HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-12-22 - Orange Coast Pilot. . . 17 I I ' ope to • • IS It • ex1co, Atten • IS Teen Ba~dits Chase«i FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEM BER 22, 1978 Through 5 Coast Cities YOL 71, NO. JS4, 4 SECTIONS, 41 l"AO•S Newport Waitress Attacke d A 24·year-old Newport Beach waitress suffered a head wound when she was attacked from behind by a man who beat ber a nd tried to rape her early Thursday morning, police said today. Police said the young woman was attacked about 3 a .m . after she parked her car and was wa lking to her apartment. The victi m kic ke d and scratched at her assailant who punched at her repeatedly and pounded her head against the s idewalk b e f ore fleeing , according to police reports. T he woman was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital where she was treated for her injuries. Hospital officials said s he was sent home after treatment. Police said th e woman described her attacker as a man in his early 20s, medium build, with s hort wavy hair. The attack occurred near the lSOO block of W. Ocean Front, police said. Blast Hits Truck BEIRUT. Lebanon <AP)-A explosion wrecked a Syrian a rmy truck on the Be i rut· Damascu s highway today, wounding two soldiers and two civilians, a communique from the command o f the Arab peacekeeping forces in Lebanon reported. Coas t Weather Gusty northeast to easterly winds 15 to 25 mph below some passes late tonight or early Satur· day. Lows tonight 38 to 45. Sunny and s lightl y warmer Saturday with highs 62 to 68. INSIDE T ODJ\ 'Y wma Chriltmal in thf! air tD1111 iln't it ON THE AJR'! 1"04 about where to ftnd the few radio hoUdotl ipeciatl on PCJQe Cl. .... 'lltings are Claanging in Claina Female Oerk Assaulted By STEVE MITCHELL Of t11e O~ l"\191 S!Mf Two boys bashed -a -female market clerk on the head with a wine bottle early this morning and roared through five cities ill a llO·mile-per·hour chase that ended by smashing a Fountain Valley Patrol car. The clerk. Ann Plaster of Costa Mesa s uffered minor head injuries when she was assaulted during the Lag una Be ach robbery or the Tic Toe Market, 1390 North Coast Highway . Th e b a ndits. Wh i ttier youngsters. ages 15 and 16, were taken to Orange County Juverule Hall . They were to be charged with armed robbery. assault with a deadly weapon. grand theft auto and relony assault. Chinese women s it under hair dryers at a beauty parlor in Shanghai recently. The permanent wave reportedly is proving very popula r with women in China. At right is a woman soldier of the People's Liberation Army. The chase involved between 25 to 30 police units at various times. It began after the teens struck the clerk and Oed with $15 in cash. police said. CHP Officers Slain Temporary Driver's License May Be Clue SACRAMENTO <AP> -Two highway patrolmen were found shot dead behind their patrol car on foggy Jnterstate 80 west of Sacramento early today and pqlice sought the owner of a te rn porary driver 's license found at the scene. A Yolo County deputy sheriff heard dle shots and got to the scene within minutes alter the killings. T he d ead officer s wer e identified as Roy Blecher and Mike Freeman, both from the Woodland CHP office. Both men's service pistols weJ"e missing. Their bodies were Child's Prank Prove s Fatal AGOURA <AP>-A 13-year-old boy, dared by two pals to lie in the road playlo.g "ditch·a ·car." hu been killed by one of the cars be was trying to send toto the dikh, the California Highway Patrol said. Three boys took tums lying down in the middJe of Cornell Road in this Loe AngeJes suburb Wednesday night. but Mark Suer·s tum proved fatal when a driver coming out o(tbe darkness didn'tseeblmintJme. Driver Peter Poster, 20, of Westlake Vlllage slopped lm· mediately after rwmlnc over the boy and called fOf' help, but the child died of maaslve chest in· juries an hour laleT at Westlake Community HoepllaJ. Poller was not cited or beld, Cwtls Hid. found face down on the roadside. one of t he m with his hands cuffed behind him. A shotgun was also reported missing from the patrol car . Investigators said they are seeking a man. descr ibed as 23 to 25 years old, six feet. 170 pounds, dark compl e xion. wearing a s hott ·s l eeved s weatshirt and '1riving a gray or cream-colored sub-compact car. The description of the car apparently came from witnesses in a passing vehicle. CHP dl~patc her Hugh McGuigan said. An alert was also issued for a 1965 brown pickup truc k. although there wa s no immediate explanation of what led authorities to look for it. Yolo County Deputy Sheritr Larry Justice. who found the bodies, said he was patrolling a bualness area near the highway when be beard four to six shots. He stopped his patrol car. rolled down the window and listened for five minutes, then headed for the highway. As he crossed the highway on the Harbor Boulevard overcrossing just west of Sacramento, he saw a highway patrol car with its red light fl ashing alongside Interstate 80 and another car beside the road. Justice said ft took him rive to seven mlnures to wind his way to the scene. where he found the s topped car gone and the officers deed. Tbe hlpway was so fogbound, two lanes were dosed to tratnc during the ln~Uga.tion. ln a s hort time there were two chaln·reaction accidents in the area. . .. . . ... . . . " •• The scene of the slayings was in a n unincorporated a rea of Yolo County about one mile west of Sacramento and about 80 mi l e s n or thea s t or Sa n Franciseo. Blecher and Freeman were the only two officers on duty from the Woodland CH P office at the time. authorities said. Bob Fahs. a highway patrol spokesman. said the officers are the first to be shot this year, but five others have been killed in the line ol duty. Two were hit by a truc k as they checked a stopp ed driver near Baldwin Park, two were killed In a helicopter crash near Newhall and one died near Santa Fe Springs when he was hit by a truck as he stood at a 1\.anch counter beside the road. Mideast R est s During Nigh t By The A&loclated Presa lsraeU and Palestinian guns we re silent overnight after a day.Jong artlllery duel that capped the worst clash ln nine months along Israel's northern border with Lebanon. The border battle erupte<I Thurs day mornl nt when P alestinian guerrillas avenging an Israel air strike Wednesday fired a volley of Ket)'us ha rocket.I rrom aouthem Lebanon into the tsraell border town of Kiryat Sbmona. Authorities said the rocket. lrlUed a 22·)'ear-old laraell army reservist a nd wounded seven clvill.ana. .\ Cleveland Buy Offer Nixed CLEVELAND <AP) -The Ci· ty Council. which is trying to find a way to tift Cleveland out of default. was thrown into con· fusion today when a private utility withdrew an offer to buy the city-owned electric light plant. A council session planned for this morning was delayed, with no indication when -or if -it would start. Council President George L. Forbes said he would continue to press the 33·member body to act on measures that ask voters to raise their income taxes and to .sell tbe city's debt·ridden light system. The dazed clerk con tacted police and while other patrol units converged on the m arket, S~. Terry Temple sped north on Coast Highway looking for the geta way car. Te mple said he saw the stolen pickup truck near Scotchman's Cove and followed the truck from a discreet distance until they reached Corona del Mar. .. Temple didn't turn on his lights because he didn't want the kids to know they were being followed until he could raise some Newport Beach (patrol) units,·· said Laguna Beach Capt. Neil Purcell. When the suspects and their persistent pursuer reached San Joaquin Road and MacArthur Boulevard in Newport Beach, Temole and Newoort officers tSeeCHASE, Page .U> Pope to Travel Pontiff Sets Mexico Vici t VATICAN CITY (AP> -Pope John Paul II announced today he will visit Mexico next month to participate in a conference of bishops from Latin America, a continent holding nearly half the world's Roman Catholics and seething with political and social turmoil. It will be the pontiff's first trip outside Italy sin~e his election in October. Pope John Paul, who has said he is taking on the 'pilgrim's staff ot peace" from Pope Paul Vt. is also expected to travel to his native Poland ln the spring. The pope made the announcement to cardinals in a Christmas message also focusing on a territorial dis pute between South American neighbors Chile and Argentina and containing a renewed call against huma n tighta violations. .. Every violation of penonal dignity ravors the grudge or the spirit or the vendetta," he asserted. -I. ' 'fllti ' ', 'Ii' "\ ... I • ' i •/ . ·, I ~ I)'"~" .'f 11rw1......., fO .. THOR WHO HAY! IVERVTHIHO-A 11TH CENTURY HOUSE FOR $95,000 The Onty Ca~ la, You Hav• to Aahmbl• It Yourt•"· Juat Like 1oy1 Do·lt• You1•self House Put All the Pieces Together for $95,000 L.OS ANGELF.S <P > It won't flt under the tree and a l $95,000 or more, 1l's certamly not the Ott f Of' everyone. But a local realty company is advertising a 160.year-old disassembled house 1n boxe!> com qlete with Chrbtmas ribbons. ~ell it for mm . The realtor1 advertised it as a Christmas special. offering deUvery with Chriatmu bows deeoratiq every Mx of parts . The price tag includes origltlal glass. bricks , wooden nails. fireplace mantel, walnut st.airway and huge pine beams and iruitrucUons onhowt.ore-&Nembleeveryth.l.n&. 'llhe 4,000-squarc.foot home. built in Sun· bury, Ohio, wu disa11embled and snoved her~ by an anUque dealer who couldn't afford lO rebuild It. So he a!k@d the Fred Sanda Realty Co. to For $315,000, the house will be both re· bullt and restored ror the new owner ln aOO.t ntnt monthA. Planes' Noi3e Familiar New OC Airport Manage r Knows Problem By KATHY CLANCY OI ... o.Mty f'l191 Si.ti The Fresno airpor t administrator tentatively selected as the new manilger or . Orange County Airport is no stranger to the conflicts between jet aircraft noise and homes. .. We are concerned about noise." Raul Regalado, 34, said • Uus morning. "Our community Is concerned about noise. We hav e undertak en major programs in the past lo mitigate noise." • Amons the efforts, he said. were lbe just-complered purchase of 110 homes in a noise-impacted area, acquisition or easements In airspa« above homes and the near ly finished deve lopment of a long-range airport noise and land u se program. ' Regalado, a Los Angeles nattve, said he expects to come to Orange Co unty in mid-January pending county supervisors' approval of his $32,000 per year salary. He would replace Robe rt Bresnahan. who resigned Oct. l S to become director of aviation ln Mesa, Arlt. Chairman ol the Orange County Board of Supervisors, Se%Link? Thomas Riley said today he was impressed with Regalado's experience and particularly with a recommendation from Los Angeles Airport Manager Cliff Moore. "Cliff Moore has got to be one of the top airport manasers in the country, maybe in the world," Riley said. ·•tr Mr. Moore gives h i m a high checkmark then any reservations I have begin to disappear." Reaalado has been manager of both the 2,000-acre Fresno ~ommerelal airport and a amaller faclUty for 180 private planes for the past live years. Tbe Fresno airport will ae:"Ve 1.2 miWoo passengers this year, Regalado said, and will handle 2 .3 million passengers by 1~86. By cont.rut, Orange County Airport occupies 492 acres and will handle an estimated 2.4 million passengers by the year'• end. Regalado satd the Fres no terminal recently was expanded by addition o f a 42,000-square.foot concourse. making the facility roughly three limes the size of the Orange County terminal. 5 Bodies Found At Illinois House OES PLAINES, Jll. <AP) - The remains of aa many as five bodies decompogina under lime have b ee n round in a four ·foot-deep space beneath the f trst level of a house in a quiet res idential area northwest of Chlcafo• authorities said. Po Ice questioned the 37-year -old owner o f the ranch.style house, and said later that "a hunt for more bodies In other areas" was under way. AuthonUes said the man Is an e>r·convict who had served time OftANOlOOAST ~ DAILY PILOT '"' °' ..... c-t o.i" ............. wM(AJ• ,_ ...... --~ .. ,,,.,..._ ... , .. o._ c .... ,.,.,,.,...~ ...., .. , .. n-••• 0.,,"46\PwtO MOtwtA• tfW'ouU'\ fllr•n•t tOf' (~•• ,... .. '"'_, llloec• .,...,,..._..., e.oc• r-,,.."Y•• .... •~ \~flf'.c.ft '°"1ft(.~ 4 ,,,...,,_ __ ..,. .. _,,_~v•OO"- ~-· .. "" __ _,.\lllf'9 .. ~ ....... Wnt e.' '419". Geol• llillfN. CAM-• ti.'-. .. _,, .. _ "'» ....... -........ -J" .. '·'-"" Yl(tr1t'1'*"1_0.,._~ r-•••""' (di"' ,_,&,........,. .... ,...i,..tlhOt O.tttt ... uet ·~p ..... A\\l\l'°"'Mt ........ L•ion. °"'9•• CMl•._ .. JJIWO"M~-· l _ ...... 11 .. 0-... $1• .. I ""'""'9lt11 .. .Cll1 lltl> .. _ ...... ,_._ ,...,.......(?1.,MMJ21 Olt..-..ci Aftettl .... M71 , __ ( .. _ ....... for sex crimes. At mid·moming. no charges had been lodged against him in lhe current case. Investigators said the owner of the house previously was convicted of sodomy, served time in an Iowa prison and has an arrest record ror other sex crimes. Police said they entered the home Thursday with a search warrant alter they received a report that the owner had been seen with Robert Piest, 15. who was reported missing Dec. 11. Lt. Mel Schnoblen or the Cook County sheriffs police said five bodies in various ata1es of decompo1iUon were round in the house. He aaJd It appeared that the bodies were of ·•younger persons ." Nei1hbors s aid the owner of t he house, a construction contractor. had been twice divorced and Uved alone in the house. 11\ey said he frequently volunteered to perform as a clown for children &l charitable e vents. The owner "ha.a a very good personaJlty and we can't say anythlrul bad about him." srud Jtnny Delaurentis, a neighbor. m Audree Wllaon, 23, said she u1ed to btby-1tt for the man'• two etepcblldrcn before bis divorce from hit second wife two years a,o . "The ttawl apace where the bodlH wtre found \1 too damp to 1tore anyt.hJJt1 tn." H Jd MN!. Willon. Members or the Edward <irexa family nearby said that unmarked police cars had been noUced outside tht house since laat week. The Fresno commercial airport , about fi ve miles nortt\ea s t o f the cily, accommodates four air carriers, United Airlines, PSA, Air CalUomia and Hughes Alrwest. along with commuter ajr serv'ice by Swift Airlines and Sierra Pacific Alrlines. Orange County Airport is served by Hushes Airwest and Air California along with Golden West Airlines' commuter service. And wh.lle Orange County has a SOO-mile destination limit ror lll&bts, .. ·resno offers dlrecl service to Denver, tor example. Regalado saJd growth In the city of Fresno has lmpact9d the airport and the departure normallf taken by commercial jets f l es over a m ajor resldenUal area. Noise mitigation measures have helped cope with the noise problems, he said. Regatado, selected for the Orange County post by county otrlcials, is a former Army helicopter pilot who holds a bachelor'fl degree In aviation a dministration from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla. l'ror.Page A l CHASE •.• flipped on the red lights "and that's when they really put th<" s peed on," Purcell said. Police said the driver of the pickup swerved around cars and tried to force some off the road a s he headed up Mac Arthur toward the San Diego Freeway. Irvine police joined the chase as the truck roared into the free way, and, Purcell said, purs ue rs clocked speeds in excess of 110 m iles per hour on thelr speedometers. The truck continued to weave in and out ol tra ffi c until it reached Fountain Valley where th e driver s ideswiped a Fountain Valley patrol unit that was attempting to cleur the freeway of traffic. omcer John Qulniao suffered minor cuts and bruises tn the collision near the Magnolia Street offramp and was taken to Fountain Valley Community Hospital for treatment. His patrol car was badly damaged. Police said the driver of the pickup jumped from tbe cab immediately after lhe collision, hopped the freeway center divider fen ce and waa punued by Irvine officers Dave Williams and Jim Pot~. Williama cut hls hand while climbi ng over the cente r divider. but Potts continued the foot chase and captured the driver. The other )'ounsster remained In the car pollcesaid. Both b'Oys were taken t o Huntington Bea c h Jntercommunity Ho11pltal for observation, and later booked Into Juvenile Hall. Death Toll at 28 SALAMANCA, Speln CAP> - Another chUd In the school bu · tratn c:rash dlcd durlna the night, brinatn1 to 28 the nurnbcr of youn1ratera ktlled In the col· halon, t 0spital eources said. Goldwate r Ffgfils .-senator Sues On China Shift WASHINGTON CAP> -Sen. Barry Goldwater filed sult to day to stop President Carter from ttrmlnatina the U.S. defen1t .treaty with Talwun on 1roundis lhlll the act.Jon "will set o danaerou~ precedent" enabling u presldt'nt to end any ffMuetrffbalwill. Carter announced a week ago lhnt th~ United States would exlf•nd diplomatic recognition to the People's Republic of Chma fie alto said the 1954 treaty with TaJwan would be ended . each and every tN1ty the United States bu with another country. such u NATO or our aJltances with South Kore• and JaP.an, wiU be put ln dbubt. ·And no country aucb as Is rael, with whom we m ay co nclude u future d e fens~ treaty, can be usured Uiat it wilt las t any longer than the whim of the single peuon who happeru1 to sit in the Oval Office a t ;any gi ve n m oment 1n hhstory," he added. PreaUlent l mprove3 WASHJ NGTON <AP) Pr~ident Carter wlll not under10 •urgery to correct hi1 he m<>rrllotd problem al leest for the Ume beJna. the Whtt e Hou1e announced today. Dr. William M. Lukuh eumlned the pre1ldenl l4d1y and determined that Carter 1s "contlnuln1 to Improve," uld White Hou•e spokesman Dale Leiba ch. Leibac h irnld Cart er ''had a good nJght's sleep" and planned to fly to Georgia later today aa scheduled to 1pend the Christmas holidays w1tb his family. Fi ve se n a t o rs , on e s enator -e l ec t and elght represen t a tiv es joined Goldwater in the suit filed in U S District Court. Seeond Gunma• The action seeks to have the court declare the termmalion of the de f e n se tr ea t y unconstitutional and illegal and asks that Car ter be 6locked from talung any further action toward that aoal . .. The president'• action ls one of the worst power gnbs in American hlatory." Goldwater said. "By bringing this suit. 1 a nd m y collegaues who are joining with me. are seeking to uphold the Constitution." Tb.e complaint says th' Senate I& a partner wilh lhe presldent In treaty-making as p•rt of lhe Constitution's admonition that the Senate must "advise and consent" to such aareements wltb foretin powers. "Aa a logical and natural consequence," the aull says, .. the ~nate Is a part or the authority who t>Ossesses the powe r of deciding upon the termination of the treaty." The While House had no immediate comment on the auil. J oining Goldwater in the suit were Sens. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina. Jesse A. Helms or N .c.. Jake Garn and Orin Hatch or Utah. Carl Curtis of Nebraska and Sen .~lect Gordon Humphrey of New Hampshire. Also J01nang we re Re ps. Robert Bauman of Maryland, S tev e Symns and George Hansen o f Idah o, Larry McDonald of Georgia, Robert Daniel Jr. of Virginia, Bob Stump and Eldon Rudd o r Arizona and John Ashbrook of Ohio. "lf the president gets way with it," Goldwater said, "then Goods Price Hike Small LOS ANGELES <AP> Consumer prices in November registered the smallest rise in 14 months -0.2 percent for Los Angeles and Orange counties. the Bureau or Labor Statistics said today. <Related story. A4 > Locally, pr1ces have gone up 7 .4 percent since the first or the year. compared to S.8 percent ror the same period last year, aecording to lbe bureau. He took SUl8.10 last month to buy comparable goods a nd services that cost $100 in 1967, the base year when the index stood at 100. the bureau said. Freedom Due SEOUL, South Korea <AP> -OP,position leader Kim Dae Jung will be among 5.378 prisoners freed Dec. 27 as part of an am· nesty marking President Park Chung·hee's mauguration for a s econd six.year term, the Justice Minjstry announced lo· \ Kennedy Probers Set New Hearing W ASKlNGTON (AP> -The House Aisa.sainaUons Commit· tee decided today to hold a public hearing next Friday to explore scientific evidence that :1 second gunman might have taken pa.rt in the assaaainatlon of President Kennedy. "The evidence will be heard in It.a full cont.ext aAd the polllble meulq ol It wlll be explored, .. HJd Rep. Lou1a Stolrea, l).OhJo,• chairman ot the commlttee. Two committee membera raised q"esUona about the validity ol UM eviMACe. wbfch was baaed oa refined acoustical telta. . "t'm alway• 1uaplcloua or these new faqlfd sclenc"·" Hid Rep. Rl~hardlon Preyer. D·N.C .. bead of a "-nnedy assassination s ubcommittee: "The questioo or its credibility is certainly crucial." Rep. Robert W, Edgar, O·Pa., suggested that Friday's hearing include test.Jmony from .experts for "ao analysis or how accurate acoustical studies are." He said the panel needs eJCpert help - from a neutral party -to help it deci de o n the validity and weight" o( the evidence. Stokes said the panel still will conclude its two-year. S.5 million lnveattgaUon and 10 out or busi-ness u scheduled by the end ot the year. A report on It.a findings and recommendations in the death a of Kennedy and cl vii rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. will be released Jan. 3, Stokes said . "We are out of t i m e and money," one committee member. Rep. Stewart McKin· ney, D·Conn., said Thursday. "No one know. what t.o do. 11 Most members of the panel's staff had left for other Jobs and nearly all t he work on the Singer Hurt In Collision BURRANK <AP> -Singer Laurel Masse was in satisfactory condition today after s uffering jaw. ankle and wrist injuries in an automobile accident. Ms. Masse. who performs with the Manhattan Transfe r pop group, was drtvmg home !from rehearsal when the accident OC· curred, according to the group's manager. Brian Avnet. The group's scheduled engage- ment at Hollywood's Roxy night club this week was canceled. voluminous final report was completed when a new analysis or a tape recording s howed evidence or a second assassin. The drJmalic evidence de· li vered to the committee this week •bowed a 15 percent likelihood that a s hot was fired at the Kennedy limousine from a 1ra11y knoll in Dealy Plua. McKtnney hid. That contred.lcta Warren Com- mlaalon findings that only three shot.a were ftred at the presi· dent, and that a ll three came Jro111 th.a elxUJ noor ol the Tens School Book DeposllOI'}'. The commlaalon alao eon· eluded tbat 1.-Harvey O.wa\d aJm0tl C«tainJy acted alone in """"'the prel\dent. H9wever. acou1tlca expert Mflrk Weiss said there was a fourth lhot, one lhal may have miued the presidential party. New highly sophisticated com· puter techniques unavailable to the Wanen Commission were used in ttis analysis. "It is a new field." McKinney said. We iss, a specialist with the Federal Scientific Corp. of New York, and a colleague studied the tape recording or a trans mission from a Dallas motorcycle policeman's r adio, which b.td beeo left on Inad- vertently durtnt the assassin•· lion. Kids Really Make Money PHOENIXVILLE, Pa. (AP > -Alter tuminB out Christmas cards on the school press, enterprising students decided t.o use t.he leftover green ink to try their hand at fun n y money. Stone·faeed federal agents were not amuaed. "It started out as a joke.'' Sanford Pariser, director ol the Northern Chester County Tec:hnlcaJ School, said Thursday. "It sure didn't end up that way." After speaking with the students involved, agent Kevin Tucker s ald he turned the findings over to lhe U.S. attorney's office, which has decid<.'d not to prosecute. I \ I 7 Orange Coast EDITION . ' Your Hometo •n Dally Newsp ap r , VOL. 71, NO. lSl>, ~SECTIONS. 4 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1918 NIC I TEN CENTS State to Cut OC Fire-Fighting Funds1 By JOANN a 'YNOLD8 ...... ,,.,......., d Sl•te aftlctals, workiot on or. rs from Gov Edmund Brotrn Jr · aro plannlftl to cut th~ $20 mllllon all0t'1Uoo from the &tatt- budg t for fa.re prote-cllon ror Oran1e Coun~· County Administrall\'~ Offirer Robttrt Thomas toda) a,n~nt.y chua d st•tt' otflc1al wUh "politlckJn"" m th propou l which be said he! le tned ot lMt WHk "Thia ts ao1n1 to huve a v~ry maJot •mpat'l on our contract <'llJt'a au.ch ea lrv&ne and Plucen U . " he aa.id "And at 1h1 point '*" have no way or knuwang whut thaat lmpad wtll bt " Thomb aatd he Wilt told th• M11tc's 1)urt1clputlon an what ii. n ow the Statt> 01v111ion o r f orestry Or11n6(c County fi'trt' Otpart~t wouJd t!nd ca~ of Ju· ly 1. um Thom Sllld he ls not opposed to thl" change since the county pays tM stall' about 18.6 million on a contract to provide that fire service. but h wants more time than isix monUu; to get ready tor h. The Joint county·s tate fire aervice currently employs SSO l)(IOple 'nlomus said all are cOn· s ider e d s tat e em ployees although the state only pays for 50 or those people. The balance ar@ paid by the corttract between the county and the slate. Thomas claimed that a six· month period for the change over Is insufficient to ready the county budget ror the financial Impact of such a move. "Jl look us two years to negotiate the change or the medical center from the coUDty lo the stale when UC Irvine took al o ver," the angry Thomas declared, slopping a desk for emphasis. "And It took us nine months alone to process the employees from our rolls to the slate's." Jn addition to the personnel question, Thomas said there is a mingling of $3 million worth of property and an unknown amount of equipment between tbe state and eounty that would constitute a major inventory and bookkeeping process to un· Drops 'Gun-prison' J\leeeport I ssue Density Ruling Means Changes By J ACKJE HYMAN Of IM O.lly ~llet Sutt A variety of undeveloped and partially developed sitea in Newport Beach face changes in planning because of the City • Council's vote th.is week cutting densities permitted in the city's general pfan One of the most visible sites affected is Newport Center. The City Council, which had mulled the changes for more than a year before voting, made three Senator ·Sues Over · Taiivan WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. Barry Goldwater filed suit to day to stop President Carter from terminating the U .S. defense treaty with Taiwan oo grounds that the action "will set a dangerous precedent'' enabling a president to end any defense treaty at will. Carter announced a week ago that the United States would extend diplomatic recognition lo the People's Republic of China. He also said the 1954 treaty with Taiwan would be ended. Five se nator s, one se nator-e lect a nd eight representatives joine d Goldwater in the suit filed in U.S. District Court. The action seeks to have the court declare the termination or the defense tr eaty unconstitutional and illeg:J! and asks that Carter be b~ocked from taking any further action toward that goal. "The president's action is one of the worst power grabs In Am erican history." Goldwater said. "By bringing this suit, l and my collegaues who are joining witb me, are seeking to uphold the Constitution." The comptaint says the Senate is a partne:r with the president in treaty-making as part of the Constitution's admonition that the Senate must "advise and consent" to such agreements with foreign powers . "As a logical a nd natural consequence," the s uit says. ''the Senate is a part of the authority who possesses the power of deciding upon the termination of the trealv. '' The White House· had no immediate comment on the suit. significant reductions. In office amd medical space, the forme r maximum of 4.299.600 square feet was cut to 3,750,000 square feet. or that, 2.251 ,644 square feet of space are already built. In commercial, retail and restaurant space, the former maximum of 1,301 ,000 square feet was reduced to l ,250,000 s qua r e fe et. Most of that - l ,191,250 square feet -is already built. For civic and cultural use, the council slas hed the former maximum or 122,100 square feet to 106.000 square feet. A total of 96,000 square feet is already accounted for, with the res t to go to the Newport Harbor Art Museum. In most cases, the coun cil left up to the discretion of t he developer -with city approval -to determine where and how to allot the remaining space. A number of other s ites, residential and commercial, were also affected by this week's vote. Most are owned by the lrvine Co. They are: CASTAWAYS: This area is located between Dover Drive and Upper Newport Bay south of Weslcliff Drive. The council voted to leave five acres of tbe site as recreational and marine commercial. but added the alternate use of medium density residential to another 20 acres. Maximum permitted dwellings would be 100. The allowable dwellings on the part of Castaways previously designated as residential were reduced from 320 to 225. <See DENSITY, Page AZ) Goods Price Hike Small LOS ANGELES (AP> Consumer prices in November registered the smallest rise in 14 months -0.2 percent for Los Angeles and Orange counties, the Bureau of ·Labor Statistics said today. (Related story, A4) Locally, prices have gone up 7.4 percent since the first of the year. compared to 5.8 percent for the same period last year, according to the bureau. He took $198.10 last month to buy comparable goods and services that cost $100 in 1967, the base year when the index stood at 100, the bureau said. Soaldng Vp Rags Members of University of Michigan foot. ball team relax on Port-a-Pit at UC Irvine athletic field prior to workout this mom· ing in preparation for Rose Bowl e n · counter with . USC. You can bet that linebacker Oliver Johnson <No. 81) and lineman John Prepolec <No. 71) aren't planning to be so relaxed come New Year 's Day in Pasadena. Wolverines are staying m Newport Beach and practicing at UCJ. 2Highway Officers Found Slain SACRAMENTO CAP> -Two highway patrolmen were found shot dead behind their patrol car on foggy Interstate 80 west or Sacramento early today and police sought the owner or a temporary drive r's li cense found at the scene. A Yolo County deputy sheriff heard the shots and got to the scene with.in minutes after the kiUlngs. The dead officers were identified as Roy Blecher, 50, of Broderick and Mike Freeman, 35, of Woodland, both from the WoodlandCHPoffice. Both men's service pistols were missing. Their bodies were found face down on the roadside. one of them with his hands cuffed behind him. A shotgun was also reported missing from the patrol car. I nvestigators said they are seeking a man. described as 23 to 25 years old, six feet. 170 pounds, dark complexion , wearing a s hort -s lee v e d sweatshirt and driving a gray or cream-colored sub-compact car. The description of the car apparently came from witnesses in a passing ve hic le. New Airport Chief Klwws Noise Issue By KATHY CLANCV 01 U. CUiiy Piiot $~11 The Fre s no airport a dministrato r tenta t ively selected as the new manager of Orange County Airport is no stranger to lhe conflicts between jet aircraft noise and homes. "We are concerned about noise," Raul Regalado. 34. said this morning. "Our community is concerned about noise. We hav e und e rta k e n m ajor programs in the past to mitigate noise." Among the efforts. he said. were the JUSl·completed purchase of 110 homes in a noise·impacted area, acquisition of easements in airspace above homes and the nearly finished development of a long-r ange a irport noise and 1 and use program. Regalado, a Los Angeles native. said h~ expects to come to Orange Cou nt y in mid-Janua ry pending county s upervisors' approval oC bis <See AIRPORT, Page A2> Two Teens Held In Heist, Chase By STEVE MITCHELL Ol t ... O•tlY Pilot Sl•tl Two boys bashed· a female market clerk on the head with a wine bottle early this morninP police said. and roared through five cities in a 110-mile-per-hour chase that ended by smashing a Fountain Valley Patrol car . The clerk. Ann l'las tcr or Costa Mesa suffered minor head injuries when she was assauJted during the Laguna Beach robbcrv of lhe Tic Toe Market. 1390 North Coast Highway. The s us p e cts, Whittier youngsters. ages 15 and 16, were taken to Orange County Juvenile Hall. They were to be charged with armed robbery, ass ault with a deadly weapon, grand theft auto and felony assault. Cyelist Joins Dead Boddy The chase involved between 25 to 30 police units at various times. It began after the teens struck the clerk and fled with $15 in crush, police said. The dazed clerk contacted police and while other patrol units converged on the market. Sgt. Terry Temple sped north on Coast Highway looking for the getaway car. By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of tlle O.Uy '11et Slaff Chuck Grein and Philip Karl loved motorcycling and Ufe. Catholic funeral services are scheduled tonight and Saturday for Chuck Greln, 18, who was killed on bls motorc ycle We dnesday , a day after attending Pblltp Karl's funeral. Karl, 17, was fatally Injured on his bike Saturday night when it rammed a car, disabled with lts lights out, at a Garden Grove intersection. "They were pretty good friends," said Greln'a brother. Michael. Services for Grein will be at St. Bonaventure's· Catholic Church, 16400 Springdale St .. Huntington Beach, w here similar rites were held for Karl. Dilda~ Brothers Mortuary, in Huntington Beach. is in charge of directing the Grein rites, as the firm was for the Karl family's son earlier in the week. Visitation was scheduled thJs afternoon al the mortuary, wi\h a Rosary at 7 p. m . in St. Bonaventure's Church. Mass of Christian Burial will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at tbe same sanctuary, follow~d by Interment at Good Shepherd Cemetery in R'1ntington Beach. Karl was burled at Holy Cross Cemetery \n Culver City. Michael Grein. 20. was enrolled with his now dead broth e r in a motorcycle mechanics class al Golden West College in Huntington Beach. Chuck Grein leaves hi s parents, Charles J . and Mary Grein; his brother, and a sister, Elizabeth. "He didn't have any plans yet," the dead youth's brother said. adding that they were just taking the motorc y cl e mechanics class to keep their bikea in good running order. Cbuck Otein and Philip Karl had met through motorcycling acqualnt.ances. Chuck Grein was kilted almost iqstantly when his machine slruck a center divid er on t' \ •• Warner Avenue near Los Patos Avenue. hurling him into a metal street sign post. Both Grein. of 17342 Wild Rose Lane and Karl or 17262 Cbaparal Lane, in the same northwest Huntington Beach area. succumbed to internal injuries . Grein, Huntington Beach's 29th traffic fatality of the year, wore a full protective helmet designe d to preve nt head injuries, police noted. Temple said be saw the stolen pickup truck near Scotchman's Cove and followed the truck (See CllASE, Page At> SALT Accord GENEVA, Switzerland 1AP> The Unlted States and the Soviet Union have reached ten· So did his former Huntington tative agreement on a strategic Beach High School classmate n rm ~ l i mi tat ion l r e at Y • who died in the Sarurday night Amencan officials said this af- colllsion in Garden Grove, p01ice ternoon oft.er a long ncgoll3tlng said. ~ , 1 ~ sessi9n. '"' , 'J ...• 11, .. ., .lidfl ~: t ' :u,.u \t .... .:.. I i tanile . Thomas said he was especially angry about the state'& move because he was told a week ago that it was "just a concept." We dnesday evening he re· ceived a letter from state of. ficlals informing rum the aJloca. lion for the fire service would not be included in the budget that goes to the legislature at the opeoini of the 1979 session. He (See FlllE. p-age A2> Law Judges To Get Choice , .. SAN FRANCISCO IAP l -The California Supreme Court by a 4-3 margin ruled today that a judge does not have to imprison anyone convicted of using a gun in the commission or a violent crime. lnstaead. the court ruled. a judge has the power to strike the firearm charge and gr ant proba- tion "when the interests or j~ce so dictate.'' • The ruling came on the con- troversial Tanner case and over-turns 1975 legislation which said judges had to give prison sen- tences to defendants convicted of using a firearm in the com· mission of certain felonies. The court, in a decision writ· ten by Mathe w Tobriner a nd signed by Justices Stanley Mosk and Frank Newman. held that the le$0.slation did not intend to • deprive a trial judge or power, the power to grant probation, as specified under another law. O»ef JuaUce Rose Bird wrote a ~oAcurring and dissenting opinion in which she agrees with the majority but voices different reasons for reaching that con- clusion. 1be Tanner decision stirred cootroversy when reports were published before the November election that the court reached a deeision but withheld filing it because of possible adverse ef· feds on Miss Bird who was seek- ing confirmation of the remain- ing eight years of her 12-year term. Miss Bird, who won confirma· lion by 52 percent of the voters. denied the allegations. 1be case involves Harold Tan- ner who was convicted of using a gun while robbing a grocery store. He was given a proba· tionary sentenre by San Mateo County Superior Court Judge Gerald Ragan. The court of appeal overruled that decision in May 1977 and or-dered the judge to impose the mandatory five years to life in prison. Tanner appealed the decision. In ner concurring decision, the chief justice said the trial court "correctly understood that its responsibility for determining whether to strike the penally enhancement was of cons\itu- tionaJ dimension.·· She said that unless the court <See RULING, Page A2) Coa~t Weather Gusty northeas t to easterly winds 15 to .. mph below some passes Jate tonight or early Satur- day. Lows tonight 38 to 45. Sunny and s li g htl y warmer Saturday with highs 62 to 68. I NSIDE TOD1' Y Wilh Chmtm03 in the mr WhJI ian't it ON THE MR? Read about where to find the Jew radio holiday special$ on Pcige Cl. ) CWLV PtlOT .. SeeeadG .. ••• rre.idem· Newpor.t Pope to Travel WASHINGTON (AP) The Houn Ass lnauon. Comrrul t e decaded today lo hold 1 pubHc Marint next riday to bplont ac5eoUflc vJdence that • nl'OOd aunm•n mtrht haw taken parl In lbo a a initJon of Pre~ldent Kfrtntdy ,.The evidence ~Ill be huJ'd ln &LI lull toot xt •nd tho pouibl m~anh\I of lt .wiU b6 o ptored " a.aid Rep Lmda >totes. o.otuo. th lrmao of lh0 commllttt Two comm1ttoo rnembtora rat od quHllona about the ulldlty ot ttt • ev dence, Wrhlch ••• baud on refloH acoustiuJ ~u •· t ·m always susplc•ous of thh" neiw flm11led sc1enc~s ·• Hid Rt>1> Rkh&lrdi.ou Pr.-~r D · N (.' . he:ad uf • Kenn~d ~ a11usaln3\ Ion "'ubC'oma\lllM ''1'he qul'sllon of us tredlb ltl> •~ certetnly CtUl'l•l " Rep. Robert' W Edtcar. D t•" aui&etled thet t1'rlday·~ heanng 111t'ludc testimony from ~·~r\6 tor • · •rn <.uu.tJyMs or how accurate •cou~IH'&d i-tullll'~ 11rc " lfe uad the JJUm·I 11~-<l~ l'JC,J)f'rt hclJt - from a neutral party -lo help at decide on the validity nnd we>i~ht" or thu cvld~nC'C Stokes said the P4lt1l'I sllll will conclude its two·year. $S million lnvcsllgation 1tnd go out of busi· nti~s us scheduled by the end of the year. A report on Its flndlntt~ and re('ommcndat1ons in the de a lhs of Kennedy and cl vii righL<> leader M1trtin Luther King Jr wall be r leased Jan 3, Stokes said. ··we are out of llme and m o n ey," one committee member. ReP' Stewart MclOn· ney, 0 -Conn., said Thursday. "No one knows what to do " Most members of the panel's staff had ten for other jobs and nt!arly all the work on the voluminous final report was completed tvhen a new analysis of a tape recording showed evidence of a second assassin. The dramatic evidence de· livered to the committee this week showed a 95 percent likelihood that a shot was fired at the Kennedy limousine from a grassy knoll in Dealy Plaza, Me Kinney said That contradicts Warren Com- mission findings that only three shots were fired at the presi· d<.'nt. and that all three came from the sixth noor of the Texas School Book Depository. The cort1m1 ss1on also con- cluded that Lee Harvey Oswald ,..,....ra~A l FIRE. . . was given until today to reply. He s;aid he sent a telegram outlining his objections and ask mg for lime lo negotiate. Thomas said he'd like to ~el a target date for the change of Ju· I) l. 1980. at the earliest. He estimated that to take on the fire employees could cost the county up to $4 million in bring- ing their pay. fringe benefits and working hours into line with other fire agencies in the county. "'They're JUSt assuming that the state employees will all come over and be county employees, but 1 don't know that "Wha t If they don't ? Then we've got problems in maint.ain- jng the fire protection service. .. And if they do, what about the county's personnel recruit· ment policy? What about af. firmative action and all that~ 'There are just an awful lot of things, so many things that reasonable people should sit down and talk about. .. This is precipitous and they're just doing it so Brown can look good and say he cut 500 pos itions from the stale budget." OAAHOE COAST DAUY PILOT l'W' OriMQrCor.t O.Ur Poor,.., .. ,,...-"<" f\tom btMOl ... __ , ,,_l<_ltyt ... C)f- (o•\e PutMt~•f'CIC~, \fMr•ttf'dlt~•'• ovtH11....,• ~"' ttw04'oh , tid•it t°' co"• ~'4 NrWOOf1 9fo-4lf't H~tl"'f1'0ft f'•.t<."'"~ t•t1tV•U ... lf'f//t#W' l .,,.,.9'•M"l*fft(ot\f A \tf'l.tl••~t"9itl0ft1•tv0''~~•wrM.,,~ ~~·Y\. ,,.. t)f'•"''CMI CNf>41\l'tlftQ Of..,_t I\ M JlO w.,, 84';)1rM '°''•"'"'w (.tuto,,, •• ,_,. ._,,,,_ p..,,.,., •"Cl PvOl•'l/'ttH J•<~. c ... , V.c• Pf'•\tMn• •net Wnetit4 "'-~ • - T-••11-[0llCW' '-:;::,'01: •. ,:'tZ:- a...1 .. " "-Ille-~ IWM A\\.i\l~t MetUQll"IO [91"°"\ Otflc•• (.o\1• Mflu now.,, t\#f'\""' '••ilf\..t A-Mf\ 11M01.....,,_..,,.!J.I,_,. """''~Gn.,._C." ,,., .... ~hftovi. ... <1 t eleptlone 17'4)642""3.21 CleHlfllld Aonrtlelng "2·M1t ,,..,. _,~°'""l)o , ....... ~''" IM0-1220 1~· Waitress WASfflNOTON <AP) Ptt••deM Carl t •lll nol Pomiff Sets M exico YU.it uaderto wrteu to cornet Att .-1.. d -r,~:r~~,,.m~::"¥.;; .. ,,..__.__ aca..e ·~·-VATlCAN CITY 1 AP) Pop<• John Paul II nnoun~ today he v.411 vhut.. Me.x.lco ne2't month to participate in u co nference of bishops from Latrn Amcn cu. u contlmmt holding nearly-'1al( the world's Roman Catholu:li and M!Cthlng wi(h polltlcal and s ocial turmoil. -'·~ almotl Ct!l11linly cacled olon m kllhna lhe prel\ldt'nt Rowt1ver. a.coullh!!I ~•µert Mark We HJd Lhere wa • fourth 1hot, on that may have ml Hd the pruldenU1l puty. New blJbly sopbt•tlcllcd c<>m puter ttth.n qut'. un1otvall1ble lo tbe Warren omn11H lon w~r u. d •n tu. anaJy 111 "ll I.I a new held,'' M<'KlMeY staid th White H ou c 1nnoun~ today. l>r WIUlam M 1,ukaah nonuncd the pr t h.teat toda)' and delermml!d lh&l Carlttr la "ccmi111uln& to 1mprovo," aatd White llous~ 1pokesman Oulo Lelb•~h Lelba('h uul Cuter "hod a good mf(ht's alecp" and a>lanned \0 fl)' to Oeor1ia laler today •S !!hl"duled to 3pe11d the ('hrlittmu bohdaya with hl tamlly. Caps Feathered 1'ivo Irvine Cops HoJWre d Thl' lrvmt:' Polit<' 0•·1Hirtm ot ha ~ be~n pr ~s ~nlc d u human1tariun uwurd for H~ partlc1p3llot1 In the relioue of a kidnapped btrd. A b p o k l'i.mjn f or the d~portnient l)Uad he upcclt.'d the PAWS a)"ard ~ould be the only one 1 ecc.:1ved for the exploit A 24 yeor-0ld Newport Beach waltr('!IS suf(ert'd o head wound when 11he wu ulUacked from behind by o man who b«Ult her and tried to r•po her early ·rhursdttY mornlog. police said today. Pohce 11ald-the young womun wa8 attu<'.'kcd about 3 4t.m. uft~r 11he parked her cu and wu:, walklni t.o hor apartment. The vlclim k•cked and scratched ut her assailant who punched al her repeatedly and pounded her head agalnst \ht s id ewall( before fleeina . according to Police reports . The woman wa;, tilken to Uoa~ Memorial Hospital where s he wu treated for her injuries. Hospital officials Hid ~M wai:; sent home after treatment. Po II ce sa id lhe woman descnbed her attacker as a man an his early 20s. medium bwld, with short wavy hair The attack occurred near the 1500 block of w Ocean Front, police said. ll "''Wln't t•xa('tly' th1• r1t1d on f.nt<•bbe. but pohc(• dttl plun and ~ta.cc u daybrcwk al)!ioil.llt that saved Cookie the cot:'kutoo, and not 4l feather oul of phace. The Novemoor cockatoo caecr involved the midnight blrdnapmg ot Cookie and a sinister voice on tbe telephone informing her own en ... We have your bl rd." Balboa Bay Club Wan Flap Settled · The bird was held for ransom. for an attempted exch11nge or $2,000. Police detecllve11 Paul Jessup and kon Flathers, work- ing with the owners . who had called police, had them talk the crlminalaintosetUJng for $GOO The exchange was made at a deserted service station. The owners grabbed their bird; Flathers and Jessup grabbed lhe suspects. , This week. Irvine PAWS, a newly formed group dedicated to the Promotion of Animal Well-being. gave the p01ice work recol(nition due. . A di11pute over payment of loans in coMeclion with the 1971 purchase of the Balboa Ba1 Club an Newport Beach b y International Bay Clubs Inc. ha... been settled out of court. officials said Thursday. Denni s B . Schmucker, president of USF Liquidating Corp. in San Diego, said the bay club has paid his firm $1 million m cash an<l $4! m1Jllon m notes which will be p1:tid with interest over a four.year period. E.S. Hightower. president of In!ernational Bay Clubs Inc .. said the loans were originally m}lde by U.S, Financial Inc. and that problems arose when that c~mp~ny ~ent bankrupt. USF L1qu1dat1ng Corp . is its suceessor. Both men said they are satisfied with the agreement It wtll be Uw pontarr·~ first trip outside Italy ~incc his elettion in OctobtJr Poi>e John Puul. who has said he is taking on the "pilgrim's staff of peace" from Pope Paul vr. is also expected to travel to his native Poland ln the spring. The pope made the announcement to cardinals in a Christmas mcssa~e also focusing on a territorial dispute between South Ameri can neighbors Chile imd Argentina and containing a rcncwe(! call against human ri~hts vioJatiom;. ··Every violation of p<?rsonat dignity favors the grudge or the spirit or the vendetta," he asserted. DENSITY CHANGES. • • -BAYVI EW LANDING : Located north or Pac1hc Coast Highway and west or Jamboree Road at the inteniectaon of the two, this s ite was formerly designated recreational <i n<t marine <.'Ommercial. fl had been eyed as· a possible hotel s ite. The council's action .provided a n alternate use of medium dens ity r cs1 d e nt1al or a com bi nation of that use and rec reational and marin e commercial. with resadentaul units not to exceed 85 -SAN DI EGO CR EEK SITES: This area. northeai.l of Jamboree Road and 1ust south of Bris tol Street , wa s left U,Jlchanged with a retail and service commercial and general ind\)stry designation because development is nol imminent. 1't ACARTff U R BOULEVARD/J AMBOR EE SITE: Located southeast of MacArthur Boulevard just north of San Diego Creek, tbis site wa!> left unchanged as retail and ~e rvice rommcrc1al because development 1s not imminent. -WESTRAY SITE : Allowable dwelling units were n:duccd from 426 to 348. This residential site Hes eust of Irvine Avenue and Dover Drive. south of University Avenue, next to Upper NewPort Bay. -NEWPOKTER NORTH: The council voted to reduce allowable re5idences from 704 to 440 on this site between the Newporler Inn a nd Park Newport. FREEWA Y RESERVATION EAST : The vote was to limit the dwelling units to no more than 100. No maximum had been established for this location eas t of MacArthur 8-0ulevard between Fo rd Road a nd San Joaquin Hills Road. -FIFTH AVENVE: These;: parcels north of Fifth Avenue in Corona del Mar were lefl unchanged. with 204 dwelling un,lt s a llowed in a medium-dens ity r esidential area PAWS has 43 regis tered members in Irvine, Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Garden Grove and Santa Ana. Major Nelson De3d at 45; Services Set AIRPORT CHIEF .•. -CA_LTRANS WEST: This site west of Superior Avenue and north of Coast Highway was rcdesi~nated from multi·family residential lo recreational and t'nvironmental open space. a cut of 258 permitted dwelling units. The PAWS citation said the police "heroically rescued Cookie from her Inhumane birdnappers after eight terrifying hours of being held at shotgun-point." PAWS g3ve s pe cia l re cognition t o Jessup and Flathers. who hatched the plot und caged the culprits. "We feel that wllb concerned of· f'icers such as these.'· the citation read, "the furred and feathered population of Irvine wall rest mor~ comfortably." Thanks to the men in blue. PAWS said, Irvine's birdJi can sleep on their perches with both eyes closed F,.._P~AI RULING •.. overrules certain other decisions and rewrites a section of the state constitution t he trial court's ruling must be upheld. The majority decision said that lawmakers should have ex- plicitly taken from jud~es lhe power to strike the firearm charge, H t hat's what the legislature intended. The court said the discretion of a judge is "absolute exceot where the le~i s latur e ha:i specifically curtuiled al." ··Although we confirm the trial court's power to strike a charge of the use of a gun, the courts should use this power most carefully," said the court, using it "only in extraordinary cases." The court said it did not pre- clude Curt.her legislative action and if lawmakers believe the de· terring illegal use of guns can only be promoted by denying trial courts the power to strike such gun charges. it has authori· ty to specifically enact s uch JeglsJalion. Youth Rohs FdmStore In Costa Mesa /\ Costa Me11a fllm shop on Newport Boulevard was robbed of SSOO Thursday art.emoon by a young man who threatened an 18-year-old female clerk, police said today Police said the robbery al Clic Photo, located in the parking lot shared by Stater Bros. Market. • occurred at 6:40 p.m. No weapon was displayed. The bandit handed the clerk a bag and said "fill it up and don't look at me." Police said the thin bandit ls between 19 and 23 years old, five·foot 11 wltb undy blond hair. Ile was wearing a tan ski j11cket, brown cordi. and an orange-red knit cap at the time of the robbery. police uld. Funeral services for retired Air Force Maj. Justin Clark Nelson. 45, fire schcd11led for 3 p.m. Saturday in Costa Mesa's Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel. . The Newport Beach resident who piloted 8 -52 bombers dur- ing the Korean and Vietnam confli cts died Dec. 20 at Hoag Memorial Hospital following a heart attack Military rites will follow the Costa Mesa funeral at Arlington National Military Cemetery. Arlington, Va. MaJor Nelson is survived by a son. Scott of Dover, Del.. daughters. Kimberly and Dana Nelson. both of Atlanta. Ga .. and three brothe rs. William of Burnsville. Minn., Douglas of Seattle, Wash.. and Ke ith of Florida. Dr. William H. Parker. pastor of the <..:ommunity Church By the Day. is to officiate at Saturday's service. Viewing is scheduled between 9 a.m . and 1 p.m . Saturday at Harbor Lawn -Mount Olive Mortuary, 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa Mesa. FroaaPa~AJ CHASE •.• from a discreet distance untrl they reached Corona del Mar. "Temple didn't turn on his lights becaulie he djdn't want lhe kids lo know they were being followed until he could raise some Newport Beach < patroJ > units," said Laguna Beach Capt Neil Purcell. When the suspects and their persistent pursuer reached San Joaquin Road and MacArthur Boulevard ,~o Newport Beach. Te mple and Newport officers rtlpped on•the red lights "and that's whed they really put the s peed on," Purcell said. Police said the driver or the pickup swerved around cars and tried lo force some off the road as he head ed up MacA,.thur toward the San Diego Freeway. Irvine police joined lhe chase as the truck roared into the freeway. and. Purcell said. pursuers c locked speeds in excess of 110 miles per hour on their speedometers. The truck continued to weave in aod out or traffic until it reached FountaJn Valley where the driver sideswiped a Fountain Valley patrol unit that was attempting to c lear the freeway of traffic. Officer John Quinzio suffered minor cuts and bruises in the collision near the Magnolia Street offramp and was taken to f'"ountain Valley Community Hospital for treatment. His patrol car was badly damaged. Polite said the driver of the pickup jumped from the cab Immediately after the collision, hopped t h e freeway center divider fence and was pursued by Irvine officers Dave Williarns and Jim Potts. Wllllams cut his hand while c limbing over the cen t er divider. but Potts continued the toot chase and captured the drlver, I \ · $32.000 per year salary. He would replace Robert Bresnahan, who resigned Oct. 15 to become director of aviation in Mesa. Ariz. Chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Thomas Riley said today he was impr essed with Regalado's experience and particularly with a recommendation from Cos Angeles Airport Manager Cliff Moore. "Cliff Moore has got to be one of the top airport managers in the country , maybe \n the world." Riley s aid. ·· 1r Mr. Moore gives him a high ('h ec kmark then ·any reservations I have begin to dis appear." Regalado h1:1s been manager of both the 2,000-acre Fresno c ommer <'.'1a l airport and a smaller fa cility for 180 private planes for the past five years. • The Fresno airport will serve 1.2 million passengers this year. Regalado said. and will handle 2.3 mill ion passengers by 1985·86. By contrast, Orange County Airport occupies 492 acres and will handle an estimated 2.4 million passengers by the year's end. R egalado said the Fresno terminal recently was expanded by addition or a 42,000-square·foot concourse. making the facility roughly three ti mes the size or lhc OrangeCowlty terminal. The Fres no commercia l ai rport. etbout fivu miles north e&s t of th e c ity , accommodates four air earners. United Airlines. P SA . Air California and Hu ghes Ai rwcst. along with commuter air service by Swift Airlines and Sierra Pacific Airlines. Orange County Airport h served by Hughes Aarw est and Air California along with Golden Wes t Airlines' commuter service. And while Orange County has a 500-mile destination hmit for I lights. t'resno offers direct service to Denver. for example. Regalado said growth 10 the city of Fresno has impa<'ted the airport and the departure normallr taken by commercial jet s fi es over a maJor residential area. · Noise mitigation measure!> have helped ctlpe with the noise problems. he said. Regalado. selected for the Orange County post by counlv officials. as a former Army he licopte r pilot who h old~ a bachelor's deg ree an av1at1on a dm inis trat ion from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beaeh, Fla. -BEECO PROPERTY: No d1a n~e was m a d e to th1 ~ property an West Newport along the Santa Ana River. About 100 o f t h e 150 uere s are 1n unincorporated territory. -ROGE R 'S GA R DENS T RIANGLE: No change was made in lhe density or this silt: adJacent lo Roger's Gardens at San Joaquin Hills Road and M acA rthur Boulevard. Development und~r the existing general plan was considered compa tible with adjacent residential areas. -EASTBLUFF REMNANT. Maximum dwelling units wen.· cut from 84 to 42 in these parccb along Upper Newport Bay on the: east side. -BIG CANYON AR EA TEN: 'Tota l dwelling units allowed were chopped from 338 lo 260 This site 1s located north o( San Joaqtain Hill~ Road and west of Big Canyon Drive. -BA YWOOD EXPANSION: This Harbor Vil'w Hills site wa:-h m1ted to no more than 140 additional dwelling units. I\ total of 147 would h ave been allowed previously. I ) l . ' • CALIFORNIA .. -:-. -:---~-- Fnday December 22 ,978 S DAILY P1LOT A3 , -Fiori--Guilt-y--iB-Bo~an -M-111!der-_, 0.11,~, .. " ...... GUil TY OF MURDER Jerry r>.ter Flori Wife Rape s~pect 'Wanted' SALEM, Ore tAP > -The night before John Rideout aJ. legedly beat and raped his wife she warned tum that Oregon had a law against hus band-wife rape, according to testimony at ' Rideout's trial. Doug Lowe, a neighbor of the Rideouts and one of 12 witnesses called Thursday, told the court he was present the night of Oct. 9 during an argument between the Rideouls over past sexual re- lationships. AL one point, he said Greta Rideout mentioned the Oregon rape law. Under cross-examination by attorney Charles Burt, Low said Rideout told his wife he didn't believe there was such a law and she replied that one day he'd find out about it. Rideout. 21, has pleaded inno- <'ent to a charge of raping hts wi fe Oct. 10 at their Salem Jpartment. He is free on $5.000 bail. If convicted. he faces a maximum sentence of 20 years m pr1c:on and a $2,500 fine. Several defense witnesses s ub- poenaed by the state said Mrs. Rideout had talked of becoming "famous and wealthy" by sell · in~ ht>r hfe story lo a movie t•ompany One of them, Eugenia God· frey, daughter of the Rideouts' apartment managers, s aid she heard Mrs. Rideout tell her mother about a $50,000 movie of- f er this month. M 1ss Godfrey. 15. and her mother, Jackie, said Mrs. Rideout had a black eye when the~ saw her two days after the alleg~d rape. In another d evelopment Thursday, Rideout· s sister, Diane Mayo. testified that Mrs. Rideout a lso accused her husband's stepbrother or forcing her to have sex. The witness said she was present when Mrs. Rideout told her husband of the incident. But she said it didn't ~l'em to affect the couple's mar· nage . In his opening argument. Burt said he would show that Mrs. Rideout later told her husband the story of the alleged attack was false Last,.. minute Gift Ideas Given Sunday What will be in Sunday's Daily Pilot? Last minute gift ideas. Featured stories such as the following. And paper for packing breakable presents. OTHER CHRISTMAS -As you settle in to celebrate Christmas Eve, learn about the (SUND A Y'S BEST) observance~ m more r emote places: an offshore oil rigi an II· linois prison and an A askan radar post. And at the St. Louis Zoo. something special Cor the orangutan. STILL S MOLDERING Famed Iris h actor Peter O'Toole. known for the diversity of his roles, lashes out al the conservatism or his profession but admits his own life is more tranquil now. DEARTH-WARMING TALE -The yule log burning in your fireplace tonlght. may have come from a workshop in Costa Mesa. Its products and happily married ownel"S are detailed in You/Your Money. HEADING HOME -What do you do with an ape that's Just ~ot too much spunk ror polite soc:iely? Se,nd him back to the African jungle where he belongs ..• but flrtt you've got to teachhlmtobearealbaboon. Innocent On One Charge B> GARY C.RANVIU •• 09.,,. O.ltr ~ ........ , In u wrdu·l lhut !l~cmlnJllY ..,. a!I t od11P. "'1th ltisl'tr. un Onngc Counh ~uperlor Court jury aetlled account• Tllur.idiay with one of lht-uccu ed !fl b)l'r:. of Oran&<' Coast dru.i dt•t•lt·r Stepht!n John Oovan ln ont> breMth. ttw JUt) fou11d Jt."rry Peter t'1on. 42, or llWll 1ntrton Beuch wwlty of ct~nd dt>&rct• murd1.·r tO t•onnec·twn w1lh Sovan's i.la.)11118 outa.1d · u Newport Rt.>ach rcbtJuriAnl an lat-.. 1977 S1multaneouhly the 111x man six woman Jury found 1-'1on did not ('Onsplrt' with othe rs to murder Rovan Ill> part of u mobster·drug cult murder for hire conspira('y But then. the jury decl1tre-d Fiori guilty of conspiring lo kid· naj) Bovan The swarthy wavy-haired de- fe ndant stood quietly at his lawyer's side as the Jury's multi pie verdict wall announced rn Judge Robert Knet:land'b eourtroom. For the past 13 months, F1on has cooled his heels in Orange County Jail while waiting h1~ day in court. During lus five-week trial, the. now-convicted murde rer ad· milled be was the gunman who pumped nine bullets into Bovan an the early morning hours of Oct. 22, 1977. But. he insisted. the shooting was in sell defense and not, as the prosecution clai med, a vengeence motivated clear cut case of murder for hire. Fiori's arrest on the murder charge last year led Newport Beach poUce on an investigation trail that connected Bovan's murder with a multi-million dollar a year drug trafficking operation headed by former members of the coast's Hare Krishna sect. And Fiori's trial i9 the first of seven defendants charged in a grand jury indictment with Bovan's murder and other of· fenses related to the drug deal- ing operation. Overall, tbe jury's decision Thursday was a victory or sorts for Fiora and his lawye" Roger Rosen. Listening attentively in the courtroom as the verdict was read were some or the lawyers who will represent the other de· fendants in the case at their up- coming trials. At least two of those lawyers indicated they were pleased with the jury's finding, a rinding which is not in any way binding on th~ Juries that will hear the remammg cases. 1''iori was spared the first degree murder conviction sought by the prosecuti~n as well as a murder conspiracy charge, either one of which could have resulted in a life prison sentence had he been found guilty. He also was spared conviction for allegedly conspiring to kid· nap for robbery. a nother possi- ble life sentence. i''iori's second degree murder conviction. the guilty finding on conspiracy to commit a sim- ple kidnap and the use ot a gun 1s likely to mean the former East Coast mobster will spend up to 10 years in prison. While none of the jurors who decided Fiori's fate would dis· cuss the verdict, the decision means the 12 ~urors did not buy the prosecution's version of Bovan's slaying or the events leading lo it. Prosecutor Jay Moseley at- tempted to show that Flori gunned down Bovan as part of a murder contract put out by the so·called Krishna leader Alex· ander Kulik. By its verdict, the jury in· dicated that it agreed with Fiori when he said in his testimony that the killing had notnmg to ao Wllh a muraer tor hire plot. He said be and two compan- ions belonging lo the so-called llahan faction of the alleged con spiracy sou ght Bovan because of a dispute over a drug deal· between them that had soured. "Apparently theJury believed Fiori when he sai he was set· tling accounts on the drug score and that the shooting resulted when Bovan came at him," de- fense lawyer Rosen said in a conversation outs 1ae the courtroom. Prosecutor Moseley hurried from the courtroom Immediate· ly after the jury's verdict was announced and refused to com- ment on the verdict or its possi· ble impact on the upcoming trials of the other derendants. None or the jurors would dis· cuss the verdict or the reason- in1 behind it. Gentral\y, however, It was conceded1 by courthouse ob· servers that the .Jury's decision further complicated an already Intricately bizarre case ol murder and drug dealing along the Orange Coast. Santa's a Good Skate Too J . J . Atkison (left) and Joe Valentine were skating near the beach in Santa Barbara when "what to their wonder- ing eyes should appear" but this jolly old gentleman wearing a red suit and roller skates. Laguna Landslide Irks Badham Rep. Robert Badham regards the Bluebird Canyon s lide in La~una Beach as the most significant and vexing local problem he has confronted in his two years in Congress. Badham. H.-Newport Beach. noted that the slide destroyed a number of homes last October and left many homeless resi· dents "with seemingly insur· mountable difficulties." The Orange Coas t con · gress man. commenting in a year ·end analysis, said the resi- dents' difficulties mi~ht have been eased if the President had not vetoed a bill he introduced. The Badham bill called for three percent loans for the v1c· tims or the Bluebird Canyon dis· aster and other such disasters throuebout the nation. Badham and his office has devoted a great deal of time and effort to providing housing for Marines and thet r dependents in Orange County's high-priced housing market. Recalling the controversy that erupte d when it became known that the Marine Corps was looking at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley as the site of more than 1,000 homes. Bad.ham said a temporary solution was found via land made available at the Marine Corps Air Station in Tustin. He said he intends to introduce legislation which, if passed, will provide a long-range solution to the problem. He would only Man Stabbed To Death in Santa Ana Santa Ana police said today they have no suspects in the stabbing death of a local man who apparently was mortally wounded outside a Main Street bar early this morning. Julio C. Martinez. 31. was declared dead oo arrival at Mercy General Hospital shortly after midnight. According to police. Martinez and friends were driving from the ba at 807 S. Main St. when the victim decided go get out of his car to talk to friends in another vehicle. Police said the man "was ac- costed by persons unknown" and wounded. Occupants of the two ears told p olice the y s aw nothing. The dead man's companions put him into one of the cars and drove him to the hospital Hospita l employees notified police. Non,.smoker Wms Lawsuit BOSTON <AP> -A jury has ruled in ravor or a non·smoker who insisted on his right to sit in the non·smoking section of an airplane even though all the seats there were full. The Suffolk Superior Court jury overturned the conviction of John J . McAward of Concord, Mass., on a charge or interfering with the crew or an airliner. On an American Airlines Boston-New York fiigbt last May. McAward refused lo sit until he got a non-smoker's seat. He was arl'esled. escorted off the airliner, and later fined $250 in dialt\ct court. The flight was delayed o ha tr hour. comment that 1t involves a possible Ian-a trade Turning to Laguna Niguel. Badham sajd the long standmg issue of the Ziggurat building continues to b<' "an embatrass- menl to the federal ~overnment and the people who rightfully ex peel their tax dollars lo be spent properly." Hadham sa1a h<' supports the plan by the U .S Bureau of the Census to occupy about 300.000 square feet of the Ziggurat as a data processfng center for use by compilers of the 1980 census. However. he sau!j , the Senate cut $1.6 million from a House proposal to remodel the building for other tenants. It means, he said. that 250.000 square feet will rem a in idle until. perhaps. a nother federal agency decides to use the bwlding people move out, someone will have to fmd more tenants. "Frankly. I don't know the solution to the Ziggurat prob- lem ," Badham said. "8ut r thank my position of late last year-fill it or sell it-is ~till the best suggestion." He said one happy develop-ment in the otherwise unhappy Ziggurat story has been the frt!c use of storage space at the Lagu·na Niguel building for the victims of the Bluebird Canyon disaster. Then. he said, the remodeling process will start all over again. possibly delaying the arrival of new tenants for several years. "It's a ·catch 22· situation," Badham said "When the Census OIRISr~ rtt$UPTO 50%0FF , Clearance Sale Hurry down while our selection lasts for a wide choice of varletie-s in both cut and living Christmas trees. we still have just the right tree for your holidays.Choose trom the stately Nob le Fir. the shapely Sheared Plantation Doug- ' las. the fragrant Grand (Balsam) ' ... 1 ,. Fir. or the ever popular Douglas ~,~ Fir In living trees, choose from · · ... ~;\the deep-green Monterey Pine, the · .. ~ shapely Aleppo Pine, or the fast- . 1 growing ffollan Stone Pine.All slzes sflll on hand from 2' table tops to 10· giants.Be sure to ,. ---L . --~ browse through ouf large lnven-,,..-;,~•. z,,. ti;<t#t,., . ~t/f.1 .~ ~~~ :.' ~~V$ tory of flocked trees.Custom ... , . -: . 1'·~.!~ ·, ~ ..... ;~ ,..,·,.:''' ~ tj~~ flocking Is still available FEATURING TRU-STAND COSTAe ~ MESA VI( IUl<IJ\ ~- • z- 1/3 off FOUNTAIN VALLEY I 1420 ea()()t(HUIS T FOUHTAI .. 'f AWY , ................... s-... ,..,,1 .... ~ "l-4711 OJMn 1 daya • w .. k 1 a.m. • 10 p.m. 21%3 MIWPO•r llYD. COSUMISA SALE PRICES GOOD THRU 12/2~/18 0'84 7 OATS 7&a· 10P·"'· ...,,.,, .... ,.21 , .... ,.... .. 2-410) - A4 CMILY ~~OT NATION I WEATHER lnfl n Slows; Ca1·ter Not Credited •-WASHINGTON <t\P> _ Price ... crHaea t<w tood, houaln, and clothlnc 1loww noticeably in November u the coat or Uvt ~ by an unnpeetedly arn~ 0.1 pere.ot, a fou.r.~onth low, the Labor l>epartma>l h'l)Orled today nae lac.t moalhly m. ln tm· aumer pricee t.raulahl lnto an annual bdlaUon r•&e ot Just ovei-e perffnl. well below the cwnnt rate ot otarb 10 l*Uftt ror um YHt. HOWE\'Ea. TH Car1tl' ad· mtnl1tr1Uon. which had been n · pectin( aharper price boost.a tor November. fa not forecHUn• • 1t1nlflcant drop ln lntlatlon unUI mld·l'7t •l lhe e1rll .. t Tbe o 5 per«nt rtae In No- vem ber comp•f'f11 wlth 0 I per. cent l~re durtn1 the pre· v1oua two moot.ha. and waa lh lowett alnce a O 5 perc nt Jump In July. Novembt'r WU th nnt full month for Pr sldeot Carter'• oew anti lnfletlon pro1ram However, the relallvely 1mall contumer pnce rtH appeart to be a colncldence. ADMINISTaATION olflclals have 1aJd U will take several moathl for the ell.ct.a or that pro1ram to be fell. Food and bou1in1 had led price lncreuet durin1 most of 1971, but ln November the lar•••l locreaaea were ln tnnaportatioo and medical care f'ood pricea rose 0.3 percent. competed wltb a 0.8 percent Jump ln October. Houslnii in· creeaed 0.3 percent. compared with a 0.8 percent rise In Oc lober. Tba November flgure is the •ma.Uest hou.llna price in· creaae aince November 1977. TRANSPORTATION costs juroped 1.2 percent. eornpar~ with a 0.4 percent rise ln Oc· t.ober~ the lncreue was attrlbut· ed laratly to aharp Jumpa In the prtcea ot can and caaollne. The sharp nae in transport.a· tlon lnc~ases wa:s the h1ahcst since at leut January 1976, uc· cordin1 to the Labor Depart m~nt 's 8ur~au of Labor Statistics. EarUer ftgure11 were not lmml'd.iately availa.blP Medical care wa1 up t.l per. cent. the same as ln October. 1 OVERALL 11tE government'i. consumer pnc~ index stood Ill 202.0 In November. which means that consumer prices have gone up 102 percent since 1967 -or more than doubled. At the same time, the Labor Department reported today that workers' real after·t.IJC Spenda- ble oamln$s roee 0.3 percent In November. alter accountln1 for tntlatlon. It wu the tirst monthly lncreaae in spendable earnings since lut July. However, for the 12 months ending in November. workers' buying power declined 3.4 per· cent, as wages failed to !keep pace with lnllatlon, the depart· ment reported. l O·hour let Siege Ends ................ Feathered \'bitor Big Bird from the TV show "Sesam e Street'~ joined TV newscaster Walter Cronkite at a White House party on Thursday for children from Washington embassies. Amy Carter. Jeft, chats with the stars as she props up her nephew. James. l 1h . Another nephew, Jason. 3. gives Big Bird a look of awe. Arizona Flooding Toll Reaches 11 PHOENlX, Ariz. CAP>-Tbe bodies or SIX persons were trapped in their cars when a bridge over the Agua Frla River was washed Out on Monday have been recovered, authorities said. The didsovery Thursday raised the confirmed death toll in this week's tlnoding in arizona to 11. At least lOmore were listed as missing. Five v1ct1ms were found in a car about one mile downstream from the collapsed bridge. The) were 1dent1ficd as the Rev . .)ohn Metzle r , 40; Pat Baker. 34 , Robert Webb, 20, Bill POIVTIFF SHVNS PUSTIC TREE VATICAN CITY (AP) -Pope John Paul II will certainly have a Christmas tr~ and it won't be pl as tic, says a fellow Polish churchman. "No one in Poland uses plastic trees. they are real branches and trunks of fir trees," Monsignor Bogumil Lewan. dowski. an official of the Polish Episcopal Conference told the Vatican weekly L'Osservatore <tell a Domenica ·'The pope will have one." Willeford, 36; and Anthony · Webster. 20. all of Scottsdale. The body of Geri Griffith, 40. or Sedona. was found about 150 yards from her car in the riverbed, 0Cfic1aJs of the Arizona Department of Public Safety said. A spokesman for the Arizona hotel industry. meanwhile. said the Phoenix area will lose about $1 m illion in tourism during the Christmas holidays as a result ol the deluge. PRES IDENT CA RTER declared six Arizona counties disaster areas on Thursday, and Federal Disaster Assistance Ad· ministration teams were expect. ed to arrive today. The cliasaster declaration will make available temporary hous· Ing, home and business loans, aid to Carmen and special tax assistance. * * * MARION. Ill. <AP) -Robln 01wald, a ll~yur·Old high •chool dropout, hljacked a Trans World Airlines jef to free a man her mother loved and died for. authorillea aaid. Tod•).' Robin is in Jail while authortUea ponder whether to charge her as an adult or a juvenile. ••A DECISJON HAS not yet been made" on what charge to brtn1 or whether to brinit 1t in atate or federal court, said U.S. Attorney James Burgess. He said she might be charged as an adult with air plracy or could be treated as a juvenile. Juvenile. She was to be transferred to- day from a JBH in Benton to the St. Clair County Ja1l In East St. Guyana Deatlu U>st Taxpayers $3.5 Million WASHINGTON <AP> -In ad· dltlon to thelr human cost. the Peoples Temple slayings and mass suicides have cost U.S. taxpayers at least $3.5 million in expen ses incurred by the Defense De,partment, a Pen· tagon report says. The report, released Thurs. day, estJmates costs for airlifts and for work by Defense person- nel so far at $3.5 million to $4 million. It said the final fi gure is likely to be somewhat higher. THE DEFENSE Department estimate does not lnclude other government costs. such as those incurred by the State Depart- ment. In another development Thursdll)'. the State Department assured Delaware officials a de- cision will be made by Feb. 1 on what to do with 676 bodies or Peoples Temple followers that are at Dover Air Force Base. Rep. Thomas B. Evans Jr., R· Del.. said after a meeting with State Department represen· talives that h e and othe r Delaware residents feel the state has been asked to bear an "inordinate part of the burden" in the matter. MILITARY PERSONNEL are still working at the Dover Air Force Base m ortuary in Delaware. identifyang and proc· essing re mains of those who died in the G\lyana tragedy. More than 900 persons died. The Pentagon said its cost estimates include the use of military aircraft to evacuate the wounded at the Port Kaituma ambush in which Rep. Leo Ryan was killed. The Army and Air Force also have been involved in bringing the bodies back to the United States. Snow Showers Midwest Gak, Wind Warnings Kick Off Winter T.-aperatta"eS AINn~ Altl<l'QUI' Am••fllo Ar<,__ A\hoev•tt¥ Allenta 8aflfm0f'e e1rmn9,,..,.., e1wn•rcti 8o1'4 lio\IOtl Oult•lo (11<1\lnWV ,,,le..,., Cl"'lnnatl c1 .... 1.nc1 Columt>u\ O•IFl.Wtll o. ...... 0.lrOlt Oululll F•lrllftll• H•rtfofd H•l•"41 H-1utu HOU\lon '"°'-''' J-•11 ...... City LA•V-~ LlltleRoO L~Anotl~ LoYh•llle H I Le ,< .. ., n .en .. 18 SI 7• II I ., 71 61 ,. S7 71 SS 11 31 ,, " JO •• 11 .OJ •6 71 °' )I 1• ,. 1\ ,. 74 l8 '6 02 le ,. 51 " .. ,, 3S 7t 27 " .04 • "'° °' u n o• "° ,. 01 11 60 tS 0 » 1' JO " O? 0 JI » 31 )() ,. ..... •l ,. .......... o.41~ .......... Ml•ml 90 1l MllW•UkM 7' n Mllll St P • n NUll•lll• 4b U N•w Oriti\ 11 .i New Yor• n 17 Otlle C11, t~ 2' OmeM 1' 1t Ort•rwto "' 67 Pttll9Cl'phl• 4t 79 ,._n•• to •l PIUU>urQfl Sl l7 P11•nd. M# '° " .PUellCI, Ol'e. 44 41 "'"'0 7' • ~r•m~nto S.nt•8••-• n,.,,.,., 8.trtlOw ute11 ... El C•nl,.. l ~ A rrowtlMCI l""9 ••M.11 Ntw-18M<ll Onl•rto SM! .. N\Ardlfto SMIJo .. .01 s.tlt• Crvr .Ge Sant• Mer•• f-V•llt Y J1 JI .cl 11 M 33 ~,.. 60 "' ,. » H II .. ,. ,. . .. Jl ... » ~· ,, ,. ~ .. ,, ,. - i..i-1ero llt Hort!! 0..•ot• IOd.oy Willltlllf'. 14 0 . <IO<h<I qu\I\ lo )S ml>fl lu\I ~ m1<1ntqM O.UI.,.,.,. 01' S.lnt Hl(ll w•ll II.ow <It., '"" ln9 In So1111"''" Ctlllo•n•t \~10 111rouq11 !tit o.rm,,,.. ~f'I<-. °"' 111• lllQllWO l>•l•OI m•y II••• 10 .. <ort r11m lllf'OUQll llw IOQ \llrOUdf(I $tn Jo.qUlfl U•lltY Tlw CHP lf>llleltO "()wrallofl Foq. 0ouncr·· t" ttw ~ .io.ou1n V•ll•v. whetf' rnotOff\h w•r~ CO,,VO'ffld 111•°"911 "4!6' , ... ~\ohll>tlilY fr.uo<My l\IQlll ·-H!Qf>W.., .. II\ MercPCI M-r•. F~""" Tul•.-.<-t•t\ hm~••Wr<t\ •111IM'w"rme•11\en Ille NOrtll ~. lfl 1Nt ml<l-40\ II\~· • ,..,, but Q<ISIV wlftdi ,...., l:llOw 11"' -oH • i.w 11111110 '" ll'IOUtlt••rt• -(~Y-lfW'Outll Clw1$1M•t E,.. ewtaltremtwr $unny •rid \llQfllty ...,,.., s.t•" d•Y G<11ty _,_, lo .. ,._,,., "''"°' e.QlrtfllllO llll• lonllJ!lt, Ht9'11 S.tunio •210641 (OUl•I t-r•lllf'el will r•"Of Hl•t•11 0 •"<I •t lfll•nd t•m 1"••turnwll1•-..be_.i_ .. Tiie ••tt•lerncief41l"'11 Wiii ~SI. "lllOAY S.COl\dltltf' z:•o.m Se<Otldf-1· SJo "' IATVllOAY Jt I 4 Louia. Burgess said. Passengers aboard TWA Flight 541, a DC-9. said Thurs· day that she was a sweet·looking girl. her blond hair In curls. But her finger was placed firmly on what she said was a bomb. And she was angry. THE HI.JACKING las ted about 10 hours Thursday. untJI she surrendered. He r "bomb" turned out to be a device rigged from nares. which FBI agent Edward Hegarty said could llave done some damage but would not have caused a large explosion. ·'She was very beautifulJ." sajd Army Pvt. Levi King or ::seatUe after completing lht? Oighl early today in Kansas City, Mo. .. BUT I KNEW she was serious, particularly when s he yelled that she would blow the whole plane up. "She kept talking about how her mother d.Jed in the helicopter and her family has disowned her ... .I told her that I was an the same boat. and that this wai, no way to take revenge. "But she wouldn't listen ... THE GIRL HAD demanded freedom for convicted h1Jacker Garrett Brock Trapnell. Her mother was killed seven months afo in another air piracy aimed a freeing Trapnell. The 81 passengers and crew were unharmed. and many escaped or were allowed to leave the jet hours before Miss Oswald's surrender at about 8 p.m . local time Thursday. The girl had said she would blow up the plan e with dynamite. the FBI said. de rnanding Tra pne ll's r e lease from a federal prison here. BERNARD THOMPSON, an FBI agent trained to deal with hi~ackers. spent hours talking to Miss Oswald before she gave up, the FBI said. "She was very calm. She never raised her voice." said passenger Bud Zaret. or Monsey. N. Y .. of Miss Oswald. The plane. he aded from Louisville. Ky .• to Kansas City. Mo .• was diverted to Marion shortly before it was to land in Kan &as C ity , said TWA spokesman Roger Cohen. M lSS OSWALD'S mother. Barbara. 42, was shot to death May 24 when she tried to hijuck a helicopter to free Trapnell and two others from the federal prison at Murion. authorities said. Trapnell. who hijacked a TWA jetliner m l972. was convicted on Thursday 1n Benton. Ill.. on charges stemming from that escape attempt. The jury, which dchberatc.'<17 1·.:1 hours and did not know of the hijack. returned 1tb verdict shortly before Mi ss Oswald surrendered. Intent Cited; Nixon Decision Reversed WASHINGTON <AP> -The US. Court. of Appeals says Congresi, clearly intended Richard Nixon's pres1dent1al tapes and papers to be subject to laws allowing public access to government documents. But access ls not automatic. the court added. and the former pres1·. dent or the government still can oppose individual request.a for the release of materials. In fact. the court said. the question of who owns the material has never ~n settled. THE APPEALS court made the ruling Thursday as at re· versed a lower court dec1s1on tha t had barred a group of re· porters and historians from ac· cess to the matenal . Th~ decision sends the case back to the U.S District Court for reconsideration. The earlier decision was ap· pealed by the Reporters Com· mittee for Freedom of the Press and others seeking access to the Nixon matenal. THE GOVERNMENT. in op posing the request. had argued that the Pres idential Malena!!. Act. pa~sed by Congress after Nixon resigned as president in 1974. blocked access under the fede ral Freedom of ln!ormataon Act. The lower court agreed. hold ing that the more res trictive Materials Act applied. But lht: appellate court reversed that de· <.'ISIOn ··w e have exam ine d the legislative history." the three· Judge panel said, "and we con elude \hat the Materia ls Ae:t dou not bar processing of FOIA request:. for the pres1dent1al materials in quei,t1on ." THE COURT C ITED leg1slat1ve debale in which senators and representatives an· d1<·ated they meant for the pubhc to have access to the Nix· on papers under the same terms that govern other government documents "With the purpose of con- gressional action so clear." the court said, ··our con clusivn follows the cardinal principle of leg1:.lat1vc interpretation . to g1 ve effect to the intent of Congress.·· But the appeals court did not leave a clear path for those seek 1ng access to the Nixon materials. ,Junior Executiv Delly Piiot carriers are young bu1fneHmen and bualneaawomen, providing a uHful, lmport•nt product to their cu1tomer1 each day, and earning a profit for their efforts. In becoming succe1sful Independent bualneH people they team to manage their time and their money, to be reliable and rHponalble, and to deal 1ucce1sfully with peo~•· They Invest their monthly prottt1 In their hobble• and recreation, and In clothes and In 1avlng1 for future plant . And they have their own money to use for treata and good tlme1 • Dalty Pilot earner boya and gtr11 aleo have opportunttfea to enjoy apeclal trfp1 to place• Ilk• Ol1ney1and. Knott'• Berry Farm, Catalina, Magic Mountain and other fun ~acea. More than 800 boy1 and gk11 along the Orange Coaat are In buslneH for themHNH end doing nlcely, thank you, aa Dally Piiot car1lera. We think they're training them1etve1 to be th• bu1lne11 •nd cMc leaders of tomorrow. M()fto•, r "dlV tt """" Ott ""' "• _.. 'f"WI' 0.... b¥ '100f'" t-111 o.tN•, om .no 'fOill ooov *''''" O•h ,..r,. Rl<lllftO"<I ti ti SI LOUI\ ti U S.il I . •t I u ,. V.8. •:.•car;,, A ft tl•MQvlllO <Ol<I lrot>t•I •nltm wlllppeo "''°"I"" M•<twt\I urly 10 d.or. 01ow1,,. '""' ,..., ,._ • ...., ... ,. into drift• '1V•r '""Gr••• l'hll\\ '''J ..... upper Mlhl•\IPPI Y•llrv l'l~tllfQll l'lrtllo• SecondlliCI" ~fCOnGIOw 4 IO• m tO·~•·"'" •·1•11"' • Upm .-._,--.----..... ------------------~--.. ----, Malt to· ~ ! f am lnterHted In becoming a Dally Piiot carrier. Please lell me l Dally Pilot ClrculatlQn ! ! more about It. I P.O. Boa 15450 &.etUfd•·, tn(I -.,.,,.,,.,..., 1t ~ ,,,.. ,..,... •.c.••w• yt:lt' t'OP'f OY t • ffll t.•~ ,,.~-''•"'.,,.,yo.• \,l'M)\ .,, °' 0.h~.cl ~" Cl•QO ., 0 S...i" F'•n St •S Sut•t~ 4S •l 0. St •,1 M••I• 77 It fulH U 2' WHll\ ... tOft b tt CALll'OltNIA 11•••"''-'4 .. 0 lllrt... s. ,. 81111op u , "''llO ., " ..... ,..., " ,. ....,In SI 40 0.-1-· to ,, Tiie n•lion \ llrfl <t•v nt tM ,..., winier •111<11 ~11•11 Olli<lellv •I 11 11 • m ES f, •l•rtto tll wllll ,,.11.1 <td•ltor'". o.o• ....... ~ - • ,_ "'"' wllld .,.,.,,,llQt. Willd\ Qlnl.e 11 lO n9' -llltfler °"'' '"" _.....,.,. Or•tt l'leltl• •lld ""9t Mlltkt-.i Veli.-, Tlw wlllct <ttHI •~tor -••lll<1t0todf'Otl10 40 tUNOAY F lf\I lllQll 4 ,.. "'· l'lr\llOw 11 50• m, S.con<llllQl'I t .l1p "'· Second•-10 .. I!"' SllMIMO.Stt 1",Wl\4 tfp"' MooftMhlU'• M . ., ...... J1 ' 1 . . .•.......•.•......... Age .... I Coate Me••· C•ltf. 92828 Name ............ . l 642-4321 Street ................. · · · ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · 1 I DAILY PILOT . . City ...........•..............•.•.•... Zip ....•.• Phone .•.....• f Hlll'U"flOll .,_ ~I 1 .. clle\ W••H -to'""' t•t w1111 _, '----------------------------..&.-------------1lflt ttftCllti-. • , 5 CALIFORNIA .. Fri<Sity. Oeoember 22. 1978 Hit List St!_~~cts ~t1~·p1·~ed ----- Politicians Deny They Knew of Cult, Jones .. ··-A TTOANEY BLAMEO Terri llufofd Tedftff SAN FRANCISCO CAPI -Many of the politlciana on the purported "hit II.st'' malnlalned by Lhe Peoples Temple say lhey have never had any contact wltA the cult or it.s dee.Med leadtr, the Rev . Jim Jonet. Terri Bulord, once a LOt> admlnJstrator or the Temple, sald Thw-aday lhat Sens. Barry Goldwater and John Stennis were on lhe "hit U.l." which also lncluded Ca.Urornia Attorney General EveUe Youn.c~ and U.S. Attorney William llunter. The •yur-o.ld Ten1ple defector abo aJJe1ed that former Tem· pie attorney Tim StMn masterminded llle1aJ activities of the cult. Stenail, D·Mlu., tuid he knew nolhln1 about the cult or Its leaden aod could t.hlnk of no rl!uon why he would be itlcluded on an •••usln.aUon liat An a.Ide to Goldwater , R·A.rli., said "It's lhe first lime l've beard ol it " Th(' etitltt."D~ of • "hit list " has been rumored befor~. with auch namea as formt'r P1"8ident Rlchard M. Nixon and rormer California Gov Ronald Re•at•n said to be on it. None of the people OD the list Wti killed Jury Indicts Vernon .Mayor LOS AN GELf:; (AP) -The t'Ounly Grand Ju~ has reconi 1ne11ded the removal of two Of· ficials In the 11mall industrial ci· t y of Vernon, and bas indlctf'CJ the mayor on chargea ol pcr1ury and fraudulent votina. The indictments against Mayor Leonis Malburg were as· s ued Thursday in connection with his voting in the March 7 municipal election. The Grand Jury charged he stated on an absentee ballot that he lived in a Vernon bu.ilding , when he ac· tually lives in Los Angeles. The Grand Jury recom · mended the removal or Vernon City Administrator Bruce V. Malkenhorst and Vernon City Attorney David D. Brearley beeause of alleged misconduct 1n 6ffi~. Both men aJ so were in· dil'led on one count each of bribery and conspiracy to com· mit extortion. 2 Gft Ute r....,.. LONG BEACH (AP) -A Superior Court judge has im· (, STATE ) poa~ a Ufe sentence wllhout parole on two men convicted ol klllln1 rour persons last year. The jury which convicted the pair last month on rour count.a of first-degree murder and one count of assault decided Thurs· day that James Earl Cade, 30, or Long Beach and Willie Thomas, 28, of Soulh Los Angeles should spend the rest of their lives in prison instead of being executed. The pr06eeutioa claimed Cade and Thomas invaded a Long Beach apartment in Sept.ember 1977 and killed three adults and a 3·year-old girl. NeS-rNa.H LOS ANGELES (AP) - Oe'pite casting 210 ballots in a monotonous four-hour session. the Board of Education failed to name a s uccessor to Diane Bae% to Sing Special SF Event Slated SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -San Franciscans have been invited by Mayor Dianne Feinstein to bring lighted candles to City HaJl•s Polk Street steps Christmas Eve to hear Joan Baez sing in the Hflliday Candlelight concert. The mayor's press secretary, Mel Wax. said Miss Baez wanted to give the concert to heJp the mayor in brin1i.ng the city together again Wax said Polk Street would be closed to traffic from J\1eAll ister to Grove. WaUion, who resigned to take a seut in the state Senate. Board members remained deeply divided Thursday over the ccandidates' ethnic background, integration philosophy and pollt.fcal ambitions. Miss Watson was the boa.rd' sonly black. .....,,.. Man Naflkd EN C INITAS (AP) -A llheriff's deputy alerted by a silent aJarm tripped by a teller arrested a man who took $10,000 from a Bank of America Branch by claiming he had a bomb in his briefcase. the FBI s ays . As he stepped from the bank Thursday, Richard Lee Lucas, 28, or Vista was arrested by San Diego County sheriff's DepUty Greg Rey.nolds. Lucas was booked for investigation of bank robbery. saJd FBI Age.nt Dan Bledsoe, who added that all the money was recovered. Docton A rrr•t ed LOS ANGELES IAPl -Two physicians accused of offering bribes and kickbacks to win lucrative contracts with con- valescent homes have been ar· rested by the FBI. Dr. J oseph Brandt, part owner or Diagnostic Laboratories of 1-lollywood, and Dr. Larry Johnson. owner of Bionetics li-1edical Diagnostic Laboratory. of Inglewood, were taken into custody by FBI agents Thursday rotlowing an investigation or several months. The two cases were unrelated, FBI agents said . Orange Coast Savings Retirement Plan Options Keogh Plus (Defined Benefit Keogh) with greater tax shelter benefits than ever before Keogh (HR-10) with investment options and no trustee fees (Individual Retirement Account) with no trustee fees 1-luntcr said that he has taken precauUont for his penooal sarcty and lh .. t ol his C11imlly since he was told. hlll wu on the bit list last month, "I don't know how valid it ls," Hunter said about the possible asaa••lnation squad. "But the situation i.s ao bizarrt>, you have to be cautiouli." Ml'. Buford identified the person in charge or the list as Sandra L. Bradshaw, 32, a Peoples Temple member in San Francisco. STOEN AND MS. BRADSHAW were not av•ilable for com· menl. According to Ms. Buford, Jones instructed an assassination squad "to kill as many people as they collld until they were killed themselves or look their own lives ." Ms. Buford said "every ille5al act, every plan for violence was either initiated or approved by Stoen." Stoen joined the Temple in 1969 and was a high-ranking member before leaving the sect in 1977 after squabbling with Jones. MARK LANE. Ms . Buford's attorney, told reporters she made the same allegations Wednesday before a fed eral grand jury in· vestl gating the sect and the murder of Rep. Leo J. Ryan. D-CaliL, on an airstrip in Guyana. Ryan was slain w,ith three news reporters and a cult member who was retumlng to Che United States wilh Ryan's party. The five were _gunned down Nov. 18. hours before Jones and more than 900 of his followers died in a mass murder-suicide ritual. Stoen left the temple in 1977 when he locked legal horns with Jones in a custody battle over Stoen's son. Jones said he had rathered the child with Stoen's wife, Grace. The child-John Victor Stoen -died in Jooestown. MS. BUFORD SAID Stoen, who worked in the San Franeisco district attorney's office, used !tis position to quash a 1976 in· vestigation of the Peoples Te mple in connection with alleged voter fraud and bragge;d about his ability to manipulate District Al· torney Joseph Freitas. Freitas denied the charges Thursday night. adding that Stoen "never abused bis position with me personally." "I can't think or any lime he caUed me at home. This sounds like typical Mark Lane, with hi s innuendos. self -serving state· menls and half truths," said Freitas. MS. BUFORD ALSO alleged that Stoen stored weapons at his home, lhat he once suggested that the Temple poison lbe water supply of Washington, D.C .. and that he once endorsed the idea of Temple members making bombs in San Francisco. She also said attorney Charles Garry, who took over as the cult's attorney after Stoen left in 1977, was aware of arms ship· men ts to Guyana and of plans of mass suicide. "The news media published a good deal or false information about me," she added. "I am not a cold !Jlooded killer. I am not a weapons expert. I was not the mislress of Jim Jones I was not a member olthe hit squad.'' SD Turnabout Wou/J,.be Robben.Mugged SAN DI EGO (AP) -A man jailed a fter the attempted robbery of Mayor Pete Wilson's executive assistant was himself the victim or a mugging two hours e arlier, police say. The official. Robert White, said two men threatened to hit him on the head Thursday in downtown San Diego unless he handed over his wallet. White rerused and hailed a pal.ice car. ALTHOUGH ONE OF the men was released, James A. Robinson of Durham, N.C., was booked in jail for investigation of attempted robbery. Robinson, 24, earlier struggled with a mugger who tried to rob him, finally fleeing empty-handed. pol.ice said. 28 More Parking Places! FOr · south coast Plaza customers. The day after Thanksgiving and every weekend 'til Christmas, our 2800 employees will be bused to the Plaza sothatvou, our customer, will have more convenient and close-in parking. DAILY PU.OT AS • .,w ......... HIT USTTAAGET Sen. B•ny Goktw•t•r Court Ruling _On Eviction Holiday Gift LOS ANGELES (AP) -$t('ve and Lois Wolfson have received what they call a n extra Christmas present -an ap· pellate court ruling that they should not have been evicted from their apartment because of their child. The three·judge panel held Thursday that the landlord's eviction ot the WoUsoos from an ""adults only'' apartment co mplex in Marina Del R~y violated the civil rights of their son Adam. "It's a great time or year for a d ecis ion like this lo come down," Wolfson said when he heard of the .ruling. "A lot or peot>le 1:i1re going to get an extra Chris tmas present." The a ppellat e pan e l unanimous l y reverse d a municipal court ruling that upheld the Wolfsons' eviction. Wolfson. an attorney whose firm fought the case, waged an 18-month battle against housing laws banning children from adults-OOly apartments. "A II along we believed our position was going to be up-held.." said Wolfson ... The system really works. Today's ruling is dynamite. "ll (the ba n) has been a serious problem in Los Angeles. and all across lhe country, as we round out. We've been getting calls from all over lhe country from well·wi.Shen who are in lhe same fix." Our Retirement Plan Counselors will be glad to answer your questions and then set up your Plan for you. Please call or visit Orange Coast Savings on or ~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA before December 30, 1978. )~~ r.a/Ul?i 1700 Adams Avenue ~~ ~ Costa Mesa. California 92626 ~tq. (714) 754-1801 ~i Member FSLIC ·• and Loan Association . ... I • ACroSS from SOutl1 coast"""" l/lllage, , Bnstol & san Diego FreewaV • I \ ThomH l<Mvtl /Editor orano eoa,1 o.,,, P1101 Editorial Page ............................................................ _ Barbara l(relblct\/ dltotlel P~ Editor --P--~-oliee -AcadeRly~~~1~--==An~d="=0~0=-~----------~--- .Plans Conflict Red Tape Hits Cance r Patients Co t ommunity Colle e District tru tees havo • agr ed lo provide a 2.5.ocr tt worth $500,000 and con- . tribute an addattonal s.wo.ooo toward co~trucuon ot a re · «lonal poUc ac d m)' at Gold n We11t Coltege ln Hunt fuaton Beach. The satuation raJ es th poulblUty or dupJlcat use of taxpayer money. 1 The Oran.ie CoUDty Sht>r1rr1 Department app rently • proceedln with ltJ ov.n pl na for a proposed Jo1nt pollrc and Ctre lnlninA academy on county ownt>d Jand at El ·roro. though no coMtructlon fund• huve been uuthorizcd Th ro uppeors to be a au tanUal ditrerence or opl- nton lo th re~pccuve m«nt.s of th two attt!:s und pro po 11ls . T tll' Sheriff° ~P rtment reels It can provide ~tter tromlna t th El Toro ~ltc hy haring f uclltllt!K between \K>ht>{· wld fare tram~{'<. "''th more control in st•lectin~ purtlctpw1tb und Wlthoul the di turb nee of t.tdjaccml col· legt• ucllvllH'"" T~e Oranjtt.' Count~ Grand Jury, hov.t"ver. cr1tk11ed th<.• El Toro Mle IX'uu!)e of lhl' Impact of Jct uircrurt llOIM' Tht· <~>ldeu W ~l plan 1~ Mud tc> have the barking of tht.• Police Off)ccrs Standards and 1'raminK Commbsion t l'OST>, the Oran~w County Criminal JU8tace Councll and U1t! Orungt• County Chiefs of l'olu·~ Assoclalion. Golden Wes t's existint-( police tratnin~ program 1.'Mt>lls l,700 ~ludcnts an11ually in cl<ts&es taught by Police otracers and raculty mcmben~. t'ollt•tee 0"1c1uls say they will seek hel1> of the POST comm11;s1on and the JustiN• Council In obtuming stale and fl!deral <·ontr1bulions toward the estimated $1.3 million <"OSt of u 21.000·squurc foot fa cility to house an academy on the site adJacent to the campus . Sin<·e at ·~ unlikely lhe county would need two compel· ing poHcc training ocademie:;. and isince both would be financed by taxpayer funds -whether local, state or foder·til the next obvious step s hould be to determine wh1rh site a nd program would really be most suitable ~md proc~ with only one thl.s before too rnuch is In· vt.•stcd in the prt!liminuries. Clarify Search Rules Last spring the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Constitution does not prevent law e nforcement officials from obtaining warrants to search a business or home for evidence without a dvance notice, e ven though the persons on the premises are not suspected of any cr ime. The court thus upheld the right of police who had con· ducted such a surprise search in the offices of the Stan- ford Daily student newspaper, rifling through photo· grnphic labs, filing cabinets, desks and wastebaskets in search of photogr a phs or a demons tration. ~ The evidence was not found and the paper challenged the constitutionality of the search. Though upholding its ll!gality, lhe high court noted that Congress is not pre· vented from enacting protections beyond those required by the Constitution . T his is just what President Carter now is asking the Congress to do. Legislation he will present early in the year would 11rohibit searches for "work product" such as notes, photographs. films, tapes and interview files of persons preparing information for dissemination to the public. The protection would cover reporters, broadcasters, fr<!e·lancc writers and academic per sons and the restric· Lion would apply to f cderal. state and local officials. The proposed law further would require law enforce. mcnt officials lo seek subpoenas for documents or other background material needed for evidence but not created by or for the writer or broadcaster. This •·subpoena first" proviso would give the holder of the document an opportunity to produce it without hav- ing police rummage through files that might contain pro. tectcd work materials. Following the Stanford Daily decision. it was pointed out that unannounced police searches could h ave the ef · f ect of drying up confidential sources of information, dis- couraging the preservation of notes and tapes, deterring persons who might be able to reveal government corrup· ti on but YiPUld fear being identified in s uch searches, and disrupting ·ne ws gathering operations. Since the court's decision presumably could equally be extende<t to searches of other businesses and even hom es, the President's decision lo ask Congress to clarify the search and seizure rights of the Fourth Amendment is of concern to all citize ns. • Opinions expressed In the s pace above are those o f the Daily Pilot. Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment ts Invited. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Bo1e 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (71 4) 642·4321. I ' Boyd/ S hy Lovers By L.M. Bo1d Thal Robert and Elizabeth Browning were two of literature's greatest lovers is widely known. Less well publicized, though, was a matter of some delicacy. Namely, the reported fact that they never saw each other except wh e n SP· propriately ~ssed· i e ., overcoated, s ed, gowned, pajama'd, what er Chukche tribesmen in Siberia mark the graves of lhei r dead with reindeer antlers, adding a new palr .. D ar Gloomy Gus What wtth the lnnated eo1t of ~rythlng this year, the u lutallon should be chan1ed to read "Season's Greed· lnl•·" E.J.L. f each year, the way people around here commemorate with flowers. Was Herbert Hoover who said. "Do not neglecl being just a boy. I t only comes once." Rem emb er that, young lady. Did you know that a mos· qulto has 47 teeth? Nel\.her did J. But so a correspandent avers . Four out of five youngsters who don't own stereo record players say they Intend to buy same when they get the money. Seems significant, a lfttle. A few generations back., every kid wanted his own horae and a Bowle knife. When I was a lad, it was a bicycle and a football. Now Jt's 1 Corvette and a hl·fi. The horse-blke·car thing hasn't changed in principle -It's all \r~portatlon. But never before has music been such a big deal with the youna. Q. "Whet's a 'Upcctomy'?'' A. PlastJc surgery on the buttocks, a1ao known aa the bottom Utt. Did you hear the report ot some doctors who say lack of 11,lt can cauae le1 cramp ? WA S HINGTON Qur.-aucntlc 1hilly1hallyln1 In the food and DruJ& Admlniatru tlon hu caused nc..~le11 aulfer· in1 1mona cancel' patient.I Wl· der1ouuc chemotherepy. Violent nauHa l• one of the sid e elfects of chemotherapy. martjuu n a eon e111c thul naullla. Thia meao11 that caOC\:r vie· tlms willing lo break thu law can f"iSt.' their 11uUer Ing, but low· ublding pa. lil'nts must ~ndure the pain. fo'or chemotherapy patients m Nt>w Mt-xico. the frustration was purttcularly gulling, because the medtcl.I Wle ot mnrlJuana was Bob Greene ap pr oved by the s t ate l llJlatwe Jut February. But slate otnctala were unable to cet the required okay from Food md Dru a. "THE POUCV of the federal 1overnment ts to encourage legitimate reiearch into the ef. f ects or drui• 1uch u matl· Juana," the White House as· sured the state's offlclaJs last spring. "Actions apparently con· tempfated ln New Mexico woWd therefore parallel this policy.'' Thus encouraged. New Mexico submltt.ed a proposal for ap. proval last July. A month later, Food and Drug gave a tentative go.ahead to the pJan. Then. without explanation, the agency ordered New Mexico to rewrite ats proposal. State officials com· · plied, butthe application was sUU stalled . In a bitter complaint to Health, F.ducatlon und Weltaru Secretary J<>1eph Callf ano. New Mexico's heallh administrator George Goldstein wrote : ·•Our· ing the delays caused by FDA . . . every one oC the few llP· proved applicants h ua died without receivin.C the drug." Foo~: ApparenUy as a re· a ult ol our inquiry. Food and Orug otflc:lw abruptly ended several months of fence-sitting lut week and approved the New Mexico request. BROKEN PROMISE: Among our allies in World Wur ll, none s uffered more for 'their loyally lo the United Stales than the Filipino soldiers who fought slde by side with American troop s at Bataan and Cor· regldor, epdurcd internment In prlson·of.war camps a nd. in other cases, fought the J apanese conquerors ror lhre yea~ b guerrUlna. Aller the war a araltilul Congres passed a law that ((ranted U.S. citizenstup to any f''lhplno veteran who applied. and the Immigration Service opened an office In the PblUp- plnH to h andle the expected wave of applicants. But. the Philippine govern- ment, newly Independent alt.er nearly half a century as an American possession. feared that hundreds or thousnncla of their eowttry's best and bravest would emigrate. The 1mmlgra· llon office was obliged to close without processing any appUca· h ons. Time passed, and the law went unused unl.il 1974, when 68 aging Fallplno veterans filed suit and established their legal right to U.S. citizenship. Any Filipino who could pr ove ho norable service an World War 11 qualiCled, the court ruled THE JVSTICE Department grudgmgly accepted. the ruhng as far as the 68 plaintiffs were concerned, but threw a curve at any other vel.B who might apply . They would have to prove they had tried to take advantage of the law and had been foiled by their government's opposition This blatant disregard of the Jaw and the court was apparenl ly caused by Justice Depart ment officials' fear or a wave or Filipino immigrant.s. But it •~ estimated that proba bly only 25.000 potential applicants ar(' still alive, and no one knows how many of these would want to com e to the United States The Justice Department's stand has put us in the pos1t1on of welsh.inf( on a debt to a rel· iitive handful of veterans, now growing old. who fought for the United St ates in one or its darkest hours. They deserve bet· ter. Disillusionment of an Honest Citizen Patrice Duckworth, 26, lives on the South Side of Chicago. The other day her younger brother cam e home with a waJlet he said he had found downtown. There was no money ln the wallet, but It contained credit cards and identi(ica· tion . Miu Duckworth examined it. She saw that it belonged to June Smith (not her real nam e ; the owner ol the wallet asked that we keep her anonymous) or the North Side. "I believe in doing nice things for other p eople." Miss Duckworth said. "I thought the woman would be relieved to know her wallet 'bad been found. and I wanted lo return it. So Miss Duckworth looked through the wallet and found June Smith's home and work telephone numbers. The follow· ing events are what she says happened next. SHE SPENT most of a day calling June Smith both al work and at home. She called every hour . FinaJly, at 9:45 p.m ., JWle Sm ith answered the phone. ·'She seemed very happy to hear that her wallet had been found ," Miss Duckworth said. A traffic ticket in the wallet indicated that June Sm ith had a Art Hoppe Traffic Court date the next day. so Miss Duckworth volunteered to bring the wallet downtown and give it to June Smith at the Traffic Court building on La Salle Street. "I didn't really want to go all the way downtown, but l have lost things before. and people have returned them to me," Miss Duckworth said. "I think d all the limes people have been nice to me. and l want to be nice to people." June Smith agreed to meet Miss Duckworth in front or the Traffic Court building at 12:30 p. m . the next day. "I RODE the rapid transit downtown. with he r wallet," Miss Duckworth said. "l was really feeling good about the whole thing. I waited in front or the Traffic Court, and then a woman who looked like her pie· tureonherlDscameout, and I ap. proached her. I asked her if she was June Smith, and when s he said yes, I handed her the wallet. •'The moment I handed the wallet to her, two plainclothes policemen appeared. She had called the police oo me! They demanded to see my identifica· lion. It was obvious that they thought I was some kind or criminal. I was s hocked. "One of tbe deteelives told me that no one would j~t come all t he way downtown lo return a wallet. He wanted to know what I thought I was going to get out of it. I said I didn't want to get anything out or at, I was Just try· Ing lo do a nice thing. "I ASK.ED one or the detec- tives if he wouJdn'l do tbe same thins ii he found a wallet, and he 11aid, 'No, I'd let the police ban· dle it.' The policemen kept ask· ing me if I knew the robbers, and I said that J was JUSt an honest citizen, but they obvious· ty didn't believe that. "Meanwhile, June Smith had walked away. I tried to go taJk to her and ask what was going o n , but s he wouldn't come anywhere near me. "When the police were done questiorung me. they let me go 1 rode back lo the South Side. and l was just s haking. I was so hurt. I had tried to do a good deed for someone, and I ended up being made to feel like a crook." We called June Smith. Al first she didn't want lo talk about lhe situation. but then defended her actions. "SOMETHING seemed funny when she called m e,·· June Smith siud. "Why wouldn't she just d rop the waJJet in the mail to me? Instead she insisted on giving it to me in person. "I h ad had my wallet stolen by a pickpocket. As Car as I knew, this woman was working with the pickpocket and was try· ing to get more money from me. That's why I called the palice. I thought I was being set up. "As 1t Is, I still think that she w as workin g with a n ac- complice. I don't trust the whole thing. I've h a d m y ph ont" number changed." Police Investigator Richard Lis. who accomp.an1ed June Smith to her meeting with Miss Duckworth, 1aJd, "Tbb kind or thing happens a lot. Someone steals a wallet, and then tries to shake the victim down for more money. "It smelled like a setup to us. Apparently, it wasn't, but we wanted lO be careful. That's why we were there for the return or the wallet." So June Smith has her wallet back. And Patrice Duckworth hab learned some things about trust and goodwill. SHE HAS thought about what happened. She reallies that both June Smith and the palice think that s he had ulterior motives tn bringing the wallet downtown. "So they think f had an ac complice, and they think the rea- son I brought it in person was to shake the woman down for money," Miss Duckworth said. "fl just makes me feel ill that people would assum e s uch things.'' Before this happened, Miss Duckworth said, she be lieved an the principle of going out of your way to help others, even strangers. But now, she said, she has adopted a new motto for t111s . Ch r islmas season . "Don't be nice to anybody " The Meanest Scrooge Keeps Up With the Tllnes t guess just about the meanest man in the whole world these days is Ebenezer Scrooge IV. Scrooge hates Christmas. He loathes Christmas. He despises C hriltmas . And every year. he does his utmost to muck Christ· m a s u p f o r every · body. Scrooge is co n s tantly bad·mouthing Christmas. It's thanks to him that you hear people carping about the frenzied mob6 in the stores, the atupldJty of havlng to mall out a • bunch ol dumb cards nobody r'ead1. and the suspicion that Christmas hu become notbJna but a gtanl garage sale. When you hear stuff like that. ll's Scroo1c talkf.ng. SCROOGE can't stand the thought of anyone enJoyln1 Christmas. He wouldn't even 1lve my brotherl Bob Cratchit. the day off ll Boo weren't bual· •• ness agent of Loca l 1247, Amalgamated Brother hood of Office Employees. And whenever my poor lame nephew, Tiny Tim, wishes Scrooge a merry Christmas, all Scrooge says is "bull ... <ex· pletive deleted)." A wealthy miser. Scrooge's only charity ilf The National Co mmitte e t o Abolish Christmas, o f whic h he ls c hairman. lt 'a Scrooge. of course, who ls responsible for those s tories you see In the pepers about lay.a -way plans being hi1hway robbery. revolv· lng credit accounu bordennR on usury, and the high lncldtince of elcoholism, ~rvous breakdowns a nd s u1 c1des during the Chtlstmes »ea.son. THOSE sky·wrftten messages saylnc. "There rs No Santa Claua, Vlr1inla, You Sucker !" nre Scrooae•s work. aa Is that bumper stlcker readlnf. ''Rein· deer Carry Pslttecosls. · But try u he might and deeplte all hi11. m llllon1, ~rooge baa never m ana1ed to dostroy the true meanlnc ot Ch.rtatmu. Any adult who has watched o c hi ld open his presents on Chris tmas m orning knows whx The way they radiate JOY and wonder as they switch on their brand new robots or racing cars or starships or whatever makes all the money and agonJz- lng well worthwhile No, sir. there's no way that a million Scrooges could des troy the true meaning of Christmas. SO WREN Tiny Tim and I ran into him downtown the other day. I wasn't a bit worried Tiny Tim had just asked Santa for a video tennis simulator. a gadget that can play blackjack, a chim· panzee cymbalist and an elec- tronic n ytng saucer. which are but a few o( the computented toys that are a ll the rage this year. And, g08h, he was so excited j us t thinking about ope nlnR them on Christmas morntna that already my heart was filled wllh the Joy a nd wonder or lhL' season. 1 had expected Scroo~c lO appear sleepless and despon dtnl in anticipation or another Inevitable defeat , but quite the contrary "Ho, ho, ho." hr said. "Ho. ho, ho what. Scrooge"" I asked "Ho. ho, ho," he said. "l hove corn~red the market tn 0 cell batterlea " "God help US, .. 11eld Tiny 'rtm. blanchJng. "every one!" ) • \ FRESNO HONORSCfTtZ!N FOR 0£VOTtON TO DUTY JoH MKIH, Second From Afoht, 8Kk Row, With Wife, 10 Children Civic Virtue Rewarded Janitor P rf orms Doty Despite Hardship FRESNO (AP) A jarutor who speaks little English has bee n honored by grateful citizens here for an "old· fashioned'' devotion to duties m his adopted land. Jose Macias, a native of Mex· ico who has lived in the United States 19 years with permanent residence status. overcame hardships a nd returned 2.000 miles home to testify at a triaJ here MACIAS, ms WIFE and SIX of the ir 10 children drove to Guadalajara, Mexico, to visit re- latives this month, but he was notified that the trial had been pus h ed a head and he was needed to testify Dec. 14. Macias had seen a man fl eeing from a jewelry store a fter hearing a window shatter. Instead or wiring or writing that he couldn't get back in time. Macias loaded his family into their pickup and set pff for Fresno. But the truck broke down, S-O he spent $300 to return the family from Mexico by bus. "f KNEW IT would cost a lot or money, money we h ad saved," his wife, Anita, said l ater at the ir modest two· bedroom home . "But he just bought the bus tickets and said ·that 1s what money is for. to spend, and also this gelling back as a duty'." lron1cally. Macias didn 't testify because the defendant pleaded guilty. Prosecutors credited Macias' appear ance in the courtroom with convincing the defendant to reverse his plea. The Muni cipal Court judge who handled the case praised Macias for citizenship, and Deputy D1stricl Attorney Don Squires commented that "if ever a witness had a valid excuse for not being in court, that witness was Jose Macias." CABAPPRO~ S4/\T.4 FUGHT Grief Kills Hippo's Misery Ends COPENHAGEN . D e nm a rk <AP) Copenhagen zoo officials have announced that Rasmus. a JO.year-old hippopotamus. was put to death to end his s uffering after mourning lhe death a year ago of his S4·year-old mate, Maren. "Rasmus. who norm ally ate up to 60 pounds of hay, grass, vegetables and bread every day, lost his appetite the day Maren died," said J~es Elmer, the hjppo caretaker. Rasmus lost more than 800 pounds. began los· ing his teeth and became hostile to caretakers. he said. The animal 's m iser y was so heart· breaking, zoo officia'l s said they decided to give the animal a lethal injection because his condition was hopeless • Frfdey, ee<:.mt>er 22. 1978 DAILY PILOT A 7 Mr. Playhtty ~ .Hefner Lives Men's Fantasies • • By BOB GREEN£ ~r.w ......_ hMlk•t• HOLMBY HlLL.5 -It. ts the dinner hour. 1'he man of lhe bouse sits at lhe head of the long table . There Is no wire. The children are arown. The man reaches over lo a s ma ll brown box that has been placed a few lnches• from h.ls napkill. He depresses a button atop the box, and wlthm seconds a butler ls beside him. It is a night for celebration. It ls the birthday of the man's girlfriend. She has turned 22 to- day. He is 52. There have been gitts; now the butler bas brought the birthday cake, candles aglow. THE MAN SMILES at has girlfriend, and then his voice begins to echo in the massive room. "Happy birthday to you ... " sings Hugh Hefner . It is another night at tiome The girl's birthday 1s not really the one that is on Hefner 's mind. After all, she is only 22: his magazine. P layboy, has just turned 25. The girl. whose name is Sondra Theodore. was not born when Hefner crafted the ramous fjrst issue of Playboy, with the Marilyn Monroe nude. There have been many beautiful young women. perhaps thousands of them In Hugh Hef· ner's life before this young woman; there will be many more after she Is gone. "But I do fail." Hefner had been saying a few hours earlier. A visitor has asked Herner about bis legendary success with women. and about the popular notion that. at least ror Hefner, there is never a moment or re· jection rrom a female. ''I NEED THE "fa ilure." Hefner said. "There are going to be women who say no. The possibility or failure adds ..... , ........ LIVES A DREAM Hugh Hefner somethlog to it. After all. this 1sn 't some fiefdom where I can have any beautiful woman I want." But. the visitor said. that is precisely wha t the Hefner legend is about. "If every woman round you d es irable, t h a t w ould be pathetic," Hefner said. "If every woman desired the exact same thing m a man. then one or two people would be getting all the action. Believe me. women turn me down." And when that happens, does it dismay him? "DEPENDS ON THE circum stances," Hefn er said. "I'm realistic. Everyone talks about the sex symbols created by P layboy. Well. tbe major sex object created by Playboy over the last 25 years happens to be me." Indeed. The person most on.en pictured tn thl' pages or Playboy 11 not a particular beautiful nude woman: it is Hefner. ln the January issue, Hefner 's photo- graph appears 17 limes For a quarter o f a ce ntury, hi s personal fantasies have become the fantasies of millions of men a round lhe world, and those tnen have never been given the ~ance to forget who Hefner '8. "It's been a personal adven· lure, and I've taken people along with m e." H e fn e r ~aid . ··Everything that has happened to me haa been a product of my own adolescent dreams and aspir ations. J have lived out my dreams as a kind of surrogate for 3 large pan or the popula lion." AND lllS DREAMS have not changed. Then and now. he has surrounded himself with 19· and 20-year-old girls ; the fantasies of the teen-age Hefner have held up. Some ridicule him Cor thts, but he cares not at all. Even though he Is a big part of the Southern California celebrity scene now, ther e re m ains som ething about him that is basically Midwestern and basically adolescent. • • 1 • ve managed to hold onto my childhood,'' Hefner said. "I may be 52, but inside m e there is a httle boy. I love that little boy. J love him and I keep in contact with him. "And I'm not sorry about not b ecom ing Jaded. Out here. especially in show business, you find people who have spent their entire lives. all their energies. trying to become stars, and then they tell you what a bore being famous 1s. Punch i n g ph~to· graphers. Well , fame is won· derrul. l love it. (Sff HEFNER. Pa1e AS> A THIRD DIMENSION IN STEREO SOUND Thank You For Making This The _Best Year In Our 19 Year History Stereo FM/AM Raclo-.d 1-TNdt T.-....... Model 1706 offers you everything you need for super stereo ... except a high price tag: Full-featured tuner/amplifier to pull in weak stations and a fine performing built-in 8-track tape player. Two sealed back speakers with a special vented design project great sound. l ~c::~: ty~--- CHRISTMA.S ~-~ ONLY s 12900 A guide to community church•• •nd their event• •Ps»e•rt Saturdaya In the DAILY PILOT r ' ' WE WILL BE CLOSED DECEMBER 23, DECEMBER 24 & DECEMB£R 25 But See Us Tuesday, December 26 For Our Great Year-end Truck Sale! CONNELL CHEVROLET Serving Costa Mesa for 19 years; · 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Sal~s Open 7 Days A Week MONOAV·FRIOAY 8:30 A.M. lo 9 P.M. SATURDAY & SUNDAY 8·~ A.M. toe p M. 546-1200 ,a::;:::.. MONDAY 7 A.M. to 8 ~M TUESDA.Y·FRIOAY 7 A.M. to 15:30 P.M. ' • I ' , • JU DAILY PILOT CALIFORNIA I NATION Santa's Revenge Ripoff Gas Depot Gets Ripped 8 111\JGB A. MVLUGAN _...,_...Ciw"MFJ f •I ALOP'r WITH SANTA -f( you read the auto club bull~ns Of' c:au,ht Dan J\alh r 's ex~ on "$0 Minute.," you bow roU iDI throuab Geor111 cao be qwte u 1dveotun wbeo yoa p11Jl lnto OM ol t.boN ripoff IU at.eaUOM on lnttrstat. 7~ A b11 ole ~try boJ ln • "Red Neck Power" •WHt llhJrt hwikers down to chock )"CMlr litt pre ure and Z1 P, "'"h a COil ~ •lf'd le.nu • 1oe1 lbo ritn o1 )'OUr oew lla"l belted rldaal. oa THE DUDE IN l)\('I btb O\'enalla parka h11 can of 8all1r ~r on Ow cash re11tttr Joni l'nough lo loP off your battery 1H·1t1. and 11.11 soon all )Ou dn1rC" ufl the b1lt4'ry oxplodt Sumehow llfl Alh·~ll&M tablet ha• rouod Its way into th~ cbaml><lr. Or the-hulklng 11latk )a~d yobl wtth fina~rs lhto m~ of hum hockiJ munuae to drain your brcdce fluid. rip out the ~le,rlntt cablt-and dasconn~t lht radiator hm.e while hunllng around (or the oil gauae tick Happ M all the time. thtW say NOW LATE ON Christmas Eve Sunu1 11topa ot these fioodht tourist traps along I 75 to water his reindeer and get some bear grease for his s led runners. And thereby hangs a tale .. Ho.ho-ho." he greets the llrease monkey idhng by the gas pump in his far north friendly fa::ihion. which is u mistake right there. Nobody around here talks like that unless they're freaked out on high octane bourbon. ... .......... ,._ NO HOMER HICK Savvy Santa THEN TH£ BATTEllV 10 Rudolph's rt-d no:sc. wh1ch bud been runnlnte down. suddenly &taru smoking und '*hootlnsr off •parka Next the harnc~it coml!s upa rt and the wh1Ule t ree breaks down and jinglt-bells are J\nghng all over the pump ii.land ·'Gonna need a whole new transmission," sympathizes Calhoun, sn1tpplng hlS aaJlouaes ~xpectanUy "And one of our never·dle-non- a I k a Ii ne batteries." a dds Stonewall. punctuating his grief with puddJes of tobacco Juice ··Never make Macon on those runners." lam~nts B1Jly.J oe. fid· dling 1mx.1ously with the credit card machine "llO·ffO..ffO.ffO," ANSWERS Santa. with just a trace of menace and a secret signal to his faithful elves. "we already have been to Mllcon." "Thal so," puzzles Calhoun. "Then bow'd you end up oo the ~~:-) •outh bound t>ld or the median •trip'" Dul bt'fore b" can solve that o ne . the bit( decorated \hrt tmus tree 11udden)y topples ovrr, blockJn1 lhe acc II lane ofC the lnltlrfttate. And lhe UtUe ('Iv \11 Urt' rushlnM over the rnouotaina o tires. tylnc t.he air ho1es lnU> knot.a. pourlna drums of lubNc•Un& ou into the grease pit und lttllng the u1r out of lhe wrecker·~ Urt.'ti NEXT, AU,. NINE reindeer. free f rom their harness. go btqs erk . k1ck1ng over the 11y ramldll of no-knock additive. stomptnK holes In the s hlngle roof, denting the renders of <.:1&lho un 's n e w pickup and StonewaU's WiJllle bago back in the body s hop. Rudolph has tipped over the soda vending machine. ahort·circuited the pumping device with his recharged snout and Is grazing on the greenery ln the cash drawer. "Merry Christmas to aU and to all a good night," shouts San· ta. as he magically aeta jt alt together. team and harness. and lifts off over the big eledric sign that used lo flash "Open 24 Hours." and now reads "Closed for the Season." Calhoun. Stonewall and Billy- Joe just sit themselves down and have a good cry. They ain't never had such a n all tore up. bollweevily, s uck egg dawg kind of Christmas since the t.ord made HU.le green tourists. Worst part of it is that the bearded Cat guy lit out over the treetops grinning like a jackass eatin' briers. .,.~ WHO II HE? WMde'9f Whols Abused Ken Doe? SACRAMENTO <AP) -The little boy says his name ts Ken. And when asked about the scrapes and bruises all over his body, he says "Momma did it. That's all that's known or Ken Doe. about 2. who wu found wand e ring In th e University Medic al Center last week. "WE HAVEN'T got his identity yet." Detec· live Dennis Vinsant of the child abuse de ta1I said. Police are checking leads. They have also received calls fro m citizens who want to take the boy. or give him Cbrlstmu presents. fine junior apparel If Y~'ve Been Thinking of Giving a Camera This Christmas, COME TO US FOR CANON. YOU'LL LEAVE US wrnt THE BESI. Canon ~~~ CANON CAMERAS • Precision and versatility •Ease of use or course being from the North Pole, out or touch with newspapers and television, San· ta doesn't know about the bad traps that CWl befalJ an u.nwar) tourist here along the lnterstate. ., f'ro91 Page ft 1 HOSPITAL of · flclals said the welts and bruises may have bee n made b y long • Unbeatable value BUT BEING FROM up north and being in a hurry and loaded <town with presents a.nd travel· v.t·ary lillle elves. Santa is a · prime target for what the locals ri'gard as belated revenge for the number that William Tt<cumseh Sherman did on them HEFNER'S DREAM. • • OPEN THIS SUHDA Y 'TIL 3 P.M:!! :.i cenlur) or so ago. Probably h eading down to Florida like the rest of them rich Yankees. conclude the big ole boys whispering greedily among themselves down under the grease rack. Trouble starts as soon as San· ta bead& off to the rest room. Calhoun. who really has 22 in· che11 of red neck bulging from hi:s freyed blue collar, tosses him the keys out or the cluttered desk drawer and ambles out to r heck the sled runners. RIG Irr OFt. SANTA gets SUS· p1c1ous about the mountains of new tires and sled runners piled up behind the station. There's bound to be something spacey ubout a garage deep in Georgia peanut country that sells more s led runners than it does s uper pe rformance unleaded and six packs or Dr. Pepper. Concentrating as he does all year round on the good things p4"ople do, Santa might not be all tha t much Into human greed and consumer ripoffs. but he's no • llomer Hick from Hicksville. In ract, he's got the snow ~marts, as they say in Arctic <'1rcles. and knows something is f1-.hy when the sled collapses two minutes after Calhoun gets done greasing the runners . "I SUPPOSE I COULD get tired of what I have. but I'm not tired of It. I have built here what could be viewed as a perpetual woman machine. I don't go night after night looking for a new woman, but the women are here. And one or the things I am find- ing out is that age doesn't mean anythin~ to women.'· That lB probably easy for the 52-year-old editor and pubUsher of Playboy to say, lhe visitor said. But what if he were a 52· ye.ar-old shoe salesman.? • ng Rukd Out SYRACUSE, N.Y. CAP> -A judge has decided to return a Baptist minister's teen-age daughter to her famil y, but with orders that the minister can no longer spank her with a shingle. Shirley Roy. 15, is due to return home next month. Onondaga County Faml· ly Court Judge Morris Schneider ordered the girl taken out or the home after learning how the Rev . James Roy was punishing her. County Al· tomey James Hughes said Thursday that Roy also told him he forbade his daughter to dance or swim with boys, attend movies or wear slacks Even the POSH gentleman gets a little crazy at the lost minute .and with our great selection of trodlfionol clothing and occessor1es. it's tempting to choose one o f everything! Happy Holidays from all ot us at P.0.S.H.I 46 Fashion Island Newport Beach (114) 64o.&3l0 ' I "tr I were a 52-year-old shoe fingernails. s alesman, then I would probably think that girls thought about They also say the age," Herner said. "But I have child's hana appears to learned something very interest· have been bumed by a ing. And that is that women. cigarette some time although they say they like a ago. faithful and monogamous man. are very attracted to a man who He is black. 32 inches has ... had a lot of romantic tall , and weighs 24 e xperiences. The more ex· pounds. perienced you are, the more de· ,-----------: slrable you are to a woman. U a woman knows you have been with a great many beautiful women. she somehow (Inds that a very attractive thing . Ho.n: ~ •·• • s ... t.s ...._.cwd • M..-C.._,. DAVE'S UAMERA 474East17th • 642-1012 Costa Mesa, California I DAILY PILOT · Santa's Real [ J ye·~~sT~~iJ:~ :~~i~t ~ See f<>< yoorse!t L. M. BOYD INFORMS In the my llCe. My JiCe has never been at Huntinorcn -----------sweeter than it Is right now." Center And now it is arter midnight. i-------------i'----------------------------- Hdner is in the game house or his mansion. or all the women who have passed through his homes during these 25 years. it is not a woman to whom Hefner has been loyal. The person who has lived with him the longest is a man, a man rramed John Dante. Dante is Hefner's beat friend : they met In Chicago, and Dante has lived with Hefner 13 years. Tonight Hefner and Dante play pinball. Six past and future Playmates. uniformly gorgeous. sit on a couch and watch the endless games. Hefner Is in his pajamas. It is 2 o 'clock In the morning. and som e of the women are stifling yawns, but they will wait. Th.is is Hugh Hef- ner's world. The boy survives. \ • The single most imwrtant thi abot.it a home at this time 'cit year. is the me within ... have a~ and joyous HolidaY Season ... and a prosperoUs Ne\A! 'ltar 'Newport £,uily 'Funds · Inc. , MANGE COUNTY DAILY PILOT A 9 .Job Safe t y Council -Opening -Chief -usto~ · Stumed Tbe Oran1e County Co1Dmualty Develop. meat Counc;ll Jnc. \a Ueldn1 •PJ>Dcaalll tor tbe Jo'b or uecutlvo ctlrttlor ~ the council, wltb a .JU. 15 deadline for applicaUcns. The C'O\lndl, Wbtcb Gr· aaat .. mmmwlity ~· Uon proaran11 to •l· levlate poverty and U · •l•t mlliority and other diaadvantqed persoo.a, II locatf'd at 1440 E Flr1t St . Fourth P'loor, Santa Ana ! T"• po.lllon. whtch : P•>s $27,300 ~r )'ear. rfll_uStes adminlalraUve • and managert&l altilb. : finandaJ man11ement. • pro1ram development · and community U\volve ment . • •. Additional tnrorma · lion •• 'nilabl" by c»ll· mg )t'1...,l : Parents' . ~Worse Slated The Orange County Chapter Of the American Red Cross will sponsor a CO'Jrse in parenting, for parents of ,Y oung children. beg:innfne Jan. 11 C}astes will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. on six consecutive Thursdays at Gract> Hoag Con- ference Center, Hoag Memorial Hospital, 301 Newport BJvd., Newport Beach The eo&t is $5 per COU· pJe, with information available by calJing 8.lS-5381, ext. 29. TO RITIRI J AN. 1 S Heny M. Rowe, Jr. Harry Rowe, Librarian,. Will R etire Ha!!.f. M Rowe Jr., Orange County s librarian for more than 19 years. hJS announced bis re-tirement effective Jan. 15. Rowe, S7, a native Californian has made the state's history bis hobby and be said he plans to spend his retirement in con-llbued research on his favorite topic. He srud he plans eventually to move to Amador Countr. in Northern California and build a home there. HIS IMMEDIATE plans call for him to move to Beverly Hills where bis wife Mary Lou, is ci· ty librarian and to join a consult-ing firm. Prior to assuming the county post. Rowe was director of the FuJtertoo Public Librarr for 11 year s. He served with the Fullerton system for 21 years after moving from Northern California. A retirement dinner honoring Rowe will be held Jan. 5 at the Santa Ana Elles Club. Honored by County Oranae County aovernment'a thief cWtodlan wa. hooof'ed by county 1upervtlon Tuesday fbr h11 efforu lo lmprove 11r \y on lh•job. Earl Jobnaon or Placentia. c ounty cu1todlal aervlcea au.,.rvilor lbe paat nln• yean, waa ctedJted by board Cbalnnu Thomu RUey ror doloa more than any other county employee lo proll>Ote job aalely. BE AUJO HAS been honored by the County Supervllora Aa· IOClatlon ol Callfomia tor hav· lnf the Jowett county employee lo u.ry rat.e ln the 1tate. o paat yean, RUey noted. lhe couiity cuatod.taJ crews bad oae of the bi&Mst ratea for time lost becauae Of iniurtes on the job. But after Jobnaon lnstituted a new ulet.y program, tbe depart· . R ead Wrong, R iley 'Red' Th e r e were a few startled people at Wed· nesday's meeting of the Orange County Board ot Supervisors when board chairman Thomu Riley recommended "condemn- ing" retiring librarian Harry Rowe. Riley, who was rtt0m-mendl.Jur a resolution lo be read at llowe's retirement dinner on Jan. 5 apparent- ly was unaware of his verbal slip until Philip An-thony pointed it out to him. "You mean commend don 't you,·· Anthony asked. ··or course ... Riley laughed, "I can't think of anything we'd condemn Harry ROwe for unless it's for leaving the county.•• ment eaded 1977-78 wttb a new aafety record -339 \ta1s with no time Iott betauae ohn1ury. Joplin Ranch Grows County Office Trees A tradition that started two years ago ii keeping Scrooge out of the Count..v of Orange's Christmas. While poet·Proposttion 13 cuts have elimi,nated holiday d~a· lion& from some budgets, county offices are as festive as ever. That's because the county gets its trees for free. John Beshman, spokesman tor the County Administrative Of. fice, said the dozen trees that are decorating the hall of ad· ministration and other county facilities are grown on tbe Joplin Ranch, the Trabuco Canyon de- tention center for juvenile of· fenders . He said the trees aren't grown commercially. but serve as windbreaks and landscaping Cor the ranch. "They make the place look nice. And then at Christmas, we just tell them what we need and ther, cut them and send them up. •he explained. The 18-foot tree in the lobby or the administration building is another s ample or austerity c heer . Al the suggestion of Thomas Riley, chairman of the coun ty Board or Supervisors, the tree was decorated with the Christmas cards sent to cowity officials. "We couldn't put lights on it because of the fire hazard." Beshman explained. "It looks pretty good. although the ficst day when there were only two cards it looked kind of funny.·· MAKE IT A SOMY CHRISTMAS At Davis-Brown Your S•y Headquarters We carry a large selection of Sony Christmas Gifts Including Color Televisions. Portab le Radios. T ape Records. Clock Rad ios. A M/FM' Stereo Radios. and much more! ''IT'S A SONY" S CLEARANCE Starts Saturday December 23, 9 A.M. TOYS GIFTS • Solid State Phonograph All Plush Animals 50% off • AM/FM Polee/Weather Radio • AM/FM Table Radio orig. 18.88 orig. 29.95 orig. 29.95 orig. 18.88 orig. 54.95 orig. 79.95 orig. 39.95 Now 12.88 Now 19.88 Now 19.88 Now 12.88 Now 39.88 Now 59.88 Now 29.88 • The Green Machine •Tonka® Van & Camper Set • Tonka® Grader • Perfection • Close Encounters Game • Goodyear Blimp • Police Hot Cycle •Big Wheel • Luv-A-Bubble Doll • Big Sound Play Organ • Softina Doll • Ironing Set • Barbie Superstar Show • Video Pinball Game •Tonka® &~ck.Country Explorer Set • Tyco® Nite-Glow Electric Racing Set • Tyco® Command Control 2 Car Race Set • Tyco® Chattanooga Choo-Choo Train Set • Tyco$ Comln' Round the Mountain Train Set STORE HOURS Saturday Dec. 23 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. \I Sunday, Dec. 24 10 a.m. to 6 p.,.,,, 1 ' orig. 19.99 orig. 10.99 orig. 10.49 orig. 8.99 orig. 6.99 orig. 5.99 orig. 18.88 orig. 15.99 orig. 12.99 orig. 12.99 orig. 9.99 orig. 7.49 orig. 15.99 orig. 84.95 orlg.19.99 orig. 19.99 orig. 29.99 orig. 29.99 ortg. 24.99 Now 9.99 Now 6.99 Now 6.99 Now 5.99 Now 4.99 Now 3.99 Now 12.88 Now 11.99 Now 8.99 Now 6.99 Now 6.99 Now 3.99 Now 10.99 Now $66 Now 5.99 Now 13.99 Now 19.99 Now 12.99 Now 12.99 • AM/FM Table Radio • ...._... cue • AM/FM Table Radio •AJehtect °'•' • AM/FM/SW/CB I Band Pottabte Aedto •AM/FM wwalherTableRacllo • Portable Phonograph w/ Extension Speakers •Smoke and 135° Heat Detector System • 135°or175° Heat Detector Alarm • Smoke Detector Electric • 15 in. Drill Press oneonly • Cookie Jars • Wall Clock •ttt• "'°vet'llf"' • Wood Wall Clocks-Barn orig. 29.95 ong. sn orig. 29.88 orig. 19.99 orig. $283 orig. $13 orig. 119.99 Now 19.88 Now$33 Now 14.88 Now 9.99 Now $144 Now 8.71 Now 77.99 Teakettle and Apple ong.21.99 Now 13.19 • Pine Kitchen Tool Set orig. 1s.99 . Now 10.50 • Pine Knick-knack Shelf orig. 26.99 Now 17.99 • Decal Pitcher & Bowl Set ong. S36 Now $18 • Framed Glass Picture 10 .... 20 .... orig. $1 5 Now 9.99 • Tote SAMSONITE SOFTSIDE • 21 in. Carry-on • 24 In. Traveller • 26 In. Traveller • 29 In. Traveller' orig. 22.80 orig. 30.40 orig. $36 orig. 53.20 Now 14.88 Now 19.88 Now 23.88 Now 34.88 fsl clCPenney FASMION ISLAND STORE ONLY £l FASHION ISl.ANO ~NEWPORT CENTER t I I t Sa*2313 \ . . ....... ~IUOTHBS SMITH'S MORTUAIY 627 Main St Hunttngtoo Beach 536-6539 ,_fANH.Y c:o&.OMA1 ~L HOMf 7801 Borsa Ave Wesrmmster 893-352!> ,ACIFtC VllW MIMOalAL PAll Ceme1ery Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pac1f1c View Drive Newpon Beach 6«-2700 M<COb41CK MOlTU4lllS Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hrlls 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 IAL.tt-IHGBOH FUHBALHOMJ 646-2424 Costa Mesa 673-9450 llU .. 04DWAY MOITUUY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 MTH·TU'TfflU.UMI MOaTUAIY WUTCUff CHAP& Cren-etory •Flower Shop 427 E 171h St Costa Mesa 6~8 • . . . ... .. GRAND PIANOS CONSOLES • -SPINEIS •KAWAI •KN~ .• • AUGUST FORSTER •llACH •CAil£ •WEIER •WURLITZER Quality ac Hlllible prica COlll't.ETE UNI OF HAMMOND OROAn llAllMOID OIUI & PIAIO Cll1D 2854 E. Coast HWy., CORN del Mar (714) 644-8t30 Christmas Sale Save up to 20% Margo Ballin. 8, of Vernon, Mich .. holds a live screech owl that perches in the fami- ly Christmas tree. The bird, found sitting in the road near their home, is tame and unhurt. They hope to return the owl safely to the wilds. on selected Christmas items. This is Roger's top quality merchandise but we don't have room to store it. 2 Faiths View Marriage Sacred Character of Vnions Emphmized B UT IN THE present a t · mo s ph e re. "th e sacred c haracter of married IUe is radically threat.ehed by contrary lifestyles," the joint consultation team declared. The participants. lncluding theologians and other experts or the two oldest Christian bOdies. said they felt il urgent to point up the "profound meaning. the 'glory and honor' or married life in Christ." It Is the. Lord who unites a man and a woman in a life or mutual love." the agreed state- ment said, adding that the re· s uiting power of s uch a union clears the eyes of faith to an t>ven more intimate relationstup ultimately with God. (..._._RE_u_c_1o_N _) and his church,'' the scholars noted. "Consequently both the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches affirm the permanent c haracter or Christian mar· riage." ther, added, quoting Mal· thew 19:6: 'What God has joined together. let no man put as· sunder.'" "MARRIAGE I S A sacrame nt," declared the Catholic·Orthodox dta logue team, co-chaired by Greek Orthodox Archbishop I akovos of New York and Cardinal WiJllam Baum orWastungton. "A total sharin~ of a life of love and concern 1s not possible arart Crom God. The limitations o human relationships do not al· low for a fiving and receivang which fulfil the partners." But "by opening the eyes of faith to the vision that these re· lationstups have as their goal, HOWEVER. IT WAS noted God offers a more intimate un- that because of "human re. ion with tumselr." aliUes," Eastern Orthodoxy permits divorce after exhaust· "THROUGH THE liberating mg efforts to s ave the marriage effect of divine love, experienced and allows remarriages "m Or· through human love. believers der to avoid further human are led away from self· tragedies." t edn d If d 1 " Roman CathoHcism, although cen e r ess an se ·I o atry. forbidding divorce as such, does thestatementadds. provide for inquiries in the case "The Gospel indicates the o( "failed marriages" to d e-direction that this love must ul· termlne if some "lnltial defect" timately take· toward intimate made it Invalid in the first place, union with the One who alone the statement noted. can salis(y the fundamental Protestantism, while aJso con· yearning or people for selC- sidering marriage permanent, fulfillment. .. allows divorce in recognition or "The total devotion or the human failings to live up to the married partners implies as its ideal. goal a relationship with God ... Both divorce and annulments ''Through the love manifested have soared in recent times, as in marriage. an important wit· have m ale-female sexual ness is given lo the world or the ·•HUSBAND AND WIFE are liaisons without benefit of mar-love of God in Christ for a ll peo· called by Christ not only to live riage or its religious connot.a· pie .... and wotk together, but also to tions. share their Christian lire so that QUOTING EPHESIANS 5:25. each with the aid or the other whlch tells husbands to "love may pro1tress through the Holy your wives as Christ loved the Sp1r1t in the life of holi · 1'--'-L edS churchand gave h1mselfupror ness ... This relationship ... is .LAR2U.1.e U e8 her." the scholars said established ... bytheLord." LOS ANGELES <AP> "Through this love. which Man and woman "become one liberates believers from selfish flesh," Scrll>lure says. fl likens Lockheed Corp. has filed a s15.5 interests and sanctifies their re· this mutuafly . reinforcing com· million lawsuit against PacUic lations hips, the Christian bination lo the "cove nant reta· Southwest Airlines for allegedly husband and, wife find the ln- HOCf"1' Ca.dom • 640.!)800 For quick results, set your salrs for the Boat. 1ng classUied ads or the Dally Pilot. 642·5678 ~ • .,~um"' MacArthur • N4'Wp0<1 8uch ~ To all our employees Anne Adam~ Juana Aguilar Gita Alh Marcia Amonette Teresa Beckel! Linda Bell9f1'y Janel Bergeron Crl"dy Bettendge Janet Blake Julia Bowman 8111 Branf'\On Sheryl Briand Brent Broussard 8111 Brown Jay Burns M argaret Byford Mary Ca1llouette Joy Cannady Lori Canson Dora CamllO Jose Chave1 Bill Chessefl Par Clark Shirley Clark Marge Coburn Janet Coltharp Pauhf'\e Cook M aria Coria Rosario Corl / Terr Craig Ray Crowell MarPa Dallon Chrrs Davis Paul OeNrchOls Don 01et1 Susan DuOck Ruth Dugan Rena Oyer Mrchete Ozep1na Shrrtey Edelman JOey Evans Cynthia Fernandez Goran FQ<&hager Sylvia Frank Kathleen Fraser Fnda Fr011Ch Fran Funke Terry Galloway David Galvan Eilene Gardner Ellis Gardner Anna Gomez Bo b GerbaS• Jerry G•fben Laura Grlley Jrm Grace Candy Guck1an Jim Gust Paula Guthne Nagu1b Haddad Jim Han0vs1~ Mary Hardin Moran Harrell Drck H aslip Sleol'lanre Hearn Alma Hervey Carl Hilsabeck Cdther1ne Hon Carol Ho~kinson Maria Hull HalP Hunner Oebbre Ingram Robert Jecter Keith Johnson C•ndy Krene Larry Kullman Ann Labadie Sandra LaGrange Sh1r1ey Lane-Smith Anthony Lawson Romona Lawson Bea Lee Carl Leuck Consuela Luevano:. Peggy Lyon Gf>ri McCarthy Jack McComb L arrv McReaken Sharon Magana Arv1f> Martin Marty Martin Tom Mf'd<'trO~ Steve Mett>v Eleanor Miranda Inez Moiarro Cindy Moore Dan MorPtl Barbara M()W(> Susan Mumny Ruin Musselwn11e Sandra Musse1wn11e Nila Not10lk Anrta Oestf>rre1ch Kfjf'\ Paettt Leo Parsons Hetga PPdersPn Chrro; Perez l urs PerPt Dick Peterman Lani Pollocl( Mark Raabe Kathy Rayf\O Pete Reilly Phylhs RIOC8 Mabel Romacty David R()()(k Doog Rufus llpea Samuelu Alberto Sanab<ra Karen Sander~ Gr~ SchOtt M ark Se1lert Jack Snaler- Harold Simonds Ed Srrno; Ppte Smrlh SIP.Ve Sm1lhlrnq Darlene SO<acate Roger Sladlman M arlene Staiger Helen Sfantev JoAnn Ste1nsu1t1 Jamie Stevens Wayne Ste>cKdate Dan Su99 Karen Tallon Ed Thomas Tarn Tran Dee Urene Del Valiensi 8111 VanHaoftf'n CeCe Villanueva Boo Wtlhams Ron Wilson Jim Winburn We wish to express our thanks for your very fine efforts during 1978. May the bless ings of this season reach you and your families. HAPPY HOLIDA VS. ~ r5171C0~~1ilC[HJ ~-o•I . .srAro JNC. ~ t tJQ BAKCJ Sll!Hr. COSIA MC~. CAI.IF 91616 tio,nshlP, between God and his breaking a contract to purchase spiration in turn to minister in people ' and "between ~C=h~n~·s~t--~tbr~e~e~j~eta~~Ot'd~e~r~ed~i~n~l~97~2:· ________ ~1o~v~in~g~se~rv~ic~e~to~o~t~he~r~~:· ______ -'==:~=:=:::=::==:::=:=::::=::==:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::===~ Japanese Class Due A course in modern Japanese literature and mm will be offered for the first time at Orange Coas t College. Costa Mesa b eginning the week or Feb. 5. The course. Englis h 172, meets Crom 7 to 10 p.m . Thursdays. Stu· dents enrolling need not be familiar with either Japanese language or literature. Registration informa. lion is available by call- ing 556-5735. Dr. Michael A. Weber or Newport Beach has been elected a fell ow or the American CoUeg~ of Physicians, national pro· fessional organization of specialists tn internal medicine. .... I • ' ' , ! .. 'E 99 ) J I ~\ 'lJ , I • • • • . . • • . ~ .. l MEDICINE I AT YOUR SERVICE ~~ \:t@mr([ ~®[(WO©@ ( : ,,_,., l'..,. •.-.•""• <'•r• DEA& REA.D as: Slti. ... federal Hfdy . H~ laue ... t' Umel)-ttPt co euere • aale WNay~raU... • lAla Vu G..U.r. C'oaanatr Pnd•d al ty • ~ •• ...._.,.awe•••.warut.laa&canfal•MI>· • .a.1 I ~U')' •~• ('litoodq aeeq Ute 1st .... loye .. t.M •and. Stte advlaet '-aytq C.)'t tlaal aall :. Ute a•• o1 Ute claUd. clll~ld•I tor tiarp polett or • ed1ea. n.wt.1 ••tremtl)' leud __ lop Uaal ua • daa a1e lwarlq or oeiea wtU. P"'IM'llef ob)ttu tlaat cu lajue ey • Hd Ualaklq about bow tbe tbild ml1bt milAlM &.be &oy. l..Hlle P1t&enon. Department ol Couumer Af. ; taln reptfft'Ot1Uve. r~ommeed.t lbal blcyclea be ·• ttae rl&)lt abe for U.e t'ltlld wt&ll ta~&.. eaay brake• I~ aad .a lllarp ed&H. Wlaea bu)1a1 a skateboard. the advbM al.o 1eU1a1 approprtate pro&ectlve gear, such u a laelmet, kaee pads, 1love1 ud sllp· reslatut ahoeai. lf aklt are received tor Chrlttmaa, t.. •he uraes leuooa from • ••lllfled lutnactor. plu , bel•c 18 cooct condJttoa before taklq oa tbe alopes. Skll•I wftlaba oae'• abU1ty Umitt ud bavlng aa an- auaJ equipment cbeck ab4J u advlHd. · Wantial Uaat some badMioul HDday deeora-~ tJoaa may be barmfuJ ll eaten. a..aett Ward, j Departmtllt ot HeaJUa spokesman, alruses lbat ml1Uetoe allcl holly berries, as well as otber plaall, lboa.ld be kept away from cbllclttll. Coatact I. a polaoa COll&rol ceater or pbyaiciu ii a child con-. aumes uy Muehoad or other possible haaardous nb1tuace. • Fin Marshal Plllllp C. Favro wUDs agalut pl1da1 nammable decorations such as tree • braacltes;Christmas carda ud stockings directly over aflre . ' ' ltt,taat Det~fl•n Taz Statu . DEAR PAT: I've heard il's illegal not to col- lect s tate tax on what you sell at a garage sale-- • and that buyer.1 m ust pay the usual 6 percent sales • tax Is this true? .. .. M.G., Huntington Beach State Board of Equalization rules allow periodic tu·free garage sales of mlseellueoas ' personal property u.aed la day-to-day Uvln•. 1'1111 la coaaldered an "occaaloaal" sale of "useless itema" llllCI la not aubjed to sales tu. However, when a per1on or group "buys. gatbera, or otberwlM acquires,. mercbandtae for the up~s purpote ol aelUDg at a garaie. patio or yard s'ale at a reakleoce, that person or IJ'OUP is considered • to be ill die buslJless of selllDg. A seller's permit la ' required la th.ls case and saJes tans are appUca- • ble. ,.,,.,,..pong Pro.pt• Pralle DEAR READERS: The state attorney geaeraJ's office DOW baa a Medi-Cal fraud Wllt to detect and stop "plag·ponging .. ud "gu1la&" practices by some phyaklaas, pltumadau, nurs- ing home operators and other healtb ca.re pradl· tloners. , "Pla&·poatlDI" lllvolna referri.81 a patJaal to anotlaer practitioner la die same med.lcal racWty, even tbougb the referral waa medically un· necessary. "Gaaglag" relates to a doctor bllllDC • for multiple services to members of Ute same famlly on tbe same day. ''Gaa11n1" uually occur•. when one member of the family visits a doctor ac- com panled by other famlly members. Without uy specific complaint, tbe doctor treats the whole family and bllls tbe state. ' Other common offenses are bllllag the slate tor 11ervt~es not rendered. bUllng more Ulan oece for the same 1Jenrlte, bUUng for more servlces tbaa are provided or for totally uanecessary services. Oops, Elee• Sent Wrong lte.a DEAR PAT: I sent a check to.Steve Ellingson tn care of the Daily Pilot for a pattern plan to make outdoor PVC furniture. l was surprised to gel a lar'e envelope with brochures for making other projects. but not the one I ordered. We all have bad days. so I am assuming the elf in charge of patterns was out to lunch all day when my order arrived. Can you or Santa please get me the plan I ordered before· Christmas, and see that Steve's elves get plenty of coffee between now and the first of the year? M.K .. Laguna Beach ol •. Steve Ellln«son's office waata you.to know tbat your pauena l• in the mall and tbe elves are behtg shaped up. Helen Green, U-B Newspaper Syn- dicate aseoclate editor, apologJaea for tile mlxup and admits, "·Yes, Santa bas our little elves la the mall TOOm working double·time and anythl.Dg can happen!" HERB fRIEDLA~DER I MAKING GREi\TOEA~ BUY OR LEA SE ' FREE 50 oi~ ........... __ ,....... \ 1 , I ' Fndey. December 22 1978 DAILY PILOT t I { ,.,. .. nff"fl John Downey. who Study Einds Many I ll t ~ E lderly Shun Surgery, BOSTON (AP> -Many ter1oualy Ill old people may pref er a year or two of sure s urvival instead of ••mbllna death on the oper1Una ta· ble on the C'bance they'll wln a Iona- term cure, a study says. The stUdy concluded that ooctol'9 thould learn about thelr paUenta' wlU1n1nees to rl1k death before automatlully ur1lo1 dangerous operatiool that mi&ht prolong life. .. • threatenlna dlseues often prefer a treatment wtth a lower Clve·year SW'· vlval but a smaller chance ol Im· mediate death lrom the treatment," they aald. THE TRIO RECOMMENDED that doctors explain to patlel'lls the benerlta and rlakB of various kinds ot treatment. "It ta the patients· own attitudes that should prevail. becau.ae, alter all. It Is the patient who suffers-the risks and achieves the gains." they said. Give a Gift that Grow• Pine Pots Roger'• unique hoUcMJ pkl9t ~blt\ed wtth polMetdM and other eoloftul plants make a luftnt 91~ that will accent any bome'• petk> or entry. THE aBS8AaCH INCLUDED lntervlewa with 14 lung cancer vie· tlm1. most of whom saJd they were opposed to takin& any risks. even if it mean,t a chance of a significantly lonan life. Ms . McNeil said in an interview tha t picking the right treatment s hould be a joint decision between d t and l• t Ro•u• G.rckN • 64().$80() • pent 21 years in a Chin es~ prison. has n •c lved a cabinet post rrom Connec- ll c ut Gov . Ella Grit ·so as secretary of business regula- tion Ors. Barbara McNeil and Ralph Wek bselbaum of Harvard Medical School and Stephen Pauker or Tufts New En&land Medical Center con- d u cl e d the s tudy. which was published in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine. oc or pa Jen . s... ~ .. MacAntu•. l"lf'WPOfl S.-cll q·~ "In the past. most therapies have ~~~~~~!!!!~!!!!!!~~~~~ been assumed good or bad by doctors - •'The attitudes that we observed suneat lb.at older patients with life· and public policy makers accordina to how much they have influenced survival," she said. "An approach that considers only survival at a fixed point in Ume -five years -ic· nores the Importance to patients of life in the near term." Now you can buy Famous Name· Spqt•tswear ahcl for JOO~ to. 60°k off. Buying retail is when you (>ay the manufacturer's suggested list pnce. Buymg smart is when "r'I you save from 30o/o-60o/o off that list price. At the-Apparel Factory. We buy Jeans, slacks, skirts, shirts, sweaters, ev.en dresses, for less . l Because we buy manufacturer's over- runs, designer sa mples, closeouts, even first- class seconds . And we buy them at a fraction of their original price. So~ucanbuy smart at up to 60o/o off), in · ssy, Junior, Girl's and Men's sizes, too. And you can try every- thing on in very pnvate, very clean dressmg rooms. (Dressing rooms of any description are not normally associated with places where you save up to 60o/o). The choice . is yours. Buy retail and QaY the piper. Or buy smart and save up to 60o/o on your hard-earned aollars. , I • t NEW FACTORY ARRIVALS: SUGG . PRICE OUR PRICE VELOUR TOPS FOR JUN IORS JUN IOR'S GABARDINE NA RRO W-LEG TROUSERS LAST MINUTE STOCKING STUFFE RS. THEY'RE TOPS~ $26 $20 $18 $12.99 $12.99 . 2 for$5.99 MEN'S HI-FASHION. NAME- BRAND JEANS . $22 $7.99 1892 Harbor'.BJvd .. Costa Mesa (714)631-3060 Mon-Fri: lOam-~/Sat: lflam~m Sun (Cbristm~t l2 noon~ C i\UFORNlA APPAREL FAC.1'0RY LOCATIONS 1132 WHshil"l' Blv<f . S.1ntu :\1onK"J. Ph (2L1)3'.6-ffi79 / ll818 GltnoaM Bl~d , S;m F'eman00. Ph 1213136\-0ll)I 40.1 N Fr..illl1Stt1 St . Redondo Be.tch Ph ltl3i3'i+4.W 1 189'1 llJrbor81\'d . C'osta M('S(l. Ph 17141631~/ ~ tt.lrbor Bl\d . \tfllut a Ph lll516-l2-06tl l17'l l::I Cam11'IO Real. San Carlos. Ph. Hl~l~·ljl5 t .!l;,c) hJttlK k BcrJ..t~ey. Ph Hl5)~7!>23 / 5887l'.rft\t'l1>11Y Aw . n Oll'gO. Ph nt·n~ !llW , • .I ' ,. f ... •ow 0.anges In Oeean • . . . ' ,Faculty Grams CALIFORNIA U.ou1ht artier to be ... Jated to the trtnt1h, Juat u volcanoee ln the AleutJan • larmnda and ln Japan are rel•ted to ott· beocMI.--~-- Jn char1e ol the voyage were or Robert s. Yeats or Oregon State lJnJvenlty and Dr. Biial Y.:._Mag_Qf_lllc ood'rHOt1-0CeanocraPbJc Il'llUtuiJon. Seven lnstructon at Real Beard, Golden Wu t College have been awarded a Real ~..-&a _ c.ot•l-ol ••1 Utt-oogh-e ..JUlll . 1/ I electe robes for the entire family. 25o/ot Sno!ooFFaEG. 0 U '' PRICE • Wide 8880rtment of 1tyle1. colors, fabrics • In sizes for the whole family • An ever-popular holiday gift idea 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY Select holiday fashions for women, girls, kids. 25o/0 To5()o/0 ~:c~EC. • Juniors, misses. girle 7·14 • Styles for little boys and pis 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY Selection of personal haircare appliances. 25% ToS()o/0 ~z{;;~EC. • Assorted appliances sale-priced • Make great holiday gift8 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY Fantastic selection of beautiful jewelry boxes. 25%T05()o/o ~~~EG. • Choose from a8sorted styles • A lovely holiday gift idea 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY Mouth-watering holiday candy gift-packs to give. 25o/0 To5()o/0 ~~c~EG. • From our candy department • Choose fl'om a IJ'eat &election 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY .. Th• (Challftt1er) drtllln1 1bowed Uaat lh volcanic rode.a are problably u:arelated to the trench but are mor~ Ukely related LO a mld-oce..Uc apl'ead· lu <' nttt tho cul Pacific nae , which ln[frltctNt tho contln~tal martin off California about 11 mllUon ye&r1 110. .. F0881L MICRO·ORGAN18M8 round in ror provided evidence or chan1es la ecean curnnt.a which have an etfecil oo climate." Sovlet and Mexican 1clenti1l1 aleo participated. The two-month xoeditton wu part or an lnv•tlcatJon or \he historic spill of conUnenta from an ancient 1uperconU· neut. Sc:lentisu lly It may tum up de· pc>Uta ol oU and cu deep in the aeu. Tho cores cut from the ocean floor are beln,1 1tud1td at Scripps Jn1tJtutl0n or OceanGCtafhy ln La Jolla with 11mples belna sen t.o eclentlnc laboratoriea around the world. faculty fellowship pro· See and bet~ 1ram to develop ways to at t·tt.mtl~ton cent., rmprove instruction. ;=r:;:;;;:--==• They are Uz McOuln· neaa, Jouma.liam; Gary 11: Stratton , phyalcal UJU.'S e d u c a t l o n : C a r o I • ":".\'~!.': Grlmee, chemJstry; c. a1•c.o..o Sh Id Th &• 1.1c ,,,.n e on ome, social !oofr .. u ••me\IMl\.tt v-o-ac I e nce ; Hayden R. 1(et1i'oH...,.."''"-"' .. ' Williams, biology; Mary c;onaM .. 642·1753 Al ,,.,...._,_..,., . a n er , COllmetOIOIY MIHIONYIU0495-04C)1 and Angelo Segalla, ad· 1.m~c.i .. ,_ minlatraUon. o P ~·· .. ave o/oto o/o ". ~ ;fl Selected sweaters for the entire family. 25o/ot SOo/o orrREG. 0 PRICE • Choose from a wide selection • Beautiful styles you•u love to give • In eiz.es for the entire family 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY Men's selected short and long sleeve sport shirts. 2So/0 To50o/o ~~r~c. • Styles for all men • Alsorted styles, color8. fabrics 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY Assorted dinnerware and glassware sets. 25%To5()o/0 ~~fc~EC. • Selected 20. 45, ~piece dinnerware • Assorted party glassware 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY "lntercraft"® original oil paintings on sale. 1/3Tol/2 ~~f!tEC. • Beautiful scenes, still-lifes • An en chanting gift idea 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY Fabulous selection of lovely decorative clocks. 25%To50 o/o ~~fc~EG. • Choo8e from a fine variety • Stylee and designs tor a u roolD8 5 PM TO It PM ONLY Selected toys for kids of all ages. 2()o/0 to 5()o/o ~f.c~EC. • Choose from a ~de variety of toys • Assortments for kids of all ages • 50% off reg. price all Christmas trims 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY All multi-band, clock radios, CB's, recorders. 25%To5()o/0 ~~rc~· • Choose from a wide assortment • Terrific gift ideas for everyone 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY Selection of small electric appliances. 25%To5()o/0 ~~c~c. • Small appliances for the kitchen • Time-saving helpers make great gifts 5 PM TO It PM ONLY Selected cedar chests, upholstered hassocks. 1/3 ~~fc~EG. • Fine cedar chest8, many style.- • Comfortable hassocks 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY Fine tool selection for the home handy man. 25o/o ~l\OJo oFFREC. TOi:JU ,.. PRICE • Tool sets, tool boxes, drills • Sanders, power saws and more 5 PM TO It PM ONLY m. - Every microwave in our entire stock. $Ant $}}0oFFREC. &.f'\I 0 PRICE • Choose from a wide variety • Some with defrosters, temp probes • Save time and energy 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY Entire selection of bikes for boys and girls. 2 Oo/O Off REG. PRICE • Choose moto-cross, IQ.speed styles • Bikes are unassembled 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY All TV and video games are now sale priced. 25%T050% Off REG. • PRICE • Video games to delight the family • Wide choice of games 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY All skateboards in our sporting goods dept. 2So/0 To50o/o ~r.-c~Ec. • Wood and fiberglass models • All sizes and styles 5 PM TO II PM ONLY Selected lighting fixtures and practical firescreens. 20%To50% ~~rc~Ec. • Chandeliers in all styles • Bran and black fi rescreens 5 PM TO 11 PM ONLY t iM"J e MAKE SHOPPING EASIER-JUST SAY "CHARGE IT!" WITH WARDS HANDY CHARG-ALL CREDIT Just 2 days 'til Chrisbnas! COVINA ROSEMEAD SANTA ANA MONTCLAIA EACL£ ROCK SAN BERNARDINO LYNWOOD RIVERSIDE LAKEWOOD COSTA MESA CANOO.\ PARK WEST LOS ANC£L£S NORWALK TORRA NCE f'ULLERTON HAWTHORNE PANORAMA CITY HUNTINGTON BEACH SAT., DEC. 23RD 9:00 AM TO 11 :00 PM ... SUNDAY 8:30 AM TO 8:00 PM ... CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY ... TUESDAY 9:00 AM TO 9:00 PM •• I \ !:" ... •f • - • --.,,... ._, ~ !fl' .,. ,.. • --" -• ft r I· y n •· •· t. •· td • .. .. . I I f 1 • • •• INSIDE: •Ann Landen •Sports •HoroscoPe •Business ,,,.,~22.1111 OAILY PtLOf Tlianks For the £hrlstmas Memories 'It's nice to be here with all you Long Beach bathrobe and bedpan commandos, ' said Bob Hope. 8)' DENNIS M~LELLAN OI •• Deity .....,_ i'-"4 The man in the gray sport coat had his bad· to the other visitors to the Long Beach VA hospila) ward. He was talking softly to a young bedridden patient. Theo the man in the gray aport coat, Bob Hope, turned around and gave one of his patent· ed crooked smiles. · "Hey Jlm.'' be said to his pal, veteran Hollywood columnist James Bacon. "This guy was in Da Nang." Bacon. who had accompanied Hope on most of his Viet.Dam trips, weot to Hope's side. "Now. he bas to co11e back here and get In an auto accident," sard Hope. "He says It's safer over there." The R•tients in the acute spinal cord injury ward were the ones wh«> couldn't make it to Hope's third annual Christmas show at the hospital Monday evening. But more than 400 other patients did, jam· mmg tbe nospital recreation hall. Many were wheeled in on beds or lined the aisles in wheelchairs - AND NOW SEVERAL of them, having wheeled themselves up to the ward to see Hope were thanking him. ' ··Hey Bob, you put on a beautiful show-you a1ways do," said <me patient. "I enjoyed you on television so many years ... J just can't believe it.' Hope smiled: "Nice to see you." Bacon, s tanding nearby, commented on ' Hope's undiminishing popularity after more than 50 years in show business. ·:rve been around so many stars," tie said, pausmg. ''You know, Hope is so genuine. Re's the same Bob Hope I knew JO years ago. He's just not to be believed, actually." He looked at the comedian talking to another patient: "He's never too busy." ON HIS WAY out. Hope. whose last Viet· nam Christmas show was in 1972, was asked if he missed doing Jhe overseas shows. "I did the first year." be admitted. "because I've done it so much. Then you sit back an<4 say it's wonderful you don't have to go.·· Thi~ year, he said, he will be spendmg Chnstma.s with his wife and grandchildren in Lail.e Tahoe. And outside of his television Christmas show, tonight at 8 on NBC, this was Hope's only scheduled yuletide show this year. *** The familiar strains of "Thanks for the Memory'' filled the ball and the audience came to life as Bob Hope strode on stage. .. ,,.,nice to be here with all you Long Beach bathrobe and bedpan commandos," said Hope. The annual hospital Christmas show is sponsored by the VALs, Veterans Assistance League. whose members visit the hospital every Monday ''It'& been so cold Burt Reynoldl hal had to slttp with three or /our comforters -and a covple of blanket& -1 really /eel. . " The V ALs began In 1950 and over the ye ans have donated a total of $375,000 in hospital equipment. A recent donation ot $23,000 helped purchase a hyperbaric treatment center "I never won an Osca.r. But I don't care. That thing ts &o political. I'm just going to have Paul Williams bronzed and /orget the whole thbag." As bas been the tradition for more than 20 Y.ears, silyer-baired Buddy Rogers, former film star and husband of Mary Pickford, served as the show's MC. "I can't make the kind of moviu they're maJc. ing today: I can't po.u the physical." Al~ appearin~ o~ the bill with Hope were comed1an-1mpress1omst Fred Travalena singer Margie Gibson and Paula Lane who' did a Marilyn Monroe tribute. .. I'm 75 and I have to cool it a ltttte bit. Do you be ti eve that? I I eel so damn good and I ~ ever· yone feel& a& good a& I do at my age . .. People a&k me. 'Did you get a facelift?' Hell no-I get my whole body sandblaned evny year." On bis way out of the hospital a wom an pushing a patient in a wheelchair said. "We love you, Bob Hope." Stepfa•nilies Bob Hope on stage, at Long Beach VA hospital; with patient Louis La Piana: the audience responds to Hope . ~ stepparent can 't expect instant love. It's not realistic.' By CHERYL ROMO Of tllt O.lly PIMC Stiff Societal pressures make ll difficult lo survive as a family these days; even more difficult if It's the second time around and one or both of you have children from a previous marriage. Unique problems range from situa· tiona where an adolescent boy has been the "man of the family" and feels threatened by a newcomer ; to children being confused about whether to be loyal to their birth mother or step. mother. Although there are more than 15 million children under the age of 18 llv· ing in stepf amllies in the United States, according to Faith Kortbeuer, M.A., a licensed marriage. family and child counselor ln Huntington Beach, little re- search has been done lnto the unique · problems encountered in these rela· t1onsblP6 . Ms. Kortheuer, 52, is setting up a local chapter of the Stepfamily Founda· tion of California, Inc., a nonprofit group to aid families lo their social and psychological adjustment to parenting and f am.Uy life. 'J'.he group was originally formed ln Northern California two years ago by parents and stepparents, she said, who felt they needed additional support. As the concept gathered momentum it spread to the Los Angeles area . if you think you need it, you can be re· ferred for counseling." Even though clear guidelines have not been established regarding stepparent· ing, the first and foremost thing to re- member, the counselor stressed, is: "\'ou are not a freak and you are not alone in our society." A second bit of advice to keep ln mind is that although a marital couple can be divorced, the parental couple ls always the parental couple. The stepparent is never a substitute for the natural parent -unless the natural parent is de· ceased, ln which case, there may be more of an opportunity for a real parent relaUonsblp to develop. The new parent is "Dad's new wife" or ··Mom's new husband" -as well as a member of the family who deserves respect. The way to earn that respect, .. she said, la to be a kind, concerned and caring penoo. .. A stepparent can't expect lnatant love.'' she said. "It's not reallsUc." In ~e meantime. one should uodentand the children are goinc through a period of conruct because they aren't sure bow to behave. "lt'a not that the chJld doesn't lite the stepparent, it's just that he or abe is conlused about roles and teellngs. Tbe child says: 'Am I supposed to Jove thiJ person like my mommy?' " said Ms. Kortheutt. over kids' eyes. the better You can't fool them from an early age." How early? "Two or three years old -maybe younger." said the counselor. In addition to building a relatioosllip with the children. the newly married couple must not forget to take time for themselves. This may be accomplished by being firm and telling youngsters, ·•we need time for ourselves." "You Just have to do It," she said "You need to take care of yourselves and couples need time by themselves . . away from the home and the kids ''It doesn't have to cost money." If relationship problems persist. ti the cblld and stepparent resent each other, she suggests counseling and seek· ing out a support group like the Step. family Foundation: ''Don't wait till it mucks up or wait so long they're (parent or child) not interested." How do parents, wbo are most often both working. learn to balance their Ume to the satisfaction of their own re· latlonabip and the relationship they have with their children? The counselor paused and then replied: "It's tough. Jl's very hard rais· ing a family today, even an intact farni· ly with both (natural) parents present You Ju.st need to somehow do It . . •·You can't get married to Uve bappi· ly ever alter You have to wort at lt and havln1 tWo children suddenly ii not a fatal disease -damn it!'' Faith Kortheuer: Help for stepfamilies. Among the activities of the Slepfami· ly Foundation are dJscusslons, survival worksboP6 and social actlviUes. Said Ms. Kortheuer: "It's a place to go. And, Trying too hard to wln alf ection is an "absolute turnoff for kids. The sooner people realize they can't pull the wool For lnformaUon about the Stepfamlly Foundation call 963-1902 or 964-3030. • I • -~-......... .. . . ...... ,.. -.. .. -~ """" .. ---... -. ...... ' .... ~ -. ... '. ' , ......... ,,. .. , ~ .... ~ ...... .., .... /If-. - fl2 CWl. Y PILOT Friday. O.C.m~r 22. 111• Boroseop SATVUAY. DEc. !J By 8\"DNn O•Aaa • ARIEi (March 21 April 11>: Ace nt on lm· portant relatloashlp •t •tud• or fall.a by whet la 1ald Ind ~. on tbl• d11. Placea, Virao Llbra fiauN In lct'harso' SH clearty. nCJt lhN>Utb mlat ot .ub!ul tbJn.lun1 Go t low, play w1llln1 aame TAtJau (AP1'1l to May 20> · Pr1rttcal mal tera dominate. Work. bulc iuuee and h allh commHd au nuon. Une up prlorlU Cet or1anlzed At't''pt addi lion a l re ponal bUHy Older Individual backs up wordl w\lh acttons Tb•re m}tht be room Cor )'OU al I more ' VD\t'd Potllion. GEMINI <May 21 · Jun 20> Emollona could dom Ml . K 'I i• lo alrlve for baJanc~ Try to provide qual lime ror logic Member ol opposite sex puya compllment aod mak demand. Arl«i1, Libra li&ure ~mlnenlly and IO th numbc!r 9. CANCE& (June 21· July 22>: You can break lhrough red tape, ob· stacles. Key is to make new start. nourish fresh contacts. Leave door open, maln1ain optionB. Leo plays s ignificant role. Gel valid home or property appraisal. Yesil the way to romance wi be clarified. LEO <July 23-Aug. 22) : Follow through on hunch, teach and learn, rise above jealous persons· who snipe with words. Aquariu s, Cancer figure prom· inently -so does the number 11. Be versatile, give rull play to inteUec· tual curiosity. Short trip, relatives dominate scenario. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Expand horizons. You could strike pay dirt. Money celebration 18 due. Elements or luck, liming are riding with you. Number 3 is in pie· lure . Emphasis on personal possessions, accoununi proctdur . Protect your rl•hll. Stand tall' l.18&.\ (Sept_ 23 Oct 22); Your po11lt1on 11 •tronc . Know lt b• d 1rtcl and <'Onfldent. Take I Id. Roadblock 11 removed. Aqu1rau1, St'orplo fl1ur~ •n oario Whal wa ml.t · plac•d ts recovered . Study Vtreo mt11a1e. Mak~ personal ap pearan • we .r brl•ht colors: OIPIO (Ort 21 ov 2H: You'IJ obtain anawtra to ~rplexlna JH'Obtflnt GbcllU of paU c•n be racUcated Be prt-pan!d for swlll da citlorui. thane . trav l ln1trucl1ons . rola tion•blp th t (OH rrom mild to W11rm to very hot AGMTA•IU <Nov 22·Dtt 21 > Ac«nt on mak•na waahu comt> tru" Taur.us. Ltbra f11urc prominently and so ~ tht" numlH>r 6 Family mf'mber sup ports your •land. au 11 er caous wlMer. do not rub salt in wounds There ls discussion con· cerntn1 resid nee, life style. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22.Jan. 19)· Define terms. check sources. One in authority may ask you to back conten· l ions. s tatements Pisces, Virgo Cigure m scenano. Trim fat, get nd of noo-essentlaJs - and guilt feelings. AQUARI US (J a n 20-Feb. 18): Good Jun ar asp ect no w accents pow~r-l;hrough-planning Older individual gives green light, ohce you demonstrate dedlc,allon. Tra vel, language and com municaUon grab spotlight. Yoo are going to receive a surprise - and itis money. P ISCES C F e b. 19· Ma rch 20): Finish what you start -strive to get publi c pulse. Aries. Libra. Scorpjo i n · dividual5 fi gure prom- inently. Accent on tax· es. leases, inheritance. money controlled by "legal strings." You get news which vindicates views. Wedding a1ld engagement cnnouncements nm on Sunday m tht> Dolly Pilot. Form.a art available at all DaUy Pilot offices or by coUmo the "'eotures IHpart- mtnl. 642-432 J To avoid dt.sappointment. pr0$J)ed1ue bndts art remrntkd to h~ thetr weddmg at<me•. with a black· and-white glo&sy of the brute or of the couple. to the Features Department one week ~Jore the weddsng Engagemf'flt announct>mmts. wtth black-and· white glo.'l.Sy of the futuTl' bnde or the couple. must bt> receux'd by the f'ealures Department su 1.IH'tks ~Jore the weddingdatt.' Club Calendar runs each Wednesday m the Daily t'ilot and conlmns nntices of women's and rtrou.•e club meefmgs and events Jor lhe foUowmg Wttk -Thurs- day through Wt'dnesday Send notices to Club Colen· dar. Dady Pilot, P 0 Anr 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 IJe sure to mclude your name and phone number Nollces mu.~t be in our hands two weeks m advance To request a picturt'. wnlt or call the reaturt s Dl'parlment. 642·4321 Pscturea are Llmiled to fund· raisers open to the publrc ~000 LAMP PARTS Harbor lites I 0.6 l'<rffY Dery IMI. s-t.y 11221'1 Hewf"'rllt•d. CntoM•so 645·7101 the real Santa A s real a~ n1s beard al Huntington Center ~::::,~ ~ AFriend iJ ~I ~ B.D. HOWES and SON FINE JEWELERS FOR FOUR GENERATIONS ' NtWPOU ilACH 3-412 Via Lido f &75-2711 l°' A.lllGllt \ /f'.\SAOfHA ISAHl ... twt&AI .. '"l"f JnlNCSIHAW-'11 Madame Alexander, who for more than a haff century cheered small children 'lffth an exquisite line of dolls, has started a new career at the age of 83. She wants to make recorded stories for children. From Dolls to Stories WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. CAP) - Ma da me Alexander. who has brought hap· piness to children around the world for over ha lf a century with her exquisite line of dolls. has launched a new career at 83 - recorded stories for youngsters. Although the more than 5,000 Alex· ander dolls she has created over the past. 53 years have left her financially comforta· ble, the octogenarian's love for children r e - mains insatiable. ··Now I want to do with children's records what l did with dolls . " she said. In her first album, Madame Alexander narrates the fantasy world of dolls in a moving manner that tugs at the heart· s trings of young and old alike. "Have you ever watched how a little girl bugs a doll?" she asked. "She holds it tenderly and always carefully puts it down. That's the maternal instinct born in her and which she has seen in her mother." Because of the vital role a doll has in helping a child ma ture, Madame Alex- ander has nevel'" made a mechanical doll. Instead, her creations emphasize detail down to the creases in the knuckles of the tiny fingers and the minuscule eyelashes like those of a baby. "TO ALLOW A DOLL to perform mechanically for a child would have the tendency to have her sit back and have others perform for her." explained the woman who delights those near her with her e nthusiasm . She speaks often about he r youth when as the oldest of four girls she watched her father, a German immigrant, struggle to make a living in New York City with his porcelain repair s hop. "I wasn't unhappy and having to help care for my sisters was my first training to be an executive," she said. In those days. she had no doll of her own, but was allowed to play with the broken porcelain dolls that were brought to her father for repair. .. t saw so many children and unhappy parents who had broken dolls that I began to dream of making a doll that would not break," Madame Alexander recalled. In the 1920s. she designed and made her first cloth dolls which sold in her father's s hop for $14.40 a dozen. or $1.98 each. Today. those dolls are collector's items worth more than $300 each. She soon con· vinced her husband. Phillp Behrman, to quit his job with a New York hat company ·~ R O LEX 0Q LQC Qigbt bcf ore Cllri stmas ... a11d all t brougQ tile year. W THE Olrr OF TIME IS ROLU It's the world's anniversary of loving and giving. And time is especially precious. Make h merry. and magnificent. with the gift the Magi might envy. and today's man will cherish forever: the Rolex Oyster Perpetual Dateiust. There's no present like time. ,.~ ... r • .,.., and talce over the business end of the bud- ding enterprise s he had begun. I NSPIRED BY literature. s he gave life and faces to famous characters -Juliet. Sleeping Beauty. Cinderella. Scarlett O'Hara and Snow White to name only a few. And she m ade boy dolls as well -for ex ample, Beau Bru m mel . David Copperfield and Butch Mc Gaffey. She also m ade "The Little Women" dolls early in he r career. These were the four sisters in Louisa May Alcott's novel. ·'There we re no pictures in the book at that time. but the ·Little Women· beca me a part of me because we were four girls in our family." she said. Over the years, s he has recreated in dolls m a n y film s tars and w orld personalities s uch as Queen Elizabeth 11. Sonja Henie. Jacqueline Onassis and her daughter. Caroline. Ginger Rogers a nd the wives of the first five U.S. presidents from Martha Washington to Louisa Adams. THE ONE QUESTION that has gone unanswered over the years by doll lovers was why s he never made a Shirley Temple doll. Madame Alexander expla ined: "I always thought Shirley Temple was extremely ta lented. but about the time she became a child s tar I had been quoted in a newspaper interview that l disapproved of rom.mercializing on a child's efforts." she said. "Because I couldn't go against what I had said. J did not make that doJI." She admits it hurt her financia lly at the time. but Madame Alexander has a strong moral character. "Buyers ·would come wanting 90 pe rcent of their purchases in Shir ley Temple dolls. but I just couldn't give in," she sajd. It was the Dionne quintuplets that pulled her out of her financial doldrums that t ime. She was given.permission by the Canadian government to see the five in· fants in the hospita l where they we re born. She added the Dionne girls to her doll line a nd it was an immediate success. Now. Madame Alexander is semi- retired and a widow. a nd her busin ess is run by her daug hter and son-in-law. Mildred and Dill Birbaum. and he r gr a ndson. Alexande r. Her home is decorated with paintings and art objects. But some of her dolls are found in every room . When asked if she has a favorite. Madame Alexander replied: "Does a mother have a favorite child? I love them a ll " is the Christmas Store for Large a nd Half ..Sizes S.. our great MlectlOft of1 •DRESSES •BLOUSES •SLIPS 'ULLIRTON HUNTINO.TON llACH ,,, ~Mt# ... ~ c.i.. LAGU NA HILLS COSTA MISA ~*It "'9A 1eos.....,......,. OPt:N llVlNINGS Cbc•co.1• .,,._.,., All tlOl'H-..-V, Cltfl•lrn.iu E ... ~rom t )OAM Bon~Amerl(ord • Mas'-' Chara- . ~ .. -. ..... ____ .. HOROSCOPE STIX & STUDS Cultured pearl: A S12!>. '6. $75. Gold knots. C. $115. 0. $95. Cultu'9d pearl and sapphire: E. s110. F. St95 CHIUSTMAS STORE ROURS: lO a .m. to t p.m. Monday tbroop Friday 10 a.m. to I p.m. SaUlrday BonkATMnCOTd • Vlla • MOIUr Chorgt CHARLES H. BARR WHlclltf Pf•u IM l"'lMAve. 11TI\ ~ l"'IM r THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS TREE THE TRADITIONAL MO UNTAI N K ING SEE ORANGE COUNTY'S MOST UNUSUAL NEW.STORE, FEATURING OUR DISPLAY OF FORTY ARTIFICIAL TREES, MANY BEAUTI· FULLY DECORATED. SALE NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS 3' DnUX£ SCOTCH PIH£..... . . .. . . ...... •..15 ~·DELUXE BALSAM ..................... 24.95 illi' fOlD.AWAY F1R ...................... 31.95 illi' PINE MOUNTAIN KING ................ 44.95 62h'fOLD.AYfAYBAVARIAN ................ stl.95 lln' DELUXE BALSAM .••........•......... 71.95 r TRADmOHAl. MTN. KING ............. 121 .. 95 THE CHRISTMAS GUILD 195 EAST MAIN ST. OLDTOWN TUSTIN 731.0108 OPEN TUES., WED. & SAT. l OTILLS THURSDAY 4 FRIDAY TILL 8 SUNDAY 12 TILL 5 J 0 :1 , I (I .. e '· ,. ANN LANDERS --. . ' . ffldly. December 22. 1978 DAILY PILOT BS ·Children's Toys PUBUC NOTICE PUBl.JC NOTICt; PU81.JC NOTI C E p~~~m:~:NTM l~~~~'="CA~~~.';:lt '~c:!~cr.!:~::::s Tiit IOlloWlllQ PH-'' d9lllO DllM· ...... COUNTY OP OltANOI Tiie lollowlnci perton, •re clolne ow~\., NO A·'-7 11u11 ... u u l.AOUNA "Vnl.l\HINOC0,1'» NOflC• o• M•••tNO orr NEW l'OltT IHOUS rltll!'S l •Qunf C-"6M, ~ llf«" ll'•TITIOM ~ "•C>aATI 0# WILi. Nl!!WPOllT OllAPMI( Sl1-VICf'S0 '===::;~~=~====~CA 10 llt2'jt AND 1.1n•1t1 TllTAMHITAllY, NllWll'OIH lttN,t.HCtAL SlllVICPS ,. ro"'\;f\Cjl V•nO.Utltft,AOAe••• rro• AUTNOIUIAflON TO •O· U1t lfUcllmondW•y,(.l,1'000o•A·J: PU8LI NOTI CE 11.1u41 1urre•10ttcoun orrC.Akll"OttNIA COU .. TY 01' Oii.ANO• ,.. Cl lie CIMlor Of'l Yf •• ,, ........... CAtt7•1 t UMMON$ : DEAR A NN LANDERS: I f rv~Uy • •aree with lhe lady w ho . wrote obJectJn~ to TV commerdats about prod ;uch for I m l nan byaleae. l bne b n \!mbarraaafl\ by t hem for a~ Ume Tba rtka for prlJ\1.U\t h r letter . H o w e v er. l fin d anotb r ~omm ercfal tveo more obj ~• ana bl n·. (Of'. n ew lo a u t of r lC'lna c•"· ~mpltlc wath dri\CJ"J Th o toy It ao "1 opbl1Ucat ed" th t b lldrtn nffd onl >• push a buUM. The cara ar wr eked and they 10 up an fl am . Bul 1r OK becau f' lht-a t tnclud o "m oat woaon .. lo carry tho v1r tJnu to t!)c- ho oltol. Do you know why rm prlotln i this lt'lt vr tn· s t ead o f wrlllnAC 1 8~cau e IY'IY arm I~ In a cast. Las t wet.>k I bud an arcldent llkt thf' ont.' tlu toy m anuf cturcr want. c h i ld ren to m ak ~ u g ame of . The ~mbulance driven a nd att nd at were w o ndt.>rful to mf' They a.re the mos t 1m portant people you will see if you are ever in· j ured . They deser\c m o r e respec t than t hey will get from a n yone who thinks Uus toy as a suitable plaything . Children a r e alr ead y wallowin~ in v iolence. Eve ry nig ht they see s evera l killings o n TV. And, ii they don 't w a t c h THOSE s hows, the y can always watch a fune r a l ~"c om edy" program . For u s o lde r f o lks who have lost a lo ved one it's hard to s ee the humo r in a casket. You m ay n o t agr ee with me. Ann, but I've s aid what is in m y h eart and I f e el b e tter alr eady. Thanks for the c hanc e to unloa d o n y ou. -A FAN •. D EAR FAN: I've bad : more eomplalnts about ; cblldren•s toys this ~;season than ever before. • •I hope the manufac· • tarers get the messa1e. E very toy teach es a " c hild something. It can ~t; l ..-.~ trM.lL .M.J.M UT..& U If OJ • T M 8 ('°''•AM .. CA '2t2' 1 hi\ bu•lnt•• 1, <onwtl.O by •n In· t•Dl"INDINT AOMINIS'fOflO (llrlil/8" -. ...... ,.,, It~ ti•Ulu.i Oft ltTATH ACT. Wey, C~I• Moo..._ CA.,.,. lelmUM L Ven 0.V•" lllet• OI IUI M. MAY,•• 11.H K a tll'Y" M llrooM•ll f 4 I I Tiii' •t•l-t Wot Ill.a •1111 ttw MANOll.t.AUMMAY,0t<H M0 llltlll'llOf\CIW~Y.COl\IUlltt•.CA'2•a. , ... ,,.. C••~ .. Of•• C-h "" NOTICI! IS """'" OIVIH tMI Tiii' ~Mlle\l I\ conclutt.0 tly • 0.<emO.• .. me IJNIOH &o\HIC, • c.lttoml• l9'-• 9"1'••1 p,art....,..... R 1-J ,, .... llon. II•• 01 .. l'tfttn • "9tllkH> 1or c 11 ._..,,, ea oy '""""'Md °'-c:..t' Otlly "''°' Pf'eCMlte 1111 Wiii ...., ., ..... T .. t-T"" ,.....,.... ... lllOd ••Ill tilt OH. ii. tl, ,., 1t1t. JN\. ), '"' ,.,, .,.o lqr •u111orl,.ll•11 10 act cou111., Clork OI Of•ll09 Counly °" I f Sd 1' ""'"''e• "'*' tllf ''*O&llOtnl •0 09(. •• ,..,.. A 01an1 rea " tree "''"''".''°" °' "''-'• oct. r•••~-• ,,, .. 11, 1reetS.ntaw1thd PtlBLIC NOTICE to "'"''"•• M•ll• ''' ""'11" Puot1"'9d<h1101t ~10.11yP11ot, ' ... _ t-la .. _ •-r••--...... ...._ .. 1,. real beard bring real ··-----------•"'11cu1.,,, Md 11w11 ,,,. 11-.w1e1 DK .. 1s.n .Jt, 1t11 p ••t .._ ... _ ,.., -.._ -UllOI:! a h ltd PIC'TITIOUS IUl lNIH Ol.Ce ol ~lll(j IM Wl'f\9 .... bt.., Mt S40-7' lllead ef ~ ~l ..U.l ilMw• Wb_a& It 'I O ~~ IOV NAM• $TA1'011NT ,., J~ '· Im, •I 10·00 •"' I,. Uie ••J' .. J." rW ti II"'-dolq. Hunltnoton Contet '"• to11owt1141 llefM>n• ••• cso1119 ~'.:To'~~~ ~e~oo:.:; __ P_U_B_Ll_C_N_OT __ l_C_E __ Clt" H .. l WI .. &e IO __ ..;;.. _________ ..L.------------blltl~:• C)ATI AllLtNOTON AS· WHt, In ,,,. City ol iflll• Ana, ---------- _. .... .._ ':!~wia,u..;~~ --------_, Cell!Otlll•. ,, CT ••• -·-·~ ...... '\OCIATrS. LTO . •o•t Ta lbert 0.ltclOl<...,,..,11."79 I ITIOUS IUSINHS Ht ot u.e ··~ fOf'e•tr. A•tnue Sull• " l'ounlt lll v...... WIU..IAM •• '"'°""· NAME STAT•MENT C•fllornl• "'°' T· ... IOllowl"9 PHton ., dolno bull 0 R A A N N J•m•• 1 c 1n1on 11'01 P•wo '-'IYCIH MU•>' LANDY.RS PIC'&JC print eon11 •. L°'•'""''°'· C•"'°',..' Htc••Y • Hr uuNo sTEwA"T AHT1ours. t110 1o I I .. ,.,....,--'"' thron l W1t11.,,,,, 1U1' Soni• =IU.....,.lmlet HerDOr. •C.SentaAM C<1 my ett.u 1(1 c&n H)' 1"" .,,-~:r JOt'rni,o 0 ,..,. CH1ll• c1tc1e, ftount•'" vau•y, .,... Ot•tene Mii 51t"w•rt •f'ld Gfff'OI IOm•lhiDI l 'vo been """n«,. RI H<k ,,, co111orn1a.,,1oe ••T .... ,CllfHWtM,.. w. s1 .. .,, Jr, 11n Sc-Ol'IOOl1 Ao • ' n~ to , I n •••••n J Slwnooocl, tOtt T•IC.r1 T•ll , ... ,_ Co"• Mt'M. (•. '70~ W 0 a&,y Of' a on,. 'cl Av.nut. ~\lilt I , l'Oilllltln Vall•Y. A ........ y tw~"-Tltlt bu\11\Hl I• Conclu<lfoel bY en In ttmc. I rt> ads It an · · --& "J.N)'.d ;nt_J"'' c .111or .. 1•"''°' ""1111"*' °'.,.. c.o.u Deny Pliot. 111v1oue1. ~ rn "' " vii DK.emettr11. n ... ..,. th~ p a ,...r 11 •111 make a Th•' bu',,,."'' conc1uc1.o bY • s.ei 1 o.,....,,.,.,.,.s tewnri I" 11 II <IO r1M"lllP Tiii• \t•l-1 WA\ llteO wllh lhlt 11tron• r lmpreulon ~ (JtU1( 100 m • s':-o-ArtlnQIOfl P U BLIC NOTICE COullh c•··-of Ore1199 County °" 01-:AR MOM You've <,.-A•W1<i.tM,uo Oeomtl4lr 11, ..,, ......__ • "Wb t d Byron L Wllll&ml FllU61 V't"'"'n ~n1, I 0 Tiit\ ... ,_ ..... 11~ wltll Ille IJtCTlnOUS euttNEH Publl~"-0 Or~ C-t 0.lly Piiot \-OU want for your birth ( cou111y Clfnt ot Onn91t County on NAM4UTAT&MEJl'T OK.1s.n ,1't.1'1a • .i-.s,1nt 1StH1 (t ) ~" I rully can · L o.um11er 11. ,.,, TM'°''°"""'~ I• CIOlno """ i------------,.,.,.. ..... ., . thank or anylhin 1 In l'Ul>ll\~ ()rl"Qt COllSI 0.llY Piiot EXECUTIVE SERVICES, •m E P U BLIC NOTICE partacular. but t.htre is ~ 0t< •s. n. 211. ""· J.,. s ,..,. S'tJ-11 vonc• st~ s.iteMa. CA JOm~thtnu "()U C&n do :i,.._ M~ .... I P.RtOOlft.l»SEV•no R ESOLUTIO N OIE CLAltlNO """ " \· p BUC NOTICE Sl .Senla Ma,CA INT l!NT TO LEASE lt l!A L that would mak~ me u Th"ll•1Sl-l&conduct9dbv•ll•t' .... o .. ••T• ""OM THE COUNT\' v"ry happy . Q UlT dMOuel. 0, O•ANGE -BAY ,lflO NT SM 0 Ir I NC f'ICTIT10US BU II NEU MlchMI P. Recldtn l'ltOf'E ATV -f' NAME STATEMUIT Tlllt \lalllmlf\1 was llled wolt' IM ()ft mollOI' of T~ .... ROCIO& OUly You lned lO quit & rew n~ loltowlnQ peUOM ••e dolno Counly Clefk OI o .. ,. CounlY on \KOf\CleCI -Orr~. ""' IOll-lno )ean ogo, but ll dldn 'l °"''~~~~~o LOS•No, 7400 w u i Ot<.•. ma. ,, .. 112 =~~~~~.C:..:~'.:1~~.,'"::~!"; work. \Vi It YOU p lease t?'\ _rt cout M 1911wo. NewPOrl Bue i., Publltllld OrlnOt C:.O.st O.lly Pllol, w•u cloplllO. try tlW(UllV htrd t h is Jfan..UM/. C•h~~nk•~~-ny, • CalHornl• OK.I, IS.72.Zt. tt1I 6'~1l t.::::;~~s(;:044~":';'~~:.:o~~!~ tlmt'? I kno w it must be 1t:.1hli.lr ... ~ J..... corpor,)flon '7 Roya l SI. Ge0•9"· -------------· prODtrh ht<~1n<1111er 00\(;rtbl'd: •NS dtfflC'UJt becaUlSt.' 8 lot O( ":"''""JJ m" N•wPOrt Buell, Ctllloml• •2t60 WME AEAS. "'4' Cout'ltY OI Or~ l ho k Id ~ "'-· ~ Mo<h"fl ~elrlek, 10'9 FullertOfl PUBLIC NOTICE ht!\ ••PrH...O M1 1nll'fll IO Ir.a~ w10 l)eOp e W !lmO e WOU .J'1t¥1f, f "'716 P'¥, 'IJ ( ' A•tn ... ,COSl•~.C•llfornle91617 P•OP<trty It> 11\P (CM\I Communlh love to "'Ult . "" rJ ""' CIU\IM\\ I\ con<luClt<I by a ftlCTITIOUS BUSI NESS Coll-Oo<trKI unoer '""term\ Ol the "I ST fll&<llecl ti'•~. •net W h y don 't you d ir ect '"-'------<p--t_z_s_IUlll4_a_11,~rt;c1r,1z.,~s_p .. 1,, o-11e••1~.~~:ur1ck ™ 10:!:! ~!!~~:!,119 ix.,1. WHEllEAS. ,, 1, IA,.,. 1n1e~•• of JU!lt U little Of the effor t v · K R & COMPANY nen as· lltl$ Ol .. rl<I to lf'M<' WIG or-rty un· lier IN! h'rms ol lhe ieao.e lrom the you s pen d laking care oC ~~;::"~ Rllzono. ee.; .. ~~.~~-1<1Ao .• Hun11nc;i1on c°':~~°:!:'r11EFOAE, BE " YOUr (anuly toward this Th" \l~t--1 WAS fltfel wllll I... Ge ry Wooo.181.t RONIO Rd., Hun· l --------------------------! llESOLVEO tll .. lhl\ Bo•r<I doe• goa ? We will all pitc h in Coun1v c•~•k ot 0••"99 county on llnc;iton 8Hc11. CA.,,.._, hereciv an-.nce '" ,,..1...,11on 10 fiJase a nd h e )p YOU in e ve r y O.<ember 18, 191t. ..,.., .. 111:~~.~usltwtn I\ concluclect l>Y •n In· r.al encl Ptr'IOMI Pl'-rly <leKr1becl w ay we c an because w e Pubtl\ht'd Or"'91 co.nt O•llY P1101 G•,.,Wooo ;,t,:.~_,..,.:C,"':'~!:,,11e~b• love yOU 80 muc h and O.c n. :H.1918,J...,, S, 11, 1979 S661·11 Tiii• \let-""°' lllecl whh I"" , 1 The property hereln.tllt'r Counlv Clffk of Orfl!Ot' Coul\ly on clesc r1becl w1n be U\l'<I lor scllOot t.... .......... , ,lelnllfl MOllR1$SATKI 0•1H•41M WIUIAM COOPfR . A01'tRT C00Pf""lt, MERA<t 8UIL01N0 MAINl NANCE CO •• INC ·-· Mf;RlllLl MAINT(NANCC CO, INC -00£ I lhtouefl 001! IC HOTIC•t Y• ...... "'9 .... TM <~ .... , --....... .,... """*" ,_ M191 -· ~·.,... ....... wl9llll ................ .......... ....... AVISOI U\IM N U. ..,_ .. , ... II Tri..-...... llK.1411r <....,• U.. ''" .... ~le•-.... u-. ·-.................. &.H .. .....,._. ,.__...,... t TO THE Ol!FISNOANT· A Cl•ll COfl\Cll•lnl Ila~ ...... fifed lrY IN plejll• 1111 "01111$1.,.,.. 15" tootnOt•', f It YOll wl\11 10 0.htM 1111• l••W•I • ¥0U mu\I, wl!llln JO 0.Y• af•r 1111• 'llfnn\Oll• ll Mrv.d on yo.I, flt• Wltll thh <011r1 • wrlll•11 o••"'"' •n rtSOOn\9 10 Ille <OMPlallll, Ill <I Jll)llt.a CO\lf't, yO\I """' flit wllll trw •-• • wrl""" llit<OOoll9 or c-"" o••• p1uo1no to oe t1nf.,td In ,,,.. doc-el I U<WU 'l'IMI OD tO, .,_ a.1 ... 11 wltl 119 •nl•reo -~lc.atoon Of IN! l)lalntlff, •nd 11\1' CO\lrt fflf't 1tntff •• IUOQmenl ~IN.I YOU'°',,.. ••fief. M•Nled In 1ne <Of'llC)l•lnt, w111<11 COUid re.ull In _ .. 1..,_1 OI WlltOff, lalll114 of,.,_.,,,,, _.ty "" ot• ••lltt .... OU.Sled Ill the c.ompt•lnl I>. If , ... wlsll .. -....... 1c. " H etw ... y ill tflll tneftllf', 'Y°" ......... .... ........OY M ltlet y--·-,..._.,. .. , If...,,,_.,-. fijM M ti-, O•lf'cl Me•<IJ n , 1971. wrtl.t~E SUOHN.C ..... 8Y KalnltSlernon\, Oel>UIY l~EAU OONALDS ... ARIC AltW1Mf al Law tJQIS.,....._..Or. Norw•"• CA~ Tel: n u1 .... 111 AltWMY .... , l"lelftllff • 'Th• word "comol•lnl" lt'cluct;,\ crot.S-<_...f'll, "pl;i111\t1ll" Intl-\ c 'ost-comp1al"3nt, ··ctet.,nc:Mf\t'' •n· CludH cr01Wleltfldef'I. ''"9U'•• •n· c ,_, '"" .,, .... , tnd ,.,..scull,,. ,,.. <1..0.• tel'lllt'llM end nevttr. A wr"l•n plffcllnc;i, IMludine Ml--•· demur rer, elC ., mu:sl be In tlle '°'"" requorl'd 11r ,.,. Calltornl" RUie. of Courl. Your 0<191n&t PleedlnQ tnvSI be llted 1n tho\ court with P«IPI!• 1111119 Itel 11n0 Pf'OOI 11131•copy1""1!Cll Wft W•Wd Ofl ~II plalnHlf'1 et-• end on eech Ol••n- 1111 not ,..,,.,..,led by e n ellorMY. Tiie lllnt'-•~ ls deemed wirvt<I on a PMIY mey vary deP9ncllnQ on 1~ ,,,._ 1111 Wf'<k•. F0< eum. pte, He CCP•U lO llVOllQIHIUO. Published Or-coas1 Oally P ltol, o.c. 1. •· 1s, 12. 1m W8 nt YOU a round fo r :l 0.cemberl, 1918. purPO'U bV Int COe\I COl'lll'llUntlY lo n g , long time . -I AM P U BLIC NOTICE Plib•l.ii.o 0r~ COf•t °"'~'C:.~~: Coft'9t o1s1ric:t. 115170 YOUR DAUGHTER OK. 1s. n.2'.1t18,Jat1 s. 1919 I• sl~u~: :a:~1~.,'...':' 1':;.°f:;!~ PUBLIC NOTICE DEAR DAUGHTER: fflCTITIOUSBUSINESS S60S.11 '" Newport Buch •"cl ·~ more NOTtCEOflSAL•Oft NAMESTATEMeNT ltllALP•OPll•TYAT Your plea Is made dally Tl\e foll-ino .,.,_,s .,. dolno 1-------------:';s';~"~:::,•v •tcrobecl •n the •11"''*' ""IVATESALE by thou.sands of chJJdren bu\lnenes PUBLIC NOTICE J TM,_,, ol 1"" leas.~ ... .,. N0.'1114 acro8 the CO ti t I COM ENTERPRISES 1101 W La lor ten 'l'ffrs Comrnf'llCof'IQ wllh Ille IN THESU,ERIOftGOUllTOF 8 D De n,. Vtl•. Sle. 600. Or-. Calllornl• 91608 h~t full cet..-montll lotl-•ftQ the THI! STATEOftCAl.lf'OltNIA IN know becau se I 've r e · w 1111am E O\l••miller. Jr. uo1 ''CTlT10Usaus1NESS oat• 01 e1<Kvtton ot '"" ~·eemeni br ANO,ORTMECOUNTYOftO"ANGE I d l f th I t E "'"""'"••n. ""J, S•nla An•. • NAMESTATEMENT 111t co11ntv. ln 1"9lt\8flle<'otll'teEstaleolElSAC. Ce Ve cop e8 0 e e • Cat110rl'•dcn701 Tiie IOllowlftQ j)9r'10n IS do1no OllS•· Tl>t Secr•IMY ot lho~ 8oarO "8AUNbT, aka ELSA BAUNOT, ters they have written. 1N111or<1 L M•••eu . Jr., 11J•s nusn: 11ere1>• <11re<l110 10 pcx1 <Ol>les 01 mis o.tcuse<1 Obviously y our mother Oran~ P•rk Blvd.°'~· c .• 111omt• BELi. & SONS MAGNESITE. 416 l'IOllC• Of '"'"'''°"'° INse , .. , P•OPH· NOll<e .Is ~ef)y Ql"'M 111•1 llte un· Is booked. Some .. 1c-u--Give a Gift '11669 M.tllll Orl .... A-m.CA.,.,. fy, SIQ-°" t,_. (le<'I< ot Ille lloe•O In CIPNIQn.clwtll~l•IPfl••1•s81e,IOlnt' au .,......, This 1>us1neu ls <Ot'OU<lecl by • Mowetd Wayne Bell,••• M.tnll thre• tll OUbtlC p1actt 1n Ille counly n19""uano~lbo-r.Wl>IK1lo<on· addicts Can kick tbe habit C)efter&t Partf'lef'Sltip O.lve. A_.m. C/4 '7D N>l ltts '"""Ill-. I ISi o .. n ff"Ol'll lllt' llrm•tlOI' of Mio Svoel'IM Gour1 on or b II that G Woltlam E. O\lermoler, Jr. This buslneu 15 'onclWCltd bY an In· <lale ol tnt board ..-tlnq •I wn1<h U.. alter thelnldavOIJ-ty. 1•79,•tltw. Y S h eer 'Wi power, rows Tl'lls Stal-I w&S 10.0 wllll Iha dfvicluet. llOMOSMll Conskler enterlnQllW>IUW ot11ce ol Benjamin Menten, U ?l O thers need outside help. CounlY Clerk ol 0r•"09 County on Howwd !loll an<I 10 P<lbl•Sll,. <Ol>Y ot tllt' w""' not C•l•torno• A•tnue, Soul It G••f', I November 21, 1'11. Thi\ •t•._1 ... , 111.0 with Ille len lll•n once •-for thr• 131 con C•tifornte 'IO?tO, Coumy of Or-. r e c 0 m m e n d Pine Pots ft lOSJO County Clerti of 0.-enee County on ~ullve _, l>elor~ ,,. dale 01 Wiid Slal•ot C•lltorn1e,allO>erl\)lll.llll•al'd S mokEnders. For i n · JACKSON,KtDOEll&MITCHELL Ott< t, 1'11. ,,, ...... ,.q 1n ,,. Or~ Coa\1 o ..... 1 .. 1~•f'SI01sa.<1penon,snenc11oel1t~ form atlon about their "'Newp0t1 c.-DriM o.ra.,. M. ,..._ P1101. ",..,_ °' 9"'1!"' c1rcu1a. u•ne1n '"' pr0Clef1y ~11ue1e In '"' Roger's unique holiday '°"1'1ft"'*' "'-AtlerMy et I.Aw ''°" r>ub11"*' "'""' 01)trlt 1 County ol 0r-.. Stele ot C.lllort1•a. program, wri&e to tbe p1..-comblned··"th Newpo1111Mc",ca111.HWO ,.s.MeillM..~t• P1n~ """'~f<I •• tht' 'l'CIU'•' i>arllcu1ar1y dHcrtbed n to•~. t.o-natlo aJ b dq _ _. ,... W I PUllll$he<I Or-C:O.U 0.lly PllOI ~ CAftMI l'nfflfnQ of lhe QOYl!rnu>q -rd ol Ille wll n ea Dai ~ers at polneettt .. and other Oec. I,•. •s. n, 1918 ' .,.1.,... Coa'1 c.ommuno1v COl•eoe Dl'1r1<1 °' Loe, OI Tract" i•.1n.,,. cu., of s m 0" End e r s ' 3 4 3 5 colorful planta make a S46H I PubllPled Or-.i Coest Delly Piiot, O••nQ• Count•. , .... tornla on tnis IJlh Newport lie.Kn County of Qfllt'IQt Camino Del Rio S SaJt OK 1 s 22 " 1m clay ot Oeumi.r. '"'· Stat• ot ca11f0tni.." .-,, on• meo 216, San DJ ego:' Cal~ ludng gtft thatwlU accent P U BLIC NOTICE • ·'' • • SjOS.1' ~~~~Tees w0r111K-. Robe,, ~=.',:.:S~~!!d:':rsa~o 9?108 Or look i tb any home'• Pa.lioor entry. l. .... mphrey\, Ooneld G. Moll, O<-Covn!Y "-•commonlyll.l'IOWn . • n e PUBLIC NOTICE Geo•~ II-. Jr .. Wllllem E. Kelller •s: 7301 ~i Plat•. --1 Beacn. • be con structive or it can s hape bis thinking along ~des tractive lines. My If ' ·major gripe iS toy guns. Gans are for kllllng. Games involving guns phone book. I can also FICTITIOUS 8USINESS NOES· -C.lllO<'t'le. voocb for h y pnosis It NAMESTATeMllNT ,, ous eu•• ••s ABSENT ,_ TetmSols.llle<-lnlawfUl_.,of • R~Ger .... •640-S800 1....!~'.011owtno ...,_ 1, clOl119 .,..... ~~ST.aTeM:;.; STATE OF CALIFO..NIA • • ... United SI-on eoftflrmatlor> Of Can be Very effectJve lf S-.ioeq_,a1 MecAnt11.tr•~8eedl9em-4>pm HAWTHOllNI!! FAR'MING & The tot-.e--K dOlno IMKol· COUNTYOf'a.tAH(;E I sale,0<N r1Ullll-ba!MICeevlclenceO • the subject i s d e · NURSE1t1es. ant All• Lao11n• neue1· ' llV -•securedbv~orTrv•t eou1.-... o.~9each.CA ~SI OEM l!NTl!ltPltlS1!S, ... ,, ~::~~T,~~~!.· ~M=~o': 0-Son thePl'-'OOtold. Ten Pff· ---------------------------------------------------~ 11~~~~H~-~m1A~V~~~·.a.~~~mu,.•IY~l-~~·~i~o~~~M~~~~m~~~w~ !;~':"• llou .... etd. LAQUM Beech, CA .,._Greoory Ellh Mllc ... 11, l"l? f.:'n~~,::.••:,:n::.:;:: ':;i;,;1~11:::,1 ~ldsorott...slotle lnwrlllnUndwlll Tnis business I\ <onclUCll'd by •n In-V•ll•Y Cir. •A. H..ntl""'°" lleec:ll, CA wH o ui....., requt•••Y adopted bf tne 1>erec•1..-c1a1Uw•lorH11odoll1<t!at •"• • Well, maybe so ...... . • But talk is so cheap -and so transitory. • When you want food bargains -prices you can count on day In and day out, the proof Is In print ••••. In the grocery ads In the Dally Pilot. • Confused by all the conflicting clafms? • Shop the Dally Piiot, get the facts, compare •.... then you know you're really getting the .moat for your money. DAILY PILOT 642-4321 dlvld\IAI. ~ u1<1 Bo•r<l •1 " r•9u1ar mt!ttlno llme eltttr IM 11~1 PllDll<•llon ller<tOf AlctlarOA. He~ Tiiis ~ ~ conducWcS by.,. In ll>tr•ol held on the IJlh d•r ot en<llMlfof'•daleaf~Je. -Tiiis \f .. _t Wft llleel wllll IN cllvlOuel. 0.ctmC>er, 1911 -1NSWcf by • 111'1· 0 .. tdtlllstttftctrtolOecember,1911 county c1er1< of Of•f\99 c-ty on Greoorv I!!. MllCl'lelt ..,1mous "°'"°'said Boa•CI. ROBEttTNtElSENJR. 0. be 8 1•19 Tiils ,.....,._ #ft IHed wllll !tie IN Wl'f)fESS WHEA£0F, I ..... Peli'""-olllle cem ' ' · rr106•7 c-ty Cl•rti OI O.-eno-CounlY 1>ereunto set my llencl 11nc1 seal tll•s l!!\l.UofOecHSedof PubllsNCI Orenoe coesl O.lly Piiot Hov. IJ, Ym. lllf\Oevot~r. "71· salORNtP._,,Y s 22 ?'I 1'78 Jen s 191• ".. ISEAL' aENJA,..INNANSllN Dec. 1 • • • • . • S60J." PuOlllNd Or-.i °""*Delly Piiot, I\/ WOllT .. ICEENE an ...... , ... uw Ott<.I. U,72,29.1911 Publl....., Or--Co.st 0.lly Piiot 16J1Cell_A_ S4SJ. Oot<. u . n. ?'I,,.,. ,.;ni.,. SOvt~c;a•,c.t.....U- PUBLIC NOTI CE l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tl>P tollowino ~''°"' tre 001n9 O\ISlntU a'>. F & M. (A nLE co .. '"' Coest H19nwfy : IU, L~urw ee.<11, CA '16SI Edw•rd anO Moroeret Keuler, "'' Co•HI MtQhw<IY = .,S. laqune BUcf'I. (A9'6SI '"'" bu\lt'leSS IS con<luell'<I by ... In· 01v1du•1 M•rQ6rtl E. KHsler Tnt• ""'""'"'' '"'" liltd wltn lf'IP County Cierlc ot 0r•ft09 CQunly on 0eom1>er 11, 1971, PUBLIC NOTICE rrlCTIT10US 8USINESS NAME STATEMIE-NT Tiie lotlo#lno _.,.. 11 dolno 111a1- ntts es: SOMERS lAHOSCAPE CO .. 1?4A W. Beverly Or .. 0r_,., CA '7661 Sotln lllclustrlft lt>c.oroor•ted, • C•lll0tn1• <Otl!Ot"IMicwl, 226' W. Baver. ly Or .. Oranot, CA'"" Tiiis bus.I-ll condUCled by• cor. DOf'•lion. SOlln llldustrles Inc. J-A. Sonwn. President Presldlnl Tiiis \let-I wes llled wllh Int County Clerk of 0••"9e Coun1v on Publl~he<I 0rMQI! Coest Oallv Pilot. P U BLIC NOTICE irtCTITIOUS eu~INESS NAME STATEMENT O.ctm0ff71,1?.lt, 1•11 ,.,().tf P U BLIC NOTICE Tll" •olfow1no perM>ns are CIOlnQ 1------------- llusontn •s; FICTITIOUS 8U51NISS P J . S HOUSEWAllES, 16181 U,,11 NAME STATEMENT o. C.otr..ro St,..l HwnttnQIO<> 8'-tch. Th(' lotlo"''"ll ~rsons ••• OoinQ C•hlorn11 ~7 business•• Gltnn J POCM<o. SU W Pr-S TUTTLEMVEll'S. 318 Gleflt>hr9 IO<'y. Nl'wPOtl. C•lilomt" 4')660 SI., LeqUN -"·CA ~I Franll J Sclml'u, SJSW Promcn-Dem's tnc .• a Call~I• COf'POril 1orv. NtWP0t1.C•tttor"1•~ ''°"· m GltflR!Yrt 51 .• uouna 8e;)Cn, H1l\ 11usinns '' col'Olie}P<I oy • CA 'l)f>S• ~·•• o.>rl...e,.h•o TntS 1>u~nHs is 'on<lutlect bv • cor. Gff'ftf'IJ Pt<""<O POUllOfl "'" \lall'mt'nl w~s t1ll'O wllh tllt OEM'S INC. Cllilnh Clerk 01 0••119" Counl• on Aollff'I Scoll Thorn Novel'llC>e• 28, 1971 Prl"tOtnl FI06JM Pub II sneo Orange Co·"' Oally Piiot Oe<. IS, 1l. 1', 1'18, J ..... S, 1'7' SO 14·11 Oe<. I, 1971. ,..,... 01~ Publlslled Or .... CO.ll 0.ll"Y Piiot. PuPll'llPd 0.-C~ 0.11y P110I. This \111-1 w11~ t1ll!d wllll ""' Coun1, C•-ot Orenoe County on Ot'cembet 8, 191'. P U BLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS .. AME STATEMENT Th~ 1011ow1no ~rons are 001no busl· OK. I, IS. 21, 2', 1'71 OKtml>er I, I. IS, 2?. 1911 S..1,. PUBUC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE irlCTITIOUS 8USINESS NAMESTAT1!M£NT ,,, .. , .. Pubtishe<I OrllftQl' Coeft Oally P11111 Oto<. u. n . n . 1919, Jan. s. 1919 \601.18 P U BLIC N~TICE nmT,,~NORA EQUIPMENT COM· ,,~~~':l::~1:::s . P ANV. I n11 ~mlN>lt' WIJY, YO<'IM T,,. lolfOW1"9 per50ns •re dolno Llnoa, CA "6111> buslneu as· Tll• 1011owl119 Pt'•M>ns •re <lolno bu\I"""'" f'ICTITIOUS 8USINESS NAME STATEMENT • Joe MoffoW, t17'll ~mlt'Ole W•v. PROJECT THIRTEEN, L TO. Yorba l 1ncta, CA '7696 30110 Crow.. V•llev Ptiwy , Su1lf 101. EOdlf f'or<I. 6001 SoftwlnO, Munl· L<111un•Nl~.CAt?611 lnqlon Btach. CA.,,~ M•rrY E. Wttson, ?'IS•I Vl\I• Thi\ llU\I ...... I\ tonOu<lecl D'f • Plua o. .. L.IQVne N~I. CA.,.,, .,enerel Pllr1"""nlp Ao~ Merle W•lson. 1'871 L• V1<I• E<ldlf' FO<'<I Or .. lotQUM N~f. CA 41)611 Thi\ \tlllrm«"'t was llll'd wllll lllt' Sutan<W H. Allboll, 1'?7S $par1<11\. CounlY Cf•rk ol O<•not' COUlllY °" MIU'°" ViefO, CA '26'1 ~cemDtr •. 1m Fl062M Tnh business It cOtldU<IP<I l>Y • Publl\l!ed ()ranqp eo.tsl O.•IY PllOC llmlled ':."~7".;~,_, De< 1s, n. ?'I, 1'78, Jan. s. "" Tiii\ ,.at_... was lllllO •1111 1r.. S604-ll Counlv Cltt~ OI 0••119" Counly on NO...,l'lll>ff 10. 1'79. BJ RB PROPERTIES. ?66?1> Avenlcla O...o. Mluton Viejo. CA '1)61S NO•l'lllln P. Hl nl'lljln, 11?0 Goic»NOO, Cor-Ott Mer. CA '7•1S HI' D H•tkeil, , .. ,. Aven•cl• 0.S.0, Mlulon VlelO, C1' 9267S Th•• bus•nHs Is conoucted by • oenertl perftterthlo. NPMI......,. Th" stalemefll Wrl llled Wiii\ Ille Count y Cltrl< Of Oranoe County on Ot< • ,.,, "" ... Publl\llld Or•RQI! Coesl O•ll'Y Pllol, Thi! totlowlno persons ••• do1n11 businesses 8&M PllOPEllTIES. 2'1U Cadll Cr .. MIHIOl'I lllejO, CA 926" Oevlcl W. Bel~. ?SI 8<1t1l- SI., Cost• Mesa, CA m?I LtO<' G. Hiii, '61!.2 CMtlt Cr., Mi\• slon Viejo, CA '16'1 LfJOft c. Bats1oer. 7<f10 Comonclle Or • Buenl P-. CA QIO This bu\INn is tonOucled by • 9efter e I P8rlM<WP. O••tOW Ball~ ftltflJO Dec:.'· u. 22, "· 1919 This stelemenl wes llled wolll Ille Counly Clt'ttl ot Of•"99 Counly on OK. s. 1'71. Pubtl\llecl 0renQ9 CoeSI Oelly PllOI Oec. I, I , IS, 1?. 1971 FIMOJO P UBLIC NOTICE S-·7' ~--------- $TATl!MENT Of' AeANOOHMeNT O'° UH Off rrtCTITIOU5 8USINl!SS NAME S4&1·11 PUBLIC NOTICE PubllPlecl OrtNIOI COOS! Oe;ty PllOI, -------------• e>e<.1, u,n.tt, 197' PUBLIC NOTICE Tiie IOllO#lr>Q SMnont ...... .,...... done<! t,,. use ot ""'11<1111°"' t>u'1neu rrlCTITIOUS euSINass IWltne NAME STATllM•NT v'10EO RAMA. 210 er1s1o1, Sult Tiie 1011ow1no penon 1, ctotno ,,..,,. IOI. Coll•~. CA t?6~ nen •• The Flc11llou\ Buslt'MS H•-re-CllEATIVE STUFF. INC .. 1•181 terred to IM>o.,. "'"-' 111.0 In Oran K•M•lll 0r1 ... Hunlineton ~11. CA CO\lnty 0" '-1).71. """ Oennh Wllll•m Oulrk, 30I l CMri• KHT. tt111 l(arMlll o. .. SI reel. 8•1b0f. CA t?.6'1 Hunll119'0fl 8ff<:11 CA 'l)W9 Al"" Albtr1 81Nlo9, D L Sir.... Thlt IMnlneU 1\ ,_...,by .,, In 8•i~~:..:::~ .. conCIU<ted uncNt • <1lvt0ue1 • o.MKen ee11ere1 pertneN\lp. Tlllt ,..._. wa fifed willl tllo Alllf'I A Bledsoe C ~ o count on Tlllt \lel-1 ,.as flll!d wltlt Ille COUlllY terk v• re~ 'I Covf'llY Cler'k of Of•rt9e County on Nov. u , 1'71. .,, .... 0.< S, 1'71. ,,_ Publl\twd Orllf'ICll Cont Dell\' PllOI, Publls...O Oranoe C:oHI 0..111 Pltol. Oe<. •. Is. n . tt. "71 Oec:, I, IS, _n. Jt, "71 PUBLIC NOTICE rr1CT1TIOUS BUSINESS NAMI! STA H MI NT U07·78 PUBLIC NOTICE PICTITIOUS BUSllRH N• STATllMINT T,.. tottowlno 119non1 •re CIOlnt IMltlnoH ts: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Ti.P 1011-•no ~•Min• ••• 001119 bUStl'\fi'O .,. SSlMI PUBLIC NOTICE PACIFIC SILK SCREEN. ISS.1 E Ll'E ANO ACCIDENT PrO<lu< er Lene, H1m1l119ton Bffch, •HO M•"LTH SYNOf'SIS Oft C•lllornla .,,.... " "' "''""" EUQeft" 5-nson. 1S2' W THE ANNUALSTATEMEN1' 1S.Slh Slr4111'1. MerllOr Clly, Cellt«lll• \'IE.Alt fNOEO '0110 D8CEMBE1t )I, 1'77 Mi<Mtl J-• ~. IS'9 It\ M HSlh Slr"I· Meteet (1ly, CalilOrt'hl UnilM H-Ute '0110 •-...c:• ~y Thi\ b11,1ness ts conctucted "" 11 , ... H. MMI-A.,...w. O.-.....cl,IN46t42 QtMr•I ~s.i.-ro111 eo"'tr11!d eswts s.tlA00,•14 This ''"'......;' wes llll'd Wiii\ Ille TOl•l llebllllies 3?,11J.SIO Counly Cleft 01 Orenee COUlllY on Cao1111 1><1kluo •.M•.7so Nov•mb@r 19 1911 Gron pelO In end ' · ftlOMJ conlrlbultd \Uf'PIUI I, 19',371 Pvt>h\Md OrMIQI COllst Delly PllOI, Unaniqnecl lundl IWrl)lllSI t. Ul,131 0.-<Pl'llber I, I, IS, 12, "" G•ln I Loni l.003,19S ·----------"-~;,;:;S..;;.._,;:18 ,~r:::.":r:.::,., •n PUBLIC NOTICE ftlCTtTIOUS auSINISS NAMI! STATaMllNT Cn t1.11l•nctSu'111usdurlno ,.,, 441,SSS lnsu••n<• lt'I Fo<'c~: 10 honwodl! 11< c toenl en<l lllMlllll D"l'lllUM$• Ml •S,Sl6,000 Tloe tollOwll'lQ oet'IOI' ls dotflll bull• nenH; LAltSOH YACHT SALES, 1101 W, N U H Coetl Hiofl'<tMY, ~ llff<ll, GA SWE.OISH, AMERICAN & IM· TM tollOWlno per'°" " ootno 11Uil-tnsvrenc@ 1n FO<'ce: C•ttlornl" BU\lness P•09 &,81S, tn HAWTHOllNE OEVl!LOPMENT COM PANY, JHI All• L•vun• 8ollttvero. i..oUN eeacn. CA t?.SI ltkh••CI A Hawu•orne, JUI All• 1.ttOUI'• ftout4t'l•nl, L•~ Beec:ll, CA '2651 Tlli. 1111'4M\\ Is t~led Cly Ml ,,.. dlvldlial II k'l'IMd A HewtllOrN Thi\ \ltltn11!1t w ... lllfcl Wlllt '"' (Oilnh Ctw• 01 Or•1199 Coun1y 011 ~ PO•a A.O.\. tW Of1tn\ wev. C011A Elrntr J, Ul'llOfl, toce M__.,,.,. ~. C•lltorlll• '1tt7 L.llM. Nt ltltPOrt 9"tll, CA t?..0 "'tdtf'I(-Mii""' Ortwtne. tolt Scoll R. WI-,,, 110 "A" W S R-Drtft, Stt!t• Ane, C•lllornl.11 81lllN 11111(1., a.111o4, CA .,_..I '2104 Tlllt bu•IMH It <oncNCld CIY • Tlllt butilleU I• C-led by tn Ill• llntlWCI ponr.wp OlwiCl\lt l S<ott II. Wlndlln '"'°"'I<-M 0< ..... 1i. Tiiis • ..._. wes lilecl wltll t"9 Tiii\ •t•I-""" lllelf wnn tl\t Counly Cieri! OI Of•"90 COlllllY Of\ County Cler• •I Oritl!Ot COUl\lf on O.<t"'he' •. IUI Ot<. '· lt1t NOv.,ntitrH, lt1t ,,..,.. ftlfftU ,..,*,. l'llbllV>lld °''"°' Coe,, 0..llY Piiot Pul>ll,,,. 0r.,. CO.II O.lly Piiot. P11Dll\!lf<I .,.,. Coetl l)flly PMol, o.c. IS. n . "· ltll. J.,.. s. "" DK •• IS, n .1'. ••18 OKtntOtr I, .. IS."·,.,, s.cN·1 SlOt-11 J .... -.... -....... Acclct.nltnd'-11" 11r~m1uft'l\· Olnt<I: t.illllornt• e.Nness 1 .>9" •i •\I W• ,, • ....,.., cer111¥ tllAI I~ <11b0ve llt l'll' .,. In ec:ccw~ w1111 ,,,. An f\Uel Sl•lemet1I fOf' I ... Wllf tnd<'cl OH•mC>tr 31, tt1' M •O• to Ille fftWfllt'ICll Comn\llilfonM ot '"" Slalt ol Cefltorn1•, ~"' 10 •-· 1-..1. Sc:llo.lltt, Sr, P~ldMI Mklleel A, S<,_ttto. St<,...•rv Publlllll'CI 0rM>Ot C~I 0.Uy "•IOI. Oec. t i, :u, u. ,.., ts ... ,. ,,..._, 01 Dl,.lilf a . '"' ~~~ aoo naGn ataa.c "' rrom Ma .n•t raae hs ··ne AiNtrW Honor•• to a deUrilve Carte ,......., "Affair an t.be Via Veeeto" -to rtlm, or roune. oo ,. ... ¥ ~e..r·1 favorite bo1.alevard '" Rome •.•. Jncldentall1. ,.. •tommed Rod•• memorable "The P•wnbnltc r•· mo• ror the 1htlb Ume Ob lat nl1bt tfl v' im. u lmpnutw 1 tour de forte aa t w the nnt Ume around .••• My Lol'tdon P>' re· ru Uuit RnU..b toek w " HM "-t'hlll\I• h name to Vu.ti latam. tle'e a ptac:Uc na Motl m ID IUo de J&Mtro, hlv· •• 11 up peraoeaJ •Pl*•ranc-e and C'OOfeft tlMArt ••. Dunno who put ·hlm up to It. but a•a" Pat Mll'ka la pttpp(n.1 a a.itery ad n \.,.m w\lh 8'10" UNTe4cl •••• N1 Fr~h •PY report.I that a.d SWwart wa• Q&.tQted tn a Paris daUy H inc ht and Al•H a ... u._ ha\' n lrytn1 for • «lUvftt ol moolh to have la baby, but nu -eddtnt plan . New Two You· UadH) W•~••r • warbl•r •r Wr(ClilC. no.w plann1n1 1 romullc d)'ll In Hau • but only when Unduy cat.n and'*kb I\ In ~--film (Ommltm\'nt1. . SUH Str..ty Aa Th 'I Oo RolM'n Calp & <'•,... C•...-.. . . l>ltto Hqlil O'Briaa & lt°"'mar)' Wallen. ... Jee Naa .... make• hie telly 11nJl1\I d hut on \bt' ··~· N• N•" krin Appropnialtly or not , h1• Mlfll I• "Otrt M• • Job'" . . M)' N w York apy UJ.>& that Jac:kte Oaaffls w lntr<>ducln£ producer httr Dnb lO D•ls as "my f1ance." .. • DAVID M£Blll ll' a hit clOMr to a 1r1b or for the key role of venMeful patrlarcll Ai;h Roblru.on in his C:BS·TV mmlseraes vendon or Tommy TbomptOQ'• be&lScller. "'Blood and Money." Marlon re· turned to his llle of Tetlatora to study the scnpt. but no prom· · l1u ... Evidently, Woody Allen l,a more Utan ii bit upset that Warren BeaUy h1u replaced htm as Dlaae l(ea&oa's new beau. My New York spy HATo.e says that though Wood y and Diane are workmg together in his new "Man.hat· tan" pie, he isn't speaking to her between takes, or off the set, ror that matter .... Look·Alikes: VnaJa ADdreal <JobD Derek'• ex) and Bo Derek (John's new missus). Bo. incidentally, has Blake Edwards flipping over her UUe role in Ills "10" pie, in which she has the peak raUng on a scale from one·lo-10. Steady As They Go: PrtsclUa Presley & model Mike Edwards. • . . Still Steady As They Go: Joset~ Ba.met & warbler Tommy aoe .•.. Get. ting Each Other's Mail: act.or Peter Straau and Rastar veep Peter Strauaa .••. My London spy reports that rocker Rod Stewart'• filed suit for libel against Britam's New Musical Express for camng him a "nancy boy." The last time a guy called me that. I hit him with my purse .... You can now give odds that the top ratings success of the "Gilligan's Island" telemovie will tesull in a revival of the weekly series . My Honolulu spy re· ports a network scout scouring location sites in Haw ah for the revival. • MAGGIE SMITH'S been tagged to cross the pond and star as the late Margaret Sullavu in the . ...... ..,,,.,.., ''Haywln" •••olra about mam1 lhraaret and papa LtlHd .. ,..,.., ••• Sljll ~eady At Tbty Go: Valnt. Pttr ... C. • V• ......... And m) Loadon •PY rtporta that volcaa.tc 1111 .... eu h .. a IOOthlq dbtrattJon to kMp twr from baUUn& with U •hubbi' ...._ OJ;h•· 't tlltrn twld O\' r .._.lot l"MC'td i1l"Odu~r ,._}' 10 YHrt hifr JUIUor ••.• o,.., 1 rhHry ord lQ ,..._,. Welaa•.U.r, bt'ddtd ror •hat •PP4'•rll will be • l1 n1thy •t•Y at th NuOon Plrhm• Country llotp tal And r•I• ..,, .... nu 10t1ntt rh •!ltd oull• th• holrUaJ lhan wiftTou rhtckt'd In Not th .. am• all m•nt . or ciuuue h•'• •t tlollywoocl l•r .. b)itrian .1r011 IUU mual l a ltln• m r clu1I~ In b r rholr or ~ti W°hl'n •h• an tvtld hfr fOftM-r "TlmhUktt1 •"1t1nd1tlh•l•an'••••.h 1 tourln1 ftlm """ 1·un '•'Ni'" unJy • rnlll•1 • t"'4'adl• and•rabblt •hk lhaltwnr1Wtnnd h 'd I\ bark ll'toppiqth numbtrnll*110•)''•pcita. TH By 811 "kittycot's ruinin' Christmcnl" PVBUC NOTICE NOTICa Of' l"VllUC HlleAat-.O aat•OttE THI! CITY COVHCIL O~THI CITY Of' flOUN~AIN VALLEY NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVEN lhel on Twsci.y. J-..rv 2. 1',., •• I 00 !> m. 1n ,.,. Council CMmber. 10200 Sl•ler Av•nu•, Founl•lll llelltY, Cal1tornle, ,.,. City CO<ln(lt wlll hOIO • pulMk ,,..,,!IQ on tfle tollow1119 A. Z:-CNflle Ne. M4 ,,.litlon "'°""111•4' .,., st .... •rt Oew•oom~n1 Cotn0<1"Y to,.,_ tM _,., •lluet ed ')eMrally •t tM \OU!-con,., ol WArner A-~ H~ Stre.I ''°"' M-1 "~.cturlflO'· Oh lrKI 10 CP "C-clel. Adml.W\lrauw e"41 Pr04ti\lon411 Offke;· Ol\lrkt INorlll ... 1104 A/P ~211•1 8 •• .....,.._ .... 1t11 A Re>ol\>- t 10C1 04 llW 01 y Coo.lrl( M 04 tfle C 11 y of F-t•ln ll•lley, Gtllloml•. cM<l•rl"9 '" 1n1.n110n 10 ....... ,,, ......... ment looted e4l•unt to N-holle SI••••. tH• ,.. \outll ot W•'"•' AV9nue • ...illno ttw ",,.. •nd pl•o for pu()ll( ..... ,"Cl --...., Pf0Vkl1"9 lor tne ~rNnt• 04 en ..ch , .. PUBUCN~JCE •·11411 SUPlalOlt couaT Of' Tttl! STA TE Of' CALIP<MINIA l'Otl TM€ COUMTY ~ CMtANCK .... """'1t Pl'TfTIOtil POtl OllOUt OllAN· TINO CLNM TO l'ttM1lltTY Mll.O av THI! AOMINllTaATltlX Est.ti• of LOUISE MILDRED CRAIG. o.cffSecl, EDGAR A Hl>THAN •• ,,_ U · •tutor of tl>e nl•t• o f NOAllA~ CRAIG, PA*CHMICI spouse ot '"' eb0"9 n.Mld OKedllflt, petlllon$ llW ·-entlu.J '-' IOr Us .,.,,., r• ovtr1"9 ti. eclmlr>IU•<tfrltr of ti.. •bOve ,,.,.,..., tlec.otnl to ,......, -...... .,.. 11.,.r lo thts .-111lolwr .t\ .. e<utor 04 Ille esl•l•of HOfltllAL CRAIG tlle Pf• ,,.,,, OllK•!Oeel In , ... OKl•••tiol' In --1 of ll\IS petition, """4<11 OKl•r .. tlo<t II •ltkMd .end --t IO Se<• t ..... t51.l OI lfle ,,,_,. C... -------------l'l"lred l>Y I ... Seid "llllon Is m•cte uPOn tl>e o·-,,.., Ille ..,.,,lnl\tr.ttrt• of the • .,.,.,. .•med cieceoent h•• ••-•n _ .. Ion of Dt-1¥ belofl9inv to tfle estele 04 N<>'tllAL CRAIG 4HICI will be lloUtd -Iha mtl«Allorl eUe<Nd •nd tll9 rec.orch -lilff In 11111 metier •lldOfPfO<_,,.No ..... ,~. PUBLIC NOTICE HOflCl!O~SAllEO~lll'AL PJIOPIEJITY AT PlllYATE SALE In lllt Sltoerior C-' Of tlM Stat• of C•lllor11I•, tn ""°tor the C.°""h 04 S.n f14n<t\<O N0120N In •n• M•ll<tr OI t h• [\l•le Of .allTHUll w PHllLl ~ .• l"'known ... "IHt<Ull PHtllll>!> AW PHllll~. .)(Id A PHILLIPS 0...••wd PVBUC NOTICE ,,,. .. mau ... , are bl!lnQ oroc .. wo Pll•M>ent to ,,.. PlannlnQ Lew\ of the St•I• of C•Htoml• tGo•'I Coo. l>S.000 er wa 1 -tr. Fountein ll•ll•v zon. rnQ O<OIMn<e T,,_ ZO<lt"9 OrOIMn«', Zonlnq M~ -••"'Ill".,, on 111~ 1n Ille Pl•n<t•"9 0.P•rtment •nll •re ov•ll•b•e tor PlltMI< ln~llon -••· Mfttn•CtOf" TltoH OHlrlnQ to lP•llfy '" I••<>< o< '" QP90Sllion to tr.ne P'OC>OWh w•ll ~ qt••n •n Opj)Ortunll\I lo oo •0 It lutlller fftfonNt-1~ °"'"'°on ttem A . YOll m .. U>nl6tl ,,,. Pl•nnt"O OePOrt-. -on Item 8. you mo cont.tel ,,... Pul>I< WOr'-• Oel><\rtmllf'•. .ti ..,-WI CITY COU NCIL OF THE CITV OF l'OUNTAIN Vll•LLCY Ewelyn Mcetenoon CrtvCltO. PUt>lltM<I Or-CO.\I Dll1ly Pilot OHemoer n. Jtll ~~ 18 PUBLIC NOTICE S.IO llHrlnqlsMi lor Jlrltu.t•Y 10. 19~ 11 t • m In OePI ) .t 100 Clvl< Cenftt Drive We~t. Selll•A,,.. C•lllort11• O•te<I N--1. 1t11 /s/S.ntortJM Wall WllH.,,.E SUCIM CountyClef1< SANl'OaO M. '#AU. AttWM'(MlAW .... WHt OI.,..... •l"'-.. .,trfy HUii, CA_,,. Tel: 121JI ~tat AffetMt IW tM ....,_ ~-··~-Ito-Wiii Pul>tl\,,.., Or.-. C.O.'t Doily Pllflt, 0itc n. ~.1•11,J ... i .1m Sl'l·lt PVBlJC NOTICE JIJ~ l>llUNDllt ci.r• ef Ille ....... ~..,, ,.11911.,_ OY ... C..'4 Delly ~tlet, OK, U. ltll ""''" • . , ,,,.,soz-c.....- L•nO ereH ••<•lvlnO PlanMO 0.Y.tl~~IOll ~I •H-tlle 1...0 UN cl•HHiutlon lftdl<Med In Ille O.ner.tl ,.,.., Of Ille City of Colle Mu•. Tltf'efoff, t~• fot1ow1n' Pl•nneo Oev•tooment 1011111, coi..,,IOi-c...-. I 11 Pl•n11e4' Development ReUOe11t1•• -Low Oenslty IPOR·LOI. 171 Pfenntd Oeve1oom•"' lh\IOenl••I -Medium Oeft\1ty IPDA·MOI IJI Pl•,.n•O Oe vtto pmeftl A•tlO•nll•l -H•on O•n\llY lPDIH•DI t U Plartn4NI 0.¥9,.._I C- -r<l.tl tPOCI ISi Pl•ntted O••elopment "" Ous1r •1 IPOll. \l).UI...,..... U-No UH Wlall .,. pe<ml!t-" 111 .,,., PIMl .... 0 Ot...._., Ollltk l H Cff)C ... <Onformlh with •n ""°l>le<I Flr>•I De•el()C)IMt'fl PIMI l>W-4 IO IN pro- uOUrn, POiie'-'. MIO r~etlOn' o Olel>ll,heel l>Y IN\Ofcli-e I PlenntO ~I Rtt-n-tlel· t e I $1"0ft ..,., ""' !pr ,.,..,,., re· •lclentlet ClewtoptlWfll\ tonlelnlnq •ny I ype or m11nurY Of t1ouw119 W!fh. In- t 11101"' Clu•lt••O oevetopmeM. 1-nhou-411,....,, or pello /lo<J-, detu"ell -ws. Oupl .. n . Qe<Mft -rt'"ent1. -lltGfl rtw ..,,._, Mol>41e "-'·-is.-·· bo¥6-1.,. llou~s. OI 00Wt \lmfi¥ treM- re\IOentltl l.Cllllleo ore -permlll-.1 lbl AS • compllmeflfMY UN, "°" ro1oe1111oi UV\ Of • ••llorou~ • .oi.c .. 1'°"411, Of IKnMthor .. I ... ture '"•Y IN! e1-.o 11 the c11., COUllCll lfncu .-.o UM' lo .,. <-llble •H" ,,,. PtMWMCI 0.•tlooment Rtt!Oenll.tl t>rO/« I. ltl A\• compll_,-,iMY UW, -rt\IOtftllOI uw• ot • co,..m•rci•• "•lu•e m • ., .,. •llOWl!d 11 tne CtlY Covncll fl~ wlcl ..w• 10 bf c-11 bit wltll Ille PIOllMd 0.•elOOfl"IMI Rt\10..nll.tl Ptote<I 1 P • •nneo Dtwetoe>nttlll Com· mer<l•I t •I Aet ell '~' """ uro,.ce utabll\hmenl\ lncludi"9 lltOH 111 t•noeO to -eofoconr '"*"''"' ., .. ._ •• -• ti tlloW lltl-10 wrvt lllot e111rre <lll'l'lfn<Hlllr .,,d ,... •Ion (bl AS• Compll-lliM'Y UW. ft• \IOentlel llV\ m.tY t>e •1-11 Ille Cl ty Coun< If llnOl ~d uwi to be '°"' Pttlbl• w1t11 l11t Pl-O.w1_...,,1 t ommertlel prolf(I. ) Ploftnecl Deve..-i 111011\lrlet 1111 Ally uw perml~ lfl llW MP lftOll\trlel Petit -OI tlw Cllv Of Co••• M• ... lbl ••• ,_,_,,,.,... -· -l ... 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"°"'"" .tfl lft. 01111 ... ,., _.., o<elkln(e Cflltrle let .. ~lltY lllC.,._I\ IMIUdt, IKtl llMll llOI O. lll'lllt._ IO, t..-IOl'9wlllt ( 11 WllH"t Ille ,,...,..., o....-. l!ltlll llrtlff\'" l'\f111'•1 19ollWH Ille( '""•no •M ,..,.,,._,., •M w111 11e11t11t tlw <1Mt1m11flltv 1111cluol11t ''"'· I<"* oelflt ...... <errMlon, llll!Olf( llulMI• tf 1001~, Ull'-... fell<el ..._...,, fnll tt..., tt4'11 multitY e•Wl\I. "' ~ .,. ,,elll'IHI 0.tttfOOo IMnt Pf11"141tt -.tflCI ,.,...., ... Ill ,_ "9\llWll ... "'1ltll ......... . llt"9IOOllWl!t. I -.. ........... _.,.. --... ENTERTAINMENT '1JIUC NOTICE PtJ8UC NOnC• ' • 1 .......... _...._ ' ··----~ . .. . • . . .... t Business Ftfdly. DeOlmbet 22. 1978 OAILY PILOT 85 Tax es Don't BOther Them LOS ANOEL (A P> -he months after CalUorntans •P. proved Propo alllon 13, lbounndl of bomeown ra 1.-e racia1 bJfber pro~rty tne thu their » lthbort in com- parable..._ Califomiana Say Proposition 13 Removes Sting "f don't sea any defJatte trend." aaid Fox. .. ,, .......... ··•••Enit-•1.-. lay T. Whltehe d , a pre . •d~nUaJ advl t.ir on space •l"d telecommun1cation ln ~969·70 and dlre-clor or the office or lt'l~communac . lion policy m the While Hou e from 1970 to 1974, t\ been appointed pre. ad •nt ot Hughe Commun1cat1on Services, Inc., a new wholly owned subsidiary of Hughes Aircraft Co How vtr, few art1 compl1ln.lf\I about It. TRI 811atNGL 'V cootradk· lory tum ol eventl bN occurred betaUM ol two key cl1UMt ln th coot.rovft'llal ballot m .. su" that cut Callfornla property tax- • by an av.rat of !7 ~re nt. Propo61Uon 13 rolled back prop my au. to the tcnll pre-vaU Ina al Nardi 1. 197$, and put a 2 percent 1nnual Hd on the amount they could ri 1n lb., future. But tt a1lo provided that prop· frtles would be russeued - and t1xect at. a nat 1 percent of tbelr current market valutt - whenever t.bay were r~o!d . TRI UAS M£ANT that taxes on newly tranaf rred houses ha\le usually n sen under Proposjtlon 13 llowev r. I.he 1 percent rat~ means the new taxes are sUll below what tho new homeowners would have paid prior lo Propo1ltlon 13, when taxes averated 3 pertent of market v1lue and ttllll amcmll ott~ pUJhed \Mm up u mutb a.a 40 or 60 percent at ooc . For homeownera, tbl1 haa meant that a family r.urcbutna In an establl hect ne 1hborhood of" n wfnda up w1th tfie ht~hest lH. blU on th block, simply beuuae lb houso ls rea.sseued whea they buy lt. B T SINCE THEIR new tax bllll are alill much lower then they would have been without "lhirt~." n CulirornJans call U, most homeowners fi&ure they've como out aheud overall. "AnybOdywhopurchUedJJl"OP- erty an.er March 1. 1975, got re- a11eHed to that new value," nys Santo Barbara real estate broker H. Edward Heron. "There are probably ts.000 lo 20.000 houses llke that in Ule Santa Barbara area. Those people's taxes are Mgher than lheir neighbors but less than they would have been under lbe old system. Retirement Plans .. BVT MOST people are happy taxes have gone down and won't go up like they used to unymore," he said. Heron and other real estate professionals agree that "th.ir· teen .. has given homeowners more security because lbey know what their property taxes will be and can plan for them. . Series Set at OCC A four-part lecture series designed to help lndividuaJs prepare personal plans for retirement will be offered at Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa. during January. Titled "Pre-Retirement Planning," the series will meet on suc· «'easive Fridays, beginning Jan. s, from 7:30 to 10 p.m. in OCC's Science Lecture Hall 2. "To me, 'thirteen' just stopped a vicious cycle right in its tracks, wh.ich had to be done," said Heron, a broker for 13 years. Sene.s tickets, priced al $7.50, The openlng session is are available in the OCC ticket tilled "How to Make the Best or "PEOPLE NO longer have to fear that their taxes will be go. ing up and up. Anyone who buys now can rely on what their taxes are going to be. office in the college's ad-Your Life." Tait. will examine minlatration build.Ing. The office the conditioning and discipline is open Mondays through aovolved in the personal plan· Fridays from 8 a.m to 7 p.m., ning process. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to "Planning Your Retirement. noon Your Responsibility" is the title "I don't know what kind of handle you can put on that, but it gives people a lol more securi· ty," he said. TICKETS FOR individual tee lures in lhe series, priced at $2.~ each, will be sold al the door on a space-available basis. Lecturer Walter Tajt spent 36 years with an international oil company and is worklog in a second career as a management consultant "Research has shown that people wbo plan for their retire· ment enjoy it more than those wbo (ace retirement un prepared," Tait says ORDER YOURS NOW • • 1000 BEAUTIFUL o( the Jan. 12 session. Partici· pants will be shown how to pro- ject a retirement lifestyle and to' compare retirement objectives with available income. On Jan. 19 Tail will explain how to prepare for a proloneed retirement. DURING THE Jan. 26 session. Tait will demonstrate to partici· pants how to put their retire· ment plans into action. More inlonqation about the aeries la available from the col· lege, 556-5880. Opponents of Proposition 13 claimed that the reassessment· on-resale provision would transfer the property lax burden lo homeowners because residen· tial properties turn ove.r more often than commercial prop· erties. HOWEVER, DAVID Fox, commissioner or the California Department of Real Estate, doubts ii things will work out tbal way. He concedes that residential Rollover Rule Eased for IRA WASIDNGTON (AP> -For those who re- ceived a Jump sum payment from a retirement plan between 1975 and 1978 and had problems put· ting it into an individual retirement account or another company retirement plan, the Internal Revenue Service has some good news. But they have to act fast. UNDER THE OLD RULES, people leaving a retirement plan -perhaps because or a change in jobs -had to put the whole amount they received into another plan or an IRA to avoid paying taxes on the money. However, often this couldn't be done either because of limits on how much can be put in an IRA or because the payment was in st<><:k or propery. If only part or the payment was "rolled over" into retirement savings, the whole payment was taxed. THE RULES HA VE BEEN changed and peo· pie who had problems will be allowed, until Dec. 31. to make a spedal make-up rollover of all or part of the payment involved. They may file a Form 1040X, an amended tax return, to show that a makeup rolJover has been made and to apply for a refund of any income or excise tax paid because thex were unable to make the retirement contribution under the old rules. STICK-ON LABELS STYLISH TYPE ON GOOD QUALITY WHITE GUMMED PAPER 1978 Tax Changes To Be Discussed . • PERSONALIZED •EASY TO USE • FOR YOU OR A FRIJ:ND r---------------------, r'1llM\lhls~.c1tpandmA1IW1thSt.75 .. ~posiageto Piiot Printing, Label Otv. Post Office Box 1560 • 330 W. Bay St. Colla Mesa. Califomia 92626 Be Sure to Use Your Zlpoode PILOT PRINTING L----~----------------J Thirteenth ln the workshop series, "Meet the Professions," will be held at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 9 in the Baywood Recreation Center, 1 Baywood Drive, Newport Beach, by Leob Rhoades, Hornblower. Larry K. Johnson, a C.P.A. with Lawrence K. Johnson and Associates, Irvine, will discuss new aspects of 1978 tax legislation and new effects on real estate. Changes Jo capital gains and losses. performance taxes, family e)(empUons, itemiied deductioos, new tax brackets, individual retire· ment accounts, corporate tax changes and effects' of real estate sales on the Individual wlll be dis· cussed. The public is Invited. Sealing reservations may be made with Loeb Rhoades, Hornblower at 640·5600. Cmutnretion Begi:m A 26,000·aquare-foot office buUdh>I Is for Teachers Manaeement and Investment Corp. at Corporate Plua, Newport Beach, by Sarrell l.: McAdam. Inc., Jrvlne. T" Sl.2 mUllon bwldil\I w\U boUH ornce apace for tbe corporation, an Investment aervlce for Callfo'1Ua teachers. • I property does turn over f aater than commercial and lndua\rlal properties, which account for two-tblrdl ol t.be ttat.6's property tax revenues. But ho addlf t.hat sbJning the .majority of the property lax burden to homeowners throuah tbla method .. would take an awCuUy long tlme ... because commercial property does turn over. although at e lower rate, and because commercial prop.. erty mak~ up by far the bulk or tax revenues." DR. FRED CASE, professor of real estate and management at UCLA ·s Graduate School of Management. thinks the re- assessment-on-resale provision ls havi~ an effect on the res· 1dential market bY. building tax considerations into what buyers will pay. "Let's say a buyer is trying to decide what the sales price should be ... Case sai~. ·'The neighbors· houses are worth $100,000 and he knows he's ~oing to have lo pay more taxes 1f he buys. so he says 'I'll pay $90,000 and that will offset lhe in· creased taxes.· ·· PROPOSITION 13 also has spawned a variety of schemes aimed at dodging the reassess· ment provision, Case said. "Some people think there might be a way to get around 'thirteen' by not using the normal deed of trust but by in- corporating the property and then selling shares in the com· pany. ·'Case said. "Theoretically it's not a real estate sale and so there should be no reassessment. "ACTUALLY, THERE are all sorts of ingenious schemes com- ing out, but nobody knows ii it's worthwhile financially to deal wlt.b the e kinds of arrange. ment1 wtlh their extra prob· lema." Allde Crom the reuseument quirk. "thirteen .. hHn't bad much ot aD effect on the California houtina market yet. anolysll agree, primarily beca uae record hl•h interest rate• have overshadowed any fallout from the new tax pro- cedures. SDG&EHalts Solar Heating Systems Sales SAN DIEGO (AP> -San Diego Gas & Electric Co. wiU cease sales of solar energy systems Jan. l , the da)" legisla· lion takes effect. which bans utilities from direct sales or solar energy eqwpment, com- pany o!ficials say. Few customers were aware that the firm began marketing solar hot water heating systems last April or that, working with a local contractor, the utility has instalJed 43 systems this year. SDG4'E SPENDS about $200,000 a year on its solar re· search program. which started in 1973 and led to the sales or bot water heating systems last spring. ioho Hamrick, the utility's vice president for marketing. described the moratorium as a "pause" that will give the firm time to evaluate its marketing program and plan for the future. The bill prohibiting solar equipment sales by utilities was authored by Assembtyman Tom Bates. [).Alameda. Over Th~ Counter HASDUstilMJ' ·•n•s HARD TO balance the dlfferent market factors a•a.lnst 'thirteen· to aee wbat., lt any, lm- pact 'lbirteen' ha.a bad by Itself. "And even assumlne lnterest rate were at more reaaopablo levels, t don't think •lhfrteen' would have much of any effect on home sales.·· Ultimately, Fox and others say. homes go on the market because of factors that have lit· Ue to do with money ............. Joln•f'oz Paul H. Nitze, chairman of the board of Aspen Skiing Corp.. a wholly owned sub- sid iary of Twentieth Cen· tury-Fox Film Corp., has been elected to the Fox board of directors. Fox bad agreed, before acquiring Aspen, to name Nilze to its board. MUTUAL FUND S •• . ' . . . --.. -..... ..-............. -............ __ .. ~--· ..... ··"---· .... .. -- . . -DM.VN.OT ' .. STOCKS I BUSINESS Mao • R i gllt? Jitters Mean eavf Buy1ng. By JOHN CUNNIPT .,, ........ ~ Somethloa J"'1 doesn't fit. and U.'s somewhat um to Santa Clau.a Ind the chimney. aa you miatit conclude after com partna these two st.tements made In Ju.at the put rew day a. · -From Citibank's 1urvey ol consumer confidenefl: "IDGH PRlCES AND SBAaPLY decreased buytna power have combined to give American contumers t.belr worst ea1e of economic JfUens aince the end of 1976. the latest CIUba.nk survey shows. "Tho survey showed the consumer confidence index, based on the proportion who are opllmistlc versus pessimistic, has dropped to 30, lowest 1lnce Just after the presidential election two years ago." -From a spokes man for a large Midwest department store cbaln who asked not to be named: "It appears thls will be at least the third straight very strong Chrlatmu. Last year tho strongest by a wide margin up to then. To get another good increase on tof or tbat ls almost t.oo good to ask for t>ut it appears It wil be that.'' Citibank's sW'Vey is s upported by similar studies by other consumer analysts. And the department store spokesman's comments are repeated by laree numbers or other retailers. V t\JlYING CONCLUSIONS CAN be drawn from this evidence: that sellers exaggerate: that polls mislead: that jll· tel'S are conducive to buying. And to some extent. there is a degree or truth ln aJl three. CUNNI•• You can hardly blame a retailer for reporting good buslness, even when business is only fair, because hls job is l~ selJ. Reports of istrong sales, It as felt, make the reluc· tant buyer reel he us out or step. It's an old story. the report of booming sales, and merchants tell it rear art.er year u dutifully as some o( them read "A Chnstmas Carol" to their children. and pro- mote cash·rais1ng sales a week later. AND POLLS CAN MISLEAD, despite an ability aomellmes to foretell broad economic directions and levels. Long ago, polls told of consumers too fearlul to be interested in can; and houses, w~ sales soared. But are jitters conducive to buying'! It aeem5 tha t ::J· because the allegedly jittery consumer has bought bought, and bon"Owed to buy more. This is document· ed as fact. And it bas prolonged the expansion. The more meaningful question is why consumers are acting ln this etrange way, and the apparent answer is they have become cynical. and convinced that what's economically bad today becomes worse tomorrow. Fully four In five of those ·accounting for today's spending say they have trouble Jiving within their budgets. Two of three say conditions will worsen in tbe next six mooths. Or so the Citibank survey states. Should the buying paftern conti nue ( J through ~e winter, ~he ~E"/S _.. ~ALYSIS economic expansion '" "'· 1'1 / 'f will have reached the ancient age of four full years, second longest of And all thanks to the consumer. the entire 20th century. BUT IN ORDER FOR THAT to happen, the buying public apparently will have to Curt.her strain the budget, go further into debt and, if the polls are oo the mark, become even more jittery. For that last·named characteristic there may be a very good rea.son: What seems to be a majority or private sector rorecasters s eem to feel that the longer the downturn is postponed, the worse it will be. That prognostication isn't a certainty, because the con· sumer has Cooled a Jot or people before: the economists, the pollsters, the merchant, and sometimes even the con· sumer. Maybe the consumer will do it again; maybe there won't be any recession, a thought that seems far more in keeping w\th the promise of Christmas than all the taJk about a re<:ession that hasn't yet shown. Stang Hydronics lleports Increase For the 12 months ended Sept. 30, Stang Hydronics Inc., San Clemente, has reported net income of $841,995 from revenues of $18.626,703, compared with net income or $556,320 from revenues of $14.074,<8> for the same period in 1977. This represents Sl.1 a share for the 12 months, based on a weighted average of 760,926 outstandin~ shares, com· pared with 73 cents a share ror the same period in 1977 on a weighted average or 759,860 out.standing shares. For the rourth quarter ended Sept. 30, Stang reported net income or $520,798 rrom revenues of $6,107,889, com· pared with net income or $321 ,028 from revenues of $3,558,297 for the sam e period in 1977. Earnings per share were 69 cents for the fourth quarter. based upon 761 , 100 outstanding shares, compared with 42 cents on total shares out.standing of 760, 760 for the same period in 1977. TOTAL REVENU£S INCREASED 32 percent over the revenues in the previous year. Rental revenue was up Jl percent, contract revenue increased 41 percent and sales revenue increased 28 percent. In the fourth quarter, the company attained its highest revenues and net profits ln several years. Stock Market Jumps On Prices Report NEW YORK <AP> -Good tlding!4 on lnOalion inspired a pre·Christmas rally in the stock market today. The government reported that the consumer price index rose at a relatively modest 6.0 percent annual rate in NGvember, for its smallest Increase since la11t July. <Story Page A4 l . In response. the Dow Jones average or 30 industrials climbed 10.74 polntg to 805.53 after four hours or trading. Gaincn!I outpaced losers by better than a 3·1 margin in the broad t.8lly of New York Stock Exchange0tlstcd issues. New York's Citibank, meanwhile. announced that it was holding it.s prime lending rate at 11 ~ percent. Gold Rises Again By The A880Cl•ted Pre11s Selected world l{Old prices today: Loodoa: morning fixing $216.00. up $3.40 , afternoon fl.dog $215.10. up $2.50. t'arta: afternoon fixing $217.91 , up $1 91 Fra.aldart: close $216 00, up $2.79. Zartcb: 1215.75, bid up $3.~: $215.SO asked. New York: Handy & Harman base price, $215.00, up $2.40 New Vortc : EngelhU'd seJUn• prlce1 $215.40. up $2.50. New Yon: En•~lhard rabrtcatea aold, $220.99. up $2.S6. lt ( y .. t · t. at at 1e ay Ip ll· tn to ch ks '" or all dn :y, iey !M ys, to I f • • ... . . . . • ~"°" .... o.c. ... m.lt)ef .. 22•.•'•~•a ........... o.~•L•Y•~•L•O•Tlll ...................................... lllllli .............. ~ .... i~~~ .,. •~w1.....-.o ROSE QUEEN CATHERINE GILMOUR GREETS MICHIGAN COACH BO SCHEMBECHLER. Tlie NC s Role The Rules: A re They Enforceable? 87 nED ROTHENBERG AP Stlorta Wrt&er The NCAA. wblch has been trytne tor three years to make Edgar Jones ineliilble to play basketball, Will finally catch up to him in a Nevad• court next August. By that time the e lusive Mr. Jones should be playing pro ball. How'1 that for a moot potnt'! to Nevada-Lu Vegas, where tbe NCAA found more illegal contacts with recruits, illegal Induce· menu. plus an alleged attempt to get some people t.o Ue to NCAA inveatigatora. The lntract.lons committee recommended that Tarkanlan be relieved of his coachinf duties for two years, an action taken by lbe uruverslty but halted by a court order. Under the ethical conduct section ot the NCAA Manual, the school can take action -but more often doesn't -If coaches ad athletes don't "deport themselves with honeaty and sportsmanship at all times." Jones. a star at 81rrt11ger HJah School ln Newark, N. J .. was accepted to the Universlty of Nevada-Reno in 1975 on the basis of a high school transcript that didn't list his several falling grades and didn't compute a grade point. The NCAA, whkh investigated the Jones' case DR. STEPHEN HORN. president of Long after a number of scbopla rat.led on Nevada· Reno. Beach State, said his school was embarrassed by said the legitimate transcript would show that Jones tell well beloW! the mandatory 2.0 or C average necessary t.o become a student-athlete at a Dlvfslon I school. The NCAA also said a high sc~ool must certify a student eligible for ad• Tarkanian's Illegal practices but was helpless masslon, and Barringer said Jones wasn't eligible. when the coach went to Nevada-Lu Vega.s. Only .. the players were punished. The aunty ones .~VERYONE ELSE APPIJED the rule prop· couldn't play and the innocent ones lost their erly. said Dayid Berst, NCAA enforcement c'hance for big-time exposure because the team director. "Reno sald it wouldn't." ·was weakened and it couldn't go to the NCAA The NCAA Infractions Committee put Nevada· tournament anyway. • • Reno on a one-year probation in 1976 and ordered "Every reader of the sports pages knows that · the school t.o do the same t.o Jones, which it reluc-under pr~ent conditions. when the rules are tan~ly did. Howe.ver, J ones got an injunction broken. students may suffer, teams may be agamst the 1;>robat1on and has not missed a game, penalized and institutions shamed,·• said Horn. while bulllding the Wolf Pack into a basketball ··At the same time, the professionals -the power. coaches -simply get another job at another in· Jones· lawyer, Frank Fahrenkopf, said the stitution. NCA~ should not ~ able to deny a student athlete Hom bas tried -but failed -to get NCAA the right to play w1thout a bearing. "Playing col-members t.o make ineligible for tournament play lege basketball can be valuable for taking a kid any school that employed a coach who was gwlty out of the ghetto and giving him a chance in life. of NCAA violations during the previous three His right to a hearing is fundamental " years. Fahrenkopf said. ' THEN TIIERE'S THE NCAA pursuit of Jerry Tarkanian, who was found guilty by Long Beach State of various recruiting violations while he was coaching the basketball team there. He then went "IF COACWNG IS TO BE a profession, then there need to be recognized standards of conduct and individual sanctions for violation o( that COD· duct. . . ·· Hom said. "Without such procedures, See NCAA, Page 88 Bo Gets Right Down to Business / / 8)' ERNIE CASTILLO Ol U.. 0.111' Piiot S'-tl Bo was a no-show tor his Newport Beach welcoming Thursday · A gathering of alumni, local dignitaries, members or the media. a Dixieland band and even Bugs Bunny himself turned out at the Maniott Hotel to greet Coach Bo Schembechler and his University of Michigan football team only to find out the guests of honor had opted for business over pleasure. IT SEEMS THE PLANE bear· ing. the Rose Bowl participants arrived in Los Angeles an hour and a half late and Schem· bechler, not wanting to waste any practice time, took his team directly t.o UC Irvine where they will practice until Saturday in preparation for their Jan. 1 date against use. That left Marriott officials, who had gone to quite some lengths to make the Wol verines reel at home. holding the bag and Bugs Bunny holding the large stuffed rabbit's foot he was to present as goo<! luck tcr a coach who has lost hjs last four Rose Bowl games. FOR THE 20 WOLVERINE seniors, this is their fourth ap· pearance in the Pasadena classic. Opting for "a little change or scenery." Sc hem· Scandal Rocks Army &coach U1Weils Recmiting Violations By HERSCHEL NI~ENSON NEW YORK <AP)-The proud a nd prestigious U.S. Military Academy, rocked in the past by cribbing scandals and violations of its strict honor code, was reel-ing again Thursday following cha rges by former football Coach Hom e r Smith or widespread violations of NCAA rules And a West Point official, who called some of Smith's charges ··baseless," admitted that "some had substantiation, but we took action t.ocorl'ect them." SMITH, WHO WAS FIRED two weeks ago after compiling a 21-33·1 record in five years as Army·s head coach, charged in an exclusive interview with The As· sociated Press that West Point of· fi cials broke NCAA rules "willy· nilly" and said his attempts t..o have the matter investigated "met a coverup" from Academy orricials. However, Lt. Geo. Andrew J. Goodpaster, superintendent of the Acade my, said that "a thorough and extensive internal review of the entire matter" after Smith brought it to his attention last December culminated in ··appropriate action to assure that requirements were being properly observed." Goodpaster also said there was "sound basis" for the firing of ·s mith. although the ousted coach insisted that he had actually re- signed three days before the West Point announcement, which came while he was attending the funeral of his brother in Omaha, Neb. SMITH'S CHARGES, made Wednesday night at The AP's New York headquarters, in· eluded a llegations of illegal tryouts of prospective recruits; numerous campus visits in excess HOMER SMITH of the number permitted by the National Collegiate Athletic As· sociation; inequitable distribu· lion of prep school scholarships t..o ravor athletes and using more than the alldWed number of active off-campus recruiters. He cited an instance ''when a load of hockey recruits came in and skated agains t the 'B' squad," calling it "the most open violation I had ever seen." And he said the West Point recruiting office told an assistant coach he could pick up a prospect at a New York City airport SO miles from campus even though Smith informed the same coach it was a violation of NCAA rules. "A COUPLE OF HIS charges last Uecember had no substance and we took action to correct the ones that did." an Academy oCficial told The AP. "No single charge was totally substantiated with one exception -that the coach of the 150-pound football team was recruitin.g_ ii· legally. And he was recrwUng heavyweights." While the latest controversy swirled around the Military Academy, the athletic directors of the U.S. Naval and Air Force academies said their institutions had not engaged in Hlegal prac· tic es and should not be implicated in any investigation of West Point. ··1 think it Is unfortunate," Col.. John <.:lune of the Air Force Academy said of Smith's allega· Hons. "It probably will hurt all of us service academies to an ex· tent. although our athletic pro- grams have many differences." "Part of my organizational agony," Smith said, "was a re· suit of the internal investigation of athletic department behavior vis-a-vis NCAA rules, which the Superintendent had called for after I suggested that there was a rea) problem." He said the in· vestigation "met a coverup." Smith said that "for 1977, we budgeted $25 each for dozens of campus visits beyond the 95. I raised a question, but was told that it was OK. We talked about netting 50 unaccounted-for visits when the year was over." Smith said his concerns about rules violations "were in rront of the athletic director a nd the athletic board. As coaches, we used to talk about what was hap· pening. In private moments, I could not believe that we were in open violation." In bis response to Smith's charges, Goodpaster said that any "additional allegations . . . will be investigated and acted on i n a thorough a nd com · prehenslve manner." Kansas ~an't Stop Robinson From AP Dllpat.ebes Although only a sophomore, Cllrf Robin&Oft baa already bad 1 number of memorable basket· b a ll games for Soutberr: California. But he'll have a dif flcult time topping bis latest performance. Roblmoo scored 34 points and pulled down 17 rebounds Thurs· day ruabt as the 20th-ranked Trojans upset seventh-rated Kansas 89-83 ln overUme at the Los AnJeles Sporta Arena. Robinson scored tust two polnu in the five-minute over· tJme, but his play tn the second half. when Kansas rallied rrom an 11-point deficit to forge a tie, was difficult to believe. The &-foot·9 cager scored 12 points in the first half as Southern CaJ opened a 45·34 lead a lter 20 minutes. But the Jaybnwks roared back. Thanks mainly to sophomore guard Darne ll Valentine, Kansas forced ao overtime pertod by outscoring Southern Cal 41·30 after the intermission. The Jayhawks probably would have won the game had it not been for Robinson, who scored 20 points in the second half. "We've seen a lot of great sophomores this year and Darnell Valentine is a great one, too " said Southern Cal Coach Bob Boyd. .. And Cliff isn't bad, either." 1Uftt"9 Ill) ,, It ,, (;uy j t > 17 Ct•w•on:t ~ l>-0 10 Mo~··~ i l lot t l'OWl•t I IM) I' 11 .. 1 .... 11... 10. ,, 2t !tl•lkUP t 0-0 I Oll#t 4 0.0 I Nt•t 0 °"0 0 UKl"I 8-\ Miiier Rot1tn.on s sm1111 J-• WtlllMT't c.rono Wldtlttdl , It Ill .. .. JH • 11 ,, 14 ,.. 10 , ... n s :µ ' 0 ... 4 1 M) 0 O.t 0 s.tll<Mtl 0 0-0 0 .. ,.,... 111 '"'' 13 Tot .. , JO,..,, H•l'tlflle use •Woo RttUl•lloft IS.IS Tot•• I011l1: K-• n . use tt. 'oulecl °"' MOkHkl, lf•ll"ff"-, Sl•ffCllP llC•lltetl I· lt!WMll<t. t,OCJ • bechler changed the routine and. decided to spend four days in Newport Beach and work out at UCl before moving on to Rose Bowl headquarters in Pasadena on Christmas Day. Ironically, the Marriott is 2·0 for teams who have stayed there prior to games at the Rose Bowl. Last year, t he Was hington Huskies used the same head· quarters and beat Michigan, 27·20, in the New Year's Day classic. In 1977, the Oakland Raiders stayed at the Marriott before proceeding t.o dump the Minnesota Vikings in Sup~r Bowl XI. AT AN AIRPORT ne ws con· ference Thursday. Schem· becbler said he wanted his players more emotionally high than they have been in previous bowl games and said he would conce ntrate as much, if not more. on mental preparation as game strategy. "We're going t.o work on the mental approach." he said. "I haven't fell we've played bowl games the past three years with the emotional pitch that we are used t.o in the regular season." Michigan Jost to Oklahoma 14·6 in the 1976 Orange Bowl, USC by the same score in the 1977 Rose Bowl and when somebod~ asked Schembechler about cnlicism his team can't win the big games he replied: .. Win big ones? How in the hell did you think we got out here!" USC, 11-1 and ranked No. 3 na· tionallyhis a five-point favorite. Says Sc embechler, whose team is 10·1 and qmked No. 5 : .. USC, on the bas1s or the season. definitely deserves to be the favorite and we accept that." But like USC Coach John Robinson, Schembecbler dis· agrees with ABC-TV officials who say the Sugar Bowl game between No. l Penn State and No. 2 Alabama i'S for the m ythical nation al cham· pionship. "I think if we are fortunate enou gh t o beat Southern California-r:We'll claim it. .. he said. "I do1i t care what happens anywhere else." Even without a lucky rabbit's foot. Hctory Dance Ross Lonsberry of the Pittsburgh Penguins raises hands after s lipping puck past Los Angeles goalie Mario Lessard and def ender Darryl Edestrand in Thursday night NHL game at the Forum. Penguins won, 4·1. See story. Page BS. Bruins' Offense a Worry Rwming Backs the Key-Donalwe PHOENIX <AP J -Fif· teenlh·ranked UCLA has been inconsistent on offense this season. However, Bruins Coach Terry Donahue says his team ls going to have t.o move the ball if it wants to beat eighth-ranked Arkansas in their Christmas Day meetin& ln the Fiesta Bowl. "Our problems tbls year: Donahue told a news conference Thursday, "stem from the fact that our defensive team has had to be on the field too long.•· N~verthetess, the Bruins f itlisbed the regular season with an 8·3 record and fell one game sbort of winning the Paclfic·lO Conference and a berth in the Rose Bowl. ''WE'RE PLAYING a very sound a nd very aggressive Arkansas defense." said Donahue. "I'm concerned ... that they wm stop our offense, and we're continuall3 punting the ball, and givina Arlconsas the chance lo get big plays on us. ··w e're definitely up against a very difficult opponent but I do believe that our players are up to the task. I th.ink that we will play the very best we can." Kickoff for the nationally televised game is set for 12:30 PST Monday at 70,000.seat Sun Devil Stadium in suburban Tempe. About 50,000 tickets have been sold for the game, ac· cording to bowl officials. UCLA HAS BEEN unable to develop much of a passing game this year, even though Donahue says his goal at the start of the season was developing a balanced orfense. So. Donahue said . one of the Important keys in the Fiesta Bowl will be how well his run· nlng backs perform, especially Theotls Brown. Brown has rushed for 1,199 yards this season and scored seven touchdowns. • 'Theotis Brown Is 100 percent healthy," said Donahue. "I ex pect Theotis to have a very strong game against Arkansas." UCLA HAS A STRONG de· fen s e , anchored by Alt. Americans Jerry Robinson at linebacker and Kenny Easley at defensive back. But Donahue concedes that there is no way that h is defense can stop Arkansas totally. ''I don't think the't'e's a foot· ball team in America that can totaJly st.op them," he said. "J think that what you have lo do is contain Arkansas as much as possible. Their running backs and quarterback Ron Calcagni give them an explosive flavor that you're not going to stop all day long. But if you can contain them and make them work very, very hard for the clliltances they have to 10, and not 1ive them the easy, blg touchdown pl.,-s, then t think we bave a chance to stay In the football aame." I ; . . p • - ' ~LY PILOT It's Official: E~ert ill 1i Knot ith Lloyd Fr.•AP.,..,ll&cMe FORT l.AUl>&ROALY., tla. -T"'1Rla 5l•r Chris Evert celebrated h r IUb blrtMi)' Thurs. day by .annowmna Mr •n1acement lo n1U b tmnie P4"0 Jobn Uo d · Tb couple, ln a •lh~nna 1l a reatauranl n ar h r famUy'a FO('t l.audei-11 bom , utd tbey plan a pr1nl weddl"' IOlht'llme 11\ r 1 ~·· tour event ln No._ York lfa~h 21·~ ~loyd. U lJ r-aokrd 211t In tht> orld b lho U T nt1 A aauon. H• and E\'ert aa d lbey ha1. n mutual admJttM for a loot Umt', but dldn't mttt \U\01 it>edi h U:nnia pll)'t r lntnd 8 nller lntroduC'~ thttn 1l \\'lmbl~ lut summer ''\\ "\' not •part in~." aid Llo)'d. from Soulh·end ·On·Tb ·Sea, £nt1lan.d ·' l hu" lo ay we are both a l)tlle h) f.:,en befort• ~"' Muolly met, f relt •vuT ·" c "' o u I d la k e-ea c h o t h e r At W1mbledf10, Wl' w.-re 11-0rt of Alnna Heh other the eye, watching tor t'&ch otht-r on the courts." Evert .-Id "'We urc veir). ver~ bapp~ toaether We don't plan on belna apart any more lh•o we have to. I'll continue play mg tcn.nls. of cou~~. but John lit lbe most amp0rtant l)urson ln my hfe now." she" u1d She srud they will hove? homes in both England and the United • tatt's. but 'fild she hope:. I.hey evcotually will set- tle In Fort l..rn1der<1ah• She said they wall plan th Ir l nnis schedule· so they "nevt.tr have to be apart longer than a week '' Evert brok(> two t·arher engc1gement.s with tennis slur J1mm~ Connor:. ...-----fl-c~ •I tlw ... ____ __ Louts1ana Slate basketbaJI Coach Dale Brown, com mentmg on his team's recent assignment with Montana State: "I warned my team that 1t only takes hve people to beat you You know. there's not much to do in Montana m the winter but hunt bears and shoot baskets •' Pelltt' Want Na Part of Fa•• Thursday they would no longer patrol lot.erna-, w ALKER. Mich. Walker police said Iii t1onal Hockey Lea~ue home games of lbe Grand Rapids Owls because their own safety was J~opardhed by what they called management-inspired rowdiness. ··They want three of us to go into the crowd and calm It down when they are the ones starting it," said Rod Heugel, president of the police om cers' association in this Grand Rapids suburb. But Keith Sprunk, the team's business manager, said he saw no more rowdiness al Owls games than other hoekey games Last Sunday's game between Grand Rapids and Fort Wayne f.ias plagued by scuffles among the fans. Twice. F'ort Wayne Coach Moose Lallo went into the stands after the Owls' mascot. The man in the owl costume is Sprunk's 22-year-old brother. Al a.ad~ Blcut Bla~k Batelu Rookie Al Secord scored two goals and Iii veteran goalie Gerry Cheevers kept tntact his , unbeaten season Thursday night as the Boston Bruins charged to their fifth straight victory in a 4·2 National Hoc~ey League decision over the Colorado Rockies . Guy LaOeur and Rejean HollJe scored 33 seconds apart on the same third-period power play to boost the Montreal Canadiens to a 5-1 victory over the Chicago Black Hawks ... Third-period goals by Rick Martin and Don Luce climaxed a strong Buffalo comeback as the Sabres defeated the Atlanta Flames, 5-4 .•. R oo kie Yves Presto n and R ick MacLeish scored two goals apiece to lead Ute Philadelphia Flyers to a 5-2 victory over Washington. leaving the Capitals winless against the Flyers since joining the NHL ... Bryan Trot- lif'r c>xtended his point-scoring streak to 12 games with a goal and two assists as Ul'uu1t lhl· N£'w York Islanders continued their home domination ot ~t LoUls w1lh a 5-1 victory over the Blues Carr P~e• Ca.,aller• Austin <.:arr scored a seasonal high 30 points m and Campy Russell added 27 as lhe Cleveland Cavaliers upended the Houston Rocket&.101·90. in a National Basketball Assn. game Thursday night in Richfield. Ohio . Kevin Porter poured in 27 points. his best output or the season. leading the Detroit Pistons to a 121·108 lriumph over the Indiana Pacers. . . The Los Angeles Lakers have placed forward Adrian DanUey, who is suffe r- ing from a hyperextended knee. on the injured reserve list. and activated rookie Michael Cooper, the club's third-round draft pick out of New Mexico. With a healthy Oantley the Lake rs are 16-6; without him. they are4·7. Ste1CGrt llp•et• \'Ha• American berwood Stewart, ranked only • 8!ith in the world, ousted top-seeded Guillermo Vilas of Argentina 6J2, 7-6 today in the quarterfinals or the New South Wales Open ten· nis tournament. Australian Jolm Alexander defeated coun- tryman AJlan Stone 6-2. 6-2. In women's play it was Renata Tomanova besting baron Walsh, 1·6, 7-6, 6·4 and Dianne Fromboltz beat Lesley Hunt 6-2, 6·2. Also, Wencly Tumbull downed Dana Kloss 6·2, 6·2 and Le• AntonopoUa eliminated EUubelb Ekblom 6·2. 6-4 . Teln·l•lon. Radio Following ar e the m ajor sports events on television tOday. Ratings are: ././I o1 excellent; / ./ ./ worth watching;././ fai r ; I forget It. G 8 p.m., Channel 13 I ; COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Navy vs. Brigham Young. A .. nr ... '°"'1-"te•r: Lindsey Nelson. The Navy M idshipmen (B-3) meet the Brllham Young University Cougars (9·3> In the Holiday owl, taped at 5an Diego earlier tonight. -.... Navy has Just completed one of Its most successful seasons In recent years and Is favored by she points over the Cougars. OTHEATV Rams Highlights, 8:30 p.m .• Channel 11. Basketball -Fordham at UCLA, 10 p.m., Channel S, tape delay. RADIO: Basketball: Fordl"lam at l/CLA, 8:30 p.m ., J<MPC (710). Fred Hessler, Bob Stelnbrlnck re - port. Washington at the Lakers, 7:50 p.m ., KLAC (570). Chick Kearn, Pat Riley report. ' • &iJanced Flfort Keys AIA Win LONC BEACH (AP> -Brad Hoffman "'°'cd l3 points to lead a balantfd Alhl,te In Action at uck Thursday nl1hl Ill the Chrlatlan 1m1teur basketball team acorcd • 7&-G8 t!11hlbiUon vlrtory ovor Alabama at the Lona ~ach Artna. AfA used • balanced atttck ln whk h flv pla}e"' 1eored In do\l· ble 111u lo overcome 2$ polnt.s 1od niM reboundl by Alabama's Rec1te1<1na Tim tlall scored J2 polnts for AIA , UC lrvln grad Wayne Smith add d l l and O•rria Jacluon and M ik e Jackson lalll d 10 polnll apiece for the winners, whO now b ve a 10 4 r«!cord AJ~b rna tJ 4 2, lhe game did not e<>W\l an otftciaJ contest fortheCnmsonTide A IA took 11 le#d at held the rest or the way with 7 lS rem anring before halfllme It was 36-30 at the lntermls ion and Alabama wa.n't closer th~n stx points ofter that Keo Johnson was the only other Alabama playt;?r in double rlgures with 10 p0lnts ", ... _, .. , te II lllJ IOM\CW\ S 0 0 tO p,,11110~ ' ' • ) "'"° •• " 1S '><Oii I 1 J 4 Ad•rT" ) 1 J • Rll\\fll 1 00 • Slrlclll•Nf I 00 1 MY•" I CM> I Mll\Mll 100 f llo<l!••t~n 0 ~ 0 l(aod 0 00 0 I 01 l.•11 J 00 It "'" ,,., K11011 H~ll Orotunotr Hoffm•n 0 JeC~\Oll Won•l•Y ,.., .... Smit" NI J•tH O'\ 0.IJ)ll ft II Ill l 00 & ~ 1. 11 ) >-• • •So 13 , ... 10 0 H > 0 0.0 0 ) , . " • 11 10 0 0-G 0 I Ol•I• )1 I• ll .. Tol•ll le l• 'It I• Hellll..,. Al ... llolO fol•I 10\ll\ Al..,... Jf "''" 1• Fc>11l.O !Wt IC1tfln, W•n"" IAl•I All-..••U l 000 Golden West's lDss Streak Now at Eight SAN DIEGO-Golden West College dropped its eighth straight basketball game, 77-69, after squandering a nine-point lead in the first hatr to host San Diego Mesa. The Rustlers will be trying to avert their ninth straight loss tonight as they greet a hot Sad· dleback College team, now 9-4 on the season. On Thursday night it was just a case or too many turnovers. as Golden West got 15 first-half points from Leland Bruce but couldn·t hold the nine-point lead. The Rustlers shot a respeeta· ble S5 percent from the floor. Bruce finished with 19 points and Brian Maravich contributed 18 points, but even a determined rally in the closing minutes couldn't produce their first vic- tory in nearly three weeks. San Diego Mesa held a 74 -69 lead with 2:09 len in tbe game but a hoop by WaJt Evans an~ a pair of free throws by Rich Wiseman c ut the lead to 74-73 with 1 :35 remaining. Then San Diego Mesa scored two buckets in the next 20 seconds to put it away. Evans and Ron Garretson joined Bruce and Maravich in the double-figure column, each netting 11 points. Goldell '#etl (171 Siii 0 1"° Meu (Ill 19 ,, "' ft ft "' Brue~ • I I~ Ltnr 7 2 o Gll"""on 5 I 11 N•cl>Olot> 10 S is Fv•M S 1 11 Hoo>e\ 4 3 11 MU•t11c11 q 0 11 Wrtqhl 11 3 17 l~<h l 1 I Morion It 11 11 JarOo"" • 1 • AldQt' I 0 1 WIYm•n 0 , , Toti•• 1S ,, 113 lOIAI\ :W. 1 11 H•lfll-QolOfnWHl,J'J.0 lota•IOOI\ 1711 FOllll'd OUI nor. l~1tn1c.1" notMI. Deven Given $1,500 Grant Mark Oeven. a 1975graduateof Estancia High now attending Whittier College, h as been awarded a $1,500 scholarship by the NCAA for outstanding achievement in athletics and academics. Oeven was the starting free s afety for Whittier's football team this season, helping the Poets to a 6·3 record while also maintaining a 3.S grade point aver age. The political science major was a team captain for the Whit· lier defensive unit, and in hi.gh school he earned three varsity letters as a ba~ball outfielder. Oeven was nomloated for the NCAA award by bi& coaches and athletic d irector and given the final nod by an NCAA comrnit- teo. Girls' Basketball For Coast Area • . . ., . .. . BASKETBALL • • urpnsmg Penguins -Top Ki11gs ROUTE BLOCKED Kansas J(uard Wilmore Fowler fmd~ bashl guarded by tisc·~ Purv1!-t M1ll~r in Thur~day nijthl ~amc m Lo::. AnjH.'ll's. USC won, 8'J 83, 10 ov~rllme Aztecs Sizzle San Diego St. Trips Missouri From AP Dls patcbei; SAN DlEGO P resnell Gilbert scored 21 points and grabbed 13 re· bounds before fouling out with 2:48 re- maining in overtime Thursday night to lead the San Diego State Aztecs to an 83· 77 non-conference college basketball victory over visiting M1ssoun. Steve Malov1c added 16 po10ts and also pulled down 13 rebounds as the Aztecs raised their record to 5 2 Mis· souri dropped to 4-4. San Diego State he ld a 39·36 halftime advantage and led through most or the second half. Curtis Berry lipped in a missed shot with nine seconds remain- ing in regulation for Missouri to tie the game at 67 all and force the five minute overtime penod. A riz ana State, 98· 78 TE MPE, Ari z -S parked by freshman guard Greg GoorJ1an. Anzona Stat e crwsed to a 98· 78 victory over Southwestern Louisiana in a non- confercncc game Thursday. GoorJian scored 20 points -14 in the second half -and handed out J t assists. Arizona Stat e, 7·2. outscor ed Southwestern 22·12 in an eight minute s pan early in the second half to increase its three point halftime lead to a 67-54 m a rgin. IJ t ah, 85· 78 POCATELLO. Idaho -Danny Vranes scored 26 points to ~u1de Utah lo an 85-76 victory over Idaho State 1n a non· conference game Thur!)day night T he victory snapped ISU 's home wrn· ning streak at 28 games The last time ISU lost at home was on Jan 31. 1976, when Northern Arizona used a stall to wm 28-27 Uta h, which never trailed an the con- test . shot 59 percent from the noor. compared w1th 40 percent ror Idaho State. Lu wren cc Butler a nd J oe Fazekas pnced an ISU comeback al· tempt m the second half. but their team never f?Ol ('loser than fi ve points. Oregon State4 85-58 CORVALLIS. Ore -Sophomores R ay Blume a nd Steve Johnson c o mbined for 23 f1r sl ·half points Thursday night as Oregon State opened a big early lead and coaslcd to an 85-58 vic_tory over arch-rival Oregon. 18 * College FAR WEST ArtlOf'ld St '8, SOUth~•\t l°'.h\t4ln• 8rlQll"m YOUllQ 113. H<>rv•rd 11 UI•" IS, ldallO St .. I• 16 Or•oon SI as. O<"eoon 5" S•n Ooe-ooSI '3.M1\'lovrll>,OT use~ ~•n~\•3. OT Ct1a11m•n 10 Sc!•lllt' P&<ol•< 6) H umDolCll St '11 E •\It'< n 0. ~ H ')I M••Y'• (el 11. eo.ton Colleoit 1• w"""'" wn111no1on s1 SJ SM Fr•M•'CoS• '5 EAST 0.1ro1t 16, •on. n Loum•n• ~ 13 Armv II V1ff•no•• It.~ IS SOUTH Aul><irt• 60, GeorQ<a T fC" '' F "'"~ Sol.tl'11trn ... US.llfl 11 FurmentS. Fr-•~M9,...,60 Gr.,n1>11no '1 C...•-• ., HE LOU•\4.,_A 61. Mn•v SI SI MIO.UT PuroU. 1'. Miam• Ollio SJ SOUTHWEST Ao•i.~ aw .. u.,. S7. BiOI• so 0 -l•hotN City 17 WP" le .. \ II EXHlllTIOfol "'"'~·~ "'A<llOn 16, "'-"'•"' T"OURNAMENTS 1 f'CllMwtloli• CC.Ht< O•Pauw 1'1,()11 ... 114 1no111n11 C.t!iral "· ~ff•n •I AoOford c:.11..,. TO<Wn•n>enl C)t f r•f'Ct\4 JOlt(lt 69, Gt'OrQ• Wllll<1m• S4 Icon• I Tim., a W.,,16-H•w• Clauoc V•fQJnt• Tttch 11 0 .. l.¥11tHf' •q 111rst1 5 c •rotona 80 !>t l oul\ 7~. • 1 011 econ• 1 Woll Pao CllHOC Nev•da R•no ~' c.~orQ•town II lt•~~t~, .. rn Kt Nu<••-.. ,. ""t\O S• II t(Q.n\' Junior College S.t1••-· ,. ......... ~, fl (am1noll Ria Mondo 10 P'"'"' 15 C-ar> n (#rr111X 9t. llM1Uld0 Rt...nl• T_,..,,,...t IClt• .......... •lwP llrack"ll O•ndrO 11 Mt S.... J..,1nlo H R1ve•\•oP 43 l A City ts I CllfttOIMion 1100011 l • M1\\~ ~. Mira (O'\I• 11 V11 tor Vallo 107 5"" 1Wrn•r01no .. 12 Oii Of>l_T"_ ... ..,,..,, ICOtliOlettOI\ 11• ... k•!I Cosum""' RoW'< .. C.-l><•llO >o NeP•ll SolMI066 l(lt•tr"IHOMIMp 8 r.Ch 1) l OS M.OOl'O\ •1. ~M(tr•(dF\ At\"• )1 c h4bo1 II. ()hi""" ,. 1m....-c.el V•ll..-, TovrN -ft1 l A T'.-.otTe<r\~1,Aruon•W,\•Prn ~ l-T1111ma,,,..,. > Ot<vr1 116 !>Mii• Anfl IM Gro"monl 18. ~lo 16 Sdn Olt'QO ~•• IJ. t;olel<'n Wl'\I 11 High School -Le .... <.frt11t~ 86. La Outnl" 11 SA V•lley8', G•rO.n Gron IO f 'rotr1 Page 87 LOS ANGEL.ES CAP > -The PitUbur1h Pensuina h ave turned th mselvea arou.nd re· cently. But Coach Johnny WUson doe1n't beH~ve adcted effort bas been the ~&800. .. Even when we were 1·8·2 we were worJdnc hard," s aid · Wilson afler the P enguins wblpped LM Angeles 4·1 Thurs· d•Y n11ht to 11ve Lbem a 7·1-4 record ln their last 12 N&liooal Hockey Lea~ 1ames. "There i no s uch thing as an easy two points." Mainly responsjble for Pitts· burgh's most recent two points were Ross Loosberry. who used to play for the Kin.gs, Orest Kin- drachuk and Greg Millen. Lonsbe rry scor e d th e Penguins' fi rst two goals, bis 10th and llth of the season, and was credJted with one assist: Kindrachuk picked up his ninth goal and two assists and goalie Millen turned away 28 Los Angeles shots. Lonsberty gave Pittsburgh a quick 2-0 lead, scoring at 4:26 or the first period and again 41 seconds later. Bl air Chapman rirted in a 2S·rooter at 3: 10 of the second period to make it 3·0 and Kindrachuk completed the P e ngu i n ~· scor ing just 14 seconds into the frnal period. Dave Taylor scored the Kings· only goaJ with 3.0'7 remaining Jn the second period . It was Toylor's \6th goat of the season. Los Angeles now ha1> a n 0-3-2 record 1n its IMt five games "We didn't play well from the beg1nmng lo the end."' s&1d JA>l> A ngel"'s Coach Rob Be rr) "W1lh the exception of one or two guys, there was a total lack Of e(forl and interest 00 OUI" part. .. Pittsburgh did not have a good record at the beginning or the season. but they were lo!>mg a lot of close games," added Berry. "They are a i.olid team. You can have all kinds t•f systems. but if you don't get ef Cort, nothing helps." The victory gave Pittsburgh a 12·14 ·7 record and boosted the Penguins into a tie for second place with Los Angeles in the Norris Olv1s1on of the Wales Conference. The Kings are l3·l3-5. li0thleams have31 pomts. Pltl\l>urO" 7 I 1 • ~·~~ 0 101 ,..,,, ~""° I Ptlt\burQh, l l)fl\!» rry "I UC 1ndr•c~u~ l<•llo~I • 76 1 P•llH>uro• lOll\~"V II lklndr.icnu•> s 01 ,,,.,, .. .,.... Ii WHM>n, LA. • 11 !.cl>ull,, Ptl, 1' 04 C"'"''" Pit, 1' 01 S.cono ,..,lod -J P1ll~roti. (hapt»..., ' IMeho•hcl\I 3 IO • LO\ AnQt'lt'>. r .. ytor t& IGc• •llO. OoonNI I• U Prnell1P\ Murd<>Cll. LA J 1& M•lorw, P1I • 11, M•rterY, LA, • 71 £0..Sl••ftCI. ~. 10 OI Al'Mnon. Pll. 16 36 Tlllrd ~IOO -s. P1n.ou<01t. l(tndr..c""~ 'l llon1be1ry, IC.-1 " ,,...,.,.,ff -<'~r-. P11. I 07 Nl<KOOCh LA,. 54 M•nerv LA, 13 II· B••n<llffl, Pll, ,. '°· Golduo. LA, •6 19, An· Ol>r'IQn P•I, 11 )9 Sh011 Oft -· -P•ll.OU<Ob 9·11 'J). l.O> •not•~· ...... 7'I Go•h•\ Poll\OufQI\, Mult~n LO• Anq•!lr• l ••wro A 9 •n Vaqs Rally, But Fall Short Irvine High s truggled rro rn be hind and finally caught up with La Serna In the fourth quarter, only to sucC'umb m the final four seconds. 52 4!1. Thur;<;· day in the consolation bra<"ket of 1he Don Lugo Bas ke tball Tournament. La Serna regained the lead. 50-49. on a free throw with four ticks left on the clock. then f1n1shed off the Vaqueros with another hoop as li me ran out. Jim Rud~ paced Irvine with 13 points which while Dan Mon- teverde contributed 12. The loss puts the Vaqueros' record at 3-7 on the season L• S.r"" IUI ..,.,.na ... r \On O•••\ Rovr•' o ..... "l'ICHO\ Sfhlrm•r CoOO•tt• 10161> 19 11 Ip , 0 • ~ 0 tO ' u 6 1 • u I 1 I& t 0 1 I 0 7 2• 10 \7 trvlN ( .. I Wet-:.. .. MontevPrde l tv\ll'Y OitVI\ no .. man l=Oflf\0~' ~·" Tora" 19 It II> ~ 1 " 3 ' , b n 11 I I I I , f ) II I> II t I I I .J 70 9 •9 ~con lly Otl•rters La Strnu 18 IJ t •• )7 '"'"" ,, 10 8 18 .. Tot•I toul• lrvlnfll n I" ~rnn u foul~ OYt • At,,dy "'"'"<''. Mo,._t41'VtuC'Mt ctr .. 1nr• f•chnir,.h r\On .. NCAA'S ROLE IN RECRUITING. • • intercollegiate athlelics becomes nothing more than an operation where some Individuals are one step ahead of the sheriff " Many people call for the college presidents to set the tone for the sports programs, making it clear that winning Is important but not at the ex· pense or legaJ1ly. "We're supposed to lead society. nol reflect it" said Coach Dean Smith or North Carolina. "The presidents should fire the coaches who put the teams on NCAA probation, not the ones who obey the ztw." THE JONES AND 1'AllKANIAN cases dem- onstrate how the NCAA can be frustrated even when it thinks 1t has the goods on an apparent violator. But how otten does the NCAA get the evidence? ··vou can never legislate integrity. As long as you have rule~, someone will break them," said Berst who with two asslslant.s, directs the ac· Uvllles ot eight Cull·tlme lnvestJ.gators. "But we've shown the coaches that If they break the rules. we'll be there. We do a pretty good Job." But Berst concedes It orten ls nearly impossi- ble to smoke out. for example. an Illegal cash P•Y· ment between an alumnus and a recruit wben the two principles deny everythlna. "Wt' won't ~nallze people Cor what we don't know," he s11:d. .. And U. can be very rrustroUng because on.en we think there's more and we just couldn't rind ll . • MANV COACHES interviewed by The As· sociated Press agreed that the NCAA was trying but was raced with an Impossible task. "The NCAA does a diligent job," said Coach Dave Gavitt of Providence. "But it's a big country, and the Intensity to win h as gotlen so great that I personally think cheatlng Is getting out or hand." Coaches also say many or the rules in lhe NCAA Manual are not clear to adultshso how can a 17-year-otd high school kid dedpher t em? Hom likened the rules to those "commonly found on the back of insurance policies written in Oood or earthquake-prone areas." THE NCAA DISTRIBUTES to high school as- sociations and lcolleges Its Guide for the College. Bound Student·Athlete, a shorlhand pamP.hlet which provides Dos and Don'ts on recruiting. Many schools also distribute it to alumni active in recruiting. Even so, the rules are broken e,very day with or without the parties Involved reahilng It . h For example, a school ls allowed t ree con· tacts head·to-head meellnas with a recruit or hb parent.a. and lt'ta a contact whether the player chats wtth the head cotch or the local alum. For a chance meeting not to count as a contact. the two can exchanae no more than pleuantries. The con· See NCAA, Pace Btt I ' •. I \ BASKETBALL I SKIING JOUN SE'' 'O The Mi as Approach He ts lh Midas or 1un1or· collece bu ketbull Almost t ve rytblna . he's tou<'bed , Jnct-he took tho helm at Rlveralde CC In 1966, ha lunwd to wold Saddleback' UUJ Mulllaan 11 •man without t<qu ul IUa tatlttlrs •P""•k for th m elv a 12 y ar record o( 174 vil'torl nd Qnly 109 d «-toat.a. which compute to u 715 winning percent aae. nven ronff'renr th&1mp1onl\hlp1J durm1 that i•mt> '\pun plu tht> d1!!tlnctlon o( takln6' two medlOCN' prO{Crama ( U1vcntdt1 and 5iadd1eboek 1 and tutnln1 lhf.m Into JC ba kclball powt'rboust M WGAN HAS ~ON v.1th !\hort teams. t 11 \t•1&ms . black team•. "Whit~ t an'"· .. 1ow tomr., '"' t t111ims He'• bet'n " sur«s. t"ver !\tne • he-~t arted coachll\fl in 1!>59 at Lona 8o11ch l'oly lhch. "'here• hts team r~achcd thl• fmalti lbrt.>e out or tl\lt' yt>u~. \\-IRnll\I lWO Cl f' till •• "Yoo know, my hti:h i;cbool days "-ere tht• n'IO!U fun of all ," s 1d thl' 4'4 y..ar olrt 1eholar or the sport "You didn't have to l't'<'nul All \OU did ""H take the lbd thut "'Me there " Mul1111un h ui. c:um l' a lon'1 woy. thouRh. sln<>e. Shorllv ttflt•r ICO ving l)SC Wh t'rt' he \HI'> J vara\ty uss1~hU\t and hl'lld f~h coach, Mullt#?JO rt·11lu<·cd Jcrr) T1&rkanum at R1ven>1dt• ln his first yt•nr ht! d1rcch'CI th e Tlgen to th ~ E astt•rn Co nrerence c h amp1o ns h1 p . qu n hfy 1n g f o r th e s t Jl t' tournament on the.• lust game of the season by defeating Orange Coast and J ohn Vallely 1n the closing seconds I MU LU GAN IRONICALLY, DESPITE all of Mulligan's success. ther e is one dark cloud hangin g over what otherwise would be a SUMy career -nd that 1s h ilt teams' inability to wm in post·season play. where his clubs have a less than glistening l>-7 record. Mulligan chuckles when the black m ark 1s brought to his attention. ··There were onlv three teams out of the seven that really had a chance of winning," he admitted ... And I HAV E won some champ1onshipl> in high school, so my teams HA VE won some big games." LAST YEAR WAS probably Mul liga n 's most frustrating effort. A team which set conference, stale and school records aJl year long was upset by Cerritos in the first round of the playoffs. "Maybe l>Omeone doesn't want me to win." he said j okingly as if someone with divine powers was thwarting bis attempts . There aren't many more bridges -other than maybe a playoff win -for Mulligan to cross at the JC level FOR YEARS, THERE HAS been talk Mulligan was on the verge of expanding hi'i horizons to the fo ur-year plateau. and up until this season that's all il has b<>en - talk But his thinking has changed now, and he defa-.itely feels he's ready lo take the step. "The lime is right ," he says fr~nkly, "if the n gh\ job comes along I'll lake it." The right JOb almost came 11\ the form of the Long Beach State position earlier this year. But poor timing on Mulligan's part prevented hi m from getting the job. ••J REGRET I DIDN'T DO the right things tor that job," he admitted "I was offered it three Umes. and ac tually had it that morning. But I asked for three more hours and lost 1l in the meantime. I think r made a mis· take." One of the main reasons Mulliaan hedl(ed at taking the post was the lack of security among state collegestas all coaches are given just one-year contr acts wherea.rother universities tend towa rd multi·year pacts. Mulligan is currently m the market Cor the right offer. "I just won't taJce anyt.hin,;." he says. The ideal situation, at least as far as Mulligan is concerned. rests in Palo Alto where the Stanford Cardinals reside. "WHAT AN IDEAL SITUATION," he exclaims. "The school ... has ~ot a great academic reputation, it's is a terrific area and they play in the Pac·lO. "Unless you're a fool. I think you could sell any kid. and parents. on the school 1ust because it's Stanford " Mulligan's run·and·~Un approach to the game would be a delightful contrast to the conservative way Stanford pla y~ presently. . Out can a JC coach be sucC(.°'l)i,ful at the ma1or college levf'I? "Well. som<· great names have done so in the past - Denny Crum <Pierce) .. Jerry Tarkanian (Riverside), Jim Killingsworth !Cerritos) and Bobby Dye <Sa nta Moni ca ). Do J have to name ~my more?" Yel>. 8111 Mulligan ($addlebaek> Boes Faee 'Gades GWC, Gauchos Clash Orange Coast College will re- re1\'e a stiff tes t tonight (7:30) when it h06ts Bakersfield, Ure defending slate champion, in a non·confercnce basketball con· test. O CC's Pi rate s . a lthough ranked sucl.h in the Southland and s upporting a 9·2 r ecord. have looked sluggish in recent outings. After playing well to de- f ea t Riv e r s i d e i n th e q ua rterfinals of the Chaffey tournament last weekend. OCC barely survived its se mifina l meeting with Citrus and lost in the finals to LA Harbor The Pirates also didn't look sharp Tuesday when they had to fight baek from a nine·point halCtim e deficit to defeat Golden West. 75-68. In other action tonight (7:301 Golden West hosts Saddleback In what should be a high.scoring afrair . BUY or LEASE aasa Five Vi Nl•wpor t llnrbo r ll1gh'1 S::ulors and the Dolphtns of Dana Hills taniil toni11ht ln non- lnaue b kelbull play al S1d- dlt>buck Collt>gc with tipoff 1liated for8o'cl<K'k The Sullol'tl enter behind lbe -coring of Jon Sweck. who hes 11vcra1ed 21 6 polnts per game and conn~~lfd for a ltafon high or 31 In the Sallor11' onl1 loss of lht.1 eumpu111n to Sunact Lcuaue rlvol Huntina t on Beuch 1n tournament vlay l.htnB Hilla (5 2> features a belunred attark and could huve un cdacl' on tho bourds with 6-6 Do ug Andrews, 6 ·5 Chris Mothleu and 6-4 Mike Samuels In tht' lineup. Samuels, however, after scoring 25 against Walnut. has missed Dana Hills ' last three games Saturday'i; menu includes the Orange High lnvltatlo nal at Chupman College, where the 16-t _,a m tourne y opens with eight games Among the hneup Saturday from the Orange Coast area ure Costa Mesa. Estancia , Fountain Valley. Manna and Newport Ha rbor. Fountain Va lley get s un· derway at 9 a.m. with a game against Centennial. while after- noon action includes Estancia and Garey at 12:30, Newport and Santa Clara at 2, Marina and El Modena at 3·30 and Servile and Costa Mesa at 5: 10. Action at Chapman College will take a holiday following Saturday's play with the Ui-team fi eld ret urning Tuesd ay for second.round action in consola· lion and championship bracket . Assuming they are victonous. two interestmg cham p1ons h1p qua rterfi nals games 1'uesday would pit Newport Harbor a nd Es t a n ci a a nd Marana <i n d St'rvite. The Orange Tourney pairings s.tvl'day ~ • m -Foun td'" V•ff~y v'i C•ntenf\tf!tl ; 10 •O Footlllll ., l OM8 11 20-Garh v~ £\l•nc••. 1 ~ HMl>Of vs S.n111 (ldra l lO M•rlna ·~ Et ""°""""' ~ 10 ~ntllf' v\ Co~•• Me\41 & <,o M.&onc>I•• •\ Ora~. 8 JO Ctoallt y v\ 'Sa••""-' Checking Skiing Conditions eyn.A_...__, H,_e •te tNt l•IMI Wffl«n 91cl <-11'°"6 •\ ••· POrle4 T-!IOolV l>V llW reo.ort1 SOUTHERN CAl.J'OltNIA CrUl.tl lllclle-)-00~. llOl"'der Coi.fl\IM -:» i..M", ~t H .. i..y HM! -1•,. l)eW, i>«lled powder kr•tll• II--»1• bH t, ~r. IM<l<f!CI ~, PMu11l•lfl HI ... -7•J6 b.as.e. P<Kkfld P0W0<-t Ml. IAlfY -1-4 l>AW, ~r • ..-<keel ~r Mt. wa...--,._,.l)e..,. ~· Slcl G,_ V•l'-Y • »-:W. 119M. CNKked ~' °"""*"~ $lclSu11rlw-l61M1Jt.C>O*der.P<Kke0~• s-SIH!Wnll 12·36 t>.aw. iMCked l>OWdt'• m"n·m•df'. s ..... .., •• ..., -s. .,...,, ~·. SllllllA NIEVAOA l.H Hll -~ 11 •nci»s, P«k•d ~ ""° ~t • IWO rOj)e I~ .. ,.., -Baw 7V. IHI, mMI m-plu• ,..lu••I. l>'lt ked powder, flv• clll!lr~day, ,_ Cf\alr\ noQl'll. Ooftfler S.01 A...ch ftO repOtl S .... ar aowt !\A .... l' IO •• fttl P<IC~f'd oowo.r and powidrr su: ~~ CMtf\ •I'd • tr•m T ·-OonMr no'""°'' Nortll SI¥ AA"' 7' ) 10 \ '~"'· P"' kl'(! PO .. dtr and oowoer. ~n<M•'' Alpl,.. ,...._ fj,."I' ]• 10 \ IHI O"O f'd OOWW'dfr ~ powottt f'tqhf <hd1f \ llnd thrttot-\Uf f.Cf' hfl\ "-··--a .. ,~ l lo \ ,_, '''"' packed lhr~4' c"a•n M'Ct fiyr 'urtM.l" tit\\ Powder Bowl -no rti>orf ~.ww Yall•V 8 l1lO el•••l•Oll n,..., •" 1~1 paof'CI -· •'10 POWCl<'r ~ ci<>ndolA tr oav-hll t llAor\, -1'111'# cto.tlr • 100 ~"'••hon !\a.,. l '"'· P<Kl<ed p(l'WOPr and POWMI "• -.1>11 <Mor•. -lrlpl~ <Mir I-\urlA<• 1111• TellM $ll aowt 8&~ 3'" 1..-1. OPtln PC>Wcit>r and P•t "ed powdifor. Oftf< <hair. tw.o ,o..-•&or • 1•tt .. HHVtlll'(Van.., -on Calll0<n1" "°" a. .... 110 4 I.et· on ,...,.,.0. ~ Baw l lo 4 I~ -kf'd p0-r -~r. 12 douOlt <IWI•"· one lril>I• crietr '°"' wn«• lllU....., • ,,..,.. Siii lncllM -9.llW' 7"1 ff!f!I, Pot< kl'<I po-r .1no firm IHl(ked, """ <1>4'1ri 5111 It--~ J IWI, Pll[kl'(I PoWdt r tour <"-"' Jltrn Siii it-ii -~ ~ fffl, l>AO~O ~ ....0 _ _,,liV.CN tn ICl"'wtod ~ -81\Y' • l~I O&<keCI powoer an0 llOWdt<; •I• tf\etr• ano °"" '""•<e lilt ... , ..,_...., ..-Mt. ,. ... -ea .... • to ~ '"'· CMIOeCI pOWdtr _ pO...,., ••• -.Die cl>••" Ood .. llldte e .. ~ ~ le<-1, oo-reo ,,_ "" < h•ir• and•-·-t°"" l•fe•r l'•u ""'" ' to .-, ,.,.,, Ptt<kt<I OOWd~t -~t ll>rff <Mii\ °"" T·llat ""° _, .. bl.tow M•m-Mewtt..'" 8.t~ ) lttl pec:k..t ,,.....,., •NJ ~ p l)O-r ·-oonoo••·· ,,..,,,. <""'''·two l -boo""" •-aom•• J11M Mo<#ttelft flA'A' J~t fe<'I, p&c kl'd ~ l!nd PO-r. IOU< (twltr\ CltlM PNlt -llJtW 'IHI p.tKkl'd ~ •ncl ~· w\11> -Ob\1'KO.\ """ cl>ail\ and tl'lrff w rtan fill\ Let Roger's put color in your Dick Miller Motors "AT•ACToaYAU1"HOlllZID s... ,_....., ~ & 0.--.. .,......., 120W. W__,.•So.M91R. S-.Aaa •557-2132• -~ .. ~ Christmas Season parties. Giant Poinsettias Our Giant Ecke PolnHttJU heve never been mote ~.utlful. They are evallaiblc wtth muldple bloomt-ln etthe-r Chrl•tm• redorwhla.. Rotlff' c.,ct.n. • 640-SllOO Sen JGeqvin "' M~rthw • N..,.,pon ~«h hm 6pm . ... . • - . . . . DAIL V PILOT 89 D i d 1'011 R e ar the One A bo11t • • • Former P resident Gerald Ford discusses the upcoming Little Crosby golf tourna· ment wtth chairman Paul Salata before a ch a llenge round by the ex-president at Thunderbir d Country Club in R a ncho Mirage near Palm Springs Wednesday . Ford shot an 86 with a 15 handicap for a1 net score of 71 and challenges area golfers to beat his score with proceeds going to Hoag Memoria l Hospital. It Was Snow Picnic Stranded in a Cabin Isn 't Much Fun By DAVE CUNNINGUl\M Of IN 0Allf Piiot Staff You'd Uun.k a guy who wntes a ski column would have more sense I mean. you don't have to be an Olympic downhill champ to report skj conditions m the newspaper. but you'd think such a writer would at least know something about what snow can do to a ca r. I didn't even have chains. that 's how foolish the whole ttung was. But let me start at the begin - ning. I WAS STAYING AT A CABIN near Lake Ar· rowhead for the weekend. planning to take a look· see at some of the San Bcrnardmo Range ski areas Sunday or Monday. When we pulled mto the Arrowhead Villas. an elevation of 5,200 feet . there were JUSt at few patches or plowed snow by the road On Sunday 1t ramed. melting away most of the snow. It r ained so hard w e s t ayed in s id e .( ) wa rmed our feet by the S'V•JNG? fire and played cards . ft.I. • We prayed for snow. .,. _________ , On Monday morning the first few snowflakes (}uttered to the ground. m elting on contact . We were exhilarated AFTER AN HOUR OR SO the snow started coming down harder. so we decided to hop into the car and head for the ski slopes higher up. But on the m ain road a bli zzard st ruck, and we had to tum back. Dack at the cabin it was snowing furiously;. I parked. went inside and waited for it to let up. If you saw the TV news reports. you know that 1t didn't let up for two a.nd a half days. "I've been coming up to Arrowhead every winter for six or seven years, and I've never seen this much snow on the g round." said onl! old ·timer who helped me dig the car out of a snowdrift. SNOWPWWS WERE SO BUSY with the main roads that the small access streets were forgotten. E ven ir I had chains, I couldn't have gotten out of there. Somewhere skiers were laughing and gliding over fresh powder on a beaullful three-foot base. but l was stuck inside a cabin that had no phone . flnJi outside sat a huge pale or snow shaped like a VOT\i::swagen. • To make a long story short. we finally got out of there by pouring hot water over the froi en brake shoes and spinning the.wheels up an icy bill. but we never saw Snow Valley, the Summit~ or Goldmine. So we'll Just have to take their word ror 1t when they say that the skiing Is great. Here's a rundown on local conditions (and don't forget to take your cha1ns1 : FINAL 2 DA.TS DAY RACING ENDS IATURDl.Y! $125,000 CllAMPION or CllAMPIONS POST TIMI 1:00 4Hl £. .lcNllo Aftwe. Loe AlamUoe. Coll1ornla 90'720 A S\ab91dlcuy ol Quaner Horae l\aclng. Ille. f e. lJ rt u tl aJ >It n1 ar 1dl l b : . (. • I Situation 8)' _..ARD 8'llTll ., ............ NBC Ml the Super Bowl tbll Juuary ud the •..t ii........, willl the prolll1m Gt wtaltb u · llMIM'tn to !AM Md how to_. tlMta . Dkk ltUer& ud Merl.ta Of.MD bave Mefl ........... writ.la Cvn Go..ty Ud Joba ~th ....... tM Mtwork'• too pro l•IDet ,,.. parl'J liDe at IM ltart ot u.e uo. wu t!Mlt the work of Mab leamt WcMaW be evaluated ead one of &Mm "'814 be Mltcted tw the pretUl)oua ~r Bowl ...... ..,.., AL T V R\'O -laH, crlllu. Mtwon ·"°°'9 -m to •ltte that !:nbtrt· OlMn la the best ti am 8C'a sot. But Ill four bav• lucratl~ coot.rKll and Cowett. ln particular, pr. Ht\ll • tkiu.b liJtuauc>n JU La• vtt.u'&la ol muy SUp.r 8owla put. ff w11 tepl~ by f"Abtrt ., the pl~·bJ-play man at l.he NCAA basketball t'hamplonahia-I• l March And M waa 11vcn an mbarraaalna rot rondur\.lnl qwckle Interview. t lhe World Seri · Doo Ohlme)'er, exttut.iv director of NOC Sport•, admit.a Gowdy wa m llsed al lbe Seri and full bad about tl He wanu lo rind a mean ln1rut rol~ for Gowdy at the Suptt Bowl. And what could be more mean [ 1101ful l.han being the 1JI P<JK1S m1ln play.by-play man Mt the nation's biggest _ _ sine le portinJ event? SPFCUIATION I THAT lho network wlll try lo squeue all four lnto the now of the Super Bowl <'Overage, using a play-by play man. 1 commen· tator, an analyst to comment on the replays and a host. The most sensible way to handle that align. ment would be to use Enberg and Olsen in the booth. Brodie on replays and Gowdy aa the overall host. Sources say that Ohlmeyer had such an ar- raneement in mind. but is now lhinkina about u&· ing Gowdy and Brodie in lhe booth, Olsen on replays and Enberg as the host. Everyone else on the lot will appear during the pre1ame festivities which. 1f past pregame festivities are any guide. will go on forever . Then there's Joe Namath. Namath, the ex-Jet, ex-Ram quarterback, supposedly will be on hand to add tus expertise to the proceedings but it is un- certain exactly how. ll is an interesting problem. mixing various talents and egos, trying to please everyone and somehow tome up with a solid t.eleeast at the same time And the irony or it all is that i( the game tumR out to be a good one. the show will likely get rave reVlews. If the game bombs, the show will, too, regardless ol who 1s calling the action. • • • ABC. HAVING TOYED with the idea or switching the Penn State-AJabama Sugar Bowl game to prime lime, has decided to leave it al 2 pm EST on New Year's Day. The Sugar Bowl has bPen moved around so oft.en in the past - from New Year's Day to New Year's Eve to New Year's morrung -that everyone satd let's leave 1l where ll 1s ltus year. Also, ABC has other commit- ments in prime Ume that it has to honor. The game has never done particwarly well, even in times when it presented outstanding malchups. Jlprobably won't.4~lremendously well this year either since a sizable portion of the au- dience will doubtless be eaten up by Notre Dame- Houston in the Cotton Bowl on CBS. Both games start at the same time, which should ensure that neither game gets big ratings. * * * * * * S acurda11'• Radio, Tl' RADIO Football -SUN BOWL (Maryland vs. Texas), 10:30 a .m .. KNX <1070). Basketball -Cal State Fullerton at Utah. 8:30 p.m ., KWRM (1370>: Roston College at UCLA. 8 p.m., KMPC <710): Kansas Stale at Long Beach State, 8:05 p.m .. K FOX (93.5 Jo"'M >. Hockey -JGngs at Vancouver. 4.50 p.m , KRLA 0110>. TELEVISION 10.30 a.m <2> -SUN BOWL -The Maryland Tt"rrapins (9-2> fa ce the Texas Longhorns 18·3> in the Sun Bowl at El Paso. Tex. 12:30 p.m. <7> -LIBERTY BOWL -The LSU Fighting Tigers <8·3> meet the Missouri Tigers 17-4) in the Uberty Bowl al Memphis. 1 :30 p.m. <2> -SPORTS SPECTACULAR -A replay or the 1958 NFL championship game between the New York Giants and Baltimore Coils. This time it's a touch football game with F'1 ank Gifford, Kyle Rote. Johnny Unilas and kaf mond Berry participating. Also: World Cup Skiing. 2 ·30 p.m. 152) -SKIING 3 30 p.m. 19) -HORSE RACE -The winners of quarterhorse racing's 10 most important events meet in the $12~.ooo Champion or Champions race at Los Alamitos. 5 p.m. <21 -NFL GAME OF THE WEEK. 152) BOXING. 6 p.m (7) -THIS IS THE NFL -ttlghllghts of the games played last weekend 8 p.m. (5) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL Final round coverage or the Rebel Roundup tournament at Las Vegas. (13) -TANGERINE BOWL-The Pill Panthers <S.3) meet lhe North Carolina State Wolfpack (8-3) in the Tangerine Bowl, taped at Orlando, Fla. 10 p.m. <5) -COLLEGE BASkETB"LL - rhe Hoston College Eagles vs. the UCLA Bruins m a game played earlier today at Los Angeles. s ... ....,. Rule, Tl' RADIO Football -Philadelphla al AUanta. 9:30 a.m .• KNX (1070>; Houston at Miami, 1 p.m.. KNX ) <1070) TELEVISION 9 :30 a .m . <2> -NFC PLAYOFF -The Philadelphia Eagles meet the Atlanta Falcons in the National Football Confe~nce wild card game. t p.m. (4) -AFC PLAYOFF -The Houston Oilers meet the Dolphins ln Mlaml. 2 :30 p.m. (7) -TENNIS -Martina Navratilova takes on Tracy Austln tn Pepsi Challenge Cup action ln Lona Beach. Taped. <28) -T ENNIS -Tennis stars ol the future arc showcru1ed in the Junior Davls Cup, taped at Miami. 4 p.m. (7) -GOLF IUGRUGtm -A review or the USOA·sponsored toumamentA, lncludlna the U.S. Open and U.S. Amateur. 5:30 p.m. (52) -COLLEGE 8"8KITBAU.- The K1ntu State Wildcat• meet the Lone Beach State 49trl. Played Friday In Lons Beach. (Tlae Dally Ptl9' 11 Mt n•fOMlble for late c ....... , .... • ,. # SPORTS 0 TV / BASKETBALl: I HORSE RACING -Van-Horn-Top .. .._... ................ , .. , . .-l...C ~I: I • M. ,.,." •Aee .;-;;lb ) ..... CMot ~ br" lllwwU.tOD ClelMIMIM'kU a,* O.lry ~Ii.I PlletO II• O••Y Amllr9M ESTANCIA HIGH'S STEVE VAN HORN (42). F,.._Page88 NCAA'S ROLE . • • tacts can't come before the end of the recruit"s junior year or after June l5 of his sen1or year AND WHEN A RECRUlT goes on any of his six permitted, paid -for school v1s1ts, he and his parents can receive room and board money for off . campus ractllties only 1£ campus facilities aren't available. "But how many times have you se<'n a recruit dining o n silk tablecloths with wandering minstrels looking over his shoulder"" asked one recruiter. "How comparable is that to the campus cafeterla?" And how man~ recrui ts reahze that if no cam- pus lodging is available and he stays ID a motel , he still must eat on campus. rather than in the motel's restaurant-> College boosters li ving in the commuity are probatfty the greatest source of rules v1olatlons with recruits and student athletes since winning brings in the people who Jingle the cash registers. The NCAA Manual sets out a rule of thumb on the subject: "It is not permissible for stud,enl·athletes to receive such benefits unless they are available to the student body in general." OBVlOUSLV SOME violations are more serious than others, and the NCAA said its lnfrac· tions Committee attempted to evaluate the in~ent or the individuals involved. Some of the penalties available against a violating institution include reprimand and censure. probation. ineligibility for NCAA c;hampionship events and NCAA·connected television programs. loss of scholarshJps and even loss of programs. , Tbe NCAA 1s basically an enforcement and ad· ministrative agency, which polices and carries out the regulations or its membershJp or more than 700 schools. The NCAA said lf the schools wanted more honest recruiting, the members would pass stronger rules. THE NCAA HAS COME under fire because of possible due process violations and alleged har· rassment tactics For example, some say that a coach should have the right to cross-examine his accuser Rut the NCAA says that would scare athletes from reporting violations, making the NCAA 'scnforccmcntJob mored1fflcult. Some have suggested that the National As- sociation of Basketball Coachei. NABC should take a more active role in overseeing college basketball recruiting. "We really have no machinery lo effectively police our coaches," ~aid Ned Wulk of Anzona State. president of the NABC "The association has no power aJong those lines. We can only encourage ethical condmct.." The NABC's Recruiting Committee has sent its coaches a questionnaire. asking 1f they would favor several suggestions that could reduce cheat· Ing In college basketball rccru1ling -ideas like eliminating the three contact rule. shorter recruit tog periods nnd throwin(( any cheating coach or player off the court for four years. ··As long ns people keep losing their jobs for losing : IO!line their jobs for cheaUng won't be that big a deaJ.'' said former Marquette Coach Ai McGuire. "The only answer l see is that the coaches get tenure. Aren't we supposed to be teachers anyway?" -.. ,. ·-·-,. ... -- ~. •f9·~···· ... ::." . Prep Scorer E1t1ncl1 Hl(ch Junaor Steve Van Horn leads lhe Oran1e Coaat arcta prep baaketbaU scor· ana derby with 1 tlo11y 24.4 evtrage with marks compiled throu1h Thursday's games. The M Van Hom has been a picture ot consistency, scoring 25, 26. 25, 22. 21, 29 and 23 pointa in pacing Estancia lo a 5·2 ret'ord. Close on hlB heels Is Ocean View junior Jeff Andrade. a 5-11 guard with a 23.1 average. An· drade 's high game was 32 pointa. Also averaelng In the 20s are John Saunders of Mater Dei (22.5) and Jon Sweek of Newport Harbor (21.6). Corona del Mar High's Sea Kings. with the best overall re(· ord or the area cs.u. have but Dave Koehler nudging Into the No. 10 berth with a 16.8 average due to the depth or scoring talent for the Sea JGngs. Also scoring in double figures for the Sea Kings are Shawn Ahearn (14 .6> and Chris Johnston 02.1 ). * * * °' ..... CO.ti ArN ,. It P'l•yer, Wlleet 0•--...... I VAn .. orn IE\1_ .. , • I,.. 1 "'"°'-1()(..,. Vo.,.I I 73 • l :Mu,_" IM<tfer °"" 1 71 t 4 ~•ffk l~I ,,..71 • S Ci•'ft•n l~t•t 0.11 • II• • 8ow•n IEOl\Onl t 110 l Woottll 114yfttlnQIOft) 8 II I I !>loltolf IVttl...,.~IYI ' II • • fldrlclOf IM....,lnQIOftl e 11.7 10 K e>ehler tC!Yone 04>1 M;tr 1 • 1' e ,.,_. .. -· 1•11 c .... ..,ca-21 ' ..... • ..... 110.ltl< .. . , .. &.A\l•Y \ ••O Ahe&rn ..... \ llJ• ) ". JO!ln>IO" . ., ' Lov~ \ I & k •noorl .. ' e .... , .. ' P tO•ll . ~) !>1111•'11•10 \ so ................ , .... • ..... -Mfo .. 11, Eidt,.._ ''" A, ... • '4.0 p ......... , .. .. •O 1(.,. ... • \6 (),_ I ~A ·~ JU Ooftl•I~ I lO c-•r .... Nefrt' 4 10 ...... ., t· OS M.nMl .. 11 o...~ ...... 1 14 4 ... , .... 1 IJ_S ...+oe<t••otll I II.A °'"°" I • t H•I~ •· •A , .. ,,, I I I s.1 ... , .... i.• Aiello 1 •I O•IW'•ttt I· •~0 Holm.• ). , 0 11.•tln ' JO M<c1e11.,, 1 u ~llMclllMI • ~ L~f\ , .. $ s ... 1111 • 1.l J .Wl\I , • i F-~ 1 \.!I e .... , .. ).1 ~~Id .. 4..0 GWf••• 1 •O Fr111u 1 •.0 NO<IO }-lJ 8dtr t , 0 91111.., 1 JO "'•Ille• 1 so ArMtl I 2.0 (uft•n ). l.J J M•y-1· 10 SH C..,... , .. ,, • ..... 'Wt*-... ,. C•tt .. ll _,, .. .. l.J •4An<O<k .. 70 W*"' ' . ) .. ,.~lOft 3 •O """"~" s-\7 HOl•All't ). J 0 PO'llll ). ,,. ~Grew s-'1 ........ .,.,, • ... 80Wen 1·110 Hl~I •••• Atff•" I 10 J M<Oof'•IO ' • 1 k•N~rV1 I 11 O•v1\ ' JI lol"••n 6 , • Mor~,. • '\ O<lqtr\ ). 'l .... , ... , • '1 ~ltt~O.r • 0, o-.-.,.,.,l • ..... S...-1• .. ,. , """,_, I 111 ,...., .. .. I O''*"'tll I II l(t•ft t IJI 1111.ttllh '· 41 or-t· to H•onlnt .. 1,J 0c-vw.. ca..11 • . ... "-"' 1n• ~,.._,., 1 1\.1 '"-*" • 10 ••l.V.Ollt , .. , HNll~ 1. H :1'1.1""911 , \0 .. ll W•IHI s-'. .,._, , 10 .............. ,. • ..... ,_, .. ,I. ........ oHI .. 1u c.io ... 11 .. ioo Slr.,.1 ~I, Lift~' • 'i Oood• .. 4 0 Y•flll.., , • 0 C••'""' I JO 0.1, ' 10 e•~• , 10 U Ill"""" IHI ' .... SIOltoll I 11 4 fl>omo\Of\ , '~ Br-own .. •S All hon .... llr,lpl ' \1 llotM , • s COffM1ttt ••• M<L•VQlllln f>. 4 I '~" ). )) M•ttr o.t 1 .. 11 • . ... ~ .. I 11 t G•Yl•" • II!> Pe~, . ,, ' Sc"""' , , , c-I \7 ~ ........ , \0 -s-1 I \0 9,_ .. s-l • "'''""" s-J. Oot>.t••t1 l ) • tcw\tt• 4. 10 '"' ... 1).11 • ••• AllClly 11120 Mont•~·Ot .,._ ~o W•vtOll ' ,. fk>,o;"'•n • , ' °""" \ .. f Oflf'Qf" 10 •• lf¥\f'Y •D •I ~th . \. w. .... &. • , M tU•• , •O MUilllf' c.tll IH•l'tl. SlllKU"-I~), 0-• (MfOll ICMOoiel ~. ~ IW..,_.: J•h C•mm•110 ltt11•11111, "'' 81111 .. 11y 1tr•H11r•I, 91\ltl Wttll• IAll•ir). ftl-C..V ··~' s-.. U<ldl• ((i.t!)el, saco"o •ac• -uo v••o•. 1 .,_., ell -Ide'" (.elK...,, ~~--( II o 11 11 0 I A f I I r ) , K I 0 l 0 If t ,, IM•lttl, .,.....,." °1'9\>ftf lltOllflll, W~t.o tltnltflll, $1¥ a-., hr,,...,,,.,,, o.IM Dell ,,,.,,.,.,_ °""" w-" 1er..-..1, w,.,.., • .,.. IC.\trOI, , .... 0 •AC• -;;-;-enh t ., .... OWi AL towel\Ct l'lurw M,!00 C••tlt "'-l(llly CMll<IMlll; H•ll,_. tllll tCndoHI, Ml Allan euc IW•UOl'I HI~ C.iort l~I FlylftO V ~ 18-rdi. Arrly fHy '''~1u.1. wr t.Hr IAde1r1. ~· '""' .. " "'"" •AC• ->~ VII'~ 1 VO"' olft ~ la Flllle\~ ~··~·· P\lfVl 1.(IOO • Slt<r I\ My H•llv• IH•rll ; Lit II• Fe"<• ROH l lC,,lqllll, SISlu Tllt'4t,1 l(rh<itr l. !oon'9 ICH-cN RllVl""'119r-tl. ~ ICINI• (14"~ l~•r l: ROON r,,.. ICMtloH\; l>mootll 11111., IWeroJ ,,, • .,.,..,.~ Aoo,e\'9 Clltllll< ..... I, o.-.t Molt"" fl rH~u•• I st•TM llAC• o00 y-J ¥Ur olCK. Pw .. \l IOO, CIAIMl"O Of•<• UO 000 A••IMlto IC...-Oo1•1 MuqQln Puo IAC1Alr1 . Cew L.,041 1~mp1~r1 Ouoflut~ Chi< IMllc...in. ,.., <Hit" Pt""'I ITOl'~I . PflOIO IT,. .•• .,,., $1~ llluOe• 1c.t1ro1. rrw 8~r ICr•-..•1, ~ <;ol<Mln f ~ IC,.r1ue I SEVf!NTM •ACI! 440 .,.,m J .,.,_, -& "9 Putw \ttt,000 ,,.,. CMmcllOft Of Cll.itme>IOft~ Ae mblonq S•llv• CC•rlloHI, 8111\' PeK IT, •• ,.,.., 8tr AOlll• IS.-pl~• I, Ml'Olt!y 01-" •Ntt-"""I Ml>~ T~rmol•rl 1-.•rtl. H.U\11> C•e•• 1811'•"· c.e11001no Ooml"° u~merJ • "'1>'•" o,.,,,. l lCt"Q<lfl . S..•oow M000t wbl11 IMylttl, Fl1tt11'1 GoMoor1 IWtrOI. e-tOMTM •ACE 3l0 YMcf\ l ., • ., o'°' 41• I0•6f'<• Pv,.,. MAGO Ee~'r 8111\11 IL"-I 811Mtf'N Off IM.,,I. 0•"< "'~ P•11•• 1w ,,rdl . WlttQ•d """"'"' IM1tc .... lll AUft F'll!\ S., IW•hCH•I, ~OCIY\ Glofv •C•••Of'tl (a)y "''P IMVl•U. '"" Fu•lh •Ft•yt MIMTM •&Ct' )WI •••ct\ J ¥ear 010, & '* Pur\t" U !IOO Cl•'"'"'<r pr1c. S~.000 ""' t•pn IH,,r11 PoocM J°""' IAdAlfl; O~rwt•~ OUIMONI IC.001•1 , .... 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"°· • 60. \ 10 ~ J .... ,, ......... 110, , ""· van Hom MACIOO<• l(PUC) Cemo ICrO!lttleldt Ga\IM'r "'~" V•m•m• .,.,._,~,. 4 .... H•rlow 1·1•. Poll•r"ll' , •1 . E_,.,.,,...., I • I Hlll>CMtro • 9. P•1Jl.tnd I I 4 Stoll , I 4 R•nttrf't 7 10 ldV•llf" ). 7 0 c co ....... ... 's Fr• ••• •· I 0 "H s S7 ... \0 .. ' ~ • 0 ) l 0 ' , 0 1 10 '"""•«_It_..., S.-1w ,,,.,.,.,..., 11..0. ~60. 7 <Cl,~··-l~rl 780, 7 o0 AV-. _,.., IW..Ul 7 10 U••oKlt t~ll IU'd ,,,. t0 r °"''" •tit..-.<:111 fD \11r •L•OIWml l 40 1.0 7 111 CIW>i' IMyletf • 40, 4 10. AOO•I Ca-st ,,.,.,.,,.,) 70 f ""' •oK• s .. lf' INKodefnu\O 7 IO. 110. 7 •O ... tll E0\.111DH'" IMWlTT eD. 7111; Mtn ~.,. Winie r O•N,.... ICIO"l• .. I \ 00 0 u otei. l't )I 1>•10 '31\ t0 E oqMll r.c•-Covf'r Clt.tr09r IW••lll 7t.70. •1 to. 10 60 Tor'ttllot l'lltl ITr .. sur•I •.40, • 00 • flo1• ~e IC¥d01 .. 1 II IO Hlntll ,.. Fl(llie Ro.., ICI.,""'' 13.00 •..OO. ) 80 E ..,_,.,,.~ J-ILuO"I I 4 IO. 3 00 AIU,., 1•'\ Ht•U' 'YlrU )80 U o•Clll '"'41 d,lld \>Gt tO A S.•TS Sometimes the best Christmas gift is one you give yourself. Whether the home mocharnc in your hf~ I!; you. or somc.-0nu el~. this weekend's your chance to pick up the 1d"cl qift An automotive repair manual lrom th~ world·~ lorqE.>51 puoll!>hr>r o l automouvo mlonnauon f o r Amencon cm owner::;. then.'s ··Ch1lton':; A uro Repair Manual 1979." Everyrhrng tha expenenced do-11-youraelier needs to know 10 perform PVPn rhc most dit:hcult repcnrs on all popular Amoncon ror modeL. 1972·79. With over 2.700 cnsp. clear 11lustra11on::. chart; and diagrams. f or people who own import~. there's "Chilton's Import Awomotive Repair Monuc1I." The book ancluJes repair and tune-up procedures. spec1hcallons and mcnntenance ups for 17 make::; of imported cars. A udi, Dataun. Toyota. Porsche. VW. and more. So pick up one tomorrow. lf 11 s for :;omeone else. you'll havo 11 1n time for Chnstmas. lf it's for yourseU. you II have 11 'when you wont ll most. R1qh1 away. I CllllJON BOOK COM8\NY Radnor. PA 19089 Available at th... Orange County locattons: B. Dalton Pickwick Santo Ano Bookstore Little Professor The Book SWelf Thnfty Drug StorPS Pep Boy ... Mamners Creely's Bookstore Ch1oftoch The Magic Speller Tho Book Caoo D:>rman's Tire & Auto Stacee Zody's Discount Department Storoo Gemco Mombersh1p Derxxrtmant Storoo \ I I J I; . • • j I I •Outn' About •TV Listings I •Pop Music Features •Comics CJ Actors, Dancers Offering Merrnnent-1• Fantasy Rehearsed "The Nutcracker," Peter Tchalkovaky's pertnnlal Ouiatmaa favorite, wm be pre.ea~ In tta orilinal. full length, venlon by Civic Btllet of Southern Callrornla, t.onitht tbrouah Sunday, at Huntlngton Beach Hith School. With a beautifuUy-coatumed cut of more than eo and Hollywood-produced scenery, the corppany's productions have been tecclvlne "rave'1 notlcea for its dancing and producuon teebnlquea this year. The four performances at Huntington Beach are set for 8 o'clock tonight; 2:30 and 8 p.m., Saturday, and a special "souvenir" matinee at 2:30 Sunday. CUILDaEN AT THE "souvenir" matinee will be liven a folio of pbotogJ'apha, showing many of~ characters of "The Nutracker .. and they will be invited to visit the cast on stase. for autoeraphs, after the final curtain. All the love and fantasies that have made "The Nutcracker" the world's best-loved ballet are preserved in this production. Adults see lt year atter,year for tbe elorious music, vibrant danclng, aDd child-like wonders. Children love it for the many fantuies that seem to be happening on stage; llle-slzed dolls that dance; an owl whose eyes light up: a erandf Mher clock that seems to have a min(! of its own; a Christmas tree that grows to gargan· tu an proportions; a bed that moves, as if by magic, across stage; giant mice that come in tbe night to steal presents from under the tree; a nutcracker doll that turns into a handsome prince; and toy soldiers that help the nut· cracker prince defeat the king mouse! FEATURED ARTISTS are Terri Hayes, as the Sugar Plum Fairy, and Anthony Sellars as her Prince KuJdasb. Principal dancers Beth Eisleben and Buddy Calbo are cast as the Dewdrop Fairy and her Cavalier. with Kelly Quisling as "Clara," and Joey Sterrett as "The Nutcracker." Hayes and Sellars have just retllflled rrom Texas, where they were guest artists for a third successive year. doing principal roles in "The Nutcracker." Sellers is formerly premiere danseur with the Houston Ballet Company, Lis a Surette, director of the Laguna Youth Repertory, puts Cameron Fraser and Ed Graney through their paces for ''Beauty and the Be~t." one of four childhood classics being staged next week, startmg Wednesday. For more scenes and 'details, see Page C12. CIVIC BALLET WAS sold out for all performances last year, up to two weeks before each scheduled date. The schedule for this year has been substantially increased, and a limited number of tickets are still available for each of these four. final, performances of the series. Ticket prices are $3.50, children. and $S adults. Phone 848-8445. GRANO PAS DE OEUX CLIMAXES 'THE NUTCRACKER' BALLET Anthony Sette,., T errt Hayea of Huntington. Be.ch Perform By TOM TITUS fThU u the last in a seriea of Jive column.! re- viewing the year 1978 in theater along the Orange Ccxut.J Community theater. by defutltion, may tn· deed be non-professional theater. But it need not be "amateur" theater. There are individuals ln the ranks or Orange Coast pJ aybouses who consistently strive to elevate the quality of community theater, thus establishing their names as synonomous with excellence in production. As actors or directors. they are the "pros" of their non-professional craft. TWO SUCH PEOPLE, honored today, are cases m point. Each had a superb year in 1978 with at Jeast two major achievements, and each has gained a reputation for high quality and showmanship over the past decade along the coast Tlieaters' Best of '78 - Multitalented Koba, Ferzacca Top Pros These are the criteria for recognition as the Daily Pilot's man and woman of the year in theater. They are exemplified in the pa.Ir who share this column's fifth such boaor -John Ferzacca and Jean Koba. Ferzacca has been a ·drama instructor at Orange Coast College for the past eight years, but this hasn't stopped him from making his presence felt at the local theaters. He's been the resident director for the opening seasons of both the Laguna Moult.on Playhouse and Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse. HIS OCC PRODUCTION of ... Equus" was transported to Laguna and finished second on this column's list of top 10 shows in 1978, and bis orieinal script "The Failure to Zigzag" re· ceived ils world premiere ln Laguna a few months ago. MISS KOBA BAS reigned as one of the out· standing actresses on the Orange Coast ever since she first appeared locally in "The Big Knife" at the Westminster Community Theater in 1971. As both an actress .and director. she has turned in performances and productions of high quality. culminating this year with a pair of top· notch portrayals in "The Lion in Winter" at Westminster and "Twigs" ln both Long a.each and Laguna. Ferzacca joins previous men or the year David Emmes, Kent Johnson, Martin Benson and Ernie Verre. Mlss Koba follows Doris Allen, Maftbella Randall. PatfTatnbdlini and Barbara Hampton as woman of the year. Born in Green-Bay. Wis., whe~ he was an all-star high school football player, Ferzacca swapped athJelics for art after earning bis ' master's degree at Michigan State. He arrived in Orange County ln 1967 where be fint ap. peared on stage as a romantic lead in the Fullerton Footlighters' production of "Romanoff and Juliet." Later that year, Ferzacca directed "The Subject Waa. Roses" at the -Old Laguna ' Playhouse, beginning what was to be a long as· sociation with that theater and its successor. He also staged "Luv," "Slow Dance oo the Killing Ground," "Sweet Charity" and "The Lion in Winter" at the old playhouse and pJayed the ti· tie role in "Dylan." When Lagun a's n e w M o ulton Playhouse opened, Ferzacca signed on a s m anaging director, mounting six of the (SeenlEATEBS, PageC4) Bah! Humbug! Radio Ignores · Yuktide Seasori Holiday Radio Programs Lose Their Jingle By REBECCA HELM (M Ille Dally Piiot SIMf Spin the dial. where are the Jingle Bells, the "Merry." the "Holly, Jolly" of Christmas? Not on most radio stations. ALAS, IN THE lane snow may be glisten- ing, but still wafting across the airwaves are the ''Top 40" · country, pop, or rock. Muzak melodies, and the usual classical works. Only the commercials shill for the season. "We're successful with the format we have. therefore we don't want to change it, .. one Orange County radio program director said, co-aTARI Of 'FIRST NIQHTW"' PROGRAM OIM Soule, ...._, Luddy M Ye .. Aeo ' I echoing statements or several of his behind-the· scenes co-professionals. On the air personality, Al Lohman, of KFI's "Lohman and Barkley" morning comedy team, agreed. "The feeling is that you have an audience there you're afraid you'll wave off," be said. THE ABSENCE OF "Christmas product" by entertainers may be a contributing factor, too, he said. In the past. top singers such as Bing Crosby or Perry Como, would produce a holiday album or single. "You never hear of the rock groups or the Bee Gees putting out a Christmas album, do you," he said. Still, as recently as five years ago, Lohman r ecall e d Christmas music "saturating" the airwaves beginning a few weeks before the holiday . But, as competition between stations in· tensified. program directors became more re- luctant to interrupt their carefully orchestrated contemporary sound with aged Christmas re· cordings. NOWADAYS, THE one exception is durln1 the 24-hour period from Dec. 24 and 2S when many stations play solid hours of Christ mu music. It wasn't always so. In a different time, in the "eolden age" of radio, Christmas was an exclUng, creative time. "Radio did what television does today, ex· cept most radio was Uve," said Joe Crawford, or the Society To Preserve and Encourage Radio Drama. Variety and Comedy, and an avid radio bull. ALM08T ALL THE reguJar programs . The Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show, Fibber McGee and Molly, Amos and Andy, even Dragnet • had special Christmas scripts. ac- cordlng to Crawford. lo addition, radio stations offered holiday musical specials. "Even soap operas did Christmas," Crawford said, recaWa1 "Oae Man's Family." radio's immensely popular "loocest·runnlnc" aerial drama somewhat similar to the old TV show, "Father Knows Best." CHRasfMM PHOTO OF RADIO'S BARBOUR FAMILY FROM COLLECT6A'S ALBUM No ......, Wtlat the Pllghte of E8fty Soep Opera, Kin Came T09ether for Holld•y Whatever the woes befalllng one or another of the pr'Olram's Barbour ramUy ol San Franciaco, at Christmas each year, all would come together for a traditional holiday at home, replete with tree trimming, and carols accom· panled by "Mother Barbour'' at tbe old piano. LONG·'l1ME RADIO stv Olan Soule, star or the (1937·53) famous 16-year "Flnt Nlghter" abow, and now a successful TV character actor. has vivid memories of those past "1olden a1e" Christmas seasons. Each year. First Nighter would do the same Chrtatm• play of the Baby Jes\is stocy with the "wise men and everybody," Soule said. Beacuse the show was Uve, however, the productlona wer...aever exacUy the same, accordina to Soule, who recalled one ye: especially. The show originated in the Wrigley BuildiJ In Chicago. Running through the structurt lower level were freight train tracks. ·'The strangest l.hlng that happened on tl Christmas show," Soule said, "was when U Wise Men arrived by freit~t train one year ar you could hear the whistle in the studio." IN FAIRNESS, a few radio stations. (moat ly public> stlll do special Chrlstm1 programs. including musicals, dramas ar seasonal documentaries. In LOsAngeles, KNX AM, CBS' a news radl has a holiday program lineup, highlighted b Mystery Theater's presentation or E.( <See VOIC~, Page Cl) ' , 1 I I DAil Y PILOT * -Exhibits-E-vok a ughs; CANVJ\8 COMBO Collection o( Eayptlan photo1rnphy and clowns or Arthur Colem n who r ecently l11unb&ted \he work.a l the Palm Sprtnca Museum of Jo'ine Art Sbowlnc throuth Dee . 28 trom 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday U\routh Saturday al Slalu Galler)', 333T NtWl)Ort. Blvd • Newport Beach TMLK IMPU lTY -Uthoarapti. and Galleries I Exhibits woodcu by M.C. Eatbtr a~ on View at Vorpat Gell ry, 3218 Glmn ·yre, l.a una Beach. fO a ENVl•ONMENTS ·1toom1 Mo menta Rcrn~mb<!r d' by Robert. Cummlna. Michael Davll, RoJand Rew. Richard Tum r and Bruce Wllllams are oPtn for lh mtnd lo et plore unUt Jan 21 I t Newport Harbor Art Museum, ~ San Clem nte Orln . Newport tl"ach. Panel dascuaslon with the 1tt\1la 1chedulc.'d for lt p.m l"rlday, Jan 12 011. WASHES -Worlca on puper b y u prt111non1Jt palnkr Stell• PopowakJ oo d isplay through Dettmber a t Hunt.I' Gallery. 28U An impressive collec· llon of watercolors , se lected Cro m among more Utan 1,000 entries ac ross th e Unite d States, will be on view during the S8t.h Annual Na tional Wa tercolo r Society Exhibition at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art from Wednesday Jan. 9 through Sunday, Feb 25. AWARD· WINNING watercolors as weU as three paintings honoring SO·year society member Annita Delano, provide a d iversified and col· orfut showin~ for this national exhibit. The $750 Nationa l Watercolor Societ y Purchase Prize w as awarded to M axine Mastem eld of Fairview Pa rk. Iowa. Two $750 Anne nberg Fund, Inc. a wards went to John Brooks Mille r of L a Crescenta and Bonnae Father and Oaild Vllh1 Wnv. Ca.nncry Vtllul((', Newport 8c~1rh Opl'n 11 " n1 lo •1 :J(I 11 m ·rul•Miuy throu1th Sun d.I) OU.tx'TOR' CHOI F. The aallcry "' reaturlna a e>nc·woman xhlblUon of Shoron P'rank'• oil p lntinas In the MIJ.in Salon durin6l D~c mbcr Collector'11 Cholct>, 666 N. Coast lhahway, In Laguna 8 t•uch. and ill other three aaron1 wtll di1ploy a ~P ctat aathertn1 of oriatnaJ art to cooalder for ,tf\ gtvtna Hourl' re 11 a m. to ~ p m. Wedne:\day lhrouah Sun da> Fl&ST EXHIBIT Work11 or fo'rank Kec1k , Jr .. aro on dl"play for tht first tlme al the Pom roy Gall r)'. 5651 l..Jncoln Avcnut.• l'alnllnp by tht hat ltu111uam artist Jgor also art' presmt.ed Elctublt rwu w Jun. 9. Hours 2 p m . to & Monday Saturday tJNlQlJE OaMTINCTION PalnUngt. by F.doa llibel are on display al Fidelity federal Savln11. 151$ WtstcUtr Drive, Newport Beach, durin1 Dttember The pamtet-bu the unique dl1UnclJCW1 of hlvLng her works displayed in the tllbal Museum ot Art 1n Plllm Beach. Florida. the only museum &n the country devoted lo the wtrka ol 8 Uvtng womarnihiBl. Bank hours are u m to & p.m. Monday throuah Fnday, and 10 m lo 2 p. m Saturday • Lhotka of Boulder, Colo. Two additional Annen· berg Fund, Jnc. awards or SSOO each were earned by Ruth Sny(ler of Los Angeles and Alexander Nepole of Millbrae. Other top awards went to Al Brouillette of Ar· lington. Texas, a $500 G l e ndale Feder a l Purchase Prize, a nd Scott Anthony of San Francis co. the $350 Fe s tival o f Arts Purchase Award. JURORS for the ex· hibit included Edward Betz of Champaign, Ill .. Dr. Elizabeth Hutchison of Hemet, Pamela Ham· mond of Canoga Park. Al Porter of Sunland. E . J . V e lardi Jr. o f Norlhrld~e and Belly Rod bard of Arcadia. Th e N a ti o n al Watercolor Society Ex· hibition will be open dai· ly except Tuesdays from 11 :30 a .m. to 4:30 p .m. al the museum. 307 Cliff Drive. For Information. call 494-6531. Admission 1s free. Over 65? See Film Matinees Senior citizens are of· fered an entertainment value at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Each Wednesday at l p.m ., the museum's film department presents a classic movie matinee ia the Leo S. Bing Theater with admission just 50 cents for senior citizens a nd $1 for the general public. ONLY SEN IOR citizens may purchase ti c kets for these matinees in advance. Persons attending film pro g r a m s are not charged the general ad· mission fee to the museum'sgaJleries. Monthl y matinee schedules are available in the lobby. "Trouble in Paradise" (1932) with Kay Francis, Herbert Marshall, and Miriam Hopkins is showing on Dec.27. An added convenience for those attending senior citizens' matinees is the mu1eum's indoor/out· door Plaza Ca fe Im· mediately adjacent to the Bing Theatre, which of. fers reasonable priced luncheons and snacks . Most Christmas scenes highlight the Christ child with his Mother Mary, but "St. J oseph and the Infant Christ" by II Baciccio shows deep love between father and son. The warm and colorful painting is one of the early Italian artworks on di.splay at Norton Simon Museum of Art, Colorado and Orange Grove Blvds., Pasadena. HANDICAPPED ac· cesa to the Bing Theater ls available through the Bing Center entrance on t he Museum's lower plaza. For information on senior citizens' classic movie matinees, phone (213)937-4250,ext.265. The museum ls located at 5905 Wil s hire Boulevard. ... Blaek 'In' lleritage SllDWn P.S. Cal Me At Home If yOJlj·~ Stuck 642-6213 I L FROM Fash ion Island· ·N ewport Beach STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR ( ' ' -·-· ............. , ...... -····- ,. . .,., . .,_ ... ,, d II st )' >I "' 8 :r I I 1 . t " .- t' -.. . .. .. . . . INING I OUT 'N ABOUT fnday, O.C.mt>er 22. 1978 DAILY PILOT C lloWship' ____ f''or week we've bef'n bomb rded with re· m1ndt'ns to get our Chn tmM shopp ni and m 1Un1 done arly Another ru ot holiday prepar»Uons wherf' common ens ~plo un demonstrate their "11dom by nrhnc s 11 Im na up 11dvan t re· ~rvouons for Chn tma aod Ntw Year'• oul ma lo loc I r tauranu ond ru1ht spot,,., JC you haven't <'On ldcrt'd th~ matt r y l \-ou'd bttlrr t.art aivmg th• subjert aome thou.iht n1ht now MUOI OUU 'TMA 1p1rtt "IJ\ pr~vall during the-l'xh•nll~ hoHdav we4-kt-nd, tht-r •' no t.,r1t1)llljC tht• fa<'l that &ood leollow'llhtp finds lh wurml''l t'~Pt ion ln a f liH' >UletJdt 1.r1d1 Coneerios Amplified Music by J . S. Bach and electricity by Con Edison are combined by Bruce Lofgren. Dave Parlato, Nei l Posner and Carmen Mo!-ncr. The combo is currently plugged in at The \\-'hile House. :J.40 S. Coast Highway. Monday thru Thursday Speclars (Fnday. Saturday, Sunday ·111 6 pm ) Ocean Perch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.45 Atlantic Cod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.95 Red Snapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.45 Mahl Mahl .................. 4.75 Grilled Sea Bass. . • . . . . . . . 4. 75 Top Sirloin Steak 4.95 lobster Tall . . . . 6.95 Steak & Lob1ter . . . . . . . . . 7.95 Plus Fresh Fish. Olht!r Seafood and Steaks #Anti 6eafGOI\ 1~;11 l'ACIHC (.lJAS I HW~ •fiUN liNGlON !let! •12131'192 1311 3001 f COASl HWY •CORONA DEL MAR • 111416~'>-0900 QUEEN MARY DINNER PLAYHOUSE R.M.S. Queen M.iry Pr omcn.1dc Dec.I. L11n~ B'"'lh, CA NOW THAU DCC. 30 RICHARD EGAN lfl "Hanky Panky" JAN 9 TH RU FEB. 18 MICKEY ROONEY 111 "Three Goats And A Blanket" Every Tuesday through Sunday Evening RESERVATIONS & INFORMATION CALL (213) 432-7428 MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW A Dining Experience Beyond the Expected Your fa vorite cuisine: steak, chicken, soalood, delicate soups, clossicol salads; prepared to please your palate. Served in the amble>nce of most beaullful oriental surroundings. Make your reservations now Jor a truly onioyablo dining experience. ....... #60 Fashion island, Newport Center Reservations (714) 644-4811 Century Plaza Hotel, Century City Reservation~ (213) 2n-1840 lton -lh obundant table Such u table doesn't have to bo limited to tht1 C>nt' on Chrltlmu Olly It can be the h1ahll11ht of any .ict t.o.ccther In the days Im· wc.'daalely before or alter M ny r taurianb will be closed Dt'c 25 so rormul t uny pion tor thut day with special Nml. A partlal llurvey earUcr this we~k. thouah, nt>tlecJ lnformalion on tht! followlna places that wlll be oCkn with pe tflc hollduy features. THE MARaJOTT HOTEL, 900 Newport Cc•nt. r Or , Ne\\lport Bcoch. 11 presenting Its tr dllion I 'hri1tmus hulfet dinner In the Partflr ffiallroom Two acatlngs are schedliled. Laguna Beach for shows tonight and Satur· day. Phone 494·8088 for times and reserva· tions to hear "Bach Lives'." Two acoustic guitars . electric bass and keyboard replace the typical violin and harpsichord. PRESENTS ariiily-stfle fare -on Christmas Day oneat2, theother au p.m. Patrons wttl be able to choose from a varie· ty of entrees and a wide variety of salads and relishes. The price or the dinner Is $9.75 for adults and $4.25 for children under 12, plus tax. As an added atlracUon, musical entertain· menl will be provided throughout the dining periods reaturing Marriott's popular Twin Plunos. IN B(YJ'll THE Capricclo Cale and King's Wharf restaurants, the Marriott will orrer its old·Cashioned turkey dinner, wherein a whole turkey Is served, with all the trimmings, and dad 1s welcome to carve the bird right at the la· ble. Otherwise waiters and captains will assist. Beyond the turkey served with giblet gravy, the bill ol fare Includes a relish tray, mixed green salad, mashed potatoes. candied yams. com, green beans. bread dressing, cranberry sauce and a choice of minee or pumpkin pie. Dinner seatings in ttle restaurants will begin at l p.m. with the last seating at 6 p.m. Prices are the same a hose for the Christmas buffet. Reservations: 64-0-4000. THE AIRPORTER INN. 18700 MacArthur Blvd., opposite Orange County Airport, will serve Christmas Day dinner from 11:30 a .m . to 9 p.m. All dinners include a choice of soup <cream or watercress) or salad <hearts oC RO· maine> and traditional dessert. A total of six entree choices range from roast tom turkey (served with old fashioned dressing, golden giblet gravy, snowy whipped potatoes or glazed yams, green peas and Belgium carrots). $6.25, to New York steak broiled <topped with sliced mushrooms and ac· companied by Lyonnaise potatoes, green peas and Belgium carrots>. $9.50. Other selections include standing rib roast au jus, ~.25 ; roast leg of lamb. $6.85; Scotch baked ham. $6.95; broiled halibut steak. $6.95 For children under 12 there will be a turkey, leg of lamb or shrimp plate. $4.50 each:or rib roast . $5.25. Service will be continuous in the Mediterra· nean Room. Reservations: 833-2770. -THE NEWPORTE R I NN. 1107 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach, will get Chnstmas dm· ner under way at noon in the Marine Room. A special holiday menu will offer a choice of four entrees, including a children's turkey or ham dinner, $4.75 each. Roast young tom turkey, $7.75. will be ac· companied by sage dressing, giblet gravy and cranberry s auce. Other selections broiled Pacific salmon CMailre d'Hotel butter>. $9.SO; prime ribs of beef, au jus (Yorkshire pudding, horseradish sauce>. $10.50; baked Virginia ham (orange glaze sauce). $7.75. All dinners will be accompanied by a choice of two soups, choice of two salads, vegetables <green beans, candted yam s. snow flake potatoes), bread, dessert and beverage. Reservations: 644·1700. BEN BROWN'S Restaurant at the Aliso Creek tnn. 31106 Coast Highway, South Laguna, will serve a special holiday dinner from 1 to 9 Out 'N About Norman Stanley p.m . All selections include supreme of fresh fruit and a choice of chicken a la Reine or mixed green salad. Ent.ree choices include roast young tom turkey, baked sugar cured ham, roast leg of lamb. prime rib or beer and halibut steak. Ac companiments are whipped potatoes. glazed yams. vegetables Jardiniere, fresh cranberry sauce. hot dinner rolls. dessert (mince pie with brandy sauce or apple pie and cheese) and beverage. Ben Brown's will also feature a special children's menu. Reservations. 499-2663. THE VELVET TURTLE, 59 Fashion Island on Newport Center Dr., Newport Beach, wi ll feature tradilionaJ Christmas dmner with roast turkey, dressing and all the tnmmings. Serv1ct will get under way at noon. Diners can also select from a wide array 0 1 Velvet Turtle specialties hke roast rack ol lamb. pnme rib. lobster tail. beef Wellington and New York steak ChLldrcn under 12 will have a choice of a special k1d's·s1ze turkey dinner or hamburger .... steak. Reservations 644·5313 Travel everywhere ... Sundays in the DAILY PILO 1~1111 PRt'SENfs rm: • VERA MILES H/T'OROADWA Y MUSICA L STAqRINO IN A CURTIS ROBERTS NOW PLAYING Tuesday tnru Sunoay Tu~. "SPec:.lal" · $1 LOO Wed., Thur., Sun .. • S 14.00 Sun. Bruncn • U J.00 Fri.· Sl6.00 ~t. • Sl 7.00 lncluoes Olnnllf, Show, --_ .... __ _ ---· .., __ DIRECTED BY HARVEY MEDUNSKY 1 HOTEL WAY, ANAHEIM · IAcrouFromOlsneyland) Tax & Coffee .. .,..., ltM*UllSSt. 140 AVE. PI CO -At The Sea -SAN CLEME"-iTE •ERBY RESTAURANT For A Memorable NEW YEAR'S EVE Dinner Served S to I HATS • HORNS • PARTY FAVORS EMTERT AINMENT AND DANCING 8 to I NO COVER HO MINIMUM Mait1t R~crtloM Mow 1262 S.E. BRISTOL (Orange Counly AirDOft) COSTA MESA 546-8390 JOIN US FOR A GALA NEW YEAR'S EVE Open For o-... At 5:00 ft .M. SPECIAL DIMMER MENU Entree Choice of New York Steak, Steak and Lobster. Prime Ribs of Beef Scampi or Fresh Fish PARTY FAVORS• CHAMPAGNE LIVE EMTEIT AIMM&n' 10142 Adams (Near Bromhunt) Huntington Beach 963-7820 RetendHou Acctphd _,.. It's like coming home ... to France Unfortunately, many French restaurants serve a stuffy atmosphere with their fine meals. The delicious experience of French dining is usually left for the well-to-do or the once-in-a-great-while nights out. That's why we advertise that Le Biarritz is "Hometown France." We still serve superb food, but there are no stufTy waiters, no unreadable menus -no haute ambiance. Join us for award winning dining for lunch or dinner. It's like coming home ... to France. bE Bl.ffRRIT~.M. French Reslaurant Dinner 1 Da71. Luotb Monday lbru Frl••Y· 414 N. Ne"por1 Blvd., Newport Beach. For Resen1tlo1a1 (114) 645-6700. CCK'.ktalls. I • I I C:Wt. Y P1LOT f're•PClflf'CI THEATER ••• thHtt"r'• flflll •lthl al\owa ln th amblhoull l8&t 10 aeuon. lie left La11un1 alt.er that lo tek Ju.a Pl.llfM ~t with Oran t Cout Collea•. but found Ume t0 dlrlcif' fivo ton1'"kUUVe l>l'OdU • tlon1 at Seb11llan'1 shortl)' after the S111 Clem nte dlnner hou o made Ill debut In 1973. At OCC. where ho share ttlo dlrectlna duties wllh Wllllam Purklas, Ferucca hes put on such ambltJoua projects &tJ "Indians:· "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," "All My Sons." ''Lonny," ''The llouao or Blue Leaves," "Marathon 33" and "Hamlet " HJs s ummer mu1lc1J1 bavo Included ''Fiddl r on the Roof," "Cabaret." "FolU "and "Mack and Mabel." Intermission Tom Titus A man for ull lheatrlcnl seasons, Ferzacca hosted a TV aeriet en lilied .. A ClOffl' Look" ror KOC F.·TV, a nd interviewed such atars as Robt'rt BteJce. Lee J Cobb, Sir Michael Red· grave and olhers. Besides "Zigzag," he has wrttten tbtte screenplays and a television pUoL Tll£ MULTIPLE talents or J ean Koba were never more glowingly displayed than on lhe Loguna stage last month when 'She portrayed four cJilferent chataclef'!I In "Twigs." But ror Jean. It waa old stuff since she had done the role a few months before under lhe dlrection or her husband. Alex. A naUve of Oklahoma. Miss Koba followed her show business dream Lo California and the Pasadena Playhouse where she and Alex met. Another Star John Ferzacca. the Daily Pilot's man of the year in theater for 1978, will add another star lo hls crown in 1979. Perennial Claristaitas Gift The Orange Coast College drama in· structor has been hired to write the book for a Broadway-bound musical en· titled "Veeck." based on the life· of Chicago White Sox owner Bill Veeck. "Annie '· the Tony Award-winning musical that celebr ates Christmas with opllmism and music every day or the year . is play · ing at the Shubert Theater in Century City. Performances are Tuesday through Saturday at 8:30 p.m., Sunday at 7:30 p.m. and We dnesday and Saturday matinees at 2:30. For ticket information. phone (213) 553·9000 An all-star cast, as yet uoaMounced. has been lined up for the production. which will begin in early spring. The show will be rehearsed on lhe West Coast and will play in Chicago for 10 weeks before moving to New York. SEAFOOD • STEAKS Dinner Tues.·Sun. • Lunch Tuu.·Frl. 18035 Beach Blod . -Huntington Beach <714) 848-4404 Near Son Diego Frwv. S&REblFF RESTAURANT FORA GALA NEW YEAR'S EVE GOURMET DINNER CHAMPAGNE PARTY FAVORS DISCO AND LIVE BAND GrCltllf>• of 2 to 10 People Only '40°0 Per Couple Lllllit~ R....-.affou •A•olkilta.How 3000 PAl.M AVE. HUNTINGTON BEACH (714) 536-8866 --·--··----·------~hr l>1ll,1gr J\11tl ' IC \ I . H O \ I ' I \ ' U HEAR YE!! HEAR YE!! GIANT NEW YEAR'S EVE CELEBRATION DINNR • DANCING HORNS • HATS • NOISEMAIEIS DIMer Price Includes Al Tiie Abo•• FU TURING SPECIAL MENU ~";:, ~.~~.~ ............. •I 0.95 AMfr .... LllNhlrT .. .,. , ] fS st.-... u.-...r c.-. . . . . .. . .. .. . . I . Mill YOUI llSMY A T10ttl IAa "f 127 MAI.IHI A VL . '7WJOO •~• JMf New f'11r For information and reservations. Phone (714) 640-4000 Ext. 6104 with ~\orr1ott~ Pacific Ballroom -S45.00 per person • Steak and Lobster Dinner • Unhm1ted Cocktails -Spm to 1 30am • Champagne at M1dmght •Favors • Continuous mos1c with the nosra1g1c sound of the Society for the Preserva· t1on of Big Bands and the today sound of the Fountain House Band t1om Las Vegas Klnga Wharf -S19.00 per person • Prtme nb dinner/salad bar • Champagne at Midnight •Disco Capncclo Cafe -120.00 per peraon • Prime nb dinner • Champagne at Midnight • Dancing to the Wally Ruth Quintet ~orrtou Hctel & lennis Club H&WPCMI·~ 4K)()"'-pr-.•l "".,.lit Bnng m the new year with a BANG! NEW YEAR'S EVE DINNER PARTY Make plans today to attend the She ralo n Newport's super New Year's Eve Dinner Party Celebration in our brand new Braz.ilia Ballroom' The festivities begin at 7PM on December 31st. Wlth reservatlons accepted on a f1rst come, hrst served basis. This great everung includes . •Complete Prime Rib Dinner •Dancing to the A1aa Remington Orchesba • 1Jn1im.H•d Cocktails lerved Throughout the E•ening •Champagne a PU'tJ' Favors at Midnight • Cotfee at the hening's End $39.50 per person Don't rruss the fun .. make reservations today1 A!,k for our "New Year's Eve Party Reservation Desk t" 833-0970 ext. 383 ®. 4545 MacArthur Blvd. (South of Orange County Arrport) Newport Beach. CA 92660 833-0570 • -~ .... " . •t • • • ..,, MAN. WOMAN OF THE YEAR FOR ORANGE COAST THEATERS John Ferzecce, Jea~Kob8 Epitomize Troupe•• Profe11lon•H•m They have been a team for more than 30 years. frequently in the theater as well wilh one Koba directing the olher Interchangeably. Among her more memorable performances In loca l community theater are the rqles of Lin· da Loman in "Death of a Salesman." Fiona In "How lhe Other Hall Lov~ ... Virin~ in "Life With Father," Edna in "The Prisoner of Second Av enue" and a double achievement at the Hunt· ington Beach Playhouse -playing the mother in "Another Part of the Forest" and that character's daughter in "The Little Foxes" the next. THOUGH SHE ONCE said that "AJex is really the director in the family," Jean has pro- ven herself a rorce to be reckoned with in that area as well. Amoog her credits are "Cat oo a Hot Tin Roof." "Ah . Wilderness," "Rain," "Picnic," ''The Hasty Heart." Plaza Suite," "Mary. Mary" and "Finishing Touches." Taken together. the accomplishments or John Ferzacca and Jean Koba add up lo a stag- gering output of creative energy, and the work of each has carried the special stamp of pro· fess1onahsm that has earned them the designa- tion of man and woma n or the year Santa's At Safari Special holiday enier· tainment at Lion Coun· try Safari wlll include an opportunity for vis· itors to have their photo graph taken with tiny nursery animals and a j umbo St. Nick and comedy by Chris Kirby. Llon Country Safari is open every day of thtt year , rain or sh inf'. Gates open at 9:45 a.m. and cJ06e at 3:30 p.m. Take the San Dlego Freeway (405> to lht! Irvine Center Drive exi t DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS &42-5878 Great Christmas meals are Ji Marnott tradition. Come and share our lavish dinner buffet. A Sl'lccl1on or carved mCJttl , inttUdtnlT • Roast Turkey •, Glazed Ham • Baron of Lamb • Steamship Round of Beel • Smoked Salmon Plus a wtde assortment of trad1honal accompan1men1s Fonnformalron and reserYc1loon& Phom~ (7 141 640-4000 £..1 6100 .,.\\OF'rlOtr 1 1 Hotel & Tunis Club NllW'tllll'»n".C"KN'T"ltl' '•'II•...._, •• , t ...,.. , ,_ ~irporter qnn CJlotel rneorreRRANeAN R~~m •'l)ii4r Dinner All Dinners Include Soup or Salad And Traditional Dessert CREAM OF WATERCRESS SOUP HEARTS OF ROMAINE SJ\LAD ENTREES ROAST TOM TURKE\'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.25 Ovt•n Housll'd Tom Turkt•-. Ju1ry and Tender. Old l-'ash1on<'d Ure,,111.: l;oldl!n Giblet C:1 a\' ~mm\ Whtpp<.·d Po1at0<"1 ot Cla1,•d \".im. Grt•,•n Penh, Hl'IS(111m C.\111 oh C'h1lct,Ph:ih• undc•i 12• 4.50 NEW \'ORK STEAK, BROILED . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . ........... 9.50 Flarnrful Jnd Ftllt111l Tim Top ll,1nk10A Sll'ak Will flt• To11rwd \\ tlh !-ih<'t'<I :\lu,hr0t>m~ and E'corkd "1th l.~onnatM' PotatOl'' und r, 1 e.•o Pea". Bc•l)(tllm ('urr11t'i. STANDING RIB ROAST · AU J US ........................... 9.25 Our l'crt•nnlal f',1v1111tc Sclert Chotre Portions Carved lrom our Grl'ol ~tandtnA IM1 Hoa,.., \\tit Ht' A1·c'Ompun1ed by C.:rl!aml'd ~ptnal•h. 'ork!'h11 l' I 'u«ld1ng und <.:1 l'amy Wlnppcd I lori.l'rudti.h Child~ Pl ale • unllcr 12 1 5.25 ROAST LEG OF LAMB ...................................... 6.85 O('lt('lltl.' Slit'(•>; or l.amh SNH'fl ()\ l'f Out Old .. ·a~htOnl'd Drl·S~llll: l.adlcd OH•r With tl 'i O\\n :'\.11u1 al .Jui<·~. <ircc n J'l('os. lkti:lum, Cor('ot11. Wh/pp<.'(f l'ol{ll<>t'' fh1ldi. rial(' ·undl•r 12• 4.50 SCOTCH BAKED HAM ........................................ 6.95 '\U<'<'Ult•nt l(oJst<.'Cl 'l\•ndt•1. (;1t'i.•n P~a,, 1k'lg1um Carrots, Wh1111x•d l•otuto ~ um1 Appl\• l'-.iu1•1• BROILED HALIBUT ST EAK . . ............................. 6.95 Sen 1•d J'lpm11 llot \~Ith T11rtcr Sau<'c. Gtccn Pea:.. Belgium Carr111'>, and Wh•Ol)('d P0Culo1•'i FOR THE "KIDS" A BASKET OF SHRIMP .' ................................ 4.50 Beverages .50 Serving 11 :30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Re ervatlons Accepted 18i00 Mar Arthur Newport tOppos lte the Airport 1 833-2770 I I . . . ... Zany Vibes -ue Ch ap Tri k to Cbup Trick iomt-rock mu. le erklcs describe lh11 troup ua the hot· , .. l . fresh st. uoiest mualcal IMiraomo lo hit lhe charts '" y ~ -Ii cornl~ to UC frvtne next w k. If nOltlinJ t'h.~. the ( rv1d d tiP·· 1 th Rl"OOP msp1rt1 from cnuu . an ccomph mt"nt "CR EA.P TIUCK not only . oun<h Uko th tr au~ nd nt ror&ol to l~k lh Ir ca,e.. thc•y look Uh It too:· Charle• M Youna of "Rock & Roll'' wrot~ "lfutr tM fun o/ th album lln Color> la 11t rmat ut th picture on •he back and wonder•nt U lead 1u1tari t Rirk Nl~lst!n reolh' has fire anll in tus und rwt'&U', and how Bort.1 Karloff matt'd Henry Kusslnger Wllh A~olr KIUer lo com1:1 up with drum l'ner Bun E Carlos," b conunued fntr1gurng. Critic lra Robbln. of Troul)er l~ress was equally 1nsp1red. .. WHEN A GROUP hos a gwtanst with Donald Sulh~rland's face and I Huntz Hall's wardrobe. a drummer named Bun E. Carlo,, who looks like Rod Steiger playing an undertaker, and a singer with Frampton cutes, )OU've got to make a decision. Either -you hate lhem right oct, or you slit ;·~~:t~g~~~ .. s hrink (wrap ) and tn- But, the wardrobe, after aU. only gets your attention. It's the music that keeps the audience on its feet and Cheap Trick has been doing just that tor rour years. Compared with The Who and Aerosmith, the group's sound is pp ar at UCI de ('rlbtd by one craUc H "harder than pop rock,'' and another H "raw, unbridled r'O<'k " Chup Trkk hu two 1Jbwn1 under its ~It lhe d but c.ttac which did v•ry w ll, and "Jn Color" which did ven bett Rl•hl oow. lh Jr thtee lnale.a Od I.hr chart.a are. "CallforoJa Man," "Surrender," ond "On Top of The World.'' LEAO G ITAJU and aonpnter Rlck NlelRn con.slit ntly draw1 Ute h11he1t prt1ff tor hl• 8owcey Boys appearance ond b11 on al)d olf-atqo downing, but most eapeelally Cor his strumm1"' and hl1 songs. lng~r Robin Zander'fl voice ha be n compared lo Paul McCart.n y'a, but w th a lharper od_JJe Origins or the erdtlp are a bit dif· ficplt lo piece together, parltulty because members of the group re- portedly adopt, at Jl\y given mo· ment. varied and creative lndlvidual histories Ep1c Records, their label. ap· parently found the group playing bars in the m1dwcst, with a home base of Chicago. BASSIST TOM Petersson and Nielsen s rud they found each other while playing an a Midwest band called Fuse. And the two said they found Carlos and Zander during a whirl through Europe. You can find all four at Crawford Hall at UC Irvine Wednesday Dec. 27 at 8 p.m Tickets, in advance, are $8 at Ticketron outlets, and $8.50 at the door. . . . -J \ '"ctay· Oeoembef 22, 1978 r DAILY PILOT COSTUr,1ES ANO EXPRESSIONS GET ~S MUCH CftlTICAL ACCLAIM AS MUSICAL ABILITY Tom Petersson, Bun E. Carlos, Rick Nielsen, Robin Zander Combine for Cheap Trfck Real Cantonese Food eat here or take home /1olden ~~~~~ ...... -~· 1· Sl:Jraf,on . - • • • • MULDOON'S The Place For NEW YEAR'S EVE PUB PARTY · LIBATIONS · DANCING IN HEATED PATIO LIVE ENTE"TA1NMENT ·NO COVER · FAVORS Superb Continental Cuisine Jn An Intimate Setting Featunng Our Entire Award-Winning Menu Dinner Seating limited From 5 p.m. Ae.ervatlona & .. ntlal 202 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach 640-4110 .... .m beault/1'1 AU.0 COllJIOll CHRISTMAS DINNER Sentd ...... I tot P.M. 5-nme of ""'" f'fvlt ~•le A..,_ Of MIMCl 0-s.llld ROAST YOUNG TOM TURKEY old /a1h1oned apple and almond dressing with giblet gTOVll. BAKEDSUGARCUREOHAM Champagne Sauce ROAST LEG OF LAMB au noturol, IOvo~ Drttmg and Mint JELLY. ROAST f:>RIME RIB OF BEEF au Jul. Whipped Horaerodiah Sauce. HALI BUT STEAK, Soule Mttvniere Whipped Potatoe.--Oloied Yam1 V~l'lable1 Jardimere-F'mh Cronbm'JI Sauce /lot Drmvr RoU.t Mincmreot ,,._, ~ SoMct AIJ>le Pw. Chttae B~ SOeclal Children's Menu Turw Intend at our sign lltttrV.t•• *1* CMtt Hwy., lo. L.a1m1 ...... _Am"9,._.... JOIN US FOR OUR SMASH HOLIDAY MUSICAL THRU JAN. 7 BRUNCH PERFORMANCE EVERY SUNDAY Adults $9.95 Kids $6.95 GAi.A , NEW YEAR'S EVE PERFORMANCE $100 per couple DANA TRADER RESTAURANT Home of Fresh Local Lobster OPE~ DAILY 11 :00A.M . LUNCH• DINNER• COCKTAILS ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE I SUNDAY BRUNCH 10 A.M. to 3 P .M . I 34150 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY DANA POINT 493-2603 GENUINE CHINESE MANDARIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A lo C.Orte Dishes :Z02JH.._.-.c1. LUNCH•OINNER DAILY Food To Take Out 11.30 A.M. to 10 P.M. COSTAMISA 642·7162. 631·9911 Enjuy Christmas Dinner al the SOUPS Cream of Com French Onion SALADS Crisp Garden Greens Waldorf Salad (choice of dressing} ENTREES ROAST YOUNG BROILED PACIFIC TOM TURKEY S7.7S SALMON S9.SO Sage Dressmg, Giblet Gravy. Maiue d'Hotel Butter Cranberry Sauce Suggested Wines: Suggested Wines: Rhrnc Wine or Chardonna~ Rhrne Wine or Chardonnay PRIME RIBS OF BEEF aujus SlO.SO Yorkshire Pudding Horseradish Sauce Suggested Wines: Clare!, Burgundy or Rose BAKED '11RGINIA HAM S7.7S Orange Clat.e Sauce Sugges1ed Wines: Rose or Lu:b fraum1lch CHILDREN'S TURKEY or HAM DINNER $4.75 VEGETABLES Green Beans Candied Yams Snow Fl:ike P111aioes BREADS llot h ench Roll Fresh Muffins DESSERTS Pumpkin Pie Minced Meat Pie Kona Coffee Jee Cream Raspberry Sherbet BEVERAGES Coffee Tea Cold Milk Sanl..a Dinner served r rom J 2 noon. In eecluded AlllO Canyon ~ ....... 1oJ1,_ -vW'JWUl!A ~ .. ,,,.,,_ ..,._ ·----~ GALA.,;-,~-}"} ~ 11.a :ffi ~ PARTY: ~ ,_ 74•,. .Jfl. - Complete Dinner STEAK A WBSTER COMBO P4ff1 Foon -Hoh -NolMmahn r .. DANCING AND M ~TAINMIMT . , ............... ., "SUNSET" Turn lnlend et our algn 31108 Co.IC Hwy. So.Leguna Ample prlvete parking Llm1l9d A...-vetlona 411-*3 , "' • Live ·.· ~Apr.l ~ ~ Ente~~nment • ' ( IOl8YSTRtCIUMD • DUO IN THE LOUNGE Two Seatings For NEW YEAR'S EVE 1,_9 t,. _. llClltl & NICO 9 PM OUR SPECIAL MENU -='HIMll(C.VW IMA011 ClAllQOll)l.t QOCf., ,,,. .,. IQllC dlNltlllAlllG mut~L*JlllMl l fflOli..,,. IOI llSSIJI CllOCIUlf '**"' UMlllllAU11J m• .. --.. .... ,........,.., Cli'WACIJJ 3201 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar RESERVATIONS A MUST 675-7575 .. • • 1 I I r FrtOay. Oenmbef 12. 1111 '41 mt Parade Revisited G"1IGI Jl'Oi:id oid Pl~-wlnir.r -+---..!!L~OlildOo,. Co .Qfrt B<l9m _______ _ LUNCH. DINNER tlomesprm-Mmic-RoTaes L-wnp-in Throat SUNDAY BRUNCH . 0ptn 11.00 o.m. to 11.00 pm. Clow 4:00 pm Mon & ru.. ENT CROWN HOUSE RESTAURANT 32902 COAST HWY. LAGUHA HIGU£f.. (Al G<-Vall .. ~et\-yl 499-2626 496-5773 IVY HOUSE RESTAURANT 3U FOREST AVE. LAGUNA BEACH ((~fN~INI Ample Free Psr1<1ng 494-9491' 752·8558 STARTS CHRISTMAS DAY "I JUST LOVED THIS MOVIE!" -Judith Crist konco 8ruso11·~ "'BEST FOREIGN FILM OFTHEYEAR!" A1c:ne• W1ns1en N v Po~• Q kH. For Omified Ad ACTION Ca!I A Dolly Piiot Ad-wiMir '42·5678 By AaTllUR VINSEL Of 1119 O•llY l'llet tllllf Som r~•tauranla on the Oran1c Coast herald thl' 1trokt or 9 p m wlth a blul or ampUCled rock mu1'1c m to blow tht Bnrnalse '> uuce rithl olt your entrec Into someone's lap • thr e tablet away · Dul -hear m now . music. trivia and nosta111a ran.a on of the mo.t unllkely U1o~ to come down the pike ln yean b 1 refreshlna chance from lhe county' a 1978 norm WHO AaE Tffi 1uya -actually ooe lln'l a l.,.Y who provldo a repertolrt \o rouse a lump n the throat of a hobo: a hllJbUI)'; a cowboy; 1.nyon IJ'OWln1 up ln World War II yeara; M~xkana, lrlJbmen, and anyono with a punk ear from ov rdollna on l>Wlk rock! ''Hut SUt·Ralat.oft," named for a tune on the U S Hlt Pa.rad• on June 8, 19n. th1l's who. And lboy hold fott.h for enthu1Ja1Uc listeners Tues· dar lhrou&h SUnd•Y~ Tb•y are curr ntly ln t.M employ or J . P. Mac'•· oo Adams Avenue Ju.at a good tobacco •P l aout.h ot Brook.hunt Street ln Hunt.lnston Beach and drawioa crowds every night. ISA.88 PIA Yta Victor Mio. 48, of Manbal· tan Bead\, ail.a tn total, eyes.froat concentra· Uon. atrummlng and t.brumminJ away like a droll old troU wlth his long, moaes·llke gray beard, meditating under bis bridge. "I've been dolna ll for 31 yean," says the former aymphony orc!bestra member, who no loo1erlookaatlhe1trtnga. He can also play the kazoo simultaneously. "It was invented by the famed Kaiooski.'' he quips. Indeed, the pimpJy.faced imperial marines of the Electric Kool Aid Dirty·Foot Killer Salamander Band could blow up a whole old· time musical instrument museum and Hut. Sul and Ralston could probably play mos\ of what hits the ground. "THE\'' RE ON AN indefinite contract," says a management spokesman ror J .P. Mac's, a rustic old general store-farmhouse genre restaurant featuring abundant dinners, well cooked and served. The trio. or any third of it, more than does rair·to·fiddling well on such instruments as bass, kazoo. guitar, banjo, violin. conga and snare drums, pjano and even the lowly, Uvely old wash board. Vlvactous Marilyn Moore. ~. of La1un1 Beach. a rormer acboolteacher who comblries a aruelin1. fi\'e·nlaht mualc:al 1la. with daytJme graduate atudl • la the female third ol the aroup. DANN\' DURANT. 33. a Redonde Beach rttfd,fl\t. a ha.ndlome blJlck man whose parentl were ltllaaJonarles ln Brun where he learned the fluenl Portugueae so vital to "Gari From lpancma" rounds It out. He can cou tears from a bard·bltten lrlsbmen with his violin rendition of "Danny Boy:· whlle at Umes he doesn't sing but makes the Instrument do it for hlm ln an astonishing variety ot ways. His version or "Orange Blossom Special." a bluegraaa and country fan's favorite that Uteral· ly evokes the smell of hot oil and coal smoke and the rumble and rattle or steel wheels is a masterpiece. LIKEWISE, THE whole trio's venion or "Wabash Cannonball," one of several railroad songs woven through their carpetbag of unex- ~ted numbers, must have Mot.her Maybelle Carter tapping her feet in her grave with re- membered pleasure. • The repertoire includes all the favorite con· temporary and unbiquitous·bul-sWl·good John Denver works. and one is reluctant to hear lbeir trademark tune. "Choo-Choo Boogie," a algnal for a break. One recent surprise -the result or a bet lbat they wouldn't know il -was "Jaliaco " a lung.ripping rendition of that Mexican state's rousing anthem. "Thank'ee," said Ms. Moore, as the ap· plause died and Hut-Sul-Ralston moved on through their music. with its old West. down home. south-0!-the·border mixed.ethnic fl avors from another day in America. NO MATl'ER WHAT you have to go home to. or what tomorrow may bring, an hour or two with Hut-Sul-Ralston is good for what alls you. One can go home warm.· loose and happy: perhaps with a tear of memory dried on the cheek. a revival or reeling for life. and that 1s the essence of the people's music anywhere. To Hul·Sut-Ralslon. ·an unlikely trio to say the least.one can only say-Thank'ee. Schedule or ~me special radfo ClffisTmas programs. KNX 10'19AM Tonight -7:~ -The station's annual broadcast of "Douglas Edwards At The North Pole." a fie· titious account of a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Claus. Sunday -9:06 p.m. - Mysur y Theatre -An adaptation of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." will be presented starring E.G. Marshall. KCBWlt.tFM <Cable recepdoaoaly, Saturday -7 p.m . to 10 -Otd Radio-Christmas Shows including Lionel Barrymore doing Mayor o f the Town : The Christmas Story. Sunday -7 p.m. - Dylan Thomas' narration of hi s .. A C h ild's Christmas in Wales." Monday -Noon -Presentation of ·•under Milkwood " -Dyl a n Thomas' classic play or life in a Welsh town, star- ring Richard Burton. Monda)' -1:30 p.m . - Mu s i c a nd Mirac le Dr a m as -a holiday pageant created by I Can· tori. KNOBt7.9FM RE-CREATING 1938 A.ADIO DRAMA FOR TV SPECIAL Mary Frann, Whitman Mayo and Bret Mom.on Rehearae Sunday -5:30 a.m. - Heartbeat The atre. "Snow Gems," the story of a desperate man who steals a woman's purse on Christmas Eve . flro•PageCI VOICES OF CHRISTMAS PAST. • • Marshall's narration or Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" adaptation. Newport Beach. who said, "People are very mobile and radio drama ties them down too much." This station is one or a few exceptions, however. Most program directors seem to follow the t.b1nking of KOCM's Dick Sadar in ::.r----------------------------------------~-- The success of KNX 's nightly 9 o'clock Mystery Theat.er raults this reasoning a bit. PiCaSSiCJS tJ ~ • • • • • • • • If it's got handles you'll grab a sale faster in Daily Pilot classified ads. can 642-5678 MOST OF THE year. the program stands No. J in the ratings with an audience of 90,000 plus for the hour time slot, a station spokesman said, and even in baseball sea,,on, only drops to No. 2 or3 . In a n ironic twis t or programming, television ts stepping in where radio fears lO \read this year . 3RD ANNUAL NEW YEARS EVE BASH! SUNDAY, DEC. 31 8 PMto2 AM COMPLIMENTARY FOOD • PARTY FAVORS NOISE MAKERS MAGIC SHOW ' FEATURING DANA DANIELS Plua LIVE DISCO BAND MAIN SQUEEZE $10.00 Per Person 830·8 Newj>ort Center Dr. Newport Beach FOA AE8EAVATION9, CALL ~712 ·I ._,, •• ,' . ' ~ 0 #' • On Christmas Eve. KNBC is presenting Charles Dickens' "A Cricket On The Hearth," a recreation of a 1938 radio drama which stars, among others, former radio stars Hal Peary, "The Great Glldersleeve, .. and Bret Morrison "The Shadow." ' mIJF llf[ MEXICAN RESTAURANT Under New Ownership and Management By DON MARCIAL c-.. Aad St,y .,. •• , .. Serving Daily LUHCH • DIH~,. • COCKTAILS w...-n.n. 11 .. 11 •fir\, A ht. 11·12 • S... 10.11 147 W. lttll St .. Cotta MeN 642-9764 • . ' \ ENTERTAINMENT ..... $ SO. COAST PLAZA C.1t>l9HI atll lldlol ~"" IWt.-S SO. COAST PLAZA aY.ut0'19M.·~---- CftU ..... ,..., .... "0UVER'8 STORY" _, __ ,~-- •rm IWl•'S SO. COAST PWA •'""-we.w ......... ,.,. •• llWl•'S "UP IN SMOKE" CllEllAWIO UMt-• .... .!:..".:"' "THANK GOD rrs FRIDAY" •• "" 1-..-?:1 .. 1•" llAM'S C .. EIAUMO MNk~ ..... lJS.IMI ,, _ ·-494-1514 "BIG FIX" -MM 'lUS AU If.ta CA&fl CAUH>aHIA IUfTt CHI 11: ..... -......... ... QMauTWOOO "'tVlaYWHtCH WAT IUT lOOSr' ,,,.. ............. ,_ . ll'AQFIC TMIATMS MW• 9W1P Mi»~ ~-.vo.~ ----·--·-··-~.,,_... .. , .. ·-··--·----..----... ......, ___ , ___ _ .............. ·-,,,,.,. NJt CUNr unwooo MIT WllCM WAY IUf &OOSlr,.> """ THI OAUNTLIT111 ulf ~ • '°"" ruvoua MOMINT IT MOMINT Ill ~l/S QOOOITI NOIMA JIAN <flMl:~I~~:=·~ • I AM OMA& e CMlltCI ...... OUYlit'S POllY 1N1 ""' MUATMON MAN1•1 -*'°" THI WIZ1•1 "ut THI OIM•INI .. 'I --;-.,._ ___ HOLIDAY CUSTOM -• ~ • I ' Spanish Tradition Put,s Glow in Eve YOU'LL BELIEVE A MAN CAN FLY SUPERMAN MARLON BRANDO GENE HACKMAN " ~ CHRISTOPHER REEVE GLENN EORO MARGOT KIDDER VALERIE PERRINE SUSANNAH YORK TERENCE ST AMP DAILY 12:30, 3:15, 6:00, 8:45, 11 :00 CINEMA WEST WfSTMt .. STH AT ~OLDIHWUT WESTMIH. cana 192-4493 H•HOa ATWH.S°"· COSTA MES. 646-0573 646-3266 FRI. 8:00, 8:30, 10:45 #1SAT.-THUAS.1:15, 3:30, 8:00, 8:30, 10:45 HUNTINGTON CINEMA PLUS(PG) "GOIN' SOUTH" Friday, December 22. 1978 J DAILY PILOT €7 LumlnarlH -the Spanlth custom of t 1 • lna candJe1 outdoors to aulde th Christ Child to the church on Christmas Eve -will be dupUcoted Sunday In Newport Beach and Ml•· alon Vl~Jo -lTjll rot resttvfts:-cotonists improvised .wit)\ 11mall bonfires or twigs. Th Dover Sbores nel1hborhood In Newport and th enllr • tommunity of Mission Viejo wlll be lll by hundreds or candles placed In paper ba1s. outliruna 1ldewalk4 and paUos, anytime arter duak. Sun1 t m11uulno for December has a feature article on the tradition which la dis· Unctlvc to the K<>ulhwest. Mrs. J.S. 8 tson of Newport Beach ex· plained the cendlo-Uaht1n1 started durtnc the colontulion of New Mexico when there were no The best two-houa lacation in town! NEIL SIMON'S tCAJLll IADRNllA StUJ[']fE" Q [ffi DAILY 1 :00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00, 11 :00 AT EDWARDS CINEMA H•Rl~•T •D•MS COST A MESA 546-3 I 02 DAILY 2:15, 4:15, 6:15, 8:15, 10:15 AT CINEMA VIEJO S.O.FUEWAYTOLAP41 MISSIOH-VWO IJD._6990 S.J .-;Jl•lilil••llOl"r-dlll! __ ,_,, .... immsHAW SUN.·FRI. 12:15, 2:30. 4:45, 7:00. 9:15 SAT. 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7:00, 9:15, 11:30 AT r CINEMA WEST : WfSTMIHSTaATGOlOEfo!WfST 892-4493 DAILY 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 AT edwards BRISTOL CINEMA CINEMA CENTER HUIOlll 4 T ADAMS. COST A MISA MESA VllDICIHTH 979·4 I 4 I CINEMA WEST WHTM"'ITtUT~wtST ' H2-44tl CINEMA VIEJO s.D.F•MWAYTOL•l'.U , MISSIOM ¥11JO 130-69'0 She recommends the event as a good family OT neighborhood activity for the holiday because it talces aome time and cooperation to anchor and li&ht all the names . IN SOME COVNTIUES the "lanterns" line rooftops and fences. But Orange County fire de· r.artment authorities cautJon a1alnst having uminaria so closo to structures or setting them out in high winds. Arrangement or the ruckerln& liJhll has been done for she years in Mission VleJo and 11 years in Dover Shores. , They couldn't have cdebrated happier anniversaries if they were manied to each other. Ellen Alan Burstyn Alda ~amc~mc. '·1-xt '~ff -u. ...... ,,.-~ ...... ,,,..,..OWJI ~ . FRI. 6:30, 8:45, 11:00 SAT.-THUAS. 2:00, 4:15, 6:30, 1:45, 11:00 STARRING SOPHIA LOREN JOHN CASSAVETES GEORGE KENNEDY ROBERT VAUGHAN MAX VON SYDOW DAILY 12:45, 3:00, 5~30. 8:00, 10:15 edwards BRISTOL CINEMA 0 fPG) 'lvlllY WlllCHWAY 9vr~' DAILY 1:15, 3:~, e:oo, 8:15, 10:30 CINEMA CEHT£R HAHOa AT ADAMS, COST A MHA MtS"A VDDICEHTR-97'•4141 - WESTBROOK WISTMIHSTY AT UOOkHU•ST GAIDfMGIOVI 530-4401 edwards SADDLEBACI PWA &TOM>ATIOC.,_. &TOttO 111-1a1 j.f .Q· tolkien's , "Ch~JqRJ cWeJQ!igs" DAILY 12:45, 3:15, 8:00, 8:45, 11:15 -~waaa • ..;a. PLUS CHEECHlt CHONG'S UPIN SMOKE :1 Q DAil Y ~l.OT ~Travalta s TransJiite"ll European-Di By USA &OBIN80N b People do to to dtseo. ln Parts and lA>ndon, ut nooe ot ttMtn at.and oa the lideWalk btaalna to be let ID the way IOlne peopa. do ln NewYorlc Caty . But even tbou1b the duet noora are packed, UM crowd la 108QI. the music aonatop and the Uahtt oftea 1p6CtatWar. sno1t ot lb curreot nllht 1pot1 ln Paria Md LoDdoft are 1Ull pale. lf not tackier. lm1taUona ot N York'• Studios.. -' liiO N01' 81.NCS Sybll 8wtcm'• Arthur in th mid· lMOt, or ptrhapa. El N~C'O or Th Storlc Club ol lhi ...... hM a nlfbt apot r c~lved uch intern.Uooa1 attlu and arouacd [ ROCK TALK ] •uch curioelty a ba ttv ftubtll'a d1 co Every~ a.bout It "Is 1l reall bard to att ln•" lh y a k. astonl bed, m Par1 "ls il really ao lv1 ?" oo wanle to know In London. rn Puls. th cur ot bla d a.l and fabulou except.Ion lo th run-oC·lh mill d ~o l the Theatre le Pala~. a bt'aut rut rt dtco theater on the Rue Fauboura du Nonlmart~. n ar the sleazy Ptaall dJ•lrlct Jna1de, a larait balcony overlooks the crowded dance noor and the luer 1J1hts which shoot out a continuous blanket or green beams below. The crowd couldn't be cuter; the fashionably dressed mingle with girls wearing funky. oot-p1ece bathing suits and fishnet tights. THEY DANCE TO a combination or American disco hits by Sylvester, Karen Young, Cerrone . . and the more computerized Euro- pean sounds or Amanda Lear, Kraftwerk and Boney M. The dancing is casual, languid ... you won't see any John Travolta-llke "steps" here. Fabrice Meyer , who has run the lively and often outrageous Club Sept on the Rue St. Anne for years, opened le Palace last March. Huge scrapbooks kept in the Palace offices are filled with newspaper clippings and photos that attest to the hot spot the place holds in chic Parisian society. Designers like Karl Laierlleld, Yves St. Laurent. Kenzo, Caatelbajac . . . all at parties for Paloma Picasso, drag balls, and so forth. - --rashionable as the Palace is. it ts also :s touch more dramatic than its New York coun- terpart (that is, if you consider anything equal to the larger·lhan-life Studio S4). "The French wouldn't stand for all that business with the ropes outside the door," says Palace manager Gill es Roignant. "There would be a riot." THE PALACE HOLDS concerts several times a week, with such recent headliners as Sy ves ~r. an a Lear, David Johansen and Peter Tosh. But the real action ls when the dancing begins, and lasts, until well inw the morning. In London, disco at the private Embassy Club is a slightly different story. Top London dt>t aner MlcbMl P'lah elalma that tM 'lmbally <or whlch tw l• one of the back .. > attraeta "•U the l(rand<"bUdren of the ariltocreey -the ooe» who oren't J>OHUn 1"h Embalal ii bnmecUately vlllble at ltt fHhlonabl Old Bond Strtet loc1Uoo by a red r1rp t lh•t 1tntcMI out lnto I.he 1tr.et. It's v r1 dark lnai<M. 1m1JI <bokll abcM eoo peo. pl&). and hu • dowutaln bar wtt.h ploed·ln ela11lral mU1lc wtt.r• 1ou cu ac:tually talk and bo heard TM muatc UPlt•ln lt ltandard. black Am•rirM dtlco. TM waJttn1 ud buabon wear aboru • 11 Studio 54. BY WNDON 1tand1rd1 lt'a hot. and la Jiv· ln1 tl'I~ more ,e1llbU1bed Tramp (the Jermyn Slr t club that eaten to tbe Bluca Jaaer. Roddy l.lewellyn, r leb·m .. ·wllb·expenae- aceounta ~rowel> a nm for lts IDCIM>'· "Tramp ls hn for ""hat lt 11, ·• 11y1 Michael f'llb. "but wc'rt! the onlf ruUy smart cSanrin1 el ..... What wll happeo U Studio M opem Ira Loft. don In March remaiba to be seeo. For (aJtbou1h the crowd at tbe Palace can b4t •mu1inc and even wild> after a week ot mutq tbe rounds In Paris and London. I think lbe dilCO ~ii far more Mdatt tn thole towna tbu what J'm used Lo NowhenJ did,) really see anythlq to rival the bi,URW), 1h1m<N'OWI feel of Studio ~ - where every n.i1ht cu be New Year's Eve. and no one bllnkl aJl eye at the aftht ol a man in a lampshade, a dress, or even oa roller skates. Soprano Slates Concert at SAC A •·Lucky Strike Bonus" concert is being presented by Santa Ana College on Wednesday Jan . 3 with Cheryl Stoltz. soprano from Cope nhagen, and Natalie Limonick, dist· inguished accompanist, in Phillips Hall at 8 p.m . Miss Stoltz, a native Orange Countian and UCLA graduate, began her vocal studies with S usan Brenner and Martial Singher. SHE SPENT one sum· mer a t the Music American So n g FestivaJ, held in Sandef· Jord. Norway, and was warmly ~lved in con· certa for her delightful rendition of the Danish Art Songs by the great Carl Nielsen. THE PROGRAM for the Jan . 3 concert will Include Art Songs from the works of Richard Strauss .. Additional informa- tion mey be obtained by ca lUng Santa Ana Colfege. 835'-3000-;-e-xr. ~-Academy of the West, --~~~~---~---~~~~~~~._.~~~~.:..._~-J.~~~~~~~~._.~~~~._.~._.._.._.~~._.~ a nd r eturns to study with Natalie Limonick. prominent director or the USC Opera Workshop, whenever her traveJs bring her hom-e t o iSanta Ana where her parents. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Stoltz reside. Miss Stoltz has sung on the Norwegian· ·---..c--- A funny. warm and wonderfully romantic film. -Rt•Reod UNIVERSAL PICTURES PRESENTS ·1?0BERT STIGWOOD PRODUCTION LILY TOMLIN • JOHN TRAV LTA "MOMENT BY MOMENT# execur1VE PRODUCER KEVIN McCOR ~ ProoucEo sv ROBERT STIGWOOD ASSOCIATE PRODUCERS LEMOND AND LOIS ZEITER A MN.~SO COWWWFltM Co·st6rring loMNA L0cu GEOffREY LEWIS WRITTEN &DIRECTED BY JANE WAGNER 61CSCOREDBYLEE~ TECHNICOLOR® llJ~r=~,,..,....,...,...,..~~~=-:~:7r:-::-:-~~h$:"""~;:-;:"7""i'T7"""'1 ~l~':f.~;:i;-I~ BEVERlY D'ANGELO Md RUTH GOllOON 6S M<J • \lth1\l~ by JEREMY JOE KRONSBERG Proouced by ROBERT DALEY• Directed by JAMES FARGO• Colo< by DELUXE® Olst11bute(j by WARNER BROS ~A WARNER COMMUNICAHONS COMPl'<.m fe!= !!'!! INOWl\N®ltBAitANfl!ijE Mtt@;;:KJ l..!!~:::.N:.:::l~~MOM:=::.:N~· i:;::~~::..:.;::~:;:.:..::..:.;.< ~ 0 197• UMY£R$AL CITY STU FILMS ,. Cl-ME Orange 634-2553 STADIUM DRIVE·IN Orange 639·8770 .. llridly. December 22, 1978 DAILY PILOT CtJ 'NO BRIGHTER THAN A 12·YEAR..0LD COflD OF CHRISTM• LIGHTS' The Ramone9--Johnny. Marky, Joey and Dee De.-.Appeared I Coat• MeH Execution Effortless Ramones Play, Fans Revel, Crities Succ11mb By MICHAEL PASKEVJCH Ol 1• 0.01., P.Uet MMt ··Thank ya, it's really great to be here In ... <pregnant pause from lead singer Joey Ramone>. ''C<.'Stah Mesah: .. pipes guitarist Johnny. "Yea11, Quosta Mesa " WELL. NO ONE hss ever' accused The_ Ramones of being any brighter than a·12.year· old cord of Christmas lights. But the audience at the Cuckoo's Nest Mon· day night wasn't there for Cha ucer set to str· ings. They were there to get down <mentally as well as physically) to one of rock's more con· troversial quartets of the late '70s. Black leathers. Torn jeans. Ninety minutes of frenetic punk rock broken OD)y by bassist Dee Dee's shouts of "won, two, tree fouralr!~· or stunning dialogues like the one noted above. DEEP THINKERS, these boys from Forest Hills, N. Y. Tunes like "Teenage Lobotomy," .. Blitzkrieg Bop," "Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue" and "Sheena ls A Punk Rocker" (which cracked the Top 100 in 1977) were among the crowd's favorites All joined in to chant along as Joey held up a s ign bearing the groups' unofficial motto: "Gabba Gabba Hey!" Many folks will call The Ramones junk in· stead of punk, but that's the enchantment of this very special American band. There's no pre- tension and absolutely no message. THAT'S EXACTLY WHY the band that started the now-faded New Wave movement with its first album in 1976 is still wound and getting even better Live versions or tracks from the band's latest, "R6ad to Rui~," showed an increasing tendency toward stylist pop melodies. deftly caged wit.bin a tbree-n · te buzzsaw attack. Toss in a few olcl like "Do You Wanna Dance" and "Needles "1d Pins" and you come away with as efferves~nt a set of higb~neigy rock to be found any-Mlft"e. NOW AT A THEATRE OR DNVE• HEM ¥0U BRISTOL CINEMA Costa Mesa 54(}7444 SAODlEBACK PLAZA El Toro 7141581-6880 BECAUSE THE locus is so narrow, The Ramones' d<!cution seems effortless. -"let. na. band has been able tcduplicate the sound. STADIUM DRIVE·IN Orange 639-SnQ UACJltEMA_Westmlnster Mall 893-()5.t6 CINEDOME Orange 634-2553 • I FOR ORANGE OOUHTY PAOGAAM tNFOAMATION CAll. 53'-l'AfE -When The Ram<ies play. crowds dance and critics succumb. M#Ybe these guys aren't so dumb after all. -.llOP-loCCO'flll'Ollllllll~ -- * * "' New Album Rates High The Ramones IS:elt album, "Road To Rdll" popped up among six "Critic's Choice" s.tec· Uons as best album of the year in Rolling ~e magazine. Other winners' flild good last minute ats> a re the Kinks' •'\!is· fits," Jackson Brovne's "Running On Em1t.Y." Elvis Costello's 'This Year's Model," and Bruce Springst~n·s ··Darkness On Tbe~dge Of Town." Album of the !ear? The RolJing Staaes', "Some Girls." HUNTl"GTON "A musical powerhouse that sets the spirit soaring. Hallelujah! A celestial take-off time at the movies again. Within the framework of a musical fan- tasy. Sidney Lumet's spec- tacular. joyous production of 'The Wiz' generates a mood of wonder and senti- mental rapture recalling the arrival of the Mother Ship in 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind.' A sublimely happy movie-going experience. The movie 'achieves a lyric intensity that thrills you down to your toesies ... Wnen the lyric spirit starts moving. expect dancing in the aisles. dancing in the lobby and dancing in the streets. 'The Wiz' is a marvel, and it should be an enduring source of pleasure to sev- eral generations of movie- going kids, families and _..:! · fantasists. You come out ..,,. of this movie feeling bliss- fully moved and glad to be alive." -Gary Arnold. Washmgton Post ''FABULOUS IS IHI WORD FOR 'IHI WIZ.' A colossal entertainment. Visually, 'The Wiz' outdoes everything I've seen on the screen in decades. Everyone is just plain perfect:• -RH Reed N. y . Deily New• l :JA ~ . \'0' l&. DIANA ROSS in "THE WIZ" Ross cs superb in 'The Wiz'; her performance ranks with that of Barbra Streisand in 'Funny Girl' and Liza \Ainnelli in 'Cabaret.'" -Gene Siske/, Chicago Tribune 'Great fun. Color, style and flair. It works delightfully. You want to jump up and dance along." . -Jav Carr, Det101t News Diana Ross Is a Whiz in 'The Wiz."' -Scott Cam, • ne Atlanta Journa1 and Const1tut1on 'Even if you've watched 'The Wizard of Oz' every one of 18 times it's been on television, chances are you've neverseen anything hke the movie. 'The Wiz .... -Susan Slobo(an, Dett01t News 'It's stick and energetic and fun. Great moments and a lot of life, sensational special effects and costumes." -Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun Times Also Starring MICHAEL JACKSON · NIPSEY RUSSELL · TED ROSS · LENA HORNE and RICHARD PRYOR Cos "THE WIZ") ~0-,.C.C_,.,..tlv ~IW -~C.~Cl'f ~~ £0tor TONY WALTON · CHARLIE SMALLS · QUINCY JONES · KEN HARPER · DEDE ALLEN o..co Ol """'°9'opt>r ~OQI 11"""1> (llKn !)¥ ~"' ~Ill' OSWALD MORRISasc · ALDERT WHITLOCK · JOEL SCHUMACHER · ROD COHEN ~..ODii SIDNEY LUMET STARTS TODAY Ai.I. D l!JJ MID fll HI.Ml ,_Cl/Ve 1"I UN .(Jff tMI MOllON l'ICTUllE • CODI 0# trl.I ~"°" AT&Ul,MI. CHmlA WUT UDO ........ 41-0Jll I Wtstmlnallr (71•) 892·4493 Newport Beach (71 .. ) 673·8350 Orange (71•) 558-7022 • CM• DAILY Ptl.OT NEW YEAR'S EVENTS untdown's llOD1ing---:::1-t---, . re to o New -rear 's~Eve f or-Mu ;-C-ruises, First--of-'19 -T-rea ts - T he hours that 1eparat~ 1971 rtom tm ar• coin• to be Cun, mu1lc and danc flUed ln at leu l h alf 1 dor.m CO\loty locaUona. DI NEVLAND HOT L•S annual Ntw Vear'• party a ti und r wa y au p.m with b I band mua c by 8Ul Tole and 17 p or ch•tt1, laced wltb dl1co ~ •blle lh band IW\.I. Slnier Chrlt Cott Uo will provide the band vocals . Rewrv1Uons at th Gueat RelaUont D k •l the Dlarwyland tlotf'), 771 6'00 rrom 10 a m lo. p m . dally. Um1ted number ot Ucketl l $Z:$ per co1.1ple. Party tnda 1t 2 a.m. ••• DISNE\'LAND ON •t•ln ,,.-.enta Its un 1que w lt'Om• ror th• new year Lart!QI al 8 30 p.m .• wtlh C"OC.'keni RoH Royce, 5'ar11rd and Saturda,y Nlaht Baod. and Terry Olbb8 •nd hi• orcbH lra ror 1low danceM. And the lly ov"° 'J pl.Qf Beauty CuUe wm come allvo at mlclollbt with a d'-play or llreworu and an aud o-v ual revi w or lhr yea r Royce> appears on tho 1'omorrowland Space Staae al 10 p m., m ld.nl•ht and 1 a m Around the bend in Tomorrowland T'""ace, Saturday Ntabt BMCI will do thtft d11co aeta. Glbbs 811 Band melodl wUI now 10 four seta at Malo Street'• Plua Gardens. Park officials p r o ml1e h ats a nd noisemakers for thole who att~ T1clltets (in advance> no per person, avaJJable at T1cltetron. numbers Umited. 1f availa ble, Ucketl at the park ~t Sl2 per person. Includes aU rides and allracllons except shooting gallenea. • • • RE FUSING TO B E out.done ts Knolls. Temporary Barrier where •atet are OP4Jn 7 f..m. tJI 2 a.m .. with mu1ic and (Omedy lhe ma n event.a. OMri• Goble dl•play1 hil Wllqu. talent al the Good T\mee Theater •l 8:30. 10 p.m. and al 12 ao a m. On Lhe aame 1ta•• at 8, 9 and 10 p.m. ar SkU• a.nd Henderson. Woody Herman and lhe Yount Thunderlna lfetd play for Lhe 1wtn1 and 1way crowd at Cloud Nin Ballroom at $:30. 10;8(), 11:30 p.m. and at u·u 1 m Rock flN att their nu with WIDdlleld Sum· mil In t.h4'l Starll«ht Pavllloa It t . 10, 11 p.m. md •lain at 12: 15 p.m . Preefillbt plays IDOC'e rock In Heat.a Plua al 10. 11. 11:'5 p.m. ud once more at 1: 1$ a.m F6reworka provide a 1tarry sky at mldnl1bt, a nnounctn1 the arrival of a youna man ln a fiy· 1n1 machine, a powered haq sUder that wUl bun the Roarin.t 20'1 area before ludlnt. Admlaa'on '8.60 up to tM 30th, StUO oa the bla doy, Includes all rlda and attracUona. T1cktit.1 avaJlable •l Knottl. • • • A REP ~T OF last year•• Jubilate: a New Yur1·a. Eve Celebration for Chri1tiana la Int.be workll ut the Sberatoo·UnlveraaJ Hotel in North Hollywood. be~lontna wllb diD.ner al 7:30. T he Grt&nd Ballroom will be filled wlth mu1lc by JobMy and Lynn Mann. trumpet.er Johnny Zell and Dave Boyer. Magician Andre Kole wtll amuse euests, and The Paces quartet will open lhe evening at a recepUoa. Proceeds from lbe event ao toward a mis· s1on in Ind.la sponaored by World Vlalon. Seating S35 to Sl50 per person (More than halt goes lo the mission>. available by calling (213) 843-1300 befor e Dec. 29. • • • LAUGH OUT the old, giggle in the new at Br ad Davis. playing Billy Hayes. is vis ited in a Turkish jail b y hi s girl friend, Irene Miracle, in a sensitive scene from the mo- tion picture. "Midnight Express" about the arrest of an American abroad on drug charges. The fil m. now showing in Orange Coun· ty. was first screened at the 1978 Cannes 1''estival and received in· ternational acclaim I _. the Laff Stopiy nlahtdub. 2122 s. Ea1t Brtstot. Newport ach. Comedian• everand Oeorae Wallac:e. Granat and C and Ronny Kenney ent.r· lain from lO p. to put mldnl•ht with party favors. champ ne and flttl·Of·1979 hors d'oeuv,., COit, 125 :rpenon, reservations ln ad· vance a muat at 51·'7820. An early 1bow with dinner beaioa at :30 p.m. and cost.a $11.!50 per person. ••• THE WRJTi HOUSE ln Laguna Beach blow1 out the okl and welcomes the new wllh Ma. Clora Bryant and Friends Dec. 29. 30 and 31. Call 494·~r times and reservations. Located at 340 Cout Highway. WELCOME your way to Cat Casino wllh Trac c rube i.a s 12 young1t.ers. Dane Cruises' 70().pus Pedro at 6 p.m. l:30 a.m. --·. E new year while afloat. on na ballroom dancing at the ells' Big Band. d trip for adults, less for s $15 extra. Catalina lsland er boat leaves from San 31st., depart.I t.be i.aland at Tlcket.ron h es bolh cruise and dance re· servatlon1. Cru.iaetllly information available al 527·7111. • •• ANAHEIM'S N AT mE PARK recalls celebrations or th '40s with its new Foxtrot ballroom feat.win Keith Williams Orchestra and vocalist Katie rlrin. Swine on discs rm ln during band brea . Admission $(9.!50 per cou· pie, $27.50 srngles klr dinner, entertainment. party favors. Par g free at lhe inn, 1855 S. Harbor Blvd. Call 7 1811 for details. " . . --· .... .., The seed is lanted ... terror grows. ... ·-iliAlMOSThiatinta · A Robert H. Solo Production of A Philip Kaufman Film "In~on of the Body Snatchers'' Donald Sutherland· Brooke Adams· ~nard Nimoy DI«> OE LAUR£NTllS P111£SOOS A AW« PIERSON FILM ''l<ING Of Tl-£ GYPSIES'' ~STERLM3 ~ !Hl.1.EY w.nERS SUSAN WAN>ON ..U>O t«SCH 8ROOt<E SHIELOS NMTTE O'lOOt.E NNE POTTS ~ DIC A08ERTS 3UGGB7D> l'Y H 100k l'Y PETER MAAS flllOOUCD) ~ F£DERICO OE lAUA£NTIS ...,.,. a H..,,. ~'*'lED ~FRANK PIEJtSON 'l'fOMCCll.OI-"~ llWASl Cl•EDOME Orange 634·2553 ·-~ ...... ~, .......... I NOW PLAYING UA ct•MA Westminster 893·05•6 EDWAIDl'MARIOll Costa MIU 6-46·0573 Jeff Goldblum • Veronica Cartwiight Screenplay by W.D. Richter, Based on the novel '11le ~y Snatchers'' by Jack Finney [DI DOUIVSTBE> I'.. Produced by Robert H. Solo· Direct.eel b:r Philip Kaufman ~--__ .,...,._......,..,,.,....,~~:.. I MAO Tl* DEU IOOK I .. Undid Artlltl ITARTI ITAR'n 'IWIMY TeNY ,.. , ENTERTAINMENT I MOVIES MARY MOELLER INSPECTS DETAIL OF K-LIN! MODEL ON QUEEN MARY Heritage Decked Out Queen Mary S howca ses Bea11mont Paintings Paintings by the late Arthur Beaumont of Laguna HJlls, "artist laureate" of the United States Navy, are featured in the new Hall of Maritime Hentage on the Queen Mary tour in Lone Beach Also highlighted are a detailed scaJe model of Lord Nelson's flagship "Victory," construct· ed _by ~he internationally recognized Brian Wamwnght of Laguna Beach and an entire neet of miniature combatant naval vessels that represent almost a lifetime of work by modeler William Tompkins. ANOTHER ARRAY of ship models ranges from the 20·foot versions-of... Cunaui..l..i.ne's Maurelania and Queen Mary to modern cargo ships or the K·Line, Matson Navigation Co. and the Pacific Far East Line The tour is open daily at 10 a. m. Ticket. prices are SS.SO for adults, $2.50 children 11·5. A professional model maker works at the exhibit during tour hours. The products created al his bench will be offered for sale through the gift shop on board. Marvin Wolff, director of the Queen Mary. stated that the intrinsic value of the new exhibit is well over $1.S million and that the latest elect.roo.ic m ethods have been taken to safeguard all of these bigb value artifacts. The Beaumont paintings selected for exhibit by his soo, Dean, represent a cross-section of subject matter and medium. Beaumont. a Naval Reserve officer, devoted most of his talents to depiciling Navy ships of the line both in com bat settings and in times between wars. He has the distinction of being the first artist to paint both the North and South poles while accompanying naval forces to those re· mote ootposts. HIS PAINTINGS have been shown in the National Gallery in Washington, O.C., and hang in the White House, Naval Academy, museums, universities and innumerable private collec- tions. The model of Lord Nelson's flagship "Vic- tory" is the product or nearly 5,000 hours or painstaking detail work. The model is "un- planked" on one side to allow the visitor to view the lower decks, the mast stepping, the compa- nionways, powder magazines and gun decks. A corn9Ct/ from UnMHsol PlduNs THE MAJT'( SWMONS -IVAN REITMAN PROOUCTlON "NATIONAL l..M'J'OON'S ANIMAL HOUSE" -..tnQ JOHN 0£LUSHI ·TIM MATHESON· JOHN VERNON VERNA OlOOM · nofOYA5 HU.CE and DONALD SUTHERLAND ca icHMt<.s Prodva!d by MATTY SWMONS Ond IVAN REITMAN ·MuslcbyEl.MEJ\00\NSTEIN Wrtnen by HAAOLD ~. OOUGlAS KENNEY & CHNS MILLEI\ · Directed by JOHN LANDIS ~ "ANMAL HOUSE" Composed Q'ld ~med by STEPHEN OISHOf> l ova ==~~ 1-~:=:.~=~l j~j ... PIUHi'f(~QTT If~ ..C Al.l ~TIMNIWIOll£~ ORANGE MAU Orange (71 4) 037-0340 Wfl TllOCNC GirOtn Grm (714) 530·4401 STAR TS TODAY -ldllT UW ... CMllA ITUllM •ft-ti Anlhlil'I COlll Mesa Orange n2-&«e 11141979.4141 11141639-8770 I I Fri-. December 22. 1918 DAILV Pl\.OT CJJ. ~ftles Getting Bights Left·handed rans of hit 1roup Mahhattan ..lfrntfer-~u AOW-zeque.U a_peclal seat.in& at· ranaemenu ror the quartet's wee\· oof BfPI' · ment at Loa Anaelea' Roxy club, begin.n1nt Wednelday, Dec.27. l 'he •1"'tra are au leftl" and a.re official Ambauldon at Larae for the Left.handers ln· tern1UonaJ Society, baaed In TOpeka, Kan. "We are very conacloua ot the <lf you'll ex ... cuae the expression> ri1hta of lell·handed peo· pie,'' explains ManTran member Laurel Muse. "So ror this week we decided to set aside a apeclal aecUon of the club ror letlles only. "No longer do they have to sit uncom· rortably next to right banded people. . .An.er au ~"~ .. qt_ ~111Wi1/ Bae•• thtre's going to~ nothing straight llbaut a CHEECll It CHONG film. Ewry ..-rllCton has had their own comedy duo: the 30'1 hed l.Miiret end Hatdy. Abbott. Coltelo btob up the 40'• arid Manin and lAWll really fractand the SO'r.. CHEECH a atONG haw helped make the 7'1t go.,. IN SMOIC£.• CHEE01 a CHONG ere dw comedy team that 9llW tMl1h k>rock c:omedv and In the procm of IUming on . =ieration, sold..,, miDioo albunw, up numerous awards, lndudlng ea.at Boiand eao.rd's best comecjy duo, and • Gfllmmy b their d>um. "I.a. CochJnol:' Now It's dme for• Olf.ECll 6 CHONG moW!. Ca C'a,. IN SlllOICE" will mMe ~feel wry funny. non.smokers are 1ettlng their rights catered to nowadays, so why not the lefties amonr us. We int~ to tra!ft--\M alaf!...at. the...Roxx_ .to ~ special requirements of servint leJ'tlea . .. Mixed" couples <where one penon is right·handed and vice versa) and the ambidex· trous will have to make their own decisions." Special guests will Join the quartet on di!· rerent nights and tbe New Year's Eve performance will be an extended gala concert. The quartet have just returned from .a cabaret tour of Australia and before this they were in London recording songs for the soundtrack of the Marlene Dl etrich·Davld Bowie-Kim Novak mm. "Gigolo." MATINEES DAILY "KING OF T HE GYPSIES" <Rl "M AGIC" (R) "PARADISE ALLEY" (PG) "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR" <PG> "INVASION OF THE ~ BODY SNATCHERS" (PG) DOLBY STEREO "FORCE TEN FROM NAVARONE" <PGl ''MOMENT BY MOMENT" (PG) STRn1um 6 scReen ~ 639 7860 DR I VE -I n ~ .. PINOCCHIO" CG) "SINBAD-EYE OF THE TIGER .. "THE GROOVE nJBE .. "HALLOWEEN" CRJ "MAGIC" "EMBRYO" (R) "UP IN SMOKE" "BLACK SUNDAY" (R) A LL D"IV~·INS O"N 6:lOP.M .... NTLY c"' .. u..-, 12 .,,.. u ...... • Kleoie pta,,.,o.,,.. 9nemanc:nt a lingering s pell ofawe andw~ • of m agical Innocence overcoming evil, of simple courage conquering fear -he gave us the legend that will live forever in our minds. J.R.R. Tolkien triumphed with the perception that a single dream Is more powerful than a thousand realities. Come to Middle.earth, a world beyond the furthest reaches of your imagination. ASAULZAENTZPROOUCTION A RALPH BAKSHI FJLM J . R.R. 1blk1en 's "THE LORD OF THE RINGS" Mustc by LEONARD ROSENMAN Screenplay by CHRJS CONKLING and PETER S. BEAGLE • 8aecd on the nOYds ol J .R. R. TOLKIE~ Produced by SAUL ZAENTZ • Directed by RALPH BAKSHI DC-----.. --•••19--l--~ ( DOUW llT&B> I A Fantasy Ftlms T.....,.,._ -..~vu. .. __ -PrucntaUon • .__._, .. For Actors Chlldreol' lmactnat oos won't take a holiday next ~ •l lM Lacuna Moulton Playho'-'le. 806 L11una Canyon Road, L11una Bead\. THF. IAGVNA Youth Repertory wUI p n\ "Clnderella" on Woein day, 1>.c 11 and SUftday. Dec Sl : "Wbaltv l' Happened to Cbkken UttJe?'' on Thurlday, Dec. 21: "B a1.&ty a..t tM Bea1t" on Friday. IHc 29, and "The Jolly Tailor" on Saturday,~ 30. All maU ~1ln at 2 30 Ttcketl ar S2 for each play or M for tour. Und r the dlrttUoo or LI a Surett • this troupe, qtd 8 to 15. ha performed at the Los Anet-l ea Public Llbrary'a CMldren'a Olnntr Theater. th Loe Ant l County M um of Art, numeroua ho p tal and on lh• ·1rHn at lhf' Fe1t1v1J ol Art.a. lndtvldual mtmbt-ra alao have TV und movlo cr~lll CAST l'llEMBt~ lMlude Jimmy Atntw. Tamra Aguinaldo. Brian 8 tham. Kelly Conkey. Kurena Croxton. Cameron Fraser. lleether Fr1111tr. Stu rt Fraa r. Ed Craney. Mike Han en. Jennifer Johnson, Hunky Jon • Susan Jos phson. S~brlna MalQnt , Ells Mor~. Tiffany Mueller. Karl Schaarsmtth, J ohn Schaarsm1lh and Gary Velasco. . Credit.a for custume • sets. mu. 1c and pro pert1es go to Carol Fraser, Carol Eyles. Bonnie Bennett and Theres a Nall Dianne Agumaldo as busine manager Tamra Aquinaldo, Karen Croxton and Jennifer Johnson. above, exult in their roles from 'Jolly Tailor' as .the robot. Gary Velasco. below, tries to hide the scientist. EcfGraney in Lf)dated version of 'Cinderella. · Scenes are from two of four fairy tales to be staged next week by Laguna Youth Repertory. "Superb performances ••• Gregory Peck and Laurence Olivier seem assured of Oscar nominations." Rona Barrett. A8C·TV '11tE IOYS ROM llAZIL" txecudYe Producer ROBERT f1M.R Musk by JEUY GOlD5MRH Screenplay by HEYWOOD GOULD from the ~I by IRA llVIN Produced by MARTIN RICHARDS and STANllY O'TOOll Dlreaed by RANKUN I· SOWJNlR R . ·. ~~'---._....,...._.M.M...__..._, c .... _,_ -.. -~ ..... .,_,... -~t--•-0111191' NOW AT A ntlAftl NlAI \'OU IMTlflllQ AT lfOIT THIATQI UA CIN~MA Cosia Mesa ~40·0594 SOUTH COAST Laauna Btacll 494·1514 rllTT CITY CPITER Orange 63A·9282 FOUNTAIN VAl.1.n CINEMA FOXFullenon 525 • 74 7 founiatn Valley &39· 1500 , Across the thiyw arpe<f THEATER I MOVIES More than a Laser Show . . . 9'PANIVEA8ALBTUDIOBTOUA •liiJht1MCAC0MPANY·0PtN10 ODAM 1ASI IOUA3 30Plil A Laser Adventure *'SAME TIME, NEXT YW': SAME LAUGHS, ANY YEAR! A s11m11 • ....._ •1tmta111na11, -. wllt a tmw llr IWo lutMl119 just beyond the llugla." -Charles Champlin. L.A. Times The M.irisch Corporation presents Ellen Burstyn Alan .Alda EL.1.£N B<JRSlYN and ALAN ALDA in .. SAME TIME.NEXT YEAR" A Walter Mlrisch/Robert Mulligan Production Screenplay by BERNARD SLADE • Based on the stage play by BERNARD SLADE Produced on the stage by MORTON GOTTLIEB ·Music by MARVIN HAMUSCH Produced by WALTER MJRISCH and MORTON 001TUEB ·Directed by ROBERT MOWGAN A Onlversat Pkture ·Technicolor Now a DEU. Book Theme Song. MThe Last Time I Ftlt Uke This:· Sung by JOHNNY MATHIS £, JANE OLIVOR l.yrk: by MARILYN & ALAN BERGMAN · Music by MARVIN HAMUSCH !POI WTM.iuwa~o • j ~ .. ,. __ .,., "" ''"°'°' ...c __ ,_ ... ,..,, ......... __ .... -•• -. ....... 0 STARTS TODAY Cl•DOME Orange 634·2553 EDWARDS' N£WPOllT Newport Beach 6414·0760 " } \ • • ' \ I • • I ' • • • > . ' • { • . ~ COUNTY THEATERS South Coast Repertory Ja "aeJ.liq" aeats to aublc:ribers for U ,000 each to ralle the last '200,000 need~ to complete coatrueUoG tund· Ina for the Fburth Step Theatre. In addition to puttJn1 the campal(n over tht coal, th 1 ~ublcrtber drive will help SCI.\ claam a IJ00,000 challf'n&t lt'lnl from t.h9., Kre1ae FouodaUon ACH DONO•' name wm be ensraved on braa namepll•les wblch will be am.ated to an audltot1um M'lll Chalrmah UarrMle Wilm r &et the aoal for this final J>h t1 ot the bulld1q c1mpal1n wltb btt tbalJt'fll"· "when the house U1b 10 up, Wt' want to tt bra s aleamln• on lb arm of every at-at " DonaUoo •<-Uvaty h "oxtremeJ,y acllve" accordlna lo B rbara Grady, SCR devt'loP· mtol dlrt.~tor, "'ho alao noted t.hal limited space t attll avaulable on the Founder'• Wall an the Fourth Sll'p's lobby to nam donon of al!l• or ss.ooo and up HE BEUEV~ that }'ear-end l.ax plan n1ng wlll encuuraae many aubicrlben to make lift.I htf'iU than $1,000. Exe(uUvci Dln•ctor-OaVld Emmea notes that the s:u million raised so rar lo•l.fd the S3.~ million aolll hlls come from only 24 l donors • "We knew from the beilMina t.hal we had to rely on a bm1ted scope, face·to-face eampaign h> raise t.he money for the Fourth Step," Emmes s1ud, "but it bas always been our intenUoo to give all or OW' subscribers a chance lo take part in this exciting project . The 'Na me A Seat' drive serves t hat purpose." A BROCHUR E descnbing the project em pha.siies the opporturuty for donors to have their name, their company's name, or the -.oame of other loved ones permanently commemorated int.he Fourth Step Theatre. Interested persons should contact Barbara Grady at 951·2602. Only 300 auditorium seats remain and will be de- signated on a "fi rst-sold, first-named" basis. Regular R e ndezvo us Love, sbar~ durinat the W\usual 25 year liaison between two mar- ried lovers, shines in the eyes of George <Rick Lenz) as he toasts Doris (Vera Mues) in "Same Time, Next Year." playing nightly except Monday, through Jan. 7 at Sebastian's Dinner Playhouse at the Grand Hotel in Anaheim, Phone 772-7710 for reservations. Shows Fit ·season "THE MAN WHO Lori Yanchus and Shelly C reation , the pro · CAME TO DINNER" S m it h as G r ete I. CessionaJ theater group now at the Long Beach P e rC o r m a n c es a re o f t h e M e l o d y 1 a n d Convention Center scheduled for 2:30 p.m. H otl in e Cen t er in Theatre stars J a mes at the center off Slater Anaheim. Cast and crew Whitmore, Bill Macy,. Avenue. ea st o ( me mbers are from the Jessica Walter. Marian Brookburs t Street. community and staff of Mercer, Nan Martin and Tickets are $1.50 and Me 1 o d y land . P er· Andr e w Ro binson . me.y bepur~based at.the r o r m a n c es are door . For information, scheduled for tonight P r call839--0173or847·1108. and Saturday al 8.30 er ormances are p.m. Admission is $3.50 Friday. December 22. 1178 O~YPILOT CJ3 ''A,.,.,, ..... _, ......... ,,. ............. U.,' II ""' • ., ttN ...... ., •Wftl.,:! ,_ .... ..,.AIC rv KEVIN CONWAY· ANNE ARCHER·JOE SPINELL ·ARMAND ASSANTE LEE CANALrTO·TERRV FUNK· FRANK McRAE ·JOYCE INGALLS· TOM WAITS Written Ml DR<1td by SYLVESTER ST~E Mu11C by 81LL COOTI OtrKtor o1 ~aphy l.ASZ1.0 l'OV~ As.too11t ProcMer ARTHUR CHOIWUAN ~by .K>HN f ROACH and ROl'W.D A. SU~ E"'11tM Procfuttf EDWARD ~AN A t•~NUSAI. 'CIOl>t If (t<N(Q(JI• I s.,.-r .. ~··--:1/1.taJHTI , , _____ .... ,_,[!o~·-~ t..-'-~;wl~tr'AU.Ot«...,.,.. o----·-· ........... ...,.,. ......... ,, NOW PLAYING EDWARDS' HUNTINGTON Huntington Beach 848·0388 CUIEDOME Orange 634-2553 s cheduled Tuesday • • s C R O OGE · S for adults and $2 SO for '-----------------' through Saturday at 8:30 CHRISTMAS" is a n children. For inrorma-p.m., with Wednesday, original production of tion. call 718-1000. Evenl Suspended The National Young Pianists Competition, an annual event at Golden W.est College in Hunt· ington Beach since 1973, has been suspended for one year. Financial uncertainties created by the passage of Proposition 13 was cited as the reason for the suspension. Since its inception, the event has showcased pianists 18 and younger from throughout the Unit· ed States and Canada who competed for cash prizes and a major concert performance. Financial support is being sought from in· teresled individuals, business firms and founda· lions lo resume t.he com petition in U8>. _..,., ( Saturday and Sunday --------------------------------------------matinees at 2:30 p.m . througb Jan. 14. Tickets are from $7 to $11, with a 40 percent discount for students and seniors. For information call (213) 436-3661. ' HANSEL AND GRETEL" is showinlit through Saturday at the Fountain Valley Com· munily Th e at e r Christmas Show. Stars or the double cast are Derek Duke and Randy Lewis as• Hansel, and In December 1945, America's most controversial general, George S. Patton, was killed in an ~auto accident in.Germariy. 250 million dollars in gold says it was no accident. • I . ' CJ4 DAIL y PILOT F11dlty Oenmbet 22 1171 Television TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS I l<lll" EVENING .. , •• HEWI EMPOEHCY ON£l -Drl!ltecl!tlt11 hlttw~ -Of'Y -~ A OtOllW*\t jocltey, -· l)eel.o of llVOWlllQ l'IOtM recM, .. im.tJgaled by ~°"'* • n.9 IAAOY IUHOH Tit• tleCllOn cempaign tMNI o... ittto the 8u1<1y ~-'*' bOlll Otllg ..no MllnlMI rvn tor 11uo.n1 ~~I • ITMITa CM' MN ,fWtCalOO W... 1 l>OtQnMlt 01<1 11 lrdltd into 91(11""0 ,..,.,. '* 1>9bY. tfte l)Nl\A ~ .. .,, llmoal ~~ ·~ • "'8lm.a H•y Moml ' W•lt.,• • Mc•lhtt o-t• • IC'b '""' """ ... ...o.no ioe..'" '""*-Y "°"TllWl ("~AllOll And s..ii llMge It ) CUfCWS A8C & 30 I LOVE. LUC:V llW'*> ·~ ,,._ I O•d Wll,. OU I l\1a ...it._.-l ~"' ,,..,. 10 ,......,,,him no•n.o lnt1iotio11 ll11lk &) MICH.AEL JACKSOH (Ii) PA()JfCT UHlVl~ 'i~lio. WY 1\111 I ut•l-.an~ plu~ ~ Hn ''~Jlz crt•utun· rr(•u tt.'<1 to dnt\\ uttcmtaon lo dym~ rt• -.o rt town 011 "Thl' lnc rNhhlt.! Hulk · lont~ht al !.I on ('BS. ( 'h.mQt'I :! CAOU-WIT8 ,I MtMI OfWFIH I •U<•ala MtllOll l\fo<M .>ocry lh~1<IO, Anoy U1t11> CM.i H1vtt111 IRI 100 1 s=QAME ABC NEWS J()t(ER 8 WILD SU MILllOH DOU.AR MAH SI-mutll bettle t11111>411r.. IC bt .. nwl<thlflg 10 50IW ma myalery 01 a Yantlht•'9 10tmula II) SAHfOAO ANO SO.. f tltd end lamotll t lrl900• pey 11 111111 to the S11nforo home to SllOW ott •-,_ ~n1c1vt>ac1 6') MACNEJL I ~REA REP<>ftT (U 'AIMOtOEST 7 30 8 THI! NEXT STEP 8fYOHD l f'911Cfl 8 It N BEAUTY SHOW DA TINO BAt.IE 8 GLENDALE SYMPtfOHY CHRISTMAS 8Pa::IAL 0 fl() TAC 000011 G) AOAM-,2 fheOlhC.•• baC()me ..,.p, -S wn-1 lhof i.Vlll wit n-IUfnt up at two ui.lfoc: llCCldenll tii) 28TONIOHT N-S 8nalytlt aod lnWSll gat•ve repor11 .,. pr~1t I'(! all VOTERS' PIPELINE ~ ncm Anet lllSu11~ Ho 1 J1mCOOP1Jr Cltannef Lbf ing• 11 KNXT (CBS) Los Angnlc., 0 KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles a KTLA (Ind) Los Angeles • KABC-lV(ABC) LO~ A ngeles (() i<FMB (CBS) San Diego 0 ~ lV (Ind ) Los An(jOltjS @J KCST (ABC) San Diego m KTTV (Ind.) Los Angeles II) KCOP· lV (Ind ) Los AngPles &!) KCET· lV (PBS) Los Angeles tm KOCE-lV (PBS) Hunltnglon Beach ) THC: MU~Pl'l8 Gu,.al M1<1d"I""' IC1tlln 11-t 'Jllll a ohoO I'll.I• 111 '>Pll(;• Q01 HOlLYWOOO &OVAAES I 00 6 WONDER WOMAN Wuno.f Womon n•~LI" .. 1111101<.w lllllv m<1n t1Qm "•· flJnd r8COVQf hll pol 0 0010 from a gang of •Obl>elt 0 808HOPE Bob Hope pr•&eol• n.s 22nd annual Chrltitm11a bj)6Clnl Wllh guell!i Anoy Gibb Red Skellon. Dionne w a1wlcile end IN> AHOC•· dltfd Press All Amor~ Foolball Team 0 MOVIE * • • •, "Blue $k1tJs"' I 1946) Fred ASIOlre, B•no Cro~by lrvmg BorUn pro- vider. the score 1n this fun- fllled musical comedy (2 nrs I O .OJl JOHN OAl/IOSON Jonn Davidson and hit famuy. en route to grand- ma • house for 1t.e h<>I•· dtty•. meet up with Santa Claus and ottw-• mfltry charll<:uws, played by Her- Vfr/ Korman end Linde Lavin 0 MOVIE * • *'• "My Sweet JOHN DAVIDSON AND FAMILY ON CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Wife Jackie. Kids Jennifer and John Jr. Join Dad Son's Footsteps Davidson's Preacher Dad on Special B'y LAURINDA KEYS LOSANGELF.S <AP>-TheTexas· tall, while-haired minister reading the Chnstmu story from the pulpit on ABC's "The John Davidson Christoias Show" at So' clock tonight on Channel 7 is no actor He's really an American Baptist minister, and he's also Davidson's father, making his third appearance on one orttls son's television Christmas specials.• Davidson nearly followed his father in lo the ministry, but was sidetracked by a summer theater group in college and bas been hooked on show business ever since. With guest stars Linda Lavan and Har vey Korman, the famiJy.onented special is plotted around the adven- tures of John Da vidson. his wife, Jackie, and their young son and daughter as they try to reach Grandma'sbouseforChristmas. When they finally arrive, Rev. Davidson and his wife. Elizabeth, are in a make·shiftchapel in the woods. As Rev. Davidson reads a shortened version of the Christmas story from the Bible, dancers pantomime scenes of Mary and Joseph arriving in Bethlehem. the shepherds in the fields and the birthofChrut. "THE CHAPEL reminds me of one we had back in Wesl Bridgewater, Mass.," the Rev. Davidson said. "The Cll•rht ' f 19701 P111y Ouk•. Al f!l'INn Jr A WOC>•td l~hwn V'fl 11 t0rcad by c1r,Ul'flttenct>t 10 ftid41 DUI "'''" • Hot'I'*" 11t i. man () '"' I • OAl'Q: ..... n---+- AHO f9'1lNDI Ou,.tl MllOOlf .. mllh • ,-OOT&AU. Tiit Cougani Of l<'Olltm Yl>UllQ U1wer11ty ltl<t Oii tlWI M ldlhlc>men ot Navy tn Ille flrlt MOUal l4olid1y llowt trom San Oltlgo Iii G WMHINOTOH WUKl!itMVWW ( GAAL A0R'"I CHNITMAI • '°CD 1.oa ANOt1.n AAMS fOOflAU. HIOHUOHfl ma wAU trN:IT w • Att OllMorld• fOf_,~ Cluett 0.wo<I J Rol«lt1t P1M., Kol\OlOOt lfllll'ni hllllill Ltd I 00 8 Cl) tNCRtOlaLI HUUC ~ta Of 1 dying r..o<t 10wn lflvent th4!r ow" "'"' •l<iO Of 1"41 H\1111 10 BllrllCt 11\vfleta (A) 0 AOCKFORO Al.ES ,, .. t.rOOlllO mM•lge<" of .; cuvntry wltllle<" -.nlilf" tr'!\IOtve r11m In 11n underworlo war tn11t trira3teot lhfl Ill• c1I Rockford • ftilttll'• 0 (!Ol EIGHT II \, ENOUGH " -PflClal g11t ho<l1lft11 r,v Joan before Mr dt1t1th •II" t0t11& the Bta<llo•d• 1oi11t• oltet a bu•Qlat (Will Oee•I .... ,.all OI ""'' ChtttlmH pr_,11 IAI m MEAVORI~ Guests Miiion Berle. J041y BilhOt>. A.ndy Oibb. ChlUI A1116fa, Krts Kromo (RI m WE INTERRUPT THIS WEEK '11) SPECIAL "We Ain t What Wa Woa A v&f'y Oki ble.ck woman (lty Monks) recall• wnat 11 hes been 111< e being black 1n America •30 fD CHRISTMAS SNOWS. CHAISTMAS WINDS A man rem1n1scos •bout Ch<1s11nes in the 194011 Dnd • special llChool band conce<I 10:00 I) Cl) FL YING HIOH Marcy and u se auempt to reunite Billy.Bob and Essie Mae H<>Opef, an estranged couple Who we<u Marcy ~ &ehoof mates 0 THE EOOIE CAPRA MYSTERIES A singer (Trlc11 O'Neill) accused of murdeung a wealthy lflduetrlal151 eta.ms Slle....was lulUog ~ etse at the 11me (RI TUBE TOPPERS NBC D 8:00 -Bob Hope Specud. Red Skclton. Dioruie....Warwicl<e Jttlil An:__. dy Gi bb join Bob on his 22nd annual Christmas special. KHJ G 8:QO -"My Sweet Charlie" A bieoted Southern girl <Pally Duke > und a black e. caped convict <Al Freeman Jr.> arc thrown together in this 1970 movie drama. ABC fJ 12.37 "Whul'A Up, T1~cr Lt ly ?" Woody Alle n turned t ht ~ Japanese movie Into an improvlsut1onul comedy in 1900. 8 NCAA BMKETBALL f'Ofdllam w UCLA 0 NEWS fJ) MASTEAPIECf THfATN! 'The 0uG""• 0 1 Cult,• l)trHI f ht1 011111d11t1 Criarll• ryrr11tt ltflt11n11n• 11 ,._ O"°"' wtlO It tairru Mlty 1H (PMI II of t 'illRI m MOVIC! • • 11on Mount11n fra1t I 19.<1•1 OA.. """1 fjhrn P!Gil ... t f WO tnflll llrt(I th@mMIVf'• In the mlddlfl of a d"1tvc.11va fl•11d l}fl1WMn twe> atlt• hMO OWf*• It ht I 10:30 0 YOUTH AHO TWI 188UU A ~Om at d llCUl al(ln IJI QOYOl'"""'lll 111d po!ltll. t>11tween Otnarnr 'l I Hrf 1111-• 8llCI • pMal of 11:ooi:i;:::: I MOVIC • • ·c.,ry On c1"° 1 t06~1 Am11n<11 Barrtft Sidney James Mere Antnony ~n• ClllOpllrtt 111 111<11no 11avH to MeltPft ttnd ffljOtn their IOYeO O<lft• 12 II<• ' CD THE 000 COUPLE OICll ~ '"' d••ec;tl)f ol Feh t C•UllYe wrllino cla .. of lrlWOvlent lld•tl< l1Slng CD FEANWOOO 2NIOHT Ouetlt D• A te•11no11r ~h the Great ArtH!11 can Dtnltm con1~1 tii) DICK CAVETT "WorO• Al Play" Oue<.i" W1t1e1d Espy. t ony RanoaH all NEWSNIOHT NATIOHAl 11:30 6 Cl) NEW AVENGERS A BflllSh army ofllCet and his well-tr11tne<I troopt set out to tlnd 1 battle to light 0 TOHJGHT tlo11t Jon1111y c a,_on Ove1t1 u .. t C.<>nvy, M.,f tl!' HOflM U lfl ISAAITIA Ulft!ll It e1~ tr1 •OI nlll "*"'l?llt wt1•lll "'"" llQatl•'O • (IUtl .,.IUOQl .. oq •1110 (f.41 I fHl GONO OHOW Gl'T IMAllfT A<l'l'\f 119 11"'1'1> t "'" M• • hit r.-1~ -•• I,. ... , .. fJ) CAPTIOfilCO .UC N WO t t 41 8 TWIUOH'T lOf.lt Caa.y " • k•lt ,,.,,.,,_.,, 1111cr. """' , ,.,. '-'" • r·-1>411 '""'" '"'t "'· t•tt fllltl4t M()HNIN() 12 oo CD .M<raox °'""" ... , r,111 '" ....... ........ ~,. , ..... '"'-""' " rfOO fllfl'WM I g) HOHCVMOONIAB 1!'41 Mr~• M l(I fl;lll tUJtlOOt dot<.<J'"I' ltllll ,_,. "~ lflWi-..0 11t ~"""<! lOl""l!f"41!~1 .......... 111 ... lt fO MOVIE • • • n 1e M•oo1• ( 1 .. 6'1 j P llUI f KJ!J(ll.. H41' I.HI GreQO At1 ""*""n •• luf"ld to t"" -by tnot 1181 of IN Sr.rtllt'lh ~.,O<I 00.11 t I rw 1~ tn1n I 12. t& 8 MOVIE * * 'II Hap~ On l'lflll Ayenue" (HM71 ChatlM Ruoqtes. Oait Stonn Willie tile owner I~ -rf a nob<> mov.s Into a ~ end lnVll9S Ollleft 10 jOln hfm, 1nclud1no the real ~ incoon110 ( t '" ~s min I 12:30 g) A~ Hfl"CHCOCK PRE.SEHT8 A un.qoe eoeiety has B dif- ferent methOd for prec>a,. ~ for the tutur• ti) MOVIE * • 'h "The Oirly Game" ( t 9661 Herwy Fonda. Rob- 8'1 Ryan. FOIK lnlet.relat· td irllrfOutt .,. lnYotve<l In the attort1 Of AHled coun t., wllflar• elemtl'lll to neulfatlze th• 1nroad1 ~ °" -f)Olf!Ola by "*"Y aoenra 12 "'' > ta~7 8 MOii~ • • °" "Whel'1 (Jp Tfoer Lily1" ( 1966) Woody Alien, l altuya Mll\lllN l oe> tC)let lllld bell\'l'Q bMUI°" Ofl '" lhe ~. wtMlrl '""' dll COiier a l)io1 IO l lHI 1111 o00 Ullld fllCIQ41 ( I II< , 30 Min) d'lll MOVI • * * ' A N1g111 TO ~-· ( t9•31 Loretta voung. 0<1an Ahernlt A IYl)'918fy wrlttlf and hd wile 111tampj to IOIW B mll(cNf fthr 20mtnl t241 8 (JJ C88LAT£MOVIE • * 'h All.Clo; On The Iron t.oUl t 19G8) Lloyd Bfl<IQ- " Andrew K•lr A Canl01· ill\ 0 111<.tt NUIO• I Cotn· rnandt> lllt•t k o n " 04Wl'nf!lll "'"at bllM In r11nee Oullt\Q WO<l<I WI< II ( .. I t 00 D MtOMIOHl' I PECW. 111at Oo11y P1.,ton f "•turlltl Al!f;M ("A>OQIW l>•ul Mc.C.••l"•Y 1ona W1nQ•. C•yltet 0Ayt• ,,11u<.11 M•no10n11 R1t• (,t>f>lldQft • ......... \11th 'fYMfl*I f ttlffllln, 11 NJllll .. IO (~ I lOVI! CXP£ATI SOAP 'ACTOAY I 30 WNITEO DEAD OA AUii! MlfllC.le Al POI Hoitt" m MOVI • • • VIII" lllJf-'Hlc;r .. l""f I lfl361 JNt1 Hatlow (,IMlt Olblfl A Wife hllW'g 1,.1 .. 1utd 10 •umort ~ ~ OI hflf ~bllf\d • -.unary (;I htt I 2000 MOVll • • ·~ RIGNll ' Man • I 11)7'1 Rota T~am M1c.1>•y Rooney Two vouno IOY<'W• in nrteien• ,., ... ,_ dlfftWll-8'10 hlltlllltlfJf"I ... t,_ rel•· llOtWl+P f;> "'•I 2071 NEWS ~10 NEWS 2.111 MOVIE • * •;, '(art'( To B4'd 119361 Cl\llr9" RugoiM M aty 8olano Whtie MMO- wal~ 1og • tMpe<:lab'4! man ~ tmt04V~ wtlll OM1G11ter1 It hr , 25 min) 2:28 B STEVe EDWARDS =1 ~ 3;00 NEWS 3:288 MOVIE * * • "Holiday Atfa;r ' ( 19'91 Rober't M11cnum. Janet l.algh. A -wldOw A Cowboy on a Cycle By JERRY BUCK HOLLYWOOD <AP> -It's a safe bet that Larry Wilcox would rather make a living on 1horseback than on a motorcycle. He does own three motorcycles and drives another one on the popular NBC series "CKiPs ." Horses are another story. He owns seven, we always tum the suspect over to the Los Angeles Police. Wilcox said the series 1s viewed as a training film by many police agencies because a Highway Patrol officer Is always present durtng filming as a technical adviser. He said, "We don't do every- thing right, but there are incidents that show the proper response." wltn • "'*' IOfl "114t ohoOH between two llUllO<I ( t hf • •6 min I 3~· MOVIE ~ • ··~ "~ad . (194'11 Joel McCru, VlfOOlca LaluL Go l.balahlt,GQA llllv& lltlf own way, tile female OW'* ot a •heoe> rMICI\ hlr• men to .... Ip '* outw11 '* own f4llll• ( 1 Iv • 30 """ J :uol Nrws &.46 MOVll! • • "Law Of 'The SM" ( t93&1 Re.c Bell, Priac1t1t1 0-0 4:00 0 MOVIE e * "0.vld And Got111t11" t 1&60) Creon W•llM. tvo PaV8f'. ":\ l't 'RDA Y t MORNING 7;00 u POPE't't! 0 GALAXY OOOf'·UPS D BIO BLUE MARBLE G ~ 80008Y'8 Al.L· STARS 0 HOTFUOOE CD ELEMENT ARY NEWS G) WOMAN: AEEL TO REAL fD YOGA FOR HEAL TH COOKING 7.30 G FANT A8TIC FOUR I PACESETTERS THE LONE RANGER THAT'S ENOUGH G) ROMPER ROOM ED CHRISTMAS HERITAGE Edwerd Row11, Oll•er Jon!l4ln. Len Wood, Ahata1t Cool\• and Scott Moma. day 1(1()1( at Chr1stm1& cua- tomt In the U S CJl ACCESS 8:00 6 Cl) BUGS BUNN'Y I ROADRUNNER 0 OOOZIUA SUPEA 90 0 MOVIE • • 'h -Kidnapped" ( t!M8) Floooy McDowell. Sut! Engtill\d Tale 8bOUI e mate "4llr kldnlppeel by t11s mit«ly uncle I I hr . 30 min) 0 t.tOVIE * • 'h •"Hercules Unchained" ( 19601 SUMI RMYllS. SylYa Koscma While tr11\ftl41ng with 111s bride, Hercules subd~ a giant and rs tatet 1mpr•s- oned 12 hrs) CD MOVIE • • • "Green Oo1p111n S111e1" ( 19471 Lona Turner. Donna Rt>tld A geolle girl Bn<I he< lick~ SISier lcwe the -man 12 llrt . 30 min I 8:30 0 @l SUPERFlltENDS 'i) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA fD ONCEUPONA ci •asc wants to raise more, and spends his weekends -----------------------'----..;_ ______ _ participating in amateur rodeos. Recently. his skills were put to a test on "CffiPs." "WE HAD A RODEO episode," said Wilcox. ·'The crew knew I rode and roped. They were hop- ing I'd mess up so they could rib me." He grinned and added. "That's a great way to make a living." Wilcox, virtually raised on horseback in Rawlins. Wyo., also plays western outlaw Emmett Dalton in the four·hour NBC movie "Raid on Cof· feyville." The movie, produced and directed by Dan Curtis, recounts the attempt by the Dalton gang in 1892 to simultaneously rob two banks in Coffeyville, Kan. Would he rather be doing a western series? Wilcox has no complaints. Without hesitation, he replied , 'I'd rather be doing something successful , and 'CHiPs' is successful. .. "CIDPS," WJDCH ALSO stars Erik Estrada a nd Robert Pine, is one of NBC's most consistently popular series. Last year. it helped save the network from total embarrassment Ul the ratings. It is the first show since "High~y Patrol" 23 years ago authorized to use the badge and seal of the California Hi ghway Patrol. Wilcox said that since the series began a year ago. applications to Join the Highway Patrol have doubled. "In the past, there was the coMotation that policemen were pigs." said Wilcox, "but here are two semi-idealistic officers. I don't mean to sound pompous, but kids a re looking up to the m. Even older people are seeing policemen as human be· ings, and that's one of the facets we try to stress. ''PARENTS UKE THE show because of its good imap of the police and its lack of violence. Nobody ever draws a gun and we hope it stays that way. We may stop somebody, but lf It's a felony It takes someone very special to help you forget someone very special. THE REV. JAMES Davidson moved to Califorrua seven years ago and has been bUSf in semi-retirement since then. filling in as guest pastor in se~eral San Fernando Valley churches and performing weddings for some or bis son's show business acquain- tances. people like Dick Clark and Kenny Rogers. boys built It with logs and it was in a--------------------- grove under the beeches and elm trees. It was our own family chapel, when we , 'Supertrain' Series Slated Supertrain • " a new NBC series in the style or "Silver Streak" and "Foul Play," ls now in production on one of the largest sets ever built for television. The pilot movie for the series st ars Steve Lawrence, Don Meredith, Broderick Crawford. Vic Mom>w, Robert Alda, and Nit.a Talbot. The action in this anthology series takes place aboard a giant atomic-powered train that travels between Nc>w York and Los Angeles at 200 malt·~ an hour. "' . had a ministry in Brockton.·· The Rev. Davidson grew up ln Tex· as, the son of a cotton planter. and met his wife at Andove r Newton theological school lo Massachusetts. where she was studying to be a minister, loo. "We decided that we both couldn't be involved in the ceremonial and technical function. I did that, and she worked with women and young people and created the setting for ou r ministry in the home.·' DAVIDSON SAID his three sons bad "never felt hampered or deprived because they were children of a minister. They £ays fell free to do whatwasbestfor m." The Rev. Dav1dso id he stuck to lbtallitude even when his sLnger·son Po d for a semi.nude centerfold in a wo en's magazine. "Well. we didn't like that very much." he said. "We tell It lowered his Image. But be knows more about his business lhan we do. I guess my wife fell a little more that tt was the wrong thing to do." ••• llCI\. •"'Y· vnptedlct.,. ....... ""WOfttl bfovtnO .... ~....-: NOW thru JAN. 1• JAMii WMfTM04tl KL MAtlAN NAN MACY MllCll MARnN llOlltfSON Ond JllS~A WAUll Mon 11or1 ono Oeorg• s Koulmon'• Hit 11ou1 Comecty THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER ~~·-:t• HAHll YULIN &JO . MCI!.-?.lO r-. • ' lc•lll CJ' lhe DO• olflrll ') /'V I ioC> • ~ Ot 01 ICl>elrOf\ ' ' /lrl-... Nll. on11 "°"IUCJ Aav• ona no llQot\t()n I °"°' S•O'P> CHAROI HATS: (213)~1 OIOU' SAU S W\fofmOtlOf\ (213) ·~)6,t! CENTU THEAJIR • I A ~~o v rm~ rmt101 RYAN O'NUl CANDICf Bf RGf N OlNfR~ SIDRY .... . ..... ... . .. , NlaJlA ~Gm RAY MllUND rmrn &fJL [~Ill~ rnN mRIY MiiO v rt'KI R -...... ~ ......... •Clut•Yt• JOHN mRIY ......... lei~.. "" .... ~ .. Wiiie• ... --··-' . --· ~ NOW PLAYING .-Tl COUT IUUA PAIK Dllft·ll L10UM 8Mch 494·1514 Buena Park 821-4070 f .... 8"• 11 La Hlbrl 691-o633 UA1Wll "I " Westmlntttf 893·130S COMICS I CROSSWORD MARMADUKE . . MISS PEACH - "Hooven help us if we bought anything for the kids that 1sn t approved by Rolph Nader! .. SUPERHEROES SHOE MOON MULLINS ~IMM£; A HINT WHAi You'D Llk'E FOR CHRISTM.AS .. SWIVEL. by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta I SAY PRIME 1H'PUMP·· IF I ~IVE 1EM $0Mf; • IHING EARL'/, IH~'LL Dl<1 A LllTLE • PEEPER· JUDGE PARKER 50RR'I. OARLING ... eor 1 HAVE TO GO! J 5i100LON'T .. ! l~INI<. L'l.I. ~T L6r &AT~ FINO HIM! lll!H·ffEH-H#H ... by Jeff MacNelly 'J &E TOO LONG! ,,,__..rl"...:: TUMBLEWEEDS NOW 1HE TRl~f:'S POIN& THE PANCE OF iHE: ANCIE:NIS. NANCY DOES YOUR D.AD SMOKE? ···HE'S A CHAIN SMOKER \ by Tom S.tiuk 'll•RI by Mtfl AGATHA CRUMM OR. SMOCK OKAY. Ml::N . 1,..e;,-•5 R5MOV5 S V E:RYIH I NCS 'jHA,-ISN',- c:>OIN' H5R ANY GOO c:> .' MY ~THER ONWG4VE6 MEAOO-LAR A WEEK. MOTLEY'S CREW WHAT'5 A NtC.e- \..OOKIW ~ee !AK~ YOO 00\t-J' IN A f'ACrOR)' LIK61}415 '? by Gus Arriola by Harold Le Doux by Tom K. Ryan ~y AU.1He f'LJE'f't-ES RISING-FPDM 1'EHINP1HE TOM~IDM SECTlON. ... Fridly. Oecembef 22. 1978 PEANUTS °™st AlL t.AU6UEO /J:r ME! EVEN lME ~ER lAV6HEO AT ME! t'U HSU eE A9l.E TO 6010 TMAT SOOOL A&\IN ! . t ~ r I j , 0 DAILY PILOT c•s by Charles M. Schulz by Bill Hoest by George Lemont NOW -rHeRe WAS A P OOR CHOICe OF WORPS.' 0 by Templeton and Forman TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Snare 5 Pefgota 10 Starch 14 BrOOk 15 Dixie City 16 Eastern name 17 Needle case 18 Blue Jay or Brave 20 Aegean is- land 22 Man s nick· name 23 Active peo- ple 24 Throws 26 Anes 77 llahan Port 30 llejates 34 Retaliate 35 Cull 36Wetcome - 37 Hereditary unit 38 Stay 40 Father ., Skill 42 Sketch 43 Yukon city 45 Bent 47 Withstands 48 Cushion C9 French sculpt Of' 50 Moving 53 Pronoun 54 Total. 2 words 58 Salisbury Ptam monu· men1 61 Sole 62 Air S3 Tree ~Issue M Not yet up 66 COflsecrate 67 Hardens DOWN 1 Very Fr 2 Girl's name J Styptic 4 Geolog!Gal epoch 5 01ploma1 Abt>r 6 Theater dis· tr let 7 Diamond features 8 Sign 9 Tease 10 81bhcal dancer 11 Ouahhed 12 Endmg lor movie 13 Possessive UNITED Feature Syndicate Thurs~y·s Puule Solved Id• 1. I 1,. 1. ·-'· 1.' ••• l •I< 1.1, I, 1. , .. 1.1.1, I• lo I I .1. 1.1. 1.1. "'' I •• (ti I 0 I I ' 1 • S I I I . I & l 0 --. 111 --•• 1111 .,. , l . ' 111 I ' . ' l <lo- • u II I $ I l ( I . " A GI I C ( 0 -. A o I• 1110 IC I G ( " I • • c I I 1 •• f I 11 -0 , I " I o• ' . l l "' l • II I . ' ' • l l --• c I II t I .. l • l ' s I I • 0 'I . " r • c " S ·C u,• 10 ,. r I L I "'" s ' • a l '"' 'o I 'S I u " ' ... ! • ~It word 4-4 Conlinent 19 Confo<m 46 E~pressed a 21 Famous lhouQhl poPQeteer 47 Cosmetrcs 25 Skulked 49 Printing :ypc 26 Ebbed lace 27 Epics 50 Mov11. pooch 18 Prevent 51 Stump 29 Slowly Mu· 52 Sound SIC ~Shriek JO Colo1 5S Cul)Ola 31 Wrong 56 One 32 -cards 57 Cart>sses 33 Br carbines ~ Montreal 35 Roost hockey1st· 39 Proposal Informal 40 Con games 60 Vocal 42 Extra pauses CJ8 DAIL v PILOT Friday, O.C.mbef 22 1'18 MOVIE REVIEWS I!!. Double Cartoon Bill a Challenge D Match 'Pinocchio'? ~E~ ___ A_O_u_tc __ t_o_o_k_a_t_th_e_M_o_v_ie_s::_-_-_ --- . ' CO·STAR'S 'GLUTTON FOR EXPERIENCE' Beverty D'Ang•lo like• Roi•'• NaturalnH1 Rough Way 'Cool' Star Changes "Every Whal'h Way But Loose," from Warner Bros .• constitutes a definite change or pace for Clint Eastwood. who stars as Philo Beddoe -an easy.going truck driver who hap· pens to be the best barroom brawler m the San Fernando Vall ey. • The movie, which Is showing al Orange Coast theaters. was produced ~Y Robert Daley and directed by James Fargo. Also starred are Sondra Locke, Geoffrey Le wis, Beverly D' Angelo and Ruth Gordon as Ma . EASTWOOD KAS a buddy nam ed Orville, portrayed by Lewis, who sets up fight& for him for side bets; a girlfriend nam ed Lynn Halsey. Taylor. played-by Miss Locke, who is de· te rmiDed to be a country music recor~star:. and a pal named Clyde, who happens to be a Cull· grown male orangutan. On the down-side, East wood has to deal with a motorcycle gang out to get him for roughing up a few or their members. He also has a couple of cops looking to square things - while off-duty -for an unfo rtunate misun· derstanding at a local tavern -unfortunate for th Pm Lafe, for Philo Beddoe, as one can see, is dehnately a bed of roses -but not without some thorns. E astwood's role as Philo Beddoe would at first a ppear to be somewhat apart from the un· emotional heroes he is famed for portraying. Yet. when Prulo attends to the business of fight· 'EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE' STARS Orangutan Clings Tight toCllnt Eaatwood anR. h e does it with the seriousness of purpose and cool efficiency that the style of Clint Eastwood makes so believable.· THE KE'\' TO the film's screenplay -writ· ten by Jeremy Joe Kronsberg -1s balance Beddoe is a man who is both tough a nd vulnera· ble; and. in addition to a quick, often sly sense of humor, he has an openness which is truly engagmg. ··Every Which Way" was filmed In the San Fernando Valley. which provides the country fl avor the film su1tgests. Other locations, In San· ta Fe and Taos. N.M . and Denver. lent addi· t1onal reality to the fil m's milieu. Miss D'Angelo. an actress and singer or gr eat promise, appears as Echo, "a glutton for experience. who knows how to take care of herself even though she's very naive in many ways. She·s an adventuresome girl and she likes OrviUe; she's an individual and she has a keen sense or independence. "I Uke her and I've approached the part as naturally as possible. I wear my own c lothes and m y hair is done the way I would normally do it. I like that and I appreciate the opportuni ty lo show Echothts way." AfterDeatlt Elvis' Wealth Up MEMPJDS, Tenn. (AP) -Elvia Presley's name -and voice -are still worth mllliona. Probate Court records show the singer's estate haa earned almoet ~ mUJloo since hiJ death 16 months ago. . The Income figure •as contained tn a re· quest filed wttb Ule court by the atnaer'• father Vernon Presley, asking approval Of payment of leaal and accounting fees and for payment of hi• own aalary ($1,400 per week) 11 ad· mlniatrator ol the estate. In the petlUon, Vemoa Presley said lM eatate earned $4,883,WI from AUi. 221 wn. thrOugb July 31, 1978. Tbe IOW'cel of incomt were not detailed. • , , • , • • , # --~ • • By STEVE l,OEPER ._ n. ~-i.IM ,,,_. "THE MALL ONE" It holiday feeturette rro m Di n y by thl' 1tudlo'1 new brted of anlmalon Althou•h Lhtt 20 minute film, based on the popular ta.le by Charles Taz<>wt1ll, Is rooted In thtt Chrt1tma1 SlOry. ll endJ Just prior to the blr1b ot Chr!Jt and de•~ more with Uie •~ular lhtmt'"' rrtcndahip "THE SMALL ONE'' k U1 or u younR boy whoa talhcr Com~ him to 11 lh homely little donkf'y he lov AddlnM lru1ult to 11\,lury. nobody wanll the r a&ed he1111t except a rctlow namtd J08tph. who end• u11 buylna th1.1 donkey tor hit preanat1l wlfl', Muy Tho cartoon rlo~Nl with the tno w&lklnlil to Bethlehem bcm~alh .a brllllunt 11lur lrorutally. the c1&rloon·s blH (latW 15 ll S com panlon feature 1>11nt·y's animated tlass1c. · Pinocchio " Jt '• hard not to compare tht- 11upt'rb production vulucs ll<'hlt'Vt:d tn the l!MO:ol picture with UH' Ot4Wl'r &JrodU<'l TllE ORIGINAL gun~ or l>umcy unimatoris ~ft an it'ttheUc Blandt1rd that will be hard to mutch AllhouRh lhe n(>w litudio crew muk ·s &an Im preas1ve debut with "Tht-Smnll One," one mis ses the delicate. mulll d1mens1onal qualities or .. Plnorctuo ·· u.. 0 w z ~ -' -' :::> LL + -' ~ 0 . , . . ' ... ~ ......... .. I Y eoa TMONIAI "lLOW OAN<lltO IN TMf a10 CITY"••-•.,.,_, 11w•110,.o •IWI 0ttHll'>l119G -1'-fellllf Of .,. 0 H.,.t¥"'0fltlll'lf A Ntw vor-'°'""""" wlllt" ,..,_,, •• mu\lt 1P11ul ~VIN>I ~II*• ,,. • ht•ll•lll tCH'll•no wlllt • b!IOO•no Dellorln• IAMt Olt<l>Du•lll wlto lu'"' Oul IO ....... -OI , .. ,. •••• •llm•1tt• tt\et \trtot wrUt•\ •ov• 'Otv11'\0 •l>o tlltl•'-• • 10 yu• old II'"'"~'""',_.,.. lo --O• "•nown DY lwtll 1 ... ~lallof1 of MaM•t l•n \ofVtM i\ ,,,_ Of f ... few •(.fOf\ ,...,.,.,..., """"Uh to,.,.., oll '"'" • portr•149t •ft.Cf M tt\ b ttthtH.Hft o•nt•\ JI .... df••m l'l"•f IC)I )OM A~ll(J-fOIW~\'\ ti.. W•nt Q..,11-U 11>411 l\f 'lllOW•d ltl '"" lto<•V 'Ol'Nll<• lt.i..i PG ,,.. lllM I\ • -•c-"""do" IG Oii• "-'"""~"Of tucNv 'Df'Odu' t '•M IDNIGHT , .... 11ru·· l•IAl•o '°' orhon t11\UlO't ''•'A"" tOM.,.11 1nQ •C>CMtf..,tfv fa<l""'I A<tounl ot "" Am•'''•" ~" \ HYfn•t'lC for 4!t tr•t.tl~ f'9'f\t•• 4'n •tt4tf"nPI to \MUQ ~I• ""\111\l'Olll ul l ur-•v tt11tv tt,.Y•\ ,. Mrtrov•tt• lJ~'"""' 1, •l\l<Htlt _,.., un•.....-•l>I• Cllft cflliOn\ '" A rwrk"" 01•\Ut\ 1'11\d ~•tlUM IJl'to<• •11t"l>l"O Ill C.••N• lltrttt lcu AIA~ P,u",., d•Ptt h U4y,.\ \ fOrn•f't Ir. ,. lilm fP,oflf I\ ofl•" oun111N1>o to w•fl h "'''" "'•"" •,..91'1 \f_, ....ct -ot .. .,,, fiUCllly Hot lor '"'-mi.II "Wlt.O o••••" • " a o ... -.,. IM• ~"'• '" ti-'4••ar-lt •dttfon ""'"· lftwofw4"0 '1U\ 0-"'"'"' 'wr •Oi"Q mtrc•n•r.,., "'' ltarn lturio ... lloott MtU•• ~111141111 11.,rf\ •NI H•rO• '""Cit' ••• •n11.i.a 11'1 • ltrll"" ,_, "NI \l•wed (it_,., t0 lf'"4.W A bt~lt •••Of't •"'9 t .. , ~" $11JO'..O •"" ."" Ptl.0...0 DV.,. 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IM lllM ' 1 .. k OI 'M""""°"' .. , 1t•mem 1 tt• •nno• •r~ o••O•tt•bl• '"" O•<or ovtr ""id"'"" "'"'• °''""" "''" •> m1w ••• A )• .,,.,., ttto u .. 1.m -c"OOt t••(,.., M M.efh'r hO• "''· (1tf\not Aff'U•V• .. Hu• '"m" ,,,_.,,.,,. Jftl'O(lffU tt 1)1 • ., .. n,. .. , '""" 0111 o• 11 f h .. fAll"O i (, ~t \Of¥'4ll \CHW' "''" '"'• ~""O"•'\\IONltJl+ffUIOtrf\ Ollt l PltllNOI" •OPll•• •~~ \f\Af'{f "dqlll nf ft\Jth 10 Jhif W'SOf'r '"Of• "'• /r>uno M.Wn.1tn tri;lf'G '"',. '"',.•' '"' "' w "*"~ f ltv '" .. ''''" h" f l•Jffl• W•1U t111ntbif\ IPW ,,_.\1tll\Q ""ff.it• ol fM f)UIChH ,,..,_ ••rl /// w •"~' •'• J\IP"l'CIV t~ •11m or4tt1tr t•t "'•\ trw.t '" tt. 'n"u lh;f W•tH'\ Yllftjl) '"""'UM ''~""' '•'' ttf'#J ,,_ "fltlf ,,. Vu • f ,,.,IM'I I\ lrt\tO"'tfu4 Mwt ~ '""" '""frt14f " tlro"""' flJ ,,,.. bl' titn •o•.fJ111t••• """'"''Hrr•_.. ..-rWM.V • t;y ""411Anl• M•V'""· ---'" !)ti li•l"O '''" I0• .. 11·-"°"'•" I I h~~·.:: ~::.::!i:: ' .. 1 .. _, --·· -, .. ~ --I ll•••CI P c; ..,.,,. • "'Odtcum ol ! '*"'lnuellty ••cS. 1 ... cun ~ I "INTl!•IOlti" •••I~ Wit tor Wooch All•n W"<> " wr1i.r Cll•0< l0< !NI nol a<IO' Ill lltl' .,,.-. •IY<Jv of • •-11v un.111<1 10 dt-o llUlll •Nlbl- Al!Orl'"'I' [ C. M.tt.i1•ll N fib. O-•IHltO<ll\I Wit•. ~•ldlM P41011. ....... ,..(...., • N<llnQ. "'"°<" ••• ·~·~ '""" '"'I'd -c-••tl.,. ""UOl>I•"' Ot-KHtOt\. ltftM•ll C.ttl!lth •nd ~fYl>tlll Hvrt In 1....,, lltel>••O JQ<<Mn end~ Wll-tOft .,.., , AUQ"t I" t~ UO\\ Ur•. •• .. .. ., M•t '"•II \ f'W# .u •. M•ur ... -n ~t•Ot•ton 'THC llO'I'\ PltOM l•Allt." wflutd '"•Vfl U\ beUttv• •twt \C4*Utt'&d tf'uouqn tN northltfft twm•~'" .,.. 'U h 1111\ flfQif' bOy\ 'tlltft() «• <fOMO •ctotf ...... ,."··..,,. ... °""'of"""'•<",.,.~ "°''~ ., • ., f"\t•bl••.I\ '"-, 0Uf1h ~··'"~ Oft',. '"'' ~, ., """•'~· t~ lllrn t Ml t>f" •n,oytttJ ., .., ••pert ly l'nA(h1 .cfW"hH'tt r, •naun J ~ f\+tHMr'\ Ol't1' <fltK I•'>" ,.,dvt•• 1mp1•u•1btUt• I• "'''""'"'"" .,.. hi\ •ttott\ .,. ~d ti>t two '!,;pP'M>if Otf'IOf"r'fWft<.•~ <,••qo<v f'K~ i\ <MllnQlf tlfe<flV• in ttw m•n•..-M wroeon wno._. U>n ffl'fltfl'fffon fMTI(} ••Pffltfttft(\ ~ ,,,.. t tnt"iNJ r,.o\\tbt• H t\ oOPOf'lltfte 1\ I •v, "'"' • Oh111•r tr~~r Of ••' 'r1m1n,u, fl •\• #f'U ~ <~•\ l•r•t•tton ••••d A. •PP•r•ntt., ""''•UW tJI vool"""t ,~ ........ ~~.z ~_....-.. :>.... c:c ..... w t-w "" .........._,_..W -----~ ; . \ Two Record Set $8.99 ~="'-,.......---- • • . -. _, 0. 0. ::> U) CJ z s cc 0 (J w cc ·~*****************•**** u. NEIL DIAMOND 0 Greatest Hits II You Dont Send Mt FIOW1r$~ IS.SI IS.SI --' . . . . .. ... I r l /1 '\ \ \ Fr1d9y. Oece~ber 22. 1978 DAIL y PILOT DI '79 FLEETWOODS & SEDANS '79 DE VILLES '79 SEVILLES ------------------'79 ELDORADO~--- EXCELLENT FINANCING AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CREDIT THE FINEST GIF I )OU CAN GIVE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON DIESELS SALES .• LEASING • SERVICE FINE, PAMPERED, PRE-OWNED AUTOMOBILES '76 SAAB '78 FORD ffM LTD 5-speed. air cond1t1on1ng. 50/50 power split seats. AM/FM stereo with tape stereo tacie player. (1709SL Tl player and only 6.646 miles (#534VNI) s3995 $5695 '75 SEDAN '76 SEDAN DtYIUI DIYIU.I Full POINer. 40/60 pawer seats. Full vinyl too leather mtenor cruise control. AM/FM stereo 8 track tac>e player & cruise (#587MVGI. control (•1819151 .$6195 $6895 '78 PONTIAC 176 COUPE GUMDrtttXSJ DE¥1LLI Bucket seats. pawer windows !tit wheet. cruise control AM Cabnolet loo. cruise control. radio and 8 traci< tacie player tape player (ll368NRS) '.#838UJWl $6895 $6995 . '76 VOLVO 265 '7 6 EL DORADO STATIOM WAGON COUf'I A utomat ic transmission Leather interior. 50/50 pawer factory air conditioning. roof seats. AM/FM with stereo lai>e rack. tape player. (#707PKD) player. (#262UNH). '78 T-BIRD '77 COUPE Landau top, 50/50 pow9r DEVIW seats. cruise control. tape Leather 1ntenor. full oower. • plaYE1'· rallye wheels. and only cruise control. stereo radio ,.i.295 mil~ (t792VFG). (#068SYU). '77 COUPE '16 SEVILLE DEVIW 50150 oower seals leather Leather covered seat109 area. interior stereo radio. cruise cruise control. tape player. and contr o l & L OW MILES low mileage.(# 173PWU). (#1539281 s7595 s7995 s7995 s9995 ~~9595 Sf795 '77 SEVILLE '77 ELDORADO Full power. leather covered COUPI ASTRO ROOF. Leather seating area and 6 track tape Interior. 50/50 power seats. player (•485RKU) cruise control, tape player (10125327) '77 MARK V '77 FLEETWOOD DISIG ... IROUGHAM Leather Interior. full power. 50/50 oower seats. cruise auad stereo and tape player. control & 8 track tape player .#196SOH). (J933RYI) ( '78 CORVETTE '78 SEVILLE T·TOP Leather 1ntenor and AM/FM Like New. Only 4,070 miles. stereo w/8 track tape ptayer. (•122UZUI. (#675TZSl 510,495 510,595 ~10,995 510,995 512,900 513,300 ALL CARS PLUS TAX & UCEMSE • ALL CARS SUIJECT TO PRIOR SALE • OFFa GOOD THRU 12-26-78 • ; ' I ,\ • I \ ,. 02 OAIL V PILO'l •• PUBLIC NOTI I! . PU&U NOTJ .,... \u•1•1oa~nornt1 llOT!C8Oil11tUITll'l 'Allr n AU 01> CM.I fOaldA .0. "fCTITIOUI IUllNIH .. ,,.... IT A"Tl~ll" l 5 N• •»• •1111 COUlllU'O'CHliloNOa CM J_,, S, ""• 91 t tt AM ._ ,. .... '"' .............. -I•~ .... ... ... , C•"""•"l•I Ontl••"'•"l e t tfOTICI 01' Mlilollfll• 01' (.II ........ IM.,• ~I~~· l'lflTIOM l'e4t "°9ATI J'flU r " \IGHS, w a. • .,, ... ,....,. .,,.. .. , .......... .,.,, lllll, M ..... -'" T '~'" -i1o " O l I l 1 I • a 0 D ..... ..., -·· -10'" ......... ·-· • ··-··· ..... ••1'·~~· ~ iloW91flt ti. ltll, •• ,,,., Ho NllCIO !'Ott AUhtOtltl>llOtl "TO C•1tt J ......,._ "• •o \ho>#• ......,.,.__...,..__A4#_ .,.._ lfl ..... U~I ..... U.,, ef Of. iloOM 1 ffllTI It U fllOljll ftl I ft<i.I •Kw• 1" IM ... k• et IM c-INOll'•MOINT iloOfl•""tlT•AJIOff l "'' Ov\tt•~' ,, .. ~ t•c.t .,, 410 ht Olvl;fufl t\t ._... OI Or.,.. ~f. fol.it et O• U"TATUlo(.t ~Ill• (tltl• •' t lllf OlllllCIC H 'I'( c .... , -~"'"" '"'' "•'-"' ••• 11-.0 •M IN "ILL U!U. Af ""·~I( AVCTICfl MOU f , ••• I' H 'I' MOU\ to MIGMCTI ··~· l'O• CA\.14 O.ru,.. l ... fll, , ..... Of o ........ , .......... ""'··-· ..... . ..... ~ ••• ti~ .. w•• •11 ........ NCl1'1(l I\ MllU•Y r.1vr ...... 1 _.,.ti'""~,..,._, •I IN Mt,,hll <>••d1111 II•' t1tt• ...... (1 ..... )--t lo IN ... CO<i" twr•lll t •tlllM lbt J'r-11' Pf Wiii " C-.._, Ill llw (lly el SM!t• tM t ttl<r•• IA tll""""\lrtl~ "'"" wll ""9, (eitlOr"'• ... ,,... UU• -II\ I II ,.. • 1 t d • I' " I • I ......... ftWftl1\...,_. (••• tit .. \I U•41y lltlfut 0.t ••II-I e I~ ll. ,,,. Utl If . .,,... c--.. --... i. .... ti -..... ,.1 .... I•-......... -· '"" -· ............... , "'" ... ,,,. "'-' I~-.... -............. "' '. .. PUaLI NOTIC rt ·~ "' -C-y -$tti. A• I r.-t••-• .. _,," " ,,,,..... ler • C~,_ -.CrlttloO a fu1tr..r ,,..,,,.,...,,•NII'""' l'W I•""" •ul'••l~COll•tOr nie ..... ,, l I ""'-•••diod 111»•• 111 ..... ,., ...... ,.., • ..., ""' .... ~. ' \fill Tl 01' CAilflOtllflill .. 0. ...,.,,..,_lelQflo~fr«l roo •\I .,_",,,.,,.,_,,,••rt•••~ f14f(evHY-"0'0•111t•t II',,_ C•h nl (al• llNw t-· tt •"' "h ,_,,"°"" ... o,.,,.,,,_I 1ff /4 •tlll Ot ..... \l .. •111 <••1""111., •• _. 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''''"' ~11011 P.o °'""'""' ( OfOf tJ,,_li'tl' •·1~(1t tti f'f't•t \il»n thip '"' f o' 'It \Ub f t J1 .... 1-f/I It.JI \ 11 h/" 1~ II ~~';;:.::::: !'::::::.~~~· .. ,7:¥~th PUllU(' NOTICE ·~ r•wr¥9Ct ~ J lr\t Wt'''*'"' U•ot. -rru\I C-y 11 •O<oe>tallOfl •n ttwr Ckr'-' '"°'Cflliid Dtc:tmt•·' • lfM1 1~ -\tlt -... QI CJttl<l•l llMOtll\ "'n.o ,,.,,,,f)rl(ll OW•m()lt, n , .. , 1tt f IC ft I IOU\ •U\IH J \\ ll'H>> ~Ut ""°' \)I Qt ()f11<1•I RHO•O\ H M"'3 t t U\itU'M 111tl \•'""'""Co, l.-t NAMI JfAfll"'lf.lllT •NI ,11 -'"'" MQ\\f"W• (uql()•" • In• lullOwH>o 1>0•/\0ft\ .,,~ <WlllO llOn. •oco<dlod Auov\I 71 1910 1n .,...,. ...,,.,,..., •• tltJ o•v. H Of ()tlKl•t A..corth ",.,, .......... (IDIO( ... ,.,,, •• AQtrnl l•ll(ll I(" \ .. Oii(\ PlltN f lNC. PAll((l 1 A -••llU\IW HU IUf V1<10t .. Pt ... ,.,..,. -·· ,. menl .... 11\Qf--•O"H. l'\ltllt( ~,.11 u1f1t1••" _,,. -for •II i>u•i>O-.• "•M•I" \........... ''" Vl(IOI•• "" ICl•ntel 1'-rtl O, lt!Cludlt>Q f!<,I not H1 Ttf"'W p,..,. ft~1~(.)fht•• 'Hll'10rll1'0~1(1nAI 1f~ ""0"'""' °'-,.,.., ""''' 1•1101 De• '~ 11. 1' •• ,,. 1•1•<0 (c»I• w. ·• <" ¥'1•71 l1m11to to "''' to<>\trll<l•Otl. ln•t•ll• t a .. ~,IJ I r ,,,.Wl, 4Jt) )yh'f'f tton r•Pl•r•ment. rwu•tr m••n nt '••tu'" Al•<t ( ._ "'"01 ,,.,. .. ,.,, '''14 rAflttn •nd '°'',. Of ,.,. H1~1-'' LU'-'"''' 1 •••t.41u1 \•0 ''',,.rut .. ,,,.,.,,,, d•,ltabt• ro•d¥wflllf' ''' ,,,., 11 l••I' ft•''""°'' ''°"'""'4'0 atW1 tondultft Ovfr Uft<k'I ~. • N ......... , .. "Cf YPOf"t tto\il (}O(llo()n' of l oh ,,.._ PUBLIC NOTIC't: It t..-1 .. f"-.>f t w • ftl.-0 w1tt~ t"t 'l•. I// t1nd 1111n ftMI N,_ J't• '' ( ;•,riti ',,,. tt CJr•nGf' (uvn1y 01' "'°wnon•m.o,e<0to.d1nboo• 110 f If''''" f t9 '9/f p AQfl>\ •• tt\ )0 1n< IU\IV" ()I M l' ,. ... , .. , • .,.,,,.Ou' MAP'. '" IN• 1),,,,,. ot '"" •·J•s.• NOTICE TOCllEDITOllS HO A tl711 1U,.Ea10* COlfAT Of TNf $TATE Of c;Alll'<>'llflA l'OJt TNC COUNTY 01' OlllllfOf ••1.nu,~ °'"""'~ t ..,,,,,, u,,11v Puot cou"'t R-COt'O'"' ot '4"" 1 Duf''" u0Qf1 1 h·• 11 .-... t911 J-" '; t/ ,..,,, ~CJ II wMn' Nj WUdlf'tQ Ot no" 1 '""'Iv'*' PlJBLJC NOTICE In In• MAll•r of lh• r •t•I• ol l'ICTITIOUi•USINEU W llllAM SArl'fl l 6ARRf P •'h NAME STATIEMIEMT WIUlli'M <, RAPllFll o•• Willi.AM '"" 10110 ... lnQ Ptr\~n> .,~ do1no 8Al!f\( R l>H••...a ' b\j\1M" •> -"Wiil~ I>. ll"rt'llY gl,,... Iii tr.O•IOI\ I AC.UN A ASS 0 (I A T [ 0 ..... "" 11 ... m ...,..., 'I , ... VllO .-. 8•01( £RS l•••S Coot ~.o ....... ., ... , '" •• , .. \.lod ctl'l•"' 1"' ""' htt11 • f',f Souttt L•oune. CA.,.,, bw t t•o ,,. ,,_., •fe>t• .. "' rmut "' •ol P•ul O M1:A1i10~. J1•n Ct1t••t ,,, .... ~, 1 ... m !() -tl"d< , • tljm" ., ti' ~no· O< • ~n· NiQU'•I (A.,.,, Of1t(t (tt I "WI"' V/Hm ''""'''"''llt Mid Montf' M S..ndPr\, mn flttr•r lyn<~ )01 '>. BrMtU 1110(1 ..... n St lAQUM NIOuo•I CA'l?bll F'l'tn.end<1 c 1tht0trH-' 'ft U•J wnH f\ h•t ftw\ bu\tntt~\ l\ ronou<.tltd by •n \N"I t•r OltKt-f\ ,,,,,_ pfM.f' Qt f'hl\tnr'• \ flf ttw tf'<OIPOf •te<I 4'\\0(l•tlOn othf't t~ ' undiff wtJ~ In t1U M.tt•t \ p...-t.-1n1~ CN'1Mft1'1C) 10 ""' ,. .. l•t~ \lMn tli111111"'•\ w1lh lt\ol PnulO Mt(AvftV Nl(e-\\•'" ..,._,. h.-.• mu+.t ht f11t O ~' Tf\t\ \'"' ... """"' .,,,. tilt~ wUr\ ttlt• o,_.,."'~" .. , "'()'' """' w1H'11" tmu,<ounly (h!•~ ot Oii'OQ!ft C.uuntv on '''°'"~' ~th• lht tl•st 1NOt1lel1on o• ()tot ~ 1•18 · 1111\ "Ol lt•· ,.,...,, O•l•d Nt1wmo-; Ii <tTI Pul>h\-Otol\Ot' f CWl\I O••IY PllOI f I I Jl\IJ~ llAllll[ "1 C..-c e I\ ?1 '1'I IYlf h.t\ fM .. 11 l"ffl'C tflld. 'Uf)ff'( I ft0•4'Vf"f fC) •"Y r•\ftlC t~ '" 10 ,,._ uw Of ~••d •• ,tm .. fllt "' 0 t0ff'Ufqlttttd And •"•Ofl•M<l Oy Moulton P<1tlwo "•" <f'tnh" A\llOfl•tl<i" NO I ~ Ct>tj)Otio llan, 11\ \U((t\\Or\ •"d ~\\IQn' f\ 0,.,,,,., Of Uw •t)f')V#l ff'ftH•d to l t)\\ fnmmo<>I• ~-•t 1;).IJJ VI• !Mn Gaoro•I L.OOU-14111• C•t1•0<~•~ !.UBJECT to •II""'"°'-• tond .. flOn\. l#lUt•(flOtU. t"A\4PM.l'll\. ,. • ctu\1on\. r~r-v•Hon\. II~\, rtQ.,h eNI riqhl\ Ill "0 . ol ft'<Otd Rid\ ot c1ftf'n "'' 1nvlf•i.d tor ,~,a prr1f)N t y ••pd mu\1 bfll' •n wr 11 •no .and w ltf M tt>t~•Y ... d di ttw-ntfh .-nf IN> PlJOht Guetdl.en UOO ~"'" r;r tt"<J Av•1'w•, ~. An4. (4t;t"'n'" 7110\ Of m.-y o--fttt!d wtth tr-. re.-r~ Qf \~1fJ 'uc• 'fOf Court ''' ,,,.,. r> \)t llvN•'d to '"'u' (,u1ttlf1ttfl 0t·1·w1•"'"" Af ,.,,~ ,,,,,.. ,,tt~f ftr"t 1>ut>IH 11IH.in <1t tf'l1\ f\v"'.., itt\d bt>tr,,,. m.•• •no~ '·~11d •.eh r ..... ,,,°'.,. '"" Witt r,4 '610 ()P(~f LEWIS, VAll,.1. GHfJtAOElll t ... LYHCH $t1 '· ....... ll•d., 541,. "•'"-· ~lffor·111• tt>tO P\Jt>U\t)wj 0rtHlQ'• ( (l..UI hllH'f PllOI TfRM\ rJI SAlE C.-n l••ttul ""'tt"4f'I nt the VnUi--d "'-'•' .,, UPf"" I "'.t<n trttn\ .no <oncttt~,. mey t.,t \\ t t 71 •< c '"' ~btl'J to It. COMn Hfl!Of' t °"''" '"'" ''°" t ht \UM CA \100000 "' 4 41'\h I c .. n•t••O '..,."(., o• motl"V OtOl'r n\u• i tt(COmC>on¥ ~h wrut.-.n btf'J "' t)tf~t wJfJ't tnfl baf•IW'I" ot lhfll' OUtthdM-Pt•C • •~ o-P<llO ,,_ t Of'flrm•llon t>I ~I~ '"' .1opro1111ftrJ bv ...... o ~rk>f (ou•1 PUBLIC NOTICE 0.<em""t I • 1S II ••tW PUBLIC NOTICE HOT I Cf 01' tNT£HTIOlf TO ENGAGE IN THE Sl•LIE Of ALCOMO\.IC llEVIE a AGES 17 " ,. Atl b~I 01 aH-.r~ ~• ~ wtyt1dt4'-<1 on• f0tm h.lf,...\fWd by Ute .._,. ih-• The, •Qhi to ,.-•1f'<t Of'tV •t'MJ ..... tJm' I\ tttr•bv ,.e..-rved OA fl 0 OM•mbe• II 1~·· JAME'> r Hf IM PUAllC GUAllOtllN A• N F Joyn..• """' ()f,out. PUllll( C.U.tOI"" .-0111.t." KU'l'Pa1t. 1 COUNTY COUHSEL- IEIOAMIN •.• MAYO. OEPUTY ., .... ,."''" p 0.AUy• I Al1-.MY• ... ca.. .. ,.,tl .. Pt;C>lo\._., Or-C.ot\t O••IY Pllol ~r IS !& 11 lt11 S•11 II --------- PUBLIC NOTICE 6 4- 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Ttt• 91ggHt Marketplec• on the Orange CO Ht DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Self It, Find It, Tract. ft With • Want Ad ( il One Call Service 842 •5878 Faat Credit Approv•I EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY •11U1hrr'1 Motfce: A.11 rul .. teh.• 11dver1 iaecl 1.n LIU; ntl'Wlip11per 111 at.1b· Jcct to UWt l''ederal l''alr Houaln1 A r t ur I 91111 wbirb m111l It 1lll'UI lo 1dvl"rll .. "11ny pre tl·rt~nn•, llmtt.tlon. or d.1tCnmitu1Uun ba1u.'<.I un race, color, r.-lialoo, i.u. or nailVl'l.ltl on1<111. or un tnt\'nUon lo 11101H-any 1urh pttft'rt•nr •• llmltJ I.ton. urcJu.rnm11111lJon. ' Thtli iww11p1per will not kOQWIO f ly Ul"t't•J>l llfl)' •dvl'rl arn.: fur r t•JI \'6W~ WhH.h lb IO \ tul,1 tl(Jl"lollh!!law HouwsfwSale ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEGUCTID GIANT Abandoned 2 i>tory ' ~·e 16.xJZ' 11wimm1nl( ! Qulec cul de-""<'' eedJs work• Owner_'s dmperaU!' • Hurry. call ~ FOR EST E OLSON ~.. ... • '"°' REAL ESTATE THE BEST GIFT OF ALL CLOSE IN 1979 AVOID HIGH INTEREST RATE Ne w legislat1on. new nnancing techniques and new court der1s 1ons, makes •l easier than ever to purchase or sell a f'rO perty c!c cl08e escrow 1n u matter or days f'or the first time, Sunks. Sav· U1RS & Loans can provide 'wrap around' r1nant1nl(, that to~elher with i.clk·r financtng can bl'at hi.qh mterest rat(.'!! Our ~taff or cxpen enced pro fesi.1onali. help their cllenl.S buy, sell. or ex C'hange $63 m ii lion dollars worth of real estate 1n the past 12 months Ca II now & ask about our many homei.. & invel'tmcnl hsungs Clil.17~ 1920. k QUAIL A.!~~~~ 10,-Tll l ;JO r.M.I e&n'RAl NEWPORT DU,LU Xlnl loc11tlon in 100 bile . rented summer/winter. wilh xlnl rentlil history 2 &inns. down. I-bdrm up Dbl gar11Rt: & you own the l11nd. for only 1159..:~ 673-~ ti7:'i-4777 Eve11 associated 8 II U I' f R ·, -11 l ll 1 HJ k ':> Jli /' W tfolboo 6 1 t 1•6 I 4-IUXUMOH LIDO ISLE Ru y vH:w from 2 put10 decks cnhanc~s n 1l<>tom spaci ou~ 5 bdrm .. 4 buth tradlllonol hom<•: llkt> new ldettl tor cntcrtmnin~. $500.000 OCEANFRONT Quality l'raftsmanAh ip in mahojl. trim & oak noors sets off thii, landmark: 4 n R. 3 bu. homl' In fin(·st IO<'ution Estuuhi.h<'d lJ't.'e~ & luwns $475.000 IACk IAY ,...inf• 4 bdrrn . 21/'J balh family homl' on quid cul de !Hit' Ovl'rsiLed pool. ph1 yhousc. ~torttJ(e S16U.OOO Terml!> BAYFRONT St'vt'ral fine buyfront h<>mes wrlh piL·r & ~h p AVALON Wl'll constructed. :t UR . J ba. oak rl oor. purtial basement. concr~tc roundation. Flat~ area. $120.000-Fee BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR .141 Buy,,,J,. D••v• N B 6/~ 6161 \.\' LS I.I·: Y N TAYLOR CO llEA L r<>Hs ~lllec 1U4. SEAVIEW'S FtHEST-S278,000 MEW EXCLUSIVE OFffRIMG f'anti.l~tic panoramic vit'w of city lights. o<:ean . Catalln<.i & Palos Verde~. Absolute perfection thruout this professionally decorated & prof. la nd!'caped "Nantucket" model ! Better than m ost model h omes. Highly improved with luxurious c ustom cptng & draperies. automatic ~prink l crs & outdoor li~htin~ & expensi ve wall coverings. Sort colors Call today to ~ee this 2 bedroom & l'Onvertible den bt:auty. Security area ort't•rs paol and tennis courts. WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., REAL TORS 2 t I I San Joaquin Hiib Rood HEWPORT CENTER, H.I. 644-49 I 0 BUILDERS EXCITING SUMMERFtElD HOME! Extremely well kt·rt n e1ghhorhoo< Establlshcd art:u Almot1l new crpts. Cstm drps. Move In conditwn 3 bdrm w1frml din rm & rmly rm. Vaulted ce11Jng. Don't hes1lale ! Call now! 545-!M.91 llUGHT & CHEBY Beautiful ocean v11·w fro n lh1s 3 b1lrm Newpo rt B cut.•h townhou se, of fice1 workshop in bt11>l' ment •t. ,,.,. .... , ..... Awai • ....,.,..,.. Surround~ enterta in ment homl.'' Lurge µvt master 1;u1 lL·' Deluxe paneling thruout Party sized deck overlooks sparkUng Jacun1 Sur rounded by mountain pines! Excellent 11n•11 1 Better hurry! C ull ~ FOR E5T E OLSON .. '. ' .... ......._ ..---.... BAY& BEACH 450 NEWPORT CTR OR 75!-{111 CAN'T DELIVER . ui l.Jme for Chn.stmaa.. but you ran warm the heM\.5 of your family by puT<"haMnl! this t ho1ce LINDA model rondo 1n lhe BLU1''F'S: Ooor plan is convl·naenl & ~•ngle level. 3 8drms .. 2 baths & 2 lge putto:.. pnre only '162.500 CANYON CREST An except1ona1ly atlrJ<' t1ve area in Newporl Beach. qwet & sedudt1d · yet handy to ~hop~ & sp0rt.s lll11v111es. F.nd 1m 1l with m&ny up~rad1•' :! Bdrm.'> . den . 2'; IJaLh~ sawia & 1a1·uu.1 A re al1.stJ1.• pnct· ut SIJJ.f-00 ..... .... ..... -.... - BAY& BEACH 450 NEWPORT CTR. OR. 759.0011 CHRISTMAS WA.~FROMT UIS.000 Unobstructed Vll'W or boat parade and nil harbor boating al·t1 vlty and n1&ht lights Beauti!uJly dccoralNf 2 bedroom with lhl' finest quality am e nlltes Secunty bwld1ng "'1th J pres1.Jg1ous addrt'sl> - WATTRI UONl llOMI '> REAL ESTATE b31-1400 COHSTaUCTIOM Deluxe townhome un1t11 wtlh a bdrms, 3 baths, " Clreplace11. First clas11 •·~-c..-buildinK wtlh Ute roof• _ _..._ ___ _.._ __ _ HllDHB."7 Help )'OUJ'Self lo 8 Heaping selection of Qualified Hopefuls Int.he DAILY PILOT HELP WANTED ADS balcon1e-s. enclosed aanaet with atora,e room&, ceraml~ ti e kitchens & batlUI. Forced air h ea t . bUilt·ln kltchen~lrat ueer tax t>eneflta~r de· lalla caU 15J ·31Dl C:SELECT T' PROPERTIES S1V84 4-r&.IXES Three 3 bdrm1, one 2 bdrm. Special owners unit with frple! 20th Down. bttaJt even. l600 Sq n. e1ch. Offered at 1110,000 each . 140.l6H Wbet-.,11 R"ul hfot r Inc fllc~.!.~D.."!.r DC.-T'IOMALL Y GRACIOUS - llG CAMYOH 4 Bedroom home with drumatic..· flair. Fountain entr:v. bcuutifull y landscnped. pool. jar uui. nnQ and entertainment center for ram1ly fun outside. Inside has beamed t•clling~. Lo.ls Hardinl? decorator touchel'.>. electronic filter 41 hum id1fit:1· and exciting details. $475,000. •COLDW&LMMK•co. 644·9080 ( 2tlt INf JOAOUfN Hflll M . IN~ c:llCTI,_ U~l()U~ IN NEWPORT BEACH COZY •• YSHOHS -White ('Ottage with hlu(• :i huttcr~. 3 hdrms. hunny (WI io with woorl derks. rl·ally bettl'hln! S18fi.OOO .. BIG CAHYOH AT Sl4S,OOO 2 bdrm, 2 hath. 2 patio~ and country like en111ronmN1t but near tennis. po<>l •md J<H'U '/11 l\~<.im . Just SJ4S.OOO GUESTHOUSE -Sep from lhb 11.V . Homt•s MorHH'O ~$ hdrm. IJ.!t'. lot. l'Ozy <Jci:or. wood llot11''-~t ,1n y ll':.1IUl'l''> for only $167.UOO LID 0 CLASSIC -0 pf' n b t• a m s throughout. bright und ~liry. 4 bedroom. 4 baths Mov{' in conch t1on. S285.000 UNIQUE IM EASTILUFF -Shull Prs, brirk nnd flowers set tht' mood for this 3 bdrm with fam rm Sl5H.!l00. U~l()Uf li()Ml:S REAL lOH<>·. b/•, WOO 2411] I .t\I Co,1\1 llir1hw.iv. C nrona d1•t M.sr .1ho 111 M ..... , v .. ,,,,. ,, 1 •• t1i ·,~u ATTENTIOM PARTICULAR PEOPLE!! -Only you will really appreciate Ht• ta't~ dKor of thi1 exqul¥fefy dKoroted. 9ardttt chorme,. with 2 bHrootns plus con•erli~ deft. Sweepinq views Mar CJOlf, btochn and Marino ... SI 15,500 495-1720 7 ls It Possible 1 OLP OORONA DEL MAR 4.000sq fl v~·' I Tnple A, double Wide lot JUM ofr Ocean Bl vd f ormul bv mg rm + family rm w/wet bar 5 LarRe bedrms. each with 1ti. own bath. 3 Secluded pnvale puwos Sptral :staircase leading Lo 2nd lt.-vcl 4 C:ur encloi.cd gorage:s All Uus under ooe roof on corner lot. Don't let lh1s one get away' Call ~ f'W1•• V• '~ \t ,_ t '"'I '••f [~IDNHI People who need People Thal·~ what th1• DAILY PILU'r SERVICI-: DIRECT OR V 111 all ahoul • SNEAK PREVIEW This home 1s nut sup· poaed lo be o n the market until after the hrsl. but what with Olrutmas & all. If you are loolrmg for an ocean VlCW home. we fell we could i,hare lhis new list· Ing wilh you. Really a dynamite home with 4 bdrms . family rm .. rormal drnmg rm. & a complel.ely unobstructed view, tn Harbor View Hills. for S200,000 Merry Olnstmas! 673-4400 HARBOR \ I )I\ I"''" qf 11 .11 lin1 ,,.,,.,11111·nr ,.,, ALMOST OCEANFROMT- PROIA TE SALE -HUC)e 5 bedroom with CJUH:..:C-:'"*" across from Corotta def Mar ~beach. with SfK'daculcr •lew of OC4tCln & fetty •. This contef' locaHOft Is perfect for a fcnity home, ln .. shneftt, remodfl, spec., etc. Off•r.d at ... $495.000, Mlbfed to court c onfirmcrtion. IALIOA fSLAMD FRENCH REGENCY Thb lllJM'iouJ five bfllroom homt< wffh family rootn. & roof top "9terlolonwnt .-.cr typifies ~ best of ext.rior Clltd htterlor dHiqn. OefoiNd wood trtcifwtent. Fnttch flreploc•. tile wori&. Clltd Yftfque ftooriftCJ mob ""' vlllo tnily 'f'eClal. Thlt. Is a OftC• In a llfetirM GppOrlunity for ClftYOM who deslr.s quatlty li•ing. SJ95,000. 644-7020 2123 SAM JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD NEWPORT IEACH STAR GAZE~• .. i;...;;~..-.:-.---11• Cl.\\' ll l'Oll.11 rl M ,_ D.lr A-'f Gloodt ~ V' ACf••d·"t I• rt\• J,.,_. r .. ~ mtnogco ,.,, w•u•dt y, ,,..,., ""°' to.,_..iong •o ,...,.., ... y<M lod...tbolf" •'O" ··-' .. ·-·-· ··-l lM• •oc .... .... ,,,....,._.,.., ,,,._. .. _ ,,..,..,..,.. ... ··~ ''"""'"' .............. DooC=c:.:..::;~·-.. -...... ,, .. .. _ ........ ·-fa.W.:~:....{ ,,,, ... • w • ., ..... j,,~ .. ._ ... \II .. ., Ul'1f ttC>w"ll*'I UfVfJ1, ... , "'°" --,, .... ;:t, . ,.,~ 411 f.,,w••t• .,,.,,,.. •)V_..,. .. _ .. _ .. , ... .,.,, "• .... :t. ... ··-N1flt• ..,_,.. ............ ...... .""" ., .. ·-.... ·- .... ., . .,. ..... ...... ... _ ..... ~ ,. ... , ,,~,. tl .. 1•"'-'~ fihft•Nli ~==<-.a"ll ,. ''""*' , ......... ,.~ .. ,,,,. ,.~ ... .. .. .. .. ••IHl-JIOOf llllt.,., ..-. •u ·-·-·-"°""' ··-f'!nd wh•l you w•n• ln Daily Ptlot Clu11lled1. llf.U /l.fVllll ' l I , .. Cx JJC. a1 ('I' n· l.JI 1 I. ll> ... r - 100 .... - 1ai. 18· '"\· 1U· y an I !r -- le ks .Jo ve ••• tr. 1d ti'' '01 UI 1n ce r -iit k y. - nt 'II a nt Ii or ·nt. :x- 1ly r. y -,, hh tu 1t1o oh •II ,. n (' 1i;: l '· I , ti ,.. r r r I DOM.u.MT'l AL CARHAIT MIMI '8lkJ"5 1670 Msd111•c•, c..te Mn. 14MHt lfflTOWllS "'~Ida C..clo r... btdroorna and lv.11 bolhll Ont' lht• wah1 w1lh fabulou "'"" Toi.illy r1••Ju·ur111•d ~·unty bulldtnl( Ai> ptUlll~lt'ly .0' bo•l '"II 16\·iUlubl • Sll) 111.lO COU Of MIWPO•T UALTOttS '75-SS 11 'fht• ft"lt t dt UW 10 lht Wt•'>t .-lla1I) 1'11111 1'1 ,.,,ftt"ll '\tJ t'ull f'ocl11} ~!'lti714 HAPPY HOLIDAYS to .. !I MOM AU OF US!! macneb / lrvlne realty THI IHT THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES Sttirt l!n!) in '' 'tnas hmg & c·o1y 2 Hll . 2 huth c·ondl)nunium lh~hly upJ.!rarlc-.1 w •plush C'pt . lcvelor~ & < · h a r I<'-; nu ro n t• w n II paper s E'<n·lll'lll lot·at1on ac:ros~ from p<>ol, 1 ~1<:u111. ~auna & nature park. ONI, Y &<2.500 ft't>' Marth~ Macnab 642·823.'i l.f ·ll • "ONLY ONE LIKE 1r· ('harmin~ Cape Cod h ome on dt'~trubll• ~t r<.'t'l So. of I lwy in CdM. All n<''N cus tom ('onslruction - prof dN·nr~1t1ng & fi r sl qua lity upgra1les. 3 BRs. c·o1.y den. fa mily r m & lovc•ly bric·k fp lc 2 s un decks & tidy front yard. 5259.500 incl. l:.ind Bt•IJ(· Chas<.' L C'c 644·6200. I J -121 EXCLUSIVE IN llG C.+.HYOH Dt·vc>lor){•r's own home -1st time ti r r l' r l' d I 4 B H . 2 I:! bath _. h<.·:1ut1fully uppointt•d w /teak entry, des igner P<•Pl'rs. bt•amcd ceiHngs. air c·ond & pool . PLUS. one of the finest V I EWS• $575.000 Ly nne V <J ll'nt tnt> &14 ·fi::!OO 1.1·13 1 CAMEO SHORES OM THE C.+.MYOH One·of·a·kfod sini?IC·Slory home w/4 lg . H H~. family rm & a trium overlook ing lg secluded va rd w r<lom for pool or spts . sis4.soo. Donn;1 Godshall 644·fi200 c.J 14 l SPYGLASS H.+.HOR VIEW-$199,500 l "'""' l'Xcl·Utivl· home just below Tht• U11lgl• 4 fHl s. 31 :! baths + -.\\ t·l·ping cwt•:.in view from :!nd )(•v t•I Atros~ from park s ite w view of (':1ta l1 na & night lig hts . \lol1v<1INI sl•llt•r ! Lois Eg;rn fil\4 .fiZOO. C.l · l!'i I llG C.+.MYOH Sp11t·1ousm•ss is found I hruout this (•ttslorn wood & g l:iss !l BR res. lt"aturmg •1pprox. 133' frontC:Jge on the· golf <'oursc. Formal dining. hrk Isl arl':1. huge mas ter suite + do~(· proximity to schools. shops & r"' ;.-s. S650.0UO Lynne V<J lentine (i4<1 fi20(1 (.J · 161 LUSH G.+.RDfM SEmNG \'t·r~ lowly 4 BR Monte{!o plan in t·hoH'l' location of Harbor View lloml·~ Delightfu l slumpstone wall -.urround:-.. this c·h a rming l y dN·oratt'Ci l·story model. r educed lor raprd sale $169,000! Helen \.\'ood l).J4·1i200 <.J 17) llG C.+.MYOM TOWMHOME :i Bil El Dorario Plan in exclusive '\1 l' Lain cle v<'lopmcnt. Goq~eous golf ('Oursc & lake view! $225.000. A ppt. onl y . Julie Van Wicre n 752·141'1. (.J .18) A HOME OF DISTIMCTIOM ('rrc·u lar driveway -elegant entry :3 BRs paneled f&.1 mily rm - formal dining -marve lous drawing rm -French doors to lovely ~arden w /co vered terrace. $279.!lOO ft'c. Rarbara Aune 642·8235. <J·l9J LIDO CHARM Warm & cozv 3 BR on Lido Is le w street-to.street Strata location. If u~e m aster area ups t air s - inviting d en w/fplc downstairs e nhanced by cathe dral ceiling. Walk to tennis. beach & shopping. $287 .500. Lynne Valentine 644·6200. fJ·20> IA YSHOllE CHRISTMAS "RESEHT Little home by the Bay -2 BRs, 2 baths +den. 2 potios. high bea med ('eilings & cozy fplc. Private comm. w/benchcs & yacht la ndlng close by. $lf»lt,950. <subj. to cancell ation of existin g esc row >. Dona Chichester 642·8235. <J ·21 ) 642·8235 "4'-6200 ~t Oovtr Orlvt H,1ir• View Center lrvlne •t C•mpu., V•lleY Center 752·1414 '· •) ;r ·-~:.:. j •• ~ MllDS SOMI TLC Thu, ,,,., story. •t twtlrO<)m 3 both 1-mmc· 1-. 11n1• block from thl' C'cmntry \Juli on u pr(•;,tl1w 11trl'l'I in M<•i.a \'Pritt• I .ttlh &t plJ'ih•r t.·on!ftruC'lwn f-'am1I\ room. cl1•n ;11ul luundt·v I 00111 S l2tt .7t>O 1\:,k for (ilC!ia I h• II\\ .1 rt h i;:u 12fifi ftlCTURE 'RETrY fo'l' 11 u1 •·cl 111 I. ,\ '1'1 rm•:-. Jl omt· Sc•c tuin th1-, I twdroom. ~· ~· bath hortll' 111 Ltk,• F t,,., • .,1 h.1:-. dt•l·k "-Ith ht•fH h ,,•,1t11lJ! lM'u11t1ful IO!l.500 \-.k tor ('r1111: Buth·.> ti31 J4!fJ4j EASTSIDE DUPLEX l>uplt.•\ with ro<1m tor l\\O tTIOl'l' units CIOl.e to l>dH>oh. ~hops und tJu., lint• rn Co~w M<•sa Sl4~.9()(1 \sk fn1 Hob Mill1h11 fi31 12fm LIDO ISLE Ht-u u11fully d ccorut t'd c us tom lfolt>tl•in homt· 3 bt·dt'OO lllh. :t baths on lot a nd 1~11 1'. Sp11<·1ous hvm~ room with htitk fireplace. forrna l 1hrung room. pr1 v lot l e putm otr sun room A~k for Curt flcrhe rts for a p pomtmenl lo v 1t•w th1:, finl' hOtnl' (i:H 12f>6 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY H<· your own bos:, Ownt•r will caro1 \\ 1lh nun11num c·ush ctnwn for auto pm·ts store• As k for Roy Siemen~ (i:11 12li(i LOWEST PRICED CONDO In Nl'wport Bcat·h. 2 bedroom. 2 hath. l'nd unit ot fc-r:-privacy and owrs1zed patio. Like m:w cond ition N<'wpol't Beal'h condo. S7G.500. Ask for .John l\lurs hall 631 ·12G6 MESA VERDE SINGLE LEVEL Walk lo Countrv Club from this 4 hf'droom c·uHtotn r~modeled home F;imily room <.rnd c:o1,y den with firl·pl;.tt'l' Scparalt• mas tt•r .suill' 1nl'ludc·s sa un:1. Only 5129.900. Ask lur <: ll'll llell wur lh H:.n 126fi of costa mesa, irvlne, newport beech, Inc. 234 E. 17th Street. Costa MeH 631-1266 'Jl1011v. 11.k :-01'1 .... ork of lndl\ 1duall\ U\\ m·tl and 01w1 '11 l'd tkai 1:. .. t Ult' orr ll't'' E•ch office lndepende111ly owned •nd operated. TURnE ROCK 5 Mrm .. $155.000 fee. Freshly painted inside, levclor blinds. custom wall paper & a (!n •at location in fabulous Tu rllc Ho<"k . Call for details. H.+.RIOR VIEW HILLS IO', down. owner will finance this 3 Wrm .. 2 ba. cxcc·ull\ c hom e. LC1rgc t•orncr lot offered at $202.000. R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640-5112 CORONA DEL MAR Quaint charm thruout, but very up to dale in side. 2 bJirms, and dminl( room. new kitc·hcn. met' patio. South of highway on R-2 lot:, w1lh room for second unit. Sl67,500. PETE BARRETT REALTY . 6'2·5200 OCEAHFROMT HO!HO!HO! Merry Yu lelide Greet ings from old St Nick Donne r lll1tzt'n & Rudolph & Harry' So "harry" on over for your special holiday lreal to )'OUl5elf! Your choice of 2 & 1 bdrm. duplex, $375,000 ! Or. 2 & 2 bdrm duplex. $395,000! Or. 2 bdrm. house. S37S.000' lc6o4tloy~op. Rfffton • '75-7060. Wanl Ad Help7 642·5678 Sell Idle items 642-5678 --- $©1lJ1llA-LG£!rS 8 Tltot Intriguing Word Gome with o Chuckle 14'"-4 loy C~Y t l'OUAN 0 ..... ,,,"II. ...,... ol .... lov• lttO,..bled -dt b.-low to fomo IOl>t ~moi. ...,.d, I TYKT O N I I I' l I I I REMBE I I I' I I' ! I W E T 1 R I ~ Pollt101 ~• not • bed prolH· ~ r I' I' I •Ion. II you auooeed. lh•r• .,. . L _ . . . :t many 11w11d1, and It you -:. 011orac• you'"''· you can I s 0 0 R E I~ 1 •IWl)'I -• -. II I I I I' O C<>'t'oi.,. ·~~ <~-<''-ao;or•ll . - -• • • . bv ''"'"° '" ..... '"'"'"O -·It .__~...._....___._.___, yO.. d..,•I«> 11(>111 ll•D No J b.low 9 ~::7:t~wer•10 1' I' 11 I' I' I' I' I' I' I •zc~iiw 1 1 1 1 1 1A1 1 1 1 1 SCUM-4..nS AMwen ill~ 5100 CUTIHOUSI OHl-JLOT f.ul.llde. Cott~ Me111 J Rl'drm charm r Formal llvl"I rm w /rul wood bumlnl fireplace l..o1.t ty ,~.i.cs Jlll~ w1c u1lom ublneu & _ J*81 Lhru wmduw to din tni arwa Added on ld!nl ty rm. Cof\Yf'rted tiiart11t" 84JOO., bland Renl1y may ~ us ed for IJH· ' " · .... •" ... "' JI•"" rm All lhltJ 111 11n 673-8700 attordtlble pt1cr tm ~W --ru THE RE ~ST~T[ NIAi ST. JOHNS CATHOLIC CHURCH (.'\b 4 bOOtOc>m. 2 hulh ho m e with l.1 rl(t> bl&c1'ylll'd 1tn<J Dl'W p111nl liw~ Owuer wlll help ltn•octt Only S71l.~O (.'ALL .\'Mi 2litiO START WlTHADU,UX &A')TSIOF. t1 J bdrm 11nd "2 bdrm. )(it u.~ twl1> ,you with lnvt,.,.ltm•nt1o l'rd.:OW\8(' It 111(. Cnll for 14J>Pl 400Ul" 1" fORJM C.Mid'~ '. : .,,,, C: SELECT lal»o Island I 006 T' PROPERTIES ••••••••••••••••••••••• __ __ _ t duplx. 1ncludm1; h.-y 1 _...c11 1 _.y front w l>I' t'xch down in ~ " ~ a pka 21.31684-3200 $137.500 -Sl~ Uu6 <'hvmma 3 t>r. EMBALD ST._ [Inly bomt' wia parklike Duplex wtlh owner ~ un Sl!llJng IOI' your outdoor 1l, good locJlton dbl ent erta101ng 1n btll garagt'. 2 frplcs Ch~ur. Newport Beach Submit i.cller WlJI carry bl T n today I~ 7711 t'.49.000 BUILDERS MEWftORT IEACH REALTY 67S.1642 642-0762 1022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• House plus pool. plus --------· Bachelor on 10000 squurl' DUPLEX foot n -2 lot 6 Units o K So of Owner will carry a nd • Highway s ubordinate As king on lov e ly Avon1d u $170.000 Call 962·7788 Avenue, J charm1n1t i K€Y bdrm, 2 '>lY, upn1d1• down AQ... house with <'edar shrni:lt• "'7"' P.€ALTORS IC t>Xl.enor and :.undt·t'k PLUS ;i luKuriou-. :! R-2 bedroom. J bath .. p1 IUILDAILE Covered palto un(l 3 t ar LAMD! .:arage '210,000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SlCLUDID EASnlDE Owntr trll.Dlferred. mllbl U htl lovely newly re· mod{'l(.ld 11nd ~ • ._ ld 4 bdrm 2 b th home Sparkhoa otw ult r;i modem country lu!chen RwMd h~urth f1r.-ph1ce. ~t.eluUy done tn natural "'0005 Quarry t.1.J,. C'ntr,y <iad walk . Fron t ,·ou rly•r d Rrqc hl. ll5"1IU)IOUI lUW \'hurmtnj(. You'd bcUer hurry und 8(1(• t.hJll Of>(> &t $109.000. Qill 54Q.1151 ~HERITAGE .... REALTORS $65,500: Owner's Deli~ 1-'2 n rc 2 bedroom con· do. wslh eatu1g area aftd c~a.om decor P<1t.10 and comm pool . BK R. Ca II 540-1120 TAAIBL -· SUPl.EME LIVIMG ATIT.SIEST Would you Like to ltve in ,, n e l\ .-1· u I 1 v e ~•Rhborhood of prestige home:>? Then m.11k1• a n appotlltment t.o i.ec this cust.om 4 bdrm 3 bath hom e with s epa r a te fa11Uly room and dintnl!. room. Only o,.., b lO<'k from Mha Vt'rdl' Country Club 2500 sq.fl. ~inl(le story homt' on oversired lot. Call 546-Sjj80 for more m!onnat1on ~HERITAGE ...... REA1.TORS Room for 9 un1l !> t tu 644-7211 possible w v d1anct·1 ,,.. Affordable ~sq.fl of land In dl' veloping arl'a n1· deep • $ • Halecrest Ideal for condos or apL' ~ On lovely comer lot' J Phone now lu 1n!>pcct bedroom fixer with din ~9tl91 Cotta ~sa I 024 111g. stene f1re l)lare ant.I ••••••••••••••••••••••• patlO m .900 BKR tJll W.+.TERFROMT w/42' be.lat sHp Bito: 2 HI! & den. 2 frplcs , bllm1. 2 cov patios. 3 t•Jr garages. Owner will hclJJ BIG on f1nan c 1n11 $350.000. JACOIS REAL TY '7S.6670 SHmming Pantsuit ,--9235 3,.50 "" 11T AA;._ 11T w.-'f.- BY OWNER SAVE SSS Deal direct wlownr u)!nl Musi !iCll umque 4 br. :.!1 ·• ba. bat·k buy condo Wd bar. :itamed 1tla~~. Ioli. ol wood on wulb & fir-. 1 l~t' patio. lcnnii., pool. 1ae . ~aun11 Har)!atn ~.000 OJJen S<tl'Sun l :! 4 HJ t 249i 35 t1 Lourdes Ln Irish Rose Afghan Aoll b(dUIY AllO "~1mll1 wilt lht. IOi~IY '""~ Ho~· Al~ttdn Ht•llt~fll 1ro J d•m• n•.1u11~1 11)'.I'\ w11h R•~P~ l,n~~. lw,1111• lu• .1~~1n•1IAq11•(01 ~'h. b·I(~ ~111uno C•o<h•I ol ,,n1hrf1( .. oi,rrt! ·~ • Loi• 1\ I .111e1n I lf1S '•'•I Ot1PW01' S 1.50 for each oall~•n Adil 10< uth oanein lor ''"Illa\· 111 ma11 •nC h•no11ng Stnd \o Allee 81ooks P11nttd Paner11 9235 W()((I Needlecraft Dept 10~ eos Sites are J4 138 '"'" tiusl Oar Iv Pilot wolh 40-mcll h1pl 36 t40 bu\I 8<11 1'3, Old Clltl\e~ Su , flt• 42 hop). 38 (42 bus( (4 hop) YO!l, "l 10011 P11nt "amt. 40 (44 bu\I 46 hip) 42 (46 Addtm. Zip, Plttttn "umbt1 · bust 48 h1pl U 148 busl ~ NI W N01'1' 0~• 1ei;q NH 011 1l1p) 46 (50 bust SZ h1pJ 48 Cl!An CAIAlOG r·• 700 !Ko('~ (52 bust 54 hip) 50 154 bl/SI lar d~\1~n I ,,,,,. Pa!le•n 56 h1pl pnnled •ft\10, "'"0 l~t S..d 1.50 ltt *" """11· A4kl 129-Qu~•tllsr fransftn Sl 50 40C fw .ii patl!HI i. firs~ 121-PatcllwOf\ Quilts Sl.50 ~ nlll haltdlln&. Seftd * 127·Alattani '11' 60111• SUO ' 12'~"1 flClllltn SI.SO MAlllAR MAa?ll• l2$.P'.Ufs Qv1lts SI.SO l%4':1tb 'n' Of!lfmtflts Sl.50 Pattern Dept 44? 1%3 Stttcll'n'PatcllQ11t1ts Sl.25 Daily fllllot \?U!Mft 'n' Putt Quilts Sl.25 ZJZ Wtst lltll St, lttw Yoit, 121·Plllow Sllow-Ofh SI SO llY 10011. P'ttf1t llAML ~ 121).(1ocllft 1 W.t1d10bt Sl.00 OHS~i ZIP. SIZE end ~lYll 11 t.flClllltf Crochet S 1.00 "UMRR. llS.-C1ocl\et •Ith $qu11e Sl.00 let's be 1>1ac1101-1ou tfl l 1'•t"tty fltty Ou11u Sl.00 l!l()le loi l~s S wh~n You 5f't¥' 11 S ll1pplt C1oc~~ Sl.00 Seno fOf nttw fALl WINTER 1\4.tomplttt AIJhant Sl.00 fASHIONS TO SlWCATALOC Hd 112-P'nlt Alf!llllf JSt $1 SO CIOIJl>Oll loi fret pat I ll·HllH!lft Cltclltt SI 00 te<n ot '°"' choice /SIJ 107 lmunt Stw•nl Sl.00 101.I""-' Sewif1a w $\.00 IOS.lnmnt C1ochtt Sl.00 106-1,.... r.....,. W Sl.00 tOl-U ()111tts lot lOdl) 7St 12'-l'lkllwtlti Qfittl $1J0 102 JllU)IUl!I ()111lb 75' ll4-Clfb 'e' ~ 11.50 IOI Qvtll ColltcllOll 15' ... ., ...... 540-1720 TARBEU. ..rolll• IS9UALITY IMPORTANT TO YOU? Ti.1k1· ;, look al l11111 bcuutifu.I 4 bdrm, 3 bath Mt'~i.I Verde homt'. It ft'at ure~ a year old l'l.L'>tom pool and J8CUlZI, used bn ck decking and 'undt>ck off mai.ler bdrm Call 546·5880 for more det.a.1 Ii. ~HERITAGE REALTORS "WOODSY" CHARM •.. dCCt'nL\ lhti. top l<>t:at L'<i 3 bedroom. :l bath & 3 ,. o1 r ~ :. r a ~ e F a :. I poi;sess1on , Owner anx 1oui. Lowest pnrc:· 1n area I': 7. tn buy Jl $83.000 64S 7221 $8000DOWM l\ssu m c b&ilanre of $141 ,000 al S1380 mo Mesa Verde. 4 Br. 2 U<t pool. Jacull.t. no qualify ~.vacant 7~\.l\.Sl!i $195,000 5 SI NGLE f"A M ll.\ HOUS~ One 3 Bdrm four z bdrm:., ull v.11h cndo:.ed J?arage~ (.';,II &\S-9161 " .,. OPEN HOUSE ~ REALTY IRAMDMfW TOWNHOMES "lritt,wood1" I Ei.tsl5tde <.:osL;J M t'Sa 1 Jo:ni:hsh Tudor 2&3 Or ~"Ii t It• v l I . 2 & a l'l• r ~aritl!l , rrµh'h, m1rrowuvt's, ~recnhoust' wrntJuw«. pout . ~pa TJ.:NNIS t·ourts fo'tom $89,950 646-0061 or 955-19'<!0 Developed h)' Woodt ree Dev Co Mi'l>a Verde 4 bdrm 2 ba new crpts. RV parking. 2 patios, large yard. Nice 11 re 3 P'1nance flex 7~1 ·116113 by A:..:pp'-1 __ _ ..... '*Ion a.ach I 040 • •••••••••••••••••••••• COMO<> IY OWNER 2Br. 1 VJ Ba. bltns. bllt bnck frpk . nr ocn & shopping, refrig As· !\umable loan. $57.500 963-1242 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ~ Walker t; lee • CflONY BEAUTY WI WANT YOU lo • W. C<Tl.'J 3 bdrm, 2 1>i1 l>Ol'nrtn fn1nl' -onty B .D> ldHl for r.i fmly JuwllJkoyOW'lf. ~.4477 Sl7.000 MAYO& VA" Own your own lot w /ll(t 3 bdrm. 2 ba home ovet'· Bt1 2 1tory • bedroom home •dully loca~ed our commuolty pool !Ind \.mrua. Vac•nl and r ~y-.wma... lnO\I*' )'OU rialhl ID. Call oow,don't wa.lt! e• t'./\fJ( Ii 1;1 •d i' lookmjt. puk11 & ctoee to1 • .;;;;;;~~~~~; shopping. SUbm1t all of 1111 fe~.~4477 ',•, 1 ;•ri'lO I HAYI A PROILIM $63,950 3 bdrm, 2 ba plwc much l110n!. Just move in your O\nalmail tiff & tinJoy this lvly home. /\ greol bargain. llurry & 11f'll ~77 UHIV.,AlK GAlDIHHOMt WOW! la th.I" a nice one Ari t,'lftrl\ sharp "8.:\ylor Mod-01" on 1reenbelt J Nice bedroom.I' of quah ly. End urut -fresh palnt · wallpape rs · t>lec 1arage door opr rtt!r. wrought uoo fence . aood landscapmg and an c)'\' _• ________ • opener of a price. 0{ fered al S90,SOO S ACRlf'IC I';• Heaut Woodbndl(O J Br 2141f PLUS elegant 2 Br condo pnced bt-low m a rkN Both n.r lake 673·43l l Owner/Agt red hill .... 552-7500 wo;:~~;~•£ LOOK HERE! New Woodbnd1te Esta le!> 1lle perfe<.'l i.lart.er hom t' Condo Cape Cod styl~ for you. Only I year ohl Ad.aim Plan, 4 bed, 2·~ Th I s 2 b t! d r o o m ba .. SlZJ.000 Call George !$mhome u. s1llrntc on o r R o x a n n l' a t qwet l(recnbelt a nd i;t1·pA <714 l~2 3700. Macnab· rrom pool, "l>a and k n lrvme Rlly Co nb BcauUfu ly dcsi~n.:tt uis1dc and oul Call t1o Ml('. ~ l~ANCH ~ IH Al TY ~ ~>~1 2000 LAKEHOHT IN WOODIRIDGE New Woodbndge &tt&itci. Wl!Shmgton Plan ready for move m. 3 bed & den, 2"'1 bu flliG.000, Spe,•ial upRrade p ackal(c 10 eluded Cull Goorge or ---- R o x a n n ~ a t •714 1552·3700 Macnab LGIJl-t•och 1041 Lrv1.ne Rlty Co •••••••••••• • • • ••• •• • • • B~ BUY I~ lltVINl:: Woodbridge Bn.:hlon. apprauwd \alut' $125.000, OWTWrmw.tsell $117.000 5'51-0685 WOODBHIDGE PLAc:f: 3bdr . 2 ba • Stone~ood modd AIC. Jol'Uzt.1 t~e lot Many Cu-.tom ft-a turct. By owner 552 3564 LUX UR y :mu 2 ba Wood bridge Arbo r L:-Jk e townhouse Nr lake Lo down. super deal SI !OK Will ron.sdr li.e/opt ion. By owner 893· 1370 or 5519-1833 or 495·5000 YES ANITA there 11> a Santa Ciao:. but Tom nee<b to i;ell h1:. t·on do so ht! cun puy the rent on the 11pt Then Santa will have a place to v1i.i1 you & Taura The condo isn't very big & nol ex pensive P e rha pi. 1>0· meant' with ~ Chn'>tmai. spml Wiii want to help by caJbng *DUPLEX* Ocean Mdc of hwy. lt!H•I IOl, eas} a1·c~s to beach N~ paint, minor n· pa.1n.. ideal for homl' & m <'ome. Hurry. onl~ Sl.59.000 M1~.-..on Realty 49-i-<'73 I PORTAf'INA Where the hom11s an· 1mprei.i.1ve. and the ~an view& are s pco:- tacular. Two r ho1cc lti.1 ingi., pri ced from $225,000 /'\JEUJEL'L J•'}Ol l\C t)'1lr l .t~)Uf\J Bf .. "' h .l<t4 b""4 OCEilM VIEW ... in a rural setting. lhl· charm of old Top Of 1'ht• World; 2 bdrm. ... 2 balh:-. & a hUl(t' ranuly rm. wld to lhe CnJO} menl or tho• ~ng Sl!l7.500 4' UNITS • North 1•nd . w,tll. t11 be11ch. shupt, & bu:.. )luo\J aMWll ~rQ:,l\, In f)ftlt1P dem;ind art•;i 7.om .. I I! ·1 Xlnt polent1 a I SO! I ,;,e.11111 ~STRUCT .+.BLE ... ocean &r t·<tn)un \ ''"' ... frci.hl} pa1nlt'C.l. "'r!h """ CHfl>"( & 4 ppiulOl'l'l-1 ltt-. low ma1nlt>nam•1• ·1 tul1 m ,,..wport CHtl'r hom<' ti. m t11111111 .. 11.11i.· ,, 640-535 7 rt'ad} to mo'" " ''"' .,.., --------·I will ('On .... 1d1•r •'0111/"'H I ••• i.all' ~14!1 :-~I lrvult: l wnN. 2br. :.!bu I. st.ry. b11 1n ea br 2 t•;ir garll frpl<· p:;t10 Up graded V<tl'anl C;.i II I'M 644 747j 73.500 lh ()wner · UNIVERSITY PARK S8r. lam rm .. xlnl 1111 h\ owner $107.000 SS2 lil00° location Th1l> 2 bdrm "J lta l ow n ho m l' t ., f r , ,. 1'1.anchnl( It h:.i:. J nH t-rt'd p .tltu w11h .1 minimum t·;Jrt.' )' .inl ldt-al for tou1>lt.' S'J7 !l!Xl '+523 Co1PUsl>a·IR°'l~E SPANISH A YES You 'll i.ay !>t '' 10 gort(eou.' 2 br Spani:.h dl· sign m Jo?rac1oui. polio hom<· livln~ Spanish Ult• ·1~tr•t~.- ~\ .. "'~i••k.,._ .. ' I• . ' '' ' .. Stained Glass In 1dl '4'tndo~' ol ..: h<l1111 rtlll l h l'llll I h,Lf lllt"I '40ud homt.' -.11 u.11 .. ,1 "" pn,,,11 lantbt•.tJh•ol 1•·1 F or t.11 ',.rt 111 111 .1 I 111.: ~l'r S205 0011 11<>21111' Ko/an 1050 .•...•..••............. ll'i. Uor~eou,. • ·!~I' I l•r fnnl dm .; Ir·: fl< • · ba. UIJl(rd ' i:.111111 · lttt11 vur i:ar "I'" r lo,., i. pallO. prol lwbo 1• \'I lh1i-& mo r1• (11r ""' 1 $1~.4-0I) lkult v \\'or 111 ~ floor:.. track ltitht:-. &1---------mlK'h mort'1 Call ui. tl , t'XQWSllt'' WANT ACTION" O~ifed Adt< 64:.! 5<i78 VA-fHA lfRMS arc <i v:u lablc un th•· iueal 4 bedroom. 1111.0." room homt.> wh1d) ''' ... ui1 a premium fe1• h11 lha l proVlcJes pM Vltl')• .111<1 1111 street _parktnl! For opp). call ...... 211 LorJ11tC1 Nlciue' I 052 ....... ..,.... I 0 5 2 • •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• MONARCH IA Y THlltACI Scns atioMI f:.i maly horn(' on a larg<· view lot. :J Odrms, f<1mily roon1, kilth~n with firt-placc. pool & 3 cur garage. Room to c•xpand. $275.000 A COlOWIU. IAMlrH CO • 496-7222 831-0836 . D5 - ••••••• trVt('f' fi re coast.l 182' JU.: "OV ll I. J /111 11 ' •••••• •anma. l .SOOll t2-.5668 AY ·1 for be >T -1100 ....... - KS .PER reha bort Hoh pa) plan I Jye - 1blc '1"ks No -w e A s hr /\d , ... ., Fur our -on ft l't• 40 't'r -e st • r k dy - int '" /,J 111 I l' for :11l ~x :>ly r , -r:. Sh tu 'l" ?h )II ,. II l' II-( t r s. i '· •I ,_ JI y r ; I ~ . .._..,.....•d I' U --IMQ U40 .............................................. ..-..... 3106 4 BR, h b•. walk lo •••••••• .... • • • •• ••• ••• oeeu. e>O mo. AJlk for #!I DAILY PflOT fn d!)', ber 12., 1971 ....... ,...s. HoewtfwS. ~ .... 1a .... ~tiij·······;oi·a ••·•··•·····••····••••· \i·;;;;lii;i;i·••··i o-Oi -···················· ttsart... '''' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... u.twa..d ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... u..t....ilMd UAVl"llOHT ltlh, a ba. K8t.h.,MM4TI m i;, Bufront lf»S ' Br a Bii dowa .... ~ •• •• ••• • • • •• •••• • '8 I. dUPlc•• .. ' IDd t.Jtroui t.o bt .. Cn fi:':'°.-.~C.U Mr mTIUY .. TOWM :J~" a PILI NEWPORT BEACH TRJPUCX +tu t. llwba1J1419-~71do1. New-cl~ul·I bedroom ---111(;1) or 2 bedroo.m + den -.1 .. .--..:: .. ___ l I ..O..l••-l w.1D&&ii:;._.1---.. CM •XM .. ·-••••• •••••••••••• Oaaetobeacb.trba). SI 11,000. Laguna Niguel c:so.ooo. mAk'10fT r Sen ~ Tri Pl '· • prir.dJo 11. Realty Well loC'1ted t l l emntA llKNRY J()Nf.S REALTORS IASYUYtMCI llLAl.l"Y I WDelMai C411l Af.-~eommuw Ut,._ cy~· icio.o 7~~ Jar\ WI l;q Jdt. l~n ('TM) 613-8210 Beaut Qt W buJ ld lnl na cu. .tr I bdrm bom P\n11h1<·•· •lnl ~auon ~ naey flM •wt'• TSLlnvmt. IU 1603 Pluae ull t uda S.Ct • 107' ---lll~I U,,.. •••••••••••• •••••••••• • ~ ~ C0'4DOMl .. IUM CATALINA 4-Pla •Sn.cl Parolly "'°°1l1'11 oo El Ntaue SUMSITS Aaaume. Seller will cc. 3 bdrm end u 111 Drffllll\llt)r llPirMWd 2 ca rry p.apor Mn•rnt V\l'Wll\I aotf l'UU,... RR, 21.t bath Towcbomf' •~aJf A1cn1 <ial')I D c........... l 1 JJ e1s: Cedar .. window ..., • ....,,. ......... -. v To o BAVPRONT beuh. Prlv.le 2-car 3 bdrml, f<lfmal dln1n1 1ara1e. Fully main r o o m , e a r l t • I I 'I la&ned yard Adult.. No funuabed Sandy ~ch. Pf.U. 1nq..;,.. al ~ 18th ahortlerm ll,OOOmo Sll"elt (714>980-9331. Hlln-etl IUty, 642 5200 _ -~~-~ ... ?!!~ 2 Ill' w111r. 12115 Crpl. tncd yd, water pd. 2710 'O'' Delaware. 136-4&.al 1-1 M•einUicent b~iat'hrtont W.e. Newport homf' 6 Ddrtn, 2 balha +dorm 48dnn.12.,..ba.J..twnh.fe I loft 11100/mo.to June bUL to Dtactl. vm. view. Vfl) ls.epoMlbleQM.Wfl frp , 2 car 1ar ~. 538·1956 or Anna at Ot4 WATa ..;.1115.;..;.~...:.·ml;;..;_;_. ____ _ mr home with BOAT TOWNHOUSE. Lit: 2 Hl.lP H~<l /mo lae. BR l ..,.ba. pallo, car 1,..$!.-o'-the...new ...bo~ on the \L'~ler ror lt>nse only. L• ve and cntertam in elegance 1n your new custom home wlth designer interiors. Conve='lence oriented lo an clude 3 car i;larai;les with a utomallc opent•rs; k1l<'hens with micro wa ve rnna.tc". !tClf·clcan1n~ ovl•ns. tru~h f'O mpu<·lors. unc1 BBQ range• to~. Wl'l·bar~ in all rnod~ls: t1r c ph1ccs in li v in g r ooms & b edroom~. Indoor la undry art?a~; ~ucAl f'Uitc. fami ly room and mu~h more. Dock avullablc to all tenant!'. Shown by a ppointment. Call Linda fl a un (714 > 833·3150 <8 lo S weekdays> •u~ ot unlum. pol't~ pool & laund. Stove. W• " ... Ho.t rdrig, blt.lM. t'hlld OK. Ut-1400 nr adU. ~/mo Ind l'Ol'MlwUl)' part Nlr•I Yilb maOliflttol Oft'&n ftKk'r dtoc.. • eH mal11t.aln \.I~ P.ltrH lnd udr: Au rontt au~.oou c:um11U1 t~ ranp, •I<' 4f).f494 491-122 OH•O '""Pl•C'... ea\ra 496-14 IJ ll0..105 duef'l• & uura I l'. patio ti balront.. 2 IY OWNB p.JOU. t bolt ptl<'b • puu lBJl. tti.tb l N 111 IOift'OUfMI Mou to con Qlnlio oa El Nlc\Ml.I G dw..i UDl:Y m. Courae . Fu rnla hrd ~or Laa. .11 l\)()1mo TI'9b Ntww/0c...V¥. Mooan.·h U..y I rrare Opm 8.t& \H 30.. m 1 .. :1e11 laland Or $32:\,000 ~ 14fh4~.Jf1 II R E A(:/l TY .............. 1069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Idea.I ~ Ol>JK•l1 uni l)" for 1uihb' mnt.n •ltd a n d pru1&r raa l vt! 1pcr.ioa Ullet'e6led In bl..'a!UI 6 nutnl.lon llU)I'\; 'Mlh Shakll"L' ~hol a le •od rc\atl d ttlr1butor k1tnlt.'d m Lucky Shop p.101 ~nlt>r with f1rn· lMllc walk·ln &.raff1C' All l'qUlpment ~ lnventory l.Ucludc!d lu pri r •. II now for all dewb. ------i VIEW llALTY EXECUTIVE 4'6-nll 770.-0SSS gas/water. Avall J an I ~..,_. 3252 DOCTOR •5 ..._.. ._,. llllllMd cau Pat <n4> 968-1398. • .................... .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR 2 BA N~ CRPTS 4 Bdrm. 2 b11. Jo"am rm DREAM G Bl .. ll02 o Rps w A L K T o Alli um. all blUM. Ocran A 3. unit apartm ent -·•••••••••••••••••••• Bl!:ACH $490 M O . viC"W, pvt beocb Nlauel tu~ l'\illy mana1td UM new, bli 4 BR coodo (213)431 312' Shonll StlOO '1$9 14M wino Yacanc1 CA.CUI l«mt'l iar flee Jo'aell NIGUfo:L S llOltl-:S •"LOW Only 1200,000 Scutt Rull.)',* '15.33 _ ~. ~~y'~l'(i!,e:~ SpaclOU:I 4 bdrm .~.,., bu. down, tab over Ownt:r ...._ hl..t 3206 e a r t h l 0 n e 8 ram rm. bearh. lennla nay lAke 2:nd TU'• for ••••••••••••••••••••••• S450+tsl/la1t. I nt'! S63S/mo. 493 02113 or part down LcX'at~ In ,._ 83J 14$3 8~111 Park at 8572 Ulyl'root~perwut.3br, 1ardeocr.'188<92SO __ _ W.uimAvf' 2ba, rrptc:. ~n bt:am, p I u I b 2 b r. 1 Vt b a Beautiful llomo 3 hdrm. a CALL 54~1'76 am loft SIOO Flnt, Lut Townhous1:1. 18 )rl or bo. Formal din. privow rcwlalo Bk r.welroow &dt:poill.8'1~. oMler. Cpta, drJ», dlah comm. with h •nn11. ...._ r1 I Jtll• 3207 washer. Pvt paUo. pool. )ueuuJ & bcoch 16'15 mo. Sll.500 PHUNIT •••••••••••• •••• •• ••• • • tennis. Jae. sauna. Walk m -9223 or 499 44111 __ l bdrm. eolta11e. CI06e tobch.C.11962-5339. ---------1 wlllk to bt:1tch, •~P~ NICE 3Br, 1'4Ba, tg Cncd '55,500 PH ~~ ~~ :_0~ti361 yd, frplc, 16582 Thame11 IUILDIHG AVIEAAGE 908-6588 1..4. "15 mo. 548-1.258 Two t.ri pleite. & onto 4 eor-.. w.. 3222 3 Br, bhna, d /w. f>aUo. lge pin w'1th 6 two bedroom •••••••••••••••••••• ••. lot. Quiet st. Kids & pet SU COUNTilY Yor leaaeoptlon. Elegant 3 Br. 2 & cundo. Moun· t.ain Views. Walk to ten• nis, 11olf c·oursea & 3 2 mlln to beach. $550. mo. By owner. '17().()811 llACH S650/MO Yrty Utiltift Paid 1.-r&e 2 stoey home. b151 rooms. vaulted/burns. 2 hu~e bedrooms. 2b11. frp~. ck.oek, 2 paUOb. aai. BBQ. D/W, refn&. Encl ~. wocic space. laund bldl,l> 1 ctuld. no pets. Great bouH. 9fi0.5844 START THE HEW YEARllGHT In this cute 3 BR. 2 bath home nestled under lg. Sycamores. Close to schools & shopping. $600/ Mo. (J.23) Terry Hanes 642-8235 SPECIAL • ..._ & 4 one bedroom »Pt.s. In ()pea bums & s pacious. 3 olt. "75. 642-5583 ucella ol •r:.e » o f br,2ba&frplc. Yearly. t,'z MlLEFROMBEACH Rlvt>rslde . WilTI e:x1· Qlll S57·2200 ask for Mr. Xlnt cond. • br, 2 ba, Nl"'....i Shores 4 br . 2 ba, S.Cle•fth Al.~nne• .-.oc 000 Olll I .1 6~• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... _ · --· · Cd.li.ns trp&c. patio. on cu -ue -Sea Terrace. Plan J on 3276 In a oeigbborbood of un C •'Ml• &A I 078 7SZ.l.S20. sac. 'r'z blk from E lemen· 1.ge lol. Newly painted. Ocean Hills Condo. 3 ' '-'UAIL 2 BR. I \Ai batb bome. 2 car tary school. No pets. Frplc. Cam rm, tennis. bdrm-2'r'z ba. Crplc. golf T garage & deck. MSO/rno. $57S.Callafter4, 968-3636 pool. jacuu i & beach. course. pool. ocean view, CE Wate rfront Homes No pets. $475 per mo. PLA 631-1400 4 Br. 2~ ba, nu S & S 675-82: 551 2338 842-393Sor661-&m raOPYTlll... Golden West Estates. MWoa Y1efo 3267 roum f l lN AC'TI VIT lfo:S .. '\illt1me lltrt><•tur. rrl'l' ~unday be u1wh. lllHJ i-. t ri pi.. purl 11•i.. '11111 I tourn:ameoh & mort~,. 111-.AU"fl 1-'lll. A l'TS ~n.:11'•-. 1&2 lwdrnom' 1-\lrn & unlum Mndt•h o~·n rt111ly 10 lo • lloc>m malt' 1wrv11"' U\Jtl Nu lt·••~l' I <'QUI r .. d :-.111 r~·. .. dulh uni)' no 1>1'1~ O<lkw,)Od G Ardcn Apartmcnti. .... ..,... '-ch/Horito 1\1411 Ir\ llll' I ,II I tlh I t~SOMO ... ..,... ... ws..... 1700 IGlh "' I Dover ill lfllh 1 f>42 HI 711 IAYFROKT Condo. 2 BR, 2 ba., ye1ar ly.Sfmmo. CHA.HHB.RlOHT 2 BR. l ha, yrly__'. S550 OCEANFIOKT Beaut 2 BR, 2 bail, Mesa Onv<', nr S A. Cntry (.,ab Ptt fn<"d }'tlrd. 2 t•artiort w /11tor11jle, 14~ n~. ~3-8139 .. 631·Ull6 I Br. crplK. dra pes. ('Mrport. kids OK. 1240 mo. No dogs. 9'19-0136. 2 UR, 2 ba, all d~. new . Cov'd parking. 310 VIC· ton a Ownr/Agt. $375. 642-2164: MZ-41194. 2 8r 1 &, crplll, drapes. rmt yrd, aml gar. Avail 12/20. A.It ·1. 6'1~ HEWIUIDAns I Bdrm & loll $320. Pool. Jacuz.zi, closed garages Gas & wt.r pd. Adults, no pets. 393 Hamilton, C.M. ~11. 3 8r. 2 ~8 a, frplC', c pts /drps, r e fri R • wshr/dryr, yrly lae, S500 mo.1142-~ e.>auL grounds. n1(t: & quiet. Adullll. no pets. 3 llr buniralow. Pool. jucuw & bbq area · Abu 2 bC' townhouse. lnq, 177 E. 22nd St .• # 10. 645 2498 $350. 2 Br townhoube. frplc, pttlip. bUndeck. &dulta, no pets. 2656 "B .. Orange. 640-7905._. __ _ CLEAN, quiet 2 Br. l Ba. no pets. Ul81 Ma pie. $275 p e r m o 6 31 -1266 ltE/MAX lll1litles included l br SUl5 Pal.lo. Adults. quiel. ~ 2 BR. Iba .. wntr S500 S'Tt:PS TO IEACH 3BR.2ba. wntr. S425 3 BR. 2 ba. yrly. S675 2 BR. I ba. yrly. $435 3 BR. Iba. )lrly. 146S ,AIU( UDO New lg 3br apt. Balcony 2 BR, 2 ba, frpl. Pool. pal.lo. rrptc. Upgraded Adults. $395 ~548-lZ.38/646--4670. associated · BROK EA S 'A EA l TORS JOl' • ..,. l olboa •'l J•&l po61ng homes This 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• b drm S\ u r de v a o t 3 Br2 Ba.1.Jvinc. dinrng & Weslc llfr home 11> a famll,y rm. pool.size yard. barga.m, priced fOf' you new ca.rpeU & paint. Q~ at $1.S8,000. There's old mi to beach. lmmed oc fashioned quahly tn lhis cupancy. $9'7,500. Prtn modern home. Sta.rt the onl)'. 493-226.S new year nght 1n lbc ·-------- Newport High School s.NAM 1080 2 BR., frplc. beams. great Gourmet kitchen. ram ••••••••••••••••••••••• Saectacular View Large Easlside. Brand Ne:w ! 2 bdrm. 2 ba Ouple:it. Crpts, drapes. r:1N C1o6e to everyttun~ adlts, no pets. $335 per mo. ~or 646-6129 co,.. TM l :J O P.M.I pa_tj~. locaUon, so. or rm w/Wet bar, for din'g. Lovely pool/spa bm. 3 Br. 28~. 3ba, pool, golf ---------PCH. $4'15. 504 Acacia 3-car gar. $735/mo incl 2 ba r ~Clln/ u r s e ta , _ _.. Beau&,ySalon Halr slylulg slop by or, '114 /640· na-l.Call968-4602 +am rm . .....,., mo. c o . T,iLf•M~~ Brand new 2 BR, 1~ ba Dislnct. To see this tn· ........ ••••••••••••••• meo & womeo. Sell or 9263eve", 2131376-9369 6"Uu Call494-3702. Yrly lse. $450. P b --T ··-'" t M .. • .... ~ 673-2031 ~5'177 ••••••••••••••••••••••• o ....... ome, pv patio. lease. 15 yns Costa esa eves '!+• •k-rt .___.. 3269 · · Cplc encl gar $37S $laDtly appealing home, $26 I PH MO. callusat540-1Ul peys all when you as· 631-4415 '151 1722 ........... 3242 .... ,...... --L-11......... 3286 ..... , •••• 3107 ...... 5722· . • . or . . 2 BR .... e w~ard, eo, of ••••••••••••••••••••••• -.,... ~HERITAGE . • REALTORS sume 7\4% loan. 3 BR. pool & frplc . l .R.E.N. Rot1ine 97M750 U:t ii:t ....................... eeeeeeeee•••••• eeeee•ee ---------TA v •--EflTS: Hiwav. •~ . No pets. . SlSCX>. Modem 3300 sq ft ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 2 BR d 1•-· -~ sa>o' ~... l Stu:lio condo. with view CU"lm 2 wtta. SR . 3Br lBa l di·· Lux. bayCrool vei rg. I ':fo· mature a u u Four,... Gd Lal "'""" " " ·• • • ma urea ""'' n ... -2 Ba bot -•·· """'' Ea•t C M ... ex, ren u•.r • • Pool le jac, across Crom w/pool. Lrg ck Bay rel $425 lJ ocn .,.....,..... , coo o, a """"· o ,,..~c;. " .. Ctosetoshops&bus. 2Brhome,adults,nopets. beach.$375.847-4525 lot.64S-7'783eves. vi~.uw~:~ric;o s lip avail. Yearly S2SO.Eves;64.$-2331. MULHEAIH aArag gardener •A25 srric>t mo. 67~5. 3 B 2 Ba d •...Mu•--a..ter :;;.67~'1258 ' .,. .,.,_ 3244 HARBOR VIEW HOMES Walk to beach. cozy adobe r • cpts, rps. -75·'~7..,90"'0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "---1 Model 3 bdrm. 2 l BR hs e . Pvt cov'd $200. util pd, I Br duplc:it, carport, patio, children ~~~~~~~~~~:: ............ !~!~ SACRIFICE ARE YOU SHIEWD7 Beaul 4BR, pooJ, spa, lge Don'l lolle a minute. 5 BR yar<l.Xlnlarea.$1"2,500. custom home with 6'J3.43UAI). :..:=-·------1 sweeping view beyond belief. Superb entertain· meot is afforded by huge game room and family room. Soaring cathedral celUngs accent Living ... __ .. _ DW C .....,..,., I stove & reCn~. no pet.:.. OK. $350 mo. Avl Jan 5. ---------12 br hse w /gar, patio. 2BR.18a'"vnuu. .A • ba. fam. rm. dbl gar. patio, Cplc, beam ce1 • 547.U55.67J.6243 Aft7.~.751.26J6 lt9tED CLOSING walk bch. Adults . no Spa. Pool, gym , tennis. g~r incl. $675 per ings,499-1743. Mat.lie Hw Parll ~is1~med Occ. $.500 ~· No kids, pets. mn.CaJl844-7~7 T_.. 3290 Luxury bayfront 3 br. 2 Newly redecorated 3 br, 2 ba. dock met. SlOOO. mo. ba. crpts, drps w /bltn 673-4928 stove. encl. garage. $350 OPEN HOUSE Dally 1-4 219VlaS-RettlO Lido Isle Dew~ INTID UOKEltS 675-5626 Seller lo carry Trust •--us UDO ISLE 5 ldnn ••••••••••••••••••••••• Deed. 334 spaces. Part eo.taMeM 3224 _,....,,_ lJ6 Via Trieste sf~CIOUS Qiodc) 2 BR. l"'l ba. de· KOA. 7% cash relurn .... •••••••••••••••••••• 2BR.l'Atba ..••...•. $42S home w lge 1vang aorated.. lrg patio. pool. 644-9513 AgeoL 2 BR. 2'rz ba .•••••••• $475 r m +den . Im m a c. children OK. $375 mo. 2 BR. 2 ba •••••••.•.• $S2S $12.SOI mo lse. 998-2.039' room and formal dining. East Costa Mesa. 4 re- 3 fireplaces for that modeled houses 00 lot. warm and coey feeling. For Sale b y own er . Hundreds of sq.ft. of 983-S3B3. decking abound. Un· 1...:..:.:....::..:..;..;__ ____ _ believable low price ! mc.4PL.EX Builder wants out! New Ask.inc ooly $112.500. and vacant! $199.500. Mus t sell fast. Scott RUMA.It RIAL TY Realty 531H5.13 5$1.7977 4-~ex. $60,000. Contract ol sale. 3 houses $47 .ooo. 4 IDRM l'OOL HOME '178 Allegheny 4 Bdrm 2 baUI, fireplace. fenced yard, cover ed patio. SS'1S mo. Nr. Soutb Coat Plaza ~ l ' ... " II i\ I \ I I 1 "JI) i '.H\' K•• ~Q•Dr' ~! lol1 2 BR.2ba .......... $550 WaterfrontHomes --.:...=------- 2 BR. 2 ba ••••••••••• $600 631 ·1400 HolMs Fw wilMd or 3BR.2ba ........... $S2S I u..tw.ilhed 3300 3 BR. 21,; ba ......... $650 3 br, 2 ba, lge enc patio. ••••••••••••••••••• •••• 3BR.114 ba .•..••••. $475 G~~ pets.1--------• 3BR. 2ba. · • · · · • •• • • S550 __ ...:..;______ MOllU HOME 3BR.2ba .......... · SS50 Udo ble 3 BR. 3 ba, 2300 IHfOIMATIOH 3BR,2t,'zba ......... $625 sq n ..t ...... bltns A yrc 4 BR. 2t,'z ba ..•.••••. S650 • ..... ..... • , ·.. Rent, option to buy inro. 4 BR, 2~ ba .•...••.. S795 ....:old:..:...:...·...:SOOO.:..:...:.;.· 63_l_·S237 __ . ---repo's. loan assumption 4BR.2t,'z ba ••••••. SlOOO Walk to beach condo. 2 br, etc. Easy finance O.A.C. Cci+iisft C1BO .. odt 3818 SST-4238 ____ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Q\aet Mesa Verde2 bdrm. Townhouse 3br, 21"2ba. Pl> lsl. & last. Ref. req frpl c $375 m o . 2 498-l936aft.5. ___ _ c hildre n , n o p e t s TWNHSE. 2BR. l ~Ha. '1>496-035'1. fplc, pvt pal . gar. new Cor0Md91 W. Jl22 pa.ml. AdJts, DO pelS, S300 ••••••••••• •••••••••••• OlO .. ~548-...:_547_9 ___ _ I BR. qwel, Easl.s1de, dulls. no pets. $250 ~ 4 BR. 21,; ba ..•.••. Sl095 2'r'z ba, w JO. gar. Pool, 9 offices. 559-8182 Mabu. Ha.. Store ~ + An. ....................... Call Marcel. 7'10·'12'71. 2BR house+ A pl ove MDba. Hollws _Log_...:::....Bch. ______ _ a.ova Y 21r Upper w1lh fireplace. pnva patio Enclosed ~ar . North of Coast fllghwoy. No pets, no children $425.tmo Call Linda 67S-Z1U or aft 5, 646-6457 me8tiBJIU New beautiful garden apartments. gar. R2 Big corner lot, ForScM 1100 --------vtew. 0 /R, Lt K. den ••••••••••••••••••••••• S225.000. Appl only 215 St And re w s Rd. A s t ~ ~--- 4 duplex, including bay fronl lo be e itchit nged d o wn In a pk g . 213/684-3200 Assumabl 81/2°/o Harbor View Monac Phase Ill. Great view. MOllLEHOME IHFORMA TIOH Rent, option t.o buY lnfo, repo s, loan assumption etc. Easy finance O.A.C. 9offices. Mobile HCMl9 Store w . .Anaheim 761-1442 Anahel m 956-1011 sant.a Ani. 554. 7070 E. Anaheim 956-4500 Westminster 848-8895 Br. 2 ba. By owner. You Mobile Home furnished or WT! the land un!unushed. S8500. x lot HUNTIHGTOH HACH TRJPLEX Exchange • invest near beach! One 3-BR, 2 bath owner's unit w tr pie. & patio. Two 2·BR, 2 bath. Good rental area. Asking $100,900 w/1031 Tax Eit· change. <J·22) FOURPLEX Cul-de-sac location One 3·BR, 21,; bath : two 2-BR. ooe l·BR. $212.SOO. Submit on exchange! (J ·22a) ZlA4 Port Carl.Isle location. 64.5-2570 Open S/S 644· $159.900 $5000 On &it 4 bdrm, 2 ba, hom1 wtpool, jac , lam rm , M">mplt~Y rf'modeled ff1i.: lol, much mor•· <>wner will tmancf'. N1 ("nldJl oc:it:ded Sl5!J.OOO h11lance A11k for I:; Uiemow 964-~55 Vee Stinsoo 64.2-8235 Nl.~SHOPPlNG CENTER Newport Beach Area. Loh for ScM 2200 Tnple net leasei. First •••'••••••••••••••••••• years rent guaranteed. ,AHOIAMIC Prime b1gb tramc c:ounl. OCIAt4 VIEW U,000 Sq. Ifft rentable Full one half a c r e 11imet:. $780.000. Newport Beach lot in the ~ EILIM Co. ex.elusive guarded gate 631-3400 or community of Harbor 64....,758 Ridge. Wiii a c com · mod.ate a tennis court OFftCI IUILDIHG Call Jack Custer at <'114)640-6776. Macnab Irvine Rily Co. Brand new 3br, 2'rzba. frplc. Dbl 4arg. pool & Jacuzzi. 5 nun t.o bcb. Yr· Jy lease. No pets. $52S. :>IJ.9157/835-9543. 3 bdrm. lrg. re.aced yard. Onve by 2039 National. $395 pe r . mo. I s l. last+SlOO Children pets OK call 833-9305 3 BR. wall-wall cp\s, fncd rear yd. $360. 2622·E San· ta Ana Ave. 714/249-.5236 3 bdrm. 2 ba. Large yard. No pets. Avail Jan. 10. CaU aft 4 $485 968-3636 2199 Meyer. Near Harbor/ Vlctona 3br, 2ba. blUn.s. frplc. dbl garg. $460. 821 Presidio. 645-J..92l6. New 2&3 bdrm, frplc. bltns, 2 car garage. $450 "up. 645-5637. ~ 3 br. 2 ba, near new. E·slde. y a rd , W /D hookup. 2 car encl. gar. TSLMgml 64.2·1603 3 Br 1 Ba, Easlllde, No cluJdren. $425. 6'S-4461 IV messa11e. EASTSIDE 3 br, l ba, frplc, encl. back yard. Nr shopping & schools. USO. 540-:WS; 548-4471 .. uoo ISLE. 3 BR 2 Ba. lovely lge. patio $'150 • Mo. SS9-6588. ~ Luxury 2Br 2ba W. B. Arborlake twnbse. 2 car gar. frplc, laund rm , nr laJce. Vacant SSOO/mo or 4 BR. very nice area, 1859 Port Taggart P l. Incl garde ner. wa ler. $700 mo. Available no w . m tl52. 644·5769 Newport Shores. 31.tr, atrium, jacuzzi. nr. beach. Pets ok. $550. 548-7980 eve. lse/option. 893-1370, --------- 5' 1833 or 495--5906 SPACIOUS family home, 2,050 square foot Hampton model in Gn!entree. 4 or 5 bedroom. 3 bath, 2 story bome. $650/ moo th THEILUFfS 4 Bdrm .. 2 1"2 ba ., (am/kit, + ronnal dm- ing; freshly painted . ~nsp ~eao. Move an oowot~. Agent 640-5560 Ci>UtET 3 Br. 2.,., ba. brand new. l ,500 squar e roo t 3 '550. mo. Nwpt Terrace. bedroom. l:Y. bath, fam1· 2 miles to beach. (213) ly room. country kitchen, 988-5009 air conditioned hom e . ....:....---------SSOO /m onth. Ask for CANALFRONT 4 br. 3 ba. Craig Batley631·1266 1mmac, walk Lo beach RI/MAX Now only $750. REAL TORS Marina Realty 642-8850 I Br Oraogelree Plan 3, 40· Boal dock. 3 br. 2t,'z ba Al e . tennis. nool. n o condo. 2 story. Crplc, bltn ... k1lc hen. Yrly $800 . pet.s.$31.S. 751-1154 frls.677~ Aoabetm 9S6· l 011 Santa Ana 554·7070 F.ast Anaheim 956-4500 W. Anaheim 761·1442 Westminster 848.a895 2 Br upstatrs. rrptc. snr m . lg sndk. beam cetl. Ra r . nr ocean. $42.!i 752·71H I. eves 675-9115 George or 615-:lm Bob Bachelor $275 I Br $315 2Br $340 Out.st.anding bayrroot hse. · 2 Br. 1 ba, upper Sundeck & pier. 2 bd. 2 ba. 3 gar. refn g & stv. no pct~ (rplcs. garage. $1050 s:tAS 111c ga:.twtr. 51412 monthly. 675-728.5. Mangold. 675 6737 Adults no pets. 22:'i0Va11guard Way <al Newport Blvd) 54(}.9626 LG .. :: Buchelor Unit, pvl patio, bllns, N <.' no ctuldren or pets, $2!iO mo. 1110 V1ctona 646·3197. · 833-8105 2 br, 2 ba. duplex by Costa Mesa 3824 water. NB. 1425. Marino ••••••••••••••••••••••• Realty 642-8850 S:Jl!i. 2 br. H• bo. pntlO. Cmda•lliwns lndry rm. adults, no pets 2 Br. 2 ba & stove & reCrig. u..twnilhed 3425 TSLMgml 642 1603 New crpts & drps. No ••••••••••••••••••••••• LA MAHCHA APTS ctuldren or pets. 646-4382. 8.1y rrt. Belmont Shore 2 br .• 2 ba condo m Sec. bld g. W e tbar . wshr/dryer. adults only. Stn)Jmo. Boat slip avail. 213-434·9600. 54G-9797 -o er. 3 Br. l Yl ba, dbl Rar . im· med. poss . 2941 Brad· ford. $385. mo. Call Pal 96S-6ll0 or 963-0961 Apa lwwllh """''shed ••••••••••••••••••••••• Large 1.2&3 bedroom DcMoPoiftt 3826 garden a pts. Adults. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dshwhr. bltru.. encl t(ar, 2 Rr Twohs e. 2 c ar ga.c; bbq. Pool. GJs Pd garage. Crplc. den pvt yd, 718Scotl Pl. 642·50'13 J yr old bldg. $415. mo. ~VERDE home al· _'17()..ln'>J _______ _ mosphe r e 2&3 br dlx 1 bdrm. new crpt & pa111l. apes, no pets. 546·1034 1i1arage. $275 per mo. --8:1).9325 2 Br. 1 ba, all elec Brand ------- new. 187 E. 18th St. S375 .............. a.oct. 3840 mo Agt 541 ·5032 •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lM Vitt SHARP beach 1,2 & 3 Bil. '"ntla(re CICJe frplc, dLshwsllr. garaKc Beaut 1ru1 b ra nd n ew &pall~ 960-2358 ••••••••••••••••••••••• adult apt.s. No peu Pool, 1--=-------- 4 BR, 2 ba, 0 /W, frpk . Jacuw Open weekdays {'~ d v·11 lc6ool"-d 3706 Gar. year round. $600. 2-6; weekendsl0.5. 955 w ~"'" I age 675-5500 19thSt. New 1&2 bdrm luitury Walnut Square condo: va. cam; 2 BR. wrgar. Only ......__, ·'--·..a 3707 &ch $255·$265 adult apls in 14 plans Bord 3 b -ttlwmG l Br $290·$305 I l Big Canyon eux r. •••••••••••••••. ••• •••. 2 Br $33:).$350 from $315. + poo s. en· ....:.....,;__ _______ _ 2 lNTSl•odt vi.w anR. 2 ba PLUS ~HK. llJa & retreut. I door from beu<·h. $254,500. So.C.flfflty 546-5605 4 llmall t ullA:ll1 $8U,900. Near Briltol & O.ker, t'M. Agt.. 548-'1729 3 ba, French ctry kit. BEACH. View, pier. 2br, nas, waterfalls. pond!>! WIU trade 3 sub-divided _e_v_es_._______ si:m. mo. Days 759-1131; S500. Adlts. util pd. Tit 1'SLMgmt 642-1603 ,."'rom San Diego Frwy , .... dbOLas Vegas. for cash, .....,.,, Redec. 2 Br E·side Univ Park Terr. 2 bdrm. 2 837.()666evcs May 303 E. Edgewater . •a ........ D ... EW dnvc North on Beach lo $345. 5Sl·2885 ..,... ......, ·-J _,... "" McFadden then West on sail ut, car, diamonds, gar, fol'(i paUo. Marrieo ba. pool, jacuui, garage 3 Br condo, nr school, _;<:.:.l :.:18'71~·?.866:.::.:...:.;.·_____ 2&3 br, 2 ba, all clcctnc. Mc Fadden lo Sea wind J.33'0CEAN FRONT ett.~5-7637 couple,nopet.s.6'6-1078 opener. $475 551·1882 shopping, 11,A, Ba $475 $2 . h Covered parking. S375 lo VLll~e. (714)1193-5198 CUSTOMHOME He&utlful C OM · eves. ~ 640-0m S mall l br '15 wit $47 5 m o 600 w Mti:RCIAL LOT. No. San Will trade 2~ resort acres Rear 2 BR w/yard, no mo. r . utilities. Adult, no pets. Hamilton. 838 2917 or Townhouse, lovely, spac. LA.51' OF'J DI Ct *2"0 00() on lake lo Elco, Nev11da pets. 2 children OK. 1990 LalJllla INch 3248 Harbor View Home 3 Br. 2 673-4928 .,.., 21""" •· ho-~-like. 2 br with 4 Br. 3 Ba, mailer bdrm eao 'J. • 0 • • for cash, saUboal, car, Potnona Ave. Don't dis · ••••••••••••••••••••••• """' ""' "' """ 2 r I f I Owner/AMt. Su b ro il d d Id l turb f-l tenant .• .,Ith "'-· 3br ......... sq ft. ron-Ba, gardening incl. Avail __,. vrly. Small studio. 1 pvt. gated entrance+ 2 retreat, rp cs, ornw U!rmt 714/434·1735. Bkr. iamoo 1• go • e c. '"'' ...,_, •-uwvv Jan 6. $600. 640·0178. -;'ult: slrt prk'g, util pd. Near new townhsc. 2 Br, pall06. Some with all. dlniog, 3 car gfara..§!;. a1p p 2000 _~_5-_7_687_______ mo.2131'197·1818. eves. t cm po r a r y h m . 546-82IOor 546-84'11 Pvt beach-675-3063 1...,. ba. gar. Cn«I pat . ~ara~e Swimming pool prox. 3000 sq. t. ~· .it ._,...,.,., Oc VI Lot 3 d 2 Ba Panoramic white wlller $345 mo. 64:>·~ PM & Jacuw Tenrus court.'>. 1 Linda Court. $189.500 ••••••••••••••••••• •••• ~ fleanCall ew 4 Br orf +I end.in. • ~~ vu. BiO Im med occpncy NEWPORT SHOR ES Coda MeM 37 24 wknds blk to HunLtngton shop· Owner /Anent. 552...4,894, 3-...a •LOT __..,aq. · crpt, rp c. rm, " 49'7-1051. 3bdrm 2b lh newly de IJ Ad 1 ,, .. .,21,,,A "&or""'"""""". "",,. .... ., ... ..,... "'"rv. porch w /wsbr & _.::..:._:...:..:_______ • 8 • · ••••••••••••••••••••••• B d p.nA center ma . u b . '"" ... u,.....,,.,... "" ._,, ...... Ui rd $500 corated. nreplace . Va· •F.asts1de adult 2 r. en N t I'' om s435 UDOISU = ~!:. '::s:or~ ••!._!Ol~Detert. 2400 ~~·s~lorAtan 2st~ ~ b~.u1;;.~:, cant.'625mo. 6425200 Lar£5!'!~~1~T~rm . ZBacondo,poot.dbti:ar. S:a~~tvuaage, LSSS5 JUSTUSTED ner lol. Super location. __..., Geisler 834-9393 walk/be ach / town BarreURlty, · end. gar. $245 & up. $425.SS9-6588.645-6822 HunbngtonVillnge Lane. $1.SO 000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $1585/mo. AduJts Avail. Adults. no pets . 2110 2 bdrm. I ba. r ar port, H B. ('Jl4)898-996l. Total warmth 11nd ' 8Ja Bear Lake cabin. EASTSIOE. 3 Br l Ba mid-Jan494-2'1&4 Ind f ele1an ce. All new ~c. buuUfuJ remote home, $450 mo. Ask for ON WATER wllb boat NewportBl.548-4968. crpt. drapes, ry ac. 2 Br. children welcom('. lbruout .. Slo,Je s tory on .... Ung, l bdrm 1 bo. Bel11.64S-9161: 644-2270 ~acular view 2 br. sUp. 2BR, new cpl/paint r ., .... a 2 bdrm. Adult.s No good loc. No peLc;. $280 oo pets Starting al $270 ~ ... -"'-ot at quiet ~ ""'" ~ bl r I PKllpermoolh. .._.~ ~!'~:..71 E ttHh Pl. mo.""'"'·.......,. end~~':'~~-'Gorg ....... •• fR€HIG€ Sll,900.644-7585. _.._.__. 3226 studlo,3ba, t.na rp c, .,.,., pe ts. Inquire 1 7~~ ......,,._ ....,..,.,.., "'............. ....,_,_ -.--deck. patio, privacy, Rocbeste large brick patio. 3 H0f"I€~ l..c:Ms.'---•••••• ................. m a n y xtras, $6~0 . OCEANFRONT 3BR r rear 3 Br, 2 ba townhoul\('. VilaPadflca ~em.:+.:.~~wl/llo°'a!~ceof 31'DW.CoQtHwv,NB ....._ 2700 28r0n'c2Ballf'·ocnabovvi!wma"oonn.doa .. $'13'1 hom e . Short t e rm Hlwwit1R9011•och 3740 Quiel adult 11v 1n ~ Hew .._.. ....I.CJ "" '4M646' "••••••••••••••••••••• "' ~ llOO/mo. •••••••••••••••••••• ••• Enclosed gur. & pa tio. ...._. Oce• doset:cLovelyfloor JZOACllSIH S4H. m o . 499·4 663 MOBILE HOME 24d0, •Bach Lon r Beac h. NopetA. $400. ~3381 or Junior 1 BR, 1 BR & 2 plan for totally 76 UMITS In central Callforola ..:anyt.l=.::..::;me~;....· -----~~~~~ilno pell, 2BRnearbtach $375/!'1o Pnvacy, UU pd $165 . ..:frl:.;.~:..5949:.:· :..::....------BR, 2 BA. Security pro· private guest suite or ( pa a o R o b I es ) . _;;..________ Adult. oo pets. 833-8974. -vlded by pvt key.card en· maid's. $399,000. call ex· lyOWMEI SELL Idle Items with a l.egilla... 3250 2BR Corona d el Mar 3748 MESAPIMES try . 81 t n k 1 t c h clll!live Aaent for appl. tn Low re nt. Take over ~~~·1 acre parcels Dally PUotClasslfied Ad. ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• ~Imo ~~~•••••••••• I BR 1315. 2 BR S380 w/lumlnou.s cla.s. Plush see. Beth 964·2431 or ~%loan. No vacancies. •-...... ~.-....../acre. ·--------• NEW .. Br 3Ba l f w....,.,.,. Hot11H Pool , Jacuni, 11i1r. 11vml. carpet lge pvt patio or ~UPagerll9SJ$. n-.-~loc"' ..... all0.9 '!',~.un"" •• -..."'::::::'1maller .: .. ,6 • ~ ~-m,rm , LAGUNA Bl!!ACH MTft Adults. no pl'U 2650 b1d c6n1 u w /:ittru • """°" """' n&llU ........ .,..... DO YOU nr _._, ,,.....,.. • wy. 631· t 400 l:NN. $75/wk & up. Maid Harl11 Ave, 549 2447 Beach Shack on Sand, lo Wmt St, Rialto. parcels.good ter11'1 s OFFER A SERVICE? _,,mo. owner 962·0925 acrv .. color TV. heated st«aRe. Pool. s pa, light· W. Newport, 30x62 lot. CAL&. S4Z..3676 available. Cont.act Ken Let the pubUc know with crm.7530aft1PM R 2.,.. pool. UUI. <714 > 494,5294, S37S. 2 br. 1~ ba twnhsc. c.'d t~nni11 court, lndry W/coHlal commission forlnto.Bknwelrome Marbal an aid in the Dally Piiot 3 Br 2 ba. S4SO +ulil. BLUl'"FS. l11e. 3 B • leN.CoastHwy. Gu.r.rplc,patio.soodloc. racll. Limited preview a pproved blueprints . W.W.""tkll Service Ojrectory. ll can ·r. ba,.onatttnbelt. E ldt' rrot.als. Ftom S290 per •ooo.644-881.2 1 BR d\IPles. eo yd.a to R.eallorlrAaaoclatea $ AvaJJ. P'eb. lit. family, ~Mo. Aaent.644 1133 Hlwwi •mch 376' 'T'StM 642 l60J mo Model.$ open daily beadl.Couldbeuaedaa2 = S OOllyouaslilUeu l .'J'J nopeta.711M118. __:...:..:..:...;___::;._ ____ .... .:•••••••••••••••••• • gml tOAM to d u1k. 2 15 BR" bech Wiil. encl dbl UMI I treet Pl"' day. For more ln· $29~ w I c h I l a A v c ( II t Call M Palo &es. Calif. formation and complete New 2br I ba on lake, Have aomethlng >''"' want ()•eanfron\ dlit 2 Br. 2 lla, 2br Yorktown > Ste. 409M n: ~O:n &t At~'. CIOI) ZJl·IJIO rata call &42-56'78. rrplc, A/C, rec. racll t.o Kii! Classified ttd11 do avall from Feb. to June 2S63 Elden646-4004 714~ 213,..,,......, 71M·'7178 CIOIJ 466-3049 M>O. mte.14. It ~II 542 56'78 '1S2-~. m.2788 · • , .. ,. f •••• "' "' -.... ' ) p 1. .,., 1r r l · e • • 1l I. I• 1t 1r 1l (. ly -rs sh lo ll$ oh ell le in • vcl h ll 1n u~ !riv 11d pe r wk t'd ' )Wll l'~S. rood e in M)nc 'H!ll> e•.-, ...••..•.•.•........... ··················~···· Oitm 'a'Ork. Ol'll de&llCIUI. &ICTllCl.AN Mtbs:A's "8C W. G CAm.... »-• ..___ - u....., 1'(8.. Ml·~ll ·-'-Vm.m1 •. lf'ld Rtn~ .. -1 Profestlooals evallobtc Z5t~ U <"27804l hz'• ti...... fonlhffeJn MM tZ6 ~••••••••••••••••• Bartnllkn Servera -------- 8 II J AJll>ban~ St-rv TRIP OiARGE SJO all25 Ma.an. ~ A ~ ~7 UI ........... ........................ -sa \. c ltf Oil{') • Qcan up Crt!W1I Cook, F1 ~ ... <X>N'fAl"T ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Wti11tchff Hoaplt.al.at)' fff'IM>Utl'H 1417 Weat<'lttr. S~ 209 N~pw't Buch IDt-()810 75a IH 18 ... " 8 Wood •• rnc Ill If. P'-• fm<"e f9palr IMO-G:>.144 WOii Ge* I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• •aA '1 ·······'··············· ···••·····•···•········ ....................... Hau.I, ·~~·der dump • ROBIN'S HOUSt: European LanCS•caper. &It. er .-1J'('j: wrk .. Q.~NG SEKVlCE. ~ worlt. Fair price drtnoliUon5 t•c a:t1-m 1 10r a lhotowihfy clean Minn. fttlt eift·487t-~ ,.._,~ __ ? ____ cbl_J_ev_e._. ----- ....................... THEQ.EA.NTNO LADY ..._lllrll s.udonl I Tua trutk EtTlc\ft:ll hle<'ln'1. reUa· ••••••• ••••••••••••••• Tr b. lrt'• '"m Ron b1e llef'Vlce, l'e8n rile.. &C2 5703. 00 3224 ln&Uttd. ~ S304 - - Want 1 REAU. Y CLEAN HOUSE' Call Olnabam Glrt. Free eet 645-SW 8rickwotll. Small Jobi Newport. Colt• Mesa & ll'V\Dt 6'JS.31 n na ......... .. .........•.....•....• fl\ne Ext.er. Ptintina by PA'lOf PLASTERING R Si.nor. St. IJc .. ltu. Try A 11 l y p es 1'' re e -.-. -.....~ hPlr tldmatat..Cails.D-.68ZS EXCELLENT PAINT ... 1.il1g ING Reaaonable rate& ••••••••••••••••••••• •• PreeesUmald.548·2'70& Any plumbtng, wolrr W aerv. leak.a, bal.hrm encl, a.iotn •Up1J)enoa ceramic tlle. Rua. ALI WOC't Ouu Free El t m.a.a 87~158 -~~~-~~--PERRY'S PLUMBING Compltitc plumbing aervi<'U. Drain & sewer DAILY PILOT ••••••••••••••••••••••• cott'1 Tree Servlt'L' A.ttiallC pruning & rt>· movala. 8 yrs t.n coa.su I area. Uc. Ins. eiu.2182' COllPLl:."TE CARE; Trlmmlna:. removal, clunupt, h c'd /ln i; MS-8285 Or1\l~ay..-P.rkin1 ln1111v1a1 a n Afhlr " •R.-p•lr ·~ako11tln~ rmnw r bri Wiii f .tin ·Li e NB (''it ~"" l"f'uon•hly l'11ll •oon C'lnn ups Jhulln l(. Landa('ap1n1 lmmed C1ffl:APF.ST hauune tn 11CTV11'fn1 "2 ta>7 town. ti'ree t:.hroate11. Miyako Hnuaecleanlna. lb•'-· PlrtaH Ir houats. Oocor1Un1 apeelal. (Wk lY MrVJc.) Mon Fri, 10 yni e .. p 7· lOAM. 67$-4233 Prd HrVice with Alla& Van~ coeta no more' Free tat tor locul•. atoraje, & lonit di11t moves. Stat" L1c 11ll01S. S37-3180 Holiday Emergenc ya Pluse Call 63l·~ aft s. 12 yn expenence. I'm snail. my prltea are 11mall. cl e a n I n J I.' r e e •---------- f9tilJllll.eS. 24 br aervace. 8'73-3181 Wlwdowc-.., ~t 6t&-411lt m1 .,.,... ..... u..w.. ·•••····•···········•· --~ c t lid• a .tX"TIU('IAN fin'""° nttht frfi! hUm ~U! t1n lat ~ or I anti 11 JOba ~ moJ.W ll11vr you m ad tod y ':1 ('\a.-.Atfltld Adil" If not . )'tlU • ..,. l'fUSSln& tht' ~&l herr,oln» ln Lbwn' ~MO • ..U.llOO ----l.ill hauH01·mov1n1. Oua1e Yard clun1na R.eJea" rat.ts M2·0705 ...._c_,._. ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOWCOSTTOYOU Sl,..ldcu C'lll roak~ y our h o m~ bea ut ~ .... ~h ............... , ...... . AMWAY Cosmetic s . Nutnlloo. llouaow1re11 , liottw Qme 4t <.:001m 'I. 842-18.'M ~ec. Uouncleaolna Dlallocthe personal service to meet your oeada. m.<>105 ------•c•ln• ••••••••••••••••••••••• L M.S Roto .. Sod or S eeded Lawns, Sprioltlera, Planltng. Contr. Lie. fl*4lll. Ex· C'dlenl Rda. 67~7633 Dia·lt Landscape. Rea11. prices. Prol. landacape & .${)rinklers. ~ 7070 Int/Ext. Reuonable raln Free Est Call Rob. 59-2117 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pl~ repair. Spec In O>est WIAdow Cl~an1nl(. remodeling • copper "' c:omm11Utid. Re,asona pi~. Good .price. Top t*rat.ei. Try u.11. 642·S668 Hal Plumbing. 537-311M ,._ &: °'99' T..i.t PETE.RS PAJNTING •H••••n•••••••••••••• ... .... Expr'd. Reas Rates Plano tuning ~ repair 2S ........ ••••••••••••••• Free Est. Call Gene )"'I up. Maater'd dea ln R£PAJR 1r REROOJo' All Sl JJ DAY ~ music. Thi I coupon t y ~e 1 I h Ing 1Cl 1 . • ner worth SS 661-1433 h It l 11\at's alfvou pa~ for o..i ... :ftd. Extrllntr. Ex· l'O<' a es-com Po· &r · # ·~~t. neat, rus ......... ~ Freeest.541·5830 a30dayadin e Uc'd964-104S Dave •••••• :.;;.r.-;~~••••••••• Whtt.oey Roofing. Asphalt DAILY PILOT Prof pa.i.oli.ng. Ext Is mt. Neat palchea lt texture• ablnale, wood shakes SERVICE Low rat.H. Reis. Free ... EST. ltl-109 guar. Free est. Call DIRECTORY -t "--llO """ .... ., HOPM. 8ob. 615 1581 DO 11' NOW•. ... · ......,..., · ......-..-.. SELL Idle it.ems with a ClallaifiedAds 642-5678 Daily Pilot Class1r1ed Ad. Want Ad Results M2-567~, ___ 64_Z.._5_6_78 __ _ ....,..._ a.och 3140 ... ...,.. loCKh 3169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Slffpanr room w /bath. ...,.. ..:.,.,,.,. 2 .... _ t •• I ...... I" l "" ' b pvt l'fllr 2 bllr.s to ~h .......,, ...... ~ .,... m "P • uuu ... .-m1rnn.n~ 2 r. f.mpk>yt-d person $100 PUSTIGI OfftCIS MOW AV AJLAILE •••••••••••••••• ••••• •• Lost or Found a pet'! Call 2ND TD FOR S ALE Animal Asststanc c Accounting Pnine re.. propeny in I.ague. s:n ·2273, no fee. ROBIEAT llRLP'll Banking TflLER a..ERICAL N<b 0 K Aval I nov. t>undeck.. t•lt'<' g;lr, .1dlti.. mo 20• 4Jrd St NB Mcr4 30<'alld47 OOtl? m~S051.M.>615·0:rn 4.94-0>64 • llACHWOOD AP'TS On Jo'lnley can~I with llUtr Bdrm. dreumg rrn, J.9132 Mugnolla Lael br dock. 2 Br I Ba . lfar. nln & ba Separat.e entrance availnowl'.!& 2 8 r.O!b11 yard U~O Call 8111 Quletarea,NB.642·3538. FOlUASIMG New omces ror the pro· fft16.IOO&I ; Central Joc11 lion 1n Huntington !:teach. I block west of Beach Blvd on Main Street. Fully Improved priva~ suites from 400 :,If to l200 s/f Lease in· eludes all ut1hl1es & Jani.tonal service6 paid. Leasing &ta.ff Mon lhru Fri or weekends by appl. Orance Co. Terms; r. ..... 5350 ( S32,900 al 10% payable ..................... •• accoun o.nmc: 1% per mo. ror 5 yrs. "' ~ Very IM!Cure, 10% dis· Rn.AXING MASSAGE Proudly Announces Our For our South Coast Plaz.a office. Evenings. Monday thna Friday & every Saturday. Ex· peri_eoce preferred. C.11 ~Amburgey or Mr. Kinninga at~. 1 PAY DAY LEFTUMTIL CHRISTMAS count. ca.JI 114 /529-7593. Bob~:rt~~-~~~ur Move to Laraer (){fices. Visit Us Al Our New Location. Earn extra Chrlstmai. money now! s:m. t &. 1 8" from 1rr.um $280 $.285. D\>11 11 Jun ---VOCAIMoftR ... ab 4250 8HM. pool & JUCUUI Oovtt 'J'wntue. dbl gar. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1162·18llO t'rul. wash dryer. pool Adult' $425 mo tU5-9«2 New 28r. frpl, PDllO!i. t.t'e --gate adlts 1702 F1onda UDO VIF.W 2br, frpk , at Adalnll 536-4729 ~uo. :.ep 0 R Adib . ------Sllm1mu ITT~ Near beach. 2 br. 2 ba up ----per, encl. gnrage No Orean front Ne wport water beds! Adults only Beach. Winter rent.al. 3 N 0 p e t s . 2 1 7 0 2 bdrm 2 ba. Huge sun Brookhur.s t. sn 5 deck.RsgbtOA S31!d On 962..()778 best b e a c h . r·ull y funushed & ready to b(! 2 hdr., 2 ba .. frplc .. ~ar . enJOyt;d. Days 752 7410 lndry rm .. S360 960 5371\ Eves Wlmds 838·2189 I, a k e A r r u w h e u d lakefroot condo. slP6 8 8307022 nIB MAIN OFFlCE 847-~ WG BEAR Cabin, sips 14, lJOOltable, color TV. 2 rrp1cs. 54S-0016 No Costa Mesa, 700sq. ft. lt...tdt to SMr. 4300 Sl."iOtmo. Ground floor. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Torn. 54()..2200. e..tdown U•lnc) lxpHMS! Shatt a hOme or aptment Offices 750 & 500 sq n. ex- cellent location. 1801 Newport. 64.5-2111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• cwllh 5100 ....................... PENNY PINCHER ADS ONLY S2 ~ PREGNANT! Caring, coolidential counseling & relerraJ. AbortJoo. adop· tion It keepinf. APCARE ~7·~ COUHTIY GIRL *ESCORTS* 3f hrs 957-8474 • Spirthlal ...... 181SSo. El Cami.no Real Sao Clemente; Fully lie For appt.@2-7296 XX DANCE OF FUt4 XX COLDWELL BANKER Bl.Or. SUITE200 2333N BROADW AV SANTAAJJA We have an increasing demand throughout Orange County for ex· perienced acoounung & booU.eeping personnel. Call or visit us today-we are looting forward to greeting you in our new location. 714-835-4103 CcAf.,..,. .. --,.&&.o. 3333 Bristol St .. CM F.qua!Oppor Employer Banking Seotiago Bau is opening a new office. Xlnt career opportunities for bank experienced personnel al our Tustin & NewPorl Beach of'.fices. Currently interviewing for TBJ.stS TYPISTS PIX ACCT CLERKS ICEYPUMCH OPIER CLERKS Must have phone & relia· bletransp. Long & short term assignments. JJoll day & vacation pa,· Hosphaliiation plan available. _or6'1>6670 3~-L I DO BAY 1'' R 0 NT. SHARP/NEW 2 bdrm S uperb v ie w. s andy +den. frpk, garage No beach, frplc, 2 BR. $650. ~c-CIJATtS \JNuMJT'ED Ul.c." -.f<: ~ ~'""· Sell any Item °' com· bulallon ol ttem~ for SIS or less with a Penny Pincher Ad J I.mu for 2 consecuuve days Si.ch addittonal I.mt' 11> 60' for I.be 2 da )'a. Chllriw tl ' Beautiful nude girls. FREEPARKING daoce at exhibition & r»v ~~~~~~~~~ Must have pleasant penonabty. be outgoing & be people oriented. FUU time & part ume positions available. ll48C....,sDrln 54M741 C<J tit~ ~"!WCI 832--4134 Since 1971 Pnvate suit.e with recep- t 1 on & secretarial service. conrerence room, all lacdities. 2082 Michels on. Irvine. 752-0234 seuioos. 9AM to 4AM _ MOTETEU.YS r hildre n $375 m o . AvaiJl/2/79.6'S-6685 every day. 2060 So Euclid, Anaheim, exc1L· ing 24 hr r ecording ~1422 l£Z.T188askforMack .__._ 00 &epi. to uo:n. 4e m ern SUPER I br. pool, ~ar, 2 br upper. bea m ce1I. frpk. trees S275 Adullli. frplc. all bltn:.. $425. •SHAH A HOME• Selective counseting. ~7464or761·2284 No commercial ads. 1l42.!JSll3, 642-5251 642-3490. ---------Bayfront home, pvt suite, For morr 1nrorma1lon and to 11Juc~ your ml l'a ll MICHIELI.E'S •o.tcdl• tMOFREERt::NT UMF.-YE.ARLY gar . resp adult. Non· 3 br.2ba,frplc,att.gar 2 BR,lba.,nrbch •. S435 s moker S400. mo . SPACIOUS 650 Sq ft. J.4 rooms, shower. beach area $350 mo. 613-1092 UAM·2AM ~49 $475.~ 3 BR, l ba, nr bch . $465 673-LS2l before lOpm. 642-5678 •ESCORTS* '72-1111 ~ Sp 2 BR. 1 ba., Lido . . ssoo Bl r .. 10 N2.S ac10W1 new 2 3 BR. 2 ba., Lido .... S650 Huge condo uf s, view, ........ R...tal 4450 br, 2•; ba townhome apts 3 BR 1 b L d S750 frpl<'. pool. Female. $245 ••H••••••u••••••••••• w/luxury features. Small ~.'-YWLY 7~1419 Renee SCRAM-lETS ANSWERS RETA.IL SPACE pet olc. Genuru Realty 839-6623 J BR. J ba .. Bay Ave S395 N.B. exec. condo. ocean SHORT TERM. FURN. vu, pvt, pool, tenrus $300. 700Sq. Ft. AIEKAIAHUA oc Purple. Danny wants to see you. Please caU 2JB.423.7S26. Carole. Lovely Townhouse Apt, 3BR. 2ba. like n ew . $440/mo Ph 964-l!i07 ,,..,. 3844 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3BR.2.,,ba newhome. 548-7813am;64Q.S3S7 ~Ma~~· Village ~_:-J=~:.: oceanf'rool, wk or mo M / F . Non s mo k er . ~ally '-Cllter WRITE a BOOK IALIOA-NEWPORT $140+ '!.! utll. Costa Mesa <On the water) Politics ls not a bad pro-Ute>A & VICKI RIALTY 675-8 170 home. lmmed occupan-Newport 67$-8662 fession. lf you sUtceed. ~--M•M9t cy. ~ Ta-LOCATION! there are many rewards. ~ of It! *DDIUQ NEW* 1475. 3 br. 2 ba. balcony. a-17th&Me.-.rtlkrd. a nd if you disgrace ,_,,_,_of tl DIUU1 encl. garage All bltns. -UCJri r-· yourself. you can always SezviDgaUOraJigeCo. blktobeach. Yrly for•...t 4350 Successful retail shop WRITE a BOOK. 835-7313 'l'SL Mgmt 642· 1603 ••••••• ••••• ••••• ••• ••• approx. 950 sq. ft. IRVIHE'S HEW EST ---Double garage. 20th & $560 Per mo. Bkr 67~00 MASSA~IE An COMMUNITY 1-AstbluH. l Br. pool, S320 Ohve. liB. $60. Also 2 Vacancies downtown Loet&Fomd 5300 fllGUREMODElS mo. Call single, same area $35. Hunllnfl\On Beach. 210 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HERITAGE POINT 644-4 767 ~52.60 Main St. Mini mall. REWARD" for return or ESCORTS llRIGHT2Br, beach area. OffluR...tal 4400 ~LSS8. boys Black Ba Ibo a OUTCALL ONLY 11.n al't commumty dr l>lgnOO with you in mind featunng S &Pa<"ious Cloor vlal\S. Furnished or un rurn1s hed l 2 & 3 bt!droo m apts . Im mediate Occupancy. FEATURlt4G •Park like setting •Lighted tennis court:1 •Recreauonal rac1 1Jt11!~ •Pool & J acuzn •tias BBQ •SparkJ.Jllg clean laun <try •Garden patio kitchen •(!J>en beam ce1hnKs •tGnRs1ze bedrooms •L.arge walk· in closclo; • Pnvate dressing art."as •Accented walls. Near romer of Walnut & Jeffery oU S. A. 1''rwy 1714)559·7000. sorry no pets. Rental center open druly9am U>6 pm Mull Condominium. l BR. pool, jacuz.z1 . llghtf'd tennis. $300 mo. <.:all VogeJ· Pacific 64().6161 •New 1 br. pool. tennis. Child ok, S33S. No pets. 8J3.3974. Brand ne~ 2 BR Condo, pool, j acuz.zi. tennis c rts. no pets. $465. 833-16'93. LOIJllMI leach 3141 $351) mo. • •• •••••••••• ••........ C r u i s e r . t a k e n o n O.. t•es. hr 673-1092 llECUllYE 1-...&.-£...:...1 R--'_. 4500 11 /22/78. Please call. 631·2140 3 Bdrm, 2 ba, quiet area.. Upper deek, yrly $5()0. __. .. n1n11 cbild h eartbrok en SUITES ••••••••••••••••••••••• 667857. GOLDEtil GIRL Luxurious offices, ex-a._. •ac1t lwdus. ------------------ ecut1 ve sec r etar y . 48S·l830 sq fl. $60REWARD.LostBlue· "MrRight"Doyouneeda .. _ personal phone cov· $2SO-S700/mo. Ans. Ph point Siamese, It gry rat faithful wife? f 'II be 3876 erage. receptionist. con• 646-33.57. cal. Vic. Cameo Shrs. "Mrs Right". Reply Ad 675-fi670 Agent SanO.-nt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ference room. xerox. IJT.l.2923 t:ln. Daily Pilot. PO Box Z Br. lrg deck. walk lo notary. Lease or month Major st. exposure REWARD. Lost 12116. l.S«I. Costa Mesa. Ca 92 bea<'h. garage. S350 to month. Near so. Coast ·1420-1704 sq ft units: 626. Eves41l&-0318 Plata. O.C airport & mulh·tenant. approx. rem. Shlh·T :i:u. s ml Call m-61 "" or c & b ed blJttwht lg hair dog. Vic Peno1Wll S..-.kH 5360 2BRapt.S275 mo.Closcto freeways. 21 · :MQsq,~ /\I eat 17th/Irv. 754·1033 or •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• offices. spnnklered: 100 beach 523 Sq fl office spare to amP11. 1.20/208, 3 phase ~:SZ2 S e r e n a d e y o u r 498-6324 sub lea!le In Lag una power: lOXIO' ovem ead L<lst: Male & fem. West Sweetheart. Give the gift aall V• Hills, S308 month. Avail. truck doo r s Linda Hi""'·-" h · of song during the or 1ew n..... '·L.....,. '""'" ., ........ w 1te temers. . Rob """....,.,., ~ . ..., °""""""" PolverinJ, 752.2404 John HB/FV area. 962.9663 holidan. · =""°'"' 2 . ba. Pool. golf . G Val tin •-A coun;e. Yrly l~e S450. Pu Deluxe med1r al suite. · en eat ssoc. ---------·i W:,-.! 673-2031. 640-Sn7 . ground nr.. C~rona del .......... Wanhd 4600 ~ Mar Realonom1cs Corp. ••••••••••••••••••••• •• REW ARD ••••••••••••••• •••••••• &chelor apt for smgle 675-6700 Responsible. working Lost: male blk/s lvr adults Sl35. No pets Of ___ S ____ Ft ___ t wri le r 5 eeks 0 n e German Shegherd 4""'2'"• aft 5 fice· tore 480 .. crp , ,_. b t ii .,..,.. ...... . C h b d lt . w/curta1 up us Y a . drpe, Al • 17301 Beac e room co age in No collar. Ans. t o SantaMMI 3880 81 .. H.B LEASE842·2834 Coronadel Mar or Costa "Bear". Do11 needs •••••••••••• ••••••••••. Mesa Qwetness essen· _ _., ati ., c:.tuc Downtown Huntington ual. Wnte Clius1fied Ad •• _ ........ _c_on_.•67•""•"'""---Sharp 2 bdrm 2 ba. Tropi<'al setting. Pool. Beach. 2101"1 Mam St 2 #206. Daily Pilot, P.O. Jacuzzi. Near so. c. offices available. Onl' Box 1560. Costa Mesa Pl ~Cl\ •""" ""'19 2-nn $120, one 2-rm SllO, 926216or caU 675-3862 aza . .,...,.,. ........... ~1558 Found : Iris h Setter. female. approx 9 mo·s Ap lwfth FaarnlsMcl wu..fumislMd 3900 DEl.UXEOFFtCE ••••••••• •••••••••••••• 2400 Sq. Ft. MOllLEHOME IMFORMATION Rent. <>plion lo buy info. repo's loan assumption, etc. Easy finance O.A.C. 9olfices. MoMM Hotm Stor. Central Orange Cowlty Location COMMERCE PARK Costa Mesa 979-9997 Town & Country Shopping Qr. W82 Beach 81., HB. 962-66<17 Le. Bach..2 br. in Costa old. Vk: 23rd & Santa Mesa, Santa Ana or _Ana __ ._63_1_-0_1_.s ____ _ HI.mt. Sch. Apt or cot· Found: Small blk female tqe ln sate area near dog, 12/16. Vic Beach & bus4'stores. For respec-1ndl polls ~ table, hard.working __ .an.a__; __ . ___ _ ndher&amall 3~ yr found : Wht /blue cblld, weU behaved. S200 Parakeet, near Arbor, orunder, lncl. uUI. Must CM. Ann. 979-1942. move by Jan. 10. Call ~ 7005 • •••••••••••••••••••••• REAi.ESTATE LICENSE SCHOOL OFFERS Gwlf Uctw.,.... *Crash Course available •MalA!rials provided. •Small classes for persooaliied instruction ~own tasUr <tay & night clauel'. •Placement-up to 80% cocnm!ssion. 3 advertising salesmen CorOrangeCountry area. Xlnt comm1ss1on. The Real Estate Tndmg Alst. 364S Sav1ers Rd .. Oxnard 93030. 805 / 486-3557 ask for Dave. AMNll Hospital Groomer . bather . cleaner. F I T inc I. Set/Sun. 644·~ APT MGR-CJ>le ror new 32 unit H.B. Call ~729 or~ ASS84RYS SAltlOAT We will tram S.S per hr & up. MacGregor YachL'i. um Placentia. C.M . ASS&•UltS rltlCISION/MfCH Poeitloos avail w1fast growing Newport Beach ro .. involved in assembly d compass & camera un tls. Applicants should ex per working w t small parts. good mech a pt . & enjoy . Benefits include 2 ~ vac .. l week sick leave. & profit sharing w nam e a few . Call 551·9051. ask for Ray GillJnan. Be ready for challenge o( wide variety ol note func· Uons. ..,, ACCOUMTS cou..saoas Good communication & sclling sk1lls essential. CINnAL SERVICES Trainee po6ttion to start yoor banking career. Santlago Bao.It otrers an outatandlng benefits pack•ge Ir OPPortun1ly fot advancement Wllh a progreas1ve organ1-ia· uon. Apply at. SANTIAGO BANK Norma Fergus.on SJ5 £. lSt St .. Tustin 714.832-5200 714/832·5200 MtF/H E.0 .1'.:. Bkkpr F\&IJ or PT to work 1n an a<'ctg or e Westminster area. ms.sos. < ACl"'OIS f)-om Orange Co. Airport) Equal Opport Employer CLERKS UTOTEM Openi.ngs Now Available for ruu or p/time derk,. on 2nd &t 3rd shifts No exper neces sa ry ·w~ tnUn. Start 13 per hr. As st managers lo $3.60 hr Ma1\a3ers lo s..\.50 hr. Ad· vancement opportun1l1t':. tothose'Whoquahfy, For information go to 011 r nearest market or con tact the personnel off11:,• at ~Lampson St Garden Grove 537-4840 EquaJ Oppor EmplO)'t!r 800KK£EPER·Full COOK exper for rc!>t cbuge. for progess1vl! hom ~ Mu ~t w o rl. company P~erer com weekends Prefer lady put.er exper. Salary com· 646-6718 mensurate w /ab11tty ---·---r--- Non s moker. Send1---------· Resume to: llul s h Management Co.. 33208 Paseo Cerveza, Ste C . San Juan Capaslrano. Ca. 912675. COOKS Expanding r estaurant chatn with over SO units Parruly-0wned organi w lion offers plea6:1111 Bookkeeper 30 hr per work1ni.: condition' I Good opportunities for Attendant for morn . week. Nice c oth•nR advancement. Ex<'elknt persooal help S days 8 store. EJtp. pref but Wiii be f fo' wk in HB. Vic Beach & tram. 673-6960 eves. company ne its . .x Ad a ms. Ca r re q penenced desired. Apply 900-3364. IOOKJ<EIPSt '"~rson Intelligent, expenenced. 111elol·\lli OnniA .. Auto carrier needed in bookkeeper ror Newpart J.. ;:;J ~D~ ~ Lag Bch. San Clemente Beach Boutique. Must be ,, , .. , llf'e8. Eves. Dependable knowledgeable in 1111 33JlWC--tHwy car a must. Call The aspects of retail book ....... Regi5ler. 581-4141. keeplnJU Call 838·47K2 Mt'wport leadt Auto Sunroof Installer _f_or_in_te_r_v_ie_w _____ l•--------- Trainee. Full time. Good BOOKKEEPER Counter Help, Prr. hr!> mech'I ability &i work re 11·3 C.apt Mike's fish cord. Catalina Sunroof Knowledge-e xp. 1n Fry 645-2875 6'2-4(MOE0E. journals. GL. TB. Gd _;:..__ _____ _ typing skilla Gen ofc Counter Help lOpm to Babysitter.El Toro area, Salary op~n . \714 1 6am Winchell's Do Nub Mature woman. starting 631.5001. 2!)3E.17thSt.C M ~ Jan2nd. wk.days 7 am to •:30. C.re for infant. BOOKKEEPER COUNTEH MAN Ref. req. 763-7446 U ~Y work. Live.in Aut.opart.s. Min. J yrs Job C.M area 54S-8408 ror an-or exper Must be well Babysitt.er needed. Mon· terview appt. groomed &i personable. Fri afternoons C 11 I I Phone 545·8408 ror in 6'.S-3434. Cl\ns. IUSIOYS lerview appl. MNKJNO C:O.-rc•._. Weekend niles a nd special parties Expr'd only. Pvt club. 673-3515 DELIVERY . .full timP for local ch• hvertes. Excel drivln1t rec req. Ph ror appt SS7·9212. Ask for Mr West ••••••••••••••••••••••• l BEDROOM, 'h BLOCK TO BEACH. $350 PER MO. 494-3253. Westminster 548·8895 W An.abclm 761-1442 HEWPORT CEMTB 10,000sq ft Luxw1oua paneled of· n~ w/spec1al extras. Conrer e oce rm /bathroom · shower/k.llchen. Contat"t Loi.Rae Dahl. CORPORATE REALTY l-49).'1S82 or write Tbe --------- Daily PUot, Box 1560, CM Lost: 12/16, 27 moe. pups, lrll826. Ad ll-400 l blk. l wht w/blk spols. 963-3392 loc 111 Npt Sch now in· ttrviewing EXPER /\P· PUCANTS for pos in· <'ldg NCR Pro o f Free 3 Week Operator, Nole Tellers & Sales Training. Tellers. Call ror appt CLER I CAL / SECRETARIAL R·J0.5. Knldg of ok procedures Olli for appt. 64.S-5000 ext S2D Deliveryman, I.A T1m1•!., 5 dayi, pr wk, Mon-F ri 4AM·GAM . 673 2~1 5, ~1413 20CEANFRONT APTS J Br. 1395. Rach $225. Ut1l In<'. 536·0321. 494·0087 . 99l·2J56 •••port•oc:h 3169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rMUC NEWPORT 81cbeJor1. 1 or 2 Bedrooma 4' Townhouses From$349.~ Anaheim 956-1011 Santa Ana 554·7070 K Anabetrn 956-4500 975-0818 THEEXCITJNG PALM MISA .Ans MJMJTES TO NPT BCH Bllch, 1-BR rromS255&~. 125-500 1q. ft. offices. /\dulta. No . From $85. lncl. u\il. 779 1561 Mesa r. W. l!lthSLS.0.2200. (5 8lk.s East or Neweort Blvd) "5Sq. ft. $Z4S. 9am·Spm 546-9860 o400t Birch St, N. B. SJ>ectacular apa, total Agent., 541-5032 recreation program, a... 4000 --~--'----- l!Odal prc>«ram. 7 pools. 8 •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• SMALL OFFICE FOR tennla c:ouna. At Fashion RENT, Sl65. bland, Jamboree" San •• .. naodorlM• Agenl548-T129 J'*)uin HUJs Ro•d 17141644-1900 loveJygardens-Brooks :1()().1200 sq. ft . Laauna wtr fall Bch. XJnt hlway vialblli· Bachelor unit "11 block from beach. All util pd No k:icb, no pets 201 i-; Balboa Blvd. SZSO per mo. + security dep Call ~556-TTCT1 •Kitchen I' acU. •va1I. ty. new crpg, palnt, AtC. •Jacuazl, heated pool under 1rnd park' g. •WltlYordally maid srv. Ocean bill views •1V & phone avalh1blc 549-1186, 489 3922 As low• $6l Wk AJRPORT OFFICES %ZT1 Harbor II Co8U Mesa 6'5-4840 l to 3 room •Uites. ~ F\im. or Un/Urn Ntw 2 --------•I MrVt~. No 1 .. ae roq d. bcbm. 2ti..,311tory. rrptc, Ftom 1150. mo. Im med nr water. dbl 1ar. 118~ Room w/t llt'hcn.nette occupancy 2082 S E Urd. (7U)875·.S884 '60wcck&up. Bnatol, Suite 200. N 8. C%13>M-9808 S41·'7S.S (7'14)557·7010 . . . . a..l nu/1,..Ht/ "'-Ce ••••••••••••••••••••••• Small &arderung route for sale. 'Call aft 5. 548-9833 or642-1314. a. opp or xtra income. Call kN:al Amway dla· tribueor & 1et the whole s&cry. S.-l&M. ~ ..... , .... Deidi IOJS ........................ LOWEST ............ llt T.D. • .. .tto ZMT.O . ......_ Falrest Terms sUice llM9 s.ttllt' ~ Co. '42-1171 r4f.06 I I *UOO ISi.AHO • Wat!CAld Sl00,000 2nd. ex· l1t101 lat 11 158.000. ~)' value 5400.000. mza FOUND: Fem. Irish Set· ler, Gold .Retrv. mix Vic. Npl. Hila 12/ l.8 . ~l C4ll Por Dtfalls ('t14 > 759-1448. ask for IJ l·I OOJ 4t3.0442 .s.m.~~n~th~a~K~ctc~h~u~m~~ Kat.ell a .::.. Reward. Loet 12117 lg whl M. Sam oyed, Huskie &.ype, CM area. 545-8877. Of'U1·2221 Real Estate School s:mt Camino Ca platrano San Juan C.plstrano .W.W..tecl. 7075 . ..................... . Lost: Shetland Sheep WOl"ldni person will stay Dog. (She It 1e·Min1 a1. nllht. w w//okkr person. Collie) 8 )'rs old U\e~eeping. cook· Sable/wbl. SZOC> reward. Ina. no abopp\ng in ex· moo1 cti.nae ror room. Laaun• area. 12/31 64S-IS74 i;:r~~!°pJ0~~1: ....,w...... 7100 set w/7 d1ai:nonda. Lido "••••••••••••••••••••• VJ1 atta. Sentiment al ACCOUNTING vaiue. Reward. 8'7&-m1 . sw-llYISOR Folmd YOWll black male Career opportunity for cJoa white cheat. Vic. uperlenced ~non In Woodbrldae Vtllage at'COUDt.lna su~rvl.alon. 6T.U171wM1·1S88 sataty Sl.214 .. St,4'14. per P'bund Min ColHe Vic month with excellent S.lbo• 1si1nd Contact tMndtu. PleHc c•ll Dada Jones ITS.7tl83 r.tra. Flnne1an, s;u-1200 betW'etn houn 8: 00 A. M to $:00 P N. Cotta Mesa County Wiler Distnct, 19SS P11centi1 Avenue. c.o.t.BM••· Found mile She_pherd qaia. 81.k with white & I.an. lO to 12 mOI C.11 eo.uoaatt1evea. &nkin~ . --TB.LB F/T Bnnch ofc seeks bonda· ble F tr Teller. Contact Ravenna Cash. or Rottie Brousard at 17141 644-7255. WESTERN FEOE\fAL SAVINGS 2'744 E. Coast Hwy Corona del Mar E.O.E M/F' Se.II with EAS 6 ' It 's a BREEZE CluaUied Ach 6'2·5678 Q..ERICAL ~..,, Us. Rita. Ctwit Jtldy. c~. ChMcli To All 540-6055 c_...renowt •.-er 11'0 "9rtMN, CM AU.J OS,, t'REE CLERICAL Mlny Cllf'l1hMs & ""'to~.,. ~o~ office • "07 overload 557.0061 TTJJ l6tctt S...... F,qt;Ji8;;! ':~yr Have 10methln1 to sell'! Quallied ads do It well. DBJYStY PERSON for busy Irvine Travel Agency. Must have relw ble motorcycle & in · l!Ur&nre. Approx 5 hours daily, Mon thru Fri. Hrly wage & mileage paid 9157-2700 Delivery Early AM newspape r route. l300 mo 5 duy wk Small car required CM/NB. 892·~ Dellvery p/time AM. I.A Times dellv. SlOO per week. Laguna 6c1&ch . ~ DBJVIRY /SAUS Mon· Ft1 5·9 eves, own tramp. S.Jl-Ollll DEUVERYGIRL For 1uto parts bu.,1ness. tnLmt be over 18 w11ood driving record & li ve m 0... MeH ar~11 PhOnt." 545"408 for Intervie w appt, H.tp W •t.d 710 .Wq1119tt IOOS lkydet I020 DoCJ1 8040 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SOT PEVVERONl'S .,.,-19UI SHOW & ~ ' c mnt S 1 1 k y pups A KC N Phl~ST°R~ 11 11 SAU 0 l"!ny Chnstmas love year p:Ume ~~at ul~• JH'8J.nllonp Center Mall ,._. s,KW.1 'round• l200~HllZl Uon near o c Alrport a.o 4·7. .-e•ented by New&:Otd BchCrul1era I ___ ..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Muat be lllorover. Apply ~ Exhlb1uons Sell MX BIKES991c up 1• --woa•"" lnpcnon. space avail for Info New JOspd bUct'lll 19'1 ~ ...... , ..., DlOS.F. Briatol IN.\~ New• UMd 3-fl lO pdt. Bo1ton1 , Chlh u•huai., s..ot. An• He11bt1 V\nta1e &hwt.IU\ blke1. Cockcn. Yotkiei1, Shlh ~ pet'bt«nd•etta T 1 u~ Pont• .-M t" ~l'CWH£RS PIT, n"ICJl1\lnl• Moo >'rl. ~ H..w Held9yt Hpt Brk1 ofc l"or •ppt PACKERS "'IM l·•~WlO&!I Ac DC>' u lt J ohn Sbambur1. LOVE PEOPLE• Have aome aalH or medical b•ckarouncl" Oemonatnte flea & (NexttoMrDoruild'a > Aiiliq~us c 8oxei' ~ anONewport Blvd CM Schna~rs Pupa 6: stud ...... uaJ ()ppor Employer SlotMacbJ.nes• Clocks! 642·7' IO fff'Vi~ 7141531·~ "'At HUOES£LECTION --1~~~~~~~ !1'p,er'd Or1hodon11 t mn. l " or l•b 9"$11t t.nt nMdd tor Nwpl Q-nwrulr G4t lt«i ~ PCB DESIGNER M 1unl1<1 UN"r ur l'lrt"\r •I tncot 11...nlnl pmdUI t' n • qwn. .. • Pf'U""" l't n tin out ll't'rMlll 11rtw "'ant 11n uppor\Wtlt)' tu ""' ~. t,.. \~flt'Ol WMi(C"\ f'1u t .. lntJl'Nll'I)' hlHilH'll "'1th nt-w ~JC"C'h from 1 "" \..,itklf\ 1(1 (j •Id U I " I WIUlt an todH 1\.lual "'ho ~•oll lo 1ruw "'11 h a """'t h•am to!qu.al Op 1XJrtun11;r t:m plu\ l'r Mfo'~7~ l>l•I A Jtlllt-Drh Ol>!:r•tt' lllodt'rn •'qW JI mt'nl &. J ou1 l t1 cl1111r lran~p <'1111( dn Hr' h• r\°'\l 'd Nu prau1 t'\l•t•1 1~ li<iud dnvlnl( rt•t· .i mw.t Nci Sund11\ w111 k Oran1~ l'o11•t \ l'llo~ C:ab. 17300 Ml lll•r llRIM, ... VJy DOCK MASTl':ltS A.....,S1 l''IT & Pt r No t•i..p r11·c °'*11673 MU •DllVU• EJcpandin.i l'O look in it (Or peop le W 1111 01-: lU wurlt Neill apµ1.•11r Good dnv\Jvl rec Ove r 18 Co vdllcles 12 ~ per hr t incentives Call l':r1c. 673-9283 Mwll ha.vc rellablc at.: llth, l'ost• rilt•U MO l.00 transp ., phone l.on1 A .~ ...... • ... •zw....,.,..... __ M,.~111111 ..,1•,.10• 1 ~ ttrm a1"11nm nt& -Jlob~ ~ ~•caUoo &Ml) Hoapllallu tw n pl1t11 av&1Jllblt VOLT ...... .-; .. " ...... ,, . ··-· ... ll!RL f'RIOAY Van"1 air .,urlt"' \mall mlt of Math tn<'hlnlC marh~ 4!r7 G-R-E-A-T SALH JOI HOW OfllH t.ooo r ~\ G11t1 t> I )I RS <.<H>I> l <'"' l rlU"lS M A"'w\ 'RlNG fo: ot·s• t'IT.., t A'il t;tto\\ l"I<; 1·0 M PAN \ P R o ~or.1-·s 1-'HOM WITlll'll f'ftl\IN t ll H T 0 I' M A N \ G fo M 1-. N r S'l'A tt rs I M M Jo: I> I A T fo' I. Y ' K t: V H O i\ R 0 1-; X P Jo; H I to: N l.' 1-.: lltJ.Pfo'\n. Wfo: llAVJo: OUK OWN Tltl\INING PROmt.Ot PUT ON BY llU; t:OUNTIJV'S TO P 0 R G A N S A I. t-: S Pt:Ol'Lt: t.:ALL A T 0 N C 1-: f' 0 It INTt:HVlt:W OHGAN t:XCHANG E . STAN NUNN 714/586 7302 J.A.NrTOl 01.)1. nu "Il l' n ' ~pun lk•nrh 7 Ju 1 llnlform1 furn t:c111d llt'Ufil.llijl lt.K•IJ Mu<it hAv1• u w 11 I r .i n µ a. 1• II 11.'\l lOl:i HYrUMCH OPBATOI !wH•r11I u11tnin1i11 "hit lur ·~~•tor 'd 01w t lltur" l •nn.11< IUOO •'-'t>t•r help(uJ , hul Wiii lllitlll s~1n11 \h1/\ 111111 .. h1rt tllf f("Y' n111I JW.Jur> ~•II d "'-""' 00 )'(IUf lllH itl:I UUtld A 1•arw1 unit 111 rom r"4-m..~Crd In rtwnr fllh' bn11d1t.a .. vu.r 1d.-u N U 1 .. , .. tM... i;·.,. •1111t phonl' l.)'nn M111u;llt'IJ I 71t I 7:,U 7W AVCO ~1o1s..-.. 1u1 U1 Nt•.,.,putl (. ... nltor Ur NII !rltAitl 1-;,1uul oppt.) r-:mp ht)'N Kltc~"fl llc-lpt•r, lull llllll', Mon Fri. 11 :io llpm . $3 .1 ~ 1>t>r h r Good be n P f 1 l s t-: 0 1.-: Ua yv11.•w Cunv lfo:,p , 20M Thur111. St , C M 642 35CA') LOBBY GIJU. oe«kd 1mmt.'Ciiut1·ly, full L11nc, Cleunup .i1rl for hotcJ Apply m pcr);on, trvmc H<Mit lluicl. 1717 E Dyer, fl~.: S A MA(;llJNIST PIUA u .. 1l> WontC'd <.:all tod11y, ~ flrodicffoft T,.." llllbber hc>to produr ts, ll"VU\tl arco Mlut pu x ,·umpany vhy11lca1 In· &1..Sln1 bat.•k xruy C.:.oll lvr appt, :WO-76311 Y. 0 Y.. ----r-UALHTATI 5ALISPIOPLI W•ley N Taylor Co Is A year old firm wholly ~ 4J OJMmllod by ltll (ouoder w~ 1ro oot • aublltdlury. branr b or fran<'hl.H JU!t head flu.Arte" w1lh .. round l h t-clock •l'ct••• lo m.1n.a.crm nl tor as WtUl1'('t' ut any lime Our tu bowie v1dt<U Wpc I lbt· ~ 4r u ks lralnlna pro .cr•m by Tom llopkms lb lhc fln«":.t rnl r $tl.llt• tru1nm1 avallable We h»vt' un opcnm1t Cur 3 llDl<·speraona with ~n tbuslai.m , t hur:icter le mh.·gnty to m.otch our h111h st11nd a td.'I Yu ur own pnvule dt11k & no part time sulespeopl~ CotlUOlbSIOO split up to 10':4 Inte rview by av· pojntment only. W~lcy N. Taylor Co. Realtors 644·4910 REAL ~"TATE SALES Llct!ll..'!ed or we will tram you for s tate exam. L1m1ted offer. Call cau.sey & co. t!M-8057 CW.AIDS W A.NTED !-\ill or p/tJme 2 yrly rw.sea. Apply 610 E. 17lh ________ 1 St. Santa_An_a_. __ _ Auto pa rts m achin e i;hop, exper dt>!>1red Will t"<ln:>1der a :.harp tr11111ct• Phone 545 8408 for 1n len'1ew appl Recept1onlst. Young friendly woman good with dealing w/people. Apply lo Sue, John Wayne Tennis Club, fM.-moo. Dl.IVEllS Men or women 25 yn. or older Know the co:ii.t cibeg Net Sl.80 o week or more. <lrange Coas t Yellow Cab, 11300 Mt Herrmann. Jo,ounla 111 Valley. <No o( Sla ter be twn N e wh o pe & Euchd> GUARDS f\t1J & p/bme. All areas. Uniforms furnis he d Ages 21 or ove r. RetJred welcome. No expene nce nee. Apply Universal Protect.ion Service, 1226 W. 5th Street, Santa Ana. Interviews hours 9· 12 & J 4 Mon thru Fri. Maids wantL.od, top woi:cs paid The Inn al La~unu 211 N CBt Hwy, La~una Mainte nance Man, full time, exper only Apply Newport Conv Center , ISS.SSopenor l\ve .. N B Rece ptionist needed for young Orng Coty firm. Late typlllg & neat ap· pea.ranee a must. Wood Lighting Fixture Co., 2031 S.E. Main, Irv., MacArthur & Main. nr 0 c. Airport. 546-2901 Amf'fc• Child 's Schwmn bike "'"toy.-1045 W•..tl•lll Utedonlyooce w ......... ~ ......... .. body mau11er \n pre· --------• lt:lee dtpt.. •toru Com mlu lon p.ot e ollal $2000+by Cbrlatmu. 5'art Immediately Call Dawn, 2J.3/31U-l900. SALISLADllS P.tTI• QIU on rclaJlen, 16 hrs wk FAm up to $100 wk COfl\ll). flCI." 2274_. __ _ SALES: Pl Ume. fabric. 2 wb, SaJes Pereoa with xp ldllnio<cauppUn. Marrlntt11 SlaUonc-rt Z2:5 Forest Ave. La1W'la Beach. SA.Lfl>.RET AJL office s upply & s t1 liOntrw, oxr rec..11 • leA prnon. ful Ume. Ph for = 55'7·921.2 As k ror Mr SALES TRAINEE DAILY PILOT 11liB highly successful local newspaper has an ~g In the clrcula· Uoo department. Job In· eludes sales, service, col led.Ions and supervision of teenage carriers . Selected a pplicant wall receive • liberal surt.ing salary and r egularly scheduled raises. bonus opportlmiUes and many fringe benefits such as paid vacat.ioM, medical, dental and tare an · surance. Position also provides surcessful ap. pl.icant with late model car or van with personal lL'le privileges. Applicant must be 18 and have good dnving re· eotd. TEACll ERH Sub · 1thute Klnd•r111 rten t.hroufch lllh grade. Coo t~ We-lmin1ter School ......... 911()..3536 •"rtof' Ooa. Name tloot'i> ft>)'S SChwlnn lltUe tyke I oo kin H (or ho m ti btke. ~. Girls Srhwlnn W/chHdr~n " back rard Pixie. 145. Lake new. for Christmas. Call <>Deft Wed. lhru Slit. IJ02Kettenn1, Irv. <11•>1~.1rn DI at r I rt , I 4 I 2 J l•-------- C e d a r w Cl O d Ave , 0 k W~tmlrU1Wr 894·7311 ut • • Mahog , Wal nut ., .. , ... 0 F. furniture. Lowpnrea. 6.16. ''" • .. 642-1341 ----- G4M9:W 83.1-2966. Schwmn Varalt,y ~ 19" Hoya frame su:e . 644 5S20 -------Male Coll.le, ch1UDpion .at I yr, lo older couple only Nds love 673-07 L9 Telephot1e Operator for 11n1werloa aer v Ice F/Ume. 1raveyard 11hlll Zll Jo"Oreet Avo, Laau.n11 ()el(h. H1rc-\:Ollect or's 1860 _IW._l_c_l1_h_Eni;cl1ah IO·spd, Free lo do• lovln1 t1mily &lilan Po<'ket gun. $90. hahtwgt 26 " frame, with ch.ildren. 2 yr. o ld 71A/973.1$43 green, flS. 962-5207 arter German Shephe rd. Af. IOAM fec:t1ona te. 546-2402 •,.emc.. 1010 ••••••• •••••• •• •• • • ••• • 3 wheeled b1kl.' 1-·rtEIGllT DAMA{;~ teldomused f15 8 Wk old Kitten. blk, cute. to good home. All 5, 546-1379 TB.IPHONI SOUCITOas fKYl'POINJ' SALE; 3308 ___ s.J 1377 W Wam.:r nr Harbor. Sctlwinn SU_n_g_r-ay_S_ti_pd_ ExPtti~ct!d OnJy ~II Deify Pilot Hicbeat com m lulon p;ald. Your phone at hom . Ov~r 21. 1.0 Card. ean w ooa 13PM. WAS1l£R DRYF.R SALE d~lua a multi cyclt' rnodc-13 Completely rr bllt, ref1nahed, yo ur ~ Your choice _Santa __ Ana_ lm-2D2l Lake New,~ ........ 1050 f;.tS.2283 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'ow Truck Driver• H SUl'hach Ot>hvery Sale per'd Top pty Apply mda 12/31/78 So Coa11t G&W Towln1. 1408 Appl.lanrr . ~ 2.542 Quns Way,£_ M MZ-IW i\ROAJNS..U1C!d refn11. TypuJt. Oeo otr. llUn1, flJ. Mhnl, drjn1, au.ar. beat Fr. M.ra. '800 Exe. fut buys, we&U\', uppl. Best S6MW Appl S36-09t 1, 536-4330 Larae Coldflpot • almo11t WAJTIUS MW, Rdrigerator, $25-0. Expandlnc reat.urant ~~76 orrs pleaunl worklna -.-------cond. Eaper dt111lrcd Ap· To.hiba mJcrowisve oven, ply in pcrtoo 700 aenea, xlnl cond Muat tell. S280. 631·4465 ._ hf •A ' •A• ' • 400SCout Hwy, LagW'la Beach Used Corning cook·top stove + pan s Sl50 644-~ Refriger a tor S125. Rdneerat.or noo. Stove m . 673-8970. 673-3592 ~ 8015 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Waltreu. exper nee Luncbn. 21 yrs +. Apply In person, Le B1amt.z. ---------414 N Newport Blvd, N.8 64.W700 Warehouse Clerk needed for marine hudware company. Jo'ull h me 1m mediate opening. Fu II company benehts Call Balboa M arine Hardware for appt & de- tails. 549·9671. E 0 E M/F/H PUBUC FURNITURE •AIETION• TCllllh7:30PM co ...... ..., ... , IOlO Brand new Never used V1v1tar Senc11 1 70 210 Macra zoom lens. Nikon mount. S295 Call Jack 642-4040 Canon f'TQL, fl .8, 4 lenaes & more S295 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING? S2 lnrh round hardrock nwp~ diruna room tablt: wiU! two extra letves & chain PLUS one gas log and some swell toys for Otnstmas for your kids! Call (7141778-1076 548 5556 MUST SELL·end lbls, Cah 1035 Imps, rec l iner s. ••••••••••••••••••••••• bookcases, etc. Olsen Persian kittens, chump Mode l H ome Furn 11lred, C.:Jo'A registered, S49-~ llhota, Stso 546-9965 1_MUST ___ S_A_C_R_l_F_IC_E_·_T_w_in Curly REX cats, kittens, or full mat & box sprin gs nowoffered as peta $250. S28. Centu ry Mod e l 548-4370 Home f\am ~3077 Do'JI 1040 SOF'A&LOVE.5EAT ••••••••••••••••••••••• SJ78 Century Moder German Shepherd pul)A ,_Ho_me_f\a_m_._S49-__ J0'17 __ _ Very healthy, Rood quall· H.ide·a-beds S179 Ol11en ty AKC regis tered Mode l Home l"urn a.9308 54&-~ ---------Stuh Tz:u puppies AKC Queen n RB cnatt/box Xlnlbaclcground, Sl50. s pmgs $89, King S99. 493-8774 Century Model Home La s t c h a n c e f o r 1_F\J_m_549-__ ~----­ Chri.st111as lns h Setter1·--------pups, 14 wks, AKC 962.5829 AICC Dochshuftds 14 wits, champion blood Imes, shots 968-9332 **I BUY•• Good used Furniture & Appllances-OR I will seU or SEU.. for You. MASTMS AUCTION 646-1616 .. 13]..9625 Collie pups, AKC , abs olulley beaut1ru1.1---------llOTEL FRONT DESK CLERK-4 day week, l l l. Some weeke nds Call for appt. 645-5000 ext ~. MANAGER Re tire d c ouple to manage 7S unit mob1ll' home park. Maintenancl' ~omce expcr req'd Living quarte r s & salary. Send resume to SPMC, 393 Hamilton, C 2. Co5ta Mesa 926267 Hours are approximate-Watchman wanted, PIT ly Tl AM to 9 P M dally. weekends . HB are a . Heceptionlst wanted ror Weekends optional but at P r e f e r r e t I r e d Mic hae l Garr is on's overtimerat.cs. genUeman.546-4313 CONSIGNMENTS STOCK LIQUIDATIONS Lovely French bdrm sets, dressers, armmres, blmkbeds, dining tbls & ch.rs. chinas. rockers. magazine racks. s m oke stands. solatbls & coffee &c end tbls, refrigerators, sofa & loveseats. oc casion al chrs. PLUS SO.ME MISC. perfect markings . All Wood Bunk bed s S able/White or Tri . w/mat & box s prngs or 646-7591 bestofCer. chest bed S99. O lsen llotel DRIVER WANTED SUNDAY ONLY ~Porter __ _ To d e liver DAILY 7.:ll to 4• Monday thru MEDICAL Receptionist, PILOT bundles t.o car· Frlday. Union bene f1l<> exper only Call 636·9881 ners tn Newpart Beac·h Call for appt. 6"'5-5000, between fl & J 1 30 A M area. Rcqwres va n or extens1on520 larRe s tation wagon & a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ MEDICAL Ass't • back of Rood dr1 v1ng record Housekeeper FT & PT. ficcwilh X·ray permit Call good be nefits . EOE Call6J6..9850 642-412 I Bayview. Convalescent A.ll&for Hosp. 2055 Thurin St. Models. fe m . S ha rp , figure only, SlS per hr Don Wllllann or C.M 642-3505 642-6282, 968-3520 Bob Hefty Seeley Housek~r/Ba~ttt-er Equal Opport•nlty 2 school age children &.poy..-Own trans Mon , Tues. Thurs aflernoon. Begin Elertrac1an w /c•om · Jan 962·8240 mere1al exp. Salary ac· _HOU_S_£M_E_E_P_E_R <·ording to exp. Ca ll * IOI\ * ~163 7H79, 7am·5pm or Li ve 1n, r e liabl e MOVIEFtRM SEHSEXTRAS Ex.cepoonal career opp ty for those wishing to break into the movu: business. S20·S200 per d ay + re ~1dual llalrculting Salon. 642-6470. RECEPTIONIST Immediate full·tlme opening for sharp, penonable PBX recep· Uorust with various other orflcc duties. Plea se call: (714)752-2600. IRVINE SAVINGS AND LOAN E.O.E. M/F R. E. SaJer-Llc. Only .. THIMIUMG Of A CAREER IH REAL ESTATE? Free training ti you qualify. Cal C7 I 4t 991-0660 SJ6.7625aft6pm Nt<wport area. $400 mo. possi b 1l1 t1 cs <7 14 ) --------- If you are qualified and interest ed call l he areuJatton Department and ask for the District Sales Manager 's an · terview. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 330W. Bay St. Costa Mesa 642-4321 An F..Qual Opportunity Employer SALES·TEXAS OIL C-OM PANY rre-eds rmture person for s hort tnps surrounding Costa Mesa . C o nta c t customers. We train. Write D.U. Dick, Pres . Southwestern Petroleum, Ft. Worth, Tx. 76101. WOODWORKERS $3 to SS per hour. Expr 'd in pin router, table saw and shaper. Heads Up Inc. 3123 W eat McA rlh ur, Santa Ana. W R l T E R P HOTOGRAPH ER- PUBUCJST needed for busy So. County Agency. Lots o f var iety & challenge. Send Resume & salary needs to: Ousilied Ad 1138, Daily Not. PO Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca. 9262.6 Young man wanted as land surveyor 's assis · Lant. H.lg.h school grad, mathematically in· cllned. No exper nee. Call 494-3388, or 831-6161. Merry Christmas & ,_,New Year To AJI DONTMISS TNS LAST SALE Of THE YE.AR. MEXTSALE JAM 5, 1979 SAVE SAVE SAVE Golden Retnevers AKC, Model Homes. 549-3077 femaJes.S~ 493·91&4 Sola Bed, Xlnt cond ex- cept cushJOns need re· Beaut. loving red fm COVtttnit. S60. 640-0010. Dobie, 18 mos-champ 3 pc rurved sectional breeding to respans1ble v•-· adults only. Wall deli ver Rus t color. A.WI cond. Ph 2 13 / 5 9 I · 6 5 8 O Sl.2S. 964·1144. 4·»-6:00PMorart IOP~ Blue sofa, d ine tte. Sparush with four chairs 1----------1 and more. Call Eve 49).1291. Sl.77 per DAY That's Al..L you pay for a :.>day ad in lhe -..,.s. 8055 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wierd & regular items • Fr1 & Sal. 10 am. 604 Avoc ado. Corona·del· Mar. 8060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -------·1 ~1751 76 1 124 4 . VI D 1-:0 --------- We honor BofA. MC, Cashier 's Checks & Cash. No persona I checks PLEA.5E. Food available. Items s ubject lo presale. DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY 1 Yr TD Gelding, xlnt hwiter. Musl sell. Bay 16.1hands675-1257 eves Ele<.1mrucs ELECTRONICS T~CHNICIAN tlousekeeper/Cook for l elderly lady . L1ve·in . Own rm/ba. Xlnt salary . Own trans . 645-61 55 Immediate openini:s and llOUSE(l&EN opportunii 1es 1n an FUii & part·tame open· establls h('(J c·ompuny 111 mgs Apply an person. the Ora n i:e Count y lrvme HostHolel,1717E rurport area Apphcunis Oyer Rd , S.A. lo troubleshoot, repair, ------ a nd te:.t clcetro n ll' Hou se w 1 v e s & systems HN·ent unaloii lfousecleaners. We have and d11(1ta l CX p(!rll!ll\'t' Wont for you. 645·2.839, preferred Cull 557 ~7~. 968-~IO _____ _ a.'>k for Busch INSTRUCTORS PIT for FILE GLF:RK INSURANC.:t.: Degi.Meni 11µol for n l(hl pel"S<Jfl, pleasant workini: ronds. oppty for trammi.i & advancement J7 "'2 hr wk, $500 mo to :.tart CaJI 50-4700 ask for l\n drea E O.E Gas Stat1on1> F.x:penenccd S<'rv1rc i.ta lloo help, 3rd shift. full lime Apply 900 E. PC.:11, NB. Gf:HERAL OFFICE Hrs 9-5, lype 50 Wl'M, good phone personul1ty, must ha .. e previous ofr expcr Call 531 Ol\42 womens fig ure salon Mature & reliable, people-onented. 642·5762. INSURANCE 1YP1St4().45 WPM, m.a1or self-ins ura n ce a d · rruruslrator. New office m Irv Room for growth ror amb1l1ous pe rson S52S mo. start FT. Call 5494700 ask for Andrea KOK . IHSURAHCE Large ins urance agency m f'ountam Valley has operungs for experienced office personnel. Salary commensurate with ex· pericncc, all company benefits. Call Kathy ~lll61 LIFE INSURANCE Brokerage Supervisor We are looking fnr :Hl experienced Life snlcsperson <~upervisor l to promote Life bu~rness. ca1ling on innependcnt Property and Casualty agents in Orange, Riverside and San Diego counties. We need a per&on with tcchnu:al knowhow in all areas of Life Insurance and the ahility and initiative to operate 'on his <or her ) own. We offe r -Excellent salarv. production bonus. c·nmpnn y~ car. .expenses and· ~1 complete tS'enefits pucka~e. If you're ready for :i r<'ol challenge# reply to· Ptrry Snell, CLU MatfOMll Life of Canoda I 00 Pin~ Stnet San Francisco, Ca. 94111 . . .. CASTING SEflVIC lo: oow m our 3rd year. Nurses Aide s. 7 .3, certified $3.25·$4 hr, CX· penenccd $3-SJ 50 hr Mesa Verde Convales cent Hosp , 661 ~nter Sl., C M 548·5585 Nursing LVN Pff-3 lo 11 shift. Xlnt beoef llol1day pay 1m · m«l. Bayview Convah:s cent. 2055 Thunn, C M 642·3500. OfftCE ClEAMIMG PIT e venmgs Ex p<'t adults only S4 hr or $Uh contract. 927 0115 RESEARCH ASSISTANT E.P.A. Research Grant wastewater reclamation, located in So. Orange Cly, bio. & chem. bkgrnd prefe rred, limited rmnual labor involved, mornings , 3-0 hrs wk Needed 1mmed, Equal Oppty Employer. 831·1515 RESTAURANT llaiTESS 6.:.> lo 2.:.> Mon· Fri. Call for appt. ~5000 ext. 520 Restaurant Didi Clwch'1 Rnt.r•t <Xficc Manager Sul<'i. "' COOKS Good oppartunily (or ud vancement. W1ll traan/no experience nercs:.ury Must be 25 yrs <Jld or older & be avail on Saturdayic. 557 0824 or 174·6090 1525 Meirn Verde #206, Coiitu M('i.u Or>tometnc Asst I flecc•p T yping, Non s moke r $600 per mo. 83CHHOfl ORDEHOEPT trainee to (Ill ordrric fnr off. supply Co l'h for oppt 557·9212. A11k for Mr Wt>St ----- PART TIME EVENINGS Adults w1lh outatandlng, attractive personoht1cs who enjoy working with kids. Start at S3 50 per hour Phone 642 4321 fo;xt 250. BETWEEN 4.00·5 00 PM. Ask for Jim Equal Oppartunlty Employer W AJTRESSF.S BUSBOYS DlSUWA.5HERS Mm or no exper nee f\111 & part ·t1m e . 2698 Newport Blvd. C.M. Restaurant. Brewster's Fomlly Hes tauranl . openmg in January, now accepting applications for all rood s ervice pcrsonnt•I Wallreicicu11. bwipersoM. cooks. ho11t.s & holltes.11e11, dishwasher !!Crvlec bartendcnl, fOOd prt.1). Apply In l)f't11on, Mnn Snt, Ill l<l830 Wa rnc•r Ave, fo'tn Vly, Ca E 0 E -----Hcatauran l sandw1r h mnker. no exp. Over 18 12.75 lo s tart. f\111 & PT. 1')-lt1,uokottcr 5938 W•met Av~ Im IM6_..38 Raluaurant COOtCS Coml)llny bencf1ta. paid we«ty~.r.r"•oo. llSTAUIAH'T 18175 Harbor at Edinger. Fountain Valley. P~TE-UP F_.OE Restaurant Help· Cooka, PERSON Waltr,a11es It . Buaboy1 with nl lcaat l ~cor ex· oeeded lmmed.l•tely · Ap· pcrlence, prt:rcr obly p ly C h ar ley Don ' newspaper. F.xccllenl Reltaurant. 28022 Ca~ company benelita. Apply _Dr_ .• _t..a_.aun'--•_N_l_..lfue_I. __ between 9AM &c 6PM, SALESMAN·YACHTS Mood.ayt.hruFrldAy. Kone Ma r ine, Lido ORANGI COAST Vlllqe, 714/675-1403 DAILY PILOT More famlUes are getUna 142-5682 the ca1l'lptn1 "bua" lhta 330W BilySt. ye1r Ir you bne a COlt41 Men camper lhot '• nol &tlUna F,quaJ Opportunity UMd, sell It oow with a Employl'r 011tAJf1C<l Ad . .l ! SC H OOL BUS DRIVERS-Approx 4 hrs per day. Salary $4.56 per t.>ur. Licensed or will train. Apply Newport· Mesa Unified School Dis· trict, Mon/Wed/Thur & Fri 9am·l2, Tues 1·3pm, 100116th Street, Newport Beach, Ca. E.O.E. Secretary AsSISt Looking ror car eer person to assist in run· ning sm NB ofc. Must be accurate typist, take SH & have Xlnt organiza· Um.al &c decision making ability. Send res ume w/salary lustory to: Ad King, 3901 Westerly Pl. Suite 112. NB. 92660. SECRETARY RECS'TIOMIST for growing Newport Beach real estate r1rm Sa l a r y based o n quali fie a I.ions . 64G-5112 •Secretaries* t4-v Holidays Clos'edT1ll Jan 2nd Employers Pay All Fees l.Jz Reinders Agency m> Birch St, Ste 104 Newport Beach, 833-8190 Call For Appt/Estab '64 SF£'Y/GIRLFRIDAY for Travel Co. good lyp· Ing, no smolung. H.B. a.JU.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• .w.,... 8005 MASTEllS AUCTION 2075~ Newport Blvd CM 8J3.962S 646-8686 DO JT NOW1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MOTO CROSS sa99s GRAFTEK LUXURY BICYCLE STOCICIHG STUFF& MINI TOOL KIT ·~· S3.t5 •• "'"" to•o t4ecdt••-IOIO l'Y. •ll!Clo. l'iwllt tHO Autot. IJ1Jported Fndly, O.C.mbor 27 1978 OAILV PILOT 07 ....................... ······················· ~. ,..,.. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ nwilna .. ork tr\K'k .._. t707 Autos, IMporled Awto1, l•porW Auto•. llftp«hd ~ w-a. AalcTnti liOO •••••••••••• •• •• • •• ••• • ........................ , •••• • •• • *-• •••••••••••• t •• ••• ••• • • •• •• ••••••• •• f7WM um Auch 1004~. 11unroof, o.t.. 9710 Mlrctdtt hu 9740 ,~ 9750 AMJf M radio. ntw brka. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••••••••••••••• • 'M hlcon Rant hero. cna pn>bltma 8H l ofter ac.asevta. 69.000 ml, xlnl cund, *D .&. 'JSUlllJS * •'TT 2400 Auto. 11lr, Im '74 911 yellow, camel int SUJ75/olr. tn5-4253 A " mlC. Lo nu Mu11t 1tdl low rru mr. elcc 1nrl. L..p Selectlow 640-55&5 eves. 7M 1534.l 112,500 firm C,111 for 'U Audl lOOLS. Xlnt cond OfAI~ days app l betwt-eo 8&5 "11 TO>'u.a..88.1 Loni Bed 04-4111 Nu-q.-tme SAJ..ES:tf:AStNC ~ '75Ml84 PARTS-SERVICE MG 9742 ---FOR R&NT·ldH I for q\ick lriPI to Ve1 ... S t' Nea r ne w Ce11n1 ~1 IPR Or Cly A!t'port C4 hr wt't & up Cull A YC 5311 441:12 or )llt.2203 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'f18 Tartt• 912. Rbll ena ~ 1976 ~MIDGET apd Alloys whecl11. Mui.l Cookware. ~au\1ful 19 ~=-_.. wattrl • SaHJ S W 1011 belore Ch1Utma1 l.lfl ••••••••• •• •• •••••• •• •• t.u:ne (UIU"anl.ff 1168 1147 SWOHOS. UA<.Ha:tts ~ •070 AJ1 d#&l•T will hu¥ In ......... •••••••••. ••.. u•r 1"t1Un1t Hema t 714 1 lD" SJn)o C.'olor'l'V. z yni okt, Jl ,jl llM-~ -----\'ll>t:i:H'Lt:ARANt t-: 7 ru.) 11111 l':nt11 Nt!w V~ • ~vc Hl'A 0.'00 or Sanyo , S7 ~0 t-11 v-9170 ..... t70t ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• "16 CHIVIOLIT SUIP9tVAM Auto m•U C. AM /1''M llteno tape, pwr . 1teer In•. hl ·b•c:k I OU. apeclaJ paint, crulae con· t.rol. pop.top roof. aux. aaa tank11. 'r acoma wheels & low mlle1. Lit 18837MSer. P3M7. .,, ....... ~ ... '1-Sprih 'l1l1a car IA apprecl1tint1 lo valu•! A colh:clora claaalc llUcd factory type hardtop. llURRY' <Ser 2401). COSTA MESA . DATSUN 21MSHARBOK BLVD 540.6410 540..02 I 3 lt76DATSUM 210% 4 speed. ail-cond .• atcrro & meas. Supt1r sharp I Only 38 ,900 m l l'c:s t (972NPC). ....... sell 17000 491).214~ . Thill UWe (at 111 in fU\t> --- condition. Yellow with '75 911 S TW90 blue It Interior. (S t! r . S1h•cr Ann1vi-rury. :> 2067> 11l)d. aUoys, nCC'd!I paint. $369 5 il Vt'I')' rue., car 112.000 IAUIA MOTORS Prbttne PortcN 2925Hatbor Blvd 536--7818 COSTA Ml':SA 979·2500 ·7~ PorlH'he 1114 , xlnl ('Ond .. 35,000 m1. new 9744 t.Jres, $6000. 559-1633 l~ llamJltnn watclll. 41~ t• 1111~'1111(' Cir M 1A&n avo11 C~ S•/ t!f"Otlromabll"'l, $llb0 t'll ._. 9 t 20 fcrnr1r l411X' apera.lll, ••••••••••••••••••••••• '1lr ur 3tlr t1tpee, 117 ~ Older campu 4 aal•. w/o All llflC'ft 11rf 1ubJt•t'l lt> t n1'1k 1150 Stove: " a\atlabJUty On• d11)' de rdda 640-2"700 $1477 $2695 IAUMMOTOIS 292$11arbor Blvd. ca>l'AMF.SA 979.zsoo MUSTSHMOWI Mirode Marde/R....tf 21.SO Harbor Blvd .. C M 645-5700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• UJ75 Targa. Blk on blk. loaded w /everytt11og . dnvc•n only 25.000 rn1 with r are Just a be1tuty . hilt' new. Must st>ll for $14.500 with $1 1,500 a s· 11um.able b11nJc loan. P P Day<; 549·7971. eves S48-4M4 UK wht Juld, ~~ r M.u(.~ ~fd• ·~~~m<Jrnd lwt: -· IOU n,ppn. ~ "' rr •••••••• •• •• •• ••••••••• ~JU ---All) Od~y bynlbr m·r PARROT~ Sp (tatlt + •wil xlol tr>nd PatToc», 11.k'al ror peb HU or bu\ n ff r tllO YtJlow bHcb ln5 t4ar5"48 O.l'll ~ht lnln l'•I .oD • In r'f1' ;.... __ _ f•aul V1~&1V Mltwt*llln tl40 atlJU E t:oul II w y • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (.\JM n4 '1.)'J U42fl nu~: MO.P EOOl,E R ll I I Nt"w PEUOEOT MO ~u 1 t'1~r la •t llnic PEOS tte1 ... 89, Now k1tJI ul H1 P'l 1uodlt'1 tor ...,.. 6.1.l 3830 " It""" ti42 4 UIS eu"' - THEODORE ROBINS FORD lUf>U HMlhOll lllYO (0\IA Ml \A b-l J U\)IU PP-.-1 n.nP NI $ynthea1~t·r MaDl rood 11100 Don l\ .,.._, ~ 'Jft l'ut·h, Newport Mo 72 Ford Van, s ink . ......... PrdtM,Onl~700ml Im icebox.1tove.AM/FM.8 ••••••••••••••••••••••• owcl $3116 P ~-trlt. PS, PB. $2600 PP to I 0 'T1 ClmattJ Mooed. xlDt _8'J'3._i780 _____ _ •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• condlUoa t350/best orrer ~ sell '78 Ford Van l''rndn Mu~1c-~ ;oh•1 BlasUna cablnt•t. 2-h l:u1t11r w ith t'<a,•· & K~. n M n~w. II~ <)i.rbUI Amph 122$ fur 1 ,----,.,~-..... -"" l4.W08'1 tnh Jfl{f tlll 1 tU t . ·Jmto.r SllM'I I\ Ito Siu; •tu&lk 1om 8010 J u,l 111m·h11:o1 .. d Ii 11t • • ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • mt 6'7S. T2 II UJCMiAGE TAGS Lud,..111 5 p<' c1ru m :.«t trom yoor bWllnt'n <'•rd wood r1n1sh, illllJloln Stnd one c•nl for t•1tch t•ymballl, 11tra11 ~ 0987 lei plua one s pan• w,. Office,..,,..._..& re turn perm a nently &...i .t 1085 i.ea!oo atlrart1ve taa & ....,..,... ~'trup, mt•eitlng 111rhne' ••••••••••••••••••••••• I 0. requi.reme nts Pre Xlnl new & used ofc: f11rn , vent klM & lhef\ ! For a R'W'l hies, wk benchci. penonaliz.ed tag e nclose C E SURPLUS 631 2777 wallpaper, rahrlc or -. l5' Run,1houl, 5Sh11 motor, boat l'Over, good t•ond Sl:KX> • Sabot. i.a1l11, ours $250 613-0562 loah,Power 9040 .. Day Glo" Pll&X'r & we Speed 0 Print FI u1d will back & tl1 m your ~bca~. M~el 2300 ,.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.··.· t.:.gs. Or try two c·ar<b For Sale ai. ts . be:.t or 1• back to back !er 642 4321 t!xl ~ Grand Banks PRICES 12eaor3/SS 415 tags S1 .60 ea 619 1.ags St.SO ca 10or more$140ea Sales Tax ln<'luded NO CARD? BeaUU!ul llke·nt!w omce Bstn Whaler -Seacraft rwn. (ID06lly imported Stan Miller Yachts leak) & ofc eqwpment (21.3) $98.9433 Going outor business (714) 846-2754 Sl00,000 on g value, i.ell· ~~~~~~~~~ ing for less than '"• ---------• 11).4481 Custom S200 take over Uilt.aYWI Mooed\ 1400 m1, runll & looU lkc Ot!W, 13116, ~ 3S6' Sell• over moo Bianc hi Mo p e d , xlnt cood, make olfer . 139-4089 Honda Hob bit PASO, Yellow. Won In Contest never used. $395. 646·3302 Mtlorc=-/ Scaa 9150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kooda 175ccXL Good cond 4,900 ml. $375 673-0562 '78HONDA ATC90. used 3 hours . ask ing $700. 968-0797 2 Honda TraU 70 Bikes. Uke new! Less than 100 ml. S32S each 499·2416 payments 968-3785 "JO VW camper van, nu eag, nms good, clean. Beat otter. MS-3908 AllltollW..ted 9590 ••••••••••••••••••••••• W!WILLIUY YOUIDATSUM PAID FOR OR NOT TOP DOLi.Ai FOii Tor is COHHEll CHEVROLET 'X:?lll.or!• r fl,,.1 ••i:--1\\1~'.'--\ 540-1200 9712 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WT CHAHCI FOR lt71UOi•t SAVI! IUYOILUSE HOW! 79'1 MOW AUIVIMGt •IMW• •RESALES• '7420024sp. (373LPF> '1Sma air <560MML> '7620024sp. <S69PQM ) '77320i4sp. (~Pl l '76 ~ 4sp (315RKS I '77 630 CSI (689T J E > '78 733la <SUl0308 I '7873314sp. <SOSWPF > Also lirnlted number of 1918 320i's ls st\11 avalla ble. Call us today! 131·2040 495.4949 ORAHGE couMTY·s OLDEST & '725 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tlDDll Fantastic Closeout on 1978 Models Un9Models now arriving MUST SELL DICK MILLER MOTORS 121>W. Wamer .S.A 557-2132 9727 • •••••••••••••••••••••• .-Hew'79 HONDA Cars MANY To a.oote frOM! UNIVERSITY a..wa. ..._. Cws • GMC Tn1eks Oraw your own or iumd name, address. phont' & we'll make one card pt:r Desks. c h a irs. <'On · rerence tbl & ch.rs. hies, shelves. typewriters, art objects, & m isc. Call (714 )979-4666 SEA RAY'S '76 Honcia 175, 1200 miles, like new. $600. WE PAY TOP DOLLAR Sales-5ervlce·Leasing FORTOPUSED CARS RovCcr¥er,lllc.. 2850 Harbor 81 vd c.ost.a Mesa 540-9640 Lag. Add~ each Send check or mont!y or derto. PILOT PRtMTtHG po. Boll 1.560 C.OSta Mesa, Ca 92626 8017 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CANARIES, singers $25, H.ens S20. 847·7381 17' to 30' HARRISON'S SEA RAY BOA TS .3101 Coast Hwy, N .B. 631·2547 Pinballs Foorballs Guur & d~I. $325 & up. f'am1ly Macaw Parrot, very col· , Arcade 84().2341 orful. tame, $890. Eves. ~ Mako: 2 Mere outbrd. 645-2347. eng. loaded for any type 217 SQ. yards or brand --& n--8090 fishing. Less than 1 year new brown 2 tone carpt't .---·~·· old. 754-0368 with pad All for S4 00 per •••••••••••• ••••• • •• • • • yard. Cail: 551-«35 F\ne used Pianos for sale. 'TT SKlPJACK 20 open. Grands·Omate Oak up VB. vhf. teak, swim step, Glasss collection. P.P Byappt. 839-TJU1 ns-Splnet.s. Freedel. stereo. Bimiru lop. trlr. Oqlll1t Pl.o Shop $10,400 080, Tom wkdys ---8000 H.anulton Ave. H.B. 1_64.S-_1395 ______ _ Must 5"11 Mirrors. 9 pci. 10'x6'lt3/8'' 536-8775 IOSTOH WHALER S48-0079 Hammond Regent Must sacrifice. RoyaJ & Olympia. :.elf· ~2283 t'Orrecllng elect ric typewnters, hke new. Wurlitzer Spmet Organ C06l $650 ea. will lake w /Leslle s~eakc r S275ea . 7141847·9360 Perfect cond Asking $800 Great Chnslmss glft 644·7400/9SS·0266. Special Shipment Upnghl piano, gd cond, Imported Cashmere In recently tuned. $300 dian Christmas Oma· 847·5556or 554·7141 ments . Beaded wa ll -------hanging girts. original One .of a Kind. Anlq African & H1mal11y&n Upnghl. Stained gla:.s photographs . 31740 Coasl panels. Perf cond. Beaut Hwy. South La g una . ton e . Askin g $2200 400-4803. _64&_2562 ______ _ Coon Prelude organ, hke Round Fruit wood tlinmg new, cost $1.SOO, ask $GOO ttil. 3 leaves, 4 chr:. 631·3588, Perfect cond S250 Power mower. self propelled. COHH ORGAN Almost new, $100. =i... Capriece #464, rhythm Ping Pong tbl' $25 Gold section. Make orrer. Call velvet chr, S50. T ray eves 631-0367 lamp tbl. S25. 551 4934. 1 h.1-... Redhawk. Irvine ,_,.~ 8093 Mint cond. 13 ft. trlr, cov. er, new varnish. Mere 20, 12195. 752-8Ul, 673-8256 Mike. P.P. Christmas Sale 38' Chris Sporlfisher , twin dl>IS, low hours. radar, RDF. rathomeler. etc. elc, etc. $33,500 by owner 548·7863 ------CHRISCRAFT WEUCRAFT EVIHRUDE 15% OFF on all 78's Newport Boat Ctttter lSSS Newport Blvd CM 645-6015 13' Boston Whale r. 55h p '76 Johnson S ki Fish Dive Trlr. battery, anchor. xtras 552-8077 80-1297 Honda ATC90. Excellent condition 673-4800 '75 Husque va rna . 175 Motocross. Set up for en· duros. 675· 7085, m ech sound$595 1975 XL2.50 Honda. Desert play bike, xlnl r unning cond. New s upe rtrap s:m. Call 631·0141. '77 Yamaha YZ 400 D. S t oc k , runs good . $900/bsl o rr. See a t Premier Yahama, HB. 5.Yr7552 Motor-Hc...5.Sole/ ... ,Skw. • t 60 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lt73Lmdmt ~Mohdoftw Fully se lf contained. Oeoerat.oc-. 2 air condi· boners. roof top air . TV a ntenna. C B radio. AM/FM stereo tape. like new tires & other extras too numerous to men-uon. Very. very clean. IAok at this one before yoo buy I Call Truman al THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HARBOR SlVO. CO!ITA ME~A 642 0010 Tayot.a Chinook 28,000 mi. new tires & brakes,S0,000 mi. Wmly. P.P 497-3926 Trallen. Treff.. 9170 • •••••••••••••••••••••• FOREJGN. DOMESTIC RollsAoye<e BMW or CLASSICS 1540 Jamboree If your car is extra clean Newport Beach 640-6444 see us flrst . IAUER IUICk '76 2002 Fjord blue. flaw· 2925 Harbor Blvd. less, loaded. Costa Mesa ln9·2SOO ____ 768-8502 ____ _ WE BUY USED CARS CALL PAPPY Used Car Mgr 540-5630 1011 ~so~ & so~ • LINCOLN ·MERCURY 2626 HARBOR Bl VO COSTA MESA WllUY USll>CAaSI We're the new Chevrolet dealership in the Irvine Aufo Center. We need your used car• JOE MACPHERSON CHEVROLET 21 Auto Center Ori ve IRVINE 768-7222 WANTED! Late model Toyotas. Volvos. Pickups & Vans Call us today! ltH Hert.w II•& c .......... "646-UOJ er S40.t46 7 '77 BMW , 320 1 . Orange/blk, 4 spd, 33,000 mi, A<; stereo xlnl cood, S8800. rP. 494·0137 eves -----~ CREVIER &I ST A lllOAOWAY SANTA ANA 835·3171 THE UlflMATt DlllVING MACl<INf •USEDIMWs• '73 Bav. SIR (561HJ P > "14200285/R (14-0LGF> '752002Auto. air (2236) '763.0ISJS/R <029RKM > '7'1530;4spS/R (0179> '77630csl4/spd (TR5962> CloMd Oft Suftdayl Oat.-. 9720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •DRIVEA * * UTil.E ... * SAVE A LOT SHOP&COMPARE BARWICK DATSUN '111 I 11.111 t ,q11 ,, r 111• 1 83 1·137 5 493.3375 "We need lo buy clean Datsun used cars'' SWlll Pay Top Dollar S COSTA Mf;SA DATSUN 1976 H o nd a CVCC hatchback xlnt cond1 · tioo. Good gas mileage, very clean 640·9216 ~ 9730 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lt76JAGUAR XJl2LSEDAM Described by prominent motoring magazines as "probably the hnesl car in the world". Finished in datk blue with ta n leather interior. Serv1c~ history available. 1 Ser 2301). An outstandin~ value for only $12,999 IAURMOTORS 2925 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979-2500 '1n..X.l6. hlk w/ced mt, nmweU. Rec. valveJOb. $3500, 49'1·2068 1969 JAGUAR XICE A good example of this ever popular s port.scar. Service history a va1la· ble. A stroog runner with a stick shift. <Ser. 1995>. ALI appreciating invei.l· menl for only $5995 IAUER MOTORS 2925 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979-2500 '58 MIG 3.4 4-dr sedan, runs with new elec har· ness &ostalled. Under $2,000, call I 714-497·4754 2845 llARBOR BLVD monungs. ----...................... . Singer Zig-Zag Touch 'N 16' fiberglass, J ohnson JS. traller $1 150 847 58117 19' Smuggler sell cont. AMtos. ~ shovter. dual axle. sips 6. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 540-64 t 0 540-0213 _'73_J_A_G-=. -XJ-12-.-8-1-k -w-/b-lk Sew, in desk, xlnl cond. r--'"""!lr-~---""11'1'--i Sl50. 8 1rt'h b ar $150 GQJ71 14' Chrysler Runabout. Center console dnven. w/trlr $1500 Ph 497·2023 Xtras. Nice . E ·Z IHt. G-al 970 t (}ll.9959)$2600.631..0141 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Must sell bar, couch & lov eseat. new vacuum clnr. sk.ls & boots 661 Jai4 19 pc cookware, waterless & s tainless, al m o s l hameless. Lire time guarantee. $229 548 1644 Radial Snow T1 res . Sb.e78xlS$75. 67$.5339 14' Glaspar r1shingts kl boat Trarler Mere 54 motor. nds wr k. $400 67~15 '76 Alrstream. 27'. loaded w/xtras. used very little. Sl.2.500 675-~1. loafs. Sail ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••!~!~ Tonneau cover . Bra nd Fisher 210 Supe rg lass ---------1 newror '6Sto '67Mlgetor =e, new 245's·$85. ,...,.._ 44, Sl7K SpritAI. $60. 838-~ J ·24•CF27 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~lb Bend QC engine New lOOCM s uper comp Cal•Catallna lathe on stand. 9x24 $600 Hexel~t-5099aft4. St.MljlerYacllta Nrftlrrrn/ Prv. Pt)' 673·4000 after -------<714>8*2754 a1iuka 9520 6pm K2 Skis with bindings, 1~~~l~ZL3~)~598-~M33~~~~1 ·•••••••••••••••••••••• _.;;.. ________ , boots & poles. Xlnt cond.1. Dining Rm set, Cane Sz. 6'1'1 S12SS44-4750 '63 Cadillac, convert.It-le. back chairs Very nice. Li~ l4' with new lrlr. Sllver/11ay. Orig Ownr. 1200. Mink cape $200. Head Sl.205 S90, never Mint cond. $lSOO or offer CoodXlnt. 640-0159. Dyed Lamb full lngth worn boots. si 11 $25. m-0596 Rta ""°"~ DISCOUNTS OR Al Mew lritish Leylc9MI Prodich hi Stock 1978& 1979 MODELS MG-TalUMPH AIC)JACiUAI Trade·in your u sed sport.scar; we need good ones! c-t .. &S..Us HOW!!! IAUERMOTORS 2925Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979-2500 ----------: Coat $100. 6G4S03 -Both $100. 536-8636 216' wood sloop, lnbrd eno., v~ t530 .... _. Have something you want P e ugeo t bik e S5 0 . SpoetiRgGoock 8094 $0000.. • ...................... tostU?Classlriedadado Glass/chrome dining rm ••••••••••••••••••••••• S57 l88l,646--023'7 ---------· It well -Call NOW. t.bl & 4 chrs 1200. 2 lg Sale: ,6Jay golf clubs. golf Hobie 14 , good eond , •RV INVESTMENTS• 642-5678. oven!Ulfed chrs SlOO ea cart and bag, AU $100. w/trlr, sail cover. rua SEMINARS --------- 8' sola 12()(). Glass cocree 751·1722. hrdwr. $800. 673-8343 SAT~SPM "on site" Alltot, M•w table $50. Lamp $25 .• ....a.-. ... 980 .. ....-. ... Dale's RV Rentals is now ~10 -·"•• -"•• 9 sponso r ing a mini · •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• educatiooaJ s<?m1nar that Mlle. Items for sale. VW will In 2 hrs, demonalrale Camper $1.500. Accordion a 5 to 8 to l ratio or tarn· IH74 Datsun 8210 Htchbk I eat h e r in l. F u II y nds eng. & body work' eqwp'd Chrome wire SBSO. 640-9134 wbls. M.ichelln ures. 1 m mac. Ul&oul 645-4743 '76 280Z. xlnl cond mags. lCswaln Gltia 973 5 A/C, stereo. radio. gape. nu ball. Mulholland sus· ••n••••••••••••••••••• pemion. SS900. Ask for 74 • .,....., Ghia Dick 549 4834 d ys, 4 speed. AM/FM and 642-5673tves/wknds runs strong. Not many left! l4Z3KLL). Now '71 510 Sedan: brand new motor under Wrnty . $1200 642·2434 Days 64.5-95CX! Eves. LATE '75 280Z 2+2, wht. lmmac. E very xtra . $6,000. 67 Montec1to, CdM. 64-4-7664 What's Your Trndc'! OMLY$3580 Miracle Ma.da/Rtftault 21.SOHarbor Blvd .• C.M. 645-5700 '69 Mus t Sell be for e OUistmas! New eng & tires. $1800552-8583 "10 Ghia. U ghl blue. New SI.TT per Day 1ba1'slltUe topay paint, rbll eng. gd cond. ror an ad ln the Daily Pilot $2600. Ph 848·99l2 aft 6. Service Oireclory lhal can Maida 9738 establilh your prot'ess1onaJ •••••••••••••• •••• ••••• Identity. For more IO· ronnation call 642·5678. 9100 miracle mazda 2150 H..tMw lhd. Costa Mno 645-5700 9740 1979~s21499 Lincoln ~:: $4CIO, ~ lrt Diamond ring $1000, 2 matching lamps Inga. Investments .In m.ir. World wide stamp Dale'• Nation wide ren· colledJon, old and anU· I.al lse la exclusively un· que cameras. Yamaba dtr contract with: AAA, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4SC&£ 1978 Classic White w/red. $2000 & take over balance ol '650/mo lse. 831·3933 moton:ycle&2 blkes &l TEST DRIVE THE RX7 AMTRACK. UNITED, frame. 540-319'J NATIONAL WESTERN, Ladle'• 26" bicycle ID perfect cond. 65 pc Ward's Chine, ne ve r \!led, Vlla·Mlx blender, Wte new Sear'• lounge chair . tlke new, pert cond. 751-4289 ~ Vulcano. Stereo, record player , bar & lrplc combo. $175 . •1481. IO IOd blcyClf', like new SlOO. u cu f\ Hotpolnl refrtf. xlnt CODd,SlSO Smal end tables & misc, make offer. Call aft l2 .aoa. W-4102 or 652·7218. TODAY KLM, TCS. ANWB, to aame a handful of over 53 major wbolasalera whlf h are prinUog Dale 1 ln their '79 "F1Y· Drive'' Br ochures. Select: Los Angles. Colorado Springa, San •~aocla~ or SealUe for the S eamlng location for your RV. Call for further Wro. (714) ~Mr. UMner. '78 Kawau.kl Jet Ski. brand new, never ~ used. Below retail. 831-3\40. VERSAILLES '80100. 4 dr. Rutll great. A clalatc. 493-5177. 1968 Mercedes 250SE . paint. lnt & eng xlni. tllllOO. TI&-5996 af\ 6PM 'tn za;E cpe, needs work. Best offer over $1200. •'13 ltdM12210 Automatic t.rans .. power MerlnC PCl air condl· Uoaiq. <lmTVl> SADDLHA<:a VMUYIMPOITS lll·2040 4tMt4t 1977 MGI CONVIATllLE Yellow exterior & tilted with rartory wire wheelll <Ser 18381. On aule ror only $4995 IAUER MOTORS 2925 Harbor Blvd COSTAM ~A 979-2500 1977 MGI ROADSTER A very attractive con veruble sport.scar filt~>d witn gas saving over clnve 5th gear. Must be driven to f ully a p prec1at.e <Ser. 22281. On sale for only $5495 IAUER MOTORS 2925Harbor Blvd. o,-1 COSTA M ESA 979-2500 9746 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Opel Manta Coupe gd. trans , auto trans. vinyl top, reasonable. 581 3610 dys. 497·2362 evs 9750 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1977 PORSCHE 924COUPE llas alJ the possible ex· t ras & low m il es• <llMRSC>. OHLYS8995 HOW ARD C~vrol~t Dove &Qua1 ISli. NEWPORT BEACH 833-0555 61Super 90. ~<"'r restored. red wtblack ml , Classic MSB>I -.----- 9759 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TIST DRIVE OUR 'UCAR OFTHEYEAR" Oood Inventory in stock. Hurry wtulelhey las t! MIRACLE MUDA/REHAULT 2150 Har bor Blvd. COSTA MESA 645-5700 Rois Royce 97 56 ••••••••••••••••••••••• #1 DEALER IN U.S.A. ROY CARVER ROLLS·ROYCE l~Jambof.., ...wpor18HCl1 ,..._ __ _. -'444 ClOSlO SUNOAYS '59S1lverCloud l $19.000 985-4144 l----~--~-9760 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'76SAAI 99GL FUel inJerted. less than :!'l.000 mites, 4 11peed, a1t cond • :.ports package. luggage rack. mags and Bl aupunkl s t e r eo cassette <070SPSI SADDLEIACk VALLEY IMPORTS 831-2040 495.4949 '78 911 SC petro bloe loaded. xlnl cond. low Toyota 9765 nu 763-8502 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '64 Convertible. Run:. gd bul needs some restor· ang. Musl Sell or will con sider take over payment plan. S289S 675·9626. IEfOREYOU SELL YOUR TOYOTA. SEE US! '62 Xtra clean. local car 2 MARQUIS TOYOTA Owners only. S6000 Call MISSION VIEJO ror appl. between 8&.5 831·2880 495-1110 540-0338 , ___ _ ---------'74 Celica GT . 5 spd. air. • '68 Targa 9l2, reblt eng, am/Cm, low mt. Super alloys,5speed, must sell. Cl e an ! $3895 £>. P . Sii)()() 496-214.!'i 644-7537 1-~-~----'--.... Hew 9100 Aaltos, Hew '800 .............................................. ALLEN RESALES 1971 CADtlUC '2999 COUPE DE VILLE .•••......•.... tomtY\Of\ ~' ftat"llOO"tftN\ '" .. ,,_., r ... 0111~ h-.tdtfi()f\ ul nval•fY •''ti "'eotnc:t~ 81ue _.,f\ bf"'-eiCf" ""'""'''" rk\•v •u noo ,,... .. ,. y..,.. ot y\.flful 1rouoio tft• '"'"~ "'" '"' ""', .i1H1 "' '~uq 11 19740lDSMOllU s3999 CUTLASS COU'E ............. .. ,. Vi ""' Pot"", ";'-t n'W*'tfllfl• _.," .,,,,,.,., l 11no.1 , t• a ''" ~ •no •••tnf'• ''"'_."°' Ont-.,'' ..io tw\tl'"" on 1ru.1.rth· 1• ,., (HU 1Hu 1974 CADILLAC s4799 COU,.E CAU.IS • . . . . . • • '•""' ~f't1I/ ~-.r-4'....t f."Mlr~Jllo I' ffl(",. ~ .. ., Dt ,,_.. lftf'IJl.'UI Wtfr> f#t 11 .fV ••• , • .,..., 4 full (*"""' -htfl'I '" 1111 I ·-~U'\t YM\l("f • .. ,,... JC1 ~·l:.r~~~~ ................. ~s 799 ~, ... ,fl(' ,.,..-01W""' ..,.,.,,,.,...,.... ... ,,...., ••• (nntt ,.,....N) • h1t ~ °"'• lll OOC' ....... ~J 1977 TOYOTA s5499 CEllCA UFTIACIC ............. .. ~ •OPf"O A~Jf~ .,,..,.. .... , A '•••"f nf('.ff ~ 1 iU BXlSOHl CHEVROlETCA,RICE '6999 ESTATE WAG0t4 ............... . ruUy k'.-dtwf •tCIU(JIUQ Ovtl(! r(H't,.r)I rw-rwr•t Wrvtnw\ fM't{WV Alt w<.ntl 0'~1n •hlHh,t #von -.cWtl ooww ... ,.,,. .md •tJC)f '*-" Whtht ··Uh 11cn tfl(l •ntf'!nrw t n ... 11 • ,,... tMtv1t1n' '~" t'.t.>H1 b'J:viW:".~~ ................ s9499 T 8AA tool lactort., ""'°"""'°"Cl '"'" ltu~ ,.,,_ -~ ~ mllfllc" OfW" ~· eulO t•VWY All..,... •l('llt"4'C'\ .. M/FM c-• --· ~ ""'°" '"•'-"""""' ~· -0\IUI~ ~. HIJll'f' l"'•OM won1 leM t$<13~1 ~~~~~~..J ................. ~8999 ~"Ir ~ ""-"""' .....,._ .,,_ tu• -""~ etl tt1f> l'M(t OOI'°"' A ~n --.111 .. 11'1' 1331AJ81 ~:~rlf,~~~~~ ............. ~ 12,999 ''"'" • ,...,.. C# -Oo'O "'"" moiwool ' i..>oo .... ,,., """"'°' "'" Cll tllt •••llv ,_ ~ •"" IOW ...,,.,,. -Id '''"" I Y-W .. 11fllY to IV'Y' ltl30Sl't.'I 0,..1¥trtD.y 714 491-0IOO ... ~ •. u .. d .... u .. d 118 DAILY PILOT Friday O.C.mbet n. 1111 ......... ,...... Aalo1, Uaed Allto1, Uatd --. .................................. ______ ~~-:.i...;=~=..;.;.--. ;.:,;.;. • . . . • . • • • • . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • • • • • . • .••••....• . . . . • • . . • • • . •. . . • . . . . . • •• . • . . . . • . • • •• • •• • • • . • . . .•.•..•••.••••••.••••••.•••••••.••..•••••.••• Mdl 9'10 Ccd'1c 9915 a..... H20 Mlfary tfSO ....... ._,,rtM ......._ ._,...... ......_ ..,,,_. V..._ t772 AMC 9901 .................................................................................................................. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -T..... t1' -= a 771 ¥••= t770 -·~ I •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••• 1 ...................... ~.............. YOL ~ "ZJ QroUa Od \ckpeod "75 V~tle·Tawn1 ... VW ruit1ack, Xln\ Ille car AM/PM cau. '*-,delwi.ln· eand.lhlttQI... EXQ.USJVELY OLVO 1ltt1KI incld. $loot/ha l.t!rfor. AM/PM Sler~ _... 11:f: l Volvo OHier ·10 .L.t Sabr• 2 d r '71 CDV lmma~ loaded, uutonwUc Run. perfect Mu 1 t 1e1 l b e r ore ~Ma-al ChrUtma1! 18.400 or bt-11t '71Vt1'\lrbo Spt Cpe Pur ~i~ 642'6880 or • dr.~~5.~ MJlll •,..c1!alU... OM .. ln anpCounty• ..,_ O'W'OCr Pn . Pl '2900. BUYOf'U:ASE June. All 1tr u Incl ...;;.;:.;___...._ ___ _ moonrool. epee tact or· '7f II OOr•do· retired dtr.d ur. fully eqpt 0 M ExecutJve Ownt!r moo ... ..... ......... drh m Glib . Prime cond. -----------..;===--OIU-.ml - . .. T........ '7'7 '9' VW 8ua. M\llt SeJJ DMhtf' dr T -·•••••••••••••••••••• Aa)'nuuionabJeolt. -:...., i'UO I all, op f t71TllUMPH ~. 141..-n S'1'1"Ffl_I '71 5upct" Beetle. Aettnt "7'1 vw lill --A-_..-,-... -M A """1 low mUea11 u reblt Radial.I. Xlnt all • vtr. ample with leu tb1&n onacond -.aia tape. mint conditio n U,000 mll • P'inuhl"d In 4M-!ln0 _____ _ OritJsh rwU'lj crffn with '7S Rabbll, 1t.er-eo rau --vw 8 N I t tan tnm <Ser 21:io1 On A/C. STK mi. x.lnt cood New brn"! J:'w ~f~11 aaleforonb' C!'t00/000 842-54.52 Snrf. $3000/bat ofr $1495 • VW ronv~rt. yeJlow ~·------114&8 MOTOttS Ona owner. w n mat.nt 2925 llubol Bh'd, $:?200/mlr otr m. 1032 <."06TAM~A V.... 9772 t7t.JIOO Chrtatmq C.mpeT. '14 ..... •••••••••••••••• •• lt7' TltUMPtt vw. ~ld~ " "01 . VOLVO Tl•7 '11VW Bull. In Bnuab radni '""'" OrtODal Owaer wtlh tan trlm f'lll•d ~ -.:\lb &It C'UOd • 1t.n't'(1 -. ------c:aud~ 1S.-r MCM ) • VW Bia, rt'blt, redial~ tUffS AM/FM. dun $16~/ ..-MOTOttS otr 11MU4•" SALIS. sav1c1 ANDUASI ... OVER&£AS Df.IJV ER Y t:.XPKATS t .S w edlth Vo l vo Met'hanl<'I now at Ivan'•, J91>5 llarbor Blvd., CM. M6-t982 -.. -ck-----,-9-1-0 "D llOOIS. A Clault' for ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cluiltma1. ~13tM ml lt7l IUIQC L TO. Ort Cond. Stlclr, 1tereo. &clan. Bronie with con• Air S7300/otr 4'J8.1282. t rHtlna lnttrlor and is lk 3>.000 ml atk, a/c. \l\t\11 rocl. Alr <'004., f\lll •lerff ta.pe. p/1,p/bw, pawer. AM/P'M 1tereo MlcMUna. Calle40-82TO t9dio. Ult wheel It mqre. ~.,... IAJU than 29,000 mites. -(1MSZ321>. ••••••••••••••••••••••• S42tl ~ ............. !!~~ 540-5630 '1G Crtrnlln. auto, AtC. lo 1011 \SO\,\ SO\ • l IN(..Ol N Ml HC'lJIW 'T7 Electra. all exttH, m.~.,.. 7893 IOOCI. clean coad.. ~ C"AJI ArU'75-'7080/873-tl87 ~ 9917 ttl5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'IJ"I Cadillac convertblle. 11000/bl~olr. 960-M.'M ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'71CAMAIO J,H Black with gold trim. 1\.tteo cuaeUe with re· QOl"der & all the exlrui. ! <DFAZlO> "7-i SOY MUST SELL! All SADDUIACK pow«, very clean. VALUY IMPORTS .;.lm>;;;:..:..: ____ 9112_·9_l_8& 131·2040 495-4949 lt74C.AIHLLAC O.'ll"OW 9920 ~Dlb v1w1 h ••••••••••••••••••••••• 48,000 uu,_, ron:ui w t tan INt.ber lnt.erior and '78 Chevy Impala 4-dr, vinyl root. F\111 power. PIS, PtB. A/C. Pis~. nu speed ront.rol. tJlt wheel. baU·tlres·braJtea. Pnccd aircoocliUonlng. AMffM t.oseU. 488-3729 radio. (ll058Pll '68 Nova. S4lt5 Best Offer 540-5630 551·5'983 Hartor Blvd snJ. MtM at.Mm v.1th a C06'TA M~A OlllU' Pt.JotOau1r1t'd Ad. IAIUtal VOlYO 19Harbor Blvd C08TAMESA ...,..,.l 140..t4'7 mt. lllle new. S2~00 mns.\, 541-f.574 eveis & wtaldt. 2626 u•RBOR BLVD '65 Corsa, new ~g. 4 brl 1011\~0\ ,\SO\ ~ • amtfm Maas b""ke•· • l INCOL N · Mf HC UAY COSTA MESA . 0 ' "" ... t7t.JIOO "'2.1171.. ----------------.......... ...... .... 2626 HARBOR BLVD. 8\0Wlld Bill646-70lS tlOO COSTA MESA Alltot. ""' 9100 YEAR END INVENT.ORY - uc110N SALE RED FULL FACTORY EQUIPMENT STK. 9Mt (803093) NEW 1979 ZEPHYR ' NEW 1979 BOBCAT RUNABOUT s3979 NEW1979 CAPRI s4979 s3979 FULL FACTORY EQUIPMENT STK. 9684 (606618) NEW1979 MONARCH GHIA SEDAN VI. A/T, full P-r~ air. AM-Fm ltef. with catMt, vlnyl rf .. apd. cont, ell. bit .. wtw, dtolt ctt .. Ult whMI and much "'°"· Siii. tn7 18202) (wind tlkr .IMIO). NEW 1979 GRAND MARQUIS SEDAN 91, Alf, full pwr .. lir, AM.FM Ster. Mtnlfl wtth ca111t, lulone pt., I w1y Miii, 1111 wheel, complete luaury. Slk. 1110 (U1122) ('ltlnd etkr. 111,330> NEW1979 COUGAR XR7 VI, Alf, full PW"~ air, AM·FM Stef. with I ITedl llpe, UpgrM ICMlnd, lnttr. f'P., Xll7 OecOf Grp. tllt whMI, Etc .. Etc., Stk. em (83!003) i-1nc1. 1tkr. 110,120). 1479 OFF WINDOW STlcikER 1978 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO, \I.a, auto , tact. aJr, pwr. 111., pwr disc brks .• pwr. wndws •• AM ·FM radio atet'eo, tinted gtass. Lindau top, tilt 1976 MAZDA COSMO SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON ·1979 LUXURY CARS! .. ",.S5988 1977 LINCOLN TOWN SEDAN, 4 DA, V-8. auto, feel air, pwr. tlr • pwr disc brlts , pwr. wndwa .• AM· FM radio stereo, steel radials, tinted glass, Landau top, 1111 wheel. cruiae cont 12133. 58488 1976 COUGAR v.a. euto tact air, pwr 1tr • AM·FM radio tape stereo, steel radlala. tlnlad glaaa, Lan· .tlau top, tllt wheel'. cru11e cont. 1160RFM. 55388 • cyl., fact. air, pwr. str .. pwr. wndws .. AM/FM radio stereo, heater, tinted glas• '58SAKN. Stk. 2422 53288 1977 COUGAR XR·7 Feet. air, pwr. sir , pwr. dltc bnla .• pwr wndwa., pwr. ...,,, AM/FM tape 1tereo, La.ndau top, Ult wheel. cruise cont, Split =,!'··ssa·aaw-, 1977 MONARCH V-3. auto. fact. air. pwr. ttr .. AM/FM radio atlfeo, steel radlal1, tinted glass, vlnyl Int. r814TRT. 5498 1976 BOBCAT 1975 MERCURY WAGON, • cyl., fact. alr, AM radio, steel COMET. V-8, auto., fact. air, pwr. si r .• AM radiels. mags, tinted glus, vinyl roof, radio. whltewalla, tinted glus, vinyl roof. luggage rack. I061AGU. f375NPG. 52988 1978 CORDOBA Fact. air, full pwr , pwr., atr .. pwr. dltc bnl.1., pwr wndwa • pwr Miii, AM/P:M l'ldlo ete<eo, landau top, sun root. Ult wh .. I, crul .. cont Spilt Seat1. n 55PFA. 52488 1975DODOE CHARGER, V-8, IUIO. Irani .• feet. air, PWT. air .• pwr. di1c brk1 .. AM/FM RADIO STEREO, STEEL RADIALS, TINTED GLASS, landau top. 199tNLL 53788 s34 MANY MORE IMMACULATE TRADEINS 1301 NO. TUSTIN AVE. SANTA ANA 47·0511 • • SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS ON 310 SELECTIONS OF •CONTINENTALS eMARKVs •VERSAILLES 1979 . AM~• quec1 ••ereo. 25581 lllt whl, epetd cont. MONTH COMPLETE LUXUflY CLOSED ENO IOUW. a-11111 •r•1 38 MONTHS ,_,....,mu1.,....iu. ... ...... ..-. ..... fllllK. ' . YEAR END CLEARANCE All "71 Dtmoa must 10 tbl1 mootb ! Sec u 1 TODAY! COHHELL CHEVROLET '>\, ')'\ 11,t I I • •I J ~I , I I 'r.-.1 \ ,, I ' I 546-1 200 1977 CHIVIOLIT 1._.4LAS84M Automatic. pwr steer· Ina. factory air t'ond .. tinted &laa•. WIW lire• wheel coven & LOW milefl. Lie. 857RLO SUt. P3642. $4777 THEODORE ROBINS FO RD 'J()r.o llAll llUR Ill v IJ CO!>IA MIS.A 6·\7 0011• 900 So. C:O.t Hwy. L...-•och ., ... llll '76 Monte Carlo. new brakes. new radials. wht side-walls. blue landau. full power. AM /F M radio. spec. stripping. 26k m l. mint cond. 759-(8)0. Best offer. Vep Sta. Wgn. '74. lo m i, silver. good cood. Asking Sl.SO. 552.3223 or SS2·58S6 ORANGE COUNTY'S MIWIST UNOOl..N·MERCURY OuJcnh.lp b now OPEN RAY FLADllOI LlNCOLN·M ERCU RY l&-L8AutoCeftU,r Dr. ~-l.ahYOU!ll I lR\tlNt: 130..7000 ---lt77 .... CuaY MAltqUIS llOUCMtAM COUPE DeautlfUl dove arey with matehlnl lnl•rior and Yln)'I root. Power com· fort lowJge seat. Power wtndows, brakes "steer Ina. speed control, air cond.. Ult w~I. stereo radio and mO r l• (~.RV) $62'5 540-5830 1011\SO\ & SO\ • I INCOL N Mf HC URY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COST4MESA 1 t77 MOMAICH CiHIA ~lete with stereo. I u top & air cond1 t1on1ng. Only 18,00U original mile s• t421RXPl SADOUIACK VALLEY IMPORTS lll-2040 495-4949 I 975 lii8CUIY- COUGAR XR1 White with matching m tenor & vinyl roof. Air eond., tilt wheel. AMIFM stereo. power steering & b ra k es. S ha rp car (~RZE) S4295 540-5630 1011\so\ & so~ • LINCOLN · MERCURY 77MOV4COUPE 2626 HARBOR BLVD. FUUy equipped incllJd1ng COST A MESA ralleywheela. <267RZLl --...:.------ Sl975 Mllltc.g 9952 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COMER Leasing At lrvtne Auto Center Z3863 Rock!ield Blvd Lake Forest 76M026 ·~ Mustang Convertible. 289 V-45. auto. P IS, fac air , j us t comple t ed ground up restoration. Showroom cond. 494-0167 THHAGBtS grab your folks and buy Uus '76 Must II Cobra VII. '77 Co rd ob a. f u 11 Y Loaded. 13495/ make o£r. eqiapped. lo m1. T top. 640-SllH 9925 v1nyf roor. rull pwr. -----~-­ stereo 8 track. lthr ml. w/cordoban spec. paint . Must sell. 16295. PP. 548-9331 M-Sat i4XR7Clcan. loaded. Must ucn r1 ce! $3.000 Best Offer. 631·2683 9915 '74 Dart. air cond. radio. S2200 7S2·5071 days. Mon-Fri 10-S. Helen '68 Dart 2dr. 6 cyl. auto. PS. $415. 64>4959 9940 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • PHIL LONG FORD l ............. ~0.,..1, •••• , .,.,.,,_. ._..c........ ,......._ 1977 FORD GRANADA COUPE Dove grey with ma tc hang VUTYI 111ter1or and roof 6 ·cy l auto mati c trans m1ss1on. power steenng. radio and air condWorung. Clean and shar1> ! c278SGO > $4895 540-5630 1011 \SO\ & so~ • LINCOLN· MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 64Galaxy 500 XL. No ace•· dents . new s t . blld radials, clean, del)tlnda ble. S600/Best offer 646-97S> '66. 289 3-spd. new paint. good tir e s. clean. AM I FM cass .• Sl60U. 493-7529. Brad. 9957 '72 Pinto Runabout, new Ures. Just tuned. Ca 11 (7141846·7473 or (2t 31 587 ·6171. ex t . 38 5 9am-Spm '74 Runabout. new paint. clean. fll!IC). 963-2119. 962· 7498 ........... 9960 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '66 PLYMOtITH Satellite 2 dr hrdtp. Low m ileage, reblt •en g1ne. radio, beat.er. air rond. I needs repaltl. power steenn~ & power brakes. Gd. transportation. •s. Can be seen this weekend Call~14435. '7S Plymouth Fury Sport Coupe. 37,000 mi's I ownr. good cond. sun roor. c rut ~e control 95.S-2839 '76 Volare Road Runnl'r. AT.PS.PB.CB. AMll"M. cr uise control. s port wheels. xlnl. <'Ond. $3950 9157.9320 aft. SPM '66 PLYMOtrrH Satelhtt• 2.dr hrdtp Low m1lca.:1-. re bll eng in e. radrn. heater. aar cond. <ncl-dl- repalr l. power steenn~ & power brakes. Gd transportation. ~s. Can be st!Cn this weekend Ca II SS 1 ·4435 9965 .............•......... 1976 PONTIAC FIRHIRD Automallc, pwr. steer· Ulg, pwr wmdows, ;i1r cond & crwse control 28.173rrules. C85SRER1 MUST SEE HOW! Miroct. Meda/R....tt 21.SOHarbor Blvd .. C.M 64$.5700 '68 Pontiac Ventura. Xlnt conc1 $600/bstorr. 96().3.S36 '67 Flrebird. Bestorrer. '76 Gra nada 4-dr. good ___ S48_·_41_98 __ _ condition $3200 or bst '78 TRANS AM. Uke new. olr.837-4728 • 6.000 mi Under Wmty . '77 Monaco Brougham : 4 _Prv __ Pl__::_Y ·_.:8.16-_SS)7 ___ _ dr. vnyl top. $4200 847-3870 1975FOID T·lllD Silver with m a tching padded vi n yl roor. maroon interior. ru11 power, AM /F M Stereo. air con d. lin e ca r <9781..XH> S44tS 540-5130 2829 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '76 Grand P r ill. all powered. stereo 8 track. ~·· sun roof. $4995. T10-l743. 9970 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lt72FORD lHlMBllRD Hardtop. Runs strong' Soon to be a classk' C44SGULI. Now r e · duced'. OMLY$15t5 Mhwde ~/1..-lt 21.SOKarbor Blvd .• C.M. 645-5700 •VERYCLEAN• 'T7 T-Bird. low m l. m ost '71 llbbcat. 18/28 mpg. 5 xtras. Mom'• car. $6275. new tacllal!i.._!!nyl top, _768-_340_1 _____ _ "1nt l'Obd. ~or best v.,. tt74 otter. 752·023"4. 9118-7343 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '811 Mere Marquis. fair "73 StatJon Wa1on. AIC, cand, lit otru over $400. mint cood. Only 30,000. &.2138 New tlrea Ir brakes. d lll75/bst orr . 752·0283 '70 wa con . 100 lranaportatlon. rt ftnt T2 Ve1a OT $450. Rblt body dama1e. run1 xlnt. eriaine. nw good. Call SZIO/bestolfer. 541-812'71 21.M34-8Ml . OYER 100 CARS 10 CH 70 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD IROUGHAM l"lddld too. fvll -· oollt p0009' ..-, lac:IOf'I .., coudllloolllll 5199 ~ oon1r01. AM/FM 61111 ...... 1•1 ..... .18l '7 6 IUICK RIVIERA ASTRO ROOFS "-C!IOP l\Al-.ICllll--1«1""1.,0Dl-"''9111\ 5999 -~-AMIFMWllll_I __ ~-· --("21Rt.'f '17 IUICK ELECTRA LIMITED PARKLAME ~ ,._ IOO. luff-· 1111111 -..... leclOf'f ... OOllCI•· ~ -conlrOI, ttli """'· AMIFM ..,,~ 9 ~ P!rt«. wl<e56999 ---LOWMILES Ct~TDel • • '76 LINCOLM TOWN.CAR SIDAM ~ ..................... _ ... ..___.....,_ s7399 • ....... crlAle ~.AWAI ---I Ir-* ...... LM New.(~ t fOQte>OeE FROM. ~ . '77 CADILLAC ELDORADO 59399 Catw'°'9I 10P IQljl -M41tt. luM -19CIOtY "" ti" -. Ct111M conlT'OI. lte<90 IJPe p41ye< -1 YEAR/12.000 MILE WARRANTY (118:/Am. '78 CADILLAC COUPE DE VISLE c.-IOI>....._-·""' --allt --~--. ......... AMI™ """' -'-~ ., I\ 'l'EANll.000 Mii.£ WARRANTY 1 0 900 c111r•vn~ I '73 CHEVROLET C~PRICE 4-DOOR . Oe>l!Ot>I ,_ l-.. too. lull -1. 1"10f'I ., W£(11£NO s 1799 SPECl,\l t•~HJ 76 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE ROADSTER .._, ~-=•---• ,_ -a<ICI IOW ,,...._ (tff7Pl(E) $ 34 99 Frtday Oeoeml)tlr 22. 1978 DAIL v PILOT DI SE FROM 76 OLDSMOBILE DELTA ROYAL SEDAM ==-~·11Qory·~-~~s399 '75 MERCURY MA':j.UIS BROUGHAM SEDAM :v:.c.-:= .. ::.:-oi-:...:.~ .... ~:s~s3999 NEW'l•~WCI 5 CHRYSLER TOWM & COUNTRY WAGON IW ....,, .... pt/IWW -t«lllOfY • oondl!IOf""O. '"' -"'.C.399 =ao~~~ *'90 ..... .....,.. 1114211001 . •77 PLYMOUTH VOLAU SPORT COUPE ·----~-...... _,,·s3999 <edocl --·-........ Cl 7tlAW\.I , '77 CHEVROLET CAPRICE CUSTOM COUPE --tl*l-CIWRXl'l P-..:1100.U-.llClory.., •111-o...~.-Jf~S56 ALL CARS PLUS TAX & LICENSE• ALL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE• OFFER.GOOD THAU 12-26-78. I . . ; t .. • .. • 1d. 1n on ve t 11 , 3 very special Christmas gifts still available GOOD a SELECTION W OLDSMOBILE • GMC TRUCK • HONDA CAR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BRAND MEW 1979 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME Coupe. Air conditioning. 305 VS . automatic. power steering. power disc brakes. tilt steering wheel. AM radio. convenience group, divided front seat. sport mirrors. rally~ wheels. floor mats. tinted glass. (Stk. #8281. Ser. #3A47H9R4117716} 9 PlUBTAJI a uCENllE =';. HONDA Civic Hatchbacks TAKE YOUR CHOICE $ 36 7 9-,~HU- •( 1436)(SGC4526638lo( 1453)(50<:4526881M1M1 )(SGC4529848) •( 1547l(SGC4529915)o{ 1693)(SGC4531589)o( t596){SGC<45319031 BRAND NEW 1979 GMC a4 TON P ICKUP Stock number (3091) Serial number (TCD249Z507879) POWER STEERING •GAUGES IMMEDIATE DELIVERY : ' f ~ . I , I ) ' ;j t ,. i l j 1 ·- i • -UNIVERSITY SALES & SERVICE i ' . Oldsmobil~ • GMC Trucks • Honda Cars i 2850 Harbor Boulevard, Costa Mesa • 540-9640 l SERVICE & PARTS DEPT.'S Open 'til 10:00 P .M. Monday thru Friday • Saturdays 'tH 5:00 P .M.·' 1J "ICaap THAT GR•AT QM ,.El.ING WITH GENUINE GM PARTS" _ · Safe Prices Effective thru Sunday. Deoember 24. 1978 •• Your Hom town Dally New paper B1111tingten-Beaeh- F ountaln Valley ~~~=-~=--c:~ E I TI DAILY PILOT • , ' f I 1 ~ I ' t ' i I I l * VOL 71, NO. 356, 4 SECTIONS. 48 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1978 TEN CENTS Co ast Cyelist Fol"fows Friend in Death •1 AaTRlJa •. VI EL oa .. o.i.... ,_..., Chuck Gttln and Phlbp Karl loved motorcycUna end 1tre Catholic run raf rvk are srhedult.'C! tonltcht and S.turd•> for Chuck Gttln. 18. ~ho wu kalltd on h11 mot o rt')tl.- Wedn t>aday , a dt1 ) 1tfll'r atlendma Ph.thp Karl' luntnl Karl. 17. w H fatal!> •nJurt"d on hti. btkt' Sllturdu)' nlabt when it raramt!d • tar, d111bled wttb U.a II bta out. al • OarcMn Orove i.otenttliM · Tht~ w rt' prtlty 1ood In nda.' aaid Orein'a brother, Mtt hatl ~rv1t"e'l for Grein wlU bt> at St Bonaventure'• Catholic Chur<'h, 16400 Sprtn3dal St • Hun t1naton Be•ch . wbtsre Jmllar rit wt.>rt held for Karl Olld•v Brothera Morw•ry, tn H\&ftllnctoo Beadt. I.a lo chatf ot dlrect.lnt the Grein riu11, u the nrm w11 ror lhe Katt ram lly'a aon earlier In the week. Vi1 ILaUon WU 1cheduted thll arttrnoon at the mortuary. with a Roury ot 7 p .m . ln St. Bon1v1nture'11 Chureh. M Hll ol Chrl11tllan Burial wUl ~ a l 10 a.m . Suturday at the amc sanctuary. followed by interment ut Good Shepherd Cemetery in HuutJngt.oo Beach. Karl WU bllried at Holy Croll Cemete~ ln Culver City. M ichael Grein , 20. was enrolled with his now dead brother In a motorcycle mechanics class al Golden West Colleae in Huntington Beach. C huck Grein leaves bis parents. Charles J . and Mary Grein; his brother, and a sister. E lizabeth. .. He didn't have any plus yet... the dead youth.. brother said. addlnc lhat. they were Just takl nc the motorcyc l e mechanics claas to keep lhelr bikes in good rwutlng order. Chuck Grtio and Philip Karl bad met through motorcycling acquaintances. Chuck Grein wu killed almost Instantly when his machine struck a center d ivider on Warner Avenue near Los Palos Avenue, hurling htm Into a metal street SIJn po8l. Both Grein, ot 17342 Wild Rose Lane a n d K~rl or 17262 Chaparat Lane. In the same northwest Huntington Beach area, succumbed to Intern al injuries. Grein, Huntlngton Beach's 29th traffic fatality o( th~ year, <See DEATH. Pa1e A.!> !Two C Officers Found Slain j ' I I t· . l r ... . . J ' I I ' i ••• ...... ,.._... .. Dragne t Out for Suspects SACRAMENTO (AP ) -Two highway patrolmen were found shot dead behind their patrol car on foggy Interstate 80 west of Sacramento early today and police sought the owner or a temporary driver's license found at the scene. A Yolo County deputy sheriff heard' the shots and got to the scene within minutes after the killings. The dead office r s were identified as Roy Blecher and Mike Freeman. both from the Woodland CHP office. H untingto n Y ale Race Fan Sweeps Chamber Contest .. An avowed racing Cao has parleyed $125 worth of decoration materials and a blaclt-faced jockey hitching post into a wlpning Huntingt.on Beach Chamber or Commerce Christmas display. Rachel Mueller. with so me help from h e r hu s b and , Ge ne. has converted he r mobile home at 18061 Newland St. into the Christmas scene that captured the chamber wom e n 's divi s ion sweepstakes for decor. YOLO COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPUTY EXAMINES BODIES OF HIGHWAY PATROLMEN Pair Found Shot to Death, Their Guna Taken. Near Sacramento Both men's service pistols were missing. Their bodies were round race down on the roadside. one or them with his hands cuffed behind him. A ·shotgun was also reported missing from the patrol car. THE HITCHING post serves as an ingenious Mrs. Santa Claus. ~arGas Price May Be Hiked by Tax WASHINGTON <AP> -The Carter administration is con· s1dermg using taxes to narrow the price difference between "regular" gasoline and more- expens1ve unleaded fuels. mfla- t 1on adviser Alfred E . Kahn sa ys. By boosting taxes on leaded gasoline and lowering them on unleaded gas. Kahn said. the price sap rould be narrowed and motonsts would have less lncen- t1 ve to use the cheaper, more polluting fuel. Kahn, testifying Thursday al a ~ou se Commerce subcommit- tee. a lso said motorists can ex- pect additional gasoline price in- creases or al least 3 cents a j:!allon following the recent 14.5 percent price boost by oil- producing nations And, the total price increase could go as high as 7 to 10 cents a gallon if the administration follows through with a number of plans under consider ation. in- cludmg ones to Lift price controls on both gasoline and domesUcal- 1 y produced crude oil, Kahn said. Kahn, chairman of the Council on Wage and Price Stability, said the administration should have a decision in about four weeks on whether to move to lift these price cont rols. On the unleaded gasoline is- s ue. Kahn said increasing the excise tax o~ leaded fuel while lowering it on unleaded gasoline might discourage motorists with lat~·model cars from modifying ~asoline tanks to accept lower· priced leaded gasoline that can foul the environmen~ The federal tax Is 4 cents a gallon on aJl motor fuels. for several years. new cars have been fitted with ant•· poll ution devices that require unleaded gasoline to function properly. Gooth Price Hike Small LOS ANGELES CAP> Consumer prices in November registered the sm allest rise in 14 months -0.2 percent for Los Angeles and Orange counties. the Bureau of Labor Statistics said today. <Related story, A4) Locally, prices have gone up 7 4 percent since the first of the year. compared to 5.8 percent for the nme period Jut year, according to lhe bureau. He took $198.10 last month to buy comparable goods and ser vices that cotl $100 ln 1967, the ba~e year when U\e Index stood at 100, the bureau said. Woman Re-arrested In Stabbing Death By RAYMOND ESTllADA Sil. Ol-OMly ...... SUH Police re-arrested a former barmaid on suspicion of murder Thursday night in connection with the Sept. 8 stabbing death of motorcyclist Gary Allen "Mad Dog" Fero in a downtown Huntington Beach saloon. Mary Magaline Davis, 25, who worked at the Main Street Saloon, 117 Main St., al the time Fero was slain, was initially arrested several hours after the stab bing victim d ied at Huntington tnlercom m unlty Hospital from a knife wound in his lower back. Police U . Bruce Young said Mi ss Davis was released 72 hours later becaus e of Insufficient eviden ce. Young said it is now believed Miss Davis is one of fo u r people involved in the alleged slaying. Fe ro, 41 , apparently was stabbed n ear the saloon 's doorway at about 1:30 a.m. The motorcyclist was on crutches because of a leg Injury al the lime be was stabbed. Police believe the fight may have started over some type of boyfriend-girlfriend squabble. Two men took Fero to the hospital where a police officer saw him and thought he might be a homicide victim . Police lnvestigawrs arrived at the downtown saloon shortly a rter Fero died and found a pool of blood that someone had apparently tried lo wash away with water. Police also found Miss Davis counting the night's receipts at the saloon. Investigators said they are seeking a man, descnbed as 23 to 25 yean old, six feet, 170 pounds, dark complexion. wearing a short-s l eeve d sweatshirt and driving a gray or cream-colored sub-compact car. The description or the car apparenUy came from witneaes in a passing vehicle, CHP di ~palcber Hugh McGutgan said. An alert was also issued ror a 1965 brown pickup truck. a l t hou g h there wa s n o immediate explanation of what led aulhoriUes lo look for it. Yolo County Deputy Sheriff Larry J ustice. ~bo round the bodies, said he was patrolling a business area near the highway when he heard four to six shots. He stopped his patrol car. ro lled down the window and lis tened for five minutes. then headed for the highway. As he crossed the highway on the Harbor Boulevard overcrossing just west of Sacramento, he saw a highwar patrol car with its red lig h t f as h i n g alo ngs ide Interstate 80 and another car beside the road. (See CHP, Page A2) ·'I just made her an o utfit and s tuffe d the inside with cot.ton... says Mrs. Mue ller of Mrs . Claua. wbo la featured in the outdoor setUng along with her more fa mous husband. · "Made It all mysetr, except foe that one Santa over there." says Mrs. Mueller, • partner in a convalescent home supply firm. HUSBAND, GENE, a computer designer a nd sometime oil pain ter. provided artistic pointers when not engrossed in his own work at an Irvine firm which indirectly launched Mrs. Mueller on her design venture . .. I 've done som e ce nt e r pieces for Dis neyland," says Mrs . Mueller. S he u s ed plywood, two -b y -fours. cotton , angel's hair and a lot of paint to create her mobile h o m e park Christmas tableau. But the o r a n ge cat OlltyrtlMSwH ...... CHRISTMAS WINNER Rechel Mueller which joins in the scene at park space 22 1s real. The Muellers' pet, Rusty. likes to nap in the heat of a spotlighL Goldwa ter Files Suit Over Taiwan .. Miss Davis remained in Huntington Beach Jail today in lieu or $250,000 bail A decision is expected today out of the Orange County District Attorney's Ofrice on whether to file formal charges against Miss Davis in connection with Fero's death. Youths Nabbed in Valley WASHINGTON <APl -Sen. Barry Goldwater filed suit to day to stop President Carter from terminating the U.S . defense treaty with Taiwan on grounds that the action "wi ll set a dangerous preced e nt'· enabling a president to e nd any defense treaty at will. Carter announced a week ago t hat the United States would extend diplomatic recognition to t he People's Republic of China. He also said the 1954 treaty with Taiwan would be ended. Five se nato rs , o n e sen a t o r -e lect a nd e ight re p resentatives joi n e d Goldwater in the suit filed lo U.S. District Court. The action seeks to have the court declare the termination of th e defe n se treaty unconstitutional and Illegal and asks that Carter be blocked from taking any further action toward that goal. "The president's action is one of the worst power grabs In American history." Goldwater said. "By bringing this suit, t and my collegaues who are joining with me, are seeklnB to uphold the Constitution." The complaint says the Senate Is a partner wtth the president In treaty·makine u part or the Constitution's admonition that the Senate must "advise and consent" to such aereementa with roretp powers. "A.1 a loelcal and natural consequence," the suit says, "the Senate ls a part of lhe authority who poucues the power of deciding upon the termination of t.he treatv." Police also indicated arrest warrants for other s uspects in the slabbing may be issued soon. Fero's sister . Jude Negrin1. 37, or Newport Beach, scattered the dead man's cremated ashes at the s aloon on Sept. 13 and then led a "funeral" pr«ession dowt Pacific Coast Highway. Mrs. Negrini also said she cast a "curse" on the saloon. By STEVE MITCHELL DI tllt D.it• "llM S\Mf Two boys reportedly bashed a female market clerk on the head with a winebotlleearlythjs mom· ing and roared through five cities in a 110-mile-per-hour chase that ended by smashing a Fountain Valley Patrol car . The clerk. Ann Plaster ot Costa Mesa sufrered minor head Injuries when she was assaulted during the Lagun a Beach robbery of the Tic Toe Market, Pope to Travel Pomif/ Seu Mexico Viait VATICAN CITY CAP> -Pope John Paul II announced today he wilt visit Mexico next month to participate in a conference of bis bops from Latin America, a continent holding nearly half the world's Roman Catholics and seething wit.h political and social turmoil. It will be the pontiff's first trip outside Italy since his election in October. Pope John Paul, who has said he is taking on the .. pilgrim's staff of peace" from Pope Paul VI. ls also expected to travel to his native Poland in the •prin(. The pope made the announcement to cardinals ln a Chriltmas message also focusing on a territorial dispute between South American neighbors Chile and Argentina and containing a renewed call against human rights violations . "Every violation of personal dignity favors the grudge or lhe spirit of the vendetta.'' he assened. 1390 North Co~t Highway. The s us p ect s. Whittier youngsters, ages 15 and 16, were taken to Orange County Juverule Hall. They were to be charged with armed robbery. assault with a deadly weapon, grand theft auto and felony assault. The chase involved between 25 to 30 police units at various times. lt began after the teens struck the clerk and fled with $15 in cash. police said. The dazed clerk contacted police and while other patrol units converged on the market, Sgt . Terry Temple sped north on Coast tUghway looking for the getaway car. Temple said be saw the stolen pickup truck near Scotchman's Cove and followed the truck from a discreet distance until they reached Corona del Mar. "Temple didn't tum on his lights because he didn't want the kids to know they were being followed until he could raise some Newport Beach <patrol> units." said Laguna Beach Capt. Neil Purcell. When the suspects and their persistent pursuer reached San Joaquin Road and MacArthur Boulevard In Newport Beach, Temple and Newport omcen nipped oa the red Uthta "and tb1t'1 whee they reall)' put the speed oa," Pwcell aald. Police said the driver ot tlle pickup swerved around can and tried to for"f! some otr the road as he headed up MacArthur toward the San Oteio Freeway. Irvine poUce joined the chase '--------------------~:rr----:r,. as the truck roared Into the .... •• ..., ~. .. Il l .. ' freeway. and. Purcell s uid, pursuers clocked s peeds in excess or 110 m iles per hour on their speedometeTS. The truck continued to weave <See CHASE, Page A2l Coas t Weather Gusty nonheas t t o easterly winds 15 to 25 mph below some passes late tonight or early Satur- day. Lows tonJght 38 to 45. Su nn y a n d s l ig htl y w a rmer Saturday with highs 62 to 68. INSIDE T ODAY With C1u"iltmoa in the air WhJI im't it ON THE: AIR' Rtad oboW toherf! to ftnd tM few radio holiday ipeci<JU 0t1 Pagt CJ. ' I WASIONOTON CAP) ~ HOUie Aaa tnaUons Comm l t•~ d ecided today lo hold • public a..anna nnt rrtda)' to nplore teleatine evlde~ that • Hcood 11unman mlaht titvf! t1ken part In the uu !llnaUan °' PresAdeot KHIMClr· --"The evidence 'Mjl b4 Ma.rd ln llt full ccinli xl and U.. pDlll ll)Hl31ae ol it wtl I bl .. plored.," wd Rep. Lou s <* • D-Ob.io. chairman ol the eommlU... Two tommtt\e membeu 0.11' ,., ... SIMI Pllolt Po.tn-Bot1 Christopher Clark, 9, is this • year's pos~r child for the March of Dimes campaign _in Fountain V a ll ey . • Christopher, a student at Plavan School, is confined to a wheelc hair by the. disease spina biCid a . Donations to the Marth ot Di mes ~o for r esearch. ~ prevenllon a nd cur e of diseases Ji ke spi na bif1da and other birth def eels. Singe r Hurt In Collision BURBANK <AP) -Singer Laurel Masse was in satisfactory condition today after suffering jaw. ankle and wrist injuries in an automobile accident. Ms. Masse, who performs with the Manhattan Transfer pop group, was driving home ffrom rehearsal when the accident OC· curred. accordmg to the group's manager. Brian Avnet. The group's.scheduled engage. ment at Hollywood's Roxy night club this week was canceled. Wrtoonist WmsHorwr Jeff MacNclly, whose cartoons appear in the Daily Pilot, has won the Thomas Nast prize for -Political cartoons. The award honors Thomas Nast, a political cartoonii;t in the 19th century who created the donkey and elephant symbols fo r the Oemocrat1c and Republican parties. MacNelly, 31, a lso won the Pulitzer Prize this year, for the second lime. - DAILY PILOT , ... 0,~CN'\tO.HyP•tol Wttf'fwfkit"'ttt ..... .. ,.. ....... ~~,.,_. •• MclOft .. O' ..... cwu •i.;e:i.•~c~ $itp.t .. tf"CtU19"'t't•~ "-'D't\,_..CI ~·• t~ tJ,. .... .., (~t• ~ .. H ........ 8r.Cf' ~ .... Of'! ..... ;,.~ •••~V••-.v.•~ \.~twac" ~,.,._"A ,.,..... ............ ..,. ..... puott,""°'"*1~-.,.llllO ~--'"' "'""-"""''"'"" _...,, h <rt DI -ll4Y 51-c .. 1 • ...-w C.ilf°"'4••3'lill "-"-t>tt''°'"'•J\CI Pvtt•""""" Joo•,..,., v.._,,...,, ... "'••ftdCl"f-.t~ ,._...,_" ....... LO•tO' '-··-""'""'l"'4'"''"' 0--• .. "'"' ... _ ~ "'" ,.,,.,,.,., """,...."' '"'°'' "-·-....... o.._,. Cot.nl• l altor """''-on h9dt0fflce tiiif il.Mft -•"'<' __.. ...... _.... ,. 0 llo• rtO "1'41 Otflc•• ~.~ :.~: ;~":1:,e:r;~;.wt ( • -r - ralud QuHtlona •bout Utt" valldlt)' ol the evldeM:e, which WU bHed on nl\ned l('()Ulllcal *t.· "I'm llWl)'I au1p&tlOH Of tbeaeo M'W lan1led •clenc .' H d Rep Richardson Prt)'er. o N C., bud of 1 KHntdy a11u1lnatlon aubcommlttu "Tbe q~ ol it.a credlbllil.Y I ttrtAlGJycruclaJ." llep. Robert w. ltdcar. O Pa • IUUffLed that nida)''I btarill.I lml~ testimony rrom H for "U anal)'Sll of bow e(C~IU acoUJUcaJ tucUes ere." He Nld Lbe p .... ..,.. expert h Ip from 1 neutral pany -LO help 1t dec•de on the valid t)' and Wt I. b t" of tht.' t''Vldtnt't! Stoll uJd t~ panel 1Ull W111 conclude ll.i t"'°'yur, SS m11Uon lnvetUJalion and 10 out of bwn MU II k'hedWed by tht tnd of the year. A report on lt11 flndlni. and recommendatlon1 in the <lea th 1 of KenMd)' and c I vtl rtshu luder Mu\in Lulh~r Kintc Jr wall be releued Jan. 3, Stoke& tald. "We are out or lime and mon ey ." one committee me mbt'r. Rep Stewart McKln· ney, D·Conn .. said Thur~day. ·•No one know¥ what to do '• Motit members ol the panel's staff had left for other jobs and neuly all the work on the voluminous final report was completed when a new analysis of a tape recording showed evldence or a seeond assassin. The dramatic evidence de- livered to the committee Uus week s howed a 9S percent likelihood that a shot was fired at the Kennedy limousine from a grassy knoll in Dealy Plaza. McKinney aaid. That contradicts Warren Com· miasioo findings that only three shots were fired al lhe presi· dent, and lhat all three came from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. The commission also con· eluded that Lee Harvey Oswald almost certainly acted alone in killing the president. However , acoustics expert Mark Weiss said there was a fourth shot, one that may have missed the presidential party. New higbJy sophisticated com· puter tecbnlques unavailable to the Warren Commission were used ln bis analysis. "ll ls a new field," McKinney said. Weiss, a specialist with the Federal Sdelrtlfic Corp. of New York. ~ ' coUea,ue st~ed th• ta e Ncordlng of a transm ssion from a Dallas mot.o.r~yde policem•n's r adio. which had been left on ioad· vertenUy dwing .lbe assasslna· uon. F ,....PGfJf?AJ CUP ••. Justice said it took him five lo seven minutes lo wind his way lo the scene, where he found the s topped car gone and the offi cers dead. The highway was so fogbound, two lanes were closed to traffic during ~ investigation. In a short time lbere w ere two chain-reaction accidents in the area. Tbe scene of the slay1ngs was in a n unincorporated area of Yolo County about one mile west of Sacramento and about 80 miles n o rtheast o f S an Francisco. Blecher and Freeman were the only two officers on duty from the Woodland CH P office at the lime. authorities said. Bob Fahs. a highway patrol spokesman. said the officers are the first to be shot this year, but five others have been killed in the line of duty. Two were hlt by a truck as they checked a slopped driver near Baldwin Park. two were killed ln a helicopter crash near NewhalJ and one dled near Santa Fe Springs when he was hit by a truck as he stood al a lunch counter beside the road. U.S., Soviet Talka Go On G ENEVAl Switzerland (AP) -U .S. ana Soviet negollatorR reported more progress today but no certainty of af reemenl after another session o talks on a new strategic arms Umltatloa truty. "We have covered some di•· tance oo the quesUona wbere there was lull Of accord or lack of compkW accord, but it'• sUU too earJy to aay." bJd Soviet Foreign lrllnialar Andrei A. Gromyko. "We mar, have to meet a1aln tomorrow, ' said Secretary of State ~ R. Vance. He said be had 'no 1ueeses" on the out- come ol the talk1 and no com- ment on the pos3lbiUty of a So· vlet·American 1ummtt meeUna to 111n the treaty he ana Gromyko are tr)'i nf t o nerouate. -Ex-CIA Spy Gets 40 Years HAMMOND , Ind. (AP> - Former CIA clertt WUUam P. KampUes, expreastni conlrtUon for hla crimes of e1plona1e and theft, was ~ntenced tod1y to 40 yean ln prison for stiling s atellite secrets to the Ru11Slan.s. U .s. Dlstrict Court Jud•e PbU McNagny Jr .. who presided over the eight-day trial in thla northwest Indiana city last month. sentenced Kamplles to a tota~ of 1.20 yean in Jall on four count• of espionage and two count. of ~tt. But be Hid t.be t er m s w ou ld be served concurrently. Kampiles. a Chicago nottve who celebrated his 24th birthday Thursday, will serve no more than 40 years in prison. Udt19 Wi th the Pipeline .1 ust before the sentence was i mpo sed. K ampi les told McNagny, "First of aH, your honor. I'm sorry for everything that has happened. Not at any time d1d I want to injure my country in any way. I only wanted ta serve my country." ' Aluxkan caribou for age beneath the trans- Alaska pcpcltnc.: in search of grass planted by th~ Aly<.'8ka P\peline Service Company in its revegetation efforts. The anim als. photographed by a patrolling pilot. appear not to be disturbed by the pipelme. • Planes' Noise Familiar New OC Airport Manager Knows Problem By KATHY CLANCY OI tlle D.i'Y ,., .. ,Si.ti The Fresno airport adm lnlst ra t or t ent atively selected as the new manager of Orange County Airport is no stranger to the conflicts between jet aircraft noise and homes. "We are concerned about noise," Raul Regalado. 34, said this morning. "Our community Is concerned a bout noise. We h ave unde rt aken major programs in the past to mitigate noise." Among lhe efforts. he said. wer e the just-completed purch ase or 110 homes in a noise-Impacted area. acquisition o( easements in airspace above homes and the nearly finished development or a long-range airpo rt n oise a nd land use program. Regalado, a Los Angeles native, said he expects to come to Orange C ount y In mld·J anuary pending county supervisors · a pproval of his f',....P,..e A J CHASE ••• $32.000 per year saJary. He would replace Robert Bresnahan. who resigned Oct. 15 to become director of aviation in Mesa. Ariz. Chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, Thomas RJley said today he was impressed with Re gala do's experience and particularly wtth a recommendation from Los Angeles AJrport Ma.na1er Cliff Moore. "Clif( Moore has got to be one of the top airport manafers in the country, may be n the worl d ," Riiey said. "It Mr. Moore gives him a bi g h c h ec kmark then any reser vations l have begin to disappear." Regalado has been manager of both the 2,000-acre Fresno commercia l al rport and a smaller facility for 180 private planes for the past five years. The Fresno airport wlll serve 1.2 million passengers this year. Regalado said, and will handle 2.3 million ·passengers by 1985-86. By contrast, Orange County Airport occupies 492 acres and will handle an estimated 2.4 million passengers by the year's end. Regalado said the Fresno terminal re«ntly was expanded by addition of 3 42,000-square-foot concourse, making the facility roughly three times the size of the Ora nge County terminal. The Fresno commercial airport. about five miles northeas t o f the city, accommodates four air carrien, United Airlines, P SA. Air California and Hughes Airwest. along with commuter air service by Swift Airlines and Sierra Pacific AJrlines. Oranse County Airport ls served by Hughes Airwesl and Air California along with Golden Wes t Airlines· commu te r service And while Orange County has a 500-mile destination limit for flights. 1''resno offers direct service lo Denver, for example. Regalado said growth In the city of Fresno has impacted the ai rport and the d eparture normally taken by commercial jets flies o v er a major residenUaJ area. Noise mitigation measures have helped cope with the noise problems. he said. Regalado, selected for the Orange County post by county officials. is a former Army helicopter pilot who holds a bachelor's degr~ In av1atton administration fro m Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla. At the tnal, defense attorney Michael Monico tried to portray Kampiles as an ambitious ClA employee who longed for undercover work. Monico asked the court for leniency. "The fact that Mr. Kampiles has been convicted is a terrible punishment he will carry for the rest of his life, the fact that for the rest of his life, he wiH be considered a traitor to his country," Moni co said. The defense attorney also told the court he is appealing the conviction. U.S. Attorney David Ready. who handled the prosecution of Kamplles, asked McNagny to impose "a substantial sentence" but did not make a specific recommendation: Ready said the llnanclal d ifficulties of Kampiles' family should not be consid ered a ·m i t I gating c i r cu m s t a n c e because Kampiles "callously d isregarded" those problems I ast February ln Athens, Greece. when he accepted $3,000 from a Soviet agent for a technical manual on the KH->J s ute llite. The satellite is a sophisticated surveillance tool which c an m onitor troop movements from its position in the sky "He chose to just as callously di s r ega rd the s afety and we ll-being of 200 million Am e ricans,·· the federal prosecutor s aid. Ready said he was concerned that Ka mpiles might still ~e a threat to American security and said that threat could be alleviated only by jailing him. McNagny also ordered federal prison officials to keep Kamp1les in C h icago through th e Christmas holidays so b4s famlly can visit him. in and out of traffic until 1t reached Fountain Valley where the driver s ideswiped a Fountain Valley patrol unit that was attempting to clear the freeway of traffic. Officer John Quinzio s uffered minor cuts and bruises in the collision near the Magnolia Street offramp and was taken lo Fountain Valley Community Hos pital for treatment. His patrol car was badly damaged. 18 Win Huntington • m Police said the dri ver of the pickup jumped from the cab immediately after the collision. hopped the freeway center divider fence and was pursued by Irvine officers Dave WilHams and Jim Potts. Williams cut his hand while cli mbi ng over the cente r divider. but Potts continued the root chase and captured the driver. The other youngster remained in the car. pollcesaid. Both boys ~ere taken to Huntingt o n Bea c h lnte r communtty Hospital for observation, and later booked into Juvenile Hnll. 32,000-plus Held in India NEW DELtu. India CAP) - More deaths and Injuries were reported today as the arrest toll swelled to more than 32,000 in the continuing wave or riots aimed at l(etlmg former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi freed from jail . Two wer e killed and five injured when 1><>llce ooened fire on a violent mob of 2,000 pro- t esting Mrs . Gandhi's jail· Ins, lhe United News or India • reported from the western state of Maharashtra. Deputy Pol ice Ins pector Generll R. Rangaraju told lhe news agency that police resorted to tear; aas and then rifle rtre to dlspe~e the rtoters in Wardho. dlS'trlc t , about 360 mtl es northeast of Bombay. F,....P.,,eAJ DEATH ••• wore a full protective helmet desl1~ed to pre vent head injuries, police noted. So did hi! former Huntington Beach Hl1h School classmate who died fn the Saturday nJght collltlon In Ga.rden Grove. police aald. ., A drive around town to enjoy lighted Christmas displays of all sorts is a tradition in many families and Huntington Beach affords t8 award·winncrs this year in two contests. · Citywide contest winners were headed by 1978 Sweepstakes winner Rachel Mueller, 49. of 18601 Newland St., Space 22. just inside the entry to Los Amigos Mobile Home Park. A 1978 Special Award from the s po n s o r i n g C h a mber o f Commerce Women's Division has ~one lo American Beauty Florists, 17851 Beach Blvd., near Ronald Road. Other wiMers whkh may be vie wed include La Vonne's Florist, 7896 Ed infe r Ave.; Dwight Wadswor h , 16 101 Melodie Lane; Robert Bonillas. 17711 Collie Lane : Edith Baldwin. 6241 Warn er Ave . Space 208, and Jack Seibert. 1706 Park St . in the downtown area_ Others include Irene Winstead, of 20391 Seven Seas Lane; Cahfontia First National Ban.k, 8899 Adams Ave.; Al Murse. 15972 Carrie Lane, and David Hoffman. ~ 'CicBon ·s 17411 J epson Lane. ~ Winnen; among departments in the Civic Center complex include the parks and recreation depart- ment ; credit union, and police de· partment. . Winners for originality are business licensing. a nimal licensing and the Department of Water and Finance. Top award winner for the category demons t ratin g the effect on municipal Christmases of Proposition 13 went to the city 's Public W o rk s Department. ;, D EN.'S CO$T4 MU,A . ·~·· ••• ' ~a1;H;ti •. :iiiiiillit1on :·cu1tom drap1ries • Rnolun •wood floor I • r Irvliie Your Hometown ,, -UaTiy New~paper-1 l VOL. 71, NO 356, 4 SECTIONS, 48 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA F RIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1978 TEN CENT~ ~Two C ( Officers Found Slain1 .. ,.,..,,..,... .. Dragnet Out for Suspects SACRAMENTO <A P > -Two highway patrolmen were found shot dead beh1nd their p1ttrol car on foggy interstate 80 west or Sacram ento early today and police sought the owner of a temporary driver's license found at the scene . A Yolo County d eputy sheriff heard the shots and got to the scene within minutes after the killings. The d ead officers were identified as Roy Blccher, so. or Brode n ck and Mike Freem an. 35, or Woodla nd. both fro m the WoodlandCHPoffice. YOLO COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPUTY EXAMINES BODIES OF HIGHWAY PATROLMEN Pair Found Shot to Death, Their Guns Taken, Near Sacramento Both me n's service pistols were m1ssmg Their bodies were round fuce down on the roadsidl', one of the m with his hands cuffod behind him A shotgun was also reported missing from the patrol car Fire Funds Periled Investigators said they a re seeking a man. desrnhed as 23 to 25 years old. six feet. 170 pounds. dark comp lexion . wearing a s h o rt s leeved sweatshirt and driving a gray or cream-colored s ub-compact car State to Cut $20 Million for County The desl'nption o r lht.' car apparently cam e from witnesses 1n a passing veh icle, CH P d is patche r llug h McG u igan said. By JOANNE REVN()LDS 00 , ... 0.tlly Pll•I Sl4111 Statt> offtcrnls. working on or der:-. from Gov Edmund Brown .Ir .. art> planning to cut the $20 rn1l11 on allocalion from the stak budf(et for fire protection for Orange County. County Administrative Officer Robt!rt Thomas tod<t y angrily char ged s t ate officials with "politicking" in the proj)Osal which he said he learned of last week "This is jlofng to have a very major impact on our contract c1l1es such as Irvine a nd Placen· tla." he :-a1d. "And al this point we ha ve no way of knowing what that impact will be." Thomas !>aid he wa!> tol<i th•• • state's part1cipat1on in what is now the State Di vis i on of Forestry Orange County Fire Department would e nd as or Ju- ly 1. 1979. Thomas said he is not opposed to the change sin<* the county pays the sta te about 18.i m illion on a contract to provide that fi re service. but he wants more time than six months to gel ready for ll. The joint county-state rire service currently employs 550 people. Thomas said all are con- s Ider e d s tate e mployees although the state only pays for 50 of those people. The balance are paid by the contract between the county and the state. Thomas claimed that a six- month per iod for the change over is insuffi cient to ready the county budget for the financial impact or s uch a m ove. ·' ll took us two yea rs to negotiate the l'h ange of the medical cente r from t he rounty to the state when UC Irvine took it over." the angr y Thomas declared. slapping a desk for emphas~. "Aod it took us nine months a lone to pro<."ess the employees from our rolls lo the slate's." ln addition lo the personnel question, Thomas said there is a mingling of $3 million worth of <See FIRE, Page A2) An alert was also issued for <t 1965 brown pickup t'ruck . a lth o u gh th ere wa s n o 1mmed1ate explanation of what led authorities to look for 1t Yolo County Deputy S he riff Larry Justice, who found tht.' bodies. said he was patrolling a business <1rea near the highway when he heard four to six s hots. Death Follows Cycli.sts He s topped his patrol car, rolled down the window and lis tened for five minutes. then headed for the highway . As he croi-sed the highway on the Harbor Boulevard overcrossing just west of Sacramcn~. ~e saw a highway patrol car with 1ts red tight fl ashing a l o n~s ide Interstate 80 and a nothe r car beside lht> road. Jus tice said it took him rive to seven minutes to wind his way to the scene. where he found the s t opped car gon e a nd the offi cers dead . By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Ot ,.,. 0.t11y Pli.t Sl•ll Chuck Grein <1nd Philip Karl loved motorcycling and life Catholic funeral !>crv1ces arc Sl'heduled tonight and Saturd<ty for Chuck Grein, 18. who was k 1 11 t· d o n h i s m o tor c y c I e W e dn c:.day. a da y after atlending Philip Karl's funeral. K;irl. 17. W<t!> fatally injured on his bike S<tturday night when 1l rammed a car. d1s<1bled with its li ght~ out. al a Garden Grove intersection "They were pre tty good friends." said Grein's brother. Michael Serv1l'eS for Grl-'tn will be at St Bonaventure's Catholic ('hurC'h, 16400 Springdalt.' St., llunl1ngton B e a c)l . wh e r e similar rites were held for Karl. Dildav Rmthers Mortuary. in lluntmgton Beaeh. 1s in charge of d1rectmg the Grein rites. as lht.' firm was for the K<trl Coa~t W e a tite r Gus t y north e a s t t o easterly winds 15 to 25 mph below some passes late tonight or early Satur day. Lows tonight 38 to 45. Sunn y a nd s li g htl y warme r Saturday with highs 62 to 68 I NSIDE TODAY WUh Chnatma& m the oar why 1611'1 it ON THE A/R? Read about where to f Ind th~ f rw radio holtday :rpenau on Page Cl ... • ( , family's son earlier in the week. Visitation was scheduled thls afternoon at the mortuary. with a Rosary a t 7 p m in St. Bonaventure's Church. Ma ss of Christ ian Burial will be al 10 a m. Saturday al the s ame sa nctuary. followed by interment at Good Shepherd Cemetery in Hunhngton Beach Karl was buried at Holy Cross Cemetery in C~lver City Mich ael ~re in , 20, was t•nro lled with his now d ead broth e r in a motorcyc le mecharucs c lass at Golden West Firm to Se ek Source of Irvine Leaks A Los Angeles civil engineer- ing firm hopes to do what other e ngineering consultants have bt.>en unable to do -find the source or Turtle Rock water s eepage in Irvine and d o something a bout it. Back yards have been Oooded a long Harcum Lane. Tabor Drive, Grinnell Lane and nearby s treets. and ha ve r e m aine d soggy since last March. Water has risen through foundations In· lo the houses. wetting carpets and furniture, whenever it has rained. LeRoy C randall a n d As- llociates was chosen for the job Tuesday by a panel that In- cluded the designer of Turtle Roc k, the builder or the 60 af. rected Broadmoor' Homes. an Irvine city ins pections director and a woman whose back yard Is a s wamp because of the (See SEEPAGE, Pase AZ> UEJIEUNDERS KEEP HUMOR CLEVELAND <AP) -Some Clevelanders are taking the city's default lightly. T-shJrts have begun appearing imprinted with this slogan: "Default's not mine. I just live here." College in Huntington Beach. C huck Gre in leu vcs his par ents, Charles J . and Mary Gre in: his brother, and a s ister, Elizabeth. "He d idn't have any plans yet, .. the dead youth's brol_her said. adding that they were Just t a kin g t h e m otor cyc l e mechanics class to keep their bikes in good runnin~ order. Chuck Grein and Philip Karl had met through motorcycling acquaintances. Chuck Grein was killed almost ins tantly whe n his much1nc struck a cente r divider on Wa rner Avenue'near Los Palos Avenue, hurling hi m into a metal street s ign post Both Grein. of 17342 Wild Rose La n e a nd K a rl o f 17262 Chaparal Lane. 10 the same northwest Huntington Beach area. s uccumbed l o inte rnal injuries. Grein, Huntington Bea ch's 29th traffic fatali ty of the year, <See DEA1H, Page A2) The highway was so fogbound . two lanes were closed to traffic during the investigation In a s hort time ther e we re two chain-reaction accidents in the area. The scene of the slaymgs was in a n unincorpor ated area of Yolo County about one mile west of Sacr amento and about 80 mil es n o rth e a s t o f S an Francisco Blecher and Freeman we re the only two officers on duty rrom the Woodland CHP office at the time, authorities said. Bob Fahs. a highway patrol spokes man. srud the officers arc the first to be shot this year . but five otherr-. have been killed m the line of duty. Two were hit by a truck as they c h ecked a stopped driver near Baldwin P a rk. two were kill ed 1n a helicopter c rash near Ne whall a nd one died near Santa Fe Springs .when he was hit by a truck as he stood at a lunch counter beside the road. 'IMng• are Claang!ng !n China Chinese women sit under hair dryers at a beauty parlor in Shanghai recently. The permanent wave rePortedly. is ) "' .,.t..~ .. ,, .. lilio • • • •• -.... ............. ~~.1. •.. , .... , Pope to Travel Pontiff Sets Mexico Visit VATICAN CITY <AP> -Pope John Paul JI announced today he will visit Mexico next month to participate m a confere nce of bishops from Latin America. a continent holding nearly half the world's Roman Catholics and seething with political and social turmoil. It will be the pontiff's first trip ·.Outside Italy since h.is election in October. Pope John Paul. who has said he is taking on the "pilgrim's staff of peace" from Pope Paul VJ. is also expected to travel to his native Poland in the spring The pope made the announcement lo cardinals in a Christmas message also focusing on a territorial dispute between South American neighbors Chilt! and Aq~entina and containing a renewed call against human rights violations. "Every violation of personi:ll dignity favors the grudge or the spirit of the vendetta." he asserted. Laguna Robbery Two Teens Held In Heist,~ Chase By STEVE MITCHELL 0t \ ... O.t1I• Pllol Sl.tlf Two boys bashed-a female market clerk on the head with a wine.botUe ec1rly this m om 1nP police s aid, and roared through five cit.Jes in a 110-mile-per-hour r hase that ended by s mashing a Fountain Valley Patrol car The clerk. Ann PICJ"sler of Cost a Mesa s uffered minor head injuries when s he was assaulted during the Laguna Beach robbery of the Tic Toe Markel. 1390 North Coast Highway. Th e s u s pec t s, Whittier youngsttts. ages 15 and 16. were taken to Orange County Juvenile Hall. They were to be charged with armed robbery. assa ult with a deadly weapon. grand theft auto and felony assault. The chase involved between 25 to 30 police units at various limes. It began a fter the teens struck the clerk and fled with SlS in cash. police said. The dazed elerk contacted police and while other patrol units converged on the market. S~t Terry Temple sped north on Coast Highway looking for the getaway car Temple said he saw the stolen pickup truck near Scotchman's Cove and followed the truck from a discreet distance until they reached Corona del Mar "T emple didn't turn o n his lights because he didn't want the kids lo know they we re being fo llowed until he could raise some Newport Beach <patrol> units ... said Laguna Beach Capt. Neil Purcell. When the suspects and their persistent purs uer reached San Joaqum Road and MacArthur Boulevar~ in Newport Beach . Temple and Newport officers flipped on the red lifhts ··and that'll when they real y put the speed on ... Purcell said. Police said the driver of the pickup i;werved around cars and tried to force som e off the road ~s he head ed up MacArthur toward the San Diego Freeway . Irvine pohcc JOmed the chase as the truck roared into the <See CHASE, Page A2> Caps Feathered Ttro Irvine Cops Horwred The Irvine Police Department h<t s b een pr e s e nted a hum a nita n a n award for its partic1pat1on in tht> rescue of a kidnapped bird It wasn't exactly the raid on Entebbc. but police did plan and stage a daybreak assault that suved Cookie t he coekatoo. <1nd not a feather out of place. The November cocka too caper involved the midnight b1rdnaptnf.? of Cookie and a sinis ter voice on the telephone informing he r owners. "We haveyourb1rd " The bird was held for ransom. for an attempted exchange of $2.000 Police · detectives Paul Jessup and Ron f'lather~. work· mg with tht.' owneri. .. who had called pohce. had them talk the criminals intosetthng for $600. The exchange wa:. m ade at <t deserted service s tation The own ers g rabbed the ir bird . Flathers and Jessup grabbed the suspects. This week. Irvine PAWS. a newly formed group dedicated to t he Promotion of Animal Well bem~. gave the police work recoizn1t1on due i PAWS ha s 43 r e gistered m embers m Irvine. Newport Beach, Costa Mesa. Huntington Beach. Garde n Grove a nd Santa Ana ., , The PAWS c1tat1on said the police "he r oicall y rescue d <See HONOR. Page AZ> provin~ very popular with wo men in China. At rlghl ls a woman soldlcr of the People's Liberation Army.· ~ I Dorne tor Three BOdies Found Remains Under House; Owner Held D~S PLAINES, lit CAP> Tho lim ·covered. ducompu:it'd rem alni. of •l le.at thr v boeHi• huve lwl•n found under a hc>ml' her~. und Polite 1iUld tod1&)' they would ch1r1• the owner of Uw houist'. an c x·convlct who served llrne tor n-c cnmee in Iowa Police Chief Lee Alfuno eald authoritlt.-'tt 8180 found moUndN that may contain morti b<>d1es under the house, which la m • quiet re1ldentl1l a rea In this town northweat or Chlea10. The owner, John W. Oacey Jr .. 36, wa1 belna he ld und would be char•ed later in the duy. A llano eald. He uld tho authorities found three bodlet "that we know about. possibly more" ln the four·foot-deep crawJ 1Jpace. .. It's !IUSIJ(!Cted b(>('BU51! of the loo k of tht! ttrNa down 1n tho CrMwl •P,<ACU, buCllUn of the mounds. · ht' said "A (t•w mun~ moundt.." Ho w111 asked If tht•N• mlRht bt' 1111 many a.11 20 bod1c i., and re ·pondud that that l'"t1mM.tc "st>crn11 very high, but I huve no wuy of d1 putinH that "t th1>. t1ml'" Police u1d they enl red the homo Thuraday with a acarch warrant after they recetv~ ia report that the owner t\ad be.en seen with Robert Picsl. IS, who was reported ml11ln1t Dec. J t. bod1 •s wert! found 11.i Luo damp to Htoro unylhmg m ," u1d Mn. Wilson M e mbe r -; or the Edward <;rexu famtly nearby sitld that unmarked r>oli<'e curt h•d been notu.'t'd out:.idc thu houae since Inst week. Kids Really Make Money Fo111H11 '\ltmm•\ G1•1wral John M1t r hl'll 1h·p ,111 ~ l t11111 th~ (-.•1lt•rul pn ... m1 < .1mJ1 .1t '.\I I'\\ 1•11 \II Forrt• ua .. 1• \I.A fot •• ., t' cl .q. C'hn ... tm.1-. turloUJ:h ~11l<'hl'll 1i. Uw on '' 1·om u·tt·d W<Jtt•rgJlt• 1·rumnul ~till an t·u ~trnh Pollco also uld "a hunt for more bodies In other areas" wu underway. Alfano wus asked why he believes there mtahl be more bod let under the houte. t.t. M~I Sehnoblen or tho Cook County 1hertrt's pollco uld five bodies In various t1ta((Cl4 of dec()mposlllon were round in the houte . He Hid lt aprcnred thiat the bodies were o • · younaer persona.'' Neighbors Raid the owner or the fioua,, a c on11lructlon contractor. hud been twice divorced and lived alone In the house. They !lold ht• frequently volunteered lo perform as o clown for children at charitable event's. PtlOENJXVlLLE1 Pa. <AP) -After turnlnt out C hrlAt mH cards on the s~hool presR, enlerprl1tn1 Rtudcnu decided to uu the leftover groon Ink to lry their hund at runny m oney. Ston<'·fllcc d federal :.gents wer not amuaed. • • 1 t started out H a joko." Sonford Parleer. director of the Northern Che11te r Count y T chnlcol School, said Thursday. ''It sure didn't end up that way." New Airport Chief Knows Noise The owner "has a very &ood personality and we can 't say anything bad about him ," said J enny Delaurontlt1. a nolghbor. m Afte r speaking with the students involved, agent K e vin Tuc ker said h e turned the flndln1a over to the U.S. attorney's office, which has decided not lo 1>rosocute. I\~ I\ \'fllY ('I.A "lo;f'\' ()f , .... ll.tlly l'llot ... ,. h 1• I r ,. "n 11 .1 1 r 1111 r t a ti m 1 11 1st r t1 t o 1 t 1· n t a t 1 v 4'I y '' 11 rtl'cl "' lhl' 111·~ n11rn.Ai(er of Or·"'•' .. t ·.,11n1" A11por 1 1' 111> "'''Jfl~l·r to lht• tmlrlH h lll'\\Hl'fl JI I ,1 I I C I .tft 11111'1 Jl1d hllllH'" \\1· .111 111n11·1111·d etl.mul n111'1 · H.1111 H1·~.1 l.1d11 :w 111ud t hr' m11rr1111i.: 0111 C'om rnun1ty 1.. I fllll't'rJH·rl .itJ0111 fllll\1• Wt• h a v e u n II l' r tu kt· 11 rn a Jn r 11rui.:r<1n111 rn ttw l):lllt t11 m1t1J(ate n OI' I' " r\n11111g lll<' l'flort<;, ht• Silld, w c· 1 1• t h ,. Ju ... t c· 11 m p I l' led purd1a ... 1: of 1111 home:. 111 a 11111"· 1m1w<'ted area, ttt•qu111it1on of 1•;1 ... 1•11wnl~ 1n :.iirs pac<' ;1hov1• humc~ aml th1· rw.uly f1111!\ht•cl d 1·vt'lopm""' of ~1 lo ng nin~1· :.11rp111 t 111>1.,c· and l and us t· pl'lli.!rurn R PJ(alado. a Los Angell·!'> n.1t1vt'. -;;ml tw 1"q1<.'<'ls to conw l o Orangr County 111 nllll .Ja nuary p1•nd1nu <·ountv ~Upl'rv1-.or ,· ;1ppr11v;il of 111., 134!.000 1wr vl•;.1r .. utury 111· woul<I r1·plt1t·1· llo ht·rt Rrt·snahan. who rt'~1g1wd Ort 15 to b1•1·oml' t11n•t•to1 of t.v1ution 111 M1•!-oll, Ar11 t'ha1rman o f tht' Orirnge County Hoard of Supervisors. 'l'homa!J Riley i1aid toduy he wa~ lmpreRscd with Hcgalado's f'ltp~rie-11£'4' and parfkularly wiLh u 1 t>c·omm1•ncl1111on from Los Ang t'll'" A1nx1rl MunagPr C.:hH M 011r1· ·<'l1ff Moor<> has got lo be one· of lht• top mrport m :rnaut:r!\ in thl' ('0Ulllry, lll:J Vhf"'ln the world " H1h•v '\:1111 • · rr Mr M o 111· 1· ~ 1 v ,. s h 1 m a h 1 g h c· h 1• c• k rn a r k I h 1· n ;i n v ff'"'' v:1t1on~ I huv•· lwg1n t11 <l ":JllJH.·ur " H t'lr.(:Aludo has lw<.•n 111 :H'l:.tgt•r ol hoth 111 .. 2,000 :ll'fl' Fn.•M111 <· 11r111111• r C\I ;ti :1 tr pc1 rt an !I a "111alll'r f:t cd1t y for lf«I l>fl\';11<· plunl'!I ftJI the pu11t fiv~ yeurs Thl' Fn•11no ulrport wlll serve I :! rn 1ll11m p; .... .,.•ngc·r., this Y<'ltr. H1·gulad11 !'>.tld, a11<1 will hancll<· l .I in ii II o 11 pa!'>"' en g c r '> I.I y l!IH!i Hli lh <·1111\r,1 ... t , Ornngt· Count) /\1r1111rt o<;<'UJJll'~ il!li ocrc .. an<.! Dal1ee, Movie Set for Teens /l d1i1c·o <lunc.·t· for lrv1nt' tct·n o~<'r!I 1s 1>ch<'dull•d from H fl 11l to midnight Saturda y ut the I ln1t111(c Park Y11uth ServH'l"i ('t•1th!f, 4G01 Wal11ut Ave. Ad 1111s1oon 1s $2. t\1110 m:ht>dult•d Sal urduy. <.1t ~ :111 p m , 1s a frt•t• !'>crttcning of tht-reatur<' motion p1ctur<'. "Oh, (;od," a Carl Heinn comedy s lurrin!( J oh n Den ver and < ;t>o1 i.w HurnK Tht· ... 1u1w1ni.: i'> ;11 Mason l'ark Tt'l'll (;enter, JH~52 ('ulver l>rlvtt. DAILY PILOT 1f'l1r(>fA,..-CM .. o ..... f"tktt ... 1 .. w f\1Ch1\tom Df,.ft(t tft• N•w.. Ot~\. f \t uf)t, tw>rt h , Hv· °'_,. ( <•4Hf flltyftt1\hlno r ""'I'"'' 4-rw-r11tt,. .. 1f1t11W\\ •'" ttt1hh\P'lf-1f Mt>M,,, '''"'"',. ',,., .. ,, ,, , ''"''' M•,14 t•~•tJl!fl 14+4ur1 ftu~t ""ftl\h f\11>A"f'I r tMin t•I" V•llt t If\'•"' l ~1n• f\+ ltf f• '°""tn I W'I A \l"'U•fl •"9tOrW• .,,, .. """" ~'"wo ,4',,.,.,..,,.,,., '-Uf'ld1U '\ ftlilt J'ffN lfl-'I trvttO,hlt'IQ PlfO•t I'\ Al 00 W•(lf l•y'-tt,._1 f '"'t• Y.~ '°" I Aillfttl f\1_..,.,.. •e .. ttllll W...cl P1•\ldtnt 4'"1 fi>~MtVli6, J•O,• ,_, Vtt t u,~11ti1itr1l •r'Mt C,.."4't ti Moll'tillt'>' , "'"'" .. "'"'' ffttrm ,_ ... ...,.,. ... M•n•Ultl~ t f1it.,t Utt .. \M L.Mt tt1~~ N H "'''"'*"'..-." .. '""to.to.' OfllCH l ••Mio'-• HOW.,,t """ ~,,,.... ,,..,.. . .._."' ''"' ,. ... ,., ... , ••""'1"1tWttfh•'" ,,,,,,..,.,.,nf•,.,ft••'d I r1 •f'I\ "Ch "•nt~ 4NMOO ~=:"t"~ ,'!~ •)t,~:. ':.!!tt~~t''l.::.::. rn••t•• "' ••••'' '""'•"h ft.er, I\ "'"' .. ,..,,,.~"'" ltlf~Mf ,,.., •• , .,..,., ""t<~rl •i , .. ,,,.,,....,.. ... ,~ t 1A \ 11t\I•• lt" It •t , H ..... ,. r.utot,,, .. \vb\ftt.l11on "' ,.,, .... u ,. ,,.., ... ~., t•• ,,. ••• t fl '• ""°"'"'' ,,.,,,,,.., .. • l•'Mtl ... ,, '" ,,.,., • ~ 111 11.tndk un ~t1 niah'd 2 1 111 illwn 1•,t.'>sen~~·r:. ln tlw \'l'.lr's t•ncJ H t·~<.1 l.1do ':ild th1• F rl'i')n11 tNrnlnJI rc•c·tmlly WJ!\ t'Jq1an1h·d h\ ndditlon of u 42.000 'i<1u11r ... foo1 l'OOl CIUI '\I' nltlklll).! lht• f~l'lllly ro11~hly thrt•t• llm <.·11 ltll' "111.e ofttic Or.ingt·Count\ lt•r1111nul Th e f'' r 1· i. no l: o 1t11tH· r t i;tl :i i r p o r I • <• b o u t ( 1 v ~ rn 11 l'., II 0 I' l h I' a S t O f t h l' (' i I \' , Jl'(.'Onltnodttl l'!>o f11ur lllr curncr~. Unit ed Airl111cs, P SA . A1 r Cnl1fornta und Hu~hcs A1nH·!'>t. ;ilong with comrnulc:r air st·rv1cl' hy Sw1rt Airline!\ und S1vrra Pac1f1c Airlines Orange County Airport 1s ser v<'d by lfuf.(he s Airwt•sl ;.ind Air California alonJ,? with Golden Wtn1 t Atrlint•s' commuter !'>t'rv1('f' And while Orange County has a 500 mill' de~llnalion limit fur t 11ghts. fo'rl'sno o ffers dirN·t !'>l'rvice to Denver. for <>xamplt• R<·~alodo said g rowth in the SEEPAGE. • • seepage. The rtrm will be paid $7,000 to study what has bee n done before and come up with a plun that, unlike before, will solve lh1.• J)rol>lem. The cos t is to be equully divided between the city, the I rvme Company and the builder. T he city :md the Jrvmc Com· puny alrl'ady have pa1c.J $8,5-00 to form er cons ultants Convers<·. Ward . Uav1s and U1xon. of Anaheim, \~ho concluded that an t.1nc1cnl stream bed runs under Turtle Hock und could be the possible cause Mayor Bill Vardouhs :..11d af. lerward. "llell. l'Vt·rybody's known about Lhat for a long time. Th11l's nothinJ( new ·• It Wl.I!\ known thl' !'>lream hed r<.1n '>Orne 20 fret under the s ur f:.1c·e What is n't known 1s why ~roundwatcr now 1s being found o nly two fN•t below the s urfac·c An offlc1al of Crand all and As- soc1atei. said that if the company 1s hired to pe rform a clu<al lurthc r testing. it will possibly t·ngi necr further borings in un- cxJ)lorcd arl'as to i.cc which w~1y the J(round wate r is moving. M rs. Barbara Renaud , the worn un whose back v ard is a s w<imp, said l(·slin~ done before has r('sullt"CI in "holes all ovtor the pl an·." From Page A I FIRE ... properl y and an unkno wn amount of equipment belw(·en the s tat<' and county that would constitut" a maJor inventory and bookkeeping process to un· t11ngte. Thomas said he was especially ongry about the state's move b'ecause he was told a week ago that It was "just a concept." Wednesday eveninti he re- ceived a letter from stole of. rtclols Informing him the nlloca· lion for the fire service would not be Included in the budget thut 1oc21 to the legislature at the opcnlnfl or th<' 1979 session. lie wae 1lven until toduy to reply. He •aid he sent a telegram outllntng his objections und aak· Ina tor Umc t.o negotiat . Cartoonist Wms Honor Jeff MacNelly whoso cartoons nppear In the batly Piiot, h o11 won the Thomas Nast prlie for pollllcal cartoons. The uward honor• Thomas NaRt , 3 pollt1cnl curtoonist in the Hllh century who creakd the donkey 3nd <'l<>phant symbolR l or the J>e m oc rut1 c and Hepubllean part1e1. MacNtll)'. 31. also won lhc Pulll2er Prize thl~ ye or, Cor the i.ccond Um~. t·1ty of f''resno lws impacted the 111r p ort a11d lhl' departure normully ta ken by commerciaJ • Jt''°' flie s over u major 1 es1dent1al area. Noist.• mitigation meas ures have helped cope with the no1!'>e problems. he said. Regalado, selected for the Orange County potlt by county orrtcials, l11 a former Army helicopter pilot who holds a bachelor's degree In aviation admlnl1tratlon from Embry Riddle Aerooautlcal University In Daytona Beach, Flu. Audree Wilson, 23, suld s he used lo baby.alt for the man's lwo stepchildren bMore hi" divorce trom hes second wlfo two years aJ(o. "The cruwl spuce where the Do· It· Yourself Hoose Pm All the Pieces Together for $95,000 LOS ANGELES < P> -It won't fit under the tree and al $95,000 or more. it 's cert ainly not the gifl for everyone. sell it for him. The rc altori. advertised 1t a:. a Christmas special. orrerrng delivery Wtlh Chri11tmus bows decorating evNy box of part!I. But a Joe.al re.ally company is advertising a lGO·year·old di&ai;semblcd house in boxes complete wilh Christmas ribbons The pr1ce tag includes tmginal ghtss, bricks. wooden nails. firoplace mantel. walnut i;tairwuy and huge pine beams and instructions on how to re -assemble everythfolo(. The 4.000·square·fool home, built in Sun- bury. Oh1o, wus disassembled and moved here by an antique dealer who couldn't afford to rebuild 1l. So he usk<.'Ci the Fred Sands Realty Co. to For $:175.000. the house will be both re· b~ill und r<'Sl<>red for the new owner 1n uboul nine months Goldwater Sues Carter 14 Otlwrs Join Effort to Block Taiwan Pact WASHJNGTON CAPJ -Sen. Barry Goldwater filed suit lo day lo :.lop President Carter from te rminating th e U.S . d efcnst-treaty with Taiwan on grounds that the action "will set a dangerou s precede nt " enabling a president to end any defense lreuty ut will. Carter announced a week <.1go that the United Stutos would extend ctiplomatic recognition to the People's Republic of China. lie also s ajd the 1954 treaty with Taiwan would be ended. F'iv <' se natoi:s, on e s £'nalor·cl ec t and eight representat i ve s jo1n~d Goldwater In the s uit filed in U S. District Court. The action seeks to have the 1•ourt declare the term in a lion o f th e d efe n se treaty FroM Page A I HONOR .•. Cookie rrom her inhumane b1rdnapper'> afte r eig ht lernrying hours of being held Jt s hotgun.point " PAWS gav e s peci a l recognition to J est.up and FlatherR, who hatched the plot and t•aged the culprits. · · W £'reel that with concerned or. f1cers such as these," the citation r<'ad. "the furred anrt feathered populat1onor J rvinc will rest more comrortably ... Thanks Lo the men In blul'. PAWS 11ald. Irvine's birds can sleep on their perches with both eyes closed. A spokc21ma n f or the deportment l'luld ho oxpectod the PAWS ownrd would be the only one received tor tho exploit. · Truck Victim . Identified frvlnc police have Identified a mnn crushed t.o death undor the wheels of hi!~ truck Thursday us Henry Grady DavtA, 61 , o r Oranfe. Wh It checlclnii tho enslne ot the truck, the trnn1mlulon 1omehow· moved Into reverae 1ear And Davia was thrown un· der the rront Jett wheel. He was doad on arrival at Tustin Community lfot1pital. unconstitutional and Illegal and uks that Carter be blocked from taking any further action toward that goal. "The president's action is one of the worst power grabs in American history ." Gold waler said. "Dy bringing this suit. I and m y collegaues who arc Joining with me. arc seeking to uphold the Constitution." The complaint says the Senate is a partner Wlth·the president in tre aty.making a~ part of the Constitution's admonition that the Senate mus t "advise a nd consent" to such agreements with foreign powers. ··As a logical a nd natural consequence," the s uit say!\, "the Senate is u part of the authority who 1;>osi;esses the po wer of deciding upon the termination or the lreatv ... The White House· had no immediate comment on the suit. Joining Goldwater In the suit were Sens. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina. Jesse A. Helm!> of N C .• ,Jake Garn and Orin I latch of Utah, Carl C urtis of Nebra11ka and Sen .·elect Gordon llumphrey of New llamµsh1re. /\I so joining we re Reps Robert Bauman of Ma ryland. Steve Sy mns and Geor ge· H onst.>n of Idaho , Larry M£'0onald of Georgia. Hobert Danie l Jr. or V1rg1nia . Uob Stump and l-:ldon H udd ol Arizona and John Ashbrook of Ohio. ."If the pr<'s ident gets w ;.1 v with it," Goldw<iter said, "tht•i1 t.>a<'h and everv tr<.' at v thl' United States tias with anotht'r country, Kuch a s NATO or our a llian ces with South Korttu and Japan. will be put in doubt "And no country s uch u:-. Israel. with whom ~ c m.iy r oncludc a futu r~ d o fen ~c trt'aty. can be assured that 11 will last any lon~er than tht· whim of the single per son who ha ppens to sit in the Ovul Offi(•c• at a n y J?1ven m o m <.'nt 1n his tory." he added 00 'Ci<Bo11 's FroMPageAI CHASE ... rret·w a). and . P urcell said. pur~u1:r s clol.'k~d s p eeds 1n excess of 110 males per hour on their speedomcterJ;. The truck continued to weave in and out of traffic until 1l reuchl'd Fountain Valley where lh e driver s i deswiped a Fountain Voll<'Y patrol unit that wcrs attempllng lo d~ar the frec1\,\'3Y Of trarfit OHicer John Quinzw suffered minor cuts and bruises in the collision near the Magnolia Street offrump und was taken to Fountuin Vulley Community ll o!\p1tal ror tre atment. llis plllrol car was badly damaged Police Mud the driver of the p ickup jumped from the cal> 1 m mediately after the collls1on, _ hopped the freew ay center divider fence and wall pursued by Irvine officers Dave Williams und Jim Potts. Wllhom11 cut his hand while t'limblng over the cente r dw1der. but Potts continued the foot c ha se and captured the driver The other youngster remained rn the c ur. police said. Hoth boys Y.Cr e take n to II u n t 1 n g l o n B t• a c h lnte rcommunity llos p1t<1l for observation. :.ind later booked into Juvenil~ Hall. Fro• Page Al DEATH ... wore n full prolecti vc helmet d esi g ned to preve nt head inJuncs. police nott.'Ci. So did hil$ former Huntington l'lt'ac h lfiJ?h School clu:swmate who died in the S<Jturday night rollic;ion 1n Garden Grove, pohce Said Police said Davis. an lndepcn· dent truckln1 operator, had boon preparl.fli to unJo~d asphalt tor o new parklns lot at the Armod Hammer Technical Center, 2100 S.E . Main St ='",...-;iry--DE N'S COSTA MISA • 646·4111 • 6 • :iniiaJlation:·custom dr11p1ries• llnoleum •wood floor • t • ,. I Y oar Ho•e te•• -Dall~ lWe.wa . ..-,.......,~- t VOL. 71, NO. 356,' St:CTIONS, 48 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1978 1 TEN CENT:S ~ r I Two C Officers Found Slain ,.,. •. ..,... .. YOLO COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPUTY EXAMINES BODIES OF HIGHWAY PATROLMEN Pair Found Shot to Death, Their Gun• Taken, Near Sacramento ; Goldwater Objects ,. l f ~ ' r. r \ I , f I • ,. . ·. Senator Su es Over Taiwan Shift WASKlNGTON CA P) -Sen Barry Goldwater filed suit to day to stop President Carter from t e rmin ating t he U.S . defense treaty with Taiwan on grounds that the action "will set a d a n ge r ous p r ecedent" enabling a president to end any defe nse treaty at will. Carter announced a week ago that the United States would extend ~plomatic rttognltlon to lhe People's RepubUc of ChJna. He also said the 1954 treaty with Tatw,an .WOYlt\ ~ended. Five se n a t o r s , o n e senator-elect a nd eig h t representatives join ed Goldwater if' the suit filed m U S. Oistnct Court. The action seeks to have the court declare the termination or the de f ense treaty unconstitutional and illegal and asks that Carter be blocked from taking any further action tow ud that goal "The president's action is one of the worst power grabs in American history." Goldwater said. "By bringing this suit, I and my collegaues who are joinin1 witb m~1 are seeklng to uphold the Consutution." The complaint says the Senate Is a partner with the president ln treaty-making as part of the Constitution's admonition that the Senate must "advise and consent" to such agreements. with foreign powers. ··As a logical and natural consequence." the s uit s ays, "the Senate is a part of the authority who possesses the power or deciding upon the termination of the treaty .. The White House had no immediate comment on the suit. Joining Goldwater m the suit were Sens. Strom Thurmond or South Carolina, J esse A. Helms of N .C., Jake Garn and Orin HJt.ch of Utah , Carl Curtis of Nebraska and Sen.-elect Gordon Humphrey of New Hampshire. Als o joining we r e Reps . Robert Bauman of Maryland, Steve Symna and George Hanse n o f Ida ho, Larry Mc Donald of Georgja, Robert Daniel Jr. of Virginia. Bob (SeeSUIT, Page 1\2) Death Follows Cyclists By ARntUR R. VINSEL OI ._ 0.lly Pli.t Slaff Chuck Grein and Philip Karl loved motorcycling and Life. Catholic funeral services are scheduled tonight and Saturday for Chuck Grein, 18, who was killed on his m otorcycle Wednesd ay, a d ay a fte r attending Philip Karl's funeral. Karl, 17. was fatally injured on has bike Saturday night when it rammed a car, disabled with its light.s out, at a Garden Grove intersection. "Th ey were pretty good fnentts." said Grein's brother, Michael Services for Grein will be at St. Bonaventure's Catho lic Church. 16400 Springdale St., Huntington Beac h. where similar rites were held for Karl. Dilday Brolhers Mortuary. in Huntmgton Beach, is in charge of directing the Grein rites, as Coast W eathe r Gusty north east to easterly winds 15 to 25 mph below some passes late tonight or early Satur· day. Lows tonight 38 to 45. Sunny a nd slightl y warmer Saturday with highs 62 to 68. INSIDE TODAY WUh C1rriltm.o.t bt t M aJr tohy iln't U ON T HE AIR? Read about wre to find the feta radio hoUdoy apecfolt on Pog41Cl the firm was for the Karl family's son earlier in the week. Visitation wa:; scheduled this afternoon at the mortuary. with a Rosary al 7 p.m . in St. Bonaventure's Church. Mass of Christian Burial will be at 10 a .m. Saturday al the s ame sanctuary. followed by interment al Good Shepherd Cemetery in Huntington Beach. Karl was buried at Holy Cross Cemetery in Culver City. M lchael Grein, 20, was enrolled with his now dead brother in a motorcyc l e mechanics class at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. C huck Grein leaves h is parents, Charles J . and Mary Grein ; hi s brother, and a sister, Elizabeth. "He didn't have any plans yet," the dead youth ·s brother said, adding that they were just t aki n g the motorc yc le mechanics class to keep their bikes in good running order. Chuck Grein and Philip Karl had met through motorcycling acquaintances. Chuck Grein was killed almost instantly when his machine s truck a cente r divide r on Warner Avenue near Los Pat06 Avenue, hurling him into a metal street sign post. Both Grein, of 1734! Wild Rose Lane a nd Karl of 17 262 Chaparal Lane, in the same northwest Huntington Beach area. succumbed to internal injuries. (See DEATH, Page 1\2) 3 Bodies Found At Illinois Home DES PLAINES, Ill. CAP ) - The lime-covered, decomposed remains of at least three bocies have been found under a home he re, and police said today they would charge the owner of the house, an ex·convict who served time for sec crimes in Iowa. Police Chief Lee Aliano said authorities also found mounds that may contain more bodies under the house, which is In a quiet residential area in this town northwest of Chicago. The owner, J ohn W. Gacey Jr .. 36, was being he ld and would be charged later in the day. Aliano said. He said the authorlUes found three bodies "that we know about, possibly more" ln the four-foot-deep crawl space. Police also said "a bunt ror more bodies ln other areas" was underway. Alfano was asked why he believes there might be more bodiea under the house. "It's swipected because of the look of the area down ln the crawl 1p,ace, because of the mounds. • be Hid. •'A few more 111ound1." He was uked tf there ml-"t be as many as 20 bodies. and responded that that estimate "seems very high. but I have no way of disputing that at this lime ." Police said they entered the home Thursday with a search warrant after they received a report that the owner had been seen with Robert Piest, 15, who w11 reparted missing Dec. 11. Lt. Mel sChnoblen of the Cook County sherifrs poUce said Ove bodies In various s tages of decompoeiUon were found in the house. He said it appeared that the bodies were of "younger persons ." aD'EUNDERS KEEP HlJMOR CLEVELAND <AP> -Some Clevelandera are taking the clt.y'a default ll1htly. T·shlrts have betun appeartna lmprint.ed wltb ttlil •losan: "Default'• not mlM. I JUlt live her e." ~ .. ,, Dragnet Out for Suspects SACRAMENTO (AP> -Two highway patrolmen were found shot dead behind their patrol car on foggy Interstate 80 west of Sacramento early today and police sought the owner of a tem porary dri ver's license found at the scene. A Yolo County deputy shcnff heard the shots and got to the scene within minutes after the killings. The dead office r s were identified as Roy Blecher, SO, of Broderick and Mike Freeman, 35. of Woodland, both from the WoodlandCHPorrice. Both men's ser vice pistols were missl.ng. Their bodies were found face down on the roadside. one of them with his hands cuffed .behind him. A shotgun was also reported missing from the patrol car. Investigators said they arc seeking a man. described as 23 to 25 years old. six feet, 170 pounds, dark complexion. weari ng a s hort-s leeved sweatshirt and driving a gray or cream-colored sub.compact car. The description of the car apparently came from witnesses in a passing vehicle. CHP dis patche r Hugh McGuigan said An alert was also issued for a 1965 brown pickup t r uck , a lth ough th ere wa s n o i mmediate explanation of what led authorities to look for it. Yolo County Deputy Sheriff Larry Justice, who found the bodies. said he was patrolling a business area near the highway when he heard four to six shots. He stopped his patrol car. rolled down the window and listened for five minutes. then headed for the highway. As he c rossed the highway on the Harbor Boulevard overcrOS!ing jus t west of Sacramento. be saw a highwaf patrol car with its red light f a s hing along s ide Interstate 80 and another car beside the road. Justice said it took him five to seven minutes to wind ha s way to the scene. where he found the s topped car gone a nd the officers dead. The highway was so fogbound, two lanes were closed to traffic during the investigation. In a short time there were two chain-reaction accidents in the area. The scene of the slayings was in an unincorporated area of Yolo County about one mile west of Sacramento and about 80 miles n orth east o r San Francisco. Blecher and Freeman were the only two officers on duty from the Woodland CH P office at the time, authorities said. Bob Fahs. a highway patrol spokesman. said the officers are the first to be shot this year. but five others have been killed in the line of duty. ... Pope to Travel Pontiff Sets Mexico Yi8it VATICAN CITY <AP> -Pope John Paul II announced today he will visit MeXJco next month to participate in a conference of bishops from Latin America, a continent holding nearly half the world's Roman ·catholics and seething with political and socia l turmoil. It will be the pontifrs first trip outside Italy since his election in Octo~r. Pope John Paul, who has said he is taking on the ''pilgrim's staff of peace" from Pope Paul Vf, is also expected to travel to his native Poland in the spring. The pope made the announcement to cardinats in a Christmas messafe also focusing on a territorial dispute between Sou h American neighbors Chile and Argentina and containing a renewed call against huma n rights violations. .. Every violation of personal dignity favors the grudge or the spirit of the vendetta," he asserted. Laguna RofJIJerg , Two Teens Held In Heist, Chase By STEVE MITCHELL Of u. 0.llY l'ilel 5l•ff Two boys reportedly bashed a female market clerk on the head with a wine bottle early this morn- ing and roared through fi ve cities in a llO·mile-per·hour chase that ended by smashing a Fountain Valley Patrol car. The clerk. Ann Plaster 01 Costa Mesa suffered minor head injuries when she was assaulted during lhe Laguna Beach robbery of the Tic Toe Market, 1390 North eo.st Hi&hway. The s uspects. Whittier youngsters. ages 15 and 16, were taken to Orange County Juvenile Hall. They were to be char1ed KUl8 Retdly Make Money PHOENIXVILLE. Pa. c AP ) -After turning oul Christmas cards on lhe school press, enterprising students decided to use the leftover green ink to try th eir hand at funny money. S tone -faced federal agents were not amused. • • 1 t started out as a joke." Sanford Pariser . director of the Northern Chester County Technica l School. said Thursday. "It sure didn't end up that way." · After speaking with the students involved. agent Kevin Tucker said he turned the findings over to the U.S. attorney's office, which has decided not to prosecute. with armed robbery. assault with a deadly weapon, grand theft a uto and felony assault. The chase involved between 25 to 30 police units at various times. lt began after the teens struck the clerk and fled with $15 in cash, police said. The. dazed clerk contacted police and while other patrol units converged on the market., Sgt. Tercy Temple sped north on Coast Highway looking for the getaway car. Temple said he saw \be atoleo pickup truck near Scotchman's Cove and roUowed the truck from a diacreet distance until tbey reached Corona del Mar. "Temple didn't tum on his UJ!ita beca&lle be didn't want the kids to know they were being followed until be could raise some Newport Beach (patrol) units," said Laguna Beach Capt. Ne il Purcell. When the suspects and their persistent pursuer reached San Joaquin Road and MacArthur Boulevard in Newport Beach, Temple and Newport officers flipped on the red lif hts "and that's when they real y put the speed on." Purcell said . Police sald the driver of the pickup swerved around cars and tried to force some off the road as he headed up MacArthur toward the San Diego Freeway. Irvine POiice joined the chase as the truck roared into the freeway, and, Purcell said. purs uers clocked speeds in excess or 110 miles per hour on their speedometers . The truck continued to weave in and out or traffic until It re ached Fountain Valley where the driver sideswip e d a Fountain Valley patrol unit that (See CHASE, Page AZ) Trout Trelc la Nlf111el Holiday vacationers line the shore of there. Not too many were ta.kin& 'their Orange County's La1un1 Niauel Lake flve·ftlh Umlt, but the price was right - Tburs<tay to make a try for some of the oal)' $1 to enter the re1l0nal partc. 2.400. pounds of trout recently planted, ~ . ,,.,~ .. ""' ~ ~ .......... .. ' t Plan to Move 81 ANN COOP£a Ol_o.1..,,. ..... Two hmille~ an San Clemtmtt'• horeclltta Mobil Counlry ctob were .-.portedly m1kln1 pl.ne today to hav t .. lr mol»lle hom• reJoc.tl"CI f rom a thrutf'Md bluff to tpacts lo two Ulhtor mob le hom par kl Ray Pune. maaua1u or lb Sboredtrfa park. Hid Al and Alln Ht1mbf.r1 and Robert and Rita l..aftin bne l&rffd to ha"~ their bomt'I movtd to apat Revised plans caUM for re· modeling 006t~ ot up lo J134,000 on the old Le1lon Hall In Lqwia Beach, now used a ~mmwut.y c~nter. But councilmen saJd lhls week they'd llke to see city planners and recreation otrlclals revise those plans again -thl8 time knocking oU the $40,000 to $50,000 increase In cost. "lt 's like adding onto your own home," said Mayor Jack McDowell. "You talk and talk, and plan and add thinals until the cost is so hlgh you have to go back and start over again." Councilman Wayne Baglin joined the,.mayor in suggesting the stare start over. The city is leasing the build.Ing from American Le.cion Post 222. and plans extensive remodeling of the old wooden structure to accommodate senior citizens and other cornmumly groups. Cost estimates last February put an $80,000 price tag on that remodellng, which will include the construction or a 1,125 foot addition t.o the building. Other projects include rewir· ing the buUdJng, adding drop ceilings, some sound proofing, painting and landscaping. The city expects to receive .$40,000 for the remodeling in Hou sing and Comm unity Development funds. But a recent ln!ormal intpec- ·tion or the building by a county -rehabilitation cost estimator, provided the city with a revised estimate of up to $134,000 ror the remodeling work. Councnwoman Sally BeUerue suggested the city staff pare down the cost.a or the remodel • and present a new plan to the council at a later date. Meanwhile, planners said they would seek an additional $40,000 from tederal grents which might cover the entire cost of the project. F,....Page AJ SUIT .•. Slump and Eldon Rudd or Arizona and John Ashbrook of Ohio. "If the president gets way with it," Goldwater said . "then each and every treaty the United States has with another country, such as NATO or our alliances with South Korea and Japan. will be put in doubt. ··And no country such as Israel. with whom we may conclude a future defense treaty. can be assured that st will last any longer than the whim of the single person who happens to sit in the Oval Office at any given moment in history," he added. Proteston Routed TEHRAN, Iran CAP> - Soldiers routed antl·s hah protesters who tried to slip tnt.o Tehran University today in hopes of reinforcing JOO professors staging a sit·in t.o get the college reopened. - DAILY PILOT TIWO.~C-.Ofllrl'ti.!.•'411-llltc­-IM--• ••--""-°'-c .. ,,_,.,,....'-..__., ... '""'"'' ...... pw. -.. , .. _ ,, ... , ... c..t• ...... .._ .. et. -· .......... "_ lel•VeJi., 1"""9,l~ ... ,.,_,.,_ A ..,.....,....,..._ ...... _,_.....,....,_ ._,, _,.,....ifooll~ .......... n. WW .. ,t<-.CMl•MtM.C .. lltr.W.t1'M. ·-·-... .., ...... _"""'- '·"··~ VICt.., .. __ 0.-_..._. ,_ . ...,. Utlw ,.,...,& .......... ... _....~-- OoerMM. '--......,_ .. -"'"~ .... ~ ...... LMIM• ...... Offloe n.tOlfMfrrt"""' OfftoH C..l•MeM·Ul"""" ... tl-.......... 1'\lte<ll llt111tltll-Md , ........... (114)~ C1•111ftff Mwettlllfll ..... TI '-"'"'' ... AM °"'8::1NM._ ,., ... , .... ....... ,,_...,, .. _ ...... ~'C -°'=-~ ·=~';s.= :;er, ... r: .. -:n .. ~ ... ,..~ ....... ro•tH..tH • ,....,, tMlfl "'"''"'" tf ·-ntM-· St<~ ""' ,.,,.r. Hlf .. Cetlt ...... C..lll••~le htH , Ml ... ..., C•flltt 0 N =.::l-•t. ;;~~~ _,, ' ......... , !orated within th~ park community P11M deel ned to aa1 •here the •v•c " · r<' or •h~1' the t-.o coupl are Uk b lo make~move Both the ffelmtM<r1• and the Larkins •tt• reported ai.ylnc t 1 n .. rby motfl. but neither c.-oupl• couJd be rt> Cbed tooay for tommtnt. Park M~aaer r lne nle1 a l•ar~h ' under wa)' ror two more 1pacea, 10 Alb~rt and Marianne BatH and Mary Webc'r W111 be able to reloc11t Cbti r mobile born ell Owners or the tour horn • louted at 92·95 Mira Ad lM.nte, \lrere SM"Ved notlcf' Wt-dnf'MJay by park ownt'ra lh•t thrir homes •rtt 1n d nljttr a. a re1ull of 11 Ola1 1\-t landshde Mon<lay und ahou.ld bt mov~ immedlatt-ly Mn Bat~ s!Ud today lh•t she and her hu. ban<J rirob•bly wlll move thtur home. sf lht'y flnd u apace But Mrs. Weber. a W>dow, ~aid she doee not intend lo mov<' .. It would cost me $13,000 or $14 ,000 to move Utls home to another park where I don't want to be anyway," she said ··:1 think I'm 11uffic1ently u fe here -the danger's not that bad." The park owner s' recommendation that lhe four families should relocate their home s wa s ba sed on a recommendation by geologist Jack Stickel. Stickel, who was hired by the park after a crack appeared in the slope below the Mira Adelante homes nearly a month ago, said there has been very little earth movement s m cc Tuesday. Out he said it will probably be three or four weeks before he will be able to specify a probable cause or the landslide. In the meantime he expects no further "major movements" JO the area -only minor sloughing around the periphery. he said. San Clemente's chief building inspector. Harry Marcus. said the city has no plans to hire its own geological consultant for an independent opinion. "It's not necessary for us to hire one. with Jack Stickel working for (park owner ) Dan Evans," srud Marcus. Earlier this week, the city planning commission approved a request from developers or the Forster Ranch, adjacent lo the Shorecliffs mobile home park, Cor a variance to the city's hillside grading ordinance. The variance. if approved by the City Council on the planning commission's recommendation . would allow grading on some sections of the 324·acre d e vel opment where s lopes exceed a JO percent grade. Along with 242 single family homes planned in the development, developers also project a 201 space mobile home park. San Clemente Coastal Plan WJDS Approval A committee or six regional Coastal Commission members voted unanimously this week to recommend commission ap· proval of the San Clement~ Local Coastal Program. The commission wa s scheduled lo act on the San Clemente plan Wednesday. but could not. because only six of the 12 commissioners attended the meeting -not enough for a quorum. The matter will be taken up again when the panel meets Jan. 4. City Manager Gerald Weeks sa id he was pleased by the comm1ttee's action Wednes· day on the slate·mandated coastal plan. San Clemente Is one of five coastal cities and counties in the state to have its plan drawn up by Coastal Com· mission staff planners. The City Council susgested JO changes t.o the plan originally presen~ by commission r•an· nera. Weeks saJd most o the chan1es wtll be Incorporated ln the ffnal plan. if the commission Collowa the recommendation or tl\e Wedneaday committee . &Olympian TeachaKida L11un• Beach youn1stera who •lcn up for the clty'a &Y.mnasuca Crogram Ulla winter will have an nstr uctor who know• what he's talking about. DJ ck Beckner. former Olym. pie team member and winner ln the 1954 Pan, American 11m11, will coach the etaht·week courses at the recrc1tfon depart· ment, 5U Forest Ave., be•lnnJna Jan. 12. Chlldren 7 to 14 year• old may aian up for the l)'mnutlca clMI betlnnlnl Jan. 2 at the recrea· Uon department. For mo" In· rormaUoo. ull 48'7·3311, ext. m . I Liri119 Wlfh the Pipeline Alas kan curibou forage beneath the trans- Alaska pipeline in search of grass planted by the Alycska P ipeline Service Company In its revegetation efforts. The animals, photographed by a patrolling pilot, appear not to be disturbed by the pipeline . Planes' Noise Familiar New OC Airport Manage r Knows Proble m By KATHY CLANCY Of IM O.lly Pllet Stall The Fre s no airpo rt administrator tentatively selected as the new manager or Oranee County Airport is no stranger lo the conflicts between jet aircraft noise and homes. •'We are concerned about noise," RauJ Regalado, 34, said this morning. "Our community Is concerned about noise. We have undertaken major programs in the past to mitigate noise." Among the efforts, he said, were the JUSl·comp leted purchase of I IO homes in a noise-impacted area, acquisition of easements in airspace above homes and the nearly finished development of a long·range airport noise and land use program. Regalado. a Los Angeles native, said he expects to come to Orange County in mid.January pending county s upervisors' approval of his $32,000 per year salary. He would r eplace Robert Bresnahan. who resigned Oct. 15 to become d.ire(tor of aviation JO Mesa, Artz. Chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Thomas Riley said today he was impressed with Regalad&'s experience and particularly with a recommendation from Los Angeles Airport Manager Cliff Moore. ·'Cliff Moore has got lo be one of the top airport manafers in t he country. maybe n the Caps Feathered Tiro lroine Cops Honored The lrvlne Police Department b as been presented a bumanllarian award for its participation in the rescue of a kidnapped bird. It wasn't exactly the raid on Entebbe, but police did plan and stage a da>'break assault that saved Cookie the cockatoo, and not a feather out of place. The November cockatoo caper involved the midnight blrdnaplng of Cookie and a sinister voice on the telephone informing her owners, ''Wehaveyourbird." The bird was held for ransom, for an attempted exchange of $2,000. Police detectives Paul J essup and Ron f'lathers, work· ing with the owners, who had called police, had them talk the criminals into settling for $600. The exchange was made at a deserted ser vice station. The owners grabbed their bird; Flathers and Jessup grabbed the suspects. This week, Irvine PAWS. a newly formed group dedicated t o the Promotion of Anim al Well-being, gave the police work recognition due. Cartoonist WmsHorwr Jeff MacNelly, whose cartoons appear In the Dally Pilot. has won the Thomas Nast prize for political cartoons. The award honors Thomas Nast, a political cartoonist in the 19th century who created the donkey and elephant symbols ror the Uemocrallc and Republican parties. MacNelly, 31, also won the Pulitzer Prize this year, for the second time. 32,000-plus Held in India NEW DELHl. India (AP> - More deaths and Injuries were reported today u the arrest toll swelled to more than 32 000 In the continuing wave oi riots aimed at setting former Prime Mlnl1ter Indira Gandhi freed from Jail. Two were killed and five Injured when POJlce 9oened fire on a violent mob of 2 000 pro- te 1 U n1 Mrs. Oandhl's Jal1· Ing, the Unlled News or Ind.la reported rrom the western state or M1h1r11btra. . Deputy Polite Ins pecto r General R. Rangaraju told the new1 aaency that police resorted to tear au and then rlne fire t.o dlapene the rtottra tn Watdha d latrtct. about 380 miles nortbtut of Bombay. I I • PAWS has 43 r egistered m embers in Irvine, Newport Beach, Costa Mesa. Hunlineton Beach, Garden Grove and Santa Ana. The PAWS citation said the police "heroically res cued Cookie from her inhumane birdnappers after e ight terrifying hours of being held at shotgun·point. '' PAWS gave s pecial r ecognition to Jessup and Flathers. who hatched the plot and caged the culprits. ··We feel that with concerned of. flee rs such.as these.·· the citation read, "the furred and feathered population of Irvine will rest more comfortably." Thanks. lo the men in blue. PAWS said1. Irvine's birds can sleep on their perches with both eyes closed. A s pokesman for th e department said he expected the PA:WS award would be the only one ~eceived for the exploit. .. world.·• Riley said. "If Mr Moore gives him a high checkmark then a n y reservations I have begin to disappear." Regalado has been manager of both the 2,000-acre f''resno commercial airport and a smaller facility for 180 private planes for the past fi ve years. The f"resno airport wiil serve 1.2 million passengers this year. Regalado said, and will handle 2.3 million passe ngers by 1985·86. By contrast, Orange County Airrort occupies 492 acres and wit handle an estimated 2.4 million passengers by the year's end. Regalado said the Fresno terminal recently was expanded by addition of a 42,000·square.foot concourse, making the facility roughly three times the s ize of the OrangeCountylerminal. The Fresno comme rcial airport . about rive miles northeast or th e city. accommodates four air carriers. United Airlines. PSA, Air California and Hughes Airwest. along with commuter air service by Swift Airlines and Sierra Pacific Airlines. Orange County Airport 1s served by Hoghes A1rwest and Air California along with Golden We s t Ai rl ~n es ' com m u t e r service. And while Orange County has a SOO·mile destination limit for tllghts. l''resno offers direct service lo Denver, for example. Regalado said growth in the city of Fresno has impacted the a irport and the departure normally taken by commercial jets fli es over a major r esidential area. Noise mitigation measures have helped cope with the noise problems. he said. Regalalio, selected for the Orange County post by county orrlclals, is a former Army helicopter pilot who holds a bachelor's degree in aviation administrat ion from Emt>ry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla. ,.,,..P.,,eAJ CHASE ••• ....... .ttempttl.'-to lff1~--.--1 freeway of traffic. omctt John Qulndo tutferfd mlnor cut.a and bruite1 in the colllalon near tbe M11oott1 Street offramp and was taken to Fountaln Valley Community ttospllal ror treatment. Hts patrol car w11 badJy damapd. Police aatd the driver of the pickup jum~d from the tab lmmMlately after the coWaloo. hopped the freew1y center divider rence and was pursued by Irvine officers Dave WIWam11 and Jim Pott.a. Willlams cut his hand while climbing over the center di vlder, bul Pott5 continued the toot chase and captured the driver. The other youngster remained ln the car,J)OUcesaid. Both boys we re taken to Huntingt on Beach lntercommunity Hospital for observation, and luter booked Into Juvenile Hall. U.S., Soviet Talks Go On GENEVA, Switzerland <AP> -U.S. and Soviet negotiators reported more progress today but no certainly of afreement after another session o talks on a new strategic arms limitation treaty. "We have covered some dis· tance on the questions where there was lack or accord or lack of complete accord, but It's sliU loo early lo say," said Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko. "We may have to meet again tomorrow," said Secretary or State Cyrus R. Vance. He said he had •·no guesses" on the out· come of the talks and no com· • me nt on the possibility of a So· v1et-Amencan summit meeting t o s ign the tre aty he a nd G r omyko are trying l<> negotiate. ; Singe r Hurt In Collision BURBANK (AP> -Singer Laurel Masse was in satisfactory • condition today after surtenng jaw, ankle a nd wrislinjurieslnan automobile accident. Ms. Masse. who performs with the Manhattan Transfer pop group, was drsvsng home trrom rchearsaJ when the accident oc- curred, according to the group's manager, Brian Avnet. The group's scheduled engage- ment at Hollywood's Roxy nJght clubthisweekwascaoceled. E'ro..P~A I DEATH ••• Gre in, Huntington Beach's 29th traffic fatality of the year. wore a rull protective helmet des igned l o prevent head injuries, poUce noted. So did his former Huntington Beach Hi gh School classmate who dle<j in the Saturday night collision In Garden Orove, police said. ' Freedom Due SEOUL. South Korea (AP> - Opposiuon leader Kim Dae Jung wsll be among 5,378 prisoners freed Dec. Z7 as part of an am- ne~ty marking Pres ident Park Chung·hee's Inauguration for a serond s ix year term. the Justice Minsstry announced to·