hcs gracefully. When she :\.11"'1~~-sneezes. 1t flinches. A tiny ring in SAV-ON BRAND VITAMINS Vitamin C 250mg. 250's 2.49 Vitamin B-12 her no:-.e also Jiggles. Sht.• 1s Madame Lazon~a the •· Mo:-.t Beautifully Tattooed F emale" in America. RF.D·llAIRED MADAME Lazonga, 29, of West Seattle, just FACIAL TISSUE "VERA"Ass'I COLORS !2. 49c • Oil Of Olay Youth For Your Skin eot back from the North American Tattoo Club's annual convention in St. Paul, Minn .• where she woo the "most beautiful" title. Eight womon entered the con· test. Madame Laz:onga said. She edged Barbara Chapman of Denv er. who is covered with flowe rs and birds. Ma dame Lazonga refuses to divulge her real name. Her nom de tattoo came from a comic book s he read once. ••J THOUGlff IT was pretty tun· CONTINUOUS ACTION COLD 'CAPSULES for 12 HOUR REL.IEF DECONGESTANT • ny. It's better than taking myself 'icriou.sly. '• How much of Madame Laionaa is a picture album? "About a third or me," she answered wlth a llrnlle. She worked with an electronic needle on the arm of a male customer at the Seattle Tattoo EmPorium on First Avenue and continued the conversation. There was a waiting line. A SIGN ON THE wall above her chair reads, "This studio presents M. Lazonga, youngest known female skm Illustrator in the U.S." Ma dame Lazonga began her .trade In 1972. . "lt struck me as a very personal and unique art form," she ex· plained. "Sophisticated society frowns on it and says it's taboo. "Actually tattooing Is one or lhe oldest art forms. We know it was used in 2000 8 . C. in ancient Egypt.•• ABOUT so PERCENT or the Emporium's customers are women as o sed to a few ears ROLL-oN Anti- Persplrant Rqlllar or Uucutld . -. . . NATIONAL ago "when we got a woman ln he re maybe once ever y six months," said C.J . Danzl. Madame Lazonga's boss. He does not perm it anybody "who Is the slightest bit drunk" to be tattooed. (NICK THIMMESCH) la THOUGHTFUL Toothpaste wit~ R.UORISTAM (\ 1.09. 1oz.59c 1m_ 7gc • • • I DRUG STORES A (m Place To Shop! CHOCOLATES IN BEAUTIFUL HEART BOXES WHITMAN'S 14 0Z. 3.75 Red Heart Red Rose Satin Heart ·1 LI. 4.95 .WHITMAN'S WHITMAN'S 1 75 To My Valentine Heart 'I• LB • WHITMAN'S Favorite Heart V2 lb. or Love Hearts 1/2 lb. / 2.40 ~ CARDS ---~ .. FAMILY PAK" ASSOllTMEJIT tl~~ BIGVALUE -.---~79~. MONKEY SHINE ~=--­ VALENTINES 17CARDS with Envelopes 24~L POLYPROPYLENE · FILE BOXES CHECK FILE Holdall~ standard ~ dleckS up to • IBM size, with monthly card dividers 2.99 COSTUME JEWELRY STICK PINS lOO mcg.139 lOO's • MAXFIELD'S 5· 95 Velvet Lace Heart 14 OZ. , • FRIENDLY Asumitlt •GLOW IRITE LETIER FILE Keeps valuable ct'8Cb • Stick Pins WITH Pierced Earrlrgs In gold or sliver tone. l~s 3.69 4001.U. MAXFIELD'S •llGC=..0. 5t papers & documents organlZed. • Stld< Pins WITH Genuine Stones Fancy Flange Corsage Hearts 14 07. 200?. 5.75 7.95 LOTION Protects skin against 2.69 wrinkle Clrynml oz. NIGHT 2.99 '" CREAM 2 oz. DELUXE-VALENTINE PLAYBOOK JUMBO COMIC VALENTINES Our Phann1elltS .. highly trllntd In their profllllan. let them~ you on lflY Qutation you hlvt lbut mtdlcallona. • Stick Pins-Assorted Gold Ailed Flowers or Your lnltials 1.95 TO 4.95 1 "VARIETY" MENU Au'I Fl11on INSIDE: •Comics •Television •Movi.s Mt ere -~urd3. Februa711 . 1979 - DAILY PILOT ., I Gauchos (24-2) Battle Paloniar (22-3) By CRAIG SHEFF Of ._ o.lly ,..._.SUH Saddleback and Palomar col- leges have stag,ed sorne classic basketball duels over the past three seasons -and tonight's M lsslon Conference crucial at Saddleback is no exception. A capacity crowd is expected for the 8 o'clock tipoff. FQr coach Bill Mulligan's Sad- dleback Gauchos, it's a must win situation if they want to claim al least a s hare of the Mis- sion tiUe. The Comets of coach Andy Bruins, Trojans Triumph BERKELEY <AP> -David Greenwood scor~d 20 points and Roy Hamilton 19 for the firth· ranked UCLA Bruins Friday night as they beat the CaliCornia Bears 78-64 for their eighth Pacific-8 Conference basketball victory against no losses. UCLA was up by only three points at the hall, 28·25, In a de· fensive battle, although Cal managed to hit: on only nine of its 36 field goal attempts. But the Bruins came out after the intermission to score the first six points in a 14·2 run that gave them a 42-27 edge and they controlled the game from there. Greenwood got 12 of his points in the second hair. In the fi rst half, Kiki Vandewegh came off the bench to lead the Bruins' scoring with nine points. Van- dewegh finished with 12 and Ray Townsend had 14 for the Bruins, now 17-2 overall. Tom Schneiderjohn's 14 points paced the Dears and Tyrone Davis had 10. Cal is 2·6 In the Pac-8 and 9·12 overall. UCLA (711 Wilkes '· Grttl\Wood 70, Sim• 3. Hamilton 1', Townwnd 1', Allum••, V•nde'we9f'e 17 Total\ 19 n .:io 19. CALIP'OltNIA ('41 Sln9leton 7, True 3, S<hMider)oM 14, A•nsom •• C•Hlll 4, Mltthell I, Vllo1tl I. 0.•ll 10, Glll-t 4, Tol•ll 1110.15 M H•llUme UCl.A 7t-U Fouled out -Slml. True. To••I touh -UCLA JI, C.lllornt• 24 A - '·'°°· Trojans, 70-U STANFORD -Don Carfino's 26-fooler with two seconds left gave Southern California a 7<>-68 Pacific 8 Conrerence basketball victory over Stanford Friday night. Two Cree throws by WoH Perry with 11 seconds left had pulled Stanford into a 68-68 tie, but the Trojans immediately brought the ball down court and Carflno hit the winning shot. use had held a 67·60·lead with 2 :22 remaining, but Stanford pulled lo within 68·66 with 1:27 left on a basket and two free throws by Jeff McHugh and a lay-in by George Shader. Freshman Cliff Robinson led Southern California with 21 points, while Schader had 17 for Stanford. Carfino finished with 18 and Kim Belton added 15 for Stanford. The victory gave USC a 6·2 P ac-8 record, while Stanford s lipped to 1·7. "With 11 seconds to go, I thought we should take the ball quickly rather than take a time out," said Trojans coach Bob Boyd, explainlne his team's strategy in the closing seconds. "Thtre was no way of setting up. I felt we could work quickly before theft-defense got set. I felt it was better to advance quickly and we were lucky." SOUTM•ltW CAL mf -......,_ •, MllW S, ACIOtn-11, c:-tin. II, ltatllovkh 2, 0 . Smilh 12, Hol1tnvton4, Nrlold4. T04.itl0 *1110. ITANfl~O C .. I -~ 17 c:.n ... 12, aelltll IS, Mor..,i •, ..... ,, '• ;ltClllOfCI 4, McHYQll 10. Tot.en• 16' IUt. Hallll~llltnt C.I .... l'Ovled out- Pllcllforcl, Toi.1 fllvla-4outlltrn CM It, S49flford 21. Tecllllkal-«atll-. A-f,11t. Gilmour came into the game with a 9-0 conference record, a game ahead of Saddl.eback. Palomar has a 22·3 record and has won 20 of its last 21 games. losing only an overtime decision to Fullerton. T he Gauchos , 24·2 for the season, have captured 18 of their last 19 games. losing only to the Comets in the final second or overtime. 95·94. In the last fi ve games between the two powerhouses, six points has been the largest margin or victory. ~alomar has a 3·2 edge s ince Mullisan took over the Saddleback coaching chores in 1975. Both teams have outstanding Individuals. Saddleback, the highest scor· ing team in the stale with a 106.9 average, bas eight players hft- tln& in double figures. They in- clude s tarters Artie Green 05.2). Tim Shaw (13.7), Rich Mc Elrath (13.0), Craig Stahl 02.4), and Tim Knight Ul. l ). along with Rennie Walts (13.6), Rodney Miller (12.7) and Tom Llqy (11.'\). And Ben Bacon (8.2> is not far t>ehmd. Shaw bas been nursing :.i cracked rib, but played .well in the Gauchos' 92·78 win over San Diego CC Wednesday n ight. Another key player, 6-7 Rick Patterson, has been sidelined with the nu, but ls expected to play tonight. P alomar, the most disciplined offens ive tea m in the con- ference. has two standouts in sophomores Marcus Hays and Donnie Joy. Hays, a 6-3 guard from o.i1, ""'"' -..., "'",.,.,,,. LOOSE BALL --Dana llills' Chris Goller <33) is amidst a t rio of Corona del Mar de - f enders in Friday nig ht's South Coast League game. Sea Kings pictured are l\l ark Rains OefU, J eff Burde n <23) and Sh<1wn Ahearn Cl3 ) Double Overtime Johnston's Bucket Gives CdM Crown By ERNIE CASTILLO Of the D•llY Pli.t S~tl Corona del Mar couldn't have picked a more dramatic way to clinch the South Coast League basketball championship out- right Friday night. The Sea Kings, down by five points late in the foiuih quarter, rallied behind Shawn Ahearn and Jeff Burden to tie visiting Dana Hills at the end of regula- tion and then won it, 55·53, in the second overtime period on a 10- foot turnaround jumper by Chris Johnston with three seconds re- maining. "That's the way it's been go- ing all year," said coach Jack Errion who remained calm dur· in& Ute final hectic moments but was obviously elated with his second title in two years at CdM. It was a night Corona del Mar thrived on late heroics. Gary Jones' basket at the buzzer gave the Sea Kings' junior varsity a 51 ·50 come-from-behind win while just four seconds re- mained in regulation of the varsity contest when Ahearn knotted the score at 49. Dana Hills, which had out- played the champs most .of the night, went ahead 53-51 in the first overtime on buckets by Dick Jeffers and David Bauer, sandwiched around a pair of free throws by Ahearn. But the Sea Kings, with a partisan crowd of over 1,000 behind. them, tied it up at the 0:45 mark on a spinning layup by Johnston and then watched a la s t -second Dolphins s hot bounce around the rim before falling out. In the final frame, the key play came from CdM reserve Todd Pickett, who slapped the ball away from a Dana Hills ball handler, made a diving slide to save it and without looking, flipped the ball back into play. Following misses by both teams, the Sea Kings whittled the final 27 seconds down to three before Johnston connected with his winning shot on an as- sist from Ahearn. It was the first time since the opening quarter that Corona del Mar was on top. Chris Goller led the inspired Dolphins with 22 points. But be was held scoreless the final nine minutes of play by Burden, who played with four fouls most of the second half. Burden finished with a dozen points. (JllCOr-•Ma• Tourney Postponed De11a Hltlt fAI ''" ~. 2 :t 2 7 .Jeffctr1 Smytll Samuele Goll ... Wll\On e-"9r Anctrews Tllorllton 1 1 2 3 J 1 ' 1 1 a 2 n 0 0 1 0 ' l , lO 2 0 • ' 0. 0 2 0 "IS20SJ Alle•rll Burd•n ~ R•lns Pickett JOll!UIOll .. .. ~. 7 • 2 u • 0 • 12 2 0 s ' i 2 5 • I 0 ! 1 • 0 ' • Tota l' V11 f95S Totah Compton, 1s scoring at a 16.8 chp this season while Joy, a 6·4 forward. is bitting about 14 per game. The other Palomar starteri. in- clude sophomore Anthony Crane (6-5), sophomore forward Kevin Paulson (6-3) and freshman J erry Haynal (6-0). Both coaches, of course. i.ee this as the game or the year. "This is very important to us," says Mulligan. "H we win. both teams would probably end in a tic fo r first, forcing a playoff to determine the ch&m· pion And I'd much rutber be in that s1tu1.1tior1 lM:n be involved kl the ronrerence playorrs. "We JW.l r:.ri't get good erfort'i from a couple or guys . . . w"' have to huve a team effort," l)ays Mulli~an. "Palomar shoots very well ttnd they are the only other team in the lca&ue that has a good bench. They b.ve talented kids that are playing the way he tG1lmour) wants them to pltly." Gilmour i.ayl> his club *<>n't cio See Gautbos Pa~c 6 ·? Sports in Brief Lakers Breeze To 135-107Win INGLEWOOD -Adrian Dantley and Kareem Abdul- Jabbar combined for 47 points' as Los Angeles breezed to a 135·107 National Basketball As· sociation victory over Golden State Friday night, lifting the Lakers over the .500 mark for the first time this season. The Lakers made 63 percent or their field goal attempts in tak· ing 'a 70.59 lead at halftime and went from there to their 10th straight home-court triumph over the Warriors. The victory, the Lakers' lourth in a row and 10th in their last 12 games, moved them out of the Pacific· Division cellar. GOLDEN STATE (1'71 -8Mry 10, Col-2, P•rllh '· Wrlh •• Smltl_I "· R•1 •• Oioo 10, Grffn •. Dudley, Parur 20, WllllAml •·Tot••' JO 7-1107. LOS ANGEL.ES (1JSI -Oenlley 1S, Ford IS, Abdul·J•-n. Ml.ldion 1•. NIHn U, 5'o11 11, Abernetny 12, Rotll1Ch I , Carr 4, 0••1• 4 Total' joj l7·l0 llS. Golekn St1w 37 12 2• 24-107 l.o• An9etn 38 31 3) l7-13S Fouled°"' --· Tol•I foul• -Got.,.., St•t• ~·. LOl Angeles 1 •. Te<hnltal -Gr"" A ••.311. Stockton Withdra1n ST. LOUlS -Dick Stockton withdrew with an ailing back and Wojtek Fibak bowed in straight se.ts as three unseed&d players advanced Friday to tbe semifin&ls of the St. Louis Tenn ls Classic. Stockton, who began the event with a sore foot, was forced to the sidelines with a recurren~e of an old injury while defaulting to John Alexander. Fib~ fell to Sandy Mayer, 7-6, 6-4. Mayer's victory advanced him to a semifinal match against Zeljko Franulovic, who beat Chris Lewis,6·2,6·4. And Eddie Dabbs de feated John Newcombe, 7·6, 6·4. Solo..onWbu SPRINGFIELD, Mass. Harold Solomon advanced in ra three-set duel with veteran Mar- ty Riessen and Hein% Gunthardt continued as a giant killer Ffii. day night in quarterfinals or ttCe Sprin~field International Ten{lls Classlc. "' Solomon ousted Riessen1 7·~. 2·6, 6-2 after Gunthardt whip~ Jan Kodes, 6-4, 6·3. In other quarterfinal upsets, Bryon Bertram eliminated Stan Smith, 6-4, 6-4, and Tomas Smid defeated San Clemente's Bob.. Lutz, 7-6, 1-6, 6-1. RedOlldo Adi'a•c~ SEATI'LE -Marita Redondo advanced to the semifinals of a women's professional tennis tournament with a 6-3, 6-4 vic- tory over JoAnne Russell, Fri· day night. , Earlier Friday, Martina Navratilova won a 6-7, 6·4, 6-2 victory over Kathy May. Rfgft~ loft•• Balo• Bill Rigney, the California Angels' first manager, has re- JOinccl the club and will handle s pecial a ss ig nme nts, the Ame rican League t"9m a11. nounced Friday. UCI ~ests Pacific Five . -• STOCKTON-Two of tbe PCAA 's top individual sco~i:s meet head lo head tonight as the University of Pacific hosts UC Irvine in basketball . UCJ's Wayne Smith leads the PCAA scoring derby with a 22.3 average while Pacific's Russ Coleman ranks third at 17.1. Coleman is a 6 ·5 senior transfer from the University of San Francisco. where he was a two-year starter. and Smith ls a 6 · S seni or trans fe r from Portland State Smith won the last confronta- tion in individual scoring with 20 points to Coleman's 18, but Pa c ific prevailed on the scoreboard, 70-58 . Coone Inundated by Water SC.. .......... ,, ,, ' 1$ ' ....., u 10 10 11 4 1-f.J CdM'S CHRIS JOHNSTON (24), DOUG ANDREWS BATTLE. UCI carries the worst team scoring average in the PCAA, 65.0 pomts, and is lied for la&l with UC Santa Barbara at 2-'7. Pacific is still very much in tt>e conference liUe race, tied for seco nd with Ca l S tate <Fullerton) at 6-3 Palo1nino Defends Crown Today .. ., .. --........... ~--...... .._ ..... _ ... ---·. ... • • JIZ OAIL V PtLOl FV Sinks Tars, 69-49 Holmes Hits 25 to Lead Barom ltyHOWARDL. HANDV OI .. o.lly ~ ... SIMI Roger Holmes scored 25 point:. to lud the Fountain Valley High Sebool Barons to their seeond 1>tralght undefeated Sunset l'.;eague basketball cham pionship season in a 69·49 romp 'b,ver host Newport Harbor High Friday night. The victory in the league finale was the 21st straight .without defeat in le<:1guc play aaincc 1976 for coach Davi:: Brown's ·Barons and moves .them into the ClF playoffs as league champions next Friday night · Holmes was superb, hitting from inside und out. most of the time with two or more Tars col lapsing to guard him. lie hit for 19 in the first half including two in a spree that pushed the Barons ahead by nine after the count wai.. tied at 18. But the Tars. playing a!-. though there was no tomorrow. cJmc roaring back with nine of thL•1r own to tic again al 27 on three stratiht three-point plays by Brian Marav1ch, Brian Frec•man und Jon Sweek. Holmes put in an eight-footer and Mugsy Eppelhe.1mer added another. Then Holmes hit ag1un just before the half and it was all over Fountain Valley blitzed the Tars in the third stanza, outscor ing their hosts Hl·2 to open the period, and what had been ~ close game suddenly distnle grated into a nightmare for the Tars who never got closer than 18 for the balance or the night. While Holmes was the scoring star, Charlie fle1rr hit four baskets, three tn succession, in lh<.' third period und Chris Mack scored on his patented two·hand ovc.>rhead shot M tke Heide added his con· tr 1 but ion by blocking two •• HB'S PIERRE AYALA (50), LELAND BRUCE BATTLE. ..... , ~-~4 TV <fl· Sports Menu ~ Today on Television ' ~oon (5) Ol'TDOORS WITH JULIUS BOROS -A gala "",.. t·:1rni\'al in Rm de J anc.'iro and fishing in the Amazon River. : • \bn. juni!le wildlife. : 1 p.m. !28>-TENNIS-St'mifmal matches in the Spring· •• ~ fwld inkmalional tl'nnis cluss1c. Taped. ~·r 1:30 p.m. <4> -GOLF Third round play in the Bob Hope ~~"""':: DesertClassic · • • :!:30 p.m til .\l'TO R.\CJNG -Round three in the In .; tcrnat1onal Ra<'e of Champions. taped at Riverside. •: 3 30 pm <2> SPORTS SPECTACULAR -Carlos ;::;~·Palomino of JluntinJ,!ton Beach pull, his World Boxing Council ~ w<>ltl!rwe1ghl title on the lint· against Ryu Sorlmachl in Las \'ei:!as. (7) -PRO BOWLING -The $80.000 Dutch Masters ~ ~pl'n. taped al North Olmstead. Ohio. (4) -COLLEGE ~·' B.\SKETBALL -Thl' Wa~hingtoo State Cougars meet the "'I Oregon Slate Buavers In Corvallis. 1: ~. 5 pm (7) --WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -The. U.S. na· .... t1onal fi~urc skating championships and the world sprint speed -·4: ;,kating champ1onsh1ps. 8 pm. (5> -COLLt:GE BASKETBALL The UCLA Rruins meet the Stanford Cardinals at Stanford (7) - COLLEGE BASKETBALL The Arkansas State Indians meet ··the Nc-vnda (lJas V£-~as) Runnin~ Rebels in Las Vegas 113) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL The USC Trojans meet the ·Golden Bears in Berkeley. . ; 11 p.m. (22) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL -The Cal State '<Lon!l Beach) 4~rs meet the UC Santa Barbara Gauchos. Taped. Estancia Rolls, 78-65 • t' · . };stancla <Costa Mesa) High's and the ball-handling of Mike ·Ji:agles completed Century Camp, John Carrido and Dan ·L~ague basketball action with M &ddock had Sunderman in <h~1r 12th win 1n 14 starts Friday smiles. ni'cht as visiting Foothill Also, Jim Price showed hJs' ~-<.Tustin) High lost a 78-65 de· .-abilities. "Price could have gone ·:.·cision. for 30 points" said Sunderman. ·-:; The ClF 4·A playoffs-bound "But he ch~e lo male sure his : .. ;:tirll'1les or coach Larry Sun-teammates &ot lhe}>aU." : ·"derman had the issue well In Sophomore Tim Krobnfeldl : ;:hand early. also bad an excellent outlng, :~ Doug Jardine led hJs te&m· coming off the bench to score :";.mates in .scoring with 22 p0lnts elght'pofnts. ; "'McTear Sizzles l'Mtllltl lllSJ All~f'411 lt\Ktftl ,,.,.., M<H..C• 1111114"1 AtM'# Mwl11otccl = or .. .,.. .. " .. ",.. • t ... ' 0 1 • ' 0 t • I I I J ' I 4 $ ' ' . ; J I l II • • • • I t I I .. . , . tt , ... ., Newport shots and grabbing several rebounds in that torrid third stanza when Fountain Valley out.scored the Tars, 20-8. For Holmes it was the 18th time this season that be has scored 20 or more points in one game. Fountain Valley hit 47.8 per· cent o{ its shots from the floor while the Tars were held to 32.l percent by the tight 1one defense . cm ployed by the victors. * * * Fl"' '\lall•Y (tfl 1t1t111• l\rMlsky 1 O 3 • Rt1lt I 0 ' If .... o. 1 1 1 3 t<olm•• 11 I z 1S M•<k S 0 l 10 E\Plno1• I 0 0 ' SIMOfl 0 0 I 0 Eppelt>etmtrl 3 S 9 S111ba1• o o 1 o w.... 1 0 0 1 , .. ,.......,. ftHllflll> Stello! M•r••l<ll Frttm•n s .... ~ Caldwell P•qui11 SlrHI lol•ll ' ' ' 11 2 S I 9 ' ' 7 " ' I I 9 l 0 ' ' I 0 0 1 0 l I t 11 lS 11 49 Tot•ls » S 20 ·~ Sc.we...,~,_.. ~01mtel11 I/alley 13 70 20 " •• N • w port Hertlat' 10 t7 I 1'-.ff Vikes Rip HB, 81-63; Hatton Stars By a Dally PUot Wnter Marina High junior guard Truitt Hatton, sizzling from the floor. fired 1n 26 points in spark· ing the Vikings to an 81·63 Sunset League basketball wln over host Huntington Beach High Friday night. It was the season-ending game for the Yikes wblle the Oilers, the isecond place Sunset team, await CIF playoffactionnextFriday. While Hatton was the l>parkplug for the Vikings, il was really Huntington Beach conch Roy Miller who gave Marina the momentum. Miller elected to start five HB seniors who had not seen very much action this year and M arioa quickly took advantage of the situation-zipping to an 11 ·4 advantage before Miller went to his usual starting five with 2:25 left In the opening quarter. The Oilers had plenty of lime to catch up-and almost did- cutting the Marina lead to 42·38 eurly in lhe third quarter . llut the Vikings, playing very well, continually beat the HB press for easy buckets and quickly barged out in front 53·40. The closest the Oilers could get the rest of the way was eight points. II atton. who came into the game with an 8.7 average, was s uperb. He hit 10 of 11 shots from the field, missing only his second attempt. And he was perfect from the free throw line, canning six shots. Huntington was hurl by foul troubles in the second half as Marina paraded lo the Une 18 times. making 15. Marina's Randy Heidenreich, whose jaw was broken earlier this season. dislocated an elbow div· ing for a loose ball with S'f.! minutes to play The elbow popped baclc in, but Heidenreich was through for the night The Vikings also received solid play from junior Kevin Olsen, who poured in 15 points, 14 in the second halt. Curt Wooten hit 21 points for the Oilers, before fouling out with four minutes to go. Marina slzzled from the field, making 28 of 47 shots for S9.6 per. cent. The Oilers made 24 of 60 for 40 percent accuracy. * MMIM 1111 .. " ... H•ltefl IO • I 2' 8r11<e I • 1 • Heldenr•l<ll • ! 3 10 8ollrn • I 2 f OIMn • 7 ' 1S Tl•ul 2 t • 6 Spivey 2 1 O S Mlelkt I 0 0 2 Tot•ls 21 U U II * * IQJ" ........... d. c... DI Pietro Mtrklll Sftlllll Pftl'4MI Tlloftl-Woot ... Pev11ane111 SIM!llle~ Ayele Tot•I• """-2 0 t 4 0 0 I 0 ' z 0 4 0 0 ' 0 0 0 s 0 2 0 l 4 6 t s n • 0 0 12 • J 2 u 1 I J 3 tit IS 21 63 Sc-~----N!erftll 20 l'O tt 23-el Hunllnoton llHcll ti 20 1' 17-43 GAUCHOS. • • Continued From Pa1e B·l 11nylhln1 dlfferent than it did the first time against Saddleback. 1'Nobody has really slopped them all season long. We know what they're eoln1 lo do .•. they're going to come out wlth the press. But we're going to nm the break lf we have a chance, laking lhe ball right to the basket. Plus we have to get back defensively and keep them from coring on the break,'• aay.s Gllmour. "Saddleback has some or the bul lalent In Calltornla. He <Mulltaan) can pla~ a lot of peo. f,le off the bench and he'a not 10-n1 to IOH an)'bodt u lat u oblllty l.11 concerned. We re1pect them but. we t,.lnlr we bave a 'ood ball club, too. "We can't pt into 1 run and 1un aamc: wllh them, ,ve know thfll. I doft't Udnk an1body tn the atale can. We're Ju&t 1oln1 to havt to ~ay ~defense, take perctntaae •hOU and hope to ------·~ ~·~-----..,..""11~dtfmiifft boel'dl .•• .. --.-~_, ____ ,,__ . Delly Pl .......... h Wldll,. It_.,. MARINA'S TRUITT HATTON FIRES FOR TWO POINTS. MV, Uni Breeze Carson Scores 42 • As Tritons Romp John Carson. San Clemente lligh 's 6-5 all-round standout. set a school record with 42 points Friday night ai. he led his team· mates to a 66·53 victory over in· vading El Toro High. The victory, San Clemente's. 11th in their last 12 South Coast Le ague basketball issues. leaves the Trltons one game behind Corona del Mar in the finaJ stan· dings. Carson was superb, connect· ing on 20 of 27 shots from the field (74.l percent) and his con· slslency s hows in scoring 12 points in the first period, then 10 points in each of the next three quarters. The 42 points erases Bob Yoder's standard of 41 points. Carson completed his night's work with a steal and a dunk shot with just seconds remain- ing. He also added 12 offensive and eight defensive rebounds. In other league action, Mission Viejo High 's Oiablos clinched the CIF 3·A playoffs with an 83·59 victory at Laguna Beach and University High (Irvine), behind Roger Poirier's 25 points. shelled host. Costa Mesa, 76-59. iog column for the winners was Pete DeCasi.s with 25 points. MIUI.., Vl91e lal Alnanci.r Bo\ler OeC••o FefcM Kreu1er Aob41r~ Cumrnon9 I( ... , laM Mohr l'ly1111 Brawley 8ow1r Tote•• .. ft ... " I 1 I 4 I 1 7 • 10 S ' lS 1 o I 1 7 ' 3 10 1 1 0 21 ' 0 1 , 0 0 ' 0 ~ 2 0 • 0 0 1 0 0 I 7 I t ' 0 • 0 7 I 7 16 31 16 13 lstlLAfUM-.Cll .. It,. • H•11<1lll S 4 • 1' Nlchol• 4 O • 8 Ctl<IUW~ 2 I) S 4 Stnllt\ 8 3 t 19 Lipson 1 1 1 • Wel1el 0 0 S 0 P•ttl\on 1 1 1 l Moor" I 0 1 1 G•lln.y 0 J 0 J L••lle 0 0 l 0 To• .. • n ll 21 n ken~OM~ Minion llie10 La9un• 8 .. <11 Uftl.,.nlty 061 """" ' 1 4 1S Polrler RodQer• TlllH C1'oftln 8•glfy Kubn Hooper Stouoll Champlin Toi•"• 7 0 J ' 0 • , • s 1 l It s s , u 1 ' ' t 2 4 ' l 6 1 0 I 1 1S z. ,, ,. ll 10 11 f?-43 16 17 12 16-S' IS' I Cetta Mela """" Slavrlc°' 1 O t • Wlllln9h•m 1 4 • 10 Edtan I 2 l 4 O.we S l 4 ll 8iU•ll I I 0 l 8N•ley ) 0 3 6 Alcherd•on 2 O 3 • HI.cock ' l 3 II sunerfleld I 1 O • F••ke o o 3 o Toi••• 11 17 ts s• Sur• llY O.rt•n Unlve"llV C~t•M•~ 1• 11 " lt-76 • 11 • -~· 70-45 Decision BASKETBALL Edison Tops ·Lions Five In FIDale By DAVE CUNNINGHAM °' .. .,..., ........... Despite an uninspired performance, Edison High of Huntington 8each was able to defeat host Westminster Hich 67-48 Friday night to close out Sunset League basketball ac- tion. The Chargers• victory seals a ClF playoff berth, since Edison finishes alone in third place. The lop three teams from each lea1ue are invited to the playefrs. Westminster died a slow death in a game lotaJly lacking in ex- citement. And it was more like a s uicide than anything else; Westminster beat llself with poor shooting and sloppy pass- ing. The host Lions shot a dismal 36 percent in the first half but only trailed by three po:nts because Edison wasn't shooting much beUer~ percent. Edison bad managed to open a 10-pomt lead early in the second quarter, but lacked the kHler in· stinct and let Westminster creep back into the aame. In the third quarter, however , Edison finally took command and Westminster's s hooting went from bad to worse. The Lions connected on just three field goals in the third period and Edison rebuilt its 10-point lead. After three minutes were gone in the f ourth quarter , Westminster had fallen behind by 20 and its doom was immi· nent. Edison never poured it on. but gradually ate away at the Lions' defense. With more than half or the final quarter · .it to play, both coaches emptied their benches and let the subs take over. Edison got 23 points from guard Mike Mccourt, 13 points from Jeff Tutton on some timely shooting and 10 more from Steve Davis. The only tension in the game came when there was no action at all. The Chargers' Glen Gar· rity collapsed after a collison with another player and lay mo· tionless for a long moment, but left the court in good condition. IHl-IUI ......... MtC0'1rt I • I 24 C.uroty 2 3 , 1 Tutton J • S S 1J Ohil S 0 l 10 K•tMmaru 1 t t 3 Polellek 1 4 7 6 Greer 1 o o 1 Zimm•'"'"' I 0 0 7 Totals 23 21 1S lo1 ... , ... ,....,. ........ R. Foster 4 I 1 • &Hie< 0 2 3 7 s1eme11• 7 0 s • Puchlt 2 4 0 t PoP• S4 4 1C I(. ' FoJ 0 1 a 1 81aOmer O • > 0 MCWllllamt 2 t 0 • 'W•lktr ) O \ • Tot'4a 17 14 It .. Sc_..,.._mn 17 I) 11 ,._., 10 17 •I~ SoCal Falls, 97-94 AZUSA-Despite s hooting 65 percent from the floor and dominating the boards. Southern California College of Costa Mesa was toppled by host Azusa· Pacilic 97.94 Friday night. Jeff Welshans scored 26 points and Randy Adams, connecting on 11 of 12 field goals, finished with 24 to lead the Vanguards. 8•rr0ft Ander'°" Adams Wtlsll•ns ~~CtlC.1 .... IW) " ft ... • w.,,,., l f ' 14 M<NHI 6 I J ll ·(I •YIOll 11 1 2 1' Jenup ll 0 l M TOl•IS • 0 s 12 I 0 0 1 1 0 0 , 0 0 2 0 41 11 " .. Poirier was the dominant force in University's finale-and it was also Poirier's finale to a sterling three-year career for the Trojans. In Poirier's 75 ap- pearances for University the 6-4 standout scored 1,341 points-an average of 17.8 points a game. CV Riddles Irvine Mission Viejo nailed the Artists, 31·13, al the free throw line. Paving the way In the scor· a1T-W> ltltllftp A. Holmes I 0 3 16 M.HolrnH 3 I 3 1 lleld ' 3 2 11 Simpson I S 4 1 C..•l•llder 6 0 2 It Totals u. ' 14 S3 S.nCl9M-lil Toro (MI S...~ .. " .... W84e ' 0 l 8 Stephen• ' O 1 • MulllQ•n 1 O J 1 C•rsOfl 20 t S 42 Gednov 2 O 2 • , .... , 0 1 0 , Tlleyer O 2 2 7 Sutton o z 2 2 Tot.Cs 2' a 11 M 20 " " u ...... 141415~ Capistrano Valley Hlgh's Cougars upped their free-lance basketball record to 17-6 Friday night with a third triumph over Irvine H.igh's Vaqueros on the loser's court, 70-45. Bob Charles led the Cougars with 21 points and the winners got a Cirst.·half ignition from re· ser ve Bill Skiles to shake off the Vaqs near the end of the second period. Two steals were especially ef· fective by Skiles. Sophomore Jim Rudy led Irvine High with 26 po1~ts. male· ing 9 of 19 from the uetd and 8 of 9 from the free throw line. Irvine battled the Cougars on even terms in rebounding with each team picking up 32 caroms. INIM~14SI .. ft,.. Rudy t • • 2' Odden O 4 ' 4 Monl..,.rdlt 1 O j 2 Miiier • o 7 • Weise 1 2 1 • Oevls 0 1 0 I Joyo o o 2 o eettl o o 1 o Tol•I• 1S IS 11 'l 1111 c.. v,11.., """tCJ II. Cllatlff l!I. Cherles Fenen9a O'H•lloran 8rye11t SllllH Collln• $tr1tkfal\CI llOllU 011<\IYln Tot•IS • I 2 13 • s ' 11 z ' 1 , I 0 ' l , 1 l • • 0 0 17 0 0 t 0 0 I 1 1 I 0 I J 2 2 4 • 211• u llO ._....,o."'" CtPll"fnD V .. ley 11 19 17 11-IO lrvf,,. Hltll I fl 16 11>--0 BONDA. MISSION VIBJO t .. . . . . . l =--· ,I SWIMMING I BASKETeALL I MISCELLANY Saturday, Febru•ry 11 . 1978 OAtl.Y PILOT .83 Cage Standings Fo_.Preps SUHHT t.lAGUI Cl'tMll Founteln V.ito Hunlirl(lton Boa<h Edhon NtWPO<I Hertlo< M.,f,.. W L l"F P'A 10 0 •» S2l 13MO.ot s s •» to. 4 • SH 6St ........ w .. 1m1n11tr 0 10 ~ ·~ ,, .... , .. $(:., .. ECllJ,.., 61, Wflt"'4n•lw 41 Fountetn lf•ll•y •t. Newport Harbor o M••IM •• Hunt1119ton llu<n •l SOUTH COAST LEAGUE ('•Mil w l ,., P'A Corona det Mllr 11 1 1lS .,. S•n C1tmen1t 11 l i\111 HO Minion V1010 9 S IU8 t?S El Toro 1 I 9" ~l Un,.et\lly I 1 817 ... L•Qun~ BH<h • 10 1'9 ... Coi.I• Me.. J 11 820 'M> Dan• Hills ) 11 173 lll ,,. •• y .. S<O<tt Corona dot _, n. D•nd Hill\ SJ f1 OTI Unlver\lly 16, ~la MMe S9 S.n Clemtnl• W. El Toro SJ Ml\\lon VIOIO IJ. L"9UN !Ha<ll ~ CEHTUllY LEAGUE ll'IMll El Mod1na Es.•1nc.1• ~nl• Ano Tustin VIII• P•r~ Soni• AD.> V•lley Foot"'" Orang• W L P, P'A 1J I IOI• 811} II 7 100 91/ 10 • ao ,., • • "' Ill •• 188 ll07 1 11 1011 te1t 7 12 8t9 9•8 t 11 .. 4 1009 Friday" kO<tt EI ModtN .. lu•ltn 6• E\ten<td 19. Foo1olll U VIII• p,.,. SI OunQO .. Sontd AN 14 SA Veltey U ANGl!:LUS LEAGUE (Ft Mii s~r .. 1t@ M11rr De• B••"Op Mont(IO'T>O•¥ P1ut. X Bos1>op Arn>I SI P•ul W L PF l"A 9 4 llS 6'1 • 4 s s s s s s 0 10 11) 6)1 &Sl UI •11 l•I 183 194 )93 7$6 Fncl.ly't k:Of'•-t Mater Ot1 6t. lmhop Montgomery SS llo\l\op Am41811 SI P•ul,. Servile'"· Pous )( 78 GAllOEH GROVE ll!:AGUE (FINll lo\ Amigo• Sctn\1•90 001\tt GranOt La Ou1nttJ C.aro•n C,rQ..if' R:ctl'\Cho Aflttn1to~ P.attllC4 W L Pl' PA II 1 134 624 8•63301 a 4 1tS ... 1 S 7to oS• • I 1t0 1•1 J ~ IOI 1106 I 11 SSI 818 Ft,...,Y 1 Scorn lot Am100' •l ~fldQO •• Garottr\ Gro ... e u, Pacltl<d &• L• Ou1n14 •S. R•n<.no AldmtlO• S• ORANGE LEAGUE CFl111ll Broe canyon V••ent•• LI Hlbra Et Ooreoo Sonor• E\oer•n14 Full t r ton W L Pl' PA 11 1 ns t10 11 3 •11 IS. to ' 113 ett ' s 814 Ill I 1 1'19 6J9 '10 ._ .. MS J ti 7]9 800 1 12 ""' 910 'rlci.y's S<or" V•ltn<t• tJ. Bros• Esperanza .0, E• Dor-'1 C.•nyon II, $ono<ft 54 L• Habre 14, Fullerton 66 FllfEWAY LE•GUE (l'h•all Sunn., ~Oii\ Bu~n• Par~ Troy Lowell An1he1m Ma9notla Sawnna Wtsttrn W L P'I' PA ti ] •JO 113 10 ' '" 80' tO • 107S 860 •1MOl10 1 1 1U 100 0 .... '°" 1 11 111 "'° I 1J /JO tlO l'riclay'• S<or .. M•9nolla IS S.•..-n.. 54 Sunny Hllh •S Butna P1rk S4 Troy 76, Anant>1m "3 lowell 61 Western St EMl'lllE LEAGUE (Fln•ll W L PF PA IC•tolla 10 0 ISl 631 loar• 6 • 611 61J Cyprus 6 • 11S Ml5 IC•nneay • 111 I&• LO\ Al•mtlO\ I 660 1>0 s.ddl-<k 2 I 61J Ht "'lelar'• S<or" I( altll• "· Loara 6S Kennedy•. S..ddlelMck 87 (OT l ( 1PrtSS 62 LO\ Aldm•lO\ 00 Soccer Scores """"ty FooU11H Cll (O) Eltanel• tGame _..,.d with IS monuttt rem••nlnQ I Hunt. le.Kit CU COi Mar•n• HB-Bru"""°tt, Marr. Hallllme ~ Strvllll s.t'Yilt CJI 111 M•I ... Del MO-R. OldNlm l H•llllmt l-1, Oana Hlllt (II (1) C-M CdM-<iano..av. w agrwr. DH-Lowry?. H•lllllfle OH. 1-(). Unlvenl!y Ill Ill Cotl.t Mt11 S.n C'-• UI (SI El Tort SC-R. GMcle t. Gtl9'11' E 1 Toro-Barnlwlrt J, HONrvar J H•ICllme· Et Toro. 4..0 c.,o v1111.., Hf '"''"' HIP lly lotfetl. J .. 1 ... v .... 11y Utoln~IY (I) ltl CMla -... .. H•llllme: Uni, I 0 Oan1 HUis (I) (SI CMOM WI Mar OH-Havtl>Orne. CdM-S..Mt 1, Haultt 1, FrlH H111tlme: COM, J.1. Servile Ill OI M41tw o.I M O-Mltlfn9ton, Young, S<~,,_IOtr. H•llUme: Sef'VCl•, 3-1 lsunell-.. ,_II W Nrletl. Hutot. -.Cit (6) CU M•rlne , H8-Von Wlrtll•l,...M a, Grimm 1, Pimentel H•lltlme' HB. 3-0. c1,.. v .. 1.., -et lr'Ylno Hltlt by !Melt. ,,. ... '-" U"lvertlty COi 1U C..1u Mtta ,,..,. ~llders, ..... ,., •• H11ttlme1 COiia Mna, l..O. SEfTING UP WIN NO. 20 Corona del .. g~esult~ For Coastal Area • • Seut ....... C.I CMl•NM• Swim llel•Yt •I 51111• "'-""• Tum \Corl119 t C'.otclen W•'1 100. 1 Cypreu M. l. s.nta Monie• Sf, • C'.leno11• SJ; S Vtnlu,. )4 400 medloy ,.,,., I. Sant• Mol't<• 3 0 1 1 Golda> .... ~., 3 49 s 400 lr•t rel•~ t Golelen WHt 3 IU. •DD o•ck retey-1 Gold41n Wot , S-4 s •OO llY re••v t VtWttur• J:•• 6, 4 Golden Wost 3 Sf 7 IOO trH::;:.• •Y 1 Golden West l ::IO s. 400 br .. sl lay-1 Gotdefl West ' 7l l •00 indO tY , .. ly 1 (,olden West 3 )I 100 l•H rel•Y t Golelen We>1 12'1 ' Vlnily N11111. e .. ctt Cltsl CO) ~ e11<11 200 mea1ty rttoy-.1 HunllnQton Buell 1n1. )()() lr.o 1. P•nl• w .. 1-11 (Hll> 1 St.I. 1 AadlMln (HOI 7 02.t. l ~r•zoor !Hll'2.015. JOO lnd0-1 Panis CHBI 7 77 7 , Andtlln CHll> n.1, 3 "9-r IHlll 3 13.3. Sll Ir•• I. Houts ILBI 2' 1. 1 W•llor tHB) 24 •. 3 Beckley <HBI 20. 100 lly 1 Fra1t<'r IHB I I ·01 • 1 •nc1e1tn CHBI 1 Ot J l Hays (MBI I OS.S. 100 tree 1 Houts (L81S4.4. 1 M<Nurney (MBI ,.0, S. T•tc:-• CHBISfS soo Cree 1. Rldlson IHBI s ts•: 7. BPCkley IHBI S.:W.I, 3. wn11to<k CLBI 6:1S S. 100 lrff 1 He< kin Cl I n ,, t HOclgos (FI Sl 0. l NICholl (Fl SA>. SOO hH t TtMletl l'I J "•: 2 SIMlelr (Fl s ti 1, l ,liNlee.k (LI S.lO '· 100 11.lO 1. l'ot<k (l I 1 :Ot I, t, Htt•on CF t 1·01O;1 01<~ (F) 1 Ott. 100 broet-1 llOef ('1 I 11 I; I Moore (LI I 12 J; ). ClllvH (F) 1 It I '°° lree ret..,-1 F-aill Velley l ~I Jt111fer VM"tMY """ v.11.., n•11111 u. ""'.,.. ZOO modl•Y retay-1. Founteln lf•llev t OS I. JOO lrff··1, FMd Cl'I l 11 t JOO Ind medley 1. N._1 !Fl 1 11 O. 50 lrtt 1 Demi>Hy CFl ts I 100 fly 1. Savage CF> 1 01 o. 100 lrH I Soalget IF I 1 ·01 l soo fret I F-1'1 S 43 3 100 IMKk I MVH 1 FI 1.14,t . 100 t>re1U 1 N•gura CFI 1.11 o. 400 lrte ••l•y-1 Founl•in V111ev • 13.3 ,,...._.. ""· V•ll•y o .. (64) LM Amltt• too mec11..., ,..1•v-1. Fo1111t•1n Velley 2 01 o. 200 rru 1. M41ronn l'I 2 16 I, t Beal IL I J E•\11 (FI 100 Ind me<llpy-1 Ableman CFI 1 t2 O; 1. Pvru (LI, 3 C•lhoun I'>. )(I frte 1 John'°" 11'1210, 7 Ter rtrl (U, J Dimon IFI SO lly 1 1<.ttltr !LI lO S. 7 ltUnt IF) 3 Ttr,....1 CLI. 100 tree I. W•t<hef ILi I 04 1. 1 O•mon 11"1; l. o.mpwy IF> • V'"lty 10e lrff 1 W-U llCI 1·",), 2 Oeie<lt llCl 2.ot I, 3 McCermk,Jt ICI t :2S o. 200 11\do 1. 01-(IC) 2:11 i ; t Ct1wlor11 CICI 2 11•; l PtuC (I) J:21.4. so,,.._, ..._ (1(1 ... ~. 1 Olel Olllo. (II -Norton Ct<l i. 4 Ito fly-1, WIOtl Cl() 1·11 4, t MeurnMln <Kl t·n '· 3. fiO 1111re1. 100 lrM-1 0.j-(IC I 1.$ 0 • 1 OIUew Cl I I I0.6. J .-. (1( I t.02 0 S00 CrM I. W_, (I() St46,\; 2 Horton (I( I •:OS.•; S.,... third 100 tM<k 1 O.....,_ (1(1 I OU. 2. MeCormklc (ti I: ti.4; a. wtflb Ciel t:Ut. 100 t)r-t-1. •io.. (I() 1'11.,J, 1 Pavl Cll 1:1:1.4;1.lofttts {I() 1:ff.J. 400 lrM rtl•Y-1. KennedV lllf ~'-lrYIM Mltfl 174) (41) IC~ too modl•v ••to-1. Kt11nuy 1 "4. too trM-1 J M<Cormlca 11 1 t·lU; t . ICU0.11Ul1. HelMM'i (I() 200 lncto I, Murphy (I) t:Jt.0, 7 H1ll>trl4n Ct<I J M<lr811y lt<I SO frte t. C.Cll (II 2'.J; 'I J. MtCormlelc (I) J G. Mlllln Ul. IOOlly-1 -~Cl) I 01.6; 1 Aft orew~ 11>1 If-Icier (I( I 100 frH-1 C. Mltlll\ (II t G Mallin Cll > Hll'*1CI" (I( I. 100 t>e<lo. 1 c . M••lln CCI J Vangelder (IC 13. ,... ttllrd 100 l>ree~I I. LArllln lt<l 1.tt 0, J MurOlly It< IJ. IC..OOCI (I) •oo trn releiy-1. trvl<M Hton 4:U.I Vanlly cost• Mew <•I m> a11'"" :\Ii.Ir lligh 's Da\'C Dcl'\lars (with ball) ln<*.s for an opening as Kc\ m Harner 1 lcf~) sets a pick for freshman Chris Bright (13) in the sophomore quintet's vie· lory at Dana Hills Guarding is Jim Smith ( 10 ) 100 back-I, Wellwtll (H8) t·04.S; 7 Ledermen (LBI I .01 I; 3. Well•r IHBl l.147 -------------100 b<eUl-1 Mal..,. (Lill 1 0..1. t.-• Pll ltsl ~ JOOMcdleyrttay 1. LMra t SS I. JOO lrff-1. B.,,.,nett IL> 2·04.t: 2 Bros'' CLI t ·06 3; J. Hlll<nl-(Ml 2.01 1 JOO lndo I Jester CMI 2;1'.2; l . Gl•uer Cll J)) 1; 3 Hurne ILi 2·31.S. 200 fT\Hltt retav-1. Cosl• l•ten· cl• I 41 2. !00 lrtt 1. Eme•I CCMI I:~. 7. Perry CCMI 1 ;SS I, 3. Cerroii' IE I l:st.t 100 lndo I Ool., ICMI 2~t...1 OoMell IEI 2•07.S; l. CIWl(CIO~> Mark for ~dM Th~~ are a lot or great basketball playe s. Uhable to boast of one or the sport' more e lusive goals-playing for an undefeated team. Kings crew that rea lly, was extended only four limes during the campaign Women's Athletics For Area w.,,....•tTrkll 2 P•nli (HBI I 12.3. J Pe1>e>er CHBI t tl '· 400 tru relay 1 Huntington Bucnn t l'r•ll-Stl>ft Hunt. eNd• cnl CSJI lati<n• 1eac11 200 medley reCey-1. t.oguna Bea<h 2·0l.O. 200 lrH-1 Maxwell CHBI 1 04.S; l . GIClord IHBI l Pt109er (HB). 2oo 1...io-1. Lew• CLlll 2·1' o; 7 Hughes IHBl l. no lhlrd so tree -1. TresMH (LBI 2s.2; 2 Outnonl'S CHBI 3. Brown CHll I. 100 lly-1. ~r IHB ) 1:07.4, 2. Brown (HB) 3. Croul (LBI. SO Cret 1 Winfrey IM) 2' O; 1. Wlll•rd CU 74.l. 3 S.nslle CMI h .t. Oivlng 1. Geutl\ler (Ml; t lul><lteneko IMI; 3 Fortlnberrv (L). 100 fly -1. llen•k CMI Sf s. , Fortlnt>erry tLI 1 Oi.J. J. Gl-r <LI 1:05.6. 100 Cree I Wllllrey IM) S4 I, t. Senlh CM) 56.•. l, Gr•vt»•I (LI S1.1. soo c'"-' Morabito 111 s· .. ,; t Jt\ltr IMI s .... •. 3 Hlee .... (LI s·o 1. 100 t>ee~ -t. R~n•ll CMI 1.07.S: t , Gautl\ltr WI I 11-0; l Broski ILi l:tt.S. 2:14' • SO lrH-1, Ollle CU U I; r. -rtett CE) 23 4; l. Wltttmo,.. ICM)~ Dlvlng-1 P•u!Son <CAO-; 7. Kllllntr IEI 100 tty-I. Dolen CCMI SS.l;:tl'pon· nell 11!1 ~.I; 3. Crenui.w l.CMI l:IOJ. 100 free-1, Ollie IE) SO.>;. L Wfln. more CCMI 50 6; 3. 8aldlnQ IEI j) 1 soo tree-I Eme•t (CMI S:lb 7 Crensh•w ICMI S.tt.2; I. l,,_K ICMI ~.l6.0. •, Dut Corona dcl Mar Hii:h's sophomores arcn 'l among them - lht· St·a Kings o f coach Mike Williams claimed their 20th victim of lhc :.ea-;on Friday at Dana Hills as the Softh Coast Lt·aguc champ1om. lrrnm plied. 47-42 Willtams. a former captain of the 1973 CdM varsity which went 26·2. !>tarted 6·3 Paul Gillebaard, 6·2 John Janss<'n. pomt guard Murphy, Dave H ess and David Johns. Frel.hman Chris Bright rounded out CdM's attack. which had Janssen lead mg the way in scoring with a 14 0 aver age. Cllr11•, GI-It at Gold.., Well 1-w:orl"fMetll 100 t Brunt CG I IJ 1 100 lrH-1. Qui-CH81 Sf.O; 2 1 TruMll CLB> S. Hugllei CHBI. 100 brHSl-1 MorM>ICo (Ml l~.I, t. Bennett (LI 1 10.1. 3 Erlcllson IMll:t..a. 100 bit.. I Pk1<ett ((Ml 1;tf1'7 7 Hertung CEI 1•0. S, S. A_.,..f(MI 1:0..6. • 100 l>ree1I 1. WV•ll CEI 1;9'1, 7. Typical of most Corona dcl Mar nctorie; lhis year, defense and a r e· st·rvc s parked the win. What \\tll Williams do for an en· core next year? Well. he can begin "1th an incoming freshman group. which rolled lo a 14·0 leag u e record under coach Paul Orris. lh\'e DeMars came off the bench. ;rnd a101g with lhc defensive efforts of Tom Murphy and Kevin Harney, the Se~ Kings put the clamps on Dana H~ls to preserve the win. And lYfical of Corona del Mar baskctl:il -despite an unbeaten unil -there wasn't anyone running around with the flos:sy 20-p oint U\'erog~ CdM 1411 19np1111 0 ' 2 • t 2 7 4 1 t 0 ] 1 0 • 14 7 , 1 ' 3 6 1 17 I 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 16 IS 10 ., Murohy C'.lllt«>Hrd John\ Jann.., Mess Herney OeM1r1 Brignt TotalS C411 o .... Hlll• Crowder Smlln S11vernu•n AncH•M>n M iU•r Bttk Keirn\ Tot•I> .. n pl Ip 0 2 • I 4 1 0 4 • 5 ' I] 0 3 8 0 t ' 0 0 7 ,, 6 II '2 Sew• by O...rten Hather. it was a well-knit. team· o riented and defensively tough Sea CoronedelMllr t3 11 11 tt ~1 01n• Hillt 17 11 10 I 47 Di'ablos Favored Lea~ champion Mission Viejo High figures t o dominHe in the South Coast League wrestling lournamtht today at El Toro. Action gets under way at 10-J.m . Six lssion Viejo wrestlers have been seeded No. 1 in eir weight divisions, and five more are seeded s ond. Dana Hills looms a s the circuit's second most powcrf~l, earn. with three athletes seede d No. 1 and threeoth<'rs seeded second Dana'Hills boasts one of the league's brightest prosp('cts for CIF competilion in Sean McCann. top seed ~r the 106-pound c lass. Last year. a:, a 98·pound4*'. McCann w as a state finalist. Anot~r o f the leagu e's top star s 1s Bob l.arwood, 1lso from Dana Hills. Larwood is seeded first in th~123·pound d1v1sion. The biost competitive weight cl ass in the tournam5 will probably be 157, where at least three wr ·tiers ure given a solid shot at the title-Jo While (MV). Marc Ca~igas (Cor ona del Mar) tnd Dan Schroeder or University High (Irvine). Rustlers Spikers Sparkle Dennis Danduran s wept the hurdle races and Golden West College ca ptured four other events to highlight the Rus tlers' non ·~coring tri-meet against Citrus and G lenda lc at GWC. Danduran. a sophomore from Hunt· ington Beach. won the 110 meter high hurdles in 15.2 and the 400 in· te rmediates in 56 flat. m s 1977 bests were 14 8 'tnd 55 . .5. Citrus, Glti!NI• •I Oeldeft WHI (N-,_.cnt MHtl 100 meters-I Mooclf <Cl 11 J, 1 Jollnson (GWI. J. AnortWS (Cl. MV.EI Toro Squabble 700-1. R19Mt IGI 21.2; 1. Daven· ~oph and junior varsity "°'' cGw1. >. 0om1no <GI. I\ s to ry 1 n W e d · nesday·s~ition of the Daily Pil implied that f · d Th 400-1 llaQ<tn CC.I 4' I. 1 Diven El Toro 1 , which lost a 49·4 va 'ty wrestling decision t South Coast League cij.unpion Mis· s ion VieJo,1lossed in the towel and shuffled its aces to j~r varsity and fros h -soph lrcles to gain an advanhlfe, stirring a furor In (1e E l Toro camp. a ir an squar e. ere "°'' 1ow1• 3. eorueson 1ow>A. was no p loy or tactic to eoo-1 Herv:trkk 1ow1 2:01 •; 1 . d t " EHe.y CGWI, J Rlnell.,t IGI gain an a van age. uoo-1 Anoe• 1Gw1 4:01 •. 2 M lssion Viejo coach Hiiton CGI: 1. Mendon 101 Randy Edwards, who sooo-1 MeC•nn 1c1 u ?o: 1. A noel IGWI, r" Corey IGI. s upplied the Daily Pilot 110 HH I. o.nourMI CGWI IS u . with the resuJLc; and his / 2 B•M cG1, 3 Pote 1G1 interpretation of the J:,:1cl·.~=~:Gwi,.o;7. match, says: "Whal was Ml rt1•v-<i1rus 41.1; 1. Gold.., , WHI W r l t l C n a CCU r ale l Y Mlle relay-I. Golc!On "1esl l JU; describes what I said. I 2. G••""•'•· was upset at the time. Hlon fum-1. Frtl .. tci •0: 2 Kirk IGW >: SOt~r CCI. but those were my feel· lonQ lumo-1 cour1nev cc> 11 .... · d th • t. Entrikin <Cl,>. entt (Cl. tr\gs an e s tory ac· Tr1o1e 1um-1, 0ec .... <Gl4f.1, 1 curately related what I c11ublk 1Gw1;u1en1o<d 1ow1 said, altho\lgh the term Pole veull...Jolvl-IGI tU; 1 "many standouts" is Shot put-1. St·• : 2. 101ton MtN•u11h CC). 3. JonH (Cl 200 I Keys IGW I 71.0. 7 Hollowey IGl, 1 Whitter !GI •DO I. teen CGWI 1 07 4. 2 Ha•mon !GI; J HIM' !GI ilOO I C~0-1 (() l 11 • l Ml\ net I CC); 3 B'"ko IC> 1SOO I ColOwotl (Cl , • ..,.S; 1 Mc Gough (Cl. l. Soe<tor (GI 3000 I M.,en CGI 11 00 1, 1 Specter <GI; 3 Johnson CC> 440 relay-t Glencl•lt SS f Milt rtl•y-1. Cllrus • Ot.2, l Golden WKIE. Lono Jump 1. SCew•n (GWI 1 .. 1; 2 N•talo IG), J. Lilb<l<l\e IGI H19h fump I. 8Ankl•IGWI J-0; t. FUii•• fG); l. Hollower (GI. Snot Oul-1 Ouncen CGWI 71-S• •• 1. Hlsa (Gl; J 5Pf•y IOI. Oise us-1 HIM' (G > 11·1' ,_ 1. Gl•H (GI. 3 HOiioway CGI J••tlln 1 Leon IC'.Wl t 22 ''"· 7. Holloway (Gl;J Nat•ll• !C'.I. WOMl!N'S GYMNASTICS Gol-ttt West t•.41> (M.•I 1"1 .. ce Bal<lnto beam-I Pn1lllp\ CGI 6,1, 1 !'>mllh CGI 6 4, l Krlel!Pr CG> S 9 U,,.ven ~r\-1 Oraguollu IC.> 1 A. 2 PhllllPS IGI 6 l, 3 Frleger CGI •o \/aul11119-1 OrllgU(!\llu IGI I OS 1 Phi Ill Pl IC. I' n: 3. JoMM>n 1P)1.7 F IOO• tJ<erct .. -1 Draguelltu IGI 11S 1 l(r~ IGI 61, ). P"HllPS IG16 • All round· 1 Oragu .. llu (GI '1.IS; 1 P1>tlllp1 IC'.> Z1 U, J ICrle~ IGI 11 IS Gl•h 'I.Cd Houey V•ttlly Newper1 C61 COi l'tn. Valley Hewport-Monlgomorv. Ber9 '· S'-m•ker Hallllme-74 J..,1.,.vanity New"°" CSI Ct I l'tn. V1lloy N•wPOrt-JonnM>n, Klrkpatrtcll H•rr,n9ton 1 Fountain Vttlft"V -Lawrence H•ttttme I 1. GlllL$ llASICIETIALl H11nt. v:1~et~ (OI !411 Clpo~alley Cltr. HVC o. Menrlefts .... PjHman 1. Wul II, C. Henricll>en 8, •dam• s, C•nad• 2, F051 ... H•lltlme. eve. 21-10 JMlllOI' vanity El T6r0 IJtl CUI o .... Hiii• El Toro-ArntH 11, Isley 4, Stlv• 1. Oon11lez 10, Clpoll• s, M1all 2. Enty 4, O•na HlllJ~e I, Fonltr u. V•naol1t 6, C.,.,t-s I, Cr•po 1. Good•• H•llllmt El Toro, 21·10 Basketball UCL• 1a,ca16" use 10, Stantordte Loyot1 65. Sanle Cl•ra M USF as, ~rcljne n SI Cal Poly (SLOI SS. HorthroOQt St C P (Potnon41l 90, C..I St1te (LAl 12 Pt. lom• '°· USIU S7 Heyward St. 11, UC Davis 6t Humboldl SC .... S.Cremento St. 66 C.nlco St. 16, s1eni.1aus St. 11 Westmont H, Col Lut~ran 61 Virginia ... Akltmond 41 BVU'9,0olor-Sl.11 O••lmovtl\J6. Cornell S2 U••" •s. Wyoming n We.,_r SI. 13, Mont-St 13 Pen .t.mwlc.., tJ. Den .. r " Montone ... H. Arll'On4' 46 ••my 811, llochtster ~ Vlr9lnle Teen 71, Ve. Com monwulbl'3 Puee1Sourld1', H-aun (ot) Volleyball El Toro\coach Bob Webber d~fdes the al· legation, sa1ng: We did not juggle yone. Our No. 1 wres ed varsity and our No 2 wres tled Junior var ty. We've taken our I ps In the LeMhl IGI, J. , .. ,Is~). 1 ho Id t h IGWl;.1. TOlcaQtMMtlOI one S u no ave 01scvs 1 w1111emson GI,...,, i. or'-c...i "''LA Her11or 1s.u, used. Buc.tc 101; J. Botton cow 1. u.11:r~1•, 12>1S, 1w. past Crom on Viejo, but we wo the frosh· "J could be wrong a d ,Jevelfn 1.Je-11CG)1~; 2. L.Oflg ~clef Golden Wost 15-7, n Cotltr (GW I; 1 Aeclltln (C.I. IS.t, 10.U, 1MS. 1 .. 1' If I am, I apologize.--------------------- We're both looking al it with different view· poinls." LEASE 1978 NOVA ~--- 100 b•(ll-1. Umphenour CHIU 1 13 t ; 2. G1llMd IHBI 1 Otofyffer (LBI. 100 brU•l I L•w• (Lal 11 I0.6; 2,. Corru (HB> J. "9pper (HB). 400 C•H rel•y-1. ~gune a-11 •;31 •. \iAllSITY ""·Vall.., CllOI (ff) Les A"''- ?00 -.y ret1y-I. Lo. AmlgM 1.412. ?00 lrH-1. HoclQes (Fl 1:S...S; t. Ttsdlll IF) l:H.2; 3. NelMln (F) 1.St.4. 200 Ind. meclley-1. Eldor IFI 2:1'.3; 2 Fl....,..k CLI 2:10.0; l . ll•rs (Flt:t.30. SO free-I. Bowen Ill 24.0; t Nlcll015 (Fl 2U; 1 U~r (Fl tu. OlvlnQ I. Rowan CFI; 2. D•VI• (Fl; 1 Llvf11911on IFI 100 fly I. Wiiey !LI St t ; 7 ~:~~'." (Fl 1:01.•; 3. ~09ff\ IFI •OO frH rte av 1. Marina 3:4' I, Fl'ftll-51,i. Marllla OSI (Ml La«a JOO medley •el•v-1. Marine t ;ot.o. JOO frff-1. Welswnburger IMJ 1 ·,. t, J Cutll Ill, J. BroMCI CLI. 100 Ind mectley-1. Melloy IMI I 0. I; 2. Huetnl IMll J, Gufll•rtz CLI. so treo-1. WelUMIMlrver IMI Jl.f; 2 Hiii (Ml;,.Stymour (ll. so lly-t Nuvenl (Ml 29.t; 1. Gu1I· l•rer Ill; no lhlro. 100 frot;:>J. YH CM) st.•; 2. Seyrnotlf' ID; 3 Cllrt IL). 50 llaek-1. M4111ov !Ml 31U; t. lullc:lleMkO (M); J. Beyert>eell (L.1. SO t>rHsl-1. Y .. CMI iU;/1. Botlrcl ILi; J. ~Ill. 200 free reC1y-t. Marin• 1'44.S Ver.ity lrvtn• ..._ Utl (tJl IC-y 200 medley r•ley-1. Ken,,.dy t·S< o. O.acon ICMI 1.09.0, J Or .. CEI 1:09 1. 400 frH rttey-1 cost• Mesa~ ~ Costa Mew <•l Oil a.c-u JOO medtey ret11-1 Cost• #OH 2·11.•. 200 lrff-1, Ol.tMn ICM) 2: ..... l ICellto ICM)>. S<tlulw (CMI. 100 llldo-t. INOof!ll (I!) 1:4'.2. J. Powis CEI 3. J«e CCMI. so free-1. Hurloy (el 21.f; 1. B1rtllo4-ICMI 1 Schuler ~I lto fly-I, Ott (CM) \:11.1; f,~rff· IY (CM I J. no thlnt. .., 100 rree-1. ""°" ICM! \!"'1; 1 0..Mn ((M)l. H\lrNy (£1. . 100 N<Jl-1. Crtt4\t (CM) h'41. t C0<roll ICMI :t. IC ..... ICMI. ·. IOI t>reut-t. Yan•r•M .tCMI t·t6 1; 2. lna<toml <El J. R-l CC."\I,. •oo ,, .. ••••v-1. Co•t• ... ..... 2. MD Gains Playoffs Pro Scores · Nltltul ......... l.IU-~ M-or._.. •I &ollon, """· -Butt•to 11t, PNladMOllC• 110 ,.,_ Jenev 111, Oetro111 n t<anys City tOt., a,lc.fOta MllwM/11M lOI, ~end tilt\) Sen Anlanlel 125, Houston IW Maler Dei High's Monarchs grabbed a · CI F 4-A basaketball p layoffs berth F r iday night as coach Jerry Tardie's quintet put vis· Steve McCrea bad nine reboun ds and John Garcia and John Sanders c h ipped ln with six caroms. i t j n g B i s h o p -0ot 1m Montgomery <Torrance) Guco• ': ~ ~ ': Porti.ne 111. 111111-1oe • LOS ........ IJS, Golcltn SI• f01 Setttct• 11', 0.-ttl coo Natl-Mt<iuty t..Ht• W1sl\l"91on 4, Clawlend I Color•clol. Atlante 2 down. 61-ss. ~~'~.. .~ ~ ; !: •79 POISCHES. Tbe victory clinch ed ~!e::"' 1 1 1 s ARE HERE! : • secon d place in the ,..;iw..s, ! ! ; ': tj Angelus League and Stnu11t , o A 1 PORSC E puts the Monarchs in the s.~:i~;' 2~ 1~,: !! p layoffs for the sixth S-."'10Nrters LEA s I M.G time in nine years. 81'"°P Mont. ' " tt 14-5s Miter Oel I• 14 10 U-61 In another tiff involv· MEW & USEO ing an Orange Coast area * * * team, Liberty Christian CALL THE UraT (Hun tington Beach) was 1.c...,... 0Wht1 ... cso BILL YA, TES, IHC. c:n51 I t Wood W_,.... Clwlslll" (HI a~ oser o crest Ltb.,ty-Hlldom 1. Logen •. YW /PORSCHE (Riverside) Ch ristian at Burkt1011Hr •· Hel'1>ff1-4, .t.rnc1111, ·-. ~111"0 ~~ ~sl l S t A • S 1 t ' Goodnlgnt 11. ' ~I ltVV ,..,._ an a na s a va ion -~H:•'~'UIM~~·~u~t.rt~"~·~·~,.~---~~::::::======~~ Army Youth Center. Mater Dei went to a four·corner offense with :r three-point lead in the fourth quarter and Sal Gaytan respon ded with six pressure-packed free throws to ice the win. JC Tennis Gel4let1 West Ill (I) SlllU AM ~ Pouo (G) dttf. Smith 6..0, M ; IC. Lymotl (01 dof. M. Lind •·t, •·•. P•rl\alm IOI clef. P9llnlf' .. ,, M· ltileO IOI dot. M<Ouild 6-1, 6·3, B•ktr CSI def. a. lynwll 6•3, • 3, Videtto CG) dltf T. Lind .. ,. 64. ~· MH•·llldotlo IOI def. Patmer-M. Lind ...... M, W; llell.Utsler IOI clel. BUft11fleld-M<Ou.lld 6-3. 6-2; Htw1tn. Brown IGlCllf. Urw·""""'H t 7-5. 1978 CARS I and TRUCKS• Los Alamitos Discount Books! 10 Grandstand Admissions Pef Dook for $17.50 • P.egulorty Priced at $22.50-A $5 Savings • Order as many b ooks as you llke for 58 Nlte Season Season~ns ~22rid 7:45pm =!\ow· ··············-··· LOS ALAMITOS R.Aa COUl\SE I Dept. G. 4961 E. Katello Ave Los Alomlros. Calif 90720 . ·1 £ndosedl s my che<k/moneyorderniode-• ... , poyable to rhe Sourhern Collfornlo Horne.s.s • P.ocing As.sn. In rhe amount of _ _ • • I Pl.ose send me _ Discount ' lick., Books ( $17. 50 per book) -:;..&: . . . DAILY P1l.OT by Briel Anderson e ! I f f ~ BOOMER mL1!Bi~ ~t: ~£11·~ sr.A~>JG fHE:" MAJ L ~AT'iS AGAIN. MISS PEACH MA~CIA ,t'P L..ll(e YOl.fR: OPINION CN AN IOl!A OF MINE' .... • "It looks like he finally got a date with that cute French poodle!" I FUNKY WINKERBEAN I GOES& ~AT WA& A ~E.rrc.> U::XO 1RIC.I< I Plll.LE.D a-I J'.)E: GARAGIOL.A TO GET HIN\ 10 COME. €PEAK AT~ ~ BANQUET! CASEY WELL , tA~EY. If'~ TIME FO~ MY TAANCXJJLIZER PfL.t.. r HE'5 PROBA6LC( GOlt-lG 70 'TELL All OF H15 FRIE~06 A80UT IT f ~-II HOW OFTEN DO YOU 1AJ(E TREM, MR. UERPES? by Tom Batiuk by Charles Rodrigues WIJENEYER I (,ET TNE FE~WJa WE SUOQLD DklAR.E WAR ON NOVA SCOTIA. MOON MULLl~!S by Ferd and Tom Johnson -. .... .· ...... ® .ASTROLOGY GERIATRIX I 6fl.f;W UP IN A Cl1Y Nel6H~HOOD 50 TOUGH "THAf A CAT WITH A TAIL HAP 10 ~A TOURIST! GORDO JUDGE PARKER by Wm. F. Brown •nd Mtl C.sson :mAv'tt.. ~Ai'~i· r~~ ALL. ~·· .Ml L. THRooGH Al.ASK.4 ! 2·11 by Mell Wfl-t.,. WHAT l:'O YOL.4. T'l-41 NK; ?? DOOLEY'S WORLD Geo'Be ~shinsfon He m19ht have wa5 one of our J ·been the first, first presidents. • for all I Know. DR.SMOCK i ~ ! t SAY, You '10 HAVe <SOOP ReFt...exes, MRS. GI L...L-•1 by Gus Arriola w::owf • by Harold le Doux by Tom K. Ryan E;v COMICS I CROSSWt?RD PEANUTS ' by Cft1rlfl M. Schult I'll &llLO THE ARE •. l(OV &ET I/OURSELVES SOME NICE L~6 sn KS ... by Roger Bradfield ~o What if-he wa5 third or ev'eh eighth ? Bein9 in the top ten is the iinpotfant thif?S by George Lemont TIDAi CllSSRU PUIZLI ACROSS 1 NFllHrn 5 Until now. 2 word• 10 TrlDel wHD on 14 Regiment o division 15tnchned 16 Of the laity 11 541Qf99.i1n 19 $e9Ql1fy Slate 2001c!West aouauer 21 G1tts t>esto-.d 23 Clllnese m0flet1ry U'lil 25·--ilont h"8 26 Permits 30 lnvoluntar YISIOlll 3.tOvldlove poem 35 Aleaka cl 67 Pttn1al •• Ternpleto 38Anlmal's stomach 39Reatitut -42 Oockwor union.A .t3Culture medium cs Charles' fund1 52 Strollt on the green 54 N1H11trlc1I Pflli• 55 tn accord St Place to ptrk ears 63 Bakery equ1pm1nt Item MDrNrner- upper 66 He•¥Y tress 67 English town 68 Ships' 1'9Cords 69Lostllu1d 70 Tllread rope 7 t Stain DOWN UNITED Feature Syndicate We<tnesday·a Puule Solved: t 8 Horseal'IOl·a 4.t Matured tefln 41 Frff skating 22 Spiral: fiVUfes Prefix 49 Away lrom 1 Devastate 2.t G1"9J out inside 2 •••• ol temporattly 51 An 1drllln1s· Cleves 26 T11>et1n tr1t1on 3 Be unauc· 111onks 53 Ari1on1 c111fu1 27 Sculptured community .t Slammer llkeneu 55 Vault tor the 5 Some 1t1u 28 Actor dNd 8 FOOd •crap Jerome-·-56 Ellipsoidal 7 Balk 29 Kinds 57 Hertd1tuy 8 Cit ol hlsto· 31 Spe•k with· un11 ry 58 Demolish 9 Ctasallles 32 Combat Var anew 33 01 parl ol 60 Spinning 10 The deep Eur hke •••• 36 Beel and 61 D1seoth11<1ue 1f Farm crop bacon word 12 Geologteal .co More rObust 62 Prall~ tor epoch .C 1 Mariner 1111\11e 13 Dull pain 6S Stale VIP \ ' ENTERTAINMENT I MOVIES I HOROSCOPE Saturday. February 11, t978 DAILY PILOT APWINpM\O HERSHO LT WINNER Charlton Heston Heston, Mirisch Due Honor 1101.LYWOOU (i\Pl Tlw motion piclure acadcmv has named ac· tor Charllon Heston and two others as rcc1pienb of s p ec ial ear l y Academv Awards for distingu1~hl'd ~t·rvicc 111 the film industry. The :-.;;1l1onal t\eadl·mv 11f Motion P ie· tun • Arts und Sciences announced that I le::.lon, producer Waller l\11 rbch and film t•d1tor l\l:.irgarct Hooth would recl'1ve sJ)C'cial uwards 011 Ost·ar night. April 3. xer Taros Aetor Fighting Way tO Top 8 ) 808 THOMAS HOLLYWOOD <AP > Remember the name. Leo t:anallt.o. You muy l..lt! seeing him as star of a• fast-action televis ion sern~s. Then again, he might turn out lo ~ a contender for Muhammad Ali's crown. Cunahto's car l'cr could go either way -or both. Which 1s not the way he originally planned it. television. where I wouldn't be tied up for four or five months, as l have been in this movie. "l'D UKE TO MAKE some money to take care of my parents. My father is 53 and my mother i:i 48, and they have retired from running a grocery store. They've taken care of me, now I think 1 should take care of them. "In a couple of years, when l'm 26, I'll go for a s hot at the liUe. And I'll be r eady for it." "I always wanted to be a pro football player, and that 's what I was aiming for." says the massive 'fcxarL ··1 made All·Amer1ca in my ~ophomore )ear al the lln1\'ersity of Houston, but s da H then I injured my knee. I had an operation, and 111} y oroscope that was the (.•nd of foothall for me. So I turned to uoxing." II & STARTEU I N THE Golden Gloves com· petition, then his powerful. standup style cau2ht the notice of Ali's mentor, Angelo Dundee. Canahto was invited to Dundee's Miami camp to display his s kill. Both his trainers and opponents were impressed. Canahto has fought four professional bouts. three of them telcvis<:d, all victories. He seemed ''ell on the road to l>oxin~ career when a detour otcurrcd Svlvt•ster Stallone had written a movie script ahout three New York City brothers. The two older Carboni hoys in "Paradise Alley" fi gure they can make a bundle by converting their muscular ice· carrying brothe r Victor into u professional wrestle r. STALLONE NEED ED .\~ actor who was big and athletic and looked enough like Sylvester Stallone lo be his brother . The actor-writer- d1rector of "Paradise Alley" recalls: "I had taped a lot of IJoxing matches off the televii.lon set. and one night I was running one with Ll'e as one of the fighters. The guy seemed just right big, muscular and with my kind of looks. So 1 ca lled Dundee." It turned out that Canaliio, being of Sicilian origin, 1s a n~tural actor. Then he had to learn another trade. S-•t',l'ft.l t Aa1as l~0121·1\prll ltl: Emp11tsfsonco11ecllon, p.tvn-1.1111.,.rlng lortos logetlle<, \#IOentM>CUno IKIOOel, belt11 ••w• of tine P<"lnl. ~Y Is $C10lllt llltel -W tre person•! PC>SMKSlons. TAUllllS (Aprll 21·M<IY 201: CyCle high -SlldcMn 1111'09 .. lr-m Is tulured. Orl9 -,_ldefed YCMI dull, t ....... ~ ........ MIMI m•1nelltm crec\1.195; Y°"''°"''d win .,..,.,1.,lly coni.st. oeMuo (Mey 11·-'-101: L-be4\lnc1 ,,,. w•net. 11nc111111 why temlly memMr -.. 119 tlwowlno llMftcl•I C.Ullen 1• 1119 wlftds. leww. Llbrt •nd Sc0'1llo ,...,.. prominent I y. CANCaa U.-tl·July 221' Empl\tsl• on lllutlon, r-, dt«pllon, wlslws •nd wlSllllll tlllnlllnt. Pl~. Vlrt• llt w• promlnelltly -and H Oees tlMiwme..<1. Le o IJ;ity D-Aug.. 221: Empl\tslt on ecNe_.,t, syPerlor$. -••ton 90tl, tblllly le "II\ cwttnlad.'' Nslc contic91Mt, malling room ltr y-Mll at top. v111eo !Aug. t3·~. 221 : Accent .., tra .. 1, llUllllShl119. llnlSlllno •pro. 1*<1, ~ro .. ng the wold, leltlng PtGPl• we -hNr y-views. Arin, LlltH 110u~~r~11';';'C::.Y ii.t:~i':'1.~:'Z:":'1:·,oh1e<1; you '"'" i.ow to ~t t1>e most fr•m av611aolt mt1erl•I Flnenc .. •ff0<Ung matt, PM'!Nr, tho gr.O porllon of \l>Ollltnt. -· new st•rll In MW •lre<lltn.S -lltHI U U l1¥tly, i .. pendenc:e. sc•ll'10 !Oct. ~Nov. 211' Em11Ns" on Intuit..,, c1~ ...... 1anll•I evidence, plavlne w•lllno 9•"'*· mtlerl•I er partnerSNp .u1us. Aqutrlut, LH •nd T-... r-f11111re In SC-lo. You (llftSOllUle, , ... s1tck bs<omo 1.,,...1.,. will\ lnwntory. ~ SAOITAIUUS INtv. 22•0e<;, 211: lie lt.Jllllto ~rules wllt bend. Yovr pooul•rlty lftcrMSH. Gemini, Leo per_,. •re _.., n...m • .-rt of your per5eftt l scenari.. In tnM1.,s of WMKUl•t!GI\. Aidt liO __,. J. CAf'lll<:ellN <Otc.. n .J..,, ")' ~ ""'°°" ..,_, colndon -with understanding -•s. prlnc1'>les, gettlftg mes-.ge ter,.t In ~-"· unlQU9 style. AqU4111'11ft, SC>otpiopenon• pl•y key"""· AQUA Ill US (Jen. to.Fe!>. II). You get f--.,..., tt90 ncelw -materl•I Mcl -1. Gemini, Vll'90 and Sa911lerM llf•ir l'tnpotttnt rOlel. PICES (f'W. IH ll\erclt 101: Shan tr1pt., ltmlly visHs and-~ ••• 111911 ..., ~. U-.ly lndMclWll who Is,,.,., -.. -~· conlicles some serious tl!ouQhtS. George Burns Movie Slated LOS ANGELES <AP) -George Burns will play a retir e d va u devill ian who - I i ~, !'\t'i~'f ; "''-/ ~ •·· .. ••. I ~ • ... l t -.. • I ·~ -_· -_ ___. HB.DOVH "I HAO NEVER ACTED befo re and l knew befriends a 14-year-old nuthing nboul ras~hng." he remarkt:'d. "So I spenl runaway girl in "Uncle a few weeks in Amarillo lea rning to rassle wilh Bill and the Queen of T('rry Funk." /\ fo rmer champion. Funk will Hollywood." ,.'DERSU UZALA" portray Lee's opponent in the film "Frankie the Bur ns recently com· 'fhumrv>r ." Lee's wresUing handle: Kid Salami. pleted a role in "Sgt. r r Pepper's Lonely Hearts ...... Wltttlnl AMERICAN BAUEf 11-IEAlRE 8 PERFORMANCES NOW THAU FEB. 11 WT DAVI 2:30 • a:ao TMIS Am"NOOM let Sytpllldt•·~ GI~ Browne. de la Pena. F111cy Fret·MJC>le. Nesbitt. Prinz. Gradullloa llff·Hammelll. Con~Osbome TONIGlfT Tiie l..thu Alt Fadlflt-llrawnt, Meetm SpMu·van twnet. Tlll(lel. Osborne. Pu M Dtlll·GreoorY, Bufooes. Tiie "Iver-Menendez/ ~edel Glushak/'lbuno. Warren Miller In ct;i~ H1l11lou1 colorful 14.,.nlure lollft SATUDAY FU.11111 7:15 P.M. out .. I C:OAsf COUMI SC19CI HAU. Atf Meet 1'ClllTI Afl&A&I ,.,.._ ........ ,toOI People who need people should always check the Service Directory In the llc s tnn was n amt·d w 1 n n l' r o f the J l' ;1 n l krsholt llumaniturian /\warcl. prl·scnlcd by l ht• hoard to ":in individual m the motion picture 111- d us t ry who se humanitari an effort:. ha \'C hrou):?hl credit lo the industry." Canalito is six feel rive and weighs a solid 252. Club Band." ._ ________ ... ''I'm going to s tick to boxing for now." he-------------------------------- DAll,.Y P fLOT U.ST4 DAYS! [DWIJIDS LIDO nctATIU: ...._,_JI~ M .w !HVllC.11 Wl rM •iJiACON •.ATJ ., ..... nf•SU'M l'Y)Al>."IPN --l'llL&-."1IOU.t.4---1.AD4Ml.E'S Pl.AU tHEllTRE W-..od 47'7Gll97117M0'77 OA,&.Y ,) • -A.I N f"U.M.1 J(ll) I I lS N HEAR 808 OYLAN ON ~ COLUMBIA R£COROS & TAPES said. "I'd like to do more acting, but maybe in Held Over 2nd Smash W ffk At S pcch•Uy Selected The•tres And Dri-·lnsf ONLY SUNN COMPLIMENTARY PASSES ACCEPTEO SEE DIRECTORIES FOR SHOWTIMES AND 2ND FEATURES MESA, Com Mesa • 646·5025 El CAMINO, Tustin • 544-1696 CEHTURT 21, An*im • 7J2.l902 MIRAMAR, San Clemente • 492-0056 WESTBlOOl, Garden Grove • 530-4401 FOllNTlnl VALlll, r111111tJMI V2tltf • 13S-1500 SADOLEBACK, El Toro • 511·5180 ORANGE MAU., Oranp • 637-G340 CYPRESS, Cypress • 821-1660 FOUNTAIN VALLEY DR·IM, F1111tan Valley • 962·2411 LINCOLN Da4N, Buena M • 527-2223 Winner of 4 Golden Globe Awards! Best Picture Best Actor, Comedy ot;M~al-fUchard Dreyfuss Best Actress, Comedy-or Musical-Marsha Mason Best Screenplay-Nell Simon "'The Goodbye Girl' is a joyous comedy- just what the dodor ordered. Ned Simon makes feeling good legal ... " GENE $HAUT, NBC-TV A RAY STARK PROOUCT10N a: A HERBERT ROSS ALM NEILSl~'S '11iE GOODBYE GIRL RIOiARD OREYFUS5 ·MARSHA MASON MCI lnbocWng QUINN QJMMINGS as Lucy 'M'~ by NEJLSIMON • Produced by RAV SfARK • Oit'C?ded by HERBERT ROS.5 M'5k Sand and AdapEd byQl\VE ~. ~·Goocb,iaQr 'Mtienand ~b11ied by M,,'IDOO'ES• a RASTAR f-eal'Un? • Pnra by MGM Lai& . _..._ ... ._. ..... ... --om. •-.&a: QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT AT BARGAIN PRICES ANYTIME. AT THESE EDWARDS CINEMAS .. • • • • • ifl·•'. ~ ,. .. , ···: .. '7be One and Only" is Funny, IL1srious and Hysterical (We're very serious about this) A Carl Reiner Film HENRY WINKLER • GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINATION BEST ACTOR -HENRY Wl~KLER HENRY WINKLER . 'Finding ti ie one you love ..• is findi11g yourself. 1-tl:IKti:S <PGl A TURMAN FOSTER COMPANY PRODUCTION • "t 1umrs-· Ce>-starnng I !ARRISON FORD I-~ , I .. .· I •• • J • • I . .. I ... . DAILY ~LOT S.1u1d•y. P:ebtu~ 11 , 1078 Television .- .-.. ; MORNING I 0-00 • (J) 8UG8 8UHHY I AOAO~A tD MOVIE •• "Prlaoner• Of T"- CHbah.. t 1953) Glorl• Oratlarne, ,c.p, Romero A bMufll.il prll1ClelS lfld the Caofal11 ol Ouarda, kid· ~ In Algier .. ~ oNr to llrld t'*"-'-onaonar• ot th<t cuoan 12 hra.) , • TURNA80UT The ~ 1pl9ode ot thlll ..ne. covers a wide range of 1...,.. conc:.rnlng wornentoct.y. 9:30 Q PINI< PANTHER 8 MOVIE •tit 'h .. Oeaert Fury .. (19•'7) Burt lanca111r. Lizabeth Scotr An ex- gemt>W falls In low wllh Ille daughter ol a gambhng casino owner. (2 hrs.) m·zoou 10:00 Q BAGGY PANTS I NrTWITS G Q1J ~OF"FT SUPERS HOW Q WAHrEO: DEAD OR ALIVE Cl) MOVIE • * 1/t "'When TOFTIOrrOW Cornes (1939) CharlH Boyer, •-Dunne An dlssall.afleCI m•rrled man Mell• ~ ou1t1<1e hlt~.(1hr,.30mln) fil) VISI~ ON 10:30 tJ Cil BATMAN I TAfttAN Q SPACE SENTINELS 0 MOVIE • • "'Ratum 0 1 The Fly" ( 1959) Vincent Pr1c.. Breu Halsey. A young man, agalnsl hit uncl•"• wishes, •I det.,.mlned 10 carry on his late 11111er·1 work ev.n 1hough It cauMd his death (1hr .30mln.) fD ONCE UPON A CLASS*C .. Wh•I ~ely Ot<I.. l<aly does her best 10 Improve her standing at H1llsover al1er being "M>ated by on enemy Before leaving the ·school, she nas convinced everyone, Including Ned Worthl1\9ton. that she Is worthy of ''* lldm1rat1on (Part &of 11) 1 t:OO D LANO Of' THE LOST G O WEEKEND SPECIALS ""Thi Winged Colt" A tor· mer movie etunlrnan (Slln'I Pick-) and his nephew (Ike EIMnmann) becOma lhe owner• ot • colt born with wlnga (Part 1 ol 3) fR) 0) LA. PATTERNS fl:) NOVA "The Bualnets 01 Elltll'IC• uon'" Can -11111 dwfn· dllng Wlldllle from illegal smuggling end ••llN:"tlon? IA) 'Gator' Aid Burt Reynolds plays a moonshiner and L aun.•n Button u TV reporter who falls in Ion· with him in the movie "Gator," lo ht: s hown Sunday at 9 on CBS. Chan lll'l 2 Cl) 80U>OHES '"Bob Hope OeHrt AFTERNOON Clataio'' The -..1-hnet round In U. PGA tourne- 12:00 tJ ()) FAT ALBERT met1t trom the Bermuda U OUTDOORS WITH Dunw Couolry Club In JULIUS BOROS Pettn Spt1nQa, Calff0tnla. G MOVIE 0 MOY11 • • .. Flying Wild .. (19•4) ** "Abbott And CosleUo Leo Gorcey. Bobby MMI The Keystone l<OC>S"' Jordan. The Eest Side Kldt ( t955) Bud Abbott. Lou 1engle With saboteurs In an Coat.no. The wacky duo In aircrell .Plant the llll)Stlck .,.. wtl8n «D OUTER LIMITS vampa brolla heart• 8lld "Tourist" ,_ 1 d EE) FRENCH CHEF -V WQ(I 8 cut ar pie. (1 ht., Sdmil\.) ··wo1klng With Choc:ola1e·· CD MOVIE IR) * * "M.a And P1 l<ellle At 12'30 tJ Cl) SPACE ACADEMY Homa.. (195•) Marjorie U MOVIE Main, Percy Kiibride. The • • .. GodZllla"• Rev1mg1" Kettlea tty to l'l\lllte their (1970) Alcha HOllll, Toru d41apldated tenn 1n10 an Hlroyukl. A vast panoply of efflQlent model apetlllon. monsters wreak havoc (1hr.,30 min.) while contending 101 Q IAONSIOE supremacy 11 hr • 30 '"'" l Ironside 11 lremeo IOC' Q PEOPLE 1 being a tlpoll man within Q) MOO SOUAO the Polioe Department tr;) PAINT WITH NANCY II) DISCO 10 2:008 IT TAKES ALL KINDS Shotgun Torn Kelly holla Holl Trumen JacquH danc*S lrom S-lwl!W Int~ 'Cllril Cllalan, H\oh School. . 8IC8'>8 artist wno c1a1ma to 1:00 I) (I) MISTER MAOOO be the reltloametlon of 0 MOVIE ~ Pat Mc<:lanahan. • • ~ "Gunll In co-author ol ~eooe Coc*- Abl'-" (19117) obby Ing For l<lda;" Or. Hubert Darin, Emlly B-·~-...-'-,.-' F.,,lllethelm. euthOf ol Abil9ne'I 11-IH, -"a lolt AuMlnQ' 8c:Med-" hrt -dlKlf!O the CM! AU.EV War. returns and 11 P9f· ta tllat an sue<*! to resume 1111 job. ol llW mey be a (1hr.30mln.) ter end rObber. : .1f;30 I) (J) SECRETS OF ISIS G» 90Ul lAAIH fl) TEHNIS Q SATURDAY , •• Ho• Nicole Pierce. c.i • Burt~ and Frank KWGll .. SPflngfleld lntll<Nltlonal Tennll cie..ic" The~ final• In tllls $75,000 Col- gate Gr"1d Prtx ._,,. : • •: vjsit C>llnatOW11 for Illa Cllt- • -"'-Year C.br•· tlon. @J AHIMALS AHIMAL8 ANIMALI . : '. 0 HOMER FORMBY a a AMEmCAN 8Alill8T ANO oawt Gat• .ings ·oooa- by• Glrl'" end "Hold Tlg~. •· Yvon,.. Elllman l)erlr><ms .. If I Cen'I H1111 You." 0) OtJTOOOA8 WITH BILLOANCE t:30 0 Cl) C8S FILM "Geronimo Jone•'· A young Indian boy Is caugt>t t>e1Wllf1 Ille worlds or hla g1endlather, • Claeclndent of Geronimo, end his coue- tn, an estronomer et • mod9'n obMrvatOty. (R) Q GOLF Chaanel Ll•tlng• 1J KNXT (CBS) L os Angeles O • KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles D KTLA (Ind) Los Angeles 0 K.ABC·TV(ABC) Los Angeles Cl) KFMB (CBS) San Diego O KHJ. TV (Ind) Los Angeles 9 KCST (ABC) San Diego e KTTV (Ind.) Los Angeles e KCOP· TV (Ind.) Los Angeles e KCET· TV (PBS) Los Angeles '1!> KOCE-TV (PBS) Huntington Beach IMPOSSIBLE "'C/larlty" "9 HOUYWOOO TE1.£VISION THEA TEA "And The Soul Shall. O•nc•" Two Japanese tamllles In Calllotnla'a 1mcier1a1 V llltey rNCt dlftar. entty to Ille ~ ol ,Iha~. (I) MOVIE ··~ ··s-t<lnd Of Nut" 1968) Olde Van Oytte. Oldcin-... A bani! , .. I« IOlae hie }ob ltld gWt- lrlend beceusa he ~ to lhft! 011 .• beard tie or-while on v-tlon. ( 1 hr., 30'mln.) • 2:30 8 9 AUTO~ "lnternatlon•I Rece 01 Champion•"' The lhltd In e -• ot lour matCf\ r-wetll ldentlcalty prepared cara. From Alvarllc:le tntet- natlonal ~y. a:oo 1~ • lllOVIE * * * "Viva Zapatel" I 1952) Marlon Brando, Al\thony Quinn. Mlxloo't tenioc.w ,...,_ atten"19t11 to win d91110etecy ~'*pea.­pie"'"" tr• .... of~ (2 hn.) m NOVte ..... "Ft ..... .,,llein Cl'Mt- 9d WOl'llM" (1H7) hi• Cuat>lt>t, Swan Oenbe<g ,.,.,..,.,. ~·· Wiit! bOdlel °' bolh ..... " end il9le lbem contUMd. (2 ht&.) • TARZAN fJl> UECIAL "Equellly" OIOrle Steinem. S....ator ked Heme end Jeremy Aitkin dlswn 911uellly ot •• Mll. ,_ and ee0ttomlc 'ircum- 11ence. a:ao 8 Cl) PORTS a~ACUtNt wee w .. t..-iQht etiern- ploneNp FIOht, leelur~ Carlos Palomino YI. Ryu SOflmlcill, lrom the L•• V41gas Hiiian Hotel D COUEGE IWSt<ET8ALL Reolonal cove11oe ol; Warilgton St1t1 at Or•- ~ Stele. U PAO BOWLE.RS TOOR The $80,000 Dutch MH- ter1 Open from tne 8uo- keye Lanes In North OlrnltNd, Ohio. Gl) ARTIS (!j MOVIE ••on "l<ey West" (1972) Stephen Boyd. Woody Str~. An IJJl-CIA MCUTlty ch'-f. wno hM tetlred 10 hla homelown. become9 the target Of a '~ m•ddlned tyCoOn ( t hr • 30 min.) <&:00 8 VOYAOETOTH£ &01TOM Of THE SEA Cf-. Nelson llnd the SeeYieW er-IUl"llive 8 IOUl'lh dlmensic>MI night· mere ol da•th end dM1Netlon. • MOVIE •• in ''RoblMOn Cruaoe On Mart" (111M) Peul Mentee, Vic: Lundin. A min Ind • monkey Herdl kif tOOd and wtit• atter their ~-""> etuh lends on Man. (2 htS,l fD TUANABOUT "l.Jnflt ~" Guest.: tannla supergter Bini. Jeen King Ind ~. Joen Ullyot, outhor ot "Women'• Running." U!) SPECIAL "Action: Tna October 1970 Cfi8is" A rtH:t•llOf\ OI Ille -U lnvo4111ng the kid· nepplng ol Jarnat R. Crou end Plet1e l.epofta by the FLO In October t970. en update on the lltuellon In Franch Clnllda now. .a=*I 8D QUE PASA, U.8.A.? AnloniO tnekH a birthday wltti; that only Spanish be apolcen .,ound IM l!Ouw. 5.-00 II MEDO( ··Madi• Megazlna II"' 8 8TARTREK An all•n myaterlouaty boarda the Ellt9(Jll1M •nd •urglcally remove• Sooc*'• brain. D WK>£ WORLD Of' SPORTS Natlonel Flgut9 Sllauno ct\emplonltlips, (W_, •• and Pelr Comp•llllon) from Portland, Of9gon; World Sprint $peedMllting Qiamplonllhlpe lrom Lall• Plack!, New York. G MOYiE * * • "Wh•fs The Matter Wlth Helen?"' (1971) Dab- ble Reynolds, Shelley Winter•. Two women, tl)Mlg to erase their aordld past, move to Hol~ and .. up a dance 8CfloOI. 12 In.) G> MOVIE **!.t "The Mac:hanlc" (1972) Cherlaa eron.on. J~ Vlnoent. A ,_ syndicate member It tOtClld to kll the mM .tic> llUOflt him how to Mt up "ec::clOental" <IMll\8 IOf ~lcate vlctlma. (2 lwa.) TUBE TOPPERS K OCE ~ 5 · 30 Orungc County in Wa:.hington . Jim Cooper travels to Washini:(ton to discuss local concerns \\1th Oran~c County congressmen. NBC EJ 9:00 -•·Farewell. My Lov· l'ly " Robert Mitchum plays private eye Phjlip Marlowe in this 1975 action movie wiJh Sylvia Miles. ABC f1 11:30 "The Detective." Frank Sinatra pursues a killer in New York in this 1968 flic k with Lee Remick fO 80CCU\ MAOE l.N OEAMANV (I) STAA TREK The EnletprlM ence>unt8fs en lmmanw grevllational pull ;whlcll propell the llllp Into• time -p. <tQl NEWS 5:30 tJ 0 NEWS Cl) VOTER'S PIPELINE ··orange County In Washington" 11oat Jim COOPW tra~• to Waa0- 1ng1on to dlecust Orenge County COM«ns with the country·• corior-®' WIDE WORLD Of' SPORTS Nallonal Figure Sllatlng Championships, (Women'• and Pair Comp•llllon) lrom Portllfld, Oregon; World Sprint Speedslllllng C/lemplonshl~ from Lake Placid. New Yortc. EVENING 8:00 tJ CJ) CBS NEWS Q N8CNEW8 0 MOVIE ** .. How To Frame A Agg" (1971) Don Knott•. Joe Flynn. An Innocent vlc- tHTI gell the best ol h!S acl..,.,..erlaa with the help ot a computor. (2 lvl.) CD MOVI£ ••in "Pelm Springs Waellend" (1963) Troy Donahue. Connie St...._. Pelm Springs la lnvedad by nordal ol college •tudenla on vec:atlon. (2 tn.) Im 8T AA SOCCER Eltlfton YI. WO!vatharnp- ton Wander .... m IN PERFOAW.NCE ATW<M.FTAAP .. Fat Tueadey And An That Jazz!"' The Olympia Br- Bind end U.. Ar111ur Hall Alro-Amerloen Dance EnMmble cel•brete In muelc end dllnce the •" of New 0rtMM end Ille l)IQUntry ol Mardi Grae. t:30 9 HlRE ANO NOW D MARV 1YL!A MOORE Penny-pinching Teo Bllllar IU(prl ... M111y, Lou end Munay with ldlJ)8nalw gl~ paid tor with his Income cu return•. 0 ABCNEWI CJ) NEWS 7:00 8 TATTLETALU G FA.Mil y F£tJO 0 EYEWTTNUS I.OS A.NOEL.ES "A Mallet Of SUOOHtlOM" T/la hypnoti.tn Industry In CalltotnY.. .t1h Ila llmlted QOWlt"M*ll regulation, .. examlned. Q SECOND CITY TV Q) LAWAEMCI! WEU< "Lowl l.ovef LoW!" l.ove tJ'l" llfce "L~ Mekee p.. World Go Round.'' "TO A Wiid ROH," "Ealy To Love,"' "Lover" end ''c.tl't atop Lcwlng Vou"' -performed. fl) ILACI< PEMPECTM! ON THE NEWS Cl) HUMAN EXPERIENCE Ha.ta .. ~· MltYlll end Ot. ~ Glreldl d._, ~ tlte Emerlon. fMllly Wllal ll'Pt*" wllan .,)ha mo«tw goee to ...oril.. 111 WOlFMAN JACK OuHt1; The Lennon Slaters. Pacer Foldy. 1;30 I QS,000 PYRAMIO IN 8eA.ACH Of •.. ··Oead SH &cro411 .. G SPECIAL E.DITIO .. Q THEWAYITWAS flD OAUFONM TONIGHT D SP£CW. .. The ~ .. A pot1rait ol Walter Anderson, a prolllle et1l111C genlua who died In 1965. QI ntA.rtHOt.LYWOOO 8:00 f) (I) 809 N£WHt'Flt Dr. Hartley 011111 hi• adYloa 10 • •tutterlng - patient who Mika hi• •Id In milking the lrantltlon trom radio 10 televlliOn. 0 BIONIC WOMAN '"SanclUery Earth" Whan an American aatalllle retuma uneJlP8Ctadfy to Earth, Jaime cllacovera a yOUflO girl who claim• a/ta IS baino lollowed by llgenll lrom a warring pl-I Intending to take her holtage. 0 COUEOE 8A8KET8All Stanlord Cardinale "-· UCLABrulne a o WHArs HAPPENING II "Rerun S... The Light" Rerun'• lrlenda worry ~ /le ,.,.. In IOva wilh 11141 beautiful priest ... ol a -c:dt that WOl'ltllp9 • held o1 i.truce. 0 COUEGE SAS~ A"'-Sfa• Unl-.ity ve. IJIV¥wllty of Nevada (LUVegul m lW-018 PAST, PM8SIT ANO F\JTURE • oou...me 8Mf<ET8All Clllitomle va. USC -~ • ** ··euubath Of Ladymaad"' (1948) Anna tffegle, Hugh W1111an\a. The ,,_ of tOUf IOIOlers •t W8f and the WClm9n 1hel l!falted at home are recountad.(1hr~35 min,) ~ MOVA "The ~ Of Extine• lion" Can -NWI cMll\- dtlrlg wlldllle from Illegal amuggtlng Ind llCtll\clJon? 1:30 8 (I) TONY MHOAL.l Wlten w,,.,., baColl'IM a eubltllute 1MChar tot • 11lgltt c:IHa Ill Ed'1 lew ~. hi'• tM one wtlO '""" the leaaOn • -'to dolt-.... •o~ PETTlCOAT ··Toetln Timea TWo" u. Holden 1rlu to llrterc:.pt eriglna pans Intended Jor the admirer• not111a and con a drunk CPO TOiiin out of the bt1g. 9:oo IJ (I) Tt4E JEFF£MONS When Tom Wiiiis puts !lit alt Into lllartlng hi• O'#n company, he m9)1 ge1 the business but loM ._,.. ttilng ..... G N8CMOVIE * * * "Ferewall, My Lovely" ( 1975) Robert Mitchum. Sytllta Mlle&. Phlllp Marlow•. white tracking down • rnysMrl- oua, atualve woman, ~ -· llOl-lnnocent vlcllrnl ot the TODAY'S LATEST LISTINGS COfrupt tlMO's LM ~ lllM!d9ty 8 111 LOW 90.t:1 Outtt• Jim 8toku1 Su .. n Blanch.,d. Paul Burka, Patti Macleod, D•br•IH Scott, Bob &e.orefl. Laurette Spallg 8'1~. " II) HffHAW D MAST'!RPllCI nt!ATNI '"Anna Karenln1· Anna tneountera the Counteu Vlonalty 'While lravellng to Moecow to comfort her brother Stepan, WhOH menlage Ml laAtd (Pal'I J ol 10) t:ao 8 (I) MAUOE MMlde la thunder-atruck wtiltl the lthloplen foster di.Id lhe auppor1.0 tor twenty )'Mf9 comes 10 America and turnt OUI IO bl quite dltterarn "*' Iha ~ad. "'- 9:35 m L.EHMAH; WINGS ANOTHIN08 10:00 • Cl) l(OJM "No Ucenaa To Kiii" When Kojak and Crocker .,. tr~ to• Brorur P<• clnct In their •lll'Ch for a NI man. they get flacil lrom their couni.par11 wtlo IMI llWMIWlld by t'*t presence. Kennelh McMillM QUiil start • BIOIATTUS • "The Batlle Of The Allan.- tic'" G 9 '"'"AaY tel.ANO A MCrelat)' (UN Hartman) wantt to~ aomeone Uc:ltlng and a Pl'll'QI (Dacie Rambo). •bout 10 ~ • king, WOIAd Uu to be frM of hie ~bllltla, a deotactlYa (Harry Gullfd>- no) 1onQ9 tot the good old daya of Iha Wiid -1. Sharee North, Guy Stockwel ~I slM. IJ THESAIHT "The Time To C>Nt'" m..wa ·=OHE.R "Free fO' All" The Prison- ., si.ndt for ~ at the,_ "Number Two.·· m ROYAL HERITAGE "The MedJeval King" Memberl ol the fflyfll. lamJ- ly lher• tltelt co41ec:tlons of wt tr..--*. housed In CHllH, Q,lfeces and dlun:MI. 11~11118 (1)9 NEWS 8 lOVE. AMEIUCAH 8TYlE A born IOMt 0911 • caf1 from e WOITllll\ MIO Ullnlla .,,. haS calad the Suicide Helplfne. -~ *** "fl\e suoal1flnd ~" (197") Opldle Hewn, Ben Johneon. A young ~ .,. """'*' through T~ by• hlgll- • frilng PQllcarMI• (2 hte.) • MONTY P'mtOWS ~~. "°"""'Cl &Intl" Four Cllfter- 11:15 r~=:t •e 1t30 MCWll * •i. '"T"9 Adwnt,,,,__ .. (1970) Ernest Borgnlna, Cerldlca Bergen. A young boy who watched 1'19 mother ~ ellter mur- d9'ad l>1 guerilla ngtit.ra grows "' INlbla to eust111n • latino--tlonshlp wlttl • woman.13 tn., 15 min.) D WEB<eNO The Prll\Clpallty Of Liechtenstein: how Quebec'• achoolchlldren ed)ult '° .,,...Ing onty FArldl; kidney treneplant coordlniltorr; • look •t w .. llarn Slbatl'• 1111\g. 0 LOW. AMEIUCAH 8TYLE ; Welly'e pal'enta can't ~ why • git! -·to many him. "l0"9 And ,..,. Latter" An lmml- ~t feh In kWe WIUI flla nlglll-'IC/loOl lN<.'(lef_ 8 MOVIE • • • "'The 0e1acclvw" ( IM8) Frri S1na11a, L• Aemlck A daleclllte llnde tllet Ille ~0"9 men WU all!Gtroouted tor Che mur- clef OI a ~ non-u- M (2/va, tSmln) 0 MOVIE * * "HOUN Of Sevtf\ Corc>lff" ( 1973) F11t11 Oomttgue, "°'11' fratan(l, OIMsttr hOWtll ~ the calt 9l>CI crew of • Nm COll\p•ny who u'• • deiened ' lttctorlan m- lion ... Mt (2 hta.) • 80WT'HJNO UEC&AL CIJ CUMOll'IE "Tiie Pr•sld•nl' • Mlstr-" (Pr..-nllr•I a.au Brldgee, Karen Gra .. le. Whan a courief lat an AIMflcan ..wnty 8Ql'1CY "'-1.gelea e report hit sister 19 • Soviet spy, he discover• an lncr~bla behind-I,..__ lore. In ~-t. '0 ...OVIE • * '-' "The beculloner ' (t9TO) Gaolga Peppard, Joan Collins. A 8rlrllh agent It 1Uspended alter he t,_ IO P«MI that one Of hill colleagues 11 • tr Al- IOC'. (2 h<I., t5 min) MORNING 12:00 8 TWILIGHT ZONE JeeM Catd.111 ambition 11 IO be the besl poo4 ll'llrll on Chicago"• Rlhdolph St,.., 12:*1 G ~SUPER STARS Chicago Hawll1 vs. Los Ange1ea T ·Bifds Cl) NHL HOCKEY 8oeton Brulna vs. A!lladet- ptq l':yer1I 1:00 0 AOCK CONCERT Q) MOVIE ••• "To The Enda 0 1 The Eat1h" (19411) Olcit Powell, Signe Huso. An American agent follow• a dOl)8 smuggler eroun<I the world (2 Iva ) 1:30 0 MOVIE * * * "The Tenth Vlc:tlm"' ( t965) Marcello MastrOlan· n1, Ursu•• Andress. In a world whefa homlcl<M Is legal. en actress Is promlled dellrable Po•- 181&1on1 If She cnn klll 11n ~.(thr.,S5mln) 8 ADVENl\JM.AS 1:45 di A11C NEWS 2:00 0 MOVIE *1't "Sing« Nol The Song" (1961) Dirk Bogard, John Miiie. A tulhlesa ban- dit and • <Mtarmlned Pf'..i etn.iggte •~ eontrol ot a Mexk:M Ylflaoe. (2 hrs.) 2:300• NEWS 2:"51) N£W8 a.-oo Q) MOVIE *. "Pon Afrlque" (fOM) Pier Angell, Pllll CaNy, A """~that hie~ -having an allal< bet«• • ahe Wit kMled ( f llr., 30 min.) 1:118 MOVIE * * "Brides 01 Dracula" ( 1IMIO) Peter Cuefllng, r:r. da Jeckeon. Cowlt Draoull llleflml.tee Innocent young boeullea. (1 Iv., 45mln.) s:21e H£WS S:tO 0 MOVIES •..+"Nol So Oust(' (1951) Jo-f Nlchols. lAelle Dwyar. A pelr Of gartNlge coAec- tora ll8MCh In vein I~ • waluebMt book. ( 1 hr.. 55 min.) NellieMcMlt •:OOQ MOVIE **"Flame And The Finl" (1088) Documentary directed by ,....,. Dornl- r:lqoe 0.-...U. The ctllllt between Ille Slone Age .no the Sc-» Age II dep- icted u9ll\g --bef0f8· phocograph•d rellglou• rtluela .-id ancilnl aymbo4- llm. (2 llrs. J 4;.90 Q) At.FR£O HITCHCOCK ""'Guilty" .... '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ~ .. i __ .W~riter: 'King Was .No ·Coward' ... B:f JERR\" BtJcic violence is a dangerous and re· saint or as a man who never the heat's on, they run ror LOS A~GELES (AP> -Dur-volutionary policy. It would be made mistakes. cover:• trig Cilmi,ng last summer, the marvelous tr that picked up .. I want to show what non· He said he was referring to televisi~ biography of Dr. again. It's the story of a man violence cost him and how he political leaders who supported Martin Ualher King Jr. came who tried to carry out the pre.: believed in it and bow 1t worked King only when it was politically u11der aUack from some as-cepts or Jesus -which is the for him," Winfield said. "lt expedient to do so. social.es ol the slain .civil rights most dangerous thing you can wasn't the coward's way out. He "Even Jen wing, what does leader. do." had as much right to be an""" as -~ that mean?" Mann asked. "I've King, they said, was portrayed Wm field plays King, Cicely anyone, but he had a saving been to the Soviet Union twice. 1 as frighteoed and cowardly. Not Tyson is Coretta Scott King and grace. He didn't perceive o! bis was never 8 Communist. but tio. countered Abby Mann, Ossie Davis is the slain man's enemies as evil or as monsten. I nobody could have been more writer and director oC "King" father, Dr. Martin Luther King hope part of that comes across for NBC. iwhich aits in two-hour Sr. Roscoe Lee Browne, Art to the younger people. If lt does, sympathetic. But when 1 saw e~ments I on Sunday, Monday Evans, Ernie Banks, Howard I'll have accomplished one of wh~t they did and the missed op- and Tuesday. Rollins, William Jordan and my major goals in accepting the poryunitles 1 was appalled. "There may be flaws in this Cliff De Young also star. .. role." . "I think every government is mm" Mann said then, "but The three-part drama takes Mann won an Academy Award suspect and all our political showing hJm as a coward is not King from his days as a for writing ••Judgment at leaders are suspect. You can one of thiem. At moments he ministerial student to his u-Nuremberg" and wrote· such count on one hand those who can may be afraid, but that makes sassination in Memphis in 1968. movies as "Ship of Fools." '"The be trusted. That's why King him all the more courageous.'' Winfield said last August ttuat . Detective" and "The Con· means so much to me. When he was awed by the thought of demoed of Altona • ., His TV mov· King went to Memphis be knew playing King. "It was inhibiting' I e "Tb e Marcus· Ne 1~ on he was going to die. How many at first," he said. "But I said if Murders" 'ave birth to CBS people would continue· on a they didn't b\1Y it in the Clrst rive "Kojak" series. course knowing such a thing?" minutes they wouldn't buy it at all. That's how 1 got over the numbing fear.,. ON THE SET representing the Oval Office of the White House, where Kial met with Presidfnt Lyndon D. Johnson, Wlnrl~d faid he did not play King as a HE SAID: •'f hope I'm Jett wing, but I don't like being called a liberal. I think "liberalism has become almost synonymous with not standing by wbat you believe. Most liberals ate very bold when it's fuhiona~ to be boJd. .But when MANN SAID HE was King's personal choice to mm bis life story. He was introduc~ to King by Andrew Young and" went to Miami to confer wlth him. He said, .. M8J\y other people had approached ·him abOut a !llm and had been turned down." Orange Coast act.q~ William Kirby Cullen <second from left) has a featurdd role in the new TV series "How th(' West Was ·Won." Other cast members include <from left), Kathryn Holcomb, Vickie Schreck, Bruce Box- Jeitner, Fionnula Flanagan and series star James Ar- ness. It premieres Sunday at 8 on ABC, Channel 7. Wallendas Re·enaet 'Fragedy lor T"' Film al 1 on NBC. Channel •· tbe produttton. "Bot here's a m•n who's 73 and stUI walkt the wire. And quite frankly, he en. joyed this great intere!\l in his ca~er.'' ENTERTAINMENT I TRIVIA i\ f)t!rfrct ~l·on• prnpl'lll'u lhl• Oawn Poitrol uut In front Of lh<.• fl;Jt'k IJy a full three (JtJIOl.l> tht~ IA'l•t!k bul Pt'rfl'l'lo::. ubo \\Cft' po:.ted hy the up,antl com 111~ Ed Schmt.>rler anti Ed and Trixie ~orton , The Bayvit>w l\ombers t110.k,!111: runner up :,pot with ;1 ~<.'firt• of !.I' J, a half poml up on Whit Bi'>M!ll, Brown'i. Travt'I, thl' Oldt• Tym~ Movlt> Club und lhe Third Kind. ,\ notch hatk at t•rghl 1.H'n ! ,\ndy Thelin, C'.J, Twillie and Ed Wynn. Ton1gh1 1 rrv1add1ct~ w 111 be ~hootmg from the lip again, th1:. time at the home of ,'tt arty Fuch~. 1534::! Vt·rmont SL, Wl·:.tm1m.ter . and he c<sn Ul' contacted at 89~·051 l for furlht·r ckla1Js, This m o n lh 's f1•,tivit lt'S will IJl' Ctl\ll'red around a Valt>ntinc's lht•mc, ::.o ha\,. u hl'art 1\nol.lwr l.11rly t-asy round of tncon:.t•qucnt1a follows. \\Ith uurnber nine: '-''Orth two poinb for thost• with an (:ar for Karl Maldcn rnovtl.'S Happy landings I. OS \\111.\T ll.\0 10 ~ho\\ \1o11uld yuu find <i chaructc•r c·alkd Ma<lamt• Qul•er1? 2. Name the acl11r "'ho pl<iy1:d T111n Uo~ll'Y.l> folhcr on a recent t'p1sod(' of Happy Da~:., 3. In the mo\ tl' "Annie Hall." Dlilm.• Kl'<1to11 has a dream alKml \\hat famou~ entertainer'' ti. Name the dfunkcn jL·.sler in lhl' tom1c 'trip The WiLard of Id . 5. IS "S~10K E\' .\NI> the lland1l. .. \\ httt wa!. Burl lh'ynold'>' CB hJndll• for S.tlly f1l·ld'' 6, On The /\ddam:. Family, \,\ h.11 wu:. Morticia's maiden name'! Hope to Hit Road LOS ANGELES CA P> Bob lloJlt! i::. going back on the road, ht>ading for 1\u:.tr aha for h1::. first o\Cr~ca:-; telcvi~1on spl'Ctal since h1:. 1972 tour of Vietnam He will lrn,·c·I Lo l't•rth to ix.·rform 111 <i 90 minute ::.how with gut•:-;t :-.tar:. Barhara Eden, Flort!ncc llcnderson, Charo and Au:.lralian !>tar Kama hi. Imagine your rife hangs by a thread. Imagine your body hangs by a wire. Imagine you're not imagining. t~t~r I .,,,•.;•.••ytQ~ ,.. • MARllN lRUCHMAN " .. ~ • MICHAH CRICHfON I GlNfVl[Vf BWOlO, MICHAH OOUGlAS .. COMA. HllABEJH ASHlff RIPfORN ~ RICHARD WIOMARKi .. ,. ~ ~~h s..-. . .,,, ,. MICHAH CRICHJON, ROBIN COOK ·JfRRY G!llOSMITH o-tt11!> 1'~""ty Pl~ ~'ITPOCOlll~ MICHAHCRICHlON·MARHN rnl:CHMAN ~2z~~~~!~:!l ~~~lft.l~,."!!'~'.-:-.~u ·-;;:::;-....,--- l:!.!::: ... -•• 5:<c ... ..._I t.IGM ; T u.tlCI Artists • &\l~.t • By T.T. i In lhl· mo\'lc "Pat and Mike," whal wi.r:. K<1lhcnm• Hepburn's golf handicap before ~he turned pro'' H "T1·ch111(·atlv lw 1:> free. but his w1ft•'s the only Lt!clu111;ahty" 1; .1 lync from the !.Cort• of whul musical? 9. K.\RL 1'1.\LDEN ONCE said. "You h\'c tn Portland, Marne. they send you to Portland, TRIVIA BOWL IX STANDINGS 1,0.own ,...,,.. 1111 1 Tl•• ., .. , ... ··~ ltl 4l Andy TM11n (II ~Ed $tlt,_.i.<' (II) 4 •• , •• ,.,, ,, •••• tt) Trl•I• & Ed Honan 1111 S (d WyM Ill • Olde Tyme Movi• Cll•lll 10 1 a.oyVlfW ..,_,. (t ''>I 1.c. J "•'"'• 111 • • °' .. "--·· , •• ,, 10 N.llK y ,..,_ 11) 4.t It Tl ..... i-. 171 1' u u.c ...... ~ 171 11·~ o 11 w1111 .,..,.. m u~, 41 U Jefl Stw"' ISi 11 U 40 H Prlncou I.••• IS I If 40 i. • J, Hd J.oy (11~1 11 l4 l..yltftt'l Loclitr It•"' ISl'tl 11 u 11,•1t1c~.,. !fie-11111 11, Ul'J 11,Wlley'l -l>I I 1··~ H~t •no •Mn" rec••~. 9'••• at '"' lt K .. t•w•r<IM Ore~on You ~ol a girl m Detroit, they send you to Dull a:-." in what movrc"! 10 Pde wa:. hailed by i.ome a!> <.i hero, but others thought hl''d been out in the sun too long 10 ''hat mo\'lc>'? LAST WEt:K'S .\NSWERS I L.1vcrne anti Shirley <Eddie Mekka > :.! Samantha <" l't>r:.uasion" goo~e > 3. Scrooge McDuck <U1ckcns and Disney) 4, Vincent Price and Edward G . Robinson 1,1rl challcngt•rs> 5 Ken L:ine <Dean's p1an1~l) 6 Food World (Denver's market> 7, Barlx'r ()lope in "Beaucairc" J 8 "(;igi" <m usical lyric> 9, Frirlay C" Eternity" bugler) 10 "lhgh !'Joon" lmoviL' riddle) St'nd your a11i.wers lo 1'Rl\'IA. c 10 the Dai11f P1tot, Bor 1560, Costa Mesa 92626 All enlnt'S must be recewed bl/ WedneW.Uy, otherwise half che player's Last score will be au'(lrdcd MADELINE KAHN sUll1lt CLORIS LEACHMAN HARVEY KORMAN -~DICK YAN PATTIH ·RON CAREY · HOWARD MORRIS A Mfl BROOKS f U ·Produced and Oifected by MEL BROOKS Viitten by MEL BROOKS • ~ ClARK ·RUDY MUCA BARRY lfVlNSOH • Music Ir/ JOON MOORIS r.lb., lltlm•, 0 Al Ml MIO l ,.USJc f.0111111GN 001m· 1•1wtt 011£uau. asnuM •£co1t1S' lll'ls I ......... Ct .. -'°' liJ. The Harold Robbins people. \\bat you dream-.fbw-'11 MAROLD ROBBINS' lMUJAES-OAAHOE CO SENIOR CIT1ZENS $2.00 SO. COAST PLAZA '·rt. ... . .. . ... ...... .. S.turday. February 11. \978 DAILY PILOT 8 7 A TRUE LOVE STORY. .. For roeryo11t who bfl1t'VtS 1rt l1appy tndmgs The continwna true story cl Jill Kinmont, a worNn with trough counp for ten lifttimes,,. and a man with enough low toarry thtm both, 4THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN'2 PART MARJ L\'N HASSErr. Tl~IOTH\' BOTTOMS A llLMWAY\ rroOl'(. flONIA LAltRY rtlltCr lOWAllOS rtLOMAN FILM \\1111•• by OOUC.LAS 01\Y SILWl\ltT Mo•I< loy Uf HOI Oll~f D•u<l•d lly l"ltl!Y PURCl p,.,J,...d ~ lOW'lltP S HLDMAl'I A li ... l\ILR~"I 1'11..1 URL HCltNllOLOll• PG ---~ ,.---....!!.. ...... ._.. • .... • ...;i ' ._.._._.........,'.IL .......... "'~ ... ·~· ., . ·• :, .... ....,~:r ...... Gene Shallt (NBC· TV) Says: "'The One and Only' Is a cortter of• comedy!" A cart Reiner film HENRY WINKLER U.A. MOVIES 4 • Biii Mii 99M022 U.A. SOUTH COAST • Coltl Meu 540-0594 CINEMA WEST • W111minster 892-4493 STADIUM DRIVE IN •Orange 83N770 LA llRADA DRIVE IN• La Mlrldl 523-9310 Anclent.IHl(:rets or last tbrtune .•• all hl'1d•n at "The t•lk around Hollywood la tlll our movie may be a heavy favorfti f or an Ac•d emy Awar d -N kidding, •n o acar! I may even h•v• to rent a tuxedol" fhr C••Y ~ C.,...,. °'-· ~-3911 .. .. .. .. .. cawrs:1munnn (R) ~ •• J;C"c:JJf::'uu ''THE GAUNTLET:.SONDRA LOCKE llt9ltrlOlfllilrtih•IDISS15'1Cl, "*l!4~11HU1il£l Gilitfd"Q•llASIU· b illll'l llJll~ · PMl't150I" • f.19 ltllUXI • 4 Golden Globe NominaUons e .. t Plchare-Drama Beat Actor II\ Sut>POrtlng A ......... c Gulnneu 8fft OlfectC>f-0.0fge LUCH lncludJnt Win!Mtt or Ootden 6'°be Award for Beet Otlgtnef Seot• . . . , .. ~NE\\TPORT • (,,.,f ... 1] • ! • '. • . • • • 4. .. I I! I • Ill ••-.. -••4ili. IS • -DAILY Pit.OT S.turday. fl~wy 11. 1978 -='ireetor's Big ·Dream Realized ~ . •• By BOB THOMAS packed 031 seals) weekend houses. Why not try a I LOS ANGELES <AP> -When John Landis movie? Their aspirations began to take form when was 8 years old, he saw "The Seventh Voyage or they saw John Landis on the Johnny Carson Show, Sin bad" in a West Los Angeles movie house. ~e hustling tus $60,000 horror comedy, "Schlock." I was overwhelmed by the film magic and asked his ".f spent a year with the Zuckers and Jim. m other who accomplished such thinas. "A dlrec· meeltng every weekend at Jerry's house to work tor," bhc replied on the script," Landis recaJled. •·From 35 to 40 "Ever since that day, being a director has perce nt came from t heir show, the rest we been my burning ambition,'' says Landis, a dark, dreamed up. bearded 27 with high.voltage energy. ''When the script was (inii.hed. '"e showc.•d 1t lo "I read eyery book I could find about movies. I the major studios. We were thrown out on our went to Yuplavla tp work as third assistant cars." · director on ''l<elly's Heroes.' l did stul)lS in spa~hettl west&ms In Spain. I wore a mOflkey suj\ an 'Beneath the Plane~ of the Apes."' HIS UNUSUAL SE SONING and his far-out sense of humor hel~ create the surprise hit, ''Kentucky Fried Movie." After six months In re· lt!ase, 1l 1s still playing in major ciHes and is due for another big promotion relea!>e in the s pring. THE YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS decided they would ~d to produce something to show possible bnckers. Landis and producer R-0bert Weiss put together four sketches for a 10·minute "pilot." It was tested al a Los Angeles theater. Theater chain owner Kam Jorgensen was so im· pressed by the reaction that he ofCered to find the financing. ' Landis filmed "Kentucky Fried Movie" in 23 days at a cost or "under a million dollars." It was well under, although the fil m makers don't like to admit the fact. .,.,._ . ENTERTAINMENT I MOVIES lWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX PrtwitsA HERBERT ROSS FILM ANNE BANCROFf SHIRLEY Macl.AlNE "THE TURNING POINf' TOM SKERRITT (4. '.m ~ MIKHAIL BARYSHN'iK<>v: LESLIE BROWNE J '"Kentucky Fried Movie" cashed in on the cur- rent hunger for film comedy, but its humor would probably succt'ed in any era. ll springs from the irreverent humor or college campuses. cr<>!>s-bred with the 1mpronsat1onal comedy of cabaret J(rOUP.S like Second City. The skits run from a.few bCconds of TV news announcements lo a half-hour :.poof of Bruce Lee epics •'We had the largest cast irt history,'' s~id the t.'bu ll1 ent Landis . '"One hundred and twelve pnn· ca pals -think of it!" Among those he pers uaded to play brief roles: Donald Sutherland, Henry (;1bson, Bill Bixby and the onetime James Bond, George Lazenby. I MARTHA scan. MARSHALL THOMPSON .,., ANlliONY ZERBE • AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE h,.,.~11.-PtoOtxer 'Miiien II'( ~ by NORA KAYE ARTHUR LAURENTS HERBffiT ROSS llld ARTHUR LAURENTS APWlrt ..... lo The film had its or igins an Madison, Wis., where campus funnymen J erry and David Zucker and Jim Abrahams scored a local success with WOWl -Di r ector John L andi!-> jump~ for joy durang thl' f1Jim111g (If hi:-. l\('W mov ie . "National Lum p1111n ":-. \n1 mal Hou~e." satirical skit Just like the Judy Garland·Mickey THE DIRECTOR ESTIMATES lhal ··Ken Hooncy movies, they decided to try the big lime. lucky Fried Movie" has drawn $22 m1lhon at ·. THE ZUCKERS AND Abrahams opened American box offices, but he doesn't fon•sec a ··KcRtucky Fri<'d Theater '' next to 20th Century-boom in the sketch film -"I think it's a dead Fox studios and played four and a half years to end." "Jane Fonda and Vanessa Redgrave are close to perfection. 'Julia' is moving in its glowing corrunitment to the power of friendship." -Ncw~w~k Masuine Best Actress: F NDA WIHEI! 2! WINNER-lnclud)np BEST PICTURE 2 GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS SHIRLEY MacLA1NE "INSERTS" 6:00 & 10:25 NUREYEV In ''VALENTI NO" 1:10 ONLY ''THE ONE & ONLY" lf'GI "'Tfff OHt & OHL Y" lf'GI THE CITY SHOPPING CENTRE ORANGE •532 6721 1'-' can CEMTRl CINEMAS ... SA. FAWY CMANCHfSTEA EX I G.G. FAWY ICtTY OA. EXJ A. "OH GOD" V "GUMIALL lAUY" IPGI I A "ACIOSS--T-1•1 'V '"\IOYAMTOntl-t (»-WOl&r ~IM,... .. tt-30 lot 00 p"' IAT CITY CEHTaE ~IHEMASI ••Uflf S-& HoldcsyaJ St.25 c1neoame 6 scAeen 634 2553 comPLEX Cft1Pm•n Ave C. S•nto An• Fre•w•y MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY 'WORLD"$ GREATEST LOVER ' (PG} DAILY 8 l~AT/SUNIMON-1·1M 4M a ""MONTY PYTHON" OAI Yfl30-1000SATISUN ~1000 "JULIA" (PG) OAILY 7 30-9 4b Fiii fl oo.t·l&-10 30 SATSUN,W-1J0-34H.00ol 15-IO 30 WALT OtSHEYS '"CANDLE SHOE" IG) FRI I TUES-7"'°"9:3o' C>ilLDRENS SAT /SUN/MO-I 3C>o3 :ICMl.30-7-»9 30 PAICES "SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER" (R) DAILY fl OC>fl ~111.30 SAT/SUN/MO-I 20-,._ oo.t 20-10 30 WAl "CANDLE SHOE .. (G) FAl &lUES7 »'930 SAT iSUH MO-1 30-'1 31>5 31> 1 304 30 "WHICH WAY IS UP?"' (R ) "NORMAN, IS THAT YOU?" 'OH GOD" (PG) "GUM BALL RALLY" "ONE AND ONLY" (PG) "WW & THE DIXIE DANCE KINGS" "THE GAUNTLET'' (R) "TAXI-CAB DRIVER;; "HEROES" (PG) "THE STING" • Cfllld Under'1 f'ree Unteu 1t Kiddie Play9round , -erlwards ClNEMA WEST ' W(\TMl .. \TFO A I C•OLDE .. Wl ~T H" "'•H 1 _ 8!!:_4_4_!_3,' . °"""'""""HERBERT ROSS PRIITTS BY DE LUXE NOW IN PAPERBACK FROM SIGNET I Dally 7:00, 9:15 [f~r~=r~-.~~~~~ edwards HUNTINGTON ~=i.61:~~.·~~:s.~~:. llACHATlWS,H.L 8:15, 10:30 841-0318 Sut1-Mon 2:00, 4:30 7:00. 9:1 5 ..... MEL BAO.OKS Newport Fashion Island Newport Center Between M•cArthur •nd Jamboree •t Pacific Co.at Hlghw•y 644-0780 _ .. _ --- - -edw d1 ll J ~INEMA 1 HA .. ORAT AOA .. \ 1 -fOS!AMES.t. _ ~~~2) \ NEW 1978 FIREBIRD $ Ser 112587 ASL 129483 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY .. . . . . . .. . ... S.1urdlly. Febfuary 11, 1978 DAILY PILOT CJ BOB LONGPRE'$ DISCOUNT PRICE FULLY EQUIPPED WITH: • Automatic Tronsmission • Power Steering • Power Front Disc BiUces • Bucket s.ats • Console • Tinted Gloss • Rallye II Wheels • Body Side Mouldi"9s • WSWTires • Sport Mirrors ORANGE COUNTY'S LeMANS HEADQUARTERS LEASE DIRECT DOWN DELIVERS FROM BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC AND CASH OR TRADE PRICE OUR PONTIACS -LEASE OR PURCHASE SAYE! Equipped with • factory air cond11toning • power steering • power brakes • au1omat1c transm1ss1on • spert mirrors • AM radio • fllt wheel • Rally II wheels SALE .PRICE ONLY ·55477 Ser #2J57R7P312483 ·suggested Ret&1I Prices 7032 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY F/I FORMULA V-8. auto. 1rans . factory air cond11toning power s t e ering. stereo tape, rallye, tilt (2487K7N174989) 55995 '76 PONTIAC GPSJ V-8, auto. trans .. factory air cond11toning. pcwer steering, power windows. Power sea11. stereo· radio, tape, whitewall tires. rallye. lilt. crulst. T-top. 55995 (789REB) , ··75 CHEV. LOVP.U. 4 cyt .. 4 ~. (868"5W) s2195 '75 DODGE · SWIMGD V-8. au1o. trans.. pcwer steerinp, vinyl roof. (0100688) '77 PONTIAC F/lllD ESPltrT V-8. auto. lrans . factory air cond11ton1ng. pewer • steering, rallye !tit (974RFX} 55695 '76 PONTIAC S""8tlD 16 cyl., 5 speed, power steering, stereo radio & tape. (222PJG) 53995 '75 CHEV. GT VIGA WAGOH 4 cyl., auto. trans .. factory air cond1hon11fg. rallye, tilt, rack (661LSS} '76 JEEP CJ7 V-8, auto. trans. radio. rJllye, 4 wheel drive. (H006904) Tl.AHSAM V-8, auto trans .. factory air cond11toning. power steering. pewer disc brakes. power window;, stereo radio, tape. rallye, tllt. T-top (373SGO} 5J 495 '75 PONTIAC SW ASTll 4 cyl., auto. trans .. factory air conditioning, rally, roof rack (937MIM} '77 FORD PIMTO S.W. 6 cyl . factory air conditioning, power steering, radio. roof rack (127RXU) 54195 fOttMULA V-8. auto. trans .. factory air conditioning. pcwer steering, power disc brakes. Quad stereo. ral~e. till. (756T JA} 56495 '77 CHEV. MOMV. 4 cyl .. auto. trans .• factory air conditioning. power steering, Landau top. (007SAI) s3795 '76 FORD ,CAMl'BYAH V-8. auto. trans.. air conditioning, power steering, tape deck. rallye, raise & lower top. :181AEV} . '76 TOYOTA '76 DATSUN Sil-I P.U. TlUCIC A · cyl., 5 speed. stereo radio. tape, rallye. (71SOPIHI 4 cyl .. rallye, speical paint. (1880995) -~· .. \ -· . ~·-"_e.:_B_u_c_·_on_c_E __ I~ Pl BU NOTICE "tCTITtout~•ltl ~· ll~ITATIM&•T llOTIUTOUIO.TOb I"• '°' ... --1. OOl"f "'"" •t1P••toe aMlllT Of' TMI !WH "' lfAT•CWCMJNttNIA ..O• I< V,P lff0V•Httl$, Ml k fMl(JOUWT\'Of'O•AHOI H..,tx.r a1"" I( S, Cott.I ..... CA Ma.A .... 111 ( a. ' l'•let• 01 JOHN EOWt.110 ••Y .._, .... tHll Uutlonwood GUtN (Y •-• Jof•CK EOW411D ll'o..-11.tt"V••l..,,CA•>IOI GUINEY ake JOHN E C.UINEY Tiii\ ~•••-..ct.a by an ,n JR CM!C••wd dlvia ... 1. NOflCE 1\HfRllYGIVENtot!W J•y -....-... IHGr\ t!l tra ........ ,....,,.., O.cfllt<lt .Sllh IA.......,.. "'" Ill• with the 1,,.1 .. , ow.-N••no ci.i--""' nty ~lffli of <>r•-covniy 0., th9 uio ,_._,,. .,. •...W•"" to 111• • 1, ''"'-lllem, with .., ...UU.,Y -"""· In • 111._tt 11 .. office ol die clertt of IM•-.,.. • P<.bl.h,.. ()'._ C.O.ll O.ily f>llot titleo <°"rt at to cw-I .,.m, wltll 11. 1'.U,M.rtll4 1'11 tho noc~"•'Y •O<lt"""· to the "" 11' 11 Oo""""~o •I c o 01 MAllCO PUBLIC OTICE "C'flTIOUI llUMNIU ........ ITAYIMa•T T•e 1•11ewifto ,__ ete fOl ... .._. .... ,. HOllllON UClltOW H'IVIC8, 4•U W•rMf ........... -HIMI• llW)!WI 8N<I\ CA tlNt Sllottue•I lttellr Ir>< •tU W••r• r Aw , ~It• fl». H"n1Uoqton .. -.ell CA n.A Mtlvln 0 ......... 1"7S L• Rott l n t'ou.,..,_ llellt• CA '7lOI r11 .. t>~'i..." I\ c...-teo bY ..i w" ln(Otpora""4 bMXl .. ltll ol._t Nit e ,.,,Mr.,1lp, $.HOtl II CR e.5 T ltl!ALTY INC. -.Wl•ln 0 Mlll<tr l'•ftldM>t PUBUC NOTICE PICTtnOlll wtt•~U MAMt ITAflMINT Tiie IOllOWllll --I• 9o111t 1111>1 fltU • ., l'ATCO LUllU, U611 OYtllem ltrett, HUl1tlf19tOft lff(ll, C.tttwnla .,~. Gerol P•trlele Tr•1-. "Ot ,._,.. ln91I•• Orlvt, Muntlftgton I H (ll, Celllatnl• ~•Mt Tiiis tHlll,.... I• c-tt<I rt., t ... fl~t Carol Tr alflOf Tlll1 ••••wnem w•• llled with lh• C611n1y Ct•tk 01 Orenoe Coli111Y on Jenuary J1 1911 PIHtl PublltncCI 0r .. -. CoasJ OtlfY Piiot, PUBLIC NOTICE ,...,.. ,.,bru•ry 4 1t II, U. It/I '" ,. l'llbUMIM er.,... c..u 0.11., Piiot PUBUC NOTICE l'VlJUC NOTIC£ 1'1 )I Record •. ,, ... IOUTHCOAl'T COMMUNITY MOIP~T O.C-Jt.lffJ ""'· -Mn urrv IC"" • 11v111e, bOy --u.m1 Mr. •lld Mtt hmHI PIMll, S•ll Cltmtl\le,llOy Oec: ...... P,lt]J ""'· • ..-Mil-._,., J. ~. u, ..... "'-'·''" OW~K,1'1' ~P..------------.. DI MARCO • ProfHUOn•I PUBUC NOTICE CMP<>r """· llOI N"'1n Main Slreot !wllo 130, ~"' 1 Arw c..tll!0<llla t110t, ,.hl<I• ll 111< 01 .. 0 6f OlnlflMi of trw unlMr~Qned 1n 411 ,.,,..,.,., peri.1run9 tc Ille .. ldl> °' wld OK.ci.111, within Ttu~ ,, •• ,,,,..,, ••" filed ""'''" Ow c~unly Cle•k 01 Oran~ County on J ....... ry~ ,,,. J•n H, Feb. 4, 11, II, ttn 335-71 Aail Puoll•~•d °""* Gfftl 0.11., 1'1101, Jen, 21, u. F• ,., n, ltlt -----------·--t Mr e11d Mn StMlfOll Flel'l\t"Q, PUBLIC NOTICE La911uNlpl,lllOY O.C.-tV, "" O•••••ertoP WlfMOllAWAL I ~·OM f'Mlnll•IHI,. onllATINO UNOta •tCTtTIOUI IUllNESS .,._... ""11 l'ubll•lled 0r"'99 Co.nl Dell'( Piiot Jaft, 21, FeO. •. 11. 11, 1'11 ,,,..,. PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ------------~ Mr. end Mtf. Pe11t ,r11cllbom, '°"' mO<ll"• ., .. ,Ille 11,.1 pubHU11CWI -------------1 OI tllh _.,. PUBUC NOTICE "ICTITIOtll IUllNIH NAMI STATeMINT .... PICTITIOUI IM>MMllU N._,.llTATIM•NT PVJJUC NOTICE •tCTlnOld 9USllCHS NAMI'. STATeMeNT Tlta 1011owln11 "'"or\S are doing blt•lneH••• Tiie ... ......,. __ llH wlllwlr•wr •• a 9e11ue1 .. rtn~r lrom '"' tetll'l.t\f\lt eHrall~Q Ul'ldor lh• l1c1ttlo11• but•n~u ,. • .,,. o• RUF.,.101"'' MESSEN <)E:R teMVtCE •t ""' Hul'llinglon St•HI , t 1. 1111"1111019" llwacl\. C•lltcrnl• •"· l"• fictitious bu\tnh\ n•nh )letem..,l fot lllt part.,.r\ftlp ., .. , llled ,. t HS.a In Ille County.,. Or""°' Full H•"'• lnO Aooreu ol the .. ,s~ Wlll>dr ... 1"9 C>44RLU MICHAEL ARUS, I~ Jfunll"9t011 Streat = •. Hunt1no1on fle.t<ll, C.lllornl• 'l'lMb CMrltt Mlclldcl Aru• File No 1''44Sl Pub111-Or-(o.>,I Daoly PllOI JM>. 11, II, l~ Martll 4 I ~Id S .. It D•ted Jt111...,, 11, ttl't SH•RON II GUINEY Adm1ril\lrelfla Wttfl Wiii At""..O ol UW E•i.t~ Of llllP -,..,,.,.., 0.G-n1 01 MAllCO & DI MAllCO A l'retftti.MI CM-•llOll I .. Ner1.11Malll SCrM\ S.Ulle JM ~nla A,.e, c..tllletnie U101 Toi 11141 ~ A-MYl lw .-1111tr•lri• CT A Pabh•""' <>-c ... 1 D•lly Piiot Jen 21. U , -Feb.•. 11, 1971 PUBlJC NOTICE "CTtTtOUS •UllNlSS N"""I! UATf!-.ilNT Tll• tollow1nq penon Is dotftQ busi l nt~) .t\ ROBERr L. PEDERSEN .. ~ -------------!!.OCl.A1ES, 1710 E Garry Ave-. PUBLIC NOTICE ( Cf>•JM S•nld Ana. Calltornld '210S MOTICI TO CREOITOllS Robff't l.Otft Pw<lerun, 101S Tu>lln OP auuc TRANSFEll Avon,,.,, Cosi. Me••· C41111ornla 9l!i27 Ct.cL Ut1 -"OJ u .c .c .1 Tiii\ buSIMS\ I\ <ondu<t90 by •n In Nott<• It lltrtby gtvtn to the dfvtduet U-.Cllltrf ot HART !. SPORTIN(, Robert l "-<lerse<> GOODS, NC. Trlfl•fvtOt wllO>< bust Hus '101.,._'ll was 11190 with ,...., N H 904,..U Is )JI unit r s1r.,.1 C•tY County Cltt~ 01 Orangt County on ~f Cosle MaH, County nl Orat1ot, Stal• Jonu••Y JO, lf11 .. Catf1orl'll• 11\et • but~ tr.an•••· •• FHIU ebQlll to be mode to Anthony M Frdnk Pub1t•h~ C><1r19" CN.i D41ly Pllcl, Tiit IOll-1111 _... IS doing bust. -------------! nen n · "CTITIOtlS auttN•H NAMl STATeM_eNT fllt ft11H<lf19 ""''°"' are doln9 bllsJ~1n: ' SE ACOAST DELIVERY Utl'RESS, t:JO E. Walnut, Santa Me. CA •1101 J•V Mertrott 16U Cl\ucker Cir< It, huntall'I 'V•lley, CA 'l'llot J•me• Say!K, lUO Bo>ton Way, t°''• Mew. CA ma T "" bu•I,...• It conou<ttd by • >tnt••I p.at\->lllP Jrt Materofl SONG OF SONOS CHRISTIAN STORE, 1-1.-11Wu, F-t.alft Valley, CA. MICllMI DoNICI Gratll, lllt Le\llM St., $.inla Allo, CA. '1103 TM& bual ... u It condu<t•CI 11, •II l11- dlvld11et. MlchHI D. Grt111t This si.1-w .. tllod wltll Ill• C.eunty c...-ol Oranot C-ty ef\ FtOrUlt'f 7, 1'71. ~ Publls-Or "'90 Co.l•t Oally '41ot. l'ebruar., 11. 11, U. Merell 1, tt7t T,,. fOl'-nt __. It '°'"' Ml· fteHff: ll. G. £ 0. f!NTlllPlttSES, ltfl Eau Sevtfll-11 Str .. t, S#i. AM, Celllornle '2701 ,.lcllerd Stmo11t111, 1'21 EHi $tYtftteNlll StrHI, SanU Alia, C•llfor11la '2701 Tlllt llusineu I• <0<1d11<led lily • hmlled par-shlt>-,.,cllMO !Mmonlen Gefltfal P•rtner Tiii• al•INMftl wn 111"'1 ""'" lllt Co....ly Cl-of Orenot Co<lnly 6n Jt111 t, 1911. "a-1nous •ut•M•" MAM!l $TATaMCNT Tiit ro11 .. 1no llltfMft.I ere dolnt ...,. ......... l'IL•""-63' CMA.lle Wy., C.te •••·CA '2'» Heltll E, N1Yerre, 6» 0•11111Ht Wy., Cotl• MeU, CA t7ta Plllllp o • .._••rr•, UJ O•nube Wot., Ceste~ CAf2'» Tiii• blltlMlf ,, <et'CNtlH t>y • teMr•• ,..,Wnllfp. MeMflE .... 'HffO Tiii• stet-I was tiled wllll ,,,. COUlllY Clen of Ortltl09 County Oii Ja11. INTeRN.t.TIONAL TRAVEi.. CAllO, 24'22 ~· Or., AlllMIOI\ V1• Ja, C•llter .... t2'7S O.er lftle LAwrentt, ,..it L•ci.t e or .. Minion vi.lo. ee111.,n1e tlu' Marie 0 . Helgof-, 24tl2 LIMltra Dr .. MIHICMI vi.io. Celtl4t"nla •»JS Tiiis b11slftffs h conducted by 1 oeneral par1twr$111p. o...._i..twrenu Tiiie Ha-wH fltecl wllll Ille Cou11ty Ctetll 6f Oref\09 c-•Y "" Jfn ... ,., lO, .. .,.. """'" Publlsltecl Oraf\Qt Coast D••ly Piiot, Thi\ st1i..-1 WH Iii.cl with Ille County Clerta of Orengt Co..nty °" Ftb 7, 1'11. 411-7• ICAltMS & ltAllAllAN, Allerfteyl -------------.. Wlltltl,.11""., SlllltJJO II, lt71. netat February 4, 11, II, ZS, 1t71 HtsM Pubfl•lled 0rMC)e Coot Daily Pllol hb 11, 11, u. Mirth •• "" PVBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OP l'\llLIC NeAalMO lef'Otll THI l'LANNINO COMMISSION OP TMI CITY M l'OONTAIM VALLEY LH A .... !., Cetlt ... llla .. 11 1111-.J Published Or-'°'" OeolY Pllol Jeftuarr ti, u , Feb • 11, "" Publfsheel OrellOI CNtl Dally Pl .. t, Jan. 21, 11, ftb. 4, 11, 1'11 PVBUC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN \Mt PUBUC NOTICE ~ICT1TtOUI IUSINllS OltOINANU NO. 7 .. n f:'JOW~'t:Y1t!'~~T1 'bJ~r~'. ·-------------MAMI STAT•MINT AN OllOINANCI OP THE CITY City 11•11, 10200Slaitr A'ttflW, ,_,.,,. ,,C'flT·t"'-'S IUS!NI$$ "'~~:,011owtno pef1iOn Is foll\g IMISf. COUNCIL 011 THI CITY 0' COSTA VelltY. C-alltatl\I•, IN Pl-Ing CoM· NA.Ml STATU1HNT PINEHUltST HOUSE OF GOOOS, Mt:SA, CALtllOllNtA, CHANGING Ml\\IOnwlllllOICl•PYl>llcrteerl1190fitlle The lollowl119 persons ••• doing 17011 PIMllW&t LAN, $Ult• II, Hl/M• THI ZONING 01' P0111'10NS OP lollowlnoHerm 0..Jlneu ~: lnglOll ll..cll. CA.,,,..., TltACT nn ANO TMI a11111Y l'll•CIH "'-"llNO .• ,.. HUDSON ENGINEERING ' Miiford Cor11etlu1 Tellllot, 11011 fllACT, ,ltOM Ml, A"-CI', 0. ANO Petlllo11 sub"'llltd by llhllop CDNSTRVCTION, 711'1 Seecrei.l Lft .. Plntflur&ILMWSt..,BSull•,HunllngtA>n 111, TO ll1, MG,~ ANO Cl-CP. Pr-Miff to c-lrvc:1 a'•.IOO ICI· IL H11n1ln9ton llucll, Celllornl• •-llH<ll,C4'2M7 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <omme"l•I llultdl119 at IWS Herbcw J os.pll H. HucltOfl, 21"2 s .. crffi Tiiis bullness 11c:.onduc1edIt'(_,,14\• OF COST A MESI\ OOE!> HERE BV Bouleverd. Ln , Huntl119ton Buth, Calllornl• dlvtd11•t. PUBUC NOTICE STATEMUfT OtJ WITMO,.AWAL PltOlil PAltTMaHMll'OPlltATINO UNO la f'ICTITIOtll 11151 NISS NAMI TM tollowlng --!In wlll!Clrawn •• general perlner h om ll>e ,..n"er.11lp _,.lino ullde• 111e lie· tlllous blltlMUMmeof1 CD8, .,,.,, .... OtlCO bllsl~l\ or COB It 1'24 ~ Awnu., No. 1, Coota Mes•. eatltomia .. t7 Tiit flC1itlOUA bolll"'" Mme ttate· man! fer IN partMrlhlll wH filed on U O<lober 1'17 111 Ille Co1111ly ol OrenQtt 11'11• No. Fll61'1 ~ Mat .. rel L. Frdn>., Tr41n\ffrft"\ Ftbruary 4 1', \I, H, 1911 '*"OH llUSln--rtts Is 111 So '••oen Ortve, Clly <>' O••mond 8~r, ORDAIN I& FOLLOWS l'ltl!CtSE l'LAH NO, •t•; AltlA '2••• MllfonlC. Talbot MG-11 t•CTION 1 There Is lloreby plac.d VAatANC:I CASe NO. 1161 Lewrenc• W. Hudtoll, "3t2 Gr"" Tiiis ilet~ wn filed wttll tllO and ln<ludl!<l In the Al, MG, CL. and Pellllol'I s11bmllted by I. S Avenue,\..osAfamltM,C•lllcwl'll• Cou11ty Ctertt ot Ot•llOf County on DANNY H . WILSON, 1'60 EHi l<r•ncls, Lt H•llr•. eo11tom11 90631 Cou~ly ol LOI An•••lu ~l•te ol c.i11on•lo. file l)t'opt,,., IO I><> 1•4MPftrtl! I\ <Mscrll>ed In geMroi ., All slo<~ In trtd•. ll!llurt&, eou1pmrnt <lnd OOOd Wiii of thel 5-'llnti Go<><a bu••ntU Al"ow" as "MAR T'~ SPORTING GOODS" ano IOU1«l <ti ~J8 Conlw StrHt, Clly ol Costa Mo>s•. <.ounly ol OftllQt, Stilt ol C..!tlorn•~ Th~ bvlk ''"' ... ' w 11f n .. C('JMum-m•l•d on or •ft•r ttv ;h! d4Y o• Ftbr1.1ery, ltll ofl 1 00 A M al Cif'OVER £~ROW COR PORATION A T TN : M ARILY N WESTMORELAND. ""°'' ·ICld•"" h 111 'SOUTl-l ILLINOtS STA(l T, A,... H E IM, Celllwn1 • So,.,, •s t' lenown to thr -r,-~•nif~rM e ll buslnKi n.amt' °""o adarf'-\\t-u .. d bv lhe T, .. ,,.,.,. '°' the """ IMt• "'"'"'•re: s.t~ Daleo: Jan ... ry 19 tt78 Ant'-trM. Fr•nJ< M~L.Frt111k T,.,.,,., .. , 011ovr. llCllOW COltl'OllATION 111 SOU TM 1LLINOt5 STlllf!T ANANelM. CAUl'ORNIA- hcrew Ne.11711• PuollsNCI °'-~I Deify P1IO! Ftb. I 1, 1'11 , .. ,. PUBLIC NOTICE ,,C'flTIOtlS ltlSINISS NAMI! STATIMINf l ne follow Ing per\OnJ ••• do1n9 O..•lnen e11: C.D.L. ASSOCl,,.TES, 1110 S. BrbtOI SI., Suitt 10., S..le AM, CA "1104 Ger•ld B LavlMcn, • Rocki.~ Ld9un• 8H<ll CA '101 Gaston t1lll•n•, l~lt Nutmeg, lrvlnl', C1" 91114 Atten De.non, tl63\ F11rmont W•y, fu\lln CA UMIO Tiii> bu\ln"'' I• conducted by • IJt-neral e>•rtr.nf\lp Ge,.IO O L•••n•on This st•lf'llfl'\4tl'tt -~ fUt!d Wttf'I the co .. nty Cl-ol Or.,..11t County on Februery 7, 1'11. ,OSJJ Pubflslle<I Orang. Coast Dally Piiot. February 1 t, ti, U, Merell 4, 1'71 $4).11 PUBUC NOTICE c 1 CP -·· ell 111e1 rtal properly f>rooerlle.s to construtt • comma.clel Tiii• lluSIMU 11 tOlldlKled ll'f • Jell ... ,., 17, 1911. 11"1.»H louted 111 t,.. ., .. of Bristol end IMllldlng •long IN Nlr111 tldt of War,.., llm lled par1nlrlNP. l'"IM4J l'ub4l"lef Or-c.oa" Dooly PllO! DennyH.WltlOn II•••• Sl•Nh, tOWll Aveni.e ._..,.,,,,., .. y soo '"' oul Of Joseph H. HlldlOn Pullllshed Ortngt C.0.il o.lly Piiot, Jin. 21, u. Feb. •• 11, 1'11 llr-112 I• Cl·CI' 101.71 AsHnor 8roott hurst 51,..t. Tiie el)l)llcan1 lln This 1i.1-1 was llled with lllo Jall. 21,21, Fto. 4,11, 1911 Jl).JI f>•rcet NumtMlr 141 lU.01. petitioned lot • o.erttlng •tarlt111<t In County Cltrll cf Dr.,ge Count'( °" u..r -------------The1 PO•tlon of Lot '· Block E of ccnjuncllcn willl the PfCIC)CSed <on>-Ja11 ... ryl t, """ , ________ ___...._ ___ _ le~y Tr•<I H Jhown on a m•p •e· meCrOC!.•of °"tTllld!ONngAL. USa Plll .. l'r -. 1'"211 PUBUC NOTICE PlJBUC NOTICE ccroed In Booll l, P'9<! 161, Boal< lO, " ... ..., Publl$11ed Or•noe Coa•t Oally PllO!, Pao• 14 of Ml\Celleneoui. M•P•. r• UI 11tav1sao1 ...... ,.., ... 11.11,U,1911 ·--------------PICTITIOUtlUllNUS tordl ol Los Anvtle> CouftlY, l'tlltlon wt>mlned byJofwlG.Fltlll a.-11 fflCTITIOUSIUSINlfSI MAMSSTATHl•NT (a1tforn1a mort perll<ulerly IO< moolllutlon ol U.. -owd •It• NAMESTATIM•NT The followint "'''°"' ert doino <lt•t"M<I •• toflows ple11 tor tlle UK Ctlllel'-AM-' 1--------------1 The followlnQ i-rson 11 ~ t>onl· IMl•llltta -.: All that oort•on ot ~•o Loi t of Berry •nd Sports Club •I inn NewllOpe PUBLIC NOTICE MU H ' CAIUllV.N ORAPEltlES, mo l••<t bo"""°" on ,,.,. nort,, by &•Ur S"HI. BONNIE'S TOURS,» Weat Y)le Monrovl•, sutle CS, c ... te Mew, CA ~~e:t :~.00::!::'..~1::,rid ":s~~~:~ lJ~ONDITIONAL USE PUMIT NO. ll114"•0tTOll L009e~nr:::~~'Z:,~.,. Wt61 V•I• nmA I b I " L Ab ' 'e • Petltlonwtim1ttedbytheFount•ln NOTIUTOCll s Loo11,l••IM,CAt711t t A Ciera men, UI • \Oul~•rly rom ""' untorllne o e,er 'V•lley Community 1-lo>e>il•I, Inc .. fOt SUf>f!,.IOtt COUllT OP THE Thll buslneu 1, <OlldU<ltd b'f •n In· Cltlr•llm1n, 716 Weelo Dr .. Apl. B. Sl•MI; It.en<~ on tM w~>t by Brl•tol ltme>or•r'f olllte lralfer\ at l1lOO STATEOf'CALIPOltNl.t.PO,. dl¥ldu•I. CoslaMeu,CAm17 ~~~b;~.: '..:!.~:.~·~~ :aL:; 1,r;, tuctld S\tffl TNE cou.!"::>;:uNOE 80M4a l(ey Allon II~~:.:, ::·i:=.:.i~ (Oflducl•d by • Block E of Wld letry Traci ~ONDITIONAL use "lllMIT NO. '" Ill• M•ll;.. .of '"' l•l•I• •f Tllll ... _ Wat. llted •1111 Ille L:J ...,..,........,. Fr•M Ml I• llL ttn.,. AHfl-Pe ti II on •ubmflted by Bobby 0.. FL 0 " EN c E M" I p I As 0 N. County Clerk OI Ota!IOO County on "" ._,..,_ P1rce1 Numbtrs H t·OU·O• 1nd Denial lor a •HI •st•tt ,., .. offke D•<••std. Jatlutrt17,"7l. Tiii• stet-Wat. ftled wllh Ille 141-?tNll. •nd •II Cllltr elfied UM• at 114111 UnH Nolkt Is llt••lw given to crtdll«J ,.._. County CltfilofOrt11199C......lyonJ•11. \..ol 10, &tock E ol 8«t'f Tract a• F, Mt ... .,,_,., Street In tllt City'• ,,..,,,. eta!-119eln11 Vie .. Id '"*· Pwlllllllecf 0-enoit C.0.&I Dally PllO! 11, 1'71. lllow11 on• meo tt<ord9d In 8ooll 1, M·I lndl/Slrlet '°"'· dent to Ille Hid claims I" the offl<e of J•1t. U , f<tb. 4. II, lt, lt7t ,..._,. AIM P-ot 161. Bocllt lO, p-74, 6f Ml•· CONOITIONAL usr l'lltMIT ND. Illa tltrk Oi '"' etorewld (Ollrt or 101-------------·I Pullllsllecf 0r-. CoMI D•ltv Pllol, celle,,eous M•••· re<ords ol LO> lli Pf8Mllllllem IO .,. ....cltfli9"ed •t Ille PVBUC NOTICE Jell. II, tt, Fee.4, 11, '971 AnQel .. CounlY. Colllor11le, l<>Qelller ... titian submllted by Ille Soullll•ftd oflk• of JAMES M. PARKER, p o ., ____________ _ """ lll•t portion Of Loi 1. BIOCk F of Corporit1on 0 111 lor '"'Hie of_, tlo• 4'1, GotOM <kl Mar, Clo mu, 1 OltOINANC• MO. T•tt teld 8.,ry Traci -on lllo -Ill -wlN I« cff.premltt <OMUmOCIOll •111<11 latt• alfke It ,,,. pta<e of buM· ,,CTITIOtl$ aUltNllS AN OllCMNANCE 011 THI CITY by '"' nnt..-llflt OI -un-•I IMJS Harbor lolM••rd ..... of , .. -~"'•II metler1 NAMlf STATllMeNT PlJBUC NOTICE COUNCIL M TNI CITY Off COSTA nam.O slrMI, llltflU °" lllt Mtl .end CONDITIONAi.. UH l'EllMIT NO . .,.,l•lnlt19 lo Uld .. tale. $<.<II <lalmt Tiit l•l_.nQ ~Miii I• dolftlJ ~· • MESA, CALlllOllNfA, CHAN GINO 'IOulllffs! by Newpot1 A•enu. HO 00 m wltll the ne<:ts•ary "°"'"'" musl lit MU as: PICTtnOUI ltlllNIU eoton• 41111 MM, tioy Mr, entl Mrs. Darrell lie-. S•n ci....e11lt,llOY o.c.-•.1m Mr antll Mn. Jo\.ofl Lo-, LAOUM IM<ll,My Mr end Mn. G•ytqrf. L•t11na IHCll,boy toun. COAn COMMUNITY MOSPtTAL JANUAltYO,ttl'I Mr •nd ""' Mlciwet CetlOll, Sen J.,.11 Cac>l>I•-· Dey JANUAltY 14 Mr •nd Mn MitllOI SI,,..,_, Ml\· tl9'1 Viejo. 9,,1 JANUAflY >4 ""' •nd Mn Mart.. He,,..n, O..ne Point, tH>y JANUAlt'IU M• •nd Mr.. Mitchell Ma<k, Irvine, 91rt JANUAltY It Mr •nCI Mr\ MICllUI F11ller, C•C>i\t••M _ .. """' bo"t' J t.NUARY1' Mr. end Mrs Joll!I W.,d, S•n C.l•ment •• oir• Mr •nd M• '· Jam•• Stlto, South L•tvno, bOy JANUAltY• Mr and Mr$ P•tri<ll, Hew•. Min'°" VieJo,Qlrl MISSION COMMUNITY MOSl'ITAL ~16,1'11 Mr •nd Mrs. RoOert J.-, Mlnl<ln VltlO, Qirl Mr. •nd Mr" Jit<k Kelley, Minion VII.lo, bOy J•11•e,., 11. "" Mr. end Mr>. Dolleld Jtlltrson, L~una Nlquel, olri Mr. •nf Mrs. Gary MllllOll, Mll\!On Viejo, 9irl J_,.,21,1m Mr. and Mrs. Rlcllarf Newm.on, Mil· .io11 V~jc, Qlrl J-yJt,ttll Mr. end IW>. J..:11. End.a, El TOl"o, boY ,., .. .,y u. lt11 Mr •nd Mrs Jem4!s R-.11. $tn J.,.n c..tphlreno. bo• J ...... ,.,14, 1971 Mr end Mn Gregot'( $1\Mlnon, El Toro, bOY SAN C\..EMSNT~ OlNSaAL M0$1'1TA\.. JANUARY 114, "" Mr and Ml\, Rorinle Motlfl\On, Sin Cltm~.,t~. boy JANUAll'ltS Mr. eno Mt\. Tim Jollnsol'I, S•n Cftm•ntt, 91n Mr. and Mn. ECIW•rd , .. ,...,. Sen CltrMllte, bO'I' JANUA,.YM Mt. and Mrs. W111t.m t..ane. S.n J""" C.plll••"°· boY Mr. •nd Mrs. Jttlry ~awwtll, Ugun. NIQl<Ol, gin PUBUC NOTICE nn lONtNO 0, .. OltTIONS 011 Ifft In wld\11; 11141nc.e on t~ we\t •nd Petition tubmllted by !he Ul\l Mine lllfd or pr~n!tcl •• •loroald wltllln SUN AND SNOW TltAVl!LS, lllU NAMI $TATIMINT LOT s J TH ftOUG H ti AND I I 'IOulhwe>t bv IM Otano• County FfOOd Mtr(llantlle •nd Fino A'1s Import Co. lour montM aller !M first P\lbltC•\lon BrookftlltSI Awnu., Fountain Valtrt, Tll• tollowtflg ,...._ h doing bust· lllCTtT·1ous IUSINKSS THltOUOH n. AND PO•TIONI OP ContrCI Dl•lrlrl cn.nnol OS Oe'K•l"*<I lor the <elail S•lt of """<IW• at , .. JO ol '""notice. Celllornle '110I n•u .. : NAME STATEM•NT PUBLIC NOTICF. c ... ,. •• SUPf!lllO. COURT OF TH E STATf! OP CALIFOllNIA FO• THI COUNTY 0.' OllANGli ttM.A-mv LOTS u, U, -ANO U Of' TRACT •n •deed •M0tdt.<l In 6°'* 1l8l, Page OanO•lfor Corcie In 1'11' City'' M 1 In· O•l•CI Feb.?, 1911 Wllllam R. Jen•IM, t .. •S S<lnl• ClllST CATERING SERVICE, '81 Tiie IOll-lng ~ Is Oolng bu••· JUI; AHO LOn 1 TttllOUGH 11 OF 464ol Olll<l•i R-<ords dll>Ul•I tON BAUCE A DORSEY 8etinda, F~n Vell..,, Ceflf0tnla So..111Coalt81\ICI., 1..tQllN Beo<ll, CA. neu•s l'llACT lnl, '"°"'Ml AND CJ TO ,,_ Mt le MG. 1'17·11 As•~'4' NOTICE OF l'll•l'AltATION 0' Ea.wtoroftllewtll fl70I 9US1 AVANT·GAAOENS, Ull T"slln MG AND 0-Cf> Pucel Numbtr> Ul 1'4-06, ,., 1'4.01, NEGATIVE Ot:C:LAllATtDN of ,,.,ddt<-'11 Tiii• b4fflnns ,, <allductacl by .. In K•y Eli~lll l( .... saltls (Grltll, ....... , Cosi.-... CA '2617 NOTICE 0, SAi.i!: OF lllA\.. l'ltOf>EllfY AT f>lttVATI $.ALI. l HE Ct TY COUNCii OF THE CITY 1' I ·184 ·08. U I ,IS OS, 141 "llS-06, ~or IM Items 10.nlllied wltll en JAMeS M. PAllltEll cllvlduet. 2J1n lotll\Q. Et Toro. CA n6lD J •mn Rot1er1 Fl,._, Ull Tu•tln OF COSTA MESI\ DOES HEREBY 141ru-07.141 ns.oe. end 141-Jfl-46. aslt•ISk ,., nollo ,, -ll'by OI""" "'" ._.,...w..w WIUl-,.,Jeftl!IM Tiiis l>Ultneu ·~ ~"" •" ......... C.laMeu , CA.,.,, OROAIN AS FOi.LOWS: Loh S lllrOUQll 10of Tr1<t No l'Sl.U bued upon tllt lllltlal Studies, l'.O .... .., lllll I~ w.s flled wllll Ille dlvlduat. TlllJ b<islneu h Condl.lclad llT en 11'1· In Ille Metter Of Ille E\tal~ ol OOROTHV JOttES POLK, Decea-.ed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tllal '"' undertlgned, JAMES E. M(IM, P11bllc """''"''''~tor, ., •d f'fllni.tralor ol Ille .. tale of DOROTHY JONES l'OLIC. dt<u'led. w111 ..it •I l)tlVllte Hie IO 11141 lllg"""I -llr-1 !WI bldC1•r* •t•r dltduc-tlon of ~mv rf'Qutst t-d bro••r'' commf\\1on. uoon tne tt rm\ •ncl c.onontc:wu nerelndtter men 11oned, and wbllf<I to contl,....llon by the •bove•n41Utd ~I• C.ourl, on weone•d•Y. """""""" ll, tt71, o11 the nour of lwelv• o•ct0<9'; "oo"· or tneru!\tr "'lthlft ti.e lime •I-by l•w et uw ofhce of tt.e Public u. "'"'' \1r•t·or. 1300 Soutt-GrMtd AW'ftue, s~n1a ..... C.elitomi• '2105. ell r'9111, iltle l11leru1 and est•le or '•Id OOROTHY JONES POLK, 4111<••-· •I the tirM ol lier ON!h, .... •II "9111, Utl• al\CI Interest ti..I Wiid Hie" lies "<Quired 0'1' opertllOll ot tew or otnerwltt, oe ..... IMn or in addHlcn to 11111 of Hid -I •I Ille II-01 her OHtll, Ill -10 ... , <•rfafn ·~•I pro-perty I., U. Slele of C.hlornle. County OI Ora119t, Oetctll>.O .es loft~. to wit· Tll• u""'vldtel 119S/1tt70tll$ In· i.rul '" Loll It and 10 in llock ?t of Leouno 01~ No. 1, '" tile City of \.•OU"' BMdt, es ~ on e lfltl' '""""' .......... In -7, ~,. •nd 40, Ml-4'-<>u$ Maps, rt<Orcts of M1fOt-~. EXCf!PTINGf"'m MICI Lot 19 llW Norlltwulffl'f O .S lttl l!ltr•ol, dose~ In.,. dMd from L.I\. H•n· <OCI( alld Wll!te Mal H•'l<OC~. llU\b&nd and wlle, ..cordtd June u. ltSI, wlltcll dMd tecl-.s 111•1 • grat1t h made f/t .,. .,....,,,. ri9111 to occupy apart-No. t. on tllt-Ofld floor ol "" ... ,,,.,... .... te lllllldl"O loee'8d on uHI .....,_ at ltloW!I "" • pie\ ai· taclled to uld deed, togelllar wltll ,,,Ills et '"""s end eo·~· to -from &•kl -"l'Mnt and 11\t use In tomrnoft .,.., o"-" Ol lntt fl<IC>ltc por. llon• eftd ~nl of \<!Id bulldl119, uu<rltMd In Mlf -· •nd wlllch d~ ,. .. ,..,.. llftll •llnPls Ille use ol •II "41•~s ax• eoart""'1t Nn •. .-WS hd-e4t IMaQti In self bullet· •119. suaJECT TO •II tkCtpUon1, (0- nantl, CO!ldtlloM, rutrftllcns, Hs• ,,..nb, H <I""°"" rl!terv1U011s, llent, rlglll&, ltlld f1thts of we'(, Of record; •net --N*ltk•lfy Sllblec:t to !Nit cenal11 ••-.it grt1111.a to OI0'1tt M. Jell11se11, lly dttd recordtd Dectmbef ti, 1"1, In booll 41», poga •· Offklll -..... lor 1,..._ end -arff.I •-IN Soutllwttlerly 40 '""' ot tll4 SoullleHlerly 3 ltt t ot tllt NOrlltWeAtWl,47.J l"t of Loi 19, S.ld -*" IS epi>urttnanl 8lld l\fOH..,., '°' .,.. ll"tPOH of lngreu •IWI ee~eu le .,. from Ille l•undry, >ler•-· "'"9r boca~ sldt Y••d end cllllet fedllllel of l"9 bulldlfl9 l«•I"" °" 1M N~ty 41.S 19" Of Lot 1t In 81«11 tt f/t &..eoo-Clllfa ...._ 2, • \llOWft M • i-. '"""' r-def In IMIM 7. 1M1t1n Jt-IO. Ml-ll•- #f.4111*, .......... ""' Ol'll'Qe ...... y. Tllh ff_,.t &hell <HM Md .. rmlMi. 141011 Ille desttVC110ft, ... "'91111811 or,_.... of eli-of Ille t1ulfdlt11• tocatw "'°""kl L•t It .... ...... &.et 10lflsald lll•dt,.. II ~., --.. : Apit11'Ntlt •• 271 JHMltte, LIOlllle aeach, c.u .. """ ..... w ........... '"""" fOt ..... llr°'*"V w """' M '" -•ullO -'Wiit IM rte41111M at tN ofllc• of .. PljlllC A4fl!ll1thl,.I01", 1100 .. lltll Ortnf A-. SM!• ANI, c:.11.....i• '1105. w _., '9 f M.o wltll ""Clal'll of .... ....,,., c...1. ., _.., ..... .,...,.. ..... """"""'"'-~· SECTION I. TMr• Is lltrtbY pieced ,nown on" map r1•corded In -tJI, Neoellve Dt<lerallcn• llave been pre· W.M ftf Mw, CA flUS Co1111ty Cl-of Oren11t Cou<1ty on Ke'( letll Kunwltlt dl•l,....1. enCI lncludtd 111 ti. MG and C2..CP Pa90 1 and 1 ot MIK'ella"'°"' M•P\, pared. Tiie En•lronm•nldl lmP•<t Pubflslle<I Orenve Coast Oolty PltoC, Je"11ery 31, 1978. Tiiis stai_,.. w• llled with ti. J -R. Fl511!f' 1o~•s. all ""'' r••l oropop'1y 1ocatad In retords of Ol'•nvt Coullty. C•lllornle, ,.evlt w COl\l\mlltee wlll consider •P. Feb.•. 11, 11. 2S, lt11 Plllltl'1Wd a.-Cot\! D•lly~, Cou111y Cllf1l Of OtMQll County °" Tiits .ital-I wes filed wtlll IM IM .... of Brl'4ol •nd B••er St'"""· IO~lllt• with lllel pottlon of LO! , -··· of Ille "-"'"' Oecl•••tlCWI 011 , ____________ 06-__ n ~ Jaftu•r'f 17, lt7L Covnly Cl-OI Ot1N191 '°""'" on to wit: Bloc~ F Of Betry Tree! •s Miown on• Frtd•y, F~y 11, 1•11 Ftllru.ry 4, 11, 11, 2S, 1•11 ,_.., J.,.ue,., 3. 1t7'. ,......., CJ te MO. T'11·11 Assu\Of mao r.corCIPCI In 11oo1t I. Paoe !ti. THESE M.t.TTERS .,. btlng or~ PUBUC NOTICE 'll-71 "''*''""'a-.,.. Ceest o.I" l'lklt, N 714' Perce! H..-ut.J6t.IJ.. Booll 30, P-14 of Mltc•ll•......,,, cttsed _,_,, • Ille Pt.,..rno Laws -------------1 Jan. 2t, H, Fe.~. II. tt71 Pvbllllltd Orange Cont Oall't Pll•t The soUlllttlr 70 00 , .. , of Lot "· -ix. rtcord\ of LM "-~ t0\1111'(, Oi Ille Slawot Cehlotnl•. Gover11mtn1 •------.-,-... -,-,-----PUBUC NOTICE . 1»-71 J•n lt, ,, ...... , ..... me J».11 Traci No 3631 •• s_,, on •""'I' re C•lllornle, -on Ille nottll by Ille Code . 6S,OOO et wci., and !tit Fountain NOTICI TDCReOtTO•S cordod 1" Boolt 128, P~s 22, 13, and unterli"' 6f •b"'do""d lnl·llamtd Valley Munltft>il CA>cle, Ttllt 21. SUf>ElllOtt ClOURT Off THE 7• ot Mi.c.1-/Hp~"'"'"' Of strul; then~• on the M>Utll lily Ille THOSE DESIRING TO t•stlfy In STATeOl'CllUPOllNIAl'O• <>ran9e eounty, Cetltornle. Mrtllerly line of H id Tta<t No. 3'!2: l•vor or In opposition lo Ille pro-els TNlf COUNTY Of' O•A .. G& ,.,_ -.i1 • CJ.Cl'. 1'71·7' Assessor 111t11ce on tllt west by llrl&lol SlrMt wlll lie gl~ •11 -tunlty lo do so at ..., ,._..,.. Pan et .. ..-u1.u1.re. no 00 !eel wt4111; -.. on '"' Nlt by the l>Ul>llC .,..,,,.. If tur~ lllf«m• tn Ille Matier of ""' Eli.t• 01 AL.t.N Lois 1 -, of Tr«! No 3n1 es tll• nort,.erly pro10...-11on of lh~ tlon h dtsltrd. 'f'OOI may CO<lloct the Ll!ONl'llO Pll!RCE. •-• AL.t.N L. Sllown on• ...... ~ordtd In._ 143, Hflefly ll11tof Mid Tt«I No. JtSJend ::;n:~~.::!~n,!,:i-AH:Jlt -PIERCE. Dtc.eMad. Peges ... 41, -• of Mlscell_..,. that portion of \..01 '· llloek Fol MICI CLINTON SHERAOO, Nolle• Is -y gl ..... to <redlt0r$ Maps, rttoros of Ora11oe Co""''· 1 .. ry Tr11<1 '*-".,. Ille "°"" by ~-·reu-llevlno clef"" agalMI ,,,. said .,._ C.lllornlo. tllt unteru,. ol M•d 11Mncl0ntd un .-..P1-1.:.,• ,._1,,,_ Cll'lll 10 file wld <l~mt '" 11\e Offlee of trl'ell'I Ml ta MO. 1'71·1't Anet.-IWlrMd street; u.nce on Ille ••st -·~ ._......., ~ • Ille crertt ot , .. ~_.., court or to P•rctl Hu--. 141.z.1,oa, Uf.!'1.0S. MUlhHSI by tM Oronoit OMlll\Y PIOOd Publl111td Oraitge Coett Dally PltoC, prtMlll ltlt.m to 1,_ undenliOMCf et Ille 141·261·06, Ut.261·07, Ul·Hl.01. Cofttrot Ol$trlc;I as.-1 H dHCrlllecl l'ebrv.At'I' 1t, tt71 oftl~ Of GILllE,.T G. Lll'MAN, 1'1» U 1·26t·ot, Ul·1'1·10, 141·1'1-U , In• -recorded 111Bo<*1lll.'P'99 sr.11 Vtnlur• eivo .. set. '20, f!nclllo, c• lf1·26'•04, 141·1'2-0S, 141-U?·O•. ... ol Olllclal AKotds; -Oh Ille ------------91434. wlllell latter oftk • 1•1 .. plK•"' 141·2•1·07, u1.,n.01, 141.tu o•. wost by ~ ncwt11tr11 and toill-1• PUBUC NO lluslfteu ol IN IM'dOf'tlQrled l11Ml 1Nt• u1.1u.10, 141·2Sl·U , tH·2St·tl, 9fOI0<10ellon of tll<: NSterly llM 01 TICE 1.,1 pertainlno lo Mid Kiele. 5'lcA PtCTtnOUI au11NHS NAMSITATllMIMT Tiie lotlOWlfll PHMll Is dOIAo Ml· !\KAH: INDUST,.O·MOT-I VE, IUO W. "'"· S.nle AM, C-atlforflle tt70S W•lter 011l•e1tlltrty, 1SIO C.rewey, c.\I MH.e, calltoml• .. ,. Tiiis llllt!MsS It undUCltd It'( an lft• dlY~I. w .. .., °"" .. " .... '~ ""'' .................... wllll .... Co..11ly Clttlt of Otant1t Ccltlllt'f Oii J•1111ary 30, 1'11. ""'" l'vbllt"9d Orano-C.0.11 Oell't PllO!, l'Wutr'( 4, t 1, ... ll, 1'11 141·Hl·?O, Ut·2Sl•1t, U l·?Sl·JI, w ld Tt•<I No. 1'S2. clal-wltll ~ ''""_., -hen Ul·lSt·3S, Ul·tsl-31, 141·:1S1·3', •nd ff ..... C2 ,. C1-CI'. lfn.71 AH•Hot Olt04NAICta ft(). 71-lt must lie flied or.,.._..,, .. atoru.ld _____________ u_•_·l'I_ ltl-211-40. Ptrttl Nvmber 141·2'3-03. AM OllOIMANCS Off TMI CITY wllllln tour month\ •lier Ille first LOI$ l \llrOUOfl 10, Loh 17 tllrOUQll Thal portion ol L.ol •• Block E. Of C.OUNCI\.. 0, fHf! CITY Of' CIOSTA puOllcetlCWI Of IN• notice. 24. and the '°'1111 70.00 !Mt o1 Lois u Berry Tract .. "-" on • map re· Ml.SA, CAUPOltMIA, CHANOINO O&tad Feb. t, 1911, encl IS Of Troct No 36J1 al sl!OWn °". corded In ~ t, Paoe '"· Boot< 30, THI ~ONINO OP LOn ti THllOOOH JlillOMI! G'l.ASER PICTITIOtli •t11tN•SS PUBUC NOTICE -.. r ec.orded In ~ 119, Pages 11, P•9t 74 of Mltc111-M.API. r• 12 01' TllACT Mt, ,ltOM Al' AND Cl· E~ of the wlll NAME $TATeMUIT n. .,., 2• ol Mlsaall.-Maps, It• COtdl of LOI •no•IH (Ollftly, Cl't• ltt. ofMIClcllcedtotll Tiit totl-'no ponon II OOlftl ..... <Of"O• ol OtatlQI \..OUfttY, C•lllOmle, Cat lfor11I•, more P•rtlcut.,ly THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OILllfaTO.. UPMAM .... I H : t-ltl•r wllll uiti 3 -...... IO ol -rlbedes'dtows: OF COSTA Ml!SA ooes HE,.EllY ,..._,. .. uw ALL PltECISIOM METAL Traci No. 3121 H s'-11 on a rnep r• 411 thel pottlon of stld Lott, 8100 E 0 ,.0AIN AS Fot.LOWS· Ml» Y"twa lllft. tee. m f',.OOUCT'$. t101 W. Siii 54~ U111t I, ,.,_ 111 a-14'. Ptves -. • ., , and of 8ttrv Traci llouftded °" '"' Mrtll by leCTIOfl I. ~· "llereby pieced e11etll8, CA nu. S41ftta AM, CA nm 411 o1 Mite~'-MePS, re<crdJ of •tine.,., .... ,_ u~.IO IMC sout"-l'f alld IMt-111 Ille 112 ione. all 111•1 Tet: , ... ,._ JOHClll Henry L.,.tt, t117S "C" Slly oran9t C....,.y, Cetllotnle. from Ille cent~rll11t of Better Slretl; real P•-ly loe.tltd In llle •rt• ol Publl•lled Orange Cont Oell'I f'IMt, f'•rtt No .. ttvlr1e, CJ. '2114 EXCEPTING THE REFROM 111•1 lllanc• Oii 1i. '°""' b'(. llflt p.erelftl 0 91t Strett between OranQt •"" t<eb ••• 11.1 .. "· 1911 Tiiis llUSIMH ,, GClftduciad .,., .n 111- POrtlOll of Lott 7 ttwouol1 10 o1 Mid -O S.00 IMI SOUlllMiY '"°"' tllt can-WHtmlnstor A-s. lo wtt: 417.71 dhil..,,.t Tr•tt No. Jnl, men pertlcularly ~llM 6f 8411!tt StrMI; llllft<• on lhe From AP lo AJ. 1'71·11 ..__ ~-------------• ~H.Luatf oescrl-as lol'-l: west 1>v llrlstot Strew! no 00 '"' Por<tl NU<Tt>ers ltMu.41, 117-IU.tt, PUBUC NOTICE Tiiis st.t....ent wn fllad with tN BEGINNING •I Ille lOUlh-•I (Or-wldo; 111enceot1thtMtlbyllW_ .... I nd ltMSl-10. Couftly Clerk of Of•n11t (Ollllt'f .. ,., ot Lot 7 of .. Id Tr.act No. l7JI ,., """of Loi io. lllOC& f! of Nl4I ~ Loh 11 tllrOUQh !tot Tract Na. S'll es Jen.,.rv 17, 1f11 ,,,.nee south :W'S1'SI" H•I a crtsle"'e Traci. showft on e map r«orded In Booll JI, .,,., ot'U l.41feelto •point °" Ill• nort/lerly l'reM A,..Cf' t• MO. 1'77•11 At· Pa9• 36 ol Mhcellanaou• M•P•, IU"lttOlt c:oun M TNI line ol Lot 1 of H id Tract No. l/11; MJ'°7' Parut N""'be' 141·2".0S. rHords ot Or-Collnly, c..tlllornle. STATE OP CMJ•OllNIA POil tllen<e mlllfl M•WO:J" M•I • dlllaMt Lo1 4 of TractNo.JtSt.ess-Gfl • l'rom Cl.CP to ltt. IID·1t ..__ TMICOUNNOPOltA .. M of to ... '"' to llw ~st c0<11tr cl m•P re<ormct In Book 137, Paou I end Perot Nu~ 117-ISJ.01, 11MS~>. ..., ,......11 Lot 1 ol said Traci No. m1. thence t of MIK.e41-out /HpS, rec.ordl Of 111·1Sl ·04, 117·1SJ.OS, 117·1SJ.06, NOTtaOl'UL••••AL -111 •'sn>" Mtt at-tllt soulher o .. 119e Cour14Y. C..Slflatnla. llMSM7. fl1·1SJ.OI. !tMSJ.Ot, ond PltOl'a•T'Y AT f'll1VAT8 IA&.S ly llM ol Lol7 ol wld Trect No. ln1 • ,,.,,. •,..CJ' .. CL. 1•n·7t ~ llMSl-10. tn Ille Mitter of eie 11\!Mof IAMA 00\llllC• of Ma.G feet; U.nc• ""'"' P•rcel Nllmb•n t•1·tU·Ol •11d Lots 14 l!WOUQhnot Trect No. HOK f!lOIS PAR~ OectHtd. Ptmnous ltlSINaU ..... Pullttshed OrenQlt Cotst Dell'( Pltoc Jen. ti, 21, Feb. 4, 11, 1'71 PUBUC NOTICE o•J7'40" .. ,, a dlatanc• of 3.10 ... ,; 141.JM-04, IMwft on ....... l'9(;ord9d '"a-JI, NOTICE IS Hl'IEIY GIVl!H IMt ....... ITAttMtlMT 111t11<t 110r11189"1t''1" wnt a e11s1ance Lois 2 -J of Trect No. '9s:J •s Pege *' of Mhcel!e11eous Maps, tile llndet"9Md, JAMES f!. Ml!lll', TM fe1t11w1ft1 _..., Is 001f1f tiu»- of SJ.5' '"'IC.,,. POINT OF 8201N· lhown Oii • ""'1' -••clod In loolc UI, re<OfdS of Oranoa Ceunly, Calltornl•. Pullll< Adm I 11l1trator •• , Id· MIS as: NING. fld9'-' 1 •l!d lot Ml8'•11•-tt<Otdl II mtnltlrel« of ,,,. "'"' Of IRM• MS CONNI ES IHTE"tottS. un SECTION t. Putluanl 10 Ille"'~ otOr•l'lgeCo!IM'l',c.111«111•. SI CT ION J , Pursuant tc Ille 1!LOI$ PAltk.S, -.-,, wilt sail et '#. l•Ur SttMt. Coslt Me10, CA, vlslefts ol Secllon 11·7• ol Ille SICTIOM 1. P11n .. a11t to th• orovl$ICn1 o1 St<tlon 13·79 of tile prlv.t• .... l•tlltfllOMd-)ff!Mt nm ~tclpal Codt of 11w Cltv of Cott• ProvlstOl'll 8f S.CllClll IJ.7• of the Munltlp;il Codt of the City ot CM la bidder, efW ...iuctle!l ef any req,,.... Rull\ COMM Jot>nlton, tm w. Mew, DISlll<t Map E·I of Ille City ol Mul'lltlpel Olde of ,,. o" of COit• Me ... Dblrl<I Map ().I al '"' Clly OI ..... ,. ... ,.. -IMlon, llpoft ,,,. llo-M st ...... o.si.,..., CA."'" O.SI• MeM, (...,of Wllldl I• on flit Ill MtN. Olstrkl Map E·1 Of .. 01., "' Cotl• Mn., ~opy of ~I• Oft Ille Ill teflf!I ond -.clll'-... ,.,Mner -tllls ~IS ~ by ... "'" Ille offle• .... ,.._,,.. ~t. Coat• MeW, CAll"l ef -d> ..... '"•"' .,. eHk• ..... ~ ~. ......... and Mltct. ceotftnNllltll '¥ ....... Is lletelly ~ .... Ille •ddltlOll Ille of lie• of .. 111-1119 ~L ., ..... by •"18flded lily Ille •ddlllo11 ,,. •bO ........ llled ,., .. c-1. Oh ,. ..... c. '°"""°" lllttelo of fllt MO end 0-CP .,.., 11 llereW •-noed by ,,. edcllll111 1Mret6 of tht M .... oaa<rllled 111 fftbruery u. lt1t, •t Uw llOW of Tillt S'"-" wM fifed •ltll tllt dturlbed In Sacll111 I...,..,., there lo of Ille IU. MG. CL, -Ct.CP S.ctlon 1 lltr•. • twelve o'<IOClt 11--. or tllatt•ll•r C.Ullt'f Clertt of Ofenoe Collllt't Of\ SECTION J. fllll OnllneM• '"•" ..... det<rlbed In SKllon I lltreof. ••CTtON J. flllJ Ordlnenc;e 111•11 wlltlln Ille .. _ •llowaf by'"· .... Jlll\Utt'( 17, 1'71. like elfe<I ..0 t. 111 full forct ll>lrly SICTION J. Thi$ OrOINtKe sllall i.lle elfllC1endbeIn11111 forte llll11y oftlc.e ot t .. PllMIC MMlnl$1ret«, IJOO ...... 1301 den '""" -el•r llS paSMQI, tall• ell-' encl W In tun f«ct 111111¥ (JO) de~ ,,_ ond allff llS PlllMtt1 $011111 Ore11d Avt11Ut, Se11ta Ane, .. lltlllsl!M er-. Qleti Oell'I .. lloC, •nd prior lo Ille elCOlretlon el ftflMll UOI de.,. from llftll •O•r Its -~. "'d prior lo !tie tQ>lretlon ol fifteen C.llfort110 '210S, •II right, Ulle, ,,.. .lt11. 21, tt, ..... ._ti, "11 (ISi di" ,,.,,. ,,,. PHsa(le ......... -"''°" to tfle HJ)lral1611 of llfl .. 11 (lj) d•n fl"Om Ille ,.._ Ille,.., Mftf\. -.u. .. ot r.eld ,,.MA ELOIS ,,,.,. INll lie flllbll\/Wd -·In ... Or-(U) den ,,. IM Pl9"9 ........ "''"be pUbtlilled -·In Illa Ofe!IQa "'"""$,---. ........ tllal Ctr·•--------------1 Coott Deity Pllol, • MWWNP« .. ~·be"'*' ..... -... Ille°' ... Co.st 011ty Pllol, • 11tW$1WijMf Of 1•111 n•l ""'"''' *•<rllbed .. 1tn•••t <lrcutallon, prllil•d end CoHI Oell't Pltoc, o _,....r et gt11erat ctrculello11, printed a11d 1o11 .... , 16tlft: !M*lsMd In lllt Clt'f of Colle MtM, OtMt•I cll'C\lletltft, ffrlnlecl .,,d published In U.. Git'( el Cost• Mate, L .. t.C ti T1ac1 .... t• t.. IN City ------------- toeetlttt Wllfl Ille-• Of tllt mom-==-~ tlw Qty ot ca.ta Mew, t .. ellltr with Ille "'"'" ol lh• tf ~ ~ • .,_,. • • ,,_.. f'ICTlnouleuM••• lien fl"" City '*""'111911119 for.,... w1-. .. ~ ..... --btln fl the a.., Cltutlcll...,. tor .... , ... ,..,.., ............ ,.. J, MAMa ITATtMlln ttal11tt ,......... 119,. fl tM Qty C-lf •Ille fer W 8IM ... IMt tM -· MIK•t-.. Mt"" recMdt M Mf4I Tiit '-'~ ..,_ ts dolllO butt. ,,ASSEO AHO AOOPTEO '111• tfl ... lllstt,__ PAllEO ANO AOOl'T•O tltli ttll Or.nta CllllllV. ~ llMwfl .. I -Ull ... ., .. ~.Hl'L l'ASSl!O ANO ADOPTED 11111 ... dayOfP•llrwrY.•m 1140111"-"'" ... ~~. ~x..r.111. 4210 Per-.... "'1 • .. OltMAHERTlOG da'IM F•l>Mlt'(. 1'71. Honnt .... tllOO <;elltorftll. lo; ... tot,......_, .. _,.,CA'2MO ~"'"" HO'IMAMERnoG -~-·.. •t• or°"'" -llM .. fW o .E. Mo-. CllO f'itrtt ~ Cil't"' C.-1' AMsa ..,,,_If the CllY Of c.&a Atleu _..., -,..,.,. .. 111 •111111 ............. -..ell. GA '2MI ATTl!ST! c;ltytfC..a.-. ATTEST wlli .. ~ « flll .nlc• ff/I .. lllll llJOW-A Ii COlllNctH by Ml 111- Sll•n P, ..... ,,,..., Anl!n1 Ell ... "· ...._., P11bll' Mll't"4•r•I•. ·-S.Wll -.ictu••· CJIY Clfflt ef IM &ILEllN "· ~l .... 8Y City c.leftt.... Grtltd A...-. !MMa AM, c:alt{trnt. O.t. Mo-0.., et Cosle~ C:ltyCltfllf/I... Qtyf//f~MIM tUOJ,wmer••llRwttlla..o.tt.f//I 'nit•~ •• fli.tt Wiit. Ille STATll OFCAUPOIUllA > Qtf.CC..•Meu STATIMCAU'°"MIA ) ..if ....,_ 01Wt, fl_,,• .. CMwt' C1tr11 Of OrMet CMMy M COUHTYOFOAAHOI ISS STATaOFGALtl'Oft,.IA ) CIOUMTYOl'OaANO« ) IS llvtl'ff 111 IM f'IMtc Mlnt!llW..., ,,_..,. .. .,.,.. CITYOPCO$TAMf!SA ) ~NfYOf'0411AHOa )II OTYO,CCllTA~ ) ..,._...,,, _., fffN tftet ttnt ftlNr I, Et\..E&N ,,, ......... SY. City~ CITY Of' COITAMUA ) I, atUPf II!. llMINltlV, Clttr Clef1I ..... ...._ ... --.... _..,. ......... er..,. CM11 Oell't Pl191 PUBUC NOTICE ,,.,. ...... """...., ftttt sMlk etltll .. 9Me11-effl< .. °'"11el._Ct1Y °"*" t, l:ILllM p, l'MtNH«V,Cltf~ tlll01a4'fkJllOertletlleattC:..Cll ........... ., ........... t ...... ,,_._ 11.11. "11 D11 et,,,. City et e.. .. ,_.., .. llt,_ -••.eH!de01111., ... atyC-I .. IM City., Qll .. ~ TlltM$ Ofl IM.81 C1i111. -..ftlf ,_~----------ILi flll' net1a .,.. """" the ...-1no et .. 1e1 ..... ' •tl•M• 01' SAL.II C.11, tewiut .lfljlM., ..... ""'"" ....... "'"°·'° ~ CUii, C•ftlftlll <llKll tr ,_.., otder Miitt e<~ -.di Wl"tftlll W., efitr. with lht ...._., tM _..._. .,,ct ..... C!,':" ~ .. ul• .. sold c:Mt.; All llldt er tfftB-1 M ........... IOrll' f\#>11.,,.,. llJ tlMUellor, tltllt ID t'lf«t..., .... 1111 Ill* It .,,_.... ... p,•i.t; "*'*"'· "'' '·' JAMHL "llM. lt ~ ....... ,.,. .... .... £ .. ... tf ._., ... lllrfN"- CIMMTY CICIUllflat. 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'I I CALIFORNIA I NATIONAL Handgun Curbing Pressed WASHINGTON (AP) - Congress should write restrictions on the availability of handguns because or the link between access to them and viole nt crimes in which ~uns are u&ed, a government report says. · The General Account Office, Co n_g re s s • auditing and investigative arm. suggested in the report that two possibihlics be considered: _. TAKING STEPS TO increase the uniformity of i;:un control laws at the stall' and local lfvel. -nitiating a n a tional handgun control program. The report indicated that in 1976 some 63.8 percent of all murde r s , 23 6 p e rcC'nt o f aggravated assaults and 42.7 percent of robberies in United States were comm 1tted by persons using guns. The relations hip between the availability of guns and trimes committed with guns seems to be a circular one -;m incre<ise in one results in an inc n ·ai:.e in the other, GAO said. There has been a direct link belwNm the two sin ce the mid-19G0s . the r eport claimed. PRESENT STATE AND local lwndgun l:1ws u>n!>tsl of "a patchwork of different statues and ordinante~. requirements and definitions." GAO s:.ud Unlesi. tlwrc are uniform state Jaws and cnforccnwnl of st.itc r es id ency require m e nt s, handguns will still be ava1lahll' for most individuals who arc dctcrm1ncd to ac<1ui re them, GAO said .. Restrictive state l.iw.., seem only lo push the firearms retai l bus inl•ss toward a state with less reslrictivt• laws. Tlw lighter the local gun control, the more likely that a gun used in a crime will have hecn purrh:ised in another !>late," the report said. G.\O SAID TIL\T Congrl·ss should consider re11umng that an incl1\·i<1uul 's identity and lack of criminal haclq.~ro und be ver ified m order for l11m to own or hu y a handgun. Other c le m e nts Con,l!rcss s hould con s ider in cl cvelop1ng a handg un control program include: -Regulating transfers from the existing private inventory of ha ndguns. -Mandatory sentt•ncing as a penalty for <'rimes committed with guns. Tht• results from scatter ed attempts al s uch a program are not yet conclui.1ve and the long-term effocts are not )t:l knov.n, GAO said -PERIODIC' EV.\Ll.:.\TION o f any hand g un co ntrol progr am. The National Rifle Association h as been the chil•f lobbying organization against stiffer gun control regulations. Hospital Sets Vision Clinic Saddlebac k Community Hospital volwiteers will conduct a free vision screening clinic March 28from1:30to3:30 p.m. at the hospital's medical center, 23561 Pasro de Valencia, Suite 24, in Laguna Hills. Pa rticipants will be tested for bas ic visu<il skills through a tele binocular device. After March, the screening tests will be held the fourth Tuesday of euch month atthe met1i cal center. .,..w.,..... Tt£Y FOUND NEW CAREER AS SKI INSTRUCTORS Anne and Art Penniman at Alpine Meadows ' At Their Peak Retirees Tum Ski Teachers ALPINE 1\1 EA DOWS, Ca hf IAP I Afte r 27 yl'ars of ra1s 1ng thn·c daughters tand running u business m San J ost>. Art and Anne Pt'nn1man mO\·l·d to thl' mountains -but hardly to retire. lnstl•ud, thev lwcaml' s ki instructors. Now. tour yea.n; later. the Pl'nntmans. oldest fulllime ski in~trul'lors at tl11s hiJ? rcsc1 rt. ~ay the move added zest to their hvt•s. and lhl'Y n •commend s uch changes for anyone who feels stu1·k in a first tarvc•r. Bl.'T T llE SKI l~STRl'CTING by Art. 53. and Anne. 54. m ay not be lhc answer for l'Veryone. It's fun but rigorous. and thc·y s ay 1t su1h thl·m bl·causc they'\'e i.pcnt a lot of leisure time O\l'r the years a s "outdoor nuts." involved 1n act1vit1es like tl•n11 1:>. !:tkfmg and hiking Cnlt·ss you s pend a Int of lime sl·hussing down snow-C'overcd hills. a day oY sk11ng Y.1th tlw Pl·nn1mans will leave you with rubbery lt.·g~ and a :.trong urgl' to sit in a soft chair. "Our friends thought we were crazy," says Anni.' in describing the r eaction whl·n they decided to make the move to lhl· mountains. And she adds. "I thought Art was crazy for wanting to be a ski instructor." Bl'T TllE DECISION P.\JD off. because "we found that n('w t•xpcracnces add a great deal of wst to living." she says. "So m<iny 1x•oplc becom<.• timid, and don't a llow themselves new experiencl'S " A rt. "ho kft behinci an active partnership in an auto parts and machin<.• work hus mcs!:t, soy::. second careers are nothing nC'w But he allO\\ s as how the style they've hit upon is "unusual " A rt. whn also runs a boat re pa tr sen •1ce on Lake Tahoe in the '>Umm1·r. says ski instructing b ''Pretty special in that age doe~n 't matter. "f:ACll PERSON IN T HE SKI school is an individual. Some ar c older. some taller, i:.ome fatter. some speak German. t•veryonc 1s different." he says. And the difference 1s a pleas un• fo r everyone involved." Anne. who gels som e Ji~hl-heartcd ribbing from other instructors who dubbed her "Antique Anne." says the job is no ch1)re hut instead is "one of the greatest ego trips I think anyone ran find " "Imagine having 100 people who listen to you all day long, and depend upon you and listen to your every word," she says. AND BOTH S,\ Y THERE'S a demand for teachers like them!>clv<'s. typically from people who take up skiing in the ir lalc 40s or l'etrlv 50:-.. Some sLudents have even been in the ir 70s. Such studl'i1ts "feel more comfortable with us." says Anne. Art adds, "They don 't have age for an excuse." The Pennimans say they were able to make their move because they put aside som e of their income for investments, and were able to build a vacation house near here that is now their home. ONE DAUGlffER, MARGY, WHO had become a ski instructor herself at -another ski resort-introduced Ar.t to a resort manager who gave hjm his first ski teaching job. Soon after that. jobs for both Art and Anne opened up here. Looking back on the move, Anne says she "still misses my cronies who J knew for 27 years in San Jose. They come up to visit. but they're not right next door. But I can pick up the phone and visit anytime." Art says that ul first he •·missed a lot of business activity, having to make important decisions and that kind of thing. My one· man repair shop and skiing is a much simpler life." "BUT WE MOVED HERE FOR that. We didn't feel the complexities or city life were what we wanted," he says. Art also says he decided to go Crom a one-job career to "seasonal work" at the relatively early age or 49 because he want<'cl to live in the mounlains and couldn't see keeping the s ame .1ob "all my hre." ''Ther<' has been a lot written on having a second career," he addi:.. "J\nd if you're going to, then the sooner the better:· All Black and White? Bakke Case May Have Far-reaching Effects SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Allan Bakke just celebrated his 38th birthday. approaching middle age with his dream of practicing medicine in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court. Rutlandra Hociges. a black Stanford University senior with a spate or medical school applications, fears Bakke may be the ruin or her dreams and those of others who contend society must make reparations f o r<}' p a a t a n d p r e s e n t dlsc(lmination. TREY AND OTHE RS are watching the U.S. Supreme 'Ceurt for a rullng on Bakke's legal challenge to tbe University of Caltror n la'~ 1peclal admilslons proJrams. The cue m a'y be the basil for the most important cMl ri1hta decision 1lnoe th e 19:54 ,school deseare1ation ~Nier. Balcke uys he twlct was denltd admlsaloo to the UC Davia medical school becauae he I• white. The Californ ia »upremo Court upbild hla 1r1umtnt5 and the unlverai~y ltOOOU The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule before the present term ends tl\ls spring. But some say significant change is already under way BAICK.E'S SIJP,ORTERS say tht case has sparked needed rt··~>11 mlnaUon of a ll affirmj\l.ive acUon programs. • Anti-Bakko Cortes char1e lhal o "Bakke-lash" -a white backl•sh -h85 surfaced, Tbey cite lawsuits seeklna to outla~ atrirmabon acUon pro1ram1 lti several 1tatul. locludln1 Ca l ifornia, ~olorado . P.ennsylvanla, Lo'1l1lana and New York. M .... wb&M. MIU Hodres. 21, still awaits word from several medical schools. But she refused to apply to UC Davis because of the school's association with the Bakke case. DESPITE HER AC· CEPTANCE at USC, she said she worries about the Bakke case, "for Che people who are coming up behind me ..• Just tile fact thtl it went to court Indicates that there's going to be a change in the way they treat mLnoriUes.•, Miss Hodges views may be representative of those who favor contlnu111i alfirmatlve action programs: 'Tm._ woman .Jl.Jld I'm a black and I'm really needed out there." In the same way. 8akke's pllf(ht 15 a symbol ft>i tbose who reel wliitt ~ are (b ftaliqn's latett oppressed minority. BAU£, WHO RAS de-ell.bed all requests for ihter:v iews, continuu working as an engl n ee.r tn Sunnyv11t. :1ccordln1C to tits attorney. Reyoolcl COlYtn. ' ,: Saturday. Februaty t t , t 978 ' CAIL v PILOT A 'Give While Alive' Millionaire Showered With GratitutJ,e SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Benjamin Harrison Swig, the son of a Lithuanian immigrant who peddled newspapers and picked blueberries to e arn money as a boy. is 82 and busily' giving away millions of (iollars to worthy causes. "Give it away while you're a hve, J tell my friends who have money," Swig says. ''There are no p<>(\kets in s hrouds." HIS PHILANTHROPY has triggered a m assive outpouring of awards, citations and com- mendations wbich plast er the wnlls of his office in the plus h Fairmont Hotel, which he owns. The ones which won't fit on the walls arc piled in a C'loset and bathroom. Swig's gift-giving hus brought him direetor:>hips in 70 civic, charitable or ~uca tional or- ganizations. 156 award:> and citations and six honorary col- lc~e degrees. ··1 don't ha\•e any enemies that 1 know of. I 've tried not to have them," Swig said in an in- terview. SWIG'S FRIEND LOUIS B. Mayer, the late movie mogul, dido 't follow the advice about gwing it away. Now Swig says he has the pleasure of i.igmng away the m1lhons that Mayer left behind. The millions belonging to Swig are primarily from real estate -inc luding three pre mie r hotels and 20 high-rise office buildings in half a dozen cities. Born in Taunton, Mass., Swig got into high finance working 1n his father's bank and at 19 was treasurer until it went bust in 1921. The modest fo rtune he pieced together from real estate vanished in lt\e stock market crash of 1929. SINCE TH EN, THE money has accumulated steadily. Now, says Swig, ''I appreciate how lucky I've been. God's been good. I want lo pay off my ob- ligations in my lifetime." His fi\'e-year plan for giving is neatly noted on a sheaf of close- lined paper : "The Am er ican II ebr<.•w University. $50.000 a year for 10 years Cogswell college. $50,000. The J ewis h Welfare Fund. $600 ,000. The UnivC'Tsity of Santa Cla r a. $500,000," he reads, his fore- finger running down the pages. "OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS pending -$525,000. a thousand, a thousand. a hundred thousand. 250 thousand, one million, 2:i0 thousand . one millio n , 250 thousand, '25, 10 , 80, 50 thousand." lie is also a big check-wrilt'r for political candidates and causes. mostly conservative Democrat. Four or five requests a rrive in the mail daily -many t yped on starchy stationery with e m bossed le tterheads. some scrawled in pencil. from obvious crackpots. "l have to say no to a lot of .,..1 .......... IMMIGRANT'S SON GIV~S AWAV MILLIONS Benjamin Harrison Swig With Many Honors ~ them and l don't ltkl· to do 1t .'' says Swig "I tell them I'm on•r· committed. I answer them all " FRIENDS SAY SWIG'S soil s pots arc for the deserving poor and the m1htary. 'T vc alwa)s had a hllle ~ullt t•omplex beC'ause 1 never serv1.'d my country,'' he says SwiJ! also has g1"cn m1lltons to the Catholic--run University or Santa Clara -although he is J ewish. . Among the faces smiling down from autographt:d pictures "~n hts walls are Harry S Trumah. J ohn F . Kcnn<'dy und Lyndon B. .Johnson. ~111 of whom had Swig to tht• White llouse, and Pope Paul VI , He rbe rt Hoover . Ronald Reagan. King Hussein. Gold<1 Meir, David Ben Gunon. Ca rdinal Spellman. Adla i Stevenson and Earl Warren. . ' -.. B .utts Stop Here Plant Bans Cigarettes PITI'SBURG (A P) -It will be your cigarettes or your job al the Johns-Manville ai:.bestos plant in this Northern California' community. It is one or 14 facilities affectl•d by a company announce· ment that e mployees will no longer be allowed to smoke in the plant. And in the future, according to tho announcement only non- s m okers will be hlred. ' The change of policy was sparked by slurues that found asbestos workers who s moke ar c 92 times more likely lo get cancer 'than non-smoking workers. ..... Retreating to Wilds Cla,ss.ical Guitarist Takes Refuge in Montana PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - Why would a world-renowned c lassical guitarist forsake culture-rich Southern California lo teach music at a Montane col- leJ!e best known in some places for its rodeo team'? "I like trout fishing and I like the mountain s," says Christopher Parkening, a young man whose affability and life s tyle run counte r to the stereotype or the classical musi- cian. "And the people are really nice. But of course compared with Los Angeles and New York, anybody would be nice." PARKENING, A FORMER student of Andres Segovia, the. legendary Spanish ,guitarist. once taught at USC'. He now teaches at Montana State University in Bozeman, an in· s titution detractors at the University of Montana in Mis· soula caU a cow college. Parkenin g, a 30-year·old California native, and hls wlfe Btlrbara, live on a ranch outsid~ -town. with a herd or horses, a pet mountain lion, cockatoos and an otter. Parkening drives a winch-equipped, four -wheel- drlve rig. which be uses for trips to concert engagements. TO A GROWING number of fans or the da11Sical iuuar Parkening ls ranked with the best -Segovia, Julian Bream John Williams. ' Forcet the glowing testimonials that adorn record Jackets and concert programs, forget~ (ad Segovia once took the youni American to judge an international &ultar competition In Sp ln. And forget the ·~ of · th lad who took up the ~tu at. .,..,,. ..... 'COW COLLEGE' PROF Guitarist Parkenlng 11 to become what purists call a virtuoso. Just watch and listen. THE SLENDER, 5-FOOT, IO·inch musician strolls onstage in corduroy pants and turtleneck pullover with bis guitar at his s ide. He perches on a piano bench, props his foot on a small stool and plays. The guitar strlnes s~em to move by themselves as Parken· inc's fincers pluck too raplcily for the eye to follow. An oc• casionaJ stn.im sounds here and there, but mostly the fingers pluck sln.:tt; strinas -or perb•ps two or more at a Um . Tho left hand 1hl!ts from one lmposslble fincer pattern to another in rap d t.uccesaion. No one man could df) all that on one instrument. P ARKENING DARDL Y FITS the image or a musician who practices incessantly. "J don't h ve and breathe lhe · j.!u itar all year loni:." he says. "I have lo get away from it a cer· tain amowitoflime." • He rnmces records, though in· frequently. that often appear'',as best-sellers on classical charts1· "When 1 record. I try to ex· pand the repertoire or lhe guitar," he says. "And th'at takes time -about two years." THE REPERTOIRE IS lack- ing because little music was written for the instrument. The r esult is that complex wo~s written for the organ. for exam- ple, must be rewritten lo match the gujtar's limitations. There's lilUe secret to Par~en· ing's success, and ha rd work it a young age was a key elemet(t. "When 1 was a boy in Los Angeles, I liked football, I ll~ track," he says. "But my faU\er was a stern rusciplinarian. Re made me practice when 1 wo.Jld rather have been doing someUl\ng else.·· Forum Slated San Juan Capislrado's lhlrd candidate's night ia scheduled Tuesday at 7 p.m. in i-e Ca~lsl[ano Valley Chrlsttan School s sanctuary, 32032 ~ Obispo. · •• .. ~ The chamber of commftte ss>0nsored forum wUI teat.i:f'e brief speeches by each ean~ dldate followed by wrlltel\ qu • tJons from the audience. . . . . ~A,SEPelb FarlllS Given Record ........ • • • Big Support By THOMAS ELIAS The question in an informal telephone poll by a Los Angeles radio station was this: "Would you rather have much-needed 'suburban housing or would you rather preserve farmland?'' Fully 96 percent of those answering chose farmland preservation. Results or a similar call-In poll on a San Fran- cisco station were almost identical. BOTH INFORMAL POLl.S -TAKEN in mid· January -seemed to show eve" more support for farmland preservation than a formal survey which indicated YOter sentiment runs more than 60 per- cent in favor or putting an e nd to urban sprawl. The formal and informal polls made interest- 1n g reading for Governor Brown and the Legislature. Already placed SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FOCUS under the gun by the Jarvis property tax reform in- itiative, they .don't want voters pressuring them on another vital issue. Arw1 .. _. F aee.Trial Keith Richard, 3·1. guitarist for the Roll· ing Stones. h:is been ordered to appear in Toronto !\larch r. to have a triul date set for possL•ssio n of heroin and cocaine IAMC&.aMaMYI OINl•AL MOSPIYAL .,_., •• tt71 Mr •l\d Mn. Tor,..nce Fl~ralcl, Wll c .. me11te,bey Mr, •l\d Mn. Oen SC-. D• ... Point 9lrt Mr. e11d Mn. Cerllon WOOd. Se11 Cleme11te, boy ,..,,_, '· tt7t Mr. •ncl Mr .. l.Arry Fr.,.k, Cap1streno Beech. 9lrl Mr. end Mrs. Gery Neho~. S•n Clemente, 9ln Mr. •ncl Mrs. 8ran1mlr R•Clemo¥1C, D•ll• ~llC.Olr1 Mr. •ncl Mr .. Bruce f'tlllll1>5, Mission llleJo, 9lrl ~--ry1, tt7t Mr. e11d Mrs. Terry Jones. $en Clemente, fllrl Mr. •nd Mrs. •'6ert Stroh, $an Clemente. 9lrt ~ .... ,. Mr. el\d Mrs.....,.....,. K•tl, CApistr-8Hch, bOY JAHUAltY 17 Mr. •no M". Cr•l9 Fraley, Sen J ... n Ce pkt reno, boy Mr. and Mn. Rl<Nrd Gw.nMln. O•n• Point. l>OY JAHUA•YU Mr. •"" Mn. Oenltl Brown, o..,. POlnt, glr1 JAHUAltYlt Mr. ano Mn. Mer1t Shleldl, !>en J ... n C.plslr•no, boy JAHOAltYJO Mr. •nd Mn. Gonlalo GM<••. Sen Cleme"le, boy Mr •ncl Mtl. &r11e1 Rl-11. El Toro, g1rl JAHUAltY11 Mr 4nd Mr~. Jon De L• Rou. L•11unt Bt..:h, girl Now Brown has held up formal issuance of his urban development str ategy, which tentatively calls for filling in gaps between existing develop-~ ments, rathl'r than allowing outward expansion Mormon T e mple Planned Db•oludon• 01 /tlarrfage • over farmland to continue. He is apparently wait- ing for the outcome or the legislative battle over furmland preservation. f'lllll~lJ THAT DISPUTE SEES TWO rival bills mak-f. ing their way through committees in the Senate and Assembly, with the Assembly version, as S/\LT LAKE CITY <AP) -Plans to build a sc<.'o nd t emple in Salt Lake Valley were an- nounced hy Mormon c hurch Pres ident Spencer W. Kimball. SMITH, JM ·o. •nd Linda l.; 8RANTNElt FJora 0 . and Thomu G.; McHENRY P•mel• Ruth and Mlct..11 LH; RICKARD. FrancH P, and Mich.el A.; RANKIN, Gary M . •nd Dtnlst A.; STEELE, ()eorge A. •11d Paul• I.; HARRINGTON, Mariann• •nd Kann•ln S•muel~ CUMMING$. R•I"' Urban Alld Susan E • RALSTON, Lindsey K•y •nd L•rry WoN; $HELLEY. Mutlyn Jt•n Raid -Ger•ld Norm•n. • usual. the more environmentally oriented. The Assembly bill, authored by Chairman Vic- tor Calvo of the Resources. Land Use and Energy committee, a Mountain View Democrat. wouki restrict development of about 15 million acres of prime farmland . It would set up a state agency to decide which lands would be exempt and would provide tax relief for landowners who couldn't de· \elop land as they may have planned. : Th<' Senate vers ion. authored by Democrats !' Johrr Garamendi of Stockton and George Zenovich : of Fre!>no. would lea' c control in the hands of local 11 nffic1;1b and include grumg lands in the tax , lll'nl'f1b t SINCE C.U\'O COl:LD BLOCK passage of the Zt•novich-Garumcndi bill and they could stymie 1 lus version, :.omc compromise , appears inevitable. ~ One possible compromise would be a measure s imilar to the land-preservation law now ·, used in New Jersey, a state '' ilh even mon• pressure than California for continuclt urb;m s prawl. : There. S5 million hus been : ... cl nsid<' from a bond issue to buy devdopm<.-nt riAhts for land tEHOVICH ''hose ow1wrs agree lo continue rurming it Tll.\T SYSTEl\I IS Sll\11LAR TO California's Williamson Act, which allows tax benefits to farmers in potentially developed areas who agree • 10 k<;{~ell~ir ~~~?o~n ~~~~~~t~~~ever, won't make much of a dent in continuing sprawl even in New Jersc~'. let <tlone in the much larger farming areas •! ofCal1fom1a. Even the Williamson Act hasn't slowed things ; much, primarily because the tax benefits it pro- ' 1d1.·~ don't cv<•n approach the potential profits • from <leH'lopment Plenty of money would be needed for a com· promise mct1sure involving such payments - which could be combined with other restrlcttons on growth -to have any major impact on California. BUT IF THE POLLS ARE correct, feelings t arC' already runnin~ high on the question and lc·gislators shouldn 't get too much trouble from con· : stituents if they use some of the state's huge budget. ;( surplus los.ave food-produci~gland. • Especially since the lawmakers are well • <iware, that. like coastal land use in 1972 and pro- perty tax relier this year, the farm1and preserva- tion quesliort has been festering for several years, fear of the initiati ve that could be spurred by more inaction is bound lo produce something before this year's election. Top Salary Levels The Jordan River Temple. named for the river that b often com- pared to its namesake in the Holy Land, is to be built on lS acres in South Jordan. a news release said. The church preiti· dent, however, told the news conference the sill' was not definite. Tll F: Clll'RCll'S most famous temple is locat l'd in Salt Lake City. about 20 miles to the north. It was completed in 1893 after 40 years in construction. The new temple, Kim- ball said, should be com· pleted in <i little over a year from the lime it is started THE NEWS rclea~l' said other temples were beinJ.! considered for out- 1 y i n ~ u r c <ls 0 r l b..e c hurch. There arc 16 such buildings in loca- tions around the world. Kimball noted fiv e others are being bullt in Mexico. Brazil. Japan. American Samoa and Seattle Faithful members of the 3.75-milhon-member Church of J esus Christ of Latter· Day Saints use temples for rites con- :-.idered essentia l for salvation and exaltation after death Pay Raised LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Community College District trustees have voted themselves a pay raise which will not only increase their maximum monthly Pay to St ,000 but also will make it easier to earn the maximum. Recruiting Executives By JOYCE L. KENNEDY Dear Joyce: What Is the most ef· fecUve way of attnct1n1 an ex· '';ecutlve recruiter's attention? ( C4REiRS ) I( I NH E Y, Z.11• Attn •no H•rrv An-drew; WHITMAN. Marciel EOWi"" alld Jolln Wtyne; HUFSTETLER, N•ncy end Loren A.; KESTLE. Varolynt -Gtt•ld IC.; CORNELL. Auuell T. -C.thy J .; DeSOTO, Benny ano CMDI; WOOOALL. Herald E. •nd Muy L .. NEGRETE, Roberta J--Gustaw; TER RIGNO, Jamn M. -0.00rth F.; PAIUMORE, Ronll• A. -Ronald w FlledJa-YH HEAO, Homer Clinton Jr . eno Kerttl" Cat'ol. Bl~P. Gl<>dys M •nO R•ymond E.; WALDMAN , D•vld W. end Teres• M • MAH HARO, JoM M -Mildred c . BUTLER, P ... I R. -Revonna D.; GARRETT, .Josephine R. •ncl Jnw Lu, FEHRMAN. Carl W. and CMv•h M.; PINO, Arthur D. •nd Shelley IC.; BOVBERG, Bonnie Yvonne Ann •nd Kevin Lee; RUSSELL, R..:llel •no Roy Rick. HALL, Lind• C.,ol and Bryan Stephtn; RYAN, Jtmn Allen •nd Mery Ann; BLAINE, Ulura Ann •nd Jtmts Tlmolhy; MARINO, Ida M •no Raymond C.; CHRISTENSEN, Kell•nd John •ncl Cristie sn.tnnon; LOAR . ReMe •nO Kennell\ E•rl; S"OEMAICER, RtnH I. -P•lrkk R.; GILMOUR, .Mre M. -Dou91•s C , LUJANO. ,,_.rla 0. Louro.s ano Jesus A.; MCGAUGHEY, Oennil T. and P•lrl<l• IC. FRYMAN, Hltki Sue •no St""'°'n Aleuridtr; LOVE, pi en• L: •nd urry C.; SOHHEHBEAG, Bn.ce E. and Sh•ron O.; ZEBER, hnla v -D•vid G.; BAZAAR, .M>y L. eno CNrtel D.; POETOEHENA, AIV>e -Marcel; PARIMORE, R0ntta R -It-Id W.; STILi..~, AnthOllY -Evelyn R,; ANDERSON. D•vld R. •nd IC•rwn LH; OANIELS, Sherry t..eeancl.Jerry ...... PllMJ~ti FEARY, Adrianna M. -Doll.lid R•v: GODIN, David L••rence end Irene O.nlw; STREETER, Randt J. etc. •nd Wiiiiam E-; HARMS, Arlln• Aull\ •nd Tl>OmiK ~rve: DUARTE, ICtlhle•n and Phllllp Junior, CHRISTOFFERS, Ro ... nM J •l\d How¥d R_.: NEAL. Don· n• and Barritt; MOON, Robert Sflryl anO Jove• ICty; PARDEE, Ku~ IC. <tnd O•vld T. 111; LEOPARO, ICim Mlcl\elle end St-Walltf'. BALDWIN, Coll .. n and Owen Ed w•rd; BEESLEY , Bruce Moore •nd Ja ckie Jttntlte; SIROTA, Mlc "a el Oarlene J. al\d Jack J.; SMITH, Lacey M. end Hel en$.; HERNANOEZ, lsebll 8'\d Timoteo Torres; SYMONS, RlcMrd Merit and Carol Jean; GUILLEN. Kar~n Lee and Rober1; HART, Gl&nd& lH ... d Brien Peter; 80YES, JH\lt Ann And Tlmoth•W•yne. McALLEN. Thomes E. •nd PUr lcl• T.; STEPHENS. Gall Lor•ri• end Gary Charles; JACKSON, 8ertllo el\d Healle G.; BOND. Jullo Anne and Robert Oougles; WILLIAMS, Sally Ann -NIChOIH Llndley; MALLICOTE. Mich••• Joe and l(are11 Norma; TAITAGUE. Hllele911f'd E. •nO Fred R.; •tLl!Y, Leonerd R. Jr. ano Cheryl L.; REEL, Lerry J. •nd Chrltly IC.i MARKEE, Iris -Cllf· fOrd L... BARRIGt!R,G4reldlneandFr1NKIS L.an; MUNCY. Jolwl E. and SUSM L.; ALLAHYARl ·TAFR ESHI, p • ....,,. •Ad Mena; WYNN. Cy,,,hia •'Id James ICeltll; NUHN, Edna Mee end FloYdtll; Pl.UM!, ~ -Allred; $MITH, Mergar9t H. and Bruce It.; ROBERTS, Randolpfl H. Anet Or•tdwft A.; WEIL. Ralpll E. 81\d Merrllyn J.; LOCHRIDGE. .Je•nnlne Anne and Dennis w. WELLS, J•mts A. and Cynthia M.; ACKINS, JudY Anrie and Patrick CMrln; sweHSOfll, JJ<f!uellne IC. •nd J•mes II.; SANOOVAL, $Illy J. end Rollert Ell; PEUOPAN E, -T.D., Dallas, Texas files, Harr is suggests, is the P•ulenn •nd Ro1111d; THOMAS, carol L. Wld Mlclleel o.; COKAS, straightforward approach. Call S•ra81t1uf'll4Jerne1Mtc11 .. 1. recruiters and ask for a getting-to· MORR1:.~~~r1es F.; Make sure there's substance back· know-you interview. Some recruiting SPAULDING, N. Dianne •nd Jam" ~ing up your slyle, says Morgan H. firms gladly grant courtesy in· ~·(t,•t,~.J~= :~::;:~:; • Harris, ~enior vice president of terviews, some don't. ou1t•N. Ruben ano e11u1>eth; I Russell Reynolds Associates. Inc. in ~!::11~0li'.t~~~L~.=~'.11~-.::: l Los Angeles. If you get aq interview, don't ex· uwtn It.; STl!IN, K•nn•th at1d peel an instant click -It rarely hap· =: ~~~~~:~::-~;: By salary level. nearly halt the pen' like that, Harr ls says. J1 the e11 ..... en11wmlell't ,,_,,.. search assignments handled by the recruiter ts ftavorab1y impressed, he o!!i:T!:.?i..!';~~-~0~!~:~ 'Reynolds fll'm -one of the nation's or she will keep you in mind when an eruce end An9enn• Temb•lls; largest executive recruiting or-appropriate position turns up. BOROUGH, oere1•1n• H. •"d ' al RlclHlrCI Oeftlt; (ASlltO, Rri119t. ganlutionS -( l into tbe $30,()()() to alld FourtlftO; CHHWORTH, Glende $50,000 range: one -third are for ON T R E OTHER hand, the ~r ... cu 111d Jeo hwer11; •"" 000 ~()() j '--f 1 McCLUSKEY, MktlMt C. llld LWN ...,.,, to... ,000 Oi». recruiter may irst cal upon YoU for ,e.,.; c1tEASY, 111rglftla Ann tftll l help in identifying candidates for a J-G•rf.MI; MAASttALL., UldMll 1 HARlllS CLASSIFIES ftE over-Job that's not in your ball park. Take :-e~":ve."':1K.z•.,.,,;!~1::b:~t~ • lures of some eltecutlves as being in this as a good sign: the reor\llter GulNI:~ w1Ut1'-M. ~a "· i ~~~~~':!1'm~:~e~f:rt ~~ ~~!\ r:i:ti:l~s0f!"~onu~r /cf~~:'~ ==t=,~~~':.!!":. = • tapped by o. recruiter that a savvy cooperate and make o friend of the ::; 1e~.,;'~~~~~':t. = !; ~earcher has to wonder how they find recru.iter. e1111 ~ ~· "'•~ ewai-A. lime to do the job they• .. e "'Aln,, ft.a'd • llft4I "'''ktl W:i WORTMAN, ""A. ' I.I\: • _., M14 Pr-s M.; HO!'TOH, DI.-lo do. While many exccutlve scoutlna ave .-......,,... w.; Meverts, firmt welCOm~ Unsolicited relUmCS Jet.fl UWll anf Sflerry LU ; k &•AMAi.i.. Otl'Mh'r 0. l'fld Hetwy So how do you get pie. ed ftom the to titten their flla or candid.at.es. J .; ,Hl'L•S. ....,. c:ar1yn -* crowd? Jt happens in a vatiety of your cbancea or develop1na mutually ·~~,:! .. ~ . ..,." _. ,.11111111 waya. profitablo rclatlon11h l p1 w ith • .,..,... wAl.ltlR. ..... ., J. •llG recrolten are tar better wll.b the in-,.,.,..,tc: u u11; 411• ""0"01, A ---~a. .. m •• be 11-n ""'Ur n.1"9ftft ._..-.... • w111•11• --~••-9M ,., ... , .. ~~--., n• .,.,, _.....,_ ....,. -at '\.t11l•I KIU+l'• o.ryA. .... ICMrlM name by linot.ber e1uieutlv• •ho wu • ... _..._.1.._ _. ~-L: •het tor 1....-uana on clndlclahi wuToeY, ,.,_.. ,,.. _, ~ to nll a ~lcUlar poeldOn. Your s.ra..A1tte.._.._....,.k'*• name may be 1potted In t>Urin II o.: u 1tt A, .... , •11• •1111; Br.A .. .-.. -__;;.i; ...... r ........... 1-... --OOUOltlAU. Ne11cy l.yn11 ••• _,......._ ..,. llUlll'UK' 1nam-·~ ...,,..., """..,_..: CMU.•nt. fHence,., •ma.,... la 1 comparur =·~l~~ 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I .L y p I L 0 T -Tfie Bfuest Marke p ace on • Oranae Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSl,IED ADS You Can Sell It, Find It, ( 642•5678 ) Trade It With a Want NJ One Cal I Service Fa t Ctedit Approva.il Real htatt .•.•.... IOCJb.2999 Rentals ••...•... 3000-~99 Amoun<Mlnti, aonalis. ~ MlfchandiM ...... IOOC).8099 Lo1t ~ ftMMCI .•...• 5050-:>4YY loah & Morine Services & Repaln ~ fqulptMnf •.... 9000-9099 lutlneu. lnvettrnent & finonckll •..••...•• 5000-5CM9 Employment I ~ & ott. Prepoiotion ..•... 700().7199 TraaJPOttcrtbt .... 9100-9999 EQUAL HOUSINO O PPORTUNITY ,.....,..,Hotlu: HMMI fo.-5* "4MtHt For Sale Honn for 5* ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• IOOJ G••r81 1002 GeneNI 1002 MANAGER.:...aEAL ESTATE NEWPORT BEACH A prime opportunity with an outstanding real estate organization + high earnings! Experience is a must. Prestigious location. All applications h e Id in strictest confidence. Please reply to Ad #68. Daily Pilot, P . 0. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 • CLOSI TO IEACH Like new 38d, 2Ba, Fountain Plaza special. Lovely yard & atrium. Short walk lo pool & clubhouse facilities. Give your rarruly a Happy '78 w this dellghHul orrer- Ulg. Only $66,000! Owner soliciting back-up offers. &141-7711. (~l\1115§1$rnil Real EState &late All real es late advertised in UUs newspaper is sub- ject. to the Federal Fair Housinr Acl of 1968 which makes it ilJegal to advertise "any pre- ference, hm1tallon. or d.iscnrrunat1on based on race, color, rellg1on. i.ex or national origin, or an GeMf'GI I 002 ~ I 002 "A .. PLAH 41DRM + intentaon to make any ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••••• such prererence. hm1ta- tJon. or dlscnmmat1on " Th.is new:.paper will nol knowingly accept any a dvertis ing for real eslnt.e which us an viola- tion of the law. ----HouMs for Salt ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 21EDROOM CONDOMINIUM $52.900 Probably the best con· domimum buy in llunt· 1ngton Beach. Super location just 10 mmules Crom beach. Two twm an.ed bedrooms. Walk to communit y pool & recreation area. For ap· pointment lo view call 962-7788 ..Q. KE:Y '61 RE:ALTOf'.slC OH THE GOLF COURSE Spacious 5 BR. 3000 sq. ft .• 3 BA, 3 car gar, lrg . ram-rm. Crptc, patio on the fairway. Spectacular view. Open Sun 1·5. 1823 Tanager, Costa Mesa. PAR.EL WALKER 675-4144 CBmuot HACH VALUES 5 Bdrm Peninsula Pt Steps to beach. $197,500. Newer Ocean vie ~ duplex, Dana Pt. $149,500. 5 Bdrm , Corona Highlands $167.500. private beach/ World CAPE COD $53,900/$2, I SO TOTALDOWH Winding roadway to soaring 2 story retreal ! Pnvate grounds protecl secluded entry lo lavish llvrng room. Gourmet kitchen overlooks sun· shine courtyard! Wind· ing stairway leads to sweeplllg mast~ bdrm plus child's retreat! Hurry ! Seller is aniuous. 847-6010 -4 If' I• t ' ·, '• t<I '• ' l®•l NO DOWN NO CLOSING COSTS Any VET can own this 3 BR home w /no money out or pocket, just move· in & enjoy your home. Of fered al $53,500. 540.3666 Wltela11 ll!Al !SfATI VETS FREE GI I• lllfo UstofHomes Credit Info Move in Free All Prices All Areas THE HOME STORE {coll 24 hours) 964-2455 19461 Brookhurst Huntington Beach SUM SH I MEY a home planned for a fomHy with all lhe space needed. Beautiful color reeling + extra amerulies. Pnced right ut $87.900. 3200 Dakota, C.M. Open Sunday 1·5 400 ll7.. fOR Ali C.M. ARI.AS *OPEN HOUSE * South of Hwy. $139.500 An absolutely charming 2 bdrm wilh beautiful floors. Owner occupied and forever in excellent cood. thru-0ut. 2 rull dbl earages (not tandem). A real Dollbouse offered for the first ume an over 12)'T'S. Open Sot/Sun I ·5 3 32 Pohtsettia c•644-1211 FORDETAJLS /.Jn NI GEl OAILEY & ASSl:lClATES Breakfast room + 4 BR. Cor lot. College Park.1••n.a.a.--&....-T•o•waho--me..-?• $88,500. ._.., Patcantr .. I One-Stop Shopping before you buy! Preview Realw location. pictures, maps 548-9607 & brochures at the Condo lnfonnation Center llEACH VILLA TOUCHSTONE $I 05,000 REAL TY ...... _...ID UnbeUevablylowpnce'! ~~~C~AL~L~963-0867~' ~~~~ -~" Just blocks from lhc -SPANISH ESTATE water. Xlnt. Newport t/4 ACRE Beach locatton. Sprawl· OWHB MUST SELL Lovely 2 bdrm., 2 bath condo; FP, "A/C. lge. patio, ground floor. ~.900 c 1-W•id•e•B•r•ok-er•s•67•3•·•454_5_ ntCE RIDUCTIOH Private cul-de-sac! ing eootemporary home. Sparush archways lead Wood deck entr y. to private courtyard and Spacious living area, secluded entry! Red ule wtth massive fireplace. roof! Cathedral ceilings! rustic family room. Open Crackling fireplace ! beam ceilings & wet bar. Cantma kitchen! 3 Mam Cu-cular stair leads lo moth bedrooms! vacant fantastie s un dec k . & available. Try $7900 Hurry on this one!! Call totaJ down. can qwck ! today 646-7171 lB)~,~ OCEANFRONT REDUCED L $5,000.V ACAHT Put 5 cars in the garage + workshop. 4 bdrm, 2 baths, + 20X20 den on 847-6010 . . [Viiii [ii lill SI 5,000 Owner anxious, Jow down, make offer. Prine only. 548·7219or 559-4221 A big lot , In .eood neighborhood. Must sell fasl for only $64,900. call : . G....... I 002 G.Mfoel· · 1002 G....-I 002 s sc:~:::-~TY •••••••••••.,.•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• s I F I E D 6 4 2 • REDUCID! MESA WOODS-CM Comer fenced lot, 3Br. fam rm. 2 baths. Very Sharp Home. One of CM's finest areas. Owner is very anxious. Asking $89,000 CALL US NOW! Mn~ Pier ReaftY idmn1111110lli1Mi 2005 Balboa Blvd. Newport Bch.673·2058 I LUFFS Qid unit, X-Plan, Tennis Villa former model. Spacious 3 BR. 2Ya ba .• faro. r m., form. din. Wide greenbelt. $131,SOO. .... I .DOWD UALTOlt 644..0134 3br, l&e fncd yd, close to ahoppmJ, etc. sse.soo. All terms. JV 631-0900 IUHDMIW J U-$65,tOOI Its true! A brand new cu.1lom built home at on- ly 165,900 full price. Ex· cellenl location on tree lined atreel. Established nelghbot'bood. 3 Spacious bedrooms + 2 baths. FamDy room. Trailer ac- cess. Call fast 752-1700. Olflflll 9 • II S IUN 10 II ~1(1° [9·lfi$!M IF YOU IUY NOW. YOU COULD IE IN YOUR NEW HOME IY EASTER CHOOSE YOUR LOCATION TURTLE ROCK 2 BR + den Garden Home Great financing on this one Plan 8 Broadmoor 3 BR, FR, MBR Suite Patio Home 3 BR. FR, Model Home UHIVERSITY PARK 4 BR, Fordham Townhome Chancellor Plan 4 Chancellor Plan l Fordham Park 11 3 BR Fordham Park 114 BR, Jae. Fordham Park II 4 BR, Custom Julllard Fee, 3 BR, Bonus Room Marquette, Remodeled Princeton, Near Pool WOOOIRIDCH $154,000 114,900 192,500 162,500 $105,900 113,500 106,500 111,111 135.500 138,500 114,500 122,500 98,500 Poplar Model Creekside $102,SOO 3 Sycamores Creekside-Starting at 105,900 Willow Creekside 128,500 And we have other listings in Orangetree, Irvine Grove,. Tustin, Mission Viejo. Seaview and Culverdale. red hill realty 552-1500 do~I ..U. A ncnallei' may have ...,_.: ,...._ ..... ~~-;~f~"' ... ~~~~~~~~~~==!!~~~~!11~==~~~:::.=f·~~~~~ ........ .._.. :~ ~·-----...... .,......, I I I s.IUtday. F•bruery 11 , 1978 --' t DAILY PILOT For You •.. REAL EST A TE LICENSE SCHOOL MARINA HIGHLANDS Enjoy beautiful Calahna sunsets & caty lllelo 'lt''-1< from I his lo\ ely htlb.1dl· humt-. lot·Jtt•d 10 cmt 1if Cost11. :'llt,J'' quil'lc~t residential area:.. 5 bdrms. :i hath .... 2000 !>(I fl Sl59 .500 l'enturv 21 C:r ockt r 642-5062 . NEWPottT HGTS FIXER UPPEtl . 4-PLEX 1' 1t·t·I~ lol'Ult'<I H-2 propc•rl \ "11 h alh.:~ at'l'l''s Old hul \\O'w\ "h.1t potc11l1JI' II ,.,u·re hJnd' ., CJll no". "110'1 Ja:-.t' 10.1s 1221. Century 21 Westd11f ESTATE HOME Cultl11n1 built homl· " clt-IJI hl'<I mothcr-in·l.iw (luarters Hardwood noo ...... :.! trpks. doublt> lol + loo man~ olht r amemtl1'5 to hi.I :'llui.l bl.' M't·n to apµret•iatt.> Sl69,!150 Century 21 Crl'll'kcr. 642-5062 HANZEL & GRETEL "ould lr•\l' this l'11hf11rnia t·ott111:e on quirt tn•1• hnl'd '-lrt·1·t 3 bedroom stJrlt·r for youn~ tuuplt• or ple11sant rt'l 1renH'nl horn•• Total price :stla.000 i\n) tt•rm~ l't•nlur} :?I S1'i1hrc>1•1e !Jii:! ~121 . DRIVE IY 933 DOGWOOD Olf \l11nr11\1<1 Stn•t•l This :J la•droom hoal ur t amp"r au·t!:>i. ~1111n' honw '" n •Jd\ tor J ne" o"nt•r' t'all fc1r a11µu1111in1·n1. Cent ur~ 21 Dovlt', ~>111-llt>ll DRIVE IY 391 LA PERLE LN. Belo~ 17th off Tustin Thi.., I bedroom. :! h.ith lln·platt• home. hoat or < ;imp1·r att•c::.:o.. double gur;lf.(t'. nl'c'tf, J Ill'\\ 0'40l'r \'at ant I n N ll llS 1>1,tr1tt Cati rur app111ntm,·nt l'tmtun 21 Dn)h'. S1Hl· I 168 EASTSIDE CUTIE Apporntml·nt onl) 'o s111n Thi'> :1 bedroom. t 1 h;ilh, ~hath-'artl homl' 1s r<>ady to mm,. in Pride 01 nwn<·rsh1p & rl.'l'llll pnn· rerlucuon Lill Ct•ntun ~I llm ll' :>-~ 1168 HOME FOR LEASE \ a<-.101 4 lwdrnom. :J bath l'\e< humu S5~~ month ('all to ,l'l' Ct•ntur) 21 Do) h·. ;•Ill lltill MESA VEtlDE $80,900 Top arc•a home m tOJl cond1l100. 2 l'OVcrerl paltos "1th yard lo spare 3 bedrooms. 2 bath., llurrv & call 645 7221 l't•ntttr." 21 Wl'slrliff GUEST HOUSE lnrlud<>d 1n lhr prll'l' of this large Colli'!!(' Pa rk llnmt• :I r1replal'l'S & open "00tl ~·••m 1·e1hni.:s all open to :i prh ah• st>duded yard Guest hou'l' 1111·l11dt•s f1replnre. bath & k1lch cn .\sk ror AJ Century 21 1\1rport. 751 .:1!1111 821 W. 19th St. Costa Mesa 642-5062 2300 S. E. Bristol St. NEWPORT IACK IAY Hu.:e t'Wtllll\t' home \\1th cxlrn lari:l' upi:radt•d pnol 2 .. tor) 5 ltt•dr11cm1 1111 quwt r ul de s a c :md j!1ant hi-. ma111tt·na11l't' lot l\la~lt!r :o.u1h• \\1th Homan tub in alnum A~k lor ,\'j Ct·ntur) 21 \1rport 1:.1 31110 EL TORO, REHr TO OWN 4 + fAMIL Y + DINING St•J:ol1.ilt-Jh1• 11r1e·1· no"' Huy 111 J )t•;ir' '\ Lt,i...h h11rut· '>lel·pcd 1n q111t•t l11\.11r\ a ... 1u11n1111: de11;irturc from lh1• 11nl111a1 \. The hVtnJ.! room offt•t., J r11u.:h 'tunt• fireplarl' & 'aultl'd u•1h111! holcll) lit·anwcl, all 111 ;imal111·d h.' .1 m <q.:nifitcnt :.IJt1t'.ISl' \ m<1,l1•r IH•druom 1"11mpll•ll' with h1\l~h hiilh Ot'lav rn.t)' nw:.in d1!.J1'JXllntmenl So n11l 8:111 1151 lodii) . FOUMTAIM VALLEY OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUH 1-5 1-:.\1·•'.llt•nt c;111-:E:\ \t\LJ.E'\- lnr atwn I ht>tlroom. :1 h.ith Pr1t•1• ,,ja.,hl•d to '\!13 i-,H lllK:J:! 1-.1. C' EN'I RO 1 .. ,..,1 ••I Hrool.hur .,, !'forth ol S l.1tt'r l'1•11t111' :.!I Seahrl'l'/(' 'l+i2 5521 ' . JOLLY GIAM1' lion,.,.. room \\1th hul(l' bur + 5 lll'drmrrn' 2 huth ... GIA'l;T 'l'f\tte room lot' of .:recn surrounded by hlt>l'k wall + .. upcr lot at1on Rnn~ lh1• k1<h .• runl.,, & und1•,_ GIANT \ ,\ l.l F .11 S92.!J00 l'l•nturv 21 Sl•ahrt•t•1l' ~'3 ti70H CUSTQM DECOR M~ LISTING <:or,.!t·o11s Jlrofc•,.,11111ally 1IP1·11ratrd tow11h11nw 11c:1.t to :\!tit• Squa r1• l'ark l.ari.:c'l model fo1 i:ral·1011., h\lnj? :! ht'<lroom' d1·11 . & :.! bath!- 1.o\ 1•1\ 11atrn & :.! 1·ar i:antj?l' Swrrp1nr.t i.:rt•1•nbell & 'ipJrkhnJ.! pnol Onl~ S71 !l:iO l'•·nlurv 21 St•ahn•e1t'. 962 5:>21 HUMTIMG TOM BEACH T94HIS EST A TE OWN YOUR OWN RESORT Charming 4 brdronm. 1 ~, b;ilh homt• I mile to the Pl\CIFIC llu~e lol "1th ll~F pool" llh cli1in1? bCl;ird ,'f,z re,1!ulat100 '"(' h'n111' c·ourt Lots of hr1!'k & wroui:ht ir on Unlwht•\ahlr JI ~I 0110 t:omr set' 1t: c,·ntur) 21 Seabrewt'. 963 fi708 I OPPottTUHITY INR.A TION IEA TY Sc1u•·ak\ dean 11).!ht & bright! N1•11 I\' p;i1nled in & out "Ith plw.h curpl'ls :J bedmom. 1 '• bath on quiet 'trt-t•I 1n South Huntington lka1 h t>nl~ $!/ 000 Don't miss lhtb one' Call Century 21 Sl•abreete, \Jl1:Hl70M IEACH BARGAIN E\.t'l•pl 1onal custom home Jn µrt'f1·rn•d neighborhood' Walk to pnrk & lllkt' tu b1'.1th ' f"loor to l't•1hn.: fin•pla('C' m fam1I\ room Country i.11ed kllchrn Party time or lamtly t1 mt'. rt·t11h· for you' St'lt.·r " 1111:1.iou-.. s,\\ t; TODAY!• Cnll li7!J 10511 Cenlurv 21 Surf Really · IRVIME ONE PEACOCK I" the .1tfdrl''S or this !>Winger's JMrad1.,1·1 Luxury abounds. wet bar a. f1rcph1(•1• + 1•00\ crs at1on pil in larnily room Sumptuou-. roaster Mlllt•' Cu1.~ 1numatl' pJl101 All the to\\nh<lmt• Jm(•n1t1c" too' IT'S CLASS. 1·;rll nnw' 97!1-!050. Century 21 Surf Heall)' SMUGGLER'S HIDEA WA YI Wrouj!ht iron gall' "l'komes you to 1•111· h Jn trni: town horn r It nng SJl.11·iou.., II\ mi;! room with floor to 1·Ptlini.: hrt·plan• ~uri ouncled by i.:lu~' Modc·rn hnght kitchen :.1 J~tt•r 'utlc inl'ludt·~ \\JI! of cl~eLs & prl\·att• bJth Put pr1 \'ill'Y 1n your lo fest \'ll·' l'all 9i9· 11150. C:enturv 21 Surf lfralt)' SP ARKUHG THROUGHOUT l'uurl~ .ird with fount:11n leads lo el1•i:unt t•ntry Lovely h\'tnl( room. formal dmmi: room. fam1I) room -.11h l'rat khnit f1replJl'C 4 htrl{<' l>t•d1110111.; :! n1(11·re1I pat10' & p:1rk hk1· i:rounch for onlv Sl26.500 t't•nlurv 21 Tustm Hills. 5.j7 6934 TOTAL COMFORT 111 this laritl'. bt·aullful decorated ram II~ home 1n the Willows l'ommunlty lrlt'ally located for '-1.urk & pl<J)' ·1 b .. drooms ut a 3 ht•tl room prtl't' i\!.k Cor ,\20 l't•ntury 21 \1rport. 751 3910 LAKE FOREST AMAZING VALUE LAICE FOREST \.\ ""' .Jump ahead of the market' Looks hke Sll'i.000. O'A ner's askinR only S71!.000 3 itnnd "11.t'd bedrooms. family room & form;il dinini.: room. 2 patio~ -+ pool '>lzt'd yard Pril'ed for q 1111·k salt•. call 768-7021 LAKE FOREST $64,tOO A mo!\\ tempting buy m 11 delightful cnv1rontnt'tlt. Good ~17.ed bedrooms "1th chl't'rful k1t<'hen & dining area. ;i rare find al this price! A careful buyer':-; dream. Bet11:1r cull today, 830 1151 OPPORTUNITY KHOCICS TWICE This 3 bedroom has 11 floor plan with refreshing on i.:mulity, giving out of the ordinary ~citing for family llv111g. loc11l1..'<1 close to Sun & Sail Club. We haH• t\\O of these bl'llullful homes uuilable, see bolh & compare Call S81·5~3 VACANT UNFtNISHED ESTATE Owners want it sold as is! Here's your rh:mt·e lo suve thousands o\'er a completed home. Jump ahead or the market. call now. 768-7021 LAGUNA HILLS $71,900 3 lari:tll bedrooms. handsome fam1I) room & ri ch with birchwood ,,anelini.: !\1aster s uite with ils own lavish bath. A most tempting buy' For more details rall 768-7021 MISSION VIEJO RUSTIC PREVIEW Earl} Spanish desll{n tastefully · n•l'rc•uted m this 2 bedroom with its own pnvalt' courtyard & atrium. Serlus rnn arh1eved bv unique le1ndsl'aping & lots of fruit trees A prrfrt:t marriai.:e of house & :.ellmg A happy home at a happy pncc of ~I 500 Call 581-5253 PAY MORE? WHAT FOR? Ever~ thmJl is in apple pie ortlcr in this 2 story gem. A decorator's dream from top to bottom. Owner has heen lran.sferred &, has JU.'\t rl'rlured this 4 bedroom $2000. to Sll!,000 Panoramic views go alonR with profrss1onally landscaped yard. Sec this & stop looking. Call 581 5253 AM.UJMG VALUE $77,900 Wow ' Large bedroom s . 2 fireplaces. ISx20 family room with open beam ceilings. & rare wood panelin11. a private back yard with fountain & 2 shady covered palloi.. Wo rth your t ime to mvcsllJlate Call 830-1151 s99 Century 21 Orenge County 1oc INCLUDES 1 6 ICclures 2 HomesluOy m,tterrat:. J Workbook 4 Sample lest bOoklels Tape cauettes ol all 8 lectures a11a1lable to our students only at nominal lee J LOCATIOHS s-t• All-. ........... a..11. MIW-vi.i. flll GUHT PASS-CAU. 51 .. t:US A l.UGAIN TODAY PROFfT TOMORROW Nc•e ds u little dec:orahnf.! on the lll'ldt' but "hat u bargain! Lot:. of potential ht.'rt'. A 3 bedroom & u 2 ht•droom to choooe from. Just S2600 down ts nl't.'<ll'd . priced for qtul'k snlc If dollar:. count. see these today C:ull 768· 70'.!l A CAREFUL IUYER'S DREAM Culiforn1a Ronch style at Its best m this 3 hedroom "ith open beams. fireplace. & l ot s of clever uppmntmenl~ Locut1•d o n u cul-de·suc. you "'II be enchanted by thl' view & the beauty & tranquillty of the home. Try & match tKis for $86,000. Call 581-5253 Sc;>UHZE YOUR DOLLARS Make e\'ery dollar count. owner has just reducl'<I this 3 bedroom Muclrid to S!IS,900. Adaptable to any form o( entertaininl(, outdoor bbq, lo formal dinne r s Located 10 a well estahlishcd nei~hborhood. Owner wlll listen to 11ll offers Act quick on this i:enuine bargain Call now, 581-5253. WESTCUFF CONDO Excellent buy on this spacious homl• Close to everything. Includes pool. s ;iuna. clubhouse. tr you hke low mainle nancl· wi thout sacrifi<•ini.: quality Call today 645-7221, Century 21 Webtchff HARIOR VIEW "GIANT' Low pr ic e for this proven & "PORTOFINO" noor-"llan. Close to park. pool, &t r\. "2 stories. 3 bedrool'l'~oll-.Y. +separate larj?e !(Ii •• & loft. Owner is anxious ,., submit your offer. Asking $173,500. t~ee. 645-7221. Cent ury 21 Westclif( TRY THIS ONE FOR SIGHS Bil! Canyon golf coursl! view Crom l a sl efully upg r a ded :; bedroom Harbor \'1ew Home-Somersl't on a very pnvalc 1·oroer lot PlcasinJ.?IY prtc(•d SUJ7,SOO Fl'e Call Cenlur~ 21 Marten Reul F.state, 640-5357 ONE STOP Newport Crei.t Condo Spl'c1alist orfer one stop condo sboppml(. I\ good selection lo l'hOO!>e from Furnished. unfurnished 2 bedroom. 3 bedroom. vil•w. many amemltes. Call Century 21 Marten Real Estate, 640 5357 IALMY IREEllS Bas k tn the :;unshine & balmy brt.'t'Zl"I of beautiful Bal Isle. Almost new family home withtn s tones thro" of the beal'h Don't drlay Call Cmtury 21 Martrn Real F::ilate. 640-5357 UDO RETREAT Enter thu lovely Lido ble home through a Rrac1ous courtyard and enjoy tot.al privacy, Minimal care interior &t e~tenor make it Ideal for retired or traveling rouple. Cell Century 21 Marten Real Estate, 640·5357 POOL TIME Comµlt'lcly r edet·or11led & re modeled for totul comfort & t•onvt•n1cnn• Lari!<' master suite Iliads to rear )ard m a mmoth PoOI. Malt.,1ve h\·lng room w 'rorner brick f1 rt•plai:e Walk to Nt!'A port Beach Golf Course. Ask for A25 Century 21 Airport, 751·3910 SA .... TA ANA FOil RENT Oil LEASE 4 bdrm 2 balh home with lar11c low marntenanre yard for c hildren. Clu"l' lo !.hopping, lo1·uted near Tustin A\e & G (; Frel'"J\' ~~ mo Call l'enlur:-21 C'rotkt.'r, &t2-50ti2 * •llG IARGAIH • • Super 3 bedroom ~tarler home w1lh added 011 rarntl)' room \lu'll·scll upportumt) for )OU, only M9.900 T .\ K F. \ D V \ !'J TAG E N 0 W ! 1 ! !179 1050. Century 21 Surf Rt'alt) OWNEtl WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONAIL! OffSt on this 4 bedroom, P. bath home. Lovely cnclosl'd patio Will also sell VA or FHA for S&i.!!00 Century 21 Tustin l11ll>;, !>17-6934 FOR THE INVESTOR FAH'TASTIC 4-PLEX 1\ II :! bl'droom!i. 212 baths & prit-ed Just rcduted ~5500 to Sll!l.500 c .. ntur) 21 Tu.,tm t-Ulls. 547 6934 FIXEll UPPEtl-UPPEll I rn ai.:1nntion & lot5a T L.C will make this a supc>r investml'nl or .. turter home Co rner l-0t-a -potenllu1. Priced r1Rht at S4S,OOO. Ask Al CentUT) 21 Airport, 751 -3910 TUSTIM ONLY $59,900 3 bedroom. I'" bath, 2 !-Lory condo. Children welrome. Community pool. l'lubhoui.e. etc Call today. Century 21 Tu.,lin Hiils. 547-6934 CALL or STOP BY one of the offices listed HERE for fast. efficient h~D: 24031 Mer ..... Pkwy. Mls.sioft Yltio 786-7021 23811 Bridger Rd. 1733 WestclrffDr. 13872 Tustin Ave. El Toro 830-1151 Newport Beach 645-7221 Santa Ana 547-6934 1740 Orange Ave. Newport Beach 751-3910 26861 Trabuco Rd. Mission Viejo 581-5253 17187 Brookhurst Ave. Fountain Valley 963-6708 200 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach 640-5337 688 W. Baker Costa Mesa 979-1050 Costa Mesa 548-1168 ,..; 10585 Slater Ave. _,,, Fountain Valley 962-5521 ~'!'!!~! !.~~ ~ .......• I ~'!'!::! !.~~ ~~ ....... . ~~:~:!.~~~ ....... 1~~~!!!.~~~~ ........ ~:!!.~!~ ...... . G•ttral I 002 Getterol I 002 GeMral I 002 G.....-al I 002 Ge•rttt I 002 GeMral I 002 .....•..........•••.......•.•.•............... THE STARNES COMPANY REALTORS 640-5711 180 Newport Center Dr . N. B. PRESENTS • Big Canyon Golf Course Estate The ultimate in living luxury on· nearly 1 :i ac. lot. Enter parkin~ court thru remote control ~ates for privacy & secur ity. Marvel at nearly 7000 sq. ft. h om e ideally d esigned and decor ated for forma l entertaining, yet has a cozv den for re laxinS?. a sepa r ate g'a me room /wet bar f9f casual parties. spectacular frf"P fnrm pool /jacuzzi and separate pool house tor wet run, 5 huge bedrooms. St.:i baths. breakfast nook, and or course an exercise room. 1002 GeMral 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• llUHtc;>UllN71 OPIHSAT 1"4 Does lhe thought appeal 20 I 2 Seo*fft to you? If so, con11der l"M Ttn'. joining th• 1,lreat11lows ' VALUIPACklO otnces ol Uol<lu• Hornes y roe • fantastic 1918 Ac· ' the whole ram lly celer ated cummlitalon will o1ree lh•t l hl1 adiedule, in·howle •win• l RV l NE TE R RAC E loans. crutlve u lc cu.,tom home 1s the beat aids. computer lerlftklal value 1" Nt!wport Beach. " active tr aining fl ad s BdrtnS. 4 baths, d lnina mballcrauon Be uni(lue & fa mJJy room. swim · tn '18 'Mth Unlqve Hom mln& pool • mucb mor .. Real Elta\e'. Conta« JI SU.,500. F•:E LANO I Woad at '7MOOO, Jacki 644-7l70 Handlermn at 541-_, RED CARPET' ALL TYPES OF HOMES, CONDOS & INVESTMENT PROPERTY Available Throughout Orange County $50,000 to $500,000 HUNTINGTON HACH Ln Quc:;ta's finest Monler ry plan. 3 Br wUh lots of l>ooklhelves & paneling. $92.950 IRVIME -lrvinl' Grove's "Aspen" model wilh ~xtra large lot 3 Br & fam rm . $113,500 Fee. LAGUNA HILLS -Fantasllc view of city light!!. Only 4 months new. S74.900 Includes your choice o( drape:S SAMTA AHA l 4 Dr with pool. Nn clown lo v•:Ts. e .500 REDUCED 110.000 Beautiful 3 Br & ram rm . in lntnr on Ft'<' l11nd SIM.000 tMVESTORS ;, Unilll on R·4 lot In prlm.- 1-;11sts 1de C \t , NEWPORT HltGHTS RENTAL 2 ar + 1lcn Comr>ltt•·I~· n w. tr;s mn. I • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SPYGLASS-S265,000 Gorgeous P o rts mouth Mod e l in Spyglass Hill. Distinctive courtyard entry . High vaulted & beamed ceilings, separate rormal dining room. wet bar , 3 very s pacious BQrms, ramily room. Beautiful night lights & ocean views! Call to preview. HARBOUR-$240,000 3000 sq. ft . custom built on slope overlooking Huntington Harbour. 4 Bdrms, s prawling family r oom , & m assive kit chen. Sweeping master wing. New pool & spa. Call now! IEASTILUFF-S 149,000 Luxu rious & n ewly decorated. Formal din ing . Spacious fa mily r oom . Massive bric k fir e plac e . Huge kitchen, elegant m aster wing, giant fre~·form patio. Only $149,000! See this beauty today! 152-1700 tlHt NACAll'IMUI ILYD.-.urn ln-«YIMI HEWCOMDOS COSTA MESA. Next to Rqional Park. 3 large bdr ms, 2YJ ba. frple. microwave . tile. Dbl at• tached gar . Your own yard. What are you wail· Ing for? Let's do it! $82,500 Newport Pier Realty 2005 Balboa Blvd. Newport Bdt. 673·2058 LOW DOWN! VA & F'H A TERMS' Super low payments on new FHA programs • Fantastic 3 bdrm . 3 b11lh home in ar eaL area! m.500. RED CARPET754-l202 OP&eFllUMG DCmHG CONDO Sharp 3 bdrm Yorktown Wla. End unit . View of greenbelt frnm kitchen. Abundenl p~rking ste ps Crom our door Tast~rully d t~orate ct'>l n l lRht pastel11. Don't w all Phone today! ~!Mtl ~ Walker t; l t:e ~;;~~ .. ·;c,c;i 1~;;;~~ .. io~·; ·······················~····················· OPEMHOUSE SUN 12-5 IEAUTY IEYOMD COMPARE GORGEOUS.Ur 21f:alA Completely furnished. 1-'J mi le from beach · S.Lagunu 5 bdrms. W/O· cean vie w s Pool. jacuzzi. wet bar Lee Perrin. 714ts:J3.6600 MAGNI AC ENT AXER UPPER On full acre. high up In t h e Tus tin Hill s. Beautiful view. room ror horses and tennis . Between two mansions. hard work. ideas & money can make it fabulous• $225,000. T r a d c s o k . Owoerf Broker, Rlrk Alderette. 731-511.5 Ge-Mral t002G.......t 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• cae: 110181 BLllRS CD.· OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE NEWPORT llEACH Imm ac ul a t e 3 Br + D e n Condominium With View Of Ocean From 2nd Floor. Close To Pool, J acuz1.i, Sauna, And Tennis Co\ll't$. Call Us For More lnformation. P r iced At $129,500. .. COUNTIY FttENCH'' Spectacular Upgr aded One Story Newport.er Model. Rich Dark Oak Flooring ln•Liv. Rm. & Din. Rm. Spacious 4 Bedrm. Plus Fam Rm W /Wo_ol Carpeting. Kitchen W /Deluxe Tile Flooring. CU.stom' Built Pool W /Jacuzzi. UnobstnJctect Valley View. An Outs tandinl' Offertni At $329.000. A "Joy Of Newport" LisUi'lg. I ·-... -.................... I QI DAILY PILOT itaturda11, February 11, 1978 ~::.~~.~~•••••••! ~~!!!.~~.~c:'!••••••• ~~~:!!.~~•••••••}~~~•~•~••••••• ~!.~~•••••••I~~!.':!~.~••••••• ~-~.~ ...... .!~~~ ....... ~~.~~-~ ....... !~~ .......... ~?!~ ~~ .......... !?!~ ?~ .......... !~!~ ~:~!~ .......... !~!! ~!:::~ .......... !~!~ !~~!!'! .......... ~!!~ 0......... I 002 Gtet• fl I OOJ G...,.a.I I 002 • ····;~~=~~~~~~~···· ·~~~~;;;:·:: Pete Barnti /Ga/tg ~ ~ lI H M l n a JOxliS lot; rl•e land 10 _ -unt arbour 17001 a to. n , w~t Nc"port. Ju:.t :.te~ , pre~enh $157 ,500 to bei.t beach! A:.kmti Deane -20742 F a rnsworth HB, $125,000 $120,000 2 UNITS Deane -8211 Munster HB, $69,500 2 Bdrm. house with cute Fashion Shrs -21111 Richmond HR, }:~~~~:::e~.01~;~~d~~ $119,500 $Lll,500 Sea wind -20881 Queens Park HB, b'13-Jll03 642 2253 ~vet. $109,900 Six Plcx -412 l Sth, HB, $240,000 22 Units--415 15tb, JIB, $775,000 Park Place -21211 Poston HB, $1 22,900 W. M. -10481 Dover , WM , $76,000 W.M. -5811 Camphor, WM, $79,900 FV. -9761 LaTierra, FV, $132,900 FV -m98 LaTierra, FV, $125,000 Santa Ana --2525 Chandler , SA, $98,500 963-8377 IRVIHE TERRACE A house with gr eat potential! Small v i ew , fee lot 1n pre:,t igio us neighborhood. Formal dining room, family room with firepl ace. Low maintenance yard. $175,000 OPEN I ·5 610 MALABAR IRVIME TERRACE lf location is important to you. this may be the home. On the prime street in the t errace, south of the highway & close to beach, Fashion Island or Ba lboa lsland. This 2 be droom, family room home is ideal for the ~mull fa mily, lots of r oom fo r expansion or a possible view. $172,000. OPEN 1-5 1312 DOLPHIN TYR. A REAL HARBOR VIEW Fres h & clean everywhere New carpets. new µamt in & out, a great open feeling lo this 4 bedroom, 21,~ bath home with a great view for $22!},950. OPEN 1·5 1251 SURR.IHE TREASURE OM TERRAPIN This Ilaycrest famlly area is rarely available. !:;ec this exclusive 4 Bdrm. plus Family Rm. home on pool-sized lot. Refresh mg -and it's yours for $185,000 Fee. OPEN 1-4 1711 TERRAPIN WAY SECLUSIVE SERENITY associated llROK ERS-R EAL TORS l 02S W Bolboo •11·3661 JUSTUSTED \'ery desirable 3 bdrm., familf rm .• Piao 1 in best a rea or T ur l lerock Dt>ligr»ful terraced yard, 10 1tcr a t riu m with waterfall. Close lo pools &tenm!o VIEW!VIEW! Br eakfas t vie w w ith Back Bay & sno" cappt'CI mts .• b> mght, a m1lhon t\\1nkl in g l ight s Secluded wrap·a round pauo. 3 Udrms , 2' • b.it.h decorator 's b o rn e $164,000 C. F. Colesworthv REALTORS 640-00fo BAY CREST Immaculate 3 Br & den, 21 2 Ba, lge k1lchco, cor ner !pie. recently cpt 'd, beaut yard. $138,500 Open SattSun 1·5. 2100 Highland Dr. NB. Burr Whit ~ Rcalt~r 1 2901 Newport Blvd N B (7141 6 75·4630 ' *BRAND NEW* Never Jived In beauty for only $91.900 in a pre stig1ous ar ea. Cpts front lndscpng includ ed. For more 1nformat10 call: Agent at 848-2323 Open This Weekend 1-5 Lovely 4 bdrm., !am. rm .. 2' ·' ba. home. The own e r s ha ve jus t finished upgrading from the new crushed tile roo to copper plumbing. Th ts is n must sec before clc C'id.Jng on anything l'lsc! 1507 MA R I NE H DRIVE, N.B. **** Harbor View J tomes, bdrm .. 2 ba . ram. r m., formal din rm Ca rmel BE A KING ON KINGS! IM CLIFF HAVEM -Xlnt family locution. Completely redone 3 bdrm. family room home with pool. So c onvenient to schools . No chauffeuring for parents $169,900. 611 klncp PL. M.I. Open Sat/SM l·S NEW LISTING-BAYCREST PRIME HEIGHIORHOOD -Ivan Wells beauty with cathedral ceilings. 3 Bdrms, 3 baths, loft den overlooking the living room. A choice home in this fine area. $192,500. 1920 Conuodoi•, H.B. Open Sat/Sun 1·5 CLIFF HAYEN~EWPORT BEACH VIEW OF HARIOR -Priva te &. con vement is this custom, quality home. 3 Bdrm, d en , runing room, great kitchen with breakfas t room. Th e cul -de-sar allev has loads o( parking. Secluded patio. $250,000. 302 kings ltd., N.B. Open Sat/Sun 1·5 NEWPORT SHORES-WATERFRONT MEW LISTING -Lowest priced wate rfront in town on fee land! Garden, patio & deck over water. 2 Ddrms + l 'f..? bath + powder room, many more plusses. $148,500. 20 I Cmtal. t-4.8. Open Sat/S.. 1·5 INVEST & VACATION AT THE BEACH in this s uperbly located Newport cottage. Well built & in immaculate condition. 2 Bdrms & 2 bath with beach & ocean vie w. $139,500. I 06·27th St •• M.8. Opett Sat/5"' 1·5 TOTAL HARBOR VIEW! FROM THE ILUFF OF CUFF HA Ya. - 3 Bdrm home with bay & ocean view. 1 ncluded are approved plans to enlarge $249,SOO·fee. 911 KiMp Rd., H.I . 0,... Sat/Svn 1·5 REFRESHING IS THE WORD 8AYCREST -3 Bdrm, family r oom home. Sparkling pool visible from most rooms. Master bath with s unken tub & private garden. Make this home a ''Must See!" Separate guest house could be office or teenager haven. $213,000. 1822 Buttonsh.CI. H.B. Open Sah.rday 1-5 642-5200 On the Bluffs most choice greenbelt location, re flec ting the grand splendor of the award winning Bluffs concept. End 3 bedroom E -Plan, fa mil y room. Let us show you the Bluffs ultimate. $190.000 ~todd. l':"tr~mely nice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ne ighborhood. Extra OPEN 1·5 2132 VISTA DORADO NEWPORT CONDO Newport Crest 2 story w /~reenery galore. 3 Bdrms. Upgraded carpets. fixtur es, d ec or. As tr o·turf balconies. Seller lea vi ng area. Quick Sale. Priced at $1 25,500 fee. OPEN 1·5 22 WILDGOOSE CT. IG CAHYOH- TOP GOLF COURSE VIEW 2 Bdrm. G r eenbriat in prime location, close to tennis, pool & jacuzzi. Lge. enclosed front patio, 2 balconies on the view side. Formal Dining Room. Wet Bar, Fireplace. Large Mas ter Suite. $1'74,500 including the land. OPEM 1·5 #42 CAHYOH ISLAND 4 IB>ROOM CONDO WITH VIEW Newport Crest Pl an 6 with a view! Largest plan. lowest price for fast sale. Famlly room . fo rmal dining. fireplace in li vin~ room . Upgraded wallpaper. bu1lt·m BBQ. Near pool, tennis. Own condo & la nd for just $125.000. OPEN 1·5 16 GOOOWIU CT. PRIVATE ADULT COMMUNITY Immaculate 3 bedroom home located in qui e t c ul ·d e-sac surrounded by lovely mature trees. Extra-large living room, dining room & master suite. Adjacent to private pool & putting g reen. $177 ,500 including the land. IEAUTIFUI. IUY IM IAYCUST Bright & beautiful 3 bedroom, den & large country kitchen. Large, sunny rooms & a lovely rose garden, all with a tradltional look. $184.500 EMERALD IAY Attractive 4 bedroom, f amity room, formal dining room, view home in private commwi.ity. Walk to private beach, 6 tennis courts, 4 pools. Beamed ceilings. Recently redecorated. Quiet Cul-de-Sac Jocatian. $329,000. IAYSHOllS_.llVATI AaU Lovely 2 story home on Bayshore Dr. 4 Bdrm., }~am .Rm.. 4 bath, overlooking beautiful lanai. Close to privaw beacb & Marina. $275,000. large poolsizcd lot . G""'al 1002 GMffal 1002 lands<·aped by Lloyd·~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• ••••••••••••••• Nur-,t•ry. 1955 P OR LOCKSLJ::lGJI. COPE!lo SUN> If 523 CAMPUSDt: IRVl"E WOOD FLOORS Totally remodeled Corona del Mar 2 bdrm, 2 bath cottage that is like a brand new home! Wood floors, copper plumbing, forced air heating, new water heater, stove and disposal -. plus the Old Corona del Mar charm. Xtra large lot. Only $120,000. U~l()UI: tiVMt:S REALTORS~ 675-6000 7443 East Coast Highway. Corona del Mar also in Mesa Verde, at 546-5990 w.-.~to offer•aoice Mllctloft of ,. s,..._.coada*4tlw toMbullt~a..t toffle · ............ UMDA ISLE M4STlllPlECI Tip of the !~land with 113' frontage OD the big bay ! Spectacular water view from most rooms. Approx 6,900 sq ft offers the ultimat e in luxury living. J<'in est of co n s truction with hand-carved woods, imported stone, tile & marble. 5 Bedrms suites, formal dining rm, !am rm, den, recreation rm, elevator, sauna, dramatic pool & j acuzzi. $1,375,000 including the land. Call for Appointment llG CYH MEW TOWMHOMl $140.000 Beautiful "Oakcrest" model w narge living rm & formal dining. 2 Bdrms, 2 baths & bright sunny kitchen. Pool. jacuzzi & tennis cts. Sec. gate. 38 SEA ISU.MD DRIVE SAT/SUM 1·5 (Jamboree Entrance) MEW TOWNHOME FOR LEASE Beautiful Bi g Cyn location! At end or enclosed courtyard with· waterfall. 2 Bedrooms, den & dining room -all overlooking the pool. Cptd & draped. Tennis els, pool & jacuzzi. $750 Mo. (See Broker-38 Sea Island) IEAUTlFUL CAMEO SHORES Fantastic ocean & sunset view from this 3 BR 4 bath home. Den w /wet bar, sep. dining r m & huge living rm. Privacy in patio, lovely pool. Located on one of better s treets. $310,000 4525 CAMDEN DRIVE SAT/SUM 1·5 CAMEO HIGHLANDS $179.500 View of ocean & hills! A delightful area -quiet living yet close to shopping. See this great family home w /4 bdrms, fam rm, formal dining + bonus rm. Private front court-yd for entertaining. 3 Private beaches. 4501 SURREY DRIVE SAT/SUH 12-4 14UOA ISL.AMO $189,500 Glowing corner fi replace in the charming living room of this 3 bdrm 3 .. bath home. Sunny s tudy or sewing rm off upstairs master suite. Lge dbl garage. Short walk to beach & shops. 201 PEARL .AVENUE ,SUH l·S THE ILUFF~MD UMIT-l.EASE : Spacious customized condominium in newest section of the Bluffs. 2 Lge bdrms, den with firepl, formal dining rm + 21".? baths. Decorator papers. cptng & drapes. A /C $800 Mo. 2921 PERLA SATfSUM 1·5 WESLEY N. TAYlOR CO., REALTORS 21 I I San Joaquin Hlls Rood ,NEWPORT cacna, M.1. ~44-4910 GeMf'al I 0021G........ I 002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BEST IN BLUFFS 4 IR. END UMIT Early Bluffs; view, first time off er ed. 2200 Sq. ft., bright, beamed cell's., form. din., 3 ba.; total privacy; nr. pool. $165,000. OPEH 1-5 2114 VISTA LAREDO I-LEVEL BA YFROHT Early Bluffs, panoramic view; spacious 2 BR, 2 ba. & encl. 20x50 ft. patio; lease/option to purchase or lease only. · ILUFFS IARGAIM End unit, Tennis Villa X-Plan! .former model: many upgrades. 3 BR, form. din., fam. rm., 2112 ba., wide greenbelt. $131,500 WE HAVE CHOICE LEASES HELEN B. DOWD REALTOR IMC. 644-0134 GtMral I0021GtMrel 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MAGNIFICENT LINDA ISLE D istinctive, gracious home with over 5000 square feet, slip for up to s:;· yacht, pool, jacuzzi, sauna and s ix· bedrooms -OI "~ · ... !ti;~-4·~-­--Balboa Island Realty 1\NO lNVt!STMeNT eoMPANY 673-8700 SllK & flND. TiiOM45 ~YA EDISON CAPLAHPARR60E"MIMST SDFHPARGONOHPTCENME T M I H G W D N A Y E E 0 H E I P C W Y l U I RMTETTHZTIOIESGAHLQ HEEDLAQTPOSJ8~RlDIU .M 0 KN EA P 0 R XU A E RI Y MP R 6 0 C P I R H'l UT l HU£ L I 0 W ORUOITSDOCOYOSCLRCE WAH RHTLEHHlfCCAT£KE KPPU"JK E UK!OL"HTH•K KHRLTR RCERO UYUARUDL 'OIZ~TEEON KRR KJNMEY NTSEHSWAETOTESYOE~H EASlANlfLLSHM£ED,F£ IM1fl.C"°'9: .-ljdOln ..,. tlllow ..................... -.rd, -~ ot clllpwlly. find lldl MCI boll ft"'-Ii! Mtlan Port Huron Ytek11 HINhl ~ Knits t Mf•ogl".•ph """' Butdler ¥ "•,,ey flllon09Nph Stoek Ticker Satdl1~ OtctlDhonit Ju17 Fourth Tax ... : ntn MA•MlflCBn' YllW -On Newport Bay. Two story, 5 BR, room to park your boat. One of a kind property. Call us for appt. to see. $767.500. WEST MEWPORT DUPLEX -Rent one & live in the other. 4. BR upstairs, 2 BR. downstairs. Both with ocean view. G r eat condition, shows pride of ownership. $189,000. LOVB.Y -Your fair lady will agree, that this is a dream home. Completely carpeted, A JC, 2 comfort BR, convt den, deluxe entry way tile. self-cln bltn oven. Adjacent to new tennis c~ swimming pool. $99,200. Open house Sun 1 -4. #2 Sparrowhawk (Woodbridge) Irv. OAK. CAMa le USED IRICIC -that's floors, carpet & fireplace. Rare 2 story, 3 BR, 2lh BA, Bluffs Franciscan Model. Exclusively offered $139,900. IAIGAIM IM THE ILUFFS -4 BR, 3 BA , formal dining area. Lowest priced condo in the Bluffs. Close to Fashion Island shopping, schls. & churches. $118,500. ,._\I J J~:lr ll_Fkt\l~I~ 1470 JAMBOREE RO., NEWPORT BEA'.:H I 002 lc.nerat 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Two ocn w/gst. hH •••••••••• Sl.000,000 Emerald lay~ID + ocnsJm •• $595,000 Emerald lay-41D-Vl•w •••••••• $495,000 haerald lay~ID-Vlew •••••••• $435.000 Emenild lay-llD-YJew •••••••• $450,000 &nenilcl lay-JID ............ $212,000 Corona del Mcr-08Plu ••..•• SI 19,500 CorOM del Mcr--481> •••••••••• $16'9,900 Uppw lack loy-41D •••••••••• SI 45.000 Woo6ridp--JID •••••••••••••• $93,500 Cdm Watet facint :: ........... •• ... SOLD 644-7020 2123 SAN JOA9UIN HILLS ROAD NEWPORT IEACH G....-al I0021G•Mral 1002 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A NEW ORLEANS HOME IN THE GRAND MANNER! 3 Bdrms., .-3 baths, antique marble frplc. Small boat doc~. + stunning 2 bdrm. apt. Call to see this magnificent home! $18.5,000. RUMBOLD REAL TY INVESTMENTS 312 MARIME A VENUE IALIOA ISi.AMO 67S.48ll .~ .......... !?!~! ?.~ ...•...... ~~!~ macnab I Irvine realty COSTA MESA PROPERTY ' IMVITATIOM TO PURCHASE 3 BR, dining + study, 2112 bath condo in prime location. End unit w /many upgrades. Comm. pool. Under $100,000! Vee Stinson 642-823.5. (J-40) CUPID'S CHOICE Bursting w/pride-of·ownership! It's a show-off w/3 s pacious BRs + family rm, patio, Jg. s ide yard w /room for pool & low ma int landscaping. Super location! $117,000. Jeri Hunt 642-8235. (J-41) PERFICT FAMILY HOME On quiet c ul-de-sac. Cus tom decorated 3 BR w /country kitchen & Jg. yard for children's play or pool -prof. landscaped. You'll say it is charming! $95 ,000. Dorothy HardcasUe642-8235. CJ-42) TRIPLEX Lovely 3 BR home attached to 2 BR & 1 BR. Pride of ownership! End garages -laundry rm -extra special cond. ONLY $169,000. Lois Miller 642-823.5. (J-43) S UNITS Includes 3 BR home, two 2 BR homes + duplex (1 BR/each). All single-story w /enclosed garages, parking spaces & patios. Excellent conditioo. Super rentals. $?00,000. Vic J ashinski 642·8235. (J-44) HAYI SOMI TAXIN~ PROl&&tS? Consider 6 new units. built w/quallty In mind. Excellent rent & shelter potenUal. Four 2 BR, 1¥.a baths & two aBR. 2 bath units. 763 WEST 19TH ST. Clint Moses 642-8235. (J-45) 642-1215 to1 OoWr Orlw • . ~~~~ ....... .l~~~ ... i .... ~.~.~ ....... }~:!!.~.~ ........ .. ~ ............ !~~~ ....... • 002 G~ , 1002 G....,.. 1002 _ .. _________ . •·•·•··•·•··•·•··•·•··• ............................................. . ALMOST OCIANROHT Terrlfic (amily home ln prime Corona d~l Mar location, just steps to Big Corona Beach. Shghtly les~ than 5,000 bq. ft., with a tropical decor, including rich mahogany paneling, sliding bamboo panels & a private, lushly land~cuped patio 5 Oversized bdrms. Open Sal;Sun. l 5. 209 Narcissus Ave. $.130,000 WANT TO MAJCE MOMIY7 We thmk this already ~harp Cameo Shores home could be worth a lot more money to someone willing to do some remodeling. At $269,500, this home. in this location, is a bargain. Wtth a little work ... come see what you think. Open Sat/Sun. 1·5. 2'11 Milford Dr. JUST LISTEO!! Ll•ss than 2 blks . to the ocean. Sm a lh!.h 2 bdrm home on 40 ft. R-2 lot. set among lots of trees & shrubs. in Corona del Mar. Would you believe $150,000! CONV9UEMCE Close to schools, close to shopping. close to the park, c.lose to the pool, clos e tu work . clos e to most eve r) thing & <:lo.se to bemg sold with a new reduced price of $159,500. See 359 _ Vista Madera, in The Bluffs. Open Sun. 1-5 4 Bdrms., 3 baths, an end unit. S44,500 No kidding, and in Newport Beach. too! A dc:luxe 2 bdrm .. 2 bath mobile home located in exclusive Bayside Village. Many terrific amenities, such a s Pool. jacuz1i & dubhouse. Must be adult occupied. HORSES & OCEAN VIEW You can have both when you build the home of your dreams on this gorgeous 5 acr e site in San Juan Capistrano. Dt·finilely one of a kind! $350,000 A COMPVTBllUD MARKET ANALYSIS ... of your home is avallable by calling H<irbor Really. No cost or obligation & we bet you'll be surprised at how much your home is worth. 671.4too HARBOR So Gentle, Silky! HOMES WORTH SEEING! OPIM SAT./SUN. LA.RGI 4 la U400 FT) This is a very spc¢lal bome on a quiet cul de tiSC street: newly carpeted & freshly painted & wallpapered; the greenhouse & rear planting beds will be appealing to the home gardener. $145,000. 363 Vista Baya (off Tustin Ave., between 22nd & 23rd Street>. Open Sun. 1·5 HARIOR VIEW HOMES Sharp 3 bdrm.. 2 'baths + formal dtning rm. Side gate will permit storage of boat, trailer, RV of any kind. $135,000 is at the bottom of the turrenl price range for this area. meluding the land. View of night lights. 1806 Port Taggart. Open Sat. & Sun 1·5 AMOTHBl LOYEl Y HOME This 1s the same Monaco Model as a hove. in top condition & freshly de<:oratc<l & landscaped. $139,500. 1942 Port Cardi~an. Open Sun. 1-5 HIW LISTING! Woodbridge Village townhouse; 3 bdrms., country kitchen, upJlraded end unit m best location. At the low price of $71.900, this won't last! SI 0,000 REDUCTION This New England style 3 bdrm. home ts one of the loveliest in Corona del Mar, located only 4 doors from Newport's best beach. the whole boating picture & ocean breezes. Custom built 11·:.! years ago, with t:alhedral ceilings, formal dining rm. & a nice kitchen eating area. Shown by app'l. 759-0811 fiut ~ Guo! W e.&u'Ul 'Be.49. BALBOA PENH TRIPLEX Tremendous tax shelter in prime rental area, xlnt cond. SI 45,900. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Hustic 3 BR, fam r oom, b;ick frplc, range & oven, dishwasher. SI 49,950. NEWPORT BEACH DUPLEX Near new -with ocean view, 4 car parking, good rental. SI 59,500. CORONA DEL MAR 3 BR. 3 BA, den & dining room, 4 yrs. young, all bltns. Frpl, wet bar. sep. laundry room, bi g dbl. gar, over 3000 s q. ft. $159,500. LIDO ISLE Beaut. Mediterranean 3 BR, 4 BA home, xtr a wide lot, huge courtyard entry w/tile fountain. $261,000. OPEM HOUSE SUNDAY l ·S 808 VIA LIDO SOUD JACOBS REAL.TY 675·6670 2919 Newport llvd. comer 30th I 002 GtMrol 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• c;::sEL ECT I PROPERTIES IEST BUY 3 Bedroom with massive stone fireplace & expanded living room, for mal dining room, warm country kitchen. Located on a large lot with RV access. Close to shopping & Newport-Mesa Schools. Priced at a low $f'>4,900. CALL 556·2660. 3 IEDROOM $55,000 New paint in & out, new carpeting, make this a very neat &: tidy home. Owners have bought another, which-.. t hey wilJ lose if they don 't sell quickly. Government appraised at $55,000. Bring a n y oHer. CALL 751-3191. FOUR BEDROOMS $74,900 Great Costa Mesa location, a short walk to schools & shopping. Well maintained, well priced. Spacious fa m ily home. For details CALL 556·2660. ) REDUCED Prlmc4 bedroom on a big, blg lot. Owner transferred & wants to sell this vacant 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. ll 's only 7 years old & in super shape. •~uu price $'94,900. CALL 7Sl 3191 . . ... ---·· ~!.~.~ ....... j~!.~.b ..... ,,, ................. ,.11.1978 DAA.VPll.Ol (;7 Gwrat 1002 GeMNt 1002 Hot.NSfot-5* Hou"aforS• Hot.MaPwS. ....................... ....................... ••········•··•·•··•···· ............................................. . CMt•al 1002 ~ 1002 G......t IOOJ OPEN HOUSES 1 • HARIOR YtEW HILLS -lowest priced ocean view in CdM. 3 Bdrm, family rm + formal dining. 2 Cozy fireplaces & beamed ceilings. Open Saturday; 1114 Whitesails. CORONA DEL MAR -Panoramic ocean & bay view. Newly decorated gracious family home with heated pool. Open Sunday 1-5, 2807 Ebbtide, $299 ,500. TUITLIEROCIC HIGHLANDS -New Ii::. ting. A larJ?e 2800 sq.ft. Stewart Plan with dramatic hill vjew. Plush beige t:urpeling. Charming bay window in breakfast area. High ceilings in living & dining areas. The best of Turtlerock Highlands. Open Sat/Sun, #7 Clear 8prin~ $225.000. HAllOR VIEW -Panoramic views from this just listed Somerset Phase HI. Lovely used brick, 2 story fireplaces. 5 Bdrms & family room. Formal dining. Perfect for the large family. One block to pool, jacuzzi & tennis courts. Offered at $181,500. Open Sat/Sun, 2214 Pt. Carlisle. CAMEO HIGHLANDS -Move in tondition. Home surrounds 1 yr old pool and jacuzzi with extensive flagstone decking. 2 New patio covers, new landscaping, new paint inside & out, plus 4 bdrms, 2\-'2 baths with Palos Verde stone fireplace in living room. All this and approx. 2500 sq. ft. of living space. A best buy at $210,000. Open Sat/Sun 1-5. 4610 Dor.chester. SPYGLASS -VIEW -This popular Portsmouth model offers 3 bedrms, 2 hath. lmmal'ulate condition. 3 Car garage. Approx 2 yrs old. Also offers beautiful ocean \'iew. Tinted windows. Owner will tarry large 2nd trust deed. Offered at $298,000. Located at 19 San f\latco Way: Ope n Sat/Sun. HARIOR VIEW LUSK -Vacant 4 bedroom. family room. ocean view. .Just painted in!)ide, waiting for you to move into. $244.900. 3907 Inlet Isle. Open Sat/Sun. $249,500. HARIOR VIEW LUSK -REDUCED - VIEW PRIVACY This 4 bedroom haven is a n executive reward -green hills, blue Pacific. a horn<.' to make it all worthwhile. Corona del Meir at its best. 1436 Keyview. Open Sat/Sun. $249,000. SPYGLASS VIEW -4 Bedrm. highly upgraded, prolessionally decorated and landscaped. Panoramic view of oc ean and bayfront. Offered at S325.000. Ope n Sunday only. 9 Monterey Circle. 675•3411 L US KiR E ALTY a Joh n n. /.u.fiJ... .\· Son Co 25 1 S E. C oa\t Hwy Corona d('f M ar GeMral 1002G.-rol 1002 ··········•···•···•··•··•·•··•·••·•··••······· Open Houses Sat. & s .... I ·5 p.m. 131 Topn $247,500 224 Opal $298.000 317 Ruby $219,500 MEW LISTING OH IALIOA ISi.AHO* $265.000 ***Prime MariM AYtftU9 locatiGR with loads of foot traffic. P,..,,...ty IMIMdts two ....tail stans, plus • 3 ~--& lar9e boeus room •It that c• IM resldefttitll lncotM unit of a Mite of. offices for proffftlOflol let"Yicn OR1 A really spedal ofhrinq and gcrop spact COfllH wfth it! IA YFROHT DUPLEX $450,000. Owner will exchangt or sell tflls fofttastfc properly. Two ......... hws fully fwNlhed. Lcrcie 3 IMdrOCMn home and 2 beclreom unit. Pavilion VllW; Oftshor. rnooe llMJ a'laiL QUALITY COHST1lUCTIOH $.Ztl.000 Leaded windows, brick, IMams a11d warmth. l bedroom, fam. rift. nd aeporale OM bed. ..,1t. ESPICIALL Y LARGE $21t.SOO Two s.,_.at• unfft. Wonrt 4 bed. home and 2 bed.,....... Two patios. INCOME OPPORTUNITY $247,SOO Cha......, 3 bedroom + fGM.nn. hcNM and 2 bed. ,....._ ISLAND COTTAGE $1'9,IOO s .... y • briCJht 3 .,..OOfll homt wtth forMol .... ,... -4 ,,. •• ,..... Just ...... ycwd to ,..... yow,_.. beldad tt.e plcktt ftflctl Thlt a.... off#s W. 11" wt.My to ,.., c..,.. •d w ..... , _..._ ,.,. ........ hoael ······••••······•······ ............................................. , LOCATION COUNTS! F.A.'>"TSIDE 2 Br, 2 Da lge ll'\'cl lot for nddini: bn to !'need nght at SG},200. 38l Costa Mesa, C.M. Open S:it/Sun l ·S 400 E.17'" FOR lU C.M. aiu.s SP!CIAL SPARKLER in Mesa del Mar. Many xtra Ccatures . Redecorated & re · modeled 4 bdrm home. i\tnum, pttoeling, trash compactor. etc Open Sunday 12·5 or coll s.6-., ~HERITAGE • .• REALTORS GASSAVBl! Pedect for the 1 c3r family walk lo maJor shoppin.:. park. school~ & bus stop. 4 Spacious b d r m s , P• b a t h s , fireplace Your choiet> ol VA. Jo''HAor convent1onal terms. Nl•w l.Jstinl(s al Jui;t $63,500. HURRY! 531 5800 ()pen Eves. Inti R.E. Metworif NEWPORT HTS. 3 BR. & family rm. home nr. ClifC Dr. As k1nt? S125.000 Anxious for of feri.! OFFICES Near new office bldg. in pnmc NewPort location $350,000 HOLOAHFEE Two 3 bdrm. homes on big Cos ta Mt:'sa lot. S99.800. Owne r will carry. MARINBlS COVI! REALTY 646.4463 *TWO HOMES• Llve in one, rent the other! New 3 bdrm., 2'h ba .. frplc. PLUS charm· mg, upgraded 2 bdrm. home. Close lo beach, shopping & bus. S220,000 CALL 0 6-h•UU ~ .. ~ .. , N~ .. porl PoH Orrin HUNTIMGTON ICH 2Br, 112 bath, all adult Condo $571500 MISSION VIEJO Casta del Sol. 2Br +den W/Wetbar. $88.000 IRVIHE/WoocbidC)e Blllcay Mdl. 4 Br, den, fam rm. $159.950. andCULVERDALE 4 Br. fam rm. l Year pro- tection plan. $94.SOO. FOUNT AIH VALLEY 3 Bdrm, l3'. bath, VA" FHA terms. $75,900 HERISlT HA WICIMS RLT1lS 919-8100 CHARMING CAPE COD Highly upgraded w /lop quality material. View of Old CdM. & sunset. 4Bdrm. 38aths + 1 Bdrm. lBalb rental unit. Am enities PLUS! lncludinl huge mstr s uite w /sitting rm . Jacuui in mstr bath. A pe r fect pride oC owne.rmlp property w I tncome&esldes! 646-71U c;:I Walker & Lee Real Elstate ~II. mecneb / lrvtne ?-realty F.I NE It H 0 MES FROM $39,SOO TO Sl,500,000 VALBmME PHNCT Choice Baycrest locatipn & move.in ready! 4 BR home w/h igb beamed ceilings, char min g fa mily rm formal dining + sep. brkfst rm . A great family home -OPIH SAT. • SUM . 12:30·4:30 P.M. It IS WIHDWAIU>. (J ·26) 180 DEGRH Vll!W Brand new 2-story 4 BR home on pool-sized lot. View balconies from upper story, master BR w/fi.replace & family rm open onto spacious yard. $215,000. OPEM SAT. & SUM. 1-S P.M. 23I1 IRYIHE A VE. UPPa IA Y. (J·27) GUARANTEED TO OYHWHILM YOU: Custom fami l y h o me j u st completed on quiet street facing park, 2-blks from ocean & bay. 3 BHs, 2Yi baths + lg. library/study & 2 fireplaces. Quality thru·out! OPEH SAT. Ir SUH. l·S P.M. 1724 PLAZA DEL NORTE. IALIOA PIH. (J -28) DB.UXE TOWMHOME Greenbrier Model w /view of golf course. Lg. pa tio & 2 decks; 2 lg. BRs + sitting r m; mirrored wet bar; fireplace. Comm. pool, jacuzzi & tennis. Security bldg. $168,900 fee. Joyce Edlund 642-8235. (J·29) LINDA ISLE Gated island w/24·hr. security. Lg. 2-story, 5 BR home w /fa mily rm, sauna & super location w/view of Big Bay. Pier & s lip. $650,000. Cathryn Tennille 644·6200. (J·30) SUNSET -IAY VIEW Custom, expan ded "E" plan w /Upper Bay full water & wildlife view from every window. Approx. 2850 sq.ft. or proressional elegan ce w /3 BRs, lg. fa mily rm w/£pl & tiled wet bar, formal dining + balconies & patio overlooking view. $285,000 fee. Jean Dales 642-8235. (J-31) 611 LIDO PARK DRIVE Superb 2 BR apt overlooking the action of Newport Bay. Beautifully decorated w/quality cpts, papers & fixtures. Appt. only. $289,000 fee. Martha Macnab 642-8235. (J -32) WE ARE PlJVILEGB> To off er an outstanding beautifully detailed 3 B R home w /an uncluttered view of sea, Catalina, n igh t -lii?hts & tranqu il s unsets. Conv. den -family r m -lg. viewing terrace -lush landscaping & custom d t'signed jacuzzi in private setting add to an elegant atmosphere. $315,000. Appt. only. Belle Chase Lee 644-6200. (J ·33) LUSH GRE94 SETT1HG! A best buy in Harbor View Hills! Newly painted & ready! Lovely 4 BR & famiJy rm home w/enclosed courtyard, nice patio w /views or park green, some ocean &. city lights. $195.000. Marjorie Mahon 644-6200. (J.34) LOOK & COMPARE! Dollars/sq.ft. -this "E" plan is unequalled! Superbly decorated & upRraded 3 BR + Jg. family rm w /2200 sq.ft. of Country Charm &. beautiful greenbelt location. See it today! $157,500. Jean Dales 642·8235. (J·:l5) HEATHa LAME 4 BR+ family rm hom&Wng. pool. Priced for immediate sale ! Move·in ready! Roy Romey 642·823.5. (J-36) TWO IROADMOORS TO CHOOSE FIOMI (l) Plan 3 on excep tionally Jg. corner Jot. Beautiful hand-carved door opens into teak parquet entry & lovely gardens s ur round this loveJy 4 BR home -$369,500. (2) P lan 4 w/4 BRs, pool &7-jet jacuzu. Outdoor lighting enhances prof. l a n dscaping. S potlessly cl ean I $329,900. Lynne Valentine 644-6200. (J-37) CdM 3 IRJDEH HOME-$165,000 Very cozy 2-story w /woodbeamed cathedral ceilings, walnut paneled master BR s uite w/wra~around balcon y, floor-to·ceiling used brick fireplace+ easy maintenance front & rear yard. Paula Bailey 642-8235. (J·38) HIWPOltrl MIWUT- P rlvate community features pool, tennis, security + a charmintlY decorated, highly upgraded 2 BR. den homo w /a "peek ocean view11• $219,500 fee. Martha Macnab 642 ;8235. (J -39) . ~ "' # .. .. .. • • . . ' .. .:··· ...... ,.,.s. SQ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... '!'I c .. AITJSTS NDIAW AY Mt,tSO 20· Hich beamed ull i.Qp, ram.Uy room• frplc enhance 3 bdrm Incl masttt suite • pvt bath. SplraJ staircase leads l< loft. or 4tb bdrm. Enler talning all offers 540-9822 llSTIUY kl MIWPOlT IEACH for this completely re· ~·· modeled, upgrad ed home in the new, new, new-paint in/out, cpts. drps, plumbing, k1lchen & landscaping. 3 Bdrms. custom brick frplc. A better buy you won't gel Only $114.900 644-7270 u.tti" S.-u·fi ti"""'<U REALTORS OPEH Sat/Sent 1-5 701~te.CdM ,atCID TO SElL This COM DUPLEX Each unit remodeled with new putnl in/out. __ Cpts & drps, buill·ln • -kitchen. 2 Bdrms, frplcs. : • Owner will carry 2nd. No •• payment for lst year. ., _ Better hurry! $171,500 644.7270 FAMILY HOME • In a great neighborhood 3 Big bdrms, dining rm., i 12 ba th~. big yard. fenced front & back. Cov- ered patio See quick. u king $G9,SOO. Call 540-llSl U.HERITAGE • .• REALTORS FIXER su.ooo FHJ\.VATERMS TOO!! flandyman's s pecial ror those short on cash look· mit for a great 3 bdrm --home. Step s aver kitchen · & large yard. Don't miss this one! Call t oday 646-7171 Qdf0 I • 11 J "J f I IJ I' .. !~IH&Hd $54,950 · NEAROCEAH! ' Pillared porch cntry t gracious living at af. fordable pncei. ! ! Rich wood decor. Step save kitchen w /walk-in pan· try ! Enclosed pa ti • room. Spacious family townhome ortering FliA & Gl terms! Won'L last Call . .. '· 'I tj •• " 64S.Ol0l FORES T E OLSON ....... ,,,j:.i, I l ,.c-....,._c.o_., MEWIHGLAMD LUXURY Elegant li vina ! Quiel • prest.lge area. 4 Bdrms. : balh. ·Cathedral ceiling tllving room w /coiy, -. sione fireplace! Formal -¥· dlnioe room! Cocktall terrace! Spacious family '• room w/lavish wet bar! _,•Convenient RV acceu! Shown by appt. Call: I I 64Ml0l ... ' 'H F OREST E OLSON ..... ( ... "'.' , .. , s.turday. Febryary 11. 1811 HOUSES "FOR SALE 2 llDIOOM 32471 Spyglass Crt, San Juan Capo 496·7711 ~.500 Sunday 1-4 14596 Oval Rd., Plan ''C" lrvine 752·1700 *>5.500 Sat 1-4 2 Greenleaf (Woodbridge) Irvine 752·1414 $'12,500 Sat.1·5 •2101 So. Pacific(NrS.CstPlaza)CM 557-8351 $47 ,000 Sat/SWl * •201 Canal (Nwpt Shores) NB 642·5200 $148.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 412 Hazel Ave. (Old Corona) CdM 675-6000 $120,000 Sat/Sun 106·27th St .• Newport Beach 642-5200 $139,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 706 Begonia, Corona del Mar 540-3666 $169,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 17511 Wayne, Irvine 645-9161 Sat 1-5 718 Malabar (Irv. Terr) CdM 673·8550 $140,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 381 Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa 642·3255 $9,200 Sal/Sun 1·5 • 1426 S. Flower St., Santa Ana 642-3255 Sunday l ·5 1211 Miramar. Laguna Beach 642-3255 $112,000 Sunday 1·5 5 Landfall Ct .• Newport Beach 646·7171 $125,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4828 River, Newport Beach 646-7171 $125,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 332 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar 644· 7211 $139,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 IR & FAM RM or De. 24281 Tahoe Court, Laguna Niguel 496-7711 $00,500 Sunday 1·5 659 Balsana. Laguna Beach 494-858.5 $283,000 Sun 11·4 238 62nd St. (Nwpt Shores) NB 645-7575 $112,000 Sat.1·5 4271 Bridgeway (Gmtree) Irvine 551·5238 $79,900 Sat/Sun 12·5 31 N. Sea Island Dr. (Big Cyn) NB 675-6000 $199,500 Sat. only 51 Beacon Bay (Beacon Bay) NB 675-6000 $182,500 Sat. only 2501 Harbor View fHVH ) CdM 646-7414 $229,500 fee Sa/Sn 1·5 2907 Perla St. <Bluffs> N. B. 675·6000 $142,500 Sat/SWl 1312 Dolphin Terr. <Irvine Terr)CdM 644-1766 $172,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 #2 Sparrowhawk, Woodbridge, Irv. 640·9900 $00,200 Sunday 1·4 300 E. Cst Hwy (DeAnza Village ) NB 642·823.5 $50,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 4807 Surrey Dr. Corona del Mar 675-5511 $185,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1999 Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa 646-7171 $118,000 Sunday 1·5 708 Fernleaf, Corona del Mar 644-7211 $135,000 $pt 1·5 #10 Rue Fountainbleau,BgCny,NB 646·3928 $249,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 IR Ir FAM RM or De. & GUEST 2815 Broad St. <NwptHts )NB 645-4829 $137,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 IEDROOM 361 Esther, Costa Mesa 642·1730 ~.500 Sat/Sun 12·4 29382 Buck.haven. Nview. LagNgl 830-5050 $119,800 Sat/Sun 1·5 2021 Deborah Ln, Newport Beach 642-1965 $124,500 S/Sun /M 1·5 3005 Babb, Costa Mesa 894·5396 Sat/Sun 1·5 160 W. Mariposa, San Clemente 2131691-5331 $89,950 . Sat l ·S 718 Goldenrod, Coronadel Mar 631·1800 $157,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2620 Riverside Dr., Costa Mesa 642-6368 $79,900 Sat/Sun 12·4 406 Plata, (Bluffs) Newport Bch 731-4911 $152,900 Sat/SWl 1·5 19 San Mateo Way (Spyglass) CdM 675-3411 Sat/Sun 1·5 442 Cambridge, Costa Mesa 540-1720 $102;500 Sat/Sun 2509 Carriage, Santa Ana 540-1720 $79,950 Sat/Sun • 10710 Peony, Fountain Valley 540-1720 $84,500 Sat/Sun 6 Rue Valbonne (Big Canyon) NB 644-6200 $284,500 Sat. l ·S 2 Viejo <Rancho San Joaquin) Irv. 642-8235 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 #56 Willow Tree, Irvine 152.1100 ~5.ooo Sa 1·4/S 11-3 2121 Yacht Julia (Seaview) N.B. 642-8235 $265,000 Sat. 1·5 3124 Sumatra, Mesa Verde, C.M. 631-2246 $76,543.21 Sat 12·5 17751 San Doval, Huntington Bch 752-1700 $78,500 SWl 11·4 10131 Dervey Dr., Garden Grove 752·1700 $75,000 SWl 12·5 •230 Lugonia (Npt Shores) N.B. 646·3255 $109,790 Sun 1·5. 304 Otero (Bluffs) Newport Bch 673·8550 $154,500 Sun 1·5 314 Pro5~t (Newport. Shores) NB 645·7575 $107,000 Sun. l ·S 1521 Kings Rd. CNpt. Heights) NB 645-7575 $265,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3205 W. Balboa, Newport. Beach 645-7575 $149.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 808 Via Lido Soud. Lido II, N. B. 675·6670 $268,000 Sun. 1·5 #24 Sea Island Dr. (Big Canyon) NB 759·1501 $159,900 Swi l ·S 29252 Ridgcview Dr, Laj{una Niguel 751·3191/831'°295 Sat/Sun 1-5 17291 Rosewood.The Terr .. lrv. *538Bedlaods Ave. (Npt Hgls) N'S • 675-8000 Sl38.SOO Sat/Sun '515 HamPden Rd,Cam.Shrl.CdM 67S-6000 $228,500 Sat/Sun 9ll Kinp Rd. CCUffHaven) NB "2·5200 •.soo Sat/SUD 1·~ 1806 Pt. Taggart <HVHomfll)N.B. 759-Gnr 1$135,000 sat.sun 1-s 1942 Pt. cardisan (HV Home1) NB 'J59-G811 " Q,$00 ... 1·5 1419 Shiriade <Irvine Te"'> QDI 613·386.1 1185:000 _,. &m.1·5 DIRECTORY ...... ....,....., ... ,. ......... c .. · ......................... ... ............ .,..... ... .,...... ... f .. ...,.. MILT PILOTWAMf AOS ........ .......................... _wpit ........ 1w, .................. ....., ... ~. ... 4821 Cort.land,Cam. Hlnds.CdM 645·9161 Sat/Sun 1·5 689 Vista Bonita, Bluffs, Npt Bch 640·9900 $139,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 207 Milford (Cameo Shores) CdM 673·4400 $269,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1506 Irvine, Newport Beach 646·7171 $130,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••21 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 752·1920 S250.000 Sundav 1·5 #20 Whitewater, Jadmine.Crk.CdM 675·5511 $23.5,000 Sunday 1·5 223 Princeton, Costa Mesa 752·1920 $73,500 Sunday l·S 1532 La Loma, North Tustin 752-1920 $154.900 Sunday 1·5 **107 "A" St., Balboa ISland 631·1400 $265,000 Sat/Sun l·S 3 II & FAM IM or D .. 2433 Littleton Pl. (Cambridge) CM 546-~ $82,500 Sat/SWl 1·5 206 La Jolla Lane, Newport. Beach 644·6197 $210,000 Sunday 1·6 1833 Pt. Stanhope <HV Homes)'NB 644 ·1833 Sat /Sun 12·5 1475 Pacific Ave (MH) La~ Bcb 494-0570 $215,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1312 Dover, Newport Beach· 642-0058 $169,500 Sat/SWl 1·5 29261 Ballock, Laguna Niguel 830·5050 $120,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 25012 Reflejo, Mission Viejo 496 -7711 $89,900 Sunday 1·5 2256 Colgate, Co.sta Mesa 898·78S5 $79,000 SWlday 1·5 * 13732 Gershon Pl., No. Tustin 731·4911 $89,900 Sun 1·5 516 DeAnza, Corona del Mar 675-2311 $207 ,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 32861 Buccaneer St., Dana Point 493·5859 $139,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 3209 S. Linda Way, Santa Ana 645·0303 $110,000 Sunday 1·5 418 St. Andrews Rd. (Npt. Hts.) NB 646·4463 $125.000 Sa 12·4; Sn 1·5 407 16th Place, Costa Mesa 673·4037 $117,000 Sat/SWl 12·4 1955 Pt. Locksleigh (HV Homes) NB 833-860() $152,500 Sun 1·5 1201 Pembroke (Westclif() NB 642·5200 $144,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 709 Narcissus (Old Corona) CdM 675·6000 $400,000 Sat/Sun 2001 Yacht Resolute (Sea view) N.B. 644·7383 $259,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1038 Sea Ln (Orig. HV Hills) CdM 675·6000 $180.000 SatJSun 2990 Country ClvDr,M.Verde.CM &73·8494 $119,500 Sun.1·5 302 Kings Rd. CClilf Haven)NB 642-5200 $250,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 436 Cambridge, Newport Hts, C.M. 540·3666 $109,900 Sat/Sun l ·S 10177 Clear River Crt., Fountain Vly 540-3666 $78,500 Sunday 1·5 •611 Kings Pl. (Cliffilaven) NB 642·5200 $169.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 1920Commodore (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 $192,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 6882 Silver Beach (Hntg Seaclf) HB 846·7996 Sat/Sun 1·5 5566 Aldershot, Westminster 640·9900 $75,900 Sunday 1-S 2951 Catalpa <Eastbluf() NB 613-8550 $194,000 . Sun 1·5 338 Royan (Npt Riviera) CM 673-8550 $'80,500 Sun 12·4 14291 Riverton, Westminster 893-0573 Open Sat/Sun 12·4 9392 Coronet, Westminster 751·3191 Sat&Sun 12·5 #5 Wood Nymph, Irvine 673·&550 $105,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 535 TU$tin (Npt Hgts) Nwpt Beach 673-8550 $130,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2038 Aliso, Costa Mesa 548·9897 $115,000 Sunday 1·5 1015 Concord, Costa Mesa 546·2313 $89,900 Sun 1·5 1791 Hummingbird, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $129,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3132 Madeira, Mesa Verde, C.M. 751·3191 Sat/Sun 1·4 201 Pearl Avenue, Balboa Island 644·4910 $189,500 Sun 1·5 •4525 Camden Dr. Cam.Shrs.CdM 644-4910 $310,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 14172 Moore Court, Irvine 752·1700 $84,900 Sat 12·4 11 Starbu.rst. Npt Terr., N.B. 752-1700 $86,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1724 Playa del Norte(Balboa Pen)NB 642-823.S $310,000 Sat/Sun l·S 37 Coolbrook (Turtle Rock) Irvine 752·1414 $148,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 227 W. Yale Loop. Wdbrdg, Irv. 752-1414 $107,900 Sat.12·3 •2227 Doonie Rd (Upper S.y) NB 642-8235 $169,500 Sat/SUDl-5 47 Sycamore Creek, Turtle Rck, Irv 640·1812 $151,500 Sat/Sunl·S 384 Mira Loma, Newport Beach 640-1812 $122,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 ll21 Oxfol"d Lo. (Dover Shrs) NB 548-0391 $159,000 Sat/Slm 12·5 1092 Santa Cruz, Coe ta Mesa . 751-3191 S.md•f_1·5 '1114 Whitaalls (Harbor View) CclM &75·3'11 Saturday 1-5 #7 Clear Sprinf (Trtlrk H1lndl)Jrv. 675·3411 1225,000 • Sat/Sun 424 leth St., Colla ..... &U-1221 sm.ooo sat/Sun 12: 30-5 22091 Cc an Dhe, Lake FOrelt 675-Sat•&mt·5 2132 Vista Dorado (The Bluffs) NB 644·1766 $190,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2100 Highland (Baycrest) NB 675-4630 $138.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 4102 Brisbane, Irvine 631·1400 $117,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 llDIOOM 2964 Bimini (Mes a Verde)CM 644-738.1 $89,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 359 Vista Madera (Bluffs) Npt. Bch. 673·4400 $159,500 Stm. 1·5 239 Colton, (Nwpt Shrs) N.B. 645-9161 $171,500 Sun.11·4 363 Vista Baya, Co.sta Mesa 759·0811 $145,000 Sun 1·5 3209 Dakota, Co.sta Mesa 646-32.55 $87,900 Sun 1·5 l~O Highland, Newport Beach 546·2313 $132,900 Sunday 1·5 2033 Shipway (Baycrest) N.B. 642-8235 $210,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 :30 4610 Dorchester,CamH'lnds,CdM 675-3411 $210,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1436 Keyview (Harbor View) CdM 675·3411 $244,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 1056 Tulare, Co.sta Mesa 540-1720 $129,500 Sat/Sun 935 W Bay, Bal Penn. Balboa 675·5511 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 205 Via J ucar. Lido Isle, Npt. Bcb. 675·62.59 $249,500 Daily 12·5 15271 Swallow, Westminster 898-7855 $77,000 Sundayl·5 19422 Harding Ln .. Hunt Bch 9634977 $73,900 Sat/Sun l·S 209 Pearl, Balboa Island 640.5357 $275,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 4 II & FAM 1.M ot D84 19981 Cato, HWltington Beach 848-1322 $118,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 8601 Marvale (Landmark) HB 968-4878 $92,900 Sat/Sun 1·4 •975 Denver Drive, Costa M~a 545-7428 Sat/SWl 12·5 16671 Apple St., Fountain Valley 898-7855 $lZ1 .ooo Sat1Sun 1·5 5881 San Souci, HWltington Beach 898·78M $76.SOO Sat/S\Ul 1·5 25211 Yacht Drive, Dana Point 496·7711 $101,000 ·Sunday t-5· 1507 Mariners Dr .. Newport Bcb 833·8600 $132,500 Sat/Sun l ·S •21512 Camino Trebol, Lake Forest 64{).5TT7 · Sat/Sun 12.S 967 Junipero Dr, Mesa del Mar, CM 556-2660 $91,900 Sat/Sun l~ 20191 Norcroft (Landmark) H.B. 640·6161 .,.,,000 Sat 3-S/Sun 1-S 3293 N. lowa St. <MesaVerde) CM 979-4235 $112,000 Sat/SWl 1·5 32 Drakes Bay (Spyglass) CdM 640-6161 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 52 Drakes Bay (Spyglass) CdM 640·6161 $259,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 17 Rippling Stream CT.Rock) Irv. 552-7500 $192,500 Sat/Sun 1-S * •502 Via Lido Nord (Lido Isle) NB 673·1020 ~.ooo Sunday 1·5 123 Via Orvieto, Lido Isle, N.B. 548·6333 $277,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 •2916 Redwood. Mesa Verde, C.M . 556·2660 $93,500 SWlday 1-5 3652 Claremont (Culverdale) Irv. 552·7500 SBS.900 SIS 12 ::J0..4:30 ••1933 Bayside Dr., Newport Bch 644~1766 S6'75,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2101 Yacht Grayling <Sea View) NB 675-6000 $255,000 Sat/Sun 15271 Swallow, Westminster 898·7855 $77.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 8901 Stillwell, Huntington Beach 540~3666 $135,000 Sat/SWl 1·5 16671 Apple, F01JDtain Valley 898·7855 $127,000 Sat/Sun 1-S 20881 Queens Park, Huntington Bch 963-7240 $109,900 Sat/S\D\ 1·5 21892 Summer Circ., Hunt. Bch 963·6767 $125,950 Sunday 12·5 21202 Poston Ln., Huntington Bch 536·3122 $1'A.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 28 Oakdale (Woodbridge), Irv. 673·8550 $119,900 Sa 2-4/Sn 1·5 3428 Santa Clara, Costa Mesa 642·3255 Sunday 1·5 * 3213 Nebraska Pl., Co.sta Mesa 546·2313 SDl,900 Sun 1·4 4501 Surrey Dr.,CamH'lnds, CdM 644-4910 $179,500 Sat/Sun 12·4 * 227 Sherwood Pl., Costa Mesa 546·2313 $135,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2226 Port Carlisle (HV Homes> NB 642·8235 $178,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 17 Foxhill (Deerfield) Irvine . 752·1414 Sat/Sun 1-5 23171rvineAve. (Upper Bay) NB 642-8235 $215,000 Sat/Sun 1-S )91S Windward (Baycrest) N.B. 642·8235 Sat/Sun 12:304:30 36 Royal St. George (BigCyn) NB 844-6200 $369,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 •4531 Camden, Cam.Shrs.CdM 644·6200 $329,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 224.2 Heather Lane, Newport lkh 642-8235 1174,9SO Sat~ l·S • •2482 Bayshore Dr. Byshrs.NB 8'2·8235 $&9S,OOO Sat/Sun 1-S 3952 A.sh , Irvine 752-1700 $113,500 Sun 1·5 38S2 Hemmlngway, lrvlne 152·1700 Sll.9,SOO Sat U-4 • 21151 ~ Lri., Hunllnitcm 8cb E 40,00G Sun 12-5 ' t• , lnine 7 1121.000 s.. 11'3 1967 Balearic. Costa Mesa 5'0-1720 SlSl,000 Sat/Sun 3807 lnletlsle (Harbor View) CdM 675·341\ S249.000 Sat un 1·5 2861 Europa Dr. (Mesa Verde) CM 546·S880 $1Z7,SOO Sat/SUD l·S 15081 SomY Circle, Rancb, lrvine '152·7315 $103,950 Sat l·S 4101 Old Mill, Greentree, Irv. 752·731.S 1104,500 Sat 1·5 #4 Shasta, Peters Twnhm, Irv. 640·1811 $147,SOO Sat 12·4 •22 Morro Bay Dr.Spygls,CdM 64CH812 $309,500 Sat/Swi 12·5 1909 Yacht Enchantress. Npt Beach 640·1812 $259,000 Sat/Sun l·S 2807 Ebbtide, Corona del Mar 675-34U $299,500 Sun l·S 17S32 Luther, Irvine 646·7171 $105,000 Sunday l ·S •2077 Mandarin, Co.sta Mesa 646·7171 $1.42,000 Sat/SWl l·S 1911 E. Balboa, Balboa 631·1400 $269,500 Sat/Swi 1·5 1528 Highland, Newport. Beach 631·1400 $184,SOO Sat/Swi 1·5 •1839 Sabrina Terr., Newport Bch 631-1400 $398,000 Sat/Swi 1·5 27 Willowbrrk (Wdbrdg) Irvine 522.(121 $186.000 Sat/SWl / 5 IB>IOOM 209 Natcissus, Corona del Mar 673-4400 $330,000 Sat/Sun 1- • • 1222 East Balboa Bl. Balboa 640·9900 Sunday 2·4 ••220 Via Lido Nord (Lido 11) NB 673·73>0 $625,000· SWl.12·4 4001 Topside, Corona del Mar 644-7211 Sat/Sun 1·5 •18623 San Felipe, Fountain Vly 752-7~15 $125,250 Sat/Sun 1·5 · 1353 Garlingford, Costa Mesa . 548·5897 S83,750 Sat/Sun 10·4 S M & FAM 1M or D .. 10498 Soulx River Cire., F.V. 963-7881 $1.29,900 Sat/SWl 1·5 406 Mendoza Terr., Corona del Mar 644-7383 Sat/Sun 1·5 1014 Mariners (Dover Shores) N'B 642·5200 $360,000 Sat/Swi 1·5 •24 Burning Tree (Big Cyn) NB 644·6200 $l25,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2214 Pt. Carlisle,HbrVu,CdM 33821 Ave Calita, San Juan Capo 496--7711 $195,000 Satl-5 675-3411 $181,500 Sat/Sun •38105. Alder, Santa Ana 963-6767 Sat/SWl l·S 1800 Pt. Tiffin Pl. <HVHomes) NB . 644-6303 ~.ooo Sat/Sun l·S •2012 Seadrirt (Irv. Terr) N.B. 644·7270. $244.500 . Sat 1·4 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE J llDIOOM 2335 Minuteman, Costa Mesa .54~1720 $65,000 Sat/Sun 2905 "F't Fairview. Santa Ana 540·3666 $64,500 Sat & Sun 1·5 4 Lemon Tree (Univ. Park) Irvine 675-1642 $84,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 •38 Sea Island Drive (Big Canyon) 644-4910 $140,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1649 B Iowa Street, Costa Mesa 151.3191 sun-i.A 12 Aries Court, Newport Beach 640-5357 $128, 750 Sat/Sllll 12·5 17 Swift Court, Newport Beach 640·5357 '149,500 Sat/SWl 12·5 311DaOOM 2283 Canyon Dr., Costa Mesa 673-2058 $82.500 Sat/Sun 11-4 2no Vista Del Oro <Bluffs>. NB $118,500 Sat/Stm l·S 3 U & FAM 1.M or D .. 24561 D Harbor View Dr, Dana Point 495·1720 $86,950 Sunday 12-5 24 Kamalii. Newport Beach 546-2313 $125,000 Sat 1·4 18 Rue Chantilly (Big Canyon) NB 642-8235 1298,500 Sat/Sun l·S Sl9 Playa (Bluffs} N.B. 642·8235 $157,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 •ROOM 120 '.'H" Carriage, Santa Ana 963·7881 $59,950 Sat l·S CONDOMINIUM FOR · LEASE 2 • & MM IM or DIH •2921 Perla (The Bluffs) N.B. 644·4910 $800 Mo. Sat/SWl 1·5 TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE 3M&FAMIMorD91 #11 Klamath, University Park, Irv 615·S511 $13.S,OOO Sat/Sun 1·5 INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE DUPLEX J •ROOM 913 E. Balboa Bl (Bal.Penln.) NB 675..a&l8 $185,000 Sat/Sun 2-4 HOME & INCOME FOR SALE 2 M IACH 200 Monte Vista. Costa Mesa 64S·7221. $J.'4,900 Sat 1·5 a• & r u 415 lleuotToje, Coroaa del Mar 6'4~ Sat/Sun l·S I 3 I t-: t r il 1. • • ' • ' • .. . ... . .. ... . ... . . . Ho... Fw W. J"-se• For Sc* HovaH fw ScU I ~" ,or Sale ······-················ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ga•r.. I 002 CHt.ra.I I 002 GtMrol I 002 G1Nrel 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• COME RAIN , COME SHINE // " But come! To our weekend open L..o e hou~cs 314 rttOSPECT Newport Shores; 3 BR home Wllh lovely atrium outlook from dining rm., 2-story· A-frame; lge. patio orr mstr Sun. 1·5. $107 ,000 na 62.ftd ST. Newport Shores: Walk lo beach; 2 BR with fam. rm., Spanish t ile entry, natural wood, jacuzzi, new dis hwshr. & range w /dbl. oven. Sat. 1-5. $112,000 3205 W. IALIOA N .B. Fantastic. nearly new 3 BR , some view. steps to ocean. Super buy at $149,500. Sat/S un l-5. 1521 KIHGS RO ., Npt. Heights. :>pectacular view of harbor & ocean: like new 3 BR. jacuzzi, deck, sheltered patio. $265,000. Sat /Sun. 1·5 CALL TO SEE 673-9060 OR 645-7575 LIDO SA.HOS Charming 2 BR. +study, 2 ba. Outstanding la ndscaping ; Corning cooktop. trash compactor Near beach Only S135.000 WEST NEWPORT duplex. 3 doors from ocean; 3 BH, 2 ba each unit Furnished. View from upper Just listed, $199,900 Incl. land. DAVIDSON REALTY SBOI W Comt Hwy .NB 645-7575 3116 Newport Blvd . NB 673·9060 Getter al 1002 Gettttol 1002 .....•...•••......••..•....................... LIDO ISLE Nl'wlv l'l'modeled 4 bdrm . den. 4 baths: h\ ing rm w t·athcdral 1:e1hng Lge. master bdrm suite BIG CA.HYON 4 HH. lam rm . 3 baths Beaut1fullv decorated Broaclmoor Plan 3 w patio \'Wws from l'ach room S325.000 IAYFRONTS St•veral fine bayfront homes with pier & slips BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\1de OrivP, N B 675-6161 w.., fflls h-4y directory with 1°" Htl1 wffli"'d os ,_ ,. 11-••hwttleg. Al tM loc.ti01t1 li1t.d i..low -dKcnb.d loo 9"•.tw def9'1 by odYerils .... .... --.. i. todoy'1 DAILY l'ILOT WAl'CT.ADS. ,.._. •ow!.9 Of>9" "-f w .. * w "'9t - _..d to ll1t wd1 ltoforw.#Oft Ill thl1 coi-.ach Frldey. S.twdoy Oftd 5-doy. DUPLEXES FOR SALE llR&llR 4604 Seashore. Newport Beach 631· 1400 $175,000 Sat,Sun 1·5 2 IR & I BR 513.I<J~m11w (Qlcl Coron a I Cd :\I 675·f)()()() $145.000 Sat·Sun 2 IR EACH 701·70lih Narcissus, CdM 644 ·738.3 $173,500 2 IR & 2 IR Sat. 1·5 708 Marguerite, Corona del Mar 644·7270 $171 ,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 l IR & I IR 224 Opal. Balboa Island 673-6900 $298,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 l IR & FAM RM or DEN Ir 2 IEDROOM 131 Topaz, Balboa Island 673-6900 $247 ,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 388 E. Rochester, Costa Mesa 646-3928 $105,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 399 E. 18th St. Eastside, C.M. 675-5511 $146,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 l IR & 2 .. 365-36511:1 LaPerle Pl., C.M . 673-8494 $189,500 Sun. 1-5 l IR Ir FAM RM & IACH 323 Apotena, Balboa Island 673-6900 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 115 4lst St.. Bal Newport Perun. 673-20.58 Sat/Sun 1-5 l IR & FAM RM Ir GUEST HOUSE *1822 Buttonshell (Baycrest) NB 642·5200 $213,000 Sat. 1-5 415 Pirate Rd., Newport Beach 646·0931 $152,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 l •Ir FA 609 Poinsettia, 673-8550 $175,000 I IR Bch Sat/Sun 12·4 & 2 .. Sat/Sun l·S 4 la & I IR 317 Ruby, Balboa Island 673-6900 $289,500 Sa,t/Sun 1·5 REALTORS 675·551 I orEH HOUSE 935 WEST BAY AVE.: hlboo PeMtAICll custom Wit, 2 story Cope Cod honM ocrou from sandy bHc:h • .._....., l'9 lay •iew, clow to Mewporl H..tMw-Yacht Club. ZoftlftCJ & space o•allobl• for opartment addition. $350,000 Opett SAT & SUM 1-5 4107 SURREY DR, CAMEO HIGHUMDS: lest in doss -top o' the .. wfftl 110 degree ocecm1 •iew. I~ 2 IM•OOflll & dlft, or 3 ~oom IHMM. Pri•ate beach, preatiglom adchu . $115,000. 0,.. SAT & SUM 1-5 ff 20 WHITEWATER -JASMINE CRIES(: Plan IV, profeulOftolty decorated, two story, 3 ~ fGMlty rOOM, 21/J baftl. bcepticiMly 1onJe patio, .tdaor lgMilMJ. TEHHIS. pool, jocum Ir clubhame. '1t's o beatlty". $235,000. Opett SUM 1-5 1' 11 ICLAMATH -UHIVEJtSITY PARIC: Hearty new 3 bedroa111 townho111e. bceptionaly wefl located; lanp mcnht- suite, J1PC7oded. microwa•• OYlft, c....,.. air"\ conditioning. Shows lib model. SI 35,000. 0,... SAT & SUM 1·5 EASTSIDE COSTA MESA: 3tt L llHI Strut. Wa41 built, attroc:ti.. DU,UX: l bedroom & ploydeck -..,..-•It, 2 bedroom. patio & ettc:losed ycrd lower unit. Wood burni ng flreplaces •. Wiii EXCHANGE! Sl46,500 OPlft SAT & SUH 1-5 22091 COMANCHE -LAKE FOREST: More for your tnOftey, nearfy 11ew, 3 bedroom. 2'/J bcrffl, fomlty room lMeodow Homn). U..11ually large, co•and patio. Home is ifts411ated. l C• CJCl"l9t• storage & boot door. CClrllnUtlty aasodatt. -pool, tennis, aoiHllCJ. clubhouse. Of*' SAT & SUH 1-5. .,;:!;~ IY APPOINTMENT ~ NEWPORT CREST: "Ion Six mod•I. 4 bedroom, family room, profeulonally d•coroted, oceon•lew from Mattu bedroom. coa1•1-"ty pool. iacua.I IGlllKI & teMis. OWMt" wil cCMtllder contract of sole. S 154, 900. CAMEO SHORES: Excefllftt corMr lot with oceClft •iew & easy walk to pri•ah beach. Space for pool Ir spa in•tallatlOlt. Or u pand & pen0ttali1• to yow ...._.., delin. 3 I~ famity room. pri•.t• patio; room to store boot or recr..tioHI •ehlcfe. -$259,500. For lndYatrial, Commercial & ln•Htmlftt Properties, call Stt.rwin or Delft. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2515 L Coost Hwy., Corona del Mor 675-5511 GeMral I 0021 Getlff'al 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~COATS & WALLACE ~REAL ESTATE , INC. A LOCALLY OWNED COMPANY SERVING THE SOUTH COAST AREA SINCl 1963 HORSE AAOUMD on the "North 40" with your own ponies, personal TENNIS court, pool + secluded m a ns ion. All for $255 ,000. Coll 640-6161 HEW HALk:REST LISTING Corner lot with RV storage, 3 bdrm home on huge lot. Trees, trees, trees!! $74,950. Calf S46--il41 PREMIUM Vl!W LOT Super size lot in bes t area of Coron a del Mar. Magnificent view forever. For more info : Call 546-4141 Serving Costa M esa -Irvine HuntingtCln Beach -N ewporl Beach Ge.rat IOOJ(G....,... 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• BUILDABLE C-2 LARD Three contiguous C-2 lots, visible from Newport Blvd.. walking dis· t ance lo bay. beaches & business. Building plans for proposed 2 sty Victorian ofc. building are availa· ble in our office. Asking $228,500. IMMACULATE COM HOME W1YU • Recently landscaped & refurbished· 3 Br 2 Ba home with view of the ocean & mountains along with a very d esirable floor plan and secluded patio. Reduced to iaot,500. Ope n Sat /Sun 1·5. 516 OeAnza, C<IM . . . DIANE HOME-S 124,500 Absolutely gorgeous cxeculi ve decorat.or home in University Park s Deane Homes! Cathedral ce1hngs. formal dining, family room. Lots of glass--0pen & airy! Custom drapes. common pool, tenm~ courts & park. $124,500. Immaculate thruout. See it today -call fast ' USTILUFF-3 BR +VIEWS Beautiful & JUS t compl etely remodeled Eastbluff exe<'utive home I mmediate occupancy ! Gorgeous views of bay & mountains! 3 bdrms & family room-plus much more! EZ care yard. Don't hesitate--eall to preview. Only $194,000. WHmWATER VIEW M aknificent white water \'1ev. al Little Corona in Old Corona dcl Mar So. of Hwy! This art1st1r gem features 3 bdrms. den & ('01~ l!n•pluce Loads of charm --Asking $375,000 4 IR_..EWPORT-$128,500 Excellent N e wport Crest condominium! Largest mode l rn project. Formal dining, Family room. 4 Bljrm.-21h bath. Close to pool & tennis. Owner will finance-name your terms! Hurry, call now. 4 IR-ILUFFS-$120,000 Bluffs "W" Plan -4 Bdrm. & 2'r.z bath . Spacious kitc hen. Formal dining. Close to shops & schools. Fast occupancy! Call today. NEWPORT RIVIERA-JI0,500 Beautiful single s tory condo -3 Bdrms, stone fireplace. private patio, two tennis courts, 2 party rooms. pool & spa -& more' Don't miss it, call today. 673-8550 332 M.U GUIEllTl. COlO.CA DIEL MAl ~THE REAL ~ESTATERS GeMrol I 002 Getterol 1002 •.....•.....................•................. Open Houses Sat. & s.... 1-5 p.m. 1 ll9 5*iM Ter. $398,000 I 07 "A" St. S265,000 1911 E. lalboo S269.500 1526 HigNand $184,500 4604 Seashory Sl75,000 4102 lrisbmM, lno. $97,000 CSun. 0ttlyl ••••• A FAMILY HA.VEN Sl54,t00 W•ll-plann•d home on o COftVHIH t conier In E:astbluff. MNr achool1 and shops. Comfortobl• 4 bedr00tn ond fOf"l'IMlll clllillllJ room home with frollt and bock patios, mature sh....bs & gr"'tet 'I· o,... Seit. " Swt. GREEHHY & PRIVACY $184,500 leoutiMly decorated hi fresh spring colors. Comfortabty ariet1ted 4 bedroom family room honw wltt. pool-size bock yard. Al omlftitfes for gracious llYllMJ In Weatcnff area. MEWL Y DECORATED & FURM. $171,000 Dn•eby 4604 Seashore and lrnaglM the ettfoylMM of IMllCJ across from the OCEAMFROMT! You ca. ow11 this Duplex ancf U•• in Ofte unit ancf .....t the other. bcefleftt IUll'll'Mr /winter rental area. And di tM funilture 11 lnclud.d. WA THRlOKf COHDOMIHIUM S239,500 ERioy year 'rcMllMI IMng °"Hie water ancf be IMlfl• lud by the booting action .ct all tft• ftlCJM rtcjhh. Tnity a Pf""HcJICMtS adclr.ss with wcmity, privacy luurioias Qying. Spodous 2 ~ wffll ~ of pool. iaam:i & MUta. loat dock may b. avoilabl.. OWMr may lean/option. TOWHIMGL Y ARTISTIC $265,000 Fabulous VIEW Ft-om this J-story wood and qlosJ .....terpiece. "One-of+l&Jnd" l Hc1roi.n hOftte fust •hp• to layfroftt •d oc .. 1ft ont. lriftCj th• outdoors m wltt. .... "1no•able skytf ght." l .. SUVIDU.ALITY & STYLE $269,500 4 .... st ....... .ct .,-clout 4 bedroom. dee la fmNty room home oat best "PoW" lecoffOR. Two story hotM with °"" fffUR9 rooaM ancf lots of poH lbllitfH to odd yow oww ptn.Oftalfty. IMPRESSIVE DESIGH $291,900 A1td o 41st9di•e oddftl°" to hlMMI I~ G ... r•1 f "*ooe _,.with becNtfM ~or .ct pitched ..._. Avinq ....... : ~ 1-. 3 IMdrOOM ..... ' ..edo~ ~ 0.fWhty a ;.tt• of ~ .. ~-.ct Oftty 4 h. yean eNI OPEN HOUSE 1033 w.ffe Sails .....,_Vlnt HWs fVst Ume offered m the original :.ect1on o r Harbor View H.tlls On the view side or White Sails Way -an excep llonally ltharp 4 Br 2'' ba , ram rm hom e w/formal dirung, lovely pool & jac. Low care )dJ'd AND A s pcc.tacular Oct>nn. Bay, Island & nigbl light view. $269.500. Open Sdclay 1-5 644-7211 FORDETAlLS m.m SANTA AMA HEIGHTS ONTHEGOLFCOURSE -Big 2·story, s br. e'< ecut1ve home. loaded with extra~ and antique charm. $150,000 t:XCELLENT POT t::N TlAL·l story 4 br, fam rm home on a lar~t.: lot with lo't.s ot rrui t trees $86,000 V IEW -3 Br . home, beautiful pool and a great view or the upper But·k Bay area. 585,900. . . OPEN HOUSE SUteAY t-5 436 RIVIRA CoroH det Mer EHCHAHTIM,. llETUA T -4~·~ ......... -.. & I 19't •W . .,,.,., toiroplcd rr.! CCMU~~ ... ltCMM WI .. . gourmet ldk ... ~ f9'llty ,__ with ~on.,W.""' bor_:;:~.,00 644-7020 2123 SAN JOA9UIM HIU.S llOAD NEWPORT IEACH Corona de4 M• I 022 ecro..a ck4 M• ·····························~················ SUPER DUPLEX!! 704-704'h LARISPUI OPEN SAT /SUM. I ·S The home you have been looking for + an xlnt income unit! 4 Bdrm., 3 bath home with every quality feature: t·otta~e wiih 2 bdrms. & l bath, leased at $450. Come on BUY ! 5228.000 lili19ij~ ~·:.7~=~wy. ' ?& ;., Corona delMar ST A RTE R II 0 .M E 3 br. ~~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!.!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!=!!!!!! hardwood floors. luthl' & Corona del Mor I 022 CoroM cW ~ plaster 6.'i x 135 lot a n<l a ••••••••••••••••••••• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• great location $74,900 FULLY. REAL TY Call 546-08 l 4 •VETS* Zero Down I.eroCosh Homes rn all area::. all :.iws C-all . \ ctcran l lou:.mg Agt 54 1-0800 OPEM SUMDA Y 1-5 935 TILLH WAY HARIOlt VIEW-WSIC Garden setting & view surround this bright & cheery 3 bdrm., 2 bath, tamth rm. home. Priced right at $195.oOO! and you own the land! RACHELLE ROIHS, REALTOR 3333 E. Coast Hwy., CdM 675-2373 ~ ~~~ ••••• ~ ~~ ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DREAM COTT AGE oroM del Mer I 022 Corona del M.- IY THE SEA ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t block to lhe beach i--------tcozY 3br, 2ba + guesl Charming col ta gt on VIEW & CHARM house. Frpl, 2 patios, R-2 Balboa lsland. Summer run all year LonR. 2Br. 2 Br. II~ ba charmer ! lot. Prin. only. $157,000. Beach hvmg al its fine:.l Canyon & lmuted ocean Owner, 640-7030 Call546-23L3 vww on large lot w/pool ....:..__;:,CD_M_;__OC_E_AN_SI_D_E_· - rn choice community lmmac. 3 BR, 3 BA, den su~r value ul $158.000 home in prime R2 loc. tfee> Easily convertible to 2 tli'ff',' •>• f ''" •w !~H&1111l lc6oa Peninsula I 007 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OPEN 12·5 Cultom 5 lednn Balboa Pen. Pt. 421 Seville Completely remodeled execuuve home! Better than new with rustom amenities too numerous to menllon. Huge family rm. den. formal dining & l'TlOf'e 4~2 Baths, 21 2 car garage+ workshop Call 964·1681 f.oc de.t.aJ.1£ Colorual Real Estate Perunsula Point fixer. By owner 3 brm. 2:1. ba. 673-8698 Pnnc. only DUPLEX 3 brm uruts. near beach & park. $185,000. Open House Sat/Sun 2 4 675-8618 or 675·3964 Spocioua Duplex Moti•ated Setler Can be purchased al less than replacement cosls A new list.mg on a pndc 5 yr old 3000+ sq.n. duplex oo fee land--4 Br 2 Ba up & 3 & 2 Down. 1 Bldg separates this property from e ocean-it offt:rs a · view of the bay a & tennis just across th streel. Could gross $ .000 w /summer inter rental. Submit vou r deal Agent S.S0-2344 IALIOA DUPLlX ~ Randlo M._.,. Rlty Crown Valfey Mall 495-2200 lll-7010 units. $225,000. Peggy Taylor Rltr.494-1015 TRIPLEX Three 2 bdrms., Crplcs., forced air, bit-ins; ocean vtew. Near Lillie Coronu Beach. Choice income I~~~~~~~~ property. $2(15,ooo HOME + IHCOMl 3 Bdrms., 3 bath borne + income. F1oor to ce1l. French doors in lge. Ii\'· ing rm., spac_ious patios; choice Soulb of Hwy. Open Sat/Sun l ·S. "'-IS Heliotrope. ORANGE CO.AST REALEST.An 644-4141 onHSUM. l-5 1419 SEREHADE Irvine Terrace, CdM. on fee !and . flagstone frplc . beamed ce11Jngs. dJrung rm. & brkfsl bar , 3 king sized bdrms .. ceram ic tile floors & wainscoting in 2•'l balhs. Low rruunt.enancc yard; pn<.'Cd at $l!IS,OOO 1~~~~~~~~ 673-3663 646-1811 Eves associated BROKERS-REAL TOPS JOH W Uolboo 0 I bb 1 •OPIHHOUSI• 5alw'*Y 1-5 701 ..... af.CdM Check into this nawless owne r occupied :l bedroom, formal dining area with remodeled --------1 kitchen & copper plumb· lng. PLUS room to add •OPEN HOUSE• PANORAMIC VIEW of Ocecm & lslOftd Rares Bdrm single story Lusk home in Hurbor View Hills w1th lovely 2nd unit. $135,000. c•tor..-.. 644-721. "1n NIGEL BAILEY & ASSIJCIAT£~ courtyard enlry and 3 -------- rar garage on lr~·hned low t r affic !>lreel . $279.500 4001 Topside Sot/S..n 1-5 c•644-721 I 2100 OCEAH ILVD- DECUTIVI HOME French Normandy, re· duced $45,000 for quick sale by owner. Offer must be in by Feb. 14th. • Byapp'l. $350,000 673.0719 BY OWNER. Completely By owner 2 Br, den home "1n NIGEL fil\ILEY Fi. A'iSUCIATES remodeled. 2Br+ 1 Br up· + 2 Br apt, S. of llwy, pc r . 310 Cor o n a do . wood shake exterior, 2 673-9431 --------1 Swedish £pie's, lots of --------REDUCED! windows, wood, blgh Peninsula Point Duplex, each 2br, 1 bu, beam clgs. 703 Carna- 2 Br. 2 ba. frplc, new trplc in lower unit. 2nd Uon. $167,000. 67lMi651 lfl um bing . n c w ulut, brand new. view DUPLEX BY OWNER crpi/drps. PTofess decor. deck, open beamed ct•ll· w 0 0 d e d mt n al· Coinplete remod. plans 1nuc 3 car gar $152 500 2 b' avail. $100.000. 673·7249. ....... . • . mosphere. lmmac. r 497-3516 hse & 2 br apt, 2 frpl, sm.l Prine. Only OCIAM VIEW view, nr park & tennis . Corona cW Mer I 022 Private access to beach : $189,500. 64HI79 •••••••••••••••••• ••••• custom 5 bdrm., famJly NEWLYREMODELED rm., nearlnJ comple· 3 BR. S. OF HWY Uoc\, p1ck colon to your Costa MeH , I 024 675-7931 tute. S375.000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SIAVllW Broadmoor, new 3 bdrm . + family rm., ocean VlCW; i'Janled communi- ty, teruus & pool. $259,000 XLMTDUPUX Two frplcs., 2 bdrms. each; corner location, 'ot> cood. SI 73.500 P.AUlM.AmM RIALISTAtl 644-7311 BY OWNER 2br l ba ~ o. New paint in & out. New super di• 2brl 2ba apt over 1.r Al blt.ns. c,,,ia le d!l*. View • OCfan It Fuhlon Isl•. 710 P'emleaf Ave. ()pcl 407 16th Pis•. OpettW/S.11-4 Pmtlge area tn Cost.a Kesa. Nr HMbor High. Country En1Usb •lyle home. 3 Bdrm, dlnin1 rm, ft Immense tam rm. Pepper Joa••· Ail. e7M03'1 . DUPLIX BHuillul IA•tlide OD qulet atreel. 3 1'dnn f& 2 bdrm. Open Hae Sat/Sun l..S • l Jchenm~r II' ...... I• l,.C,. ' , : •u I Whela11 A!Al l>IAll Rultor 541·9607 SAVE$$$ Paint & carpet to your taste. Owner's allowance offers rare bargain !or 4 B'R. 3 BA. Corm.al dining, family. near Mesa Verde Country Club. 676-4392. 424 16th St. Open Fri 10 2, Sat/Sun 12:30-5. Prime area, nr Harbor H1, C.M. 2 Story 1800 sq rt . 3 br. lrg fam/nn, form dao 'g, 2 frplcs. Carol Llpsch, Agt 645-7221 . ttMtlftCJlon le9Ch I 040 Hunttl'tC)ton leach I 040 Thls lovely 3 bedroom •••••••••••• •••• ••••• •• ••••••••••• •••••• •• •••. STARTER WITHVIEW home 11 clean & ready to -----------------move into. New ci:pt.s, no wax floors & copper plumbing make it the II o t t e s t V 1 t: W bi:r.t buy in the area. Call PROPERTY 1n Orange today for appointment to County! On large bluff :.l>e lot with room to expand. Ous 3 bedroom, fixer up· per with Palos Verdes Peniru.ula '1ew hill> tt:r rific appreciation poten· tJal! Only $611,750 R.AHCH RE.ALTY IUILDH'S CLOSl-OUT Last 3 of Hwitington Village Homes first Phase. Single f amity homes, just blocks from the beach. 3-bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, the most desired features. Priced from $116,950! Sales office al 509-17th St. Call (714) 960-5244. FOX DEVELOPMENT. CO RP. NlWPO RT CENTER REAll 'f b40·18 l 2 CHAMPAGNE T~TE BEER POCKETBOOK We have 2 pla.n 3'& in Ora.naetree. LOCATED ONntEWATER! Total· Jy upgraded with many additional features. Ten· Dis, nm. pool, spa and saunas. .Bolh lacations are priced under $55,000. H~~~,;~IH RB>UCED $4,800 1£ ·~=! ~ _______ _,. BeauWul Cull. prk pool Prap-t'-a Open HouM 5u11 1-5 home, 3 brm 2 ba, new ;;;.,::, 55 1-2000 RANCH RULTY . . . ..... ONE OF A.KIND Elegant 2-story living ln lovely TURTLEROCK. 6 Bdrms., 2~ ba., focma1 din. rm., fam. Tm., solid walnut wall unit. Too many extru to liat. C&ll focdeLalls A beituUIUJ College Park Yale 00 cw-de·88C lot. NI c e l t u.p i r :id(' d tbroaabtout. Ne ar school, park & pool. 14521 Sa.la A \'ale 1n Colleg~ PJrk on pnvate cul de-i.ae. Oommu.nlt.Y pools & walk. to school. 14'51 Yucca A Colleae Park Syracu:.<' on a profess1onalt)' landscaped corner lot Oak plank noor entry & MORE! 223 l'ri~ lhrouout, bought new 1~00 ouAlln NIWl'O T HACM home & mu:.t sell O~n --------COLLEGE Pill this wePkcnd. 584.700 In superb location, an Owner. 979-5876 immaculate. beautifully . - maintained 3 bedroom, 2 180 Deg. Vacw. By owner bath home with stone $Under $150,000. Custom fireplace & fen ct:d yard! 3Br, 2ba, frplc. Flcx1blc PRICED f'OR QUICK fmancmgava1L 646 2816 2ON1 SUPER CLUM FomtamVall.y 10 34 tultingfott .. ach 10401 ___ s_s _1-_20_0_0 __ 3 BR l :i• Ba. excellent ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• OPEN SA TURD• Y a~ea. Fruit trees, la~ge SOMETHING SPECIAL BY OWNER OWNERS ANXIOUS Oramala:>~Li! 2'!l Ba rare p I ace. Sub m 1 t . . . th' L d k 8 f L'NITED PROPERTIES awaits you m 1s l story an mar 4 r+ am flt'J ESCROW EASTON , 1n Wuod· Completely remodeled 2 li94-S396: 213,598.7279 evs. Woodside home. 4 Br. l rm. 2V. ba, 3car1ar. RV IW bridge. Liv rm. Dm rm. br home + i.e parate ------year new. RllYl\lE storage. l mUe to bell. den, 2 (pie 's, prof SALE. HURRY. S73.500. Mesa del Mar, by owne~:-:; 1£ .Quall l. BR. Pool. xlnt cond Nl\W 2 br. 2 ~Lory home ~lonticello condo, 3 BR, 2 REALTY 962·8331 $92,900. Ph OOll-4878 Deerfield's most popular lndscpd w/many xlras. on bcaul1ful Ea.slMde ba, Nu crpl, pools. Lave IQ l, rent the olher. l story, 3 bedroom Park Open 1·5PM. Culver lo RANCH RULTY Pl--Owner will carry 2nd. comer lot. O~ner 1s anx· $62.500. 5411-7295, 545-5628 Pool & Hom.e leatUl'es include Barranca. S to Lake. L. aous. Pol>s tble eat-Y All in lhe Huntington custom drap es to Lakeview, R. to 7 551·2000 ~inancang . $144,900. Jocuul-$84.500 Harbour area. call now throuabout. central air & Clearwater. Afeot.•--------- &l.5-7221 Dc.al'olnt 1026 In this area·that's un· tosee. BKR847-44J7 professional landscap-M2-441'4 •2BEDROOMS ••••••••••••••••••••••• believable! 3 Bedrm Sl30,000BYOWNER 1na. Ideally located to 1--------1-0-4-4 Underpricedat$71,500 --$93,000. 947 Presidio Dr Prap•rti•• Call anytime 979-225l C ATALIHAlr home, lots of cabinets. 4Br/FR/F'P,pvtcomm., pools, parks , and " '49"1569 · schools. AskJno $108,800. • •••••••••••••••••••••• ,_ _______ _ IUMDHIW! EASTSIDE MOUHTAIMVllWS country ktichen. Dinmg jacuzzi, sauna, and .... 7S2•1920 I~ OUAll.U HIWl'OeT llACM ---------1 St.ill lime to choose color!> R·2 LOT plU! 3 bdrm. Ideal loc .• high atop hill, area. brick fireplace. amenities. 636-2307 ' 00 this 3 bdrm home un-older home. Soulh or 17th n e 3 r H A R B o R , Covered patio, nearly ---------~ b Street. Call Lo i.et." BEACHES, SCllOOL.5 3 new pool & jacun.I. BKR. PRIME MI macne I Irvine dcr con~truchon on lhe Wn tcllff Realty BR. den, 2lh BA, frplc, callS<l0-1720 One·half acre lots. Hunt· l':al>tsade . Put your realtn pcr..onel touches on your .........._ __.-1 _________ 1 wet bar. much more. TIRRELL ington Bch Industrial ~ nt·w dream home. Call ;;; p SCARCE Pnced from just $85,000. Park. Ready to bwld al today!5462313 I I I C<Jllnow $3.50 persqft. ,.,, " q • ., \, ". "' '"' • 4 BDRM +POOL KA TB.LA REALTY "#I In CaUfomia" RIGHT REAL TY [~ - . ·. ~ l)l)H.!,.eo.....yth_ ... ~.~-_1i(J..IH COLLEGE PARK 831-9432 49J.9672 979-853) • ,_L._ .. _,, Tiburon Malibu 2 Br.eeauUfulbome.3br2ba S89,900 0,... House family rm. condo. Dinin& frpl. upgraded thruout'. 640·7000 Sun 1·5 rm, 2 car gar., pool. SIU.750. Shown by appt. Am•ossoocrtes 25211 Yacht Drf•• $71,500.556-6791 . Owner.847-3119 MARINA HIGHLANDS Open !louse. Sat.&. Sun ~ Ideal family home, 4 BR lt.lllltL'9f01t leadl I 040 SPACIOUS & SUMMY N C I l 12-4, 2620 Havcrsadc Dr. w/flres1de living room, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lovely near new twin e w · . 0 m P e e Devin R. E. 642·6368 hi-'--· •· landscaping. redwood __ __ ---------• ...,..way mast.er swte ex JUST LISTED townhouses. 3 br. 2~ ba. decking & wood fencins 3 IR-$67,500 time-saver kitchen. & VACA.MT Double gar. Walled l>ack t>nhances this sparkling BEAUTY One of the bl!st buys! 3 $101,000. _ And refurbished w /new yards. For Sale or Lease. new:! story home wi~J 3 Br 2 Ba, new kitchen. Bdrms. +extras ~ ....... CHO• "'GI 546--0270 bedrooms (2 with occlin cpls & drps, Jacuztl MURCHISON """ """' cpts & no wax in kitchen --------- vaew), 3 baths, vaulted Don't miss th11> ont• Call: fn'--ls.s 644·5046 IMYESTMEHTS by ownr. 3 lvly br In good CUT OUT <'(•1llngs, rugged stone •••,..' 1714) 496-7711 area of H.B. for only THE CLOWH ftrcplace&formaldining HURRYONTHIS! ___ __ __ s7&.SOO. Submit now. & buy this for your room! Only $91,900 Owners leaving areu & OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX 968·3371 Valentine. lluge S & S for I ,P IQ ·1 eu1111•11t s are anxious to sell lbis Uve in 1 let your tenant 1 es s than cur re o t ... p::.~~ ~ ~ ,~~';:~:~s~0:::~. ~~~~~l:~cna~~d 3 i,!>d;~ ~afut~:~~:S~ ~eg:~~~~ :::~:price & it is new. Prap•rti.. _ ~45-~1 61 Costa Mesa area. Move-$1.3.5,000. 1s2 1920 an condition. Fr-pie., shut TAXES 1400 ouA11n ·NIWl'OU llACH DISTRESS SALE ters, shake roof. etc., ICIWMG YOU? 442 Cambridge, Newporl t t $83 ooo New Cond06, 2 Br, 21"l na. Hgts. l800 Sq.ft .. family e c .. e c. • ., r 1 • 1 HIEWl'ORT IEACH ... then aet yourself a ~ rp cs, ceramic la e room $99,900. Tarbell kitchens & bath. Pool & rutrs, bus .. S40-l720, res.. REALTY 6 7 5·1 642 home. a write-off & a 67c4912 B k rnc>neY maker on thas 2 spa. .,.. ro _e_r __ , 542.3494 BEAUTIFUL BR. 2 BA H.B. condo. JUSTUSTID •VAUNT Completely redecorated 3Br, frplc etc. Priced to R»ICH UAL T Y 551-2000 WOODHIDGE 2PRESCOTrS Largest Woodbridge homes. 2600sq.tt. +3 car gar. 5 or 4 br+den. 3 Ba, atnum, air cond., fulJy lndsc, highly upgr. Mex· ican Pavers tile. Lge lot. Nr Park & lake. $186.000 & $196,000. Lse $826/mo. Bkr/Ownr 552-41 21 or wkdays 83.S-3S35 Deerfield. Aspen: 3 BR, 2h ba .. gas BBQ, end oC cul de sac. Open Sat, Sun.12·5. By owner. Pl.500 552.3344 2 OM A LOT SPARKLE.5 LIKE NEW! LAKE1''RONT H0~1 E $3000 Gel'! you In, pay. sell at $69,SOO. Xlnt loca--------... iEASTSIDE• FUssy 1 owner pampered 0 n privat e I a k e IY OWHER ments like rent <:all ,...,_ 3 bdrm with impeccably w/clbhsc. po ol & Beautiful, new 2 story now! BUILDER'S LIVE IN ONE-RENT well groomed I own! jacuttl. nr So. Coast Dana Pt. home. 4br, 212 898-7155 CLOSEOUT lion. Call now. 968·3371. THE OTHER! Rare Cheerful 26Ct. rumily Pl82a, 2 story, 2 or JBr ba, Liv. rm .. lam. rm., IMllVIME find! Com J> I et e I Y room ·has fireplace & w/den or gume rm, ccn· form. din. rm., upgr klt .. separate living lo a parquet fl oor. Im -tral air, blln llv rm Jcargar.,Lgecul-de-sac Only 2 patio homes left. charming upgraded 2 maculate s howplace around frplc, upgraded vaew lot. $120,000. 6882 Silver Beach. ()pen One2Br+den,&one3Br bedroom, home AND a J kitchen & beautifully Lhruout. Asking $125,000. 496-65T3,493·2878 ---------llou:.e Sat/Sun l-S Hunt-plan, both w/2 baths, bedroom h ome -carpeted & draped living 656-4167 or 556-001 By ----'------IREIIEHOME ingloo SeacliU, super frplc, refrigerated air enclosed garages loo! room. Enjoy Sunday ~er__ S Lo:iturious comfort in locatJon, golf course. ten-conditioning. mirrored S68,750each. brunch on your praval(' E/Side Custom home. OAMA LIGHT this spacious 4 BR, 3 BA nl11. new cplS, window ~w"~to ~~;r~.pl~ u:jQuall ~ covered patio! A cream 2000Sq.ft., 3Br, huge ~ly % Bdrm, Z bath homeontreellnedstreet. coverings. 3 Br, Fam full recreation facilltlea Pia-puff decorated to please fam. rm .. 3 car gar .. on condominJum with mini Accented in warm earth Rm, see. or call 846-7996, lncld'g 8 lighted tennis PPll'!ll!llfrt~i.·a people with ~xceptlonal R-2 lot Agt. 646_7171 ocean view . .,, mUe from tones & frplc. for those ownr/agt ·-r: taste! Incredibly pnced --·--'---DanaMarina.$76,900. cozy winter nights.I----':------courts,2\lOOlsandapair 7S2•1920 in low $90's! Don't wail & Garden condo, 2 Br, l lf'.l Cal 644-72 11 Hurry. please call OCEAN BREEZES °'1rJi.aneeUZZitoos.,, AlOlnthJJsrvalonde 1400 OUAJU1. NtWl'OtT llACH rearet! Call the Personal ba, patio, pool, security. FOR DETAJLS 898-7855 4 Br Park Place, pvt S I p I 1 Center Dr. (Moulton By O~ER erv ce eop e now. $47 000/ofr. M7·8351 mstr suite, pvt atrium, Prlcway) J'ust east of Jef-"" ROYAL PROPERTIES --·-----guebo in back yard. Soper clean 3Br, 2 bath, 6'42·18.'l> SHOW & SELL Walk to ocean. Brkr. frey. fam rm. On quiet cul-de· Orig. owner's are selling 963-8377 $7l,995toS76.995 sac. Nr 20th & Irvine. BY Owner, price reduced. t h eir beaut. & 1---------Ca11Ml-126:Jdays Drive by 2038Aliso&calJ 4 Br, den, 2'2 ba. Approx PERFECT home in --------• S&S Resale Specialists. BEACH HOUSE., 3 BR, 2 __ o_r_SS_l_·l34_l_e_v_es_. __ s.i&-9897 or (213)437·1809 2.200 sq ft. Pool & patio. ch<>tce Mesa Verde loe. 3,4 or 5 bdrm models ba. 2 lots, beauUCul. Sac. profess la ndscaping. Asking $l 09,000. Agt. Beautiful new home, avail, some w /pools. $12A,900.644-1094 Open House Sonday 10·4 . Many xtras. 975 Dmver 645-llOJ CoasWne view, 3 br, 2112 968-4002 lmm.ac. 5 brm 212 ba. Dr. C.l\t. 545-7428. ba. $230,000. 831·2<W9 P . .,. Pr rt" •Br, 2 ba condo, close to 548-5897. 1353 Gari---COU~D0Wu enrun"'.on ope 1~ shopping. $59,950. Agt, iolfordSt.CostaMesa $10 000 OWN "' " AGoodVacatiOft 546-7739 --------·1 Ho~reditMHdtd $76,543.21 ~~?:i~w~:rv~~;~~~~: ~T:=~t ~ --lri-.. -'::Lr--°"---1042 ~T:=~t 3 BR, pool, 2 car gar, Til~~OSW~~:i~ED Pacific. Assoc pool, jac & the Condominium Jn-••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR home In lovt>ly sauna, 3 Br, den, 2~ Ba, CormaUonC.Snter ..,_ O ... DO the Condominium In-owner w/carry contract. upgrades thruout. Early TOUCKSTONE SIASC"'rs C " formation Center. Anyone qualifies. Re· Mesu Verde. Low dn. PoSseuion avail. No oul-REALTY 1 BR, 880 sq. ft. Looks TOUCHSTONE malning balance of pm't. Easy fin . Open sidemaint. Call for appt: 963-0867 like a model, tennis, REALTY $[19,950. alt rlwnpymt No house Sat 12·5pm. 3124 :t....., pool FP bn .. etc Just 963-0867 closlngcosl!I. Sumatra. C.M Cull bkr. ...... · • -· · ---------1 631.2246 for details. K.R. ~ reduced. Call now. u..lnnity Parll OPEN S!JN 1·5 '3 Acacia Tree Lane Rare Notre Dame Condo, Village Ill , 2 br. 2 ba, lrplc, bigb beam ceilngs, outstanding Joe. on greenbelt. Nr. pool, ten- nis, volleyball, clubhse. Freshly painted in Ir out, new crpt & drp&. Im mac. move-in cond. Aslung $8S,OOO make offer. 833-2424 eves. THE HOME STORE 493.9391 By owner. 4 Br, n• Ba. COUNSELOR RLTY MESA VERDE Award .loc)toHwptHbr vtH·~::~~i J74P·h900;..,!~ 960.4388 ~Tonln•7 Winner . 4 & family , 91?A2455 3 Br llit, huge Fam Rm. OCEM4VIEW, aftsprri'...... : ...........,.,. __ J_U-ST_U_S_TED ____ , vis~ Specialist at *•OPEN TODAY •* PARKLIKE GROUNDS? You bet! Garden home in Turtle Rock Glen w /one of the prettiest view settings you've ever seen! 3 B Rs; family rm; den -all tastefully decorated & upgraded + only 8 mo. old! Owner moving - motivated! $148,500. OP!H 1-5 P.M. 37 COOUUOOIC. (J-46) WOOOlllDGI ESTATES This 2-story, 3 BR Lincoln model set back w/spacious Jawn & prof. landscaping is a .. Must See"! Lake, pool, jacuzzi & future tennis club are a few of the association 's amenities. $107,900. OPIM 12·3 P.M. 227 WEST YAU LOOP. (J .47) LOOI AT THIS! Deerfield's largest plan w/4 BRs (master suite w/sitting rm) & huge family rm w/fireplace & wet bar. Superbly landscaped w /specimen trees. waterfall, fountain & malibu lights. Premium greenbelt location w/view of mtns. Asking $141 ,950. OPEN 1·5 P.M. 17 FOXHILL (J-48 ) BUDGET PRICED In fabulous Woodbridge! 2 BR townhome-style, end-unit near Jake & n ew comm'J center. A Best Buy at $72,500. OPEM 1·5 P.M. 2 GREEHL.EAF. <J -49) PROMJSI HER AMYTHIMG- But bring her to view the night lights, lake & hills from this lovely Rancho San Joaquin 3 BR home. Mexican tile, redwood wet bar, spacious rm + glamorous design. Close to new tennis club. pool & jacuzzi. $139.900. OPEM I ·5 l'.M. 12 VISTA. (J-50) **CALL TO S EE ** GORGEOUS IUT FUNCTIONAL P l anned for easy famil y livlng ... beautiful 4 BR "Biscay" w /2 fireplaces, family rm, formal dining + 3-car garage. One of the loveliest floor plans in Woodbridge. $145,000. Dorothy Lewis 752-141-1. (J-51) frplc, outstanding cond. ~ ~tra lge lot. Tiffany 3 brm, den wet/bar, 2 ba, · the Condominium Jn- Call Marie Johnson, --------Realty. 714-761-Slll ;i sty, 2 lrpl, patio, lrg Harbour Lane a Br. 2~ formation Center. EXCmHG! Rltr,975-0500 1--------------sundeck overlooking LIUChldettS-. ba end unit w/24' boat TOUCHSTONE 2 BR + den townhome in Rancho CUSTOMIUILT Marina. Many extras .... Jtcouldn'thurttocall slip. Super sharp ! REALTY CUSTOM • Bdrm. 2 bath, wood EASTSIDE Quiet residential area Quack Nub about 11 re-$1SS,000Callnow. IQ.086"7 San Joaquin. Owner transferred - EASTSIDE noors.newwaterht•atl)r, COST•MES... ORexcelJentlnvestment an1· 1n 1 PVlca&.llALn Hur ry -ONLY $106,900. Lila rt ~ ~ $125 000 33881 Z tit w ~ career rea (71 .. ) ...... -3 br 2 ba. New kitdten. waler so ner. copper Under construction-at • · ar 0 estate. Free tralnln& If, ____ .. _______ --•• Harper752-1414. (J-52) St&inalass. Oak nrs. F.P. plumbing. Beautlrul pool custom 3 bedroom. 2 shown by appt. OD· unuquaJlfy Ul\Jl101 w~N• Super lot.Trees.Deck& with healer & railer. bathhomewithClrcnlace ly.Howey lnvest Co.,~'" ·~. ........ 1044 BrolldJJloorbome,4 BR., hot tub. Qulet. Coiy Many 1ttra!I. $87.500 & fenrl'<i yard in l~vcly 540-3200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fam. rm., atrium, pool, FAMILY HOME $119,500.0wner&t2-1730 ltoyMcCcrdl• area! S92.500 •u.s SI00,000 By Owner, California spa. decking, lnd.scpd., 2-story Woodbridge Broadmoor w/4 l l lOMe--'ll•d. , . I OCEAN v1...... ..-.A.HI-HOOD Home Plan lOID, .. Br. fenc~. "Tht W01'kl". BRs, family rm, formal dimnr• & EASTSIDE 4 Br cul-d·SOC. ..,_.. Q ii ~ ........ -eel b SJ.25.000. 2050 Aliso A\·e. Costa Me10 541-772' a . ua & PRIVACY ONLY $6'.900 paol. t89,900. Ml-'4286. Reduc toll.25.000 3-car attached gar. Owner spared OpenSat/Suol·5. --------1 Plac• 2000 sq d home, 3Va yrs J...arte4Brbome,nesUed ORANGETREE 2 Bdrm. AGIJNT 640-5560 no expense w/upgrades! Too many Prap•rti•• new. Lrg cul·de-sac lot. amongS&S &SandcutJe 2 bath, deJ', patio home. oretSAT/SUM 1-S features to mention . $123.900. -----------~~-:~~---7S2 1920 Prof. lndscp'g. Custm Developments. A trul.y Adult comm. $71,000. C..~~~"'-~~<r Sa 14oooua1rn-N1w1•ou11ac" wood lnter's. $139,000. rood Investment for ssi~ 4LIMOMTlEI NatalieBenjamln752·1414.(J-53l P \!::J "ti~). --------• Open house Sat & Sun tboMwbocare. Univ. Patil • The Ter- Tlio# Intriguing Word Game witlt o Cltudlt * 16 UHITS * iz.spm; 32861 Buccaneer 7l4-7IOO UNJV Part, 220011q fl de-race. Cardiff m1 ohde21 ... TOUCH OF CLASS .... , -----,.._, •r C\AY a. N>UAH 6MONTHSNEWI! St, Dana Pt.493·5859. Ulcbed bome. xlnt loc.' townhouse w t AN 0 more! Charming Tul:.in<- 0 1_,.. i.•..., o1 ...,. f'ULLYOCCUPIEO Br, freahlt painted new bdrms .• 2 baths, frplc., od I I klin l & l"' '°"' oc•oMblod -d•.,.. u d ~.1000 IL PttlCID SLA.SHID carpl'"· Own. Open blt-ln.s incl wet bar. up· m e w sp~r g poo 'separa" 1o .... 1°'"''°"' .. "'°1e-.d.. n rr ... · perun " -"'ed .._ to jacuzz't 3 I BR f ·1 rn1 STUARTFINE 2 BdrtnDplx.Mlntcond. ~SUnlM551-4632 gr-carpet..cus m 1. g. s. am1 Y RULTO. 6J 1•5454 Possibly the lowest price :=cs. Shows like a adjacent to kitchen w /brkfst bur & -------• In Dana Point. HUR RY! TUITLllOCI I SM.500 built-ins, living rm w /f pl & loft + CUSTOM CHAI.IT! Sacrifice I Owner /Bkr. 3 Br, ~ ba, fam rm, auto MIWPOttT U.CH formal dining rm. Lovely courtyard Ot41Y $79,tOO!I '159-0358 OPIH IT OWMH @riDkl.en. nr pool/ten· IEALTY 671-1642 off master suito. $137,000. Lorraine •• 10•2 t73,IOO. 3 Bdr1n (or ala. VlEWI By owner. Lodice ll•c living under ,.,.. • a+tam.>Seabr99U Con-sm,500-., loclud'« land. Woodbr id1e Eatate Rcnnio752-1414. (J-54) bo4d • ru111ed bearnal ••••••••••••• .. •••u••• do. Gat l"""' Or•tlace. 2 m.iMorM2·sotf Mama. 481', 2~. FR, Coiy rlreplace accen~ Mobile Home. Sbr, 2ba. ln "'" DR. Owner ~n Ilse un~uc wall of brick I Fam. Prk. sml -ta OK. Lae pvt. encl. pa os. Al· SPECfACULAR GOLF "-·-•• • ....,_.pu 114 Wat Foa LIASll ho ,,.. tclld 2 car 1ar. Earth .-u UIUa •• 2 BR Or "'---d It d H() )'room & works p $3&1000. &.U-5767 ton• earpet thruout. COURSB location. a Br Yale Loop. &511-W75 ange u~ a u con o - too! Reunion ai..e cov· • i• .,...., 1034 Sauna __. • apa Good tW'AbM, tn Rancho San laraest model -P lan 6. Air cond + ered patlo ovtrlookl' r ·-11-"'."'~L~ il ...,.; -... Joaquin. Open House n.. .... _+•-1..11 d N ) •-famllf orc~ard ll J uat ••••••••••••••••••••••• lllAflCU\&ava ·---Sal/Sull1-s.11Moat.aou "'N.w~w7ded"",: 't:. many upgra es. ear poo •spa°' =1c'!U"Ltastatlhi• ~To.,,.••? °&:1=~t.~r.8J~ ~~1~i.J~:.:~o . =:::.d. Unh. Partt. ~8~~e7~~~-~~)o. HURRY! '4MIOl VPltlheSPEClALlST•t 81 tam.rm. Offefedl---=-::-------"l..:~;;;:;:------1 the Condominium la· taJ.i,ooo. JCrame.r RealtJ, BY OWN*R 3 Br 2 Ba, DE&RnELDPKHOME '4Z-t23S '44-6JOO t~UoftOt!Mr. •t.m tOUDtry~,lblb fr ~ tBr, JO., pre-t010ovtr0rl-H-borVlewCen .. r TOOCHITONE HuitaCi Park " blp mlum con. tot. 1 Yr ...,, .. •£ALTY BJ O'!fNI'. 4 Br, J~ ba, .cbool, eul de No, mut akl. OoiSplete dccorat. lrvlne etc.~ v111ey canter ...., .,_,. a.&. m.JOQ. iHaa ell bet 11'01ten• • .S 11. tt • $13',ooo. 1Sl·t414 llai6\fLll..,tCM97'7 ...,. Owns .. ~~ ................ ~:;.._ 8 u l 14 y " I I' 1 P Y S I T I I r I r t 11 <! ' • T I DLS0"1 ·-·· ............ .. ,. - I ~ '-' Sde HMMt for W. HOUM"t Per W. Ho.M. ,_. S. ····•···········•·•••·· ........................................ ~····· ...................... . Ho.ts .. ..,s. jHotncs,_.. Baturday.February1l,t978 DAll.YPILOT C."JI • ....................... ..•.•.••........ , ..... . ~...... I OU W.-........ f 012 Hou.-1 For S• Hout•t For SGM Hou'•' For Sc* ·•' ...,,._ I044Lap.elHdll 104 ~a.och I041a..,...1Mdi 1041 ....................... ...••........•........ . .......•.•••.•.....••.............•...••••••. ••••••••••••••••••••••• w ............................................................................................ . Mew rt.._.. t 06' Mlwport a.edl I 06' Nit.,.+ S.oda I 06' ~ W Al.HUT 5qUAll 1--------11..AGUNA CHARMER 1 ... ~-.l!l."'TI Rbduct!d Sl0.000 • Br, 2 ,...~,,.,,,_ H........_. c:.....a. • ...._ I S ,.or ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••••••••' ..._.......,... .. ~ . .•..................... . .. 2' IAU.OCI f.MiirtemewJ BEAUTfto'UL Rt'mod & 3 Bdrm condo with t>W 11\&/laundry rm , wllik lo • lrv1ne llJ&h &r Hentace Pk. Retrta. toct. '64.900 ~ ~..:' ba den. •ep dln'I rm. and ioveat : 3 bdrm ~ Crplc, ba~·mtnt, rec rn1, bocnc with 2 bdrm. In pool, j•cuul. i.undeck. come unit. Very nke re Some ocn vu. 1215.000 11deotlal area, quiet, REDUCED FOR FAST .r ... LE Price Slasllld prof dcror Wc6tchH 3 Dr •auHM Home ~ toS16a.llOO.Trtna 3 bdrm 2 Ba. deo . all ne• fOf' WILLOWS 4 Bdrrrt , s uper loc nr lr\•lue H.lah & Heritage Pk S74,000 EVIL YN COPELAND lllil.TOlt 552·0434 DEEIFIB.D ASPEN 3 Br, 21~ ba, Flt. Outstandina Value al $94,500 Call today Cur de· tails. Agt 752 27:rt ----- Woodbridge Creekside. Poplar plan, 3 BR. 2 ba. prof. lndscp'd, wood pat rovers. wood beam ce1I Ownr 551 ·5836 FOR SALE IYOWHU Te rrace Cardiff Townhome, 2lir. 2Ba cw.tom drp:.. upgraded carpet & tile, 'ery clean ~KJ,500 l:iH -31 59 or 955.1275 1048 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NOR INS REALTY Spani.h Mansion Unique Dana Point landmark converted mto 3 uruts. l'erlecl for owner occupation plus income Orean view, 1mprc:-.:-.1ve facade S215.000 Tnplea :! Bdrm . l bath homl• "ith two rear units Sound 1n\ ci.tmcnt 1n Corona del Mar. $175,000. LOYa Y 4 IDRM Ownef"WaJI 1eU on con· near school• Call for 2bathhome. has no tract or carr y 2nd app't.1215.000 Sliurs to cUmb. French 497 t!ti7 con CHAltMEA doors open to beauuruJ Rambling 2 bdrm .. 2 bnck pauo wilh outdoor Ocean View buth + over cua~e hearth Lae hvinc rm iiuest h<>u&e. Loval,y bag w /frplc overlooks Apf. lot lnxlntNorthendlo1·a hdlsade and orean Lower rroor 2 Bdrms, llorLCalJtosee. $179,'°° Leaded glai.s and tale en· pool $7!1,000 20'1 dn RARE LOT try i.et.s the mood for a 1..aguna Rlty 494.()()77 Words cannot descri~ home that is perfect for -the amenities of this big, fo'r.om SUS.000 to SU0,000, don't miss tbia buy' Charm. & 1wcury In thta beaut. 2 sly hm in pre11t1gious Northvlew. 3 BR, 2~ BA, din rm . cheery & bright klt~ht!ll. Fam rm. w/uaed brick frpk. Covered patio for outdr entertaJnane playh:.e on the hill for the children A beaut 11rea Laguno Mlgu.i Realty 495-5220 493.9494 49 .. 2413 HO-SOSO enterta1wng. $189.500 Walk to bch. Sharp 2 Br, bwldable lot. Close-in, bltns, frplc, gar, pat. but so secluded you'll •-..u.--i 1052 •-Wl-...1 1052 ,"' ... OR"'MIC SHluded $119.500. ,.1 , _,......,..,....... _,..... ~ _,.. -4sg..2438 neL'U an eacort: we re •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••• •••• OCEAN VIEW ------1 ava.alable.See&buy.On· NIGUEL SHORES. 3 ~new38edrm + 3 Bdrm home Cui1tom Sweeping ocean view. 2Br ly $135.000 brm. 2 ba, totally up-den. 2 bath, lam-r m, built ror proud owner. apt, "'eat storaae. pool. graded, p riv. gate A/C, French drs. pvt Only the best was In· $89.500.0wner499·2094 ~-·9 guarded community, lrontcourtyard,$123,900. eluded. ltallan tile 1n all 3 -? __ _/ tennis, pool, & pri v . Owner. 831-7098 baths & kitchen Oak JUSTLlSTED '(}()U/ beach access. Sl:rt.900. cabinetry thru-0ut Of 1580 Skyline Dr. ' •• '"'' Webb Realty. fered at $289,000 Upper Mystic Hills. Open 493-076l IAlle Forest I 055 COASTLINE VIEW Spacious 3 Bdrm, 3 bath home with elegant large entry and a winding stairway Dining area frplc & ample storage $149,500 DOLPHIN R.E. CALL494-1581 No Laguna charm 2br. view home with l br ren tal Lge deck. frplc, walk to beach. $175,000 1714 )4S4-9903 OPEN HOUSE Mystic Hila Sul.Sun 1·5 Expansive ocean, hills & runyon vie w from beamed ceilings in hving room & formal dining area. Ovt·rs1,ed bdrm o\ er look ocean & hills. J Eldrms, 2 b.ith & a new self-cleaning oven + greenhouse. $215,000. 1475 Pacific Ave. COCC Skyline Or.) 4M·0570 OCEAN VIEW OPEN SUN 11·4 Luxury custom home, dramatic & very spacious. <Approx) 3000 sq rt. 2 hr. 21 ~ ba, loc an Prestigious Portafina. Huuse Sun. 1·4. 4 Br 2 Ba, 3Sl N. c-"'· Lacwn• ---------1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fam Rm. Dan Rm, great 494-"7'D1• 7ISll·ll460 Culdesac & colt course )) ocean & mtn views. nbthd, apac 4 Br Z~ Ba EBB TIDE REALTY CAMELOT xtra Jae lot. $185,000. 494·s.56· evs497·3598 Absolutely sensational -~-..;.·-------u~ITS views of canyon waJJs & ,., _ _._ 2 b 2 b VI -:;._ " gorge to sea below. 3 BR. """'"""• r, a. ew •on 2 fplcs, extensive use ol golf course~ west 9. LA.KE FOREST Duna Pomt; 4 units an prime condition , with O<'eon view decks. Only I Blk. from Coast Hwy. Sl2.5.000 Ule. very fine carpeUna. 9',900. Princ1ple1 only. More for your money, ~lS.000 _4.!M-__ 2249 _______ 1 nearly new. 3 bedroom, MOHARCH SUMMIT 1lus 2 bdrm. condo bas 1l all! Expansive ocean views, tale roof, elec. garage door opener & in- tercom to gate for securi· ty + all the amenities or ~s PoPUlar area, lnclud · ~ HIU• I 050 l In ~ ... -.~-p ! 061 s & 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• c u.,...,....es .•• 1 ,000 THE SHORES This co~y 3 bd rm. townhouse features a lar1i:e kitchen. nicely landscapt.>d front pauo & rear patio wLtb trellis gazebo. Close to pools & tenrus $111,000 *$2000* *BONUS* Seller ol 4 mo. old, 3 Br, P• Ba, Laguna Vig con· do, ofrs $2000 redeeorat· in& bonus! Mtn view, 2 cat gar, giant storage rm, tile balcony, many l\OSN.CoosrHwy .• &..oguno xtras! m .900. WIU COD· 494-1177 sider be/option. Open 31601 Coost Hwy.,S.loguno 499-4591 _________ , 2Vt bath, family room OPEN HOUSE (Meadow Ho m e 1 ) . S "''T • SU ... 1•5 Unusually larae. cool ._ • " covered paUo. Home ls 29382 ............ insulated. 3 Car garage, ' ... __.... 1_ J storaae & boat door. ~y,.w Communily associa· HIGH ON tion-j>OOl. t.eoois.11ailin1 .., ILUFF &clubhouse. A OPEN SUN DAV 1·5 overlookJng the valley & 22091 COMANCHE SaddJeba.ck Mtns. 3 BR, COL! OF NEWPORT newer sep home on private c ul-dc-asac REALTORS street. Seller mov.ing ___ 6_7_S._5_5_1_1 __ must sell. Only $119,800 PllCID TO SB.L SPECTACULAR eeautU&d new 4Br, tam VIEW rm, 3ba Exec home cl the ocean &c aunseta ~·). Premium corner Crom this 4 BR. av. BA lot. Every amenity. 3 beauUlully redecorated woodburn.1.ol frplcs. Con· home. Jacuui-fountain versatlon pit, wet bar, in atrium & large pool in aourmet bay kitchen rear yard. Price reduced w I microwave oven. to $239,000. Near SUn & Sail Club. COUMTRY &y now & select own cpt. $111,500. Pvt pty UVING M1·2594. Gold.n Y•ars 659 Balsana. S283,000 2 Bdrm , :? bath hilltop Y,~entine R.E. EXEC. DEl.UXE Sun. 23415 Caminito Lazaro. Wknds ph: -U).2667. TALLEY RIAL TORS l213J 530.7252 'IWte 1n Le1:.ure World. ~""'-8585 831-9265 Brand new w1lh fantastic ARCH BEACH HEIGHTS view of valley & moon 3 Br 2 Ba, end or quiet wins. StlS,900 street. Fantastic views *·494-8057 * OUTSTANDING OCEAN VIEW 2 Bedroom. den. 2~~ bath home designed by Chris Abel. Located in one of Laguna ·11 most popular areas. $235.000. ()pt>n Hou~e Sat 12· 1 2535 Ins Wu y NOJ::LJOHNSON UHGO REAL EST A. TE 493-8814 HORTHEHD OCEAHVIEW Deluxe Duplex-Newer 2 BH. 2 BA. 1 BR, 1 BA. w frpk. wet bar. beam N•il1ngs . 'kY lighl. balconies 2 Blks t beach. $189.500 terms. ACROSS FROM HEISLER PARK Ocean view condo. hug living room w/beam ce1I mg, frplc, kitchen w/all appliances. l BR & den, BA. deck. priced to sell. Call fo\" appt. AMERICAN HOME "REALTORS 494-1001 494-7513 GREAT Of1'0RTUNITY For young family. PUBLIC TENNIS CTS. nearby. Walk to school from this cozy, charmin home with nice ocea view. Stone frplc., bi yard &c patio. 3 Bdrms,. baths. $119,500 McCORMACK REALTY 494-7551 .... S Bdrma.. Z b•tha + stud.lo+ pnp. Walk the beacb from tbl dlarmet. Onb' $116,500 McCORMACK UALTY 494-7111 Reduced $121,950 to $115,000 EBDTJDE REALTY 494-9456 One of the most inspiring views In Laguna can be enjoyed in this 3 Bdrm., 2 bath, "one or a kind''. wood & glass home. A creative 3'Xl5" stained glass "palm" by Artist Ron Wood completes the slatemenL $165,000. 5 units-newly upgraded inside & out. Close lo Vic· tor Huao's & beaches. flSS,000. 4 Bdrm .. 2 bath &c very clean family home close to schools. Check prices: Best buy at Sl:l>,000. 1104 So. Cout llwy. LAGUNA BEACH 497-2457 4 BR. 3 ba .. dmmg rm .. den, bar, plush carpeting & ceramic tile firs. Pool. view. 2 Min. to beach $28(),000 PEG ALLEN REALTOR 494-7578 SUPER VIEW NO 9UALIFYING Five year new home, toWly upgraded priced to sell in a hurry al $12,500. Seller to carry all fln3Dcing. 754·7800 tnd un.lt In Tht Uluffa. kitchen. b1& yard. tr~• Now SlS9,000 1121 Qx Grut vltw, pvt Jacuul. f OT d 0 w n r / b r k r lecMlful P.aple wrap around pialfo w/cx ciUnt firepit. Pcrf\.'Cl for 548·0391 Open Sat/Sun entertalnins. a tantastu: WntchH 1tcro'• from, Mariners Park 39r: l'OW'IU')' lutcben All nc"' decorator cpl. wooo noor1 New paUJ\ 1n & out 81ttol> 1nclucJ, microwave & trash etm1 pactor. dbJ rl'plc execuuve home. OpenSat&Sun 1·5 406 Plata. Npt Bch AF.SOP REALTY 731...Sll SPYGLASS HILL Fantastic view. out· st.andlna • BR w/warm cozy fam·rm. Elegant master suite. lrg. cool jacuu.i "' waterfaJI. Im· mac. thru-out. $308.500 TRll SHADED RAH CHO 3 BR w/huge paneled open beam bonus room, 3 frplcs. lrg. cul-d.e-aae lot. WW sell on contract of aale, pri ced ri 1ht $122.500. NEWPORT CENTER REALTY 640 ·1812 O,..Hou• • .., 1·5 21 l .. aaCo••• A. 40' IOA.T SLIP comea with thi s waletfroot home over'· looking the bay ! 3 Bedroom. 2 baths, large patio & close to achools ' CJi~ 1600 QUAIU't NI llACH NEWPORT HEIGHTS Charming 3 BR, 2 BA, family r oom home w/wood decks & aaubo, new carpet &. r eally sharp. Ortered at $135,000. 540.3666 Wltelc-a11 RIAi l ~IAH l .1chenrnye1 ll··dlh '"' • •· "I]~ ·.~<, 148] FOlTHI HOMI GOUIMET Newport Hel&hts. only Sl.00.000. Agt., 548-0351 BY OWNER One• p 1H it HARBORVIEWHOMES 'I ..... .._. Montego 4 brm 2 ba. Y. * s ... ,. liihld, comer lot, nu pnant 1127 M.-fMn ln-out. many upgrades $149.100 Covered patiu, pnv 642.0953 546-524) earden. beavlly1---------landscaped Will help ---~--- finance Courtesy to broker:.. 751 4760 * OPEN DAILY * 1718 Port Westbourm· cau for appt to sec. Pnce cut to the qwck. lmmed possesaJOn. 3 Br. 2 bath Harbor View Home. Tremendous buy Ill only $134,500. DOUD RE.AL TORS 17141675-8600 UDOIYOWMB Open 12...S daily "" ~VlaJucar Deluxe 4 lg brm J h11, huge Uv rm. l h lot:. patio. nr tennis & bench $249,500 675-6259 Mwpt Hh/Opft hcMiH Sat & Sun 1·5 2 Ur pub+guest apt. $137,500 2815 Broad. 645-4829 SUPER 2BR. 28A "11:· Pl.AN an Ongmal Blum, Lge entry, oversized gaP. UDO ISLE Full fronl balcony Outstanding famlly wtutes view Custom home. Super IO<" Gr~ .. t shutten; thruout. Lge pvt f1oor plan. Lge. patJo. 4 patio nr pool. Lauted or Br. 3 lla, din-rm & ram· Ccr b~ o~ner. $134 ,500 rm. Motivated seller .!~ 644~-,, KEN BRlnlNGHAM REALTOR KINGS RDl21 Permit & plans r~ady to recond1t100. For ~ale a~ ~ ls or w1ll complete. Ai.ii. ' for Wells. .. . . HUDSON BAY REALTY, LTD. (7 14) 64 5 -9950 HARIORVIEW "CAJtMEL" 3 Br. 2 ba tastefully de- corated & landscaped with spacious covered pnvate pallos. Outdoor jacuzzi Quiet stre!~J Open Sat/Sun 12·5, 1~ Pt. Stanhope 644-1833 Must Sell This Weekend New Bag Canyon c<>ndu. El Dorado model. 3 brm, 1700 sq It, $15.000 below mlct. $145.000. 962·6898 A cozy F1REPLACE ads warmth to this :\ tidrrn char m er 1n Newpo rt Heights: Owner s pnde shows in ta.:.teful use or wallpaper. :. 1-'airly drools with claSJl 1 • c Large fenced yard secluded with man)'' shade trees. Has auto sprinklers. The complett> package for $119,000 makes tlus an eitcellent value! If you demand tho finest 1n comfort & con- venience, this is 1t ! Call the Personal Service People now ! ROYAL PROPERTIES 642-1830 SALE IY OWNER Big Can yon ·'Green bnar" Townhome. Up· graded cpts, drapu. levelors . $137,500 673-9023 & 833--0821 .... . . . I , I • : • Cl:lDAIL.YPIL.OT S.•urd_,,,.u-x1t,1ITII OllMlrle .. 11.... [Olltf-IHl•t.t• D --..................................... ••••••••• •• ~ ~~,. Honea For S-. ,.._.....,. S.-. "'-" ,._.W. ..._" rf 2001 ..._.. t JOOI !'· .. ·: ..... •• ••••• •••• •• •••••••••• ..................................................... = .. :e.:::r .............. c.~i..:r ...... . OIMt' ......... ......,... ••.. ....................... ..................... . ............................................ . Lehws.le llOO S..Clam• 3176 c.ihiMM 3Z24,......__._.id1240 ............................................................................................ • , • .~ S-. .._ t OIO S... .AM IOIO wl 1 9Hr I Ott . : ..........................................••........•.••......•••.••• COllOMA DIL MAR PANOltA'MlCvteW l br. 1 bill. I ctr 1u•1 • **~LOT•• 1rp1c. Kids Qk. N'o doa.a. 'I ;:1 . Condo, 2'-'bll, frplc. dbl cl.Id,.,.. Sbow9 llke a CHAMPAGNE APFiilfEI mode!. brilht oS>eft Int. GllAT LOCATION!! Two 4-plexes. face each other: all 2 bdrm., 2Y.& bath townhouse units -triplex, all 2 bdrms., patios, garages, $145,000 -another neat 4-plex, two 2·bdrm. & 2 1-bdrm. $145,000. Hurry, s ubmit your bids. .... " n.tux 2 B.R, den. 2~ ba $41!. mo. 145-2274 ONE OF A KIND! 125' cmdo. Elevator to beach ---------•----Corona del Mar bluff lot. or just. watch the surf. Country kltch, fple. pool. 4 Br 2 Ba, nr Go.Iden West Expanaiv. vtow1 or the Pool, Spa, a auna, Br,Zba,trplc.pool.$$50 &Slater.l.seat ~.ht ...... , Beer income? -that most or us have, Seil by owner. $74,900. ' ~ however you will find this 3 BR. 1'4 _898-_7722 _____ _ ocean, tua.rbOr entrance poolroom. aecurlt.y CaJIS56-flO&Sor979·30'79 & last. call SJ&.31'5 or ' '""'' h! ' .. , •• It I ' I s • '• BA. central air & purHier, the WHIM 1rs llGHT cleanest cul-de-sac location, w /lots or YOU'U KNOW IT fruit trees this side of heaven. You And Th1s house ia n&bt. can have your champagne at a beer 3Br + den. fam rm price $66,500 . Loe . in fine w /bltn bar, unique neighborhood of Santa Ana. na111tooe frplc. This (714)64'5-2411 hlsun 644-5046 "peninaulal WILL NOT park'a . Sl.050 per mo. 847-QZOOA,l 311 LASr-H\JRRYI Aat 714 /498·0500 New2brcondo. Pool.spa. ---~ • From$400.Aho3brh11c OZY 3 bdrm, 2 bit. IM IQuail l $400. Kids " pats ok. w/cpt, fed yrd, kida & ....... U..fw ....... f7S.4912Bk:r. pets ok. $3115. 963-Uti7 Prap , •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• -COLLEGE PARK. Beaut. ~t. Noftt. 7S2·J• G""'tt 3202 a Br, 2 Ba. rncd, chldro brm condo. p, b11. Crpl, 1400 GUA11.n '••ac" ••••••••••••••••••••••• oil. $645/rno. 640-1134. petio, pool, $330. 5324015, Ask for house is bard to reslsl . .,,.... Central air, RV access at De• Dms at VALLEY IEALTY, 516-0222. Handyman's shop, + many xtras. can to see t.b.i.s choice home. nlerprlru Hui t:i.ta&e Dlwb.lem 617 .Wt'a.tcUH Orin Newpwt ku• CA t12Mt ' Spectacular ocean ront. 3 , •VETS• VERY PRIVATE lBR all ev~. 'ni8-8268or497·39'7tl adjacent lots. Arch You f04!4ht for It, own a utll pd. $250. New cpta, llACH HOUSli-3 Ir. Bay• ~-1')-Jss,ooo piece of at oow. no down. driJa, adults, oo pets. Dys S4SO mo. 536-~ (2) -c. 000 Veteran Housin~ Ag\. 548-413S; Evs, 00--0835 or Of'EH HSI SAT·SUM '. I South LOCJ""G I 086 SOYlh LOCJ""CI I 016 12-4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 142tl ll•erf• Condo•l•lilnta/Tow•· lncOIM Property 2000 .............. I 700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..,_..., 541.0100 646-6423 Luxury Ii vme by the seu. (3) $30.S,OOO exec 5 Br. Din Rm, Fam Will sell slnQly oc as l Southern Oreaon, new Deluxe family condo nr S . Rm. immac + grdnr . parcel. Pvt communil.Y 2Br, cpts, drps, stove. Coast Plaza. 3 br 2~ ba, s6so. Avl March 1 w/large beach & te~ts pool &clbbH, adults, sm uperad~. all appl .. A/C. 962.~ White House Alty 893-0573 962· 10'79 courts. B .M . Cra11 pet OK, S26S mo. •~au End unit, pool, teruus. 1-------- ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 rt.EX.alACH Condo Specialist: :.!·3·4 $115,000 • ~I bdrms, Huntingt o n Xtra sharp Covington Beach, Fountain Valley. 4.pJex. Prime ll.B. Joca· 968-2297or963-0IJ67 Agt. tion. lmmac! Need fast 021~n.!~.·.l!,•·•99·3070 or Marchl. (714)546.2222 $49Smo.M0"8429 Condo 4 br. was her, --dryer, dshwhr incl. Pool. . ~ Other .......... •••••••••••••••••••••••I•--------sale. $185,000. 752·1700 or Ui•t• Dnert, HOMEFINDERS KIDS &Pm C)t( $.1:50.mo.S36-5837 •--.....1. 2400 ThousaodsofRentals COMFORTABLE SOUTH LAGUNA HOME with guest •It. CloM to beactws Clltd shopping. HCMM recettffy ~oded wfth "ew roof; forced oir hHtincJ. .ct kffc.hM area. ,ri•ate side patio with aahtre land1capinc) and 119 foclnti"-$124,500. l.AGl1N \ NIGl'EL ~95 1720 499-4551 0 1\NA POINT ~93·8812 LAGUNA BEACH 497·3331 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hunt. Bcb, 2"'63, beaut 2 BR. 2 ba, form din. rm .• serv porch, cstm drps, by ownr. Sat/Sun 9-6, 968·~ Illness, must sell, 3 brm 2 ba, 24'x60'. Finest CM adlt prk. PQPl, jac., $34.500. Owner. 6'S-S681 OCEAMIREUE Fleetwood expando, over well bit home. Yi blk Crom ocean. Must sell. 1'Urn or unf. Best oCCer over $7,000. 530-3555 or !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l -536-_6437 ______ _ ~~~.~~ ... !?.~~ San~tr.o I 078 NEWPORT BEACH One Br, lOX40. rent $80, xlnt cond. Adult park . $7,800. Prine only. Ph dys. 542·5644; e vs GORGEOUS VIEW Scaview New Bedford 3 bdrm H ien. f<.1 mily room , ~ee urity li) owner. 4!1'7·1559 Bluffs. Bal'k Bay v11•w. front row Trina modd :J BR. :!', b<.1. $164.!JUO. Open Sun, 12 4. 2643 V1~ta Omada. &10 6531 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOAIYEll VIEW OCEAM HILLS 1-776-0662 . U.GHTS . LA_G_UN_A_Hl_L_LS_P_AR_JC_· Don t wail to see this 2er. 2aa. lge patio, home. designed for ocean view 499.4710. elegant enler_ta101.ng & 67S.l606 ' gracious family hvmg, --------- just 4 minutes Crom Dana Point Harbor. 5 BR. 3 BA, transferred owner wants offer. Call now. GREENLEAF PARK !//: Macnab -lmne OPIH SAT. 1·5 llltlNtC~ast•y Monaco with view tn Big Canyon. Elegance & privacy! $'l98,500. (J·U 752.1705 Ot'ltl Ill Y • 11 5 fU•I IOM MCI' 1wau~11 _.. AU areas aU prices 3 Br 1 Ba unfumisht~ Sample: hoU8e. lge fenced yard. At Snow Summitt Bic $12Slbr, peta&garage S350 per mo. Call Sue, ••••••••••••••••••••••• brm CONDO, new paint, veey sharp. Pool. Nlc\' area. $285. lst & last + secur. 963-5705 Bear, furn. t.owonouse $1.S02br, ldda•pets $56-7707 raclnr ski slopes. Great $2.002bT,Qdslrpets w·.a.111yo 111:..a.cH ttotal record. Partners LIFETIMESERVICE ~ 5A !f2,1500tli.n_!·tramd~sfort slocelall. 557-4122 PYt 1 Br, utll pd.. adullS, Kids 0 .K. 3 brm, 2 ba. EacMi•• ....... -.... .. oopets. $300. ram rm. new crpts & Large 3 br owner's unit. property. 642.9666 ...... ..._. 3Z06 , ___ 646-6423 ___ e_v_es_.__ drapes. 1st mo & clean Anaheim. Pvt cul.cfe·sac On Colorado River, 1% ac. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa del.Mar 38r, 2ba, Ing dep. only. $.525. Call St. Large, spac. units. Good stdio&. fishing, LITrLEISLAND frplc, nu cpts/drp1.1_968-__ 95.92 __ e_v~_. __ _ M t t ho---BAYFRONT .... -./mo. 6'5-1926 us see o apprec. $40,000. """~will carry 3 Br, 2 ba. upper duplex. ,_-________ Move U.t.oclay ! Cute 3 Hr --. Pr-operty 2000 Prieed to sell fast! Call 75'1.. Agent.5'6-7739 Yearly lease, $850/mo. 1~ w/cpts, med yd ••••••••••••••••••••••• Broker now! 558·332'7. -..of,.._... Doo Tyler & Aasociates, Kids & pelo!i fine. $395 .... EWPORT ~~~~~~~~~ -._.._.., 67~ 963-'5671\gt-nofee. " ,...,..., 2510 ·---· -----HEIGHTS INVESTORS ....................... llllooP1Rl11 ... • 3207 Br 2 Ba. fplc, bltns, dl>I .... -~ '8r Rouse. 1600 sq ft, pool, ••••••••••••••••••••••• y ~Imo. 2 Br hse. gar, walk lo schools & 1n1r-~ Have to sell within one patio or Fw S64 ooo 1 dl'd bch. $460 per mo. 962-9351 Extra sharp 2 BR units, wk. for45day escrow. 12 • y, ' · 3 Br, cLose to bay. yrly New Y rem 00 S.E. or21S.371·7715 botb w /prvt patios. units, all 2 bdrm. Land IB.LOW llALTY I.Ae. "95/mo. Bristol or. 0 .C. Airport. Owner will help finance. for 8 more. W/side CM. (714)982-8844 556-3900or6'6-2633 AvaiL 2/15/78. Call (714) For sale or trade .....,... o Ill ~of•u._._ 5'>5338 or 925·7942 for ~.ooo. wnr w carry -:_ ~ 2600 ON Point. 2 Br, lovely appttosee. $139.500. conL $4.5.000 dwn. Prin. ........., yard, dbl gar, steps to 1---------CALL 640-5112 only. Agt.00·5554 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ocn & bay. Can be furn. EA.51' SIDE CHARMER·, ________ _ TEXASIAHCH Seen by appt, call 4Br,21hBa,availimmed, w' fh1'l lJl--J l '''"'"'""'" "-'1 /i,, '•HI, ur VI (1Pl ~·~ OCIAMFROHT DUPLEX Great location, highest rent, new construction. 211G Nearly new, the best It nicest 4-Pleus lo Huot· tngt.on Beach. Asking on· ly $225,000 each. SCOTT IEA.LTY 536-7533 XJot. investment, con· 1---------sider trade. N.W. area-Uveat«k, &A SU-6271. ~i.t=ts OK, $495 mo. oil. mineral rjgbts. c.,1,hw1Hclll2ll •--------- Over 6,000 acres. Sl.00 per ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br, cpts. cl.rps, kids OK. acre. Some terms, ask 3 br house f 1 2 b l g 1 car ear age, $275. for Wells, ~ $375. • rp • a. r 645-2274 HUDSON BAY REAL TY, LTD. 496-5600 $250. 1 BR, uUI pd. Pet eor-.. M.. 3222 OK, 256 .. B .. Santa •••-•••••••••••••••••• Isabel.$100 sec.S46·7945 a1k to bch. J.Avely 3 Br. den, fplc, b4lam clg, LR. ~rm. $485 m o. $325 The Beach ls Your Front Door! 2 BR + All Bltns & Utils (5545P) HARIORVIEW 01'••"; Sitting pretty on one of the larRC:.t lots 1n th1:. prest1g1uus areas. th1:-. lowly home with formal dlrung room. CireplaCl', & rcnced yard is PRICED TO SELL NOW at S13-1.950. By appointment only plea~t·. KATELLA REALTY 831 -9432 493-9672 0,...HotaH Sat 1-5 33821 A•• Calita Alto Capistrano Million dollar view from 5 BR home. Watch the boats satl into Dana Point Harbor. $195,000 s Star Adult Community 1750 Whittier Ave. CM Has available a 24x60 Key West Mobile Home. Call btwn 9am-6pm 646-7965 •HACH PEOPLE• See us for your Mobile Home. We specaliie in Beach Ar ea homes. PACIFIC COAST RESALES. INC. 21036 Brookbus r s l 11 .B . 968-00!H NEWPORT CENTER REALTY 640· 1812 MOHEYMAKB 6 units. $15,000 per unit. It's nice in the Palm Desert, Coachella Valley area. P...cllso.t (714) 642·5319; 646-7414 agt. 'ALM SPIUHGS (714)-645· 9950 15 Units positive cash re· tum. Management avail. Live Oak. Fla 5 acres Full Prine. only. 644·9513 fenoed.partwooded3Br. anytime. Agt 2 ba. furn. resid. Full uUl. 3 mi fnn Suwannee MOllLE HM Sm River I mi off Hy. 90 on 635 AC.5 LAKES Mitchell Rd. (paved) Existing RV Park. In· prlce$33.0005'5-8675 .. come $330,000. Will ex· 1_._.._ Be ut 20 f CAL.LtHB.0771 Use for rent E-side C.M., 2 1--Ram __ M_E_S_IHC __ • - BR. call between 5 & 9: $250 All Ulil Paid 2 BR 8f7..Q20o& W/newCarpets! (5817P ) CoUeae Park 3 br, 2 ba, cpt. frplc. Avail March House on c orner lot. 1st. $425. Call 549-2534. South of Hiway. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, large 2 brm 1 ba, f~m rm, brick fireplace. $600/mo. ~~ o:' ~~· $300. CAU.ltl.0771 RBmMESINC. $3503-Car Garage Yours 3Br Fmly Beauty (8396P > change for property or ........, a ac arm, trust deeds. Creative In· 20minfromSunValley,3 3 Bedroom & den or 4 3Br, lBa. dbl 1arage. lg CALL8tl-0771 ·.•n~=~l Prap•rti•• .... 752-1920 ~ ~·msr NIWl'OtlT•IACH ANCHORAGE' IMVESTMEHTS I 17141 496-771 I vestments. 644-13 BR, 1 ba home. Bam, bedroom home in Harbor focd yd, l 'Al mi from 1--REMT'l ___ MlS __ IN_C_ ~ bunkhouse, loafing shed, Vlew Hills . Fabulous beach, quiet street. $390 •FAMILY PARK oa .1.uGE DELUXE TRl LEX CM etc.$92,500.714/645-8121 , vtew of bay & ocean. mo. 751-1473 SPECIAL ""'" w/owners unit, pride of 208/788·2832 or write Large front yard.•--------- Let us rind the right COUMTY ownership, nr. shops, gd R. F . D. 1, Box 90, $80()/mo. East.side, 3 Br 2 Ba, gar, pr, 2 Ba, crpts, drp:-.. dshwhr, 2 car gar. Nr. schools & bch. 831-0583 Mobile Home for your PRIDE OF terms.Bkr,556-6171. Bellvue,Idaho83313 COLEOFHEWPORT !ocd yard, pall?• ore st Vacant3 brcondo,lh ba . l • SC111 Clemt• I 07 6 needs. All price ranges & O_.ERSHIP C.M. 4 separate homes + 1.-chft. ,___ REALTORS ~g, new paint. $375. New crpts, drps, pa1111. _ •••••••••••••••••••••••Open House Sat /Sun 1·5. areas. Call us today. "" roomform ........ One"BR GroftS 2700 675-5511 Louise,673-6562 Rec. area. Single> '• 31022 Via Cristal. SJC p AC 1 F 1 C C 0 AST PO~l .a.L v•... "" ---------~ ft. home. "We're • '""'• "' + three 2 BR. Gross ••••••••••••••••••••"• Br 1 Ba, lge yard, kids, welcome. 557-8623 ~LY $95,000 ~ RESALES, INC. 2105 C-....DO'S $14,460 pr yr. Price Ml..-•.a.~H pets, welcome. ls' last "" stillaliltle bit counlry!" Ball Rd . Anahe im "" "'~ "' 4 Br, 2 ba. with ocean Must see to evaluate 991-!1660 :I>, 4.yearold, 2 bedroom, $225,000. Courtesy to 2 Br, 2 car garace on 5 :;::~s mo. 536-3248 or Hx tbgtoa view.Xlntneighborhood, $200 ,000. West Coast---------l Y.i bath&ownhouseunlts. brlc:rs. Tbe Real Estate llCn!Switbanimalpens&---------, _________ tt.tla• 3242 nrschools. Paci·r1·c Rily •S "CRIFICE S "LE """cell t G d Connection 549.1665, al Fr ·t t •-Br, 1 ba, 2 car gar, new "' "' .,..... en area. ar en G7"""lSeves·. corr s. w rees.,. Zbrm$2165,nodogs. •-•••••••••••••••••••• PadficShorellty 496·853Sor831·2600 Save $5,000, 5 •Orange Gr ove. Beautifully ""'" grapevines.. $37,500. Call ~~~r&:iiJ~~~.llt. 64.5Victoria.CM. Waterlront Townhouse. OLD CITY PLAZA ---------• County Family Pet Park, 1 a n~s ca ped, pro· Tustin 4.plex, newly Geo. Freyal542-3456 546-9124 36• boalslip, 3 Bdrm. 2,2 492.~ Spacious 4 Bdrm. 2•., 38r, 2Ba, 24xS2 Sun· fcss1onally managed · ed 1 BENHINKLER E · .--------•I bath, Mi ssion P a rk . · paJnt , corner ot. 3 · · Br, 1 bath oo nice st. 0-Polltt 3226 ba, palio deck, tennis, ----------•home. Owner leaving n y br oo k . 1 9 7 2 Rcftnance or contract. 2-BR,l3·.'BR.Sln,900. INlstale Frplc Ir pool. $375. No ••••••••••••••••••••••• SB25/mo. (114)~152 (JM70021·2) PACIFIC Will .ex.change. _An ex· DltAKl&ASSOC. JIOO peU.Call6"7129 lliCH QQI •,MOUSE state. $105,900. Open COAST RESALES, INC. elusive offering of a~•5100 &cll•g• · Panor amic harbor & Luxury condo. L6e. yrly Walk to"irtviera Beach. Sat/Sun 28071 Pasco Anaheim991-8660 · QUAIL PLACE -....................... tzr 2 BR. 2 ba, delu.xe white water view! 3 3-Br, den, .3.ba. 2 fr1;>k On natural canyon with Verde, SJC Marquard Huntington Bch963-0991 PROPERTI ES, JNC. ---------WUltradeZBr,2Ba. duplex. Open beama, bdrm. den, 2~ ba, frpl, Pool, ten~is. boat s~1r1 OCl'an \leW. 3 Br. 2 ba. ruty, 498-0660____ (n4) 752-1920, 1400 Quail IEDUCID! homeoa Udo+ cash ror frplc, & sundeck. $450. blt·ins. 33602·8 Dana Vis· Enc pallo, $750. I h : "1th extra 12 lol. Nc"cr -----Acreogefor Sal• 1200 Street, Suite 135, CDM Duplex. Each 2Br, 3brm.onLido 673-1202 mo. No pets. 675·1541, ta.$485mo.213/372-8659 _M&-_9638. _____ _ ai,:am ut only $125,000 Santa AM I 080 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Beach, Ca. 1 ba, trplc in lower unit, IN Ea.... 644-7461 • •• • lti..IV!STORS 92660. 2nd unit, brand n ew, t---------PRICED RIGHT ••• •••••••• •••• ••• • "• view dec"k. open beamed Wmthd 2900 mini redec 2Br1 Ba, . Cl I ( Be CAPTIVATED by this Five acres South . of s.::v~ uu1ys ············-··-···· __,couple, no pets. Yr· ~ ~!'1ente s o~~most S&tOO price reduction. &T5" " ceilings. 3 car gar. t"'' ,aJue. Cantamar 4 Br. Comtemporarily d e· Corona oo paved road. This is a·bot one! Sharp $152,500.497·3516 Wamtobuy3BRbomeon y.$SOOmo.644·1167 $6)0. Exec: trl level nr bc-h & tennis, 3 + 3 + Fam Rm. + grdnr Tge i.:ar , ownr. aft4PM 554-4442 fanuly home ?" cul·de-cor'd, central air, S. Cst Good for lot split. BKR. investment with great in· t----------UdoCl'omowoer. ::? sac corner, high above Plaza area. Sacrifice al (714) 676-5717 come ,& priced right. at. UNITS 673-1202 .• , the city. Cal.I for long list $79.500. Hurry &en.II: ___ O_R_S22_.2(Ml() ____ 1 $130,000. HURRY!!! 3--4-1-8-.i\ll ln strong .,..,.. 3244 of out.standing features. VERN JOHNSON RLTR TROPICALISL! 540-3666 'T'Tansferred. asking only 540-4646 Will sell interest Jn n54B~THA HENRY s.tll LCICJl*I t086 UNIQUE ISLAND with REALTORS ••••••••••••••••••••••• miles of beautiful Wftelc6111 RlAl fStATI 215Del Mar 492-4121 ·--------• beaches in WORLD FAMOUS AREA. Near ---------• Jet port & city. Now be-2 + HOUSE J Bedrm, 2 Ba Ocean Marina view home in Harbor Ditates. $114.500. Marqua rd Realty, ·198-0600 ~· SU.-ER OCEAN VIEW ing MASTER PLANNED by JNTERNATION· ALLY KNOWN planning firm. HIGH RETURN with beach frontage WITH VAST POTEN· TIAL! $5.000 required. 673'1.314 Prin only. Call '1 I 3Br. 2' ~ ba t9wnbme 2 view balconies. $79,900 Owner/Bkr 493-9569 Open lloW!e Sat. l ·S 160 W. Mariposa. Just lislt.'d. br dollhouse. eompl re· , ~ modeled tnside. 2 blks C! walk to bch, l bllc to ~hop· ping. $89.950. Kelchline Realty OCEAHFRONT MOllLEHOME today for appt. l ·Bdrm .. carpets, blt· OlllJIE ~CRE ins; oceanfront patio. f"'lll A Only steps to private Beaut. coilntry living in beach Xlnt condition! this great home, 3500 sq. $$4.000 ft., 3 car iarage, lots of --------- MAURY STAUFFER trees, fenced, barn. Xlnt. TllPLIX. C.M.1 SEA LION REALTY terms. BKR. Great Eaataide loc, 3601 E. Cst. CdM 673-5354 (714) 677·5691 newer3br, 2ba, frplc, yd. REHTALS 3 BR.2 Ba ••••••• $52.5/57~ 3 BR, 2~ ba ......... $525 4 BR. 2Y, ba •••• $1625/850 4BR,3 Ba ••••••• $6251745 ·----------• 1213N.Cst.. Laguna ORs.22-0530 (2) 2br, lba, patios, encl. t Tn-plex. ocean vu, 3 br 497-3388 ,._ 1_. gar. $1'5,000. 213/ 691-5331 , P • ba. frpl. Keichline R1-I~~~~~~~~~ -wwwrc • Tom Lee, Rltr, 8'2·1603 ty. 213/001·5331 1-..... rty 1600 ---------T..tift 1090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. --------•·•••••••••••••••••••••• SAM CLIMIMTI ··--~ M~cnab-lrvme ... '• "1'' GLAMOUI PUSS I Delicious decor thruout r I .... this 3 BR town home ' .. 1 w/lg . sunny kitchen/· brkfst rm. & ultra maater BR s uite -w /fireplace, balcony + '•" walk-lo closet. $96,000 ••• • (J-5') ,•' ' I ' Donna C\lster 642-8235 FOOTHIU HI DISTRICT MeclcdlWg Sale-Leaae-Trade 7 Rm Dental Suites 8 Rm Medical &altes Open SaUt St.in 115AvenueSerra ...,w, .... c. 4tMUO 4H·2237 •2Trl•us* Near Lake \>ark. Min. to bch.1-4 BR, 3 ba; 1-3 BR. 2\AJ ba; 1·3 BR. 2 b•. 5 gara&m, trplca. $115,000 Rill. Din Rin. tennis & pool. t&OC). 't52· 1S78 EXECU'.11VE4BDRM 2100aq fl. $750 mo lse. •... , ... N• t. . .. ',, ,. ... '•I i " •• 11. ho .. ... •• 11 •''' . " ,. ··•I I I H~ I I'• I• ... a hwllhFw..a.twd ~•fthu.fwft. Ap&IMe•h u.tw.. Sat\Kd!)',Februarx 11 , 1978 DAA.YPU.OT CJI ..._.... u.tw.1...., .,...._...,...,. 1•00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••• • • • • • ••• ••••• •• •• ••••••••• •• • ••• •• ••••• •••• •• ••• •• ••• ••••• •••• . • AfJ'M' .... u....... .,. ...... ........... __.. .. ~ 4300 ,..___.._.. 32.4 .... -........ JUt Lov~yduplu SBR aBa s.a-... 377• Cottew... l l Z4 C....heete :Jl24 .. :::.:~ ............................................................ . ....... ~ • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3169 ·-............................................ fireplace. 6'45·2111 or ........... hoer. 3140 Newport.._.. R9p. penoo 1hr new Lag DOWNTOWM $SSO WHAT A FlN 0 ! IMl-t303 ~ vi.w. Pier area. 2 AduJl 2 bc-droom. iuper Brand New Deh.1JC• Apt.e ••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• HI.a home, own brm/ba • 28R+Doubh.•G•r•1u~ --br,Wllnchad.nucrpt.1& loullon. No pcl• lbd~.Zbd QJOSbd Dh:3br2balower dpl:it.t rec/clubbsepriv.sns+ LA•UNA BlwToo' l6'22P) Unturnl&hedDuplea drps,doeewbuaftAm· S~50/month . S68 W. $340. 1146·017, 831·5'5"4 IUMDNIW blktobcb.Nopet.s.Sf,50, ~~ uUls. Dick 496-43ll, Dtlu.u 2 bdrm , 2 bath 2Bdrm, i a,.i, Ba, brand ~ak. 4112 5elS Wilsoo, inquire apt. E . 312 W. Bay st. CM •201 3 Br apt/cond(,. conve. lse. 979'°'93 7'l'O-Ot03 duplex rental. Out.stand AU.ltl-077 1 new crpt1nc. drapes, --Vh ~ nienll &un.I ' 1 $400 --------- i.ntocean&vUla1eview, C refrte. Electnc 2 door lf.E'"J!t.d VIia ta...,... Small one bdrm all up 9&4-~ e:1~;1· Needanmapad!Maleto ntonlya rewahort bib. l&fT1MESINC. carage. Smoke alarm. 1 _,____ 2018Thurio uWIUesfurn s::us. · · BACHROR APT. ~M!..81!'~f~1~e llJI to &own• beach. Huge Block from L;tcuna ••••••••••••••••••••••• Brand new. large 2 br, 8381742 Exclusive2Brcoodo.aat· ~vuur-u.-"""'" llv. rm. & dlnln& alcove Beach, $495 per mo. Gc-.a 3102 1~ ba townhouse w/fam ed area, pool, tennis, ~ ALLUTl13 PDI Lee. k.itcben w/bllt·lns, ~erences required. No ••••••••••••••••••••••• room. Xlnl ar~a. $350 3 Br 2 Ba apt. Quiet area, mile w bch. Adlls only 100' from the ooean. Divorced M. 52, strai&hl. in cl. wash /dryer cluld.renorpeus.Nolusr TSLMgml 642-1603 cpts,drp6,nopets.$325. Mr . or Mrs. Hatc h SemJ furnbbed. Avail nut. Ir lonesome. Will Separate 2 car aarage. required. Available fo'eb AT LAST 557.42311 847.2563; {Zla)592•1531 now! 201 &t Balboa Blvd. shr bis I.rt K .H. nr Hoa~ An out.standing offering 1 5, As lt Io r Sa I E/Side. light, airy 3 Br, 2 Yrly $2SO per mo. NO w/mature attractive at •500 Mo. ReC. re Btmardmeat842-7781 •a.~ •~1-• Ba,bltruintnplex.$360. W·Side 2br, 1 ba, cpts, Eves FEE. Call : Sue at Fem. Reasonable cost. • -~ --..,..-,, .. No pets 552 4201 or "'-. bllns. $235/mo. No • ...-Dal'" ...... -u quired, Call: THI COVE y C E--1 · · :,.,..ts ouc .......... 831 ..... .,c New 1 sty Hunttngton Con-SS6-'1707 a...., .. me .... _..., .. MISSION REALTY d Oii .. ..._.. S.'il 1241 "" ·'"""'""'• '°°" do, 2 Br H• Ba, adlt.s,1~~~~~~~~~~2;;;;:;;;;,;;t;-;;; Tastefully decorate 2 .. twallh fwMtlMd At HM. Wittl 1: 2 male roommates needed ,.._. 494-0731 BR + den & dining rm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• WE r-...u,.. 11 ,.. .._EE MESA rlMIS £-side 2 br garden apt. 40+. $395. SJ6.17~7 BEACH YEARLY to share lrg 3 BR & pool VIEW! Wet bar; bit-an a.6oal..a.d 3706 w __ ,..., lBr$28S.ZBr$350.Some Gar, ~ltns. ~S. Adults, B R A N D N E W 3 Br. 2 ba d1Jplex with homelnC.M.w/UChtu- Oceanfront, Wood.s Cove bookcai.es , pool & ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Widestselection poss. w /garages . Pool , nopet.s..160 21sl.S48·2127 BEAUTIFUL 4.PJex, 3 ocean view. $475+uU1. dent.SlSOmolst&last. 3 BR, 3 ba .• comp. re· jacuz~I. in adull com· Dlx 2 Br. gar, yrly $450. •lnbousecomputersys. JaC\UZ&. Adults, no pets. $2SOYou'llAdoreThi.s Br 2~ Ba, D/W, W/O CaUDebbie714-636-7m _545-__ 3457 ______ _ done;lse.TurnerAssoc. mun1ty . No pe.t s . Adultsooly.Pbone: •Oaily telephoneservice Open daily. 26SO llarla 2BR+somotJUl(•fM4P) hkup,FP;2Br1Ba;1 Br ,.,_,_ dultl!b "•--to Call Donnie 499·4591 $14 5 o /Mo. M ax 1 n e 67s.3083 eves/wknds •Vacancies verified daJly Ave, C.M (Mesa Verde 1 Ba, all w /DW. encl gar ........... :1 a r. ~ Workinc woman wanted WlWams 642.8235 (J-57) •Full sta!Cof counselors Dr E. orr Harbor Blvd). CALL 198.0771 lndry lac11. Adlts, no bch, ocean view. $t25. to shr 4 Br hse w/1 other. 2 II VI EW HOME lalaoaP.-...a 3707 •Freetoaged6S&over 549-2447 pets.96().S260 up. 5515 River Ave $175.CM.548-9870 L.olJ-a MkJ-1 325 2 Stunning, newer home ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Free rental counseling llEMTIMES IMC. 642.2566 Female Roommate t•• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ope 7d 8 00-3 00 I ··GE 2 IR 2Br 2b lud" bl v W/b~athlalcing Newport IALIOA INN • n ays ; . -Ideal r d I 2 . as 10, lns, pvt h.--·r's .... it Sacn·fi-look for 2Br apt CM/NB New 2br, 2ba. Dbl al· view! Conveniently Winterrentalfl2s-$27S RENTIMES $235 MO ,or ay seeper , encl. gar. & patio. Nr v.oru"' _., '"'' tached gar, pool, jacuzzi. located to Fashion Isle. mo. lOS Maa·n St. 67 .. 0740 L• be . r 1 Br. 1 ba. pool, children shops, schools & frwy. No Lge 2 br, hlcbly up· area . ., • ., ·-E Adil •A25 mo .ro Qwet u.dg w/ aut1 u OK no pets $275 ded '"'"t best ...... ch ~ ves comm. ... . Comm. rec. fac1ht1es tn· lndscpg, cov'd aarages, uo.09' 16 . . pets.$265/mo. 840·~ gra ,.-o u..a · r---------Avail on lse. 559·5767 cl. pool & tenni!>. Avuil. 1 Bdrm. Avail immed. Of. For Pro(essionatService Jd I f .rt<>" $395 . winter. 673-2058 Cut do Own/Agt March bl . $625 mo. yr f-streel prk •g $275 c 11890 n771 adults, no pets_ ea or . Deluxe poolside xtra lgc Patty; or eves & wknds I u ...... s..~ .. I ly. Paula Batley 642·8235 winter. SJ.«i()yrly.675--0367 3 O"'U adulb 35 or older. 2apts. fenced yard.child/· 2br, 2ba, bltns, dsbwhr. 67~49 ._,.....--s. 3 Br, 21~ ba condo. A/C, (J.58) or646-6238 OR STOP BY LEEWARD AP1'S. 2020 !lo&.' ok $325 for both CM Nr. beach. AdJts, no pets. Share a home or aptmenl bltns & microwave, FuJlertonAve,lblkE.of 646-2377 $250.536-8362. eanview,yearly,2br,l lLru.MJ laund rm. $425. 831-7459. WESTCLIFF COMD~ 2 Br, fireplace, bltns. lge 840 I W es .... hr Newport Ave, 1 blk S. of c::..a-2Br 18 .. fncd ar ba duplex. $450. mo. ~E-02AT1J TW lmmac. ~·~lory 2 BR, 2 balcony, 1 hou:1e from (2blocksE.eCBeacb> Bay,631-0397. .........., "• ,g ·Condo 4 br, washer. 644-6780or642·3639 U~~~~R .Beaul nu Monarch Sum mit, 2 BR, 2 ba, view townhome w /washer. dryer, rehig & clubhs facal. $450 mo 714 /963-6635 ___ _ bath w /dining rm, fpl & 0C1?anfront No pets $230 A Calif Corp. Sm Fee $290 mo. dryer, dshwhr Incl. Pool. °" cib~~ bJW'iwq gourmet kitchen. Pool. . · · New 2 Br 2 Ba, bltns. cpts, 673-8420 $350. mo. SJ6.5837 Parlt Newport sub-let, dJx -Walk to !>hopping . _mo.Winter.61360M l3742Newland~t.<Garden drps. $350. Euts1de. 1 BR. prime loc. Forover6yrs.832-41'34 $450/Mo. yrty. Harriet CostoMe-sa 3724 Grove)Beautaful2bdrm 6Jl-0303or646-708S Luxury 2 Br 2 Ba . Joetobeach.Avall.now. Beauti!ulview.6'0-SSS7 Roommatewa.ntedforim- Perry64Z-823S(J S9> ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~erg~~rh~d. ~r~:t! Large 3 Br Townhouse ~~~~::::.o~lr:~~~j ~~~~sF· 219 area, 1 bd, 1 ba mediate occupancy. 1st patJo view from lovely with patio, garage + gar w/opnr. adlts pref'd, duplex apt. Re!rig. $290. + last + security. Call SEA TERRACE Gurden Bluffs l ·level 3 Br , green· $50 WH:K & UP kite hens ; enc I!. d pool. Quiet complx. no pet..s, S36S mo. Call DELUXE 21l·21A lncl. uUI. (714)956-5871 an. Spm67S.9954 Home. 2 br & den, 2 ba, bell. $525. Stud10, l bedroom garage s; po o I , Adults, no pets. $375 646-S!»S Nr. Beach, new w/frplc Female rmmte, lgc beach, tennis & pool Agent 644·1133 Maid service. pool clubhow.e; no pets. $315 645-33111 or675·5949 & patio, encl gar, D/W; Br, 2 ba. frplc, some Emerald Bay Terrace $ 5 2 5. 4 9 J. 6 4 9 o ; . -N 81 c M CallC I"'"" 7,,.3 Dix 2br, bltns, encl. gar. k 1 1 d ocean view. Walle to (.213)696-5077 Drive by 111 Via Lado 2376 ewport ' · · mo. · aro .,..,.,. .... lranctN•w f..SICS. Laundry facal. Nr. So. afmC?1 elda arlmf. aun ry beach. $4.25. yrly. Hin. own room & buth. BeauuJul 3 Br + den, lot:. o( glass. opening on love ly patios, even a jacuzzi. Pvt community on ocean ::.ide, near beach & ten· nis. $600. 213·799-1601 or 682·1900 'II lh 548·97SSor64S.3967 ........... _ ,-2,.-. .aa 3807 Cs Pl ..,., 962 o118 ac1 . ea or room-PropertyH~··e"~"."°CI\ Friendly atmosphere, Nord and you ~ce e ---------_.. ...... -Deluxe2br,2baloft&2& l aza . ..,..5. .., t Adl ....,5 Ph v .... ~-. c h ma es. t..s. ,..x. • 1---:.:'.__-=------$175 + •,; util. 494·662"l, pre.tJge o t e!>e two ren SUS CA.SIT AS ••••••••••••••••••••••• den spllt·level. Fr pie, 536-2159 lals: 2 bed. din rm & Nicely furnished 1 bdrm. 2 BR, 1ba.·1 bile lo bay & !>kylrghlS, deck. Country $235. 2 br, adults, no pels.1---------UPLEX 2 Br + den. l 1_& __ -440_1 _____ _ patio. $700/mo. 2 Bed. + Closed gar. $230. up. beach. S33S Yr'ly. setting. No children or 313 •7th Place. Apt l , 2 Br, 1 bath apt. Bltins. Blk to beach. Yearly lse. Male 23+ Quiet, stable denandpatio.$850/mo Adults. no pels. 2110 ManhallRlty 675·4600 peLs.180E.21st.6459S43 642'2464 Gar, sml patio. J175mo.6ll-l032 matureSlSOph~uUI. See and !>Ubmit your of· Newport Blvd. eves, 646-U62 days 2 Br, 11,'J ba unrurn. Downlown. ·$295. Agt. Br 1 Ba w/garage, new 645-4945 . fer : l Br condo, Bayfront. I 536-7542 d l y 1 Wahrlront Honws Spac l br garden apt. view, pool, !lecurity bldg. 1 br $240. Rl•frig , patio. garden apt. Adlts. New Y cpl, rps, pa nt. r Y F to share w/same 11crs 631-1400 Pool & rec. All otil pd. Boat !>hp avail. $450 mo. Adults. no pets: 731 W. :;e~.Wnfeo~~~ci~rt ~ear Beach, lrg fronl un· $400mo.28thSt.67s-9229 rrm bch $.143. incl ut11. Adults. no children, no 64S-4203; 645·1103 18th. 673-7787 pool & rec. rm. $290. ~t. 3 brm, 2~ ba, frpl, bit· 1295 Mstr Ste Awaits You 673-7681675·3184 alt. 3·30 &.-. forH t 325 5 PRIDE·. 2 lge Br's, l~• ""'lS. $215. up mo. o..1.:w E s•"'E 9791911 ms, smoke alnrm, 2 gar., 2Br+giant h ,,.... 1 br apl. 1 bllc w beach. nao • -· laundry fac. $390. ct-A•~ ("'" Male or Fem. s ate apt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ba, fplc. dbl attach gar, El Puerto Mesa ~ '"° Exec 5 Br home. Woods . rncd. 2 blks bch. $440 mo. 1959 Maple Ave, c.M. Very clean. $235. mo. 3br. 2ba, 2 story. Up-New spacious 2 brm 2 ha, 536-2633or644-1772 CALL ltl-0771 Pool, jacuzzi, tennis. AJC. Beach tennis club Avl Mar. l , 673.3909 aft Apl5 67S-1058 graded. Lge patio. sundkw/bluffview, lrg l&mMESl._.C goodloc.Clean&over30 J ed p $700 Casa Children ok. From S390. kilAhen/di'n area. no OL_D UNIQUE·lBr. ocean " • please. Pvt phone. $225 mm occu . . 5·30PM ---$260. 1 BR furn apt, 4 Bedroom house. yearly 6 262 ~ ed ted b lb . I til 646-1115 Pacifica Rily 770·0882 · _75 3 Bed 2 b 545·9543 eves, 64 ·4 children or pets. $3J5. View, r ecora , ~ BR bayfront condo. 1 _mo_1_nc_u_. ____ _ .. ~ME o..1ow•. matur0 adlts, no pets, no .., · room. a, days 3638 only no shower pier fllKn• " ~ d I I $425 · 64.s-0975or536· ' $260 c~ .. ~ Beaut. eood. Avail. now. 2 brm apl nr coast. own 3 br, 2 ba detached lnh~c. 3 Br 2, 2 Ba l'Ondo. newly children. Quiel secure. UP ex, year Y ---area, mo. ~.NoJV Yearly, S800 Mo. room/ba $l 25 pr mo. Yn!: din rm & frptc. A/C. club del'or'd. $495 mo. 640·2981 Ponderosa Mob. 1':st.. ;\'1wp1HI !'ta /.!t'11ll!f Lge 2br, 2ba ~wnb~~se. 1 Br. resp. adlts, pool, util eves Associated Bien 673-3663 adlt. M/F. 962-4379 & lake privgs. 871 ~9 _ _ 1991 Newport. 646·8373 . New drps, pamt, tns, pd .. $245/mo. No dogs. Deluxe 3 Br 2 ,L Ba O.t - ----.. -~nl cpts & patio. No pets. l l ...., E Ba b lor A..t 2 d tWwport hach 3269 3 B BA2Ysb·u nf ESlc pvt ttatihgton hach 37 40 ¥Q ,J l!lfitl -:-. m I c h ii d o k . N r . 00-475 freahly remodeled, fplc: c e .,.., n Offlo llfllhll 4400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• r. a, rp ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• fo'airview & Baker. 2Br.2ba,solarium,2Car bltps, attach dbl gar. story, great view, 32nd ••••••••••••••••••••••• No F'EE1• Jlouses. condos. b~a ch es, $6751 yrly ST 10 882 M tecell Co do S39Smo 846-6914 St. on the Pennlnsula. 7 Rm Dentol 8 Rm 642 3286. UD CoroM .. M• 3822 545-l gar.. on ° n · $175 mo. Call to see MedicaJ. Prof bldg. Agt du p I e x e s . R e n t a I •IUI~ R-"-s" d 1 C. M. $345/ mo. 893·3292 $l9S What A Val 1 67S-7367 Pavilion. 6754912 Bkr DIESIRAILE " _.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br unfum. A u ts, no 751·3591 ue. 1---------(714)498-0660or499-2237. ---EXEC CONDO. Nwpt Fullkilc en&TV pets. Close lo shopping. Super,Spack>uslBR+ WATaROMT MEW SEA VIEW Linens & Ulilitres &iS-8939 aJl Bltns + Utils <S360P) UDO ISU Koll-Irvine Center Terr. altr 3 Br 21 2 Ba . MILETOOCEAN ..... --"'--p~t-t. 3126 ExecutiveSu.ites ~a:.r~~·1~~ ~-e!1nas, encl patw. pool. $490. Royal Suit.I Mohl ~ ... ~ 2 Br 11:: Ba, cpl:., drps, ::': •• ":'::'••••••••••••• CALL 891-0771 S.U.5044Agent All size suiles now avail. 631 1~75 727 Yorktown Blvd '('/,, J,~rcs ::.tove, garbage das p • R84TIMES INC 3176 082-400 sq. ft.) Rent in· M.wportShor•s Lease or rcn' !>pat·ious 3 BeachBlvdatYorlctown ~ Water paid. Child & D~~~~ie:p~ec;~~lsaqr • cl: Recept., tf.ans .. 38 28a Id d ~ 5 36-0411 !>mall pct OK . $275. · ,· ..,""OceanVu Spl"ndor utll.,janltorial. ii & r ·new Y ecor · bedroom. 3 bath con GARDEN APTS ft 2 ~r + conv tlen 2 , ._.., " 2911 ~169 · · • 1 BROnQuietSlreet ! corree serv.l . rm. ~ 640· l domin1um Ne wport SMALLBEACllHOTELi' CORONA DELMAR ba.$450.mo.759-0706. AllBltnsToo! ($364P) lounge, kitcn prfvgs & B1g Canyon Townhome. 3 Cre:-.l. 1900 sq rt with 2 Br Townhouse. frplc. · Oc v· prof. secretarial serv. Oil view. Pool.tenms &walk ROOMS$3250W11ek Pool . So 1 •c•or• ILAMCA Panoramic ean aew, . {7l.)'"'n""'n" Br, pool. Convement loc. lo beach. $000/mo. Quail Apt$150/mo. 536-7056 , tcnms. me ocean -~~ lge dlx 2 Br 2 Ba, fplc, CALLl91-0771 prenu.ses. "'-~ By owner. 644·5187 1 . 1 & Catalina views. Close leach, I lr·A•I Mow lndry, no pets. $350 mo. 1111__..MES 1..ac 3110 i...::..THE--Ef__:.A__:.C _____ _., Pace Properties. nc. ~ to Fashion Island & rine All util.s pd., cpts, drps, 963-0486 .ur;roiu " 15"1 Harbor View Homes 5 br. 752·1846· A::.k for Teddy ~ 37 42 beach. Alsol Br.644·2611 pool, lndry fac's. Adults ---------HuntingtooLandmarlt • ALTaMATIVE Family Rm. 3 ba, 2 Mair. over 35. no f ets or Lrg 2br bltns encl-ed d t frplcs. 1 blk from pool ••••••••••••••••••••••• C 1 S • ' "" Br an new 1 s Y Mo. ~ mo. rent incl: • .. Gardener-water. $750. lmmac. furn. apt. an H. S""''ess.Walktot>ch. children. a ue; gar, nr bcb. $275 mo. "Manna"Condo.2BR,2 Recept. serv •• L( bo frplc •· ~ 556-7707 or Henry ·, SSi!l-5678 ba n....aut cp' •· dra""s 1-=.:.:.:..:=-:.:.:..:.:.....=.._.;.__ zed pbon AvailJt l.640-0372 Sanct .... nte 327 6 • ar ur area, "' 4Br3BaFmrm2100sqft ,,..,,.,137 ·..., · ..... ..-• personal! e cov· .. • II ,, tf 't l l I 1Ht .... ill I )1 I 'I I •11 :a: " ••tr1 "I I nr. I I• jucuul. 1 'blk frm bch y ly c""A-cia6457048 """""' 2 BR 2 BA 1 if m W/D, patio. 24 Hr .LA.l~'-MI erage, cont. rm, mail New Br~··dmoor .,_av1ew ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..,..... mo. "~"'1"•1 eve and r '.,...,., ..... · · · m ro ·1 lbb I ..,.. """' M ·r· t *"" ..._. .... be~h & Dana Harbor, secun Y, c se, poo • serv .• underground prkg llme.sngl sty,3Br3Ba, agru1cen ocean view. wknds. Luxurylbrw/mini ocean B 2 8a ~ 930075 Lennis , bobby rm s.••••••••••••••••••••••• &moreinNewport. 2 !pie's dbl gar all elec executive home: Lrg &. jetty views, only steps Nwpt llgts, new 2 r • ""'"'"'· 4 · Adults over 40. No pets. G E EXECUTIVE k1tch, Pool . len~is, spa, fam rm, trlr access. pre· LogiMa hadi 3741 to China Cove. $425/mo. al.I elec. Bltns. pknfi. 14le :rBR 2 Ba, W/D area, W.N. Taylor Co. 644-4910 THE EXCITIN Tif view or Orange Co. All st1ge location, $550. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 67S-2535or751·4117 Kids OK. 23S Ogle. Wa ~ fplc, balcony, rear patio, PALM MESA AnS. , ___ S_U_IT_E_. 640-__ s._1_0_ •L•-• t d f 496-1772 LAGUNA BEACH MTR. to !7th S t, 6<12-2164 gar.No....ta. cc:o,7194 , enclosed garage, lg MINUTESTONPT '>C>\sq.ft.deluxeoffice,W. um> an a pv gr comm o . 673'0782 .... ~ ....,,, C cd d, child & OK BCH ~ NB. $850 mo. New 38r 2ba Condo with lNN. $65/wk & up. Maid ~ n Y pels · · 19th St, C.M. $1.50 mo. 963·31llor968·6623 many ~menilles. child serv. color TV, heated PRIME LOCATION 2 Br deluxe stodto. util pd. Beach home. Ocean view. $275 mo. 731-4i076 Bach. Ur2 BR. Tom. 540-2200 IAYCRIST OK, no pet..s. $150/mo. ~~7t1~~~:w·S294, 985 2 BEDROOM. Cplc. $350 ~JW· l\~~~t~e. ~~-eSfi:; ~:~t1bz~~'J1cis1::1/!~: IEACHWOOD A"S ~~:!j~~'j,~f; 3 BR, 2 ba .• form. dining 83l ·Ot9l Be . 2Bd-per mo. 675-2311 days, eves645.5647 Ml·9'l19or831).1919 lllcl Ba, 1245. Adults, lS6l Mesa Dr. OCA.lrport Ana rm , lrplc; lge. cov'd. S.Juc. st ocean v!ews. r, a"ent. no fee. 962-1800 (5BlksEaslotNewport on MacArthur Blvd. patio entry court Beaut · r...J .___ 3271 l~ Ba, 2 patios. Laguna .__.,-. ----• 1 Br cpt.s drPs stov•, Goraeous Twnhme, 2 Br. to i..-ach. 3 br, 3 '-~. Blvd.) Prestige office space, ' · d · ._.,..s...-Beach499-1974 ~-----.---lo ' k ·-• $225 den 1mlT'l.aculate Attb ....., ....... S46-9890 4200 1l Attractiv · decor. 2 Car i;ar w/. ~r ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sh 2 BR I· di o • no pet..s. • Ba ' R E 66H&i1 8llk frplc, encl. gar. Fncd , ___ _.;...:...;.______ sq. . etm~ opener. A horucultunsl s d 1 ed $345. arp • poo • &U-2274 Y · . · • 2 02 1111_ 4000 provements, Broker. dream,incl.greenhouse.3 Bdrm, den. Newly 1BrS22S.ol er empoy adlts, no pe t 5 . 462 forCben patio,diltwhr.$415. 17 -7l4-SS8-l70t W/D refrig & grdnr In carpeted. Dog run. person, non smokers, Seaward No fee, agt 2 Br, 2 Ba, $295 mo. 988 N 2 BR 2 Ba d I Brooltbursl. 962·0'778 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------one~ Newport Bea~h's ~hildren & pets con· drinkersorpets.49"·2003 1133-3307 Miss ion ·Drive, .see ewefri ,, 1 ..,Cl\ up ex, 2 b 1~ b in fourplex Roomw/kitebeneUe · sadered Washer dryer& Manaaer Apll r g,.pc,......,permo. r ~ a ' $50weelt&up. TOPIXICSUITIS fmest ar~as ! $800 Per refrig .. avail. Sls5/mo. Studio pent.!touse, town, 3 Br, 2 ba apt for lse. Open • . 493-7911 near Beach &Slater. $240 548·9755 Personal services ror all mo. on lse. Mr. Hester Vacant 623-075lexl.428 beach, single non· bouseSat&Sun12·4. E/Side 2Br1 Ba, newly mo. Call 962-4697 or1 ___ ....:..;::...:,.:...:..;;. ___ types of businesses~ llJ3.978l · smoker. $295. Incl. utll. 4221.arbpur CdM decor"d, $250. 1st, last+ 2 BR., lge. modern apt. 962-0465 Ambassador Inn in Costa New 4-bdr house J car 494·7718 ' $100. No pets. 4!M-4534 Bnfst bar. bllns; encl. Mesa, 2Z77 Harbor. Cen· Pb o De coverage• ---------1 garage Family no pets Old cdM, bral'\d new bach g n·, w s b r Id r Yer. L...,-a t.odl 3148 trally located 235 rooms. secretarial services, re-ON WAT~R. 2 .Bdri:n 1495.493-6435 2 Br, 2 ba. furn. unit.$185.caU · ZBrtownbse.$300,Bltns, Children OK. $300. •••••••••••••••••••••••MANY wltb kitchen, ceptlonist, much more. ~ w/vaew. Sade lie Redecorated. Util. ln~l. 875-6299 gar, 1-odry facll. 1919 498-0318eve Bachelor apt, modern phone & TV. Swimming Excellent locaUon near avBll. $650/mo. Casil~s Condo 2 Br, 2 Ba, Pvt prka. Laundry facal. An ah e i m St. Mgr. .... fLvd • __ .. 3140 batb, no It.Ile hen, util pd. J>09l jacuul and rec. So. Cst Plaza & Frwys. DOVER SHORES area. beautiful lge patio. 2 Car 2 blks from main beach. DUPLIX 645-5106 ...-11 .... •-$170rno.494-4154 room' Dally' & weekly Call979-216lloday. Bdr d d. & I Hnn I • ..., ">•93 ••••••••••••••••••••••• . ,_.;__ ____ ..;... __ Large 5 m, en. m· atlchd gar. poo . ......,mo.yr Y--u•·""' . s br z ba, new carpets, . , ratesstartln.g from$48 a ing rm & pool. $1200/mo $380 /mo. 4 9 s. 5 2 61 ; new showers, new dis· LG.E C>WneT' type apt in SHARP, beach, 1, 2, 3 BR, 2 BR, 2 ba apt, Diver s week. 1 A}_R;<Jr 00 RTmOF 8 u1FJLesCES• an lse 496-8015 &.og.aHMJ-1 3752 hwashers new paint in· triplex, adults, no pets. frp_l, dshwshr, gar, Cove. Garage, deck, 6'5-4840 .,. .., CORONA DEL MAR. ••••••••••••••••••••••• side &'out, ju st Nrsbops.$630.637-8828 pat.ios,960-2358. laundry,$350.494-7302 ___ ..:..::._::.:._;_ ___ aervices.Noleasereq'd. · SmtaAna 3210 Scenic views, luxui:.l nds ped $575 MatureBacbw/nicefurn FromS1'5.mo.2'mS.E. Cbarnung2Br,famrm,2 •••••••••••••••••••••••adult apts Cqrn & un la ca ,nopets. WlmAYTRIPLIXES UVENearTheBeach Lower.duplex,2brm,1V., condo NB, bas room Briat.ol, Suite 200, N.B. ba house. Walk lo beach $360 4 BR 2 Ba im· Near Reli~nal Shopping Croot unit. $550 rear. 437 COSTA¥ESA C.OcWSol ba, ca~pets, dtapt:s• w/own bath for same. (714)557·7010 $525/mo. ma~ulate, good loc~tion. Center. Heated pool, &43'1A Dahlia. 67S-3l4l NEW 3 BDRM FAMILY Beautiful Adult Apts fon;ed Rlr heat. lrg pnv. W/gar., pool le kit priv. 21....:....;_:__ _____ _ WaterfrOftt Ho.Ms 3627 Haiard. 339-6623 jacuui. Nr. corner Alicia Spacious 2 Bdrm, 1 ba. APTS FROM $395. Gas & Waler Paid. paUo, enclosed.gar, close blks ocn. $199. 64~2094 11sqft,5 of cs on a month C .. 6ll·ll00 (714) Pkwy&PaseodeValen· new plush cocoa Private bac~ yards, 21661Brookhurst,HD to beach. Will lease. an 6PM to month for no longer cia. cpt/d:rp8, paint, kilcben garages. 2 children ok, 962-6653 &-9601 ...:..;._::.:..;..__ ______ thanSmonlhs. Avail. now! 3 Br. 2 ba, ALICIA PLAZA rloor. Bri&ht & airy. no pets. Near South Outstanding white water NicecleaohseCM,neat&1-___ S86-:___907_0 __ _ SEAVlEW, 3 Br popular w/tpts, med yd. $395. & VILLAGE $425/mo. Agt.. 644-7270 Coast Plaza. Rental of· 2Br, children welcome. no clean Fem. only, under . Costa Mesa, 5 rm 803 Bar Harbor, prime ocn 963-4:i67Agt·Nofee. -1~151 581-6130 fice"""'ndailyHto5.820 ..... •,start.iogat.., .. 5mo. view, tBr, w/den, frplc, 3~. pets·Chlld. -5 r•7 7""u """3215 ""' ..., RW ert A t. v"" C .--_., & priv. dett. Steps lo W Kit pri sq. ft. $321 mo. All vu..,, . -· .,....; .._. ir ........ 1 __ 3216 c::...-.., no-ts. l B at ront P Baker St. 1 blk w. o 846-8)7 B h ••so .+u · • v. -·-"'Door. front prkg. -_.,.... ~., ...,. ~CA 1 •-55 5215 VlctoriA c .... mo. ,. .. _, ... + .... t\ cln'" dep "'"'"'"" 376, _..,mo. yr Y ~e. Bristol, 7. · 1-!'.1 A il M 1 AO.......... ~ • · A/C f bldg l EXECUTIVE 5 BDRM ••••••••••••••••.••••••• .... _,. •--.. UUJ u..: va ar .. __ ............ ~7 , pro • , e c. r "r-~ 67S.3282,9·5PM Seawind Yilla2e .....,;....,.. ' ' .. ~!all5p·u~· L _,....,,,, 2200 2800sqft.$975molse VILLA.PACIFICA ••••••••••••••••••••••• \... E/sideLg2br.Adltssml. ._....._,, ... ~ ... 540- •Agt, (714)974-31.36* Be the first to occupy this pet. Clean 120 "B" 21st l i....--------Zbr. 2ba home-w/frplc ADULT CONDO Oc.m11~of Hwy St $265 646-4549 ~w llt2 ~. ~~ 2 BR, lge living rm. part. Balboa Penin. sleeping,. Rent/lease, Big Canyon, 3 & din rm. Ocean vu lot. 2 R b I $d5 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, clean . . a ult~ ......i P t rurn. l blk to beach, rm, non-s)Doker, $110. BR, 2 ba $79S. By ownr. I t 2B ,2 a,yr y, w/ocean vl .. w. Inclds New2Br. D/W, encl gar, from .,...v + .....,.s, en-Alber tsons, matul'e mo 673-4419 Tennis, pool & Jacuzzi. car gar. e ec opener. sr.5 TO ltACH "' 1 M 2025 nis, waterfa~s. ponds! adJls, $350. avl Mar. 1.1-_;_'_;__;_ ____ _ 5SHl281;833-3231 $450 per mo, no fee. 3BR,2ba,unf.$475 frplc,W/O.bltns,crpts& $270. Av ar. 1' fTI>oi San Diego hwy 497.2944 Lovely hmelrpvtba .No· Waterman Rlty Invesl. Bach. unit, ye.arly S23S ctrps, aun pore b & <llarleApl B. 548·5763 drive North on Beach to amoke or drink Male llGCAMYOH 533-8030 3BR,2bn,yearly$47S garage.$16S/lse.67W061 2Br. vaulted ceilings, pvt Mcl"lldden then West on N. End, 1 Br. close to over5064tr103S Gorceoua upper single w.......... 3291 aBR, 1 ba wlnter$325 0 d 1 gar $275/mo. Call McFadden to ~awlnd beach, uW pd $325. No level OAKCREST2 bd 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IAYNOMTCONDO SPARK.LIN. lBr P x. 546-5iiaoAskforLesUe Vlllage.(714)893-5198 pets. Open Sat/Sun 229 Share lovely home with ba, caintl crp~. wood Great 3 Bdrm' 2 b a a-. ~ldf. 2 BR, yrly _.. frplc, Jc paUO, garate. no ••2..a Monterey Dr. Wkdys, elderly lady In Fount. f h t •. ...-; ", -.~.smmo.5-44-19$9 CostaMeso 3124 CostaMtM .-"' 213-S45-7Ml vty.Sentor.-f.131·0296 $100/PBMO. with balh IJ walk to beach. 3153rd St. H.B. SCOTT UALTY 536.7133 .. ~ors!. !~~ ters • w/Camtly room, frplc, ••••••••• r·-ui•peri--lmmac 3 Br 2~ Ba. front ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• • .........._ Ml--1 ••52 v_---1_.. 4250 , sSt...00S dahwahr, kids & pet O.K. -.--• ......,.. -9--i_:.::;..::;.:.:... ____ _ -----~---I M35/mo. 963-&5S7 Agt-No unit.. fplc, paUo, l gar, --·•••• .. •••••••• •••••••••••••-•••••••• fl! WATERF RONT, Nwpl fee. M:0· 518 Fernleaf. ct·•t lT.{l .Nlcelll2BR$2&Sftup, 2 Br ~Cumlsbed, ln· ~: =J:iry• ~:!o:~:~: Afe~~~J:!l us ~5~~~Jee. kitchen, e l erranean 1 l ag . . ~'tf.~Pool ~~es. $350 mo. P1Uo 4lll water. Comm . .TuttRemodded (8928P) dbtbwasher. p.rtv. beach 1_,:._..;..:..:.... ____ 4_3_0_01..::.=n--=:..:."_H_o_m_e_Co_m_bo_, pooll, lalnls. Yrly lse, a.ceas.$185.'73-7&11 Hupet ..... 316t ....... ,._. ...... tam. $825/mo. After 6PM Cu 1 It• "771 ·-•-••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t700Sq.ft. nr Santa Ana 6'W370 ._ -c.t.Met. · 3*24 •••w....__ BESELECl'IVE Courthouse. $800/mo or l9IJIMIS IMC. ....................... ..--,_...., .... _, G-1-ell bl will a ell wilb t15,000 -;,-- Bachelors, 1 or 2 =.!~.t e ~ """'""-u:. down. SS2·5232 BadiOOftlrli It Town!louan call~ A Home/ Apt i...=:.::.::.:..::;;;:..:;;~--- l'rom $2'79.50 ~746Sor644-56S1 Nice 190 sq ft. office, Sl)cdaculat IP&, total marine oriented wort recreation procram. f.m&oe!tare2 br2ba apt. lftferred. $1.u. aa.etct toda1 procra~7= I Ree lacll Is pool.. C.M. Ism-~ =~ ....... = 56UM>Gene • ...::..;::.;.:, ;..,;.;,;,;.;. ...... ___ 4_4_1_0 Jo.quin Hilla Roild. Female waatl aame to ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• ~C714t644-1900 tbl"hM,MWC*C 4•1IXIOl'C'S 1-----------t fadl.Sl75/mo~l c.o.i. rm. .... tis, all Oee.altUrbon'8w.eoo· k ptne'ed, sm. whM lD r-. dD. J8r 1~ ba bflcls Gal to abar e Par ar l«l1" leue. LU• ,...1·~,'ai1}Lllt. ~*""~·= r~uat aru. Kent ~ •• &aft&, • miq -· ,._,. ·-· s.tldllll ~ •tdryr. Yr ltmocb ~-.."'"'ta · I ii') 'Aull l rn rned, day• "4-9040 Of evea 'T14-SloCm tr>JaOf«.zJJO ..._'J215afU pm. t ............ 41M WXUKY 'IAYPRONT If)' hlMlle to 1ure. ar ...................... . 2 br 1 t., f'rpk, .ep;; dK. 00C. I ~ 1'GCMDI Ill ,fti' .,.~ Ir ottk'8 ln ....... .,._. a.o&l ~ W/Pllt 1-lk; t2J0/1D0, lec\ ..U lilft, P-1ect for ClOV• ...... -mo. maae: \lllt Ir kltc .. a prlv ... ..., or otllilrMWi.ri.i --na.-.aA-. llullli•a.sm. ......... ... . . . ... . . . £'1;1 DAILY PILOT ~Add 1t . Build 1t. .01.:iper 1t .. Hammer 1t.,, Carpet ~,.~t. (Prn~nt 1t .Wire 1t...Hoo 1t...Clear:i it ·:M.ove • 1t Prt·s~ it Paint 1t Nall 1t...Pld~ter 1t. .. F1x 1t •.• SERVICE DIRECTORY Plumb 1t. .. Pdtch 1t .• Pip~ it R~model if ) Roof it ... L andscape 1t ... Tllc 1t... Trim 1t .. Sew 1t Haul it ... Add 1t ... Plant it.. Alt1•r 1t. Learn11 .·, Add.A.aoo.. kW» Scnlu c-.t/Cwnte Drlplrfn G1Mr4!1 S..lca Hou1td•mtl•9 Mw Mlg ~lcff rtashr/Repoir Roofin9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l~te bUbkr only $3,685; SMALL BUSINESSES & Concrete, Masonry, stabs, CU.tom drapes. 1preads, HANDYMAN: Carpentry, UOUSECL&ANING ls our Nurse CONlullant 30 Yr!> VERY NEAT PAT<.0 1f Roori1 l''or U·s~ All tyf)(':. i,Sx20 addition includeb ST ART UPS . foundations, hlgh1ulls. shutters" all window electrical, plumbing & business. Retiable exp.Prlv.dutyw/famlly JOBS&Tfo.:XTUH~ u c bond'ti lnllur fo'rce ;ilf labor and mateMulb. M11n1&gement /Bualness palio1>, Licensed Eves coverings al discount Cloon.847·2181,557""504 54'J'Vice. Janice's Rag-oriented care. Call Freec~t 119314:1!1 t'bltm.1le. 119 & 0&2l or Pll\S 100« bank fmanc l-uruultant available on s.s&.8241 pnce:s. Shady Deal, 743 HANDYMAN. Homes & ~edy Ann's at 645-1800 213/861-6776 for tnrorma· 537 .t133 1ttg. for frt'eesumale call wuque (et-arrangement. Bak«Sl. c..M. 549-~ apts. Consca·entlous "--ral House cteuoan" llon&api.it. PATCH PLASTERlNG Pon M!lll~cy~J6S4. Benefit from (•xpcrt1se Ce men t W or k. """"' w o A 11 t Y Pei., F r 1• r TU. ;:-...,.1 -w.uallyonl) ava1l11ble lo Drivewayo;, patios. Bedrical Craftsman.Call64S·-0302 A!.k forM1uia Pm..Hng/P.-nftCJ csUmal4ll.CullS40-61C?!'l ••••••••••••••••••••••• -r--· epoi" t ar g c t" om pan 1 es. walkways, Reas . .t'ree ••••••••••••••••••••••• Handyman-wash win Ml-4926 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C1•rnm 1<' Till" Spt•t· 111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• iSl-4760 Ebb, 55611757 ELECTRJCAL SERVlCE dowa, paint inter, lay Housecleaning S'1J ·l!<lS7 PETERS PAINTING PLASTERING t>ntne' & noor'>, ~yr~ 1•i. 11,.as rain d.imaged your --. CAU..S$1Shr &SMALL Expr 'd . Reas Rntei.. llomee1, additiu•l.'" n· per \16:! lllHl .isphall? C1tll 631·2440. RESUMES. preparahon Quatlity C~ment work, JOBS842-8Z33' =~~~c . etc. ~,!:..!!~~n~avc own f'rec Est. Call Gene i.lucco, fn•t.> e:.ls, lo\\ Pe/lded. be., insured & typin.: of your re ~e the right way. 18 ...,.,._ ~ MS8 rate:> 5116-4892 CERAMI{; &tie. New or re ~ -----sumei..~71tl0 \rs exper. Call Jeff Hl*bwdBectric G.odlwg Exper.housecleaner.By ---~ -moclt'I 1-'tt.'~el>t SmlJb~ Attorney's& 586-4452 Uc327136 645-6974 ••••••••••••••••••••••• theday.Owntrans"""rta. All PROFESSIONAL••••••••••••••••••••••• "'t'ICOnlt> ~l!4it>urt5 t..gal SenicH Carpenttr 0 R D U ""'"• Painting. Jnter/Exter. --•h•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••All types concrete, ELECTRJCIAN·Prlced SKIPL AD!!: · ump onSfl-6028 Reas,work euar642·0386 HOM F.SAVF.HS Plumb TrffSerYlce block work plant" rs · .. i.t f · t truck. HAULING. tree ....._ __ T ang & 111.'utln" F'tN• c·:.t, ••••••••••••••••••••••• SlS-ANY MAT'fEH Mas ter Crur tsman. ·. . ... n., •. ree esuma eon work, grading, demo etc --a " Evt>&wkndsbyappt. SpE>t·ialty. Remodel.mg, custom bric k he & l~georsmalljobs. 8Sl·l2S7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• P~ting. Extrflntr. Ex· $10hr. llonci>t & re!iablt.' Trl'e tnmmm.:. n•pu1r, CA!Cault/01vorce St 75• fi~h & repair 499·3105 bonded. 642·6894 Licensed 673-0359 lncome Tax Ser vice with pr d. honest. neat, reas serv1cl' BofA, MIC Of\ l't.'ffiO\'al. oH·r :!4 yr~. Collt.-chons 30'i * -ChlclC H11dtng . IA Smile. For evening Uc'd964·1000ave ~..J150or847 0383 __ oo:i1bml'd!XJ>t'r9'1!:!1397 Onmkdr1ving $300 CUSTO~I l'HAM l~dG, ••••••••~•••••••••••• ~ Ele~rlc: tlnd., ••••••••••••••••••••••• appt in your ho m e, YOUNG MAN._5 )r:; expr Any plumbing, wat er Tr(~ & )art! \\Ori.., mi~c tup lo trial l com· l'" • rm a 5 • Child D c · •res, .maao · svs OCC Student ll~ T truck 968-8182 an wallcovering . .t'ree serv. leaks, balhrm encl J)umn tru<'k ,.,lttnloadcr. t'nl~Odeta•n"r··'"fault f1n1,.,h & repair work ay are, m~ Honest & reliable. Free Tras." •-·trim,. Randy. 85 d ,. " ~ u~ home Coet· Me:; (;•II '" """" 1 ~--'--ests.645-76An Y cerum1c tile. Hca" ~31 Jl57 ~54> 00 full pncc SSl-4820 ___ , Kar ' a a. a est. 9'J9.8S4Z 542.5703 979-6689 .._=+=¥ 1132 ?Mill $lmplew11ls $35.00 -I en al S46--088l. Roars ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• CUSTOM PAINTING. . --Trei! n·mm .ti. t•ut & haul •Court cui.l:. extra ~!.~:.~~•••••••• eo..trocfor ••••••••••••••••••••••• CHEAPEST hauling In LANDSCAPING Exterior Spcc1ahsl. 15 Plumbing n •pa1r:;, re Jwa) fkpJ1r,., r1mothy l.Jshkl•, Ally. C t !\I 11 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f1oor & window cover· town. Fr ests. CHEAP! Reasonable priccl>. yrs local refs. Lic/bon· model:., rcp1p(':o, waler 962 0307 t'harhi• <7141"""·7'/'V\/afl 7 J • ~l arpc an "1 ay yours R Hufr So ... ., """"'or., • ., 1390 ""° ....... or "•7 584" ded/insrd, guar work. h"atnr-.. Jt .. us1111 rat"."· 6 ----cal~13>.:w-l!l!llS' or mint•. H t'fl a 1 rs & .J. man & n, Gen ings, cork wall tiles, .,.,.,.,_..,, ,_.. """'°"°'°" .,. . " Free cs~. Won't bu un· y~ e'°xp. Ci.'11 J1111 &15~i394 TutoriftCJ --' -clca11111g loo' Guar work Cont~.Cu:stomAll&Add, t arkctt, etc. 27 yrs Stmg student big truck U•amy derbid642·6005 --------••••••••••••••••••••••• BabyMttinq al b1~~cr suvm.:s. Jo'ree Pat! 0 s • c 8 bin e t ~' lic./s_ales/contr. Cameo tree cuts, chiup, demo'. •••••••••••••••••••• ••• PLUM B 1 N li . 1" rec Cwlar lei.sons, qualiCiclf ••••••••••••••••••••••• l"i>l,tl45·364ti forrmca. New consl. Res lntenors.53J-8440 496-7669&494-2129 Brickwork. Small jobs. Fine Exler. Painting by estimate. Work gunr · t cachl'r vour hllml' .. th t · t ·h . -----& comm'!. 645-4644 or R Si St Ii · T r t ti"' 1700 · J • ••O er owac )ourShampoo&stcamclean 54S-45'1lLlc&boded Gal~ Homicle•lrn Ncwport,CoslaMesa& ·nor.· c.,ms. ry a ,., sl'fV, ..... rrunt•.Hancly492'1173 clnJd In C.M. t'enced yrd, Color bnghll·ners: wht · n · ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••!••••••••• Irvine. 67S.317Seves. me. 8JG.SSSS24 hrs. _8AM-IOPM _____ Wlndo-;,;-Cl~i'"J bO~~llcKhes 64 67,u cpts lOmm bleach Clean ~n. contractor, new. ad-Dig It Landscape Main· Want a REALLY~LEAN ARTISTIC MASONRY Quality Palntlog. Lowest Pool Ser'flce, Re-pairs ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,., an•n. 5· "° 11, din rm. h··ll $15. Ava d1tions, remod., r"'·· M •-E..in "" · t Fr ~ .. ' tenance: ow "" '46e. HOUSE? Call Gingham Walk-ways, planters & rate:. m own. ec est. ••••••••••••••••••••••• sl'AllUlNG CLI'; \N I will baby:;1l in my homt• e'ening:.. C.ill harcn rm~ 50, c•ouch $10, chr comm. Free est. Call Full maiot, haulrng, Girl. Freeest645·5123 walls. Lmld landscape. Jack 675-8336 675-7280 Paragon Pool Sen·1ct• W1ndo"' & hou~cclcan· SS Guar chm ""l odor Spiro 7·02<W lean ps rotot1·111·n1 642 a""". a•k for Carl C I t ~ c -u , . .....,.,., ..., omp l' e sw1mm111g ing ~~.s;lt>771l ~tfi54 t'ptrepa1r J5yrciexpr. inc) ,Fn-eest675-5Sl6 Housecleaning with a Prof pa1nt'g & paper pool mu1ntenant"c ----Do \\Ork myst!IL Hcfs ••••••• •••••••••••••• personal touch. Refs. Mo'"'-hanging, work guar. 615-9796 W1ndu'o\s cll·.1ned, r l nabys1t my home. Npt 5310101 Prof Japanese Landscap· 536-6128or546-2420 •••• ·.'"':f·················· l''r ee est. 536·4383, ----a!.vnahl. bu~IOl'S"l. Ugt1>. Will cu re for 1 child -PSYCH ing & eardenlng. Malnt. 536-4780 Renm .. & Repair h~m~ & ~ph R47 4-i1i1 ~. uge 1·4 yrs. $SU wk. Carpl'l'i & upholstery Readings incl. mowing, trimming. Cl.EAHIHG "Two Men Will Move ••••••••••••••••••••••• -oo.141J6 '>team <'lt•aneti. 3 rms -spraying, weeding. Free PainUnir&repairs. You" We handle lrg & Paint Your Casffe Carpentry, t•abint>t, elee 1---------- $14.:15 <41!<> i.q fl). Chairs ~H estirnalea.5'5-7072 645-7918 s ml moves·office & Specializing in residcn· & plumbing rep:urs. DO YOU BUlineu Suvic~ SIO Lu~. msrd, guar. L·l· ••••••••••••••••• ••••• household. Distance & I.lat homes, int. & ext. Alurrunated ct'iLings lll· OFFEH A SEHVJCF." ••!•••••••••••••••••••• FF. Sy&tcms. 631 ·5350, . • • Japanese g~rdener, 15 yrs W om a n • ex pr • d local. also packing. Please check our re-stalled also. Exp. in all. 1M<)tp1ngwkly monlhlyln 645·3939 Drapery ~nbric Sale exp. Mainte nance & hou sec l ean in g. Lowest le gal rate. rerences. Llc # 320881 J.Wallard.6312251 Letthepuhlic knuww1th '1>ur off Ka~cn ll:innah -47,000 yds m stock must some clean-up. 646-4811 References. Call 64~2190 Lic/insrd. Cal T lll-944. G I d f l ____ , an ad Ill tht• Daily Pilot J ~ • ., be sold! 70'~ s avings ln· PbS47 7278 uar .. nsr • rec cs · ScnlL'C Dirrctory. U t•:in (il l l64 .. 87 18 (7l4 > (;,\H,\CF; ~\U: acls inventory reduction guar. CLEAN·'!PS!HAUlJNG TheS.ulalatGlrfs · Ted.636·7085 RoofinlJ cnst you;ishttleas$16S ~7~ '69l the 1>,11lv l'1lol bnn~ hap 1st quality. Ken Butcher Pruning·PlanUn& residential & off lee MOVING. HAULING & ••••••••••••••••••••••• per day . .For more UI· I'~ 11•-,ulh To pl.ll'C )OU Drapery 1510 E. Edinger Free est. 6'2·990"1 c leaning specialis ts . CLEANUPS. Reason. Jlavc !;Omething you want ROOFS m~talll'<i factory fotm11l1on and <"OIJl1llcle Fmd wh.tl )uu v.anl in •ll.n\11h! 1aru, phonl Sanla Ana 541·0203 Bonded insured Free Freeesl.Coll.students. tosell?Cl~s1riedadsdo dtrect;estab3Syrs.<:.ill ratesrnll642567R 1Ja1ly Pilot Cl_:i~s1r1t-ds. l>t:! ~itii!l lod." 541.2(8) Want Ad Results 642-5678 ests. ~ • B & B. 673-ll66 at well. 642-5678. Harold Gunn 549-2961 ~~~~~~~~~~ Office Rental 4400 Office R.ntol 4400 Lost&FOUIMI S300 Pet"SOMlls 5360 Help W.ted 7100 Help Wanted 7100 Help Wanted 7100 Help Wonted 7100 Hf'lp Wonted 7100 ., ................................................................................................................. ················••!•••• •••.••.•.••••.•.••••.••....•.........•........ ·············~·····,··· L o s t · M A L E Advertisina Sales op· AUTO Mechanics. work ·,·EXECUTIVE ROW Inc MALAl\tUTE . yic *SANDY'S* Acct.og Bkkpn1 portunity, New Worlds on the water for good ' • Cordoba & So. Ola Vasta., Outcall Massage TEMPORARY Magulne. Call Carol at pay. Uruque oppor. for HAYE YOUR OWM OFFICE Prestigious ottice space In Newport Sch/Airport area. Tasteful reception lob· by. telephone message service, con- ference rooms, kitchen, beverage, In- outgoing mail service, dictating & copy machines. travel consultants, com- puterized typesetting. Complete secretarial services available as needed. From $290 per mo. can c11411s2-1110 San Clemente. Wen.ring 973.0329 Register Today to work 833-0113 tune-up mechanic:. Full & choker chain, no tag::.. on various accounting & p/lime. Ca ll aft· 7pm, Reward.492-7076 •SHERlLEE• bookkee ping assign. Ambit1ousCoupleWanted 5562986. Certified Masseuse menls. Work close to to manage a small busl· ---------- Found ; Sml. f e m . Shepherd mix, wear'g cbolce chain. Older dog. Vic: 11th & Tustin. 548-8443 FOUND: Reddish brwn & wht kitten, on Lido Island. 675'6582 House Calls· By appt. your home. Figure ness p/Ume. Will not in· Auto LeosiftcJ Ir 838·683R Clerks lo Sr. Accoun· terfere w /your present Sales Com..itc:wd fOXYLADY Outcoll Massage 731-3561 tants needed thruout job. Must be willing to Orange Co. learn. Mr. Hall, 642-1634. RobertHalf's /\ P A R T M E N T Acrountemps SOOS. Main, Ste 501 MANAGER-Retired cou· No. Tower, Union Bank pie lo manage Costa Physical Massage by In'TheCityofOrange MeSB 10 unit building Operate an established office in a prime Costa Mesa area with profit rewards and without any ma1or cash in vestment. Creative advertising & s:iles trainin g provided. Exciting opportunity if you yearn for greater income through sales management and an office of your own. If intcrcslt..>d. phone Jim Wood at 675-6000 --~!!!!!'--~~~~~~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ... FOUND: German Shep Therapist. My studio, 714/835-4l03 near all conveniences. N.B. Legit massage. By ~~~~~~~~~~I No children, no pets. Prefer woman with auto sales, rental, leasing or other sales experience. Guaranteed ulary & commbs1on for ix-rma · nenl poenlton. Neal, weU· groomed & business·likc person need only apply for this position with Business Mix, female, Garden ~~!~'!':~ .. ~ !~~~ .. ~'!! .... ~?.~~ ~'ru~li~'.tfas~~Jo Acacia Appl. only 9-7, Steve ~ Pleasecall646-4477. we 1 I· known & Help W•ted · 710o1Ht'lp Wonted 7100 548-2817 ACCCOUNTIHG CLK established leasing com· ••••••••••••••••••••••~··••••••••••••••••••••• Working woman dl.'s1res lo relocate residence ne.arcr to her work. Hun· Ungton Beach lo Costa Mesa nrcn. Trailer or bachelor apt. up lo Sl50 preferred. Need by April I. 1213) 598 9<..166 T SHIRT STORE PREGNANT? Caring, • Found: Small male Black confidential counaelmg & EDP & bank reconcllia· Atth/Plng/Dsgn/Graphic lion expef'. helpful. Xlnt Full time temp., flex. co. benefits w/growinl _hrs_._644_·_7155 _____ _ pany. Csincel934).APJ?1Y Bar L ady, no f'Xper to. Box 163, c/o Daily ncccss. By beJch in H.B BOYS-GIRLS in San Clemente's Old Ci· Lab mix. Collar, no tag. referral. Abortion, adop- ty Plaza. Instant income _ca...;_11_550-__ 53_1_1 _____ 1 tion&keepin&. financial organizalion.1----------Pilot, P.O Box 1560, Mello w place • .B&W. 12-16ycur..or.lge.Even· Cost.a ~tesa-02626. S3S-3300 in~ work. Obtain new Ask Coe Jackie Chapin, 714/644·4360 or 213/629·12Sl. for$8000. APCARE 547·2568 ASSEMBLERS Podflc Shore RJty ~: Mal~ lrlsh Setter, ------ OLD CITY PLAZA v1c Acacia St. CdM. Newport SlllC)les 50TraineeAssemblers ----------• subscnplion!I for the Da1° Auto Parts BEAUTICIAN Iy Pilot working with an Counter M• CM Shop. Fri-Sat. Call adult supervisor. Earn Toyota·Volvo d ealer aft6pmS46-i310. S20 lo $30 per week or n eeds experienced more. Call (213) 597-0396 -----1 492-5330 ~~~6 leg, Ulab tag. A book on the Newport Accomtiltg Clftil Needed lmmedialely ---.-.-______ Singles Scene ls in pro-""6-person w/acclng Long &Short Term 4 br 2 bu, Newport Mesa a.lttets W..ted 50 I 0 ::i<-hool Dist. 642-2239 or •• •••• •• • ••• •• •• ••• • • • • A4s 21WO 9outique/Quallfioo client I or<! brm on B.I. Reasonable rental. 2 mature women. 673-2877 ludness/lnnst/ Rnanee seeks well established pror1table boutique in Orange County a r ea. Send details lo consul- tant, Box 156, c/o Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, ••••••••••••••••••••••• C05ta Mesa, Ca. 92626 ~ity SOOS ~!.~~ .... ~~!.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• MUST SELi~! Oceanfront Market. N<'t $35,000 yr. Agent. 642·4751i ----1 I st, 2ttd Ir 3rd T.D.'s LOANS AVAILABLE Credit no problem. lrolr.er, 7S2-S90l I AMTIQUE STORE 55IJ Sq Ct. Good Cd M Joe. Money Available. !Dany By owner. 640-2341 or sources. all proJects. 675-0326. ~K min. 752-6052 Swing-2nd & 3ai TD's. ONE OF A KIMD 1 day approval b d Credit not important. Established oar i·n& Comtruction &BwsiDess ~~ home business Loa.ns Call Mary. 979-7291 Lachenmyer Money Wmthd 5030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOST G Sh If t r ..,. .... ., Assignments : Toy erman ep, gress. you're a par o background. Min 2 yn; 3ShiftsAvailable. counter man. Excellent Beauty Operators Wanted noon to 5pm. (213) opportunlty.CallTerry. Booths avail. Days 498-2473. 5pm-9pm. Call fem, 3 yrs, blk/brn. Back this scene & have a story exper. Adding mach & Muslbaveown transp. Bay area, 640.7320 or or anecdote, call7S9-0839 some typing r e q 'd. C411T~ 556-1520 831-3303 642-1084 Eves C40·7807 Co_ -_ll_cct_. ----------------! Ask for Joan -646-5001 Engineering, plannlng & Problems? Inside Out of· consulting firm w/xlnl Free. Top ay. Vac Pay ------•Boys to srll ncwspaJ>t"r BEAl!TV OPERATORS-i.ubsc .. i plions . .MJkt· for busy shoppmi: center, ~ood Monl'Y· Trips & rent space. need ow f'riws. Apply Sat /\ '1, following 536·1738 art 1760Monro'1.i Ave, A·M, Lost; Loogbalred blk & fers direction in warm, benefits. Contact Person-Victor TefllPOI ary *Auto Salesperson wht Cem . ..cat. Harbor supportive group sel· 1 751 SerriCft Salesperson needed. !or View Hotn es area. tings.494-7979 ne '114/ ·2SlO. new&usedPorsche, VW 5PM or 536-6244 days. CM 548·1740. Reward. 644·6499, ACC'TSPAYABLE DivWaJterKJdde&Co & RV sales. Immediate ,,_~,..5667 ~ Senlces 5360 CL"'RK 2t:82 S. E. Bristol "'""'" "" St 10 N rt Be b opening. Full time. Fr------••••••••••••••••••••••• Immediate 0~1-g •or e ewpo ac l .,.,...... 1' <"--r B . t l ,,_ inge benefits. Cal for in· FOUND: Fem Alaskan Royalty Limousine experienced accounts """'"'ro ns 0 "" terview; ask for Sales Beauty Opera,ors d e· BUS BOYS Malamute. Vic. of Service. Dally, Hrly, payableclerkofexpand-Campusbebiod M Cameo Shores on 2/8/78. Weekly rates. Also, lng construction co.1 ___ •Ca•r•l•'s•J•r•)--• '37~800 493-4511 aured. Please call for Appl~ in pcr~nn, Mui· ·appt.. <loon s J rish Pub, 20Z 67S-l.340 specials to Las Veea.s or Previous experience & ----------• 963--0717 Newport Ctr Dr. NB FOUND: Male Boxer, bl.k face, cropped ears, Vlc. Magnolia & Adams, H.B. 968-2887 cau bet. 1&1AM Found: Two Female Malamutes. So. Coast Plaza •t Bristol. CM. 957-0911, btwn 9-Swkdys. l<lst: Eastbluff area, sml dog. Lbuo Apao. Lt arey or tan, male, has purple collar. Bushytail&head. Reward. 644·9'126 San Fran. "Be A Kine office machines skillsl---------1---------1 IELLMAH For A Day." Luxury+ ln necessary. Must be able Assembly AVON Good benefits,. Contact our new custom built l o a s s u m e Holiday Inn, Laguna Lincoln town car respoo.slbiliUes. Casual 20 TRAINEE Time on hands, tired of Hills.586-5000exl345. limousine.114/523~1. atmosphere. Salary com· staying at home? Meet --- Business couple would mensurate w I ex-~SEMBLERS people, make money & BoalManulacturer" like to house ail. Non· perlence. Send r esume to NEEDED have fun. Become an ERICSON YACHTS drinkers or smokers. Box 154, c/o Daily PUot, IMMEDIATELY AVON representative. Refs. (7l4) 443.8746 P.O. Box 1580, Cos ta TOP PAY!!! For more information Has the following full· (Laguna, San Juan or _M_es_a...,._ea_._92626 _____ 1 All shifts, day, swin" & call 540-7041 or Zenith tim~ openings for ex· SanClem) • 7·1359. per'd help. Wages based g rave includes ~~~~~~~~~~I ooexper. SocW Cllbs 5400 weekends. Loog & sho ;: Ft .... ISH Ll .... E .ADMINISTRATIVE term assignments. Holt B1bysitter needed, " " ASSISTANT day & vacation pay. mature, loving, respon CARPENTERS ao..•~· ..... ·············••!••····· ~-----~ •CANVASSER• $5Hr+Honus 5:30·8 :30 p.m. <:all 5-ti p.m. 839-21161 Car Wa!ih Cashil'r, Nwpl & Laguna Area. Please call 6444460 CASHIER Mature woman. Exper. pref'd. W e ll s Supermarket, Coast Hwy al Mangold, CdM. 673-3510. -------R!!dty Inc. 6U·3928 545-348) Private Party. needs 1st or Lost: Yellow, orange & 2nd TD Private loan. wbt male cal. ''Morris". 5-000sq.f.t. beachfront Reward 644_.904 Uc;>UC>a UCEHSES Estate on sand. Sold for ---·----- Oranaeoo·HJe Cocklails ssso.ooo. Please send Found: Male Peltinirese, Of a Fun Kind Pvt dqce inslrucUon. All ages, all dances. Days & eves. 6'5-0758 deslrln~ career op-Hospltaliulioo plan Jady to care for 4 well CAllHET SHOP portunitr. Routine ex· avail. behaved chldm age 4·10 ASSEMILERS ecutive skills, en-yrs ln my hm. Lite HARDWARE thusiasm & integrity. ~f· own trans p . INSTALLERS Cleaning lady w/cnr lo do errands. 3 hrii day, 2 days wk. 646·8359 aft. 3pm. ... $38.150 repUesd to PC.o . Box S33, HB.Hu.nUngtonBeacb. All (213) 272"'24.9 P~a ena, A 91101 C.11963-3976 Collect Mc111CJ9s. Trust Found: Greyhound, Brin- S tlnd w i c h Delivery Deedl 5035 dle,HunlingtonBeacb. Sft-vice. Serving 5 ~ilies ... ••••••••••••••••••••• Call 963-3916 SHort hrs. 15000 m fll'1ll&. Trade for ? or EZ tem\11. Pvt pty. S40-8339 orM7·9'20eves. Call Sherrie 640-2500 500 EHGIHE MEN NewportCenterDr.N.B. 3848 C -Dri Babysitter". pos, mature ST"'"11 RM CLwS U f I '14t '-'-" noo-smok woman to care RIBlGLS TOUCHUP 546-474 l for 2 chldm 15 & 6 during Oerical SR. TYPIST <Across From parents vac. 6.11-0688. DET AIL.EltS Orange Co. Airport) F\111 benefits. medical. .fDictapboruJ Equal Oppol' Employer BABYSITIE~ mature, dental, opUcal. Please /Slat busioeu traveling apply in person at ~IBM Executive parent, eve & occasional Se n1ri IRepro ASSIMILB/MECH1. overnlabts. Re r req. cunly v. ce ITechnical ERICSON YACHTS ~rrau ~· ~oea"r by ode _6'73-__ 398'7_e_v_e_____ 1931DeereAve,S.A. IM~~~PA,1:;Lv ~~ tor •i:cn:.i:/~x'. BABYSJTl'ER for 1~ yr~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.'-;;.-.-.-.1 Long & Short Term AA· per. in assembly by old. 3 niJbts wk, from 4 Boal Manufacturers s1gnments. Holiduy & blueprint Is che&.Out 0 pm. My borne. 751-6869 MAST SHOP v a c a t I o n p a y .. clOM tolerance equtp. Ba.bya.itterwanted for my SUPHYISOR Hospitalization plan Ca 1 l for a pp t • 1~ yr old girl in my Quality Plan\, benefits, ava.11. '11'1SS'7-90SL EOE. home.. Sevcal hn a "tVk. wortcingconds. Ass't Bookkeeper, •e· Bra • aaJUJ to be di.a· Bob Walshaw t 10 ... euued. Ma.at ba.e own Enc,,on Yachti; cura e aey, ex per tr•••p ....... a .. ,. n •• 0t. w/casb reeeipts, accts ...... --nu 714/540-8001 payable, cub disburse-~~~~!,:troa!!!~·~---r-~~~~~~~~I ~!~~!J J 0 urn al s . BA•Y$TTER:· College BOAT WTNDSHlELD mf-~ aYate.m. '°fe &U1 or woman to be wifb g:r nl!(.'(f.s expcr'd metal ......,..~-•till •T£· e· 3 •ml children. D~ lime man to work w/extruded 3141 c....,... Drt.,. 546--4141 (Across From OraJlle Co. Airport) Equal Oppor Employer ~l~a'!·~~~.<>;: •• needed, my bome. alununum. Call 831·9301 fi52..55ll 4545-2293 btwn8:30&4. Oerlcal Ba~71l\.ter lite bsktp'g. Body mao, exper. lle.nnig n... H.Ye .... ~Aat.onatr al1tr~~nt • 1.a Moc»Frt. ISO per wt, Auto Palnllna. 2030 SOMt a. >• 1ptf. Ol' n-Jthl, rd't &: non-smlr.r. HarborBl.CM645·1422 M ... •t.-4ftdl1, neat appearina ~ A youas man o•er 11. ---------•BOOKXEEPER COASTAL Prn1oul u:pcr. not "' lmmed.. o~ COT U · Perwn.,cJ Aa~nC)' Qd. St.n ~th lot man Banttn« perlenced F C. bouk· HOW du&lea, adnncement OPl:tNJNOSFOR lt~per (lh.n.t P & L) of t00411.RH avall. to auto rental 1H1fll1ilat e"p3ndiot coottnttUon TOAPPIJCAMTS counterman. ~ d:rtv• ~e..a..... ....... co. Must be able to as· IQ8nqd.Cal.1831·~fM • _... •' sum ttjpoaa.lbiUU.~• A WebavemanymaQ¥ • New •cualiltp hudle a votlety C>t ~ulOOlotCltricol, PITT...,. duU01. Casual &\· OOice&SoctttarlaJ Loea1 !iav-lql Is Loan mosph~. utary con:i• S4MOH For SatardQI, ~ in o D • u r • t t w I e x • 2TllO ttarbOf, CY 6 IOCDO ~ 'J'ypina perieo«. Send resume to IDW!mtnqaired. J;xpc.r Box~. Dady PUot, P .O. OH'tcal Ute Ofc worlc ln pri!'d. can for eppt Box tMO. Cotta. tes.a, ea reservation dept at 'lllrl.Jtnie Harlequin D\n oe r SeddltbiclcSa¥lno Pl•1hou-t-, Santa Ana • .HarpcwtBtac:h:.. BOOTH Rb"NTAL Call9Tt·7m .,._om Buut1 Sb.op, Costa M , C.11 "2-831'. Clasaffitd Ads H.tp Wmte<t 7100 Help W•t.cl 71 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• CllU Accur. typma. telepbon~ work. Nr t"aaluon Isle. ~- DISHWASHBS Ttur A&ststatlt1, "·1ume. Wll tr•m. Udo Conv. Center , 1555 Supenor Ave, NB. MS-7764. CUU TYPIST OISHW ASHlll MARKmMG F/tlme. Hospital exper. Prevtous eicper. 111 sale belp{uJ,butootnec.Mus t & market1n& d e pt. have neat appear. Apply Customer tele pbon in person, San Clemente work. Type 60 wpm elec· General Hospital, 654 tric typewriter. Orange Camino de Los .Mares, Co. electronic inslru _San __ C_l_ern_. _____ , ment manufacturer . Call Distributors wanted t r~ ~ppt. Industrial Rel a handle high qua!. Milk & Uons, 714/833-3300. egg protein. Xlnl oppor BERKELEY to make good S as co i CONTROLS · C Irvine AEOE young & grow1ng. al . ~ '. 1 MalpW..W 710 ...... W..W 7100 tWpW..e.4 7100 Hel(JW..t.d 7 100 .............................................. ....................... ······••·······•······· SMurdlly. Febiuaiy 11, '1971 OAILYPllOT CJ5 ~i~~~~ Y:::b'::fc!~ '" 01 su1 ~'t.~.~ ..... !!.~ ~:~ ..... ?!!! ~~~ ..... ?~ **NURSES-MEW RATES** s hop. Must live In i::u~ton W--.4: SAL~ CLERlC wanted SECRETARY .-rELEPHON& SI Ol..JtH'a...CtrifflH ICU J. I I ne.ighboor ol Baker I CM. Cbeclt s:1: for K~ak Dri Ve· Thru, FUJJ,Ume in Sula Ana Sal.+ Extra Od Bemus O~ 1n our office for new rates for 752-ms Fashion Mcbe (Model· Mon·Prt. 1 :30 to SPM, Law e>mce. TwiAI 65 Oa1Upm'8pm 839.act RN s. Floor. Med. Surg, OB. Ped. Part time, worklng with ing> !very other Swat. ~5PbM. WPll. SU 10WPll,a1l'a --• Pay Dtrf for RN's who read monlton the mailroom inserting Ml uJ "f>ply soo · .ual oa seentanal ui>er frinae OPf. ape?'. wliJ'. L~· machine lor tbe Daily n req rement: H.~. B vd. Newport Bcb. benefit.a Coot.ac:t'Nasvv Sm. Npt Bcb uportllac •n s. all shifts & diffe~Ual fw tCU Pl.I grad & 5 yrs exper. an 67>3.S97 54'1~ • ·""-J fk'm looklnc for penoa.. AJDES, al lhffh $42·$41 ot. neld. Apply, Capistrano-2.0M Mu. 5 d_,. .~ Chooeeyourhospltal,shill&da""of( Cootact:G.E.Arau.£ La1una Beach ROP, •--ur .. •y week. -.50 br. P\eUe J • 642-4321,e.t33!1 20000 A j b S S ~ --Free Mal·Prac. Insurance for staff relief Equal Opportunity Ju•.. ~-apcaalremaa"'"'• t..(71a4n> SALES For Penconel ~ caU '40-utl Hk ~or Private Duty Nurses Also Needed E I _,, ""' ..... "'-' .... eo A b Sheryl We use only the more dedicated & hi&her mp oyer 496-3118. E.O. E. HALF DAY .,,....... WJ>m 1 90 •--"'--------- qu.aUfied nurses. Exper. & refs req'd. PARTTIME NICEPAJ I ~~~.~pa:,J::. '~-LNE~anv_lbn!!.•. Wearestatellcensed.bonded,lnsured ti B b Cit -~ --Real Estate Sates People • nston eac Y -#er t-~""'vtdual -'·th & an equal opparlunity employer "-.. ~• Dla''"'c:t 7""' l"'.. .-.-... JMU .... ~ New rates In effect 2/13n8 EVENINGS wanted. Up to 90/10"4 Enjoyable phone work ~ v 1 • -~... exper. bul wtll toOalder comm. split. Nwpt Deb with good salary + st. H.B. Ph: 536-8851. qt.tallfled trainee. For WESTCLIFF NURSES REGISTRY Adults wllb outstanding, 631-0900 bonuses &c commissions. ap>pl call 113 01•7 attractive personalities Morning, afternoon & S.C..etwyjTw.lat E.O.E M./P' • v • ' 1617 WntcUff Dr. Ste 212 who enjoy working with R.E. APT SALES-Well evening shifts avail. Stroa& tY'Pinl "ih. App· • ., • Clerk/Typist for pers ona l IX>G GROOMERS N Hewpoft ltoch 631·0610, 752-tl II kids. Start at $3.50 per established nds 2 highly Good speaking voice & ly in person to Mr. TISTIR lines de pl. Nwprt fJr h experienced groomer fo hr. Phone 6'2-4.321, #250, motivated salespersons, phone exper. helpful. Fuentes, Robert Bein, O.C. electroalc mfsr bu Opening Or large new between3:00.5:00PM. will train, PIT ok. Bltr College students. William Frost & Aasoc., -'"--avall'or•-•- 64()..~10 aft Spm. l:eneral insurance a gen· 556-6171 1401 "'"·-11 "' N B _....,... '' ,._""'" cy. Must have co. 0 shop1nC.M.CallS48· AskforJbn · housewives & _....._ • · •QClmpect«'l.1.Z Jn agencyellper.6'5·~ rugh1orday. HltpW.nd 7100 HltpW..W 7100 Equal Opportunity RECf:PTlONlST tor ac· ~oonllghlers lhis an SEClllTAIY exper.lnelec:troaicatest- Drafting ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Employer live Real Estate office. ideal job. Sharp, aasresalve, 18' er assembly or 2 yrs Codct:'_!~~H Young, multi-fa_ ceted HA I D R ES S E R S P A R T • T I M E Must be attractjve, en· Call 83"' 0095 multi·facet.ed individual ~~l~~~-rleudq'd. Xlnedlt _._ tu :t aJ d f t-thusias tic, selC-starter, '1"V lo handle heavy work ...._. ...... c e m · :ire tee ur es1gn o w /following, prime RECR .. ATION WST., lile typing. Salary open. FocAPersonallntervw loadforVice-preaideator dect.alinsur. Learn a n exciting , glamorous highly pa1 pro fe ss. Oa y/e vc cla:.:.es. Placemtml As SISl . 714 751 9194. 0 213/428 4653 So. Calaf. Cocktail Woitrcs:.es. Inc .. In me & Loni; Br locations. COME & JOIN US l'ano s Seafood of Mex wo is offcnng opportuni ty to become a membe of it's selected crew. Posit ions av a II for : Cooks. Waiters. Apply a Cano's, i241 W. Coas Hwy, N B. Mun·l''ri. 3 pm. E 0 E Comp.in111n. womun, · <lay week; lovely ort'an lront home. N'pt. Beach U housekeepmg & rook 1ng. N u n s m o ke r !>'15 6161 ~~!':aen~sE!~~i~~~ :e~~sJ::!':f~r~·9434 M~CHINIST ~~M.'tf::::::: Apply In person only TIME/UFI sales in creative DISC in all phases of com 5 Yrs mm exper. Capable mer6"-S404 Mon· Tues, 3-5 PM, 22311 UW ... s, lttc. man!Jfac:turinc ftrm ln IHSTIUMBCTS merc1al architecture. II HAIR STYUSTS of set~ up all basic Brookhurst, Ht.lDt Beach, al TUstin. Should have com· 102 E. Bater St you are chained to lh F /timew/clienleleonJy machine toola. N/C ex· PBX Answer. Serv. Equ OppEmplyrm/f plete lmowlege of office a.taMesa '79-5300 board an a '"Hwn.:Rrum' 65%&benelils. 548-3446 per. desired. We orter Operators. lmmed open· RIC8'TIO .... IST procedures, be able to or-EqualOpporEmployer office, call us ndW 'ror a xlnt co. benefits & a ings to work varied hrs & " SALE.5 ganize, take charae & excilang opportunity. w Hair Stylist wanted ln San chance to advance in a wknds. Exper. pref'd, TYPIST ~ follow up on variety of Tow Truck Driven U· NEED YOU! Please cal Clemente. Call 4.92·6655 fast growing co. but will train. Apply in lmmedlate opening to & A.M.cim M= assianmenLs. Must enjoy per'd. Top pay. Apply, for an appl: (714)548-3484 for interview. Apply ln Person per.ion, !SS Rochester St, operate busy electronic responsibility & be able Gf&WT0W1D1, IOOOirvine T"-k/.....,._._. CM switchboard. Accurate Opportunities avail. to work under pressure. Ave,NB6'2·12S2 Draftsperson for local oil Hardware s ates, ag. -La _.ca..,,...., Rd typist. min 60 wpm elec· w/iot'l co. SaJes back-Accurate typ18'/fillnl a company. Work wilb Sr. gressive. marine exper ~Laguna Be ny~n PIX tric typewriter. Call for ground pref'd. Top mgmt muat. Good wilb figures. Tr al oees t~ mate drafts men. Some expe only. N.B. Send reiiume F.qual Ji,U::r E!~oyer F/or p/t shills. Work II appt. Industrial Rela-positions avail during Call Glnger (714)838-7122 teiepbooe appt s for lrg with ink preferred. Sen to _Class~fled Ad #161, busy switcllboard. EOE tlons714/833-3300. our nat'l & int'l ex· between9AM·5:30PM lnmmrial co. No exper. lclterto Mr. Ferber P.O., Dally Pilot, P .O. Box ---------BERKELEY pansion. Send resume to nee. ExcellentbonllSes& Box 2680, NB 92663 1560. Costa Mesa 92627 MAIDS 546-a333. OONTROLS PO Box 3, Anaheim, Ca e c re tar y /Of fl c e Pa Y + d a 11 Y ca 1 h i Irvine AEOE 92805 or call 778-2060 for Mana1er. Land planning bonuses. CalJ·Ted Wynn DRIVERS needed for new He av Y E q u Pm en t F\111 time. Good benefits. ~~~~~~~~~I lnler. flnD needs sec'y w/ e.x· forappt. 5'0-5581 chauffeur s ervice. Cal Operators & Plant Main· Holiday Inn. Laguna PBX OPERATORS -per. in all pbues of of. . 54J.JOt3. t.enance Men w/welding Hills. Contact Personnel, RECEPTJONlST P/timc Sales lady (Mature) fi c e pr 0 c e du re. Travel, Credit & Collec· DRIVERS Early AM, 3-6 deliver LA Times, CM & So. S.A s.150 mo. Ca 11 545·077 l!ob exper. Own hand tools. 581>-5000. Long &~.:.~~rm as· noon til 5PM. Light typ'. need~d r.or new store Knowledge of IBM Ex· tioo, DOD smoker. lduat Salary open. Non union. ---------ing, telephones, Santa operunc m H.B. area. ecul:ive '"""writer. Call have atroag backcround 492 5163 Maids & Laundry Help, signments. Holiday & Also ld t t ..,.,... 1 ~t Is U cU . . Al' B b M I vac pay. H~p1"taJ1'1au·on Ana ore. Call David 'o er ~ ure ass . Shelley 6'<M9ll n er co e on. 1 a a ote , 2250 ~ Snulh 549.ss71 1o.5PM manager for rughts. App· · Good typins req uired. Hostess El Torito needs NewportBl,CMApplyln danavail. ' • JyatClothesLine,3648S. ecretary 1d/sh typ We will train as travel s harp aggr essive penononly. Receptionis t. Bi-Lingual Brislol,(Town&Co\IDlrY Pleasant office. FT/PT. agent. Full travel hostesses. Call or come ------'-----w/some clerical s kills lo Shopping Ctr> SA. "Salary open. 645-2667 benefit.a. Call 6'0-6671, COMPOUNDER DRIVER/YARDMAN Vita mins & minerals , In building ma terial full ttml', \t If'. Good yard. Pe rm pos. Mus math Nl.'al. i-:n gh s h have valid Calaf drive :.~akmg l"n ngci.. Apply _1_1c_· _493-_3552_....:.·_SJ__:.C_. ---l by 3-5 PM. Mon.Sat Mal11lelWW'IC•Posfflo.1 docto • f 9971091 MF 9-5 833·9740. 4221 Dolphin Dana Pt. Harbor. Exper r so c. · SALES ecretary, congenial, -·-·------- L1nwllco Labs. 2148 'It•" purt Bl\ d <.: \f C O O K llnuH'r lluu~l· expcr Ap ttl> 111 per-,un. Sam ':. "4 ;ifood II , :J!IU I t:: <.:oal>t II"'· t'dM Cook. cxp\r full time. <lrnncr hou:.e 642 9434 COOKS AND COUNTER PERSONNEL Parl·llmc day~. lunr h time hour-; 11 :io AM to:! PM Apply 1n person 2·5PM Tuc11day throug h Saturday at· DRIVERS . Ho usehold furnitur moving co. located 10 Toro wants dnvers w/l >r expe r . w /comm' moving co. Call 8304926. Striker Way, b y pref'd. $600 start+ fr· ll48C...-Drin Receplion1s t /Sec'y Needed at once 10 mfg adaptable Individual TravelAgent'Tr-alneeWe .MacArthur Blvd. ingebenefits.496-6137. 546-4741 weekends only. Marine sales reps, M/F, exper. w/gen'lofcakillaforfast will train lC oecesaary. (Across From type business. Newport not necessary, we will pace l·girl offc. Pay Good typlnc requJred. Management Tr at nee. Orange Co. Airport) Beach. Call 645-7100 train. For appt. call negotlable. SR Engineer· Noo smoker, m l&St have HCYI'EL Mature lady for earn as you learn. Rapid Equalnn~ .. Employer Re 1 . . 847·9655. C & K En· ing,6'2-8584 air line uper or trn~l full time day position as 11 d van c ement. 1 n · .,..,..,. cept orust . part tame terprises. #102.51 .r.-u•l'PV ~......... couraea. F ull travel desk clerk. Ex per or will div1dually tailored pay Moo, Tues & Thurs. Very ~ "'1 1 --benefits. Call 6'0""71 train. Apply m person, package. 754-6471. Penome Cl...t& lite typing preferred. SALES PERSON-Gift Security patrol guard, M·F 9-SPM ~~bboarssBaldCorM Inn, 2277 MAT U RE W 0 MAN Vital coord. function 8-4 :30. 2061 Business Shop. Exper'd Cull & !/time, must have calif --------- r1a1 / • 1 f f Center Dr, 752·9515. $3.SO part-time Apply in State certification to __.$ .. ' p/t1me to welcome w new re11ona o c. or hr 11r-1 '' · ,_ If •~... Call · person at Grafton Street, carry w eapon, min _,_ .. "'-, re~u-·-Hous ekeeper/babys 1tter newcomers & contact qwc .. se s ..... er. So Co ~· .......... ~ a-wuuu.o ELEC. TECH forwork'gmotber.2 schJ merchants. Flexible hrs. Barbara. 833·2700. Den-Recepllonls t /typist. · astPlaza, • salary$3.75 hr.Call btwn piece wort ln our otc. lmmed. pos1t1on avail age children. Lovely Need car, Ille typing. nis & Dennis Personnel Pleasant CPA firm needs Sales~ple B-5PM Moo-Fri494-8S71 Mal card exp pref but for ~harp indiv. who is home in CdM, live-out 547·3095. Service of Irvine, 2082 bri~bt & fri~ndly In· HEEDED AT OHCE Service Sta. Attendant.1_not_.req__:._M4--_ll80 __ • __ _ looking for an entry level pref'd. Ref req'd. 9am-5; _M_e_c_h_a_n_l_c_n_e-ed_e_d_f_o_r _M_J_c_he_lso_n_. _____ 1 dmdual who is able to foe Luzier cosmetics ln exper'd. Full or p/Ume. TYPIST/CLIO pos. as production tech 833..Ql88, aft 5: 673-7245 tra" .... "a.•i'on & radi'ator Personnel ~k und~r pressure at th.is area. Call 527·1346 or Apply Arco St.allot>. 17th bel"'*''' for repair dept & QC dept ,..,.,....,., tunes. Sw1~cb board, ac· 492·4601 & lrvine C.M. a> wpm, 10 Key .,. .... of o.c. electronics mfgr. Housecleaning personnel. shop. Experience re· Adnlin Asst curate typing, gen'! ofc •---....:• ____ ....__, fer gen'I olc &A/PQ as- l Yr exper. or 2 yr full time/part time. day quired. Call 847·5593 Animal Hospital person· duties. Start $600 mo. Salesperson, F /time for Service Station. Able to alst a n t. X l nt l oc & schooling rcq'c.1. Xln wk&wtmdwkavall. Mon·Fri.,8·S PM. nel & management, CaUSharol,833-8312 l ighting fixture workdays,applyat15922 beoeftts.6'(41824. benerils include med/· 540-9525 MEDICAL RECORDS Nwpt Bch. 644·5460 showroom. Woodlighting Pacific Cst Hwy, HB. WAlftlSS c.lental Insur. TheSunshineGirls Pha ac 1 k M RECEPTIONIST Fixture Co., 2031 S. E. 21.J.592·15n nltl ,.,._ E A DISC Sr. Clerk. Must have pre-rm . y . c er • on part t Im e . Some Main St. Irvine. 546-2901. r. me. AAw· ves. PP· Housekeeper. lite cook. Ii· vious exper For details t.hru Fri rule. 9·6. Must weekends. Lite typing. (Across from O C S..lce Pena••I ly ln person lh1a Mon Ir; IHSTRUMEHTS vein for mature cpl. please call .496-1122, ext type & do lite bookeep'g. Pvt Club. CdM . 673·3515 Airport) Needing several persona Wed ooly 9am-lpm, Dick 102 E. Baker St Refs. 833-2382 aft l lam 236. 847-6011 call Wed tbru Sun 8:30 lo who enjoy working with Churches Reataurant. Co6ta Mesa 979. Pb l 5 PM Seamer to sew nylon & an· others. Start al $4.00 per 211118 Newport Bl, Cid • C.4RL'SJR. :..wl~lh East 8r1slol Santa Ana. CA Equal Oppor Employer Housekeeper, children 6 & Medical Ofc/ A11ist otograph_ c models. . di« dacroo sails. Exp'd. hr Pleasant worldnc 8, Big Canyon. own Front office assistant Great looking guys & Receptionist for busy, F /T. Marshall Sails, · d I l 1 WAITRESS/COOK. some 1---------.i room. TV, English, car. wi't.h billin' o evpen'ence gals n_eeded for photo-mod ff A I . ,,,,, """° lvsms g con • ~e ath ~--·~ cPd. aper ....... t1JDe. w-..1-&&4-.8442 • ... h k f ern o c. pp y 10 ....,...,...,.,, · · pension, ucal ..... ~. -•10t'p":.":"..!Ave .. ::!.~': _ ELECTRICIAN needed for physical g~ap ic wor or our persononlybelwnl0&4; bol.idays Call&M-$4CM ... ....., _.."" - Cook-short order, part llm<'. Fri lunrh. Sal/Sun breakrast. exper. pref (;all fur a ppt. Sala ry open fi73 3.~lS bwt n 9 5. t:Oli!'ITER GIJlL. Full tame & pl lime for wkdys &S.it G73-53RS Counter Hc•lp, 10-pm Garn Wmrhell's Donuts. 253 E. 17th St. C..:osla Mesa CUSTODIAN 1-:xr11·nl'nccd J.4 hrs p<"r d<1 y cu r r c quirc c.1 \n ahe1m a r cn .!131!61 ~ ( tlfll•Htrnn. Saddleback College. M1ss111n Viejo, lll'M-7:30AM Salary $836 SlOS4 + shift dif· f1•renltal. 831-9700 Ext :kr.!. 303 Between 8 5 DELIVERY Messenger /Courier 5 Day wk. P /time am or p m Kno w Org Co 113.5-3149 betwn 8 & lOAM DelH ery 1n Jrvme. over 25. Gd drh'ang record . S40·050l Housekeeper. hve.in, therapy office in Hunt· clients P"°'.«1UCls: We are Executive Row, 3901 Se~mstress wanted for • OceCafe.BalboaPenin. JOURNEYMAN room/board/TV. $180 lngton Beach. Good a ~arketmg firm. No MacArthur Blvd, Suite sailmalter. Service Station Atten· w ........... Codlt• mo.963-43W working cond & salary. nudity._ No exper. nee. 211,N.B. Call54.8·3467 dant, exper 'd. Day & NEEDED Call C714 )848-0877 Call 'J'.irul· C & K En· ---------i Secretary I Bookkeeper Eves. F\JU & p/Ume. Ap. Coob. HostesMs IMMEDIATELY Housekeeper for elderly . terpnses . 847·9655. REFtUG·A/C with some typing skills. ply! Shell Station.17th & ~encedOnl)'. Long term assignment. couple, live-in. Mature Microbiologis t! rece~t _•_i_02S_l _______ 1 Servicemen. New com· Requires respMsible Irvine, NB. Country Club s:u-1550 Hospital & vacation pay. woman to dnve, cook & grad .. Cballengan1 posa· ~ pany willing lo relocate p , 1,o•p1·lal1•al1"on plan keep a cln house. Attrnc lion in 1mmunod1ag-Sapv. . S D' S I ~on .. t;rmant.it part Service Sta. Night Attend WaJt.ress, aper. food & " • u ~2111 6 Hrs/ ay in Elemen· 10 an iego. " ary bme position. $300. mo. 2 Or 5 nltes a wk. Apply, coclrtaila, day & night avail. area. Refs req'd. 644·2120 006 C!I. lazy School; 9 Mo year. commensurate with ex· to start. Century 21 Shell 17th &Irvine, NB ab lrts open. Excell. 3848 Campa Drin 54M741 (Across From Orange Co. Airport) Equal Oppor Employer or67~2991. Models needed for photo-$.1.219-3.917 hr. Laguna per. Send r esume to Westcliff Realty• , war1dni cood. Apply lo Hseltpng & care or schl grapby.fashion .. conven· Beach Unified School Adt996, Dally Pilot P.O. NewportBeach,645-7221 Serv.StaHelpneededim· perso n. Mr. G•s age childre n, 2·6PM t1ons~ Training avail. Oistrict,494-8546. CBoAx~, Cosla Mesa, s~RET'"'RY med. F\lll orHp/L Apply, ReaUu.rant 3100 Irvine Mon-Fri, Penninsula Pt. Legitimate. 957~12 ---------1 --~-------• ....,.,. A 990 E. Cat wy. Nwpl Ave, NB Mrs. BaU675-2l.29eve Pre·School Teachers Mlnimwn 2 years exper-. Bcb. _ _;.. ______ _ MOTOR ROUTE needed Banbury Cross Restaurant Luxurious Newport WAREHOUSE, FIT. S ll you're not taking home Large Dally Pilot route Pre-School, 16761 View Anthony's Pl~ II Beach reaJ estate office. Sharp & attract. recept. days, goodwotldngcond. $200 per week Call Me. in South Laguna.Laguna Point Ln, Hntg Sch. Ex· NewporLs mat exciting Bookkeeplng&pbones Good typin g skill• ca.ll548-7423. We have est ab. Niguel. Monday through per. neeessary. 847·5284 nu rest. & discotheque is CallCheryl675-6161 =Contact Loren•, WAllHOUSI customers waiting to be Friday afternoons, Pressman AB Dick 360. Interviewing for the . Exec. sec'y/recp. for ;f_r~~Fu~~l~r~~~U·c!:'. Saturda~ and S~nday Managerial ability. Sal ~~~~~w:s0h~1~.opna~: -.·s.a-·.•,•ari_n._l.ecJal--s• SHIPPIHGCLHIC =~~~If!,~G &AS~~~~b i1mall NB Real Estate 754.6471. mornings. Approiomale-open 644·8233 493-2010 try man oyster bar man, *A/8-Coastnlc. Exper requir ed, need vitamins & minerals. Co AU around ofc. air! ly $450 per month gross eves. ' janitors, bus boys, t • -, ,._..for fast growing Good math. Endlish .. ea.nungs. SS0.00 cash de·...;...._·-------• To$18,000 .-~ • w/Ute bk'g skills needed. Interior landscape maln· Posit required. Phone Printing Collater, p/time. bartenders, hos teas, ·Employers Pay All Fees company. Send resumes ape•klng. M/F Neat.~· Sal. & advancement tenance & installation. ll42--432l, ask for circuJa. Now accepting applica· cashier, doormen , LlzR.eindersAgency to: 3201 West McArthur lnges. Apply Linwllco comm.w/exper.752-2773 Exper. necessary. Call lion. Leave name and lions for Mon & Tues cocktail waitress 's, 4020Birch,Stel<K Blvd .. Santa Ana. Ca. Labs,2148NewportBlvd. 557-01.50wkdys,8:30-4:30. number and make of 'n"t _._,,._ A I 9 waiters/waitresses.Full N-Beacb 833-8190 _9'Z70C __ • _______ C.M. Fartory Work, Days, ru.., "'""'""· PPY am· &partlimeavaU.Apply ~-It""'· ---------young man approx 16.18. Int'I Marketi_ng assoc. auto to be used and your 4pm, Pennysaver, 1660 ln persoQ Monday Feb. Call for Appt/&itab '65 SHOE SALESMAN Youn r mot be rs . Pieee work. Must be fast now expanding. Fu Uy call will be returned. Placentia, Costa Mesa. 13, 10am·2pm at 102 N. Looting for agcresstve houaewives, " teachers. wthands.645·2702. capitalized. Call for Needsomeonewhoenjoys Bayside Or.NB (former-_________ 1 tndividual for hlgh Muat be over 18. Sell appl. on~y . Creative tropical fish & people. Production ly Duffys) w e are local· fashion shoe salon local· Beeline Fuhlona p/U'°" FlOWERSHOP Marketing Ass o c . Exper.notnec.Aqualic WB.D/METAL ed4110ofamifrm corof SECRETARIES ed in Fashion Island. &eamxtra $Sfor~ MANAGER 640·82?2 ext 4106. No Tropicals, 1510 Balter St. Coast Hwy. & Bayside Good pay, &potential ror Summer. Use of car .. Salary commensurate phonemt.ervws. CM WORKIMG/ Dr. opp. Rubens. Look 0 TYPISTS advancement. For In· phonenec.Cal1963-7470. w/exper. Westminster .._._0 MAIMTIHAHCE for Anthony's sign. • tervlew call 759·0885 Memorial Park Florist, l"n"' RY Mewspap« DtliY..-, SUPBYISOR Seek temporary employ. between9:30AM·l2Noon Dental Ass"t. ortho, chr. 893-2"2lExt205. COMTROLCLHK Mature resp. adult for Marineexper.aptus. RestaurantinCdMneeds meo.twherewemakelt ~ ND.4'2 d.¥s.Ort.ho exp.& ----------1 Ordering. expediting & early AM dellv. Mus t Qualltyplant,benefita, piua man & gen'l help wonhyourwhile. STIHO/ ••••••••••••••••-•-•• ~-~--~-- R D.A req. 642 2626 Food s.nlu A11t po6tlng. Exper. desired. have tran. ~2756. working conditions. p/Ume. eves. 673-1121, TOP JOI. SICllTARY I .Wlflll 1005 Substffute Must be asgreasive. BobWalshaw 673-4647. TOPPAY Jobbasvarietyincludtng ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• Dental Assistant, X ray license required. Laguna Hills area. 830· llM On-Call Basls. 2.2~ hrs Irvine area. Call for HurHs R.try Ericson Yachts You're Your Own Boss lite personnel wort It ........ C AUCTIOM perday.$3.lOperhr.Ap· appt.540-7639.EOE. Needs office fielp 714/540-8001 ~O~ office • handling of insurance MANYITEMSOP FINE ply to Irvine Unified Jani•.....taJ Part•· F/llme. w/regislrY exper. $3.75 RETAIL claims. Sb 80• typing 60· ESTATE JEWE LRY, "'" "" s tart W/raises for 0 OVerlOAd Call for appt. 54C>-7639. DEHTAL ASSIST. SAlr hool DlsJlr1lct . 2941) Local. Eves. Exper'd qualified personnel. CLERKS ...;E.:;.,...;.O..:..:.E:;.... ______ 1 ART OBJECT~_AN· ton Ave, rv ne. (714 adults only. Hrly or s ub w t 11 ff N S 11QUES, FINE TURN., Good oppor. for recent 556-4900. contract. 979.3923. e 9 c u r s e 5 PRODUCTION 57.0061 TAX PREPARER, e.xper. ETC. PHONE FOR IN· 1 l.S. grad. X·ray e.xper F,qual Oppor Employer Registry, 1617 Weslcllff UTO-.a.... 3723 BircbS,, NB. necess. Flexible hrs. FO. & BROCHURE. pref'd.642·7998. LegalSecretary Or,S.e 212•N.B.6ll.00lO ,.._ H .B . loc. 8'6·0 634 ~ D-"'LR~EPT GARDENER t.aw llrm tn Newport or752·9ll8 TYPIST CGlnreNewc•Mntft SecretarJto$lOOOO 9am·9pm. -------- ""'"" ....,. Exter lancbcape maint. Center w /business HUISIESAIDES l~Wanted • Do you like people? Arc exper. Mission V. area. clients need• an ex-Xlnt benefits Including IBM lat, &3rd Shuts ........ tal MUSICIOXIS you interested in a Hrs 5am·lpm. Call Ran-perlenccd Ie1al sec'y. EL Noexper.req'd. Wetrain .Animal &.pi penon-TelepboneSalca rhaller\ling career in lhe dyorLynn, 557-0150. Outstanding stills & sick leave. Bayview S ECTRIC II tho8e hired. Applicants nel 4'c m ana•ement, STOP LOOKING dentalheaJt.hfield? IC so. shorthand required. Ex· Coov., 2055 Tburin Ave. Experienced accurate apply at Utotem Stora NwiitBch.&M-54fO we need you. Bus mess GEHIRALOFFICE ceUent worklnQ condl· CMM2·3505 Typist needed im-locatedat: _.....;;..._______ SJARJ exper. necessary. Dental Part·lime. Mon·Fri, tioos.644·2500 HUlSES AIDES mediat ely. 10 wpm UlDel Mar Ave, C.M. SICllTARY exper.uselul.842·5561 9AM·lPM. Apply in 7.3 &3-ll.Ex-r.pref'd. (must). 1390N.PaclllcCstHwy Ourcompanyisseeklng person only. Old Eqllity LIFE I NSURANCE ..-VACATIONRELIEF LagunaBeach an enthaW1tic sec'y w/ WORKING D94TAL ASSIST. wfe lns. 2232 So. E . SALES Will train, 1·1 yr WW tntn. Mesa Verde W uaJ lood typing le dictation Newport Ctr. Rover Br\tui.Suitel04.S.A. training program , Conv. Hosp. 661 Cent.er wo~1!~~~~~ ~=:i~yer lldllltoaldaoexpaodlna WIAllLOOICIMG bctwa front desk & guaranteed salary. Call St.CM I~~~~~~~~~ eecretarlalldVicetothe ~--Mne cbnd. X ray cert. Must General olfice. Pnt . Mr.Schubert83S-6012. HUISIS AIDES ~~~e>Ring 1: C.11. area. Musi. be de-AltTICULATIPloft.I be sharp. Xlnt oppor. fo lwnber uper. Acct.I re· ~~ IM hlef Jmdable II udh\uter. w tra1 in__, rlahllitl.6fo0..0300. ce1vabla & invoiclng. Uve-in rnald, Newport lmmed. ()penlncs. Acute OOnditloos 7-3•11-'7 er LVN Rellel ~., COID.IDIDlunta wf\b TleMcanE/LI;~ 8w0vu0uceKS Muat be 1ood typist. Bcb, to work w/2 othet cerc f•clllty exper. AJ)S>\yinPenon U·'7. OlUfttrY Club Conv lldlla.m.2111 ... Dental Office Manace Start seso. 540·694 m aid• carln1 for 5 belpruL All abif\a avail. OIAMGICOAST Home549-J081 ---------· OYer the p bo oo t o IOC' prac:U~ ln Lag. Bcb Newport Bell cblldren, •Its a thru 8. Apply In penon, to Dtr. DAIL y PR.OT SECRET ARY customen ln eaw. Ent.hustaatk L fri•ndly, 0 ,..,. e...i..a "'-.. Enlllsh 1peakinl. Must o t N u rs I n a , S a ii 330 w Bay $t. SAILMAJCING $$$ dtpcodable. t;xl)e.r pre an n •..-•Y ~"' w/ocean drive & have local te· Clem e n te 0 e ner al eo.ta Mel• 111 Qr apece & ol'fJce lo C.UloraPSJ',. 144-telO ref but oot nee. 3~ vl.w for qualified Olrl ferences. Salary com-Jbpltal, SM Camino de Aak For Paul wans nil loft. Perfect for CQV· SP.CRETARY -30 bn wt. 4 81" MOMrv l)e1' wk. 4tt·'7112 Cal Frlday. General book· m enlllrate w /expor. lodlare:s.SanQem. Equalom.rt~ ~~~-~ft' aewtnf .1 .. " wt, aeeounts .rec, D nLJ MODQy keePlns,typin1,,,rocep· 6'n-l120or67a.il31 ~ ._.. _ _..., ~ WAa11tp& ... tionlat. C.ll for appt. Mr. ;~ C~ 642~ ,,675-5055 ~ 50 WPM. 10 ltey ad· ~ .. , DISIGt4B Foprt), ~l LOAN flllOCISSOl 8m&1J lab ...eds c:.ooaUng dl.D• machine, cenenl OI FULL TIMI L11hltn• Jl'Jature..a ... ,_.,._ID wJtb HOY· skill• for techdldao. Tr•blee:s ac· PIOPBTY MG;l. S••~!f'Y o ffle• worlc. C b-lid WIO Meduunc&l drafti.n1 & --.~-mocta•S• broke?' firm. ~714/IU·M4&. 11 YoU ate Mtloua\)' ln· GaWMeiCen&s'6f..7'113 ._.._ ... ..- rtnde.rln1 aklllA req'd. Snt wleb. deUve~, i.o.n •~ pn('d. Managemet • m alnt.of tCl'Olu.d lo nra J,pcom• .._.'IbUlrM. •.., Knowt~ of Inter. de di.YI wk. ........ u,. °'"' N ear ~uhlon ··~·· Opticia n Ol1penslna. ~·t~ ...,.dfD o8o!i call UI now! P/Ume eTa SECRET. •1y +I • cor inf d. l rrin• loea tJ'Ullp. £am ow 13.50 1141644.W. Ideal 1llwltJon fM r.. xper A r•, . R $-$pm. $4·$6 per llr. " +c1 , I Uoa.W-2901. h r . CaU l am·l p m , ~.____.. ,.,_ _ ~ penoad .._• .. ~ er ~ 1 or on, s:n..u. ft...t dlek • CDlllt eot• =••r d -~ .......... " p, _ __.. -Odd 111'1 .,.._, occu dlMI« ••have aood DISI CLmK/ w1.-.111te u~er JM!" •""• nutlons eic. pJUme i:.. 6 &da. l!ara SU. Glrl, P /Ume, .,. .l1'P(AC ' kllla • ptioao ~ 4 ... 1 9i«"US tll&. oaJ1 ~ WCllMll I •·lOfl 1"8'7 per hr, IMJD• cw-proa 2$ hn, lndd wknda, ·tOkle; ~ varl.-, J ..... OMcil GOod tMMm1. O>ntAd. hllllp/t$ ... Allarua. Ooaindl....._ttt4.10I. d ... 1/delhtr1. J11Ut Pro Sbop, Teaiut Cl~. "1llP ••·a~ olc. ForAD.....,..Call Boneta; lao. La11ut U.utanna fflftl.;.:C 21 ~llS haft ~ble "" " Sal ar1 o~u. Call Dliml..._ 133 •5 ltilU.•:lllOOut ::·-=.i r:: 8' lnt lUiiln1 1t.:7i......,.,.. Co. UMIMalU M SICllTMY De:alr Cl Poll • ptl. doe ~le., &m W. SQ 1&ck leave. 8 a7vl w ' Clnalfltd Acb sell M1 \'.,_. Ard ftrm, J'illll ua~fMc. n.J alU\. Ambar.iidO.r a. 8iilltj ~ latttY'W O.lr., DI Tbu:rtn A•et Have .-wn1 to Mlll .It.ma. amall hem• or Bcb.aeelalr.PQSl.exp,-d EqUJ°"'"&mpl1"m/f 111n;a.S 8rl1tOI,~ 1n•u•1-4 Man·rrL OllO-Dl5 Qwtfiedacbdoltw L • mJllem.MU171. ..-.a1-1-. .. 1.1. )> -· CLOCIS Slot Machines, Nicblo- deona, pbono1 rapbs. World's larcesl selec· lion . Aho t llta. furniture, a a tlquee. Amerlcan International; 1ll02 Ketterinl; Irvine. mim. 0pen wed • .sat. W80LE8Al·B TOTIIETJlADB tllW OPEN TOPUIUC OPDf'1DAYS '6WDICM. ' llili••IMwflia • d¥U LN IUtJ .... Clll9ll ..... 1714) .,,.,.., '~18 OAll.Y Pll.OT \' .. Saturday, P.on.y 11, 1978 our famous DIME ~A-LINES ~ .......... !!~~ ~ ............. !~;4.~ ~~~~ ......... !!~.~ ~.~ ...... ~~.~l For aalor Anllque Vorltle. M., u wb, &ood Kini 1he wuerbed PUIUCAUCTIOM • Bnlnawlck Pool Table, lineage, A KC . $200. w/bntt't'SUO. MANY l''lNE nE.MS 01" $l100, 2 •atiqu. tide ~ 60-932'7oc5'5-62ll ESTATE JEWELRY, chairs, '75 ~•. All re-WA.NT.ED Full/ ~-ct ART OBJECTS, AN· fWabed, W6-5392 Full Irish Setter ~"' ,.~:.....___ q~• Gd. 11QUE>, FINE FU RN.,, puJ1ples. $.10ea. ~ ~. Otn· ETC. PHONE FOR J'f'I. Anllque secretary, 644-sa2 Cond/price.SS1·2ZM FO. It BROCHU Re. 5creen, trunk, coffee 64.5-2200 tabla. 968-0215 Toy Poodles. drk apricot, Dlack n104f&h)'de/walnut1 ________ _ . F .• AKC. Fem l'h yr, cockull bar~3 ~!00111. M•laUSINIS Empu-e cbesl or drawers puppySwks.67,_.933 xlnt cond $175, JS U/W Yard Sal 265 R Ln ( s > , g I ass knobs , 1V. ad cood $25. 848·3713, CM e. ose • mahogany, $400. Empire FrwtoY• 1045 •HOT. SEW I TV ante o c R o • chest of drawers (6), ••••••••••••••••••••••• -:,::~;:--;;:::=:-;;:~~;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;,;;;; • co or . nnn, SlNGLE drawe1· writing M VING A 'f NS "' SK I boots Jnd1l'b 1• ~ Sti maboga.oy $350. Emptre Free 1 blaclr.. puppu. Biby Crib Mattress, Ex· ~ ror roof or attic mount· desk. Lovely. excellent packing material. All DIME-A-LINES L01d1c::. Lam· s·~ SIS Ski buffet hand carved n-i ....... n 2 •. 3 mon•L cellent Q>nd1tlon, $30. euEMENT SALE 111g, 100 mile range rosl "ondlt1on. $2S ... ta pie s l1.cs including dis. "'····t~ L'1ds s .. ,, Sk11· L"2 """'""'"" .,. """ ..... _ "'"""-.,"""S t /""· "'1 $ 0 · f · s " " uvu ... "' -· :; " maho"•"y he11vy ciaw -•d. CaJI '151·1'197. ,..,...,.,e ~ a .... n ""-~ ........ ~."&bane•-_ dia• S • sacr1 ice lS twin hl.'adboard and h"'acks, wardrobe::. and t""mm (no b1°1ld1"ng) .. ,0 ..... "' ......,...,"""""" " -o. 93 ,. "" ""' · feet, SI.000. 4 """'ter bed, ""'~· N--King S• n-" 116(),f 1 rramc SS. SWlday only. picture cartoru.. Cost us •-...__ L'i ""h"r s uper g la~s ...... R i d i t ,_,.., .... • """' ""•v fi1ttute~ Hude •&· _.,. ..._. ,. .... " . ~· single, walnut $250. e1 stere m n1a ure ma .. p. fr1me. Xlot cond: ... ..., . -LIKE new G.E. J·speed Mesa Verde 546· oos:i over $100. AJI ror $20 or Pri'fllh Parlin J801\t M $25. llek~d I\ illy '94-59tl Schnauier, female. Call .,..,. ... cc., .u.,. sortment Qf Christmas t · h d · SOc to $2. each. 646-2331 OHLY 100 mm S25. 2 s 1 covl.'rs ...... 1 • .,... ___ .,.,.._ ...... _·--------r trim. Brine your truclt or etec r1c an mixer GOLF CLUBS, bans, ---------1 ...,.,. ..... t ·1 N D 1 .... S7 50 960 • SIO. cacti. J large i.k1& A lifetime collection ot n~--.1 ._ .. ,e ..., .. + 1,... ra.i er. o e 1ve11es. • · ·4931 cart. men & women FURNITURE: 2 twin bed • n.uu&N ....... -' CASH Sal nl N SNOW ski items for sale, San Marcos Jr. boots. :.lzc 6, $16; bib wacm· ups, childs size 10, SJ. 968.0140 SI . b .th k led......... hoot carr1<!r $25 snuffbottles&otberartRe&l_istered standard l~f 4 blacknauoahyde eso Y. ore-$10·$2S. eeping ai;s sets wi nur ... """ Ads,.,.... ..._., Childrens ski :.ocks 50c objects IOI' Hie. Collec· silver poodle, uiupayed swi'vel cbair.s, .... scrowl turnsK:~-.... 11 .... SS. each. Scuba gear $25. head and foot boards AdcfretlU Hot h 11 r • 64().8998 .,.. .......,., "' Rockers, upholst er ed S2S. per set. 2 twin box cac pr. Boys ye ow tors only. P.O. Box 1223, em,-.yra. wroucht lron legs. S12S. SJO Hikes, 10 s peed spring and mattress sets Accipted warm ~I> punts <.mMOJ Colt.a Mesa92626 Beautiful pair white in· Spring mattttss & frame 10-,,.._ mens SM. s ~peed g1rJs $20. each. Hollywood bed • $7 .SO (i•rl ~ b~I Jucket door kittens. box trnd. dbl cost $300 like new S.. Feb •2th S20. Convertable sofo frames SS. each. Wood Ad••rllHr'• •loa.tl•t ll4> $1S. 64'-0352 AMT'lfi>UE STOU SM-2084 Sl25. 2 Rattan 'barstools, Moo.t-Spm CB base station antenna S2 S. 494 · 9912 day::. sewing machine cabinet fMM recJlllet'°'9a •oy '\P.\RTME.'\"l' stO\·e $25. GOING OUT $25.61s.8374 necc:ivina Area Tunnel 2s· mast plus cable. 673·3261 night!>. wllh drawers S2S. Chests lw • • ......_of S..._ Riviera bideabed lo\• OF IUSl ... 155 Beaut. Young female cat. . ood • THE BRO W IJlree months new $25 of drawers S8 to S2S. 3 Fruclllae loord & t'St!at $25. Round tablc " l eyed. Iliac Siamese to 7 Sola. g cond. $17~. 2 AO AY You must take dow~ BOWLING ball and bug teak bar ~tools $15. each. lcK .. bwlMu NcHM Sl5. Luri•e fruoned blue Prices sla&bC!d, no junlt. resp home. 962-7854 r:iaugahyde club chall'S. .. _.. •--t..""""" 12 lb Bia k D mond b d I " • ., CreitBu,YS!Flnalweek · likenew.SIOOea.~ t-wpor.-.__, from roof at you1· own · c ra Ta h:s SS an up. A so ,.,..•laa1 boy pil'ture 5:!5. Blue boy CloslngSUn.2112. "Tabby" w/aqua eyei.. ---~~~;;;~-~~~~~~~~~~~ rbk 968·0llS SlO. 548-7~ g1rli. 20" bike S25. VW figu rine S20. Plnkil.' CustornShopAnUques 1~ yrs. spayed, sholll. Liviogroom SURFBOARD 6'8", $2S WHl ~LPOOL dry.er ~)r~c:saror~~lo~bi~p~ HIDE A BED S25 Ui ~.~~r:~~.::s1i(.'~~~~~od 2138NWpt81vd.C.M. 540-8263,838·6483 &bdr~=iture l~~~~Eb~~.B. ;ind 9' S20· girls bike work inc condition S20. Framed pictures $S to · t ' $3 c b. lg c.•c 1ru-•· 1r.1..-... ..-.ftllR$ Lo bl • Id Fe t . • ~.c 0 d, 7•9 9350 · pain 1ng . n on y .,...,.. """ ",,_ ~ 11..,.... va e .. yr o m. ca • Dou bed If 1 k Sat 9-4. tat. tires. -...; l :spec a . $10. L:imps $S to S20 s 'k $10. Changing ta hie SS. Hoosef II o( tb s payed shots box ble "' rame, P n - SIS. VW 2 .bam~I carb DOUBLE mattress and 646·2331 or 1539 Cum· La rge round dining CllEVY part&. Slick ~ .. &~fu::!lt~!~'!."i trained.6"4-0139 • hdbrd ~· Kitc~~.!'~b21e HOfws 1060 12 s. :. ma~ 1 fold $~5.: boxsprini:s $25, :;.io.11145 berl11nd Lane .New~rt tables lear s2s. Small Rell housing SlO. Heodcrs --e Ch l8 1 f .t w/6chatrS $1SO.~· ••••••••••••••••••••••• mcd1um ·l~rgc. wetsuit lB3SSamarDr.C:\I B~ach <We::.lcll(() Sun· block&whiteTVtube;i::. SIS. each. Pullys $2·$S cess. es • ge rw Alaskan Malemutc AKC 2 H 01 S "dh $2S;truckt1rehps.~eto! d<iynoonon L'i$lS.Blueflo\\ercouch Holly curbS20 Chrome wood dining t.able. ex. reg freetogoodhome.Decorator's private i;>rseG x l• am rourS25.847-4913 SURFBOARD fi'J'" S25 S12.SO.Blucflowcrch11ir air cleuner $5. C;.im quisitcarmoire,fenders. 83S-ll9l furnishings . Oak Trader. d rond. $1500, 5-18 1591 DONUT muker new (un· S 0 C ff IJ . h !>hafts $25. Solid lifters Open ll·5 Sat/SUn, 1121 breakfast set, Pac1f1c must sell. 83'1·3291, .\NTIQUE.Journals: over · used> Sl5 Electric 1 · 0 cc la le. wit SlO . Vah·c l'O\'C ri. SS Oxford Ln., Dover........ 1050 sdu, area rugs, chairs. _83_1·_3817 ____ _ 100 bark ~sues, 2Sc each PORTABLE Typewr11e~ sweeµcr Vacuum $10. marble SJO. !llagazme la· Reconditioned Pontiae Shores, NB. 548-0391 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 644·S969 ••• •t ... ""' COLT OT S2S for all. 9G2·G9g2. work good SIS <ind $20. 6 O 0 power zoom blc .s7. Maple chest S2S, ht>ads $25. euch 327.300 Genuine Antiq Oak Roll STOREWlDESALE . -ll-.. 51:-Bdr--m-SU-lt-e-. _be_a_u-t. 2 ;~ld~"Class A .. Early CiO's Chevy truck microsco~ SJ8. 35mm Antique end table $5. 11 Push rods SS New rmrr "'op Des'-, u75. 581·""•0 New & us.ed furn, • appl s. '"6M-·"t . style, Bassntt. .._ .. ~\ccCloth<!s: Ladies.size parts Sl·""u. Drum lite s lid" proJ·nctor SI". feet long narrow table " A' ,. ~ ....,._ """ ... suuw winner CCM' :.ale to 2 """' ~ ~ 0 d b h $J2 F t Cor 283 SIS. 010 rod & days or eves misc. WlllOD s Bar0 aln ..,50 .,.0 9597 ~ .. -.. r ·1 T "l 1 ·l<l. pants. tops. ceillnn fixtures ne w Can1::.tervacuum retrac· Jn enc · 00 ., •• ....,. 31"' .. amiy. crms 0 'we a t crs, unifo rms S3 SO eJch. Hobnail milk table cord SIS. 8 /W lockc!rSS. Wood toy trunk ma Ill bearings S20. Nook. 545 & 814 W. 19th, --·-------qualified buyer. Colt h Sl SS 9626982 ss Lamps SS to SlO Cranksh;1fts S10·S25. Antiq. School house CM."2·7930&548-3262 Captain's Built in bed. by_Hatin,NaUonaJTop~ · · · l!lass and maple chan· portable TV plays good •. · Radio $S. 011 pan SS. S7 clocks, ctrc11 1890. From pine w il b 3 I a r & e Wmner. Call 1·627·2 rwo drawer end tablt> dclcir near new sssc S2S. After 11 A.M. White book cai.c $10. Chevy headlight rims $75.552-4839. 5~fl.longcustompad~ed draw~rs & bookshelf. evcsorweckends. S6; twin mattress and Alfa R<tmeo parts Sl·S25 64G·lS2S 751·6G74973-079S StO. Timing chain & por~able bar wath $125 494·2417 --------~ b · ""S th 1\ntiquc., wooden iron1n(( L/\•tPS Sl·S2 4 off' c and "C ar ~ for 396 SJ"· Hand signed artwork. mult.Jplex tuner, 8 track · ~ 1070 ox spring::. '"' ; rel' boar·' '°". 582 Knuw-'I PINE Cit.A l RS 4 $15. " _ ·. IC " " ~ R k 11 I -~-' '·'" k h d bo d S3 u.,.., "' •' h<nl d·sks $15 S2S F'ly whe0 ls <-10. 396 oc we • A var, &tumtable-allarebuilt· ...... ~pc-e.rsttt1onal ••••••••••••••••••••••" .... ic er e;i ar !> Pl· · C!\l s 8 37 o eac·h Mediterranean OC· > m c . · · ~ .. • ..,_ ~~" h n .. u I .1cf . 4 1 or · •tatchin" t"pin" land chrome valve covers .a. Lebadang, Misha. John ins.plus two custom set. short sofa. corner WANTED J:NHl ; .,can vaJ: c iair '18·38"'' ta0 on table $20. l\lcditcr· " "' ' "' i. . "" " 11 ' C . C II 8 "11 h l b I r< f h d a ""' " S8 Al\l tFMstern .. r·•cord pr. 3 :.""'.Chevy trans. n.e ys reorues a l wroug t ron arstoos. tabl&chair,custmade • .... ; o_u r t' mr:;, net' re-rancan n·1°ht t·•'·le $25. · • """" ~ "" De.,.. 'llU!o 4"" """" c:i..-58 •• ,, f I h HI t I k " .-v I o 1 S2S S25. Dnvcshafts$lO·S25. ...... ........ or..,, ... ,..., ........ .,! 1·7....... immaculate $1 ~0. TOP CASH DOLLAR m 8 m.i ""eaci; coc PORTACRtB S20. Car Smull wood 1clephone P 3 }'.er c nso e · Sl. portable typewriter bed S:>. Bcdframe SS. table SIS. Ottoman $1. Recliner $20 . .Platform PPouwmeprs$81.Ceri2"Bnagrruenli1.tnt$20ake. •W'wn 8010 **'BUY•• ~3&04 r~fLR~?~Ak~1~ and ca!)t' $10; ten key ad· G 16·81!1~ Wrought iron dress mg rockers S2S. each. Boys & . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Furniture 1-'or Sale, ART OBJECTS, GOLD. din ~ .. m<i ch1ne S2S. . t::ible chair $12. Patio Girls stingray bikes SIS $10. 4 liurrel intake $15. Whirlpool washer $65. Good used Furniture & Lovely Wv Rm set. SILVER SERVICE., 963·203a ONE piece or wrought umbrcll·· S6. "mbrella und Sl8 .GE pop up A.F .B. Carb ~. 6S El Fri "d ,.,.....,bl d" App11·ao"'es--OR 1 ~1·11 d h , r 0 " Cam1·norearw1ndowSIO ga are...,. ... e IS· '" .. re sse r. c es~o FINE FURN & AN· iron J:OOd for ~ate or t nd .,c 645 -,857 toaster like n ew SS. h h ttn .,.,,,,,,,,.. seUorSELLCorYou dr 6459100 ltABY btroller with hood part offPnce GiS-~58 !>a ~· Truck type s ide view GlJsk~t sets $".!·S5. 390 was er.,....._,..,,,,.. MASTBtSAUCTIOM awers, · TIQUES.645-2200 __ SIO:walker SS.847-<l!H3 DESK SIS. Portable mirrors S20. Port.ible Ford intake manifold FRGHT DAMAGED 64M616&1ll-96ZS Ov~,di~ingtb\&4 cb.rs2 Diamond engagemen\ HI CYCLE r:.iek SJ; h1cy OFFrCi:; chair:. S20. Ten sten•o S:.JO. 2 liicycle:; $20 llrt•ad stand with tray::. S15. 300 Starter $10. Carll H<YrPOlNT SALE. 3308 ----------1 60 w1tb leaf. Wood rings ~ Q Carat + ea. rle par!::. Sc-Sl; lari:e n1s racquet::. new b1i; each. Oak rocker $2S. SIS·e25. Color TV anten· S6. Ai r r le<iner SS. W. Warner nr Harbor, CASH PAID !inish.$75.~-0337 $577ea.642·3494 ,1ora"t' <'abrnel und hca..i $25. Tennts balb Lamp ~ Sl and $2 . na S20.Singlebedframc FlywheelS5.MufnersS5. Sant.aAna.979·Z921 Forgdusedfum anti ., "' w d rat" St ""5 Jew"lry ch"~t S2S "nch.7"xlS"f'ordma0 s ques•·clrTV's,957• .. 133 ·r---w. 1055 v1·7•L:1-1078 hl·nch ~J.'.i; wer "hl lifting IUc ei1ch Dic••cle :.eat 00 e n c ... s · .,.. · " "·' · " .. .,. .., --:rs -. ..... E.1 ~wnchflOOn1·,~.!)ellfor S L .SO. a,'cye lt• Kitchen y,ares 10c ·S2. Books JOcSS. Beautiful S2S. pair 440 J\J opa r CASHPAID •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S:!.>. bogs cement S2 50 handlebar::., lcven. & Clothing (y,omcn:. &. jrs l B1blc like new (C;1tholic> Marter SJO. Pu\h rods S5 For Wshr/Dryrs/Refrig Factory Direc_t Plne Li~· Garage Sale: Sun. Anti· DeWalt 740 radial arm t•ach ; plumber!> :..nakr :-lem SIS. Bicycle Bell 10c·S2. 131 Albert Place S 2 5. Mc di ca I <· n · Ncw fan SS. Fan duld1 workingornot957·8l33 log Rm Funuture. See 1t ques & other goodl.es. 617 saw. io··. new. Sell or $2; lurgl' 111cture fram<!::. Helmet SJS Wrenches 642 !.1890 cyclopedias S3·SS. each $>!. 111 Olds exhaust pipe made.Call979-312S St. James Pl. NB. (ofC trade.536-7674 ,.., a h . he dfr·1 me SI SO "'' _,,,,., (cheaper Ill quunt1tyl nt>w $5.839-:.>JO Wosher & Dry..-Pr . II D . h l.5lbSt.) ..,_ c c · • -· ·.,.... '""'' MA RINE HARDWARE Drawing!> of the Musters 1----------1 actica Y new arus ----------1Lathe Colchester 1967. ~i ngle hcadbo:ird S'; RO k lid 1 St SJS New small boat S.1·SIO. each (cheaper in PLY wood 2 door une .~hdf Like nu delux multi· Modern, 6 drawer Teak Couch. loveseat chairs, 1Sx30. S2,800. Wilson i.hm gym $10; :.wing o' FIREBI crun . ate f1l~ings 673·2400 •1uanlity) Office chairs lucking stora~e w~111 cycle models only. dresser $350 S54·ll6S furn &hsblditems 17813 18"xl92" $8 500 (213) m:itlc baby :.wmg. like model S2S. 675·Tl81 Tom • · · Cabinet 4 ft. long S20. Completely reblt • re· . . · Ani c· · FV 96l •u... • · •J0 963617.J T\"0 · h61 h on castors $3·SS. e:ich. b finished · year Bumper pool table, Santa ta ire, • ·.ro.ro • nlw., . lllTAClll tapc dcck pu1d "' J<l I.Ile -ui; w •l.e G""me~ SJ $3. "ach. Doll•. Girls rn· rke Excellent o•"2911 k h I . S2S II " " " .. d sir W ·" 3 d guarantee. l price only, Steven Edwards bdrm '"""" u:-~-·-.. -1080 FMiltrON Jewelry: New S200. two ycarl> ago. St'll ~po e w ec s · !· St·S5. each. Beautiful <'Oil • "· Obu r:iw4•r h __.. -. F d Jacker air ~hocks to flt f<1ldtll" ··•ell typcu·r1l"r you.r c oice $1:1> each. youth rum & twin bed. U&kJ'V NEW '-1"l appl. tv, ...................... .. b ' • r1· n" · for $25. ishcr amp an· ~ custom made doll hi0 h ., " " ' B ...,,,., • • in J'<t~. i .,.:;. • . ChcvyNo"aS25.7.00by ., desk 34x 40 rnl'l1l'S Freedelivery.Saleends 458 Vista Trueba, N • lypewrt'r towels lug· WA~TED iwcklh:11n~. earrings. t.uner SJO. l':tch. CM 1•·11l "ht'1rnSIO."•o.3924 chair S9 Tires scvernl I I k S2 El Feb.lS.Alsonew&like 759-1595 gage et'c. Sa•'tsun " u.•11cJunt.-. w1Lh rcJI, 1800, liJl·O!IR5646·717J ' ' " """ SltCS for 13"'.14"und 15'" r r,lWCr OC S S. CC· C. , f •· , • .. , . tric <1rycr work'> 220v new rengs, reezers .... Dini t Med"t 7:~m.2440Duke.C.M . TOP CASH DOLLAR lnd1.in 111.'acl Pen~Jny. all COPPElt stove hood SIS :"lEW DRAPERY flcm· rims. Sin~les. pairs or S25. Car.,nowchumsSIO. ranges at "' the cost at ngrmse. I erra. -PAID FOR YOUR. t>rin~ from Sl· Sl2 Velvet chair S25. End ta nant S2SO and SS. Box. ~ch or 4 S3·S20. l'ach pr 20" truck snow chains South Coast Appliances, nean gold velvet, 11 pcs, Garage Sale-Sat/Sun 10·6 JEWELRY. WATCHES. 1162·69~.: ble SS. Car~t SIO. Skrs Gond for pillow::. and JJ"" s now tire!> Sl7.SO SJ5. 8511Toa.nnG45·1889 53'1·2542 nuc;ood$9SO.M7·5855· 3001 Femheatb Ln. CM ART OBJECTS. GOLD, T~"N · ··d S'>S· , d SIO.ShuttcrsSS.675-2764 drap<•::.. Gla~!>l.'S5ct·:ich. each. Snow chains for !':'.:========= 9' sora, 5' loveseal. Bdrm swt~. ba~y bed, SILVER S ERVICE "' 1 5P_1 ~ "' •• :. ~?~. Lazy suzan $2.50 Elec· 1'1 "' and smaller 15'" DOUBLE BED mallrl'~s Matchl'n g Washer & Reasonable . 2973 other muc items. FfNE FURN. & /\W S~01i:c c.ir~th9tidx9S610'.00UBLEDOXSPRINGS Irle popper $3 so. ~hecls new and used $25. Box springs S25. n...·er. Good cond .• .,,.. RedwoodAve,CM 546-2A09 TlQUES.6'5-2200 '" .• i.tcne 00 · SIS Small gas borbecuc Baconeer S4.SO. Silvl.'r SlO·S2S. per set. Bicycle Padded headoourd :md ~~h. CallG3l·l7lS ..,., i.!:unless elc~tnc oven $5 ·Rabbit cage $15. 4 tray S7.SO S-18·3238 523 parts box SS. Buskcts for rails $25. Dishes lOc ---------HIDE·A·BED Blue vynl Leavial &tatAI, huge saJe. • 1111'"-'-_.GETAGS S2S; small animal cage:. D~tsun truck lire and Santa Ana Ave. NB gifts crnfls. etc. SOc·SS. each. Smnll tables $8. Frigidair e refri g & new cond. $30. Coffee tbl Sat/Sun, 9-4, FU.m, hllhld ...vvv_,. $.l each: 30 yd!t. lOOlb S2S SWO!r.!4 each. Arts and craft::. Lamps S2 to $10. Whistl freezer combo. Self mod gold $40. Matching items etc. 9 S 7 l from your basiness card. carpet pad SIS; Cormica rims . . . 12xlS Orange rug needs ::.upplies box SIO. New ing kcU lc in box $4.50. defrost. excel. cond. bit case cab dsk $7S. Warburton Dr, HB. Nr Send lone cord for eawch t•ounter tops S3 each: 1 to 4 tickets King Tut sli ght cleaning in center cardboard boxei.. many Valet SlO. Mens golf $2250 644-8593 S4S-4.S26 • ' Yorktown/Bushard. tag pus one spare. e l)ower hou se bell eventLAl\hilleum orArt S22 9xl2 noral design ::.ite!.>2S<:iSceach.Setsof shoe!>sizc?SG.499.1974 · return permanently nlDs~ager $3; bike child for March 5, Sunday at 3 two s ided rug St7 Lurge i;:lasse:; Sl-$3. Set or Mark FrosUess Sears best up-Sofas, 2 matching 6' Sal. & Su.n. ~at trailer. sealed attractive tag & <'arr1er s:l; 30yd::.. good p m. $25. each. 548·2857 c: om r or tab I e ll o Id Twain Books $3. ench. or BUNK BED wooden right free-zer. 2 yrs. old Hiebert sofas, rustfabric Much Misc. 210 39th St. strap, meeting airline t'Jrpet S2S. 8"2·3442 r ecliner St8 Station (cheaper by quantilyl frnmcs S25. each. mnl· s:ioo. 963-4090 w/Walnut trim, orig cost _NB __ 7S2_·5696 ______ -1 J.D. requirements. Pre· 32" Bras!> han,:ing Ian· wa i:ton or van top 302S Alta Laguna Blvd tresses $25. plw. ladder---------over~ea.,sell$100ea. Children's Toys, books & vent loss & theft! For a \fl" GIRLS bicyde. hke 1crn and cham made in chrome rack carriers Loguna Beach. 494-4651 usedlyear.Humanic 1>ki G.M.FtUGIDAIRE Motif corner table personalized tag enclose new. S20 002·6232 India S2S. Pole Lamp SJ2 and SJ7 each. ·w·s Sat. Sun. Mon 10 A.M. to boots 101~ S25. Wili.1lf\ Mat s.11 Mo•ieg Walnut tnm, w/gl.ass.in'. ~?stchinbgo.usFeuhornldit.u2re191&1 wallpaper. fabri c or SCHWINN Stingray $25, with 3 Brass lanterns 0 a r l. Va Ii an l . 4 P.M. spaulding golf clubs & 642-3239 sert, $50. !'~1llppine &;miperwaod Ln. H.B. "Day Glo" paper & we 557.()liiB S25. 2 black and while Ply mouth, heater & bag SlO. Cat climbing---------Mabo&anY Dirung Table S.t/SUnl0-4 will back & trim yout metal director~ chairs clutch parts S2 to SIO. HA, NGIN .G I a m P carpt.:U'i.I house S4. Go Washer/Dryer, gas, 3 yrs & Hutch, 4'x6' rec· • ta~. Or try two •·ards CA RPET !.ky blue 3" $7.50 each. Sun chaise Front and rear 1.1·· whrte/gold tr1m $15.Sew· Kart with lawnmowl'r old.S250forboth. tangular shape w /2 Bedroomset.wheelchair, backloback. shug 100 &q. ydi.. S:?. a lounge 8 positions $3. brake drums SS. each. inG machine $25 Child"s engine S20. ten speed 6n-SU>or~118 leaves It pad. $150. s hou sehold item s, PRICES. ·, ard. i75-0724 S57·9126 548-3978 bedrail s:l Childs rerord frame. forks & racin.I! ---------drawer Devon me, letter Sat/Sun. 338 Tours. CM. $2eaor3/$S player~. Wood doll crib handle bars $5. 546-0469 Philco Refrigerator, dbl sue, $75. 646-8535 aft6PM Btwn Irvine & Santa Ana 4/5tags $1.60 ea. PLUS H oltvc green 10xl2 10 .. JS" F d l\t $JO RADIAL TIRE DR 78-14 SS Blue bath set, 2 Sal. before noon door, white, 14 cu.Cl. $75. St., Monte Vista & Santa 6/9tags $1.SOea carpet & pad S3. sq. \ J4~rvwa~~h 1· AlmostncwSIS.613-2490 pan&ls s hee rs StO. 960-S646,ll·3PMonJy Designer's own BRAND lsabel.Sts.64&-?9J6 10ormore$1.40ca. 'ard. Uke new. Entry eac · .. ce 5 Typewriter in case very C.8 Whip antcna SIO. NEW cstm furn., below ----------1 SaJesTax Included railings 3rt. block $7. &tires SS .. each. lS VW APTARTMENT size ap· oldworks.SlO. Vegetable Chain lock burglar Wshr, dryr, dsbwshr re· whist. Liv rm, din rm, 6 Family Oarager; Boys NOCARD? Ycllow rurne curtains fit "heels & tires SS. each. 6 pan electric range S2S. 2 slicer $4. Barbeque SS 3 alarms $1 each. Swim pairs. Reas. 6'6·5848 bed, desk. mlrrors, & girls bikes. 19" TV, Draw your own or sentf ~6xS8" window $10 volt VW Generators. SlO. Sears Radials 22S·l5 pair unlined white fms SI Key nnl(s SOc. anytime phone-mate & more. Mst Mahog. stereo console, name, address, phone cf,; Wizard or 02 cflstlc & 4 & 8 track tape player <J·lSl good tread Sl2. drapes 120x9S SIS/pair Gum ~all machine banks Lady Kenmore washer. sl by 2/12/78. Top quaJ. Golf clubs, Skis & boots, we'll make one card per tlolls like new $10. $12 8 track SlO. l2 volt each. Firestonc8.55·14on T.V 21" RCA coloi; con· SJ Rrne rack SS. Study Excellent condition. 675-3343 Antiqu.earm cha.ir, Toys tag.Add25<each. J\llckey Mouse set twin no amp Battery si5. 6 Gl\1 rim (neur new> S20. sot TV ;dnt condition lamp $a. Rug shampooer off ~ & treasures galore. Sat Send check or money or,· sheets :.ind pillow like volt 60 amp Battery SlO Spertl sun lamp S20 Golf SJ60 '168·6S37 Sat-Sun $4. Music sheet stand S.1. SlOO/ er. Medit Heavy Wood Lov; Mpm, 2227 Arbutus St, dcrlo: newSt0.775-072.t 12scc motorycle. no clubsSlloS4.Goodfoot· 11-12 Three sheets or plastic One refrigerator, eseat, corner tbl w/8 <EastbluCf)NB PILOTPllHTIMG ----------. motor $2S . Ya m a ha ball shoes size 7 SS. $4. Counter type bar $25. Frigidaire froslfree, 15.5 sofa. $200. Call 646·2887. . P.O. Box l560 L1\RCE bean ball SS. 6 250cc rear light $7.SO. Men's golf shoes site 8 ANTIQUE china tea pot Stora&c counter S25. ss cu n $.'50 SS&-6328 GARAGER: Antiques. Costa Mesa, Ca. 00626 Qillows 3" x 5' SlO Tach and s peedo SS. $3. Racks for Ford~~ ton s2s. Antique fllass hot ~al drum ss. 5 ~al water · · · F\ne rum., Drexel game Skis, Toys etc. 17912 Wicker swm~ choir $20. New fork brace SIS. 60 pickup $15. 543.7147 2524 trays $5. each. 1907 AnU· bottles $3. Bed.frame SlO. lkydes 1020 table set. Xln.t ,corner Gillman. Michaelson at full size mattre!>s $20 .. tooth sprocket $12. Westminster, CM que Vacuum Cleaner Ra cin~ h~lmel SlO. ••••••••••••••••••••••• desk. Man~ hvFrig thrurm, Culver.Sat.10.3 full box s prings $20. Neavy rear shocks SlO. nice conversation piece Portable hair dry.er SJO. USED BIKES Sun~~.1!""'2112ams. M 0 v 1 NG s ALE. Reel lawn ower SlO. 4 Po laroid camera $2S. TENNIS racket Wilson $IS. Oak fool stool SlS. Old stuffed chairs $4. Recond. Buy, sell, trade. • .._. Antiques, rum, lots of de· padded folding chairs SS. Girls stlngra7 bike SJS. T·3000 New $25. 673·2490 12" New paper cutter each. Cabinet handle Cycle &Co. 2488 Newport Dining rm tble, 8 chrs, c-0ratlng items, toys. ~ch. 4 ~ntwood ca in 1628 Mlnorca Dr. CM. GOOD YEAR extra Rrips Slt. Drafting desk .lamp pulls SOc esc~. Large Blvd. C.M.6'2·7910 buffet contemporary children & ladies fashion seal chairs $lO .. each. DATSUN new steel belted 10· 16S excellent condi· S2S. Antique Oval picture ~vood trnme with paint· «mversaUon pieces, gd clothes, 5071 Dutcher, \\r 111 sell sep~alely. TV t . •. h 1 ~ 2 0 t• n $2S each. Yard man frame $16. 642·6101 ing $20. TV trays $1. Raleigh Gran Prix, ~.1 $1SO. ............. Irv-Sat·Sun lO.S. "'"'l·""'-"• tables S2 . .Mediterranean 1 r e "' w e e .. · '° · 4 Id $80 .. ..,.... ..... ...,.... · .,,, v""" l\t crritt & Scones SJO. lGS/70/13. Granada. steel mower $20. Edger SJS. TWO Ka tom a 15" five lug each. 839·:.>50 C:~ ~967 . Modem Mpl tbl. chrs $100, Garage Sale, 4 Families, Newport Beach . Tennis GE coffee maker $10. belted \L5ed good hrt' & 642·9359 chrome pickup wheels NEW So ass ll c walnul creden18, orien· moving! Furnishings, club membership, bellt pcrculafor $2. 768·0580 w~eel J9Sl70/R13 $JO. R 0 y AL Po r lab I e one good tire mounted •cord e ~~ ~ n c ~ ued ~ ~ c-re • 80J tal $3001.ampssilk shade appl, clothing, hsehld olr. ~1793 PUILIC AUCTIOH MANY ITEMS OF FIN.-; ESTATE JEWELR~. ART OBJECTS, Al'*- TlQUES. FINE FURN', ETC. PHONE FOR tN. FO. & BROCHURE. 645-2200 I Pinto steel belled used 't S2S C d ·n excellent condition holh r echargeable power e.,.a,..... 0 ---------GAS oven. blt·in, clean. good t ire & wheel B typc'fir1-0$Sr H. ar d~ • for $25. 7'n w. 20th st. pack, ~t S7S. sacrift""' ••••••••••••••••••••••• SIOOea.Call8'6-38'1. items, sports equip Npt Bch Tennis Club "'orks ...,,._ 2 24" square 78/13 $7. Nylon tire new dex e · eavy Y c•t 64" ,....., '"'"' ..... F +morel Sat 10·5, 14642 bersh"p super de ft •v S.20/13 S8. Dnts un com· boat winch wilh lOlS ?f " """°' $22.50.900-4931 Vivitar 135MM 3.5 SoUdoaktable'8" OakA 1 l mem 1 •· • ~~~i~~ ~~c~~c~.o~:~~ plete electric ha mess ss. cable $15. AM cDr radio • 6 2 c h e v r 0 1 e t telephoto Jens. For Pen· with 312" leaves, ve. rv nc. al. Call 644·6800 wkdys ~ Sook um $3. Scout un· Datsun complete car SS. New towel b~r $1. tran s mission S25. VENDING machines S2S. tu or any screw·in t.ype $300.8'2-827l Garage Sat/Sun, 620 ..;644:.:..;.·_7326:;....;._e_v.;;.8• ____ _ Horrn. tan. like new heate r $10. Pinto Ladies Schw~nn ~!crcle Over dr1Ve $2S. Ford 968·1267 " IDOWll. $.'50. M&-8535 aft Coroerbc!rmgroup$100.3 Center, Anlq. steamer Sabot w/s ail $30(\. p3nts ·1W·27L. Shirt site alternator new $15. C11r S25. Two boys 20 Slin· flathead dual manifolds /' -... 6PM piece farmlca top. trunk, furn., clothes etc. Porsche bra $ZS. O<C roai:f 12 SlO, Meat sheer $5. solid stale radlos A.M . grays $20-$2S.54.S-T21S edelbrock S20. Of· L. 28mm Leicafleit lens. ~ Home furntturc, ofc. tires w /rlms S309. •K~2852 Capistrano $8. Rae car gauges CA llPET sky blue 3" fenhauser$20.S40-57'n ,,.~ W/series 7 polariter. Moving, must sell Salem equip.Household. 631·2852 1 Bea4?b. cluster $1.0. Dats un shag 100 square yards. SSIVE k d k .,., Mint.645-1418. map'e tables, coffee & 586-0529 1 gauges complete $15. $2 a yard 775.0724 MA oa cs ..,.s. • SCRAM I "S 19" Packard BeH console car jacla new $2.SO. Car · South Laguna 499·2438 Movie Nikon SUper zoom~ ~oaal. like new. Cof· A SteAl Moving Sn le 21ss . "I.I. I I cotor T.V. Buutiful sptakers $2.50 Toyota ART supplies at co~t s11s. B&H 8/Super 8 fee & end table, dull Vista Entrada. NB ERS #blnet needs repair $25 truck Jack new S25 Brushes Sl·SlO. each OU GARAGE door opener lf!!!lf autoload projector $125. wood eraln focmlca top. (Bluffl) Feb 11 & 12. Bar AHSW •5-7934 Decorator shade 74/36 paintlntubesSl·S7.Turp complete $25. Garage Like new. 'H-9912, 'chairs, game table stools, golf clbs. tape NumbJy -Tipsy - ..n..IGlDARF; elect rl" in. $7. Solid Ditch door Sl.25. Cleaning tank for doorhlngeswlth sprln~s ~ ~3261 type. cold vinyl recr'dr. bed, bks, re· Twice-Denote- .fl( .13 " 79x30 U. Medicine brushes $~. Patel $15. Sat after 6p.m. All W/cuten. 3 lamPIJ, pro-eordsetc UNLISTED ~::::is':T~·~~::;, cabinet & mirror $2. Old knifes S1·S2. Canvases day Sun. Cash only ~ c:::,i::,e~equ~:.wT~:Yr:_ viodaJ, 2table"1 noor · 1 once lived in 8 highrise 55'7·1738 vanltylamp&ahadeSS. Sl·$S. Custom f~ames M7-4480 enlarger etc. S150. St»-1219S ''Charlie's Closet" thtat. was so exclusivt, · OreiOfl driftwood 25c pc. $2-125· Lindsoy oil 60c. BOYS MOl'X mKE $25. ,_ LllCE u l aothts on Consignment. b got oo ttte 2 man tent nylon $25. Be•chlcAllantaS36-3336 J9pan dryer 'lOc Oil Ladies bike single speed 8'15-3l8S pine ~~wic ~J'o'r!~: Most items ~~price. ~e!:~~~he first thing Pacbtd Bell color TV. • .. pnstel set $6.50 W~ $25. Kids sled $3. RD Poluold Prooto RF Land 211·1'9·814Z or BBC Clean out your. closet. 100 notl<*! wa.s that \t. Work.a COOd $2S. SolldROOMdivlde~2x7'x'h carvlncsct.$JO,Vam1gh JOS.70wfdo17S.13radial ,,,,,, camera w)lb r•nte 11+4'$-SOOOA.pU2S MU8tbecle.an&1nStyle. hadUNUSTEDnoon. oak p~e fr.aroe20x2S open filigree could be s pray storag~ counter tire 57 50 FR·78114 fiQdtr '50· ltodak ln NewportlrB8y63HM73 ~ "$$..., W.19tb.St. CM~;'~~~~°:'~=~ f~·:~Ylj:':~e.f..'!!: radial tire.$4. Spanish ata.niati.c w/uto $20. Tan\lhl71nfveJ rocker. Rtldwood pQUo chrs $1S Camper,towbar,bararid 64$-01• $8. l\tap\e finish book in& pa~$.'J·$5. lltr t>Qd. gultnr $1$. Ptoaso cnU Nil 4M-Ml1 Odoand. $'$. ea. 8 0 al ca m 'p c r back bar. lOltlO uUU~ MAGIC lrlcks Ttick card case h Cldbovd $20. In· Damar vornllh spray $2 after lO a.m. 646-3680 Ooip ..... SfS.Olllt ~. AIC $15. blt·ln shed. SS8-1S3l clildat • ltd $1. fra Red desert t.•n>P 12S. 839-3050 . . • ............... •••••••• '180. El* foot <>ranie dbbwasber S20. refrlg Lmox China, Stlrvlco fc>r Wead 5k, coin trick S.0-415 ,..J . • .. ~OT1UNG ovct '1-wots~ ,., ~TRAINJNO Nauiahd• Sora. H · S'TS, toola, hardware, 8. Rbodora patter,, $3 50 toll\plete ma.ale ·-SEARS air contfltloncr shovel, rake, •boan. • YowPW:oodtioe ~OCDIL5'W:S'87 .....,. f.trk tape d~k. perfectcond. 837•183 •b·o,; Mi·, .... lo Acl SEVE8i\L CABCNETS. $10. Van« R.V. •oats bo91l.a.a.._Ure pum.P. JotmMattn ... M~ ...:...a. .. ...........:.I-• ~ bouewares etc. -.... ""'--t ~-or ...... t f .... ll!lJ Jl.ll i1 Ideal for .ton..19 wllb lb.at rorm a btd made ln chairs.~ Alabama tit., ~ -... ...,.._ .. ......_... ~ u .. un:>a ..._,. .,. • ., '.N41111 ~ in: work top •~·di'~" Brit.lo with tablo me.st HuDUnctofl Buch Y... Spriafer~8panl~·AlCC dlaiq ML M1bo107, e..=.a.. bes Weatern World. u Uoill ••dueled '20. each 4 auembled ae~ $25. Prkeleaa 78 tFnnklort). 536-109 "' cha= llaa·lifff ·.ii die • ...._.. ~ ..-.-...c..111 .. ,c ta. YOlua.. Off•. 6'0-llM " . ..., ' model • ...._ M ..tt. llPN dusfnl ~ -... ca.-.1--..i...1 WM.;sam.Sll-068 lW Cumberlod,NB eyaL_ '*"-~ '* '·" Lan• or-..~ llO. ~Utttkii. Tchalkowskt. NEW leather t-tn~-upl --• ~----, . , Wttall' ~Y·Noon on. · \; &HO• Um wttll IC• Poekflabl9 lkt c:M'l1tft• Gerstl•~ Me. •tlO. CllTY!.'lfc&M,riff~)lt l~ed0·i'. ~ ·J ............,..:;. -.. _.. ...,;-a, ~..J_ ·~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~P.'!' ·" 6.lrftl llpf~tl WSW 14. 8 ... t1" w•l M0-2138 ... , , , eot\ ~. UC ce •1 ·1 ' •-._ ~----• ._ ,. .... -C l t '".......-.;, .._....,...,. Clwv • ,.._ .. ~ btilaaNtWIUt ..... and , 980.eat '1a ~~ ~ AKC, 17W~a. eau $200. or $50 u. la· -•••• oo er or Irv. :11c. pnct SlOCI . fcii:~' a "StS.; wr11bta ~ 7' Nels le PIA 'O BPX"IUIS. Colot --. . _. • U. croP9o4. tM,7T'2 alter clvlduaUJ ..._,.... U· ~ 1N9 Cbcvy 1·t18rnN1118 « write • ·-~o.~;-, ... ....,, ( , .... _-..~i.· -"-•110 RC• TV 125: 8 le W. "'Uof!W :~trpl~2!mh ... ~~h·, -IPM =+'•'-.111-tMI II o t . or la o m o • Shankle Box 25ll I I ~ ..--":'~"':'.. 1-ze.fcttt en . .Po?t•blt ~: n ............ un.. OilY Plat 1 ' ----...-IA.....,,,.. Pauo ••· Ma c. ~ p ft 1 D o ''i 'b A r 1' a·•..-... Wbl&e Fcwmlca P.i~ -'n m Ski ,_and oral ini;dln1 •P-a-;fiid 191cea':::-11 &aall•ll°Sli:.f!oc.a;1 EIMfrflt, bft~ 1·-~ tallqM"1~. eao, · ·'-' , ~rri....._ C'Olft--t•ble •· .c rutcblne boob lllllih .-s•\ m.• pUaa~. "1tlrh4, coitt !~~ ·+m-"·~ ,, fe~ ..a .t· JT· 11 •l•abilll maaue. knr11 la,rm ~la•in. L~u of 1umpw '*'t. u.1~ la~ ._. ......... ...-.~~· cbakt a Mil-eo ..i11'1'wa '" '" · ell a~1 no. ucrul ~~: U!9& •1111 • AKC, tl9f. ll•vln1. WI& llb', .-c'Glill eli. mAlt.ewim.au:. lllb wuoea, • • • ~..--.--,-J "'8n1e..C:11i'L-~Ach.CA11-..... -..nl ,~._-'"'-' ~. ~.:.: :9.JIW;~ !~-.-..... ~~ -.~u-.::..:. ~ -~ Ml-ll'-1a1Up• _ - ~-·" -.... _;;----""'" ~ -_._._ ··-~ A • ~....;:._~ J • ,r --. -. -~·· -" ~ , 4 I ~ I I Soturday, robrullry ... 1978 OAIL Y PILOT CJ f Nae'••'*' IH Mb1:•••w S,1 .,._. lff4 ........ ..._.. loah.W 9060 ~~.?~ ......... -··················· W-..t..-..1 1011 ·--.. •••••••••••••••• •••• •••• 9030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• A..M ... / Autot. l..,.,ted -. v l c t ---T--L-9 560 ... ..-..w--... 9590 ••••••••••••••••••••••• u...r_.. .. ... .... Cl ··-··-······ •••••••• . ... ··-·-················ 'Must ~u 16 en ure a . -.:.... 9520 ,.._.. --_.....,,. VQlln••ULY nw1l~c ub C:Ul,,,.,.,.UN W" ............ Alt.elliloa ~; K2 ~-·· ZODIAC ·Ready to eo. $600/ bst -lies ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMW 97 t 2 •emberabip. S•UO • .,,""''v,&u 1.. ""~•c.u/full w/Ma.rkerRotomatbmd· '* "' olr 493-4JlOevs ••••••••••••••••••••••• WlwtLLIUY •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• $49-11823, Mike. rre er • 1 8 • • tnaa 115cn>.$3S, good Port·A·Marin" · 'M Ford "-door. Ort1. Nu '6.11./lt.cm'J PU. Short box, -.,;;. __ ;.,..._ __ .---1 cbok~. rood. AUG ffead akim11, lnflatablc8oats Cal 2·27, S mo. new, paint/cbrOm~.r~blleng. whtspokewhls,lrgknob-YoutlDAT$UM ~tal bed, ratls, tnat· 642·2073 oo bhidinp Sl95c, never 292SCo1lege,C.M. amenities too numerous l',975. PPS36-0356 hi.,~. •·cyl eng. Ofr. PAlDi'ORORNOT mTmgood cood. $250. Want to buy old hoW1e usedS:!0.962-8972 (714)5'1).2070 to mention. Dana Pt G6. tlecrecrHDR.. 979-0183or754-0146 TOP OOUAl trailert.ouaeforst.oraae. reon Senator S/0 fishing GRA.YMAIUMl Bob963-8073or8J4·~ V.Wclff 9530 "rt Ford PU 150 V-8. fOtlTOf'CAIS MagicChelG&11Slove, 4 Anycood.MS-6083 reel like new S40 Thetraditionalbeavydu Etchells 22. 80' racing ••••••••••••••••••••••• PS/PB.Jumbotires.lSM ::-0;:/1rill 30", $75. ~ant t.o bu.)': Xing Tut ~ • ty, lightweight marine boat. 2 Su1tJ1 of sa1.Ji; & Convt it llHl slreet 1egal mi. 642-4097, 642-4736 bckets. New UO c111. Hexehuper engine To 350 HP. Ge· lrlr. 548-<11144 =:IJ8a.')'. $800. Call 1976 Ford ~ Ton truck, ~ Organ, }3 Pinto 64.>-0804 alt 6pm comp alda. QIU Tony. nu 1 n e new Par: t 5 · 16' HOBIE with trailer 390 VS, auto, PS. dual ~an.: stove, immed. OLD POSTCARDS want· 631·5099 Authorized Dlstr; Bristol $1475 4 Wh9el Drins 9550 tanks, batt & exhaust. sale! 581-1160 ed b pri II • Service&, Co~ta Mesa. · ,.00 3391 eves ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl1'd1·ng rear w1·n· dc1w Y vale co ~.or. Nord.lea Meteor ski boots, (714)892-8541 .....,. · ' Gas range, $50, 2 elec 831-0'I05f0tfulldetaus. mens,ailO. Wincbes:2 Lewmar#45•1 ~~Ip$/ COSTA MESA i~:~~':i/::r~~ beat.era, SS & $10, chain MlllkGI 49'·2417 Lew l h I d #2 ..-.ou 9070 AMC & JEIP mi. $5100 or bst ofr. Ji.ale fence, 2Sx6' $1.00 ft. ......._.... 1013 marree a yar • ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• 498-3257aftSPM 631.sclfB •••••••••••••••••••••••Skis Head Jr 00 (160mm) ~O:::.~J:io~~.' C. NEED SUP for. new 34' #1 lnC•fCM-Ria • $40 "' ailboat Mr Wh l ll:l!IEE '76 Ford Courier, 22,000 . 5pc. Ludwig Vist.a-L1te, · 6"-0352 s . l e "'5llO Whee~ Chair, custom Paiste cymbols 2002. CHRISCRAFT 675-1393 100 gallons of gas with mi. w/sheU, $2950 Firm, cushion, nearly new. 5'19-l660 Sfor9,R.,....._., V8210HP •-~ <-..1& each new car or Jeep _642_·_~_1 ______ 1 Q>O. 631-3725 ... 8095 H H.yd trans, A·l shape -;j' .. ,... .. -9080 s0ld·wilh this ad only. Newlawnmower, SAX TENOR, SELMER, ••••••••••••••••••••••• $750. AY646·9000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 549-8023 $50. ~.~.;;1, Xlnt cond $695. 2 lighted sbo~calsesk., 6' Used portable air com· Sid boat, equipped, 17'. 2S24 ~BORESBLAVD. 552-0317 tong, mirror.,... oc ing pres1>or. Overhauled trailer, 1/0 120hp, c~,•AM ~--------1GUITAR (Gibson) Les doors&drawera,4mo's Westerbeke,4,cyl,$2800, canopy, open bow, lm· Sall boat l4' fbrgJs, nu Paul Custom. XJnt cond. old $200ea. 6"4·7700 new or used hydraulic mac. 963-1511 sail, Sac $120. Clas:>ical Blk body w/gold pickups. 1 od 1 7 0 f gear for same avail. , . . &Wtar bard case xlnt $450 w/case 752·7626 'J'.3 Y or M e 1 ·22 sot Mi1>c used & surplus 16 Fiberglass Ski boat, ~ s;ls. 559-4634 ' e es • ice c:rear:zi or yogurt marine equip, fasten· w /tr Ir, 85 II p Mere• ~ v · macbioe, Wce new. G1enn Cookware. Stainless. 20Yamah a EM 100. 2 Moo-Wed. 556-1981. Th· ings.etc.LidoSbipyard, $.l300.497·l884. 673-7272 call Pat T-...-...AL....-pcs, 3 ply , new. Cost Mitchell spkrs, mike & Fri. 879·2701 btwn 8·5 ,....,._., .. , ...... $2:2S, sac $79. 83G-883S stand, x tr as $7 00. PM. • Prem. prices for sml used ••••••••••••••••••••••• .JitPINBALLMACHINE• 546-4799Aft6pm. ;r(,Roclo, Johnson-Evinrude 0/B c:w.-i,S./ v • Xlnt coin op. Bundy trumpet t-IA, Stereo 8098 motors. 2l3/422·5S56 R...t 91 20 ··-······•·•·••··•·••····· f73-8063 $125 ••••••••••••••••••••••• loah, Pow-9040 -494-17 -' Shell for Chevy Truck, by USID ••• VALUE '75CHEROKEE <P818). V8, power i;teering. auto trans., mags. $5195 '75 CHEV Blaztr Cheyenne (P812). V8, aut.o trans. $SAVES "Hom• o, I/to Vlkinp" 1973TOYOTA PICKUP Wlfh a -.,,..r. l\M~t.A radio, • C'/I. 4 llOd. flldo0, nea1e< sa,,. on OIOOll"" """' ('416501 $1968 BARWICK DATSUN 'I'\ I ' ti t 'Ill t I 'll I 831 ll1S 49l.J37S WE BUY Cl.UN CARS &TRUCKS CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 546-1200 WllUY USIDCARS! We're the new Chevrolet dealership in the lr vme Auto Center. We need your used car l JO£ MACPHERSON CHEVROLET 21 Au«> Center Ori ve IRVINE 768-7222 CREVIER $1 Sf 6 HOADWA'f SANfA ANA 835-3171 1HC Ul71MA 11 ()ltMHO lllAC!HIHI. •USEDIMW"t'lt·' ''142000 Auto. 598LPO 1 '74 2()02 Tii Air 023LJ It· '7S 200aA Ser. 2236 ' '76 2002 epd S/ R MSNl'..f '77320iAS/R177RSK· • CSoMd °" s..r~' OIAt4GI COUNTY'S. Ol.DIST $ " Sales-Service-~asino , RoY C.-Yer,IK.. Rolls koyce BMW 15'0 Jambo~e Newport Beach MO-~ '76 BMW 2002, A/ t:f. Sunroof, AM/FM Ca~-. '°nt cond. Hm 644·5111. Wk 537 ·0380 • '73 Bavaria, air, sunroof. AM-FM stereo cass. Nu tires. Xlnt cond, $6100/ol Cer. Lo mi's.494-2932 J apan, Korea, Taiwan, 24 25" RCA Color TV, 1 yr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Stockland, 3 wks old. Kong Kong 4 wks OffiuFw8'hlte& war ~anty $178. For 35'CHRISCRAFT d W $400 c Service also 642·53Ao Aft cab1·n /dual slat1un Pai $539. ant 0 · w/meals, hotels, air &,11,...,.. 8085 CM " fer·now! 545·5347 '14 RAMCHARGER CP821>. VS. auto trans, GUSTAFSON VW wanted. Not running 1973 IMW 3.0So · power steering, air cond, llNCOLN MERCURY preferred. Automatic. air cond .. fare. Total $1799. July ••••••••••••••••••••••• · · Twin Cbrys V8's/2 heads U!-Aug25.4S.-6110 Sears Mimeograph, $125/ofr. Lovely stereo Hauled,surveyAl,pntd tapcdeck. l6t00&.ocll 8ovt•wo•d ___ 642 __ ·_207_3·----I AM/FM stereo radio. IS Chevy Custom 10, w /6 $ SA VE $ l'lun•lngton a.och, pwr. windows & allqM, ~t sell pbooe·mate ans. brand new $40. Call cabnt. <!'!ahli::g>, w/lsh11vs, •$12.ooo AY 646·9000 ,._ · c t $170 k. g 847~ doors .... '" up c r or .-v1c.e. os •as in • componets. Great for pack, sips 4 adlts. 28.000 • 7 7 c H E V ~ Ton 842•8144 Autos. lmpot tltd wheels . A sharp car,'! mi, mud tires & US nms. <SKPS31 ). VS. power 1/JJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• (813NLC). ;$120. fony Days 549-0966 storage or use as bar. Solid wood dei>ks $65. 4' bkcase etc. 64.5·7857 aft Loaded. Xlot s bape. steering, 4 .speed, rally ~ ~Ga••-' 9701 ALI.EM YOUR 964·2059 wheels. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Olds/Cadillac/GMl' ~ Sale: Used Wa.'lher· Dryer. T w i n bed. Lawnmower. Misc. •)take OfCer. 640·7346 Fluorescent light fix· 5pm. tures $10. Drafting tbls ~--------1 $70. Drafting chr $25. Ex· °?lor TV. nds work. $50. FtSHIMG A --Ja_s_k_a_n_C_a_m_p_e_r -8' in , S SAVE$ '~:4~.~o~~~ ::r~~~ Bri~tlin '74 rare 4-spd, lo S.D. Frwy.-Avery E"" 1 BOAT!! great shape. $1000/bst 75 DODGE ~ Ton rear shade 675-7781 Tom nu, A/C, tape deck, Best LAGUNA NIGUEL •' Walnut Dt>sk $00 Rubber life raft $30. lOspeed bike $65. 675-3682 ee chrs $25. Orafling Console Model Z8Ft.CHAMPIOH ofr. Call John ufl 6. <P834L VB, 4 speed, . olr.T61-8nlor826-2610 (714)495 6430 Cf'5417BB. Flybridj(e, bi5-569lor675-2170. power :ileering, rally 77 Ranger Shorty, mags • .a.LL-R 9705 • 11 wheels. stereo. VS. auto. lo mi, --om.Ct ~~~~'.ia~~~'. sf:e;:~: Motoriud l ikes 9 I 4o $4995 _1>harp. $4~. 540-7~ ···.··:::·:·R•O••M••EO••·•.••• U g h t s $ 2 o . C • E . Call 631·1716. SURPLUS 0FF1 c; E Standard Radio, 2 meter FURNITURE, 2044 handitalkie, 5-channel ftefrig. $1100. Salad bar Placenlla, CM. 631-2570 w/touchtone, other ac- $425. lee fl aker w/drink or631·2777 cess. Also4-freq Prog AC dispensing heads $1800. face. 962-1900 Like new. Used 1 month. Must sell 536-8834 Mt Pets 8087 Bogen AM /FM stereo rei; !PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• vr. JOW/Cban blL·m F · . . Parrot CMacaw) very nnt.$50.&l4-04l4e~es. 7Z pc ftM china svs for 12 !nendly with people $750. Color TV SISO .. Franc1scaoware or bestorfer67S-3682 W-111 C__..__-t Provincial svs 8, + xtra . .... ~ ~·tot 75 pcs $100. All 'ht Pianos & Orcjan.s 8090 $275. , £0St. ~oving l Pref cash. •••••••••••••••• ••••••• Ideal Cor 2nd TV 673 8552. New Brand Name Pianos 13" Toshiba Redwood, finished 2xl2 & smaller. Whole shop full. Mk. ofr. 675·3175 10% over cost. Retails for $369 .95 Beach Music Center Never out or carton 174().l Beach Blvd, H.U. 751-4840 8-47-8536 Engine completely re· ••••••••••••••••••••••• '75-DODGE Ramcharger ~..., built. Electronic gear in· Peugeot M.o. ·ped, Xlnt <t33NGB>. V8, autu. air, '71ChiJVY350, factory air, '78Spiders are here! cl. depth finder & brand cond,620m1 s, $350. s teering, roof rac k , wbitl!. new wheels, ltres, A few '77s left al factory new, unused 2-way I"M "'552-8481 • cruise, stereo. sun roof, shocks. muffler N!duced prices. $5999 system. trans cooler, etc. II!! ..a.CH IMPORTS radio & RDF. $7500 or ~vdet/ $3 oo 842 .,,,.,., """" best offer. Call eves & ~oohn 9150 '70 lNTERNATIONAL 1 . ..,,,.,., 848DOVESTREET wk.nds. 645-9376 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Scout \407995 ). VB, stick, MUST SELL '71 Ford (Near MacArthur Blvd. 4 wheel drive. drive, Super Van. $1300 firm. &Jamboree Road I. 1978 SUZUKJ RM 370MX. Less hardtop, clean. Call 541!·8413 NEWPORT BEACH than 5 hrs running time. $2199 752-0900 SEA RAY Including l set of tic .74 DODGE Club Cab '69 v.i ton Chevy w / -------downs, a ramp & a bikt• ... h II & boot d · od I stand. ssso. Call alt 4PM ISK#P829). V8, power <:amper s e , nu 68Sedan, omestic m e. 30' ~~ 751.3474. steering, auto trans. trans. $1595. 847·3ll03 1300CC Jr. rums good, 5 • "1 "'" ·~ $4695 k spd $1250. Evs/wkod11 Loaded '73 Harley Sportster 1000 • 7 5 JEEP CJ . 5 ·~~w~~~::r. Run:; h c ..:556..;_·_Qri_s _____ _ Owner's Demo cc xtra chrome excel. (SKJR428>. vs, 3 speed, 645-2529 AMdi 9707 SA.YE!$$$ cond.mnyxtras642·4~ soft top, low miles. ••••••••••••••••••••••• HARRISON'S '70 Kawasaki 90, good $4895 Chev. ~ T. '69, 350 eng. R('frig, dryer. color TV, 2 ---------•TV -RC A C 0 L 0 R SEA RAY cond. dirt plus eqwp. for COPB.AND JEEP $1000Phone 5S2-4839 oven ranges. Maple ~PlClllO CONSOLE. very good 3101Coast JJwyN.B. street$150496·2852 2001 E htSA 1975 AUDI FOX Automatic, air condition· mg. s1;1nroof, low miles~ in immaculate cond1· lion! lS28NPZ). .,rocker. 10 .. 1 Sat/Sun '22 Leonard Just cond.$9S.1830PortKim· 6312547 55l-8000 ·•'73 EICam. Estate, air, do.1.2371 r-. tor-... A·l cond. P IP berly Pl, Nwpl Bch. • 'TT Yamaha Chappy. xlnt P/S P /B u·it bl posi ""'. ~" .,... 0906 condilion. $300. Call ---------· • w ' ' $2800/bst ofr. 549· .k M 25 .. '76 13fl. Whaler type ulll. ,,.0 0218 •73 Jeep CJS, 6 cyl, soft bitch, CB, runs-xlnt . RCA 21" Color TV. $100, -'---------Lie new agnavox boat. 25HP Manual 536-4891or""""· ~ 835 "'l2Art · I I I M t sell top. roll bar. CB radio. & .,.. • .,.,. ...., New dinette set, $65. 455 3 mos. old professtona Up· c r conso e. us Evmrude $1400 Days '71 Suzuki, 1255cc_ 5200 . E. 18th St. CM 548·9848 right piano. Sl 700. Ask S2SO/bst otr. 546-0842. -894-~1 Eves S<I0.4474 orig mi's. XJnt cond. ~250 ;JNi t ~ ~?. L l c '7t~_f_!i,evayuto'll.• pto1s".· PD/uBa.l r---------for D. D.A. 497 ·l588 dys, RCA 25'' Color TV stereo , . -----$250 • 645·5855 " "'""' MISSION V If JO IMPOllTS a ... •· • '•4• .. ~ ~ ...... BJ 1 1148 49~.1104 1m 3201. 4 spd. air cond. 8 track stereo. (301RU)C ! im 3201, 4 spd trarnr. s t e r eo cass, b l u~ metallic paint, :;unroor.. A/C (416RJA) 1975 3.0SlA Auto t.rans,: AM /FM stereo, silvOt' metallic paint, a llOl' rims. blue leath intr: Power windows, i1teerf~~ & brakes. <OllTt > "7S 530 IA. Auto tran$. sunroof. AM radl_!>.l Whit.lo w/blueinlr. (854T<.:J) • '77 530 JA, au«> lfani;. A/C, Power steering ., brakes, 8 track stereo. Silver metallic with \ilu~ intr .. (0142). IOIMclARENS · IMWINC • (7141522·5333 orCZlll691-6701 " -I '76 2002, mint, whJt(:. ct Oouble bt·d & frame & 494-8854eves. AM /FM combination 23 g~ass in/out. sips. 3, _ --------CJ7 h dt likenew.848-3073 ping pong table +misc. YAMAHA SPINET walnut console $225. tra1lcrable. $4250. '74Suzuki 7~b~~~~-rims', ;~/~~ S..2-8031 Xlnt cond $1250 644·2341 835.3437 day1 673·8484 eve 185 Like New! $450. cass. $5600 or bst offer. '74 lOOLS, 4-door. spd, sun rf. stereo, 291< Mar.. stk. stereo cass. mi. 833-8985 __ ~ 9570 $2300. 640-2359 eves. r-: 971 S .....•....••••......... ~· Wooden rocking horses. * 675-5853 • 1 165 Rayson Craft Flatbot _____ 548·1_5_15___ Ask for Chris Brown, $22.SO. 241 W. Wilson, 19" Sears port. color x nt tom. Tandem Trailer, 176 Husky 360, desert re-...:537:.:.:..·..=227:::.:...:1 _____ _ Apt. 3. Cos ta Mesa. Cable-Nelson spinet, anti· cond. fl6S/oCfer After lO new upholstery. Less ady. curnuus, Vesco, •72 Blazer. V-8, to mi, 1975 DODGE '73 Audi lOOLS, 4 spd', air. •••••••••••••••••••••"° MAXI IUllLETOP ~~h~. ~~~~~~.Lo 1:. c;:i~:~· :u~°k. 2!~ . 642·7315 quegrecn$400orbestof· am.S42-6072 motor . $850/·oHer. many xtras. Like new perfect. $3500. '74 REDECORATING !er.5S7-0l49 21"RCAcolorconsoleTV, 540·6852 days 956·1897 $900/offerS46-8139 Cheyenne 20, V-8 ACblt, VAN CONVERSION . new brks. great cond. 300. vs, automatic, pwr. For sale 1973 Audi lOOLS, $2800. 496-3469 · Microwave, love seal. 50 yr Knabe grand piano, xlntcondltioo. $160. eves. ---xtras. $WOO.· Must sell! book cases, 10-spd bikes, full keyboard, $1200. 768-6537 '71 Glasstron 17'. 170HP T,SO:::i?!~c~lft1.4~o;:.~· ._49J.:_3.1_1_1 _____ _ steering, radio, stove, A~f/FM stereo, 60,000 . oven, icebox, sink, 4 rru, xlnt cond. $2300. Aft 6 '73 Capn VG. Deco group. lamps, game tbl & chrs, 673,0149 Color TV-phono-FM-AM Volvo eng, 270 18/0B. 751-0833 rycliner & occ. chrsf Spw tltMJ Goods 8094 console. $400. Very good cond. $3000. '77 CJS Jeep. Good condi· lion. Soft top, 6 cyl. 642·9706 highbaclt seats. spare orwknds831·2S80 Sunroof. Xlnt cond-. tire, llO hookup, dual 1975 AUDI FOX $2200. 645-1953 eves. King .. ~~brd, chst o ••••••••••••••••••••••• 673•0149 673-7529 '74 Yamaha YZ125, race clrwrs....-.·4144 .k bike, reblt eng., mint, ·--SKI Hexel 205 CM Comp loafs & MarilM 32• Uninite 1975. h e new $61.5 &&4--0822 Apt slv $25. Riviera look neu $165 Kneissl s-..a t loaded. Auto pilot. --·-----Tn.cb 9560 batteries, less than 14,000 4 Door Sedan. Automatic '73 Capri VG Air new Ure~: miles & sleeps 4 . tra n s. (324 MX l ). Many extras $2500. Can (023NYE). Average bluebook·$3800; 646·8629 '' hi_dcabed love seal $25. 180CM Shrt magic look ..,...,...n • Radar, sonar+many ............__u--s,Salit~ 1 2 2 3 Sh •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ nvns Mmk stole, mink colar neu $160. K · 3 rt GtMral 9010 xlras. $48,000. J>/P Rent/Storage 160 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S6499 our price ~1966. 180CM Salomon 444 $110. 894·5351 Days, 840-4474 ••••••••••••••••••••••• W /poles 759-0396 ••••••••••••• • • ••••• • •• FEIRUARY CLEARANCE RAY FLADEBOE LINCOLN-MERCURY Desk, coronet. fishing SIX MAN rubber raft, Eves&wknds Rent a 1977 Excut1ve pule/reels. Bogen stereo SELL idle items with a makeoffer . Xlnt cond. 22• Searay. 1975, sips 5. Motorhome or Mini· on all GMC trucks & vans! We 're o ver· stocked! 11 All models are luner.548-9832 DailyPilotClassitiedAd. 831·9287 Dual batteries, trim motorhome from Herb tabs full canvas lots of Friedlander• Call any of r ·-··-·-·-.. --. I ~eatts of CLove THIS VALEHTIMFS DAY !rend your love a greeting all the world can share with a Daily Pilot Heart of Love. It's easy, compose your personalized greeting and we 'II set your message In type to fit the border of your choice or your handwritten thoughts may appear in the border you select. IF YOU WISH TO COATE your own decorated greeting, use a black pen & draw your design to fit one of the dotted line "hearts" shown below. ' For help with your a d. just ca ll 64 2 -5 6 7 8 & a friendly Valentine .#:-7 IOIDEISCOMllH ad·v iser w ill be happy to assist you. And. if you like. you can charge your H eart of Love 0< use your Master Cha r ge o r BankAmericard. the 3 sizes as shown below: $15, $10, and a special child'• sire for $2 (you musl be under 12 to quality tor the l11tlest greeting) I , I I ' I -- ~ , , , ' / ' ' \ \ ' I ' I , , I I . • . • these numbers r~oeqwp. w/trlr. Must 898•6777 see. 848-3073 537•7777 !loots. Soil 9060 828-8888 ························---------FUJI . YAM.AHA RENT Fireball 23' Self DEALHS root. Auto/air. CC. CB. Yacht Brokerage stereo. slps 6. 645·2283 PRICED TO SELL .t.¢1~ ALLEN OLDSMOBILE •CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS & VANS U JUC.......OC.Art\"ltU•·O lACAJNA NIGUfl \.0 A W't -A ,·u t U lf '68 Chevy ~ ton, window van, v-8, $1900. P .P. 644·1108 Listings Wanted! MOTOR HOMES SouthwHtem FOR RENT '70 Ford Vaa work truclt, y ocM SalH From $150. wk. 770-0622 Before you buy or lease very good cood. $1750. 831-0800 N rt Bl d your new 673-2722 2616 ewpo v . '71 Lazy-Daze. 21', nu 1978TRUCK ---------1 Newport Beach paint, self en conl. A/C, '77 Ford Bubble top. <714) 673•9'ill Asking $7800/bst ofr . CALL US! Loaded. mus t sell. SK New 2 4 ' A mer i c an 493-3879 646-0226 miles. 644--4839 • Sailboat. Taite over pay-Ch'oook/Toyota '75 lo u~IVIRS ... L '77 Dodge BlOO, under ments. Has trlr. 493·2612 mi·s. new cond. Ai~. 3 " ,,_ warranty, 4·spd. Call aft f • ss500 2026Harbor,Costa Mesa 5 30 543~ 18 sq. meter r acing Way re rig. · _:~·-------• mullihull. Never used, 968-6236 '78FordF2SO Rangerwitb '74 Chevrolet Van Go1d cost $3200, seU $2000/ofr. Tnlllers, Tre•el 9 I 70 Cam.Per Special Pkg. custom interior custom 642·6441 & 675-S()SS ••••••••••••••••••••••• $8400/ofr. 751-4688 paint, nares, cragers, Columbia 34. Bright &. '73Trav~lMoteTent Trlr. '76 Ford P .U. ~ ton $5,895.642·3379 roomy. Owner says slps 5, likenew. w/shell. AM /FM. $6900. '71 vw Oamper Bus, runs SELL! AVERY. 673-3951, S40-522l 963-8274 good. $2250. 497·t253 btwn 24 hrs. zs• ~ary Vacationeer, Ford ·F600 _7_&_9_P_M _____ _ 28' Islander '76. 10 HP loaded w /xt ras. Xlnt 1969 18' closed van Very Auto$ Wanted 9590 diesel. Martec Prop., 8 cond.6"15-6'0l clean, low mileage ••••••••••••••••••••••• barlows,spnkr.gear,re· 1977 Ideal 21~· twin Phone(213)598-9966 WEPAYTOPOOLLAR er gear. 4 b3lgs sails, gauchos: fully self. FORTOPUSEDCARS signets w /point. hksty contained., Awning, 1973TOYOT.A FOREIGN.DOMESTIC adjstr. llOV, hold tank B.A.L . jacks, Reese LOHGIB> rtCKUP _ orC~lCS w/macerator Rump & hitch w/sway bars, Automatic trans. & low lfyourcarisextraclean more. $32,000 or ? (714) refrig. air, TV ant., fully mile.'\. (74916V). see us first. 639·5309 eve!\ & wknds insulated, many exttas. PlllCID TO SELL IAUIR IUICIC 21• AURORA SLOOP $0050.964-1479 llU. YATES ~Harbor Blvd. Fbrgls 1 For Sale : 25' House VW aARSCHE CostaMe11a 979·2500 Head.slps4,Seagull0/B Trailer or trade for .,....v $1.550. AY646-9000 Poncbe Engine or eng SanJu.anCapis\.rano TOP KJTEN0.588,2setssails, wotk.642·1986 U7·41004U .... 51 I DOLLAR cover. $500. Good cond. '77 self.contained 31' in a '·~ ~ • PAID 673-7529 park. S8,995. By owner. FORCLEAN •1s Catalina 22. nxed keel. 00·2841 "H01... IMPORT CARS alp& S, l>Ulplts & lifeHncs. Must sen 13' Campin1 °""• Al I MODB.S M tbo-..A p V11tl11•" ,...... 712/ ere ou ...... OJ» trailer, xlnl eoad. ~ Ol' toP· Marine radio. 3Sallt '-tolr.tMS-lU.98. ·~-&lots more. Out.standinll · cond. Askinl SS400/offcr . 1 7' Ko rp 1o1 t • OU· M u st a e 11 . Call c00talned.alr.1Q8$. <714l837-0019 eves & ~l wknds ol' 6'6·4466 days Nilo StrYfce, Pett Lenn)' • Aconsorin 9400 "16 lilander 30 MK U, lObp •••••••••• •• ••••••••••• Volvo Dieul. M.fn\ condi •g4.117 Used )tustanc loaded w/xttu. C•I Pana. 880 No. Pmu, ~-Orqo.eanerr.3000 Mod,Jt..a~cct '88 Karmann Ghia parq, 'I'r7 SIJO..OOO front _. eollilkln (ott9 &de-. IS U.S. '4UC!h· dJ.$.mamllftl. Nu tlottecl upSSLOOO. r lm •, •t••> b elted ~ Eall-32 Mint. radials. Make off on. $2386' ~ l~~i· Ht 111.tt('Lll') Hl1NT INC. T 0"' fH AC.·~ 1141 na· '· H• r 4.;: WI ,.. CLIAM U51DCAlS MOW cALL•AITH Try S",000. 912.-n • ~u..tJJe•utJ 1 ........... -======~;~'t-llll-allllll-'J)T~v'Tav .co: vw__.~ m.4>m.-.o ___. JUSTS2895 MAR9UIS VOLVO MISSION VIEJO 8lt-211049S.t210 19788MW's HERE NOW! COMPLITI BODY SHOP MOW OPEN EXCB.LEMT SB.ECTIOM OF IMW llESALES We may have your next car in our inventory. ca II us today ! 83 t-2040 495.4949 W •MTB> TO IUY Quality used BMWs. ROY C.ARVH BMW 1540Jamboree Road NEWPORT BEACH 64().6444 'TT CaP."· 6 cyl, • spd, &000 mi, like new. Must sell. $4375. call 7$9· 1206 *DRIVEA * *LITTLE ••• * SAVE A LOT' SHOP &COMPARE BARWICK DATSUN ".lfl j Liii ( .lj•I 1''" ' 831 ·I 375 4'1 3-3 37S Call MEWPORT DATSUM for the best bu)' in a new 0t used Datsun! .. 833-1300 11 Thlt 78s An Here All models & colors. ·,. ln•uaclcltt! ,, Oeli.-wy Today! ·' Last chance for fantasfJ'c !>avings on all remainint '77 models in stock. '.' COSTA MESA OATSU~ *5HARBOR BLVD .. 54CM4 I 0 540-021 l . NEWPORT DATSUN 76 Piekup, hr1111~P :.polwr:.. excclh·nt 1·oncJ $:'(i()() Jo; Vto<; 7«.'! IC!!'i:I 1,1111 I l.111'"' 11:\ I I t•'l.I \1. ,,, ~ 111 If I Ill) • • * 1975 DATSUH 1t Saturday, febtuary 11, 1979 1210SEOAH * :! 01>or . 4 s peed & * lllMll~MliMNM -. AM /.to'M r1d1 0 .* t025NLHL Averi.IJ:t' '* bluebuok·S28UO ; our * pnl'C * '77 Honda Accord. 6000 mi's, all xtras. SSOOO. * •837·'1149• JUST $2395 MARQUIS TOY OT A MISSION VI KIO 831-2880 495-1210 '70 240 Z Xlnl cond Air A \111-'M f'll'>~·tlt•, whl-, •"" tires Mu~t "di. lht ufr tak~. Call K~l:J 6133 Rot 9725 .••.......•••••••...•.. ·;~, Fwt St•dJn, Vt•ry dl•:.111 llL,ide & out. F.n f(1m· fl' n .•ntl\ uverhJull'd 1·15-3153 Al or Jim * 1976 FIAT XI /9 With stereo cassette & '' n I y l 9. o o o m II c ~ : lllll7PFI). SADDLEIACK VALLEY IMPORTS 831-2040 495-4949 DATSUN 810 THE FUEL-INJECTED FAMILY CAR WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF A 240-Z ENGINE ~ THE 810 FEATURES: • 6 WAY ADJUSTAILI DllVB"S SUT • AM-FM StalO MULTIPLEX RADIO • TIMTID GLASS • POW. STHAIMG Ir • THI 6 CYL Alll. IN.IEC'TID ENGINE • n.us MUCH. MUCH MOU!ll I I SIDAM 4-tos, lmporied Amto., l•porhd ···············-······· .•...............•.•... 1975Ml%Z80 SEDAN. Tobacco brown ext.erW & In immaculate coocil(lon. (229M FW). Must see to appreciate! • MIHION VIEJO IMPORTS " ... . ... . .... . SJ I t /48 495-I 1011 '77 MIZ 450SL Sliver. blue lthr int, stereo ca.ss, alum whls. All xtras, like nu. PP. 49'J.3613 1 "5 MlllCmlS 180 (gu) 25 MPC, JC:lnt cood. $2500/Beat offer. 5116-8370 • MISSION VIEJO IMPOIUS ••• • • • • • J ·~··· •• 11 .,,._ • _, ......... _ • 831 -1148 495 1704 '74 ~LC. 5 pass. i.port~ coupe . lmmac Fully equipped ind foctory t:lt•c. ~unroof. ~tcrl•o Cil!.:>ellc, leather 10 ~rior P. P. t>iO 9323 1975MII250 COUPE Sunroof. pwr, wmclow:., cruise control. stereo tape & in s howroom conclitwn <<&SMIF I W1· have a jlood scll•t·t1•1r1 of other fine M ez,, m our l Call tod MISSION VIEJO IMPORTS ........ '' ..... . •'-.o ..._ .. -.... ·- SJ I I 74S 495-I 704 1975 Mil 2400 4 speed, pwr :.tt.'i!rini;?. AM /Jo~M & s unroof (OCH). MUST SEE! SADDUIACK VAWY IMP'ORTS 8 31-2040 495-4949 RAY FLADEBOE LINCOLN-MERCURY • .San Juan Cap111tra no 837--4800 493-451 I I 965 PORSCHE 356COU,E COSTA MESA DATSUN WEIUY &SELL VOU<SWAGENS 'ffl VW DUG. Body Aood, runs xlnt. SllOO to l'OA & trans Must sell $1300 Ph 963-5339 VWWanted. Not running preferred . t>t2 2073 Wanted · Pre '611 Volkswagon Bug . .:<l body A~k fo r Bob 842·17~. '68 Fas tback . ell.cell cond . $900. 768-4114 or 58(;.2431 '76 VW RABBIT. AM /f'M cass. new tires, 32,000 mi, $3600/bst. 49'.!-3751 '68 VW Crew Cab Pickup, top condition. $2995. 728-7668 '65 Sqbck, orig. ownr . runs weU, gd llres. $500 548-0776 ----- '77 Stiver Bug Sunroor. new tires. AM /t'M w s pkrs. $4iOO/ofr. ~-3409. '72 VW bug, exceptionally clean. new brakt:'s, $2200 or offer. 640-9.127 ---1 '65 vw. rebt cng. good in· tenor. lots or news. $700 546-5272 ' MIHION VIEJO IMl'OllfS 4'.. f. • ••• . ""' ........ . SJJ -17411 4 9 S I 04 Swedish Volvo MC(b9ilc now at h•ans Forelgn Car repairs, 1995 HarJ>or Blvd. CM. 645-1982 ---~-Autos. UHd l ••••••••••••••••••••••• G:•••• al 9f0' ····················•·· PROPERTY :! REDUCTION ;1 SALE ·: I 1'1eet replacements :S-e· qwre the DaUy Pilot i. h· qwdate 12 Plymouth ~la· hon Wagons from exJsl· tng inventory. 1976 ·I YOURES j 3 to choose from. All -.tit!\ factory air cooditioolhg, 318 engine. luggijge racks. trailer tog:og p;.Ckili?e. AM/FM ste . 2 eqwpped with er windows. Priced froa¢ $2175 : (Lic.n858PCW> , 1976 j GRAHFURYi Station Wagon. :t to choose from. 440 4 bbl. engine. AM /FM slateo. power windows, r oof racks and factory air conditioning. Priced from. S2150 H.ic. JfiOOPCY) 1975 AIRY C ustom S uburba n Wagons. 5 to choose from. All with factory air. roof racks. 360 4 bbl. engine. Different choice or extras oo each car. Priced from: $1975 ILic #2231\ICG ) 1976 GUN FURY Cu..;tom Suburban. P11c· tory air. 360 4 bbl. engine, luggage rack. heavy duty shocks, tint· ed glass. gold metallic finish. '76 Celica LGT lift-back, '66 VW newly rcbll enginl' auto, AM·1'~ stereo. air, & trans. Xlnl in & out mags, silver. $4600 or of· 4~71 $1950 tUc. #799NCF> 1975 r er. 5.52-9256 '74 VW Dasher. fully SPORTS FURY T....... 9767 equipped, I owner, 35K •••••••••••• •• ••••. •••• nu $3300. 536-6751 Wagon, AM /FM atereo. afr conditioning, 360 ( bbl. engine, tmted glass. power windows, Silver Cloud metallic finish. 197S Triumph Spit· f1re -2 0.ooo miles. Altf/FM stereo tape & in excellent condition ---'73 VW Bus, 68.000 ma . xlnt cond.. xtras. $3100/ofr. 557.9374 mecharucalJy, inside & Vol•o 9772 out. $3.300. Call 548·5163 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $2225 IL.le 11846MPQ) All cars may be iospecl· ed in garage area. ~sk for Rick or Oscar. aller6 pm. ---'72 TR6. xlnt cond. Over drive, roll bar, new pnt & rag top. Mui<t !'ell fast~ Best olrer. 559·59"..3 '67 Tnumph Spitfire Runs J:real 1 $950. Mll-1515 IEfORE YOU IUY A USED VOLVO. See us at Southe rn Orange County's Volvo Headquarters. MARQUIS VOLVO MISSION VIEJO 831 -2880 495°1210 ORAHGE COAST DAILY P'ILOT 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa For i oforma tioa; 642-4321 A.to1. M•w HOOAlttos. N..-9800 Ans, New tlbo ..................................................................... f Buy lier something ltalum. She'll love you f orcver. 124 Sl'IO•• AM FM Radio, Pin Stripi"8. etc. 1977 (Ser.17978) • $5799 PLUS TAX AND LICENSE 30 NEW 1978 SPIDERS TO CHOOSE FROM AND OVER 200 FIATS IN STOCK DICK MILLER MOTORS 120W.W~SANTAANA llllflD 714/557-2132 \ I AMfos. U.ed Mlhta, u ... ~ ....... Ua•d Autoa. Uaed Autos. Uud .:;51::.tUtd,;,;.;.•;.:Y.;.· F;..;•;,,;:b:.;,;ru;;.;ary~;...''..:.· _19;..7..;.8 ____ --: __ oA_l_L v_P,_L_O_T_C_J_»_ • • .................................................................... l __ ._ -••• ... ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• . ~ U-..d U1H ··!UM.. 9t0t C4"'n 9911 C •u ttfS C • tff7 ct.nv•t ft20 C•dlw .. af ttJO .................... .. ~t ••••••••••••••••••• ••-=-•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... ~..:·• ~ tt4S tkzt I t9S2 rWo 9957 ··•.a Cll vy van, '(iG * ALL841r lt77CHIVY '74M-.CCll'to 7SC MARlfY •••·-~·••••••••••••••• ..... ••••••••••••••••••• •••••-•••••••••••••••• f ewYorller. '7 Nabers CAOILI.AC CAMAJIO ...... Ji'\)11 t n • disc 1'16 UMCOf..M ·ea Fs tbk 289, mt"ch. ,. Pltllu Wal((JO t.uu•ac '·' lJU'la 71UB VB. &utomatlc. pwr. 1..nndl'Cl. incl alr, l•/dOOC' powcit;a .. 0 ' It TO:tCA.1 ISOUlld. needs minor bdy r.ld: mae ~ h£>el i. Cadl·11ac ltlSALIS i.L~nic. r•d10 . hnl'''• l<Xkl·w1ndows. slereo, braha·wandow•·•pl ~. IDOQ.. Inn.M2-&5GO c wld~>. 1Hr1t<'lt tape "OMC burban S11~rra w S/W llrea 4t. wheel COY· aeata. V8, automatic. yS. aut.oea , • faC'lory • dirdi , radio. auto , whJtt' a...lc:,111.Too.enry opl ff71B.DOl.ADO er:s. vinyl ro0f a. hke Iii~ wheel. 0695. fa c tor )' •Ir C<?nd • alrcoDd.. AM/flit qud 11 Musta-.i 351 i'"tnur bJ\K" inlenor. la•all ttpl 4 whl dr fit l'tEW I (S05S99 ). Sup.er t!"~Cilrl.ACI• AM/FM Lape, tinted tape, wl•fw t1ra. full Qeve.laµdena,pwr st~r SOKrrul'-':> $li9S.6-1:?1'79 ~ar ct;:!,~.~:':,~ (l)~!=;~om $pony! 2100HarborCM 6.n-2820 =· ~~ ~ ::~: e:k•:.·.•,!t::!:t~~~~ :~~bl11!~~~uto~lll~~ i6 Pinto Runoiboul. 4 C)'I 2fD5 All are full.y "loaded". S4999 .72 Monte Carlo, itlnl U48MCD> MataflclQC.-lo.di:~.Unled 67S.l20l 4 i.pd .• 1,. A}J FM Main at low Ill> 1400 $1499 alaa. -roof. vinyl ,-V .. --P J" t $280() ur htil. Ph Orw~ 9fOS m8291u. cond. A/C. New ures. Landau~. !eat.her in· 67 . .., ail', • ., 1n1 ,<> -,, FEBRUARY HUGI SAVIHGS Vin Lop SLerco radio. terior, till wheel, crui5e, $1200. Dy ~· ti\e. 75IMil5tl11""i.S6l Sl>t7 1976 PAaR 6 cv• ••r t c..nr:t rart-o ~·•lf'f Whitt •"d II' • tll•Ut)'' 'OCllPHll $2692 GUSTAFSON llNCOlN MERCURY I 16900 8toch &oulovo•d I ~n1•ng1on ko<t\ 842·8844 11 Must sell $1950 CJll bef aJum. whe-=ls & only m.o1619 Ask ror Mike l 97 l PltCTO CLEARANCE 1977.,..,.0 ..... DO 8, 833·8551 or aft 5, ••7SBmlle:s.(749PDT) '"""'"' ............ "''utbaA .. . ~ RA IRV1N£ 64S ~ ....., ~· ........, ... __. .. ,....., .... \\ r•blt l'D~1nt•. $76~ SALE C2>ToCboose 1'"'rom 830.7000 · Sttff '800. Good mecbuacal C-Otst • 0.-ancp County's S.'fileC...t.r 1976 CADILLAC SEVILLE (41 ToChOOSl' From Leather tnlcnor, l'ru1se control, tape, wirl' "'he~I l'Ov ers, etc (471l'lj lfJ>. Priced as low"" $9888 • 1977 CADILLAC ELDORADO "BIARRln" Jo'u.JI pc>wer, tactcry air "75 Monza, yellow. 2'.000 IRVINE cond 541-4416 rood i.lereo C B . cru1sl' ()(f~r good thru 2'13 7K rru :-.lick, Z+2, htchbk, 830-7000 -Pl)r C. 9960 A._. F 'l $2"00/o(r Must sell '6S Mustaoa. •••._••••••••••••••••••• t'OOlrol, splJt pwr i.c&ts. 1971 CAMARO ,., " • " Of(er good thru 2/ l3/7tl lighted senlinal, pwr LTCOUrE 5S2-4201 oewunts.$700. t977PLYMOUTH trunk lock & onJy SSOO With cru11e cont ml '74 .Monte Carlo, blk, Corfeth 9932 IRVTNE ---S56-72li FURY ULOM nules. U ke new! Yellow !>terc..'<I w/tape. C.B .. pwr auto .. Air, sterl'O, JOK ••••••••••••••••••••••• 830.7000 '70 6 cyl, 3-spd. air. AM VII, .iutomnth· hh'tUC') w I m at ch Ing l IFP & dOor l•u•k~ & window". ll\J ..,."" """-8313 •CORVETTES 1''M eau. 70.000 m1·s. a.ir c1JOll. p'Mr i.teennit leather. (31"'...,3). "" • ~ '_..,.,,"""' ,..!er0oodthru2/l3/78 '--'-do d ""'' tilt wh~l. air rond. & ""· • OriJr owor. Xlnl cond. ...-a .. es·WUI llW!'>, r11 10 , Priced to Sel! rallye wheels, Loaded &c '63 4 dr, averatte rond I 9711 ....,...dJ 9947 $1100. Evn & wlltodi. beat~r. w s /w tires & 1977 UMOUSIME !. how room r re i. h ' 1-:•tate sale. $295/or best NICE SELECl'JON ! ••••••••••••••••••••••• _63_1_-4206_____ vin) I roof Only H>.9S5 <5l765S> 11fr 847·38m. HOWAU C....... 1_\:RD mill':> <~UJUA> ,\s uper --r 1 rv 68 29, auto, AC, PS. Vlll value al ocdy SALi PRICED! 1972 CHEVY DOVE&cQUAJLSTS. MA ta( top, new br~s. tires. S429t HOYA <Near i'ttacArtbur, Jam-V8. automatic. factory ~ cond. sins. Vhngine, automa lic. a lr boree & Bristo&> air cood .. pwr. steering m nd , pwr. steenn~ & NEWPOR'r Bl!:AGH & disc brukes. radio, ~ 9955 l>ra kes and rallye Veltc '60, rei.tored in <'X· beat.er & w1s1w t1re:t. ••••••••••••••••••••••• wheels tB73!o~EG I. cell.cond.t~hout l890NDI> Bargain 19750U>S RAY FLADEBOE LINCOLN-MERCURY -~~~~f) l':i..q~1le ln!>idl• ~ uul • FUiiy loaded w1lh Jll or thl'extra:-1 l:ll7ltXQ> Full power, air cond. !>lereo tape, sentmal. rummer, cnuse control. h11hted entry s)'Stem & 'unity mirror, power trunk lock, opera lamp:, & only 11,000 miles. Showroom new -al black. 011484-0). HUGE SAVINGS Nabers Cadillac '11l1Ct I\,, "'" H: ONLY $2199 675-9899 pricedatonly Nabers --$2599 '67 Coov 350, 4 spd; pwr windows . AM /FM , radials. mags, new intr. IRVINH 8l0.7000 ~s .. ,, ... ·' i~~~~ Home ol '~• V;ku,91' '11 AMC GREMLIN COUPE 6 cylinder. powe. steering. radio & healer. atr cond Tn1s beauty has less then 16,000 miles. 1 S e r lfA7A465E167640 ONlY s99 OM P•l'f1'l•nl\ OI Jtb.">Ql, '°' ;,(. montn" Jol&I ro.I\ Pfl'-• •t1cluo1nq u~ & l•t•r+'• ~, ,, °"'"""' l3880 eo lftCluO•t'IO ''" 1ten1e A lt\tef'UI Ann ..... Of"'t .,. •• ,., ••• 1• .. GIJSTAFSON1 llNCOlN MERCURY 842-8844 ..--- 9910 t ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1964 Outck Elel'lra. i:oocl cond1t1on, new tires $1,001 540-3977_ 72 Buick Ll' Sabr e Collector will sell. clec trtc blue convert1bk · wtute top & inler. Im· SALE PRICED! 1977 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE With leather 1r1tt•rior, stereo, cruise control. Cabriolet top. <•Le. (807RKS). $9588 1976 CA.Dill.AC B.DORADO COUPE With leather interior. 60/40 seal. s tereo with tape. crwse control, etc. ll8JPCT>. $7688 • 1976 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLES (ti) To Choose From With c rube t·onlrol , l<'Jther interior. l'>letn•o tape, ete. C495 1·C~). Priced ai. low.,., $7388 1974 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE 60/40 split pwr. seats, stereo. Cabriolet lop. etc. <~fDJ). $4988 • UVf::K ISO lJl'" 1.1 n · c 'n <; TOSEL~:c·r FIUl~f Nabers Cadillac .:!llf 10 H.11 h• If lll\•tl CmlJ M.:~J 5 l().lJ I 00 • • •tnaculate. 7141540·7744 !!~!!!!~~~~~!!'! nsk for Ralph or Sully ----'72 Eld-0 convrl. 11old. 1970 BUICK natu"(al lthr int. Nu 1977 SEVILLE 1-'ull power, air cond .. stereo tape, cruise con- trol. lighted v11m1y mir- ror. wire wheel covers. shadow paint & only l3,000m1les. (4S60281. 1977 SEVILLE .. MOOMROOF" CJ) To CbOOISe From Full power. air cond., stereo cassette, cruise, pwr. recliner, lighted en- try system, wire wheel covers & only 10,000 miles. Powder blue w/matching top & io· terior. (270TLPl. 1977 D'B.EGAHCE COUPE DE VILLE Full power, air cond .. swreo/C.8 . cruise con· trol. sentanal, dimmer. lighted enlry sys te1n. security systtm. D::rk brown w1be1ge top & in· terior (157462) I '76 FLEETWOOD IROUGHHAM l"'uel ir.jectcd. rull power.air cond • ~tereo tape. cruise control. sen· tinal. dimmer &. entry sustem. hehtl.'<1 vanil) mirror. pwr. trunk lock, I opt:ra lamps & o nly 23.000 mile., Cream w tan to"~ tan interior. I (U7P1 II ) -- 1976 SE~ILLE l.\ >To Choo!le From Full power. air cond .. stereo tape, rru1se, light· ed entry system & vanity mirror. Low miles. Red wired leather interior & white top. Sold new by us. (855PKD). PRICED TO SELL Sk f k H dt p radrnl tires, lo mi. bpot· y ar ar o le:.s. Open for orr. ALLE..._. • '$1005 (07680El S429270 n SUN AUTO Olds/Cad1llac/GMC SALF.S & LEASING "77 CAD El Dorado, silver S.D Frwy.-Avery Exit 90r>5Garden Grove Blvd w li.ilver. Cubr1olcl top. LAGUNA NIGUl::L ___ 53_7-9953 ~~~~~r. 10,000 mi's (714)495-6430 _________ , ctidiftac 9915 ·11 Cadillac 1-;1 Dorado •••••••••••••• •••••••• • Convt. XJnt cond. $3800. ' ·~4 Cad Eldorado Conv Must sell as i.oon as • All xtras. Reg. gas. Good possible 64-a-61!M '• I tond $5200 7S9·1676. ,,..------ ·71 Cpe De\'111<'. lite blu£>. --------.. vln. Lop. Good t•ond. USE THE Sl_i00 __ 1 b_sl_ofr~2·~2 DAILY PILOT Beauhrul 'H wht & blk Cpe de Ville. loacll•d Lo ~600. 580·5540 'i4 CdY. fully loaded. ,.. ' teatlier mt.. xlnl cund '$4750. 67S·07S4 eves & '"'wknds '00 Cadillac. PS. PW, PD, AC. 11ood cond S850. bc:.t o(r. 646·7976 "FAST RESULT0 SERVICE DIRECTORY For Result Service Call 642-5678 Ed. 322 1974 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE Full power·steering-disc brakes-windows .seats & door l ocks. VS. automatic. factory air cond.. AM 11-'M stereo, healer. vinyl Landau top, w/s/w tires. tilt wheel. l eath e r & c rui s e . C367NTM l. Extra clean! S4999 RAY FLADEBOE LINCOLN-MERCURY IRVJNE 830-7000 OCCer good lhru 2113178 : '~s. Hew 9100 Autos. N•• 9100 Autos. Mew 9100 A '"•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• REW ARD YOURSELF PREVIOUSLY OWNED MERCEDES BENZ SIMSllLE PA YMEHTS '67 200 D •••••••.•••• $4295 Wllll• llMI 8lwe (l62ill '76 240 D ••.......• $11.500 e~ ~ Aeo-tcr !IDWl '75 280 Sedan .••••• $10.500 °'""~ ltQ?) •73 280 se 4.5 •••••.•. sa.soo Mry°""l ...... 1"1.wltltol •73 410 St •••••••••• SI 0,900 1G011 Gold c•11•1 '76 450 SL •••••••.•• $18.950 "-Wiii\ Bid--•i• '7 4 450 SIL •••••••• S 13.500 ..... ......_ .... '73 JIO Seclcim •••••••• $7,999 Ul90-!1441) Febtory Aulhe>t\iect. MetcedH Bel'll Dealer CALL NOW LO PYMTS 48Moa Financing , < .. ,1,1 ""-.r :-10'J11111 AUTO CENTER '68 Chevy Camaro. 35-0 Div. or Nabers Cadillac Enl(. bit to the m ax. Custom body. Nds .-.u 1425 IAKER ST. meone to Cims h. $2500 ACIWSS FROM 1-'EDCO 536-~1 Ait4pm COSTA MESA '67 Nl'W 39ti~~h-ever 540.!!_ 09 )thin~ Po;-1rear.4 s~cd ·;1 'llewa 4·dr, 6 cyl, air, ,\.\f h\f (;assette Sta~> auto. p s. V.T . lo mi, $2500. or Bs t orrc r xlntcond 549-38!15 894-7713 ---· -- 1976 CHEYY CAMARO VB engine, automatic, pwr. st.eenng & brakes, tilt wheel, rallye whffls, vmyl interior & pwr. Will· dows (487PKM). ONLY$4999 '"2 TO CHOOSE" Nabers AUTO CENTER Div. or Nabers Cadillac I 425 IAJWl ST. ACROSS FROM FEDCO COSTA.MESA 540.9109 1973CAMARO 52895. (l.Jc733S~R> S.,,. Avto Saks & Lecninq 0055 Garden Cro"e Blvd !37-9953 ·111 :m V-3. auto, air, f'/S, p is , t uwner. :mmoc. S48· IS01 days only. I Qevrolet 9920 • • 1973CHEVY MOtn'! CARLO "All Black ". VII, automatic. air cond . lilt wheel. AM/FM stereo, pwr windows, Landau top, turbine wheels w1Lb Bridgestone radials. (~HNT). ONLY$2999 Nabers AUTOCEMTER 1>1v. of Nabers Cadillac t425 I.UY ST. ACROSS FROM FEDCO COSTA MESA. 540-9109 Clwylltr 9925 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 77 Co rdob a , full y eqwpped. S1000 & tuke O\ er payments 545 5731.o Continental 99 3 0 ....••....••....•...... ~&.~~~~ •'Hom• rlth• Vl•i•g ~73 MARK IV $4700. or offer. 996· 1376 RAY FLADEBOE LINCOLN·MERCURY ''n Corvette LT I. 3SOci IRVINE -hi perform . '('.top, top H0-7000 cond. Yel w/blk int. 4 Offergoodlhru2/13178 Spd, new Goodyr GT ~ 9950 ures. B trk tape. $6500. -cwy C66SPPP) 673-1630. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Corvette T-top, lite green. xlnt cond. New tires. e xtra s. M .D . owner. $6500. 1140·4555; 540-5411or008-4737 Cougar 9933 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1976 MERCURY COUGARXR7 VB. aut omatic, pwr . steering-w1ndows-d1sc brakes-seal,, factory air cond .. AM/FM stereo, heater. w /s/w tires. cruise. till wheel, tinted glass. vinyl roof, rallye wheels &c low miles . (841RCW>. N1cl•car' $5699 RAY FLADEBOE LINCOLN·MERCURY 'IRV1NE 830.7000 Offer good thru 2/IJ/7~ 1970 MERCURY COUG.ARXR7 With Lilt wheel, AM /FM slereo. pwr. steering & brakes. leath<'r interior & only 46,0UU miles. (717BSW). ONLY $2499 Nabers AUTOCEHTER Div. of Nabers Cadillac 14251AKER ST. ACROSS FROM FEDCO COSTA MESA ORANGE COUNTY'S MEW EST LINCOLN-MERCURY Deah!nhip ls now OP EN RAY R.ADEIOE LINCOLN·M ERCURY 16-18AuLoCcnler Dr. SDFwy-1..ake Forest exit IRVINE 130-7000 1976 MERCURY MA1t9UIS VB, automatic. factory air cond .. rudlo. pwr. steering-disc brakes- seats, heater, tinted glass w/s/w l1res, l'ruisl' & only t7,400 miles (789NMQ>. $5199 RAY flAD£BO£ LINCOLN·MERCURY IRVINE 130.7000 Offer good th~l317!_ '73 Marqu1!\, lo mi "s. AM /"'M. :-.tcr1.•o. air. pwr, vinyl roof, $2400 or best ofr. Pvt ply. Sat/Sun 9-6. 988-SSSli '75 Monarch Ghia VB. auto. rur, all pwr. stereo s ilver /r e d l ea th $3400PP. Ph 494·7765 or 49'1·2113 ~4 Mercury Monlego Sta· lion W agon, fully equipped, VB. 847·1°'6 art 6pm . ,. ,. . .. Beautiful car loaded 540·9 I 09 wllh equipment '76 Monarch Ghia. 29.800 miles. lighL blue metalli c wi\b blue leatherette int. A1C. P S. P/ B. excellent cond. $3SSO. or best orrec. Call ftt i k e. 963· 3222 it' Jt • Jt it A it ROGER MILLER SAYS. "SHOP IY PHOHE" 494-1131 546-9967 1n clud1 no speed~IMl -~---~~--9-9_3_5 control. steteo tape, ••••••••••••••••••••••• landau root Less 1 than 6 ,300 miles "One only' " L•c. #059TWZ. QtllYs499 M '63 Dart, 2 door hdlp. 6 auto. xlnt transp, new t1 re s-ballory, $34Q. 548-7949 •73 Olarger. 2·dr. 1 ownr. --- 1977 Gran Marquis, 4-dr. apx 13.SOO m1 . $6400. 979·3325 aft 5. Fu II y equipped. P_.P_. ___ _ W, automatic. factor) 311' COftd .• lioted glJSl>. radio w/cassette. pwr s teeri ng & brakes. heater, w 's w tire~ &. vinyl roof (.1191.JQ > Hurry! $3399 RAY FLAD£80£ LINCOLN-M£RCURY IRVINI!: 830.7000 Offcrgoodthru::11J 71( 1973 Vista Cruiser. :m cond, 34,000 m1 S2.4~ ~15 1972 Oldsmobile CuUuss Vis ta Cru1bt•r Wgn. XJnl c·ond $2495 C337Fntl SUNAU'fO SAt.F:."i & LEASIM; 0055 Garden Gro\'e DI\ cJ 537.9953 Old-. 'i2 Toro. loaded u II pwr. SOM m1, Micbc•hn tires, real cream puff! $200 under Blue Book. Orig ownr. 673-0233 Pinto 9957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1974fORD PIMTOWAGOM 4 speed lran~. & univ ,3S,OOO milei1. In good con- dlt1on. (4fiOPHKl. OMLY $1995 SADDLHACJ< VALLEY IMPORTS 831-2040 495-4949 197JFOID PINTO Automatic, radio, w/s/w tires & wheel covers, tinted glass & low milt•s. (761J1''U> Super ecorl<>mY' $1499 RAY FLADEBOE LINCOLN·MrnCURY lRVlNE 830.7000 orrer good thru 2/13178 ~"""" ... ~ °' SIOI " ,.,. 60 "'Ot. TOl•I C•th 0"C.• ,,.c•udtttO ,.,. & l•cen•• S•3 2S3 Oolentod 111611 .00 '"c.luCIU'tQ \tu he•"•• & 1"1..-.. 1 ~-C*'C4HHIQ9 , ••• ,. ~3'. Entire car in good cood & ve.ry clean. Must see to appreciate. $1600. J)O Dl3mond, Balboa Isle. iili~l~~~~~N '7S Wagon.4spd,AM/1''M. air. mag radials, xlnl rond. $2600 1-496-7332 ·ss Chevy Impala SS 2 dr cpe, i\IT, all pwr, gd Urts & brks, new ball & winng. SS75. 642-0'io<> or 67S-"22S evs. AUTO CENTER Div. of Nabers Cadillac 1425 IA.KER ST. AC~ FROM FEDCO COSTA MESA 540.9109 • '76 Ca maro. power items, air cood. AM·FM stereo tape, $4500. Pvt pty S4G-7800 '76 Monte Carlo. Mint cond. 19.000 mi. All xtras. $4800. 640-5563 ~4 C&pnce CltlS.'!k. 2-Dr .• Dlrtnr model. Lo ml, new llres. (551SLO I. Pvt. pty. $2795. P h: 559·5830. 'TT Chevy Concours. ful.cy IMded. blfl car, musl see MllOO. 838-3587 or 5Sl ·50'70 '18 Chevette. belge/bta tweed \nt. air, AM/FM, rad .. 34Jt ml, mobile 1. $350(). 673-1"'4 873-984!> "74 Veiit FAUl\.c win • .f apeed, deluit interior, carpeted, wood grain, vlnyl ~tenor. factory air, IQ&PI• rack. )ock· iftl al&\ raclt, t.ncbld•d. StHI ndlal u,.s. lo _... Xlii C'OGCI, main· ~nee • m.lle&i• ,.., ..... CM!o.1670381·5. GUSTAFSON LINCOLN MERCURY '6too e.odl Bo.A_, 1976 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL TOWHCOWI o.,'499- on~~ Loaded with o r>tlons . V-8 , autOMttlc. AM/FM s.tereo. orul•• control, tilt __., pow•r wlndowa, vlnyl roof, apllt comfort ee11t1. R..i pretty ctr. One Of'lly. Cl.le. 2S8SPY) .__ ....... . _...,_ ......... .... ·-.... """a.. ..... ,. llld ......... --- llNCO\N MUCU•V 1.eooa-11......_, ~ .............. 142-el44 • '76 Aspen Sta. Wgn. air, P /B, PJS. rack, good cond. 840-2245 Ford 9940 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • -PHIL LONG FORD '73 Courier, nu paint, nu upbolateey, recieot eng overhtlul, &Int run. cood. Gl--4lm Maverick , '73, auto, custom spedal. Lo mi's, dean, must .ell, no rsnbi rb' rdmed. 531-47'72 '7S Granada Ghia, 2 dr, auto. 8 cyl. green w/110- dau top. 13,000 mL P JS. P/B, P/W. A/C, bucket sea&s. Radials. Make of· fer. 4S'7·16?f Torino, &lot cond w I b.Q&.up. Must tell. 78M971 SUP!Ut SUPER DUPEll 1910 Custom Torino. Com~ roblt. Trade for truck or ea1h. Sacrlflce. 548·K50 or ~ 'M Ferd J Dt brdtp. Bhae. Good bocty. Roi. 1ood. Rtblttr....._ "25orm11te olr ........ ''3 l'ord GrH Torino SDori. tin &op. elr, P/S, Pi B. Allfl"lif s trtt. Mint ooncf. Mu.at M&I. ~100. Callhm·2Pm ITHM. "11 Pinto llaodoUl. \0 ml, AM/PM l·ttlt, •·t1;d. Sla)Q. 5*all 1970 MERCURY SEDAM leyi.---1te•rln1. oow•r Cr•t(ff. AM""M ,..,.., --M&I A 1*luly 162611l01 $1246 ..... 0 .... ol I~• v, •. .._, ... 1971 PINTO SED.tN • cv• . ,,..,., '""'° s.. .... lt--(074DFC.1 $1246 OH er ~uod lhru 2 I J 711 1!174 Pl> :i;.ilt'lbh• Sl• \\·Uf,: I µJ~~. I'S l''l:J. .\11 . l;d tin·.. 1r;in' Cvu lcr . J1r 1>h111·k:. trailt·r h1tc·h . L'l:I Had111 UICI Guod Cum! 1.!IOCI 113t~ Ow.t~r latt' mood. lo ntl rrunt rond c;reat 1-.t ue :!nd t• a r S2795 ofr 'iS4·t86l 1•r 541~4«> 1!175 Ply Rdrnr. lo ml. '<Int t·ond . AM FM :.ll•reo lliP<-'. ma l(i. 675·11296 D£>1)l'nd.1blc tr:.ni.wr111 t.ion, 67 1-'ury Sport r. cyl $.'iOO 631 5000 'iG 1-'ocmulJ 400. ~ t'llo"'. ' p c (' I J 1 l' rl I I I n n honeyc·omh mag!-. full~ loudcd. :!:!K mt. xlnt t·tmd s.s20U \ft 6pm «all ~ 1070 197:! Stutt1111 Wa~un . !I pas' .111 i..1r11-. ~1200 !179 0634 Makc orh·r Pontiac 9t6S ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1977 POHTIAC Firebird Esprit Wil h :.ter<'o t•asi.ctlt:. 11lng~ & mctalhr paint. <16.SHKSI SADDLEBACK V AUEY IMPORTS 83 t -2040 495.4949 '71i Gnrnd l'rix LJ, all P" r item:.. c·ru1~l'. i\ M z..~M ...tcrt~J taix-. $52'10 Pvt pty5-~~ TllutldetiMrd 1977 T·BIRO _,s399 9970 Loaded with all the goodies incl cruise control w hile 1nter1or & exterior, with while vinyl roof. Beaullful c ar. mu "'' ser to appreciate One only (Lie 952NLLl I "'"-ymenta. o r I tW It kw • "'°"'"'lot•~-..... 1 ... "" l«JM ()el_.., 1903t H incl ,.. lot a lf\l.,ft'\t GUS'fAFSON LINCOLN MERCURY •74 FORD •('W • t ) • .-,. ") 1' I l J"..0"'"" t I~ t,,.r)fr-f Vf~ fC.,Of 168FORD Cortt-ZO.-. 4 , "''Ot"'.JI< """ AM rod-1, '"''od giols. .. +, •-o'.I I•• ., ......_.,. "''"'"· 18\\ •hon 40.(X)() m.'es ~~t8A=Yf',M I ' s1311 4 , \ f-~ l ' -..i.n. ,,, -· J qi .J· wh1h--Nalt t11fJ\ ,.;,... 1 ,,,. '••II• I l 'OMHI'{) r,tl • 311 A "72 FIAT 124 Spldet-COllHftibl• ~, '> r•'"l f\MfM .'·•• 1 11·~111· fJdlop & '" r , , ,,, ....,• •.• ,.i.:. • 1 "'"'\ .... m.~et.. Lie '74 DATSUN 2602 2 + 2 courE '73FORD LTO ZDr.H~ I la'' ~." Va 1.,.• •n,. ''7"' rO\ili~ 1•·.-f r Vtt1 t' ~f'\ h I ~ •. ., I l INf J" (<ffl • 'l"" I~· • fl IOC>f rodic.. and . .. . s5411 ~~~1:P1•'2~ .,~~20 s2088 '70FORD '75 FORD Toriflo Z Door Gran Torino 2·dr. Hardlop • "' • 1 ; 1 •., ' nd' n,, l J:"• """t"I' v 8, aulo trM\'\. •~.cto(y .,,,. tonO PG"'-''"' \h ... r pow~r br4Jkt-'io, rdd10 ~watf't w w htt",, t1ntf!d o•on. wtU..' .. I <Over\, fanddu fop ltC : SSOMt Z Stt.: 11 Plhf • • ' , v ' I •' 'Jh-"' "11',w t tP\, ,,.,~.A• 5988 '73 FORD 176 FORD r!fltO w OCJOfl MMStlMC) z + z ·1 • 111t 1rr '1't1•-1 tit11nJ 'l.Lo t,1-..,..2•0t 4 y1 4 ~.f?lli !\M r~o. Mf~ J)'l t.-i•fW ..... • '""" 111 .... t I wt, •. , l :r(X)4;-t(3K "H w• '"""' i I • f"' ~ (·,.. ,,,..,,._, 1 Lie =0':>3REM Sr~ = '141 f\ 5)988 • '76 CHEVROLET Cor•.tt• StlllCJrO)' 1 ,, fli ,, t1:,. I ¥><•-t ff lot "'1 Jl('wPf j ".C ,. ,,, • ., .. , • ., ._. , , "~·.t ·r ,~i11q '73 DODGE Voit 111 T .. b , ~ -f'."t><I •ad "' h. "'"' L " • ' 1 J tt ,. • l "'lo2HGJ 11 " 16'>/lf 53388 "75 VOLVO Z44DL 4 0.-. S,._, 176 HONDA "76 TOYOTA Cl•ic CVCC Stati°" WOCJOft c-w...,.. • 1 j "111 1,. '" , 1 '"J 1 1. ,,, ~o 4 cyl. 0010 Iron,., focto.y oi< condotron11~1 AM1f-M df~ r '" e>,2,1, taOo, whrtewofl lite•, tonled qlo,\, whl-ol ~OYI'"· $3488 ~ •11sP\YS•~ ,.q~q"$3588 EVERY llEW 197 PlllTO Ill OUR HUGE STOCK llOW 301 QJER REDUCED 10-.. FACIOIY TO 1NYOICE I FROM STOCK OML Y -BIG SELECTIONS! ................. ,.,....... .... '-*Y "•••11llsl . COME IN AND TEST DRIVE FORD'S NEW FIESTA AND WE'LL TREAT EVERY MEMBER OF YOUR ~ .. FAMILY 10 A. rtr~a WHOPPERI ~ ·--.... YOU'LL NEVER KNOW EUROPE'S MOST SUCCESSFUL NEW CAR IN HISTORY UNTIL YOU DRIVE IT! SO COME IN. MEET FORD FIESTA FACE TO FACE, AND LET US TREAT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO A ,BIG. DELICIOUS BURGER KlllG WHOPPER! (Free Whopper Coup0ns Goodar Costa Mesa Burger Kings only Oller L1m1ted To Test Dnves Made Through Sunday, Feb 12 All Onvers Must Have Vahd Driver's License TRUCK LEADERSHIP SALE WE SEl.L MORE IECAUSE OF PRICE AND PRODUCT PAY FACTORY YOU 5% OVER OHL Y 0 INVOICE CHOOSE FROM AMY OF nf ESE 1978 MODELS IM OUR BIG. llG STOCK .u FI S01s•.u 2501s .uF3501s STANDARD MODEL COURl·ERS IF ITS IM OUR STOCK ITS 5°/o OVER FACTORY INVOICE (Factory Invoice Includes Freight and All Factory Holdbacks) wow WHAT A DEAL! ALL CUSTOM VAN CONVERSIONS IN OUR STOCK J~~v5 % ~~~1;: CHOOSE FROM J LEISURE TIME • ROLL-A-LONG SIERRA • HOLIDAY WHEELES VANS UNLIMITED • SU,,NDIAL • MESA SPECIALTIES (Factory Invoice Includes Freight and All Factory Holdbacks) LEASE DIRECT AND SA VE! We INM mt mak• cws ClllCI fnlcb. Ask about CM" lease mointainanc• progrmn. DAILY RENTALS Cars · Trucks ly Day-WHk or Month. Low as $7.00 Day • 7• Mile. co~=~~:~, l~;,r,111,h"'~· ~ '"""''''' ,,,~. ,, l"f rt,, G'tll' f/f"f'f,·r ~I ,..,,rtf \1 ti '' t•o •SAL[ OlPl HOU"S • M01>$il IAM tot PM Set: IAM tolPM , SQft, 10 A M lo I P M • SEllVICl • PA"TI • .......,,, 7 AM lofP M to.-" IM I P M Moftd•yl • PA"TS DEPT • PfN SAT I A M to 1 P M