HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-01-14 - Orange Coast Pilott 1 .· . . . 7 I In Case of Emergenc~, Never Say No B1a Bltl;M ................. Conttary to 1ome exf)t'cta· Uons, the Or C t ft1re Department l do•an 't re1cue cata from &rt a anymore and bun•t 1Jnce the people I bere bqan to outnumb r anlmalL "Jt'I VC!ry dJflicuJt to U• ... UI t plain to• pers0n •bo baa a nlc ~ home on tlre when th tlremen are a few minutes la~. ·wen. "'e had t , piece ol equip. m nt and four J>llQPl out trylnt to set a rat cJown,' " Captaln Dave Klonta,.rg aaya. TeU, lt>an Kbuwber1 1 akl toftly, h1I vote• fUJeid wlth a wHry rc1JpaUon bu.lit up rrom yura ol lalk:ina to calm and hyat rtcal people. alway1 with problemt, 1om0Umc1 ur1ent. often trlvtal. For the put ta yean, h ba1 been • t echnician In tho Em r1eney Cocnmand Center at the beadquarter1 In Oran1e. ECC ia I.be namo fire penooneJ hav Jlven thelr radio dilpatcb operallon SUNDAY * * * The ttnter. whkh laat year proceued lllON than 23,000 calla for ht lp. ii the heartbeat of a de· partment of 1,119 people terving almoat MI0,000 Oran•• CounUana 1ratteNd ov r ~ 1qu1re mUes. ECC ta a l.200·square·foot room fronted by a 8·foot taJI. four·reeled computerized tape machlne,wblcb records all radio and telephone calls on a time Jos. Runntna dia&onally across the center ol the room are two radio transmitter {conaolea, a dla· patcher sea ed at each one. Behind them la a third conaole for their 1upervi10r. The three poaltlona are filled round the cloek. A huah aeema to fall on anyone enteriq the two locked doors Into the room. '!be effect Ian 't acciden- tal. The carpet's blue alms to calm, the yelfow walls send off an alert tone and the low level light- ing encourages soft voices. The room la windowless and . . . d lstractlon1 are kept t o a minimum. The next of the approximately 80 calil ror help nowtna lnto the center daily may be as trivial u a request to cut a ring from someooe'atJnger. Or It might be one of the rre· quent, urgent calls for medical aid, calla which comprise 70 per· cent of the department's workload, .£hlef Tim Sappok, head of the l'.Cc. says. Perhaps the caller wUl report a structure tire. U 10, ECC technicians are required "without exception" to dJspatch a minimum of three enslnes, one . DAILY PILOT . . truck. one pararoedlc van, 16 men and a battalion ch.ief. · Falae alarms get l.Jle same respollMt • firemen never bow untU they get there. Wortt ot alJ. the caU·coutd bel a report of a dreaded brush flre. \ such a s the one lhat swept1 acrosa Carbon Canyon in Augt.&R t 1978. For three days and nights as the bllsterlng flames in the north county ref'lbsed. to abate and threatened hundreds of homes. the ECC staff mounted a , monumental 24-hour s up·t preasion effort from the blue and· _yellow room. (See DISPATCH, Page A.3> VOL. 72, NO. 14, 7 SE CTIONS,~ PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CA LI FORNI A SUNDAY, JANUA RY 14, l979 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Council Selected For Iran TEHRAN, Iran <AP> -Shah Moh ammad R eza Pahlavi picked a regency council Satur- day to represent him when he l leaves Iran on a temporary "vacation." a h ighl y placed palace official sajd . The shah has been urged to leave the country temporarily to give Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar's new civilian govern- m ent time to pacify the anti- shah violence that has raged In Ira n for more than a year and brought the oil-rich nation to tho brink of economic chaos. Other highly placed sources said the shah. had moved to avert a mlllt.ary coup last week by telling his generals he would rather le~ve the country than have them stage a takeover that • would prolong bloodshed in Iran. Under the constitution, a re- gency eotmcn must be formed be~re the shah can leave the co try. The council must in· cl e the new prime minister. I the presidents or both h0USe8 or Parliament. the chief justice or the Supreme Court and "four knowledgeable persons well versed in the affairs of state." T h e Teh ran n ewspape r Kayhan reported that one of the four was armed forces chief or staff Gen. Abass Gharabaghi , president of the National Iranian '· ~" , OUCo. A highly placed source loyal to the s hah said the monarch had met last \Veek with the country's top military leaders who had of- fe r e d to use the nation's 430.000•man army to restore his absolute monarchy. Grav itg Stumped Usually the top or bottom of tree surgery is the most troublesome. But Rick Nixon of Landscape Creations found the middle of this 40-f oot tree didn't want to give up the post Saturday. It clung to light standard at 121 Via Florence, Lido Isle. 3 Palestinians Killed Israe lis Thwart Plot b y T e r r or ists TEL AVIV, Israel fAPl - Israeli soldiers killed three P a lestinian terrorists who raided a guest house in the northern city of Maalot on Satur- day. An Israeli woman fell to her death from a third·stort window while trying to escape, police said. guest house scr ambled down knotted sheets to safety. Maalot police said the Palesti- nian plan to take hostages was thwarted when a sold ier on routine patrol became sus· picious, dashed to the second floor and killed one or the ter· rorfsts. The other two raiders were slain by Israeli troops In a \ Ma ny of the 230 visitors al the Padres Give Gorilla Lift SAN DIEGO <AP I -Abraham the gorilla has arrited In style aboard the San Diego Padres' private jet plane (or a blind date with a 30-year-old female gonna from the San Diego 1.oo. Nicknamed "Abe," the 375-pound lowland gorilla from Cheyenne Mountain 1.oologlcat Park Is a proven breeder at age 22, having sired four little gorillas in the past. Arter a 33-day quarantine, Abe will be palred with Bouba. She has been the only lowJand Gorilla at the San Diego 1.oo since the receot death o(her companion, Albert, who s uccumbed to heart dlsease and artbrfUa. SINCE 111E Federal A viaUon Admloiatra\lon requires that the baseball team 'a 727 Jet. be flown at least oete every 10 days, Padres owner Ray Kroc dreamed up a fly. in& party for team backers. 1'be FAA wu bkecUI be cpu_Jd extend lt to Colorado. He did, and 32 guesta and a comple· Ment l>f newsmmilew otr-to brl9*Abe-over the ftocki<-.. __ Both zoo. will share any little apes born-of the mau~ under a breedina loan prolf&m during Abe's "lndetlnJte stay." · . Whether Abe and Bouba ·will bit it off temalnl to be aeen . ) f. separate gunfight at the guest house. Five Israelis were in· jured, none seriously. "It was over in a few mo· ments," said a policeman. The three Palestinians, armed with grenades, rifles and ex- p losives. ente red the gov· ernment-run houae six -.mJles south of the Lebanese border at 7 a.m. and took a family of three hos tage while most or the weekend guests were sleeping, police aaJd. The dead woman was iden· Ufied as MJrlam Al!asi. 30 or Beersheba, who slipped whtle cllmblng down an improvised escape rope. Police initially re- ported she Jumped tn a bid to es· cape. "We beard noises, and we heard it was terrorists, and I said, 'No, It can't be,'" said Mazat Azarlb a guest who 1\lf· fcred three roken ribs in ~r escape. "We looked out the win· dow and saw soldiers. They told us to aet dressed quickly. We did • • • and we went down." Sara Kallacbl. 27, who auf- rered a mild back tnJury while JumplQf to safety. said she and her huaband heard "stranae noises, ahota and 1cream1. '' From their balcony. they taw toldlen motJontni ror them to wait. -"Then.. about rive mtnutq la&er U.., told-a we could j~. My husband Jumped flrat and l went aft« bfm," ahe 11ld. A wC>fter at the aueat ~ Hld ll'OOpl ln the area had t.eo oa alert. ~ , ~I 'Remarkable, Hard-driving' Wayne Recovering LOS ANGELES fAP l - Hollywood box om ce king John Wayne sat up once and stood up once the day after doctors re. moved bis stomach after find ing cancer during a gall bladder operation, ·a hospital spokesman said Saturday. "He's a hard·drlving kind or person," said hospit al -ad- ministrator Bern ard Strohm. "He_wants to move around, but that will take time "His vital signs are absolutely stable. His general progress is as expected -right on target," Strohm told reporters Saturday afternoon in the second briefing of the day. Doctors fashioned a substitute stomach out or a portion ot the 7l·year·old actor's Intestines. a nd Stro hm said the new stomach should work just fine. "For what be's gone through, he's In remarkably good shape and good spirits," Strohm said. The tall. lumbering actor. who won an Oscar in 1969 for hi s performance in "True Grit." un- derwent surgery Friday for a gall bladder ailment. but sur· geons removed his stomach in a nine·hour oper ation when a malignant t u m or was dis· covered. Wayne spoke with his three sons and four daughters after eme rging from surgery Friday, and again Saturday mor ning, Strohm said. A family member said Wayne's children were "very encouraged" by their father's reaction to the unexpec· tedly grueling operation. "He's remarkable. He was alert so early." said Strohm. "He's weak. of course." Strohm said Wayne would re· main under intensive care for at least rour days and would be • MU She Fit Into Picture? hospitalized for a minjmum or two weeks. Strohm said Wayne 's new stomach should not affect his l ife expectan cy. He said Wayne's cancer had been con- fi ned to the stomac,h and that his doctors "are very optimistic" about the success of the surgery. "I'm sure Mr. Wayne feels very fortunate,·• Strohm said. "I 'm sure Mr. Wayne must have had some concern.'' The operation was Wayne's second major surgery within a year and his second bout with cancer. The actor's left lung was removed in l964 and he un- derwent heart surgery last April, wlien doctors removed his milral valve a nd replaced it with a heart valve from a pig. Strohm said Wayne was tak· ing liquids and tha t doctors <See WAYNE, Page AZJ Wardrobe director B-eUy-C-<>onFad is serious as she measures Sandra Gun· dersen, 9. for possible-casting in next summer's 44th annual Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach. Sister Susan, 6, at left. finds the procedure. amusing._ Tryouts continue from 2 to 5 p.m. today in Irvine Bowl. 650 Laguna Canyon Road. Applicants must fit proportions of recreat· ed art masterpieces. MVMan's &,dyFolind The body of a Mission Viejo, man who was last seen Dec. 26 was found In AJberhlll Creek In Rlveraide County Saturday. Police have ruled the death a aulclde, a Riverside co ner's lnveattaatouald. Rlchard Kevtn Holmes 21, ol Mlsalon Viejo was discov ed In the water by aome Orange · ty Explorer Scoull Ju1L aft.er 9:30 a.m., the lnv•U••t.or aid. Tb• h*1 been rchlnc f9r H~ ce found hla abandoned car Dee. 2A not far lroal the Lake Eblnor~ area Crffk . .,, The lftv8ll11tor Hid Holma waa ahot ln the bead throuth the rtlht temple and 8 hand l\ID WU found tem'8l y~ upttream from wben b1I body was. ON THE INSIDE BLACK IJAGIC -Graphite compo&ites -\be ultra·modem material that makes t ennis racket.a lighter and airplanes stronger -is manufactured In Costa Mesa. Officials of Narmco lnc. are gearing up for lts use in automobile parts. Page Cl. ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT -When It comes to lnatllli.ng pride in work, there's no one better than Van ArldaJe France, dean of the Unlvenlly of Disneyland. Read about his mot.lvaUon pro- ll'&ms on Pace Cl. HOTTEST STAR -Kristy M~Nlchol ot TV's 'Famlly' ls ridlna blah wtth a $1 million con· tract rrom CBS. a bot new re- conl album and more lucraUve often rloodina in daily. StJll, the 11-1ear-otd star llYI abe leada a norm al Ufe at home and roUowa Kom'•biddina. PaaeB1. •• INNOVATIVE E DUCATOa. Ernest L. Boyer. the U.S. Com- m lssloner of Education, has never been afraid of laking new • ideas Into his jobs. But whlll' he's shaken up things In his latest post, he says he's been surprised at the intelligence or a bureaucracy he once thought hldel)ound. Page AlO. ~nM -..-.Cll .. Mtnt<.,. .. ._...,..,_. a -..~ .. 9MI-• C,-4 Ml.ie. a1.9 WIMntle AJ fl•U..1--A4 0 ... 111.. o,.. °'"" 0..., •• , C..-0.... C1 ltfff It... Ct "'"..,,.,,. ., ...... . ... ONtllH~• Alt 1-.CI........ CM ·~·· h9' ,., ~ .,.. • ....,,........... .,.. Tlli"'-'dl ~ .. P'-..W\llt .al ._. • ...._ A4 ... a-a. Y.-!'l'fw--. Cl OAIL Y ~ILOT llCTtOMt ,.,, .... .. ·~ DI A.2 DAILY ptLOT Sunday, J anuary 1', 1971 Dally ., .... ..._ lrt lllc.,.rd Koettl•r COUNTY FIREFIGHTERS PRIED FOUR MEN FROM THIS WRECKAGE SATURDAY Firing of A b z ug Brings-Resignations WASJilNGTON (AP> -Half of the 40-member While House advisory committee on women reslgn~d Saturday in protest over President Carter's firing of former Rep. Bella Abzug as the group's co-leader. Mrs. Abzug and 20 other panelists charged that she was being made ·• ... a scapegoat in an effort lo suppress our in- dependence" as an advisory committee. They sald her ouster late Fri-day stemmed primarily from the commJttee's strong criticism of Carter's anti-inflation pro· gram and lts release of a state- ment critical of the president in advance of its meeting with Carter at the White House. "'This is the sin committed by this committee. This is the sir committed by the chair of Ws committee," Mrs. Abzug, the fe minist leader declared. · Bero One Mona ent ••• Tony Litwak, No. 6, is congratulated by Cobra team- mates, Mik e Ke nnedy and Paul Kos, above, after scoring only goal in 1-0 defeat of Bullets Saturday in Costa Mesa soccer playoff action for 7-and 8-year-0lds. Later, he lies with sprained ankle, below, as Al Hill, Greg Ertel, Tait Christensen, Brian Wittkopp and Scott Taylor continue play. Four I n jure d In Car, Van Irvine Crash Four men were injured early Saturday in Irvine when a car. whose driver was under the In- fluence or alcohol, crossed into the path of a van at f,ted Hill Avenue and Barranca Parkway, police said. Tomas Hernandez, 20, o ( 521 E. Walnut Ave., Santa Ana. was driving a Chevrolet Camaro, and was placed under arrest at the 6 a.m. scene. police said, and then taken to Santa Ana- T u sti n Community Hospital where he was listed in serious condition. Two passengers in the Hernandez car were also listed In serious condition a l the hospital. Francisco 'Escobar, 23, of th e same a ddress as Hernandez, a nd Felipe J . Hernandez, 26, 825 E. 2nd St .• Santa Ana, both suffered head _and Inte rnal injuries, ' Also listed in serious condition with facial and back injuries, ac- cording to police, ls the driver of the van, Robert Manuel Soto, 41 , 8050 Cyclamen Way. Buena Park. Officers said Soto was travel· ing south on Red Hill when he entered the Barranca Parkway intersection. Hernandez entered the intersection at the same time traveling ,east and struck the van broadside. County firefighters had lo cut the victims from the tangled wreckage, police said. E'f"OlllPage AJ WAYNE ••• would gradually increase the consistency ol his food as b.ls new stomach, actually a pouch created from the intestines, became stronger. As Wayne, veteran of almost 200 films, rested in a $345-a-day suite overlooking Westwood, hundreds of calls and telegrams continued to pour 1nto the hospltlll switchboard. Among those calling were Ronald Reagan and Elizabeth Taylor. A hospital spokesman said . that for the next few days Wayne would be permitted visits only from famUy members. 'Trolling Bars' Nixed Women Attack Judge For R ap e Diamia8al P'ORT WAYNE, Ind. CAP> - Femlniata are exploring possible· recall procedura for a judge who dlamilMCl a man's attempt- ed rape charae lut week saying the aUeced victim' was "troll-Int" for company In a bar. The Fort Wayne Feminists 1roup and other women's or- gaolaaUona met Saturday to con- sider recalling Allen Circuit JudgeHermannF. Busse. "We are researching what we can do under Indiana law to in· illate some kind of recall." aa1d spokeswoman Joan Uebelhoer. "This is an issue that affects all women. His remarks have generated a lot of sentiment." The 67-year-old Busse, an el1ht·year -jurist who was re- elected laat November, was un- Snotc Coat available for comment. Busse dlamlaaed a cbarae of attempted rape laat Wednesday and convicted the defendant, Stephen J . Hanle, 38, of Fort Wayne, on a lesser cbarae of battery. ''If women want the protection of the law, they abould quit troll- ing taverna," be aa1d. The Judge conceded there was attempted sexual intercourse, but be said there was nothing to warrant an attempted rape conviction. Busse, an avid fisherman, compared women visll.\llg bars with "trolling, trying to get a risb on the end of a book ... It's llke baiting a hook and trying to walk away from it." The 27-year-old complainant, Melody Lehman of Fort Wayne, This Chicago woman, covered with snow, is represen- tative of the entire Windy City area as a blizzard dumped at least 10 inches of white stuff Saturday. The roof of an indoor tennis club collapsed and expressways and O'Hare International Airport closed. Weather story Page A4. char1ed that Hanle tried to rape her after .aM accepted bla ofter of a ride bome from a bar. .Under the at.ate coDltltutJon, only the Indlana Sapreme Court may remove a circuit judge from otnce. Ind.lam Chief JuatJce Richard Glvaa aakl Saturday the Judklal Quallflcattons Commlsalon would review any complaint about a Judge and report to the state Supreme Court. The court would then decide whet.her to take action. Givan said the usual growlds for removing a judge are felony conviction, ill health, senility or Improper judicial conduct. ''Something short or a crime, not too many judges are removed on thole kinds of things," he said. Tbe Fort Wayne controversy marked the third lime in two years that a U.S. judae ·s purported remarks that women may encourage rape has brought J>rolests Crom feminist groups. Girl's Body Found in Canyon The body of a young black girl was found lying beside a bicycle trail in Coal Canyon Saturday but Orange County sheriff's de- puties said they did not know her identity or cause of death. The body was found around 12:30 p.m. by some joggers on the trail near the Riverside Freeway, an officer said. H-e describe d the girt as between 16 and 18 years or age and s aid there were no Injuries visible. · SUNDAY DAILY PILOT l"'t ()f'~C..st~ty pteot. Wf"'WNc:fttt <OM -· ... --..... -.............. ()<_ CoHt PWl~C-\e-.tl••llom•,. P\.lbll~ft NION.ty ttwOUQh f-.rid•~ fOf (O\t• Mf>w , .-...-.oort S..ch. Hvn·hnotOft &elK'hl f"OUf'I •••nV•t..-Y.lnrkw.L~6e..tc.Pt1Sou'ttl ~ A \.ff'WJlr '~tflldthan t\O&bfi~S.f~v\~ ~ •• , r~ cwtnietN O\llOlhlunq P'M'tt " .. , no .... .. ,., \t""" c. .......... , .... -... -. llOl>t'11f- P•r 'ildel"ll """' Publ1·.lliH JK~ II ,.., .. , v~<" Pr~t<t-"' •no fA'l'W-',, ~f\fq@'r ,...,.,_., ....... (O•IOf ~ ... _ Ma""'l•"'J Eootor CAnt-. 5-•E- Tele9h011e (71•)~ Ctaulfted Adverttalng 1142·5'71 fr'04'ft'1f04'tf\Ot'a~(Ovnt\'~,, "' 540-1220 ~'t'~ .=.Or~':::'.!!.:~::.~~~ fn•CI•' O" -.d1re,.t1W""4fth ,..,.,.,, '"•l tM- f"•C>f'tMhH.td •t1"4iwl \Pt<l•I Of•trtl\\~ ot <.ooyrttrit a-Nf ~O"CI ti•\' ff\1•()t' 04•0 U C.0\ld ~' • C••••O•"'" ')wOHrtPfilJ" b• td''"" \)., n'IQl"tlfW• btt f"nd•I U \0 ~thly m1i1f"' t °'"',..''°"'' u \() '"'°"''"''" RiE RAIN STOPPERS , \I Rendezvous w ith tlte rainmaker i11 our l/, lengtl1,double breasted trencl1 coat . Sporting a button-out fining with the functional wind- sl1 iefd back and designed by Europe Cm~. Available in British Tnn nnd Natural ... 110. Our automntic oµcmi11g, wooden lramlled umbrdla ... 10. Mort. & n.ts. lo-& WH. 711,.,.., rrl. 10.~ S.1. 10·5 JO -lOOOllrliUxSfml Nortlr, Mtwoort Belt. n41955-2900 ( . t r I • «Mflr "** ~ ~ l'Mriell 0.0-H MAm OF RADIO TRANSMITTER CONSOLE SPANS EMEROENCY CONTROL CENTER J•n Mangh•m, D•n Lentz Send Oreng• County Are Pereonnel Wh•r• Aid'• Aeque•ted Fro• P•fl• A I DISPATCH AN WEBS ALL CALLS. • • Almost a thousand farl'Ci ghtt>r:. manning 139 e ngines, plus trucks and other support equip ment bad to be kept tra<·k or and moved effoctavely Plu s. Orange Coun t y firefighters were dispatched to two neighboring counhes as the names spread. The pressure on lhe ECC staff was grueh ng The dispatch operation as even more complicated than 11 ap- pears at first glance. nt.>ver say no." Sappo~ says, · When someone t'alls, we never say no " This does n't m ean that firemen are rushed to every call ror assistance, he adds But, if the request doesn't foll within the designated services of the department. the ECC staff contacts the proper agency and sends aid to the scene Their enormous territory has been blocked off by fi ro officials into one-haJf mile squares and . detailed street cards a re made for each square. "Our work isn't tidy," Kin neber g says, re ferr ing t o a negative aspect of his job. "/\ call comes in from a panicked ·citizen and we have to untangle what they are trying to tell us and tum it into some kind of common sense. These thousands of cards must be kept at the disratchers ' fingertips and coorc..inated with ·the maps firefighters have with them in the field. "In some cases, you have to get outright rude to people and actually tell them, 'Shut up and listen to me.: " .. ·. . . . .·. •. ·=· . . :: ·. :· ·. •. ·. •• . :.: Also. the department soon will open its 37Lh station. Often the personnel and equipment a l one station are sent elsewhere lo s upport other county crew!> or a city fire squad. Dispatching fre- quently becomes a giant jigsaw puzzle Another complication "We -----------------* * Another negative is the too frequent calls from the suicidal and menta ll y di s turbed . although the firemen say their ~ratifi cation is h ighest when medics reach the distressed peo- ple in lime to help. The job does have its humor. "I reme mber one girl who *---------------.. TIMOTHY McGOWEN MANS SAN CLEMENTE DESK Fire, Police Dispatch Duties Joined; Cats Rescued Size of Relief City's Troubles Smaller Yenrs ago th<' standing joke at the small San Clemente Fire Department was which firefighter would get lo take the call for the month. Capt. Bill Bundy recalls Today. lhe station is staffed by 25 full-time and 25 re. serve officers, and in 1978 answered 1,906 calls for help. The city's department, serving 26,000 residents, works closely with t~e giant county (ire department in an almost big-brother type rekllionship. __ RA111ER THAN "RE-INVENT the wheel," Bundy s ays, e an cremente0ff1ctals often adopt many of the larger department's procedures. Still the two departments differ in many more ways than size. For starters, the San Clemente fire and police dispatch operaUons are combined for coordinated coverage of day-to- day problems, Bundy says. Also. his staff weathered a confusing transition when the Nixon presidency ended. The media and security sound and fury which charac- terized the city during the former president's White House days ceased abruptly when he resigned, leaving the police and fire department with some procedures no longer needed . SAN CLEMENTE'S SLOW, steady growth of past years is expected lo surge soon with city ofCiclals predict· ln(C that the popuJation will double In 10 years. At (his polnthbowever, the ~lly'a site ls 1Ull of small-town quality and t at is what really marks lhe dlUerence between its fi.re operationandthecountY.'S. It isn't at all uncommon tor callers to ask for a firefighter or }>Ollce officer by name to handle their com· plalnta, the captain 1&y11. Even if the callers don't specify, often the firemen and police penonally know lhe people or places suffering trouble. ThlJ cozy relatlonshJp between the officials and the civilians ls good and bad, Bundy says. "You flnd yourBelf getting involved In things you P"'ll£1'"",0rmolly wouldn't be ln•olved in auch as your neighbors' uarrela," he uplalns. .... THE MALLEll POPULADON also allowJ much mor~ nexibility ln the bandllna of caJls. Fire otflcert hav~ time to ru(>C?IKI to more trMaJ complaints. Do San Clem~nte's fire otncen 1tlll rescue cats ftom tree1? .. v ... eomeUm ,"Bundy aays . \ .. • • called years ago, Kinneberg says, s peaking with a s low rhythm. ''Her little brother was up a tree and couldn't get down. "That's not what you'd call a life and death matter , the bo~ wasn't injured. he just couldn t get out or the tree. So we kind of said . ·couldn't you get some neighbors or maybe your dad to get a ladder and get him down?' ·'She got mad at m e and slammed the phone down. Twen- ty minutes later, someone else called and said. ·Now. my sister is stuck in the tree trying to get my brother down. Now will you come ?' "We went. .. Capt. Don Holt, a nother ECC technician has his favorite s tory. "One night. an irate woman called an," he says "Her son was m Jail. We talked to her for about to minutes trying to un· derstand why. if he wa!> m Jail. she wanted to talk to the fire de- partment. "She said. 'Well, I want you to go down and get him out.· We asked how do you expect the firE: department to do that. We can't just go down and get him out or jail. She sajd, 'Well, you have a rescue department. don't you?· • · T oo often. howeve r . the public's lack of unders tanding of department procedures isn't humorous . Equipment a nd m en are usually dispatched within two minutes of the call. sometimes less. Sappok says. This short time still isn't satisfactory to the panic-stricken caller "When you're out there in an emergency situation and your house is burning or your baby s topped breathing, I would as- sume it would seem like an eternity until lhe department get there." Klnneberg says Ironically, the firemen in the field also frequently expect ECC to be 100 percent accurate and can be as contentious as the public, according toSappok. With the hundreds of incomin~ call s . plus the average or 5.1 re lated dispatch calls br ECC staff on each call for help. error ls in- evilabh.'. he says. In addition to the complaints however. a s izahle positive respons(• come in. Many Carbon Canyon homeowners called an with a thank you. and dozens of calls regularly come in com· m e nd ing the co unty 's paramedics Many firefighte rs who try becoming an ECC technician don't make it The long, grueling hours, the intermittent pace of the stress and the complicated information and mapping system are too much to handle. The challenge ma kes Sappok t.>ven prouder of the ones who stay and become good, reliable dispatchers. And he's proud for another reason. "There's a great deal or em- pathy for fellow human belngs an that room ... he says NB Woman Guilty of Tax Evasion A Newport Beach woman who allegedly failed to file income tax returns for three years has pleaded guilty in U.$. District Court In Los Angeles to tax evasion. Mary Lou..Stiebllng, 48, a resi- dent or Dover Shores who owns apartments in Garden Grove, was given a suspended sentence and placed on two years' proba- tion lhls week by Judge Lawrence T. Lydick, said Nancy Wieben Stock, an assistant U.S. attorney . Miss SUebllng's conditions of probation Include payment of a $10,000 fine, donation of $350 to community service, rtllng of In- come tax rewms ror the years beglnnlna ~ ·1m. and repudio· lion or her atrillation wllh the Florida.baaed Lucille Moran tax protest movement, Mra. Stcx'k 1a1d. Mlu StJebllna. who was pro- aecuted for non·rlUn1 in. 19'74, 1975 nnd um; al10 will have to pay back taxes and penaJUes on her Income for thole )'ears, Mn . Stock ukl. -. ' &und8y, January t4, 1979 t>AIL y PILOT A3 Health Care's Coinplex Finch Disclail118 'Villains of Inflation' By REBECCA HELM °'-~~· .... Former U.S. Secretary of lleallh. Education and Welfare. ltobert Finch spoke some kind but critical words Saturday about tho agency he headed from 1969to1972. The attorney, now In private practice In Pasadena, addressed the Orange County Health Plan- ning Council at Its (ifth 8MU8l board conference in Laguna Beach. OCHPC oversees the planning of all health care Cacllities In Orange County in conjunction with state offlciaJs. Last year It received full des- ignation as a Health Systems Agency. one of 212 rederaJly- a ff i 1 i ate d organization s throughout the country which provide guidelines for health core planning. Finch referred to this coun- try's "inflation-ridden health care system." and admitted lhe federal government had con- tributed to the problems in past years by financing hospitals which weren't needed. HEW came into being in the 1950s as sort of a "vacuum cleaner " concern, he said. Un- fortunately. however, he added, the department set up its "pay- ment mechanism" first without any rational plan to surround It. Offering another reason for HEW 's indiscri mm ate funding DEFENDS HEW CLEAN-tJP Robert Finch of hospitals. Finch said. "Every congressman wanted two things for his constituency: a Little dam and a hospital." But. Finc h derended the federal government's more re- cent attempts to clean up past errors. He pointed to the federally. mandated Health Maintenance Organizations !HMO > as an ex· ample. They are prepaid care pro- grams whose members pay a set monthly premium, then receive medical care at no additional coat. COmpanles are required to offer HMOs to th~lr empJoyees as alternative& to other m· surance plana. The prepaid health plans are an attempt to create a com· petitive health care system in order to control costs. he said. Flnch dbcouraged the popular tendency of many to looJc for "vlllalns" such as doctors and hospital administrators to take the blame for rapidly spiraling medicaJ care costs. Health care is complex and overlaps many other social pro- blems s uch as hous ing and transportation, be said. "The problem is not clean: it is not simple." he emphasized. The former secretary also en· couraged the a pproximately 50 OCHPC members present to make "a stronger and stronger effort .. to get companies and in· dustrles involved In preventive medicine. rather than concen- trating solely on acute health care. He complimented the health care council ror the "justifiable plaudits it has received as one of the most successful regulatory agencies," but added words of caution. • "It is only a benchmark." he said of OCHPC's present ~UC· cess. "You've got a long way to go and you have to keep working at this. You can't just walk away and leave the system because you've gotten this far ." 0 .. ty ,.. ... ,,_II\' •k M,.. IC-ler MEDICS TENO TO CURTISS TADATT AFTER CYCLE ACCIDENT fN MESA SATURDAY Cycle Crashes Hurt 3 Two young m en escaped serious i n jur y when th eir motorcycle collided with a car Saturday in Costa Mesa. but a Bu e na P ark man wa s hospitalized in cntlcal condition a fter sufferin~ a similiar ace•· dent in Fountain Valley earlier in the day. Lawrence L Lane, 37. of 6776 Knott Ave , Buena Park. is in in- tensive care al Fountain Valley Hospital. a spokeswoman said. wh ere he was taken following the 2 p.m. accident. Police said Lane was ridin~ ha s motorcycle o n Busha rd Street 1n front of Fountain Valley High School when a 16- year -old boy pulled his car in front or the bike. The youth's na me was withheld because of his age. F-ollowing the 4 p m. Costa Mesa accident. at Wilson and Republic. motorcyclist Michael Coppolino. 18. o f F o untain Valley. was treated and released a t Costa Mesa M e m o ria l Hospital. ;,1spokeswoman said. His passenger . Curtiss Dc·an Tadalt. 19, of Costa Mesa. -.uf· fered more serious iruurws bu' is listed an stable cond1l1on. lhc spokeswoman said. Susan ltaliana. 18, of Santa Ana. was driving the car which coftided with lhe cycle She wa." uninjured, pohce said. Details or the accident \\-ere unavailable from police Satur- day. full service beauty care _ ~ g)G) ~~ "Start your beautiful tomorrows today with a new look ... designed e pecially for you" •Hair De:lign •Skin C#lr'tt , • Man1curdPeldcure •Waxing .;, Free Consultetfon I 120 lrvlne Blvd ... Newport Beach 842-8484 ~~ t11£ 11411? liA~()lf~§ Today s woman wan!ct mor~ thAn 1usr e aoo<1 haircut She wants a look suited perfect'Y 10 ht>f says Stephen Handler of !he Hair Handle,. Sa•on Westcliff Plaza. Newpart Beaqh. "She wants advice on all areas ol fashions. lnc1ud11'Q sktn care. nails. halrcolor. permanent waving as .. e1t as c101h1nq and 001°' coord1ne11on · he 5.ltyS W11h this 1n mind. 1he Hair Handler~ prov1dec; 'Full Seorv1ccf lashtOl'l care, 1nclud11"9 tree consullel•Ol''l prior to eacti service ··1 belteve 11 111 lhe responstbtllty of my styltsl'I to communicate w11ti their ctoent to eslabhsh tti11tt lnd1v1dual needs and llles!yle," says Handler "We look at each client as en 1nd1vldua1. ana1yz1nq bono structure. hair type and texture. end d•acuss with lhe client their Mii Image. then mutually agre. what would best 1ult her." Handlef says The Salon also hes a hair colortng a.pert avallabl• for lndlv1dua1 consu1talioni1 and correct•ve he•r coloring. ~ , Qfle of lhe seNICet In the Salon lhttt Is growlnp ,,, demand 11 the Skit' Care O.D41rtment ~ore 11'0 more women life becoming aware of !he •mport~ce of e •kin care program" 1ay9 Mr Henolef end ~ offer one of the ltnest product tines ava1t1101e w•I" <>Yr Alda Grev C<>smetic:s 11nd Skin Cer• Appomtments may be ma<te by c1111n9 &42·M84 £vel"1ng appointments ere lllSf> avaltoo•e ---------· .. AC OAK. y PILOT Wee#cly review of Orange Coast highlights 0.ll'f ....... ~ ........ WINTER COMES TO HUNTtNOTON BEACH NURSERY J•n Stephen90n Oucke 'Imported' Snowball• Huntinqton Bc .ic h Strike ends, pay up maybe Huntington Beach lJnion High School District trustees brought th('ir striking teu('hers ba('k to work Friday when they agreed to give the 867 t'ducators a 7 percent pay hike this year if a l>tate·imposed freeze on salaries Is lifted. The bonrd, however. refused to grant the teachers' second de· mand that all their grievances be subject to binding arbitration. More than 400 of the teachers who picketed the board during the seven·day strike were granted anmesty by trustees. . iiijGij Landing fees take flying leap CommerciaJ airlines flying into Orange County Airport were hit with a giant landing bill for 1979 by county supervisors Tuesday. Landing fees were more than doubled by the board for a projected revenue of $720,000. Fees jumped from 23 to 50 cents per 1,000 pounds of aircraft weight. Airport officials asked the board to set • the new levels. insisting the facility s hould be self· supporting In the wake of Proposition 13. Part of the revenue is expected to help pay for Implementation of a master plan. Air California is ex~ted to pay 60 percent of the total revenue, Hughes Airwest, 33 percent, and Golden West Airlines, 7 percent. Diedrich's trial delayed again? Orange Count y Supervisor Ralph Dledrlch's new attorney has asked for a 60·day pos tponement or the politician's upcoming bribery trial. The at· torn('y, "ailed in to re placed Diedri<'h 's former counsel who suf· fert'd a broken arm, said there was. "no way" h(' ('Ould be pre· pared to defend the in· dieted supervisor by Feb 5 .. the date the trial is scheduled to begin in San DieJ:O Superior Court. The day before he r equest e d th e postponement, the new. attorney also asked that presidtng judge F . V. Lopa rdo be replaced. No reason was given ror the request. Laquna Beach 0111,,.lltltSC.H-lt FACES BRIBERY CHARGE Ralph Diedrich 'You 're pooned, officer!' Copying a counterculture tactic, some Laguna Beach policemen have started their own underground newspaper and the third edition, Poon No. 3. surfaced this week. The en· forcers publish "insider" satire about fellow officers. This issue pokes run al one cop who rorgot and left his un· marked dete<:tive car at a ('t ime scene for rive days, after hitching a ride back to station in a patrol unit . He's "Pooned.'' WORLD I NATION Guerrilla War Loo•• Cambodian Troops Flee UANOKOK, Thailand <API - Remnanta of the shattered Cam· boC:tl•n army fought rear·1uard battlf'I Saturday a1alnat a Viel· namese Inv &Jo n rorce Jn nonbwutt1rn Cambodia, Wetltm 10Urces reported. Some retreating CambodJan unit.a re· portedly ned to the mountains to ory anize for an expected gucr· rlt a war 111lnst the new Phnom Penh reetmc. The sources sald the nortbwatem city of Siem Reap and poealbly the nearby ancient temples or Angkor were cap- tured. Twiisia Asks/or Hijackers TUNIS, Tunisia <AP ) Tunisian authorities asked Libya on Saturday to extradite the three men who hijacked an Air Tunis Jetliner to Tripoli and ( BRIEFS J held 83 passen gers and crewmembers hostage for more than half a day before surren- dering, officials said. The Boeing 727 was comman· deered Friday afternoon on a flight from Tunis to the Mediter- ranean resort island of Djerba, ore the coast or Turtlsla. Arter re· fueling and taking on food, it took off again from TriP.Oli only to return a short while later after circling in Libyan air s pace. - Al dawn, the hijackers freed all 75 passengers. reportedly unharmed. Five hours later. ttie eight ('few members were freed and the hJJackers. armed with pistols and grenades, surren· dered. ~lone• /tlonet1? CHICAGO <AP> -Two sur· vlvora of the Jones town massacrei Timothy and Michael Carter, to d the Chicago Tribune that two suitcases stuffed with a fortune in U.S. money and gold wafers may still be hidden in the Guyana jungle. The newspaper said in a copyright story in its editions t.o- day that the previously Un· reported suitcases are believed to contain $600,000, bringing to $1.6 mUUon the amount the SUr· vivors of the mass killings and suicides tried to remove from Jonestown. 2 Coupln Drown SARASOTA, Fla. <APl - Two elderly couples, out ror an evening of c hamber music. drowned when they mistakenly drove down a boat ramp Into Sarasota Bay during a driving rainstorm, police said Saturday. The four were in two cars. one from the Sarasota area and one from outofstate. Drttp Atf~t lnfartt• WASIDNGTON <AP> -The children of women given pain· killing drugs during labor and delivery are slower to sit up, stand and walk than those babies whose mothers received no drugs. a new government shows. And the study !!hows that the effects of lnhalent anesthetics, such as ether. may cause permanent, Ir slight, brain damage to children. One Vletnamese regiment wu reported to be attacking Bat· t1mbana, Cambod.Ja's second laraeat city and an alrfieht"alte, from the northwest, and another column wu cloalna In from the aoutbwftt. Slaophon, a third key Vtet· nameae·held town in the area, ls only about 30 miles from the border where Thal torces were on full aJert, the aources said. CLIFFORD C£CI( ORAOI . ... ,~ AIMEE JEAN GRAY THE CHINESE news agency Hsinbua, monitored in Tokyo, said Senior Deputy Premier Teng Hsiao-ping wanted closer relaUons with Thailand. Children In CrttJcal COndltlon In D•llaa "We now have good retalionR with Thailand. but closer cooperation ls necessary In the ,light of Vietnamese aggression In Kampuchea," lhlnhua quoted Teng as saying. Kampuchea Is another name for Cambodia. Mom Held in Brutal Attack on Children Sources said some of the de· teated Cambodian troops were withdrawing southward to the rugged 6,500-foot Cardamon and Elephant mountain ranges Meanwhile, U.S. Ambassador An<trew Young charged in a Security Council debate Satur- day at the United Nations in New York City, that Vietnam itself overthrew the Cambodian government and demanded prompt withdrawal of Viet. namesetroops from Cambodia. DALLAS {AP> -A mother was booked for investigation of attempted murder Saturday after a savage attack on her two children in which her ll-year-0ld ' son had a screwdriver driven through his eye and into hi11 brain and her 8·year-old daughter sutrered a fractured skull. police swd. The attacker apparenUy bat- tered the chlldren with broken chairs and broomsticks and Snow Co'Ver Vp December Blanket Record W ASUJNGTON <AP) Snow cover set a l3·year re· cord in North America in December. and the National Weather Service's 30-day forecast for the UnJted States in· dicates there's more coming down . Temperatures from mld·January to mid-February will average above normal for the south Pacific Coast and Southern Plateau, the service said, but those areas don't get much snow anyway. Temperatures are expected lo average below normal east or the Continental Divide, and at the same lime pre- cipitation is expected to be greater than normal over a big part or that area: the northern Great Plains, most of the Great Lakes states. the Ohio Valley, the Atlantic Coast and the Southern-lier states. THAT SHOULD BRING plenty of snow to follow December's record average daily coverage of 6.3 million square miles of North America. The agency said 58 perce nt or the United States had snow cover at least one day during December. gouged them with the Jagged ends, police saJd. Police who res ponded to a neighbor's call Friduy morning found Clifford Cecil Gradi, ll. screaming in a closet in hii mother's nort.hside apartment. the screwdriver embedded to the hilt through his right eye. His s tepsister. Aimee Jea n Gray, lay near the door or the blood-spattered apartment. her skull fractured from lhe beating. Both children remained ip critical condition late Slrturday The boy underwent two opera· lions overni~ht at Dallas' Parkland Hospital. The girl also underwent surgery at Baylor Medical Center an Dallas . Their mother, Kathleen Gradi, 32. was arraigned before Dallas Cit y Judge Lee Clemens, who set bond at $100.000 on each or the two counL<; of investigation for attempted murder. She re- mained in city jail late Saturday m lieu or bond. Police said th<' invcstiizatlon would continue for other possi ble suspecL<;. A father of one or the children was questioned by police Friday. but was cleared or any involvt?m<'nt. Police said the other father 1s believed to be deceased. The living roo m and kitchen were strewn with broken chairs and spattered with blood, which poll('e said indkated the children may have run while being al· tacked. MODERN LIVING HOME SHOW THRU SUNDAY. JAN. 28 90 Exhibitors• Seminars• Decorating Ideas• "How.To" Demonstration SOUTH COAST PIAZA . . Snow Collapses, Roof No One Trapped; Chicago Battles Cold .. Orl•ndo IO ~ Pllllecl'ttN• ,. ,, ,.,,.,.,.,. ., ,. "''-·°'' ,. JJ .-11p1<1 City 01 ·14 lll(h-lJ ,. ,, LOVI\ JJ ,. S.11 ~r1n JJ .. S.•111• ., .. w .. 111noton olO " CaHfortda ...... ~-~ 11,..,0lt,. _ _. '°""' .., "" • • fl'I .... N!ofl ti 1111 -""'°"'-MllM Clotl! ... .., . . ( SAVINGS LI E THESE: CLEARANCE PRICES AS LOW AS SJ9995 20·35% s999s OFF Q!O. PRICES OFP llEO. PRJCES ON MODEL 342 FORFEATURESUKETHESE: ' • Plus IOld.s of other UJDe.. and labor.,J&vina features . SPECIAL SALE SAVESSOONANEW ' FREE-ARM MACHINE. MODEL $43. 't NOWONLYS199.95 • ,.._._ ...... • ) t CALIFORNIA Gas Ship Docks Saf ly LOS ANG fCLF·s 1AP1 - l&O·fool Nor"t'.i1an Laank l'r r rlvt-d n!tly 1md without lot'ukn1 •a an P edro Harhnr u rl) •t"rd•)' pl<>r-mn~. brin1ttn1t thl• ffCOnd ahlpment in t" o monlh.J o r hl11bly \l\)lut1le hqutfwd petroleum ga~ Astembl,ymuo Jt•rry t't•landll , D·San Pedro. who hold hla.'lfid the port or l.c.l!\ Angl•lt•:, tor de.- (,,___~T._'AT_E _) mon din~ J s2~.ooo 1o"ir j nn· pr~mium of Pt•trnlum·. lrw . for the ship. rod<· th~ t·~1·urt 'hip 111 to the harbor v.1th tht· t.wker, "The Fenwallt•y · .. While I don't beh<'ve the!\e ships shouJd bt> entenng. lea ving or stored in the harbor." Felan· do said, "I feel a lot better about the operation now that I hav<' gone through it myself " IW.tez:fh ag A d•ittftl SAN FRANCISCO I Af» East Bay culinar y union leader Ray Lane will loc;e hts $32,000 a year job and could b<.> sentenced to up to fi\'e years m prison and fine d up to $10,000 after he pleaded guilty to a charge of eTJ bezzh ng wlion funds. 1 Lane. 55. entered the plea Fn day in U.S. District Court in San Fra ncisco after government pro- secutors agreed to drop 29 other counts listed in a federal grand jury indictment lasl Septem ber. Culls •Baclda•h' Bft LOS ANG E LES cAP > Sy na non fo under Cha r les Ded erich is bein~ pcrsc<'uted l><'cause of a backlash ugain~l cult mov<.>menls. a group of h1:-. s upporters chargt•d at a news conJerencc Saturday. Dederich. 65, is being held in a Kingman, Ariz., hospital pend- ing extradition proceedings to California, whl'r e hl' fac('s charge of conspiracy and solicit.a· tion or murder In connection with an alleged m urder attem pt on an attorney who recently won a j udgment against Syna non. Tot KIUftl In Cra•lt TRACY IAPl -An infant boy was killed and his parents in- Jured when their car rolled over on Interslate S near here, the highway patrol said. Jason Cram1>e\', 19 months. of San Diego. died Friday when the ca r he was ridin~ in left th<.• roadwav and roll<'<1 near State Rout e ·33, ofrtcers said. The drive r of thf" car. St even Cramsey, 23. and Karen /\nn Cramse.v. 19. s uffered ma1or in· JUrleS llearb19 tt·a ; r ed SAN DI EGO <AP) -»lllie Lee Chadd. who told a j udge he wants to die in the gas chamber . has waived a preliminary hear- ing and will appear Jan. 26 for ar r aignment in San Diego Superior Court on charges of murder. rape, robbery and kid· nnppmg. The 24-year-old ex· Marine told Municipal Court J udge Charles Snell in a hea ring that he wants to plead twiltY to the cha rges, Jn. e lud ing t h e killings o f t wo women here. Chadd also tried lo dismiss his attornl'Y for refusing to a~ree to those pica!> .... WitteMte Reamited A ff.er Crash Dianna Gilbrath, 12. ont'of 2fi passengers inJured in a bus ac d dent near Sonora. 1s W (1IC'omed lm<.'k to her San J osC' hom e by her mother Toni. Only one passenger . a W·Yl'ar old boy, \\as hospitalized when Ow bus carry ing 44 youths from a San .J ose church roll ed 160 reel down a n embankment on a nar- row m ount ain road Friday. The bus was headed for Old Oak Youth Camp northeas t of Sonora. Maker of CoDledies Killed in Jump HOLLYWOOD ! /\ P 1 Pete Smith. the wry·votced former press agent whosf' s hort comedies delighted movie aud1enc<'s for 20 yt•ars. has died after leapin~ from the roof of a Santa Monica <'on· valcs<·ent hospital Smith. 86. had ~en m Ill hl•alth for several years lie narrat c·d and pr uct•d Ml·lro Goldwyn Mayer'.c; .. Pelt• Smith Spec1altic:-.." for 20) ~ars Smith was bom in New v ork in 1892 lie entered show business as aide an a vaudeville pe. mcrs union and later became a trade magazine editor and critic. ' After working as a press agent for various stars and his own firm. Smith was hired In 1925 by Louis Mayer to head the publicity department of newly formed Metro Goldwyn-Mayer. IN 1931, HE WAS given add1t1onal MGM duties -creating comedy short subjects a nd soon that became his m ajor Job At first. Smith created the shorts from silent films and news reels ladled with a heavy dose of his own puns . In 1935. he began m a king "Pete Smith Specialties," producing from 10 to 18 during the next 20 years. Sm lth1umped from the roof Fnday Kids Stumped. Simple Tax F o rm Puzzle r S/\N FRANCISCO IAPl Only one student In a C'lass of 21 gifted eighth ~raders here correctly completed a n Internal Revenue Service t040A income tax form that the IRS s ays Is so easy any eighth gr§der could understand it. /\nd the longer 1040 form. said to be ea'\y e nough for any ninth grader. stumped aJI 27 ninth graders tested and a class of hjgh school S<!ruors as well . Only hair of a sec ond e iRhth g rad~ class. stud ying mathe matics. finished the 1040/\ form correctly. "Don't ask me. how they fi gure it out," said puturbed Stephanie Chan. a ninth gr ader at Abraham Lmcoln Ji1gb School. "And to think we ha ve todo it whenwegrowup!" ~ SuncWy. January 14, 1979 DAIL y Pll OT A" White Case Closed? Media May Challenge SF Court Move OAKLAND CAP I Ne ws m edic.1 representativcll s aid Soturday they may go to court to cha llengt' the closing of a hear- ing for Dan White accused of murdertng San Franc~co Mayor C:f'Orgc M08cone and Supervisor Harvey MIUc . Judge R J. Reynolds o( San Francisco Municipal Court granted a defense reque11t to close the bearing scheduled for Wednesday. lovOking a rarely used st.ate law that allows pre· limlnary bearings to exclude the pubUc il lbe defendant ask.a it. John Watkins. news direct.or of KGO radio in San Francisco. said attorneys are considering a coo.alit.uUonal chaUen&e of the stale law. H E MADE t.be report at a meeting or the Callfomia As· sodated Press Television al'O Radio Association here. Political Actions Of Temple Probed CA PTRA President Knowles Ro be rtson, news dir ector of KNEW radio in Oakland, said copies of a protest letter will be de livered Monday to political and judicial leaders, including Gov. Edmund G. Brown J r. and st;.«. Su pr eme Cour t Chie f Jus tice Rose Bird. SAN FRANClSCO <API -The Internal Revenue Service has laun<.'hed an investigation into political a<.'tivities of the Peoples Temple. according to attorney Charles Garry. Garry conJirmed a published report or the probe, which even· tually couJd lead to revocation or the Temple's t.ax exempt status and a gove rnment claim for millions or dollars in back taxes. Tax laws forbid more than token political involveme nt by tax·exc mpt religious organiza lions. ' The IRS requested copies of the T e mple 's incorporating documents. 1977 and 1978 finan r ial reports and a s umm ary or rl'ligious and non·rl'ligious ac· Former LA Official, Quinn, Dies LOS ANGELES 'AP 1 J oseph M. Quinn. owner of City News Service and former deputy mayor or Los /\ngeles. died in his sleep (.'arly Saturday at lhC' CIJ:(' Of 66. Quinn was deputy m ayor for 12 years dur inR Sam Yorty's ad mrn1strat ion. lie was known as a t o u g h an d im par tia l a d · m inislrator on a dozen city. county and slate commissions and w as reelected last week as chair man of the Los Angeles Ci ty Council Consobdation Com· m ission. AN AWARD·WINNING front· line corresponde nt during the Korean War. Quinn bought City News Service in 1954 with the late Fletcher Bowron. a former m ayor of Los Angeles. The com · pa ny expanded under his direc· tlon to serve newspapers, r adio and television slatlons and wire services In Southe rn Califotnia. Quinn was born in Buffalo. New York. where he began his carerr in jour n a lism a s a news pape r de liver y boy. He later worked as a copy boy and r<.'porter fo r the Buffalo Evening Ne ws and The Courier· Express. Trial Delay OK'd S AN DI EGO CA Pl A Superior Court J udge has grant· ed a 90-day delay In the murder trial of former police officer George E . Odom m e<>nnection with the shooting death of a sailor. tiviUes the cuJt was involved m. Garry said Fri<IJl y. The Temple attorney s aid the (RS was told it would ha9e to wait unUl alter a Jan. 23 he aring on a suit filed in San Fraociseo Superior Court. requesting that the Temple corporation be dis- solved. Thal s uit was filed by the cult's four surviving directors following t he mass deaths or more th:in 900 Temple members in Guyana last Nov. 18 . The IRS launched a similar probe in early 1978 a nd dropped it last August. Ga rry said. "We took the position they were off base and hired a tax lawyer." to defend the Temple position at th at tim e. Garry said. The letter says in part, "San Franclsco is a community which was shocked and stunned by the deaths of two oC its moet promJ- nent leaders ... This Is not a private matter. It ls a public one of concern to all citizens. The closing of the preliminary hear· ing will do nothing but e ngender distr ust and suspicion or lbe legal system." Robe rt s on said nume ro us news organizations a re being in- vited to co-sign the letter. He also said efforts are likely lat er to seek leg1slalive approval of a bill to nuJlify the secrecy law. Hearings on Timing Of Gun Law Backed MONTEREY IAP) -'The California Judge's Association Saturday joined the State Bar to urge public hearings in a probe of the timing of the state Supreme Court's "use·a·gun. go to prison" decis ion. The stale Commission on Judicial Performance is inquiring in· to allegations that justices delayed re lease or the Tanner gun.law dee is ion until after the Nov. 7 election in order to aid the confirm a· lion or Chief Justice Rose Bird. By a 14·3 vote. the execu<ive committee or the 1 .~member Judge~s group recommended that the s~te Judicial C~unell modify its confidentiality rule lo open the hearings to the pubhc. SAN FRANCISCO SUPEIUOlt Court J udge Harry Low. J>re51· dent of the Judge's Association, said he thinks the rules change stands a good chance of passage . The 21-member coun cil established by the state constitution sets rules by which the judicial performance commission in- vestig ates judges. . The council, wh.ich is chaired by Chief Justice Bird. meets on Tuesday. Ms . Bird a nd Associate Justice Mathew Tobriner . also a pan~J member. disqualified themselves from participation in the decision on the proposed rules change. Costa Mesa's Answer to Newport- (Brittanywoods) CE~H:R•"1BAG%L , LEAR~l~G SHILL~ NEW FOR NEWPORT BEACH! Re: al bock. wood burn1n9 l11~·pldct '>: rr<.'nch /English c1rchitecture. two and th11·e bt!drooms. ~~1t leV<..f and two-story: cartlcd- rdl ceifings: modern kitchens with <·ye·k'vt'I m icrowaves. enclosed lwo·and three Cdr garages: greenhouse windows .:md o;kyhgh~ Yesterday end 1oday -in one setting on your own land. Pool. Jdcuu1. recreation room. l<:nnis court too1 CIO$C to Newport s ··u.1c II. Bcty" schools. goK courses. 11·staur<1nts ... 1111.l ')hopping. 21101\J Hawthnrnt Ill A~nd"' r119, V••de~ 213/377-1661 41 J l E Soul" St l a~4!woon 213/630.(; 100 l S2!i Mes.1 Verd~ Or. L~\t CO\t.• Mt!S.4 714/557-6714 Home ot "C (lmp111rr I 111"1 " 20% SAVl·NGS ON CA H & CARRY The Reading Game east.side Costli, mesa. From $89,950 Models NOW THE WORLD'S "BEST" DRAPERY a.EANING Coit. the world'~ largest. wllJ restore the hidden beauty in your draperies. Coit removes and cleans draperies. rehangs the m with perfect pleats and even hems. And a Coit cleaning prolongs d ra pery hfe. STUM COPEi CUANING 1HI AOOfO NOncnoH OI ••• oteh anr ~g~ ..... ~•lllOIUMOllD•omca•WAU. TOWAU. ~h~ & DIWDID CUMD fH YOU1t HOMI • DIO IOL MMD*-' CAMllT IAftlT AllY CUANt llPltll Y.JO If I AMERICA'S FOREMOST READING ACHIEVEMENT CENTERS T heo Reoedhlit Geme -E ighL yeers of proven 11ucce81. Your chit~~ de11e~ the quality ind1v1duollted rt'ndlnft in11tructlon end motivation ~rents. students. and teacht>n1 1n 1 ht> RT<'ater Lo11 An~lt'I ·~•have come t.o f'llpe<'l et Tht R.edlng Game. Documented rNU.h1' ~how our ~tudent11 avt'rage o tremendous 2 1 ·2 months' rt'ading growth for evf'rv Onl' month of ofter·'IC'hool inslrucuon Th11l'8 out111.&ndinic RTOWth for 11tudents who· hod lx•t>n lalhnl( l:x>h1nd 1-:nroll your children today at our n<'w. ('Onvenienl Nt'wport fJf'llc:h ('(lnt.-r Visit our newest center. The Re!lding Game J420 North Bristol Street. Sui te 240 N.., Jambone/M~v JaMneetlon Call 955-1105 \ HHt!iwtoe Be.a. 842·l81t MIMloeV .. jo 788-77116 f'•lkrtoe mGG88 FAtdeo 783-298.1 TCWT11~ :J7S.1819 P~H m.- ""A'-I•lff 213-Gzt5.1 Call for a. free demon1trallon -No obllgatio~ open from 10 a m to 5 pm Clos ed ftfondajs 2450 Santa Ana, Costa Mesa , I Town "omEs I • '46-006t Developed by 9S5· tno Woodtree Dev. 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Crochet Animal Kits 50°/o off orig. 18.88 Now12.88 orig. 14.95 Now 11.99 Handy Hooker Rug Punch Tool orrg. 8.95 Now 4.39 Forest Fantasy Sheets assorted sizes 30°/o off Microwave Oven with Defrost I. orig. 319.95 Now219.95 Microwave Oven with 3 power controls orig. 349.95 Now 249.95 Furniture Dept . Platform Bed orig. $120 Nows6o Dining Room Table orig. $440 Now $199 Queen Sofa Sleeper Earth Tone stripes orrg. $499 Now s399 Earth Tone Sofa orrg. $399 Nows279 Handy Hooker Rug by Number orig. $6 I Now 2.99 Zem or Knight of Darkness Space Figures. ong. 6 99-8.44 Now 2.99 50% off Selected Toys 50% off All Ladies Tennis Apparel S' Tennis Dresses Tennis Top Fashion Top orig. 10.99 Now 5.49 orig. 6.99 Now 3.49 orig. $16 Now 7.99 500k off Hang Ten Shirts and Pants T-shirt orig. s1 Now ~49 Fashion Jean Decorative Tins orig. s19 Now 9.49 orig.1.69 Now sac 75o/o off Christmas Candy and Giftwrap Candy Canes oirg. 1.29 . .. . . .. . . ....................... 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Now 4.99-6.99-8.99 Assortment of Better Sandals Many colors. fabrics and styles. orig. 14.99 to 18.99 Save up to 70% Grasshopoe R Suede casuals, wed'ge espadrilles or T-straps. Rust. navy, brown, black or wine. Limited Quantities. orig. 31 .99 Familv Slippers Selected scyfes in assorted fabrics. Sleek or fuzzy. orig . 3.99 to 6.99 Now4.99 Now 21.99 Now 50% off rs1clCPenr:iey ·. ~FASHION ISlAND m NEWPORT CEN'Tm FINE JEWELRY Save 50% on Selected Items 14K Gold Earrings orig. 29.95 to 64.95 Rings • 14K Gold • 10K Gold • Sterling Silver orig. 7.95 to $130 King Tut Jewelry •Pendants •Rings •Key Rings FASHION ISLAND STOREONtY ~~2313 \ ----=•== Pit " 830% off g . Men's ~.Patterned )Suits :Nowsa4 . orig. $120 Fashion styling tor the contemporary man -. ~ t 30% off r: Men's Quad Suits · ow 577 orig. $110 solid colors with second pair of pants. Sizes 38 to 44 Men's JCPenney Pants Discontinued colors Sizes 30-42 waist. Not all sizes available 1n every color Boys 4 to 7 • solid crewneck shirt • soccer look shirt • l/s crewneck shirt • lined windbreaker • crewneck sweater • crewneck sweatshirt Boys sizes 8 to 20 • Bib overalls • l/s acrylic shirt • Acrylic cardigan sweater • Superwear crewneck • "360" skateboard shirt • l/s crewneck shirt Boys varsity sizes . ong.$18 orig. $15 orig. $14 orig. 1.89 orig. 4.49 ong. 550 orig. $t0 orig. 7.99 orig. 3 99 ong. $1 0 orig. 8.50 ong.$12 ong.$7 oirg. $8 orig. $6 • Ditto's R for boys orig. 14 50 • Prewash denim jeans orig. s13 • Heavyweight denim jeans ong. s1 • C rewneck striped shirt ong. a.so Now $12 Now $10 Now 9.80 Now 1.22 Now 2.44 Now 2.25 Now 6 .99 Now 3.99 Now 1 .99 Now 4.99 Now 3.99 Now 7.99 Now 3.50 Now 4.99 Now 3.99 . De signer Print Volle Blouses Mandarin collar or Kimono styling . sizes s-m-1 orig. $18 to $20 Now 6.99 Misses Co-ordinate Group Long or short sleeve print blouse, matching knit pant. Special 9.99and11.99 Missy Pull on Pants Assorted colors & sizes orig. $14 to $16 50°/o off Sweaters Now 5.99 orig. $14 to $28. Vest. cardigan and pullovers. Some in pointelle knits. 30°/o off Misses Blazers Classic styling rn Fall fashion colors. sizes 8 to 18 Jr. Casual Jean Top Brushed acrylic plaid sizes s-m-1 75o/o off Special 3.99 Satin Separates Pants. blouses. skirts. Broken sizes. assorted colors. orig. $12 to $24 Womens Lingerie Peasant style lounger Assorted prints in floor lengths. orig. $1 3 Now 3.99 DAILY PILOT A 7 Selected leotards & dance · Skirts by famous maker. orig. $9 to $25 Now 50% off Women's Fleece Robes Several fashion colors with satin trim. orig. $17 Now 12.99 Women's Accessories Fashion Vests Knits. satins. brocades. linen took in a variety of colors. patterns & styles. ong. $14 to $28 Now 50°/o off Hand Bags Fashion styl es & lin1shes orig. 3.99-30.oo Now 30°/o off All Women's Costume Jewelry orig. $2 to $9. Earrings, chams. bracelets & necklaces. Now 30°/o off Women's Evening Accessories Glittery tube tops, shawls, scarves & disco bags to extend your wardrobe orig. 3':50 to $15 Now 50°/o off Make-up Mirror Jewel tone. stands or hangs. wrth tnple magnif1cat1on and regular. orig. s12 . Now 2.99 • Acrylic knit shirt orig. s12 .l~~----S~a-v~e~3~0~%~o-t-o~7_~5~%~~------~ Now 6.99 Now 4 .99 Now 3.44 Now 3.99 Now 4.99 Storewide Clearance Sale starts 10 a.m.·Monda Girls 4 to 6x Girls 7 to 14 Girls Jr. Hi • Solid Jumper w/trim Now 3.99 • Stripe T-top orig. $8 • Print skirt orig. $5 Now 2.50 • Screen print shortall orig. $5 Now 2.44 • Sis Jumpsuit orig. $12 Now 5 .99 .. : . Bow collar tops orig. $3.99 Now 1.99 • Embroidered dress orig. $20 Now 9.99 • Tan pant orig. $7 Now 3.44 • Print top orig. 4.79 Now 2.33 • Solid skirt orig. 4.49 Now 2.50 • Corduroy jean orig. 7.50 Now 4.50 • Superwear top orlg. 3.75 Now 1.66 • Sweater vest orig. $1 Now 3.44 • Footed over sleeper orig. 12.50 Nowe,.25 • Flannel g~wn orig. 6.60 Now 4.55 • Flannel pajamas orig. $7 Now 4.90 • Terry tops orig. $4.29 Now 2.99 Store Hours .Mon . ..frt. 1)- 10 a .m. to I p.m. S•turday 10 e.m. to I p.m. Sunday 12 Noon to 5 p.m. • Word T-top orig. 4.50 orig. 4.50 • Striped Top fashion collar orig. s.so • Pieced look top o rig. s.so • Striped V-neck orig. ss • Striped tank top orig S3 • Brushed denim pants orig. S9 • Denim pant orig. 11.so • Stripe~ crewneck top orig. ss • Solid crewneck top orig. ss • Corduroy jean orig. 9.50 Now 2.99 Now 2 .99 Now 3 .99 Now 3.99 Now 2 .99 Now 1.25 Now 3.99 Now 4.99 Now 2 .44 Now 2.99 Now4.44 • Superwear crewneck • Dressy skirt set • Floral print sleepwear or19. 4.50 Now 1.88 ong. s1s Now 11.99 or10 . 9.so Now 4.66 • Flannel P .J. • Footed sleepwear orig. sa Now 5.60 orlQ. s10 Now 6.99 • Sweater Vest orig. $10 • Sweater Top orig. 11.50 Infants • Boy-Girl acrylic pant set Now 4.99 Now 5.44 orig. 10.99 Now 5.99 • Boys dressy pant aet orig. $22 Now 10.99 • Embroidered velveteen dress . orig. $25 Now 1~.44 • Apron look dreas orig. S20 Now 9.99 • Antique look dress w/lace trim orig. $13 Now 6.44 • Toddler antique look dress Orig. S14 Now 6.99 • Embroidered apron look dreas orig. S27 Now 12.99 rsVCPen.ney FASHION ISLAND STORE ONLY FASHION ISlAND NEWPORT~ . 844-2313 -........... •• oransw eoo.i 0 .. 1, P.10• Editorial P!MJ.e .............................................................. _ Sund1v. Januaty 14, 1979 Roberl N. Wffd/Publl~r Citie ' R vi:val Works Two Ways It 'Nonu or tho t• good n " b d D \\ slluatk>n • Mu..)or Ea.-.tt•rn eith~s ~ert• tott-lng al the eoro TtNt or fl uent 0 Lod to lht.• suburb. .... teo \ 1ng dt•ca) tntc buildlna for the J>O<>r. who c-0ulcln t afford tu im prove lhl' propert~ D t'C-U v ft id <ln 1ts t>lf Thl' unc-e 1n·oud hl•Urh of lh ~ c1Ur bc>cnme h \l'n~ for t.•r inll•. Th l• pom unubh.• 10 dt•ff'nd ttwm,clvt'S or moH• <>I l'\\lwn·. \\1•r•· tht• \\-or-.t 'ict1 ms Somethrn~ nt.'" h.1-. bl>t•rt h pJ>('nJn~ in r~ccnt ~ors. unordtnJ: tu J rt.·rx.rt In Nt>"'"e<>k. /\ Mllnlflcunl rrumbfor of middle •rnd upp •1 lhl'Omt• fo 1mht'' hove d1 scov red thl'\ don t t'.ll t• mm·h tor hfr in ~uhurb1a imd are buylmz trnd fi "mA uµ om't' d l•J:n nl l•mnhou!'>e~ in rundown part o; of laq.w t·11 it•-. This tn·nd. "t1t•11 .11·t.·omp.in11·d h, t>•irallt•l n•dev('lop n1t•11t of "·ommt•n ·1.d p1 01w rt' h:h h•d lO bn~ht ne" look" and ~·co110111u· n ·h 11 th lo rn.11l\ t'ttlt'!-> (.'hu·11 ~0 . Bo~hm. l>drmt .md 1..·vcn l\t•\\ \or~ h.n t• l>t•nt·f11 •'ft rro m th1-. phenomenon T he urbun pioneer:. h:in> found ,1 hf est.\ It.· tht-y pn• fc•r . Lund values are on th<• n st• llnd smart i;ho.,t. an• replacln~ the pawn shop and slea 1~ bar" Hurt'uh. you shout. at lea .... t one "l<'1.1I trend has gont· from negat ive lo positive But before you shout too loudly. lht.• :-.oc1al scientists say the movem ent has u serious drnwbu<'k · 1\:, affh.~ent whttt•!) move ba<'k to the t llY con·~ and real es tat l.' rmcc~ soar. th<' minorities an• pri<'Ni out "T ht•n •s a poss1b1ltty th<.it in '10 years. tht• poor w ill he.• pu-.lwd o ub ith.' t tw <"t•nt ral t ttlt•s t•nt 1rely and only t hl' Y.c a lth' \\111 n •mJrn." !'iaHI :1 Mth\;w k<•t• pltrn ner. Sot1lhl'l'n ( ':1liforrw1 ... pal !(•In ul ... (/('I.JI r•robh•rns. \\ htlt• 111:-.t ;c:-. rt.•:il :ind lll~l a:-. c·orn pln u-. in lh<· East . an• t10t p untl lt•I. of t'ou r~ · \ye don't h a vl' o ld s ty ll• townhou. ... cs 10 m oVl' b<J(.'k into 1f \\c wantrd to lh 1t tlwn· 's a lc·~:-.on to tw IP:1rnl'cl . Ce>rrectrng one s <.'l ill scu·1al pl'ohl1·m s 11w,·1t.1hly l <•nd s to <'reatinJ.! anothl•r st•t N ot 'Gllilty,' But • • • Aftl'r ~111 t•x tt•n<l e d. \'is 1t to lhe United Stat e s . pluywright Eugen(· IOrll'S<'o. author of "Rhmoccr o_s" and otht.·r modern d t1ssirs. is ('oncem ed about our self ·1magt> II <' got thl• impre ssion t hat Americans h:nir bl'come .. m<.1!->o<:l11sts \\ho wunt to lw hla mc d for cvNylhing w rong in tht• \\Ol'ld ... lom•sr<1 c·omp~11·t·cl wh:1t hl' <::ill<•d "an Am<.•nran anti /\nH·r1<·:1111!-.n1 · 111 tllt' !->pint ol st•lf dcslruct1\'cm•s:-. that H1rP:1tt·1w<I to <·nppk F ··:rnn .• a dC'cad(• aj:?o. ,\fll'r lt•t.·tw·m1! to stuflrnts and talking to 1011rnalist-;, t.•thl(lt s <Jnd lawvt•rs. lw !->llgJ.!t.•stcd tha t l he <tlttluclc may h <H 'f• tom l' :1lxwl hc:C'a usc.• Am<•rie :m s · ha\'(' hccn accusl'<I rnnst ,mtly hy lhl' ~uruµcnns and no'N they foci gui lt y about l'\'(•rythinv; ·' Whi le l onc.•scn may have overreacted to the ex· pres~1on~ of self bl~11nt.• h<• hearct. there's a point of sort~ here. We would not go a ll th(• "-UY \\1l h t he re('cnt vogue for uSst'rtiwncs~ tn11n1n g . but it d0t•sn 'l take a psyc hologi~t t o !'il 't' the corrosive e ffect of a poor self ·image, \.\ hcthcr imµos(•cl hv hypc·r t'ntical parcnLc; or d cvelop<>d O\ t•r tht.• v<.•:ir~ hv u t1m1d inrl1 v1dtrnl. 0Th<•n· ·\ no nt•ecl to return to the flag -wavinA hraggart !maJ,.!t• that :-.t>ITll' /\1t1cn t·a ns used to project abroad. but nc1th1..·r 1s there need lo <Jtn·pt re sponsibility for a ll that j...., wrong in tht• world. T h1·rl'·s st 111 plenty of rt'<.tson for self·rl'S!)Ct't and pr id<• Ill "h<•t i s sl tll on~· of lhc \\orld·~ finer (•xa m pks of tlt•mocrac·v Extension's U r gent California S<>n Alan Cranston will be well a dvised to m ove.· quic·k ly for an extens ion of the feder al refugee as· ~1st a nt<' proJ.!rnm which now 1s scheduled to expire Oct. I T he $37 m illion t'OSt of providing refugees in Cul1fom1a with fi n:mcial ai<f. medical aid and education Jast y Nir was pa id for by the federal government under the r<.'fu~ee progra m . But unless the program is extended. the federal con t rihullon will cover only 25 percent of the total <'OSl. This is d r arly too mut h of a burden for local l ax· p<Jy<·n,. One-third of all the Indochinese refugees in the na· tion. Rome 51.000. ar C' living in California. And Orange County. Cranston !\ays. h as the largest per capita re fugee popula tion in the United ~tates. More will be coming. un dcr an ~xpunflPd frdcrnl progr am for refugee admissions. M ~iny. or ('nur:w . hc.·come sclf·supportm~ in a r ea· :.onc1 blt• time . hut until then the y mu~t be housed. fed und provided "1th mc.·di(·al care. This is ('l(•a1·ly a f cdcral problem a nd the 96th Con~rcss should ht.•ed Ct unston's request to pul extension of the rt'fugl'L' <Hd proJ!ram high on its priority list. • Opinions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Oa1ty Piiot. Other views expressed on lh1s page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment •s 1nv1te<J~_Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone (714) 642-4321 . Boyd/ Rolle r Skating By f,.M. ROVD Undrrstand roll<'r skating is <'Omin~ back with an In· kns1ly comparnhl~ to that brou~ht on by th<> hula hoop ;;ind th<> skateboard. It's a l'ycHr al craze. roller skaUng 1~. Ever since one William H. Fuller popularized it in 1863, roller skating has dipped and risen. dipped and' risen. In. oh. maybe ~ or 30 or •O yeur interval1. Lut enormous ris(' was during the Depression in the 19309. Clnmp-on skate& were the UtlnR then. Now '"" cy laced boots with plastic wheel• ""' in. The waahlng of clothes for many generations ln Abyssinia wos exclusively mon'a work. Th ·carryina of the wate r , e"clu1lvely woman's. A ntwbom baby eems un· :ible to nune without shut· ting Its eyes tlJhtly. · There are pieces In the ArtUc whcra lt'a lll gal lo • walk on mou. Ni k Thimmeech Pop's a Builder, Jerry Holds LOS A.NOELES -Jlt>'s 73, full or bona and. "hil proud or his M>n. t laJma th111 he was a bt>ttt'r ttovtmor Uwn Jerry Urown. and mokt•.1 1t clN1r he doosn 't ulways Ul:fl't' *llh tum Moroovt'r. lhou.:h he s oys hi:t ton hie coou.:h c1topcr1cncc to r uo for Prt:al t.lrnt n •l )'t'll r . h~ prob ttbl y should postpont• that umb1tlon 1':t! m u 11 d Ci P.tt" Rro\\n s 11 y s J erry llrO\\ n i.houkl 1'un Jf:arni.t .1 n d de t t• a t Sell s.m-1 llayukawa IO 1982, a nd •hl•n , in 19&1, at age 46. be elect· t•f1 Pres1dt.>nt of the Un1tl'<i Staleb uncJ 1ls administered territories. t hu!\ mak inft t he Ame rican dream t'Omc true again • Pot Brown. the governor who humiliated Richard Nixon in 1962 and helped to create Ronald Rea gan in 1966, i s now a prospering. influential Beverly ll11ls lawyer but won 't res ist poliltcs "('ARTER CAN'T sell his prod· uc·t ... he s ays. "H e d oesn't <·o m e o ff 1n his s peeches. Rca~an would have beat him four years ago. a nd could beat Bob G r eene him In l980 If th(.• circumsta~s are right. · · Reo~nn Ii, one of th<' bt'sl go. lnJ? on T V. Ile doesn't come through as a hurd-sell <'On· servat1ve. lie comes off as u nice guy who never gets the girl al the end of the picture. • · 1 would campaign for any De mocrat agains t Reagan." Brown says. "because of the damage ht-could do to intema· tional affairs and American de· fense and security. Also. because-or his lack or com passion for human beings -the black and poor 1n particular. "WHEN REAGAN beat me I nev\•r dreamed he would e ver be ('OnR1dered ror prl•S1denl. He got by as governor He picked som~ good men to work around him. The way California is set up. there's no scandal Governors can't steal." Tax cuts. lean budgets. the re· lurn of surplus funds lo tax- pa ye rs a re the rag e i n California. State Treasurer Jesse M. Unruh sees a S3 billion surplus, and claims Sl blllion could be returned to taxa pi.yers. Gov . Jerry Bro wn a ngers liberal Democr ats with h is budget·cutting talk. and the Republican Lt. Gov. Mike Curb says he totally supports Brown's goa ls . But P a t Brown har· rumphs and declares he 'll have none of it. "The prlvat e aet't o r makes a terrible mist ake In fighting the public sector on spending," he says "W~ n~ more Jails, highways and P.ublk fac ilities. We should still he building. This Proposition 13 stuff le nothing but a windfall ror e-0mmereia1 property owners. "I'm flU' more or an ~nomic l\beral than Jerry is. I am a builder. and he is a holder. ''I'm fOf' reforming our health de livery service. These doctors and hospitals are committing highway robbery. We also need affordable housing so young pro pie and couples can havt• a little pad to caH their own " For years. P:ll Bro~ n h:is worked to reform the federal <'runlnal code. a project Sen. Edward Ke nned y has a lso pushed hard. &!ntencing is in· consistent. the law is cluttered with a confusion of definitions, juvenile cMminats are too easily shelte red. BACK IN the late '60s. Pat Brown headed a presidential commission which studied the entire problem and mude s weep. ing recommendations. "All these years. and nothing ha ppened ... Pat says. ''Ted Kem· ne dy go t a bill through the Senate. but it stuck in tM llous~ and all the civil libetta rians yell about It. I think lazy Judges Un" against It ~('a use th~y don't want to learn nnything nt>w .. A ~1tlty at>Sessm('nt. but l'at Ii, usually frank. "Wher1 I upset Nixon in 1962. I thou~ht I h<1d finished hJm off ror gOOd ... he s aid. "I was gJad becausCc' l re g:irded him as dangerous. l\ul he came back and can you believe it'! · he put me on tht· fo'ranklln 0 . Roosevelt Memon ul Commission. "I FEEi. SORRV for him "°" because he a<>h1l'VC'<I greatnl·s., and then h1l lhf' ~kid' :,.O fa..,t I h• h a d too m uch fc<·l1n g for power ." The Browns ('onw out of San Fra ncisco. and Pat no" 1>.I\ !.. that city isn't flu.• sunw lh· speaks o( "qul·er:,. .. dominatm~ its politi<'s. and laments the powe r of other "sm~le issue" ~roups. "The National Rifle A.'>· so. can kill you:· he moans. When Pat Brown began in politics. by ruMlng for district attorney, his father promtsed to close do~n his poke r club to avoid embarrassing his son. ''He locked it up for one da~ but reoJ>('ncd it." Pat laugh.., ··Eventually I ~ot e leeh:d. My father had no idea that I woul1I be elC'clNJ i.;overnor one da~. murh lt.-Ss cv(.•n dreamm~ that .Jerry would bt:comc a prcslden t..ial c:indidate ... Home's Where They Don't Turn You Away "I didn't think much about .. lt before I did it. I was married. a nd I assumed 1 would stay mar· r ied. Then my husband and I got a d1\'orce. and I found that I couldn't lake living by myself · Pa rt of rt was the rinan<'ial hurrl1•n. hu t part or it was just a kind of lack of t:ncrgy I dido 'l ""ant to take care of m ys e l f. I dido 't think I could handle it So I moved back home wi t h m y pare nts. I've been here for six months and I ha ve no plans to ~o ~~t on my own a~ain ri~hl <!Way. The s peaker is a 27-year -old woman. She spent four years away from home at college, and then was married for almost six years. Now she is home with her par e nts. and she re presents what may be one of the fi rst coming trends for the '80s. There is no hard data to sup· p()rt the <'ontenlion. but it ap- pears that a si~nificant numtxir of adults m their mid·20s. late 20s. and early 30s -both men and wome n are moving back home with their mothe rs and fathers. A re porter who had noticed this going on made an informal survey of people in that age group. and was surprised to find that almost everyone in· t erviewed knew al leas t one pe rson who had moved back home. "I HAVE A male cousin who's about 30," one of the respon· dents said. "We had heard he wasn't dolng too . weU in busi- ness. and then we kind of lost track or him. And then I went hom e for Christmas. and he was living with his parents again. lfe didn't come to a n y of the Christmas parties." And a c h <'c k wi th psychologists who deal in study- in1e the family s howed that there is an Increasing interest "in the ph e n o m e n o n 1n the psychologicaJ community . Pamrh "It's really interesting that you s hould ask me about that," said Dr. J ean Goldsmith of the Cente r for Family Studies. "I have ju.st finished a study or divorced adults I haven't even put the data together yet. But I was very, very surprised at the number or divorced adults who are living wilb their parent6 now, rather than living alone." IT IS NOT just divorced peo.. pie who are moving back with thejr parents. Men and women who have gone to college, re. mained single. and tr6ed to make it in business or the pro- fessions are believed to be mov. ing home, too. Sometimes the s tated reason i s floancial, sometimes It Is loneliness, sometimes it is confusion -but it is happen.mg al a 1rate that i11. in Dr. Gol~milh's t~rm. "Sur· prlsin~ ... Part of the surorise comes because, for the last two der· ades. great emphasis has been put on the independence shown by young people j ust coming into adulthood. Children have been leaving the home early, In some 1RB Fr o m Washington cases reJecting the family com- pletely: once the bonds have been cul, It has been ass umed I.h a t the childre n arc ~on e fo rever. ne ve r t o returh permanently. Now. It seems . we may be right on the edge of a period in which aduJls return to the homt>s in whic h they ~r e w up. Psychologists -ma n.)lo of whom do not see this as a healthy sign h ave theories on why this may be happening. ..THIS IS A rotten time period for people being hopeful and op- ti mistk about what's out there." s aid Dr. Kathleen Sheridan. as· sociate professor of c linical psychiatry at Northwestern University. "People expect to go out into the world and COflqU('r it. and iMlead they disrover that the world is a very dangerous plate. So they return to a place of safety • -their parents ... Some mentru health e xperts say that the '60s was a decade in which many people experienced symptoms of anxiety and stress. The '70s, on the other hand. have been years during which people instead experien<'ed sym ptom:,. of de pression. And one of the n • suits may ~ a rash of people who have liv('d throu~h both periods. and who. in the ·~. ('nd up runninA home. "The ·sos mav h a ve· b1·1·11 lurbul('nt. but p~·oµll• thouJ,!hl that tht•v would .!>Ul'c~e1"1 with thc1r prote-.ts." llr. Sh<>ridan :,. :i 1 d . · · W h e n t h l' <1 n x 1 c· t v <'hanged to depr<>ss1on, that \\ti' not a i?ood si~n. People ne<·d anxiety to move forwaro. W1U1 desptur. there is no chance ... THE ADULTS WHO arc mov· lng back with their parents after long periods of livin~ alone are. of course. reaching for part of their childhood. ll doesn't ta\w an expert to see that But \hl'Y may only be rcachinJ? for t•t•r lain. dimly remcmhcn •d part:. ol that childhood. "/\ JO.year-old man or wom;.in who goes home to his mother :lnd father may be ~01n~ afll'r a me mory of ;1 s a fl'. w :1 r m c hildhood. wh e th e r lh c: childhood was really like thj t 111 not." Or. Sheridan said. ··u ving alone , tht•y an· in .1 <"old. lonely s pot , and th<'Y ha' l' memon~ of home that un• ht·I ter than thin~s really Wf'rE' Tht' adult who moves hat'k honw may want to be nouns hed. f1-'tl. clothed lo be fr~ from mak ing decisions. The person ma~ be sayin~. ·r don't want to takl• care of myself.· ··svCCESS AND failure ha"" become very elus ive thmR~. f\ lot of young adults who had very high ex~tations :trl' ~<'It in~ wounded. They may look good at what they are doing, but in..,.dt• they are hurting and lonely and panicky. Going back to 1 ht!ir parents represents 10 tlwm " healing proct.>ss. "They realize that go1n~ b1H·k home after trying to ma ke 11 on their own is a sign of fa ilure, but home is the onJy safe haven the·.,. know. They're saying, Tm so wounded. l need to heal. f m.•t:d to be taken care or and f'm going back to the only plaN· where I know I will be safe'.·· Echo of 1919 May Haunt SALT Outcome I It was 00 years ago this July 1948." Mr. Carter s aid. the U.S. that Wiison returned from the still hasn't signed. peace conference to find the Take normalization or rela· Senate In an ugly mood. nod de· lions wtth China (heartily op. bale over the Leagu(' of Notions provtd by this correspondent I . and Versailles lrenty already Was the spUt with China ever bt'li!un (as It already has begun necetsary? Chou· En· Lai came to today over the SAl .. T trc3ty ). the Geneva Conference In June That was the dream a t9S4, I~ for friends lo the League of NotJon.R, a parUomont West. John Foste r Dullea of man. and 41 court to settle It.a wouldn't 1bake hands,. and disputes. stalked out. / Al all tlmf>S, during the pro-The China Lobby, led by longed Senate debate. more than Henry Luce's T\me and Llfe. de- three. tou rths favored some nounced fraternization : Chou t.eague; they could not agree on waa ••a poUUcaJ thug and pro. which Leape. 11tey voted twtce fesalonll auuaio." Hid Ute. -November 19. 1919, and Life's correspondent, Ood(rey March 19, 1920. Ultimate vote -Blunden. c¥Ued Chou "a ruth· 49 ayes. 35 nays~ ratlfica-lc11 intriguer -a consclenc~ lion filled. The world WH •~• Uac-. o aabertoothed pollllcaJ stunned. nssaulo." In 1911, revlewintt ""S ANOTll""R 1 r those grotesque evenu, H1trbon " r. cump e 0 Salis bury oiled them "mad· Amcrlct's wary laotatloolsm. ,. Unlcal f\Ar nola ·• cited by Prettdenl Carter only ness • c ..--" · laat month, U other ·ntlk>ns fl found no roterence to old have algned the UN'1 fedOe\de Luce oru&ldel ln Time's cool at · conyentton. "Dttpltc tbe 1u~count last week or Teag Hslao- porl of every pruldent 11ncr-P'ln1 u ·•Man of Lbo Year." ln 1937. Oeneralissmo aod Madame Chiang Kai·Shek were Time's "Man and Wife of the Yeor." The thought constantly in· trudes whether. wllh a tittle tnore ~alism and undernt.'\Od· lng. or simple common sen.cit' .. Korea, V\etnam and the boycott oC Chlna bad to happen. As Annt- O'Hare NcConnlck once wrole: "Nalk>ns never go O\.lt to meet deatlny. It always catches up with them at an UMxpectcd turn of the l"Old ... THE MOST Important slngle actlYlty ol woc1d poUll" ll the prevention of nuclear war. ~ two superpowers bave over 13.000 strategic nuclear warhead!I aimed al Heb other, capable of d~troylna the other. In the meantime nuclear weaponry ts prollferatloa: sht or seven nations possess it and it can hardly be ke pt seem; ln " few years. probably. amall nit· llon•. or terrorist 1roups, wm have blackmail weapons. " . , An hyswrical woman ('a lkd m<' up from Lo~ t\ngcle:, th1• other day: &he had Heen the doomsday film of the AmeriC'an Conser vative Union warning that "annihllatlon is 20 minute~ away." They have bou~ht Um(' on 207 TV atatJons. so far. to show It. A new Rroup or 170 fl' tired geMralfJ and admirals o~ rousing America to Its peril. And lhtre ls hau.rd, of co1.111W SALT comH down to confidcnCt.' in our neR()llators. The detaUs are stupefyint1lytechnk1l. Tht public will dedde on th(' bast• of Ila Caltb tn Jimmy Carter. Md i.uch f aJth Is apt to run tow In thl' midst or a n economic rcces~lon. In a l'On gress of S35 membtriri. only 34 senatoni He all vote> have veto powtr. J can't rei11st the fet>hnai thet I am seeing a rerun of 1919 • TRB h o l on g.ttondl n g WoMltngton byline. Its author cur· mttl.11 fa Richard Strout o/ the Clt.riaCicul Sclnce MonUor. tf. ' --- -~ i To write tho 0.1ty Piiot/BO• \$60, Costa Mna. CA 92626 Otango Coast Dally P1101 1., .. ore ~J' • ..!_. ___ o __ • _______ Su_nd&ty_ •• -.··u•••rv•'ll"•' 1•9•79••••••••T•o•ca•1•1 •tht•O•e•1•1v•P•l•1o•tnm14•64•12•~-2•t••••••A•l Reagan Readies Re-run By MARTIN SMITH ~''"'• •••· MlCMWllr -.en '-< .. • Ronald Re 1•n ha" bN·n " polltl('\an of O<'li<>n1tl r-.nktna for mort> than J <k11t.•f\ ~ .... ,..,. no"' lie-h snt )t•t t'stablt~ht-d ,, nc•w rf't>Ord In lon.iev1ty mon11 pl'(' s1d nllal a'p1r nh C'\•en "~n llorold Sta .. wn ' monom•nla 1 prul>('rh 1.:non."<.I Out mw t1u.s to looll. to \Ut'h mt-n ns l<lt'h ltrd Nl"<on or W1lllom Jf'nntnJt'I Rryun t1l flnd po lltlclans ur rClmp.arabl1• !'laturt> 14ho hu1n11t~J cround tht• nut ton.ii :.1 t'fh' 11111..:••r lh.411 ltt<a.-•n THIS •. l 'T und mu,.ch ''vidcnce that llt•a1wn 1~ fttr """ ""' uy the.· t.'Hrlv frontrunnt'r lnr lht• Hl8'1 lk111.1blll .in vrt."'itdt.·nla.11 nom1nat\on ni.11..t• ull lht• mon· rt•murkoble the tt'fuul or var1ou!t F.a!>tern pol111r I .in n l y:\l!I to t11k1• him morl' !>l'rlOURly The~ don't 1ndude -.uch hare.Joo c.'Cl GOP polltat'Hrn!\ u-. M<'hlO l ~11rd who dot•sn't rch!lh the thou~ht uf Rt>llRan's nom1na- t1nn but dlfl•Jdy n<'cepts 1t ais almost incv1table1 Those analysts who cun't m :ike themscl n·s believe that the Republic·ans actually will lOminate the formN Cahrorma !Overnor for president now have a u~~ way of discounting the }OS Si bility 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rJ rJ CJ 0 D 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 und he know• that he would hav<· 'Won th nomJnailon m 1976 If hl• had not had ti tht" powen or a Whitt' Hoult' incumbency ar nyl•d aaa1Mt h\rn That won't t>t' a problem next )'<'Br He ulM> know11 that he h~ 1tr(\n1lthc.•ned "iis support among ('On ervotJv ucross the nation by cnmpalinlna vlaorously In dtn •n11 or ronarea..ttlonal dist.rich In bc-hall of Rt•publlcan can dadoteli. HE'S RE/\LLY in a much bet ter poMUon ••mong Republican." thon Muski e was amon!'l Dcmo<'ruls in advance of the 1972 pr('isidcntlal primary elec twos There's no \tut>stion. however. thut Reagan's status 0$ the car ly frontrunn<'r does create a spectal hazard ror him. He wlll enter the 1980 primary season as the ovl'rwhelming favorite who would be view<.>d as suffering a major setback ir he makel> .>nly a so-so s howing 1n Nt•w Hampshire Th&t's what hap- pcncd to Muskie Ttus is lhl' reed on which the principal hopes of Phil Crane, John Connally. Ge(lrge Bush. Howard Baker and James Thompson £or lhe GOP nomtna· t1on are bas<'d /\s things continue to fall neat ly 1n place rot Reagan's next rampa1gn, it's being suggestl'<i that · it's all going together 100 neatly Reagan. we are be~1n· n1ng to be told will be the Republican Ed Muskie THERE'S LITTLE doubt th<it Reagan's campaign is moving ahead on srhedule just as the Maine Democratic senator's did in advance of the 1972 election Sometime toward the end o' next month a national commit- tee will be formed to "en couragl'" Reagan lo run for pre sident. Nevada's Junior senator. Paul Laxall. is expected to head the committee just as he did one back'lng Reagan four years ajllo Already hard al work as Reagan's foreign pohcy adviser 1s Richard V . Allen, who perrormed the same service ror Nixon in his 1968 campaign. Al· len is a former official or Stan· ford Univcrsity'!'i Hoover lnstitu· lion. wh1ch still serves as the home bas(' ror another key Reagan policy adviser, Martin Anderson. Rea~an will have many New Ri1tht Republicans. the kind he counted on in past campaigns. arrayed aRainst him and an behalf of Crane. the Illinois con- gressman who perhaps 1s the Republican in the position most co m parable to Democrat McGovern's in 1971. Out with all the favors Reagan has performed for Republican candidates in the last campaign, he has strengthened his position immeasurably among GOP re- gulars and doesn't need the New Right activists as much as he did in past campaigns. FOR IDS PART, Rca~an , who made a whirlwind t our or Europe in November a nd December. is considering visits to Latin Aml'rica this spring and to Canada this s ummer to im- prove his knowledge a nd Image in the field of forei~n policy. Reagan possesses another im- portant advanlal?e. He's a seo11soned campaij~ner for the White House. much more so than Muskie was in 1971 and 1972. Mu s kie had been the Democratir vice pres idential nominee in 1968. but that role was strictly that of a supporting actor. Charles R. Black. who was in· stalled as p<>lit1cal director of th<' Republican National Com- m i l t e c to placate th e Reoaganites. resigned last week to lake a vacation before for mal· ly joining the Reagan campaign teaw Then. toward the eond or sum- mer . he's cicpected to declare formally that he will seek thc- 1980 nomination. Although Reagan will be 68 two months from now. he's con- fident that the age issue won't stop him from winning the nomination. He looks younger, Reagan is confident he can stand the heat or the politicuJ kitchen, something which New Hampshire demonstrated that Muskie could not do. Libraries: Houses of Cards? By DAVJDC. HENLEY, PH.D. Dr. llenley, a resident o/ Newport Beach, is a member of the Board oJ Trurtees o/ the Newport Hecu:h Public Ubrary. A ;<>urnali!m professor at Cal Poly P<mumtJ. ~ abw is a member of the Cal1/orn1a Library Trustees Associatton. To most public librarians and many public library users in this state, Proposition 1:1 1s analagous to the plague BECAUSE THE larl?C majority or public libraries in California receive most of lhl'ir operatin~ funds from the property tax, and hc<'ause property tax revenues have been near- 1.v cut in half by the passage of Proposition 13. the Jl"°'aJ'ians and llbrary users arc not talking through their collective hats. When professional librarians get together to talk s hop. they s wap horror s tories which have rome about because or the passage or Proposi- tion 13 as if they were battlefield commanders rl'eounting troop losses. The San Diego Public Library system re· ceived 16 percent less lo operate its fa<'1lities 1 his year ... versus a five percent reduction pluced upon other city departments. The Covina Public Library had lo let go 16 of its 24 cmployeoes POMONA'S SYSTEM had lo fire 18 or its 37 employees Californians have 10.877 fewer hours W('ekly or public library service available to them ~cause of cutbacks in hours of operation ... a 28 percent reduction, according to Slate Libra nan Ethel Crockett • ,, .. Although not as pronounced in Orange Coast communities as in other areas of the state, cuts here have been noted by patrons. WALTER J OHNSON. Huntington Bea<'h librarian. said that a 10 per<'eonl budget cul 120 percent if inflution is figured 1 has forced him to cut houth and staff. H l• S('CS the future of lh<.• public library as "seriously in doubt. .. lhl' situation lo me looks very grim " Libraries in s uch communities as Co!-.ta Mesa. Mesa Veordc, Irvine. and Laguna Beach -all ntembers or the 26-branch Orange County Library System also have been forced to in itiatc cutbacks. Costa Mesa's branch, formerly open s ix days a week. 1s now open rive Mesa Verde. formerly open seven days, 1s now open rive Irvine Library has cul back from being open six days lo five and from four nights to three LAGUNA REACH Publi(• Library is now open 11 h<>urs less per week. Newport Beach. which is planning to open a new branch in Newport Center this spring. ha-; not partic\Jlarly suffered, allhou~h its total operating budnet is down 10 percent <20 percent if inflation is taken into account 1 Where docs this leave th<· libraries or the state as far as their futures arc C'oncerned., /\re their futures "seriously in doubt''" Jl is too early to tell. ' ROBERT A. HART, newly-elected presi- dent of the California Library ASSO<'iation and Santa Barbara city librarian. believes that the public library as we know it can be saved if l > new methods of financing arc considered and 2 > the librarians and library users themselves adopt more ag~ressive public relations techni· ques vis-a-vis legislators and the voling public. He also conte11ds new methods ullliilng modern technological advances such as the computer are brought about to save labor costs which oecupy major portions or libraries· budget11. ·'People ore-reading more t han eve1 . Television has not hurt the library. It has helped us. People arc turninit to books because many can't stand te levision," he said in noting that library usa~e is expanding despite budget <'U(!I. ~ ONE POSSIBLE way to avoid property tax funding would I><' to have the state "buy out " the public libraries, Justifylnf.t that libraries are educational and as important to the public welrare as public schools and colleges. The CaUfornia Library Assocla\lon at thl11 time Is considering such a prope>sal which would permit the state to ensure a certain percentage or publlc library funding while requlrtn11 the In· dlvldual branches and dl11trlcts to pay (or capltt\J outlay and some other expenses. Librarians and library users -oft~n naive and uru1klllcd In workln«i with city councils, bonrd11 or supervisors. and th State Legislature would be ai.kNI to form lobby or pressure ttroupi; stmilnr lo those used by proffaslonal educators. l11bor u.nioM, and other 1roups. USER 01\GANIZATION auch as the li(~F'rl•ncb of tbe Library" would be .. ted to • Adopt a Le1l1tat.or" to let u1emblymen ~nd iienators know thot Joc:al clUtena reel the public ACTUALL V, I JUST BUILt> THEM ON SPEC~ Bl.Yf TJ.IE WAY REAL ESTATE MAS BEEN BOOMIN<a AROUN[) HERE', l-IOW CAN I LOSE ? library Is an important educational tool for all segments of th(' community. "How do we marshall our constituency? Thal 's what we must find out. We must identify our support. We've been taken for granted by the elected officials too long," Hart said. The development and utilization or new technology by the public library is In ils Infan- cy. but must be taken advantage of immediate- ly to eut down on escalating library labor costs. most profess ional librarians believe. According lo Judith Clark, Newport Beach librarian, continued ust• of the traditional caret catalog -a device for locating hooks which has not c hanged in much In 200 years -keeps us In the "stone age." Machines tfre now on the market which J)t'rm 1t library patrons to "browse by com· puter." These so-called ''browsing terminals" resemble lar~e television screens. 'l'HESE COMPUTERS also con be used to l~ntt books, control circulation, tske inven- tory. purchase books. tllms. and other supplies, and handle payroll and other tunctJons. The new technology. although quite ex- pensive. ultimately aavH llbrarlc-s money ~cause It d~s away with much costly mnnuitl lnbor whltt> nl the snme lime providing quicker a nd more efri~ient servlce11. A NF.W NATIONAL Clt11.enll Committee-to Save Our Public Libraries has boon formed to hftlt tM dcclino of the nat.Jon's libraries. A White llouM' Conference on Ubraries wUI be held In the fall and regional nnd st.ate con• ftrcncc will be held this month and In the spr- ln1 ln ca.tJ/ornJa. Ubnry ustl"I wtll be waltlnJ to learn the multt of these meetlnas. hollln1 that the public library. Uke the publlc school, ""' temaln a \lltat and vlbrant. rorce ln ~un lift. I Book Review Psst! Probed By PHILIP M. BOFFEY Repnnted /rom The Chr<micle Review THE OZONE WAR by Lydia Dotto and Harold Schiff. Doubleday. 342 pages. SlO. The Ozone War is an informative. entertain ing review of the heated scientific and political battle in th~ l970's over threats posed to tht stratosphere·s ozone layer by spray cans and olht!r human technologies. The authors oh served the controversy al rlose hand. LYDIA DOTTO. now a free-lance science writt•r. covered th<' dash for the Toronto Globe and Mail. Harold S<'hiff. a professor ol chem 1stry at York Un1vers1ly, Toronto, performed research on the ozone-problem. and he is <'hairman of a panel of the U S. National A<'ademy or Sciences that ii. monitoring the thrl'at Their coll aboration has resulted in a reada· hie, blow·by·blow account or how scientists flrst perceived that aerosol spray cans might dama~e the stratosphere and then haltingly and painstakingly set about gathering the ('Vidence that documented their rears. Their fin dings belied thl' misleading propaganda put out t>y a fluorocarbon industry desJ)<!ralc to avoid regulatwn. Tht• chain or events. now confirmed beyond reasonable doubt. is that fluorocarbons, once widely used as propellants in spray cans. percolate slowly up into the slratosphere, where sunliRht splits them apart. producing chlorine atoms that then chew up ozone. a rare form of oxygen that shields the earth from dea<lly ul- traviolet radiation. NO ONE HAS VET decided h<>w much ozone redu('tion can be tolerated, but the consequences could be grim: an increase in sklnc:incer, geneti<'' mutations. damag~ to plants and animals. and drastic changes in climate. Dotto and Schifrs aceount is enlivened by nnecdolal sket('hes of the quirks or individual· se1ent1sLc; :ind the fierce rivalries and hostilities that developed among them. "Outsiders" scientists who W<'r«> not at- mospheric speclali!lts played key roles. The traditional experts "'ere so spe<'ializcd that they didn't even talk to one another. Meteorologists • regarded nir movements as overridingly impor- tant and dismissed chemi<'al reactions as in- slgoiflcnnt: chemists took the opposite view. AND BOTH G ROUPS, as well as the aeronomers, had their eyes trained on regions above or below the stratosphere with its critical oione lx'lt. So It took oul!lider!! to sound lbe a larm, wt11ch sparked resentment among so111e of the ln.c;lcters . The book dl1cusse~ n number of lhrealc; lo the ozone shield. Supersomc lllrcratt. whoac emissions were once deemed a hazard, hava now bt<'n larf{<'I)' exonerated. The fluorocarbOn probl<'m wlll soon oo partially controlled. I The United Sto.le~ is already phasing oo& nuorocarbon PtOJMlllOnh!, but tho ·~pon.se e other countr\es h as been mixed (a d nuorocarbons are !itllt extenslvely used relrf gtrants >. The oion~ lay~r may also be wlnerabla to chemlcala rtleas d by the spare sbutth!, r rtlllterw, and nuclt1r explosions, not to MMI · llon threata u yet und tec:tcd. Dotto and Schill beUov• t.bt b.t.rdeat probtems aro yet to ~me . ... ---.-..•·a a l ' .f Al• DAll..V PILO-Sunday, January "· 1111 Innovative Edueator W ASHl GTON t A I' 1 Wht<n t:meat I. Uoyer waa a youn1t t\•r 10 Ua~too. Otuo. oM of hi hl1h l.(hool t D<'hf'ra wusn't urt h h•d tho 5turr or 1 roll ge m an Boyt>r \\-r nt lo l'Olll'.i n)' 111y and m or thun lhr~ dee d h1tC'r, h11 rhm b thro uah ttie upper r lllrn or t'<lur t1on ha!ln 't atoprlt"d AT 50, BOY•; R '. t•rt•d1t1 1nc-lud r.nt•n year lUI i.'h lUH'\•110 1 or tht• Slah• lJmvt•f"'!ll 'I (I( Nt'w York thl• wor ld ' luq~('3l umv<'l'llll)'. and two I.II lJ ~ t'UOIOll1'1'11Unl'I of t'<iut lion 11\ plun1 to n ·l'11(11 I h,1t 1111~t 1n u '1•ar to IX'l'Ome l)rt'lllrlt'nl vr ti\\' Ctll Ot•JI h' t'o11nd11t loo In "'''"I t\\11 th'n ul1•" •'' 11 n1llf'iW at1 minli.trutor, from t 111\ l ploncl Col11•g( 1n CulUo rn1u tu t0;111\m11th ~l'N\. Bcl\·rr ., .. , t•urnt•d u r,•pututhm as ,, ,11r n ·,i.ful anncn ~•lm At lJplnnd :r:tl '''ll" uico ht· 1ntnwluc-c>d th'• t•~pt•rtmt•ntul m1tl \t'llr lt•rm ,1 month ,t•l lU•ldt• for llJll.'('\ill 11\lt'O'll\ l' tudll'... Al !-.l'N\ ht• luunt•ht'il 1-:mp1n· Slut\• Collt-~t· .1 ,c hool for adu It!. "1th t•lut.st• ht•ld tn rom l'nlt•nl downtown locullOllb . h11 wlftt. K ay " ~ M t' or lhl' fJr"ll t akl'rll u11d bt•famr n prorUtlnit m1dw1Ct lltt uhm . ~t up the ft r'll undt•rllrnduuh' t':itt•hRnge with the Soviet nlun w1lh pr•rth'al mallera llkf' "''lllna o job "COi.LEO llAV£ tx• n fur loo arbitrary an lhe way they r ·N1111110 whul •rt> lei1tlm1&lc nd lll l(at11nat All t'ull!·~()'I h11vl1 Aom • \<OCntlon I (~u , t•vt·n 1t ll'1 only prott•t1!fOnl who "ant th Ir atucJ nta to bf• In th u rnt• Joh they're \n." hl' ln.sl•ta "Voe llonol r hoil: .. a urt• "" eorut·~ally 1mpor· l<lf\t to lhl' \1 4&1Ut' HI rlll'tUrt' or II 11tudenl Ull a t'Our11t1 In ••lhl<'M," 11uv• Uoyl'1. whO!'lt' i.peerhes I i•flN·t th<' 1>tylt• ur thlK 11tfublt.1 Quuk..r They ltrl' rh•ar. dlrl't'l, full of hOJK.1 und ~onwhmci; 111 Hoyrr'a ow11 wotdM, "(•mhur1·111181t1t(ly simple'" 11 1• 1110 t u \.111v1• "l1 pi)lnw wo rds hkc h1modul ·or uuln•uch" 1nlo c·onvt•rsµt1on, but lw 11 UJU'\t'd 1111t 1onJI uth'ntwn tor his war o n Jtirwon Om·1•. un uhk, 1111kt•d to t•xpl1.11n a memo, 1 t'Plh•d lamt.'ly. Wt•'ll h1t Vt' to luymanixe 1t " You don l nN•cl comr>ll<'~•ll'<I words to deal ~1th t•ornphn1lc•d 1dt·u11." !lu;11 Boyer ''They're lht•rt• lo !lt•r\l' t•l(o to aua;gt>sl I'm 'marter than I a m t o l'lou ll and r o nrui.t! unde r a Pll>t'UdOCrudJllon . ltlS OFFICE Kpend s the bulk of II EW's S12 h1l11on 1.'Ciut'utlon budttcL d1spen:s1 ng most 1n Arllnlx to stat\' iind lo<'ul school d1s tnc ts But ft'deral mont•y puyb lc~s than 9 perct!nt or the nation's sl'hool bill EDUCATION U.S. Commissioner emohasizes basics be/ ore experi"ie1it11-tion .,.,,_. l1un is to achte~<' som e· nallonul purposes thut tra nst'cnd uny g1v('n !'lute ur d1Mr wt " . Those purpoftt>S , Boyer suy~., include the S:t billion Title I pro~rum to help educate dlsad vantaged stude nts . over " b1lhon in aid to col lege students . S804 million for education or lht' ha ndicapped. and $1~ m1lllon for bilingual education. ~oyer s ays "the pu6h to ward equality of ac- Cl'~S IS a federal oblig ation. ll t'ould not be left to cha nce." becuusc of the dlsoaritles c au11cd by s e~rcgution HE ALSO BELJE VES lht> ~overnment has a respons lblhly to set.· thut c hildren obtain i.ome minimum lt•vl·I of t•ducalloo achievem ent. "This 1s a mort' d iffir ull and. in some respe<'t:. touchie r area ." he savs · "W(• have Jo be car('ful we don't just grab o nto any ide a that SiJ'f'>. 'Wt!ll. it's an the srhools Let's fund al ."' he say ... "We also have to be careful tha t we• tnlervt!nc in a way that truly m akes a d1ffcn •n cc. uml dOl•sn't JUSl pour • walr r an a s andbox " TRAINl';D AS 1.1 llJH.'t't•h palholog1i.t j nd t1udlologl. t. &yl'r h u' bt<t•n In the \ anguard of the move mt.1n\ h i 1 c•!'ltnrt' bnllll' cour:,ei, to l'OI lel(e curr1<·ulo. as dont> recently at Jlannrd He n lso has stumped for u rl' emphasu. on basics In early elt'ml•ntury Yl•ars und for fUV IOI( 1 ci.tless lrcnagers a11 1•urller rxpot.urc to both work and l'Olle~w Buyer bl'hevci, "the federal role an educa ERNEST L. BOYER LECTURES That problem 1s l'xacerbated this year as the Cart<'r ad m in1stra taon labors to ho ld the budget hne fo r fiscal 1980 Jn t.om c rascs . notably lht• $671 m1ll1on voc:at1onul education prog ram. Cartl'r 1s l'X PN'ted to propot.e a cut- back of StOO million or mo rl' lie ramt• to th<· llepartmt•nt of Hea lth, I Education a nd Wt>lfa r c thinking tha t the bureuucrucy was "not very enlightened. tended to be rigid und d idn't necessarily draw on good tale nt " But ht• s ays !>.:in~ the re has given him ~ more respect for government problem s and ; procesSl'S "' f • • t : ' ' • • • l 4 • . J • t • f'or example. he !-iays, discussion within II EW on key bsues, hk1• southern college dc-se~regnllon. r ivals any college faculty debate he ever heard "AND l'Vf: SEEN hard er work around here tha n I 'vc e ve r seen any r1lace in m y lire l though~ I wa~ m dt•m a ndang positions before. hul this 1s ut least three times ha rd<'r ano p robably mor<' " Boyl'r 1s co nct•rned a bout fea rs thal colleges ~111 dccltne 1n the 1980s "l 'vl' m•ver ex· µcrwncc'<i u lime wh<.'n people see med lo li\•e in "d read of an unknown dccadl'." he s ays. "You a lmoi,t have a feeling that plague is sp~eadmg. ll 's going to s trike. but no one is q uite surl' whic h institullon is going to be hit." ROVER n•:u Ev•:s colleg<.'s c an avoid I hose probll:ms by C'.'m barking on a specifi c t•o11rs<.' and staying t he n '. whether the course 1s .. imply tht.· s:1mc onl' lht•y 'r<.' following or some nl'w v<'nlun· "Om.· kind of 1nslitut1on lhal will m ake it is nm• that a<·<·ommodutl'l-t to shifts and l!ocs out and finds lht•tr own n<.'w populations ," he says. They'll c·rc•all' n1.•w a rrani:cm1.•nlt.. more flext· hit• tim<' iJncl t•v1.•n m•w kancl!> of programs thut adJU!-.l lo n<.'w sludt•nt intc rci,L ... ·· One t<J<:k ""uld be lo offer \'O<'alw nallv f)fl('Otl'd cours<.'S. Boyer rejCtls the notion that a 111.Jeral a rts cducul1on shouldn't be con~erned * * * Initially Wrong Class List Too Con/wing WASHINGTON tAP > -Bring· Ing t he bureauc racy to its lite rary sens<'s is <.'a s1e r said than done U S Commissioner or Educa- tion Em<.'sl L. Royer found thul out rcrcntly when he re turned to the clussroom for tht> first tame 1n 20 years to leach st•v criJI dozen of his e mployees how to write ('lt-arly . ONE EXAMPLE of bad wnl· ang Doye r used from s.tovcrn· ment me mos that crossed his d e s k w a s this ser v i n g of ~lphabct soup· "Th is workshop 1~ part of a PFP issued by IOC ;.urned at helping SEAs better ser ve LEAs with reference to the LEA Primt' Sponsor agree· m l•nts l"Ulll'd for unclcr the YF,y, portion of \'EDPA " "Wh1•n I n •ud lhroui,lh th11'. I know about h111C lhl' rderent·cs. no mon • "he• compla ant.•d he had similar diHi culties with his c lass list. SOME OFFlCE of Education em ployee had carefully typed out each person 's na me followed by a s t ring of mtitialb intended t o s ig n ify w h e r e 1n the bur eau t'racy t h e s tude nt worked. Denny Stephens. for in· st ance. was from B.E S E . 0 Lr L R .: S.P.L S.B. Dons Mor~an to i l e d 1n 0 . M · M S A D . A.D.P.B . When a ll this ls decoded. you learn that Ste phens is part of the Bureau of E lemt>nla r y und Secondary Education. Office of L ibr aries and Lear nin g Resour ct's. State a nd P ublic Libra ry Services Hranch . And Mo rgan is in t h e Offi C'c of Management. Manug cmcnl System s and Ana lysi!-i Division. Aut o m a ted Da ta Proc•cssing Br an ch . By the next class . th1.• list had b<'en retyped f '.WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE } • I ' l I • • WE ARE OVERSTOCKED! THOUSANDS OF FIXTURES TO CHOOSE FROM Bound Glass Chandeliers With ei~ht cande labras, downllght and solid brass construction. UNBELIEVABLE DISCOUNTS On unique tight f lx turu. Cry1tal1, Ceramics, T lffanys, Wrought Iron, Bath ~wags. Something for every location n your hof'(le. 50-80% OFF Opon 7 Days o Week 8:30-6:00 Set. and Sun. ~:00 -6:00 .. waaa LIGHTING FIXTUA• COMPANY ', ?.0:31 SO!JT.tt £AST MAIN STREET~ IRVINE. CA~NIA 92700 f71 41 :546·2901 Outdoor Lantern Width 1 O", ht. 31 " rugged rustproof construction. Black finish Clear o r amber lens. • Mew classes sca..una ............... =IOllS Meskatinasc ~ ADVANCE REGISTRATION NOW OPEN. 1'1• N 1. II~· 111114• to '>IQn up'',, ~ e ~k.ihnQ I("·, «1· .ii rtw. r, .. G11,.1d• r,1i.,1d Wt)t>lh~ Y• 11 VL' •Cl' •k,;lf-<11~ to••·'" n. "'' 1 l\f •l.1!•~1111/'411111! ni .,! 1111 1•rl.r •t''ot' 111 v 11 Cl 1~· '" f1il 1.1 t.1•.1 '> LAill 11''1y 111 .ill II~· 1t1• rrn 1t ,, I ~ 1111 v,u 1 I JJ r; ''I SKATING SCHOOL HOTLINE 979-6351 . ASK FOR MISS SANDY BEGINNERS WELCOME IU CAPADES a-tALET Costa Mesa 270 1 Harbor Blv d . Harbo r & Ad ams 979-8880 253 off woven woods. G1vflt vout "omn th~"" ""''hand bft•v•l' 01 *'OYf"n woOO" Ind varn ChOO.,. tr04'n "\lltOM('rfvt t.eltKl•CK' ot cO'llb•nahOftt 10 111 •~Y acco• Sal• prle .. on wov•n wood• •ff•clln lh1ough Sunday, January 21 25%off custom draperies. Fabric lining, labor and installatio~. 19'• l)flC" on cuetom drapet1 .. en•c:tln through l vnday • .lanu•ry 21 . . ' TJl~CPenney u .. N _..i.111 JC,._., T1fM ,.._.,. "'- • ....... -. ....... a RM POLITICS I HOTLINE ~ .. ? or I 'Unquote!' Hotline PlUlCtuates L~'ITLE ROCK. Ark IAP > Are you suffering from a danglin~ participle') Tnp- ping over five-syllable words'> Don't know where to put your comma'! In an age when many people woulfS r ather pick up the te lephone than a book.· Daniel Llttl.efield's English Departme nt at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock may have the answer : (5011 569-3162 a writers' hotline. ' THE 25 ENGUSH teachers at l.JA LR seem to welcome th(' qu(•nes they receive daily from stumped writers, lawyers and businessmen nationwide "It's hke (•reating Frankenstein. But Wl' a lways have Lhe p<:rfect way out of lh1s . We rould always have our telephone taken out." Littlefield sa ys. As far as he knows. UALR is lhf'. only college in the nation. operating a writers' hoUlne. Thoughts of disconnecting the phone are in jest. He and his collea~ues are pleased that about 30 callers consult them each week about the fine!' points of punctuation, spelling and grammar. STUART PETERFREUND. an assistant Enali.sh professor . started the project as a service to Little Rock area residents. and soon attracted national attenllon. Nowadays, you can call the English Department between 9 a.m. and noon on weekdays and get a nswers to questions about tenses. attribution and apostrophes. The calls are fi elded by a secretary und transfe rred to a de partment faculty member. THE HOTLINE has its regulars. They in- clude a school system in Texas, a Miami lawyer and the staff of a newsletter at a San- dus ky. Ohio. ball bearing plant who "seem pleased when W<' ~ive them the information. and \\le really appreciate that." Littlefield says he wishes other colleges ran wnters' hotlines. ·we believe that it is necessary for peo· pie in the 20th century to read a nd write the language. We're doing our part a nd would like to see others. too.". LiU!le fi eld h as a theory about the hotline's success. tie thinks it's rooted In the ide a that "it is ('Osler sometimes to dial a number than to read a book." i Ill. SAVE UP TO 40 O/a .. ,. ...... lf.l• 11·• •. ,, .. ..... _ .... I; .... ~~=r ... M.lYWIOI w -"*' w., l::tt=.-.=r-.., __. ilACI nm.... t!::t.W ...... -··--~mr~ '· . ... SUndey. Janu1ry 14 1979 DAILY P1LOT "I J Zest of Spring Fil/'8 'Iron Maiden' Britain' Margar t Thatcher Preparing to be Prime Minister LONDON IAPl Maraaret Th,tchcr ls a polltlcel br1i maid who could bC!come Enaland'a and Europe's nrat womao primf minister. Admirers nnd t•r1tl('!4 h ve dubbt.·d her lhe "Tory Glamour Olrl." tho "Warrtor Queen." 1md 1n the worda o( th~ Sovit!l pruH. the ''Iron Maldtn " • Pt-rhlll* Uuat IA bt.·cuuse the 53 year -old leader of lhe Uritl11h C<>n~crvutlv() Party ulway11 seems to be mort1 thun th\• um of her 1>arth Art4.'r four yeurs. i.hl"li wu1llng m the wings for the next ele<·taon. whlrh Lubor Pnme Minaster J•mH Callu1¢hun must call by Ckt.obcr Columnist s, com mcmt alo~ and ordinary F.ng lt11hmt•n se ldom ~ n o t (' Cal l UAhan ':-1\ h1urcut or clothing Uul 1 Margaret Tbalcher •') mu:,t endure being end 1 • ll'ssly described ai. ' "ash blonde," "mother · of twins." "perfectly or 1mperfertly coiffed, .. and having "a peal'hci, and cr eam compl ex ion." "baby blul· eyes" and "good legs ... All of which is true. but somehow irrele · vant BESIDES THE FLEET Street superlatives. she's a lso the object of he r party's public relations machine. and the object of tag lines tossed by op· position backbenc her~ 10 the male-dominated House of Commons. She's been ridicul<'d by oppon('nts because s he .idmlts to a f!OOd t•ry once in a while. Her mt•nopaus<'.-and its po~sible emotional effect on cruc1ul decis1oni;. ha\'l' been analywd m print "That does n't bother m e m the slig htest ... she 1uaid In a recent Interview with The Sunday Tlme~<i magazine. ''That 'l'I all absurd. f feel full of the zest or spring There's no reason why a woman shouldn't go straight through Uus age Just like ~ man Anyway. they can be just as tetchy as we can Problems ure much worse if you have lime to brood·· CONTRARY TO HER pubhc face, she says she's "a very emotional person." "There a rc limes whe n I get home at night and everything has got on lop of me. when I shed a few tears. silently. alone. We all have sensitivities I've never known a person to be insensitive about things which arc wounding and hurtful. and I'm no exception ... On the stump. and the noor of the Commons. she cultivates a different image Strong, ag· g'ressive, almost strident in her oratory, Margaret Thatcher. the soft y, is transformed into a shrewd politician preaching traditional Tory gospel SHE PROMISES. 1f elected. to inc rease de- fense spending, cut taxes to increase incentives. slash government spending. end immigration and promote private enterprise. The pled~e:. s tem from beliefs passed from father to daughter dunng her formative y('ars. when s he was instilled with respect for what shl' calls the "basic English virtuei.." hard work. thrift and rugged indcpen. dence M artsaret Hilda Roberts Thatcher was born Oct. 13. 1925. to a J(rocer and his wife in Grantham. lfit's @ got wheels, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot EARL'S • PUIMllflfG H£AllflfC. Alfl tOND " l" /l/r,\/ '>t '"''' l 11tlll ~it•l'tJI "'"'' t t4•t ( c1U 'llOlt Nt d,.,,. '.,._,, Ari 11 tO\fA MUA642-175J IUt-poll ll•d M1!>~100. v1uo 495-0401 ,..,, ~--C.••· ..... l\•ft D Frw 4t A••t P•• J :um all markettown 100 miles north of London .. My fDther was a woriderful man." oht once said. "He made me read widely . and for lhdl I O<N1. him everything. He had a passion lor educdt1on I always got the books 1 wanted. But no plea.:.ure., I never went out to c. dance until I got to the university .. HER MOTHER. she said. "I loved dearly. but after I was 15 we had nothmg more to bdY 10 t'dCh othe r. II wasn't he r fa ult. She was weighed dowri by the home. always being in the home .. Margaret escaped that fate. But i.he crc.ve·. the image of s upermom On the hustings her mair. pitch is to housewives. She can positively pralllt· a bout how to m ake perfect hamburger lier hus band claims that she twitches 1( she finds ., d1 r ty foolpnnt on the living room carpet Last fail on h<'r first day orr in seven weeks. she relaxed by wallpapering the biJthroom In 1959 she was elected to Parliamenl from lhP Flnchley district or north London. She did h~r homework. worked 16 hour!'i " day. built up" con of loyal followers. and on t•eb. 4. 197:>. toppled Edward Heath from the Conservative· leader:;h1 r,. Ebullient at v1cto1J . Mrs Th<Jlcher said · I sha ll takl' on the work with hum1lil y and ded1C'c1 tion To me 1l 1s lik<' d dr<'um Lhat lhl' next namr· on the h!>t after Sir Wm~ton Churchill. Harold Macmillan. Sar Alec Douglas-Home and Edward Heath 1s Mari~aret Thatcher. · HERE'S YOUR PART TIME MAID! TIRED OF WASHINO THOSE DIRTY CLOTHES?-4.ET US 00 IT FOR YOU #• "IW• ~~tM , ...... .,.ti\ IA lh .. , ... ~ IM n YU" "''°On c ......... ' "'""-~ 8rt~ YOYf' t totflln. to~ .. nc1 •·"·VI • ,,., COIOHA die MAR LAUMHY lZll I. e-t Hwy. 640-7200 ---·-... ·- Apartments, Entertaininent, Recreation ... It's All Yours at Oalnvood-365 days a year. .. Total Recreation Each Oakwood features heated swim- ming pools, tennis courts (tennis pro and free te nnis lessons). health clubs, saunas, jacuzz1s, billiards, in-door golf driving ranges and TV theatres. A full time a ctivity director takes her cue from your interests and plans and hosts a full schedule of events includjng free Sunday brunches. happy hours. weekend parties, tnps, sports tourna- ments and s pecial interest clubs and lectures. Total Luxury Apartments Apartmenta are beautiful singles, one and two bedrooms. available fully furnished or unfurnished, all with car- peting and draperiee, Clll electric appli- ances and private patios or balconies. And all those special extras ... The extras that make movmg in!o Oak- wood a snap friendly neighbors A management stall that ca res. Beauti!ul grounds. • lmmedia1e availability • No lease required • All utilities paid• Adults only, no pets. Models open daily from 10 am to 7 pm. • Ca •p• al l.onQ S.Oc:n ) Oakwood GardenApartnients Long Beach 6479 Atlantic Ave. {~ Blk. S. of Arte1la) (213) 428-1243 Garden Grove 12091 Bayport (at Chapman) (714) 750.&711 Long Beach Marina 333 Firat St.• Seal Beach (at Pacific Coaat Hwy.) (213) 598-6647 Newport Beach/South 1700 16th St. (Dover at 16th) (71-4) 624"'8170 .. Newport Beach/North 880 Irvine (at 16th) (714) 645-0550 Anaheim 2235 W. Broadway (at Brookhurat) (714) 772*4500 ----•·nee P• .4 J2 CWL V PILOT Sundey Jenv•ry 14 181'9 COUNTY I OBITUARIES • ~ucky Break Aids Glass Art P UBU C NOTICE ~IC"ITIOUI hlOflU NAM• iTAT9MUfT , .... IOftooMO ...,,... It ..,.. -.i•I ....... ,HTOR. 1142 ~-()oft. INN.CA.,.._ 8)' ARTllllll Vl S•1 °' .. .,...., .. _ lUlfl Nol only wH h conflfK.'d to u wheelchair lcmporarUy, but durlnl hi• lnlUal hollpltaltza· tlon, aomeoot tot hie lllln llnd poller'• Whffl, so tu.• went back to atuln~ 1l11u. "Then 1 '11 be off lnlo some other area of the art.a " LMr-Ml<'•· I IC) °'41,_...,., CMt• MeM. CA m» Tiii\ ~·--~ It C-MO .,., foll lft. dl•l9W• C'ratt.man Kent Sthlld •. 21, ha.a l"QO'UI a Iona wa) on t~o crUAhl'd I alDCt" •tarUnt bJ1 curr nl car r nut on h'• belly on • kateboard, fushlonlnac stalned ala • ••1ndowa on t.M noor. Hr IHrned th currently popular crart lthouah It II oc-1\\tll and w1o1s once n4.1arly a loat "There's juat. no C~llng like doing what you like bo t and gettJng paid ror It." adds Schlick, who I• now more into the desten and marketing of every motll ault.tlble for st.a.lned s lus win· dows. l,Al<r.-MK<• Tiii\ \l...,.,_I •M filed •llh t ... Cowftty CHIR ol Or;lftOI Counly on Jtll'I. 11, ",. ~,.,.,. Puomlled Or""Gt C.O.'IC Oellw Piiot. The lluntlt,&H1n Otuch n·•ld nt v. "' a Ir cud~ un .ic t• o IO 11 I I l4 h C' d ('t•r111n1t'll'lt tmd p1.1tt\•1 With bOUlllll\" "\lll\• ht ~ulh.•rtt•a und rl!tu1l sho1> thmu.:hout lhl' Southlunu unlll mis tortu1wht>r~11 ham Ht> t<d tt ml~ tep c.1nd tumbh•d 211 i-tont·~ from a rooflop Whl'l4\' h\• ~· dJUll\ 011. while In hla tuma. "f iU !I ffi)' tlmlnl W&ll right, because for tvt-ry window I rtnl h<'d . I Wltl•n actling calls fr9m P\.'<>Plt> who hod 1 ·en It. for more," says 'C'hh<'k '"':WAS 8ARTEK1';0 a tx.~r tupper kllg ror that r1nt romml11"1on two yl'tTII ago and nowis rtnl1hlnQ uv 50 wlndow11 for the 8,000-&quare·Coot Rue f'I J<'<.lnlok wMtorfront home In Huntington Harbour "I 1~:1 thiit''4 been my most unusual com· mlRalon .. lie does sailboats, seabirds. skiers. Just about everythlng. Creative approaches to art and its potential for pe~sonal satisfoctlon and lncome developed early UJ SchUck, who began painting at age s, wlth great promise. · .. I SOLD MY fir.st palntlng When I was 6," says the tall man wath the friuy black natural hairstyle. "l got my first commission at 7 and. perhaps. my best business lesson. l never got paid Cor it ." un .... ". 21. f.o. •• lt1't PUBUC NOTICE ,.CTITIOU\ 8USINI H NA.Ml STATIMINT Th<r tol-'"9 pe"on i. ci.1"9 _, N\\4i cur"' ()AV PROO ' II~ C:r.00 Ln., Hunll"Qlon lle«h CA '11 .. 7 Josec>11 F. McC.<tnv, 11'°4 v ... Bu••n. H\lnllnQton 8-~h. CA., .. , Tl"S Ou»IWM I) 'onduc:lllCI 0y ... In• (JIV•OU.I J Fr..Wlln Mcc:.-tl!V Tiiis \l•l-1 w•\ llled Wtlll l'le Covntv CltlrlL Of 0r.,,.. C-tv on J.,. l. 191't mg 011 ,;uttt'rlllt1 but JU:.t hkl' u ral Kt·nt lundl•d on hJ, fl'l'l KENT SCHLICK The yoon11t proprietor of Glass World. ln Hunllnl(U>n &-ut•h'~ t•olorful Old World shopping und dl111n.: Mmpl~x nl'Ur Ut>ttch Boulevard and th~ San Otl•go l"rl'cway llt modt?11t about suc· ~ltnlt Publl\nol(I ()r.,. C.0.il !Uily PllOt. 1 ... 1. 14. 21. 29. 1•1" They told nw I II tw 111 •1 ""hl'1.'khit1 r ror ''" nionthi.. but I \.\all J!l'tlln~ jround lo\lthout 1l t>Vl'n g01Nt to pnr11l' 1n a l'ouplt• of weeks ~a) s 'chh<'k I hs l\•ft h<>el "'as so st'\'ert>l)' rrushed th.ll rour mt•t<tl pmi. hold 1t loiether today and ha!. right foot i.hattl'rl'd 15 to 20 lJmes, bul an the long run thl'y may someday seem hke lucky brl'aks. "l had to have something to pass the time and I thouJ(ht J 'd make a window or two for my mother's home." says Schlick .. r don t pion on do1og 't\ lndows (or the rest of m) hft' " 'a)S Sdll1ck. who hves with his aspirin~ modt'I s1slt.'r Kris. 18. m an apartment above his shop Living quarters are furnished with the rent, Just ai> they were in Europe's Old World HE HAS HIRE D one young emplayee already and hopes to have a labor force of lO, as the major West Coast stained glass dealer some day. Herd Requires Housing ' We lfare Mediation Resumes A mediator Crom the s t a te con c ili atio n service is e xpected to begin work Monday in resolving the unsettled dispute between Orange Coun ty a nd its 480 we lfare eligi.,ili t y workers . The mediator was railed in Thursday after both sides a~reed lust A-'t Tropical Fish• Fresh e MMine Aqui rium Suppf ies Special Jan. 10-Jen. 16, 1979 Helo stoma AudoHi " • 79 I come from Borneo, Sumetre end Jeve. I em ptnk In color . have l•t blactl eyea end "'Y natura 11 pHC9tut. People .,. emuaed et my klaalng •ntJc• and Mgntftc.rtt apeculetJon made •• to the rHaon '°' lhl• h•b". I'll answer thet -I en)oy h. Com. M• me et Aquatic Troplcel1 wtt.re I em on SAL£ under the neme KIH lno Gouraml tor ONLY .79. Hope to M • you aoon. KIHlng Goureml • 1510 W. Baker • Costa Mesa - 549-1391 • Corner Harbor & Baker -~·· · Oh Deer, Wlwt Can Mesa Tree Seller Do? week that they were at --------------------- By JERRY CLAUSEN Ol llw Daily Piiot Sl~tf It was a bad holiday for Mr . Chri s tmas Tree, Frank 'I'rembley, who annually sells t rees on a leas(>d lot at 2200 H a rbor Blvd. in Costa Mesa. T ree sales were "blah." he says because of too many lots m the city last year. but worst of all. he "had to put Rudolph to sleep " Rudolph was lh«.' show ~lopper •n Tn•mblcy's sales tent on the lot in K-Mart Plaza. a 12 llOint. white Sibt•rtitn fallow dee r wt-i~h1ng nt•arly 400 pounds . ··Rudolph was as gl·ntlC' as a p uppy with children." Trembley :wys "lie would lick lwo-year- olds' hands " The buck w as kin {! or Tremb l ey ·~ 13 -dcer h erd. purchased four years ago from a derunct ani mal fa r m at Saugus and kept in Riverside until -trotted out as an attraction an Costa Mesa during Christmas tree sales. Thi.' problem. says Frank, is t hat JUSl before Christmas. the herd's docs went into heat "'h1ch normally heightens tens ion among nearby males Rut Rudolph remained gentle until neighborhood youths began pep· perin~ him at night with alrguns and ro<'ks. Then on Jan. 3, Trembky's friend Jerry Keyes arrived at the lot to haul some of the trees away as firewood. As the two men walked toward the trees, Rudolph charged. The big deer's antlers ripped into Keyes· lert arm and neck. Trembley rushed his friend to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital where he underwent surgery for d a m aged bones and nearly severed arteries. Keyes. who says his medical bi lls already are between Sl.300 and $1,800. i:;ays he still can't work as a carpenter. "l made up my mind that I sure won't tangle with a ny more deer." he said at h1s Costa Mesa home. Trembley, who says he has a license to display h.is deer herd. knew he had to do something about Rudolph. "Once they go bad , they're gone. You've lost control. Trembley and Costa Mesa's An im al Co n t r ol Center employees looked fo r a new home for Rudolph without s uc- cess. "I had a decision to make. I decided to put him to sleep." an impasse in negotiat piJ?. squeezed under the fence in~ a contract that ac· tually expired De<: 28 Wednesday night and scattered County personnel of. over the Harbor Boulevard and ficer Bert Scott said the Wilson Street area. One doe had to be tranquilized workers have remained by animal control officers before at their jobs on a series the herd finally was corraled. of s hort-term contract Now they are confined behind a extensions. the last of fence inside the original fence. which is set to expire on Trembley says he can't return Monday. the herd to its Riverside ranch "But we don't expect home because a falling tree limb a nyone to be off the da maged the barn so badly that job," he said. Al issue slate agrirulture inspectors con· a re the workers· de - demned it for animal use. m a n d s t hat th c ir The Costa Mesa man . caseloads be reduced. plans to kt•cp the herd in Costa cordin~ lo Scott there Mesa I · . · . t'ur_._....., so a dispute over the area are now in limbo as the re-g an t1n ~ or fri n ge sult of school trustees' reaction benefit increases. to stories about Rudolph. However. Scott noted "Santa's reindeer are in trou-that this year the county ble," Trembley muses. "I've got is spending about $5.7 to fi nd S()meone in the area wit h million on salaries for a lot to keep them on. I've got the workers. the wood for a corral and I'll put in an autom atic feeder ... "Otherwise," he says, .. I just don't know what I'll do." Funding Replaced ~--------COUPON .......... ~ VIBRA STEAM INCLUDES FREE: ANY 2 ROOMS ANY SIZE NO HIDDEN CHARGES! COlldlffon ,.. ... ,,.... • 01smfec ting • Spot Removing •Color Brightening • furmlure Moving • Ktlls Fleos • Oeodom1n9 • M .... Pre-Sa tl'ng 100 % Money Bock Corp•f r•poln GUARANTEE ~~:;,~~:;' C/•oning /J. -, Ou1ck Drying w • ......._ ~tt~ ~-nt~~ 0ua:.._ ~esty Two banks a nd an oil .,..,_ •. c o m pany have con · tributed nearly $68,000 •IOllOfo• 554 1953 • -to the United Way of •1NSU110• (7l4) • iii • llCllNn • Orange County with the ----couPON EXPIRES SAT., J AN. 20. 197q---~ PUBLIC NOTICE P tJBUC NOTICE ~IC"IT'IOUI eUl lNUS NAMI STATlfMl ftT T ... lot~ "'"°" ll 41ot1'Q llulJ. ""'"' I ACK I AV VITE lt• .. AltY HOSPITAL. GS 114~ Sf., ~ 8ff<ll, CA 'MilO Geo• .. Y. ICMll< .. •i.., ?» 54. Tlto<M1. OrMOt. CA.,.._ T111,~1s ~w ... ..._ fi•141H11 0-,.. Y KNkflll<I .. Tiiis n......--11'ed _., "'-C-IY C~ ol 0r<tft9' C-ty Ofl o.c ..... 20, l'71- ~*'7" Pullltw..d ~ (MtC o.11¥ Pliot De< 1•. JI, mt, J ... 1, 1', ..,. ,.,..,. PUBUC NOTICE P VBLIC NOTJCE l'ICT1TIOU$ eus1Nll$S N~STATl ... llfl' , ... lol~ ---i> ~ Ollst· M n •t WINNE~ P\.US, 1UQ Arll"9W1 L-. '4unt"'910ft a..ct.. CA .,_ O.nno\ MKtl<tott ~'•· lt)o&J :::!.""'°" '--· Hwtt ....... a.kl\. CA f llft Wsftu Is C-led by .. ~ .......... OIM!sM.~ Tllf1 11<1!-WM llltld _,, tt.e C-.ty , ...... ot Or ..... c:..unt't' "" Dt<eml>t• 21. 1'71. 1'""10 l"llOllS'*' 0r8"9e CoMl O.ltv PllO! Dt<.ll, ••11.Jen./.14,ll. ,.,. ,,, .. ,. PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IUSINUS NAM€$lATl!MllNT T lit> •oll.,..,1nq .,_,W<l\ are dO•nQ b<l1lnen a\ I! J PAINTING co . m\ Iowa StrMI, C~I• Me\41, C:A "1&1t> a.-uv J HO<Nln. :l:l'IS 10..a '!.I .• Cosl• MH•, CA "1•71> JU(ly • Wffw'\, ~ ·-·'!It .. Cost• ~w.CA~ Tiu\ bu"~' I\ cond\Kled by • oe,.., •• ~s11op a.tty J "°"*" ,...., \Ill-"''" flied ~ lfte Coo#llY C..,_ of ()rM191 '-'ty °" J- 11. "" ,.,.,... ""°'"-Or~ C.O.lt Deily ~ J ...... Jt,a, Fe.•.1'1' PUBUC NOTICE. "CTITIOUI aUSIN£3 NAMISTATEMU fT Tttt fot-no "*"°"' M• 00."9 bu.irwn•s TRAVEL NETWORK·P.AC1F•C PLAZ.t. Tlt.AVEL, 1>4 e, 17111 St , # 109. C«KI• ~.CA ~11 A"°"' P p,,.,o ~ n.,.,.. L. Porro. 4QOC.0.llloSI. CCKI• -54. C• '1611 On Dec. 27, Rudolph -protec· live of his herd of does al· tacked one or the l ot mployecs, Trembley says. T rembley says the city's anirnal control people tran· quilized the deer for him and then a veterinarian injected a lethal drug into his quiet body as a crowd or nearly 100 persons circled the enclosure. The 12 remaining members oC the herd. two young bucks and 10 d oes. are. a l ong with Rudolph. descendants of a herd im por ted. from Si beria by William Randolph Hearst and or iginally kept on his ranch at San Simeon. Trembley says. Rudolph was valued al nearly $2.000, he said. The ot her white animals are worth an estimated provlson that the money be used to aid agencies especially ha rd hit by Proposition 13. ----------------------! T~1' r>u•lneu •S <ondue~ bY en >ft· OIWiOu•I T he young man was gored in the arm while the lot rrew was cutting up Christmas trees r<:· m ainfag unsold after the holi· day. Trembley rushed him to a hospital where the wound was patched up CU"TIS WILLl,,aM HENl!V CUIHIS of CCKI" M~w p.,,,..., ... .,. J,.n.,.ry 11,1',. Su•••••d bl' l <MUOl>lrr\ KallllHn Colr of Co\1<1 ~ (iloro" llvArren ot "°"''""° ~IQhl\ Ca P•lrt< '" C.ril mn of Tutw Oltl•notn• •on Jonn 1 Curio• ol CO\I• ,.,.._,, 17 QrM<kl1110r..., & 10 or•at or-h110r.., D•ot~r 1."0 Curll\ of Cry\IAI C!ly T•••• 4 ''''"'' tt•••n Co""'" £ \tn~r Hen,tnQ Kllhl""" 8ouo au .,. M•nn•11An K11n"'' A 8'ornoc" WOii• <lf Anhocn C•liforrua ""''•ocn 1 JO PM S..no•v JM'u••Y i.,1U'I Pe<oll< Vi<!w Ch"l>el lntfl'rm .. nt P•<ttl< Vlfllw Memori•I PM~ PIKUi< v ..... MOrluMy 01••< '°'' 6.U 1100 McCottMICIC MOITUAllH Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Htlls . 768-0933 San Juan Cao1strano • 495·1776 I AL n.tlttGHOH fUHIULHOMI 646-2424 Costa Mesa 673-9450 IBL llOADWAY Motl TU AU 110 Broad way Costa Mesa S.2·9150 SM!nf. TVTHlu...l.AMI MOITUAU WUfCUff atAf'tl. Cre~lory •Flower Shop 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-4688 rtllCI UOTHHS SMIT'4'$ MOITUAIY 627 Main SI Huntington Beach 536-6539 .a. ..... FAMILY ~Ql.Ot41Al PUMUAl HOMI "I stood on a com er or that lot a nd c ried lik e a baby ," Trembley confides. "It hurt." B ut h is p roble m s with the herd still weren 't over. The animals, led by Arnold. a pet $600 each. ··Maybe the school board will allow them at the high school." he says. "now that Rudolph is not going over." All in all. he roncludes, "It's been one heck of a Christmas ... 7801 Bois. Ave Wes1m1nator 893-3525 PA~fltC VllW MIMOttl.U. rA.H ,.. r,:N;::e;::p::::tu=n=e =So:::c:;le;::t;;y-Oops! There Goe•. '.'":'..,.,...., cuMA'•°" au"•A1.. AT u • Another orange grove ts headed for de· Cemecery Mortuary Chabel 3~ P.ldt;c: View Oftve f Newport Beach 8'4·2700 • .. ~_..,,,,_,, 646-7431 velopment a111 lhls slgn at the comer of Ed· c..itor ,,.. porttotio inger and Ritctiey street." ln Santa Ana -testlfies. In other worda, fast foods are c.i..1•1• ust.irping,tJ'iq territory ot natural foods. United Way officials said United Cali fornia Bank gave $40.750. Wells Fargo Bank contributed $22.000 and Standard Oil o f California a dde d $5.000 for a total dona- tion or $67.750. U nit e d W ay spokesman Sue Lau said five agencies have been especially earmarked to receive some or t he weleome windfall. She identified the reel· pients and the nature of the aided services as: t h e Al p h a Ce n te r I co unselling): the Children's Home Society I foster care l: the North Orange Count}' Child Guidance Center !child· a buse 1; the Friendly Cente r <neighborhood • counselling l and United Cerebral Palsy (home1 visits). • -~ 1-.HM 1914 HAUOl kVD. COSTAMIS4 ~ HE RB FRI EDLA~DF:R IS ~AKJSG GR E~T DEALS BUY OR LEA SE! FREE 50o'ir~ f RH DEMONSTRATION Tomorrow, Jan. 15, 7:30 p.m. OGA CENTER OF CALI FORNI IA Non-Profit Educetlonel Founo.tton) 445 E. 17th st .. Costa ·Mna ,.._. 646-1211 ·-p PO<To Thi\ ,,.,.,,_, Wa\ fl~ "'"" ,..., ountv Cler' o4 OrMIOe C:O..nly on 0.< 10. ""-,.,..... PublhNd Or.n« co.t\I o.fly PllOI, Oe<. U, JI, ,.7', J ... 1, t•. "~ \660-1' PUBLIC NOTICE ,.CllTICMn eUStNESS NAME STATIMENT Tr.. IOllOWtnQ .,_,_. •re doo1>9 ~~\\d$ KRAUSE SERVICES, lS1 W. 8•y st • •. c:~i.. ~. C.A mu Ct•,-Ltt Kr.tuw •nd ~ Jlfl Kr•u\<f. lSI w 8"1< $1 "'· COSI• Mew. c,,amv Tllfs o.i~u '' <onducl~ Df'.., ,,.. Oowldu•I O•rton L. K•J<JM Tiu\ \1-1 •"'I\ hied ""'"' tt>r COun• Y c: tert ol Or o1n91 '°""'" on J..,. l. ,.,.. ,,..,,,, P»bhSMd Or ... Col\1 0..ty Pilot, J•" '· "· 11.111. 11f1" PUBLIC NOTICE ~lnlTIOUS aus.N•H NAMll STATWMU l'T Tiie 1011_.119 "'"'°"' •r• 001ft9 IMlslMU ti: PACIFICA ~It$ 00., l(MI 8.ni,,..s C... ()r., Sultw IOI.'"'"'* "'· '21lj • 0or1s 09$5111, am..,. C1Dre1 Sl>r· lngt Crt., -lnglon 8Mch. Ce.~ LO<I IC,...,_., 1...-Z 8Mlltttt ~. Hvftll"91on a..ctl, C.. '2M1 f M1 D~lnH\ Is <OftdliCtM by • ....... ,~Ip. Oori'JO.W.. Tlllt ,_ -s llled wtt91 f11e Counly C .... Of 0.-.not c.un.y M Oeu mo.r -.ms. ""'"" l"vOllst.d 0r-. Coesl Oefty PllOt 0.C. JI, ltlt, J .... 1, 14, 11, ..,. $11)-lt Pl1BUC NOTICE "cnnout eu1tiiffi-N~ STAffM.,fT T~ lollo•lnq ""°"s •re ~ !*SIMU8 Kl.R CX>fdTROCTION ANO SUP· PLIES. r»ll IUo ~-Clttle, El T-.CA K•rt lto!W. !21M1 Rio~ .... Clr- c ... El T-, CA. 01-"°'1er. 7:*1 RIO Gr....,_' Cln:'*, El t -, CA. Tiiis lloi~ I\ ~ttcl llY If' 111- Cllw,.... 01-llollf/f TlllS tllltefNf'tl Wff fl... """" tht CoVlllY Ci...-DI Of411119 <-IY "" Otc·_,,.. .. 7'11. ~ l>uOllSMd ~Miit ClMM Deify ...... °"· u. "·mt.JM.'· .... ""' . ,,,..,. PtlBUC NOTICB . ' ,_ u . ----··•·• a .. . " ... .. ~ .... BIG PHOTO BOOK ALBUMS 3!~ Put your photos In magnetic-sheet 3-rlng photo albums. SPECIAL SELECTIONS Choice of LP's, $1 8-Treck, Ca11ette1 Country, western. Instrumental, favorite artists, rock. SPRAY ENAMEL PAINT DAIL V PILOT A 13 ._., Meater Chorg•' VIH Accepted In Mott AreH 19" DIAG. MEAS. B&W TV 5:;~~~ $f21A nized picture tube tor ... sharp. clear pictures latt. Model SKB1901. ~c::mr-"11r . Undercover fashion! Terry bikinis of stretch nylon or cotton/nylon In white and soft colors. Cotton crotch. Savel HOUSEHOLD AIDS 3~~ Rubbermaid• 38-qt. wastebasket or 34-qt. basket. 1 bu. laundry basket. ,. Kmart fast-dry interior/ex- terior enamel spray paint. Buy several and save! 25" :_COLOR CONSOLE ;~~~~~~~~ r~~~:'~~ $~ 99 deoOrs. UnlQue "space- age" chassis. Model SKC258t. OPAQUE SOCKS MILK BALLS CLAM CHOWDER 1~~~. 72c 79c Stretch nylon knee high• tit 14~ oz.• carton of matted New England style, concen- 8-9'fi, 9-11. Savlngtl milk balls. "Net wt. trated clam chowder. 1 Ir SAUTE' PAN CALCULATOR DAISY SWEEPER . 497 897 888 Pollthed alumlnum, Sliver-Micro 8 digit. floating dee!· 2-way •weep action. All steel Ston .. Interior: mil, memoi... ease. Savlngal ~.-......... .....,°"'...... ....~ ~"'?!.~ AUlllM IEURIWEI a TIM fUUllTOll IUDLI KMBOR cm •o.-.i~ «*ANGE • ODAM> IArrtAR,.,_. 18. LOI MOEL£$ Ml.AflO " . ' ''''' •~•·lahlP .s.11n ~ ,., n.1nd0 f':u<l1l>y 1rd & '·'"'"' • The Wonr1mdl Steam fahtl!' Hrs Will vary \ , . ' ~ ~ I ~ \l ~ .. ,• ... ~ ,.. .J.' • ' .r "' ' I f."tf ,o of" ,. .. '" ,. " ' ,. .. _. .. ~- ,, .•. PEPPERED BEEF PAIT# SLEEP PILLOWS f44 a $5 For Whipped potatoes, gravy, sea-Comfortable polyester 1111 soned vegetable, roll & butter. with polyester cover. WORK LIGHT ANKLE WEllHTS .278 fS98 Clamp-on reflector work AdJuttabl• weight• tor "'le• llght. Shop Kmart todayl lea or wrl1t1. CAMARtUO COMMERtt COSTA IUA COllOM MmT HUU'f 1.0UITIY wamt WED LARI MM.TO llMUl!IE ltMPt£ CITY THOUSAMO CAQ TOWICt VAlDIQA \ ' I swut SHIRTS Men'• faahlonable sporty hooded sweat shirt.a. CAR AIDS 97.~ SlfM oll trMtment Of Gum. out• carb cleaner! SNAIL & SLUG as~ Attrecta and lclll1 dettr-uctlve 1n1ll1 and slug. 2'h lb." CCMM CUOMeY ...... LA YE• LOii IEACll -VIA IOTA AU WISIU•O UI CLEMllTE vaTUM WQT WUltllllO ..... • I ----•• a • , .. • : I . f .4J4 DAILY PILOT ~nday, JMUafV 14, 1171 Niee People To Do Bus e~ With ••• . I r l ''The Automobile People" ouei----· When You $hop In Costa Mesa At Orange County's #1 Buick Deakrship You'll ee Mor Than Just A Few Of The Most Popular Automobiles ~Id In outhern California ... But The Largest Inventory In Orange Co~nt.1 You'll Get ••• Plain Talk, Straight Facts And Possibly The Lowest Sak Prices Anywhere •••. BBAND NEW 1979 BUI~.-I° "'Poufblfl Tiie ~~ BaiGa.Mf~a~ lnlt•Cla.s" BRAND NEW 1979 BUICK ~·:=~eCar I BRAND NEW 1979 BUI~W"r" "Faadlfl Size ~~ AtA11AllordalJle · l"a•f .. Pri~r' ·~~~s BRAND NEW 1979 BUICK ;i:;:::,~l!Ofld ~~s PARK AVENUE SUPER SELECTION A~4999 ONLY I LEFT IN STOCK '8589 SUPER SELECTION \!7444 EVERY ONE IN STOCK DISCOUNTED • '2000 (447808) From Suggested Retail Price We Suggest You See Us First ••• Then Shop & Compare - Because We Know, Before And After The Sale ••• ''It's Our People That Really Make The Difference.'' Don't Miss This Sale ••• Friday, Satllrday ud Snday • Open 'Tiii 10 P.M. Mo11.-Sat. Yes. .• Open Every Sunday Til 5 PM. 3 blocks Soutll of tlle San Diego Freewa)' All cars sublec:t to prior sale. Tu & uoenae not Included. ..,I /f'- fh-fltlflf?. C1"'"6y'~ ! -.. • #I Buiclc llealer HARBOR BL VD ./ SAN DIEGO FREEWAY A division of Bouer Motors, Opel-Jaguar-Triumph-MG. 2925 HARBOR BL VD., CXJSTA MESA 9'J9.25(X) All makes, models and colors Classified Auto Advertising . DAILY PILOT ~in the · 642-5678 .,,. .. . I • -.. -~·\) • •. I ., . .. .. 9$[ 4 •.'.N·s•1•o•e•:·· •. :.:.!osc•erta••ope·1".me .. ".' .. :.:.:.~.~.:.:.:'•e•~•c•k ... lliilllllii ................................ 11111111111 ..... ~,..0~ts ' .-&undlly, Janu1ry 14, 1079 CAIL V PILOT r-• •J Bruins Rally to Top USC, 89-86 J Palondno IDTitle Defense SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico <AP> -Carlos Palomino wiU depend on power today against the -speed, youth and agility of Puerto Rico's Wilfredo Benitei in defense or his World Boxing Council welterweight tlUe. The J.S.ruund bout will be the t eighth 1itJe defense for the 29. year.old PaJomino, who lives in Huntington Beach and is slightly favored. "l don't want to say whether I'll win by a knockout or a de· 0.. T\' Todafl Olatall#I 7 at 2:15 cislon. but I can say for sure that I haven't come from Los. Angeles to leave the UtJe here,·• • Palomino said. He has won six of (· bis previous title defenses by knockouts. f THE CHAMPION. a universi· ty graduate who has captivated 1 his public with his simplicity and candor, bas won 28 fights, drawn one and lost one. to Andy Price. Price a lso beat the World ' Boxing Assoc.lation welterweight ~bampion , Mexico's Pipino Cuevas. Palomino said thal if he re· • tains his crown. he would make the next defense against Sugar Ray Leonard, but added, ·'One • ol my ambitions this year is to f fight Cuevas and unify the title." r The WBC titleholder has trained 150 rounds for today's fight and feels that his powerful left hand will help him win the fight. for whkh he wilt receive .. about $.150,000. The challenger ~ gels about $90,000. l Local observers feel that <See FIGHT, Page 82> , I.OS ANOP.l. fArl Davi~ Or~enWOt>d M"Or<od 19 l'olnt.a lo ltad I b.llanrtd U('l..A 1tlU\Ck Saturday nl1ht H thr 11txth r nkt'd EtnJlns tnovf'd U1to • lit! wllh Southl•m Cahfomua ro1 tho PaC'l fu· 10 Conftt nee lcaid with a eom«' from lx'hlnd 89 8G vu· tory O\.t•r th~ Trojam Thf' v.ln wus thl! l8th in It row tor tht• flru1nis 1>ver So1.tUwrn ('a 1, whac h h1t1n 'l 111·ort d " b1&•ketbdll vit'lory over llf.l.A Iner 1970 It wa~ also th.-22nd str l&ht tnumph for the wuuwni ovrr the 'froJun-. al thr Lo:- Angel~ Sport• Ar~nu BOTH TEAMS are now 4 I in Pac 10 pJoy. n1e 6rutn11 are 11 2 overall, th Trojans are 9 4. Soulh.-m Cnl h Id a 69 64 lead v. llh •oow sev~n mlnul<" tofJay hut lht1 Bruins acored 19 o lhe 1u•m '11 nt'•l 26 point.a to toke an 83-76 11dvant1Jlu Tht• TroJ~ns wur<'n 't 1•lot1tr lhun three points u(tt:r th.1l · Drut.t llollund add1•d 18 poinb for UClA K1k1 Vandt•w1•ghc und llov Jlunulton tlCOrt'<i 16 J>Olnts l'.tl'h Cur lht• nrulo~. Cl.IFf' ROBINSON. who mtsited s>ral·hcc f''raday becaw»ie of s atratnL'd cMU mu5cle, paced the 1'roJans with 32 points. 18 of lht•tn In lht> first hulr. Don ('tu f1no actded 18 points for Soullll'rn Cal. 13 after the in· lt·r m ll>SIOll G rt•t·o~ood and lto binson "" Wlr•P'loto REBOUND BATTLE -USC's .John Greer I left l and UCLA center Darrell Allums fight for the ball during first half action Saturday ni~ht t I . ' • Tapie Four Behiml l ; Mahaffey Leads:Trevino ~ 1 PALM SPRINCS CAP) -John ptahaffey had to drop a 10.foot birdie putt on the final hole to retain a one-stroke lead over on-rushing Lee Trevino in Saturday's fourth round or the Bob Hope Desert Golf Classic. Among the contenders ln today's finals 1s • Laguna Niguel's Alan Tapie, who put together his second straight 68 to puJI into a three-way lie for L 1 third place, four strokes off Mahaffey's pace Mahaffey. the comeback kid who won the PGA and World Cup in· dlviduaJ titles las t season, shot hjs 71 in re- latl ve anonymity at Berrnuda Dunes. MEANWHIL E, MOST of t he huge ~ ~:~=~~ ~ 1:~~ ~~: f where Hope, former ? President Gerald Ford, celebrity amateurs and : moat of t he leading players were compel· 1 ina. It Wa S there, in l°ta•I warn\, sunny, 72-degree A • fl' temperatures.· that TAPIE Trevino cut out a solid, two-under-par 70 that could have been a little better. M ahaflc) had a 27•1 tol<1 I. 14 shots under par, after one round on cal'h of the four desert courses used for the f1ri.t four rounds of this unique event Indian Wells. Bermuda Dunes, La Qumta and Tamansk. TREVINO, SEEKING HIS fi rst victory ever 1n California, was at 275. Today's final round 'Will be played at Indian Wells. "I played reasonably well. but l made a few mis· lakes." Trevino said, then considered the situa- tion "ftut, you know, J'm almost glad I made those mistakrs today. If l make them tomorrow. 1t could have u different effect on the tournament." OnP or those mistakes came on the 18th hole, a par five "I used the wrong club." he said of has second shot into the green. which came to rest well above the hole on a i.tcf'ply slopmg green. He had an eagll' putt. but htUe chance to make It. "I just d1dn 't know wtfat to do with that putt," he said. He missed rrom long distance and ran it some 12 feet by the hole . And he missed coming back. turning a potential eagle wruch would have given him the lead alone-intoa three-putt par that lert h.im one back. "EVERVBODV IS A little surprised in the first tournament of the yeor if they do well," Trevino said. "You Just don't feel like you're ready. But CStt TJ\PIE. l'al(t" 82) were the aame'11 leadh>I re· bounders with 14 each. The Trojans scored the game'• nrst five polntl and led tbrough most of the nrat ball. by u many a1 stx points. The 8rulna scored the final six points or the hall to take 8 41·36 advan- tage at lhe intermlMlon. UCLA had a1 57-52 lead when Southern Cat ra.llied to go ahead 60-59, and shortly later it was 69·64 before the Bruins made their decisive move. UCLA COACH Gary Cun- ningham called the victory, "A total team effort. Everyone played for us -and everyone contributed. I put Mike Sanders in at a crucial spot, and be Fullerton Outlasts 49ers LONG BEACH <AP) -Mike Niles scored 25 points and pulled down 16 rebounds Saturday night to lead CaJ State Fullerton to an 81-77 overtime victory over Long Beach State in a Pacific Coast Athletic Association basketball game. Kevin Heenan added 19 points and five assists for the Titans, who are now 2·0 in PCAA play and 11·3 overall. The lo91itlg 49ers. who are ranked 17th na- tionally, dropped to l ·l in league play and 94 on the season. FULLERTON LED most or the second half. Loog Beach's Francois Wise made two free throws with five seconds re- maining to tie the score 70·70 and send the game into over · lime. With the score lied at 74, the Titans scored five points in a row to take a lead they held the rest of the way. Keith Anderson, Mike Linden and Calvin Roberts had 11 points apiece for Fullerton. Anderson was credited with seven assists. RICKEY WILLJAMS paced Long Beach with 23 points. Wise added 15 points and had nine re· bounds. MichaeJ WiJey was held lo 10 points and seven rebounds. He played only 29 minutes because or foul problems and fouled out with 30 seconds left in the overtime period. Craig Hodges had 10 points. eight re- bounds and seven assists for the 49ers. Long Beach played without guard Donnie Martin, who has not appeared for the team's most recent two games. Martin had been a starter most or the season. The game was played before a PCAA record crowd of 10,737 at the Long Beach Arena. l'ullffWC'11 LMt 9H<ll Stale m I .. " Ii> Nlln Ht,.nen Aotwrl\ It It Ip 10 S.11 " 9 ,.... " 4 l-S 11 Wise 4 11 IS Wiiey \ 0.0 10 fV« l 1 J I "'-''°" 1.1..a.11 ':M 11 J S·6 II 0 0.0 0 1 0.0 2 0,., 2 w 1111•,.,, 'I s 1 7l H~> S 0.0 10 6arrlo> Moro•" AOptr Wnll• I 0.0 1 H&lr 1 C>-2 4 Garv J c>.O 6 -· 00.0 0 Br.,11 0 CH> 0 Tol•I> 3011·31 e1 lot•I> 31tl1'1 11 H•llll-: C.I SI••~ Fullerton 3' l.ono 8UC:ll St•I•,. A409ul ~IOI' 10-<llt Tot•t foul> Gii St•te Fufl•rto<> t&, Lono llHc'll Sl•I• u . FOUi«! OUI w 1i.-v. TY1! (lO<IQ ~..:" St•l•I, All..-:.-10,'37 * * * ,.CAA STAHOIHOS W L ,.,. ,. .. C•I Stett Futi.rton 2 0 1S7 tl9 P&<lllC 7 0 11? 1S4 Lono &.ad• Sle1~ 1 1 '"° t:l'I f'r••r>O Stele I 101 101 UC Sanla Bart>tr~ I 1Jt 1J9 Ul•l'I St•te t 131 IU UC lrvl,,. O t71 1 .. 54111 Jcae si.11 o nl 1Jt s.t-r·•~ Cal Slew Futt.non e1. Lono llN<l'I Sle1t 17 IOI I UC S.1tle a.rt.re ... UC ln.lne ~ P.clfk ... 5'WI .)OW Sle1e n T .. ey'10.- Utel'I Stele e1 "'""°Slate T--,·10.- l.O"O Bt«hSleleel ~rQUetlf (llOn-<Oflfff'tnetl conle••t><•I Loyola et UC Ir.Ille lnon-<onltret><el ,........,.,0- ,,_ Si.t• •I Qtl Stat• Furi.rlOfl l 0fl9 h«'ll SI._ e1 Ulell Stal• UC S.t>te ~.et San JoM Sl~t Pec:llk el VC lr.lne ~··o­LOfl9 t!Ndl Stet• at 5"" Jow St•I• f'r""4t5Utfel UC ln.lne vc Sent•~·., Utell Stal• lI~e Loses Thriller, 68·83 ~ SANTA BARBARA UC Irvine, playing without the services of leading scorer and rebounder Phil Bolden, came wtUa.i.D a dlaputed call of handlnc th• boat UC Santa Barb1ra Gaucbol a Paclllc Cout Athletic A11a. defeat Saturday nllbt. But the Gauchot, tratlln1 for all but the tint four mlnute8 un- til Matt lllderoa hJt a 12-root Jump lhot with '3 1econda r • t'Qalnlna. came on to ~t • ~ victory .. • COAQI TOI ftft wu unhap. n wlth a clll It the 15 9econd mark wbln St.vi McGuire ap- peu.d to be fouled but the of· • flcials turned the boll over to Santa Barbara instead and ended any though~ of a UCI vie· tory. Jerry Ocasio acored o p3tr of freo throw• at the five eecond mark to Ice the declalon. Botdco has • •traint>d arch ln hls lefl root aod hu nuld on his right knee. ffe didn't make the trip to Santa Barbara. LESTE& JONES of UCJ was tho l ad1n8 tc0ter with 22 with McOulN 8dd1nl 1,, more thAn any pl-.yer on the bolt to~m. Ocasio p1ced a balanced UCSB at.t&CJC with 12 polotl. 111o Junlor iuard wu alao credited. • I with 10 &Ml111.8, one short of the school record. He also scored the two free throws lhal &Hu.red the Gauchos or the wtn. UC I hit SS percent of lt111hota from the floor while the Oaunchos were 1cortng •t a 51 JH)rcent. "We played about aa well u we ()o uld under tho clrcumatanc • " Ttfl said. "But at the end, we dldn 't got tbe call WC D eded." fie r lt McOutre wu fouled on tho tumcwer. The Antealen had an eda• 14 rebound.ln& with a ,.is advao· tace. Vlc Cony ,.. • ., htah with teven. ' , • The lOll drops UCl lo 0.2 lo PCAA actloo while the Gaucbol 'ro now 1-1. Tbe Anteaters re- turn home Tueaday to host Loyola ln a non·conf tronce out· lng. UCl"91e1611 .. ". I o t 4 , 10 s 4 14 ,. , n J I I t J • , 0 • " 11 ., uc:a..... ...... c..1 ..... 1 0 t t • , ) 0 IO • t ' , , u , t • I I 10 t 0 " 1 0 1 ' 0 • ts" .. . handled lhe in-bound plays very well. "l was .-orried about Brad Holland," added Cunningham. "He was ln an auto accident and bas a lower back pain. Our trainer bad to work on him for an hour. I &bought lbe dlflerence in the game was our ability to convert our one·an-one free throws down the stretch. We've had problems with that this year, but did a good job tonight. "WE PLAYED a good bw41.-' ball game," aald Southern Cal' Coach Bob Boyd. "I thoqhl tbat t the latter part of the first tMdt and we rnade some turnovers was lhe key to our losing. Eve tbou&h we came back ln ~ 1econd half, Uult was a critical portion for us. UCUClfl .... -...c.11au "I thought Holland and Roy Hamilton used good judgment at the end of the game, protecting the ball and maklng them foul \ls. I also thought Kiki Van· dewegbe did a fine job meeting the passes and made a couple or crucial rebounds." .. " . CfHflWOOd • 1 1 19 Ve_....,.. S M1' Alluml 0 11-4 0 Holl-• 2·2 ,. HemlltCMt ' .. s " Maull• t 1.J 4 Slmt S 2·2 I WllkH 4 •t I Sande" 0 H o Tolele »~ .. Today's TV .. It • I t•t 3 4 tJ ' tl .. , IJ •• ~, 11 ' M,. 2 ... 4 2 ... 4 ' 2-t • 0 .. 0 0 .. • $5 ... ,.. .. Following are the major sports events on television today. Ratings are : 1 I I I excellent; I I 1 worth watching; I ./fair; I forget It. ~1J 10 a.m., Channel 4 { { { f> COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Arkansas vs. North Carolina. Announcers: Dick Enberg. Billy Packer and Al McGuire. Arkansas' Razorbacks will Invade Chapel Hill, N.C. to face the third-ranked North Carolina Tar Heels In this nationally te levised game. Arkansas, third place finisher in the NCAA last season and 10th-ranked this year, Is led by All- American candidate Sidney Moncrief. North carollna's Tar Heels are paced by forward Mike O'Koren and directed by Coach Dean Smith. ~~ 1 :30 p.m., Channel 4 { { .f GOLF: Bob Hope Desert Classic. Announcers: John Brodie, Arnold Palmer, Bruce Devlin, Bob Goal by and Carol Mann. John Mahaffey tries to protect a one-stroke lead over the onrushing Lee Trevino In today's finals at Cn· dlan Wells. Mafattey starts the day with a 274 total, 14 strokes under par over the four desert courses used during the first four days of action. Among the contenders is Laguna Nlguel's Alan Taple. who Is tocked in a three-way tie for third place at 278. e 2:15 p.m., Channel 1 ' ' ./ BOXING: We lterweight Title Bout. Announcer: Howard Cosell. Huntington Beach's carlos Palomino (27· 1·3> puts his wee welterweight championship on the line against Wiifredo Benitez (35-0-0 In a scheduled 1s. round bout, taped at San Juan, Puerto Rico earller to- day. This is the eighth defense for Palomino who has held the 147-pound title since June 22, 1976. Benitez is undefeated and he became the youngest champion In boxing history when he captured the junior-welterweight crown in 1976 at the age of 17. <I) 3:45 p.m., Channel 2 { .f { NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at Seattle. Announcers: Gary Bender and Steve Jones. The Lakers take on the. Western Conference Pacific Division leaders, Seattle Supersonics, at the Klngdome in Seattle. · This is the seventh of an eight-game road trip for the Lakers who are in a tight struggle with Seattle and Phoenix for the division lead. This one will be a matchup between Kareem Ab· dul·Jabbar and Seattle's Jack Sikma. r-l 3:55 p.m., Channel 9 { .f NHL HOCKEY: Kings at Boston. Announcers: Bob Miller and Pete Weber. The Kings are concluding their longest road trip of the season against the Bruins a t Boston Garden. Boston leads the Adams Division whlle the Kings are tied for second in the Norris Division, well behind leading Montreal. {s2] 5 p .m., Channel 52 .f { COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Utah State at Fresno State. Announcers: Eddie Alexander and Roman Gabriel. An early rematch of a 56-49 victory for Utah State at home. Rich McElrath, a former Saddleback College player, Is on the Utah State roster. OTHER TV Noon (4) -SPORTSWORLD -The Muhammad All track meet from Long Beach and the Wembley, England Invitational women's gymnastics cham· plons hlps. Also, Krazy World of Sport. . 1 p.m. <2> -TENNl$-The slnotes flnal In the Colgate Grand Prix Masters from N"ew York. (7) - SUPERSTARS -Distinguished athletes from the re- cent past test their aging muscles In this series. Taped .at Freepc>rt, the Bahamas. 2:30 p.m . (52) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Taped replay of the ca1 State Fullerton Titans vs. the Long Beach State "49ers PCAA basketball game played Saturday night In Long Beach. 3 p.m . (2) -CHALLENGE OF THE SEXES - Tennis, swimming and motorcycle jumping are featured In today's segment. 3 :30 p .m . (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - The Harlem Globetrotters la unch this year's Sunday edition of the Wide World of Sports. ..:30'1>.m. (52) -SKIING -With Tom Matone. 7 p.m . (50) -PRO SOCCER. 7 :30 p.m. (52) -HORSE RACINO -Today's races at Santa Anita Race Track. RADIO 11 a .m . -Auto Racing: Winston We5tern 500 from Riverside, Kl.AC (570). 3 :35 p.m. -Basketball: Lakers at Seattle, KLAC · (570). 3:55 p.m. -H'dtkey: Kings It Botton, KRLA 0110). .. (Tfle Dllt' Pftot 11 not ;....-wtltle for .... C ..... L) • -......... •=rsa P• -. 81 DNLYPtLOT A C. •• Report from tM Wortd of lpofta Knoet z 0 Opponent, Awaits Judge's Visa Ruling "'"'AP~ MIAMI BEACH -Kalb@ ltnoftse, a tar« l ml ot clvU ftlhll protMta. aald after k.noetl out 81U Shartle~ on Saturday lhtl ~ wvuld 'mce a shot at hla dol. Muhammtd All. Ho v r. K~ '• cbancel f<W movtq l.nto position for a th.a~1p fiiht depend oa • Jan 22 fed rat tOUrt b arlq oa ~State Department's revocaUon ol hla vtu Kooetae ll rankt'd No Z by the World Bolling ~11- 000 ··l"ht-hnrlftC •• lembly, terribly lmportnnt," Nld Knoem·a *6tnt. Jim Jacobi. "HI.I Mxt opponent Is opcon bttaue woe b.ave l)«'Ople we want to f\fbl him agauut hen-, but tMy wouJd not co to South Arnca to f1Rht TM~ are a Jot of boxer!! who won't go lo South Alnca .. U U S District Jud«iti Norman C Roettger rul . a1alni1t Knoet.ie an tht' bearing l Fort Lauderdale, Knoetze could be barred from the United States for llff' Th~ Stal~ Dc~rtmt!nt revoked the vusa because of an ob&trucllon or Justtct: qonvlclion whiJe Knoetze was a South African policeman. A 1977 Incident In which he shct u black youth ln the legs spurred two weeks of pro•ut by civil rights leaders headed by the Rev. Jesse Jad .. son. Before the fight. J~ckson told a ral1y outside the Miami Beach Convention Center he wo"1d seek legal ac· lion to insure that Knoetze ls oot JJ&id for Saturday's match. ··This Jackson. is he the promoter? tr he's not. then I ~et paid," KnoeUe laughed after the fight. Knoeue. as he has all week, said he was not interested in talking politics. 'Tm a fighter. I'm a sportsman. I'm here to fight . . . l 'll fight anybody who wants lo fight me anywhere, '1 Knoeue said. ··1 hope my next right is for the world championship Muhammad All's championship. But my manager says I must go up the ladder," Knoetu said. Knoetze, who outweighed Sharkey by 19 poonds and towered over him. used two hard right upper cuts to end the fight in the fourth round. "It just goes to show you if you have the bombs. you have to get them in there. You can't plan when you're go· ing to throw your bombs." he said. ..-----q.,ir ol •M Da•----..... Washington State basketball coach George Raveling, discounting talks of a line·up change: ··we will dance with the girl we took to the dance." Oder Df•q unlJffed a• Hope Cla••f<" PALM SPRINGS -Lee Elder was dis· !I qualified from the Bob Hope Desert Golf Classic Saturday after playing a ball under tbc wropg rule. Elder, winner of two tournaments last year. hit a shot in· to a palm tree on the second hole at Indian Wells The ball stuck in the tree. Elder played hj s next shot under the unplayable lie rule without Identifying the ball. Under the rules of golf, he should have played It as a lost ball which cans for a penalty of stroke and distance. He finished the round with a score of 73 and a 285 total. wh.ich would have qualified-him to play in today's final round The infraction or the rule "'as reported. however. and Elder was disqualified. Dreeet• 3 8 Pae•• B a tDb' l'letory Atlanta·s John Drew scored 36 points and m the Hawks held off a late Clippers' charge as they defeated San Diego, 12A-l19 in National Basketball Assn. action Saturday night. It was Atlanta's third straight win ... The San Antonio Spurs· backcourt of Geor1e Gervin and James SUas combined for 56 points as the Spurs defeated Cleveland 117·103 ... Bob Lan.ler scored 36 points and the Detroit Pistons rebounded from a 15-poinl halftime deficit to beat the Golden Stale Warriors 114-109 ... Rudy TomJanovlcb scored 26 point.s and Moaea Malone added 25 points and grabbed 16 rebounds as the Houston Rockets rolled past the New Orleans Jazz 117·106 ... Ricky Sobers, with 23 points. led five Indiana scorers in dou- ble figures as the Pacers turned back the Phoenix Suns 109·99. Johnny Davis made !our of five free throws in the last 14 seconds to provide the difference . . o .. w The New York Knicks, on their fourth attempt, finally got out of Denver Saturday night after be· ing slopped by heavy snow earlier. The Kt1lcks meet Kansas City today. o.er~r•' S t reak S nappe d a t J5 Pittsburgh's Penguins. behind Gr~g ri1 Malone'• two goals. snapped a is.game winless , streak against Boston soaUe Gerry Cheevers Saturday night as the Penguins scored a S.3 Na- tional Hockey League victory. Malone scored what proved to be the winner at 3:49 of the third period ... fan Tllraball and Pat Boutette scored in the first 6'h minutes and the Toronto Maple Leafs went on to end a seven·game winless streak by defeating the Colorado Rockcles, 4·2 . . . Montreal's Marlo Tremblay stole the puck in the Buffalo tone and scored the tie- breaking goal midway through the final period to trigger a three.goal flurry that gave the Canadiens a 5-2 triumph over the Sabres . . . Drew Calllllder'a first goal In a Vancouver uniform at the 4:40 mark of the third period gave the Canucks a 3-3 tie with the St. Louis Blues . . . Minnesota rookie Bobby CMHvus Smltlt scored on a defi~ctlon with 1:29 to play lo lift the North Stars to a 4.3 victory over Chicago. OTBEa SPOrrs -With Lamt Plncay aboard, Grenzen scored a l"<t·lengt.h victory in the $67,600 Santa Monica Handicap berore ~.983 at Sa•la Anita. Carrying 122 pounds, the winner covered seven furlongs in 1:21 3,5 . . Emmett Sbatet connected on 17 st.rikes in 20 frames to win the S~t lnvttaUonal bowllng tournament ... Penn State football Coach Joe Pa&eno has told the New York Olanta he Is not lntereated ln lhelr 9acanftaead coaching Job · . . Ohio State Univeralty star freehman quarterback Art Scllilleter says be has no Intention ot lf anaCerrlng after ,.ports t.bat hl1 Mur~ was up in the air at Oblo State . . , Boxer Mike Ayala, the No. l contender for the World Box- in1 Council feathcrweieht tltle, hu pleaded no contest to a Cbreduced char1e of auravated a.saault stemmlnc from the rutmu 1977 •ho0tln1 of a I ellow boxer . . . AU an ta .Braves NaUonal Leaaue Rookie of the Vear Bob Rener reportedll wan\s lo bit traded . . . C1rt0n·Ntwman fCorahman "-a.)' Fotier ran a 6.1160-yard dash ln lbe East a.at Invitational track and fteld meet at Rtcbmond Va. . .• Canadian auto racer a.wd Fea•aa died Of aii appueat ltrote. He wu 3'7. . . HOCKEY I FOOTBALL I AUTO SPORTS Dionne Leads Kings, 7- DETROIT <AP> -Martel Dionne te0red four 1oal1 ror tM fifth lime ln hJI Notional Hockey Lea•ue career u the Los Ana le. K1np whipped the Detroit fled Wln11 '7·3 Satunia.)' In the second period, Dionne, a former Red Wll\I, te<>red b1a 32nd and 33rd goals. He also mlaaed aeveral other chances a1aln1t Detroit goalteoder Rogie Vachon. who wu ln the neta against bis former teammates for the nnl Ume In four meet· inga between the teama. THE VICl'OaY SNAPPED a thr"· 11me '°'1na sLreu for tht Kln&• and ex· tended the Red Wln&a' atrlna to 11 camea without a IJ'lumph. Detroit led twi~. l·O and 2·1, on ftnt· period aoaia by Orea Carroll and Willie Uu~r undwlched around Dionne'• Ont score. DIONNE'S SECOND GOAL was the 300th of hl1 ellht·year carter. He scored bls fourth toal ln the fmal Z'1 seconds. But the Kinas put the aame away with a three·aoal bursl ln one minute, 48 seconds of lh4:1 firll period. De~pt was best Wustrated late lo the perk>d. Defenseman Thom· mle Bercman attempted to clear a puck down the Ice, but lbe shot went into his own bench, hit Errol TbomP600 ln the race, aendlng Thompson lo the hospital with a fractured jaw. 8TEVE JENSEN tied the game at 9:46, Oa ve Taylor scored his 21st goal at 11: 11 and Tommy WUUams completed the surge wllh a tally at U .34. After the game, DiOMe said, 'Tm really hurt. Some person. I won't say who. said that all I deserved in Detroit was a punch in lhe face. We tern SOO Pe tty Takes Aim A.t Riverside Title RIVERSIDE <AP I -Richard Petty. still recovering (rom ma· jor stomach surgery last month, said Saturday he would attempt lo go the distance In today's Winston Western 500 Grand Na· tional stock car race. "We'll give it a whirl," said Petty, who still is quite a bit un- der his program weight of 195 pounds. "My st.amina isn't built back up to what it should be yet. I feel great though. Practice hasn't been .as tough on me as I thought it was going lo be. so we decided lo give the race a try." PETTY ADDED HE Is en· couraged by a favorable weather forecast -cool tern· peratures and liUle or no wind - ror the 11 a.m. st.art of the 1979 Winston Cup campaign opener. The 40-year-old Petty, winless in his last 44 Grand National starts. seemed more concerned that his son Kyle. who begins his own racing career next month at Daytona Beach. Fla .. might not be here today. The younger Pet· ty was reported stuck in Min· n ea polas waiting out a snowstorm that closed airports throughout the Midwest. position, McGriff said he would turn the car over to Hylton lf Petty called on him. Petty qualified sixth in the 35·car lineup. behind David Pearson, Cale Yarborough, Bob- by Alllaon, Darrell Waltrip and Benny Parsons. Pearson set a track record or 113.659 mph Fri· day in the first round of qualify. ing. In the second round Saturday, Tim WUllamson turned in the fastest speed or the day at 110.960 mph. Neil Bonnett, the only Grand Nation.al regular to fail to make the field in the first round, also was a sec:ond·round qualifier. TM stllrtlftt l!NwP for toort'\ WIMIOll WHt..,. '°° G#eftd Nee'°'* tlo<ll <M r.c:e .. 111..enlde lnlernet'°'* llac-ay, wllfl t~ of <« - ciu••lfvlnt tMed lfl rnHef, --1. Oe<rlct ....,._., Noer<Uf'Y, llJ •)•; 1. Cele Yer110nM191\ 0!0$macil ... Ill.SS.: l . 8ootw Al- lllOfl, T,,_rtllrd, tU.4S, 4. O..rell Weltrlc>. Chevrolet ti) 300: S. Benny P1rwM. O..Vf"Olel, llt .. '°2: l R~ Petty, OMtvrolet. 11U71; 1. Jimmy tnM>lo, Olct1moolle, 117.ttt: e. Biii Scllnlltt, °'°""°°' .. · ltt.n'I: • Oeve Merci•, Chevrolet. 111.711; 10. Date Earnh1rctl, O..vrol ... m..uo: II. 9uctcly Baker, OW!W'Olet. 111141;11.0K.Ulrk ll.811t<k,111141. U. Al Hol•rt, CNvrolet. 111.111; 14. J"" TlllrUlll•. Bulcll. 111.os.I; u Joe Miiiiken, Chevrolet. 110 eo; u . "'""•' McGrlff. CMvrol ... 110.tn. 17. ~ AJll\Oft. °"""°'"· 110.113: IL Fr_. We<re<t. 0od9e, 110017; "· Cecil Gordon, Otct1mol>lt1, 1<1' .... ; 10. J.O. MCOuttlt. ~. IOU~: 71 H.,ry Gent, Clllvn>Mt. IOt "S; n. Okll 8toe*I, Otcbmobile, IOt.Mt; 11. lll<t> Olltoreu. Olctlmot>lte, 10t.Ut; J•.R-lel'homet.0.wOlet, IOt tSI. ·~-...-. "H Richard had had this pro- blem a couple months from now instead of now. Kyle would have been the relief driver." a team member said. 25. Terrt l.lfJonW. O.vrolel, IC" 107; 1'. Tim Wllll1mHt1, O..vrolet. 110 'ta. 11 1Uc"6rct White, etoev~. IOt >07; 11 Kell 0-11, CMvrol•t, IOt.272: 2'. OOfl -•. ,,.._let, 10t.0'1; JO. 9udOy AnlfttlOft, Ooctoe. IOtOll, ll Joi.n ll0t,.met1, CMvrolet, 109 .. , ; l1 OOft Pu\llerlcll, Cllevootel. IOI S14; U Harry Goulene, 0.vrol ... 1(11 .... )4 Vin<• (;11..,. toomeftlo, 0.vrolel, IOI. 12', U . OOft c;,_,, Olevrolet, 101 ... LOTT OF ACTION -Oklahoma's Thomas Lou is brought PRIVATELY. P E'M'Y team members said they expected veteran Hershel McGriff to be standing by to relieve Petty whenever the six·time national champion ca Us for help. McGriff is starting James Hylton's car in the race. In 16th Ft"OlllP~BI FIGHT ..• Palomino will find it difficult to knock out Benitez. who is very quick and hru. excellent reflexes and good recuperative powers. The challenger has predicted a victory by knockout. ··Palomino is a very bad boxer and won't be able to beat me." said the 20-year-old Benitez. who has won 33 fights without a loss and drawn one. "The only thing he's got better than I is that he's champ. and on Monday be won't even have that." Benitez surprised the boxing populace In March 1976 when be upset WBC junior welterweight champ Antonio "Kid Pambele" Cervantes with a dazzling ex· hibllion or boxing skill. Benitez Is considered a classic boxing stylist , but without a really powerful punch. He defended his junior welterweight crown against Colombia's Emiliano Villa and Tony Petronelli of the United States, but the WBC stripped him or the title because he wouldn't give Cervantes a re· match. ·'The champion is listed as the ravorite because he's the king. but that doesn't impress me." Benitez said. "The same thing happened when I fought Cervantes and r was the win· n.er." down by UCLA's Johnny LyM <on ground) as another UCLA player, Jerry Robinson. and Arizona State's Kim An- derson <left> come up to assist during Saturday night's Challenge Bowl in Seattle. 'Ilwmpson Sparks Pacific-10, 36-23 F ro.Page B l TAPIE ••• 1 'm not as surprised as most. I've been out here quite a while getting ready. I've hit a lot or balls. played a lot or golf." SEATTLE <AP> - Quarterback Jack Thompson of Washington State picked apart the Big Eight's defense in the first half, passing for 264 yards and a pair of touchdowns. to lead the Pacific·lO seniors lo a 36·23 victory Saturday night in the Challenge Bowl II all·st.ar football game. The 6·foot·3, 21S·pound Thompson. who this season broke the NCAA career passing yardage record, hit Roy Beyer or Arii.ona with a five-yard TD pass for a 19-7 Pac· 10 lead with one second left In the first period. He teamed with wide re· ceiver Calvin Sweeney of Southern Cal on a 62-yard scor· Ing bomb with 1: 30 left in the first hall and a 29-7 lead. Known as the "Throwin' Sa· moan" while at Washington State, 'Thompson finished with 19 completions In 29 attempts for 311 yards and was voted the gam e's most valuable player. Thompson threw three lntercep. tions. THE GAME, PLAYED before a Kingdome crowd of 23,961 and a national televlslon audience, marked the second straight vie· tory for the Pac·lO. The Pac·lO defeated the Big Ten seniors ' 27·20 a year ago. Quarterback Tom Sorley of Nebraa~red a second· half co~ck for the Big Elibt seniors. Sorley hit Charfes Green of Kansas State with an eight-yard TD pass and then found Mike Koslowski of Colorado with a two·point con- version pass that cut the Pac·lO's lead to 2!M5 with 39 seconds left in the third quarter. UNDEB CHALLENGEBOWL rules. bec"ause the Bi~ Eight was behind by at least ea~ht points. the Big Eight received the ensu- ing kickoff. Sorley marched his squad 71 yards for another score. capped by his lO·yard pass to Thomas Lott o r Oklahoma. SCIOl'E aY OUA•TWllS BlqEIQltt 1 0 e ._,) Pecllk·IO " tO 0 1-a. P.c:·Ow9ftsS""' fWMIOflko<.111 P1<·S-4pau1.-.o-..1 lkkkf&•l.01 819.Ko.-16""' IT-kl<kl PK·hYotr Spautrom T"°"""°" lr11t1falll'dl P.c:·FGWattoft11 PK·SWHM'f 6' ~S\ from Tllol'nptOft fWMSOl'I Ilk-I 819-GrMll • pan from Sor .. y IKO\IOwsltl PIH from Sorley I 819' Lott 10 PM~ from SorleY IPn!slOft r>au lrom Sorlevl PK·Cell'tn.trl IW.ttSO..kkk I •·21,'61 STATISTI" •'9• .... FlntelowM 1• 1J Au1ht1•yar$ JS IS 41·U6 P•n•~, ... ~ m no Aet""' YM'fh 103 103 P.sws Jf.S~ tf.l:n Punts .. i. ..... Fum~ts·IOll M 2·2 ....... tlK·Y--4•JO \.IQ INOIVIDUAL&AADE•S II U St4 I ~lllO E !QM. l(oMow1.ll I 1'4l. LOn 1t-4S, 11-n '"" P«llk 10, er-u.n. °"""" 11.n. ,,_,,,. .. PAS:SIHG-8'9 El_,., Softeof ,.,_,..N4'. ~cl 11·21·2·14 Peclll<·IO. TllOmpsoft 1'·2'-S.Jll, Y-.Ol~Oweftll·l.o-4. llECEIVl~lllo EJtM. HM'dfol •11•. Ci<Mft I· IOI, Pf'eston4-U. P«ffl< 10, lte«e .. 107, S-Y 1-1ff.0-..S).JJ Tapic. Wally Armstrong and Grier Jones are lied for third ge>- ing into the final round. Mahaffey has held the lead for three days in this unique, five· day, 90-hole event. Jones bad a 69 at Bermuda Dunes, Tapie 68 at Tamarisk and Armstrong 68 al Indian Wells. Tied at 2'9 were Leonard Thompson and Keith Fergus. JoMM1NoHw L" Tr•vltlo •1 ..... r~ WlllY AMml""'O Gr .. r~ M.tr-Heyn l""lrct~ Ktllh F1r9'1\ l-•W-lns Charin Coodv JKk H1<lll- Tom Purtr"' Lon Hlnlll• 8111<11 Bein! Orvlll• MOOcly Ooft 81M ~ff'\' P•lr Ar>dy 8•M lloblly WllOlllM Art Well 8fft Cren~w Wtyne Levi c;..,. LI !tit<' Jim Col~ Mef'llM<~ 8111 llOQllrs 0.WHlll Joelnmen Ktrmltllf'ley EOSMff 11 .. C:.'°""41 0#1l1S1r-. LatryHelMlf! O.A. WtlllrlftQ J.C. $ftNCI Jofw\y M lllW romKlt. Gayll-eoo Murl)lly Ml't'Hllf . -.11-11-114 11 ........ ~ 27S 11-11 ....... -118 ... n..,....-m l!Ml-71-711 ,..,,........7,. .......... 1S-ll9 .... , ..... ,S-fl'f ,, .... , ..... 2111 .S,7).7,...-190 ,. ....... 7J-181 ....... 70-14-191 ,, .. ,.ru..-211 n -11-11-61-m 11-1~11-m 13**12 2t2 11·12·~212 77·68-74-68-m b .. T!>.11·11-2fl1 111 ·6M3-7S-212 10.n...,.1-211 ,...._" 112 11-1 .......... 213 72-72-~713 10-1 J.10-l'O-2ll 10-1"*11 -213 11·1M1·10-ZM 72.,,.~,.. "*12·11-2M 7).71 .... 11-35 IS.1 ... 1~· 215 n-*T>-11· as 71 .... 72.1)-115 ,..,, ... ,._115 ...... , .... ,.._. »1.,10-n-• ~, ... ,,__ ,,., ..... ,. __ 6)-74-12-IS-• ,,...., .... __ South. Rips Fumbling Foe, 41 ·2 I MOBILE, Ala. <AP) - Arkansas• Vau1ttn Lusby re· turned a klckoff 82 ya~s to break an early tle, a nd Alabllma '• Jeff Rutledce direct· ed a potent South attack Satur- day as the South defeated the fumblt·rtdden North, 41·21, ln the Senior Bowl football aame. · WHiie Jones, a deftn1lve tackle from Florida State, WN a one·man wreckina crew In •Poll· lna the North olfeMe. He was named l'DOlt valuable pJayer ln thta 30tb annual contest between top coll• Mftlon, Jone1 hid •ix lolo ucka. Ru. WM at tbe belm of • the South .. lt blitzed to a ~·7 tint.quarter le.cl. For the aame, be ran for one touchdown, thNtw for another and had a band lo 1corln1 drives that accounted for S1 potnt.a. Penn Slate'• Bob To rrey scored all three North toucbdowm. UM lut one comlnc on a ~yard pu.a (rom si.e Dll1 of Stanford, wlt~ 1even MCoadl left ln t!MJ 89JDe. LU1by opeoed the aoot-for the South '1 tint.quarter blft& wheo be picked :i:!fumbled klckott and. 1wm throulb heavy uamc. bunt the clear for aa la·7ard ND that broke a 7.7 u.. , After that, wilh the help or North fumbles, Rutledge guided the South to 10 more first· quarter points and 14 in the third quarter. Included ln the scoring were two field goals by Russell Enc· leben of Texas. one of them a Senior Bowl record S2'·yarder. ,. Hor TONWY6n.fl l-ScN-111<111 Hor-T.,.,..., U 1N9' '""" 04" ,,,.,. klWNM llklll A-.40, 100 OAM411TATIITIQ ~ .. . ' " , . , ........ ,. ......... / &.mday. January 14, 1979 DAILY PIL\JT 8 3 9ASKETBALL ! TENNIS ~oast Holds On I • Pirates Win .in Overtime, 71-67 Dally PllOI Pl>OIH llY lll<lwnl 1(-ler By llOWAJlDL. llANDY Of, .. O.lly l'llol lleft ll wasn't one of their better performances according to Coach Tundy Gillis but t he Orange Coast College baKketball team had eno ugh In reserve to post a 71·67 overtime South Coast Conference victory over visiting Grossmont Saturday night. The victory moved the Pirates to the top of the circuit standings with a 2-0 re<:ord. Cerritos Is a half game behind but didn't play Saturday rught while Grossmont droppedtol·l It was a physical battle and one in which the Pirates had almost double their us ual number of turnovers 17 But it was also a tenacious victory. After a sluggish ri~t I :-tr, the Pirates took cl"fr.mand midway through the second stanza. then played a passing game with neither team scoring for four minutes with the Pirates in fcont. 51·47. This ran the clock down to 7: 10. givmg Grossmont plenty of lime . Orange Coast held an eight· point edge, 57-49. with five minutes left in re~ul ation when the passing game hit a snag as the Griffins bounded back to lake the lead 61·59inthenext31 2minutes. Afte r Ray Orgill hit a pair of free throws to tie it and Orange Coast rebounded a massed shot w1lh l 22 rl'mainlng. the Pirates t'lected to run down the clock and trv for lhefmal shot 'o rg11l had 1t at the llnl' at six seconds but a bobble of the ball caused rum to hurry the atte mpt and 1t hit the nm and f<?ll off send· mg the game into overtime . ORANGE COAST'S RAY ORGILL (12) DRIVES AGAINST GROSSMONT. Gary We lls scor ed the first basket for OCC an overtime. then when Grnssmont's Mark Price fouled out a nd drew a technical. Pe te Neumann hit three free throws and added a field goal to give the Pirates a 69·61 edge with 1 12 left in overtime. That was the ball game. Navratilova, Evert R oll McEnroe Seeks OAKLAND <AP > Top seeded Martina Navrutllov:.i came from behind 1n thl• first game. then rolled to an {•asy 6 1. 6·3 victory S aturday mi;!hl over Ann Kiyomura in the semifinals of the women's tennis tourna ment at the Oakland Coliseum Arena. T he victory moved the• left· ha nded Navratilova. the world's No. 1-ranked woman player . to a m eeting with No. 2 Chris Evert in the finals. · Evert won four stra1izht points to avoid defeat tn the first set, defeated Dianne Fromholtz 7·6, 6-0. Evert and Navratilova will be> playing each oth<'r for the first time this year in tonight's finals The second-seeded Evert was behind 5·6 In the first s<'l and down 15·40 as s ht• s erved Fromhollz attackNI the net and was long on a forehand shot, then she made lhr<'<.' mor<' er r ors to J;,rive Evert the gamt•. Evert won th<.• tie -hn•ak(•r game 7-4 , leadinA a ll the wa} ln t he second set. Fromholtz won only four points Navratilova hasn't lost a srt in the Oakland stop o~hc women's pro tour. Tourney NEW YORK <,\P l Nin<' teen-year o ld Jc1hn Ml' bnro<' gets a crack al a L tilt• hit nf h1 . tory todav. <•mbodu·d 1n th<' form of veteran Arthur Ashe They will meet in the nationally televised final of the world's richest tennis tournam<'nt. thl' non -h1 s t or1c Grand Prix Master.> They played for th<' f1r'it timt• ever in the opemnt~ round of this e ight -m an. round r<1h1 n McEnr()(' C'as1 ly dC'fralt•cl Ashe. 6-3. (j l. "He didn 't <'XaC'tly st:.i rt tlw t our n amen t ve rv wel l ,'' Mc En roe said of i\shf' "But he 't; obvious ly playing h<'lt<.•r now . llC''s told tnl' thl' way tw plays on<' clav can ht• lutuBy-cl1f fe n •nl from the· way he (Jlays the next .. Mc Enroe brrNed by Ecld1L' Dibbs 6-l. f> t in Sat urd •)' s semifinals. 'A-hill' AshC' h<':tt Arian Gottfr1l'd 7 !). 3 t>. h J before a M;.id1'ion Squ.trc Carden crowd of 12.:..>00 McEnroe g0t·s into tht• final . epeat with a perfect record for the tnurnamcnl after v1C'lorics over Ac; ht•. 11..irold Solom on and 01 hhs and a de(ault by defe nd· m~ champion Jim my Connor... A.sh<'. a fter his first-round loss. beat Solomon and also advanced through Connors' default before dt•fcal!ng Gottfried It will be the biggest payday ev<·r. win Clr lost'. for either play<'r The firs t prize is SlOO.OUO. thL' runner up gets $64.000 Dihbs and Gottfried Wlll pla) for th<.' M0.000 third pnzt' today The loser gets $32.000. M <' Enroc was unenthusiastic about any long range implica· lions of the matC'h , howevt'r. "If h<' wins the Masters. it's not go1nj.! lo make or break his <'an·1·r." the hlase teen ·a~er s aid of Ashe "lt's not ~oing to mak<' or hn•ak mme either I trv to go into every match with confldenre But )OU have lo re~pcC't the other player. He's won Wimbledon and all that ulht•r stuff · Drag Rac ing R esults TAKE Or•-CAM!ft1Y lnll lla<eway S.mlpn Or .. Ra<lnq 11.,ull> • 'PA .aOPnA• I~ 81 ,. mph Atl'"tld-'IV' t 100 Basketball NOTICE ··Wedidn't play very well on de· fense in the first ha lf." Gillis said a ft er the g ame . "We had something like fi ve turnovers in a short period of time and we were lucky to come back. "This wasn't one of our better games and we were lucky. 1 lhink we played better defense in the second half and when we had that eight point lead . we had some easy shots but they wouldn't go down and they caught us .·· The widest m argin between the two teams throughout the contest was e ight points with the Pirates holding that advantage twice tn· eluding the overtime. Orange Coast s hot below iLc; season average, hitting 26-0f·S3 for 49 percent. The Pirates also led in most other departments in· eluding rebounding <33·181. as· s is ts 08·9 l. steals 113-9 > and turnovers 1l7 14 >. St eve Timmons. the game's leading score r with 22. and Neum ann each had nine rebounds while Orgill was the assist leader ~ith five. Groumont C'7 I Or1n9e CNll 1111 lUCf'#t't("J WC\Hl'<P WNf'I"'' 1 o11nl)<' Sulhv.tn Tot•I\ tq II Ip • 1 10 b on h 0 11 b I) 11 • 1 10 1 1 ~ 1 I \ JO ' bl TlmmM\ Neumann Orqlll A .. ln V1tnHorn Wtl1\ J J'r1<r Total\ lq ti Ip I ff 12 I A 18 3 b 11 l n ~ 3 0 & 1 t \ t 0 1 16 19 ,. Hetttu1¥ c.<.,.,vnont. 311·:14 R~QVl•t1on bl &1 l n1at tnul\ (',...,.,n-ont 71 0••"<>" C~•I •t Foulf'doul M P"<~ 1(,ro\\montl , .... ,,.,.,_. M Prl<f' tGro'""'°"' • H•nd1u10 Too pllm•n"tor Pon Marcum (!aou1" C:...t~ 1 I ... tl#\ tttl't' Flunnf'ruP Flick A~ 11nqt•wOO<ll 9 60, 1' I mf)I> P1•rt [llMlf\tltOr W inn.., Ftny Cul•Qno110 cvonlu••• 11 '~ 101 mph; Runn.,up 11111 <;arnP•<>n 18elttlowerl 11 o10.••0rn1>" Hoavywe19tH fllmlMlor Win ntr-R•IP"' Thom.a' IL;' Pol'nl~• U 17, llJ m!>fl, Runn~rllP (,u, l\Mk• (Htrmo"1 Hf'11<nt 11 II<> q1 mPn Slrtl!I enmlr>&lor WonnN •~rrv McClanaMn IPomon~I 11 IJ lo'I mP", AunMrup Jot°'n C ttrp .. nh•t GlllL~ Mal or°"' ~ SI. MaHhl•• 11 M ,"'tt4H Of'' (0t1nfl R1t I 1• f\1tuman It [)rln..1t.u-I t It n1c. h I M 1 n~IH 1n C:,IAnDrn b <. '"'" 1 (1l~\(f)1 .. b OtlUf1f ... <,t M8tlh1i~'-"><Qrlr\Q I Af'ltH 11 f r,1nt D 8, (h,\fl4" 1 S<O<t by Quar1~ ~t M"ltht;h 11 l , 11 'JI M .. ,,,., Ort t8 1A I) '~ \ti 01 Thf" N·r ""' Plac~ To f\uv }\ C.1r l h1'> 15 T hf' ~1orf' Whr>rc• P•·r'>orrnli1NI S..rvtr.r• Com<<; for· .11 ALA~MAGMOH POMTIAC 2480 Harbor Blvd. at Fair Costo ~10 549-000 SPOJlTSBACATION RECREATIONAL VEHICLE SHOW Insulate your windovJs. ORANGE COAST'S GARY WILLS (42) SHOOTS OVER FOE. Gauehos Win in OT Palomar Tumbles, 92-84 Saddleback College's Gauchos raced to their third st.ra1ght Mis- sion Conference basketball vtc• tory Saturday night as v1s1tm~ Pa lom ar fe ll in overtime. 92·84 The Gauchos got a repne\ c• when Palom a r missed a lasl second shot in regulation. :mrl res ponded with a 13·5 edg<' in tht· overtime per1od to put the gamt• away. Randy Whieldon. who h1l 2H points for the game. scored a pair of buckets in the overtim<' an<I was assisted by Ben Bacon's fl\t' points and four points hy f:d Patrick. Patrick finished the v:am<' ~1lh 10 points and 11 assists and I ht• Gauchos e nded up with four players scoring in double figures Bruce L8vallee and Ted lkl tinga led Saddleback's rebound mg game with seven each It was Palomar's second lo~s 1n SMASH Of A SPECIAL SALE Jan. 15 thru Jan. 31 • • • three conference starts and the H'rtht•t kt•ep'> Saddlcback atop lht• s landmgs \\Ith undcfeJlt:d: R 1 vt'r'i1d<' Ounm• G:1ti;nn anii Srrap'py lla mtlton lt•<1 Palomar s suinnJ.l ll'<l~t·r w1th2J and :.!t po111h Abo s<'onn1~ in d11ul1h• hgur< s ror Saddlebaek \\oert' La\'ullt-c and Charles Am:•ral. "ho ton· tnbutedl2and 1opoints Saturday's resulh :owls up a ::.howduwn \\llh Hne1suk a \\C• ~ hl•nt'<' at HI \ l'rs1ck . P•lotNr C .. I '•cldltb.1Ck cq? I lq fl IP tq I IO ~41tm1Unn I I It M< urt I I• I £"1,,\<I ' . ; I~ w• '"'" 11 I • ,,,,hu " . "" r •I I 1 II ,""'"' II I l ~\I ti H ~ , (,~ti.r·n " I /I "'' " I ~ He•,.._ I 0 ' 1·:Ht1 • • v II•,"""' ' .. .,,., ... • v ~--'"' 11 ' H·""'" 0 ·1 ,,,,.,.,.., .... • ' • H.,.t11n111t J ., 1 ,,,,., 11! ~is. ,,,, I> ]/ 1• "'l .. t't~·P•tiO"'-"' ..... , I nt1 f"4MJ4.l'l't1M '"'"'' , ... .,, tooh p..-10"' .,. 2'>. i)..tddh t).'1 k 14 f 1h·d nuc 1~.uun U"4flt1n'-'" I ~1111110M n1CU1 SAVE OM { := 1--SIPBA-~-R-E~-~-~-S--. =======' 1111\ $295 11? •&> S:.>25 odt f6 111 SI 25 -- 150/ Tax 10 Cre4it 3M Scotchtlnt· Sun Control Film Saves You Money. W...'s.LAldles'. Ckll*•'• WAIM-UPS .,,,. , .......... .. RACQUET I ALL RACKm & SHOES ... .... -. - -----••a - I I Area Sports Calendar Swimming •. ...., Est-I• .t eer-del MM. Uftl wntty .t CoU• -.... El T-M lnrlne, MIHloft Viejo et ~ HIHt.. SM 0.-.• .,._ C#lst•-V_., •t ~ Swlf'o Compie•, l.A9YM _, ., ~ 9MOI, HlwPOf1 HM110f •t Edison,~ VleW .t L.ol~ F-~ v .. i.y •1 IMl1M c.11 .. J). .. 11*y H'911 ScflOOl·-0..C. loleM et N!Mlfte, El T-et S.11 ~. Ir...,,. .t WHtmlMl•r. F-.lft v .... ., ., ......... 8Ncll .... et JI. ~ Hlgll Sc'-1 -Edltoll, Oc•.,, Vl9w, Milrll\e, N•"90'1 ~. "-'•"' va1 .. ., et ~~ C-ty <!WlmPlonsHot .. Footftlll H'9fl uo .. l'I\, I, Soccer _., HIQfl Sc.hool· C.OSC• Mew Vl lrvlM ., Nt-1 H¥110r 11 p.m. I. TtlHNy M•rlN et Eot~ t2 est. Fovn1e1n v.i..-, •t Hlll\tl119ton 8Nctl Ill; WuCmonitff et N~t Hef110t en .........., HIQll ScllOOI -i:C T«O •t CMOl\e Clel ~r. 1E1tencl• .i lrvln9. c.cwscr-v .. , • ., et ~ Cl~m.nt•, MIM!on Vle)o et LAQWM Hlllt, U.0.- BH<ll •t D9l>e HlltJ c.tll et l I. noon.., HiQI\ ScllOOl-€dltoftet f'oufttM> v--.. U:ISI: CHUI -M n.. C.0.~ Clel -et "'-1 • HM'llOO' 111, 5-t ~M et ~ Hltll UI; N•wPMI H•'11« •I H11lltlfl9IOI\ kKll 111; WHlmln~etM«W (1.tSI. , .... ., Hlgft ScJIOOl 4 nrlM .C 61 T-. IEU_ .. M Uflt~r\ltY, Mlssloll VlelO.t ~ llHCI\ 0.... Hllll et S6n ~t lalf •I J I; lotlre et ou ... View !2:.UI. lt'o•ea B•aketblltl T-*r HIQll Scll004 ~ et EcltMll\, W."mlMl~r et Newpott HMllO<, F-.in V .... , et Hul\I· i"ll'O" 8eKll 1a11 .i 7:>01; El T-•t Cor'OM det ~r. Unl~lly ., Cose. MaM. EU.nc:t• al 1rv1-. l11; c:..istr-v .. i.v et s.n Cleffltnte. IAQlll\e Beedl •I OeN Hllll Ctiotll •11 I. eo11e9i.14--Ge1 Statt NortllftCIOf •I UC Irvine CS>. TllllrMey Hloh Sc:llOOl~tmlni.i.r •t Marine,~ Har~., HuMlnQlon llHCll, ECllMll\ ., ,,_..., V•ho I•" .. 7:IOI; Et!MK .... Uniwnlty, Colla ~at C-det ""-· ,,.,.,,..,El Toro Call •I 11; Nllulon "'910et L....-h a<ll, o.n. HIH1 el San ClemefM CllMfletll. ,....., CotleQI-~P«lfk et UC lrvtne !7:>01. Field Hoctcey T......, HIQll $<Net N1•""1 .... .C WM11••l•11W. ~ClllOft •I ~ ....... lngton Eeadl et F-.a;,. Vet..., t.lletJ:IOI. .• ,-.............. .., Hi911 Sc-~nlty et COrON Clef~ UI; E•t-1.tets...ti.oc> UI. T'llwMey HIQ!t Sc:llOOl-Maril\a et W.Stmt..1ter. -· 1no1°" lle~ll et ~ H•l"OM, F-ein va11..,e1£011011 l.lllet2.IOI. ~'*' H19'1S<IZOl~on.Ol4M«ll Ellan<le UI. ~ Hi911 ScJIOOI Unl..,.tlty •I Cllafter 0... 110 e.m.I. Area Swim Results ••T-t1,Menu7• 700 rnedl9'f nley-t! I Toro. I : '7.J 700 tr•-··"~ IEI t:su : '· McG1.,,... CM) l:ff.•: !. Tuttle IEI l:ff.J. ,. .,.._ '· ..... (fllt) n .1; '· ltk llle IEI u .2; a. W.IMti ....... IMI 13.1. 200 IN. "411.-t. T-• tfil l :k•; t. Moreblto 1Mlt:M.t ;1 ..... CMl2:M.L OM~· t. Y'*'4fillo IMI; J. ·~ IMI; 1 ~IMI. Mlfty-t. 0......_. IEI SU ; 2. Sfftltll IEI At; I. It-.. CMI ""' Ml....,._ t, ......... 11!1 4U; 2. TlllM• CEI SU; 1........, IMI ».O. SIO frM-1. °'"'•"-• IE I S·to 2; 1. Weis~ IMI S:t1t; 1 C-,,._ IEI J:tS.•. ltO Ndl-t. "-"'-"' lfl 1·01.1; 2. Tutt .. IEI t ·Ot.t ; a, INlley (Ml t .OU. IOI tre•-I, M9<-'1o IMI I .... : J. T-• IEI t·OI.•; 1 v .. IMI I II'· 400fne ...... t Et Toro) JOS .............................. l.....,.,....,.. ...... , 200,.,,....., .... _,_.._., ....,,, 200 ,,_.I. JonM INHI l ·D 7: 2 ~ t ...,,, ...... --·· Molf9t' ou. ' c-t ou. JO in.-t. U..Coln UA: 1 11tr..-!US. \Cm fly-1. Olwlt 5'.t; 1 Hett!llOll ,._., Ml l,.._t, ,,._•: ... ;I . WIHl.wllt);O. M. Ito MOl-t. LM<M!I SS:IO ltclleol r9Cenl, ..,...., .. ~ .. JU~~",.'•'·"•· ,,_st.a.&. tOOlwNtl• t.Of'w 1:01.1; '· ~ t!OU. LISTEN It Makn A Lot Of S•ntt To 8• Sure Before You Buy A Ctr. Litten To Whf1 ALA.N MMlNON Says ••• HeMtMeSeneel A&.AMMAlttOM f'OMTIAC a • ....., ..... ..... C_..._ MMIM GOLF I BASKETBALL I HORSE RACING Cdlege Baaketball P118UC NOTICB Michigan State, Illinois Upset (f WIST LAPAYE'ITI, lad. -Arnette Hallmu'• U.fOOl Jump Ibo& at the bunH SaturdaJ 1••• tbe Purdue BoUermaMn a 52$ uPMt over top. ranked lltiddlaa State la Bat Teo coa. le1e b8'btbAD. Purdue'a Jurdor center Joe Barry Car roll 1eored 1ame hlih t.ota1a ol 1'1 polnts ud 11 ~ u &M Botlermakers evened their eoftf~ record at 2·2 and climbed to 12-4 overall. Mkbllan St.ate, 9-3 and 2·2, trailed for mo1t of lbe came. Wltb 4:31 left, Jwik>r David <2'arlel hit two free tlu'owl, 1lv· lnt the Spart.ana their flnt lead at 41-<M. A free I.brow by Earvin Jobnlon made It 41-'8 before Carroll Ued t.be ~ w;t.h a revene dri~ underneath. Wltb two mi.nulel left, Carroll tied the game fOf' the lbw tJme .it »~. taking a lob undemealh from Brian Walker. OllllGSt•te,8 .... CHAMPAJGN, ru. -Herb WUUams scored 29 poinll and Jim Smith hit a cruc:l1l free throw In overtime to gtve Oolo State a S4l6 victory Saturday over previously unbeaten and fourth-ranked IWnoit in a Bil Ten 1ame. Ohio State took over first place ln the coalereoce while the defeat snapped 11- linoia' 15-pme wlnnlna streak. The JI. !Inola team bad beaten top.ranked Michigan State Thursday nJgbt. Ohio state guard Carter Scott scored a tleld goal with 42 seeonds remaining in re1u.laUoa time, tying the score &IMIO. B~keye guard Todd Penn then won a jump ball from Illinois' Rob Judson with 19 seconds to go. OhJo State missed a shot and with five seconds left in re- gulation Ume, Jud.eon f~ a 2$-footer but it miaaed, sending the 1ame into overtime. NercJaCa...a•-., 74-a CHAPEL HILL, N .C. -Mike O'Koren and Al Wood scored 11 points each and Dudley Bradley stole the ball at crucial momenta to lead No. 3 ranked-North Carolina to a 74-68 victory over seventh-ranked Duke. Duke took a one·polnt lead at the half, but the Tar Heels outscored the Blue Devils 12-4 in the first five minutes of the second half. Duke cut the deficit to one after Mike Gminski -who scored a game-high 22 points -made two quick baskets and three successful rree throws. But the Tar Heels kept ahead and led 59-50 with 7:51 lefl. Notre o .. e, 85-M MILWAUKEE -Sopbomon reserve Tracy Jackson scored 13 of bis 21 polnts in the second half, rallying second· ranked Notre Dame from seven points beblnd to a ~ victory over 13th- ranked Marquette Saturday night. Center Bill Laimbeer added 12 points ror the Fighting Irish, now 8-1 and In line to take over the No. 1 spot aft.er two losses by Michigan State. Bernard Toone led Marquette 11-2 with 18 polnts, but fouled out with 4:04 to play. Rich Branning, a product of Marina High, scored four points. Seal Fraad.tee, 97·92 SAN FRANCISCO -Freshman Ken McAUater trigered a furious San Fran· ciaco second ball rally with etght polnts in the final three minutes and then com· bined with ceottt BW Cartwright for nine points in overtime u the Dons beat the University of Portland 97-92 Salur· day night in a West Coast Albl«.lc Con- ference game. McAlister bad scored only four points before be brought USF back from an 82-72 defacit with bb lone range bomb- ing. Hil last fie&d Joal tied the game at ~with 12seconda left. in regulation .. Portland lost a chance to win the game when fre1hman guard Moby Oliver was called for traveling just before he bit a layup at the buzzer. Pepperdfae,84-88 R ENO -Ricardo Brown and Danny Ramsey scored 22 points apiece and Ray Ellia grabbed H rebounds for Pep- perdine Saturday night in an 8Hl8 West Coast Athletic Conference victory Cf!' Nevada-Reno. Nevada guard Johnny High, who went into this week as the WCAC's leadinc scorer witb a 29-point averaae, was shut out on a night be went O.for-14 shootinc from thef1o0f'. TheWolf Pack'stopscorer waa 11 icbael Gray, wltb 21 points. Raul "c0otrttaa, a product of Hunt- ington Beach High, had four points for Reno. ....,le, ... 71 STOCKTON -Ron Cornelius' game- higb 22 points led the Paclflc Tigers to an 86-12 Pacific Coast Athlet.Jc Auocla- Uon victory over San Jose State Satur· day night. Mickey Jacltlon scored 19 polnta to lead San Joee, which rallied to wtt.bln three pointa of Pacific toward tbe end of the first half but wu outscored 17..f at tbe st.art of the second. .J.tt3.@or/ 8 Go. Employee Benefit SpecllUIU 8&net 1970 •'Why pay high rates for major med lea I lqsurance.. Call me roe 191'9 quotea." ID~a..dl ' - * eo••ee .. IT uc~ ... UK• StMfwd• WWlil-'illl'lllftl.._lllofl, *9 UC ...... .....,. '6. UC lf'¥1N 'l a ,~ 11. a...,. ~ Mete 71 10T I Ari-SI 4i, 0......, M 0.-SI ti._ Altane • (ellfol~a61,W~S~~ St 11111..-,·, ... .....,.. ... U5' tt, ,.,,_., IOTI '9•m.t a. s..t. O we 11 ,.1<lfklt.SenJeM$l. n UC ltt ......... •1. "-"""' S6 llOI• "· ,,_ ll'«lflc" Cal "'°'' 1,.........1 10, AIU&a• li'e(lfk" • Gel SI.Me IL.Al 11, Gel Poty ISl.01 ,, HMNtege SC.. IQ, ...... lleld St. 71 Humlloldt St. et. UC Devis 10 " • .,..., ..... s.t. ... CNcoSt.11 *'_.,.. St. IO, S... Fr8MIKO St tt L•V•"4 ... CM Tedi .. "1. i..-es. WNttl« ,. Doml,...r Hiiis 14, Gel Lllllltr.,. ., Puoel SouN ten. L.wt' a. OM'll n li'eclflc Lilllzf.,. 11. Unlield ts MIOWt!IT PUf'dut st.~ SI. SO WIK-If\ T1, Mlctlioen .. Oftlo SI. *9, tttlftols .. COT I 111c11 .... et -· DPCI.. ·-Ml ssourt 11. Olllahom.t '7 towe 5'. 811(-SI., ppd,. 5"0W K.,,MJl1,0l<~St. 70 Centr .. Mkf\. 19, W. Mklll-11 Oftlo u. "· •. Mklllewi .. Kent SI, T1, H. ltllftOll n Ml-I, 0. 74, eo.tlno Gfwn 7l lnctl.,.. SI• ft. 8'~ 14 ...... o.n. 6S. Nlarqu9tt• 60 Detroit ft tlllftols sc. II o. ... ,s.~·· 1on410, Wlt..-Mltweull"7S S.. llllnols ... N. ••l<o Sl.13 Wtct-lt. St. '4. T\llu" IOT I loyole C(H(.egol .C OeP*ll, Ol)CI., -SOVTH HOf1" CM'ollfle 74, Dull• .. Vl1"9lnle 61, N. C-lfle SI. 4J ~1'.T-7S l'unYIM 71, ~en St. W. Tyl-.. Ol\C"-ti 1S Je<k.-1"' N, Oeorol• St. •1 Cll<ldet 51. ~I S1 LSU IO, F1orlcN 72 0em-11. w .... l'~t 6' 12 ol) MIHJ\Mtipl 11, AIAlwYI '2 Ac-. u. K_uc.11,. n Cent....,.,, 1111. S.. MIHIV.icJt>I .. Mln luWI SI. 74, V~H .. 01'10f\71,Nltmpflls5t n So. Al eNl'l\e 11, N. C. '°*10nt 60 sounfW«ST H01J"on ts. f CU .. Delly Pilot Stall "- '::> PlJBUC NOTICE ,..,mTIOUI 8UlfQSS HMM ITATeNWENT T ... tollowl ... fef-t -dcNllQ 11u11 ..... , TVNNel MAHU~ACTUltlNG, "410 Sell Jain.o st., ,,_.... v.ii.v. CAtl10I TllOm R. Mer<•r -Mike 5. Mulllna. l"'50 s.i J«ln4o St., ,.._ teln v.11..,, CA n1GI Tiiis bll)IMH Is 'ondu<tM " • ....... pw\--.lp. fllom M!lfTM Tllll s-•M 1"-J win. ti.. Cow\tr Ci.rt! Gt Oreng1 County oe J.,,. "· lf7t ....,.., PublilMd 0r-. OleR o.lly PilOt, .Hfl, 14. ''· .. F.o. •• lffl P\JBUC NOTICE "CTITIC>Ut aUStNIHS NN!ille STA TaMUfT Tiie loltowlno person IS dOtl'9 bu\I· nn••' CREAT AMERICAN Fl'l'iNC CAN COMPANY, 17152 ..... rt• Ae•I Hwy., Sle., •li., Nll~k>n Iii.to, CA ., •• I Stltoeru (Jl4no, ,._.ll 2or•1C1e, Mi.,. •kin Viejo, CA9MI flll\ builntH Is conclllCte<I by 811 In· di•I0 ... 1. 51'IQeru °""° T1111 ,ta_ ••s llleel wllll tne C-IY Cieri! ol 0.<1119t Coutl!Y on J .... l. '"'· f't"'7• Pul>llSIZd ~ ... Coe" 0..ly Ptlot. J4M\, 1. 14,11,21. '"' PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITlOUS e1n111ess HAM« STATeMllNT TM tol_.llO .,..._, ere clolnq blnlMU 4IS: WIMBLEDON ASSOCIATES, 1,.70 JemDorM Aoeil, ~ Beacll, C... 92t60 Mclain Oeve1opmel\I Co .• • c.eutornl• <.of'l)Of'etlon. U10 J•mooroe Roecl, N"'l'Ot1 BMcn. ea. 92..o Tiii\ Du\lntll t\ t~<led Dy • llmlltd~P WI-M\OelalM A Umiltd P•r1ne<911P By Mel.at"~'-""'' Co. Rotien B MCL.a1n, Presiellnl encl ~ .. p.,,,,,.,.. o. .. Aoe.rts "· w. Ton 51. .. Ai<• t2, Teus Tec11 S6 SMU 11. Teus A&No 74 Lamer 122, N. Tues St." eAST R~~ ISlencltS. SI. eo...wntu•• ., Yale M, Fairfllld S7 Cotoel• t4, CM!lolk 1' Dertmoutll ... Aolllns so CR OSBY ENTRANTS -For the first time in five years. three wom en golfers will compete in the Crosby Southern go tr tourna- ment at Irvine Coast Country Club, Fe b. 2-3. They include. from le ft: Connie Kinzie, Santa An a Country Club: Marie Fa rgo and Mary Crary, Big Canyon Country Club. Tiii\ statement was 111«1 wltll '"" County c1..-" Of Or•noe County on Oec.emoer 2t, 1911. ,107171 PuDllSl'led ()r..,ge Cods! CMlly Ptlol De<. Jt, 1q11, Jen. 1. 14, n, "" sm-1~ Pultuc NOTICE Temple 72, la!•'lltltt SI LeS.lle 100, A~8J Auto-rs ... SI. John's NY 66 Loulsvllte'9. M«yl...O ... Vlro1n1a Tec11a, ~ St.C•., GMro-town "· -....tWtt 6" SyrKllM 14. Qwww<lklll 60 Race Results Omen STATEMIENTOf'AMHOOHMENT Of' USI OF FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME r~ followlnQ --llaw -n· --.c1 ,,,. llW ol t11e lktltlous bu$<~5 Hew H~A 72. Navy " B..c:a MM IS. ""4ricefl 13 O-oe W~"· Pitt ll tt()Cl(llU ,.__.....,...,....,._,.CRtnol .. BVU 100, HewNIPl<ol3 No. Nl-12. Mew-.. St ... uc ... n .UT£P .. Air F0tte6',0lil-CltytS Cotored9W.Hetlrnka61 Cotor aC10 5'. 12. Sen Oie90 SI 16 W\'OMlflo 14. ~Ml•L.H ~\ 10 S. CotoredU7. wetlmlnit« M Ciol\1 ...... ldlltlotl IC!-$1. ti. llolM 51. 11 WlltafSl.'41,~4' Graebner Tumbles HARRISON, N .Y . (APl -Former Davis Cup tennis player Clark Graebner of Greens Farms, Coon., and Doug Ru11ell of New York, the defending cham- pions and top·seeded team, were upset Satur-day ln the Pa11port Platform Tennis cham- pionship. They bowed to Jim Symlneton of Berm- • ingham. Mich., and Mike Ducey of Maumee, Ohio, 7-5, 3-6. 7-5 in a second round match. Then Ducey and Sym. ington were in turn eliminated, 6-2, 6-4, by John Adams of Philadelphia and John Mangan of Rye. Adams and Mangan will lace 1977 national champions Steve Baird or Port Qtester, N. Y., and bls brother Charles of Cambridge, Mass., in the semifmals. Lot Alamttos .... set-• IJIN•~-1,.1 OWN•-- F '"' rec•-Mldnlolll SPttCI !Caroorel I 10, l IO, 2 to; Willie Nel\Oft ILipNml 6 to. 3.60; Centen- nial Kiel <~I lOO, U eucta U •I pelO l>S.70 Second r•<e-Sllei••••Cloll le.Ms! UO, UO, 4 10, Sir Poppy Go ICrHQ('rl Ml.70. l.:IO, Tiny M<llH IL1~m1 sao Third race· Dully Sc>eers C ~rntr I 0 ."11. 10 40. 4 60: Cllerro'\ Rooet I Aouoll I J.60, ' H ; B•-•r1 Ber IAct.lrl 3.40, u e..a<ta 16-11 paid :nt.SO Fourth ••<•-T~• Helrloom I LIC)llem I 6 40, J 80, J 00; 5'!"91' r C" t IBeni.s> 3.80. 2.IO: Pf~S Flesh CBr-sl 3.00. Filth race-Lucky 7S ITreuure I 33.40, 13.M), 10,40: Tru•ton Snip IB&rdl 14.80, 9.40; CMr09r Go Bar cFre.tonl s.oo; s.s eHCC• 11·31 p1ld 1.m .so. Sl•tll race-Swinoing Dart fBerdl 16.00, S.00. 3.00; Corporele Jet CC,...909rl 3 80, 7.60; Grempy Two CPt!merl 310 Seve11t11 ra<•· Rel• Me HIQll ILl~m l 16.40, 4 00. 4,00; Wlft9H W1"4t IMlkM ICI l.00, 7.60, Prl<Kes• Tidy Too IMelrl 3.60. S.S euc:t• ""' peld".OO:S.S•qci• o .. t iiel08'00. Elolltll race · H11\tllflQ Hou1• cwarCll 170, UO. 3 00, Dupe's Pet· lern ICreeger I S.00, l 00; G11tro CSllmpter I 2 60 Nlntll rec.-Bl~ Llmll IAClalr I S.40. 3 t o. 7.t O; 0..een MOl\111 CTrenurel 7AO. l IO. O..roers L.aCly CPe"4rl UO. Teftlll recce-Slnoon IMytesl IS 40, ••• 4 20; lllO 1Pt!"4r) 100. 7.00; VJ¥ Counwilor ILIPl\Mnl It 00; '5 .... Kie C .. 11peld741.00, Allenclenc.e· .. ..m. Senta Anita l'wSMwd.9y cu .... ,...., rnwllftlll ~ ....... First ,_.. Guogel's>odi•r ITornl U .40, t .10. J.60; Julle·, lntf!nl IM<H•ro.,.1 S.40. 4.40; CyDernlc1 IOllV•r'9S) 1.20. • Sec:Ofld rect-Tellerouno !Toro) U .20, 8.IO, 3.to; Mornlno Alerl I Pl~rce) '40, 3.60; 8010 Wo t INl<H•rl!Uel 7.40; n deity double <•II peld 153 IO. Tlllrd ••<• Splendld Clrl C5'1oemak..-I UO, 2 IO, 2 60, Erice Girls' Field Hockey Results ......... q ........ y...,..., Cet .... I ca.,,, .. ,,.,...,.. ............ Hwit"""" e..cfl '· c..ttDft 0 ~Olll~-·t Cllarter 0.. t, Hwlt._.,. llffcll o Thin>"•• Le H eClrU, CIDttlDn 2 (OT) ~ .. ect.et ....... Mat 11\e 2. ftoGtNll I E1~2.0r .... O ,._ ,...,,,,.'·El,.,..,.... 0 COMPARE & SAVE! LEASE 1979 PORSCHE 924 S27S2J T•I~ .. ~------.... .............. ..,...._. ..... _ _......, ..._... "--••NIO. fOlll ....... .._1t.O.M:I C100t•I BILL YATES VW/PORSCHE 1am••••• .... c.,11•-137-4100 493-4511 Kelly IM<HMQUrl l 70. J 40, Batltnq Gl«y I Aoor~1 I S 60 Fourth rec• H•<-•••nd C~m•-ff I 180, S.00, 4.10. Jerlatlt 1011 ..... 1 • 10. 4 JO, EQOhU CRamlre1l •.AO Fifth race-Petro"' Lovr IM<H•rQuel 1910. • 60, 6 60. Prtn· <tt• ToC>y CMcCerronl . 40, 4 40, C•r rl•'l AftOel Cl'ie<ccrl 4.00. $~ •••<t• 16 Jl 1>!11e1m so S••ln re<p Mr A"'°y ICorO.rol '60, 4 40, 4 00; Pav TrlDul• •M<Her9Uf!l 4 00, 3 60. C"'w of ()("1.t I Mc Cerroni• IO SfJvrntll race-Beld1kl CPlnc.ty I $ 10, ] 20, 7.80. H,,rry's LOVl' 1Sllo9m•kff I S 70 .... 10, Litt•• Jc».rr CMf!M I 6.40, SS f!H<l<I 12·61 p,,ld ., 00 Elgltlll race· GrPn1f!n IPlnoyl S 60, J.IO, 1 60. Oo11te's Doll IMc:Car. ron I 11.80, 6.U ; B•CICllng Bolo CSllOl'm•kffl 3 40 Nliltll race-Bynoelerm CAaml,.,,11 11 10. 10 40, 8.00. Jungle Mission IC .. tened .. I 19 60, 9.80; Ll!!UlManls Im-CTorol 6.40: "•••<U1 16-tll pelOIS6 SO. ""'"°"n<f'· 3S."93 Basketball Standings MtSStO.. CONfERENCE En -l SCOTT, TEL.LIER, tGOE & COM· er P"NY, 100 Ou•ll SI., 511•1<' 290, NewPOf'l BNcll, CA '1660 Tiie FICtltlOUS Business N•me ·~· f~td co .-e was ftleel in Or-Cr h C-tyOl\,.,,..n,1m. OS Y MlcltHI C-·-· 21671 s .. sioe L-, H....Congtoft 6ffell, CA '12-Ao~r1 N Telllff, J r • :J.410 E Th 0 C ParaCllW Ort ... -ni•, AZ IS0'2t ree ran~e oast s.,.,,0 ,,,. N scou . 1hl E a rea wome n have en· c.roen1•,Souttt"'-"••.AZaso11 tered the fl.fth annual T11is ~-w•s conc1ue1ec1 ov •" UftifKOrpO<Mecl 8\.SOCtelion Olltef I""" Crosby Southern pro-am • per1ner\/>t0. golf tournament Feb 2·3 T"'' ~ .. =T ~~hied ... tn ,,... at Irvine Coast Countr_y '°""'' c1-o1 OrOftOI' c:oun1v on Jon. Cl ub in Newport Beach. " 1"' ,15m M a r i e Far~ o and Puo11•~ 0r.•noe eo.s1 Delly Poo1. Mary Crary or Big Can-J ... I•, n. 18. fto •• "" yon Country Club and __________ 97 ~ PUBLIC NOTICE Connie Kinzie. a lhrce- time club champion at Santa Ana Co untry Club, ,.~~~~!:~!':::s are the first women to ;h r 1011ow111q IW"•on• drc 001"<1 pl ay in the two-d ay °"'1:E'~~T HOME LOAN fRU~T event. ... (A(. NEWPORT HOME LOAN F • TRUST 1'7 <81 NEWPORT HOME a rgo carries a 13· LOAN TRUST •• co, NEWPORT ha ndicap while Crary HOM E LOAN rRusT = 1 101. a nd K in•;e w1·11 play lo NEWPORT HOME LOAN TAUST =ft '"'°' CEI, NEWPO(H HOME LOAN TRU'S.T an 11 handicap. "' CF), NEWPORT HOME l.OAN Tb Crosb So th TRUST .. IO IGI. NEWPORT HOME W L. PF Seddl.O.Ck 3 0 2" e y u ern LOAN TRUST .... (HJ. 11 Co<llor•le week will get under way Pt••• Newport BHc11. c.111om •• n""'° Monday, Jan. 29 with tC1J••~o~:.:,ar1 Home Lo"" inc, :.~ the Hoag Hackers Hijinx T"'' °""""" "<Onducteo Dv. ,.,.. 1.. at the Newport e r Inn P0••11on con KIOI<• 111.,.,.1,,. 3 o m ~~ Golf Course. It's open to PrP>o-.1 -N~"'l)or1 m the pubhc. T"" ~~: 111.-c1 w., .. i,... s.n B•rNrdlno t 1 1s• Sen DI-1 I 7•7 cu ... , 1 z ns Peiom.-1 r 7ll Cll•llty O 3 741 Solltll-•19"1 0 l 217 s.turuy•s S<ettt S.ddl eoao 92, Petomar ... loO Rl .. r•kle 173. Olettey'3 ~ A celebrity roast for eounty c1e<1< o1 o.enoe C:O..Oh on Jan m Joey Bishop will be held >. "" Fto,.. Wednesday night. Jan. P111>11s,.... 0r.,. eo.~ o..uy P11o1 s.n D._ts. Sclulr-stemes Sen BerlW'Cllno 106. Cltn11 P 31 at the Newporter Inn. Jen '· 14 2•. 11, 10" s.tw8y'1~ S.Cldlebacllet Rl-..r•lde Cllruut Olettey S&n DleQoel San Bernardino P•lom•r al Southwest em SOUTHCIOASTCONFEAENCe W l PF PA Or anoe Coe it 2 O 13'1 178 Cerrito' 1 o es IO Fullerton 1 o •3 81 GrO\\monC 1 l 13S ,,. Sen Diego Meo"" 1 t 131 130 SenteAne 0 1 JU 118 Mt.SenAntcinlo 0 2 123 10 Soltl!Ney'I~ OrenoeONsl71,GrcK•mont67 loll Full.,ton'3, s.nceAnaln Sen 01-Mes<l 7J, Ml. Sen "ntonlo n ~r'so.ttNt S.nteAnealMl SanAnloniO Ctrrltoset~ Sen DttQoMeMat Fulter10f> All mo ney from all events will go to Hoag Memorial Hospital. Pro Scores Nal'-1 .......... AUi'. Atlante 114, Slln D"'9o 119 0e1ro11 11•, GolO!!n !>f_,t~ 1"' Sal' AntonlO 11,, Cl~"'!IMMI 103 Houston 117, Ni&w 0.~&M ·~ lndiMlit 102, ""°91\••" NetleNll HKk.., le .. .,. Los Anoele 7. Ottrolt 3 P11tso.irori s, Boston l Montrtel S, Buffalo 1 Toronto•. COIOr-7 St. LOUIS], Ven<01J.,.... 3 (t~) Nll111Ztote 4. OW<.aoo l ..,... ttk.My AUA. IEdl'nonlon I. ..._ Enotencl 0 Wll'llllpeo ), lllrmlflQNm I PUBLIC NOTICE .. ICTITIOUS aUStNESS NAMI! STATEMeNT Tll• !ollowlno peoons •re <101no O..Slntn "' · l<Oll·WElLS/PALOMAR, 1'101 Oovp Street, Newc>cwt Btec:ll, CA 91660 Donal<I NI KOii, 609 VI• Lido Soud. Newport S.IKll, CA '1660 OevlO P. Mklcllem.ts. II H•lf Moon 9&y Drlv•. Corona Clef Mar, CA '126U Ever•ll D&vls. Ill. 7U8 Mesa Ori_.., Newport BHch, CA '12660 Tlmot"y L. Str4der, 1930 Port "llMlnl, Newport Buell; CA"'""' s1 ... 1~ " Brockl'toft, s Point SUI" Ori.,. Ne-' e..c11. CA '12660 B•rnard Flpp, 7779 HI-v.1 .. ., Court, l• Jolla, CA 91037 Orrin w Miiier, 1137 Se r1te Meeler• Court, Solene BHCll, CA 0207S W•lls Feroo MOr1GeQe al'CI Eciu1ty Trust. all) WMlll"Olon St • Suite IO I, ---::;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil1 _,,,.Ciel A..,, CA '°"1 Tiiis bullrzH I• '~led lly • SEE SUPERVOLKS! .. Sfoctl-Hew •79 l..wt.. Sdroccot. D......_INftes. c .......... .. 0 ....... ...... c....,.. ' ----------· 09N••·~· Timothy l . Straotr Thit SI-WM flltd wlttt 1"9 County Cltr1l of OfMOe County on o.c. 20, '"" l'tt6172 Pullllslad OnlnQt Coell Dell• Pilot, Dec:. 24, ll, ,..,.. Jert. 7, I•,"" S10S-78 PUBLIC NOTICE PSI • Featurin g ................................................. • • • Sunday, January 14, 1979 85 DAILY PILOT -M en's Fashions , J1nu1ry mensw •ur ahowlnt are 1 1tralpt· forwftrd tatrml'nl or r al "atyl . " They r veal tnm and 1ubtle taUortd clothlna fHhlona. 'fht 1ilhouotle and lh fabrtutlons comb nl' for · for a fttSh and clean Impact Outt1rw er I und 1"1t1lfd, with th trim and unNmpl eattd I k ol tradJUon Casuel porta"ear M!'O~t an O\i rill trend to sllmm«-r YC"t comfort.ab1 aha t'ormnlwc-ar h u a n w t.tmpbclly and a ne-w tlegan('(' Fl mboy1ncy for men who own lhtlr OWll formollf hu~ waned. Actt n es from 1hlrt1 to ties to lneldt•ntal d tans .,.. In the right proportions and rla)'t.-d down ror • atrona r all 1nclu111w 1wnstt o totnl lmaat>ry For m n lt ts o aNsson or varl ty with many altl'rnaUv Lo rboo from .. one which help make tndMdu I pr fcrencn a fact and which Htl1rtN tbc requtremeiita or Hlf ·.xpr lon. print allhouettc ire noticeably trimmer. especlally lapel• A mor r laxed 11hapln• ls to ~ noted Th p ltt>rns are neat and clasato and mlnl1tt1p n11 ar domlnont th mea. Contem porary use of aoll color with occaaional na hes or lhe brltihi and bold la evident. Strona em· phaaia <'an be plactd on the blendlna or natural libera auch a1 allk. linen, cotton OC' wool with aynlheO<'I for U1ht weJaht weaveJS with surface Inter 1t and wrinkle r slatance. Plaid patterned suit, above left, is a blend of polyester and wool in subtle col- orations of palest blue, ivory and a thin pink overstriping. The two-piece suit, above right, has flap pockets and no vent. It's made of 100 percent silk. Dress-up suit of windowpane wool in palest blush or celery 1s shaplier with a snugly belted jacket over a swingy skirt. Add a straw mini-beret and lace hanky Wool for Spring The timeless b eauty of wool makes a fa shion state- ment for the coming season. Sportcoat, above left, is made of an Italian fabric that blends silk and wool. All finishing touches are hand stitched. The classic side vented model with flap pockets and bone buttons, above right, is tailored of 100 percent silk. Inspired by the costume took of the '30s and '40s and t empered by the trim ladylike silhouettes, Sprin~ 1979 wools, as before. are often the natural fabric choice designers use to execute these taste ful retro fashions. There is a coat for every woman who lives or travels in the temperate zone -reefers, s louches. steamers and those with fitted waistlines. The 36-inch topper leads the length pa rade followed by 'Vi•th coats, double·breasted wraps with fl ange shoulders a nd classic chesterfields. The slam suit is one or the strongest looks this season -body-conscious. sometimes leg re· vealing, many with belted o r wrappe d waistlines and always <;oftly t:ulorf'd But, you can be sure there 1s a suit for 1·H·ry occasion The ~ood \\-OOls that outlast fads and trendy type fashtons, of course, come ID the sought· after basic colors -'-'O<>I \.\htl~. n.1vy, black. grey and the perfect neutrals But, there 1s ex c1temeot and news in lbe bright colors -red, skipper blue, yellow. fu<'hsi.a and green: 1n musta rd. custard. cocoa and ('IOnamon, ID the aqua-tonesea colors and the an descents. Turning back the clock to the '30s. '40s and, yes, '50s also hails the beginmng of a new de· cade, the '80s. With 1t comes an increased awareness of the good wools ... the new mira- cle fiber ... JUSt 8,000 years old. Package Deal: Waterbed Accoutrements Once in a while every body needs a new mattress. In our case, we knew it was time. The old one was going fast after a long and terminal m. ness; the foam rubber crumbs on the ca~Ung had become an embarrassment and the valley down the center was so deep it felt like you were steeping in a hammock. There were other problems too. It had been so Jong since I hadn't had a backache in the mornin1, 1 had forgotten how to stand up straight. One Saturday morning after another mis· erable nlght, we decided the 'time had finally come /or a new mattress and went shopping. After searching through all the tnajor de· partment stores and talking to clinically dressed salesmen in polyester suits and toafers1 who sl)Oke ln terms of "PosturepedJc" ana "Polymeric Foam," 1we looked at each -other with uUer boredom and decided lt was time for lunch. Over a Sit Mac with extra cheese, my husband grabbed my hand and said: "Have you evertbougbtaboulawaterbed?" · Wow, a waterbed: Visions of warm summer night.a, rloeUq, romance, the 1ymbol or trendy Southern Callfomla llvJoa. Wby t\Ot! So we drove "P Beach Boulevard, towara Stanton where the.,.., a waterbed shop between every bar and adult bookstore all the way to Buena Park. .. .... ""' .. Claeryl Romo Orange County's housing shortage and the big· geat thing to ever hit the ho me-delivered pizza business. . The actual m attress itself Is ~ s.tmple plastic bag you fill wtth water. 11le deluxe models have a foundation Of thick styroroam aroundtheedgotoholdtheshapetogether. Waterbecf salesm en look very much like some used car salesmen -with the exception of the way they took at YOU instead or your old car when you walk through the door. Have you ever seen the inside or a waterbed My husband and I Initially round ourselves shop? confronted by a #lllcl(. character with a mustache. One should not pass through Ute without He wore form-fitting s tacks, a leather jacket, such an experience. First of all, absolutely no a gold chain around his neck and platform eaudiness is spared, and walki111 throuab the shoes. front door ls like entering the sbelk'a tent. The He put out bis cigarette, exhaled his last only thing missing is Rudolph ValenUoo. puff of smoke, 1ave us a tong. lean look llke we There's an abundance of vlvtd reds, purples were two M·year-old tourista from Omaha, then and blacks and massive conopies and towers said: ~ • and heavy wood· burned piUara and a<>ld·fiecked •·Are-you sure you want a waterbed? mirrors and plastic stalned·glasa windows aftd They're not for everyone you know." stereo 1peakers and spotlights and satin sheets As a native ~allfomlan who objects to being and fur rup and velvet comforters. treated like a bumpkin, t counterattacked with Everythlna you never thouabt·about having a He, "Hey man, no problem here. I've been ln a non·commerclal bed. ' around plenty of waterbed.t." With auch a aet·up, tbert'a absolutely bo This. apparently. ts not the thlftl to aay ln Med fpr any other tumlahinp or more OWl one front of on.•1 husband. Mtne Immediately room lb your home -much Jea~111 nMl!P t..l ~ned. Uae C$lveraallon. t.o 1,ak, ··Oh, yeabT leave. , '·1 • ...::1.WMft?'' Think of It: One-bedroom bachelor apart· The ulesman spotUng the naH, emlled at mfftt.I ~ waterbed1 couJd ~ ~ ~ to me aympathetlca.il.f . scratched hit cbln and \ . . . . . went on lo explain that persons prone to motion sickness huve. difficulty a dJus ting to a waterbed. "Why?" I asked. Mr. Slick gave mti an indulgent look and ex· cused himself to go over a nd help a tall, blond woman in satin pants who had just walked through the door. I was sure he wouldn't treat her like a SS-year.old toun!it. We left the s hop. But by the end of the day and two more department stores, we had de· cided to purchase a waterbed and returned to Mr. Stick's. He was not overwhelmed ·:you mean to tell me you wan\ a mattress and nothing else? No satin s heets No stereo speakers or anything?" he asked sarcastlcally. "That's right." It is now two weeks later and our new waterbed is still disassembled In the middle or the living room. We're not really &ure what to do with it. Somehow It doesn't seem quite as exciting without the entouraae of satin sheets and plastic stained-Ria~~ windows . Maybe Mr.Slick was right. CMryt RDMo'• ootumn now • .,,..... In the Detty llllol twtoe ... tty. ll wtU be pub1teMc1 -. Thu,..,. eftd hndaya. · .. --~·• a f -DNI. Y PILOT Sunday, Jenuary t4, t91'1 Weddings/Engagement• . ) , • • ' , Plttman-Ciarelli Mr. and Mrt. Ted PlltlRata bf Newport S.acb ha aJ\notlll«d tho ena•iemtnt ol their bau&bler, Stacie L)tnne. to Rocky CiarelU '°" ol Mr. and Mra. Frank CtarelUotHwrt.ln.ion n.e,cb. N\u PUtman ll a 1ndua ol UCLA and la curn>nUy enrolled ln a mulef''I provam lhere CiarelU ls a 11aduaw of Cal St.att" Uo1vertl\1 Lona Beath &nd I.I now •mini hJ.a t.eacbJn, credent.W. TM eoupl plan to man")' In Newport Beacb tn Auauat. Rinaldo-McCorm ick Robyn E Marshall and John G Rinaldo tx rhana4:d wedillnti vov.-a ln S. MlchMI •nd All Antetls ~I Church. Corona elf-I Mar The brid"' Is the dau,1hter of Mr. and Mrs Earl MarahaJI or Salt L&kt City Tbt bride aroom. soo ot Mrs Purl RlnaJdo or Lona Beach, graduated from USC. He l c-halrman or the board ol John G Rinaldo F1nanclal Corp. of Newpo rt Buch and of American Home Mortgage COrp of Newport Beach The t'Ouple will makt the ir hom e in Newport Beat'h 11rter a wedding lnp to Europe Schreiber-McCormick Martha Ann Schreiber and 0 . Dean McCormick 111 are engaged to be m1rned. The bride-elect, daufhter of Mr. and Mn Charles Jay Schreiber o Camarillo. graduated from St. Bonaventure High School In Ventura and USC The future bridegroom. son of Mr. and Mrs. D Dean McCormack Jr. of Tustin, graduated from Foothill I ugh Sehool ht Tustin, University of Cah!orrua, Rf.>dlands and USC . A July 14 wf.>dd1ng is planned in Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church in Camarillo. Mr. and Mrs. Rinaldo Martz-Hobbs Kattn L Marti end W. Ray Hobbll Jr. are ena•Ced tD ~ marr1Pd . The brtde ole<'t is the daughter or Mr. and Mr1 Kc~th W Mtu1z of Founh1ln Valley. The ruturc bridegroom s the son of Gloria llobb11 of f''loridu and William Hobbs of Colorado. Kolar-Lunn Susan Marie Kolar and Gregory B. Lunn are engaged to be married. The bride-elect , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J Kolar of Costa Mesa. graduated from Costa Mesa High School and attended Orange Coast College. The future bridegroom. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lunn of Anaheim, graduated from Katella lligh School and attended Cypress College A March 31 wedding is planned. Miss Pittman, Mr. Clsrelli Den nis-Davidson Frances Jeanne Dennis and Neal Jeffrey Davidson are engaged to be married. The bride-elect. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiiiiam C. Dennis of South Laguna. graduated from Santa Ana High School and the Uruvers1ty of Colorado. Denver. The future br idegr oom. son of Mike Davidson and Mrs. Phil Arnold of Newport Beach. graduated from La Scenda High School in Whittler. and UC L A June 2 wedding is planned. Emmons-Garrett Marti Emmons and William Edward Gar· rett Jr. are engaged to be married. T he bride·elect. dauJ(hter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Emmons of Newpart Beach. graduated from Newport Harbor Hi gh School and attended Orange Coast College. The future brideg1oom , son of Mr. and Mrs. • + Miss Schreiber Wtddlng and engog•· ment onnoun«~• run on Sunday in 111.t Doily Pdct ,..°""' ore ovmlcbte cit oU Oa:Uy J>U()t offkt11 or by colling tht f'tcturta Departmnl. 642-4321. To ovotd di1oppo1nt. menl. proipecllue bricUs ore rmundcd to hoot t~r wedding i torlea. wtth o bLock-Ond·whUt gU»111 o/ the bride or of the covpl~. to the F'eatures Dqxirt. mem ~ ~ek be/ort> t~ ~dd.mg. William Edward Garrett. of Riverside. gradual· ed from Poly High and attended Riverside City College and Chapman College World Campus Afloat. A May S wedding dale is planned. Frederiksen-Reitz Ja net Arline Relti and Paul Howard Fre deriksen exchanged wedding vows in Waimea Falls Park on Oahu. The bride, daughte r of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Reitz or Anaheim Hills, graduated rrom Katella High School and Fullerton Junior College. She is etnployed by California Casualty Ins urance Corp. The bridegroom. son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Frederikse~f Huntington Beach, graduated from San M ino High School and Orange Coast College. e is employed by Ralphs Grocery Co. The couple will make their home In Newpart Beach arter a wedding trip to Hawaii. ;It's Stamp Fever Car Knows All I don't know how a car knows when you're re · . -,, BY JOV STILLEY 1.,. -INtvrn wn1« in an Interview. NEW YORK !AP> J o ni Miller not only • a cknowledges that s he has "stamp feve r " ' herself, but she is doing her best to inrcct other people with it. Symptoms inc lude carryinR rubber stamps a nd an ink pad wherever she goes, the anabihty to , pa ss a s tamp ra c k without stopping, and .. itchy fingers that insist on imprinting letters, lit· tie pictures and other marks on everything within reach or her ' stamping arm. ~ "It started innocently 1 enough when I got in· te rested in <'ombinlng art witb words. and • bought a rubber stamp a lphabet." the en - thusiastic hobbyist said • ) THAT WAS AN anti· que s ignmarJ<er set of the type used by little corn er stores to list good s and pnces and she played with it. mak· ing s igns and greeting cards "I n lhe ro llow1 ng years 1 looked for other a lp h abets. and ran across single !>lamps that interested me." she continued. "A couple of years ago I really started getting s tamp rever and dis· covered, mostly through word of mouth. little companies that made unusual stamps for peo· pie like me." For people like her . and for others they hope will catch the fever, Ms. Miller, 33, and fellow s tamp buff Lowry Thompson, 24, have written a book, "The Rubber Stamp Album." IT COVERS TH E whole range or the art form, from the history of rubber stamps and lists of companies that sell the more than 5,000 diffe rent commercially available designs or make them to order, to instructions on making your own. and sugges· lions as to how to use them. "If you put a stamp in someone's hands they'll become addicted," Ms. Mlller s ays. "It's nice to get the Instant gralifica· lion r rom c reating ( Horoscope ) MONDAY JAN. 15 22>: Spotlight on desire, By SVDNri OMARR friendship, fulfillment of ARIES CMarch 21· hopes and aspirations. April 19>: Stress on You locate escape ability to dramatize, to hatch. You no longer are illustrate meanings, trapped. beliefs. Look behind the SCORPIO <Oct . 21· • scenes. Be alert to sub· Nov. 21 >: Accent on pre· ~ tie nuances. · stige, pride, standing in TAURUS <April 20· community, recognition, May 10>: Practical af· chance for promotion. r a i r s do m i n a t e Be ready for change, Separate fact from fan: variety, travel, gain cy, steer clear of wishful ~hrough writing, read· thinking -select quall· mg. ; ty material and build on SAGITl'ARIUS <Nov. solid structure. 22-Dec. 21 >: You get GEMINI CMay 21 · message whfch makes June 20>: Finish what you feel needed, warm. you start -tie loose Family .. situaUon" lm· ends. Aries, Libra figure proves. T aurws, Libra prominently . Cl1ture prominently. CAPRICORN CDec. CANCER (June 21· 22·J a n. 19): You're on July 22>: Emphasis on brink of discovery. Very gain throuah new start Important that you freab vantage point'. perceive in realiatlc Leo, Aquarius pertoni U1ht -the sky la the fi&ure prom.loently. limit If you avotd footin1 LEO <July 23·Aug. yourself. 22>: You know wh at AQUAalUI <Jan. 1hould be done -do It. 20· Feb. 18 >: Study Hunch pays otr -you Capricorn meua1e. can make valuable con· Emphasll on contracte, tact•. You will be at 1l1riina le1at papen. ln· rt1htpla~atri&httlme. d1vldual who m1ku Cycle bJah -popularity oany promlaea may lncre1,., mean well, bul could ftaGO (Auf• D&pt. lack fluneee. 22>: Empbu'4 on COit.i Pl8CE8 <Ftb. 19· • bud1et, Hcretl, or! M.vch 20): Avokl dll'ftt •~,.··-tall conf ronttllo~. Kao.• . at 1 fu c ... B ;uee ·w ~" One ftlUWe, eve fUD play who 1barH 1our ~In· to lntellectual C\01o9.lly. tereata wanta to thow J USU *"" D.()ct, appreciation for l'JC!Dt > • favor • 't . I -I things. and part of It is that stamps make it possible to personalize things. which is nice now that everything is the same. "Even ir it moves you can stamp it," declares the vivacious co-author. who as a gag recently stam ped rites on the cheese at a purty. using edible ink "YOU CAN MAKE your o~n wrappi n g pape r with cards to match. invitations, de- cora te lunch bags for the kids, taltoo yourself. s tamp on g lass o r fabric. And in the hands of artis~. the stamp is an Incredible tool." Ink s are readily available at stationery and office.supply stores in standard colors of black. green, red, blue and purple. Special col· ors a nd types, including edible and indelible ink can be ordered, along with c u s tom ·made stamps. "You can carve your own rubber stamps from an eraser, or you can take literally a ny piece of clear black and white art work a nd have it made into a stamp. The picture can be reduced or enlarged to your s pecir1 calions ... Ms . M Iller says. Ready-made s tamps range from 75 cents to about $6, whlle cus tom· made ones run from $3.SO to about $8, she says . You c an personalize a name and address stamp with any art work that appeals to you. adds Ms . Miller. whose own a ddress stamp has a ran blowing across the letters. AMONG TH E s tamps s h e always carries is one bearing a little sign board that says "A Good Place to Eat" and. she explains. "When I go to a place I enjoy. I stamp it on the check." Ms. Miller spent many hours in the Library or Congress. researching the history of the rubber stamp, which was in· vented in the mid·l860s . She and M s. Thompson. who both worked in publishing and who own several thousand pi cture stamps a nd a wide number of alphabet sets between them. quit their jobs to work on the book. Now they 're s tarting a newsletter caJled "rub· ber-stampmadness." ady to sell it ... but 1t knows. We bought a four. wheel drive about seven years ago and there is nothing you can say to me that will convince me that car didn't un· derstand every word we said. A lot of marriages between new cars and owner s are made an heaven. Maybe that's why we couldn't get parts. The honeymoon las ted exactly three hours. Then the light knob fell off in our hand, the rear window went down automatically and stayed there. and the floor burnt our reet up. We didn't talk trade-in in front of the car ror almost a year. Then one day my husband said. "Maybe we should trade in this clinker while it is still running.·· We climbed in the car and the motor refused to turnover. After we bought th~ new battery, we figured we might as well use up our investment. So we hung in there until seven months later when my husband said, "As long as we've got the original tires. we might as well turn it in." At that pre· E,...a B0911Jeelc One day I just got out or my side of the car in a parking lot and re- marked what a good· looking compact was parked next to us . Our car would not go into re· verse and we had to h a ve it towed t o a garage where they duly recorded on our bill , "Stubbomess : $65." We never knew why the transmission went out suddenly the way it did. We had been very discriminate in pl~cing the ad for the car ih the paper , be ing very careful never to mention it within hearing dis· tance. But by the time the first caller inquired as to when they could see the car and we told them they could view it fro m a rack at Ed 's garage. they backed off. When we decided to trade the car in, we pre· tended we were going to the grocery. Then, at the last minute. we turned into the car lot. The salesman said he had never seen a car with the motor off and the emer gency brake on. roll uphill to smash into a guard rail before. I cannot believe he was that najve. Club Calendar rul'I.! each WedneJday an tM Dally Ptlot and contains nntices of women's and service d ub meetmgs and events /or the following week -Thurs· day through Wednesday Send not1~s to Club Colen· dar. Doily Pilot. P 0 . Bo:f'o 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 He sure to mclude your name and phone number Notrces mu.!t be m our hands two week.s an advance To request a pu:ture. wnte or call IM Feo:ures Department. 642·4321 Ptclures are limited to Jund· roa.sers open to the public "It's devoted to keep· Ing people posted on rubber stamp trivia and what's available and new," Ms. Miller said. "The re are thousands of us stamp freaks, but we didn't know about each other till we started this proj eel. The word spread and we've been hearing from people all over the country.'' clse moment, the left re· ;;::=~:;:;;::;::;;;;:;;;;~=~;:::========:: ar tire expired. RUffEll'S With four new tires, the car had bought itself UPHOLSTERY another year or residen· W... Y• w_. •cy. It was not ready to let us go. The least llltle ttu ::! ..,,.., thing could set it orr. Colt•,...-MS-OHt Teen In Love Can Start Over D E A R A N N Most girls go through LANDERS: Often. adul~ this agony many times express their feehngs m before they find the y~ur c_olumn. I hope you right one. So If any of will give a teen·ager a you out there are sitting c~ance to do the ~ame. around feeling ml~era· Raghl now I am in the ble because you're suf. ~~mps becall!e of a guy ferln g from a split . d 1 need tD share my please know you are not thoughts. alone. I am with you. Yes, a teen·ager can Let's put our heads on be, in love. I'm sure or it. straight -right now - It s . bavln~ all those this very minute and special feelings for one start all over. -GOOD· person and sort ot buJld· BYE DEPRESSION, Ing your. whole world HELLO SUNSHINE around him. You have GOO your little quarrels but DEA!l DBYE , it's wonderful when you HELLO. Thank you lor k Y • t barta1 JOG.f luermost ma e up. ou re s ure feeUns• ID an effort to nolhina can really help oar titter tuf· separate you. T hen, Y , when you get to the reren. I ID sun YoU 1uc· point where all you want ceeded. A•• Lallden were born with a harelip, it was a gross Insult. Perhaps you think l 'm too sensitive but I put up with ao much cruelty from children when I was growing up that I don't think I ahoul<\ have to ta ke any more . What's m ore, adults should have more sense. TV Is such a powerful force that once a re· mark like that Is made the damage ts done and unfortunately , lbere la not a damn thing you can do about It. But thanks for listening. Ann . I feel be tte r already. -S.S. OF SUBURBIA DEAR S.S.: Any de· rogatory remark about a handk1pped pel'llOll II In extremely poor taste -and yoa CAN do 1ome tbln1 aboat It. Write to &be IPOf\IOr of tile program and tbe preeldeat ol &be nttwortt and complabt. The con· 1amer It ldJll -U only laeknewlt. to do ls be with him and D E A R A N N nobody el&e -it hap· LANDERS: I em a 43- pens. He decides l t year.old wom*'n, happl· would be best to end the ly married to a good relationahlp. Hl1 re· man. Recently I saw a uons? Well, you don't movie on ttlevlalon with undent.and. But they're a beautilul young atar.-:1 HIS reUODI and t.bat'a In one scene tbe 1tar . * m , that. and her c o ·orllce E ' ~ Even wone la. wh n he workers ftre 1ouiplnt ) NEWPORT'S doesn't have th~ gut.a to about the oUice Don· • ten you and Juat stops Juan. One 1trl said, Favorii te Drug Store :.J cal11n1. All you can do Is ·'That cuy would klH I? " y alt around and cry. You any dame between 18 .A 1 .4 wait -thlnk:ln1 maybe and.'° ao loaa u ~~· ~., For llost Del•llY 't' he'll cha.nae hi• mind. didn t have a hu.llp. Suddenly you realize b.e l reMnled that at.ate· won't and that'• Yl'hen ment u belDI 1'norant )'OU ctve up booo. You and burtl\al. For the ma· tblnk you'll die of _ ~· A_: ...... atlon broken he ut, but It '"lf"u fwlnYJ" somehow you 10 on ll•· but for MY.-al thoulano 1o1. }people like mJHlf, who • -. . . . READING Tl P• H ~ tlllld hat I rtlldlflQ • PIOO!em Ulelt is only 001 plO lo like him Ind IN! I to ' P()W(llttNE READING CUNIC fne ~T"*'t. 962·3286 EVENINGS ---.............. -~~-..... . , h n ' ' d 1, . . TV ACTRESS SUnday. January 14, 1979 DAILV P:LOT 07 Hottest Young Star On The Tube c. CBSCave Ger 1 Million But Kristy till H(Uj 'Normal' Life HOU.YWOOO <APl Wbo'1 lbe hollelt ,ouna t.ar In teltivlston No tOl'llelt It •1 Kriaty Mc Nichol She won ttn Emmy l"'·o ~a alt r h r lMh blrthduy I t Y\'ltr for hitr role u Buddy on AB '1 "l''amtly " One ... ~·a 1&.laey would Just about put hu throu•b a pnostl11e private .-inn.a.Ly • Sb ·a bttn IJ\ l'Ao TV mov1H so far thl1 • ... aon. and u 100n ••ah~ fanlJb "FamUy" ln Jmuary, ahf!'U &lar "llb Tatum O'Neal an the lllm "Ut&lr Darllna " TMn he ma.Ices anoth r _.;, tn ht"r $1 mllhon, ravc-pacturt-contract wUh CBS HE AND ttEa brotht-r, Jimmy, have a bot new POP.ruck a!bum, and then-'» lulk or a movie THIS SEASON SHE CONFRONTS SEX Kristy McNlchof Stars In TV'• 'Family' with her own idol, John Travolta. Remember an early epiM>de or "Family." when Kristy took the car out for a spin? She could hardJy see over the steering wheel. Kris· ty, at 16, has her own Champagne Edition Scirocco. Kristy is ~rowing up before our eyes. Bud· dy. who seems just barely into puberty. is sud· denly confronted this season with sex. A new boyfriend, played by Leif Garrett, wanted her to sleep with him. She said no, but in "LitUe Dari· ing, •' she says yes. "I think w 'ro handllnl( her arowtn"' UP reall1tlHlly," aaya Kristy, looltina hkc a tlny. brown .. yed fawn Sbt• Uv in t.bo Sao Fernando Vulh.•y wat.h her moth r . (.'arollYt~. and 17-y ur old Jlmft\Y 11111 uctlnai curc~r tius sudd nly got tc-n hot. too. maldn1 them u tffn-4lU Jane and Pelc-r t'c.md • ~ Shlrlt-y Mur Ll.une and Wtarren Ut•.itty H~r cto..•1t M nd tti numcd Karen. und IR ht•r -.ta1vMn on ~rualon. Karen went with h.er 4.0 Ge(lratu for NBC'11 "Summl'r of My Germlln Soldier" nd wall go with her to l''londu ror 'Little Darltn1ot · "I PL.A\' A tough tomboy Crom a poor Cami I>." :.he s uys, "Tait um 1s n ch and sweet. Wt• ml'\•l ut u summer camp We don't like each olhl•r aUlnil. then we huve a halurtous lime " Sht> t"ull$ 1t "Smoky and the Bandit" for ktd1t. "but not 41:s ('Orny " It will bt' Kristy's b1gg st role yet an J lh\•atricul film She was Burt Reynold& daughter to "The End" and had a small role m "Black Sunday" that was cut from the movw before 1t was releai.t.'<I IT'S BEEN s uggested that Kristy is bemJ;! pushed to do too much too fast She shakes her head emphatically "( always want to do what I do," s~c says "My Mom and I talk and she usually goes along She's nev<•r forced me She's great." ··Mom rcadi. the script&." Kristy s ays Shl' read 'Summer of My German Soldier ' She said I'd have to go away for a month, but that It would lX' good for my career to do a film or this kind I s:ud l didn't want to go away ror <1 month "She said, 'Trust me, it'll help your career · She said Karen could go with me. I went. and I was n 't happy at first. It was really in the boon- docks. Then I got to know everyone. And Mom was right. A FEW YEARS ago, she was just another kid. "Nobody knew me. I went to school, fool · ball games. came home, watched television, and ate. "My Mom was working In movies and I said I wanted to work. She started taking me on in- terviews. l spent a lot or Ume in traffic. It was a bummer. Then I got a commercial." More commercials followed, then a regular role on "Apple's Way,'' guest shots on ·'The Bionic Woman" and "Starsky and llutch "That brought her to the attention of Spelling- Goldberg Productions , makers of "Family .. "I DON'T THJNK I've missed anything in life," Knsty says "I've gained. I'm lea min~ so much wtule I'm younl(. "I lead a normal life at home. I swear ln . TODAY'S CID I SID ID PVIZLI ~n ACROSS 78 Greek letter 1 Hag 79 Machine gun 6 Tumbler 80 Derision 11 Per1ormed 82 Father 18-fours a3 Mislay t1 Habituate 85 Girl's name 22 Smooth 87 Fondle 23 Tomato 88 Heavy cotton paste 90 Greek phys1-24 Dodge c1an 25 Ma's mate 91 Uncooked 26 Blbtlcal pro-92 Food fish noun 93 Lady soldier. V Lava Abbr 28 Coll. deg 94 Fume 29 Fleshy fruits 95 Tn te 30 State· Abbr. 96 Clorh fold 31 Pnnt meas-100 Table part ure 101 Peevishly 32Conclude 105 Dueling 34 Let borrow sword 38 Existence 106 Cote sound 38 Chunk 107-prize 40 Toe: Scot 109 Man's nick· 41 Female ruffs name 43 Tart 110 No: Scol 45 Pile 111 Japanese 47 Miscalculate mile 48 Relish 112Got up 49 Hold 111 114 Gym pacJ 2 words 115 Persia 52 Russian 1 ttl Verdi opera despot 117 In a tumble. S4 Earth goo-J words dess 121 Artilleryman 58 Mongohans 123 Peruvian 59 Mirth mountains 61 Hibernia 124 Installed 63 Piece ot mu-125 Horn sound sic 127 Sulk 67 Oak nut 128 Important 68 Corrects 129 Journey 70 Molar miser-131 Opening tes 133 Furniture 72 Sllenl item 73 Gypsy horse: 135 Starchy Var luber 74 Anger 138 Appendage 76 Cornered 140 Spruce n Wtre serv. 142 Grafted: Her. 143 lenglh 20 Doctrine 97 Concerning measure 33 -profundls 98 Needy 147 Fuss 35 Pitcher han-99 Male turkey 148 Resource dies 100 Abatement 150 Shoal 31 Harden 101 Trout 152-bowl 39 Colllded 102 Mean 1S.. Armed con-40-deum 103 Oppressed lllct 42 Partake 104 leaven t55 Calcium 44 Appcrtlons 108 Attributes symbol .e Separate 108 Valise 158 Excl1matlon 48 Metal 109 Feigning 157 Avalanche 50 Sea eagle 112 Declare 159 Siiicon aym-51 Cyst 113 Seth's son bol 53 Uproar 115 Habituate 160 At home 55 Highway 116 Wrathful 161 Sun deity 56 Oomestl-118 Broadway hit 183 Sailor's slg-cated 119 German king nal 57 Critical 120 Numskull 1~ lnnuil hul 58 Complete 1~2 Bow 166 Girl's name 60 Decree 123 Verb form 167 Incline 62 Scandinavian 126 Flood 169 Farewell: Sp. &4 Exclama11on ·128 Functions 171 Wee 65 Tantalize 130 Quarterback, 172 Ignited again 66 Poplar tree al limes 113 Salecrackers 68 Bellicose 132 Bind 174 Tall tales gOd 134 Tncks DOWN 69 Theater sign: 135 Unspoken 1 Windshield Abbr 1J8 Apcthegm 71 Join 137 Right-hand 2 Silly 73 Burgeoned page 3 You. II. 75 Earth Olal. 139 Popular girl 4Weep 7'9 Donkey 141 UntlcJy 5 Boot feature sound 14• Disgust word 6 Peek 00 Auto style 145 Synthetic 7 Headliner: 91 Stair posl labnc 2 words 83 Maiden 1"6 Metal waste 8 St. 84 Chemical 148 Sailor's word 9 Dotted ending 149 Cultivate 10 Slit 88 Trieste 151 Rasp 11 Mollity measures 153 Salver 12 Actor's s1g-87 ''Ulalume" 156 Eternity nal poet 158 Agnus - 13 Snare 89 Find fault 182 Alaska 14 Weird 90 ertttsh mountain 15 Abandon prison 165 French art•· 16 Soccer great 82 Cupt>oarcJ cle 17-Gabor 94 Smile 188 Sliver sym· 18 Chinese pa-95 Grain god-bol god a desa 170 Negative 19 Notions 96 Think prefix 11 I II It THEATRES-ORANGE CO SENIOR OTIZEffS $2.00 SO. COAST PLAZA . Mii llrilttl St ~~2111 llll PAJlllll 'IHMUDA TRIANGLE" IGI -ATS-t to&tto IA T /1U>6-I ·J4. f .f MO ,AS~ nairn SO. COAST PLAZA ;, .. ,,, .. , .... .... ,, __ ,_, , .. , .. " CINEMALAND q ,. 1'1' S. Nntr W'tlll U$ llGI 110 PillllK "HltMUDA TltlAHGU" 0 IGI CINEMALANO ' • 141 u •. ..,., .... P$-7'11 ""'"'"" "GOIN' SOUTH" lf'GI .... IA,,.._ .. , .. .,.... 40 "MUltDB IY OU TH" ,,..,, ..... UT,,_.J~1-llllt ®NOONE UN0£A It AOMtntO tAoe ttm~ mow ••rv '" CMtalf\ •t•••f AU. am N//O Ill 'lli.tt AlCC IV( THI 8'M. Cl" THI MOTION PICT\IAE COOi OI NV lltOIA.A flOH If your anchor's away tou can find • ~· _ " t ft~· 0 •Yi'W'W" HIU'-ts of tM Di iiy f'llot 642·5'71 Ood! I lead o normal lite. My Mom wouldn't havo It any other way." Quinn Cummlnca. from "The Goodbye Olrl.'' we added to the cast lhb year. Kristy aays she doesn't think the producers hired Quinn tn case she leaves. "I have no thouaht or leaving 'Family."' CHEWING ON a fingernail. Kristy says her lfV tastes run to "I Love Lucy," "The Pllntst.ooes:· "Tile Brady Bunch.'' "Donny and Marie." "Mork a nd Mindy,'' "Charlie's Angels." and "Starsky and Hutch." Her idols are John Travolta and Andy Gibb She's seen "Saturday Night Fever" six times and "Grease" seven times. She 's met Travolta and finds him "nice. but kind or quiet." There's talk of doing a movie with him. "It won't be a love story,'' she says "1 don't want to do anything now involving sex with an older man. That's kind of icky. Look at me! l haven't even developed yet.·· "THE KING AND I" FEBRUARY 23 •....... $26.00 "ANNIE" MARCH 23 ............ $28.00 "Seven Brides For Seven Brothers" APRIL 27 .............. $22.00 ''FAMILY FUED" (TV SHOW) FEBRUARY 12 ........ ~.SO Tickets Include bua ride to Hollywood Call (714) 964·1C>e5 for Information I MAGIC NOW BRISTOL CINEMA UA CINEMA Costa Mesa !>40 7444 wes1mins1er Mdll 89.l 0~46 CINEDOME 01ang11 634 2~~3 STADIUM DRIVE-IN Orange b39 8 7 70 r 0'1 OR"''<C.C CO\IN n PllOGAA ... '"'0AMA 110 N CAll ~j· 'AH ACAOEMY ll(Ml(llS ,_. ur9 _, \'W ... 1 .... I • .., ,.,ttr- B :::THE ERMUDA TlllAN&LE IAIED ON THE BOOK IY CHAllLU 8EAllTZ r.rG t~\ ,...,.o .. ao--~~ !!W .,.,, .... c ............. ,_ SPECIAL UMrTED ENGAGEMEHTI Held Over 2nd Big Week AT A THEATRE OR DRIVE-IN NEAR VOU SOUTH COAST PLAZA, Coate Meaa 546-2711 CYPRESS. Cyprea1 828-1800 FAMILY TWIN, Fountain Valley 9e2-1248 VILLA PARK, Orange 839--00ee CINEMALANO, Anaheim 835-7901 VALLEY VIEW, Garden Grove IM-5338 PARADISE, Long Beech 429-5117 ANAHEIM OA.-IN, Anaheim 179-tlSO FOUNTAIN VALLEY OR-IN, Fountain Valley H2·2411 GROVE, Garden Grove 537-6800 ORANGE MALL, Orange 837-G340 LOS ALTOS OAIVE·IN, long Beech 42Hl831 OM.YIUHN~MSSllACC:Un.O c:1nename 6 scAeen 63U 2553 (OmPLEX C111pm1n Aff &. S..nt1 An1 "'"*All' MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "KING OF THE GYPSIES" (R> "LOOKING FOR MR. GOOOBAR" (R) "MAGIC"(R) "PARADISE ALLEY" 'PG) "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR" (PG). "PINOCCHIO'' CG) "REVENGE OF THE PINk PANTHER" <PG> - "FORCE TEN FROM NAVARONE" "HALLOWEEN" (R) "NATIONAL LAMPOON'S ANIMAL HOUSE" "AMERICAN GRAFFITTI" <PG> "MOMENT BY MOMENT" "HOUSE CALLS" (PG) "MAGIC" "EM8R_vo·· (A) "UP IN SMOKE" . "BLACK~· ~·~nu NO\o\·PIA\'l""C CUtlDOMl U.t CllltMA lOWAMll' MAllBOll Orange 634 25S3 Westmln .. tlf 193 OS46 ~IA Mes.t 6'6 0~1:; lllU PWA Btu ~29 ~3J!I MOtto#ltt , ...... 00 .... .,., ......... >• .. ,., .. "• i l.9i?O ~Ri_,;g~ T-- MON f "'-1 .. t. I )9 •Ct °"1 ........... ,, U'SU-tJ U >•• edw.ards SRISTct CINEMA •• • •• .. " -_S40 744:!,. -- Anthony Quinn Jennifer O'Neill "CARAVANS" floet.AT LOGAN "W11der· MH Family Part 2" ..iue ''\Jll IH • IMOKr I • J I t I , ,. h n ~ \. d I. .. I -DAILY PILOT Sul'lday. Januaty 1•. tl7t Bellzapoppln Charles Repok's 'Period' Look Busts Loose In 1928 'Whoopee'. By MAaY AMPBE.U. NEW YORK <AP I Charles Repole'a apartm l\l waa rob~d o b ended up on Broadway. He \\'U the 1tor of the how. lOO, £ddlt In "Ver)' Good, Eddltt." Now b '• headed for Broadway aa•ln "Wboo I .. wUI open ll th ANTA Tbeal~r In F~bruary. with R pole In the role Eddi Contor did 1n um R pole's firal JOb wu ln th chorus or th tourina rompany or "GC'Orge M" In 1989. Then b WH ln "G~ r1i1e M" as dance Ind. with Joel Or y stamna and mo t of lh Broadway u•t. In summt-r sl()('k In Ohio. II last how. 1n 1972. waa a part 1n "1776. · •ll an WJth Grey, •R•ln summer tOt'k in Ohio THEN Ht: ' T out tht' rt""lt ut the year. aet Una only chonJ.S offer A tlol tra Uruvtra1ty acting tearher hud told him that wbt'n you work your elf out or the rhorus you can't go back And Repolti thouahl h" w1111n't a good enough dancer for o chorus Mnt•. anyway He hadn't taken as much 48 o Lop lesson as a child. "I'm a character actor and a good charactt>r dnncer I'm small. not a leading man. not really a Juvenile It' u questio~ of how man~ parts are avo1lubl~ and how many people you know and know you · · Grey asked n1m to be stage manaeer for has nightclub acl nnd he did lbal ror a year, think ang that stage manaRmg is a good route Lo becoming a director He directed in community theaters and choreographed a college produc- tion. He was stage manager for Ben Vereen's nightclub act when he got a phone call from Nf'w York. "Your ap~ment bas been robbed. TV, clothes -everything." BACK IN New York, a director Repole had met in the past heard about the robbery and threw a "cheer up" party for him. Repol~ and the director. Bill Gile, got reacquainted. Gile of· fered more help. paying Repole $100 to do some choreography for a show he was worki ng on. T hen. watching Repole work with d~ncers, · Glle decided he had a "period face." Gale sug. It takes someone very special to help )'OU forget someone very special I YP!H "°) ()lrl:,t j:"'~~IJI i ".i'h1 tz' YlffR ~,;,!ft.I fii1;1 .... -..... ' • ~--...... ~- -.rll CGUT BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN C4*I Mesa (714) 546-2711 Buena Park I 714) 821·4070 UA TWIN "8 " FASHION SQUARE • •~tmlnSl!'r f 114) ll'IJ-IJOi La Hllbnl C71'1 &91..oi.33 ~ &lft!M llUA,li • llOtCXlll" .-• • .... __.._ .... ___ .,._...,_, ....... N OW Pl AYING ·a..., .............. ... .-11. ... ates• two lultdl• )llltbeyalll ........... - Charles Champlin. L.A. Times Ellen Burstyn NOW PLAYING Alan Alda IDWMDI' NEWPORT Newport Beach 644-0760 "'' 1\\ l'I \\I .... <. CllmlAWUT lJM • Wtltmlnst., (714) 892-4493 Newport BNch (714) 673-8350 . • BROADWAY STAR FAVORS EDDIE CANTOR Actor/Sfnger ChartH Repole In NY ~estt-d that he audition ror "Very Good. Eddie," a 191 7 Jerome Kern musical being revived al the Goodspeed Opera House m East Haddam . Conn. Uepole auditioned and got the part. "EDDIE' WAS a piece of fluff," Repole says. Then. on the last night of the run, producer David Merrick saw the show. lie decided to take 1t to Broadway. Two weeks later contracts were signed and 10 days of rehearsals began. MOVIE FIRM SEEKS 1200 EXTRAS Casting now for ma1or ftlm comedy. urgently needs males wl1h short hair. women: pretty. fat & ugly. doctor & nurses types. Exceoi1ooal career oooortun1ty 10< those w1shrng to break rnto 1he movie business. S20.S200 per day + restdual poss1bllrttes Now 1n our 4th year VIDEO CASTIHG SERVICEC714t 761-1244 Hot A S...., Hot A ~hoal HELD OVER! ' "I JUST LOVED THIS MOVIE!" -Judith Crist Franco 81 11~01i'r. 0 BEST FOREIGN FILM OFTHEYEAA!" -Ar<:N• Wonsten NY Po~t Stoning Nino Moulredi and Anno Konno. A World Nc:>rtMi Film. , 1/~'f' ~ 1D ~ ~/IU'(u. I ~""'''""""'"'"° __ "' ....... """"'•O&f.CHa CM()jllj()"'"' -•\ ,_..,. .. CHU CH A CtlOfilO .,._ • c. c. 'UP 111 llMOllE" w .. -·-..... .,..,. ......... ~tdUfll ·l~flt~ flt~ I~ fhfA.,,.. Virtu ally overnight. a fte r three prevlews. "Very Good. Eddie" opened on Broadway Dec. 22. 1975. It ran until September. LaJt winter, when the Goodspeed Opera House atarr decided to revive "Whoopee!", they 1mmedlately thought or Repole. their 1ucceaaful "period farfll." "Whoopee!" was a Flo Ziefeld show. five boura long. REPOLE IS enjoying "Whoopee!" "It's fun because I get to be big. I don't ha ve to be re· served. I don't have to watch my posing. I don't have to be 1917. ln 1928 you could do anything. It was a 'Hellzapoppin' time. ·'Some or the Jines you must inflect up. because that's the way they're written, but l don 't want to play it like Cantor. We're not do· Ing his life story; we're dolng a play he did. . "I HAVE SIMILARITIES to Cantor: I don't try lo deny that. My movements are very quick -staccato. My eyes are big. 1 have a high and clear voice, which be did ." Re pole would like to become a director. after about 10 more years of performing. For his next role he'd like a smalJer part -less pressure on him -in a nonmusical play. Repole says, "Once you do a Broadway show. you are able to work.·· He made a few TV commercials and a director who had seen him in "Very Good. Eddie" hired him to be Ogg in "F inian's Rainbow" last summer at Jones Beach 'Theater on Long Island. "OGG IS A perfect part. You have three songs a nd fi ve scenes. You work hard and have lotsoftimetoresl. "And you're green and you have pointed ears ." "It may be the besr movie of its kind ever made:· ............... Ot'11'91-• =::J... ... I ' . TIClllCOLOr _.,. U.-'CllyC.. ....... , .., .... a....,.... ..... ,,...... ...... Dr... ...,.. ..... CIMllM c-..,........, II.A......... ..., s a s cllR.~I .. , BAOAOW,6Y -MN .,... au nu casn CAU101MA sum '"' ld•wt•..-..... .,. ..... CUNT IASlWOOO IVllY WNtCH WAY IUT LOOSI !NI ,., .. ~111M!U..:•J ' 11:00 I.I.I . TOUUIN'S lOID OP THI llNOS 1..01 1211MltUH 1'JM lll & IO:JO --~~r---:,-....,-:--""'\ I09IMll WMH.Ue e UOMUO 'fUllOT •"-INVASION OP THI 213tS31·t~ IOOY SNATCHIU1..01 ·a1 .~.io1 11 .. J e I ... e JrJO e l tOO 6 IClitJ MM MM ,... au tfAll our CAL.lfOaNIA sum'"' 11:•. "' ............ & •.» CUMf UITWOOO IVllY WHICH WAY IUT LOOM IN I ,,.. • 11ao • a.oo • 1.ao • 10,JO "MATIOHAL LAMf'OOM'S AMIMA&. HOUSE• ,.,. • t::M 1oAT~l:IWll_l .. 7:M;+..H ,._., •••Ollfn , ...... , IS IACl!l ---·-··•Mrlt' ... ,,,..._,...._,. IOMYMOP.U.US nwo ACTON Hml CYCU ..Ulll '"'' MAO WHllU 111 ITM O"ttlM e ~ lllHMN OUYll'S STOllY INI PlUI OUTLAW llUISC"l IM ifil·I ::1oE.:, I.I.I. fOUJIWf LOii Of nl ... ,., PUii .................. '", CUNT W 'IWOOe ....., Wdl ~ ... '-tfM) TMI GAUNTUT111 CUNT W 1WOOlt """ .... ~ ... '-tlNI TMI MUNTLIT111 twO ...... "'°' ""'' llUI COLLAll111 11\UI WHICH WAY IS UP?111 Ml ttMCMT CAUfOtlNIA tum 11\UI , ....... "" ... ,...,... fLllH ..-DM111 .... M 1U MACt llUll fl1 -Ml ..... COlllMI,.. -••11n1.,..111111 '"" mt OI UUIA MAll111 ' - ., ' b n " d '· I I i I t l I I I ( ,-. ! \ . . I INSIDE: • Business • Rea l Estate • Consumer • Stocks DAILY PILOl You I You r ltf One g ___ c, Blaek Magie Made Here Mesa firm manufactures key to tougher; lighter planes, tenn is rackets1 • By TOM 8ARLEV Of ... °"''' .. ~ ... ...,. . T1mt• ~ "'hen tht• mo t aoph1 t1cated vt·n l ure latUlll Nnrmco, Inc , o( C'OOlta Meu, tn lht• l' rch for bt(hter and allll hghter m1te rtol1 wai. the maoufActu~ or f1bt>r11 rt h1n1 roda To be Urt', the env1ronmPnl surroundlnA t ht' plant at 600 Victorin St w ., hardly <'ulrulut ~ to &pur the "'Orkt.>r of nt>orly 30 ) on aao to frcnz1t'<l t'fCort!> BEAN f'l~LDS 11nd pakh<" of 1•m1p, ~ret>n heullh y lellu<.'l' t-ncloM•d N.1ruwo 'The.> wt>n· i:ood du)s but we \H'r1•n t In a ny hurry .· veteran employet' Oul<' Hlurk happily re<.'all!> But then cam e Sputnik .mrl spare proht•i. A n d . a l m ost ove rnq~ht , Narm co and tho us ands or other plui.tit•i. t>xplorut1on com pan1es "'ere tr ansformed Sc1ent1s ls organlllng lhl• mannt>d and un ma nne d probes· lo the pluneti. demanded materia ls lighte r than the ('onvent1onal metals as they realized that d1st.intl'S \\NC enhanced as payloads were redut ed THE Y GOT WHAT !hey were looking for .i vast a rray of what the tN·hnic1ani. who s ta ff ORANGE COUNTY BUSINESS Of The Week N<1rm co and its competitors describe as ad 'anced composites Many o r thesl' compos ites sta rt life as fibers. seemingly unlike ly materials for use in s upe rsoruc exploration but actually never in· fe n o r and ofte n superior in te rms or duration a nd heal resistance to conventiona l meta ls. Among them 1s graphite a lightweight. synt hetic m aterial that Is known to Nar mco workers as "car bon fibers ." Industria l relations supervisor Ernest L Bridges prefers the latter ter m "Much more accurate and much mor e White-gloved scientist holds p ieces of graphfte compqsite fabric to be transformed by technology into metal-tough airframe p_arts. Vision, Costs · Blurred Focus o n Details for Optometric Exams 8 }' P AT Dl'NN Ol IM Oallf P1lol St..11 1 t 's hard to behcvl• that 52 JX'rcenl of the American population !>pends $6 b1llton annually for a medical l't<.'rv 1r(• and related treatment products that nl'arly twlf o r them do not un· d eri.tand '\-et. :i r<.'cent study conduelt'<I by Chilton Ht's<.'arch Services indicates lh;it 45 perC'cnt of those interviewed did not kno"' the difference betw ee n opto m l'lr i s t s !O . D l a nd ophthalmologists 1 M D > Almost one fifth of the inte rviewees didn't even know what kind or doc· Lor the}' wer e going to ror eye care. T HE AM E RICAN Optometric Association sa ys e very consumer should be aware or what is in<.'lud ed in a complete vision <.'xa mination. but many art• not A professional optometric exam should t.ike from :m to r.o minutes While' !-JX'C'ifi c l<.'-..ts "'II varv. a ll l'\ams s hould include a rev1c\\-of the patient'!> and fa mily's general he alth and <'Ye health history. T he exte rior and interior of the eyes should be <.'hecked for symptoms or (')(' disease or general health problems, such as hig h blood pressure or hardening of the artcri<.'s. T es t s s hould <.'over abili t y to s ee s harply and clearly at near and far dista nces: the presence of nearsightedness. farsightedness or astigmat ism ; the ability to change focus ..... ~ ~ consumer ·· CLOSE·-up--~· easily from near to far a nd vice versa : and eye coordina tion and m us cle function to be cert ain the eyes art' workmg as a team. AOA also recommends a glaucom a test for patie nts over 35 or for those whose health his tory or other findings indicates a need. Age 3 is recommended ror a child's first vis· ion test. It s hould include all of the above tests plus d epth perception. <.'olor v1s1on and motor tests to check eye-hand.foot coordination. When a child's family o r behavior history indicates a nee d . a series of tests s hould be made to de termine if the child has norm al vision skills de · velopmcnt. T HE COST OF A vision exam depends on the number of tests an individual needs, but consumers can comparison shop ror basic ex- a mination fees by phoning several optom etris ts ' <See CLOSE LOOK, P age C2l meaningful." he g rins .· "T he term graphite 1s pr etty loosely used in our industry · Whatever the term. many workers who have watched the developme nt or the revolu tlonary fiber refer to it as "black magic " For. wove n into its finis hed product. 1t can be transformed mto metal-tough airfra me parts that are vas tly superior to qietal m terms of fatigue and heat resistance Scientists know now t t graphite wi ll be the principal ma terial u in the tna nufacture or future commercial a d military jets. I G RAPffiTE COMNllSES one eighth or the mate rtal used in the constr uction or Northrop's re<.'enlly unveiled F -18 Hornet the nC1t1on's most advanced. JllU lti-role tactical fighter Less weight mea ns less cost and less fuel consumption. the exper ts say. And. they add. car bon fi bers result 1n stro'lger structures re suiting in aircraft expecte d to last longer tha r compara bl e metal planes. The names in the Na rm<.'o sales ledgers re fl e<.'t the impact or ca rbon fibers on the na lion 's aerospace industry : Boeing, Loc kheed and General Dynamics Materials ma nufac l ured by Narmco helped to build the Frenr h Mir a ge , that nation's m os t rorm1da blt• Jct fighte r THESE AR E d evelopments to which Na rm<.'o contributed before the Costa Mesa <.'Ompany was taken over by the giant Celanese enter prise. S uch research has gon<.' on while the com pany has worked as a part or the Celanese plastics resear<.'h a rm. But Narmco eyes are now on a U!le of carbon fibers in what com pa ny offi cers ft!el is a wider and more profitable ma rk<.'t the use of A carbon fibe rs by t he nat ion's automobile makers. THE NAMES OF Ford and General Motors are already in the o rde r books And Bridges reels the day is not far off when the demands or Detroit will e xtend such firms as Narmco to their absolute limit. "The e ne rgy crisis is not ~OIOJ! to go a -''ay." he sl{id. "Lighte r cars mea n less fuel consump· tion and car m akers are pretty l'XCiled about the role that <.'arbon fibers can pl a) in the a uto of the rutur<.'.°0 Ford has a lready an nounced pl ans to build a proto-type car with body. chassis and power train com ponents made of carbon graphite IT IS EXP ECTED to weigh 2,500 pounds. about 1.250 pounds lighter than Ford's planned 1979 models built with conventional ma ten a ls The fu<.'I l•conomy target for the new c ar 1s at least 23 miles lo the gallon. That , they say. 1s six miles to the Jla llon better than the fuel e<.'onom y rating for u 1979 production model with a V-8 engine. But. whatever the im pact in the automotive fi eld such firms as Narmco will <.'ontmue to reap the ha rvest available in aerospace a nd the sporting goods industry . GRAPIDTE IS used in the manufact ure of golf clubs. tennis racquets. sailing masts, f1sb· mg rods and bowling balls. "There are man y uses." Bridges sa id "'And <See GRAPHITE, Page C?> Technician compares 10-pound graphite bumper with conventional SS-pound metal ones of same thickness. 'lJw Company Narmco. Inc . 600 V1crona St . Costa Mesa. is a d1v1s1on of Celanese Corp .. 1211 Avenue of the Amencas. New York Narmco forms part of the plastics re- search arm of Celanese and employs 210 worl<elS at the Orange Counfy plant Celanese does not divulge actual Narmco sales or income. Off1c1als expect that · total Celanese sa1es m 1978 will be 1f'fexcess of S2.500 m1//1on with operating income m the v1c1mty of $200 m11/1on Van France shows off classroom at Universfty of Disneyland where chairs bear names of stars who appeared in Walt Disney films. Dean of 'Disneyland U' By PIULIP ROSMARIN Of tM l).tOy ~ilol Stall Van Arsdale France does for Disneyland what Auntie Mame did for horns. "· He coaxes the blues right out or busboys. popcorn vendors and th e lltUe man who picks up what the Percheron horses ten bettlnd on Main Street. Motivator EnricMs Job Erwiroriment 'fhost.' are his official title-. ·Tm a white ('Ollar ~"fer. · to' r n n C' (' d I " u r m I n i;l l v c ~· 11 ~ h1m~t If llt• must b<' Rood :it I'll'• 1oh' thoug h ll<' broke "' Num" Wha t Frnn ce doec;, '" iob orient at1on. HC! 1m presse!-uoon new wo rke rs. a nd «uppor1" mir aculously lo leap from his \eteran employe~s "' their CO"· hand In 1 spinrung a rc to be cepllon .or •I. tha1 D•~n y land FRANCE IS the motivator or caught again without misstng a lsn·t your ordmury bar a nd !ln ll. Disneyland's 7.500 full and part· stroke. Coney li1lund Join• tkne employees, the man who Who raised an apparent r.treet m akes them feel they're part of sweeper from the level of the HE DOF.t' IT throuflh tht. mu . a big show r athe r than just street" France certainly helped cle of pt'r80nnht)' -.. -=~tt+-..,,_ .. " anothf.r .m••••M -· _u ____ .. been ~:~~ ·-~....., ,,,Vance.: appc:i.~ le bt ~dam· Tltat guy In white rt li~ -ro1 -.dADis ncyiann Ct" ntlf>IY tult>11t rhnn""Who•J:e~u10tly r.anta i1n't a 1trctt swec!per. he 's park opened in 1955. and ts llku people He ,, com1ortdb1t> n show business. Just wale~ senior atarr assistant to Dick with st ranacr~. ~ex\.::t a!'t w•tt-that bcltlnd·the·bac~ shot into "-Nunls •• Disneyl&iJd 's txcculiv<' 1 his dustpan, that broom seem vlce president. <S:e" MOTlt'ATOR, Pa1e C:' ' .. (2 ~PILOT Sund•y. J•nuary '"· tll'I• Beal Estate JtlailfJag ••• By ROBE•T J. Ba 0f;AR 80 8 J don 't und n land why you kttp tf'IUna ~Pll' to buy a home or invest· mrnt PfOPl'rlY All thfl Pt"()pl I know who own proptrty are always compla1n1n1 about m11kln& their puym enu. or bavlna lo repair thm11 bkc> It> lty roof or bro« n wut.r ll&~•· N for me. I'd r lht'r pul my motwy In a avtnp c: rtlfit'nk wh re l don't have to worrv a bout ll I think II t.hh, rt'&l Hlatf' busin"a i a bunt•h or roollah~" You'tt Juat like lh tockbrobn who lc~p teolllna peopl to inv l whfn t.h! ru t ~uon ls ~>' want to irl~p eamina thotit-comml.iSU>N Klthenne G. D KA11tt;alNE: Wew! I ..... laad .en ~ jMt a f•w pan1rapM .. C'MVhttt ,... et lM ........... of ttal -..&e 1ne1Ua1. ....-lo t ta tt•I ntaw fw aa., re· ...... lMt two el t.lw •Ml lmpertaat an (I) .. •"1> eked of laRaUoe, Ulll (l) '"""· A .._. adYMlblJ~ la la.t lace.e t.u aavtaa. ••• lmproffd p...,,.rty, Aldi u Man, apartaftU, aad Nmmerdal MINI .... ap. ptttla&e lo aaarket val• at ae .... f t 11 ID· nan .. nw. Mila)' apprttla&e f.att and .-at'• P'lttProflt. 110& your avlnc certllkawe are tottta1 )'H mCMW)' w~ you coaslder our 11 perttat HHal lllllatloaary lou of pvdlalllaJ power ·aad lacome laa on Ute lll&erHt eam1a11. A1 for lllf' t*k market, It's a dlaalter for aaay tnn1ton wlilo bave DO control over tlaelr lo· veatmeata. By lnveltlnl ln IOOd property, tbe owMr f'H toalrol what bappt!M lo It and Ila marlleot vah~. S~ap a"d 0.l#'r T&rft OF.AR BOB We recently llOld aom land in <.'allrom 1u uncJ boul(ht u l'Omrnt1rc1ol build· 1n1 In Ml our1 1·he p roru on the lund 11alt' wu about $12$.000 A frie nd told mti we ('.OUld h n e dritirn.'CI our pror1t lH 1f we had traded the I ind foir th Mtqourt hulldlna and let that ownt•r awll th<' lond I thliw true~ Pltiu11t suy It i.n't OnooM Dt:AJl ORION: Sorry, but It Is true. ("ro l ·C'OUnlry lH·df-f11tmd pl'Opf'rt)' 8Waps art' q•U. ~mmon. To qualify, t.H two pro· pc'rtl~• m•t be "~ kind." That means your SM'notlal ,......lt<'f' can't be lovolvetl with ID· 'Hlmftlt or bulnn• pro~rty tradH. A fart.Wr quallnutlon la Ula& HY "boot" cuaat'1 "-.tlkf' pl"OPf'rty " 1ueb a11 cHh> re· mov.-d from Lt.. tra~ 11 &axablf'. But lf you &radf' llP from a •malJ to a l•rlf' property, mHl tudt tradf'• .,... tu dfff'rtt'd for the "ap lnd•r." \'our tax advls•r tao explain furt!lrr. rgallN> f 'l ow•11 Nol B •d OEAR HOH Wt.• live in a condominium apa rtment building h1~h·r1ae Many or the t.•undo m lruums a rc owned by non-occupant in· vestors who rent their a partments. The lady 1nv~stor who owns the untt next door to mine tells me she loses a bout $75 per month on ber apa rtment The rent is S32S but he r pay ments o n the mortgage. taxe!:t, and upkee p are .... <&bout $400. 8hl' isuy8 Bu\ s he tell& mti she ri1urei. h r condo rent.al I~ llOtng up In value at le111l $5,000 per year I know that's true. Docs It make sense to buy s uch units for ln· vestment prorlts ev('n if the y produce cash losaes? Anthony T . DEAR ANTHONY: UnlU a few years a10. It dld•'t makt much sense to own "negative cub flow,. property Heb a1 )'CMll' Ml~bbor'• condo. But with the ran·away ID· nation of recent years which keeps drlvlng up market values of &ood propertka, many In vestor• have lbade blJ prom s from ne1auve rub now properties at reuJe Ume. J ut last week I talked wttb a YOUI •••· age ZS, wlilo own1 seven aegaUve caala now propertlet. lie ....... excellea& job -- CH affOl'd to make up tbe caah to meet &.Mlr moaUaly e.-n. Bat be views Illa pro· pertlet u a "fortt4 aavtn,. •=" He sell• e.-e every year aod bays r. He Rgarea lll''U be able to retire by age 4t and Uve off bis reaJty lnveatments. ll's for re· 11ons ltu tills lhat people lnvest in n~gatln cash now properties. Mol eb Ca" B e Nlgltl•a~ DEAR BOB· Are m otels a good invest· m ent today? Curt C. DEAR CURT: U you have motel opera· Uon experience, mo&els can be superb invest· ments. Or they can be Z4·bour nightmares if yon don't know bow to profitably operate them. Try managing one before you buy one. BUSINESS GRAPHITE FIBERS AR E WOVEN, BAKED fi'ro• Pa~C I GRAPHITE ... there are certain to be m any more uses as we continue to experiment and refine in this field. We have com e a long. Jong way in carbon ribers .'" Aerosi5hce e ngineers env1s1on a mag1c<1I blac k bird an aircr aft with as m uch as 65 per cent or its s t ru ctu ral we ig ht supplied by graphite It wouldn't surprise the people a t Narmco one bit. fi'ro• P~CI fi'ro• Page C I MOTIVATOR. • • rnends. With 7,500 e mployees. he is exultant a lot. Nearly all o f the m passed thro u g h his "Unive r s ity of Disneyland." an actual "cam· pus" building on the back lot at Dis neyland which France c reat· ed for the orientation, leadership and management development. and communications programs. He's a familiar face : dense da rk brows over amused eyes, a patrician nose. a good chm and friendly mouth. Recently he talked about his work "THE UNIVERSIT\' of Dis· neyland is a training program." France said. "But no body likes to be 'trained'. "We we re the unique pre· r ursor of things like Mac · Oo na lds's 'Hamburger U'. !l's more fun. and 1t works ·'When Dis neyland o pe ned. "nobody really knl'w what we were doing There were n 't a ny other theme pa rks. "In our rirst orientation pro- J(ram. our the me was, 'You Can Create Happiness'." The s logan rs on has orrice wall in a picture take n with Nunis. "I still believe IO it " "IF \'OU ARE c reating happt· ness for o thers." France ex· pla ined the pow<'r of the s logan, ··you 'll be happy yoursetr." Tha t first o rientation was ~lven to Roy Disney Wall's bus1ness-m1ndcd brother -and topexeculives ofthccumpany. Fra nce helped cre ate an at· titude about the park and its husiness that seem <'d to trans- form its nature. C u s tomers w e r e n 't the SUt'ke rs or the sideshow; they w e r e "gues t s ." Employees weren't barkers; they were ·'hosts"' and "'hostesses." A WORK DAY wu11n'l a nothe r ~rlnd . l l w 1u unothcr pttrformunc<' ol lht• "show" and when Uw pork OJ>('n ·d It WUK "furtaln time.•" lri I hf• "Mul(lf' KlnKdOm •. t;mployt•C''K d1dn l M'> tn w11rk. thc•y wert• ··cm 111 u t(n" 'l'lwy Wc>rt.•n 'l 1•v1•n t•ulployt•n. thuy w•·rt' "1tmb1JHOdt1r• ,,, h111;pl n1•111t" h ut•h phi,...., .. huv•· (·omt• In for ct gQod clc-ul of 1 ll1h1ng, mo•t 1;f ll .iood lwurwd, l111tl11t• ur111 1;ulttltlo th•· ""' k llut. 11.ov1•rlt11•h•1t11, thuy lit• m tt> work 'I hul 1tw1· 1HJr I• •tlll mMrllv 11a>l11t1l11u hlK hroom /\ hroom ' fflti\N('ll.'H ~tlll.10HOPllV h1 t'' rt1 ukt• llw "1111;l1;y1•t•11 r't•ull:r.t• th y 11r1• .wllv1• 11111 ll1•lt1u11111 In •II l1111I IHll'!)hlt'KH lflll dt• l>h1 01·~lund 111111 h1 m t•liNlnH up ull Uu11 doom ond Mloom of lht• rf!ul y.iorlll 11 .. '''"'"""' lllu• lo •II 111tlll for lonl( llt• llkt•11 to wulk ur1111nd while• lw l11lka. to ~tt•t out Into the• 1111rk li t' 111 1111 1n1111(1• rnuk1•r or wwut1lnt•H11 uncl ll l(ht who d1W11n't hill. l'c•h•f J'un pldtcln, nnd hi• .. normouKI)' frlti ndly munnrr h•k"" llw 11tlna out of his <ror lht• I> I 11 tll' v Inn cl 1 m11 ~1• 1 l'I u II y lt111M L111614' ''ONF. (W MV m uln 1&oals In Jtrc• " fo'runc1• 1111ld . • • 1,. to llkt• ltw t1t"rvlllty out of 11e>r vlfC1." tit• t)t1lnt11 oul lhot 11arvlr t' lob11 hovt• h4i<'omo lht' domlmmt lntJr~dlenl or lnbor: wr've movc-d from un Snduatrhd 1oclrny. Jl'ronce 11uy11, to 1 aervka 10<'1ety. rowland Terrace is a s hort but heavyset fire ball or a m an. John Catapano. Outside Dis neyla nd, this man would be one for a ne w employee to rea r. Inside Disney land. this m a n 1s the center or a cocoon of a ffec- tion. AJJ the people in the know here call the place he manages, "Catapano's Kitchen." "There's a feeling of together· n ess here , of natural un· derstanding," Fra n ce said between gulps of a pre-packaged sandwich. "Johnny Catapano ·s birthday is a big cele bra tion "WE'RE ALWAYS try ing to find ways lo make the work more run." Besides birthday parties, there are potlucks at work and an inordinate a mount or partying together after work. There is a Club 55· e mployees who ina u,:?ura te d Dis neyland who st ill work the re. France wants to plan a re· union or Disneyland alumni some day. It would mean invitations to some interesting people. Steve Martin once worked in the Main Street magic s hop , pro football quarte rback Jim 7.om used to c all the signals on the river raft ride; Ron Ziegler cruised the jungles of Advcn turela nd bcfort> his less !>Ul' cessful navigation of politic~ SINGING GROUPS like thl' C arpenters and the Os m ond Brothe rs tested their pipes in public first at Dis neyland. "Three ye ars aRo." he said. "(•very body was talkinJ.t a bout job enrichment. People ha ve been told educatton 1s supposed to be run. "But I don't care where you work. every job has Its share ol frustration. You can't enrich all 1obs, but you can enrich the job environment." France chuckled nbout th" young employc.'11; the uverawt• age here is 25. lle'i. 66 "Tllf: RF.GINNING o f lhl' 11ummc•r IA like "The• J)utlnf( Gumc' When 1t ('om1•11 to loh t•nrl<'hmt1lt. wh11t r on tw mor1• c•nrlrhlna for mt·n lhun wom1•n. for worrwo th1u\ m<'n ·r" Morion Hc hw11 r hk i1, 11 11111pt•rvl•or u t C'11tup u no'11 f<lt C'han. wryly 11.cn·c·d "I c·un tell within u l'ouplt• 11( we• k11 who'• tt1111nw wh<un, hy doy otr r1•qut1•l• " Alh1r lunc•h, f•'rnnC't• w11nt1'fl 111 wolk .omo rnorc• ln11ldt• th•• 1lork "1'11rt of llw fun of worklnJ( tlf1rt•," ht• Kllld , "h• lhul you'r11 worklnj( rloKc•l y with ttw llf'Olllt• f hr at111tu1t•c1 ul I hl• 1111rk vhc lion I. one.I tht• 1'4'0plt• lift• fun "ONF. 11llNCa I Ilk•· to 1111, ill •"t out ol tht• offlc''· und l11lk 111 ptiople, und AN• th•• 11111k , throul(h M>~nt• 1•l1w '11 c•yc•11 " Ile dtmon.irotr tl 1h111, nltntreth<'f nRturullv, "" tw walked llo 11potlt'd 11 hoy I 11kln.c u pholOHruph or o younl( c•11u111t•, ond ofter tht• boy wm1 th• 011.ch l"rnncc• 11klp1x'<I forward to oftor to tRkc Uw camt'lrn 110 1111 thrc•c• could be In tht• 111mt• pklurt• II lum('(f oul lht• c·ouph• 111111 lht• boy wcrt' .'llron.i1•r11, thf'v had ni.kcd h i m 10 do wh11 1 Fr nnc<' wns voluntC'crln~ to do llt-didn't tokt• lhl•lr 1;lr tun• but they ull hod " l(OOd IAUHh J FRANCE BROUG HT mo~ aood ll'lU(thter to M>mtl peoph• on a troll•)' car. T he OpMulor ui.lcecf Yran~ tr ht'! hnd o 11000 time on New Year'"· "Sixty pcrrt1nt of the Jo~ l<>· dA)' at Ol1n .. yl11nd and In Oran•o Couhty didn't tixl1t 25 yeari. 1!11'0 .. 11~· wandered over lo Tomor rowland for o '"b1u~k11ta11t ''Q lunch ut lh<' Tomorrowland Tcr <11c.:~ a ru t food• Jo lnl to th ~utaldtt nd walked rtphl Into a functlonll'\I cxampl o how et· Utude can tr rufor~ ~rcepUon o( a wttrkJn1 rpvtronmttnl F'rance put on an old min o<'l and bfllk>wed. "1 waa • real J>Ar ty pooper. 1 didn't even •lay up • ror Ouy Lombardo " Tht m1na1 r of Tomor H.-walked over to anotht'r back1t11e area wh r con11tru<' tlOI) nrtn w re workln1 on • oow Mint Traln ride. evocalivci or (Jallfomla '1cold fWh d1ya. "P!°r.e think all we have aro rldtt, : rrance .. ,d aa he w1lktd • • .,. up lb buml all'n· na cem )•t mountain' .. bul CLOSE LOOK AT EYE CARE . • • Disneyland's Van France says one of his goals . . . 'is taking servility out of service. You can't enrich all jobs but you cnn enrtch job environment. · thc•y 'rc• llvlnit uttractlons. ••net ltwy ttll l1•ll u 11tory " H•~ Rfo:•·1.•~M•:D llJUtln on hl11 own work, nnd the pumphlct~ lw wrllt•11. rlllc•d with opttm 111m 011d hrll(hl. 1•u rnc•O(t urglnR to t' n1 ployt'C'"I 111 111vol vc· I ht• m11t'I vc•11 111 11 11l11y(11I t'rw 1ronmcnt with ltll'lr Rlll"il ll "I Ilk•• !ht• chune" to bt• c•rt•nllvc• I'm un• t ·v,• wr1ttt•11 1111111• worcl11 lh11 n llc•in ln~w11y 1•vt•1 tll(I OI t·1111r•11'. ll l•n<111 u1> in hu11d ho11k11 "I .,,., lo work with y()unl( i>t'O pit• 'fhut '11 II hlt•Kl'llllU ··1 honl•1Uly t•r\joy workln~ In 11omt'I phH't' whort' you'rt! brlnM· lnR 1u•o11h• hopplnet1t1. • · F R AN<'E..,.EXPl.AINt:P thttt bt!fore ht1 lx'l'ultltl u consultDftt and ophthalmologists· ofrices. Make s ure the basic fee includes the recommended tests. Not every optometric exam results in a lens prescr iption or change in current glasses. When it does. the patient c an have an optometrist or optician fiU the writte n prescription. Those who choose contact lenses also have lhe option of shopping for their lenses. but this may not be wise because any slight deviation from the written prescription either in the lens or its fit can damage the eye . WHE111ER ORDERING glasses through the prescribing doctor or an optician. the con· sumer should s it down with the optometrist or ophthalmologist a t the time the prescription is being written to determine e xactly what lhe wearer needs and wants in a lens. They should discuss lens size: plastic ve rs us glass le nses; rashion or comfort tints: the appropriate multifocal lenses: and prescrip· lion s unglasses . The patient's vision m ay limit the options available. Deciding on these choices in the doc· tor 's office and having them included in the written prescription a lso aids in comparison shopping. AL'nlOUGH LARGE lenses are fashionable today. some presc nptions cannot be ground into them without resulting in distorted peripheral vis ion. Checking on this in advance of choosing a frame can save time and possible vision pro- blems later on. Lighler weight plastic lenses are becoming more popula r due to the weight of large frames. The optical quality of today's plastic lenses is equal to glass lenses. Both m~t federal stan· da rds for impact-resista nce and are availa ble in tin ls Plastic lcns('s do scratch more eas ily than glass. so thf'y require m ore care rul handling and c le aning •'ASIOON TINTF.D lenses also ~hould be discussed with the optometrist since most will affect color pe rception . Sun-sensitive comfort tenses. that change from light to d ark and vice · vcr~n as lighting conditions c hange. a lso are available. These lenses scre<'n out about 55 perce nt of 11 vailnble light in their darkest state. and they 1hould not be considered sunglasses. They may not ~ o l(ood choice for older adulta and sbou~ not be wom by onyone while drlving at night. Bifocal und trifocal wearers have special nt d1 nnd cone ma. Precise placement or the twu or thret• dlfftirt•nl prcs cMpUons In the right 11pol1 Wllhln the• lcn1u.•i. 11 c.•1 ntlal. Improperly 11luct!d ll•n• at\amcnts c an ma ke sccln.i dlrricult und cowH• occld nt1. particularly when walk· lnw. u"lnll 1tcil l'ft or drlvlnl(. A'f T l .. : TIM•: of lhl· v11u o n c•,wm. niultlfor ul It'"" Wl'llrl'rt. t.hould tell the op tomt'I ri11l 11 ... 11 ll<'<'tnU ll111k11. both o n and orr th<> lob , Th111 11llow11 thl• tJO<'tu r to wrill' a tens pre· l'\"rlpt Ion for 11 ll•nK de1&iJ(n lhul will best mcel llw w1•1ut.•r '1111t'c'ln1ot nt>edt1 ul hom<' or ol work 1tlfoc•11I uncl lnfot·ul wc>nrt•ri; 11hould cnrerul· ly C'tH•<.•k out multlfocnl l(lu1111t'tl •>rfncd ut low prl<•t•K. OflNl. only one ty1w or bifocal lens. whit'h mny not mt•t•I u 11<'rson'R iwelna needs. is 11vnll11blc• ut the udvc•rtl!iNI prit•t.•. ll '11 01110 whw to Rc>rk the advice· o r nn op tomt.'lril•I or 11pt lr111n whtm m3k1n.: u rhoiC'(' nmonJ( ttw mony tyr1c.•I\ of frumeli nvullablc Maki• 1wrc • th1• o nt• you l'IHm:ct• b w"ll made. the riJ(tll 111r.f. fits comforlnhly on lht• no11c und t.•an.,, and I• attruch vt•. T HE ONI.\' COST clement of cycgh1llsl's that u <.'OMumer can't contrul is the prC11crlptlon 1tt1c.•lf Monl'y cnn b<· :wv('d in othe r way11. hOwt•vl'r Lar1t<' lcnt1e11 ort mMe expcruuv<• than 11m11llt'r on<•11. ond plnAtlC' lf'n.'\e11 Jll'nerully cost m or<• thun J(l111111 n11 do t lntl'd lt.•n'lt'K • S~t'ltil l('nSt'!I HUr h (Ill "lnvlslblC' blfocab" • und 'IUI\ :cc•n111t1 vc• lt•n'l<'S c·OHt t•on:cldPrably mor lhun :1111nclrmJ ty1x·11 of blfocul11 nnd sunglassei.. Frnm(• st'll'l'llOn lt1 01w 11r('n where COAl cul· tlna C'nn tx• clone.· loo OCl!llRnc r name frames J,lcncrnlly t•urry h1Sthcr prlf'c tags than s tandard hrnndt1 l''or u<'turat~ rompartson shopping, tl ls CASH FAST fo r Ol~noylond, h hud worked • In lahor rC1lnllon" In an oircralt NEW H o m e OW n er a : ~(1 ~ important to note the• m anufacture r"s n ame. model nam<' and number of the fra me selected. Purc h as1n fi? ready to wc·ar r eading g lasses sold over the counter without a prescn p tion is a waste or money for most people. These glasses. pnced at SS to SJO U)>ua lly pro\ c un- satisfactory in the long run becaus<.· both km.e~ have lhc identical optical power and they don't offer correction for astigm a tism Oirre rent lens powe r for each t'}'C 1~ re· quired by 75 percent or people Wl•ann~ prCS<.'r!p tio n eyeglasses. a nd 75 to 80 perc<.'nt or eyeJt lassc s p rescrib e d t oday p r o' 1de astigmatism .correction . Ready-to-wear ~ta~!><'s a lso come in JU.'lt o ne site where the distance' between the optical cente rs of the two lense!> i~ concerned. Conta ct le nses cost more in both time and money. Additional tests must be addC'CI to the bas ic exam and l"Ontacts cannot tK-madt>·d1r<'cl · ly from an eyc~lasscs pr<'scription. Thl' J\OJ\ strong ly a d vist•s c·onsumc rs t o get cont a<.·t lenses through the prescribing doc·tor bt'<'ausc· even a sli~hl dl'via llon <."a n l':JU!'>l' th<' IL·ns to r ide incorrectly THIS CAN IMPAIR nor mal ll-ar flow. deprivtn~ the eyei:. of needed oxygen. plus ar fecting com fort and dearne'i!> of '1s1on Im· proper fit also can cause the lens to scra t ch the· eye and make at susceptible to irntallon. rnfec· tion or eye da m age Contact le nses price comparison involves checking what is included in the initia l fee. It usually covers the vision exam; the prescrip· lion: the initial and second office visits; s everal rollow·UP office v1s1ts covenng the adaption period . the lenses the m selves. and in· dividualizcd instructions and practice in apply· ing. removing and caring for the lenses MiscellanC'Ous item s to c:are for the lensc· ... a nd loss or da ma~e 1nsuranct• also may be in eluded The J\OJ\ udv1s<'s tonta<·t IC'nM"> purchal>cr" to find out in i1dvan<'t' what t he tou t fee v. ill be and wha t at includes. Can You Corredly Answer The ... Frf'm whet typing mach ine did we remove this element? If you 'lard .in lf3M !:><•IN Irie,· you are wronq Qt courso "v"'Y Seim.Im.• ust>s this 11lr.men1. but r So docs th•• HlMINGTON SR101 11 The HlMING TON 1<; 1iv1•ryth111g lllu Seloctric • 1:1 .ind n11111• Bolh or(l anll corr<'Chng. but only the REMINGTON hOS touch control Thu REMINGTON also has mo10 standard IP.th11,.., All wo rkrnq p.111 . r1nc1 '>llPPl•l''' ot the REMIN() TON ''"' 111111r • hllnQ1•,1hln with thl' Seit.Cine• Only nnl' mac:h111e ,.., complPtely comp1tt1hlf' with th1• IBM· Rnc1 you vi' 4ursscd II tis lhl' RFMINOTON II you will CAii us. OTM l"c: you II llnd wt• soll the REMINGTON tor loss nnd 1nstond ot w11111ng sovorn l wooks or ovon months tor dtllvery Your REMINGTON Wtll ht\ d hv•red 1mmedlAto1y• II you w11h . during tho month ot Oocorrit-6', wt wlll ront you thll mect11no. ond apply thl' p1yment to the purc haao p11c11 when you buy There la no obhgntron 10 Duy. ot course plant. with thfl u s. Army In BUSINESSMEN Loans arranged for Euro1>~ und In other Industrial Contact th• DAI LY any reaton. Credit. C .. ll today ind publlc1 rvlcflJoba. n o Prob I e m . • lie lllood akimbo, hla bands PILOT fOf' lntormetJon Borrow on your (n4) 957 1195 prt11t-d Into th~ small or his regerdlng the county equity. Cell now for - baek to 1tretch A hHY 1un ll1ht· r• q ulreme nt• for cou rteoua. fa et ontQuali'ty T.ypewri'ter d hta fRc. and Franc aqolnted u alng • "ctltlou1 Information. 1· at lht peoplt', whom h calla ..• lu•ln•H Name. t71~t 147.1111 Ma1'ntenance Inc. <'On1t1nt r.Juven1Uon." 142-4321 •M•~•w "Otei,·• ht' Hid, "have you 332 ~__,...__,,... 1794~ ~ypef1( Clrc,1, lrvtne, Ca 92714 t-v r ~ork d tn an aircraft IXT. M C.. ••••••••••••lil•••-plant'' ....,_ ..... _____ ... ,,.,_ __ ,....._._ __ ,,. l I • • I • I • i ~ -. ' .4 .... _,.,.... ' NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE We ks and Y ar's High, Low , Clos . . DAIL V PILOT , i. f • • I i .- .· . . Ct DAL V PU • .()T .. . • • . . Sundey. January ,. '"' I I ' . • 4. • ~ . • • • • • . . . 'REAL ESTATE Reel ••t•t• lly R•ndaH lloC.ntle, Ph.D. •attcw I ha\ c-alwa)'M • ondt'red why ~ houlfl .. 11 for "' •·*· •llUto Jut do•• U.. rttt on. JO. for over St•.•· I a.avf' lh..t ba UM> Hmf' atta btlre le ~· M4" a for o~er """ >«•n no• and havt rvNI lk Hm• liMMlld In OH ckoYt-&op mHt M"ll for dUff'tto& prl It al••>'~ a mu 1 m t>. lthllt-ll male I r &ood ~Yt'naUon with ntllhbun ovt-r ,._,.bade ft-nH or at a ("Odltall PAI· t)' -~Id )'00 add aay flallhf' ff8li00111 Wh) aorat> bcnt'n art' •IUI•• to pay mo,...• 0 .0 .(.' , ('o,ta Mtu llu" m1.wh t•an I 111•t for rm Mu•4 · 1111" murh ll 1:1 \\Orth dl•JA•nl.b purlh 011 h-'" '•H•ll lht• hou•1·" pn•pur~ for ir.uh.• Ruy1ng a houe;e 1 un t'mollonal t•,swr1t•nr1• .1 .. ""II u .. a pruc·t 1rul .uut t>t·o110m1r C>nt> Th,• l.ll'tor:. of 1111.•.ttmn, r lc"'em·i.' tu 11ho1>1.11n.: schooh <'11111 l'lll"·., t11111 .. ~>ortut1on 11r1· tK"yond tht' c.·ontr ol of tlw o"n"r Soun· th•· nt't'\t .. of thf." poten llul bu~1.·1 lluw mun) bt>1troonu. h1.· '>ht· rnu .. t huvl'. t•ntl•rtulnmt•nt l'lruH't'. tht• t-t•pur•tt· hll It· hou'I .. ' '"' Uw h1H·k of lht• lot for J\uut '1H'lht' Hut tht· \'mollon.11 fadon. th,• uw111•1 c·..ro do -.11rm·t h1ng about thost.> What ahout tht' housc''I 1mprt•!'ls1uo'' WoultJ ... "rought 111111 r .11 II ng on lht• bun l'ement t>ntry way. u mulching mullbox gaw tl appear• What about a door painted .m invittng rolur In contrast to lhe house? Would u Saturday mvei.ted d1ggan~ an redwood strips edging the nower becti. add J louch of nt>al ordt.'r that the landscaping nct.•dl'I " NONE OF THESt; INVOLVE much outla) of cash. yc.·t ('Ontribute to the emotional sulitbahty of u house S.> does a neatly trammed lawn. deaned and paintt'<i :.crccns at the windows, u t·oat of 1usant on the how,<: af at needs rt. Docs th<' door t•hrmt• work. <uad 1s the brass knocker polished'' Whtie keepang a hou:.t• neat inMdc ai. log1ca1 • comp:rny manners which can he put into t'rfcct ;i t once. oth<•r aspecL-; of the interior cannot. Most buyers look at a houM· with u vww lo what thc) can ch<ini.:t• to Miil thcrr tas tes But that doesn't mean that the worn wallpuper 1n the• entry shouldn't be replaced, the living room walb rolled with a coat of paint An interior thal reflects care, cleanliness and Rood taste can very well tip the scalei. of a buyer's emotional balance toward saying, .. All right. J 'II take it." The taste need not agree with the buyer's, but it should be consistent in rts style. THIS CALLS FOR AN obJcct1ve tour by the owner with the film of habit and aeceptancc re moved from the eyes One must be critical Is the noor CO\'enng tn the kitchen worn or out or date as to depr('ss u housewife who JUSt Ins pected a model home ttus morning at a devdopment her husband says is a httlC' too far from work" Are the cup· hoards app<.·Hling ., Do1•s tlw harp bulb in the ullht y room ne.-cl a fixtun• to keep it from being garish '' EvNythmg should work the hght switches, the door latt·hes. the ch:.poi.al, the furnace, the thl'rmostut The water faucc•ts s hould not chatter or drip. the toilets should flush without slicking, the closet doors stay closed. It's Onl' thing for a male proi.pcC't to look at the gara~e cull'ulatmg its powntial as a workshop, another to peer through the clutter JUSt to see the walls. There should be an impression of otdcr , of a ple asant place. Maybe here some new fixtures could help. a m akeshift wall shelf anchored pro· perly so the paint cans don't ~em about to fall. tools hung on nails. HOW ABOUT LANDSCAPING an back'' It s hould be neat, with as muC'h ap))<.!81 as possible. .Jn Orange County, backyard h\'inJ! can be 1mpor t ant A patio and yard should look laved 10, not dis· carded. The rf."allor. when Iii.ting your home for sale. wants you to get a fair pricE' lle/l-hl' will make suJ:gcstum~. c•srwc1all y if you ask for them. for adding ap1>t•al. /\l the same t1mt• thc rf'altor doesn't want to hurt your fe<!lrnr.:i. by bcang t<>u cnta(•al of your home Partang with rt 1:-. ubu an <:motional t•:.. pcrt<'n<'t' · Do a little pn•panng yourself before \OU ask the question. llow mut•h can I J!l't for my. house" Prt'parc for the• rnupl<' who wants to full rn love with your house and just might 1r you show 11 off at tts best EDITOU S NO'N: Handall Mc:Cardlt> u president of the Heal f:.vtnlt'rll .. lu• IS a/.~o on author, ler turer and 111 11truc:tor Sf•11tf ynur comm1mts and que1111on.s to Rand11 McCardle. 1 11 1111' lJatly 1'1lot. l'ost Olf"'e Hor 15&1 Costa Mell() C'A 926W L o s Corrale s Homes Open In San Juan I• d«Orattd rnodt"l home<1 at Loi Corrales art now belt\il pr tonttd us part ot the com· munlty'• optnJna. which ts currently under way In San Juan Cop 1trano Quinn Roberuon hau. d coruled the model homu, Whll'h rc>presunt lilx of the el1ht luxury floorplaru1 orfored an thrt.oc and four·bedroom homt.•11 wtth up to 2.827 square feet of living ar a at th4· t•a11t<'rn t•nd (>r Sun Juun Crt'ck Roud. DEVt:l ,OPED 8\' PAT•ICK DeVl•lopment, In ;olnl venture with Oenslllr Pacific Curp .. the Los torrulc!J t'Ommun1ty t.•ventu1tlly wtll Include a totul of l 7h n·audt·nct•i. dl' 1i.:nt•tJ by the awurd·winnlng ,,, t•h1lt'<'tural Clrm of Dale Nallgle Architecture .rnll l'lannmg, lnr . . . a.incs.y, January 14, 1979 DAIL V PILOT C:S Real Estate Seminar Set A two·part seminar designed for new real estate licensees and future llcenst.'ff will be pre· aented at Orange Coast College on Monday even· 1nas Jan. l5 and 22 trom 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in tbe OCC Forum. Serles tickets. priced at S4. are available in the OCC Ticket Office. loeated in the college's Ad· m inistration Building. The otlice Is open Monday through Friday fro m H a .m . to 7 p.m .• and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Tickets for the individual lectures sell for $2.50. Series and individua l tickets will also be sold at the door on a spuce available has is Series lcctun•r 1s Richard Hart, a specialist In business sales and invl•stments with Walker and {.,e(• Real Estate. Hart 1~ a n expert on business site selection and business opportunities l>t>s1gned Ill Eurl) Cahforrua arch1tecturt-. the home!> ft•ature t•cr11m1c tile entries. vauJted and bt•Jml'd <'t'lhngi., wl'l burs with ceram ic tile coun· • lt•r !>, t·u. .. tom masonry fireplaces. French doors, formal dJmn~ rooms. family rooms and s unken hv· 1n~ rooms. Villas Designed For F arnily Life The lectures will explore all phasc•s of secur· tnJ? a listing. and processan~ hstant-ts with a broker and t he local board. Hart will also discuss offers. counteroffers. and escro w pr()(edures .. Fo r in· formation about tht• seminar. phone 556·5880. l.os Corrales ls one of the few new.home com· mun1ties ln Orange County to offer the Home OwnPrs Wurranty I HOW l program .. The limited 10 yl•ar homebuycr 's protection plan is operated hy a subsidiary of the National Association of I lome Builders. PRICES AT LOS Corrales begin at $134,500. T he Los CorralctS site and saJes office may be reached by taking the San Diego Freeway and turning inland on San Juan Creek Road to Via Madonna Turn right on Via Madonna. continuing to Calle San Remo and turn right and then left to the new community. Escrow Seminar Planned in Mesa The Villas. a Mcditerranean·styled village c reated by Avco <;ommunity Developers. Inc . of Improvement Can le Costly L N' l · d i ed \ou t·un makf' a aguna i~ue , ts es gn for growm g fa milies. mill1t1r1 mii.lakr:. tr~ 11111 The 1,887-square·foot Capri model ofCers three to sell your own humt> bedrooms and two baths. One or the secondary And one or them 1c; bedrooms features a loft with a built· in ladder, a mu i< 1 n ~ 1 h <' w ro n J! hit with children of all ages. The secluded master 1mprnn·m<>n1:-. .. Manv s uite boasts a luxurious batlr with sunken Roman 11m<>i.. a n t·xpens1v .. tub addit111n or rt'pa1r c11n b1· lht> krnd or thrnft that 'II A FAMI LY·DEN adjoins the gard en kitchen ,·no;t ,00 rar more thau and a formal dining room leads onto a private ~·1u l!l'I had., patio via double paned French doors. A special Trut· the ho u ... t· llH'llO \'1•nl(•11t•1• Ir YOU In\>\ !·r t ht• sdl1111! pr1c-e an •·t1u1valt•nt amoun1 I n~teud or i.:ut'!»Slnll 11-. to how mut'h. ti any. rc•pu1r w o1·k t o Ulldl·rt Ukl'. Sl't' ii lll'Hllor. Ill• ran tell you what to do to make your home rnon• -.alahlc• Awl what nut lo do :.o you won 'I ""<' mon<'Y ..... touch is created in the dining room by a ceiling· sh o u Id 1> r e" en 1 a high plant display ledge. r<ivorallll' :ippc!uranC"1· w ha 1 t•' ,. r ynu r r<' o I Fa ·1 cent ed 1 · · · d · mow<'d hiwn tnmmi-ct p-.t•1fli nN'<I". r:ill n<;; Wr nu Y· er 1vm~ is a primary es1en c;hrub,. and 110 obv11111, • "' T h e Independent Escrow Licensees of California will sponsor an excha nge seminar for r eal estate bro~ers and sales people on Fri· day, Jan. 26, at the South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa. element of this home. evidenced by its lar~e liv· rndiratwns 111 m·i.:lt·t·i h;1 v1· :ill th1· tool!> and moderate Ute panel of ing room with woodburning fireplace and adjacent but it'' rar(' \>\hrn a l:rn!•' 1·wert1s1• lo hnndh• your exchange specialists. d en/library. Family meals can be shared in the r1nanc1al undt•r1akinl.! rt-al t•!ltnll• transnrlions The seminar offe rs six hours of credit under the Departm<'nt of R eal Estate Cont in ui n g Education' Program. Price or the seminar is $50 including lunch. IT BEGINS at 8 : 30 a .m .. with registration. a nd ends at 4 :30 p .. m .. Richard Grover, presi· dent of the Independent Escrow Licensees, will I b locallv. Plu-. \>\•' nfrcr the Panelists Include Ray nook a rea of the kitche n. w1 I rrng mon· than 11-. E P hm 'd f COM rn lh1· ltllJI ::.t.'111111! UOlflUt' :uh :mtaj.!\°' Of the . re • pres1 ent o T HREE ADDITIONAL floor plans ar e ava1la· n a t 1 on . w 1 d <' t: R A f pnt'<'. Pro essional E scr ow ble in this gate.guarded community or 75 homes. Thi•n· '" alwrl\-. th<' network . . udvanlal!r11 Service, Santa Ana, and priced from $138.500 to $217,000. The homes range r In u n l' I ;1 I r I sk II r that ('0'11 ~OU nnthana p ast president of the In· in size from 1,634 to 2,103 square feet. m1sr.1lrnla1111n too. llnm1• 1•xtru C:rvi· u' a t'all d e p e nde nt Escrow The models arc open for public: viewing daily n·p.11r 1·0:-1~ trl'QUl·1111v lncfa v .. Wt.''ri· hl're to Licensees of California : from 10 a .m . until 6 p.m. To reach the Villas from t•nd up·• lot hii::hcr th.in hl'lp,. N. Brooke Garbielson. the San Diego freeway, take Crown Valley oni.:rn.ill~ •1111 1t·ipal•·d VH \ !'hnn·f'n·'t Ueulty You may 1·n<I up with a 17Ml fl4fi !l.">7'.I partner in the Newport Parkway to Pacific Coast Highway , turn lt'ft and 1a,lt·1 su li· .ind ll'-.i. fl!l:li ~•!l'.!ZM? Be a c h l aw fl rm o f ,f~o~ll~o~w:.._t~o'...:Se~l,:v~n.:,R~o~a~d~------------!r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ H o w ser. Gerlner & - Brown : a nd Van Be chtel. preside nt o r Cal·West Escrow Com· pany or Encinitas. TH E SEMINAR will cover all phases of 1030 tax deferred exchanges. from the basics through delayed closings. Writ· ----------te n materials covering the subject will be pro· vided to each of the participants. Reservations may be m ade by sending re· s ervalion checks to the Escrow lnst'itute of Califorrua, dba lndepen· dent Escrow Licensees. P .O. Box 10398. Santa Ana. 92711. Telephone 835·0156 .. Contractors ~ Set Meet ing .. ~~~ A meeting al which """; ~ new om cers anq direc· 1 4' ' tors of the Orange Coun· •~ ,, •. · ty Dis trict of the As · fff>flring J<Jtk Caverly, al 85 the oldest real t'Stat e b ro ker i n t h e Capistrano Valley . will close his San Juan Capistran o R ealty offi ce on Jan. 31 and retire. sociated General Con· tractors of California will be installed has been scheduled for Jan. 19 at the Balbou Bay Club, Newport Beuc h. Outgoin~ officers also will be honored ut the u nnu a l dinner a nd dance Spectacular! Once-in-a:rifetime Homes at Los Corrales. ~'~ ~-'~ The model homes are decorated and flnllhlng touchel are being put In at Lot Corralet In San Juan C&platrano ... elght dtatlnct ~ta of taste and Individu- ality ... eight br99thtaklngly unique homea. with cMcorltlng that fita their status. ~lat ... end comfortable Come to Loa Corra._ now and discover the home you've onti1drMIMd about Early C.llfomll 1rchltectur1 ... eteg1nt 1ppolntmenta ... dl1tlngulahed plana ... tu•· urlout llfeetyte .. end large Iota. See It all at .4.0I Corral ... ..... C.W Op9n; 10 1.m. until ...._ ...... ''*'· "*-= (114) .. , ..... Come llve In Anaheim Hiiis where play's the thing I Where~ handsome new home Is the stellar attraction. but outdoor fun and recreation will have leading roles in your new life. Miles of riding and hiking trails, a nature center for learning. paths·for stroll Ing, nelghbortlood sports centers for convivial competition. There's a challenging public course1or golter:s, the saddle club for eQuestrlans and even an eleven court racquet club for tennis enthusiasts. .i Anaheim Hiiis Is a beautiful resl· dentlal community seemingly distant from . '" freeways and the busy, noisy world, yet minutes close to schools, shopping and work. Preview the coming attractions. One of the West's best homebulldecs may be preparing your new residence right now• £anaheim hills Exit R1v8f'Slde Fwy at Imperial Hwy Drive south to Santa Ana Canyon Road, eas1 10 Anaheim Hiiis Road. (714)998·2000. f" '978. Anahllm H1lll, Inc. •RIDGE VIEW byThe Blldwtn Co. • POtNTE OUISSETT by W.R. Grace Propenlea, Inc. • CARRIAGE HILlS by The W.rmlngton Group ..,. FEATHER HILL bY Pacfflc Coalt Bulldera, Inc • •HUNTER'S POfNtEiffR. P Warmington Co. • ANNEIM RIOGEC TION b'IG.LL.ewlaCo. •ANAHEIM HILlS ESl: by S&~ Construction Co. • STONEGATE by Sooli8nd Corp. • SUNSET RIDGE by OaJctrw Oev.iopmont Co . • WINDOW HILL by Paclftc Cout Bulldera. Inc . • RIDGECREST by Paoet' ~elOpment Corp ., .. LUlllY I Et:OIOMY AT Al AF10lllAll.E l'lll:E FINAL CLEAUNCI ON 1978 MODELS CIJIPARE THIS EIAIPl.E NEW 1978 8210 ONLY s3277 Tbe difference between a Mercedes-Benz lease and any other is the Mercedes-Benz. The car you lease does make quite a difference. After all, you don 't drive the lease, you drive the car. And when you lease a Mercedes-Benz you drive some- thing special indeed. Whichever Mercedes-Benz model you choose, you drive one of the world's most respected automo· biles. A car with legendary engi- neering, meticulous craftsmanship, outstanding performance and safety. Something else: you'll drive the car you lease for two, three or even four years. Most cars look out of date all too quickly. But when you lease a Mercedes-Benz, you drive a car with classic lines and timeless- ness that is never out of date. We have several leasing plans to offer you. One is certain to make it more convenient for you to drive a Mercedes-Benz than you 00 might have thought possi· bie. Call us today _for the surprising fa cts. Ask about our many convenient leasing plans. . . Miss.Ion Viejo lnipOtts ~ 831-17 40 2a~::h,:~!;~;~. 495-1700 Son Diego Fwy. ot Av•ry, Mluiori Vle10 34 The Peugeot Diesel gives you better mileage in the city than most cars get on the rughwa}: Because it b1.1t11~ MPG llt~hway cheaper fuel more efficientl)': If you have.: to idle m a 28 traffic jam, for example. the Peugeot Diesel burns onJy MPG City one-fourth the fuel a comparable gas engine bums. And 30 since you don't have money to bum, the Peugeot Dicsd has less pa,rts to worry about. No spark plugs. Nn MPG combmed' distributor. No carburetor. It never needs a tune-up. And it doesn't run on gas. Diesel fuel nationally averages about 10' less a gallon than lead-free gas.: Combine this with Peugeot's superior handling and the luxuries of a full-size sedan . _,.,.,,,...,I;.~~ Or station wagon. And you'll realize a new definition of luxury. It saves. 1978 E.PA. Estimatl'., 1ran!-im1!-ii.10n M-4 Actual m1l~aj(t' dt•pcndh on how and when• you dnvt'. car mamtt•nann.·. opl1lmal t·qu1pm11nt. and otht·• vanablt·~. tFcdcral Ent-rgy Review, Jan. 1978. Local pm:t'h mily vary. . PEIJGEOT No one builds cars the way \Ne build cars. BEACH IMPORTS i 848 DOVE ST. NEWPORT BEACH l I 752-0900' Near MacArthur & Jamboree . . . macna I irvine NEWPORT IEACH PROPERTY ''A VIEW TO OUTDO All" Hay. fK't'Jn, min!> & nitiht h••h1.-. lrom thb completely fumlahf'd hom<' in prt>.,t1gwus ~·O\ lt'w c J j,?Uard 11a1l'fl romm v. pool • tennis> Prof decoratt'd + mony custom up11r d J cutn low ma1nt londstaptna l''H'l'llt-nt l0<·at1on. dn,,e 111 1111 ' SS!A'>.000 anr l rum"han1s & antiques• Don't lull to see th1~ nf'v.h h"ih-d ouhtond1nil property -OPEN SUN l 4 30 p M 2121 y ACtlT Jt'l.IA • "'•lS I UDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE -SUNDAY J.5 P.M 128 VIA llAVRE Spacious tile roofed res. on oversized lot w1qu1et st-to·st location. 4 BRs, formal dlnlnJ rm. ramily rm w/bar & high beamed ceiling Exceptional clowll & 1tora1e. Spanis h tiled patio w/ramoda & suMy M>Uthem exposure. S375,000 Incl lund! CN-461 ATTIACTIVE NEW umNG RA YCREST -S22S.OOO. lvun Wells built 4 BR. family rm, 3 bath home w/eatan~ bar in kitchen & lovely patio w/pool + side yard suitable for ploy area Coortyard l·ntry II! lot -shake roor -ltt 2·car goraae. /\ MliST SEE -OPF.N SUN 11 AM .3 PM. 1834 COMMODORE. cN-471 ELEGANT BRICX FRONTI novl•r Short'S art•u. Glnmorous custom single·story Mediterranean w1 u~ed brick front & wrou11ht iron enclosed entry patio 3 BRs -21 ~ baths -paneled den1ram1ly rm w/fplc & wet bar -rormal living & daninR r!Tls. Lg. lanwap<~ rear yard. Ready for pool & cabana. SJS0.000 incl. land. <1P&N SUN 1.30-4:30 P.M. 121S MARINERS DR. IN·48> . CilAaFUl ElfGANCf Is captured in thJs prof dlcorated 4 BR. ramily rm home -rumlturt-& accesson es specially chosen ror this home are Incl. along wtpool. Jaruzzl & sauna. 2 fplcll I family rm & conversation area orr living rm 1. Great home for entertam1n1t' OPEN SUN 1-5 P.M. 1 19 ROYAL ST. GI-:ORGE. BIG C/\NYON 1N·491 A BAYSHORfS BARGAIN :! llR + den homl• w1h1gh h<'amt'<l ceihn11s & 2 patios! 811yshore beaches y11c ht landing l'lo:-c· by Sl64.900 csubj. to cancellallon of existing t>llrrow>. OPEN SUN 12·30-4:30 P.M. 2S3S CRESTVIEW. IN·SOI FANTASTIC "A" FRAME lhith beamed ceilinAS & cozy fplc add charm to this 3 BR . 2 bath home w/11' s un deck. dual pur pose paUo & atrium. Comm. pool & tennis - walk to ocean. $114.500 OPEN SUN 1-4:30 P .M. 23S WALNUT. NF.WPORTSHORES. IN·Sll SPACIOUS WESTQlff COHDOMIMIUM Outstanding location -walk to Westclirr Plaza shops. Hliihty upgraded &. lake new! 2 BRs -2 baths -dining rm -wood-burning rplc. Offered aU88.500 fee. OPEN SUN 1-6 P.M. 1184 RUTLAND RD ts. <N·~) BAYCREST /\pprox. 3350 sq ft w/3 RRs + den. OPEN SUN l·S • P.M. 1724 TRADEWlNOS <N·53l NEWPORT HBGHTS Approx. t,.<, ac. w/3 BR. family rm home. Sl98.500. OPEN SUN 1-4 P .M. 600-lSTH ST <N·54l DOVER SHORES AREA Custom·bullt 3 BR home w/c1rcuJar drive. $279,SOO ftt. OPEN SUN 1·4 P.M. 1800ANTIGUA Clll. CN·SSI HARBOR VIEW KHOU 2 BR + den w/I~. patio. $156.000 fee. OPEN SUN 1-4:30 P.1\1. 2723 llILLTOP. 1N·561 VIEW HOMfs-$199,500 Just below The Ridge w/view of Cutalina & sparkling night lights. 4 BR. 31 .. baths w/room to expand Olymp1r·s1ze comm. pool + tennis court nl'arby. Lois Egan 644-6200. IN 571 BEGAHT OfffRING Bag Canyon, distinctive Deauvllle -expanded & highly customized adult home. Situated on magnificent wrap-around view w/pool & sep. jaruzzi. Sophisticated res. Incl. formal hvinR & dining rms. muter suite. guest BR, family rm wtrplc + lg. billiards rm wtstep-<lown bar <incl. rcfrigt rreezer, radar range & DW). Appt. only. Sandie Fix 644-6200 IN·58> BIG c.AHYON ElfGANT TOWNHOME 2 BR McLain built w/many upRraded reatuttS. Near Fashion Island & only minutes to beach. Comm. pool & tennis. All for only $152,500. Julie Van Wleren 752-1414. IN·591 CONDO W/OCDH VIEW 2 BR. 3 bath home w/2·lllory living rm & 3 decks. Immaculate! SW.000. Barbara Wmagle 64.2·8235. IN-60> "TOWN & COUNTRY" A feeling of Big Sky & Country Charm ln Dover Shores w/View or Newport Center Skyline. La. 5 BR home wteverythlng! Lg. pool & jacuzzi -rormal dining rm -lg. family rm w/bar & f'pk.--beautiful master suite wtgarden bath -country kitchen -~urtty system. S400,000 leasehold. Barbara Aune 642,8235, CN-61> SINGLE STORY IN ,,_ a.tlffT' Mucb-in-Oemand Unda Plan! BeautiruJJy decorated " hlghly upended end urut a<ij. comm. pool & cabana. 3 BRs. 2 bat.ha + wrap-around patio. $165.000 leasehold. Flexible financlna . Appl. only. Dtck Halderman 642-8235. IN-62> UDO ISlf Great location -steps to tennis courts & clubhouse. C-ompletely remodeled 4 BR. rormal dining rm home wtcozy den, new klleben & sunny patio. $389,500. Cathryn Tennille 644-6200. CN-ta> NEWPORT BEAOt "INVESTMENT" Single family "A" frame w/3 BRa. 2 bat.N. aun deck. fplc " 2-car ~urage. Needs strong arm w/palnt brush, cpt & decoraUng Ideas! Asking $107,000. Vee Stinson 642-8235. <N-64> CASUAL & CAREfR& lMNG Jn Newport! l ·level. 3 BR. 2 bath condominium In TM Bturrt. r..,. garden courtyard entronce to Ill. living rm -hlgb cdllnp -f'pk It patio W/({r'~belt view. Owner leavin1 atta. Sl4UOO leaaenotd. Barbara Aune642·823S <N~> NEWPORT TERRMI -"AH PLAN Chormtng 11ingle-st<>ry, 2 BR, 2 bath condo In prime tocadon near P<>OI. park, sauna & jacuu.I. ·End unjt -bcHUfuUy decorated JI. hf Ob' upgr1dcd. OOered at $82,5001 Martha Macn1b 642.azas. <N ... > ' 642-8235 901 DoTWDrlft Newport .each ' re_p tg FINER PROPERTIES NEWPORT IEACH PROPERTY· "A RARE RND" Spacious New Bedford mode l in Seaview. situated on a point wlfull view & privacy. lovely s ingle level 4 BR. ramlly rm home w•2'' baths. 2 fplcs & enclosed atnul"!ls. lmmed possession S245.000 incl. land! Belle Chase l.ee 644~ c N ff11 OJSTOM 2·STORY HOME 6 BRs -3 FIREPLACES! Marvelous for hvlntt & entertaininR wda. living rm. formal dining rm. cheery brkfst area openintt to ttourmet kitchen. New cpt: cerumic tile noors. S364.500. Barbara Aune 643-8235. IN-68> oaAHfRONT BEAUTYI Fantastic ocean view! New home! Tastefully dttoraled 2·story residence w/4 BRs. 3 baths + 2 livmir rms cone upstairs w1wet bar! 1. S450,000. Aissa Wayne 642-8235. cN-001 CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTY JASMINE CRHIC OPm SUN 1·5 P.M. 93 JASMINE CREEK DR. Charming Plan l -2 8Ra at den; formal dining rm & beautiful, bright kitchen w /bay window in theeaUng area. $225,000. (N·70) WARM & rozv 3 BR. family rm home in park·like scttanjt. S207.000. OPEN SUN 1'5 P.M. 1009SANDCASTLE. <N·7l l SECURrTY wmt STYLE Js offered in this lovely 3 BR. family rm. 2 balh townhome in one or the fmesl security neighborhoods in CdM. Beautifully upgraded split level home done In neutral tones. Comm. tennis courts & pools. too. Holly Markas 644-6200. <N·72> CORONA DB. MAR BARGAIN! Newly ret\ai>lshed 3 BR. 3 bath single family home l ', blocks to Uttle Corona. QuaUty space & location! AJI for only $229.500! Martha Macnab 642·8235. <N·73> CAMEO SHORES ON TitE CANYON One-of·a·kind single story home w/4 lg. BRs. family rm & atrium overlooking lg. secluded yard w iroom for pool or s pa. 1284.~. Donna Godshall644-6200. <N-74> HARIOt VIEW 6 BR home In a super area of CdM .•. near all the deUght.s ot Newport Beacti + plenty or room for a lg. family! Pri~ lMI. tM land -S2A5.000. Julie Van Wieren 752·1414. IN·7S> EXECUTIVE HOME IN HARBOR YEW Hl1S Fantastic ocean & Catalina views from this single.story. air·cond. residence -3 BRs. 2 baths + family rm & dining area -. low maint. yard wt puttlng green for the golfing enthusiast. Great home for cntertairung. Only S245.000. Donna Godshall 644-6200. IN-761 A BEAUTYI Nestled In a netghborhood of elegant residences In a commuruty or charm & grace, this home will intrigue & satisfy! We'll be happy to show you this 4 BR. family rm Broadmoor In CdM. Appt. only S239.SOO. 'Coby Ward 642·8235. C N · T1 I IRVINE PROPERTY 3 BEDROOMS UNDER $100,ooot • In the Isl Phase or Woodbridte. t'b8rmlnt new Redwood model wt3 lg. BRs. dining area. kitchen nook " 2"'-spacious baths. A fuU mounta!n view lends an open feelinc to thla low malnt. home. Priced riaht at $88,000. Amy Brown 752-1414. CN·78> NlW LISTING Sometlllnl apectal for the, smalUamily w1young Ideas. Hurry to see this townhome ln deUgbtlW Smokettte. Not only wll done & ln great locaUoo, but a1ao sports a Jacual off the muter BR for an added dimension for Uvtng! SSS.500. Coby Ward 142-8235. c N·191 FOR YOUNG MODllNS Lunrious 2 BR. 2 bath townhome built by Akins ln Woodbridge Croalq, featuring ceramic tile entry, covered ptUo. central air cond. bJgh vaa.lted celllngs & wood·bw'nlng fplc. Fast OC!C\IPaDCY possible. suo.ooo. Madeline Cross 752-1414. CN-801 GET IT AWi In thll beautiful & Immaculate -NEWLY LI5rED home! 4 BRa. famlly rm + extra lg. bonus rm, 2 wet bars. nice yard & air condlUonlng. And all for one of UM \owelt prtcea ln •"J'be Ranch"! Sl.22,950-HURRYI Lois Mlller&IUZ35. CN.Stl '1IC! NBGl90IHOOO" A bell buy In Irvine! Attractive 4 BR tlocne w/country kltcMn & private rear yard. Close to schools le new "HMtaae Pait' w/PoOls Is •lhted tennlA. OnJy m.ooo -owner wm CODlider PHA °" YA. Lee Henkel 752'·1414. <N-821 DEAL fBl 11llOUGHI Owner conskSertng offers on lh1I lovft)' ftld unit a bdrm .• 2 bath townhOJM ln Deer't'leld. Good comer loc .. tloH to poola. f'tttfftkln ft 1hol>Plna. Brllbt lrchetry + 1otaotprivec1. Plllo • s•r'aledool'O(liefttf'. WON'T1.M1' • HURR~f --c111bjed lo tanffllatlon of emUn11 escro.). Holly Marltal 8"GllO CN-83> f IRVINE PROPERTY , THE RANCH Enjoy the "Good Life" In this spacious 4 BR . 21, bath home In an executive neighborhood on beautiful cul-de.l>a<' next to park Lg country kitchen: rormal dininl? rm. designed for gracious hvang 1115,900 Belle Partrh 752·1414. 1 N-84 1 TO YOUR HEALTH Private spa is Just one or the rane reatures this homt> off<•rs lt'i. a 3 BR home w/its own vegetable t:arden. enclosed atrium & huge patio. Fplc -vaulted ~ilings. On one or the nicest streets In prestigious Turtle Rock. Offered at an arrord11ble Sl.29.900 incl. the land. OPEN SUN 1·5 P.M. 6326SIERRA PALOS. «N·851 REXIBlf ffNAHCINGf Lg. 2·story. 4 BR home that boasts 3 fplcs -one In the formal laving rm: one In the lg. family rm: and one in the spac1ou.'l master 'lu1tt>! PLUS formaJ dining rm & brkfst nook -auto sprinklers -redwood deck & patio. $139.~. Natalie BenJam1n 752-1414 1 N-86 • DEERflBD BARGAIN Don ·1 mL<1s the chanre lo own this beautiful .J.. BR townhoml;' Prof decorated Deerfield Plan IV rentunnR 3 BRs. family rm + extensive use-of wood. wallpaper & color coordinated paint. Owners bought another & are anxious' Priced fairly at S91.~. C1Jrol Porcella llorr 752·1414. 1N-811 REXIBLEI Rent al $460/mo: lease w iopllon to purchase -S87.500 3 BRll. 2 bath + fplc Close to greenbelt -srhools & shopplrui. Dorothy Hartlcaslle 642·8235. IN-881 OUTSTANDING TOWNHOME-2 YEARS NEW! Peters Dev. -Univ. Park! S1n1ile level 2 BR. 2 bath w1expens1ve oak & wood appointments thruout +upgraded cpt. cozy fplc wlv1ew from Jg. master BR & living rm. Formal d1nan 1? -h!. kitchen W't':itini: art>a & microwave looks out onto landiw:aP<'(I enclosed patio SI 17.000 ft'(' Jl'an Dales 642·8235. 1 N·89 • UNIVBtSITT PARK Rare & unique "Wlllowood" model -3 ltt. BRs. rormal dlnlnll rm. family rm -lots o( J?lass w/open feeUn11 -izarden kitchen -elegantly decorated w/many custom up~rades. Won't last lonJ?! S174.500 1i.ubJ to rancellallon o( existing escrow 1. Jane Paquin 642-8235. 1 N·901 RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN Condominium ownership will "set you FREE" from tutllnir l!ras.~. painting the house. etc! 2 BR + den home on rontasllc location W/VIEW! Sll9,SOO. Laszlo Sharlcany 752-1414. CN·911 ORANGE COUNTY SERIOUS SB.LERI 3 BR charmer located on quiet cul-de-sac In l!reat Eastside area! Family nnJldtcben le lg. BRs. Lg. skSe yard w1low malnt. landscapanft & room for pool. Priced to sell at S104.SOO. Jeri Hunt 642·8235. c N·921 l.AURB.WOOO -TUSTIN BeauUruJ 2 BR. 2 bath townhome cl011e to freeways & industrial parl<s. Upgraded & air conditioned! 564.000! 644-6200. 1 N-931 UPPER BAY HOME -$169 ,500 Must sell! Customized 4 BR built by John Lyttle. Beautiful paneled family rm w/Ooor·t.o-celling bookcase -dbl wood·bum1ntt rplc • hz. sep. formal dining rm -2 flagstone patios. Picturesque waterfall - solar heated pool jacuui -full secunty system. Lois Eitan 644~. cN-941 SAN .IJAN CAPISTRANO A real showplace! 4 BRs -rormal dining rm -separate family rm -2 rptcs -huge kitchen Wlgarden window & lg. pantry. Superbly decorated & landscaped wiextenslve masonry. A must see at Sl89.000. Marion Frizzell 752·1414. CN·95l 1WO TO OtOOSE FROM! Both In rueat locations -near S.A. Coll~e. Financial Center. shoppanJ? & fwy. "3 BR CUSl'OM HOME w1room for all your need!!! Formul dining rm <or 4th BR 1 -lanai -bonus rm -all on one level witoo many custom reatw-es to menUon! Sl.24.900. •4 BR RANCH·SfYLE w1 m any de«>rator features. Eat-In kitchen -walk In pantry - self.clean oven -fplc. Well landscaped yard. Sll0.000. Marlon Frizzell 752-1414. CN·96> RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY GREAT TAX Stll.TER CdM duplex. Each unit hH 3 BRs & 2~ baths. Currently leased for 11050/mo. Great location near schools. tennis rourts & shops. Pnced very reasonably at S197.500 Ir owner; will consider orrer11. Barbara Wrtihl Gf4.GO(). fN·t131 IEUEYE ME, NOW IS THE TIME1 One or the finclll lnvestm~t beach rottages In Balbo:i! TVIO l·BR units j111t atesie from bay & ~ach. Perfect ror abse'J~ or llve·ln owMr. Quallty areal Clint MOS6 642·8235. c N· 114 > HUNnNG10N BEACH Trtpl.x! Eltchaf\Re • lnvtet nc1r bffthl One a.BR, 2 bath owner't unit wtt)lc. 4' .,.UO. Two l ·DR. 2 balll. Oood tt11tal area. Sl9C>.900. Vee SUnlOft ecz..sm. c N· 115) 752-1414 454Scm,...~r. Cwu.,.1 v.., Center -OM. Y Ptl.OT he81ogHt Marketpt1c.-On The Orano•Coa.t DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS ~c .. os.rwe 842•5878'"'c'"., .. ,., . .., •.•. EQUAL H0U...a ...... ,.,.s-. M ForS. OPPORTUNITY •• ~~!:: ................ N:lth •~·Mette.•: •••••••••••••••••••••• .... ,.. aoo • IHF.. I 002 All 1"H1 .tel adv•rti•t'd • ••• •••••••• •••• ••••• •• ln !Jib (W'Wlj)aper II IUb •••••••••••••••••••••• 1td \o llw t'~oral Y1lr ' llou1ln1 Atl ol IHI whkb mAkel it llwul lo _..__../ 1n11ne advert11r "any prr· 11191i1NIU l •• f~ren«'. llmUalloo\ or 118,ty dlM·t1minauon betMJ on ,..~ rotor. rtllicwn. llH, or nauonal on11n. or 11n FINER HOMES --tM llG CANYON... OYllltSfU COltNH LOT- room for JX><>I. ~pu ur 1 48R~ Jamllv rm formal dininac - t.1:Hl•ful 1·111 :-. ~ clq,.., • •'''' & 11 .. trm s \Slt.'lll S-:ru5.0UO C1 !17 1 50 CUSTOM HOMI ,\11 t"'Cqt11 ,1tt• wood & Spun1i,h 4•1•rJrn1c till· l'ntn hlnb ul tht> ,.1-...:un<•t• wtuch lit•' wllhin lht~ tw<Jullful honw (hil·r~awtl ~ume rm . formul du11n.: & ('nuntr) k11t·twn :..11 l ' fuw hvin~ art.>tt:, tor a hu :,y I amity <>thPr nmt'mt1~ lnl'I pool. spa & coven'<t put10 w outdoor JWQ for y •ur 'round c.>njoyment Sf>80.C)()() ( N-~IH > 2-STORY 5BH '"01.x.I & ~la~~ home on tht· J!Olf l'ours e ! fo'ormal dining rm hrkfs t. rm. s p<Jt1'1U!) ma!)h.•r -.u1te $6.50.000. CN-100> GOLF COUISf & CITY LIGHTS VIEW D <' " t> I o p 1• r · :-; o w n h o m ,. hcuutifully t11>1>0U1tl"Cl w teak entry. <h!s1J,!ncr 1m1wrs. tw<imc•d <.·t•1llngs. air l'l>ncl1t1onin,.: & pool. $575.000 IN JUI I .• .tM SEA VIEW ... ON6-0f.A·KINO lfU(, f:trnilV rrn. h0111C' W/the ftnCSl rn <i lel'i<.1 b · & •• ppoint mt·nts. Spl 1 t l<.•V\·I l f1rt•plan·~ Wt'l bar 111tt•n·orn 1·omrn11n1ty pool & H•ll 111 S :-;;rnJ .000 ( :'\ ( IJ:! I TRULY A VIEW! Hc:uutifullv c·o ordmat<·d 4BR horn<.· \\ c·u storll fl·att1rl·~ S298.000 ti\ I 11:0 CUSTOM HOME Bnl·k l 0ntrv l<.-:cds to this quality :mH & <lt·n home· w1:«>parate family rm . formal dinin g . 2 brick f1n·µlcH·'•:-.. w<.•l h:ir, inlt·rc·om :-. vs l t • m & f 1 n 1 !'-ht' <I gar a gt• w l ;11rndrv an·a S3SH.OOCI IN-H» I ... OH LIDO ISLL STREET-TO-STRATA lrn·at1on ' W;1rm & t·ot.'\ 4BR home " hug t· masll·r an·a · upsta1r!-i & 111\ 1l1nJ.( d<.·n" lln.•r)l\.1t·<.· downst airs c•n twrwc•d h~ ct1tht•drnl <'eilings. W :..i I k to kn111s. bl'tt<'h & shopping. SlX7 .500. <N I05> ... IN CORONA DEL MAR.- WOOD & GLASS UTSUOR OCEAN VIEW aml mon·' l·:l1·~anl'1• ahounds from tlus ru:-.torn IBH honu.•1 Dramatu: 1s the· wont "" you t•nkr ... frC'nch doors kad to :1 dcl'ks .. a hu~e master s111h-ol'l c·rs its own spa & sauna. SJ.I!) ooo Suhmrt all offers 1 N IOli 1 A lTN: INVESTORS Tlw prn·c· .-. 11g ht & th<.· time is now 1111 thi s outs tanc11ng offt>ring ' Duplt•x. south ot hwy in <.'l'nlr <ll an·a Spa1·1ous 2BH . livin~ rm. 11111ts $175.000 Submit. CN 1071 FAR REACHING VIEW ftlOM SPYGLASS .Just lrsh•(I f;1h11lous Nantucket that l-hO\.\.., thut "l11ut·h of clm;s ! " ('ountry Fn·111·h s t yle offcrtng !iB lb . dt·n"" wt•l liar. formal living ~~ <hning .1n·:1:-.. l'ountrv k1t<'hcn + 2 ltrt·pla<·c· ... J•'rnm th•· c111t..id<.'. .an ouhtanchng vu·w ot OC'<.•an & bay, I rum 1 ht• pool & -.p.1 $750.000 IN 1118 l ... fM NEWPORT BEACH .•. HARBOR VIEW HOMIS lka ut1full.v upj.!r:1rl1•d Portof1no w/ m;rny custom f<•at11r11s . Fm1shl><I bonus rm 4 HH s :11 :· baths locaLC'd on quH't st n· .. 1 .Just hst<•d al Sl!J9.000 f1•<• Jl tJHRY1 IN·l()!)J s 117.500!! • Lilf'f.t\' :mH hom<• 1n dcla~htful n ('I g h h 0 I' h tJ II d II r h (' ... u ti f u I l'l's 1clc·n<'<'' & matm·t· t r<·~. LS( lot <.·tin UlTornrnochttl' ti t um1ly s17.ed IH.>OI & murh morn! (N·llO) .• .IM tRVINE ••• TOP LEVB. COHDOMIMUM overlooking Rancho San Joaquln l(Olf COUr8e I 2BRs -2 baths - separate den w/wet bar. Comm. recreallon fodlltie~ too' Sl26,500. (N-111 > ••LYNNE VALENTINE•• ti ·I 4 · 6 2 II 0 r---- '42423S 6'44 .. 200 901 Dover Orlvt Harbor View Ctntfr lrvlne et C•ml'U' Vtlley Ctnttr 712-1414 .. .. • t"tc'flUun to meki• an)' urh pttfttenf'f', Umlt11 Utin,urdllr nmlnallon · TNa M'MP•IN" wlll no4 ~now1n1ly •l'l'f'Pl 11ny 1dv•rlla1n11 for rre 1 twtat. WNfh II In VIOia uanottl'-l•w -~--........ florS• ........ , ••.......•.... GeMr.. IOOJ ........................ .-WUST1M6Sll IAYCalST Of'94 SUM. I ·S 20Jt SHlf'WAY Sc>e<'IOUI a bdrm • a b•Uui famUy rm + brkflit nn 2 frplc11 paUo 111"1nklcr11 + doK run dn1u,onc good value at l205.000' MIWPOaT Hll•HTS 2 Bdrm. " 3 bdrm hclwH'tl, wtlh frplc.1 ·COP· pi,'f' plumb + woruhup $199.950' WATHNONT P1er/flo•l , duplt!J< on lc1ol R-2 lol; clOtle lo 11botlt Udo Vlllug" · 11 reul value• for $249,500! lalN>alayflt-op. Reatton • 675-7060. Sunny Brilc & Famly Rite. 4 Br 2 Ba +pool, wawrlall. flsh pond & lo nunlcare landst'aplntt. Near Hunl. &!ach Mall. Asking $87 ,900. Zero doUan down lo VA b\zycr Or lry contract aale. Femily onented re decorated 4 Rr 2 Ba. only 3 btks t.o Orange Coa11t College Reduced to 186.000. Ori ve by 236 l~oa Rd CM REALTY fo~REE HOMES lt.fo: /\dv111ory !;crv1<·(• 530-2224 TaJce over 811'2'~ FH/\ lo:rn w/low cash ~st buy in 11 star\home 3 Rr l'" Ba. duunl>? rm, IA lot, many extras Only $68.000 but hurry! Onve by 13$82 Barnett Way. Garden Grove. or call REALTY FREE HOMl-:S It E Advisory SerVICl' 530.2224 SOMETHING SHCIAL In Unlversity Purk. Up ~r uded , air (·ood townhouse with many an~rut1e>: 3 hdrms .. 3 ba . ram. rm . 111cl mstr suite with brc•athtakin~ 'pa r c n l · s r l' l r c a I Sl.07.900. Open Sun. 1·5 4433 Lancewood .,d ~CURE: &~ ··-·-··· ·---· .............. , _63 -3_4 4 l IR-FfXElt FOUCLOSURE! TRUE! 3 Bedrm rtxer· upper. will go into fore<'losurc 11horlly' Bank has notified owner of 1t 's mtent Good IO<'a· lion 67Xl07Lol111e. Full pnce ju.sl 165.000! Take advantaJ(e, coll 752·1700 Now! I 11fl4 I 'I • 11' t I ,, ' I I '• ' !~Ill PERALTA HILLS TEN· NlS COURT ESTATE. Country c hum Is the feebnii lhrouihout this spucaoua home set on a I afre slle 1n exclusive Peralta Hllls This home ll\IJy h8.11 everything. 4 Br 21"1 Ba, sep. den. F R • liv rm. dm rm, .iourmel kitchen w /nook. 3 car goraae. Feature• Include 2 frplc's, wel bor. fenlr. vacuum. blt-tn stereo. & shuttera. Used brick, gorgeous wood, open beam11 & cstm tiles are IM:lCd throughout. Out.side unerutles Incl. lg pool· J8CUU1. lg cove rt'CI patio, & N I S tennis crt. Bcaullfully IHdJJca~. view. By owner. 9825.000. Call for eppt. "74-2938 W. Ofr/Low Deww DANA POINT. New ocean view bomc. Quat. fHtures thru-out Incl: P\teplaoe, hUI• 1undeck, vawt.d a1U'!i.., 1oft, etc . Aakin& SlJO.uuu. lmmed mo¥e In. Owner/A1enl. M).$510 ................ y Siand..., e•clwalve Jl•t. lnl. Ulla Doctor'• home h8i 5 bdnna, • 3 batbl,. Include• matd '• querten, fain room, bUUatd rm, form dlntna room • wet bar. Over IOOO IQ fl. many cu.tom• flxluns edd..i b1 owner. Open· houae t.odey, lull ~~ IUt.OOO C ell .. SELECT ' PROPERTIES . . . ........ ,.,_ S. ...... , Fer S. 'Hot.Mt'°' 5* Hovtet,.,. 5* I Mo.wt For~ I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••r• 1002 .... ,.. 1002 o ... ,.. 1002 e ... ".. 1002 c& .. ,... 1002 ... ~··················· •...................... ···•··················· ............................................. . ~~----!1!11111 ....... __ ... __ ..__ pre~en/J HAI• IHCHWDS MIW Ul,.....1 0p(l0rtumty for pront . Priced l>t•low mar~ct to allow tor n•<it-1..·oruUn~. Th.ls 3 Bdrm tix.er·upper 1~ toruted rlo-,4.• to W~"tclltt ahopplnf{ on <1ul(•t l'ltrt•ct -with altr cUve rear y urd lk•'l1rftble nnunrina! $112.~ I U7 rrhc ... LA, Ml 0,... S-. I ·5 HARBOR HIGHLANDS At.l AXID UPI N w point. plumbtn(( 1111tl 1·01 pt•tk :l Hdrms. 2 bath&. t•ncl~-U lunul with fireplace. aulllln k1tc:h(•n. pulto .. lurJ(l' yard SJ 16.900 I 9 11 ot.. LA, Ml 0,... S. I ·5 WESTCLIFF WILCOMI TO THI HST! Completely rNlcc·o1 at d with beaullfol carpet~. "'Jllpaj)t'r s und d1 <IJJ<'f-4 fldrms and cllnin~ room. or :l lhlrrni-. den and lluun.: 1·omn Eui,v c.·arc yord. Owner tr:.nsferred. Heady to J:O $169.000 1915M." ... 1Dr .. HI 0,.,.s.t/S. 1·5 BACK BAY-VIEW 112 ACU IN NEWPORT Cus tom 4 Bdrm ho me with large cement area for boats or camper. Located on cul de sa<· 1denl ror children. $275.000. 25 I 0 Vista lcrya Cr .• Ml 0,... S.. l·S DOVER SHORES PRIME LOCATION & VIEW -Light and <11ry :J Bdrm hom e with all th<· :11111..•nitws for J.!r<t<'IOUs living. Com<• and lflSl>l'<·t this offonng. f''cl• land . I 0 I 0 Wedwlnd Way, HI. ()peft Sat/Sutt I ·S BALBOA BAYFRONT NEW USTIHG! Let waterfront living be.' your new way of life for 1979. See this unique 2 story, 4 Bdrm home located in the heart of Balboa. Shared pier & doC' k for scver a I lar~t! hoats. S685.000 by apl)Omtmcnt. 642-5200 CORONA DEl MAR COZY A.HD INTIMATE 2 Bdrm horn(' \~tlh la1'J.!l' hnl·k frreplace and spac·rous new kit<'hcn . Lov ... ly secluded patio. Cho1et• lorataon. R-2 lot. So of h wv . Hoom lo ;.1d<1 SC'('0 11d unit . srn7 .soo NEWPORT HEIGHTS AREA MEW LISTI MG -2 on a tot -3 Bdrm. frreplate ncat-aS-H·pin home on the front. and cute 2 lidrm and sunroom "oldie" m baC'k. Corner lot -so 2 addresses. Would like to trade for 1·ommcn·1al or industrial 1ncom<.•. Call Curt lll•rhC'ri.!;. 642·5200. OP£H HOUSES 1-5 SAT/SUM SPYGLASS HILL -Gorgeous New Bedford Model. ocean & buy view. 15 Cambria. $460.000 LAGUNA IEACH 4 new custom homes. ocean view. 120 Crescent Bay Or. From $3:!4.900 llG CANYON --Rcautiful <.-state on large' private' i?rounds. S585.000 HARBOR VIEW HILLS --Just listed fklv<.'<ierc Model. V,l<.·ant. 1521 Keel. NEWPORT BEACH In vestors. sh<1 rp duplex m.•xt to bcaeh. fIBOI Seashore. IALIOA ISLAND Bayfronl. betl<'r than ncw $419.000 50 UNITS .Ju~l listed. robulous opportunity. $150.oOO. ESCAPE Salmon River. Idaho. 5 acres rlaht on the Salmon Riwr. Includes 2 bedroom mobile home. Perfect for fishini;t & hunting. Owner will consider trade. SS6.000. MIWDUPW MAl(IS COMDOS Dlluxe la'1• 2 BR. 2 b• • e 2 BR. 2 M, built tor conver1lon. · T•lu1 hl owner wrt le off lhen 4'0ft· ver\. Eu\1ld~ Coal• Meu 400l11" C.M. CllfftAL MIWPOIT Aulbt nllc Spaol1h I bdrm .• 1 t>.th doll ltOuH; btolk 1'> blach. Owner =~ Hele; t1lllln1 .,,:ii 815-l7U of n~wporl REALTORS 675-511 I OPEMHOUSIS JASMt.-Cit.EB: In the ..._.. of c_._. .. Mw: .............. P"""9o-• .., of '"•· ,.mate CJGted ...try & Z4 how ..-rd Mf''flcr, Poot. lacuuJ. TENNIS cou•1rs & c....._.. -it•1 ,,_at -I llllow, I II•• ~.too U... Cot.I - #97 JASMtME CHS DI: OPIH SAT & SUH I to 5. R_.. ..,._ In ........ l wtttt thre• bedroo•H, lar9• fondly roo•. be..tf..,c...,..d..t•,..d.Awt...ttc .,n..w.n. H'1 OWl'I focvul, tpocJon pGffot for 1rot11 tallllftCJ. nailabh for lwcl• occ1tpc91Cy & OWMr moy help fl..-c:e . S244,500. # I 19 JASMINE caE& Oil ()PIH SUH I to 5. lrcnd new rt• 5 iplff ...... """" bedrooMs, family room. ocep •few. a-.clote posHSMon. Do yow ow.. ••tt1•J'' ••-' dHorete to yovr heert'• •••· S241,IOO. 3322 VIA UDO: OPE ... SAT & SUH I to S: Defk)MM two & ct.ft or""" M*OOM c-'oMtJ-.. wltti MpGf'at• ....&crs or heM roOM & both. Step out Oft ... , ... a.rick ferrac• and o..to your bocrt -pri•ate lllp wHI tab .. to 65 ft. boat. SSZl,000. UNIVERSITY PAltk: 17912 HORTON: OPEH SUN 2 to 5 PM: C"-ceflor ,._ I: It's ~ ff'1 spott.11, it'1 tpaclout. tr• a hotr1• wttii two mcnter: ..,.. .ct o TY room. SfrytH)hted entry. .....y llttdNtl with b~olrfast ano. faay care wood decb with lush plantln91 fol' CJreat entertolnh19. $103,000. LAGUNA HIUS: 25231 VIA DE AKV.: OPEN HOUSE SUN I to 5: Paa•1ic •Mw of s.ow-cC!lplMd lftOUllfaiM ... dty ....... A lonly four b•droom home 111 top . condltlOft; family room. ldtchetl & .,..,., with Spanish Hi. floorilMJ. Hew paW. MW ca~ MW dbhwashw, MW furMc•. 1t•1 a r'ffll tr.at and a pleOIW'9 to lhow. SI 10.500. NEWPORT IEACH COMDO: THE TOWERS. Two bedrooms and two bath1. 011 the water with fabulows •lew. In b•autlful co11dltlon for io19hl1tlcated ent.rtahlinC). *urity BulldiltCJ. Approx. 40' boat sHp oYaitabfe. $215,000. COIOHA DEL MAR: AttettHoft lllndon! RARE SIX UMrrs In cholc• locatiOft, GM block to lie) CCM"OftCI Ind\. Cua'°"' Wit for present ow11er. lullf·ln kltcltH1. flr.,klces. OM & two bedrOCMM; pri•ot. patio• md/rw decks.. $460,000. EASTSIDE COSTA MESA: Excellent TRl·'L!X. two RM•oom' ~adt. I 11,. baths. pri•crh paHos. RnancillCJ Is osMRlllllM -o C)tttft byY at s 162,500. COLE OF NEWPORT REAL TORS 2515 E. Coost Hwy .. CorollG d4!I Mar 675·5511 UDO ISLE Bay view from 2 patio decks enhanceb c ustom spacious 5 bdrm .. 4 bath traditional home : like new. Ideal fot entertaining. S.S00.000 OCEANFRONT 924 W. OCEANFttONT OPE:M SU .... 1-4 Quality craftsm anship in mahoJ!. trim & oak noors sets off this landmark: 4 BR. 3 ba . homt· in finest locat1on. Established trees & lawns. $485.000. IACK BAY F'in<' 4 bdrm . 21 ~ bath fomlly home on quiet <'UI <k sue Oversized pool. playhouRc. stornf!c $169.000. Terms. IAYFRONT S<.'vcral fine bayfront home:. with plt'r & slip AVALON Welt construrled. 3 BIL I ba. oak floor, partial basement. concrete foundation. Flats area. $120.000-Fee. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR 1·11 H.,y• .. d•· U11v1· N 6 67'l l•'f,' $65,950 /\ 3 Bdrm t both hom" with a separate fnmilv r•oom nnd firepJti('C'. Hos a bi~ yard 'with bi~ trevs Just listed with FHA-V/\ terms ava1lnhll'. Tn11ler and RV arccss with the detached double Ra ra~c. Hurry on th as one! C•ll 546-4141 SD.LEI MOVED OUT He ls in his new home. and wants to aell thls cute t Bdrm condo ln a adult complex. clo1c to s hopplog and transportation. Submlt you r offer. only $49.950. ctl 546-4141 '••·rv11111 l:o-.1.1 Mf" .. I lrv1111• H1.itl111qtcr11 flt .,ll t1 N1•wporl 01·.11 I· You cb,•t need a 1un to Want l0Tr1de 5 br., Me.a "draw f .. l .. when yoia V_., (or 3 br. condo. Pla..e an ad In the Dally Call aft 7PM or Sunday Jl'Oot W111l Ad ! Cell now l'INOL -MWl1L ·Lingo Aul&wl COMFOltTAILI STAITH HOMI -&..,. bacllytrd. l ~~••ow ... ..., l'OGlll -................. Sto•• a11d refrl9er•t•r f•clMd•cf. S71.750. EASY TOWNHOUSE UVIMG --Stt.ted Oft • CJl"H ......... CD .,,, pool/ ........ 2 .,...OOlll. 2'12 Mitt~ off..-. low ........ llaM• ClftCI prfYOCf M .. attrKff•• Weshl• area. A c .... •1111 c.,.,. COl'Mf' flreploce ..ct Gp" ~ CN ... G tott.M, a,ockMn ll•t.g "*9 ..... M.hr bedrOCMll, haa OWlt ~ .. flre,eece .ct wolk·ln cloMtt. aec11tced to .• ~S7',t00. GREAT ST ARTER HOMI -Ca.Id be tM fowest priced l .._...,_ hOIM Ill Costa MHa. root_._. Mickywd wfftt iv occ"'-Motf•ated....,. prtflt1.., I OJ I •Jldl•IJf• ........ al often. SH,000. 644-7020 2123 SAM JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD NEWPORT BEACH [;ist .t .J3rf 644-1133 ~: •.• tlh ANYTIME OPEN SUN. 1-5- EASTILUFF lmmat'utotC' s plit-IC'vel with vie w ; 2480 sq. ft .. rt'don(' in ev(•ry detuil; needs proud owner . Ht·<lul'cd to sel l. S2 l9.500. 2833 Alta V1~ta ~ POPULAR BLUFFS Spadous 3 bdrm .. 21 ~· baths: loads of upJ,trad<·~ & <·ustom fraturcs. Neede f1xin1:. pru.·<.-d ct<.·1.·orrltn~I~. S122.!J50. Call tor mfo LEASES ALSO A VAil.AiLE- I OCEANFRONT PENTHOUSE- North La~una Ilca<'h's finest loca- tions. Extremely spacious with spec· tacular ocean view. /\bout 3000 sq . ft . of luxury 2 new huge patio decks & private elevator. Offer a reasonable down payment & scllt'r will carry en· tire balance (with no lender pro· blems > Asking S:l95.000 JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 29 \ 9 HEWPORT ll•d. corner 30tft LARRY DARLING At lt•r nrnn v H ':.tl ' of suN·t·sstul 1·t•a l «!Slute "invt•,11ng 1n the llurbor An·a. L~rry hris gone into rea.l estatc> sales with Harbor Rcaltv . Prior to his real estate I n v c s I I II I-! a (' l I v i t ,\' ' h f! acr ummu latc•d many yea r s experienr<.• 1n the salc•!i und . muna~ement faects of meta~ and industrial ('qu1pmcnt operations Larry Is a n<ll1\'t' Californian who h:i~ livl'<i in the fh1 rbor /\rca for th t• patil :.M ~ca,.,, U<· h as a thorou~h knowlt'<lg '' of rc.•nl c:state In th{\ flurbor Ar<.'.1 Wht•t hvr you plun to buy or st->11. why not "lel his experience work fo r yuu"? You can st1vc youri.C'lf time ond' money dealing 'with an exJ)t'l"l -so give Larry u t•all. You WlU be glad you did. ~!.~.~ t4omft fer S. ......... ..,. S-. ........ Pof' S-. HottM1 for S. SUl\dly, Jtnu ry 14, 1979 DAILY PILOT 83 G at •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ~!'• IOOZ G••r• IOOZ ewr.. IOOZ .....,,.. too •••,..e 1002 ~Pof'l4N HoetsffForScM Howw.ForW. HottM1forW. ········•········• ......••............•.......•.••.••.....•••••. ··~··················· .••.•..•.••..•...•...•.•.•••......•........•••.....................•.............••......... ······················· / •t I •J • .:-ft ........ ASSUMAILE FHA LOAN On lw.wt1full\' l ,11ui..., .. 11wd 3 lM.'<troom l 11 huth ho nll' an l'nlh loll' P.ark ('1)-,t ,1 1\ll•s,1 ~.500 .\:-k 1111· t:h•n llt·ll~arth ti:ll l:.'lil o A ROSE GARDEN Lu~h l,1mlM·.1µm~ 11u lutll•.., ,1tnurtl ult m ,1 stt·1 hl01h 110111 I .uwt• ... 1 p11n•cl 3 lwdruom I ' 1 h uth .• 11r l'und11101wtl honw m "l'"•' \ l'fdl• orth ~.~> 1\:..k lot (jll'll lldh\atlh 631 1266 PRIDE OF OWHERSH8' l'roft·-.."wnal(, l.1111ht·.1pt•d and I l 'l'llll I\ n •tl,., or.1t l'd I IH'(lroo1n ~h .. .,a Vt·rtll' honw <>11 prl\ ah · t«>rnt•r lot Onl\ "l :.!:?.0110 \-..!. lur Clt•n I h.•ll\\arlh li:Sl l~ili BEST BUY IN MESA VERDE <>uullt~ t'<>nslrut·tt•d I lwdroom. :J b<\th hcmu· on trng t• lot ,1m1tbt ('Uslom honws Sc•llt•r rnnt1v11tt..'<.t l mml'dHtlP uen1p.11H ' 1\s k lor (;((m llt•ll" urth tiJl l~;(j OPEN HOUSE Sund<•Y I:? ·1 1J m ut 1145 S-.ilvudor A h~·a11t1ful 5 twdroom homt.• an Mt·sa Ot>I :\tar CIOSl' to ore. Inte rior freshlv p :i 1 n t e d w 1 I h n c• w d r u p <' ..., • Pruft•ssmnallv lands ('apt.•d . As k for Hcg~1c Wyman. fi:H -12ti6 ROOM FOR MORE :JOOxlili H 2 lot with J units -zoned lor h. I n Costa :\le:,a $189.900. t\~k !'or Roy Sicnwns. GJ1-12tifi IRVIME TRl-LEVEl Yale• model -lri -level w ith 4 hPdrooms. formal dinm g and s unken lam1ly room. Wl't bar $109.900 or try IC'aSC' OJ)llOn a t SI 15.000. Ask for Roy Si<.'nll'rlS fhn ·l ~nH BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Ht• ,vnur own boss in 1979. Auto P arts Store Sit:~.500 and own{'r will carrv with S l !J.5011 dow11 . A~k for Ro'v !:i1l·mcns 63l · 12fifl • IRVINE REMT AL f<'or rent or lease . 2.050 squa re foot home m Irvine. 4 or 5 bedrooms. 3 bath s . $650/month Firs t a nd Security Deposit of S500. Ask for Roy Siemens 631·12fl6 CHARMING OCEANFRONT DUPLEX 2 bedrooms in each unit. s pectacular view. Superbly present ed. Ask for .Jeanne Inglis fi31·1266 PRIVATE PARTY 10', F INANCING on 1st TD. 2 bdrm <·on<lo. <wean vil'w. 584.950. A~k for . John Mars ha ll. 631-1266 of c05ta mHa, inhw, Mwpori bHch, IRc. 234 E. 17th Strfft, Costa Mes.a 631·1266 '\,1t1orrn 11h• 'l:1•f\\f1rk of l nd1' irlu.rll \ "" n1~I .111d tlf11•r ,111·!1 fl Nrl Ei.luh' Ofhc•c•' BACK IAY BARGAIN Luxunous Woodstream bedroom. 2 story. Walk to pool, Y.M.C t\., shop· pmg. S94.900 I~ Down Hurry. call 646-4477 i.Q. K€Y •lEJ&il P.E:ALTOP.Sft Want t\ds Call 642-567 For sale by Owner As· sume 8"'1'k FHA loan al only $.118 piti mo. Newly carpeted 3 Br 1 :i.~ Ba on quiet cul de-sac lot ap- prox. 1h acre . As king $68.000. Ori ve by 2610 Wllsbire Pl. Santa Ana or call REALTY FREE HOMES R.E. Addvisory Service SJ0.2224 LIDO REALTY PRESENTS ELEGANT TOWNHOUSE Special opportunity. 8.7~.:? variable loan available . Owner will carr y se('onda ry financin ~. Overlookin·g Big Canyon Golf Course. Owner will lease w ith o ption. LIDO IA YFROMT With 2 slips: 5 bdrms .• 3 baths; buy or lease/option . RARE LIDO TOWNHOUSE Be~ut ifully lo('atcd. r ead y to move into. Pric('d right! CUSTOM NEWPORT HEIGHTS Fn·n('h d oors lead to a country ~a rd c n in this comp l e t e l y rcmodl'led h o m e . Warm. new ('a rpet. all n e w a ppliances, ne w plumbing . Profess. d ecorated, with mirror s -wood walls. c ustom wallpaper. RV access. All trus just minutes to the beach l Call us for m ore informa tion. LIDO REAL 673-7300 A DIVISIO() of Red Hiii Realty Co.oMA. DIL MA.I Of'POan...tTY FOi IMVISTOIS 01 DIV&.OPBS !)() )o'oot ft 2 lot 1 Lot·.Hed on Avocado !.OUlh or l'•>abt I lwy Wtd(' davtded ~l reel. Allt•y Oldc·r 2 Mory hoUM' ~ ~·t·or Ruru.:t• with 1 bdrm & off ll't! •lfltlrt nwnt OH•r Nt•ur Irvine Terrucc Ith ul tor n"<tt•vt•lop nw nt Sl7S.OOO SIA VIEW'S FIMIST -4271,000 I-,1huluu~ p,inur<im1r v iew of t•1ty 11.:hts . O('t•an. C ;1tJltnu & Palos V t't de~ Ahsoluh· 1wrf(•rt1on thruoul ttw. prult·~s1on.1ll~ dt•t·oralt'<.I & prof l.1 ntl:-.c·a 1H'<I ··Nun t lH' kl'\'' modt•I ' Bl'ltcr thnn mos t modt>I home~ If 1.:hly urtpro\ ucl with luxurwus cui.lom l'Ptn~ & cirapt'rws . automulll' s i>nn klt·r~ & outdoor hJ.thtmg 2 BR & <'On' l't1 dt•n St•l'tU'll v. pool tennai-. It 15 YT. 94CHA.HT1tlSS S/S I 2:l~4:l0 JASMINE CREEk-VIEW~239.000 Bt·~l buy 1n <H(H l ! Bra nd nt·w s µllt le vel "St..•a Rn•c:w " model on lovely fllllt't 1-lt'('('l :J ndrms. family 1 m . formal danmg rm & l 1·• baths lla ~hly upgrHd<'d with atr·cond .. auto. sprinklers. l uxury <·ptng plus-plus Tc.•nnas t ts, pools. J1u·u·1,i1s & security of 24-hr. guiHdl•d entran<:e . Call 640-6079 for cmtry durm~ open house or H<14 ·'1910 anv otht·r t1mt.> S JETTY Di. SA. T /SUN I 2:3~4:30 llG CA.MYOH CUSTOM HOME Fahulous vit•w of B.C. golf course! Lush tourtvard t·ntrance to this fmc 4 bdrm l storv w/fam tl v rm +b11l1ard rm . forma·I dtning ·rm : g o urme t kitl'h en & beautiful pool. Spat·1ous. l'lcgant mnster bcclrm s uite w1 hugt· walk·in Mr. & Mrs . ('losels. IRVIHE TERRA.CE-VIEW~) I 0,000 Spectacula r view of ocean. bay. city lights & Catalina ! $('C the boats come thru the jetty & on thru the ha rbor. 2 L p.e bdrms p lus maid's rm & sitting rm. f a mily rm & forma l DR . Go,rgeous pool m front courtyurd Owner wants an offer ~ WESLEY H. TA. YLOR CO. 2 I I I Son Jooquin Hltl1 Rood NEWPORT CENTER, M.I. 644-49 I 0 DAVIDSON REALTY PRESENTS UDO ISLE. R a r e opportunity for the dis criminating buyer ; b eautifully decorated. s pacious 5 BR. 4 ba. home in prime location . Lge. s unny patio. Offer ed c omple t e l y furnish e d a t $527.500. MEW 4-ft.EX Xlnt Costa Mesa loc. All 2 BR. 2 ba. $235.000. NEWPORT SHORES Best buy! A real v<.1 lue. tastefully decorated 2 BR. 2 ba .. 2 frplcs. Va('ant. Reduced to $99.500 HA.RIOR VIEW HOME Charming 4 BR. upg raded Montego. Corner lot; many built-ins. $158.900 D A V I D S 0 N ! E A L T Y I N C. JI 16 Newporl Blvd 1" B 673· 9060 me: 110111 BLllRS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SE RVICE OPEM SUN. I ·5 2156 VISTA EMTRADA Great End Unit On One or The Fm est Streets In Newport Beach's Bluffs. Spectacular 4 RR W/3 RA. In Wooded Setting. Short Distance To Pool And F.nte rtainment Area. Sep. Dining Room. lfugc Living Rm. Wt Ra1sed Hearth F ireplace. Hi g h Wood Bea m e d Cci lings Thru-Out. $169.500. /\ "J oy Of Newport" Listing. CAPISTRANO BEACH De lig htful Duple x On The Beautiful Sandy Beach . Each Unit Has 3 BR & F a mily Room WI Fire place. Winte r /Summe r Re ntals . Price. $650.000. DAMA POINT Overlookin g Dana Point Harbor And M arino . This Spect acular Co ntemporar y Offers A Breathta king 180' View. Two Story E ntry Leads To A Dramatic Living R oo m WI Rough fl ewn W ood Fi r e place. Sep. Dining Roo m . Gourmet Kitchen . Master Suite + 3 F a mily Bedrooms. Beaut. Grounds W /40 ' Pool , S a una. J acu zzi. $600,000. • HEW LISTING rn The Fabulous Baysld e Cove Community With Security Gate. Near Private Beach On Bay. 2 BR + 2' BA. Original Mode l Hom e Completely ~"'umlshed Except F or Mas t e r Bedroom. P ool. Jac uzzi. Very CharminR. Call To ln)lpcct . Offering. · 631·1800 111 DOV• DllVI G...,... I 002 G..-.1 1002 GeMf'el I 002 G.....et I 002 .ST IUY IM ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••·················· MHAWOODS i..ow.t pr1ce a 1tory In lroct Lvly 4 bdrm homo wtlte~ rm~ rm" rrml din rm. Towenna calh~tal <'dUf\11 Pool 1liod lot N~ Ill' So <:out Plau 6 11ll 11el'lools. 2 blkl rrom 10 a~ ~rk All thu for on· ty sµ..~ lnctudtna a la bonut rm. ()pon tlvea. ~I ~ WalkerlHer. Real ~tate ~SHISTA.TE SH.990 S2500 T o+.t Down Soonnf( 2 f ly. 3 bdrm + oool' Sccludt-d entry to IJvl:.h l1v1n1 rm ' Gourmet kitchen + pnvate C<>Urlyard Don't mb6 Uua l.ownhome OP· oortwlit v ! Call 847 6010 .. ,," '" 11 • l11f'1 ' ' '• , [®1a111 GIANT FIXER Abandoned' Needs work! 16x32' swimming pool! Located on qwet cul de·sae. VA terms' Hurry! CaU: 645·0303 FOREST E OLSON ............. ,. .... llB>ROOM IA.R HA.RIOR With view in charming gatedSeaview Z107 Yacht Grayhng $279,000 ~ 11 1\1\ll RI \I" M I '•I • I H • i '. zrn I Cois1 Hvry Corona del Mar MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY FRENCH MANSION Almost 7000 sq . rt or classi c e l c~ann~. m etic ulous ly de ta 1 lcd with lav1:.h use or mas onry. 1 mporte?d ccramit• tile, hand rubbed oak cabmeti. & trim. opulent crystal chandehers. Mammoth master bedroom s u1te. pl~., 3 other bedroom:.. fi lxllhrooms all fl'atunni.t Sherle Wa~ner hund painted porcelain bowls & matchtnl( bra s:. f a u cet s. 4 ~upe r b fireplaces, large under ground wme cellar re· ached by a winding anti que brick tunnel. The kitchen 1s a culinary master's dehl(ht, 20x40 living room & huge formal dining room Located high up m the Tustin Hills with sweep· mg vtews of lree lops. lights & distant cities in· eluding a p eek at Catalana SI .200.000 • owner will rinunre with reasonable down pay mcnt. Exehanges con sidered. Pnncipals only please. Owner·Broker. Rick Alderelk, 731 511 5 . The ... ___ _ AVE UMITS-W!STMIHSTER E n glis h Tudor s ty le unit~ on beautiful tree-lined str eet. Con venient to s hopplnA All 2 Bdrm units with s~p. owner's umt Prired at $295.000. IA.Ck IA. Y VILLA.GE Prk~d to st-ll al $109.500. This 3 Bdrm. 21 • Ba. 2 story end umt 1s idt!ally locatt>d. HARIOR VIEW HIUS Desperate seller! This :J Bdrm. 2 na hom e tan be yours Try IO'? down - N o credit need ed -Owner will fin ance. Immed i a t e possession uvaila ble . OPEN SUNDAY 12·4. 1017 Sandcastle • EA.STILUFF Price redul'lion ! Now $159.900 for this huJ,!e 5 Bdrm. 3 s ... 2 Story r t>cenlly rcdecorate<1 home. Flexible on terms. OP EN SUNDAY 12-4. 2652 Basswood. TURTLEtlOCI< Broadmoor Plan Ill -5 Bdrm. 2 1~ Ba on fee land. Good location & a (.?real va lue at $155.000. OPEN SUNDAY 12·4. 19212 Sierra hia bella. R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640-5112 C~!~~~i ,~So· r.r A1 L \Tt.ff 2S4S EASTBLUFF OR. NEWPORT BEACH. CA. 640-0020 BLUFFS BEST!!! ORIGINAL SECTION Ele~antly upj:?r~ded & detorated 3 bdrm .. ~•,..: hath Fran<:ascan model : dctorator wood p a ne ling & tiled I lours Custom shutte r s . End un1L f;jst possc.•ss1on p ossible . St48 500 Open today 1·5. 559 V1 sl a Flora WATERFRONT DUPLEX $450,000 ExceptlOftCll Income property °" HM water with boat dock. Perfect for the owner who wants to ti•• ht a tpocJcMn home GRd have an lftcome unit OR hOfM at1d seporate llftit for teett o~r or motheMIHaw. Ft-Oftt h041se is 3 ldrm. cfinlftCJ rm + OM bed Clftd loft unit witft hifjhceilings. SaUeb•rv Realtw 315 Marine Ave. Balboa Island 673-6900 Dalebout Association, Inc. Real F..slate Specialist (Dover Shores/ Baycrest/Westcliff > COME WITH US. . . to Donr Shorff, layer-est and WntcHff. Then 11 onfy one way to get to llnow a ~ resideftffal arH -hove someo.. who llnows it and loves it show it to Y°"- COME WITH US ••• to. 2212 Francisco Drive. Sp19ftdfd foMr IMdroolft falftlly holfte. Remarkably fu1tctlo1tal . SpacloutMSs wWe It counh. A. tOUC)h value to beat at the price. $ 189,500 Open Today 12:30..4:30 COME WITH US .•• to I 92 I heword Lane. THIS GLOWING IEAUTY HAS JUST IEEH REDUCED IN PRICE FROM $215,000 to $190,000. • .A. $25,000 SA. VIHGS. Four bedrooms. Fa"'Uy room. DhMnc) room. Ecrttng .,ace 1 .. Wtctt.ft. Two flnplocn. Jocunl If Y.°" _.. looldftg ffw a C)ffClt •alile With no sacrlflc• ht quality, comfort and.,,... 1tkje. • .Me this properly. $I 90,000 0,... Today 12:30..4:30 COME wmt US~ • .to 1730 Gdaxy Drive. A. look yo.'I Ion at a price you wll Ills.. Four ~s. fwllty rooM. Dlnln9 roolft. loth•9 space '" kitcheft. l1ttoilcotla9 view. . .Clltd the ... wlll swpnse yo& S 3 I 0,000 0,... Today I 2:30..4:30 COME W1TH US. • .to I JSO Galaxy Dri••· Explore t1tk H· tro•CICJ9'f bHuty. Twel•• foot celhgt. ~ •• be•«>oms. Fontify room. DW919 room. Gow!Mf ldtchetl. lreolifftt room. Poot. Frofttlhte view of the oc.-, boc• bay and "'9ht tiCJhfs. This 11 no CM clnary Do•er Shor.a ho.M. $6 75,000 A.ppoitttuuw11t ORiy. COME WITH us. .. to 505 ..... '9 St.. L-. ,_ ..... wlto .,..._. trecltfoA. ...... e.My ...... d .... cNfhd. Fow .... OOMI. F-.ly '°°"'" 0... °" • priv• beoch ..... • ey• ple•htg •iew of HM wGftt' _. ...... llgML TMs llMd brick ..... ...., .. ,. ......... llC.,.. ... "'°"' .... ....,..., ~ 0,... Tod9y 12:30-4:30 ... 881 DOYER DRIVE. SUITE 34 NEWPORT BEACH '" 642-7408 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• VETERANS SPECIAL 1979 b•rgaln for VA buycn. Larae we ll planned Cowta Meu horn!:. featun:s: family room with f1replace, lje kitchen wMi 11rac10W1 ltv· lruc room 3 bdrm, 2 bath. dbl garage, all ror only '179.000. Juat li11t1.-d, call ~USI HARIOll VllW RARt: SPLIT LEVEl, Double doon open Info tbls lov.:ly 4 bcdrm home. Formal d1n1n1 room fl llvtnl( rm w/fpk Fam.Uy room adjoining fully bulll In all f'lt.'c lclt~hen. 3 Bcdrn11> up with ma1t e r a ullo & added on bonu, rm on prlvott.' lower ltv~·I Spectacular v1 ~w ol ocean, harbor & n1t1· lites 6'7USSO _,.,, •t I• f •1 , 1 ~HERITAGE REALTORS 1~-~-,l*lfi&ll fllc~t~.~ THE IEST HOMES IH TOWN ARE IEHIHD OUR SIGMS. TA.KE THIS AD WITH YOU TODA. Y IETWEE:H I AMD S TO SH THE HST OF WHAT THI NEWPORT .AREA. HAS TO OFFER. CALL FOR DIRECTIONS OR STOP IY OUR OfftCE IH NEWPORT CEHTH FOR A. MAP. FOR FURTHER IHFORM.ATIOM OH THESE HOMES OR A.HY OTHER OF THE DOllHS OF LISTINGS WI HA. Vl FOR YOU, GIVE US A CA.U A. T 644-9860. OPEN IH SHORECLIFfS Charmin~ 4 bedroom family home r l'C'e ntlv r e mcxh•led . with dl'cornl or \\ a llpapt•rs. new l'arpets. dra pes and ~hullers . gourmet k1l c hc.-n . \\ ood flours. Fr<'lll'h doors to lushly plunled patio. iron g-atrd pool a rea. man y c u s tom appointm e nt s throu).!hout. S325.000 SEE LUCY HOSE AT ~it2 DRI J<"'TWOOD OPEN IN COROHA. DEL MAR 'J'wn c>xqu1~il<' nPw home~ in Old <..:ornn<J d<.'I Mar. one bluck from the O('L'an 4 bt..'rlrooms. 3 f1re pl<JC('S. top of the line a ppliances. rountry k1tt'h en Separ a t l' dining room Fully lands('aped and a hundrl'd otht•r q uality featurl's. $3'J8.000 & S.tl!l.000 SEE E \'AN CORl<ET'l/AT :m:H SEAVIEW & 233 POIN::m'ITJA OPEN IN OLD CORONA. DEL MAR Your 1·h<1n<'<' to moVl' into u IJrund nt•v. C'<.11><.· Cod built on a tr<.•(• lined c·u l dt.'-sat. 11 :! hlotks lrom Ba g ('orona Bea{·h Two ll('W homc.·s. both :~ hedrnnms. 2 f1r<•places. F n •n l'h doors . cuuntrv kitchens. c•xposed hc.•<1mc•<I C'eil m.gs & much more.•. S290.000 <ind S298.000. SEE NANCY SI MMONS /\T 304 & 300 HELl OTROP E OPEH IN HA.RIOR VIEW HILLS :\t ont <•n•v Model 11 Bedroom. sl'par;..ilt• ·ramtly room \\ ith wet b<.tr Gn·at for e ntertu1nang . f:xtra lar~t· lot. lormal dmmg r<><im . !'.>how~ like.• a model $2tl9.0<Kl SEE BH END/\ GLASS AT 381.t TOPSI OF.. OPEM IN CORONA. DR MAR Exqu1s1tt•l.v t•ustom built. nc•w :1 twclroom. l1hrary home• Just steps from lall I<' Corona be a th Bl'a ms. Oak hardwood floors . French doors . dumhwwtc•r and c.·v<.'n more await lhl· most disC'rimma ting huyc•r By appointment $525.000 SEf; C RAIG KINDIG AT 233 POPPY. OPEN IN HARIOR VIEW Forme r model home: 5 BH. 3 BA. 2 f 1 r <.' p I a(' es on ext r :1 I a r g c.• Io t. Complt•tcly a ir·tnnditionNI. Pool w ith s<'paralc .1at'U7.7.I. lots of used hn<'k and manv t'Xlras m a ke this an t·xc.·c.•ptional ·vah1t· S2.t!UIOO Fee Sf:E .JOE KIEVA AT 1842 PORT SHEFFIELD OPEN IN "TEMMIS CLUB VILLA" V 11l e s l d < ·rorat in g . f 1 lll'Sl pr1n·. finc>st J:H'Ui't.1 Wt· C'htillt•ngt• you to match this pnn• and quahly :i bl'<Jroom. forma l d1nini.: room. fam1lv room $145.000. SEE NANCY l MREHNl NO AT 509 VENTA.J/\ OPEN IM THE ILUFfS Thi' :i ht'<lroom rnmll~' rooni homP w1 1 h ('>.J>anckd k1H·hl'n 1s on a \.\oo<l s~·. g 1·,•t•n lH'lt with lots o f f>rt\.at·~' Actckd t n e11l ol this tht· nrn·e is right Sl85.000. SF.:E KAY R 1\ :\ <; E H ,\ T 5 2 :1 A V J;; N I 0 ,\ CAM PO IOFF VIST A CJ\UOALl OPEN IN IA YSHORES Warm. dwrmmg hom e m s oug ht after Oayshorr. Lge. e ntry patio. beamed ct•ilings. br ick fireplace. s httll <'rs. m vitmg k1tc ht'n . Many ('xlra fl':tlurc•s m this 3 Br l Bu family homt>. Newly ofrcred a t S l ~0.000. S Ef: E LF.ANOR BOWi E AT 2551 crn:sTVI F:W OPEM OH IALIOA OCEA.MFttOMT Vt•ry IK·~t Pf'n 111s ula point lcx:at1on Large family hunw. -1 bc.•<l rooms. :1 halhs. maier., room. f1n•pl<JC'l' in l'XI r;1 1 ~1t'J!t' <lining room. :i c·;ir garage>, 1<:1w loM'd yur<I hut ht•st of all tilt' Ol't•nn Vl('W IS SUP<'fh' S550.000 S1<:1<: IJlLL/\ HY T llAM E R AT 1500 E AST OGEANFllONT OPEM IM E'A.ST COST A. MESA Immaculate hom(' of top quality. 3 bedrooms. !urge family room with fireplace and wonderful pool and play area. Ver y hard lo res ist at Sl 10.000. SEE PHYLLIS DILLON AT 358 EAST WAL.NUT A COLDWIU UMC• CO. 644·9068 .11tJ SAN JOAQUIN Miu.I flO. IN~TCINTP -• 0'' .. LY PILOT c1 J 1• 1,._ Ho.net Por W. I Ho.nu Per We I Hoeiw1 Por Sdt Houu1 Por Sale ~•~•~••••••.ti ~!!!.~~•••••••' _ .... ;...;;._;.'"'..-.._.-, ______ _..;::.;:"-..;n.::.•;,jix •• ;,;;•;;.:n.::.u•::.:.'X.....:.".;.t,•..-.•r:~ • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • oo• ' • .. 'ool ., .. ,.. 1002 ., .. ,.. 1002 o, .. ,.. IOOJ •••r91 1002 I • U..-.......--..... _._ ......._..;:_ ..__ • ....._ .... ________ ....... _ • ....._ ·-~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .,...... .... ......... rvt'"" ... ..,,....... rvr-... • ••••••••••••••••••••• , • •• ••• • •• • • •• •••••••••• • ••••• ••• • •••••••••• •• • • •••••••••••••••••••••• ··········--------------•• •• • •••• • • • •• •• • •• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ca-r• 10010...... IOOZ .... ,.. 1002 ~.. I) 11 A. CJ I/ ........ =·:·~::::·=· .......... ~:.~=:.·.. l~St!f~)Jt;u walter.JJ\in'I A TWO 'AMllY UTA.Tl ~wlli bom•"" IMh 450 Hl!WPORTCI NTER DR IVf! 7SMIU &A6~oc. 673-2500 STA.HOS MAJaSTtCAU.Y falrwa7 , futurn ~ II• bdmw , ~ btlha1 tudy. 572 Alto V• tu . Lnuun o Beach open ..-moos yama • futnll)' S ul/Sun 12· I C r a dled tn lu h . rm . ful Y eqo1p1H'd Leri ............... r.tt•ns. bt>hind a out .I .-alk In bar. tbf fu1h .. ~ """ ... v .-. v pounda lnC'I 1wlmmln11 l'ntr anel' . untacap t inA you r pool, Juuu1 a lu~•IY approval. trt-t"'o new 3 bdrm .. 3 JlolUo tf~.ooo both r edur homt::. occ nt ~• by un HY. Hit.LS ilhundunt'i.' of rod .. wall". ln'.'lld & out! A hn nlhtakln11 view or tMly, Ol'f'tn • nll(bt U11hl11, l"euturinM '' loot• wine c liar & oth r 11 flnfl ol nwn)' 1un~nlU ,. OLDE WORLO TO CH htned (' thl11 4'1b~I{' 6p11nl•h 4 by 'hri ll ut Abl'I. Al , ror ~raeloUH bdrm . 2 bath, fan1lly llYmg S7t uoo -ach . ~(·!~~!~~"·:::;~ .. lu1n I. f1rt• pll Ofk•U Sal CAf'nYAT1MCi OCIAMfilONT IMA8 1 ~ 2~01 W1oduH1. T11 UP a LAUNCH YOUI CATAMAIAH 000 . to the dl't·k ldt' O( th1 ch rmln1t 1 h eD~~~ ·~:r ol d t.ANDMAHt\. m wa lkin.c dl~t nc~ of Cmlnt darlllll 11 bd•111 \'u:tnr llu~tfl'>. I .i.:una Ut>urh Ont~ lll<lth hU.Cl' 1m1tr 11w1..o + '$00.000 with c>\\ ner r&nanrm~ St•l' 14WfOWd prolc•• pl.11n• lod11'-1 tor 2nd unit On •ttl J flll iHltllll( ,iv.ill I\ 11111 ~;f"'-.1 fl\'lo.,..k ll •IH rlfl('I' on t od1y'a I"'~ '-A.) u... J y • J t1 ( nwrkd .it $l6:1.UUO ASK FOR I 000 Mo. Coet Hwy. 4t~7111 bAR8ARA TARBELL REllTORS . $64,500: Deluxe Starter Owner 5 p11de1 EZ c11re 2 bt'Oroom condo in prest1q1ous Mesa Verde ared Allrac11vety decora1ed. comfy lloorplan Ea11nq area. buoll on'> and covered patio Comm pool Call ~o 1120 Showplace Low Priced Buccola Located at me rnd ol a QUlflt street Allrocllve 3 bedroom ex!'Cut1ve with d1n1no ea11nq area entry and b11ck l11eplace H11Jhly upqrllded carpets CJrapes. t:>uolt·tnS in kitchen and central air Garagf'> opener and covered patio. s 143.500 540-1720 $79,900 ExceHent Financin9 Oualtty bullt Sandpolnte hOmP leaturinq convenient tocallon Super corner 101 with room tor your RVs. has tush garden Comly 3 bedroom lloorplan with d1n1nq. entry and t1reolace Drop by' Call 540·1720 Lush Atrium Off Livin9 Area CrcattnQ a perff'Ct entertaininq environment• 3 bt'Clroom hOITI\.' with d1n1nq ea11nq area off the country kllchon entry and cozy tlro ck lorPplace Lovely dPCOr Patio and AV parking Call now lor details' $98 500 540·1720 Tropical! Romantic Mesa Verde lnv111nq atmosphere throughout this gorqeous ranch <,l ylP 4 bedroom home Spacious lloorplan wtlh eating bar. entry. family room and fireplace Master suite w ith sauna. and atrium Jacuzzi polto and (T'lore call and ai:.k at>out term!:. too $122.900 540·1720 "'Cl HuntiftCjton Beach Park Like Setting Tennis and bike paths only steps away• M •nu lf''i from beac h and shops An "ntN1a1nf'f c, dottriht w11h l •esta lamlly room. 1·;111nq Moil rontry and hearty l1roptace Larqe oa110 wtlh !:.flrv1ce bar to ktlchen Brick patio and RV parking Can I last $124.500 54(}1720 Get Ready For Summer. In your exccu11vr 5 M f''\8 Verde pool homnl Oe11gh1fu1 3 bedroom home w •lh now carpet. c11n1nq m111nq oron and nttracllvn docor C\woo1sh l11f>nluc1• in Pill10, sporkllnq 0001 nnrl 7 Plll•O" Mt)•1h1•tJ lt•Ou»11ndi, 10 111111 NOW• '>40· I 7;>0 $71,900: FHA. VA Terms w11h lnrgo Cl cnru yard. ldo111 10< tho c.<Jm111u 11umm111' 3 bodroom lom1ty hnmu with 11n11riu aroa country k1tchon nnc1 pulin 011111 N1tw1v na1n10<1 1ntorHJ1 Noor goo<J '>f ttoole 1 1:111 now• !'140-17?0 lllJ1t:HINGS Ac URE: &OMMW 631-3444 NEWPORT HACH Wu.td1U .idult condo. 2 bdnN • 2~~ ba • Crpk . piiUO, encl 1tor11gc, pool, cl~e. Blk. to shop ping. Sl lS.000 IALIOA C 1 Lot with 7 11aragc11 + 11 rnall r e tail s hop Sl2S,000 COSTA MESA Duplex, 2 BR .• 1 b11 , polio. frplcs .• bll-inio1, encla.cd Aurages; backs up to golf course. Sll0.000 GIB WALKER REALn 675-5200 WISE INVESTMENT ATS76.500 A charmer. many xtras in thts 3 bdrm 2 both fonuly home. Close to Catholic Churc h and school. oft Baker 400Lll" ~ IOR AU C.M4f!01>s AIW MOTEL+ 20 Units + hardware !'!lore + tackle· !'!hop +food market + drive in cale + 0WT1cr 's 4 bdrm 2 bath home All on 7 acres. hlJ(hway 10 1, Klamath, Califom1a $295,000 for del111lis 1·all &I R1ddlt• RJtr. 64G 88ll GR.EAT FltilAHCIMG lleaut extra lg. 3 br con do . i''lre place. pool Jacuu1. One year nl·w. Seller will fi nancl' no loan fe<.'l> IA w mll:re:.t rate. 979-~0 }1LLSTATE REALTORS CAPE COD STYLE 'l'wo RH. two lia l'tmdo Pool. Many um c·nt111·i. tiot Cl1JN1• lo 1•vt•ryth1111( Only S71.~JO 1r1u ~,;no ALLSTATE REALTORS ~ Mnr.nnb · lrv1nn IAl.I OA 1\1.AMD IAYNOHT WtTM,. • fr ufHllJf!jil A flilp,11 l llAfll 11111111,, 1111111., I 11t1u f111111 UHIQUI HOMI~ onH l·S TODAY UNI~ IN IAYCRIST -rvnn Well!I. ~!usi.. beums und pride of ownership. Brmu S19S.OOO umJ se~ Elaine Bell at 1837 ( 'umrnodore Hd .. Baycres t. . UNIQUI IN NIW,OR'f HACH -2 m•w c ustom hornv~. both Unique! 3 bdrms. 2 s t o r y . sundeck s . microwaves. etc. $215.000. See Allan Heller at lrvim• and 15th in Newport I lci(:hts. UNIQUE IH OLD CDM -Cute duplex ! 2 bdrm homl'. ~uest room plus r~int as tk I bdrm income unit. See Di•l11 Hibl> <ownl'r > at 406 Heliotrope. brm~ $215.000. FROMT ROW VIEW -Completely redone! Handsome. colorful & vacant :J bdrrn. 21 ~ baths. pool and frpkes. Liv. rm looks ove r boats. &>e Natalie fo'o g arty al 1509 Dolphin. Irvine Tcrruce. bring $515.000. UNIQUE IM CORONA oa MAR -3 bdr m charmer on an R-2 lot. Great location. custom remodeled and some v iew . Se c Sara Marvin at 506 Marguerite. Bring $172.500. UNIQUE IN NEWPORT IEACH -Great family home. 4 bdrms. a back yard. jacuzzi. Priced at $205.999 on fee land. See Nancy La ux at 1877 Port Taggart. UNIQUE IM CORONA DEL MAR - Pride of owne rs hip duple x. corner location. a dde d g uest roo m. low m :11nt. Set' Bo b I lodges a t 520 Orchid. bring $209.500. UNIQUE IM SHORECLIFFS - Allradivc s hing led 3 bdrm. 2 bttth. 2 frplces. wood floors. nr. pvt. bea<'h. S300.000. See l\fana n R('l'dy al 277 Morning Cuny on. UNIQUE IH llG CANYON -McLain Townhome. new. incred. golf course vie w . upgrades. $220.000. See Vcrgilene Hull at #75 Sea Island. UNIQUE OH SPYGLASS HILL -3 hdrm. poo l. jacu zzi. incred. vie w . imp('ccablc condition. $399.000 . .Sec Nadine Croul <1t 3 Point Sur. UNIQUE IM FOUMT AIM VALLEY -5 bdrms. 7200 sq. ft. lot. near Mi. Sq. Park. just S96.000. See Laraine Shaw al 16371 Mahogany. UNIQUE IN MESA VatDE -Near the pa1·k. lihrary ~met sehool. very family . va c ant and priced at $111.900. Sec .Jac:kit• llandll•mun al 29Ui Ellcsrne rc Ave. UHIQUE IN IRVINE -Three hcdroom . t·xc·<'llt>nl huy . reully nice dec·or . l.1n,lsca 1>inJ.(. pHtios. Sec Rita Boltmd :t i MUOI Cl'lll'VU in Grccntrc<.•. UNIQ~-SAYCHST -lvun Wc·ll~ d11.-l1uwd 4 bedroll? :l h11lh . formal 111111111<. 1>1·11ullfully l11n<IM·111wcl St.•t• A11111• Wlll1um11 111 IH4H Truclti wlnds . I J,_.l()U Ill /\I I OW> 1111/Ylo1411'1111'1 I M 11 INh Utt Nfllr/ST l lflMI '. t'UllONA Dl I MMI, 9711-0000 Miit.A VI llUI', b•G bHO • CALL UI Jog To Beach '1 , Ill .,,.,,,I '"*' .. ''t''' ,.,. ,.. " 111,,,..,, ,, '" ,,, HOAS1Paor1aTY 111 • • I> I•" 11.. 4 111 ' " uv 11wt1t1r Oru11Mt' l'rk llGCANYON SEE THESE TODAY THE ILUFFS This attractive 3 bdrm .. 2 buth condo. with 1900 ~q. ft. of living space. offers all the conve niences ... it is sharp. vacant & avail. for q uic k occupancy. Only S131.500. 689 VISTA BONITA. N.B. OPEN SUN. tl :30·4.30 CHOICE LINDA MODB. . .. tn the BLUFFS. N.B. Single level. xlnt· floor plan: community pool is within walking distance 3 Bdrms .. 2 oa ths & 2 large pa tios. $162.500. 2715 VISTA UMBROSA. N .B . OPEN SJ\TtSUN. 12 :30-4 ·30 CANYON CREST Tastefully decorated 2·story. end unit condo: 3 bdrms .. 2 1~ baths. with many upgrades s uch a s frple m mstr. bdrm. Xlnt price at $133.500. 1t41 CANYON CREST. N .B. OPEN SATt SUN. 12 :30-4 :30 CHERRY LAICE . .. a priv ate lake in NEWPORT BEACH~ A s pacious home with 4 bdrms .. dining rm & hu~e family rm .. t·omplcte with billia rd table Fee land. VOU own it. $298.000 2245 HEATHER LANE. N.B. OPEN SAT. 12:30-4 ·30 ... ON THE WATER!! . . . o choicl' C'ondo on RALBOA BAY - a s rarr e tommod ity on today's markt•t ! /\ s pacious noor plan with picture windows framing a n mspmni.t m a rine vie w. 2 Bdrms. & lanai. huge livin~ rm. & dining area which lend to . (•asy entertaining. S350.000. 1229 BAYSIDE DH .. N.B. OPEN SATISUN . 12 :30·4:30 RANCHO SAM JOAQUIN A choice location overlooking MASON PAHK & LAKE. Hundy to country rlub & golf course. Well planned 2 bdrm . 2112 bath unit. with conve rsation pit & wC't har. $124 .500 #21) MONTANAS ESTE. IRVI NE. OPEN SAT1!'1UN 12 :30-4:30 I ~i1rr~, M!e!I 450 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE 7S9-0811 HOT MEW LISTING Won't la:-.t. 3 b<'droom. i:i~ b,ath fa mily homt' \\-tlh 2 pati os. b ea utifu l neig hborhood. on <'Ul -de-sar street. All this for only $73.500 14 UNITS Two 7-plexes with sharp courtyard. pool & BBQ. J\11 with enclosed garage!-. Pride of owne rship. offe red at $405.000. $48,500 Tha t's right! Only $48.500 for this supt'r sharp 2 bedroom condo with all lht• a menities. Pool. clubhous e and beautiful grounds. This definitely won't last. Call now! SAMO ,OIMTS IEST Bes t for sure! Best floor plan with 3 bedrooms . 2 baths . formal dinil)~ room. kitchen nook and l us h l n nctscapin~. Best price at only $84.900 B(•st Terms ! FHA and V /\ a net Conv<'nl ion._l. Better Hurry! Our best 11lwuys go first. .. 540-3666 t'o~1~~ ~=~ 1~J,~1~11111tuu11 t J1t11t1 nnd 110 0 tt11t1 1ovnly M 111111 V1111111"'"'1111110 w1111 4 bnclroom11. lfltrnlll IJlrllhfJ rm lllltJ ,., ... , nlolry l11mily r<lnm 111111 li111pln1 tt l1lu•ll 1 111p11I• ()11IUIH lctl( Jlltll Wiiii h111JI !Ill• ft1f 11•1111 l)f11f11lf i 1 33 w1 b40-1 nu l'll1111 u l 111• 1 -.111 1•1 • •1r11 Ac•r••• • ..._ + ,.,., t111r111• "J'!" '" 0 " 1111111 (111'11 11t1llilund1t114, h1Jmu ~1,•#lll II• 11 1\1111 I 1111 •'hiu mlnu. ull ofr" 1•11n IV II 11 11 Y M,., II 1+" 11Hlort1d C1111rl tit1)' 111 s Hr. 11c<'or1t{ uourded Ot1mt•l ptiat . ,.;vt•n a G_____. I 002,GtMrtlt I 002 r1ckahaw at your door. ~-St.op by & I Ct) how $.(rand •• •• ••••••• • ••••••••••• •••••••••• • ••• •••••••• Almost New Customized Buccola LOVf1IV hOITWI 10 p11mo Onntn All• llH.1110 fJhJllli carpute lhroughoul "''" 111111,11 •tvlo :s bo<lr0<1m l)Omo, c:onmlutn wllll <lintnu 11111~ •r1111, tamllv room ond n11r1111M)rno tu1<A flfeol&ef' Cmo nlln11t111 window In kll<.hon. CWflr1t111<1 Ptmtry Thf111111 mor11 \1111 ll•IWI tHI &00 &4CH120 540-1720 2955 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa TARBELL 'llln'Otll ~ ·~m.-= ....... RELO -Se"lllCJ 8000 Cities •'14•<1•1•1:11•111-1 N-11.1111•'--•I uJCh f 1411,000. :io 151 Hlll1ll d tt, Orun11t• FREE 11e4 /ll.'ll "400 It ran bl>. OP84HOUSI SUNDAY 6 Rue V1lbonn<' 1.1•1 ul V /\ home11 l11Cf11 U...lth-.1 Adil 642 &678 Jim Taylor RJty 646 9888 111 1>11 II I 1 om • N11rr11• ••••••••••••11111 WINO l>OWNI Cull fur y1111t ll•l l 646~434 100/o CASH RITUIH llOR 175,000 CASH St't·u1 t'tl hy Tr1111l 0<'NI in 1..a11unn &ot'h prop.ir tv l~ll for 111•1 ull• MAYO CK ( •tArHM ... t•n• ~'IMt (rM)4M•HM MOMAICH IAY THI JJltl A'ZOllS LACMJMA M .. UB. Open SaUs Sa\ 12 5 RplcUtul1r Ocean view Brand new cuatom 4 bdrm a ba. MOO 1q. n.. or · el~aQt Uvtng In presth10 •ni•. Ooormt1t kltch n, many, m•ny xtr11. araooo VeAt.1 Oo. Rut&or ~ /];'I Canrn OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 4 # 4 WIHGID POOT LAME An cxct?ptlonol f..'xceullvc hornt>1 Prlvutc.> mus ter ~uile. childnm ·s win~. muld '" 1uurten1 ! Pun~INi blllrnrd /fumi y rm . fl~l<!t(unl upJ{rmlin~ thruout ! Pool·s i1.ect lot. $550.000 #II IUI 'OMTAIHllLIAU The 1>erf ect coupl~ residence ln this exclusive, private community ! 2 Bdrmti. 2 baths. .all on one level! 2 P atlos & lovely courtyard I $257.500. CALL FOR GATE CLEARANCE WANT A NEW CAREER WITH UtlJMITED EARNINGS? Start By Getting Your Real Estate License $79 Enrollment Fee Includes: •Professional Class Lectures - complete in as little as 2 weeks •Complete Textbook & Materials • Prnctice Exams •Ca!-Ji;ette-tnpc lectures (optional> •Office Placement ConBulatlon •3 Locations: Santa Ana. lluntington Beach, Laguna Hllls CALL NOW FOi FUI GUEST PASS. TO .. IOU CALL: SSl-tJ25 SPYGLASS HILL or91 SAT./SUN. l·S II MOHTECfTO NIVI Popular Ne w Ht"<lfonl Plan with ocean or night ltght views. 4 Bdrms. + bonus. pool. jacuzzi llG CANYON CONDO Ca II for a pp 't, 2 And a den. $147.000 including land. WOODBRIDGE AllOR LAKE 2 And a den condomm1um. Sl 15.900 including land . lioatin~. fishing . swimming. TOP OF SPYGLASS 2-s ty. 6 BR (now 5 & den>. 4'42 BA w /s wecping vie ws of Calalina & Harbor. + bonu ~ rm. farntly rm . formal dimn~ rm. Pool. Jncuzzi. fire pit. Formal front pat!o with fountain. By owner. $295,000 5'.4 comm1s. to liclling broker unlit Feb. 11. 644 7493 or 759-0144 OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUH 17 PT. LOMA PREMIER RESIDENCE-VIEWS Lu...tous cMdam .... OM WA.Ta of supreme q11allty witll Vltw1 froM outdoor bakony of loyfrOftf CMd OcHft. Fifttst decor 2 bedroom wfftt Malt ... suitt ~ bath, ~ ..a CMd SGMG. Prhacy, wcwity CMd Hct.Jn faclNtffl ~ a palaffall saloft wfftt card area, billiard "°°"'• pool, aetd jocllni. $385,000 NEW JASMINE CREEK YH can choose yow own carptflft this MW Pt. 2 COl'Mf' towfthoeeM. Pool ... yard plus 2 b.drooms Clftd ..._ 0..... wlH cOMider leaw/optiotL $225,000 2-STORY WATERFRONT-VIEW Rtc...tfy rtdKorated 4 bHroom fouNty home on tsptcially larCJf lot. Ont block to pool Clftd tennis. Open-spactd Vltw and liCJhh at Ncjht. $225,000 FABULOUS VIEW CONDO SpoclOB 2-dory ) btdrOOM ho... wittt many ........ and ""'" dKks. root I and ttnnis facillHts. OwMr wll cOMidtr IHu/opffon. S 149,500 INDIVIDUALITY l CHARACTER TrtMtn !bus curb apptGI fa.ity hole. Oft lalboa llland. Two-story 3 bedrOOftl home with larqt brick flreplau. hardwood floor' ift livlnq room and room to txpand. Two-car CJCI"• plus boat storaC)t area. S2 5 5, 000. WATERFRONT CONDO-SUP Will be Mwty carpeted and paiftted 2-story 3 bedrootft. 2112 baths, MCUrity s ysttm. Ow•tr wilf con sl d~r .· ltost/optiOft. $275,000. You own the land and ... ,. WATERFRONT HOME-SLIP lftdMdllality and optt1 fMinq 4 bedroOfl'I home on the WA Ta. U..Usual CMd vwy functional hofM MH ro11RdNMJ Wtrior courtyard. ~ t"OCNl'I and lar9f patio with brick .-.d w...th. SllS,000. CHARMING RUSTIC RANCH yow bock ycrd 1, ... to 9'cniRcJ IClftd so yoe1 can •ioY the fHtlnq of co.utry ll•l11g in a nsict.ntlal en•iroMWtaf. There's warweth witWft this 2 "'*OCMUt home wfth ........... in the bedrOOMS 9'cf wtt bcr in IMnq room. ~ate 1anJt CJarag• and IOA T ST();GE .-.ca. Acc•H to pri•att beaches. S 180,000. WALK TO BEACH c°" • ..._. ... wport 1eoc:h location at an affordable priu. This fot"1Mr 2 bedroom & din enodef cOftdo has ma:ty extras wfftt custom interior mid VIEW. Jud ~ grteM~ ffw tttfoy:Mtet, yet "'' ... , ••• mK•. s 6,000 EXCEPTIONAL TRI-LEVEL GreHtrf & ,.,.t.ctkMt we ro.d thfs Hcltl1t9 J ..... CorMf' CoMI ....... hoMe wfftt 3 bechofM, dtta. f-'r room and dinln9 roo1¥t. 'rofeu501tolly decorated i• •l•t CJOod ta1h GRC1 hMMc: ....... conv.-.... to beadt .... tttMtf1 courts. SI 42.500 1 UNITS NEAR: BEACH C ompltt .. y remodet•d U11lt1 with no voconcy probl•1¥t1. New roof. e1tw c..,.+.GRd~...._ Mtw•tfw 1¥tarht wltll Hp•r potHtlol for wifttw/muan1r ,........_ . .-d .._..., • ,.. ...... -·"'' 1265,000 STEPS TO BEACH Terrific ••d spocloH J "*•°"' .. h:wRI ..wty poltsltd, c....-hd _.. .,...ted wtth ... cMc:ll .I OCIAM VIEW: ... two.._., ....... Sa•anul wW..-/-• ear,........., HI0,000 WATERFRONT HOM M33 W. ('fta .. u llh(h'"' ~llOf'\ Be•th 41141UM* • HOUSES FOR SALE 2 HDaOOM ~ ~'D\\<trd. Corona del M r 63 l J.11111 SlH0.000 undu t 5 • •C(H I 1do Park. ,1 \. N"pt Bch fi:ll 1-IXl S.'JSS.000 s.u Sun 15 ct 12 Mttt lltmt•. Corona th.•l ~for 63 t MOO 5325.000 S l • un t S 27 l2 VL~tft dt•I Oro. Ni•" J>ort Bc-ac-h 641 7~ $ MH ~Ml Sun :? 5 1 UJ·I Hu• 1.1nu RtJ 11;, 'Wt•:i.ld tff) I\ H 6-12 K!-1.J SBU.~• Sun I ;, 17931 lfui1kUL,, ff\ ltll' 559 M4 l S!IK.~111 318 lt.it h 111 j rt• c N pl Ill M 2 71!».l $79 5(111 Sun. t ~' . •f'.M un 1::? ·l l U ,.. f A.M •M or 08f 2 HI v la S.m tfo mo I I.Id I) , ,,e • N n ti7.> i:.'11 J>.111) l •\ Wt I Swit.ml•ll.i Tt•r rac·c·. l"rl'\1 h7:J K.N1 ~ r1•1 ~1 Sun 1 .j !J~i .ra~m11w t'd, Dr.1Ja:.m1n1· ('1 k ll 'dM H 11 ti200 .. ..!l.l tlllO ~un 1·5 25:Js c·n.._,, 11·" , 11.1\ ... hort'' 1 NB Ii I:! ~l.J S,1t $u11 12 30 I JO 27l3111lltop tll\' Knoll >~ U fi·I::? 823.5 Sl5tUlOO S • .H Sun 1 4 30 liHH2 Norton <L't11\ Pictrk I tn Int" H75 5511 ltlJ.ooo Sunday 2 ~ 75 S(•a t-;la nd Or <81f.! Cyn) NB fi7.> fiOOO 5220.000 Sun. 1·5 ~Z71 t\n·pp Dr. Jluntin~ton Beh 963·5002 $72.500 Sunday 12 5 • •3322 V1~1 Lion. Newport Bdt 075 ~>51 ' $525.000 Sat/Sun 1 :i 3 IEOROOM 25872 Chnr>('I II ill. 1.::1 Toro 770 21 11 $9!1.!~K) Sun. 1:2·5 14H01 Gt•nt>v:i St ((irntn·el Irv. 67!H;<XX> $88,500 Sat/Sun I ·5 -1-18 Morning (.'anyon. Ccl~1 f~U-53.57 Sun 1-5 2501 Harbor View Dr .. CdM 673-7300 Sat/Sun 12·-t 3518 So. Birch. S:inta Ana 540-3666 $81.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 250 My rtle. Tustin 540-3666 S69.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 2631 Vis ta Raquela CBluff s > NB 646·325.5 $147.950 Sat/Sun 1·5 1963 Federal. Costa Mesa 540 36f'6 $73.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 214 K 22nd St . Costa Mesa 548·2444 $77 ,500 Sun 10·5 1!'1!'i Yt. Enc·h;mtrcss CSeaview) NB 644-4910 $278.000 SIS 12:30·4 :30 25:>1 Crc.-stvit•w (Buyshorcs I N .B. H44 OOEiO $18'1,()()() Sun. I 5 Wl5 Broad St.. Npl Hgts, NB 64fl·771 I Sal/Sun 1·5 2:l.5 Walnut <Nawport Shores> NB r'42·8235 Sl14,500 Sun. 1·4: 30 li326 Sierra Pal~CTurtle Rock>Irv. 752-1414 Sl29.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 s:n Vista Grande <The Bluffs> NB fi42·8ZlS Sl43.500 Sun. 1-5 · 2804 Cliff Dr .. N(•wport Reach 646-7171 S292.000 Sa 1·4/S 12·4 1411 l{jnj?s Hd .. N.D Heights. NB fi45 -62S:i Sat/Sun 2040 Paloma. Costa Mesa ~79·5370 Sat/Sun 1000 Linden Place. Costa Mesa 540 1720 S71.900 Sun. I 5 4821 Winvale AVl' .. Irvine 559·8451 S79.000 Sun. 1·5 19 Ima Lo~. Newport Beach 673-7300 Sun. 12·4 5041 Paseo de Vega (T. Rock> Irv. 5!'>2·7500 Sun. 1·5 J 527 Priscella Ln. <I mr Hind> NB ()42·5200 $11 2.500 Sun. 1·5 1280 Conwuy. Costa Mesil 114fi-7171 ·$82.000 Sun. 1.4 :J.15 University. Unit Bl .CM 646-7171 $94,950 Sun. 1 ·4 10129 Holbum. Huntington lkh 962·1232 $61.000 Sun. 12-5 •3030 Samou CMe~a Verde> CM 646-7171 $97.900 Sun. 1·4 3 IR plus l'AM RM cw De4 22 1 Via San Remo <Lido Is le) N.B. 675-5626 Daily l ·4 'n7 MrngCynRd.Shrclfs.CdM Rd <Shrclfs >CdM 640·8250 $295.000 Sat/Sun 12·5 3591 Rebc.·I Cr .. Huntington Bch H3fi·8864 $245.000 Sal/Sun 12·'5 214 W. Sierra. Santa Ana 540 1720 $79.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 1507 S:mlanella Orv Terr> CdM 675-3411 Sl59.!>50 Sat/Sun 1·5 1619 Bonne Doon (Irv Terr) CdM 675-3411 $245,000 fee Sa/Sun 1 ·5 1937 Port Claridge Pl.. N. B. 752-5131 $166.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 2039 Sh ipway <Baycrest> Npt. Bch. 675-7060 $205.000 Sun. 1-5 715 Balboa, Laguna Beach 644·4848 $255,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1837 Commodore ( Baycrest > NB 675·6000 $195.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 545/549 Irvine Rlvd. Nwpt H~. NB 675-6000 $215,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 5 Jetty Drive <.Ja~mine Creek) CdM f.4'\:_4910 $239.000 SIS 12 :30-4:30 523 "1\vt.•nida Cci mpo<BluffslNpt . Bch . _ 644·9060 $185.000 Sun. 1-5 4955 Pas('o de V(·~~1 <T. Rock> Irv. 552-7500 Sll2.500 Sat/Sun 12·5 18 Kioloa. Newport Beach 631·1400 $142.500 Sunday 1-5 •100 Intrepid, Nwpt Cre&t':N.B. 640.53.57 $l25.000 SatTSun 1·5 • ~3 Point Sur <Spygls) NB 675-6000 $399.000 Sal/Sun 1.S 277 Morning Con yon <Shrclf) CdM 675-6000 $300.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •4525 Camden <Cameo S hores) CdM 673 7040 $489.000 Sat/Sun 12·5 1017 Sanckasllc <Hrbr View lf11ls )NU 640-511 2 Sat/Sun 1·4 1010 Wc~twind Wa~· <Dvr hrs) NB 642-5200 $449,spo rec Sa/Sun 1·5 . . - DIRECTORY .............. ..,., .. ,_ ........... c .. ' 1t11'*'!&Al ... ......_WM .... ...................... ..., .. ,wMal .... _ .. ....,-_, NOTW#MfADL'*-......... ..__._ .. ., ....... ....,. ..... _, .. ,.www.._k ... ..._..at•• ....... ~ • ISO!l Oolphrn 'l'l'rr ti rv Terr )CdM IH5 tiOOO $515,000 Sal 'Sun 1 S SM Mttr~Ut.>rth• tOld \dM I CdM ff7~ 6000 5172.~I Sat1Sun 1·5 3107 HarlJJdo:-( M t''a \ t'rd<') l • M 751 Jlfll ~~1000 Sun 14 17:10 Nev. lfunip~hm·. l'o:;ta M~a 751 7271 ~Hr2 '>OO Sunc1ny I 5 :!l?I Y .tdll Julu• <!,1",t\dt''-' >NH 11 t:? K2l.1 'i:J!l5.UOo £ut11 ~un l t Jo t:'J.) '\\JI llWl"S lh 1 ltl\ l'rt'~l l NB fl.t2 t<i:i., 'l.'i(I 000 Sun l 30 4 · 30 Z.>7 J>o1n.,t•ll1a, ('d:\1 . 6-12 K23:'l Sl'~I. soo Sun I 5 •I H:J.I <'om modott• <Uayt'rt'St > NB Ii t:! 82.1.'i $:.?2~.000 Sun 11 3 !04 t S~nl1ago < Dm l•r Shol't·~ l N R M 2 8235 $370.000 frt~ SatrSun 1·5 801 <..:c1ba lt:<.1::.tblufl I NB 64H;200 $20S.OOO Sat/Sun 1·5 1724 Tra<1c•w111ds ( Bayr rcst) N.B. &12-ti235 Sat tSun I·' 6()().ISth Street <N<'wport fights> NR 642·8235 $198,500 Sa 1·4/S 1·5 1009 Sandtastlr. CdM 644·6200 $207.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 1800 Antlgtw ('1rdt· ( Ra·ycrest> NB li·ll 82;t5 S279.500 f t•t• S11 Sun l ··l :q Jetty (Ja:-.mint· CrL·<:k > ('dl\l 644-62oo Sat/Sun l ·5 3727 Inlet <JIV Hills> CdM 644·6200 S245.000 LH Sal/Sun 1·5 322 Poins<.•llia Avl ... CdM 644-6200 $259.500 fc(' Sa Sun 1 5 2321 Holly Ln .• Newport Beach 645-0303 Sl75.000 Sat/Sun 12 3 l rn Jas mine Creek Ori ve. CdM 675·5511 $248.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 97 Jas mine Creek. CdM fl75·5511 S244.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 •• #55 Lakeview. Irvine 752-1700 $197.500 Sun. 11· 1 •2768 Hillview. llBK. Npt Dc·h !J79-5370 Sal/Sun •2569 Orange. Unit K. Costa Mesa 97!1-5370 S;.1t1Sun 2840Catalpa 1 Eastblufl I NU . 759·1501 $189,500 Sun 1·5 1798 llawaii Cr ( l\ksa Verde> CM 540-1720 S98.500 Sunday 1 ·5 2918 Ellesmcl'c I M"csa Verde> CM 546-5990 Slll.900 Sun. 1·5 2437 Duke Place. Costa Mesa 545-4289 S86.000 Sun l ·5 1521 East Ocean Blvd .. Balboa Pen. 645-1531 S345.000 Sunday 1-4 'n22 Skylark Cr. < M csa Verde> CM 540-1720 $143.500 Sun. 1·5 23285 Pompeii Dr .. Laguna Nig uel 540-1720 $179.500 Sun. l ·S 1715 N ew Hampshir <Mesa Verdel CM 540-1720 5106.500 Sun 1-5 1903 Yacht Camilla <Sea vu) NB 675-3411 $'n9.000 Sun. 1·5 28 Rockrosc <Univ. Park Vill I Hrv. 552·7500 $8'1,500 Sun. 1·5 302 IJeliotro~. Corona del Mar 644·9060 ~8.000 Sun 1·5 306 Heliotrope. Corona del Mar 644-9060 $290,000 Sun 1-5 • •35 Lakeview (Woodbridge) Irv. 830·1550 Sunday 1-5 •3387 Fuchsia. Costa Mesa · 675-6670 Sl 14.900 Sun 1·5 2726SkylarkCr . (M('sa Verde> CM 540-9922 $156.900 Sun. 1·5 14701 Beach <College Park> Irv 640-5560 $98.500 Sun. 1·5 1918 Diana Ln (Jlbr Hinds) NB 642-5200 St 16.000 Sun. 1·5 1929 Tustin Av('., East.side. CM 545-9491 $124,900 Sun 1·5 909 Paularino. Costa Mesa 546·2313 $115.000 Sun 1·5 •1294 Watson. Costa Mes a 546-2313 $89.500 Sun 12-4 2906 Redwood. Mesa V('rde. C M 545-9491 $98.000 Sun 12·4 2455 Bamboo. Newport Beach 644·1805 $1H!J.500 Sunday 1-5 543 Santa Ana Ave .. Newport Reh fi46·7171 $149.500 Sun. 1·5 208 Via Mentone. Lido Isle, N .B. G44·7211 $295.000 Sunday 1·5 4 IEOROOM 113 Via Nice <Lido Jslcl N.B. 673· 7300 ~al/Sun 12·4 • •34 Balboa Coves. Nwp~ Bch 631·1400 $335,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 115 Via Waziers <Lido Is le) N.B. 675-8.517 Sat/Sun 1·5 9021 Hyde Park Or .. Huntin~ton ~Bch 213/323-1050 Sul/Sun 1·5 944 Union. Co.:;ta M ('M\ 642-5062 Sat/Sun 12-4 395 G r a nada. Buck B~y. N.B. 646-7711 $162.500 Sal/Sun 1·5 14242 Pinewood. Tustin 752-1700 $92,500 Sun. 12·4 1509 Anita Ln . Newport Beach 645-3474 $219.500 Sun 1·4 2175 Placcnt10. Costa Mesa 645·<003 $72.500 Sun. 12·5 • 1180 Boise Way. Costa Mesa 645-0303 $99,950 Sun . 1·5 4 • plus FAM IM or D1!H 223 Via San Remo <Lido Isle> N. B. 675-5626 Dally 1·4 2005 Lemnos Dr. <Mesa Verde) C.M. 540-1720 Sl.3.1.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 9936 Aster Circle. Fountnin Vly 847·6100 $108.900 Sun 1·5 49 Oakdale <Woodbridge> Irvine ·636-7871 $125,000 Sat/Sun • I 32592 A1.ores<M~nurrh Bay Tt.>rr>L B 499.2237 S375.000 Sat/Sun 12·5 1800Leew..ard <Boycrst> N.H. 646·3255 Sl79.000 Snl/Sun 1·4:30 4932 Pc~immon. lrvirw 540·3666 SlITT.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1877 Pt Taggart <llVllmsl N.A 675-6000 520.5.999 Sal/Sun I ·5 16722 Lovell La .. Huntington Bch 963-6767 Sunday 1·5 209 l'<•arl. Balboa Is land 640-53S7 Sat/Sun l ·5 1320 Ant1~ua Way ( Dvr Shri, I NB 548·63.13 S350.000 Fee Sun 1·5 'n08 flnrbor View Dr .. CdM 673-3230 $392.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 3942 Aspen <College Park> Irv. 552·7500 $129.900 Sat/Sun l ·S 709 Cameo Highlands Dr .. CdM 673-4400 $247.500-Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 3007 Setting S un Dr .. CdM 673-4400 S269.000 Sun . J ·5 2515 Windover. Corona dcl Mar f>73·8550 SattSun 1-5 1915 Mariners Dr. <Ws tclf > N.B. 642-5200 $169.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 • •924 W. OceHnfront. Newport Bch fl15·6161 S48S.000 Sun 1·4 •242 Driftwood CShorecliffs> CdM 644-9060 $325.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2008 Yacht Vigilante <Sea view) N. B. 642·823.5 Sun. 12-4 2207 Port Hnrwic k CHVHomes> NB 644-6200 Sal/Sun 1·5 1903 Yacht Marie <Seaviewl NB 644-6200 $245.000 fee Sa/Sun 1·5 15 Calle Esperanza. San Juan Capo 752·1414 Sun 12·4 128 Via Havre 'Lido Isle> N .H. 642·8235 $375.000 Sun. 1·5 200 Via San Remo <Lido Isle> NB 644-6200 $389.500 Sun. l ·5 • 19 Roval St. Gt·or):!e < Aig Cyn > NB 642-823.5 Sun. l 5 14121 Klee. lrvint• 752-1700 SlOl,500 Sun. 12·4 25231 Via de Anza. La~unn Hills 675-5511 S 1 J0.500 Sundny 1-5 1730 Galaxy Drive. Newport Beach 642-7408 $310.000 Sun 12 :30-4:30 1921 Leeward Lane. Newport Bch 642-7408 $195.000 Sun 12:30-4:30 2212 Francisco Dr .. Newport Beach 642-7408 $189.500 Sun 12:30-4:30 2821 Bluewater <HVH > NB 759-1501 S239.500 Sun 1·5 5792 Southall Terr .. Irvin(' 559-8451 S385.000 Sun. 1·5 2030 C<.ilvert Ave. <Mesa Verdt•l C M 540-1720 Sl.27.900 Sunday 1·5 1846 Tradewinds Ln . ( Baycrst >NB 675·6000 $230.000 Sun . 1 ·5 10211 Beverly Drive. Huntington Bch 540-1720 5124.500 Sunday 1·5 15192 Touraine Way <The Ranch> Irv. 552·7500 $135.900 Sun. l ·S 9192 Strathcona. Huntington Bch 631'-1266 $113.500 Sun. l ·4 3917 S. Teakwood <S. Cst P lza) SA 675·3411 $108.000 Sun. 1·5 ~lSeaview. Corona del Mar 644-9060 $398.000 Sun. 1·5 233 Poinsettia. Corona del Mar 644-9060 5419.000 Sun 1·5 2948 Redwood. Costa M csa 645-0303 S89.900 Sun. 1·5 •2 12 lfazel. Corona dcl Mar 645-7221 S750.000 Sun 1·4 932 Azalea. Costa Mesa 546·2313 Sll7.500 Sun 11·4 :30 3259 Turlock. Mesa Woods. C.M. 545-9491 $124.900 Sun 12·4 2321 22nd St.. NC'wport Beach 646-7171 SSS0.000 Sun. 12·4 2510 Vista Baya <Bk Day> N.8. 642·5200 $'n5.000 Sun. I ::; •2977 Country Cluh. Mesa Vcrdt• 545·!J4!H SI l!J.900 Sun. 12··1 5 BEDROOM 4902 Pe rsimmon <Univ. Park) Irv. 552·7500 $199.500 Sun. 1-5 1661 Orchid. Costa Mesa 540·3666 $132.000 Sun 1 5 • • 11 2 Via Lido Nord <Lido Isle I NB 673· 7300 Sat/Sun 12·4 2652 Basswood <Eastbluffl N.B. 640·5112 S159.900 Sat /Sun 1·4 19212 Sierra Isabella CT Rock> 1 rv. 640-5112 $15.5.000 Sul/Sun 1·4 5 IR plus FAM RM or OEH 1791 l Baseom <University Parkl Irv. 552-8291 1805-482-4381 (COll('<.'t l St 19.000 Sat1Sun 4175 Williwaw IH<'C'lt Clbl Irvine 559·4175, Sat/Sun 11·5 16371 Mahol-(any St. 1Westmt Hms> FV 546·5990 $9G.OOO Sat/Sun 1 5 1842 Pt. Sheffield <llV Homes I N.B. 644·9060 S249.900·Fcc Sun. 1·5 ••lSOO E. Oceanfront<Penln>N.B. 644·9060 S5.50.000 Sun .12:30-4 :30 •2764 DeSoto /\vc. <Mesa del Mor) CM •2015 Port Provence. HVH. N.B. " 640-5357 Sun 1·5 4-. 209 Narctssus. Coronq del Mar 673-8550 Sat/Sun 1·5 1 1152 6BrSOn <Northgote) C.M. 546-4141 $91.000 , Sun . 1·5 2391 Orchid Hill Pl. Santa Ana Htts ~2660 $159.000 Sun 1-4 9 Cedar Rld~e <T R. Hid~> Irvine 552-7500 Sun. 12 ·30.4·30 • 15336 Rei ms <The Ranch l Irvin(' 540·3666 Sl~.000 Sun 1·5 • 2078 Tustin. Nt'wport Hl'uch 645·cro1 StiS.000 Sun 12 5 1350 Gal~xy Drive. Newport Bch 642 7804 S675.000 Sun 12'30-4:30 1020 Santiago <Dover Shores l N. D. 64~·6255 Sal/Sun 6 U ... FAM RM or DEN • 17 f't Loma <Spygluss I CdM 644-7493 S.596.000 Sitt/Sun 10-G .. . CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 IEDlOOM • • 1325 Bayside Dr .. CdM 644-7211 S157.000fe(' SatSl·4:30 34 Seabird Ct. <Nwpt T~rr> N. B. 675-3411 S84.500 Sul/Sun I 5 • • 1229 Bays ide Dr .. Nwpt Brh 759-0811 SJS0.000 S IS 12 30.4. JO 29 Montanas Este.R.Sn.Joq.lrv. 759-0811 $124.500 s s 12:30-4 '30 2424 Santa Ana < Eastsi<lc 204i\ l C~I 675-3411 S72.000 !)un. I ·5 1000 E. Bishop. Santa Ana 540-3666 S48.500 Sun 1·5 1001 E . Grant. Santa Ana 540-3666 S47 .000 Sun 1-5 2 U plus FAM RM or DEN 19 Viejo. Rancho San Joaq .. Irv. 752·0392 $145.000 Sunday 1·5 •ii 11 Bridgewood <Woodbridge Viii >Irv 552·5498 $125.000 S;.Jt!Sun 12·5 3 BEDROOM 17i7 Mitchcll lt85. Tustin 642-7809 S50.900 al/Sun 1-4 2043 Vista Cajon. Nl'wport Deach 644·0139 SI52.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 503 A venida Campana <Bl urrs > N. B. 644-9060 Sat/Sun 1·5 689 Vista Bonita CTht' Bluffs> N .B. 759·0811 $131.500 Sun 12:30-4.30 2715 Vista Umbrosa <Bluffs> N .B. · 759-0811 Sl62.500 Sa/S 12:30-4:30 jt41 Canyon Crest <Canyon Crest 1 NB 759-0811 S133.500 Sa IS l~J0.4 ·30 345 #A-1 University. Costa MC!ia 962· 7788 $85.900 Sun l ·5 2195 Vista Entrada <Bluffs I N.B. 640·5S60 Sl 69.900 Sun I 5 4433 L a ncewood !Univ, Purk I In · 631·3444 $107.900 Sun. 1-5 234 12 Caminito Marcial. Lag. M11lr-. 540·3666 S73.950 Sun I 5 15:100 "H" Williams. ·a u ~tin 646-7711 $75.000 Sunduy 1·5 l ta plus FAM lM cw DEN 607 Rainier. Costa Mesa 979·1050 SSS.500 Sun 1·5 1412 Applecross. H untington Dch · 673-4400 $108.900-Fee Sa/Sun 1·5 2768 Hillview < HVll > Newport Beach 640-4848 Sun 1·5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 40614()6112 Heliotrope <Old CdM > CdM 675·6000 S215.000 Sat1Sun 1·5 502 Orchid <Old CdM > CdM 675·6000 $200.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 IR & 2 IR 6708 & 67081~ Oceanfront. N . B. 631·1200 $385.000 Sun 1·4 J IEDROOM 2168 Miner St .. Costa Mesa 557.4579 Sl45.000 Sunday 1 5 3U&21R 721-721 1·:! Orchid. Cd M 673-8494 S265.000 Sun. t 5 187 Albert Pl. <El Side l C .l\t 646-325.5 Sat1Sun 1 ;, TRIPLEX FOR SALE 1116 W. Balboa. Bal. Peninsula 673·G210 $250.000 Sun 1·5 HOUSE & APT. FOR SALE 2 II & I IR 215St. Andre~ Rd .. N .B. 556·2660 $120.000 S IS 12·30-4:30 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE llEOIOOM 23715 WhaleCove. I.agunn Niguel 495.6692 S89.000 SHI /Sun 10·5 4 IEOIOOM 10005 La Rosa. Fountain Valley 6i3 6900 589.000 Sunday 12·4 4 U .... FAM IM cw DEN 364 Grenoble. Costa Mesa 963·8377 $82.500 Sunday 1·5 HOME & INCOME FOR SALE 2 • IACH 2!S1S First Ave .. Corona dcl Mar 673·5354 M.25.000 un. 1·5 • ** .... DAILY PILOT 0$ ••······•·········•···· 1002 •·············•········ HAUORVllW Bt/l 4 bdrm. fmly hnm1• w/lvly n11ht ht1hl Ylt'W. wet bar 4t wood dt•ckc·d hlarkyrd Pnr•-d tu "Cll fabt Submit todJ) • 1144-7711 It It PottibM 1 OLD CORONA DEi. MAR •.ooosq n. Ym•:' 'frlple A. doubh· wide lot ju.~l off O<'llll n Blvd 1''ormal llvtn)( rm 1 fanuly rm w/wet bur S large bedrm,, f'ach with 11·~ own halh J ~haded pnvattt patio11 SptraJ staircase leadmit lo 2nd lf'vel. 4 e .. r enclot.ed gara11e All this under one roof on corner lot. Don't let th1i. ()nl' gl'I away! Call 67~ [ij'1e!iti IUCCOLA IUILT $97.500 Lvly BIX'cola bit J bdrm. 2 ba fmly home m i.11ustht after Easts1dt' <:o .. lJ Mesa. lmmaculalt• mov e-in condition. 646-7il I CUTE HOUSE OHR·2 LOT F.asta1de. Costa Mesa 3 bedrm charmer 1-·ormal llvm11 rm w/real wood bt.tmini: f1replan· l.oH• ly r emodeled k1tcht'n w/cut.tom c;.i brnet:. & pass thru window to din· iflA area. Added on fam1 ly rm. Converted 1tara1t~ rnay be USC'd for l~t­ game rm. All thu, at an affordable pnce. 673-8SSO lff ,, r I• 11 I ,, , .. • l®'l*a,1 LEMON HEIGHTS AREA· 1/J ACRE Re aut 1f ul I': x ecut 1 ve home. D1:lll(hlful 4 bdrm. :l ba Mt'ri•d11 h bu1 It boml' t\m1·n1t1l•s plu~. li4& 7711 B.DUMPO $66,500 It's low down & dirty- looks Wee a home where the buffalo roam• Han- dyman's pa rad1st'. 4 bdrm + "~ !)hovel therr out, paint em· up •' you've got yourselJ a1 estatt•. Pr1ce(1 dirt dleap, wh1r h seems only .n~t. Call qwck IM7·601li II" ' '• •• \' "1 ,\ , I, f HOW THE CHOICE IS YOURS Through REALTY fo"R F.F. llOMES you now havt-the c·ho1ce to SELi. YOUR OWN HOME or be on MULTIPLE LISTING SF.RVICE Plan A·S895 lotal pnce We will assist you wtth free advert1srni:. ftnan•· Into:. escrow m•1tot1at1n.:. offers. signs. ell· Plan B·Sl500 Plus 2'~ Of the St'llm~ pnce We will prov1dt• you with the wide ranl(l' of real estate ser vice:. wtuch are avatlahle only at a tuilber fee. On either plan all (~ are due JI I.he cloc;e of escrow Wt• are U1 busmes~ to 1t1v1• you competent serv1C't' JI a fair e_nce UAL TY RlEE HOMES n.t: Advtsory Sen1l'l' 530-2224 As umable loa n ... nu credit. check loan f<'e!o, opporturuty. Ceil! today 003-~ARenl IAYCREST MEW OH MARKET Excellent noor phm, 4 Bdrm. 2\.'o h01th . 2 fireplaces beuuurul yard on rorner lot w11h room und access f(lr RV COO<! value at Sl79.000. 400Lll" ~ IOR AU C.Mit'tJ&bw ('u.,tom urlW!ive hnmr ar~ rrom Golf Cour.1t• Approx . I a1re · Fallbrook. 2300 sq. it + t'athedr11 I clg panornmtr view from hiU. S™.000 Ph. 728·5991, W..1206 19+ ACRES ! .. of resort style l:vlnJ?. TENNI S . POOi •• SAUNA. JJ\C & MORE 4 ... BR. 3bA~M JA50 11q n. ~· Giant master .. Ultc. huae paUo Only $82,500. Try )O'N down. Bkr. Broct• 9SU37i - ~IS..,! 4 BR. 1 . ~aJh, l1e lol. end ol cul-de·hc No r" ~~-J64.SOO. Ph • I 88 DAIL y PlkOT 8und•r. J1nu•2 14, um ....... ,.,. .. ....... ,.,. s. I Hovwt Fors. ....... For Sak HoMNt for s. HouM• for s. ~.~ w. ~............ "'·"....... 9;:.;.;;; .......... iOii •;.;~;. .......... iooi c;;,;,-..·;.;;· .. i;,i·2 c;,;;,;,·.,·;,;;· .. ioii ~········;,;;;,;;···ioi·z. ~=:·······;c,24 G •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••• ~ -••r.a 100 .._,... tOOJ G....,..t 1002 -----------••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••• ~ --------" , .. _ "'-t M J • •••••••••• ••••••••• • • •• .......... •••• •• • • • • • •• ••• •• • •• •• <M'l• WILL uv """' a ~a ADUl.TCOMDO BES B &O. 'U CAUYhtT.D. ~.~~;=~.;:. SPYGLASS SPECIALISTS . PAULllCI T IN BLUFFS a' ct1an "1w ~~~':'::~:::· ~,•7,'!,~~·, ~~ smtMCi IMO UNIT 3 BR. 21h bo .. 1900 q. ft.: F th I C O.y~ mod~I Plan 1 2 ° m 0 • K L .i m b • Sln1le 1tury nu tltd up!traded e harm!3Potlosoverlool<ing rom e arf(e r ont t e rrace . Bdrm +den , 2 bath ..... 831_-GOO __ . ____ _ WOULD YOU BELIEVE? • t> b('droom. fa m1ly room. chntntt room. xt ru l~c bonus room, b1.C lot uswr hwation. m fuhulou pv)!lll. All for onlv ~.500. LOWEST PRICE SPYGLASS 3 bt>tJroom. r.inuly room. <1inlnJt room proft•"l.;,toonll\• 1.mcli-c-afl('d. ~prtnkh•l'b. OC't•,\n \It''' 0\\ nt•r mul1\ ttl('(I, asltJn.: 53,17 5'11l . &ETIER THAN NEW . I 1:. tnat'ul.1tt• 1 l><'d room. formal clt 11111.:. ''\l't'llt•nt \'It''' ,tltrJl tl\IP lo1ntl-.l'llJlllll-: Yuu would think 1t hud Ill'\ l'r bt•t.•n lt\'t'<I ln. \nolh•~r S?rra t '~ ft.f! ul $359,500 RARE CORONADO MODEL I 111~ ha rd l o rand popul.tr plcrn 1n t''< t.>ll{•nt condition w it~ grt•at v1t·~ 5 lx•<.h ooms, famtly roc..11 1. <lin1n~ mum . l);.t·lot 'l!.t l 9,500. SPYGLASS OPEN HOUSES SATURDAY & SUHUA Y 1-5 l~ Mon-o lcry 16 Morro lay 4 M1ni011 lay ~ I lode«Ja loy 1032 WMh Sail• 1907 YacM RnoMe • 1 ·-· .-....... --_ n f!\\' port -~.--.... c .. e n t er ..... (ea~ t y,.~" .. -- 640-1 12 CHARMING SHORECLIFFS!! Peg-& ~roovc floors & large l<'a n t'<'ilings in li ving rm & fa mily rm of ttus immaculate :l BR 2' :! BA hom e at 277 Morning Canyon Hd. Old English b r ic k floor in kitc ht.·n & 2 hnck fircplnt'es. LI.! s hady patio & <:1rt'ular uri\'(>. $2!)5,000. 831·30H) or 640·8250. Opt•n I lou~e Sat Sun 12·5. OCEAN VIEW WITH PRIVACY St ep into your own scrludcd world. Wit h 3 SW<'l'J)ing Vle W or the P acific Coa~t & su r p risin gl v locatt.•d r ight in the m iddle of Cam eo llighl ands! Th ru the clever use of tropical la ndsC'aping & walls. your neig ht;>ors S<'em miles awa;Y . You w ill e njoy the 4 s pacious bdrms. + the wa rm & comforta ble family room. The best huy in Ca m eo H ighl<1n ds a l S l!) 5. 000 may c x t' ha ng e for sm aller horn('. PRICE REDUCTION!!! F amily home . Wh al was a good buy. is now a st c•al ~ Anxious owne r has reduc·<•d the price on this large 5 t>drm. hom e in the Westclifr an•a. to an unbelievable $179.300. Not only that -the owner will finanC"c. or you might even trv a IC'<.1 se/opt1on . If you have a b ig fa mily, sec:' 1601 Warwick Lane. nr. Marine rs Pa rk, N.B. Open Sat. 1·5 SORRY, MO SALE. .. F or your d ecorator. that 1s. Immacul ate 3 bdrm. & den condo. a lready beautifully decorated . w ith high beamed ceilings, frpk .. & ov<.'rlooking the tenn is courts of Lacuesta Racque t C lub Prime end unit with tile roof & private patio. Priced to sell by transferred owner a t $108.900. Open Sal/Sun. 1 5. Sec 141 2 Appl e<:r oss. Huntington Be a ch. DAY A MIGHT VIEWS ... from fhis s pectacula r Harbor Virw fl11ls 4 bdrm. ho m e. on a n cx~ra wide lot, with paneled fa milv rm .. a formal dining rm. -all on on(' level. There's a beautiful y ard. evrn a ~reenhouse. & vou can buv ri.~ht at $269.000. Come & sec the view 11t 3007 Setting S un Dr .. CdM. Open Sun. 1·5 COZY CONDO Prime 2 bdrm. ~nd unit in the original Bluffs. Loca ted on widest ~reenbelt : roug h sawn beamed ceilings. n super rrpk .. m a ximum privary, a ll .for only $144.750. Huge m s tr. s uit e ha s mirrored wa rd r obes: garage is attar he d. Ne.ed~ a little paint. but a t this price. who c·ares? PROTECTJON . FOR YOU When you buy one of these• quality hom es thru llarbor Realty, you will f(et our .one year home protection plan. •!1 s urlng y ou again s t malCunct1on or major appliances & home components, at no extra cost. Ou r plan could save you thousands or dollars. Just another reason to "let our e xperience work tor you". amona 1' •<"rw i>1 lllrl wlde t. pl c ture~qu c ''r cenbe!lt b re ukfast area & llvin" room. you'll ooauurully dc>cora ted. MmtkelctTowfthou JTOU'"la • iretnbelt1 •g n e njoy th .. ttl.V"('Y & bright · 2 Jl\!Uv up•raded w/pvt M COmmwuty POOJ, 11una Siu .SOO Beautiful' ... .. • airy front <"OUrty.,d, auto SH.500 down tu t.i ke • putUnJ ll'ff" 2 lttt! OPIM SUN. 1.5 JI ll VISTA LAl8>0 bedroom. en . dining room. 2 bath sprinkh.ira It security over, no q_ua1Jryin11 4Br. bdn:na vorrmf din tm home. Heduced to $179.500. See 1614 system. siu,ooo. n2 2ba, launctry nn. dbl •t· ~dwn liv rnl w ulvly IMO UMT 3 RH .. 2\.:i bu., 1900 "Q. ft ·. SanleiOClla Te rrace.Sunday ltoS ShollJOrivt' tdtt'l)('lfar.3 POO••.J.,c. 1)lttio Miat lhLI r>n• ~ • rte h11I . et $7.'i.J,0. ~ 600 Opci>n t'vt• lu uriou n w carp.. paint. Vacant. · Owner I A&t 111 1Jo 1 M) Sult.• or h•as<'/optlon SJ57.!W>O ... ~... ~otona d,e/ ~ 1_<MUt_e_1 ____ _ OPfM UT/SUM. 1-5 464 GAVIOTA 1-!lf~t ette Park 3 br home. ~ 673-8494 cuJ·de sac street. n1<"e JUST USTID First tam~ offered. 1'hc 24 family home. $86.ooo. rit•w t•nd unit Do lo r es. e ve r yone JILCoottHwy •• C....,Mw A1eot54S-"289 4 BR .. $7 4,500! "unb' l-~~ kltch. w/brkfst. a rea. ~----~ Lovely 3 bdrm. I~ ba In Co llege Pa rk. lttd '7s.o9U 759-0363 pool/Japaocse Tea ardn .... , .. +c,.,tt1 U • lruf' (ilant t·ornet I lot 4 8~drM 2 b11th dno•m howll'' ALL Nto:w PAIN'f INSJO•! AN O OUT' Nl-:W P L USll CA R PET I NG TIIRUO\!r' Al.L Nl::W ROOJ"' An lnC"rt:d1blr b»rg11n au~r locullon tw' i 1ke »dv..intiaait t·all 1:.;.,'~J~·r.' .... ····· [Wl lU!il HARIOIVIEW HOMES L.rtNIUl country Cet'hna Souring cathedral r1•al 11\0. Lvly 5 bdrm, 2 slory beauty on tan yon lol. RV 8CCt'M Ideal tor lgc fm ly Call today on thu. on~! Open eves ~9491 Wahrlf'Oftt Est• + loatSUp $130,000 Rambling Spanish with pn vate cou rtyard & ex ecutiveentry. l.avish hv mg rm + gourmet sun shme kitchen +dining' Sweepmg master bedrm retreat! Steps to PoOI. tennis & Pounding !>Uri make lhls fantast ic twnhrn llvmg. Call ror showing. 847.(J() 10 '.4111 ·~ ,, • • ., ., '•' , [~IU!IUI] GORGEOUS EASTSIDE C.M. CUSTOM lntenor des1gl\crs own homt'. Lvly. hig hly up graded J bdrm homl' w/huge dual slumJ)btont• frpk & dual l"ant1 leven'<l hearths. Parquet noor in (mJ.y rm• Lge cov 'd pauo laced w/arlislic lat licework . Completely re modeled. Fresh pain t CaJI today before this one is gone. Open eves S45-9491 l<t'al f}.talc GflWrol •..•.....•............. 1900 s q . ft • 3 BR. 2~ bo. J<:ncl. wrap J round patio. wide g reenbelt. 16H.500 OP'fH SUH. I ·5 no1 rau FABULOUS EXCLUSIVES FllOMT ROW 1-f'LAN P anora mic view. 2200 8'J. ft. 3 Oil, 21t:? ba , fam. rm . all new. md . t·u~tom kitchen . OPEN UT. 1·5 675 VISTA IOHITA PRIME WATERFRONT F ir s t tim e off en'<I ' Ah~olut l'ly gorgeous end unit. 2200 :-.q ft . drumatic tri-levcl. 2 Huge mstr hdrm ~uat(•s. 21'..! ba ., lge. fam. rm.. wt't bar· lgc. assuma ble 91 :?'i~ LOAN. $250.000. 2 Ill SPLIT-LEVEL End unit, lge. d eck ovt•rluokin g wide greenbelt. New c.·arp .. drapes. paint. $112.000. HELEN 8. DOWD REALTOtt IMC. 644-0134 Utt & Ivy With HM bperi LAGUNA-OCEAN VIEW Cus to m b uilder's ho m e. 3 bdrms .. family rm .. dining rm .. sauna. 3 bath s. gour me t kitC'h <'n . C'entra l vat·uum system . outstanding d esign. Exciting pa nor a ma of 180 deg. ocean & bearh views. A buy al S255.000. Motivated sellers . OPEN SAT /SUH 1-5 715 9ALIOA CAPISTRANO PALISADES A dr('am come true.• in duplex design' 8x9 e ntry h a ll~. ti led kitchens & baths. wN bar. frpks .. stained glass. Otean ' iews from every room of both uni t~. ;i g reat view affordable at 5234.900 Li ve in one. rPnt the othe r. Vacant fo r f1rsl user's lax bcnl'fits. Call for app 't. to sec HERITAGE P ARIC, IRVINE Owner will lease/option. 3 bdrm .. 2 bath condo. $84.500 ct Orange Coast REAL ESTATE 644-4848 675-3411 LUSK '9 R .E A·-L TY a John D . Lu sk & Sr~n ('o, 2515 E. C:oast Hwy. Corona del ~ar .... SINGLES -Herc's a winner . large m aster s uite with bath for you and huge second bdr m with bath for your roommate Earthtones a nd gorgeous . in Newport Beach and, m your pric(' range. Only $84,500. FEI ~ANO IN IR~INE TERRACE -Relax and enjoy that pr~t·1ous buy vu.•w. the lig hted Pavilion by n ight. the spinnakers by day. You'll love coming ho me to this comforta ble :l bdrm Irvine Terrace home. $245.000. SEAVIEW We have that rare model you wa nted and couldn't find . Beautiful I s tory, 3 bdrm: 2 1/2 bath with formal dining r oom . professiona lly landscaped and d ecorated, located on a quiet c ul de sac. $279,000. TURTLEROCk HIGHLANDS -S p acio us. 4 bdrm. 1 s tor y McTavis h model with hardwood floors. plush carpets, upgraded t hruout. $209,500: or , 5 Bdrm, 2 story Stewa rt. mod<.'l on a s upe r cul de sac. S229.900. Let our. agent s how yo.u Irvine's m ost prestigious community. READY TO LIYE A LITTLE -In beautiful Jas mine Creek. We have a 3 bdrm home with the space you need. Gua rded gate, te nnis courts and pools a nd the m ost conve nient CdM location. If you like Big Canyon's Vc r saHles mode l, but the price le ft you breathless you'll love this home a nd it's only $227,950. ' ~IG AHD BEAUTIFUL -F a mily h o me . 2 s tory Somerset. Neve r befo re offe red . This one won't last. Call lift today for a private s howing of 180l Port Carlow. $217.000. ltEALESTATllMVISTMINTS 1979 IS THI YtAa TO HGIM 2 Bdrm condo on golf course Duplex In Old CdM 2 Bdrm condo. ne w w /fireplace Rancho San Joaquin condo Duplex on Old CdM Great house near South Coast Plaza $85,000 $159.900 $72,000 $124,500 $179,500 $108. 2708 HARBOR VIEW DR. & Cabana. Be.t1.1l1ful yard. /\IC. Dbl frplc In CosfaMHa 1024 den/dm rm. gar. dr op. VIEW·VIEW-VIEW 110 DEGRHS OPEN SAT/SUH. 1.5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• nr many xtras. Lo 90'•· Owner 557.2509 . WAM'liCHARM7 COMFORT? MEW OH MARICET 2 or 3 Bdrm, 2 ba. bonus room. view. Back Bay area. Sharp. YlilC11nt. m.soo. Agt, 832·8752 or s.'>1-0436 l80 Degree ocea n & bay view. Harbor lights. Completely r emodeled Harbor View home . French doors. 4 BR . ~uest qua rters: overlooking delig htful pool urea. S392.500. 1ben make an appoint· ment to see tJus beaut1ru1 ew1tom home. near the Mesa Verde Country Oub. ll reatures 4 bdrm 3 -------- bath with separale ram1 EL DUMPO? ly room and dining room. No. but It does need some Call 546-5880 for an ap worit. J bdrm In a good pou1lment t.o see local ion. Lge y .-rd. IRADLEY & CO. REALTORS 67J..l230 Pnced at $82.000. Call now! ~HERITAGE REALTORS VIEW! VIEW! IRAHOMEW TOWHHOMES "Mttc.v Wood•'' (Eastslde Costa Mesa l ~21. OPEN HOUS E SAT/SUN 1to4:30 1325 Bayside. Corona dc l Mar 2 Bedroom Condo Overlooking Channel & Boats ONLY $157.500 Jo'ee English Tudor 2&3 Br split level. 2&3 ca r g ar age, frpl cs . nu<.TOWaves, gTeenhouse wi ndows. pool . s pa SURFUALTY 979-1050 644-7211 JANUARY SPECIAL TENNlS court Su p e r B r o o k v 1 e w l''rom $89.950 w/plush t'&rpet. air con· 646-0061 or 955-1920 diUOnmg. encl. atnum. /Jn NIGEL ~NIGEL llAIL[Y & lll\IL[Y & ASSl:lCll\TES 1\551:.lCIATES Developed by lge master bdrm, w/mir· "" ... ~ Woodl.ree Dev. Co rored wardrobe doors. 11m10C1 l.ic..d I 006 Price lowered. By Owner Can you believe 1t also in ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br 2"-' Ba ram rm. wet --------eludes rehig, washer & t duplx. including bay bar. 2 frplc 's. ,$l52,000. "HURRY" dryer All for SSS.500 front lo be exch. down 1n 640-5679 I\ ~ry attractive Mesa llWT)' Call 979-1050 apkg.213/684·3200 PRIME OCEAN Vll•:W Verde h ome o n a ~ Jasmine Creek. 11uarded spacious lot. Healed entrance 3 bdrm 2• pool. covered patio. Ra!! lcAoo Ptftinsula I 007 • ·· , BBQ wilh 3 bdrm. 2 bath 21 ba., ram rm. You own and th ddh-' ••••••••••••••••••••••• the land. Pool-Jacu.tz1 many o er a "-"' P I I p · t B 8 extra fe atures fo r r"' ~~~~ :r 1 ,_~1~8 : wift tenni s. Y o wn e r pleasant li vin g Ca ll SURFREALTY carry 1st. Pn n onl y. 640-llZ7 ---546-5880for more details 673'8al8 Top of SpyC)lou WALLED PRIVA CY Corona del Mar 1022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Top of SpyC)fass Custm l<>t·Plans 6000 s r hoC'l'lC', great vu. S350.000 546-1141 • 6 Br 41'2 Ba w /den. lg surround.., exteos1ve us1• pool tjac Sweeping Vll'W of easy care oak parqul.'l ofoccan&harbor. Bonus ~~~~~~~~~I 111 lhL'I lovely 3 Br 2 B:.i &famlly rm.s _ _ ___ Mesa Verde North home By Owner $295.000 Golf Coune Home Includes formal dm + 6"·7493. 759·0144 Huae 5 BR. 3 ba. avail 18x22 country k1t/fam1ly -rm. Assume $40.000 at Oiarmtng Shorecllff!> 211. $199.500. S4&-ll41 ~. In move· in cond1 3 Br2'h ea. ram rm. Peg IY OWNER lion S102,900. Ownr. & JV"C)OVe nrs. Old Eng Gre at h 0 me 5 • rt e x 751-7274 LOWEST,RICE kitchen w/bnck floor & 2 f' . be 1--------frplc's. mancmg, st areas. 3 Br E.s1de, hlg//\C. lg lnCoroftadft Mar By Owner $595,000 546-ll41 bkyrd, frplc, 548·2444. $I I 5,000 644-7493. 759--0144 --------1~m::..:.:::.SOO~----- Channlng shingled cot· 1--------• I EASTSIDE tage with one bedroom Cozy cottage. 2 BR , PRIME EASTSIDE and den. Attractive de hardwood fl oo r s. RAMCHSTYLE cor with warmth and r1replace, double garage. 4 bdrm .. 2 ba . 2 brick frplcs., bll·ln kit , ll(P fooi yd., Asking $94.500. Submit VI\ No Down comfort. You can ex $1111,:iOO pand. so says the City'' Roy McCordle. RJtr /\ rare value that's hard 5 .. •.772• lO hnd Owner will con -., --------..i Payment. sider EXCHANG E - SALl~BlJRY . RLAI L., TATL 8.:ilboa lslano 673-ti900 BUYlrRADE CAMio~ SHORES Your smaller home for this dramatJc 3 bdrm., 4 baths, panoramic ocean view estate with pool. YIEW!!!! 2 Houses. one lot . xlnt view. 2 Bdrms each Low yard mamlel\ance $425,000 on:NSUN.1-5 2515 FfRST A VE. MAURY STAUFFER SEA UOM REALTY 67J..5354 497-3388 Tierra Del Sol Rily 497 1744 F.LEGANT MESA VERDE Spotless practical single ------story J bdrm. den. pool. MESA VERDE guest house 2935 Java Rd. Asking $1'15,000 Agent 675-8800 4 Bdrm. or 3 and a den Very hig hly upgraded home designed for ram1· ly bvmg and enlerta1n BEST IUY ment 682 DMTell OPF.N SUNDAY 1 ·5 <Off Pomona) 2726SKYLARK CR $74.950 ThJ.s J bedroom , 2 or call Karen Cooper bath R·2 lo< home has 540-9922 Remodeled. like new' J Br, 2 ba on comer lot Xlnt finan cing avail wllge yard. $175,000. 601 Owner will carry TD. Nar<"lssus. 544-0614 or Hurl')'. only view home 838-3232. country kitchen, 220 V & -rn-,..-,-,,-., -.,-, \-,,-,,.,-,-,., ,, , fl nxious selle rs. Go [ I =-:~~-.?~'· . ~ NIUil avail. in this pr~lJgious -------- pnvate beach commum· ty Best buy in town at $489,000, land included! 4525 CAMDEN DR. Opttt Sat/S..1t 12·5 FlNERHOM ES FROM $259,900 RJchltlty 671-7040 JASMINE CREEK LEAS!C>n'IOH 5°/oDOWM 2 Bdrm & den, 2 bath, xlnt location. Pool and lenn.l.s courts. 112 Jetty Dnve. A QUICXIE EASTSIDE DUPLEX Wann, cozy, comforta E x ,. e P. t 1 o n a I ble. Nicest in area. 4BR . wortcman.c;h1p abounds 1n 2ba home. All terms. this like new duplex. Jui.l $72,900. h.sted. Call 646·7171 MULHEARN batty ........ 754-7100 SUPER UPGRADED TRADE UP! MUST SS.L 3 Bdrm 2 bath, fireplace. double garage. G re111 yard. Costa Mesa's be11t buy. $76,500. And enjoy first user's tax SSOOO DOWll..I benefits in th is " smashing, new Sproul Assume bal a nce or duplex: all wood, shake, $140,000 at $1380 mo 645-9161 umld brick & the latest Mesa Verde 4 Br, 2 Ba goodies. Only $265.000. 975-0952 759-0363 executive home. Pool , may exchange ror CdM ~~~~~~~~~I jacuzzi, no qualifying. R-2. -Owner. 754-6519 :. OPEN HOUSE REALTY r(,(11uma ti_,/ ullm .f!l'Mjt(Yt~t.'J 673-849~ 2436 E. CoHI Hwy .• CdM DUPLEX Sa.th of HHJlrwcry on lovely Avocado Avenue, a charming 2 bdrm. 2 stry, upside down house with cedar shingle exterior and sun· deck PLUS lmurlous 2 bdrm. 3 bnth apt. Covered patio and 3 car garaae. S:U0,000 CAU.644-7211 FOR INFORMATION ~Nl[1fl U/\ll I Y f,, /\SSUl.1/\1 LS OCEAN/CANYON VIEW Jaamine Cl"ffk condo, pOOla/t«lnia crll. 3 br, fam-nn. Owner 1nictou.. u Jasmine Creek Dr. MC).2581, DO YOU OFFER A SERVTCET Let lhcl public know wit .. ¥ td tn the Dally Piiot ~otrectory. It can COit you u lltUe u S1.T1 ptl' clay. For more lo lonNUoe and com.Paet• nta c•ll "2·5871. ~) COllJNA DEL MAR o:rc,~~uJE 2 or 3 Br. lo/. Ba up·I~~~~~~~~~ CHARMER graded townhouse, com· ,,,,,,,.,.,.,,),'-""'11"' ''"'' pl. remodeled lutcb. cov· 1 ~ I 3 Bd~~l~~~g' Rm. f!:!~r~~~!::~~~~ ~ lt~!;H;f Formal 111nin1 area and $68,000. 5S6 ·8164 or w11...-• D.,"'L? f1mlly rm. w/2 full 675-6891 """"'"" '""" bathl. This home has re· ---------• LI k e new 3 bdrm , tl ..__ I ~ H 1 h S7 •"" Eastside home-warm cen y """n remode ed e I! ts, 9,o1VU. b k Ci 1 k wtth new master swte, redwood panellng. nc rep ace sun hit with bath area, new Xlnt cond. Pvt. yard. As family kitchen. Hugi' kitchen. family room and sumable 9\.'21« loan. 348 POOi sized lot. Reduced ronn1J dining area. Liv -l6th P1. Owncr642·7153 tor fast, f41t sale. Only lngrm haa beautiful used -----S00.900. Call 646-7111 brick fireplace w llh Clome & see the best buy ralsed hearth. For addi-ID Newport Heights CHARM GALORE llona.I information and Completely remodeled 2 EnloY the cozy charm oC romplete list ot ellcep-months a110 4 bdrs. It 2 a brick fireplace. sep. llonatreatW'Ctcall ba. :m Ramona Pl ftce. dining area, handy kit . 714-731·3777 e.i8e~~· 194 · 900 · ~~r~~9:~~~~~~. dloa an abundance of MISA YllDE plants. 1 wlnd.Lng brick Of94 HOUSE t ·S P8&.bway 4' areenhoUAe. 1711Mloorca lnstanU)' appcaUna at Xlnt ~ plan for th~ S'T9,500. Hurry I Call' larae fiimlly . Large M&-7~ room bu been added to ~ make tbl4 home apacloua. Heated & 21 ft.ltert!d pOOl COT those run ,. ... ~ SHORIS family totetber limes. -nu. home Ia vacant & re • LOWIST '9ttCI -sy to move into. Near Golds ... Otlu.ice 3 bdrm .. 2 bl th l<'hoola & 1hopplna Stop --------cuyoo home Juat atepe by lat.eke a look. Terms MUST SILL to the but'h. Lu•h aUJ17 5CJO. 4 Br. 2 ba comer lot Jandltcal)ln111 R.oom tor KAmiA HALTY l'lomt. ~place, rotced pool la oc:un view dC<'k ! . li7-S31 I ~ lllr beaU,,g. Near beach central air~. I 6C2 5062. Ulre&model..mt.900 Q,\.ROAJN lio.ooo belo~ OPENSAT·SUN 12·4 llcltllty f73·7040 lnlrbt.=~~vert a.:;,~h~ker .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .._..,...Wt ~ ........ ~.... ......,..w. M M •• INdi I 04 tlmA•• It.cit I 040 9"W I 044 ............................ ~················· ...................... . ABANDONED 2Story-t IR~ Jott to tx•al·h ~h'P"'I to l'lty µa1 k & ~olr l'Our~l' Prum• 1 lunt in"ton Rt-:1dl lcwatmn Atrium t.·ntr' to !»lCp do" n II\ mi.: rm . formal J uw rrn, t•ount n kll .... lm·akla ... t un·.1 3 c.-r f' 1r 11"i for ho.it llUJ!l' J.im 1m v. fpk + l'U!-tom ••dd on rt't' or ()Ool rm \l>-.unw SOO 000 l<\.111 \\'O"l .T L\~I' tlll..1 6i t1i Aftt•nt . .Jultt· c..te M.M I OJ4 ......... ltec~ I 040 ······················ ···-···················· ac>OM TO IUllD D.F. T. tteoaut I kl< ,h.11..,· rc>•tf b.-•···~ 10 \llll \ll "' Vdtr l~·.it1011 lh'\lu, ,.,J -.10,000 for 111 ~1 111 ''-"' (JUICK FSCROW \.:1 6t&-8TIO 1026 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .Eleaanl 1ln1le fom1ly bomei. w1oceon & ~alle) v1ew:i. (,;om11JK :111011 ~!t-5lll RMl5T .,. cm ~SAT/SUM 1-4 '°21 Hy4t ,_.Dr. lll•auttluJ 4 BR. 2' b111h sp.irut.h Sty I~ ho mt' ....... Hlty 2 ll/32J. t 050 SPANISMYfLLA ~ with 1t•nn1s. firepl <'t! and J8t<. 2•., bu Sl04.~ MULHIAIH RHltyle4Jlshr 754-7100 MEW urGRADEO CASH OUT! 2BR. 2ba t:ondu Tt>nnts t•rts. 2'' r:sr l(.1 r 1-'rpk That•s whal lht• uwnt•r S5tXX> l>l'low mkt , .. rue ~. Today ts not soon SDl,90CI Wall assume 2nd t-nough for a ::.11le. 3HI<. TI> 988 3454 den. 21-.i ha Townhoust----~ F'Jntast1r on•an and Wantt.obuy beachproper· harhor view Rnn11 your t.) for what 1Ls n ·ull) bes t offer tot.la ) worth ~ Bl'.i <'h Thoui.and:. le'~ thun Spec1a1Jsts CJll t:hns, mmparable prnpertu•s Century 21 Surf. SJC 7542 .ind assumf' 8' loon SACRlrtCE' l\r.iul Woodbndao J lir .ll48' Pl. ' fif'lllnt 2 nr l'Ondo pnl•td b .. lov. murkt•t ltilh nr l11lu-b7J Oll C>wnct/AIO • 3000 Mt ft S I r• 1'1~1.nl dutr1b,·• 1h1~ bcoa1.tUCuJ home• f' I' w/hpk + lii IJ•m .. 1 m W/Wt'I bu Xlnt lot' .,..._.,loan ~..an:i ORANG t:Tlt f. "; Plan 3 Lovtly pot JU homt l hdnn 2 l>o tom rm .. frpk m 000 OIM\ tlUUlll' S.l 11 3 :n U.mon 0 ro\ ,, Ir. lilt' l96 7 t2'1 TUl1\.BOCIC Oul1tandln• ~alut bllrm~ f11rtuly r 111 ' bath.ti. atnum t t•n1r1.1I ,ur Nl•w ra.l"J)\'V• hnrk frpl<'. 1edut.lt·<l )'uni W\lh m1i1tul'\' lr~11. J)ullo o~nl'r ho-; hou~hl anot.her Ord~ $129.'(IO WOOOIRIDGE ~tllrlOUli Wa:>hlnil\OO Model in lht• ~tale:.. 2 ..,Wry 3 Wrm1t . fornlly rm . den. 3 bath., ;!l>W Sq ft Prorc ... ;o, lnndscaped. patio i\ good bizy at $119.950 HIGHLANDS Beauitful Sal'(e Mode I m Turtlerock. upgradt>d m cvl'ry wuy, 2 bdrm:. . 2 baths. d1ntnl( rm . ~reu l v1..-w ' Central .iir. m1cro"avc Ownl•r •~ movmg out of ureu. cull ror app 't , )"OU WOO " t Ut• d1i.appo111ll'<.I $117 ,950 DAVID D. CARLSON llliLTOR 133.9291 Sl~.SW •470 TlNNIS/RESORT ('..nndo. 2BR. 1i. ba 1n pvt gated commun1t) near Dana Pomt llarbor S7l. 750. J446 OPEN HOUSE' CALIFORNIA SAT /SUH 1-5 PM HOMES ASSUME 81/J% Loan Everyday 1s a vacation ~I Uus des1rablt• end uni~ an serenl' ~l'tltn i; :IRR +cfon. 2' ~ ba. Pool. J&c. Wl'thar. fireph1cl· & 2 'lundecks Owm•r will twlp fmance SM!l,000 ll 471 K.H. PROPf:HTIES 493-9311 !!JOI LJTCHFIF.LD OR. 4 Bdrm. 2 balh home on 3 BR. 1~4 BA. pool home. quiet cuJ~e-sa<'. Rnght & sunny. Only 582.900 for on romer lot. formal din· an lrvtne address Take tnf: room. <'overed patio. advantage of exrept1onal electnc-l(aragc opener. financing Call now $73.SOO. 962· 7804 Agent Opn f-L'leSat /Sun 12-6PM 15441 Capn Ci r. HB ff.educed . xlnl t•ond,. & pnte. J Br 2 Ba, dining rm & family rm Up .ir11dcd throuizhuut. A c-rc•am puff. Selll•r anx SURF REALTY 5$9-6800 or 979 I 050 ORANGF. TRt:F: _________ , t(IU.'olOIZO SH7,000 HEAi.TY FREE CON1Xl5 2br Iba a/c d /w rn,.: '<PU pool tenrus balcony etc ~.900 hUrT')' I 494.-491)4 DIVORCE llOMES l''ORCF.SSALfi: H 1-; A<~~~Serv1ce Rtld. s10.~ to S89.ooo -----BUY FROM OWHER D-ollla Point Beuch :.IYlt• Brand nl'w. custom homt•, 5 BR or 4+bonus. 2•, ba. house 3 BR. 2bath r. \ r::. walk lo Lhc beach. ,·ww cpl U\ru-0ut. rrplc. 'Un· old Vacant MJkc• ofh•r ol the ocean. 3 br. 2': bJ deck. Jae. $105.000 Ph \tusl ~II 1mmt"<halt Iv Dl'lu11.e. 213·333<J846. 714 411-i t9m San Diego Will make f!re.Jt h(lmt· or f'or sale by owner. Ha-;;2 -wvvu.-"1"w1:-~~~}.NTS'l'Offf home& nei.'d fast :sal<._ J CONDO. 9'79-!17 IS ·24 h~ur<. • bdrm . Condo Adull 2 Br. p, ba. nr lake. pool · Compl up~raded $61 ,1100 & s pa. Sci ler may By owner Reaut 4 br. 2•2 9&-1Zl2 r1nance, $6900 Bkr ba. tam. rm . home Ex ~" HouH! Pool! 556-6171 tensive cedar thruout ------- M usl set! Term::. SU AV al 9271 Krepp FANTASTIC Sl2J 000 493 7916 Dr. ONl. Y S'T::!.500. No LAKE FRONT • · · · Yorktown /West o f Woodbndge 38R. 21.., ba TIY 5010 DOWN Bushard. C21 963·5225. Huge kitchen Will izo Plu.<i creauve abthty can 642-5062 contract. $12,000 down cam you$.$$. Super fixer. --gets you in. super terms. 3 hr tn REALTY WORLD level. 3 patio decks. 4 BEDROOM World Investments ocean vww & muc· h $15,000 130-1550 mo r e . 0 w n c r 1 s with R.V SPACE desperate & must twit. Call us aboul this sharp 4 TurtlerO<'k, new 2 br, den. Sl~.950. II. John!> K.t: Hdrm. family room 2 ba Condo. View. air -~~!._ _ home with formal d1n1nJ: eond .. all upgrades. and enouRh off ::.trtl'l $126,900 . Own('r OHHSAT/SUM 33181 M ~a V1::.t.1 space for a Greyhound _7_14_644_·4_7_72 ____ _ Bus. 644-7211 3 RR hom1• w /pool Sll~.ooo LAGUNA Rto;AL TY 494-0077 ~ PresLareaoverlook D.I'. ~ harbor Specl. Pvt. 6 :-========: bdrm . pool. spa, Owne r 496--4456 Two story house ror sale BToro I 032 w/pool. S&S Park Hunt· •••••••••••• ••• •• • • • • • • tngton R V 963-9233 _ «EDWOOD SPA ~.;" 1042 RY OWNER JliR 2ba .••••••••••••••••••••••• bonus xm. on cul de sa<' Parkside home Tnnidad AIC. sprlnkleri,. l1te Ii, Jbr. Jar. boat shp yard. prof land11rp. Prm 3591 Rebel Ctr, open only. SM.000. Call nvw Sat 1Sun 12 ·5 /\JH 714 581-3376 63fHIH64 UNIVERSITY PARK 5 bdrm $119.000 with land 17911 Bascom. Open House Sat/Sun 552-8291 or~·Ull collect OPEH SUM. 12·4 22 SAHDERLJNG Deerfield; spaciousness & privacy are featured in this 2 bdrm & den Patio Home: close lo com· mumty pool & Jacuzzi $81.~ '1~1t'=r ·~'~K!i·~~ ' '' l nc,•, Plf Cn ''·'Hui"""·'"' Fo.tain Valley I 0 34 lnlne I 044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• l .• •""·· ,,. •<"' C'.f •J""'•' fftAI 4"4 111 • l•••H ('n,,~t H 1hv..)y 1111t.tlt'll,1QHntt (.I '•.t~71 1n4t ~~··,~u Rambling ranch s tyle VACANT HOW ~te • heach. SIOtl.900 o1 BR. 3 full baths. family IMMB>IA TE OramatJc parqut·l entry rm+dinlng rm. 2 l'ar at. OCCUPANCY Lo formal uvinl(. dtnm~ & tach gar. I yr old. Ui>· huge fam rm w/sounng graded cpt•g. Convenient Grand aw~rd ~inning open beam celling. Wa ll to Sanla Ana & El Toro Adams Plan al Wood ot glass to courtyard Manne Base. & both bridge Estates by Irvine w1many plants & trees. Paci.fie. bl0 country kitchen & freeways. Open house 3 Br. den. 2i,,, bath, " Sal/Sun 49 Oakdale. .."" I I d 1 long·si mast.er suite, all S118.""". D<' u es a r located m area or fine Woodbridge Ron Jones, cond. Call George or homes. Hurry . call Agt.636-78'7lor830s724 Roxanne at 552-3700 1147-6100, Beachs tdt Just move tn·llke new 2 betweenl0&5datly. lk'4.ltors. Br 2 Ba. pallo home. ___ 1rv_in_e_P_a_c_1r_1c __ _ ----Oloice 0Tangelrel' loco· 'lliAl<IPROHT IN WOOOIRIDGE New Woodbridge Eslales Wastungton Plan rcody ----., or move In. 3 bed & de n. SUPER VALUE! ontof SUH. 12-4rM I 0605 Lo Roso YOWlg 2 story Lownhou:lt' w/4 Bdrms. 2 bulh<t, f:reent!ry. bike lro•ls B .<XX> ~·Hfty 673.6900 t"''""'°" •ach I 040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l ion Upgrades. Ten· rus,pools. jacuz AdulL'i, .:ood assumable $72,500. 559-3410 SAC'Rlf'ICE 1 Beaut.' 21~ ba. $1116,000. Six•c1ul Woodbridge 3 Br 2148' upgrade packaRl' 1n · l'LUS elegant 2 Br condo duded. Call Oeorite or priced below market. R oxanne al ( 714) Both nr lake 1!73-4311. 552-!100. Owncr/Agt. Irvine Paclr1c GI.UT VIEW GREAT d 1'urtlcroc'k & Newport Hill". prll & lake. Tol) fl UILJ HOME _________ , condo In Rancho San """ Joaquin. 2 Rr ~ den. In \he Colony. Thia form. d1111nit. wet bar. beautiful 3 b•droom frplc:. 11teJ)8 t.o pool. l.lke home I.a only 1 block to new411>arades. S145,000. ·community pool and ten· 752-tUM, 752 0392 nil. Clean tnalde and out AlAMCISCAM FOUNTAIN l!:Jlecutlve 4bR. 2.,., bath pool homf' Mlllll\•r !'ulll' w111ll~ aru New cpl $~.000. flltlCI RIDUCID ~ Bdrm bomt l.n blkt to bc11ch area. N~w <'Pt. eotn('rl()t, RV •<'~I IRl::N ~~Corp INVESTORS Univenlly Park aasuma· blc loan.:. 123.000 down buyl a " BR home In VUlep 111 . A 9'1-loan •p!"'a Sl.w mo ne1aUve, klna term \.lonant.a. Print' only. Owtlr/bkr. 662-~79 Lush private ba<'k verd G~•t locaUon. rncec.t to sdl fut at SBUOO. Call nowto.ee. .............. --t eves ,. . ......._ '°" S. Honea 'or S. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,..... 1044..... 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Co//e'J" ParL SHOWCASE-SHOWPLACE OPEN TODAY 1 TO 5 1470 I IEACH IC or. Redwood) .. * $91,500 •• l Bclrm ~ den .. hlmtly room. Sv rul'UM' Plttn in "Pt•<H·h Pcrf cct" l'Ond1tion Lovl·ly <.1ppo1ntmcnts & 1•ui,tom l'Xlrn:-. i\ bril(hl & cheery homt• "1th 1 bcaut1ru1 rose ~ttrden TERMS! TERMS! llurry On lhl!> l11rtet• 4 bt<droom 2 11tor> <'oluny home with formul d1n1niz. lut.:c lut and I blo<'k from h:ru11~ rourb :me.I ll(IC.ll E1t&Y lt'rmli t'llll rnu\'e you m fabt. Onl) Sl<n.900 L . :-=. H/\NCH ~ IHALT Y ~ ~,~-,, 2000 BEAUTIFUL. 3 Oedroom. single s tory, Un1vcrs1ly P ark JI lownhoml' lntt'nor de· 111gnl.'r's own homt• Wtth features too numt>rou!. to SUNDAY SPECIALS OPEN TODAY 39WHtport OPEN 12·4 Woodbndge' Peppermtll Run Plan 225 C with Spanish Lile roof. elegant mu ster s uit e with fireplace & centra l air $135.000 4132 Fiogstor OPEN 12·4 2 br home with a den. New carpels & drtli>t':.. covered patio & on a large comer lot. $77.000 IJsL. t'or deta1b t:all 14661 Ook ConMtt. R•olty Soper Cornell an CollL'I:'' 714/661-1714 Park with nl!w t•arthtorw -ca~t. n1cc w.illpap1·r OHL y $96,500 treatment & CO\ crL•d Tiu.s ts a 3BR Chanc<'llor patJo. SllS.900. home 1n Un1vers 1ty Bari< Please come to our open house al 18021 Norton from 1·5 R. T .S REAL TY 551-4741 By owner. Village 111 3 hr . 21-'l ba. frplc . rce lot. M .SOO 5.'>2·0037 -----OPEN SUHDA Y I .5 14221 Mendocino W C..ilv1.,, No/Walnut (.'<>ml' see this extra sharp 4 bdrrn ~uuty m The Colony Just sll'J>s lo pool, tcnrus courts. park llt.>duced to $1 13.000 Mors:an Heally A~l 552 9753 Spacious 2100 S"q. rt J bdrm town h o m .: l. a r I! 1· master and 2nd bdrm!> Quu:t lorauon on (•ul dt' ::.ac unrl l!ret-nbc l t. Owner Wlll help finance: 14651 hach Beautiful College Park <.;ornell wtlh huge bonu:. room Outstanding bnck patJo & lovely lundscap mg. SH2.900 14671 Seron OPEN l24 A Columbia m ColleJ.?c Park with rintshed bonus room. Nicely upgraded & covered patio. $132,500. 14272 Motisse OPEN 12·'1 G<>rgeous Plan 200 tn Thl· Colony f"ormal dmtnl! room, l'Cntral air, t•om mwuty pool. clubhouse & h.'l'Ulis. $99 .500 4171 Salacia OPENI0-6 Beaut1ru1 3 b•·ttroom home m Tbl.· HacQUl't Club with l'Xlr a lull garage for a \an + a loft Near park with knn1s courts on a lovely ra1~(.'t.I corner lot with many large trees. $123,500. ma·s TOWNHOME Immaculate 4 bedroom. ---------1 family rm, din·g rm. rlt• corated in dl'lightful taste. An outstanding value at $152.900. OftEM SAT. 1·4 640-1812 Logunohoch I 048 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Sunday. January 14, 1919 DAIL v PILOt p T ~:!!.':':.~ ....... ~~.~.~ ........ ~~~ ........ ,~.~~ ...... . ...... ltedl I 041 Lep.._.. I 041 a..,_...t IOH MM,..... I OSI ..................................................................... ···············••······ AIOVI THE ROLLING TIDIS A TWO FAMILY UTATE ST ANDS MAJESTICAU Y :572 AJtu Vast<.i. op<>n Sat/Sun. 12·1 Cradlt•d 111 lush . t~rract-d f!u rd cn~. b(•hind a jZatcd t'ntrnn<'c. a nt1 cipa t1n~ your ;,ipproval. .. <irl' two new 3 bdrm .. 3 lwth C(·dttr homes ncccnt~ by an abundance of ro<'k wulls. in5idc & out! f't•alunnf.! a stom· win~ cellar & other 0 1.DE WORLD TOUCHES. Designed hy Chrbtian Ab~I. AIA . for gr:iC'1ous living. S7GO.OOO Or S38.'>.000 t·~u·h. CAmYATIMG OCEANFRONT DUPLEX TIE UP & LAUNCH YOUll CATAMARAN . lo the dt•<·k side of this <'harming LANDMARK. in walking distance of V1t•tor Hugo's. Only SS00.000 with owner finnnting St•t• t orla~ ' MOST FOR THE rttlCE! Scl' the Siil PS :1l SEA & n·lax. knowing your <·hlldrt'n are safe in tht.• large'. frnc('d hackyard. with a bN1ut1ru1 ltll'd Jat·u1L1 to c;plash about in. This 3 bdrm .. l bath. family roorn home h:.i~ a dbl. frpk . is near tennis tourts. on :1 qu1l'l :-.trect. Must ltqu1dntc NOW' St:N .500 ~Or submit. l lillie McCormx:k I:eLl lly. Inc. I 000 Mo. Coost Hwy. 494-7551 CHOICE OF 3 IN LAGUNA IEACH OPEN FOR VIEWING TODAY 1 ·5 -31596 IREMTWOOD. SOUTH LAGUNA -A trw charmtr wtth CatoffM v i ews, hardwood floors ond workroom/den. $195,000 -1624 LOUISE ST. LAGUMA IEACH - Sup•rb location In Emerald T et'T'Cle• plus pool~sfud lot, sweeping r.dwood ct.ck and 3 b•droomt in elecjcmt seftllMJ-$244,500 -31302 MONTEREY. SOUTH LAGUNA Unique MedittfTCIMCll'I styt• ~ with 5 bedrooms in Coad Royale. Close to beaches and t.otuns hardwood floors, s tained gloss and fireplace. $269,000 -32272 AZORES. 1.AGUHA MIGUR - Mot1al"Ch lay Terroce home with fofttastic view of Sodchboclc mow.taint C9ld Nlguef Golf Course. 4 Bedroom & becaltifutly decorated. $264,.000 499-4551 rotn'Elt REAL TY lOOON. COAST llWY . 497-2468 WOODS COVE 2 Blks. to beach. with ocean view: 2 bdrm wtth lge. liVllli{ rm With frpk. Gleaming hdwd. lloors. 2 decks +pal10 . mos t furniture included. A spacious & airy !>muller home. $165,900 TEMrLE HILLS On Bay View Place: IRe 2 bdrm .. family rm .. t•n baths. with panoramic views of ocean & village Deck. patio. lovely IESTIUY!! .. tn Laguna~ Spectacular views or while watt'r & d ty lights at rughl rrom Lhis. spacious J bdrm. condo. Xlnl locuti on~ SJ.32.000 CHARMING •• Carruly home. recently remodeled. ancludini:: new carpets & imported ccramlc hies 1n baths; stn>et to strt-et lot. Good fmancmg avail. Sl20.000 SADDLEIACIC VALLEYS MO. I REAL EST ATE RRM A ssumablt> loans. leat:Je option&. v A· i''HA. For proressional servic('. <'Oil Dill Moore. <714 > 770·2111. El Toro Rd .. ut Trabuco ltd. LAKE FOREST ............. 1048 VJeto 1067 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEANFIONT DeJuxe Co-<>p apt. 2 Br 2 88. deck, t!ICVKlONI. htd pool. sand y beuch. Adl.llts. SlM.000 HARCUM & HORN It E. 91!8Glenneyre 494.g551 THI PUSIDDIT ls In tbe White House & you u n be too In th1:. beaut.lluJ Casa Blanca 75 plan. JBR, 21-\ ba. prof I lllldsc a pt.'(! N es tied in privacy. 2 minute Jog from rec. center TlllS THE home hu at ALL SIAGY,SY •JUST$120.500•. FOR TH 0$ F. W II o REALTY WORLD HAVE KNOWN T lli:; 761-1515 SEA & fallen under her•-------mag It' :.pt.>11 . TlllSm _______ _ Ol'TIOH/LEASE RUY NOW. Owner will Can"Y back at 10% 4BH. :1 Im, pool. central air. <.:ull loruppl HUDSON BAY REALTY, LTD. DUPLEX at V1clortt1 Beach IS tht• answt•r to u dream. Located on lh1• Ol'eM side of the hwy . JUST ASllORTSTROLI. OOWNTOTHE BEACll The lar ger un1l ha~ S PACIOUS LIV. HM W /O P EN BEAM CEILIN,G, MASSJVt: F R P L'C · 0 F 0 L 0 (7 1 4' 6 4 5 9 9 i:; 0 BRICK. ETC. Compact 1 :> kitche n <NEED ~ ------ RENOVATING I & 11 dtn· Mlwpcwf ltoch I 069 Ing area w I Prench door •••• ••• • •• • • ••• •• • • • •• • opt'ning . to secluded BLUl''FS l''KONT l<OW pauo. Unique bath ha8 BAY VIEW 3 Bil. Ml:ST DBL P U L~MA N & Sl<:LL NOW AT i'o M A 11, 0 G A N Y PRICE Of" S162 '00 ''' PANELED WALLS IN !THOUSANDS s 'ELOW NAUTICAL DECOR OTHERS> SPECIAL llus structurally so~~d, S ITUATION. DO N·T older duplex is IN Nt-.f~D MISSTIUSOEAL A~cnl 0 f' YA RD W 0 H K & 64()..5560 . MINOR REPAIRS tr•------ you havt.• dei.1 rt•d a •UDO ISLE• PL\CF. AT Tm: BEACH IAYFRONT W1RENTAL INCOM~. LCEPIER&SI IP Lh1s may be )'OUr last ~ chanceatlhepnceof OPEN SAT /SUN l·S. lh $145.900 FMll Pric~ Ag t appt. 675.aioo Owner may help finance en ____ _ MISSION REALTY 98SS Cst Hwy. Lu.cunu ...... 494-0731 L..,..a Hiik I 050 .....•..•.............. It's Gor~eous! 2 Sty. 4 br. frml din'J(. lrl( t'R, 2i,, ba. upgrd·s Aalorc• Altn v,ae, gar opnr. brick patio. prof lndscp. All this & more .,or only $132.400. Realty World, 768-858.5 SPECTACULAR VIEW 2BR 2ba. lrplr Super view Of ROif COUl')o,l! & mount am:. Pool & tt.-n nt~ courts S73.900 Ol'EN SHORECLIFFS VIEW Uc.•auttfully rcmodl•h•ll farruly home m exclus1\ 1· Sborecllff!i. MagniCtc('nl country k1Lchen. tcrnr1(· master swte. scparah' duldren·!> wing. Won't last' For µrivatc 1Show Ing call ..._wport c..,te,. 640-5357 HOUSE 23446 Camm1to ---------8as11Jo Sat 12·4 640 5i7i ------ ort>il-2031 Bkr L01J191C1 NicJu-1 I 0 5 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna Niguel Realty • OPENHOUSI SAT&SUN.JAN 13&14 1.2.Noon to 5 PM lmpress1ve iron gate::. & ('hurmmA redwood dctk .irt• tht-pt'rfN·l ~ret•tint( 10 t.tus w11rm & sµat· :1 bdrm. den & furn rm hc>mt!. $124 .500 493-9494 495-5220 496-24 '3 830-5050 tww w/Oc.011 Vu Mooarch Bay T1•rracc Open &mday I 5 32719Sea Island Dr $325.000 640 6259 PANORAMIC VIEVf from Newp()rt BJy lo Mt OaJdy Exqws1tc homt• 34 hr guarded siale 3HR. den. fam rm. 2 frplc:.. jacuzzi $298.500. CJ 11 days 644-6725 l'\'l':. 67>~1H ILUFFS .. Z" Ma !'tt'r bedroom downstairs m lh1:. 4 Hr bonUlt rm home on t'hm\'t· gn..>enbclt. 0pl'n Sun I·.; :nl V1:.ta Truth.a rfl/lt.Jflll/ R E A/l TY 640-6259 --------- WOOOIRIDGE Without a doubt. the best huy in Woodbridge · S&s l<>wnhome In the rint'St or condi11on. Driftwood Model reaturing 3 bedrooms · 21 ~ baths · family kitchen· wet bar· pitl10 · centra l air · up· .iraded carpels · custom drapenes · 1t ·s light · 1t ·s neat and lhe owner has bought another and 1s mosL anxious to sell below market on this 00('' Call today ror de· tatls. .--------•I gardens. f1exible termi.. submit offers. $215.000 MYSTIC PARK Serene mt. & canyon \.1ews. with glJmpses or the ocean. ThlS spac1ou~ 4 bdrm. family home has been freshly carpeted & painted A value at $197,000 c//UtkJ/j//~ 1300 Suss.a LClfte Only $167.500 for th1::. :J bdrm & den home on a romer lot walhm walking di.stance of lhe Westcltff shop;. Vacant & rl'ad\ for a happy family red hill ~: ... 552-7500 $5,000dn blR 4 bdrm condo OWC Sll0.000 bal. no t•redtl needed l'rin . onl) 644·5.008 evel> --------~- MAKE BID 3 Bedrooms. 2'111 baths, 2 r lreplaces ! As king $113.9001 S~ller will finance! Make offer' TcAto Red Carpet w.u ..... 1 754-1202 Woodbridge Brighton Condo. beautiful 2 BR & den. 2•,2 bo. W<'l bar. nwny upgrades Assume t ~· $125,900 Owner. UHIVYSITT r ARK Stunnlna Stan f ord 'I'ownboo.st'. Fee lane.I. Agent 561-4682 IHolOAM & PM CULYllDALE 2 bdrm. cul-de -soc, 10% down or no down VA. Aimt 551-4682 8 to 10 AM & Pm • furtlerock Hll)l.landa, 2· sty , 4 BR Edinboroul(h. Loe. on a premium un· restricted pa11foral vlt'w lot Wiii Utt with rultor alter lhls wetkend. 30 lihlf Vlew. Open Sat/ !lm 1·5 ~3lll9 eeautlful U paraded Om!l\bnar: Woodbridge Jlttace.. SJ38,500 A111u m. Loun. Owner /Aunt ewa.tilt-1497 . -· Causey & C.Ompany • WOODS COVE SPECIAL Spacious grounds. view. secluded gardens frame lhis 2 BR, family room home with sepa rate guest quarters. Bea ms, wood noors. $230,000 • HIU.TOP HAVIH Overlooks whltewatl!r views & canyon wilder· neis. Spacious l1vlni.t room. 3 b11( bedrooms. much potential SlZ.1.500 • GRACIOUS ur:e.snu Enjoy lf\ls 11paclous new home . It s fine wo r kmanship, its beautlrul views. Multi· poood wtndowa, pegged oak rloorft. 3 BR. dining room. m uter s ul te. 1387,500 • WAlltCUMG JIWIL Snl.li 2 BR dellaht ln So l..AIUna hu Mal\ beamed ceUlnp, ocean view. It acmJI )'It'd. $103,~ • 110. So. Coall l:U WI)' ln VIII~ telr LAGUNA BEACH 497·2417 • OCEAMFROHT On the sand al Aliso Bea<'h. 3 Bdrms . den. 2"'.I baths Re low a Jl· praisal. 5485.000 JUST RB>UCEO reduced to bar-mtin pn('l' from S219.SOO Lo $20li,:130 ()pt'n Sul 1Sun I 0·4 li~ Owner. 1207 Cerntt>!> LOWER 3 A RCll BAY 3 bdrm .. 2 ba .. lit<' vu lot 11leps t.o heac-h. Hy Owm·r $289.000 644· t814 OflPORTUNITY knocks often when you ~ resuJl·gelUng Daily Pilot Classified Ads to reach the Orange Coast iMrket Phone 642·5678 no• N (. .1\I ti1qnw •V l t.JIJ"·'U•'•C.., C.t ct2t '1 ·11'\1 40, •1,·: t1tl)t Ct1,\•.t t•l'(.nw ,, '> 11'., ~ ·•Qun ' C.J '.f ... 'f,J • • 1 11 ti ... it···' Top of the World Livilll( rm w/frpk. din· mg rm. family rm. J Br 2 Ba. y ard . p ool & panoramic view. Newly de<'o rate d . S<'llcr motivated. Seo & make offer. Asking $134.500. AMERICAN HOME REALTORS 494-7513 494·1001 Best Buy In Laguna . Best view Ln Laguna. Owner transferr ed. Be low market. $298.000. 494·9921 Owner I Agent --------• WanlAd Help? 642·5678 fllc~~.~P= ARCHITECTURALLY DlmMCTIVE or immcdiotr O<'('Upnncy. this new :l BR. den. 3 RA home has formol DR. ha rdwood noors. beamed ceilings; wet bor. and 3 forever view. $298.500. .. LACWMA llACH It· I LdT Pa n o r .:i mi c 18 0 v i ew l ot. Unobstructed OCt'an. coostline and city liJ.?ht vl<'w~. Plans lnt'ludro for a 4 RDRM. 3 BA hOmt!. Sl45.000. A COUWILL 14*a CO. 496-7222 831-083& .,.,... ..... .., .... ww-e ..... , REA/LTV 8) owner Monarch Sum mit 2 & den tone.l o St 15.000 495· 1407 o r ~ Custom 5 hclrm. :1 ha holllt!. bordcn; (•Xt'IUSI \t' i:;1 Niguel C .C. 3300 sq rt 3 car gar. crtyd enlr. rrom circular dnve · 86. Vll.'W veran<la. Ovt•r ' 1 ucrc. $359.000. ~ rascod('I Vall,• Inspect: Jan. 13. 14 aft. J.aguna Assoc. Brokers m• >499-5357 Olive C.Wiggenhorn Re,tllor 675·6160 B.ilbua -N~wporl ~!~Q .~~.~ .. w/pool. jar. fam rm. completely rcmod1·lecl 811'! lot mul·h mur1•. Owner will financt.' No crt'dll needed. $155.000 balance Ask for Ed Chernow 964·24 55 MAJCEOFHR 2 8 2 Ba l h 2 Br + den. 2'.i'il Ba. view r own .ouse in ol backbay. beaut1fullv Monarch. S ummit adult decorated. assumabl°c commwuty w1outstand ~ loan Sl5 000 under Ing panoramic ocean market 644~ 644-77HS view. Near rec. arNt · · ()peotoday 12·4·30 BALBOA PENN. 22786Arbella. SI00,900. DUPLEX Villa 1 .. SO" fll'model this 11r1 mt• M ~ located property & rnak~ 493-'ra)3, 831 7203 Bkr a bundlt> of SS. 3 bdrm downstairs. bach. uµ swrs Sl29.~. Cull du~~ 644~ ~ves 675-8018 3 bdr . fam rm .. enc-lsd yd . Patios. 10 yrs old. 185.900 495-4779 IYOWMER Townhom~. <'Om pl up-Oreol h omes. rll·X aradcd. 3 RR , b ri c k r I be rcdwd deck.~ w/flreptl, 2 1naoc ng. sl areas. pat cov's & vu $89,000.1-54&-.:.....;._l_l4_i _____ _ Ope n hse wknd 8, IEACHDUPLEX '9M882. i.tlk. to ocean; ne wly .... '°""t I 05 S rmova\ed. W~.ooo. MIWPOITllACH • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ltlALTY '75·1642 Owner paid SlS0.000. ts· surne ~ loan. No quaU· fyiq. owner dt Ptraie, RARE BLUFFSCONOO lliOOO takes all. 863·1330 1 l!tory 3 bdrm . on green· Agent. bell. overlooklna pi.rk. clost to 11 hopping. IMTHIWOODS O>mrn. pool. Principals 38R Zbe. t•a m i;:m. din Ol\IY. rm. frpk Pools ti t nnill i...;..Sl..;....;.SS.500 ______ 58_1_·66_7_8 couru . B•a1..1tlrtlll}' w1d1uptd Xlnt \l'rm1 U.!!.z.!0 0 . 0 P EN SA1u1UJ1AY. amt Rott lqwood. Lu. For c11t. M0-57T1 or an.aJ. Bkr. " People who need People 'l'Nl '• what the OAJLYPILOT SERVlCE DIRECTORY ls •11 &boull .. . . . ... . . . . Ba ONL. Y PILOT , Suno•x. J•n"•IX t.e, 1!?! oee.-a ... 11 .... Other··-bt••• Other .... blot• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .......... w. ....... ,..We ~,.,We • •• •••• •• ••••••• •• •• •• • • •• • ••• • • • • •• •• ••• • ••• • ••. • ••• • • • • • •• • • • •• •• • • Ml ...... ••• I 06t Ml__,. leeda I 069 ..•.•.•.•........... , .. ............ . .... ~ 2000 .._ ,,.,...., 2000 .... ,...,.~ 2000 ,_.. S. I I 00 ••••• •••••••••••• • •• ••• ···~··••••• ••• ••• ••••• • ••••••••••• •• • ••• ••• ••• ... ..... .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .J •••••••••••••••••• ~=.~rr I t ....,.,. ltedl INt .. ..._..••II I 069 ~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2GOOD ......•.•......... ...................•... ·~·~··············· M.l. llAUTY PllC•IB>UC Gtel\ rmty bo• leatur :t 11111 bclrma. 3 b1 ovenaaed rmly nn • frm dln rm l..llly ,.., yrd fo .-nlcrlalnln•, Uni> ll•,511X> T:it lM>l ~ Walkm t: ltm Rl"&.I lit~ &\CRlt'lt:t; &aut 4BR, JIOOI. 11p~. latt )'a.rd. Xlnl aru. Sl41.!IOO llG CAHYOH GOLF COURSE ESTATES OUTSTANDING ILUFfS VALUE ltlOUCIO f<>R c;>UICK SALE E ll·ni-.1\t•I) U Jl~ruth.•d "Original mod••I humt• Pr111w c•ntl unit "C" plun ovt•rluokm)t.t pool 3 bedroom 2 hut h Vuull rd beam t"e1•lin~s . llrl'l>l.tl'l'. OVt·l'Sl/.t' 2 (.'Hr ullat'ht!U .:or u~~. t1l<• roof. l arge fonccd putlo. full hukony. SI 52,500 2043 Vl1to Cofott, H.I . 644·0 I 39 MOltUHOMI IMIOlMAT10M Rmt. usAlon to buy 111ro. r~··· lo•n iuliumpuon etc Y.a.y Clnanc • O.A C. oom ta. ....... HCMM StoN r.. A.oahehn 956·000 W. Anoh-Olm 761 1442 We&tmirullllr 841Ml89' AnAheim 9S4H011 Santa Ana 554· 7070 Sl6,t00 . TOllTaUE 2 llACH HOUSH OH A LOT Z BLOCKS 2 8EACJI 2HOUSES FOR ONLY $43.750ea MUST BE SOLD TOO ETH ER DON'T BE 2 LATI'.: SCOTT REAL.TY S36 7533 76\»tlT-S lyOWHER JUMP 11H o 79 with un cxt·hanKt.> und t o r J> u r (' h uh l' N () w I n (' a s M A RT STA HTER' Check our inventory anc1 f.!1vc us ti <:ull th~ Know How Pcopl<•! W(''rt-twrc tu h<.'lp ~ 2 on J . (;~t~1 Mesa S 94.500 two ~·f>. (;osta M<1h:t . • • • • • . . 135.000 2 on 1. (;osta Mt•i.a ........ 129.500 2. Costa Mcsu ..•.•.... 159.500 2. Oran~t· ...... 121.000 :1. tostL1 MC8u .............. 167.500 ~llAll ___ _ Pt•rhUlb th(' mo. l mitJ(nl(tt'cnt hom'· tn pn.•sta~1oui-. U1g C••nyon This 5 bdrm $1 1 bath French n~aen<.·y hOmt..• ~ll~ un nt•orly 1" urrt· und reut11r<'., \\.OOI c·urpet. tn)J)Or14!d cr»-ilul lll(ht f1 tun~. 01:1k Jlon.-ll'd fom1ly room. 1-1 um t• room w ll h :. I a nd up bur. poul1 jur.u1.11 und pool houhr All 1mportl'd fumi:;hmf.ts Urt' tnrlud.d Ill t hl' pnce ol Sl.400.000 511'5 TO HACH Obi wide '61 traller•m.a (DN5ll!6) 3 pvt bch & pler Sub letUna allowed Locattd ln Tracature Is 3(8)1 Pacific CoHt Hwy Lag. Bcb. Offered by Rcna1uance M P 714-49931116. l..ow rent T i1kc uvcr 9"2'1. IOlln. No vacancl~s J>roperty locutcd ut 1049 Weal l!nd Sl. Rialto :.i. Orani:<". . . . . . . . . l 15.500 4 , N. Ornn~t· County . . . . . . . 179.000 llOADMOOI UTATI PIJCl llDUC ID t.oc•led oa ' l•C" ''"" belt w111'iwett' pool 411 bdrmt. rnnl din rm. fml) rm. t alone frplC"I Only muoo t68 1so1 ~ Walker (; lea __ R_e_&J ~lat..- OPIMHOUSI .,..., 1-4 JltVJeS-R.-o Udo Isle 0.-Sd•= UHITID POK S 675-5626 IEACH A FRAME ONLY SI 19,500 2 story A frame hom(• 3 bdrm. 2 ba · upgraded · new appliances, wood paneling · sundeck oH rmlr bdrm. Comm pool & tenrus crts 759 1501 tJ OF.ft CONSTRUCTIOI'\ you sUll huvt.' ltnw to dt'<'orate tht. gorl(eoua 6,600 M1 fl. Country Enl(li h home "hlt'h h1~hhghb double :;plrul wood -.t <urc~c • 5 hu~<' bdrmh. 51 ~ butht1. fomaly room, •xcrt'lb • roomtdt>n. pool .ind J tCU/71 fo'or U prl\ all' 'howll\g O f lh<>M' ouhlandmJ: cu,tom home . cnntuct • THE STARNES COMPANY 640-571 I aUFFSCOMDO O.y aod oct•n v1ew1> Cloitetoaboppa.na. hmnai., 1thool. beach. liicxlblc terms. due to tax 11ltu1t liun. $165.000. Hrucc. BKR.~-2508 ~HTACULAR becMtf•~tRdDi" lnWH _... 48H J OA t"amtl y Rm ro rrnal dlnln1oe . OVt;RSIZED POOL. or rt~ at $219.SOO OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 1509ANITA LN <cross Sts Highland Dr and Marian Ln > 8.13:1 s.1()- MESSY JOE UVEOHF.R~ Ile left a mees. But wow whul u bu,y 1 Just clean at up & make $$. 3 br. & pool Hurry & 81.1Vl'1 DUPLEX Both 3Br. 2ba units . Steps to beach. Unit up tras-large balcony. Unat • down has rrptc. Asking HOME + ... "· Sl87,000. Call for uppt. "" 714/968·5929 BKR. As k 2BR house+ /\pl ovc.>r for Paul. PRINCIPALS gar. R2 Bag corner lot, RED CARPET ONLY PLEASE. view. DIR. L/K, den 645-3474 5225.000. Appl only 215 St. ----SACRIFICE Andrews ltd. Agt OWHBlLEAVING Beautiful 4Br. pool.s pa. 54().-0608 MAKEOFF£a lg yard. X Int urea. Picturesque Harbor $142,S00673-43ll Ag\. HUCiE N.I. HOME V1<.'W Knoll · 3 hr · Cape ON CHERRY LAKt; FH 1 "' ._.D Cod c o n d o . · M a n y 8 r 1 9 • '-""" rl!lltur<.'S, scenic setting. 41"'2 r. 4 Ba, 2 rp c · 1 ' Popular Sandpiper P011s.Lbc Opt..64-0·484& assumable loan, terms. mocM this huttc l'X ---By Owner. Pnn only. eculive h o me ha s 4 ILUFFS S268,000. 642 1121 dys, bdrms. 3 ba, 2 frpki. J Lar1oeesl single story 67~16eves/wknd11 car garaite & air rond. "'Pa ula" Plan. 3 br. TopofSpyglas~ You landscape & 1wve family rm. dining rm. 2 6 BR, 412 Ba. w/cJen, I~ $SS 759·1501 ba. s puc master suite. pool/jac. Sweeping view l\uy & mountain view. of ocean & harbor. Ronu~ <.:us tom :.tone trplr. &fam rms. $214.000 met land. Flex1 By Owner. $595.000 ble ri.nancrng By owner 644·7493, 7Ml-0144 IMMACULATE BEACH CALL 542-3676 for info. Bk rs welcome 4 B. I duplexes Incl. bayfrout to be exch down 1n a pkg 4. L.A. County . 169.000 five 4's. Rivl'rsick ... 450.000 4 or 8. Lu lluhru 169.000/e<.i 4. Costa Mt•i-.u . • .165.000 4. Sur)l<.1 Ana 200.000 Eutbluff• l"11m1 ly llome 38R 114 buth• Y.xt.cnllvc Wit.' of wooJ 1n ta.maly room l . .ryc cot net lot Walk to •ehoola ' llhc:ippln11 $189,SOO Open l ~ Sunch1y t 24~~ Uam lxlo, Nt<wPort Beach "AXER" Cute 3 br beach hse Wood beam r~ilin lfs Brirk frpk Needs work but you Save llurry c·11ll now·~1221 twn 4's. Costa Mc:--;.1 15U.OOO e:i l·BR +.fully re<"ond. Pvt 213/684·3200 bttach Ir dock. Lido Isle Wn tcliff Realty LOYIL Y LIDO -- OPEM HOUSE SUN ScinC .... nte 1076 l·S ••••••••••••••••••••••• 129.bOO ARt 675-8170 ;,)}Ul (;ulr11trl'1UO. 2 bdr :l b11, adult purk llur11 aniiton R1•11ch. ror 11alc by owner. 96l! 3071 11lelie¥e lt!11 2 biir~111ns 1n Mohal1· Homes ut the Beach 1n NEWrORT One 111 Sl.5.000 and a new 2llR at S3tl 000 AOGBl IROWM R.E. 673-IOZO I\ roomy J Bdrm sanl(lc fW!rig.. Admir11l, 14 r u story home on u t1pac1ouis Coppertone, xlnt cond. :16' lol t.:horman.:ly de· 752· 1439 or llcrltal(e l.'orated with country Irvine. Autogtfor Sale 1200 •'renc h kHr hcn. oak ••••••••••••••••••••••• noors, lln•111lle turmul I•--------<1() ocres w/naturnl spnnK danin" ~Ha an cd uni.I RAREFtHD &stream 1n no. Eastern h•udcd )(lus!\ w1ndowi. SI 05,000 Ca Beaut. Mtn bkl(rnd. and WIU'm natural wclQd Oak hardwood rtoors an 2 small twn & Modoc Nat'I \All'l(.'fl lhru out. PLUS 11 Bdrm. ll>» Spanish hm Jo'orrt'!lt neurby. $3$.000 large pool s 1ie south on a large R2 lol Walk to ~1 37S4 puUo. ~.000. beach, shopping and hus 208 Via MentOfte slal1on. l':nJOY citrus. 5ACRES 644-7211 /Jn NICJEL uAILEY & ASSOCIATES FHL AT HOME In truly comfortable. charming Baycresl 3 bdrm h o me Lar1<c rooms & las t du I ly landscapc.od $217.000 palms. and panes in cah.) care yard. LEASE/OnlOM SI 17,000/S500 mo. Mirrored cntey to la rae vaulted ceiling la ving room w/frplc. 2 Bdrm. 2 ba+dining area and farruly rm. Jligh in halls w/tantasl1c canyon & hall view. under the "Old Oak 'l'rec" t..oaded with emo t1on. this lovely l(c•nllc rolhnR view property JUSt wa1tant1 for your new home Xlnl terms FARGOR.E. 11676-5717 or 1 /~-4462 700ACRES Rivers ide County ;.al a mun freeway offramp Some xlnl commercial PROF. OECORATEO potential Rapidly dl' vclopang area & 2 mile~ $127,500 or frcewuy frontuge In Panora mac view or OCC'an vcstor terms & city. 2 Bdrm. Pt.US FARGO R.E. huge den. m a r velous 1/677 5001 or t /522 2080 IEACHFtXER SI tS,000. Si&n Clemente Tn Plcx pnccd to »ell w~u located 2 1 1 Dl!:RTIIA HENltY REAi.TORS 215 Del Mar 492·4121 7 UNtTS-C.M. Beaut. new bu1ldln1< Jo'lreplaces. xlnt locnlu>n. TSL lnvmls 642· 1603 IREAKEYEN 150/o DOWN 4·Plex & Sngl Family Assume . Seller will 4. Costa Mcsu . . 154.000 i . Coslu Mt•..,<J 180.000 L Costa Mest1 .. 215.000 Ii. Coslo Mt-sa . 195.000 fL Ant1h<>1m 35.0oo t>it to. H 1vl•rs 1cll· 1~.000 12. H1 vc•ri-.1dl' 2fi0.000 IW. Out of St:.1h• . 1.600.000 00. Out of St;.1lt· . . . • . . . 1.690.000 100+. H1vc..•rs 1dl0 2.800.000 QUAIL PLACE PROPERTIES (7' 4) 752-1920 carry paper. Mnitmt1------------------ ava1I. Agent. Gar)' I> &sler 96().43118 or 536 2491l Pnnc1pal11 only BY OWNER 2 hOUM"" +bach. unit C: M Cro11" rents SOOOO $100.00C l'~rm ~q dn owe but al 101n only J\11 flue' :J y r s Cu ll t:olll'c-1 <213)841 1449 Pnnc1pa l11 Only UU.XUHDEft CONSTRUCTION 6 LARGE 2 BDRM UNns Ont' of a k1n<I -invC"slmt•nt propl'rt~ appri,,<11ntatt'I~ 1 • at•n • floe land tn ( 'cJ,\1 11 hl<wk~ (rum ht:t1('h Owner Will h(·l11 rmam'l' OffBEO AT $410,000 CORONA PACIAC REALTORS 644-8567 Deluxe t.ownhome unati. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ with 3 bdrms. 3 bathJS & - fireplaces. f·1rsl cla11s bt.uldings with tale roofs. balconies. e n closed 1oearages with s torage rooms. cera mic tile kitchen & baths. l''orcc,od wr heat. blt·in kitchen F\rst user tax benef1l11 For details call 751 3191 *OWC* leoc:hAr.a Duplex Cute·Rullltl' SH4.500 L>upl<•x Modern 2liR &3BH MOTEL+ hi son nterp nser 675·9991 lutchen. lur~e llv1ng rm with p1<-lurc s ciu~· ~nh C:::SELECT firepla<·e Glass enclo~cd for Sc* 1300 T' PROPERTIES 4 Plex Cla~sic• Sparush·2 blks Ul 0<·1•ur1 20 Units + hardwan· store + tackle s hop t-food market + driVl' rn cafr.> + own~r·:. 4 bdrm 2 balh homt!. Al l on 7 aerei.. highway I UI. Klamath. California $295,000 IAMA Ft-iendly Liffte House patio ••••••••••••••••• •••••• 7 UNITS Hfo:s1· /\RL,'j\ For ct.toil1 call ~ Uniqaw H'ew Plan ""-' Ri ...... _ Rt AA BEACH REALTORS Id l' a I 1n v 1• 1. t m 1• n I Callan)! All Sucresslul w;u _. tr. Xf1 No. El Camano Ht.·al SAN CLEMENTE 492-2100 F:aslstdl' Coi.ta Mt•sJ • HC'al fo},l11te Produl't•n, .._ __ 6•4•6-8-8•l•I--• Don't worry about high • f'lnd out what':. lwttl'r ,. interest rat(•<; Ownt•r than wall rmanl'l' S years old llG IEACH Prinr1pali-only plcJi.l' 1000/o Comm. Split 7 UNIT APARTMt~NT 6'4·2046 4 dupl('X. including bay -----Oiarming Shorccllffs front lo be exchanged HARIOR VIEW 3 Br21., Ba, ram rm Pt>~ an Newport tle1ghts lruitonUy appealing with an air or graciousness '" the hv. rm . designed for lradlt1onal deror Lovely m.ist. bdrm with f"rench doors to the la rgl' yard 2 Bdrms., 2 ba. $157.500 COME SEE M E SUN DAY OPEN llOUSF. 1 5 PM 424 San Bernardino SPECTACULAR Bre«her Inv ~3-8462 HEWE Utll for Detail:. llOUSE produces S24.000 VIEW llniMs1 Pre>fMrly 1400 Conwt11/Prof. lldc). ~ :;'b::ta;ir:;:skmg 5.165.ooo 2 BR. DR. dbl gar ••••••••••••••••••:•••• Located on So Coast HUfttiftiCJtOft SCOTTREALTY down 1 n a Pk g · Elegantly decor a led & groove flrs, Old En~ 213/684·3200 w/rose beige deep pile k.ltch. w /bnck fir & 2 180 DEGREE cpl, dee wallppr. 38R frplc's. den, formal din, huge By0wner SS95.000 VIEW kitchen, corne r lot. 644-7493. 759.-0144 The city s parkle11 twluw SlS9,500. Soulhlanders ttus showplace home. 3 r.31-2133.642-6220 BY OWNER lfV Carm el bdrm b r I - ------3 b r , 2 b a & F a m • · 3 a, sep m Y rm. --------TCYrALLY UPGRADED frml din & a lvly atnu1n i • • hrings the oul:odc In 0Pa. SUMDAY 1-4 TH R 0 UGH T 0 UT 759-1.!IOl 2604 Ylata Del Oro Freshly painted . Nc·w CUSTOM HOME Ll\STOF7 4 llr, 3 Ra, master bdrm rl1n.•at. 2 frplcs. rormul 't523 CAMPUSDt·IR\/INE Lowest priced popular w lndspd fea brick planters plan Eastbluff. Just I.isl· and patio columns. Con ed at ONLY $119.950. cert and brick driveway. 4BR 2'h ba. Conveniently $166. 90 0 . ASS U M 1-; localed. lmagin alivc Sll0,000 loan al 9 ,...,,~ buye r decorator cun <>Pen House Sat/Sun 1937 rmke this a really· fine Port Claridge Pl or call investment. for appt. 644-8799 or --------· dining, 3 car garage, ap ~rt lul lsute prox. 3000 sq. n. 2297 1,a l..inda Court. $189,500. Wedltts Owner/Agent. 642·2164 or _____ 11_14_) 14 __ Ml_n_ ;~5:~ 0 R v I E w THE BLUFFS Beautiful vista corner OPEN TODAY location. Somers et : :; 2195 Yl1ta Entrada bdnn. 3 ba. formal dm. 1 3 IR Eftd Unit 673-0782. W. END 14( fam home 3 + Plus2on R290. bwldabl~ lot. S28SM. 7101 Seashore, owner. Will consider Condo trade. 645-8410 llST IUY IN TOWN TRJPLEX + guest Great Smr/Wntr ~ntal Close t.o Beach & Bay $250,000-Make Offer JoMslHlty,lnc. 67J..6Z(O BONUS! Buy this lovely 5 bedroom hom e tn beaulitul Harbor View 11.omes. Owner will make S2500. carpel allowance. ll 's too good to pass up! Call for TERMS I fam. rm. 2 trplc's, wet Debghtful Dolores Plan, bar. wood decking, lush all ·'dressed up ··. trees. Owner relocated beautifully redecorated Mus t sell. $2 17 ,000 & "showing off'' Superb 759-0850 comer location overlook- OCIAHFltOMT DPLX mg wide r.reenbelt. i~1,1•,I1111\tl .'\: \!' 11 . i!:r.d 1111 •; Newport Beach on the Gokf Coast. lsl time ever offered by orig owner. Lowest priced ocean· front avail. Owner will carry ls\ TD, interest on ly. Price will astound too· Ab6olutely the bcsl ~ on lhe ocean front. Principals only please. Tiie GtoduMr Co. 644-0070 640·9759 H,,,.1 1,.\1, '>'>f.i(J Ar,.111111" ~ .1 .. ttih1!! p,,,, Bl<1<J •Decorator loyfrottt• Luxunous an 1•vl•ry d1· tail. Larl(c pwr & shp $895.000 fee Agent li75-0000 Fireplace S99.900 Xlnt O:.rlsbad. beautiful ot·1•an Hwy, Laguna Beac h. Shor•s 536-7533 terms. 64-0-5777, 673 2031 front. commerr1al bwld Each urut has air rond'~ ProperfiH Bkr. anJI sate 1 or a kind 133' & good parkmJt .• Clnt an 848-4557 I OX GROSS ---widl•, approx 15.700 '>Q vestment. $450.000 San Juan fl full CK'l':tn \'ll'W, bluc W<>'ll show you how to C-'1trono I 078 M'a. white wave., rcubhl· PRl .... r. h h · ..,.. ~ TWO DUPLEXES P u r c a s c t c:. e 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• parking nearby c OM' lo fourplexes an Costa Me~d $348 , ()()() motels & renter or 1 own. Comm1 Location ONE LOT! r 0 r lox I< r 0 1> s J n d 5:280.000. Term>. Anxmu" Heart or Laguna Beach •Sll5 OOO • PoSS1bly less. Pnd<' or Over 1 acre . surrounds owner rltr. 7141434 1735 Presl1g1ous butld1nK. • h Do · lh1s magn1flcant 31100 Dkr Savings & Loan as a ma Bcheve 1l Lowest pr1r<· owner.. •P· n t wail' "".n. brand new homl· -t t $1 A()O ooo •• Ea•L,;de CO$la M<''"· ~:mm• ...... ,._ 1_. JOI' cnan . ,., . . at.op a pnvate road. :ulQ "'9n'lnWrc UI Cmy and 1·utl' upgradt•d degrel' vie w of Prop9rty 1600 MOllLEHOME 1nte r1or .... attrac•11 v1• Capistrano h1lli. and ••••••••••••••••••••••• P"RK bnck :11dm~ ouL'\1dt> /\ R , I valleys. Decorot(' a h you Nf;WSHOPPIN<.i "' realslc11I! 752 1!120 '° 0 wtsh. C l':NTf:H i\dJUCenl lo waterfront J qu· AIL 2600 E. Coast Hwy ~• Nc•wport &•J1c•h i\rca with boat docks In lhl.' COM 759-9386 ·r 1 I L' heart of Nl'wport lkoad1 n1.1 c llCt eases. r•r~t XI PLACE' r--4-Pl""X yean. rent 1<uuranll'l'd • n I 1 n v c s t m c n I _. _, ... , "' /fro/(1 fr1~e ~~h t::tr~~~~~~ltl' S2.IXX>.OOO. PROPHTIES'# ~~~~ ~k\~~~:i~~~1 1~ 2600 E. Coast Hwy space $780.000 1990 So Coast llwy 10,... Till:JO P.M.I . al S97 ,000. COM 759-9186 ~ Etkin1 Co. 49~~~~A ~~~~:~70 HEY :BAYSIDE: e f R€HIG€ S011Ht Laguna I 086 63 J-34oo or What'•• YOU 90t? _ _ HOME:~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 644-1758 ----Come see! Just a frw 3333W Coaslllwy. NR Ocean View Condo. wal k to bearh. 2 Br 212 Ba. JBC, pnv Owner1Agt ~ T..tin 1090 • •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR 21, Ba 1:o ndo. S50.m. im M1tchcll 118S Pnme Waterfront t·om Waterfront Unff1 paces from the buy as u 645-6646 merc1ul location for Rar(>Tnplexantopcond. racy.sleek 2·story.2+2 --- lease tn Lado Manna $692 .000. Own / Aloll. condom1n1um loadl•d Eashict.Triplex Village 673-0462 ~5044 with c ustom extra'> Pnme East•udc location From its ruJ(j(Cd wood Room lo bwld ~II pnc1• Offlce lulldlnCJ AHft PropH+y Owt1en! exterior . patio decki., suo ooo 32.000 sq rt Pride or Wha t are the r eal garaite-workshop. to thl' ' owner'8htp. 8 yrs. new economic benffor buymR ft Ou r m et k 1 t c h e n . ~ PR€HIG€ 8xG .S.I. Rents low. Pnn· & kcepmg your mvstmnt r1replaet". und cxper! I HOflt(S c1pal11 only please. property"? Pror mvslrs c· r :i rt s m a n 11 h 1 P ,.._itractofSol• S48-84l3 Agent relyonthe ~hout. th111 i11 dis· 3333W.Co1111t Hwy,NIJ '°'"""' ""' PYRAMID t1nct1 ve livtnl( ut 1l6 645-6646 4BR condo. 21~ baths Condominiums/Town-Property /\nalyi.ii. 7r'!'..esl920t • Call R4•11 /\rnolfl. 3 ou " LOT ~7809 Upgraded lhru out Open houlft f« 1°'9 1700 Before making your next "' ~"' addte.t15 $67.000 Jo·or Sa le by o wner c1Slon. call & lrn how you ,,. houst•s on cnrncr lul REAL TY WORLD Lowest pnccd condo in may rcreaw your con PL •CE ' Super locotaun. SIS9,900. $10,000 Down I EASTILUFF I 5 Br 3 Ba. expanded llv· ll'iCAHYON 38R, 2ba, highly up graded El Dorado Plan. Will go contract. House Sat 1·5. C1.1ll rnr ••••••••••••••••••••••• import tnvs lmnl dt• J '-'UAIL Easl~1de C.M. 3 separate World lnvelments N1•wport Bearh 6 mos. radent.Jal A ~ BA YFROHT 830-1550 old 2 bd, 2 ha. tS lllR DtP· PYRAMID PRONllTIES"' fR€HIG( per C,'1., NB. Cul cJc Snc. Property /\nalys1:. _ ~ HOME:S 3 nr 2 IJ& Condoll $7500 Down 548~. $81,000. Phil Ponder 10,... Tll l :JO P.M.~ . • r"r8p~~ 1i ~~~~n, ~rr1 finance. No quallf)'ln" $217,000. Owner. 640•7778 ~ lttAL ESTA Tl SALIS Broken or salei; persons, full/p art lime. Earn ' 00/10 on your next deal. • CmfidcnU11ll1 c11ll Assumable 81/2°/o Harbor View Monaco Phase Ill. Oreat view. 3 UALTYWOaLD World Investments &»1550 LIDO ISLE -7 4)834 79 3333W.CoastHwy,NU B'!J :xirm. hcom1•, p()ol Adults only. t:as t sidc < 1 16 HAYE A HEART... 645-6646 $375.000 & $385,000 51 ot. ow. '141,500 Costa Mesa's rinesl con 24 Units. S.A. $22K per lend a hclpinl( hand to O,.nToday 1-5 ba!. no credit needed do. 2 br. 11-, ba. trplr, Unit.(;oocfTerms. t hese i-1x negl ected 22UNITS 40 Via Lido Saud Prin. Only 644·SS98 eves pool. elc Under S70.000. Edward Fish Realtor houses in Easts1de Cosla Only 6 yr-8 old, 2 BBQ'ii, Br.Zea. By Owner . You --------i\gl. 545-2241 Wft ...... ter 1098 Qui c k possesi.1on . 548·9673 Mesa. Lorated in UP· roe room. pool. Ten11nlh l'"rom 1·5 Please ••••••••••••••••••••••• B~er 2400 Elden. Open NEWPORT BEACH graded area near shop· P'IY ulil. Excellent arcu HIY Call673·1219 0pn11d-S l /"" 1 .. 4PM dally 548·782S ping.trans portation.and Owner will c arry ut L,.._ ..,.•ov-"""' 8 ~n ~ · -· · Spac. 2BR+den+din schools e ct PIMM sty 1320 Antigua, Dvr 1.ero dollars down OI. 4 CWt1 SaM 1800 apt over itar. 2~ St. An· ror $195.000 (must be i.old €HIG€ SULA rolNT Stirs. Open Sunday l 5 Br 2 Ba, huge h1m1ly rrn ••••••••••••••••••••••• drews Rd. ()pen Sill/Sun toacther). 152 t920 HOM€~ own the land. 2:M4 Port Carlisle ()pen S/S &M-4887 $159,900 _,.... 5ft CUSTOM COLONIAL. 2· l.3552TuhoSt o.lex"/ rm LR. View plus lBr at onJy·~~e~~it~aull ~95'# Only S575.000. Lite. 4 BR. 2~ ba .. n1:w oce ront.134~.000 S4R6333 wO:~ter Maoll A~xo Owner Near new out· crane.540-0608 ,,. A astHwy,Nl! OHTHI CAMAL ~rooms. back11 to S350,d00 r~. Ownr/Al(t. ~ lit I~ w~ma~yk trwt Emergency llqwdation l>y 1-4:30 or by appt. Al(t ' ftU •IL kitchen; 2 trplca .. sun· UDO ISU tcnnn D lousseller asking $74 ooo standlnlt deluxe Duplex llACH FIXER PL •CE 64 5- 6646 ~ declc;J:>la&tennls. You IUUan VIiia. 18 rooms. """""' OWN REALTY FRl':E' on BLUFFS above Capo SllS,000 A ,._oak Acre• : 1 ..wrc>aT HTS. io':it D ~~~·. 12~~~· Dbl lot w/pool. $1,250,000 BY OWNER. Will carry RI':. A:v?~~l'rvacr ::::or8~1l: ~~~~'\.,~!v~ San Clemente Tn Plex. NOPBT11S"' 12 ocres. $12.000 pr ~rt' , We have two 3 bdrm , 2 Ownertagt.54&·l290 bal on contract. Choo!ic S3Q.m4 bdrm II > ba frph• prired to sell Wl•ll 10,...Tlll:JO,,.,..I Owner will flnancl' bllh homes, In great ___ ..;;;;_______ LIASl/On from 9 different vocnnt p•'I'~ J"et r•"' ~ d to localed -----w/25'k down. •-.uonr 8olh have Oak SllOOO down-$750/mo. 3 properties. C M./Npt n" · "" ~,.u t• BERTitAHENRY W1nttobuytx:achprol)\'r fG'.. & frplc". The one lyOwMr/ht...,f BR coodo with pool and tUU. No qualifying. nee ()pi 1~Tt/&Suhoon 1s2t4PM Sl57.:ioo Owner will tllk\• REALTORS ty for whul Its rl'11 lly 4 f R€H 1G€ 1.0Vt'ly 3 Dr. 2ba, Lu11k J I $1 900 Prine l Call 645·5399 2nd. Ori vc by 34t>38 215Del Mar 492·4121 w o r l h '> B l' u c b ---HO'Mec with the 4 car garaae Is ranch bomt. LR, DR. atUCC · 14, · ·on Y· · lA'ro dollars down GI 4 <:amino C.plstrano th\•n Speci•li~ts. Call Chrilf, ~ 1 113',000, the other has 11 country kitchen/ P'R r-311• Boot iUp. Waterfront Br 2 Ba, hUl{c family rm call Owner ul 937·0531 ---------1 Ceo 2 Surf 5341-7 , ~..!..I..!g..'si~~:.," w/frplc.". Save·SlOOO'a. ,..._YPOMSltt. Comm. Condo. 3 bdrm. oo Ill IOl w/!Mn)' fruit ~.~~~)or41M·9583teves PRIMll'SIDI lW'Y 1 • 542 · 3333W6~6~~·y.Nli .,"""'c...,......ALL• .... •L.•u." '100.500.644·2'21 64 ... llll 2"'ba. Sl8S,000Call da)'tl tree s . W a I le lo wwuNZtl ,.__...__~-;3 •1-1t ~ 6"'6725 6'75>80 WMlmi.rulter Mall. Anx· --------'--"'---1 •~G CMMcl 4•-s WALK TO BEACH eves 18 ioos seller asking $74.000 A Speclal 4.rttx Very au.ractlve 2 Bdrm ...., r "'"'' Mariner's c.ave H . l•:A I :r~· ~3brdon~'9!:08500.500 RF.ALTY FREE in u pre 1li11 to u s rronl cottage w /cosy New •·Plex being con· All 3 or 2 ea untta. Oood led r.. HOMES oolC)lbori'lood near Hunt warm fireol•ce and t1e· stn.leh"CI. 1120.000. Prin· Santa Ana location. Mon ---------• coroer loUlot~ • IAY FRONT HOM£ R.E.A~!!_80t)'Servlce ln.1t on Harbou r . Uched BllAND NEW C'lpals only , Atcent thlylncomeSl.400.0.m•r FanlHtlc 2300 aq . rt. b + loft.fllJ,500 ) .-).2224 Spacious, dramatlcally DUPLEX n 1 t I ed •-~--------will c•rry 2nd. 1'\111 pticc home ln Eaatbh.tf w/ 5 4brbrkpaUoS121.000 (includin{l and) ;:r d.iintd 11nlt with ex· 8MOnf,ltmeturt>treeaall ATLA.ST SlM.000. "\ownbome" rentals. Dupleaw/landl182.000 Pier & Sllp / oee.r......... penalvevi ws. on lhuame 5511173' site. Two dupluu. ntoar ~ ~wrr~~~} ax-:tm1n1 vtew $13$,ooo s12s.ooo ;;,;,;;;;::,;,~......... ~ Nl).4no f':>~~accr:~jf.8~~8; Nt'wPfi:=~~ch A PR.~~~£~ )'OUT own • enJo)' over ...... ...., Magnificent 4 bedroom. 4 batll '-'S. 1100 SlX UMTS 4 car ~cl~ ••r•acs. TlV'MhowleaOfl R·3lo1. /-+--~ -oooof r-•·l lncomo .. ,.. __ 11 4 ~place, Jlbrory hbmc ••••••••••••••••••••••• a..-d .... Orcal lncome Pl'OPfrl>' ColtaMeaa 33S3W.CoastHwy,NB -· ""... ' --0 &-2 AUi"' an a I uurm with a uallatlc In· $190,000 641-6646 Prln. onl)'. At1ttn1-•!. in over Shorl.!s OeAnU e.111-v11111e. houM on btl tot. May ~•IQ;u;t•olao&,000 llnh bkr MUSOif $850,000. Ownr/A8l.-----·--------~s AT/ UN -. •M•yfk)wer, s:n,500 llkemcw'f Mut\rade SllALTY · ·--1 ~!:.~ M).5alor 913.(1826 DO I'\ 3.,0 t . St L N B C Br. Da, lat-cover d fftfn-c081mf'ttl•I or In· '7 ... Jl 11 MIW DUP&.IX • 1100 &tllwtth!AS.:• Ll l!lt..E -orn1n9 :ir n .. pt ch., .1. ptfth + patio, clbhlt, duttrlal Call Curt ---------1 ' 8r llY. Be H , paUo, ...................... . lt'uBREEZE °rJ'~~~~& Lido Mngmt. 646-4021 or 675·1444 ~· r.cuw· . ~ach ltttbtru &meu Rily, carase. 2188 Miner· \, Coat• Meu iao ·xaoo· Cl...Wad Adi ~ 0wn«i•::=~m-tS~~l~., ~~-B~ro·k~·Wlpllan~J~c~lpiln~ti~o~n!ln~v~lt~~;dii. ~~ ~~~°"~7 ~.!~"~· •~o~r~·~·~3=7~01~2~.r.142~.aoo~~~~~~~Sell~lc0e~t~i.e;ma~~"2~·$6~78i~~~..s~~~4$:.ooo;:~e:1<1:r:1:A:".l~~iect~155~M~.o:·~szso=·:ooo:. B=k~r. . ~ t . . oeei-tMI•.... ......~._ .... ., ....... ,...... ......U. .. 1J•1• ....... U .... *4 Hwet.,....1ti1• ~nd!y.J1nu1ry 1•.1979 QAll.YPILQI • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. ••••• •••••• • •• • • •••• • ...... ••••• • • • •• • •• • • • • a•••••••• e • • • ••• •• ••••• ••• • • • • • • • • •••• •••" • •• ••• ••• • • • • • • •, • •• •• • • •• --..... --....;;.;;.;.,.;...,;..;.;;.;..;. _______ _..t:J.:.1Ll.~a¥.L...;..IUL frti t WI c...i .. M9r JlJJ C..W.. UM Hu ti ., .... _. U40'""' l244 ... .,.,. .. _.. JJff C••••l "-• Afatwllh,..,,..IM4 A,mtw•llhu.fwa.. " ' I rt, z I 00 ............. ••• ••••••• ............... •••••• •• ............. •••••• ••• • ............. •• • ••••••• ••••••• •••••• •• ••• ••••• u.Mlll•ct l4ZI • • •••••••• •• •••• ••• ••• • ...................... . ••••••••u••••••••••••• Ju mln1 Cne , 3 BR, I Br, l tie; nta~. lru:d r.ic~l~ robtme1• ~~II Ollllomia llom~ 4 br. z SEAVlEW 3 BR. FJl. 21,-, ....................... Ml.,.. llectl J76t Cod.Mete Jtiot R.nlndmtrialrrv~rt> d•n . rorm•I d ln ln a . 1ard. tloaaCf aa r . ~r!I( fht),..;;•·r:o'J' bl. p.UO. tord yd. aar. be. ~r" 110C dues Adult.a over 40. 3 br un· -··••••• .. •••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• D•alr•a b le irtt1a . beauUf\llly lndlcpd. • ~:=zoopft&f DU l "'n·d·ar,.,· r. d ln r l KJds•~uit ~ A.'.'t. lnel.lllOOmo &W Stt2t. rum Security. recrea M~ VERD!'; home ill· Wetl" dt' C A•ent . dtocor1t«l. Prh1K• COl'ft4"" &e.4fa J"""" .. " •••t" • • • ,,_ ••-.--b 2 .. 3 b di ue.w loc /Mo Rtl'a --. _. ... " IAl'denet IJ\Y t4itlra1 l'IO(Ct' ·~.W1'3-Ml WalktobcocbrromL&rac uu.ttB.981).J.S68 -"""""' ;"00°.:U..i4o.1~ '< ma IO~., __ -~aoWrm l No2 D~R ~!' +,:tn,.... Kl9 Oii No peu '100 Oran1totrtt I !:tr CondQ 3 bdrm 2\o'J ba Newport U.)'fmt. Belmont S~orc 2 Olndo. Z BR. t ba · year· J200 ... "'""' At/.. No f 984-2*. A.C. tt'M11. pool, !18UM Crwt Coodo ttomt a car br. 2 ba condo in Ii« ly, ~mo W"W. V1lep ••••••••••••••••••••••• w am • apaclOWI 3 0 2JS l ma"11 S3J.5tmo. Ph~ &At•I~· lr1 patln. Wn · bld1. We lb:.r . w!lhr/ CHAMHll.FIOHT &-a uliful brand nt•w ~ tndl'-24.rf°"ort A<'N'I br 2 ba • trpleo .., ---nls. pool, (•lt. Im med <X'· dry u . .adult s o n ly 2BR, lba. yrly SS.SO adult apUI NopetH. Pool. on la tll Rlllo, N~wt1d1 >•any <'1111 &54.-.0 AdWt Uvlnti. new dupl ' •2 ltr, 1f• yllrd, Ston i. PAMOl.AMtC VllW cupancy. teOO per m o rw>tmo Boal 1.bp avail ST8'S TO llACH j:m1m. 0Deftda1ly fot cah.. • Jlbo t. c;,ir, ::-•''•bl la•• .. ~ .. l'u•"" •Pl<'loua 3 ,8.';..,1 Ha _,,.~.,!!~11 paid. No 2 br. oi ~ oew luxury &&S-OZ45t!vh 213~lle03..S40.91'9'i-0ff 3 BR.2 b~wntr.14~ tmW.l9thSt d11mond1, 1old, 1•t1· " u "" r...., ., ""111r•I••· uvv mo .---·· townhouseinT urth•ruck ... B ., b d 38R.2b ,yrly.167~ Boch.3255-1265 crn-7 1~1v('lyS hr 2baonror eo.7'-"A ~ ..... .,,.. .. 21,... .. r ... 11 con o nllu r L4ttuna Hill,; 2 bdrm l BR.lba . .....iy ... 35 IOrS290•"" .. nt"f' .. , ., rd. IA-•111' J OH . , ••••• b ljt fnr d _................. .,.. bcuch Jlt frilJ, w /D 2 " I . II b II :r•' ... - Will lttdt• 3 11ub J lv111t-d UU mo ISl·l232 . 3 8t Jt~ 8.A + den, + yu'Cl..tr>J.t . l8082Th1me1 Univ.Pa.rk·T~rract2 Br 2 carcne.,ar 1-).plc.p00I. ~~·c~=&;~s.:o~r 3 BRp·1~:;ylrDlyOS46:1 6!Drl33S·S350 kiUl t..1 \li•1u. r t 1•11,.h, M<MISl,. lfll'CkoMr $440 mo. SCI• l.A .. ~ ~·1251 or artr D .. J)UOll j" aauna uc ssso mo ........ ,,.,u """ L TSI" Mgmt 645·81:!:! ~ailDOroil, c.ar, d1umllltl... OK 3WOubJin D7il 11t36 naonaMl2.r7U X5SOI. \..Ii -"•kl5..' .. c., aarigo OP· 873-til!lO; 645-9536 · mo.~""""' 2 BR. 2 bu. frpl Pool t ... m 7li1l7 l.lb Ne._ 8roactme>0 r -"'· l5.l·l.8ti2ev~ Deluxe t BR 1•ondo. AdultA 139~ llAHD HIW S.•"ttw bo m t VI ,,.., 3 bdnna, 2~ b•lh. 111r P luth 2 br, ''' ba University Pie Vlllag" Ill, adults, nr s. est Plaza 3 br. 2 bu. 1111 (•lcctn•• fCL_'~DtMrl, 2400 f'C\ll'lty •nd prtuo <'Ond P ool. l 0111 111, townhoult'. 18 yr• or 3 br & tam rm. dln rm Two·slory 3BR with $325.846-3563 Covered parking. $4~ .. __... ~'n» o-,,,...mM)O w a 1 ht r . d r r 1· r , oldf't Cpta, df'Pll, dis A/C, electronic air tilt.er. fat>Wous VIEW. 3 decks. mo t'.00 W Jlamlltou . • .. •••••••••••••••••••• rt'frl1c-ra 1or 11u t o hwMlher.Pvtpatlo.pool, .... _, 11. •-nn'M ...... 11c6i\ '700/mo Mile Sa. Park, 2 RR & ~2917 or&t.2-2164 l.'ab1n ror rNll, 3 Ur . OCIAM-V•w Iara&<' door turnual din LMnla. jae. aauna. Wulk .-._ ... ""' .. n o ........ don. 1"4 &. encl aar. t.n<mValJ > l..allt.",n~ur Odil.A~ o,la. 2BR+2be. ""' '-Obch C.J111125S39 ~ OC EANFRONT JRR. $425.566-8841 :751·8200 MISA.PIMIS Snow V•Jlt<)' )!I" Hl4'0 bt-110-.,1 ~Jia.n,. Advil• l BR + loft condo· new· 2-,,....., b e YU l DR S.'ll~. Pool. Jacuw . v.t.drds 1167 :z!ll " oniy ~-mo en._21711 4 bdrm. 2 bath, formal Im lmmar 4 br, l'-' bu, Wnnl1f. PQO{, uun~ Xlni a..,.,, om · m or 2 bd., 2 ba. cloee Lo school. B""""""I FRONT gar uvail. Adults . nt• din1n1. lute )'Jrd, qwct cuJd H ctlreetln loc.S.:WOMo.ss&-6li4 unfUm. SllOO/mo Ava il shot>Plng center. prefer ""'"'' pet.'!. 2650 Harla Avt·. ,.,_., & .kl ~ m1 11bu' .. Or-t.•an '1c-. 3RR. Z\Jba. f&tt1)lacoe Illa born Xlnt Joe (.'blldttn Is pell leaseorabon lt rm. a dults only. 5350 /mo Wutter rent.al. 2 Br :! Ra. 54&-3447 Run t11nw Sprlna:~ at rtt-w Bt"aut dtror 'd · •· 1• 113'2Tyler C:l1't'le BRANO Nf:W 3 bdrm . 2 Wat~rfronlHomt'tll wate r paid. 1·499·1619. 2 car garai:e. $450 mo 1---------- 0rtwn V11lln· l •k«-Sll mo l'all 8C'U1n1 .SELECT <~mWRll)' _839 8623 bu, ho use tn Wood · 6Jl-1400 CWl6PM after fm.'4S33 ~ 2 br. JI~ ba lwnhiw bt.'lut l'ttbu\ 1111 tt :.t lot &44J TTl l ~t!. Frpk' d bl gar , Gar. fpk . patio, i:ood loi· fullv furo 5 18 ~uo PROPERTJES um. 2ba l ice<" type 1 k 1 u •• On the sand. 2 br. 2 ba SHOITTllM,FUIH. E !!lde ~ lR\'1 l';Tl·.;JtRAl'I', hotnc X1nt lol'. cl<)tw to nr a e poo ..,,,, mo. Chum1nJ;t Oce-anrront pool. 5ccurily. sauna. ShghU) h1ghe rrate1u( TSLMi:mt 642·J6(l:; 4 Ur z lia. n~ t'JflJt'U.. 116.2660 M"hls Rtnl or 11 Shown :S· ~-$496 t:W!> & 38R. den . d1ninJt rm. ~Imo up Hunt1ng\on onJy t munth rc nt:.I r;-, 2 BR 2 b M Ollt.t SMtt Jrap..., piunl thruout 4 Br fl dtn, 2,, ba, 11 blk by appt. only ~ M t trplc. Yl'IY 675·999J P:mfka. 213·333-3846. I BR. 1 bu , rum S3SO au , u. Cl>.• ,....,......, 2600 t:n·al r"tC'(or ria:ht rwm1 from Nw~ n .1,. ... Ra) fiflm 1'70 •-le•h 3241 , ,..,,, 2BR. I ba houiw S47~ OM\c, nr S A. Cntn I)• ,. r l •"', t n .,. .a --r--~ lsle. 3 BR. l 12 ba. 220 2 bd 2 ba. nr. SC Plaz.i 8 nu. 2' ... bit n••"' ho rn". C1ub Pvt fncd yar~ .: •• •••••• ••••• •• • • • • •• • • nt• lo ...... .: o•r I prr• l'\lumpl" II pool, t•nn1· To"_ ... ~ ...... 2 Br. ••••••••••••••••••••••• v l h 9 .. ...,, • -• .. u h r·rrl-d ""I • ... ~ ~ ... ...,....... 1a t c1 c u . S uu . pool. Jae . .a te. no petb. ,,_..anl__..t. wk or mo 1·wi;iott w/storage. ~3 .. u e. • 1· Pr " Pl' rt> 'n t • • • chi, jw<'uu1 ,. u uni. frpk paUo Jal' l Br uniciue Qwet 'i ac ••"-0"'1 ........ ""'3 1•301 I I """' '""'' '"" "'"" 631 181G 1'..mcoad" Mc\ll'O !!1 l>l ~Ca.R &A.C\SOt Lwt· 41 "ood MCU\'t-lllo po0l s.o.ti.J14 · f'rplc. k1d:t/pe ts ok. ~.., ·'""'~ ---~74~~l3-~~9392uti IALIOA. .... IWPOIT mo ~~· · ~d,r m . rl•tr1·.i1 lt>71'7\ll ljt-H~ ~646 9251. ----Roui.h.~.499-2286. House forrentin Newport RIA&.TY 675-1170 HIWUEB>A.PTS $,_! lrvplJl'l' nr lx.·J1·h Zbdr 1 ba S450 MOS'aW . • Vacant 4 Br I'll Ha. Beach. 3 br. 2 bu .. lrg CondoforlcaSt-ne11 3 br.2 1 Bdrm& loft S320 1,001 ~~:10 ~II~ t 336 ur dci:>oiat & i..t &' 14~t Mo ~:~~003~;+ ~~nt~f fenced yard. cul-de·sac, New 3 bfdr[". 2~., bJ fam.rm.Gardenerinclc!. bu .. Lat{. Hills no peU; •-fth pcuni. closed g3 rai;t·i- --rent 640-9u16 fl r , 1 kldsOK.1496. 1163-0175 ~:f:· v~:: t io:!:-atso l700.Call644·7007 ~-1714> 159.057; after ~shed Gas & wtr pd. Adult<>. nu ~ ..... I n 5 BR f I a ~er. i u3::!. rr:: 01 /f.1<'r· ~per 4 br. 2 ba, dshwhr. llhoPI & beach. No s mall LI;; Ible. rhormi.n.a/.BR. _!lP~--••••••••••••••••••••••• pt'(S. 393 Hamilton. c M bct...a. 2100 .,.e. • am. rm.,' in landsra~ yard & r u PilJo. fnrd yd, 11ar. Kids kids/ no pets. Avail J an. d<'TI, 11ur O""'ner. lam. To~ ........_-l·•-..11 3106 ~11. -••• ; •• ;~:.; •• •••••• ••• • rm · 2 frplc:t. .• lac lot. A...sac. ,. ........... CJ\. In· "· ...... ok. ",'d1":.,.n 11.S. '"'"' $700 .. n.e607o ml ~ OK ... -1 "-I t r.._._...__. 3500 - -•---------Gardener incl. $925 Mo. ....,. .... """" _,., "' ....... "' """ ..,...., ....... s ..... · n, ... a ren "'""anrg ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beaut. ground11. n ice & DtA.MC»eD & GOLD Agcnl67J..53M <'I. grdnr. 64().7499. S465 . Arr . n o f ee . lmmac. charming house oc-got.iuble In •.elurn for ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BH, t bu house w/frplt' quiet Adults, no pcu. ·• Ladl~dia.nnaover 3N VA C ANT. Beautirul 964-25ell; !"297l. forrent. Walkt-OVictorfa t ou c hup 1u1nt111 .:. Ckean Front. La~. Bch. 2 or3 br.2baapt. Motmo Br bunJ,t tt low. P oot. uppr. over S43.000 & l1tt' 2 Br , So. o f H w Y. l\Jt.e 3 br. 2 bo, dahwhr, beh. Panoramic Oceao 87S.3787. br, lg. deck. frplc, gur.. JC'f'f.673-4804 Jacum & bbq area . Al:.o umt of gold c.'Otnb Tradt• refr1g /1>tou·. frplc, 4BR/dcn or 5 BR Sfop CtWered patio. fncd~, i bd d ".'EAvtL·, ... 4 l'r 3 11:1. la OO Jll.U . $425 winte r . or 2 brtownhouse. lnq 177 for TD or Jt ... •I ""·t.·11" whshrt dryr an .:ar ., fam rm w/frplc. 2000 :,q v ew. 1 rm. stu y, ,., r...., > • ... _,_,•yrly AnA "-7""' l' ...._ .. St "10 "·'5 "'9" "M c.e ~ 559 34 ft ~/mo.55741623 gar.KJds&J>(!tsok. · yard.$500mo.49-Ml2Hior 2-sty. p11v ~ute. tcnnb. _..,.,,.,_ ......... ,,"' .............. _,_:.__ ... _ 3107 ".wonu~ •" ...... ..,. ". <.:;111 Dani.: 7:i2· l920 or --6l ------Agt, no fct•. 964·2566 ; 675"~10 POOi. ~ :M)() 640-00!6 ..,: ,,. --~~ "~4::' & ~ knJi. WR lba. fri>lc. blttm., new Mesa Vcrdt" 2 BR. den. !173-2971. -. • . -o.'::i~L.-...1 3525 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUPB HICE <'Jl(.."l, gar Adult.<1 nopt"ts ro\'ert.>d patio. nice yard Quiet. secluded :! bd. BlliC... sul)t:r buy \.lt'W' 3 _ _._. Ncwt•r ~BR 4:!b11 , y r h •l..Dckethar w/lg stor Raal fs.. 2900 Refs $475 1;44.7~ l1osc to school & !ihop:;. Nr GW College & Manna home w tba. Bua It ans. ill\. 2~~ ba S7W Mo •••••:••••••••••••••••• ~ mo yr ly Adullit/nc1 • D W put:n. Ind!')' rm W..+ed Nice ssoo. 6-14 5187 ur HS. 3 br. 2 ba. pallo. fncd rrpk .. garage. deck~. Aflt>nt 644· 113J LAKf. FOREST 3 Bdrm. pets t:vec: 21Jt257·97~ •Special cabinet spiH·1· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 644-8519 yd, gar. Kids & pel'l ok. mountain and on•a n -2• .. Ha. m1cro~a\'c. corn •Ga,. twal. J(ai. cttokar.t.: l'n\'ale party want ~ lo JASMINE C•lEJC $4 55 A g t . n o f ut.'. \'lews, $575 1:.l & last, llAHBOR \'I ~W :! 11t11n ing toP Landscal)\.' l>t.•rv 3 Bdrm. ;.• .. bi.. S65(J pr RW. hot water all rr,.,. buy olde rmcomc1>rnpn 1.1-;A."l-)iAVAll..AliLE E·s.1de lge3br.2bu,frplc, 964 2566 .973-297). plu s SISO st•l·. d e&; 4 br .FH.21 ~bu,\lc'tll Fireplace. 2.000 sq ft mo yrly Worktniz girl~ •,\dull:..nopd:. l) rej!ardlt>S.'I of l •Jlhlt lndry rm. rncd yd. ~3r ----497-2640. $775 mo 644·5621 C1ubhouse dUC'fo incl. SS7S pref 3i;; Alvarado l'I J Bd rm, $2titl lion ~t7 3182 ~ 673-3600. 3hr, 2ba Condo v.. dlil mo 1-:vs DavL", 545.7~ mt-0234 or675 3600 Mc10lh to munll\ garg. & pool. $420 3 Brtwnhse.woccan \lcw. WATERFHONT ..w/Do<'k N!l -----,.--=--..Jlo..jM• -3122 23ZJ (o;1!f,.c2n7~c.<:.M Housesfumlshed LEA.SEOPTIOH ~3518Mcr 5 P.M. pool & jacuz'-" $550 Very n1cl' <!UR i.1n)!l l• _.__... .,., ,,...., ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 BR, 3 ba, golf couri.e -------TI4-846-0205· ;>~ ~ 1671 house. Bltn r:.in gt>. DtW ••••••••••••••••••••••• lalloo PNlnwla JI O .. __ ..,...., $199 500 3 Br. ntw condo. I mile to ' -. -n.'fniz $750/mo Dock l'X '1f lw•flh funtitMd Delww Uppt>r 2 bdrm 2 1_2_Hd_r_. -h-11.-n-c-·w_m_i.-la-11-•• -, ...... .., .• ,...,fmo. • · bch Total rec pk ".1 Br. Or~an \.I"~. •-a 67<1906 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• :w&-1141 " ~ ~ u or h:.. Den. lndry . dl·rk. l ion:.. nc•w crpcl:. & · lmmed ~P avail. on l Spanish, Bch 2 blk5, --· ..... ,..,....,.. 3101 v· w lk d s 11 -Short term lelll!e. Feb. ll>I yr l.8e. (213) 91&-~1. n."'et !Wo..Ut. S375/mo. In· Dover Short'll, Exec V1,·w ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ragl'. iew. a to ra pt!:. .. ma Pt>l>-Ii. "°June Isl. Lo\.c ly 3 br, ' S450 MOftth ><..., Ho 1 be bt'ach Adults. No pets children OK $325. mo ba home l''rplc. pvt 4 br, f am rm. 3344 ~-Close lo beach, cl util 494·1419 770·0811 mei.. poo. ·uutUul I bdr .. of( !Street park in~. IWfett'ncch. 56006'73 2000 11111; li PI a cc n I '·• pallo.K33·7761;5495711 -Nevada, M'•sa Verde beaut. dee 2BR 2ba. Jerry l:mdsc. '1 br ' :J'2 ba. :J yrlyS300 -rJ42..2t&1 No frplc:. .. O.R . L.R • f'am 673-4070646-6238 Quiet 1mm11c. <:Br 1,1pper. ---- 1_;_le h 314 CostaMna 3224 .. vacant.557-2824 frplc.gar.$325.557·8623 No £nd 1110•; 0Cl'an Rm. skylight, wet bar . -beam ccihn~F>. 11, rm F.astside 2 br. bltni.. 01• -r-CIC ••••••••••••••••••••••• ------ -vi~ 4 bdrm furn rm 'J prof mt de<"or 3 c· r Costa Mesa 3724 f r •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 d Jb h 3.Br. IBa. ~·bldt•. Nr. 22nd J houses rorrent. ... Walk t ·be h sooO 1 · ,.15 .. 00 a ••••••••••••••••••••••• rp lc rl• rii.: r ;jnl{l'. pc•l.h S3Hlmo C..'hlll'mmg 3 DR. l)('('iln r~r 8~~ . r . 2'21 & Sl. Lg yd, l(arg. No pets x.lntarca, S395·S425. -..!>. 0 ac gar . CllSC • /m o ('lirpl'li. 'drapl•s R1·ri. ~~ .. 1201 ~·11 ' ',blks ~ b"h .'\' 1 J'J'c~m s m~~'ti,·b~Yr· $4l5.fl46·7~· - -546-~29-· --~°.4.~~~%~f u~~·nt a 1 ~~2~;c724 · N<i .i g<1nti. Lar:,'~~~1'11~~rm . ~~~:i n~rzu.s4~o-~fo 1 Hit, nu 1!(•1·.-'lt~L; • ~l Ut pd :sitb.'l ly l•'HSI' Nu Pt'LS. $525 1 yr o ld 3 Br 2 Ba LOVELY Ul-,:ACH llOMF:. •--Hi"s-3 .. 50 VJL·w ('()NI'" .•• "r. ""· l'nd ~ar S245 & up or541 3122 poul. Jcllt ... no pcli-~2~1 &-50l2 633-t;lf.17 ~!1543. townhouse, nr So '· .. u,., l ''b 2 b 7 blk t --,--" 4 "" JV " 0 " • Ad I o t!73-Cllll4. 64ii 731tl ..._ '-vu ~ r, a . JllC. . '" ••••••••••••••••••••••• lilt. Npt Terr. lmm1•d OC· u tt-.. no P<:ls . 211 I twwport hoch 31 69 N 2&3 bd C 1 Plaza. pool1\<'nnts, S57~ sand. Yard 's~a serviri.. NEW 4Hr, 3Ba. ldam rm. cuv. 1475, mo 751.2261; Newport HI 54841168 2 Br. lrp c t•rplr., stOH'. •••••••••••••••••••••• t'W • r m . rp c, mo. tN0-6395 Wkdys i:all _S625.evcs, wks 968·5097 or !>Chis, sho·~ & rw.v. ~0076 balrony v1t•w /\dulls. n<1 r"-1-ta""-t blt111>, 2 r:ir ~;.iraA<'. $450 ult ~PM. • $!S() I Br mob1lc home 1>1..t. .... $;iO() 322 Hcllotropl· Eo!>l!>1dt• l bdr ·1 h.1 dupll'X P:it10. 11:.ir , llrtl Wd On. -.lOV<•I rdnl! W, 0 h\.. UI> ~335 mo ~ 252.'> ._.. ... "'"'"f r ''on & uf) t).\5·54i3i'. --, N<.'W 2:50() sq tl 4 Rd home Sin> mo. ownt•r 1162 0925 llG CANYON Mature adll'! unly No /\ v1· Op l'n I I Pm _ ~i~r~lE~.l>a;~9~hc:nm0~ Lg 3 U r 2-;,-li -a Nt-W Home J bdr 2 ba ubove Hunt. Hur bour. or !Jr.!·7~aft liPM DIAHECOHDO IX't8 Qwet. secure• IWl 67~ h f Nuar &ke r 1Bc11r .NcVl'r muny xtras. $795. l'all Lcase newJ lir2 B3 .Ai'C. NwptBlvd 64&-837:1 1 28u b dk wtnlcr ll'U.Sl' lO't111l omci.. rplc. wet occupied. Ruquir .. l"t Mike 960-23S8 For least•: avail. 1-'t'h U~r "· 2 a. ~urt . ----s.....tt,. .... .-. R ......_ bur f m r g rde r "' ... " ram rm. entry kitchen. ..... b h ,,_ "' ·~ d 1 b . b<>am ceil. dclu1o NEED .I br apt CM/l\.pl -,--7~·6r90•0 .. ··r 562.~Jso. ~7 ~noxm:si. last & secunty. SSOO per VACAHT full rec amen. M25 mo. ~i~ 38;;'::1":;~5• ,~, 0~~· ~~·J~...,~r~·. utr ~~. 5495 213t~IJ6·fi805. lltto ur ea Cor respun ---~ I corner Orange Ave). mo. Call Jack ur Kay 2 BR 2 &. fplc. clo:.e to Children OK. 830-9666 a fl Lovely yard & cntr) S2ro/mo675-6670 714/673·8797 t•mploye<I m othe r w :! HoiMMs Unfumf IMd 63t 1388or I 11 756-2908 S.0-5505 beach. $350. As k for 4PM. area . $1200 Mo tnt'I lt.'<'n.' S325·S350. unfuru • •••••••••••••••~•••••••"' '> b l' b- -d-3 lge bdr, Iba .. f1'8h rl'· IU>ith,962--4471 ' 1-.. ... 1-J 325l ,µrdcncr 'fwnhse. 2 lgc bdrm .. 11 :• l+tl' dlx 2 br, ~ ba r tui.h Ph00.78.'i7CVl'l>. G al 3202 ,,l•w v r. ) 11 con o. ...__. nu ,.... st.ove/(n a _,..... ..,......, EILEll!.O..a HUDSO... bu. encl yd gar .. l'pt .& < rpl. drp-.. patio. rptc-A n " k ~11111 dbl gurag<' & f p Open 'jd · t"'·• d f ....................... "" '"" d.rJ>t>. cul dt.· sac ~chool!i Bltns. dshw)>r Adult~. nu "' r ~a . II 1• "''"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• b<1a m i:eihnf(:.. Pool.~ ent..11.e.y .$450;\0 NIGU EL S HO RES REALTOR 644-0322 atn.11'M..od. occup. S310/Mu pet..-,S48o.mo1ri.s:n-rom twnli4'<' Esad,•$375 mo R8(T 'TIL YOUIS juc:uztJ L&1l & last. $450. 21J.~L6'44 Spacious 4 bdrm, 21 ~ ba. 673-5719 VI0-!17l4 or &tO 9335 L'it. la:.1 + SIOO. 548 859 1 GARDEN GROVE mo.642>~ 2BR. clean, w;e or pool & ram rm. beach. lcnnii. FOR LEASE J BR 2ba famal~ rm Sl lAR'M~a VcrdcJbr. Jac u ui $3!f5 m o . $635tmo. 493-6293 or BJGCANYON 2BR.2ba. Hach apL mature 'Jwct. Cluldren&petsM1;,. family rm frplc a ll 548-6()1()or642·47~ 8JH453 $7001mo. Wa lke r & Lee. part rum . Sl70 mu incl MULHEARN bl'-", new t:rp ..... d• rps lnc. 7:.9·150~ ~.~171., • .,261 M Cl> a Ur .,..., ..., "' Greenbell li ving teon1s, ---..,.., ....,. RffltyR-9ster Walk to schools & shop-POOLci. JBr. 2•,ha. blllnb, SEACOUHTRY SanCMtwt• 3276 u.. .,.. •-754-7100 pml( SS2S.9~l77. lrplc, A tC, ga r opnr Forleaseoption Elc111int ....................... rMwf1F19on_.ach 3740 ----KIDS/•ETS OK S550 640-6114.631·2133 • 3 Br. 2 Ba condo. Moun· z bdr , 2 bu. condo gar .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lalloaltland 1206 ,.. tW'xAOll tain Views. Walk to k n· rrum ocean vu $366/Mo W--Lfu Raf·es ....................... El1STSIOE. 1 BR $325 & 3 Br. large Jut. Fa ntu11t1c Hm*...,.ow 3242 olf & 3 2 633-4720 n~~.t 1eR 3b d I' 2 RR $365 642 2510 neighborhood 1450 mo _.. -rumil~· g ..,,,couhrs~~ui -----Spac1ousStudtOK &r n, en, t inmu rm, · • . OO.S062 · • ••••••••••••••••••••••• es to ....-ar . ...,.,.,. mo I BedroomSUilt'i< patio w ga11 bbq Nl•W 646-4848 · _ Stucho condo, with view By owner. 770-0811 2 bdrm I ba newly paint C.Omplete Kitcht•nl-:;;.·1~·ry cll.'an. 5775· Immaculate 3br, frplc, E'sidc nr 17th & Org, 2UR Pool & jar, ucross Crom 00• =3387 or 493.3566 lk-aut. P~n1u1 Pool . fenced yd, quiet , shop· Iba , frplc·. $375 /m o . beach.S375.847·4m OCEA.HVl!W ---Ma1dServlce ·TV 1 Br. So ~f hwy a ll hit an!> 2 Hr I bn I story. 'iha,.: 1o1· dtshv.m1hcr & rcrn .i. drp-. patio. frpk. twam 'tll"OOd cc1bngs. carthtonc ('('ti. 11ar Adulti; $31•• ca rpeting ct< G:m1~1• 2!>W Elden I 1!~8406 . w1~shr. dner i.pace S36J ---------mo 95:).3649 CV('!> 2 Br. 2 ba duplex w /vww SS50 Adults. no pNi. b~. \\'(• hllV(' C"d!\1 4!. J & " EA.STSIDE 2 Bdrm 2 bath yean; old. upper duplex. $365 Agent. 548-7729 bdrm rcnwl:-rrom S:K>r. - toRj2.5. Ca ll l(ls<'t' 2 AH. I h11. nn k1dH or pvh 'Outstanding Oay rr"nl Pml(.S490.5484l300._ Availl2Fch5'U!·3683 J br.2•2 ba,2frpk!!.Lov 2 BRhous1:,d011e lo plt'r. tMll<•tooct•an W/p1cr. 2 bdr . 2 ba .. 3 Br a nd nuw OV "rsa·,,ed 0-.Point 3226 ~poolownhoui;j I! 2BR. 2'g bu. ei.v home in The Shon •1;, oowly p111nlcd . $325 l'cr R~al s .. ·tes ..... ntustlr (Jr".1n Vil"' frplcsSl0501Mo 675721i5 " ~ " · ac.sauna,lt~nnas. E 1 mo.494·0~7/\ft o l'M • w __ .. _ _ UUCCOLA Home in n<:w ••••••••••••••••••••••• $450/mo.842-3167 xc us1ve pvt comm 7 urktown al 2hr. on•rlook 111 i.: IJ1i.: lalloo PttNltsulo 3207 (;osta Mt'1'a i.ub·divitiion. 4 BR. Fam Rm. Dm Rm. 3 ~-~chmo, poo . ..J:,7t~63·nm!>, jqz SWE!PIMG VIEW Beach Blvd Coronu bcul·h. ,\II nt·v. l'lu."h :-.lll<llo. nt•v. I\ 11· Al(t>nt6i.>5U30 i:rn~ m 11 1 m11 .I l'f 1 "'3-41:11.~ DUPLEX ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 hdrm 2 l>a . Liv rm. yn> old. Owner li\'cd . Lo ~nl or Lcuse. Lge illx ~ """'., 28 ., b 2 1 536-0411 or in~1dc Y11rd. 'undt·• k c1t'r11 r a 1 1• d . ·..-1 'lln, r m . rrpl... :> i·ar ma int. $500. 496 1089 t.•\x rondo. nr water . 2DR. 21,.;, r." a. t'Br uar. poo . 543-2000 '·k r T "''5 .... -, I I I' J Ot•eanfront 3BR 2bu Con • ' -b"lh~ bit n rc fr " Lf: 3 Hr 2•~ Ba home. golf counl<' Fir••phttl' no> or om.,.., ov•il 111 town 1oui>l' '')in~. 2 '' do Secunty bid" 9 mo garage. $625 Pt•r mo c· ... v~ VIEW Wu ,"·w I s. t' 1"' frplc. P<•llOl>, romm $450 m o 640·Si77 or 1----------6'2-~ • ~w tlcn. ~ Bu full~ " 7594m&549·4231 ........ "'" (' p ~ . ·-----t I d & II p r' I lse $.550/mo li73 61\80. Ught & air. .. 3 .. -'rm. 2 washer/dryer , pvt yard, pool d ac $450 mo 673-2031 Hkr -,---ach 37 41 Costa ~so 1824 1 c "u PJ c u · R75-7...,., ·~ '"'' ·'""' Ull'r8 • t:"""'ll>. dra"'':., blt·m:.. "°" 3 IDRM, 2 I "'TH ba. home w /frplt'in qwct 2 car gar. Pool. $495. .,...,......,, or__._ 3280 ••••••••••••••• • • •••• • ••••••••••• •• •••• ••• • • • ~"" "" " ........vAM LAG"'' BE C Jll garal(e ~ ,wa~hcr & r--istn.to leach 3218 rareplact.', double ~arage, res1d. area. rthlc from Eves& Wlmds 846-0892 Niguel Shores. garden ••••••••••••••••••••••• u .,A A II ~lTH LA MANCHA. i..ns .1-hook t d :.:'::•••••••••••••••••• pallo,(encedyard. Many bch. 2 car gar. l1W fncd ff'YN 1244 home . 2 BR. 2 ba. den, Beauliful 3 Rr. 2 ba ~~ .$7~~:: ~~Ph~'!~~ .Lurgl' 1.2&3 bedroum ~~~~r. pn~Pp;:1t~o~ c~>;;,r Avail I 10 2br hou'c extras. Everything just yrd. S48Sper mo 493 9598 ••••••••••••••••••••••• walk to pvt bch, guarded w1(l001 , playground. Dis· pool. Utll 17141 494 .... >oA fta rden ;ipli. /\d ulls pl .:ardemnl! s<.'n tt.'l' Refrig. Newly carpeted like new~ mo. lease. ,...,.,, comm. Pool. n o P<'b h s h e r d bl .:ar .-.... ~hwhr. bltru..l·nrl .iar. 151 T ulip Lo l'l'lrn•·r Walk Lo ._Ah .. ,.,,.o Via Agent, S48·7729 New 3 bdrm. 2~ ba pool. Wuuubndge 38r l~• ba, Garde ru·n " i·ncld. "'""5 ,,..W.,~+dcp J•O·A c~r 98.5_ N Coa~t ll'tll'Y "a" bbq Pool Gui:. Pd "" ........., tennis. neur bca c1h . °'-"W!NearLake&parks . " ....,, ro&..1 ·• " " • Tubp,f:ldcn i495mu.l'i•• Cat alina 544 653G for Clean 2 br w/gara1ic. 714-497-1505213~·8453 Nopets.~.833-8600 640-6210 rl<1,Rc Ca ll Ren arn 3Br apt furnished Frplc 718Scolt PI 642·5073 JX'l.'> ~-87:H . . •• ~ppt.S.U.S Adults. no pet:>. 773 W. LciMForest 3255 566-7707 CYl>rrss Dnve. S.525 ind .. ---------------·---.. ~ 'c ap1s lra no r a 11sadt>., Wi lson.$275 548·9417. 2!'!~nd~ewc:;~asY~~3! ~in~~1~r~~~,, b:~ ·•····················· SouthLCM)IMO 1216 util.49'i_._.:J6_i 1-1_____ Med.lterraneanVi.llag townhouse ror lcasl' qutCKMOVEIM °' PCH Above Marino, pets, Brk patio S395, 130'onlhe w.iler '3bdrm ••••••••••••••••••••••• Coastline view. t•stm Br---' n~ 2 br. 1,_ ba underaround parkina. 833-8800 2 ba. with priva te dock.:.! ~xecutlvt.> F.stalc· 10 ... Ht•w.oi'DOf-rt .. leach 376' '-"lt for o..,..er 2 8 " 21 auu ..,.. "'• " "' 'j'ears new """" rv•r m11 I I •••••••••••••••• ••• • •• • .,.. ..... , ~ Pool, J""', "tc . S495 . ..,.,...,..! pr vo t t• .ai.:un.1 Be ed ')j ood i· Ba. roomy w/many t•x twr1hse. East111de. Hab An)'lime499.4fia3 llMTALS Avai l . n o w . 24 JOfi Meadows. Perfect for S325 One bdrm,,, blk • am Cel ngs,w pane1ng t.ras. 661 2871.496 3007 f~~hi~~n~.1 Wn1~q ~~ 8 T 2 BR,21,AJ ba. . .. s.195 Ponchartrain 754-7900 famJly & cntcrta mlni!. bay/ocean "''a il ::11 on •Grasscloth wallcov e ring CoronarMI Mar 3222 mo. 31<.'ft! Drive by 2548 oro 1232 3 BR. I''• ba.. .. ... $450 Mstion Vl•io 3267 On the meadow & ocean mo to mo Ownt!r /Agt. •Fireplaces. we t bars ••••••••••••••••••••••• OranJ?c Ave. Then call ••••••••••••••••••••••• 38R.2b11 ....... S5o5Q/6SO ••••••••••••••••••••••• view.$1350.mo II .John~ 544-7549______ •Dis hwashers. walk·in c losets 8 ho d M2 OOlt! New lo\'ely tixtrn ll(t' 3 br. 3 RR, 2~ ba ......... $650 R ad t 1 3 b ., R.E. 493 6891 RR 2B • Balconies patios ,, 2 r me.a ulti..110 1wls, · · 2 bu. fum rm, frp k 38R,abu .......... $625 e ry omovc n. r... 4 . a. t door from • . garage 1tardt•11t•r S.1~5 Coroftade4MarJ 222 Childre n u k. Alt llt> 4 eR,2~ba ..... $650/950 ba. frplc. dsh~.hr, patio. T•tln 3290 beach. View . Winter •Pa rk·like hmdscaping ' ' ino 6'1a.72S8 •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• Woods. $550. 644·Gfl39; 4 BR.3 ba ........... $575 fncd yd, Rnr. Kids & pct$ ••••••••••••••••••••••• SS9Simo. 546-5605 •Swimming pools. jac uzzi m sns 4 BR. 2'~ ba. $1000 N n ~,;,-'!,~ .. 97A3_~,;,1 No ftil' <IBR for ss75 oc ONT • L1' 0 hted tcnn1·s courts > ;I . ' macnab I Irvine realty MAI kA.I IA YFRONT Plus h & luxurious w 35' used brick on the hay! Complckl~· renewed I · RH + ~t ud.\ dt.•n : new bit in k1tr h<'n <rc>fng. & ~Jsher dryer ). l o r :! ~T lt'a~,. w l:.l nJ!hl of re fusal nn purdi.a:.t•. Sl:tSO mo. t.arrv Oyer G 12 823.5. <N I lfi I . ·- EXfCUTtVE Ott FA.MIL Y UVIMG Spac iou.'> 4 nn & fomily rm home ~I g-r~ot vlrw of t>l'C'an. ll:trbor & c ity h~ht. . S ur>t•r j nc·un i in priv ate Hcttln~. Lt?. terrace & fe nced y ard. S1000/mo. Owm•r will consider short t e rm lt'a st•. Oc•llt' C hase Loe 644 -6200. CN· 117 > CHIMA COVI • .lust stf ps from thl' sand! With view of .J etty & Bay!! 3 BR,; -fplc - clcc. kitch en w t mic r o wave & compact.or. Ready for occup3ncy . $1500/mo. Doroth y Hardcastle 642·~. <N·118) • 642-1235 ....... 200 tot Dover Orlvt H•bof Vl'w C.nter trvlne •t cam~ v .... ., center 752·1•14 . .. .. -"""""""' .. .,,, 220-0 Sq fl in Tu:lltn E!\NFR • I ~r apt P> Fo.t.i.. Vohy 3234 -Meadows R.T .s Realty a~nil unUI .11/1.5. S2.5 incl •Minutes to fre eways & beaches ....................... Mlwport ltach 3269 Ml-4741 ~:jJ;~-.f~dren u: pct:.. I llOIOOM Olannl.ng executive 2 s t>' -••••••••••••••••••••• w.....-.t9r 3291 ;::::::::;;:::======. 1 l•IOOM 6 DIN 4 BR, den. pool. room in IEACH $650/lllO Yrly •••••••••••••••• ••••• •• 2 II -2 II TOWHHOUSI gar .. beat schools. S600. UtlltMt Pold Deluxe 3 bdrm 21, ha ""'911 ~ 545-4157. a"....... i\clult• Only Lar.ie 2 story home. bia Condo for rent. Ne ar LIVING Office QTM>n Dailv 9 to 6 ·~ ~. "aulted/beam1>. 2 McDonald Douglas $550 .. -~ l.:J' For tennla onenled. new luxurious t ownhome, Vlultcd ceilings, (rplc, 3 Br. blt·ins. skylight. wet bar, pool/Jae.. dbl Ill bur bedrooms. 2ba, permo 213434.501:: f7141157.t020 ttS'hCAM .... "-.fllUl ... E ~~· ~:· 2 Pr~lo•\r~ HwthnlfsMd or-Apartme»ta. 2400 Karbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Ca1tr. u "'"'W: "9 " gar. 0v.·ork 0s~~ce~0 lau~cd U.fwwl•d 3300 Entertainm•nt. tached garage. Ne ar Los N e ~ T u r t I e r o c k caballero Sports Club. Hi.lhlands town.home. 2 $57S. ~-3211 bet 9·6. BR. 2 ba .. din. rm., lrpl. Mon·Fri. C.ent.r1l air, outat.nding 2 <!•-· 48R. rrplc. park vlewl Hlply uparaded. --...:r Ad\llta, no peta. ~Mo 11ze yard. Nr. Mt Stt. m.111293 Partt. $575. f'h 983 llM>8. --------9118-2720 Turtleroclt 3 BR. 2 Ba. cul de sac Fplc. atrjum, 5 br. 2'AI b•. lg, LR. rrplc. wdt>U. nr scbools, pool fam rm. split level. hf lip&rt. AvaU Feb. l, 1$2$ yard, neat hou11c. nr. mo. lit. lAt" ctna. Wtt ~~. $625. 551-105. pd. ~10 1 Br Or•nc~ cundo, .......... leeclt U40 A/C, POOl. tennl1, J1c.., no •••••~7.•••••••• •••••• • pell. t:IU. $46-0784, ----New Mpnt·2 bfd.toom HERITAGE PRK. 3 br. 3 l5liO. Ot 2 bedroom +den bL (tJn, rm. d.r . MW UP· •75. Ced1r • window rrldel pool. ~ mo. bome. Plve blocka to ._.,1481 beacb. Prtv1le 2·etr - 1era1t. Full! m1ln· Neal 2 br. l ba, frplc, tained yard. AdulY, No dlllwtlr. r 'd patio. Dda..JJMl\llN It U'l lllb ~~~ fl peta 8utif. (114)..at. ::.:-· . DO fee. 4 llr, l"' ba, DU 8 • 8 ; -1·--0oldfon W•t bt1tt1. ar.t S £r. 2 ba, trptc, OGunntt ltltcfMn, fam ....,..,, l)IUo, tncd yd, nn•/Wet ber for din'I ..,.; KJdl •pmot "'4S. lGr ,.,., U /mo Incl Af.l, ftO f ... "'-iste; pn1 CaJI fl8Meoz f1i.9'1 I hllkp. I child, no peta ••••••••••••••••••••••• R•creation. Great house. 960-5844 Youn -365 , · MOM.IHOME 40 Boat dock. 3 br. 2i,.,. ba .-OIMA.TIOH daya a yeorl condo. 2 story. (rplc. bltn ~it rheo . Yr i,y saoo. ·Rent:-optJon to buy 1nro. 67rMTr/$ n!PO 11. loan assumption etc. EaJy rlnance O.A C Big Canyon Bordeux 3 br. 3 bl, French ctry kit SIJOO. mo. Days 769-l 13t ; U7-088S eves •LIDO ISLE, 3 BR 2 Ba. love lge. patio. $7GO mo. 5»GIB: fU5..6822 &omee.. MaWleH..Ston WMtnin11ter 848.- AftlbMm llC56-1011 Sllnt•An• 5$4·7070 t.:ut Anaheim 956-4500 W. Aftabelm 7tH 01442 3 Br air\ Ba t.ownbOUAe, Ea~utde near t7th & Bia Canyon w ts pee· Oran(e, 2 bd bed,+ 1 bo tacuJar view, pool, Joe. laundry rm. frplc .• tmn.ls. Avail 2'1/'19. $llOO srrstmo, avall. 12· Feb. mo.AIUPM,833-3384 . *-9'· ~~~-~-~~-Newport Cre-t Condo. 2,3 Cg•: 4 ht 1 or • bdrm•. $825/up. .w tia •• )400 Avail tmmed. A1t ••-•• .. • .. •••••••••••• ~ • On tN wJd ~ bt. 2 b•. Dlti~ Jbr. f1tn rm po<>l. Huna. aecurHy. boal8 in Jfrbr Vu Hill . tllO mo up, HunU.n~on On Jovel)' St. Pvt yd. Xlnt P~a. 21J·m-IMI ldlll. ttm. MC)..454e f>\Mrto V1U1rtn Condo CANALFRONT mo comr.· F\lm. SI Pl ~. 48r,l~w1lktobC'll Poo . Mild. C!urlty Marina Re11t1 Ol'f'•u'ie'W.611~&. •• • leaulih&J Single. 1628.droom Fumlahed & Unlurniab.d Apcrrtm.-i\ta • All UtllltlH Pa'ad •Nol.-.~ • Swtmm109. T•nni.. 8llllard• • Ad i.,.tlee Dlr.c.10t. r,.. Swodoy lnlM:bea • Heollh 01ube. lacum PLU8 MUCH MOl\EI Oakwood Garden Apartm91aa N•wpo11 leach/Nortlt 880 lrvl11e tai lllbJ ('714)64~ ff•wport hoeb/loutb um It.ill St ~Ori-... GI I I0\1 1114) 64~170. -Stroams. waterfalls. a p ine forest Among Orange County's most spec1acu1a!ult apart- ment communiti & 2 bdr: 2 bath Move-In ready. Off oesopen 9 ~. PJa~ . :A -\ l5 .. PtnlUtlfM Q)O ~. ,,.,. 2300 f'llNl9w fW Coe1a MON 6'0-taoo eo.i.a t.1 ... ..-a-uoo ,._atca•......, .._ 40ff ................•...... ...................... . \f&lleoilh........ Af&f 11t1....... ·~&It ....... *9 l\u'nlthfd bouH In ••••• • •••••••••••• ....................... ••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••'•••••••••••••••••• · Jrvbw. M or ., 11 '1 ¥r• ...... 112• ~..... 1114 U ....... Jl~O ftAVTt'OOD .AM'S. '•int Oi.nr~u. pool, JH10o, ...... •••••••••ri•••••• ,, .. ,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ........ T................ ll' • li!Sult a brl2 b• apta BBQ lllUOt rnu 6&1 4iZIM • J11ew11--.1.SJbr,J ba Q)rofonabW 2 br. 2 Larae 1 er, 1 &, frplr. '' o"" u ao I.."• b l'Um room fotr•·nt ln pvt llnnllMNn. 8par\oua, be, lltd • no pell. bit in , nu pl111J1 r.-pta. laDdlt" Pfn.l. '"',..•lloo Irv bom• C1ll •:.ton, ~ • pool Ql.d•t SliT.m1$36Smo ~~ r l n •1 OK no Ntwport l1Hch"4 QS5 ••• arM Adult1.ao .peta 1•1'• 110•2' o -· ...... l :t'IJ. .. t VW. M•a Apta, I bdrm. eou ~•· .. •: 1_4., Waurtfratt 8at b. I &tenon Emtf_,..... •• 0111)1. VI•• Parllloa ·~•1uer d Im> to mo ntl -~ mo.ITH»l J"'-l'f'9ft.llOCll .o1b'I en 1ar. I tblld, no prt•. eWalkt.o\he!bH,h• a--: Ms~ar •mt C... .. tel rark Newport 1ub leue 2 • · · -'-,.... J IH (11.auUful ~ • I be.· $644/MO Aft lml fum. lu al hou1 , Nlw2Br.lildloll •• •r•1• ........................ dldtApt.e tlMMO-=iilO dwr!Wla coo•. MO pr ~ wuti /~ hooku ,.._ 1 8r I I-\ rn•l ~ur.t , tut 1 • • "t 2 8 , a Pt .t ... fl:'SU . 'AW-:m I Orana hpk-, CX"la• ~wew • ...nr'. HZ.HU w1maelllc•nl vi w, tll • ....._.-,-aut ....... -,-4-210 park&na. POOi. JIC.. Adi • 3 l:l1r • }\ ba • fllC'IOlflS Udo r •"' Dr m 331)3 ...................... . I Br. I ba, t'rpla. drpt. n ~~ tJU, C1Ppor "°""' tl'iO.dlZUJ ~ o pe&a . uu. iiR. Iba. 1~1ar l'almSf>rina1 luury con· 1"' ..... : Pt l"JPllfl_'Nfl _ t•art. furn U1Stmo du, O.nyon Cow\lry Club 181'2 8e. li1~•· llACHWOOO Anl W•t•rf ront hom•• area.2 Br2 Ba. wllndaor unn1q Ira I BR . a b .._,.al, ~'6UI. Hua, a., I br DTI I b I b• 11400 -1L!y 481-75'1.Me 1008 prdln apt. pool. D5 am "'° 14• Pu s.'I» Adw 1.;x, Brand new Condo·S.,per ....... u..r. 4100 now lllb8' ~ HO MPOl!la,. DO -t.I for 1ln11le1. 2 mia•ter ...................... . ! Bdrm apt•. unfurn peca !!! t •lC I Br''• 0. rondo. many bdrm1 2 l1 ba. frpk. c.t ... famll.)t etlfnPle"· no Pfl• ti NOV 1 ntru. odult... acunty, pootJ1.c~. 111r+ carport+ u. ... ..,. ..... , •· ~ apt 3. Colli! AU.OWANCB POOi. ltruwl" nr bu1t·b 111.iood xlr1t11. C•ll Mon Share a home or aptment A ,ta.into 2 br I ha, r.: und«ll.. W.l ,GU 3l.'l83 .. Vl' H II 13 02 0 r ~ c1~ , ••A .••• ---.~ "'"""" • /Af'U ~tTJ> 2 BR a & lJ!I() f\ t)llc ,.,. --Cn ar ... 11. I Bl.()('K TO 0(,'J·;AN •w ,...,. -l' ·~. ·-·----~.~~·H-___ , ar.' OW ~1 0 ~I" • D7S mu Bluel.an. 2 Rr I • b1t, frpl<'. ~ i·ur W , __ ..,l ~ ~~ ........ .,_ ~ ~ 1m~ ~ • \'erd t4lfU -.11231) aiar SWI mo Adull1 on A ~v" c-.. • ~•-).11.•y,.n.;q Ml·••· TM 62UI •T-JIU I)' No JWla Al li r<St Ulc•k b91i('lOUI 2 br. Mn. 2 be 832-4134Slnte um \ ' --1-•u116:ttll&4Gto6 upt W1IPt'Cbeul1tr vltiW I MIWPOIT •••••• ..... •• • • • •• • • • • • """' l..uxW'iOWI appuintmenl.JI. l ' ••••Tumu9s LwiW'looa llt'• 11pt.a NHr 3 Rt. 3 IM. <'l"Pl dr•pt'11. 111ndy bo.th. buut _. _ __..., ev\'ryth1na J'• It 2'• f11>le. pn\, pallo. !I blk iiardl'n11 . ov"rlooks ' 2BrlU.\, lnf1nllonly UIO·UU 4'14 ·8611 . from bt•1rh l600 mon n.tlbolt l1h•nd. Bout •llP Mature ~ulli No sx·tii •~t da)1 638 6683. 536 870) 11v1til Adult.I. no peta ~~:lvd ................. Jt•O f!Vt• MO~!I ~~ __ - -••••••••••••••••••••••• 12951325 28R. l bitth LIDO 8 AVJo'R ONT r.uw•2br&d n 11plll SllARP.btathl.2&:38ft. balrony Avail 1mrned Superb view. undy level, frpk.1kyllaht. 1111 frpk, du1bwah.r. aar KC' Sl'C.'+<'hntn lnl( d1·p Mat'h. frplt' 2BR. SOSO. ulna. l-420 mu N &pat1t111 911().ZlSI' 1147 44111 ..:Pti..:.:...:~...:::...::.::;._ ___ _ chUdren or pf'lt Oa)'!f 646-42183· cveii643 t:S43 T~. lovely, 11pul' ----·--=-& hon\t! llkf 2 br "Ith 3144 Clean 2 BR I &. Ile pv pvt, aated t'nlrance + 2 ~••••••••••••••••• -patio. ttfng Ulcl. Adli.. PollOIC Some Wllh Ill l Br. back unit. of Cape Cod style bide m Can· nery VIII. Bil-ins. drape11. C¥tpt't. $325 mo. Avoil 211179. "73-M22 9·S. ROOMMATES 5119' ..... s ... EnJoy more. Pay leSA! All A&d It Lifestyles. WcCbeck References Clll46-4Zl2 Female. 4 2 bdrm. 2 b11 condo. Irvine. 634-8050 or ~.Gall. A UNlQUESERVICE I 0 I OM...,.. 44tO e ......... •uo ....... ....... nu ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ola11 ...... , 1001 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hi,. It ••••H••••••••••••••••• UteA & VICICI .. er~. MJ::u!:1roor ''""' I c..... Oudeftint route for H I\'. o.tcll M. .... Tom. MO-.JllO s..e..,. &.HM TNck, mowen. ed(ler. ,..,.. ,_ .f ltt ~ C... ,..,.... MB·ZSi& Sa-vine all Oranae Cd, ............. , 2fl-277-6Jll Ml. BURGERS" BEER. yeau 1135-7313 lltltet round on lbe buch . -Pt-tvMtulttwidlrtteP-Suh 45 + w indow Cele• Mod U.na Prof. uon • He rel a fl 1 I 2 Vaeanclu downtown aervlce ffi&h net terma ~•mod la. Day or aervlo, conference Huntin1ton Beach. 210 ... ni 1400 ' · evenlna. Ry appt onl)I. room. aU faelliU... 2IOla Main St. Mtnl mall ._. • Vlsa/MC.661.e132 •Urhtho n , lrvloe. •15a tk19m11. T,..t 7»-0ZM .NewlJort Mariner'• Mlle. o.ili' IOJI MASSAGI Mc*m 50Z aq n at.ore. ....................... FIG4Jll MODILI a:• illJ.1\io~ > A v o n LOWEST ISCORTS LwuariM private otrlce1 ..... ... ..... OUY'CAU. OHL Y wtlb .,.,.,.1 &tltphone FASHION SllOPPlNO _, Def'I, e•n. Ir 6 tMt'Ui.IV.HCretaey. VILLAGE litT.0.'a. tlho 6J 1·21..aO Conlermc.Room a.IT.D.a..... "' Xerox-Tele. ONTitt:WATER FaireltTerM1ilDce 196 GOLDBt GllL Nr. So. Coa st Plaza. 700.q. ft. ret1ll ,....... Co. alli>ort 6 frMWay1 · U. ~. 64~2171 4~06t I BA.K.ERCt!NTER y.... ---------1 I'm han'"ln• In there. ___ m_ 2let Newport llTS-8862 Mlssyou.-SHARKEY lJ t•u•llh/ EFFIClt:NT DYNAMICS Sl80 Up. Office-store. 480 rt. A~CA 11301 s .. ch Bl. H.B. ~~£842•2134 OH THE WATER! IXIC. SUfTIS 350 to 1150 89 tl ,_,_tic Views Wet Bart -WIHAVl- SIV•A&. SHors lnCaMtry Vlllaae SIYaAI. OPFICIS In Newport Beach BURR WHITE REAL TOR. INC. 6 7S..4630 ~M--• ._..W..t.d 4600 Newport .... fi75·8662 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rtaponslblt. work ina MOVE your marine· writ er seek s o n e orlenl.*1bualneu NOW !. bedroom cottage In Hlatoric Ca~ry Vllla1e Corona del Mar or Costa loullon orfera con v flksa. Quietness es11en· petkina• ahops•tele ans Ual. Write Classified Ad s v t' • r e c e p · 1208, Dally Pilot. P.O. t1on i1l •1et'relary• Box 1$60, Costa Mesa photocopy•bookkeepln g• 921128 or ca 11675-3862 IC(!()W\t!rig. Marine Ex· ,_t•al•/ F B l E N D S II J P ••~•~•~•••••••• SERVICE. personal. tom n n•MI SIOO non-mechanlt'al, dlt · cttet. It selective. Send ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• slf·addr. atamped en· PENNY vope" 11. to eox se.. So. " ....-ura Laguna. 92677 __ _ ""nul Resporuuble teacher on OS &.bbaUcal wlll howle-alt A While completln" book. C&1l nU98-!MlMI. ONLY .., ,. .... ~1c" u o fl&. •••••••••••••••••••••• Stll 11ny nem or com bf.nation of items for 175 or les11 w1lh a Penny Plnd1t r Ad 3 lin~ rOI' 2 t'Ofllttui1vt daya Euch 11dd.itlonal line Is 60" for the 2 da.n. Charge u' Nocommtrr1al ad11 f'or mori· mformaunn aJld lo pl:ar~ yO\lr 11d call Fool refl e xoloay tr therapeutic massage. In· crease energy & rela~t.t · lion. Annette Davis Ut''d the.rapist. 645-2496. ~9'S9 •t;:-.it:. ••••••••••••••••••••••• no pets.~ mo lnl>·«lO 11ar&llt' Swimnu ni.i J'CH>I Hencho Sa.n Joaquin 2 ---Ju<"u.w Tt•nna!l<'llUrtit 1 bdrm cundo w /vlew . ---------111111 bUI to ttununeion 11t1or1 lou<k.od w/cxtrwi Pegiiy. Ne Lr l ~ rent.t•r m111l Adull11 900-4:ln ____ _ Ea11tblulf arett g11rden type adult llVlng. 1 br. I ba ~. mo. 2 br. 2 ba MOO. mo. Sorry, no pets. 6407216 Let us help <'Ut your rent in hall. We u rerully screen for your lifestyle. Our fee5 are less. Ref's chet'ked. t ha nge Building. 430 Ladyneedspnv.rm atS2S 32nd St, NB. 6'73·3601. w~ ,w/some kitc hen Froml350 pnv,lege11. 741·0179 In Laguna Bch area. 642·5678 7001 W f UJUf'Y ~o Pl'll. Frum l ·Ufl. 2 BR. I Oil condo DW. l\t:, Seawind Vill11l(l', JS555 Spa. Pool. gym. h•nnls. OONOOTVf'('; APTS HunUngton Vllluac Lune. $375 + No lcidic. vets lnrluded · Refrii:. 1n H.R C714 )89tl900..!_ «.N-4~ d1v1du11l w1111hcr dryer 2 BR 2 bu dii.h~u:shcr --.. -h 31"'1 hook ups . dbl 11ar1111e:. • · lk ( · L..aple oc ~ with auto opener s end. gur. 2 b 11 rom ••••••••••••••••,.•••••• beamed loft ee1lmi:s: be~~~r,o, Adultll. no CLJFt~ URIVF. VIEW palios & balconies ~ · 5260 -CONDO Nu Laicun11 2 Billboa Ouy Club studio 11pt on the boy for sublet Fabukius view. $650. mo. Ca n rurn1 s h . lnq . anytime. 645·5000, ext Qj SHARE RENTALS ASSOCIATION ll*N. TwlUn UI. Or Ste J 639-9000; 639-9003 C.dM dlJC 111.dlellr utll pd. AC. ampl pkg. Ft $250. 400'. No lse reqd. 675.aGO BDRM . 2'-2 BATHS from Vlh Pacfflca Br. 1•., Ba. frpl, det'k, S42S 3 IJDRM. rwo sin-,clc M.w tGOOfmo. yrly. 67~. Roommate to ahr 3 Br Elegant offkcs up to 760 house NB 21-30 yrs age sq. rt. on Newport Bl .. Yrly ~w Z Br. dshwshr/ pref'. $185 + uUI. 631·3J7S C.M.SU.2lll: 646-'303. !ltove. wali lo bcat'h ...:_.-.:....-------1 3 EXECUTlVE SUI-TES /\\all Feb. $425. 873·3925 2 roommates wanted Newport Beach. Con· home type, iictached ---from bwld111g Wllh In: ..... Oc.an Feb n h. lrg 2 BR. 2 blks prlv11le p11t1o!I $550 . Junior I BR. I BR & 2 from beach, No Laguna. Adults ooly. no pets BR. 2 RA. Se<'urily pro· S4.W/water pd. 494·0~l1 °"4 CAHAL 3C79 . 248l Elden A\•e . ~by .f~\key.~ar~ enh <keanlront 1 br apt, 1400 Cute red e t' small 2 Manngcr 955-2529 r y n 1 l' mo. "'r. Vit'lor llu"O bdrm .. 2nd rlr upper. ---------w/lumlnous <'hls Plus h 0~ " Util. pd .. Older Pref carpet. lge pvt patio or (213187't_2723 $S25/mo673·8145cv<lff $325.Beaut ncwlbrlofl halc·o nies w /xt ru Super ocean v 1cv. -----slyli•upt,frplc,palw.all storal(e.Pool.~pa,lil(hl· S paci o u s 1 br + Bayrront, 2 bd. 2 bu, built 1118. ed tennis court. lndry Steps/beuch. rirc~luc<l frplc . dock. A g ent TSL Mgml 642 l · fac1l. L1m1ted preview ~ 661 0400 bi$-_9000 ____ _ Beaut brand nt'w adult rt.'fltals From $200 per -------WESTCLIFt'CONDO aph Spal' I & 2 br mo. Models OPt'n daily &...Ji-IHils 1850 ol spcciul merit Pnmc h IOAM lo dus k 15 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l""at1'on. Clo"" lo ·•I I w t 0 w n l> (' $ t y I e w I (' h 1 l ll A \I c I t ' ~ ~.. .. Sl·hcdulcd move·m l''eb y kt 1 St 409M FOR Llo;ASE. 2 bdrm · 2 11 ho pp1ng u nd v1 tul 1 ore..,, 17'11n e. · ba . Adults 52 yrs old. services. Annual leusc 1 Br. 1 Utl 714· ....... 44!>5 LR.sure World. Top of the only. Security deposit + -2 Br .. 2 & 2 bdr . I ba , rrpk .. iwr.. 11111 Mont1ec1to V11la~e lint and last month rent TSLMgmt 642·160'.t lndry rm . S350 000.5376 OuUltandmg lltO de11ree rt.'<1uired. I\ nice com· --- - --orf>'75-6670a.it Panoramic Northerly blm1lion or space. loca· 3 bdrm. Townhouse 1\pl -- -view Owner (714 I oonandcleanliness.S4SO AdulL'S l '~ bu S425 per SllARl't NEW 2 bdrm 640-1127 month. mo Gus pa1d. li42·5073 +den. frplt'. itaraAC No "'"' -·nl 1 BR. b"lh •. gar A1tent. 642·7408 -<'hlldren. $375 mo ..,,. ''" .. "' Twnh!it>2 lg. Br 1•, bu 002-77R8askforMack in lovt'ly Garden Vi lla S.ca.-..+e 3176 gur. encl yt.I crpt dl'Jlll -- -Apts . Nr golr course. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cul·d l'·Sac. H hool $410 Sp1mous new 2 br. Must be over 52 Single. EXCLUSI VE OCEAN SJ25673-S7l9 2'2 ba townhome npts Tro-4140 FRONT 1 & 2 bdr m. Large l Bdrm S265 (Ju1t·I wduxury features. Sm111l ..._..,.,.. .. ach 3169 a pt's. avail. Set'urity building w1lh bea utiful pct.ok ••••••••••••••••••••••• system. elevator. dish landscaping Ideal ror G<'~ni lleolty 8l9 Sf.23 washer. dbl. ovens. Pen- ' uduJt.s over 35. No pets rA.>luxe bcud1 Ul)l.t;, rrpk. NOW thoulle wllft (rpk & prv. LY.EWARD APTS. 20'.W {'nt:I R•HaRe. p atio . sundttk from $325 up. F\lllerton Avt:, !lblk east Pcggy,960-439'l 498-S964or995-ll23 Fem. lo s br Dover f e r enc e r oo m . Shores home. 1165 mo. Secretary/Xerox/ Phone 642,1506 mom/eves. answering avail. Call A Great Place to Live• Lido Isle. Furn .. N.B. home. share w /prof Mii". your share $225. Call immed for dela1l11, R73-8819. Female wanted to 11hare 3 Peter Wendell 751·4530 for inlo. 500-1.200 sq. Ct. Hwy vis· ibtllty. ne w crpt. drps. & paint. und eq~tound parking in No. Laguna. 5&1Ul6 br apt w/samc. Own UMX>Sq. Ft. Newport Bt'h. bath S220 m o CdM Offke prime loc. 7!1< fl 673-177~ __ __ Call Barbara 965·2274 t'emale Roommate to share 2 bdrm 11pt 1n Costa Mesa. SUS. <.:all 97!H»75 Mature female room mute U> share first class apt. Lake Fort.>sl area. Slln cut'h. Must be 21. 493·1320 8 to 5. 496-6477 nfl. 5. Sharon. Lady 2t w/Dog s hare your home Lait. B. area prcr. an. 5. 637 .3792 Fem. needs fem 22·30 to share Corona del Mar house.$'1.SO. Call 640· 1426. IEAUTIFUL SUITIS 600 to 2600 Sq. Fl. Crpt.I, drps. scrvit'ed Coosuwrc• Pn Newport 833-8813 Stores. orrkes. & des k 0s pace. New bualdinlol A I C, x lnl lo c . in Wes tminster. Global R E. 892-3393 '------~~--' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gar needed Balboa 81 & 19th St area. Ca II 673-6366 Bingo, Tues. nltea. 8· 10. Capiatrano Valley H I School. c111h prizes. 41 yr old man w/12 yr old ,S»ll87 boy to shr rent CM area. ---------• REALEST ATE LICENSE SCHOOL OfFERS 642.9840 UCI Austrian Professors needs 2 BR. Cum opl or hose Jan 25 lbru July. In Newport. Irvine o r Laguna Beat'h a reas. Call 833·~25 Monday . 833-&s25 Pro f. Lad ,Y Non sndle/dnnk. Highest re· feretlces Lge . unfurn. s tud i o room P\'1. enl./balh. In lovely Harbor V1ew1C.D .M homl' $175 1mo Incl. Ulil. ~1 Prol. nds sml furn. ap· l./yacht W 10 kit . at SISO or less Mr Qwnn 833·2462 wltdys. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... 0,part.lty 5005 ·····~················ UltN ltG MOMEY 'ART TIME/ rBWHIC HOT FOOD VIHDIMG SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Troupe -Lading -Poeti~-GuHty ­ HonHt -Misery - IDSPUTl'lNG ~ur•FT-tt •Crash Course available •Matttfils provTtred. •Small dasses fo r penonalized 1nslruction. *C'hoo8e own tasle-<ia)' & night classes. d>ta«!ment-up lo 80';. comnussaon. I used to think talk about doctors playing golf a ll the Ume was exaggerat ed unlU I had my apJM:ll· dix operatioo. Before the surgeon dosed the open lng1 he stood on lhe table Free 3 Week ano practiced HIS PUT· Sales Trammit TING Call For D.talls Lott& Fo..d 5300 lll·IOOl 491-0442 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kalella ., Real Estate St'hool lAst or Found a pet. Call 32031 Camino Capistrano Ani mal Ass1s lant'e SanJuanCapi.strano l.Ral(ue. 537·2273. no rec. Jobs W..ted, 7075 Lost, gre y female t'al, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Corona del Mar. Reward 640-7552/675-5425 Prac. nurse. p/t. Corona ---------• deJ Mar. Laguna Beach Reward: Lost s mall white only, refs, 675-8861 Ma ltese Male dog, (HerkL Vic.Westt'lirf,IWould like ~o d D tooth 1 e rt 64 2· 8264. mechamt'al draft mu P /T 830-7ZlO eves & al home pr~ · ferably. 962-6808 ~. VI<'. 17lh St/Tustin, Part time clent'al. Ex· CM. bllt Fem Toy Poo· p'rd mature dependa· die. ans. lo Sabrina. ble. 'Girl Frutay. 3 or 4 Reward.Call642·3115afl days wk X lnt re fs 6PM SS&S784 dys. 556-5&5 dys LOST PBSIAM home. S57·2mt Newport Ave, & lblk -YOJCAN APFORD -~thofBayl 631-0397. 2 Br. Iba, kids welcome'. NEWPORT BEACH 2i!~ .. u~,'t'p5mo.Closc to ---near 5 Points $285 Sec ... ,. Fem. 20-25 to s hr 3 Br 2 Ba apt $125 + 1111 ut1I. C M. 646-2788 eves/wknds. Deluxe office ·Suite Sub· lease. 800 sq. ft .. m a pro· fess. bldg. on Beach Blvd. Recept!on area. 3 priv. offices. cabin et wortc & other extras. All utll. & janitorial serv. in· d . Call: 898--0802 We are the largest Com· pany in the Nation sell· ing Hot Food vending equipment. A publicly he&d Company selling 1n forty·nine &tales. J oin our latest program in automatic merchandis- ing featuring the new pop-top hot roods. All arc n allonally ·known brand.II. All a ccounts a re secured by us In orfice buildings. schools. in· d~al plants. hospitals & other Jocollons in your area. We need reliable people in your area to service these act'ounts. I year old neutered male, Exper. proofrt>ader will s~aded s ilver. l M ~x I. assist author. ad agency. V.1t' Greentree l rvane. typesetter with t'Orl'tlt'- liberal Reward. 559-0879 Uons. ropy editing. J lr ly ,, : .. Near new townhse, 2 br. manager at 7b'71 Com-~9&-6324 11~ bu, gur. rncd put .. modore. 113. Sorry . no Park Newport S35S mo. 645·4655 PM & pets wknds. ----------2 BR, 1 ~. Ba. quiet, \IH.'W LUXURY APT LIVING Lge I br. gu , lndry, ofgolfrourse.Adll.b only. OverlooklngTheWatcr 2 bedroom11, ocean view. new tarpet.s. drapes. San Clem e nte $300. PM .m-4464 refnl'(, many t'losets. 4· 213-setl-5612 evs plex . nice street. nr Newport Blvd. & 18th Int. pd on dcp Non smkrs No dogs . S265 Rt•fs 642-2142 2 Br. new t'rpl & drps. New tale huthroom, kitrhen. Lgc back yt.I. Olild.ren. pets ok Gar $325 1997·A Chn rle, 642-2464. SPACIOUS QUJET ADULT LIVING Jog lo bcu r h . pool/covered par king, 1&2 Ar opts Close lo 11hopping & fwy1> Hcnl rromS295. CALJf'ORNIAN APTS 19822 Brookhur11l. nr. /\dams. llunlmgton Jjch 963-7176 2 Br 2·~ b1. New s elf· Spaci~ new •·plex. 3 & 2 contamed cwstom<.-d de· bR uruts. g~r. pal, bltns. 11igned apt. 2 car icar111( ~~1h. From S3S5. w/elecl. d oor. •·rplc., __ , own yard. E . Cost a Sharp 2 bed, close to M<.11a &U-4-466 _ __ beach, bltns, w/garaJ(e. S31S Lg. 2bd. newly dee. $32S. 5J6. 7330 pool. adults, no pets . ADULT . qUIET 3:1!>-J 17lh Pl<'e. off S.Ana 28R, l''t b111. bltln11. new Ave. aft 1 JAM ---------cpt.s/drp11. Incl gar Pvt patio. Nr bch. park. shops. bus. S34St mo. llJttlsl. 960-1279 2 Br plush lownhs.: type. 1370 mo No pels 642-5062 ---------2 br apt. yard. 11ura.:e. 2 b d r . • En s t s 1 de kids, pet.s O.K. Close to townhowse l \.'J Ba,.pallo, sc h o o I ". n 1 1: e I au n dry 13 2 s I m 0 . neighborhood. $300 per S48-4971 month. 847 -11_00 __ _ ---------12 Br. l ba. elm.eel garage. ................ ace. 1140 No pet.a. Newlr decor. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~)' ~ 962 -~-- Kennebunkport? Wasn 't she the biologist Who won The Nobel Prize for Medici!"e In '69? no~ If you·rn not sure WhO (or what) Kennybunkj)Ort was. oon t feel bad-you·r, not atone. Kennybunkpon Is one of 14 distJncttvety different apartment floorplans at Seawmd Village In Huntington Beach, Seawlnd Viii~ Is a result of totally personalit.ed profmlonal planning. The kind of ltttf'ltJOn you deserve. A perfect blend or nature t11nd livtno- nestled In a forest with blbt>llng brooks and quiet ponds. cooled by naMal ocean breezes. Add to that tennis courts~swlmm1ng poolS, aj4'Cuui and a convtnlent 10Catlon near stiopp119 and emptoyment and you've got a ~ 1nyone wou10 prOUdty can home. (Even• Kennybunkportl) Ol'lf Ind two beOroOm. ont Ind two bath aaus;7"~ fr~~ 00 ~Vi~!Qe ., ... 15555 Hun~ v.!1~n~ Be«tl. CA (7t.4) eteo996t rrom ttlt ~ OllgO f'rMWIY dnw nonJ\ on 8Ndl co MtFIOOln. t1lln wtS't on Mcf'IOOln to SeMlncl VIilage. Fumitn 1v1t111>1t •Open deify tO AM 'tit dUUI. Enjoy $750•000 s pec· 2 Br .2 Ba ,condo. pool, larolar spa. 7 swimming oc e u n v 1 e w • $37 S pools. 8 lighted courts. 2131862·~ rruJes ol bike trail!I. put· s..ta AM 3110 Ung, shufOeboards. •••••••••••. •••. ••• •• • • Badlll from $349.50/mo ADULT ~UIET Alao 1&2 bdrm pla ns 2 BR. 2 Ba. bllns. D/W, 2st.ory townhousc11 new cpt.s/drpg. Encl gar. Forced air heal, walk to EJec. kitcb. prl v. patios S~ Cst Plaia. S34S mo. & bakonles, t'rpta . ____ 7_5_1·848 __ s __ _ draperies. park In g . •Au1 T LIVIMA elevators. --• Al Fashion Island, J am· boree & San J oaquin Hills Rd l''or renwl Information: Beaut.lfully landst's.pe<I Spuc. 1&2 Bdrm unit&. Close t.o shops & frwys Recreational fadlllles Rents from $285. PARK PLAZA I m>S. Fiower 556-7980 ........... ,. ... lhed Ba_t'_h_e-lo_r_u_n_l_t -~-b-1-o-ck-1 or u.fw.ltMcl HOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 714/644· I 'XX) rrom beucb. All ulil pd., ________ _ No klda. no pel.8. 20l E. Balboa Blvd S250 per mo. + sceurity dcp. Call Sue 556-77CY1 MOltLIHOME IMFOlMA TIOH Rent, oPllon lo buy inro. New Bayfront 3 -B-R-. -2-b-a-.1 rcpo's ioan aaaumptlon, fplt' lndey hook-up, dbl etc. Ea1y finance 0 .A.C encl 0 ar. upcer unit, 9 otfi~. " Moille HOlllt St«• Speclat'ular ay view Santa Alie. SM·?CYIO w/bch area. SIOO/mo yr· WeM.minater ~-889S ly. 84().1.879 E. /\naheim 956-~ Delwt • BR, 2 ba, gar. no W. Anaheim 761-1«2 pet.a, ateps to bth, ~75 bAnaheim 956-1011 yrty ll;e' 64-4· ll 03. S5i50. 3 br, 2 ba. b11lcony. encl. aarage. All bltna. blk to beach. Yr ty. TSL Mgmt &42· 1603 IACHll.Ol UMITS S225+dtpoNt. 2011. ......... . c.11 ...... ·au.1101 nut !XCITING 'Al.MMISA A"S MlNtfl'ESTONPT BCll Bach.WBR from$2$56up. AdulUI. No pets. l~IMaaDr. <5 Blu East ol'Newport BlvdJ 9am-5pm 548·8860 EAc;TOLUFF. Beaut. apt, .... 4000 beaut. bay view! 2 b~1 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• be. Frplt. Huge pauo. 1--------• Pool. Ma~ure edultal no • ................ '-* peu. ~. 121 Am "~ -Way. Shown by appt. Lovel.Y 1arden1·Brook1 MC)-03G wtr. f 111 •IOlchm P'acU. avail. Steps to beach. 2 br. frplc, .J1cunl, healed pool bar/tlttheft, s:m . Yrly. •Wklyord•lb maid arv. _SU._3.a> _______ 1 -'IV 6 phone evallable Eulblulf J Dr. pool. adulta, no pet.a, '320. mo. MM7f7. Altew• ua 'W1l m711arbor Coat.a M... t4$o4l40 2 Bedroom, 1oll Im· mtdlatt l(. No pott. ~w/khchfoottta Newpo. r H •l1bl a , ,. .,_.flup. .....,. ... f7ss " • ,.. Rooml for r.nt: J bdn. 11•1rt ~ priv .. betw. !Illy Ototcel$R, 2be w/frp~. •oceu.tn-1288. utb c•lllo11. water 1...;....;.:.~;.;..;;.;.;..;;.;:..;.:.;.._ __ ~. R«a. req m >tmo Furn room • batb, or 11200/mo. furn . 1'11ktie,C.M,llto.nfn1. m.-. llMIOl M/F Roommate wanted. Prof middle aged~ 3 bdrm. 3 oo. Hunt Har b. Ready Feb. l. $350 per mo. 114().2221 HwptC ...... OfflcH Complete full· service legal suite. 2 large ol· fices with ocean views. 714/640-2360 REWARD for return of or contract. 642'7320 Black Balboa Cruuer HelpW..ted 7100 taken from Savon Drugs. ••••••••••••••••••••••• NB 11122178 64S·78S7 ACCOUNTING F'REEJAN. RENT. Lux. Nwpl Bch Condo. Own room. pool. Fam rm. frpl<' S246+ulll. 7~1419Sue. Newport 8eat'h·475 sq rt avail. on s ublease in beaut. office complex at MacArthur/J a mboree. Occupant'y Feb. 1. call Frank Sande 752·8091 Lost· $25 RF.WARD for Newport Center ri n&n· blue Samsonite make·up t'1aJ ~irm has an immed. t'll.SC with contenl11. Var oPt'fUllg for an act'OUnl· Pomona Ave. C 1\1 . ing clerk. Bank recon· 646-6440 t'iliat1on exp. hc lprul. XJnt working conditions & company benefits of· fen><!. Apply in person or t'aJJ Shr condo. Northwood. Irv, full ret' fac. pref. pro(. r~p 25·~. $220 mo. 731-5100 ~1273, Steve; 67~9062 Bruce. Dtx Interior desl10 studio. gmd lvl. tt95 mo. 2855 E. Ost.Hwy. CdM. We provide secured locu· Lost: All black Shl'p/Lab Uona wholeaale outlets. nux male. Vk . Bear SL & one year factory warran· Sunl'lower, C M. Jan 2nd. ty on parts & service. 971HJ907.832S030. ADP You provide 8· 10 hrs of Mature fe male seeks resp. person to shr 2 Br condo $175 mo + 1-. ulll. CM . S48·3'S8 CDMOFFICE Pre8Uglous 3 desk spa<'e qulel office suite w ith plush surrouodines wit old C.dM charm. centra l· ly localed with beautiful lg sunny s undec k . oceanside ol Coast Hwy. Would make great corp. otnces. 560 sq ft. Only $3115 per mo. 675'23 Jt A gt. your choice weekly, LOST: MV uea. blk male PENSION servkeable automobile . Codapoo, wht. mark be ready to •tart within angs. Eve. & Wknd. SERVICES 30 days. Minimum in· _549-0 __ 1_48__,t______ la> Newport Center Or. vestment 13300, 20'k Found: 10 Spd. Balboa 2nd. Fioor down, balant'e due u~n area. Call identify Newport Bch Fem. 18 wants to shr 2 Br condo w taame. $175 + ut.IJ.968-0343 delivery. For further m· 673-t438 644-4360 form ation call TOLL1--------- FREE. DAY or NlTE. FOUND Older male Poo· e~h2:.3 phones are slaffed 24 hrs die type. Vic Fairview/ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 2 roommates wnld. fem to shr C.M. hm. $1.50/mo • 768-1772. Howard. pr day everyday. Baker. CM. Call631·S034. l-100.J25·'400 Downtown Hunitlogton Wantedtoshare2br. Park Beach. 210.,... Main Sl. Newport Apt. Day One 2·nn office avail 751·9194 eve. 644·2664. $110. 960-1658. 1\utlerock. Irvine. Share ~~~~l~t ~~~· ~e~: HOT FOODS, IHC. my new home. Ca.ble 1V. movie t'hannel. AlllOC.. legal rilln1t t'ilblneta. etc. 350 Flscher Ave, Bldg 8 Found: F. Chihuahua. tan & whlte older dog. Call ~lSOB aftn. or eves. Found · younl( male black & whJtc VI<'. Builders Emporium . C .M 642-2890 or 548-0788 ----pool •-Ja". Strai~ht SlJS.mo.873·1354. CostaMesa,Call2626 "' " ~~~~~~~~~I rouND Lub mix Male male. NON·S MOK R. SH •RE n e w o tflt'C! -10 wksapp1rox S:UO/mo. Refs. needed. I 1e 5 / M o C o s t a DfSnt•UTOl 540-7062 •. Home 955·0208, wk Meu /Newport a rea Of'POITUMITY 60-4104 ~l In the BOOMINO AUTO Found: Yng Shepherd Gii ---------PARTS aftermarket. m ix, r cmale . Vic iW8f:..t 4350 Office r.;ce, 800 sq ft, !'.am up lO SZ50 weekly Slater/Newland. 847-6522 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wellt arto bkli . ocean c•rt·Ume to $750 full· ......... , 5350 vtew, Fuhlon laland, 660 ACCOUNTING EARN TOP PAY Accountants Overload Profession al Double 1ara1c. 20th &c Newport Cntr Or NB rne aa distributor of the ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~live , llB. 160. Also #320. SlOOO per mo. ea1'1 rrml profitable Items In RELAXING MASSAGE LOMGOI SHORT ~\'!;,,same area $S5 Mr. 'MM>maaS•CMls7o l h 11 94 BILL I 0 N BobJame3·Lit' Maueur TB.M ASSIGHMtMTS .....,_ O()U.AR INDUSTRY. Outcall 9-9 4!M·Slll 2 Offices In Newpe>rt Och. BRAND NEW BRAKf! ' $40, Storae«! only. lnqwre 1)5. mo. ea. Partly rum. SHO~ ualn11 BENDIX PREGNANT" C1tlng, al 325-J mh Pl. off Sun ta Sf$.T4&t: 78l·m.4 . PREMIUM LlNINO In• confidential rounsellna .st Ana Ave. an llAM dependenlly ma nuf ac· rcfttt(il Abortion. ad op· -..._ 0 YOUU MUD t u r e d . A I a o lion &c \eeplng. =:.~~ ..... !~ .. ~ MHITUll TOOl ALT & R N AT 6 R S • APCARE 547 2563 m SQ. ft. office epace lo We hav" tht belt 1el~· STARTERS, WATER C_.._...y GlllL l\Ub·leaao In La1una Uon•tow•t pricu.Coo· PUMPS,En;.Alt alun· ~'" ~ ~ i:ea's.'!do~~U:! tempor~?:~~· $vt':.~}:!ricnce * ESCORTS * Freeway. saoe month. e.lziM..... 44$0 t.o ..,,, t~°"c::"~ h:U~~ ..;:M~hn;,:;.;:. ____ 95_7.;.-84_7_4 Avail. now. 830--6030 ...................... , piled wttb your accounta. Wfthlll ...... Deluxe medical 1ullt, BALBOA ISLAND ~t from $1,780 • 181.!"so. E:I Cambto Real o'OUlld nr .. Coton• del Ov~dooklnflllarlne Ave. ~Nd by refundable Sanek!lnentt; Fully lie. llar. ReaJonomlcaCorp. orn~ or it.ore. ISOO Mo. ..~ fr auaranleect Forappt. 492·7296 l7M100 ~8'7"M'700 ::a-·baek. ror detail• XXOAMCIOf fUM XX US.&00 1q. It. ofllcea. N'f!W Ole bld1 for leue. n-om •. Incl. ulll. 719 Cdm OD PCH, 8C'tOllJ WAYCOCORPToU Free Bebtlful nude 1trl1, 900-117·2310 dance at exbJbltlon •rap Hyo.we rK...tri-,....._.. ITAXACCT ./AUDITO. ./ACCT AHAL YSllt 111/C IOOlllllf'M ./PflCl.BIC I A/IC&.IU ./Al'C&.• c ......... Af•••••..t 547-7631 w. tahSt. 54C).z:aoG. rrom 5 C.-0-.. Rel\. Pvt 8 I PTk'I Inc. l400 •q fl. '*' HU upandlna. AIRPORT OFFJC£S 87M487 AUanla rep. here for t lo s room 1uile1, all · wlmdonl)'. AmbtUOul cpl 1e11lom. 9AM to 4AM &:u~. t~hel2:~0ex~~: ACCOUNTANTS 101 24 hr record lnl MniC!ll, No IUH req'd, For Leatt. 111 8q ft, WHled \O develop • rr.... '"°· mo lm med. N e w I o r i P r I m I 1111...,. IDd laeocne Ml· oecQs>aacy. 20U 8 . E. Waterfront ~m•rc"I -w/fuU Um• polen· '""'11:11, adle 200, N ;It. locatlon tn Udo Vtllaae. UaJ. Appt. ool.)' Uf.ton Cll4>11'7 '"010. m.otll -----·-----·--------COCXTAILI. cuao•r f'Win, pr1v dtlcee, new store JOx&O, dqwatown boelH, La1una BHcb .._, wJ..c. Mrv . tonl c.. w ... nr. busy C()f· hall 110. Propert1 '"'· topler, monlbl)' ntr. t4tl Mo. Bkr ...U.bl•. Term.. AJt. ...,.. f'JM7at . 7&J·WOO. • ;t • ·==••u• . OVERLOAD •o.tul• IOll MM• ···--W.1016 .;;;.._....a~ ... ·.--_.;_; .. ;...'-.-• IANT4~ Wt.V.NotA PublSt"A~ rt ) • .. ·~eur rna ladles wilt tan )'()Ur utOc• °' Nml bualnuu (or I f~o lifl 221.i al\~. ~ sec'y d0\·6 t>'JllOM W.r Cart• <'urJW'l Cleaner» Wpg & m1111lna Ar' st\.' m rln or hampoo cw-ate & dpndbl S46 04tlll Abo uphol,atery Work _ __ 1uv Truck mount unit C .. • 1t ~t.g Fr eat, teh r11h•11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~3716 Olblnet.s & Counter Tops Make your hopping Carpentry R e a s e 1erbyualngtheDa1I! J\al.{'fl Call Bob tw2 7376 Pl kit Claii.arted Ads. ••••••••••••••••••••••• I ht: t rd a.ctrfc l.ie 3271.36 MS-8974 ELECTRICIAN Priced nght·free estimate on large or 1unull jobs. Ucensed 673·0359 \ tt•lfn •n tt1m1de•h I ........ , .. "4/P•riftt ..... : .......•......•••.•.•.••••.....................................•........•••••...............•.•••............ K • 8 Wood Penrln11. Vinyl ~ home rep1tlr. Comp houtc<'lonlnt1. ·MOVlNO &STOHAOE P11perbanaln1. Sl4rtlnii ER AM l C TI Lt. pual& ftn<' repiaar palnuna. odd Jobti f''ree Apta, rondoa. t• u t. SPEClALlST·AT at •.oo per iln1le roll kltchetli. b ths. untrr ~.8440WA mt m-100'1 apndbl.tll.OOhr SS2·Ul~ LOCALS &16-mGr.UttbrHob Your tll~ 1>r mu: .. .., D lid d 1•---'"'·'d I paint Want a fi..,.'"LLY CL"""N ProleuJonaJ packing. ;.,-,_962-__ 00'n_u _____ _ r ~· 17 u yra • ~,,.:;:: I~ j;i,'j, I ~~·b~•· o I e c : HOOSE? Call Clnah~m Lowett rates 7 daya WAUPA'8IH,. wood • chain link. 1prnklu . rain autlen Girl ~eeeat 645-5123 Vlaa &MuwrCharae RttaoCfel"ff. Evoa. T,..Stnlce -..1J4 tUpm' u\c. Reliable th••· • . P.U.C.11T·12343l 631·3085.87S 12G6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• _ • R&lph )3& 5634 Houa«leaning. Re1111ona· AMERICAN Tl(/54!1·7002 .......,/lt.,.ar LandM•upci Creation .. t.< " f' ..,_.__ ~~~oc w!..\• .,na . lttorril Movin1: Llc'd & ••••••••••••••••••••••• pert hapinl(. th1nr.1r;~. ••••••• ••••••••••••••• ;~•••••••••••••••• RIP~ • ..,-.. et.crur 169 ln1ur ed . Tl 15886 . Nealpa\chea4tlextures 5tumpremoval 67s.~t cln.'•"'P:'u'?'o"!l~ ~~~tt.i OOCStud nt. 1 Ton trurk. lmmacuJ-..e profesalonal Profcuion•I ser vice Atlll ST. 1'3·•43' _J_ns ___ _ DaveW 1531l/M2 llOIJ Tra .. h, tree trim. Ron apartment cleanin&. CM MC/Vlaa accept. 962.4242 Lkndscape Cre11t1onj Ex .,.,. ...... ..,..,...,... ....... 549·lU 14. ................._,,_.... --PATCHPL~TERING ..... ,.. shapino. thmnin' . .. -. I ------·~·-·----,,__..,., .....,...,., A 11 t y p e 11 F r e e ...., • • " • Collete Student wants ....................... elilll'l'llllal.. Call 540·61125 stump removal. 67S.282L ... ••••••"••••••••••••• CHEAPEST b1uUn1 In work , own trans, reaa. PETERS PAINTING IM. Cleal\ upa, H aulln&. town Frfe EAtlmatea ._._.._1,... 196 Ph •I ---------Landacap~n lmmed 842.~.645-l.S90 ,~.,--., _,J.s Expr'd. Reas Rates. ~: Rg COMPLETEC/\RE ...._,,,,RIC '"""' Satlafled cu"tom"r" Ftee Est. Call Gene •••••••••••••••••••··~· Trlmmln"'. rt·mo .... 1. "" .... ~u• ~· H"'v" P/U will haul " ... 0 ~ Plumbl.nftrepalr Spec an • 1 •" chooeemeovertherest · · cleao·up3, 1c:'d t1r:. o=~~"'"'~li~~~·u!:a· :~:;~cbeapeat Anlta88'·3al8 . P~tlng Extrllntr. Ex· ~~~~c:J ~~~~~r,.r;P l-&l6-__ li_Sl5 ______ _ R.eN r1ttea MS-~ - -L • 1Aic1111Rg pr~· honest, neat. reas. Rat Plumbing. s.31 3194 HoMI c .. ~ice ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uc d 964·&045 Dave •!•· .... ~n1na rl"11n U"" •" ••••••••••••••••••••••• E . --Any plumbing. w.iter " ... _, ... ... · ,.. "' uropean Lundacaper. Prof painting. Ext & Int. serv, leab. bathrm encl. land1ct1plna George lldim.od Canadjan cpl will Top work. Fair price. Low rates Refs fo'ree ceramic llle k eas lbullhl 5U 70'12 housel1l while you are Malnt. Refs . 646·4871 e&t. 531H780, 536-4383 ......, ....,68 1&wu.y No Cbarae. Xlnt dyl/cves. '""""'-Q0------1' Pl" &•~ner (;t(',tn local refs. 644·0259 Fine Exter Painttng by i.p Pree t-bl lteu11un R S . T B&M Plumbing. waler CM area ~·4tl1H · lOOI'. Sl lie .. uu. l"Y htrs. fumace..!..!'}spbsals -- -HouMclemlina me. 836-SSM 24 hrs Pree eat. 831-ira;,: G_1 .. S..-YICH ....... ~•;-;~·91 ......... Brickwork. Small jobs. lnt. t 1 r 7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ROBIN'S JI OUSE· Newport, Costa Mesa & exp,se,rv ngareu or fREESlO Irvine. 67"' 3175 eveti yrs. ro . qua I. wor k. l'Vf t I b •Mil. ftXIT• CLEANING SERVICE. ., --Resld1 Apts/Com m . vo your nex P um ing ' thor hi I n~ 0 repair 3' hr. 'i d a.Yll. no Carpenter, paintlntt .or a oug Y c ean Block.trslumpstonewalls. ncas ave.586·8425 OT charge. Expires Reas. rates IS vrs In ~. 540-0857 planters. drl veways "31·-. 8ea"h Plumbing. ~ 11u,.7,,..., KnowlH Painting, Int/· v '" ... IU"ea. 541.1752 Happiness. honesty, job .....,.. '""• 6Jl·3.588 ext. Sand blast. text roal· 5411--0193 I DO IT ALL well done. Call The Mop· flreplaces. planters. etc. Ing. Comm/Res. 836-1120 5411.4909 pets Cleaning Service. New·remodel. Rers. Est. Insured. 546-2393 646-0464 Painting. qual. work. 30 ltooflRcJ yrs exper. Ho n est. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Block, bnck. slUmP6tone dpndbl. lowest prices. REPAJR le REROOF All walls. phmters. Rclisun. Uc/Bonded, Ins. 638·5405 types ·s h 1 n g I c :. · People who need people 1llE CLEANING LADY should always check the Etnclent h.'lecln'g, rclla· Service l>1rectory in the ble service. nm rateli. In· DAILY PILOT llW'ed. 552-3304 Lie I bonded Bob . rorkshakcs·compo·lar. 673--0164 536-'906 SelJ Idle items 642-5678 Free est. 541·5930 Or!ly 1"-.,.,... Piiot ,......, ...... fOU whet .. MW 111 ,cHlf IOCel community ... _., cSey "'""*'" HetpWanted 7I OOH.tpWMted 710 HelpW•t.41 7100 HefpW..ted 710IHelpW•ted 7100 .W,W•ted 7100 HltpW..ted 7100 ..... W..ted 7100 MetpW..e.4 71 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Arcounts Rect•1 vubl~ --------•Accounting Bookeeplnl( AllGAIL background for pr(' APT MGR couple agl.' 40 +to manage well main· twned 37 + adult units in Orange County. Xlnt ll' nants. Sulary + l>onus. (7l4l521-llS41 11:30 to 5 pm. TRAIHEE Agress co seeks detail minded lndlv w/10 key & It typing & ab1hty lo ac Npt challenge Picas at motip & xlnl ben11 Oppty fOC' adv & start sal to 1700. CaJI Judy $40-6055 Coastal Personnel Agen· <'Y• 2790 Harbor, OM AllO.,... 11t1g1ou11 mortg a1H . I I brokerage f1rm located FEVER!!! in Newport C<'nter. Call Barbara Via 644-8824. ALLJO~FREE l\rcountin g Bookkeeping Clerk Trainee 1-Jcl'cllent opportunity to start your career In tht• r11p1dly growing fi eld or arcounting. We seek an 1nd1v1dual with som<' general ofricp and /or cdurutional experienl'l' with ability to operate JO-key wilh speed and ac· ruracy. CATCH nm J0tn the mOtlt exciting Tempe>rary Service In Orange County Woril close to home for top pay .. Paid vacationi.. Automatic R1oaes. THE FEVER IS srREADIMG ••• CATCH IT!!! ~ TEMPOQAAIES Debbie Card Dianne Bridges Mary Bracullgam Vicki lle11ton 557·9760 4."iOO Campus Dth•e Newport &al'11. Ca 92ro00 Succcssrul candidate will Join a proRrCSSIVt• Orange County rorpora Uon wilh room for career ACCOUHTIMG 1rowlh and develop MATH OR I ENTED menl. Comprehensive PER.SON to train for ac:· company po1d benerlt!i clg pos. MacGregor Including medlt:al and Yactu. 642·61130. dental covera~e. Please _____ ;;;;;;;.;_ call or apply tn person: 3952 Campus Or., Newport Beach. CA. (714) 540-6080. Equal Qp. portunity Employer MfftH. ROllllllT NllLF9 accounlet11JS TRANSMASK Proudly Announces Our - ____ 1 Move lO Larger Offictl&. .----------• Visit Us Al Our New Location. ACCOUHTIMG CLERIC £l(cellent opporlun 1ly tot' a reliable person to join our AccounlinR l>ept. Typing & adding machine as well as A/ R exper pref'd. Enjoy xlnt ro henefits including free meal. Apply Mon/ Fri. 9em·Noon, Personnel. COLDWELL BANKER BUILDING SUITE200 2333NBROAOWAY SANTA ANA MAU.Jon HOTEL llOO Newport ~nter Or Newport Beach Equal Oppor Emplyr m l f We have an increasing d e mand throug hout Orange County for ex· penenced accounting & bookkeeping personnel. Call or visit us today-we are looking forward to greeting you in our new location. •7141835-4103 FREE PARKING Asaemblers Enrich 1979, by joining ~iii.Wiiial-~The Anaconda Team. We have 1979 salaries that understand1979 price5. ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS Thttsc positions ofier an excellont starting salary with frcqUt1nt and automatic pay Increases. { Com1>11nv paid Medical insur8nce fO< vou •nd YOMr f•m1ly ../company 1>11id DENTAL inturenc• for you •nd your f•mily /Day or Sw no Shih ./h~••nt •t•tlne ...,.,.., wittl fntquent end •utotMtlt: SNY Inc:,._ .,(Unllmtttd ot>PO«unlty fCH •ctnnoement '1Tuihon rttmbur .. m.nt ./11 pt1d holidays ./2 WMlll p.tlc:I \lllCttlon V"~ llhlft premium for ~ 11h1ft v'PefWlon Ptitn Apply •t our f«ltffr. W• IHfl lot•tfld off Lfncofn Ntllll#n' Euelld •"" Sroolthurrt, An Eqwl Opportunity Emplor•r MIF A~S°"~£>A ~ IO& North Muller A""'tim, Ctfifornla 12101 l ... . .., .. Accounting AM Oocumento-r a division of NYSE firm Is experiendng substanl11tl growth and has an 1m mediate need for t hl• following. BILLING CLERK Will prepart• ma chine or der billing and input inl11 oomputcr Must type SO wpm and know 10 k~y calculator. DATA ENTRY CLERK Responsible for entering data into computer !l)'lltems. typing and 10 key mandatory . Previous experience wrt.h computer terminals desirable. INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK Maintain perpetual m· ventory listings of all un its In field. Will prepare monthly inventory status r eport!\. I ·3 Y ca r s general accountin g , bookkeeping or inven· tory control. SR.ACCTNG CLERK Responsible for control. cash receipts and dis bursements Mmjmum 2 years payroll. accounts payable or cash control. We offer excellent com · pany benefits which in· elude one week \'acatlon after six months. eleven paid hoildays and group Insurance starts on duy olhlre. Assembly TRAINEES fOlt IXPMllHCEDJ Micro Electronics We are HckinA 1n divlduals for first :ihift positions in our Produc tioo Dep11rtmt•nl. Wl• will train the right 1n d1viduals an the ml~ro electronici. industry. We have immediate ()pe(lings In lhc folluwlng areas : • •Producffon Control •ChroMt RHlst Printa Comprehe ns i ve com · pany benefits Including major medical and dt•n lal. Call or apply in person. 3952 Ca mpus Drive. Newport Beach. (714) 540-6080. F.qual Op· portunity E mployer m/f/h. TRANSMASK CORP A TTIMTIO.,. II or On.- Mo &per MKeH. lf you arc new Lo Costa Mesa. temporarily dis· continuing your educ a· lion, recenlly discharged from the service. or for any reason seeking tem· porary or career e mploy. menl, consider thi11 uni· que opportunity. Y•C•Eorn SZl•P.,.Wk. Based on your produc· Uvlty, commission. plus i.ocent1vcs & extra profit sharing bonus. The women and men we are looking for may be tired ol typing, foldinK papen. w11rehou!4e jobs and working for a limited income . Work w ith young people. Rapid ad· vancement possible. If )'OU are 18 or over and would be available to AM ~.~" immediately, OOCUMENTOR 1--'- 4'"'-s-••- ADivls1oo or An8mOH AM lnternaUonal, Inc. I I Or 0 .. _ 2921$. OaJmler ...... P.O. Box 10547 Ho lbper. l'WcHt Santa Ana, CA 92711 lf )'OU aro new to Cot1la Mesa, temporarily dis · F,qual Opportunity contlnulng your educ a· Employer M/F/H tion, recently discharged l•-•iiiimm•--•I from the aervice, or for ADMIN. ASSJSTANT Part lime position with growlna proreu lonal firm In Newport Beach. Good telephone technl· que. tYJ>lnj le reporting. CaJl '&la. Jobnaon of ~ A.DvaT1stHG COOIDIHATO• 4>S boun per day, nexl· ble. Dlrec:t mall or media placement experience desired. To Join Ot1t· atdna optka firm In Irvine lnduetn•I Park. Catt Karl Stern" at 56:Ml211. Al' ....... ,.,. Wiit lypln1 for R.E . 0.Vlpr In Npt Bch. Min 2 yra exp . I n R.E. Dvtpmnt. Xlnt bent I: ~ ... cond. CllMI!' Lit w~ betwa Z.&pm, M).57'71. .... , ... , ~ ruty reaM>n seeking tom· flOrory or career employ· meot, consider thla uni· queopportunity. Y•C•lant S.Jed 00 )'0Ur prodUC • Uvlty, rommlulon. plus incent.lvea 6 extra prom thN'llll bonul. 'The women and men we are aookinc fur mar be Ured fl typln1, loldlna Pleer"· warebouae Jobt and worldn1 for a llmlttd Income. Work with 10'lnl ~. Rapid ad· VtMetDent poqlble. If )°O'a •tf 11 or O\ler and would be avall1ble•to ttJrt work lmmedlately. ftl:. Slit >... '41-6114 Auto. Europeon mechanic & or apprentice 1-:x. cellcnt up port. N H 548-1331l. Aut-0 rental ugent exp nooe81!ary not prercrrt.'<.I. full lime position 540·6100 AUTOMOTIVE Banktng EXPERla.CED TB.LEIS SouthCooat HaHOMllaftk An Independent Bunk IHSSunOower C.M 540-5300 DOOKKt-.:EPEll for pro· RTl.."881\'e ro Prefer com· putcr exp. Salary com mensurate with ab1hty Non·t1moker. Send re sumc to: Hwsh M ana~c· menl Co 332011 Paseo ~·rvew. Suite C • San Juan Cap. 9267~ CLERKS FEDCO is hirin9 • rARTS COUNTERMEH _____ ... ___ I Bookkeeping l mmedialc full·timc opening~. W111 lta rn various ph a!->cs of stor<.: opera t ion with txct·lll·r.1 opportunities for adv~ncemenl. Be set for '79! Busy Chevrolet dealer 1n Orange County Airport complea 11eek11 parts countermen with GM parts cxpcrlencl'. Good pay. pleasant surround lngs. perm11nent. Opp Banking ASST IKICPR '/T TB.Lat Beaut watrfml toe fan ()pptyfor Mesa Verne re· tastk boss needs Lndh sident. Pff Teller & New who 1s well organized & Account pos. Call Lee at arcur at 10-kcy & bkkpJ! 0 R ANGE · C 0 AST totriul bal. Start 11111 SIK SAVI NGS. 754 ·1801 rte'C1ble . Call 1l1ta, ,\ ppl,v in person. t ·8 p m . ~ekd <i ~ ~ 12··1 p.m. Saturday and Sunday E.0 .E ~6005. (;oastal Pcr'>on for advancement See ---------BobCook. HOWARD Che.,,.otet Banking Oovl'&Quausts TELLERS NEWPORT BEACll Expcrtcnce preferred -----fUll lime for our Costa AUTOMOTIVE Mesa office. Call Mr SM.ES TRAIHEE Wal{ller al 546-2300 2700 As onl' of the leadlnK Harbor Blvd. Cllevrolcl dcalcri;hips in Part lime for our South OraIIRC County. we're of· Coast Plazu office. Mon fering o Sales Training lhru Fri 4:15 to 9·30 pm. l"rolcrain thal's second lo Sat 9·45 to 6:30 Call Mr. none! Krnnin11s or M s. Am To JOin, you must bl' a hurf(ey al S40.406G 3333 g r owth ·Orient cd 1 n . Bristol St. COtila Mesu divldual who is interest Calf. ~of ed in not JW!l 11 11ules ~ Ir Loon "Job"' but a SALt-.:S -~.....,.. CAREER. ~ual Opportunity While m tralnlng, you'll mployer M/f - ncl Agcn<'). <!790 llarhur. CM AU.JOBS f"IU·;t: BOOK PAST f: U I' Part t1m<> pt•ri.on on Mon. & Tu~ No exper necc!'.lllary Apply in J)L'fl;(KI Pennysaver 16&1 Plat'enlia.C.M BUS DRIVERS fOf' Chris· 1---------CLERICAL Uan School. Apply 16835 C •SHIER Brookhuri;t, fo"ln Vly "" Coastal r enonncl !m7831 PART· TIME A~cy -A spe<•1alty drug i.tor<' 1s Ill.ls lots of JObs .ivu1J.1t; .. Bu.-1in~s woman needs 3 isceking a person;iblc. with many fine. sup1·:-IU•y people with 11mbi · h tion & 3 dc~ure for rman cn1.?rgct1c. perm.!nt•nt companies and t 1.-.)' r .. r ial security For appt part·lime l'ill>h11·r to aJJ FREE! rail Julie 549.3762 From ~ 9AM-3PM. Mon 10 5 .. 0-6055 Fri WW also mcrehan C---'_. r ..-sonnet lruml012am. disc bouliqul' dC'pt -·• earn S1SO per week plus a 1--------- company car upon com BANK 1---------PI e a s e c a I I s t o r c AC)eftcy manager to set up m 2790 Harbor. CM IUYER pletion of our program You will graduate to a full commission basis. IOur average salesman. after training. earned S20.0001ast year .> ldealfy you will have some sales experience not necessarily 1n the 11utomolive field . However. the will ln s uc· ceed and ~row with our company 1s equally 1m ' Teller , ... 11 ... CottoMeso 'This is an excellent op· portwtlty lO jom an 11d · vanced nnandul inslilu tion that cares about you We currently nec.'<i an ex· perienced individual lo haodJe financial trunsac· ne«ted for eatab eler· troruc mfg co Purchase electronic compe>nents. sub-contract fabncat1on. follOW·UP orderi. Mm 2 yrs exp. Good wages. ben<'fiti.. congenial at mosph DECC tervlew appl. AU.JO~ Jo.REE ""*GUILD DRUG 1610 San Mi guel Or NB 644-7330 E. 0 . E Cl.ERJCAL SENIOR CLERKS Cleaning Lc1dy for So Tired of do1nn the same Laguna Motel Good pay .. & working condit ions ro u•1ne cvt•ryda)' 4!19-2227 Secunty Bank ·i. Brand lrvme 546·4731 -New Consumer Finanre EqlUllOpparEmploycr Cleaning person. 1nrl. Department ha:; po:.1 port ant. ln addition to our out· standing program, WC or. fer a complete fringe benefit package lnclud · ing hosp1tal12ation. life insurance and more. lions. Position entails•------- processing deposits. CAMERA Person full withdrawals. etc. timeinlheCameraOcpl familiarity with typing f11miliar with PMT required. See what we Process. Expcr. pr<'fr have to ofCer, please call ~Y Pennysaver 1660 642r4'711. acenua Ave. C.M. ironing, reas & resp. llOn.'> available involvm,: COM area 644·6601 a variety of mtcre~tm;; CLERICAL Newport Center finan - ri a I firm seekin g r~ponsible ind1v1duals for accounting cler k position. Accounting background. 10 key ab1U· ty, light typing helpful. Xlnt working conditions & company benefils of· fored. Apply m person or call . assignments. You w1li be assistinl{ with paym~nt processing. computmi; Insurance on new loani.. handhng alll.J mcommi,: calls plus much more. You may start your ap. plication and learn more about how you can join our team by calling Mr. Jones at 761-7222 JOE MacftHERSOH CHEVROLET Irvine AutoCcnt.:r GLENDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS F.<jual Opportunity Employ~ MI F /II 8.1bysltter.EI Toro area. -------- Mature womun. starting Jan 2nd. wk. days 7 am to ~aut!cian manage small 4:30. Cure for in Co nt. shop. Sal. & comm. llnyr Ref. req. 768·7446 Bam 808 W. 19th. C.M. BABYSITTER-for 11 yr 64&-8480646-ll45 old yng lady, my hm. Bluellne operator Exp. After 3:30pm some cvs, Nee. C.M. Blueprint Balboa Bl/19th St area. 548·S5Tl 673-86366. ---------IOAT IUILDER CAMERA OPERATOR Experien ce with a Walzberg or Nu A re camera preferred. Must be able lo make hair· tones. Experie nced in stripping for 19\.u251 ~ presses as wel I a s smaller presses. Must be able lo develope JM plates. Good comp11ny benefit&. 4 day week. AP ply Sam·llam. lpm 3pm. NatJonaJ ~ucal1on. 4401 Birc h St .. Newport Be a c h . 1 N ca r 0 . C . Airport>. Equ al Op portwtlty Employer. ADP PENSION SERVICES 131 N~>wport Ce nter Or. 2nd. F1oor. Newprt Bch. 644·4360 ext. 263 EOE Clenc:aJ Enjoy work1ni; w 1r It figures. heavy tdcphon~ work. light to heavy typ. ingdepending on position . and addlllg machine or raJculator expenence ;\ clcncal background prc· ferrcd. We offer you an excellent s tarting s.-lary ,ind benefits packuge and Jr" located in Santu An.! Call for interview ap pointment. e11 .. , s.cs-uo~ Babysitter 8:30 AM · noon C.M. area 1 rbUd 1 yr . ChrlsUan household My home/yours 548·2178 Woricing foreman needed _ __,..__ _____ _ TRIJMHS Progress at your own spd w/maj corp. Unique opp· ty lO build a career Variety of duties. Call S57·7193, United Person nel Service. 1500 Adams, CM SECURITY PACIFIC BANK to supervise construction Canvas Person . Boat cov· & aaembly of 2S' diesel ers. exper. Sails by flber'Rlaaa Cishlng boat. ~-'-~k 67"'l823 54 I ·4163 ~""' • .,. . lnterviewing Hour~ 9.00to 3:00 PM IAIYsma Chl&d care. My home or )'OW'S. s day week. Infant i---------8~ mo. Mature woman. IOOICICllPIR/Ofc 963-2305 Hunt. 8t h Mfr· BABYSITTER Expr'd. Mon·Fri. 9 to p/Ume days. must have SPM. for lnte.rlor OesiRn car. Npt Beach. 645-0128 . Studio ln Newport Bch. Apply AM. 646-1678. 1727 8.1bysltter needed ror 4 WfiatcUU Or yr. boy. Week of Feb. 25 ·I~~~~~~~~ March 2. Houi'tl 7: 15 5:15 Me.a North area. IOOICKllPll C r o • a r o a d s Rsaurant cirper h lpful Baker/Paularlno. 4 but not mand•tor1· t:ov- Falrv\ew. C.11964·1761 tty 1urround1Ags. aood bl'1I fl good salary. for S.b)l81tter needed. 3:30l0 •PPt., call Debbie mtdnlte. Your home . 857-m>ext. zn Must have references.•--~..;_ ____ _ Monday tbn1 •"'rlday. ea BOOKKEEPER. exper, close to Ma1noll• • lrnowledae or payroll, Adami u poulble. rwtaurant operbelprul. 984·18411 S. counl)' area. Send re-. awne\OAd. No. 381, Dal· lY Pllot. PO Box 15ee>. USITHI o.taMesaCa.92626 DAILY PILOT ~eepma ..,AST •/C 11 oo~u, It.SULT" Paa la th c1J1ent advbor)' terV ID beaut Fuhlon 111 SRYICI CPA oo. Needl to know Dl • .,.,-..y Prine d accta It have ~ Vft t~otc appear. Sal For Re11ult nu•blt. Call Rtla, Ser\•ice Call ... Coat.al Pe~n· -642-1671 ~ net~.2'NOHarbOr, • .... JU Cll(ALLJ0118 FREE • • # • • , .... CARPET CLEAN ER. Mu.t be neat. full·lime. lmmed openlni. Call M>-2700. Cloncal "My kids are In school. I have freedom, variety and tlexlblllty. And I work." . AnAfflrmaUvc Aclloo Employer Mt F Nofrel Q1Ves me o unique wov to wor1< ona s111 have time IOf 1ne 1om•v It toke• core of my spore lime and 1'19lps me writ\ mv t)jll' 1 con cnoose When ono where 1 wall • tlextbllitv 1 cOUdn'f hove 14" a r~ 9 to 5 lob Al Not1el Tem()OtOly SeMces. 1 hOV9 al tne De0ef1t1 ot working tor o biQ company llJI trne Things Ike PfOM "'°'1ng. t:>onuaes and DOid vocoron II vou d ~~e rreedam Wke ltli1. col VOUt necJfe11 NofrOtl offiee todov' (no tee. no ooltQOhon) LOS ANO I!\. ES ANAHllfll SAN~A ANA 12!J1 Jclo()6(j4 ,,,.WI I '(.J f7l ~l !l~IO.!• COVINA 12•31331 3)()1 M Eouar Oppottunrty 1imp1oyt1 M,F • l .. THE EMPLOYMIHT & TRAINING ADMINISTRATION OF HUNTINGTON llACH AMOUltett Op ul•tt ,_ llle Folowillig Tr..W... ....... •• Clftic.alTrGI .. u .,o , ... How MKhiae $iop Ttdlli ,.,ft U.90,trHow Wetciftg T~•W U .to r..-How Smafl ~. MocMM R.,mr U .,O ,.., How LCll!ld.cape Malehn•c• T,,..... Sl.lO ,.,. HOlll' Thne or~• CIT A fuded poaftloH reqv l"lag 15 WHlll '""*' ...... ...,.. ... HwttlM}ton S..Ch ,..,1dfttcy. A,..U .. OM wlll be ocupted ot HI• ~.,.... & Trel,.liuJ Cent•r. 5 ll Mol• ltrul. H""tllliCJfoft l eoc h. .-----.. t'I VIW \I I KLL~··irl"I I tJ ·;;;.~·HEW I I IMTBtVIEW I COUICTOI lu< amwlllJil f\ t111I l>u" "'out1o11~ n>llt·<'t ton t;tJ I"'>' Ir bt-n4·f W11tina lo I min 1n11·r1•!tla-d iwri. i ·a I t for u 11pl ( 714 I !Clll .Ill ) r u llll .irt'J ,,. n 1<1111J" OATA9"'1Y aift\IOt (lPC'H lor fl>r • v. t II o tabllabed •ruwan11 Orafl#' Co t'()rp ~Int •orklo1 N>nd It 1on1 ., lw'nr!U.a M In I ) rt of kopunc-h reqli IHM '741 1742 twlpJul or 11111· w.111 trllln l'ay will ron1 mi••uralr * t>1tpt•r Ap ph 1n 1 .. non. Mun U1ru 1',1,&i~m n. ...... JM I~ Utlk'tlt• A\ 1· lr~llW, c. 11111 Me u:1:n l"•IJH'l'Y 4t llud. work f1•mlll•• It m111t• ••1>1>11 1 uni.Ii Y..t•h•Yrrtl' X lnl 01> µut\wllh lo tt.1111 Ill JUlo t1Jr1'C 1111h·... "f Ill) 1:1~~ N1•.,,.1><1rt Uh t • ('oi..t u Ml)lla , vr l\)Oljjl i\Jarn ... Hunt Ut•Jrh Autl>mol1v~ Suf,lply Ot•lt\•t•r y & Gt•nl·rul lldJ)t'1 . f'rC'l'WU Y Aulu. 2ti4MZ Avt•t)' P~rltwi1v MV CEHTlR I C-.....lty Senlce I F"'8 YOUR c• l 1 Oehv,•ry l.>rivcr. uooli """' .ppor urll y w l•OY d.n rd ._f utute womJfl i. r ur vtnit n•ro · neat up I CONVENIENCE I "''l'•lrrt tu tw mf'mJltl' pcurun1·1· t'o.,t.1 Mc1>J \I I "''v1·ral hr~ J <ho for HhK•pnnl, I~ Sor>enor 1 f'I 11 1 ('wit 111 1 ltkrly l.J~Ullu llt•Jch (' M Mll·~'l7I I '10,;;·~,··.,,,'..;.r~.:. I ,111·;1 1!17 ;i:n:i ruuv t-:H. ll l'1t•ltu1' & tit• h\-1 n ... T 1'hump:.un "" '" 1 t I COM,AHIOH lllm·pnnt S,t!'1 U2J;I I ll11i11111 r .. n llt .11'11 IJ\r Ill ror d1t1•rtv l:uh I I, ·I • I l't·r,1111.11 1 .or" 111· .. t11·tl UELJ\ l':ICV l't:l!SON. :i:, 'l'hur-. , H' 1trru !'.1111 ""'' h,.,. ~i. ;\11 wk1•nd:. 1111 '( "''' 1\1 111111• I li:kl :llilll C \1 I' h J r "' .1 l' > 11.ol• 1.1111 •11111 lii\201Ull I I ' CONSTRUCTION lh> n 1 J 1 /\ ~:. 1 ., 111111 . t r11r1 • d1.11 .. "'' 11111 · \1111Jlt1ou' w ~orn1· 1•x11r rhmrsl(.h'. ,horl '4t•t•k. 1, .. 1 .111 .i.1 ... .i ~.o11.I '" .1111r ,1d.,:,. w 1otood rrrt·ndly orr1t·•· 1-:x I •· 111 1• " 1 •1 r ' rommon s t•n:.t· Mu!ll 1u ·r1enc c pn·f1•rrcd • ,..,..,, 1111w111' '''I' 1 .. 1, I hawtrons 6735S53 'l\t~lln R32~ 11.1111 \ ·" .1r 11111 \ ''" ---------·1 1111111 1 I' t' "" 1' 1 '"" I ( ~int.rJct Admlnl<1trul1on O ~ N T A L A ~ s 1' ( •r •.ill ""' hr.1111 lt l PROJECT (.'ha.1n;11ll· purl llmc. X I " I t 1, • ', " 1," 1 r ESTIM "'TOR !lay be 5-16 SOtlll "'.I• ,, l\.ll 11 d ... I t ,, • ''' .... 1 i..11 ".i • I To S30K Dt.•nlal /\i,<1t 111 $1h I.> I q11 • .t r 111111' I 111i•h 1 I Stron.: airrrnfl i>m)l•l't motivated. encr.i1•ur. r·x I • CDCD ~ 1111 CD adrnmi.trutor r1t•1·u1·tl to 1>1.•ncnl'<'<I :.isi.l for (;p f11.•rf11r111 j.!1•rwr ,it pr 11 ll)jt 11 r r I I' l' (; r I' a I a I & pn>J<'• I 1•1,.., , ... ,11n.ot in.: 11lC'lt!ph1·ri· 5 hr 1!.1 5 da an the Hi q•r:.rtlt· ,11 t'.• wk IS.10 I 'r.l'111r x:n 'f111 11.1'.HH 'i\I. I "1111 "''' .1 m o111·y' TY,lSTS li11odoral &1A11tt1•11111nt 11 .. rrtal Choir s 11lt· ·'" rl'luru r.1lh>11 • Hllll l'o11 ,l HU/\ ·1 d,1y w1·1·I. <.I' PBY. 1.1ct ~d h1 nl'f•h. ·lop ~.rt.1r~ Ed JI\\'. l>1ri•1 tor ~t7 :l!i(l7 !1112 37ZI l):;tu l'ro1·1•,l'llflj! ACCT CLERKS KEYPUNCH OPER CLERKS A.CCOUHT ANTS I >1-:l'.'T,\I, I lrth1wlonl 11· ,\-, ASSOCIATED 'It ~>c p 11r1•I ·11 l::il I 547-7375 11~11111 :\1 u. ... t h:• v .. phon1• & r l'lt J hh-I rnnt.µ I Allllt 1"' ~hnrl 11•rm u..,srimm1•nl-. lloll d.1y & vJ•·ulmn pJ) 550Pu1kCcnt1·r l>r Ufo:NT/\I. /\SST Bu!!)' :-1.t• tOG Stonl.• ,\nJ N 1• w r n r I II 1• ,t ,. h tUH41hSt , Uel'"'l'''" ri•-.101 Jl'v1• pra1·t ll'l' Newport&cS.i\ J"ri.):s> trl•cd-. l'l hJr11 . 1·n I lui.11tt 1tl11 al ro11 1> I an ,1\ 111lul>h• l''ll"' 1'arkin1: thU!>li:lt>lll' ""JI aKi.I I 000/o Fro fl:!I 2AOO ~ , ..... ~~.:~: .... ;~~~·i.~r:£ll£:·::~: 3848 Campus Orin knowlt'd!lt' of ltalran 1>1111 1\ H1d1· 546.4741 fuoc.b 5J6 3K56. GIS 0651 Orhtts ---------•I Opt.•ralu mockrn 1•qurp ( /\rro-c'I 1-'rnm Oran.it• C<i A1rporlJ -f-AJUdl Opport fo:mvloyl·r 1 h·rk 7 11. Part t1ow 1"1 1 S.11 11 1>m to 7 am $:1 oo \tt·r hr li75 P11ul:1r111<1 i~•I ~ CLERKS UTOTEM COOKS 1o;xpand1n.i rt•11touranl l·haln with ov1•r 50' unal'I farruly owm.'<I orl(anrza, l ion off<'rs plt•as anl work r n.c l'ond 1t1 o n " (;oc,d opporlunillt'-; for udvunl•em1•nl. Ex<•t•lll'nl 1·omr>JllY h1·nt•frl11 1-:x f)t'nt'nt·t' li\'!>rr1·tl Aµpl) tn JleniQll OperunP,'> Now /\vuilabl~ 3333 WC t H ftJC' full or p 'llllW rlt·rk!. oas wy on 2nd & Jrd -.hrrt:. ~u ..-wport leach nwnt & door lo door t.ransp Cahf dnven1 Ill' rl•<fd No pnor expt>r rll'<'. Good dnvinl( rt'C a mu.oel No Sunday work Orangt.• Coa11t Yt'llnw ('ab. 17300 Mt lier rmunn. Jo' Vty UIET/\RY /\llH:S ut c-onv ho.,p l>.1v & PM 11h1fl11 St ahtt· t·mplo> mcnl "/'p l y 1 44 ~ Supenor. N i Oonul -.ho,, work l"ull J>l. t·v10:. . 110 \'XP ni•r Apply AM 0 K .'!! Donuls. Zlltil> ..,a1rv1('w, &< l!l:i t: 17\h St .C'M 1·xp('r nl'l't''''1ry wt•---------• trarn Start $:J II\ r hr "" , --1----------:0.l mana.ce1 i1 l•t t.l no hr < OOK. ror ronv ho11pitat. Manai:~ri. lo s:; w hr /\<I 1-'rc•e health rn11uranrc \,IJlcemcnl opportunilll'~ a rt t'r prob o tr on a r )' tolJ'l111><• ~ho iiunltry l"or period F:vl'ry 11tht•r 111formalion fo(u lo •H•I wknd ofr AJlllly 1445 -n<:ar~l rnarht or n>n SuPt"nor. NII t .. rt th1· 1w·r-.or1111'10H111· l'OllNTY.R 1; 111 t. I' ·T ,it • . . 10 30 1 :tO S3 hr <'1ty 12M4! La 111 l)llUll M (' I l' a II t· r ~ I ll g Ii l' h <iard1•nGrov1·~,37 l8>10 l~-l!\.~ · • l-:t1ual \lppor Ernplo\ 1•r • C'ouµll' w.rnt<'il to mu "·ll'l' " m I h u 'I t11t•.," I' 1' < 'li•rk '1'>111.,1 . I u 11 l i rrw. t..t:! Jli;J4 r.llwpm •1011 hr 1 twrwf1h. 711 117'1 2:no Mttlh ~1n" Ckrk f yµr~l 1111 ~1111-wm~ 'l•'WJ)(lrt llc·11d1 'I •·).tlh I \rm N1'lod l(uod 1,, prni:. 111 kt•Y. l(t'nf'rul rnulh .rh1llty <:ood IJl'nl'f1111 ~1 10 pt.•r Wl't'k t ur1·orll l'Ol l'l.fo:S HOUSEi PAREN"{S $111'7 Prr C11u1il1• l't•r Wellkt•l)d 111~ to l'Xll }'•It t r.1111 Married co11ple to l 'all&1~11111u; ~ supenlae youths ht l ' L I<. R K T Y I' I !-. 1' ~ h°"'9 on wfflt· 'l1•wµort R1 .. 1c·h de ftlda. 6 pAffriday to Hlopn nl't·d~ sharp 6 p .m. Su"days / ri.·~in with wxid tyµing tncludea room l 'lkltl'-Re,pon~lblc. 1ta bocrd. hll' ~-C'on-.trurt19n h;iCk'Jl'l>ll0<1 lw I 11 f u I 11 ul rt>qu1t1·ll l'ull ·11·rr 1 COUMTYOF $41\ ~.:i<t~ ORAHGE Cocktail WaJtrHs 1714J 134-7821 S hoot /\fftrmntrve c · /\t.11un 1-:mptoyt•r !-'.am up It, )\:)I.Ml 1wr wk 1---------• IAIW tuition l'l;a11•11tl'lll ,t..,.r'tl 7~1 111! .. t COLL.ATOR PACKER WlllJnJI trJ tr11rn un In .1luatrlou11 c arN'r 111 d1vrrtual to p11rlt11~l' 1o<Juc1tt1on1tl mater1al11 l•:Xt'l·Ul'nt work1na <'ond1 Ilona and ht>ndlt11 40 lloor w••1•k Apply North Ame rt (' 11 n S l' r v I c c <A-nttr. 1331 to: Wamrr. ':inlA AH l-:q11.;1l Op (>Ot'\Wlty Emplo "r Wht'ther you're buylna Oft 11elHn•. Clo111tf1ect 11d· ~crtl•lnc wall 1111. your 1rm1q to PM-rlJhl JIC'() p"1 Call Today! 142 5671 . . Clll>IT CLHK Nt'\'d a 11httrp, hard worlt ina mdlv1duat for our cre dit d<'Pt Rl'"pon"lb1lit11•11 int'I Crodlt chcrklni:. '""'du roli4.t(.'tlon." & dally A I Ct detail work Cocltf on 10 key' lite typ1n.11 ""''('llllAt Y. l'h!&al' l'U II Jerry Burtcl'n(•r for In kfVlf'W m.0433 Fou.nt..rn Vulll•y Com~fwnla Center. In<' Your fri e nd • and ,,..,.borl uae Cl.aullied when th•y hav e ~ to~U. They'll t,e-11 you bow wel I ll Yt1)tkl'd for lhe_T '-- DRAFTSMAN lmmed1olc openln ll re quirlnJ( I 2 yr11r11 1•x penenco Wilt Ull<' 11t11n dard r1ti. Jnd toll'r anct•11. lublcs, und l'h11rts. un<t prcpllrt• ranut druwin)(ic trom :s kctl'h l'H ar11I pnnll> WP olf<>r J?rowth Poh·n 11111 and hl1th v1~1h1lrty 111 Jddl\11>11 to 1•x1·t•tl1•nl oealunt•h .wd r<impony 11a1<.1 b<•rw ftli. rndudrrljl medll'ul. de11tul 111111 l1f1• msurlln<'t' for t.•mployt-t'!I und dependl'nU. l'teu-.e apply an pe~n LEAR SIEGLER TRANSPORT DYNAMICS 31.31 WC!ll Sc11or1trom Sant11 Ana, C/\ f.o;quul Opp0rt urllly l::mployer rl'll r th VETERANS _..6JobTr~ A ....... ,... ~tdVeteNM u ....... ~ CCMIRty ·~ $).SO ,.,. Hour IAY...tofy Coetrof S4.50 to Sl.04 Pw How- &9t•tslwt O.• .. Of"M"' TeclWclan '4.70 to S6.00 ,tr Hour hllCJ" ...,. ...... uo.ooo Pw v .. llOTEL ' "MARRIOTI IS PEOPLE0 CURRBff or..1HGS DIST FOlt: • 1-'ront D<'~k Clt'rk • Door Atl('ndunl <Full & Purt Tim(') • llO!.l llostf'ss <I' 1T l 1 • PBX Opt.•rutor f:njoy 1•x<·t.•ll <'nt workmµ condihonl\ & c·ompuny bent>ftts Apply Yum Noon. Mon f'ri Pt.•rscmnl'I. MAllUOTI HOT&. 900 N~wport Ctmtcr DriH· Newport HNlCh E.0 . E. UYPUMCH on.ATOI SlllteSttl '"'Mo Qinslderabhi knowledge of O.P. OperallonG 4' 1klll in oper at1n.i a keypunch nwchlnc lllah Sch ool 1 tadu•l_. & ~r11e 1n lt\•ypunt'h & data pr&1parot111n dt• 111r4ed. Apply by Tuuit. Jan Z3rd. 11179 Contn,·t Penoruwl De pt • \It )' of Co•t a M tiso 17 14 1 75'5351> MACHINIST ' • I tt & 2llcl Shift. Due to <MJr fCJ'OWth, Vt'(! b11v•• luun~tato OP"n · 111£1 (Of' M.ln.lmum CICpt'rtt'nce re quir~1. 11evl'ri1I tralnl't' po111huns uvall11bl~. WF.01-'f"ER Meca..ical AIM .... llr Sl.10 '"'How Salft UHkl_.. Ge•• al Ofc HOO GU AIDS One ol lhe beat. r•pldly F\ill & p/llme All aru11. growma co nHds J)f'ts Uniforms furnllh e d •Ulghly Compctltlve H.al.8 SS.16 Per How AwtoMec~ $4.00 Per How Sltl,,IPl)/lec•MlllJ n .so, ... ..._ w/!fome bkkpg bkad Agni 21 or ove1" Retm•d lmiliili-•iiiiilliiiiiiiiiliillliiiiriiiii Mod typing. Co ofn xlnl W\lll'ome . No l'xpenencc __ _ ralaes & benA + 1•x ner Apply Un1vcr"ul p ____ _ tremcly friendly MtmOllp Proc.cctlon Strvlcc. 1226 I 1\1•\ Jllllll'hers Cati 'hr11. 540 8065 W SthSlreet. Senta Ana I COaatul Penionnel Aacn tnt.erv hou 9 l2 & TEMPORARY cy, 2'790 llorbor. CM t 4 MO:,c~~u Jo'rin. - •PIMt)'ot Overtime •Shift Oltrl!rcntiul •Elcrell\'flt Company Jl(•n('flt11 ror Employceb & Uependt•nts. /\PPLY IN l'ERSQN . hlkhcJM•nt...-ce H .00'"' How Sheft ~ Fabric.tor S4.00 '"" Ho.w 'rodltcffon Worker S4.00rw How Al.J,JOBS l"IH'~~: ----- t:t-:NI, oFC g1r1 P /T ~~ ·~::: =e~~r.n:.d~ 1Keypunchers m11mJng~ Mu11t 8\)(111 & Ttw Inn Al Laicunu, 211 I LEAR SIEGLER TRANSPORT DYNAMICS '°'"'"' $3.SO to SS.SO 'tr Hour t)'J)l.1 Cell 1179-1711 N Cst llwy. La1tuna \\,. r1•·••1I \ltllr ,k1tt~ ht Offk --SaOO _Oeach __ ----•• t11d '''"' '''""' "'"'" · • Jf I •t k t 1t111 1n,..111 \\111k111i.! lntcrcatina v11rlcly pos o te . <>u11e ecpan it I' . t It . 11 Toot Maken S4.27 to $9.13 '""How Apply at Employment & Tralnin9 Administration of HuntiftC)ton leach, 518 Moln Street, Huntlftqton leoc.h. CaM now 516-2526 or 639-8554. OIUVf.ll, Tow 'l'rUl'k. 1·x 1>t•r ontv n1•t•1I appl) Mu!tllr\1•tnC \1 11r1•11 :!4 )ri.\S-11\1'1, l'Utl 7!ol l ~1t :o Uri \'t>r. ~tcll'k l't1·r k <'hant'l' fo r .111\ .111c·1· menl. mu:.t know ll t area Po•· Ind Suµ pl). 2167 S llathawuy. S/\ ORIVERS . Full t1mt·' C I a i. s I . d t• 1 r v 1• r r n u nl.lnlt!ry litO<'k in Su.Cuti I Clean ('Ul & aoo3 dnv1111: n•cord Conta ct Mr Martin or Mr. Molino OOUJ604 r>rivcr!". tuk1nµ .1ppllrr1 tlon:s ror i.rhoot bus $4 05 llr to '\l urt, 4 hr MuarnnlPe 5~U·OHll EOE Emplo) l'r l>nH·r for Rtu1·11r1n h .1n·h :o.uppl11·-.. upplv ht 1•·nwn or1ty R .. 110 2 21111 N1•wJJ1>rt ('1•nlt•r llr1 \ t· N II OnH·~ for ll1•nl at L.11t l'arl tlm1• l'11n11•1· ul monunl(~ or :rfl1•rnuo11 .. Must havt· valid I> I. & l!Oud drl\ 1 n~ n·1·01 d Wkdyi. t>46 500!4 1-:w1; & w1mds 54:> 737 7 DRY ClEAMERS nt.'t'ds mature j)<'rimn fol' toont('r & morkin.i Full uirw:" ~ <ioyi.. t-:xvr pr(•f /\pply Mr Best t'lt•un1·r~. l~ wn fl :1 2929 1-: l'oui>I 11'4 ~ Ct.IM li75-330o t:Lu:N <.:ARn;RS l.3dy'11 lfuberd11i.her Now lnter viewrn.: rutt lime sal(>SWOmt'n. Apply .n J)tllliOn 131 fo'ashlon lstand Moll N ll Jo;xccutlve SecrC'lary Woma n wrth skills an typ mg, short.hand 11 nd It ~hi arcounllng P11y com men1>urMlc with 1•x JWrtl·nce and abtltly 2304 I I\ lr u Id(' Uri H'. LuAun u lliHs. 770 2H94 1-'/\("TORY WOHKJo:R ..,cma t c mu t'htnl.' 11111·ralor No t'X J'Wrlt·nrt• rlCt: Will tram Xlnl 1·11 hl·moftb C11tl ~5 tHllJ i'' t: M /\ l, Jo: I" u C' I o r y worker., Sl 90 ''"' hr to 'tart M cri t ra ISl'l> :,.vi 5125, 1537 Monro\. Ill Ave, NU ..,,It. rtcrk llt>l'<lt•d pu rt tlml' for bu-.y offtce 20 Onver. hll' roolllni:. er hours per wl'l•k CJll rnnd!I. etr for worktni.t Hulboa Mannc M!l.1167 1 <'OUJ)le Must h V<' 111 0 r for uppl l':O E M / i-· CO. & huve perfcl1 dn.v FIU;t;Lfo:RK tnK rel'Md Apply Mrl> <:r e~n 1'.0.'Bux c . 1:-lSUHANt:E Downcy,Caltf 00241 Hcl(annt.•rs spot for nJ(ht ------r11...'Tb00. pte~ant worktnK •DRIVER• rondll. oppty for trarnrnK 1-:xpand1ntc ro ll)l)ktnit & adv:1ncemcnl 3712 hr for people wtlltrr .c t o wit. $.'I()() mo. lo !\tart work Neal aprwar C:ood Cull 549 4700 a~k for /\rr dnVUlg r1..'C Ovt•r Ill l:11 drea E 0 t:: vehicle.. $2.115 pt·r hr + ~ _ --.......;;_ rncent1vl's Cati Errt'. ~---­ fl73-9'283 onrvERS WANTED for tncal Moving Co. Clm.i> I Dr Lk. 1-~xp. only Cu II 7fi8.-064J Onver hont'f!t, belil n • ferencet1. lniwn-d lur~e van. 9M·0071 AM 1-'lnanclut &cy Cil•nt ()(free Stock Clerks O'Jl.a Processtnr< $tK S.IJOO 5650+ J>rgmr i\nulysll'I $18K Ple1111e Cu I I fo'or J\ ppt I nine P~ri.onnel Aiienl'Y 488 E 17th. Costa Mc1rn ~Ile 224 642· 1470 ORfVERS& llELPtms N e e d e d r o r t 1H' a I ho u 11 e h o I d m '' v r n lot • ,..._._......,.,..._..,,,....,.,,,..._._., A47.'/278 DllVHS Men or women ZS yr'I or older . Know the roast t1tiea. Net IU!O 1t w<>t'k or more . Oranice Coai.l Yellow Cub. 17300 Mt Herrmann. 1-'ou n la I 11 Valley C No o( St at er bt'twn Newh ope & 1-;ucUd> DR I YER WANTED SUNDAY ONLY To deliver OAll.Y I'll.OT bundleft to rur rtcn In Newport Oc•:1rh orea R('<)ulrf'l1 van or lfll'lotc atJltlon wui;<un & 1t good drlvlnA rt•cord. Coll 64~021 A* for 0..Wi99MOf' .._,,s .... y lquol Opporh1nlty --~yer General Malnlcnnnce TruC'k dr ive r Jlandyman. COBla Mesu !148-5543. GENERAL Ofi'FICE TY P IS T . a r ,. u r I.I t 1• 40wpm Mi-3942 General Office Mcur typlnit req Lt bk kpg non ~mk r 1>r1•f i\lrport u reu Su I ol)t•n M!J atOO ------· c;t:nt:rul COUPON /\!l1ll'ml>ll•r:1. 1'roineci., <.:lt:t1l'fll. ('\(' DOUILEPAY FOi ht DAY ofter working 80 houri'! Onng lhhl ad In and n· .ctster wtth ua by ff'h bt VICTOR Te1...,•yS..-.lcea 4341 Birch St, Ste 213 N~ Ouch. 556-3S20 T11 S Maln Sl, Stt• 56 ()r11nge, 833 2622 COUPON ------· Tr1•dl' your old icluff for new t(bod1ea with a Clas111fled ud. 642 !167H GENERAL LABORERS TRAINEE ~SEMBLERS PACKERS Mual have r lhb1c tran1p. & pbon~. Long & short lt'rm u1l1nmcnl». llolld.ay ., vacation P•>': Ho1plhllutlon plan avallabte. onlovetyoknr ulrport Porter. 4pm to tlpm "'·' r~'11',1 '.'r 1 t Some typing & work for Union benefits Call for \I"'. k l ltt 1 ulo 11111 the Gen.I Mgr who Iii a uppl64S-5000ext520 I r.ill' doll. Career t'O Call ---------I A"°"'"' Rita, ~6055. Coostal H<Yl'EL Wirf 3131 Wt~t ~acr11lrorn Saniu Anu. CA 1-;qual Opportunity l!:mployer m i rth Personnel Agenry. 2700 POOL I to hetp '""9 llarbor,CM ALLJ~~l':~ A nEND l1LL['-'-~ ... a11i1 ...... llliiiiiii.._ __ GlltL FRIDAY We are sceltln~ 11 reliable .~ • .:J ~ Machinist Sharp l(a I needed pt'non with l'urrent '•l n v•t r • · MODEL SHO' Hil{IV!chool iirad as 1(81 water 11ufrty ('('r\1f1 ratl' I I MACHINIST fnday m law offlc1· Cult lo 8llcnd our hott'l 11w1m '' "1.w.1rt 11 ... 11 It lmm1•d1oll' oJ'enlnl( 111 aft 7pm,(144·1KIK rrung pdol ari:u Apel>' I K:1.11!11 , I u ur H&O luh ror In GIRL N IDAY S900 Ullm·12 Noon. Mon, i;ri I IOI Uc.1\t' st !-.t•· 3-&0 '11v1duul 1·\f.k•rwn<·•·d 111 l'crM>ll.llC'I I I •' 'llll.t '11·111 I I ttw hwldln,.: or 11r11lul) Jh' Xlnt oppty w N 11 fr rm MARRIOTI HOTEL 1f1111·,1 • for outi.:rnni: rart•t•r l(trl I "~"'·i < .011111 It••·"' I 1111dpm('nl & in th•· -'-Xlnl oppl)' lor ,11hunn• !WN.-w1X>rtCt'nh•r Ur tf11111111L''•~1 II• "It H·lopnll'lll of lht• m:w U'lt'lll MuHl bt• r11m11tor . N,•wport IJ:each I ~Ii :U'l)C produ('th Mui-l ll1· .1hli· lo wwll SN'\)' & off folll' 1-..quul Oppor Jo.mptoyl'r >Nlli' W.t1111•1 '" . ·1.. I llj>l'rt1h• l>uMl' 11111t·h11w lt1Jn1> Musi hi' i.clf I I 11hop looU. llatht'.,, mtlb. ·• It I t;.' 1 n d 1• r i. > . r , .. 1 fl mutrvull'u. 11llt: .int . HOUSECLIEAHERS 1·1111 .• t>t•1ll•1r111111' .... f I ul•plinL' & work fru111 1wve llbl, accurate l)'JJ· •-LJow;('wive" p llmi· I r1•pl11" t \I I I k 11 ..-r " t1'11(1Jlet'Mlllot :.kl'll'hl'h 1ni: s 1 ~. slron.: ur '"Ork S tart 1mm1··•. w ..... 11 11 " " I l' prov1...: an cxcv t•nl l(uniaa.t1oni+I ~kl II tt.nd ""'"-"""". IV!D '><110 '"' .111 11L'"l1• \ I r " o. v-..,--.iu .....,.._, h~ne ll:. pat: ... a¥t' & the ability lo wora In '''"'' '' f,,. k d ... liulary t·ommc ni.ur:1t.· dependC'nlly Xlnl rn llouse l'cpcr wnnlt• • - - - --· with exn.•n cncc Appl\ bene(lt~ Mon . Jo'r1 Mature. mu:.t drr ve. .,. !1·30 51'M. Pten11c 1•all J-:ngush preft'rred. rutt ---------•I lhtm-4pm<huly l!:leunor at 752.7591 lime help Cur 3 boys in Kt•ypwirh AMF VOIT <;11111~r. exper 1·u ... 1nm mirror man. lop pa). lovt·lv ~hhbu hom•· O•T• IU..ITRY 3110t S Harbor :!13-456 K.12ti " ,.. !l;l"'O SA E II I-. ~uo.l l:)('nt'filll (;.ttl 3Z3 I llOUlll!kl'l'Pf'T. ti \'I' Ill . !iicnmr opt.•ralor for "'di 1----------"Ktuhh11 hl'd l!r 11"' 1n a.: Or11ni.:1• C'o Corp :\Int 1----------G-R-E-A-T SA.LES JOI HOW rnalUl'I.'. rt'fs, Ir\ T1·rr Hm 'Tv r.73 0042 h,'11cf1h &. Y..11rk111a.: 11111 Mud11m:1t t1111oni. M111 .1 "' ,,, TOOlROOM OPEN llou:.eke<'per d11 \ t·r' lJ<' . wknd11 orr ~. "'h•x.11 1·hrtdrC'n SPt"ak S1>Jnt1>h >M7-8.W7 k1•y11un1·h r1'lpl t 11 ~l MACHINIST GO(JO PAY . GCIO IJ 11m1Hs. t:oon cu:-. IJ I TlflNS M /\NY --------- .r74lt 37'12 twlpfut or '"'' 1>11 vou huvt• J 11r mor •• "'Ill tr.11n l'a> "Ill 1 om )n. i·'l(>t'r 1n toot~. JU)!" (I.; ffif'fl:Ur,Jlo' Ii> t''llt'r \IJ ftXlUrl''I' l\r" \llU 111\ Ill 11t·r "111 Mori lhru r.mulrar "' l'()IT\Jll'\..;,., .. n ... IHNGI'; HI-;N 1':fo'JTS FAST <:ltOWl'J(; l'O~t I' AN Y P K 0 M 0 T I':~ fltOM WITlllN TRAIN F () It T 0 I' ~1 /\ N A (; Jo: M E N 1' STARTS "IM HOUSE ,AJtl!HTS St"· our ud rn tod:n ' l' I d l> :. r r r (' d II n Ii l' r <.:OUPLl-;s ~'tt, llam ~pm & tnJ••('\11111 mold n •pnrr ., TM Jolly RC>C)er Inc tor rul>bt•r nr pla111w·1 17(>'2 (:rltt•lh: i\ \ ,. 1\W )00 I JpJhk fll W I In am• . tinJ.: up & rWlnrnl! trH • 1·1 C04,IMTY OF ORAMGE 17141!)41:1l3:ll IJlht·., & m1ll111 i.: m,1l'h tn1•\' If '"· 'A•· would bk(' to t.llk In \<OU llur lomp.rn~ offrr.., i.lead) t•mplo) m1•nl & Rood t>Ompan) pultl (r lrl l:t' hl.'Odll!> /\pp!\ tldm 4pm d.111~ ME I.> I ATE LY 1----------11.a ndi.r.ipe & ~1 Jrn K F. Y B O /\ R D ll•nanrt· 1:-;'<J.ll'rll'lll'('d AMF VOIT t-: X I' Jo: It t Jo; N C E matul"l' adult~ Ca ll aft llfo:J~l'FUL WE llAVI~ llou.o,1·warL'l> & Mlfl'A ttrt'" I :llPM 7!11 000'• OUR OWN TR/\ININ\o .,ult~ rlt•rk. l''<Jlt'nem·i> PROGRAM PUT ON HY n .oq'd l'\lll ttml' LEGAL SECY TiiF. COUNTRY'S TOP :»IOI S I h1rh111 SA 1-; 0 I·. OR G I\ "I S /\ (. t: ~ HION 111\JtOWAllfo:. 111i.1 PEOPl.f.o: ('ALL AT lrv1 n 1• 1\vl'. N U 0 N (' to: f' 0 II !i42 I L1.1 u~k for l'h1I !'lush N.11 ofr h11, uul i.landlnll Oflpt~ ror Jlt•r" w lei:at bkJ;?d rn trr.11 hlJl(ahun +i:oofl 'kttl' •--------- IN1'ERV1f:W Olt<li\N HOUSIEt<EEPER l':XCll /\N<it-:. ST/\N NUNN 714 586 7302 Top t·n ofr'.: xl111 ,.11 an cr~a:wi. & bt·n' Cuti Chns. ~o tlOS5 <.'011 ... 1 • .11 Personnel Af'lcm·y. 2790 H.arbnr. ('M GREETERS 7 AM-U Hoon 1 AM · l 'M tomp11ny haa opcnmi.:i. In Costa Mei<a. Sunta l\na & Orange for ollrac· live mulure indlv1dual:. lo grL't't tu11tornl·r~ for new car dealer'!> snvarc dept Some f ll1 11ic & t elf'phonl' work Good swrtm1t salary. udvanl''' menl 1tnd fnnl(t.' twnefrll> Apply Mon thru Thurs from 91\M lo 3PM nt Nu Orm PLa n11 3194 C Airport Loop Or Co!>ta Mesa. 4 da)'l> wk. 4 hrs dur .i 1 ... c prepare t me1il SIOO wit Apply MrK. Gr('1·n I' 0 l~x C. Downey. CA 1"12'111 ----/\l.LJURS FHEt: •-----.. L~Traltte• I l:\lll :ffHI \I I Le1tal o1frr1• an N••"part L[~ The lleach 1:-. looktnl: for n · ·~ty(Jiri"I -.ourcerut. i;dr :.1 Jrtl'f :" ~ boo kk1•1•µl'r <\ 1 ,..~:it ~" "'0,~ tb..11 5 ... RUI I trainel' Sut.1r> , 1•m P" ".:'" ml•ns uralt• w1lh l'X I MTBtVIEW CEMTEB Vl.'rienn· C.ill t.auru FOtt YOUR ·w 1714>7.>ll-0234 I COHVEHlft.CCE I UVl' rn ('ompumnn ~1th \'I I ll~ht hou11e kl'ep1njl ror I l'l.11.1 < 11111.11! widow. Non s mok t•1. ~lu1ppt11).: 1 1•ri1•·1 I 1:-)lgbsh preCern>d. Mu'l I 11•1117W.11awr i\\1· dnve. Plcllsant pnv.111• .., I ·11 I i.ww. Cull IH4·74!JH ;ifl .-,.u1 1• .... ---------•I lluntrnut1111 111 ·"It 7pm_ _ I l'li .11'111 I LO<'k Smrth F.xl'1•tl\•n1 GUARDS lnt•·n It'" 111~· opportwilty for u Lock SECURITY I 11.1111 !t.1111 •111"1 I Smith wlth minimum of 2 trnml'tl1:it•· up .. 111111'' yn. t.•xp Thll> 18 a wurk 11 "r 1 n' •· 11 1 "r ' I 1nl(/mon.1wl-'ml:'nt job Out' to our rcrent t•X I• •1 " I. ·1 11 • 1 ' with profrt ,hunnl( Sn pans1on prol(ram. W1•lls I"' .. t• 11111 1•·1 ' <\I <>rani;c l'o.St•nd ltc11um1· Jo'tlfi;o <:uurd St>rvlrei; h " .t 1 ,. It " 11 ' " I ht Clruw11frl'fi i\1111 • 4311 lurinlol' ~t·unty <iuurd ... I ' •· 111 I' " ' 1 r \ 1>u1ty l'llut I' o Rox for· ·"'rt:nnwiu ... '"" P·•\ I l!ltiO. <:o-.lu Ml':o.u. Cu t"lne/N.wportleach 1 1111rt1 '·"'"'""'' \1111 !~1:?6 s..htAH'.AAOhellft tlun I I"'' "'' p,1, \ntt I 1 I MACHIMIS T Fulestoft/lluetto 'ortc n1 1 .oll mar hr nod I 4 Day 40 Hr Wok Cotto Mflo & Th• I" 1 I ',. •' '1'" I>" 1 1 <t<'f\I ma"rhin~ work on WMtfftr Area I II'"" h 11 1 :I 1 1 1 l I <1ullllty u1>rO'lp1h·t• l'Om I.·• J! u 11 •1 ' ' "' I poneots & asi.c•mbtcr 'I I M M E D I A T I H:ll 11·11' I M u11t b<· ubh' lo worlt Op IN I HG S f o fmm d1•taltt'tf plnnninl( I 1 I I' 1111 .tl 011111 \ i'.t1111h I' I 111K"el& blut.'pnnti; Apply tYper• 1ory ••• _____ .. rnJlel"ll00 7om :ipm.Mon Secwtty Offlcer1 w ----thn1Thur w..tTOP PAY with a ln11uranre. La).t N1Jt IDLEtl ' 11l(nCY nds <'xper pro~·r retpldtd company. ty & cosually iclrt rull or IHOUSTRllS IMC. PIT.1131 1111~ 2101 VoveStreet. NB ln.'\ur1inct• MAIDS E-t1>1'm·m·1't!. rull 111rw ,iJ°"J p~I'\ Ir m1• t;.i2 JOJO MAINTENANCE MECHANICS. 2nd & 3rd Shifts l mm1>d11111• 11µ1•111n i.: ... With prnj?rl'lo!ilVI' l'lllil 1>:my for 111dr\•ldu.1t~ ~ 11 It 4+ '\t•ar' rnduslna l 11l.1nt 1•11pf.nc·nrt• Stron.i t·lt•• tn1•11l 1m1-'<'h1tnil'1tl h11d. I( r o u n d cl t· 1.. 1 r 1• d respon.'>thtltltei. rnl'lud1· reparrr n i.: und tromblcshootana rlll'l fir\ machin~!> and t•t1u1p menl : bwldinit n ·bwltt ina mac·h1n1•1. !'Intl )(t•nt'rut 111.rnl rn.111t t{'flntlC't' We 11rf1•r 1•'(1· .. 111·nr i.11l11r11•' arrd c 11mpt.•I•· t'ompony twm•Crl~. 11111 .. prnm ol1011at op porlun1t 11·~ For itn me<l111ll' \'OOhltl1•ratwn l' 0 n I 11 I I l> r I' I., Sup<•rn .111 .:h . 1714 1 n:n 01tour1~1;1 1 ti2~ 11121. GENERAL TIRE & RUBBER CO Chewlical/Plattlc1 , DMtlon 20GON llalU\ IU , OrllQMt• t:qual Oppor111111t Employer m ,r1h IAltH Sl.00 TO $1.85 PllHOUR PIOMOTtOM CAM PAY TO $4.25 PH HOUR Apply In J>('rson Monda) to F'rldoy. 81\M to ~PM nl · Costu Mt"HI /\µcnry ooeds t•!Cperirnced ~al. Duties Include all ph1111c•11 O( p roperty ('ll!IU81l)' opt>rnU01111. ldcrnl work· lnl( <'OOdH1on~. Top P•(. (or qweUrtl'<I 1mllvldua • GG&.'!00 or 046 32«> EVENING ·~ • MANAGERS WELLS FARGO GUARD SERVICES lllZW C....a.wffffh ,.,...,·cA OR Moadty. Tuuch•Y. wed· nu day, Tburaday . IOAM·4P M, CLOSED P'tidaf at 2JO W w.,,..,. .. 217 S....Ma.CA Slaw~ . .No c..eoa -~-\\Y ~r M/P K.IYPUMCH 0 Moit N'<'~t exp will land this 1>08 w I top co Xlnt potcnt & bcnll. 11W· Ing ghll\, Start u l $710. Call Chrl•. 540 0055. COutal PftWOl\n •I AAcn· C)'. 2790 ll•rbor, CM ALL JOBS f'll 1-: t; t1nd ~h•t )'OU want In Dal2'.!'lot c~n~s._ WI CN'll MOii THA JUST-A &IVING Paid Vacation, Medical Benefits, Rapid Advancement, Retirement. Sick Leave, Pold Training. HO IUlallNCI NICISIAfY NATIONAL CONVINllNCI tTOlll --. I .. •, HlfpWmhd 71 •••••••••••••••••••••• !~~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~!'P.~~.~ ..... ?~~ !~~~ ..... ?!.~ ~!'!!!~ ..... !!.~ Malmenante lod.11mlth & tielCALASSIST. Metff ATTIMOAMT P~RTTIME flrtnllnl( lothm11h au•uiint All ·rala11 back ufflc~ Vlllmnary llc•P t.I~'' * "" PllSSMAH TIH(led for ll('boQI c11• Wiii t1·11111\ QJll nr 01Jiut lJI. bte dftlninl R4'f• OHL y * l,rttor Prcasm11n for =tt ~~r.,~ 1:r~~~cto~ 5.»SllO ~II da.w Mun Wu l''rl Must now be l'ltiplo) <-<I 111 M 1 eh Io V ~ r I r r a I ,..,... •• ..1 ··--------• d.)',i$._141ti fM•tu..,or .. In nn ,mall lk.oitlld)ftfC Pltollen. 11!-w ..._. • -..Qwpmtnl lh •· hu1ld & niuC'l1 hP<'"l'I Ptritnce rt"Q.Ulred F.x Mf6 .......... UnM Aldo 7 3,3 U,11 7 lif)pl bu~ vf mr tf\•lll lln14 S.'5 ~I lo SU GO pt•r hr ccalrnl btherila "fiPh Rapldlyttqi .. ndmK Ot" ef(rf)f't'fod lrnnuir ti ITWllt~Wp \it"tlltll'\1 for rtu•I pna C.ill ~~l'f:.~t'!.la~n~J~;~ ~~1i:~~nf~~·r ~!• 541 ~v llc.p ~ A ':,,.1M 9 ~~\~I~~·~~ Woorty.711 a&84i Calle p ~.-do, 811n JuJn dlvld11ul v.tll b41 r 1 Ml ~ ~ Mo s ii ur profll p I 0 D U C T I 0 M Uipdtr•oo ble for d wnf'rillnlC •• 11 1 1.VN PtH1 ttml' •h1um11 1'"'14 wh1C'hevt•r nAIHllE M•mbly proct"tJu.r dt • • lmmac: 41 \u1d yuu prl' No '"'P n1•1• ., bt o::nln14 toolln• lr"-lnlfltc t..:1·n~ ltcup 0 s A a.ome mar Ullfll>' II\ url nu l('r hOlll' prrnlul'hl. t1• .. 1r/l.W II pro\ladln trC'hntnl tW l fo'or lntt•tv1"w l'all t1fh•t Irvine •r4lll, ll'IUllt p11•11 llaney 8ala:t1d Han1 • ....... , 1 bl UtMtntl»lt.O <'Oftlpuny Ph)'111·11I incl l>\.IJ).,..... ,., &l .. m I)' Nunca Id. l\Jk"l\l'IHM'I bacla:,X-rJy '40 ""30 l\On• m r <·a pa bl• d u1\ ..................... 6. ... • I " '" of asaym1n1 rum~lt't '"""-..... 9 ll •w 11• ••ldl'rl)' P..n um~. 3 d)'• µr wk. EOE <'amt ~ Rt!Q\llrern4'TU t man Corn hu p NU. iu. .. Thun. 3 ) h1 :. r1r ----\lr\lt OJ)t'Ti1tlut11tl r pt1n y t' r "' r n' I ~ I t• CM aru c11111 1.'oll •c-t duy. $3 00 hr Piefer rl.' POOOUCTION CLF.RK ln tho Oran1w l'o ar.-.i nwctwucal u1 n nn• 21.3 27~ ... TRAIN F.f': tn Good Pit)'. 'ac. ho"'''" CYI and\Pltnal lf'fhno.JOJU un .... ~rewn or n\bturi· ht'lpSU)X'rv1.-«>r pn'lltioo" profit h11rin11 .. ork <> JWrl••nct not NUR..<;f:.lll AU>t:S lllof'drd oun o1dult Afl ti . Varied & 1nlNtl!l llnf( 11Jan U.Jl De'crl) too Mt' 119r" Offer u to llh• t•ndn lo~lna 1 dut.l.ftj GoiOO oopor for tbtu f'rl bt'411n \1-'m JJ>m . <'\'11 n1t~•rul 4. dl'ntal ".," t.o the eld• rl)' pu p•DJ TIME advunttment t~Ot: · far u.wt 7b:! l bt'OC'f1t11 Plu • '"·nd rt· t 111 n t • Wt l I t r 11 I n AR 1-·abrolcx ec,rp SS7 7042 M.Ana~t'f for wurno•n• 1umc-to \\ Wri~hl . quullrlt'd pt'rtonnt•I Ra.l l'llt1.1w Sale A1'TP:NT10N 1•ROYESSIONAL REAJ~ &'tr An: SALi';.'\ PF.ll.SONS Do vou ft't'I un<'omrortu hla• in your prt':1l•nt i.11 uu Uoo'• Ar\• you pro1luc:lnf( OlCJrt• but t'nJOY In M 11 lella., Do the l)t'(1plt• 1n your ofh1·•· hE'I P t•uo lribult• to your 11u<·c<.>11" or ure th(•)' nejlutrvt• in d1vlduul1 with no l(ouls or purpo11r 111 l•fl'~ Pert:ua~ It 111 tam'' for a rh11nge Sturl lhc nt•w year In Dana P('llnt in on oil oak. la-¥1ni room t)'Pt' &llllOlil)ht!re whl're you run l'rUOY th1• people with whom yoo work Pll'111w call Oovlo ror II ('0flfld('n llal lntl•rvlcw. 714 493-2752. Real ~tale THINK llG :iUnday Janu•r;y 14. 1srn DAil. y PILOT 0 I ii ~.~~.~ ..... ?!~~ ~~~ ..... ~!~~ ~~.~~ ..... !!~~ R.L SALIS flaltaur1mt Counter Jl(!lp 1--------· Start the >'''"' r1 ght Irvine Cluhhuu1>c Good Sclcc-t Propertlc11 otreni. P3Y. xlnt workrnJ( rond top proan•olVl' rom w 1 full club vnvah•l!C" m1i1111100 Ktheduh-. .111 out Juek 7~ 7500 ~tondlnt( tr41n1n11 pro l•---------i,: r .1 m with Tomm } llopk1ns Pt11st Klan. ,,ro fc-ulonal omcc• on ITW jOf' i-tr1<tta and thl' bt·11l 11talt tn town It'• your futW'\' Ci.11 'fSI 3Hll «;:SEL ECT I PROPERTIES tte5tuurant TACO BELL Job <>PPortunitles avall11· ble Apply 111 per11on l SSSl Brookhurtll St Westmin»ter Must be UI EOE ------- RA.'lll.ll BULLOCKS WILSHIRE Newpc>11 Beach A l1•11d1nJ( fa:.h1on 1ipt:c1ul1ty "ltOrt• an ()rung<· County '" cur rcntly ac<•t•pun.c 11pphc.1 UOOt. for l"u II u nd Pa rt tim<.• pu ... Hion .. 1n h ' followinK ml.'rl'hand1i.I.' area.'I ~ ~IFT'SMOP MAlJUO'n HOTU Exrcllent o ppurt unit~ for lln efftc1<'nt. ptOPll· onented p~r11on Patt t1ml• t'vt•n1nl( hour .. av11tl . 1nt•lud1n~ wffkend1< April Oarn Noon, Mon/fo'r Pcr1w11 net 000 Newport <.:l'ntcr Or NCWPort lklat•h E(!Wll ()pp Emplr m 1 I HELP! Are you lookrng tor .. career oppurt unity •Pt•<'l•ll> shu&> 111 ~n Sc:1t-nt1ru· Unllan.: l'on Eam whHe r<KJi IN1rn All EVENINGS INSPt:C'l'OK TRAlNt:E eu..at Pl1ua to:itp onh tnil ~ t .impu' lh • WJ\a IJVMI Apply 144:1 Adult. wllh OUUit11nd1na.1. No exp necessury <..'Ill.I Shirl .. , 2l:I »114 u.\3:1 Nt,. purl ht• .. th c· • ~or. Nl:l t .. 1 Detail consc1oua EOE 1 , ut rahlW J)C.'r1>orua U1t•11 f''<abrutex (.;a"'. 557.7642 And be bla with .i leading 1---------~Sportswear "°C! Sportswear °"Jewelry DrestAreo Co1111ttlcs Do you h11ve ;, mtn1mun1 of 2 yeurl' direct in d,u i.trial 11u le ~ t>i. penence. An• you w1llln11 to work toward a sccurt• &rewardlng ruture Collt<rt ---------•NUl'flollljl ... tv1 l't\IO)' workin.H with .,. NUllSES AIDIS kid!> SUtrt ol S3 50 pn ------- Rcal &hale Co. Xln t pu) plan, rrullion dollar lot·a Lon. full lame man111(cr Will train new ag1.mti. Call Al Stellato for con f1dent1al 1nterv 1cw Mun•«ie mcnl poi.111011 lt\'Ullllblt> '°' t•Xp ~WI tanl M un1t1et·r~ I\ Mod<4 WI.' fl("iCd n.•'4 tuo•' If )OU tu," ,. h11t 1t h1lw<1 tu bl' II IY\Ofh•I t'lilll UI no\IO Nl~ York Wt• l Model• Stalt' t·•·rt only, '' hr 11 hour VhoncU424~1 fo.\'.t NODUCTIOH J'd hoUtJ11>"' yr St<'k puy 250. tu-.:rwt;t-;N 4 00-) oo IHGIHIB &yv1t•w Convalal·ent, l•M Rupidl,Y expondinit 0 C 20U Thu ri o, C M Atk for Jh" firm 11 looking for J 963-5671 MJJ\Jtater Hapldl) W'""' ln~ NJturJI l"ooo OrJ(11ruut1un vffl'f'll u n ldUll opJJ(lrtWllt) Appl) ut Good E.urth 1-:xt't" Of 11<.-e. llO Nl'wport (.\•rltl'r Dr Ni:wport &ach. H> Appt 75& IS36 831 iOO fMl ~ 1'.:Qual Opportunity Production En1oneer 1';f!!!>loyer 11us individual wall be walker & le11 i.1g Real F.state Management TlAIHH Nal'I firm oHl'nn~ .;~ Jtn•s:s ind1v oppty for tareer w /our nulloni. f1n1•1t Em11ly ~frrvtC'l' Mw,t be Pt"OPIC' orh•nk<I w·sult!S <·xp 11b1hl) Wall tra rn right IHr-. LucrJtiVl' tnl' + oppl ' 111 mn'l)l 10 •. of prolitli Call ~7-7l96 Tlw Prof\'fl .. 1on11l., Moh'I ltotl'I Wiii trarn front dt•!lk l't'nalablt'. full llmt ~sodor Inn 00·41440 LVN Xlnl bt·nl:'f. Hobday pay imrned U11 yvlew C 011 valt~cent, 205S Thuran, t' M 642·3505 Mott'l·Hotel tu·lief ruf(ht 11ud1tor 4200 NURSING cxpeneoct.> prer ~sodorlnn I~ (1840 MOTOR ROUTE Thi• Doily l'1lot has a lari<e route in Nt•wpOrt Beach area , Montla> DIRECTOR OF NURSING ___ _. ... ._ ____ ! lhru F'riday n(tt•rnoonK An immediate openani.t cx111ts for a Director of Nunung experienced in the ('()flvalc:.cent h06p1tal Caeld. The sucC'essful can· dldate wall ali;o ha\'<' a workang knowledge of Mcdlean. Manuf'actunnJt VACUUM SYSTEM OPERATOR We are seeking an 1n dlVldual ex.,erienC'l'<l in v;1cuum i.yslt'm 1111l·r~1 lion Salary l'lllll meni.urute w 1th e' JJl!Ml.'nCl' ('omprchen!lrve 1•1J1ll pany bend1l11 ml'lud anj.( maJor ml'<f1cul and den tal. C<i 11 or u ppl) 111 person. 3!152 Ca mpui. On\e, Nt•wport &•arh (714 I 540 6080 1-;qual Op portunaly Employt•r miflh. TRANSMASK CORP plu. ... Saturday ancl Sun day c:uly mommi.::. Aµ prux 21 :i hour!> per day Small bond requan:d Ap prox1mulc ~rmngli SSOO J)l'r monffi' Must have dependable auto and good dnvlng record. Plt•:.aKe apply 1n person 330W. Bay Costa Mesa Clrc.,.ation Dept. MOTOR ROUTE Our conj!enial facility is a 59·bed convale:.cent ho6p1tal localt:d an Jlunt in&'l.oo ~ach. We offer an excellenl i.alary and benefits package. Cull or apply in pcrbOn to· GGrfield Care Convalescent Hospital 7781 G'orfJeld Hwltinqtonleach. CA (7141847-967' Thi• Ua1lv Palot h11!1 a hir1<e rou·ll' in Newport FWach a rl'u, Monda) lhru l-'r1d11y Uftl•fllf)lllll' plu.-i &.tlun:Jay and Sun day carly momrnJ?s Aµ prox 21, hours pc:r duy Small bond noqwred /\p Equal Opportunity proximate 1•1.1 rntnJ(s, $5001 ___ gmlllipilll•oy11c•r•m-1•f/•h-- per month. Must have _ dependable auto and gooddnvmg record Office Girt Friday Please apply an i>crsnn Part time 9 lo 2 330 W. Boy Salary Open Costa Mesa 675-7796 ------- MATERIAL HAHDLIMG Clrulation Dept. 0Ff1CE MANAGEH Xlnl 1----------1 poi.1tion for l·arcl'r minded self 1nlliatt•d Part.~ stock J>(•rson Ex pencncc dl'sarcd but not required Will train. mu:.l pass com11uny phy111cal in<'I bal'k X ray Irvine 54U 7639 1-:of': --- MOVIE FIRM SES<S 1200 EXTRAS Casting now for maJ film. a ll aj?ci./ty pes. M lo' Except oppt) 10 break into mov 1c:. pen.on. Stat. typinl( rec1 Good benefits . Xlnt workinl( conditions in progrei.savl' Nev.port Center Accounlln~ Firm. Cull Mane al Simona1> & Co. 64(J-1333 $20-$200 per day poss -- -----Matr1Controt · S867 (714 1 761 1244 Vtut;o Offrcl•Munal(cr-Salcs Rapidly grow an I: ('II CAST! NG S EH VIC t: Good opportumly for ao needs pers w i;omt• exp c Now an 4th yeor> vancement. Wiil trnantno in mall'rial control &1----------1 exµerrl'ntc nccl•bi.ary mod typing. Xlnl l)Oll'nl -Mu ... t be 25 yrs old or 1n supt>r (ril•ndl) co NEEDED 3 key peopll' older & bl· avail o n ()uto;tandmg bcni.. c:ill v.1rcal estult'. bm.int·s~.. Soturduys. 557-01124 or Chris 540·6055. Coai.l<il or 1ns uran('e hark 774 ·60!10 . 1!>25 Mes <i Pel'!IOnnel Mll·nc y. 27Y4> ground ~7-0215 Verde 11206. Clltlta M csa Harbor.CM ALI.JOBS FRl':F Opening Cor qualrflod ~ newport hmr.1lyhst Top pa~ 10 Med1r:11 fr1..11l Ufflt•e :Ju.iy N.H. 0 l:J Gyn or ficr Expencnred only need apply Plt•usc i.end resume lo P .0 !:lox 1560. Ca.ta Ml'Sa. 92627. Box 423. Medical UCEfl'T $800 up Busy Dr'!! ofr seek!! l'X per'd helping hand Al trart friet1dly indiv needed lo a11sl rn put1cnl s<•hedulin~. handlc bu~y ph's. IO·key & mod ty11 ing. Call Judy 540 605:> <;oastal Pc·rsonnel /\Ren ry.CM /\LL JOBS !-'REF: -I the bes\ int.cnor dcroral· ~ · • personne ('Cl salon of '79 .. They !.Hf ~. agency It feels I ike horn!:'." -Zz -752·0331 Rruce S48·22S6 Employee Relations orTICAL Adrrun $18,000 COMPANY Admin A'!Sl SIOOO Needs inside person to Lrabihty Ins Bkgd perform various order F.xec Secy Pub l"irm talunl{ & sh1ppml( duties $1000 Mo Must be responsible & re F!C Bkkpr $1000+ bable. Part time to start Genl ore Clerk to S700 wit h immediate full time Biadex 0J)l'rulor Open potential. Rt'cepl/Graphll'S S4hr 556-9570. PtrSt-<.·y $.5 hr Ask for Dick f''ritzer 2l92Murun.lrvanc OPTOMETRIC A ll · Call For Appoanlml'nt st I Rcpt Non s moker, typing, Sal. $4.00 per hr. &»9108 Or*r Delk to $7 50 Co will train. If you are mcch m inded. like know· mg a valve fro m a guage & voltage from am· peragc. Busy desk. lots of ph's. You won't be bored. Call Rita . SoiO-OOM. Coaslul Person- nel Agency, 2790 JI arbor, CM ALL JOBS FREE MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE! Over the counter sules & service. Air operated nalllnti & stapeling equip. Xlnt oper . for so· meone to learn our bu11I ness & develop a career Very llberul fringe benefits. Call for appl. 634·1.J?A ,_ lafonNtloti. ,i. ... cell: (714) 549-7911 Extension 222 We 9Cu,,tc•s24howsoday, '1 days 0 Wffk CALL TODAY! Of'Se.tlt..,.....To; r.o .1e1U4• ....... CA.tJIO> ATTI ........ • Painter We are .eek.in" o relloblc peuon with some x· periencc In palntln11, vinyl, patchlna. etc. Salary commcneuratc w\th eXl)Clriencc. F.njoy xlnt C'OMpany beoeffl•. aP!'I)' Mon/f'rlf 9Am·U NOori. Pel'IOflne . MAIUUOTT HOTB. llOO Newport Center Dr ~Beach Eq~ <>rp:r Employer l'b!ltl' UJ) l)<'n.on, url •'Ii hludt:, ullcrtiStinR work 4 day, 40 hr. wk $3.00 hr start !r19· 7660 PAY TIH>SE Chnstmas bills rasL Woman needi; lb50C part or full time . Men. women or cpls. Whish!. d1s tr1but1on. 64.2-8007 PBX Answcrlnt: service operator full & PIT . Call 83.S-3"56 l PBX OPl':RATOH Orlillge Co i\rprt arN. inter busy s wilchbrd. fo'tr & PIT day shaft:. E.O.E Many blmof1ti.. Pay according to l'XP 546-3333. ~-3333 Perfect for mom:. & stu dents P(f AM./\\.: S4·S7 per -Hr. Must have car 11.B. West. Mter LO AM Made Fres h Cutcrini.! flrl.6466 if nu ams ev111' 645-6786 Pt'rmanent rull l1mt· pel'800. wantro to train on slicing muC'hanc Xlnt startini< salary. flexible ho urs. ideal Job for tesPonsible pcn;on Mall· preferred. Call Lori ':. Kitchen artl•r lOAM for intcniew 979·0747 PESTCOMTROL Steudy JOb for rl ghl person Tramct• Prom shBring & group health. Apply Mon. 91\M noon Uoyds Pest Conlrol 500 E. Oyer~ S.A. _ _ PHAJlMACY CLERK Exper, F(f. No nights or wkends. ll typing rcqd. Apply 1n person t o N c w p o r t C e n t <• r Pharmacy. 400 NowPort Ctr Or, NB. Pharmaceutical PRODUCTION SCHEDULAR l·J Years exiwriencc mantlactunnlo! schedul· an~ prererubl y 1n ''1tam.m/pharmacl·ut1ct1I field. Handle work or dl!ri;, schedule plant equa pm<'nl and da al .,. work :1chcdule. maintain records or production, handle lrKhl typing and office duties. Pl<.'use cull to arrange interview ap· pomtmenl. Curol Kuffmo ANABOLIC, IMC 17802 Gillcll.4! Irvine, CA 92714 1714 )546-8901 ex 35 r,·.pon s 1bl1· for cJ~umentmg assl'mbly µroeedurl'S. dci.1gnang toobng, traininf & pro· v1ding techmca support for the assembly of Kpec111I compasses & cameras. Reqwrement.s. 4 ycur 1> colleg e. mechanical enginecnng or tndustnal technology work expericnl•e not necessary Offl'r l'X cellenl medical & dental benefits Pleuse send rc- :.ume to. W . Wral(hl. Sc1ent1f1t· On lhnll Con t.rol. 4040 Campu.s Dr . Newport Bea l'h . CJ 9'Sill PROGRAM AlDF.. CETA po.'lilion. mw.t bl' un employed ror 15 wks und Fountain Vall<'Y rt•!lt · dent Position w /~rowth dub. fV-/HB 40 hrs wk Contact Lmda Goodneh. 549-4344 o.r 549·7129 Real Estale Sulcs l'Ull1pl time.• L1c1unlac F.am while you lt•:Jrn ... arm & ranch bn>kcr. Call for uppl. 675·2207 If no an.-.. call utia 1n. REAL ESTATE SALESPEOPLE Wesley N. Taylor Co 1s a J3.yenr old firm v. holly owned & oix-rated by llli founder Wc arc not <1 subs1d111ry. branch or franrh111e · ht>adquarlers wtlh around-lhc-l'lock access to munagcmcnt for 88SISlunCl' Jt any lime. Our in·house video lupe listing & sales tru in 1n~ proi::rum by Tom flopluns 1s the f1nt.'Sl n•al (>slutc trarnrng a va1lablt· We hatre an opening for 2 11alespersons with un- lhusaa:.m. l'harnt'ter & antegnty to mutl'h our high s tandards Your own privUll' desk and no parHimt' s alcspcoplt> Comm1ss1on split up lo 70' ~-lnt.ervrew by ap pulntml'nl O(llY WESt.t:YT/\YLOR ('O Realtors 644·4910 RMI Estate Solu L1cenl>ed . expcrrenc-ed f'\.•al estate agents. Lusk Heally has a new altraC' live oCfrce an Huntrngton Brach /!cs a d1vis1on or John D l.usk & Sons Compuny, we offer ex cellenl proft>:.Saonal working condrt1ons and have variou~ 1·um llUSl!ion plans a' a1lable For additional anforma · lion call 714 -960-4361 Recepuon 1s t rr y pa !> t Wed & f'r1. II to 5 Other days to swt mutual need Job could be s hared by :! people Supenor tYPIOR s lalls & ne:Jl appearan<·l' des ired Cull Patlyl· Smith . Amencan Mo Ped Asl>OC 1&2 Langley Avc. l".SSU.8961 Receptionis t for bus)' llunt Ekh Doctor's of fice 002-8200 ---RECEl'TIOHIST l'art time I to 5 pm for NB. Developer L1h· ly p. Ing. $4 per hr 67S·491 I l<ecepl1on1st for bus} bl.'auty salo n Pn•(t•r fashionable pers on. also Kood opPortunrty for ad vancl'ment. Richard Ouellette Beauty S11lon :n> NewPorl Center Dr NB RECEPTIONIST for nutionul homebw Id 1ng company lle1·t1<· front ofr1<·t'. he11 v) phones 3 day~ per Wl•ek 546-lttll H<'<.'Cptlonist /Typ1sl . Boal i.alt>s off1c·i: Weekend:-.+ 2 In :1 v.ericdays Good typan~ & aptitude ror ftl(ures rcq (.Ult &'75-3282 WCl.'kdayi; Rece pllonast·Sl'c rl'tu ry for busy Dental specaully prat'tare needed. Ca 11 l)44..oo8J ------RECErTIOHIST Our i::rowini.t u1:t·nl') seeks alt racl tnd 1 \ wt mod typ1nl(. ~ood math & out~o1n~ personalrty. to hJndl" vanety of dulll'l> l'e r ... rc-turnani:: lo work forcl'. 0 k M u s l I I k l' ;1 rhallenge Ca II Curey l''ox, 540-GOSS. Coa:.lul PcNOOncl l\j.?elll'Y· 2WCI llarbor.CM /\Lt.JOBS FREE Refrigeration Mechanic 2 3 years expcn l•ncl' with rt.>friiteralaon assembly and . sub-assembly plul> knowledge of p1p1ni;:. rhem1cals. condt'mH·r~. <1.l' • rl'QW red An Equal Opportunity Real EBtate Employer M /F l:ialespeoplc. Prc11t1ge of We orrer <'X cc llent salary. promotronal OP· portun1tics and company benefits ancludin~ p111d medical und ltfl• 1n surance for employees and dependents. Plcasc contact Employment Of nee ---------•I f,ce. Your own desk Top LEAR SIEGLER P H ONE INTER · VIEWERS for Mkt 'g Research Co No sulei1. Ptr. Will train. Tustin. 731·7991 Kath=-y_. __ PICTURE FRAMER Expr'd or will truln. Port or f/Ume. San Clemente area. Days 49'.l-6224. eves 492-8273 ask for Trm PiWI Man. t'xperienced. URGENT 549-1511 PIUA Help Wanted. Call today. 548-786.1 Preschool Te acher . exper only Ask for · Patti, 646-43186:00am ·8:30pm. Printed Clrt'uH Boards opening for ort work. 2 yrs min exp. SS.SO hr. Min. apply al 3002 S. Oak St Santa Ana Printing STRIPPER/ CAMERA OPR. Black and While llne VoU'll. For l11e. 11nd am. prttae1. Proceaa up helpf\11 TICHMIC4L PUIUIH1"4t SYSTIMS 22'30S~t Drive AnaMlm, CA 93808 (714) 831·0531 comm. Work with a broker that will ht'lp you ~et listings Over 30 yri. experience ~w~~ Albert Pusse ll Realty C'o. UlDCWH Olt,N.I, 63l-SlS2 Sell thmgs fast with Dally Pilot Want Ads. TRANSPORT DYNAMICS 3131 W Segerstrom Santa Ana. CA Equal Opportunity £mployer m/f /h mecnab / Irvine realty REAL ESTATE OFFICE MAHAGEttS Two <'Xt'C'ptionnl oppnrtun111e:., MlJcnnb·lrvine Realty C.:ompttny is i n vi tinl{ nppl ic:ition ~ for two manHi!Crs Onl' for our t.•xistm g. ~ul·ccssful Cnmpus Vltllf•y Off1t•t.•. One for our nt•w WocKf hri<iJ?e Office which will opcn upproxamntely July. 1979 An cxrellent opportunity to join this 1-trowinl-( profitubf (I Subsidrnry of The trvinc Company. Compcmsntion Open. Preference to applicunt with City of f r vlnc resident lat re-sule ex pcrienrc. P'or Int r vrew ca ll Bruct• Borsomlan or John Murnab (7 14 l 642·8235. Or wftte 1n confidence · John M ocn nb. 1' Ha rbor 1 ·lond. Ncwp()rt Beach. CA 92660 RE'STAURANT COOKS & COUNTER PERSONNEL If you an· lookan.: ror .in 1• x r i t 1 n g (' a rt' •· r 1 n ru~h1on merrhand1i.tn11 pleliSt> <'Onl11ct Pcri;on net Plt·a:.1• Jpply 111 pen.on Mon thru f"ri J..5 PM ll3 Fashion l11li1nd Newpurt l.icut•h Car allow11ncc. l>alar) +commtSsion with ti 'u<· CCll!lful Stllblc compan} can equ.I a brl'lhh·r more prospt>roui. rutun· ror you Call l,1ndu 213415-S348 Hew RestCllll"Gftt OpH· lnCJ Oft Edln9er & Gdhsd. t;Qual Opportunity Cook1 Clftd Co.,nt•r -•-£•mlilp•lolily•e•r •M•/•fo'--1 SALES J.C.PENMEY 24 F'Olhioft lslmtd Newport .. och P«'IOllMI w• nHded, parMh• and full.time, SAILBOAT SALESMAN dclyl and ftlcJhts. Experlt'nCl' prcfrrn·d hiAs 1mmediat.c opcnrnl( Cor eomm1ss1on selhna spt>caall. t in Camera" Xlnl company benerr~ Appfy In person. I01tm 4pm. Mon thru f"n .,,., "'fM"°"· THI· day. January 16 throu9h Saturday Jmwary 20, 12 Hoo" to6PM. *Carl's Jr.* 7492Edift~ HUMTIHGTOH BEACH Equal Opportunity Employer M / f Remaurant COUNTER PERSONNEL $3 per hour to stort. Pcri-timt days. 20-25 haun pw wffk. Apply "' fM"O" 2-5 pm. 1'.Ms- day tttro.)h S'aturdoy. Taco de Carlos 1740 E Dyer Rd. s.to Alto, CA 280 lristol Costa Mesa, CA 26241 A.Hry , Parkway ;.i lillssiott Vl•jo F.qual Opportunity Employer M 11-' Hcstauranl FAST FOOD F./\RN ssss·s llousew1vl•:. Appl" fo;xpundtnlo! rl'1olaur.rnl chain wath ovt·r 50 un1t:- Fam1ly-0wned orJ?antza lion oHcrs Pll'ai.ant work111j.( rond1t1on" Good opportunities for advuncem<'nl Jo:xccllt•nt company bend11i. f':x penencc de:.1red. ('ull Betty or Larry 644 2<11.t orapplh Ritt• .. I 6 Fashion llland Newport leach Kona Munneb75·1403 F. O.E. M/F Sallmaker wanted 1-:xµ preferred but wall tram 631 4660 day:. n75·505!'> ---------l•ve:. SUI~ /\ Nf~W (.'i\IU-:1-;1< ,\Wi\ITS YO l'.:Xpt..•n<•nrt• thl' n·ward:. 11( ll pro~rl'i.•.tVt• CO Ot>' clop st>lf l'Onfidcnc<' prof mrom1• w 1th 1·on t1nuul tr;11nm1: 673 1D90 or n7:J 4331 Sall•" dt·rk full tamt• nt"'(ll'<l tor i:ourmt·l loocl :.ton• 111 l'oslu Mei.a i''or J "" t !).fg.9'l82 SALES CLERK RetJll Marrnt• llr<lwr StOrl' :.t'l'k:. :-all·~ p1.·rson lorlnunt~po:. v.1th1•\j.1 an bo:•I'-& relJlt•d hardv.an· .Murana Im• Nut1onal l'o with Lill m11 Jor bcnd1t:. W1·ckt.·ntl v.ork a mw.t No l<ay orr ... Call T Walker Mon l''ri ~I to 5 pm 714-49:1·4455 1-:01-: SAJ.t~ C.."LERK ·Pn•i.ttl(I.' Druw;tore. Newport R<·h fo\Jll t1ml'. ~wrmunenl. .., o m t• w t• 1• k " n cl " Bcnef1l:. n75 0151 Mr Elwood Sale. Carttr Opporlwtity With badin9 National Company Need enenH·trc mt>n & women Qm earn SIOOO .1 wk or mon· cvcn<lin.: machine:. J Com J)ll.'tt· lrttlOIOA P<'rlOd. -.nmt• travl'I 754-126'.l SALESCLERK SALESLADY for exelus1vc ctuldren',.. swe. So Coast Pia.ta i':Xpenence tssenllal IA: Mal(asin Phone 549·858:i Sales Life Insurance TF.ACllERS Ila" pm p<>sallon l3 c·aused you to seek a new career·: Our 64 year old CalarorntJ company htts sales 1111 portun1t1es throu~hout Orange County Wt-:OFFt-:R •Salary ~ comm1!>l11011i. + honus •Quabfrcd leod prol(ram •Profess ional l'l'Ulrkel • /\ 11 m d Jo r ( ri n i.! ,. bl!neftl'- •Trainanl( program Ir your ambition l'XCeect-. >OUT present opi>ortun1 ty. pleruk: call Mike V Jll Sackh· at I 714 1 558·~ :1:\ for t'nn f11Jl'n 11.tl 111 tervi(·w CaMfomia C.....tty aad Lif• IMWClftC• Co. 1631 No Bns tol Santa Ana. CA 9'l70h An equal opportunit) employ<'r m tr Needed for hardware ---------• distnbutor Manne ex· pcnenct• ncce..,~ar~ Q 1ll 54!.19671 tor appoanlmt•nt &.deuuL-. EOE 1\1 F II SALES MAICE THIS YOUR LAST JOB! Sale. Beal the h11(h cost of '" * Franchis• SolH • m~ Cull on industnul rommcrC'ral ad un<I m T r J \ t' I .1 I! 4' n l' Y st1lutJonal arc·ount ... w11 h fo'runch1sor :.t•l'k" pro h h I 1 fess1onul sale•-. Pl'OPll· a II{ q uu •tY in1· ul f'runch1,.r & Or tril\l'I hlo!hltnl( product-. 1-:, lndU!.ll > tw1·k1:r<1und pcnenct• not nccl's:.ar} ht• Ip r u I M r 11 u} d W<• train you Oevt•lope J Jitood re~ul buslnl'S:. al J !Wl-OO()I __ __ __ h1gh rull' of romm1ss1on SALESGIRL P I u .., b o n u " c " . for TF.NNIS S llOP .in hotlp1lahtat1on plan. rt· Cdm f'IT.expcr.A:.kror t 1n•nll'nl and olh1·1 M bent'flli. aiune, 64-0-4172 CA.LL MR. ECHT Saln/Hordwo~ (213) 380-8484 Frr pos in retail store. 011 t:quul Opportunity Sun or eves. See M1kt· or Employer M 'F Slv, H.W Wn.:ht Co. 12G 1---------Roche:.ter St . C M Classified Adi.. your one :-lop shoppin.i centcr Sale:. PVT' PllONfo:SYSTt-:MS 2411r Heeordin.i540 112h ONE OF AMERICA'S LARGEST IS LOOKING FOR ORANGE COUNTY'S BEST! ······· .. ·· .M iker & Lee Real Estele. one or AmerlCI • llfQllSI •nd~l'ldentl)--o~ real eatate companies 11 IOOll•OQ tor e 100-notcl'I uie.oerson ro ,,,11 our tMne and Newoort BNCfl oWces ti you i:x:meu 1 burning deelre to turn OPPORTUNITY into flOol'Wltng ~ IOI You 1llld the CO(nOlny YoU WOtk tor 11 vou wt1nt to be ,,,. bMI 1n ll'le field ol IHI eetate and in tum be rewarded Wttl'I the beSt tl'lat lteld "" r--c:::::..-7 to offer WE WANT TO TALK TO vou• n. ... Xnaya\919 OR WaUwr 1: I t:tt Rft,111 .. 1.11 ~ ·~ ~ I ; EnlrY 8111\b ,. ....... Al ! Al Wlllllr I ~ Offtcel An Eouel °'9ortut11ty £mf)IOv9r • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • H • • • • • • • • •. • .. • ••.• ..; , • DJ-I DAILY PILO T ~~~ •...• ?!~ ~!~ ..... ?!!!!~~~ ..... ?! •• llcydtt 1020 ,.. ... ._. 1050 1h• S. IOH ..................................................................... HelpW~ 7100H.epW•ect 7COOHefpW..eM 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• · & C Black n1hdl• q n an .,. lla)'I RJvtt Cr .. l'V ••RY 1ofabed with AM/fl'M Vac uum . I•• 11 tv , SALIS CLllK t-ltt11bJ11hl'(i Ma11un1·1 v St-On' nft'd:I 1n1udt "l•h·' OH1r.-!luppl) t \I" htofplt.ll, but nu• ,._. Fr 1n11c bt:11eofll11. tt rvu1.1 lntdl('OI, pd \ IH'4l1U.l II holul.a)'ll "'vr 1111pt 1 "II ftetty 751 1732 S;a.ll'!I Ptr 'lllt-:-~·r Mlll l11 1N11rk CVefW)IL'f. l'Xpt•n1•n1·t• "' will t rurn r 1~ht pt•r1m11 Apply 1n pcr1100 A11k for Mr Omnon lfwnph1ll ' Shul~. 54 fn•hmn l11land, NH A44 4223 ~. r r .. 111tl 11 I su11>1 111111 1~;,t1I hlf' Nl"r tl•·tl .:1r1 ~ I\ IJIOIC ,. b1 w1li.k1 1•p1n.: ,.,, n1·m~ in c on .. trUI taon u"111· Ci.al l Mij ~ AA S ~U'Tl SICafT •• y /l.Mfo' t'-SW c1 lf')!al .,,~ n ·l MI') -.htlf'lhJnJ t. t.lornt',11• lufll\.' I uv .ti.ii') ( it II .aft 7 j)nl b44 l"I" S!CRETARY ,~,,~ W°""'.111 lntn I h.a:. :in 1mmc'fi1nlt' vut·an1·v fnr a -.tWJ v t•nt•r )(4'1 11 md 1' to 1111 lht• duul IJO"ttlon uf 11t•r.l411uwl po yroll & vro dul'lltJfl w1·t1 y Sil not "'I.I· hut puyrnll t•x1>r. )(d 1v11m.: 'lkalb & th(' ot11hty l•11lt•JI wtth 11 tlt'lllU1ld10J! woirl. lo.td 11> l''M'lll 111 I 1-.llpt 1n l11•r..,111mt•I de .... r.ahll· Sula1 v tw•1c·<1 up TYPIST FLY FREE WITH OFFICE OVERLOAD 1':urn u mah• un hour bonus for each hour on an OHtrt• Ov<-rloud Temporary assl~nment towards u flt111Unotion or your l'hoicc -air or ship travel. Work luc·ul utcsbcnmcnts with top pay. Open to nil s kills. Coll for on appointment. !O·X.1tl':rA RV / lt«'<'PI llrand nf'w <"orpornlt fldQ\n lorotf'!d in lrv1nt l72l llrch stnet ..... ,.,. ..... 517.00.1 t8~ 1wa .. 1mrn1'I VU•lllon open '>ervlt''• RUllon Attt'n !1.11 •Hrt,tary /rt•t rp dant Hpt>r'd Oay & \.UlfU I W 10 Wt•M. offlt·tt f. ,.,· t\IJI. p/Um'° Ap nil w.llh •1!'1 i1c't'TN1tr111I .,1 '""'·.JI "•at.ton l1lh a, 11111 rtoq, C.11 MtllllHi iii ,,..¥:.~"'Nu-• ~wlJl·BUrh ~ 1311 rvu..-, _ -----~ '8 'il'rvltt> Cleril for Printing Shell/Mell Clettl FMhkln bland ftnan<'e attrv ice• f irm. ••x encf! ~·d 3G9 San Dr .. 112100. Nwprt MM>123 SICalTAIY Co Maturt· ~ponalblt> --------' ., •• If 11t1arter No exp STOCK h at mark lma Ir , ..... , nt.~'t"'\11111')' M4 8233 d111t ul t'aahJon 1111 Jn ROOM vl'•tmt-nl ft'1rm t:ou1l Servl<'l' 11tallon .ettrn ,1;111,. up tl'~ ('a ll tlanb, full llml'. Lile CLERK IA.>0113 mtt<'h 'I knowledtit' a for Krow1na Newvort fleaeh real <'lltatc-firm. S1tlu r y lH11t:d on quahf1cal.lon. 640.5112 S Jo; <: R fl: T A It I t; S , TYPl.STR. &it• our dl11 play ad under Clerfrul Norrel l Temporary S..rv1rt.'!I ml.lilt Nt-t a ppearaoct' • b1.tndwrillna Apply 2:5llC> Newprt Blvd. C M. St.YV Sta Help nctlded im med. t-uu or ptt. Apply llliO E Cat Hw y, N.8. SMpptr-ln•...tory Sporta1wei.r rnfK. i1teody- ~ pay 642·3472 1.-r1ee 1nde~ndcnt oll companr locitted In Orange County. has 11n Immediate opening for an l~lvidual with 1& GMC parts back11round. 1l1ill ill »n ~xcelhinl op portwlity for the n,.iht penon. 1'>'t*t. ~off. fllilllC H1 Pi MflJ. Xlnl. futurt• 56Nl.93 TYPIST Cttat oppty rOf' tlpl.lt In ~ C.C.·nwr ,aw Of Uc .. M1111t type 70 Wf•M. leaal oJJ pfr. & dll' uapnone pref Knowlrdttr ol word Pf'OC'et11tor l'<f uJ s> will be a blJ( plu11 644-6400 Vf.'lenoary chnlc n••d• ti•I I' rr who 18 free to work OtJ!jblt llf'~UH'. s.ind ro um.-to Mr ~~ (;oronado Or', Woller . wa1treH. t'!I p . prh <'OUnlry dub. c11l for appt fl44·MO-t _ WAITRESSES, f'/tlm1" over UI. Co11Ul(ht Bro1kr w /lru 1n !'148 ·7948 / ~ I'!.-radio In arm . $125 wuher, furn, elt·. u. •'~~x~ .. ~ 9eK-0208 Part• 6 repalra •II 1~ ft ff /W <'h••c kfd 100l.8. P/F-S/S rdn•c. make•. C u a tom b ll couch. waltlut ll1m. •JOO. =lei AJJek back o~ 122 ~~.;BlvdCM Greetbuy.ttO-mti l'tl~~~ . Sat/Sun "2-7'10 2 Dinette Sch. Deft. ----------s 1 e ~ p,. r 1 of a . &\.Ill.I family taraa .. suit', Z1 lo. bo)-1 rocloa blke. lO Rtlri~rator Kar 111 matt Sat/Sun. Pu rn, Sp•n 1pud Lamana Cen· • box •Prr.'. Couch. 2 cbandfU~r11. blkft. b1i1r. tllrion, 16S 84$-0TN or chain. Lamps. Must Wyll etc. IM31 8annml( 548-3'ee Mtl ! 6.18-GlM. 11.nt 8th -...~u.M Ma&. Schwinn Scrambler. Toplhape.$11JO &42-4I09 toll ••••••••••••••••••••••• AfJV IHIM4 Km ""c: ('JIA ff•I"., '""' "44~1 ~.~ ............. ~!~~ St IMlrnartJ p11pp1f>~ r.-rn , "how q11ahl I tlhrA.t, N'H fAJ UJ" AKC ftf'llJIAWM (;erman bhepfH'Tfl Vupp14"1l llOO.fl780 ~ I r.M ----AKG regl•ltr~d ff11 "'f>l llound · Mah• ~·1 mo ~ horM-With ynrd Sl75 499-4146 ltf1il1•r"llt t1f>'9 r ti lflf• tlf.,lfJ ft"W, _,,,.,,. Nlfh """'''-!'ltt tmt A/lf•fll( f/INI n ltWJ,., t11tt t i'; I "°" W ~ •flio• """' ltU ft-1 "-1 " "' IJllAl'l,J • ThT-,,,,,, .. •I-~ ~., t,u;Ae. ,.a1 lc •lttt ,., ,, '~"'· '" I All ,1;.'1 fflf'l'ht.ll'Jti ti~'' ''·' •II '"'" ~~ ,.,, .. , ~,,, 4 1"111 " "' U..rlcllnr 1 v .h u i. ,,,.,111101" ....... -.-. '1'. 3blJO bClc iwtJt ,v-.. 1 """'" r,...,ohmc trlf"At '"" '4·, idra.,er. ty",.it1 r1 t •r h1d•a•a). 17. ~t • ti<~ t'U'I. b 1k•• Mj l'M*l l 'I rhlh f TV, btr l-• 1 t~f\'~. r.atPf'l ll hiHll V'#?, •lllA ttAk f"ll •hl , 11 •Al ""~T , r. '"1 t;: "" H1f "'1, lftru 1 I • ,_ • J,f,ita '" m1~ ~ '' "' ._AM '"''" Y.it"1} ~I It" l ,,.,,.,,,_ · l •tn1h11 • • ,,,.,,, """"'• Jubl•J 1.-rr , iMJ : -Jrrlti' 1. (,.. ~H.'lf Ar1hq_, "''""'~ • ~,1,. ,....,.. 4' t~m v • ~ t ... r. .,..,n .. r1J1tv' A~· '• 111 fb sal~peopll', for promo teons , neut '1i h rai:hl \lul>t hn\t' rar c;111xl •lr• 11orturuty with Jtrmuni: r· o m p a n y I. t' a d ' funushed ll1f.h f'omm Hll 090 2 ( IJ '>';,,I (' t;ruphi<'I IMI l'XJll l'IP,I"' 1'1111 fnr ---------· u11 ••Piil. .Jant• i\.,k1n ---------•I ~.t.'l 971 l Shipping & Receiving We offer un excellent st.art.Ina salary and itood worttln,: condlt1on11. For Immediate considera tion, upply ln person or c·all· W rutr<'5Se'l /I t<>11te1111ei. to' or P /tlmt. day" or nttljll. Apply in pe~on Nunwro Uno P1z'ier111 . 1.11120 Brookhurat. 1-·v lnah St.-tt.er pupp1t"ll !\KC ~ Ch.amp. line. ISO ea '7»1194. • DINA« Sri l>rt"'llf'I. roond oo IQ fJ , i rh~"' l1k•· nt-w, ~ Wall lfl()o\l ntt'd l.ll'Ut. w"lnut, 2 "'t t "" 32"' s.50 9Ct 964S Mr1¥1t: y,,4 n11rt>#' s• • •.lj ........... ll ... ~,' {,~~"""fl fr~ l.1ff't1m .. ••I ,,,,,,.,, .. &o11l ~un ll t•• 4 4!•11'. (Jr fllff• AvH. M SAl.ESPatSOH I-or Oran•w C'11u111 y .11 '"' ~·t'rt'tar)'t (il'n 'I off1t•1· 'l\'1.11.mc. s 11 ... tt· <: M .irt·o 7 14 li42 041 l or :!1:1 :lil 34.2!) LJ/ld i.1 J11h l'Oto1ls t·11ll111~· 011 !:wc·n ·lar y, l'T, ti J1>m .1ut.omob1lc deulc1 S5 00 pe1 hr <.;ood t)'111n11 R & F Jn~ Eiq1 lh•q. Call &fTERPRI SES (fS1 1337 11 rvine1 < '.ull John Ft•lll'r al 642-3012 SALES/RETAIL Of<• Suppbe~ & pnntini: I'' Tix~ avail, Tu1•i. lhr u S .11 f' h I or !I II JI t • 7141:-.V7 U212, 11Kk for Mr W1·~l Nt•W1H11 t Sl.J t IOllt'l I> J 1)l' SALES H1·1·1·nt 1<rnduat1• 1n h1olo1<u«1I or n·lutt•d ... 1·1c•n<'<'8 to bf:' tra1n1•d fur ,,,le. of dtal(m~lll' k1l11 for J?TOWIOll ('ompan)' 1n ~(·wport. 714/f>.1!"> 2111 C..J\U::S STOP! LOOtUHGFOR ACA.1111 Of'f>OaTUNITY. \l;iJo r tlr a ft 11111 ~ ,. 11 I( Int'<· re n 1< ' u 1111 I y hou'>t' hJ11 1mmt·ll111 h· •IP('runl( for Ol(l(rf'fo.•.1v1" • .1 r <'er m 1 n d t' d 1 n •It v 1 due I lo <'a II o n 1•;,tabhi.hl'd prot1·tt1•d 1t·rr1tory Min :t Y" 1hrt•l'\ l>Ule!> l'Xpt'Ml'nl'l' pn.of1·rrl'd Rt-('t-nl flulury hL'il.Ory required St1lurr 1 l'11mm1si1ion & 1·ar u h1wanl'1· <:11od rnnj(I'' l'all l.indu Jt HISIHH1 4!1:J 43.'>-~~Mll SALES ...,11 lancd outi.1d1· "·"'" IO• .. now OtH•n f111 111·1 ... w t•xp 111 1·01 r1~1 ut 1 d •a rd hoard S oft '111 'HIU1. rl j.tht 1>1'1 '1 v.111 huv.-mi:mnt oµpt v < :1M11I ht'ft'>, -;tart 11al to ~)(1 1 "omm + hoflU'> Call 1'.11 \I 1-< • I a 1 n :. 4 o till'1 .• I ·111J.,l.1I l't•r ,onrwl Ai.:t•n 1y,2700 lfarhor, ('M AU. JOUS J-'111• I' -..uJt.,, TRAIHEE l)y11um1<' pt•11µl1• IH m • \l1Ur.t•lf 11111 ltl ,, 1 a rt·1·r w 1:xpandm1< 1•11 llnlttl mkt /gu.ur 11ul + bonu' ('all ~~7 ?111:1, l1ntl f'tl l't•o.onnl'I ~·r1111·1-. t:.CMI J\dum.'\, < 'M SALES TRAINH l'art urrw dnyK <:01111 t :omm it .:. m~ -.:111dw1rh Shop Taki• out "'11111 "'rt, 10.1 m !!11111 :~1mu for 11 ppt Scoffold &ectori lmmt·d1t1te OPl'nlnK., SECRETARY WORD PROCESSING NB low rirm i.1·ck1nn hr1i:ht, £'fr1c . '>l'l'l )' rur OIH!rul1nl( Vydt't' word vrot•t•1111m1: h)'l\tem ~ "''" lt.'i;ca l sel' dut1•~ Top i>k1Hs nd£'d in d l y111n1:. KO IUOwprn rrnll b1·n1· S aJ r om mt•1111ur11t1• w /t!llpcr. I J l\Jl 111.'. 7 ~ 0700 SECRETARY MAJUCETIMG S!IOO UJ' M11·ro el•·<·I rnn•<'' firm in Irv 1r11Ju.,t1 'I comph.,c ha.'> an 01>1•r11111: for JO t•x (l••r ti \1 ,1r k1·t1n 1: St-t·rrlury T h1 '! p u " rt'<I ' top '4'f'rM8nal "lk1lls a' wl'll ,.,. t•xf)t'r 1n rontru1't .11) m1n11>trri t ion. pr11p11'1.tl pn•parat111n. «ui.tOml·r •inlt>r proN'MlnR. oral & wnlten r·ommun11:at1oni. ~•th nislom('r'>. ~ rf"um1• or t all fur IJ'.'r.-ICICIUI 1nt1•r vlt•W 171'1 ) 5.S7·7llOCI Jol\nn Ol~cn f:NVlltONM ENTAI. ('OMMl'N ICATlONS INC :Jl'.O l'ullman StrN.'t t'11o,t.1 M<•,.,.1, < 'u 92626 SFC ·1n:TAHY . t-:x1> ~1rl f n11.1v 111'1.,.lt-d for l 1t1rl 11.1l•·nt 1,1wvt·r" orr Npt ,11 1 .. <:1111d t y IJlll It & ·.l111rt h11ncl i.ktlh; r1'<1tl t ~•II 11441-!117:.! for appt ~04·n•lary (;1•11t>r .1 I olf 11·1• I .1.iunJ art·a 1''11 II I 1m1• Mon ~'rl Must tyl)t' 15 wvm J•r.-ft·r mutur1· lll'r...irn C<tll 404 8:>7 1 M•IO ,.'rl !I trJ 12 SECRETARY-GIRL RUDAY Gett.rat COfttradon offlu. Salary c011WMnwrat• wftttup. R~ ,0 lox 7250 , Newport 1.ach, 9260 SECRETARY ( 'llfll\trU<'llon / 1•nJ? inN·rln r or 11• n l ~· d ~ t' t• n • t 11 r y n•~'l'lrd for 1mmt.'d. po111 I 1110 w11 h Nc•wr>11rt 8c-1t('h t1rv1•lvp1...r Salary <·om ml'm1ur nll' 1·xpf'r11•nce. Nik for l.ynn 752 1904 <:onstru<'tlon 1•xpPr Secretary <;111 forlduy full h1•lpful l'uy could ht• lime for mtenor dt•io.ii.:n ho u n l I f u I C.: it I I f1nn 1n Npt. B<'h !15:1 W33 7 14 1752 7761 bt'twn - Kllm Spm_. _ Classlfil!d Ada ·- •SECRETARIES* R Jo: /Le1<nl TopCo'i. lrv1Nll Sl:iK i'.Jnployt:rs Pay J\11 t-'1ot•'I I.it Rt>indM'll Al(en<'y 4020 Birch. Sl, Stt• 104 N1·wport Bt-ach. 833 11190 <:i11t l"or Appt/E!Jtab '64 SFCRETARY trYPIST We ~ n very capable pt•rson lfl "har e lhl• work of our bUhY fin11n1·111I <'on :.ultm~ 11taff If you lukc• pride in your t y p 1n)(/SC<''y 11k1ll:;, hk1· lo work hard & bl• wt•ll t.'i>mpen.'lall'd for your <'r rort.".I, c·all 759 I IKJ for m wrvww. HUM Mt•mory Typt.'wnte r t r a 1r11n 1: helpful ) SECRF:TAltY SPECIAL SECRETARY Clerk lmmOOlate opening Will he respoM1ble for stO<'k r«"Of'ds nnd prOCetJSltl ~ ~ lncomlnl(/outgolng or· den Some heavy Ufti.nl( <50 pounds). F:xpcnencc IJfeforred. We oiler excellent lit11 lary u.nd company benef1t11 tn· cludrng paid med1cul a nd 1llc insurance. Ph:ase ap· ply Ill pc ri.on . LEAR SIEGLER TRANSPORT DYNAMICS 31JI W~tSeaentrom Sunla Ann. t:A f'1wal Opportunity Employer m/f th Cuddly toy Po<>dles. 10 moa Si50 each M" I". POWER I HE OILCO. 12354L•tf•dltoad Wanted port llm<' pro fcs.sional WAITRES.'iES 5-hlhSpritHJ• for appl ca ll dally ____ SM-06S4__ _ ~r al~ 'N hr11wn AXC. Spnnger Sp1n1el SIOO <'•II orly J\M or Pup, 5 "'°" Beaut mark-Late PM 5:M-~I SATURDAY OMLY Haby • maa.c IU m1, m dudtog c.irn .. i;ct•. ,.,,,. brd. c:ar IK'at, wroui.:h1 iron r a c k . 'IU i:il•I ' hou1ehold 1t emb lk l~ Port 1'11u~art, llarbor V1ew tfome. CZlll944-4111 between 2PM & 4PM ONLY 556-3000 ~'!,,W.,~:JJfY w~-tcd--1.a--dy w-ho--sew-~-. ---------•I to mak<' i;lacka. Havt' SWIMMING POOL MaMt1"Mce Salary Md hours open. Noed own tr11nsportu- 1Jon. 660-7080 TELIPHONE SOLICITORS Experienced Only. S<'ll Daily Pllot. lli~hcsl com· m1ss1o n p111d . Your phooe at homt!. Over 21. 1.0. Card. Call ~63 l·JP.M. trouble Rl'ttmg ones to (lt~37 Worehoule <'ll'f'k needed full tame 1mmed. open 1na. fi'ull Co mpany benefits. Call R11lboa Marine :M9 9671 for 11ppl. £OF~ M /fo'. Yl\ftD MAN Ftr ApPIY 2075 Harbor HI vd Collfu M t'l! 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ings Laver/while fem Housebroken 831·1300 Australian s h epherd f c>m a l e s . must g o togtther. 642, lfl04 AKC Yority pupr1, 6 wks. Uny 2 Fem, 2 M. Pek. 2 wht Malt·. 2 i.ublt•. 1"'44-1.877 El CaJon. Oobe: Male 10 Mos Chump lines. Xlnl dli. po11Uon Reasonallle ~8639 Collies: s & w, femall's. $2:5 /ea. 846-3280 ---FrwtoYou adult, 8045 .......... 1005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tow Truck Dnver11 ex ••••••••••••••••••••••• M. Cat. long hair 1-·em. per 'd. Top pay Apply --•c '"'UCTIOM 1horthair spayed c11l. G&W Tow ing . 740H .... _ ,,. k ds Ohms Wa~:.S M~l~2 MANY ITY.MS Ofl' FINF. Good w/ 2._~~ _ ~It lWlll u matt & box S55. full u S6!'> St.cnUted twin 5f>t SJS. fuU set $4.5, kan.: •wt S6.'> Vmyl lvnic rm chain s.'>5. f~ stoc>l.i. St5 lJ & J 1--------· Matt.res.'! 838 E Isl St 18673 & 18660 Sp;-u•'•'. SA S47 5636 ,.. V , Sal. & Sun !J.3l'M 1-·urn1lurc· SJlt• 4 .. \tm touutoparti. <'OU<'hes. 2 dni: rm 'l'I!> ---- lublc11. <'hBlrb. lump:.. Hanft 8060 r,.fri~ J\11 mu~l i.:o ••••••••••••••••••••••• CJ U:J\P 751-<T780 AQllA Ht•I(. Dark Ua v Whlt.c llailrnn (;otton Sofn M 11 r e W I S t a r ., 11 + lovel\f'lll. l'1•t•11n/rnm• fon>heud. reHdy und VM cocklntl tablC'li Hu'i t t'ht'<'kt'<I for breedm~ J\l reduwr Contemp florul llt•a Ith. <C L I\ HR E II AllUkent'W 5591054 UJ.0001.IN ,.:1 Mu,1 I twn bed. ratwn hdbrd. n1te bland. Chri11t111n S.1trtf1N• $700. Cull 714 7:r7 6449 f>ior <:omforter, :.llee~. tla.shy Arab (jtr ttd<l•n~. titc 8:11-atW. 493-3174 ~ yrs . ~ n IC I / W l'' t Wt• are l~lnll for an ex SLLK SCRE£NERS want '"'ut1vc lt:vel serrt-tary to t!d, Laguna Nhruel areo. work for lhf' l'rt•Mdt'nt 831 <X1Q2 and V1<'e f'T<'81dent or our ,.RAINE""'. ESTATE J EWE LR Y . Auatr.l!Jan Shepherd mix r. ART OBJ t:;CTS. AN .. ....,,.es 6 wks old 646· Va.mg IMO to train for T I Q U ES , to• I N E OOZJ" ' • repair of g rw1s1on t>P· F URNITURE. t:TC -- ttcal reu Ing 1nstru PltONE POR INFO & Alrecttonale She pherd Sofo & loVeti<'al Cd <'ond .-> Pool table. makt· orr tra1l /<1how Mui.t i.1•11 ~ 13 ~2670 ~ _ _ Hattll•DW Gooch 1065 New Vlllyl ~n bll·cpc.'r •••••••••••••••••••• • • • fu.'tl vun -'d but 111form11 I ' orpor;Ht• offlr t''> of a luq(a• U\anufu clunni: 1·ompany ba11c<1 m lhc lrvmt-area Th\• ability to work 1ndep«:ndt•ntly with respona1b1hly for lyp1nJ1 {'Onf1d1•ntlal f1n11nr 1al rcporti. o nd h.itndJI:' corre1pontl1•nr1• from dJctuphonl' tupe11 1& n'()IDred In t1dd1t1on. th111 lndMdual w1ll 11uperv1Kc und dJrt.'{1 one clerk. /\ burkRrou.nd In puhh t· rrlut1onJ1, advert11>1111( or i.pec111l llb!Ujlnmt·ntic would be h<'lpful. This ui a r'l'IOflt dn1rable rnret•r Ol)pOr\Umly for lhe ri11ht pe•rson. We ure offennl( t•xc·ellcnl lS&lnry 1'1.US fnnite ooneftl.8 tnclud in(.! profit s hannl(. l'lt-a11e !!Uhnu\ rl"Sume O( pre VIOU.'> t>xpencnce to 01rectoror Penionnul ETC S,~t~o ~r~~~t5 S11nta J\nrl, CA 9270o1 (714) 546·500l F,quol Opportunity f:mploy1•r M, ... SECURITY MAUIOTT HOTEL W1• ar1' sN•kinl( u rt•l111bk pt•rson to work flt•xihl\• hounl Law Qnfor('t'ml'nl or li('C'Unty t•llPCM{•ll('t) IH•lµf uJ EnJOY l(Ood c!o beneflt.K. Apply Mont l"ti. 9u m Noon. flersonn1•I. WO Newport C<'nler Ur Newport Rt•n<•h t:qual Oppl( t:tnplyr m l ments. Must h&v<' ftood BROCHURE. IU-2200 Cl'Oll8 abandoned al Pel mechanical aptitude & Hosp. Loves children. 1"7 1oofa . $30<.I. 2 mo old KNGSZ bd & frame Sl7J , 40X*l" walnut finish din 25 cu ft freezl'r $1Htt. inl( tabl<' w/~ <'I.In<' seal ~l079afi. 5PM STOCK CLERK xlnt vision wtwilllnttnei.s ---------• yrs ok19'73·1J08 to learn. Long tra1nm~ Allllque Music Boxci. • ..;;... ________ _ penod. Only 1i;enous n£'l.>d Slot Mach.lnea' Clock111 »eie: Beaut. AKC Basaett apply. Call for mlervww lfUOESELECTION Hound ma I e . V n y t'tuurs. ~ 64H7~ .....,..,., --1070 8rn velvM t'tlUCh, loo5e •••••••••••••••••••• • • • pillow bncl<. almf>!'t nt•w .en ct ht!art shaped d1.1 $175 Cofrff table S2S Kl( stud eurrln~i.. abo 1 rre s i s pr 1 n g & m u t t. t't Murq. diu nn1o:. will w/hdbrd $4.5. 64S-738U !14!11 for • , of (; I A JI• 11ppl betwn 7 ·9am , 4-ftc• friendly, loves kids . Nds ~. ................ famlly. 546-9632 Typist& yr home 20 hrs Gtltriea lmrTM.-dlate osx•n1nK for lndJvkSual to order a nd dltllrlbutc nil stationery and office s upphe 11. Rei\pon.slble for all UPS. Wk. $3.50 hr. Reply KR I <>Den Wed. tbn1 Sot. Box 18942 Irvine, Ca tilO'lKetterinR. Irv. 92713 . (71'01~·1777 ,. .... IOSO • •••••••••••••••••••••• MUST SELL-end this , Imps. r ec l i n e r s , Gold Sofa &d. doublt·~ prau.ro valu<' Mu11t ~o1·ll for CIL'Sh. P P . 004·321111, rx•w foam multrcss. lle1>t li42· l<»ll Offc'f'. 536·6233 Mu.st be able lo llfl up to 50 1bl. t Ex<'ell enl i;u l ary , benefits 11nd work1n~ condltlon1:1 . Apply In IJl'nlOCl. TACO BELL Corporate Heodq uurten 1731H Red HJll Ave. lrvtne. CA 92714 EQual Opportunity f;mployer M/F Make you r s hopp1n 11 t•W11er by wima the Daily J'llot ClaNlf1t'tl Ads Ontr ti. Oeltr f'tlot,....., .... '°" wMt .. -... rout loGel COfMl(lfllty ••• _,., l.t!'"Mli ANACONDA TEl!COMMUNtCATIONS JOIN THE ANACONDA TEAM TECHNICIANS We need TECHNICIANS and TECHNICIANS and m0t1 TECHNICIANS. en1ic to 1n1111mtld1ate knowlftdQe ot b1111e onnlOO untl d1g 1101 1'1ec11on1e lhtOfY 00t11ecl Ac.tu•! n ndt<>n upe1111nce, mlll111y tio.por .. nct ortd/CH 11tclln.cot trO•ll•nQ will QUthly you for 1N1M p0tlt1<>n1 crHttd t>v our .xplot1..,., con1111n1 end ptof11tl>~ 01ow111. R•111htt ,,,. 1o1101111ing btfHlfits, «>111idtlr th#m, tfllln up/)ly In fHlrlOlt It OIJf f11ell1ty. w. .,,, lo· c11rtld ofl l.111Colnl:»twftn fvctld lftd IJ~fl11<1t, ./ Comt*W peld Mtdtc~ "*'"'* #Of vou end Vf1W famtlY ./Co,,.env .-. OI NTAL IMUt-• f0t you M'd yow ftntlly J Oiry Of lw"'e INft , ..... .,., ""''"' ... .,., .,,,..., '""'"'"'' end IMltCNMtlo IHfY Inc,.... ./Unlimited ..,oftunhv '°' ..,.,.,.,,,."' ./Tuition '~' v'" p.W tlollcflY' ./2 ..... ,.w VllMtlon An CQIMI ()fJl>O"-Unlf'I Efnp/O'f# MIF bookcases, etc. Olsen ReauUfuJ lg hand carved Model Home Fum C'..ompll'1<' apt offurn1turl.' dining l.Jlble & 6 chalni. 1714, 549 3077 111211 ""'" Plact•ntl<a. (' M. SUIOO. Baker's rack, Old 11-4 pm Snt & Sun World ftniAh w/old anti· MUST SACRIFICE.Twin - que br&M poets, 6'ic7i.,' orfullmat&box spnnKS 4 bl:J<'k nuug . Ilk<' O\'W. 1-I d & 8 c M d 1 duh <'hu1r,, $200 • ..,t $750 llolhuoxnt con . S2 . e ntury o e 6424394 rloy'I, 1142 :!7H!I r1>ody to put In your Home furn 1714 > 549.3077 633-.......,. CVt'!4 home. _,,, SOFA&l.OVESEAT Pt.anUquewh1te l1mshl!d $178. Centu.ry Model Beoutlful 22 ft 4 pc W(' IV IJOrull :sofu While vt'lour French Loul" X HomeFum 714~9·3077 w t blut• trim . s ~ou ('hill.I'S, pcrf. <'OOd $125 01 ~9'"". Ea S.O-llSS Alter 5. H1de·a-beda $179 sen '""' .-PM Model Home F\lm ----(714)~9-3077 Gwoga Sale 8055 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Queen sz RB matt/box rulLJC AUCTIOH FR!!:IGH'I' DAMAGE apml(s Sit. King i 99 MANY F1NE ITEMS OF H<YJ'PO&NT SALE Century Model Home f.STATE J F.Wf;t,l<V . W. Warner nr Harbor , Fum<714>5o49-3071 ART OBJE<;TS. J\N Santa Ana 979-2921 --------TIQUl-:.S. fo'INE Jo'UHN . ITC PHOllU·: F'OR IN HAROAJNS.U11ed refn11s wabn. dryrs. 1euar. be:it bu)'!!, we acr v. 11ppl. Res Appl SJ&-0011. "6-4330 - CASHPAJO Wshr /Oryr11 / Rdrl iu. working or not 957 813~ ••I BUY** Good wil"d Furniture• & Appliances-OR I will llCllOl'SBLLfor You. MASTllS AUCTIOM 646-161. & lll-'625 WA..,HF.R DRYER SAL ' All Wood Buokbed11 or dclt.1111! mult l ·<'Y('I chett bed $99. Oh1en models. Completely re Model Homes. !Ult. ttflnl.ahtd. 1 yea 71A ~i-3077 tcuua.ntee. Your <'hole SL»eJch. Delivery . Sale All Wood Bunkbcd1 or Uldll H .S·7V So. Coaal cheat bed $99. Olsen A.ppllance 53'7 ·2SU Mode! HOOK'9. --71A~3077 ~rt1.. Admiral. 14 cu ---------~. JU.nt. cond CMHPAJD S6b~ 752· 1439 or • e For ad u.aed furn, anti· Herlt.age Irvine. Su.n. 41 quedtdrTV'dS7 8133 Mon. 4 t ' Blick Vlnyl Cou<'h, Deluxe Fro1 t ·F rre loolt.a «ood. must sell. »tcldaJre, bronze color, '1nl S50 takes. Eva, let\ hund door. 12 yrs. 873-5'708 _ o6d.. excellent rondltlon M«llt. Dining Rm. Sulto, Sl.50 Call M2·8'37 after 8 pc, ch.ml. tbl/6 r hrs. ~.1JldySat •Sun. Ork Oak . $2?5. p h w~ range, dbl _IM7_-0tOG _____ _ own. I all-clean. I auto Beauttrul a ll w ood time bike. xlnt road. mona1tary d lnin f( rm Slel. ,..._sen set. e dlaln1 St"t> & buy Uot· Point refrl a. s100. _azs __ or_be9t __ . m-MZO ___ _ Ooodcood. 6Q.0843 Dner fOf' S•le: Ktftmor• ef.nrtc. avocado, Im· m•c cond, only AOO. .... e· co1Kb + matchlna dWr, earth.tooe1, Early Amer. Xlnt cond . MOO/bit offer. 7Sl·1882 blf 4, MM• a.ft 8. 90tAllOO I t\ tradlt.lonal, xlnl • «lnd.875-tm FO & IHtol' If ll ll t: ~23)0 UK!tit freezer~ c·u ft nt·w S370. Luwn mower $.'>Cl trm.9196 Hank r up t J 1• w 1• Ir ~ Manufa('lurt'r muRt d1' J10t"4' ol luri.:e quantll v 111 IOObt• diamonds. ruh"''· 1•mt•r111d11 & l!apph1rt·~ < >v1•r 130 1·ti. of m1·l1•1• li1Jmoo1h I from .01 rh t11 40 el s 1. J\l!lo 1:1 d1umonfl~ bl.'l~l'cn I & :.! 11s 1•arh 11 C11lumh1,1n emt•ralds from :i ct11 tu lll c'ls t.'U('h St•vt.'r:il hun drt'd l'ls or supphm · & ruby mell'e &r lots of fon 1·y ruti.11pph1re~ in 1.., 1·111 & larlcr <sltl'i. St>v1·r.1I flrw rutJ1t'1. bt•twcen I & :! cts /\bo u rollect1on 01 ~ btt~ &, l(Old <'Olll' Sucnru·t• below r urrn111 1t<hOl{'f;111l' murkt•l vahw to buyt• r who w 111 l)IJJ't'h8!1<' all or a '>uh :;tantrnl portion for 1"•"h J\ao i.i•vl'rul fin•· l11r1:1• drnmond:. mounted in j1•wt'l\'ry l'hon1• 1711 1 m~37<»1or<714 1 &12 IOHt R.fftltrator for U IJ: SLEEPER WATRRBED ~ Holpoint UI c.ll. l'io\1foldA2 ......... WtMr eofte.et for a•I• Movto1 Hie. Simmon• 642-5678 \ .. 00 . hldt·•·bed. Gold IHf ... · ,._, ..-•cue corr .. • end • fablt. 8row1' Jordob O.E. WAllfal. Ocl eonct. pe&Ao t\im. I' Bir• b•r Wli&e. Nell bett. N. Pll 1too 11. M iac h more . ....,._ a61-4m ... DAILY PILOT .· th" IFf 1071 ... r:1l•1w lotO !!'...._. CJllllt'l"'S./ 4wt..10r4•" HIO V-9170 Sufld!x.Januery 14, 1919 DAILY PILOT DJ~ ............................................. •' • • . ..... 'I 20 •••••••••• •• ••••• •••• •• ••••••••••••• ••• •• • •• •• _ ................................... .._ ______ __.~~ ...... -~ .... -ILO_M&,_ 20"'nllrlm J>laMr Utdl• whH lchalr, tike ••n .1 ................ ••••o•uouuuoou Ood1e SOO 4•4 Van . lt71FOIDVAH ..._W.t.d 9590 ~W..W tS'O A.eot.IMported ~2S,no&d Compl new. S'73 548·1011. 2092 ••.. tOtO um>VWpop·top ci~r, Lwt.om Int C R autu. Surler van with •llrk .............................................. •••0 ••••••00••0 •u W/~ IUlinb Mii WallaeeAve .c M ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,,._. lnN, radial t res. 11.000 ml rrooo 7Sl 7lM4 •hlft h1 bucktll mau1 WA ........ ED' WllUY IMW '7U l'700 PhMO 7ll7 '3 m tlK ml. nl'w t•n•lne &a l.11·25.57 eve• • • • " "I • __ . ___ ,_. R..trt1. vinyl roclltr. ft ot M ur h mur S2 UO ya · wtth wide Urea. i tcrt"U Late model ·royol u . USS> CAaSI ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mhr:m'1 •-1010 loollm, patk1 f\.lt1'11tutt. 50-4 wheel drive Subaru cwetlc • ONLY 4850 Volvo., P1ckupg & VuM We're lbe new Chevrolet 197'1BMW 320l-81ack with -•••••••••••••••• •• • •• ~. 7)J.Q3113 -..on. 1uper dn. CAii "< ~1~ .. ">. real winner' 0.11 ua today! de•lenhip 111 the Irvine tan Interior, ~ cond • W~ n Ooda• a.· .. m11y Wan Bam•·~SS/964 l187 ~· Auto Center. We. net'<! AM I F M r a ss ett t> • ...,AGITAGS ttK1I••-Ca mper. lo ml 1to\l.-. Ice CALI.FOR OUR youruaedcar' Michelin Ure> & in lm h'om)'OW'bu.sinMH•rd W~ 1011 ba, dinette. 1IHP1 4 "11CJ·5 "Ll!;Vl '1" •~a.a.LPRICE JOI maculatr condition. s-1 ont> rard for rat•h ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~7 =c>t u.aoo mu ... till, tach . ~~ ~ (OUSXI!:). P r1 . ply. lal pll.IS one ap&r W WAl'll'F.D. -. ffl&o Ln ex· Camper •18 Cab-u\ler , V-1, euatom 1nttrlor. MAC f'HHSON MOO Cal164.S-1475. return P rm1i1nt'ntl ctl l•DI ronctltlon 2f "17 RriMll with moor-butane refri1 Fi't a io.ded! <~...!.. "'c' ................ _!'•4 CHEVROLET ORAHGICOUMTY'S -....ct r.llhlrt\Ve la' b' prtt«i Ina SH.000 U ' 'H =ty, ov ..... •j,b •Ink, _.,, .... _ A ,,,,_ • Ori &trap, Ml'\'ttn1 air In ... ,.., Tradewlnda I. with • s1000"'..'.: .. ma .. HUNTINGTON BEACH "', .... .,0) w U0.94'1 21 ut.o1n-Vl"N"l'! Vt OLDEST 1.0 requary1ntnlJ l'rt> 000 -• AMC·Jl!:EP I:# & Yftll km 6 th«t\' 1-"'or a JannfeUnd01b.1drmd ~Y~t-bt lea ..... c... 9130 t87S18eachBl/841·9$Sl WE BUY 76a.7222 ' l)fnlOnallM.'d l•M. t'nclOllt' &uthts' m'-c: beb)' 1tt"ms NlllT ....... •••••••••••••••• ~allpal>".~· fabri<' nr ~7 om flc.rtnc cart: Oood cond '77 Cherokee Chier. 401 CLEAN CARS •WantA!d: Big, clean car, Olly Olo Pll.l ... r A wt' lllthtM•••••c•/ NNJ' new balle:rtet bll flll. Loaded. Mint cond. 76CHIVROLIT &TRUCKS low ml.. good cond. &Jes-Service-Leasing w\11 berk a. 1nm your 'Wrat diOIJ\11 room table s.rric• 9020 3 llSU"t.&0.o IMG-ma SUltNIVAH Under $1 000. P . .fJ . RovC_..er,lftc. lap Or try t~o r •n.l• j « ,;;::~., •1°': or ~·1111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tr --Automatic. AM I F M 957~ Rolls Aoyce BMW t.cll tobark n o '" uu.1 1011 l.o r•on l:i h I~ Yard l9d MMn 9140 ~·l~ool!~· ,•x4, goodff stereo tape, pwr. steer· , ..... "Jambor .... PRlCt~S. ~ould bt' at•repta bl.. ..._ . .,,,.rt l:L.•., Jan .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• "-""'"" ,..,ra s.,, o on & o I hi b k l ..__ " rt...... '"'"" """" !lo!Yl ,_,...., or ~ • tires w/white apoke na. • ac sea ~. -e•e.i.-wv NewportBuch ~ ~:~.~ ~,t.s00 ~ 1 ~~ wtnly~~at1l·~~-~0';_ NTHE ~9-UPOE"f!ODTLEMRO rims. '320ll. S4Q.S383 trolgpecial pa~~· crui,1e con· -••••••••••••••••••••• -.... ~ ......... ..,_'OUnl .. u ..... .. cw r... ~ ' pop...,,, roo • aul'. G ... al 970 I 6/9t.a St ~ha t.'"-tlh IOll b.aulouia PF.OS R.:11 '469. Now aaa links . Tacoma ..................... .. IOor more 11 441 • •••••••••••••••••• ••••• ~ .. , 646 7833 S21J9 631·3'30 •79 C· 7 Whee.ls & low miles. Lie. Al Mew Sal NJ<!A'.w~···d WantMt'" ~f'llll 1n u Mf'thanl('/fo~lct'lr . rt• v P• Mopt!d JEEP Ull37Msn·t::1· WE BUY lrithl9Leyt.d Drsw )'OW' uwn ()r "lt'nd \tllf'nl <'Ond1t1 u n pain, R~pow•n . Mu 175 USED CARS ~h .. Stocll n~. MddrttU. pbon 4c ltNa.unablyontl'7"C'(1 WT'V 20ynicxp ~ ~7"23 AJl-cOINl./Load9dl 1971•1979 wv'U mah ont• t"ard pc-r II&! hi Immaculate Porsche CALL PAPPY taa.Add~e111~b l'mor ~ 11Yamah1i $l7~ ~~ tOJO~J::-1 tflO Trade-in!Lesslhan3.000 UsedCarMgr MODB.S s..d ~It ur nH>nt') .Jr Jo'r'N 10 ipd with it C.ll •• ~:;:;••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• actl&Al miles! (s.s6VU0) 540~5630 · MG-TllJUMPH CREVIER 9 1 Sf 6 HOAOWA'I' SAPHA AHA 835·3171 fHf UUIMATlt DlllVIHO MACMINt der~OT NIMTfNG ~ G«A Y MA.RIHI Mwlt Sac '79 Yamaha 7S.O W .... Special! AND JAGUAR p 0 Rox t$W Sllllf:ula.od 5 P<' Drum 'lbet.rad uoruil h .. vydu So«. 1800 mi Sell• for $8,888 Tr ude-an your used o.ta M a. ca 921626 N.i, Rlark pt-11rl hmi.h ty, lichtwel(Chl marint' "1~ Will sell for $2900 o.ty 2626 HARBOR BLVD =:,i;rw; we need •USIDIMWs• '73BavS/R <se'11UP1 '74 2002a S/R 040LG P) '7520024sp C683NJM > i52002Auto. air (2236l '76 2002 S /R 4 s p <4.lTNYEI .. _ ·~ UCT $?00 S.U..Ul87 ---eQl1De To lSO HP Ge ~ llLL YATES '13 Dodie 8100, 6 cyl, gas COSTA MESA C.... ht & SH Ut r-.n.. A IOM L'I~ , -~ P nu 1 n e new p u rt '§. l.97S llond C8360T 4100 VMl JW'\RSCHE saver. Neal, rustm in· ~Wiii MANY fTt<;MS Of' FINE; "'""1n c 1uatar ~ .iul Authonted Dllllr Unstol a ' "~ l" . ..., 1.er/exter. $2990. &45-7048 "" l':STATI': J l':W l-.:LKY. "°IJ)l$60M632.80 St'1'V1ce11,(714189'HS4t ~n.-w S800firm. 137-4100493·4511 '7llOODGE PA llH-'OKOF<NOT ••• ART OBJ F£TS. "N -SURFER VAN WUYP. WILL IA.UY MOTORS ~£$. f'l!Q t; "'lJHN · a&.,..,..... & Inflatable Boats t Sale.'71 Yamaha 250 Air condiliomng, power B 2925Harbor Blvd. • PllONt; t 'OR IN EqMI..... IOl5 New /Used/Oemo'll, Elco 01'1. Good cond. $300. Trwdcs 9560 steering, automalir, V·8, COSTA MESA '76200245p <76:5PQR I 'nS30: 4spS/R 101791 '776:k>csi4sp !Tll5962l '71Ul33csi S/ R < 0045 > Closed S..utdays f'O & BROCHU It E ••••••••••••••••••••••• Manne 714/754·1732 642.-3271. Eric._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• mags, conversion. "Jet YOUR CJ\I< FOR 979·2500 ~~ X~™m!.w;we:0~~:h~~ loah.Power 9040 74 Suzukiloo.2.5K.Very '78 Ford F350, 460 eng. :1:;~~c1~=1thruoul. ·CASH'. Prv. Pty mus t sell ~~Je:i;:J~ke4~~~~ WANTED C.E.SURPLUS 631·2777 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.Asking s325· dual wheels & tanks, $5799 $100,000 valuable Euro-rod. stereo cass. $8100 TOP CASH DOLLAR s.pef'd·O · Print L'I UI •I aPut/Bo,Pa/Sir67c5-o~~ radio, HUNTINGTON BEACH VW' JM PORT~ pean Clas:ilc Auto collec· Prv. Pty. 644·7520 wk PA ID F 0 R Y 0 U R ~licalol', Moder 230<i '75 Hod Honda XL250, ' ' ...,.,.,. AMC·J EEP ~PORTS . !Jon. 11 cars. Trades con-days 675-3858 evc.-s. JEWELRY, WATCHES. lo'orSale "as is" bt!1>l or SEA RAY'S Xlnl shape. runs good. '76 El Camino Classic. 16751 Beach Bl/847·9551 CALL TOM OR FRANK sidered. View Sat & Sun -"---------ART OBJECTS. GOLD. f 64Z-432l m BestoCfer. 960-4664 Mu st sacrifice. Older • al Montgomery Const. '76 2002. showroom cond. S l LVER SE RVICE er ext. _.__ 1J't036' -----sml truck+cashorof· 67 Ford Window Van. il l:!~'IMMI 12640 Garden Grove Sunroo f . AM /FM FINE FURNITURE & IBM typewriter. mdl c. Lu.•RISO ... 'S '76 125 YZ mono shock. rer.646-4711 Clean. 6 cyl. auto. ~bit Bl\ld. G.G. 636-1500 & casseue. driving li ghts. ANl'IQUES. 645 2200 1>tandard. good cond nAft n Xlnl rond. fast, sac. $450. eng. new trans. dnve 497·1657 Must sell this week. S200. 631 2219 aft s. SEA RAY IOATS TOOd, 53&3582. 1968 Ford PU. 250Camper l.ra.ln. llres. ball Xlnl 67U8EBor644-4839 Pinballs Foosballs Guar & del. S32S & up f"amlly Attade. 840-234 l 8 Special/WI/ camper runrung rond Prv Ply Free o Ha ce s pa ce to 3101Coast Hwy. N. . 76 Yamaha Chappy 72 CC shell. PIS. P/8 . $1050 or $1450ororfer 675-3421 AtfaROfURO 9705 '74 BMW, s lvr Bavana. energellr Female busi 631-2547 xlnl cond. $250. 559·1405 offer.67S.S91l aft 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• beaut . con d .. auto. nessperson '" exchange -------8l7-4M.1 ---------75 Olevy Van ~,lon P S '76 Spider. AM/FM cass +xtras. Unde r book. John Wayne Tennis Club full family memb4.'rsh10. Sl075. Pb MS-43'4 eves for answenno telephone 1.1 I D d 68 '74 GMC ~ :Y• ton. 37 .000 P.8. Auto Air AM /FM deck. cover, bra. $7495. M4-2587 " Factory Demo For Sale -.ar ey-av1 son mi .. Camper shell. u900. Cassette 646-9131 7 -------dunng bu:.ines hours RSHBtMAM Sportsler · Sl700-flrm . D>-0725 -557·0211. 5l 8493 ___ 76 2002, 4 :.pd. AM /FM O'Neill Superswt Tapc.•d s eams Us ed onc e do6eo: ll $110 548·~ ~~{Baker .area CM. ~x8· Cl!Titer cons o le 64.2·~ '71 Chevy Window Van 'f orml'rly Harbour VW1 i.lereo 8 trk. lo miles. diesel. 450 m1 range al 22 '7S Yamaha MX, 175 So Lumber rack . w ill fit A/C, aux gas tank, dnt 111111 Ht:A'Cll Bl.VO Aid 9707 Xlnt rond. cons1d. trde Updated JM ITW intained ~· 2000 pd hQld. Sell Stock. XI n l c 0 n d ma,ny pickup&. $250 or of· ('()Od. S2500. Ph 552·5687 llU:'llTINGTO:"' BEACH ••••••••••••••••••••••• S7 450 Io rf er . < 7 l 4 I VHS plain bond <.'opier bailing deck. Com pl. $700/beslolfer 545-6715. fer.646-3706; 675-3008 ~ WCIUlted 9590 ---·75 Audi Fox A 1 r . Gt·2831 (7141927-3833 w/se p ar ate s torage walk around . Swim step WE PAY TOP DOLLAR AM/FM. stand trans. ~f5sqnrust shrt rabinel. All lake nt>w. Mooring llnes.Bumpers.1·69 Yamaha . ISOC .C '72 Ford Courier Truck.••••••••••••••••••••••• fortoPused cars-fore1gn. After6pm,675.1067 BMW2002.auto.efficient shag carpet, good r ond S2000.Call 67S.748Sto see Life jackels . Trlr J Streetlegal.lowmi $1100.NewPatnl. WEWILLIUY domesllcs or classics IC ---Tu eng. top cond . BMW $200. 2 lg wool area rugs · S20.000 541-4163. $150 536-6325 661-2928 YOUI DATSUN your car as extra clean. '13 lOOl.S 4-dr. air. auto. ma ml , AC. AM I F M · "Whirlpool" elt>ganl, (nu P.ts 8087 ---------see us FIRST' 4.JK m1. $2000 or besl. stereo cass tape, leath • at $600 ea), both $450. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1!1n Apollo 2S ft. power #73Yamaha250Enduro P'¥8,~~IT N.?T ~ ~7151 mt . racml( green. 25 642-1.242 M 8 n y k i n d s 0 f boat-Polaris Mode l Bogeshocks. XJnlcond. v-9570 A mp~. w/supcr gas. $4350. CANARIES & f"I NCHES Runs super & in l(rcat S395S48-(f776 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR TOP CA.RS Austin 9709 714 586-38.11 afl 7PM or Browning 12 gaug<\o..s hot cond. Purchai.c or take 76 Chevy window van. k ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........... -. h r fOC' saJe 840-2682 S w,........,, gun : 5 s o l , auto. overpaymenti. 675·9626 '74 uzukil85, Camping conversion . '67:.>00 Mark lll.ong 1m -------- Belgium made. New w1lh l'\qJs Akita AKC 7 wks -----lo mi. $350. 40.000 mi. good cond. ex· maculate. 68.000 m1. best llllvt> somethm~ to sell'> hhr case. $350. Also Grandsirt> grand Champ nSkipjack20open. VR. lo 6'75·7444 tra5$7000.673-0287 fll lnOr-oftCJe~ o(fer.673·2855.831 2313 _ C!nss1hedadsdo1twell ~g~ a n Dag 6? er s ~ Japan84_7_31t_11___ .'J.DM.'~~~. VJN\ s~;~~.O ·oo Bultac·o Pursanit. 5 Autot. Hew 9100 Avfot, Hew 9100 .. --s-, H-.-.-__ 9_1_0_0 Autos, Hew 9100 Autos, Hew 9100 ---Parrott °' lh 1 hl tape. Sl0,400 or loan take s P (i . w I ex p u n s to n ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••. ••• •• •••••••••••• •••••• •• •••••••••••••• • •••• ••••. •••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••••• Wl..aft.OW SH .. DES _, g. wruug h b ...,00/b t f ..,. "' ironca~c. $85. over?, $154 /mo. + $200 c am er. .... s or. wooden shullers. mini 64Q.n28 down. !rl mos. PP. Tom, ~'ll-4393_. _____ _ ~~~~~~.~=:a~ PICMOS & Organs 8090 m-873l 71 Yamaha 125CC M X SaJe20%·31Yk off ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20' MAKO Center console. good cond. di rt $200 ISPEN ~I Lowry organ, Holiday ll5·7 .S Mere e ng _642_. _-0932 ________ 1 . model, auto. orchestra. EEqui~~ all fish.Ing. Motor HoMt1, Sale/ Carpel mill sells direct on Leslie spkr. Uke new. ves ,..........,.. lteftt/SfCM ocp 9160 full rolls only. Lowest _~ __ 644_-8_107 _____ 123.5• Deep v. Cully, twin ••••••••••••••••••••••• pnre anywhere !>49·8181 l40's. Xlnt cond. Loaded, •--------• -. 5Wing 8093 Copper enamel Jewelry ••••••••••• ••••••••• ••. Must sell. 552·9686 or kiln & accessones. near 552-5189 1977 CHIHOOtc new $100/oHer 646-28.12 ---------i '75 24 ' Skipjack FB. t .. ~·otort.omt Rear heater. JlOvoll ron· ve rt e r . 2 way refrlger alor . SUPER SHARP! (~13·24361 Brick eqwp. 350 E . Con<.' Loaded sharp, w/lrl. Slip mixer . 2 HP Tuget avaH.~2995 $5499 Porta-saw, 5' scaffolding & braces. Builders aulo level & more. 646-8444 Bay Boat 18' So. Coast ~===========!..I ( 1956). Complete ly JOHN \vAYNE'S Tt:nnis Childrcns sklboat.s.s:t.3,2 restored. Keel Up New Bill Maxey TOYOTA Club Family Me m prs.· szs ea. Also. ice everything inc. Diesel bersrup.673-3351 . skates & hockey skates. Eng. & full rover. -Jo'or-S-al-e:-..;ostfr_ee_Fr_ig-. sz2&3. $15 ea. 644-8519 _642_·_1068 ______ --t 18881 Beach Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH 25' TROJAN Cabin 847-1555 $150., Queen.size bedrm. Skis. w/Geze bindings, set good cond. $200., Also never used $125. New <-'ouch &tables.645·6269. women's He nke s ki Cruiser. Xlnl cond. LEA.5EOR BUY! Xtras, slip, Mu!lt sell1 ~~~~~~~"'~~~! $4.000/ besl offer 67s.t784 I' ..... FFANY'S Pri l Cl b boot.s. sz 8'~ $50. Poles •• va e u $10 Childre n 's s kh 25' Pace Arrow. winter rates. 552·9726 riseo~t~a~:r:r h ~~Ii poles. boots sz 12 $40: ie~~i!>a~~ J::t~~fi·. 673-3351 _549-__ 37_68-------1 Moving t o Haw a i L $175 will buy everything an our house. Movinli( so please hurry. 759-0244 Mesa Verde Country Club tennis membership. sgl. SHOO. 962-4564. Gertrude Airless paanl s pray nl"( wtth hose & gun. Just overhauled Exce!lenl condallon. Best offer over saoo. 979-9621 4 S poke hub caps ror Cadillac, like new. $160. total prke. 675-9789. Craftsman 10" radial arm saw with Metal stand. Xlnt rond. $175. 67J.4220 Men's Scoll Boots. size 7, 714-492·1841 1976 Ha r vest-Dodge, good cond. $50 t r best 76 Tri-Hull 75 hp outbrd. 19\.'.i', 11.000 ml., sleeps 5, ofr. Call Laurie art I t d $9 800 Xlntcood. Many xlras. ex n con • ' · 6.00pm. Ph 642·9136. 751_9918 _~ __ 5254 __ . _____ _ SHOW SKIING loall. Sail 9060 RENT 78 Luxury Motor ACCESSORIES ••••••••••••••••••••••. Home 22· sleeps 6. S250 M P 0 R T E R S '73 ERICKSON 32'. 7 wk +&:ma.640-8S85 CLEARANCE bags, wheel. very clean. '78 GMC MIDAS mini SALE. Discontinued Pvt ply. Eves (714) motor home. 23·2·• long. lme5 at up lo 60~ sav: 9 6 8 · 5 9 O 2 d a y s 9.9 mpg. 8700 m1. like 1ngs. Bab pants. ska (213)~5100 new. Pd $17 ,000 , boots, (sz 8 only), gog· Sacnfice $12,500. Ph Jtles, sunglasses. gloves. P.C. 32. 1947. Mahog. rac· 546-5184 belt packs, ski bags, <.'ar ing sloop . Refasl 477. --------- racks. Siu Import!>. 3001 new main. gd spinnaker .... -.. 6.-.-. 5_._ Red HJl! Ave. BldJt II . Working jib. SJSOO. Ph -..,_--Ste 102. Cost a Mesa . 559-5963 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9AM-6PM. Mon·Fr1 until AllH•u/ sold. 32' WOOD SLOOP. Teak CIGIMk• 9520 ---------• decks, mahog planked. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa Verde Country Club SporiincJ Gooch 8094 Brome fastened. For the family membership, ten· ••••••••••••••••••••••• serious owner. $23,500. WOODIE UM6 Ford Beauutul I $6500. 644-7183 • n.is & swimming. $900. CASI! for youqtuns! Larry 673·4080 days, 7S4-7995aft6PM. 545-2083 ~eves. CARPET Goll clubs (Irons only) 2-29Cal. '75. 6-sails, 6-win. New Pro-line: 15 sets al 2·a.nc., auto pilot, Dodger Mfrs. rost. Salesman's wh steer .• V.H.F .. Def. samplesSSl-!1648 teak on rails, very cln, mstse!I (714)548·1288 Triumph 1962 Convert 1200. 4 seater orig. owner shop manual roadworthy body ok. Rare. $3600/ofr 673-7032 Used. In xlnt cond. over 100 sq yards indd plld· ding $200 takes a ll. 58fU77(). I Pr Rossignol s kis Islander Bahama. 24", COUICTOR s•Lllt w/Salomon bindings & "' '" Poles. $150. Humanic sz 7 $5200. good condition ~ MBZ 170S Conv. narrow boots $20. Call ___ StG-__ 3822 __ . ___ 195SMBZ220A Cabriolet 6'4-1145. ETCHELLS 2 2, I m . 1937 Ford Pickup ..... SCLUIUAC S225 !>40-8449 Resp. working cpl. de· sires bousesitUng. Non· smokenw/tefs. 548-1~0. 4r-'-----.-t---__..----I maculale, white hull, 11wff Model A's _..., n --·· yellow deck. set o1 sails. lOtooolModel Arrta lcr 8095 full boat cover, new bol· 67J..6l7 2 12Xl5 all wool fringed area nigs, $750 eu. new, offers. 675-6214 . ;~·.;;:·;.:·~:;·;~~~~ tompaint.645-4068 --------- Ford , 1930 2 -doo r Phaetoo, cog. reblt, new interior It top, $8500/bst offer640-4.J5.S. $450 L ag una B ch . Cal 20. mooring or with 494.Qlll moonng or slip avail .. b12 Chinese rug. betl{e/ good pnce. 552--4524 gold/ grn. S1075. 6x9 Glass lOP,ped showcase, Chinese or ienta l rug. S:iO 58VJ 'long. 17'' wide, S&llO. 9SS-043.S ~"rugh. 675-3183. IMh. Sllpl/ Docb 9070 '68 Imperial C r ow n Coupe: air, ruu power, cn.Ue control, lthr In\. radial•. :xlnl cond. Emer gin g c l assic. 64().3429 New & Used H.O.elect. NCR Ca1h reglster $39S. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• trains. Locos. cars,& Hunt.er ny fans $40 ea. 2 u -•y•i• •tLE track. Mustsell 640-5009 tub stainless steel sink .,,,.,_.,."' "' -w/sldeboards $50. 10· YACNewport646-~l Sony reel to reel lape re-free standing counter corder. good cond S50 w/drop·in sala d bar NEEDSUPfornew '46FORDWOODY Near new colfee table w I refrigeration $125. Staln· ""cit 38' Sailboat ~Uy restored I Sl 3,000 al .... Cabinet type end & leas aleel utility t able ...;..,, _____ _.4'7_5-_l393 __ 1 87Ml6t hexagon table. coet. $350 w/chopplna block $95. 36' Ubo eed II 1---------1 sell Sl?S. 646-3192 Restaurant rtfrtg 6'x3' Fl:~er •!t fee . 1 S~ I~ leer ........ Rest aurant equip. all w/compttUoron topS50. Plcltem.522-61'4 Y...._ 9UO 5418-58'l1. 178 Costa Mesa ---------1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• stnla .U., incl 3 sec. snk St c M •• , .... • ..... Tio swamp rooler . hood _ ..... -·-·------• .,.,.. ,.. ga, new eng, W/fllters, g reat dis TV~._L_ loaded w/xtraa. $5499. cowt. 631·1231 . ....,...,_ 1091 M4-&4. STortl -••••••••••••••••••••••• Take lime to relax and 21" Color T.V. Good plc- abol> al taocnt. Jt't 11rnple turt. S7S 'ii' I\ h D a II y P 11 o t 540-4614 Oualfted Adi. And If s.r. eaueu Recorder 10'! have eome\hin1 to Mod. SQOOI S3$0 Oar s.ell, call • friendly rard turn table sso· aa:wed Ad·Vlaor a\ •lllZ · . t 120 ()o.urt. ha1 everythint ••••••••••••••••••••••• but frarnc. Make offer. Older camf)tl' 4-Hle, w/o MW?OI: 875--3008 truck. SUO. Stov• • Tl lli'T ~ ~.:.-.. retn1.Mo.2100 an •tr, uto. W /11 E wu, t'. hllh for ~urtty •~· cameer. . urao dOor. au. 8 /C , Loaded suoo •tOG llUIN STalKESI GAS PRICE HIKES NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUltDATSUN & IF YOU DON'T BUY YOUR NEW DATSUN FRO~ f1)! 1 lflft!l IJJJl!i • 1:1 ii' 1 : I YOU MAY BE PAYING TOO MUCH!! CHECK YOUR CLOSEST D~LER LISTED HERE. GET THEIR PRICE II WRITllG. THEN COME SEE THE VOLUME DISCOUNT DATSUN DOLER BRAND NEW DATSUNS ... .. ,. UNDER $3500· .... ....... NEW •79 STD 8210 2DR., 4SPD. 111 HWT MTm, k 10 TO CHOOSE FROM UNDER$37oo · LMIOCIMTm MITMUllTllS ..... NEW '78 DLX 8210 2DR., 4SPD. 9 TO CHOOSE FROM MIMLMTm,k UNDER$40oo· ..wan11na IC. NEW '78 DLX 8210 2DR., AUTO: •maTTMTM IS TO CHOOSE FROM .-Jlltm ........ New '78 F10 S'(A WGN, 4SPD. S TO CHOOSE FROM00SOME WITH ROOF RACK .t -.m••mms GUIN SIDES UNDER$ 5000. ........ .... , .•. New '78 510 STA WON, 4SPD. ----2 TO CHOOSE FROM UMl.m\& UNDERss200· IMTl•MTm.a ---· . NEW '78 200SX CPE., SSPD. Ellmm\& 4 TO CHOOSE FROM ..... UNDER$6 5oo· ------NIW71110«ML,UPD. ... J 10 CH009 "'°" • .,..... Tu & ~ • ••• DAILY PILOT ....... ........... .....1.,1..w ............ rM ...................... •......••.•............ ••.........•.••.•.•••.. ..W t71 c.t t7 IS o.t.. t7JO ...................... . .....•••.............. ···••·•·•···•••••·•···· IOI McLAa1M•1 '71 l.OCS COUPE 4 ·~· alinrool lulf\t'r. powf!I" w1ndo• , ttlvtr, A M I r .. • t " r •. II H2t HAfllllOA IL VO 1rnUKV) COSTA MISA ~--71IMW1106 Dlt-. t720 Alll.OnwUr. powtr 1l .... r ••••••••••••••••••••••• lAI • braluw. alt t'Qlldl Nrw 79 X .\ T I' 'i t Oenlnfl, &htra \)\ 11.-pu' au .. r l.h pd ftn\18) &U.Jtl ~...i» '18 BMW 73.1'11 l•••· low mll•••I" l.()AOEOI Auturnatu: ruby r ed mt't11lll l' n ~CW' with tan 1nter1or cC.U111 771MW lJOI ~, •• ll"~lllllfl •1\11. •li!rt•o r 1111J10 ~lldt'r8 ln rotor 1"'3JW I '11~ utv. A <' rMll• \ M •'M \Int n1nd l«U) • Yf'ill 2:'1()J iJ. Oat.tun uuUty ''"'Ii. -.. ~-.ad nck SttAlu l\ll ·I 711 ., Warll. lo n11 i. :') lid l akr onr P> 1nnb 1oO II ~ll till 1!34,' oil\ ''4''" 1m:1 U•hun. nc"a paint •DATSUHS• ...... s.6td .... OfAIMe41h MJ l. INU PAHTS .RVI(' . COSTA Mf~A DATSUN ) tlAH~OM fll,\'U UCM4 I 0 140..0J U ltHOATIU .. 2I01COUPI • r.1•'C'd. AMl rM lt•n•o 11 lr•rli & m•M wh •I• 111 lmt l'OftdlUOn .. VII Ir ·~.l.a o> m1h 1 ICHNF.ut rmc•a1•HTt ...... ~-....... :tl!AI llartu Hhd , c • M 64S.'100 K.WN llc.••ch llhd L" llnbro \\t .. M. 11 tu·.-.. n •huch l~~~~ .. iillli~~ CAI &uth & Wh1lllt'r) l714152Z-.Sll3 C.1o.«I !'M.tnduya LAST CHANCE FOR 1918 UOl'1 SAVE! IUYORLEASE HO~! 79'1 NOW .URIYING! •BMW• •RESALES• '7420024sp 13731,Pf< l '755.:Da air <~MM I.I '762002411p. 154l9~M > '77320l 4i.p t283SPI I "165.:D~r 1315RKS1 '77 ~a; <GWr J t.) '78733la 1518030tll ,'18733l4 i.p 1505WPt•> •W'lM 1117:. ~.U \421 Uahun 7' !!ftO/ 't 1 .! IM.l\Jll ml • 4 "lN• >\ l ', \M ~·'14 . I' I' 1~71t. "'kd)'ll IM llot()Cl t'Xt .'iH , t'\ ,..., Iv wk.miil 493 llU I ·n 21il>Z 2 •l ~ i-J)ft.J. •howrnum lll<'l'' AM1" M, u1r l'011lltt1un 1111¢ 1Ml21 f7llOO Ill 'N'fll\jCfTON UJ.o:AC'll \Ml ' J .. :t"I' llfT!ll lk•dt'h lJI 11-'17 !}Ml 7Z 240 '/., t '\Int Mun\ '''I ••" ~19 !trll4'7 c·oncl $311)0 • DRIVIA • * LITILE_. * SAVE A LOT t; BARWICK DATSUN 111 111.1111 q11 'I .!11 • 8l 1-l l1S 441l-Jl1S "W~ 1W"t•d lo huy rlun Oat WI ust'd run." S Wiii l'uy Top Uollur S COSTA MESA DATSUN •~ 3107. Xh~ rn•••·h'l c·oncl :!)M~ llAHHOJl HI.VI> & rww Jl.tinl ,, . .., llJlh & 540-6410 540-021) ,tl'K'h f'n l'h $.JHOO Roi 9725 ~ 71!.al ••••••••••••••••••••••• 74 \'I 2ft(IZ Xlnt m\·('h I l'Ulld A <'. M .1.::.. Nt•w Mlt'hdm t1rN-& mon• Nt'l'lh paint A:.kcnic S4200 114() 2221 ----72 240Z 4 i.p11 • M DJ?~. i\Mtl•'M, onl( ownt'r xlnt Mnd S3t95 645 1682 ·11 n 210 mint r ood . 1973RAT SPIDER With AM /FM & 1otood U>p Huns stron~ < 7&:,llC~ K 1 PR.ICB> TO SEll Mk'ocle Maulo/Rettoult 21.'IO I Lilrbor HI vd , (.' M 645-5700 Al.so ltmttcd numlil'r of rad1ut..., ydlo"'. $3100/of~ '73 1211 Wagon N1•w vmi 3201 ·,. Ill s lJll llVUlllJ ft•r 496 27J.1 --_ stan cr, brakt'K & h.tl SF.IL idle 1tvms with a lcry c;us ~av1•r $H!l'.1 ~t' Dill IL'> today 1 131·2040 495.4949 Dally Pilot Cllilirstr1ed Ad 4.<r7 11166 ........ ~ ....... ..,.rttd ..•...... •.•.......••. ...................... . M t721....... 97JO ........................ .••........••••...•..•. aaaa Joo'outt l k <'IOMOul nn 1mMndell l117V Model11 now•n1vh'• MU!ff &M.t. Oll'K MI r.t.J<:lt MlYfOllb J•I XJS, 1917~. purr A&lf "711 '1000 ml. w1GM U'lln.t, t nt'rry rood Ork t>lu, I.an Int Crwato ron Lrol, atert-o ta.ta, ~lt'C .an tMna H0 .~00 Oya Mfl-3.'83, CV 4.91) &112 'flt XK.J.: UIO pt c•&ir New 1H1inl/tlrH/lnlr ll «Ill( UIOO/bllt fl"JJ-2024 taJ w warner. ti.A D67lW "16 JAO XJeL. t;llvt'r l'\at Xlt lV'14 Mua\ II w/n.'Ct lntr '8500 Pvt .s, 1nl, AM/FM t•~ party. Wkd1• 11 ·$. • l ov.n.r 8'1& l4IM 96'7 1314 ------111 Xl.. lo mra. INI~•. fl W.bave lhtu:n~b~ fur u ll Mual Hll q111d1 your J t•Huar, J enien ~ MD T'1V1 tbtey, •rrt Sli.g. Tn It • MG HtTb'a Cara1eu. UH>~ ...... 9,z7 llarbor Blvd, Co1t 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~«e• ~ ........ w •79 -· ---- HONDA Can JAGUAR MANY To 0..eH FrOMI '77 JAQ,UAR XJ.S UNIVERSITY 2 demoa to ctioo.e from. a. .. ltle powe:r lleennfl, Power 4 .............._ C-• ,.,MC whct'l dllc brakes. .._ -· • AM /FM stereo w /8 • Trstu track. power window ... 2tOO ll1rbur Blvd lt.lr t'<lnd. and more Both f-Ollt.a M MO 9MC> wilh low mll~11ge I S<'r 7~ l '1v1c ... I RM $2 ,000 AM l l'M . 3 dr Sun lr73~ Mui·l M•ll ·7~ llondornaur c:d {'ond $2~00 l'h 5o3ti-1189 '75 <'VC'C. Xlnt t•ond. 111.t·~'O. Muat MJll 6(2 9192 Mlli llon<lu W1gon Mint rund Jlj,000 ml. AM/ l'~M ~•,~. r~dl•l1 . $3405, 644~ 'Til ('•vie tlnlrhbark. S av un l(us ' Clean, ~d cond. tl40 !1216 ·74 lfond11mallr. Looks KUUd , flun.'I t(ood, IS Mood C'l!S'!, radlal11. $2000. 494-:lf13 ber 8. an G ---...,_. 9730 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 XJ8l ... lo m1 , 1mmac . sc.'l"\I record avail, $7900 US, H2·7S91 Afl S, 644-7468 ------01969 JAGUAR DE COUPE With c hrome wire wtw.-cLs. ' 1949) $5995 IAUMMOTORS 2925Harbor Rlvd. COSTA MESA 979·2500 ~1&54G3J) $17,995 '77 JAGUAR XJ6L Power 4 wheel dis t' bruefl. AM/f'M stereo w/8 track. power win· dows. air cood. and mor e . Demo. (Ser. 60073). $14.995 MEW '78 JAGUAR XJ6L Auto trans. leather fact-d seats. power disr brakeli, wr cood .• AM /FM stereo II track and all the fomous Jaguar btan· dit.rds. <Ser 73933 > $17,995 '76JAGUAR XJ6L Alr cond .• AM ft'M 8 track. Power windows, aut.o trans, lanled glabi.. <Ser.6511ll7.SUt.78P<>4 1 $9995 ANAHEIM IRmSHCAAS 774-4110 1001 S. An;ahe1m Blvd. Anaheim 910 9100 A.wto1, H•w 9100 AMto1. Hew HOO A.Mto1, New 9100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• BRAND MEW 'q 12sozx COUPE IMMB>fATf OEUVYY! 5 '>04'Pd with loctorv •ur Ill 000 tn1l1•1 (Ofl.tlJ~'I' 53477 '17 CHIYY MAUIU Att C•ut•(• v1ny1 tnnl .\i1lnrn .. 11c. ,,,,W(1, '""'"''"'' & D'ttkt "' VPt ttl "'"ti(, 11111x.1 1 AulOm•ltt AM f.ldlO tfll/ worl(jftw d•• •ooo••• :m ooo m••11• 13CM1 n ( ully 111¢10<)' l!'IUIDOatl Ctirl)m<t rt•llf '>ll'n butnfl' ,, & f•n ''"IM"'l 54349* BRAND HEW 1978 FIO WAGON 111 .,,, lohll" l\1tlr C.dlpel lltl lronl & """ l•Olnlj,.., lj1<0J1r1· f"1H lot1npot<J f'O\'#t & illff' tt•~I '4f01.7S ••• iwk•/11100 •.c- 53802 '71D.ATS&#t510 HATCHIACIC $por1 Couno '• bOt!l>d fill IOP( &or AM/FM 11nCIMCOlll CVCIOl'll' m.-ig~ 13191 (l<HLA 1001 !1336) '71 0ATSUt4 sro.-ncoun Fronl wnN'I df1"'• " 200SX /\." ( nn11 pr,w,.r I • ' " "IJ ? tj() I ru w"rt•d 1nw" '"' (!'63) S4UNICI ( t1 t t ''' V ,, Ir uru1•~r<.utH; hflfly -.•<I• motd+no'; wt\t'"' ""1H mrllt11nq•, l ~;l/i l~ILI-> IOllJllil 14/ 11Cl(.HI 10117Mll 5 4325 n 11 CI< w Ir fl wn11,.1• 1A 000 t1•1h·~ 1:>4 lf,U '17 110 SRA.fol ''I .. P'0-..0 All .1u10 11111lil" .... oz ltnQlllf• """ lu~ury 1632f\ZX) Av1om;1uc Pf-·• 'lf'(.,1no "" •11•1n"' w.,.,, I buCkl'I "•HI• vtnyl "" I 1\)(lhMV( I L•IOff mv•nlorv l)n u•M l • ?40 I v11n ' 1110 ' Cf>llP"' '} • ;> • 11urnm1111c• 4 A •, al>O•O• '71 LINCOl.H MAHrv I j k I """'I t r1 w "''' Ontv "" 0110 "'''"· r~A4Mrw1 O•H•CI underco.1! ''"" 10111111• front A rt•llt bump('( Q~rrl'. rool r11ck tonnt••h• c;r,vm I09det1 1371) 1Ksl318177 ...._, 1_,,,.... Alltos, l•po..W AMtot. l•por+td ...... 1-.portH .............................................. ·····•··•··········•··• .•....••..•..........• -=••.._ t740 Mwu••.._ t140 ,._ t744 t7SO •••••••••• 1;;~-. ••••••••..................................................................... IT\MllllOll Vl!J 'O IMPORTS 714)831-1746 or (714)495-1704 ---------- ...,.... 9730 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1976JAGUAR XJl2L 123011 O n sale ll\11 wl'Ot.'fld for only SI 1,995 IAUBtMOTORS 2925 II arbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979-2500 10 •)a XKt: Coupe, 4 2. auto. A/C. Wire Wis .• Loaded S8M. XLNT. l:ONO A beauty! P P 759-1233 '77 240 OIES EL Must sell. bsl ofr. Lo m1, unmar. dy 7S4-634 l t-vt-s 640-5665 2.lk!>E cpe. 1900 classic. nunt rond.. lo mi. new iJVl' pa.mt, aunroor. A/C. cnue control. AM/FM. $13.500. All 6, s.\2·5388 Mu!lt sell 1976 280 S Outstanding cond I' P 673-3782 '78 D>O. met.all.le brwn. IUler inter. sunroof & stereo, 9000 nu·~. $19.000. 499-3681; ____ _.__ n Sliver XJS. dehntc car '66 zs«i, Ruru; good. very stereo, lo m1le11. new clean Urcs 837 7SOO. 990 ~I Sl800 • 67).0812 9732 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Jtuen Healey sharp car •11210E• All xtras. sunroof. i.pec. mu.stc ~Yfi new m1ch. tires. $15 .390 838-6335 714·673·21~ '67 2SO SE Clas~ic Coupe 73 Jlf 4 sp.. low miles. Lo ml Xlnt r ond S6500 AM/f"M tape, $.365i0. or Pnvate ply !)57-0620 best offer, 645 2062 JENSEN HEALEY HEW '76 JENSEHGT s i.peed, AM /l"M sterl'<> Cllb.<oettc, wood d88h, alf' cond., ra<'k & p1n1on steering, pow('r wcn· <Sows. <set 304S4, Stk. 4.'.115). Sitt I '74JEHSEH HEALEY Convertible 4 speed, beaut>lul recond. !Ser 14871,Stk IM2l S4895 .4HAHEfM IRmSHCARS 774-4110 1001 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim 9131 ••••••••••••••••••••••• miracle mazda '71 MAXDA RX2. fWM SIOO. K47 0115 1-~-~~-~ TlSTDltlVE ll41 ltX7 TODAY! Very aood selection of can & colors now av a Ila blc for 1mmed1ate de· bvery' See us NOW 1 Mi~ Mazdo/•....tt 2150 lla.rbor Rlvd . C M. 6U-5700 MltrudH.... 9740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOUSE OF IMPORTS 0 EXCLUSIVE INV EN' T 0 RY 0 F Sls 10 7IO 8l ,,_, H 1018""' l!>OOkC .... '~'Ill"'•' 1• ·~sue.•~~•••""" 7• l '>O "I. I~ 01t>l "'-/f •!>O liLI .. • ,. ... / llr<l •OlfSflS 71 tOOO I ..... ~ ......... 1• 14001-.•• 111111 lh_.. "<mil-~IMICAOCI IU Jl'OC> ti•• l lMl 11-0 •SlCs 11 •~ •tCI,., .. 1fl0t.,• 1• .wiar !'loot •"'4110•..,.••• ,, ''°~''"' CX)hlt~ ... I( .. _ 213 /921 ·8588 714/523 ·7250 714 /750 -7201 HOUSE OF IMPORTS IHC . .. ., ... _.... ........... ,.., .. On,,......,..,.,.., __ ME RCEDES BENZ SUPJ.o~R BUY on '76 JOOD MBZ. 731 -4535 or 644·204ll .UtSpm -------61 ~. runs pt·rfert. nd1> fl'f'ldor. beaut int.. i.unrf. $2800/ofr .54K·l.!°>74 '64 MBZ ~.,; cp ran.' F.uropean model. 4 .. pd . rcudy for res toration. ~-963-1461 . 'Ill ~ M BZ Gd rond S4SOO or best offer. 957·1568 HOUSE OF IMPORTS 0 2400 BUY OR LEASE UPT060 MOS . LEASE 240 Diesel l?ttl ... m<~ .,..,,,,.'" • th 48 ~' Htte-.. H11""""-i S'lt"JO ~11 ,..,...., I • f 000 C..-o 1~h(M Sr 000 f •' ...,...,"'"'"' &If• unrv tte~ t-l('!ltn.w 'tnd l.•V r•f1v'IM.n \t~~Q6 C)n ~OW•G v 1011 Ct.tt• 111 tt CALL rQR OUOH On All Other '78 Mod e ls Ava ilable for IMM COIATE DELIVERY HOUS E or IMP OR TS. INC L.A. 213/921-8588 p.c. 1141s2J12so or 7141750-720 l ""'""s""'."""'"" .. n ..... ~ r ac.ta., AU..tO'\l'f'O '-"•rt:.o.a 0.•1 MERCEDES BENZ 9742 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t 976 MG MIDGET With luggage r»Ck . ,.,,, $3695 IAUlllMOTotlS 2Sr2S Harbor Blvd. COSTA M F.S)\ \ 979·2500 MGe t744 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lt77MGI Showroom froah with AMt l"M •tereo & only 17.81.2 mJlea <899SPR >. OHLYS4lt0 Mlroct. ~, ........ 21SOllarbor Blvd., C M. 645-5700 lf17MGI Wl.lhoverdriv~. C2Za8>. $4991 IAl8MOT~IS 2lm Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979 .. 2100 Ml.lat JCJI '71 MGR, lOK ml. xlnt cood. $5300. 751-11112 t>ef 4, 5&1·1289 an 6 lt77MGI Wun wire whflcll. (!8311). $4HI 1..U.MOTOlS 21115 ffar'boir Blvd. OOITAMt:SA •n-2100 COMN!ll CHEVROUf ""l" tl.n '"'' H1." ' I t . I ' \11· " \ !i46 1200 '78 Ta'1•· •hl wllh btk trim. 25,000 ml. air, MW IJra, Oris. Owner ll1nt cond 111 .aoo &M·:MZ2 c.nc" M4-l487 Res. gold '118 Tora• 912, rebll eng, alloya, ttepeed, muat aell. noo . ..-2l46 MGB '77MGI --------'77POISCHE TUUO l.ow mlle11 & loaded Super a harp ! (LI c• •36SJ'WJ). $21.'95 s demo can to choose from. AM/FM radio. too neau $Over and boot tSer. 426K80 . .c-a2e1u .. 78 p b 924""A_c_ 442328.419S37."134701. /\M/~{l~a~seuc' snrf: S4t95 minl cond. Beal olfcr MEW '79 MIDGET 752.(818 AM/1''M sterf'O caasette. ,4 914, lo ml, nu du & t.onneau covt!r, healer. kDrl.15, mny xlraa. Mu!>t boot t'OVer . (Ser. 215812 sell. b&L r. 842-8463 Slk. 4'790>Ssl7S '76 914 : 28,000 mi. A/C, AM /t'M Stereo Tapl·. NEW 79 MGI new tlreti, S8.300 Mon· f'n. 8--S: 549-4755 Toaoeau cover, boot cov · er. AM t fo'M lllereo ·oo 9115, rebuilt enJ(., o <'aaselte and healer. mile:., new c rpti.. tSel'.4788S8.SUc.48221 AM /Jo•M tape, nt·w $6495 brakes, shocks. $6300 ANAHEIM IRITISH CARS 774-4110 1001 S. Anaheim Blvd Anaheim o,.t 9746 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Opel Manta Coupe Kd trans . auto lrans. vinyl top, reasonable. S8l·3Gl0 dys, 497 2362 eVli _ hndle 97SO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 79PORSCHE TURIO Bluck loadl·d with pqwpment. !Srr tJH 006) Don't M111s This One' $49.200 ··~M ~~~ 911TCPE al.I rblt. $711Ml ltfl8.3:1H ---.... Uted Lie. l l'ITZW, 642·922::; £18a.8407. ------- IOI Mcl.AREH11 76PORSCHE 9121 Desert be11te. alloys. air cond1t1onlng. AM/f'M. 6terOO c:asselle t 006()) 850111. Bea<'h Blv'1. L<i Hubra (Al Bt>arh & Wh1ltwr 1 C7 I 4t522--5333 Closed Sonday:-. I f'orsc:hc 196.'l CIJ(' Con C'OUl'l'I Comp I rt-stor~rl. only 4000 mi. must M!l'. <HHJ f>P 714 /644·S039 72 911 TCpe Loaded/showroom cond. Days 98'1·6283, ext 411. f:v~/wltnds 556-07~. ~--.uted NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN AMERICA'S # 1 SPORTS CAR 74 CORVETTE WHITE '74CORVITTE 1019"1 I ORANGE '75CORVEm BLACK '7 6 CORVETTE ,,~,.,.,, OLACK & ORANGf TWO·TONl SJ839°° 5813465 585000° '9291 65 'n C9.!'fEm SJ 0,5000° BEIGE JUST ARRIVED! (2}NEW ~ -- 1979 -CORVETTES Corvetf1 Coupe (1) BLACK 1l>4•'\f'11 (1) YELLOW ,~.1 ....... 11 $15,241°0 $14,56300 900 SO. COAST HV./Y. LAGUNA BEl\CR '94-1131 546-9967 Ctott'rllnt' WhN!la l)1118 form. Ponl'M w 1 l"lr\'lh '11dtab I ·'11~ S.Ztufr -~ I& for Scott '18 9JlS 81ark on black SUnrl, 1" whls Bom btq. Lo ml 1•h 538 ~ ....... 9715 ....................... TIST DalYI OUI "LICAI Of. THI YIAR0 Good tnventory IA 1todc HWTY whll l~J lut! MllACLI MAJ.DA/Ra.AULT 2UO Hubor 81 vd COSTA MESA 645-5700 PAHOMIW lt71Gn 4 speed, radio, tinted &lass & rear window washer (~). Bill Maxey TOYOTA 18881 Beat'h Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH 147.esss LEASE OR BUY! OMLYSltl7 Mlnlc'- ~I• ...... 2J.SOKarborBlvd .. C.M. I-:;;;;;;;~ 645-5700 I• ---...... 9756 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •1 DEALER IN U.S.A. ~~~VER ROLLS·ROYCC lMOJlmllo<tt Ntw-1&e•<h \ ____ ._.... ClOSlO SUNDAYS '59 Silver Cloud I $19.000 985--4144 1961 Rolls Royce Sedan, 1971 ILACIC CBJCA UFTIACk 5 speed, aJr conditioning. power steenng. CectQry mags, AM/FM stereo plus tape. <622UKKJ SPECIAL! Bill Maxey TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH 847-1555 LEASE OR BUY! (&ne cond. Elegant white.I•-------• l20.SOO. 640-4999. •-.--------75 T oyota Cellca. Toyota 9765 AM/FM stereo. Must ••••••••••••••••••••••• sell! Call 673-4561 __.__ ·74 Celica AM/FM. air, xlnt cond $2970. 67~ ·72 Wagon. mu~l sell, ---SOOO/bst off. Rum. good. ToYota Celle a '72, t:nc ~3'108. S1600oroffl'r Xlnt cond. 646-4231 11776 Celie a GT. 5 11pd. 1971 TRIUMPH SPtTFllE Brlllsh racing green . (2J.SO). $5495 IAUHMOTOIS 292SKar bor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979-2500 '76 TR-7 4 speed, AM/FM stereo cassette CLlc. 088REK. Stk. 4744). $4595 AMAHEIM IRmSHCARS 774-4110 1601 S Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim , '76 9-pa55. Estate Wagon. Mak e tho se ~ood L.oaded.$4700 household items you're 6"·7760 not using ava1IJblt! l o -------- &Orne Olher fam1lv by ad· '70 Le Sabrt!. Good run· vcrt1sing the m ror ::.all' Ir rung cond. &Jr. p /S. s:;oo Class1f1t.>d. Call 642·567H 675·4484 s100 DOWN S368~no '•• tnoeo a '--'-olH•oo ,,,..11......-loPff ''~ Oft •ootov.O t rH•I O•••u*o 01ym•1111• onc.-1~ •O IFAWS~~j Eou1pment includes 4 speed transm11ss1on. carpeting and fold down rear seat --------AM/FM stereo. air. good '11 Toy. Corona 4-dr, auto, buy. Llc342GTB 955·1029 clean tr ans car. $700. Yolwwogew 9770 ....................... --~ EARLE IKE SAYS, "WE HAVE P.P.SS2·3089 '78TOYOTACORONA ---------1 aean Low milef. I (5396) '77 Celle a, like new! $3495 19.000 M 1. White HUNTINGTON BEACH w1camel Inter. S4.995. AMC·J EEP 642-2955 16751 Beach Ol/847·~1 ...._,UMd ,,UMd •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ALLEN RESALES '78 GMC I TON TRUCIC 10 foot stake bOdy. 5560 actual miles. 454 (V-8). 4 speed trans . 10.000 JGVW. sierra grande mtenor ( 1 H86356) '75 CHEVROLET CORVmE lt71RAlllT 4 Door. 4 speed, good looks & tops In economy. Look• 4' dri vea like NEW! U21TWL). SAVE SSS COHHf:LL CHEVROLET .'X..'4 ll.1rt-•r Bl' cl t(i'.'>l\\H ~\ 546-1200 · lt76YW POf'TOP CAMPER With stove, beds & run· Ding water. Ready to go! (889NXN). OMLYS5175 Mlrocle Mcada/R_.... 2150 Harbor Blvd., C.M. 645-5700 SUPER SPECIAL VOLVO VALUES! NEW'79 CEUCA LIFTIACK speed trans . AMIFM stereo & shade kit A HUGE SELECTION or CEUCAS, COROUAS, CORONAS, CRESSIOAS, LANDCRUISERS & PICKUP TRUCKS!" NEW '79 CELICA COUPE NEW '79 5 speed. AM/FM stereo, COROLLA SEDAM detuKe pin stripes. wheel 4 speed trans. & bucket we II mo IO 1 n gs. s 1 O e seats Pnces start at T·Bar roof. factory air. wire wheels new metalhc green paint. AM/FM cassette. cower windows. leather interior Hurry• (948MCSJ '72 BUS, A/C. cass tape .,. __________________ .,.. ________________ __ .._,._ ..,, ••• , •• cu .. om '"m s37 53 . $6329 S""'jij95 -•-STOOAYI ' t9740LDSMOllLE CUTUSS COUPE A very pretty rust metallic w11h Vlnyl Landau top. tilt wheel and leather interior Only 47.800 miles on this htlle gem I 181JREJ 1974 CADILLAC SEDAM DE VILLE Fully eou1p00d Beige with vinyl roof & factory air cond1llon1ng An outstanOing value• 1976 IUICIC REGAL COUPE Beige with lull PQWer. factory oower Windows splil power seat & stereo Low mileage A beautiful bargain! t42.58l 1977 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME IROUGHAM Sunny yellow with black 111ny1 roof. full oower and factory air cond1t1onmg Only 3 t .BOO miles Lots ol nice options topped off by an electnc sunroof make this a real buy• f276UCC) 1974 MEltCIOIS IEMZ 450 sa Brown Wlltl beige loather 1ntenor and too Completely eau1pped and lull power Mint conc!itionl (519WRCI dk, new e n!(, 20mpg. $2~. 645-7727 '70 VW Bus, new paint, new tires, sunroof. 640-0295 72 VW SQbk. nu tires, rblt e n g, S /R , AM /FM, clean. l1900. Eve 675-4675 Dys 957-0791. '75 VW Bus. AM /FM stereo cass .• $4195. !151-0211, 751-8493 '68 Bug, super custom. New Utl5cc eng. trans & brakes, mny xtras. In storage since '76. 16.000 invest. mu s t sell S2.000/bst off. Must See! 642·9006. 71 Volks. bus. Engine & clutch. 9.000 mlletl old. Body excellent! $2,300. CaJJ Larry 673-4080 days 646-4088 eves. ·~ SQuarebat'k, red. good ronditlon, l850/best of· fer, 980--4821 'CB VW Pop.top Camper . 1977 CADILLAC Side tent. lmmac cond. SEDAM DE YtW ~. Pb 8»-0804 Sunny yellow throughout Leather Interior. full '78S Sdrocco: 35,000 ml. Power With all the nice oPhons. A bargain Xt.ra sharp, $UOO aft 6pm hunters dream! (337RJB) <'all6'5-1538 1977 CADILLAC '70 Bug, buut ortg paint, FLEETWOOD xlnt traosp car. $1450. Full power and loadPCI' Rose with a burgandy Oall 491MU18. teether 1nter10< Conw' with a full 1 year '70 vw Sqrbk. auto, good factory warranty.-181 tRL Y) · <'Ondlllon. S1200. 1977 CADILLAC 831·9794 SIYIW '73 Beetle, sunroof.• 1pd, Truly a shOW car -Gold with moonmor & stereo, nu paint. Aaldn1 beige loather intenor All or the 1'9ally nl08 12150. 8'15-t'189 . oPhons and low leisure world m1les 1 Yeor Warranty so hurryt (630SPM). '71 411 Wqon, 1ood cond . ..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 U400. I '71 POISCHI tZ4 ~Ir condlt!Onlng. tunroof. 1tereo taoe. 9'><>11• P8ci<eo•. blaCk with OOld tnm. 40 en CB end onty e.eoo ong1nat m11 .. t f6670) 1172 VW Bus, workln1 PIN f l.ne, body clln1ed by leamen. Runa well. SllOO/o&. -.n02. '83 VW BUI, rbl\ en1. •un· root, '800 or beat offer. 56ZIM, 1157-0908 ,, vw 412 wa1oa, a~ si.reo tape 111000 ml, mlch. radle. 0000. 87MGU . NEW '79 VOLVO 2Ul>l 4 speed transmission. power brakes. tinted gtaas & steel belted radlal tires. VC24246M 1-146«5 USED '78 VOLVO 2'2C NEW '79 COROUA SEDAN Automatic, bucket seats. AM NEW '79 COROLLA LIFTIACK 5 speed. AM/FM stereo. bueket seats & pm stripes. TE-51·34472.3. NEW '79 ST A.HOARD PICKUP 4 speed 1ransm1ss1on & fully fac tory equ1ppeo fW.32-006448 NEW •79 NEW '78 DEMO Automatic, •Ir cond . Automatic transmission. LAHOCRUISER '4ll 4 CRESSIDA SEOAH sunroof, ll8feo 8 track. mag ~wer 11eer1ng & power LOHGIB> PICKUP wheels. power steering & .... _. atr cond. & scereo a With AM rao10, rear heater 4 Door Automa11c. air• _.,.. 4 &peed trensm1ss1on & fully d d & d A••/ F •• 1 po we r b r a k e s . tract<. VC244'45M1 ·371971 an mu snow tire' con . ,., m " e reo \IC24245M1·145644. ~~~lttqui pped READY RIGHT NOW ! cassette & low low mlles! S966J $8525 S468J Sj999 $6999 ~ TOP QUALITY USED CARS PRICED RIGHT!!! '7lTOYOTA PICXUP • 4 IP8ed transmlsalon. new tires and euper low mllesl Solid truck! ( 10971V) 52499 '76 DATSUN JIOZCOUPI Silver/black Interior Loadodl Automatic & tow mlle1 Super clean! See thle on•• (454PPN $ •7 124 ~-'..,,...J•..t Lese than 1 o. mite'' While. mag wheels and AM/FM stereo with 8 tr11ck 1670VEI). 56399 '74 CHIVIOLIT 41411.AJ11 Autooatlc lrana.. air oond .. lf*'90 tape, raltye whffls & law rnilell (038PPI() '76TOYOTA COIOHA WA.014 4 speed tran1 . stereo 8 t.nd & tow m11et (116PUK) •77 VOLVO JUseAM White with wine colored Interior. AutorTWtlc trana.. * oonc1. tunroof, atereo tlPe & low mllMI (45TTYAI. $ 178 OYO CIUCA •T LWTIAal Black-blacf(-bfaci<! 5 sl)ffd trans.. air cond.. power steering, stereo tape. ,,..gs & , tow miles! l474U8Vl 6499 '72 CHIVlOLET •1> TOM ftUCI Only 34.238 actual mileal 3 IP8ed trene.. shell I heavy <My ti,_ (72481L). 53399 ' DJ8 DAILY PILOT flunday J nu ry 14, 1g 79 ...... UM4 ...... U--4 Awtet, UMCI 4eltet, Uted A..toa, UM4 AMh>•, UHd ~"':'-______ ;..... ______ ..:;::.:.:.;:.::.1_...::.:::.:J:.::.:J_L.:,;:.i, . ..:.::.~-• • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• ••••• • • • • •• • • •• • • ••• ••• • •• • • •• • • • • •• • • • • ••••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• • •• •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • •••••• •• • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••• Aaltot,U--4 AMtoa,U1td ..._.,UM4 a..,.. ttJO Cllln•t tflO Qrpllr ttH ~.... 9932 ~ tt4S '950 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• c R111 '915 C•••o '917 a....... ttJO 'TTCHEVYMALIOU lt71CHIVIOLIT lt76CHIYSLlll 77COIVml lt77UMCOLM ORANOECOUNTY'~ ••••••••••••n••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll ltt, aulom1ttlr. VII, CAPttlCIWAGOM COIDOIA White. a utomatic air. TOWH SIDAM MIWIST 1977 CHIVIOLIT air roodltioolna. power t Pueeneer. Hu e ver With m1ny, many ex· ~ wlodowt, •lereo. Thia black buauty 11 IJNCOLN·MERCURY '74 Fl twood, Load~ T-TOP •t .. rina • braku Ylhln& 6 i. In nawlt111 tr .. • (732NLT>. Wu ._ 1harp1 Black leather Dl'alentup&anowOPEN Must&!ll ''18 C'.nmarOICholl-eof2 IWAL.AllDAM llonestly lmnuculMll•' ('Ondltlon! ("92TX0). ee:on11Je XTIASHAIP M8l.I w1lh padded vinyl RAYFLADEIOE ___ 7_Sl·U63 &th rt! eqwpswd with Automatic, pwr •teer l~l __, WwitrnlO. onule H()W.•...-•11 P'IUCIDTO SILL ooach root. Full pow•r. UNCOLN·MERCUkY all ... ... C' mar ma. tadory air cond . ........ ~w $6999 ..,... -r tilt h 1 ,.~ ''ft CadllJac Coup• dr (" it• • o iu· un1"d ,1 .... wt w Urt'll llUN'flNOTON 8!ACll "'"" • IA&a IUIC« ~, o cuurllt!, w c:~ • l618Auto~ntcr Or Ville, One ow-n r Whllt• rt11or1u P~US lilt '*hi· 1 coven 11 LOW AMC JEEP IAUBIUICK 2112S HarborBlvd. cnaH control. AM /FM SDP'w)'wkeFore~lexal wS1h VU\)'I lup AM Jo'M •hfttl. tlt<rt'<I I track -•It U r 7HLU Mk lt75J DHch IJl/N7·116S1 3lm Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA stereo with quad tape lll~VJ7N00EO lt8'eo ~ Alr ronda rtibt-w I 6 Mpre "" deck. opera wmdow• und _ Uoninc, •ll v..tr1&1 Good tmTZT> 1 lt71C .. VIOLIT COSTAMfo:SA t7f.JIOO more! <Sena lt9764431 •-------- ooncbtJoo New bllltt rri s. YI sss•s 54771 ~ c "'ILO t7'-JIOO Slt9S '72 Col. Patti 9 pan. wa~. tW .. ; J I .._ ,,, ~•• _. '7 2 Ch r 1 I , N . y . ----Wh l r tl I d --n• Ol#Mr mWtl 11e Dl•rk on bl1t•k with 1~111 tt77 CAPllCI Drooaham, 4·dr. clean. '76Corv. atm paint, auto. 540-5630 1 e. u Y 0 11 e ! IZIDOormak~otrer l•ll than U ,000 rn 1le1 a...-999 luxury, loaded, lo mi. T·top, Utwbl. P/S. mag Xlnt!l2.000.&7S.tilt>I . CONNlil CHEVIOlfT YHEODORC aftstPM M(llWU c lJ(). Wu , on ~ SlJOO ~ whls. P/wlnd, AM/FM aale Our BD>,. RUY ! 1' V8, 8Lel'eO & tape, 3SK ma, "'\.,.. t 1 .... '• , , ROBINS '14 Sed d Vlllf' All op Uofuo, like n l'W U't!J~ u...,... llU!I ~.,~ • fl Dot-ado The W tml ed One A Gttm 1 $1 ~1114~ ••l'l\\11» 'SU-1200 p, •Ir, '72 l>t"Vlllu. a:lnt ruru.l . 14 Rn,..-n 111-llh '1 im ~oyl low rrull"ag-.i S2l00 tup l..iO<id ronit t.'KIOO Atlt•r 5 PM 642 fi nn I.JI 4!Q 16n Ii a..... •no 78 be111lle 1),000 t mllt!ll •••••••••••• ••• ••. ••••• Xlnl ''tind, loalltoJ llold tM u l'4mano ~" 1lH\, 4 $11.:100 p l 64il lllYl pd $IOllOtmp le-'lha.an I '7) (,'pe de lit'. 1otr rt<0. wk old N t' '* • I ult· h x lnt cunt.I b r nn &e m•ll' \II u ·t'l'll>h 011 w mutt·h U\l • $4900 ofr •'fl/I W tl4tl 1.U~ t-1tl ~~ (.!kc•:\ NOV l'wr hrk11 11w 1 ''r~ .mlu tr.111~ llrunl(• " blll ant SIJOO t..&2 MK llll) FORD lllt•O 111\RllC Ill 1\1~0 ( o· , " ~ t "A . 1 ' no111 74 Moni.-('1.rlo, lo 1n1, w nlllllY opUona $3200 ~~.7!\.323l5 76 Impa le 4 dr, One Owra.·r. 46,000 ml .ur. lllt "'b~'t·I. yellow, 5)(•rf t-t'l Ct ... 1nyS••lh Vt'f)' I•~ llJ7fl l ol 11 It ml.I ful'tory e5lm rrirnm•tr) IUUbh w/blk Plllllh~I top & Int llUOO u1-tuul m1 wr whlll. ne w U I ·~. stereo d <' All 'lt'l'\'ll t• It' conii. since nc'A l'111n pare ~ car to JO)' 711 model fl0,400 or ufrcr 552.(X)28 13 Moot•· <\11 10. 1l11rk tt'd l'ond ~754 05.38111'\ tJ w whlll' 'uayl llll' SIA IVt·I bul·k1•t 111!al h SlL·reo 12 Monte Carlo Xl nt 1 udto. tall whc<>I. nt•w cood 350 11ulo, hUt·kl'l 1 1 r c ~ 8 e 11 u t 1 I u I M'llUI, power wintlowi. tt ,. ' v o n tl l'I I 1 k l' aar. new paint & traru. lhc>tflUJ(hbrl'd SJOIJC) or $2100 Ph 646 1740 l><~I offer 4W 3.'W'J, Or R.ill'y llnJ Impala, 2 dr , 350 Vt!. '74 Coupe de Valll' t\tlly ---AC/PB/PS, 114M ma I eq\lp llhr ant low ma ·73 Monte Carlo, auto, P S. owner, 5811*537 Very clean One• Ownl'r PR Jtr New l.l'n trans & $4750 or be:.t oH er eJdlJU.'l i.r.>tt•m Recent i6Cht-vrlte, JJK m1, At<:. 540-552'7 tune. 12595 67~03llQ. nt·w ball., hrllkl·::.. t1 re::., ----0tl <'hnt.:. lune up & ·79 MOW-$1111 cutomatlr, air cond , S7Q. M2·1!968 pwr 11teurfo1J, Ult wheel. t9 l0 --------tAUll IUlcac rud!o" exlra low miles. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Vette. L8~1 4 apd. 2!mll11rbur Blvd. Extra d un loo i ! ! 1976 UMCOLM map. air, P/w-. 9K ma. COSTA M f'4 A c~wv,. SlJ.000 963-7303. 97'-JIOO CONTIMIKT AL '76 MON'U: CAltW l".w mil : Ult. l'rwae, 11ulomat1r, pow.:r wan 11uw• Is d oor lock11 , AM tl'M Louded' (M:!OI 5429'J llUN'rtNttTON BEACH AMC·J 1t;1t:r ttn:i1 Duch Ul/847-9551 1965 CHIVIOLIT IMPAL.ASS "COMVERTllLE" IAW good runs great 1Nl'U16) Wu $2495, on itW' MOW-$1999 IAUEllUICK 2925 Harbor Blvd COST A M i!.:SA 979-2500 '74 MONTt; CARLO J<'ully factory eqw ppt'd with all lhP Monte Carlo ~oodles' I 5540 > $2005 lfUNTINGTON BEACH AMC J EJ<:I' 16751 Beach 8 11847·9551 CONNELL CHEVROLET 'X.'>C I l.11 b '' Ill' I ' 'r.-. I \ \I ~.'.'-\ su.1200 '74 Vega· wgn, GT, good cond. $52S. Pvt pty. llOUIWJ> Ph6'l2·3045 '76 Cheveue Ltlte new owneronJy ll,000 ma. 548-6336 Cllrystet' 9925 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 1977 CHRYSLER M. Y. lllOUGHAM COUPE Loaded wtlh extras full power. 50/S() splat front seats, air <.'Ood., speed control. tilt wheel . AM/FM stereo wath tope deck. padded roof and more! Fine luxury car! (Lac. 415.5WG l S5795 540-5630 MAAKIV Cartier model with a cnoonroof! (683HCL >. Wu M95: on sale MOW·S8999 IAUEI IUICt< 2.529 Harbor tilvct. COSTA MESA 979-2500 Dnl~ Edfffo.. '76 Mar JV. eloquent 1 owner car, all options, lo rru. $7975/olr. 552·0528 '73, 4 dr. Xlnl cond. all elec. vnyl t op . S2500. 640-4846 9932 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 76COIVETTE Silver. automatic, air. power W10dows, stereo. T-top . Dyno -Mate ! Pnced to sell! 13831 ttarbo< 8••" Gatllftn Qtl)'tjj •w l)l.:z333 '78 Vette. Top cond $12,000/ Best orter. 898 8406 '76 CORVETTE Auto trans, air cond , power steering, power brakes. AM/FM stereo, leather inte rior. low rruJea((e IL!c. 239NYE>. SEEIT! ANAHEIM llUTISH CARS 774-4110 1601 S. Anaheim Blvd. Allabeam llL1 VAN'S '73 CORVETTE Orange · stereo. air. T t o p · l o w males CL1c.IS773SPIL Supe r Buy! 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOl N ME RC. URV .... ..., '952 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2626 HARBOR BLVD. 1966 Mus t a ng Con v . COSTA MESA Coompl. r<.'!ltorohon, wari' ~ 9950 wheel.II & Mercedes cloth ..._.._ 1 top. Best m Slate. $7500. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 640-8208 lt76 MBCURY ------MONARCH '7bCustom coupe. packed, A .A ,. low ml. xlnl cond. SJ.650 u..,mauc. pwr tleer · 496-4068 eves. aag. au cond & low, low miles. (386NXR >. Was '1!6Must.convert,loµron· s.e: on sale elation, AM lt'M i.tereo. NOW-$3888 mio11>stofr. 644-8t81S IAUB IUICK '& Mui;tung. rare 200 cu m 2925 Harbor Blvd. V-8, 64.000 mi. xlnt cond. COSTA MESA 11950 644-7886 . ___ 9_7_9_·J_5_o_o ___ 'al Mus_t _G-ra_n_d_e_V-11.-a_u_t_o. '72 Montego · Xlnt cond AMll"M IHrk, m111;:-.. A/C. PIS, S1400 Call aft 6 new tares. hrakl·s. & 552-7337 . pal.Ill Best orter 962·531~ '74 Montego Stal Wagon. "Ill MUil .• V-8, P IS, auto. All pwr, lilt whl. CIC. wr, SlOOO. root rack. S2200 548·2022 847-0446 lt76 MERCURY "& CONV. New 289, aulo MONARCH SEDAN trans. top. ant paint. Ures, & shocks. $4500/of· Solt yellow walh whale rer 67~7086 Vlllyl U\terior, Economy •--------- &cyl. engme, radio. air Desperate! Must sell '73 cond , power steering. Grande Great cond. automallc traruim111saon. Sl950 Ph 551·077". <Lac. 223N XM 1 831 noo ~~:6530 10ldl ___ llD_bie_. ___ 9955 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C.1wo • 9917 1!f7tl Monte Carlo 7,000 m1 , reit 1nl'I. ~50673 5138 ••••••••••••••••••••••• u1r. t·ru1se. ttlt whl. '67 Chevy II, 6 cyl, rel( CORVETTE '72. Show '60Good cond '73 Olds OmeJ(a 4 door. 7S Btg motor, oar. radio, burkl'ti.. AM / fo'M, t!k '76 Im pain 4 d r P IS . )(us, P IS . u ulo, ora R car lmmac All exlrai. $4800/best offer VS, a utomatic 1 rans • IOll~SO~ & so~ • LINCOLN· MERCURY ltNl~SOX & SOX • LINCOLN·MERCURY nr new tares. $350 unde drl'lt wind. $6495 Call PIH. new tires. new ball owner $685. Call eves. 2626 HARBOR BLVD. $8200. Ph 714 167S.7089 or 7""".""l9 2626 HARBOR B O pwr stcenn1t & brak<.'l>, -'" LV . air rond . AM /t'M stereo boolt.640-2560 m:; ~I Very clean 499 3729 9681244 COSTA MESA 67~ --------COSTA MESA tape. only S2,000 mile$ & Allto1, Mew 9100Auto1, Mew 9100 Auto•, Mew 9100 Autos, Mew 9100 Autos, Mew tlOO Autos, Mew 9100 'ooC:~~t~u~~~!~.31~~~ •---':;...::....:...;_.:...._:..:..:.;;;;.;:.;...:___ an excollent condition. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• w/2. tops, never dented. 1976MERCURY t5S9PHF>. Pr1. pt y . ~ 1979 HONDAS ARE RE NOW! 1979 Honda Accord 4-Door Sedan Af,I, REMAINING 1978 HONDAS MUST BE Cf ,EARED OUT TO MAKE ROOM! TAKE YOUR CHOICE 8~:~o '78 HONDA HATCHBACKS •( 1823)(SGC4541610)•( 1821)!SGC4541628) •( 1738)(SGC4537227l IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Plus Tex & License ACCORD HEADQUARTERS ~~~ GOOD SELECTION -IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Service & Parts Open 'til 10:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday Saturdays 'tll 5:00 P.M. RWY356 pp714/644·5039 MOMAACH $1800/besl offer . Call GHIACOUPE 549-9866 weekd ay:.. ec.g.-9933 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 00 Cougar Convert. XR7. xlnt cond. Lo ma, loaded. 644..ss2 Dodge 9935 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '70 Challen1<er, 440. RT, auto. red w/blk vmyl lop, 546-6688 Less than 20,000 miles, 54) 3788 eve nings & ai'.rcond.,pow r br:ikcs & ._weett __ e_nds_. ____ _ steer1ntt. radio. vinyl '7 6 O I d s C ul I ass roor Sharp Ca r ! lLtc. Brougham, auto, power 11566NPL>. st.eennR & bra kes. powc·r S4495 windows & locks, 60/4U 540-5630 power seat, tall whN·I . 1011 \SO~ & SOX • LINCOLN·MERCURY 2626 HARBQR Bl VO. 67 Dart. xlra cln . & COSTA MESA depndbl new l1res1ba lry __ ___ __ cruise control. r <t I h ,. magll, AM /1-'M stcn ·o, luxury mte nor. air cond. T top .. clock, xlnt cond, 54.000 rrules L1c735PUY. ~.673"6401 23MPG $800494-54111 '7l Torino wagon. fi(rcal buy at $850. All optaoni. 968-7946 ·~oart runs J(ood . $295 642·2'll0, 675-5906 '70 Cbari<er 440, P S. PI B. AIC. + meore Good rood. S500 firm. 9.5 Mon· Fri. 642-9301 64 Dart 6 cyl., 2 dr., auto • runs good $395. 645-4959 9940 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ;-PHIL LONG FORD u-., ......... ~0..,.'tff••• .............. ~ , ...... '00 Ford Fairlane. xlnt cond. 1 ownr, $700. T1().8+C6 '76 LTD 4 Dr. auto. a ir. PS/PB. CIC. blue fab an· Ir. salver extr. Blue vmyl top. S2SOO pp. 586.95()5 '74 Ranchero. Sqwre. Xlnt me c h c o n d . fo' u I I y cqwpped. needs p1unl. $295(),97MBSO '72 Couner, new engine. Best olfer 6-466l 'T1LTD II V-8, automallc, air con· ditaonmg, power steenng &brakes, PncedToScll! (55:11) $3995 HUNTINGTON BEACH AMC JEEP 16751 Bea<'h Bl t847 9551 74 LTD 4-dr, HT, /\/T, P IS. P /B. radio, new Ures. well matnl. $1850. 548.5982 '71 LTD2 dr. sedan, 400 cu in. P/S, P/B. aar, vnyl top, auto. 79,000 ml. Good cond. woo 536-6325. '76 Granada Ghia: 2 dr. auto. A/C, P /S. stereo tape. lthr. lnt. vnyl roof, P/W. XJnl cond. S3,800 551-5821 '73 LTD. sedan, 4 dr. :ur. /\M/FMttape $1700. 644.6789 '64 GaJaxic. 4 dr V8, Std. trans. R&H. clean. $4)(). ~3.'M9 '11 Ud II. champa11ne • bm vln top, auto. aur, f/pwr. Lo ml. S-4850 . 8»1'729. Mull sell 1973 Pinto Squire wagon. Outatand· ing cond. Orig. onr. P.P. Gn-!J'/82 u..c.119 tt4t ••••••••••••••••••••••• t'77UMCOLM VBSAILLIS 1JKE N£W condition & has everythl n 8 ! <~WT> Wat 91N95: on aa.le MOW·Sl444 IAUlllUICIC 211125 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA t7t•2IOO ---- I·········~ Howard ......... '7 8 M0"'1'E CAllO $ 5595 --·~ ,,.... -·"9 ·~· -· ' ..,.. 10 .. m•,_ ll&OVOYI . ONLY '77CHE'IYCAMAROlT s5795 A4.flom6ftC owir ~w.'ng.. •• , rON1 e•h• 10.., m•••• • LOAOl u 1 !Otiefl()fo I OHL y '78 ~~!.~_, .. u .. 3395 ,_ -...... 1()&67) Ot4&.Y '7 ]DATSUN 2801. $ 6995 =.~::...~~~.., '" ;;~ '7 CADILLAC ELDOttADO s15 9 New tn1uou11 .-uuw factor, lOAOEO• f064lll OMLY ' '77CHRYSLBUIARON S4895 COUPE HM wf ~••It•..., 'Ow m ..... OJOfJGt ONLY 4 U2 coaVITTE 4 'OM<I I'~ Olilt» CM ope> 6 to- -14' ll..01 '77~0C?~~~l)"UllC $9895 -& Of"'I 22000 m1 ... ~I At"•_...,.._ o4 OM&.Y 'JJ ~~:i~~-::-;S 8995 'Wt MIPt Nit Be tM Lar111t It! llllltt - lat We're "' Leder I• YllUI ' Smic1" MCn--....... -'-" .. - AllM.UIM •••••••••••••••••••••• --. .... ....................... '14 OLDS ClTJ'LASS AM~. air condltlOl'I· inl PoWer ltMr1n I • balB, v~op. (Mil> KUNTlNGTON B ACtl AMC.JEEP 18751 BtKb 1Sl/M'M651 'Tf Ooronado,. 8)' 0-n r b•ltb root, new tlrt' , 101CiaJ pab\t, all 1ttru Mlal cond. Call t ~ Mr. Martin f1MIOO 11'110LDS TORNADO au• ~114111 --- S!Jnday. Janu"Y 14, 1979 OAlL Y PILOT 81• I I I I t ~ ............. !!~. 9iiiiiiiiiiiiii .1979 IS MllllA IE A REAL IOOD YEAR FOR YOU AilD US. HERE WE IO. Wiii SUPER SAYlllS 011 FORDSI "15 Ploto Waton V ti, uul trlnl. JOm1>1. low mil fUOO I of hr I l' 14 l __ __....-............. ...-... _____ ..,. l'M IOI BALLACK ••• SADDLEBACK'S NEW GENERAL SALES MANAGER. aftt'r !I pm a weekend• or t 714 l •1000, C'lll 30'1 wlldaya '78 Squire Waaon a...o.ded, mint cood apd. AMll"M •t•r•o Rdlala. SUH P ~ '12 Pinto Runabout Nets WOl'k MOO Call KJm 5)7 WJ ... ..... tt40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •'74Fwy I.• ~r cond. Auna lllnl Valnt Ir vinyl lop br11od new. Rear dl'frosler, AIC. PI B ~aler Mual see! Rea sonabl e 964-1.848 'EB Valiant 2 dr. PS/PB, WE HAYE SOME '78 DEMOS ·-air cond. new ball, .,_ ____________ ""!. STILL A VAILAILE AT EXIREMEL Y REDUCED PRICESI HI ••• l'M NOT 808 BALLACK. l'M JOHN MOZDEM -MEW cBSllette. Gd cond. S74S. 673-311113 '74 Fury Grand C!>t'. ttll power. V K. $4!000 67S-e2 PalHoc 9965 ••••••••••••••••••••••• POHTIACS 1977LEMAMS $3999 COUPE VS. automal1l', air rond .. pwr :.ll-cnni.: & 8 track sterro Ready to go!!' (442RKQ) 1976LEMAMS $3499 COUPE VB. automatu· air cood . pwr. sll-cnni.: & Vlnyl top /\ front hnt• car"' Cl76NIKl COMMEU:., · CHEVROLET :x!!! II '1 r hur Blvd 1 ., llST .\ Mt-:.<;/\ 546-1200 \ ... 1976 roMTIAC FIRHIRD Automatic, air cond , tilt wheel, pwr. windows & only 28, l 73 m 1 lt•s' (8MRERl NJCB> TO SELL Mlrocfe Mcada/Rfttault 2150 Harbor Blvd , C M 645-5700 '76 Pont A.'ltre Wgn 4 cyl ~uto. air, PtS, P tt. tit wbl. new brakes & llr~·:. S2UJ0.673~ '78TRANS AM LOADED' lncludtni.t T top, much more' (178154> $7895 HUNTINGTON Bl::ACll AMC H ;EP 16751 Beach Bl/847 !1551 '76 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX Auto trans. air cond .. power windows, window locks, AM /FM Sl('r('O w/8 track, crwse <·ontrol, tilt wheel (LIC. 482TPG J $4895 ANAHEIM IRfTISH CARS 774-4110 1001 S. Anaheim Hlvd Anaheim '70GTO. pwr. ateer .. brk:.. auto .. ..00 Cu. In .. 4 BBL. full pwr, AM/FM rns:. lmmac. cond in & out SlD>Finn.645 5133 ~Fireblrd l"nrmul.1, Loaded. Pcrfc1·t t·ond Under 10,000 m1. $6.600 676-9798 '12 Grand Prix. vnyl roof, good cond. <.:n•al Buy . $1700. 640.4846 '71 Le Mans Sport. l>rk hrn mtlc. buckl'l ~eats, stock mags, 160 F1restones on rear. FM/Rlrk, PS. AT, 3.'50V8, 4 barrel headers. Sharp. Musl se ll. SJ.D>/~t orr 642·9536 '11 A11tre. 23,800 m1 , PS/PB. A /C, AM/FM t.ape. 4 sod. vl'ry gd cond. Must sell $3000/bst. offer lhls wknd 5#16-6799 n..:dcebird 9970 ••••••••••••••••••••••• W . !>unroor ~qrbk. :11lnl mech 1·ond ... harµ look in& $1350/ofr ~2·0528 1977 T·llRD Two tone bronze w 1th contra.sun~ vinyl roof Spbt (rt scoti., AM /FM ltetto and t.ape deck, air NEW '78 VAii Conversions Save 52500 OFF OUR WINDOW STICKER PRICE! WAS 'I l,287 MOW ONLY 58787 I 00°/o FINANCING ONALLCARS- 0 .A.C. '67CAMARO 6·cv1tnder. au1oma11c 1ransm1ss1on -.uof'r n1cr• TYM6t81 '76 GRANADA GHIA2.000l SUNROOF. aulomallc. r:>ow1ir s111er1,,o cru1i.c1 con1ro1 and AM/FM stereo (773RXHl 54177 I I Vinyl I p .111lnon,1llf lr~n· (l(1W f r ,tf .. pr •flg 0 WPf br<1kP air cond11ton1ng (224fllKP1 52777 '73 PINTO STATIONwAGOH Au1oma11c air conc111onino AM FM wilh 8 1r,1c.11 rool rack 589HlY '76 GRANADA GHIA Z..oootl HAIDTO' Fully eouoooed l57lRXPl '75 CAPRICE lSTAT'f WAGOtol Full oower and LOADED" 1388VPW) 53377 CAR MANAGER. HOW ABOUT SOME llEW 1978 PINTOS SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM '~5 3295 OYER 20 NEW 1978 FORD FIESTAS LEFTI BUY llOW AllD ·SAVEii au 1 oma l•c 1r11n s m 1ss1on. power ~l1>1>11nq and brakf'~ air c;ond111on1nq 429HP01 "78 THUNDERBIRD ONLY 7.000 ACTUAL MILES' (242ULCl '77 DODGE A5""WAGON Aulom.ll•C DOWN MN>nnq ..411 cond1l1uninQ AM/FM wolh c a'>~elll' player l091SOX 53777 cond .. and more. A ~------~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~-~~--~-~--+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~-~~~-----sharp, clean car · priced toaell! (Llc03SSYC) $5695 540-5630 1011\SO\ ,~ ~O\ . : tNCOLN·MERCURV1 2826 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA --.... 9974 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'T4 llatchbac:k 43.00Q ml. A.Int cond. Beaut t!Xlr '1Jl)Olbllolr.873·18!l0 'H Vtp St.atJon W1n, x.lnt CtOlld. PIO. &i.\2-9» t ' SOMETHING DIFFERENT • in the DAILY PILOT lhllUal CW., Cla11lc1, Antiques, Race. & One of a kind! t ~~~~--,.r--~--~~~~--~~~,--~~-:-.-. ·. . .. - ·~, Nabers Cadillac WITH 2 GIA-NT-lOCA TIONS PROUDLY ANNOUNCES ITS E F• ·Kl . . ale SOME EXAMPLES OF THE SUPERLATIVE VALUES BEING OFFERED DURING THIS LIMITED SALE '78 SEVILLE leather, stereo, radio. cruise control, full pwr. 1 yr. or 12.000 miles warran· ty Included. (173PWC) '9399 '77 COUPE DE VILLE leather, 50/50 pwr. atereo radio. cruise control.. Ten to choose from (#Q153928) 1 yr. or 12,000 mile warranty Included. low as '8599 '78 VOLVO WAGON f65 fact. air, roof rack, auto. trans., ta~ player, leatMr seatlna area. (707PKD> ,6699 78SiAB998L four speed, tape player, air cond. (709SlT) ·2~ '77 SEVILLE Stereo r11d10 & CB. feather. cruise cont .. wire wheel covers. C •Q46027 l) five to choose from. low as '10,499 /}I/LL/ON$$ INVENTORY TO CHOOSE FROM (BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 9 AM) '78 THUNDERBIRD On~ 6295 miles, cruise, tape player, 50 50 pwr. seat, wire wheel coven. (7 2VFG) •7999 78 SEDAN DE VILLE Leather, tape pl~er. full vinyl top, cruise control. (#Ql81915) '6899 '73 MIZ 450SLC Low mllff. equipped with ell fact. ODtions Including leather, stereo tape. (242SQO) . '14,999 'II CAD. SEDAN DE VILLE Padded top, full power. factory air cond., tllt wheel & AM/FM stereo. Must seel (ZBV137) '1699 73 CAD. COUPED£ VILLE Padded top. leather Int., full power, tilt wheef. cruise control, AM/FM ster· eo. and looks sharp. (187HZV) •3499 73 CAD. ELDORADO Padded top, leather int .• full power, facto. ry air cond .• tilt wheel. AM/FM stereo and very clean. Must se.! (419HMU) '3499 74 CAD. COUPED£ VIW P~ top, full power sptrt power seats. flciory air, t1tt wheel, AM/FM with 8 track tape player. Shal'J)I (225LGV) ···~ 78 UllCOIJI TOWN CAR mu PlddeO top, leethlf Int .. 11111 J>QWef. split powtl' "'"· flC10fY w. tilt wlleel. CfUtW contr04. AM/ fM Ster«> wlltl 8 trlCll tepe p11191. L1~e new. (2 70POV) TWO to dlOOSt lfOl'i1 '6999 '77 CAD. ELDORADO CebrlOlet toe>. $pllt IMtlllf ..,,s. lull ~. lacto ry elf. till wheel. aUtM control.""'°· t~ p11y9r aoo I rtlf/12.000m1loarrantt.(162RTl) '9399 71 CAD. COUPE D£ VILLE ~ IQC). leallllf ont-. ttA .-. 'lllit pqwet ... 11 CrUlf•eottlrol. 1111 ....... AM/,M .,,h Sll<.O 1"'9 pl..,.., VOCI I 1f./12 ()()() rNlt weo.n ty (97•Vll) .... NABERS NAllU AUTO CINTll 1•25 IAKll ITl.UT COITA MllA M0-9100 78 Tl•PI SPITFllE RDSTI. 4 speed trans .• radio, heater, low mileage. (597PKE) '2999 75 CHRYSLER CORDOIA CabrlOltt top. ftlther 11\t., "' pow, spilt pow seats. fltfoty • cond .• bit llfleef. CtU11e control, AM/FM With stftO tJpe •• we llfleef CMn, and low "*'-( 147NIK) •3999 75 PONTIAC MAJID PRIX Padded top. tun power, factory air cond .. tilt wheel, AM/FM stereo, Ral lye wheels. Sharp. (134532) '3999 '71 POITIAC IUID PRIX c.briolet top. full power. fact()ty •• , cond . tilt wheel. Cn11M c:onfrOI. Rallye wheels. ShlfJ)! ( 488PUV) •4999 77 CHRYSLEI CORDOBA Cabriolet top, split felther SNta, full power. tectOfY '" cond., tilt wheel & cruise contrOl. Low. low mila. (412SLR) •5999 SALE ENDS 48 HRS. AFTER PUBl:ICATION . l .. .. , . . .. . .. FINAL SPORTS featurinq ol' HE'(, W~AT DO '1'0U TMINK 't'OU~E DOING? A SNOWMAN 15 SUPPOSED TO BE FUN TO LOOK Ar - ~ 6UIL.DlNG A SNOWMAN NO ONE IS 601NG10 CAREA80lJT A SNOWMAN WMO'S UPSIDE DOWN~ --- --·· - NANCY • 80Y---THl5 15 A TOUGH DECISION . I po~'T; KNOW WHICH ONE TO CHOOSE I' . " . . -. LOCAL WANT ADS 1-f<I • ·eur HE'5 UPSIDE DOWN ! ------- MOW Q\JAlNT ! ----© 1911 United feature Syndicate, Inc. • .. ,. . . . ' By Ernie Bushmilf er UM-M . . . .. W T~INIC '(()I) ~OlAL.D ~TOP ()OIN6 OlAT WITM .avf ANO ~ETT\..£ IN,.O ' ~OME ~000 ''T'!AOY ~AStTS F~ANCINE .• • t'Vf HEARD SOME WONDERFUL rn1N65 ABOUT YOU ! THEY 5AY YOU'RE A f;RILLIANT PATHOL - OGl5T WITH A 6REAT FUTURf IN YOUR PROffSSION ! .. j t I 111 t i \:· ~16H/ t GO\AL.0 l)~Si ~ LITTL& ~l&NC\.V AOVICE ..• A1..SO, 'tC\A <SMO\.AL.O Qt.Arr WATC.HIN6 1'Y, AND lrEAD ~OME. CL.A6~1C A:]f;T~Y • .AL.~0.L CHAN6£ 'IOLAR: CAll:EESZ: Pl.AN<, TO ~OM&TMINC. MO~ ~eAL.l~TIG; LUCE W0t?KIN~ IN A ~L.T MIN~ ... ~~.ANC.INE, WE KNOW WM.AT'~ ee~r FOtt YC>tA , AND A~ vo1.o1c Fltll~NO?. we 0 L.llCE TO TiL.L YO~ ••• · AL.70, WE TMINK VOi.A ~~OIALO 60 ON A DIET OF ~EED~ AND W ...... AT 6EIZM I ANO l(NOCIC: OFF eve~YT~IN6 ELSE • 00 ALL. 'TM05f 1'MIN6~, ANO VOtA'\.L. HAVE A MAPPIE~ MR. 6 WOULD Lll<E TO TALK TO YOU PRIVATH Y .' Ft.ATLAl'E. Fllr~Tl..Y, we THIN\( ')VlA 'SMOIAl.D STOP Tl{YINC:. TO 1MP1tOVE "t'OtAr:' LOGIC~ ANO lrECONCILE' YOIA~~L~ TO 9£1Nu PLAIN .· DOCTOR. PlfA5E EXCIJSE ME FOR NOT ~TANDI NG ! J HAVE A &IT OFARTHRITl5.' 6UT, PLEASE ... S IT DOWN !!"Wl~·..,,....,-~ WELL, 1 WOULDN'T AT THE I'LL 6E ABLE TO 5AY THAT ... ALTHOU6H M OMENT? 1 AM IN A 5LIGHt HOW LONG FINANCIAL BIND 15 THAT '? Al THE MOM ENT! ~ eur 1'M NfRVOCJ?. wrNNlE . MOTHER 1 r ' . ~ o~. OOl'f NOW ANO GET IT OVE~ WITH . Cl K"9 -..,_. ltC , 1119 -Id,..,..._...... IF I TEL.L '(OU HOW l LOST THE HALF - MU.LION-001.LAR OALLA~ ACCOUNT···· ' P~OMl5E YOU woN•T L.AUGt{ 1 . . ' .. I NOTICE. "THAT ~AZ(,) HARR() HA5 BEEN SENT 101HE OFFICE .::. -- - ---:: - l' P6AIN. DOCTOR SMOCK -rHe: c::>oc-roR SAYS YOO CAN eo HO.MES 1"0DAY, Ktt?DO 1-r's A GRSAI" FE:E:t-1 N ' KNOW IN I YOU'Re NO L..ON<SeR CONIAGIOUS .1 IT SE.EM5 LIKE. HE'6 ALWAQS l~TO SOMETHING . f v '!. HE '5 A REBEL l>J11HOUT A PAUSE! SOME- IHING WRONC::, 'THERE ... By George Lemont YOW! 1'"H5N THAIMeANS MY HORR I c:::> MAL-ADY' MUS1"' ee: cuReP.' so HeRe ARE: YOUR ct-o-rHes, Pf:ARte . ~. E:AI YOUR HeAR.T ou-r, 'TY'PHOI c:::> MARY.' ~Jll - ® LI ID B L 6 w e 6 D s bt; -i~ ' •• ... ~ - I <JUST L-OCKf PUP Sf"-AKE-EVE 1t> AWAll IRIAL ... - A.'JO ~tNKO: ~MLXl-t~~ rr l?~YC\J~ • 1 f ---Kf:EP AN E:.'(E ON HIM, C7EPUTY. ~~.J~ llrMENU. t ' CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There .,.. at least six differ· ences in dr•wing det1lls betwffft top •nd bciMom panels. How QIUickly an you find them? Checlr 1nsWfrs with fhGle below. OU1n .... \I JH \,lloQ • -. \f •1•11:1 5 bulJ\IW \I -I'd t l""••ll•P \I OW•1 t , ... ,.lllP ~· lh• l 6vf"IW \t ••Rl><d I "Xi•'41110 irl@ -------by Hal Kaufman-----'-- •HANKY PANKY I Wlt9'1f•. Y¥r '•hNY• filld I've INlrted wtttt. KOre. the l•Uftdrv loses MYen, •o~er chewt up .. ur. My Ulfttittt I ""''' hlYe i.tt et Mn. Darby's LOOK DRAGON INTHE EYEI ~old the at>ove plcture In. • bright llght and ga1e steadily Into the dragon's eye for I IS seconds Then shift your eyes to a nearby wall What do you $ee? A reverse Image that may last for several moments before It fades away. The reverse Image ls much llke a photogra· phlc negative All the whites are black and all the blacks are white. This will work on Objects other than pie· lures. too. , .. , end two wen uMd to bend•OI llMle Arthur's wounded """· How manv hlnkln gone? 11• VI lllOI A1't1U •C•ll Turn! Tiiis mtans of communlcatton has been a GREAT HELP for more than 130 yeer1. Unscramble c:ap letters to Identify II. lfd•.0.1•1 •P•Y Loadl Which of these •mounts u n be paid with four different U.S. c.oln1: S.17 S.46 S.6' S.9'? Remember. four coins muat be different. 1110 llU• l•a>tu ,...,IP 'JlllOP 11•11 -\flH) •I\ A1a1S e Rlddle-Me This! Where were the first doughnuts fried? In Greece. What kind of camel goes boom, boom. boom? A drummerdarv. 7 3. 11.9 8.6 ~ FREE WHEELER! What kind of wtt.dly contr•ptlon Is M ing driven by our friend above? Connect dots to find out. THE WORLD'S GREATEST SUPERHEROES &ACI< l/GHTNING CLOSE:G IN ON OR. MANNING A~ Hf: ATTfEN\PTS. 'Tr::> ESCAPIF F~OM HISI Hf:ADGUARTeRS •. ••• WHILE: THE BATMAN 1..EAOS MANNING'S FORM/:R CAPTIVES. TO .SAFETY,,, ,' STAY 8AC1<1 LIGH7NING-- Ofl. iHIS t.A5ER. WIL.L.. ..-~~~-'""~-.. GL ICf: YOU IN TWO / GORDO ... 5 0 ONCE: 7HIS GENERATOR IS OESTROYEO, Ht= '5HOUl.O BE sroPPEO Ft::JfZ Goo c::> ! iHIS IS AS FAR As ••• r. CAN GeT rT ••• t::)PEN.' GOON THROUGH--HURRY! SUPGRNtAN/ hlAAW'J\G WAS 6fETTIN ' AWA')t.S>- ~UT THE:N HE: :JUST STOPPEO COL/7/ I 'VE:-CUT o,:,:; HIG POWE R .1 NOW I'O B~TTEER <S>eT HIN\ OUT OF THAI C.Y/.. INOER .•• t/14 RIOT ACTt Add these colors for a circus scene: 1-Red. 2-Lt. blue. >-Yellow. 4-Lt. brown. S-Fltsh. •-Lt. green. 7-Dtl. purple. I-Orange. t-U . purple. 10-B'8ck. 11-Gray. . . - SPELLBINDER , . I I SCORE 10 points for using all the letter• In the word below to form two complete word1: . RELIANCE ----. . -- THEN score 2 points each.for all ,,., word' of four letters ~ more - found among the letters. ' Try to tan at Jffst SO polnta. tuu •a..., ·lil•l'""'ei41JH114 ' •• , SINCE 1 WITH ITS LIFE-SUPPOR.T El~N\NOW //Vt::IPERATIVE, OON'T SWEAT II, 61l0-- THAI 5UCKE:Fi? I~ HE'LL 17/E UNLeSS I.-- By GONE.' Gus Arriola Grows over 100 possible color combinations! If you think four-leaf clovers and rabbit's feet are lucky, wait till this thrilling Rainbow Pl~nt enters your life! Caladium AMAZING ~ 1100 OFFER II For the Pot O' Gold Rainbow Plant can not only bring you as much good luck as any or all of those traditional good luck charms, but it can do some- thing wonderful for your own and your whole family's happiness before it even becomes the rain- bow at the end of your pot of gold. Isle of Tara Nurseries LTD. Just .the mere anticipation of what's going to happen with this amazing plant-alor:lg with its , r--------------------------1 heart-lifting beauty-should mal<e life more worth I Isle of Tara Nurseries LTD. 31 Hanse Ave., Dept. 386-39, Freeport, N.Y. :11521 living. I 31 Hanse Ave., Dept. 386-39, Freeport, N.Y. 11521 ESU TS GUARANTEED IN 7 DAY~ I Whether you keep the plant indoors or but, you I Please rush me Pot O' Gold Rainbow simply water it (watering is all the care it will ever I Plant(s) need) and in 7 days something wonderful hap-I 0 ONE, #91367 for purchase price of $1 .00 plus pens! We guarantee it! Up come the first jo}1ul. 1 35¢ shippin~ and handling. sprouts of a fantastic living rainbow! Just picture this Rainbow Plant turning your I D TWO for $1. 75 plus 50¢ shipping and handling. home into a riot of color. All Year! Imagine its I O THREE for $2.50 plus 65¢ shipping & handling. huge heart-shaped leaves bursting with color as o FOUR for $3.25 plus 80¢~shipping & handling. I dazzling masses of red, yellow, orange, purple and o FIVE or more for $1.00 each -we pay shipping 1' gold colors erupt in rainbow drifts I You'll never and· handling. I cease to be thrilled by its persistent bloom, jts Enclosed is o check or o money order . t · vibrant glowing colors, its crisp glossy foliage.. , for $ · . .. . Sorry" no C!O.D.'s 1 You get everything you need to grow this miracle (New York reside'nts please add sales tax).. 1 of nature including bulb, gleaming golden pot, potting soil, and instructions all at the incredible NAME I price of S 1 on our risk-free, money back guarantee. 1 This item is not sold in stores and you may never ADDRESS I again se.e this offer. So order this gorgeous. ever-14', 1 bfooming. ever-green. ever-red, ever-pold. ever-I everything plant today. May your P.ot 0 Gold plant .1. bring you all the happiness. health, ·anet wealth you ' IP I ever dared hop,e for-and morel -·------.J .. • • . · .... ' . '" THERl YOURSELF S.. die ........ a I ....-, to "Asll." Flllitf ~ 141 ltlliflllan Avt., lllw 'lbrlt, NY. 10022. W.1 ,., S5 lllr ~ ~. ~ M can't -Olhn. FOR HAROLD BROWN. Secretary ol DefenN la .ea.at arw ol clmf1w are we lack- ... _. moet ftlleaable? - E.N. o...ttJe. m • 1 don't believe our defenses are "lacklng" In a ny Important respect. Still, we must work hard to keep from becom· Ing vulnerab&e In the future. In the Soviet Union we have a strong adversary whose fon:a are greater than those needed for I defen1e alone. There Is no sign the Soviets are reducing their heavy Invest- ment In the nuclear and conventional Eva on the Soulet gu"'. forces that threaten us and our allies. We must Improve ow defen5a to meet the rbks posed by the steadily Improving Soviet forces. The North Atlantic Treaty {)rgjsntzzitlon (NATO) countries, whk:h Include the U.S ., have begun a long-tenn program for Improving Its forca, a program that wtll affect almost every aspect of our European defenses and enable us to strengthen ourselves. .FOR DIANA CANOVA. star of ABC-TV's Soop I know you're NI~. eo bow can you appear In 8Uch trub? -,.V., Bo .... Idaho • Flrstty, It's a job, and I need It. Secondly, If I, with my strict Ccitholic upbringing, tee no reason to condemn Soop, why should anyone ehe? It's not meant to be taken seriously, just tongue-ln-chffk entertainment. What makes me furious ls the attitude ol some tc:hools. They had tchoolchddren write to the show's sponson, saying, "I will not buy your pro- ducts because you sponsor that disgusting show." FOR PAUL HARVEY, newteaSter Do JOU ha" anv fault9 that vou'cl Ille to correct, and wlty clo VOU alw11Y9 uy "after page 2'" In your twoed- cut9? -Mn. ElmerSkoot. Lyfonl, Tau • I favendy wish I could rre more ln:depth research to each sub;ect; there Is never enough time when I must do 11 broadcMts, five telecasU and three newspaper columns every week. And many say I talt too fast. As for page 2, lt'sa necessary separation bctwftn news and commerdals. I don't lite to NY. ••Here Is 11 meseagc from our spootor." FOR EU.A GRASSO. Governor ol Connecticut I ,_ ._ tt..y F_. In fhf Nell.., .. Odohr. ..,_t the............ I eo..t ,.....,.. 1M oda-• '•lie. .,. -=a 1 •Oil1ilble wlllt '-· HM tW. ..... ,......,,_ •• _.,..w'l-G.S.,O.lb 1.Ct. • My c:ole.agua haw been at courtieou. to me at they u. to any other gowmcw. My opponentl haw UMd the ...-m "gowmaa." The peop&e ol our _. dJd not appredata that, and my opponents quickly abandoned It. FOR THE "'ASK" EDITOR le dMre ...,...._. la tt.oee namon that Kathrp Croeb, le to1111 to remarry? U 90, wlto .. tM maa? - B.G., Baaeor. Malne • Tho.e repof1S are aD fahe alarms. "Not In the foraffable future," was Kathy's answer to our question as to whether she planned to rewed. She doesn't get annoyed by the gossip, not even when It surfaced less than a respect- able period after Bing's death last Oc- tober. "I see It not u an Invasion of privacy but as a show ol Interest, .. said Kathy. "It means people are Interested In Dear Bingle -still remembered. me and care enough to wonder what I'm doing. It means they know evayone In thls world needs low and care." Kathy said her personal life Is more or less taking a back seat. She's putting every ounce of energy and effort Into her stage career. Ako, she's 5tlll busy plowing through the thousands of ri>utes that poured In after Bing died . FOR O.J . SIMPSON, football star and a lead In the movie, firepower YOU1' reconl f« moet yardage gatned la one MUOD (2,000 ya•) le a great one. Do you think It will be broken eoon, and bf whom? -R., .. Albanv, N.Y. e I think It will. For one thing, the season now conmts of 16 games Instead of 14. When there are more games, the odds Increase. Ourtng the next few years, watch Walter Payton from Chicago. my first choice. Next, keep an eye on DeMn Wiiiiams, who was recently traded to Miami. FOR ETHEL MERMAN, musical comedy star whose 70th birthday Is on Jan. 16 r .. beard It Mid vou're the euleet pcnon to write 90 ... for. Why? -P.L , Uttle Rock, Adi. • I suppote lt'1 beca\fte I bek them out so loud and clear. But It's ako been said that If anyone writes a song for me, and It's bad, everyone can hear what's wrong. The only place wheTe my pipes don't always wort< Is In nightclubs. There's always someone at the back complalnlng he can't hear -wh!Je you hear every wOl'd he's complaining. FOR ALVIN AILEY. choreographer-dancer Doee It bother ,oa·that., although fOUf company .. weU lulowa, your face le not? -E.G., Canton, Ohio • Somcttma, especially when something like this hap- pena: II ~ weeks 11!9<>, I had left II 1V studio afta being In· tennewed with dancer Judith Jamllon and two young -=relaria. One ol the crew rushed up to us, stared ha.rd; then gushed, "Whkh one ol you Is Alvin Alley? I've been your ran for 25 years." PRO .... ....._ o ....... <R.-0nt.1 PRO Alli> con CON 9'....-T. lla.,lcd. Nadooal Praldcnt, Afl.. CK>, Ameriun Federation ct GOYemment Employea The ortglf\el Intent ol the Social Security IY*m wee to provtde a wp- plement to lndMduell who might not twive laid -'de~ of a "ntlt em' fot retllemcnt. Becaute membera ol ~ haw eutndlnt retlltmtnt bcfMfltl from vartoua other pcnlk>n p&.na, theV heve been acbW from the .-m. Th. rtiult. hoWtYtr. hM b9tn to ........ an Inequity that II u~ UPltt· ting ~ the public. I be~ thet menlbtrr " Cotvw thoulcl l1ght thll wrong by ectln9 to~~ In Sodal Secuttty. I haw, theNfoN, Introduced t.gt1l11on with Senator Robert Morgan requk'1n9 lhe lncJLlllon ol the ._.ttw branch. 'MY .,. II thet coo.,...,..n wtl t00n .... tht Nll'OJ ..... °'~ting to the W*rft. Should Congralmea Be C.Overed By Dae Sodal Seaa'fty ~? No. MOit members ol C<>f'9Cll •am Social Securtty credit throu~ mllttary Ml'v\ce or MW-employment. A'-o, Congreu has a special retnment plan thltt accommodates the wh1m*al natutt ol poMbl )obi. ~I COYCf9 might be • flnt *P towwd mandttofv ~ fOf aD t.dera1 ·•~. a mp whkh we would QPl>C*. Social Securtty c:.annot be a IUbrcltu• fot the ed4tqUllte (allhough not ~ CMI Service ,... rnet1t pt0gram. F.w Nlllill that'rnott federal worken' pey . 1 penient ol bw .ua.y fOf ret!Nment ~. which are fulli; taxtd. Cowrage ol ftderal e~. Including c~. ~ 1n1t1ely edd fundt, but over the tong RIO M would •leo rneen llfW>4her 21/t mdllon beneftdluia. 8 I ! ~ . i • More. For lhataxtra measare of satisfaction. • Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking-fl Oangeroutto Your~~ -,.,.,. • More offers you an extra measure of satis- faction. Because More's got the great taste you want in a cigarette. Taste that satisfies. Taste that makes More a truly enjoyable smoking experience. And you get extra satisfaction from More 's 120 mm length which lets you enjoy all that great taste even longer. More also has the style that could only come from a long, slim, brown cigarette. Once you get More satisfaction, you 11 never accept anything less. • :--:. -... -..llt'MI ... IJl l10bel Sllct.n A lmOlt evay MW mother would •e her ton to be Prakfent. If the baby II a girl, matt MCNtly hope that the'U be enocher ShWley Temple. It hun't happened yet. How· ewr, for the Int time ~ Shirley "sperkled," as her rnott.' Mid, it.. II • handful of talenllld young ecb 11111 cur· -.ndy WOfklng In motion J*:· tura and etlevtlk>n who JU1t m9Y become Mvlf'9 leglnda. Alphebdcaly, ~ .. 11· ygr-old Q,dnn Cummlngl of FAmous, ICH AND UMDER21 The . Off-Camera Uvesof Chi Id. the FamlPy 1V Mrla, and the been oth.I: adonble AnllA mcwle, The Goodbve Girl; Jona, whb wu &ff9 on Family 17-year-old Jodie Foteer, wtth A/Jalr, died of• drug owrdote. dozieN of movie credits; 16-Cute Lauren Cb•pln, the year-old KrtlCy McNlchol .a.o youngat chUd on Father on Fom#v Md 1V tpedell; Know. Bat, II now 34. She hat Tatum O'Nul, now 15, who hed drug Md eJcohol problems hu been lhocklng her public and three un•IClCCllfuJ mar· llrlC:C the ..,.,..,-S In P.-r riaga. Of her llx-year-old ton Moon; and Bn>oM Shields, 13, the ayt, "He.-.. end danca, famed sAnce Infancy u a modeJ. but I won't let him get Into the Mott rwc:endy lhe Wiii In Pteftv bullrlas until he's o&d ~ IJobv and K1"fl of rite GVP*I to dedde for hlmMM. I m~a and hall completed Tit and lot without• normal chlldhooa. Wonda Nttuodo. I didn't,..._ hqw much bitter· GOlllp c:dumntm dutvc on Mii and hate I hed In me unttl ta• of *Ill mothaa end thetr my mother died." Her pm"enll •~chldNn. • -Jllf·~~w wry Judy G.trtand II evoc.at1W of young. the wont ...... There haw Elinor Donahue, who pa.y.,d her old« ..., , hat aged mon lets end the ability to build up ~lly. She II hepplly mar· fricndshlpl. They have a pc· rted, hat four IOl'\I and stm cuMar W\N of life. They're WOfks regularly on TV .hows taught .0 act, rather then k> be and In comrnerdall. ~." The al·tlme Ideal American He conam wMh a co'hl!gl.lC family, Oule and Ham.t who ata: "Al chlldren .. Nellon, pennlttld ut to wetch subtect to ~ k> excel In David and RJcky IJ'OW up be· echool, In sports, In toeletaf' fen our eyes. T odey David II a roles In gencnil. Chl&d ecton get not-too-1uccasful producer. more ~ bec:aute the JUcky II a noMoo·tueeelllul lt8ha .,. weater: money - mUIAdan. end the rejection II much O.vtd r. Goallb, M.D., 11 an wons. I would •v ~II chanoe M90datle prolellOf of dnleal for a happy adulthood II totaly ~hi.try at UCLA, hu a pr1· cl.pendent upon the MCUrtty v• a-ychlatrtc pt9Ctlce and II and love that II In the home, ~ author 'Of., The Gov Topa. Mrtln9 at Infancy." He ,.. th.I "Woddng cHdren---1n thtl more et'llfd*ned IOd· often.,. not glYeT't od. out· ety, however, It would~ .. Now! .. Save•a30with Colgate's Cash Clean-up! PAlMOUVE DIStfWUHING LIQUID HND-WIPES SOltens hands While you do dishes. The ~ kitchen cleaning cloth th•l WOf1(a wonders wet. Get a big $3.00 refund when you buy the five• hard working products proofs of purchases required. If your store doesn't have refund above. See Colgate's Cuh Clean-Up dlsplay In participating atom blanks, wrtte: Colgate Cuh Clean-Up, P.O. 8o>C'2110, Maple Plaln, for refund blanks and detalls lncludlng what sizes to buy and what Minn. 56348. Refund offer expires June 30, 1979. u .. theM two nn ooupoM below end .wt cl.,.. up todey 1n Colgete'• ea.tt c ... ...up. STORE COUPON SAVE 15•0N PALMOLIVE DISHWASHING LIQUID s.IWll ..... wllll JIU do ....... .. CHILD. ACTRESSES that even child octors have a fighting chance at normalcy, after taidng with two and their mothers. In addition to being actresses, all the girls have other common denominators: they have unusual and asexual first names. And they are being railed by one parent. Only Quinn Cummings' fa. ther Is deceased. lronlc:ally, he died of a he.art attack In April. 1977' In their Los Angeles home on the final day she was filming The Goodbye Girl In New York City. Jodie, Kristy and Brooke are raised by their mothers. Tatum, as the newspaper·and-mag- azine-readlng public Is a8 too aware, makes her home with her father, actor Ryan O'Neal. Quinn Cummings and her mother, Jan, say up front that Quinn wants a father and Jan wants a husband for all the rea· sons lone women do. The at- tractive redhead says, "When Quinn goes to bed, there are just IO many books I can read, and IO much TV I can watch. It's very lonely. It's almost lm- posd>le to find an avallable man In Los Angeles. rm tired of going places alone or staying home because I don't h.ve an acoft. I don't see any advan- tage to being a one-parent fami- ly, except for the fact that we're doter because we're aD we have. "U Quinn had a stepfather, It would take pressure off me both flnandally and emotionally." She wc>rXs as a free-lance ac· count.ant, banks or Invests Quinn's eamlngl, stating firmly, "I do not hve off my daughter." Quinn, a gregarious. fnmdty. as-a-puppy younglte1', wants her mother to mnany. Her Ideal stepfather must come wtth a 13-year-old daughter. "I'd want her to be a slob like me. I wouldn't want a neat-nick because then we'd be com- pared, and I'd always be napd to clean up my room." She would also llke the com- panionship of an older sister, she adds more Mriowli/. Jodie Foar. Kristy McNichol and Tatum O'Neal aD have the companionship of brothers. Brooke Shield'' mother, Teri, divorced her husband when Brooke was five months old, but she has had the advan- tage of a man around the house, Bob Kaman, geologist and oU-well owner, who has been asking T ert to marry him f for ten years. "I tried It once. That's enough. He's a cloM family friend and he loves us." J Unlike Quinn , Brooke f doesn't feel the need of a step- father, since she sees her natu· ral father, his wife and thetr children regularly. T erl says she has no prob- lems raising her daughler alone. "If she talks back, she gets punished by not being allowed to watch TV or Wtt her hone. She'd rather visit the horse than go to a movte or get a new necklace.'' The two-year-old chestnut was a gift from costar Peter Fonda at the condutton of film- ing Wanda Ncuoda. Every stx months. Tert says she and Brooke discuss the di· rection her young career Is go- ing, and If she wants to con- tinue WOfklng. So far, she does. She will conftcle that .. , don't know what I want to be when I grow up. rm only 13 yean old. I know I want to many and tu.ve chtldrwn, and right now I think I'd "'8 to keep on acting, II my hutbend and chUdren un· daltood. If they didn't, rd give Brooke Shlekh and mom, who has bun "occuud of being a stage mother. " It up." She projects only that fai tnto her future. Meanwhile, her not·lncon· alderable earnings go Into a trust fund which cannot be touched unttl she • 21. Because T ert travels with her &om their New York home, she receives a per diem allowanc.e. However, she plans to draw a salary for tax purposa. Accused of being a · atAtQ8 mother and wone, Teri denies printed facts, stating most of the people writing about her have never lnWvtewed her. "If I fW\t about anything, It's to have her ltudlo IUtor teach Brooke French, to she can atay up In It." Brooke, now In the 9th SPde, maintains an A to 8-plut aWf9. Quinn Cummings, of the popular Family TV aeries, and her mother at an ABC party. Teri's advice to women rais- ing a chUd alone Is simple: .. Be honest with your chUd and es- tablish a friendship. Don't hold anything back. I keep Brooke dlsdpbned because I don't IH anything wrong with dllClpllne, and we go to [Catholic) church every Sunday. Most of all , we love each other very much." Mary Hnchfeld, J .O.M.A ., Is a divorce counsellor who wort<. wMh ptyehlatrlstl while helping her cltcnu obtain divorces wMh minimum peln. She has obMJved coundess one-parent situations. 'With a child ec::tras In the family, the focus ls on the child, and If decisions a,_ made baled on the child, she must SJOW up with lkewed values. To over- come that situation, the parent must make It very clear that It's a job, It's work. Sometimes It may become ne<leSlary to with· draw the child from her au- dJence and put all the focus on giving love In the home. You can really get pulled off-c.enter by reading your own press ~." she points out. The bottom Une • still how the children thcmMlves feel about wod<Jng. Quinn Cum- mings sums It up succinctly: "No matter what, I would have been In show business, as a director or a writer, because I love woridng with the camena so much. Acting Is just the easiest way to get to It." And her happy smile Is r111 realty convtndng. ~ Advance reservations are being accepted now. The bell wtll be available for shipment in early Sprtng. Please use the attached reservation form . The Norman Rockwell Commemorative Bell P1eMe llCCepl my raen'!ltlon for the Norman RockwdJ CommernoraU\'t 8dJ fee tunng Mr. Rockwell's -niple Sdf·Portralt.M I undentand I need aend no money at this time. 'Ille bell wtU be aY1lllab&e for 1hlpment In e11rly Sprtng, ___ Rockwdl Commemorauw Bd••l ti •27.60 I~ •1.50 postage and quancKy handling).. ChedlOne: 0 Pleaaechargeat the lime of shipment to my 0 Mastc:rC~ 0 VISA ... , I I I I I I I .I I I I DCl'fd;;djj:MCanleini~Ne.-----.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.--.~-----.~~iR!:ii~-~1 0 PieaaC•bw me at the time ol ahlpmcnt. • ~ I ... ~-------~--------------- Addl'e9----.--...,,....---.--.---.-------------~ I I I I ci.y,St• ztp I et9795atutdllyEwnt~fll:Jet Si«natWT • I ._ ____________________________ .._ _______________________________ -.J -....... @©©~~ ~~@ ({:@©~~ AN INTERVIEW WITH FRENCH CHEF JACQUES PEPIN Iv mcutlp "°"'" I t was recently my pleasure to meet Jacques Plptn, the tal- ented French chef who now llva In the United States. Jacques' parents were propri· eton of a Lyons, Franc.e, ra· tawant, Le Pelican, and he fre· quently helped out In the k.11 • chan and ran errands for them after school. Jacqua w• 13 years oJd when he was epprm· Heed to the head chef of the Grand Hotel de l'Europe and found that he loved the k.llchcn and the voluminous hot range that kepe his cheeks as rosy as r1p« red apples. The exdten'Mlnt of tnvel, boats and faraway places hat always had a strong appeal for this vibrant man. Jacques re· vealed that "America attracted me; I wanted to come and MC lt myself. And ao I came and found that I loved the &eedom and spaee of America, and I dldn 't want to return to France to live." In New York he per· fected his cook1ng skllla. One surmises, however, that he wasn't alwayt researching rec:lpa. u Jocque• had an ac· live outdoor )ob, tuchlng akl· Ing. One day a bubbly young woman aime along and enroled for a private leseon and thm promptly algned up for another. It fin.Uy dawned on Jacques that this peralstcnt woman wu more Interested In him than In learning to sJd! And the penil· tent ski bunny did make her mark -the former Gloria Au5Pef of New Yoric II now Mn. Jacques Pepin. Cwrently, Jacques la a food consukant and wrtlea a monthly column for a magu1nc and frc· qucntly contributes to news· papa'I. However, It WM hlll teaching appearanc:a around the coun· try that led to hi. ~ the ground .,... pepper 1 Wlt11pa•,... w ... 1punbueW Vaoupredwlftewlnepr Va., .... torlolo.-...._..,.... Va oupredwNW...., I or4 W.tupune ••• 1 '811t11p D llft lofUtO ,.. .. .... , ...... ,,...., ground Mac* pepper 1 Ulltupun...., ................. ~tangonand cH"9 1. Sprinkle chicken pleca with I salt and pepper. 2. Heat one tablespoon butter J In large, heavy skillet. J D • ned J, Brown chicken In hot butter, ocqua repln • renow pllldng pieces skin side down French chef, sharpem the first . Do not crowd chkken and number-one tool of his trode : allow 8 to 10 minutes for the French knife. browning. new cookbook, La Tcchnlqu.. Jacqua aayt In hla Intro· duction: "I have often noted when teaching a cooking daa that the greatest drawback to a good performance In the k.11- chen II an Inadequate know· ledge of basic technlqua." One technique II knowing how to cut up a chk:ken. A. you may be aware, whole chldcens ar8' told more cheaply per pound than thOM cut up In the supermarket. So, In this u In other tachnlqua, you can aavc younelf money by laming how to do It younelf. And, once you have yow chicken cut up, try · Jacques• r•clpc for Pou'-t VlnalgN (Chlcbn In Vinegar). POUL£t VINAJGRE Qldi ... ,,..... ............ ,,.. out .. 1Va ... 1pnneM" ~ ...... 0 ... ,......, t . When chicken Is browned, add 1/s cup red wine vtnegar and 1/s cup water to akllJct. Cover aklllet and cook over med.tum heat 18 to 20 minutes. 5. Remow chk:ken to 1600f. oven to keep warm. Don't cover. 6. Pour off pan llquJdt &om aklllet and Mt ask!•. 7. 0.ntly saute garlc In 1 tea· IPOO" butter fo, •,Ai mlnuw. I . Return pan llquldt to ak1Det along with '/$ cup Nd win• vinegar and 3 to 4 tablctpOOnt water. Heat to bolling, per· ml1ing uuce to reduce, 1 to 2 minutes, 1aaplng al soldlfted Julca from bottom of pan. 9. Add tomato put•: stir or whltk In tmOOthly. The tomato .,..... wtlJ thkkcn the UUC4t. 10. Tute, add aaJt and few twtsts &eshlo/ wound tuck pep- per .. dalnd. 11. Place chicken In Mrvlng dith: pour .. UC4t over and IPfbllde with habe. ftfolca 4 •rvlnfill Introductory Offer -Save S1 YOU CAN BE ONE Of 11E flllT TO OWN "COOKltG BY THE CALENDAR" The New FAMILY WEEKLY t:ookbook An I~ IVIM fol Aft10M wM wante ldeM f0t lmealnetW. Y9t euy·to-do 191r.d menvt end f'9Clpet. Edited bJ Famtty WMklY't tooo editor Mwttyn Hantenh "Cooklna br ,,,. calandat" com•fn• mc>f9 thM $00 peoee. ,..,~,.~all bound In hardco.-Pul>-lllhed by Ntw Yottl nm. " now " In ~ fol l t0.115 "'oopy. To Mtp obMrve Faml!y 21th In~ a~ 11.115 offet 11 aYallMit fol a lhor1 time. 10 order tw maH, ~ cMclc or moMY ~.,.to ,amity~ fol••• -tM addttlonal t1 to 00\191 •and lhipptna. ~~with~ name and addrMt to ,._, waL"V COOK ._NI....,.. .... ....... -.. ~(N.Y. etale ~ta Md tooo....._ W). ,Na'f ""91l.'t', '-' ....... Learn the ·buth about he Catholic Church ii ... at Th41 meaning of ~fe-why are we h41re, where ar-e we headed? All rel1g1ou1 persona, 1lone 1nd 1n their churches, aeerch for these 1n1~rs Catholics ere no exception Basing their belief on God's word expenenced through lhe htslory of mankind, they accept det1mle teachings on the things in hie lhal really miller In lhe privacy of your home, you can e111mine lheae basic behefs of C1thokcs We have 1 free C11hol1c Correspondence Course con11sting of ten lessons which are mailed lo our sludenls, two lessons al a lime. unl1l lhe Course 1s finished Except for our Post Office Box Number. the lesson envelopes are unmarked. All cor· respondence •S confidenhal So th1I you may feel perfeclly free end at ease. we would ~ke 10 send you a mor-e complete uplen1t1on of the Course before you ectually enroll W e mvite you 10 fill out the coupon end send 1t to u1 In return we will send you a comphmentary 1>11mphle1 l~ther wtlh an e1tpl1n1hon of the Course and an enrollment post cerd --FREE-Mail Coupon Today!-----------, Please send me further information on the free Catholk Correspondence Course. FM CC Address ------------------ City ________ s 111e -----Z•P --- CATHOLIC INFORMATION SERVICE • KRIGllU OF COl.UmBUS= - PO Boa 1971, New Haven. Conn OfJ521 J -------------------------------NONI KONB DOLLAR ONLY Hie WHeN YOU OAOIR BY MAIL from c:ompanlH lhAI adverliH 1n Family Wffllly. please allow up to lour wffks fo' deUvory. Somellmts unlnlentlonal delays occur. II lhey do Jull wlll• Linda Mount. F#ftNy ~ 141 L.atngton Av.nue, ~ ¥oflc, HY 10Dl2 THROWAWAY YOUR STICKY, MESSY DENTURE ADHESIVE. .. C11111n ~~,, •TWltmN Ulf ........ No more NHy. sticky defttw• OOWdef• Of crtalftt. T od'1y ltltrt'a ~ ttrll»-A new lnvtnllOft trllt fits 1041! dentur• to your ..... ""' '""" P\.ASTM..INEft forms 1 IOft but lloflt and ~fortlllll flt "'" ..... '°' ...... So yov tall NI tlatd--tHll foocll You Cf.II drk* hOt drlnlla. All 11111 Wllhout 1t1cky.i...... mtuy ldfleslWt Try PLASTI l._,. loclQ F0t dMtM lle4 Ml yow lllntlet "fUllfly. , .. .. a • a • • .. .. " > 'O .. == I azmmtZ2Ell!B1£ Can your child read these words? napkin misty fuzzy chicken liquid velvet punch whisper camel • zigzag Your child will learn how to read these and more than 300 other words after working with the ver11 lirat record of The Sound Way to Easy Reading. Try out this Phonics Course FREE FOR TWO WEEKS with your child in your own home -without risking a penny. Mail the coupon below. It your child is a poor reader, if he has not been able to keep up with his class in school-here is a way that you can help him. Many par- ents have seen their poor readers gain up to a full year's grade in reading skill in just six weeks with the Sound Way to Easy Reading. As soon as your child starts play- ing the records and using the charts of The Sound Way to Easy Reading you will know why it works so well. It takes the mystery out of learning to read because it teaches your child by the phonics method (the method by which most parents learned to read years ago). Teaches with records With this counte your child discov- ers that letters nave sounds. When he starts sounding out the letters he hears himself saying the word. He's reading! The records drill him in the sounds of the 26 letters of the alpha- bl!t and their blends. By the time he completes the first record (about two weeks for the average child) he can read 300 words. After finishing all four reoords he has been taught 123 ba!iic phonics sounds. Onoe he knows thcee sounds he can read up to 853 of the words in the English language. It works for children of all ages-in the earlieat gradee and even in high school. It.I records tell your child exactly what to do, eo he can teach himself with- out any help lrom you. Tested and Proved In a pilot study by university psy- chologists, children gained up to a run year's grade in oral readi.,g skill a fter on ly 30 lessons with The Sound Way to Easy Reading. A semester-long study involving 214 pl'ui!s in four Chicago schools proved that the classes given The Sound Way to Easy Reading showed marked improvement in reading and spelling over the control groups. Don't think it's all your child's fault if he hasn't learned to read. Many of our brightest children are not able to grasp some of the current methods taught in most schools to- day.' Many educators insist that at least 403 of our children must have formal training in phonics-that they will never master reading without it! ~· ..... ·~ ¢ ... oT * -~ ,~--~. :... . :' , . .:i--::-\·. ~.::.:;;=•~ l Nsl!ll!P') ~5111'!.I. .. _ .. v4 Help Your Child Now So don•t wait for your poor reader to reach high school before coming to his aid. By starting your child on The Sound Way to Easy Reading now, you c.an change his entire atti- tude toward school-tum his sense of failure into the joy of success. Try it free for two weeks. You send no money-just mail coupon. Bremner-Divis, Dept. P·213-IB 1512 Jervis, Chicago, Ill. 60626 USED BY 50..000 PARENTS wbo eead •••)' letten like lbeee: Advanced two yean "Your CA;iu1'9e hu made my llOn WJOnl t.o reed. No more frw1lra· lion with word• he do.n't know, he JU.t con- ceotrat.a and 110und• them oul. In 7 monlha, Steve'• readio11 level Mlvanced two year.." Mre. R. Collin•, Ft. Laudf!rdok. Flo. Beller report card• "IC I had known about your coune hefore, G re11ory would not have hMI Lo n!peal 3rd 11rade. In only 7 weeu. he reada and 11pelt. much l>ellur, and ia brine· inc home better report card11." Mn. R. Quinn, CllttltlOtA'06<J, N . Y . From D to A ln 6 week• "'Tetty hu made l!T'Ml 1ir<>11,_. in readina and •pell in« wilh your COUl"lle. In 6 W(l(!h hia vade aime up from D l.o A." Mn. &I M orell, Lad«Jn, S.C. IN 47,000 SCHOOLS teaehen are h(Ch1y eathu•l .. tlc Second llT•d• '"Your courM ia the b.t. teachiDI! a id a teacher could have. I have been uaina it for LM pHt 2 ,._,.. for my buic ~nd 11rade readin11 courM. My clue looka forwanl Lo the l"«IC«d quir.-. 'nleir improve- mtmt in rel'dina and apellin1 hu l>Mn oul· .undinf(." "'"'· D•aM Williolft.on. Clliclto.aw, Aka. Remarkable hnprovameat "I h11ve -n my remedial «"OU 1• adv a net! l ! 1 lo~', 1.-t. in ,...din11 in 8 montha and 11l1ow 85\le to 90% imJJf'OVemenl in •11ellin1f. A low ac-hievt'ment 8th irrade IP'OUI' ahowf!d remarkable 1m(lf'ove- mtmt. I have convinced ml\ny ~11cherw 1n our llll'hool to uM your couriie." Mrt. An1,.. Hal«'I, Loa An~«'I, Coll/. FREE TRIAL SOD "° MONEYI I Brtmner-o.vts. D9pt. P-213-18 I 1512 Jarvta. ChQso, Ill. I062t 1 1 PleaM tend the Sound Way to Baty Raidiftl, "" apfHOWI/. After 2 wecka. if I eee cncout"llint I l"elUJlt, I wil and $5.7' ... tint pa)'ll*'t and I $5.7S ach mootll for the ne.i 7 moolll.!.t only I $43.00 ptu.a potl.llfl and hMdlins ol SJ.uu. Or, I •VC $6.00 by MOdiftl $40.00 tOfAi ca.a. price. If ..,. tadlfted *r ftnc 2 ...U, I wlU Ntunt the f COW"le aDd °'" you oodli .... ~d:::.JllW6....a I N.,,., ______ __;__;-~-- -1 ·-·~ n.-unb....uble reoorda and ..u.quh-I A'-J~u--------..;..;;;.. _ _:_ sins mrc1a can ::3,~ dilld pm • r.au I year'• srade in . ln ju.t a few weeb. I • I <.',zy/S/.o.~/Zip--------- 0 1'HACHBIC8 Cheer. r. prH. and racu oaa t:h room KdltloJL P.opl• Quiz I ly John E. Glbaon CAUSES AND CURES OF THE CHRONIC ''SLUES'' TRUE OR FAl.SE? 1. Some people get the blues more fre- quently than others simply because they have what psychologists term "a • depressive life-style." 2. It Is accepted as nonnal to get a touch ol the blues now and then for most peo- ple, but a feeling ol depression ol a mote lasting nature affects ow total ~havlor. S. Lasting depression often results from a malfunction of mental faculties. 4. It's a foUy to let yourself feel depressed because you're no longer young. 5. How subject you are to the blues Is likely to depend on whether or not you believe that what happens to you In life Is largely determined by luck or chance. 6. There are several simple remedies that many people have found highly effective in giving a case of the eveTyday. garden· variety blues the go-by. ANSWERS 1. True. As Indicated by a United States lntematlonal University study, which compared the behavior of subjects who tended to be chronk:Cllly depressed with a control group of people who were Infre- quently depressed. there were significant differences between the two groups In their behavior patterns and In their genetal life-styles related to "the lnablhly to express feelings, blocked expression of hostlltty, dependency and mental rlg\d· lty." It Is further noted that these behavior patterns are found to be significant In people who had self-depreciating ex- periences In childhood. The study sug.. ges1S that It's dlfflcuh to resolve the blues unless marked changes are made In a comprehenslYe approach to life. 2. True. In a UnJverslty of Michigan study of the role of long-term depression In the general population, It was found that It Is associated with a reduced caped- ty for enjoyment and a ~ed dedlne In satisfaction and functioning, particularly In the areas of sociaJ life, )ob satisfaction and the mar1tzsl rela!Sonshlp. J. T~. According to the rauhs of a New Yodt University study, It Is conclud- ed that, while the ma)ortty of people a.am to cope with the vk\ssltudes and ditap· pointmcnte ol life, adapting to changes which affect their f0f1unes, thete are 1hoM who do not For them, the.study showed, ltfc btcoma an OWTWhclmlngly dllturblng cxperlcnc« ... stralful events a,. 1N911flcd to caauarophlc propoctioN by th.tr distorted •nM ol rcollty. lnRtad of ~ for MW opponunlties they mourn ~· 9ltbecks end become even more dtpraecd. It, Is polntfl<I out that "It •.only human k> fffl ~.-d fOf a while. for the Jou of a love obfect, • mean~I oppoftUnlty or • ~nt thing. Vet, the abow mtnttoned ca"90fY ol people conttnue IJO be ~. gordless of other opportunities The pro- cess of social functioning comes to a halt for them. A sense of Inadequacy, help- lessness, futility ~tes their whole exis1ence," It Is concluded thai the reason they read this way to life's events, which are overcome successfully by others, ap- pears to resuh largely from faulty reason· Ing, developed owr the formative years, which distorts their view of reality, their limitations and expectations. 4. True. The odds are better than even that you dk:ln't feel as good when you were younger as you do now. There Is much evidence to lndk:Clte that people spend more time feebng blue and down In the dumps when they a1e young than they do at any other age. In Veterans' Administration studies, a questionnaire concerning their depressive thoughts and feehngs was administered to a sampling of university students. Over 40 percent had felt so depre$Sed and discouraged and unhappy that they had seriously questioned U life was really worthwhile. And, In answerlng the que.stion, "Have you ever wished you had never been bomr'. 38 percent circled ya. Other studies have yielded slmllar findings on the feebngs of depression and dlsen· chantment In youth about facing llfe which affects an appreciable percentage of young people, particularly during theiJ late adolescence and early twenties. So If you somettmes flnd yourself feeling depressed becawe ol your "loct youth," you should feel grateful that you don't have to go through It again. S. True. Studies conducted by ln- vestlgat°" from United States lntema· tlonal Unlvenity and the Unlwrslty ol Maine cite findings showing that for men -though not for women -there Is a significant relationship betwffn "the belief that behavioral outcomes are deter- mined by luck, chance or fate and feel- ings of depression or hopeletsneu!" 6. True. In a study conducted at Britain's Unlvenlty CoOege (London), men, wo- men and children from var1ous waits ol hfe, ranging In •from nine to 68, were asked whet they found wOt'ked best to rid themtelws of that down·ln·thc..<fumps feebng. Remedies found mOlt effective by most .ubt«ts: talc to 10me<>ne about It: tee people; get It off your chat to o friend; lit down and ftgure out the reason why you feel thol way -and then try to rectify the sJtuatk>n cou.lng It. Other remedies eccorded top rating Include: go for a loog, brisk wale -°'do "IOfMlhtnsl physlcaf': NeCJ> -If tt'1 daytime, t.eM o nap, end ~ you ~ up rcfmhtd. t~'• a good chance you'll fHI com· plnaly dlffeNnt; liAtn to mu* Ot fftordt. Slnc:At tht study ~ thCM mcthoda wortt f0t mtny people. thit oddt OJ"f that OM ol the1p will he~ you rlll ~net ol fh.t d,wk~. '"'"9· ~ 'AMll.1' WUKLY, ~ t4, 111' e 11 \ Now Displav a "Lifetime" of F.1vorite Photo" in the desk space of one! only s49B ACT .. llll1FI& llYITDY llFT ....... •500 .......... ..... ....., llltll llAll COUllOlt' TODAY , lllC, Cln!IM lid , '9111&., ,A 1917' .. ........... _.. ........................... Mil .... , .. CllfW TllAY ........................ ._.. ...... ---··- AaOICM ~ °'f4. ""41f-31 If afllr .-Miii _, Mer 1'111 llt •lltld:lll. I lllllJ retlllft II c..ei. ...._ ,,.. ........... "m11 •lllH 14 -,w 1w,..... ,__,.,.....,. 1111111111111). ,._ .... 11t: Tela! ---PA ,.IMll .. 1"4 al«I tu. -(#:007l r.t .. 111111(11, l8Cll Is~ 50 IWHl4ifd ....... Clltcll «_,_,.,,Ill COOi pl-. fir 100 pllMaa. .. llil1 14.• ... 7" ,_... IM lllMllllf CMllf IT: (dledr -1 (.IJ o.i. ------ ,_ llllt. 0 ~ 0 ~ e.,,. A ... IMI I ll'M llrtttfy tlft lw... .... Q liNl1w Cllif19 IMli...., _ -- - Altt ... --rein ....... lllNllllll ....... wl1' "'I Cffdlt CWd. -----------~ -1•01S1 ...,._ llt(ll .i rwfllle .. •uo,., Mt. "-'-------------un • DlUI ,. 11m -.,..., 2 ~11 i. 1111y ..... ,. tl.25 .,..... ... lllMll .... 3 "'~ 112.81 '"" Mdt•---------~ • --., ............. ,.... Cllr--------ltltt-llp..__ I ~ C.-,._ ... ....,tr 11111 SIM ltll. 1• ... Deft. llPMlll, 110 ........, Drlw. Au*Je, OMlllt MfW sea (OfttlrM & o.... mlMllll .-Ill• •llll .._..-...•. , ...................... ._. ...................................................... -...................... . PORTABLE CAR GARAGE ACT NOWI Get• FREE tfYSTPY Gin "°"" up to •500 wttheachordw wNleeuppfJ ..... I llAll. COUPON TODAY ~-------------...... -~r.fMMIMll••M 11111111 I.I a•IM .. la•11' ::-...,~,,~ .. ~ :.:=•..., .• CO::*•'' ... -. I Y•l,.__.. ~n:..-.... ra,.O. l *"-. 0 Yllal...,•.,... D .wn. t.- Olll ~ °"'-.... 111111111o..._.,1t "'" D ..... a.,. lllM # ---- -......................... , ~c.f ·------------.f#flll""'..,.......... ...... • .... ...... .... ___________ _ ...... 11.n ...... ""' ....... -............. .....,.............. ... Uft-ONw i """p.., ..... ~,..tu• -- ::-1' ..... '1'~ '.,, ':= ~ -----r.:-~. , .... :,..... ci.....~,....,.11:111W-u1 . ....._..,.....,... . ........._," ..,.....,...,.., .... a Jiit ....,.. ...... ....... ' I I 11•11a12 .. ••• .. 11,..,r_, __ , ............ _,, • ..._ ........................ ..... ,_ \.. .. a • a • • -.. .. • ~ "' .. Movie Actor Reveals Amazing New Weight Loss Breakthrough! -Dateline Hollywood (By John Berry Special Feature Wnterl A rut (vel")' fut!I new way to lo• •te1,ht hH been d1aeovered by a man who i1 not a eclentuit or doctor. He'1 not eYen a coll11e 1rad11at.e. &rafllt!!T enov,h. he 11 an KtM. H11 name i1 Frank Downin' You may haH -n him 1n MGM'• hit mo••• "Coma..• He played Kelly the maintenance man who wu bnilally ele<"trocu~. Laat October d11nn1 the ehootiq of lhe film, he w111hed 226 pounclj. H11 waiA meuured •II 1nche1 and IM wu • prime undidale ror a heart allac.lt Hi• blood 11e-i. and arterie1 ••re cloe· red with rat. H1a choleurol lenl wa1 wa7 too bl1b and h11 blood preHore •a• a dan11rou1 160/120. The don.on uid he wu a walkln1 lime bomb ready to Hplode He racec1 lhe wery real po11ib11ily of droppinJ ower dead at any moment. THE HOLLYWOOD EMERGENCY DIET All lhat 11 hard to belieYe when you -him now. 1bday be lookl 1llm and hHllhy. H11 wel1hl la down to 180 ·pounda and he 11 ltill lo1inf. Ht mo11ea with an aaay ir-. The docton can h1rdly believe h11 lmpro11emenl. H11 choleaterol level la nnnnal and hl1 blood prea111re 11 a perfect 12-0/80. At the lime "Coma" wu made, he couldn't walk half e mile without 11ttln1 out of brulh. Now he can run al• mllea without lltoppin1' Hie wa11t meaaurea only 36 lnchea and he ha1 the happy problem of needin1 a new wardrobe. I went with Frank to the Welt Cout premiere of"Coma" and It wu a 1tran1e Hpenence It wu herd to behen that lhe man 11ttin1 heaide me and tlM man on the ecreen were one and the Mme. Af\cr &he mov11, we wenl to Cha•n·a, the ra- moua Beverly Hlll1 re1taurant It wH t.hent ower cofTff that I be1en th11 1nt.erYiew &!ready 1preadin1 like wildfire here 1n Hol- lywood." ~ltion: "Lefa f10 on. '111111 -about •-of Iha otlloer fe&n&rea of'loar new cllel. • Aa9wer. "'Nell, John, thi1 1et haa Ol\e more 111r· priM lnrredlenl I learned about thia 1peeial rood from r.adint a book written by the lat.e "dele Davi1. lu you know, 1he waa a hi«hly nitpected world famoua nutrltioni1t. 8h11 Mid that &II 1lc.lt people, all people with hi1h blood choleaterol and ill overwelctlt people need lhia apeclal rood." Qae1tlon: "Why1 What l1 thla apeelel food enrwe,,r Auwer. "It i1 a natural aouree of orirenic iodine, calcium. potaN1um ind v1r1oua lrace ann· erai.. Thia It a food aubetance that lncre1ae1 the a.mount of caloriee your body bu.me H~h day, thereby 1Uow1n1 you to eat more w1th- 011l weifht 1a1n • r. • On this di.et you can lose weight so fast your friends wiU think you have given up eating altogether. Of course, I am prejudiced but I think this is the fas!J!st di.et on earth. You can start measuring the difference in your waistline within24 Jwurs ... n Q-eUon: ·O.k.. Frank. tell -abolll thla ·-erat' diet of )'Oun and yoar MW book.. Wlult'• It all abo11t. ••,.wa,,r Aa.awen "Well, John. the diet 11 not aecret an,.. more. I but dewribecl it completely in lhe book lu you know, the book aa tntilled '"The Holtywood a-.,reaey l>Mt" and It la all abo11l lhe felt.eat wey ID t.he world to lo• ••i1bt and keep It ol'r. • Queedon: "That'• aa lateruttnc title. W~ do you cell It ,.... Hollywood •-rc•nc:t 1Metr An1wan "S.C.11 .. in Hollywood, 1r you are an actor or an actrHa. belna. o•erwel1ht can be a downri1ht emerpncy. Out here It actually eoet1 money to be rau rm"°' klddinct Many tlmH the cutl"I dlrec:t.or will M.)' -'Loa we11ht or loM the pert!'" Q-•Uon: "I eea -your polat. B•t wut ebo11t t.he diet ttaetn How la k dilfe,..•t fro• ->' otlMr cHecr Aa11Wu: "Finto( &II, lb1111 a very,.,.,, r .. diet It btaraUy b\lm1 otr fat by the hour. On thla diet. JOU can I-wei1ht 80 fut )'OUr ftieftda will think you hnt 1i.,.n up H tln1 al· totret.ber Of' _,..., I am P",j11d1eecl but f think thia I• the futa.t diet on earth. You can actually ac.art -aaurint the difl'eniM-t in .)'OUr walatllne within 24 hou,...· Qlleadola: •Row ••• welc .. t ... ,.. JO" kNt aJI ....-rr Aa.wer. "So far I ha•• loll 55 povnda and I ba•e oe.11 been on the cltet •van and -·h•tr -k·.-~-1 '"11Mlt'•..........,. , ............ le .. ,.,. _... eboat your_. diecr A1Uwer: '"11tere·1 no hunr.r Thia diet bnnp h11ftpr to • dead flal etop. A. a m•tt.u of fact, lhl1 diet haa • ll\ll'l>rhe 1,.._tlent that makaa It almolt melabollcally i.poealble Cor you lo nperltnce h11ncer." Questo1t1 •wa..1 &a uw. '••rfriae ,..,..... .... .,.. A ..... n "It'• a nat.vr•I food aub4rt1nee thet looh and laalH .... ('lly Ilka table Nf•r H~pt t.hat It 11 a htlJa •-tar. I u .. ll lft tf!Y coif• or 11111. It with e hula f'rvlt juice and It k110Ck1 out M)' appellll for hovn • ~•••n•I• •• .,.r ,(...,,"·vu. 11 11. R..-Mbar, lhi• 1, a food.-.. 1 ctn11. /ti.• mett.e111otract. It 11 much betllr for your a7 .... tn than ordinary &able llQC&r i.e.11 .. It .... not Induce •n ln111lln ,.. .,." .. h al• hat• IOOthln« air.ct• Jani· ltd nerna aNI 11 pl"94M\N a •nae of well· 1111n1: • Q '\ee1-n.t ..... ~ ............. lrlle. Hew -I M•••'t e.,.r a...r4 .... , ...... , .... ,.. ~ • MHll1> John, thla food 11111CKa-ha1 •• ww.11 IMtd LA 111,..,. ror ,..,. 1i>1 Juet IUl11q t.o calc:h Oii ewr here. I lllftdiet &Mt •ft.ff "" Wk _..,.. Olli ..... ,.,. fat ,. ... • -'" t.he -lllrJ .m Mar\ &e -IL It'• ~1t.: ·Wowl TIMit'• preUJ' aau:lafl ro .... clv• -for ulU-c UU. q....UOa .. aln, bet la tt •fer U-er. "You bet. My whole diet plan la Mfe. lt'a probably much aalu Lhan the wey you eat ri1bt now. NHer .,aln will I lake a chance with my health. Believe me I baYe learned from .,.,_.,1 uperlenc:e that it 11 jU8l not woRh it. A'f\ywa7. il 11 not nece-ry. Yov un lo• w1l1hl raat with my dl11t, pl111 11!t beallJiler Her)' day you eta.)' on it." ~Ilion: "Yoa••• ....U, ~ -curlotu .ow. Aft U..re ~ -•aa.rprt.ee' la th.le new diet of yoan1" Atuwen ·vea. there ue, b\lt I don't want Lo 11ve them all away in thla lnllrwlew. Natanlly, I want people to p ovt and buy the book." Q..-6oe.: ·r.1r -acta-Bat i.ow •bold rt•~ ., ~ -c:t ..... to ... at to ••• ,._t w~• t-, r-4 u.a a.-.r Am-•n "O.K. >.. l'•e alretoety uld, thi1 l1 a .,.ry faet wortrin1. no-hvnf•r di4t. But lhlt la not Oftly a we11ht 1-dJfl.. It ta a health d1tt alao. Not -11 that -lhi1 11 a hl1h •nerv diet. It tuma body fat lat.o boclY fuel ~r about threa or four day• °" t.hle cllet. yovr enero will basin to incre ... qalll a bU. It will 1ncre ... e....-y ct., llll about t.he 10th or l llh day whea It 9'alU to 1 ... 1 off. At leut t.hal'a t.he way It hea -"'ed f.r -an4 ti0me ol my cloea &iencla.. I now hHe about twice ... 111ucb enerp u I dl4 bafoN I Wftt «l I.be d.leL i\ftoU.er nJce t.h1ft1 I• th•t on t.hlt diet. you ac:tually loM ••lcht a11tomatlully. You don't ha" to Lhlll .. abwt It all t.he ll,.,. Half the ti-I doti't nm re-mbor that 1'111 on a diet uftlll I MJI on t.he llC'ale But what I lllt• i.11t of all 11 !JI.at It 11 ao 8'mple It la .. .,. to foll-.,,." ifyov Nt out a lot. Yoa doft't count Qikorl" or aram• or cubohydralH or anyt.hlllf el•. The °"'' t.hi"I I bother lo kwp track ol la hew much -11hl I loel Oftry d•y." Qoe.U0.1 "It •....te llM '°" . .,.. .-Uy - •P wtda-== ..... .-...,_ca• I .. , a OOPJ el tM f" Aftewen "The baoli wlll ba a•ellable ln about •ftn ctaya. It wlll i. eoW by -11 b7 a New JerMJ publlehln1 e.111pan1 celle4 The MilllMln1 Book Cortonltlotl. Later on we'N p ine to 1Nt It In all t.he boMIMf' ... 1n4 rm .aaMlnt a n.aU..wW. tovr tot pft-W the Moll aM t ... cllet. ~lie Ml Ill 19Cb and Ill Oft Ute .1eh11e7 Cal'9Clft .how er \tar• Gninn. Who knowe? "' ~""-· J.fl11. ··-,eu •re ,., ... fer cttuet, r. ,.,.,tot UTUlfll to pt'" H .... .-..,.,.. filQl!W•ONi·u.--~ -n...k ,_. I -'t wall ....... It. r .. -.,.~w.i.1 ,.,.__.,ww.,... ....... ., ......... C IJ'fllllillk,.. ~ ~tJ­ T1aJe i. a paWlcl~ plaoto et rr...11 O.wwl .. &aba llefore lee w-t oa tM llollJ'wood 1-1 i™J IMel. At Ulla U.. t.llla p6ct .... wu taken Pn•k welf._.. 111 po-d• end .. le welat -H•NCI .. ~ .. ,, ... ........,,.'-.... " Well, that wu t.be and of I'll}' inllnlew with Prc111k Downiftl which took place two -Ila ap Blnea then I haft read the boali an4 ~on the d iet myaelf. Frankly, I am amaaed. I H ver dreamed loeil\I .. isht eoald ba ao [alll and euy 8o far r .. been loaina at t.he rate ol one and one-h&lf poWldl per "r and I'm never hllJll'I')'. /u a lftatt.r of feet, an}'ll-I plan top out for tupper. I ha.,. to ~ber _. to lake "l of Fnnk'• -hliJIPr-foed ~ or elM I won t be 1bla to eat. There are lll&DY 11Urpritea In lhe book whldl _,.. Mt co..,. b1 UM lnte,.lew. Hete ate a f•• of t.bem: • A beauty _,_ IAeed by many Hollywood ll.are that cal\ make'" look al>CI r .. r 111' to 10.16 )'Hr& )'911D&'fT 1a oely ro.r c1., •. (Thia doea net lnnl'te aaerclaa or coemetlc1 rrau haa wf'ltt.eft an entire ch•ptof •bout Ulla wat.h11ioque. 11ie title of UM chel!Wr It ... ,.... Ore•teec a.••'7 Beciret ra ta.. 11111wldl" • A &1111ple Ham• \hat deea fer your r-what 8 aood 1irdJe deee for your nlJVN. • A •wotHJer f0o4" that wol'lla Ilka powdered M•l and -Ila• )'CKlt fllftar n,,...C'e break doWll body faL • ,,,,... reaaona why you a'1ou1' .. ,,.r oounl calol'IH . • How to wake up a ~.i .. ,,.-th.yrelct f.la.nd • A .,.elal food to ••l at nlsbt that et. you loel .. lrhl while yov ....,, • How t.e 10o1i allm befote you AN allta. • A ~ enrel• that pll rid of• doublt chin. • How to let natuN slw ,.u a utural f-111\ whl.le pa,...,, • Bl•, .... \Mt .... ,_ .. ~al Ill\.. e A Nl'ta.ID law ~\I Mllll abey far a••FJ pauM '°" lab olf Ir )'OU WaJll &a k .. p It off a A -.., t.e ,._..,.. a"4 -It awat .. ,rd d11•pe ar fat en4 •Mil Ult• nt fit,..., ... , • Hew a. • .u .u c1ur-i 1i.11wa.w111 ,. .. ,. ctrillke \hat will ..., httap1 ~ htoll n. • ft1 yw tall .... _,.. welcht M tlllll 41et t.hao lf ,._ "'" 70 .. n .. ,., ww111 "' ---,_ • A 1impl1 teenl that maha 1t po..,ble for you to N)' oft t.1111 or eay diet for hfe and newer be llft('Om!ortable with 11.. • Tbe eeYen beec. ..,.younc health Merell ueecl by Hollywood alan • How Holly'ftOCI ltan ltop the &line ~ -• How to comm.and )'OUr hfpothal1J1nu eland lo ltop Mnd1ni h1111 .. r aipalA. There'e a lot more. All In all. I think th11 •• U.. -a ama.uec diet book I have ever Nad. It '•"t.,n1 many MCral.8 I never e•en draame4 Htated. Fraftli Nally did ltla home,.orll. when IM •nit• lhl• boell. He mu.et ha" doM an ft>Of'lnOIU 8.IBOUlll of ..... ereh to co-up with ao maft)' breakUlnu(h ldeaa. If yov ha,,. a wel1tit prob· lam, I 1troe1l711rce1w to pl• copy ofUue book aa eoon aa poealble R11ht now It 11 a•ellahle only by 1nall. Here .. ho• you ca" read ~ booll and try 6Ut t.he diet wl!Mout any riM at all· Oo aMed ancl order t.he boM by mall. Kffll it 30 da)'• end ciheck It ovl Then If you ire unhappy wll.h It, •r>cl It be.ck and t.he publllher wlll r.tum )'911r entl,.. payment t.o you quietly ancl without q11411tlon. I/ yo11 ere Htra .-,ptleal, I •uae• you pott- dat.e your ~hedi. or lllOM)' order by 30 da1a. lf you ch t.hla, Iha publla.her Jll'Otllf•• an4 1Varant.eet Mt lo 6epoelt It ,.., al r .... that •mount ol time. Then l(yw MW. to ,..tun the botti, he wlll .. nd becli: 1ovr tlat ...... c*lt or mo•y ord.r •Ith aoq••lwaaakecl 'lb°""" •rl&e 7911r aa-and ...... and the worde •ttel.,.....a s-rsenq Diet" Oft a P'-of paper and Mild II wiO. eio.oo ta: The Mlllban1 8eell. eo,..ratloft 0.-. ,..._P.O. "8• 1011 S4! Mlll~{ll Aw. Nlllb\I ... ""' .1-y 07~1 Your "9M will ba •lll ,.....,u., by rew"' ••II ltJW haw QJ ,.,...Jofta,you caaoll tlOll '7«-1717. Ctiec.b 9M...., o~ ..._ ... be ..... ,.,.w. .. The'~"' .. ~ lhla!Mta .... ._td'ialluah ) PEOPLE AND YOU I By Sh1t1-s1 Sloan Fact.t Handbng Family Atguments BID and Marianne don't un- derstand how their frequent arguments begin. One minute life ls peaceful, then 50me small thing goes wrong and they're having a roaring set-to. Oink:al psychologist Dr. Robert Korn· haber, a specialist in communi- cation techniques, explains that, wtthout realizing it, Bill and Marianne may be using ag- gressive phrases that lnevttably Infuriate each other. For exam- ple, statements such as "It's an your fault," or "Why are you making everybody so miser· able?", make clear the speaker Is completely Innocent, and It's the other person who's the wicked culprit. U, Instead, the speaker saki, "I don't thlnk this Is a good way to handle the sit· uistJon," or "Let's see what we can change," nobody has been blamed, and there's now a good chance of achieving some de- sired Improvements. Words such as "never" and "always" act llke dynamite. ~You're atways late." "You never want to go anywhere." Here you're mixing blame wtth the powerful comment about the other per· son "always" being guilty. Other arguments flare , says Dr. Kom- haber, because people verbally attack and complain about say· Ing what 15 wrong and what needs aJtertng. Perhaps one parent has just punished a chUd and the other parent says, "You're going to ruin that chlkl. You just don't hand)e her right." "Ruin that chUd" Is a very serl· ous attack, and "just don't han- dle her right" Is vague and guar· anteed to start a shouting match. Far better to mention exactly what the problem Is and suggest something conllruCllYe. "I don't think sending her to bed wkhout supper' Is an eppropri· ate punishment. Let's ftgwe out IOl'TICthtng m<>N appr<>pNtc for the future." If, during any dis· cuuk>n, the other penon ltarts to name-call -"You're 1tupkl or lmposllibia or crazy,• m:. - JOlmANSHIP control your urge to answer In kind. Neutralize the situation by replying, "I'm not golng to get Into a name-calling act. Let's dllcuss the prob&em or fa.get It for now.• Dr. Kornhaber points out that name-<:alllng can lead to a searing famUy battle, one which everyone loses and no one wins. By exe:rctslng aeff· control and giving a consbuc· tive answer, he suggests you avoid the argument and thereby both of you "win ." Solving Chlldten's lllealtime HQSllea ri::l~-=;r-~~.::. of ™' GE F1ipFlub 11 Twinpack Cor Two Siqle Pacb) ~I It ctvea you better, more I ~ ol CE FlipFluh II FlubBuU. j I evenlyllgbtedplctwu 1-·--.,,.,... .....,_._,.....,. __ _ ---u··orthe ...... ..,...,... .. Of'°",_,_'rt.., ____ Ollor-·-~ I ~ --... '::'&.....~-----~-·-·~ combtnadonora ::=;.•_,.-=:~!:..... .. _ .. ____ ... b~bterbuJb a a~•-1 ~ ~..c=*""'""',._"'_,._.,......,."""P.,._;11 f • ,.._..... ~ -·-""'""" ... _CO"Pr ___ .... """'" ... --~ .. de-beam"lenaand ,_....,.....,. __ •OE....-• I'<>..,._, c::o.v. -I unt ............. --~-~-... ----------........-· que u.u.ua ..... ·~\Ur. ....... -·-----0.-... ...-a... ... __ _ I ... _.,,.,.., _ _,. ... _,,,.,_ ..... _... ........ ..., I ______ .., ... _ OEHEIW.fllCTM:COlol'AHV ™ 5EIURAl e EUCTRICI 5'!£ __ .,:.-..:-_._._:.:._~-~ E ~ for one thing, WOfPG' bulk\.. ownen .. .,.. not much ~a.nt" from men who Mt up thft own~ • .c- COC'dtng tO a <Anta for Vtnl\lte Management lludy. But both nwn and women entrepreMw'I .... dlfNrent from the twr9 but IO total Is thCtf dedication that they rarefy do. Even If they leJI their bullnas, they~ always urt anothet. As em- , ployea, before begmntng thetr ownership careen, they're rat· lat, wtth a Wndency to have• number of )obi. The one difcr· m arilyn and Tom and their three children finished their Tuesday-evening dinner. As they stood up. Mailyn sirJled. "Alter dinner, I atways feel as though we'd been through a war." Tom nodded. "It's the truth " Millions of American parents would agree with Mari- lyn and Tom. Instead of the "grbdous interlude" often de· scribed In famUy magazines, mealtime in many homes Is fric. lion time. But there are solu· lions says the famed cllnlcal psychologist Dr. Albert EJlis. A good portion of the probk!m ls caused by the parents, not the chlklren Because dinner Is often the only period the whole family ls together, families use the occasion to discuss all the day's problems. Parents check on children's play behavior, their schoolwork, homework, test marks, chore responslblll· ties, music Jessoru, etc. The children, In tum, quk:kly learn that this Is a good chance to bring up their grievances against their brothers•nd sisters. It the children are young enough, re- callng these grievances can quickly tum Into physical fights at the table. Parents also Invent meal trouble for themselves by setting dlfficult and unreabtlc standards of table mannen or eating habits. Too rigid a paren- 1111 attitude creates hassles. Similarly, food should not be wasted, but when Mom and Dad Insist the chUd "taste every· thing" or "finish everything on your plate," they are Inviting commotion. Use utensils, table settings and chairs suited to the children's ages IO that It's not necessary to keep up a banage of "be careful" nagging. "Be sure you don't make any kind of fetish out of eating," says Dr. Elis. "Don't talk endlessly about food or be a vktlm of peculiar food faddlsm younclf. Set the child a good example of meals as a pleasant occasion." Dr. Elli• o/fer1 tolutJont to Ol-Mr chlld·roOJng problerm In his bootc. How to RalM IUl Emo&naly He.athy. H11P9Y Child. papatioctc $3.00. ~llhlN Boote Conipon11- achoollng, but the men fre· quently did not. Male entr•· preneurs often haw a Khool· expulsion or cirolH>ut cpllode burled under thff wd-arned buslnaa succaa. -S.R.Radfonl ~ -they motl °"*' come from • family In wtikh • ptnnt heel .., ln<l..-ldent enc. between the men and S.R. Redfonl'I 1a1nt book, Job. women?. The won. .bu.llna& •• .,..-~; .... ~,,....,..., ._, OWi* en~ her year1 of Moc,.,.., ~ Co. .. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is OaRgC::~~Nlth. ,. . ~ 0 TRAumA -TOlWIUmPH: THE comPLEX ART OF PARENTING 11!1 GIOtla Hoch,_,. I n a new book, Ouraelvet and Our Chlldrf!n (Random Howe), written by 10 woln4tn who comprise the Boston Women's Health Book Collec- ttve. the unexpected problems and frustrations ol parenthood are honestly di5cuMed. The Collectlve's flnt book, Our Boda, OurMlues, was a bold effort to help women gain mastery over their bodies; II has sold more than two mUllon copies and has been published In six languaga. The goal of this new volume. wtth each chapter raearched and written by a different authOf, Is to break down tOme ot the myths about parent/child relations and to help people cope with lhe demanding )ob ol parenthood. "MOit books about parenting focus on children," says Peggy Wegman, one of the writerl. 'This OM focuta on parents ... The moot than 200 mothers and fathcn lnWMewed ta8' freely about parenting -from the dedslon to have a baby, through what It Is like to be the parents of an Infant, an adola- oent and a grown-up. "What we found wat that everyone ahared the same feel- ings but wu ashamed of them," Mys Joan Sheingold Ottzion, another of the authors. "There wae big dflcrcnoa between what they thought It would be like to be a parent and what It redy .. lllcc ... What It .._Uy le lite la "a mbt· ed beg emoeioMlly," Mys Ms. Oltzk>n , ''We aJI know that WC haw felt boch low and f9 fOf our child at the •me time. Yet, K II alrna.t ~ to -V lll'lythlng bed .bout him." VlllWzlng fecllngit and shar- ing them wtth odMf modwn iwpt Me. WegrMn from~ Into paralyzing depNtlk>n .,_ the birth ol her flnt child. j w .. to hu19Y to hur tomeone l8Y ehc w• upcrlendng th• .. me thing I WM," remcmben Ma. Wagnwi. "Tht women'• "°"P I tMllonged to gave me -gaV. .. ol ut -a .... ol joy be- e.au• w. undcrwtood NC.h othdafedngl." The authon ol °""'"'-and Our CMd,.,,, who hew 23 youfl9*n among them, be· k\lt thef parenting CM be a Joyful expcrimce, but to make It so, there wUI have to be dramatic c.hanga In parental roles and the development ol cultural attitudes and practices. ~There must be changes In the old pattern In which a wo- man gives all of henelf to her husband and children, only to be left empty and depresled at mid-life when her children leave home. There must also be changes In the role of fathers." says Wendy Coppedge San- ford , the book's edltoc. WUntll recently, child care has been seen as not maJCUl!ne, not appropriate for men," explalns Ms. Wegman. "But this Is rapid· ly changing, and the fathers we Wendy Sanford talked to tell ua their tlYCs haw been enrtchcd becau.. they have taken an active role In rats· Ing their children. It forca them to confront emotions that had been cloMd to them." "I never thought of mytelf as a traditional father, what.vet that Is,,. says new-styled dad Peta. adding that he did a1 much holding. diapering and rocking of ht. chlW u hll wtle and thell he Na lucky thell hll ~ d6d not *I thruteMd by his lnvoMment with hit l()f'I. Ml. ~ uyt that WO• men who do feel threatened must i..m to "let go" and ,... tha tllmptatSOft to tnttl'Yena when their IPOUla arc caring for tha children. But It wlO take more than cooperative husbands and hated wtYa to tum child care from trauma to 111umph. It wtD Nqulrt thc dew&opment ol a pro-paNnt IOdety thee II Mn· etttve ao and ofttn ......_ toe:t.J llUpportl fOf 1*'9\ta. Th'9 might ~ wtth edueatlon .bout PINl"tlne .. echool. ~Patenting ... ekJI !hat "*'Y ol UI know WTy ... about," eeya Mtr!etn Chtw, a Cdbni. mott. of *· "We .._ tu.I drtwn. hUd.-. lftd ... . -a...&.11>-... .. 8ut mothers and fathers, no matter what their background, their age, their competence. their degree of maturity or train- ing for the )ob might be, are ex- pected to be, capable, lov· Ing, nurturing parents. WeU, It lsn 't poub&e. Courses about famUy life and child devtiop- ment shouJd be mandatory from first grade on." '"Society can become more pro-parent by changing coundas details ot dal)y ltvtng," Insists Ms. Wegman. "Have you ever, for example, tried to find a plaa to change a baby's dia- per If you're out shopping? Or taken your child to the bath- room In a supermarket?" Supermarkets and stores do htde to Improve conditions fOf parents, ac.cuta Paula Brown Doras, a mother of two and another of the book's contribu- tors. She Mys, "Instead of gum- ball machines or mechanical horses, stores could provide a play space and ch!ld-amr WOik- en, as food co·ops fr~uendlj Paula Dorea manage to do." The authors' other tugga. tlons for creating a pro-parent todety Include: • More ~ wocit houra that would a..w morw time few faml1y life. • lncreued lick leave that would cover time missed fOf ch1Jdren'1 .mn..a. • Maternity and J>*mly i..va fOf new parents (SwecMn permits parents wwn·montht- IMvc while recelvtng 95 percent ol thd-~ after the bb1h ol • Ant chUd) e On ..... day CAN at wocit. • 0.y e.-e for aB chlldren who need It. Meanwhie, .,....nts can ~ themMIYa by hq>ing each °"*• the wrttm wggest. Take QN ol uch odlft't chlJdren. Form • pa..-nt·action group and work to nvike changa In lnltl- tuttona that affect parenting. PetMs>t. molt lmpoNndy, "Remember that part ol 1*'9\t• Ing II balancing your nMdt wtth thOM of your C'hlldNn," lays Ml. Ottdon. "Parenti need to nurture themtelvet flul ~. f they .. fNnmd end Irritable, they have noetq to ~ ao their 1111 ~... ... MOUSE·PRUFE YOURH•E Wipe out mice a way that's cleaner. easier, surer than traps: d -CON Mouae.Pnife.• This exclusive formula is specially made to attract and kiU mjce. They eat it eagerly, then go away and die. No mousetraps to empty. d-CON Mouse-Prufe takes the mess out or killing mice. ~ e1rective. Outsells all other mou.se killers combined! d·CGN Mouse·Pnlfe· 19Cf1 .. AMAZING BEAUTY AID SMOOTH- OUT Baggy Eyes DO-IT· YOURSELF FINE GRANDFATHER In )uat3 MlnutiM .•. Look 10.15 yeara younger! Thenb to UAllidk: 8dence '°" r.-n ... '104" r.cx out ol wontaome lnu end 1llltnldes In jallt 3 "*-'teal It .. not remott f0tev.r • • . but Ju1t amooCtl on ~ tbcowry -utr.5'" end ~ ..... pAlcaa under eyes cleeppyr .. -Of .. ~ OMd by thousands ol women woctd wide to lookyounget. ~In~ .. Of wtthout makeup for dependable .,....... I* '\tplft' (to lrwtllb6e. men u" It too). Keep1 your face nrm and younoer, looking In todl!t• youthful 90de(yt )O.M' flllOte MO( OONWm!E hnd •5.95 efMck, Cuti Of mo~ Ofder '°' ge~ ~ (Sony l'fO C.0..0.'a) llWL TO: LANOllAftK LABS, DE". fW.1 5750 BINnJFF 1200 HOUSTON, TEXAS n036 CLOCK KITS STARTING UNDER s200 (indudlne-_,..., • , ect()f)' dlnlct PriOM • Heirloom quality • Solid ~1 •• llerO- WOOdl: bid ..... nut.~.me­hOgmny.ou •EMyto~. pMa pre<ut • Solid br-W..t Germen chl1T1ing ITIO\tefnertb • Money bacil QUllfM ... • Prompt lhiptMlll -------- Helps Shrink Swelling Of , llemorrhoidal Tissues Due To Infiammation. Relieves Pain & Itch ... Gi ves prompt temporacy'relief in many cues fl'Olll bemorrhoidal pain and burnini itch in such ti11•ea. There'• an uclualw Medication which actually helpe 1hrink P"in· rw ewe11iu ot Mmorrhoidal ti•-au. cauaecfby lnJlammation. And in many e... it 1ivel prompt ,.. u.r for houn fl'Cft\ NCtal ltchlnc and pain in euch t*'-. '!\eta by docton on .,.tlenl• 1howl'd while it pnUy NI~ "~h p11in; it also helped reduce sw~m,_. o 1w:h tl•uea. The medication uMd In the t•t. WM P,..paraliOfl He. No 1>reecriptlon la needed. In oint· ment and auppoeitory form.. U• only u dil'f'Ctf'CI . Crochet Ripple Af9han Uw bright yolT\$ to crocN1 a hftndsorM ,....--. nfgl\lln. er.ft No. 050 tw full dir«tlont \ ... To orcWr Cnih No. 050 M'1ld $LOO plut 2Sc '°' l)O'tag.o and handling for each P"''""' IO I 1·-.... ~~llW 050 PO 8o'I ~ °"11 A U ~ S.Jltinn. N~V~IJM n.._ .. ,_... .................. ~· , ....... ,...,, ...... ._. ,..,.. \0<14 bl>w.....,....,,. ,_., .. h ,.., , The Dickens House Museum, London, presents The Charles Dickens 10by Jug Collection Twelve hand-painted English Toby Jugs portraying the most fascinating and colorful Dickens characters. Crafted by Wood and Son<> Ltd., on"ginutors of the first Toby Ju g two centun·es ago . Original sculptures created by the distinguished artist Pete r Jackson. Crafted in English earthenware and individually hand-painted. Issued in a i.ingle limited edition. TilE DICKENS HOUSE MUSEUM, LONDON, dedicated lo preserving the heritage Charles Dickens gave to the worlcf, is proud lo un- nouncc the is.'iuance of a collc..'Ction of English Toby Jugs depicting famous characters rrom Di1.:kcn~· greatest novcl'i. To µroducc the collection, the Museum has appointed Franklin Porcelain Limited - which has brought together the outstanding artistic talent and craftsmanship for thi'i significant endeavor. The eminent artist and sculptor, Peter Jackson. ~ been commissioned to create the designs for the Dickens Toby Jugs. And the crafting of the jug,s in English earthen- ware has boon assigntxl to Wood aoci Sons Ltd., originators of tbe first Toby Jugs in the middle of the 18th century. A parade of charming Oickeos characters This unique colk-<:tion of English Toby Jugs will depict twelve of the hest-known char- acters created out <>f the inexhau.'itible im3'(i- nution of Charles Dickens ... David Copperfield , the sen ilive young lad whoso early work experiences paratlel Dickens· own liJc. Mis" Havisharn. occcntric redu~c of Creal fapeclulions, jilted on her wedding nWlt. who lives ever after amifl the remains of the marriage feast, still wearing her bridaJ gown. Scrooge, the crusty old miser of A Chrid· mas Curo/, who fin<ls the true spirit of 'Christmas throuldi a series of vivid dreams. Oliver Twist, tho orphan hoy. who runs away from the workhouse oncl into a series of unexpccicd adventures. And Mr. Piekwick, l,,ittle Noll, Uriah llecp, Boh Cratchit. Mr. Micawber ... In all, twelve colorful Oickcosinn characters -hl'O\laht to life 1anew in this fa.o;cinaliflR art medium. Created by a sculptor of eicceptlonal talent and inspiraUon Each of the~• imul(inut ivc Toby Ju~-i hi-.~ boon ~ulpturcd by tho outstandin1t British artist Peter Juck'iOn, who i~ nJso u ootod'his· tori11n omf uuthority on En(t1i.$h society. Mr. Jock.'iOTI L'i rcnowntXJ for the mcticulou." his· toricad llC<:UfQC)' O( his work. In dO'IJstninit th<..-w orijtinal Toby Ju~. Peter J1ckson ha capturod in each cnsc not only '* ........ ~ ... a---... """--..... ---. ... - {/fl{t) .AN orlul liartd·paint1 thl /llJ( in o ooriflh/ o/ colon (upfl"rn~lit) Pet" Jaclcwn cr«alO• an onlf'nal Tol1'1 lt.iR .cvlpturs. flou."1r riflit) A Wood and Soni CTOfl.,nan remnv.1 Ille Toby luff r11ald the uppe"1llnce of the Dickens ch11racter por- trayed -but his or her perionolity as well. Each dcsi~n has a touch of the whimsical, the humorous , the wry-of which Die.kens wa'i a supreme master. Thus, each of the Toby Ju~ is much more than a µortru)1al. It is a creative thrc<. ... dimcnsionul portrait in a mc..>dium especially appropriate to the inter· prctation of these Dickens ch1:1ructcrs. Crafted by the originators of the first English Toby Jugs Frunklin Porcd ui n is plcusccl to have ob- tained the services of Wood and Sons l,td .• Burslcm, Stnke·on·l'rcnt, to craft these unique Toby Jug.<>. Tbi.'i is the same finn which creatocl the \'Cry {ir11 Toby Jugs two centuries u~o. From its founding by Ralph Wood in 1750 until todlly, Woocl and Son.'i Ltcl . has handed clown the secrets of its crnft to each succecdinK ~cneration of the family. F..uch of the Toby JUR.'i will be carefully crafted in English earthenware, to the ex· nctinl( stundarcls of Wood rtnd Sons Ltd. and those of tho sculptor, Poter JnckM)n. Moroovcr. each Dicke.ms Toby Jug will be indiuiclually hanrl-palnted by urtisb who MC <:SJ>Cciully -.kilh .. -<I in this dcmandin~ work. Orillitrnl c..'Olors nncl tones will be uci0<I. so thut t:ttch.Tohy Ju~ will itlow with lifo. When placed on a table, or in a curio cahinct, those haml-paintod ju(l.$ will provide a di tinctivc note of intcrost to iiny room. An edition lo be made available for a limited Ume only Th<' Chorlcs Dickens Toby Jug Colleetion will be t ... ~ucd in a single <.'<fit ion to be limited in 1hc followin~ strict m11nncr: a .et will • he 11lac.:ocl on display at The Dickens House Museum in London; one ~et will be reserved for the archives of Franklin Porcelain : and one set will he crafted cxpre~sly for cuch person who enters a vulid \ubscriplion fo r the series during the limited ~ubscription period ending January 31, 1979. The total edition of The Charles Dickens Toby Ju~ Collection will be permanently limited to the exact number of valid subscrip- tions postmarked by January 3 J, 1979. Then, when all the Dickens Toby Ju1t5 have been sent, the molds u.'ied to create them will be destroyed so that thi.'i colk"Ction can never be produced a~ain. Those who subscribe will receive their Toby Ju~'i at the rote of cmc every other month , and the i.o;.,uc price of ju't S45 for each will be billed in two equal amounts of S22.50 per month. Thus. the collection may be acquired conveniently and sy~tematiC3lly. The Charle~ Dickens Toby Jull. Collection i.'i certain lo become a prized family posses- <;ion -one that will provide enjoyment and satisfaction for )'Cars to c.·omc. To enter your substription, mail the application below to Franklin Porcelain, Franklin Center, Penn- sylvania. by January 3 1, 1979. ... ,.~ r-------------·SUll!o(,fl!PTI(ll'I f\PPC){:ATIOl'I·-. -----------, I The Chatles Dickens : I I Toby jug c.dlection i M\W be pcmmarkod by January 31 .1979 Umtt 1 One collect k>n pe subscriber Franklin POC'\'t:lain Franklin Cooter, Pennsylvania 19091 Plea.to enter my subscription for TM CllorlN Dickmt1 ~ Jug Colfoctil>n , oon.°'i~linR nf 12 hand-painttlfl earthenware Toby Jug.s to bo scot to rnc at the rate of one every othrr month. The price for CllCh Toby JUA is M~~ payable in two oquaJ monthly amounts. 1 nood send 110 nlOflO)' nuw. Bill me the first payment of 122.so• in advancx• of 11hlpmcnt, and the pme nmou11t 11ftcr the Toby Juit i.'i 'lent to me. •p/~ mt 11bl" 1111/1u lull Sisplature -· ...... , ., .............. 1._1, ,_, _ ••• ,._. Mr. Mn. M~'------~----~-~ -·-·~,,........._. Addnm --~~--------­ City --------------:;--l __ ~t.t:~ ~p·---~---------'·-·-u __ _. .. Warning . The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heallh. 'Vantage. Ijust-wollt • cotnprotntse on taste! urm willing to make some concessions, but taste isn't one of them. Even though I've heard the tar stories. 't still want a ciga rette \vi th gcxxl ta ste . HThat's \vhy I'm glad I switchLx:l to Vantage. ''With Vc1ntagc. l get the taste I smoked for in the first place. And that \Va n 'tea y to find in a low ta[ HForme,Vantagc is the best tasting low .... / ·t tar cigarette there is." . ~··~ .. _... . i "• .,\·:· ~ ,. ;~.,,..,..... pAlit. ..b . e, ~ Jnck G B:im11 ~kmrhi ... lt·nnl.._...,.~ . fll TER lOO's 10 mg ~lit"'. 0.8 tll9-n.cotint fill EA. MFNlHOL II mg "t•". 0 8 mg 111Coone. w per ciptflt. rtC Report MAY 78. , THE SCANDAL: WHY THOUSANDS OF BABIES DIE NEEDLESSLY l!f Robert Clalbotn• This year, more than 2,000 Amcrtcan babies will die shortly before or )ult after birth -unnecaMrtly. Hundreds more may sulfu MYft'e brain damage, producing perm41\ent retardation or cere· bral palsy. Tragic enough In their own right, ttleM cases are doubly tragic be· cause they don't have to happen. The babies In question will be v1c:tlms of "Rh disease" -a condition that Is 98-percent preventable ti the proper measures are taken In time. Thae mea.sura have been known for over 10 yean; they are simple, lnupen· slve and Mfe. Where they have been us· ed systemaHcaDy, Rh disease has been virtually wiped out. Yet the preventive treatment Is currently be.Ing used In only about 80 percent of the cases where It Is medlcally Indicated; In some areas1 the percenb9J II con$iderably lower. So long as this situation continues, we will con- tinue to lose NVCRI thousand babies a year Medleslly. What exactly Is Rh d.l9eas.e and how do doctors go about preventing Ir? Its fun- damental cause II what Is called the Rh factor -a substance found on the sur· face of mote people's red blood cells. About 85 percent o# the U.S. population has this factor and Is clasalfted as "Rh- pottttve;" the 15 peunt who lack the factor ana ''Rh·ncgattve." In tttetf. this lack meana nothing; 10 far as Is known, being Rh-negative or Rh- positive has no more effect on pcnonal health than being blue-eyed or brown· eyed, The only time It can become a problem Is when 411\ Rh-negative woman concctva a chlld by an Rh-polltlve man -meaning th.c the baby will utUalJy be Rh·potldve, and thus lncompadble with ltl mother. In mote caMS this ltlll pro- duces· no dlf6cu1Hes. 'Sometimes. how· cwr, INl\U. the t.by Is being bom (or occaslonaly under other drcu~) • ll1Yll quantity of Ila blood cell gm Into the modMr'• bloodllream. From the ltandpolnt of the Rh·nega- tlvi mothcr'a body, theM Rh1)0lltl\le cea. . are ffwetgn IUbltanc:a, and the body,.. .eta• It doel to~ fore9I ~. tud\ • becterla: It ~ ~ Md- .. bodies which attack and destroy the "In· vaders." The antl>odies do no harm to the mother -or, of coune. to the baby that has just been born. The real trouble starts ti the mother ooncetva a eecond Rh-positive fetus. Now she ~eady pot· NSSeS antbodla agatrut Rh·postttve blood eels, and wher\ these pa. Into the fetal bloodstream ~ do \Vhat they are designed to do: daboy red blood cells. This can damage the fetus In two ways. Ant, since It II the red cellt that carry ox~· gen to the tiuues, the Iota of too many of them wlll ttarve those tissues for oxygen. Second, the breakdown product of the eds, If present In sufficient quantity, Is toxic. If the procca goes far eno ugh, the fetus wtl die, and even If It doesn't, Its brain may stllJ be Irreparably damaged. In most MCOnd pregnancies of Rh·potl· tive babies, fortunately, this doesn't hap· pe.n. The mother, for one or another rea· ton, was not ~" to Rh-positive ceJ1s the ftrst dme or wasn't sensltlud enough -that Is, she doesn't produce enough anti>odla to damage the new fetus. As one might expect, however, her chances of becoming sensitized Increase wtth each Rh-positive pregnancy: per· haps one In a 100 after the flnt, one In 10 after the eecond, one In ftve after the third and one In three after the fourth. And onoe she II tentldled, If• for Ide. Thcrt cuncntJy ts no sale way o# ltopplng hcr from making entb>dla or o# removing them &om her blood, thus an Rh·potllw baby the conceives thereafter will very dcftnltely be In danger. beby. And they are costly, averaging dote to $5,000 per baby, and for IOfM, over $20,000. otMously It wouJcl make • lot more MnM to prevent Rh diMaM ratha-than be forced Into the risks and e>q>enM of The-re are ways of averting that danger ttylng to treat M. -10m«tima. Through the procedure Ncarty 20 yon ,.go. a ~up et New called amn~t .. , which samples the YOC'k's ColumtM·Prabyterlan Medkal fluid t.hAllt tunoundt the fetus wthln the Center, he.ded by °'· Vincent Freda, womb, doc:ton can determine quite accu-began w0nd.m9 whether • nUght not be rately whd\• eno~ of b blood cell pOlllble to prevent Rh dtMaae -not by have been datroyed to «ndangsr Ill Ide. treating the beby but by treating the If the danger exists and the ~ II mother before Ille became ICl'\Slttzlld. far enough along I the bMJy c.°I ulUely be They raaoned that • the mother, Im• tawd by bclng cWvend ~and medlltety alter the bWtt\ of her "'1c Rh· ~an .. achlngl ~"In whk::h PQllljvc bM>y, wiere ~ an ln)Kfton of 111 ~blood it~~. Rh...mtbodJa, theM woukl neutraa. the Ewn If It II too young to IUMw pmna· Rh factor on any of the lnfW1t'1 blood c• turt ~.•can d eomctlmabe NWd that had gott.,, Into her bloodetrwn. A.a by tnntfullng blood Into II wi. It II d • *'I•, her body would have no "lnccn· wlhln b rnodw. But ~ procedura ttv. .. to llM menufacturtng antiloclla of NqUr. .. not.~• el holpbia: lb own; llM would not be ~-Al. moreowr, «'*' ~ they wortt they ebout th. e.ne time, • 9fO'.IP In I.Mr· uny C1N1n nab ., i.l..»moet. .... --~~. heacW by Dt. R. !Tin, .=--,. .... .,,. .mved at the same oonclullon by follow- ing a 10mcwhat different lne of ruton· Ing. Both groups, opcrattng Mparlltcly, Mt about tatJng their th.ary. The flnt ap w• to obtain antibodies to the Rh factor. Alter conaldcrable ex- pertmentatton. the reteatchen found a way o# extTacttng thlt In relattvely pure fonn &om the blood o# women who had oeady bee.n MNitliied -of INhlch there were, unfoC'tunlft)y. plenty. The next ltep w• to fly the preparation on men, fot whom there would be no~ to any fu. ture baby If the technique didn't wodc. Rh-ncgettve male volunlCCI were lajlct· eel wtth the antlbodJ preper.aon, then given amel k'l)lctk>na of Rh~ blood. ,.. the theory had pr.dkti9d. they produe«J no antlbodin o# thcS own. The final ap w.a to fly the In~' under ~ c:lnlcal condlttona on Rh·~• women who had jutt <Mlvtred Rh-'PO'I· ttv. bab'et. AQalr\ aentlttAdon wet PN· wnllad. 9y 1968, the r•u chert were rady to mow atMed ful ......, : ttMV • GREAT COffif ORT! GREAT VALUES! You get them both In this beautifully made, fine fitting, reasonably priced footwear. You must be pleased or your money will be refunded. GAIL -"$27.95 Soft, glove leather boots with convenient side zipper. Padded Insoles. Overall height: 7Yl Inches. 1 inch atacked heela. COLORS: CAMEL, BLACK, NAVY. BROWN OR WHITE SIZES NARROW -e through 12 MEDIUM -4 throug11 12 WIDE -5 through 12 (WHOLE SIZES ONLY - NO HALF SIZES) Superbly comfortable, go- everywhare, auppl•••·leafher aoftles with padded ·insoles. ~ Inch hffla. OLORS: CAMEL, RED. BLACK, NAVY OR WHITE SIZES· NARROW-5'h throUQh 12 MEDIUM -4 through 12 WIDE -5 through 12 (NO HALF SIZES OVER 10) PRANCER -$19.95 Sleek, leather·llke boots with full aide zip- per. Soft, foam-lining and crape soles. Overall height: 8 lnchee. H4 Inch etacked heels. COLORS: RUST, BLACK, CAMEL OR WHITE SIZES: NARROW -5~ 1hrough 12 MEDIUM -4 through 12 WIDE-5 thro119h 12 (NO HALF SIZES OVER 10) MANDY -$11.95 lndoor-outdOot' women'• leather loafare with padded and easy- going low ~ Inch heele. COLORS: BLACK , CAMEL SIZES: OR GOLD NARROW -5 'h throUQh 12 MEDIUM -4 through 12 WIDE-5 through 12 (NO HALF SIZES OVER 10) DONNA -S23.95 Eaay~olng boote of aupple glo¥e le11her wlltl soft, cushioned lneol ... Adjuetable ankle 11tap. Overall height: 6 lnchee. 1 Inch atacked heela. COLORS: CAMEL, BLACK OR WHITE SIZES: NARROW-5'h through 12 MEDIUM -4 through 12 WIDE-5 through 12 (NO HALF SIZES OVER 10) •Add $UO for sio-t-oe end C.0 .D. CMeoeM: hencl!lng If ontertne • '1.00 extra tor llH• C.O.D .• ptMM / over 10 Mnd 12.00 per • REFUND IF NOT DELIGHTED pair depotlt. -.;-'"'-;,;;_;;:;;----------O" " FORM--------------- SOf'WEAR Stt<>el • 1111 Sen Jeclnto • o.pt. Wf .. • Houeton. TeJCM 17002 c,. .... "'Int) NAME ____________________________________________________ __ CITY I TATE 'II' NAM~ Of SHOI S1ZE WIDTH Ont..Ofl l'IUl':f: "T - Md 11.11> for PC11t.eo-lf'd !wdlno f, ______ __ ,. •••• '"'""" add'" ..... IH. TOTAL.,, _____ _ ~oft,,),~ rt) ·110°~ · ··' ., .. , ... ,.,, @) I"' ~)<l ~ ~~.J " I'· .. ~, llV.'.' .. SCANDAL began gMng the ln)ections rouUne)y to every Rh-negative woman who wu •a1 risk" of M1uittzadon. Soon the procedure spud to other large hospltaJa, both here and abroad. It woriu like thla. Early In pregnancy, the woman's blood ts tested. If she Is Rh - postttve, no problem ; If she Is Rh-nega- tive, further tats are made to see If she has been prevk>usly sensitized by an od- er pNgnancy (or occasionally In 10r1W other way). If she la~. there lt a problem, but not one that the ln)ections can hq>; lnMad, the docton check her owr regularly to dctennine whether the fetus Is ln danger and, If ll ls, try to save It. If, however, the Is not already wnlttWld, then lmmedlately after delivery the baby'• blood Is also typed. If It turns out Rh·posl· ttve, aa It usualy docs, the mother Is lmmedlate.ly given the protecttw shot ol anttJody (called RhoGAM). The entire procedure COits SSO to $60 per patMnt. The effectiveness of the procedure la shown by ftgures compiled at Columbla- PTabytc\an (they can be peralleled In many other places). In 1964, when the Columbia doctors ftrst began giving the ln)ecttons experimentally, some 14 per· cent of aD J>r'lgnant, Rh-negattve women examined wer. already senlltlad. Ten yan later, the figure had dropped to leu than 1 pe1'Uflt. The chop took that long bccaUM of the becldogof •eacty Mnlltzed women who RhoGAM could not help. At this group began moving beyond child· beanng age, the value of the protective ehoU for younger, not·yct·sensttlied worMn became clear: In the population MTVed by Columbl.a·PTeebyterlan, Rh dis · UN almost dllappeared. T ht preventtvc t«hnlque became even more efflclent through the dllcowry -pw::dlng at ftnt -that toQM sentldzild women had never borne• child. But they had, .. It turned out, undergone abor· tiol\I -which It now..,.,._. CM occa· 8'onalfy Mnstt1za an Rh-negidtve WOIMn, though much le11 often than a nonnlol delivery. Accordingly, the ColumblA group began ~ mlnl-ln)edk>na - caUed MlcRhoGAM -after abortions, and the number of aend:lulHon• drQpped even further. In dtta~ig the auccas of the RhoGAM treatment, Freda and hla ..,. cietet tmJ>ha*e that ther. 11 noc • s1ng1e c.11M In wMch II hM done even minor hsm to the mother -and only a h.ndfuJ of CaMI In whk:h • hM f.a.d to wocic. They therebe operaee on the ~: "When In doubt. five •. It mey do tome good, end wtl c.Minly do no harm." The tratment ts~ &I eff«:ttw In MY· &no money • In ~ !Iva. Recently, tome ~ economlilfl did • ciomptJ· H. AnM4roftO ~· ta study on the cost of treating one case of Rh disease compared wtth the overall c()Q of preventing It: the f\gures WOl"lc.d out at $25 In treatment costs f°' every dolar tpenl In prevmtk>nl The RhoGAM "ldtch In Ume" sava a lot more than nine -a thought worth bearing In mind as our national bUI for medical care continues to climb. Freda estimates, In fact, that the present 80-percent UM of RhoGAM Is savtng us at least $100,000,000 a year. By stmple arithmetic, rablng that 80 per· cent to 100 percent would aave u1 an ad· dltk>nal $25,000,000. But to save that money -and those lives -the 9tttch must be given In time; once the mother has been Mn&ltlzed, It's too late. Yet, one out of five women who who &hould be getting It -over 100,000 women a year -aren't getting It In time, or any other time. In most cases, the reaaon lt not that doctors and hospttals don't know about RhoGAM but simply that they haven't gone to the trouble of making sure that every woman who needa It, gets II. The main culprits, accord- ing to recent surveys • .-. small hospitals In rural arus and aome cllnk:a speciaftdng In abortions that don't bother to have the mother's blood typed. The longer thae hotpttall and dnlcl an allowed to conttnue their ~ ways, the longer It wtJ be bcfoN Rh cfil. eate Is wiped out. At bcsc, It wlll take mOfe then 10 yun bccaUM of the beclc· log of women who thould have gotten the treatment but didn't, and •e aeady eenllttmd. Further delay could come If women •• ieg.ly proht>lted horn gilttlng aboftton•: cxperil~ ahowt that *" ol thousands of them wtl go to ~ llbc>f. tlonllD -and few of the lle9lll abor· donlla would be IMly to wony about blood·typlng or ~ ln)ectiont. Amertcan medk:tne hM the took to wipe out Rh ~ almolt totally, FalUe to UM thoee took, not jult mOll ol the ti!'M but .. the time, wtl be what °'· Freda 8Mly c.la II: "A d~ to rw. owprolaeion." ...:a "-- A flaming rainbow of color -year after year! Guaranteed to start sprouting colorful leave~thw~~~~ seven days. Complete w plus gleaming' golden pot with soil, easy to grow Instructions. MA y GOOD LUCK SHINE ON YOU EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE! .... of T8111 NurMl1el LTD. I 31 Hanee Ave., Dept2Mll, F'"l)Ort, N.Y. 11121 I ~ Please rush me __ Pot o· Gold Rainbow Plant(s) I ~ [J One for $1 .00 plus 35¢ postage and handling. #91367 O Two for $1 .75 plus~ postage and handling. I · 0 Three for $2.50 plus 65~ postage and handling. I D Four for $3.25 plus 80¢ postage and handling. I r 1 Five or more for $1.00 each-we pay postage and handling. I ~;;11=~-~irBl· I Amount enclosed s • 1 Please send check or money order. (No C.0 .0 .'s please). N.Y. residents please add local sales tax. I PRINT NAME~ I ______________ _,_,, ~---~-------~--~· ZIP I -------- - - - - - - - - -1----· Winston ~. ••••v.umj ....... 20 ... ..-.u .. ..., •.• ._m:...,.•?1. I • QUIPS & QUOTES ARMOUR'S ARMOURY SINK SONG I think that I shall never see A sink as lovely as o tree A sink is never changed at all By shifting seasons -summer, foll A sink for other rhings was mode Thon fending man /Is cooling shade Or giving birds o place to nest Or limb on which to perch and rest. A sink. unlike o tree. won't grow. Its status 1s the status quo A sink has not o trees ochievmgs, Instead of leaves, though. ii has leavings -Richard Armour Afrer talking with the gossipy neighbor. the man burst Into his wife's bedroom and shouted, "Ah , you miserable cheater! Now I know everything!" "Oh?" responded his wife coolly. "When was the battle of Bunker Hiii?" -Audrey Earle OPEC-TOMY The Arab hod hod o serious operation and needed blood despero~ly, but nowhere could the doctors locate anyone with type $ blood. -Gene YaHnok Archaeologists have finally deciphered the writing on the ancient tomb of Montezuma. It reads. "Please tell the Marines to stop singing In the halls." -R°" Sands There's o wonderful book that tells you where to go on your vocation. It's called o checkbook. -Conrad Fiorello Man to men: "I don't know what I'd have d one without Helen -especially after the kids came along." -HenrvE. Leobo The judge said harshly, "You testified you're a locksmllh. WeD, what were you doing In the gambling joint when the police .u ld«t It?" The f4tllow replied In • low key, "Your honor, I was making a bolt for the dOOf." • -~oKent Here 's the brr de 's secret for a successful marriage . good grooming. -Frank Tyger SO WHATS NEW? I dreamed I'd died And gone 10 heaven. Worked one day. Gor pa!d for seven. -Fronk Walsh You 're smart if you only believe half of what you hear -and you 're downright bn/liont when you know which half. -Manin Raga way THROUGH A CHILD'S EYES My two-year-old nephew recdved a MW pair of shoes from his parents. When I asked whether I could see them, he held one foot up to show me. I told hinl how much I liked tt. Proudly. then, he lifted the other loot, aaytng, -rhe other shoe ... -JuHe Kong Neola, lo&l)Q Thecomlagiftn: In 1621 rhe Indians had the same problem with land that we have with money. They never had so much or saw it go so fas. -Robert Orben By Frank Baginski LITTLE EMILY "Would ,YOU mind If I threw o tontrum? There'• o lcld In the waiting r,oe>m I'd like to lmprea. " You don't have to be thin to look terrific. Our terrific new large & half-size fashions are guaranteed to fit you better 5 ways! Not all beautiful women are skinny I And over 3 million of these big, beautiful women buy their clothes at home from the size spec/a/lat ... the Lane Bryant Fashion Catalog. 503 terrific new ..,._ .•• • clrect.-ID-you low prtceel So stop weartng clothes that add 20 years to your age ... and start weartng brtght, new lane Bryant fashions that feature "Slz.&" styling In large sizes and half sizes. You don't hllN to be INn to look tenfflc. Let us prove tt .•• lend for._ F,.. Lmw 8ryant C8l8log loMJI New Lane Bryant Fashion Catalog yours FREE Mail coupon today for America's Most Popular Catalog of Large-Size and HaJf-Size Fashions! YES, ptu• rU9h me the Line Bfyant Ceealog .. America'• Most Popular Catalog of Lar~ Size and Half-Size Fuhlona. I St* Zip I o" JCMt're 1'7" or.....,, .., ... ..,,, e1ae 1roM 12 to · I 24, cfiectl ._. ao.,... we c.n ..w JOU.....,. ., I Cl'l-al I I _ _ ~...,.. .. : t.arge Sine 31-IO I · -· IIME BR.YANT tf8" Size• 1JYl-Mv. -1- 1 =A. Taller MIM Sir• 14-241 I ll'tlla~M...., ShoM. 5AA-13EEE I L----...-,....---------------1 CRAFTS HAVE FUN AND TRY ''TRANSFER ART'' Children's drawings are lifted and tronaferTed onto plates to make attroctiue wall hangings. You ca.n de<01ate al.oat anJthlng with thl• •l•pl• technlqu. fol pHllng and tianafMtng fro. ptlnt. Inexpensive tlles wlll make a handsome pair of decorotlue plaques by applying greeUng-card Illustrations. m aking transfer pictures Is a fasdnat· Ing way to decorate a multitude of Items. And no artittic abillty Is Nqulred. Someone else suppkt the art, then you give It a new dimension. Transfer pictures•• those that you It· eralJy trander from the paper they ~ printed on to another turlace. Almott anything th.t has been printed on paper can be tnlndened, such as paintings, photographs or won:ts. The ~eat fun of making transfer pie· tura Is the almost llmltlas rupply of sub- ject matter available. In addition to maga· zlne pages, plduTes or words can be lifted from calendars, matchbook coven and IM!1'I bubble-gum trading cards. Some walpaper designs can ·be lifted, • can pictures &om tome postcards, news· papers and wMtlng cards. An ordinary stone can be turned Into a decorative ~t. A rock can be· come a hand.tome bookend or a door .aop. lnapentivc p&.tk: tiles or a piece of lumber &om a ecrap pile can be trans· bmed Into unique wall plaques, and per- IOnahed planters or pend ho«i«n can be medc from CMt-off coll .. cupe. A magazine picture tranlferred to canva. can r~ a painting. You can CYCr'I b'enlfer your own mt ~or the children's drawings. Balpolnt pen Ink, but not the felMlp klnd, will trant· fer, as wdl aayom. · ToonlerP .. O,w..ld,'a'hn I Pkhlre a..tlet '316, send $1.00 for each copy to: Famity WaekJy Megane P.O . Box 438 ~Scanon New Votk, New Yoric 10018 Be atN to Include &eallet number and your name, addr .. end ._, code. {New Voric *• Nt6dcntl, pleMe add ,.. talata.) ~ -.ur 'NlllLY WllkLY, '-'f M, .. • 2S •••••••• ..... •• •n. ..... ~ TllAT• .. •• .... ••• -ICU~ Olp!. IFY-6 CMI* llM, ,......,. ... PA Wilt Y" P'-...,. • -(IF't) "luttelflMI la FlltM" R4f -lpt11tt(1f 11 111ty 16 , ... 7Sf ,...... Ml hlMll .. C:.r'~ GrNI Sitt Idea -01W extra ,.,,.. tw ~ blrtMey w Miidiy 111111 l _,,.,,,._ -_. a m1dled pelr -tw •IJ" pl• 11 SO ~ Mf '-di .... II aller ,_lvllll _, tlW I a llel deli....._ I _, ,.. llHll II WIU1l1 14 4lp 1M ~ •Ill ,.... !!It fllf pw. ctlaM ,nee ,__,.,.. .... '__. .. ,. T1t1I -I~ _ JA r..w.a llld ft. ..... lU. Clllc:li .. _, t!W ... CXlDI ..-. CllAlll IT; ldltdl _, Eq. Dita 8 Vlul...__.. ------.._.., Ollrtt ........ ___ _ Crwdlt ~ -----------.... ____________ _ M*-a.t.#--Cl State-ZJ, __ _ ClllMllll -~ .......... ...,.,. •: 111911 .... lW., Olpl. IFY.110.._, DIM ......... Olllart• _, SCI • COIWk ' OlllMc "'*"'-...... tlllC) ..!!!:.9!! ... -................................... .-. Use your own beauty soap or gel -and save over famous store prices! lMy'¥a been '*"'"I ebout It _. J-1 h._+, l..tllon -~Oft ~ -be<a"IC 11 ,..,1y WOfb lo help -aftd tMoodl IArll'I ........ M .....t1 It _. -11'1 '"" S ml""tn a darl And ~11 el.Idly Mii 11 to '°" " • ~ kit -1nc1..ci1,. ttM ~. -P ...ct ~ for ..._ tt.an St61• 1"0cto4Mr, 1'71 pric'".I Now "°" Clll'I pe all Ill• IMMfltt o4 thlt ""~'" wry to -.... by buvll'll lu•t !he ..flllabi. S....... lodr MnAaprl ,.,_. placa you• _.,. la¥0t1te IOIO. <TMm, ,.1 or loelon !Mick -then ...,...i.M8 the """'°"•· IOOfhl,,e. unoo1h1,,. ec.tlon of lh n IOft MApple rvllbff ,......_.,.. '" yo.., beth or tllow«. U.. It °" hlpt, th...,_, b.inod.t -!Ml ,our 1llll'l~a1,, tone, IHI ,,_ v'911f, -Nfe lft MfNIMll 'fry II ,._. .... -~ -If you•,.. l'IOI delllhted Nth 'With "'"'' "'........ w ,.ollf .,.,..,,, pnc. -" '°"" llcln ...... , POtlllWly llow wllfl plM1ure efltt ull"t fl -lltftply '91Wft It within 14 d•V'I for Ml N111~ ,_.°' '"" .. end hendll"I), -thouP lh "-I' uMICll MAU -pon -I • 1111 Mtltc. c:-. '"' . Certli.t .......... ,,. , • .,, ------------Jlil'fl ...... m.11 lllA• ----···· .. ·---~II: C ... IMll &,. Mt ----- Q VIM/~ 0 -...._ ~ ~=::-~=-~·-O .._CM/11 ... ....., ___ _ un:....,•c-flf,.-•,.,•J•••..-... • er..tC.# ........................... ~ ..,. ____________ _ """' ............... , ................ -" ..... ,, .. ~~!I'll,... .. "" ........ ,,. ............. _.... "f .... _.. ...... , ... ,...... .. "' w ................... . -- ...,.. ________ __._,, __ aw .. "' ~~ ............ Ill: , Ml .... Ut,. ,_., •• t1' '""""' lrM ...... ---.. .....-................... . .. '"' 1 What Makes A Successful Family? The famUy that works together stays together says a Drexel Univ. behaviorist. Allia studying some ol the famiies Judged outstanding 20 years ago In a national competition. marriage counselor Dr. Sara B. Taubln says that the recipe for suc- cessful family life Includes: hard wont, strong family ties, a concern fOf others and deep religious convictions. "Almost all of -the successful famllles are hard-working. They've thrived In a work-oriented society," Taubln says. 'These aie people working together for the family good." A surprising number ol the women were working wives In the 1950s. accord- ing lo Taubln, a time when "society's perception of a woman's role was much different than It Is today." "Many of these women have con· tlnued to work throughout thel1 lifetime," Taubln observes. "In their feellngs about women and work, these famllles had a nontradltlonal approach to marriage, even back then." Pooch Palace MOit people woukln't mind being In the dogflouM If It WU anyfilng fib the one mjoyed by the lucky dog above - It's IOlar·heated. ~wn Snoopy woukl be mvtoUJ of Tasha, the Old English Sh.epdog who llva In the world's ftl'lt tolar-heated doghouse. The houac captura heat dur· Ing the d.ay when the sun shines through Its plastic roof onto a copper-cJ.c:I wall ex- tending a foot below the SJOUnd Into a bed of rocks. Heat It tranafmed to the rocks and Uowfy given off m night To llMID'W&JUr n. INHPll* ~IM i-rt1 .. 1 A Miii, ,. P "'°"°" ~,.. ....... "' ...... .,......., f'atrloll M. U~ II I ., ...... Mflw COOi* Cold Comfort Havtng a cold may noc do much for your body, but It can do wonders for your mental health says a W. Va. Univ. physl- cian. "If we did away with It -If we cured the common cold -we might weU have to face an lnc:reate In hyperteMlon, depression and related problems," says Dr. Robert H. Waldman, chairman of the department of medicine at the WVU School of Medicine. Colds probably ten1e as a psycho- loglcal safety valw for mOlt of us, speculates Waldman, who says, "For the vast major11y of people colds are a very prevalt overheating during the summer, a cover II plac.d over the coDector. The brainstorm for this posh pooch pad came naturally to Lff Cohen, owner of a Virginia Beach 10lar energy com- pany, one cold wlntAn's night. The first IOlar-heated doghoute the company pro- duced was gtven as a praent to Tasha's owner, a Vlrglnla ltatc tenator. For a mere $495, youi pooch can have his or her very own IO&er-heated home. And If you think the price II a little l&eep, .wn to knp your favortta canine friend toasty warm, weD, It beats buying him a mink coat. Hip Women The heftier the hips' the tmarter the ICUdcnt, aalOf"dlng to a IOfMWhat ldenU· fie study of Depauw Untv. coeds. Accofd· lng to the study, which related ICUdcnts' rneasumn.nts to their grec:M-polnt aver· ages, hip Illa turned out to be the vital statistic In predicting good grada. 1'he larger the hip, the larger the awr-•· age." commented Jama George, a com· puter lnJtructor for whole dMI the ltudy was comphd. He Mid that the next· Congnt ftndlng WM tNt taller INdenb tcndtd to halve hlgNr ~· • mild Ulnas. But they can provide people with an excuse for things they need to do -to be lazy, ba'>ied or even be grouchy. Most people believe these are unaccep- table behavk>r, but If they have a cold they can say, "It's O.K. because fm sick."' The MVer1ty of the cold's symptoms may also be Influenced by our state of mind, Waldman says. "H you're In a psycholog\cally good state you may have a bme runny nOM and scratchy throat but function well. If you're not In good shape, you'll have the same cold but pr~y more MVett tymptorns." While other students In the computer claM worked wtth more mundane figures, tueh as matching com productk>n to use of fatillz.ers, a clever coed (who wished to remain anonymous) measured house· mates In her IOfonty. Although we don't know the raeardl· er'• name, from the Ingenuity of her study we bet she has btg hip.. Alm low For Happiness Happy la the woman with modest )ob uplrattona -If she's a partner ln a dual· career rnarrillge. At leaet that's the con- dusion of 2 Univ. of Texas raearchcn. Plychologlltl Carole Holahan and Lucia Gll>at asked tpOUMt to rate the amount of eonftlct they fd between ma- jor roles such .. prof Cllk>nal and parw:nt. Both men and worMn ..med to expert. cnce the Iott amount of confbc:t when their lpOUMS were su~. among other thtnga, and h6d ai.o. high QfM1 commitment. And the raearchcrt alto di.c:ov..d ttt.t high commitment to • )ob doetn't MCaNrly mean a thJnt to ~.the eotporate i.dder -at i... for women. Hbe. Although most of them are undapaid for their efforts, American housewives do $11, 000 worth of work a year says financial colwnnllt Sylvia Porter. Porter cak:ulates that the typical houteWtfe spends 12· 14 hours a day -or almott 100 houn a wee.k -on the )ob. Multiply that b-j the minimum wage of $2.65 an hour, and you get an annual wage of nearly $11, 000. And that price tag ls a bar· gain, Porter says, when you conskfer that In the course of her working day the avaage wife may perform as many as 12 different occupations! People. Sometimes you find a real swprise In yow famUy tree -as Johnny Carson discovered. After guat A.lex Haley suggested that Car· son look up h1s own genealogy, a la Roots, the popular talk-show host discovered that he and former Pres!· dent Richard Nixon are fifth cousins. And If that wasn't enough. Nixon ls allo a dlsUlnt relative to Gerald Ford. Tea..letoa. Scarlett and Rhett steam up the screen again when Gone With The Wind coma to television as a CBS spedal. Catch this cla.ssk: Sun- day, Feb. 11 (8:00-11 :00 PM, ESn and Monday, Feb. 12 (8:00-10:00 PM, EST). 8-lnen. What makes a home fcx today's buyers? According to Hou.Ing magazine, they almost aD want fire· places. And If they can afford an amenity, chances are It will be a swim· ming pool. BIRTHDAYS (Sun.-Fr1 . Capncom, Sat. Aquarius): ~ -Faye Dunaway 38; Julian Bond 39; Tom Tyron 53; JOMph loeey 69. Moeday -Mlrie Schell 52: Lloyd Br1dga 65; O\uck Berry 53 . ........, -Ethel Merman 70; A.J. Foyt 44. Weda•dliy -James Earl Jones 48; Mick Taylor 30; Joe Frazter 3.5: Shan Lewis 45. 'llnnday -Cary Grant 75: Muhammad All 37: Donny Kaye 66. Friday -Jean Stapleton 56; Dolly Par· ton 33. Satwdef -George Bums 83: Patrtda Neal 53; Federico Felllnl 59. llllTHDA \' P£Oft.E! OoO, hnlMI ..... _ .... All National Smoker Study: Can low tar MERIT packed with 'Enriched Flavor.:cobacco measure up to the caste expectations of current smokers of high tar cigarettes? Read the results from a nationwide research effort involvin,g smokers who actually tested MERIT against leading high tar brands. Results Conftrm Brcakt.hrough Confirmed: Majority of high tar smokers rate MERIT taste equal to -or better than -leading high tar cigarettes tested! Cigarettes having up to twice che tar. <:onfirmtxJ: Majority of high tar smokers confirm raste sati sfaction of low tar MERIT. And in detailed interviews conducted among current Kines: 8mg"rw:· 0.6mg n1co11111- 100'a: 1tt111"t1CO.7mg nicOCiMtv. perc1pttn1, FTCRtportMIY '78 Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoki.Qg Is OangerourroYourHealtlr. I~ \ M ERIT Filter MERIT smokers? Confirmt:d: 85% ofMERIT smokers say it was an "easy switch" from high tar brands. <:mlirrntxJ: Overwhelming majority of MERIT smokers say their former high tar brands weren't missed! Con/inned: 9 out of 10 MERIT smokers not cohsidering other brands. Firs Major-~ 10Hiab1Ar Soding MERIT has proven conclusively that it not only delivers the flavor of high tar brands -bur continues to satisfy! This ability to satisfy over long periods of time could be the most important evidence to date that MERIT is what it claims to be: The first real taste alternative for high lar smoker . ~&lOO's • , .. c . FREE ... this handy, walnut-finish~ BOOK RACK when you preview the~ Britalinica 3 • How to get this MAGNIFICENT BOOKCASE- aS5950value- FREE with Britannica 3. c Get your FREE book rack just for previewing Britannica 3. Then, if you decide to acquire The New Britannica 3, you'll also receive this magnificent pecan- finished bookcase-a $59.50 value-absolutely FREE! For over two hundred years, the old idea of the encyclopaedia remained the same. But now, to meet the demands of our changing world with its vast amounts of information ... now, there is Britannica 3. This is a completely re-designed encyclopaedia. 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So if you want more up-to-date facts about more subjects than you'll find in any other single source, you want The New Britannica 3. Preview Britannica 3 FREE New Britannica 3 is like no ocher encyclopaedia you have ever seen. Indeed, it's the first new idea in encyclopaeaias in 200 years. That's why we've created a special full· color Preview Booklet which pictures and de- scribes this achieve- ment in detail. This Preview Is yours free ... no ooligetion ... so please Send for It today. FREE •. ... Cl • a • • -.. .. • > 'O • FROM CROWN GALLERIES, DIV. OF PLANTRON, INC. -B&:OOMINOTON, ILL81701 EMPRJ3S A ._uUftl1 I, I or I Ct. o .. uty tflet b "J1ul rltflt" for n.,-y occatlon. .... not 1et. Val. Mtt. OI'> No. UtO 1ct. Wll. M... H> ,... •004 let. Vet. Mtt. Of') No ..... ht. Wll. Mtt. u~ No.UHkt.Wll.M... P Ne. UJ1 kt. Y ... M... o ) I .... .... fl.40 12.40 "·" 11.11 PRINCE " Uneltom• tflo of I Oemflre ttOMI •t 111 a t1Kt.+4QC mout1tlflt. Total Wt. Ht Ott.. It '1 V ... Mte. (1tKt-HQ&) 114.N UIOW1'.llllt .. (11Kt.+40&) t14.tl PRINCESS IMPORTANT HIERl:'S HOW YOU CAN TU.L YOUR OIEMl'IRIE COUNTl:Rl'l:IT DIAMONDS ARIE NOT CHl:AI' COSTUMI: Jl:WlrLRV • A. CoY11t lt1e facet&. Qemflre 1to11H all ""• II facet• -Jyat Ilk• ellHllllw• ellamonch prepa1ecl It)' CllalftOIMI CYttan. •• c. D. l:••lftlne yoyr 1to11a Ill • elllftll l .. "tael room. It tlloYlel ..-a11t1e Ilk• 111 elayli,h Oemflr• stones 1Partcle "•" 111 tit• moo11111flt. st .. e1y yoYr rl, unele1 a powerful "' .. 11lfylnt t1•11 to look ff ,...,,., Qemflr• 1tone1 lu!Yi ctartty -ara o-'""Y peffect. No apeckll No btemra""' No craclul Oemflre 1t011H •r• ao tlal"CI you cen actually aerate" your lnltlal In 1tau wll" '"•ml Pron It to younelf. EMPEROR A atylltll Oomflre Coctct•ll ""' wllll • ¥11 ot. rCMt llCI eollttW center ttollO .,,,CMtlleloel .. ., ...... " .. Mele atonet. Total Wt. a-ct., A "•"Cl .. mely .._.,..Cl mounllne wltll a lhtllllfftl I ct. QaMfll'._ '111 Y ... Mte. (11Kt-HOC) ttl.11 ~ 1111 WI!. Mte. (1Mt-HOC) ttl.H 1111 Wtl. lllloutnl"' (SS) t14.H llt<t~ Oofd Elecu_,..• REGINA A fiery 1111 ct Mar11111IM cut Qemflre In• 11e111tlful Httf"I of IOllcl Slerllnt Sllwer. No. 1121 Wll. Mountlnt (SS) SI 1.tl ECSTASY ovr flnett t1rklll Ml. I ct. co11ter 1to11e IM t _,.Iller o"" -111 IHllllllll Gem· flteL Tot1I • CIL In e•tt•ltlte Wlllte 11Kt-HHY!f oo.-Elootro•l•te\Mt .. No.HMWfl.Mtt. S.Zt.tl b VALENCIA 9'om1ntlc, -~ no-"u11y motif. 21 Ollmo1tlt" Ill Ifft ll~lnt Sttw., Mt .. UM Wll. Mou1ttl111 (U) su.tt QUEEN A 1111••1"1 1 ct. "°"'"' GW11flf9 WIMI 4 ftof'!f INe tt•Nt. Total Wt. ft ott. 1'14 v ... :: ........ ''IKt•HO•J I' .. " lttl W1'. ....... (1 K .. HOC 14.tl MAJESTIC A rllCll1nt bum of 11 09"1flrea MHNuttct 1 l•rt• center 1tone for 1 tot11 of 1.1 QemflreL Very dr1m1tlc. Ho. It .. Yel. Mtil. /11Kt·HQE) S12.IO No. ltOI Wfl. Mq. 11Kt .... QE) t12.IO BUCKINGHAM '"'""'..,.,ea ct, o-f" ,,., •"" IHl9flt ltlllllltflltt 011 Ntlll flnflfl. 11Kt•HQE No. UJO Wfl. Mtf, tl~t-HQS S I .ti Ho. HH Vol. Mt1. 11Kl-t4QE $ 1,11 • LADYSHIP An .. qul11te coc1Ct1l1 rlnt ·•1111 1/2 ct. center Qemflre In wtilrl of I 1tone1 HI In flllt•ff t1Kt·H11wy Gold Eloctrop11te mountl"'. No. 1107 Yel, Mtt.,11Kt·HQE( 110.H No. 11ot Wit. Mtt1 11Kt.fo40E 10.11 Ho.lt"l·"tone llKl-HQE 10.H • RANCHO S.ectecular, ma-llM clutt., rte .. Hat 1tKt°'"NYl' Qold ai.ct .... late lt19'1 .,. .. ...... •ltd Ntln flllltfl l ·T•M MOuntl .... No. 1117 l ·Ton• ..... 11Kl·HOll s 7 ... . h9I. RINGS ENLARGED . TO SHOW DETAIL FREE JEWELERS GIFT BOX WITH EVERY RING , FANTASIA MlfCIUI .. and pear-cut counterfeit Am .. tlly•h •. pal• to Clffp llW•P••· 11Kt·HQE. Cet. No. 1124 Yel. Mt1. S14.H GAYETY H•••'• a etu1tar df 1 ttawlHt sto>i.a. euut"""' lt"11"1 SllHr florel motif n101u1tlftl. Cat. Ho, 1101 Wll. Mtf. IU.H .. > Lo¥ely detelled wide ll1no cluster rln1 with unique swlrl Htllnt. Slmple 11Kt· Heny Gold Eteclropl1te mo11nt1n1 dr•· matln• tne fiery •tonH. Cat. Ho. 1201 Wll. Mt1. S 4.H Cat. Ho. 1221 2·Tone Mt1. t 4.H ESSEX ~ l11t1ratel., t1Kt-+4Ga mou11th11 mekes tlllt fiery \Ill ct. G-f~e C"I rlnt a real ~ltM out. cat. HO • ., .. Wll. Mtf. cat. No. tH7 V11. Mte. tJO.H tO.tl VALENTINE Hurt·sll1ped clutl•r of OlamonllH (A) In romantic 101e1ton1 fllltrH 11Kl·HQI£ mountlnt. c11. No. lll4 Yet. M11. BEAUREGAR D lt't remu11a11>11 10 tloM onl clutlor rlm,wltll •ht111CtlH 11>1ac11 111• 10 .. to111 111t 111 flnltll. A real tttM owt ''"" H•• llK ·H•n~ Qold a1eetro011t1 mount1111. Cat. No, 1101 VII. Mlt. ttO.tl 11K t·Heewv Gold Electr09tlet• Counterfeit TUC ANA lmprenl¥• 11111111 WHff•look wltll I stone cluster In llKt·HQE mountlnt. Cal. No. 1422 Wit. M11. tU.4 t Cat. No. IOU Ytl. Mt1. 112.41 ST AT ES MAN A rna .. lo "'"" clutter rlflt wltll I Mr· ftclll'·m•ldl .. , MM ... t 1to11" In 111 "".,_ttlvt P'IO.tlltlM flnltll 8M llKt• Huw~ OoH •1MtTopllt1 mou11t1, Cet. o. UH Yet. llilltt. I .ft cat. o. U11 Wll. Mtf, 1.u <C Elegant c,own Galle,ies end ants VIII '.J SHIKORI ONLY $ 9 . 9 5 ea. Tndlllonel lndl•n tty .. , •rtl•Uc trl- NI n~ICIK•. HH Cl4Mlllt•rf•lt IYory 1tor111. Cou11t~••ll IN• .... CIOflll oentM ltOMI. A11t~11· .... ""'""· Cet. No. liH I~ HEART A' l'L.AMI! only S8.95 set 10 f'l•mlnt counterfeit dlemo11d• 011 bt'u-"od tllnr or toldtOM llHrt. 11" m•tcll· 1119 dleln. Tl11y tl .. rt-tfl•pod plotCIM Ntrlftl' coMplel• ttlls di•""'"' Mt. Su'llc•I slffl poftL No. 2124 tllnrtoM (per Mt) • I . II Ho. U7 t 101dtone (per Mtl ' I .ti . •UTT•Af'L Y f'ANTASV ~ ~ ~ly 514. 95 set -"'•ttr toldtoM 1t•llda11t "'"" c.u11t0ffelt .... lftOMI. l'IM II" llfllf ... INI llHteflllll ltllll\. ~ ... llltrlllft Oii •toit~ No. It 11 ("'•ti St'H ~,,, w .•. •yppy f ACE" With CROWN GALLERIES ·s.u.· PENDANT only $395ea. ~~:=:~ Shlp~d to you In a b«lutlful ~ift box. We• • tmilo 24 houra • Mly ..... when you put on this tmlline Pondant/Pfn. W• IU••ntoo you'll rmilo when you -th• two dlnflllng, fllllhlne dlM1ond-llko, hiuthlne l'f• ond tho -19llttlnt trin. Comes with beMlti(ul 23" ~blo-llnll eoldtono or 1ll"'1ono cfloln end af9ty c•tch pfn beck. c.n bo worn es oidlor • Pend9nt °' • • tie.tiful Pin. Or'dor youra t~. Ooldtono ~Face • C.t. No. 5008. Slt..rtone ~ Fece C.t. No. 5010. v LOVE 8rltllt IHf•pattern wecldlnt lland. Orum· Int Sterilnt Sliver llltllllthU Ifie 10Kt. Yellow QoHS f'llled mounflnt. Cat. NO."" 2·TOne Mte. tU.4t POSEIDON ..... . 11Kt·H9e¥y Ootd Eltctr°"l1te TIGRESS Tawny Uteraye PHP• t11rou1h 101oton• IHfY nett uparklt with Olamonlt• CA) counterfeit dUlmondL llKt·HOlt mt1. cat. No. tus Yet. Mt1. t12.4t BENGAL Thlt It an lmp,.ol•1e•looklnt man'• rlnt. Tll• "•,,.••me omwlataes atar "'""I•• It KHfttN llY i tl11nnlftl •Ide tton•• In • ....... MMe tttO·W.-.Y 4Ht4t-&tM4r-ti.t1 ,.. ... ,. ...... tit. N .. H4tWfl. Mtt. t l .H SHEBA an cabOcllen-cul counterfeit Hematite with t perfeclly·rnatclled Ol1monlt11 (R) In ttllnlnt tllHrtOH 11Kt•HHYY Oold Clectropllle Mlllnt. C.t. No. 1414 Wll. "°'"· VALIA~T Tiii• 11,,1 1lmul1tee rull)I c11t "' Nl>o ocllon, anti IW1111ant wt •lmulattct dla· mo~ tf4111 llone, are aat In an lt'nprtulva ant we ..... lftt-t•K•..,.•• "'._ftt.,...~ !Mn M"'1..11tt1ntron.Pttw. Cat. No. ~I 00 V 11. floftt. I t .H 'Etrlorpd To .9iow Exqu/Jftt Dt•ll MELODY L.art• mulll-f.ceted fllce .applllr• with Otamonlt• •tar petal .. 5tunnlnt Sterllnt Sllur Mount1111. Cat. No. ••ta Wll. Mtt-$21.41 DYNAMIC •tP"lally dlffet•nt com111natlo"I A 1en-11lne Titer'• aya enlivened lly I perf.ctl)'· matcflM ltOMl In a "UMllllM t l Kt· 'tfelivy .... a ... 1,..i.te -"''* -Cat. No. IOU Vet."""· It t.H Crown o.tl•let.. OW. of '11ntfon, Int., lltoomlnt'Oft, I l t 1701 Words And Pictures Wo"9t •net pleb.Ires Clon•t •111n to ... _ tlH lleauty, ~ltl· l•nc•, •nd fir• of tll-matnlflc•nt rlntL TIUlt'• Wiiy - want you to w•ar Ill-•nd 1•4" tft•m on tll•lr own m•rlt• -not on Wll•t w• t.tt you. S.. If your fr .. ndt and t•mlly can t .. I lll•m from •n •11pantlw• "natural" d&. mond -rlll 100 llm•• •• muell. tn ltfl pro••lllflly yo.t cen foot tllam If you want to. Not meny p~I• can t•ll tit.• IH1111ant counleff•IU from tll• upan1tn tHI oML Yet now you un own lll•• lluutlful rlftlt •t ..,.u1,..1y low prlc.eL Low Price Doesn't Meen Low ~ .. lty. Tll•• count•rf•ll diamond• .,. not c:llHP ftll:et. In feet, llley ere urefully c:ut end pofltllad by •111.ct crtfttmen In tll• 11me manner u nttur•I d&. monCIL TfM)' ll•w• II ,_ti -Ju1t 1111:• n•tu,..I dl•mondL Tiiey .,. ll•nd Mt In flMYY 11Kt-HOI: (llH•Y 901d .. _. troplat•), M aolld 1ten1111 tJIY•r lly masur Jewelry cnift .. men. Tfl•y "'In• Ilk• t tt,000 diamond -llut cod yCKI lftt tfl•n tZl.00. CU>SSARY OF TERMS An Exciting Gift For Someone Special Tfl•M uqulrJte rlnlf make a "'ucll apt11..cl•ted tlft for • llMCMI tonMOIM In Yhr left. Tfley WIM IHt 8 l".tlML Qtwe for Mnfld•,,.. tnnt.-rlft M Ju11 •• • -ftCl•rfUI .. ,,r1 ... And ..,.,. " YCMI cflOOM to tell YCMlr low.ct OIM wltl M •"'UM tnd 11rCHld tflat you _,. cl.,., •nou1fl to find tucfl •" .. ,.n....,•toot11111 rtnt at u.-,_•NtMy low P'*"' Tfl• dlff•enc• MtwMn It •net • n•tu• .. Cl&. molld c-ld m•k• • down paymant on • n-car, or flom-. or ften • woltdeffYI Hcatlon for Just you twol Even Millionaires wur Counurf .. t OltmonCIL T ... y m•ny w..ctlly tHOPle, TV •ltd "'°"'• rt•n '"' 11n•f• m•klnt pullllc •PP .. r•ncft _,,,., u""""• J-elf\I. OftentlmH tlley kMP tfl .. r dia- mond• In • •'• .._.otlt boa •Ml wHr countet'f•lt .. Now YCMI too un -~ .. mH•r-cnft.ct c-ntwf•lt di•· moltd1 tnd lmP"• your ftfftMltl CAftAT (CT)-w _ .. ,. •f ....... for. diaMO~O-••. Q-f"'" •Ml OlelftonltH •re 1lffn •Pll"O•lmtt• caret .. .., .. NMd •n tin c-t w..,flt). "' ,..,., °""'" or 01.tmOfttte II •..,.o•••t .. y tlte -...... ·-· ........... Ou, Gu•T.•ntH ·-·.l!ll"'.'ll~• ~·No Rl•b._ H•AVV GOLD CUCT"O"'-AT& (HGl:)-tttl• "'ountlnt Ylft ka1'8t .... (Olt~ wfllto or Y•I-) tlt•t II .. -1rMmlly llOndeG to UI• M011nt1111 eft•r It le '•'"'ed end tfl• told, •Y toHrnl'IMnt 1undtrd, It t 4 tint•• tlllek•r ltt•n tfl• dft.ltnttM "10111 .._troptate." STS9'LINQ SILY•9' CSS)-ttl• l'ftCMlntlnt 11 ti.ft pu,. lftfff, 1 . .-. ~ "'•ul1 for tt,.nttfl, 1nCI to •tmln1to tlrnWtlftl Is llllltry pltt..S wltfl P!'MloUI r1Mtdll6m. • How to Find Your Rina Size~!. W::. .i: .. -:,:= 1. Cwt ....... """' ..... 11-.... ... J ............. 114 ............. -._._ .......... .. ..... a#~ 'el .... *" .. ,._ It "'A., oa dM rt"I ...... ": ""° ........... ~..._ .. ,..,,... ..... A • t 114 •• '. ltltttlfl'4 [ 1,1, GEMFIRE STICKPIN, PENDANT & EARRINGS A denling G..,.fire stkkpln Of ponct.nt wHI 8dd 1Pri .. on any occ.lon. ComplM8 th• ..,_..tile with -rinta. hc:h i19m Is• 1~ caret Gomf!N In TiffM"ly mounting with pl1tinum-loo6l flnittt. No. IMO Stickpin t 4.15 No. IOIZ ,..ndant t t to No. 1010 ,. ... cad hrrln11 · t t 'to NO. 105' NOft .... letcM ••rrlnt• I •' 10 No. 1011 ... nctant • "l•rc:.ct ••rrlnt s.t tU.H No. 1011 "•nctanl • No~i...cect ••rrl"' Set tU.11 NO. Iott Stickpin, '"•ndant, .. lercecl Earrfnt Set tU'H .... 1012 Stickpin, '"•nd•nt, Non-.. MrC4HI Curt119 Sel s11:1s ~----------------------------· I C"OWN OALl.alUIES POSTAGE I Dt1Jl•11 Of ll'llllt.Nfl, fflO. .... l: .. AtD Oottl. 2M-t., I .U07 .... Ooll .. MI ""-@ I t71 .. LANTftON, INC. I ...... , ..... '"'"°" "101 I I I I I I I I I aTV tnM ... ,. ..... ---------~-.......... 1111-le fto•enh Md t• 5.elft Tu. ____ _ Tout "'"'ovnt ClldolM • ------ I HAMS I I Aoo-.-~-u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- crTV_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITAT• UP GIVE HER A FULL CIRCLE ETERNITY RfNGuNKED WITH BRIGHT MEMORIES nly$)49Sea. &NUIH& OIMf'l"&S "C S>CTRA HA"D, V&"V "ILLIANT AND N"f'llCTI They ., ....... '" Ill• 19Mr•IOry ........... llHMt ........... , ..... llut. Cr9'1 .. .,,. rnHter ... . _,_. cullert. ll'ollllleCI wllll tll.,no"4 t1111t. Ho 11tedl1, i.ui.Met or flaw• tlull their tt>arl!ll"9 M.auty. Oernflr• Cou11t•rl•lt Olalfto11ct1 IOlt llttto mot• tllan • .., tl•M or plHtle 1to11 ... V•t oelr • tllamolMI eapert u11 tell QernfltH fro111 aottiy .. ..., .... tllamo11t11. Wll•t • lofffy w•r to .. ,. "I "•mem!Mf". Tllk , ... 1nl119 tOIN 1t.rtlR1 _.., ... Nlltl, llH pertoet1r·ff'•tt1te4 multlhicetetl Oernflre Cw11t0ffell Oi.,..0"41, 11• .... wt 111 llllUM18MtylM, llftk ... t ... t!Mf "'-"ti .... 11'1 ope ... ...-~ lo •flow tll• fuN rett.ctlo11 ef t1uall119 ............ •fttl i.-ty. '"· tlll 01tlr tt4.es. GA LU MET H•M .. l'IMIY erllfto41 Ment ""' ••• • '·' ••· o-•-. _.... .. ~."°'YD• -llffK ttK .. HOll ..... No.UHV ... M ... s l ,M Gemflre'• Flneat Faahlon Rln11 Gua,d and Sollt•/,e AMARIS A rM'9ttt '-ffnt Oll'M- f'l"ll ... ,tel,. .... ~ TlffOlt)' MMltlMf .... -..t1f1tl ... ,_ rt .. wlUt .......... c .... ..,..., ot.....-.. .. ·---... ._...._AM.._....a.t t•KwtUM•1t...._ ........ Ml. ........ . ..._HHVOl..M ... tta. .. 11Kt-HOE (..._., Goed ~) Special Low p,;ce• On Diamonda-By-The -Ya' The smaller the better--that's the word. This rme, oval-loop, beautiful chain sparkles with brilliant little fake jeweb set in tiny silvery or golden cups giving the understated look you want. Fiery counterfeit diamonds available in chain,, of 16", 24" and 36" lengths. Wear single or by the yard . We expect a fast .ellout on thne cha.inl at !Uch low prices. Order Today! CHAINS WITH COUNTERFEIT DIAMONDS 6121 16" SilYertone $2.49-. 6122 16" Goldtone $2A9ea. 6123 24" Gc*ttom $2.9811a. 6124 24" Si Iv.none $2.98-. 6126 38" GokttoM saae... 6128 38'' stfvtltone ~$3.ea.. =-~-,.. ~L~'2li11Hr'll~· JEWELRY COMES TQ YOU POSTPAID -l:illliWl--C OST A MESA SADDLEBACK LAGUNA BEACH HUNTINGTON B£ACH NEWPORT BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE SAN CLEMENTE SADDUIACk IMW 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 'tl 1 ·2040 -494.4949 CREVIH MOTORS 208 W 1st St Santa Ana -835-117 1 ROY C4RVH IMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. .COsta Mesa -540.9 I oo CHEVROLET COHHR.L CHIYIOLff 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 SAIL CHIYROLfT 900 So. Coast Hwy Laguna Boach 4'4· I '31 -54t..tt67 • DATSUN 14RWICK D4 TSUM 33375 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano 131·' l75-49l-3l75 SUNSET FORD 5440 Garden Grove Blvd Westminster -646-40 Io PHIL LOMG FORD 43 Auto Center Drive lrvine-768-5881 UNIVERSITY OLDSMOllLE 2850 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa -540.9640 COPILANO MOroas. INC. 2001 E.1st St. Sanl;\ Ana-ssa.1000 LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHMSOH & SON UHCOL .. ·MllCUIY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa ~140.S6lO . .. TV WEEK. J-'NUARY 14 1979 OLDSMOBILE UNIVERSITY OLDSMOllLE 2850 Harbo r Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9640 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IYHSOM, IMC. 445 E Coast Hwy Newport Beach -673-0900 R. V. 'S & SUBARU SEA Ir SUN 17555 Beach Blvd . Huntington Beach - 842·0675 TOYOTA llLL MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach -147 .. SSS VOLKSWAGEN COMMOHWULTH MOTORS, LTD. 1442 South Bristol Santa Ana-646-0220 , , :1~ t .? SPORTS SUNDAY, JANUARY t• _.-- IO:Oo D 23 39 Collet• 8nhlblll Ar~ansas at North Ca1ohna 12:00 D ~· SportsWoikl t ·OO O t 12 Coltate Mas1ers T tnn1s U 3 1~ ff The S11ptrsUrs Wo•ld renowoed dlhlelr\ a1e lealured rn a m'dley ol ~rts events testin2 th'" all around s~1lls frank Gilford hosts .. ,th tomm,ntators 8111 RusStll Don Ory~al, and Bob Urt~t• todays compet111on 1s lhr Mens l'rtlrm1nity 1:30 D :23 )t Bob Kope Dts.r1 Coll Cl.usk Finals cwra2e 2:JS U 3 10 ~ lnt11111t10NI Cll1mp1011sll1p 8o11n1 t1v, cov-rae~ of lhe World Wellerwe1ghl Chamo1on~h1p wrlh Carias Patommq dtltnd1ng his crown ae11ns1 W1ll1'dO Benrltt J:OO fJ t Challenre of the Sim Vin 'icully 1~ 1omfd by Cathy let Crosby to cover a var•tly ot compPhl1ve ev~nls RoscoP Tanner "lal!rna Navratilovd tus, VdsSdllo C.vnlh1a Woodhead tell Guli"rez and le11 Ke1ar tomperP today 3:30 D 1 3 101 .29 Wide World ol Sports lhe Ha1lcm Globe1rot1e1s take a t11p to the home of counlry mu~1t N3shv1lle Tennesue l:•S fJ I• , Pro 8nhtball reams to be announced •:OO O Pro Hockey lhe Los Angelu Kings al lhe Boston Bruin~ MONDAY, JANUARY IS f 1:00 U Collea• Buhlball Washington at Cahto1n1~ WEDNESDAY, JANUm 17 7:00 O Pro 8uhtb1ll The los Angeles laker\ at lh~ San Diego Clippers THURSDAY, JANUARY I& &:00 U Collt&t Basbtbalt UClA al A111ona hpe dflay 0 Coll11e Ba~elbalt USC vs A111ona StalP SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 12:30 D !l) )t Colltlt 8Hhtbalt Doublehe1der Gam• I lJ~C al Ir.as 1:30 D 123 n Collt&t Bashlbalt ,l>Oublth11d1r Game 7 O•ev~ro S!Jlt al Washtnglon 3:00 0 I 8 U Plloen11 Open Goll 3:30 8 '3 29 ProftWOMf llowters Tour Com•gf ol lhf SIOO 000 ford Open f1om Mtl s Southsh0te Bowl 1n Al.im,llA Calif •:OO fJ T 11] Sports $clectacul11 S:OO U r1 }f, Wide World ol Sporb 10:00 8 Coltec• Bashlball UCLA 'f1 A11tond 1,0, del•y 11:30 0 ff at V1uhllU.S. Olympl( tnY1lahonaf Tml & field Meet Covtrate of lht first ma1or mert of the indoor season SUNDAY, JAllUAllY 14 1:00 CD "Pic-nic" (dra) S6 Witham Holden Kim Nova k too U c i1 <101 ia "The Dallas Cowboy\ Chmlnden" odv) 78 lant Seymour Beil Co11vy, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders MONDAY, JANUARY 15 1:00 Cl !lit "Mr. lucky" (com) '43 ·Cary Ciani l1ratnt Oa~ Cl) "Tiit rlrt<lllM!l" (d11) '70 Chad Everell !:00 D fl) (Jfi "CharltslOft" (die) '78 Marth1 Scott, I ynnr Moody Oefla Burle. P1t11m Burke TUESDAY, JANUARY 16 t'OO U ••c11t" (wu) 'M Burt Lancaster lean Pelm · G "11c.-." (d11) '47 -John Wayne lmrnt Day Cl) "Y~111 At H•rt" (mu1) '5• r 11nk Sin1t11 Do11s Day t:OO ti If)) "SlJ llidtrs" (d11) '76 ..James Coburn llotml Culp W'EDfllSOAY, JANUARY 17 1:00 D ~l IJtl O..Wtf11hir1: fut.rt 1-"TIN P..,,_ 1"1111 TI111t for101" (tdw) 11 Ool/1 McCl11tt. P1t11P Wayne fulWt 2-"Tlte Amnln1 w.tN llf ~ PllfllMIM" (doc} 76 Raymond Bu11 n1111tes e "Tltt Cit O'ltlM Tiii" (susp) '64-1<111Malden1 TltUllSIMT, JMUAllY II t'OO CIJ "l>t"•fWll Wells Mupere" (wts) 51 81rry Sulhm FRIDAY. JMUMY It l'llO e .. .,,,,... .. (mys) 71' llobtrl f oql11 lo$t f tnH • "MltMJ Jtt TMt(' (dra) •9-ftnr Moott Robert Atms11onc e "Tltt AMiii S.tltle llf Mtt.. SIOM" (dtl) 61 V1vreft le11h t:OO. (J) ll 9 1 "A utt Cry ,., ...... (drt) '78 llltdt Purl. Slllflty .loMs. lonr lo 8.,rteo. Muttty H11111lton. C11nl Goodfwt, Karen l1mm SATU~Y. JANUM'Y lO Lil e "Tltt lirttn ltrtb".(dr1) '68 lohn Weyne, O••td Janu.n m "TIM ,._._. lllllflt" (tlra) ·~ Cllarllon Heston. lie.nor p.,.,, UO G "Tltt I.Mt Pttlll" (adw) 34 V1c1or Md1ittn m "O••tl" (wes)'~ Jo/In Warne. Vm Rolston 1:00 e (fl) "W.W. I Ille Dll'lt O.nctlil11p " (mus) 14-Burt Reyn11foi. M C.ratr, Collny Vin l)ykt, Jerry Rttd t:JO G "My SUtdltf" (myt) '4~ 8oo1 f11toll ~ ·~~ ............... ,,. ., .. ,. ... ..... . ..., .......... ... , __ c;,.... Phone For low Price ror Of THI UHi ·~- ~ ~ ...,, ......... ---. '<vc.'• w"" s.tect'°" NQll'\a~ W_, 8f"oi W•"' •NO<"'•' f._ S.-D<'f '245 ••c:--,,... ...... I An.,f"Cltr.-.~ ..,.," ~ ~·"·e>t\'~~ •P "''"'~"'O Mk~•'""" '250 , .... -5:30- 0 Slin11se Semester 8:00 OUOfut111es ) The rn Club U llnowledae: Tr1n$pO!Uhon e 1 Sunrise Semester G) University of the Air -6:30- fJ Sunnyside U illl Mot for Women Otlly e Villa Altare 8 Daybrul U . 0 (j J .Jl) fut11r9 G)N .. Zoollmie (I) Funkr ""-"tom -2t ltontper Room 7:00 D 191 fUI News D 12I1 1'f Today Sllow II 100au11 8 ff' ai l1f, Good Morn1n1 Amtriu Dawul ll111man llosls 0 The f rOOlJ.s m lup' '°'k' (I) C.rtoonrille fll) Yoe• for Hufth -7:30- • Body llMlclies Gt Tom & ltrry Cl> DwtdlJ & MutltJ fl:) Mister "°Cfrs 8:00 D (llJ C.pt1ln ~1111100 m Sullup ~n Diep 0 Tht I'll Club (I) ....... l'ihtoil fJl) ZOCllll !ff\ °"'' USJ -8:30- • Ciallely; '70s W..11 I 11 m rn11at..a (I) Jollt & Ille l'usaruts fll) (ff) futures 9:00 • lfJ) All "' tlM h 111lly Tiit m. aw G C.td ~IU • 121; a l'tlil °"""" si. 8Ml la~ M•A~•ff ®'' ....... m 1LM1.11q m S.nMn H lllilt•r ... ri GS.... Street 121) He llMtla s. llfJ H .. ,, .. , lMte -9:30- • Tllt'Prb It -e M Sbr Swlb Bob £ubu-s !lost& this ntw p1111 $1\ow 111 .t11C11 top celebntln remt candid •nd tnltrt11n1n1 mrels 1bo~I one another as contntants try to !rt the t«itl to ll!t pertonahty .,.Aft. O NO....S. . ......, .... ~~~ 10:00 -~ n. ... """ ... •£...,o., fl ®l 121.l Happy Otyi 0 Mid Mtrninc L.A. m Mr """ Sons Q) Pullli< AH1irs ill' IJQ) futures ID ClHStOOlll lnstruct!Oll -10:30- D Cl Ill lM of Lift U al !Jt Whitt ol fortune Iii 0) ra no.ooo 'Jramid m Thlt Girl 0) Nannr & the l'rofeuor 11:00 0 ()J Ill YOllllC & Restlm D Ql O~ )fOPlr'J 0 Bi& V11ty u !21 f111111, feud 1m All 1111 atildr111 GI Gllmt & Mn. 1111111 m The llowtry lloys ID 0Ktric Compa111 -11:30- 0 rJ IJl) Su re.II lor Tomorrow D ~1 'll 'nsword l'lus Allen luddtn returns as hosl for ll1t new m~n of this ..01d clue g1mt u m (2t) Ryu's Hope 0 Body Buddies m..., m Diel Cawttt Show An•RNOON -12:00 D Stnt £dw11~s Sholl U '8i Hollywood Sq111 rts a Twilipt z- lil 13) f2I) All 1111 Clllldrt11 m CB ()]) <H> News 0 m Mcme: See Oeyhmt Movies Cl) llootli 222 181 Ulin, fota ' You ft) MidlHI ledtotl $llOw -12:30-D CL [I) Al the WOlld lutM D @ <8l Om Of Oui Um 8 0ra&MI ®I f1111ily ft.I'd .., '°""' Pylt @ fUbtrH fJl) Yep ltr ltttltll 0>111 .. ~ 1:00 .... 1111 e (J) llal !Ill OM life le Utt • Ctt S..•rt lll> CINMoM IM!ructlon -1:30- • @ TM '9Nl11t lJClll II 0 QI) TIM Oet1tn ..... . "'"',,.. 2:00 a ~Jl Qll AMtlltf' w..w ... ~ .. • oo er' QI"""' ...._... .,,..... . •Ltr•.., . ..... ...... -2:30- •ae M•ATfl ....... ,..., • Wr 5rlftltll e c..,,,.. ED los Htrm1nos Cor11e 3:00 D Crou Wtts O Mtdltal C.nter U (}1 13' The Edae of lllClll t Mike Doliclas Sllow O Green km <o M-: Ser 01yhme lilov1t m Flintstones 1 t Match Game m Gtt Sm111 1n 1 Card Sharh 12~ 0¥er UIJ fD Ftatures <3t Dinah! 10 Villa Aletre -3:30- 0 ltfs Mike A Dul 3 The lrldf 81111Ch O Dinah! U Movie: See Oavflme Mov1t~ O You Don't ~Y m Bup lunn1/,01ky P11 1 f The loter's Wild Cl) lllicltty Mouse }j All St.Ir Secrets J4 Villa Mtare 2f btryOly ED Puatitmpos SO Hod1epo61e IJ>dt• 4:00 0 M1tdl '-mt 1 Ad1111·IZ U Miry Tyler llloort D W'tld Wild W"t U Tht Wits n C.rol 8Ufllttt ' fti.tnds 2• Sb futures m Viii• Mt1re m Ctpill1n 3t nt he Dou11J -4:30- 0 New\ 3 Mtrw CrrH1n Siios u The Bob lltl!Nr1 si-6 Matdl Game 10 Carol Bumttt l friends 0> Tom & Jerry 0) W1tkJ b tes }3 Mtr. Gnlfin SllO• 2( Futures fll) Mister Rottrs 29 Emuaency One m Gabriela 3t Kellywood Squ'1es so 0vt1 Eur 5 :00 0 0 U e 10 llews 0 Tht lioftic Woman 0 GunSITICMt 0> Sptdtt1111n 1 f The liar's Club m latm•n >4 Mls1er Roeers fD Sesame Street " Tht Bob llewfl•rt $how SO M1tlltil/lthrtr Report -5:30-m 11twitt11ed ta 3• M;iry Tyltr ~11 m Adam·12 ~4 °"'' bsr " O> """ so futuru A•lph Waite and MichHI Learned, starring as John end Olivia Watton. agree each should go and see the doctor lor a phyalcal, In The Wartona, Thursday at 8PM on CBS. PER B<JYSATTHE S(JPER DOMEf RA,.OE COOHTY·s LEASU"fQ SPECIALISTS SUNDAY IAllUAllY 14 MOANING * lnd1utes in Advertisement 8:00 O LI"" Unto Illy fttl 0 Mlrk Wilson Ma1tc Show U Orybnn Ll e Crliforn11 [Jcur1f0fl 0 Youtll & the luues m Bible Answers m llomper llOOlll -6:30- 0 look Up & Lin 3 Sacred Hurt 0 Sertnd1pil} lJ lilUSK & lflt Spohn Wold U Eytwttneu Los An1etu e let Thtre It ll&ht 0 Oney & Goliath m C1t111tr11111 ""' lt Marlo's Mr11< M0t1e M1eh111e 7:00 0 T~y·s lleltlJOll 3 Vo.ce of A&ncufturt O Tlut's C.t U The Btlter W1y 0 h Is Wntten ) TV 11.ools rt lt11n1n1 O C.lmy Cll'l'tl 10 OiredlOllJ m Ory of !Mcovery a> Emtst Anr1e1 Hou• \jl n111 ts the ut• fl) Yop for H111th ~I Surch IOI Ancttnt faith ,. Acri<ult111t USA -7:30- 0 Oap ol Brother Sun 3 It Is Wntten Cl The C1111stopliers U Underdo1 U Crmpus l'roltle-V1tw1104nt on Nut11tioll 8 lnternatlOllal Hour O Cllurdl of lltft1t0us Scttnu 10 Prad1ul Ch11'111n1ty m Woikl lomofrow 1 ~ Today's Church 23 Dnty & Gol11th ffi Mister Ro1ers 29 Town Hall Mteltftl )t Sunday Mus 8:00 D 12 Mr lll1roo Cl On C.mpu.s U l'o9trt & Friends U DnntnSIOl\s 0 Lloyd John 011lm 10 Jerry fahrtll Sho-tl m 3 Jimmy Swruart Sito. Q) Ru Humbird Sho-tl 2' VOKt of A&ncuhurt ffi Sesrmt Street 2t Dry of Otscovtry 0> Dom1n10 A Dorn1nao " R1ntstonts D Clue ClubS:30- l e Day ot DtKOttry Cl Od'futy U fOI You, Blxk Womrn 0 Mtet1nc Time at Crtvary m frtdtrtd K. l'nct 12 Oki Time Gos9el Hour n If Is Wntten 2t llu Humbard Sho-tl u Herrl4 of Trlllll 9:00 0 Marlo's Ma11c MOYtt M1th1nt HUSBAND & WIFE PLAY SIBLINGS Ina llidtltw, tll IM'*'"""" CHtlr tf Me's"-tlM .. W11 .... ...,, l!*t lilaCIMft. He 11141 Ma wfft, btlUJll ..._., • ,i.,. 11111 ..... , • ttlt ttritt, •rt tMt.IM Ill tM ,,.....,. .... "Tiit ~., ......... , .. Wll. lnlelbltf, 1 NtM tf £JcM. lUIMb Ml • pl'Muct tf tllt famed ..._ n.tre Ill Clllcact, leiM lt'ftral .aitr ....... tf die ...... . 3 Ilea Humbird Sho-tl 0 Al Ont lrlth O Villr AJecre 0 e u °''' llobtrts 10 II Is Wntten m Doti Sttwrrt £nn1tlti111 Jt Meet the l'reu -9:30-0 l!Hhworld U II Chlld1en s IV ma~'1•nf e fxe tht ll11Jo11 O 01y of OtKo.ery 10 Spedrum m Sptderm111 I} Miry Tyler Moore m Old Time Gos!>el Hour 29 Jimmy Swrurrt Sl!ow ED futbol Somr )t •-Your S.blt 10:00 O llewsm1ters ~ Hoen of l'Oftf O 23 30 Collt&t Bukelblll Atkans.11 at horth Ca101tn;i U family f'llm Fnltn l U 29 ~Ids Art l'~lt Too 8 Mom· "Two People" 11om1 1J Ptltr fonda t 1nds.iy Warn" O Htr1kl ol Truth 10 l'ubltc l'ulse m Bucs Bunny/Tom ' Jerry 12 Cll1flt111e of tht Sem -10:30- 0 fate the ll11Jon 3 1_0 2f lltds Ate Ptoplt Too O Rev Leroy Jenkins m Crlnry Qlapel -10:45- 11:00 O Wo!ld of Survml TV WEEI< JANUAAV 1• 1979 o Jilllmy snu1rt Sito. m Mom : • "M1111ty McGurk•· !com) •7 -Wallatf Bw~ [dwa1d Atnold. Crmtron M1tchtll m Cllurdl ... the Home m FrttStJlt -11:30- 0 ust of ll1t Wild 0 } lf WIUh An!Nls O Ameua n TOWll Hill 1 o lltw$maktrs m (n111n1 It Symphony AFT•ANOON 12:00 O It hkts All ll1n4s Cl U SportsWorld U Voy11e to !ht Bottom of tllt Sel U ~ 10 2t lssuts & lnArtl1 8 Stir Trek 0 Search m Get Smart l3 Vqebblt Sou, 2« Any0ne !Of T tnnJ10ll I m Bo11n1 Htlflhrhblllrws -12:30-u 3 Jj Dirt<tlOM O Mom. "Ch11t Cruy Horse" (wtS) s~ VttlOI M~!u" Suli n 8~11 !Ur Danton 10 AnltrtUn Lutlltrlll Church m Mollt" .-"The B11 Store" (roml 41 lhe Ma" Rrothfr~. Toni o,lart1~ Y1111n1a Grt• m .lolln Wayne Clusm 2f lrOllSldt 1:00 0 Ernlln1 Tennis * Action-The Bittle for Col1•te Grand Pri1 Misters Chimpion 0 e • 12 Co111te Masters Tennis lhtatre 1ncludin1 actress, Fionnuala Flanaaan. and producer John llbntley 1n How the West Was Won. Boxleitner had the typiul sta1e actor's history of early rejection and later SllCctss in noted theatres in the Mid·West and hst. He fiNllJ received video attention when he movtd to Hollywood and 1>e1an winnin1 small, but si111ifieant. parts in such series n Mary Tyler Moore, Barett~1 Hawaii Five·O and Police Story. He dro.e his a1ent nuts until he won an audition lor lvb Mauhan, nephew of Jim AllltSS' llbeahan. and one readin1. four wditlOftS and two Krttn lut later, he 1ot the pirt. That's not all he tot. He met a buutiful youna ac1ress, KJthryn Holcomb. on loc.ation, and 1fter much persuasion, she 11reed to marry llim. lntemtinaty enouch, she plays hil '°""'" si$1er on How the West Was Won. Kathl'Jll is a Teun and, hk• her husblnd, has 1 lone stace history. However, she didn't achieve video not Ke until stle made a number of TV commert11ls. then won the p1rt In the series. Both ICtors talt 111turallJ to their western roles, since theJ ue both "cowboy buffs" 1nd en,oy bKk·p1<kinc ind um~ts. fisllin1 and horte·b1tl ridin&. Bruce 11$0 colltcts cuni and Wes1ern 111tmonblll1. Both .,, jouers. l t'llCI Is enthuslastk °"' ,.,its star JamH Amess. "Jim's bten creal to·us. In tribute I refer to KJthryn IS my '111iss Kitty." lr11C8 was ttled how he ma1111ed to QNltey lltl rolt's 1fttdlon toward his terlts' "sister." "Well, "'re Mth etlors," he repliff. "•IMI wt "'"' to sapencl reality while In front of "" camefls. Tlltrt is love •IMI tnm In 011r rt11tioftslllp alMI we • pllo to dirt our own family 111 tllt 11Nr future." TM lotltitMrt liwt 1 11uitt lift In 1 sm11f • ....., .. ho.st Ill Sbt4lo ~ in the San ftrundo YalttJ. TlltJ dltre II wltll 1 lottOI 11111 tenitr 111111td Milt •IMI • Mltl P'tnian ut named Schnit?. Botti truce 1*9 llthrytt art llbtoty 1114 ..... kfh 11141 their home rtfttcts ttltir dltrtll hlteresb. Slit Is 1 &e41rmtt cool •IMI lrute ~ he ·~CMld -..,,. ... .,,.. The lnltbers, llMIJ lrMMd 111 their KtfAa craft .itll ,.,,, of st»tt e.,.,-t, art •KPtdt4 •ltd upect to llfve lone urHn 111 .... , .... ~~..ilJ]JW. ~Jb~~~-~]' COMPANY FOR THREE'S COMPANY ~ -.... ~ John Ritter. as gourmet apprentice chef Jack Tnpper, serves up a taste delight for his co·stars. Joyce De Witt and Suzanne Somers All three continue 10 serve up a weekly comedy treat with their ABC senes. Three's Company, seen Tuesdays at 9PM The series continues lo be so popular that a new spinott senea featuring their landlords. the Ropers. wlll debut this spring Three·s Company continues Its baste premise of two attractl\18 women ano a handsome bachelor platonically shanng an apartment directly above the quarters occupied by their narrow-minded mlddle·aged landlord and his wife. who are the Ropers Stanley Roper believes that the ltving arrangement 1s okay because he mistakenly thinks that Jack appreciates men better than women HOW811er. Helen Roper, romanttcally frustrated, knows better and enjoys the co-ed living vicariously Stanley and Helen Roper (played by veteran actors Norman Fell and Audra Lindley) haw played, episode alter episode, near per1ect foils 10 the youthful tno and In turn have occaslonally done some lolltng themselves A series splnoll featur1ng the Ropers. the11 mostly sell-directed acerbic wit and opening up their ltves and relationships with others seems to be as reasonable as an entree followed by dusert But its first few eqlsodes will be the proof of the pudding. Fell and Lindley are etcc1ted about having their own series, but they are hedging their bets as to Its success They both have requested that If It doesn't receive resounding audience appl'Ollal they can return to full status on Three'• Company However, 11'1 likely they may find themMlves commuting between two hit series n assat to. Three's Company hllS been the Addition of Richard Kllne In the recurrlnq role ol John Riiler'• best • friend, Larry Larry, a great schemer, believes he 11 the epitome when II comes to handling women Hit advice to Jack. u1ually unask.ed for, hH constantly ptetented humorous problems that atway1 seem to land Jack In hot water and Larry with him Kline (tongue firmly In cheek) says. "I'm tlka Columbo Larry doesn't have a last name He'1 a men of myatery and romance." Kllne, a graduate of Northwestern University and a tormer member of Joseph Papp·s theatre in Lincoln Center 1n New York. brol<e into tetev1s1on with roles in Serpico. Eight ts Enough and Maude He ts a mulh·faceted actor who understands and respects his craft "Doing comedy is the hardest thing tor an actor II is d1fhcu1t because of the timing Timing ts trtcky in comedy You have more lalltude in drama "Three's Company comedy 1s farce and John Ritter 1s a superb tarc1ca1 actor Worktng with Bea Arthur was a great e.1tper1ence too I always thought I'd be a sports editor for a newspaper or a French teacher, since those were my ma1or interests in college But alter I translated a French play into Engllsh for the drama department. it was forget It for anything but acting1· He noted ... My dad was a butcher. but a butcher with an acting past He actually made II to Broadway In a part, but II was the teeth of the Depression; and eattng lor himself and his seven brothers and sisters became more important But I credit him for educatlnv,nd inspiring me toward the theatre ·· If the Roper sp1noll becomes a success. Kline may find himself commuting between two series. also ··That would be great:· he says. "but I'd still llke to find time to do a m011le. a romantic comedy. since I'm really Cary Grant at heart!" SUNDAY (Continued) U Tht. 811 Valley U '3 Ol aJ' The Superstars The velmn\ comptl1hon 1>1tStnls' parade ol heroes ol lhe pul bo1 mis Floyd Palterson and lneem11 lohansson bas,ball'\ Mau1y Will) PfO loot ball s llm f aylor pro baskel ball s JoM Havhct• and Olympic ch•mp100 Bob Malh1u 1n the l11SI of tour Pftl1m1nart rounds in lhe mrn's 1nd1v1dual compehtoon al rreeoorl lutaya Crand Bahama b f4nds frank C1Hoid is thr seuu hOsl w1lh commenlator\ Bill Russell Don ()<ysdale and Bob Ue<kei '2.il History ol Muko fD Tiie 8tethoun hsliul Bttlhoven's Sotnth Symphony £ C Marshall hosls ED lllt1tt0, Ma111 y LIK11tntro -1:30- 0 '.231 U1 8ob HOl)e Dtttrt Coif tl!Uk Cove1aae from Palin Sprrnas 2:00 U Bonan11 0 Abbott & Costello CD Movie: "Don't AllK 1111 811d11, lolret the 111'er" (com) '68 Jerry levm, lacqueltnt Purer, Tmv fllomiS. 8erm1rd C11bbrn1 fD Wt lnltrrupl This Ytar: 1'71 i:so r etlrn1 r ,.. -2:15-u 13 1 (l0 Qt International ~mplclnillip Boalnt Live coverace ol lhe Wofld Wrlltr•e1&hl Champion ~1p with litltholdtr ~rlo~ Palomino ot Los Aneeles deltnd1nc h1\ c1own aU•nSI W1lhedo ~n1tu 111 P11t1lo RKo the undelealed tormN Wn1ld tun10f Wrltftrwt11hl Champion -2:30- 0) Mo¥if: "TJlt AdftlltUIH OI llld C.rttr" (m)$) 11 Robert Comad Shelle, W1n1m 12CJ Wt lflttrr11pt ltlt Ym: 1971 m Sltmpre tft OoM111p R1 Uve from WOif l11p 3:00 0 lt I Cllllltftlt of Ille S.1tt Vin Scully '' toined by c.tlhy Lee Ctosby to cover this onely ol compet11tve ennts 1nclud1na basktlbsll, bflWI ioe. b1l11ard5 d1ag rmnt. sw1mm1n1. motorcyclt 1u111p1na. aymnlSllC\, rodeo. show 1ump1nt and t1ac~ Com pelitor' IOdO 1n:tudf Mtll1na Nnuli\Ova. Roscoe hnnr.r Jme Vmallo C1nth11 Woodhud ltfl Cutierru and 1 to Ktn1 e f1111ify fll111 Festini O Sil lilllltll S MM! C> c.cr..i.u1 OtllW -3:30-G Mtet ttlt P1m • 9 9 W14t World tf s,.ts Tht Harlem Ctobtholltta ~1$11 th homt ol 'ounll'f music Naslmlle, ltMWte Miona tAltr latlltli 8pi>tt11nc m Cllerht Pride .ltann .. c Rilty, Mt11J RobbtM Tom T Hill Conw1y Twitty. Porttr W11nt1. 01nt1y On15 1nd the ~111 ..... «ll~W l8l ht , ... ""' e11.or..~ ..... ,.., IBJ Pro f"U11tt lht Ch1t1en1e 8ow1-PAC 10 and. 811 I 111 st1JS <omi>ttt tape dtl1y -3:45-• ,,... .... lfMll fta1111 to IHI annouflcc4 , .... 4:00 D Sllnday 0 f ro Hoch, lhe lo~ Angeles Kines al the Boston Bruins G) MOW!t: "Tiie MysterlOU$ lilofts1ell" Documentary t ti Oiredrons Ci) Mo,ie: "111111 R1cll11d ' t~e tr1mders" (lldv) ·)4 Ru llamson V11a1n1a Mayo fD Wall Street W._. so FreellaiWI SUtcll1n1 -4:30- 12 race the N1tto11 tD Wasll1nrton Wet• 1n ReYle• 5:00 1' Adllm-12 U Stir Tre• U Cretl Adventure 110 Nm f1 Tlus ts Your Bible .23 Meet ltlt Preu (241 National Gqraplht EID fi11n1 Une !2t '71 Spot1s in Rewiew SO Humanitits Throu1h the Alb -5:30- ( 3 Joorney to Adnnlure Ollm 1f0l Ironside 112 The R*ie' I n fOCUS l!VENING 6:00 0 0 u J ~f l)f ""' I :JI Wild 111n111om 0 MGM: (Zllr) "8oy, Otd I Gd A Wro111 Nu'-kr" !com) 66 Bob ltope Pllylhs 01tter £Ike Sommt1 U1 S11 Mill1t11 $ M111 0) Moolit: (211r) "llmr Too Late" (com) 6~ Pllut ro1d Mauieen 0 Sullivan. C4nn1e Ste~ens 241 Croc\ttt's Victory Garden f1J ~ Upo11 A Cllsak I!) Aun H11 Mai rn 1 FllCllJl•ps -6:30- 0 <t1 l>tl ... "' m For11111 .. """ Conltrtlltt D Wi.t World of M"nlurt tml Tiit Rttulatl4 Allltrlun (Jal Ruff House tlll Foc111 tlll Collsurntr Su"IYll IUt lffi C.MW C.111t11 "'1 ~ Ill*' A Cllult 7 :00 U J 11J) SO Mlltuta D iHl IJfl Wo11dt111I World ol OitMr · Donom ' Kief' Conclwon ot a two part \tort Oair1n McCavin • •nd Mickty Roo11ey S111 rn this h1ht hurled itory, ut tn tur11 ol the cenllll'f San f1anc1sco Relucn1n1 to lilt 81y City 11111 a lon1 ab$tn«. 1 COii mlft dltCO'ftf\ 11111 llf IS Ille lathe. ot 1 13 y11r old &trl (l\tly Kvrt1m1n) and 1111 wile (Shelley F ablrU) IS bttllt rn1n1puta11d by Ml tdltm1n1 llnd• (M111ray Hamilton) • <JI lllt M1nl1 a.,1 l.dL.JllL.lllL.lJaa:· o rw 1111dJ- •1Pt11t11cu t cloie blu$11 with dtat11 whtn Pt POM$ IS I lllOIO C10$$ laetf 1n cd lr to protect • ilrt cyclist whose sal11y ... thrlfltnt4 wtt1n her lather dtt1du to tut1tr 11111111 or1uu1d uilllt membt11 llm11 :'!'.w.t: . .t'•mmer 111es1 .~ ... R WNt• T1le ..._.. ED Holy Ghost People An mm 1na1to11 ot a PenttGOStal cone1eea11on m Scrabblt Cmk West V11ain1a convey1n1 lhe 1n1ens1ty and tmor ol ll1t st1mons and c•sPtls SO Soccer Madt In GtrlMfty -7:30- 24 SurYtOI 8:00 0 t It Alt lft Ille h1111ly An innocent Cd1lh I\ bolh the uun and the v1Ct1m ol • lunOU\ loveis quauel when hei loni limt l1dm11e1 v1s11s with hi\ intended b11dt and shO#S 1usl how much [d1th hu atltcled him lheodore Btkrl auesh 0 (2) U Cenle11R11I Th~ Sto1m" The Yenneto1d Ranch 1\ un de1 dual thrut by a de.asta11na bhua1d and cha1gf~ ot liaud lliainsl Stc:combe by a cantankerous 5<01 11sh accountanl White the s101m 1s dc<1matrne lht hu&e herd, r•och manager Secco111be Cltmothy Dalton) 1) }Obmd by Finlay Peikrn s (Clrve Rev1ll) demands th~I he 1~s111n fven thouRlt cha1ees cannot be p1oven Meanwhile, lev1 Zendl (Gregory llar 11511nJ laces heartar.he hom his part Indian daugllle1 Clemma (Adr1tnne la Russa) Also appea11n1 lon1Rht are l vnn Redgrave. B11an Ke1lh Alt1 lla11as. Ctitl OfYoune. C11slin11 Raines Lois Nelllelon Anthony Zerbe and Ooua McK,on U Yrtld Killadom U (1) '10 (2t 81tlltst11 Galac I~ "Wai ol tht Cods Part 1 ot I~ puts An •hen io1ns the C•lllt llCa fleei allr.c.lini •ts otoplP '" clud1nR Aoollo s 1ullr1end Shebll i111th mysterious pow,ll 1nd prom1vs or a wccesslul end 10 lht li ~11ch IOI b1th D It Is Written CD Mofle: (2br) "f1cn1c" (d") 56 William Holden Kim Nova k ROSihnd Ruuelt A1lhu1 O'Connell m Sam Yorty in Ona Upo11 A Clmic Wltov• 0) Mldlc/Spom fHl Dad's Arm, -8:30-0 (I l If%) Allct Ahce s boylnend, £11c, t1nd5 two oha lic~ets to • celebrity cnanty ball 1nd when 11 comes ltme lo decide who should gel them. Met. no 1nd Vere 3re Jnyth1nR bu~ charitable toward uch othei 9 Wild Wori4 of ANruls 0 Nttdlt ind lhrud • brine hope lo Lio\. "Comt *•lk lht World" wlttl Stan Moon11h1111. UC.....IM !tltw...M ........ (fl! CiM!Mtlt [1' 9:00 9 llll b1 C.rol lt111t11" rutsn It • rnusrclfn s lfldo• who dlS(l11m\ Kaz111sk1 as a lr1t11d 111htn hf dtfend.s lier llusblnd's ~1ller atso a buildy to Kit Adulltry tS powbly tht cause ol • connl(t bttwttn two al Kaz' htt nch 11111ru ulb1n mu1dt1 Ollt lnend 1 wile '~' K11 lo dcltnd lie! hdlftd w11!1t Ille Ol.lltf w him off lht Cllt ..... , .. ,.... a A World n '""'"r•l '* "TM[ DALLA$ COWIOY CHlOWDlJS" =.,mJ::C.::-Jn'J <::; '18 '"""' $ttphtns. lltrl Coftvy, th• O.llu Cowboya Clltttlted•ta. TV WEEK JANUARY 14, 1979 P1mela Susan Shoop, lllen Bty Jen1ler Shaw llalh11ne Baumann liuren !ewes lhe 36 dmlinf Dallas CowboY1 Chterltaders are le~lured 1n a hard hlllinl ~1e about an allempted mag111nt upost ot tht shapely All Amer1Un e11ls 0 Rvlf HMt OJ «u Humbard Show m 11• 11.ster(ll«t 111tl1tr• SO" Mov1t: tw NJvles & Jim" (dra) 60 Jnnne Moreau Oskar Werner. Htn11 Stue -9:30- 0 The 111111 is Com1n1 10:00 0 EWING BREAK·UI' • LOOMS ON "OALW" 0 <l ·'21 D.tlas Sue £11tn, em ba11nsed once mo11 w1lh JR 's un lailhlulness decides IQ.. tuve him aM stt~ comlort lrom thll 6amei ~nd undersland1ng horn her mothe1 and rounw s1sttr who ha~e recently moved lo D1llas Martha Stott and Collern (;amp emt 0 12ll !)ti Wethnd lloyd Dobyns and t rndA Ellerbee co anchor an ~'am1na1ton ot organ11ed c11me in fapnn Japan bouts the lowest c11me 'I) ralt 1n the wo1ld that 1t. cnme dntcttd •R11nst 1ndmduats How,ver, oreanired t11me in Japan 1s ~match l0t ChtUtO du11n1 the proll1 b11ion erll like lhttr tounlerparls 1n thr Western world the Japan~e syndicates ait involved 1n utort!Oll narcolics aamblin& proslitulion IHOle<lion raci..t~ sllon.i armed and le>in collections U Did Van Dyke ~ ca Csnest Allllt1 Hour ID HM Haw koftt,s m lioqlel Hour a( Betlllowtn f'tst1val fD HarryS. Truman: Pt11n S11tll•ln1 fd flandtu portrays tht to1mtr Pies1den1 ~yin& euctly wllat hr think\ al •nybody •nd ~•crybody -10:30- • 11"""' Sw1u111 Shoill CDllm G) The l'Tl Cl"' 11:00 o 1 51 a ClO> l2fl """ U Cl ) !Ill Mt9' a rtc.,.tter1 CIOrtt ••m m Mtwlt: 0 r1c11lc" (dra> ''6 W1lham.Hollltn, Kim Novak lfll 100 Club Cl) 01y of O.tc.tttry fll M1111,12 124'1 J1Q111tl u,dl111 -11:30- 8 s,.ts fNl!lll• " Hit "-( ni. me.- ., ID IJ lllN: "Salt! ~: -.i .. tf bctl•" (dral 11-11111, Ou W1Nrams Cltllon OIY>l Euble lllf~•. Mlftartl Avery • 7000.. • ll"lt: "011<1 A Tllltl" (dt•) '6S Ann Marrr•I. ~In Otlon fl)T_.. a ...... : • "Dart Ylciilry" (d11) :l0-8tlU. D.nts...G~ttt Bun Hum'";A! Botart llOi : ~ .... l•" (dr•) '61 P1ul Ntwm111, GIOfle Ktnntdy ....... : "T1lt '"".. u. ti MIM l ht" (com) '60 MlckfJ Roolley, Maml• Yan Oortn -1:30- • Mtwtt: "f11<l11111t4 1111111" (1d'I) ·~-01n1 And1ewi A WORLD TELEYISION PREMIERE ...... . . . I MONDAY JM~RY U fOI morninc 111d 1fttr110011 listi11as, plem sn onmn raoGMMS. Below, for JOU' C1N1vtnie11«, tre Ille dJJ's mowits. DAmllE MOVIES 11:00 O "Win1s ol the Hawk" (ildv) 53 Van Htlhn luht Adams Abbt line G) JW "Tiie Moon and Sta· pence" (dr a) '3 Georgt Sanden Herbert Marshall Dolor es Ou tty 3:00 {01 "The Harnm" (dra) 71-lorne Greene. Mu111y Hamilton. Juhe Sommars 3:30 8 "The W1termtlon Man" (com) 70 Godfrey Camb11dae Estelle Parsons •VENINQ 8 :00 0 11 a1 129 12J1 News 3 The Odd Couple 0 IJ rJJ Cf~ News U Emtr1tncy 011t IJ Ironside G) Tiie Brady Bnd1 CE Stretb of Sin f11nc1Jto 11' Como Se l111111 Esa ClnCIOll fD Oftr usy Consumer adv0<;1tt Ralph Nader uplains why senior c1t11ens tan be the most 1mpomnt oolttrcal IOrtt '" sol v1nt sot111 p1ablems 'lt ... ur1. {O' fa1111ly P'ortrai1 -6:30- ( IUl a 11ew1 (t) Crcm-Wits Ual Mm Grlff111 $1\ow G) I loft Lucy rJ..4J bltff ift Mftl I fii) Michltf J1ebon Show ~ycho therapist and parent educator Elaine H,rtn,r aulllor of ·Mother After freud and feminism .. tat~s about the role ol motherin& and lem1n1sm f neuhve and pOSttlve effetts on the lam1ry srructure 'BJ The Johr's W-lfd m El Cllapcilin Colorado SO-Lone Uft I ~os,tnty 7:00 U D 8 al! flltwi U The NN!ywtd Game D ()} Tiit lc*er's Wild m crri (211 SI• MUtion s 11111 a> Sanford & Soll fZi) MacNtil/Ltltrtr •eport m u Senora de Clrdtllll t'Sli lntroductnc Bloloa -7:30- B o~ Mack I u ChlCD ' lllt M111 D Consumer Buyllnc Q Tiie Datin1 Game 8 That's Holl,wood ( 8) llamt Tlllt TUM 0 Tic T K Doutfl ffOI The 'rke Is Ri1ht Cl) Mlm·ll 12'1 fafllil't ftvd 114) T-ty·four Ovt frCMI fil) 21 TOlllPt fhe lulute of h11he1 eduOhOfl 1n Cahl01nia especially 1n liRhl ot the f1nanciel d1ll1culhes pmenttd by Proposition IJ art d1stussed by Or David (lhotl chi•I man Statewrdt Ac1de1111c Senate ol LUGGAGE TAGS , ... 10 from your business card Send one c ard for each tag + one spare. We return permanently sealed attractive tag & strap, meeting airline l.D. requirements. Prevenl loss & theft! For a personalized tag enclose wallpaper, labric or "Day Glo' paper & we will back & trim your tags. Or try two cards back to back. S2 ea. or 3/$5 4/5 tagsS1 .60 ea. 619 tags S l .50 ea. 10 or more SJ .40 ea. Sales Tax in c luded No C•rd? DfAW •°'-'' ow" Of ,.net ~0\11 ""~· •Cl!f••\\ and 111>on• 11um1Mr W. II ""''" 0"'' <MO,,., l•O 400 21 -~ California State Collegrs and Un1ver s1l1es: Or W1tl1am Frater cha11man Statewide Academic Senate ot tht Un1vers1ty ol Cahforma. and Cla1e lones-lobby1st. California Stare Uni vers•hts and Colleen Student Prts1 dents Assoc1ahon 11}l lltw1 l{f) Jllfia Cltild ' Co. 8:00 D (Jl) srtCIAl r.111 CAN!wty Sllow (lhr) l1m Con•ay &tis an opportunity to show olf /us me brand of humOI on this proaram ••th 1uu1 stars Carol Burnell Don Knolls, Cu11 RKhard Nelson and the V1lla2e People D 6) 13) Ulllt Ho1111 on lht Pr1ine "Blind Man's Bluff' When an accident b11ncs on a temporary blindness ' mak1ne his puenls PoStpont their plans ol divorce. a youne Walnut Grovt youneste1 111etends the blindness is permanenl. in 01de1 lo ~etp his mother and lather IO&tlher • U Collect ll5'etb1ll Wash1ng1on al Calitorn1a 8 ®l (21) Mon I Mindy (R) (lhr) Irresistibly lunny Mork lrom Ptanel Ork lands on £ar1h wh err he 1s befriended by lovely Mindy and eels lessons 1n love from the fon1 •ho &ets him 1 date with Laverne Henry Winkler and Penny Marihall &utsl D Morit: ~ (211r) "Mr. Ludy" (com} '43-Cary Grant laraiM D•Y Charles BKklord • Clrol 8urt1tlt ' f ritllft Q) lilowle: (2111) "The flredYsen" (dta) 70-Chad [verell. Atlt1nelle Comtr. lle1ly Barron fil) Music of Russia * Kr1ft Presents the CHICAGO SYMPHONY with Sir Gtof1 Solti fJl) QJI 0 Solti C-..11Cb Mu11c f1om Ruma " S11 Ctoie Solti conducts tht Ch1c110 Symphonv Orchestra in Moussorcsky's "Prtludt to Khov1nlch1na," Prokoflev·1 Sym phony No I. and Shostakovich's Sympllo~y No I. Simulcast by KFAC, 9? .3FM and I 330AM Q)VlwilN -8:30-ID The 044 Coliplt m 00 llocht Ofta 9:00 D (fl) M•A•S•H (A) !ht 4077th is conlronted by l•O c11m Colonel Potter's mue SQphtt mwste 11ously d~ppu11 from h,r coual 11\d Hawkeye and BJ ltnd them ulns with • yovn1 K01un boy on tht1r llalldi w11o 11 lry1nc to avt>td COl!lCnplron 1nlo lflt army e ({J> <8) Mtwlt• (2~r) "C1t1rlt1lt11" (dra) '18 Martha Scott, ly1111t Moody. Delta Bur~•. Pttr1cl1 'ea1cy. Jordan Ct11h lhclwd I lflSOll As lllt Crvtl W11 ends. a beaultful. stron1 ff111td Sollthtrn belle d dele1111u1ed lo hold on tq 1te1 111stou111c tam1ly'1 Clltfleston 1111nsi0ft and. fflth the help of 1te1 c0111rn ind 1 former f1111ily slt'ft. tkt out a ttll>tCltble lw1na until thelf men return llomt e CV • SWOll DUUT "-Ille w.ll "• W.. "Tiit Gun flt"'"" Tiit M~fl1ns Im 11.,11 bruk1n& turmoll wlltn Laura 11111 111 love, end pliftS lo marry the Jin h111ter lll1td lo "'wt tfle 1111111• r10111 Ill peaulul hton homestud Rt1111111111 In tht11 1~1vt roltl rv WEEK, JANUARY t•. 1979 a1 t f tOnnula flanaean as Molly Culhane Bruer Bo11eitntr as lu~e Kathryn Holcomb as laura. W1ll1am Klfby Cullen as Josh and VICkr Shrec~ as Jeu1t Jared Martin JtcQutltne Scott. Morein Wood•ud, Burton Gilham and Richard Wnehl 1uttt m MlfY Grittlfl Show fD 8 A Triktt lo Marti11 Luther Kill1 Jr. (2hr) In commemoration ol M1t11n l uthtr Kini Day lht Butlalo Ph1tharmon1c presents a musical l11butt P11t1c1p11tn1 are Henry lewis I01mer conductor ot the New Jt<sey Symphony and the hrst Blac~ to duect 1 ma1or symphony orclies 111 -and Ne• York City Opera So11tano Ctamma Dale fl) Super MUSICll (SO Creal Pet1or1111nces -9:30- D fl> 111> NEW SWOll WUP 11 Cincinn1tl Arthur Carlson's ha1sh mother. who owns lhe station and strike\ more tear 1n her son's heart than an elect11cal power failure makes a sudden appearance IQ look at the books Carol Bruce Ruests e> Puiones C11tendidn 10:00 D tl J lf21 Lou Grant Animal s errall( behavior touches olt ~ Tr1b 1nquuy 1nlo the ph&hl of the all but foraotten Vietnam ~eteran. who t\ fluted much d1llerenlly horn servicemen 1n other wars l ou 1n trvini to help Animal ilnd a hkeablr veteran Sulton (l1ontl Sm1lh) d1~ covers thal years alter Vietnam many vrlerans ille unemolo1td or otherwise under strain from thfu uoeriences a ct m 11ews a> Whit~ of freedom! A look •I ~1trc~ in rrhct0n -10:30-m a>""" 11:00 D 8 m !10) Qfl flltwi D A fl «Sl (Hl lltws e lll1h Mt L.au1h Bobby \11n hosts th•s 11ew ume show 1u1u11na three comedy stars ct Movie: "This H•PPJ Fulin1" (tom) '58 Debbie R'tnolds Curt lur&ens, John Suon m n.. 044 Collllft Cl) TIM Goodies @NlwJ f1l> Did Clvttt Show -11:30- D CJJ (fl) lllOYlt: Tiit Rockford frlaJIWcal Sttty ., o a ""'"'' c,,.. •Twi6ittltllM • CD1 S l'tlke St.fl CD TM '-c Show .., !:« s..rt fD~AICllft's 12:00 m NflM ltltdlciocl "'""'ta m Tiit '*- -12:30-•w.tS.rmn ANlt-IZ • .... .,..._ Tiltfe Wert Ont" (dr1) '61 Alt1 Nitot 1100 .. f l') QI) ,....,,.. • Tiit Litt Ca,.m 2 :00 • lllwll: ..... Fr• [ttf. flit1" (adv) ' f!oHrl lfy1n TUESDAY IANUAllY Iii For lllOfn1111 and aft•rllOOll hsunss. pleut Ml DAmME PllOCRAMS. klow, for your conwtft1tnce, 111 the dly's moms. DAYTIME MOVIES 12:00 D llt "A Slmcer In Mr Alms" (dra) ~9 lun' Ally!.C!n Jeff Chindltr ~nd1a Ott m '1111 "Man Oft A SC11n1" (dril 60 f1n~\I Boranonr Kerw1 Malhrw\ Cnll,,n De whu I Alt•ander Slourby G rbrll 3: '10 "Who Killed lht Mys11· · ·s Mr. foster" (•m) 70 lrnest Borgnine Judy Cmon J 0 Cannnn. Sam lallr Writ Geer, John McG1vt1 l :JO O "The feminist ' the fuzz" (com) ·71 Barbara [den Oavrd Hai Iman Rog tr r•trt v lohn McC1ve1. Farrah F dwtfll EVaNING 6:00 fJ U 1f •1t News (3 The Odd Couple CJ 10 2f JtJ Nm U Eme111ncy Ont O lronMt m The lfady Bun<h 0) Sir ff ls Of San r lln<ll<O ()() Anyone tor T ennYWf11 tD 0.lf usy H Maude SO Freehand Sltlth1ft& -6:30- •3Hl2i 'f Newi tt ' Crou·Wits 11ai Metv Grflfln $/low m 11.m L110 6J) Mich.tel Jadaon Sllolro Qtl The Jo11t1's Wild m Ellrk111• Cl l'olivw llOl H11m1nitlts TllrOllP th1 Arts 7:00 fJ l)l U 8 lfll News • The lltwlywtd &lmt Ill m Tiit io-e1•t Wiid m (Ill 1Jt.$11 Million S Man Ill Sanford & $oll r.t4l ~r Surfi'rll Ail g Madhil/lehm 1tt,ot1 G> I.I Sttlot a It C.rdfNs (U'J Dalplft1 lto!M lnflrion -7:30- • Tiit M~ppets Ch•ryl l1dd 11/Ull Qlct ' !tit "'"' U 51111•pa Goes to Wulu•alon Jf(l AlbttltOll \l•ri • 111t Dtti~C-t • 8 511..,,.. G TkTac { Tiie Colle Sllow •MMU IJ The Ottlef $(lloel S,.1 tlll S) ZI T...ipt 9 · ..... 8 :00 .. 8 All CIS •e,.rts (lht) "The Boal People" Corrttj)Ondtnl Cd Bradley presents 1 &11phk. hrslh•nd look •I lh• pJiahl ot lh• "Boal PtoPle," lht lhouundS of hom•l•n Vieln1m 1ef11ttll Slr1ndtd •loilt Mt lay~1a and wutheasl Asian 'oa~ts Included on lht report are v1st1s to a lormerty oil hm1ts relugee camp on Pulau 81dong island lht rttuget ship, Ila• llonc an ocun rescu~ and an t•am1n•tron or U S Polrcy lowATO lh' rtluaru U Mow1t· (Zllr) "APl(llt" (wtSI ·~ Burt lanc1ster lean Pelm U 3 10 .2f Hippy Om IRJ Smokin A1n · 1 Cool loan" belotvt!o ~ht musl smokt c1g1rrlt1>s In 1oon a cont g111 s club •Rno11nfl htr lamolr 1 plras lo stop smo~1ne unlll 111' fon1 pornl!o out what cnol rully mf,ns O Mo•re: (2hr) "Tycoon" 1d1~) ·47 John Waynt Laraine Day m Cuol B111nett & fritnd' Cl) "'°'1e: (2hr) "Younc At Hurt'" (mus) )4 riank Srnah a Oc~•s O.iy l31 )t Crandpa Gou lo Washincton No Ntlwork mlo1mal10rt available 1'41 Raised 1n Anter fl!) Fall ol b1lu 0) Viw11na so M1r1ot fontern -8:30- u SPECIAL The Amerlcu Dicl Test A p1ogrun on prootr nulrohon and dietary 1>1~c1ttts with repOfb by BMly f 111nflil on additives lab,hna and lhr nulnlmnal cnnltnl nl l<tOd as wrll as a ••twt1 pa111c1pahon qu11 O 13 10 2f Llnrnt & Shirlty Who·\ Poppa' All tr Shrrlry b'l0ffi'S conw1netd lh~I \ht 1s adopltd s~ and I ~•ttnt ~o wrld in a hosp1tal lry1nt to find documrnl'd rnlormarion ahoul Ir,, birth m The Odd Co\lplt m hrs Cll1<»n 9 :00 fJ 9 12 Movie: (2hr) "Sky Riders" (drAJ 76 l~mr\ Cobe11n Su~nn1h Y111k Robtrl Culp Charlts Alll4't0u• W'rntr Pochallr /nu lou A dnperalt 11•nR ot lerro11st\ ~rd111p lht lam1ly of' wulthy bus111t"m1n l!racke" (Culp), who 111empl\ 10 ~ftly rrcovrr hr\ •11lr (Ms York) and ch1ldr~n fhr 1e11011s1s dtmand S2~ rn1lht111110dh ol mun1llons and arm• mrnls lhr lool pnhc.e ch1el 1& out to catch tht ttrro11sts, as aic Bracken 1nd a third 1n1ms1ed party. McCabe (r.olrurnJ With !hr aid ot an arrheol ot~t and a \n1uulrnt uperl. th~ men deduct that lht Brecktn lamoly is bttnl h~ld II a lor1rm hke mon utery McCabe him his own P•iYale army ol h1n11hd~rs lo .inao horn the a11. wh1lt lht th1tl and 111, mtn 1ppro1fh lhr monulr')I lrom bl~ U (tit (Sf) The lit {"nt: M111dtr '" MllSk Citt (?hr) Sonnr 8o110 111d I tt Purctll stat as 1 muSI< comPO$tr Ind I lasluon modrl who spl'nd lhtrr honeymoon I\ 1n11teur p11v11 t dttechwu When Sonny Hunt (Bono) 1 "'"rs,uul compo~1 dis CCIV"\. PIWlll .rete<hn """'"fits 1partmenl with tht sole clut a tl(ktt ta 1 country ml/Sic concert ht 11111 his 1111lt travel lo H1\hw1lle to hnd lht m1SJ1n1 pttm ol the puult LU(1tl• Btnson Ctaudt Akins. 81hncl1 Mon11omery Mor11n hochtld. Mtthael M.cRae ind Harrr Btllavtr CQ Slit t')l (21) Tllrff'' C.."9Cf ' ht ldet Wom1n" lack's toom m1tu a/t IUPporlm when Ille, ''•rn ll(s O.lrna a l1n14 older woman 1el1ltd lo lhl Roptrs ulllrl they mttl fltt .. m••l'f1ftt mom· and lh111k s/lt s Jack's 1tt1rttllrob • """ CrHful. .. ff QIN .... : Oii C.• • fD Cinema Showcase Spetral Sewon 50 Maslerpie<t Thtatre -9:30- 0 3 10 129 h11 Suur Mama· Yrnt1able staee ind screen \tar Rulh Cordon aue~ls as a l'"'Y rich lady 111 lier 70s who uses money lo try aod buy Alo s rompan1onsh1p as a cuir lcu htr lootlon'i.s ED PnJOnu Enctndldls 10:00 U O ED flews U 3 t~ .29 Stm•r & Hutch Golden Ang,1 Stars~y becomes a mas~~ wrestler 1n d championship match to set h1mstll up as a larRtl l1Jr A mysterious a\~11fanl .. no vuws one ul the ""R w~r1101\ will dtr beln1e the male h 1s uw m lhthl Gallery ·so llewsclltck -IOJO-m m Ne"' '50 Voter's Pipeline 11:00 fJ 3 U 112.1 (29 News CJ • fO (J' I 'lfl Newt U Mah Me Lu111 D Mo.le: !flt "llo Man ol Hrr Own" (dra) 50 Barbar a Slanwyd Ian Cowl. R1rha16 OtnninR m The Odd Couple 0) The Goodin "' utino Cofttoihum tD Did Clwttt Show ED Variedadts -11:30- fJ e U. Mowles Barn1br Jones/8anK8 CJ -'* H Jol111n1 C.tSOll u hrih1t11 Zone D r:i 10 '2t Movie: "1ou Can't Stu l love" <susp) /~ Robrrl Conrad Don Stroud Danna ~Mis m The eona s11ow Cll Ge'f Sm•rt 12~1 Lmu. '°'' & You fll) Captiontd A8C lfewi 12:00 m Allred Hltclloo PrHenls fJl) The Prisoner -12:30-u Mo.It: "Gunficht 11 Com1nche Crff•" (•~$) '63 ~ud1e Murphy m Movie: !1111 "The Camp on lllood Island" (dr•) ~ C111 Mohne1 0) Movie: !Ill') "lhrM llolldt1 In His lift" (mys) '60 lock Mahonty 1:00 U 121 (0 T11111orrow G The LM hpem -1:30- • W1nltd hid or Alm 2:00 G Morie: IM'I ''Trtln of htnll" (dra) 52 Yatt11e Hobson m ....._: "The A•M Trvt11- (,orn) ·37 lttnt DunM Cary G11nl Cl) Ctt SMtrl -2:30-• Mowles: Bullrl 111 th~ Gun Barrrl .. ll,1 Pl111t to 8ulbte._ 3J00 ...,...: ~Rltlt" (wn) Car, ~r. Phyltls lh11ler 4:00 G MIN: "'WIJ It lM Sttrt" (1om~,1-MKh•tt Rtdlflvt CD : .....,,., Cutll" (hOI) '6A -CllnslOPfttr ltt. I WEDNESDAY I JANUARY 17 r Of m«nin& •nd •fttrllOOft listi11p, plnst m DAYTIME ,RDCllAMS. Stlow, IOf JOllt COl!fellltllet, 1rt I.Ire d1y's lllO'tlt:S. DAYTIME MOVIES 11:00 a "The Desert Haft" (adv) ~ R1Chard Greene Yvon"e Oe Carlo. 1ack1e Gleason m .. "Gilda" (rom) 46 Rill Hayworth Glenn Ford Gtorge MacReadv 1:00 tO "Tht tmpahtnl Heart" (dra) 71 Car11e Snodarus. Mrchael Conslanllne Michael Brandon 3:30 O "S111unt Deadhead" Imus) 6S Deborah .Walley, r1ank1e Avalon. [ve Arden Cesar Romero f 1cd Cl11k aVl!NING 8 :00 fJ U tit 129 News f ' I fht Qdd Co\lpft U fl l 110 lS llews U Emtrten<y One 0 The lo'tf's Wild m The Brady 8u11<h 0) Str"ts of San Franc1tto l' !Iowa ID 0..r Luy 1'f) Maude JO hmlly POftrllt -6:30- 3 It lltJ lhwl ( t Cross.Wits D ri< TK Oou1h 110 Mm &ritt n Show m ' Lo.e L11e1 t;ll> M1th1tl ltd'°" Show Jt) The Johr't Wild 0> Mi Secrtllrla t10 Worth ol A Clllld 7:00 u m11an 11e.n l!I The Ntwlywtd &amt r I J Tltt lo'tr't WHd Ill Pio Basketball The los Anc~lrs I 1k~rs ~1 tht S.n 01eco Clippe15 m 0 II Qtl Sh MWNon S Man ..., Sanford ' Son a•1 Tltkln1 Wans ol Po!npeli ID Mtclltilll.tllrtt RtpOf1 m la Sellor1 .. Car.._ rto lntrodt1elflt Mo -7:30- ., WofW War II: ,,1. Dt,ry .II I.Ifs Ge tt Ille .__ U Stla Ila lb Joan11 Sommers &UtSI$ • The 0.tiflt '*• • ,... Tllat 1' 11111 I J .... t111 , ai Qll r 111111y r • mw-12 (I"~ Utile c:..rtlv111 fD 11 TtNcht (ll llM IH c:...-r s..mnt Alt 8 :00 9 ( [ll llle i.tr..W. ltlA (R) Dnld 8.tnnt1 " work'"' as • roust aboijl on 1 wild e11 Oii n1 when u bolap Mts the new well •bl•tt While tn1•1ed In • 1tratt&1< '"' to p11t lht ftre O\JI, Banntt is att•cltd by the saboteur piovo\1111 hia melt moi pllosls in lo 1114 H11tll. '•" WEDNESDAY (Continued) D tat! 01! Mom Oollble fu1t111: (lllr) Future I-"lht l'eoplt That Timt for cot" (•dv) 17 -Pat1•c• Wayne Oout McClure Shane Rimmer Sarah Oouelas Oana Gillespie lhorley Willers Wayne slars as Ben Mc811de an .idventurer who learns from a meuaae hlled cannister discovered lhrte yea1s aflei his tlost friend d1~ppeared al sea lhat his buddy Bowen lyler (McClure), 1s rn11ooned on a losl island with a p11m1t1ve c1v1hzahon. preh1sto11c animals and eio11c plant hie Future 11-"The Am11in1 World of hychk l'llt110111en1" (doc) '76 Raymond Burt serves u hosl and narralor tor this p1obe ol uneapla1ned myslt11es ol lhe super nalurdl lratu11n2 well known psychll's U11 Geller and Jun Ooon '"d a too• II m1101 1est1rch etnteis ope11mtnls designed to rrveal lhe depth ol mans 1nne1 p0we1s U '11£. .. IEllE E-.1rd the Kina IM l11st eim.ode, lhe Boy, IOCO$eS on ., Ou~en V1c1oria and P11nce Alberl and lhe birth ol lhe11 ~n Edward 0 BRADFORD GIRLS * REVOLT/I IS ENOUGH U 13 • lfQ flt Ei1ht h Enouah (2hr J Multny at lhe Bradlords' When lorn Bradlo1d turns ove1 a new leaf m leniency lhe Bradford brood qu1c\ly becomr drunchanled ••th theu new lound freedom When lorn gels urml al>Qul Susan J boyf11efld ta~tn& • shower in lhe upstairs bath mom, loan1P com1nr m •lier curfew •nd Nan<y sunb1th1ne topless 1n the b.tckyaid, the 111ls iebel and move oul ol the house 1n toan apartment tD C.rof Burnett & f'ne116s Cl) Mom: (2111) "The Cat O'IUnt ACROSS I On' ·""' S Smokcll .11111 f)oh\h 9 lo C.>rtl'r 10 Arnfll•< I I '1 Young~,.., t~ lou (;1.,nt ,r.11 I 8 l rOP•< .11 d.inr r ~o Go<1d•H h O•a1111 nr "ih• 22 Run1.111 "'"""'·"" r~ngt 21\ Not IOO\" 25 C.oue>lt> 28 Coif •t~n1 JI Bird ordtor J(> f 1f11\hH J• Mr /(II,\\ 36 Saa J} Fll'<C•VO 3q Kod \ a.1mr ., 1101111 olt •2 I "edb1I( ~ ... Answer al and"Of ttla Saturday 109 '•12 h its" 11usp) 64 11111 Malden lames r ranc1scus 1~ SoundsUce ID Tiit T1l1n1 Walls of l'ompeii In lh1s proeram raped at thr Art tnstotule ol Clucaeo lohn r or,ythe looks ar the l1lntyle ot Ille 1nhab1 tants ot the c1ly 01 Pomlll:11 0) ~1\'l1n1 )0 Onu Upon A Clusic -8:30-m The Odd Couple ID li'lt From Lrnwtn Center 12ht) 'Pellman, Mehta and lht New York Ph1lharmon1c" Violin v11tunw 11/'lla~ Petlman rs gursl soloos! a\ Lubin Mehla conduch the New YOI~ Phil harmonic rn a concert lrom Avery fi\her Hall 1 he pro&•am includes Stm1ns'y s Schmo r antutoque. f new or ks and Schr110 a ta Russe lcha1\ovsky s V1ohn Con c~rto dnd Moussnuresky s 'P1t1ures at an l1h1b1toon · are added high llghls S1mulml nn KUSC, 91 ~flil 0) Wrestlin1 9:00 0 9 I ti One Oay at A junt (lh1) Ann unupecledly l1nds ~II on her mosl serious 1omanltc 1nvol vtmenl since het divorce caus1n1 her to se11ously queshon lie1 most •nhmale leellnas and value~ Davrd Sp1elbe1e cuuh Conclusron a11s nu1 Wednesday at thl\ same time U '11£.MIEJ[ Allletians I hrs serres focuses Oil the unique and archetypal Ammcins lon11llt fHst ( ady R~lynn Carttr 1s 1nl~rv"•'d by host Desmond W1H1ams m Mm Griffin Show Cl'4J G111t 1'1r1on111nces r&OJ Oarid ~Ind Show DOWN ) Soc .. 11 u111t J J ff'Quf"tlt y rruul1tl.tllon f.lllhr I d M t,,lf'm 11111' 0, fntJ14n lr1hl' 6 l1V 1 Pt•'"" 11 \lyl,. 8 llbny 11 w.111 P·""''"~' t l Ce>lor I~ C..liu 11• 1J11111 "' ltl (;11M11r.1 j).111 I I f """ Pt'llOd 19 Aller \f'vllt1 (1 l11r to PUllll' Hl\W('t) 23 St-111 26 1o W~l't 21 C<1ke topp1na' 29 Sullic1•11t (rlllfl •o PUNIC llM\Wllr I 30 N•a•"·'" trit>t-33 Ao111te 35 Lo<ot1on 36 Go Oul woth 38 Span••h "lie It> 40 Alte1.11.:11t1111 curreot <•bb1 I -9:30-0 The AdYtftturers m l'a~ [nctndtdu 10:00 0 CLIENT'S SIUNCE * WORKS AGAINST KAZI O rJ Hl t llu Samuel Bennett with the help of his colleaeues Kai and Colcou1t. delends David Faraday (Sam Groom) member ol a p1om1 n'.nl lam1ly who 1~ on l11al lo• murfo But tht1r cninb1ned leg~I skill cannol htlD tht dtltndant whtn hP wothhOld) vital 1nlorma11on and a womlll who makts myslwous appurances at lh, t11al could bt lht kty to hrs eaoneialton UO O>llews U 3 10 '2t Ve11S lhe [leventh I vtnt When Oan •rtanees a slar studded relethon 10 raise lund~ IOI his l11end a lormti Olympic ch~mp1on who was lalt1 mppftd une ol lht en1tita1ners \ets an opportunity to olot a \1dnappin& and 91ab a 101 tune ID Nl1ht Callery so Maraot Fonte1n -10:30-m ID News ID ThintS of Tltnt An oam1nahon ol lhe deplellon ol archeoloe1cal resources by people w~o d1& up ancienl Indian ruins 1n ~arch of a111la<IS to sell Of COllPrt 11:00 o •31u 1e1 «t1 ia News D 1101 ru r>I News U .... ,Mt uu&h 0 Mowlt : "fair Wind to Ina" (adv) S2 f1ed MacMumy Vtra Ralslon. V1clor Mclaelen TV WEEK JANUAAY 1•. 1979 m The Odd eoop1c m The ~ia '24 T urnabo41t m DtU ea .. tt Show ED Y~des -11:30- 0 I e U1 Mow11: The ltocUotd filatl!Gfa• D '2J r)t Johnny Carson U Twilil)ll lone U c-r I ®I (19, l'ohu Woman m The Gone Show m Gets'"',, '1' Ulin, YOI• & You ID CaptJontd ABC 111"5 12:00 m Alfttd ltrtchcod l'rtseftls m The rnsontr 0> NNS.1"'4Me -12:30-u Moms: A Kone s Story, Is land Prince~ Oe~hnaflon M1am1 U (31 (fQ 2t Mannh m Movies: G11I In lhe Woods." "flands ol A Stran&tr," "V0y12r tn lhe [nd ol the Univem" Ci) lilofle: IJW "The Looters" Cdra) SS Rory ~lhoun Juht Adams 1:00 D 1}3 r>t T OlllCHI0-0 The l.OYt [Jpem -1:30- 0 Wanted· Dud °' Al"' 2:00 O Mo¥1u: lhr Way Allucl 'Hallway ltoust Q) Get Smart -2:30-u Movit: _,, "A TlKMlsan4 & llfle "i1hls" Odvl 4~ Corne! Wilde I THURSDAY I WIUAIY II ftf ..... 1114 •ft•fMOll liltll!P, plUM 1tt DATillU rROCiUlfS. .... ,., ,_, CGIMlliellCt, ,,. tilt dfy's lllOWies. DATIIME MOVIES 12:00 II "tut flt Sll1Nlr1" (tdv) '53-Jeff Cllindttr GI "Tiie South11n11" (dfa) 45-Z"ll•r; Scott 3:00 (lOl "!Ad:, Stoc• & la111f" (wn) '10-Jim Mflheson 3:30 D "All In A llltht'a Wor•" (mus) '61 Dean Maritn •v•NING 8 :00 •• (() <l2l """ CD Tiie Odd Couple II ({D)@ ~ """ D Emer1t11<1 Ont II Ironside m The l rMy '"'" m Strttb flt Sall Frandsco <ft Desltn"'s Holnt lnterlon Dhr Ea•y (JI) Allude A Frtlhnd Shtdllftt -6:30- lfJ 1121 en Mews ttw.Wlh (la) lltn Ciriffi11 .. m1....,. L11cJ m Mldlh1 JaWon S11ow QI llM Johr's WIN ., (J CllM Ill Huluftltla Thr"'Cll ~ Arts 7:00 9 II m 8 lflJ lhwl • Tiit .....,_ """ II Cl) TIM ,_..,., nl • (JJ) (8) Sh Mlllleit s ..... Cit SltlfM ' s... IZ4l Seit! CW11eb m Th ll1dllll/l.tflrtr Rt,ort ID lJ S... • ClrMtlH 0 Dttilllltl& ltolM lntttlon -1:30- • Dileo Malle Cl) ... w.w ., AllMl•ll • 111 Sutdl .... ..., rlt Mytltt) • Tiie Dltlflc. "-• Tiie '-I .. SUl~Slltw • Tk Tet De11111 <Ill 9 llltdl c. .. ,.. •W-·12 e 21 Tllllcllt a._ ........... 8 :00 • 0 n. ... Olm1 Pt1 111d11 John to hnt 1 doclor's dltck up, but lie IC'tu undtr Ille condttlOll !Mt Olw11 ••ts • pllnleal too. Wlltn 1111 dOtl Ille rt111lts ltom lltr tub hlvt • 6tmt1h111 •"•'' • o s~cw. L•1•ll4• tf 1111 s.rtlttttt (lhr) Lt1d1111 COflllC ~ lltrou COfllt to hft in 1 ttw1tl peclltd llolll ol 11\p tdv1nt1111 In ~lcll such trlmtll1ht111 n 8tlm111, ~n. C.plaln MaMl a11d tlltlr tomrtdes Join lotct1 111 • tit• epinst tunt lo pmtllf aoday'a Mh tlltl!lia ''°"' dntrovinc IN "°"4. M1111 W9'1, BUtt Ward, J:11nk M in, "°""'' Moms, °'bt Otll and C~•rll• C1ll11 llHd • •t•t· ..... cttl B Colltc• luhtball UClA al A111ona Tape delay e (]) <II (8l Mor-I Mlndr 'MOfk lhe Tolmnt" Molk roes all out to sl\ow tolerance tor in 1mpos si~t crouchr nerchbor rn Mrndys apartment bu1ld1n1 and entertains hrm with hrs vel1l0n ol a llome cooked dinner lhtt 1\ comrt1tly d1~strous G C.C• lasbtball USC lro1m vs Amona State m C,ret lutMtt I Fntllds (I) Mo•le: (2hr) "Oraaoon Wells Maucre" (wu) ~7-Barry Sullrvan fD tl4l No•a A World of Ori ftiente B r Skinner and Ille Good lilt'' A look at the hie and work ot the conlrovm11I behav101al psythot 011~1 ·~ author ol 'Walden 1..o " ID Yl,\1M rs~ Dlflitl f osttr MD -8:30-0 ti J (10l Qtl Special Preview: Otlu HoUS4 This new mies rs bastd on the National lampoon s mov" "Animal House " In thr~ ep1s00r. lhe lee•cy " Jim Btut11sky youneer brother ot "Animal", who outwardly 1s mild mannered. well drmed and bookish, arnm al r Aber Coll,ae 1n hopts of 1ornine hrs brothers l11lern1ty that bmks all lhe rules uve 011t lrehtrnc for tlrt underdo& John Vernon. Slephen f urst. Bruce MtCrll, l1mre W1ddots losh Mostel and Peter r oa st" mTlll Odd~ IE) U Cara""' 49 AnrbrOSIO l1fl Tlll'11illoul 9 :00 D I I 2l Hawaii flwt·O A lor treu li ke bu111a1 proof Honolulu bank burlt by Matthew M11ch1n (Robtf1 Reed) 1s 1rtted ot a I011unt The 1mposs1blt hH happened 1nd ""C'"'" and rrv1 0 •re itum~d until McGarrett learnt tllal three other 1dentre1lly t0n1lructtd 1>1nkJ 1n the ntltOll were 31$0 prlla&td 1n a baltltnt wo This shrni of c11m1$ lea dJ him toward tl1t rnunrous cnm1nat. (Rtschedultd) 8 O !Jl> Qt#MJ ''A Small C11cte ol f11endf ' lh1 st1yrnt ol a widely traweltd pro football pl1ytr, wlra 1s d1Kovr.red to hive htd a peniellhn rtSi•tant stta1n ol venerul druase, sets Quincy and 1 health department oll1c11t oll on a lrentrc 11ce to prmnt an tp1dem1c (RcschedultO) 8 Cit 11'1 ltrn1y Miller "!ht~ .. Coftv,nced Illa! dttKt1m ol the 11111 111ec1nct 111 unde1tovt1 M men. 1n unemployed CIA •t•nl capturu Barne, M1ll11 and his dtdtattd c11met1111t1n tn • moment of PlrtftOll ....... """" sa.. e a ralml1M-r1rt 1 Allan H111rttvts 111111tu this '"'" p11t documtnttry trac111t ITom 1911 to 19U lht ttlltrltll« ot •1111 IJ "°" lilt tltlt ol IStatl a11d lllCllldts rtlt Mdttv1l loot111, 111uch ol wluch "'' nnt1 bttn publalty lllo'#n .... , .... -Odlllllt ". -t.30-• at .... Cbtlflllt fOti 11110 ltbot, Tim annou11cts he's ltn1n1 htr bttallSt he dotSll'I btUt¥1 lht belly IS Ilia, tlld IOty mtels Aho ""lit botll conltmt!'I• J111Cld1 on Ille T rlWOllP 811d11 Ralldff litlltr f:! lflt Qlf ts All«.. .,.... ....... .i .. ., ...... ,,,...., 10:00 u Barnab111ttty Trarped * In Akoholk Clink! fJ m (ft) l arnallr Jones Betty Jones becomes a "11th 11ltohohc" to 11a1n 1dm11tanct to • fuhronable p11vate sanitarium in order to Joo• into a p.ihenl's death CJ Ql l)fJ Mu Ull4trcOHI Death Is A Close Frrend Too Dan Stray posts as a 1un~1t and btllrtnds a pit.fut druc addict to help !ind ' noto"ous bank robber •no•n to b~ holed up 1n a slea1y part of town ~ Swofford iiuests "0 0>""5 U FAMILY-T£RRORIZEO • BY PSYCHO! 0 OJ) tfQ) !Bl h mily 'Mom•nt of Truth A min whose u wile wu rtprestnted by Dou& rn u uih d1vorc~ and child custody suit 11 released lrom prrson. and rtlurns to le110111t the Lawrences (I) Nicht G.tllery 1501 lftwschtc• -10:30-CD (l)Nm !8l Sneak rrevltwi f.t) Se'ltn Iv Nii Artrsh llOl Footsteps 11:00 a m a m Ofl !2fl """ CJ o zi a~ (J)) """ D Mll•Me uup 11 llcMt: •raid In Full" td11) SO -Robert Cummrnas L11;bt1h Scoll, Orana Lynn m flit Odd to1ip1e (I) Srftw. TM l.ol!lllardr hard l.tttqutt '°'" Hltll!Oll IS host to I/It best colltte hn•man of Ille yur award b1nqutt lrorn the Hyatt Reaency Hotel rn llouston ~ Ille-' ""'9ctMI on Ille News fli) °"' C.ntt Show CD Var'ttdNts -11:30-fJ tl) 2:) llovies: M0A~•Ht c.lumllo CJ 11l J>fl Jollnl!Y C.t1IMI D lwillatrt i..e 8 W Cl.OJ l2IJ St.a!'My & Hlltdl m Tiie Colla Show ft Uli.t. v.,. ' ,.., D Ctptlollff AIC llte 12:00 18 Nlrt4 Hllcllced "htftb m Gtt IMlltt &i) Tiit ,,...., ., .... , ..... -12:30- • -....: "An Amt11Cfn Ore1111," 'Otln10 Slrools FH1t " GHf Frollf c.r,,,, .. •rn .._ .. • 11tt1n: All•11 Wun A SlttnCtl.'' "AllKk ol lilt Robots, "Ott Mon$1tt Ott .. • .._.: "f1116t W'(wes) 'CS~'hoclne Ot Cerlo, Rod C.llltfon L 1:00 ._ n ,...,_ I>' e Tiit LM E..,.rtl -1:30- • WlllllM: IJw " • 2100 ..... ti) "*' s.u.t" <drl) '5o-Oo11Ctu ra11ba11ki ,, ' Clynr• Jottn~11ftlns • . "Two Thoua111d WOmen," "Wt Oiw Al OIWn" TV WEEK. JANUARY 14, 1979 FRIDAY .IAllUAIY 1t for morni111 •11411 aftttftOOll listinp. plt1se ,., DAYTIME r•oGRAMS. ltlow, tor ,..,, COl!ftflitllCe. are tl1t 61y' s llMits. DAYTIME MOVIES 12:00 D "Tiit fll 111111" (mys) ~I J Scott Smart Julre london Roc:k Hudson m till ''Tiit luttt1&httf l Ille Lid(' (dra) ·so RoberL St1<k Katy lurado C1lberl Roland J.00 !10 "Dtitinr of A SpJ" (dra) 69 I orne Greene Rachel Robtrts. ttarry Andrews Anthony Quayle Patrrc~ Maacr 1:30 O "Bachelor flat" (com) '62 I uesday Weld, 1 erry lhomas, Ctlesle Holm. R1ch11d Be~mer r rancesca Btllrn1 •V•NINQ I FRIDAY fContlnuMt) e Moorit: (2111) "llnyoii" (m,s) '7 1-Robert Forster. Jose F erru, Darren MeGavin e CD 9 (fl) Otnny & Mule 011'11 Benedtel. Paul Lynde and Debby Boone 1uest G Moorit: (Zllr) "Mipty Joe Yt1111" (dra) '49-Terry Moore Robttt Atmstronc. Btn Johnt4n m Clrd lllrllttt & f ritfHb .., Mowlt: (2111) "Tiit ~" S,ri111 tf M". Stone" (dri) '61 fo1en leijll~arren l!tatty, lotte l en,1 fl:> @ 0 Wttllina1on Wm a> Ymlfta -1:30-D O (I)) JM & Vale11e !ht Wedd1n1 Guut" In a llashback Joe & Valene remember lhe com1ul limes leadint up lo lht1r wedd1n& day hke Yaltrie's mother refusin11 lo comt. to lhe wedd1n1 because her u h11sband was there and Joe's best fr rends both 111slstin1 they 11!ould be best man ID Tiit Odd eou,te fa l1J) (I.I} Will $1rttt WMk ll)Uurdoll 9:00 D IH) IBl llle RocUord mu "Guilt" Whtn Rockford aarm to 1nvest11ate an attempt on the l1le ot his tormu 11rllrrtnd, ht takes a p11nlul trip down memory lane P11r1C11 Crowley &utsts e (]) CI1J (8) M0ti1: (2hr) "A Lnt Cty ftf H.i," (d11) 18 Linda Purl, Grant Goodeve, rony lo 811nco M~111y Hamrlton. K"en Ltmm M0tc111 Woodwtrd, Sh11ler .lones A compelllne drama ol 1 lovtlr ,oune lernaaer who, under her haPPr lteade, Khi•llr II • IOftely hltlt •"' whoK mab1hty to cope w11h everyday problems dnvu her to make a desi>erate bid tor love -01 death m 111tn ~· s-o Gnlt '"'°""*• g Pyprin A documentary on th' dBmatte Ph&hl of a tnbt ol ~frlt•n l'ycmres whose survrval rs threatened by European htmber Ot>tr•trons (II) !Ma -9:30- CI> , ... ,, E~Wu 10:00 a Gambfl111 uutts ll1VO( * on crffits' dtoiu "THE rAIU CHASE'' Stlr1 Joftn Houwman e (I) If) lle ,,,.r Ch1t Ande1dl'• poc/lant for 11rnbl1nc. both 11 Ille urd 11111« and tn lht dlwoom. lands him 1n well Mt~• Jtr111S 11111 llta stud) croup '"" tomptlltd to comr lo his rucu~ Clwmlllt Btllford rutits • • SPlCW. Ou1 llltl1M te1*1t ._. Outst1"d1111 PtttOtl 1m1tS ere IOlntd by a lrro ol touw 1tlltetre stalldom-Gtotrt 8land1. Dick 811t\is llld 8nlce Jttlftll H 11011 o.ttl Mll1111 leecb a Pfrl6t of l,OOd n1t1Utd km d11tcltd •t c.ofot r.i flld COllll'OWl"llll aelot /11111111 lot lf111111h A1$0 ''~tdultd to ..,, .,. M11t0it 8tt1t, Jot, Bi&llOp, fOfll lloaltf, Rtd 8ultoru. llutll lvtti. D11rfi. Cattn; Hom ()~r -~ OicklMOft, 01vid Ooylt, JKkll ~•Jf•. lome Gtett11, Sandi H11d\, 8trnlt 11.oPtll, Rich ltlllt. Pet Morltt, ltt M111Wtlht1, Mtl llllll, lltl\11111 Wet~r tflll Ouon Wellta. ...... ..... M ~ Q) Ni&ht 6'11try f.t) Masterpie« Theatre rpi '•ltstine -10:30- ID Ci> lttwt 11:00 fJ Cl 1 • crai (ft) """ II HUllllJ all News "lltu ... uuch U Mo"t: "Brewster McCloud" (dr1) 70-Bud Coit Silly Kellerm1n CD Tiit Odd r..vvi. m Tiit Goodrts f.t) l>ici Cnett Show 0> Yariffadts -11:30- f) I ({}I M0tin : The "ew •wen1tB/"Sidftinder One" (dra) 71 -M1<:hael Pai ks. Maqoe Cortner SuSln Howard Packard Gentr, D rni <Ill JollnnJ Canon g Twllipt Z11111 u m ~ <ai a,,.,,, ID Tiit Gon1 Show m Get Sm1rt l2ll Ullai. Yoe• I You f.t) Clptlontd ABC lltws 12:00 ID l"'18o1 fD-Tht f'llSOllll G) Mom/News -12:30- 1 U Solp fadcwy Disco D Mootit: "The Sec"4 Im Secret tcent 111 ttle Wllolt Wide World" (com) 65 Kuet S1ep1nek. !om Ad1ms. Peter 8ull Jolln Alnall 8 Mo•i•: "Tll" Sn11• land" (d11) 68 811ry Sulh~an. Kathryn Hays Glenn Colbert Andrew Prrne. 81end1 Scott John Drew 81rr-.more. (fQl McMt: ''TM Nhlstrtltd Min" (sci h) 69 Rod S1e11er ID Nlrt4 Hltdlcoc• l'ftttnb CJ) llloorit: «! "M11llitk1nt Obstl· lion" (dral '35-Robert laylOI 1:00 D tUl Otl MWlllC't Special a Tht "°" uper11 ID $o.tp fKIOIJ -1:30- • Watrted: llffd Of .ii¥t ID Movie: ''TM Gofton" (hOI) ·5~­ Peter Cush1n1. Christopher lee . 2:00 8 Nm/Mofle: "Only Alltel\ Hm Wlnp" (dre) ·39 Cary Giant. R1f1 H1rworflt, Jun Atthur. lho/1111 Mllthtll, Jolln Cauoll Allyn loslyn G liMtlt: "C. !lit o.H" (dra} 'b9-loin lryon Carolyn tones -2:30- • Mttfe: "Cillts1 of Zorre" (1dY) ·sg Clayton Moore Pamela Bl•~e. Rly 8111Croft • "'s-11 3:00 • Metle: "S.t11• •fll•erMJi" (hor) 'S6-Cuy Mad1SOft, Yrctor M1lure, Robert Pltllon. ~nn' Btnciolt. J1mu WM"'°'• ....... : "lc.trtlMIWlr"' (adv) '37 lo/In Wayne, Don &!"''· Cll6fles Srol•• •=oo • "OM s-, " .... -" Cdra) '&2 un, Jacobson, foth Sund= CdYln Adolphson e : "ltttlt ti tlertht" (d1a) '11-Vul 8rynnt1, H11dy Krvftr, Oftoft Wtllt&, frtnco Nt10 SATURDAY IAICUAaY 20 MOANING 6 :00 11 Th1t's Cat (£ Sunrise Semester O Community Fttdbltk m Uni¥t1111J of t11t Air -6:30- 0 Sunnw Semester 1111111 h nts & Nitwits D Dr11net ct 1 lV Cfasstoom 0 Davey & Goli1tJI @J Rul Emte ~pn1SJI ID Spuk Out Cl) Infinity factory f.t) Cotioned ABC Mewl tff l SeJrth 7:00 O timer• Three 3J (J'9l flt Scoolly Doo Whtrt Ate You 11 12}1 .Jt) ~lf•r liool·Ups D Bia Blue M~rblt IJ Sc.ooby's All·SIJB <l i Spanbh Iii The Kot F 11C111 Show ID [ltmental'f ""' Ii) Woman lleel to ~I f.t) Yoea flH Health -7:30- f) Omy's Treellovse '1 OJ (2t f1ncfKt D Q)I !)l F111llsllc fou1 0 ,KtMtttB T.l The Nell Step D The loM ltanttr m Thlt's lJlou&h QI ltontptr Room m To It ~nounttd 8:00 El () l '12l '°"'" Hour OJ ([OJ 1291 S..,.rlritlldt D ~ Q)) Godzilla ~per to a Movie: f/lrJ "Sllort Grass" Cwrs} ·~-Rod Cameron. Cllhy Oov.ns D U.f.O. m MoM: won1c1 Coppt11111c1" (dra) ·3~ Lionel Barrymort f2i» MHttrpltu Thettrt O> lnsicht -1:30- • s.nnencb .., SMl!tt11 CeliltflM ID Eau Cs u W'Mla 9:00 • m <tll Tiit a.p '"'"'"'"'" ..... ,..,. • """ Ill ttle hi4I .~ .. S..lt l!ID lll•Mw'• bf Prepo11hons Rrordo and Jul!f 1u1n 1ho11t the t11r11 ol th• untu1y duf boebtll pl1yer who invented t11t i11111ls lllwhll ump.its vsc todl' kW balls 11111 1Mu (Captrontd) ., ...... -9:30- UJ (II.~· ~11 .. llll °'"' °""' • lltwlt: "Tll,t• Crm" (susp) '&7-Vul Bivnner e W..W a....., TM411t .... """' ·- TV WEEK, JANUARY 14, 1979 10:00 U Flblllolls F1111nltS Q hn1bce Q) Mov11: IJW "T u1ief' 1 adv) 46 Ma11a Montu Kent hylor J) flt Yoai'1 SpKe bee m Ontt Upon A Ctnsi< -10:30- f) l.. t2 Tuun/Su,er Sntn O SaturdaJ a } to IS' '"' .. h nthtr Shoor O Movtt: "hnkee lucuntu" hd•) 52 Jtlt Ch•ndlP.1 ID "as.hwillt Mull( ED Once Upon • ClaUK 11:00 U 3 10 i2t Wtehnd Spe,111 (R) lh~ 11.000 8111 A young man lelll oll his rmployrr mikes pl1ns lo 111ed his swPtlheart and la'es on lhe loul estabhshmenl when a huge sum ol monry chanaes his llfr tempora11lv Donny Most . R1cha1d Deacon and Charles l~ne star CD Jacques Cousteau 2i1 (Jf fabulolls Funn1ei OJ fanfuia fakon -11:30- • l3l 110) flt •menun 8.1nd1t1nd Ci) Get St111rt 1) llJ City llollen f.D Gnn and Rt,_,, It 0> MUSl(J Colombi1111 lf le* Altwi AnaANOON 12:00 u '' ~ Acldt111r D Yor•J• to dlt lott11111 ol thc St• u Tiit En! Side llift ID Sotll T111n I 2J Iii 81111 M11blt Q) TarDn J, film Future o~ Cmt l'trlonn.t11m m lulll Child • Co. 0> Walter Mtrt1do )fl Nfl 6'1111 of tt11 Wetl -12:30-e (f) If 11 flt Albert I ~ Hollpood Ttt11 II IUJ QI) Coll11• l11htb1ll Doubltht1dlr 6-me I USC I rorani al lem lon1h0tns 8 Hollywwd T11n (l§l Obco 10 m Mtrit: .., "1lle S111mt1m Ol4 lady" (dr•l li6 Syl~1t [t1tnne 8e1ry,.M11~1 R1bovsk1 H IOftl.tuJ -1:30- • III JO lllmlta Cl> T.,it •Cel!WJS. • .Mitt ' t.lellt ,,...,...,r., lllllt: "Clll11a Gift" (rcrm) '43 Gtnt f1tr1111 1:00 ' • " J.US All 1111* CD My l'llr .. S...S ellMnn • lllM: • .,. ... Altary ..... v (dra) ·s~-Raymond lllauey (()Stir Tre• ..... 1 ........ @ TMWies .., .... .,.. ctaSlia mn. o,. MiM G FlltW llttruclwl -2:jo- 1'11e Ir My hftcll 8 @ 8 Collea• luh"•ll 0o.-11hqff1 Came 2-0rtton State 11 Waslun(lon (8) Ntstine 3:00 D Ci:> (JJ) ""-11 °"" G.lf CI> Nfl """ ff tllt Wttk e Fllllily rlltl Festini D llowlt: ti "fl1lltl111 fatlttt DuMt" (dra) '48-Pal O'Bnen ~ llttlt: "Countdtwn" (sci f1) '68-James Cun, Rober! Duvall. m Mowlt: ., "laa hi laban'' (dra) '45-John Wa~ne fD Gut111 Tat -3:30- • (21) ProftssloMI lowtm Tow Coveraae of the SI00,000 ford Open from Mtl's Sourllshore BoWf 1n Alameda, Cahl fD £~ S...klll& !Ul l'llt ;,..nnc Y .. n 4:00 D (() @ s,orts 5"d«lllar G) lilowie: "luclttr'i P'1t" (com) 'SS-Clark Gable, Dot1i Oay @ T riWe to libftWI l.*1 Killa Jr fD Utlrlt c...tlwll G) T•lftisb ~· 111 ""111 ff A ClllW -4:30- ·-OM Wltll OllMe:~WoNll"(adv) '74-Cat hy Let Cr0iby 83Toh........_14 a Mt¥1t: ''TllM Map111catt1 .. ii TIMif f'lrlltf MOiiet" P1rt I (•dv) '65-Slu.ert Whltmtn, S.1111 Miles, J1mes Fol. a Dellplft1 ...... h1terllrt 1:00 • ,..,..., c.n..r e SC.1 Tr• e lllttlt: tJ ''ft1f111 Lutller· llteb" (ad•) ·~1 -lohn Waynt • 8W.W.Wllfs.ts •• 00"'" QllM • -..: "IN Sly It .._.. .. (~) '71-Clthtnnt Bwrni. RICllard ~. Rtdll1d CrtMa QJ)~ •st.ers.cc.t ... ,,..,. MMOc-.1t• -5:30- •WLC..tl lllt ..... 1=:.w .. s,n II nit lllll se., h;IM ........... I IVlllNI eaoo I ~: <ft,'!!: """" (trl} 'U lolln Wayne, Dav d l•nsMn. li111 HuttOll. [IJ ""Haw .., Mowle: (2111) "lltktd 111111le" (dra) ·~-Cllaflton Heston f2J)Rt1Mip GT11"'*-t -6:30- •CD • Cl>a a ..... 8 lbfy TJltr ,._, @~lZ f2J) .......... lM ID Jlllll ClllW & C.. (9) U..-1c"'7 S.U•litc 7:00 fl Tiit W Is u,_Jfs Good! A profile of frank Co11al -ptace·kteller IOI Ille Loa Anreles Rams CD bitt1MCJ OM 8 $UI luvtJ Siio. • EytwltMsa IM Allcttti Cl) 1'1lt Rt4 .... G Tiit UMllCllm W11 (1DJ l'lllt'1 HollyWOll . • [Z 121> QJ) Tiit Llwrtl!Ct Welk SMw 0 lf1111t That T1111t ID Oftca Upc111 A Clallk fll) Solti c.MUcb Q)lo1 .. Mtab (8) Alllti11 City UtwitJ 8:00 G~ETOCWH? • "THE WHITE SHADOW" • 0 Tll• Wllil• ,. .... CoKh Reeves' basb~ll ltam is enioy1nr 1n exc1tln1 filSt·ever com ~rc1al ll1cht on the11 way to 1n 1nw1tat1on1I tournament unlH Ille pllnt suddenly devtloP' • malfunc hon and 11 torceil to make 1n eme1 1ency landln1 8 @ 0 CHll'I "P1wu1t Point" A wullhy men 1nd his crand· ci.uahtei are the taraets ot a phony prottction Kheme whieh Jon and Ponch try to unravel. Rudy Vallee and lll11r Francis Ctosby auost • ro 9 a"" ....,. .. , No NtllflOfl lnform1tion m itable ...... : 9'l (tOM) 'TM IMt PIC!tl" (•dv) '3•-VictOI Mcllalen. m "U,.uil'I Downmlrs'' • a.ct wltfl .. SMwll . "-'"' .,........ e llltoftt: (~r) "OMttt" (wes) ·~-Joh11 Way11t. 0 ,....,.r., o.t fftllllt e U.. r~ 11111 lht (311<) "Louisa Mllltt" Vttdl's tracic TyroCun love llGl'f. Mt 111 the early 18111 century IHlu11n1 Rtn•t• Scotto, Ptattdo Ooml11ao. Slltt11N Milnes. 8onlldo Ci.tniottl end J1ma Morris llfl'tes ltmt c.ondllCCS. SimukA$1 Oft KUS<; &Smtltl .. Reynolds stars n W W 811&hl who dnves his llashy cu throueh lllt Oup South stopp1n1 now 1nd then to rob 1 p s station Alter robbrn& a station btlonain& to Southland 011 WW shps into• 1Ym where the D111e Dan«k1n1s ait pllyin1 fie decides 10 11u a chance at manac1na lht O.ncekmrs 1nd l>tlOft lone, he's 101 thtu hopes hrch. bul also their upenses, so be and l11s nt'll !>'rtners ieturn to robb1nc service stahons lo raise enou1h money for 1 llin111 lht biltJl!e 8 0 0 SP'ECIAL S•,tr ltwl Slt•My lli&flt-All Al-Stal CtlllMy $111Q ID OM " -.r1ai•, Gmt ~ (Wlftb (21u) In this unique comtdy/wa11tty spec1Jl lhe accenl 1s on entertainment and football tun 0 J Simpson and Ted Kn11ht oo host with a roster of stio. bu11neu hud liners and p10 football standouts Jo1nma Simpson and Kn11t11 arr rounc Cary Coleman. spartscaster Howard Costll, Arte Johnson. Bob Hooe. singer Melba Moor~• d tht Los Anceles Rams Churl e1$ Mlona h1ahh&hts are hu s hims of NFL action locus1na on unbellev iblt anC:11on evenls a Ollltr lroMwly Franll Gorshm and Marty Allen ptrfOfm a rn ~ a1> s,.c1.1 ,,.,,.,,: W.aet I (2 h1) Andr C11tt11h stars as H111y 8rode11cll a man dedicated lo dolnc the 1mpou.blt, ind with his daredtv1l 1dnn1urers (T 11sh Stewarl and loet H1u1ns). he's prep111d lo ro anr-tiere. anytime, 10 brinr back wt111 others can't Joeether. !her iournty to the moon wilh the intent of salw111n1 lhe space equipment lelt there to ,.11 to the h11hest bidder Co-slamn1 are Jacqueline Scott, R1th11d Jaeckel, R1te1111 Bo!id and J J1y Saundm m 0-. rar .. Slllw 0 lM ,,.. itle llltt • Ml o.lc.t Cllerytlll (It CllA fftttntatleNI SMw Youn1 coun11, music 11hsts lrom 111111 lore1cn c:Oun111es 111 lt1lu1ed In one ol Huhv111e·, la11ut local shows ol the yeai. -9:30- ..... It: • (90111) "'"' SMtdltl" (myi) ··~-8o111 K11lolf ..... " .. 10:00 e c.tteaa la1htll1ll UClA vs A111on1 hPt dtlay. • c.llilet • c.ni JillelleJ TV WEEK JANUARY 14 1979 tRJ lepq '" Sollll4 -10:30- 11:00 .. .,.., e CIJO ._, G SeotM Qty T*risilft CD llltrie: "H ...,,._ II JIM" (com) ·~9-0oos Oay. lad. Lemmon @ Mowie: "Tiit IOir1 Who lnn Too lludt" (mys) '69-Nancr Kwan .., Tiit GoMies O MM-IZ fl.) lllt¥1e: "Tilts ot Holt111ann" (m11S) ·~3-Morra Sheare1 1.8) s,.rt s,.ci.tl of tit• Mofttll -11:30- lll lilwle: "Tiit War lorll" (d1a) 65-Charlton Heston llltM: "l>tteft lt•ts" (adv) 'SJ~R1<h1rd Burton. James Mason O VitJlis/Olymplc Track • Indoor Meet from II. Y. D @ (Jf) Vllalla/U.S. Olympic ln•lt1tlon1I Trac• & fitld MHI Com11e of the firs1 ma101 meet of lllt indoor season lllany top track and held llhletu 1nclud1na Oic~ Buer~tr. Fran~hn JaGDbs. Renaldo Nehemiah •nd Mark Belaer compete from Madison Square Carden e Mowia: "81a Cloe._," "M1SS1on to P111d1st ... "Incredible P111l In" dtnl," "Wayne Mu1drr Case" 8 Mt¥it: ''Trillo If Tt1r«" (hot) '75-Karen Black Robert Burton c-.dy s,.. Ill MGM: ""-! Oii S1ta.'5 tin" (susp) '70-Palrd W)m11k !1JJ Mt¥it: "P!Nswt ., His Cont· puy" (com) '61 -r re4 Asl111e Oebbre Reynolds. l1lh f1lmer G) Tht Wla 12:00 {j) Mowle: "HorMt'• lttst'' (dll) '10 Rock Hudson, Syiv11 KofC1n1 1:00 .. OJ llec:l C-rt m MtMa: "Black Sabbath.' ·we Wttt Slr1n1e1t" a» MtMa: "lnvu1on," ··r~e,Uile" -1:30- .. Tiie Ad'911tlll'tn 2:00 • TllbMl!t/ll .. 11: "011• TMtt " v-..•· (com) '50-Arl CMdner, Robe« Wll~tr, ht Atdtn e lil"iu : "Wu Devils," "9oth Sldts of Ill• law" SYSTIM OF THI W.. DB'BC>AILI HIGH ~I THE YAMAHA CR2020 AM-FM STEREO RECEIVER Superb perlormance throughout Exciting new convenience features RMS· Power Output of 100 Watts per criannel (Both channels driven Into 8 Ohms. 20 to 20.000 Hz) with no more than an incredibly low 0.05% Total Harmonic Distortion THE JVC OlA-2 QUARTZ LOCK TURNTABLE Over 100 times better speed accuracy than conventional direct drive turntables Complete with baae. dust cover and the Ortofon FISE MKll cartridge. a high performance unit that reahzes 1t1 full potel)!ial 1n the 0LA·2·s Tracing Hold Tone Arm • THE ESS AMT·t8 SPEAKER SYSTEM oomblnes ' the 8udrene low lreQuency drtver with the Heil Atr Motion Tran1former to produce a freauency response from below 35Hz to beyond eudlblllty The uniaue shape and polar pattern of the AMT 18 aaaure a full stereo Image at every position in your listening room. This complete system combinH outstanding ' performance with ease of operation and long-term dependabUlty . . PLUS extra savings as Atlantic's System of the Week. ltMULAI UST P'tUCI UHUI mexen U&.TU"D'IMAMtC UOCH CAI T l\t tllOIClt ti "'•"~ "°'"tlOMI ,..,. _.. wllO ••"' .,.,, Wldo>••"t• llltft fldMll\I TM 90 l!'MIUlo ........ ii MINI lot lllO 111 W -- Utt ,,... u." UMll ._....... l/ICW1t TV-WEEK, JANUARY 14. 111711 SA VIE OVER $300 OH A COMnm SYSTIM ROTEL RX403 AM·FM STEREO RECEIVER YES. this Is the same unit that is recommended by the leading consumer magazine This new 25 watt per channel receiver features the latest direct-<:<>upled circuitry for extra-low d1stort1on and a sound· onented tuner section for excellent FM reoephon KENWOOD K01033 MANUAL TURNTABLE A handsome bell drive turntable that combines accurate SP8ed and fight tracking at a very appeahng price Complete w1lh lhe Shure High Track cartridge UL TR ALI NEAR 175 LOUDSPEAKER SYSTEM UL"s newest lull size 3 way acoustic suspension system utilizes a 12" long-throw woofer for extra full bass response Complete wit~ circuit protection sentry for years of satisfying music 5 year warranty included c...,.... s,....._.._...._., U.t f'rke $734.40 OYAMAHA JVC =» 'J • ' FRE~ " I I (' mexell. CASSITTI STOU•I IOI Holda 12 cassettes Purch1M tout Mbell Low Noise C·90 90 minute c11sette tapes at ATLANTIC'S apeclal low price of SUe each (Llat Prl09 $3.90) and get this ator,gt box FREE Whil• they last LIMITED TO K ON HANO Utt Price 1.-1 r.... "'°"" U.H UTIMDID PA,.._.,. -tO DAYS, NO IMTlllST