HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-04 - Orange Coast Pilot• ..... ~ VOL. 72, NO. 35, 7 SECTIONS, 102 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1979 • TEHRAN . lran C P > Ayatollah Ruhollab Kbom lru vowed Saturd y to waae holy war 111ut the sba.b·appolnted governmenl or Sbabpour BakbUar wile tl re lfnJ, But th · military sent ham a ti ar signal It will opposa any attempt to selie power by unconsUlu· llonal means. Despite the bard·line demands of tb 78-year-0ld Moslem re· liglous leader. informed lranJan sources said the two sides are t.lkint behJnd th ang comorom Khomeini, who orcbe1trated from exile the atruaal tbat drove Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Crom th country, wants to abotlsb the monarchy and wants Bakhtlar out as prime minister so be can appolnt his own provisional government to est.blish an Islamic reP.ubUc. Speaking at a news con- ference, Khomeini sajd be would establJab the covernment "very soon." Bakhtiar declined all com· menl on Khomeln.i 's statements. But a Balthtiar spokesman un. derlined that Khom e ini threatened to order his followers to talte·up arms against the gov· eroment only tr a "suitable solu· tion is not found." Diplomatic sources said they believed the next three days will be crucial in determining the at- titude of the armed for...ces and whether Iran will move toward a bloody confrontation. The military has the key to power, and most or all of its top com· manders are believed loyal to the s hah and Bakbtlar. The sen· timents or the rank·and-file soldiers are less certain. · The sources, who asked not lo be named, said the armed forces "must be hoping for a com· ·promise" lo maintain unity witbJn their fragile ranks. Informed Iranian sources said I Sidelin~s Sloppg Too ••• 7 l Christ y Johnson. 16, and Debbie Lee, 15. found good weather required an open air c ure and invited ~ clean fun Saturday at an Irvine park event-mud-ball. youngsters to Mason Regional Park. This pair hadn't City parks people decided five days of stay-at-home even played yet . See P.~ge A2 for more. ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! Grit's Trickle Tracked .. f f Sand Fingerprinted to Stymie Winter Erosion By ARTHUR VINSEL OfTlleOallyPllotS~ff Man's attempts to influence or control his environment for the gr eatest good have produced some stories of true grit and a new one is unfolding here. Sar:td, coming from rocks millions of years old and travel· , ing through temp es t - w rack e d rivers and s p'l ashing s treams t o the awesome, engulfing sea 1 is the s ub· stance. Sand. s u n . w 0 r . VI L sbipers wiggle and squirm down into its embrace. CHALLENGES. MET Global Marine Development de· ' signed the Glomar Explorer to · pluck a Russian submarine frorn the depths eight yearS ago: You ) should see what they're doing I now! Page Cl. ( FEATHERED FAMILY -~ What do tou do when your t daughter's love for animals - I and the pet food bills -get out r of band? Carpenter Norma I Robinson of Newport Beach f dund the answer . . . build a pet store and put the young lady in charae. Page Cl. BLEN'D'S BUSTLING -Tbe goal ol rock bands is to "hap- pen'' and that doesn't Just hap- pen. Blend rock band memben talk about who they naUy are at home and olf1tage In contra.t to the bl,,.·powered performances and tmaees they malntam on atqe anciOD tbaroad.l>aieB7. . . Soldiers have fought and died on it for ages. Children have la ughed and played and molded it into magic images atthe seashore. natural process of almost The lonely leave their fool· Biblical proportion; that for the prints in it under gray. winter sea there is a time for taking skies" away and a Ume for giving Where does the sand come back. from tbal we t ake so for grant· Manmade changes on land, in ed, until it begins to go-and bis natural resources, have when that happens, where does changed the course of rivers and it go? ocean currents, which in tum re- Hundreds of tons of ll are taliate by changing landforms carved away by beachfront and topography. erosion every winter up and The only scientist on the West down the California coast and in Coast engaged ln sand erosion ·recent decades, the U.S. Army research desig ned to alter Corps of Engineers has replaced mankind's works a nd perhaps it. restore harmony between nature Generally. authorities con· and construction is USC as. cede. the pattern occurs in a sociate professor of geology Dr. STEVENSON'S SEVENTH - The irrepress ible McLean Stevenson has a new TV series, his seventh, but show biz folk still consider him one of the best bets for success. He talks about "Hello Larry," why be didn't want to do it and bow his "de· m ands" -wer e met by the network. Page 88. Robert Osborne. Samples scooped from Orange Coast strands from Seal Beach, Sunset Beach and Surfside Colony south to the Santa Ana River Jetty at Newport Beach are being analyzed at use . Dr. Osborne and his col· leagues can literally est8'bllsh a beach's fingerprint, because each beach is unique In the in· land rock ro.,.mations which gave birth to Its sand. ''This kind or work bas been extremely successful in Mon· terey Bay," says Dr. Osborne. ~He ls a1IO engaged in studying the sands of Santa Barbara, San· ta Monica and San Pedro on the eve of beginnlog to probe the origins of sands on Orange·Coast beaches. Tbe process or trying to tilen· Ufy where they came from perhaps JOO mllea or more in- land requires five years of work involvln1 tbe taking of sand Hmplet twtce the flnt year. "We put divers itt the .water at different tfltea," says Max 0.11.• ••1.0THCT"*I Bowman,· former Huntl~on CtMr ~ ,......, ..., Beach Uf.,uard captain and U · TV.... -alltant dU'ector of IC. Depart-... J ment oC Harbors, Beaches and Parks. Lifeguards take samples from the Mean lfigh 1'de Line at 6- foot depths out to 30 feet beneath the sea's surface for analysis. During December, his men re· moved 200 samples of 500 grams of sand each Crom 40 specified re- search sites between Seal Beach and Newport Beach. "I didn 't develop the methodology. It is calyad the Fourier Technique and it was developed by Robert Ehrlich at the University of South Carolina," says Dr. Osborne. It works on the basic principle of fingerprint analysis. Some people working on the fringes of the sand erosion re· search project have been led to literally believe miscroscopic analysis of millions of grains of sand tells their beach or origin. Grain an~lysis ls based on shape, color and type of rock i.n- . volved, Dr. Osborne continqed. "It does n 'l identify the beach," the Westchester geologist explained. "It Iden· titles the rock and by analyzing tbe rock, we can tell from what rlveritenteredtheocean. "Let's say we bJld six clUferent colored grains of s and represent· ed on one beach, we can assume they came from one area," be explained. The professor ofCered the . analogy that one could anume upon flodlng six expended bulleta lying on the beaeb that they were all fired trom the same weapon, but by u1in1 modem techniques it may show •ix. different gum. The system keyed to alx harmonious rock types Is bNed CS. SAND, Pase Al) • t senior military commanders met with a representative of Khomeini Friday night to ex- press "appreciation" that he had not acted drastically to take over the country. Tbls was a clear warning to Khomeini and his followers that the mllltary is serious in its commitment to the constitutional system, which provides for a shah. The stern.faced Khomeini , wearing bis now.familiar black robes and rum~ted turban, said at his news conference: "We. will trY to solve the problem tbl'ougb non-violent means. But 1 if the illegaJ government of Bakhtiar with the support of America and Britain continues to defy the will of the people and brings forces from Israel, then we will take other means to brtng it down." He said of the army, "If they come into the arms of the people we will embrace tbem." · · - MUtrial Calkd · . FloOd May ~ace Retrial WASHINGTON CAP > -A Cederal judge declared a mistrial Saturday in the bribery and per· jury trial of Rep. Daniel F1ood after a jury reported that it could not reach agreement on any of 11 counts agains t the veteran Pennsylvania Democrat. One juror said later that the panel had voted 11·1 for convic- tion on six bribery counts, but "a' contrary old man" refused to budge. U.S. District Judge Oliver Gasch re)>eatedly pressed the jury of eight men and four women to try to reach at least a partial verdictooguiltorinnocence. But after nearly three days of deliberations, jury roreman Robinson told the judge, "Your honor, I am sorry to say at this lime it is impossible to reach a verdict." G ascb then reluctantly declared a mistrial. Flood, the 75-year-old act.or. tumed-eongtessman, bad been on trial for nearly three weelt.s on charges that be engaged ln a six· year scheme in which be traded bis vast political influence on Capitol Bill for at least '50,000 in cash and lOOsbanll of bank stock. In its votes, the jury, wttb one holdout, voted for conviction on sill" bribery counts, according to Juror JDbnnie L)!les. Sbe Mid the panel favored acquittal on a . .~ ........... JURY COULDNPJ DECIDE ' Rep. O.nlet F1ood ~ f seventh bribery charge, but was . uaabletoreacb a unanimous vote. • Mn. Lyles said the jury never . took votes on tbe conspiracy and perjury charges. "It was Just a contrary old man w.bo held out on everything for ac· <See FLOOD, Page A!)· Seat·tle W elcoIDes Chinese Premier ~ SEATTLE CAP> -A tired Teng Hsiao·ping arrived in Seal· tie on Saturday for the fin al stop of an American tour to examine the technology his country needs to bring it up to date. HB Pilot Killed In Crash Rescue teams scouring snowy terrain Saturday found the body of Huntington Beach pilot Ken· netb Rand inside the wreckage of his small plane which crashed in the Wrigbtwood foothills near Phelan last week. Rand 46 had radioed a "may· day" to' Edwards Air t'oi:ce base on Wednesday. The distressed pilot said be "was going down" and was 14 miles south to southwest or the Apple Valley Airport, a Barstow Sheriff's DepMtment spokeswoman said. "The guy didn't ba~e a chance," Marine Staff Sgt. Harold Davis said, who W8:91Pne of the first searchers to arrive at the crash site. Rand, an owner of Raad· Robinson Engineering Inc. ln Huntington Beach, was return· ing to Meadowlark airport in Huntington Beach from Van Hom, Texas. The veteran aviator was pllot· Ing a 14·(oot experimental aircraft be bad designed. He had Just dernonsthied the plane ln an airaboW in Lakeland, Fla., Rand's business partner-Dan . Richards said. Reportedly the pilot Oew into a storm while .crossing the San Bernardino mountalna and his engine lc:ed up. Rand bas· been oper'linl the Hunllqtoo Beach bualneal for 1even years and was an e)ec. tronlct enctneer with McDonnell Douclu Corporation previously. He ls survived by his wife and three children, a1es 21, 11 and 111. Aides to the Chinese vice pre· mier said be was quite weary from the vigorous schedule he has followed for the past week - he has visited the nation's capital and toured industries in Georgia and Texas -and would have oo appointments Saturday evening or this morning. Teng shook hands with mem· be rs or Was hington's con· gressional delegation and Gov. Dixy Lee Ray after stepping off his jet. He then went by limousine to his hotel, the Washington Plaza, where a crowd of 200 to 300 stood outside to greet bim with applause. Today, the Chinese leader is to tour a Boeing assembly plant where the 747s his country bas ordered a.re built. He had talked earlier Saturday about bis hopes for an increase in his country's oil productictn -which could help pay ror the technology he wants -and abou( his continued support of the embattled Cambo.' dian government. A group of about 30 demon- s trators gathered at the airport out of Teng's view ~ shouted such slogans as "Death to Teng," and ''Long Live Mao l Tse-tung." SmaU de monstra· lions have greeted Teng • throughout bis visit and several ~ others were planned here -by , Taiwanese and conservatives as 1 well as the pro·Maoiats. ~ Even beCore the Cblnese pre· I mier arrived in Seattle, Maoist ' demonstrators staged a "Red ! Book March" through the city's. 1 University District, then met a wall of police and marched back again. Police said tbe group did not have a parade permit. Teng arrived Crom Houston, where be left in a drizzle and without the Canfare that greeted,, his arrival. On bis last day in the Texas city, he toured the Hughes Tool Co., which makes the sophisticated equipment bis country needs to develop oil re- serves. Saturday 1»omln1 the vice premier told a lllOUP of Tens editors and pabllabers tbat be expeds China's petroleum elt- ports to increase steadily, although ~ aald he could not <See aDNA, Pase At> • • •' A.I , ~LV PllOT Hore tlae /tl~kier o.ilf .............. .,. ......... .,.. Nothing like a IJttlt! muck to make mayhem m erry, and if a little turns into a lot. all ~ merrier. So it seemed Saturday wh en lrv1ne·s Mason Regional Park personnel turned a ram-soaked at ea into a football field for a game of touch foot .. t>r. make that mudball. Above, two girls work on an unladylike tackle, coating themselves with mud in the process Below. it's catch as best you can with a football that was only slightly less slick than the players. Chinese Kick· Tires At Lockheed Plant PALMDALE <AP l China's vice premier of science and leehnoJogy got a sales pitch on California airpla n es from Lockheed Corp. Chairman Roy Anderson and Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. during a visit to the aerospace C\rm 's plant he re Saturday. Vice Premier Fang Yi, bead of China's Stale Council for Science and Technology, in· spected two Lockheed LlOll TriStars while scores of Secret Service and Slate Department agents patrolled inside the huge plant in this desert town about 45 miles north or Los Angeles. "I think they'd like to buy some aircraft," Brown said Fro.Page AJ CIDNA •. , ., predict bow much the country could produce. He also said that alt.bough the Chinese did not fully suppor\ all the policies of the Pol Pot t e· gime, China would support Cam- bodia against what be called massive Vietnamese aggression. Chinese Forelgq_Min\ate r Huang Hua said, meanwhile, that the "Gang of Four" is alive. well and living in Peking "under certaln • festrictions.' • Ue said the group was "not ln prison," but did not give further details during bis brief conversa\ion wltb reporters. The rour, led by Chairman Mao Tse·tung's widow, Chiang Ching, were arrested in 197'7 as a group of pragmatists led by Teng seized power. The group baa been villlfied by Chinese propaganda and blamed for all of the excesses or the last years under Mao. Teng and his party arrived ln Houston on Frtday after vi.sits to Washington and Atlanta. He spent much of the day sightsee· ina. p1lotln1 a space s huttle simulator and vislUng a rodeo where be was presented with a prhe bull. after the tour. "They think the tourist business in China will go to several billion dollars in the next few years and they need long-range aircraft." Fang and bis party were to make an early m orning trip to Disneyland and a tour of the Port of Long Beach today. The Chinese visitors then go lo Seat· tle, where they will rejoin the party of Vice Premier Teng Hsiao-Ping for the completion of their historic visit to the U.S. The 74-year-old Fang, dressed in a blue ChlneSQ suit, was ac- companied by his wife, Madame Yin Sen, and 17 other Chinese of· ficials. Also present was Dr. Robert Frosch, administrator or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, a nd dozens of· reporters from the United States, China and Europe. Fang and his party arrived at the snowy airfield outside the plant ln a White House jet, a Boeing 7'11, anct-were greeted by Brown, Anderson and other Lockheed executives. The dimunitive vice premier s~nt about 60 minutes at the gleam· ingly clean plant. Hit and Run Driver Held AD 18-year-old Brea man was hospitalized in intensive care Saturday, victim of a hit· and·run driver, Brea police aaid. Harold Renta, 1$, waa taken \D St. Jude's Hospital following the 4 : 30 p. m. accident in the in· tersectioo of Walnut and Fir streets. In custody. held 'on auaplck>n of the felony offense is Aurelio Contreras, 19, of El Monte, police said. Contreras was driving a Un· colo CootlnentaJ, according to police, and a truck Ren la's Datsun Pickup truck broadllde. The accident b 1UU under ln· vestlga~ Duty (Intl the B~tUt OK Animal Control Officer Corrects Dogged IDlage By JAC&lt; HYMAN inc up strays. and ticketin1 0t•o.11,~1,_.,..., owners for law violations to re~ Owls stuck &n barbed wtre localiq wild anlmala, cbecldbg tencn, bones trapped ill mud. out barldng dog complalnts, res- c ow 1 wandering on Coast cuing Injured creatures and, Hl1hway and boa constrictors a.adly, pl.eking up dead animals. alt~~ing throJ!Kh ~s1ll49l\l"l.l "Our. bhr~est problem ls dog neljhborhoods -tbey•re allJ>&rt defecallon:r Gill said. ''People of a day's worlc for Duncan GW. continue to Jet their. dQf$ loul the The 23·yeat-old Hunthttton -aTreets and oon't want to clean Beach resid'wfll i s one of up after them. Newport Beach's six animal "It's bard to enforce because control officers. you have to observe the dog And although he's been bitten make bis little mess and the four times ln the line of duty, owner then walk away from it." Glll's biagest problem isn't with Other unpleuant duties are four.footed denizens at all. It's ticketing people for such viola· with people. do "People have this terrible im· tion.s 88 allowing gs on the age that we're out to hurt beach during prohibited hours, allowing dogs loose without a animals," said Gill. who began leash and picking up strays, Gill his career working for the Los said. AnJeles Society for the Preveo· "People should put identifica· lion of Cruelty to Animals. i "At least once a week so-tion on the r dogs," he said. meone will call me 'dog killer' "Fewer dogs would wind up get· as I drive down the street, .. he ~~~g d~yed. Licenses protect s aid-,..J!ll's totally erroneous. Gill said . be als o wishes We're here to help the animals, · to pick them up when they're Newport Beach residents would hurt or lost... keep lo mind that animals found The animal control officers' in that city are not taken to the duties, be s. aid. range from pick· county animal shelter. Instead. they go to the Balboa Animal Hospital at 6904 W. Pacific Coast • Highway, where they are held for four days. Sometimes. he said, an owner never knows his dog bas been in trouble. 'In bad weather, Gill says, he sometimes chases a dOJ home and finds that no one is there and a gate has clearly been blown open. In that case,,. he'll just lock the dog inside, be said. Although animal control of· ficera cite violatol'8, they don't carry guns or otherwise (unction . SailsFull .,.....,~ .... $ .... ,.... AIDS A.NIMALS Duncan 0111 as regular police officers, Gill said. . He hims elf was hired specifically for animal control work nine months ago, after working for several yean ln the same capacity in Manhattan Beach and DoWl)ey. He said his Cavorile types of cases involve helping wild animals. "There's still a lot of wildlife surrounding this area," Gill said. In one reeent incident, be bad to cut loose an owl that had flown into a barbed wire fence Vallarta Racers Off By ALMON LOCKABEY .,...., ................. ...,. Under crystal clear skies , backdropped by snowcapped mountains, 21 sailing yachts grabbed spinnakers full of a brisk northwesterly breeze off Marina del Rey Saturday in the fifth renewal of the biennial Puerto Vallarta race. The ideal weather conditions provided one of the most colorful long-distance race starts ever seen In these parts as multicolored spinnakers blossomed on every boat in the fleet-witb.i.o-eeconds of the start- ing signal from the Del Rey Yacht Club committee boat. Finl to pop a chute, even before the starting gun, was Monte Livingstone's Class A en- try Checkmate from the host club. First to cross the llne on a reaching start was the 69-foot sloop Drifter. under charter to a DRYC syndicate. Her rival for first to finish, a Long Beach syndicate-sailed Ragtime. started about the mid· die of the line with a reefed maip and spinnaker. The 39-foot sloop Vixen. skip. 'pered by Charles Cheyney. San Diego Yacht Club. was about 10 minutes late getting to the start- ing line because o! engine trou· ble at the dock. The Cresb breeze should carry the racing fleet into Mexican Waters by late today. Elapsed time record ror the course is 6 days 3 hours and 39 seconds set by the 83-foot sloop Sirius II in 1975. on the Castaways site and lake It to the animal shelter to have the wire removed from its eye. Gut said he's also helped rope off two e lephant seals that beached themselves in different parts of the city in the past two months and were too heavy to be moved. -_ . ...t1nfortunately, T~owateri<ls to gather.'' he said. ''Seals can bile very severely." They even· tually returned to the sea, he said. Coyotes turn up fairly often and one fox was reported recent· ly on tbe west side of Upper Newport Bay, Gill said. An animal control officer finally spotted it sitting in a tree to escape high water. "We just left it alone," be said. Not all the exotic animals re· covered are wild. Gill said he's picked up three boa constrictors in the city ln the past nine months "and I have my doubts that they're in· digenous to the area." Animal control officers are also called upon occasionally to pull horses out or mud in the Back Bay or shoo Irvine Ranch cows off Coast Highway wbtte there's been a break ln the fence, be , said. " And another Newport animal officer was called once when a large parrot landed in a woman's back yard and began screaming, "Help, help, "·'Gill said. The bird got away. . Gill said he's nol afraid of ex· olic beasts. ln fact. his four bit.es during his four years of animal control work have all been from common, garden-variety dogs. ,.,... Pflfff!! Al FLOO.D ••• quittal. He didn't want facts;he dldn 't want evidence, be wouldn't hear anything we had to say.·: she said, refusing to identify the juror. "I think the defense out· smarted the prosecution in pick-_, Ing the jury." · However, The Washington Star, quoting .two unnamed jurors, said the jury also voted 11-1 to convict Flood on the three perjury counts. Flood. who never took the wit- ness stand in his own defense, smiled broadly when the mistrial was declared, and later told re- porters: "l regret that the jury was una- ble to reach a unanimous verdict of acquittal in its deliberations. To this very moment, l maintain my jnnocence of any wrongdoing in the charges which were con· sidered against me. 1 have no further comment.·' WESTERN PACIFIC WORKMAN WELDS SECTION OF 50,000 FOOT PIPELINE TO REPLENISH LOST SAND SAND EROSION SURVEYED. • • on mathematic probabilities and six harmonic sand grains found predominantly on one beach usually indicates they bad a common upstream or upcoast source. By tracing contrtbutary rivers which dump their sand and silt into the ocean, scientists can locate the point of origin and trace the sands' seaward pro- gress. ''Whal we are trying to do ls understand the 'Sediment · Budget'," S$ys Dr. Osborne, who is closely associated with the U.S. Anny Corps ot Engineers among other governtnen\ qen· cl~s. Tad Ni.dnald, project enameer for the Corpe of Engineers' cur- rent Sl mllllon·plua repleniah· ment of 1.s million cubic Jards of 11nd on Orange Cout beadles confen often with Osborne. "The major purpo1~. percen. taae·wi.ae, la to determine bow mucb land aoe. out to•·" •11• . . Nbinski. who supervises ils replenishment. By locating the original sand source, the research team can find out where the sea deposits it before taking it away again due to ero&ioa caused by man.made infiuences and winter storms. This gives a clue to what ocean currents are involved and they will almost always lead to identification of some man· made jetty, pier or other struc· ture that altered coastal cur- rents. Corpe of Engineers persoMel may then be forewarned about future ocean construcUon Pn>· Jeets aocl dellgn them according· ly, to either baJt ellisUn1 erosion orpreventlt. "lt'a klnd of Uke asking an enciDMr t.o develop an airplane wit.bout lmowinl the nature or alr,'' explai.nl Dr. Oabome of the sand study, MODe1 tor tbe project ranalna from Seal Beach. Surfilde Colony and ~t 8eacb south came just in UQ>e! due to this winter's storm erosion. The funds were allocated several years agO', indicating how far ahead agencies and the federal government must look now due to lack of f oreslgbt in the last ~tury. "We've done tracings before with colored sand," notes Htlnl· ington Beach Depat:tme~l _or Harbors and &:aches AsslSlant Director Bowman. "But you lose it pretty fast." The suPP91edly J)ermanently pa1nted sand ln those expert· meots was thought to have vanished lnto undersea canyons, but authorities believe the un- relenting marine elements almp- ly dest.ro)'td the paint. One mlaht even wonder lf the powerfQJ, petulant sea man has meddled with doean 't Jua\ bav. a secret t.o keep. SUNDAY DAILY PILOT O.Or-C-t l»lly Ptl04.wltfl wltl<lll\C- -•llt--l.1•"'*•"'"11\'t""Or-c ... ·~~ a.-• ._,..,_ .. . """'"" -'""""" "''""" ~ c .... . M<>w. -l!ot«ll, H<iftl"'O!Oft k4it' F-fAl•~Y•t~ lf"'<ttN!.~&Nt.,15outftC..-U A '*""'.., , . ....,.... ..,.,°' .,. OWOl•9'1Pd StturditnMIO -.,. ___ _. ....... .,. .... ".oil» "'-" .. , SI,...., Col••-. C <11,1w~1.o•ll'IO. ·-"-a,.,~"· t"'CI Pvt1f••""', J.C-11 c ..... Y•("p,,. Hjf4\l1.1"4~rMM.1n 191 T...,,_ot,ICNvtt l\J•l·)f" ,,,. ........ ~"""""' #4'~1f"O [d<ICW car.1-.. ~••C<l•IOo OttlcH (O\t .. -.W flt lJOWt•\tf\.••'fhtl l·t·,,~" .... "'" ''"(',~,.,.,., .... , HunhnQtOl'\~•ttt 11U\8"fl.-,.0.U•v~t4 T•lepllone (T14)M2·43Z1 ClaHlfled Actvenlllng 642·5471 ·••m '-" c•~f'l"l!!tl'\ffl' •IMIOO ,, __ ,,°'_, ...... ,~ ...... -540-1220 ~"''1: ~a:= .. ~..:!t.':t"..:O.~ m•Tttt ., .OV•ttt~Nnt\ PMtttt\ '"•• .. , ... , .... , ... •ttMvt , .. , ••• "''"'"""" .. '""''itftl -. ~ ........... , ........... e<t-•• .... .. t•lt•.,._ .• ,.,,,,,, ...... tty,.,,, .. u w fTW'\J.f\1¥ •• -"'••• MM ~N• ..... ....,,., Ot\1.,\1114'!\U '9-t•ry , • . ~orth Suoating lUIDut? SQUADRON OF YOUNGSTERS HOISTS CO-FOOT HUMPBACK BALLOON ALONG ROUTE David Rowe, 7, of Laguna Nlguel Alm• Machine Gun Whlle Tourlnq Patrol Boat . Da~ Point Harbor 's Festival of Whales goes into a second day oC cclebratibns today with tidepool walks, movies, s lide shows and ~ other events rocuslog on the giant sea mammals and other sea life. Tidepool tours and a look at area geology run from 9 a .m . to noon, starting at .-2:470aDana Drive. An art session focusing on whale biology ror adults and chltdren provraes an a chance to draw the creatures from 11 a.m. t-0 3 p.m. on the Dana Wharf patio. Whales will be airborne all day near the Dana Point shipyard as a pair of inflated replicas carry a balloonist aloft. John Perry •• sealife sculptor and marine mam- mal conservationist, will share his sea going ex- periences at 2:30 p.m. at the Marina Inn Motel conference room. The festival takes up again Saturday. Sunday and Mon- day for the n ext two weekends. DAIL V PILOT ..43 'GIRAFFE DIVERTSAlTENTION FROM WHALES Danielle Bird Grins at Lion Country Safarf Mascot ~ Chain f,ink Fence Saves -Local Man Mi.s.sed Teamwork S·hows.on Job Career Women's Network Boosts Merits of Togetherness Thanks lo a chain link fence, a 27-year-old Santa Ana man's car dido 't go over a cliff and he walked away unhurt fFom a rear-end collision. Irvine police said Robert Edward Haney. Jr., of 1801 W. MacArthur Blvd .. had parked orr 1ts northbound s ide near .Bonita Canyon lo take some pic- tures when his car was struck by an out-of-control vehicle, also northbound. The dazed Haney's station wagon came to rest against a chain link fence atop a nearby cliff Driver or the other car, Juan Jaime Arcadia, 20. of 1201 W. 6th St., in Santa Ana, was taken to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital a nd treated and released, a spokeswoman said. PoJice said Arcadia was driv- ing his car at a hlgb rate of speed when he lost control and went into a skid. Looks Dec!ei.,ing Why was this drama student made up to look so gruesome? Her strategic role in an emergency is explained on PageDl. By JOANNE REYNOLDS Human Services Agency. because I was a woman." 011111tcw•y1•1110\lff -During ber discussion, Ms. -After that, she explained. Career women might be better Finney also took time to defend came the angry st.age la which.. equipped to deal with the men her boa, Presldeb't Carter, ror she felt she bad to fight ever-they encounter if they'd been al-what s he a.aid are his un-yooe for her career. lowed lo play team sports and pubJlcized efforts to bring more been drafted into the military, -women into management job6 in according to one female govern-bis adminiatration. ment official. She termed the firing of Bella Lynne Finney, director or the Abzug from Carter's executive department of industry of the task force on a piece of bad tim- F ed e r a I Home Loan Bank ing for the bad publicity it <Ar Critically lnjrues Boy Board, made that observation generated. Friday during an infoi:mal lunch But she gave the President The prognosis was poor Satur- in New;port Beach with about 35 high marks for bringing women day for a four-year-old boy who Orange County career women. to Wasbingt.on in an atmosphere earlier in the day ran into the "I feel I really missed out by that fostered the fo unding of the path of a car in Santa Ana, not being in the Army, " she Net work. police said. said. "Because in the service In discussing her own career The child, whose identity men have experiences we don"t she said she went through stages police kept confidential. was -they learn to work as a team h " Un bo t h playing with some other •and support each other. If in er iee gs a u er own 1 ·d H d ten d h bllit to children a ongs1 e azar they're going to go up a hill, it's ~~i!:l: to~ :i~n wfJi !00J she Avenue when he darted into traf- together. had to work. he. an officer said. "They also learn to work with First, she said, she was fairly He was taken to St. Joseph pllekoep .• ~e they don't necessarily innocent about her ablllly to Hospital following the s p.m. ac- start a career as a law school cident in Orange where he un-Ms. Finney, 37, a former law graduate. derwent s urgery to repair professor and a former cor-"That didn't. last too long. In massive head injuries. porate attorney, talked primari-the days when 1 was looking for The driver or the auto was un- ly about her experience in learn-3 job, no one hesitated to tell me injured and released at the Ms. Finney said she hoped she'd gotten beyond that stage to a point Wber2 &he-lr~to urr-ders~ where tbe other J?ersoo -m Ill or femaJe -is coaiing from." A part of that un- derstanding emerged in an execuUve seminar she attended r ecently with management level employees or the country's biggest corporations. She said the men in her dis-cussion group frankly told her they have difficulty In relating to women they work with "in a warm way unJess it is in terms or a sexual relation. "They said they simply aren't equipped to deal with women on a c lose basis by any other means.'' Finally, Ms. Finney warned about a tendency she called "the Queen Bee Syndrome" in whict\ s uccessful career wome n become insecure about thei r achievements and as a result fail to help other women who are struggling in their jobs. "The best tbi'ng we can do is lo Wieder Seeks Aid help one another." she said. · ing to cope in a world dominated 1 wouldn't be hired simply scene. police said. by men. _:_.:::...:.::..:.:.:...:_:..:_~~~~.::.....:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-She is a founder of the For Coastal Duties Newly elected Supervisor Har- riett Wieder wants to appoint a former county planning com- missioner as her aJternate to the regional coastal commission, but she may have to take him on as a staff member first. Washington Network, a group of about 150 women executives, government leader s, pro- fessionals and diplomats who . ing on the commission -which meet monthly in a female meets e~ry Monday --she told version of what she described as her board colleagues she needed "the old boy's network." an alternate to help share the ' The meeUng was hosted by duties. Dorothy Doan, chairman of the She said she didn't wanl lo board of Newport-Balboa-Sav- Mrs. Wieder was given the re- gional coastal commission ap- pointment held by her pre- deces80r when she took her seat on tbe board of supervisors. suggest one of her current staff ings and Loan, and attracted members or another supervisor guests such as Harbor Judicial because they all need lo have District Court Judge Frances their Mondays free to prepare Munoz, physician Dorothy Ray, rortheTuesdayboard sessions. Newport Beach City Coun- . That's when s he re com-cilwomen Jackie Heather and But aft.er three weeks or serv-mendedtheappointmentofHunl-Evelyn Hart and Margaret inl{ton Beach resident Richard Grier, the head or the county's Supe~or's Husband Due For Surgery Footner who served on the coun- t y Planning Comm Issi on between 1976 and 1978. Footner also was a member of the county Harbors, Beaches and Parks Commission in the year prior to his appointment to the planning commission. But the men or the board of • supervisors balked at tbe sug- .. ge.stion that someone other than Supervisor Harriett Wieder of a board member or a staff aide the second district wlJl be absent should serve as a coastal com- rrom Orange County for about mission alternate. two weeks to accompany her •'I was appointed by the husband to Milwaukee where be board, so I went to tbe meet- is slated to undergo open heart ings," chided Supervisor Ralph surgery on Monday. Diedrich. The announcement was made At Diedrich's suggestion, Mrs. Friday by Mrs. Wleder's staff Wieder a1reed to consider mak· m e-m b e--r s w Ii o s a r a tn e ing 'Foomer a vo ilnt.eer member supervl!or and her husband, Irv-of her staff so that she wouldn't ms, left earlier in the day for the be break.inc board tradlUon. .,Id t ·she apparenUy has reacbed no IQ wes · final decision. Her aide, Pam Surgery to repalr a nearly Zanelli, Hid Frtday the aubject bl o c k e d a rte r Y II to be or the sWf appointment -but performed at Mt. Slnal Hoepital not the commlsalon •l>polnfment by Dr. Dudley Johnson. -lssUllunderconsideraUon. TuvKilled lnHead,.on Wllision Two crash victims were burned beyond recognition when their car incinerated in a head· on collision with another vehicle on ltnperial Ulghway early Saturday morning, a Caliromla Highway Patrol oflicer said. Two occupants of the other car _ were-:lrijured n lhe 2:30 a.m. crash and taken to Canyon General Hospital but their Iden·. tlflcatJon and conditloo were UD· available, tbe officer aaid. Dental studies will be conduct. ed on the two dead vlct.lma, the coroner'• omce aald. Jdentifica· lion Is expected Monday. Sweet:Hot Mustard Pwrftct wltfl BEEF STICK• Summer ~ ,.11 ••• llckh ttttv fl•~ to othtr food•. toot 1n... OFF , .... ., P'I~ ~ of ti oi. jer Offer expires Feb. t8th OF OHIO IN &oath Coast ?tui ~ . . . . . ., . . • . HAIL TURNED BEACH INTO 'SNOW SCENE' Sky dropped its all on county What a week, weatherwise! Storms of all sorts did their worst in Orange county, coating Huntington Beach sands with a layer or hail raining when sunshine was ex- pected Friday, even tornado-like winds that hit parts of Santa Ana. The hail, some pellets as large as golf balls, most the size of peas, damaged a number pf houses slight· ly and helped knock down a patio cover in Huntington Beach. County farmers struggled to keep crop damage · minimal as temperatures dropped to 21 degrees early Tuesday morning, and Santa Anans watched winds hurl a utos and roofing as if they were litter. The beaches pre- sented a strange sight Wednesday when hail covered many a reas with a coating of white. And the weather upset plans for a protest of UC lrvine coverage of a wet T-shirt con- test. Demonstrators were rained out. A predicted dry spell between the early-week storm and one that hovered somewhere orr the coast turned into yet another soaking Friday when sneak rainfall surprised the weather bureau, a storm they just didn't notice. ,,,,,,, Temporary bridge out temporarily When the storms passE:d through several weeks ago, they wiped out a bridge on Jeffrey Road in I rvine. Engineers a r e busy now putting the last touches on :i temporary span, a pair of World War lJ vintage pontoon bridges San Clemente that will accommodate traffic until a permanent bridge can be built in a bout 8 months Nearly 10,000 cars u se the roadway daily, h aving used a dirt and rock road built in the bed of San Diego Creek -until rain washed that out too about 2 weeks ago. The only de· lay. said engineers, is that .. a few days of dry weathe r are needed to put blacktop on the unpaved steel struc- ture Door dispute swings shut One of the last chapters in the political strife in San Clemente that ended in recall of three councilmembers closed last week when city inspectors finally found out what was behind closed doors al Mona Lisa Galleries, owned by recalled Mayor William Walke r. Charges of an illegal machine shop in a closed 4·foot walkway bes1de the basement gallery brought inspectors out several times before they could gain entrance. All tbe fuss and fury turned out to be for nothing, said one inspector, "there was no evidence when I was there of any manufacturing equip· ment in the back." Kerinedys Add New (}ouple G UADWYNE. Pa. <AP) - Joalllb P. KeJ1oed7 n. the son ot Etht\ and the late Sen. Rotiert .It • ! e d y , m-a r-tte-d--a~ Phi elpbta Main Line de· but• Saturday In a brown. tietdatane church in this quaint. Uttleto\m. · The 26-year-old bridefrOOID. the famous Kennedy shock of hair tumbling oil his forehead as he emerged grinning from St. John Vianney Roman Catholic Church, is the oldest male . among the grandchildren of Rose and Joseph P. Kennedy. famous political clan in America began stepplne out. A crowd of some 2.000 reporters and Ken. nedy wetcllers-SUl'Ced •&alnS ropes and barricades for a bet· ter look. Ethel arrived with Sen. Edward Kenn e dy of Massachusetts. A s tmtanned Jacqueline Ken- nedy Onaaals, widow of the late President John F. Kennedy ar- rived with her two cbild~en, John Jr. and Caroline. His bride. Sheila Bt'.ewster Rau~h. is the fourth of five children of Stewart aod Frances Rauch of nearby Villanova. She's three years older than Ke nnedy . Her fathe r is a banker; Princeton 19~; a dil'1lc· tor on the board of the Philadelphia Academy of Music. John Jr., remembered by an America in shock as John John the little boy in-shorts wbo salut: ed his father's casket in 1983, is now l8. Caroline, the friskY little girl who used to stroll the beaches wjth the late president at HyanniA Port, and ride her pony, Macaroni, on the White House lawn, is 21. .... ~ HAPPY COUPLE LEAVE PENNSYLVANIA CATHOLIC CHURCH Former Shelf• Brewster Rauch, Jo•eph P. Kennedy It BEFORE TIIE ceremony, a stream or· Urrtousines pulled up ·in front of the tile-roofed church and members 'of the most Farmers' Vehicles Ring~C. ,. WASJUNGTON (AP) -More than 2,000 tract.ors and other farm vehicles were parked in campsites ringing Washington on Saturday, poised for a motor~ade into the capital through naah-hour traffic Mon- day ln demand of higher farm prices. At times lighting snowstorms and below zero temperatures, the angry farmers began their trek here in mid-January from Texas, Colorado and Minnesota. picking up others along the way. .... These are people that have been frustrated . . . and they're determined to bring the story to Wash i n gton ," said Lee Scheufler, 27, a farmer from Sterling, Kan. • ROSE KENNEDV, the groom's grandmother, remained at hoqte in Palm Beach. Fla. In add!Uon to Mrs. Onassis, two of the groom's other aunts at- tended -Eunice Shriver, wife of Sargent Shriver, founder of the Peace Corps, and Jean Smith, wife of New York City businessman Stephen Smith. "J oe insisted the marriage take place in a Catholic Church.'' said the Rev. Ignatius Reynolds, pastor of St. John Vianney's. "He was adamant. She ila bas signed a pre·nuptial agreement to bring up any children the coupJe might have as Catholics. But I doubt if She'll ever become a convert --her . far,pily .background, you know." TUE BRIDE. a tiorsewoman a nd tennis )>layer who had her coming out party at age 17, at- tended private schOQls, graduat- ing cum laude in government from Wheaton College in 1971. She di~ graduate .work a t Harvard where she met Ke n- ned y. She currently works as a Boston city planner. Kennedy, a graduate of the University or Massachusetts, un- til recently served as a special assistant to the director of the Community Services Ad - ministrat ion in Was hirrgton, D.C. He managed Ted Kennedy's 1976 senatorial campaign, and indicated he might run for office himMlf in 1980. Police in Washington and the nt:igbboring states of Viqinia a nd Maryland, meanwhile, began making preparatioos for the slow-moving tractors. The couple plans to live in a modest house in the Bri(bt.on section of Bost.on. JOHN F. KENNBrf JR., JACQUELINE KENNEDY oNA.Sllfi Groom Is Son of Late Sen. Robert F. and Ethel Kennecty· HollgBDpping Fans Remember '50s CLEAR LAKE, Iowa CAP> -They danced on tables at the Surf Ballroom Saturday night -1,700 fans from 35 states and Canada who gathered to remember a rock •n' rolJ singer named Buddy Holly. The rockers and rollers at the gig ranged in age from an 8-year-old girl to fans in their 50s and 60s. Some wore disco dresses, white pants, and satin. Others, faithful to the spirit of the '50s, brought out their blue suede shoes, their black tuudos with skinny bowties, and their class rings. But all had one thing in common -a love of the kind of music that Holly and bis <;rickets made popular. The fans stomped and ch~ and danced to the music ol the White Sidewalls, a Minneapolis group that ap- peared in black twcedos and skinny boMies to perform, among other things, a medley of Holly SOOJ(S. Ofte fan, dressed in a white dinner suit with bis hair slicked back, 505-style, stood off to the side and sang along with every one of the Holly songs the artists performed. ,, ,. .. These rockers aren't kids any more. Not like that February night in 1959 when they waited 'in the cold, jammed 1,500 slrollg into the Surf to hear Holly, J .P . "The Big Bopper" Richardson, Ritchie Valens and Dion and the Bel moots. ••• " To the residents of the NeWPQrt Beach, Irvine and Corona Del Mar areas. · The Automobile Ctub of Sou1hem Calfomia is pleased to announce the opening of a new district office ii1 Newport Beach. effective Monday, February 5, localed at 3880 Birch Street, comer of Ouall Street. The telephone number is (714) 975-1088. The loyal support of Club members has enabled us to open this new offioe, bringing the Clubs membelehlp and cpmiunity seMcies right into the New- port, Irvine and Corona Del Mar areas. Our highly skilled, trained personnel can help members with traffic citations, vehlde licensing and insUtance claims, maps and tour books, accommodations reservations. recreation infonnation, ~. ~and wOl1d tra"9f seMoes. For . ~ membef'S who qualfy. we also otter -C !:- insurance programs for you, yourfami,;..~:· your car. boat and recreational vehicle. Stop in. Let us welcome you personally to your Clubs Newport "neighbomood" otfioe. tP?:~ Plain:S 'Dr~p Below Zero ~ Otto E. Schroeder, Manager Newport District Office Cold Rockies Air Keeps '-Blowing East . v.s. s ..... ..,, •rTlle--laeMP,..H fempenturet ac:f'MS Ille not1he<11 PtalM .iam iitummeted 11110 '"• mlllUl•IMftl -mlllUS·l••llllH Sa1un1ar as COid air~'-~ 1tro119 wll'IOS Krou Ille nor1ller11 RoOIH •-•rds the Mlul1tlppf Valley. Travel advl_.,_. fOf' blowlttg alld drllllfto ._ wwe Is'*'" for parts ol Hortll Dellota, MIMellOla alld Mon· ...... Et...,......, It WH a wet, COid day '" mtny per11 of Ille nt1tlon S-fell from lht 11.ppetac:lllans to lht Olllo Valley ulld ttie Gfffl Ulk111 •l'M and tn>m Ille llOrtlll!nl Rock~• to IM nortlllni Plains. Thent wn llQftt tnaW and - trwrl119 dl1nte '" the mldd .. Ml., slulppl Valley Rein ffll afollO the LOW•r Mis stulppl Valley .,,., M-. All•11tlc; Coest - Tlla lll•dtl( ~ ~ .-id INflt Of llMIUIM'll Qt ....... la had U1l11 tn41drlm.. D•IHI Pelftl to. IOcol llOr1MU t to .. I •lnd1 Of tS IO 30 •110t1 wltll local OU1'h i. «I knob 4lnd 1 to • !Mt wlM wa..... ..._ (811,oM •1111 .,.,,. •• Olmlnllf11110 111 11 alter110011, El••'-"I -U..sMr1y wlflft t to It k...., wll?I I to t toot wlllll waves. WlllOI Mcomlllf' _,lerty • to 12 •noh lly .n--. t to 2 toot _ .. ,. ,, ....... Otrlentl• ,.,.._ ' leltlll'IOf• lloslof'I lh1ff•lo C~lstnSC Cltlcato CIMlnnatl Clevelencl 0.1" W1tl ,. ,. t t ,, t4 " " .. J1 ,. ·» .. 51 11 10 " °' Jr IS u .. 11 .. .. .... ., .. u ' ...., ......... .., ......... 4 u Ot .. t7 &S 17 ·~ ... 01 ... 61 SS ,. ,. u ,. ,. " "' ll ,. OS 3' 30 ,. OS ,. 21 u Ot .i 50 " •> •O ,. 11 OS 3' t4 MOftOly.FftO.W II yau 00 nt.)I - Y00< -11¥ 630pm CJllll ~' ""' __ _.. ..... .,.Oii~- S.l\lfOIY -IMiMIY II .OU 00 N>I '«-re:':: coov .,., 9 • "' Clll lltlOIO I a tll ft "°"9 COO.. ... be _.., C.,,......_T~ ""oo.I o..,,. ~Al .. ••1-4111 ,_,,,_ """'"""°" °""'"" ..iw.-.. .....lut tMI C-• C...v1.>n0 BeKll ........ ~-O<W141 ~ 8rllAf\ lao<M u, .. ,,.~ ........ . ... . WASmNGTON <AP> -Pregnant women will gain wid e-rang ing medical, disability and job protection when a new law takes effect this spring. Effective April 29, employers will not be al- lowed to refust; sick leave ot disability benefits to women whose pregnancies keep them from working. Nor wUJ tbey be allowed to refuse to cover normal pregnancy and delivery costs in a company health plan, or pay less than for other medical condiUona. Peter M. Thexton of the Hulth Insurance ~laUon of America told a House aubcommit· tee when the meuure was under consideration . tbat' It CM llW !lid beet\ ln effect ln 1178, lddl· tlonal tnturance ~u natlollwtde would hne amouqttd to St.8 million. .,.. ,,..,. ... t.& Automobile Club U of Southern California -3990 8trCf'I &reef, Newport Beacn. CA (114) 975-toae ' . Sf:A £ <AP l A man arre1t.cl \n t'11 and in\ u1awct ln ron· oecticO t.M P.B: ~r alrUne . hljac~_,...renUy ha• been ruled out aa ·• wspect ln lh nation's only ulllOlY'4111 air plrar1 .. cue, ~ atlt nmu ..-ortt!d todlt.)' QVOYING UNNA• 0 taw• . tlllfo~= IOW'ce•. th Thnes said· aow 1.Ra~lstraw. !S. wa r\O atore u.a one ol the more tbu 1.000 penona who had bffn conatdered and teJecleel•suspttll In lM lt'71 cue A mu eamn.-him t-lf D. B CooPfl' 11 beltewd to have parachut~ from a No~' AlrUnn m w1tb uoo.ooo .n No•. 24, 1911. He dlaappeared withoul a trac~ in lhe runed terrain o{ aoudtw t Wu hinaton $late No t~ce Cllf bim, his parachutes ·or lhe money aa&a ever been round LAST YEAR Rackslraw was sougbl for questiorung but dlsap· peared, rtportedly by faking a plane crash in Monterey Bay to avoid lnal on cbeck·k.iling charges. said FBI agent Pete Norregard in Stockton, oaur. Now, however. he 's in custody again, being held at the San Joaquin jail on '650,000 bail. "He's a helluva con man. You'<J buy a used car from him ·every time." takt deputy District Attorney Clark SUeyres. Rw;kstraw was arrested Friday in Soutbena California for allegedly try· q.g to dqplicate a pilol 's license and medical certificates at a Fullerton printingsbop, authorities said. 'Tee~er..' Toji's Trunk Trick Te~ling SAN FRANCJSCO CAP> - You'd tbliak ·U would be ea1y to tell oa ao ele;baftt. But 1ooheper1 here w r tabl\ 1buk to learn f'nda)' that T&J• the elephant. la not the female the)' lbOu•ht he was for 8\ )'fU'f, IT TOOK a few swack& of his trunk for Ta.Jl to Hnelly aet his point acrou "He's like a tttnaeel' Just feel· in.r b s oab . " 100 director Saul KllcbelK'r aaid of the 9 year.old elephant. A month ago. the normally gentle 4,000·pound pachyderm did a decidedly unladylike thing It knocked a i.ookeeper on his backside. laying the keeper up for two w~ks with a bruised tatlbone. THEN A couple weeks later. Taji knocked another keeper In- to a moat. He was sent home with an il\iured shoulder. On Monday a third keeper was swatted in the face with Tajl'.s trunk. and officials decided to lnvestig~Le. Veterinarian William Mot. tram made an intensive ex- amination and concluded. "No doubt about. The e vidence is indisputable." NEW FOR NEWPORT BEACH! The · Reading Game AMERICA'S FOREMOST READING ACHIEVEMENT CENTERS 1420 North Bristol St .• Suite 240 Newport Beach 92660 (714) 95S. ll 05 Eight gear11 of pmven xucceHR in Southern California. An ll<'livity or Amerlc11n L.f11minlt' Corpor111ion SAN FRANCISCO CAP> -1t was llve yeus 110 today that Pan1cl1 Campbt-U II.mt, a~rtalll·' n1 and ball·haked. began u ody-..y of terror and my1lery that baffled the nation. Perhaps for the fint Ume, the anniveraary ol he&;. ktdnappina is not a day of despair for Patty Hearat . Three da14 arter her urly releaie trom prlaon, she ls off alone somewt.e. In CaUfomJ.a with her nance. Benard.Shaw, and her doe. plan· nine• bigweddln• and looklnatotbefuture. IT IS A 8TOBY800K endtna to• tale pf fear. violence and what au later wC)\&)d call tbe "d11· quletlnc vulnerability of the huawa atlnd." The tale betan Feb. 4, 1974. wben she was dragaed from her Berkeley 1li>artment by mesn· bers of the terrorut Symbionese.1Jberation Army. Belore President Carter commuted Miss Hearst's seven-year bank robbery aeatence last week, a wide majority of America• polled felt the frail. aubu~baiJ'ed newspaper heiress bad auf. rered enough and should be let out ol priaon. - ......... 111 I FACES 0~ HEIAE~BOVE : Miss Hearst before kidnap. left; cent~r. dunng stay wtth SLA, 1974, and right, during 1.975 bail heanng. BELOW: Left, after 1976 release on bail· center on way to Pleasanton prison, 1978, right, upon her release la~t Thursday . Carter's decision to cut short ber·term. after she had spent 23 months behind bars, drew few complainu. except from her fellow inmates who said that "justice is only in the pockeu oft.be rich. llliM~?r""r'i' Mi$ BEAllST STROLLED out of the prison early Thursday morning, carrying a flowered blanket she had crocheted inside and wearing a gold diamond ring on her left band, the same band that two years ago she pc>unded in frustration against her prison cell wall until the knuckles were scraped and red. . It was an amat:iog translormahon from "Tania.·• -the name she called herself oa vitriolic taped recor<lings sent to her parents after she decided to "stay.and· fight" with the SLA. Now, almost ~; she is .engaged :to msrry a slightly paunchy police officer and re'ady to start traioing dogs and counseling rape victims. More than Patty Hearst has changed since Ftb. 4, 1974, however. fl -TIIE SLA IS DEAD. most of its members kilJed and the remaining four imprisoned, includ- ing William and Emily Harris. who pleiided euJlty lo kidnapping Miss Hearst. Even William Harris said be was glad to see her get out of prison early. -Leaders or the campaign for clemency have pointed repeatedly to the mass murder-suicide ol more than 900 Peoples Temple cultists in the jungles of Guyana last rail. Then they asked, "lf those <people) could be persuaded lo take their own lives and those of their chlJdren. could not Pally Hearst have been brainwashed lo call her parents pigs, sling a carbine over her shoulder and rob a bank?" It is a question that may forever be a mystery. Fresno Blaze Kills Sleeper FRES~O <AP> -One man died and another jumped"10 safety through a window of ·a burning second-story apartment building here early Satur· •HORSE RENT Al.SI O,..D.m, ·W~~2'!t~~..., fc:.a~ ... J ~R!~~.~~!!2'NINGlc.~sozf •RIDING APeAREL & TACK ••• w.w.-. ...... w....,. " w ..... 25~.tf IRVIN~ EQUESTRIAN CENTER • .... s.-.. c.... ....... ,.....c....Nwy. Wiii tWud ••• ......_tin M CW, ••• 25411. Off • ._.._ Mw. 15, "1' ~-...;..~------------------------~day. The dead-man was Save 203 to 253 on custom draperies- SINGER PRICES HAVE JUST GONE THROUGH THE FLOOR. ~ ~ THIS WEEK. ONLY .SAVE s2s-s1 • • ON EVERY SINGER* . FLOOR MODEL AND .DEMONSTRATOR SEWING MACHINE. Now you can own a slightly-used Singer machine for a price that's in the basement. It's the perfect way to re-equip your sewing room. Or outfit a new one. So doh't pass it up. Come in today and take your pick. Before the floor model you want ends up on somebody else's floor. Ibo MILLION PEOPLE SINGER • SEW EASIER WITH -.:-::~== --...... ,.. ........... ..... ._....,~.._ .. .., :;:: :::t•.:,•..:._•.;..oc:;:_ ... ,.._. ..... ,... --.,,..,.---~------_,.,. ... -..u...,.u.-.... • .... , ..... ,,. ......... _ ..... Ortm opclonal at partlclpatlna dealers. u-.111 qw111"6. lt4ll all ~ 1\-11\1.tl* ac an ~om. identified as Norman ('-) Eugene Herring, 28. the sr ATE county coroner's office re· --------ported. Jeff Marsh. 29, dove through a window but s uffered second and third degl'ee burns on at least 30 .percent of his ~. lacerations on bis hands and lace and minor injqrea, a fire investigator said. . Cause of ttfe blate was a cigarette len. smolder-ing in a living-room chair, t.be investigator said. Jlaha~ Faee Fl.eofl S•t LOS ANGELES <AP > -A $6.5 million class. action suit has been filed alleging that a Palm Spr- ings firm and the Los• Angeles County Flood Control District acted irresponsihly by seeding clouds one day before the Feb. 9, 1978, storm that claimed 11 live!t and naused $43 million damage. The action, filed Friday by the Los Angele. Flood lnvesligat,ion Association, accused the Water Resources Development Corp. and county officials of failing "to adequately monitor sources or information relevant to the cloud-seeding opera- tions." °"8lae D.e •• State'Fa,.... SACRAMENTO \AP 1 -Twelve yo~ng mainland Chinese farmers will come to the United States March 13 to live ~nd work wilh American farm families and learn about mechanized farm- ing, a U.S. farm group says. The Chjaese wanted to send hundreds more farmers than the program was able to handle, said Jay Okamoto, administrator of the JnLernationaJ Farmers Association for Education, sponsor of t.be project, adding that no government fuDds a~e in· volved. Gt19a11a Pr09lf•e• E.:...~e LOS ANGELES <AP) -A Guyana oHicial pro- mised "all the documentation we have that is re- lative to what happened in Jonestown" will sunace during a public hearing on lhe matter to be held by a Presidential Commislon. Minister of Information Shirley Merle Field· Kidley admitted, however. that no members of lhe commission have yet been appointed, and legal en· tanglement.s will prevent the inquiry from conven- ing any time soon. EUREKA <AP> -A few windows were broken and sleeping citizens were shaken awake early Saturday by a moderate earthquake (4.8 on the Richter scale> that struck thb community in r_.r Northern California. There were no reported ln· juries. · THE AUTOMOBILE CONSULTANT s, ........ .._..,..._,,.. ._..,._.,AMA H11 I 'CLASSIC' 'AMTl9UI' 'DfSTIM•UllHID' "UMlqUI' Put yeers of experience on yoor tide, I Pf'OVfde contult.tton end 'in the field' ~ .. ,, to S>Ndent prOtPeCtlve buY9f'S of INVESTMENT •vtomobllM. It taket a ~II to determine wntcti ones are vlluable. 1w· done It all: frotl owning • deelenf'llp. ~and rutoratlof\ lhoP•. tar conatructor. to proMllk>naf Formula racing • .,..,. .... 1714' llf·171J ........... .., ~ \ tabric, lining, labor and installation. .r .'.:.'\ '~'-.. ...... ') ,;-,I) .. :."[-;:"' .. .,,,. ..,.; ,. I 253off our decorator. collection of wovenwood - shades! ~ "' tOd:oy •NI see our w•trn. ooto<fut ""° corwenoe<>l .,CMl<l wooel ahades. So IOdlll>l•lllO rou ~use lhem tn ptOl>\em' artu t.i.e ..,,ndow, uncle< st1t1rw•Y• or Odd •~•oed ......iows lhey '" ao 11nr8'l•vt1 you ff want to '"" ,,,...,_.......,... 0.. tl\em-eno you H_2S,_1 25«J> off our. versatile, practical 1· blinds! You'll lone! to "'eny ways tO use''*" "'-Y ftdAl)I 10 "'""'°""~ ol ftlmo&I M'/ SIU efld th~. •nd ,...., ,. ····••l>M "' ell your lt¥Ofll<I co!Ool • I Orange Coast Daily Pilot Deprives District John Schmitz ha. n't ~n the most famUhar n1uro ln Sacr mento inc<.' h w .r~~ete~ted to the tole Seo t and It took up ion Jan. 8 He's ~n b c.-k home In Orange County far more thon h 't1 n on lb job in the Capitol. That' becaus he be conUnucd tcachma ut Sant.a Ana Colleee on chedule that permilled him only one day a week in Sacramento. It's u.ndent n.d bte t.hat Schmit.I may have bad a commitment to the <'Ollt'1e to hoish out the semester. And he aid he b n't mi ed a roll cull ,,.ote because of ht:> hmited time an . t•cr m nto. But w.th °'"' :o.ttrne lt>r over. he'll continue tt:achJng on a modified hCht'<iule Ol anta Ana College f''or Rood rn~usure , he'll leach e ch SalUrd1n · at Saddlt!back Coll£>g~ . • Whllt> ""t.> mtt) Jdmare Schm1ll s hu.!>tlt! and t.'ncrgy, ht1> prmnl) or Job import nee as a bit unsettlang "I'm a coU~g" ms trur tor who 11> a legislator," he told reporter Bud Lembke ... not a legislator who dabbles m teaching." Schmiu contends that he !ought the idea or a full- time Legislature when he previously served as a state sena~r H .apparen\l,y feels this gives him the pre- rogative to ignore that concepti.-although California v.ot~rs are the onl's who adopted at -a nd gave lhe legasla\or~ a pay commensurate with the expanded ob· ligations back m 1972. JC Schmitz constders his legislative chores as a secon- dary obligation, he should have let the voters know in last fall's campaigning. It is a job that, properly done, requires a full-time ef. fort · -and then some. Patty, Saga Growing So now President Carter has freed Patty 11earst . just four days short of the fi fth anniversary of her kidnapping . by the terrorist Symbionese Liberation Army on Feb. 4, 1974. Now it can be anticipated that a measure of public debate will continue on whether the-President's clemencv action was justified; or if he succumbed to political pressure; or if Miss Hearst should ever have been charged with a crime in the firs t place. Now 24, Miss Hearst served almost 23 months or a seven-year sentence on an armed robbery conviction. She wa~ charged with joining the Symbionese fanatics in robbing the Hibernia Bank in northe rn California just nine weeks after SLA thugs had a bdu-., her from her Berkeley apartment. Indeed. it does seem to be strained reasoning that concludes the newspaper heiress willingly juined a rag- tag band of psychopathic hoodlums on a spree of robbery <:ind terrorism just for kicks. But a pparently that's what her jury believed. . Bank robbery and terrorism run contrary to Miss Hearst 's sheltered background and.training. There is the belief in some quarters that Miss Hearst had neither the physical nor mental capacity to withstand the SLA 's prolonged t actlcs of terrorism. Despite learned and prominent lawyers who provided her defense, the j ury was not convinced. · The debate lingers on. And Miss Hearst will have to live with the record for the rest of her life. Now freed. she certainly doesn't seem to be any threat to society .> • Absurdities Unlimited Doesn't it make . you warm and happy all over to know that: -. Max Rafferty's pension this year for eight years as superintendent of public instruction will equal the $42,500 paid his successor, Wilson Riles. Riles alr~ady h as served more ti me in office than Rafferty. -The Zero Population Growth organization has declared Valentine's Day "Love CarefulJy Day." -Members of the Orange County Press Club declared a meeting orf the record when several partici- pants in a political campaigning discussion objected to a reporter's note-taking. They said their comments might be embarrassing if they got. in print. -Americans a re drinking almost half as much wine per year <seven quarts) as orange juice <16 quarts ). That helps explain why Coca.Cola, which owns Minute Maid , is going into the wine business. Macy's in San Francisco is offering for sale at 38 bucks women's shoes with retractable roller skates built into the soles. • Op1n1qns expressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views eJ<pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment 1s 1nv1led. Address The Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA'92626. Phone (7•14) 642·4321. Boyd I Monopoly By L.M. BOYD Theories abound as lo why lhal game called Monopoly became so popular. One no- tion is t.hal it came out at a time -in 1935 -when t}\e lack or money worldwide created a craving in people lo handle money. even play money. ~ ''.Reinember that time In Nfllf n. llt.nr)' AJd to..,..,. .... lr you lose the sight in one eye. the vision in the other will be reduced by about a firth. Why is that? Q. "Who was the first mo- tion picture star?" A. Debatable. Some say it was heavyweight boxing champion James Corbett. Jn a fight staged for film on Sept. 7. 1894. be appeared to kno ck oul one Peter Courtney. Q "What was the name or Paul Revere's horse?" A. Nobody knows that he ever had a horse oC bis own. The name of the hone he borrowed to make b la famous ride was said to ~ Brows;i Beauty. A book published back In · Oliver Cromwell's time bore 'the title : .. The Spirltual Mustard Pot, To Make the Soul Soeeie wlth Devotion.'' 'Polar Bear~ Didn't Reach lQO W A&HJNGTON -No one 1 cowered ln polltlca bad more A.'onlldenee ln hlnuelt tban Nelson A. Rockefeller. He wu eaally the richest and moat de· termlned mao in the aame. R.ockd II r was always sure that be could win' and wben he " didn't , be wen\ away muttering lbat tbe other guys didn't understand. One had the s trong im- pression that Rockefeller would go on and on just because be believed be could. It was that way on one December night ln 1972 as we talked in the rear ~eat of bis jet as it bucked its way through high winds and rain en route to New York City. "I'm committed to live until I'm 100 years old," he s aid in ex- plaining why he s aw l)is life as open·ended and challenging, though be was then 63, with 40 years' work behind him. "MY GRANDFATHER lived to be 97; my father. to 86. I made a commitment to my sons- to llve to be 100. When their un- cle Winthrop Aldrich comes over to the house -he's 87 -they call'him grandfather, and they tell him only 13 more years and he'll be 100. You bet I'll make 100." Rockefeller was endowed with the body or a stqcky athlete. He was thick-chested, be had sturdy legs and heavy muscular· arms . If be had been born a poor boy in New York, he coula have been a boxer or a construction worker. His btg, square hands were good for politics, too. He was a presser-of-the-flesh in the Lyn- don Johnson style. and be w~ a durable, tire less ·man, it seemed. sarC"astic. "Did you get elected or appointed?'' be cracked. .. You know better than that. You didn't menUon to the people the $555,000 in revenue-sharing we gave you." It went on and o n. with Rockefeller defending a gay's right to speak, and the Beacon· Newburg Bridge ("You people wanted it!") <tnd endt.tred the reading of a long statement by the League o( Women Voters on·lhe need for a new solid waste dis- posal facility (''You women do a terrific job! .. >. • ON THE WAY home that HE SPENT. A good, deal of ·night, Rockefeller sipped his 'red that day on hi'S feet at town dubonnet. a nd s eem ed as m eetings be had i,nsisl'ed 6e pleased as a lineman who had ·scheduled so that the citizenry of just bul led his way through_ a New York State could.confront rough football game. "Today their governor with tough tiues-was the fi rst time we got the lions in the· era of confrontation tough stuff on Attica at a town politics. · meeting," tie said. , T h e d a y b e g a n i n "We get that from those anti· Poughkeepsie where, .outside the war and fascism guys. We're meeting bal-.J. demonstrators getting the abortion stuff all carried signs for and against through the tour. Did you notice abortit>n; against a proposed jet that 1 defend politics and politi· port; for more pay for state ·ciaos once in a while? 11urs-es; and against a program Somebody has to be in politics. which one man shouted "will . Somebody bas to be a politician. bring a welfare city here "-"1 really e njoy this. I'm meaning it would bring more blessed with good health, and all blacks. I need is intellectual stimula- 1 oside, Roc)tefeller got the lion." raspberries, some applause. a (ew cheers and intermittent laughter for his replies. When a city councilman taunted him. Rockefeller snapped : :·Don't give me that stuff." and bluntly told the crowd how politicians like to double talk, as this man ap- parently was. WREN ANOTHER ofCicial blamed Rockefeller for lack of funding, the governor went Bob Greene YEARS BEFORE, when l began covering Rockefeller Cor Time, George Hinman, bis top political a dviser , told me : .. Nelson is like a JJ'(>lar bear. You shoot at him, and he just keeps coming on." In 1964. with a divorce and re- marriage on him, and Barry Goldwater as the quarry , Rockefeller was either a polar bear or a brutally beaten boxer who wouldn't fall down. "How can he stand the punishment?" newsmen used to say -or his schedule. the discouragement and the odds against him in his try for the Republican nomina· ti on. One morning, in May , Rockef~ller. some staff and several newsmen assigned to his · campaign left New York in. tus F-27 turbo-prop, a plane which chugged-along at 290 mph ROCKEFELLER STOPPED in Chicago for several ap- pearance5, and then we were off for Grand Island. Neb., for re· fueling, .before the tong haul over the 'Rockies to a s mall Oregon town named Astoria, where Rockefeller was 'to ad· dress a breakfast rally the next day as {>art of his dogged cam· paign to come-from way behind and win the Oregon primary. We new all night. hoping to make Astoria by 2 a.m., Eastern lhne. Rockefeller · worked on while staff .,and press ate and drank and ate and drank. He looked through his thick glasses at reports and position papers and advisory sheets and name lists. passing them off for his a ides to similarly assimitate. On and on be read, and on and bn dronedtheF·27. ASTORIA WAS fogbound, so we bealled back to Portland, where, we thought, "Well; the candidate will put up in a hotel, and we'll get a decent night's sleep.·· But no, we landed in Portlanci at 4 a .m. <Eastern Ume >. some 20 hours afte~e left New York, and Rockefeller ordered rental cars. In a few minutes, we were on our way through tbe fog and wlndlna bll1s td Astoria. When we arrived I&. was 23 hours alnce we lett New Yorlfl Our beads had three hour:1 pillow time before RockefeJJ was at lt again. AT THAT BaEAKFAST me lng, BockefeUe1' looked Ute boxer whose eyes were swoll shut from a beating.. He waa groggy, and miJspoke. referring to the "late Pierre Salinger'' and the return of "Ambassador Johnson" from Vietnam <He~ Cabot Lodge. the favorite in th41 Oregon primary. was our man iq Saigon at the time>. I The 8 o'clock breakfast was the beginning of another 16-hour day. His plane flew at what seemed an illegally low 500 feet o v e r the co a s t do 'w n to Tl1lamook where we had a sweaty-palmed landing in the fog . In the !ate afternoon, we were. unbelievably, on our way ba~ lo New York. Though we wo s ta y there only 37 hours Rockefe ller insisted on i because his wife, Happy, was close to delivering their first child. f. fter that brief weekend, all hands were back on the je"'\- prop for another cross·country lrlp to another Oregon town wh ere Rockefeller poepe~ out ot the plane at '7:2S a.Jll.1 sm~~~ widely, waved bis arms.'1'asJJeQI ··1 cared enough to come! .. ROCKEFELLER RAD blind faith in what be did, and an absolutely iron hind end to sit out any discussion aimed at Ii turning him away from what he wanted to do. New York State legislators, local politkians and Mayor John V. Lindsay all leai:.ned how Rockefeller could ma.ke them give in just by staying \lP into the morning hours when their endurance ran out. There was a certitude in Nelson A. Rockefeller built from the wealth. the Bible-reading re· gimen of a Baptist youth and the authority fell in knowing there were apartments, homes and villas across the world staffed with his servants -all waiting for him. And yet when I asked him that night why be kept coming on like Tbe Polar Bear. Rockefeller said somebody bas to do today's work today. "If I bati to pick another time and place to live, .. be said with fee1ing, "1,'d pick now. lt's exciting and challeng- ing." NELSON ROCKEFELLEB was working at bis desk l.ate on his latest entbus ia&m and challenge -a five-volume work , on modem art. The instant before he died at age 70. if someone woµlsl have asked him bow long be ~peeled to live, l am sure be would have looked bis questioner m the eye and rasped: 'Tm committed to 100. I told my sons that. You bet. I'll make 100." Homecoming Not a Statistic, He's My S9n The column about young adults moving back home with their parents bas drawn a strong response, and it seems to con· firm the point made in the piece. I wrote ln the colu.mn that - even though there were no hard data to s up-N1: the olfl. te nlion that an Increasing nu m b'er of m e n a nd women-in their mid·20s. late 20s, and ear ly 30 s were return· lng to the homu in which they grew up, to live again with lheir mothers and fathers -It seemed, from talking to people in that age group, that such a trend was. in· deed, being born. Since the column appeared. a number oC men and women who have moved back home have called and written; so have the brothers and aisten; of people who have done it ; so have paychiatrists and psycbologists wbo have noticed tbe trend among their patients. Today's column, though, will not concern lllelf wlth one of the men or women who have moved home; lnstead, it wUl be about a woman J t.Jlked with who, a• she put it, ls '1iDUmately concerned with" the subject. "I WONDEa if you would be wllllna to print the other slde," ahesaTd. I aaked her what 1be meaat. .. AU theM adult& wbo are 10- 'ing back home -where do you think they're going to?" she said. "I'm the mother of a man who is 32 years old and is living at home again, and I don't think 1 was fairly represented in your story!' She said that she detected an undercurrent or disapproval in the column -a sense that, for an adult to be living wltb bis or her parents again was con· sidered "running home," giving in to defeat at the bands of tbe real world. .. THE PSYCHOLOGISTS you quote<t ·in your story seemed to think ther e was something wrong for a man or woman to go back to a place where they have known safety and comfort," she said. . "I got the impresslon thet, just because a person has passed the age of 21, that person bas automatically given Ul> the right to depend on lbe parents wbo have raised him and loved him." I asked her if she did not agTee that it Is at least sUgbtJy unusual for a grown man or woman to suddenly decide to live with his or her parents again. "You're thinking lo tenns of statistics,'' she said. ''You seem to have tt in your thinkiD& that, Ju1t because a peraon does tomet.bing tba\ most otber pea. pie aren't doing, that penon la aomebow wrona or pervene. "PLEA.IE ftY TO remtmbU that you're not talklDI about people wbo are lnvolved wilh1 dru11, or people wbo hue murdered eomebody ·-JOQ'n talking about people who have decided that their best chance for happiness, at le ast te m· porarily, lies in.coming home to the people who brought tbem ln· to this world. "Nol everyone is equipped to make it in the world. I realize there are self-he lp programs available to peop1e, and counsel- ing and what have you. But if a man decides that he wants to come home to his mother and father. are we supposed to turn him away? f' "We're told tbac it's out of the ordinary to have our grown son living with us -but if we were to take in a lost and stray dog. no one would think it was un-usual at all. They'd Just say that we bad good beans. But people look on us funny because we have decided to take in one of our own children. "BESIDE THE one son who is home with us agllin now, we have three other grown children. They went out in the world and achieved some success for themaelvetJ. I do not love them · aoy mot'e or any less than I love the son who, in the world's terms, failed. . "But J will tell you that I do resen!i.tr atUtude toward us and hi . The)' seem to feel Hbl that be ls beina a blot OD the family, Q lf be, b)' belng back home with us, ls a reflec· Uonont.bem. ''I am through explalnini to lbem -and to the people out· aide azy family W'bo appattntly feel the same way -my reuou for opening my boute to my eoa. 1 do not tbbak l ablM&iduve to u · plain, and f do not think' ft sbpuld be anyone else's concern." I astedtbewomanifsbefeltber son ·a presence was a ~en to her in any way. • "' ''I SHOVlll> TELL you that having him is no burden at all," she said. "But in fac(, ~t has. changed our lite. "We bad looked forward to liv· ing out our lives by ourselves, with all the children gone. We had started to live that kind of. a life. and it was very pleasant. When our son came home to ua, we bad some adjusting to do. and it was not all In a dJrection we would havede!lred. •'He felt ashamed to be com· ing home, and it was a shame that he ~d share wjjJ) very few people. He felt he bad failed in some way, and be waa admit· Un1 it to us by coming to us, and he didn•t want our symp,thy, be just wanted our preaen~. "I KNOW THAT YGO wrote about tbla tn your ~olum n becau.se you see 1t as some kind of new trend, with more and more ramllles ~perttncing / what we have experientdd. But. wbat I'm trying to tell ,0... is that to us it's not a trdct. u ·s someone wa love luming to us becauae be ls ln need. • "We don't knOw bow log be'U atay at home -whetber .tie'll 10 out on bis own qaln, wb~lber ho ls w1tb ua for aood. •u way la flJte rill UI. Re ls free 10 live wit.b • until U.. daJ "'9 pus aw~. ---.. loY9 Mm. Hels aot a tnlad. lie II oar IOD°!' ' -... -.,,'---------. ' ·--· ___ .._ .............._ .. f , ... Orang ~.~4.1079 \ l f " . ·co.ngressional Power Shrinking ,...!f e~~~1'!!!8 s.rft<• For nearly a decade now the big1est single delegation in Congress bas been California's. A lot of power should go with that siie -but it doesn't. To the continuing frustration or state government officials back home, the state's represen· tatives in the House have not, . for the last dozen years, al least, been ~ble to exercise tbe political clout which should go with the size of the delegation. THE DELEGATIONS from Texas, from the South general· Jy and more recently from the emeTging alliance of northeastern states haven't had trouble in forming bipartisan blocs in voting on issues of ma· jor concern to their regions. • __ Califomia's congressional del· .. egations over the years not only have failed to form regional blocs with other slates' delega· lions but have demonstrated an lnabillty to get together among themselves. The results again were plain to see last month when the House • leadership banded out· key com· mittee assignments. California members of ·Congress found themselves on the short end of tbe stick again. THERE ARE A number of reuons for a lack of cohesive· ness within the state's delega· lion North·soutfi differences within California have been a problem although possibly less so today than in the past . Personality clashes -often involving U.S. Rep. Phil Burton of San Fran· cisco -· have been a more im· portant factor. There also have been a grow· ing number of ideological divisions: hawk vs. dove on military spending and foreign intervention, enVironmentalists vs developers and rural· in· terests vs. urban. ~[R DEAL All of these divisions can be bU m ed partly upon tbe representatives themselves and on the voters who sent them to Washington. There is another reason for the disunity , however, which can be laid at a door in Sacramento -the door to the governor's offices. A governor, be he a Republican or a Democrat, can -and should -be a powerlul force in we lding the con· gressional delegation together. He can do this simply by idenU· fying issues which transcend party lines and are important to the state as a whole. A major effort in this direction ment official's job necessarily involved coordinating the state administration's activities with the work or the congressional delegation and encouraging greater cohesiveness among its members. THE OFFICE had not been in operation long, ho.wever, when tbe senior Brown was defeated for re·election by Republican Ronald Reagan. Despite his criticisms of the senior Brown's efforts in seeking maximum federal funding for state programs, Reagan con· tinued to maintain the state of· rice in Washington. Some of its energies still in· volved steering federal money to California. The office also kept an eye on proposed changes in f~deral laws and regulations the way any lobbying operation does. BUT, UNFORTUNATELY for the state and for the cohesive· neas of the congressional delega- tion, a large part of tbe job un· der Reagan's administration simply was to further his ambi· lions to win the Republican presidential nomination. That pattern continued into the administl-atlon of the present Democratic governor once he got around to filling the Washington office. Besides the clerical help in the office, there are a baU-dozen stale·paid lob- byists operating out of the California office in the national capital. Some °'9the work is useful to the state -and some or it is useful only to Brown. was started lo the mid·1960s when it was apparent that California soon would become the state with the largest delega· tion in Congress. Gov. Edmund G. Brown, Sr., midway through his seoood term in Sacramento, established a state Finance Department office in Washington. Th~ Reagan·Br~wo ~ind or Q. Wash10gton uperation rats~ the THE OFFICIAL occupying question of the use of public tax that position was to work: partly dolla,~ to furth~r .~e person~ at diverting federal fuQds to a~b1tions or an md1V1dual politi· California -the kind of effort ciao: now being derided by the present Mis~ goes counter to one Democratic govert)l\r just as it of i~ tmP?~t PUtJ>?Ses, pro- olteo was by bis Republican pre-mott.ng a b1part1san uruty among decessor. the California ~elegation for the Part of the Finance Depart-good of the entire state. \_ To writt the O.llv Piiot/Ao)& 1560, Cdt• Meta, CA 92626 Tb can tho ">ello; PUotm~ 642-«t Pleas Unleasliea ·For Hopeful Dogs By IA.NE ltUllL TON Jone HamiUcm u a rel"1enl o/ Coato M•IO. Usually this time of the year you would find the aalmaJ shelters almost empty. l visited the two sbeltera local*' in Laguna Canyon recently .and true, most or the kittens aod pup· ples have been adopted for Christmas presents. However, tbere are aUll some beautiful adult dogs left. • Some were young, &>laytul and longing for a family with chUdren. Others were more mature, quiet dogs just ri&ht for a .more mature person. The great plua for these doas is that you can skip the "sllpper·cbewing" staae. You can aJso·see the aise and temperament of a more adult doc. Moat bave been pell and adapt easily to a new home. AFTER A COURTEOUS welcome ft the Latuna-City Shelter I was lnvited to stroll by the viewing cages. Most or the occupants were forced to share quarters with one or more room· mates because of the crowded condition. The dogs all gave me a jofous welcome. too. For people who p~fer large dogs. the~ were two beautiful Irish setters, a well·mannered Dalmatian, and a short.haired pointer. A large black Labrador let me bear his "blg-dog" bark. At lbe same time, his tail was wagging rurtously. No jumping up and down for these dogs; they were waiting patienUy for just the right person who would recognize their superior quality. I was attracted to a beautiful, half.grown dog becauae be had an unusual ridge of fur down the middle of bis back. T~ at· tendaot explained that he was a cruss between a rare Rhodesian Rldgeback dog and a Doberman. It was seemingly a good mix· lure for he bad the best features of both.-He is perhaps 8 months old, very gentle but I'm. sure he would command respect when be reaches adulthood. . OTHERS PLEADED FOil you to adopf them. One very tall. black shaggy character put on his best clown act and be de- manded center stage. He tried to show me·how comical and en. tertainiog he could be. He shared auarters with a docile, smaller German shepherd who didn't (el a chance to show off. He communicated with bis eyes, showing the loneliness and longing as be looked at me. -. Walking on, I stopped to visit with a huge, big yellow dog, exacUy like the one in tbe story, "Ole Y~Uer." He was so genUe and caring for his roommate, a darling dachshund recovering from a traumatic bout with an automobile. Wbat a wooderlul lit· Ue pet for a special person who can Jove a ·little handicapped companion. Another little dog that also needs a special person to love is a small, sad beagle. ll was explained that be had been adopt· ed but the lady brought Mm back. saying that he wasn't ram· bunctious enough for ber children. He just s~ in the comer; be bad lost his self-esteem. I ASSURED HIM mAT J was sure some lonely, mature person will soon come. by. wbo wants a quiet little companion. Tbis animal shelter is open most ·days from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. Their phone number is 497·3552. Responsible volunteers are needed. I drove a short distance further up Laguna Canyon Drive and visited the Irvine Animal Shelter. Lucltily, there were only about a dozen dogs left. A big friendly Airedale greeted me, and among the other interesting and lovable pets w~s a small charcoal colored terrier who must have a devoted owner somewhere because be was picked up with a rhinestone collar. A beautiful white half.grown puppy with a black mask and blue·blue eyes was rescued from a storm drain. Last but not least was a darling Lhasa-poodle type. mostly white with a shaggy black head .. He was very dignified in spite of tufts of hair banging down, rakishly over bis eyes. ' , So there are all sues, breeds, personalities just waiting for tbe right owner. They don't know Christmas is over. Who knows, perhaps they are rjghl. Mailbox/ 'Past Time to Remove Non -performers F r o m P ayrf:>ll' To lbe F.ditor. U recent letters to the editor from and about teachers, parent.a, government workers and taxpayers ~ere read con· . sclentiously, perhaps we coukf stop tbe bickering and start solv- ing our problems. . , To state "I am a teacher who loves cblldreo" and to admit ••constant distraction from the job" reveals, among other things, those students are being deprived of untold knowledge I .. ,Lbey are entiUed to for the time s~nt in the classroom. The letter from the Masons re· vealed actions by teachers that are shocking and unacceptable. What other rules, Jaws or values are rtudents bejng told they can break or disregard? It is an ex· ample ol conduct that should be groiands for dlsmlsaal. ~ ON. THE positive-side, we ;; have a cblld in publlc school and . are very happy with her learn· lng ~ and ber teacher. I doa't Dow om teacher'• prob- lema education or experience: but tt's obvtous abe gives 100 percent to her studenta. n It la way put Ume that a tya\em bi! deviled so all clvU · 1enant1 are paid on a merit ~. •J'ltem, and the non·performers •• are nlDO'ed from u.e payroll. r;.. c.>mpetltlve wage1 for rood emDloYeee, and the end to dis· aracetul wute are pop1ble at \ all aovemment levels. NeJlbtr of these will be accomplished by simply cutting budgets. What the money is spent for is lbe answer. Which brings us to the desperate need (or conscientious leaders who ha ve the courage to be fiscally responsible. \Jn· fortunately, the only people who can streamline government are people in government. As for highly educated people who are unhappy be~ause of their own choices, their com· plaints are puzzling and difficult. to sympathize with. We are all taxpayers. The academic and moral ~ucalioo or QJlr children and the efficient operation of our government affects all of us. TONI SKILLMAN . Prep. 13 Sca pegefd• • To the FA.itor : This letter ls a response to your editorial of Jan. 29. It appears that you support what bas become an American dream and lradltlon: a free public education through the secondary level. I commend you toryoursupportofsuchanldeal. However, lt also appears that you alfinn a defin1tlon of the word "free" which ia also main· taiaed by many otber people. It Is an enoneoua dennttlon A "free" pubUc educatloo does.not even Imply that education bean no cotta, even to the students. A person ls not anomalous lf he or she seeks to acquire a good or service without cost; fQr free. The American free-enterprise system follows an assumption that· people do, in fact. seek to spend little or nothing for what they demand or desire. A great number of people diligently seek to obtain ••tree" medical aid or advice; "free., legal service or advice, "free" police protection, "free" fire protection, "free" repairs of various types, "free" counseling for themselves and their children. "free" education, "free" government, and even a "free" lunch. What may am11e some people is lbe fact lb at teachers in lbe Huntington Beach Union High School District are also normal people. Even teachers seek the same "free" goods and services. However, ju.st aa other normal people, teachers must also pay the same costs to obtain them. Yes, teachers own homes, N!nt homes, raise children, drive cars. pay taxes and fees. and at.- tempt to eat good food. T HE WOaD "strike" ls a word wb.lch 1dmul•tes a variety of emotiona among people, often to the point of abjection or clear re11oa. Therefore, t& might be more edvaotageoua to "1\nit the teachers of tbe Run Beach Union High School •· trlct who voluntarily w1tbbeld tbelr services for seven daya thl1 m'Onth were lnvolvlna • themselves in an activity of pro· fessional development. It is supposed that every worker (other than a slave) has some determined point where be or she will voluntarily withhold. bis or her service of labor if the r eturn for that labor ls de- termined to be inadequate; a point where such labor is expect. ed to be free of charge; a point where justice is diminished or denied. Very. few teachers withheld their services solely over· an issue of money. The ov-ierwbelming majority of teachers Withheld their seryjces because ortfi"e abrogalioo of justice; a justice which ap· pareotly nelther you nor the public fully understands. Really. you and tbe general public can· not. Only members or a minority can fully understand the ideals wblcb metivate actions by that minority. Legislation which pro. hibits a minority from withhold· Ing Ua services would be a demoast.raUon of legislated in· Justice. The public bas no moral ·n.;ht to tmpoee the result.ant COila ol Propo8itlon 13 on teachers aod other public employees. In dotnc so, the publlc Is actually decre..tni ed.aeatlonal aervlcea and opportun.,Uea for \ta chlldren. That ia the ,..1 ahame of the whole affair. Teacben can tee that, and lb majority ol teachel't lo lhe Hunt1n1ton Beach Union Hlgb School Dll· trict are attempting to assuage attempts by elected officials t9 make teachers and other public e mployees the scapegoats for the ill effects of Proposition 13. L. ARTHUR WOMER. JR.1 Ph.D. E..,•l..C.l011'• llem•t~ To The Editor: Recently the Newport.Mesa School Board voted to-accept charges for dismissal of Mr. Richard England, band director at Newport Harbor High School. Many students, parents and teachers are rallying to ask that this decision be reversed. THE ISSUE. however, goes beyond this particular case. Taxpayers are angry. They believe that they 90 longer have any influence in the education of their cblld.ren. Allboqh many have gj\'en up interest ln school boa rd elections, most votell statewide la.at June to give uv paying for local education. Power, then. ab1dea in a school board. elected by 25% of an apatbetk JocaJ population and lt1 appGlnt.ed admlnlattatora. Adm.lnlatraton are cau&bt io a budcet aqueeae and must dll· mlaa employe,s. Teacbera' aa· aoclaUon1 rt1bt for renure. 11nlorlty rllbla and blndina arbltraUoa -ablslractiooa dif. trcult. to cleftne. School boardl flsbt to retain power. Lost in this power struggle are the students. Their opinions are not considered valid even when they become adults. Their memories or teacbers'are, after all, only childhood memories. Yet who else really knows the teacher? THE PROBLtM with the tenure law, originally established oa the principle of fairness. is the process of teacher evaluation. Those wbo evaluate do so on the basis of rare contact. Teachers who do nothing all day except avoid unpleasant coafron· tatiooa with their evaluators a,.. pald salaries year after year. Teachers who make positive im· pact.I on their students and the community but make the periodic human error o.f taking a stand on some issue in a paaalonate and vocal mannu are rare, and sometimes fired. U students and their parents bave no influence on the hirlns and firing of teachers, guess wblcb leathers will be left car· ryin1 on? The best teachers are leav1ng in droves. The responslblUt.y ls ours. Any .su11eaU008? EVELYNC. McNElLLY 1 ---M DAILY Pll.OT----- Energy UnleaMd I sohn could 1u to 11 a J&llon tnd auu bf ln hort •UPPI>'. t Mr11 t rv1Uon 111 aUnue lo C'Of\O ct "'•lb anU polhdJon mea urH .' 11nd n JOU.r~ or tnt r t)' wall ool)' be11n to rubbJ away at au anJ otl a pr domlnanN Tho e "t.•r M>me (I( th ob erv1t on th Orana<' County r urum of •ro-.n H•U of CaUromta heard an a talk t nllll<"d •'TM En ray Lookin& Olaas: A Ml t'd 811 for lb ' •• l.A>okl~ uh &d lo th lblllty ol tlt(:trlc t'lr and lndu~tda l complc es with th •Ir own POW r plunts w Dr Ov. n P Hall Jr , man ger of c nt-r y m•n•8"ment )' t ma 1ppllc1Uon1 for T RW Jnc • Mn l'n lH1£y , automollvt'! nu ell'C• tronlcs Orm "( Vl~W thf' 1980S &• a traruJ1Uon ~nod In t be concept of ~nt'ray." Or Hall said Ht noted thin the tr ~nd thro ugh th e mid·808 will probably continue to bt' to em phaa1z.e con11ervutloo , DR: OWEN P. HALL JR. tbrpul(h more e"1rh•nt uutomob1le engines, new houses and mdustnal pro~t'dure& ONE OF Tiit; problems most dnecUy alfect- ipg consumers Is the requirement tbal automobiles meet high anti·pollution standards, generally "through the use of catalytic converters. These converters, in turn, require lhe use or unleaded gasoline, which is in short supply, Dr. . Hall said. • "By the early 1980s, the demand wlll probably . exceed our capacity to produce," he said. "The price will skyrocket and there will be shortages. " He "wouldn 't be s urprised" to see lhe price of unleaded ga!l soar to $1 a gallon soon. Project Universe FUe Jn 8dd1t1on to'l'•UJina borta1 or unleaded -·•· lhfi convt•rtcra make n1lnes I eftlclent and rootrlbut to en r1y wa t , lhua po nUn& out the probl m of trylna to r conclle clean air with' 1a1olln con f'rvallon, Dr Hall H d. ODP alll'rnaUv Ja th electric car, although Or ll&lll 1&Jd h doubt• It will have much Impact for 20 to~ y or•. "II will ral other problems, namely ln· ereHed utiUty up.a<:ll)• to meat lhfl cb.arainC de· m•nd1 " Or Uall 1ald "Also. the public percep· Uon ot' lb el ctn'c v hlcla is primarily Lbe 'goll c-art' mentullty " Other ronAervnUon m Lhod that should move to the fort' m the next d cade Include using com· puter-to manaiie power 10 tndustrl&l phlols, and bulldinM lndustrual complexes around power plants i.o that byproduct.I and equipment cuo be used more ~fflciently, Dr.i.Hall aa1d. IN A MOMENT OF levity, he ooted lhal in- stituting such solullons isn't he lped by lbe high turnover among aovemment olflcjals. "Normally n bureaucrat spends 18 months in office ," Dr Hall Mud "The Cirst six months is llndlng oul what he wants lo do "The second six months ls finding -0ut be can 'l do 1t. The last six months is IOCWing for another JOb " ' During the mid-19808, the energy focus should shift tmm conservation to the development-of new sources, Dr. Hall said. He noted that while "501ar power is already available, the high cost oC equipping existing homes and businesses makes this source likely to remain a small factor' for quite some time. USE OF GEOTHE RM.U. energy has also run into some technical problems and questions about ownership or the resource, but should become more important in the 1980s, Dr. Hall said . He said nuclear power is already a valuable resource but has encountered political problems in California because of concern about its safely. • Supernova Un1nasked By STEVE LATTANZIO Steve tattanZto i& a&&btant professor oj a&tronomy at Orange Coa&t College and planetanum director He waa the &cienti/ic -advisor for the l'<>wtlme telecourse. "Pro;ect: Univene " This year is going to be great for people whose thoughts sometimes drift into outer space. Two Voyager s paceprobes will soon encounter Jupiter. and Pioneer JI will return lhe first close·up photos of Saturn. A partial echpse or the sun will be visible from Orange County this month , and September will offer us the first total lunar eclipse ln sevcrul years . TIDS YEAR ALSO WILL be lhe 10th anniversary or the APQllo 11 mission <bas it been that long ''>, and the lOOtb birthday of Albert Eins tein. Meanwhile, Nature will continue to choreograph the celestial ballet of plants, planets, meteor showers and oUler wonders of the night sky. Every few weeks, I plan to telJ you about intere b"ling astronomical events taking place in the heavens, or here on lbe ground. For example, Orange Coast College Planetarium begins its spring season on Feb. 16 with "The Taurus Affair." a centuries old cosmic detective story. Nme hundred years ago, Oriental and American Indian observers recorded tbe strange appearance or a brilliant star in the constellation or Taurus. It outshone everything but the sun ' and moon, remaining visible during daylight for several weeks, and al nigbt for nearly two years before finally fading from view. Recently, we have determined that this was a s upe rnova -the cataclysmic destruction of a giant star which had fl ared to 200 million times the sun's brightness in a last gasp o~ife. In it.s place, we now see only the Crab Nebula, a messy spattering of gas. But we have also discovered that part or the star bas <.'ollapsed to a tiny, dense heap a wildly spinning pulsar weighing in at billions of tons 'per cubic inch ! Information on show times is available by callir)g 556-5880. PROJECT: UNIVERSE, a 39·part television series on astronomy, made its California debut last fall, and will begin airing in many parts or the United Stales and Canada in a few weeks. KOCE-TV, channel SO, will be repealing the series here in Orange County on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:30 p.m. starting Feb. 12. The series features animated special effects, interviews with prominent scientists, a nd l ocation footage from modern observatpries and NASA. In addition lo episodes on the planets, stars and galaxies, t here will be .special progr ams on black holes, relativistic space travel and the possibility of extraterrestrial communication. You may enroll for college cr edit by calling Coastline Community College at 963-0811. D eath Notice• SHANNEf' EVA E SHANNEP, rold~n• Of NewpOr1 BeKh, ca p,...,.d ewev Ftt>ruary 1, 1•~ B«n Oeurnt»r 7, IQ In Wl<hlta. ICanM~ Su"'IW'CI bV ...... hU-~\8 !.fl~"""P ar>da -· C 8 ~of N•wl)Ort 8eacll. Ca .. ..star T,..,,.,. Cooc-r ol Lan· CMt~. ca th'"' O"tncklllldr.-i, RIO Shannep; VIOY P••••\ .,,., LO••• .,..,,_,, lhrff ornl-iJrllf\d<lllldr•n. Brandy ~teo, IC•M y SNnnep and lh cll Sh-FUN"r•I \#rYICI'\ Wiil br field °"-"" r•t>ruary ~. 1'7• &I , PM •• Pklfk Vie# Mortuary Ch•e>el wltlt ,,.. A~v Brue. A ICurrll' Olfitl•I· 1119, lnt•r"-I P1<1l1< Vlf'w M•morlal Park, Ne .. porl 8•ach, Ce Paclllc Vie. MM1ullf'Ydlrtt< Ion, M4·7700. Rewards Add Up IB.L. llOADW A Y MOITUAU 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9160 SMfnf.TU'nflLL-U.M8 MOaTU•n WHTCUH CHA,IL Ctetmtory • Flower Shop 427 E 11th ~t Cos1a Mesa 646-4888 PIRCI taOntllS s.ent'S ~TUAU 627 Mam SI Huntington Beach 536-6539 ,_fAMILY CO&.OMAL FUMHAL HOMI 7801 Bolsa Ave Westminster 893-3525 ,.~,llW MIMOtiA.l ,AH Cemetery Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach 844-2700 McCC>ti4fCK MOITUAlllS L.aguna Beach 494-9'16 Laguna t-41lls 78&-0933 Sen Juan Cap111rano 49$-1770 w.n.-aac>til N•ALHOMI 94&-2424 CoslaMesa 073-9'50 .. The rewards offered by volunteering to help another are sometimes very small: a twinkle in the eye of someone in a conval escent home wh e n an "adopted gr andchild" visits or lbe smi ling face or a fatherless child when his "Big Brother" takes him on an adventure. Tiny as tbo~ewardR seem, they ~ fill a helper's heart. HERE ARE some othe r programs a n d agencies that connect those who want lo .~elp with lhose who need al. ' A Garaen Grove Neptune Society CAEMATIOH BUltlAL AT SEA 646-7431 Catt few"" potttolto a nimal care center needs an assist with office work s everal hours per week. A Santa Ana agency needs aides io a testing program for handicapped clients that assesses potential skill areas . Training is o ff e r e d , but a commitment of several months is asked. ; YOUNG8TBI need belp wttb homework al Sitler Park In Weatmlnater Tucadaya Course "CTiflout •lnl•HI NAM« ITATeMun T ... ~.,. _._ I• Wlftl -.i. MHAI '\ OOUNTY I OBl'nJARIES NaWflOATllt INN HAllt red OISIOHS, 1101 JaMl>O•H It• .. e .... ., IMOt."' ~ Jllft ~ L.ll'llllff1. lo.M ~. ,_lain v .. ...,. CA. '279 A coAune in real estate "'!=.. ~., <~e.o 1>y e11'"" office management will Jim,. . .....,,..,, be orrer~ by CouWne ~:., ·~ ~~~~::~ •: Com mun Hy Colleae ,_.,., 11. im. from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. N>111Ndo..._ eo.~ 0.1~'= Thursdays, beginning J..i.11.•. ,..._4, 11, 1m u t>tf Feb. 8. at Edison HJsh School, 21'00 Magnolia , PUBLIC NOTICE 1---P-U_BUC __ N_OT_l_C_,E--11---,.-,-m-now--~---- HunUngton Beach. UMUTna ... ..,. The coW"Se ls designed ':'::::=:::-,.,amouuusoeass .!i':ui.i .. ~"' '9f'IOM .,.. ...... ror the real estate The '°'lowin!l l*'IOn h dolnQ IMlil· N-llTATl!Ml•T . MISSIONIHVESTM&NTCW.OUP. I ' h t ftftUI' Tlte followlnQ --ll Clo'"1I bu\1-:O':"Mn!llO~~=i ICll, !Of, sa eapenion w o wan a THE ORAP£·MOe•LE: ,.,_, Mololo'.ai 1180 as-• • • .,, *· ,._, . MlWoll Lo become a firm Cott•~u.C..n•M • r1A.eE1tLIN E·HAW1C co•· v1eio.c..9*! manager w1111.,, 0 Ha(Wy, ~ Mololtat' PANY. 11• E ltth st ..... c.o.i. -· c...::11:.e"v\:-iee. "= n.2 • Co$tll Me.., CA. n.2' • callfo~mzl 1' • A real estate license is T1t1, lluMllHI <-.cted iw ... '"" "'°"" ._ *Gertv. ''°° e Cefttr•• "'"~~ M 1"'" 1' <oMw<ted .., • 3 pre·reqw·,•ite for the dlvlelual:., D u._ A ... -. Fulle,_, C.ltfon>le .,.,, ~ •J .. .._. ••• Tiii• MlnHI Is COfldlKIM Oy an Jn. Tiils ......... -flled -... course. Tiil' 11•-... 11..., wi111 .... diyldu•• ce..n1, a.rt .. o.-.. c....t~ ., Reelstration ·may be =~~"'~ 0ranoe County on Tllk =~~''" •'1111"' J_,-,11,im. ,,,.... c a r r i e d o u t a t the ' "llm Coun•y ci.,,. of 0r ..... County ... f'ul>fl,,_ 0r-.. c-,a o.11, Pltot first class sessi·on For Publl"-1 Orengt eoes1 o.11y P11ot Fe1>r1tarv 1, 1m -'-21 • ., kt..•. 11, ''" 2•Je · J an. 21,21, Fte.4, 11, '"' fl~ furthe r tnformation. 244-,. Puo11~0r.,...eouaoa11.,P11o1, PUBLIC NOTICE contact CoasWne Com· F•16.trv•.11.••.n.1m •1·"•-----------munily College at PUBUC NOTICE fllCT1TlOUS eusneete 963-0824. UMa STATUIWllO • fllCTtnOUlawutHS PVBLIC NOTICE Tll• fol-1"9 .,.,_ -...... MAMaSTAT8'a•T Ml-as· T.,. 10110M111 ~ Is ooine l>usi------------I( i. H o R y w a t. t. .. ssu fllCTlTIOUSeuso••H MAINTENANCE. m IClflelll PIK•, ~EllMAH LEASING CO., 22062 NAMESTAHMINT C.ta ...... CA....,., ~ May Ln • HulltlnotOft 8Ncll, Ce. The followino ""°"" .,.. dolnt e...., It • ...,.,..,. m IC"9 Pta<e, lloniMU as Coste ~. CA...,, Ttrrtl!ICe W. SfltrtNn, 220U Qlpt TUNNEL MANUFACTU IUNG, ICtmon M. I('-'· 7*1eft!a An41 Mn Ln .. Hul!l1"tl0n BHch, Ce tt'44 •MJO San Jeclnto SI , FOUft!eln Vall•v: A,,.., Acll. •I•. Cost" Mesa. CA. mn Thlt ~ ll ~led Dy "" In. CA '21111 Tiiis tuslnu1 I• c~ b't • Lah Gift Approved dlvlduel. Tllom A. ""-"" and Mike s. 9"'trat -1Nnl!tp. · Direct.ors or the Hoag Tltll !.~,~ w.;.5!'9',1,._1~ •fl• ·-Mufllns, , ... 50 s-. Jeclnlo st .. "--e-., It. H....., F d I h ... ~·-" , ,... n •~ 1eln V•llev. CA 927111 Thlt JI~ wn ( .... .,It!\ ttle OUn al OD ave ap-Co11n1y Ct.r11 of Oranoe County on Tltis buslnen •• c001ducttd bY e County Clertl ot Or..,. (illlnty on proved a grant of $25,000 Januery 17• •m ,,_. tent••• .,..,....,ntllp. J•n11ar". 1m. in -.. ThOm Mercer • ,.,_,. to Cf'lapman College P11bll1Nd 0r-. Cont O.lly Piiot Tltls •latement W1H fllf!d wltlt Ille Put>lllhed ()rMgt COe$l C)Mly Pilot, Orange for development Je11.21·• Ftb.•. fl. Im W·7' ~%.Ci.tk of OrMIQll Collnty on Jen. Jen. tt and,.. •. 11. lt,"" of the school's Human ""7t" p e r f o r m a n · c e PUBLIC NOTICE Publi•hecl 0renoe <M\t o.11v Piiot, PVBLIC NOTICE Laboratory program. ----Jan. "·21·•.F«>.4•1919 .;.,. •-----------College officials s aid "1cr1nous •ustNESs STATIMSNT CH' AMNDOefM.l!NT N-1 STATIMENT Of'•-• -fll-tTI""-the money will be used The 1o11ow1no __, 1s dolnt bust· ~-------;us.;;,, ~we· l~ buy equipment de· neu,:,~ H SAVE SANTA AHA "A", PUBUC NOTICE Tlte followlng -N'le •ban· s 1 g n e d to m e a s u re '" w 11th, ~. Co$ta Meta. u.. mn -----------•=· ,,.. 1n1 of 111e •1«11iou. bvsl':"s physical pe rforma nce, JOftn .......,, zo.1 _,. 0r1.... ~~nm::::~s scon, "TELLIER. 1ooe & COM- idenlify physical weak-:~1.A:;i~. h unducled by.,,..... The toll-"'9 peuon1 ••e dolnt ji:ANY. toOO Olt•ll St .. 51111.e 290, ouw...ss• · .... pon llffcll. CA 92'60 nesses and strengths •ldll•I THE LYNCH COMPANY, ... The Flclitlolls 81$nHS .._ ·~ and analyze in!J'UriCS and Thit ~.!__ r>uqst ,..'?11..., •Ith tlte 8all8f'St.,8219,c:osta~.Ca '261'. ,.,,_,lo ...... wes ,, ... IA 0r.._ ·--.. ~· • ~lllP G L.,..CI\. 1'ts WI--COlllllY on NO'll n. 1tT1 • the process of heaUng. ounty Clerk 01 Orante County on LAM. N-' llNcfl, ca ~ Mic""' c. •voe. n•n Seas10. _.._;_ ______ ~--t enuary 1'. '"' ~ w F<JrO., ttD CMcll"'4. i.-. Huntington 8Mcfl, U. ~ i1 .... "-talnVeli..,.ca.'7109 R-'1 N. Tellier, J r •• MIO E . EAR.L'S P~UMBINC. ' Hf.AltNC. Alll COND ,, ' .. ,.,,. .. , .• , ..... 1.,, .. -.•1111 ,,, '''"' ,,., .. ,, f .. II 11f"' N1 •''' '' t t:IU' Att •• COHA Mt\A642· 1JSJ 117• Ntw-• f,ll•O Ml\\ION lllEJ049S·0401 Pvblhtwd Or-C~t O.lly Pilot., JeaMltle E. YMll. 12CJ1 Pl .. s... Pi<MIM Ori .... A!oenl•. AZ. asoa Jan HendFeb •.II, It, 19'1' Ger*'1Gtow,ca."2MO She r idan N. Scott, IUl E . ,PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS BIJSll~ESS NAME STATfMENT Tha lollOwinQ _ _. I\ OO•nt busi· M '1o•S D (; LEASING CO , P 0 . Bo• 1315, Newport B.ach, Ce. 9Ulo:I; 1701 PIK.nlla, Cost• MeU, ca 92621 Tltls -IMU I• Conducted bV • Glfdllnl•. Soollh P!'IOenlc. AZl5011 oeM••l~p. This ~ "'" condUctld by an ~tte E Y-unlncorPO<el!ed -l•tlon oUw<-than Tiiis --WM filed wllll tltl a ... r1ner"'4p. County Oerl< at Orenoe eountv en Ml<t>MI c. 191» J_,.y 1'. Im. 'MM41 Tltlt 1wt......t wes filed with tl>t' Pvltllllled OrMIOt Coell Delly Pilot Co<lnty Cttn °' OrMl99 County on J•n. J•n. 21, 21. Fell. 4, II, 1'7' 2Sl·7' 11, 1'"· . F1$772 Publh ""' Oreng11 Coest Ollly PiJOt. Jen. u, 21, at. Feb.•. lwt 1"11 C..mone C<1pt\tr•no O.G. c;,Jn•old. P O. Boa 132.S. PllBLIC NOTICE 97-79 •\•" O• rrwy •I•••• Paw I Newport Buch, Ca . 926U; 1718 ------------1 ~';:i~~ic;:~l~i:~ an In· ---,,-,-CT-l_Tl_OU_S_IU_S_l_N_H_S _ _,,.. v .. , ""'""b o.G<O~• .... rnmMm "'"nouUUSO•OH PUBLIC NOTICE LEASE This •lel.otmenl WU filed wllh '"' T~ 1011-•nv perM)M .,e dolno NAM• STATI_.. .. , lt\l\IM H •i • County Clerk of Orenoe OMAnty on • B J PAINTING CO. m s Jowe T,,. 1011-ino CMVSOllS •r~ doing January 17, 1919 Slrttl, CO\ta ~.CA '1U• OV1lneu es· • • Flee.Jn • LOM9 ARDY HOME,S. 10087 ()It • Published Oranot C.0.st 0.lly PolOI Belly J. Homan. lttS Iowa 51 · Garfield A-, Huntington 8ucn, J 21 11 ~-~ 11 l97• 2,..,. Cosla Me w . CA 926:i. Calllo,..I•"'- • • an. • • r-. • • Judy A Wetws, :Im low• St., Coste Buy u --.. LJI 9'626 Plllflp H. McNe,,_, ltsl Samet' • ..,.._ 0r1,.., Costa M9se. CallfOnlla '2t16 PUBLIC NOTICE Tim Ous•nen Is Conducted Oy • 0.1• Sll'l'lllro, IOI s-.t-lle T••· ;.nerel P«1nenllip rece, eo.--dlf ¥.tr. ca11font1e t262S • ts.tty J ~ Thi b11M I •79 UNCOLH . l'ICTITIOUS •USINESS Tlt'5 ,,.,..._ .... , filed "'''" ,... s MU ' <O~taci by • • NAM• STATEMENT CounJy Oerk of 0rM!ge Counly °"Jen. .tmllld -1MnNp. • V-s .... ,LLES ,.. ... 1o1iow,,,. perion ,, doino bu.SI· 11• "" ..... "" H. McN-~ "' neu ., -~117911 This ,....,,.,,. wes llled _.Ill 1"9 4-000« ABBOTT LANDSCAPE, •O• Publi-OrMIOt Coell o.!Jy PllOt Coltnty Oen of o...,_ Collnty Oft • Fuller1on SI., NewP0'1 S.ach, ca. _ F ·-J~ 17, "1't. '1~ • Jan. 14, 11.... eo. •. 1 ,. 7t ,NUQ • ~ 22356 TlmolllJ Joseph Abboll, •O• "" l'vtlll.,_. 0r.,.. OIMt Dell' Piiot of ~ :z~•lon SI • Hewc>o11 8"ach, Ca. Je11.21,a, Feel.•, II.'"' UO." : :r,.. 01!~.~::;: c=.., by .,, in. PUBLIC SOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE • Tl1l1 , .. ,_, was nled with Ille S I I ,425 county O•rlt of Oranve County on STAT•MUfTOI' AM•U>O•M•NT fllCTITIOUS eUSIN«SS • ,Je.,...ry 11, 1919. 0, UH 0, ' · -~ STATaflil«NT c:ASHIWCI "*'' "CTIT10US •USINIESS NAM• Tiie loflowlftl penons .... dolno • M mono" 0Pe" end ••n• on Publllllld Or'"Ot CecK1 0.Hy Pilot The tOllOWlno .,.__ hes eM"6onecl slneu u lll)pr-.,_ ~ -..-... Jen."· 21. Fell •• "· "~ 241·1• Ille UH of Ille fletll'-OuSIM SS MMe'. PAlllC HILL APARTMENTS, 2110 •seeoo T-NOU>red S730e. llM •1-------------4 INDEPENDENT REAL ·ESTATE ... H Clrde, HuntlnQlon BNclt, Apt. 2. mo 123694. -del> ~. l!c: •CONSUL TAN TS, 1500 Adafftl Aw • C.ll!Wtl .. tM4 • uu1 f8197131C'VOI J Sulle lCM, Co!l• Mo!Y, U. '1676 Flot Sout.,.rn CMpoutt001, a L M BOYD ALEX M BLACK, 7JOO F•l,.,lew Calllornle corPOr.tllon, l tSl Dovl! •• GIJS'f.'AfSON • • Aoed. • L*. Coot• Mesa, CA. 926,. Strut. Sull• uo. N•wPOrt Beech. ~ · n is ~'""' wes c-..C:l.O by •n C.llfornla '7MO •!....._ __________ indlvidu•I. Tith~ It condll<19d .. e cor· • LINCOLN MERCURY INFORMS In the =~,:!~ eiec:1i. po•ttionFl"t~Clwl>O•••ion • lb800 &eoch 8ouleva•d OecefteC1 Aavmoncl Miiler Hun11ng1on &eoch. Tiiis \IMtfNnl WH flleO win. Ille Vke Pr~tderlt • 842-8844 County Oe11I Of Oren .. Co11nty on Tltl\ s~ WIS llleCI •ltll IN January 2', 1919. County Clerk of Oranoe County on \\.~ f'MOC J-ry S, 1"'. "Ill Pltbll"* Oreno& Coest Dall' Pilot, P"7m Jen. 21-Feo. 4, 11, It, "" Pvbllstted Or .... C:O.St 0 .. ly Pilot, *-" Ftelruert 4, II, II. 2.S, Im 4ll-" PUBLIC NOTICE PtJBLIC NOTICE fllCTITIOUS eus•N~ fllCT'ITIOUS MISINESS NAMe STATIEMINT · NAllilaSTATIEflilSNT ne!!':.loflowlnQ --Is OOlng OUsl- Tlle fOl_,ng --.,e dolno HUNTING TON READY MIX lllKIMS.sft. HUNTINGTON BEAC>4 READY MIX HUl504 U.S.A. INC., 372.> 91rdl ltnJ DI-St. Huntington BN<.11, CA St.,~ lle«:ll, CA f2M He,_ Hlrscll U.S.A. Inc:., e Ja"'" 0..., ~. 19'12 DI-NH• Jerwy eotl*'•llon, 2'-lJ Mt. ;c., HunUl>Qlon BHch. CA.,... V..--St., Ridgefield PMtl, N.J. 01MO T"ltls IMlllfleU is COftduCted by en in '"Tllls °'*-Is condueted Dy • <Of• OIY._I . -Allon. -" Jlfn~ HEAMAHN HIR501 Tltls lla...,_I was fllecl lfrilfl Ille U.s.A. INC. County C1«11 Of O.anoe Otunt'I' o Ridlen! S. 0.ytOfl Jr. J..,...ry 11, 1m. ~llMMotr .. ,.,... Tltls ~~t wn lllecl wltlt 1"'1 P\IOtlllled o.....,. ~ o.llf Ptlot Collnty Clerll of ,..,, .. County Oft Jan. 14, 21, 21, F.o. 4, 1979 J_,y 17, ""· 140-79 flfllMtt-----------PllOlllhed 0r9"QI Coell 0.lly Pilot Jan. 21. 21. Feb.•. 11. ltlt J4-7" PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE fltCnT10US ·~··· NAMll ITATUMNT TM foll-Ing pat'IOllS •re dolfto b\lslneu es. NEWl'Olt'T HOME LOAN TRUST •> (Al, NEWPORT HOMS LOAN TRUST •• nu. NEWPORT HOME LOAN TRUST #ti ICI NEWPORT HO ME LOAN TltUSf •tJ (01, HEWl"OfllT HOME LOAN TRIJST •Q (E l, NEWflOf!T HOME LOAN TRUST #"" IF I, ltSIWPOltT HOME LOAN TltUST #ts IOI, "f.WPOflT HOME OAN TltUST •• IHI, 11 Conrorete Plauo. Ne~ llffcll. c.1llor111e .... Nt •_.... Home LO•fl In< .... CMlforNcorir ...... Tiiis .....,,.,. IS~ l!y e CW• PO<atlOn. INC. NllWPORT HOMe LOAN ( • . I • ' \ ~~EN PILOTS ~. Febfuety •• 1979 1-Tropical Fish• Fresh • M•lne AqUMium Supplies --SpicW-.31.,._,, lt7t More ar~ waiting in -or between -th . -6TllMAC..WS ·~ .... H' e winus I am better known ~ HChlnese A~a Eater.~ Which • 9e · • makn very little MnM. because I come from Thailand. that'• a long wav from China. My cok>rl .. brown to " . ABOAltD P'RONTl'ER ruotrr lJI <AP> - Tb• eo-pilol ls a lady. and '1 at l~ roolrols 811 the &Mi nt '73'7 j tltn•r be1lns Ii. final a~iatotheMemplu1nlaht. Enuly Warn r bu made t.bouun(b or ta-tie(fl and ludlq In nearly ix y •rt wtth FrooU r. and tootibt alte cto.n't feel pres1uN'd to '-"' e herst'lr She wa lbe (trSl woman pilot for' acbffult>d U.S airhn~. and today the~·s a '('Ore ol others PaOM 41 MIL • ; W~ Y al 11.000 feet M .. pt\la 11 a blur ol liahll o a ea of dark . ML Wamtr loob for lbe U&b lh•t mark lhe runway · •'Thert' lt la, tbat bl•ck t rlan1le over thtfe,•' ~ 1lh SJeater, ~r u platn, cams out. "I have lt " llllnutes later Jb ease the fiaablq approach. U~b . It slid hundred r t beforo 1hc rlrmly. amoolhly pushe IU wbef'la to th concrete "Nlrt approarh, Emily, .. Stealer 1a.ys. "C n I open my ey .. now t" h Jokes. . •'UGlft' lal"WAS AT lhe end of the llne for the" nlaht. ll had nown from Denver to Wichita to L tll Rock lo ,._t$mphla. All they usually ao. upta ln and ro-pllot new alternate legs, with Ml Warn r htmdllnll l h flr1t and third. -1 w Q under an a\Wrul lot or preasunrwben l started ln 1973," i.be says. "Everyone was wulchlnit mtt, wuatlng for me to make a ml1take I 'II nev~r torwet the first Ume I walked Into lhe crew room It was Uke walldn& into a room full of little old ladies " Hiid ah faJled, she reels, ambitions or other women would have suffered a blow. But she 1ucceeded, and earned the respect or most of her male counterparts. .. ,,.,... SECOND OFFICER VALERIE WALKER PETRIE ADJUSTS DIALS IN COCKPIT Will the_ Center Click? .Delinquents Crawl Between Chaos, Coping lite ...,._ 8octety ott.ta a elmple and dlgnlfl9d .. '"."°" MrWlce Wfth dfeHmlnetfon at Ma, de· '""· or mouatalna. Ye>Ur loclal .. curlty and • ••••ran• Admlnlattatloti benefit• may apply toward• our cremation ~·•· • ,._, ''",,,_.• nffd, or "" potttolo, catl °' Wftte. .. Tile Nept-e Soelety 2AGO W. COHt Htghwey . Newport .. ec:h, Ca., t2M3 :>P CEM. 846 7431 24 HOUA ,_,...,,.., ~~---.:__ a..!!RYICE .. .., ·--~ ---, ........... 11,.. .. c.1 ..... """"'"' ,.,.. rvmollo to. tM ,_., C.., ""' t1~t.-. I NAME. I r. .. .....-...... .......... I ............... ... ,~'""' 'I --..-.c:.. . ..,., .......... QTY I ,_,,..._ .. -ITATI _ e--...e...t11t1ntlUM9t watched until they board a train back home or to who knows where. Turnover al the center is rapid. and there are no statistics on effectiveness. "We s tart with the basics," says Ms. Geraigiry. "Like sha mpoo, clean underwear and manners." And a civil tongue: Every four.Jetter word means a five.cent fine and lhe Dirty Mouth Fund is used to buy ice cream and cake for 1Wednesday afternoon movies. "WHAT'S THE PROGNOSIS for these kids?" ask.s Ms. Geraigiry. "Can we make lhem into the people we'd like them tO be? No. Can we give them a few skills, help them cope, make life a little easier? Yes." Another. realist in this nursery: John McDoqald, iron·haired Irishman, a s pecial education teacher who handles the slowest kids and doubles as a stern but likeable bouncer. "It's hard to get them to sit still." says McDonald who tries lo capture their interest by talking about lhe $5 million Kennedy Airport heist -a feat they admired. '"Their attention span is so short." he said. "You do the best you can with individual instruction. You try to give some skill, teach them to use a multiplication table, teach them that Brooklyn isn't in Asia, that there's more in the newspaper than a s ubway mugging." McDonald gives them points for effort, achievement and improvement, and every week he gives a prize. maybe just an extra subway token. The philosophy is "whatever works ... ' And that includes praise. · --·~a ..... sAve UP TO 40 O/o It II • el lilt LAllOT LllMlll ""' ••·• '"' 11.e .. 11.a clltm 111 tk Wtstn tl.l. IORTHIHIMiE 1tiaa ....-...... tt. ~.i:;'™ I 10. HOLL YWOOO 1220I IMnMn w., t= =......-,_, NUITUliTOI BEACH na........, lr;f,?:.=- IAl 11£10 "'1••·-~~~ "There are a few holdouts amonc some of lhe older, more-eomervative pUota wbo feel il'a a man's job tony the airplane ud a woman's to serve lbe passenpra," says Sleater. a 20-year veteran wlth Frontier. "But Emily's an excellent filer and 99 percent of us are for the women pllot.a." fawn a daf1( horizont8' lloe from anout to eeudalfln I am not remattcabtv beautiful, but dO I tow to Mt algae. 'If I am not already In your eQtJarium -you're woric.lng too hard. Let me help clean rt uc>. Come aee me at · AQuatic Tropk:ala. I am on Sale for ooly 39•. See You Soon-C.A.E. •~ 1510 W. Baker• Coate Me.. · 1!1!11!!!!11!!· '549.1391 • CorrMtr HarbOr & B•ker iiiiiiii' An'EB SHE BROKE the barrier, scores of women beJ:e applying to the. airlines for pilot jobs. But was a recesak>n in the mid-~· and the carriers were furtoulhlng pilots, not hiring lbem. PROBATE SAl.£--.-e-• By 1976, the situation bad eased, and, with the women's movement in full awing, a few airlines be&an hlrln1 females. Their number ls small compared with the 34,000 male pilots fiying for U.S. trunk carriers, but it is growtne. By the end of 19'17 there w~re 40 women* in the cockpits of major airlines. Then came cheap fares and the air travel boom of 1978, and in one year the number bas doubled to about80. Two are captains and another 20 to 25 are first officers, or co-pilots, 'fbo also fly the plane. 1be rest are second officers, essentially flight engineers who occupy a third seat on the flight deck. They c:an fly but don't take the controls on a scheduled hight. . BOTH MEN AND WOMEN newcomers must wait one to several years lo advance up the seniority ladder to first officer and then wait several more years to make captain. f, · For more than two years, Ms. Warner was the only woman four.striper in the country. Charlotte Wall of Southern Airways recently joined that exclusive club\ fiyi.ng short "metro" runs out of Atlanta lo nearoy cities. \ Some senior captains who have expressed reservations about women pilots say that the best qualified applicants· are being hired now, but they worry about the future. TREY CITE SUITS by the Equal Employment .Opportunity Commission against police departments to require less stringent admisaion standards for minorities and wonder if airlines will encounter similar pressure. A year ago United Air Lines bad S,000 male and no women pilots.' Today, it bas 14 female second officers, one 'tn training and two oth~rs ready to start training. "Yes, we have received pressure from EEOC they're watching us C!le&ely," says Ray Boy a United employment official. .... That's one eason we're actively recruiting women. But w on't choose a woman with less ability than some males beca~ of EEOC. · Most women pilots iptend to make it a long career. Several have married male pilots on the ir a irline, and there are a few father-daughter pilot teams. MOST PASSENGERS aren't aware when a woman is up front, but generally accept it when they do know, pilots say. A few have spotted a woman pilot and asked for another flight. Once a woman noticed her on the flight deck, though, and re marked loudly, "I didn't know the captain bad a secretary." UNIMPROVED LOT IN HUNTINGTON BEACH Comer of Werner Avenue & Lynn Street SEALED BIDS TO BE OPENED FEBRUARY 22, 3:30 PM In San FranclKO For lnform•tlon, Contact A.A. Belluomtnl, AttomeJ for &Ute, 300 Mont"mery Street, Suite 1000, Sen Fr8ncleco, CA 94104 (415) 982-0517 ~ H ERB FRI EOLA~DF.R IS :WAKISG GREAT DEALS BUY OR LEASE! FREE 50oi~ #64794 SUNDAY te.a aa 1nm Music by Guy Halferty .. EVERY SUNDAY AFTERNOON February and March • l :30 to 4:30 SOUTH COAST PIAZA Jewel Court . • ... -. ) . . . t • . I I WOODEN LAMPS 88 Each Contemporary 28" high tamp is smartly designed in wood with brass-color base and cloth-covered shade.· Choice of 3 styles. GRANITEW ARI" CHOICE 2 quart teakettle, covered saucepan, 4-qt. covered pot 0r 2-pon set. ,2 300 For : ANAHEIM lnlflOWER El TOM FUUERTOW NO. HOLLYWOOD llOmtttlDGE 6-FT. STEP LADDER 88 Sturdy and handy 6-ft. aluminum step lad- der. Hos side roils with safety tread steps. Hos work shelf and reinforced bracings. PLASTIC TRASH 1115 S~toP....o'f lift-up bins in .fO:qt. or 44-qt. sixes. • Choice of colors. 2~ .. CAMAlllLO ..-cm HEll£T DllAM llDLAIDS MTG SAITA FE SNUl&S SIMI WM.LEY SO. LOS AllELH ~D TEMPLE CITY THOUIMD GAU ----- Our Reg. 9.96 ·~· Pre-washed, oll- cotton. Several styles. Navy. Mis· ses'. Visit Kmort. MALTED MILK BALLS 68 Cca 14 Yi-Oz. •milk carton of real old-fashioned molted milk bolls. Great for the kids I KITCHEi TERRIES 1~ ... Colorful kitchen . helpers in cot- ton/polyester ------==;;...=;; she or ed pre· Own Mitt .....•. S1 h k Olah Ootha . 2 for Sl s run terry. Pot Holder .. 2 fof Sl POLAIOIDe T-108 311 New Two pack Polaroide Film saves you money! Sixteen pi!=tures. IAPe ALARM CLOCK Hand-wind lo"d bell alarm clock. for home or travel. 3~0 COSTA llOA COllOU C8MA lfHNJSTRY LADITO LAVE• RIVUSIDE WTAAU TOMMCE VEITUM I 9£9• ............ . -------------------i f 6-PI. PACK I f CREW SOCKSj Cushion-foot cot- lm"l~ ton Nylon; ~hite or white/with color stripes. Sovel Men'• Siz• "' 10.13 I ·A.oz. I AGREE® SHAMPOO 88! Regular, Oily or Extra Gentle, formulas : 8- 0z. * size. For shining hair. CROCKERY KEnLE ' 911 3 ~-quart stone· ware, includes glass cover, 3 settings.Charge it at Kmart! KEYSTOIE IOWLIJIG IAG1 Sturdy supported 3 9 7 I vinyl. Nylon sizzer I Overlay design. 2 lays 1 • • IOlO ... P'OIUIHQ 0000$ Ol" I r:Nei'1 ~ 2•/2 LI.* SIAIL & SLUG f K·Mart Snail and 8 3 I Slug Killer P81"'1 ( I Attracts and kills I destructive. snails. I ------------------- CUIMY WIAll U. llACll IAllElltJDllO SMCWIEm WUT COWllA WUTllllTH ,. :..----~~~~~~~-~L~Y~ ~-•f!Ol!M . 4 A Heavenly Gift: Carew Wears a 11 DAV C\JNNINGJIAJI oe .. .....,..,...._.. ••W blv ob&a.lned tM l ttlll r an J ba••Mlt." / With tbat almple f'ntenctf', C&lllom11 An•els General Man a pr 8un1e an-... S.W le. t it Rod car.w will bf wHrbli a b.aJo on bi.a hat lhlJ ·-·~-· nl& ANNO • day that Nini OWAer Calvin Crt!rltb had ..-1"4 to &l~ up Carew In ex l china~ ror a quart" o" Anaels rifht I handed p\tr~r PaQJ Hartzell. ZS.year old outtWJiikr Ken Land~ Ull. minor leaiue IOUtbpaw Brad tlaven.4' and a • youn1 UJ!oapect from use. tblrd baseman Dave Enaet. ! The trade was flnalbed Just a abort time after &he New York Yankees dropped out of the trade p1cture with a 1 ftrm, llftll'Y•SOundang statemenl Earlier UUs we k Carew sa1d he "re· seoted being pu.abed around" an lbe trade talks involving the Twins and Yankee.s. He was part.Jcularly mitred about published quotes pertaining to• Yankee owner George Stelnbrenner. . "'I AM OFFENDED when 1 read a11 J this stuff about the New York Yankees and what ·~rae wunll. Oeora aeta'," C'artw Mid "I want ev rybody to know I clD"t be bJoulht " Th~comnwot.I rais d~t lnbrenner'a ar and cauaed him to drop out ot tho lrad p char wltt} Ulia prepanMt atate- m nt· • __ .. w au-ea :ospec:t for Rod Car w u a pl y r. but 1r a man doesn't und rttand the privlle1c or playlq for tbt New York Yankees, the greatest ba eball city ln the world. and has stat- ed that New York would not be hil first choice. and that he'd be more oomforta- bte IOmeWhere elae, then I don't think we'd be talr to our tans in New York, or to our other ballplayers, who've won two World ChamplonsbJps Jn a row, to pursue Carew any turther," Steinbren- ner aa1d. THE OUTSPOKEN YANKEE owner added .. "When a man is asking for $4 milllon over five years and then s ays be reels like he 's being tossed around 'like a grocery item,' it's a little humorous.'' And in the blink ot an eye, Carew became an Angel. Bavasi didn't even have lo give up promising third baseman Carney Lansford, 1 wbom tbe Twins ortgtnaltt demanded. "We expected It woWd eo1t us ln player personnel," Bavui Nici. ..We fell we couldn't gtv~ up tbe pleyJn Mr. Grltli&h Insisted upon ortalnatly. Ho wever , this afternoon we finally cam4: to a meetin~r the minds." llAVASI ADDED THAT be bad 1poken with Carew's agent, Jerry Simon, and that a previous salary agreement between Carew and the Angels would be honored. That agreement is believed to be worth $4 million over five seuons, and Simon was quoted as saying the pact was the biUest in baseball. "I don't lrnow ol any better one," Simon said. Carew was not available for comment Saturday but bis wile Marilynn sald, "I'm glad it'll all over. I'm sure he wanted to go to tbe Angels and I know he'll be happy there." Angels owner Gene Aulry was elated with the news that his general manager had finally closed the deal, and said the trade was of enormous magnitude. •'J 'ftllNK TIDS is one of tbe best deals tbatbu been made int.be American League in many years," Autry said. "I feel be ~ave a great impact on tbla team and rans. I'm very llapp,. •· Griftltb earlier been~ u sayint the Aqels weren't tlae pl.ayers be wanted. Tbe Yankees, bow....-T preeellMH a ~that tbe'- Twlna owner fomd appe•Hft1. First baseman Chris Cbambliu, Out· tielder Juan Beniquez, infielder Brian Doyle and one or two minor leque plt.cben were offered by New Yodt. Prior to Carew's apparent reJeetion of the Yankees, it appeared a deal was im· mioent. · · .. WE SAT DOWN with all our people and weighed all the racts, and with all things considered we just felt there was f'O way we should continue to 1>W"ue this deal," SteinbreMer ann0unced. "The other key in our decision con- cerned a player who really wants to be a Yankee . . . Chris Chambliss," Stein- brenner added. •'Chris conducted 61,uaelf like a real man throughout this period. <See CAREW. Page BZ> .. • . Hinkle Finds His ·came CROSBY SOUTHERN-Bob Zender <left ) chips to the green from under a tree while Bob Lunn pitches just off the green in ac- tion at the Crosby Southern golf tourna· ment at Irvine Coast Country Club Satur- day. Zender is one· stroke off the lead while Lunn finished at 73. Crosby Southern Thompso;n, Baker Lead A pair or touring pro - fessiona ls, Barney Thompson and Bobby Bater, bold the first round lead in the Crosby Southern golf tournament at Irvine Coast Country Club after firing two-under.par 69s Satur· day on a wiody, clear-day. Thompson joine:d the tour in 1973 and has pfJyed in the Crosby Southern before. He has also played in the Crosby Clam- b ak e at Pebble Beach three times and says it wouldn't lake much to get him lo turn to a job as a club professional now. BAKER, OUT OF Missouri Ci· ty, Tex., has been forced to qualify for a PGA card twice. He did it first in 1977. lost the privilege and regained it at the last qualifying school. He bas never played Irvine Coast before. "My putting and c hipping around the greens helped me to- day," Thompson said. "I ! Anteaters Threaten I . . ! But ~es Win, 65-54 f SpedaJ lo Ute Dally PUot J LOGAN. UTAH-Receiving a 1 balanced attack from its start-· t • ing five, Utah Stat.e overcame an early deficit and went on to beat viaiting UC Irvine, 65·54, in ,. a P CAAcontest before 8,279 rans Saturday lU«ht. · • The Anteaters controlled lbe , tempo early and s urprised the I bo•t team b)' racing off to a 12-4 adva . But the Aggies came ri1b~clt to score 14 un; anaweted polnta to seemin1ly a111nde oommaiMI at 18-12: t uct came roaring back to cut f the deficit to J.8..17 with 5: 24 re- f mai81ng In the first hall, but the ~ Al,._ ran ofl a 17-6 spurt to 1 clotte the period and take a com· r m ...... S-23 lead at the ball. UCI made one final run in the s cond half as it closed a 57-42 deficit to 59-54 with a little more than two minutes remaining. But the Aeries spread their of· tanse and went into a delay 1ame and the Allteaten were forffd to foul ln an errort to get the ball. ••once ...-... b.t moments of Sood, solid buketbaU and we • had mo~nt.a or breakdowm," I • l said UCI Coach Tim Tin. "We plated well In spots ... The loss drops UCJ 's record to 1-7 in conference, S-14 overall. Utah State, meanwhile, re - mained in the PCAA hunt with Cal State Fullerton by upping its mark to 7·2 in conference, 15-6 overall. UCl"*IMI UIMI StatelUI te It. McGuire • 1 14 8•11..ss ROC19er1 2 2 6 JKll!.Oll 8o1Cle11 I 0 16 Hv- Jo11n 4 I t Mc OonelCI 8remono t t 4 Pertcln• Jurll 0 ~ $ H- ar-n ' 0 ' Mcf'il,.11\ Toi.ts 'l2 It M T04els Helttl!M: u1e11 $\et•. >~7l .. It 1P • ' 14 ' 0 6 ' ) ll 4 I JI s 0 10 ' , . 0 , , ,. ll 4j Tot•l !oul1: UC lrvlfle to, Ult!\ Sltle I~ l<ouled OUI: McGlilra (UCtrvlMI Alle~.77'. * * * PAClf'IC COAST ATMLETIC Al.llil L•-°""' ... w I. W L C.I SIAle Ful~ 6 I IS • Ulell SI... l t U 6 Ptclllc 6 7 10 tO F-Slett $ 4 II lO Leftt ._,. S4atlt t ) II 9 ucs..... .... 31 ' t I! UClnlM 1 ~ 1. Wf\J-S.-I 6 4 1$ ......... ~ Ult!\ Slele6S1 UC lrvlne 54 F,..,.. Stetlt Jt. C.t ttft Left h«tl 71 .. ec:llk 10, UCSl!Me hrll"lte .. ,...., ...... C.l Slllle f'uli.Nn •t Sen..._ Sltlt I haven't played all that much, in fact, this is onJy the third round I have played this year." Thompson's round included four birdies and two bogies. He missed the green on one bogey and three-putted the other. Two or bis birds came on par five boles. BAKER WAS A BIT more in- consistent, scoring slx blrds and four bogles. His birds were scored on the par three a nd fi ve holes Ctwo each > and one on a par four. "I bit the ball mediocre today but kept it in play all the way," Baker said. "I putted well and I think that's what helped me. Last week I bad a real bad putting round and I changed back to a putter I have used (or eight years. It is lighter in weilJbt and on fast greens it helps. It as bard to use a heavy putter on tast greens." There are three other players a stroke back at 70 Including JeH Hewes, Bob Zender and Peter Chapin. In the team competition, Rocky Thompson a nd Jim Gianullas of Big Canyon are the leaders with a 61 followed · by . Dw{jlit evil and George Rjan, also or Big Canyon. -HOWAllDRANDY· f'l'11 rCMINI ~In tlle Cf'MllV Sovnlam .... '°"',,."""'el INIM Cont Counlry CM»· hmey 'T'--ss.M_.. eotlby 8-• iw.-41t JetfH•WH ~ &oo z....oer •~-10 1'91•r CMptn• ~10 oa ... &llf'llff ~.,, "09t' CAlvtft •is-11 L•rry ~ n.Jl-11 LOii Nelltorl lW-rt ............ ~,, °"I T._,I JWt-1't JOflfl Adems JWt-11 8oll Lllllll JWS-)1 "9m TrtlMft »-17-71 TaAML•AD••I •1-~ .. r.r"'""""·Jlf!IOWlf!Ul••~-'3-Htvll, ~ • .,.., ~-0-.-c.-., Qlrlt H-1; eemry T"°"'""", Cleudt Alllll; o.n..lt 111111¥4111, JflJltfl M<Ne\llMO!I; ...., e.lttr, 900 Cllf\tr1fl ~ Ctleot11, lllO SCllweN U-T-..,_, T-CeWYI LM Mlllltt, ... ~1111 : l<rlli Ne•r•ll, l!rlc Wellofl; Oe11 .............. l( ... OI~: a.z.-r, THQ!ftl. ,,,,,.., .... -...,11 . •• • • .. .. ~ Crosby National Field by 5-strokes # . PEBBLE BEACH CAP> - Lon Hink1e leaned back, took a long look at the leader board which showed him with a five· stroke advantage through three rounds ol the Bing Crosby Na- tional Pro-Am golf tournament and grinned broadly. "Let's see," be said, looking ahead to today's final round, "Mark (Hayes) is giving me two and three, and J .C. CSnead ) is giving me three a side. "Now that's the kind of game I've been looking for." HINKLE WAS PLAYING in something approaching solitude at Cypress Point while the gallery of 2:5,000 and the national television cameras concentrated on the celebrity amateurs cavorting at Pebble Beach. But he cut out a three-under-par 69 to take firm command or this prestigious event. Snead, listed at six shots back of Wnkle al tbe time, fell two * * * Tl!lnHOUftd IHdtn kl Ille 81"9 C.-. h.· llollel Pro-Am OOH T _ _..,, t..oo Hlfll<le Man Heyes Gfl~"­ Curtt1 Strenge GU NIOf'9llt" Bred 8ryertl J. c. SflffCI Gibby Gllllett ~~ Tom Weiskopf Alldy&e... Jolln S<:llf'Oedff Leonard Thomc>5on Jim NelfOrd Cr•lo SC..,.., Jim T"°'111f Fvny Zoell« Merit f'fell Don Mllnenotle llollby W-IM G1tM Uttter LMEIOer ONtlla~ FONQl l'erler JeyHNS Ed Sneed Jollftny Miiter 8o4>Glldef KermltZ&t<tey Tommy"- Jerry McGee Geot°9eK"""'°" Ml-e Mc CUllovOf'I Mlke Mol"ley Daw Elellelllefller Tom SIO<"ey Bruce L leUlle Tom Vele!ltlne JollflMa!Wffey Jim Colllert Oon Blft l<rentc Qlnfter Gf afltm "'8nll Roel Fumelll CeSM S4lllUClo TenyOleftl 8111 R09""' l.AMYWedlllM Geor9e lllums Tom WlltJOll J•Ck Ewlnv Rooer MA!lble &enc-"'•"" ,,_,, c;e,e,_ Rik lillHMf19111e Jerry Pele Tom Kiie Bl"U« Devlin ArflOld Pelmer Htle lrwlfl f'llllM te OMllfl/ 7MMt-101 73-n.t-111 7~,.,..._21~ 70-70-74-214 ... 7).72-114 71·70-n-214 ·1 .. n...-i1s 7H~70-1tS 11.n-n-21s 74-7"67-21S 72-7).70-21$ 70-lHs-11' 71 ..... 71>-21• 7N4-~I· 70-73-7'-?17 n .11-1.-,11 n-n-n-111 71-7Hl-217 71..7).7,_211 7S.70-1>-211 73-71-7,_111 73-70-JS-111 11.n .1s-t11 73-71·7,_21, .... n .14-m 7S.7--2" 7).74-12-tt• 7J.7 .. 10-2" 7 .. 7).71-7\t 1 .. n .n-2" 1>-n.n-2" 71·7t-7J-210 .... 1s.n-m 11.1 .. n -no 11.1 .. 1a-no 73-73-74....:70 7J.7H2-HO 71·71-7f -220 1~1~1S-220 71.rs.1,_220 1 .. 1 ... n-no ,..,...._no .... n .11>-m 74-7 .. 71-771 70-73-19-771 71-7 .. 7-221 ,...,_,._n, 71-74-16-221 7~71-7S-771 11.,..n-m 10-1 .. n -121 11.n.n -114 11.n.11--n• n .1"1'f-t2A n.n.-m ,.,.n.n-m 71-74-12-m n .,..1s-n. n .11-n-111 7'-Jt.n-tn , ... 77.7~7 Ongais-Field. ~dDaytona DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) -A determined Porsche driving team that included Costa Mesa's Danny Ongals and three· time winner Hurley Haywood jumped lnto the lead in the 3' Hours of Daytona e ndur:ance race Saturday Di«ht after Rolf Stommelen of West Germany held the lead most of the first five hours. The Haywood-Ongais team, also iMluding car owner Ted Field ot Newport Beach, grabbed the lead just before 10 p.m . EST when the Stommelen car stalled on the 3.84-mUe road course. Three turbo-cbaraed Poncbes joined the leader ln dominatlnc the field after the Ferrari tac- tory team withdrew rrom com- petition. Tbe Ferarri .ntbdrawal came dter driver Jean Pierre DelallUY wrecked oa the lourtb turn of the outer bank apeedway. lie waa unhurt; but the car shat- tered and cluttered. the track with eo much debria tk race was cloHd ror balr IUI bour • • more behind, leaving only Hayes in position to talre a challenge over the laat 18boles. second pl~ce going into today's tiaal round. And Hayes was far from confi. dent abOut it. "If we have good we at.he(". he's got jt. He'll bang on. Will) five sbotS and good weather, !Ott sbouldwineverytime ... "I GVESS BE'S got it, .. said Ma rk Hayes, whose six·under· par 66 -the best round ol the tournament -lilted him into The hard-hitting Hinkle. wbo scored his first tour triumpti and collected more than $138,000 last <SeeCllOSBY.PAGEBZ> TV.Sports By HOW ilD L. BANDY .... Deify ....... Following are the ma for sports event.s Oh television today. Ratings a re: .t ./ ./ ./ excellent; ./ ./ ./ wwth wa tching; .t .t . fair; ./forget It. . -10:45 a.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ NBA BASKETBALL: All·starGame. Announcers: Brent Musburger, John Havlicek and Steve -. Jones. For the East it will be Julius Erving (76enl, Rudy Tom-janovich and Moses Malone <Rockets), George Gervin CSpursjandPeteMaravlch (Jeul. For the West it Wiii be Marques Johnson <Bucks), Geor~ McGinnis and Oavtd Thompson (Nuggets), Kareem Abdul- Jabbar (Lakers >and Paul Westphal <Suns >. 11 a.m .. Channel 4 ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKET8AU: Kansas vs. Michigan State. Announcen: Dick Enberg, Biiiy Packer and Al McGwlre. The Kansas Jayhawks step out of Big Eight action to face 1Sth-ranf(ed Michigan State at East Lansing. K~s. after spending the early SHtrt of the season In the top 20, has dropped out at this POlnt in the season but has hopes of regaining a piece among the nation's top teams. A victory today could help that cause. (I) 1:30 p.m., Channef 2 ./ ./ ./ GOLF: Bing Crosby Pro-am. Announcws: Vin SCully, Pat Summerall, Jack Whitaker, Ben Wright, Frank Glfeber i!tf1d Ken Venturi. Lon Hinkle takes a five-str~e lead Into tOday•s tinat round of the Crosby Clambake at Pebble Beach a fter firing a 69 Saturday at Cypress Point. Mark Hayes, with the best round of the tournament, a 66, is his nearest challenger. ffiJ 3 p.m., Channel 28 ./ ./ WOMEN'S GOLF: CofgateTrlpleCrownMatch Play. AMOUnCtn: Ray Scott, Peter Alllss and Carole ~ann. JoAnne Carner, the defending champion, and Pat Bradley advanced to tOday's finals in the Triple CraNn women's match play championships at Mission Hiiis Country Club in Palm Springs. (s2) s p.m., Channel 52 { ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL! Cal State Fullerton al San Jose State. AMOUneen: Eddie Alexander and Roman Gabriel. Cal State Fullerton's Pc.AA INdfng Titans will be heavil~. favored over the host San Jose State SpartaflS. OTHER TV 10 a.r(I. (2) -CHALLIENGE OF THE SEXES -Ann Meyers vs. Keith Erl~~ <basketball); Melissa Briley vs. Greg Louganls (platform diving); Genia Fuller vs. John Eaves (freestyle skiing>. Vin Scully and cathv Lee Crosby re-port. , 1 p.m. (7) -SUPERSTARS -Some of the biggest names In the NFL compete In this week's men's prellmlMry, taPed at Freeport, the Bahamas. Franlt Gifford, Don Meredith and Reggie Jackson rePC>rf. (.C) -SPORTSWORLD -Amateucs from the Muhammad All boxing club and the U.S. Marine Corps square off In a series of bouts taped at Santa Monica. Also, part twe of the world pro siding championships and the world bellyflop and cannonball chMnpionshlps. Commen- tators Include Mike Adamle 8"d GreQ Lewis. 1: 1S ~.m. (2) -AUTO RACINO -The finish of the 24 hours of OaY1ona, the only 2A-hour auto race In the Western Hemisphere. Ken Squier reports. 1 :30 p.m. (52 ) -COLLEGE aASKET8ALL -The Fresno Stal• Bulldogs and Long BNctt State In a game played Saturday n19ht. · 2:15 p.m . (7) -BOXING -Alexis Arouelto risks '"' wee 5Uperfeatherwelght crown against Alfredo Escalera, the man he won It from In a scheduled 15-round bout~ taped at Rlmlnl, Italy. Howard Cosell lsat rlnaslde. 3: 30 p.m. (7) -.WIDE WOttLD Oft SPORTS -A second day of the U.S. national fl9UA slcetmg cha"'plonstiips, taped at Cincinnati. Also, the world wrlstwrestllng championships and a satellite report on the Grand Prix of Brazll auto r8<lt. commentators Include Jim McKay, Dick Button, Al MlchMts and Jackie Stewart. (52) -SKIING -With Tom MMGM. 4 p.m. (50) -WOMEN'S GOLF -The Cofoate Triple crown match~ay thamt>lonstltp from Mission Hills Country Club In Palm lnos. Tapedet•l· 7:30 p.m. S2) -TODAY AT SANTA ANITA -Today's racet et Senta Anita R.ce Track. RADIO Basketball -C.I State FuUerton at Sen Jose State, s p.m .• KWRM <1370). lttockeV~lngs at Denver, 6:20 p.m., KRLA 0110), Bob Miiier, Peter Weber~. en. o.1tv "''°' ts not f"elllOMI• tor tate c........_, • . . . . .. Garv y ounda Off . Againsi Dodg r Brase FrM1 AP .,_ .. tt.N LAS CROABAS. herto IUco -Lot A.,elet ·-·-~--Ml ftntbueman Oat~yaM-11 dlaappolnttd by wlaa\ l.be team•a manarement baa done \his w\nl r. pedally loail\I pttcMlr Tomm)'Jobn , Gan-ey. playin• here ln a roU tournament, aa•d his frellnp or diuau.stactJoa rt' hared b)' other Dodttrl. players Ht-addf'd that the front otnce aeema to be "aatllfktd to be Just contendera. Tbe of- fice can ft'el th•t way. The playera don't "We a re not u sm:>ng aa we were tut year," Garvey aald "lt'a DOt a mallu ol winnlAC OW' c:Uvlaloo <tbe Na- uonal Lt"~ue West> any loaaei-. lt'a a case ol havl~ to keep up with tbe J"°neses. oC huinc to beat the Ne-.f Yortt Yaokea ud tbe Phlladelpb.ia Pb.Ulies. ''I'm dlaappointed in what we have done this winter. We to.t Tommy John 0••Yr• to the Yankees. All right, let's HY Bob Weit h can move into that starting spot. That leaves us with a bole In the J>ullpen, and we need another strong ballplayeron the bench. "We lost utllityman Lee Lacy, a good man, a bitter with power. We p\cked up Derrell Thomas, a aood man. but not with much power. ."Let's say we get past tbem <the Phila) in tbe National League. The YanlCees World Series champions have added Tommy John and Luis Tiant. · "We need a pitcher. and we oeea a player wbo can step in if somebody gets hurt, without any dropoff, for as long as necessary."· Garvey and three or bis teammates, Don Sutton, Reg· -gie Smith and RJck Monday. are playing in tbe ~-bole best-ball tournament for professional baseball and football players _____ ...,~., ·-·------ "! would have talked to the Yankees," said aod Carew. shortly aft.er hearing ol bis trade to tbe California Angels. "Had they <Yankees\ been willinc to match the cauromia contract, I probably would hnve gone there. even though I didn't like the Idea of playing in New York as much as I did the thought of playing in California. I really didn't want to get in· volved in all of the fighting and controversy that goes· on in the Yapkee clubhouse." MtltfdotDnq IA_. fl-lier• Shirley Muldowney. written off by many of her POMONA Former world champion • male contemporaries after a mediocre 1978 drag racing season. roared back Saturday in qualifying al the 19th Annual Wintematlonals where she pushed her Top Fuel dragster to a speed of 255.58 mpb. Her finish line speed was the second fastest in drag racing history behind J erry Ruth's 255.68-mpb effort in 1977 at Englishtown, N.J. Muldowney's fireworks boosted her into a co- ravorite's role for today's single· ellm ination finals, along with top qualifier Gary Beck of EJ Toro. Beck, lbe 1974 Wintematlonals and world champion, won the qualifying. round battle by .002 of a ~. with his 5.8'15 seconds nudging Muldowney's 5.877 for the No. l spot among the 16 Top Fuel quallliers who will vie for a share of a ~ted purse of $348,4:1(). MuLoowNn ·Four-time Wintematlonals cham- pion Don Garlits of Setfner, Fla., failed to qualify. In the Funny Car class, Raymond Beadle of Dallas, claimed qualifying honors with 6.07 seconds, 239.36 mplJ. Four-Ume defending Wintemationala winner and perennial world champion, Don Pnadbomme of Granada Hills. Calif .• qualified fourtbat6.18,241.28mpb .. In addition to Top Fuel, Funny Car and Pro Stock. champions will be crowned ln five sportsman racing categories in the first event or the 19'79 World Cham· pionsbip Series. The New York Islanders rallied four Umes, ~ lbe last on Bob Nys&ro•'• Power·pla.y goal witb ' '1:23 remaining to satva1e a 4-4 National Hoekey League tie with the Boston Bruins . . . Seeond period goals by GUles Penalllt and lleme aeMrt and the 44-save performance of Poe Edwards gave the Buffalo Sabres a 2-1 win over Minnesota ... S&e~e Slt.U scored three goals and Larry Roblueia added a pair as the Moo- treal Canadiens continued their domination of Toronto with a 6-3 victory . . . lvu Boldlrev scored twice and goalie Mike VellOI' turned back 46 shots as the Chicago Black Hawks defeated the Atlanta Flames. 4·2 . . . Peter Lee and Peter Mallnlld eacb scored one goal and assisted on another as tbe Pittsburgh Penguins defeated . the Detroit Red Wings, 4-2 ••• Bernie Federtlo scored two goals and set up two more, leadina St. Lou.ls to a 6-3 triumph over the Colorado Roctdea. . . llllllard Grans scored one goal and assisted on two others, including the game wiMer, and Ron Seillba11er scored twice to lead the Vancouver Canucks to a 6-1 victory over the Wasblngton Capitals. ...... VU.. 111 Tna11u ..Fl9e& Top.seeded Bjorn Bors survi. ved eight • match points in the seeond set and outl8lted third-seeded-Jeb MeE.,., 4-t. 7-t, 1-3 in &.be semlfmala ot the Richmond tenDia classic. BcJra will play Galllermo Vllaa of ArpDtlna, a &-3. 6-4 winner over Artlnar Ashe in the other •mi. Tbe 19-year-old McEnroe got the only service break of tbe fl.rat set ln the toth game when Borg double-ratted at Mt 1J0int and ap· pearedtohavetbeSwedeatbismercylntbe1econdset. Martllla Navntllova defeated Greer SMveu 8-3, 8·2 in the semifinall of a women's prof.UO.Sal tournament and will face Tncy Autla ln toc1ay•1 ftnals. Auatln defeated Kerey ae'4 1-6, 6-4, M ln her semifinal match. Ndwllll .. 8e-t• 1t'erW .._.,. .. OTllER SPORTS -aeaal4e N•llle•l•lll of tbe University of Maryland •et a world re°C:<>rd of t .M seconds In the men'• ~meter hurdlel at tbe EdmoatoD tatema- tional Indoor 1amea .•. World cbampk>D Qarll Tltber won hls third cof\ffeuUve n•tiooal mea'a title a1 UM U.S. Fl1ure Skatlnl cb1mploolhiP1 ln Ct.ncinnati. O.fendlnl champions Stacey •tdl ad ~ a.. • .,. 1"f)G tbe frM dance eecment ... •an111 .......,, Mlf·Pl"OCWmed Wl· crowned middleweight champion ol the wortd, ftoored Sqar by ... three umea and scored.. Uockout at l : 20 or the first round lo Boston. ... I Holland's Hot- CORVAl.l,,lS, Ore. CAP> - Brad HoUadd blt nlne of 12 1hoU lfom the floor. and acond Z3 polnta Saturday to I ad ftfth· ,... UCLA to • 9f.5e Paclfic 10 Conference buketba U victory over Otteon State. HOUANO 8(.'0&£0 l' potnt.s ln the aecond ball Ml the Bruins 1teedil,y wo,. down the Beaven, n~peated1y cominc up wlt.h clutch abota and key rebounds. The ,...-Jooally televised vic- tory kept the Bruins In first place In the Pac 10 at 9-2. while OrlllOn State I ell lo G-C. UCLA is Jensen, ~ Pace Kings INGLEWOOD · ·Steve Jensen scored the winning goal early in the third period and rookie goaltender Mario Lessard made 32 saves as-1he Los Angeles Kings defeated the New Yon Rangers 4-2 in a Na- Uonal Hockey League game Saturday night. Jensen slapped a 40-footer past Ranger goa lie John DavidlOD to score the decisive third Kings' goal of the game at 4 :28 or the third period. It was Jeuen's 15th goal of tbe year, as he got the puck when Kin.gs' center Butch Goring won a faceoff to the right of the coaJteoder. Lessard and Davidson each made some key saves later in the third period to keep the out- come in doubt, before Marcel Dionne scored his 40tb' goal of the season Into an empty net with oneaecond remaining. New York opened a 1-0 lead in the first period on Run Duguay's 23rd goal, on a power play. lt was bis 15th in the last 17 games. But the Kings tied it oo Randy Manery's seventh goal shortly before the period ended. Los Angeles went ahead on Mike Murphy's ninth goal at 8 : 49 of the second period. On another power play, New York tied it at 16: 56 of the second period when Mike McEwen got bis 14th goal. Phil Esposito as- sisted on both New York goals. In their final game before the NHL All-Star break , New York outsbot the Kings 34-33, bat the Kings bad a big advantage In the final period of 17~. The Kings maintained second place in the Norris Di vision "lith a 22·24-7 record. one point ahead of Pittsburgh. The Rangers-have a "29-18-5 record for s~ond place in the Patrick Division, one point ahead or Atlanta. SCOtlE 9Y ,.IER100$ H-YOf11 I 1 0-1 Lo\ A~ I I 2-<I ftlrat Perlod-1. New York, Ouoav 13 IMcl!wen, E'POSllOI 12:0<!. l, LOI Angele~. ~ 1 IOIDlll'W!l 16:Sll. ~~ttles-EOMtr-. l.A, tO:S2; ~ .... NY, 13:41 ; Vednals, NY. 17:41; Ooldup, LA, 11:43; 1'Unery, LA, '9:S7. Se<Oftd Pe•tod-J. t..c>s Ano•IH. MIH'l>ftV • I~. G«lnQI •·4', •. -Yon, McE-,. ll!spotlto. M•rolsl ":S6. Pen•ttv-Molt. LA. 15:21. . tl>lrct P9flod-S. LOS Anoelu, _,.,.... u IOcw· 1119) 4:& '· LOS AnQtle$, OloftM .el) (~yl ":ff. P9Mnl9s~Y. NY, 1:5'; SI-. LA.9:41 Shoh on oo•t-How Yori! 1 .. 12+-)4. Los Ange~ ... 11-3:1 Goel..,_.._ YOt11. OaYldlOI\. Los AnoelM. LHMrd A-13,171 Ali to Retire In Television Extravaganza? ALBANY, N.Y. <AP) -Say· lna be'd be a fool to fight again because be could never top the Superdome bout wltb Leon Spinks, Muhammad AU said Tuesday night that the ante is up to $2 million for1 a television ex· travagania at which time he'll announce his reUrePlent from boxloa ooce and for all. "My retirement party will be held on oetwork television," Ali told about 5,000 students pacld.ng a gymnasium at the State Untveralty of New Yorlt-at Albany. "I don't know which network because tbey're all biddlng; one net wort la now \lP to $2 mWioo," he contmued. "They're givlftc me $2 milllof'I to retire Just before a Spinks· Larry Holmes fipt. I'll come on television and I'll have a big party and laugh and say rm re- tired and they'll show a l'<>W'd rrom eacb one of our bluest f .... ta and then It 'a official -I'm no k>ftaer champ; now these two 1"11 will ftlbt for lbe Utle," All 1a1d. No Splftka.ffolmH tight bu yet been set. Of coune AU baa talked about retirement \;fore but thll time It make. more sense for the S'1· year-old three-time champ to call tt quits. "I'd be a fool to flcbt/' be aaJd •. .. I'm •bove nptlq. I'm t.be tbrte·Ume champion and my laat ftPt wu a tOod ftlbt -l CID Mftl'replate tbat. '' v 18·3 overall, while Oreaon State ia 13.S. The Brulna outacor.d the Beavera 17-4 over the last 11even minutes or the aame after Ore1on Stat had raUled to Ue the score 52-52. UCLA TOOK OONTaOL of the game in the flnal rour mlnutes or the first half, scoring slx un- answered polnta to take a 30.24 l ad at lntennlsalon Oregon State ma11a1ed to Ue the game twice in tbe second half, but could never pull ahead. A Ray Blume jump shot with 6: 59 to go Ued the score 52-52. UCLA turned the baU over, and Oregon State went lnto a delay game. But Oregon State'• Mark Radford traveltd and UCLA got the ball. BOUAND 8JT o~ £ or his outsJde shots, and a loose ball foul wu called on Blume. Dar- rell Allums-bit 'both ends of a one-and-one free throw situation to give UCLA a 56-52 lead with 4 ~491bgo. --- . Oregon State managed just orie' basket the rest of the way. Kiki Vandeweghe scored 17, including seven in the final 3~ .,. . .....,... OPPSI WRONG OBJECT-UCLA center Darrel Allums at- tempts to block shot by an Oregon State player but all he gets is a handful of rim. F,....P.,,e8l CAREW TO HALOS. • • and we realize it must have been difficult for him, but he came ·across with the class and dignity that we feel exemplifies New York Yankee tradition." F....,PageBJ CROSBY ••• year, compiled a 207 total. nine under par for one round on each of three Monterey Peninsula courses -Pebble Beach, Cypress Point and Spyglus Hill. THE ftELD OF 118 pros was cut to the low 80 for the final round at Pebble Beach. Hale ,Irwin, playin& with a damaged 'wriat, failed to make It. It was the first tfme he'd missed the cut in 87 tournaments, going back to the 1975 Tucson Open. TOM WATSON, THE winner Jf the last two Crosbys , shot tJ al Pebble Beach for a 221 total. Bea Crenshaw. the winner at Phoenix, bad '18 ·224. John Mahaffey, the Bob Hope winner, was 75-220. After rain, wind and cold had plagued the tournament's early rounds, the weather took a tum for the better. It was almost ideal on the beauUluJ courses by the bay. The start or play was delayed about 15 minutes. however, by frost oo the 1reens. Hinkle made hls wbole round with a romping start. He blrditd bis first hole from 18 feet, scored from· 12 on his tbJrd and hit a sand wedge to two feet on the next. That put him 3-under-par for the day after ooly four holes. He had two more btrdles and as many bogeys coming hotne. His lead l'inged as h.lgh as seven strokes from time to llme and be arpeared pol~ to make • rout 0 it. Pennant Series 70 celebrate their 1978 Na· tional League peMant, the LOs An1eles Dodgers have scheduled a four-1ame "pennant series" asain•t the San Oieso Padre. to open the lf7I HUOD April 5-8. A IOUWlllir Ucltet wUI be dis· trtbuted openlnf day,1and for the followln1 three 1acnea th~ Dod1en ba,ve planned a Polter Ni1ht, a nreworkl NlCbt and a Pennant Day. When Carew's wife was in· formed of Sleinbrenner's com- me nts, she said, ''Boy, is he egotistical! Rod will probably hit the roof when Ile bears what SteinbreMer said." KANSAS CITY ROYALS Manager Whitey Herzog, who bas guided bis team to three straight American League West titles, understandably said, ·•1 was hoping the Yankees would get him. · •'The Angels dido 't give up anything, not really. With Carew playing out bis option next year, then Griffttb wouldn't bave gol- tel\ anything for him," said Henog. "I guess be figured this was better than nothing." 1 And theo he added, "I'm sun> Callforn.ia will be picked to win our division this year." V~ds Top Baptists A tired Southern California College basketball team, playing its sevent~ game in 11 days, overcame a 'Stubborn LA Baptist squad to capture a.n 88·80 non- conference d~i&ie&'8atur4ay af· ternoon in the Vanguar(js' 'lornecoming game p'Ji'Y'ed 8t Orange Coast College. With nearly 1.000 fans in atten- dance, the Vanguard faithful witnessed a brilliant performance from 6-8 forward Mike Neiswender, who scored 28 polnts-20 in the second balf- a.nd pulled down 10 rebounds. Neiswender was supported by teammates Randy Adams and Paul Anderson who scored 15 and 19 points, respectively. Adams alao contributed a game·hlgh 16 rebounds. SoCal, now 15-7 overall ,Will return to action Tuesday when It hosts Cal Poly Pomona al 8 o'clock. * WMd Tur11er WllllMl'I• Ohtoft OIHll ...... Dfff'Glfl Tot.I• * *· minutes. Dav\d Greenwood added 1e r0r the Brains. Steve Johnson and Blume each scored 14 points, and Mart Radford had J2. all in tbe le(:()nd half. for Ore100 State. UCLA IMI .,...... ... Ct61 .. ".. .. " .. GrHftWOOd ' ..,.. '6 0 Alltn f M 4 v...o.-.... • '-I f1 M•rtfll f-1 1 Slml O M e 1 Jlailw!Mll • f-4 I~ Moll•lld • s-. n , ,._ • 'H 1• H.mllkHI I J>9 ' R~ i M It ' '"''""~ 0 ..... • ....,.. t ... 4 Wllllff 0 CM1 O ,J. Jlllef\ 0. _., 0 SM\der\ o CM> o lile:SMM O H o Neutts O CMI o Sl'llltl\ 0 '-, \ Totals a IMI .. Tot•b " •ts 56 M•lftj"'9: UQ.A, »1'- Tot.I fWll' UCLA n, ~ "* n : ll'o;iltd -· ~ (0.-$&Me)., •~io.m Robinson I\ .Paces SC Over Ducks EUGENE, Ore. <AP> -CUii Robinson scored 25 polnt.s and grabbed 13 rebounds Saturday night to lead Southern Cal to an easy 8'1-64 PaclClc-tO Conference basketball victory o.ver Oregon. The 6-foot-9 sophomore scored 16 ln the &eCOOd half as the Tro- jans improved their conference record to 8-2, a half.game behind league-leading UCLA. SoJ,atbem Cal is 13-6 overall, Oregon dropped deeper in the Pac-10 cellar at 3-8 and ls 8-12 in all games. The game was dtcicled in the first half when USC bunt to a 23·8 lead in the first 10 minutes of the game. Tbe Trojaqs ex- tended the lead to 39-l.S on a lay- up by Dean JOPet with 4:46 re- malning in the flnt ball. Oregon managed to reduce the margin to 41-24 at halftime. The Ducks, hampered by 26 turnovers in the game, trailed by as many as rl points in the second ball. Mike Clark scored 11, while Rob Closs, Stu Lyon and Barry Walker each ,added 10 for the Ducks. Don Carfino score4 l5 for the Trojans. Southem·cal Coach Bob '°yd said the Trojans played well, especially aft.er experiencinJ a slight psycbologicpl letdown while watching UCLA beat Oregon State on television earlier in.the day. "We told our team it was absolutely vital that we win two games up here.'• said Boyd, whose team meets Oregon State in Corvallis Monday night. "DefensJvell we were able to upset Oregon s flow offemsively and fotte tbe turnoven." be ,.d. "But the most critical 1$.at ol ...U was tbefaeld goalsbootiog." The Trojans made 60 percent or their field goal tries . * * SMtWtl CMl(fl I OfteMc.I) Ro«Mnton Mitter Wllllem\ c.trflno J04'•\ Arnold Br-\ RelkOYk:ll Wl>idttlOI Smltll Tol•ls .. " . • 1-11 2S ' , .. 1 • CM) ti t" S3 IS " 0..0 11 1 CM) , 3 ... 10 0 CM) 0 4 0..0 II 0 M 0 Simer' Murr.., CloH Smit II Mal'tlllOf'ne Cte111 O•vls WIHl•ms S.eMY Hew.s 8 . Wellltr L10ll M. Waltcw » I~ 11 Totel\ Hotni-:~c..4.41·14. .. " . l b-0 ' 1 ~. 2 H IO 7 ...... 0 CM) 0 • >' 11 1 M 1 0 1·3 1 0 0..0 0 , 0..0 4 • 7-3 IO • 2·2 10 0 0..0 0 tat•n .. Toto• ~ Sovll'lern C.113 0.,..... 2' Aile,.. dence-10.000 Sea Kings Rip El Toro Playing a game that was postponed because of Ugbt· failure tbe night tH:fore; the Corona del Mar HJgb Sea Kings basketball team banded host El Toro High •s Charters a 72-49 de· feaat Saturday night in Sea View League act.ion. The victory kept Coach Jack Ertion's Sea Kings a game behind Estancia 's Eagles' lft the league standings. · Chris Johnston and Rich Kin· dorf were the leaders for the Victorious Sea Kings. Jobnlton had 18 points and 1'\ rebounds while KJ.ndorf matched his point total and .... nine reboUDdl. Corona del Mar moved in front early ln the game add never looked back. The Sea Kinas held a 14-polnt edge at. the end" o< the fint period. Ron Holmes of El Toro bad a dunk shot durinf tb6 game for the la.inC El Toro team. C-Ma..rm1 .. ". Allffm • t 14 JOM\IOfl • 0 11 IC llldorl 6 • II ·~, , 11i ltcun a o 4 Sfllt\41 0 I I VM1$t~I 0 t .. ,_,.,. .. .... 4 t • 4 • • • 0 ,. t 0 • • 0 It to•t1• 11 10 n TetM• t• t * "'~ .. --.. t C-Cltl~ fA , U ~ 20-1' lt ,_ " ". ij\ ,......, Total lillulsi c.or-dtl Mar '· l'I f9t0 I l"Olllff Olltl ....... • * * SIA Vt•W L•AOUa '"':": ·' . ' ' > a t 4 \ .. • • ........ .. I<-. ~-MMft,llT_ ... ...... W L " ~ .. l , n • • ~ t . ....4 .. , ...... ~ ...... °"" ,_... ~_;...- Ullf_,... ... .._i. ~T-9'1Mf'lt • . i -;}Mayne : '* .IOllN 8 YANO °' .. ,..,.., ......... Mt1u~ Mayo • Oran•• Coast Coll 't ba ball coach. lsn't about p ~let • a& thin« for hls uno teu,m Uk• ht did ln tm ~ht'll th~ y nm hf'd a dlsappo nl toti lblrd tn I.be SOolb Cont Cor- f rrcnc.•. lMlHd. May la cOJna to take u more humble epproach lb~ l1 thal-ww - "We hud e lot 0( art t in d vldualt l ll yur b ut th y d1dn 't plJy well a team," 1otynl' •thnlltl-d "Tb1 su~on w.~·rc> go1n.i ll> bt• aohd. bul not great " Tiit:: PUtATf'"" • fortun ror the comlJl.i ampa1gn Wt'rt' d<'•lt .1 M.'nou.s low rl'C nt ly when lhey l~l tM au or lbe1r pilchan ~taff, Jam "lltnP1>4'll. to the Nf* York Yunkt.> s 1n lht' recent ct.race,. "-rhot f't'ally hurt us," says Mayne .. l really lh1nk he could have won 10 aames for us Uus year .. We still have somt-good arms, though. Polenttally, this could be the best staff I've ever had " Orange Coast, like its coach. _wlll field a spirited , aggressive learn that will be continuslly on the go. eithe r by way of a straight steal or a bunt-and-run, hit-a nd-nm. or jus\ a plain bunt. "I TION1l IT'S g~ng to be im· portant that our first two hitters get on base for our three and four baUers. The type of year we have may depend on that,'' says Mayne · The Pirates last year riolshed 19· 13 qver:,ill. 10-8 in conferencP play. Mayne expects Cerntos. last year's conference winner, to be the tea m to beat. ·'Cerritos, Santa Ana. Mt. San An tonio and OCC. That 's how I would rate the conference," he b3YS • "We 're going to be fairly solid, but not spectacular. We have a IQl of Jfs and our success "'1ll depe nd on how well we move tunners " LARRY DOTSON, Don Hill. Tom Barnell and Mike Sodders. the first four tffttl'rs in the order. will be courited on heavily ror the success qf the Pirate offense. .... ~ SANDBLASTING-Pat Bradley blasts her way out of the sand on the sixth hole at Mission Rills Country Club on her way to defeating Donna Caponi Young in the Triple Cro wn match play championship semifinals. Bradley faces JoAnne Carner today for the title. UCI Nine No. I? Henz Sets H~gh Goals By ERNIE CASTILLO OI tlM O.lly Pllet Si.ft With a name like He rtz, it rigures that UC Irvine's new baseball coach wants to be No. 1. But the a mbitious ex-pro would like to do more than just put tlhe Anteat e r s in the Southern CaJiforoia Baseball Assn. driver's seat. Because when Ste ve Hekz talks about shooting for a title, he means the national kipd. "mE. PLAYERS TRJNK it, talk it, and sooner or later, they 're going to believe it," lbe 28-year-old says with con- fidence. ma king a commitment to all of the programs ht!re and I could see all the possibilities ror win· ning a national title." It was just this kind of en- thusiasm that made Hertz a win· ner in his first season as a head coach. Last year, Gonzaga.Jtad a 32-15 record, was ranked 11th nationally and came within one game of reaching the College World Series. Hertz, who turned two or last year's players into UCl.pssistant coaches. doesn't have a timeta-ble for lifting UCI into the upper echelon naUonally but he does h ave one as far as the con- ference is concerned. DAILY PILOT .. .-·Gauchos Rip Chf:tff~y -- l'iudice ~iom Tougher The Saddleback Collete baaketbaJI i.am bas probably endured toucher prJcUc411 U.U the 1ame lt waltzed tatrou.P Saturday nlsht •• the Gaucbol breezed to aD HI)' lJl.IO ridOry over vilhlna Chaffey in Mlllioll intermission and 38 by game's end. ~Itel .. _'" ~Int Plff<.• Hell are11M01 911<91•~ 011••' Wlllltltkl .. ""' , • 4 UUta,utl 1t•I Palrl<k w .... ,_ .. ft•· . 1 • It Conference action. IT WOULD SEEM almoat. &an· ethical that a match betweell the Gauchos. wlnnen or 2'I strai&bt at home, and the Panthers, Josera of 21 lo a row tb1a ieuoa, would even take place. 15 players tot into the acoring- columo few the Gaucbol led by Randy Whieldoa ·1 22 aod Kevin 11 aaee 's 2'.l. Other scorers in dou- ble figures included Ed Patrick (18); Bruce La Vallee un; and Ted Het~a (12). ~ 6 0 If • 0 " 1 4 • 14 1" 0 1 1 0 1 , 0 1 I • 2 IO LeVall• ._Oft M .... ... o .. l+Ow•fCI Stovell Getle ...... tt Hettl"11• Halldt•v ........ W.lter eaei.v 11 0 ,, • 1 ., , 0 • 10 1 71 7 0 • ' t • , 0 • > t I j I 0 t .s , 12 1 0 t ' , . CHAFFEY'S BARRY Bronson, who scored 42 the first time the two team's met, was the Pantben' only threat with tr polnta. 0 1 ' , 0 • Tot.It ,. 16 '° 1'ol•I$ S7 14 121 Halftime: Seclcl!tbKll. ~4t. Totat f0ul1: ~., 2', s.dcltella<ll n: FOIHld Ollt: OllVH, .._,. IC:N"9yl. From all indJcatJons the game appeared to be a definite mis· match ... and It was. The Wli ielaes-saddleback's record to 7·1 in coolereoce ac- tion, 17-1 overall. saddl.O.C.11 RlwnkN Palomar .-1u10H eott,.,_. .. c• ...... w .. 1 I 1 I o-.. w .. 0 • 20 • 11 ' • 12 The Gauchos raced to a 12-3 advantage to start the p~­ ings and never looked back, in- creasing the margin to 18 at the The Gaucho s host Southwestern Colle1e of San Diego W~ nJgbt (7:30) in their next Miasion Conference outing. Safi 84,....,,,.no ~ Ole90CC Cttrv1 SOUlhwe\ ...... CtwtfW, 3 4 ' . . ' ' 1 0 • IJ ' 11 10 I 1• 0 ,, Bradley, Carner Meet For Match Play Title ............... LOW LEASE! •1tCtBOICEE Ouadra-Trac. power steernlg & br&kes. heater. (Ser. 188611 • RANCHO MIRAGE <AP > -JoAnne Carner and Pat Bradley post· ed i"1preasive victories Saturday to move into the final or tbe Triple Crown match play golf tournament at Mission Hills Country Club. Carner, deadl't on the greens with an old putter she dug out of the trunk of her car, downed Sylvia Bertolac· cini 5·and"" In their semifinal match. Bertolacclni had been the surprise of the tournament, .opening with a vic- tory over Nancy Lopez, then defeat- ing Amy Alcott before she ran into defending champion Carner. BRADLEY, A TRREE·TIME win· ner on the Ladies Professional Goll Assn. tour, topped Donna Young 4· and-2 in their semifinal match. Ca rner, acknowledged as the LPGA's best match play golfer, carded five birdies in her semifinal vlctory. "My husband Don was trying lo get me to ·throw away the putter I was using," said Carner. "He wanted me to use my old one. So I got it out last night and used It in thiB match." earner's putting had been a little inconsistent the first two d ays of the tournament, but she putted with authority in Saturday's round. "THE LAST TIME she used that old putter. late last summer," said her husband, "was the last time she won." Carner aod Bradley will be com- to be a shootout. I've never pla)'ed J oAnde bead·to-bead. She's the master at match play." Bradley jokingly said she might have one problem in her match with Carner. Both are smokers, but Bradley refrains while she's playing, and CS{Der lights up when things get tense. · A$LOWAS $142~1 per mo. on approved credit. 36 month open end tease. Cash price 17495 plus tax & lie. Residual $4645. c. ... -... ..... .... .... "l'VE BEEN TAKING deep ~J-breaths before I drive and putt, and 16751 llACH llYD. it's helping," said Bradley. "This is 147.9551 the fll'St toqmament I've played in • • " • • • • • • • • five years that I haven't had a R cigarette on the course aod the deep · -· breaths come easier for me. LEASE e ''It might be kind or difficult for • me when I see'"7oAnne lighting up." e • Oii e In the conaolation bracket. Satur- day, Alcott defeated JeriJyn Britz 2 • BUY • and 1; Sally Uttle downed Sandra e e ~0n~ :-up~ ~;~~~~~~~1 • '79 MEICURY e 2 and 1 victory over Debbie Massey. • COUGAR • Lbpez plays Germain and Alcott e e races Li~e in Sunday's final round ot e $ 13730 e consolauoa play. e •. · nR Ripley Sets : ~~A. : • Vauit Record : '!~!! : • •• EDMONTON <AP> -Dan Ripley .:u1 monlll• --IH•& on. I -~L---.• of the Pacific Cout Track Club of e u 2&0 Tot•,_...., u1e 64 '"''• • Los AqeJes set a world indoor pole :;>,,n=.e.:~11~ "90· 11e ·: Orange C<*ist opens its season at Long Beach CC, Thursday, F'eb.8 Considering Hertz has only two new additions to a team that went 17·28·1 last year, his long. range goaJ does seem a bit far· fetched. But if be didn't believe UCI has the potenUal to quickly rise from mediocrity lo respe<:· tability, be never would have left a strong program at Gonzaga University in lhe first place. "W E'RE GOING TO win the t>eting for the $23,000 first pme in the conference this year," he says event, the only match play competi- vault record Saturday night at the e • • Edmonton Journal International ln-e GIJ~• manN • · door Games. clearing 18 feet, 5~ in· e .,ai•r~ e boldly. "We're not talking about tioo on the women's tour. Second ches on his third and last attempt. LINCOLN MERCURY Ir tbe season opened today, here is how the hne-up would look · Lc(t field Do tson.._Sr.; any building years. We're going place is worth $15,000. after it right now. 'Tm just going \o go out there "People say you can't do it in storming," said Bradley, a 2'1·year- His leap erased the mark held by 1 • 6IOO &.odo ....,,_,, • Mike. Tully or UCLA, who was le -··..-a.ad>· e . eliminated at a lower i.'eigbt. Tully's e 142-tl44 e s h o rtst'op Hall , fr .. ,E dis on , second bas e - Harnett. so : first base - Sodders,so.; center field -Ran- dy Day. fr .. Servite; designated hitte r · J on Hockenberry, so.: tti1rd base -Ruben Soso. so.; one Y~.ar. Maybe.we can't. ~ut old froln Massaclu.lletts. "It's going we 're not goi n g to Ii mit • J • Seo mark wu 18-5'4. • • ourselves by talking about re-" Pro res bu1lding." Hertz has pared lbe ri~ht field Rolf Schwalbe, so.; catcht.>r M ike Empting, fr., Fountam Valley ; pitchers --Joe M ult, fr .. \ Univers ity; Dale Rouchcr. fr .. Costa Mesa; Gary Brahs. fr. Rancho Alamitos. "The potential is what in· trigued me,·· says Hertz, who spent three years pitching ln the minors for the Minnesota Twins. "I just didn't feel with the re- sources that we could win a na- t iona I t itle at Gonzaga . At Irvine, I feel we can. · · s quad size down· to 22 with Los:.=t~~r.=, only two newcomers. both or P1n s111WV11•. o.tro1t2 whom are J C tranifers D .. rvl 51 Lou•u.cow.,J • • ... J V•t><-S, W~ I Paine, a right-handed pitcher, 011<.t9D•. -.11.nta 1 comes from Golden West and Ed Boston 4,N.v '"-u K 'ght h ded till' MofllrHl6, TOt'Ofllo3 naggs. a n · an u ty eu11e1o 2. M'-wUI 1 player, hails Crom ColJege of the Can yons. Basketball Pressing the s tarte r s a t varif>US positions are : catcher <.:ory Alder cso. 1; outfielde rs Ro b Sma rt 'Edison l and Mark Marches ICorona de l Mar>; ;ind S<'cond b asem an George Blanton 1 F'oothilll. "IT'S A TREMENO:OUS un- iversity, the best area in the country for baseball and the best area in the country for recruit- ing baseball playe r s . Ttl e athletic de partm•At ls really PITCIONG FIGURES to be UCJ 's main strength with eight returning hurlers back from l~t year. Heading the list is righ\· bander Bob Frishette, a junior Llbef1V QI. 61, C•ltr11ry Cit. tt Liberty Cl.rl"len-GoodnlOlll 16, Pemper 10, O•sto" 14, Arnell I , Herbert'IOfl 7, Wint~ 4. Calvery ChrlS11en Stefllel' 11. FIS· lier 2, Harmen I, Tuoer s, Arms 6. Sc-..,~ <See HERTi, Page 84) Liberty 0. U I• If 14 _., Cel••rt 0. I 10 I IJ-» Sailors Look Strong la Swim Triumph The Newport Harbor High swim team, with a score ~ 338. easily outdistanced second place Sun- ny Hills and captured the sixth annual Newport Harbor.Anaheim Swim JnvllatlonaJ Saturday a(. ternoon. Performing in their own pool, the Sailors won f1vt-of the 10 events on ·the slate with Newport's Todd Lincoln and John Moffet winning two events each. r . Lincoln, a Junior, won the 200-meter free style in 1 :42.7 and came back to al~ claim the 500 free in 4:43.75. Moffet. a freshman, captured the 200 in· divid4~ iQ. i :Ol.34 and returned to win the 100 breaslslrok~ in l :Ol.13. Women's Swimming UC,,..._ 1*. C..-1'-'t U.1'1 UC tmritts,\I oft.MO .... U •oo ITWCllO ,..,.,_ •• UC lrvlN • ,, 1 S00 frtt 1 Waf-Ill S 41.1; 2. M<CorCI Ill •:Of.7/ S. t(rur ILAI 'so.a. ,. !>a<lt ' 8,_,,l>O (I I '3 1 ' Mlll•r ILAI J.S t ; J TMWI~• IL.Al 3' 1 100 llrNSI I DI/ff Ill 1'11.t ; 7 11r...-.n (UU I 12u • .1 • ..._. 111 1 7l.t . 50 11y-t. c.s"" m >0 '· 2 Dolan (Ill! 7.~TanM•ILAll27 100 fr..-1 M•llloff Ill S7.,; 2. w.,,., .. II) I 112.2; :a. Kao\ CL ... ' 1 00 s 100 Inell>-t. '"'-"'9 111 7 26.7; 2, Mevara Ill l :JS.1; S. Miiier IL"'I 1:U I. 1-ter dM111t-t. 8oClll Ill 191.0; 2 G<lrerd Ill 1tH ; l, ...,.f•I ILAl mt too,,........,. 8r'OWfllftg Ill 2:03t, 2. Oollfl Ill t ·OU: 3. O.n ILAI t :31 4. 100 M<ll-1. Hl!V.,• Ill l·U.t ; 1 MltlerlLAl l 11 •;3 Ouffltl1·17.t. 50 ~t-t. 8 ...... ILAI 31.1; t , F-IL.All7 8;l.Wet!Oflll l lt 6 100 ffy-t. Oai1M4t Ill l:Cl.S. 2. ~C.Cl llll:M.l;l.LIMILAll:26 S. '°''ff 1.""-ll~otf lllU.1,2 Ool&n Clll t.t;l. $toM <LAIJO t. J-ltr Cllvlfl9"" 1. Wen! 111 1 ·)II 1, 1. eoda Ol 2 2'.S; 3. Heflell IL.Al t ·IUS. 400tr .. N44v-t. uc trvmu:au. 1 N•-1 lia.-J:JI, 2 SUllfll' HlllJ 110, l , El Toro 1'7, 4 M•''"" 163; S CcMIY ~Ill · 6 Soflore 12', 1 Edlton W. I FootlllH ITll'.\11111 tl, t Corone dtl M¥ .,, IO. Est.nett 15 200 medl•Y r•IO I. N•wPOrt HarllOr 1·41 7; 7 "'-rift• I ... 90. l . CCKI• Mfte I • 3. 10011" I. Lill(;olfl INH I hl60; 7. Gll~re CSHl I 47 17. J C"O· quefMllnu IETI I Al. IS. 100 lnelo-1 Mottf'l INM I 1 013'1;1. Ke .... 11ei.. ISHI 7.02.U; 3. Oretr INlil 2:05.S?. SO lrM I. lle~ll IMI 17 31; 7. O.mmlM 1"1 n SI; 3. McCrlnty IE I n .t1 100 fly-I K-lf (s.41 SUO: 1 HerrlM>n INMl UM ; 3. Oevts ICNI· leyl Sl.41. 100 1.--1. Bucko 1$Hl ... 971 1. W'llll~ ICMl 49.U, 1. Rt,.._ IMI S0.16 500 1....-1 Llfltolt\ (NH) 4:cJ.15; 2 • .,_, INH) t·U.13; S. WllllM!s INHI 4:" 76 100 betlt Pkk..i ICMI JI.It, 2 o ·&rleft <~·-va11eYI ~-•: i . H•""''°" INMI 'UJ. 100 iw..t-t. Moftl'I INH I 1.01 IJ, 2. ~~ (00.W.yt 1·01st: J. Gl"ffr INH) 1 OJ 71. 400 tree r•l•y-t Sllflny Hllh 3:71.11; ~ Hertaw J n .10; J, Foo1h11t J·•n Prep Soccer 52500 .J. 'B. Gari & Go. CAPtSTIAMO TIHMISOPIH CALL '493197676 831-2523 ·Employee Benent • Speclall.ata Since 1970 "Why pay high rates for mabr medical in'surance. Call me for 1979 quotes." In Newport Beach 640.4260 MOH THAN 600 IOATS 200 IOOTH EXHIBITS 300,000 SQUARE FT. OF PLEMUlt BOATS ANO MARINE ACCESSORIES NOW ISTHE TIME TO IUYI .,if. 1111:1 February 2-11 WM~•ys. 2·10:30 p.m.•Saturdays, l l 1.m .. 10:30~p.m. Sundays. 111.m.-7 p.m. Adults, $3.00: Children. 6· 12, $1.50; under 6, free LA. CONVENTION· CENTER (HedMr ,,..woy, downtownJ • .. co•puter 111111 DIAllOSIS O•LY . $ Autoeentee fs a ._computerized testing system. It runs many different tests comparing vour car's perlormance to factory standards. It then prints out a report that shows what's wrong, and hOw to ftx It. You see black..and-whlte proof that alt repairs were necessary, all repairs were made. ell repairs were made right. You save money on gas. You cut operating costs. You keep ycur car lmlQer. CALL FOR AM APPOINTMENT ODAY! 557.a. 3001 Hw IMw ...... Costa Mna . ~ I ,.;, DAILY PILOT Sundey '•l>fuary •. 1171 Duke .Breezes -•, Past Mai-yland J.'mnt AP OhpalC'Mtt OURlll\M, N C Jim panarkel • •c:or.-d 27 JMlrnt nd Mlkt Gmln kl 1ddt d z:? lO !Pad third ranbd Duke to wiru •'' 87·T8.. AOaolk t'o l Confo~nce vie· un • .. ~·~ w vs<.a1 ~.,. ory OH'r lTth r n~e-0 htrylaod tur· ut•h ~1o•\ uc 1"'1M u ='"-~~~•••1rih~•"'o"'~ ... ,,cmatt tt'lei'Vl•u""t Pfftf' =='--JI,..,._,...,.... _O!Peit......, Ouke ll"tl by us many a~ tll point.a ear· • W••hlftt*\t•"'" wet11111t1 ... s. ly ln th M"<'OOd h If. but run J lent play <if•Nlt.,.10fl" c.,,..,,.1.u• from tht> Tt'fJ\.'i .ind a Nld . trcak by : ~~=~;~(~-:!~on Dukl' n'<luct'd tht• m r.:m to 11'< po1nl6, ., ..... "" "" " s ... D••o• "* 12 \I.__ I\ b k V"lnf'tty t4 • •.10 , on an 1 ""rt IOM J et walh c.1 st••~-" ca1 t•••• ._,.3.lt t(lploy. l A1t .. _ But Sp;inarkcl tool.. 11 µ.i. s underneath "I rft/llt Stti.,. lt119 a.~" ..... . .. . .. .. ·"1•' '• ·~· '• .. from Uob fknder ~mJ pu he'd Ufc Blue H""'""°' \!"'• " \..,. ,.,.,11<1wo Devil. b~tl.: Ull l O Uf\ ~ll'ht p()tnt lead. ~·:::.~.,._,. U Yel• C.ltf ., 80 72, w1th I .~:? rt>ma u11nA: and Duke Pan tic 10 un ...... a .. 11a•••• wu nrn•r lhn•attned an.er.that · ~,.,,._,, s1 AA•"'" c.111 1J Porntftd at.~'" c1 .... ,., Greg Munnana P..ltl'd the Maryland of 941,,,-,_n«•n ~m•5e ft>nse with 17 pe>lrlt'!i und Larry Gibson uc R•.....vo. 1• c.tt ,...~ ~ had J5 61 PtOl•"(l\1'.Ctlh<l\'1 .All\lelM •n Acl-n Vt \all o .. eo NfN,. o •• ,.. 86-11 \l MIDWWn lndltM 10. ()lllo Shit t7 SOUTH BEND Sophomore Kelly Tripucka scored a career high 37 points, inrludmg 17 btra1~hl 10 the closing minutes, us top ranked Notre Dame wore down stubborn Dayton University 86·71 The Flyers, who 'beat the Irish last year.. ~ot 32'i>oints from ,::uard Jim Pax· son and held a nme point lead early in the second half but fell apart down the stretch. Notr~ Dame rallied behind Tripuck.a, Tracy Jackson and Orlando Woolridge, and the Irish took the lead for good on two free throws by Tripucka wilh five minutes re maining. Rich Branning, the Manr.a High graduate, hit fi ve points for Notre Dame Arizon~ 83-62 ' STANFORD Russel Brown hit a 10-foot jumper as time ran out to give Arizona a 63-62 Pacific-10 victory over Stanford. Brown, who scor~d Arizona's last five points in the final 59 seconds of the game, sparked the Wildcats' comeback from an tt-point deficit early in the second half. Brown's two free throws with 42 seconds left had put Arizona ahead 61·58 before Stanford's Daryle Mor&$Ul. cut it back to one with a pair of foul shots of Ms own. Arizona then missed a shot and Brian Welch ·s backdoor layup put Sta nford ahead with· nine seconds le ft. But Brown's basket at th~ buzzer made the Wildcats winners· Arizona St.., 91·55 BERKELEY Led by Roy Joshua. Anzona State shot a scorching 81 per· cent from lhe floor in the first half a nd went on to rout California 91-SS in a Pacific 10 game The Sun Devils hit 17 of 21 first half shots as they rolled to a 40-22 balnime lead. Joshua canned off 1-of-8 shots in the first haU apd finished with 23 points. Tony Zeno added 15 points and had 12 rebounds He was 5 for 5 from lhe floor Fft!SllO State~ 1a.1 J· LONG BEACH Reserve guard Dona ld Mason scorl'd 14 of his lfi pqints m the second half to lead Fresno mate to a come-from -behind, 78-71, victory over Long Beach State in a Pacific CoastAlhletic Assn . Trailing 34·33 at halftime, F'resno took a lead of 60·54 with 7: 42 remaining, and then went into a delay game. The Bulldogs scored 12 of their last 18 points from the Cree throw line. • Padffc, 70.89 SANTA BARBjjA Sophomore Ron Cornelius scored points and grabbed seven rebounds t cad the University of Pacific to 70-69 Pacific Coast Athletic As· s n. victo ry over the University of California-Santa Barbara Gauchos. The game was a see-saw affair, but the Tigers managed to pull away to a 70·65 lead with 36 seconds to play. A Jump shot by Steve Parrott and lay-up by Brian Williams narrowed the margin lo one pqint at lhe buzzer. llldla11aSt...,88-58 TULSA Larry Bird scored 22 points and pulled down a season-high 22 re· bounds as No. 2 Indiana Slate aefeated Tulsa 66-56 in Missouri Valley Con- ference action. The victory was the 20th without a de- feat for Coach Bill Hodges' Sycamores. Indiana Stale took a commanding 10·0 lead in the Valley title chase. Nonie Caroli•~ 92-80 CHARLOTTE, N. C. -Forward Al Wood hit two clutch fi eld goals and added two roul shots in overtime. and fourth-ranked Nort h Carolina held off Vir(!inla Tech. 92-80. Wood. wtlo scored 33 points. helped the Tar Heels run orr most of the five· m i nute overtime by using the rour· corner delay offense. P.,i~df•~,71·73 MALIBU Ollie Matson Jr., Ricardo Mtellf9,ltl S!oM~ ., N0<111w~lerl\ ~ Purd"' S.. Wt~IW'i•" ~ IC •M"' Statf' Ill towa SI.ti~ llO Okt•-ac> Ml•~rl lo Noire 0.mf'8', O•Y10fl" 1.ou1sv11i.•. Ctrocinnetl.,S North Oaloot.t Stele 1J Soult\ O•UtallO .SoutMm llfll\01$ "6, Bradley llO Iowa '1, M.._wt• 11 tndla"e Slei. ... Tulta S6 Nell<Ullt 7', ColO•-S1 SOUTH Florida Slate e.c JecUonvll~ 81 Lou Ill-Slllf 10, l(ftl'to<llY •1 Hnntt~ll Alab.tm• t1 h~a• TKlo 1e. 8o11ylor 10 Ar~ertYU8, AIC4' j() Utm•r '7, SW l«N"loll"• 13 Tex•s n. Tf'at~ Ol<l~ltolll\ llO Wk:hlt• Sl•M 19. W~ T•llH SI •• AUOt.tm '3. F torldt '7 IOTI New Mexico 6" TtXIS Et P•'IO S• TnuA&M66. Houston SI M('mpfl~ Slat. ... T11lene 82 IOT 1 EAST Vlr9ll\lt SI. Wall" Forttt 76 SI. 8-llA S•. Provldenu1 SI Tempie ts. Uf!mtl\ SJ • co-nell68 o.r-m•' Clemson 14. Sollth Ctrol•n» M Hoty C~ ... Armvt.S MalM 7•, Boston Un1wr•itV 17 Pennl6. v ..... Pitt n . ~ Vtr9fnlt H St Jofln"s IO. Nl1t9tr11 S7 Colli~ tO, H11<11ard " St Pet..,.., H . SetOfl Hall 10 Wiiiiam & """"' 61, N•vv 6l O.P•ul 1S. e>r.i Robert• n Ka vier. Otolo 74, Evtftwllle llO 8~ton Cot'-11. Fortwm 6" 8row11 n. ~lnc;eton .. North C-IM St•le 1). Fu""an "3 • G<!o•~ WoltSlllf191on ''· Rutoers 71 Junior College MISSION CON,lllENCI So\ckllebollO 129, Clltlfty 'IO Petomar 10, San ~rnardll\O •• R l••"IO. as. f>all Oteoo City ... Citrus '18. South-ler" '1 WISTlllN STAn COHFlllENCf. wut LA lt, Tr-Tf'CI\ SI 01ro••d ~. St11t• 8¥1>11•• s• Glendale ,., HMKOO S7 V•ntur• ... LA MIUIOtl '5 High School SIA VIEW UAOUI eor-oet M¥ n. Et Toro•• CMlllSTIAN LEAGUE L111ertv Christi•" o7 Ctlv••• Cl•rl\lotl' 37 Track ' Recor ds Galore ALBUQUERQUE CAP> -Benny Brown, Willie Smith and Wendy Knudson flashed to meet records Saturday night at the Albuquerque In· vitational Indoor track and field meet. Brown, wbo runs for Athletes i n Action , opened the 16th annual competition by lowering his own meet standard in the 500-mete r run with a 1:02.41 clocking. The former UCLA star bad established the old record of 1 :02.6 in a win- ning effort last year. Smith's record-setting performance came in the 440-yard dash, where he f inishe d in 47 .81 seconds to topple the old record of 49.10 set a year ago by Charles Dramlga or Uganda. Knudson captured her s ixth individual title during her long associa· lion with the Albuquer- que meet w~en s de-fended her 880-d title with a reeor :06.2. She broke the m t record in the event or 2:07.9 set ln 1974 by Mary Decker of the United Sta tes, who currently holds the world in<!oormarkof2:02.4. Brown and Danny Ramsey each scored 18 polnt.s to lead P epperdine to a 77.73 West Coast Athletic Con!erence victory over St. Mary's. ,·•~·.. The victory kept th~ Waves 17-6 in all . , ~ eames, tied for first place in the WCAC '.:, • .• with San Fra ncisco. Both have 6·1 con- Smith, a 22·year·old former Auburn standout who won two NC AA 440'-yard das h crowns, waited until the final lap to make h is move. Smith, who runs for Athletic Allie, caught the pace·setting Michael Solomon or Phlladelpb1a Pioneers and Trinidad on the final turn and won the s print to the tape . -• ' ference records . ·~· .: ......... 1'011Rg, ..... PROVO, Utah -Junior center Alan Taylor dropped In 20 points and Scott Ru~ added 18 to give Briaham Youni an 18-tlO Western Athletic Oonfe~nce victory over San Diego State. The victory ,aves BYU a 5·1 WAC re· cord and u season muk of ts.a. Sa.ft Dleao 11 now 2·4 In the conference and •Uoverall. The 23 ·year·o ld Knudson, who runs for Athletes lnternaUonal. ran her career beat ln the 880·yard run. She easily won tbe event, taklnc t.be lead on the third lap and steadily openln1 the distance between her and the rest or tbt fie1$1. BASKETBALL I HORSE RACING who beat nationa l champion USC last yt'ar on the Trojans· home field. Ftisbette Jed the stafl tn nearly every category lai;t year, though his earned run avenge was just 4.80. Though It wlll be hard to replace Ken Washlng\on, who graduated, after baltln\f .394, UCI has t~ nu t six hitters back : Mike Naale <.3501. Jim Oawsort (.323), Eric f'rolander C.308), Mike lµrano C.30~). Jesse Moore C.290> and ~ack J ernigan (.~}. Judging from last ~ear's team ERA otlf.22. the maJOr qu~tton­ mark would seem to be pitch.Ing. But after a strong showing in a ran league. comprjsed or junior college, major college a nd minor league teamlt, those doubts were erased . Helped by Hertz's pitching ex· pertise, UCI's mound stalf1fad a sparkling 2.02 ERA du.ring the fall campaign. And the attitude the players exh.ibited no doubt helped reaffirmHertz'sconfidence. •THE TEAM'S BEBN work· ing it's tail off," be s ays. "No other program in the nation works as hard as \te do. We de- cided we could be No. 1 io the nation at working hard and the players have a lot or pride in that. .. Daytona D ri1'er Change UC-I plays Its alumni Satur· daY, before opening the season al home Feb. 14 against Azusa Pacific. However, the game the !'nteaters are really pointing for IS two days later-. against USC. Driver Rolf Stommelen gets ready to take off his racing helmet after he left his Porsche Turbo during a pit stop in the 24 Hour Daytona endurance ra~e. His team was leading going into the night before the car s talled on the track. "We're thinking of nothing but winning th3t ga me," Hertz says before qualifying that statement a bit further . "We have to win that game, if only to let people know we 're not playing around.·· Are a Sports Calendar As Hertz well knows, you can't be No. 1 until you beat No. 1. Bebashof f Second In 100-Meter Free Meta Ba•ketball TIM'IU't Hl91> ScllOol-LibertY COhrlstltn •• Amf'rkan Cllrhll•" 17 ·301 ColltOl•tt C•I Poly Pomo11e at Soutllern Cellfo•"'• ColleQe 191; Golden West at L~ •nve•es cc 11·301 .,.-..,, ,_.lgll Sc'-' Corona clef Mir al C~I" Mf'q 11'; Unlvel"\ltyat Est..w:le 171, Et Toro at,,,,;,,., 171; Solln Cltmtnl• at 0."• t4111J 191; u9unt 8HCll ., Ml$11IOI\ Viejo Ill; EdiMlll •I Newport ,..•rt>or 111; Marlnt o11t FOlll'taln V11tn !11 : t4Ut>t· l119tofl e.8cl\ at W~stminstfr 171: Ocean View at Lo•r• 171; Maltt Del at Servlte 11:IOI. Cott419la1• Ml. ~" Anto,.lo Coll~ ~I Of'•~ Coe" ColleQe 17·301, sou11owestern at Saddlet>Ki. 11 301. Tl•lfrWtY Cofleo••te Ul•ll Stalt' 111 UC frvlro~ 17 301 Friday High 5'110o1 Ul\lverslty at Co-on& clef Mar 181 : Irvine a1 <:Mte _.,.. 191. E•taroc1• al £1 To<o Ill. L•O"'"' Buell at San Cltmente Ill. Wu1mtnster ot Mil•lna Ill. Edison at Foutrla•" Velley ltl. Nf'WPQf1 Harbor at H""tmqton ~ICll Ill. O<tfll View at Los AlamtlCK 191, Mater°"' at 81"-4'1met Cf 301' l•9""" Hills •I Dana Hiii• le!; Liberty Christia" al Llroli•td O>rt<tt•n 11 JOI Colle9ftlt Solftlle•n Ctlltornl• Cott-at AJlf!MI Paclfk ial. LA 5oulhwnl •1 Golcll!n Wr.i " 301 Sai ....... ., ColltQla1t 0.-anoe CoB.i •I Groumol1C 11 JOI S•Cldltbac~ •I P•tom&r It 301 s.n .low StoMt' •t VC lrvl,.. (7 301. • Wrestling T.-May Hlgll Sc-El TOr'O at CorOllll clef M.-r 171, Cost• MfM ot Est•i• tll; INIM ., Unloiersity m 1Jri4a't Hlgll Scl!ool ~et Le891fe ltnal$ at EcfiSOll IJ). Colle9late-S1ate JC fln•ls at Et Camlroo I noon I. $alurUy HIOll Sctloot Seti View Le199ue llMIS Ill E"ll"· cl• Ito 41.m.>; Soulh Coal! Le49ue linalt a• San Clemerot11 110 " m I, Empire L"tt0ue fmals al Loer11 UOe m I Colle9late SIMt JC llntts at El Camino C0Ht0• 110 a m. I. Soccer TllHNY Hiott Scttool Fountal" Valley vs. Edi"'" at HlfnllnQlon 8".tch 111; Huntlnqton Bf'ech ot Newport H•,..,, 111 , Marine al Wntmlnuer 111. Kennecl,.tOcttftVfew 17·0 1 w ........ ., Hf911 School El TOr'O ti trv1ne m: Un1Wrslly ., Est..-cla (31; Lavunt 8HCll ill Mls•lon VlelO !Jt; Sa"~·"' o.ne Hiit• m. Corona c1a1 M•r~s.Co$1tMna•I Newpar1Harbor111. TiwndtY Hi911 Scl!ool F-laln V•ll .. y .-Mer Ina at WHlmlMI~ (1); Wtttmlnster •t H1111tlfl910fl S.a<ll (11. ....... , Hf911 ~nlvenlty et COf'oM drt M.tr, Es!arocl• •t El Toni 131; INIM et Co.n. ~ 131, Loll9UNf Beach et Sen Clet'M11t. 131: ~ Hiiis 11 Oene Hiiis Ill: Loar• •t 0u ... Vlaw 11 0 1 s.wttll'U't t41Qll Scl>ool-Hawpon H.trbor vs EdllOf> el ,..unll11910n llff<h 111. Swimming t ... ., HIQll ScllOol-Soutll Coast l.4'"9UI' Pf1!1ims a1 Merouerite Swim cen111r 121. WNMMtY Sunset Leevue PrBllms •I Newpon Ha•Dor 13 p.m. I; Empire Leaoue prellms •I L~ AlamltO\ cap m.>: South CoeU l.•ague dlv1119 114'91ims ., Mervuerlte$wlm Otnter 12 p.m. ). Tllvndly HIOll ScllOOl-sta View LHOue pr~llms 81 El Toro 12 p.m.I; ,Soutll Cout Le1toue finals at Marow rllt Swim Cetlter 12 p.m I. l"liM't High Sci-t-Emplre Lea9ue ltnats 11t\1..os Al.ilmltos 110.m.1. · "'- Colleolett--soutft Coest Collferenc• A.t•Y' at Senti Ana Gi:llleve 12 p.m. I. s.-.., Hlgll k llOOl-SH View l..""91f" llll•IS at El Toro 110 •.m.I; SunMt t..eeoue 11na11 •t Newport Harbor CIOa m.). Celleoltil....UC l"'lne vs. 1.0"9 S.t<"I\ Slate at 8almo11I Plert (1 P.m. I Baseball T...W.y Colt~n C•lllortut Coti.ot at LOl\9 8HCll Slelt 12:•>. ~' Cot~ ... Coast t i ~ 8eactl Cily Co1te9e 11,JOI; Secldltbt<k, Gol<Mft Wftl oM CHev St~I Tourt'IAmtnt •t Golden Wtit Collt9" fl'tw.y Coll~lete Soul,,..rn Calllor"I• Coll"1e •t Vnlwrslty OI Stn Doe9o lt;JOI; Cawy SMnget TO\lf"nt ....... •I GolOen WO!tt Colt~ Satw'fay Coltttfatt Alumni tt vc 1rv1,.. It p.m.1: Or114191 Coell Col• et Souttowt1tHn 1,_,11 LOI A ..... le Slete tt S0..11'41'" CtlflOffllt College lelollt>teflHdtf M _.), CAMY Slt11091 T-n. !Nfll ., Gotdlll Welt Col~ Tennie -.... co1119i.te °'4'191 .ONl\t •I El C.mlno m1 IEHI LOI A"91!let Collfl91t 121. T_,.ay COllt91•1e GolCMn Wttl el Sl!Odtet>Kk 121. S.11 OlefOSlattat UC l"'IM 121. ....,.., Collllftlalt -Or-COllM "' Sade:ll•IM•O m ColltOIM....U v;:."~6,11191 COoHI 12>. ~· CamlN et GCllClen W.St 111. lacldlebKk 11 "~' ~:,' ........ m. L°' A"91ln Sttlt t i VC trvlnt .. ,..., Ct41tllelt~ Wtll t i S...t• AM <ti VC 11',,IM fl\ IJCVI ltl Tr eek .,,..,., Mlr•<MI• at 0r.,... Cltett m. ..... , C:ot~t Ooldeft Wta, CUrvt •I t-lfl'CMI• m.--~ " , Vollf'~ll l"ridey ColltOlollle-Atftlelt' In Action et Or-c ... 11 17 301 w ... e11 Basketball T°""'y High School Newpert H•rbor itt EdlMll\ " 301; w~m1ns1tr et HUf\tl~on 8eec11 It JOI Founlatn Valley at Marl"• 11 JOI. U111w""" •I E~t41ncte Ill; CMonll 0.1 Mtr •t CMlt Me~ 1'1 El Toro"' trvlnf' 111. ~ 8ttcll et Mission Viel• 181; San Cl•mt11I• •I Dana Hiiis "'· OcHn V1ew 111 LM Atemltos 111 Coll419late 4JC f r\llne ., I.OS A119CIH State 181. Tll11"4ay HIQrt Scl\001 Fo1111taln V•llev at EdllOfl 17 301: H11nti11glon BeKll at loiewp(tf'I H•rbor 3nt Merlroo "' westmlnller 11 .301: £1ta..c:ta st Et Toro 171, ll"llne al C~te Mew 171. Urolver'lllY •I 'CorOfla oet Ml>r 17>. Mission V••IO •t Ctpostr- V•llo 191; Leouna Hiii• ., O•nt Hill\ Cit lotQun• 8Nc:ll at 5tn c~,,,.,., .• 111. Ocetn v- ., tCtnMOY (71. Field Hockey T-•• Westml~ttr al MartN 17 301. Nf'Wll()rf Htr'tlor •t Hun111191on ee..ch 17 JOI . Edison .it Fountt•n llall•Y 12 lOI. -141•Y HIOll S<llOol-V,.lverSlty al Coron• clef '~' 12 30~ TIMtnO.ty Hl9" S<llOOl~U11tl119ton Bea<""' Westmon11A!r 11 301. Edl'lOtl at Newoort HarbOr 12 JOI, ~rl"• at Fountall\ Valley (7·301 fl'riday HIQh S<lloot-Corona df'I Mer at E"•"<•• 12 301. AMERSFOORT. Nethe rlands Jack Babashoff of Fountain Valley, finished second in the lOO ·meter freest yle in 52 01 behind fellow Ame rican Jim Mo ntgome ry 's 50.85 on the second day of a three-day in· ternalionaJ swim meet here. The 2()-nation meet is basically a head-on confrontation between the Amer icans and the East Ge rman s. Horse· Racing Results .TDD&T'S CllSSIDID PUI ZLI Los Alamitos ~....,..., (!JOtlt of J8.4;ale me.I) OU.rt•~ F lrst """ Bal>t AOHY Anne IAdtlrl '70. t 60.170; M4Kle I" Ollta IPtrnefl 3 60, '60, Tl .. ., Mc8H ILll)haml 300 U uactt 17•1 paid 119 00 Sf'cond race Top 1n1entlon\ IMltcloell I 7 00. J ao. 7 llO, F•rm. lr>qton IC1trdolo\I J 70, 2.AO; Mlgllty Jaro (Ward I J 00 Third rac,. OH·8old VIII!' ILIPllam1 S60, •.00. l .00. OH·Mr Roaro O,.ck iW&honl 12 40, 10.20, 4.80; Super SUrrh11rQ4' IPernerl 2.•0 U eiiacta (4-61 P"td Sl!.4.SO. U uacte 16-4 I pitkl S20I> 00. Fourtll rac,. M l" S plas l' ITrtHUN!I 1 00, '70, 3 20; Tre~lln :!.!lo"! ICr?-rl 6 60. 4 00; OtCk~Y' Fireman IKnlortll' 60 Flltll rau Big Wink ILIPll•ml ~ 80, 17 20. a 00; Coe11 s Aoc:ker T,. IMl!cllf'lll 3 40, 2 90, o~·~ Mtrrlsk (Trauurel U O U eaacta IM I paid '311 so Sfalh race Frl&r Bob IP~r,..rl 10 llO. 4 70. 3 AO. Mll<lolm PrM~nt IH•rll l 40. J 00, Savannah Lerk ICterluel ' 70 se .. enll• rtc4' Suoer\ Ctprtcorn ll.1Pll•m> s,.a, l 411. , llO; OH-e lq Time Roe;~ IP9merl l 70, f ac>. OH· L«NS Kl~ ITrNWAI 'AO 3 60 S5 .. IK1• IM> peld SAt.00, U ••«It 17• I P•ld\30 30 E 1911111 rtce Klplys Cltert•• (Htrtl 1600, 4 10. 3 llO; Moon UIB I Martini 3 40, 2 40; o..iroyer 1Tr.,1sur9l S.70 Hl,.th r•<t Str~ck It Ric~ 1earoo1el t.AO, •.AO. 4 40. Gr11mPor Two tPtrne<I •~. uo; St•rs Ouct 18anks l 6.40. SS tirKt• 1241 paid St9J.SO Alie~ •.m Santa Anita ,..., Sttwnlo (Jiii\ of, .... ., me.tlft91 TllentMINlr'tft First race P•r klnthederll 1011,,&resl 8 ac>, S 60\. •.OO; Cror1te IPtnceyl a 10, 4.10; Vem•n111 lMCHilr9U1') 3.89. S.c'Olld r11<a-Notermen lcorclf!rol t.IO. 4.70, l 00; J•"-•v.-1<•"' I Pin· cayl s.oo, 3.40; e .. scom !Hawleyl 3 •O. U Delly OoUble (4·11 P•ld U IOO Third rtce-Varltlv Outtll IAosalK) 11AO, 11 70, • ac>; Vt"'91"9 IHewley I s 10. 3 ac>. First VlcterY IMc:Her911tl ' 40 Fourlh rte•-8••mlno Jo't IQlta119l uo. • ac>. J .o, Mlft\lf'nmer QrNm tMc.CMronl S,fll, 4 ... ,..,_y Aolo (So,...,.,.. I 7 00 Flttll ra<f'-Netlontt fl'l •o IMc H•rvu•I 3 '°· t eo. t.to: Sterll'9flt fM<CarrOlll n .oe, 4 t.e>; Thr• 81h l(lllY•rHI , 10 SS l:11ecta IM l PollkU IJl.00 Sh<ttl re<Ie Al"Ctl< tee IMc:CernlftJ S IO, 4.20, 3 60; Sir R4ltillll IOtlv-1 • 60, 4 .0, o.Ht Cl4tl1n ICortlffol 7 .0I. Seventh race AIQlll Cllflty !Mc C.rn1t1l 17 00. S.40 U O: Flett 01 4'111 IHtwley) '00. S ~ G<MICMJlrbt ICordClrol 3 ac> U Eatctt IWI paid U«.,.. Elolltlo 'l!C• Orenren tPf.,uyl Sac>, 3 60, t otO: 108 Delle IC•""'-"1 S 00,) 00. 0.tmt Clltk IMc.Hlflluel 210. Nl"f" race_..MCI I.ad IOll.,•rn, 23 to, 10 20, • '°· Perltct Gt rol tS~o•m•-•r l • 00, 4 •O; kurco (Cordero> 6 IO U Euct• 1>•71 paid '31150. Alt•~-».nJ Boxers Lose ACROSS 1 Dinner course 6 Ladle 11 Waterway 18 Keen 21 Weatern-l dlan 22 Shindig 23 Thais, e.g. 24 Ennoble ~ Twice: Preli• 26 Forward 27 Metric meas- ure 28 Not: Prefix -~. 29 At no time 30 Digraph 31 Scale note 32 Dutch com- mune 34 Cloth meas- ure 36 Policemen·: Slang 36 Noble bird 40 Sir •1 Ila Ian river 43 Minus 45 SIS!n tubing •7 W11ness "8 Footwear •9 Bllnker 52 Small bird 54 Polynesian chestnut 56 Declares 59 Belhcose god 61 Mine car 63 Peacelul 67 Asiatic coun- lry 68 Eyes and ears 70 Munificent 72 Black 73 Short coat 7• Roman bronze 78 Scoff n Armr. abbr •. 78 Hea Ing god· dess 79 suriervlsor 80 De lcate 82 Youngster UOoM 85 Fort>Bari ng 87 Babylonlan 88 ~~msman 90 Whip sound 91 lndi11idual i2 Assyrian de"!y. 93 Sa~ 's uncle 9o4 Oahu dish 95 Burn 98 Pitfall 100 Letter 101 Unmarrieds 105 Bitler herb 1oe Dance step 107 Austere 109 Chinese so-ciety 110 Fortll~ m Budd 1st monk 112 Oic:Fete 11H.i e load 115 Emporium 116Amerind 117 Ultimately 121 ~islative y . 123 Get up 12• Win back 125 Russian des· pot 127 Station 128 Feminine names 129 Elbe trlbu· tary 131 Grecian god- dess 133 Georgia city 135 FOOd fish 136 College cheer 1.0 Hero1e 18 One or any 98 Epic 1•2 Withered 1e..Mont~ue s 99 llte s com-143 Blocichead son mand: Abbr. 1•7 Sm. dog 20 Publish 100 Crawl 1..a Donkeys 33 Printing 101 Painful 150 Jewish measure 102 Cicero's tan-motlth 35 Alacid p,uaoe 152 Wute allow· 37 Church seat 103 rreguJar a nee 39 Tethered 104 Pintail ducks 154 In lavor ol .0 ltallaf'I .rl11er 106 Tree 155 St. •2 Aer,atedlt tttmmers 156 Guido's note ..., Su t mater al 108 Bitter 11etch 157 Genus 46 Roman lid· 109 Informer· 159 Greek letter dler 112 MonkshOOd 160 Digraph "8 Farm struc-113 Girl's name 161 Exclamation tu re 115 f/:s 163 Odin's son: 50 Allow 116 ountain Var. 51 Turmeric . nymph 1S. Stop 53 Snoozes 118 Common 166 Afrportion 55 Rip abbr. 167 S ns 56 Precipitous l~Worm 169 Fight 57 Leg bone 1 Connecticut 171 Church olll-58 Check devel· college cer opment 122 COl1lmon: 172 Water Illy 80 Tangle ~awalian 173 Place anew m km 17• Golf C(Ub .82 Teacher 126 Meals S. Man's nick· 128 Arrow poison DOWN name 65 Wine drink 130Sca~ .1 Demure 182-Assist 66 Glrl's name 134 Nab 2 Stage whls-68 Kiln 135 Interval per 68 Deep 138 Ofl/de dwell· 3 State: Abbr. 71 Tidy '"ii 4 Gone !li 73 Stroblle 137 V It> form 5 Contr let 75 Drink slowly 139 Qree0$gsl 6 Extras 79 Twist 1•1 Gam I 7Gamlng eo Dreads t« Concerning cheats 61 Irish fabric 145 BitWQO kin 8 Correlative 63 Long dr/nk 1 .. ~nJor size: 9 AudttO')'. 64 lnlorma wds 10 Aviator a ~reetln~ 144 B1p1tcat inartter 68 Ury1UI l\alne 11 Ally daughter 1119 Seasoning 12 Mimic 67 Bikini toi> ·l~1l~lll 13 Granular 89 Shelter 53 fow 90 Ballad 158 Exploll snow 92 Affront tea French coin 14 Regions IM Quart pa" 162 Aware: Slang 15 More spa-95 SWOf'd 186 TV commer-cious 96 Spice Gia I 16 Footwear 97 Assamese 168 EJClsts 17 Garden tool tribe I 170 Ar far as • 17 II IJ zo TROY, N.Y. CAP l Eugene Oorstkov slopped Flofd "Jumbo" Cumml.nss al 38 seconds of the aec:ond round or their heavywel1bt bout, cappln,-four straight vtctorin that nulted the Soviet Unk>o to• 7·3 •le· Lory over the United SEE CLASSIF,IED SECTION FOR ANSW£!'S Statu Saturday nl~ _,.;;.. ___ ....,..;,,. ________ ...... ..__..-;;;..==;;;;;;=;--" .I t , '! --- - les 1ng od- ler on ras ren put ob· .wo acb ays ver ln1 . ll· .. L I ( I ... . Sundey, Feb(uery 4, 1979 DAILY PILOT Delly ~ ........ rt P'lltrictr 0'0.-.H Exquisite lace is a trademark on Priscilla's gowns . . ' Gowns by Priscilla I ,• I 'We make a lovely dress,' says wedding gown designer. · \ ' I By J UDITH O~ON 0t I'"' O<tilY P ilot Stall Pnsc1lla Kidder, designer of gowns for White House weddings and owner of one or the be~t·known bridal labels. 1s not modest about her achievement. .. We aren't the biggest but we're the best," she said during an in· tervlew at Bullock's Wilshire in Fashion Island. 'Tm not conceited a bout it but we make a lovely dress.•· The price ta_gs would agree with her ·comments. The bottom of the line is just under saoo and the company has designed some gowns that sell for $5,000 and up. THE WORKMANSHIP is what raises the price. Most of the gowns are hand·beaded and have exquisite lace and some are even trimmed with fur. Mass Ki.dder's c urrent spring- summer line, which she presented, begins her 39th year of designing bridal fashions. She started making dresses to sell herself then began manufacturing for other stores. as, a young model. "I was interest- ed in clothing," she said. "I studied merchandising and design and became a buyer. I worked my. way up and was one or the fi rst woman executives. I sort of pioneered women's lib." M.ISS KIDDER SAID she really found out what pioneering meant when she opened her own business and tried to succeed in the fashion in- dustry. · She has made her mark on the bridal world and knows it well. "Gowns haven't changed much," she noted. "Synthetic fabrics are tak· ing precedence over silks and cot· tons. But they're easier to handle. We used to have to do endless pressing." She can tell by a girl'~ face when she tries on gowns which one she re· ally likes. ''Most of the time they're frightened," she added. Miss Kidder advocates early shop- ping for brides. "The biggest mistake is looking and loo)dng and looking. You should go to a store that you know can help you and has the best quality and buy there. SHE BEUEVES it's acceptable for a bride having her second or third wedding to wear white . "People think white is for purity. Actually it's for security," she explained. She said her business didn't suffer during the "hippie" era when brides were getting married in peasant dresses on the beach . She is successful, she believes, because she offers good design and good quality. ••Good design ls planned," sbe said. "We get pretty sensible." There are some "bombs" in her line but she said those might be the gowns that are most popular the next season. °Fashion is timing," sbe said. THE GOWNS SHE made for former president Richard Nixon's daughters, Julie and Tricia, are still . among the most popular in the line - Tricia's bas a V-neckline and Julie's has a beaded yoke. It's a sentimental business, Miss Kidder finds. She said that most brides keep-their gowns and get them · out periodically to look at. Priscilla Kidder, above right, with one of her lace wedding gowns. At left, short sleeved tiered selection. Prices for the designer gowns range from $300 to $5,000. Her first wedding gown. which was sqld to Sak's Fifth Ave., was charac· terized by the sam~ hallmarks she has tptlay: ''quality and simplicity." She,Jat.arted in the fashion business •'Quality means fit and a dress that ts correct. Quality means the little touches that are important." She still has her •own wedding gown, which she made herself. It's white cotton and eyelet, which she used because it was an August wed- ding and there wasn't much choice df ' fabric during the war. Priscilla's spring-summer line includes this nAffed gown. {~----------------------------------------------------------------------------1,.Romantic Menu Doesn't List Child's-.Pla te 1hey went out to a restaurant for a quiet mea/c-and ended up in an atmosphere resembling 'a fast food outlet. I I love email children and t like to be around them abhost anywhere. I like to watch them ride their tricycles in front of our bou.ae and I like to answer their questions on Saturday Mornings when they come over to watch a teltvlslon ~w called "Kida Are People Too." In ran. t like to be around UtUe chlldren more than almost anyone l know -but 1 do not like them ln restauranta. And I don't mean McDonald'•· One expect.a to see screaming children run· nln& up" and down the aisles of McDonald'• - Claergl Ro•o weatjng their Ronald McDonald muka and tossina lnncb fries and slrawa at each other. tt would be unreasonable to enter aucb a place anUcip1Un1 solitude. ·You may even eJC· pect t.Ut there Will be malt on your chair and ' salt ln the auaar Jar -why aot? Btrr WHEN YOU dress up and 10 out for an evening at an elegant restaurant where careful attenUon hn been .. vithed on aeu&nl a roman· Uc mood -the -only U1bts are dim can41es, ' -I tables are set for two and diners are serenaded by a singer strumming a guitar -then I thb\k you have a right to expect there wi~l not be malt on your chair and salt in the sugar Jar I But sometimes adultsldrag their squirming and crawling youngsters into a grownups' restaurant. I don't undus&and wby, because usµaUy kids would p'refer a McDonald's ham· burger and some fries to bouillabaisse or duck a la orange. LAST NIGHT IN an attempt to get away from the pressures of children, laundry. dogs and Devo music ~ my husband and I went to our favorite Newport Beach restaurant for dln· ner. It's a lovely place on the bayfront and we llke \0 sit quietly and watch the lights casunc ' golden reOections acroas the black marble water and listen \0 the soft clinking or mutllnea in the breeze. . · The evening was perfect and the restaurant uncrowded with only several other couples speaking softly to each other over nickering candles and white tablecloths. THEN A PARTY of four adults, two tod· dlers and one baby entered the scene. Booster and highchairs replaced throne wickers and on schedule the baby began waillng. 'nle dark-haired little girl in pigtails was soon banging lhe spoon her mother had.fiven tier on a plate and the boy, about 3, scooted out of his seat and was crawling under tables. The adults in the party soon ·seemed ob· Uvioua lo all surrounding activity when the two toddlen started throwing French bread at each other. My husband gave me a "why ~ it always happen to ua 7' · look and the waiter tripped over the little boy who was lytn on the noor wriUna in butter on the waterfront window. It was like beina in McDonald's with a u. quor license and no straws dunJlg a blackout. .. .. . ---OAA.V PtLOT------~n~ru1rv Voehl-Bardwin Mr. aod Mn Duanl' L 8 ldw1 n of Santa Ana have noounrtd the marnuac of their daughter, MeUs a Arlene l\aldWln, to Jo pb £arl Vodll V~'s 1>i~nts-art" Mr aod Mn A.K Voehl of Rogue Rlvt>r, Ore He 15 a graduate of Rogue River Hillh School The bnde tr•duated from Newport. Harbor lltgh School. The couple will m ake tht.>tr home m Costa Mesa. Christiansen-Parker Evangebne~ Christianse!"I or Laguna Beach hes announcM the marriage of her son, Paul M. Christiansen, to Roberta J . Par~er, daughter of Madeline and Frank Parker ofSw1ssvale, Pa. Christiansen is a graduate of Laguna Beach Hh~h School and Orange Coast ~liege and !s president or Inca Film!">, Inc MlSS Parker IS compleiing medical s tudies at Saddleback College. ., The couple will honeymoon m llawa11. McCammon-Bodendorfer Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. McCammon have an· noOnced the engagement of their daughter, Kqt.hleen McCammon to Dr. Thomas W. Boden· dorfer. all of Huntington Beach '9 Mrs. Voehl M rs. Carrigan Zusag-Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Zusag of Newport Beach have announced the engagement of their daughter, Mary Frances Zusag, to Zane An· derson of Tustin. The bride·elect is a Corona del Mar High School graduate and is currently studying nurs· mg at Golden West College. Anderson's parents a re Mrs. William McVey of Tu.c;tin and Roger Anderson or Yorba Linda. He Is u Foothill High School graduate presently attending Cal State Universily Fu lie rt.on. A .iune wedding is planned. McKae-Freeman Mrs. Mitchell Mrs. Voget The bride is the daughter or Wally and Billie Asbury of Corona del Mar and the groom's parents are Louis and Delores Mitchell or San Diego. The couple attended Westmont· College in Santa Barbara. They will live in Santa Ana. Dutton-McDonald Mrs . a nd Mrs . William M. Dutton or Newport Beach have a"!lOunced th~ engage· ment of their daughter, Michelle Cherie Dutt.on, to Duane John McDon ald, son or Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. McDonald, also or Newport. A May wedding in Corona del M~r·s Sherman Gardens ls planned. MiSs Dutton 1s a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and attended Orange Coast College. McDonald also attended both schools. Mr. and Mrs. Lafontaine changed wedding .vows at the Dominguez Seminary in Los Angeles. The bride' is the daurzht.er of Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Melinkofr of Lido Isle. She is a partner in Kingsley-Cameron Management and was formerly·direct.or of daytime programming for ABC Television. She is a graduate of USC. The bridegroom is the son or the late Mr and Mrs. Edmund Lafontaine of Montreal. He is an executive in international banking with the Royal Bank of Canada. Voget-Pfischner Jon Frederick Vog~t and Kimberly Ann Pfiscbner were married at Mariner's Church 10 Newport Beach. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Pfischner of Newport Beach and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. Dr. Bodendorfer's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Bodeodorfer of Lathrup Village, Mjch. He is a graduate or the University of Michigan where he received a bachelor or sc:tencedegree and a doctorate in pharmacy. The bride·elect graduated from Polytechnic High School in Long Beach and Long Beach City College She 1s a registered nurse. Mr. ·and Mrs. Alan Warren McKae or Corona de! Mar have announced the engagement of their daughter. Sally Emmons Mc Kae, to Mark Alan Freeman of Littleton. Colo. Svendsen-Juelsgaard · and Mrs. Julius A. Voget of Santa Ana. The new Mrs. Vogel graduated from Newport Harbor H..igb School a nd attended Orange Coast Co lleg e and W e s tmont Colle ~c 1n Santa Barbara. Voget• graduated from Sad· die back Hili!h School. Santa Ana College and Cal State University, Long Beach . A Jurtc wedding is planned . Miss McKae is a Corona del Mar High School graduate and attende d Arizona State University. Freeman is the son of Dr and Mrs. Jerry Alan Freeman of Littleton. He graduated from Cherry Creek High in Englewood. Colo .. and currently is attending Arizona State University where he 1s affiliated with Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. Arthur Svendsen or Newport Beach and Mrs. Betty Svendsen of Balboa have a_nn<?unced the engagement or their daughter. V1ck.1 Lynn Svendsen. t.o Stephen Glen Juelsgaard of Gray, Iowa. '\... Carrigan-Leach . Patn ck Wilham CarriJ.!an of lrvine cfitimed Karen Diane Leach of Laguna Niguel as his bride dunng marriage ceremonies at the South Shores Baptis t Church of Laguna Niguel. The bride-elect graduated from Newport Harbor High School and attended Chapman World Cruise. Orange Coast College and the University of California • Santa Barbara. The future bridegroom's parents are Mr and Mrs. Glen Juelsgaard of Gray. He graduated from Audubon High School and received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Iowa State University. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs . 'rbomas G. Leach of Laguna Niguel . She is a graduate or Dana Hills High School and at· .tended Saddleback College. A J anuary 1980 wedding is planned. Mitchell-Asbury The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles Carrigan of lrv1nc. He is a graduate of AnGrew J ackson High School and Saddleback Cqllege. Russell William Mitchell of San Diego and Laura Ann Asbury of Corona del Mar ex· changed wedding vows during ceremonies at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Newport A March wedding is planned. Lafontaine-Cameron The couple will live in Los Angeles. Beach. • Susan Cameron a nd Robert Lafontaine ex· . .. ( · Horoscope MONDAY, FEB. 5 ] How To Tillie It Kook Might Change Mind Don't .You lov~ those BySYDNEYOMARR co mme r cia l s of a E,.,.a woman propped up in B L.-•-DEAR ANN : I 'm ARIES <March 21-April 19): Emphasis on bed who looks up from O•~C~ writing for the benefit or pulling chestnuts out of the fire. castine aside the novel she is reading that nut who wanted his ralae reports -and doctrines. Your intellectual and says. 'Tm cleaning just two minutes a day lbree-year-old son by his curiosity is on a rampage. You ask questions. my oven''? Or how t.o take an iron tablet. first marriage to be the demand aru1wers. about the one where it A cosmetic salesman beat man al his wedding TAU•US (April 20-May 20 >: Money belt s h ows her s noozing told me lo lake three because the boy was sh.es, rattles and rolls. You could be in lhe away and a voice from minutes out of every day • • b Is c 1 o s est ma I e chips! Evolution pf process that started with s ome wh ere s•ays , andrubmolsturi.zer int.o r e lative." Will you investment, judgment and faith comes to "Joyce's toilet bowl is my akin. kindly tell him what the rruilion. gelling clean aa she My best friend told me duties of the best man GEMINI CMay 21-June 20 ): You get what s leeps"? lo kick off my shoes, are and maybe that will you go after -maintain confident, aggressive Nothing works when I elevate my feet and nap knock some sense into staoce. Cycle high -judgment, intuition are on sleep. Whatever is there d d h i s h e a d ? h d f ·oo h bef I li t Cor 20 minutes 8 ay an LONG·TlME READER tar1et. You have come lot e en o one pen the nig t ore c m I'd feel wonderful. ol )'Our lire -now could be the beginning or into bed is there when I Cleaoln~ my contact F R 0 M N I A G A R A "something big... wake up. k f' FALLS CANCER <June 21.July 22>: New light cast Not only that, I am lenses on Y la es lve D EAR NIAGARA: on 'a rea pre viously shrouded in mystery. forever being accosted minutes 8 day. T It e b eat ·man I s s11norstition. Leo. Aquarius fig~{e promlnenlly. by people who implore Taking vitamif\S daily nppo1ed to help the ..,_ -only takes a bite of l If.a Key is lo be original, creative, independent. me t<> devote just a i tes out of . my groom dress. h•nd him LEO <July 23 ·Aug . 22 l : Romance, minute or so a day to a m nu Ute bride's rla• darteg 1 I schedule. ..... " ... _ establishing relationships. working towards c b ore that w i Buffing the noor daily .. e cerell)Olly, orrer t...., goal, fulfill ment of hopes and wishes -these eventually make my life r . h 1 l ti ffrst tout t the bride are emphasized. Hunch 1s on target -be easier. or e ig t m nu es cu aad groom, dance wttb confident, earn and learn through teaching J kept a count or these down on the big job U.e brtde after abe hH process. offers for one day and cleaner at the end of the daaced die first dance VIRGO <Aug. 23·Sept. 22 l: Opportunities ca m e up with the week.. . . wltll the groom, tbe are plenliful key is to be selective. Emphasis following tally: Pounng a little baking tffODd dance with ber on career, superiors. ambition, goal, civic My dentist asked me 1~8 down my disposer fatlter, and the third responsibilities. reputation. You may be asked to brush and floss for daily takes only 21f.a danc e w It b h er minutes a day. r b la I TL-be t to j"dge a popularity or recipe contest. j ust three minutes a • S ·u . little air at er· · aw. '"' s LIBRA <Sept. 23·0ct. 22): Emphasis on day. pn zmg a maa ii abo aappoeed to det1lls, linking together apparently unrelated My minister asked me purifier In. my kitchen make aare the groom events. Your future is in your own bands -now to pray and meditate for each d~y keeps germs to bas lals laoney moon you'll know it and do something constructive only fi ve minutes a day. a ...mirumum and takes ticket. aad resenatlou abobt it. M y h a i rd res s e r only three minutes. U tltey are-travellog by 'SCORPIO <Oct. 23·Nov. 21 >: Give full play d 1 b h Just a rew drops of trala or plane. He should also band lbe clergyman a token of appreciation -wbicla mean s • gratuity. I doubt that a three-year·old could bHclle any of tbe above reapoulbWtks. I IM>pe tbe kook sees Ws letter and cll_.es la.la mlnd. DEAR ANN : Yesterday I received a l et t e r from my 34 -year-old son who wo rks in t he lumber camp about 60 miles north of here. Dan's letter was four pages long -mostly about a very fine girl he had met . Toward the e nd o f the letter I thought I must be seeing things. He wrote, "She is pregnant a nd her fo rmer lover left town. I want to m a rry this wonderful girl and be a father to her child." ' I am very upset. Do you think this girl really loves my son or Is she Just looking for a (ather for her baby? WUl I be able to aceept this child and love her as if she •1 M k s uggeste rus my vitamins in my dog's · to curioslt,. -you are not a cat! a e hair 99 strokes ror just bowl and he'n feel bet.ler wed.dm9 and engagement announcements.run on ioqoiries. a sk q.uestlons: Gemin i. Virg~, s ix minutes a day. a nd have a shiny coat. It Sunday m tht• tJa1l,11 Pilot Forms are ava1LoblP at all Sagittarius figure in scenano. Accent on basic My doctor advised me only takes a minute a Doily ·Pilot olficei or by calling tlu> Features CHparl finances, lhc money facts of life, taxes, rentals, to exercise daily by d ment.642·4321 leases. walking for only 30 •rtallled up all my ro avo1d diloppomtment. prospective bndes are SAGl'ITAllltJS <Nov . 22·Dec. 21 l: Go slow,. minutes. minutes one day and rem1111Ud to have their wedding stones. with a blachk· lie tow, be aware of legal rights, permissions. My moth e r said ll came up with only four and·white glossy o/ the bnde or of the c~uple. lo t e Domestic adjustment is on agenda. One close to would take only four hours and 10 minutes for f 'eatures Department ont' week be/ore the wedding The couple will live in Irvine. 50th Anniversary A 50th wedding annive rsary party for Mr. a nd Mrs Everett E. Bic~er Sr of Newport B~h was held at the home or MF and Mrs, Edw,td C. Gill of Costa Mesa. \,. :fhe couple were married in PasadeTia on Jan, 26. 1929, and moved to Newport Beach an 1946. Mr. and Mrs. Bieger have two children,, \ Everett E. Bieger Jr. or Tustm and Barbarfl J . Gill o f Costa Mesa. They h ave f6u.r • grandchildren and one great.grandchild. \ Aaa Lalldftes even tf she never turns it ' l were of our own blood? Also. Ann. what do you think our friends will say? The girl is in her fourth month and if they get married right away, people can still count it out. Please he lp me t h i n k s traij[h t . - PORTLAND MOTHER on JU S t s o the neighbors can see the 'lntenna. We are afraid , they might thmk she is ' \ • hard up ror money aod \ her family won 't loosen DE AR MOTHER: II yoar son marries the 11rl -and he probably will -do your level best 1.o accept her Hd tbe bal»y. Can you do It? Of Cftne -U you bave tile generosity of spirit. Tbe opln.ions of your frfeads wbo "can count" s h oul d b e of no importance. You owe tbem no explanation. DEAR ANN : My mother hates TV. and refuses t.o have a set in her home. H'er stubborn streak is causing us a g r e a t d e a I o r embarrassment. up and give her one. How about you H.YID~ a word in our behalf? This may sound likt' a p e tty thin ~. but honestly, 1t would mt•an a lot· to us if Mom WO¥ld accept a set, -. LOVJNO CHILDREN • DEAR CHILDREN: Save your nJOney aad qult being foolfsh . H your mother doesn't ,unt a TV, that sllould settle It. Just becal&Se tber8\ is no antenna on tbe roof doesn't mean the family c an't afford a 84.'t. Som etimes it inean~"' they would put.tr to read.~.ave o111ve" guesW'. · My brother and Jp;;;;;:;;~~~~~~;;;;, woul~ do anything for RUffEll'S Mom , but sne is very , independent and won't UPHOLSTERY let us do much. We want wtM. Y• w.,,. to buy her a new TV just ftle I.st for appearances' sake, 1122 HarbOr etvd. Costa Mee• -5411-1156 . ·---\ Are you doing what you want with your lifcl? satisfied with your present career progress? . ... paid what you're worth? yo&C•ants "review of life style." Taurus, Libra, ·minutes daily to clean eatJnland sleeping. ~~ ~ Sconno persons could play key roles. up the splalt~rs ·in. my M h 1 ho • CAPIUCORN <Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Avoid oven as soon as J made a et at our urs. \ direct confrontations. Be realistic. Know when them. It takes me 10 minutes a\,., -... .. N'li.E-'w"'ro'-'""'R .... 7'_.'S~~-'-~,,,,..,.~'-. il =· wise to make intelligent concessions. My husband ragged day to keep track or~ D St · Co rker one who shares your concerns will me lo death to put aside where my Um,e goe~. ~Favorite rua ~ oreicl. If not. phone in your reservation for our FREE CAI-PLAMMIMG UCTURE Maa.. ... 5 7:JCM:JO pa or T-... M. 6 t :lO.l:lO ,_.. ma valUab\e11uggeslion. ,......------------------,i' ~ --~ (I J\QVAJUUS <Jan. 20-Feb. 1s>: Producttvtty YOUR DAILY PILOT hr ,..... s1.oo " ls elDDhubed~ you imprint style and find fresh ereetfve ouUeta. Capricorn, Cancer lndlvlduals CAN BE RECYCLED! fi1•re ln 1cenadQ. WhaLhad .evaded yo\& beet.mes available. Orange Coast College .PISCES <Feb. 19·March 20 >: Yes, the op,rt1tes the official c .. riain ls being dra,wn on minl·drama. You've recycling cent., for Coata M•11. bed heavily "Involved." Now, you are relieved 556 5981 of burde n. You feel better phyale11ly and ------------·--------efOotiooally, too. • MIWPOIT IEACH COUMSILIM• SRVICE 1111w ....... 1r ....... n1.tu. 641-6002 i ' I . t t l \. t . ' /.I t'' l !; J p ) 'n I ' I !'> ·~o ' ;ll !) ... . r, ;· - I ROCKMU$1C Rustlers Hope Fame's About to 'H0:ppeii' Rock'• 'Blend' fm!A, Stripa, tarvea f o r Fame . B1 .IO RAl~VO N 806TON <AP \ Ft"f >'OUl\I m•n hatm tnt•nUy an t torift-rt•nc~ room ol a 1uburban omce buUdina .-bu ineu u uUve •Uvena a frank Pf'P talk "1'1all~~ an lmportAnt rtl tor )OU. Make a little utri elfort.." Noddin& at St.ve DoN. he addl. "I load 9lev1 to Jump at \be piano -So trlU.)' • ~You're. al a n w l ~'el now Sev•nl t\oura l•lu. Dore and tho four otben who makt' up,the Bltnd, a ~k 'n' roU baad, <'Om<' to th e-nd of tbtir •~·minute performanc.-. ln lb 0l'llhl'um Theater TllE Sl.ENDEa. bu"*l Dore strlpt naked olfatqe, ~t.3 on un apron that ~ven only hit -froat aide. and climb$ • bank ol ampllntt$ hlfb abow the 1ta1e With the rest ol the band wal"na below. be r•achu into the poueh of the apn>n ud toue "glitter dust" tiny pittes of ahaminum foll al the crowd ol 2,SOO They love ll, and 5eream for more rn the dl.Sc J{)(keys, progrart\ directors and tbe New York booking agent in the audience, however. whom the Blend alms to impr;ess - those who will play the band's reeordS, sign them to a tour, spread the word. The Blend is just one of thousands or rock bands. But in the funny language ot their world, they may be about to "happen" to burst out of obscurity into the big time and big money. Then again, they ma)' not. Only a handful - S percept, says one promoter -of the groups lucky enough to record a first album ever make a second, and most break up in discouragement after a few years. HUSTLING FOR THE record machine meaJlS sacrilices -personal. rmancial. even musical; endless nights on the road, sl~ping in the back of a car on the eight·hour drive to the next gig; countless hours in a studio. searching to please the popular taste. And. perhaps, being burned up and wa~hed out be fore you're middle-aged. Wheathis l2 YQl'old maste:nnlnd ~t.owork .. Watch Out MOWSHOWtM6 -1:!!!r'!'!!1 CINEMA CUITER 4 H•fbor & Ad_.111-4141 _.__,. ........ ,. FOUNTAIN YAUEY TWIN 11411 8rookhurll 139-1500 ~· ....... ..... . c111pm1n Awe a. Slnta Ana ,., .... ,, MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "KING OF THE GYPSIES" CR) "LOOKING FOR MR. GOOOBAR" (R) "¥AGIC"(R) "PARADISE ALLEY" (R) .. SAME TIME NEXT YEAR" CPG~ "INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS" (PG) "COMA" "ICE CASTLES" (PG) ··MOMENT BY MOMENT" lRJ "FORCE TEN FROM NAVARONE" "PINOCCHIO" (G) "REVENGE OE THE PINK PANTH~R" (PG) "FORCE TEN FROM NAVARONE" "MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" (R) "NATIONAL LAMPOON'S ANIMAL HOUSE" "AMERICAN GRAF1TTI" (A) "MOMENT BY MOMENT" "HOUSE CALLS" (R) "MAGIC" "EMBRYO" CR) "UP IN SMOf(E" (R) "A 90YANOHtSDOO .. AL&. OIUVS.INS O ... N 6IJIP.M.fMNl\.Y Cltlle U-t J .. ,.. U111ftt e K*le "-YWN•ll9 Jtm Drown, a I ad rultarilt and 1ln1er wtlb Dore. cto.n't «>nttder ll u odd way to mak a Uvma, ••cept when he lriet to explain il to a ltr~•r, ·,•anct l realize, 'Thia doetn't make any•~··" The mend baa 1on1 furtb4tr tban moat banda. After 4\\ years to••lber. Dore and Drown. baM aukarllt Ken Holt. drummer Siip Smllh and teyboard11t Don.ale PomlMt~ -a1Lln thelr low 20I or early 30I -are the moat popular rock 1roup ln Maine, where moat or them ln!W up And probably ln nei&bborlog New HamptbJf!. wb re most live. TREV MAKE St .... and ur for a sin&le night's perrormance. Mos have-been performtna since their teens and haven't bad another job since leavin& college. Three are married, two are fathers. They've crown increasinaly conservative. Most have virtually given up drinking and they turn mearlyontheroad. "You've got to be some kind of serious out there," Drown says. "I've 1ot two kids and I have to bring home the bacon, even ii it's a UtUe strip." Although the band played 2SO dates in 1978 and grossed more than $100,000, Drown and tlle rest of the Blend -which includes· co-manager s Michael O'Leary and Andrew Gavatsos -paid themselves just $175 a week. Expenses ate up the rest. THE BLEND HAS been an opening act for several major groups, and now is seeking its own h~adliner status. The gamble started two summers ago when the band borrowed $60,000 and spent five months in a Massachusetts studio producing a tape. o ·Leary and Gavatsos tried for weeks to peddle it in New York,.and were rejected by 21 record com· panies. <See ROCK. Page 88) 'Blend', Rock band members wait to "woo the Jockeys" at Boston radio sta- tion. From left: Ken Holt, JifJ1 · Drown, Donnie Pomber (seated), Skip Smith and Steve Dore. ·Actor's Chur c h Saved Basement The atre Offe r s the 'Unsaintly' NEW YORK CAP) -Fred Allen attended Mass there. So did George M. Cohan, Don Ameche, Danny Thomas. Ah, st. Malacby's, the fine old Actor's Church. Now it's a house of acting as well as worship. Its new basement theater just opened. But not with saintly drama. No, with "Afternoons In Vegas," about five folks in a Las Vegas dive. the Pussycat Lounge. No one reared knocks from the critics. "We said any bad· reviews are going to have to a nswer to God .... laughed the producer. Michael Houlihan. 30, an actor and St. Malachy's parish.ioner who was married al this Catholic church. THE 76-YEAJl-OLD brownstone church. on 49th Street just west of Broadway. is famed for serving the faithful of Broadway. stars and stagehands alike. But It never had its own theater. "We're just trying to make Sl. Malacby's more effective in the community," says Gregory Abels, 37, another actor wbo also is the church deacon and artistic director or Its new 100..seattheater. Sad to say, the church ls In an area that has seen brighter days. SUR E, THE neighbors Include two legitimate theaters~ the Eugene O'Neil and the Ambassador ; three aged' hotels; an Italian restaurant ; a Japanese cafe and the· venerable Tin Pan Alley bar and grill. THISHOTICI llqUIUS YOUI ATT&m0t41! · MOVIE FIRM SEEKS **EXTRAS** KIDS · TllMS • ADULn FOi MAJOR MOYll. TY I COMMllCIALS S20-S 100 PER DAY No e11perience needed for most parts. Residual possibilities. Small fee reaulred. Now in our 4th year. . VIDIO CAsn..-SBYICI 11141 76t-IZ44 Not A School -Smell Fee -Not A Seminar . I 11.\'<1.1 MAI I Ii ~ But there's also a bath house featuring homosexual porn flicks, and the Ramrod Tbealer, which offers "live male shows ... Around the com er lurks another porn house showing "Debbie Does Dallas.'' It wasn't always thut way, sighs the Rev. George Moore, 52. a hearty, gregarious man who since 19'77 has been pastor at the church. HE SAYS THERE was a time~ when Madison Square Garden was nearby, that as many as 18,000 persons a month -show-biz types, tourists, area residents -worshipped at this well-known place of prayer. He pegs 1969. "the year the Garden moved" 18 blocks south, as the start of bard time:;. Church attendance "literally plummet· ed lo8,000a month," he said. "And St. Malachy's wts .faced with a completely new mission: How to serve the theater community, the residents. the elderly poor. the business community, lhe tourists, under changed circumstances." HOULIHAN, WHO isn't the theater's permanent producer because there isn't one, said "Afternoon in Vegas" was picked as the first St. Malachy's show for two reasons. One is that the author. Jack Gilhooley. is a pal of his. Secondly, be said, "It seemed a perfect play for St. Malachy's, as it's small and bas an uplifting kind of message -or survival. ~· DIHO OE LMJlENTIIS,,,... "'" A MICHAEL OttlQfTON fll..M *"'"II SEAN DONALD CONNERY SUTH ERLAND CD\.....,,... .. , Giid • • lESLEY-ANNi DOWN \ -.. oeOtOI c. Kon MOVll MOYll C"I kU$ NtCICILOOIONc .. 1 IUAN AUIA ,lUS AU STH usn CAUFO•NIA SUITI c..01 lt»tt.»t ot•wt•••• ... -.~:r.m..--~~"'"\ _. WIMf•~NO e U~fll HIMOT •..:.-; .,,_ 11l1SlH~O .""-"'' .. ~ 11l/Sll 9!>t0 ' c .... ., ~ ..... .. 494·1!>1' MAMON Of TII toOY SNATCMlts tPOI ,lUS PAIADlll ALUY tl'GI AUN AUNI ""' au n•• (Alf CAUIO•N&A SUITE CPOI 12-» ~ t:• t ot t 6 » t I JO I II:» OtOttOI C. KO" MOVll MOVll CHI P\Ut HfCIULOOIONc..01 CUNT IASTWOOO MIT wtlCM WAYIUT lOOSf IH I ..... ,,,. ........... & •••• ..,._C.ICOTT -...OYll MOYIF' C,.. .. ,. ...... -r.z=:-,,... .... IC*'f lllllOll t ITlllMQl T ~ ICI CASTUI (POI 'lUl CASIT'S SHADOW (POI 11111' 1119011 t ITOIWIOU T IOltlllOM tel CASTUS CPOI P\US TMA .. 00D ITS HIDAY tl'OI CUNT LUTWOOO MIT WMIOI WAY MIT lOOM tPOI P\Ul - CMUNT\IT(IJ CUNT LHTWOOO ·MIT WMIOI WAY MIT lOOM 1"1 'l"' CMUNTUTfll ..., -t l'*'IOllT .._ 1C1 CAm H CNI '"'. CAMn SMM0W 1"1 \ . ·-..._ .. --II • . .._ il .. . ! .. . J ! ! ' ~ t t ' t L t ~ • • • . t • ' ~ } ; ' e ' l ~ ' 'f ~I : ' I ,, :' l . ' : t 'I , .. . • •• . '" • ~~ I 0 ' :"I I• ., . ' ,,, ~ J . ,. ' 'I . , .. . :· . \ I • r I .. '-' 1 \\ l'I \' '"''. c:mJMWllT UIO W..lmlMtlr 1714189~ ~8-11(114)&73 83)() NOW PLAYING ctllDOME EDWARDS' NEWPORT Orange 634-2553 Newport Beach 644-0760 .. ""'*' IJVEIN OONCER'I' I COloCERT-~ON-M09 ll[OOllOeANOT..-$ f ~ ....................................... ...,. •• __... > Mon-Thur. 1:15-8:00,9:45 Fri. 5:30-7:30-9:30-11:30 Set. 1 :30-3:30-5:30- 7:30-9:30-11 :30 Sun. 1:36-3:30-5:30- 7:30-9:30 ......... ORSON WELLES ._ .... -.HAL LINDSEY-·, ....... iii• APN:IC:.1111lNIO!llllli1U11'1111SlllUSI , • MOW SHOWING UMITID a.AHM&n' U.A. 5°""' Coast U.A. C"Y c-.. , .... v.., , ... , ... v.., tlt·ISOO .... s.a. ..... 492.005' S-.AM 0....,. 540.05'4 '34-Jtl I s tl1hdl c-... &Toro 511..sllO U.A. ... C..._. Walt' ater 19).0546 ._, ... , r•, • ·~ 'fi' .. McLean Stevensoa Flops But Never Stops I)' J&aaY BlJCK HOU.V:WOOD (AP) -A ltTtcalendarOf1ai taptioal hU OM for October tbat Niida: "I'll bet you five ~u Mel.Au S\evemoe Seti a new Hrlet." • Anyone who beta a11h11t SteveMOn tettinl a n•w show ls bucklna the odds. la the lut 15 yean. he'• h•d 1ix aeries. H1a Mventb, "Hello, Larry." JUlt snade lta debut on NBt. !le p&va. the bolt ot a radio telepbooe call·ln abOw wbo's r&lJ nc two da"Sbters alone an. hiJ dlvorce. It la, he admits. the fiip side ol "One Day at a Time.·· "8EVgN'8 NOT too bad," Stevemon says. "What's the reeord7 1 think Tlm Conway bas it. I know he bu the record for 13-Wffk jobs. It had been bil intent to bead up bis own variety seriet wben he qu.it ''MASH," bis last auccessrul aerie.. Series one tbrougb three were "That Wu the Week That Was." ''The Doris Day Show," and "The Tim Conway Hour." But variety bas fallen on bard limes, and Stevenson's pilot ror a series ren on its ear. NBC quicldy rushied him into a situation comedy, called "1be McLean Stevenson Show," which was all aituation and no comedy. NEXT, IN THE fall, came "In the Beginning" for CBS, in which he played a priest and Priscilla Lopez was a streetwise nun. "The Catholics may have been interested, but the ProteSta.nts were bored." The show folded, but produceP Norman Lear wanted to try again with Stevenson. · ·•we got the word we were canceled just as we were going into a dress rehearsal," Steven.son says. STEVENSON WENT home, but at midnight Lear asked him to come back to the studio. He showed him a rehearsal tape of "Hello, Larry" with another actor in the lead role. That actor was the second in the role, and it was the second pilot. Two days later. Stevenson says, Lear called and said .be was going to scrap the show and take a Joss of nearly $750,000 unless Stevenson agreed to do it. · "l read the script and said I didn't want to. There were too many changes that would have to be made to accommodate me. Norman offered to make the changes. Then the business people came in and they think you want more money. . ••1 TOLD THEM my demands, and they said it was too .much. I said there was no point talking -CBS was offering me 'The Bad News Bears.:." A settlement was finally reached, meeting his demands "I'm 56 years old," be says. "I want the money in advance, to do what I want to do with it. l go for the opportunity and I'll create my own security. And, I don't want to be bothered with being producer a nd having my own company. You get involved with all that and you're too tired to act." One thing be didn't like was that the ROCK BAND • • • <From Page 87) Finally. MCA Records in Los Angeles bought it. MCA was looking to replace Lynyrd Skynynt, a popular Southern group; three of its members died in a l9T1 plane crash. But what clinched the deal wasthepeoplebehinqtbeBlend. · "UNLESS YOU BA VE the right people behind you," O'Leary says, "record companies don't give a damn how good you are." Behind the Blend was stys the Limit, a suburban Boston company that groups pay to promote their records. The Blend's contract calls for ei«bt albums in five years. It gets 10 percent of the royalties, after MCA deducts 8 to 10 percent of the 1rosa sales for breakage, warpage and promotion copies, advances of at least $60,000 per album, and sales, promotion and distr:ibution costs. - O'LEARY SAYS the Blend won't make any money "until the third or fourth album." Before releasing the album. MCA wanted a single geared to AM-radio. For two months the Blend reworked ball its songs, and Drovin wrote ~:.·1·m Gonna Make,You Love Me.'' MCA released the album in September. It baa sold at least 27 ,000 units at Jaat report, not enough to make the charts. The sineJe , released a montb later, bit No. 91 on Billboard maguine, bible of the music industry, but wasn't movin.a up fast. More than 100 radio stations were playing the single in Dec!!inber. BUT ftlE BAND WAS still trying to get WRKO. Boston's top AM rock station to.use the song. Billboard's chart is based on record sales and play on major market stations like WBKO. To help persu11de WRKO, U..Blend came to Boston to perform in the Orpbeum, for just $500 and only as an opening act. Then they set out for weekend gigs in the Buffalo, N.Y., area. Touring is essential. If the Blend can "blister 'em " in Buffalo and elsewhere, as O'Leary puts it, the fans who attend the concert wLll buy their records and ask DJ's to play them~ But even the well·traveJed Blend balked when a publicist told them they would have to play 300 dates a year for at least three yean to makeitbia. 8UPBIUIAN. 70 MM DOUY Sl'lllO hlMtll-7111-IO;tt .. AP ..... Md EAN STEVENSON sTAAS IN NEW SERIES Costars Kim Rlchard9 (left). Donn• Wiikes character Larry was able to dish out lbe sex ad· vice over the radio, but couldn't handle it at home with his daughters. . "I was uncomfortable being one thing at the · radio station and another at home," he says. "I wanted an honest relationship with the girls." Asked bow deeply the show would get into sex, be replies. "I know what my tastes are. I'll be in pursuit of sex. and the girls will be struggling with it on their level. But I'm not going to sit there and do sex jokes and little innuendos." LIKE LAllRY, Stevenson is divorced and tbe father of two children. He has a 21-year.<>ld son and an 8Y.&-year-0ld daughter. In one script Stevell50fl objected to a joke about Larry's ex·wife. "I have great respect for my ex-wife • and I dQn't want my daughter to go school and hear her classmates repeat those jokes." "Hello, Larry" also stars Joanna Gleason as hls producer, Rick Plastina as bis engineer, and Kim Richards and Donna Wilkes as, bis daughters. Will Stevenson at last find the seriu success that bas eluded him? He says be feels confident that this is it, pf,rticularly now that Fred Silverman is president of NBC. "With Freddie you don't have 19 guys making decisions," be .says. "You don't have some guy coming up from accounting and telling you what's good and bad." SINGER FLINGS 'GUTTER• AT AUDIENCE. Blend'• Leed Gultert9t Steve Dore Jn Flnale "Nobody llves long enough to build your following through playing live. Look at Lynyrd Skynyrd; they were on the road so much. somethJng finally happened to them," O'Leary says. St.eve Dore beUeves a price already bas been paid. &rutting and dancing, bis right band shooting up at the spotlight, he ls the Blend's most exciting performer. Offstage, the 32-year-old songwriter is quiet, introspective, almost somber. He likes to sing, but knows he bas to scream to be beard above the volume. He writes some "personal" songs, but the band must play "energetic" material to keep their audiences excited. "YOU'D UKE, as you grow older. to play something a tittle more relaxed rather than try and reach the whole world," says Dore, who doesn't listen to rock music at home. But Uke the others, Dore ls determined to see the Blend "happen." How much looser will be keep trying? "I've been giving myself five years for quite a few years." . - .. SUPERMAN MAIJLO'lelt.4llOO Cl .. <MAClllh .. -1-•1•.•0'll "'I l:IO. I 4'. 11 '' ... ,_ ft>O, J If ........ ""' -TMUee'HS.tll '111••·-·-IAT-~ .... . ,, ... --.- WOOOY ..u.EN'S Seen eon.., 0 THEGREAT TRAIN ROB8EAY0 ~E LATE GREAT PL.ANET EAATH0 (..0) I • INSIDE: •Business •Real Est e ·S~o~ks Q,41LV Pll.Ol Global's Course Set for Challenges ! 7 Oceans Mined/or -. R sourc s 8yTHOll U:n>Q oe ... cwi,,....,..,. Wb~n you walk into lbe third noor lobby or 4100 MacArt.bur Blvd . at ts clear the ocean ts th~ real bome for lhas uulfat A ship's wheel, a urvang of a whale , wodden bh1ps daa grammed on lhe wallpaper and photographs of vessels at work on rough seas decorate the en· try IT IS THE home ortace of Global Marine Development. Inc (GMDf), a subsidiary of Global Marine, Inc., a pioneer user or specialized ships in drilli~g for sub-sea oil. It was GMDl that designed and supervised construction of ·the Glomar Explorer, the once- mysterious vessel with which Ure CIA recovered parts of a sunken Russian submarine. .,. .. ,~, ......... ference between warm surface and cold deep water to produce electricity. Warm water heats ammonia. which Will eventually be used to drive turbJne generators; cold water from 2.100 feet below con- denses the gas back to liquid lo be recycled again. Phillips said the ship housing the hardware will run tests off Hawaii, a prime area for even· Lual use of the generating system. HIGH FUEL cost makes elec· tricity costly there. A ship on the drawing boards may supply 250 megawatts or pow er , enough for a fairly large population. Tbece are problems w i t h transmitting all that power. said Phillips. but Global has a thought or two there as well. Bring Newcastle lo the coal. GM DI bas designs for a huge < 900-foot-long by 202-foot-abeam) floating concrete "facility" that could house at-sea chemical fac- tories, LNG liquefaction and other industrial uses. other remote locatlons." The water would absorb quake vibrations. i • HUGE CRAFT that float on a ~ layer: or loi!·Pressura .. air-.Js _ ,. another Glooal idea. Oae has ~ been built for Canada. I In addition to making 100 tons ' of equipment transportable in i one piece, a surprtse o£Csboot of t the over land, ice and water vehicle was Ice breaking. Phillips said an Ice breakef, pushing the transporter lJlroudt , an ice field, found It could break double the thickness of lee lh•t . r • t • • • • : ' i ~ . .. would have normally stopped Jt l ' because suspensioil air pushed i~ ice off the water, causing i• to ~ cave in. \ The concept could open the ! ' Great Lakes lo ships during h~ winter when ice clogs tbe p waterways. ~ , The company also designs <and maintains) sub-sea produt- . The tale of its financing and connection wath late-billionaire Howard Hughes cast a cloak- and-dagger shadow on Global Marine, a shadow which was. quickly dispelled as marketing vice president George W. Phillips talked about other GM DI projects. World is Global Marine 's oyster, and George Phillips' marketing territory too THE GIGANTIC s tations could also give firms a hedge when setting up operations in politic.ally turbuJenl countries. tion systems for oil and gas fields and pioneered well re-entry. :1 •I THE EXPLORER, after severa l year s use by other firms, is back in Global's hands. he said, being used by an ocean mining consortium beaded by Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. to recover mine ral-rich nodules from deep ocean floors. _ . Nodules, about the size of a potato , contain cobalt, manganese and nickel. The last is the prize. Philtips explained. G MDI designed not only the vessel, but also the suction re- covery system that vacuums up tht" blackish, sort stones as well. GMDI IS IN the hardware business -taking sometimes pie-In-the-sky concepts and con- verting them into equipment that works in the rugged en. vironment at se~. And. he added. Glob al is normally interested m one-time projects. designing a ship or two lo do a s pecialiied job hopefully with an agreement lo operate it later. The constant change in con· tracts keeps engineers from get ting bored, E iUip!> said "Usually ey're on a new JOb every year r l~ which is why the company has ~en very ap. pea ling to creative marine engineers ... Current projects give a clear picture or GMDI. FIFTEEN MILES off the Orange ~-oast, boaters may run across a large red and white checkered buoy. U marks a test . . Buy ing Health Policy 1 Benefits, Cost Balance Out? By PAT DUNN ofu. 0.11., "11"' si.11 Do you know what benefits your present health insurance provides? Or, when you shop for a plan, how do you compare deductibles, basic surgery , major medical, disability income and other benefits to decide which policy is the best buy? ' An unders tanding of the t policies available and benefits ithey offer rates top priority ~when it comes to untangling the confusion most reel when ' . serious injury. It takes over where basic coverage slops. Benefits can range from $25.000 to $50,000 or more, and tncludes in and out of hospital expenses. Policies dlffer from company to company. but the full cost of sickness or injury is seldom covered, and the insured usually bas to cover a deductible amount before coverage (75 or 80 percent ) begins. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium. Comprehen st\•e m ajor medical ~overage is a combination or hospital , consumer .. surgical and m a J o r medical protection in a sing le policy. Unlike most hospital CLOSE-·up seeking such coverage. , THE BASIC hospital plan is he most common policy. It overs room, food, X-rays, laboratory tests. drugs, use or perating rooms and other ormal hospital services. Some plans fully pay these expenses p lo a specified number of /days, while others pay a stated . amount per day toward room I' and board, plus· additional sums for various services. I Basic medical/surgical protection can be separate or 1com binec:t with a hospital ; expense pohcy. Its chier purpose is to cover doctor bills during hospitaUzaUon. . Surgery, of course, is the biggest single benefit, and a poJit"y generally includes a list or cash allowances provided for . each procedure. SOME POLICIES cover the entire surgeon's fee, depending on the premium, and some h igh -cost plans include a doctor's services at bis oCfice or your home. A major medical policy protmr a•alnst catastrophic expense of prolonged mncss or, and surgical plans, there i s a d e ductible and yo u pay a percentage of all bills. This type of policy usually costs less than separate policies with similar benefits. DISABILITY income polky benefits vary·widely. Some pay a specified income from the first day of hospitalization. while others have a 60 or 90 day waiting period. Benefits ranee from a modest sum during each month or disability to about two-thiTdS of your r egular earnings. Maximum payment limits als9 d iffer. Higher benefits and longer pay periods have higher prem iums. Age of the insured also determines premiums. Localized prepaid group practice progra ms enable participants to pay In advance for health s ervices to be performed by an approved group of physicians and hospitals. Some are sponsored by employers. Benefits and limttetions chanse from program to program. Whether you want lo evaluate your preient policies o r purchase new insurance, ask (See llEALTH, Pit CJ) .. kelp farm designed by lhe firm. "It's funded through General Electric. What's GE doing in the kelp business? The farm is part or a methane production project using "di- gested" organic matter to pro- duce the flammable gas. "Kelp is one of the fastest ~rowing plants," said Phillips, •under the right conditions it grows 2 to 3 feet per day.'' Tied to a s ubsurface "um- brella," the kelp is bathed in nutrienl·rich water pumped up through a lube from 1,500 feet below. HARVESTED AND digested by specially developed bacteria, the methane gas given of( is used to enrich natural gas . The quarter-acre site is a pro- totype for 10,000-acre farm modules in the future. Energy or a diCCcrent sort is the objective in new contract from the Department of Energy to use the te mperature dlr· During past decades, U.S. and foreign firms have Jost billions of dollars of plant and equip- ment when a changed govern- ment suddenly seized foreign as- sets . , "With about 24 hours notice. the floating facilities could simp- ly be lowed away.'' The concept is also boosted as an alternative to on·shore LNG plants. The platform. suggested new business development manager Bob Brokaw, could also be float· ed in '']>ounds in the desert or FINDING AND inserting well casings back into a hole deep un- der water is like threading a needle from a block away. Phillips suggested. A host of other ·projects keep the 11.5 engineers busy -and at sea as welJ. Global is a practical firm, be said. Once a project is bwit. engineers must climb aboarJ;! and help with shake-out duties to gel things running right. tSee GLOBAL, Page CZ) Proposed 900-foot-long floating faciffty would put LNG and other industry offshore, away from populated areas Jtlom Nailed Doten Pet Store Margo Robinson's first bird was a bantam rooster named Charlie. It certainly wasn'ther last. Walk into the shop she and her mother Norma, operate near the Newport Pier and you'll find both surrounded by squawking, talking, raucus feathered friends, which is, incidentally, the shop's name. Norma is a carpenter , plumber, jack-of.all·construction tradesperson who decided a pet shop was the only way to deal • with a daughter who says• 'I'm easier with animals than with · people ... animals don't fake anything." ADDS NORMA : "BOTH OF us are animal lovers, and this gets it out for us-it certainly gets them out of the house anyway." She says lhe location, a portion or the old Newport Harbor Art Museum at 120 23rd street seems perfect for a shop that specializes in exotic and nO(·so-exotlc feathered creatures as well as rabbits, rats, fish, hamsters and other small animals landlords in the cramped neighborhood don't mind. Some of the large parrots, macaws and other birds are pretty expensive pets Margo says, but upkeep is featherweight. All you need is 85 cents in seeds each week or two (&¢a subscription to a n~wspaper). AND WHEN DOGGIE PETS talk, vocabularies are limited to "arf." Some of the Robin.sons' merchandise lite to repeat a friendly hello.' their names or even "I low you." · , Some may doubt •sincerity of mimicked sounds, but Margo thinks they mean it~ometimes. As she talked, sbe preened Damon, a large green military macaw. He looked as if he means it · The young woman was removing sheaih\,s that protect feathers as they grow, a jobordinarllly done by the partner's ma~. . '"l'bey ltcb like mad," explains Margo. "Preening ls like gMng someone a great massage." Damon. eyes closed and bls bead restlng on her lap contentedly, a~med lo asree with that comearison. BUT THE YOUNG WOMAN'S lntereat1 are not complelel)' centered on Use ahop. She lakes dance classes at Golden West and discos with a partner each week. Her mother bullt many 1ot the fixtQl'tl in lhe shop and loves the plants inside. So dO t.be birds. Some 1et loose •od delight in tartng plants apart. . Norma ia waiUng'for word on her contractor's Ucenae. but expects It soon. Aft.er aJl,.1he earned her Uvina for Deity .............. .,...... u c .. Norma, Margo Robinson with feathered friends years buying fixer·uppers, repairJna them at;nd then reselling older homes. 11 there i5 one hazard in owning a pet shop and loving . animals so much, It is lhat selli.ng them Js tough. That's why Damon isn't for sale and why Norma's favorite, a double yellow headed Amazon named Lowe (the lfp), won't go on the block either. MARGO SAYS THEY aaESD some of the small a~m als for sale in the shop's beck section, Jncludin& ~· birds anelevenquail. (See F~TUElS, Pase CJ) •. t~ . ~ l I . .. I ·~ ,,, <I ' .n I • . !-I I , • • ! I I t' c . . I I .. , , \ I :· '• • . .. I. (2 CWLYPILOT <Fro• Pa1ecu lh • CJ u care.plan. bout any heaJth WHAT &VI E doee It cover -and how well• An aff orileblt polley 11 not likely to <'OVflr t1v rythinJ. but It aho\lld protect •aatnst moat coats of lllnt!H or h\)ury. Look for p1rtl1l cover11e or dla11no1Uc tt"stt, prescription druga, out patient· care and r.'~"d.til1D prlvat nuri!llng. These may be a_pecltlc dollar tnj)UD\.i wllh maxunum llmlta Thi. alao may , !f P be trut of room and board y I benefits. Be sure they cover ., today'• COtilb . 1 HOW MANY days of coverage , , do you get., An av~rage hospital -,• stay is approximately eight # days Most policies limit the number of days you can collect benefits Trus may be based OD co n sec utiv e day s of hoap it alizallon or the total number of days used in a year. a DlHblUty policies also may restrict tbe period of time you can collect benefits. or the amoUJ!!t. .:uay be reduced after a cert•ln number of pafmenta. Don 't forset tbat Social Security pays disability benefits after five mon&hs lf the condlUoo Is expected to continue for at leut l2 months. Except for some 1roup plans, you pay no income tax on d.laabWty Income. Are there deductibles? WBAT A&E THE exclu~lons1 Some ow-cost pla ns exclude coverage for thines you want and need. How long are the waltlog periods? Avoid most policies that make you wait three or aix months to receive benefits. Are you covered for pre-eJPsting conditions? How soon ? Read policy language carefully and don't neglect mentioning an earlier illness in your application. Is the policy non·cancellable • • by the company? You can choose a policy that only you c14 cancel and for which the premium cannot be increased. If you want to hold down premium cost and stlll have the right to renew. look for a guaranteed renewable .,,-.f. WHAT 18 THE Insurance company's record for paying claims fairly aod promptly? An inquiry to the state Department · of lnauranu about a specific company wlll usually bring helpful facts. You also can check o ut a company's financial standing in "Best's Insurance Reporta,'' a standard in many libfaries. ... Can Yo u Correctly Answer The ... .... From what typing machine did we remove this element? If you said an IBM Selectnc you are wrong. Of course every Selbctnc uses this element. but ... If all or this s ounds compllcated and confusing, don't d espair. As some consumer groups point out, understanding and buying health insurance is one of the most difficult problems that the average person faces. But it also is one of the most important. ~-"--:--~~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So does the REMINGTON SRt01" The REMINGTON 1s everything the Selectric®is and more. GLOBAL ••• • (h9•hpCI) What Uaey team there aoes into new projects and emphasizes the im· portance of keeping things practical. A PHOTOGRAPH in the lobby shows an oil rig-topped vessel. Its en- tire bow out of the water as a wave the height of the hull sweeps by. With forces like that to contend with, equipment must be simple and tough. If its equipment suffers rough seas, so does GMDJ 's vice president of finance and administration, Scott K. Anderson Jr., who said the time lag between -Jubmilting a proposal and the customer's acceptance can be a strain. Global Marine·s annual report said five customers accounted for 63 per· cent er its business during 1977. But the challenge of its projects .keeps engineers who've been laid off during doldrums coming back for more. said Phillips. THE SCOPE of those challenges came out in a license plate frame his son gave him last Christmas, he said with a grin. . It r ead, "Gallactic Marine To- d a y the Earth , tomorrow the Universe." ••• The Company ••• Global Manne Development Inc. (GMDI) is a subsidiary of Global Marine Inc .• which . designs specialized research, oil and mineral exploration and other ad- vanced marine hardware systems cind vessels. tt also operates some vessels. Its headquarters are at 4100 MacArthur Blvd. in Newport Beach. Total revenues unavailable. Global Mari ne Inc. common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol GLM. GMDI employs about 315. 1-15 in engineering and administration, about 200 as c rews for vessels it operates. Among GMDl's key executives '!re: R. Curtis Crooke, president. Russell B. Thornburg. VP-special projects; Sherman B. Wetmore. ~~ngl"'eering ; James T . Dean, .JP-fleet engineering: George W. =>t'lillips. VP-marketing. and Scott .<. Anderson, VP-finance. FEATHERS One ol the pleasures of the are the youngsters both Robinsons say make the store a second home. A great source of help at feeding and cleanup time, they add. THEY ALSO WIND up chatting with a lot of adults, co mpari ng notes with bird fanciers and giving advice-on their care and feeding. 1 Margo spent two years helping a veterinarian, learning a good · deal about caring for animals, but she makes it clear she isn't an expert. "But I've got 'bird sense,' I guess. I know what to do." ' Just then a cockatoo lept from I its perch towar(l a dark corner. MA•GO AND BE& mother ran to restrain the bird and to save a white mouse, one of three that bad escaped the night before. Cooing reassurance to the terrified mouse, settUng the ruined feathers of a trustrat.ed bird, both seemed to know exacUy what to do. -B11 Thom lAcoq * FOllSAU * PUC Ciiio ...... c .... Uc .... Jobless Rate's '78 Dip Both Good, Bad News News from the Employment Development Department that the county's tmemployment rate Cor last year dropped to 4.9 percent is both good and bad. F or those looking for work it means jobs are there for qualified applicant,s. For employers, however, the figure -especially in December when it dropped to 4.1 percent -means it's getting harder to fill critical open- ings. THE DEPARTMENT ALSO re· leased figures last week that showed a record work force, the county topped one million for the first time, toting up 1,009,300 in December. The number actually working was 760,000 during the same month, up 7 .1 percent over the year before. Department figures show finance· insurance.real estate jobs growing the most last year with a leap or 11. 7 percent. Trade, services and manufacturing jobs all jumped more than 9 percent during 1978. Proposition l3 cutbacks and declin· ing school enrollments reduced gov· emment payrolls by 3,900 jobs, 4.1 percent below last year's level. EMPLOYMENT Development job orders give a partial picture of who's in demand, although professional and engineering positions are under- represented because such openings are filled through other sources. In all fie lds listed below. the shortages are for qualified, highly skilled people. In many areas there is a surplUS' or marginally qualified applicants who simply do not get jobs. Fields with bright outlooks are: mechanical enginee~; commercial drafters -a chronic shortage· secretaries with refined skills· ex: perieoced;dinner cooks; macbinbts with backgrounds on many machines and set-up experience, and arc welders. CONTRA•Y TO publicity about ·unhappy teachers leaving Joba, thereby creating a sboriage, the de- partment says there is a continuing s urplus or both elementary and secondary teachers. The department said there ls a decline in employment in the months following Cbrlatma~1 especially when rains stop construc:uon, but ijley add that growth so far wlU continue because many firms are moving, ex- panding or s~g from scratch. Last 3 Offices + Udo .Penlnsula leltothr o..r $20.000 Office space available. Optional amenities include: ar.iswertno service, zerox. telecopler. coffee bar, word PfOC911ing, and computer. ... ~ ..... . ....... r.o ..... ... C.... ..... CAfHH Call for information or reeervatlon ..... Mt ... 1• j 6Jl.IOJO c.ttfoml1 Butlnesa I lndultrttl Delielopment Cors>cwatlon HI W., Ml•l*t .... A Global Marine oil exploration ship rides out big waves wnh special mooring system and 3-directional nrumng that keeps derrick and center platform level in relation to long shaft that drives drill bit into ocean's floor thousands of feet below surface Both are self correcting, but only the REMINGTON has "touch control". The REMINGTON also has more standard features. · All working parts and supplies of the REMINGTON are inter-changeable with the IBM Selectric~. Only one typing machine is complete,ly compatible with the IBM.®and that is the REMINGTON $A101 If you will call us. OTM Inc . you'll find we sell the REMINGTON SA 101 for less and Instead of waiting several weeks or even months tor your machine to be delivered we will bnng ti out 1mmed1a1ely Held over by popular demand' f you wiSh dunno the month of Februar-J we will rent you this hne machine. and apply the pa~enl to the purchase price when vou buy. The&e is no Obhgatton 10 buy of course • . _ • (714) 957-1195 17942 Skypark Circle, Irvine. CA GiftS of Elegance for Our Valued Customers D eposit $100,000 or more in a time Certificate of Deposit at Heritage Bank for a minimum of ot1e year and we will give yo1i a Gift Certificate f qr jewelry of your choice worth S500 or more. Tlii~ is our way of showing appreciation to our most valued customers and is not in lie11 of imerest. Yo'' will receive the full amoimt of interest to which you are entitled. We feel that distinctive customers deser11e a distinctive gift . Gift Certificate retail values are determined as follows: $100,000-$199,000 $500 Gift Certiflca tr ~200,000-$499,000 S1 ,000 Gift Cert ificate $500,000 or more $2,000 Gift Certificate Au Gift Ce rtificates are redeemable at Autoyan s Jewelers , 225 Westminster Mall, Orange · County s fi'uest indoor slropping mall. To open your acco,mt or for more infortnation, call (714) 991 -3860 mid a~ f or faith Ryan, Customer Service RepresentativP • 41 Herita.~e Bank. Offer expires on M'!Y 1, 1979 1100 Nortlr 1imin Avenue Santa Ana, California 92701 721 Norclr Euclid Street Anaheim Califomia 92801 Member FDIC \. .... ~. ,,...,"' .. -...... ~""' .. ....... , .... ,, ... , \t'·~'-. • I ~ ~ I t ) . . . • I .. I I I ~. FtbnMry 4, 117'1 OAILYPILOT q ' E OR T0CKE CH GE I and ll~h , Low, lo r "H GE s ' our team t.lla : . i = :.r:ng '1 'know about ~,our team. ,1y., llly.i In the f . ! •, I f I. , I II -' ;, ,• ·! •• ... =t • .. •• ------. ·- Sunday. F4it>ruary ""· 10711 DAIL y PILOT Cli Houses Speak Volumes Real Estate ·lff ailfJOg ••• Bv ROBERT J . BRU An al~rnathe we.Id be 10 Uve reat free Ouners, t111etutes Lay Themselves Bare DEAR BOB: I've enjoyed your ~eceot for a year or two wlllle yoa IMIUd •P 1ov Items on why lL pays to get the maximum down paymtat IHIDC•· A Sood way II &o mortgap av.aUable that a home buyer tan maaap an apanmnt taoue. sa.ee yH'll be aftord. But I m confu.ed as to the best place bome wtu. tbe new baby yoa COii.id naa ta.e Tlril Ill.\ pan qwz .. d grlf'd ft> tut ~r ot>IW~ ro •flffrpTt ~ "" "'' .,, alld around o hcl~. T~ qv11 U'OI dtt<rioptd bl/ Andy W'19 "' C:"OO'J>rrChOft With P\lrdw UnttYmlJI /onby mrmbtr1 • troch buildmg co" JlrtJcffon. d#llgn '""'"'~"!IQ and ~hQIQgJI 8) ANO LANG ·~-~ .......... I 01w or th\• most revHIJn tat&AUco; about a hou l' Its age A hot. t> bU.Ut SO or more years ugo uftt'n h1 A ii ttvud bu~ tif'C'au11c-old llmt" C'raft. mcan hip ,·an 110 lonl(t>r lw> dJ1J1ht'1ted R not aood • nt\\tr hou (' because mt>Qrm mat~r11l art' I UJX'rtor C? If )OU "tt mttal term1ll' 5.h eld~ over tht- (ootlntt~ of• holllll', \h~ ttll you that A )Our hou t• 1i. ~l'curt' qamst termit 8 the how f' h not nl'toe sanly 1uarded ade QU@lt'ly 3 If )'OU n<Jll4't' lots ol knob in the lumber be 1nw ug('(j to rramt> >our new bou e. you can deduce that A the rontra<·tor ii. cult.In& costs by using inex- pens1vt' lumbt•r 8 the contra<'lOr ts u mg knotty wood to add to the bea\&yofthehome 4 tr 3 hou e you are considering buying sits higher than surround1og h•nd. this should indkate to you that A the builder failed to harmonize the structure w1tb the surroundlng landscape. B watl'r should dram ( QUIZ J away from the structure. w t11 rh could !UIVt' you ._ _______ _,, money rn repair a nd maintenance costs 5. Snu~·fittinS? doors <1nd windows and neatly finished trim a11d moldan~ say tflat: · A the house 1s subJect to d rafts in cold weather • B some details may have been added to the house to cover up sloppy workmanship. C the bous.e as probably a good buy. 6. Paint blistering and peeling under the e·aves of a house tells you that. A a carelesspamtermayhavebeenatwork. B excessive moisture may be collecting in the attic C both A and B ANSWERS: I. B most. authorities reel that newer home!-. arc better buys than older ones. Homes built today ;.ire usually better insulated. Contractors can use better quality lumber than was available in the past. They can also use fac- tory· buHt components such as windows and trusses which must pass quality-control tests. ,, 2. B Termite shields are a great help, but lhe best termite defense also includes chemicals. If you arc building u hoUM', have the contractor treat the ~ill' with msN•t1cide to keep termites from mi- 1?rat ing into the a rcu 3. A Lum ber for trammg should be relative- ly knot.free Tht.' more knots. the ,.weaker the framin~ is likely to be. However, some kinds of knotty wood used indoors have considerable de- l'Orauve value and <1rc far from cheap. 4. B -A house that sits in a basin where water may collect is potentially a great drain on the owner's pocketbook · 5. C -Little details like snug doors a nd neat trrm are indicators or a well-constructed house. If the detail work is accurately and neatly done, the chances are that the builder took pains with the b1ft JObs •. t~.. Rut perhaps the best clue to the quality of house construction is the reputation of lhe builder A firm thal erects sound houses will be able to name satisfied customers. 6 C Inadequate ventilation sometimes causes paint to blister and ~I. However, paint may abo bhskr be<'ause 1t was applied by a care· less painter who failed to follow the directions on the contajner's label. PART l SCORING: 5·6 correct, houses speak \'Olumes to you. 3-4 correct, you may need an in- terpreter. 0·2 correct. better find relatives who will take you in. Part 2 of the quiz covns some things a house may :1•ll you about tis occupants . I. A messy house m ay indicate that the occu- pant is: A depressed B distracted. C creative. Dall of the above. 2. If a man keeps several houseplants and likes antiques. 1t 1s an indication that he is: A politically conservative. B not especially tond of sports. C concerned with envjronmeotal issues. 3 A person who likes bri~ht colors, such as red or orange. for walls and carpets may be: A highly emotional. B very successful in his or her profession. C not highly motivated toward achievement. 4. A person who picks a warm yellow or orange for kitchen decor. A has htllc knowledge of contemporary trends in decoratin~. B gives htlle thought to the problems of clean- 14tg and maintenance. C has some insight into the influence of color on human moods. · 5. Anyone who would put a Victorian table next to a contemporary chair is: A probably ignorant of the significance of furniture styles B possibly followin~ one of the latest trends in decorating. C probably trying to achieve continuity in his lire by preserving a reminder of an earlier age. 6. A brightly lighted living room may indicate that: A the family is expectjng company. B the members of the family are energetic and hard-working. C the family members are unusually formal with each other and outsiders. 7. A person who displays kitchen utensils, a Realtors' Leader W anis of Crisis WASHING TON Assuring the right of bo~e ownership and the freedom or Americans to purchase homes of their choice will be the mission of the National Assodalion of Realtors in 1919, ac· cording to its new president. Donald I. Hovde. ln his Inaugural address Sunday during the H · sociatlon's Mid·Winter Mee\lngs here, the Madl300 realtor warned thal the United States is uperitnt'lQf: the greatest housing crisis"' since World War 11. ''Price escalations and lack or producUon have P.rlced houalna beyond the means or moat Amerlc•ns," Hovde explained. . . . .. ~--.. ' .. :,. . l ml• COlll'<'llon, woodworlUng lOOl5 or family nap. ho on open ~helvt. may be A a alopp)' hnu.at:kt'l'~r • n rollow1n11 .. currt'nt dct•<m&tioa trend. (' a worm per,on who Ii. easy to get ~o know 0 two o( lht• uboH• ANb-WERS: t 0 A cluttered house may be u 111n that th~ person who Uvcs there is preoc· <'u pled wlUt muttl'ns t'onslderf'd more lmPortant Lh11n howst>kCl'p1nl( Out lt mlght also mean that Utt· ~nlOn lit depr<>ssed l'1$pecial\y \f the house is t•xr1•1u11v.-ly dark us well as messy. Clutter and ('rullvity may also KO to1r1ether A neat house may tnd1ruk I.Ill orderly, urganited person who is not outstundlnaly <'rt' uh ve 2 C A study ut Purdue contrasted environ- ment1d uclJvt&ts with other people who care little about environmental issues. Among the charac· terisUcs that set environmentalists apart are their fondness for antiques and houseplants. 3 C Persons who favor bright colors often rate lower in achievement motivation than do others. Persons who get high scores on measures of achievement motivation generally prefer sub- dued colors such as blue 4. C -A warm yellow or orange decor may be an excellent choice for a kitchen. Bright. cheerful colors may be JUSt the right ~etting for an upbeat start to the· day. J 5. B ScrambUng furniture of various periods and styles is a characteristic of the very "in" style of decorating known as eclectic. 6. B -Light levels are believed to be associat- ed with work levels. A kitchen Is a brightly lighted room and lots or work .gets done there. Subdued li ghting suggests greater ror~ality. 7. D -A new trend in decorating is open storage that lets the homemaker show off utensils by hanging them on books. and display herbs and other ingredients in glass jars. Hobbyists show their crafts and coll ections on open shelves. This trend is displacing the berund-closed-doors storage or the past. Some authorities believe that the person who prefers out-in-the-open storage is an out-in-the-open individual who makes friends easily. PA.RT 2 SCORING: 5-7 right: you should be asking the questions. 3.4 right: you 're just an average house·talker. 0-2 correct: listen carefully, your house may be trying to tell you something. Tiu Se11 Co1111/ry 1>{ La.~111111 Ni_~11el to get a home mortiace. Binks! Savlngs and apanme11u aad maybe ~"" ea,. a •••II loan auoclatlons? Someplace elae? . salary. Cbeek tbe want au for OWIMn IMk· DP•• ca•JG· -0 ,,._Cr~~ L. Ing for ttllable coaplH to •••ace •p•l1· r..n " • ate YM ·-a -•e meats. yoa wut &o bay, y04ir aest .-ep ls co ftgare oat llow IO ftalllce It. Your rtaf estate agent • can be of lnval•able lilelp anaqlng flDandoc A 1'ofd 'Red Blll••lt' a.ls r- •hiee be or Ille bows ••lcll loC!al lendei: la l -DEAR BOB: Stnce October we've been maklngtbebeat10101. looking at homes to buy. The ones that are ln Bllt ·before you go mongaie altopplng, good sbape all seem so overpriced. At the doa 't forget tile teller l• yMr beat mortgage other extreme are \he run-down dumps which fin •-,,.._.. b rr are cheap but need work. ls it best t.o bll)' a aace IOGJ'ce . "" your •uM pure ase 0 er, house in top condition or one needing work? DEAR SETH: I'd buy the one neecllag work ii it's well·located and can be botlgllt at a barg1ln. By making smart lmprovemeets, Locludlng paint 1nd cleanup, you practically assure appredatioo In valpe U lite lloase Is basically soond and well·located. spell oat the ~rms oa wit.kb you want tile seller Co carry back the mortga1e. It's sur· Seth F. prtslng bow often sellers will a tree. U you can't get the seller to fi.nance your purcba&e, however, sbop among local banks. savlnga associations -and don't forget mortgage brokers. la maay commllllitlff, the local Board of Realtors or a tllle company compiles a weekly suney of local lending rates ao yoa can compare loan terms. Ask leaders, or bave your agent do it for you, about new mongage programs such as Federal Housing Authority 245 graduated payment mortgages , PMI (privat~ mortgage insurance) mortgages for 90 or 95 percent of the s.iea price, and VA bome loans up to SltO,oeo, sometimes more. Try ·to avoid variable interest rate mortgages lf you CID. I Bou' to ~ive Hnat F~ )EAR BOB: l am 22 and my husba~n Is 21. We got married three months ago. ~oe has a good job but we can't seem to sav any money for a home. l 'm expetting ourf first baby in a few months. ls there any way we can buy a home on Joe's Sl4.000 annual in- come as.we only have about $350 for a down payment? Helen R DEAR HELEN: Yes, you can get a Veterans Admlnlstratioo home loan with no dowa payment lf your husband is a qualified veteran. Or you might get lucky and find a home seller wbo will carry the mortgage wltb a $350 down payment. Avoid .. red ribbon deals." It means yon'U pay too mucb for a property tlaat la In perfect coodltloo. or course, whea yoa're fe· ady to sell, make your property a "red rib· bon deaJ'' for someone wbo doesn't read tbese articles. Catt I ~~allfl Pa9 No Taxes? DEAR BOB: Please explain further how depreciation can ''shelter" income. Arnie M. DEAR ARNIE: Deprttlatlon is a tu de· ductlon for wear, tear, and obsolescence of lllvestment property such a s apartments, of· flees, and stores~ It requires no casb outJay. For ex1tmple, suppose an apartment house produces m.• gross annual Income, e xpenses are $8,0M and mortgage interei.t ls SIO,OOI. That leaves about $2,800 taxable Income. But if tbf' depredation deduction is $3,MO, subtracting this from S2,000 leaves a $1,oet "tax loss" or paper toss. This Sl,OM loss can be subtracted from your ta:1able income, such as salary, to "shel~r'' lt from tu. If you bne enoagb shelter. you'll owe no tax. Tlif Vi/111• ., 11 p11•1td 1•/ 1\VCO C1mn111111h1 On1dl1110<-. /11r WITH GREAT INTEREST 9% o/o .:9% o/o APR Prices effective as or 1 /29/79 From $152,800 t9 $225,000 J38ll Vist11 Gr1111dt, Lag111111 Niguel, CA ')2o77 <n4) 60I-0062 ...,..-.tf\ ........... _, __ ······•>=•fl!I ,,,. , » •• ,. • ). ~ * .. • ' '· h • • • • ~ With only a few units remaining,· the Villas is celebrating a grand closing. A small number of select view lots are still available ... also available " for sale are the award-winning model homes. This gate-guarded community offers an abundance of recreational facilities including 4 tennis courts, swimming pool and jacuzzi. And speaking of interest ... How's this; 91& o/o with an A.P. R. of 9% o/o for a limited time only. (See our sales representative for details and information covering our 10% down payment programs.) This could be your last opportunity to own a Villa by the sea. The Villas ... in the Fabulous Sea Country of Laguna Niguel. " G) -- ..., . I .. . -. . . --.... . I ·.-1 . a G4 , <r\ '• . ·!.<· ., • IV ,~. •n. ) .. M• . .. .. ., . .. I(• ,,. . .... ....... ,... .. . . . •• . ~ .. H•· •> , .. "' ,,. ..... ta•p• Rea.-ted The S Po~t I ~ en ice hns released the d~~i~n of t~o oomme morative stamps. A 15-ccnt stu mp henonng Albert Einstein. left, will be t hUe<i Morch 4 in Pnncelon, N .J Another l5·C nt tamp, marking the Internation a l Year or the Child, will be l S· sued Feb. 15 in Philadelphia. The United Nations Ge neral Assembly has declared 1979 a year of concern for the present con· dition and future well being of the world's c~ildren Dearing Aids Care Vrged in Buying Devices By TM Associated .Press For thousands of Americans. a bearillg aJd can make the dif· ference between a nqrmal life and a world or silence, but all ( CONSVMER J too o~n a purchase that should f · · brina help causes hardship in· eel 10 1977 reqwres that aides " be sold only to people who have stead. bad a medical evaluation or A staff study presented to the h · l · b' · th Federal Trade Commission last earmg oss wit. •0 six moo s and who provide a statement year reported that the average saying that the aid may help. bearing aid costs $350 a nd said The evaluation can be waived by some 650.000 aids are sold each buyers 18 and over if they sigp a year statement saying they have been THE STUDY ALSO said there ad.Yised it is not in their best in· teresttoavoid the exam. ceiver which changes the elec· trical signals back into sound waves and an ear mold which connects the r eceiver to the ear canal. A Better Business Bureau g uide on hearing ai~ notes that ther e are four basic kinds. were "numerous experiences re· --:· ported of unusable Hea1'fng aids, ' Selecting a reputable tiearlng purchased at great financial aid dispenser is essential. Check -THE "IN-THE-EAll" aid fits directly in the ear, with part of it extending into the ear canal. This type of aid has no ex· ternal wires is very light and generally effective only for mild hearing loss. -The ''behind-the -ear '' m odel is a small aid with a microphone. amplifier and re· ceiver in one unit connected to the ear mold by a short plastic tube. This type or aid is suitable for hearing losses ranging from mild to severe. • l I sacrifice ... The F'TC staff re· complaint records with the local commended tha t the com. Better Business Bureau or with mission require sellers or hear· a consumer protection agency. ing aids to give buyers the right Is the dealer a member or the to cancel purchases within 30 National i-.earing Aid Society, a days and g et most of their trade association with a strict mopey back. code or ethics for its members'! Many dealers already offer What services does the hearing such a trial period and con-aid' dispenser provide? sumers can take other action to protect themselves. The first step in s hopping should be a visit 10 a doctor. A hearing aid m ay or 'may not help. The loss of hearing-may be connected to a medical condition that can be corrected by drugs, a change or diet or iurgery. The s uccess of a hearing aid also may depend on the patient and his or her attitude A FOOD AND Drug Ad · ministration rule which took ef· • COMPARE PR.ICES AND wa.rranties. Look both for manufacturers · warranlie~ against defects and service war- ranties to cov.er other problems that might arise. • • Hearing aids have ttve compo. neots: a microphone which picks up sound waves and con- verts them to electrical signals. an amplifier which increases the strength or the signal, a battery which provides power, a re· Country Musie Star . . Fonner Undertaker Digs New Career By JOf: EDWA&DS NAS~LLE, Tenn. (AP) -A former undertaker. John Conlee took a death-defying plunge into country music and buried his former career with the proper resPE!ct. Conlee's current ''Lady Lay Down" bas been No. 1 on the coun· try music charts, and he's reaping multiple awards for his "Rose Colored Glasses," a hit last summer. AND HE'LL BE SINGING IN AN ABC movie, "The Girls in the Office '' starring Barbara Eden and David Wayne , on Friday. Conlee, 32. was an undertaker for six years in Versailles, Ky., before moving to Nashville in 1971 and becoming a disc jockey. He left that job last sum mer when "Rose Colored Glasses'' bec9'11e a hit. "The work as an undertaker was satisfying," - the short, stocky Conlee said in an interview in an office at ABC Records. "You <get {O help families going lhrougb1 a rough time. Losing someone close to you is one orthe toughest times of your tile. Funerals are for lbe livin1; they'reMt for the dead." He still renews his embalming license in case his country music career ends up six reet under. . "I COULD STILL DO IT AND do j\ well," he cioetLH said. "But it would take a while to get the 'touch' back. It's like writing a letter. Once you learn the basics, il always with you." "Rose Colored Glasses," which concemed a man deluding himself about love, was selected single of the year by Country Musi<' magailne and Conlee was chosen top new country mu.sic artist by several publications. But the man bun't cban1ed much. '"He still doesn't know he's a star ... said Jerry Bailey, a c~ ~so&!m/SUN~LE J spokesman for ABC Records. l 't.....::JU,.. • Conlee still drives a 1973 P ly mouth .[ur y and as· socif t.es with former cronies at radio stalioo WLA~ bere. .. YOU'U. NEVEll SEE ME IN a 40--room mansion wllh Rolla· Royces," he said, "Bui I may 1et rid of the '73 Plymouth preUy soon ." - He's caught the attention .t feU.,, ld8cen u well u the fans. Grand Ole Opry veteran Jimmy C. Newman, aaked recently to name the next superstar in country m"11lc, mentioned Conlee flnt. "l 'mverylmpreaedwttbblavolce,"Newmanaald. Conlee hat been compared to Merl• Ha11ard and tlile fate lAfty Frtuell, but hla idol la Ray Cbarles. ••1• 1 WANTEO Te COPY asut»ocl1, lt would be him," be said. Ir the bJta tld eo111ln1. Coalee 1"0n't Kru&lle. Jt would be death wllh dlplty for Ida career. "I'm Jmt an okt farm boy and cllna to these root.a,'' he saJd. "Ir the hlta l&op, IO will I. I'm just enoulh of a homebody to quit. lf J ha we to doll &o eke out• IMmlt I'll•·'' -The "eyeglass" type is similar to the one worn behind the ear but the aid itself is built into an eyeglass frame. -THE "BODY" AID has a lar~er microphone. amplifier 'and IX)wer supply in a case which can be carried in a pocket and altfched by a cord to the re· ceiver •ruch is worn in the ear. This type or rud is usually most s uitable for people with severe hearing losses. Tbe BBB advises consumers not to r ely on price or ap· pearance alone when making a selectioo. "An inexpensive hea.ring aid ot poor quality is of no use if il constantly needs to be re·• pal red," the bureau warna. "Also. a tiny hearing aid that Is inconspicuous will have little , value if it doesn't amplify sound adequately to suit your needs." AMONG THE TBlNGS to con· sider before buyi ng a hearing aid are: -How Is the quality of the sound? -Does it. help you to un· derstand speech in both quiet and noisy places? -Is it comfortable? Are con- trols for things like tone and volume easy to operate? Does the 'price include the ear mold? Whal are the costs of upkeep? 69,000 Volvo Models Face Recall Soon ROCKLEIGH, N .J . <AP> Volvo of America will recall 69,000 late-model cllrs next month to correct problems with fuel and emission control systems., company officials an- nouncea. More than 41,000 models 240 and 2(IO Volvos from 1975 and 1976 are being recalled to replace a potentially defective valve in the fuel system, accord· ing to company spakesman Jim E . WlWams. tJNOEll THE WO&ST of circumstances, a defective fuel valve could cause an excessive escapeoffumes, Wllliamssaid. About 28,000 1976-1977 model 2408 are a1lo being recalled to correct the pressure levels in an em'lufon controls system, Williama adcled. · "We decided on this }uat to make auie none of our can ever exceed the standards of the En· vlron1neatal Proteetioa Asen· cy," be aald. aEC.u.L NOTlnCATION wlll be malled to owners the ftnt · week of Pebru.ary, Wllllam1 aald. "None ol lh1I 11 a bll _., j ust precautionary," be 1.W. ".\ft.er all, fumes can irrttate you and no one wanu that." WUUama noted tbe company's decision to recall tbe can wu, ~· . Cambric Plan "We have been pleaaaatly surprised by the excepUooa1 aucce11 or the Cambric pld In Woodbridge Grove,'' said Tom Doucette president of AklDI Develiopment Com_pany, "Cambric sales 'have exceeded our projectiona; home-buyln1 ramUlea have found that Cambric met t~ir requirements fbr privJCY, comfort. and convenience. More familles or varying slze have selected lhe home than we anticipated.'' CAMll&IC IS A TW0-8TO&Y home. one' of four plans offered at Woodbrid1e Grove, a 163· home neighborhood in the Irvine Company's Vllla1e of Woodbridge. Tbe two story home contains 1,840 square feet in a Ulree-bedroom, two and a half-bath format. with lnnovaUve architectural features seldocn found lo Ounge County homes lo this price range, Upstairs, the master suite has its own entry from the central hallway and a private bath with Corian marble double sink pullman top,, wardrobe and other fealllres. Two more bedrooms and another bath complete the accommodations, while ...,.,.._ .. a unique gallery, open to the living room below1 provides a priyate living area for the sleepiot level. ( NATION I CON6UMEf ON THE LOWER LEVEL, the foyer opens to a Jiving room and formal dining room, ·warmed by a, wood-burning fireplace. An easy.care kitchen contains a complete array o/ butlt·in appliances, hardwood cabinets, ceramic We counter tops and VAULTED CEILING, FIREPLACE AT CAMBRIC Cf l a stainless steel double sink, in addition to a Se • • ~ pantry. Adjacent to the kit'Cben there ls a spacious 1fU1l(JT. IR J '11ewpol1, 11a breakfast room that opens into the garden through in· sliding glass doors. A powder room and laundry A one-day seminar entitled "How to Analyzerm facilities complete the living level, along with the Residential Propeny: An Architect's Viewpoinl")er insid~ access two-car garage. will be held at the Sheraton in Newport Beach on Woodbridge Grove homes are priced• from Feb. 13, beginning at 8:30 a.m. of $87,900 to $110,900. A community assc>ciatlon to The course covers the information needed to• which all homeowners belong maintains the successfully evaluate the design and constructionia· quality of all common areas and racilitle1>. features of today's homes. The soeaker is ed architect and lecturer Richard K. Rhodes. -. . To reach Woodbridge Grove, take the Santa The seminar· is open to all real estate licensees to Ana or San Diego Freeway to the Culver offramp and the public. Registration at the door is $7S. and and follow the signs to \he Village of Woodbridge; includes lunch and course materials. the Village is north of the San Diego and south or ------.,..--------------66 the Santa Ana Freeway. The Village Information -------------------.-. Center is located on the southeast comer or Culver find Schusss whet you went In the Skiing 111 and Warner. Model homes and sales office are classified eds of the Dally Piiot. 642•5678 • open from 10 a.m. to dusk. • #. investment in qriality a11d pride. A neiglzborlUJOd of quality, family homes. Homes of unsmpassed design and functional living. Located in a community surrounded with r<'creational oppar- {un ities. Fonnal living and di1png rooms /Qr distinclivc e11terlaini11g, family rooms witll wet bars and wood-bumi>tg fireplaces. Three lo /ive bedrooms and two to throe full baths. Master bedroom and bath suites designed with luxury ' living i11 mind. Air con· ditio11it1g is a standard feature in all Woodside homes. Gourmet kitchens with a full array of Q.Uality built-in appliances lnul features including lunu:nous ceilings, sep- arate self deaning and lflirrowa ve ovens, 5 -cycle dishwashers. ~rds of handfinished cabinets with ce-ramir tile counter tops and cushioned vinyl 'jl()qrs. If you are looking /or a new home with "something sf>CciaJ," here /'riced From $116.490 to $14Q,490. is your selecti<m. Wood· side homes. An im estment in quality and pride. Sales Office Hours: lOAM· Dusk i ... I • "' 111ANJCO ~l ... ~ ~ ~ ~' ;;: • .., ~ WoH OIL'OO FW'f (714) 770-4501 ..... PHOf IO!ICAl.E ·-·-·-·--·-···-···--• , ,. ·, • -.4. ,, 'l'h ... . ' I •1 ;: •• .... .. .. ., ·! •• • .. • A BONY D I. h11 IM'tn promolt to dlrettor ot the acrounlin partmt-nt al ttlcr ' Ho1&1tn, Corp of Irvine 01v11. Sl, has bffn 1 tant l'OntrollPr nc , ,.}olnl~ Rullt'r llou In• m Sept mber. H,1 o , w11 i tJanl controller rom 1973 to uue. •f\tr whah h~ •~nt t year a tatr WOW\ tant With Sparlul & Heart' Ac • t'O\.lntancy Corp .• on <Jana~ ('(lunty firm spedalb.Jog n the r~al tttate industry Davis 1$ a lt74 1radt1te or C•I Stale Fullt'rtoo •th u bachelor's d l(rt'C 11 Uf'OUJlt ' 1n1 lie wa. born in L~wood, 'o""'" · Callrornaa. and gr~w up in South"m 'al1fom1;a, araduatu-a tD Jt72 fr<tt C r· rno Coll t• with nn a oc1ate s decree i wlness nd mtn_a ltallon He re ades an Lake Foni1t flth his ware. Path, dauthlt-rs,. Heather, 10; loit, ;,t; and Mln, Kenny. 1 SHAN N DRAKE F.SMAS has been ap- ay.--cuNNlfr NEW YORK <AP> Where t-a~ thty ,one. lhoM W\marrted awin1er1 who IOU8hl to ma i ntain their lr•tdom end mobility by renting ap1rtment1 rether than buying hoillet" SOnw ol O.m •~m to have dlstP• peaud, and aputment hou c operat.c>rt 1ere con cerned -Th•Y tbo111ht the 1wlna· Ina HrMtyle ol tHlil und r M .croup H · sul'f'd larwUordJ or teQanla. Now they ar Q't aure. "JI you were un- der ~ and unmar- r d , you we re t wic u likely to · be • renter as a family the same age, and four times as llkeJy as an .older family," said PbHip Kozloff, presldent of Citicorp Real Estate. That's the way it used lo be. By a margin ol nearly 6·1, the hJstoric pal· tern of these young unmarried households was lo rent rather than buy, be said. polnted to the Posalion or vice president1ublic re- lation.a ror Hubbert Advertising and ptli~ Rela· lions Company in Cost.a .Mesa. She will •d public ~ lations. operahons for tbe full·smicQiency's four offices located throughout Ute state. AS RECENTLY A8 1973, the rental p · · 1 H bbe in d market could expect the formation of nor lo Joan DI u rt, an advert g an about 540,000 new swinger households pubHc rela~ons real estate specialist fipl , Miss _ that is. households of one. But in Ses m as was with Martin Advertising aj Public , Rellltions Inc where she held the positio~ public 'be past four ytrars, said Kozloff, the r elations director a nd account e >ecutive. annualratefellto240,000. Previously. she waa 8 news reportef for the And so, unlike some analysts w~ ,. Pasade na Star News and Foothill h tercity si!"ply assume the rent~l "!arke.t !S Newspapers still growing, Kozloff ma10truns "1t as . clear ttlat there has been a sharp · A member of Women in Commuications, decline In rental demand since 1973." Inc., Miss Sesmas is a graduate of itl State The change, says the Citicorp of. Fullerton and has done graduate wor~in com -flcial , is partly due to economics, or munications at the UC Irvine so it seems. That is, the swinger's EVERETI' W. BOYCE has been n~ an Ac-count Executive for American Home ortgage Corporation. a Newport Beach firm spe tiring in individual and institutional real es invest-ments Boyce was ronnerly Division Sale with Pacific Plan of California. and w Executive for Golden West ln- v es l m e n t Corpo r a t ion of Newport Beach prior to that. He also has experience with the U.S. Government. having been a finance officer in the U.S. Army. A li censed re al estate salesman. Boyce is a graduate of the University of Southern • California with a Bachelor of Science dc~ree in Business Ad· m inistrallon. The Fountain Valley at- lenCled American University. Washin n College of Law. Washington. D.C., and is als graduate of the Army Finance Officers' School d attended •the Command and General Starr Corps liege and the Industrial College of the Armed Fo es. PEGGY LLOYD, adopted daugter of the 1920's silent film sta.c. Harold Lloyd. u joined the George Elkins Company's Newporl ac.h office as an associate saleswoman. Now living in Newport Beach, Mi LIOyd was once an actress herself. Her experi ce also in· eludes four years as a director or Lt d-Beach & Bear Publicity. · JOHN SVALBE has been named ' ject direc· tor of Rancho San Clemente, the co aoy's 2000· acre master-planned comntunity. In his new position, Svalbe, ·as overall res nsibilit for the project. inclu g engineer- ing, marketing, d the actual development oft property. Prior to join g Nu-West in November. 1978,. valbe served as project ma ger for the Irvine Compan Woodbridge and Deerfield jects as well a s residual p els. He also held the title of irector of de- v e Io pm e n t fo Ponderos a Homes. He and s wife and the svALH children live in ta Mes a . TONI ALEXANDER recentlY. oined Hubbert Hubert Advertising and Public elations Com- pany. as vice president and di ctor of client services. announced Bob Hubbert, resident of the Costa Mesa-based agency. Among her primary respo ibililies. Alex- ander will establish the market r earch function of the agency, evaluate work fl systems and concentrate on new business pres tations and the account servicin g functions. Prior lo joining Hubbert. Ale ander was vice president at Basso/Boatman, Ne rt Beach, and was responsible for account ser ing in addition to the creation of a sales promoti division. She is a resident of Newport Beach. TOM HA YES has t>een ap dent of business development •division of the lrvinc·based Partne rs . Be fore joining G Partners. Hayes was with the. paoy as a financial analyst, and later as assistant to the represi- dent or Kendall Development, their predecessor. He lert to participate in his own single- family joint venture, then spent more than two years consulting on problem condominium pro- jects for a major real estate in· vesment trust. nted vice presi- r the northern nstar Housing star Housing liam Lyon Com- In his new position, Haye will be responsible ror evaluat 14AYH ing and acquiring new ventur opportunities and providing supportive service to uilder partners. BARBARA SWEETING ha been Qamed to the managerial postoftheCoetaM aofticeolWestern Mutual ~crow Corporation. '· With approximately seven ars experience • an escrow officf'r, Mrs. Swee ·ng has bad prW>r assignments with two iodepen nt eeerow firms In. Fullerton and Escondido, hand g a wide variety or escrows. She ii a past director and San Oteco County Efcrow member of the Eact'ow Ad Palomar College, San Maros. the desif'abon of Certified Es Calilonwa Escrow A.lloclation ember of the North iaUon ud waa a ry Committee at hu aJlo Neelved iW omcer from the noncommital lifestyle seems to have succumbed to some pressing finan- cial realities. UNABLE TO AFFORD high rents, and seeing soaring real estate prices make some of their friends relatively well off, some swingers apparently have been trading mobility and ~. ,ebfuary •. 1979 DAIL 'f PILOT C7 freedom for an Inflation bed1e. The F.Qual Credit Opportunity Act of 197~ also had a lat to do with it. making purchue eaaier for alnele In· dlvlduals who had tt0metlmes been considered p00r mortose rilka. Another factor. aay company analysts, is the revival ol con- dominium market.I, 1¥jtb the llf'onC conversion trend or ttae past two years providing owner unlts that meet ~ needs ol alogle persons. EVEN AJTEa orfel'tnl these ex- '4aaatioal, CiUeorp still isn't certain It haa foupd all the reasons. It belleves also that there bas been a moderate deeUne ·in the growth ol ·a1e groups p,,.USPQ&ed tQ bll)'lnc. But even more changes ml"'1t have Smti h ResliDs Richard 8 . Smith, founder and president of Broadmoor Homes has announced his resignation. Smith sold, his inte rest in Broadmoor in 1m to Gt!nstar Limited of Montreal, Canada . During the las t six years, Genstai has underwritten under Smith's management a sixfold increase in sales from $17 million lo $122 million with a comparable increase in profits. The Genstar-Broadmoor as- sociation has been cited as one of the most successful acquisi- tions in the history of the associa- tion of major companies wilb builders. SMITH SA VS ms resignation will be 'effective March 1. "My departure is on the most friendly terms. The relationship with the new owners has been r e - markably successful for both of us." Smith indicates that he leaves Broadmoor in sound condition. The existing management team is regionalized into three areas: Southern California, Northern California and San Diego, with a corporate s taff in Irvine, California. The company is well supplied with developable land; is well capitalized and &f\· ticlpates sales in lbe $150-to-$180 million range in 1979. Over the years; under Smith's leadership, the company has re- cei ved numerous national, re· gional and local awards for Its homes and land planning. Smith has been honored t.hls year as "Builder of the Year" by the Construction Industries AJUance s upporting the City or Hope. He is scheduled to receive the Orange County1 Council of Dor Scouts highest service award' later thil month. SMlm INDICATES be will take an extended vacation upon leaving Broadmoor but has no specific future plans. "I believe that I am reaching the peak of my building 'career a-nd therefore do not plan to retire," he stated. He .indicates that the reason for his resignation is simply that all'-f greements with Genstar have been successfully complet- ed . and that he and Genstar were unable to negotiate a mutually satisfactory agree· ment for the future. ilDP,inged on 1wlnger ace cate1ory. • Ewn all tbe facton we have-list· edr lddecl topther, do not seem ade- quate to explain IO lar1e a shift,'' tbe analyaes stat.I. There does aeem to ,be no miatak· int the ot.ervatlon tbat u rents rGH awio1en1 became eooeerned about tbe ecoaomlc logic ol &IM!ir lifestyles. O~. even t.bouall tt cram* mill'• Ible, became an alternative.· 8\l&VEYS AND observationl by real estate dealers In many J)¥t.s of the country confirm the chanfe. Sln&le men, sinele women, and groups too, are said to be buying homes in urban centers •nd smaller towns too. Whatever other reasons exist, it seems certain that pocketbook economics is a basic motivation for the decyiion or swingers to buy rather than rent. That much piay not be in much dispute. • Whether, however, it is correct to say that the cool, easy style of the swingers is still another victim of in· rtation is debatable. Some say ownership is the best thing that ever . happened lo swingers. Wallace Takes Realtors' Helm Clark E . Wallace, a Moraga Realtol' and developer, has been in- stalled in his fi'°st full, one-year term as president of the 125,000-member California Association of' Realtors. Walhtce has served as president of CAR since last June when be was ap- pointed to the office of the assocja. lion's chief executive. He succeeded Donald A. Wiedmann, who had re- signed as president in order to become executive vice president. The executive vice president is the full·tiine chief operating officer of th.e association. Wallace, who was unopposed, was elected at the as- soci~lion 's 74lh annual convention last September. . . . . .. . ., . \ Sunday, Februa1Y ' 1179 ~M..t!6TATE ent' Buyers Press Ahead Despite Cost I Anyone who i•n't living in a uvt know1 that home coats hl•VO r Mn 1t.eeply durmg the in· O•t d 1D70'b Yet, 1977 and 1978 wor• extreme!~ &<>od years for homebuyfnl. Why? The Andersen Corporation of Royport. MIM., a leadlog win· do w manufacturer, says mort1age lenders and the people who "'ell real estate usually cite two reasons. 81J ye rs see homeownership as a good in· vestment And, they are tired or paying baa: rents with nothing to 11bow for it are better educated to the re· d ouble·g la ng a nd factory· ·aJllies or property investment, applied weu erstripping. the availability or tax breaks. Arthur gaerts, Jr .. vice nnd the advantages or btdlding president of e residential loan eq u I ty." he s ays. "Pride of di vision or ntinenqll Illinois owner11hlp ls slill important. Bank in Chi go, calls tbe cur· But, now a home is also valued rent homeb ng surge, "the old as. a hedge against \nflation." , homeowning ream with the ad· The real estate brokers say dltion of u ealthy dose of buyer aophisllcation has created economic ho sense." a demand Cor quallly. in both The Am can maxim tras new a nd e-xisting homes. always been '.'If you need a Hartman says: "Buyers know house and c· afford It -buy what they want. They may be one." says erts. ''It's sUU a flexible about style and even good rule and mes are still af· (Jaal location. But, they're adamant fordable." H doesn'( believe raall when itcomestogoodconstruc· that average come families EV. Kadow. vice "APPRECIATION ON homes lion and e nergy.e fficiency." have been p ced out of the p r c s i d e n t o f 1:, ~o good, in general. that Ferris adds : "Time was when market. "Wha r:lally happen· American National you're losing money by not buy-buyers rarely checked out in· ing is that tber a many first· Housin g Corp. in 10g, ·• says Gerry Ferns of Cen· sulation. Now. enerfY·Saving 1s time buyers. a-1 lmost every-Newport Beach. has LA FAMILIA PL_AN'S RETREAT OFF MASTER BEDROOM SUITE tury 21. a national affiliation or a major selling point. Buyers one buying a r•s home has lo independent Realtors . The New want the whole energy package. stretch their bu4 ts a bit. The b c e n n a m e d York areas he services realized including full insulation and smart ones make hat sacrifice c h air m ii n of the "a coryer vative appreciation storm or ins ulating windows . despite higher p es. knowing Retirement Invest· average or 14 percent in 1978. '' Even proper weatherstripping is that costs and ap ciation rates m e nt AdvosorS' Com· In 1979, he expects appreciation important. They've learned the can only go up." his area -of m i t t e e o f t h e to be "consider ably higher." lack of these features wastes t h e midwest p r eciatlon California Associa· ''Homes we sold last year for fuel and money." averaged abou percent• in lion of Realtors. . I Cordova Sales NeiJring <f;ompletion in Vi~jo S30.000 were resold for $37,000 in 1978. ----------less than 12 months." Ferris NATIONAL CONSUMER MATl'HEW ITTLE R , as- says. "Can you beat that kind of s tudies reflect this. says the An· sistant vict> p ident or the return in a bank or on Wall dersen Corporation. One recent mortgage dep ment or the FirDJ8 Formed For ~roject Only 12 humcs rem1:11n to be sold 10 the econd phase of Mission Viejo's NE!W Cordova series. Mission Viejo COJnpany's single family homes for young families. according lo Grant Subhi.ao. dir:ector of marketing for th~firm. New Cordova has experienced exceptional sales suc<'ess smce it was fn~t offered in August or 1975. Since tht'tl more than 1.200 families have pufchased them According to many of these lluyers. features s uch as reasonable µrices. functional and versatile de- sign and a desirable location within a "'e-fl.planned communjty guide them to.their decis ions to purchase. TAKE l\'AN AND Eileen Karuza, for instance. who purchased 1he popular La Familia plan. "lt was the price and the area that altrat'led us to ~ew Cordova,., Ivan Karuza explained after com· pleting hi s purchai.e . "That and, of rourse, the home itself a:-well as the availability of financing that is within our means ·' New Cordova homes have three or four b<-drooms and two or three baths They range in size from the l.109·squarc-root "El Nido" to the 1,885-square foot "La Serena.'· PRICEO FROM $73,145 t o S87.685, the homes still are among the lowest priced single family detached homes in Orange County. The twelve remaining homes. are scheduled for occupanC'y in March. Each of the plans available at Sew Cordova ha ve distinc tive ft!atures which contribute to thtnr populanly. The "La Serena .. is one or the hesl buys for square footage in Orange County, notes Sullivan. TUl: LARGEST OF the New Cordova series. this two.story home has three bedrooms. three baths. a formal dining room and country kitchen. as well as a generous bonus room more than enough space to accommod ate an extra family> rnember or tw9. Street "'' s urvey lists windows with St ate Bank of lb'any. N.Y., The La Familia, traditionally a At the same time. rents are double·pane insulating glass as says. "All th e economic top seller among the four pla ns. s kyhigh. "So," Ferris adds, the second most important new trend5. average and statistics features a variety of options which "people are saying : 'Why should home feature. Another shows boil down to this people want make it particularly inviting to the I put that profit in the landlord's that in order to save on yearly .. a home. They'r ick of paying family or coupltt that wants to Pocket?'" ' fuel bills. 89 percent or prospec· · .;ent. Arter sh ing out rent <'Ustomize their hom"ll. ~ve buyers would spend addi· money every m h. most want Th~ second bedroom may be GEORGE HARTMAN of Renl· tional money at the time or con· som ething more ngible than a trans formed into a master suite ty USA, another nation-wide af· struclion for efficient insulators cancelled check. hat desire Is retreat for luxurious adult Hvlng, or filiation of real estate brokers, s uch as woo« or vinyl-the solid equity e ned when you the fourth bedroom, which adjoins agrees. "Today's home buyers s heathed wood windows with own your own ho " the living room. may be turned into a ..:::.!:.:..:::.:.:.:___:_:..:..::.::....:.....:.:=.:.=.:..:.:::..:~-_:___:__...:..:._...:...;__:_ _ __;:..;...~-....;;;..-~....;;.;..~----~--------------- The two home building firms will combine their expertise and years or experience in develop- ing the proJect, located adjacent to El Niguel golf course in Laguna Niguel. which will be named Foxboro Heights. den featuring double·door access to the living room. ANOTHER OPTION popular with families who entertain regularly is to use the family room as an ex· pansive dining room. The two·story El Carmen is perreclly suited for gracious enter· taining with its formal dining room situated adjacent lo its spacious liv· ing room and large country kitchen with breakfast nook. The downstairs bedroom can be converted into a den leaving three more bedrooms upstairs to accom· modate a growing family. The El Nido offers three bedrooms. two baths and a n ex· pansive country kitchen within ils single·level design. NEW CORDOVA buyers re· ceived a number of features included in the purchase price of the home, such as carpeting in the living room. all bedrooms. stairs and hallway; • c ultured marble pullmans i n bathrooms; central forced air heal· ing ; attached two.car garages; un· derground utilities; and concrete driveways and walkways. Cordova kitcbens feature a gas range and oven. dishwasher and dis- posal. Laundry areas are included in each plan io the kitchen or in the h allway area. and the two·story models have laundry chutes. The. New Cordova model homes are open lo the viewing public daily Crom 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Located at 26832 Nogal. Mission Viejo, they are easily rPached by exiting the San Diego Freeway at Oso Parkway, t raveling e as t lo Marguerit e Parkway then south on Marguerite to Felipe Road. ·Irvine's North wood Shady Hollow Popular The advantage or owning a de· tacheq single·family home with the added freedom or Lownhome living is attracting more than 100 visitors a "eek to Warmington Development, lnc.'s Shady Hollow community in Irvine's Village or Northwood. .. Prospective buyers are im· pressed with the <'ontemporary styl· ing and floor plans at Shady Hollow that require less maintenance than larger homes ·and yet still offer am· pie living space and a wide range of price·included features." said Bob Mister, vice president of sales and marketing for Warmington Develop· menL. fnc. The Shady Hollow prices rangt from S87 ,500. PltF.sENTED IN ONE and two· story concepts, the two, three and three-bedroom·plus·den homes are well suited lo singles, couples or young families. As part of the l,400·acre Village of Northwood. Shady Hollow offers residents the nearby convenience to numerous community amenities. The Village is planned lo include neighborhood parks, hiking trails. a racquet club. a 20-acre community park. shopping facilities and schools . DECORATED BY Carole Eichen Interiors, the model homes are open daily from 10 a.m. until dusk. • Shady Hollow may be reached by el(lting the Santa Ana Freeway at Culver Drive. go east on Culver to Trabuco Road, right on Trabuco to Remington and left on Remington to the new Warmington community. first things first Three and four bedroom executive homes in the beautiful rolling hills of Laguna Niguel. T he official opening of t his exclusive series o f homes will n ot be until mid-February. Choice (714) 831 ·9910 lot selections al! best during rhis preview showirg. From the San {)j~ Frccway,take Crown Valley Parkway apprClimatcly J mile sou th lQ Glcnro:k, k·ft on Glen rock to Brandon Driic sales office. $138,500 to $198,500 A community of Avco Community Devdopcrs, Inc G? -- FROM Fash ion Island Newport Beach STEREO SOUNDS OF ''t-HE HARBOR .. • • ........... "" ........... ... ' . ' .. • • t . . REAL ESTATE Bonftnza at B road.moor Home Building Firin Hitll Record in 1978 Broadm r U ~ lllt.8 mUUoe in nl -· ~ rea nUna l'Ti"reudeotlal Unita, and $19.e rmllion tn land aal" -ln Callfon'11 d\lrl.nt tm. an alltime t\ll)l •«Oirdi8' to Rlchard 8 . Smith. prsldonlof the ll·bown bulldl"f ft~m. Bl'oadmoor. ~hkh s cm real.17 dev•k>Plftl re· sldenllal t0mmun1un rrom U. Saa f'l'uclaco 8ay ...AuatoSU Ol o, la.a c:th'W. oto..tar Pariflc Corporatiori, a ~Uy-owned ~aey ot Ge°'tar Limited of Nontttal, • d.iftf'llfled aperatlq com· pany lulf'd on mllJOr 1tock ucbaapa tbroqhout the world OllANG • CO J..T '1'81! Plte for Broad· moor ln 1978, .. 1th 3S9 new rskl•eet IOld for a grand tolaJ ol tt9.9 mllbon. Fivt' ·eroadmoor Orance County clevelopmenta wer at'tive In 1918 On , He,ntage Park, a 181·unlt town home commuruty. reaa1terect a tota1 sellout ln the trvtne Company's Village of El Camino Real. Laguna Hills Homes Offer Creek Views Excellent views ol the Aliso Creek Greenbelt enhance many or the 40 homes which have recent· ly been released for purchase at the New Territory in Laguna RJlls. Home~hoppers have been attract· ed to the extensive detailing inside and outside of the one and two-story homes priced from $123,000 to $163,000. From curving streets and cul-de-sacs, con· crete driveways and walkways lead to stately homes with wood siding or wood shingle trim. Prominent wood s hake roofs display a bold architectural statement with open rafters, multi· pie roof lines, and wide roof extensions which shelter parking courts. enhancing the individual Character Of twelve distinctiYe elevations. SINGLE OR DOUBLE DOOR entrie! lead to ceramic tile foyers or the three, four and five bedroom homes which incorporate from 1,800 to over 3,000 square feet into four noorplana. IJving rooms are accented with soaring ceilings teachlog full-height in the two story plans. Massive wood· burning fireplaces highlight living rooms, com· fortable family rooms, and intimate fire pits, and depending upon the plan a home may have up to three fireplaces. 'Formal dining rooms and garden· view nooks provide attractive settings for enter· tainint and dining. Radiating warmth and graciousness, homes include elaborate detailing and dramatic design elements Wood-framed French doors open to garden areas in three pJans, and the other plan features a glass-enclosed, bay-shaped nook for a view of rear garden areas spanning virtually the entire length of the home. Wet bal's, pub-style or ajlh access to rooms on either side, are lncluded in most plans, conveniently located for entertain- ing An open galleria, finished bonus rooms, master retreats and skylights are among the de· sign higbJights DETAILING EXTENDS INTO t.be French country-themed kitchens beginnin1 With central c hopping blocks, breakfast bars, 1arden greenhouse windows or pass·thru wel ban to en- tertainment centers Oak hardwood cabinetry aod ceramic tile countertops provide an attractive background. Contributing to efficiency and time management are modem convenience including mic rowaves , self·cleaning -ovens, electric cooktops, dishwashers, disposals in double com- partmented slnks and luminous ceiliop. Master s uites are a relaxing retreat for homeowners. Surrounded by amenities including twin china basins in cultured onyx pull.mans, de· corator·selected bronze fixtures, oval tubs with separate ceramic tile sbo..-ers (in three plans) and i>lus flowing carpeting, home owners may be tempted to linger 1n the morning. Large wardrobes or walk-in closets provide amplestora1espace. To tour the models, take the El Toro Road exit from the San Diego Freeway and drive south to Paseo de Valencia. Turn left on Pueo de Valencia to Kennin.non Drive and the complex or fully· furnished models and sales center at tbe New Ter-ritory, open daily from 10 a.m. to dusk. New Knightsbridge H orne Tract Opens One of the most p0pular newly opened home developments is Knigbtabrldge In the exclusive Northwood Village of Irvine. The single family home community, built by the Robert P. Warm· ington Company, offers a comblnation or excellent location adjacent to a village park, traditional architecture and a reasonable starting price of $96,900. These factors have contributed to tbe early sales success of the project. while providing great value fortoday's new bomebuyers. Knightsbridglf is a neighborhood of homes in· nuenced by the architecture or France, England and Colonial America. The homes are Distin- guished by traditionaUy framed windows cov· ered entries and extensive detallln,g In wood, brick and masonry. There are cedar sbake roofs, under· ground uillities, a rchitecturally coordinated entry walks and concrete driveways. Knigbtsbridge buyers have a choice or four floorplans ranging in s ize from a single three bedroom, two bath to a two story model with three bedrooms, den and 2in baths. All plans have a breakf asl nook or bar and/or a f onnal dining room. One home ii hl&bllabted bJ a step.down convenaUoo pit between the llvinl and family room. The room is also hllbli1bted bJ French doors. The Village of North•ood bu beeb detlaned to include a total of 1$ nellbborbood park.a, a 20-acre community park, prt•ate racquet club, recrea· tioD•l vehicle and mlnl·storaae f acUitin. There are nelghborboOd elementary and middle acbooll. bite trails, pedestrian and joalnl paths and a 17-acre commercial and abol>Plna center. The aalee center aricl model bomea at Knilbtlbridge are epen dally from 10 a .m. to S p.m . To reach the homes, ex.it the Santa Ana or San Die10 freeway at Culver Drive. Go northeast oa Culver to Bryan, "right Oft Bryan to Eutwood and left on East.wood to the Ales center at Ben· oln1ton. f'or lntormaUon, pll Goldie lhctln 151·2911. El Nlj(u.l Height.a, a 2:50-unit, •lnal•famUy home dev tlOpment In L11una Nicuel otren lwnary Uvln1 and panoramic vlewslles of tbe La1una Nt1ueil Country Club. KUNTlNGTON HAaBOU& IS a development or 2'4 luxury townhomes in Huntlncton Beacb . Turtl~ Rock Vlata, in the Jrv~ COmpany'a •·v111a1e ot Turtle Rock." offers 185 eleaant townhomea wttbln an atmosphere or carefree ramlly llvlna. Ono of Broadmoor's newest and most am· blUous new Orange County communllle$ is Rancho Domln(ues ln Yorba Linda. The development is de1l1oed to reature a residential mix or 301 single· ramlly homes, 206 townhomea, 131 patio homes, and t ntatlvely 128 equestrian estates. . B&OAOMOO& SALES IN 1'78 placed the com· pany among California's leading bullden. ''For certain, 1978 was an excellent year for Broadmoor," said Smith. "And, alt.bough cbang. Ing ecqoomlc conditions point to a all&ht slowdown in new housing starts in 1979, we are nevertheless anticipating a very active year. ·•eroadmoor will continue to build according lo the needs ol the market, and we p1refer to de· velop within the concept of planned commU91tles, with both attached and detached bousine, and in unique cases, combinations of both types. -Customiz ed Look At Rolling Hills The collection of executive homes at Rolling Hills in Laguna Niguel, soon to be offered by Avco Community Developers, Inc., was designed by the architectural firm of Corbln/Yamafugl and Partners, Inc. The first phase of 37 homes is scheduled to open on February 18. Rolling Hills is located in the bills above Crown Valley Parkway and may be reached from the San Diego freeway by traveling south on Crown Valley to Glenrock Drive. Turn lert on Glenrock and follow the sigbs to the sales office al 28362 Silverton Drive. IF YOU THOUGHT AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN ORANGE COUNTY WAS A THING OF THE PAST. •• THINK AGAINI THINK WOODSIDE VILLAGE! Here's what may be your last chance to live and One Bedroom and Den, 1Wo own in close-in Orange County! To have that hedge and Three Bedroom•One and Two against inflation! Story Condominiums & Townhouses It's truly aJarden setting! With 18 lushly landscaped woodsi acres. 3 spar ing swimming pools, jacuzzi, sauna ~d a . cJe·. strik igly-furnished community center.• In truly a great location! On Sunflower-between 2s11 Wes I~ Bristol and Fairview-within walking distance of Costa Sunflower Av~ VI• ' Mesa's fantastic South Coast Pl.au. Santa Ana · • But hurry! Phase I sold out in record breaking time. (714) 557·4~0 . And once these homes are gone, thinking about owning a J home may be all you can afford to do! } \-.cnbd: .- lt's_Qrange County's finest home investment! . ~ n · · ,,. 54..n Giit.a M Sales office open daily from 10 to 6 An Americana Properties community •A Hoinoowner's Association fee of just $64.27 .per month eeee to the maintenance of all area landscaping and recreational facilities. Gl Equal Housing Opportunity Prices subject to change without notice s f.l ~ Sea Ridge. Quite clearl• ~ Co~ up to the top of "O ~ the hlU and discover the finest VleWS Sea Ridge, a l!xit the San Diego r ruway at Pacific Coast nigh way. go north on Pacific Coast to The Street of the Oolden Lantern and ~ right up tile ltlll along the coast..;;2~~!:es planned with care and bUllt with pride by the Don Lee Development Company. This is a pofed Dana Point setting with speaaca1tar uleu.s of the sea, where <>amt breezes cbol the days and w~ the sunsets can be breathtakingl Sea RCclge is more Uran just a beautl{ul view. The homeJ range 1n sl7.e from 2 bedroo~ 2 baths, to 3 bedrooms, faiitlly room, 3 !Jaths. OUT spectaa.dal-loattbl ls {urtherenhanced by p riuate recreation, greenbelts, a clubhouse, tennls cowts, poot andjacuzzl. . . Of course, t he ocean ls always there for your erfjoyment. Come up the hiU -you'll discover "there's more to llfe at Sea Ridge:' single family attached hom es from $96,500~~~ GRAND. OPEN I NO past Selua, then ~ left o n /lferfdfan Driue to the ~ model homes. for inf orm.atlon. buyers are inuited to phone (714) 661·1166. I.· An ~n view community by DOn ~Development COmpeny ln~na Point . ...... ,. .... , '··· .. -~· .... ,.-._.-..,.""' .. _., ... ,,. ....... _,.. ., ......... CJ• DAILY PILOT . No Weakeni.ng in Buyer Demand WASIONGTON -Alon1 wtlh hav· In• a JOb, o rshlp of 1 delacbed. ln1l•·f1m.1ly home • th · 11n1le • lft'at n1Uon I a 1p r•Uoo, arrord· ln1 lo a -ad1n1 naUooaJ rewart'h r n/ publte oplnjon. That m aaC' WI \.Olrflt todA)' by Robfrt J Tt t r, t' ttuthe vtce pre· 1dt>nt ot M•mt (}pinion R arch, lroit ti add ~ del 11t al· t~dl.na the Mid Wint r Neetln11 or the National CX'11uon of Rultors h re Jan ia 30 ''ln aJJ ~ f'Ht'aft'h Wt' havt done onr lht-Pa.st Naiht to 10 )ears, we Just simply can'l s~ a weaktruna of ales Cormc~l Meeting Set The 01.sneyland Hotel will be the setlmg for the Sales and Marketmg Council's '1979 AMual Sales Seminar next FridtJY. Speakers inc l ude TV personalities jack Linkletler, and producer Garry Marshall, Emmy-award winner a nd co- creator of Happy Days, La Verne a nd Shirley and Mork a nd Mindy. . Dick Russell , president of Richal'Q F. Russell Associates and an authority on marketing and selling real estate, also wi U be speaking, as will Mike Vance, a leading motivationa l speaker. The seminar will cost $35 per person, or $350 per table. Space may be reserved by contacting Zena al the Building Industry Association orflce at 1571 Beverly Blvd. in Los Angeles, or by calling <213) 625-5171. demand '°" a 1n&1 fitmlly home," ··~ - "TH a AN"T B any atron«•r 1tatement of that than the hOuaina -markrl rtstrt now where you have peopl.-t'l•mortnu to get U percent mortaaaes " lo a nalk>nal 11mpl t•ken Juat a week aao, he aald, 34 percent of lh people In the country aaJd they had u one or their top priorities a desire to move to a new location "And ol that 34 percent, over three· quartert hav a desire lo live In a amgle family home, either lO buy a rirst bome, to buy a better home or to buy a baggt>r home "SO WHAT YOU have tod•y is that almost one·quarter or lhe country would like Lo move and own a home." Providing a backdrop on current attitudes, Teeter explained that the nal1on bas just come Lo the end of one or the most difficult periods In its his-tory. We are coming to the end of a period, he said, which began In 1963 with John Kennedy's assassination and was followed by a war, resulting domestic unrest, Watergate and re· cession "that I think has caused the h ighest levels or alie nation and cynicism that we have seen in this country since the Civil War .'' AND DIOSE LEVELS of cynicism and alietialion which have been directed not only at politicians and government but at schools. churches, labor unions, stores and other large organizations. One or the results of this period bas been a fundament al c ha nge in people's values, he snid. Before 1968, the chief goal or most families relat- ed to employment. Since then goals have broadened, with a job viewed primarily as a source or financial security. Mesa's Seabluff Tract Solar Energy Pioneer Com mitted lo the feasibility of solar energy, the Gregory Company has taken aggressive action to establish itself as a leader in the field of energy conservation, by develop- ing SeabluJJ Canyon Townhomes in Costa Mesa, one of the fi rst 100 per- cent solar assisted communities in Orange County. The results are apparent by the new 14,000 square root headquarters facility in Jrvine, incorporating the la test advances in energy-saving techniques. which will house the growing construction firm and its solar install ations division, Sunlight Energy Systems, Inc. Recent studies by the Ora nge County Chapter, Building Industry Asaoclation of California <OCCBIA ) indicate that a significant number or cons um ers vie w the potentia l shortage of energy as "extremely serious" or "serious." and yet when q uestioned. fewer t~an 40 percent or current homeshoppers are willing to pay fo r the cost of a solar assisted water heating system. How does a hom ebuilding firm convince the general pubfic of the benefits 9f solar energy? THE nllST COST of installation can be d iscouragin g t o many homebuyers . However the state legislatµre has introduced a solar tax c r e dit of SS per cent which the Gregory Company is using to defer the homebuyers' costs or installation. Jo addition, passage or lhe federal solar tax credits bill on October 15, 1978 will result in substantial tax sav- ings or 30 percent on the first $2,000 and 20 percent of the next $8,000 retroactive to April 20, 1977, that the Gregory Company will be able to ap- ply toward installation coats. Installed at the time of construc- tion, solar water heating systems can be Cioanced with the home mortaage, He rbe rt B. Tasker, general manager of the Mason-McDuffie Company, has been installed as ptesld ent of th e. Southern QaUJom.ia Mort.gage Bankers As- sociation. .. -..... red ucing initial cash outlay that the homeowner is required lo pay, and the savings or up to SO.pe rcent on the cost or water heating can be used against monthly mor tgage pay- ments. By keeping abreast of modern technology and design, the Gregory Company is able to meet standards for energy conservation, while con· · structuring an aesthetically pleasing home. CAREFUL PLACEMENT or Seabluff Canyon Townhomes allows roof orientation adaptable for more eflicieot solar use in comparison to most homes in planned residential communities, according to studies by the Gregory Company. Many builders insist on limiting solar panels lo side and rear areas of roofs, yet with the use or heavy wood shakes at Seabluff Canyon, solar panels are virtually conceaJed from view. As homeowners move into their new Seabluff Canyon Townbomes, the only visible reminders that theil' homes are equipped with Grumman Sunslream sol"r water beating systems will be barely discernible pipes emerging from rooftops. SUNLIGHT ENERGY Systems, Inc., the West cout distributor for Grumma n Energy Systems, is engineering the lnstaJJatloo of the ne twor k o r co pper plpes and sensitizors connecting bot water solar tanka to copper waterway solar collectors situated under the wood shake roofing. Upon completion, water warmed in solar collectors by direct rays of the sun will flow Into solar tanks storing hot water for everyday use. While only one out or e,very ten homeshoppers wants to buy a solar home, just te n of the initial 82 Seabluff Canyon Townhomes, priced Crom $94,500. remain to be sold. Of. fered the package of savings on energy costs, a built-in insurance against negative impact of energy shortages, and tbe exciting, viJlually appealing design of the townhomes, buyers are facing a unique residen- tial product that ia hard to resist. Energy-savinc features extend to the kitchen, wblcb includes piJot-lesa appliances wherever poalble, and to the pilot-less forced air beaUn1 systems. Wood-burnin1 fireplaces can contribute to a reductioD in in· terior heatina costa. Recreation faciUtJes are designed to maximize pualve enero-aavtnc with a greeDbouae area In the clubboule 0PtD1n1 to the general reerution ante, and a IOlar water beatl.nl •)'Item b included to proytde bot water for tile ldtcben Mrvinl tbe club boUle, tbe 1wimmtna pool ud tbe apa. TO VIEW 'nlE new eolar Ul1lted community of Seabluff Can7on Townhome1 currently under con· struction in Cotta Mesa and catch 1 glimpse ol the future in bomebuild· ing, take the San l>ie10 Freeway to• the Brookbunt street exit. Drive south on Brookbunt approximately three miles to HamUton Street. Tum left on Victoria/ Hamilton to Canyoo Drive and tum rtibt OD Ca· nyon to Sea Bluff Drive ln Cotta Meu. Representatives of the ftrm are av.U,bl• from 10 a.m. to I p.m. to provide information. l'iew E'N111a tlae Patio E l Niguel Heights in Laguna Niguel offers gold course or country hillside vistas. The homes, priced from $172,990, include four plans ranging from 2.040 to 2,975 square feet . Take Corwn Valley Pa rkway to Country Club Drive to visit the homes. Politieia11s Give Views Ho~uilding industry is viewed by political leaders in the c ounties of Orange-; Riverside and San Bernardino will be the topic discussed by me mber s of the Boa rd or Supervisors of the three counties a t Monday's ge ne ral mem- bership meeting or the Orange County Cbapler of BIA. Ac cording to pro gram chairman, Chuck Diamond, of the Konwi.ser Corporation, those appearing otl the tri-county panel are Thomas F . Riley, Supervisor, fifth district, County of Orange; Alfred .A. McCand· less, Supervisor , fourth district, County of Riverside; and Robert 0 . Townsend, Supervisor, fourth di s tric t , County of San Bernard.Loo. Supervisor Riley has been a member or the Orange County Board of Supervisors since Sep- tember 4, 1974, and i.s immediate past chairman or the group. His remarks will include informa- tion on the proposed revisions to the Orange County housing ele- ment. Supervisor McCandless, who will base his talk on general views of the building industry in his county, is currently vice- chairman of the Riverside Coun- ty Board of Supervisors. Now in bis third term in office, McCand- less ser ved as c ha irman in 197 l and 1972. Supervisor Townsend , who will speak on "County Perspec- tives in Real Estate," is present- ly vice-chairman of the Sao Bernardino County Board of Supervisors . Townsend has served on the board since Nov- e mber, 1974, and is also a former chaiJ'man. Those interested in attending should make reservations early. The meeting will be held al the Airport Inn, Irvine. Cocktails be gin at 6 p.m. with dinner following at 7 p.m. For ·reserva- tions please contact the OCCBIA office at 547-3042. REAL ESTATE ,. Rentals Topic At Meet "The Dangers of Ren· tat Forms" will be the topic for a special eve n- ing seminar conducted by the Apartment-As ·. 1ocialion of Oranee County Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at The Inn at the Park on Harbor Boulevard in Anaheim · As an in-depth study of the many and varied rental forms available to apartment owners and managers, the four- hour session will explain the proper ways to com· plete specific forms and accept deposits, in addi· tion lo how to avoid possible legal complica- tions by being adequate- ly protected with writte11 agreem ents. Sam ple copies of many of the re- cently-revised, associa· lion-approved forms will be available. Included in the even· Ing 's activities will be time for pra ctical in- struction as well as a q u eslion-and· a ns wer period. Coffee, lea and dessert will be served. Advanced reser va- tions are required. Tax. deductible registration fees fo r members are 116 per per son. Non- member fees, payable in adva nce, a re $25 per pe rson. Reser vations can be made by contact- ing the Apartment As- soc i a lion of O r a nge County at 12862 Gard en Grove Boulevard, Suite #250, Gatden-Grove. 92643, or by ca lling 638-5550. Membership in the or- gan iialion is ope n lo rental property owners and managers with one or more units. •• •• • Ill ......... , .. • • • • .. • • • • -• • • • .. GRAND OPENING IN HUNTINGTON BEACH FINAL SINGLE .FAM -ILY UNIT NOW OPEN ' EVERYTHING'S INCLUDED IN THE PRICE ••• NOW, you can see the newest "BEACH.CLOSE" unit of Landmark Homes in beautiful Hunting- ton Beach ... quite possibly the fastest selling new single family homes ever presented in this area. Big, family sized, 2-story homes, ranging in size from approximate!)' 1768 to 2230 square feet, they feature deluxe-equipped country kitchens, with mlcrow.ve oven plus a pilot-less, self-clunln1 conventional oven, carpetln& In the Mn& room, family room, all bedrooms, hallway and 1t1lrw1y, fireplaces, front lawns with a tree and sprinklers, rear and side yard fencing, shake roofs, concrete drives and apaclous 3-ar 1araces. FUANISHiD MODELS OPEN DAILY FROM 10 A.M. ON ADAMS BLVD., JUST EAST OF l!ACH BLVD. from $110,725 4 & 5 BEDROOMS 2 ANO 3 BATHS -l Adam Ave. MN> HOr TO SCALI (714) 963·4531 Archi1ettural detlans bv R. J. Marvick & Auociltes ... All plans COOYriahtM B y SIGNAL L ANOMARK . INC o nf' of The S1qnal Comp;rn1es ( J • .. -..... .. .. . . .. • • ... • • • • A Ito ,,;-.._ ,... ~· ..._ r ..., .. ' • .. . . . . , ..... -\ . ~.F~4.1979 DAil v NL.OT CJ J 'Cheaper' Resaks Dip. The number ol Orange County r e sale homes P,riced under $90,000 decteued by 20 percent during 1'78, accordin1 to Walker & Lee, the Santa Ana-based real ~•late aervicN firm. Although the total number of resale homea on the market showed little variation -11,038 in January, 1978 a nd 10,970 lo December. 1978, -the number listed under $90,000 dropped Crom 6,3'5 to s.ou durina the 12·month period, reports Harold Prottas, corporate marketing analyst for Walker & Lee. lo addition, only 302 homes -or 2.8 percent bf December's total - were priced under $50,000, Prot· tasnoted. curred in the $50,000-$60,000 range, be revealed, as listings dropped 60 percent -from 1,035 in January lo jus t 408 in December. Analysis of the homes listed ln 'December showed that 1,327 homes -or l.2.1 percent -were priced betw.een $60,00 a n d $70,000; 1.620, or 14.8 percent, were be tween $70,000 a nd $80,000, and 1,424, 12.9 percent, we re betwe en $80,000 and $90.000. At the other end of the scale, Prottas pointed out, the number of resale homes over $90 000 in· ••HOWE VER, DESPITE in- c re a sing prices tor resale homes, they are sun 811 attrac- ll v e alterna tive f or -0os t · conscious buyers," Protlaa. said. "New homes in Orange County currently have a median prlee or ove r $130,000 and are· out of the financial reach or many home shoppers.'' DARBY DUION MOIT ~ AT NEW WOODBRIDGE GROVE COMMUNITY IN IRVINE ' THE LAllGEST decrease OC· creased. 25.5 percent :::.:!e year -from 4,693 in January -5,891-iA Deeembe • re g 53. 7 percent of the market. Walker & Lee Is beLieved to be the larges t rea l estate fir.m in the nation. selJing pre-owned homes at 70 resale offices in California and Arizona, and new hom\?s for buUders at over 200 deve lopments in California, Ari z ona , N eva da ancf Washington. The firm's 197b sales totaled 14,310 homes with Sl.1 billion. It' oedlJridge Gro1'e Darby Top Home The majority of families moving to Akins Development Company's suc- ces s ful Woodbri d ge G r o v e townhomes have selec ted the Daf'by design, according to Tom Doucette, the home building Clrm 's president. .. We carefully planned Woodbridge Grove homes to rill the needs of families. large and sm all, who will li ve in our homes." said Doucette. "Tbe Darby was intended for grow- ing families. a nd Darb)'l is the plan that has proven most attractive to them." The popular plan is a 1,987 square- foot two s to ry hom e with three bedrooms and two and a half baths. as well as a family room , topped with a wood shake roof add surrounded by a priva te fully fenced yard. ON TIIE LOWER, level, a vaul ted ceiling highlights the contemporary living room. which contains a wood burning fireplace. a nd dining area. The comforta ble fa mily r oom features a pass-through counter from the kitchen and sliding glass doors opening onto a patio. The kitchen is fully equipped with an array or built-in appliances, in- cluding a· self-cleaning double oven. Stainless steel double sinks are sur- rounded by cera m ic tile counter tops, hardwood cabinets and other luxury appointments. Upstairs is a master chamber. with • a sitting room , private bath and . wardrobes. The upper level also con- tains two more spacious bedrooms and a second bath. WOODBRIDGE G ROVE homes, from 1,235 to 1,987 square feet in size, offe r a full range of a ppointments a nd amenities in four floor plans that e'!lphasize convenience and privacy, with one and two-story elevations. Qua lity d etails s uc h as bronze mullioned windows. energy saving appliances, and inside access two-car garages with automatic door openers abound. ·Priced from S87.900 to $112,900, Woodbridge Grove homes are in the Irvine Comp~y's Village of Wood· bridge, close schools, shopping and freeways that r;ov ide access to ma- jor employment g nters. Recreation facilities. including the village's 30. acre lake and beach club, numerous pa rks and trails, are an integral part of the Village. A community associa- tion maintains the quality Of all COM· mon faJilities. To reach Woodbridge Grove. take the Santa Ana or San Diego Freeway ·to the Culver Drive offramp, and follow the signs to the Village of Woodbridge. The Irvine Company Village Information Cente r Is located on the southeast corner of Culver and Warner, and is open daily from 10 a.m. tiU S p.m . Gables ID Debut First Come, First Sold in Irvine • Sales will be ·handled on a first come-first served bas is when Irvine Pacific, homebuilding division of the Irvine Company, opens phase II of Woodbridge Gables on this weekend. Located in the Irvine Village of Woodbridge, these side-yard oriented homes renect the traditional styling of New England. Rich colors, ex- tensive siding and brick, and various roof lines of warm shake wood set the tone WOODBRIDGE GABLES appeals to families or all sizes. This collection of single family detached homes of· fers five well designed floor plans. The one and two story homes contain between 1.805 and 2.467 square feet, ranging from a two-bedroom, two· bath, den and family room model to a five-bedroom, family room and three·bath plan. The forty-two homes in Phase 11 are priced from SJ 10,000. Appropriately na med the Appleton, Bridgeport, Lexington. Danbury and New Haven, each home has a long Ust of desirable features. In addition, homeowners may elect to take ad· vantage or the optiona l e nergy. saving solar assis ted water heating systems which Irvine Pacific has made available. The special touches such as an atrium, bay window, open staircase landing, raised entry, breakfast nook CASH FAST · H omeowner s : or s itting alcove vary from plan to plan. As a result, each has its In- dividual charm. Features in every home include built-in appliances, utility room, pantry, ceramic Ule or wood e ntry , all fencing and automatic garage door opener. EVERY . HOMEOWNER al Wood- bridge Gables belongs to the Wood- bridge Village Association, which m a intains the lake, parks, green· be lts, trails and other recreation facilities. Dues in the association are $26. 00 per month. The models are open for public view- ing daily between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. To reach the m from the San Diego freeway. talce the Culver exit and go north to Warner. Follow the signs to the Village Information Center. Joint Venture Told John Hazeltine. pres ident of Genstar Housing Partners, has an- nounced the affiliation of the firm with Patrick Development of San Diego in Los Corrales, a $13.5 mUliQn joint venture project in San Juan Capistrano. Los Corrales Js a development of 176 single family homes near the mission of San J uan Capistrano. Pild XdW1f11 .. ,,_I ~eal ~state ly Realtor IUD MILLH ERA Shoncrnt Rfflty Sel Hw Yo.self 1 Loans arranged for any reason. Credit. no problem . Borrow on your equity. Csll now for courteous. fas t information. (7141 547-7151 AMIRICAM Morf9191 Co. I'm sure you've heard It said· "Why should I sell m y home through a REALTOR? I can sell it myself and save a lot of money" vantage In the lntricate o r e as of fina ncing, negotialin1? and pmtecl· ln1t you rself from all sorts of do-It-yourself pit- falls You've ~ol a lot In· vested In your home. YOUR DAILY PILOT CAN BE RECYCLED' Or~ Col!JI contoi ""4"9Nl' IN olf•G#ll C«llW lot Colnt MHll ~1 Right? . Wrong! This kind of thinking usually turns out to be financially unwise. The prospects will usually atart by mentally deduct· ing the commission and then stnrt negotiating from there On the average, o homeowner saves NO money when he sells his own home, Jn ract. lhe opposite is true Studies over a ten year period show that the net proceeds from owner· eold property are LESS than the R!ALTOR·sold pltte of real estate. even after the payment of comm1Mion. As a private seller you're al a great dlsad- It makes sense to list It with a REALTOR. He'll sell it for you . without hitches -fo r the best price 1tnd In the shortest amount or Ume. ••••• .A Wh a tever your real e11tate needs. call us. We have all the tools and expertise to handle your rea I estate transactions locally. Plus we offer the unique advilnla((es or the nation-wide ERA network ... advantagea that cost YP\I nothlnl( utra, Otv, us a call today. We're here to help! ERA Shorecreat Realty 1714 1 ~7:1 12t31 592.2747 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ''We ga~ up a big yard fOr filjlU ..c)f (f :.f" a. i SANTA ANA FWY. Turtle Rock ~ Vista's ~ o\EGOfVl¥ ' milliOll night lights and a pool. The kids can PACIFICCOASTHWY. walk to . super schools. They play tennis at ho111e.'·' M1 and M1~ Hun••'I( Col1l'•1 T111 th· /foe~ V1,tt1 811.111•1 Ill The VIiiage of llr-4 ~~ ~llE IRVINE CDVI~ • .. ... " .. ,., .. ,. ... ~,. ._ . -... ' Turtle Rock Vista Home<;. A special ed ition of large, luxuriously appointed executive homes. These ~pacious townhomes are ideally designed for the life-style of the executive.and his family. The dramatic view~oriented floor plans feature private entries. fo rmal dining rooms. fireplaces, kitchen nooks, privC)lt> decks"and patios, wet bars and vaulted ceil ings. Sele(ted floor plans offer dens. family rooms, and vaulted wood beamed ceilings. Turtle Rock Vista resiaents w ill enjoy exclusive use of their private recreation center with teJlnii. cou'rts, pool. jacuzzi. and cabana. Homeowner~ associations supported by all residents maintain the quality of all common facilities. Ask our sales representative for details. townhfr~: $161, 990 TURTLE ROCK VISTA HOMES by BROADMOOR HOMES = Pnt.eund un>1 opmlngd.ltenff«11ve llJl/7'1. Sdl<"> occurring ~ub!ifquenl tu this datl' rrwy rt"'ult in un.:iva1lab1llty of •onw or Jll pritt llv~I• (714) 955-3061 ,.. ..... .... ,-'~ ............. ~-..., ...... ._.,._ ... r: .. . .... .. "1 t #-t ' ' ~· ~ • -... ' ' • • , r • .. ~ ,, , • • ' ;t~n~ o • : • ..,. : .. ~. ~ ; .. Cl% D>JLY PILOT • . ~ Questions/Comment •v ..... ~.11 11cc.rc1te, Ph.D. Re•ltor b )Mr ptttlt UM olkr nntac, '" pMt 91 u ad•~U-Of .. l'lup9'1' I.a• .. H tlteJ pertala .. ~ml ata&e lNa~ I •I'" tllat h ...... &O .. n • .,... of ltamw aad dll!nloJ &Jae abWt1 &o ... ,, .. ..,.,~ . u ... m ~., ar ... ....., tH 10 .,.,_,,, ll wUI (O .... , •.• aM llaat &. WM• •• •f'H '° 1 ... , .. •• Mnel~ mott of all. w .. 14 lM~* rtt1nial lffff "IA " lu me la roar ·J>alb' POot cohama. J.T.9'., ll Mt a I 'm """ you hav~ noUct!d that th ho that you know i coin, lo II wtlhln a few days . lffml to OC!Vcr ell The ne1lected property lhat dMa noc how. -well and \S overpnced -sell within a f t w d•y • The Utt that r ally doesn't care wbelher he aeUs tod4y or in lllt months will have rive solid deposits t Jten on h1a horne lh1 wttkend. The buyer on hl5 way back from the beach In h1 bathing awl makfi11 a r ahsuc orrer and buys the appropriate house for him tr Wh.tle the intent buyer that ha tudJf'd the houstn& market for seven months and has looked dally .1s stlll look· ing for the righl house al a good buy. .and has not found one yet. Th~y seem to be simple reaJ estate truisms and are an adaptation of Murphy's Law MURPHY'S LAWS STATE that in the area of . production, a,ny wire cut to length will be too short. Identical units tested under identical condi· tions wm not be identical in the field . A dropped tool will land where It can to -do the most damage. That is also known as the law or selective gravita· tion. . Murphy's Law continues tr a circuit cannot fail -it will. A fail-safe circuit will destroy others. Components that ·must not and cannot be as· sembled improperly will be; the most fragile com· ponenl will be dropped. A transistor protected by a fast-acting ruse will protect the fuse by blowing first. Any error that can creep into a calculation will do so. and that error will be in the direction ulat will do the most damage to the calculation. All constants seem to be variables. In any given com· putation, the figure that is most obviously correct will be the source of the error. I AM SURE THAT WE have all noticed that after the last of 24 mounting screws have been re- moved from an access cover. It will be discovered that the wrong access cover has been removed. After an access cover flas been secured by 24 screws, it will be discovered that the gasket bas been omitted. The probability of a dimension being omitt~ from a drawing or plan is directly proportional to its importance; and when you want a particular tool for a particular job, that particular tool and only that tool will be missing. It will make its re- appearance the moment.the need for it is past . And the beat goes on ... EDITOR'S NOT£· Randall McCardte t.! pre3ident of the Real Estaters . he is also an author. lecturer and in- structor Send your comments and questions to Randy McCardk clo the Dally Pilot, Post Of/ice Boz 1560, Costa Mew, CA 92626. Mortgage Banke r s Report Good Year ....._ WASHING TON -There were few causes for grief in the housing and mortgage markets as 1978 drew to a close, the National Association of Realtors reports. Only the nettlesome 10 percent-plus mortgage interest rates dampens the otherwi~ glowing pie· lure of strong new and existil)lg home sales, hous· ing construction and continued ample mortgage funds in most areas, according to the association's monthly real estate status report. The existing home market continues to be "re.- markably lively," the report says, with between 4.0 and 4.2 million existing single-family homes lSold in December on a seuonally •dJusted annual rate. ·•1T APPEARS THAT bomebuyers are purchasing now rather than running the risk that mortgage mooey will not be available in the months ahead to finance the home of their dreams," Research Director Kenneth J . Kerin said. "For full-year 1978, a total of 3,900,000 resale transactions will have taken place -a new re· cord." The new home market also has held up. well, the report says, with an annual rate of 811,000 new homes sold in November. While this figure was 16.8 percent off the October rate, that month marked the all-time record, and the November level still is regarded as more than respectable. Homebuildlne activity remained strong in 1978, lhe report says. December saw 2,125,000 private housing starts on a seasonally adjusted an· nual rate, marginally below the November rate. Still, December represented the. tenth consecutive month in which the rate of atartl ex~ed the two millfon level. THE MODEST DECLINE IN &tarts was seen in both single·famUy and mulijfamlly activity, ac: corc:Ung to the report. Single-family eonatruction· edged downward by. 1.6 percent to an annual rate of 1,533,000 units, wblle multifamily was olf by just 0.8 percent to a rate of 592,000 units. Bolstered by the acceptance of the new six· month money market certlflcates, aavinas dollars continue to flow into the savings and loans, aceord· lne to the report. "Net new savings nowed lnto federally ln· sured S&LI in November lo the tune of $1.8 billion," Kerin said, "a to.7 bl.Won drop from the October lnftow. However, about ball the clip was d.ue to the lyplcal aeaaona.1 decline expected at that time of the year. Moreover, the NOftmber total topped the same montb in 11'1'1 b)' a full 20 per- cent." Tiii: ONE soua NOTE lD tbe ..... picture, tbe report aays, ia the eontlnutq increase lD tbe coat of mortgaae money. wttb interest rates now standia& w~ll above the rates at tbe peak or tbe 19'7' ereCllt crunch. In ·December, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board estimated lhe average effective interest rate on convenUonal home morteaaes as 1().02 per- cent ror new homes and 10.06 percent ror existiq llomes Wlth the announcement lb at the four. elaborately landlcal)H, model homes at Lake Forest Wood• wtll be offered Jor aale, this weekend, one or the moat aml Uou.a -and, M>metlmee dlfftcult-proj«t.a ln ~ hlstory of Lan Ron El*rprila haa come to a auceeaaf\ll clole. Onl.y 11• homea, plU. the rour models, remain to be IOkt ln the eutualve community or 100 sl~le ramllr retldencu. sel within a dense forest of towerlq eucalyptu.a treea. . IN OME PLACES, THE trees are ao numerous, It la nearly Impossible to see the bomea. f,,an Ron, 1 company which has gamered'a re- putation for pre1ervln1 environmental qualities in all of lu developments, determined from the very be&lnnine to take extraordinary steps in order to protect the trees on the 70.acre site. Only minimum erading wu accomplished. In some cues, unique foundations were incorporat· ed, to raise the noora, rather than cutting into the earth slope. "n WAS A NIGllTMA&E," reflected Richard Martin, architect. "There were trees, everywhere ! Not just little trees, but big, mature trees. And, Lan Ron wanted to save allot them! "In retrospect, it was a real challenge, something 1n which 1 now take a great deal of pride,'' said Martin. sylvan environment. accelfted by trails and play areas ror eaay commuoina with nature. THE TDElt AND f'OVa bedroom, one and two story homea, are offered from $106~ to $155,000 pd appeal to a wtde apedrum or buyers. ran&lne from You.DI famiU. to retired rctu . The "A" plan 11 a r•ncb atyle, three bedroom .format, featuring two fireplaces, one or which ls included in lhe plush master bedroom suite. Plan "B", a rour bedroom home. is hl1hll1h1· ed by a huge famUy room. A1ain, two fireplaces are included. Generous uae of aJus and sliding ' elass doora promote environmental awareness. TBE TWO STORY PLAN C incorporates three bedrooms in the upstairs wing, with a fourth bedroom or den and a third full bath on the first level. Fireplaces are included ln both the living room and family room. Plan D. the biggest noor plan al Lake Forest Woods, orrers all four bedrooms, plus a 395-square· foot bonus room, in the upper level, thus leaving the.entire first floor for a spectacularly large liv· ing room, dining room, and family room. Residents become members of the Lake ·Forest Homeowners' Association, entitling them lo use or a full complement or recreational facilities, ~!~~~!A including a 36-acre lake, swimming pools, tennis ¥""'"'""".- courts, and social centers. v1srroas SHOULD TAKE the San Diego Freeway towards El Toro, existing at Lake Forest Drive: and traveling east, approximately three mile~ to the model complex. R~Al ESTATE The result or Martin's pride is a neighborhood of homes that give the lmpresalon or custom de- sign and construction, all contained within a "Just look for the big trees," advised G~ Scott ' Brown, vice president of Lan Ron Enterprises. MODEL HOME AT LAKE FOREST WOODS ---- PhaSe'll Grand ~ning In Prestigious Lem.on Heights Wellington E.states-31 of the flnest new homes Horse and bike trails wind throughout the area. estled Into the hills of rus. tic;.. Lemon Heights Is distant mountains. Others overlopk pastoral Bent Tree r ark. available In Orange County. With the dramatic: The homes at Wellington Estates are selling very quickly. With architectural features and quallty craftsmanship you nearly half of them already sold, you owe It to your family to would put In your own custom· visit these built home. once·ln-a-life- tlme homes. From 3.200 to3,700sqJt. S2S4.000 to S350.000 9¥•% Flnanc· Ing• aprl0.0% These home5 have seldom-found features like massive Interior volumes. skylights and clerestory windows. Unusual features such a's galleries, libraries, wood-casec1, French doors and beautiful furniture· finished woodwork add a warmth and richness to these remark· able homes. A l1•vel0f)m4'nl of l htWtlllng1onC.10..p ...._..w;;-..-...-_-....., Views from these homes are breathtc'tklng. Some view the Irvine Ranch agrlculrural preserve Md .,.. . ,,. ..... , . .. • •• .. ,.._ fl' , ,. • , 1821,Det1)y Dr1ve (714) 731-6051 ......... --·-. Disaster? Drill! Possibk Shortcoming s Dramatized 8y JOANNE REYNOLUS Ol 'lie 0.lly .. 11 .. St.ff Two years ago, Orange County officials tried lo test lhe disaster plan that was adopted for lhe county in 1969 .. The results were, well, a dis- aster. Last week they tried it again. This time things worked out bet· ter, although Tom Egan, the county official In charge of dis- aster planning, acknowledged there were "some ad - ministrative problems. But nothing that would have been fatal.'' IF TIIERE were only a few problems il wasn't because of a Jack of effort. A major part of Thursday's drill included endless setbacks thrown al county officia ls by a team of 10 simulators -all from county agencies -· headed by Ben Colamarino of the Emergency Services Office. Colamarino, hooked' to-a telephone operator's h eadset called himself God -smas.bing buildings and equipment, start· lng fires, directing flood waters at a whim. THE SCENARIO of the false calamity called for an earth- quake, measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale to hit north Orange County at 8:21 a.m. Damage from the quake in· eluded the leveling of buildings at Cal State Fullerton, heavy damage to north county in- dustries -and s ubsequent chemical leaks and fires - breaks in sewer and waler lines and lhe collapse of hospitals and other public buildings. The mythical quake fractured the Santiago dam releasing the water of Irvine Lake and forcing .. . 'I I .. mass evacuations from Villa Park as the water road through the broken dam and over the down-stream Villa Park dam. IT WAS THE JOb or the simulators not only lo create the disaster, but to lest the talents or the county staff. One man called Press In· formation Officer J o hn Bushman. "This is Kathy Clan· cy of the Daily Pilot," he barked at Bushman. "I called SO minutes ago and I still don't have any casualty estimates from you. What's going on?" Another s imulator called Human Services Agency chief Margaret Grier. "I 'm calling for the cities of Fullerton, Brea, Placentia and La Habra. We're afraid our water supply is contaminated and we caJJed your Environmen- tal Health people more than an hour ago. They haven't shown up yet. What 're you going lo' do?" COLAllAIUNO wore a variety of "hats" as a simulator, somet.i.mel switching roles lo the middleofapbonecall. In a conversation with a chief . in the county fire department he cooclUded a transaction procur· ing 10 private ambulances from Los Angeles "OK. You've got the am· bu lances. Now I 'm taking off my Schaefer's Ambulance Co. bat. I am now God and I've directed the water to your Villa Park fire station . • . That's right, you don't have it any more." Satisfied with the response he'd gotten, Colamarino then gleefully called the emergency medical services staff. ·'This is the corporate offices of SchaeJer's 'Ambulance Co. and some bozo in Orange County just o rdered 10 of our am- bulances at our t\ourly rate. 1 wanna know where I'm sup- posed to send the bill," be in· quired. "I mean is this guy from the fire department supposed lo be ordering ambulances? Maybe the order ought to come from your office." Again the staffer made the right reply, assuring Colamarino that the fire depart· ment did have authority to get ambulances for lhe disaster. The drill lasted until 11:30 a . m ., punctuated by such disrup- tions as an hysterical woman running through the operations center screaming "We're going to die, we're goirlg to die," and a heart attack suffered by Dr. Rex Ebling, physician stationed in the center's medical clinic who goodnaturedly put up with re· suscitation at the bands of a -team of paramedics. TBllOUGB IT ALL, the coun· ty'a dep~rtment beads main· tained their seats at the U· shaped table in the middle of the operaUons center in the county Personnel Building. They answered phones and sent runners with orders for ac· lion to n~arby offices which housed staff members ranging from coroner's deputies to Na- tional Guardsmen lo an Orange County Transit District bus dis· patcher. Philip Anthony, chairman of the board or supervisors calmly occupied the bead or the table until about 11 a .m. He was asked by newspeople how he managed to stay so calm. "The instructions said to remain calm," be explained. "And that's what J'm doing - following instructions." Westminster Fire Department p ara- medics attend to one of the drama students who posed as 'victim s ' while another, dappled with realistic makeup, awaits her tum. Fountain Valley firemen treated group at right who continue to moan for sound effects .. ,. .. : __ , ~ Emergency officials carry a litter hurriedly down a hall and stop in a stairwell to get an update on "missing' persons. Scenes were shot by Daily Pilot photographer Gaty Ambrose at Orange County sanitation plant in Fountain Valley during Thursday's drill. .. ...... .,·-~···~ , .... ,. "· r • .. • >r,. '· .. "''"'" ~' ._. • • .... • • • ... , .... • • • DAILY PILOT ....._ .. fOf' S• H•H• Fot-S. Houu• Fot-Sak Hohe• flor S. ···•··················· ·····················~· ......•...................•....•...•..••••.... G~.. I OOJ GeMnl I 002 G ... ,... I 002 G.....,... I OOl The a1.-a1 M111ielpl.ce on tt\• 011ng1 CoHI DAll:Y PltOT EtASSIFIED ADS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Vou Cen Sen h, find It, Trade It With 1 Wini Ad .... 2 aa'78 On• Cell Service Vl!W •YU FHt Credit Approve! SO EASY TO OWM OCEANFRONT ~.~~·······~~~~:!.~.~ ........ ~!.~.~ ....... !!~!~~-~~ ....... ~.~.~ ...... . G-•• 1002 ..._.. IH ........ 1001..._.. 1001 !~~~~ .......... ~~~~ ...................... ...................... .............................................. ------- Pete l?aweH-lea/J'J !;f ~: In North Laeunu Beach 's finest location . EJ<lremely s pacious penthouse, yet elegant & tastefully d cor ated with u s pectacular panoramic ocean view. About-3000 sq. fl. or luxury wlth 2 brand new huge patio decks that wrap both sides, doubUng the otherwise rantastic view. Sound proofed security building wilh private elevator. Offer a reasonable down payment and seller wilJ carry entire balance. <With no lender problems). Asking S395.000. . SPYGLASS SPECIALISTS llAUTIAIL SOUTHPOIT G U<'tlroom . ru ~~I~ room. danlng room. 1.•\.tru lur11c ti(&lm room. Big lot:i uper lott\tion tn f abulou!\ Spyf(I • Onl} ~. ) · OCIAH VIEW Sup<'r Shurp Port mouth model 3 lkdroom:-. 11 f 1maly. form I dlnmR room Lo" t.''l pru·(• m Sp\ .:lu~:. ut SJ.17.500 O"rwr wunts urf~r OPIM HOUSES SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1·5 ............ .., Jt ....... .., lto7Y.ca.t• ..... II woa•o IAY 4 SHASTA ll•VIMll 17 Stllw.t.f' U. Tw-.. od1I 640·11 !2 • I .illlli; ...... ..,,_-: nt>wport -:_ . .,, n~nlt~r "'realty , . ... . -.... pre;Jen I ;J llDmlEW CONDO WA~Y OICC>aAT9 IHO UNtT - 3 Bdrm~. 212 bath8 wit h quality u PJJ rodes Quiet . yet do e to fr<' ways. Pool and tennis. $89.900. '24 sa.,,.._ La., CM 0,... s.t/S-l·I HAlll IRGHWDS THI "MOW" HOUSI Vacant . move in now tlas new point now, and new copper plumbing. Enclosed porch with xecond fireplace. 3 Bdrms. 2 baths. Now it' yourslor $116.000. ltlllM-.1.a.... 0,... W /S-1·5 IACI IAY-llC VIEW UMMATCHIO OPPC>aTVHITY -To be on 1-'.I acre in NewPort Beach and enjoy majes tic view. Custom 4 Bdrm home on cul de sac. Must see to uppreciate all this offers! $275,000. 251 O Viste t.y., Ml 0,... s.t/S. I ·S DOVER SHORES-NEW umt1 sura1 CUSTOM IUILT YllW HOMI. ~~~~~~;;;;t:;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;i;;i;;t \{ aulted ceilings, sunken Ii vin~ room ii -quality features thruout. 4 Bdrms. OHH HOUSES 1-5 SUHDA Y IALIOA ISLAHD -Like new Bayfront. 125 Grand Can:il. $419,900. LAGUMA HACH 4 new custom homes. ocean view. 120 Crescent Dr. S. of Hwy. From $324,900 .. HEWPOlt'T llACH -Investors. sharp duplex nexl to beach. 6801 Seashore. llG CAMYOH -Gorgeous home in park-like setting. $485.000. 5 UMITS -Jus l lis ted. fabulous opportunity. $150.000. SrYGLASS HILL -Just listed. beaut. 2 sty, view. 20 Morro Bay. $398.500. HAUOll YIEW HILLS -What a buy! 4 BR. Fam Rm. 1521 Keel. 3 ~ baths -master s uite w ith separate study -formal dining room. fa mily room and breakfast area. Come and explore th.ls unique home. 1020 s_...,,,.. 0,... s.t/S-l·S Hllll HIGHLANDS . MEWPC>n llACH FOR $112,5007 This sin g le family r esidence 'is an investor's de li ght. Owner will he lp finance! Excellent floor plan -3 Bdrms 2 bath s. Es t ablis h ed neighborhood. 1527 Prhdla ..... ... 0,... s-. 1-5 VIEW VIEW VIEW-NEW LISTING TUlnHOCIC HILLS -Customized President home -Plan III. Quiet cul de sac. Beautiful oversized master s uite with fanta s ti c vi e w and abundant closets. $264.500 -on fee la nd. Call Jim Villers for appointment to see. WATERFRONT PROPERTY TODAY'S IEST IHYISTMIMT -Warm traditional 2 story home. 4 Bdrms. sh a red pier for several large boats. HOME + IUSIHESS In the heart of Balboa. $685.000. Good COSLa Mei;a loca 5o3 W . Edgew...... ..... 0,... S-. 1·5 lion Lave here & operale UNIVEISITY PAIK-NEW LISTING ~~Lya~!~i~~ ~l~·~an:r~ MOST OISlllD YIU.AfH Ill -Stanford smsll 2.,Bedroom unit at-Model. Highly upgraded end unit! tached ror additional an· Decorated in warm earthtones. All come No qualifying. as-new appli ances -3 Bdrms. 2'h baths aume large 8'; VA loan. FUii pnce $84,900. Call -2 fire places. with one in lar~e EQUAL HOUSING Sli6-2fi60 master bdrm. An excellent offering - OPPORTUNITY t::SELECT · priced lo ser1 .$119,900. P"**5Mr's Hotlce: T'PROPERTIES CORONA DEL MAR All n•JI .... tale advertti.('d 111 lh1"> m•wz.,p.11wr 1s z.,uh· U . d eat-pr-;. SOUTH Of Hl6HWAY -Adorable 2 J•'l't lo 1ht· fo'l·tll·ral fo'111r r':;;1~~~ale str~ight man Bdrm home on R-2 lot with room to llouz.,inJ.: Al'l or nwH wants quiet furnish ed add s econd unit. Spaciou s n ew ~~~·~r~~.c~.'~~~eit~~~·> room or apt. near 1v~a kitchen. secluded patio, mirrored h·rcm·c · llm1tatiu11 ur Lido & Ncwkporl H v · wardrobes Call Margaret Duffey for ' • N1ln s mo e r , n on . · cl1M0nrn1n1,1t111n h:i~t>d •Jn dri nkt•r . C hris ti an . appointment lO See. r<•n'. n1lor. n •l1J.:11111, ">l'I<. m:i.K:!.'~I DOVEi SHORES or national OrlJ.:111, or ;in 111t1·nt11>11 tu m;1\..c anv l'J\llLS B/IU ..,ud111rdl•n·m·1·.hm11 :; lllr'.!•.,Haon•.:.acrc. SUrERI VIEW AHD LOCATIOH - 11011. or t11:.t·nm11111t1on • :-.1·ar 1>c11ch & :.chools. Completely remodeled and decorated tyri.old.liyOwner. with a fl air. Impeccable in ~very 'lh1s m:wi.paJJer wlll not $t2l,OOO. 729-9433 detaiJ. Fee land. Call Ann Pete~ for knuwin1<ly accept uny .1dvert1s1ng ror n :ul NOTICE further details. ei.lutc which u; in viulu· how Daily Piiot c18511• lion oC the law 1ncd ads display their -------•I messages wath legibility and impact'! Our ads. we ERJtORS: Ad•tttiHrs are proud to say, really _....__. .... L--L th • d get results. Phone ..._ c~" etr o s 642 5678. dai~ met r~ .r-~~~~~~- rors irMwdiat.ty. Tlte DAILY 'ILOT ossumH ~ llalbflity fOf' the first itt-'"~ c.ornct ill:Mt"tfon Oftly. ' 4 J.'!r·s NEW WITH 'YOO? llGHOMI SMALL SSS LARGE 4 br w/lvly uddod fmly rm. Muny xtras Very clean. Very mot1villcd. Original owmirs huvu priced ror Immediate 1rnlc. Hurry & 1·aH now! 894·0011 WANT ACTION? Classlfed Ads 6'2·5678 ~ Ofttr IM o.ltr Jltlol rwlty ._ rou wMl'e -IOI 'tOllf toctll -unit, ... _,., 1.tll@n.11 f:.xeculive6 .. WI HAYI 1"1 TIULY UC.,..OMAL HOMI H>a YOU IM THI NIYATI COMMUMITY OP 1t• CAMYOMI SICLUDID MASTll SUITI, CHILDllM 'S WIM•. MAID'S qUAITllSI PAM.ILID llLLIAID/PAMILY IOOMt ,,UllT~ ILl•AMCI THIUOUT. LvSHLY LAMDICAPID, 'OOLSIDD LOT. 4 WIM•ID •OOT LANI. Sll0,000. OP1M 10DAY I TO 4. ICll fer ........ •11•• NOLOANFEES TOP LbcATION 1sl 7~% & 9'h'-0 ss.ooo tt'assumc !''H A and 10% 2nd loan. 2 Bdrm. l'h bath. 5l03$e,uhore0r NB Walk to shopping und 407 J Mmlne, CdM ocean. Close to freeways . CHARLES QUINTARD ~7SOO REALTORslnccllM6 I '" ·,!19:! WcLl11tMulUplc 4% 1fi_Cl:{~'A-!'!~ Trodc your old stuff ror -4471 m: 546-new aoodles with .. Classified ed. 642-5678 SPECTACULAR CdM VU Absolutely one of Newport's best panor a mic ocean views! Warm & comfortable living surround this s p a c lo u s 4 B R , 2 1-"i b·a t h executive.family style home in prestigious Harbor View H.ills. A blend or formal living and dining ro o m a ll built in kitc h e n , woodbuming fireplace and a large garden-Uke patio lined in colorful spring bouquets. Open r or inspection Saturday & Sunday 1 to 5. 2715 Windover, CdM . $320.000. 3 PRIME UNITS E'SIDE C.M. A very altractlve 2 bedroom front cottage with cozy warm fireplace in fr o nt a nct A BRANO NEW DUPLEX Is nestled amongst mature trees on the same 55' by 173' site. The duplex contains 2 BR. 2 bath and 3 BR, 2 bath units PLUS 4 car enclosed ~arages. Great Income property wlth a reallstlc investor's price ot $205,000. ' f(4't~l eh11n11e11 lo V .A ~ O\I~ enoble you l•t q\UiJJCy for 1100.000 home kMUW with ablolut.tly NO DOWN PAYMENT Wortd Real l:ltate 11 Oranae County'& only flrm 1pec1allzlng 1n VA home loans. We're the VETS tha l help the VETS 1-"<>t' mordnfo call: 1111 ...... Afj. 541-0100 IEACHHOMIE $137,200 Rare beach home on ree laDd. Slep& to the beach. pools & tenrus. Absolute- llGCAMYOH ... Hilllop·o cean v i e ~ Versallle Deane home. Pvt cul·de-suc:. rorncr lot, room fo r pool. Eleeantly d ecorated. $895,000. MEWPORT HAW Atl 642-2800 The JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 2f 19 Hewport llYcl. COr'Mt" 30fll 2 STOltY COHDO. 1400 sq fl. 2BH. 2.,., ba. Many upgrades. Frplc. bookllhfs. Covd paUo. dbl gar 1-'ULL PR IC E S74.950. 12146 Stonegate Lo. GARDEN GROVE. Open&in 1·5. * Shaffer Realty. 960.1980 SHORECLIFFS! Forever view down Mornino Canyon to 0ce.,, over1ootdng beautiful POOi & patio areas. 3 bedroome + cozy den. beam ceilings. mint condition. fee land. pnvate beaches 1350.000 First offering. by ac>Qt . onlv. Call now! Dalebout Association, Inc. Real ~late Specialist Dover ~hores/ Baycrest / Westcliff COME WITH US . . . We c_.... to offet> YOlt a WW. MIKtf• of qHllty ltotMs In tlM Do.er Shores, laycrest, WHtclfff Co1•-1tr· Reod Oft. SM what ,.. .... r-best. TMta. cal .. c.d we wM ifttrodtlce y. to ow ipKJ_.ud ..ct ,.,.....Uucl ..,-.Ice. Come With Ut ... to 505 h .... St. t.e. A canto.n clouk coloftial. ''Rlqht'' °"a pri•ah IMoch. Fow MdraaJM. o ... ~ rooa lreolrfelt rooa M•CJl'fflc"' woods ..t .... _... .ect brick ext.d -..11y. T'Wt off""-9 11 lb• oftler ••• a ho.-tMt • .,,... ... • .....,...t .ct a teste ... .ct ... • .............. of ... ,.. .......... _ fol: ........... $775.000 0,.. today 12:30-4:30 COtM Witlt Ut ... to I 350 Galfty Drhe. The I~ ederier 1RC1jntka9y .coWMh att•tkML The ...... td hlterior.retp.ds to yow,....._ ...t wf11M1. Ffn ~. Fa•Hy rooa Dlal119 roo-. lrfflsfast l"OOM. G..,_, kite...._ Pool. A vast •lew of water .ct Nc)hts. This oH.riwg I• co ... atlMt with heo•y ..,...tmnl1NJ.. $675,000 . COWte With U1 • • . • to I 541 Gtilexy Dri... Jut oriC)IMI off ..... ,n.Yy ,.. ......... bJ "'9 o••• .. A.aoclafloa • • • ndwhlfy. M-.y •fflvtwl ....... w•trMg ,.,..._ IM•tlhily, ...... thl1 cntoM ....... me---. A Coe.fry cowty.-d. An ~s. Deft. F9Nly roo-. Dw.tg rooa 11ne .ect brick flreplac.._ vi.w. $450,000 Caln for special .. , al ... llf Cw Witt. Us. • .to IS 14 ....... Orf... 1'1e c.tt .,,.. h HC ............. fM ,,.... door. It's •tkfety "cfy•• dt1". Hen It fM Ytry etMKe of tr .. fS., Ma.twty cNfhd frwctt ._.. W widows .....,, WalMcoaH'"J. s.....tlOR ............... ,... l ..._. r::'-.......... 0--. ........ ,.., ....... s.,. .... 111 •rg ... We c-.t ht II of "'9 featw" of tllh ....twpleu. C .. llll We•~ y. a.._ w•-. ................... .,., ................. $212.500 AppalR ..... ~ Come With Us ••• to 2212 "'-cltco DrfYI. A WlkCNM • .,.,,.... 18 Mewf"N'f leach. for _.,. SJ00,000. Aa ........, ........... ..., f..Aty ....... ,_,. b•chw. ""*"' p•1l1d t-, ,......, D ... rooa Office • .....,. prf•• yw4 st dd1d wlttt fnM tnn ... md a pad to bep a boat. y_.. to «ltce•er. Sllt.500 o,....., '2:30-4:30 \ COMI WHlt Us ••• to 1500 Conwll L ... A tomt• of delljMM ........ T1wff ..... , .... ,-, ,.... 0..... flr1pl-.e. A tr1•••11• ...._ wttll • 1 .. 1rlll•••c• of en._ IGM ... e: .. l••trv· n. ..,, .... ,of *9 ........ wfl ......... Mthfr ........ .,........, ..,.,.. S 174,IOO 0,....., I 2:JM:JO c ........ Us. • • .. 3000 ca., StNet. s., .... ...,. ............. ~= ' ............ -.,.,., of ttin,tM. h 1cw ~dt Wsr.-y. ff'1 ...... , lllh. It .._,,. r•a•n11...,,..tWctic..,...... JIM*••• ,_,,_,.,....,.....nit ........... ..._ ...... . ...... ~_..,._c...._......._ .. S 172.IOO 0,....., t J:JM:JO LARGEST OM SPYGLASS 2·11ly. 6 BR Cn<Jw ~ & den). •·~ 8 w/s wcep1ng VICW~ or Catalina & Harbor, + bonul') rm. fumaly rm. rormal dining rm. root, jacuzzi. nre pit. Formal front patlo wtth fount ain. By owner. 1595.000 5% commiJJ. to selling broker untJI Jo~eb. 11. 644·7493 or 759.0144 OPIM HOUSI SAT /SUM 11 n . LOMA 1002 ..... , .. 1001 tis~~ **OPEN HOUSES l·S** OPIH OH THI IAY -Higson built c ustom 3 bedroom, family room, rormal dining, pier and s lip. $795,000. SEE NANCY IMBERNJNO AT 600 HARBOR ISLAND DR. OPIM IH CC>aOHA OB. MAI -New 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home · 2 fireplaces, f'r ench doors. etc. $290,000 . SEE NANCY S IMMONS AT 306 HELIOTROPE. OPIH IH HAllC>a YllW HIW ..,..... 4 bedroom. 3 bath Mon terey model. Family room with wel bar. $269.000 SEE BRENDA GLASS AT 3814 TOPSIDE. orlH IH CC>aOHA,Dll. MAit -New 3 I bedroom 3 bath home with library and form al dining. - View. $498,000. SEE CRAIG KINDIG AT233 POPPY. OPEH IH SHO•ICLIFFS - Remodeled 4 bedroom, 3 bath view home with game r oom over gar age. $325,000. SEE LUCY ROSE AT 242 DRIFTWOOD. OPEH IH DOY& SHORIS -Custom 4 bedroom. 3 bath. family room, pool & view. $374,500. SEE JOYCE OLSON AT 1700 GALAXY DRIVE. orEH IH srYGLASS HILL -6 bedrooms, 4 baths, bonus room, pool & spa. Ocean & bay view. $5 15 .000. SEE CAROLE McMAHAN AT #3 MONTECITO. OPEM IH Ce>aOHA oa MAI -New Cape Cod 4 bedroom , 3 baths, 3 fireplaces, wet bar & view deck. $419.000. SEE LOUI SE PETERS AT 233 POINSE'ITIA orEH IH HAUC>a VIEW HOMIS - Former model h o m e . 5 bedrooms, 3 baths · lap pool plus spa . $249 ,900. SEE ELEANOR BOWIE AT 1842 PORT SHEFFIELD. OPEM IH TURnHOCK GLIM" -4 bedr 9oms , 3 baths. near commUn.ity pool, park & tennis courts. $184,500. SEE PETE JOHNSON AT 14 RIPPLING STREAM. CHOtcl LOCA TIOH by ~rcenbelt. 3 BO. 2 BA. in Turtlcrock. Walk lo schools . Light airy home with hig h ceilings . Lovely atrium. $119,500. MAGMIFICEMT SPYGLASS HOME Largest Southport model complete with sax bedrooms, bonus. and ra mily r oom . You 'll love the dormer windows. wood noor and gracious patio wil h pool a nd jacuzzi. Ideal location with super ocean/bay view. $515,000. IAYSHC>alS Warm charming home in sought after Bayshore. Large entry patio, beamed ceilings. brick fireplace. shutters. inviting kitchen. Many extra reatures in this 3 Bit. 2 BA. family home. Newly offered at $180.000. FAIULOUS LOCATION Beautirully appointed Rutgers Model in Universit y Park. Backs to major greenbelt with pool & tennis nearby. Ve ry private courtyard with redwood deck. Many custom extras makes this a super value at $129.950. land included. IMRALD IAY Ideal fa mily home completely ·remodeled in 1977. Close to sandy beach, tennis courts, pools and has full time security. New kitchen. \-arpets. paint. Owner offers nexible terms . $355.000. YllW--SAM LUIS RIY Beautiful 3 BR t ownhome in Rancho San Joaquin. Oreat view or city lights. back bay. pork, etc. Quiet l ocation. convenient to pool, golf & teMis. $168,000 MIWLY ~IO TnUX 3 -2 bedroom units -au shatp. Great locallon. Good financing available. Very low vacancy rate. Offered ror a reasonable 1164,500. A CC&.DWILL ..... CO. 844·9060 1111 .... ~...u'"'. -~caNTU . . . .. ................ _...,_, __ . OCIANNONT Duplex on bla R·2 lot. W. Newport n ar new tt"MI court.a. ay ac a -slrfft to beacbf'ront tot. f a ntasUc buy l $.175,000 OPEN SUNDAY 1 to 5 PM IAY Y11W & MStlOM ISL.A .. TOO ••Utlful bomtt walh 1uded yard In DOVER S HOft f::-l . l.nr1e ponl, jacual, _.,.rate-f aml~ l"OOm, formal dining room, bullt 1n ln c lud inf di1bwasher. $299.000 OPEN SU DAV l to S PM PIOflSSIONALl Y DICOl.A TID 3 Bfdn:>om plu Study. Bea utiful new kltcbt>n, bu1lt·ans v. lth m icrowave , compactor. l<'. Till' mtry plus utra large yard (v.•1th sprinklers> for pool or party ln1. In C'orona del Ma r. $230,000 OPEN SATIJRDA V & SUNDA V 1 to S PM $67.500 WOW! and no. d o wn to Vets! 3 Bedroom. a bath &: '2 Condo. Electric built-ins, near pool & r ecreation area . Extra sharp & wants quick sale! JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 Jf If Newport ll•cl. COl'Mt" JOffa ' :J~Bluffi FIST IESALE OFFOING "FANTASTIC LOCATION!" BAY VIEW FROM EVERY ROOM J M.. z112 IA... HOUY ltM. OPEii TIIAY 306 AYE. CUMBIE Priced to sell fast & liquidate estate at $182.000. (Here is tremendous future ~alue potential). DARLING CONDO Very private. Only 4 yrs new. Good area. New earthtooe crpt.s. 2 patios. -Near shops. A real buy a oaly &,900 i.Mluding corator wallpape rs frplc. Act now! Ope Eves.M>9'91 ~ Walker & Lee ReaJ Estate · Newport Heights 3 BR-FIXER! Price j us t reduced ! Giant lot. Walk to beach. One year home warran· Ly, too! CaJI fast. 752·1700 Of'fN IN 9 •II~ 11,Jt<i 1081 N<I l•,JHtltd CE 110111 ILlllS aa. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE NEW ILUFFS IEAUTY In Grt Location In Newport Beach Bluffs. fabulous End Unit On Hug_e Green Belt. 3 BR W 12· Ba. Large Master BR Suite. Putting Green· + Largest Pool In Bluffs . Better Hurry On This. Only $155.000. A "Joy Of Newport': Listing. OIHilNAL ILUFFS CONDO 3 BR W/Conv Den. Choice End Unit. Hi Wood Beamed Ceilings Thru-Out. Vu Of Night Lights Across The Bay. Sep. Qtrs. For Teenager Or Mother-In-Law. Huge P atio For Entertaining. Formal Dining Rm. Custom F .P. Room For Wine CeJlar. A ''Joy Of Newport" Listing. $169.500 SPY&LASS OCEAN VIEW Spectacular View From This Beautiful Ports m o uth Model. $20.000 Improvem ents In Kitchen Alone. Formal Dining. Lrge Fam. Rm. W/F.P . Courtyard Has Pool. Fireplt. Glass Protected Jacuzzi Off Beautifully Decorated Master BR. Call Now. $430,000. Open Sun. 1~5. IAYSIDE! In The Fabulous Bayside Cove Community W/Sec. Gate . Nr Private Beach On Bay. 2 BR + 2 Ba . Original Model H ome. Furnished. Pool. Jacuzzi. Excep· tionaJ Offering. Call T<rlnspect. llAUTIPUL VIEW Big Canyon Condo. Top Security. Golr Course Vu Overlooking 4th Green Of Country Club. 3 BR, 21h Ba. Formal Dining. In Quiet Set· ting. Tennis. J acu zzi. Pool. Call Now. $255,000. DBRFIB.D, llVIMI Spacious Plan Four Is Located On r nd Of Cul-de-Sac. 4 Br .. 3 Ba. & Fam. Room. Dtnlng Room. Kitchen Has All 1be Extru + Breakfast Room. Look Out At Lovely Prof. Land1caped Yards. Community Pool, Green Belt. $139,500. 131·1• lllDOll'll, .... Dmn. ~COATS & WALLACE ~REAL ESTATE. INC . \ 1H•~I•• llW'l~t l1 11)"H"~N1 .I H~l .. I, I HI \II If I 11j,\I HU' \lr.1 I 1·11.1 VACMT All l£AiY 9 \1\• JNTF.REST IS YOURS FOR THJS BEAUTll''UL Eost Coeta Mesa home 4 Bdrm, 2 bath, eating a.rea, fire pl ce, parot serv c:e room. hugt• mn11tt.-r suite w/ eluded patio. Ultra clean a nd beautlflllly decorated. AJI for Sl~.500. c• UMl41 SD.lEI MOVED OUT He is m his new tiom • and wants to seU this cute I Rdrm condo In nn adult ('Omplex, c lose t o ·hopping a nd tra n portation Submll your offe r . only $49,950. c• 14M 141 SlllLE? DOUl.E? T his Spani$h styled Penthouse might be perfect ror you. Features 2 massive bdrms. each with own bath s uite. la r ge li v ing room ove rlooking romantic balcony. Easy t o own at $82,500. Call now 962-4454 COLLEGE PARK IRVINE A ssume 9%% $85,000 loan. This magnifi~ent home features: 3 bdrms plus huge bonus room. Beautiful pool with spa? Hurry to see this rare OP· port unity, call now 962-4414 Serving Costa Mesa-Irvine Huntington Beach-Newport Beach BEST IN BLUFFS END UNIT 3 BR, 21h ba., 1900 sq. ft.: upgraded charm! 3 Patios overlooking widest , pic turesque g r eenbe lt. Sl59,500. Beautiful early Bluffs. orEM SAT/SUH 1.5 2131 VISTA LA~O EHD UNIT 3 BR .. 21h ba., 1900 sq. ft.; luxurious new carp., pa int. Vacant. Sale or lease/option. $157.500 orEM SAT/SUN. 1-5 464 GAVIOTA END UHIT DOLORES Lge. kitche n w I brkfst. a rea; 1900 sq. ft. : 3 bdrms .. 21h ba., wra p-around patio, wide greenbelt. $169,500 orEN SAT. 1·5 2901 rHLA WAT8tROMT rAMORAMA Symphony of birds. End unit, 2200 s q . ft " dramatic tri-le v e l. 2 Huge ms tr. bdrm. s uites, lge. fam. rm. Large assumable 91h% LOAN. Nothing to compare in Ne wport, only $250,000 2 IDIM. SPUT..UVft End unit, lge. deck overlook·~~\V" greenbelt; new carpets, drape.~.-... nt. $109,500 HELEN B. DOWD REALTOlt IMC. . 644-0134 List & a., With tt. Expert LOVERS RETREAT 9% Inter.st Huge master suite lsolal· Owner will carry 1st al ed for intimate privacy. 9% on this beautiful l huge fam11y room. Ex· story custom home over· cellent location ne ar looking the golf course. 4 beach and golf cou111c. bdrm. 2 fireplaces. faml· $82.500. Call 962· 7788 ly rm, beautiful pool & • KEY fire pit. C.R.V. appr. List c price $255,000 Tiffany REALTORS ft Real F..atate, 964-1887. Hen.I ,.,. w. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~·ti~§~ J UMtqUI HOMIS. OHM 1·1 TOOAY NOMI' IOW VllW -Completely re· done! Handsome. colorful & vacant 3 bdrm, 2~ baths. pool and frplces. Liv. rm looks over boats. See Dottie Johnson at 1509 Dolphin, Irvine Ter· race. brings $515,000. UNIQUE IM NEWPORT HACH -Great family home. 4 bdrms, a back yard, jacuzzi. Priced at $199,900 on fee land. See Natalie Fogarty at 1877 Port '.faggart. . . UNIQUE IN NIEWrOIT HACH -2 new custom homes , both Unique! 3 ~rms, 2 story, s un decks, microwaves, etc. $215,000. See Allan Heller at Irvine and 15th in Newport Heights. UNI~ IN OLO CDM -Cute duplex! 2 bdrm home, guest room plus fantastic 1 bdrm income unit. See Wendy Beam (owner) at 406 Heliotrope, bring $215,000. UNIQUE IH SHORECLlffS -Attractive shingled 3 bdrm, 2 bath. 2 frplces. wood floors. nr. pvt. beach, $300,000. See Bonnie Barrington al m Morning Canyon. UNIQUE ON SPYGLASS HIU. :..... 3 bdrm. pool, jacuzzi, incred . view, impecca· ble condition, $399,000. See JoAnne P e rkins at 3 Point Sur. UNIQUE IN CORONA DEL MAI -3 bdrlJl charmer on an R-2 lot. Great location, custom remodeled and some view. See Bob Hodges at 506 Marguerite. Bring $172,500. UNIQUE IN CAMEO HIGHLANDS -4 bdrm, 3 bath, s ingle story; privacy abounds; private be a c h access, $179,900. See Donna Schroeder at 4806 Cortland. UNl9U1 IN MESA VHDE -Near t he park, library and school, ver y family, vacant and priced at $111.900. See Rosemary Stuhlbarg a t 2918 El· lesmere Ave. UNlquE 1M NEWPORT CRIST -Jl'our bdr·m, 3 bath condo., split level and s pa.cious, tennis and all that! Only $125,000. See Cathy Cray at 11 Kialoa Court. UNlqul IN MESA VHDE -Four bdrm. single story, immac. Buccola, corner lot, 3-car garage, only $159,900. See Jackie Handleman at 2726 Skylark. UNIQUE IN FOUNTAIN VALLEY -5 bdrms, 7200 sq. ft. lot. near Mi. Sq. Park, just $96,000 .. See Laraine Shaw at 16371 Mahogany. UNlquE IN IA YCREST -Ivan Wells de· signed 4 bdrm. 3 bath. formal dining. beautifully lands caped . See 1846 Tradewinds. U,_.l()UI: 1-f()Ml:S REALTORS' THE NICESr PEOPLE SELLllll(i THE NEATESr HOMES CORONA DEL MAR. 676-6000 MESA VERDE, 546-5990 • CALL US The finest family neighborhood In Newport. CoovenJent to the best schools & shopping areas. And. we h ave the best priced l ·level. 4 bdrm . family h ome ... with spectacular ocean & night light view. Please call for a pp't. $188,500 ••••Iii · IOOJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10HOMIS " MeQallfyllMJ! 'lbele homes are located in Aoahei.m. Buena Park and C)'prt!S!J. They are being liquidated and the owner ls willing to carry the loans oo these homes with no qoaUfying or loan fees. Minimum dn. payment aod low moo· thly payments.· Prln· clpals onl}'. CONTACT WorWA4Jt. .......... 541-0800 WATIRFIOMT Lvly 3 br , 3 ba Waterfront home. Low maintenance yrd. Walle to beach. Close to pools, clubhouse &: tennis . S215.000. 646-7711. ROOM&ROOM Unbelievable value ! 5 bdnm + jacuui! !. Only $80,900! Crac kling fireplace! Entertainers pa&! Can't last at Lhis price!! Call &LS--0303 FOREST E O L SON . ' NEWPOltT IEACH COMD0-$12,500 Charming large 2 BR 2 Ba. sunny family /dining, close to pool & tennis . Faces park. Plans for direct street lo beach ! Invest now! ! OPEN SUNDAY l·S IHS Big Dipper tend oC W. 19th St-. turn right) ~·lldlLJ;\ ,, ...... SEAVIEW One of Newport's finest areas. Guarded com· mwlity w/pool and ten· nJs. 3 BR. 2'h Ba + Family Rm. Great loca- tion. Prof. lndscpd & de- corated. Open Sunday 1·5 1901 Yach~ Camilla Max· lne Propp; 759·1988 ~ 175-3411 TRIPLEX Grfft IK0111t! ! Single story owner unit with 2 townhouse design r ear units . All with private patio, W /0 book up&: individual enclosed g ar ages. Call no w ~ oPfN flt 9 ••I\ llJN 10~1 N<f' ['elfiPdll Prof cleaning geared for Realtors. Developers who have vacant homes, bldp, ores that need lo look good for future owners, renters, etc. Call EMS-7857 for more info. for thls service. Reasonable rates, maint av~il, Cree est. AMtllerlesta., 3br, 2ba. Ready to move la . All new copp er plumbing, roof, carpel, kitchen, " both baths. A real doU house 1n great area. Close to schools, shopping. Won't Laat ! llM.ilOo. 979-5370. ALLSTATE REALTORS Clautried Ads are tbe answer to a successful prage or yard s1tle! It's a beUef' way to tell more people! OM.V P'tt.OT .,. macnab I Irvine raalty * •OPIN TODAY** IMflSTOl"S DllAM DWUI 2 spacious custom homes, EACH w I private street entrance, lovely view & located tn woodsy, hillside park setting! 2 BR or 3 BR units both s uitable for owner occupancy w/up to 2000 sq.ft. or gracious living, incl. mJni bay view! $330,000 -flexible financing. OPEN 1·5 P.M. 2700 BAYSIDE DR, CDM. <S·75) ARW.VALUlf Beautifully upgraded 2 BR, 2 bath condominium w /dining rm &: wood burning fplc. Great location within walking distance or shops &: banks. Offered at $86,500. OPEN 1·5 P .M. 11 84 RUTLAND RD #5, WFSOCLIFF. (S.76) ·~:s~ .. ., Seaview Port Royal model! Air cond. home w/4 BRs; 3 baths: formal dining rm; spacious family rm w/mirrored wet bar & custom bookcas~; 2 fplcs. Extra Jg. pool-size lot+ night light view from IM'.arly everywhere! $.115,000. OPEN 12·4 P .M. 2008 YACHT VlGILMIT. • (S-77) COME sli FOi YOUISILF! 1·5 P .M . -1800 'ANTIGUA CIRCLE. Charming &: inviting 3 BR custom home in the Dover Shor es a rea. Circular drive way -lg. rooms &: high ceilings -French doors -oversize family rm w/lg. fplc. -formal dining. $279,500 fee. (S-78) OfllM 1·5 P.M. 121 VIA H'AVltl Great Lido Isle location ! 4 BR <3+den) home w/family rm w/higb beams + glass doors to tiled patio. Unique spiraJ staircase. Oversize lot. $375,000 incl. land. <S-79) ._CANYON Pool, jacuzzi, sauna · + elegant r esidence. OPEN 1·5 P .M. ~19 ROY AL sr. GEORGE. <S·80) IWffS 3 BR Bonita w/gr eenbelt location. $143,500. OPEN 1·5 P .M. s:rt VISTA GRANDE. CS·81> · NIWPOITSHoalS 3 BR "A" frame just 2-blocks to ocean. $114.500. OPEN 1·5 P.M. 235 WALNUT. (S-82) IAYCllST 4 BR Ivan Well' hom e w/pool ! $~45,000. 1806 SANDALWOOD. ($-83) NIWPOIT HEMl+fTS Traditional 3 BR on approx. 'Al Ac .. $198,500. OPEN 1·5 P .M. 600·15th ST. (S-84) UDO tSU 4 BR c us t o m Mediterra nean . $489,000. OPEN 1-4:30 P.M. 115 VIA W AZIERS. (S-85) SIAYIEW 3 BR + family rm Bar-Harbor mode l. $395,000 furn . OPEN 1·4 P .M. 2121 YACHT JULIA. ($-86) *•CALL TO SEE•* DRAMATIC IM DOVB SHOllS Exposed beams. cathedral ceilings & garden setting for huge family rm & living rm. Formal dining rm -a U new gourmet kitchen -4 BRs -3 baths. The perfect executive hom e in an exclu~tve neighborhood. $349,500 incl. land. Larry Dyer 642·8235. (8·87) ) LIAV.. YOUlt OPTIONS OPIM Will get you into a neat New Bedford mode l in Seaview. All the amenities of a private gated comm. + a full view & immed. possession possible . Be creative &: submit an off er we can't refuse! $255,000 incl. land. BelTe Chase Lee 644·6200. CS·88) IXICUTIYI HOME + VIEW! One ot the best views in Harbor View Hills +a best price of $245,000! Spacious &: beautiful 3 BR, air·cood. residence on one of the lgst . lots in area. Formal dining rm + family rm & astro-turf putting green! Donna Godshall 644-6200. (5·89) a.J LOT IM OLD COM Builde r s & Investors I Super buildable R·2 Jot in good location, close to sbope, schools & beaches. Seller anxious. $135,000 fee. Donna Godsball 644·6200. <S·90 >. MA ... Cllm OMI OP A ... , Beauttrul 5 BR cus tom home in Dover Shores w/VIEWSI Courtyard entry w/pool -formal dtnlnl rm - 11. muter suite -soaring ceilings in llv.tna le f •mllY rm w /bar + fplc. -aourmet kitchen. $400,000 leuehold. Barbara Aune 64.2-8215. (S.91) ' ....... , .... ,; ~ .... "·~ .. !fit , ...... , .... , ........... -. ........... . : IEJL ESUT£ IENTAlS tJ.~hHN Md llw-lo«litflh ho-<I ttilNW' t-uuuw l el ''""*""'"'1~"""" ..... ,-ft • ~m1Utt1"1"" l •t T"•"tiw .. .,-u, ._,.,," 1votiM<IMW' I ftl flyt:tt+ •f"' .-.. ,,. • ..,..,.. '"" l ... "•""~ .... , .. A~· I ftfutft AIA tu• fl II! I nl Jt,IDm, tf1 • .., ........ , •• U•••t' M1••t .............. ., .... , ..... fnf\'W'f u ...... .. \ p t11tto11rt Ht Ohth H••lll.-1· lu'-it•t' 111.,.,.,.~ ''"' kn11 .~,,,,. t•· "''' tlU·fftt"""" Htnt~l lttfJt1frtt1IH•"tMf ~:~..-.. ~: \\ tHtlfii "''' Jtl'fllll.J .. BUSINESS, INVEST· MENT, flNANCC """.,""""''..,~rt .w~ • .,..,. ""ntf"d 11 U••,ffnl nt l~1p .. t \ In\.• .1nlt nt V. wntwt ,,,., .. , 1t1 t,1; .. n \lo••t\ "'"'t4•"' "•lll~o• If• ANNOUNCEMENTS, 'EISONALS & LOST & FOUND AN1i1~1t·~"''''' c. ~, .'f,, .. ...... 1,._, •••• -l,;r>t . t •JU11t ...... _,, . .,, .. "" t•I «tut,,. ,, ..... SCIVIC[S EMPLOYMENT & pt[PAIATION :v"'°"'' tft trurorrft Jvb\lii11nh1·I .. "''""'-.... ,. , • MEICHANOIS£ ,.,,..,., ...,._, M•o• ~''"• ._ .................. .. llo>.oh ..... .., ........ It•• (1'1ttttf , ... , ........ , __ ,., .. .,,,... ::.::•-::::::.Mo flAHSPOITA Tlote ,,,,.,.,.. t •tnfWf'' '9M HrM •-kii t'f" l'or• Mobtlt>tlomf"I ~llllur I \ ~·~· ... OOh' Mnrnr um, ~h• MefM 'Tnt•tu .Tr•'ftl ~:,:~i.~~~~''t••rt• AUTMllLE HOUSIS .ol IAU , __ • award Or., Corona Mt llai •• .,. • ''4Jlili 1·1 14812' Colden Glen St. C Walnut 8\ll~ '70,000 s.tl9un 11·5 •1 CM:etvlew. Bayahorell. NB -.nu tt•.soo Sat/Sw\ 1·5 SU. Qey, Ne~ 8.t•th M&-7171 $112.~ Suriel•~ 12·• m UU.lla.btl<Eu kle>C.M. 67,.._, f71.600 Sat/Sun 1 .. #2$ Enccn, NptCnt, N.B . 64$·7Dl $145,000 8al/Sun 1M t:ta ComttM~, Kuntlnstoa Beadt 648-4471 ~900 Sun 1·5 34 abird Ct (Nwpt Ter r) NB m 3411 $84.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1184 Rutland Rd. #5 CWeatcUth NB M2-123S 188.SOO Sun. 1·5 Z • ,._ fAM IM • DIM 2l9VlaSan Remo (Udohle) NB 915-58'2l8 Dally 1·4 1931 Port E dward P l.(H.V.HomeB)N.B. .... ~ $155,600 SaV.SUn 11·4 Uh4 SantaneUa Terr(Jrv.Terr>CdM 673-MM $179,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 22812 Montolvo, Laguna Niguel 673·9080 $129,500 Sat/Sun l·S •1000Sant.i.aeo, Newport Beach 675-6670 1299.000 Sun 1·5 •1851 Port.Kimberly, N.B. 752·1700 $168,000 Sun 12·5 llaaOOM 18021 Norton, IJ"vine $96,!500 Sat/Sun 1·5 499E.19th St. (Eastside) C.M. 645-7724 $89,900 Sat/Sun 10·5 743 Barracuda Way, Lag Beach 497-1718 $449,000 Sunday 12·4 1518 Irvine, Newport Beach 548-2124 $119.SOO Sunday 1·5 1310 Kings Rd (Clfhaven) N.B. 964-2611 $249,000 l>aily 12·4 315 Goldenrod Ave., Cd.M 67:f.6210 S255,000 Sun 1·5 1411 Kings Rd. <Cliff Haven) N.B. $321 000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2581 C~&tView CBayshores).N.B. 644·9060 $180,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 250 Myrtle, Tustin 540-3666 $69,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 •3174 Madeira <Mesa Verde) CM 546·58*) $120,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 · 448 Morning Canyon. CdM ~5.157 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 24 Acaci3Tree, Unjv Park, Irv. 752·1700 $118,000 Sun 1·4 S08 Bentaja, Bluffs , N.B. 640-53$7 $149,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 537 El Modena, Newport Heights . NB 752·1700 $116,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 440 Holmwood Dr., Newport Beach 642·2800 $199,950 Sat/Sun 1·5 •420 Lugonia, Nwpt Shres, NB 642-8850 $l09,900• Sat/Sun 1·4 2501 Harbor View, CdM 673-7300 Sat/Sun 1·5 95o Governor, Costa Mesa 646-7711 $70,950 Sat/Sun 1·5 1115 South Baker, Santa Ana ~7711 SM,000 Sat/Sun l ·S 2804 Cliff Dr., Newport Beach 646-7171 S299,000 Sun.12·4 2386 Westminster, Costa Mesa 646-7171 S82,000 Sunday 12·4 •33181 Mesa Vista, Dana Point 494-0077 $115,000 Sat/Sun 235 Walnut <Newport Shores) NB 642-8235 Sat/Sun 1·5 #5 Kamalii, Npt Crst, N .B. 645-7221 SUS 000 Sat/Sun 12-4 t7 Encore, Npt Crst, N .B. 64S. 72'll $136, 750 Sat/Sun 12..C 1918 Diana Ln. (Hbr Hlnd) N.B. 642·5000 $116,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 2273 Avalon, Costa Mesa 5481 2313 $85,900 Sat 1-4/Sn 1·5 1601 N. Rosewood, Santa Ana ~2313 $79,000 Sun 1·5 ~l River Ave ., Newport Beach 673-2058 Sun 1-5 315 Marigold, Corona del Mar 675-3637 $229,000 Sun 12-3 220 Coral, Balboa Island 631-1400 S265,000 Sunday1.5 420 Lenwood Dr. (Npt Hgts ) CM 540-1720 $123,950 Sun.1·5 1715NewRampshire (M. Verde) CM ~1720 $106,500 Sun.1·5 1798HawaliCr. (Mesa Verde) C¥ 540-1120 S88,500 Sun. 1-5 2918 Baker St., Costa Mesa • 5'0·3866 $1().(~000 Sun 1 ·5 7212 Guiana, Buena Park 5'0·3668 $73,000 SUn 1·5 316 lltlrigold, Corona del Mar 675-3637 $229,000 Sat/Sun 12-3 537 Vista Grande (Tl\e Bluf(s) N.B . 842-82:§ $143 500 . Sun.1·5 152'1 Prtscltla (Hbr Hlnd) NB 842..s:200 $U2,500 &m.1-5 501.2 River, N8't1>0rt Beach 845-mt $13.\000 Sun 1..C 100 Intrepid, Nwpt Cnt, N.B. 640-~ $125,000 Stm 1·5 ••32262ndSt .• Newport Beach 842~ S1•.ooo Sun. t~ DIRECTORY 545/049 lrvtne Blvd. (Npt Hgt.a) NB e7M000 $215,000 Sat/Sun l·S 31 Bodetca Bay <Spyglass) CdM 840-1812 Sat/Sun 1·5 302 HeUotrope, Corona del Mar 644·9060 $298,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 :30 306 HeUotrope, Coron.a del Mar 840-9060 $290,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 277 Morning Canyon (Shrclf) CdM 875-«>00 $300,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •3 Point Sur <Spyglass> CdM 675-6000 $399,000 S'at/Sun 1-5 506 Marguerite (Old CdM) CdM 675-6000 $172,500 Sal/Sun 1·5 328 Hazel Dr., Corona del Mar 673-8494 $350,000 Sun. t ·5 2039 Shipway (Baycrest > Npt. Beach 675-7060 $205,000 Sun 1·5 • 1509 Dolphin Terr (Irv Terr) CdM 675-6000 $515,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 233 Poppy, Corona del Mar . 6'4-9060 $498,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • • 6 o o H a r b o r. I s I a n d Dr.(Prom.Bay)NB 644·9060 $795,000 Sun. 1·5 5 Jetty Drive (Jasmine Creek) CdM 844-4910 $239,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 115 Balboa, Laguna Beach 644·4848 $255,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1300 Dover Drive, Newport Beach 752-1700 $169,500 Sat/Sun 12-4 2104 Barranca (Bluffs) NB 675-3411 $112,500 Sun. 1·5 1901 Yacht Cam.ilia (Seavu) NB 675-34.ll $279,000 Sun.1·5 2040 Paloma, Costa Mesa 979.5370 Sat/Sun 1 ·4 2437 Duke Pl., Coll Pk., C.M. 545-42.89 $86,000 Sun 1·5 1929 Tustin Ave., Eastside, C.M. 545-9491 Sat/Sun l ·5 119 Jasmine Creek Dr., CdM 675-5511 $248,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 543Santa Ana, (Nwpt Hts) N.B. 646-7171 $149,500 Sunday 1-4 2010 Yacht Resolute (Seaview) N.B. 644-6200 $359,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1598 Baker (Mesa Verde> C .M. 751·3191 $82,900 Sun 1-4 •1618 R e ef View Circ . (Spyglass> Cd M 644-8132 $298,000 Sat/Sun 12-S 1954 Port F.dward Pl. <HVHms> N.B. 963·7881 $157,000 Fee Sun 12-5 801 Ceiba Pl <Eastbluff) NB 644-6200 $198,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2121 Yacht Julia (Seaview) NB 642-823.5 Sat/Sun 1-4 600·15th St. (Newport Heights) NB 642~ $198,500 ' Sat/Sun 1·5 1044 Santiago <Dover Shores) NB 642·8235 $370,000 fee SJ Sun 1-5 1044 Santiago (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 $370,000fee S/Sun 1-5 322 Poinsettia Ave., CdM 644-6200 $269,500 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 3727 lnlet Isle CHV Hills) CdM 644-6200 $245,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1500Comwall Lane, N.B. 642·7408 $174,000 Sun.12:30-4:30 1907 Beryl Lane, Newport Beach 642-7408 $167,500 S/812:3()..4:30 3000 Clay Street, Newport Beach 84.2·7408 $172,500 S/S 12:30-4:30 310ColJeen Pl. (Eastslde)·C .M. 642-7817 $119,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 #20 Baruna, Npt Crst, N.B. 845-7221 $132,500 Sat/Sun 12·4 1809 N. Westwood, Santa Ana 546-2313 $81,900 Sun.1·5 1123 Charfeston, Costa Mesa 979.2723 184,500 Sun 1·5 »182 Parliament, Westminster SN-3088 $84,900 Sun l·S 909 Paularlno, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $115,000 Sun 1·4' ~55 Bamboo <Eastbluff) Npt Bc h 673-2058 Sun 1·5 Z12 Hanover Dr. (Coll. Pk) CM 751-1473 $84,950 Sun 1·5 1619 Bonnie Doone, Irvine Terr. 675·3411 $257 500 Sun 1·5 •2935Jav~ Rd. (Me¥ Verde) CM 675-8800 $175,000 Sun.12-4 23895 Cypress Ln .• Miaalon Viejo 837-7479 $119,500 Sun 11-3 2918 Ellesmere (Mesa Verde) CM 548-5990 $111,900 Sun. 1·5 2582 Westminster (E/Side) CM 645.3474 Sund•Y 1-1 8SlJverCrescent, Trtlrk, Irv. 675--3411 $189,900 Sat.1-1 1819 Bonne Doon (Irv TeJT) CdM ' 875-3Ul $257,500 S.t/Sun l ·S •.US Camden (Cameo Sborel> CdM 813-10«) Sat/Sun 12~ 2810 Loreto (Mesa del 'Mar) C.M. 711-3111 ... SOO &ml2:3M:30 14311 l'ernbroo~.Sum- merfteld, Tustin ~ 5'5-9'91 195,950 Sunday 1·~ 1800 Antigua Ctr. CB1yeri!et) NB 842-8235 • '2'19,500 ·SUll.1·1 H l'llntrldge (Turtle Roell) Irv. 712· 1U4 $193t~ Sun. 12-4 4802 Corkwood ( umv. Park) Irv. 842-8235 '174,500 &m.1·1 15 DeereNek (l>eerfteld) lrvlne 712·1'14 $114,991 Sun.1.a 4 -.oow UH Dov•Dr. (W11tc1Ur>N.B. "2-tlm Sun U:llM:• 1111 Park Giia, Cotta Men ..... ~-·-S.t/S.1 .. ~Uttilllilt, 8lnta Ana ••• ~ W/S.14 117 Ramau-(f°/acte> CM ltl Ill IN• S.t/S.t.a * ~ 3322 Via Lido. Newport Beach 675-5511 $525,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 209 Pearl, Balboa Island 640-5357 $290,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 232 Monte Vista, Costa Mesa 646-7171 1115,000 Sunday 1 .. • • 34 Balboa Coves. Newport Beach 631-1400 $335.000 Sunday 1·5 443 CanaJ. Newport Shores. NB 631·1400 ~.000 Sunday l·~ 23 Bethany <Turtler0clc> frv. 752·2838 $127 ,soo I e e Sa/Sun 1·5 2182 NationaJ, Costa Mesa 546-2313 · $75,000 Sat/Sun 12..C 2005 Lem.nos Dr. <Mesa Verde) CM 540·1720 $133,000 Sun.1·5 2030Calvert (Mesa Verde) CM 540·1720 $122,900 . Sun. 1-5 •214 Lugonia, Newport Beach 642·5078 $135,000 SlDl 1-5 14 Wandering Rtu <Turtlerock) Irv. 833~15 $209,500 Sunday 1·5 15521 Dalewood, Westmlnster 646-4477 $124,500 Sun 14 209 Flower, Costa Mesa 640-5357 $143,950 Sunl·5 ..................... 223 Via Sari Re mo (Lido Isle> NB 675-5626 Daily 1·4 1014 Sea Lane CHVH> CdM 640-4018 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 8842SaJlport Dr., Hunt'g Beach $182,900 751-3642/9e2 .. 173 Sat/Sun 12-4 •9642Scotstoun, Hunt. Bch 963-4026 $113,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1877 Pt. Taggart CHVHms >NB 675-6000 $199.900 Sat/Sun l·S 2726Skylark CMesa Verde> CM 546·5990 $159,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 1907 Yacht Resolute (Spyglass) CdM 640·1812 Sat/Sun 1·5 17 Stillwater <Turtlerock> Irv. 640·1812 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 Shasta (University Park> Irv. 640·1812 Sat/Sun 1·5 18 Morro Ba y (Spyglass> CdM 640-1812 Sat/Sun 1·5 233 Poinsettia. Corona del Mar 644·9060 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 6871 Evening Hill Dr .. Hunt'g Bch 1·821-9550 $154,950 Sat/Sun 1-S ••2215 Heather Lane. N.B. • $268,000 Sun 12-4 3907 Inlet Isle Dr: (HV Hills) CdM 640·7000 $295.000 ' Sun 1·5 •242 Driftwood CShorecllffs) CdM 644-9060 $325,000 Sat/Suri 1·5 1800 Leeward Ln., Newport Bch 646-3255 $179,000 Sun. 1-4 :30 1132 Sea Bluff Dr. <Marina Hghlnds )CM 548-5344 $149.900 Sat/Sun 1·4 3110 South Timber, Santa Ana 75Z·1700 $105,000 . Sun 12·5 2018 Port Provence, Newport Bcb 646-7711 $185.000 Fee SIS 1·5 64 Oak Tree (Univ. Pk) Irv. 675.a.411 $144.000 Sun. 1·5 3917 S. Teakwood, Santa Ana 675·3'11 $108,000 Sun. l·S 9 Rue Barritz <Big Canyott) N. B. 642·2800 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2175 Placentia, Costa Mesa 6U-0303 $72,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 709 Cameo Highlands Dr .• CdM 613-4400 $247,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 33007 Setting Sun Dr., CdM 67M400 1289,000 Sun.1·5 2012Yacbt Resolute <Seaview> N.B. M4-GOO $349,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2007 Pt. Harwick (ff.V. Homes> N.B. U.-a>o St90,000 Sat/Sun l·S 2515 Windover. Corona del Mar 673-8550 Sat/Sun.1·5 115 Via Waziers <Lido Isle) NB 642-8235 $489,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 1901 Yacht Puritan (Seaview) NB 644-6200 $298,000 fee S/S'l·S 1421 Outrigger Dr. <HV Hills) CdM 644-6200 $300,000 Sat/Sui\ 1·5 #9Caraway (Woodbridge) Irv. U.-a>o $117,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •1806Sandalwood <Baycreet) NB 642-8235 $245,000 S/S(no ttme) •19 Royal St. George {BlgCyn) NB 642·~ $849,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 2510 Vista Baya (Bk Bay) NB &C2-5200 $275,000 fee Sa/Sun 1·5 1020SantJago (Dover Shn) N.B. 8'2-5200 1894 000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2715 Windover, corona del Mar { 675·2311 $330.000 Sat/Sun 1· * •505 EvenJn1 Star LaneJ. N.B~ 642·7408 f1'75,000 S/:;12:30-4:30 2212 Francisco Dr., Newport Beach 842·7408 S!.81.500 8/8'12:30-4:30 1US Plumerta, Greenbrooll, C.M, ~ Sun12:ao..t:ao Zl88 Babb St .• Costa Mesa NM838 '81.500 81l..C:30/S1-5 982 Aaalea, Oreenbrook, C.M. 751...,.,, '111,IOO 8 1-4:80/S 11-4 rt0'1 Canary, Colla Meta HJ.231J 1159.SOO Sua 1-4 8''12 Sllverbeel, Hunt. Be1dl · 84M477 •• 900 Sun 1·5 115 Via Wiiien ClJdo Ille) NB Ml 11111 .. ,000Wed/Thurt"4:IO U1 Vlaffllvre (Udo J1le) NB ea 1 • srs.ooo a..1-1 •vaaa...Remo(Llclolllt>NB HCGOO --.... N . .. UOtboule. Corona .... ... ...... --s...1.a ioas.a Raia, Co.a. ... MMlll --... l-t 4808 Cortland (Cameo Hind) QUI 675-eOOO $179,900 Sun. 1·6 •11 Klaloa (NwptCrett) NB ..... ., '125.ooo Sun. 1-1 1148 Tradewlndt ( 81ycnt) NB 87MOOO SD> 000 S..1.f 882 Sandcutle, CO't7ona del llar 759-4ml $325,000-Fee Sa/8un 1·5 14721 Mulberry 1 Irvine fUe.7711 Sunday 1·5 1020 Whitesalls, Corona del Mar 875-Mll 1218,500 Sat.1.J 3258Turlock Dr., Mesa Woods, CM 545-N91 SWMlayU ... 1111 -Port Wheeler <H.V-.-lloaMa) N.B. '875-S5U $187 500 Sunday l ·S 3101 Jefferson (Bar Hbr) C.M. 5'6-4141 $84,500 &an.1-1 \ _.OOM ••103Via LidoSOud <Lido.Isle) NB 67s.e800 Sat/Sun 1·5 #S RoyaJ St. George (Big Cyn >NB 844-&oo S650.ooo Sat/Sun 1-1 1820TradeWinds (DoverShores> NB 646-7414 /5'8-2739 Sun 1·5 S • ;.. PAM aM • DIM 4175 Williwaw (Rcqt Clb> Irv. S59-t175 Sat/Sun 11·5 • 1842 Pt. Sheffield <HV H:omes >NB ~9080 (Fee) Sun. 1·5 t637i Ma'hogany (Wstmt) Ftn Vly 546-5990 $96,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2042 Pt. WeybrJdge (HVHma) NB 675-8411 $206,000 Sun. 1·5 •2764 De Sota Ave<Mesa del Mar)CM 5.'MJ.2llJ80 $120.000 S/8112:30-4:30 1601 Warwick Ln. (Westcllff) N.B. 673-4400 $179.300 Sun t-5 209 Nattinus. Corona del Mar 673-85.50 Sat/Sun 1-S 1830 W. Flora, Santa Ana · 546·2313 $77,950 Sat/Swt l ·S 1801 Pt. Carlow <HVHma) NB 675-3411 $217,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 411 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar 673-~ '380.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ,.,...,AM IM_. ... •3 Montecato, Corona del Mar 844-9060 $515,000 Sunday 1-5 4 Mission Bay <Spyglass) CdM 640-1812 Sat/Sun 1·5 •17 Pt Loma <Spyglass)CdM 644·7493 $595,000 Sat/Sun 11·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOi SAU 1-00M 31372 West Nine, La«~• Ni8 oe1Sunl 1 ... 494-0706 $87 ,500 at ... 162.t D l()Wa St. (Mesa Verde) CM 54()..1720 $64,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 •32 lmaJoa, Newport Beach 540-3666 $139,500 Sat/Sun l·S 15 Big Dipper Ct., Newport Belt .... ~ $83,950 Sun.1-1 33498 Valley View Crt #21, D.Pt . 559-8433 $450 mo. Sun 12·5 ••1229 Bayside Dr., N.B. 759-GBU $380,000-Fee S/Sun 1.S #29 MontanasEste.R.SnJq,lrv 759-081.l $124,500 Sat/SUD 1 ·S •143 Morristown Ln., Costa Mesa 979.5370 $71,500 Sun 12-4 1104 Sandy Lane, Costa Mesa 646-7711 $79,500 Sun l·S 2 ............. ... •fl l Bridge wood C WoodbrJd&e Vtll)lrv 552·58 $125.900 Sat/Sun 12·5 J-OON • •443 Via Udo Soud, Npt Beb 545-2'Ml $375,000 Sat/Sun 1-1 308 AvenJda CUmbre <Bluffl) N.B. ~ $182,000 Sat/Sunl-1 11 J asmi.ne Creek, CdM 675-5728 Dally 1-4 2631 Vasta Raqueta (Bluffs) NB ~ .$147,9SO &m.1-5 •824 Skyvlew Ln <Brookvu) Cll 842·53>0 •• IOO s.&/San l·S ~W.Coastffwy.,N.B. 67S.6775 1185,000 Sun 1·$ 28285PompeU Dr., LalUftlNipel M0-1720 $179,500 Sun.1·5 •16Sea Island (Big Canyon) NB 831-1800 $225 000 Sun 1·5 #7 Sanderling <Deerfield) Irv. ~ 7~11 $110 000 Sun.1-5 •2569 Orange, Unit K, Coeta Meu 979-5370 Sun 1·5 889 Vista Bonita C'lbe Bluffl) NB 75N811 Sl.31,500 Sat/Sun 1~ , ..... MMDt• .. · 2158 Vista Entrada, NewPort Bcb 831·1800 '1_881500 s.t/&an l·S N Blue Jay, Irvine 540-3888 •,ooo Sat1s.14 • llllOOM •Vista Boalta CTbe Bluffs> NB 75Nlll S121,500 Sit/Sun 1-1 .-DUPLIXIS fOI SAU 40M~ Heliotrope, Cdll 81M171 1215,000 I SM/Sun 1·1 I•& I .. 5705 Seahore Dr., Newport Bch 115.-o tm,000 Sun 1-1 515 Acad1, Corona del 1111' l'IHtll 9110.000 sat/SUll l..S 1••1 • ~ sH Juirdner• c1e1 arar l'ls.aut .• Sat!lwl l:t SOMITMIMS SPICW In University Pork. Upl(raded, uir· eond .. townhou e with many . umeniti ; 3 bdrm~ .• 3 ba . ram. rm .. Incl. mstr. ulte with breathtaking parent's retreat. $107,900 _ OPIM SUM. 1 .. 5 +UJ LAMC1WOOO ' .. A KFORJOHN ' llG DeAL This new 2·story house with. 4 bdrms .• 2~ baths, 2 frplcs . (one in mstr. btl~. suite), 3 car garage & huge boo~ rm .• is super big & it's a deal at $165,000. MOST POPULAR 'Wfbis S~ Luis Rey Model in Rancho oiSan Joaquin, has been voted ll)Ost popular, with its 3 bdrms. & ~ bath~ downstairs & its spacious living & • dining area upstairs. Frplc. & wet bar + sundecks & view. $162,000. ASK FOR LYNNE • ........... """' ........... ,.. ... .. 'ft • 0 If\ 4 '1 n • ·;, G V ~ ~ Ii .tilW •: 14 -. 1P I? D • fol fl J2 "1 IASnlDI ·CUSTOM . WfTIHS tllahly uperaded de corat.ot'aown home. New crpta Heavy oak pt.tr· quel entry II fmly rm Atrium entry. Cov'd patio lared w /arllsllc hwcework. Open Eves. ~IM91 e= Walker & lee Real Estate --HAUOtlVIEW RARE SPLIT LEVEL. Double doo1'1i open into lb11 lovely 4 b edrm home. Formal dining l'ClC>rq & living rm w /fplc. f'amiJy room adjoining rully bulll·ln afl elec kitchen. 3 Bedrms up with master suite & added on bonus rm on private lower level Spectacular view or ocean. harbor & o ll e lites. 673-8550 Ol'l"4 Ill 9 •II~ IVN TO/If "4K"f 0 o/ n.wporl REALTORS '75-HI I OPIM HOUSIS I ·S tilt JAtt•• C .. ..n: A.,....., ...... I ::::t.." ...... tll C... .. Me-.. =··· w-r ..... -c:· lecml. COUllT$ & cH ~ .. ,._,_.,.. ..... . ........... t-.., ,_ .......... . •••••• , ... nae... $241,IOO. OP8e SAT. a SUN. I .. I P.M. nu YIA UDO: s1,w1t1c•~ IMlle et lh ~. D "tftul ,_. M*•• c r fr •'R'-OM THI Y. Sttp ... •a r, 111-a.tell . ...... ... = ............... .., ...... el ..... .., .......... . W• .. lw.Yll-..t•llfa•Hll•wla& ....... SHS,000. OPee SAT. & SUM. IZ to 4 P.M. 1171 POIT WHllLll: H.ttor Vl•w HHWS. rr .. ,_ • _......,.. tllt Dr. w ..... ,.,.... , ... ,..Model .. .. CIR .... ,... 1M•11-. ....... ...... .......... ..., .................. . f11•1 q.Mt c....... Mat to ......... Y• owa .. lmd. -.117.500. OPa. SUN. I .. 5 P.M. ••••• COIONA DEL MAI D..UX: 5°""' of HlcJltwar c ..... 11111 two IM*••• _,. twit~ fir•placel PLUS Hwer tltrH ......... two ...... -•••d•• ........... M.n.._ twklr paflo wHlt ir9s .,._ W. I• .... ,_ wHfl two atory ..,.. IM •1d c•ur.,. wood p•Hll•g Hd large, htterHtl•9 flrepfac•. Prlc•d rl9ltt s 194,500 • [•IRIHQ rw---c u~ "FIXER" I~~ ~ $37110 UMIVBSITY. PAllC: Clt•cllor ,._ I: T.,., '°"'Y• ...... a.cl ••111 I '-w .... two ....... ...._ md a TV,..., Sll'"t: .. try. •wr .. ttcltea wfflt bnald .... Wood decb wttta IM .. lfllf ....... _. ~acy a.cl .,.et 1illcrialnh1t A . ._,see at SI 03.000. &.avJM'iV CUt.c2BrwJfrplc.Owner will rmance .. No loan fees/ no quaJifying. Will sell rast! HurrY ! 646-7434 631 3444 ()nu); LAGUNA_ NH•UEL: lscffl.. Y.llW · of -lllO'!'<W•d •••t-. md ctt, ...... A ~~--.--..--:...--..........._~ 21 lo•ety fw IM•n• .._ ., I hra git _______ .... _____ ..__ ~ rY'4 Mo•r• •.~cu..._.-,,__ OPEN HOUSES SAT/SUN ta 5 EASTIUlflF -fMMACUl.ATI l ..... f..a, hotM w .I >t• INillts. hhMi•• ne of wood .. f9lllly rooa L.-.p COl"Mf' lot. W• to sdtoofs a.cl tltapp•g. 2455 I I ao MEW IN CORONA Da MAR Terrific ..... °" .,..t tr-. ••d ........ &c• .... 3 ...... 2 balllL 0,.. ..... c .... ....... 507 Pal,...._ sr.5 TO OCEAN_...,,. llACH Lo...e,J .... 2batt. ............... s.,.. ... _..... .......... 5301 llwrA•• Newport Pier Realty ....... ~direct .......... ,.. ............. .. ,_ ............... .,. Al Hie loc ...... lhted ....._ .. ....... .. .,...... .... ~ ........ . ....... , i. telMy't DALY PILOT WAMT.ADS. ............................... ,...._ ..,... te lat ,_11 illf .. wtlw la tWs ,..._Mell ,...,. s ... , .... --,. DUPLEXES f.OR SALE 3 IR & 3 U ~Poinsettia, Corona del Mar 673-2058 · , Sun 1·5 4 IR & 3 IR 4305Seashore, Newport Beach 675-4630 $675,QOO Sun 1·5 TOWNHOUSE , ~ FOR SALE 211DROOM 57 Lakeview, Irvine 752-1700 $171,000 Sun 11·4 >••MMWMerDIM •Jasmine Creek-Call for an appt. 640-UZI $295,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 4433Lancewooa <Univ. Park) Irv. 631~3444 S1D'1,900 Sun.1·5 .... oo ... 55 Lakeview, Irvine 'liW100-$197,500 2 ••I• SJSAcacia, Corona del Mar SUnll..f 675-3411 $210,000 Sun 1·5 1911 Heliotrope. Santa Ana 131·1G 1245,000 Sunclay 1·5 z••2• 2515 nnt A••·· Corona del Mar 873-515' $G5,000 8'ull·5 111 ~ kJtc .... & ....., wftt. ... Drhcl s, ....... GOLD STAR . floorl•tJ· All HW carp•tl•tJ• ,al•t, NEWPORT HTS. 31 S SIGNAL RD. 2 Bdrms., 2 baths. frplc .. spacious family rm .. de· tached 2 car garage; on large lot. Vacant: close to schools. chutches & priced at $149,500. Call to see ! 673-3663 642·2253 Eves associated ""' 1-t~, "'~·~···~~ . "• .. . . ,..,. EASTSIDE BEAUTY Vacant r e mode le d di ......... & fwwac•. Mmllt-.... wel locahcl to_., add spa/W hll1-cw11I. A ,.._.to 111ow • ...._. c .. s 116.soo. CORONA DIL MAI: A"...._ laYnton. c• • •toe ,..._ • ..... SIX UNITS loc.e.d ....... Wocll .,_ ... c ..... ...... c ......... -fw 2 1M•11• •Its, two OH t..•oo.. ~ ..... .. ldtdllM. f111,11cn. •• md/w ,n•• patios; .................. ......, priced at $460.000. COLE OF NEWPORT llEALTOIS 25151.C...tHwy .. C--.. Mar 675-5511 Eastslde Costa Mesa -------• borne. ffigbJy upgraded w /new k itchen a P· pl.lances Garden window oil kitchen. L~e fltlly rm w/skyllght. Tiled crtyrd e ntry . Ope n Ev es . 54S-9491 $2 $75 PENNY PINCHER AD P11vate lftdlvlduals can now sell any Item °' combination of Items 101allng $75 or le11 Wllh • 3 lll'e ad IOf 2 c:onsecuo11e days for onl y S 2 . Each addillonal une is 6()c tor the 2 dayt. Charge your Penny Pincher Ad or use your Bankamerlcard or Mettetcherge. No com• rnetc1al 9d9 accepted. c .. ...., ...... L"r ed I• prf•f ... ,, ... 642-5678 DAllY PILOT 9-2°/o INTEREST English Tudo r s ty le spacious 3 bdrm, 3 ba 2 story adult condo. Pool • jac uzzi • sa una • clubhouse & rec rm. TaJce over subject to eJC· isling loan at 9.2%. 646-77U. WE MAKE THINGS HAPPEN WE MAD THINGS HA .... -Buying or selling you're the winner when our professional staff is looking after your needs. We make the most of your housing dollars. ·cuSTOM HIDU WAY IN NIWPOaT - Modem glass and wood home with beamed ceilings, hidden away on a deep, deep grassy lot in walking distant!e to beach · and .shopping. $148,500. STUMMIM• HOMI -Designed for gracious entertaining with a gourmet kitchen to delight you, a large master s uite. abundant closets and perfectly decorated by a professional. $198,000. so. Of. lleUWAY -Old Corona del Mar cottage with fireplace, hardwood floors, remodeled kitchen, tha CdM charm a nd a rental unit tn the rear. $210,000. LOOll._ POI A YllW -See this smashing 4 BR home w/beveled glass in entry, decorator tiles. lge lot and an ocean view w/harbor lights. 1218.500. I TIULY SMOOU -U you like Big Ca· nyon's Versailles, but the price leaves you breathless, you '11 love th ta Jasmine Creek home. It has all tbat pi11an and • much smaller price tag. 123'7.960. ._ A IOOt•UTI -And prlV11ey toot See Ulla Newport Beach condo. I metr abed bdrms, each with ltl own bath. tM.500. 671-3411 11111.c:..tttwy, c.-..... • A JOHN 0 LUSK & SON CO JAlt•a CF I tWY A11A Best value In this quiet private com· munity. Some ocean view. Brand new split-level "Sea Breeze" model with 3 bedrms. family room & formal dining . ..Air·cond.. luxury cptng, landscaped, auto. sprinklers plus other extras. 24 Hour ·gate guarded area. Tennis courts, pool & greenbelts. Call 64<MJ079 for entry during open home or &M-4910 other times. $239,000 . I JllTY Dlt. SAT/SUM l·I 116 CAMYOM-t771.000 Fabulous 4 bdrm custom built home with ~at view of B.C. golf course. Family_ room w/wet bar. recreation room, formal dining room, 3 baths + luxury pwd. rm. Lge private pool in enclosed patio. Located on quiet street. Call us today to see! LAGUNA llACH-IOITAl'INA TWO NIW HOt tlS OCIAMYllW! · One home with spectacular view from most rooms . 3 Bdrms <including master suite w/fi'replace & private deck). Lge sheltered patio & den with wet bar. The other home on cul·de-sac street has 3 bdrms & some view. Italian tiJe, solid oak cabinets. Den w/wet bar. Choice of cpt color. Each home $249,000. See any time. WISUY N. TA YLOI CO. 2111 S..J114 I ........ NIWPOn CIMTB, M.I. 644-49 I 0 IEAUTIFJIL ADULT _ CONDO $65,500! Hard to find single story unit. Btll lawn. Magnifi· cent grounds. Pools , sauna, putting greens. Walk lo shopping. banks. restaurants. Au cond. Dm't hesit.11te. Call 10- day! Open Eves . 54.5-9&91. 481 +den $69 500! Sunken l~ving room. Brick fireplace. All re· mode led 'kitchen. Ex· cellent location. Im · maculate bargain! Call rast lo take advantage! 752-1700 OPfN 1119 •11 S IUHIOlf N<Cr• [e:IM -------Lcleesomething valuable? You doo'l need a gun to Place an ad in our Lost "draw fast" when you and Found columns . place an ad in the Daily 'Ibat's where people look Pilol Want Ads! Call now when they've found an -6'2-5678. item al value. llDUCED AMP ANXIOUS! Spacious VIEW home on 1A acre fee lot; transferred owner is now back in New York, the home is vacant & he is anxious for a deal! 4 Bdrms., family rm .. large back yard overlooking natural canyon. A pleasant & peaceful setting, ideal for your growing family. Reduced to $247 .500. OPEN SAT/SUN. l ·S . 709 CAMEO HIGIUANDS DR., CdM SETTING SUM DllYE Come to see this magnificent home at 3007 & you will see why they call this street ·'Setting Sun ... The view i s outs tanding, particularly from the 210 teet of view frontage on this lot. And. the home matches the location. 4 .Bdrms .. large paneled family rm .. enchanting landscaped entrance garden with fountain + a formal view-side dining rm. OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1·5. $269,000. MAY IE SOLD It's that good a buy! A terrific family home in the Westcliff area • near Mariners Park: unbelievably priced at only $179,300. 5 Large bdrms.. 31h baths. a big family rm. with frplc., all on one level; not only that. the owner will finance or lease with opti~ If not sold, there will be an oPeD house at 1601 WARWICK LANE. N.B. SUN 1·5 WHIT! SANDY llACH Authentic Mexican hacienda at Sayullta Beach, just North of Puerto Vallarta : luxurious 3 bdrm. home with servant's quarters; lots of red tile & tropical landscaping, right on the beach. A good rental inves tment & a fan~tic vacation home. $120,000 Full ptice; will trade. 95 ACUS * llVIUIDI In the Arlington area, just 2 miles So. of the Riverside Fwy. & 3 miles from Tyler Mall: presently f in navels & valeoclas, suitable for home or Jot subdivision. $12,000 Per acre. ' •• 141.IM That's right! Only $48,500 for this super sharp 2 bedroom condo wlth all the amenities. Pool, clubhouse and beautiful grounds. This definitely won't last. Call now ! J HOI • UMDa $70.000 and all are in Costa Mesa. 3 Bedroom. 4 Bedroom. Owner will help ftnance. No down payment to Vets. These will go fast. call now! •VJMn AST IUY Wobftbridge 3 Bedroom with large rooms. custom decor with plus h carpet. and' all for only $99,000! You won't beat this bargain! POUl.ft.IXIS 2 side-by-sid~wn er's unit with fireplace in eac 4·plex. Owner will help finance. ered at only $135,000 each. 540.3666 WfJela11 Real Estate Inc. .... ,.. too21•••ral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . FOIEVEI VIEi OF CATAUllA .......... to~ .............. ... mfl '-9-4 .. 2 bc*cl1• ..... .. _....,.... .... st.t7.soo 011 WATEI W/SLIP . c ••• ,._.__w ......... ,.. -IM ........ ..._,..,_.,._ .. ,_. .._ •• .,_, IMla yw4. • Wcs •""'9 J Md. fma. ra ..... ldlclle.. ..... & ....... SMS.000 . ENCHANllllli WATEIFIONT ....., ........... of '/OfS' OWll pri•ah CD ,,, .. ,_ OWll, ... IOAT SUP. t1 rt llrd ls a c.oat.c t•I• a.cl w_._ ...... ...., .... 4 ...... fa•lly roo• ••d l•terlor patio. o, ..... , ... _, ............ w..._$335,0QO STEPS TO BEACH DUPW T..,rfflc -4 .-CIH• 3 .,... ... If I t -wtr , ....... a1p1W md ........ _.. ..... dectt _. OCIAM VflW; .... two II • HM .... S.•DHd ..,,_/_r Natal .-.a. $210,000 7 lllTS NEAi BEACH Ce 1,ht••r ,._,,. .. d _,.. wffll - Yecwy pr....... N•w roof. HW arpee ..... _, ............. aarllet wltS. ,.,.,. potHtlal for ......., ,....... ........... . ruU 1-Hllr· $2'5.000 PlllUIC VIEW-ON WATEI , Ma9.;ffr~t 2 lt•droo• CHdo I• Hc•rltr lt•lldl•9 wit• refl•••••t twfilllsg a ,.,tKffo.nt! Call for cMtallt Oii tfn MW lt"-J! loaf sip ......... ~ft.500 WATElflONT W/PRIYACY , .. a -...y w•ta cwtetlhd ca .n, wtes. ,_. _. IMtet sip md VllWS of ,. ......... ..,. ,_ ........... to - tMt J 1tc•11• ............ wtlll 0...,..1 ,...._ IMl11ed ...... patio wHfl 9"'91Mry a.cl -sf•e •fdJ Dr lwfcll barttec.. SPICIAL IONUS. • .wtMtt ,....., .................. ..... • 11• boat! SJ21,000 WATEIFIOHT tONDO-SUP To M _.., cerpeted a.cl ,111ted. 2 •tory. , ........ 2'/J ....... ....-ft, •r•h•. Owm•r wlll comslder .._., ...... Y• oww ... lmd md tip. sus.ooo ott .._.tor sns1-. INDIVlllAUTY & CHAUCTEI .,,.. 1r11 aft ...... ..., ... °" ...._ ......._ Two-story J b1•11• •••• wftS. tw9• brick flnpfau, ..... ................. ,.... .... ..... ........ Two.cart ..... .... ...... .,. .... s211.ooo. • 2-STllY CAllALFIONT-¥1W • ......... 4 ~ .... ..., ... -..... ., ............. ,... .... ...... ~ .,u .. YllW -........ ....... , ooe FoUNTAIN VAllEY HOMES J.._.,.... sn.•oo 4.._Teu•1111 Qt,000 ....... 1141.MO 1120,000 IHI.°" WATERFRONT HOMES allW,C.t Hll)tway Nt•ll'Wt ••tla nm at -•• .. .. . ,, ! r .. - Walt.,S-.J<i,., fi_A,,oc. 673-2500 MIWLY US1W, SPTef.ASS HU. Come • lff, sp•doua f amlb' 4 bdrm. home with 1parklln1 nllht llihts ot <"it)'. Comfortable, l!_rce .• .{•mlly rm. wilh.ted br&ck-.frplc. i:.QjOy larae-patio art-with ~ fl~ pit, large pool • JacuuJ. OPIM SAT /sUM I ..a I I MOMt'ICITO TA . ~ . ,. ........ Ex.cilff•• MnaVerde1Hw1 -"Ill Ill• newl Freehly painted 2 •'°'Y lncludet 4 ~ bedroom., 3 full b9tfls. entry W1ttl terra.u.o tile decor. formal dlj\lng .... Ing er.a. fetching eunken living room ~ with fireplace, comfortable famlly room. plush n.w carpets and delyu kit chen featuring -micro••• oven. Top valuet 1133.000:-e.ir 540-1720 , $64,950 A Won Of Art 0 Bnt deec11bel this •u~rbly decorated end unit townhome. Pride of ownenhio lnctudes 2 bldlooma, dining, eat.Ing ar .. and conwni.nt kitchen for MOM. EZ care yard and enctoeed patio fM your enjoyment. Comm. PQOI, Ac1 quickly. ~1720 A Pool To K~YouCool ta Just an edded plua to this ldeel 3 bedroom famlly home. Comb4natlon dlOfnQ room, family room with cozy fl,.place. Gourmet kitchen with all the bullt Ins. Patio fu'at right fOf entertainment Of' family fun! Telle advantage, $85,000 540-1720 $59,000 Start With The Flnnt! Thia eplo and span 2 b9droom ttome comes with IOWly dining room, fireplace for cllddllng. tons Of bulltlns cabinets and mom lovlng kitchen. Located on shady, tree tined street with spacious deep lot. Luaclous orange tree In back yard. Just fisted. can't list. 5-40-1720 Luxury Made For The Leisurely With atlnOlphefe gal<>f91 Beautlfut a bedroom Mesa Ver~ e)Cacutlve has elegant dining, eetln~ .-. entry, cozy flreplece and gourmet kitchen with bolltlns. Extra deflghts Include a tush atrium. smoke detector. handy garage opener and fully sprinklered lawns. Ctlannlng covered patio. Hasten to see. Owner anxious. $108.500. Call 5«>-1720 l ... SqueakyClean . Newport Heights Area Freshly painted thruout with plush new carpets. lmprMSlve 3"bedroom ellecuttve home featuring superbly remodeled kitchen with new range, oven and microwave. Also. entry. dining; fsmlly room. super eating bar a(ld dellghtful sea·thru fireplace. Pallo. Reduced to sell. $123.950 540-1720 All You Ever Wanted! And probably a lot more. Highly upgraded 4 bedroom home showing 2Yl baths, entry with Mexican rile decor. fOfmal dining room, f1mlfy room With fireplace and conversation pit: llvlng room with vaulted ceilings and fireplace and gourmet kitchen. 2 patios. sparkll~ PQOI. tire ring. 1139.900. For the good life call ~1720 Slashed Thousands What Value! That 18 what you get with this delightful Mesa Verdes home complete with sparkling swh'nming pool. 3 bedrooms. cheefful entry. dining, eating area. deluxe kitchen with bulltins and plush new carpets. 2 patios: one has Swedlah flreplace. A drastic reduction! Now only S99.900 C.11540-1720 Sauna and Jacunl ! ~er~u ~~n~~!! unlquety remode~ executive featuring space. beauty and luxury. 4 spacious bedrooms. t.mlly room. eetlng bar, 2 fl,.__; 1 In c~nlent denlttudy. Separate master bedroom eulte. 2 gorgeous etrlums. 1122.900 Look no further. Call 540-1720 Pie .... A Park ly The s.a A perfect description of the eettlng fot this lovely 2 story. 4 bedroom entertainer's delight located just mlnutn from beectl, ~ 9nd bike trails. Entry. eettng area. fllmlty room, ftrepfec. for CUddling and goufmet kMchen •Ith ~ bar. Urge brick ~ for outdOor enlOWmlnt. Ow"9r anxloua. Price reduced Sf19.900 ~1720 • 540-1720 II . . .. -· ·-- THI IASY UNSnu ••• (Of' the busy or traveling family; a lovely condo ln thu BLUFFS, where au maintenance is provided by the aaaociat.ion crew. except the patio & Interior of your unit. There are 3 bdrms. & 2 baths & 1900 sq. n. of Jiving space. Quick possess. $131,500. 689 VISTA DONITA, N .8 . OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 IANCHO SAM JOA9UIM ... a popular location. handy to country club & shopping, only 10 min. to Newport Center & features a lovely view ol MASON PARK LAKE; a weJI designed 2 bdrm .. 21h ba. condo with conversation pit & wet· bar. $124,500. #29 MONTANAS ESTE. IRVINE. OPENSAT/SON.1·5 OCIANYllW First showing. A profess. decorated home with jacuzzi & gourmet kitchen! 4 Bdrms., f am Uy rm.. spectacular C'ourty8'1'd entry. Spacious 3-~ garage. $325,000 Including land. 882 SANDCASTLE, CdM, (near Marguerite).-OPEN SAT/SUN. 1·5 ON .IALIOA IAY . . . a scarce commodity on today's ·market! This lovely condo features a "SJT·DOWN VIEW" of all the marine activity + a view of the ocean with its spectacular sunsets. There are 2 bdrms. & lanai, also huge living & dining_ a..r_e as with PICTUR E WINDOWS. $360,000. <Including land). 1229 BAYSIDE DR., N.B. OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5. DOI.LAIS AND S&tSI!! Rare "K" Plan condo in the BLUFFS, with 4 bdrms. (or 3 & den), if you are handy with a paint brush & maybe a ha mmer here & there, you can save quite a lot of money on this unit with great potential. Out of town owner says, "seJJ It for only $129,500". Come to 689 VISTA BONITA, N .B . <Sa lesman has the key>. OPEN SAT/SUN. 1·5 · THE ELIWOOD Pl.AM I .one of the choice PATIO HOMES in the Deerfield area; you'll be impressed with this 3 bdrm., 2 hath corner unit; it's been upgraded in many respects; only $110,000. (You own the land). #7 SANDERLING, IRVINE. OPEN SUN. 1·5 UDO ISLE Bay view from 2 patio decks enhances custom spacious 5 'bdrm., 4 bath traditional home; like new. Ideal fot entertaining. Corner lot. $500,000 OCEANFIOMT Quality craftsmanship in mahog. trim & oak floors sets off this landmark: 4 BR, 3 ba. home ln finest locaUon. Established""trees & lawns. $485,000. IACI IAY Fine 4 bdrm .• 2th bath f amity home on quiet cul de sac. Oversized pool, playbousC\ storage $169,000. Terms. IAYFIOMT Several fine bay(ront homes with pier & slip A YALON Well constructed, 3 BR, 1 ha, oak floor. partial basement, concrete foundation. Flats .area. $120,00C>--:Fee. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR \ ~ ~ , .j, t'r • "'· • t,/', f),f)l UYE II THE WATER Ba y ••'II relax ••• t•rl•• •• tit• c•• frteeflfe•..._......_ o.. ................ _51 .. ,..,,,_ ................ _ ..... w-..' ct.. ...... :tr-: 1w. ....... ~ .... ...... -······&·~-..... -+ ........... =. ..... ,.... ... ...... _... ..... SIASHOll DUPUX Ocean view! Lge. 3 BR upper w/2 BR lower. Assume loan 4's owner will carry second ary financing. $210,000 '84MUl.A n . OCIA ... OMT Large 4 BR. home,, prime location. Avail. yearly lease. LA._.. t8&UIL House nesUed in a park-like setti""o' .. -l-n ten. 2 ba., 2 patios. S<. ~ U >rivacy & care.free ~ -· .vr maint. p r ovided. ,.,4.j41 CAMPANA WAY, OPEN SUN. 1·5. $129,500. MOMAICH SUMMrT Fabulous view! Of oc-ean-&night-liichts. E nd unit. 2 BR & den. llh Yrs. new. OPEN SAT/SUN. 1·5. 22812 MONTOLVO, Laguna Niguel. $129,500 IAMCHO MllA•I Sunrise Country . Club, 2 BR, 2 ba. condo on golf course . Security guarded; nr. clubhouse. tenn is, swimmin g, jacuzzi. Completely f umished at $142,500. DAVIDSON REALTl INC . ,. t , .. ·• ~ , • ,i • • •• t 1 / " ( ~OhO TUl11.EIOCI llAUTY By pool & park, 5 B<lrms, 3 baths. Plan Ill Broadmoor. Asking $155,000, fee simple. OWNB IM TIOUIU AND WILL SACllfllCI Abandoned Harbor View Hills sleeper. This house must be sold by this weekend. 3 Bdrms, 2 baths, huge corner Jot. Asking $202.000. Submit all offers. llYIME COMOO LIQUIDATION SAU Owner 3 months behind on payments, must sen fast. Submit your offer. Asking $97,500. $20,000 UMDll MABn IASTll.Ul'll 4IW« Owner anxious -Says bring an off er now! R~cently redecorated. Asking $159,900. ~ R.C. TlnOR CO. 640-5112 I ,, ____________ _ * CAl£EI IN IEAL mATE * ..... ,-: ........... 1c ........ ..... ... , ............ . proif.sf••· • .fe•terf•9 e Jrcftf•t Tttecoww 2000 Pt09-. ..._ fmt _. ...,.., .. ,.. ........ ._. c •fwtp ...... ...,67Mlt0 SAIL REAL mATE SCllOl CA Wclary of Sal Properties) A Mil PllOPIRnU 675-.4890 ·------------ ~II. macnab /Irvine ?-realty lEAL ISTATI OFFICE MAMAMIS Two exceptional opportunities. Macnab-Irvine ReaJty Company ls inviting applications for two managers. One ror our existing, successful Campus Valley Office. One for our new Woodbridge Office wbich will open approximately July' 1979. An excellent opportunity to Join thla growing profitable Subeldiary of The Irvine Compa.tY. CompensaUon Open. Preference to applicant with City of Irvine residenUal r.ule experience. For Interview call Bruce Banamlan or John Macnab C71 4) 142-8281. Or writ• ln coalldwe: Jobn llaenab, P.O. Boa 1138, Newport Beacb, CA ... '42-GU .... _. __ _....... . IASTSIDE DUPLEX Duplex With room for two more units. Close to schools shops and bus line in Costa Mesa-:-tl49,900. Ask for Robert Milliken' 631 • l.266 IASTSIDE HOME 2 bedroom, 1 bath ~lus separate recreation room. Unique location. Assumable $95,500. Ask for Robert Milliken 631-1266 HOISi PIOPIRn One acre z.oned ror five bones. 2,800 square foot custom executive home with 4 bedroom. 2~ bath. A must to see. Ask for Reggie Wyman 631·1266 FIYE IEDIOOMS Room for a large family. A showplace with unusual landscaping by owner. Award winning landscape architect. OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun. 1145 Salvador, Costa Mesa: Ask for Reggie Wyman 631· 1266 llCllAnoM Lovas Huge comer Jot in Mesa Verde with 12'x25' enclosure for boat or R.V. plus separate trailer storage. Immaculate 3 bedroom +-den Ol' 4 bedroom . Only $97,500. 'Ask for Glen HelHvartb 631·1266 UkE MEW 3 bedroom o n corner with new upgraded carpeting. Large living room plus family room -large FHA assumable loan. Only $88,500. Ask for Glen Hellwarth 631·1266 All CONDmOMID Combination family room and country kitchen with fU"eplace. 3 bedroom with atrium off master suite. Oniy $96,500. Ask for Glen Hellwarth 631·1266 IAYFROMT Super Balboa Peninsula location. 6+ . bedrooms. Pier. Charm -45'xl00' - new listing at $745,000. Ask for Curtis Herberts, Sr. 631·1266 TWO OM A LOT 3 bedroom home, really nice . fireplace. Now rented at $495. PLUS a 2 bedroom wit" sWtroom home on comer rented at<$395. Should be more on both units. Newport Heights. Ask for Curtis Herberts, Sr. 631·1266 UMDB IUILDEIS PllCE Newport Beach condo with view of meadow. Recently redecorated in earth -tones. Redwood Deck. 3 bedrooms. 2~ baths. huge master suite. $89,950. Ask for John Marshall 631·1266 ASSUMAIU Y..A. LOAN On 3 bedroom, 1 ~ bath home in Santa Ana . Vaulted celllngs, beautifully dec0rated in earth·tones. Near new carpets, drapes. $86,950. Ask for John Marshall 631·1266 R~M~~ of code---. irY*, •wplll ......... 234 L I 79" Strwt, Cotta Mete 631-1266 Nationwide Network or lndivlduallv Owned and Opera ted Real Estate Ofrlres ='Va LID~LE This home of obvious SAT Ir SUM l·I . quality features 4 bed.room1. 3 baths, a I 04 VIA LOICA .feparate family room BMl vaJue on Lido. Im· wUh wood burnln1 maculate, beautiful. fireplace, elelant focrnal char ming home. Tile dl.nlDI and u 8' wide roof, detacbed extra stairway to the balcony large 2-car 1arage, 3 overloo\lng the living Bdrm, 2 bath, family room and entry. Therear room, firepla~. 1st TD y o rd I a I u s h I Y low Interest rate for landscaped around the quaJ.ltied buyer. Lar1e 36' swimming pool with open patio. g reat board. slide & 9' privacy landscaplot . Steps to wall. Priced to aeU ctadcl· private bucb. 11 • onl1 $14.1.SOO. eau a"·"' 151-3111 -.&. llXIY •SELECT -==•S PROPERTIES, _____ _ ••• D.R. Edivan 55S Paularino Av. Coala Mesa You are the winner of ho,.,... TicUh tolhe 17th ANNUAL LOHGllACH RODEO al the Long Beach Aremat 300 E. -O"c~an Blvd., "°"I Beach.. To claJm your ticket.a, call 642-56'18, ext 272. *** 113CATAUMA OP-. l·SPM Don't let outside alarm you, come ln, let inside channyou. Sl29.SOO. Agt, 6'73-QU t OOA _ • •••••••••••••••••••••• duplx, Including bay r~ t.o be exch. down in aptg. 213/686-3200 DUPLEX Two 2 bdrm . units +owner's hideaway; seller will finance. $249,000 MIWPORT HACH lllAl.TY 675-1642 SIYHIGH One~ the Island's most interesting 3 at.ory UJUl & rent.al cottage $215,000 I wlll ccmidel' trades as pa rt : car/plane /etc. Owner 640-87S5 1 .. u rP1niu• 1007 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• EAN FRONT 3 br. Comf.ortable famil y beach house. Owner will carry. s:m,ooo !l!OtW. Ocean Front. Robert N. Moodey Assoc. 673-2199 DUPLEX $129.500 Fixer upper. 3 Br down. bachelor up, nr bay & ocean"old Balboa. Agt. 6'75-6T1S 644-6723 C .. fatamo•ach 1018 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PAUSADIS A dram come true in dUPlex design; 8x9 eat.ry bal.IJ, UJed kitchens & balhl, wet bars, frplcs., ate1oed glen. Ocean views from every room ~both units. Vacant for ftrst user's tax bendit. ~COAST llAl. IST ATI 644-4141 c.-.. w .. 1022 ................ ,.~···· OWMllMUST SACRIFfCE 2 BR• den. Plan II. Beautill&lly decorated Air Conditioned JASMINE CREE« '7"°91f . 7&9.0363 ~EAN VIEW MSt ••cua PLAMY ..,. .. J414, .,5'.0J6l P'tnd what you want tn Idle Items witb • -------· Dally Pilot Classifieds. Daily PUot Classlfied Ad. Pl.AM I J .... CI• Y.W NII tll-1414. "llt.OUl S&WlllNG VALUE Qukk, check UU. alllale faml.b' boQ>e on an R '2 &ot with your builder ..... llOl'Dine CeDJOn, ONaa Hlpleridt, OWl•WU. ~YhtT.D. ATtV•llOI Z YIS. .a.u .... cam. • 8aY1D&R moct.I Plan I 2 Bdrm + den. 3 bath. bHut11UUy df'COratf' to'U.IJy upara dtd w /pv rroot rourirard, uto spnnklera It aecurHy •)'Item. 121s.ooo. u Sbo&IDrlve SPYGLASS RIDGE •POOLHOME• SZtl.000 I • I l ~'·' 'i;:di(1~J ...... 10 .. ICUllD \ IPIJI SAT. Isa f.S oic Broadm001" ll hOme ln Corona d'I Mar •• mall comm\mlty, 51 hom , ~r at kx'abon °" tt?'ffnbf!lt w/<"Omm:- pool •• bdrrM. w/huae rmly room -2 stone fl'Pla . Reduced to 1239.500. ~ Walkr.r t; l 1rn 2 IEDROOM conAGE 1 year old dre9m cottage. Vaulted beam ceilln s. r edwood deck, & ~arden paUo. By Appoant.ment Only -$155,000 . -0~ ;.-;.~ --.Jlliliii• j --Balboa Island Realty ANO INVESTMeNT e()MPJ\NV 673-8700 S052D1•1ll• California Homes Plan 1.1•-------•I Carafe converted to ,ORAHGETREE Pl.im3Lovety pa_tio borne Z bdrm. Z ba. fam. rm. & trpk. $7'7,000 Open Houae Slit 11-3. 37 Lemon Grove Irvine 49&-7427 nLYD' YEW C&llb>m re.at.mu of en· d\llilu& e&ecuce,_ musi· clam balcoay It Outaoor danee floor w /spacious foyer flanked by lge liv rm &din rm w/a twinkl· Ing rive city view. A 'positive allurement for $220,000. Special financ· Inc. 5S2-4411 I e= Walker & lee fami 1 room. Near Tl'mCIC/lrd•aor schools. park & shop· ' "-2M1•w.ct TUITLllOCI ping. $'18,900. 4 BDRM ..-z BAnl S12Ui00fee Oubtaadieg vaJue; 4 14671 Ser-. Open s.t/Sun l·S. bdrms., fa.mil¥ rm.. 2 College ~ Colambia. 23 Bethany Dr. bebs, atrium, central 4 bedrooms + bonus ._.Properties llir. New carpets, brick room. Upgraded carpets 75J..21ll 644-2542 frplc., secluded yard &drapes. $138.500. ---------• wttb mature trees; patio. Owner has boug ht Turtle Rock Gleo S Br, 3 25 Golda ba.3carpr.,A/C,space Prafeuianallydecoraled for RV. Owner /ngt. Tradewinds with finest PbaDe M5-0'l'76. evs. another. Only S12A ,950 HIGHLANDS l)eautilul Sage Model in TwtJerock; upgraded in evf!rJ way; 2 bdrms .• 2 ba&ba, dlJliog rm.; great view! Central air. microwave. Owner is moving CM.It of area; call ror a=pp·t. you won't be ol lq>grades. One of lbe best 180 degree ocean • ~~~~~~ ARBORLAKE mlhearea. MSS.000. Super luaurloua two lSll c-bedroom and den ·sh C 11-T' P .. Briarcliff model on a rp o ege a r.. Lakeview d.ri ve $129,950 Columbia ~th upgraded T.11te1H c .. pet . disa . $117,950 DA D. CAILSOH llALTOlt IJJ.9291 Door covenngs, eentral air & super landscaping. _W.~iLw.iiiiiiii7ii54-iiiiil 2ii0iii2~iiiiiiiiiiillliiiiiiii.­$129,sl0. 1u12a.,e.rry Uoiffnity Paik Julliard Model wllb master bedroom downstairs. Oetamic tile iD kitdlen " blltb. 3rd batb w em tc dee&. $UUIO. ~--;. : .·'. . . . "'.'. . I ~II. macnab I Irvine ?-raaltg TUnL1 aoar HMHtLANDs-¥11W Beautiful Lusk home located at the end of cul-de-sac. Features 3 lg. BRs, 2 baths. family rm w/wet bar. formal dining rm, f plc in step down living rm & blt·in eating nook in spacious kitchen. On greenbelt close to pool & school. $193,500. OPEN SUN 1 ·4 P .M . #14 FL'INTRIDGE. <S·93) DIAMATIC DIAtfl HOMI In desirable Univ. Park -the sought after Willowood model! 3 BRs. lg. family rm, formal dining rin. garden kitchen. high ceilings & walls o( glass. Custom decorated w/many upgrades incl. air cond. Close to shops. s chools & swim/tennis club. $174.500 (subj. to cancellation of existing escrow>. OPEN SUN 1·5 P .M . 4902 CORKWOOD. <S·94) LOCATtOMt LOCATION! LOCATION! A prime considera tion when you purchase a home -premium lot, inside street, on a cul-de-sac in Deerfield. This upgraded. air cond. home has 3 BRs, fa mily rm. step-down living rm + prof. landscaped lot w /2 paUos. $114,995. OPEN SUN 1 ·5 P .M . #15 DEERCREEK. ($-95) THI UNCH Enjoy a real .. family way of life" in this luxurious 4 BR, 2lh bath home on beautiful cul-de-sac next to park. Lg. eotmtry kitchen, formal dining rm. delightfully covered pauo ~ a 3-car garage. $115,gpo. Belle Partch 752·1414. ($-96) "MOD1L HOMr Price of $179,500 incl. all furnishings in this stunning & completely upgraded Rancho San Joaquin townhome on golf course & lake! Linda Taglianetti 642-8235. ($-97) W~I AllOlll A•I Spectacular step-down llvlng rm w!lplc & den w/wlndow walls of glass -bay window nook in kitchen -private lower end uh.it location. $118.500. Lee Henkel 752·1414. (S-98> TUITLI IOCI ._. Enjoy tennis, pool & spa when you own a Garden Tolmhome. The dramatic "Jasmine" ls a real architectural gem -2 lg. BRs, conv. den It Hvin« rm w/vaulted ceiling. Central air cond. $157,500. Belle Partch 752.-1414. ($.98) j ,_ . I ·, STEAL ME 4 Br h9cne near M.000. purtt only ST'1,000! Brlni your paml bru.'\11 & loo & make mooey ! Bes price in county Cull '"*'•°"'Y IB>CAAHT I • WAUTOllACH o-hl)' l9oftie oa ••rte tr.abaded lot tn Wood.1 Co\-• aru with O<'uo VleW" 3 BR. 3 BA, ramlly roona. tueat unit 1230,000 • • TIUICHAaM Wood p a n elling. fireplace, stained glasa. l.ttoea, near beach. Live in UUs 3 BR home and use l.he lower 1 BR apt. for your tffn-agers or motber-in·law. $1S7,100 • • ~.~~~ ........ ~.~!4:'! ....... ~~-~ ....... !~-~~ ..... .. ~~ ..... !!~ ~~ .... !!!~ ~~ ... !~! ~~~ ... !!!~ DtSCOYa YO. OWM .POTOFMM.D IM PlllSTMllOUS THIHMCHIAY YOUICHOICI . OF J llSmBtCIS CliwukMJ 2 le•-. oc .. •lew .._. wltlt spociaa ,...._ s 119,370. _...,.ew J ledroo.. JIMA c•.._ ._. wffll oc ... Ylew. $249,000. -C•toM J ledroo111 fa•lly ltoilie with dea ...... tlte be•clL. $249,000. THIS Pll¥ ATI COMMUNITY OFFBS .,....... ...... ~c...... .,... .... ,,__., ..... ......... dM .... 91Cf IT"S TIMI. YOU MOYID UP! AakfwJ.tlf•11°"'or.Mlle.-.Y BY OWNER· H.lPt>' up· araded horn• on 1oir coune w1thln ~ block of tennis club. 8275,000. ~.49Mtlil 2br 2ba Condo Ocean/ ~ vu. Aaia1 SllXl.MO Call' Nancy Deanna In· vest. 615-9500 or 758-90S3. •llSTTIRMS * IHTOWM Aaaumable 9W iV Ut on thia apadoul up,raded 3 Bdrm on ree and in Niguel Shores. Lota of ex tras l nclud.ing skylight. atamed g}aas. A peek or the Pacifk. Sllt;500. BITINllA.LTY 494-9416 Immaculate well const. exec. home. Unique toca- llon ror exec. seeking privacy. Oc. vu. Private beach avail. Avall Im- med., move-in cond. El Niguel OC across way. Tenni5 and Health club. P.P. 661-0544 Pri••Ocem Coc:aswity Largest ol Gardea mdla . cklle t.o clubbae, tennis crts. & pool. Walk to beach. 4 Br 2 Ba. li v rm w/Crplc. rorm. din rm • beaut landscaped. Price Slt&~. Terms. AMERICAN ROME REALTORS 4!M·7Sl3 494·1001 OPEN HOUSES IN NEWPORT ~ CREST 12·4. PM s~~~-~ #20 Baruna 3 Bed P iel'\ • $132,500 f7 Encore 3 Bed Plan 3 $138,750 #25 Encore 2 Bed Plan 2 Vu $145,000 #5 Kamalii 3 Bed Plan 7 $125.000 OI CALL •• 645-7221 ('~ WESTCUFF ~21. IEAl.TY R. V. MON AC O ON Lowest P'ieed home in GRNBELT 2 Br & den, 2 Harbor View. Available ba, brick frpl, kitchen i.n Marc h. J . Doran, loob directly ont.o outdr Agent. 15&-0819 IJJ.3310 VILLAGE f of . HOMIOF IHSTIMCTION Whitewater coastline view on estat e-like grounds . 3 BR. den, formal dining room, or- fice/study, 2 fireplaces, many extras. $395,000 eblQgO 4H-4551 Lingo •• u ..... 499-4551 On the Ora"99 Coast-look to Lingo first OCIANVIEW MONARCH BAY TERR. Elegant Fr Prov home- 1 o t s o r w ood. 2 skylights -lus h up- grades. Only 4 months patio & gmbell, upgrd'd 4 bdrm. Comtempory, cpts/drps. E·Zmaintyl'd hl1hly upgrad ed . w /cem ent decking & $1~000. 642·5078. dri veway . a uto 1---------s pr n k I r s I Ii g h t s . tWW V• .._, Co.urte~y to Broke rs . Phase IL Portotlno • Priced t.o sell $156,600. Finished bonua rm Fee 1931 Port Edward Pl. land.. By owner. ~13 Shown by a ppt only. 5.5&-S586 9am-6pm. Open By Owner. 2 br. 2 ba home HouaeSat/Sun, 11..... in Newport Heights. 542 ... Owwer~ladllav C at a I i n a Dr . On the Orange Coast-took to Lingo first. new. ' •1 , ~.000/ofr. 645--3178. Custom, arth tone .. •--------- NORTHWOOD Tradllional styling In Irvine's newest village. 4 bedrooms; family room and<!fning room. Central air, Spanish &.ile root and master bedroom retreat. Now asking S135.000. • CAalFRH UVIMG St&.mniQI wood and glass condo wi.lb 1real ocean view. 2 BR, den, dining room, 2'h baths. Pool and Jacuzzi. $149,500 • UOtSo. CoastHJway In Village Fair LAGUNA BEACH 497-2457 OHL Y I 00/o DOWN Laguna Canyon house & studio. 7000 sq ft lot with 3rd unit partially completed. EZ finance, 10% down possible. $121,500. Call Dean Pullin, * 715 BALBOA* OPEN SAT. & SUM. 1·5 LA•UNA OCEAN YllW Custom builder's home: 3 bdrms .. family rm .• din ing r m., sauna , gourmet kit chen, central vacuum system, outstanding design in mint cGfldition ! Exciting panorama of 180 deg. of ocean & beach views. a great -splash ~lights-at nigbt-:---A -buy-a OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 32719Sea Island Dr SEE IT-BUY IT! (/#ArAf//n, R~:A"'~v Mhsioa Vt.lo I 06 7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Assume 8'h% VA loan w/only $1.S,850. No quali· fying. Owner will even -cocWder. 2nd~ 3-~ w/lg family rm, covered patio. located on cul-de· sac sl. $88,500. Call 581·54J6 spacaous 3Br. 2 Ba. L.R. F.aatbJtir Condo. 3 bdrm. D.R. frplc. pool, paUo, 2"1\ ba. £amity rm. & cul·de·sac. Must see. patio. Professlonaly de· $139.000 Open lfousc corated. $10.000 below Sat/SUn 389 Mira Loma. marltel. SllS.000 By N.B.orcall64s.6606 Owner~ Waterfront 3 br, 2 ba. 2 OCEAM VIEW s11ndecks over canal, IY OWNER perfect for small boats. Like new 3 bdrm. Z""bil. Commwlity pools & ten· home on bJuffs over look- nis. Slte.000. Ing harbor. Must be seen Property House 642·38SO to be appreciated. Open _ -OUPLft sat.kSun l,S-1411 Kings By owner. reduced lo ~-Rd_.------­ $17S.OOO. Both 2 BR units. 1y OWMr/Westcliff ~~ ••••• !!~'.~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~' THE ~-----------------m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~0000range Coast IREATHTAKING Lagu.na Viejo Realty 1 blk to ocean. Good in· Real Estate lisUng wa~ come area. 675-005 $17S.OOO-Will'now sell for $162,SOO. Jbr. 2 ba . beautiful inside & out. lncludes land. Must sell · Have 11Jready bot an San· t.a Cruz. 642~ OCEAMYIEWI BeaulJful Laguna Beach lies 1our feet below this 10\'ely 3 Br. 2 Ba, single story residence. See waves splashing on the rocks, the ma1n beach & No. Laguna from the ex· ter'51ve decking. lncom· parable sunsets i9~ Catalina, & a panorama o( green hills. One of the most spectacular vlew1 in all of Laguna Beach is yours oo lhis quiet cul de-sac for $279,000. SIA GYPSY ~R THOSE WH O HAVE KNOWN THE SEA & fallen under her magic spell . THIS DUPLEX at Victoria Beach is the answer to a dream. Located on the ocean side or the hwy .. JUSTASHORTSTROLL •QUAINT OOWNTO'l'HE BEACH. Cottage In So. Laguna The larger unit bas with 1 Bdrm. & 1 bath. SPACIOUS LIV. RM. u-....awood floors plus Uv. W /OPEN BEA M nAJu CEILING, MASSIVE rm. fireplace & brick FR P LC 0 F 0 L D patio. Close to beach & · •"'·oppin°. $105,000. BRICK, ETC. Compact ~ • P'AHOIAMA OF ~~A¥-IN\fl f: £n~ • IMPRESSIV! VAUEY VtEWS Ing area w/French door Catalina 1' N. coaaUine of Laguna Niguel, Mis· openi ng to se cluded vista-from 2 st.ory beam sion Viejo. & El Toro, ~tio. Uni~ue bath bas celling home. 2 Decks & from this lovely 3 Br MBk. HP 0 LA'M/~ ~ larPbackyard. Slll,500. family rm home. Sparkt· PANELED WALLS JN BOOIDP ing city lights from huge NAUTICAL DECOR . •HILLSIDE rear deck. New cttrpet· 1bl.s structunlly sound, Condo In San Clemente ing, appllances & paint. older duplex is IN NEED has Inc r ed Ible ocean Charming ent ry way. OF YARD WORK & views.2Bdrm,homehas PricedalonlySl49•500. MINOR REPAIRS. If roomy split ler el noor CHARM AMONG. you have desired a plan. Lovely garden ter-PLACE AT THE BEACH race enhancea liv. rm. TOWERIMG W/RENTAL INCOME. view. $112.~B032DP POITElt II.AL TY lOOON.OOASTHWY. 497-2468 WOODS COVE Great re tireme nt or starter home with oce an view. 2 Blks. to beach; spacious 2 bdrm.. lge. living rm. with frplc., gleaming bdwd. nrs. 2 Decks + patio. Some furniture included. $1119,500 TIMPLIJ;tlUS Panoram1c ocean & village views; 2 bdrms., huge family rm., 2 ~ baths; deck, palJo, lovely = f1exlble terms . OCEAMFIOMT Spanish navor, 3 bdrms .• den, 2'h baths; right on the sand. $485,000 OCIAMROMT Just steps from sandy beach; 4 bdrma., 4 baths + guest apt. with kitchen, batll & bdrm. .-r5,000 REAL ESTATE 644·4848 New on market. 3 bdrm. 2"2 ba. den. Upgraded t.hruoul. 1 year old. End o( heavily wooded cul· des ac . By Own &r . Top.of the Wortd SLASHED $5,000 Uving rm w/frplc, din l.ng rm. family rm. 3 BR 2 BA, pool, ocean vu $129,500. Submit. Oce9t View D..a.x 2 BR + den w/Cn>(c, wel bar " buge 1 9r unit. deCkS & skylights. Walk to beach. $189,500. AMERJCAN HOME REALTORS 494-7Sl3 494-1001 $119,500 BY OWNER $127,000. 714-837-7479 Walle to beach & town. Cozy immaculate cot· Newport leach I 069 uge.'totaUy renovated. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Br 1 Ba, some ocean SIAVIEW view, mature trees, big POttT ROY AL backyard, covered deck, VllW-YllW Prin.only.494-7296 New bonus room addi- tion and 4 Bdrms. Of· LGglllCI... I 050 fered for fll'St Ume and -·•••••••••••••••••••• fl.rat weekend. Private 3 BR 2 BA. Monterrey showing. Jo-Ann Doran, condo, hlgbly upgraded, ~a_gt_._759-06 __ 1_9 ___ _ 179.500. Ownr. 837-5998 *•DOWN* OP94SAT/SUM 1-5 3 Br. pool Npt Hts. As· 2 3 4 I 2 C a MI at o S:m~l. A~Jc!!°·~~ Mwclal int . No credit needed. Laguna Village . Your Owner will carry. va. dream townhome, all cant. Call MS-5399. amenities, ST'1,000. Agt. 1--------- 548-5l!i.s BAYFRONT 3 Br 2 Ba Condos LIDO ISLE $375,000 & $385.000 Open Today 1·5 443 Via Lido Sol.Id 545-2241/673, 12\9Agt SPACIOUS 2BR. den DR. LR. view+ 1 BR apt over gar+6 car prk'g. 215 Sl. Andrews Rd. See by appt. Agt Crane 540-0608 OCEAMVIEW IN CLIFFHAVEN Live on quiet prestigious Kings J\d., 3 Bdrm t :1~ Ba. Motivated seller. Asking 1249 ,000. 964-261 1 II l 1'\ l ESTATE OP&eDAILY Comer location, beamed ceilings,·frplcs & floor to ceiling windows thal af· ======== ford a view of a secluded ,_ _______ _ • ~UN tJ.31. 2222 patio & garden. Features that make 1300 Sussex Lane a desirable home. $167,500. (71o wi.qtfdtofl\. '7S-. .. 0 ~lotll llG Ii IEAUTIFUL Ii EAGER TO GO 5 BR. 3 Ba. Somerset, kitchen knook. family wtwetbar. dining rm, 2 fplc's, view or Newport Cent.er. A potting shed. pci9acy & a price you can't beat. Owner has , bought another home, ------__.,r-¥-submit a 11 o rr er s. sm.ooo. 1801 Port Carlow EUCALYPTUS TIHS this may be your last • DESllAILE Extensive ocean & ca· c~attheprlce or Neighborbood in Temple ·-------• nyon views from this $145,900 hi Price Hllls.,... ill setting for 3 The Causey ........... 1052 ••••••••••••••••••••••• THEILUFFS Absolutely immaculate 3 br. 2~ ba, formal dining, ~ split level condo. Open "Qi , /4. very open & cheerful 3 Owner may heli.i~ance Bdrm. family hocne. Low Br, family rm. 2 Ba MISSIONI TY maintenance yard home oo very privale & 985"Cstu •A I luded ti t ..... secluded cul-de-sac. ~ · awy,..,..guna w sec P• o. uou~e Jacuzzi. Easily expands· ,.._ 494-0731 liv. rm. S182,000. C035DP ble + wiring in ror•---------• • IYTHESEA rxv:: ooo · Et BALD IAY And on1 t lo the sauna. _...,, . y s eps PIOIATESALE beach from private For information call 01anning 3 bdrm. & den beach home m top coodi· Sandi Silka, home with formal dining tion. 1 Bdrm. & 1 balh rm. Gorgeous 180 deg. w/plans It coast al ap· W ILLIAM ocean & white water proval for 3 bdrm. POWE LL view : enjoy all the $179,500.A004DP o I Es privilegesollhlaprivale. •COASTAL n eo tote guarded community. View and city lites from 1200aow-~~ Askiog$450,000 unique wood le glus ===========:=:!.! ENJOY-hldeaway. Ver/ private OPEN HOUSE .. your retirement years deck wilh hot tub for end near the ocean, with ex· o(l.heday relaxing. Must Custom built approx pa.naive ocean " sunset see. $199,500. 8020DP ~l~d~.::c~ ~~v~~m:o~ views, for under $100,000. • PACIFIC ti An own your own with "'·ta• .. 11·l"ated on ~ ext.. bay windows, an r· i 11 bl ~ ~-'" inane ng ava a e . acre for ,.,_A who enioy que copper trim, circula $116.000 .....,... " stone frplc, stuin gla&s,PIOI entertaining. Pool, '¥et bg kitchen w/Jenn-Alr, ATE SALE bar, jacuzzi, 4 frpl.. wme butche,r blk counters, South Laguna: accepted cellar plus • bdrms . decks incl. compl. prlv bid oC $112,000. For those $'75.000. DOlODP S\Ulbatbing deck, ocea who like \he challenge or & canyon views. 743 Bar a fixer·upper, see this ra c ud a Way . Su onelod&,y! Real Estate School Laguna Niguel ,RealtY '. ••lblg•'/J Ac. 180 Degree view. in South ~: tfiis charming split level 3 bdrm'./ 2 bath home ls ready ror im- mediate occupancy. It ls a s horl str oll to the TifE MOST ASSUME 8% LOAM C8tboUc school, beach, SENSIBLE on th.is hlUtop view pro- sboppinl 1' TO BOOT. a REAL ESTATE pert.y. Modern 4 Bdrm huge Uled free.form pool COURSE lri·level in prestigious & jaclllll. Just Usted, YET CONCEIVED: Northvlew. Frplc In Mslr don't mi.Ila it! Act now! TELECOURSE Bdrm u well u ·ln huge Alllhisforonly$198,500. fami.ly rm. True formal .......... Ylew 2000 dinipg rm for graod en· Designed ror S>fivacy ~ • terta.lnin(. $139,900. OPEN HOUSE Dally 1·4 21 9 Via S..RNIO Lido Isle eNertatnment, on over UNIQUE DB.UlC TOWNHOME \4 acre in lower Temple VIDEO with 3 Bdrm, 21Ai Ba. Dew Soderhcl Hills; this seuof\ed 3 ~EDUCATION Totally upgraded, close UMTID llOICIE«S bdrm. home baa a 29 r. n. to schools. new Crown 6 75-5626 u~ rm., open beams & PROGRAM Park & Laguna Niguel --------glOWUll f.rplc. A large DESIGNED BY Regional Park. Com·-------- fonna.ldintng rm.It deck AWARD-WINNING muo.pool&spa. $85,000. EXECUTIVE + a spa " fountain on FACULTY ALISO CRHIC' TOWMHOME space view from Uvlng . ._., room. and master suite. Now vacant. Offered al $15UOO. Call S4o. ll!il 175-3411 ~~HERITAGE . • REALTORS WESTCLlff DBJGHT 3 Bdrm, 2 ba in beautiful settina. Low dn pay· ment. $214 ,000. Open Sal /Sun 1·4 . Bob Dickenson Aat. 979.3533 TOPOFSPYGL~S 6 Br 4~ Ba widen. lg pool/Jae. Sweeping view o( ocean & harbor. Bonus le ramll.y rms. S595.000 644-7493. 75!Mll44 LUXURY DUPLEX SS' leach frOlltaC)e Owner's d ecor ator perfect unit ls 3Br. 2ba wJSplJle. beams. central stereo, formal dining rm, 2 frplai. aJI amenities. Mstr suite !IV/jac. Lower 48r, 2ba. 2 frlplcs, patio. Pure Quality! Offered at $67S,OOO. ()pen Sat/Sun l·S at 4305 seashore. redwood decltina in a pie-Tuition Refund CAMYOH YllW tu r es q u e garde n · Program 4 Bdrm, luxurious home, JASMINE CRIH ~ =--------------- Sacr;ficlng at ~.000 • family rm, fplc, wet bar. Huge 2 st.ory w/exqulslte b I BURR WHITE REALTOR. IMC. 675-4630 IMplr.tioa PoW Surf and Sand center cooking island, =., + stained glass A s s u m a e Big 2sty. newer 4br, 3ba, ~ 1\~•Jua~"!\,;J! Shopping Village =~J~::n ~~C::r:~ ba. fnni cfui~f:i~· r2::_ 8112°/o -~:~:esB~K. Hs~~~.J~~: Victoria Beach, cradled 1465So. Coast Hwy. alrium In center. A Lrgest model in Jasmine Ha rbor View Monaco Prtn.Only.6'S-'T183P.M. JZ-4PM. $.139,000. Ellste Associat.es 497·1118 900 II I ,,.; 5t. &..,... ..... ' in lush terraced gardens, LAGUNA BEACH gorgeousbome.$167,500. Creek. 7»-1501. Phaae Ill. Great view. 31---------- 1 beb lod the gaied en· 49J.t494 495-5220 br, 2 ba. By Owner. You •WISTCUff• trance. await.I peace Ir 497-2457 496-2413 130.5050 owntheland. Bea11UJul large home. L.,...P .... M Delightlul 2 BR 2 Ba con· d o . S u p e r I o r •IO!>N C:O.scHlll!Mey1 l ll9Ufl• Oeiell Co 92651 traqUIUt)' with an ln· ~ Real Eatate ZM4 PortCarUsle 2500 sq. rt. 4 bdrm. 2'-2 terptay of indoor It out-~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ ~IHcll 1041 . ()penS/S 644-4197 ba. 2 ftreplaces. Great _;.......; _____ -::--t door via\a4. Fealuring a _ .. ••••••••••••••••••••• 4 dua>lex, including bay $I St, 900 kitchen. Much used brick w o r k m a n s h i p & 171•• •9'1 1111 materials used thruoul. 3•60I Coasc~waJg •--------•I including all builpns. f?t~r.~~I 9 71 stooewineceUar,potUng .11///!J••• ... ••••••••••llllili.. front t.o be exchanged ~ Inside & outside. Ex-room It other olcf workl 'II do w n I n a p k g . •--------t'ellent. cond1tion. Appl. =~.~Bdrms .• 3 Colclwel Ba Dr m tGM-3200 60• LIDO ISLE .. 842--t188-. l!i•14•Do•v•er•D•r .• oak cabinets & spa. Just ---------2 s hort bl<><:ks to• th Looki.Qg for a boine of l)eacb. Excellent rmanc your own? You'll find Ing avaUable. S144,500 111811,Y homes advertised DOMOS..llA.LTOI for sale In Classlfle<l 401 Olenneyre mry day. · '""" l044 '"9 1044 .............................................. BEST IN TURTLEROCK VIEW a LOCATION Ill Drematlc 1rchltecture.' epectow 2 BA townhe>me. $172.000 •lland. JUST REDUCED BY $10,000I Elegent. dellgner-cuetomlnd .. M , F.m. Rm. "Ed'nborougl\" wlvl9w of rotttno hH"'11 $251.000 w/llnd. • .... Mcc.-.ta RESIOENllAI. eRO<ER/tGE Cat.PIW'f "llG CANYON ·--HOUSIS* ..., 4t4-7HI llAUTY" AwwdW ... tt---~ WE P R OU D LY PRISENT you with lhia ramily home m t.be heart ot Laauna Beach. Cloee ln. ocean view. 3 Bdrm, 3 ba, ram rm. X i,e lot. Don't miu lb'• op• portualtJ si•.ooo. OPEN SAT/SUN 12-3 180CIDQUITA SUPER charminl 2 BR, z ba., tee. Uv., frpl., hdwd. pe11ed noors, wood pane l tnc , bookabelvu, patio: ocean tide bw)', Few llelll to beach. N. end. CAPTURE OCEAN Probate sale. A1kln1 VIEW One b lock lo SllO.OOO·tubmtt. beach, 3 Bdrm, 2 ba home preMll&ed at onlY 2 BDRM. home, N. end, $!._... CrMUve Onanc· =,:. Cd "4 ntt. illl available. PBG ALLSN QUALITY I Bdr9, I ba. REALTOR ... 'Tf18 1 blk to NHL Nortla a aa apt O.Y.O. POOL ...... o.do,...uedln OCSAN VIP, 111,IOO. I a rd ea 1 • I I I D t . OW.C. Write for appt. PO ,.__..._...,..........,. -.-.So.....-.ea . t.omenUoa'14t,llO 9171 ~-~-~~--- ***OPBf HOUSE 2'"4*** Gracious llvlng al Its OulatHdlnc arcbitec· 1 IO~Trinh OPIM OM a ....Ua 90LF COUISI beet • DramaUc Uv rm tural *aJp, 1.,aclous 3 Udo I• 3 lJe drooms : 3 baths: on t he ~:~r~I ~i~u~~. ~; BR. ram rm. dlnlng rm. Italian Villa. 16 room•. fairway. Pool & s~a. $319,000 SEE fmly rm w /a second new kitchen. 3400 sq fl. 2 Double lot wilh pool. ELLIE FINIGAN AT 24012 PASEO rrpac. 4 lie bdrms. over· h.-hPAUos,J..car1arage. $1.250,000 DEL.rv-t.MPO II f I e d ms l r au I le O.W.C., flexible Onanc· -vv / _ _,__ bath Truly a in& •• 10.5~. Appointment cr••r.=•v I ~ OPIM .. MOMAICH IAY ,_..Cl w g .. """' • oa1y -· ~· • .., Custom 3 bedroom, 3 bath home ~=e ·n•wly 112..._IOc~d I h I DwS1•..... ~ w t poo , spa & ocean view. ...-1ac>i•s Larterooma.Thlshouso AOS.000. SEE HAL CARDWELL AT '71-l6Z• t.m to u.. oceanfront. 32222 SEA ISLAND DRIVE. Ru1 Elltate ~ 1 _ _:_ COUMTIT Q.UI COteO -__.. & 1181& COUMTIY CUI IY OWMM 641-1 IJ I Live right on the golf course. S Oreat homu, flex fllorineouloltowallu.t ~~~~~=~~ Bdr m., 2 bath condominium. =11•· beit areH. :=!:k!.~ba~.:· ..won1•11rn Move-in condition. Walk to~ ....... si-.oootbeltol· 114',HO club. t86,000 ~ODO ON :U>~:,,n24:: eves. =~!c...=:'J::t. • brick • ,._. •hance Bdrm, 2 bet.b home Ot 11 ,,_I ltol'7 duplex '* "'7 •• ,........ w/pool, Jae:, fasn r m, o.nar nnandq, •"*"· t1. For pertOMl pre· complet.iJ re1Dodeled.. ..-o vtw, call .. 1111 a11 tot-(Dx~:.:or•. _;..;.;~.;__ ______ , °"'N'""·"S'IJN IO"'-<'' °"""' wUI No !'alt 8hllf 4 br 2~ 2 ' ..... ....... .... '"*· See CaLa.UD• ffoaa balance. Aak for l:d dfa&n1 room. Owner. Qwoow1M·lll5 AlklnlP.soo. ~-ma . !!> ' F·:":"] HI [ Rr" I ~ [SlAft:RS .. , ..... ,., .................... . ' "-ethrS-. 0..-...... .... ................•...•.. ...................... . .................................. ••••••• •• ••• •••••• •• • • • • •• ••••••••• $ • "' .aaw-.... s. 1 zoo Miu µof..... 106tt6aaea4._. tO•t ................ t0'9 W1 1ta1 I • ._~-.;;r;," .......... .. ·~-····-•••••••••••••••• --'•••••••••••••••••• •••"•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Ca _, • ..,, .. ,...._ ~ Sundily, F.t>rua 4, 1970 °'"' .... ..... . .. ~~~-~~ ...... ~!~.~!:!! ...... ···············•······· ------------• WAT8 .. 0MT POOl 1 .;,.. all utJUUeia, oo Ila. C ·~yA.M -.ooo 11 aa1umablt> At W...... Prtc" ~io.d. C&oM to new ., ~ vn ln. Ow C ,.,,.r. t BR. GoriCIC*' J 8drm1 and • ................... • .._,, rt 2000 *-,, ,..., 2000 ~ .....,,.,., 2000 ..._ ,...,...., 2000 ·······-~::? ............... ~::? ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... G~ e. COURS · EST•TES 411' Oortt Cherry Laaui famrm.~atedtot.be l.f'17·.sec» ~ ~ 0penauwJ.,. 12-4 at2all bllt. Pool with HP· OROVEJU..ANO~ • ..a-.;. ,.. __ ••Uer or Perhaps thfl m t. ma lft~nt horn in p t 1(1.ou. Bl.c C n>·on. This ' bdrm. 5\., balh Ftcmch R gene.)' hom Its on Marty t~ acrt' nd feature ~ool c~t. lmpe>rtl'd cni tal h«ht ri tUttS. oa k s>aMk>d ramlly room. ga me room with stand.up b•r. poul)Jacuu •ntt pool houst All imporh."d rumt~hlnll~ urtt included in lb prt ofSl.400,0<IO. . UNO~K CO STR CTION you till hu,,e time to deror t~ tha 1or1teous 6.600 ~ ft Country Er\.fllish homl' wh1C'b h1ghhgh~ doubt • plrnt wood tuare ~. 5 hum.• bdnns. s~, bathi., rama1y room. e t•rdc;e room den. pool nd JllCu-al. . fo'Or prlvblO 'i hOw1n g of theSf out tandinr. custom homl'~. cont.act. THE STARNES COMPANY 640-5711 ----------------------~ ........ -&;&:;:,:- I~ t..&nt Prinr oa ~,iu;:i DW8nlCNT ORP I( you re a se .. ...,. vu.,-~, .,... 1y.Niu21day,,11~ -. .. , .. ., · exchan1er ~fw unit•. commercial. "••wk!MU. IJ611 ar••••H• " 'lndUltri&l,.or lud. pJeMe call for an 1=.:r~:'nx ~:l.... ~¢~1ti0t~t't1~~· ·:~'Jr.'J'=~re ~t:iJ~~.r!~e~~J= t•r. t:l~•n N1.!1.!d1 up 5~1461 p RE S"t nn 0 US broker and are interested in the = Xtra b1.11i1e )'d HELF.AR ESTATt: CAN fas•-• awwnn1t nrofessJonaJ operation .wk ()p(on Houae SWM 8£ SPlJT 29% balaoce ~ .,. -•• ~ ., f s.tltiu.n •·~ •1~.000 •·~. SWll TIM.IVa down owe. $368 ooo. in Orange County. we have a ew ''°' Vort W~•ttwurno ~tU!ner'• 0.ll«ht Prtnc. Ollly. Mike Wlok opentngs on· QU[. sales staff. Please ~ iliu~1 ' • Odnna. 3 6aths. olr con-957-056& Alnt. call for an interview. -~~~c.'ft.:yt;> ap-ACU~1H~ ~VISTA DUPLEX -Walk to Seta.-• 107' 1.1.1.M/M-..ttk ~ ~iea co~un1':;3: shopping. Stl.5,000. ••••••••••••••••••••••• IJ6-t46 ingviewofthevalley. •$79 ooo DUPLEX., Orange County. ooUecl 1"'677·5609 p t•. & 8"0Y llAL a..-..... ..._ t>ROVElt LAND & a 108 garages. au.AL ................... ,... INVESTMENTCO(Jr. , •BALBOA ISLAND DUPLEX. Trade ATMOSPHHI ........ .._. I • down only. $230,000. from tb111 ~harming JwS. 1100 WHAT TO DO •2 HOUS~ ON LOT. ·Costa Mesa. b1ll11d• home 3 L¥ ••••••••••••••••••••••• WITH $129,500. Bedn:n,2ba,dlllln1or~a Sl6,t00 O OOO *3 BDRM + 2 BDRM, Costa Mesa, off tMng rm+nice lama O llACH $2 I)' rm lmpreu1\ e S.ST , $163,900. landKp'a, clOH U) S<"hls. Dbl Wide 'IJ trallera~ r~ •y777 •PRANGE TRIPLEX-SU6.500 (got ww consider lae/opt. On U)l\15116) 3 pvt bcb 6 ~ t 1 ) 11 sm.ooo r.:a::Sb~~~;i~~-=~: _,s-11 ~..tor •C~VINGTON 4-PIJEX ._ Pride of YACAMTI !Ql>l Paclfi~ Coast Hwy. Xlnl short term return & ownersb!pJ $200,000 • a.-4.0c~r ~B~3~~·3 ~~r~. ~~ OWD the ootr, sensible •4 HOUSES/ONE LOT -yards. PltlSnGI AaU. n..-.atG. commodity ert, Real $170 000 Amp I e room Io r New 12X'4 w/lg covered Estate 'f:iGO •COsTA MESA Pride of ownership togetherness. 4 I ~ porch&carportinquiet 11677•5"1 .f-plexonspicestreets,$215,000 8 UNITS ,,. 9.3 X GROSS BeautJfuJ building. 9 mos old. All 2 br. 1 1 ~ ba. Good Santa Ana location. $280,000 4.PLEX. All 2 br units . Enclosed garages. Good Santa Ana location. $110.000 2 LOTS • . - l block from beach. Plans ready for tri-plex included. $95.000 3 IEDROOM HOUSE Or) R·2 tot. Room to build. Close to beaclt ~ta Mesa. $85.000. 64lHT36 Allent Mc<.;oy Prinripol~ Only ~fr~ :r~e ':oU:y adult. no pet partt. l /SZZ-2010 •4·PLEX, Costa Mesa. $155.500 Mesa. L •RGE & LUXURIOUS ~le in the master suite 548-6833 •4 HOUSES/large lot, COsta A relrf'at! the kids a.nd Buddy '68. 20x52 s Star 5 ACllS $242 000 $465,000 their rnends will cnJoy Pan in Vista. A·l condi· T~e a yellow ribbon •4 tlNrrs Costa ME;Sa $180,000 lehldeTri.a.x Prtme East.side location. ftOOQ'I to build. Full price suo.ooo TWO I II STUCCO HOWICS on 1 lot 2BLOCKS FROM OCEAN ONLY $87 .000. __.-. ... €HIG€ c~~!!l.time Beautirut 4 br home with formal the diniog/family r m Uon. New carpeting. Low ~~f~1;0C:: tte:~~ •TWO DUPLEXES, 4 units, Sl~.000. . 1· J t M und large Jiving rm rent. Private Purty. parce J""l waiting ,.or Costa Mesa . dl.ning rm on a "· comer o . any w frnl" ch .... rv kllrhen ""117 .. '"'' 2617 ...., •· fine features . '"' w:t·h ~ervic7~"" center . KC2b'78."" 1.......... y00 to build your new •TWO DUPLEXES, 4 units, eacl) with .,. _ _.__...._HOME:~ SCOTT RIALTY 3333 W. Coast Hwy. ND , ___ 5_3_'-_7_5_3_3 __ '4M646 SAN Cl.EMEHTE SHOWN IY A,,OIHTMINT ON&. y Cov 'd patio, deck and Very unique. extra large, home. f.&•GO fire~ace. Huntington Beach, $175,000 t-oemented area for dogs vallet & ocean view · · -C A MESA 4-PLEX two 3 bdrm ,. CALL: or storage. A real buy at Adult, pet. S.J .C. $45,000 I /67 .. 5717 * ' ' Totn Stradluger 759-1501 Sl~H..W.ctcr, Owner.83H144 l/SJj.4462 ~~o{i,=~~$~000-.: •U9UIDATIOM * -ZOHOMIS- LOWDOWH Year old Duplex, 2 B.R. 2 bath units. rlreplaces. Anx.ious. Sl39.500. BERTHA HENRY REALTORS [~•~tii!fal}lfa\i Nooft to 4 .. s .. e. Information LAND FOi SALE •6 ORANGE COUNTy units $210,000 · · _,, _,,_______ ._._.. S. ,,._ •8 ORANGE COUNTY units $195,000 Real Estate Ho 9ulfrilMJ Owner to carry. Low low negative. Principal• OllJ)'. tl5 Del Mar 492-412 t .uquott STOIE Mini market, dell. duplex" land. Avg. mo. income 163..000. Asking SJ.22$,600. 642·8850 0 LINE' Approit. 9 acre$. Zoned •8 ORANGE COUNTY units $20.5.000 . ~s H J . :,d:;i~h1ll:!,d i~U'i!i°t~ •14 UNITS. Orange County. I year old 549.799 I H .. ch * NEW IN NEWPORT * Ex I . I iogt.oo Beach. Call W. $597,000 wfthOCEAHVU C U$1V8. James mo~. •16 UNITS (four 4-plexes) Orange CUstom home. tastefully County ~.ooo . lSTTIMEINVESTORS c•urr REFUSE dbedooecormat+e~nt.hi;p-:c~~u! BANK ..... __... .,.apl?+, 1350 • 16 UNITS, Orange County $400,000 Prol. Real F.at.at.e Invest. M Aleftl. tt·· .....,. ...... ..-.. ni $760 000 Counc1liog " xchange IU))' relltanable orrcr: kitchen, tile breakfast --················· * 17 UNITS on ocean, . . advise. Spec in Beach Seller 9$ aJJ oegaUve bar. den W/Wet bar, buHl DCDn~l!tSIONS •22 UNITS, Anaheim, $53.S,OOO Multiplex unit.a. prop " cash now for first year 111 stereo, lg baths. nicely ftUU~-OCUMFllOMT *24 UNITS. upgraded, S540,000 buyers available. Ask for on this 4-plex. Willing to t ll e d · L 1 v i n g rm NQ DOWN HOMES C $605 000 Skip Burson Counselor carry paper. no deferred w/pegged hardwood Exclusive 6 Bdrm on •24 UNITS. Orange ounty • Realty960-4393/M-6361 maintenance , Only floors & comer frplc, Carlsbad beach. Open •112 UNITS -Exchange. $2,800,000 000 6 _ ... ,...,. uurrs $174.9SOl"~~·spool. Call oversize garage, room PAYMENT Sunday l .... Sl71 Shore •125 UNITS, 411.2 years old, $2,375, _ _, " -o.ly for golf cart. Owner will Dr. Owner will finance. *RETIREMENT HOME to be built, In Carlsbad on 2 lots. llD CARPET finance$15'J,OOO $350,000. Also, older 2 Room to build. Plans for 0,..42HMI C~Gome~-5 •FREE BUS• Bdrm with separate ~4S,~~~ING CENTER site package ~u~~~~e devi~~~~~C::,: 133-3310 M IUCH-ltl TRS. 3'TI No. El Camino Real SAN CLEMENTE 492-2100 guestbow;e. $275,000. + 2 eA AU> 000 bo •TOURS DAILY* Bdrm adults c o ndo -ne~toregional center-• ...,.,. Also, 3Bdrm ;'.; LohforS. 2200 acr~ from beach, only *SHOPPING CENTER, Orange on ner _:j;OOO sq.a.. -···•••••••••••••••••• 1·2·3 BEDROOM SY62o~''°°c u· MMJRNNLITCHR-S County,.$640,000 . ~N:/1c8 -vocoM illtrade2~resortaeres 1.-9151·. 729-9273 •OFFICE BLOG, Orange County RLTRS on lake in Elko, Nevada HOMES tQ> l·729-91Sl; 729-9273 ror cash, sailboat. car. $1,170,000 diamonds, gold, etc. IN PanatS North Ensenada Mexico s flt R. V. PARK. 283 sites, Sl,500,000 FOUi UHfTS.C.M. ,...;67:.....:>:.....:7687_;__ ___ _ SOMETHING SNCIAL THRIFTY? IH DOVY SHO•ES/IA. YCUST Spacious 3 BR family cast.le in need of paint. $119..950. Try VA terms. Mft bdrm retreat. frplc. near •MOBILE HOME PARK. $2.800,000 "ear new. i J;tr OWGers Will trade 3 sub-divided Al.Lura~ beach. Breath la~iog •4 INDUSTRIAL BLOGS for unit, 2 ba, ~. 2.car locs.LasVegas.ror casb. BERTIIAHENRV REALTORS 21S Del Mar •92 ... 121 l.IW Ocean view. Only $21,500 S2,000 000 gar., 3-2 Br, 2 ba. un:rta. sailboat car diamonds CAU.HOW ft.educed ss.soo 1q sell •lND'USTRIAL BLDGS. $280000 _ 1SLinvstmts&U-1603 etc.67s.76B7 · · MOll.E HOME now. 53f.9751495-"336 ......a ia ST,__ $31!,500 ......!$1,925,000. l'ontiguous R -J lots. OPEN SUl'C 1·5 --$'6,000 *INDUSTRIAL SITES in Rjverside. Ga .. .-... Village ot Northwood. E. Anaheim 956-4500 3 8drOJ borne oo R·2 lot. ..vw.J • Or C t Ri erside & <>wne-amdous. $210.000 (farmer parking lots for Westminster 848-8195 Can Wld second wUt. •Lvi,:, m ange oun y, v Broker/Aaent 133·2689 models). Plans included, ~;:,mo 1071 ~m ~}~~ AlleyaDCAanr San Diego County. ..;:E_ve~·-oo.J..y.....::..·-----1 ~.~~~Broker 1120 TRADEWIHDS LANI WESTCUFF SHOWPLACE Gorgeous Westclirr 3 br home. Spacious laving rm. Wurm corner fireplace. Family rm. Gaanl k1tchen·loads of cupboards 1 HURe master wing Big sewing· laundry rm. Massive rentral patio. Mint condi- llon! Call fasl 7~·1100 "',.._ flt 0 . ,, ' f t>N "' ~' '· , [~·&$ti HEWUSTIHG HatMw HkJM•ds 3 Br 2 Ba. all copper plumblrlg w/new water btr, forced air. & wlw carpets. A sharp up· graded move·in cond1 · t1on w/many features. $119 .5 00 D oris Waterman. Open Sunday 1·5 1518 lrvlne Ave ••••••••••••••••••••••• onapprovalolcredit 842•5541 No "drive-bys'' please. If you're Triplex. E. Colt.a Mesa.1....,..-..:..-...:._ ___ _ . MIMI RANCH DILUXEMOIU . serious about property, call for an ~~~;s~SC:~ 4-l'LIXLOT 2.3acres.SBdrm. 4 bat.b, on 2 a cres. wetbar. ••I iNPr-mr 1400 apnni .. tment. lfyou'reseriousabouta 1133-2330 COSTAMESA pool. cabana. ~·car 1 1 l -• • -r-,.,.,..i 1• t ff all 'or an Jt.2 loc. suitable for 4 uo-garage. Zoned for 4 r rep ace. proper Y ........ ••••••••••••••• pos t on on our s a ' c •· ...._._ Mesa 3 bd.._ .. _...... Its. Street to dedicated a I r e a d y d i v i d e d . .... r t . ""-• '" nvu~ UDO •... YFttONT horses. Stables. s ur· .... .w.. r ed tth Mini st.orage .un...... as intervleW. +unit.a+ rm for l more. aJJey at rear of property. A rounded by trees, Comp& ...... ,,. enc w growing area. Ready for '-'II .&IL pi _..CE $105.000. fleau(lful. 3 Call Max Adrian foe de-Unobstructed panoramic privacy & minutes to m~o.t~i-67'1·5609 building permi~ or will T•"" ~ bdrm house w/extco11ve tails. VJOPEN SAT /SUN 1·5 harbot & city. S66S.OOO. DROVER LAND & bllkl. 54S-9'1S6 PROPERTIES, INC. brick work + rm for 1 .Barrett RJty Reg;ste.r 103 Via Lido Sood B 0 N D R E A LT y ' rNVE$TM£NT CORP. Ca arcW more. $90,000. Owner 642-5200 Agent 675·fi900 831-!Mll PrOplrtJ 1600 1714) 752-1920 714·271-1838 By owner R·2 ld'4 approic UILDERSCLOSEOUT 3> x SO Gulfstream, new •-•••l'•••••••••••••••• * * * * * SOx90 w/sm' JI house iew property. Newport 4b 21,~b 3 . root. 2 BR, l lh ba . .Furn rented at ~/mo. 3233 Crest. $144,000. Century e ant rl" l 8 ; car or. unfurn. 4 star prk, SHOPPING c· ENTER Clay, Newr.-Beach. N t C l g age. aan ng rm , adul'8 no pets Prin 00· 9 ~~ .,,.,.. Ca 21 ewpor en e r . edlamrm,2 frplcs, 1 ~:miOwtier IREAKEV&f , I f"08i Xff tm.500. Prine. only. II 640-5.157. wet ar, laundry rm. y. · Pri~. Oranae Jci~.U DLC"~ llOO ISo/oDOWH By owner. rices ex· owner's lnryer S48-71ll. BEACH SPECIALS pre ·um carpeting. DeAma 8a)'llde Village, JocaUoD..!_Y.e_arsta. A•aila· •-•. ••••••••••••••••••• 4-Plex & Sngl Family. t.remety low. SeUer will Unotinlftl\femessage. =~Jus~r;eJu:!t !'~i1.,% ex~ung2~~ ~r~~'OOf;!·c~e~ ~o~utriftb.t9 x Gross 4.pJexea Assume. Seller will~~ all flnanc:log atCDM,rYJld7tobuild.all Vial.a Mirada831·2«3. porCb +'patio. clbbse, purcbue. $1.6 mil on. positive casb flow carry paper. Mngmt ~· CcnllAow !~,,~~!'! for ~:Sd~olise on corner .,..~YTOBUY·2 br. l ba. pools. jOC!JUi's, beach. Principals only. Call for $155.000eacb, Santa Ana avail. A&ent. Gary D. p M _. "6 ... D W ( I m. ·al ~ 67"' 2758 .. 93 7082 ...... fta~. Owllec' wm help lioance Jbller Low .,., .........__L.-, :... ~.k. ':.~; 9.:., ,;""1e t•m11y bom•. ... •· 0 ' • • • -HOWELL ••1-uto1549.4132 ..,._.,....,..,. ~;:;" uoo Joan. $109,900.wl su[fhea~lpe log~itc~r~~d ~~ft ... _• JACK ·~~""' . Bkr./owner PrincipaJsonly •· 71F04/5R4S~~7P6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 br 2 s t ory + loCl d · 1 ' td ~-644AN1> "":"1156•·.-Tll .. •v 4UMITS CALL r.&u DeAnza BaySideViUagt . .... 9,500. "'-' 10% down. Y • n ew y c rooop ' LA~ CHAIMllt .-~ • Good * * * * * br ....... ,._ff N "' .._... • '.7 washer/dryer. S'7S. . J·-• ......... b11rrv OD thls --DOWM All 3 Br 2 Ba UQ.i&.S. 3 -~ ome, ew.., 4brbrkpalio$121,000 ----·1 , ... .,. SutaAna&ocaUoo.Yoo· decorated.$27,SOOterma. Duplex w/land2breacb. BEST LOCATION in ooe. $14C>l\)8oe reot incl. * DllYllY * 0 .W.C.•tlOO/o tbly ineome$1400.0wner Boat Dock. Pvt Bcb. Xlnt cond. $182,000. Casitas . 2 br 2 ba uW. Walk to town 4' bell. 25MNewport Blvd AJU price $12$.000. Very will carry 2nd. Full price 112 interest In 12 u.nita Po o I . J a c 8 u 1ki' · WALK TO BEACH. townbse on J levcl. 2 car SngJ wide Spa.rton. total· COSTA MESA · private westakie. Agent $155,000, $31,500 no mgmt .. no Clubhouses. ro er I POOLS.TENNIS FROM gar redecorated & ly re-cood. New cpts .• • tbeo call coacerntna ~oe negative., tax s bltr .• Owner . 631·'920 / Npt ~0:.!'!''f~ ., ~-11&""°· Call ' 0 ' rnlr.\k£~'' SU.9 •• this o•tst•ndlog ., •• _,_.., 2000 A ~R€HIG€. $2$0.000 value $63,000 m.&&58. w11ot.s ot glass &q~ade of at')"..a.:.:'.'.ii.li...a.1. Mo 11 LI HOME perty. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• /-J_ ~ HOM€~ «PilY&M-0.177 C:Wof ~ ownersbip.$13:5,000. ._,.. STOltl PLAZAMIWPOIT -DOWN CoalH NB L<JngBeacbulowasl0% "°"'ty 2550 NptCrst2brw/aircond. 83l-6Wor4~ UAL.n 975-0616 * * :rmw. ~ LL .. "J.1 • down 5.20 units. 213 -.-................ . D/W, frplc. Hurry! s.taAM 1010 956-4500 lncprop aNUmebal of 64-05·U'1l office, E1-.%noquallfy. $108.500. ••••••• .... •••••••••••• CottoMeMFber '120.ooo.' at si,oro mo. H'U NT 1 N 'GT o N 714·644·0317/586·39615 IDl"'2tOOOcondo .. 2Br,2 .Jl..b..._!A.J-'f\... .~ OPIHHSl/Owwer Spac.added12X29room MlllUTOWN GNI inc '100/mo. Two HARBOUR'S B~ Big bome Ba, fpu:. Pool, Jae. nr ~ M.rfM RHlty 4 BR home I Nr. So Cst. on lOX 50Crusader 1962. UUftnl on'°'-No crtdll needed, 4-PLEX on corner lot. "Prol>ertyManagement'' f:!.~~~sT~T~nr · '4Z..llSO Pla¥a. $79,500. 107o dn. Low park rent incl. some •JUSTIN* owner wtll carry· Npt NMr new. Jluat be aold, . FWlboeewhOneoect · · · Albert Pussell ~.......,;:~ ~SoOlive. uW. Slubed to $12,M>. area.6'WM. maJteanoffer.Has1ood A.n&daywt!lelt! ...,....._ R It C -Flexible finaocfng . Quasi..c<>mmerclal units •••--uawmbleloan. lleyerMgmt-M&-1366 luh•!fl 2100 ea Y o. le..tffulUdoVu 3 Bdrm, $74,950. Verr. Own e r will carry avallableforle,ue. .. ....... ,. , SC-orTllAt.n ::r::' ..... .-............. .. mOOY1••.tu.63t-su2 Main Ba f t 2 BR 2 sbarp,greatrorlrgfam · mortiaie.(t.516). Andcnon-Jacksoo&Co. ~&yraold,2BBQs. su.7533 o~.sun:R DEAL ...... w•~ Y ~0 . . • • Ly, easy to bll)' & easy on 973-U. rec l'OOPI.. pool. Teoaota m>.ODO. c uni&I arou • llUUl'llO .n •RI' HEWPOIT HTS. ba. &at slip P.nont~. your ·purse. Star Real 77 HOMATr. fl9Y ut.11, Excellent area. F• a Ill A-1112,000 ow or J a&t .HAVE: S2GO.OOt ocean· We have two 3 bdrm. Lots of bc?al tramc. This ERete, 754-G62 Sl,,tlO OWner will carr. 'Y at 1 ., ac-. ~000-·fi-r-... aA-. 6'l$G51 front llaul Condo •Gd homes in great loca· condo pnc.~ lo sell at a ...... -.... -AIL. tHX. Onl7'515000 .... ''"" ..... -.OOOScotc.daleCondo Uoos· tbeyboe.hhaveoak 1299,950.Prl.ocipalscaU 5-lhlagllllla 1016 12 x eo Popular front fr ~..:'~art of , · · • • Owner wt l f nnce SOUMTCotee> WANT: Waterfront noori&trplcs.,onehasa 10..llOWH,Ltd ....................... rear bdrm. plan. 5 JUir t~.,... C!OC'-~ fR€HIG€ 1'/21%down. San Die go Ct y. house or condo, -.th or 4 car garage' r 0 r 673-1020 Ocean View condo. walk perk. <NB-C781 ) ner locaUoa excellent HOME:~ ~ f ·~=~~ arcblt.eebtura l plant Huntington Bcb. Will $13t,OOO; the ot.ber has a to beach, 2 Br 2~ Ba, PtOPel:tY f Vt 1 . ...__ --• ___ ..._, ~ •vailable. ttad.J for de-trede 1 or botb(up or shake roof & a :B'BOATSUP.6yrOld,3 Jae, prjv. Ownr/Agt. NICIS&.ASHlt furniture:,.._ ;-;,:; m:tW.CoutffW)',NB velopment ha 1rowtb down. Priadpats oab'. __ , .... 137.>00. 11<.2 ........... Nr. --U,000 ...... --Ow.-MW646 mslriloOotHwyNB ..... -. ... -. ..... Call., write v ..... CALL-~l.,,!.°",fi'P'."~~ °'""vtew.....,,waJ•to Ownn le••lol ., ... .......,., ...,.. to ..u. '41 "4' • .....,._ denon. "&, ~·••• Mariner's Cove ~I.t:ALTY rrtce lo Newport. beach. 2 Br~ ea. Jae, Must sell fjOW ll Dbl Asking Uto.ooo . ,,_TWO-S •Balbo9bluddplxiael. Valle.y Dr. 9 09 etash l •".000. 0-oer/af:. P.rr1ivv ... Owner/Ast. wtdel.9700\IJf'Stre•m.5 Rea&ooomica87U'100 3~un.ll.soelarge ... ,.,,,.,.. ~CObuxch.dwn Nevada t 1 • pll °" .. 97M5l3 $2088 star prest. PVk. lmmac. Westside lot. Eacto.ed .., . 2dltlW · 702/733·6273 or ca ___ __;::__ __ -f ()pill SuQ 1·5. "39 . • ...... (Gt.8W7.a) Coda••·~.... ...... all 2 BR. belcnf New ,•.Pated DGW•1-beoootnl ltlW200 1J4/f73.71Zl. Coutllw)'. T..._ 1--o loto .......... 1708 rmriltat$120,000. cou rue · -· • =~ ,. m.cTTS 67 5-80IB -·••••••••••••••••••• ..... O I I L I H 0 M I ---··••••••••••••" · Prill. cab'~ ........ ot s•-•-•-~ 8 ..... AIN "' ' ~ taTIG€ ----... -............... .. Ma llGCAHYOH C-.t-... CT STOii 3u~.._rro., 2~2b!ir'!:l· f ~' I hl•Ttactnm ~ ent .,ror 1 !.m 1 a 40 r& ,_ hh- u1nrrns C•h'KfS. "'"'"" 1062S..Cll191 .... "·,:a. .. of~ i ""1'1~) 'lbree2BRualt.tta...-.t ---.. • VY. • -.. " ............... . ,_,.IU El Doc-ado Plan. ffl•bl) $7000dew9 .AMAHllM gar., ,s.e,·U::ct. Prta: mUV.Oolttlhy,1118 F.aataide locath>a. Ex· 188 • lar(er unit co; ..... I'll I •"• 3107 =.,:,:1:-~:.,~ ~1*~:. ba. ~.,,1a,:: =-~ ttMIOO = ooi1, 1108.000. MUM6 fl':o.~ ::tMfl =r.:;·~~ •• ;:i;:·-;.-:;,· ....... .. \liew. ll \a fairly Pri«ed. ,, , WOL.. Alloda~po0Ur1pa. l~BLOCXSTOBEACH! ... JIOl . 7~ ...,.. 't..-~deCl~nnc:it ~rgn.:..~~ but the owner needs to Worldlllveetmenta . llALTYWOIU • 2ba . .11'11 !lrybne. 4 D w'wll 1100 Beaut.. .. ., bwl•toa. 4:\ f R€1TIG€ Call Tenture Realty: Ila. Waterfr'OC\t b.om4 -·---MU. ....... WorldlD-. ........... -• -.. ------OME:I --bttolttlyll!.J'P =. •n olfer he con'trt· DUPl.EX·MU81' SELL, IJ0.1110 A.allli w .. IJOO ....... 4•~•z::••••• 'DILlnwmti -.1.. -w .n....;.-tffff ""B 0.-del Mar lfi.pan, ::--..::. ::.= ~ ~ blk to beach., ter~. •-•••••••••••••-.. •• rLCA . JOM~LOT . -.~ wy,l't &OSI tsc.ltf. Slff,000 sue.ooo owner/ogeat Dlnn/avo acres No. S.D. Cbolct' Huotl11wto1t ~CM a~te MW646 Prioc. o.a, 17a.HJ.1e¥e.lltll•-•.._. 314 ~l LA.aWOOO (l). !£*·Panoramic 81 a c b Io c ~ti• n • .._.. cJ.i ffn.w lol. orwtmd. 3 Bdrm .• 2·•torY. pro· v-. acre, 25~ Sdlld.uled ~ '1• ...,._ .... ._.. ........ ..;....-------n BR f\n CCledo. ..Su CoteOIY.OW.-mium locaUoa; pool ca I uy at Beuoa l*'1P0-•11~1mall Ill rn• c:.M.A.ftll .... cl....._., •z~ba11111.-park 6 ,...., court•: Rt11ty1•tMa11...a1. 2ad. 11tt ,tso .,~-rt€~Tf o..-..u1ipll_...No ti aa .... eats 11111o.. .,.co ... NearHo.,5'5-311:J8 CentUI air •• Oweer 0..-/Bi'obrla.T417 __ :HOPI ..-llf1"'1,llO=~· Ow A1t AITD k ... ~. Newport TemlceCoodo Owe.ca bJ orat:!f II a k • thou Io o d IU ... RV cm com:'~ ._ ~ ,.. ftll IMlll JI ~~~=~~~~~ bJ OWD. 2 aty, 2br, vu lilbl1 'ra1holll ~ ,_.,. WV'l""ltSA -.o..ltlhrJ,NI ~ _., A* fir , .. , ........ , ..... ,_,,__ .... _ C°ot•ll••l•ll> lllu. ';,.'11~ . ... ":ll:.=t'°O: 11::!-::.i=..~:.ij 64INt6 ---c-IO IM --. llO Oi• !i.::"i•·~·~'.":r.:! Ot~:-• W,: -Tai PMltl iTfll:i~=-r,:.:.~.:.:.:J t ~ ==:..:r' 1411 .,., · ·~~---==::' ... 'ftJ"I - -.... SPYe&.All llU. fllo. LIAll Thi 88R holM b 1 beauuruJ view -or Npt Harbor • the ocean, rc:rt11aJ Lv rm & din.Ina rm, den, brukfut ftOOk. eparat gu t BRIBA. Jae .• alarm Yl'lf'm, lntH't'Om. fully liu*caped. All uW. & maintenance lntludecl.-tn I •a $U~50 ~r mo. C41 ....... 1U ..... ~~-l . -NwnU• .. ••&1 "-ffu.fwtll•&t .._..,u ........ ,. 4'••••••,.,..••11 •bM•tiU!ifWi: .,., ... ,u.twa; ..................................................................... ·················•····· ............................................. . ........ H44 ... ._....._. Jiff ..___,..._. Jiff LiijllielMdt J741 c.-.. Mw MH C..W.. »14 •.•••.•.•.........•........ , .•.......•........ ····'·················· .................................................................... . s IW. a I.Ht hH IMWly m-1.11. Npt Crelt condo. s LACUNA BEAt:li MTR VPPel' 2 br, I ba, frpk. I BR. fttlt So. Coaat dllcrt'd, crpt'd thNOUt. Beautlfuf d~r s Bdrm 8r.3ba, + malr •l~llv'a lNN. S7~w"" up. Maid Adulta.oopeta.H251rly. ~--per mo. patio. w / o. t-•rnm home on LIDO with aru=f I. 2 car + enc Mn'., ~TV. heated Ker reQ. 640·'610 or ~2253 ~ tr11n11 rrt1, chldrM f • n • t l •m e n i l I e 11 • aar. • tennl•. walk, to poo&. uu1. (714) 494·5294. _54.1_'3122 ________ 1 Dlay yard Y•rd rnalnl Sl.500/moleaae. bth. .$S$-74M. 1185N.CoutHwy. • Lo.... 3 ~ • b klDSOI Int llOOtnO 1113 1.311 . -----VtaY rlT\ ... "' a.. 2 br 1 ba DOOi 1275 ON WATER. charmlns 2 1..oYeJy cuatom 2 BR. Npt 8adl. Apt. bcean vu. pvt. huge sun eek, frpl .. -**10.mto7Pm. • _.,, ..... °"-~.1 br.2 ba. frplc. btdroom 2 bath w/boat ffct•. fplc, ttlr ptr1, )'d. walk to Vtctoria bttnl, dbl. gar. 1625. Ast ---------dU•lu', paUo, fl)(d yd, allp '750/mo Pll'UO. "50. 548-8067 beach. m> incl. ulil. 21a ~5930 2 Br mttqe, frplc, beam ,..... llkk " .,.._ oil "45 · · mum cellin11. patio c&oaed Aft' I 964 256& Waterfronttfomes avlew, 4 BR, 2.,._ ba., OPENSAT/SUN1·5 aar.AdultAotlly 'Nopets 11tJ.itf~ "· ' ; '31·1400 formal din .• fam. rm .. 2 OCEANFRONT 2 BR 2 teedlx 2 Br. 2 Sa . Plush SMO. E·slde •. t42·110Z frpl.; vlow. 1uarded BA. deck. pool, garage, cpl, drpe. patlo. fplc . aft.er7 pm. JJJJ a.SIDI LUXUIY Udo IJle, SBR. 2~ ba, uo •*·pool" tenn1s. $900 ta.l5mo.494·4778 Bltns. dShwthr. Utll pd,•---'------- Br 3 ... _ d 1 Mo. Adult., no pet.a. 1525 mo. 2 bdrm. caraaej private •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• 3 • _.a tn,2200aq. V • ltb ace. 1850 . Aaent631·14t'/844·5403 Ocean front trailer park 645-3779 or 646-9714 or patio, built· ns . No ~':J~in!db~d.al~~'. ~·.~a~'!:.":;~ N-01Sl,M6-3343 Waterfront. 2 bdrm. ~~~~~l~!~~e:e! ~~ :,~orpeta.UtOVic· KMl.A.pet.11ok.~. itt. _ .. _ea._am_____ ~T~CD~-f11>lc.,dgark., lee p1a!19o5, pier+ pool. Qn sz bed, CHAMM&ltllf ,_Eaat_LS_Jde_l_B_R_b_a_c .. -....,-., -!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ tM·2a8, 973 297l '!be. Tvr•c" .a pr. 2 baa, ... -... • -.. -. poss. oc ute 11 color TV. comr.t furn. RENTALS n. _..., f-1A a .. u 2 Bdn:n.ttlor')'.$475; 676'8~1 W5 util inc. hes FUllblORUNt•uRN utll ind. Ir 2 BR $325, ....... Jit 111•&1 I.SE/LS~ OPTION 4 Or. '""'' c" .imal(t:. ft· 2 8drm,2sty,~/new 564-4065 2 8 d rm s 2 b a Newcp(8/dtapes1n0oth . ........ 7':.7.::.:...... • • • 3 bit, S..R. OR, ii f11>I. Ira fa~· M50 mo. ~-48 9 s Bdrm. 2story, ssoo IAYCltlST Waterfront. Boat space 631·3"6afl4lt wlulds . ... .,._..._11 JIH W--.~ kil w/dtn'a area, huae ~MZWOeves 38d:nn,2st6.S500/new Beaut decor 4~r. aep. Mlwport•ocll 376' avall.Adult.s,nopet.s. Ur28R.cpta,drpe,blt.ns, ... ••••••••••••••••••• Sh Ida Dr. lot, P•rl rot lllda. 5 £xeeutl ve Turl l•roc k 3 8drm.2s y, $.\SO/new T.!L bdrm. bllvang rm11• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call Margaret, Agent encl gar adl&lls 00 pets lhmlinllOft 8U<'b Mlnut• to ~v•rylblnf. OlttO Townhome. Huge 2 Call631-l.266 \WWII rm. 3 a. ram y 873-S170or 839-0ll77 ~11857 '> • Sl.,.lu~ h,38R.ram Youarethe~ann .. rof 1650/mo. or 1C,b m l br,21toty,2frplcw/ten· asltforJohn,Agent rtft. custom drps, fplc. 1 ,.._...., rm. 2 b.ll, W Nc>~por\ Twe,..._ Tldletl tt'mlll on option. Ownt:r rut. pool. J•c .• view of -----....:.-...:__;__ radio inte rcom, BBQ, ,.,r."'"' 2 bdrm. l ba. No pets. Brand M'W 3 br, 2 ba, COY· ~Rhl'r, ~ totbo S«lll7. billi. tll7S.S58·~. ~perl et2eiRant2,':_onbdo. tri1· g rdnr incl. SI ,250. Cmdoty _.,5• 2 BR, 2 ba., )'ear· _ ~~tsooly.S:::.aeo erect pa_rklna, children Tt~ eve. Bl • ..,.. a, poo . 6t0-7058 ·-· mo. .,,.,..__ accepled. No pets. $4$0. .................. L~~CtH f t•v.-., lU4 TUUUIOCK jac .• 2·car 1ar, 1575. No SlWSTOllACH 838-29l7orSJ'J.l809. ~ ..,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• • ~....... ftaf• lf:i2..6l54 Rhett BR 3 "'-aaAn. .......__ ~124 ......... •• •• •• • •• • •• • IOOIO ' ,,..,,__ ...,... · S. ClelM lllh 327 6 4 • ..... wnlr . ..,.,., ColN --~ . 9 1 ir• lJO K\JKel!:xecullveHomo Brand n• ... w/sr,ecl. ••"'CHUYl""u'!. 3BR.2b•.wntr.S425 •••••••••••••••••••••••2 Bdrmat:,.unrum,fam1· h L h .. ..._ f·--bon "".. -"9 ••••••••••••••• ••• • ••• • BR .__ I ...... I C .... c •••••••••••••••••••••• at le O•I Beac '"""• ......... usr~, vtew 2bt •den ~c 2 .l .... yry._.... LAM.&.MCHAAPTS ycompe1t,no ,_..... I ..... w,-ftao.I Ann • 300 E. Ocean 2~ t>.. 2900 sq I\. r c'l()I ..... ·.... . ........ ..,~, .• ..... Z&l .. Hws 3br, l~ba. f11>Lc. stove.~ bd rd Zl08 apt 3 Col ge Ave --_.. .. vn HlVd . Loq lk-arh. To pnvileaes Ir gardener. -e .•• r.,...,.,.._,., 0 • W/den, L.R., fam rm. refrlg. hdwd noora. Larae 1.2'i3 aa en ~9'180 • • 3 BR, 1"4 b•. tn Onnae. claim )'OW' tickets. call 1915. 759-1807. din. deck. pat, frplc's, washer, yrd. 492·7400 or apts. Adults. Dshwhr,r....:..-'--·------ frplc, paUo, Ira yard, 642-~ ext272. ---------I~~. elec gar-opener. Both 492-5413. bhnl. encl. gar. RU bbq. 2 Br, 1 ba. au elee. Brand t-orner house USO • • * Cloleloelecn. scboo!. 3 br. ~ ~ p-' .... "ionallv dacoral Pool. Gas Pd. 778 Scott new. 187 E. 180\ St. $350. 00-.TI. SS75 mo 49S-628'7, 2 ba w/lge den. Prpk. ~ ed"'Sioo & \700 Culi 2 BR house. S h op-~~~~~~~~~ Pl.942-5073: 64.5-56ll • mo. Agt.541-5032. 111115-1800. Eastslde 4 BR, 2 ba w/of· dshwhr. covered polio 7U·2000 ~~= at 631-3#4 or ~~~fbf:s X~~ J!8 f: I ~ MESA VERDE home at· Comfort.able new 2 br 2 ...... ..._. )JO fi~, Uke new. 9600 mo. :~~-~:tokN~o f:~: .,....._. Grulla. mospher e 2•3 br dht ba, kids ok. no pets. -••••••••••••••••••• 93'1-0501or645-Z476 ................ 97 ......... 1 NEW HOUSE 2 br. 2 ba. a ..... oo"""• 546-1034 .,.,.., ....... ...., .. mo .....,........., .ru.• fplc C I 3 Br, 2 ba, frplc, gar.I. YI C.OZy 1 level, 2/ 3 bdrm. .,....., ~-· ...,,.__,. . ~BR 3ba. den. din Ina rm. F.astslde 3 bdrm 2 ba. fa m lll:lm'• leec .. 3240 dr .. ·tfi8~j, ~~m:\ ~Pt~~o blk to bch. SMO/mo. "'all Condo. Fireplace. pool . Westlab yua..-2 BR. clean, priv. patio, patio w/1a11 bbq. New &din rm. f11>lc, new crpt -,. ln T nl 1 •Aoo 645-0776evs .....,. l • ....i-1315 tJle. very clean. S775. & drps, bit-ins, fncd ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~138t. en s. pqo • ~ · · view. ~cnnls. garage. Beautiful brand new a ... "",.. . 675-1442 ya r d . 8 loc k ft o m New~legant·2 bedroom _________ ,Steps to beach. 3 BR. fam $495492·0734 Apartments. adult apts. Nopeta. Pool. 5'6-ll950 546-6418 schools. Gardener . No -'550. ort bedroom + <k:n New Condo. TM Spr1ngs. rm. 2 ba. W. Newport. Entertainm•nt. Jacuu.i. Ol>eo daltY· • 2 BR l Ba. newly painted· ';,e:W 02~RB !b: ~?:Ir u ~~ ~7~ease M;25. mo. ~d!e.c1t~~ ~l~~:o~ tBR Iba w /rfg. Tennis. .:."s:«1_1_ru_·_ve_r..:., _S4S_;_;-8628..:.___ SEA VIEW Rec:r.ation... ~~ =~ Cinsi11e P& out. $.12S mo. S550/m o . 645 ·6983,•---------beach. Private 2-car =j~~Sz6~6:1\ or lsc. Luxury 3 br, 3 ba condo, TOWN Q S Youra-365 1Br$290·$305 8 am or Larry. 646-6816 · br, d en. 1621 San· garage. Fully m ain· ---------• elec. gar. opnr. frplc, H U E 2Br1335-$350 ,_5'6-_5880 _____ _ .... Panlnt .. • 3207 dalwood, Mesa Vt,:tde. tained yard. Adult•. No Woodbridge new 3 bdrm. 2 dshwhr, trash comptr. San Clemente magnlfl· days a year! · TSL Mgmt 645·8122 BR apt, c~ts. dr°ps , -very 1475 1st + last. 54S:2719 pets. Inquire al 527 18th ba. Highly upgr aded Newport Crest. D.R .• cent ocean & Dana •kautiful c•--1.. clean Ava1l "'5 $32S m<> ••••••••••••••••••••••• or (707) 942-6565collect. Street. (714) 960-6331. home. for le:use. Sleps to pool. tennis. Kids ok. no Harbor view. Spacious 1 6 2 hdz= MISA PtMES -a. ..,.. · · pork. pool, lake. Adults pets. $.595. Agt. No fee. 2br & den w/wet bar. 2~ I BR $.115. Pool. jacuzzi.•--------- lg l BR. Eastside CM. 4 Br. 2~ ba, nu S & S only. No J>Cls. ssso per _96f. __ 2566 __ :973-__ m_1_. __ ba. SpUt level. .Frplc In ~~~~ gar. avail. Adut;ts, no 3BR2Batwnhse.lyrold. cau 646-7175 or .._52$-3828. Golden West Estates. mo. Ready March 1st. living r oom & ms tr ........_.._ pets. 2650 Harl• Ave. Next to S. Cst Plata ten- Avail now. Gourmet kitchen. ram 559-4478 bdrm. Beautifully up. ApartlMIDla 549-Ufl. ois. pool, S525 mo . rm wtwet bar. for dtn'a. ---------1 •UDO ISLE• graded. Includes rerrig.. •All Ulilit*Paid ~artswkdys 6-SIDI LUXuaY ~ g{i·~o incl IDITALS 3 BR. 2 ba, Lrg. Sunny washer & dryer. Priced • No I.-Required Beaut 2 BR. 2 ba. Mesa 3 Br. 3 ba & den. 2200 sq. -'•"""'· -·-------I BR. l ba ........... $350 Patio. Access to tennis. to sell. A must on your ClDrive, nr S.A. e ntry INl!Wllliort Heights 2br. den. Rareyearlylease ·Cape n. +lush gardens, pool, Vacant 4 Br l ~ Ba, 3BR.2ba ....... SS25/6SO bch & club. call Frank list to see. Open House ·=~·T-a. ub. Pvt fncd yard. 2 pal o. Nr. s hopping 'Cod c harm e r near pa.taos aw mo 6'13-6336 fenced arcl Id 3 BR,2~ba ..... $600/6SO Karl <21.3)653-7900 Sal/Sun12 5 carport w/storege. $435 center. Nopets.S400mo. N HY C Bo b or~· · Y cu · e-sac. 48ft.2i,,ba SSiS/850 ~~·~~~~~·~~ Alt : ·Re 1,.. •Acti.;deel>indot. mo.673-8139.,631·1816. 675-TZU .... 3 n,2 aths+a---------lcidsOK.$495.963.0175 48R 2~b ··r.ie 11000 = . amtra a"" Fr .. Swwiaylnmdaee 1---------guesl rm w/bath. SUOO/ bdrm. renced yard. 5450 • a., · · '12M979. <71•)729-4979. • Health CtGbt. __.. HEW UHD AnS MOW RIHTIMG Mo. Dona Ch ichester Kids& .... OK. New2SOOsqf\48dhome 3 Br28acoodo,sgllevel; 1 Bdrm" loft $350. 3Brbungalow 642-8235 (S. l03) ..-above Hunt. Harbour. newly decorated, $625. PLUS MUCH MOR.El 2 8 ard 673-7893 many xtru $795 Call Agt 759-0226 s.ta AM 3210 Frptc .• rec room. Pool. r g en apts Mike~2358 · ·-••••••••••••••••••••••• Oakwood jacuz:zi, closed garages. Pool,Jacuui, BBQs Ccipistr-lffclt lZ 11 y~ .. fim~•c:e~ar!g~'. -Bea--f--bo-----1 JasmJ.ne Creek 2br, den. Adult l atory Condo, 2 BR. Garden Apartments Gas & wtr pd. Adults. no All adult/no pets -··••••••••••••••••••• 642-:MSS ut am. me Compl. pool. tennis, spa, sec. 2 ba, kitchen w/bltns. pets. 393 Hamilton. C.M. COAST APTS tbr rear duplex. Back yd. 1---------• l'econd. 3 bdrm .• 2ba., lge gate. Avail. April lsl. ramHy/dJning rm. patio. Newport Beacb/Nonh 64>4411. 177 E. 22nd St. UO Respooslble part,Y. ~O. MEWPOaT H116HTS fncd yd., or. schools 640-7600. Commun. c lubhse & 880 ,,..,,,.. SUPH MtCE Leota,645-2498 499-:1193. AllA Lease req. $46.S/Mo l st & .__RT Hl!.IGHTS pool. Ample s torage. 101 16thl br b .. _ lasttomoveln&SlOO cln. ,_....,,-v g Shopping & fwy close. (71 4}64!>-0550 •Lockedgar.w/lgstor. 2 • 2 a Twnna. Pool. Coroea., Mar 3222 HEW LG. TWMHSE. dpsl. 19272 Salmon, H.B. AREA Off Tustin Ave. 633-2?77. N Beach/South •D/W, patio, lndry rm. Jae.& Rec Rm. NrCoasl ••••••••••••••••••••• •• 3 Bdrm, 2'h Ba . Frplcs, 963-1420 } tt523 CAM. au. ft... •. lnui..ie HEW LG. TWMHSE. 5Jll.S7118 •wport •Special cabinet space Plaza. Child Ok, No Pets. Atlr. 2 Br s. of hwy, Cpls. Wet Bani. Laundry rms1 ______ .... __ """'~ '"'" • 1700 16th St ..Cas heat.. gas cooking. S 4 0 0 m o ~ s "'"ra1-fe ed d ., 3 Br 2 ea. oaraae. nicely WOOOlltlDGE 3 Bdrm, 2~ Ba. Frplcs, 3 bd _,... IDov•r a• l61h> gas hot rna'"r all free. 6Gt008/6'73-578t. re1s, S550 mo ·at/Sun u. ..,n, nc Y s. "' .. . ~et .. Ars Laundry m rm. _.,., per . mo. on (714) .. 2 o1 10 .. "" 12-4. 673-37!>6 decks Corner ~x & decorated $475. 962-8571 New 2 BR town home, G uca • c ed i ~ mooth to month. Horses. '" .., •Adults. no pets. -----0 range Ave. C . M . Adul 1.. 2 b b country kltch. 1 Child d arksagesCo, enc KY s. d o g 11 • k I d s 0 K . Adutta ol\ly. no peta. I Bdrm. S280 -....~any Like new Broudm oor S625·$6SO . 631·1388/ t.shon.,. •1r. 1 1"11 ~· o.K. 5425 Mo. Agent ec · mer nox & 916-756-6816 Model1open dally ICP 2 8drmS32S ~-u .._ seaview home. y 1· ... w, 1_7.,, ... -....._ town ouse, "ur ner s Orange Ave . C .M . M th lo th New beeutiful garden securi ty & prl va~y ...,..~ ----Cove. Cpts. d rps, dis· _83.1-__ 9293 _______ 1 s1~7~2908·Stl5.0. 631 ·1388/ Soulhl.agutla 3286 4 BR, 2 bath, l door from 2323~denA~g~C.M. apartmentJJ.poolltspa. $850/mo in cludes 2BR,bcumceilings,frplc, hwht, priv paUo. Sharp ~hoch 3241 __ .-_______ ••••••••••••••••••••••• beach. Vie w. Winter 642·7605 Bach.elor S260 gardener . Owner Patio. renced Yard . decor. Pools . Tennis.••• 0 v· M h Hfie/ PhL<i"-""""' ---------12Br $360 ···~·•••••••••••••• 3 Br 2'"" Ba 11 bit·· cean 1eW· on a re ..,.,,, mo. .,..,,.,.,.,.., 979-8430 $375/mo. Adlts. no pets. Jae. &mot.lease. Dep re· 1 Br unique quiel ~ ac. . n , a aos, &Imm.it. adult comm. 2 Beaut. brand new adult Adults, oo pets --631·2177or646-6789 fundabk!.\.\Mltobeach. Frplc, kids/pets olt. ~ng. wet bar. Ocean BRatden s5so /mo .2 BR .. sleps to beach apts. Spac. t & 2 br 22SO Vangua rdWay 4S::.ks3ba. to oc2 ~unj,. N.eS7w9e5r •·3-br-2-, ... -b--1--d-• _962_-s:m __ or_963_-086 __ 1 ___ 1 Rough. $450. 498.2286. ~~· moelec+. g5aer .1cdlooe r. Comm. clubbouse1 pool. w/pauo. Thr!'.,t!1°e. Sw /hl odw n1 hds e s \ y I ~ <al N~9626rt Blvd' . . rp '. . . n a. a r coo ·• 1.!1141 Potomac. 3 BR. 2 ba -_..;:;------~1 -c an jacuui, etc. Teal & Bab· 546-.-.. c e u e move· In .,..,. 675-6494or675-5930 wash7dry. refrig. frplc, 2 ~ 3 Br townhou.se w/ocean $100. Tennh1,pool etc . codtRealty Jnc. 499-4797 Feb.IO. •3·-B-R-2-ba---1--1375 car gar. tennis crt & -view pooi/jac ssso mo 631·2174 eves, 759·6009 Feb lSt to June 15. 1 Br.1 Ba 1325-$335 1 ·enc gar. · New 3 BR. lam. rm. pool. C.M. $525/mo. 20112 Marin a. 4 BR 2 ba ....,,_,;,,,,,_ 2131~ 1671 . days. Wn~ 3298 Qlrport2br, W/D. adults 2Br .• 2Ba ._c •~"'"' Near OCC. No pe ts . townbse. secured area, .-Z1 .. 7 eves •-wknds. sns ~. .,.,.,. ·-.,..... 1 pd _,,,..c.o1 7$12156 comm. pools & courts. _ _.. __ .. ___ .,. ____ lOUZ Kukui , 48R 2ba 2 bdrm.2 ba.newcarpet. Bhlfs Condo. 2331 Vista :::•1••••3•b••••b•••••~·· :fli>su~o .;:':.~i:i~ _TS:=L~M~g!:m~t--~642::::::.·1~803=11--·------- Ava1l. now. SllOO Mo. E. Side, 2 br. l ba. No S500gardeoer incl. ocean view. frplc. $52S Huerta. 2 br, 1 ba. view ........ ., ge. r. 2 a. crpt.. 675-7758 Near new 2 br townhouse. L« 1 BR & ba. Also: 2 BR.2ba. home. pets Dbl gar lrplc 11215Pawtucket.3BR"B~ Ulil.incl.497·3839 Walktosbopping,tennis drps. thruout., trplc .• 1---------garage, fncd patio. Enclosedgarage. So of Hwy on Caoyoo; ~.137s.s4s-3683.' balb$450 club.$500mo.64H718 bltin.,. F.R. cov d patio. Short term. bayfront 3 center of town. S3SS. mo., ____ 998--0648 _____ _ adults. no pets. S.SZS mo. BROKERSJ&-1461 New 3 bdrm. 2'h ba. Dbl. car garg. Nr shop-BR 2 baths S6SO mo ~eves&wk.nds. Wehaveotbers! Availa ble Feb. 15th. garage, frplc. o cean ••UOOlSLEJ3BR2Ba. Pi!1g cntr.,schl., f!'Y· p1u5uULAgt6'7S-S110 · S325.2br,l \4 ba,balcooy. Agenl673-S3S4t497·3388 Brand new partially GWP Exec Home. 4 br. 3 vtew. Close to shops & lovely lge pat o. $750 mo. Mile Sq. PrK. area. F .v. 2 BR l YI Ba. avail Feb. 1., lawxlry rm. Adults. no . rurnl.shed. 2 bdrm. 2 ba. ba. 3,000 aq ft, grdnr. no buch. No smaJI kids/ ~; 645-6822 ly. $485. Agt. Peggy· Wntr mU. Beachlront 2 rp1c. garage. S350mo. pets. Sharp 3br 3ba w/blt-in & Condow/frplc.5S7·7162 pas. S795. 493.9431 dys. peta.$700494-8070 962-9351Amenitles bdrm.5m05.$380permo. 751-2'787 TSLMgmt 642·1603 frplc, $600. Call Steve IMIMi203eves. 3br 2lflba Bluffs T·plan. (213)""'"2675 644-6510/540-1151. 3Br28a,llfencedyard, --------a..,..)tlls 3250 Beaut. Back Bay Vu. Homet......,lhtdor •-----------Sbmningtg.3br2ba gam . S200. l Br, nice, quiet avail. 2/15. $450. 7118-7100. Sharp2 Bdrm Condo. S32S ....................... Close to pool. $675 u.twW•d 3300 to beach. 4 br, + apt. Pool-rec. area. $34S area. Yard. Non-smoker. Corona del Mar Irvine 50t04 per mo. <:all962·7788, ask 3 bdrm, 2 ba., frplc, bar. 673-3359 ••••••••••••••••••••••• den. 1395winter.$675. yr· 710W.180lSt. Refs. recfd. No pets. Terrace. Immaculate, · for EliOl. ·a1 h h f d d ly. Agt (714)675-9690 TSL Nga>t 642-1603 newly d~orated 3br, ex· 4br2ba. pool, paUo, frplc, ---.------s was e r. nc Y • 3 bdrm. 2~ ba. pool & TAKEOVER c-••t s.ttitlcJ ecutive type home. $850 $550mo. lst+last mo. 2 Br condo, l ~ ba. pool, patio strge shed, SSOO jacuzzi. Overlooking 15 Ontbebeach.FeblS.June UIOE.2lstStreet Spacious l br adult apt. mo.644-0591. S100dep NoPets.5S7.fl81 jacmd. No pets. S42S. mo.492-9886 ac r e g r ee nb e l t. PAYMENT 15. 3 Br 2 Ba. rrplc, F..astside2br&den s plil Avail. immed. Refrig. 116U154.Rhett. New Shadow Run 48r, Beautifully decor ated. INFORMATIONOAC garage. $475. 2 Br l Ba; level. Frplc. deck, avail. 1887 Monrovia, -------...iEastslde 2 BR + den.. Age • f Rob RIHTOP'110NS frplc garage *A 25 .,..c:_..,,. J ... ., ......... ECI• cellar, fruit trees, fenced 3 br, l~ ba. Big yd.·~.,.. 2~Ba. ra m-rm $750/mo. n . no ee. • • ,, . ak.yUght, all extras. $420 ....,,,...,..._. _____ _ --" ,,,....., 962-0925or892·7530afl6. McDonald962-S521 TOIUY 400 HOMES Laundry. 646·2030, mo. No children or pets. ._._ LEASESAVAJLABLE yrd, avail. immed. $375 .. mo. I It last +cl dep. ~;;;;;~u:;;a--~~;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.j AU.ARIAS 675-8130 Days 646.4262; eves 2.uunu. crpts, d~1 blt-Beautiful3.BR ·l800mo. 64&-3513afll2noon. Ageol.963-7330. LAlgiMa....... 32SZ 645-9543. tnS, lndty, l cb.ila . no v• • •GE ••••••••••••••••••••••• MOllU HOME locll apt. S 140 CJ 1285 per mo. 720 B •-Avail. now, nicest Mesa Laree 3BJl 3ba condo w/2 ST-ES II 3 PllOPBT•S Verde home, 3 Br 2 Ba car gar. $450/per mo. -·SIA-•C-OU-Mn-•Y-•I va 64S-028S 3 Bdrm townhouse apt., ___ ma_r_ . ..;.M&-_;,__1 __ _ 640-1405 719.036 +famrm.$.'185.644-5757 8Z'n WUdwood Dr.~ ml ~~~im ~~ --Yl.4--•-IL_Y_LEAS __ E_S_!_ =J.U~ mo. IASTSIDI ...-••irw••AE ~ tlch. 21.a/43&-4180 alter For lease oPtion. Elegant C. Anabei 9S6-1011 I •1.J& off f QWet 2 bdrm unit in ,_,,.. ._, _ ......,.. 3 Br. 2 Ba condo. Moun· "'est-''"'?!r a~a we -ocem;wt, Eutaide 2 br, bttns, no amall com..._.;• feal&&reS IRVINETERRACE Largetownbouse~y , 2 lain Views. Wa lk to ten· FAMILY "' ............. _........... ........... -· -..: 640-~ 4 Br 2 Ba, new ca--· brl~ba.haaev . Bradnewlwuarious3BR m. golf courses " 3.2 ~-...-9n •-••u -· -mo. 1278; bit-in ru1e " diah .,....._ 2 Ba~ 1 ml ~., 2 n.2.,. ..•••..•••. -5SM210levesaft5. wasbe!z new epts. dtps., drapes, paint thruout + +.Small pet ok. $39S to atale miles to beach. $550. mo. C.ocne move into this 3 Ca ••a I 1-, 2BR. l Ba .......... $425 ---------• oar. l'Tesbly t::j:ted. Greatrateforrighlfaml mo. Drive by 2536 Santa belld1. .Jacuui. ten· Byowner. 770-0811 BR. 2 belb home thalis Uaa,_,. ... d 3425 I BR. lBa .......... $300 1 Br + loft, 2 ba, ref, Aduau/DO peta /mo ly! Ref's. Long term pre Ana Ave. then call. ID ~·b~ re:· Just walling ror yo•r -••••••••••••••••••••• Contact Olane. Sun.. .-ove. pool. adults. no S.20C2 · · fen'ed. 642-Cm. ~-tns. . 20. 2b W tNlne ood penooaJ touch. This fine "'~........ hlllt Cond 1\8 or Thun. 6'13-9060. pets.$380.~290t. •--------DUNGER"ASSOC. v•..--u &',"• a es c 0 neighborhood w/good ,....,.... ....,.wee op 0 Davidloo Realty .. _.......__._ l br., S2Jl5. ntric .• CJD, 9S7-0'10l -. LGE 2 br home, cpts, stv.. anlQlf course. $390. schools " in close prox· Panoramic coastal view _ __, ____ __:;.__ ~, new, great E· Adults No peta. m.o w. ------.:..:.;:.~:..:.1 refria. fncd yd, gar , 2 Lrt BR. l~ ba condo, 497·3'26 lmity to park & good + D.Pt. Harbor, 2 Br. lBrfurnapt, view. side tocauon $265 mo. 18lhSt.fm.771'1 3Br2 Ba,fplc,lndryrm adlts.$290/mo.&44-9806. mmJaay e xtra s, <1beShoree)Cust.home. s hopping. $575/ Mo, den.2~ Ba. Dbl. gar. $!AOmo.l.oJune15th. 7»ll31;eves837-0666 gar adlts 00 ....... ....,,.. crowaire, 1as BBQ .., H ., .. 2 82 found rac Micro-Ov 2 Call67 .. _.... 1375. ·2 ba towabouse, 67s-·2763 • --· _,., 2 br, l ba. S38,CI mo. Yd & Pool. tennl•, adlt, nr. 3 BR 2 Ba, wood burning .e rry anea V"I • 35 · ' • __ _.;... __ .,,._. ___ , •·----------1 18"1e. Bh·lllS. 6(6.7378 bcb.'315.8'7.7215. fplc, Fam Rm, formal (~101) frpl.496-8818 3Br,2baupper, Mesadel frplc. suodeck, patio, COltaMeM btwn&-7PM. dlnlq, elec gar door. MAalOI 2BR 281\ Np&. Terr. con-Mar, $350. No pets. 9dulta. DO pets. 2656 F , E Townhouse. Jbr, 2 ba amall pet OK, S704). VllWKHOLL .-lftll. sty. end unit. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 546-t036. Onace.A.e.lf0.'1905 ~ V RDE, large 4 atrium A paUo. Attached Beach. rec facil. 493-1675 Comm. tennis. jacuzzi &. $llllOmO. 15 Big Dipper ...... ltlmd ll06 MOW T AKJMe NEW LARGE 1. BB, encl bltns. 2 car garage. =--~«lease. Agt. 2 car garage. Pool. Unobslrucled OCEAN pool. 3 BR + d e n Crt.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ltlSBYATIOMS gar-~r &bopping. $295. &up 645-S637 Jacuul, sauna, tennis. VU Yarmouth Plan apllt· •---------2 ... _ 1 Brand __ d'"'lu.xe 2 BR,•-~-1VZ_l _____ _ · · ••EASTSIDE 1 .. e 2 BR CJoee to beach. $500 lsc. • 2 Br 2 Ba. many level coodow/niaht light Dua Pt. condo. 2 Br. 2'A Br •urn or un urn with ....... .., lmmac":late 3 bdr., 2 ba, ckta,. adult cC:cto. Dbl 6'HOl6. amenities. $$75. 49.S-4795 view. $750/ llo. yrly. be. 2 1ty, $450. Ovrlk'g fireplace $490. Avail 2 Ba apls. Xlnt Costa New~R. 2ba, no kids or new patnt drps crpta ·~ 8 saa.dl Fla ,.4•6200 pool/Jae. 55&·8433. now. 201Opal.675-9229. Mesa location. Available . .1 mo renlfree. car gar, f:ov paUo. e~cl gar., ... 25. 559·65 8 ; •Nice cleap 3 Br 2 Ba, Custom3bdrm.2ba. fam. tS..l02I March l.1979. From $375 yd, schools. countryUk 64S-6822 frplc.~2cargarage rm. large fenced yard. Duplex-downstalrs-3 Br-per mo. Bring your -2-Br-..... -_--.lin-g--nnn-I setting, avall now. P/P. 2 br, court. lmmacu ... SG>mo.w;e.2273 Endofcul-de-sac,miCl'O-... lw•,... ... &t 1ara1e·nuna ·la r gel roommates.CJll. ,.-mcel s.,..,.,. 15251 714-MW 56 Walk wave. 3 car garage. $585 FOi' ••si ••••••••••••••••••••••• $495mo . .Btuce. 642"8532 bltn range. No peta. $290. mo. 1 · to Harbor Plaza. Garden view from every permo.Owner494-2067 ~ · ..... ,lllRI d1 3707 ~ 642-3e64. 313 17th Place. Mesa Verde, 2 BR. den, Adults only. 347 W. room.3br,2ba,prcstlge Beacoa8e7·Waterfroat ............................ Pulnde 3107 No.L. coveredpaUo,nlceyard, Wllaon.213-447·S2160. home. fa mily room. Ldle,...... 3255 3bdrm1Sl.2.50/mo Oceanrrmat. yrlJ, lg l Br, ••••••••••••0 ••••••••• • Close to school Ir shops, Specious 3 br, 2 ba. Air frpic., dshwhr, many ex· ••••••••••••••••••••• .. Ne9portBeaeh·pool matUN adult, no pet.a. SGS. 2BB w/d«k. New ~ 2 8r,2ba.1150sq. ft. Fplc, Nice. S.SOO. 644·5187 o coad. Frplc. Countr,Y trM. Prol. lands~aped, 48R 3bath, family rm. SlldrmaSl.000/mo $&7S.8'1J.481M ~ '!...~ l~ blk to lt.C. TAYLOI CO ;:'!· .. {.~-D. if:!..~7or6. &M45li kitchen, blt·lns. Nr So incl. ~ardener. Edlson Across from 1rade scbl. Bea<lOftBay·Waterfroat c.-....... 3722 -~---'-"-'--'"'----• 6.._11 IZ .M'nt a....: ~ Coast Plaza 934 AtaJea H.S. Kids oil, no pels. $500 iocl'lt gardener, no 2bdnna'8l50/mo .., •---lbr ... bl ... to •---------Lux Tow11house. 3BR Sb• $500 mo. $46·7214 or $625. A gt' no re e. pell. WlmCblTJO..ll?OZ. Bil?=.S100/mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• •:!':a~b."°Uli I . 721ncld' den·frpk, yard. Tennll f7S.e&3S ~ 97a.2971 $585. 130' Oft the water! 3 Joaci XTRA ~ S BR. 2 up. l $335/mo. 875-3029 evea. ~more. 1525/mo Oorgeoue cedar walled Very special3bedtoom,2 bdrm,2 ba. wilhlrivate ~=/~~ :S.2a.:~':iga.r., _or_wtnds __ . ____ _ LR FR DR fp, a Br 2 ha. frplc, dlbwhr, fncd do(k. wel bar A/C. 7»1501 ,,._,._ .....___ ~724 ~BaJ Frcat 2br 2ba a Br i Ba. 1 yr old ba • ...,.1• Gar Bay win· )'d. covered patio, gar. Avall. now 24306 ---• :-J>vi-ec-,L IOWnbouM. nr So. Coast :a....'.._!"~s 211·0............ IW. landlcaped. Avail. Pond\artraln7S4·'1900. walker61e.eaig ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• • tarace. Ptaia. Tennia/poot Call uuw:t ..... • _......., inJweeks. SMC>mo. incl. W~....t..--YrlJ leale. Adulta oa.lJ, ~wkdysaf\5. IQDSIN'l.&OI(. gardener. Yrly leaae. 4 Br S Ba1, family rdm . RuIEstale ~ nop«s.Sl50.m..%ll2. 1-All ao fee 964·2H6· acrou r om g r a e Joelt 3 Br 2 ... 9850 mo .,.1u $«!02br,l~bacondo,dbl Mesa Verde 4 bdrm. 2 m.2rn · • sc hool. $520 Incl. 38r,21tYA·frame,t850.3 =9ultea • .... · · i•v· gar, l/p, oool. Jacuul, patios, larae fenced 1arden er. No p ell. Br, 1 1ty. d/w . $550. KJtcbens Bloek to beach. 203 ltb Westblult Vlllaae. yard . ..-permo. ,........ 1'1N70Z MartnaRealt.y MUtSO Servl~·TV St.Upper.173-tlU 4142·590 5*8UM ......_. 3242 ' · Clotetoallma)or $1110. Baelaelor. Reap • ....._!".1 2 bdrm 1 ba Eallside ....................... ......_ YMfe lZ•7 Z8r 1 baUl Cottage. Lge trellwQ9 and lrvlae -.... No ,.u. UtU pd. -~ New · · · Blda. eondo wtt1a n ....................... Jard patio Redwood NewportBeaebana•. 1•S.BaJAve,Aptt. HOME pain:-=· ~'e:.c:' Pool'6Jac:.'acrwfrom •5 8R,3ba.,famllyrm., decb.Coac'*•alll16 ~~'Tr~~.J.&--~-.. ~ JI•• 2 er. din. 28a., cpt.drpe, 557.m:. · t.cb. SMS.84'7-4525. rorm. din. nn., •I~. low plamn. .-S/mo. 212'7"' •B..-lvd -_. -fatted air heat, 1arb· rmint.11191. (l)DC.a. MaraaretDr.&1S-8121. ·--•••••• .. •••-• dlt p, blt·ln1, paUo, a Bdrro8, 2 batbl, Maa O:mdo2br2ba bltln. pool, 64~2 I I or UMt.Ylbedrmduplex,nr 1~race, water furn . Verde home . $525 teanla, beach. tatsmo .... ..,........ JJff OCEAN VIEW. Lrg. 3 Br. 14J.2000 beach. featurlQI' fplc " AduttaonlY,noDetl. mo.Incl ardnr. 32Sl 11t /Ltt. Dock xtr ............. ••••••••••• l\.t ba, ao.et duelex, l tl_nJI• car t•r. Call RATERbSONABLlt Qilorado Lft. Owufaat. day114/89•·1717 eve. HARBOltVllWHOMES hattrombcb.. Preffaml•, lllt. fUUy tum. apt. NO Wlrda1' M. (l) .558·JU1 Acroe1 from CoHlry 9mJ•-... 2UJ•Jm. 1 .. lJ,. .W f' a 1~.ba l) ... /1rlJ. PETS!f I tteO. 1878 and aft S 6 wkncl1 <U m ..... W:.b.,...,.,. M. v. ~a br, 2 ba. WEA'IRDLYBAY v...,em:.0.M4'.sai . e'BolltaUp~>w J'Aba, :on Ave. 541·UM _•_1U0 _____ _ -r.m111 rm, _frplc. Pr•3 •Br twellm • ._ta beMIL J Bdrm, tolMlo oo Npt Chanatl Unfura I ... drm apt 4 Br• elm, 2\.t bak, ~ blk dtllwllr, ...uo. ftMld yd, bOll1 ..a. '-'6. I r •• rm, 2 b a . w. w/wtr vtewJ "90/IDo. 9IO . l bd. Near 1boP1, wtl.ldn walkiq distance from Nwpt Bae . la1 . ....,.. Kida• peta oil. !P..t _1 • dryr, Nfr1, =rt. AOl Jllver, Clll . -.~.Adulta. to beech. AvilJ im•ed. ~ ............. •IH . Aft . ~o fee. -:O~Dw .... 1.1'11 t2Mn1 ITWOll 146-1223 C•ll wkd11 t •S. (l l Ulll • ..... --; msrt. • ...._ ,........,.___.. JJ•A lll•ltll and afl 5 • ..... ,. Mel.ala TowalaouH El : --.----wlmdl(l) ... 1..119 .•a. co.lo. pcJOl. Jac:Ulll ..._ ~clbt 1 BR Dorado Model 1011 11!'1 ea.,. lordeu~ s br, ... -•-•• ........... .. find wbll M ..... a. Nr. S. C.st ,,_. -· ca.19 ftllk.. • ~ -view, Mi&. mo. I ba. ~ etrJ kit. MD. md atudio, cleu. xlD& J bdrm. frplc, tar .. •, n..a.., PUat~ Ct.lid olt. No P•U. 1..-., • mo•""" CHt•r7 11 Newport ..-. -. l>aJl 'flt.UU; -. wall to beacb. '"'-.,... •. -• .....,._ lli:IDIGl·IHI 0...,-.mf. ._...._ IDcluUl.._ 1f1.mr ~Macnab -Irvine • • T , f ·-.'"'""-",,,.._ •• ,..,.fl'. .• . ... .. . . t-:• • .. • ~ .. • • 1n.1~,11111w .\ l!:.1. ;~~!'~t~t:tt ~· t\111.1 v4ll J'>tJ• l l\11yllme ~ •~'bluff Prof Hl<lg If you· re not sure who (or what) Kennybunkport was. don't feel ba<l-you·re not alone. . Kennybunkport 1s one of 14 qistlnctlvely different apartment floorplan~at awind VIUage in Huntington Beach. Seaw1nd lage Is a result of totally personalized prof onal planning. Tl'le kind of anent1on deserve. A perfect bltnd of nature ·and li\llng- nestled in a forest with babbling brooks and quiet pond$. cooled by natural ocean breezes. Add to that tennis couns. SW1mming pools. ajacuui and a convenient location near shopping and employment and you·ve got a place anyone would proudly call home. (Even Kennybunkportl) One and two t>eoroom. one and two oatti adult c1partments from S315.00 · ~~gw1nd . Villo~to, Vllld I 5555 liunungton Village Line Huntington Beach. CA (714) 893 5198 2 Br 2 Ba s tudio w/garage, no pets $325. 8'7-4461 2 Br, 2 ba, pvt pnlio. close to beach. S385/mo. Days, ~: 536-8705 eves. 84().5949. NEW 2 BR 2 BA. encl garage, <'lose to beach. $300 per mo 964 .2937 3 bdrm. 1 ~ ba. Sunroor ~~I.lire 313 17th. New apts locutcd lf.l block rrom Beach Blvd, corner ol Terry Dr/Vlewpolnt U:i. Models open Sal & Sun 1-4. Call for info. 848·3133. From tne San Diego Freeway drive north on Beacn to OLX·; New 3br 2~ba, 2br Mcfadden. thefl west°" McFa<Jden to Seawmd Village. 2ba, patio. garg . Nr .~urrilShings ,jVil•ld~ Ooen oa11y 1 o AM ·111 dusk. ~eJ:i • .~ r o m $ 3 7 5 Costa Mesa 3824 Costa Mesa 3824 MeM 3124 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mediterranean Vilfage Apartments This Is the Setting . . . Outdoors - a country villa with majestic trees and QUietly running str~ams, By day, a magnificent home and recreation world. By night. a magic wonderland. . . .,PAMIQllL tC"MllCI flN'P Nal+>ollfl l>d• t'"''" 0119<IO()l<OO T "" l•l\l-.l "" bltl•n,eu pOwf'r ~ MJllW...... "' . M J'HE MC:OIT[RHANl:AN VllLAO[ '"" ~ n.KA• f)I 1Wllftn hf A II\ lit" ,!M l»f*Wl, 11 I lwtl 10 ti.,.._...,, ll>MI 1110 ~•IY •• o rff)1 • by •4 • • 1 • UNFURNISHED .. OFFICE·OPEN DAIL V 9-6 Medite~ean Village . :Ai' 2400 Hi\RBOR ~LVO. (.'o.l~!' .1 C•lllor · ..'t> . ~hun • 11141 r;:,; ..II r(',fj (lUT~ nrrRE~TION lfltruro..Jow ""1tll 1'1)1>1..o 11fnnM'l::tiltrtrtiild 1hroo t\111,.,.,,.no O'Ylll< And °""" e -H t®.-1 ~ w11n ~.aunJ• fo, m.•n .-nd women -au (!•~Ml If)~· -bMllO •: "i . ' --..-~ en Ring Brothers dl:w coverc~ W<>~dbrfdRe Mc:idows. It W:ls already a rabulous M:t· ring-Tight In the heart or lrvlnl;:'s lovely VIiiage of Woodhridgc. 1 Then ft hccamc even more-fobulou,. Trcci. bpf':lo~ up and strc.:amb bcg!ln to Oow. You sec, lhere'i; a dlfTcrcncc be· twa:n building aparlmcnts and crc:alinR a communlty. Woodbridge Meadows L'I an ap:irtmcnl community where the great ou_tdoors h~ Cht' amc pampered charm you like co tuvcjnsidc your home. There arc aparkl· Ing dreams, rusllC wooden brtdgc.'11, mid artful land:tcaplng enhanced by arcllllce< tun: tlut rcspecu lb surroundln~ ... . :: . .. r. , ,,.,, ~ • • ( I . ,.. , . '( Oubidc. you ~aD fog :dong wlnth~ bridge M&;<';fd~ aparrment4-:m .·n'I ror path:r. ~tm In me heatc.'<I pool,rcl~ In a • ~wryonc. ~·· Or you C1ln ~lay :n home Hd en Joy i& J~I, tor pt!oplt' who Ulw •o t-tCI •• lift all from your prh·:uc patio'( or balcony 1r . fronlilookfOK out the wlndo" you ~l'°osc ~ ~ct;ond·itm,Y up:m,ncn1). I 1 Woodbrldgc.· Mc.·:u.low:-Is ~ I~ •111 ~he good 1hlng'I: onc·i.1op <hopping at the VUlagc. sailing and cconi-f Jl Norfh Lal«:: !lnd au the varit:d a~~~ctlons of Newpurt , Beach. As wc s:ild1 the kK'!ltk>n I~ Mtpc:rb. .-1 But wc c:in'1 h1;lp 'reeling rllat the-.,.., thing ahout It L' "'Mt We've done ror lr1' One and two hcdfOUm :ip:inmcnts :u\d fuml.shcd execu1lv7'~ll'i. urc avatlahlc for Immediate occupancy n1 Wood~t""'t' ~ VIiiage. Once )'OU'W i.ctl'\ tlwm tor ~§Or: ' ~If, you'll ~bly lill(m.: th'1l \lQoq· , j /1 . I --., -~ ...................... ,.. ~ l r • ~~~,:;:r.-~~~-~~~~=t.:Z:'.!11~11?..__,,....,._.,,..~, Help W.-..M 71 Mllp W~ JIOO Mllp W-.4 ?lot •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~"!~........ ACCOUNTING ASSIMILllt . AU?OM= •lt1lt, work 11 CLlill--1 MICKANICAL * wr er 11011 one --; _ Po•Hlon uY eletual Ol5" .. bedro.• C'fll•I• In •--.,..--.......,------• Orowln& company baa m~htdfctl uaemt>ly Experfenttd ooly. Bust OJr..t ., Mir or Cc•ta •~•IM* openini for a Itron« ac •tt• ror mtthanle•I 11•· Chevrolet de•I.,. aHr .._, ~.wtn• -~ c:ounOAa cletlt'lf\ Uh: In· u mbler, $Uandud Orante County Airport uaJ Wrlt.e C>••llt«'d Ad Modifla. DcorU vemory control/toll 8C• lmows.d .. ol htnd ~ Eic~ IHI>' ........,, ••, l>•llJ POot, .. o M•l•Jo'emale • counti~11ru.~cellenl "•blrlly lo rnd aurroundln1•'. "'Perma-8o• IMO, C-ta Mt*U AM, D•tlny1 Sft.,.on, be n • f I t t . 'C • I I mtdwucal · UN'mbly nent Opp r~ adunee- -Of'ull ll~ llea~=-~~O c. (7H)ml900for~ =~.::p.~~ :i~~ meot.SeeMr. Trevteo. Mliir'l <'Ill Jll'IITTCJr --Aakabou•apee..rata ~~-ma.o ' NkforRayGllman · ~~3ic-:ra,-t ~rw.1tllunut1 C.ll SENIOR CITIZENS 75J.170I lrvine,Cal927W ASSEMBLER N~R B ..... 91ott, a fl>f' Mtrnll ......... pt M .. -• I b h """r.v ~ • I. a 1 .. 0 C 0 1 ta ,,._.......... """ .... opptyem oycrr ecnawca enc as·•---------, ... ---ieelt: 81/0a.y Male Under sembler needed. Ab111ly Be~itter needed, exper.t :;·~ e•porl tro •Warta.d• 4 ,. ... r .... b .. ou_M_wll SPECIAL 21. Friendship. Live-In? ACCOUMTIMCi c:&.IRI to WOttt from print.s re· for h\fan( our home " caraar~ •IY•rd Han _Di_sc_r_eet_onl_.;..y_fMI0._866_7 __ 1 MaJor R • .E. Devt lolNft' gui~. Houu 7am lo days a week. Ref'1, d t .. loca&edln lrvineuaeek· 3:'5Pm ~.so per hour. salary noastl•ble . OM THE )'IDU urpen ... C21°/o DISCOUNT• Ing an tndMdual '°SS· Calf {or appl. 962-7701.,_~---· ----~ ......... llnt d41con•r llMriM u.. ltl(lfllh ot F4lbtuary1 Senwr Citizens Ul"Olf'S mt OW' CorwrJ1te Book· ext ~ ·-WATllt "tHm' wilt repa r, f!NJ~·25'1i ott on lh&lr Ptbaie Plli'b ads for ""' keeperlnlh~H'9UUnedal---·-------BabyaiUer lov laa. "-USH ~ lJllllll. de-conte en' "' mettband"t for ulti In the Cl8Nlflecr8edlon or ..._.,A 0-C. SW.. ly m.aiAtcnllflce ()( .3..itPl ~person for ln· w•-yt! =~1f1'~1~~h':nuc~ tht O&lly Pi~. (Rl')ll btate II not Included). BeaullCul aJrla-prlvate entiUes. The Ideal can· AC\SEMBLERS .... __ /!I ~~Irvine--..., 8rtnl ,our .ct lnto one ot our olfke1 listed rooms. cildate will have l ·2 years EL CTR c '""'""'• """'· _,...,.,,1 ,.... ' ffl ren&tl .._ •llowto(~. IMl6ow i.ween 8 AM 6 s PM any da~ during the 531·9530 accounts payable It f I Al: ea~1ltter/Hou .. llee11er W.t au. Ilk 114'____ .,... aad ••will •tart your ad th 11ut day. Call u• you won't be 1eneralac«1Unting clerk I.; ll~ln. Irvine, l tataot, ~ Wantfd •Pl Yrly c.... MeM-no W. ley Street rel al.cl uperluce. BENCH M ·amkr. nndrlaker, pre .. y ~ w ft 8;ilbc>,. or ·-eda -I I'' Gl•••rr• ~-flarbor. Anaheim Qualified candidate must fer ctrtvers tic. recent ~ 1u-...-~=· Up to.-> mo , .......... ..., 17171 ..... k Come lo you'll be glad poesess proficiency on r~s.$51.acMe; 7:14-1458 .,,,,, OMcn 213- 2910 - -~~·t lOam l6 2am rr:::ut~t:11~~~1~-~ ASSEMBLER 8 A 8 y s I 'J: T E R • s ''" bt nd new offlcM """' wi3· 30 3 30 ' 4SituaUons. We offer an u-... ...a.-, rm. brd. + ••~rt trH. w f\all MK•llll•MI !!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _ .. _ ... __ : __ ·_:_am_.--• outstanding compensa-Immediate opening re· ~~s"ome enallsh. :ntanal terYtce, a()od ..... 4610 1 ~&111t--..t 5300 SUF1''EIUNG ~rom sebor· tion For immediate con-quirrne 1·2 years cit· a9$19 pc'IC .54t·t\St ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... ~-•91t•t•Utt!f•d.... 5015 .._,, ,._ mea, 1*orlas11, or dan· sideration please apply Perience. Involves work· .. n-.. n-v:s-11T--E-o-..,.-.-... -,.,.-(ior---Oc nl d e>s,a.,_evy ....................... dn.lf? Alie> about Perla In person or call Gena lng wllh controls and ™'D n .. __ OSAit Gmd nr. eoo Ml rt ea ronl art slu 10 ••• ~r•••••••••••••••••• de Jojoba Hair " Scalp Mezo975-1609 panels,1 wiring s ub· 2/12yr.boy CdM or Npt. M/F &o re tux apt. JduJ Corl.nt desasn 2&5 Vtt')' ~vate Capo Bcb. Local builder needs Treatment.a. Pb LaColf-AETMA REALTY assembues. Must be able lkb area. Flexible or b4b brh Room hu fplc. E CstHwy ~ 1338 '50,000 interim rinanc· reur,842-43« GR<nfft to read blueprints and per1Da ne11t h r. Call pvt bath. balcony, 2 ij! --. -loa, 1ecured. Cal I FOUND ADS have knowledge or slun· 9:3().12:0Gam644·5347 clotelJ var incl. S? Dix l·rm orr.ce adJ ...... /llt'lfft/ 499-3ll03cves. LOSING YOUR HAlR? lnl2Buaines:iClr. Dr. dardundschematica. mo, lr\utll~ A!rpotttr Hote l No ,.._. ARE FREE Ask aboul Petla de Jo. &ite100, lrvlne92715 Bebysitter.EI Toro area, ---~ -lease. 833-3223, 9 lo 12 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •·-------· joba Halr & ScalP. Treat• AffarmaUve Action Posltion is ln our Foun· Mature woman, stattlng Ladyltda14Mhter w1ll sbr .._L....... •· Call: ments. Ph La Co r•eur at Employer lain Valley racilily and Jan2od. wit. daya Tam to Br2 Ba hoUle. ~mo+ Bi1 fl'QfltofT1ce -.1 ' offers excelleol Hlaries 4:30. Care ror Infant. I \.'a utal. 275 Broadway 1nUdoV1llage O,pDrlllllty 5 005 642-5611 84U2A4 AProcCCOUNTING1 CLERK· and company paid Ref.req.768-1446 . CM.541·893.'S ' 5405037. u••••••••••••••••••••• AttracUve. wonderful csa invo ces. handle benefils includfnf rree1._ _______ _ I • .. * • * male. seeks young at· mall, assist with ac· medi"al and II e 1n· '· Fem 24 teucher, nd11 re1n Broom ol(lce. Carpets.1ur .. .at_L_..a L l d f I counUng duties Irvine ~ BANKING rmmatt-M ·1tmkr, ror 2 cood .• Sk>" Park Circle. ~ -..r tract. 8 Y or muluu ~7639i!:O E · · surance for employees I BR hlle '" CM $l~ mo. 540-5033. 1112 Petca<for 361 AC ..... trial 'toSC ol' Found a pet? CaJI good times 8'5·1091 · · · and depeoden\S.~ Please 1 646-6189all 6 ---------• Newport.Beach PAii SfTI Anhn~l Assistance Widow so would like to appl.yanpersw to: I --.....-----:m SQ. rt. Olxe ofr. nu You~rethewinnru-of St. Augustine. f1oridal Leag~.537·2213,noree. meel her valentine. Rep· ACCOUNTING Female roommate for ~: nr1C~~ A7DMV. SIJO Two"'"Tlclt... l\Jon1 f1a. East coast t.OS'I': Reward, Miner St. ly t.o ad #381 Dally Pilot CLEAi< l£AR SIEGLER Balboa lshrnd duplex.. inc · '"'1-t l<teves. to the R.R. between U.S. l & .,,~ 1 /bl 1 P.O. Box tS60, co" ta An entry level posjllon ls ..,.,_,,..e""" 17th "'--uaJ State 201. ""x"ellent .,...me;se ca w ue co · available a·n ou SALES -· ... s-•T _v_•..--___ n_, ... ----llarge room which can be . LONGtlACH labor & tran';s>O"rtalion lar, nds prescription ,_M_es_a_92627 _______ & CA.SH ACCO~NTING •IUU"ll """ Neat. rt!$p, qwet, liberal d.lvlded Carpets.drapes, ltO..-avail. Excellent terrain _medi __ c_a_ti_oo_._~ ___ 1 __ L will not bc.rcaponaible DEPARTMENT tor a DYNAMICS male eeeks same. Ocun prl v 8 te re 8 t room "5V' & elcvutlon. "Open • -t ... ,_ Sn r for any debta other than pel'SOI\ who bas limited 31.31 WestSegersl(qm view apt. Lag1.1na Storage S260 per mo at the Loo11 Beach Arms" ullilude p~viuls ..,..., : ,....... auzer. em, 130179 V ri . SantDAna,CA 48f..11664_.__ _____ , ~~·r!~~ro?.'111 548·3878 Arena.300 I!:. Occnn wlcaty man:.gement & ~~~d. Vic COM. ~eixi~rrn 1 . . :f!usT!illi~u;l:ie!~~ EOE m 'llh Modern rum. Oceanfront . :t~~· Y':rgu~::S~· c~~ planners. Aerials, toPO. ------------------Definitely a growth pos1· 1-····-· ----.-- Pvt. bdrm.+ ba. $325. Building for lease on 642.:wmi.exl2?2. etc. avall. "°°°' Ac . REWARD SI 00 •SHERI LEE• lion. Duties include .. Incl ulll Nwpt Bch Newport Blvd. Plenty or • • • Tom Allanson 642·8235 for return or my white ~.t~~~~~:~ aud1UngofsaJesreport.a, ATTENDAN_1f.$-worlc 675-4.9!8 park}ng. Call 646-3928 • 1_<S.-lOO_> ______ 1 cat orWo leadl.o~ to her 838-68a8 cash deposil.s, some fil. w/ba.ndicappeu adults. C .......... y V E Ha\'e A hlghJy profitable rewtn. Long ha.ir rem ---------ing & general clerical Strong, assist bnthroom, Newport Be h. s 180 ~ rLLAG & beaulJ(uJ Jean shop or ............. W/Wht flea collar. Endo( Tra¥ef 5450 won. Excellent benefits feed. gen. clean-up. Min. 2bdrm. 2 ba. Ma.lure 200 ~ n . Upslanrs ore your own. Featunng the W..ted SOZO collar is secured w/whl ••••••••••••••••••••••• & worlcang copditlons hr. wage+ben. ~5760. femall'. ut1I inc & vool Casual. SIOO mv. 2813 latest m fashions. Jeans. ••••••••••••••••••••••• thread. Vic Harding Travel, Adventure. Far wilhagrowmgcompany. UrutedCerebraJ Palsy .. ~-__ Lafayeue67~. denims , tops & •HP'--T~· Lane& Yorktown Ave. AwayplaccsCor3&irlsln Apply~~LY ATTRACTJVEGIRL ·Jn. "' lO h ~ b L• b p s I sport.swear. $15.500 in· "'-"'-~R I ~. HB. Cull 962-4682 art s crew or 40' sail yacht ror l II l h l l d " bashom. are wtsame .. r . re '°' n ee a e eludes beg'in.nlng inven· ru1W1ig a ea Estate. pm. cruise lhru So. Pacific. ROGER INC e 1gen . sop 1s 1ca e 2 e. Mesa Verde 3m06 •:1 pm·eon t yr LOI)', fotlures lrajrung & busl.!'ess .. or Ptrsonal Must )>e 21.35, without 17fH2GilleueAvenue girl with good telephone $:100 + t2 utl . Jan lse.lmmed.mov<-·in. grand open ing. Call loan: Wev? succ~ed l.o6t:Longhairmulllclr respons1bllllies,&ablcto lrvme,ca92714 ·vo ice & exc1t1ng ~ ~~'<'~e~~~r!!~'!1~~· anyUme for Mr. Waters where others huve foiled. f~~~\~:r':r~~~~~0SIW travel. Send letter w/P,1c· , m f546-033t f:~~~it~rr~e wao:kjll~~ Shu rl' s pa c iou ll a pl. & lelephont1 recepUon at 1501) 568-5125 Flnanclal Consultanl.S lure Box 47'1, Dally Pilot. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Criday. recept1on1st, wtrem CdM. 2 BR 2 811. Ph646-744tl PLANT SHOP, ideal 645-2509 LOST 10 mo old Male P.O. Box 15.60, Costa hostess. f'ull or Plll"l pvl bch Pool $250. Oot -----" Id I . ________ , blon~, Cocker Spaniel. Meaa.CAU2626 ACCOUNTIMG time. Some tile omce lle675·74l3! 67!>·6000 :,~ s~fu:g tef:; ~:~~~ Mottg1gt1o Tn1$t Santa Ana Ave & Santa sktlls & ~nod l'<iucuUon Need Fem to shr 3 Br upt CdM Offlu Suit•s c06t Try $1000 full price. o.idi SOJS lsabell<A. REW AR 0 . ·~,;'Za! CLERK + exceptional grooming Irv. n n s m k r . $200. Avoilable Agt. 751·1400 ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• 646-8442. moarentrheqtouiredstartSl .OOOPleapeser Karyn 957·7120,SSU-8188 75< per fl und up. LOWEST $1500 R d R l r ••••••••••••••••••••••• An outstanding growth --------Oceans1deofCoasl Hwy COCKTAILS. Newport ewar · eurn ° MsWCMhd. 7075 opportunity is available send hand written re· MChns11anwantt'<i :!bd w t t ons or old CllM Beach, stones throw .....,...tRot.t me~gold Va<·heron & ...... ••••••••••••••••• mlherapidly expanding sume to Clas~1fied Ad dup 34lh NB $150.+util charm. Crom waler. partners I tTD, -• ~t~nl!e!' wn9·sthwaDtch. accounung department !MOS, Daily Pilot, P.O. 613-7856. ~OGIEAS REALTY figllung. Excellent lealie. s • • I , u..so ....... t'" ....,g. c . ec. PERMANENT LIVE IN of Columbia Savings. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. 6711'. "l 11 Terms. Agt. 75H400 Jad T.O. &.o.s. 759-1139 art 5 "'oup .. "'IONS/ ftes"""ciblllties will in· 92626. 3 bdrm., house 1n .,..., F · tT · '"'9 "' ... ,,.. ,....._ ---------c M pool I 0 CC MAIL ORDER f rure:a ermsstnce...... FOUND: Brown male cat, HSKPRS elude filing, posting. AlJTOMOTIVE · •1 cOfleto · · · mg, ell· S.......Mtg.Co. wbtenosc&feet.Thurin ledger work and Stude nt pre lerred. ,,_ rt 1 l J"' clµs1ve product (yacht· L..a• .,171 54 .. "'I I •·Victon'a,C ... G4S"""" PRACTJCALNURSES t i t 1 t *PARTS Sl.SOtmo S48·2S97 ~SQ n cen ra ir oun mg),unUmiledpolenllal. -<P-. -• "' ....,..,. WELLSCREEN'ED s ta s ica yping . ---·----1run Valley. Reasonable. Seller under capitalized.-------. --RDUIARD F h EMPLOYER PAYS GenerallmoWledgeorac· COUNTl:IMEN! • Will share CM hm w /older 004·2238 or 963·8611 Br 1 n g 0 fr er Ag l Purchase good income """ · · · or l e r e· FEE counting functions and Busy Chevrolet dealer f"em In eicchan1e for -75J.1400 · · 2nd TD in .Huntington turn or hown where· useof'business.macbines near Orange County lt/hswk.MS.4619 688Sq. Fl. ~llyeqwpped · Beach . Call Andy abouts, Female Akita. DYNA SEARCH are reqU1red. as well as Airport needs parts for medical /den -Bus. for sale or ex.ch. S35-7330 Red & sliver. w /blk Personne!Serv1ces typi kills f4S countermen w1lb GM Prue woman seeks person tal/paramed1c. 3 exam Irvine. Org. Co.9yn. old. mask, white chest. Lg. 2021 E.4TH.S.A. ngs 0 wpm. parts ex.penence. Good to 1br Lag N1g home. 2 rooms, JM o(fice. lab. 6 employees JI m . MOHIY AYAJUILI dog, thick fur. (husky 835-1459 Columbia orrers an ex· pay . en v1 ronment . Br2 Ba. Eves. •96·6754 dark room. Ground noor. 714/83!1-11828 2nd TD LOANS • Jook.ing). Last seen near cellent benefits program Permanent. n..~. for ad· No. Costa Mesa Prof. SWING WANS TOW School area. Wed. ...,., Laguna, Sunny home, Bldg. $344/mo F1extble Affiliate EQUIPMENT Jan . 31 . 0 w n e r House sitting in Newport including dental In· vantement . ee Bob NEW ACCOUNTS SUPERVISOR Im exceUent OPPOt'tMn.lty Ls avaJJable wlth Oilum. bta Savings, a gTOWlog financial ·orgaouaUon. we·re aeeldoe an In· dJvidual knowled1eable m all types ol savings transact.ions to assume responsi bl Ii ly ror supervising and training of New Accounts ~Ion .. Typing or 45 wpm 11 reqwred. SAVINGS SUPERVISOR TRAINEE We're seeking a Senior Teller 'for our present Costa, Mesa ofnce, lo tr._tn to assume the l'e:SPC>fl!lbllity of Savings SuperVfsor for a staff of ftve when the new Costa Mesa olfice opens this Se~ember. Two years nunlmum teller and new accounts experience, light I RA aod Keogb h3ckground, and 45 wpm typing are required. Columbia offers an out. tHaodio1 benefits package including denlaJ ins urance and Cree eareer apparel, excellent atarting salaries, aod an Ideal work environment . Please contact. Pel'SOO· nel for an interview ap. pomlment. pnv»cy Over 25. M /Jo~. lease. Tom 540-i:!oo. $360 NET CONSTRUCTION heartbroken! 4!M·9659 or Beach, Corona del Ma r surance. a top starling Cook. $195-t-. Possibly share OR ANY PURPOSE 496-3317 area. Available middle salary, and a congenial HOWARD CIM•rolet C11i...ia Scnillgs bus iness v~nlure ................ 4450 ftEIWEll •---·------• of'Ma.ytoendofAugust. work environment. Oove&Qua1ISts. ..tLoait' 494""29l ••••••••••••••••••••••• T Oand P. Carey & Assoc. Reward for rtn 2 rem. References available. Please call for an in· NEWPORT BEACll Auociatiotl ---.--PAI TIME R.E. Broker,9GO-l957 Akita lg. dogs, Brindle Contact Mr. Coal s. terviewappointment. --------C714t 776-7101 Male under30tosharede· ShDpplnrC:...... Our l•leal program In ·* DISCOUtn'ID * co.lor, wht paws, chst. S4Ml4lor 538·6l67cves. , AUTOMOTIVE i;-Aualn-portunJty luxe furnished upt. in c:For'31 •---automatic merchandls· Small TD Income notes Vi c . Mesa Ve rde . C±:-"1·a SALESPBSOH ...., ..,., Newport Beach with --ingfeatureslhe oew pop. 549-8677 Bart.ender, Female, very VIL..., Sal eeded r EmployerM/F tra.vellng executive. eta.t.r.,..tlt tDpholloods.Allarena· r r om S25,000. C.. reliable, looking for S • espenon n or i--------- 759-0ll4 213-277-6311 col. tionally-known brands Sa 11 s b u r YI 0 w n er LOST cute silkey terrier. l_egltlmate permanent GVlftCJS new & used Porsche & ---------s u c bas Hein z, 640-8755 1128.lnlfBnrGarfield& JOb.NBatea.67s.0021 .ctLo. VW sales lmmediale 1--------• M/Ffum room, SlAO +"111---------Campbell 's Hormell Sacrifice $8000 TD. Will N~wland. Brn/Blk & AuoclatlOft opening. Full lime. Fr· BANKING utll. Costa Mesa. Non Newvort Mariner's Mlle. Chef Boy·Ar-Dee, etc. Al tell 2nd TD on eJeganl S1 I ver. REW AR o . HllpW-.d 7100 17141 nt..JIOI lnge benefits. Call for in· smknl. Avl2/15.64S-8434 Modem 502 sq n store. accounts are sec!Ared by hm for SllSOO. Bears 10% 962·18ST art 6 PM or ••••••••••••••••••••••• EQualOpportunity tervlew; ask for sales TELLERS 2 M. to sbr 2 Br• com pl 2 6 3 0 ( C I A v o n . ~ o~e bwJdings, Int payable Int only mon-wtnds. £mployer M/F mannger. Fidelity Federal Savings rum house. Balboa. _2_1.3-4_77_·7_oo_i_____ ' ust.rial plants thly w/N yr due date L t S'lk T I AmGAIL i I d ~/..,..'".67"•..,.., ""ors•-e•·otficespaceat 4cbospital.sinyourarea. Pvt pty 830·0851 or OS : 1 . y err e r •••on ~~ ... !Pf'Oite$51 ve ea er ._, .,.,.., .,..,,_ .. , ...,. .,. We need reliable people · female, v1c Pomona & ~ "''"' great pans tor the reuonablerates In your area t.o service S86-0367. Wilson, CM . Reward. FEVER.I.II. AccouoUng future. We baveopeoJngs Cut Living Expenses I Sl\ate a l\e>nle Of ep1 Haute-Metts Unllmhed 500-5000 541 Ft these accounts. We pro-631--0979 ACCOUNT ANTS now In our Laguna Beach ...sA YBIJI vide secured locat.loos lo ••u•u••/ CAlCH IT!!! ftllea•o•D ~ Cor Cull and part DIUVIPL.Ali your area, company "' a.Ila/ LOST Female cockapoo VT.a. A Al1l'OMOTIVE time"reUen. Experience P=:~tfl.,~~•e 1525M V rd E CM flilaoclng, wboleeale out-Lolt&....., dog. Black wtth Gray otren tcp pay, a variety ""MAH FllDAYI.. is reqAired for the fuU fo••ur11<1 on TV •"o'" i :MI !1 ' · · lets one year factory ••••••••••••••••••••••• hair. Join lbe most excltinl ol lntereating assian· ToclNn new Ir used cars Ume poeitions, but we "'"'"(In up on Trmo magaz.n • warranty par ls ai t; ma C9'111 ... ; 5100 , ____ &M--__ 2S28 ____ , Temporary Service In meala. M!l"Ves the eoUre & t.o supervise the lot. will CU1111der tnhling for ~r4'~'.4t'~ 1---------1 service. You provide IHO ...... ••••••••••••••••• Found in Anahelm, s m Oran&eCounty. Oranee County area and Like to work around the pert time openings. --......... -'-",.;.....;--'----• MAIUta'SMIU hrs your choice weekly, 8nMIV blk dog w/wb'.e spot on Wort cloee to home fo oeedaexperieoced cars? This will please ~ourbeoefitsare: Male/Fem rmmate, 2 br, PRIMELOCATION lel'Vlceable automobile, '"'""' chest.6e9-0li29 tcppay ... Paldvacalloos, Acee l .... Clerb you! Ideal for 1eml· .~a:t~fns. 2=ba·=· ~it ~1::: ON WATER. Available ~~i:,:,,~n':es~ _.fll •-F-O_U_N_D_:.,..._.G_o _l _d_e_n-i AutomaticRaises. loaW.11~1& ~~open.See •Freedeotallns. •W• for retail or froCesslonaJ menl *""""· Call Toll· n""AIS Retriever al Marie THI-.. .Accas "" .,._.. •f'-eecareerapparel ~ · ornces. Tota or 3000 sq __.. rsu~ et alt a.vela. Call today HOWARD Ce...roa.t ft. Can be divided Into Fttoe, Phonet Statred 24 Callendar's on l?th 155'11.ADIMGm andletustellyou howto °"•&q.ISh. PleasecaUPenooneH- ,._ amallerunita. ' ~Day. StnetlDC.M.5S7-8393 CATCHITI!! becomeabuay,weUpa1d -... ... ..,...,:... 4350 w ........ .._. J~~ DllY S2 Found: Keeshound rem. I Accountants Overload .._,,,, .. _. IUCH ~terview appoint- ••••••••••••••••••••••• 631•1400 AlS. Cst PJaza )Ved Jan ~I ProlesslonaJ. AUrOrAaTS ..,,. ,_... l ,..."J l?PI lllvlat.• 31.S46-0412 PleaseCallToday C,......,..M"'... ---a"'• -· .. .,..-rea -· • 0, ._,, 5015 Sell •ny II.em or eom· ForAn ,\ppointment ~·-"'" ..._...,' ir--~f .. ~~ .. ~ Ave, alt S••• 4550 ..... f.~• •• ::f......... blnatiOn of 1te1114 r.r '75 JrOUND: 1·31-79 Fem . red 547•7631 Minimum 3 yrs. Jobber S.•f 1• &LomAtM. UJUI, .._.,...., ••••••••••••••••••••••• Investors earn 5o% of pro-or IHt with a Peany Setter, wearing brown TEMPORARIES 1055 N Main, Suite 1016 experience. Must be well C714) 642-4000 Dquble garaee. s torage NewOar•a~ror Renl fit.a. Aaucee.eaful bwlder =-llt.I~· ~a~~c:."c~ ~~~:'L•~·u~~ct SANTAANA r;:.m:r~ r;o:a~~ey ~~~~!!!~~~~~~~~~~ only, 16.5. mo. au #3 W. Coela esa seekl Omda, $15,000 per addilioftal llae Is 80' for 98785 Call: NotapubUcacctgnrm wilh growing company. Banking 18'h,C.M.Ot2·2464 lh22 675·5800 house. Short ter m, t.he2dan.Ohar&eltt OebbieCard Call 556·2500 for in· TELLER Oara8es. Canner1 ltlnttl.W..t.d 4600 ~~._,...,. ..... u . Nocom"¥!':clalada. r.r1•1h 5350 Oia.n.neBrlda .. 8 Admloi&trative As· tervtewappt. - Vdlqe. Newport Beach. ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• --UUl'--uvt-•..,., __ _.___ t'or more lnformuuon ·;~~~;~~-~~~· '"' slBtanttryplsl for N.8 . __ A_UT__...O_r_A_R_T_S __ , fj~ C>Uf.~~~n~:'~;:~ 67!H912 Worklng married couple COM DUPLIX and lo place youud ~11 Bob James-Lie Masseur Mary Braeullgam Interior Design firm. DEl.JY-Y re""'1. cau Mr. w aine; New Ganges for J\enl Co8taMeta tOxC?'l 675·~. Sin«le Rarages, $40. oio. 19lii MapJe Ave, Costa ..... <>Mc.I ..... In their SO's need unfum 103 DOWN to exlallng 955-2003 -atMl-2:300. 2 bdrm house or apt, CM financing. Im mediate Outcall 9-9, "94-SlU Vlcltl Heston ---·------Well groomed temale c.lf. ,..,. ()('NB area wlthreasona· sale required ......... ,000 642·5&71 "'R•GN•NT? c r't I Advertising .J_aJ.es-<:alJ on over 18. Good drlviJ\I re· _. ble reot. J\eleren'ces. Pnoc. only. Tbi;""ofrer .=::::=:::::;;:::::===~ r~Ual COUM:Un~ & M7.9760 ~national accounts by cord. Must Uve In Costa S.•' 11 & L-. We'll taJte good care of 8QOdlhru2/10/19. relerraJ. Abortion, adop· Nt=ampusDrtve 6am lo 12 noon. Mesa area. Call 556-.2500 2700ffart>Or Blvd.C.M. )'OW' property. 646-7217 Cel\Ulry 21 West '* * '*' f tJon &de. 1... Beach, Ca.........,. Trade Public&· for interview uppt. An F,qual ()ppor Emplyr evet()('weekends. 554-4840 .,_.,......... eep._. ...__._ _______ , lions. Good earning•-:;;;::::;;;;::;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.!.;:::;;;:::::;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;:--=-- 31Sllvertre.cent APCARE S47·2S63 ,. potential. Call for lnterv. I ASSEMBL y ••••••••••••••••••••••• :m Sa. fl. ottlce spHe to .ub·l eaae Jn Laa~na Hilla, La Pu Rd . .hltt ~ ol the San Ofe10 Freeway. U08 month. AvaJl. now. l30-t030 TRAINEES lrv\oe spriWleedlr Aoccullinl clerk needed 714-906-2680 You an the wlrmtt or 1815So. EJ Camino Real I or 'Newport Bea els I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii T .. "" Ticlleh San Clemente; Fully Uc. travel company. 645-9IOI Air-Ca llfh I g Dtluu medical su1le, around nr.. Corona del IW. ~ct Corp. 67HJOO 250-&00 sq. n. offices. llrom $US. Incl. utll. 119 w. 19111 St. $40-2200. ............... we.. Prtvato eult.e with ~t'P· tlon • aecretarl 1 I tervtct. conf trence room. all raclUue1. a2 lllcbolson, J rvl••· .,..... • Otll dll l&i*, ..UI Dd. "' .... '*•·,..,.mo. ... NolNl'teld. 87!:!!! ~ elllt!eS up to ,. eq .. I\. Ale NtwPOlt ll., c.11. •am: UtnDa Over 800 D~t Center locations across ct. U.S. and Canada. ANO SEVERAL WILL BE OPENING SOON IN ORANGE COUNTY ANO LA. COUNTY We are looking for embkiout people With lhe desire clnd means lo become il)depehdent through self·«mp loyment. Some background m Counseling, Nurait'lg, Olet11 Nutrition ,,r &slnas would be helPfUi. If you1have 1he df6ire10 Mrvt others, yqu . thould 1rwt1tigl1e th• unicaU. GPPOffunitV. We offer an easy, 68fe, pr<Wff' tntthod r~ weilhl lou and cqptrol. Bf11Mttr1 Feb: ~ !nd 10 call ?14/774·78~17._.....,...._.. and atk for Fem Grcmr. C~ lotne Forappt."'2·72111 11th Annual MIC ..... 1 ••s La.. HACH ~ IOOIO *~* •t t l\e LODI .a.tc11 UAM·2AM P5..a7 Ar•aa~ E. Oceu &.MA & VICIU 8lvd., Beach. T..-daJm 'Y04lr Uckett, caD Olftel M•H .. MUm. extm. ._.,._ "-ef ltt * * * Servtn1 all Oran .. Co. 835-7313 ····~· ... . ., ... MICHANIC Building engineer ex- perienced in operation of centriluaal retnier•tJon machines & bul~dlns eiqWpment needed. Must h•v• knowled1e or air diltttbullon Ir callbra· Uon ol controla. Good ...,!ta, Apply: nt1•"M1c;o 1071 C.melback lrvlne "4•9010 Equll Oppor Em ployer APTMANAG£R FOr II unltl in Coala ll•a. b.,_r'd COllPlt. Husband muat hv• (OR EXPERIENCED) Micro Electron lea W e1a seok1no 1nc11v1oual1 tor llr1t 111111 poalllOM in our P1oduc11on.Oepartmen1. We will 11111n 1he rlgnt 1nl.llvldue111 In thO micro 01ectron1c1 lndu11r1 • Wa llave 1111rno<11110 Qp1n1n~s In tht tollow1no •ro11e i • Tooling . • Thin-Fiim £v1por1tlon • Photo-AH lt t Co1nl)111h11n11~ eolt'lp ny bcno1119 1ncludlng m.Jot me<11ce1 11nd do1Hnl We are an equ11 OPPOflun1ty em111oytt mlf/11 C.11 Ot •PPlt In peraon 10 .......... TRANS MASK CORPORAT ION ~ ...... •: 11. • Al l -i U jd, -• I, •• e I. ' I • - !lhlu r wum•n will bab1•ll, nr 8hriner' • huc.>1, hr'd &&2 IM Babysiltu lll\'Mllabl m home, Lo 11'1 motllt•r Park nnrb)' S"9 OliW ....... Sirwtc:;-- •••••••••••••••• • ••••• ~r Avtila~. pt 8e.ch aNa. IU paa• + l)hoM cf\arae 675-IO.lO ----lm.coatated dl\'Gree. SM P.rs. ban.k NPlCY SM ACTION L.l'JGAL TYPING 960-5' t9, lkS'294tl ........ ,............... ....................... . .............•........ U1 I BW P5'J ~.u.... Jn f h t eMI. NIT Let UI do tht bli iol» like ork. Small Joba. WAUrAPMIM• Al\,Y pluMbln1. water 41!!!111.u.a""' C l l •U Ooots. wiaduwi • cpt'1. , Cotta Mesa • Retllolfettd. Eves, eerv, leau, baijlrm encl, lotcAem. ba~. entrys. ~· • • ... IMOIMTIAL AMO ft!.~~~ar:. ~: ~rinfn Dutch lhlnteaanu .IJS.Sl75eves. tl31·3085.•n ·l.266 ceramic Ule. Reu. Your tile or m ine. COtl•C~ COICSWnoM-...,_,,..mt Jru.·J.15' lildswrk. small Jobs . K.nowlu Painti.q, int/· -G·~ .96Z=::·:m9=...: ..... ::.....--===---1: • • 1 -llOUSRJUiP.IU ~ Cotta Mesa & ext: Send blast, text coat· HOMESAVERS. Ph,imb· • CERAMlC TILE • All -" PAPP SNT£JlPIU8 9 -"NDP!:BIU..E. 11\VIN • CALIFORNIA. 92716 714-fll-OOH . •••• .. "••••••••••••••• 2 Enu1eUc ~ladles l.n1Uie. f1S.S17S eves. inl. Comm/Res. 831-1120 Ing • Heating. Free types. Reu. rites. Free , will aive your bome a one esUmates. Sl$ hr. IJooest ell. Ucemed, -~· Haul, •.:toader, dump ahotcleanlneroronetee. All &rte• of muonry, Paperha.,in1. Starling ii relle ble eervlce. ltt, 1r ¥· trc_, wrk, 6.''1·2219 aft-&. U.., paliOll, patio cov-at $8.QO ptt Jii;a,le r oll. BA/MC OK 979-8065 European ctaftsnian. all demolll.iona etc 831 1257 ert. blk walls. 548·9150 936-9508 Ask for Bob. · kinds or \tie inatalled. "J\JST US" .howleclean-,.__.._Wall • Beach City's Plumblog Lac/Bonded. 541-9150 ~~~li~~4i'..\" 6m. ~ ~f::;~ce~~tlf::. Al'lw;'kGuaf8C~n£t. WiU be:_\:'Y est by to%. TrwSerYic• fftttlry~ -. cwrptrnrry. ,.. __________ , tailrinf Wallw-. tOO's l>f -'1304.US--~-.,648-0lia ••••••••••••••••••••••• drywall , patio covers. Attention Apartment lo c a referellces . QUAl.J""'PAlNTlNG Orain:SlOGuaraoteedre-LandacapeCreaUon11 Ex· p a I n t I n 1 . F r e e Mgrs. for cleanest apta 86851.2. Int/"'~t.4~ R sults. Drain Specialists. pert abaflDI. thionlng, ~:t~m~962~~ .. :~~~b~~ ~i~own . 642-8485 Mt. .... I ble.~Way~:l. u::i~~) ~t1&1. 540-8784 ~p tefDOYal._«175-2821. rett• ••••••••••••• ...... • •• • ~ Pt ..,tr · Finnish lad.Y wlll do Morris Moving: Llc'd " . !>4me11•.t TBJMllUNG, AL.L KrNDS rappa Cliff, home 1m· housecleaning. Good huured. Tll5886. Painting & Y;allpapenog, •••.-•••••••••••••••••• Topplnf, removal. provement 2Syrsexper wock.~ l>rofessional ser vice. qu_al. work, reasonable ll'sbOtwhatilcosts--cleanups. Lie /Ins. 631-GIM Hous~le8J\ing. Reliable MC/VIN accepL 962-04.2 pnce.1\e(s. 5'1=@1 buh~hal It will pay! 646--18'5. Hm11f1tcJ woman. x.-l rers. $18.,. ••Moving Out ii About?.. PA I N'I' ER S N E E D Meyer Mgmt. 5'D·l366 oan·1 Tref Service. Top· m~ fr ltf'am rl~11n Remodel, rtp11r, sen ••••••••••••••••••••••• week.SS&-40'11 •·Don't "'·lay Call To-WORK: 30 y ts exp. Ri•D .. a. 1--'r pina, stakin"', 6 thin· t'ulor bnah«>n.-rs. wht corpeotry . old time ~ 1 t/e & A I f ···-· • ...-'" • C'pU 10 mtn blt>11rh Clun crul\.smans.tup 16 yrs a.n Ol."C Student. I Ton truck --Tu day" Local Ii state-wide Wn kx cc8. 7c6n 6ll/. ••••••••••••••••••••••• mng. ~9219 ll d Trash. tree trim. Ron -serv. 14 bra. 7 days. ,.,.!~ut..11. uar. 4 · 1 ~. • .&..L.Ll.t.l--1 v. 1n rm, h•ll SlS A\~ area Lu:'d Mr. Palom .... ., 5 ••••••••!•••••••••••••• "'"_,. _.. • .__........ Stump•· t-r"moval. rm f7 ~. C()U('h S'IO. t'hr bo 9628314 ...... 703•642'3224 LINDA'S ~ Reoaiasa.oce71'/499-3816 Fr:isu~tes. ~ Grv~l~b~ ~ ~~~ C.tOlltDftigll LG~~11~:.ra~J"ci:.v;1~'g. PersJ~ss~~~!;;: Tax Hard wo rking men./ 1~~!:.ab~e~a~:ea~ls~: RGafW) 646-3627 Ou ,..ork mys~lr Refs •••••••••••••••• ••• •••• Reas."rates. 642.0705 Call 842·6439 for appl. Lowest leeal rates, Ins. Jay. 6'5-7965 ••••••••••••••••••••••• If you're not reading the SlH>lOI Lode towan.ls the F\lture! StUcm.J9'l30.546-l453. . Repair & Reroor. All tiWe adl ln Clauified. Commercial. lndustnal. ~ PROFESSJONAL ,~aptrilMJ G & M ~auiUn~ •. Int & t Y Pe s · s b Ing I e 1 · you're missing a tot of c-t.f/C9'1CNh Residential Consullln~. ••••••••••• .. ••••••••••• lNCX>METAX SERV. •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• Ext. Cabme~ ftn1sb mg. & rockshakes-compo·t~r. newsy tnrormallon as ••••••••••••••••••••••• "lnt~rior• by Design" • ROBJN'S HOUSE· Yourhomeormyoffice. PETEBSPAlNTING stucco repaJr. 751-3448/ Free· ail. 541·5930 Fm. wellusomerreatbuys. MAJUNA MONEY MG KS Concrete breaklng & haul· (714>731-8288. Q.EANING SERVICE:, For appl. call 968-5436. Expr'd. Reas R11tes. 673-8457. Avail. W<kpJ. budgeting, bill lreg Fast & etrlclent. Electrical ______ for • thoroughly clean Lmdlc~ Free Est. Call Gene EXCELLENT PAIN· _Rep_al_r_&-rer_oo_r_._S_h_a-kc-·. paymg.Srplbus & ~ 645-35l2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• _hous __ e_._54().._085_7 ____ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ TING. Reasooablerates. comp. Guaranteed . ~1viduals. 673 7831 Found at ions, retaining ......_... tu-..£ric Want a REALLY CLEAN European Landscaper. Painu""• Extr/lntr. Ex· Free estimates. 548·2706 Brian. 548·0512 walls. blocks, patios. ~T T F w.o .. u c'd53&SOIS. S4tj.4309 Uc 327136645-6974 HOUSE'! Call Gingham op work. air price. pr'd, honest. neat. reas. Plaster/R.,air Thomas parks lie. roor re· Gi rl. Free est. 645-5123 RefS. 646-4871 dys/eves. Uc'd 964-1045 Dave •••••••• .• , ....... ,..... pair & coatings, Feb. Carpenter. Free &it Any a.Md c _.. €.LECTRICJAN-Pnced...._ --,--in-. --E--.-.1-1 Neat pa~cnes & textures S~. SlOO off on linseed size jobs. Call Allan or ••••• .... •••••••••••••••• right-free estimate on Call J anice·s Raggedy Japan~eLandscaper nvi pa Ung. xl"' nl. FR&EST. 893_1439 Otl trcahng, shingles & Tony. 646-8649 · Li~'d Family daycare large or small jobs. Ann's housecle~ning for Spnnkler, Low prices. u1w rates. Refs. Free shakes, asphalt & acrylic C\Js w/p.....,chool program to Licensed 673-0359 thorou{h, re hab le & Work guar. 9 yrs exp. est.536-4780, 536-4383 -PA_TC_H_P_L_AS_T_E_. R-IN_G_ coating for composition TOM ood k ·~.. courteous service.' Llc'd/Bonded. Noburo. ~ wor ing, serveyou.NB.5'8-2531 f'orm••-G45-l800 53HU62.897·2.862 f\ne Exler. Paintlne by All t ypes . Free shingles&bll-uproofing. res1denllal & com ----------,. ------------------R .,,_ s u I T estimates Call5406825 20 y rs. exper. Free merclal. Call Wayne, ••••••-••••••••••••••• ·~or. l. c .... ns. ry · · ....,,_.,....,~ Controc:t-Spec. an Res/units Fast, Rosemarie's Houseclean· Mail1t11twe me.836-SMS24 hrs. "••'••" E s l i.m . Memb er ;;,,,::::c.~-· •••••••••:":•••••••••••• cln.& prof. Own tools ing. Rers, reason. Own ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------1 ~ •••• ;.\•••••••••••••• ChaNoWmabelllrngo!.,~...Tlm3. erce. -,.... _..-..ace Const LI II l N Oave645·1S38/642-5909 trans. 6'2·1403~3439 Comp I. mainte nance. Int.. ext . .serving area ror 7 ..........., ••••••••••••••••••••••• rue oo a ypei.. o Cornn• Painting, carpentry. Ute Y"'· Prof. qual. work. Plumbing repair. Spee. in We care Carpet Cleirners ~ too small. Licensed. Gcr•ftiftcJ .,.ete Ho~ecleantng plumb., ceiling repairs Ros id/ Apt s / Comm . remodeling & copper re· c- Steam "lean. f\lso UP· Spiro 751·9872 ••••••••••••••••••••••• & matd servtt'e. Oa_1ly, ~c. Reas. S48-05l2 Reas. Dit,·e.Sll&-8425 pipe, Good prices. Top ..,..... " w...,.,,~ -""lhJy or live Hal Plu-bm' g. 537-3194 ••••••••••••••••••••••• holstery Work gu11r . E.C. FRANKEN Gen. Gardening,_ clean-ups & ..,_ .. • .. ...,.. • ---------"' Truck mount unit. Fr. Contr Add a room. im-landscaping. George tn. t services. very SELL idle items with a Havesocnethlnfiyouwanl Spas, hot tubs installed. est, reas. rates. 64S-3'7 l6 prove. 67., '""""AnytJ"m e lbush.i. 54S-7072 ~ ;1~es. Lic'd. Agency £~_56781y Pi.lot Class I fled Ad. to seU? Classi 100 ads do Find what you want in Gas, elect , plumbing. <>-"""v """""'.,., "'"' itwell.642·5678. OallYPilotClassifieds. FreeesL Ucd. 751·9872 Beauty Operator wanted 1usl gr aduated from school OK. also P/lime manicurist. 540-2474 Beauty HAJR STYLIST needed, Regis Hair Styl· Ing, So. Cst Plaza. CM Apply in person. 540·8888. Bee Line Fashions has glamorous opportunity full or p/Ume. No invest· ment or delivery. Earn wardrobe & xlnt profits. ---------~ I t••• .. ••··~-·• •-•••II••~,._,,.• ' ,, .... ,.,.,.I\ t , " .. Dial A Ride Drivers Operate modem eqwp· ment & door to door transp. eaur. drivers lie req'd. No prior exper nee. Good drivlng rec a must. No Sunday work. Ora nge Coast Yellow Cab. 17300 Ml. .. er· nnann, F. Vly . \ ' ,, ... !'\ " ,, • .. Onfr Ille Delly Piiot fMllr ..... you whet'a -In'°"' loell4 c;~t, ... ~~ H41i+µmll EXPB>ITEI . Procure all materials & schedule work for build· ing maintenance depart· ment. Must have some construction knowledge, clerti;al skills & be able to deal with users. Two years college necessary. ;\pp~ IRVIHE CO 1071 Ca melback Irvine 644·9010 F.qual Oppor Employer ., ",...,...., .. •• r .... ... I " -:-r~~~~.....,._~---....;;;~..,M.-•;a.r.,;;•'..;::;9N!?~~·~· •::,.;•;,;;1':,_ ..-.w..tN 7100 MlfPW~ 7IOO ....,W•l•tl 71 tt.e,W..e-4 ttto ....,W..t.4 ... 71 ..... 71 W..t.4 J IM ........................ ---·--····-······ ............. ____ -·-··-············~ ... -........ -........ ;1.:aa•llii -• ................. , ... ~!'!11 ................... Llve In Uo11uk aper ~man for 5S Nt:WPORT BEACtl PASJ'f;UPARTlST.P/T, 1-.....1 ~.~ ~---tM~;;;c-; ~-•~•klnJ. Udo W\itaptooml>lulnC M. M<>ln'OAOE BANKING Frl/'Sft. &aper'cl Apply ... sa vnr 1 Rstllwant N'EW J.R. last food opcr. M"4J r~JM)a •dll to 1 wotti d•Y•. may inc wkendt . Counter help. :.-~00•,r c'1f1(11• 11141.Ne 11s.2333 <m>*-mt FIRM HAS unn:o. ~.•nnr.uver. lUO =n"en ~'°we ..., ..... ~~ 1 ~~ OPENINGS POR THE ~. C.I(. have IA I tn CMWt ~ ..... -:-l . _.,, Mlllnt~• aupervllor: n>LLOWIMO. Div. for a n 8.31>\0SI M. Oft"''· LOAM • m at I p r I v a t t PBX . experiaoced mp or t~r.:rt\! COUMS&OI P1Yctll1tric hotpltal In LOAN PROCESSOR: Anawerln c urvlce woman poe1eHln1 ~ AUDfTOI A PQMUOO la av8'l1ble So. Orl&l\le County. Mu•l W\lh ftl>"\Mee ln 1ov't ~~ f\IU & Prr. Call lhuslum and lntejrt1fy. 11 pm : \O 1 111 m "" ror a cll'f('r ~non who bave IOfD4I knowled&e of loans. Prior u p. re· l U YolA ~Int •refted ui a ~NCR 4 • Im hu UM• ckiair• to jo.n un buildin1 maintenance. quired, preferably fn PIX OPIL beautlfYI office Jn the .-.;w;:..;.:.,,:;,:y.;~o.;;.-:.-1 a..bat• OIM'ft1"1f t'utt .auruabo motu,aiie lnclud i~ _!JlumblnJ{. ~9'•.b8!'kln& °'re· ""art •··--or "'-"t time nn.t totatliao. workl.U. l111ne loan C'c>mpan)' do1n11 ~c•l6Mlftoreqwp-lat""H\eld ~ .. ~ .... ...., n1n·= ul wilb con1e nl1l •• i\;fg ... .. ._ buialrwu ln 8o. Or1uuce mtflt. l"C!l*ina. 491-S'702/ ~9 O(' eve -· mu• aoc~ w~ are ln~rt"lll -' •• dlF County A Qillfomlareal &11'17'74. • L 0 A N S E R V I C 8 be able to w~ some ed in ~~ y~ In c..te W... 1•1tiil1• ltceiue la re COUNSELOR: Pr\ o r weekends. = allla terviewby appoi.ntmeDt. , ,,,d•···•.e.ct 1 , -wportttiach 1114 )~ q11~ flnoftrt-nco Wiii MAIMTIMAMCI loan sef'ViclDi exp. de-required. HY cOm· w..,M. TaylorCo. HOl'RfX'l.tr.ANJ:Hs tie tth'"n to uppllcut1 t luble, preferably ID pFany tt!'_C:.'a'rte"a·.ea'1•1 Real&oni &44-49f9 R A ANTllELP Ul who buvc bod prior ex• MIC~ mortgage benldai fllt re· ublon ... anu rfK\C',t•fl'1"opl periMcc 1n too field ol Nffde.d for lulJ time. latA!dClekl. · 640-lUOF.oE. a.I.SALIS.. Bte.akfjj.jlk'ttftf\bttfft;l Ciin1rham 0 1rl ll4~5l2.'t fW&n4'l', reial t'lllut.e. or mUlt.Haml.ly u.n!U. Must PBXO...,.RATOR -~i"us oo..,. "Vail. '· lttylt. O.C. ~. .... o N IN UR NC E rr.. "'1"".,...• " " v• Part le Cull time nt.'eC.led • .rlrl fWu!t<'boy , llvt~ m10l'ant'o ~xcellent l'l•vti tome expenerice, L A S A Orange eo-i\tprt area, our. attract iv , well Coo~. dl s h~lU l\p'r , 1 n t 0 ct 0 4 ,. "tr ;ii l'ommhu1lon •chodult c:arpentry. electrlcal1 CLERK: To monito r inter busy a111tltchbrd, fumiahed Ug\Jna Deacb counter help. C8l1Roe or ~ dutws l.orwc pt-rm1t1 uni mate d olumbtftg&otberrtlatea loan rues to lnsure con· Ptr " P/1' day shift&. office. lorexper. or ucw· Omer i.Spnu '"r appl. ecroo11 Oel Mar hom" ptil'OICIDlll &rowtb It Im-tr-.. Appliance repair UnuaUon ol appropriate E.O.E. Many beftefitJ. ly licensed. enthW1ia11llc ,., y 0 un 1 t' ~up h• n 0 m !diutt< Income Send e.x perienc• necenary. lo1urance covenie . Pay accordlnc lo exp. &a;lespeople. Xlnt COOl· ~ ... , • :.: cMdt 2 dop n xlbl r urm-t.o l.. Blue. 620 Ex~llent beoefits Ap-Prior up. d esirable. S*S333. fl33.333:J. nuasion sc~ule & a tru· , ________ _ houri lh~lerrdl~ rt-Newport Cenler Dnve. ply. PartUrnepoeltioo;boura l)'&real locat1onon C()f.8l qwr-4. •uto r~~uirl.'ll S11 1t1 2 11 , Newport THllAYIMICO negotiable. .......Dri•...U. Hwy .. 2· blka. from Ote rA y THOSI l~I '°" colletie t\IAd~nt ~ach. CA~. 1071 Qamelbac.k Part Time Job AM & PM . beach, with ample ofr. .UilDS ~ wne " eum:nt lrvine ~·91>t0 LOAN PILE PURGER: ahift.s ava.ilforCdM. C.11 street parking. RESTAUUNT- HEl.P . . ' CHllSTMAS l lLL5 ~IJ '* p,•um41 All area' ~o to Ad •"59. Dall> Maclune ()perutor no t!ll Equal ()ppoc' Employer To purge files for micro 7!19-1140. SIA UOM RIA.LTY WORK :~~N YO l..l l1n1form1 furnl1bcd ot. 330 W. Bay St. ~ req'd Shop environ· ~~t.1;:,:::7c,'i:;t Plant Shop Manager• 4'7·llll WAIUm 0ptrun15 an war houn Al. 21 oro\ r Reu~ -~l~Mpa.Ca ~-ment Call ~7·7e36 Management approx. 4 mo. No prior must have extenslv• f "-""J , 1 ~. ~o expenencc ...,....<It-, .... cr.LMAA...11 111 ~ ~t. Or. ·a office. ocsot)' • .,., le. t;.a I nee Apply UnheraJI nvv-~ -"'""' exp. neceasary; w knowledge or t11terior Newport Be.ch. heavy Del TacoJ a ra,pldly ex- ~ tast fooc:t chain, has 1mlned1•te open1ogi. fOf all positJOn."S, l~lr and part·t.une. d•y, anctni1thl sMts.. Appl)' dally 2-4Pm at 2112 Bristol. Newport Beacti. • VICTOI Prot.rrt.on ~nl~·. L2ai 4 cays wk.• hn day also MAC .. HIST Uierome a vital link In train. plants " have a strong pbooes. Exper req'd. T f lf.-Y Senk.. w WI~~ anua Anu ~are t meal SlOO/wlc MlLLltANU ~fashion chain-retail background . Mature. s t.ble. 8:30·5. uu Batth Sl.. S\c 21.3 lnterVl boW'a ~ 12 & Appl)' Mni. O rt"t•n P .o For prote>-type r:nacblne Shelly's tall Girl Shop. Salary tor ~II 1be abo'fe Salary open. Dirt Cheap. Beoellts. 64H037 N pottl:kl h 1..a Monuu-uF'ri Box C.Downey.CA90240 ~ ln the mslrwn(ont lmrned ~I for exp posltlont l k tom · ~ • ~ dC •-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml dlVliilOn ol tbe oil tool in-sales oriented ind iv. mena urate w it.h ex· ---------RtX:EPTlONlSTrrYPlST ISM 520 Housekeeper, ltve an . dunry. Worklna from maturilyoljudgementln pcrieoce. P~~contact Pool Cleane r: & re · NewportBeachAdAgen And add your Ol'"' GUARDS mature. r efs. no child bluepnnts. !!ketches & high vol s t o r e Ir penonnelforlurtherin· palrman.Expenenced. cyh&seot.rylevelopen ~~kll to PebrullI) SECURITY Rm /TV I rv Terr. verbal designs. directly s•rvise sm state. 40% fonnauoo.640-4.W>EOE. 911:8009 ma ror detail minded. DEL T 0 ' .--673--0042 wrth engineering, to as-discount. pd. vacaUoos, ,,..~ self·starter with aood AC , INC. SJ.St in new product de· salary + override. Must phone penonahly, xlnt An Eq l ()pport r11 H 0 u 8 c w I v c s & velopment tor wo rld have 3-5 yrs sales exp. I~ -· newport . T....... typing skills & good E~loyerM /';;r\Y Housecteaners We buvc wide well bore navi&a· preferably in specialty ~ • _, ~ nnel Banbury Cross pre· spelling to handle front ____ ._ ___ _ ---------r ~ to our recent ex-PAYTHOSI pansion progrum. Wells CHllSTMAS llLLS Fnrgo Guurd Ser\lices U. WOKK WH EN YOU hiring Secunty Guards WANT . fot: ()penanp in wurehQuse, lr'flM/Hewport .. och foctory&office.call 5-ht~......_."' · 'VICTOR Flllert./..._ Paric Ti ..... wy Service• Cot .. Mfta & lite 4341 Birch St. Stt-213 WMttMc-Ana Newport &ud1 5 56-8520 t M M E D I A T E And add your new E paychecks to Fcbru:iry'!\ 0 r H t HG S fo r budget. H p.rvlaory le •e l -------• s.c.+ty Offken who --------i wmitTOP PAY. with a General Office ACCOUHTIHG CLEIUC Two posltiog.s arc aYall:t· ble in our !nJsy accounl- 1 ng depa rtment. One position iis in our At·· l.'OUflls Payable d1v1!'100 and one IS in lbe general accounling division . Some bookkeeping. C /L. Ol' ;1ccounts p11yuble ex· pen encu prefered. 10· Key t>xperiencc re· quired, neut bandwntln~ & lJghl typi n~ helpful. F.xooUt!nt working c·onoi· tions.& company txlnefits including rlcntul plun. Appl)' 8am·llum & lpm- 3pm, Nat1onal Educa- tion, 4401 Birch St.. Newport Beach. 1Nea O.C. Airport). Equal Op porWruty Employer. ,. .. c:ted co ... .,. IA.RH $3.00 TO $3.1 5 PlltHOUR rROMOTIOH CAHPAY TO $4.25 re HOUR Apply ln person Monday to F'r1day. SAM lo 5PM at: WELLS FARGO GUARD SERVICES 153ZW c-. ........ ,._rt-. CA OR ~~1;,~28~~r you· lion equipment.~ ~athe storeLFoc interview cnll ~~ I'':-· r-t"''"'O School Martlyn. 8'7·5284 olfiee. Excellent op experience helpful for Westminster Mall, (714) ' agency or8'2-2948. HBarea. port.unity lo learn ad· --------- HSK'R/Co ... Dni0tt Pvt. Room . board & salary. care of elderly couple. 494-8287 INSPECTORS Q.C. INSPECTORS FIRST SHIFT TelcCorm . a m ajor rmnuf'adurer of hybrid microelect ronic melul packaging de \11ces. local.Cd m Oranl(e Coun- ty, bas severul 1m mediate openin.ii. for Quality 'lontrol lnspec tors. Duties involve Inspection to mechanical s lao dards, specifications and tolerances. Must be able t.o work from production schematics and /or blucpnnts. Mtnimum l year exper~oncc re· quired. roorc variety or projects. 898-$705. -112•0331 NOOUCTIOH vertming business. RESTAURANT Salary open. excellent MARKETING FIRM has -··~ TileSanbomCompany. COUNTER benefits packaee. E.O.E. . w~• b 2192 Martln, lrvme t IUIU"'""" Ad~rtising & ScienUfic Drilling Con-once in 8 "'ume c ance calf For Appointment Rubber 00.Se prod\tC'-"· Public Relations lrol. Corporate Head· al big earnings, for cpls Irvine area, must pass '714-040-8444 PERSO' E q uarter 8 , N 0 w port Ot" singles lo supplement company phjalcal incl. NN L Beach. call ('714) ~'7-9051 inc. or as maln inc w/ HtGU& back X-ray. s.t0-7639 RE C E PT I TV PIS T . ~ (or Mr. Moll or Mr time to enjoy life. No exp E.O.E . lmmed opening, Fl t. All Adams. nee. will train. Cull Pane•ll .... y maJ bend. 214 E Alton. PART TIME MACHINIST •1st& 2lld SWft• Due to our growth, we have Immediate open ings for Minimum expenence re- quired. severa l traanee posiUon.s available. betwn 6·8pm. for In-Hu Openings For: Prof. salesman/mktg S,A.Call5S'7-096L terview67J.5930. leca.,_th managtir needed for new DAYS r p r o d u c l II n e . 1---------Mature woman live-in S.U...,." Partners bl{I pote ntial Lwhtime companion for widow "OlherClerical 54!M2.85;~1 Recepti"onas· t No 11moke/drink Lots ()I PosiUona in the 111 Hours timeforbobbies644·'7468 Sadclleback Vly area Clerk/Typ1·st 27601 fortMs Id. PROPERTY MGMNT •• -_,_._.. b·..& cr....111.... •t SECY I BKKPR. l-3 yrs --,--_ .. ..,.,.._ •• MECHAHIC/kACIHCi _.... exp m Com'I f\eld. Typ· ...... 16 YHn of Mechanic for BMW Rae-13AMJIC.....-J mg, ph, A/P & AIR . We areseelung a person Olp. Ing team. Must be at 131-1477 COLDWELL BANKER. with a minimum 1 year least 25 yrs. have or can,•-•Lallliallun•a-Nllilgilu•e•I -• NB, olc. Ph 752-8080, .ask reception experie nce .__.. in --. dur- t Cl I li H I " , Mr T-t with s trong t y p1n ~ ~' r----··· ge ass c. ave c n ---------•Of' s . .....,. er. b"Uti R · ._ l'ftf.....t o-r o- driving record. Tr~vel Nurses Aides, '7·J, 3-11.I•--------r~lud~.SOw~r~~~~~~ ~houn at: r- thru-out US during Goodwages.Lowpalienl RealEal:ll'e pleasant per11onalily, season. Send qualHica-load lmmac 41 bed so.c•• 'f. HOTTEST and a neat ap-arance. dons. salary reqmnts, & "-· H · s _. .. -refs t.o: #461. c l o lbe Dal· ....,.,v. osp. 20362 ant.a RIAL EST A TE MKT Salary is $'700 PLUS de· *Carl's Jr.• lY Pilot, P.O. Box, lS60, Arni Ave. C.M. S49-306l HUNTINGTON BEAcH pendlng on experience Cost.a Mesa. CA 92626. 0 F Jo' IC E H EL PER -Work where the average and skills. Medical baclt office. OM 1)\uni. -Sun. Mesa Verde sale price Is Sl00,000 for family practice, limited Conv. Hospital. Gt>l the rastest growing & X-ray cert. req. Send re· ~nterSl. C.M. S48·SS85 highest e aying R eal sumeto Daily Pilot. P.O. OfCice Munuger-Sales Estate Compa ny In Box 1560, Costa Mesa. Good opportunity for ad· C..Ufomia. Our office at 92626 Ad #442 Bolsa & Goldenwesl is • · vancement. Will train/no BOOMING . Get in on the Medical Front Office. experience necessary· uction. Ca ll our 24 hour Busy N.B. O.B. Gyn. of· Musl be 25 yrs old or recorded message for We are a growing com pany l ocal e d n ea r 24205 LOCJUna Hills COSTA MESA and offer· Mall i.ng the successful apph-LAGUtilA HILLS cant an exce lle nt ' • , benefits package antt Ill t:q~IOpJ)Ortun~ty pleasant working en· t.:mployer M /F vironment Please apply --------- fice. Experienced only older & be avail. on inf . WEOFFt.:R need apply. J>lease send Saturdays . 557-0824 or more s42. l402 •IUJhly Compet1t1ve resume to P.O. Box 1560, 774-6090. 1:525 M esa ----+--·---- in person or ca II : Rauil <Asta Mesa. 92627, Box Verde 112I08, C-Oe ta Mesa. Real FBt.at~Sales -~1------.. Mooday, Tuesday, Wed- n esd a/..t. Tbur s d l!)'. lOAM· t'M, CLOSED Friday at 21oww..,. a.211 We orrer top s al:iry levels and oulslandlnl( rompany benefits which mdude paid m<..od1cal and life insurance. pension plan. twuoo asslstance, 2 weeks paid vacation, bberal paJd holidays and s ick leave. l"or 1m -medit1te consid eration call (714t600-8J31 or app. ly in person. Arter hours and Saturday interviews can be arranged upon re- quesL •PleotyolOverUme 423. OIO&Cl.SUC YCN:tt_invit~ •Shift Dirferenllal ••-. "•P• .. '-~-"n for CAUlll MIGHT. _ ,AlltlCIA llWIQ(l ('7)4)54&-$60L 5602.~3 ROOM & IOARD CARE & KI NDNESS for eld~ly atnb"lalory lady in your home . Salary - open. fl'lnanc1al arrange- ments open. &M-7878 WANT TO 60 BACI TO WORK? V111il our New t4-1WMJtonleach lnterv1ewi.ng Center Immediate open ings for Clerical and In· d~al skills. Sign up now for "close !O home" tempora ry work at the highest hourl.Y rates. Huntmgtoo Dcach 847-3496 &mWarner Ave #215 Newport Beat'h 833-1441 S...ARo,CA State Lie. No C-6036 F.Qual Opportunity €mployer M/F •Excellent Compa·"Y Medical Seer~, exp'd, nam' .. -• ..., ETC "' '-~y order,._ 1·n s mall No cost or obhgation. Benefits for Employees mature. HeaV)' ictation, """' '""' and Dependents. & front desk. Busy office. olfice. Requires phone & Learn about real estate ~.a& Mi.Us SATURDAY Salar)' open ~71'72 melh apUtude type 60 as a career. Learn about CY --;;._..;'---·----1 wpm. Exp e ri e n ce Century 21 training. sanStteet IMTBVIEWS MEDICAL help(uJ. Medical, Dental Learn how to get started SANTA /\NA •9AM to 12 Hoo111~ A Am benefits. fast. Tuesday February r,q al 0pport l SAILBOAT SALESM AN Experience preferred Koma Manne67~1403 Sail maker 1teeds exs>. seamstre<1s 675-m70. TEKFORM c~DIMATOI Fabricaled PlasUcs lnc. 6, 7:30 pm. Call nowfor Eu I M"f~Y Oleap Handyman. paint-APPLY IN PERSON Good pay ~ benefits 81..5W.l.8lhSl .. C.M yoorreservation. '.•--m•p-oy•e•r---•I ing,plumblng,lllingetc. p RO.DUCT 5 ~ome mt!dlca l back-&46·3279. C...twyZI Wnt SALESAmb1l1ous peri.on Neat work 9&Hl39 1 [ID SIEGLER ground helpful. Must . SSC-4840 who wanl..<t t.o canl but COMPANY """ have mable transporta-1--------• ----------can only work part time Head housekeeper: part Divisionor TRAHSPOIT Uon.treojoydrivi.og. ottoaDffK ReaJEBtate R"'"geration· 0pp.forgd.x~incomc. tune stockboy&majds. Blisslr Laughlin 7S8500 9-~ Irv. window mfr. Ex-Salesl)eople PresUgeor-0111 Asslstan<'(l given The IM Al Laguna. 211 2770CoronudoStreet DYNAMICS Medical per'd wo~n l?refd. for fi ce. Your own desk. Tbp M h . Whtsle. retail sales. Call N. Csl Hwy, Laguna Anaheim.Ci\92806 3131WestSeger11trom. ~. P•y"'hialn'c ofc respon, h1 ·press dcskr comm. Work with a ec an1c , for appl. 5:30>6:30.daily. Beach Santa Ana. CA '"" .. l'" .. .. xtra aharp math apl. hvy broker that will help you 73t·2l98or~·1684 HOME -""IGH equaloppol'tunlty w 1.P unts. antqs & ph's, customer ser. bill-get listings. Over 30-Y1"S Z.3yearsexperienccw1th ""~--•~R~ ~ employer mlf/h Equal Opportunity stained glass needs OFC mg/invoicing 4 dy work experience. rdrigeralion assembly ~.,... """' .. ~ CIMTRHIWPOIT Employer m/f/h MGRtornatcb. k b ' r R f and . sub-usembly plus FUll time & part timt" CO-ORDINATOR PR IC E S M I TH w ' co e ne · e s . knowledge or piping, Exp. helpful, excellent •Paint, wa llpaper, --------•!·--------714/631-3800 S*ll90. ~ chemicals, condensers. H.B. location. Good drapery, Ooorlng sales. IHSPICTOI MEDICAL RECEP etc.,required. salary. For appl. r:ill Previous retail & design ~ Mec"-kel MACHINISTS · OR111000NTIC ASSIST. S21-8S41 exp. rcq. 40hrs including Set-up & perform une & TIONlSTforbuay ram!IY RI>A. Part-Ume. 1 year Albert Pussell We o ffer ex<'elle nl•------.--Saturday. fina l ins p ection of practice. heavy Pb s, experience.Send reauroe Nlary, promotional op· Sales & Engraving. Full •Also part time position machine parts. Must be some insurance. must be t.oClasslCled Ad #438 Dai-Realty Co. poctunities and company Ot" Ptr. Noack Trophy & avail, including Satur-proficient in lhe use of ..... Yow Mo•• To good w/people. Ex per ly Pilot, 330 West Bay St. a3DOV&RDLN.&.63 .. S~2 benefits Including paid Engraving Co .. 102 E. day. precision measuring in· .,_wkll&A mandatory.CA1l646-l6Jl C.M.92626 medical and lire in· l6lh Sl.,alSupenor,CM. Apply in person: Village struments & the reading letttr Job on Mon, 215• _______ _....._. Real FAlate saunce for employ CH _646-31 __ 4_1 ------ Horne Design. 2624 San of blueprints. 2 Yrs. M d r I Part nmc newspaper de· HAVE OPENING Cor ag-and dependents. Please Sales I M ID N 8 9 93 b. . •~ 1m-....i• t ln f essenger e aver ng livery coin machlne4. gre111ive. mo tiva ted __._,.. E 1 l rw 1gue r.. . . 640-1 mac 1n1s ts ex pe r ex """"a e open gs or tJckets for st.age show 63 ,.,......1,,_.c:......, "....,._.' mp oymen VI· 111..a.a ... WHILE T ~ • I -I h. · l r1 ..,.... hi · · l._10 .,.........,1. sales <>•ent who has the fl ~ 1401 Dove St Ste 340 ._...g831una~!luel I t'-llnl'I genera mac mist too s a cxpe en .. ~ mac m ts Must have car. know .._,_-to 5,....,_,.,. ~•i'lb re. """"' .,..., requirement.Apply at t.osetupandoperatepre-area 495-153 r•~11M1~•y ..,._ • .., ...... ~ ft YOU1.l.l.EARH 279157 Cabot Road I Mwws Aide. clSion lathes, m ills, and . · -· ~ wilimited o~rtunities I Above average wages & Paul Dosier drills in a prototype shop M&MTTUJHll ,. MUll1 now be emp'°'ed in Million ~Jar loca· l£AR SIEGLER Have fun part-lime earn· E4ual.Opportunlty I health benefits . Apply atmosphere. Must be Work your way up to and ree '° work ln lllY Uon. Call Al Stellato for I ~/c~mm~ss~on ° ot~t'r: £mployer Mff Newport Conv. Center, Associates, Inc able to read blueprints mgmt or sales in this small applluce bus. or coofidenlial lnten •iew. TilAHSPO T Ing charge accts in a ma I 1555 Superior Ave. and have knowledge of rapidly expanding co. air treatment equipt. New Agents Welcomed. DYMAMtCS jor ail .Notanag1;ncy I NewportBeach. :n"iORedbillAve baslcshoplrlgonometry Posll19ns star t s In M-F.6tolOPM.orMon-!16i3-56Tl 31JlWSe{erstrom area~etr~~~ tn your L Never H ee I CostaMesa,CA 92626 orgeometry. warehouaeforapenwbo Thun 6-lOPM and Sal. SanuAna.CA A.OS 714/523·5165 ----------Ho6less, AM sh1fl. exp. l714t 556-7075 ta looking l<W' grnd nr op-9 : 3 0 A M • Z ; 3 O P M . E L-t.• .. Top Pay. Blue Dolphin. EqualOppor Employer 1bescpositionsoffer: ntvw/atopnat'l co.Xlnt $400/mo sat or profit E.O.E. m /f/h 2,.,1~~~1 Gr.i ... ERALOFFIC£ 673-1803. '""f •-s haring prog r a m . Real Estate w .r Wholesale Lumber Co. ---------..ro~ ·d edi I raases"' bens. can Chris, whichever you prefer. BllliQg exp. 70 wom. 10 Hostess, E l Tori t o --------•I '"\,N'lupany pai m ca S4(MI065. Coastal Person· Nocxpr. nee, Some Mgr key. _good with flflures . restaurant, NB. now ac-G .. IRAL & life insurance ~Agency, 2'790 Harbor, opport avail. For In· Mat.Ure. dependable & ceptlng applications. LAIOttERS •Company paid relire· • AIJiJOBS FREE ter\iew call art 1 PM, well 11roomed. Xlnt com-Will train. Apply in Needed immediately for menl -.:..---'------1 979-3860 Pflll.Ybencfits. Callfor In person. 2·4PM. Mon· Th I I C ModelsMaJe•Female ----------1 le~,v . weekends Thurs . 4221 Oolphin e r v ne ompany PAIT TIME 67 Striker Way. Building Trades depart· .OOCweek vacation art er WE H 11 D MI W GIN. OFc/SECY Exper & good t yping skills. uso ol dictapbone, handle correspondence for2men +misc genl of dut.lea for am mrr firm. Pleuanl worklnf! cood ~benefit.a. Tap Mali eorp, Irvine. cau Mrs. Witt. 97MI*). Glrr Friday. Typing aaa,a sr.ort band, He av phooe WC'k for buly olc. ment. 1"1ll·time. A_pply 6 months fACIS: THI llVIMI CO !or 1V Commtrclals, ad· £Y£NlllGS 1 ,_..,_1!'1 C.melb~~~-OOtO •10 Paid holidays vert.lsing, shows. etc. ti Multi wtt.b outat.andln", UYU~ _. )'OU ate • proleulonal ll 1"' Equal Oppor Employer -Company Cafeteria inodel or wut to get Into •tlradlve pert00• t es Hotel Pool Attend We are seek.log a reliable person wi th a current ----"T=....----this field, pleuc call for who enkw working w1tb •Disc!Ounl on Brunswick appt. You coukl be work-k)da. Over :n. Start at rod t In I SUO per hour. Phone water safely certificate to attend our hotel swim· ming pool area. Apply 9am-l2 Noon. Mon/Fri, Personnel. Ma I iotl Hofel 800 Newport Center Dr Newport Beach F.quel ()ppot1 Employer __....,. ____ ,. P uc s g 81 ear 1 u nut 642·4321 Ext. 250 Brunswick 11 a people week.so~:· BETWEEN 4 :00·5:0 oriented organluClon. NewYoritW•talodels PM:.. .... --~ Our atmosphere ls re--;;;;;;.;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~ -nllllJ" tutd 1nd lnfot"n\81 and • F.qual <>Poortu tJ f1c1bt1 is lou\.ed ln MO¥m fllllM Employer e Co. just 2 blocu sms llTIAS off the San Diego P'w)'. l(jds Teeftl..Adutu. EJt· Pluae contact Jud)' Uae w· to bre» cepUonal~ '°" Martin, Monday thru lnlo movies. 1100 per Fr~. Sim to 4pm for daY pou, (71•) 71M~. an Interview. Vf D EO CAST I M O SERVICE. (Now in «h year) , .. "'. ' , "• ' ••,.. r ......... -.. nlE MOST SE¥S1BLE REAL ESTATE COURSE • ET CONCEIVED: TELECOURS£ 2000 • UNIQUE VIDEO EDUCATION PROO RAM DBSJGNBD BY AWA.RO..WINNINO FACULTY TUIUOO letiiid Pr!)cr•m • ALPHY'S USTAUIAHT ~ po11ltlon open for HOSTESSES HOSTS WAITRESSES Sales 36-60K EMH. POTIMTIAL * rROHSSIOHAL * IXICUTIVI• WAITERS COOKS DISHWASHERS Pa.Id weekly, comp•nY , SOPT·sa&.SALES• bmefits. Apply In person Ame rica's foremost 911mto4pmdaily. publicly held business Alpbya's Restaurant ~Y corp. is now Jll'75 llarboul Edinger seeldD& the above tYIK' f'ow)laiD Valley lndhidu.als. We have 9 Ala Equal corp'• lbol sell s mall Oppor1unit1 li:mployer. b1.1Slnesses to average Americans that raJlie in rom $1~$17,500. • • once in a Restaurant p rr person needed to &Me food or-ders" beip pttp8f'C ~ food&. £xper. 1D l'u.nalaa • caah reciater hdffut -~E GUIU> S l E. Oyer Rd. Sant. ,.,,.. 7Sl-318l US'I'AlJRANT 1--'T--.Plae DOW &akiai appUcadons for ,..._ to tralq •• -~~· f'ul food ,.. pr. -..pru.l, but not IMc. Aoob la penoo onl). lb tbru Sat. M . ?~ ........ Hunt.lkh. Rlltaunnt CA.KROWS RIBTAURAN'T oPPOrtoil)' for ~ lnd1vlduals wlth R.E .. IM. or ~riUes o.ckground <other d1s- el pll ne& will be con- sidered). A full <I ii<· dolure U.~iew wlU be eooduttcd by J .• DfOtounl. Monday at 6PM at lM west coast bd· Qtr1: CAB Enterprbe~. foe. 3$0 Fischer Ave. CM. ~aee call for re- wvlllontl '114~·1262- • • ., I\ .. • • ~!!~ ..•. !~~~~ ..... !!!4! ~~~ ••••• ?!~ ~~-~ ...... ?~.~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~! ~~-~ .•..• ?!!! _Sund!y __ ._F_•_u_r_•_._,_979-----------~.;..;::m1&.1-..~-.." fetal')' 0(){11 urJt'ntfd. SERVICE STATION AT· Tow Trl.lt'lt Drivers ex: ~terer experienced ...... , 1005 ...... , • 25 SAUSMIM MllDID tnlhUll 11\lc. tnl rpn• TENDANT. flt. exper per'd. T09 r:Y· Appl)' Ol\ly CUllLom shop. Too ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-·· .. •••••••••••••••• 'q "" .. 1111. lndl•ldual Muir •~lll)'.QallCarl GftW tow n1. 7408 _....and bene. Pff or ...................... . hav• txC'elltnt 1k011. eHl2lSJC ()uneWay,C.M.8'2·1251 Ftr.C.M.548·1U8 ESTATE r 11r ,,.. •Ill•• u 1yp~ tOwpm •. know * .J&L ·• l&l30mmUC...lenlll ll'I kuy • other Mllct $+.lrvlce tatloo Allen· TRAINEE Waftre11es needed. Mr '8 rr. ~7 f:-'111-lo.....:. c.ee. '250. Canon PeUx mllthlnoa Lllo book dent. uper'd. Day It YOW\I man to tra.ln for 0'1 Co(fee Shoo. 3060 E. --...-w/50mm l.4 ISmm 2.5 1r kHJM"' ••a>Hien 1 + ~. Y\all 11 ~me. ~P· ...it of srec~ton op· eo.tHwy, COM. Oriental art, objects D' Art, Antiques UOmm 2.5 lenM9 6 caae. -~• ;:,·~~ ":.'1; ~~~~·-· nUa"' ~.r~ualn~~~·~!:d War.eho11u man u . & furniture (screens, stone lantern~s'.!.., _.__1...:'1::..:75~·...:eo.ao~~:.....---- Od>or.a.MHD mechaiucal aptlludf 4 perienced in 1hippln1 & broilies. snrittes, porc:e alns~tc , Dop tt40 S.,rvlt't &talion attend, xlnl vi..100 w/wllllntneu reteivln1, UPS, Parcel Plus: glass china. silver, &c household ••••••••••••••••••••••• •W. CO wotlt da)t, apply \0 !tarn. Lon1 training P os i. W 111 also be · """ otl · f 1 k Pekin M &. F AKC ·tr;--; c u ·r 1 v E &1t Mar1na Shell, 15922 perW!. Only aerioua need ~JIOftllble (01' pulling" items. 'ue c ect1on o we I nown Ola~~ltedi •*crlfice 'F..CRifARY/AOM AS· ~{1gt1Utwy, n.u. (2131 apply. Call for lnterview packing par\S orders. artist MS-l'190/SS'MO\O ~T BHc••l ry + lil(ed •PPt betwn 7·9am . Mustbeoriablud"•c-llNNm llADIURY bonU5 fllf' l8lel/inarlt&\· ~Sta Help needed im· 54IM8>I. ,. curate. Heavy Ufttng re· 31562 Wildwood Rd. One black male Pelt· 1na ont•nlf'd t1t1r11ctlve med. """or pi t . Apply TlJt..IMll$ =·Applications now So. Laguna ::~~s.=d!:i.~!: ~;\t~11.'~"~~ •E.C tHwy,N.B. "NATIONAL lnc.s.N~~~pled. E.S.S. ~~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~!!!!!l~fOr~Jea::::.U~eW.~=953'1~•:v:es~. N • ,._ tt>i.,bone v~c«< t:.rn. ..:.!!'' · ex~ra 11ncome MAAAA 11.ir ... LRS Welder exp'd with arc & • Uaaso Al*> puppv. I need ..._..r..ct Sftordary. lnt rated 111 In '2000+ 1 mo. for w.-alJOl'IB ror c eaners """""""~,.. ml r • · • * * Afllilmc" 10 e 0 a kM.ruc attentive person ..a.5 GUYS l1arn1n1 aroup In c""9er oncmted rlattt in· tn itore or at home NOWHIRIM(i Fk;i:\ra'11e~A~~~ T_.I khillC1Wa ••••••••••••••••••••••• SlOO. lfas papers, shots ------ .t.•• •to aurant'e Excellent dMdual Contact 1.aird ~11843 Wlll tral1l~ E.uelle.nl G40.perwk.-754-0337 84M464 ~ .......::.;;;;:;:r J llott= 1 tro 1 ~-:BJrParkviewLn. BARGAfNS.Use()refrigs, --------..... VB. MOW. -n._ •met .,..,ay. mt:rna nn SHEET METAL ...,...,....... WEWl Irvine wshrs, dryrs, gu~r. besl Adorable tori poodles. ,...,,,. r It eu. Irv Call 1~ O.tta Manaaement on ... ..__,c/c•--........ EARN ftOO WK LLPAYYOU$8.00 ...... _ 1 Be Need t t-~C\lt •ala 11 rihurl nt n rad 1 ey . lJ<IO blfl, ..._, Execu\lve --~•-"°' A ,,_, IF·YOU..ARE Youarethewinnerof "-10• we serv. app . sl 8wk. · Sasu rass line. (Cl.\Yl.mW1lbe0\'1l . .iotl. !OE Seattbl"1rmaerv1n&th• .Exprd .. Muatdoownsel· ,.._..957 I ISO AHOMEMAKER Two,....Tickeh AWIS36-0911,S36-4330 , 95'1.m .... It 18 • over TriH ,., Data Proce11&inl lnd ~ · ~ • • You have a child at to the CASH PAID Adorable toy poodle. 8 nonda, Haw•11, N\•W S • RETARY t'fl4>8'75-00IU or 616·0231 TICHMICIAN/bpr'd home between !Jae ages 17th Annual Wshr /Dry rs/ ReCrigs, weeks. Sassafhas line. York. Tt-xas • tttum No Oran.el'.,unty rOf'lntervic!:..__ __ 549·242' d 5 & 18. ·Call 752·2904 LONG IEACH worklniorno\~·8133 ~7-83110 or635-8824 ""P~ nee All expl"rhH' Airport Are. TYPESETTER M·F. to see if you qualify RODEO pai(l lflltmna protcr•m Wint 3 /1 17 9 a d S:r~irufllim'iia'i':l andmakeanappl. l'l the Long Beach WASHER DRYER SALE AKC Eng. Sprln gu Above il\a& ta.nun .tt muustrauve au 11lant 'ftlanda e ... ~ .,1,,,~ a SHIPPING/ RECElVlNG W,...., •THOME Arena, 300 E . Ocean deluxe multi.cycle Spaniels, liver & wht. bonu:ie . Must be-en execuuve secretary for 1 .. . · .,,.,._. Full lime. Must haxe We',.. gtttillg bittier -A Bl d Lon Be b T models. Completely re· S150to$180. 559-4489. \hus11:1st1c & ready to man·l 11rl specialiied SICllTilY~L--' good driving record . ...t ...ca ..,.. help. P~~~~es cl~ yourgtlck!~.' ca~ built. refinished, l year 5tuf\ todll)'. Personal in· law omce. Lea al ex· -..-64&-8886 ~ H .-r~u 642.5678, ext 2'72. guarantee. Your choice Lhasa Apso puppies. 8 tervaew cull Mr Adams. pent>nce nol reqwred. ror partner. cwpoct •ftl'M ers are MW ---------Sll9each. Delivery .Sale wks old. AKC.Sl35. IOAM·5PM Mon tbru Done«! exceHt>nl typins Beach Law Firm. Top ~ for .-qwlag ~ * * * ends H5·79. So. Coast Beaulir,..l.554·7688. Tilurs only. 6354082 & bookkeeping slulls. pay for top person. Xl.nt Sil TllM LEA.Diil H • w port I• Cl ch •••••••••••••••••••••0 Appliance537·2M2 AbiJlty lo manage office sk.llls, minimum 5 yrs ex· $4.ZO p H I =:· Peri ff• . .w... 1005 ~n~~~~~ ~~~~. e:trvt:r Lab. pupa, AKC. excellent INSIDE &learn business. Salary ~gencral~actlce.Call er r + ...t TllHdo ••••••••••••••••••••••• copper , brass, con· Kerunorewasherand pedif't!e7gl~ksold . SALES nti(ltJable. Send resume ura714n -O'l34 pdY::!=.,. Noyn. T:li M~ITCEAMUC80TFIOFJMNE certma. & some rurn. gas:Jl~20· with skills. salary & ex-Respomjble to schedule NIWPO IT ENSICiM /UH Agate 108, Ba I l s I. AKC Yorky pups, 1 wks. r-y, i\MlC MOVING & perience to F. M. Brown. •SECRETARIES• &c iuperviae parl·lime • ESTATE JEWELRY• 67S-0322Wed·Sun 10.5. Gas stove l year old dou· tin)'. 2 female, 2 mal~s. STORM.a: COMPANY UlOODoveSt. ste 110, Npl st&ff in youth services 673-0550. ART OBJECTS, AN· 1--------• ble ovens. while/black Peitlnese pups, 2 whale IN KlfNT. BCH NEEDS Bch. G.O./Constru, Several raclliUea in absenae of T I Q U E S , F I N E H. ROCKWRL ltlass. Only used 6 mo. male, 2 Sable. 579-2400. TELEP H 0 N E Secretary $800-$1400Ranfe Program Coordinator. lqilal()pportunlty FURNITURE. ETC. SSOO/Best631·5956 . EICa.hoo SALES P E RS 0 N -IPERSOMMELI Employers Pay Al Fees Mlniumum 30 hours per &....&.... /f/h PHONE FOR INFO & OVER 40, -,.,_--to-Y----.-0-4-5 S AL A tt Y + C 0 M · M · R E D I Liz Reinders Agency week. 3 Years college _,,_,er• BROCHURE. 645-2200 BE{. 0 W MARKET Reln9: sJde·by·side Lat.e °" '· SSION &Jor eve oper PRICE mo el, new c ond. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. 11 -FU LL · · • 4000 Birch St. Ste 104 level work In emphasis in ---------TIME OR P rr k>c11tedlnlrv1ne1i.seek· Neiro ... Beach,833-8190 Recreata'on, Social TYPIST --------• (%141528-5156 $335/lerms. 750.1150 or M. Cat, long hair. Fem. . ma a qualified individual •• Anti"que Music Boxes'. S37 """" Shorthair s payed "Bl CALL BOB GREGORY to"act as.sccrela~ to our Call or Appl/ &,tab '64 Ecology or related fields. Large insurance co has Slot Machines! Clocks! • ........, Good w/kids. 646-86419... • v.P. Human Resources Contact The City or lmmed opening for HUGESELECTION Divorced. forced to sell Relrig: New 21 C.F. 2 dr. 534-7911 & asslSt an department Irvine. 1'7200 Jamboree, policy Tr,p1sl. 5Swpm, .._rfcan gorgeous Lows XV l ·pc delux lowest pnce ever Free Hamste rs w I tasks. The ideal can-SECRETARY lrvine .• (714) '154·3814. type com I policies. Will Parlour set. walnut, or· Only ~/terms 750·1150 h1bitrail. M.other a l· Sales Lady Account EX · ecullve. Career op· porlunity for s trong sales/P.R. onented setr s tarter with good telephone voice. Large commJssion with guar. draw. Earn S2000 to $6000 per mo. on completion o( training as professional • &x e c u l 1 v e S e a r c h Cons ultant in Data Processing. No direct exp. req. for a bright hard wolcer Call Laird llolloway lnternallonal Data Management. on Lido Isle (714 > 675-0081 or 67>-0231 for interview. did alt> must possess train. Exl benefits, lnt.......tiMal rwtecarving, like nu, ap· 537-6333 l~c. 642·9487 3+·years sec-t'"n"al e" R-ept1•on1•st pleasant working cond. Gaieties •Cl\ 'd Ask' ---.... 0 .... ~ St a tionery Store in prox ...., yr 0 • · ang Gen. Elect refrig. Good perience with emphasis Corona del"Mar needs ex· Apply jn pers. 8:30·2, ()pen Wed. thru Sal. $5000. Allio reproduction d u/\ 548 2913 U\ the personnel field de· PleoH we ow ad ie per'd aalet lady. Full· Mon thru Fri. Safeco 1802 Kettering, Irv. Victorian sofa. 2 mos old con · _.,. • or ,..,...... 1050 s ired. Qualified In· Insurance Co., 17570 (714 )754-1777 $500.731·7417 964-3702 · .. •••••••••••••••••••••• dlVl.dua· is must have ex-= paper wtder time. 5 days, x:lnl work· Broohkhurst, Ftn Vly. S CR1FICE l,..,...IST Ing conds . Especially .. ...___ IOIO Refngeratorrorsalel200. A celJeJ)l clerical skills & "" • f:A,. Ii t I 6751010 E.O.E. M/F. h" ......--· Ptul 4 yrs "--l f e Decorator IOfa SlSO, Bed h u,.;o c en e e. . . TredJe sewing mac 1ne ••••••••••••••••••••••• co. • """ r e. r "'"" ... ., ,,.0 """" t e abahty lo com. ll!'J'-CL-I( SSO; ch iming mantle FREIGHT DAMAGED Call~-4191. eumv-.~:,,.::-'• .,... ·-municate effectively ETC ;a-._ -TYPISTS clock S70; "beveled edge NT S m...-a-IO"O'~..;..-...:...;;.._..........__..:..~-------wlth all levels. This Is an Some lifting or rurn & T · S2S misc bn·c R<YrPOl ALE. 3308 -~~ _ ..._ .___. -•--t I t exeellent opportunity to cca:r.et M1"lls Pu h s AT-GENERAL 11'11.aOr ; • w. Warnu nr ·Harbor. ••••••••••••••••••••••• uuu ··-orm ca 8 · equip req'd. re asing w brae. 892-t591 San Ana 979 2921 ble w/2 ex. leaves & 6 express your talents & 5 6-5601 Of' malnt exp. helpful as ock· local. Temporary ta · • Schwinn 10 speed. Gre•t chairs, all like new Sl.25. become associated with Equnl Opportunity well as an ability to immediate work. Ant. draw lcaJ table, xlnl Refrigerator 24 cu.rt .. 3 shape. Must 11ell. S75 or 97IMI032 a Cast ~rowmg company. Employer M/F perform minor repairs & Cal For A.11 cond., solid Oak Sl75. door Admiral. Wh ile· best. 546-634 1 . ~em~~s~~1~~~~~~d~r1~ typing. Call for appt. Appal:et•.tTodcry 548-0596 almost new. ice maker. lllilclllcJ Materials 8025 pt ~'·glass dintng lbl package wilh excellent WESTLANDS BA~K 557..0061 water dispenser. $500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• w/c ll1J'S S70. Like nu. Please submit resume SECRE! ARY JR. TEACHER. Montessori l d household items you're Pnvate party will pack up Some sheets. 12x4' •some Smoke glass dining rm ta· working surroundings. 979-4600 E.O.E. ~o~ office • M ake t h ose good 63l-0!8> ~~ .. PARTlCAL BOARD S.&2,&4 2-4 979 With salary require· G~rat ()(face d_utics !"8· Teacher w/BA. MOD· 0 over oa not using available to 0 r buy y 0 u r 0 Id warped. some ,broken. bee, chrome legs, brand i.aJes menLsor apply ID person. QIA!lng g~ tyinng ~kills tessori CertUicate. mall some otherfamlly by ad· refrigerator working or Lfte amount avaJI. Make nu!. beaullfu I, aofl Mana~er. career op-Au.ention Gena Mezo • & ~ghl dactauon. Will be resume to Box 354 Costa F.qual Oppor Employer vcrtising them for sale in not. Top cash paid olr. Call t-rarold 962-8841 C\MllUODll, $3:50. Misc. pie· porturuty available with Poetdffo•a Homes ~~:~r ~~~:f.:~t::. Mesa, Ca . 92627 ' Classified. Call642·5678 897-8452 blwn8AM &3:30 PM. 1...;.t.w-es __ ._~~...;.....;---- ~~~~~~l~~ly18:!~~d i'l 2M2 Business Ctr Dr. portunlly In sales depart-TB.Btf0ME$ALES AMtoa, New 9100 AMtoa, New 9100 Mtos, New 9100 Alllel. Me. 9IOO Mew orarated fioure salon Suite l00, lrvine92715 menl for self·mollvated Work p /tlme .in GLir ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••~••••••••••••'•• .. 975-1609 1ndrvidual. 1 •••••• c· ain. Sales exp. de· Affirmative Action Contact Mrs. White telephone sa es room sareable but will train Employer For Interview Appl. CAM sh.ill I and sUll have bright, trim lady. Salary ____ :.-..;:-.----1 pleasure ti me ror +comm paid. Forappt. SECRETARY. Exec Paul Ooste' r yo ur se lf . Wages call 642·3630 or 556-4786. Central Newport Beach +comm. Call for details. JIMs..tto.'1 Set.ct .. Sales # I Fiat Dealer i11So.Cal .... is looking ror a few good men. Experienced retail salesmen or will train. Demos available, prom s haring. expensive medical plan and bonus' galore. Contact Bob Brochelt.e. w.ct s Auto IK. Ill I N. HcsiMM' lt•d. ...... ,"' . 772-9100 SALES MAKE THJS YOUR LAST JOB! Beal the high cost or liv- ing. Call on induslrial, commercial. and lnstitu· tional accounts with a high quality line of light· mg products. Experience not necessary. We train you. Develop a good re. peal business at a high rate ol commission plus bonuses. hospitaliialLon plan, retirement and other benefits. CAUMR.ECHT l21lJ ll0-8415 F.quat Opportunity .Employer Mff ~es R.£. SALES We have a rew openings on our sales staff for hcensed, professional re· al estate agents or brokers. lf interested, please send resume to J . Krembas, Quail Place Properties, 1400 Quail SL. Suite 135, Newport Beacb92660 Seam str esses. ex - perieoced, Mon·Tbura, 6-4:30. Nr 0 .C. airport. 97!H483 SIC/RICIPT. For busy real estate or. flee In Newport Beach. E>.cellent company benefits. Call ror app't. 544-Zl?S RED HILL REAL TV. Sec r e tar,Y P /T lleCJ'e\arial. Ofrlce exp. nee. Pay nego. 64.S-4170. 9am.5pm. SICUTAIY MUil be tell motivated, lntelll1tnl, fast, ac· cunde typlq aldlls. 10 key experience. Front Of· fice appearance. Pleasant phone voice. SalU'f commennrate Mlb experteoce. Sad nt· eumewtlb salary~ to P.O. Box 21•, Coeta ......... SBC&Br.UY • Proper\1 lls-t l·I _rrt np ln com•t tletd. TyplS11. p•o••· ltllllp1 <XJUJWSLL MJllK£1l. Npt •ct11 off. Pia : ,.._, .U for llr•. ~. Lawofc Call64~--4044. Associat' · I LA TIMES · et _ nc. · s-io-~1 · COSTA M~A Telephone contact wt>rk. 556-7075 Benefit show tickets. F.qual Oppor Employer Pay is iood. 495-1883 SECRETAR Y Our Studio l.s seeking a ---------1 TEUPHOHE bright, energetic. career Secretary /Dictation. SOLICITORS oriented person who s k i lled typis t ex · possesses xlnt typing perienced in word pro· Experienced Only. Sell skills & 1s eager lo learn cesslng. Excel lent Daily Pilot.Highest com· all facets of Studio pro· benefiu.J'red S. J am84 mission paid. Your duction, from audio re· E Co, Irv. Call Maurine phone al home. Over 21. cording to video produc· Bradley. 752-0990. E.O.E. J.D. Card. Ca.II 835·64S3. taoo. Please call for an ~ --_ ..-l.JP.M. interview appl. S~-~ __ T_E_L_EX_O_P_E_R-.-- o~E AJA lo $14 Exper'd only. Small N.8 MEDIA Please Call For Appl Exportlng (irm needs PRODUCTIO S Irvine Personnel Agency person'2·6 PM. 5 days a 54"5255 488E17th, Costa Mesa wk ., $3.50 per hr. Please v-SUit.e.224 642·1470 call 640·6313. aslt for Peggy Wea.tts of CLove THIS VA LIHflMrS DAY send your love a greeting all the world can share with a Daily Pilot Heart of Love. It's , •easy. compose your personalized IOIDHS COME IM the 3 site• as shown below: $15. $10, and a special child's site for S2 (you must bt undef 12 to qualify for tht littlest greet1ngJ. ... -""' greeting and we'll set your message In type to fit the border of your choice or your handwritten tt)oughts may appear in the border you select. IF YOU WISH TO caATI your dec:Orated greeting, ,. use a black pen & ,:, " draw your design to fit one of the dotted line "hearts" shown '. below. • For help with your ad . ju.s t ca ll 642 -5 678 & a friendly Valentine ad-viser will be happy to assist you. And, If you like. you can charge your Heart of Love or use your Master Ch a •r g e o r 9ankAmerlcard. • .,, -.. ----.... own ""' " ,,. .. -..... ; .. , , ----.... .. .... ..... .. ,,., .... ~,, ... ~;~ .. I ' " , ~·"' ' ' ' I , I •' ' ' I I ' ' \ I I , I ' \ \ I \ , ' ' I I j ' ~"", I rt I \. I \ I ,. ~ " ' I I \ ... , .,ri,,, ' ' .. , I \ \ ....... ~ ' \ ' , , ~ ..... , I ' q..1-""/ , ... I ' ... ... I ' ... .,,,a ", ... ... ,, I ' .... ' .. •' / ' ~ ... . • . ~~ " ' Ell ,, ' ~'"--,, , , lllAN sr••KESI GAS .PRICE HIKES · NOW IS THE TIME· TO BUY YOUR DATSUN & IF YOU DON'T BUY YOUR NE.W DATSUN FROM . f!Jl I lllftii.li!ltJi • ;J f!IJ : I YOU MAY BE PAYING TOO MUCH!! CHECI YOUR CLOSEST DEALER USTD HERL IET THBI PllCE I · WRmlL THEI COIE SEE THE YOLUIE Dl•IT·DIT91 DEii fJ · I • IUND NEW DATSUNS ·~ .... _.,. UNDER $3soo· ---_..,._ 119111T ... ~ NEW 78 STD. 8210 2 OR., 4 SPO. ., ...... (1) (HLB210679374) & U~DER $ 3700· -----...... uau•u.- NEW 78Dt.X.1210 2 DR., 4 SPD. (1) (Hl.B210997020) -----~--UNDE~ ~4000·. ----_ . ..,.. • NEW 78Dl.X.1210 2 OR., AUTO. .. "' ... S TOOtOOSE FROM NEW '78 F10 STA. WGN. 4 SPD. .. , ... --· 3 TO CHOOSE FROM-SOME WITH ROOF RACK &GRANSDES ., ..... ...... UNDER $5200· .. .-- NEW 78200SX ~ S SPD. 4 TOOiOOSEAtOM -·--· UNDIR$54()()• ---· NEW 78 510 STA. WGN., 4 5'0 .. M CONI>. 2 TO CHOOSE FROM . UNDIR ~6soo· ... NEW 71110 4 Da._ 4 SPO. (1)(tt.G810112817) .. ... '. ~. J, ' ) ~ . . "' . ,. •. .. ... .· . ..... . •. I "8 Ilea . IOIO ..... S. IOH Jew•y I070 ~••••-1010 Mbc1I•••-1010 ,._&a.-1090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..................................................................................................... ;e.i;;; ••••••• AuLMoUr Bourbon barrel ~II Pot 8ellyStova. An 101 ~oval dialDOOd ru-PW ~ anUQQe oak 2 · UR Nita le •" ,...wa t~ • ela'9. tJq11« d k • R~hr. '-'d\ains. APl>falaed • *"* • door 1~ Box 't'Z75. Oak 9950 Bral(lsford w/m.fchlq bat~ll 2 bar Ha11' rhlr Stereo 91200. Sell tor .. 200. l(...,._Y.._. tfoo1itt type k1tttltri UR SSZ58ankfmanclng. stoola. llh dl'W, aoo. COfieeko Dodp ••••· 131·2171 eves, 7Si·I009 1014£.BalboaBI. cabi.Det. ~. and i hM>1_SIN17 __ s _____ _ flrm _.mo n.k•Chalr.earSLereo ...,._ Balboa sta!aa.ateelrestauraat HAJUlYD.OOUJST and Kon> 2211 Columbia Youaretbewiooeror type_... SlOO. Call llfte_r ::..U~\ia';~ldanic. J.)r.C.M.AU9873. flit.ate Sale: approx. 1 TwoPneTlcMh 5·00.SM-J161. . Hnun"· earat1 or aaaorted the ~ iet" 8Un t-5. Aquarium, diamondl a.,..nt •tone to UW. --------outa1c1en1a.r. &atJupace apx 3~ karats. Have 17\hA.Dnual tliiORamiltoaAvt.H.B. A¥9' 8 .,. • ...,. drnser. ~ appralaal on L~ llACH yrs °'d · used liWe • 13M'JT5 = • P\111 beda. Toya, ll&l cMe.,..., Mual sell. IODIO over $200, will sell to ~---~ mlac L b -$100. CaU atte.r 4PM ~ 5' Gcand 1225<1. TI» i'. wii.o.. Garaae Caala •· Maae otrer, at t e Lone -veac h wkda)'a,alldllywknda. 5'ellr5'8"Grandrebullt Off ... cwWered. 9AM· Arena, 300 E. Ocean ~. 6 refill. S349$ Bank 1_1M_. c.___.n_..,... ___ . __ ... , 3PM. 991-7112 ~vcl. LoQt Be1clL To -flftillineifttl. ~ --·· S 8 S le .m jour-ucteta, ca "..,_··-. n .. --o•..,, cor-·•----------~ o.tnlr'el'uttorn :7foot uptr arale • · DIAMOND,CLASSA ta-5878,exU72 "'"''""''. uuwe• Pi /be h 1 Natvw or "-aprinf a.Grade> vfllvrl tiOf: " Kn11ht r. ff. . Adami. roraale.ee.toffer. · ner, ~. like 'new, used ano w nc • conso e sa d(h IK"· CNb o.tly). bro'#n patt"hwork love Newl~. Maanolla. ....,_ * * * ma's, S75.6'13-2280 tfa1t~~\· rfn1t~t c:9"5~: ~Mtl-~KjqHC Llll~Nt'w -~FSl'-ATESAL£ YARD SALE Furn. a.tfreezer.3 moa.old, Uaed copiers, SCM, ~. :. ~~";::,',""/roe: DUUna tabl• IO(id oak. t.oula XV aofa, hand 8'ereo. typewrtr" mlsc~ U.Hlock 1075 ~c\lft.. pso. Hilb chair, ~~d. ·~..:rt.rlAoBl, 0 3 1 .cMk •• -.-w-ay_G_r_and--7-.,-~-x-. our war tiou Olnn PatMJn'a t~" <>nRlnal t-aned, I way tte(i. t.OTm&iilAve.C.M. ••••••••••••••••••••••• new•.lroobllbaiogde-~ ;x;~ _ .. _ <(·~• ~ a••y ""-"•TS coratlon for flieplace Savin. Pitney Bowea. cepltooal quahty. B Mode.I Homt f'Umtturt-f'Ult Ml II for ~ ~-.X.ll new 11800, 10" table saw. elec. cart, -....,.,. S20 msl96 Fannon 5 StaUon Jnoer Model. New 1964. Blk IOIO S4t-I0'17 Wtd Uiru ~ S rooe old Two bdrm Moped.. mISC-: power Nannies&Btllies • ' C.omM:IO.CosloverllAOO Ebony. A beautlru.l Qu at It 'Y home Q1idll Ava1J. CAI.Mi -uts. Dln Rm S e t tool:ietc.5.'J6.8663 1.¢17-0090 lRCfamlly memhership, new.75M361.Ul1Logan piano. 17800/bs l ofr. ~ t ~ din.in" M1ad bvut~ nn bdrm Kint 1nted W•tt'r Ued w / b r • " k r r on t . Mk for Kris transfer fee locluded. SW.tee. c.M. 642-T.187. room, yelluw burel bookc"as.. atoP., end l:~rd~ ~~";~' .~~=~; Kltchcneue set Lots Sbol>Ping, garage sale. m>.833-0319 -51-.-. - 1 -----. -8~0-.. ~ ... l-Mir, .a&cbiaa be~h. U..elt t ...., .. _ 3-tnen-. TaJdna4)(r~. -5 toOOi. old stove':' addritg W1ndaiUf le Tower, 814 5 . •---------88 yds. pile spice cpl. 1 yr ~ ..,_..~ ~ -r X1nt t"Of'Kf' .,.,:'l/DClll O• daysooty &U 608'1 machines. chemistry Cleveland, Oceanside. Formica table 4'x2'8" ofd. <no pets-child J ...................... . Maay lamp. ~.. .!!'" '151..3:17'1__ ---' glass wa.re. sailfish & M·F. 8to5.114·122·5010 with leaf. $25. Drapes Mat.chin& couches s. 8 rt. %100f'IU.room~rcood **I IUY** ~ntotU Sct, white tabl~ FRlts~·r1 UNj,~5 much more. 1'2!! blue/gold/OoralSZS.wilh Xlot cond. 3 pc s Or.a ald1•1.n1\ 2 bub! GQOO &ied~Funlitutt & will\ 4 yellow ch 1n. 251M>Cos~May r. Monrovia. Unit C-5, CM. ""'•ti iry · 1071 matching canopy $20. Samsonite luggage. 6 s cbalra, Toro •ow~r. Appbu -OR 1 will ubnew a> GM 9138 esa. !MSaL only. ••••••••••••••••••••••• T~ ~an s12. SJze 5 = Samsonite chrs . '7si.~afterlpm. .OU or ELl..fOtt You. r SOFA Viet.-;;;, style !))4 s~mate. Cost.a Mesa. Dolls SlO, wigs Sl. pie· Small Craftsman metal ~t Dirt~Jte '(]~ .SCZ.85~~~ & 14" IUING ~ MASTaSAUCnoN lime i;een ncu~abyde: Sal/Sun IO AM AP· turesS3.Household stuC(. cuu.ingbandsaw.saoo. 759-0989 Need earage --------,!::=======::!.. ~eC:::O:f':CS.tot!!l '46 HH & &JJ.9625 XWCcnd 1'1~~ ~=·s~h~~:1~ci Cashonly646-812S 979-USSI type refrigerator. ~ ~~'::nc~,:~~!~: Men's Scou Bobts,.eiic 1. eeeG direct from the IO's Oak student desks Items. Macrame. etc. Mhc•••CMIS 1010 Irvine Coast Country new, SlOO. Elmo movie good CQnd. $50 Of" besl ---·""A ..... ~a• •-otth• s--s SU. metal bedframes, "''"' f-8 until 2 SUN HiwMs 1060 ·---¥•••• .. •••-•• Club: Golf membership camera .,,.,nd a..n..9156 ofr. Cati Laune aft ~_... __ ...... " ~·--""'• ...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• W14!.!..•GET'&~s r-.-·-.~-11 ....... ·'"Y'. • 6nn..-.Ph64Z·913e . oricaaal retail pnce Reid DO mc:Jn!! We have dbl sz S'l-Sll 2nd Hander . all day. 5G72 Sn .. .bnve. ____,...,. ,.. -...... _...... vvy•-. Pn ••art • •~• r -" 120E 23rd St, CM ..-""-b n.-gekllog 8 yrs •at.SUPERMANOOMJC , cea -•• -or .u 11.R mattresMs rrom · 1lB 1). lJWest trail/aho~ from your business c~rd. Pool table, be.ut. 'old· 6138 Ir Patty ffea,..t t'Bl Hunsen top line boots botb. lnatant cred 1t S5e set. sofa/loveseat Red velvet couch f"ren Gdts S.0:9613 Send one card for each r a 1 h 10 n e d m 0 de I wtd. poster &13-8279 ladlesstze6whltel. Brand available. Call Wed. thru $178 new, s pc &!droom Provincial S7S. ' · G~/OemollUon S~e. P· tag plus one spare. We w/artbtic pJuo legs. · · new. $100. 759-9305 Sal. ir_ 1077 =~. ~C.~ybeds&ay' 567-3299 ~u~.aV~ii:'~:l3Fn: t«u11hWGoods 1065 returu per~anently Sla&e. Leather pockets. SAVE 540 on niche al reat Buy. New 195 cm. -y. 1 li c· ••••••••••••••••••••••• sealed attractive lag " $1.SOO value, sacrifice Pacific View Memorial atore pncea? Call o-SOLID TEAK TABLE, wall. met.a frpk, le ix· Washer, Dryer"& Rer~· . strap, meeting airline $485_ Deliver Free Pm, Corona del Mar. Hexcel comps w/Nevada Excetlent twin bed frame tw-y Model Home Furn. Dr/dinette, 59"1 2 23" lures, cabinets. & more. All in xlnt cond, us . J.D. requirements. Pre-....., .,l!,,.. Sl.50. (OJ '42S-l4l3, caU Look binding. Sl8S com . box spring mattre ss, Wed thru Sun for direc-leaves. SlllO. Teaic cham; Xlnts:ood. No reasonable Very reasonable. Call an vent toss & theft! For a .,_..,""' collect. plete (RegS385> 6'f3.55l5 Brass roUers $80. Pbooe taons to Warehouse/ S20.ln5-0l77 offer· r.efused . 1299 ~-11-....0 ta~enclpse T rr b h ICM> a>c.. "'-Un D L B h i:...m· 496-1378 ...... ~ .... -... · · 1 any mem ers 1 P 1'nger fashion mate with -storage area. Instant ~ in .;x..y e r, ag c · ""• · wallpaper, ra r1 c or Goldcard,NODUES. lrvaneFamily credit avail. 549--3077. Sofa &..two match. g oc.-Sunday 10-4. Lady Ken more 2 d r. "Day Glo" paper & we (213)473-BIOOeves. Golt Membership waln\11 c1tbJnet. xlnt cond 7pc. wtUt.e French provm-SA/CM ar~a casional chairs, $115. -"ng./f-..zer. w/ice & will back & trim your S800 9'19-063l wkds. $125. 846-5262 belw cl.a.I bdrm set,w/lamps · ......, -u11. ANTQS gar full. you '"' '"'" 9a-"·30pm ._..,. wale .. d'·p. washer "-""'"· Or try two cards "'"" · 900Xlnlcond.&M-S457 CASH PAID name we ho.ve it. Sat & • "' "' ..._ wt. •C-' 6 Be ki b d" For •d used rum nnU-Baby crib" Matt.ress $$0, Sun aft Sam. 246S Norse, dryer. La, hse. plan ta & back to back. -at11 -.-· aut t cad nts, is· Sportillg Goods 8094 8~~~adderfl•nWaba, or~-quesiicJrTV's9S7:S133 ~~..f.rib $18 all new. CMS48--0542. anliqu~ cbntainers. PRICES: Salesman has 3200 yrds played an ecrtr 's ....................... . .,.....,. ~ ~ 7J4.91t.9999. Si!eaor3/$S of 32 0% nyloo plush. s~.Si!OO; babycnb& llque 8nln$wick pool ng. Dulsb love.seat. Antiques tables & chairs RAJNORSHINE 4/StagsS1.60ea. brown, beige, or rust. ma~h g drsr, xln' c,ood. table with ll(!cessonei. .. worn. steno chair. Apt.. hand carved sofa rust Sda. 2 matching chairs, Valuable Glassware. 11U 8X9 Oriental design rug, 6/9t.agsS1.50ea. $4.8Qyrd.CaU675:9144or S00.64S-4149or640-2100. Magnificent cond. cm:a sue twin bed corn. unit. area rug. lwn bed & $175. Call · kinds. Lamps, pictures, lllce oe~ Blue an~ 10ormoreSl.40ea. 17().8284 Good color TV 1150. 1 8 9 o 964-1452 linens, Sony color TV, 494·2'17. et.c.839-7207 white. . SalesTaxlncluded Powermo~rS45.· . ~00.675-3662 /645·061!1 .. ~ ....... ••b114 •-b I NOCARD? p ......_Mew ""'n::K ... e • c . a rs. A.t.s. New tlOO ....._Mew tlOO ...,.._ .... tlOO Draw you.r own or send era place seuing, Reed & 548·2429 art llam. i-·-· -------ii;m;;;-.-;;;;;~;;~misc.iiiiiiiiiii~iiiiil290iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.lm••;.;•;.;;•.;.• •;;•;,;•;;•;.• •;;•;,;•;;•-;;;:•;•:i•;,;•;;••:.:.;;•;••••;;•;•;• •;.;•;.;;·~·.,· •;.;•;;•.;.••;.;•;.;;•.;.••;.;•;.;;·~·;;•;.;;•;.••;;···~;·•;;•;.;;•;.•i;; .. ~·;.••;·~·;.••;.;•1 ..... ~s ,,hon.. •· a rt on "Flo rent me ll-- _you 1979 280ZX COUPE LEASE 5111'40. .. • .. Tu lncluclecl 0 ,.-. 5 ..... mdlfcMt .......... .... 4 ................ & lody Cito 01 ~ '9600* LIST . CASH WE'LL PUI -Y.01 Ill ONE . -FOR LE$$ IRAMD .NEW 178 200SX IRAMD NEW 178 PICKUP llMGCAB 77M1'SUM PllWMOM 4jpd..AMradio St.No. 937A • U0.338RYZ iJl77· lt74AUDI POX Sedan wtth sunroof & mag wheels. Like brand new! f432A) (814KXH) ·•2377 '77FOID C~P.U. .. ac>d.. 7 ft. bed St.No.915A Lie. 1 H48417 111et1 II , ,..._ o,ee..! KING CAB 5 SPEED! $I I 00 DISCOUNT ~3112· Prices Good 48 Hoon After Publlcatlon '76 AAT smAM 1J1 5 sp., St. No. 319A Lte. 004Sl.K narpe. a ...... = , ~ .... "'.,. Lace"siiver6Jl-4.663 Airless paint spray rig • --:'a.'..__ 1098 well make one c ...... per with hose & gwi. Just ...,._ ~ tag. Add ~each. Walru.d. cnr ,1rp table S2o. overhauled. Excellent •••••••••••••·-·•••••• ~check or money or-B / W TV· S 1 o . I BM condition. S850. 979-9621. BeautlfuJ 25" color TV. 2 rPltoL:OT-·..-.~ typwrtr, IC Standrd T"o BEER k t yr wmly. free delivery r.u"""9 Si!OO. Yashlca 120 reflex ns-eg sys em SJ.28.646--1786. P .O. Box 1580 camera w/ntm case & w/002 tank. New cost i----------Costa Mesa. Ca.~ dev. reeU90. Muntz car 8 SJOO. sacnr1ce tor SOO. F\Jtaba Radio Control. z traclt/fm $25. 63\.2219 aft •-~---·------gliders & acces. $275 or WANTED 5 ~ beslolfer.7S9-0067. TOP CASH DOLLAR PAID FOR YOUR JEWELRY, WATCHES, ART OBJECTS. GOLD. SILVER SERVJC E FlNE FURNITURE & ANTIQUES. 64.S-2200 For Sale: Tilfaoy's of W..ttd 8081 ltitachistereorece1ver 8 N .B . ·corporate ••••••••••••••••••••••• l r ac k ta P c · Mmbrshp. Call Debby B. WANTED: 5th wheeler Phonos peakers $100. 644-9030 21' to 30' reasonably P a n a s o n 1 c Co Io r 40 d priced. Pravale pty Television $200 (bolb IBM Sel.. tenor sax.. Y ~ Jyrsold> 495-5194 green carpet, 8' solid •----·------_.;:._ ______ _ wooddoors,673-1092 Mlnkal 25" color TV consolu mdl. O'Neill Supersuil. Taped IMlrwll"h 8083 xlnt condition. $1 75-. sea ms . U s e d o n c e Rex Brandt Water Color. •• ••• ••• •• • •• •......... 549.()864 doesn'tfltSU0.548-0256 XJnt subject . framed. Bundy Flute. Very good -l9_"_co_l_or-TV--$-11-0-. -L-ad_1_eh WINDOW SHADtS liOO. Ph 675-9747 cond. ru:s'ib~r · 3 spd. It. wt. bike S35. wooden sbutlers, mini Spanish style coueh. 19" · · xtnt.548-2A29aft llam. blinds, woven woods & dr RCA po~ble. be~ut ()fflQ ,_,..._e & w i n do w t I n l i n g . hvy ~ht 1.ron dmtng .,...... 8085 February Sale 20%-30% rm suate with uphol wrt •••••••••.I'•••••,, ...... Ampcg SUT Amplifier (\.ISed > $300 or. best offer. 7141957·9284. Bruce oer • iroi:i s wivel ('hrs. tnew&used ofcfum. ASPEN 64s.8951 ~ons mantel clock. plan files. wk benches Magnavox coru><>le stereo. light brwn leather c E SURPLUS631·2777 AM/PM radio. A·l Con-TIFFANY'S Private <:;tub Memb e r s hip . $250+ transfer. Call 173-3351 reclinet', caatiron toy car.__· -·-------• dllion. $100. 557·2152 & tram. 6 drwr dresser. IEST QUA.LJTY coffee table, lamps. LOW'ESTPalCES loahliMmiM 64Ull5 Ls.pst SdectiOft E i ·pvant For atr your vacuum PA 1 NT ING : L . R . Decorating service also •••••·~··••••••••9••0•1•0• cleaner needs, look us up Neiman; "Ali Frazer", available. 640-5540. G1Mr• In the yellow pages. "X-Rated .,Movies" + ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vacuum C l eanin g others. Best oHer. Secretary chairs sis. Center. 1572 Newport _67_5-_37_33_af_t_6P_M_. ___ Metal & wood desks $75. Bl CM 646-3107 Storage cabinets S85. v.. · · 2 rugs, l2Xl2 l yr old, shag Blackboards $15. Assori- Carpet Mill Di.reel burnt or. Apx 6x9, never ed chairs & -misc. C."E. Plush nylon roU. '4.?0 used, both $60. 536-4238 Offi.ce FurnUut.e, 2044 yd.549-8181/67~~ ~bet:::::-~~~2or::..,:a~tt~s~·_..._,.....:._.1~P~~~cmt.1~~a~.c~.~M~--:.:.-=-_~.!:::::::::::::;=:::====~::::=::- ' You may win tickets fQr 8':00 P.M. performances Friday, February ~b. or SatUrday. February 10th. Or' a Matinee perfor.mance a& 3:te P .M. ON Sunday, February nth, 1979. Lono Beach A~na 300 a. Oce•n Blvd. Long Beach, Caltf. Info: (113) 431-3861' . . . ..... "' .... . , . -. . . . . ... -# ~ •• _,.,, ... #-,,,,. • fl'\. ... • -. ~ -"",. .,,. ~ ,... • *'•• ....... .............. 't" ~·~,,.-..._····•cf***« ...... , ..-1 e, •eoe=.e "" I • • . ' ... ....................... ..................... . n v ... 15011X. Mtat t'JOllld, M1111t .... ~ 2 )'I'll IDC'l. 3"t 1al ct.IHrt tank. ft m i&ch more Mult Still' Malle olf~r tG.-0,Pai&I ----· 'T7 ...... CL tOOO Vetter =·Jp~ Seal. --------...... hww "40 --._......_ ·n 1'o)'Ota. La•dcrul1er ----···· ... --................ ~I -wan.~m-i~tJl'ft, ex· ... •... BOSTON WHALER . lllf/11•• 9160 ttu l3000.Pb548-730Z. .. • Newport IT, 15 llp ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• •••¥M•;•• CVw*. )ow hn Lille ROll' "11 Lwlury Motor T...._ 9160 liUSberiaitOG Pl 1W'W SiOOO Rt'Pla~m<!nt Home 22' ~ 8. SZ50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~Bue'-mio 87).7111 wk +I'm!~ • El Cimino 001. air. VouaNt.bewiftncrot ---------, p/s. f./b, 1tereo, Mass. T-. ..... n.a.et. 11· bo9t, two 40hp ena RENT. 2S Fireball. S.ll 1hel . SHARP. SZ'40 toU.. w/\rlr S350 or beat O(fer "Odt11Dld. 152·'7931 lTt.h Annual MM'7'71 . MS-alS •-----. ---- L--. -• H 19CiO GMC ~ T. P.U .. ._ _.,., -c .......... / 23' Midas Motor Home spd. 6-cyl 235, body very IOOIO Q c tw 9010 1lm 400 cu. in. Chevy eood, primer palnt. runs at. the t.ong Be 1 ch ••••••••••••••••••••••• 24000 + mlle1. Xlnt. OK but needs some rear Art'n1, 300 f;. Ocean <lw'ter Luxury 60' or 7:s· cond New root air r end work. $400/oHer. Bl'Vd .. 1.GQI Beach. T motor yacht. RealOisa· cenUy added. Other Randy. 67U819, COM claim your lacke'5, cal ble.. Hr. dally, weekly. ~i:.~·;rn~:-';f/:.: '63 International. New M2·5871.ext2TZ. ~'12or6'7S-3256.. llh.Ysical coodiUon forces P•lnt. m•l•...1 s hell. • * * IMh. W 9060 sale. Askins $12,000. m-0885Blllor r;arl 13' eo.too Whller. 15 R ••••••••••••••••••••••• (714) ~35&5 • "" ...... p u Jobmon. Remote Steer Sall BDat. Clipper 30' 19'77 , 67 ruov · · w/camper, hag,coverincld.675-3960 with dock Newport. Voeue181 28 Cius A, Im· nu condition, lo mi, 118.000 631-1711 mac. 5500 ml. sips 8, air, .f.94.9845 · Couple with home 1n · awnlns. save $7 .ooo. Emerald Bay Laguna 22' C1tallna Sailboat. DC,000. PP. 714-844·2'1111 7C40UIJF0ttl~ Beach. wish a boat-house uns. ebp Jobmoo, fixed Reserv Sori fl Su exchan&e with a coup! keel, 1all cvr, very cln. e tal B:. . ~; Maes. flares, shell & who .Ii ve on a . boa.t . li500. 21Sfl62·'T129. ~~me. Sl~ra; wk mw:b more! (Power Or Sail> .'neat. 22. ertvate P,arty. +4'mi.SlpsS.64S~ o.lvS22tS Newport or Dana Po10 Honda OB FUUy equip PRIVATE PARTY Harbors. For this com-Fixed k~el.w / sli : T ........ TNYel 9170 640-6375 lng()ctoberthru May. Or 673-0ll83eves P ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------we wish to rent a boat t · 21' l.982 KemldU with 8x16 '71 Ranchero xlnt. cond. llve on ln ~e or thesecatalina 27, 1/8, VHF. cabana lnar.actultpark. New inter. V-top, air, harbors. 494-3220 knot meter. 4 salls. uni· ~-548-6173 or 631·9665 a u to . P I 8 • P I S • Redcrest. q u e I y e q u 1 p p e d w/camper shell. Sl,850. ~":a ..,..,., Cal~~.~· race/cruise. $14,200. P.P. :1D' fully self-cont travel &t0-8611 ,_..,, ~ 551-2U2 trailer used twice. UP·,.,-------- -....... ... 111111 ;{ -~. better than nu. 65 FORD P .U. 352, 4 s pd. - • ••c• Islander 36 II.a interest. CAllfordetalls. 979-0032 MusHell this wlmd. bet Sertlu 020 $16,000. Race eqllipped. ofr. 963-a.28 · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Slip at BCYC. 759-1087 Camoinl or all purpose Mecbanic /Electr. trli. M1ny compart· ClauifiedAds Repaira, RepoweTS, Mo. 44' Ialander$44M mem.a. Very handy. $250. ~~..;...:.;;;_;,_;,~_;,_;,_;,_;,~-1 "' . aerv; Perkins diesels a 33' Alden S27M Ph983-6335 ....._Mew ~~~ ~·W~t.ryS27M ·~~~r-i~~;~~iiiiii~;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ 29'Col. Try $14M _ __,,,.... .-.. ProCessfonaJ boal clean· 2C'Col Try$UM &*ceuorin 9400 ing. wax ins & bright 25' Dal Skpjk t.ry $12.SM ••••••••••••••••••••••• work. Weekly, bi-weekly BKR .960-3664 2 new F 78 balanced Urea or per voyage basis on Plymouth rims $25. available. Guaranteed lalander Bahama 2C with 631·2084 work. Call Cathy 963-0258 Newport mooring. --------• or964-4072. 840-3822 Honda '50. 2 into 1 pipes New rur Ure. nds work loafs. Mar;.. Trlr for Hobie Cat $1()(), in· $175/dr. Call 536-2148 Ecpl,._ftt 9030 natable sailboat $295. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 768-8186 Want lo trade palr or 15" ,_. ... , M••1u1 wide (sand tire) wheels ~ "'~ " · CT 3S Ketch. dsl. Get re· for 10" or 11" wide 5 bole The Lradjti~al heavy du-ady for spring cruising. V.W. wheels. 642-3379. ty, li1htwe1ght marine Good liveaboard. Must --------~To 350 RP. Ge· sell.Inspe<:t&orrer. Bkr. •~forct....11~ nu1 ne new parts . 962-95LO --Authonzed Distr: Bristol --------• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Services. (714)892-8541 Santana 20, #.43 + trlr, lo llllllf•11/ ----------1 mileage. $7000. OilMICs Your bo.tt tuned for. less. 67~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Inboard/ outboard & ---------• WOODIE 1* Ford other mechanical works 2 5 • PAC I F 1 C S E A 1 Beautiful! $6500. ~3277 Ext. 20 CRAFT. 1978. Long list or , &M-7183 -------~ hlgh qual equJpment. ---------• SABOT (S,lllng) Steve Custom built. Cal l '63~ Ford Galaxy. Xlnt. Wilson, $250, 4.~ H.P 631-3058 or 545-8251 ask Bucket seats, auto. p/s, Seagull 'loog shaft mtr rorSuzHoe. p /b, a/c. Mint cond. SD>.557.oo&s .._Slips/ Must see! 638·7858 IDllh. Power 9040 Docks 9070 <Gznt9> szsoo. •••••••••••••••••••• •• • --••••••••••••••••••• 'St FORD CUSTOM lM' Fiber1lass, rebll in· a.sAY.AN AILE This ls the One. 2 dr, ~~d1 N.B. slip $2500. YACNewportM-0651 wide white walla. All wKDys; 833-4669, Wknds; original, mohair Int. 644-1617 NEED slip 2C ft Islander Silver on Silt, AM /FM '78UNIFLJTE3G' side Ue OK. will share stereo. S3500/bst orr. SPORTSEDAN 'use. Hurry! 642·1331 or ~afl6pm. WADED! R!idar, T\'.. S48-0096eves 1951 Ford Woody Deluxe. VHF, dcpll'? finder, bait Side tie to 28 ft. Power Gd c:ond. Complete. Nds. laflk:s· blnunl top, new boat/ sail boat with restoring. $4000/bst oft. funuturc. 28 actual hrs. hinged mast. $100/Mo. 64&844(. slncenew. 67S-83SI ---------1 839-3773 Call Now ror Appl '°$t' Speed & 53753 Order your$ t oday. EQulpment Includes 4 speed trans. & bucket seats. 1972TOYOTA COllOMA Z DOOi Hardtop: 4 speed, AM/FM 8 tr.a<. vlnyt roof & low mile109. (287Sl.Sl. lt74YWIUS 7PAlllMI• 4 speed tranamlaalon and radio. A clean van! (727LKT). NEW 1979 TOYOTA PICKUP TIUCI 1975TOYOTA COIOU.A I DOOll Sedan. 4 speed, '8dio & rallye WheM. (633MLO). 1971YOLYO JUsmAH With air dondltlonlng. '8dlo & 100+ tntO wheels. Ct21MPl). WE HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF CEUCA GT LIFTBACKS!.I 19'&TOYOTA COIOl.LA J DOOi Se cs an. Auto11ut1c tr1nsml!lioo & vtnWt roof (641MKF). 1973DATSUM HIZCo.I 4 SPHd trana.. mao•. air conditioning & AM/FM. (062GSA). 1977HOMDA CMCWA.c>M 4 •Pffd t"'*1'1iesio0 •nd air eotiditlafling. (771V9LJ. 1977TOYOTA -PICU' LC>f'l9bed. 15 apeed. ttereo with taoe and 1Jr oond. (1F88116). -. .. ••• OM.Y PILOT •mdex, f!b!u!ty 4 t819------· 9170 ..._W..... tHO ...._l .. 1rt9CI ...._,l .. ertecl -Alltoa.l•porW ......._l .. 1.W ........ ._ ... , ............................................................................................. ., ......... , . . ,..._ 9HI T....U . tHO V-tl70 ...................................................................... :'fl Ctltl'-Y Wlndow V•n A1C 1tu11 aia• t11nk, Nt<w valv• D)O, Ph 5SZ 5117 WF.PAY TOPOOLLAlt t111rtl 9701 Mii 9707 ..W 9712 9727 rOf' top UM!d cart forel1n. ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ........................................... . ftUClll ;-l)NNtl l 1.Hf't'R t_1ltl . . . ' ,. '.4b1J00 CONNfll C HtYll< 'I I l "•II • r •, ~ \41>-I JOO dorne9UC11 or ctaNlc1. If MMew 'TUOOl.s.Smf,atlck. FM, • • * ~..._..,, ~car i1 eJLCra ca.a". · ...... ~ air coad. $1450. 496-ae&5 .._.. .... ,... _..._......,. ... ~Ulf'1RST! ....... h.... evea. B18'aboDDr. HOMDACan lf71A 1979 '73 lOOl.3. 4 cV· air. auto ~H·mtt:&e-.C.hot MANY LOW MODll:S ~::=.i:ift cooc1. ,..;c,N.nc1ns TeC111111,,_. • ...._.,., .. _... tothe UNIVIRStTJ LI! •sE• #I .. -.. -I AM>JA.uAA ..... 97ff l1thAanual oe. •• ~ •• s;A • --""':"_., f Trade-11" your uatd -••••••••••••••••••••• ~llACH ..... C... • 6MC ?t CtmOlll alSHarbor Blwt. ~ar now: we need IOOIO TNCb Clua,drt·Tr:..aowai _C<BrAllESA QllAUL ar. the ~ODS Beac h Blrb.2[Blvd MHrlng & , hltt•r f7f•JllO C-e.&S..Ut _ __.._.._ Areaa, 30&-E. Ocean a.taM 540.'9R-0 (St r 18881 --------_., • ..,.."''"" Blvd., LoQc Beach. To ..;,..._..;...__esa ____ _ MteLe•*nt tllO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ASL.OWAI WE IUY MOWlll LooU IOOCI. runs well" claJm your ticket.I, call 600 Honda, '70. Good S 14271 baa two Lops. (578BUA). 6'2-S78, Ext272. Body, Needs trans work. '74 Ctwv t p•11•1:n~cr CLEAN CAIS IA'8 MOTOttS Wu 121115; oa aaJe · • • • Make otrer. Call 642·8462 "n " w1ndc>w Vuf\ l32bU --1 .. • _ ... _...._Blvd ~w $2155 aftc " .. $41Hlb4t•Vt l)762l!l3 ~ & TIUCICS COir'AMESA . ~ • ~ 9715 __ .,,. _____ _ ------~..;;:~--• -o r mo on approved · 979•2100 ~HarborlU~.· .. •••••••••••••• .. ••••• 78 Honda wagon. Xlnt ,71 flOID '77 Ford Vain t:b1uea11. credit i)e month OP9fl end --. ~A 11.::,A" •73 Caprt vs. 4 s pd, cond. 41,000 mi. One ~ lnlr, aulo, A/C', lease Cnh price 17495 .... ...._.__ 97011 "~" ~ ..... '""""" ""3-""'" RAHCHMO .!.~ ~~ aler l'Wll>, lo ml ~lus llJI a lie Rfwd.inJ --• 979-2100 ~/FM st.er. snoo. Muat ownei-• ......,.,. Uf JVht. tt,000 m t,, blo • CScr. ~ 673 7630 f 484S _. ...... -.••••••••••• .. • sell. 752-0184. 4'7·2918 _,.,... 9730 ~• _ c:.11-._ "16 Alfa Spider, 16K ml. -..W 9712 '16Capri11,2300CC.Cstm •••••• .... ••••••••••••• Slftl · '79 Oodu Vuo F'ully lfmM.lt.ct. xlot cond, must sell ......... •••••••••:••••• inti'. AM /FM ste.r,..new '7"JA&UAltXIE ..._,ifliiifirtl;IK. eqtap--#\bttonl 1ol Oeitt SS100/orbsto0'.846-358S radial tires. Perfect . COMVBTal tK!Mw9*~T Blvd. otrer M7 :K39ofU 00 16111 avo. WE IUY lt58 Giulietta Sprint, ~ A t.ruty cla11lc 12 cyl nu~ n a Park . 1031J)dlhlft,6cyh•wstom 147·tlll flawless Stored In S.F. .76 L oad e d . Mus t roadster. Finis hed in 2 l :t I t I 1 8 5 I I • long t>OO. tllOO • • • • • • • • • • • USED CARS 9 5 "k r es l o r e d · sacrifice. Like ne w. prtmrose ye llow with 714~7201, 714/523 T2SO '9r6842 CALL PAPPY (714)673-4194. 54MD!or546-1354 chrome wire wbeels. An lt7'CHIYIOUT On th;~~:u Ana '711 Ctwvy i"oo w yg & 3 ~~~ .... !~~ Us«!CarMgr Aid 9707 appre clatio1 asset! St1,.1•Pldmp Y a.pd trans Pl'rfloct for 540-5630 ....................... WT CHANCE FOR "'16 Capri. AM/FM. Cass. t24J.3). Black 6 ruUJ abarp! ~ or k or <' u m Pe r . WI W1U. IUY '71 AUDI lOOLS, lo ml, I JOI' 3>,000 mi. Must aell. Bst S 13, 9ff UlAWG) V-'570 S49SOtOU' &U-3178 .YOUI DATSUM a ut o, x Int c ond. '7l5 1 otrover $2000. Call John IAUaMOTOttS ...USTSlltl ••••••••••••••••••••••• -PAIDFOR OR NOT $1500/ofr.Pb49'7·~ SAVI! 875-1.SM . 2&25HarborBlvd . ... di UM4c... '7'CHIYIOUT '.!.fo.<>rd~:::'e~~~~~~~. TOP DOI LAI 2821 HARBOR BLVD. '76 •UDIFOX IUYC>al.IASE w-9720 .. COSTA II~ UC kll·HanorJHanutton suaf'BVAN S7500 Ph·MIH!lOS flOITOPCAIS COSTA MESA ._ MOW! ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• 979·2500 COS1'AM~A Automatlc, AM /FM - - ---WACIOM 7,.1 *D•'JSUNS* 611-lllO staeo tape, pwr. steer· 78 Chevy "~ ton. lwb, WEIUY Beige, auto, air, stereo. W A •XJ8 Repairs &Service• Joe Hennessey /Jaguar 1890 Plac .. C.M. 631·2742 --------...1 in&. hi -ba ck seats. black van, lull pwr. tilt USID CA.RSI Lo Miles. (Ser2138) .... ~~.• '-91Sel1cffoll ~Y.ord~er specialpalnl.crwsecoo· whl. full convcrl>•On, We're thenew Chevrolet LikeNew -.n"9 OfAIModals WOifer. Keo. trol. pop.top roof, aux. 14.000 nu, $12.000 1nvc11t· dealership in the Irvine $46'5 SAU.S-LEASING 842·3205,894·1305 gas t an ks. T acoma ed. $8995 for fast sale. WANTED! Auto Center. We need Alao limited number of PARTS-SERVICE '61XK·l50Jag Rdstr. Has ctuuiama! Brn/tan, lugg rk. 302 boss Ford Must. eng. dual feed Hlly, Esk. Cam. Muat. C-4 trans. 8&M hyd. sbft kit, new Pirellis, AM /FM stereo cass & rec'dr. Tri Ax spkr. Sl3,500. (714> 964-1.848; (213) 533-0668 , ....... p wheels & low males. Lie. 495-6815 Late model Toyot as. ycurusedcar! 1m8 320i'1 ls sUU avalla· 67 Fun• .U .. runs good, l.B837uoSe P3247 ---. k JOE ble Callustoday• body good shape. S99S. "" r . · 174 Dodge. New tires, Volvoe, Pie ups & Vans. • · COSTA MESA DATSUN &'75-0740 $51H mus. AM/FM, ins ullat· cauustoday! MAC PHERSON 131·2040 ~95-4949 ed & carpeted. 6 cyl. 3 '74 Datsun Pickup. Red, 4 spd, cstm lntr. llvy duty susp, Mich X's, spoked wbl, AM /FM tape. $1400. Nda aome body work, must sell. 752·0184, 49J.2918 THEODORE ROBINS FORD J(1t,(l HA~ BOR Bl \10 CO~TA Ml~A t>•l1 QOlt) s pd. Good gas m i. CHEVROLET 557·3881. 21AutoCenter Drive '73 914 2.0 Xlnt. cond. IRVINE $4,900/best orrer . oy: 768-7222 646·7741 ev e ./Su n 55M442 . 9100Alltol.Mew •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• Sell things fast with Daily Pilot Want Ads. 9IOO ...... Mew Your f rie nds and neighbors use Cluaifled when they h ave aomethiog to sell. They'U tell you bow we ll lt worked for them! 'SALES & SERVICE ''We make ·:lt simple'' lo BUY ··RENT LEASE •Y HO•DA I• OUR llA•T l•YENIORY HONDA CIVIC HC»eA STATIONWA&ON . HONDA ACCORD . . SALES ·oPEN ·7 DAYS A WEEK SERVICE & PARIS o,.. 'tll 10 PM Mo•. I~ Fri. I -~T-S lllS EXcnm FEIRIARY SALEI IOI McLAIEN•1 850N. Beach Blvd . LA HABRA (At Beach & Whittier) 17141122-Hll Closed Sundays 1'T1 BMW 320i·Black with tan interior. air cood .. AM /FM c ass ette, Michelin tires & in im· maculate condition. (041SXE>. Pri. pty. '9500. C&ll 645-1475. 197' IMW 2002 COUPE. 4 speed trans .. air conditioning & LOW miles. ( 446NYE). OMLY$6895 HOWARD O..rolef. · Dove &QuailSts. NEWPORT BEACH lll-0155 OIAHGI COUNTY'S OLDEST & Sales.service-Leasing Rov C...er,lltc. Rolla Aoyce BMW 1540 Jamboree Newport Beach 640-6444 CREVIER G I ST 6 NOAOlllMY SANTA AMA 835•3171 M UUIMATI. OflMMO MAO..s . •USED IMWs'* '73BavS/R (561HJP> "73 2002 Tti ( 187.J J L) '75 2002 Auto, air (2236) '77D>; 4apS/R (0179) '77630csi4sp (TR5962) '78633csi S/R (0045 > Cloetd s.11.,. 19716J3Cll A Dealers personal car. Pldled up iD Europe • 700 miles • sunroof. Tan a..ber · flawless exam-ple! (te!G0&5) SAVI cm,....n1w•••MOTC>aS J.sUr Brolldway SANTAANA 835-3171 . ~· . BARWICI< DATSU,_. 8 l 1 ·I l 7 S 4 9 ). l 3 7 S "We need w buy clean Datsun used can•· S W'all Pay Top Dollar S COSTA MESA DATSUN Jag. '73~ XKE, V12 conv. red/blk, up. a te, p/a, p/b, am/fm stereo, l6Mi. M.iat. su.ooo 98U089 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 't& Karmann Ghia. Xlnt cond. with car cvr. $3100. Call &ti-3985 9737 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Lotus Europa Special '73, 21M5H·ARBORBLVD. be aut main t 'd In · 54M4 I 0 540-0213 side/out. AM /FM comp. New 79 280ZX Atr, P IS. 4._~ __ 1.788 ______ _ pass. s ilver Lie. pd. 9731 _Sll_.347_5»&I09 _______ ,-···················· '73 3tOZ AM/FM stereo tape. auto. a/c, one owner. X l nt cond. S•.SOO /b e s t o ffe r 7M/661--0994 eve. & wlmd. miracle m azda 1912 3tGZ. Beautiful CODd. 2111 ...... 1194. A/C, mags. Met blue. C.... MeM 641-5700 SBS. 979-97117. _ RX --------•• 7 GS, ll.000 mi. '752811Z.. Lo mi. New tires. Fully loaded. sunroof. AC. All/FM. Clean. Call llult sell leaving COUD· .tllpm 752-1599. try. a>O/Firm 548-3967 DATSUN mechanic now lea 9740 at Ivan's. 1995 Harbor ••••••••••••••••••••••• BMI. C.M. 645-1982 . 't& 28llS MBZ. Gd cond. SGXI or best offer. '72 510 Wagon. air. r ad io. 957·1568 roof rack, Must sell.--------- Red uced to $1000. 1971 Me r c edes 250 . ~mo Private party. $5800. Ca ll Fiat 9725,_979-8209 ___ . ------- ••••••••••••••••••••••• '12 T~ Brown, with aaaa Fantaat.lc Cloeeout on 1978 Models 1979l!llodels nowarrMng MUSrSELL DICK MILLER MOTORS 13>W. Warner,S.A · 557-2132 bemboo Interior Becker AM /FM cass, Michelin tires, both tops, 105,000 miles, $12..95o, must see to appreciate. (8'2 HMO 71~. '77 MB 300D. oaly 26K mi. Mich. Urea, xlnt fuel miJeale, amootb positive bandling, a real value. P.P.840-8010 l!n'6 Fiat lll 4-dr. aedao, 19'11'50SL, 3M, Milan bm, ndio, s spd. less tbao atenio, absolutely mint. 25K mi. Xlnt cond P.P. $29,500. Eves (213) Call 95S-OO:Jl (8:»5pm). 947-3301, dys (213) 551.·1873 eves. Ir -..:SS01'(714)S51-'038. '11 530i, 4 s pd, sorf, weekends. 11u1t Seit. '72 280SE. 4.5. AM/FM CUI. Burgundy. '76 lat coovert., S.spd, xlnt Trade accepted. Will Sll.900 or assume lse cmd. $2000 & tde over finance.~. sm mo. ~07 (home) ~ls. 646-5574 75~ 2400 OW>m-0&33 (o(c.) FIAT '711315, 1000 mis. s 7'10«117 '75 super Clean 2002 yrs factory warrenty brn/tan, AM/FM caas. All/FM t.ape:-tlaoy ex· "Tl D> SEL 6.3 L Limited air, '8,300497-3282 tnl. $4100. 673-1858 ProducUon model. 54,000 actual miles. Excep- '79 BllW 831CSI, auto, For Sale 71 Fiat Spider tionaJ cood. Marooa, ltbr silver w!bJk It wbt ln· aportacar: $200. Needs Int. Fastest aedao made. terior, aunrool, air, P/W, work. tn4)552-6182 call Doctor's car. Priced to fog lit.es, stereo. CBC afters. sell. Call 498·2652 or wheel•, lo ml'a. Call -....... ------9-7_2_7_, 811·_. Dr. Friedman eves; 675-4054. -••••• .. ••••••••••• MBZ'IURBODIESEL "18 am, am/fm stereo, 1975 Honda 750. Low 1 am Taking factory de-lluat aee. Xlnt cond. mUea. Excellent coadl· liVSJ ol ..SD in April. 557-3157 days. 875.9097 tiaD. $1.aDO or best olfer. llmt aell. You bu)' " aft. 7PaL ... JM. aneS.Z..Omi.531.aG 1~-------r----1 -- ' '71MUCID£S2SOC . $5995. c-.. ..,-...... _ .... MtNTOOHOITION ltalEIEbHlY '7 9 COaYtmU2 ....... ,,_ ...._.' -!«ks . -t loWi IOw -I W0ttt IMI '°""'.,., _, '71Shadow. white, low m l. 5UN'O()(, vnyl top. Extra sharp. 127.000 631·1266 days 675-4840 eves ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 4 X 4 station wgn. with e very e xtr a. AM/FM Cassette deck. Ate; 1kJd plates. push bar, moon rooC, luggage rack, k> mllea, ideal for skiers. $4250/besl ofr. 51380 CONNELL CHEVROLET "'~ ..,_ I '• 1; I• , I ' ' I I:'-I \ ,, t :--. \ S4b-I 200 '78 Celi ca GT Man)' xtras. xlnt cood. Beat of- fer. 551H998 'T1Corolla.23,000 mt. standard. $3200 552-4870 '74Corolla tapd. low ml. $1600 531-Tm 'T1 Cetica. Low mi, xlnl cond. Still under wart. .-O.Pb6'$-U07 '72 Toyota landcndaer1 90ft top. lluat sell. BeM dfer.Ml-1111 TOYOl'A mec:banic no.t al lvan'1, 1115 HarboC' Blvd. C.M. 645-1982. '11 Celle• ST. 4 spd . AM/FM. Radlalt. Xln\ cond. "295. MCM5IO ex zaor4tl6-72M. "12 Corona auto, good Urea & baU., recent lune-up, SUJOO. 673-m4 l90llYOU S&L YOUR TOYOTA. SEE· US! MMOUISTOYOTA MdslON VIEJO IJ l·JUO 4K-I 2 IO "111. .. YICI MeLIAM• OVDS&AS DEUV£1Y ,D.PUTS -......... YOLYO UllHatbor Blvd. COSTAM~A 646-tJOJ 140.94'7 5100 DOWN PIUIT•I "- 2150 HAllOlt&'9. COSTA MBA ··----. -----· 1 BIG SELECTION OF NEW '79 1 ~~ LUXURY YOLYOS : : PRICED TO saL NOW!! : SEE US BEFORE YOU BUYlll ~ I , _______ ------· ALWAYS A GOOD SELECTION OF QUALITY USED CARS!! 178TOYOTA 177TOYOTA 174TOYOTA '71POMTIAC •77 TOYOTA C&acA WTIACI COIOUA I DOOi COIONAWA~ IOI l llYIU.l llOMHAM 5-15 5 speed, air conditioning, .. Se>eed. radio I Mat.,. V-8 engine, auto. trana .. air cHt ette rldlO. heater & Automatic trans.. radio. con<t .• oower steering, LOI•• PICIUP mag wheels. "80eclat YOU'ii iike It!! 1738RXL) hearer I I~ reek. Loll windows. bratles & seats. 5 speed. radio. heater a EdttlOn: ( 119UKKI or room!! (552 J vlnyl roof. tllt wheel & bucket seats. OrtYe It today! AM/FM ltereo tape. Too (1F19821) •1599 •2999 •i.99 nice to~ (963VGT). 56699 '751MW 172JA•UAR 175VOLVO '74 FORD '77 FORD ,,. IJ6 141WMOM MAYmlCI HAMADA ~ cytlnder, 8Utomatlc ttlnt .. • cytlndlr. IUtomlttc trans.. Auto. trane .• air cond .. air OOI~ & AM/FM * cones.. pOW9t .. eerif'IO. Automatic trans .. air t ~ndlr. 8UtometJc trans .• power ateertno. radio. D0'#9f' -~I AM/FM' heater a ,,.,_. roof. Sharp. '91fb. Ont of the woftd'* condition. r..-o I heater. .., '°"°' & vinyl roof, 10.1. ;re .. tOld CM. (..c)4MHT). nidlo. LUJnAY .. a .. prieef' See It todllyl (811NOW) ......,,. c.tl (~Q) Enough llicl (159978) ("81XW). SEE DRIVE .,,,, _ •4799 TODAY! ITI '70 ........ Mulwey St-dan v•. aulumMlt('. pwr l • brakh ., air (OOd , \111\,yl top fl nlOr\• 1 C&JTRO) 0 74 AMC HO"NET A ne tl'\'d2d r ''stiarp! C5Tlt(J'Q) Sl4H JIMMAatHO YW l87ll Huch 81/U B. 142..2000 S995 .,...c ....... ~. 2929Hatbor B)vd .. C M 54-ltl 4 ·uana ..... ,.,.. ~an \18, auto . air --------cood • pwr. st. Cl brakes & more! Low m il~ ! T81M3 . SI 195 -~~~: ... 546-lfl 4 lt7J C090MA r, AM/VM , 1118. l' Ill. A\llO. IM'Wtl , AMIDI $1,100 MH5tll Pnvl!lte Purtr ---- ·11 ....... c.- vt1. aut.omallr, pwr •t & hrakf'i , air cond ., A M /FM. 1n o r .i! c~U> '"'' At191 Cllm..11ty. • 2929 IJarbot rilvd .. C.M. 546-ltl4 76FfAT STATION WACK>M AM /FM stereo.,.,,.r~ XD'aSharp !\439n~ > Sl99S JIMMUIHO VW 18711 Beach Bl/11.B. 14Z.ZOOO l t74 ~ 8uclcet 1 cat1, air. Al'tt/l"M, pwr ateerin1i. rK'W Cront bralcea, low· mileatte. Pn vate Party Sl.100 CallafterSPM 964-1761 .. 7 2 l!OID WACK>M Auto.. pwr. steerina & brakes & only 80,850 low mlJes! (13!P(/Y), $2411 ........... ...... 2060Harbor Blvd., C.M. 64Z.OOIO •1•vws...1u_. ? The rare sunbug with metallic gold paint and sunrool. AM/FM radio and steel belted radial&. $2450 Private Party 552-7135 he Biggest Marketplace On The Orange Coast -·__.;;.~A-Y PIL.Q.T CLASSIFIED ADS ONI C.11 ~vo<t 642-5678 FUI Credit A-et lfftPOMnAC P'lrebbd: 4 IPMd. mao. low milu " cleaa (1.SVm)_ SZHI Mlr..,.,_,c.,.. 00 lot-Harbor /Hamilton 631-IJJO 74a..,..,. 4 Dt. Auto .• fact. A/C, pwr. steerina I& brakes, V/RleracHo. (133SCO). $2471 ............... ~ 2060Harbor !Jlvd., C.M. '42-0010 lt7lka , .... 4 speed. Super nice ~ Hard to flnd model I (~). SZ'60 Mlredt Mmdm/l....et 21SO Harbor Blvd .. C.M. 645-5700 -74MOIMIT MA1C .. ACI X6 CYt Auto trans. P /S, P /b, air, buck.ca, All/FM le more. Low mites. Pvt. Pty. lowner. Asking $2,100. Call 963·1121-&-lOPM, 9AM-6PM wknds. $2999 '70 CAD COMV-r 51,000 mi. New top Xlntcooditlon Pflvat.eParty 546-6004 76DATSUNl-ZIO Automatic, radJo. ~! Wcln't last! (0719) • S2tt5 JIMMdlMOVW 18711 Beub BJ/H.8 . 142,.2000 1971 POMTIAC F\rebird Dsprit. Auto., pwr. l\eering , air. special wheels & low miles. (IM!SBREJ. $2195 MnmUMdCan UC &ol-Harbor/Hamiltoo '31-SlJO 7 J MONTE CARLO Auto, P/S, P/8, air cond . __ ...._ _____ 1 New ,trans & exhaust system. Recent tun~. '75PWo w..-v-6 Auto trans. 20mpg, low miles. SZ.tOO/ofhr 548-8625 Pvt.Pty 675-0380. Private Party $2595 Cadillacs to Go-Carts What.ever the Fad Roll 'em off the mar ket With a Classified Ad Call Now! 642·5678 ....._la11rW Mtos.UHCI' Mies.Used ..._,UHCI Alllol,UMd ..................................................................... ······················· .............................. , .....•.....•... YalYo t172 C Mn' 9915 C mu ~ 9ttl C mnc ttlS C o '917 C..uokt 9920 ..••.....•.........•... ...........•.•......••. ....................... ....................... ....................... . .................................••.......... NABERS '75 PONTIAC MAMDPlll Padded toP. full pwr.. fact. air cond .. tilt wheel. AM/FM stereo. Rallye wheels. SHARP! (134532) 53999 '76 B.DORADO · Cruise control. leather interior. stereo radio and full power (750TRV) S6899 '76 OLDS CUTLASS s.... T-TOP BROUGHAM CPE. Full pwr .. fact air. AM/FM stereo 8 track. tilt; cruise cont .. split pwr. seats. cust. whls.. lo. lo mites. (976NZA) 1-5999 •77 CHEY.11.AZEI 4x4 V8. PS. PB. fact. air. auto .. AM/FM stereo tape. mag. low miles. (631SWRl. 57999 'nB.DORADO Cabriolet te>p, sPlit leather .89f1'9 full pwr .. fact. air, tilt wtleel. crul8e cont.. stereo tape player and 1 yr./ 12.000 mite warranty.' (162RTT). 59399 '61 SIDAM DI YIU.I Padded toP. full powef. factory air cond .. tilt wheel & AM/FM stereo. Must see! (ZBV137) 5 1699 '77 IUICK Et.ECTIA Limited. Tilt. cruise. stereo padded toP. si>!it pWr. seat & tow. tow miles.(~ JM) '6699 '76 C .. Y. COIDOIA Full pwr .. fact air. AM/FM stereo. tilt whl.. cruise cont.. split pwr. seats. leather Int.. wire wheel covers. tow mllee. like new car. (083PCX). 54699 175 COUPE DE VILLE Furt power. leather Interior. stereo tape & vinyt roof and low. low miles. (541MOW). '5799 •74 COUPI DI YIW Padded top, full Power. split power seats. factory air. tilt wneet. A~/FM with 8 track tape player. SHARP! (22&.GV). '4599 NABERS '77 Volvo 2t4GL. 4•r. Beautiful eond. 34,000 mt Real vaJue at S7,700. Weekends US.37_, week days 64().19'72. ••••••••••••••••••••••• MUSTSB.L '74 Hornet Hatchb.ck X6 cyl, Auto trans .. Pow. Str. & Brakes. Air. &ickets, am/rm stereo & more. Golden t.an with tan interior. Low miles. One Owne r . Asking S2,100. Call 963·1121 weekd ays 6-lOPM . weekends 9AM-8PM. For sale 1974 Grembn. bucket s eats , ai r . AM/FM. pwr steering. new front brakes, low mileage, $1800. Call after 5:00. 964-1761. • • PURCHASE OILI*& YOURM 1979 CADILLAC NOW! ~ ~~~: ·s····;: ~:7.~:::;.:.'. Waat8895; ooaale • •.&n automatics, air cond .• MOW $1666 -pwr. steenng and all • $.&vml h ave LOW MILES ! IAU. lutCk AT m 2925ffarbor 8lvd. <167VAU>. cosrA11~A 1mc-..uc SAVE SSS 979.aot SIDAM DI ft.LI ,78 El Dorado· .0· eel Loaded! 12.au miles. · re r Burgundy iJ} color. Like G.M. Executi~. Owner Brand New! (882TJF> driven onJy. Prime cond. Sll,700493-7893 '8799 '78CADlLLAC ooa.a llJClftN OPERA COUPE Daaa'DV C OHMELL CHEVROLET '\..,. I/ .t:, ••I I' " l \ \~ t-' " 546-I 20 0 Loaded wllh equipment! UMCOLM t•cun 1971CAMAROa .... • -White W /red leather in· I '800 .._. .....: 2 to choose. One is a T· terior. Orig. retallsellln& 11 ' I .___._ price $'1,000/0ur price r=-Top w/low miles le red 0 I 142-1144 exterior. <647TKC). The ~~o . r ease. other Is a yellow LT FLETCHERJONES •••••••• w to~6,000 miles! CHEVROLET · -.77-.-Se-v_l_lle_w_h-il_e _w_/_b_lk-1 <88B ). 2600 H.lrbor BMi 6633 Westminster Ave. leather interior. A1J xtra. • IOlH MOW! 197' CHIVIOU T MONTI CARLO Leu than 38,000 miles & si extra clean lhruout! (623PKH). Was $4995; on sale • MOW-$4444 IAU&IUICK 2925 Harbor Blvd • COSTA MESA 979-2500 1976MALllU S1,>ark1lng blue finish with gllsterung white top, VB. automatic, air cond., pwr. steering & a radio. l670PKEl. Reduced to OMLY$3750 CC>tofMEll CHEVROLET ·.-..,./l.1r1 •• r H.: • r.-, I \ "<I r"' \ S4i>-I 200 Cosca Mesa. 54().9100 Westminster 839-3773 incld. Michelin tires on· Mii ecle UMCI c.,.. I 977 CHIVIOLET '62RAMBLER6cyl. auto, '77 Seville. U Blue/Blue ~1:-mOOOml. SU ,000. P.P. UC&ol~~filtoo CHEVETTI runsgd. $300. l.nl. 18,000 mi. All xtras. --------611 5330 Sandpiper model with ~7297 Sl0,500. PP. 751·4344/ • automatic le aiir cond. Mell 9910 Cad '76 Eldo CONVERT. 66-211:18. . C o 9917 Qe;;•t '920 (2293). Was S389S ; 'on ••••••••••••••••••••••• Perf~ cond. Loaded. Cadillac ,72 Fleetwood ••••••••••••••••••••••• -••••••••••••••••• sale 'TT Electra. all extras. ZUI Dll. Must sell. P.P. o-. .... h 1 d 19.1.•c.&"".&-1974~~0LET MOW-$3222 SU.500 731·2200 ... ...,. am. x nt con • --v --•R good,cleancond.$5,995! · new Miche lin lirea. Red/black. A sharp car CAPllCI IMBIUICK Call Art · 7 7 S d n de V l l e HM440: & has AM{FM st.ereo. 9.PASS WACiOM 292.Sffarbor Blvd. f115.'1080 m.tl87 4'"'a...-. t6K ml, xlnt (\llN283) • ··--COSTA MESA co~s'Sioo. Loaded. '71 CDY S 1600 MUsTSll!! .-&raaa, air cond, p/a 979·2500 '88 BuicJt. A/C, PS. New u"""""/"""' ,.,..., " p /b . Roof rack. tires. Goo4 co,nd. Local car. 631·2174 eves, • __,,. _.__, ..,~....._C-S AM/Fii stetto, clean .-------- SOO/of'r. can aft s pm '7SMOI» days. '74 Eldorado convertible, UC lat·HariKlr /HmniltGD r u na Gr e a t ! < LI c 19'5 CMIYROLIT m3428 "18 B1k Seville, n ,ooo ml, low mi. Showroom Cood. OOSTA MESA mTP&>. ....AL.A SS '76RIVIERA.Silver,2dr. loaded.Gtve meSSOO&tk ta061MM2 '31·5330 S27t5 COMVIRTllLE all power •. AM/PM tape, ovrlseatS283/mo. Phone '70Cadillac conv't, 51,000 "7Sam/fm8track,custom 540-5830 · ~Uu:). V:a'!s~:;;a!~ cruise & tilt. M.oo or bst B-0367 Pvt pty. mi. new top, xJat cood. wheels, many xtras. sale ~{~141496'3758 ot '76 Seville. wire wheels, _Pvt--'pty:......;;_._546-fOCM _____ ._673-3643________ MOW-$1188 full power, leather, ex• 88 Fle«wood: needs body TT Me&. blue like new IAUER IUICK 61 Riviera full power. celle n t condition. work, $300/beat.ofi'. good $DOOOFIRM. ' 2626 HARBOR BLVD """""Harbor Blvd. A/C. good cond. S800. S8500/of'f.640-0897. transportaUon64.f.91M4 644-5642 COSTA MESA ~COSTA MESA 642.(l835/646-6423 eves. lt74IUICK OPILMAMTA Low miles less t han 3'1,000. Automatic trans, AM/FM radio, extra clean. You have to see thiaooe! (Llc 742KXY> SZ295 540-5130 2626 HARBOR BLVD. ·~ -COST A MESA C ••c 9915 ....................... • ••••••• ·=· SAYS SAVE! 1976 CADILLAC B.DOIADO Fully Loaded -Moon Roof. ls.'JOSQV) 57499 GUSTAFSON UMCOl.M I .-CUIY ........ IM. ~ ........... 142 •44 ····-· •.• '88 Cad 75,000 mi. Old bul like new inside & out, l'DUltlM!el $2,250644-0701 1988 Cadlllac ror sale. S1200 or best offer. lluat 9e111can64:).5256. 1t70 CDe de Ville, Clean 1nalde "out ll.5G0.4N-7G '7T Seville. Loaded. Take over leue. S2te mo. Aak for Lee. 770-1708. .... ...,.......... .... .......... ....,_.... tlOO 979-2500 JQD1\}1. • • OUR ''ONE PRICE'' BUICK REGAL SALE F1NANC1NO AVAILA8LE ON ALL WITH INTEREST RATE LOW AS 12.11 ~a " DN .. 0.A.C. We suggest you see us farst ..• not last ••• for some plain talk, straight facts & possibly the lowest prices anyw.here . .. because we know-it's our people that really make the difference. ,. IHtOOORI ROBINS FORD ' " ' ' •• \ .. "~ ).. 911 ' .. l \ \l'>IA i\41 "•IA r•, J ,, 11 , tt11C .. ffOUT MOMU2+2 • ~ trJUb It 1 ~ IV74N8P I W11 , un . HOW-'2777 IAU81UICK ~ Horoor BIHi '(~m\ M l::S,\ f79·l500 282' HA"80R BLVD. w lnlp..la \h.aoo Nda __ CO_S_T_A_M_E_S_A __ ~~"7-!'=~~~~I ~ mtitor or overhaul J t77 MAii y . C...-9'll 11~ fUIJ(• mt<tallil' f1n11h with ••••:••••••••••••••••:• 111-hlh• lt•alht'r.loterlor, iOC.:<->u11•r XH7. AM/JM und m1ttth1n11. p•ddt-d •Ll'M\ c•. blk lthr ltn, vm,yl root 'J.\111 powtr, 7U ~ wide ovul ttr , -----1 alt rond. A~ to•~ !iltr o wht w bill v1nyl lop. ~ust "tWtlh ~uad l<tpo l>IMyer. tuned Xlnt runn1n~ ult v.l~I u ul..,• conlt(ll Nld Mllil see & dnve. lwl mol't' St.-e ll to c.Ji.y ' 11750 1184 18'8 1!1'17 <.'he\) <.'llfH'IC V f'tibbh' 9 pusi. v.a1111n 17 lUI milt " i\11 t•,trn11 • nl rnnd A"k1n~ ~ 17 ------I~) ,.... ff40 "''' ...................... . 540-5130 -------•I Mr G1lmM1. 517 !1 1~1 Moo l-)'1IHo5 IOll~SO\ & SO\ • LIN((ll N Mt llCliR\' • ;--PHIL • LONG FORD e~ 900 So. c .. t Hwy. ........... i6 '"8,. GT w;n unde; 2829 HARBOR BLVD. U1k m1. !\Ai FM 1Hrlt COSTA ME~ l>lt'rt'o. >.Ira wurr ,. _ _,,,,..._ 99 .. 2 Sho-.•room l)ew S2tl95, ....... .,..,.... ~ 4UB--TI62 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CORVmES! SUndmy. Febfuery l , 1979 DAILY PILOT @J '7S Ford Biile coupe, --------1 Electric moon r oof , ~ 9950 atff~ &.ape. AJL pwr "••••••••••••••••••••• f~ures. Crui.1e Cont rot. ORAN-0 E COUNTY'S IOU \ ,o \' ,\ 'O.\ • l IN\..111 N Mt IH tlllY Superb cond lht'Otli h out. MIWIST 2SH HA .. 80A BLVD. $329$.00-~. J.JNCOLN MERCURY COSTA MESA New unu 1:o~ord Turbo DealttablplsnowOPEN 1976 POID Mustang. all U lras. 3 RAY FLADHOI a.&111.u.nACOllPI -mo. old. Mu.t~I. U NOOLN·MERCtlRY 9955 1011\\0\ ,\SO\ ~ Refinonce or take over 16-18AutoCenter Dr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Automatic, l)WT. lll~nng payments. SlOOO down SD~·Lakc Foreslex1l 26"'* u&9 •0• •LVD. l.-r---DS • LIN( <'l N Mt H< URY & brakes. air cood. & leu P.P 4974300 .-.. T 'u .--nu " a ,. v. than l5 ,000 mil ~s . . IRVINE COSTA MESA Cun.ASSaaHM. <400REN>. Wa~ 54005; on '76 Raochero. camper 130.7000 In flawless condition b&le shell. PIS. P /8. xlnl tt?SMll'CURY HU wtth many, many ex· HOW·S3f99 rood. s:mG.631·2227 ..,. .... ,.,.UIS COUPE t•'-9 lras! <S40NPA> Wa s """""..,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 15495; onaale IAUEI IUICK .......... 9942 Th.ls c lean beauty Is 65 Mustang 289 eng. 4 NOW $4111 2925 Harbor Blvd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• white with black Interior speed. Hurst shift.er Ral· • COST979A.2~0ES0A 73 LeBaron 2dr hrd top and vi nyl roor. Has au\o ly pac . good condllion. IAUH IUICk ~ full power, ulr, loaded lrans, P/S & P/8, radio. St400/or m ake orrer. 2925COSTHarAboMrEBSIAvd. 'GS CORTINA Runningcond. $2~ 6'i2·0886 new tires, xlnl cond. air cond. sharp car. tL1c ~7354. $1950 /offcr 4115-4074 l'.JOMFZ). --------979·2500 "9S-1436 $2995 '68 F astba ck . Orig.i-------- owner. Good cond. 12.000 '75 Cutlass Supreme · 2 u.c.oln 9945 540-5630 2U /333-0141 doorswwel bucket seats, '65 Falrlaoe Wgn. nu ••••••••••••••••••••••• till steenng wheel. Ex· paint. gd tires. P/IJ. P/S. 1976 LINCOLN '6Ulustang V&. P/B. PIS. ceUent condllion . S3100. PJW. A/C. XlnL ctlnd. MARK IV air. $1200. 548·1305 or art 646-9559 _ ~r.::ust'.':lr·SS:::1~s~ Curlier model with a 2626 HARBOR BLVD. 5pm.57S-548S. '781h Culless Supreme ""' 551-7108 moonroof ! ,<683RCL1. COSTA MESA e&Must.ang,blacltvintop, Brougham, lo/ml · ex· WasS999S: on sale • . mech fine . nds some cept.Jonal. $6350. Days --4t4-I IJI CHIVltOLET '79 MALllU CLASSIC ~~~~~~~·J wtute, sport coupe. less '65 Wagon, Used for patnt· NOW-$155S 76 Monarch Gb1a: V8. 4 body work. $850. 640-0237 541-5832 Eves. 1-661·1666 1979 ..... _to•S-Oooee•····.. log $200 6 40·61 44 u-1u1"11 dr. p/s. p/db. P/W, auto.--------.... --c-o.. 1-weekends IA a. -a c, rm stereo tape. lux '76 MUSTANG II. only '73 Cutlass Supreme. air Brand new & loaded! · 2925 Harbor Bl\'d. tnm. Xtra Clean. 39,000 28,000 mi. AIC. am/fm p/b, wmdows. steering, Hurry! \4l6i24). Have something to sell! 1973Ford LTD Gold. COS'!A MESA mt. P.P. $U2$ 752.2737 stereo 8 track. 6 cyl, p&, buckets & cnsl, blk on 1971 Classified ads do It well. Sl000:C,~0offer. 979-2500 M2-4C $3&50. 545-6556 blk. $2395646-6145 • A ~ lhantwm1 C841WDll ••• .. .. $6995 ::= ............ ~eofl---'-,lltc. Silver Annh ersary Edi ....._,Hew 9100 ------AuhK, New 9100 Alltos, New 9100 Autos, Mew 9100 Alltos, Mew 9100 Lion. Look for it on the ••••• ••• ••. •••••••••••• Want Ad Results 64Z·S678 ••• ••. •••. • •••••••••••• •••• •• • •••. •••••••••••. • ••••• •• ••••••••••••••• •• • ••. • ••. •. ••••••••••• 8566 Van Nt.>sS I ,..,._ •• Huntington lkach 6882 Manchester Blvd. Bu e n a Purk , Youarethcwinnerof 2 1 3 / 9 2 1 , 8 5 8 8 , TWO F'REt<;TICKETS 7 1 4 7 5 O 7 <! 11 1 . s howroom flo o r l - - - to lh<-· 714 523 7250, 17LhAnnual Un the ~.1nto A n a LONG BEACH . f"reeway . • RODEO ~~-- At lhe Lon~ tsl'<tCh Qwyslft' 9925 Arena. 300 E Oc·tia n •••••••••••••••7••••••• Blvd Long Beach To '75 Cordoba, llhr ml. rully dalm your lJ('ket.s. call equipped. must sell this 642·:'1678 Ext 272. wknd. Best orrer over • • * $3600 644.804(), 675·8042 ·m Surfers Dream Cur. ·77 Cordoba. All xlr as. Blue Malibu Xlnl cond. Makeoffer New tires & paint $1500 955-1897 Must Set'! 6'i2-M49 I~) 1977. Sllll looks NEW' Look for It nn uur FRONT LJNEI 1439044). CONHELL CHEVROL6T !ll~, 1t .. 11Ji•r Ill\ ,f ( "t-">T \ \11-: "' . 546-1200 . 1976 CORVETI'E Loaded! S1l\>er w wire ·7~ Impala Wgn, "Int ~ ..... Clll 9930 wlJeels & only 30,000 t'Ol'ld. orig owner. 4!1,!iS-0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• milesl 1776l,ICE >. M1. many i.trali. SHl75. 1975 MARK MUST SIE!! ~·?~eves Deep brown met allic MlNcleUMdCan 'H No q i 6 r y J 2 d r . fmish with saddle leather UC lot·Harbor/Hamillon ra<1101htr . P /S, aulo, interior and brown COSTA MESA SHAR p p p $1!19~ padded \inyl roof. air 631·5330 !l68-0823 l'Ond, ult wheel, crwsl -- ---l'Ofllrol. lull J>()wer. com '78 Corven e. Indy Pace '63 Chev 4 dr . good Cort lounRe I rl seats. Car, 800 miles. loaded. !ram... good ureb. ne~ AM F'M '>lerco w 1th $'12,00U. 675-8229 ball $$95 644 11545 Aft 7 lrack tape player Less ;-. --, - J 'M thn 38,000 miles. Shurp & 77 :.150, I ~pd. r top. '70 CHEVETTE 31,000 mi. $2~5 :>51·2609 and 673 5138 r lcan 1 Lit'IJNKO> am/rm CB cassette. like 9 n e w 1 9 ,0 00 m1 . $69 5 Sl0.2501Bc s t ofrt!r. 540-5630 731-0317 -------Now have company car. ·79 Vet Yellow. Loaded + 1011\SO\ & SO\ must sell ·74 Vef(a Sta moon roof & s poke • llNCOl N MF Rf UR~ Wgn, 49K m1. nu tires, wheels. Must see lo ap· baU&brakes Besloffer 2626 HARBOR BLVD. preciate. Bst Ofr. Eves 731-6.547 or 731-6549 COSTA MESA 979·2750. -----____.. ------- PUBLIC NOTICE FROM O.R. HAAN CHRYSLER· PLYMOUTH DUE TO INCREASED BANK FLOORING COST WE ARE ' . DRASTICALl Y REDUCING OUR 1979 NEW CAR INVENTORY. TO ACHIEVE THIS WE WILL THIS WEEKEND S£~5H OUI SELLING PllCf ro A Mlal $ J 00. 00 OVER -Autos. Mew 9800 Alltos, Mew 9100 ...... Mew 91 FACTORY INVOICE PLUS TAX & LICENSE. THESE PRICES RI· P.RESENT SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS AS THESE CARS ARE BEING OFt;EllD AT PRICES WAY llLOW o ·UR ·F.lEET •ND CREDIT THE SAIL SALE (No We ·oon't Sell Boats) WE ARE HAVIMG A MONEY SAVING ENERGY SAVING SALE! OM THE GAS SAVERS! · ~ * CHEVETTES * * MONZAS * * LUV PICKUPS * ALL AT BIG SAVINGS! -EXAMP~E- ~iiiiiil •79 CHEVETIE 4 DOOR SAVE '58311 '. Including: Roof Carrier •White Walls • Floor Mats Tinted Glass• 4 Speed • Remote $Port Mirror Camel Sport Cloth Bucket Seats • Oay/Nioht Mirror ~ONLY AT UNION DISCOUNT PRICES. TO ENABLE YOU TO TAKE AD- VANTAGE OF THIS-GREAT SALE, ALL THE CARS WILL BE MARKED CLEARLY FOR YOU TO MAKE YOUR CHOICE. THERE WILL IE NO DEVIATION FROM THE POSTED PRICE. THE SALE WILL BEGIN AT 9 AM SATURDAY 2-3-79 AND TER· MINATE 8 PM SUNDAY 2-4-79. IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE ' MARKET FOR A NEW CAR, WE . HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF FULLY RECONDITIONED FIRST RATE USED CARS. PLEllSE NOTE THE ABOVE SALE DOES NOT APPLY TO 1979 NEW YORKERS OR NEWPORTS 1977 V-ts . Va~ra ns .. power steering . power disc brakes. AM/FM ra<fio. stereo. vlnyl roof. cruise co ntrol . Lie·. ~093RXM 53488 1'74 CtllYSLB NEWPORT. VB. auto. trans.. pwr. steer .. pwr. brakes. air cond. Lie. #793LJU 52388· "'' UMIOM Aut<>Mlttc. air cond .• power •teerlng. brak•a. '¥1ndow1 & seat. Lie. f839UMC 5 5788 54888 1971 . MIWYOlllll ltn VB. auto. trans., full AUOW p o w e r . Powe r 4 cyl .. A.T .. air cond w l rdows. p ower Lie, #959AWN seats. AM/FM radio. vlnvt roof. tilt Yftleel. Lie. tJ210CAX '1695 1976DATSUM "" 'ICKUP .. GIAM> .. IX / CAM9 -TOP. P. wind .. P. 4 cyf.. 4 speed, air eat .. AM /F conditioning. AM/FM asaette. air cond, radio. Ser. tJ1B99129 tc. Llc. #432TWK 53995 $6388 ''" . 1971 COIDOIA SPITMI LOADED 4 cyl .. 4 spd., AM/FM Lic.#579SWV cassette . Lie . tJSiMPOK 53288 55988 1974 1971 DUSm 124 .... Auto . trans., pwr. 6$pd .. etc .. at .. r .. l'ldio, air COnd. Lie. t'9elJS Lie. t798NBY 52488 '3488 SALE ENOS 8 PM 2.+79 ALL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE ~~ I f12 IUICK 1973 PlYMOUTH s.=~ cyl 4 !P88d al ELIC'ftA FUIY 1 5 d ndltioning, AM/F VB. auto. trans .. -8. auto. trans .. 4 ~~~ f:'M s~i .. adio. Ser. ~nose f 8 c t 0 r Y a 1 'po we r s teering, A ••1 · c · tk 14599 . conditioning. power power brakes. Lie. t946THO · ste ering, po wer 900LW8' seats. Lie. 1147FTE 53995 5 1895 5 1595 55788 lt7JDATSUM 1975 OLDS 1976 Pl YMOUTH lt76AllOW l'ICICutt& CUTUSS GUM FURY uto. trans.. sun roof. CAMPIR V-8. auto. trans .. Llc..~KM le. #843PRI. c:yt,. 4 lpMd, rlldlo factory a I r al No. 20906V conditioning. power steering . Lio. t600RXO . 52695 s3~50 52lt95 52895 tt72MOMTI lt71DOD•I lt74 ...... AL 1974 MOMl'laO CAILO ~ UIAIOM Lie. t868JST Ser.#2997 4 cvl .. 4 speed. ull pcwer, AM/FM AM/FM radio. Lie. rk. sun roof. Lie, #478VOO. 863JOO. I 53995 52595 54250 I 52595 '"' '"' 1971 LI IAIOM COIDOIA MOllMClt CCMR LOADED LOADED LOADED Lie. ..... lie. f931NY J lie. f383TYO .54988. ·s 3995 559811 53888 ' H C•tlau 8 uprt•• Hro"alam. browa , k....a u•r prictd at sua-.no1• na "n ()ldlt o.ata • 4 dr. ll ...... oftl OWMt', IOOd t..a llJllO m 2IM ·n Pinto Waeon v~. au tr.am. 20lnJ>&. low '1U) S2900/offer <7 14 ) S48-8S25 •f\er s p m & weekeods. o~ t714 ) -.1000. ext. 301 wkdays '74 Pinto. SIOO. Mae Wheels 642-4i086 '72 Runabout.. Grea engine. Must Sell. $900. 642·5031 1972 Runabout, g r ea cond. $1095/or best Mark. 731-0942, 544·5491 . '73 Wagon. 4 sod. Makeorrer 673-3S83 '73 Wagon. 4 spd . To sh.ape. Real Gn.s Saver. Sl27$. 64Ul327 ·73 Wagon. 4 spd. roo rack, new radial Ures 291npg, Sl500tbest orrer 848-1798 1975 Pint.o Sta Wgn, v. cng, lo ml, auto trans, 52200. 548·1S31afl4PM ..,..... ''' •••••••••••••••••••••• lf74PLYMOUTH DUSTEl Automatic, pwr. steerlng &brakes, air cond. & less than 41 ,000 miles! <963MCC>.'Was $2995; on sale NOW·S2666 IAUIA IUICK 2925Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA f7'·2SOO ·73 Fury1 Grand Sedan, S800/Maxeorrer. 644-2212 497. ptymout.hl<'Ury I, 4-dr, n palnl & vinyl lop. Run x1nt.. Must see & drivel SH1S. 964-1848 '64 Plymouth VS Pury R/H, Runs great. $350. Call 675-4834 'ID Valiant. 44K ml, out standing . .ukmg $1300. 962--3584 '73 Plymouth Satellite 4-0r, new trans, $1200 o best offer. 968-8880 673-68). '71 PJ.yrnoutb wagon ful pwr. Good cond. $1,095. 548-1591 •••••••••••••••••••••• '66 Pontiac Wagon. Run xlnl. Ve r y c l ea n: SSOS/Firm. P.P . 751-41 1.:ves. '73 Grand Pr ix-J type. One owner, Xlnl cond ~ '67 Ventura. XJnl cond. NewUres. SS50/bslofr. MUST SEE Can be seen al: 67 Center #B, C.M. or call 64S-8628 art. 5. G real (1mily car. '66 Le Mans: Collectors choice In unt cond.Ask· Ing $1895 Call 960-3379 art Spm. 78Trans AM: red, loaded S7000caJI after 8 PM 552-1070 '76TA4·s pd, nu blk lacq., loaded, cstm whls, Rick. P.P. 9M-2478 '76 TRANS-AM. Xlnt <:Giid. '8800. Work 4 to 9PM. 644·9550, home 551·2589 Donna na1•1 tllrd ••••••••••••••••••••••• T·BlRD •aa, au pwr, eng Ii body xlnt cond. Rblt trans. la.st month spent <Wer S'700. bllla avail. Of· r .. over Sl350. 640-2973 For Sale:Convertible T· Bird lllZ. Cluslc. Good ~ cond. New tlret. EvenmP 413-3258. ms T·Bird, most opllons. lllnl condallon, 9000 miles. Super 1ha rp, .... 861-J.257. • '711mmac. AJI xtra equ.ip-mem. Beat offer takes. P.P. &In 836·1050. wk .... .... tt74 ....................... OW.-vltllor mutt sell 'TJVep Hkhbk GT, xlnt CGDd, 4-apcl, R /H, 1lr, .... u..... clllldt, recoad. ~'::1' sleeved) '800. • I "71 V... GT w11. XJQt ......... =. .... Aulk>. •. 11 '76 PINTO IUM-AeOUT 4·aoeeo. rao10. heater <082PCOI OYER 60 NEW 1979 PINTOS Oii SALE 1115 WEEKEllDI '7Z PL YMOUnt fWYtPAH.WMOM Autom.llc:. Powet lleerinf. p o wer breke1. air c:on<tllionino 1238EAW> SADDLBACrs ..,._ODUCTOIY LOW PllCI OM SIYlaAL OF THISI PIMJOS IS OHL Y: t302• St. t214e t9129 St. 12291 WAGOMS ONLY A s.-e .. MOltl!! '74POID MUST .... J..eocMt e cyllnder. 1utom1tlc tr1n1mlulon ind air conditioning (t0o42KFY) ••n ·1t.~ Power """"9· power brakea. 14r cond1t1on1nf (382LFPI SOMETHING DIFFERENI In &he DAILY PILOT • \ ,_ - I 5 TO CHOOSE FROM llAMftl: A Mew 1971._..C..--6' ~ 4 .,,._..., ........ .............. St.#1111 . FACTORY INVOICED AT: MA.MY OPTIONS a A.CCIHOlllS A.VAi A•l-OM OTHm MODILS • A.T11•••ouss....-s 53995 lncludet ~ FICtOfY Hold•Becil . ..,,., . llEW 1978 FORD ~·,FllSTASI WE'VE GOT OVER 20 TO CHOOSE FROM! SOME WITH AIR. SOME WITHOUT -· IUT HURRY!!! •• ." BECAUSE THEY'RE GOING FOR ,. ....... -· '7J FOID C..W"'*U, AM/FM wfth llP9 pl~. m1g1 and apeclal paint. (t97351T} a p '71.o.D ""'° ........ 80Uf Autom11ie: recllo .. hHter (898TZV) N featurirtq oocl ol' rlie8romn" ·--~ 6°cl/IJLz.. Fl FTEEN TIMES SEVEN? E4MM .•• AUNT FRITZI, I'M GOING ~LEDDING! BE CAREFUL-- DO N1T GET YOUR NEW COAT WET WITH SNOW~ .._ ________ - -.. A PSST! WHAT DID '1'0U PVT DOWN FOf'. THE THIRD QUESTION, SIR ? ~6.+ I'M SO LUCKY--- C 1979 United Fe1ture S ndlcete, Inc . ~ ' l -' I THOUGHT. MA'IBE IT WA5 A TRICK QUESTION! Ernie Bushmilf er .. \ ( : \ -DENNIS THE MENACE I iO#OUO"-N I~ OtA~ MIOiE~M MATH eAAM . MA~CIA t~ E'><E:MPi SE~E ~HE TOOK rr WHll..E ~HE: WAS HOME WITH THE FLU . J MA~CIA, THAI'? GHEATfN6'!! WOW!' A e1G -re~r IOMO~f(OW, ANO I DON'T 'KNOW A THIN~.' . Y OVf R':E L..LAQ(Y, MAlrCIA ! YOLA AL..R"EADY iC\?K IT, ANO Pl?Of)A0L..Y 010 VeF(Y W6L.L ..• OKAY-WHEN YOLA'~E ~16H"T; YOLA'~E ~16141. I 'LL. LOWE~ IT iO FOLAR CENT~ ... By Hank Ketcham Y~ ... VYHAT lE°TS TALK ABOUT IT IN91~. Gooo IDEA. -r.'M "°1' ef~D TO 10UCH IT,.. BUT l Gar MY OWN THINGAMAJIG. l>>> l s IT GE:TTI NG -CHIL.LY IN iHER.E? As ANTHONY M AKES A CALL TO HUNTER WHERE DO YOU JUST A MINUTE ! LET ME CHECK MY M CGAVI N, HE 15 UNAWARE THAT SAM DRIVER 15 LISTENING Oti THE EXTENSION! WANT ME TO SCHEDULE AND SEE WHERE I'LL BE PICK YOU AT THREE O'CLOCK! UP? WHAi A Ml9E.RAE3L~ DAY .. -I 'D BE=rre.c< IURN UPTHe i'HERMOSTAT. tc- ~ E:ve:R190DY ~UT IT9 PEOPLE TRYIN1TO llG TALKS 90M ETHIN1 ABOUT Ii TH#'t" Af30l!T THE CAUSES Al...L TuE: TROU13t:i:. WEATHBR. ,... . , r r WHAT 'LL I HAVE HIM PICK YOU IT'S OKAY! HE'LL DO TELL HIM, UP OUTSIDE YOUR EXACTLY LIKE WE SAM? FFICE ! SAY, MR. B ! I 'LL SEE THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY IN THE MORNING, HUNTER ... 8UT I DON'T THINK YOU ~HO ULD! I DON'T UNDER- 5TAND THEIR CALLI NG YOU 50 LATE THERE'S ONE OTHER THING! I 'D LIKE YOU TO MOVE OUT OF HERE FOR A FEW DAYS, SUE! HOW ABOUT GOING TO SPENCER FARMS CALL ARTIE! HAVE HIM PUT A TAIL ON MCGAVIN FROM THE TIME HE LEAVES HIS HOUSE IN THE MORNING It;;;~ AT NIGHT UNLESS THEY 'RE WARY, AFRAID YO U MIGHT DO SOME TALKING! ---- .. I ' WITH A85EY? -.-UNTIL YOU PICK HIM UP! ' ' DD CJ TROMBONES !c.,>oo KEEP FALLING BEHIND ,/ • M OON MU'' INS No RUSH --EXE~CJSE ! 10 STAY IN TOP CONDITJON , ONE MUST E X ~RCISS: A CE:RTAIN AMOUNT EACH WEl:f<. DOCTOR SMOCK LOTTA HART MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. t) 1171 United Feature Syndicate. Inc. • .. A . .. . WHAT 00 qou THINK I'M DOING UP HERE ... HOLD JT ! ! CASTlNG · I .SPELLS~ yes, AND •MAT TAKES CARE OF MOND,AY, /UE5DAY,WEDNE5DAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, ~ATURDAY,SLJND,AY, MONDAY, iUe5C>>Y, Y,,WC>..,6'SQ,4'f .. • By George ~emont HE:Y, YOLJ , IS -rHA-r YO<.JR !RUCK?! Y6AH -----\,. SO C'IP YOU HAYS -ro PA~K , ., IHE:Re ?.' I .. :& see W..-4.A.j"' YA ME!!AN , POC . .. ~ '-'CJST" SIOPPE:P eY -ro VISI,... A/\Y SIST'SR ... SHE?'S A NURSE: ON YOUR St'AFF I • KITCHeN SUPPLIES ' ------ eEWA~ OF1ME DOG J..s ~ 'lJO"Slarger and more and rrore im~rsonal , the a\Terage citiun finis himself more and more alienated .... z 4 l •t-,. ................... _ .. ..,,....._._. WHAf MAKES YOU THINK SO? I~WHAT SENA~ oo.FRY WANTS FROM Mt. ... - ~~heis~g rnore than a card in a vast a>mpUter-a number · 0n ~federal form . St: RIBBLE sc Rli'tJLE 5C:Rll!tflLE SC"l,.tJL.E As a U.S. Senator, I relieve its imp:>rtant to maintain a ~ue with my constituents. ? Is there ~ythi~ iNe can do! .. ' ' .. ' J ~~ rl\\tYAnn ~~~ Lo.re,~ns -.... cocl<er spanie I z · ~ suzy inMibmi. ..'~\~ Flo. aoesnt he.Ve to /M:)f'rtJ about covit ies. When Motq flossed he t own teeth Guzy kept p(}.wineat the strin~ ... 51'.>Maty ~ suz.ys tllcn ard ~ lovt.d i~ There:ore, l ·d llke to ~ this opportunity tc shar'i scm.e thoughts with )OU on t1u= p~ssi ng issi.leS .:t cl-.c day. We :, !hats why f·m writi~ ;ou today, Mr. Tribune .... ~i· ------ .~ • ( CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There •re •t ltHt 11• differ· ...as lft dr•wi"9 det•ils behlun top a..cl bottom ~nel1. Mow ... ,, Uft YH find them? CNdl &Mwen with those betow. ... r-9A .... i •t 9wf91!.., t! PAI)_._ ( - 1"1 liU'I -. ~W St O GI) t loll ..... -i _.,. l ....,..,.., ~ all1>f-I H~ I .... ~wmu5 air -------by Hal Kaufrnan------- e uP A TREEI "NHrly 1,000 yun •to•" Mild the proud f•mlly ti.tad, "two of our fonJben1 • .,. born In'"" thet rHd the ... me In reverse. One was two yean older than PUZZLE HAS WH IS KERS! Relevant to past 9enerat10f's. but de c1dedly out of date to day, is this verH rid die. Very great in olden days my power, Ofr hne I wved • c.astle tower from war's Invading tide. Tr•nspose me and how grHt my fall, I am the smallest of the small. that nothlft9 can divide! Solve the poser and you will know why It Is out of date. No fair peeking below . the other." Ah M>, can you pinpoint the years In which they were bof'n1 --~I --a.o1v ~,._,,., ""'lilil •That's Life! ~.ere are two things 1n life of which one has plenty; Good CIVEDA and bad PL EXAME. Unscramble cap letter words for this rhyme's sense. ,;•iown • -llU• •"~" poo6 .. Multiply the number of coins In your pocket by 9'. Add digits of rewlt and multiply by 12. Answer Is given below. e Rlddle Me This! Why did e subway r~r carry a stick? To beat the rush. can't-a base.ball team halft I I men? Because It I 't cricket. HI, DOLLI Add the following colors neatly for iln ilmusing scene ilbove: I-Red. 2-lt. blue. J-Yellow. 4-lt. brown. s-Flesh. 6-lt. 9'""· 7-0k. brown. a-Orange. •-Black. ,. . SPELLBINDER -:.., "'\~ SCOAE to points for using •II the ·,, . letters lft the word below to form two compi.te words: SIMULATE . . -. -. -. -. •' THeN scor• 2 points .. ch for •II words of four letters or more found M*'9 the l.tten . ~ Try te M1W9 at least Sf poirm. . ....... ·~ , .... -.w '"1'1'°" .. THE WORLD'S GREATEST SUPERHEROES b PASKO, TUSKA, COLLITTA METROPOt/S PAM/ t.SOfl SUPEllMAA/ .STRUGGLES VALIAHTL-Y TO 5TEM THE RE~l..ilNG ~000 T/PE.~ .. $UPENMAN--I -· A~ -CXJN'T KNOW HOW TO TEll YOU TH/5, 8UT ••• ... GORDO OH,OHf I'VE BE.EAi SPOTTED' . . ANo I J...E.AR.AJ TOAVOIO P0/50/\J PJ:L1-ET6- l ·-WHILE YOU WE~ J:lEPAIRt~G THE DAM, J.VTHOR CAME OYER ~lEY/SmN' ... RATS! YES ·-HE SA1'7 YOU TRIGGERED THE EXeJ..OSION THAT CAUSEP THIS ~-­TRA6EPY./ 8UTHOW. W~PER WOMAN?/ Gus Arriola .zlj_j_ l.JF:Vet< MAKE IT ro TJ1E REltl<EMEAIT £!,USHf • 1 --- ... .. Developed by U.S. Pf ant Scientists ••. spectacular super grower soars ·torth to a man-high column o fruit -loaded top to bottom with clusters of huge sugar-sweet berries -the size of luscious plums -811 starting In Just 60 days! GAO ~ -v AU.-SO EAVILY CLUST R D WfTH GI.ANT BERRIES FROM TOP From a patch of earth no blgget than an outspread handkerchief, you get Heaping Bowlfuls of giant strawberries! Here It isl Th~rden sensation-of the 70's. The Champ himself ..• 'SUGAR-TOWER' •.. the all-time biggest, easiest-to-train man-high strawberry you or your friends have ever seen in your lives. Thtok of ltl Super-soari11g MAN-HIGH wonder- plants that you'll actually grow in giant cluster- packed pillars of fruit ••• loaded top to bottom with masses of strawberries ••• huge, meaty berries SO INCREDIBLY BJG, you actually eat them like hand- frutt. That's right, just tike sugar-sweet plumsl And that's only the beginning! RI 0 U CAN'T PUT ~ ORE MC' T .... I ACTUAL Sl71=· HOW'S THIS FOR A FISTFUL OF MOUTH WATERING GOODNESS? SAY NO MORE - JUST PASS THE CREAM! Oust like this) wide patch of earth •.. and all starting in just 2 months time! And remember, not Just ordinary, puny berries ••.. but sugar-packed giants: • SO BIG and juicy, you eat them like handfruit. SO HUGE and meaty, Just 3 sliced-up berries top a cereal bowl! SO FAST-growing you'll see its rge into a man- high "berry factory" this very ason, starting in Ju~t 60 Daysi · ' ' ND TrlE)' MUL LY-SC.. ...,.J GE TWlCE S MANY M N-HIGH UTIES -EAeH I t E -because ·suGAR· TOWER' is a self-multiplying perennial, for every berry-laden man-high vine you get this year, you'll get twice as many GIANTS next year .•. and new plants for years to come. Meaning: HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS OF BERRIES year-after-year! INK 0 I • . u I THI I G - PICK BERRIES BY TH 8ASKE1 ST RTING l Jl,?C .. So big are these 'SUGAR-TOWER' berries -so breatht,kingly enormous-and so heavily cJustered right up the entire plant -you actually have to tie· ·the plants to your walls, trellis or fence to support the overwhelming weight of the plant and the frultl And remember -because they're winter-hardy (to -30°F) they're one of the sturdiest, easy-to-grow strawberries imaginable. Simply plant them next to fence, trellis, wall, or even a pole •.• follow the easy instructions .•. tie for support ••• and be thrilled by the most incredible parade of fruit, flowers, and fo- liage. There's just nothing else as spectacular in all of nature. 'SUGAR-TOWER' man-high straw- berries are guaranteed to reward you with luscioua fruit starting in just 60 days -witt;I berries so big you eat them with a soup spoon -or money refunded (except postage & handling) anytime within the next 8 months! 'Suger Tower' -A.C.I. tr•d• nam• for Fragarla Culllv•r, Fl. Lar..wtie. l • And if that Isn't startling enough -Just wait 'til you see your neighbors gasp in amazement as these 'SUGAR-TOWER' berries decorate your grounds with huge berry-packed towers of fruit ..• SO FAST ~ •• in virtually no time at all you'll reach out of your dining room window and pick dessert right off the vine from these magnificent man-high wonder plants I And that's still only a mere hint of the wonders that await you, when you are among the first In your neighborhood to grow these sensational GIANT man-high STRAWBERRIES. Because, wheti In your life did you ever hear of strawberries so eager to grow ••• they'll actually drape your walls, trellises, fences in cascading foun- tain• of fruit ••. each man-high beauty a festival of strawberries from top to bottom from just a 2 foot ~ .... l,. THE THE SOONER YOU PLANT THEM SOONER YOU'LL ENJOY THESE ..... -• r .~Al Here's the best news of all -the amazing price of these wondrous MAN-HIGH :SUGAR-TOWER' Strawberries. Not the $1 .00 per plant you might ex- pect for such a remarkable super-bearer ..• but less than 50¢ apiece for thickly-rooted nursery-grown plants ••• and each one all set to grow high as a man and bear fruit starting in just 60 days. But one word of caution -with an Incredible berry like this; demand is bound to be overwhelm- ing. To avoid disappointment, act now! ANOTHER EXTRA BONUS . T NO ' All •suGAR-TOWER' Strawberry Plant• are sep• ra.tely grown for shipment eaat and weat of the Rocky· Mountain•. · ..-----------·-----------------------4 .... TMn-------------------·----------~ ID!H YAU.rt NURl!RY IALES, Dept. JSU-199 . c..llne Road, P~ PA 1t17t Vea, I want to grow MAN-HIGH STRAWBERAI~~ .. th fruit the size of plums. So pleaae rus me the number of 'SUGAR-TOWER' strawberry plant• I have cMcked below. O a 'SUGAR-TOWER' ptanta .. . ...... .... . .. $2.98 plus 3~ postage & handling. O 12 'SUGAR-TOWER' plants ................... $4.98 plus 50¢ postage & handling. O 18 'SUGAR·TOWER' plants ... · ............... $6.98 plus 7~ postage & handling. 0 24 'SUGAR· TOWER' plants . . .. ........ .. $8.98 plus $1 postage & handling. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WITHIN 6 MONTHS OR MONEY REFUNDED (except poa1age & handling). Total amount enclosed $ PA realdenta add 6% sales tax. Check or money order, no COO's plene. CHMG! IT: (check one) Exp. Oate ---- 0 VIH/BankAmerlcard O MaaterCharge Bank Number----CredltC.rd # ___ ....._ ___ Namt---------------------------.__ ________________________________ _ Addrne------------------~-------....,~------.;;_--------..-;..~----'-"~•---......... ~-, CftW------------------------------------------~· .,...,,. ... ·~ -· February <4, 1979 DAILY PILOT • THEffi YOURSELF Send 1111 .......... • t ........ IO .,..,~~~ 141 ltmgllllll Allt., New *It, N.Y 10072 .... 11-r S5 lor pullllsflld questlOM Sony .. ""' --~ FOR LOUIS NIZER, attorney and author of RefJections Without Mlrror1: An Autobiography of the Mind Do '°" i-nor tbe Jury .--. .. op- pOMCI to a Jucltle, decld ... a .... ., cw laaocnt ftl'Clkt? -J. JOIM9, Al· .,_..,, N.Y. • I favor the jury system because I think II is the microcosm of democracy and Is based o n a lcientlfk: principle; namely, as you m1,Jltlply judgments you reduce the Incidence of error. Two heads are better than one, and one thousand better than one hundred. On a quatlon HI! counta on honl! sense. of right and wrong, I would rather have the opinion of several hundred mUllon Ameriatns than the 10 most brilliant professors In the world. The jury system works because the average man has more than flve sen.s. He adds two others -hone and common. Also, prejudices are ld«!ly to be baJanced out. The mind of a judge may not respond as weU as a jury to the nontechnical stimu6 of justice. FOR .IOAN RIVERS, comedienne Hae your ...... of ................ banuMcl you? - J.R., MoateNy, Calif. • Of course. My mott uncomfortable moment was dw1ng the time Gov. Jeny Brown (Calif.) was camplllgnlng: He and I were alone In an elevator, and I said, "We've got to get you married. How about Jackie O? She'd be great for you." He explained why she wasn't right for him. His main objec- tion was her extravagance. Why did I feel so stupid? He had no Idea I was teasing him. FOR ROBERT URICH, star of ABC-TV's Vega$ ( Jue "'pmat. eye" Jobe ru1ly u glamorou u they '--a? -f .L., A.nnletoa, Ala. • 1V glamorii.es the role of the private detective -It's a must. But most of the Investigations that detectives cany out are checking and researching through public records -In Iberia, Insurance companies, etc. Imagine a whole show centered around a man going through dusty flles In a library! It would be pretty boring, wouldn't It? So, for entertainment purpota, we haw to spk:~and liven things up a bit. FOR RONA JAFFE, author of The Lost Chance AN all dM ... bt ,o.r boob bMed oe oW ~? -Aw Gordot1, Flbat, Mldl. • Since my 10th book will be out In the $piing, and aD my novels are loaded with men -I should only be so lud<y to haw so mllf'!Y beaux.I 6enoutty, some of the men are com- poeffin, others anr friends' boyfrlendt (d!v.illed ol course). 5ofM are guys I had crushes oo and chased, but didn't get to know weU. Also I can lnwnt an entire flctlonal character who becomes much more real to me than the real one. FOR THE .. ASK .. EDITOR I .., that Chrletophft Rene bad to loee about 20 ~to 9ft die role of Supenn .. , and .., &tend ..,. he ... bora with tlaat ........ Wlto'• ,._t? -S.P., Gnat falle, Moat . • We're SOfTY to say that you're both wrong. Chris had to gain 30 pounds before he could go before the cameras. Said Dave Prowse , the British heavy· weight weight-lifting champ and actor (perhaps better known as the vlllalnous Darth Vader of Star .Wars): "The pro- ducers called me In, presented me with Christopher Reeve and said, 'Here he Is. He souped up for Superman. We want him to look like you. You have six weeks to build him up. You must not touch his legs -they're O.K. We want his arms, chest and shoulders to form a V.'" Prowse went to work. "Chris gamed 30 pounds going from 180 to 216 through a combination of eating. working out and weight-lifting for three hours a day. six days a week." FOR CAROL MANN, NBC sports reporter How did you ,et h-. •P oa playlns tolf, and hne YCMa ftft made • fool of you.,..lf oo tbe c.ourM? - 8.,., Tupelo, M.... _. • My Interest In the game was caused by an ulterior motive. My father played, and I wanted to be with him. I thought If l did well he'd atways take me along O'm the only gtrl In the famlJy; I have four brothers). Once I wished the green would swallow me up -when I hit the ball Into an outhouse, and the person In there came out screaming. FOR STEVE KARMEN, creator of 1V and radio jingle$ I hard you o..C. muMd •' requat to 9°"' for a f~ Prnlclent. Why? -T.R. Danbury, Conn. • Because I refute all political advertising. And I'm proud to say rve turned down two Presidents. It would be too easy to create an Image with music and lyric.s and then see my country governed by Senator T oothpa.ste and President Cola. The right advertising and the right 90ng could elect anyone, and I think It Is my obligation to the world In which I bve not to use my talent In such an \rresponslble manner. FOR STELLA B. BACKB., Director of the Mint r .... .,. tettt-1 .tuck wttt. Ca....t&an ... otMr fONltln coble. he tot ..... a coUectioa b, now and .. WCM ........ how I can Ndum ....__ -8.C. Kh1.1port, r ... . • The Bureau of the Mint does not redeem foreign coins, nor do we undertake to appraise them for their value as col- lector's Items. To redeem foreign coins for thetr monetary value, the most acx:etd>le facility would be a comrnen:la.I ... bank having an International exchange department. PRO °"&..-... ._....,,•\Ith« of Pim11114n9 01mlnaM PRO Ano con CON ...... E. w ........ ~ of Soclo&ogy, Other things being equal, severe punishment detert crlme. The ha.rsh· est contdtuttonal pena.ley -the death penalty -CS.titra mott. It Is final: no parole. Even though meny lmlttonal nonprt.medttat.d murden unnot be dCMned, the death pcnaley doa dNT prernedlated murder and murder for money. While~ eomlnuc to defy common ....,.. by "provtng" that the death penally II not • rbettet dctcntnt then ltf• lmp'19on,nent, tophlldc.atld NCmt mtlilb conftrm lhlit In the U.S •• be· iw.n l 933-1969, Wlh )Utt ••one addllional eueuloc\ per year [we would haw hedl on the aYer9 eewn or eW\t t.ww murden." The ncwat EngWi and Arnabn .-ad ... cionftrm ...... la Capital Punlahmaat a Deterrent to Murder? Uniwntty of Pmruylvenll The preponduancc-of evidence from careful research Indicates that historicalty, and In contemporaty times. the death penalty does not function as a dctcrftnt to crlrntnal homldde. The common procedurw for analydng the lttuc hes been to com-pe,. nations, or states within the U.S., that have abolshed or rttaJned the <lath penalty. Such COfTIP9Nont contltMndy thow that th<* M1k>nt « ttata that Mw retained the death penaa.. ty haw mwdsr tetn P-r population that .... -high « higher than thOM countrta and It.Ila that MY. ebolshed the death ~. A rec:.nt peMI of the Nattonal Ac.ad.my of ScXnca condu~ that the evidence doe1 not thaw It to be a detenwnt . STORE COUPON --~--. .. -TEAR OFF ANO REDEEM .. .. . . FAMll.Y WEEKLY OROE.FICAR D SAVE $1 WHEN YOU BUY A CARTON OF L&M FLAVOR LIGHTS '~ OR L&M LONG LIGHTS Taste the only cigarette made with just the tender "filet"of 100% virgin tobacco. Otter good on a carton of any brand of L&M. FF Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 1 .. long ligflflc 81119. "Ill". 0.6 Ing. nicotine: AMf lights: 71no. •w". 0.6 mg. nicotine;"· I* ciglmte. FTC Report (Mey78). C . Why are we makiJg thB generous offer? We're 0011fidel1t that once you try the taste of L&M lights you'l OIMI' smoke anything~ Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined Thal Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. long Lights; 8 mg. "ti(. 0.6 mg. nicotill: f1Mr li;ltsi 7 mg. "W', 0.8111g. OIC®nt: •·I* dgemte. FTC Ripon fMey781. C . ·• T here's a story that's told on Capi- tol Hill In Washington about this Senator who delivers speeches that his staff people write, except that he neglects to read them in advanoe. And It's about what happens when one of his speech writers gets angry with him. The Senator faces his -expectant audience and begins to mouth the words he's seeing for the first time: "Today (am going to propose a per- manent settlement for the Middle East, provide a definitive solution to the worldwide energy problem, pre- sent a way for ending the threat of nuclear war and propound a plan for eliminating hunger and poverty every- where on the globe.'' The startled Senator flips to the next page, which contains just one House MmorUy Whip Robert Michel (oenter), opposition leader, and Choirman of the FCC Charles F_ems. ! I ~ sentence, In capital letters: "NOW r~::.~:::~~:.::: .:~~ CONGRESSIONAL AIDES: ·rHE ffiEN -~~:-=~~EHIND .BIG POWER IN D.C .. Congressman he works for. The Con- gressman Is, and always has been, boss, but the enormous increase in the numbers and Influence of the staffs of the Individual members and the growing number of committees over the last 20 years nurture such fan tastes of ultimate power. The real power of Capitol Hiii aides,· however, Is generally exer- cised anonymously In groups and at the sufferance of their bosses. For example, a group of Senate aides writing an amendment to the Voting Rights Act contributed dl- ·rectly and significantly to passage of the Constitutional amendment that gave the vote to 18-year-olds. Another provided the network of ln- f orma t ion and intelligence that helped block funds for Nixon's con- troversial Anti-Ballistics Missile (ABM) program and the eventual. cut- off of appropriations for the Vietnam war. The great Increase ln th' Capitol Hiil staff-what Senator John Culver (D-la.) calls a "staff exploslon"-was meant to offset what Congress con- sldered the overweening '1mperlal · Presidency" that became 50 powerful after World War II. This Increase In Hiii staff Is both a symbol of and a reason for th.e new Congressional assertiveness that has given President Carter kh trouble on his energy bill, the Panama Canal treaties and such other complicated Issues as the Strategic Arms Umlta· tlon Talks (SALT). Each of the 435 members of the House ls allow.e.d 18 staff members, while the sJze of the Senators' staffs depends on the populatlon of their states. This burgeoning new appoJntlve federal bureaucracy has grown at Jim OICJrcn1on i. o rcporlcr ort die Woth1"9fOI' (D.C.} Star. the rate of about 10 percent a year over the past few years, although the growth last year slowed to just 2 per- cent, primarily because the new po- sitions created recently are being filled. It turns over comparatively rapidJy, however, because It is made up mostly of bright young men who stay on the Hill a few years and then go on to bigger things. More than a dozen are now mem- bers of Congress, Including the two Senators from Iowa and House Minority Whip Robert Michel, (R-111.). Charles Ferris, for 12 years chief counsel to former Senate Majority Leader Mlke Mansfield, Is now chair- man of the Federal Communications Commission. Michael Pertschuk, for- mer chief counsel of the Senate Cotn- "Thia MW bW9GUCIGCJI haa gtown at the 1a'9 of about 10 fM«Ht Q Jl9GI. •• " merce Committee, Is chairman of the Federal Trade CommJsslon. But the real objeet of the day- dreams of the ambitious young on Capitol Hill ls Dick Clark, a portly, 48.-year-old former oollege profcwor from Upper Iowa University. In 1964 Senator Culver, then legislattve u- slstant to freshman Senator .T~ Kennedy, resigned to go home and run for the House of itepresentatlve.s from his home state of Iowa. He needed a campaign manager and Clark signed on. Culver won and over the next eJght years his profes· sor-admlnlstrative assist.ant worked out of thelr Cedar Rapids, ta., off loe and begM organlilng the state for Culver's eventual run for the Senate. Cla~ was so succusful that Iowa to- day has one of the most effective Democratic organizations In the na- tJon with results to match-both U.S. Senators, four of six Congressmen and control of both houses of the state legislature. In 1972 Republican Senator Jack Miller was up for reelection and was vulnerable. Culver, for various rea- sons, decided not to run. His alde, stunned because the plan was for him to run for Culver's House seat when Culver ran for the Senate, decided to use the organization he'd built for hls own Senate race. Walking back and forth across the state almost con- stantly from April until NoVem~ "'Clark got the publicity he needed to beat Miller and become Senator Dick Clark, (D-la.). Two years later Culver ran · for Democrat Harold Hughes' vacated seat and became the junior Senator from Iowa to his former as- si.stanl There a.re less-Inspiring stories, however. Stephen B. Elko, aide to Representative Daniel Flood (D-Pa.), a central figure In the recent flrtng of former U.S. Attorney David Marston of Philadelphia, has been convicted of taking a bribe of $15,000 to forge the Congressman's slgneture on let· ters seeking a<:credltatlon for a chain of trade schools. Martin Swelg, ad- ministrative assistant to fonner House Speaker John McCormack, was con- victed of lnfluence-peddllng In 1970 by posing over the telephone as his powerful boss. The quality of staff membus that different Senators and Congressmen attract obvioUsly varies. Ted Kennedy long has had the reputation of attract- ing 50me of the most able young men on the Hiil. Others with excellent staff opera· tlons are AJan Cranston (O·Callf ,), &nest F. Holtngs (D..S.C.) and Jacob Javlta (D·N.Y.). ly , .. Dlckenaon "Kennedy and Javlts accept the fact that they're managers of lnstitu- tlons--their staffs," says Jim Flug, formerly Kennedy's chief legislative aide. "They support you and trust you. We had a compatible staff with very little backbiting." Some think of themselves as indi- viduals, as stars, with staff members as their servants," ~s another top Senate aide. "They redo a lot of their ' staff work; they don't trust them, they think that anyone who works for them can't be any good, and they have bad tempers. ·As a result, they have high staff turnover." Final control lies with the Congress~ man or Senator, however. John Ehrllchman, Richard Nixon's former White House aide, once described the Capitol Hill staffs as "bumblebees . hovering over the honey of power." To help keep his staff members In line. Senator Warren Magnuson (D • Wash.) established a "Bumblebee Award" to be given to the staff mem- ber who had most exceeded his au- thority, opened his mouth to the press, or presumed to speak for a committee or an individual member. "( won It about every week'', laughs Pertschuk, a good-natured but aggressive man who was the driv- ing force behind oonsumer-protecUon legislation while on the Senate Com- merce Committee. 'We just fill In the lines. It's an illusion of pOwer. Whenever you put In something that the member won't tolerate, that's the last time. You can't bnrach that relaUonshtp of trust, Md It's very easy to do, or you're r.awhere .. •• On• akle agren, "Good Senators have good pobtk:al Instincts and a broader pmlp8ctlve than we do t.- cauM we get to engroSMd in l'IWI our pro,lem." 1&J . ____________________ .. .. c ti G ti • -.. .. G > "O • If your child is a poor reader -see how phonics can help him Try it at our risk-"'"~'r.'!":l for two· weeks! See how your child can learn to read better and spell better in just a few weeks with records that teach him by phonics, at home! Mail Free Trial Coupon below. Would you like t.o see your child gain as much ns n full year's grade in reading in as little as six weeks' time? These are results parents have seen again nnd again with this simple home-tutoring course in reading. '.\frs .. J. J . Web b, Napa, Cal. wri tes : ''A/tel se nding my JO year old 1w 11 to Special Reading School at SJ 2Jj() per hour, .~pending 8700 on tin".~ tutoring, I .<taw yo1u ad and sent Jot The Sound Way to Ea~y Reading. I n only 8 weeks he lenrned more from your rourse than from his Special Rending School. I am. thrilled to sec how well he rearh1." Mrs. J . J . Webb is only one of over 500,000 parents who have turne d to The Sound Way of Easy .Re ading for he lp in the frustrating problem of a child who can't read. And more than 47,000 schools u se it. Teaches with records Don't think it's all your child's fault · if he hnsn't learned to reacl. Many of our brightes t children nre not able to grasp the "look-and-say" method taught in most schools today. Yet, many educators insist that at least 403 or our childrt?n must have for- mal training in phonics-that they will.never master reading without it! That is why so many poor readers show remarkable progress with The Soun<l Way to Easy Reading. 1t tenches reading by the phonics method (the method by wru ch most parents lenrncd to read years n.go). Its phonograph records and charts show your child exactly what to do, so he can teach himself without any help from you. The records drill him in the sound& of Che f 6 leturs in the alphabet and their blends. Once he learns the 123 basic phonics 8ounds in this course he can read up to SS% of the words in the English language. It works fo r children or nil ages-in the earli- est grades, an<l even in high school. Tested and proved In a pilot study hy university psy- chologists, childrc11 gnine<l up to n full year's grn<lc in oral rca<linp; tSkill after only 30 lessons with The Sound· Way to Easy Reading. A semester-long study involving 214 pupils ir} 4 Chicago schools proved t hat the classes given The Soun<l Wn.y to Ensy Reading sho\\'ed marked improvement in reading and spelling over the control groups. Help your child now By starting you r child on The Sound Way to Easy Reading now, you can change hi s entire attitude toward school-turn h is sense of fa il ure into the joy of sucess. Try it free for two weeks. You send no money - just mail this coupon now!· Bremner-Davis, DepL P·21J.ll 1512 Jantls, Chicago, Ill. 60626 USED BY 500,000 PARENTS wbo •ead •••Y letten Uke the•e: Advanced two yea... ..Your coune haa made my eon wonl to rud. No more frualra- lion with word. he dooan't know, he juat con. centrate. and eounda them oul. In 7 months, Steve'• readina level advanced two yeal"ll." M ,.... R. Coll11u, Ft . Lawl~rdal~. Fla. Better r e port card• "If [ had known about your courae bef<>f't!, Gre«ory would not have had to repeat 3rd «rade. In only 7 weeka, he Tcada and apella much beller. and ia brin1· in« home better report carda." M ,... R. Quinn, Cllttlttowaio, N . Y . IN 47,000 SCHOOLS teachen DH hl1hly eathu1lutle Second 1rade "Your couree is the i:-t leachin.: 11.id a te11cher could have. I have been ui1in« 1t for t he pail 'l yeara for my b1t11ic eecond lfrl1Cle read1n11 cour11e. My d 111111 look•• forward to lhu re<:urd 4uiLU.'tl. Their improve· • ment in rudin« 11nd apellm« hsa 1-n oul· atandin11." Mr•. Dion# W illiam.on, Cl11clta"1w. Ala. Remarkable Improvement "l havr -n my remcdi11I lfTOUpe odvance I ', to 21, levela in readin« in 6 monllu and 11how 86% io 'JO% improv~enl in 11pellin1t. A low 11cl11evement 6th 1fr11de l{rou1111howed remarkable improve- ment. I have convinced m11ny teachera on our .chool to u. your cuurae." M,.,. An1u• &tn, Lot At1~I~•, Calif. FREE TRIAL S•nd No Money f ..-.'! •• ,, . ., .......... .•/'-'··· I •• .. , \., l ~·J \i~/ ...... .-'~ I Bremner·O.vf1, 0ep1. P..21).IB t CTI I 1512 J•rvl•. Chlc•IO· Ill. 60621 I 1 1 Plea• Mnd the Sound Wa:, to Euy Reedln1, on I o.pproval. After 2 ... ka. If I ... eneouraainc I I rMUIU, I will •nd '6.76 u firll ~nt and I 1~&o·~=~~1;!,T~~1 I .. ve ff.00 bJ •ndl"l f.40.00 tot.J cuh price. h I I not •titl\ed aft.er fil"ll 2 week., I wll1 i.tum the I I couree and owe you nothiDf. I I I I N (lmr I I, """""• I I I I (,'1t;r Stat~ Zip I 1 1 0 TKA<'llE ICS. ~hl'Cll (m 11rn.'H end f•CI• I oa CL&.room ~J1tiua. I '-----------~-~~~~ • TV HOST PHIL DONAHUE ON ~ FAmE, FAmlLY, LOVE syHormantnatk 8 aslcally, Phil Donahue asks ques- tions. Five days a week, an hour a day, 240 times a year on 15.S jele- vlslon stations, his questions fonn the backbone of America's most popular, most cr\Ucally praised and most often awarded daytime Interview program. When he ls not on the air, he still asks questlon5-0f hls staff, hls chil- dren, hlmself. And yet he admits that the questJon he can't atl$Wer Is: What ls Donahue really like? Asking It, of course, implies that he Is somehow quite different ln real life from hJs television Image, that after his show he fakes off a mask and becomu Mike Douglas. After some conslder~tlon, Donahue thinks the main difference between hls on-air peraono and the "real" Donahue ls energy. He has more energy on- camera. Just before his program starts, Donahue stands to the rear of his live audience. He has been briefed, and he has met the guest He has Joked with the audience and asked them to please help hlm look good. Bcf ore the program starts live In Chicago on WGN-TV, hi.a engines rev Into high. He ls ready to charge past 200 peoplf: ln his studio audience to become "Energy Man." In 1974, when Donahue's offlc.e was a trailer In the WGN parking lot a guest was going to expla\n how he turned his daughter Into a genius .. The man asked for eight minutes, without lnterrupUOI\ to explaln hls methods. Donahue said. "Too long." "Ave minutes? Four?" "Too long," said the Implacable Donahue. (Eight minutes ls forever on television, and every minute must move.) Donahue admits, "What worries me the most Is keeping the ball In the air for 240 hours a year. "This Is an enormously C<>rf1l>etltlve business. Dick Clari< ls on ~ channel opposite me with a game show In which people jump up and down and kiss. 1f 1 am going to stay alive, my show better be exciting, too. '1 have to have a new and dlff erent show every day. And It better be Interesting for 60 minutes." Donahue ha.s done over 2,000 pro- grams, and he still worries. 'Wiii the guest talk too much? The audlenca I dteam about has a sense of urgency to get Into the act." If there Is any slogan running through Donahue's head while he ls on the alr, lt Is: ''R~t now Dk:k Clark Is ·g1vrng away $20,000." He does It by loving every person In his studio and all those at home, by getting bored with a discussion be- fore the home folks do, by "grabbing'' each woman there, and communicat- ing to her: "You've got to watch this. It's Important." After each program, Donahue shakes hands with every person there. He thanks them with the fervor of a small-town minister. He poses for every Instamatlc snapshot and he patiently gives tips on how to make those flash cubes work Then, exhausted, he returns to his small WGN office. The TV set has video cassettes all around It. His shelves are fllled with books written by upcoming guests. Way up on top, near a certificate saying he Is an honorary cltlzen of the state of Mary- land, ls a color picture of Marlo Thomas, hls friend. Donahue's energy Is now drained. his tlc at half s1aff; he wants to head home. Instead. he props hl.s feet on his desk and probes hlmseJf. To understand Donahue, you must understand a man who would air a program showing a live birth; certain to be controvemaJ. Donahue's point ls that daytime telev\s!on can change American thought patterns. Backstage, Donahue jokes with his adoring audience and (below) relaxes with his ~friend Marlo Thomas. t ' The man we see on television, the man who dotes 6n his live-birth show, Is still, In spirit, an altar boy from Cleveland, a virgin who married hJs college sweetheart, a business major at Notre Dame University, a guy who started In broadcasting as a prop man and later moved up to do the farm report, a TV host In Dayton, Ohio, a man whose later success led directly to a dlvof'C4! which shook hlm emo- tionally, a bachelor father of four sons with a daughter who lives with his ex-wife, a man who dates Marlo Thomas ln a cross-country romance, a guy who wants to be a news re- porter or 11\aybe a baseball player. He Is a man whose doubts and con- oems are played before an audience of millions every day. When his work Is done, Donahue goes home to suburban Winnetka, Ill., and his four sons. He seldom frater- nlies with the guests after the pro- gram: "Out of 3,000 shows, I've taken three guests to lunch. l work worst with the people I know besl lf I have a friend as a guat, I'm not sure l pretent hJm well" Outside of program concerns, Donahue worries about his children and "their physical well-being. I have three kids who have drivers' ltoensas. I wonv whether my k\cls truly appr. .... . . KING. 16 flll. "\_.., ll 1111 . .-.... D 181111· "I•". \.2 "'f. natine. w.,. C9'ft. FTC Alport WV '71. Fitness authority Bob Breton shows you how to .•. Get into fitness in only DONAHUE 5minutesaday More than 4 million men around the world have proven the amazing effectiveness of 5-mlnute-a~ay Bullworker fitness training. The easy series of 7-.econd exercl9" Illus- trated below provides a complete fitness workout for your body: shoulders, back, arms, chest, abdomen and leg.s-plus Impor- tant circulation training to Increase your levels of energy and stamina. You see your strength growing from the first day on- f!IVery day-on the built-In Powenneter. Two weeks of fast and '8HY Bultworker training must get you results you can .see In a mir- ror and verify with a tape measure. It'• guaranteed-or you won't owe us a cent. Mall coopon today for FREE BOOKLET with complete details about Bullworker'a 14- day Free home trial off8f'. No obligation. No salesman wlll visit. SHOULDERS • IUUWOllKEll SlllVICE 201 UllCOI• ·~ ,,o .... x POWER MF.TEA The built-In Powennet11r meu- urn your lncrMM In al'91'1g'th from lhe tl,.t day On-41Veryday. And wn.t lncrM ... : up lo '"- per week. Thal'• 50% '.1 fuel S rnonlM. .......... ,., .... '-------------'-'...U-.a....,..-' 1Wt17 --------------------------., BUUWOAf(EA SERVICE Depl.IWHM 201 UftOOtft ......_ P.O. 8os X .......... llU ..... Ptea1e eend me my FREE full color brochure about BULLWORKER without obll- gatlon. No aal8'man wlll vlall SttMt.__ _________ Apt. No- City·-------------- Slate z1,...p. __ _ Cllled•i H-MllW9fl' cMy 119ld. Aell ~ l'ME NolMt. FREE BOOKLET 24pagee of ectlon photoa In full cofor lhowyouhow to bulld • flt, powerful body ln jutt five mlnutea a d~ ~--------------------~----------J elate the enormous destructive capa- city of the automobile." Saying that, Donahue echoes parents throughout Arr.erica, a key to his success. A decade from now Donahue be- lieves the major question on his pro- gram-or programs like hls-wlll be changes within parenthood. He thinks there is a "diminishing American fantasy" of women caring for children while men earn money. "In many cases, poor dad has been working so hard because he has more fun a t work than at home. He has been raised to achieve in the market- place, not to really appreciate the enormous responsibility, challenge and joy of child-rearing." This from the man who woke up at 6:25 that day to drive his son, Jim· my, 14, to school so Jimmy couJd be a disk jockey from 7 to 8:10 a.m. Donahue says, "He's got a seven- year head start on me, and he's good." Donahue Is also proud of Mike, 19; Kevin, 18; and Danny, 17. The two elder sons work in local super- markets, and Danny pumps gas. Donahue thinks that work ''raised their consciousness. One of the real problems with kids is boredom. We've got a culture which demands that they be responsible, but which doesn't give them any responsibilities except at school." He Is concerned about the effect of his fame on them. Donahue says. "It's a pain In the neck to be a celeb- rity's child." He imitates well-mean- ing fans, "'What Is It like to be Phil Donahue's son?' That's a horrible question to ask a kid. You know, the smart answer Is, 'I don't know. I've never been anyone else's son,' and that's what they feel like saying sometimes. "But I think they're Impressed, although It would be better If they told you that. At the same time, a part of them wishes I were a bank teller so they·wciutdn't be hassled." Fame caused other problems for Donahue. It contributed greatly to his divorce. "People married to oelebrl· ties are constantly set up by people who want to get to their spouse. How would you like It If every time you sat down at a dlnner party, someone asked about your spouse. and not you?"- Whlch leads to another subject Donahue doesn't like talking about with strangers, Marlo Thomas, a woman who certainly knows what It ls like ta be the child of a celebrtty (Danny Thomas). Their romance began on Jan. 26, 1977, when she was a guest on his show. Something clicked. Ms. Thomas concluded by saying on the air, "You arc a very loving and generous man and . . . whoever Is the woman In your life ls very lucky." Donahue, wounded by the dlvo~ci and the lef!lpOrary separation from his children, was dating others, but began seeing Ms. Thomas. His staff, who work for Donahue with the zeal of new Peace Corps- men, say his relationship with Ms. Thomas is evidence of the public greening of Donahue In regards to women's liberation. They say, "A few years ago he would have been threatened by her." Donahue agrees. 'There's still a part of me who would like to have a woman waJtlng to ask me about my terrible day at wori< and to listen closely to my answers. But, that kind of attention is stlll possible as long as It's not one way. A woman who pro- vides that courtesy night after night would not grow and would become just a bland partnef." Instead, Donahue has a relation- shjp/ friendship with Ms. 'Thomas, an Behind the camera: Donahue and Associate Producer Darlene Hayes. outspoken supporter of ,ER.A. She lives in Los Angeles; he lives near Chicago, and their expensive cross· country romance Is conducted week- days by Rhone and weekends when one flies to the other. Donahue says, 'We' re getting along very well. The re lationship Is," then he pauses to Hnd the right word, "very, very good for me. I feel very lucky to be Involved with a woman who has thJs much Insight and talent, and who looks like that." Donahue Is: His show. His children. Marlo. A man who cares, very deeply, about many contemporary Issues, but who forgets where he parks his oar In Chicago's O'Hare AlrJ'<>rt. A smart. clever, channlng, attractive, some- times average sort of guy who ex- perts say, should earn at, least half a mllllbn dollars a year (with a fl~year contract which allows him to partlcl· pate In the profits from his show In addition to his salary). Phil Donahue Is the celebrity who says, "You know, I've got a hell of a good Job. And It sure beats r!Wi parktng cars." ~ 0 g ! I ~ AcrOss the-cou11lry more people are losing more inches in I to 3 d with Slim·Skins_than they cou d -.. ~ with weeks of dieting! 1 ·~---- SAN FRANCISCO: #f'oolro/IJ9~ ,..,,..., one "'v ..,,, Sffla-Sldlu- ..are ,,_,.I could ft'er loee .,,,,. -.eeb o/ clldlntlr Robin Allen SAN DIEGO: CHICAGO: ~, ,,..,.,,, ~-~ 7 hlclaa oJ1..,,., and abcla•--inJ-1 one c1ayr SALT LAKE CtlY: "lrterecfiWef Lo.I 6 &tclte. oJ1 ..Utin3ctay.." J Levis S 'Neston ALBANY: -r.ilw•1ecf ·--••as~ 7 illcM• -......... 4 llldw. eada ... ,,..., ~ ...,_.,, c Dome "Wltllout cfiefhtg Slm-Sldna llferally melted a.ay CLEVELAND: NEW YORK CITY: "Lo.I 12 lndtea dte "A ....... I Lo.I 4 llldw• /frwl .,.,_ nearl9 ,.___ .... J6~ lncltea-every exceaa fndt I ltadr "ward JB &tdte. ... 3 clapr J~ D C.Slle tfte .,..,, NEW ORLEANS: ==· ~ ~ J7 a.die. "'Jtud Slbt.-Sldne!' ---J--.. one ....., _,,,. SU--Slrbtar Bnld WMeon L Corbett , "'-J \A. , ~/~ 7 TIMES FASTER THAN LEADING 'FAT-BURN' DIET OR DIET Pl._U;f THE SUll·SIClllS EXPERIENCE Ftom C-.. to co.t ......_. of thouunda of ....,. •re dlacowet'- lng thet lllm·lldna .. Indeed the wortd'I , ...... ~Ht taking off •-lncMa up to 7 tln"9 ,__ er th8n diet ...... ctMh dletl or MY other method they ..... ..., tried. so amazingly fast that rou cen ectU8lr ,._... the dff'flMelice In ... 25 mlnu_tM. your vacuum cleaner with the unt- versal adapter-which fits any make vacuum cleaner-end turn on your machine. Instantly the Sllm·Sklna seem to come alive with a delightful reducing action on every single Inch of your body from betttine to knees. Not every user may Hperience the same degree of inch loss but you must lose a total of 9 to 18 inches on yow WIML .WOO. 1. hiPI and tt!Qhs in Nat 3 dm or your mooev back. m'OM: Robin Allen llbout to try Sllm· Sllln• lor the ll11t lime end di1cove1 llow-wllhO<Jt •ny dletlflo-Slim · Sluria cen telle off H e .. • inc h•• up to 7 tltnet IUtel t,,_,, W>y O!Mf IMltloct 111Clud1t10 doet pllt1 8l'CI Crull dlell ....... I 1•: ..... :27~~:SJ~ .... : ~Tillllll•: ~ Aobtn ellpa on lief Sltm-Sk.,. -anep11N """'efNI lldee>t.< to her v.cuum cle•ne• •nd tum• It on .Mt tO lnll'IVtN or IN rll~ mo1ton1 of IN Slim·Sltln• .,._,menent Inch Reduction" ptoorem •n<f 15 -t•• of pure 1~- -11 the H C•H Jncflel <fie· ~ ... -eic DOCTOR TEmp, Over .c· from each thigh-8. from tummy-T from waist-and 3 1/i from hips: these are just some of the fantastic Inch losses achieved by Slim-Skins u...-s In just INCHES DlrPP£AR OR YOUR MONEY IMC Slim·Skins ia a new sktnderizing concept that combines with your own vacuum cleaner to create a 141per new Inch reducer '° far ahead of its time that it reduces exceH inchea 7 times feater than 'crash dleta: Just step Into the Slim- Skins. anap the attached hose to onetothreedeyaonespeci81slim-r - - -- - - - ----- ----• ming test conducted by a prominent .m_ ~ • I American physician: losaet 7 times I 3&11 alllliS. P.0.8oa3290,Dapt.FW·1-... ... ••·CAaMO I faster than with diet pilla or the lead-I Pleue send me Sllm·SkinS along With ~te eaarto·ute lnltrvc· ing 'fat bum' diet. tlOf'ls and the uniYefNt edapteJ. t undent•nd my l99Ult1 8f9 QUtlfWlteed 9nd. if FNfTMTJC INCH LOii WfDtOUT within 2 weetca I em not completely Mt•fled. I Cllt\ return my Sim·Skin1 end get I DET. Developed In Europe. the aen~ I my purcneM pnce Immediately refunded MtioMI Slim-Skins ere now echleY. I , ........ ..,_.,.., ........ ,._ .. _...,._...~._.... I Ing slenderizing reaulta far beyond O CMdl O llofleJO... MoC00'1 IUlll .... the acope of other reducing prod-I ,.....cNrtietotwr.O......,C-.. Dllallll•~ OYIM I ucta. And Slim-Skins t.lkn on the e•cea Inches ....,. you need to I "-·A<•-... ... o... I IOM them. without dleting-8nd won't 'M>tNn Hip Size Men Hip Sia ______ _ leaw you with loote, ftebby llkfn .. I Name I 'cruh dleta' do. with Sllm·Sklna. as Addi"' I yoo ION lnchea. YoUr body becomes I tighter. aleeker. firmer and more C"Y'----..------------------I ~And y.t the Slim·Skina w0f1( I St1t1 Zrp ___ _ M l'IJC)~ ........ •1&--~...,_,,_e-...,..,,,..,.01-.CAPllD ------ORDER TODAY-SHED AU."** EXCESS INCHD NOW1 -J '. ~ ---Are you constipated again? If you are, you should do somelhing that wilJ be of real help. Sure. you've probably been trying lots of things. Maybe even harsh chemical laxatives chat can irritate your system. But they haven't given you the relief, you've been looking for. What you need is a gentle laxa1ive that regulates your system. And 1ha1 laxa1ive is Scrutan. Scrutan works by adding the roughage your system needs to retain vital moisture. Then, Serutan's gentle bulk forms the soft stools that enable you to eliminate gently and comfortably. There arc no strong chemicals in Serutan to cause cramps or irritation. Serutan has natural ingredients for smooth, easy results. So if you're constipated, take Serutan-~-- you'll get the relief you've been looking for. ~· * 11 •. ~-· ~ Rratd l1bpl lnr din'C"I .,,,,.... itt• .,.....- SINCEt964 AMAZING BEAUTY AID SMOOTH· OUT Baggy Eyes NOW! 6ET 3 REAL OLD U.S. COICS ··ONLY $1 YOll aet 2 i>t•· t 938 Bun•lo Nldlets Mid I ~ 1908 Indian HNd P.nny Plus, wonder1ul pru ltstl 111Cluded ~ 10 AOULTSONLY On.Wipe< QISt-. l 11119ton Con Co . 1>9p1. ax•. L1111eton. Hew "~' ' 1n 'JUst 3 Al.l llO l1 t• TIS. u-ac ---~ J2U.S.=is1Wd Minutes ... =.i~-=~ Con"i1•1orillhe, the Look 10-15years younger! ..;;;;;;; ..... ......, ... • ~~~ Uc ·F 111t· cublllilldltamP~S..S-~ This transitory cosme ace-endonlY25UixAIYSTICSTMl'OQ:zlnc.. crNm amooths out Wrinkles and Pufls Dip!. 0-31.Clm!!!r!, ,.._Yortc b.sl6. under eyes In just ) minutes to last al 1---------------1 ~ Uted by thouands of Yf'Omef\ wof1d Wje to look )"0Utlger1 lnvblble. with.of without makeup. No hormones <X harmful drugs. Safe. easy to use epMmeral type cream for al dey smoothing of age lines end puffy~ 30-0AV MONEY BACK O<JAIWiTEEt Send $~.~ cht<'.11. c...ti Of money Older fof gtnetOUS ~(Sony NO C.OD.'a) MAIL TO: LAHOMAAK LABS, DEPT. FW-11 5750 BINll.IFF 1200 HOUSTON, TEXAS n036 Striped Crochet Wrap A colorfully striped wrap- a-round in easy-crochet. Craft No. 823 has full crochet directions. To order Craft No. 823 send $100 plus 25c for postage and handling to: Family 'M?ekly Magazine PO Box 438, Dept. A-34 Midlown StallOn. N.Y .. NY l0018 When You Order From A{tweltlMR In Femlly WHkly Pleaae allow at leaat foor WMk.a tor delivery. Since oor adYertl"'9 often recel'te thouaanda of order• from all over the country, occa- alonally unlntentlonal delays OC• cur. If they do, Family Weekly wants to anlat you •• much •• poaalble. Juat send the detalla of your order to: Linda Mount, Famlly W..IY, 641 Lexington Avenue, New Vortt, NY 10022. PROSTATE Get rid of prostete m•Mf)'. Relielle prob- lems lllce peln, urgency. retention end getting up nights. Wrl1e lodey tor FREE NpOn ........ .,,._ FW•U ... Ml47, Loe~ CA 90024. HOW TO USE EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE CHOCOLATE America's favorite flavor has Its origins In the fruit of a tropical tree-the cacao, or cocoa tree. V es.. chocolate, the cocoa bean, a ctually, Is the fruit of a lush green-leaved tree that grows only In humid tropical areas that run between 20 degrees north and 20 degrees south of the equator. Most of the world's cocoa plantations are to be found In western Africa and In South and Central America. Cocoa trees also flourish In some of the Islands of the West Indies, In Srl Lanka, the Philippines and many South Pacific Islands. GERMAN OiOCOLATE OtEESECAKE SQUARES 1 bar (4 oza.) 9WHt cooklnti dlocolat• 2cupe mlk \II cup buHer or margartne 1 cup naked coconut 1 CNP flnety chopped .,.can. 2 en"'°P" unfta¥ored get a tin ~cup auaar 1._,...,.,.ted 2 teaapoone wanUla ••ti.cl 2 JMCUges fl OU .) aacfl Ct .. nl chMM, IOftened flnn. To serve, cut Into squares and garnish, If de· sired, with pecan halves. Makf!s 9to12 servings BLACK MAGIC CAKE 2 ..,_," (2 oza.) UMWNtened chocolate lll cup •• .., 2 tablHPOOna plu. 1 YI cup• augar, dlYlded I large ff99. ...,.,.ted YI lMspoon ult y, teupoon c:ceam of taNr YI cup orange Juke 1 y, cups sifted c.ke nour 1 t.blftpoon grated orange rind YI teaspoon baking aoda l . In top of double boiler, combine unsweetened choc- olate with water and 2 table- spoons sugar. Place oveT Into second-half of batter. Alternate spoonfuls of or- ange and chocolate batter ln ungreased 10-lnch tube pan. Run a knife through batter to marble; do not mix. 8. Bake In 325°F. oven 1 • hour, until cake springs back when touched lightly with finger. Invert to cool. 9. When cake Is completely cool, tum out of pan and frost with favorite chocolate frosting. Makes 12to16 servings CHOCOLATE SOUR CREAM FROSTING 2 cupe (12 on.) Hml-swHl or d.rk chocolate plecff 1 cup aour c ... am 1. Melt semi-sweet chocolate pieces In top of double boiler over hot water or In heavy saucepan over very low heat 2. Remove lrom water, add sour cream and stir until smooth. Frosting may be stored In air-tight container 1. In small saucepan, melt chocolate with ~ cup milk over low heat; reserve ¥,, cup. Gennan Chocolate Cheesecake Squares ho~ a pecan crust. !. To remaining chocolate mixture, add butter and melt; stir In cocohut and pe- cans. Pre.ss onto bottom of 9-lnch .square baking pan and chill. 3. In medium saucepan. com- bine unflavored gelatin and ~ cup s0gar: blend In egg yolks beaten with remaining 1 % cups milk Sttr over low heat until gelatin dissolves, about 5 minutes; add vanilla. f . In large bowl, beat cream cheese until smooth; gr711du- ally beat In gelatin mixture. Chill, stirring oecaslonally, until mixture mounds .slightly when dropped from spoon. \ 5. In small bowl, beat egg whltu until .oft peaks fonn; gradually add remaining l' eup sugar and beat until stiff. Fold Into cheese mhctun. 6. To 2 cups cheese mixture, blend tn reserved chocolate; alternate &p00nfuls of choco- late and plain mlxturu In prepared pan. Gently marble with knlf e and chJll -UnUI slmme.rlng water and stir oc· caslonally until melted and smooth, Remove from water and cool !. In large bowl of electric mixer, beat egg whites with salt and cream of tartar until soft peaks form. 3. Gradually beat In ~ cup sugar and continue to beat until stiff peaks form. 4. In another mixing bowl and using the same beaters, beat egg yolks until light and lemon-colored. Gradually beat In remaining 1 cup sugar and continue beating until thick enough to form a ribbon when t>e.ters are ral•d. 5. Bleiid tn orange Jule. (al low speed or by hand) alter- nately with flour. Pour over egg whites and fold In gently but thoroughly. 6. Divide batter Into two equ.al po.rtlons.. Fold ora~ rind lnto ~ of batter. 7. Stir baking soda Into melted chocolate and fold \ \ . In refrigerator, If desired. M akea 2 c.ups frostina COCOA CONFECTIONS 1 ~ ~ vanlla ••fer c:n&mb9 (about 41 wafen) y, cup confectlon9n' ....., 2 tlil»IMpOOM UMW..cened ooooa ~ cup tl.Mty chopped or 9'ound nuts 1 ~ tableep aw light com •J'UP W. cup f~ choPl*f relalM "' cup undluW froun o,..,...Julce ooncentn ... brandJ or """ Addltlonal confectloMn' 8Ugar l . Combine all Ingredients, ~pt additional confection- ers' sugar, In large bowl, adding enough orange~Juk:e concentrate to make a flnn, yet molst. mbrture. !. Roll lnto l~lnch balls; toss In conf ectloners' sugar to coat. Stan .between layers of wand ~per In air-tight contolner. Moltf!•obout3 doztn .. 'ldi t sacrifice great flavor to get low tar! • "The first thing l expect fro m a cigarette is flavor. And satisfaction. Finding that in a low-tar smoke wasn't easy. "But then I tried Vantage. Frankly, I didn't even know Va ntage was low in tar. Not until I looked at the numbers . ... ··· ·x "Thats because the taste -~ .. was so remarkable it stood up to anything Ia ever smoked . "For me, switching to Vantage was an easy move to make. I didn't have to sacrifice a thing~' Pl·tcr A\\l·11.1 f'.:l·w Yurk Cary. New Yurk 11111111111111111111 Vantage Regular. Menthol and V.inmgc lOO's. • REMOVE HAIR FOREVER You can now remove undesir· able hair PERMANENTLY in the privacy of your own home. A s imp I e electrolysis instrument called Perma Tweez enables everyone to enjoy the benefits of eliminating the bothersome chores of repeated shaving, de· pilatory use, waxings, forever. Well over one million people like yourself found Perma Tweez an effective end to hair on the face, legs and body. Perma Tweez is so unique that a patent was granted because it is the only electrolysis instru· ment that won't puncture the skin. This feature has made it the choice of over 15,000 phy· sicians as well as hospitals, gov. emment institutions and uni· versity medical centers. Easy in· structions make you expert in a few minutes. You'll save hun· dreds of dollars on salon elec· trolysis by doing it yourself. 14 DAY MONEY BACI GUWNTEE $19.95 Send Check or Money Order C.i. Res. lldd S.IH Tu ~-----------------, IGENERAL MEDICAL CO.,.,.,._ Nf'W•I I 1935 AmNIC09t ""· I 1 w.-t i.. MpMs., ea. 90025 I IO 1 encloH $19.95 In full ,,_yment. I IO Master Charp 0 Visa I I Exp. I 1• det•--i lo coo requlr9t $4.00 deposit. lel·I I •~ Includes 000 cherps end $1.00I I henctllna. I I I I~ I I I IAdd I I I ,c,. ,. I I Mff. et ,...._6oMl6 .._ ..... ~...-. I THE AmERICAN FAmlLY IS THE "ROYAL FAmlL Y'' TO OUR READERS, WHO SING ITS PRAISE Th.it eNOya w.,• touching o.nd tine.,•, o.nd thelt te•pon .. .-expte...cl the pteelous gift of love. In Famlly Weekly's January 7 issue, winners of our contest were an- nounced together with their essays. Each written piece, In Its way, laJd wreaths of devotion upon the family hearth. Each expressed that, with the many predicame nts of mankind placed upon them, family members truly enjoy the immeasurable and priceless pleasures of <:Aring and sharing. In this sense. there were only wlnners in the contut. All won be- cause the prize was a self-examJna· Uon of their blessings. To the editors of Family Weekly and to the judges who read the thou· sands of essays, came, anew, the rev· elation that the human spirit remains at Its highest. Here are excerpts from essays not previously published. Perhaps nothing strengthens family bonds more than being on the ''firing line" together. There Is security and unity both In facing adversity and In enjoying accomplishments when they are shared. Together In our sorrow, we have discovered joy; In the midst of our tears, we have found laughter; and with each tribulation, we have somehow tasted triumph. Being able to accept the bad with the good has been the test of our famlly-ness. Mrs. Majorie Sl/lers Satelllte Beach, Fla. Cocoa T odav .. Th.,. la ..cutftJI and un~ both Ill facing adv~ Gftd lft HjoJllftl QCC0tapllah..,.ta when the» CM9 ahcwed." How many people can say that not only their parents, brothers and sis· ters, but also most of their aunts. uncl~ and cousins live within a short drive of their home? l wa.s fortunate to marry lnto a f amlly whk:h can claim that distinction, and I think It's mar- velous! There are about 90 aunts, uncles, cousins and children of cous· Ins In this clan. Famlly picnics are large and joyful tvents, but the sl.ie and closeness of this family have come to mean much more to me than frequent rcuntons. Linda Siemer Bechtielsullle, Pa. Pottstown Mercury We laugh. cry, work, play and wor· ship together. We love without smoth- ering. touch without crowding. aJ. ways allowing each other plenty of breathing room to explore and grow ln the constant learning process of llfe. We respect Individuality, encour- age hard work and StJCCess and we don't demand perfection from each other. Linda Queenan Middletown, Ohio Middletown Journal .. , HjoJ good COft'leflQtioft wld\ •» 110thet, alAglng with •» btoth., and alat.t, joking wld\ 11J1 gtond~ta." It's late at night, and I'm the last one to bed. Everyone else Is asleep. As l pull the covers over their small bodies, l ask God to watch over my children and to giant me the wisdom and the strength to ~Ip bring them to adulthood. Robert H. Rice Jr. Cit/ton Park, N. Y. Troy Times-Record We are a very Informal family. Our gatherings usually mean wall-to-wall sleeplng bags, cousins whispering gh0st stones all night, the smell of beans and cornbread, and bantering back and forth. l enjoy good c.ocwer- satJon with my mother, singing with my brother and sister, joking with my grandparents. Th.-.re ls no genera· lion ~p. Tammy McDonnell Folsom, CaH/. Socromento Unk>n ft' s a real challenge to make It through each day. Just getting every· one up, dressed, fed and out the door Is an adventure. Only a mother who has searched 20 minutes for a "favor- ite orange sweater'' In the basement, garage and dirty clothes, understands the pure joy of discovery when It Is found "hiding on a hanger In the closet." Arlene Holden Brigham CUy, Utah Ogden Standard-Examiner Next week Family Weekly wlll pre- sent more excerpts from our selec- tion of fnclnating HtaYI. A NEW WEAPON TO HELP propnated $41,000 to begin a pilot effort there. And Mercer County Executive Ar· thur Sypek said the county Is thlnktng about joining the effort as well. FIGHT LONELINESS A ca tadlo can t>.co .. Q COMpanlon to the •hut-In and Of>" contact. l•po .. lble othetWIM. lg Gaty O.Ckelnlck When Henry H. lost his sight and one leg to Ulnesses, he felt he had little reason to bve. Confined to his house, he lacked the social contact evety<>nc needs, and even a simple pastime like television was denied him. Today, however, Henry Is soda.lly active, boasts many friends and makes new ones dally. What made the difference In Henry's Ufe was a CB" radio. He was one of the ftrs1 doz.en persons to benefit from an ex- perimental program in Monmouth Coun· ty, N.J., a progJam which has already pcoved Its worth and Is being copied elsewhere. Under the program, CB radios are in- stalled In nursing homes and In the homes of selected senior citizens. "We give them to shut·lns," explains the pro- gram's co-director, Mrs. Pamela Martin of the Monmouth County Board of Social Services. "In every case, we have noticed a great improvement In the sociaJ condl· tlons of the patients. It opens up contacts to them that they cannot possibly make otherwise." The program was the brainchild of Ed· ward Turcotte·Shamsld, the associate 0 ln •Y•IJ CQH ••• Q g~t l•ptov .. •nt In th• patl•nt." director of the county's division of Family and Chlldren's Services. An ocaslonal CBer himself, he recognized the advan· tages the radio might have over the telephone. "We UM the telephone to call when we need to," Turcotte-Shamskl explained. "It's restricted to those we know. No one would puD a name from a telephone book at random and call to make Idle conversation, but that's what we do when we make an Initial contact with a stranger on the air. We meet someone new." Henry has met so many new persons that he now has regular friends, some of whom he IBl<s to In the wee hours of the morning. "It's changed my whole life," he says. Occasionally, Henry and the others ~e him can even meet their ft1ends. The county organizes coffee breaks at a CB- equipped nursing home, bringing the elderly there for an afternoon and taking them home later. In Monmouth County, the program It moving alowly because the board stlD Gol")I Dcchlnlck le at. S.O.. Nc111• Edltot of at. Albu')I Port Praa In New Jttte11 of'ld o /TN·lon« wrner. PAlllflYWlftClY, I'~•. 1'?t • 11 depends on donated radios and antenna to supply its cbe~ts. But Lawrenc.e ·Township In neighboring Mercer County, alerted to the favorable reaction to the Monmouth County ~m. recently ap· 1'he onJy problem we had was during' the first week," says Mrs. Martin. "Some of the people are shy and are afraid to td<. But even listening Is thera-IE) · peullc, and they soon betjn chatting." With the littJe.knOwn U.S. government lottery for oil and gas riglts and a bit of luck. you can Strike It flich lnOll -. E-. ~~ of.AIMnca S... S30a. ~Stet• hlWtftt, "-~. N.Y. lOOOI o.,t..BF\I I V.sl I "'ant to dltcO'IWT hOON to mltl• II~ PlffM Nth comiMt• tnlonnatlon on the U S GOVERNMENT OIL LOTI'[RV 11 l'IO COM, no obllgiltton (No Ni.tMln wlll cAll l I •m • U S d'*"· at leaM 21 Y9"' old. and undmtltld ltlal my lucu.i. 1~mtt1t c.tn be u low H StO I.,.. tbo !'Ke.Ille• FREE 3 month tubtatpClon to your 9'Mdll ~Hot LIM" repon I I I I I I I a.v s.... lip I Call TOU..FREE1(800) 621·5809 for 1uper·fa1t ~-I -------~~~~~·t1.!.~--------~ DON GARLITS: KING OF TH.E DRAGSTERS lg Hotm F101eh•1 At an age when most football quarter- backs have turned to watching the game on television. and baseball sluggers have moved to a managerial role, drag racer Don "Big Daddy" Garlits Isn't close to retirement. King of the dragsters, the first man to reach 250 miles an hour In a quarter mile, the 46-year-old Seffner, Fla .. legend Is looking to his most am- bitious schedule this year, one which calls for SO races around the country. Garlits will compete In premier events of the three major drag-racing bodies-the National Hot Rod ~ soclation, International Hot Rod As- "My whole life-style is based on that depression and what we wem through. I never let a year go by with- out putting aside some money~ 1 saw what It did fo my rarnily when they were wiped out." But, after close to $4 mUllon in purses, wouldn't you say that's se- curity? "First. that's not all gravy. A driver gets to keep only a percentage of the purse; the expense of keeping up the car costs thousands, and maintaining my operation cuts Into what's left after taxes. "I don't think you can ever have enough security," Garlits argues. "Just like with that one bank. I won't rely on Social Security or a pension. There's no guarantee of the future. 'Tm s till at a point in life where I n be produc tive In what I do best, - ~gjlb A~/,V~. 'The best drag racer euer to.come down the pike, "says a fellow driver. IHRA s tandings.-in a blue-and-white painted dragster featuring a gold cross on the hood. Under the cross, are the words, ''God Is Love." He'll probably be going with the same color scheme when he tries for the "Triple Crown" and unprece- dented victory in each of the three associations thls year. It's a radically different design than the black, almost menacing, dragster "Before thot accident, I toughed ot a rear-engine idea," Garlits soys today. soclation and American Hot Rod Association-and will also be In over two-dozen match races against rivals from one coast to the other. Why, at hls age, with winnings of n~rly $4 mllllon, does Garlits keep at the sport? , '1t's still a pleasure, and I really love speed," Garlits says. "Oh, when my reflexes falter or l can't see, then I'll hang It up, but that could be after I'm 50," he says with a smile. Garlits also admits to an Inner drive that keeps him piloting an 1,800 horsepower needle-nosed dragster. It goes back to the 1930s. His father had built a fortune In the citrus business In Florida, but put the family's savings In a bank. With the crcfsh of 1929, the bank closed and the Garlits family was wiped out financially. Don and his brother Ed became children of the (itpresslon which followed. Then came a divorce and the brothers went tO live with' their mother, who eventually remarried "I think of that time every day," Garlits says flatly. "It's not subcon~ ~lous; It's a very real recollectlon. Nomi Froec.1* " ~t#dent of tltc AINl'fGan Auto Rodflf w,.,. •and Broodcomrs •.A.,,. and I live by that. I want to know I'm not going to be a burden on my children or my wife." But Garlits says his wife Pat Is probably the one person or reason that would dictate retirement. "My lawyer said to me just the other day, 'Don, after 27 years, haven't you had enough?' "No, l to ld hlm. I'm ~Ull enjoying It, still have my reflexes and don't want to stop. "If Pat asked me to quit. though -well, yes, I'd quit. But she'd have to have a good reason for asking," he qualified with a shy grin. And that, apparently, Is not going to happen. Pat, an attractive brunette~ goes with Garlits to close-by races, such as the Gatomationals In Galnesvllle, Aa. In March, which Garlits has won the last two years running. And, when possible. the couple's daughters, Gay Lyn and Donna,' leave <SChool for a weekend of racing. Pat Is the bookkeeper, looking after th .chedules, the room reser- vations. the 101 logistical problems. A strongly religious man, Garlits campaigned much o( the 1978 Ma.son -In which he won the AHRA title and finished second In the l'liRA and that he drove for years and now stands ln the Florida Sports Hall of Fame at Cypress Gardens. Garlits said last year, "After all those years with the black car, I was afraid I was beginning to look like a villain." Garlits was voted Into the Florida Hall three years ago and, a year after, Into the American Auto Racing Writ- er~ and Broadcasters' Auto Racing . Hall of Fame, located at Ontario, Calif. Motor Speedway. Garlits has been such a dominant figure In the sport that he's still the on y drag racer In the shrine, which has opened Its doors to the likes of Richard Petty from stock-car racing and A. J. Foyt and Mario Andrettl of oval-racing fame. Garlits has won nearly twice as many national event.s as his closest rivals slnoe he won his first race In 195.S. He became the first drag racer to go 170 mJlcs an hour 1n 1957 and has been setting standards ever since. Fellow drag racer Don "Snake" Prudhomme, who's gained much of his fame In the plastic-bodied ''fUMy cars" of the sport. ls one of Garlits' biggest fans and was a one-time rtv•I In the open cockpit top fuel ranks. "Hc'a the be.st drag racer there'll ever be," Prudhomme says Prudhomme, of Granada Hills, Calif., may be the next drag racer to enter the Hall of Fame. He's won an unequalled four straight world titles In NHRA's funny-car class. The funny-cars, such as Garlits and Prudhomme drive . are powered by much the same engines as the top fue lers, but are topped off with a brightly colored and streamlined plastic body designed similarly to De- troit cars. In addition tq, winning nearly 60 national events , Garlits is a top innovator. He's the reason those rear-engine machines are just that, with the ground-shaking, nitro-buming power plant behind the driver. It was In 1970, at a West Coast race, that the engine in Garlits' drag- ster fairly exploded in front of him. showering flame and debris back Into the cockpit before the thin frame broke In half. In that accident Garlits lost a foot and suffered bad bums. Confined to a hospital bed while his wounds healed, he said he be- came convinced that a rear-engine machine was the only way to assure that another driver wouldn't have to go through the ordeal he weathered. "Before that accident. though, 1 had laughed at a rear-engine idea and called It the most ridiculous thing I e11er heard of," he says today. While undergoing the agony of forc.ed absence from the drag strips, Garlits said he felt many times that should he not perfect a rear-engine machine, he'd quit racing before climbing back In a car similar to the one In which he was so badly hurt. Some say he even went so far, in a weak moment, to say he was retiring. But hls most recent retirement. which lasted less than four months, came after he won the NHRA In 1975. He'd just become the first person to go over 250 miles an hour (at Ontario Motor Speedway) and .set an elapsed-time mark (5.63 seconds) for the quarter mile, which still stands. • Garlits made an almost tearful fare- well at the victory banquet and re- turned to Florida. But r~tlrement was not for him then, either. · Before the winter was over, Garlits wa.s lured by a big-paying contract to run races with the JHRA e.xclu- &lve ly, and he was back In th• cockpit. And here he Is In 1979, loving the speed, the challenge. but remember- ing, too, those days of the Depruslon and countering the recollection nRI by doing what he doa best. lill.ll 8 Mg 'Tar o 1 Mg Nicotine . Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Rub· h a away! -- e Discover this amazing natural healing method- and many, many others-in a free, special report now available with your trial subscription. No more aspirin? No more - agony? That's the promise of natural healing to thousands of headache sufferers. Even for people tortured by mi- graines, a simple self-mossoge tech- n\.Que applied to specific areas of the body lets them enjoy life once again. And now it's explained in o fas- cinating, 48-poge booklet called "Healing With Nature" -along with a host of other gentle, effective methods to help you cope with a wide, w ide range of health problems. e Overweight -Mony doctors aren't yet owore of the new diet pion !hot reduces weight, blood fots, ond diabetic com- plicotions . slmultoneouslyl e ~ss10n-leorn about o new notu- rol weapon os useful os drugs, with none of the drug side effects e ~enopoose Difficulties -2,000 women report that a single vitamin gave relief of hot floshe5, low energy, leg cramps, or other symptoms e Protein Deficiency-what II con do to you, ond how to ovoid Its wmetime~ troglc effects • Heort Attodcs -Recent evidence sug- gests o drugleu woy to defuw stroke- producing blood clots •And much, much more All this "feel better, stay better" information is now available in the remarkably interesting "Healing 'Mth Nature" booklet-without ehorge-.xclusively to new subscrib- en of P~tlon. n ........ __. ........... #>relle 1tion's ~I is simple and sincere: To put America bock In touch with 50me of the sources of better health: the wholesome foods, the vitamin• and minerals, the exerclaes, and the mental attitudes thot may be essential to being stronger, healthier, and happier. Prevention wonts to help you stay heolthier- And when you aren't, we 01m to help you gel better. Wrth less dependence on drugs and medica- tion which-as you know from reading the papers-sometimes may do more harm than good. Is Prevention really helping peo- ple like you? If It weren't, we don't believe it would be America's most widely- read health magazine-serving over 2,000,000 paid subscribers. So, try Prevention yourself on this "can't-lose" basis: We'll send' you the current issue to exomine- together with your personal copy of "Heoli1'\9 With Nature." If you don't think it's for you, just write "cancel" on your first subscription invoice ... return it ... ond owe nothing. Other- wise, toke odvontoge of the low new-subscriber rote of $6. 99 for twelve 'monthly issues. Either way, the free report on "Healing With Nature" -plus fhe first issue of Pre- vention-ore yours to keep. Moil the coupgn todoy-for a healthier, happier, longer life! ~-------;:w I TM ..... •HW' .......... . ,, ............. t ~ I ._ ....... 904• I Pleoae Mnd ,,.,.,,,.., y0ur •&·page I report on "t-t.<Jlif\Q With Nature," ond I enter my aubacrlption to Prevention I Mogcmne ot the ape<lol roi. of S6 99 1 for twelve monthly IHvet If nol toll•· I fi.d, I'll rnork "c:onc.r' on the flnt tvb-1 1cription Invoice, return It, ond owe I' nothing. The flrll 10119-ond the frff I report-ore mine to keep w ithout I obllgo11on. 80299 I I Nome I 1'1-~"'' I AddtwP I I Citv SfOi. 'P--I .. ______ ,.. .. OVERCOmlNG SHYNESS ' IS NOT AS HARD AS YOU THINK lg Alan D. Haa• A mlddle-aged man enters a party. He can feel his he.art pounding. HJs face Is flushed. hls stomach nau- seous. He has trouble making eye contact with people. When he speaks, which Is seldom, his voice Is barely audible. A very competent stockbroker finds he cannot hold a job. If a cus- tomer does not relate to him or buy the stocks and bonds he recom- mends, he withdraws Into himself. A housewife commonly allows her husband to make most-If not all- the major decisions in their marriage. Jn group situations, she lets her spouse do most of the talking. She Is excessively grateful for any praise that comes her way. A chJld hides behind her ni0ther whenever there are strangers In the room. She Is unable to make friends or perform In school. She never does anything more than is asked of her. All these people are suffering from extreme shyness, a human disorder that can warp Its victim's life, and which Is receiving increased attention from social scientists. Amazingly, stnce most Americans give the im- pression of being the hall-fellow well- met, statistics show that four out of every 10 of us suffer from some de- gree of shyness. According to Philip G. Zlmbardo, a social psychologist at Stanford Uni- versity, who has been running shy- ness cllnk:s for the past three years and studyh'lg more than 5,000 adults and children, "the American's Instant friendliness Is oft-times easier for him than trying to cultivate deeper, more per$00al relationships." Dr. Herbert Fensterhelm, a clinical psychologist at Cornell University Medical College lh New York, con- ducts programs In "assertiveness training" to help people master social situations. 'We all have the Initial feM of strangers that dates back to primitive times when this behavior had a survival value," he points dbt. "But today's shy person begins to Imagine lhe worst things that can happen; he's going to be rejected or made to look foolish. As he becomes more anxious and frightened. he tends to avoid social situations." "At the core of shyneM ls a fear of being rejected, of not being worthy of being llked or lo\led," adds Pro- fessor Zlmbardo. "Shyness makes It Alon D 1-1-If o /rtt·lo~ wrWr on genuol tub~cta. almost Impossible for people to make the human connections they need 1n an extreme fonn, It can result In the most severe kinds of pathological behavior imaginable." for example, the mass murderer who Is foll of locked-in violence, "Is In reality an overcontrolled, highly Inhibited, shy individual," claims Zlm- bardo, who has written a book Ofl the subject, Shyness, What It Is. What To Do About It (Addison-Wesley). He claims never to have been shy himself because "I , was the oldest child in a large, Immigrant family and It was my job to make my brothers and sisters feel comfortable." There are a great many penalties for the excessively shy Individual, behavioral scientists believe. It can drive a person to drink, to behave passively, it can tum him, or her, off sex. It creates problems with work, friendships and family members. ·-n.~ nHd to leG.tn how to bulld aa99l1t9 • ..._ and ov9tcOtM M ing pAUI••·" New York psychotherapist Ber- nard Green, an expert on shy lndl- viduals, .suggests a biological cause.. "About half of all the timid persons who come to me for help suffer from low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)," notes Green, a member of the Hux- ley Institute of Bio-Social Research. "I have had good success with these people by pre.scribing certain vita- mins, jogging or meditation. It ts Important, In my view, to try to create a harmony of mind, body and spirit, · rather than just deal with a single distressful malfunction." Professor Zlmbardo feels that, even as shyness ls learned, It can be readily unlearned. At his clinics, he has Instructed some of his patients to Introduce themselves to strangers In the street He frequently asks people to hold hands and make eye contact with others white talking about them- selves. "We give them very specific dJre<:Uons on how to atart a con- versation, how to be an attentive listener,'' asserts Zlmbardo. "It sounds very elementary, bUt the only way to start t~ people ls at the very beginning. They need to team how to say positive things about themselves., how to build ~Ing esteem and overcome being pas- sive," the West Coast psychofo. ,_ gLst emphasizes. tAJ PEOPLE QUIZ /lg John E. Glbaon TRUE O R FALSE? l . Mosl men are just as sensitive and emotionally vulnerable romanllcally as women -and the Idea that they are tougher-minded, are more callou.s and unfeeUng IS a myth. 2. The better-looklng a woman is, the more attractive she Is to men. 3. Men's eyes give away their Innermost thoughts and reehngs to a greater extent than women's do. 4. A man's attitude· toward women - t whether he accepts them as persons rather than sex objects or related stereotypes -depen!!!,_ on how he regards himself. 5. ''Playing dumb" Is a social ploy used by many women to gain advantage in In· volvements with the opposite sex: but men never do -theJr egos wouldn't per- mit It. 6. It's not always easy for a woman lo tell how a man regards her. HOW DO mEN REALLY INTERAa WITH womEN? ANSWERS l. True. According to a University of California study of myths about mas- cuhnlty. It Is pointed out that "Books. movies and television, as well a.s edu· caters, from parents and teachers on down lo 'the guys on the block.' all tend to promote unrealistic notions of how males are supposed to feel and act " Ac- tually. a consensus of the findings in· die.ates thal where romantic relationships are concerned men are every bit as com· plex as women, just as sensitive emo- tionally and just as much In need of giving and receiving tender affection. It Is noted that the reason some men mask these feelings by assuming aggressive attitudes, cool confidence or stony "strong end silent" behavior Is simply because they're duped Into behevlng they're different becouse of the Super Male Myth 2 . True. Studies conducted by a team of Investigators from two universities (Kent State and DePaul) cite findings that •other things being equol, men ldeal- lsllcally prefer to associate with the best· looklng women," but the research also in· dlcated thet men expect a greater prob- ability o( rejection from the more attrac· tlve women than from the less attractive, and therefore prefer to seek out those who are closer to their own level. S. True. Studies of Dr. Eckhard H. Hess. proteSSOf of psychology In the Depart- ment of Behavior Sele~. University ol Chk:ago. have demonstrated the extent to which human responses can be studied and measured by wetchlng the pupils of the eyes -a person's likes and dislikes being reflected In the dilation or c:ontrac· lion of the eye pupil. Example· when a man sea 50methlng he likes -a gtrl to whom he Is especially attracted, or whatever, his eyes "get bigger." But If his ruc:tion to something ls negaUve, It's Im· mediately telegraphed by the eye pupils contracting. WorMn'1 eya, howevu, don't gtve away their ftt~"91 the way e man's do •. Tl"IH!. P~I studies of men'• ' attitudes toward women conducted at St Francis College (Pa.) Indicate that self· actualizing males -those who are on good terms with themselves, are self· accepting and have a healthy amount of self.esteem -"perceive others, males and females alike . not In a restricting socially stereotyped fashion but rather In the fullneSs of their unique lndivlduality." The studies conclude that males wlll be a ble to relate more positively with others. especially women, when they can first relate acceptingly to themselves. 5. Folse. The University of Northern Col· orado investigated this phenomenon: over three hundred men and women students were administered a question· nalre regarding the matter, end more than 80 percent indicated that they themselves had "played dumb." What was regarded as the most Interesting find· Ing. ~owever, was that "the same propor· .!Ion of males as females reported playing dumb " It Is observed that playing dumb Is usually understood to meon refrelnlng from freely expressing one's self lntellec· tually in order to gain advent.age In an In· terpersonal sltuetion More simply. not letting your brains show too much. 6. True. Not Infrequently the man who many women are Inclined to regard as something special ("He's so atten· tlve ... always the perfect gentlemen and he treats me like a queen") employs chivalrous behavior as e smoke screen to mask his real feelings and eltitudes toward the opposite sex As psychologist Abraham H. Maslow has observed: "A good many of the so--called signs ol respect for ladles are hangovers from a nonrespectlng PMI and, pos.stbly, are for some persons unconscious repretenta· lions of • deep contempt for women." This doesn't mean that th• man who Is the perfect gentleman In his conduct toward ladies doan't aocotd th«m d11e ond proper mpect -but If he bends owr too far In that dlttdion IM flll moy be suapcct. l&.;I I don 't seU bottled beer and I don't work for a brewery. The fact is, I make beer as a hobby. In pursuit of my hobby, I discovered a new way you can make a clear nat· ural beer-at home-that actually tastes BET- TER than most Ameri- can lagers. What's more, it brews in only 30 minutes. And, I'll guarantee you 'U say it's on a par with Heineken, Carlsberg or Coors. In sum, it's excellent beer. The secret is a unique process called anerobic single stage fermentation. Simply p~ mean8 you can make 5 gallons of superb beer in just one container-no mess, no fuss, no odor. u; s easy and virtually fool-proof. Make no mistake. This beer bears no resemblance to "home- brew", that yeasty concoction you may have tried in the past. In taste, my light lager is com· parable to Michelob or Coors. My amber lager is very similar to Irish Harp or Australian Fosters-both excel.Lent beers. My Bavarian Dark beer is ex· quisite. It has all the flavor and body of the original dark Germ· an beers. 100% Nmral lngreclientl Most commercial breweries use up to 25 artificial additives -many of them inorganic. We use only the purest ingredi- ents-no artificial additives whatsoever. For example: • Hallertauer Hops-impo~ ed from Germany and u.aed in the finest beers brewed in northern Europe-including Guineas. • Superbrau Yeast-import· ed from Germany. Winner of eeveral Grand Prizes on the continent-1977 . • Munton-Fison Malt-Im· ported from Suffolk. England. Winner of the "Beet Malt" award for home beer m.tldng in England-1977. 33 % Fewer Calories In tests conducted at a major state university our beer con· tained almost l /3 fewer calories than commercially brewed American beers. 12% Fewer Carltohydrate1 During the same tests. our lager was found to contain 82% fewer carbohydrates than com- mercial brands of beer-and no inorganic additives. Brews in only 30 minutes , The beer brews in only 27 ·30 minutes. Allow it to ferment for 5 or 6 days then bottle itf It's easy and pleasant-like baking a loaf of bread. One batch yields 2-4 cases. Com only 164 a bottle Since there's no tax or middleman's profit your cost per bottle will be about ia•-as tow as 96• a six·pack. ... If you'd like a FREE booklet containing all of my recipes- plus our Complete Brewing Guide, just send the coupon below. There's no obligation. FREE RECIPE BOOK ----------------- ' BIER HAUS INTERNA TIONA_L Bo• 1376, Dept. FW·I e.w,, PA 16505 .,._.. eend me your FREE .Bier haut Recipe Book and Brewifta Guide. I under.tand there ia no obligation. A~·~~~~~~~~~- ~~~~~-9&.a~---~?.ip~ Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heahh. • • AMERICAN TREASURY PROUDLY PRESENTS l':he State Spoon Collection! AS LOW AS 80¢ per spoon I •Real delnit~sse-size / HARDWOOD CUSTOM-OUIGNED It-SPOON DISPLAY CASE AVAILABLE! READY TO HANG -ONLY tt.• spoons 3 %" long • Brilliant Silvertone finish! • State Insignia in color.in hard- baked enamel! S Ince the turn of the· century, souvenir spoons have been collectors' favorites! In addition to the magnificent display they make, each one Is so unique, so Individual, so fascinatingly different. Can't you just hear your guests exclaiming as they discover each different state in your display! Imagine the compliments when they admire the entire gleaming collection! But when they discover how little your magnificent collection cost (if you tell them!) they'll be literally astonished! For never before, we be- lieve, haa a Matched Collection like this been offered at such an amaz- ing price. Only $39.98 postage paid -less than 80¢ each for the entire SO-state collection, with a bonus • Washington, O.C. spoon given to you at no extra cost!~ 8poona aleo Available SeperatelJ or by 10-mpoon Reglonlll CoN1ctlone. Most spoon collections are offered only as complete sets, but if you wish to buy a single state spoon, or your choice of sev- eral, you may order them for $2.98 each. Or, you may order 10-state sets for only $12.98 per aet -a savings of over $16 over purchasing each eeparately. Order rtllc frM nowl When your spoons arrive, Inspect them, display them, admire them, show them to your gueets. Then if you're not totally delighted, simply re- turn them within 14 days for full refund (except postage and handllng, of course). ~II coupon today I ACT NOW/Get •FREE MYSTERY GIFT worth up to $500 with MCh order while •"PPIJ ..... , MAil COUPON TODAY Get .......... o.c. -Tl•• N•tlot1'• C•~tol" ..,__.. U.M .. '"° •lh c-r...,... ,W •· ._ c_,.... ... ,._ ~ ....... .... .. ,.,. Ille,.. .... . • • l!f John E. Glbaon HOW SOCIAL CLASS AND STATUS AFFEO YOU TRUE OR FALSE? I . Status symbols cut the most Ice with the wen-to-do, who have established social standing; the "working class" Is the least impressed. being too busy making ends meet to be much concerned. 2. How much difference exists between your actual self and your ideal self depends on your social class. 3. Upper-class individuals think they J>C*eSS characteristics that set them apart from the rest of society. 4. People of middle -class Income, education and social status are more In- fluenced by newspaper advertising than · those of lesser socio-economic status because they spend more time reading the papers and have more money to spend on advertised Items. 5.-People with the least money are the least subject to mental disorders resulting from worry. anxiety, chronic soul- searching and the like. ANSWf.RS 1. False. Brigham Young University studies show that families In the ''working" or blue-collar class tend to be the most Impressed by the various status symbols, such as a so-caUed "dignified" occupation, a college affiliation and the like. Studies at Clemson University (South Caroltna) administered to a general populotlon sample also showed that people with actual socio-economic status tend to be the least concerned with status. 2 . Trutt. Portland Stale University studies show significant differences be· tween the various social dosses In how people feel about themselves In this regard. And that "Of the four social classes represented In the sample studied. the lower mlddle-clas.s subjects were the most salisfted with the way they were: followed by the upper-middle class, the upper-lower. and trailed by the lower- lower class subjeds who were the least satisfied with themselves by revealing the biggest difference between their actual selves and their Ideal self." 3 . True. A Northwestern University study of the upper cleu ("upper class In· dlvkfuals, as deftned by membership In the Social Registier, were Interviewed In Bo6ton and Chicago") Indicated distinct feelings of superiority. ln-<kpth lnforma· tlon was obtained about thoughts, feel· lngs, relationships, genenil outlook on life and a variety of other aspects of up· per class culture: family fife. coming-out parties. !pedal schools, exclusive clubs. extensive travels. e1c. The conclusion: through the home and IChool environ· ment, upper class young men and wo· men learn to feel "spedar. and that these feelings are tuslalned through a system of tnhetced wealth and class cohesion ... and and to Insulate the upper cla9' from today as a whole. ducted by lnvesl:igllton from the Unlversl· ty of IWnois and Kennedy-King College (Chicago), showed that reading the newspaper Increased the purchase of advertised Items regardless of social class. 5. False. Studies on the relationship of social class status to mental disorders con· ducted at the University of llllnois Medical Center concluded that "The generaJ con- clusion Is drawn that the rate of existing mental disorder among the poor Is sul>- stantlally higher than among the affluent or working-class groups." It's pointed out that to be born Into an impoverished family will most often entail o succession of environmental hazards dating from the beginning of fife, Including a chronically stressful environment resulting In a high rate of stress-related adjustment raw! dlfflcu lties. .... J Lights. 9 ......... 0 .8~..,.Lights100's. 9"" "Ill", 0 .9 mo. nicotine "'· per ciglm19 by FTC medlod. Warning : The Surgeon Gentrll Hes D1t1rmintd Thlt CignntSmc*ing ts 0...,. 1>Yaur Hettdt. 4 . Foltc. A study to detlmnlne the In· fluence of newtpeper lldvertlslng con- FlllllJI Genaile tobacm ftatar in a low'tar'cigarette...plm Doable Gift Coapm. ._...._GlltC=tPlr•c.m ... r.ew:(J400t616-SSI0.0C..N 'tu1ece9 ... l•ee:(l400t~ The war against roaches is fin ly over! Ne.ver again will you have to consta(ltly spray .. dust ... 'bomb' your home with evil smelling chemicals ... only to walk into your kitchen. bathroom or bedroom a few weeks later ... snap on a light, or open a drawer ... and gag at the sight of a new colony crawling over walls, counters or sinks. Because here from California's leading uni- versity . from U.S. Government research scientists ... comes dramatic proof of an amaz- ing 'DOOMSDAY FORMULA' that when used on this LIFETIME FREEDOM roach-kill program spells SURE, PERMANENT DEATH to every last creeping. crawling roach plaguing you today! - PLUS. completely protects against ants. silver- fish. palmettos and waterbugs. too ... all starting with just a SINGLE BLITZKREIG TREATMENT that launches you on the way to making your entire home IMMUNE TO PERPETUAL ROACH \'NFESTATIONS FOREVER! - Even more startling, once you apply this amazing 'Doomsday Formula' and leave it In place, ITS KrluNG POWER LASTS INDEFl- NITEL Y -NEVER FADES OR WEAKENS FROM AGE -in fact. is so utterly devastating ... from your first sprinkle-on treatment, you're on the way to protecting your home FOREVER with a chemical "death-shield" that no roach can pos- sibly come in contact with and survive! Yet it's -safe to use around children and pets when ap- 1' plied as directed. DRAMATIC PROOF! HOUSING OFFICIALS REPORT: NOT ONLY KIUED ALL ROACHES - • BUT NOT A SINGLE ROACH COULD BE FOUND A FULL HALF· YEAR LATER! Yes, extensive test- results in San Francisco. Los Angeles and San Diego Municipal Housing Projects still have officials gasping in amazement as A SINGLE ONE-SHOT TREATMENT of this 'Doomsday Formula' completely roach-proofed scores of plagued apartments! In all dwellings tested NOT A SINGLE ROACH WAS EVER SEEN AGAIN! And mind you. this was after years of failure by professional exterminators desperately trying a battery of so-called "high-kill" chemicals. • TESTS BY CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY AND U.S . ..-.~~VERNMENT SCIENTISTS PROVE WONDER ORMULA UP TO 37 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE AN PROFESSIONAL EXTERMINATOR POl- ONS. PROVES SUPERIOR IN ELIMINATING ALL ,ROACHES AND PREVENTING REINFESTATION IN EVERY TEST RUN . • LASTING ·DEATH-SHIELD' EFFECT KEEPS ITS KILL-POWER FOR YEARS AT A TIME -SO STARTING WITH A SINGLE ONE-SHOT TREAT- MENT YOU PROTECT YOUR HOME FOR LIFE! "'<..• REGISTERED BY THE UNITED STATES ENVI- RONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY FOR USE IN ALL BUILDINGS, COMPLETELY ODORLESS •.. GIVES OFF NO UNPLEASANT FUMES. ONCE APPLIED YOU 'RE NOT EVEN AWARE IT'S THERE. . . .. ~ '\\\\\\\\\\~\·\ \ . . ' . MORE PROQF! CAFETERIAS AND RESTAU· RANTS W I N "'f-OTAL FREEDOM FROM ROACHES AFTER l UST A SINGLE ONE-TIME TREATMENT! In test after test ... location after location ... food establishments that were prime roach-targets ... tnat used to demand twice- weekly spraying by professional exterminators . . DISCOVERED TOTAL FREEDOM FROM ROACHES ... for the first time ever! Even more significant 7' they've stayed roach-free for MORE THAN A FULL YEAR AFTER JUST A SIN- GLE ONE· TIME TREATMENT! STILL MORE PROOA HOTEL TESTS PROVE: JUST A Slf!IGLE, ONE-SHOT TREATMENT AND ROACHES VANISH FOREVER! It's a scientific fact! So effective is this miracle-killer . even in dark elevator shafts of commercial hotels, (normally a roach's playground paradise). not a single bug could be found in months and months after JUST A SINGLE ONE-SHOT treatment! Yes, here is that lifelong dream of TOT AL VIC- TORY OVER ROACHES, ANTS. SILVERFISH AND WATERBUGS that science now offers you; and It's so easy tor you to win in just 2 simple steps: 1. Wherever you have a problem or suspect a problem may arise (as explained in the pro- gram), you simply sprinkle a tiny dusting of "PERMA·KILL-100" wonder-formula That's all there is to It. 2. Since this LIFETIME FORMULA never wears out ... loses its strength ... fades or weakens from age -you only reapply it If somehow it gets damp, wet or washed away -painted over or covered up -or, of course. If you move to a new dwelling. And since this entire anti-roach program not only kills all roaches plaguing you today -but CONTINUALLY KILLS OFF potential new invasions . . YOU ARE PROTECTED FOREVER I PROVE IT YOURSELF ENTIRELY ATOURAISK Send for wondrous ''PERMA-KILL-100" today on thfs no-rlsk trial offer When it arrives, s mply sprinkle as directed. That's all there is to it. And remember - if "PERMA-KILL-100" does not give your home the same TOT AL PROTEC- TION against roaches as proven by California University Scientists and Public Housing Offi· cials . . if 3 months from now -6 months from now -even a full year from now you see a single roach in your home .. simply return the label for a full refund of your purchase price, (less post· age and handling. of course). You have tried it entirely at our expense . it has cost you not a single cent! ACT NOW ON FULL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE -NEVER USE ANOTHER SPRAY AGAIN FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! 0 ,9711 Amencan Conaumer, Inc . Caroline Rd . Phlla . PA 19178 :~··-•••• .. •••-MAI\. N°""ISK COU~ON TOOAY--••-· .. -s : NIUIUCIU,,. 100 I : '--81ol.-...... ~JMo.11 l ! CefotlM --.... ~le. ~A 1t17t i I Pleete ruah me IMMEOIATEL Y. the quanllty of "PERMA-KILL· i : 100" checkt<I below. on full guarantH of money back anyllm• 1 I wlthirl one tuH year (IMa postage and /lanc:tllng) II I am .,,_. i plagued by a single roach egaln J CHECtC OfFER OE5'AEO C : 0 ( # 008) ~ular sa. (for Nllallef 8')Artrnenl9' .me .. ncles) : i only S4 95 P'U• 754 pcmage & handling 1• I• 0 (# 0111) Lerge Sia (for larger apar1'"'ni. and homes) oniv . S7 95 plv1 11 poatage & handling. f 0 (#024) Glanl Site (1or extra 1.,ge "°"'"· Mlllff. 2 family I llovMs, 11n•• a10< ... fffl&urants and lighl QOm!Mfelal "'atllish- men1S) only I 14 95piua11 50 Potlage a l\lllldling Total lll!IOUnl •neloaad I PA rnldenta edd 6l. sa1aa IM Check or money order, no COO. pie ... C*"OI m(check ont) bp. Oat9 ------- 0 VIN/8anltAll'leric:ard 0 ......, c~ 84ink NumtMW ---- C'9ditc.trd # ------------ Addf-. ----------AP4 ,, -- ------Ott.tf~C--.1-. -·---... I • QUIPS & QUOTES ARMOUR'S ARMOURY ALL THE DIRT Our cleaning woman once a week Comes In to scrub and sweep. She makes the uacuum cleaner roar And dli.s out dirt that's deep. And yet our house Is not so large. In fact it's rather small. My wife could clean the plau herself - She needs no help at all. Then why. you might well ask. do we A cleaning woman use? She also work$ for friends of ours And brings us all the news. -Richard Armour The little girl was vacationing with her daddy, and they went fishing. For what seemed an eternity to her, she held the pole and watched the motionless cork float on the still water. Finally, she threw down the pole and said, "I quit." "Why?" asked Daddy. "Because," answered the exasperated child, "I just can't seem to get walted on." -Thomas LaMance ~edlng and dmllng: Seeing all the 1979 cors on the road makes you reallle that you haue to glue the American peo· pie a lot of credit. -Henry Leabo THE STATUS IS QUO My wife has Insisted for years That I am the stubborn kind, And knowing her as I do She wlll never change her mind. -Arnold J. larett My comp/alnlng neighbor said, "I neuer realized what 'paying the piper' meant untll I got the lot.est blll from my plumber." -Al &tt SOUTIJOE Passing a dOOf In the wee hours of the morning, a drunk nottced a sign on a door, whk:h nrad: "Ring the belt for the caret.aka." a.trig kindly, though drunk. he did jUJt ·that. and a sleepy~ man came to the dOOf', asking "What do you want?" '1 Just wanted to know why you can't rtng the doort>efl yoW'MW?" -Ludtle Goodyear ELUSIVE I hal>C a good-naturwd talary, a ncucr doa much grolllfng, It doan t an,_, either u,.,. eaat1.1101ng. 1be two friends were bickering. "Didn't you teU me your unde was a doctor?" asked one friend. "Why, I just learned he's an undertaker." "No," defended the second, "I only told you he foDowed the medlcal profes· slon." -Rose Sanda The professor was explaining the mean· Ing of poetk ju.Stice to his class. "A good example," he said, "might be the philandering husband who meets his wife onablinddate." -DauldO. Flynn THROUGH A CHILD'S EYES 1V may be too much with ua. My two-year-old daughter and I were playing with blocks. Sud- denly ahe got up and aald: ~ back Uta me:aqa." and le1t the room. -Mn. Padma Subramanian Wilmington, Del. Genealogy Deportment: Son of a gun: heir trigger. -Charles McCray By Frenk Baginski LITTLE EMILY ''All right, Emily -}wt whot did vou 1av Obout parents in your Jetter to Ralph Nodcr?t " 'Atlllll Y WllJ(LY, ,.._,, .. ts1' • tt Al lest! Shmmina power that fill like II WIS made to your ordef. Exclusiwi Touch·•nd·St•r~· closing is continuousl1 ldjustable. Yes. you c•n e11en tictiten your Tovch4nd·St•rH Trimmer before me•IS, i.t it out after, to help boost your will pow.r. Helps you fooll slimmer. stand tall er. feel younger, all dur · tnr your r9ducin1 J>'O· 1r1m. Buy now. knowlng that It will fit perlecUy. all lhl1 year. next year. and ....,.n In 5 """' A$24Value NOW 2 for $12. MEN'S smE M2750 • CONTROLS STOMACH • SUPPORTS BACK AS IT SLIMS 10 POUNDS 20 POUNDS 30 POUNDS EASY TOUCH-AND-STAr• CLOSING LETS YOU CHOOSE THE EXACT FIT YOU LIKE. .~ TOUCff.AND·STAY'· TRIMMER $12 ncll NOW SAVE! 2 for $12 ONE SIZE nTS AW • , ......... -__ _,._ ·-o•--·-u ........ -- lml ... ,llll ...... --..-n~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... l am nm •-_,._. • .._. ___ ...... --~ J f , A well-paid, well-trained and bored pharmacist recently said that If she had been able to spe.nd just two hours observing a pharmacist at work, she would never have chosen the profes- sion. To help Georgetown University undergraduates avoid this situation. the school Is Instituting a new pro- gram that allows students to observe professionals at work ln the "Career Observation Pro- gr am" (COP) run by Judy Offerdahl, a counselor with GU's Office of Career Planning and Placement, the student may act more as an observer than in other Internship programs. "I find that people are often un- realistic when choosing careers," Offerdahl says. "It Is often done with very little real career Information People sometimes glamorize the pro- f esslons, and they're not aware of the hard realities of the work or of the options available within a field." So far, law. business, communica- tions, government, medlClne and the social .services are among the careers students are most Interested In Offer- dahl says. And after their time on the job she says, "Some come back more ,. interested than ever. Others may change because their Ideas were unrealistic." Using Time Effectively And yourself wishing ther were mpre than 24 hours In a day? You have plenty of company says Frank M. Sterner, associate dean of Purdue University's Krannert Graduate School of Management. "A great many people regUlarly complain to me, 'I don't have enough time to do eve.rythlpg I want,' " Sterner says. '1 make the point that we all have the same amount of time-the real qucs- • lion Is how we use It." FAMlllWFBlD' ~ ,.,,..,,.,,., "'~ ,,. .... ii ... " ......... Motton Frl!M bl IL •• u ....... .,.,...., PWlclc M. U'*'-Y IJU •11 ....,, Mtlur COOS* Into a winter wonderland as they eel· ebrate the college's 69th annual winter festival. The carnival, some- times called the "Mardi Gras of the North," Is the oldest winter collegiate festival In the United States. And since Its origin In 1911, Its combina- tion of athletic and cultural events and outdoor galle,.Y of snow sculf> tures often attracts a large noncollege audience as well as the student com· munlty and guests. The Ice and snow sculptures, which are the centerpieces of the carnivals are built by residents of dormitories and members of fraternities and f ashloned In snow by techniques passed down from class to class since the tradition began in the early 20s. Sculptures from last year's carnival, , whose theme was 'The Greatest T Snow· on Earth" (which proved pro- phetic as one of the big snowstorms of the winter' occurred just before carnival) Included a replica of the fabled castle from 'The Wizard of Oz." The castle, bathed In deep-green Snow Rit:'1smout" Coo999 floodlamps at night, was fashioned ~ from nearly 400 tons of snow, and For three magic days next week once completed, students, children Dartmouth Coll ege students will and a number of very brave dogs had transform their northeastern campus fun sliding down a circular chute built with the help of giant snow sculptures into the cas11e. There are several proven ways to use time more effectively, Sterner says, and some should work even for those who hesitate to get too regi- mented. "Deciding what Is Important ls half the battle because often peo- ple use up their time on low-priority ·activities," Sterner observes. Once you've dete.nnined your pri· orltles, It's Important to plan In order to get control of your day. Here ar_s some of Stemer·s other Ume-orgamz1ng tips: • Discover and protect your most creative/productive time of the day. • Combine tasks when possible. • Learn to say n<>-to long-winded telephone callers and other time wasters. • Have a follow-up .system of notes on your desk:' • Plan for the unexpected; don't schedule every minute . Be reasonable In your plans. Sterner cautions, "Don't start out to beat the world. Plan for tomorrow and decide that you wlll simply con- centrate on doing the most Important things first." Nonrunners, Unite! O.K., all you closet nonrunners out there, it's time to sit down for your rights and be counted. So say Vic Ziegel and Lewis Grossberger, two former sportswriters who saw the light and make a bid to become the gurus of the new nonrunnlng move- ment In Tiu! Non-Runnera Book (Collier). Taking their Inspiration from Calvln Coolidge, who once said, "I do not choose to run,'' Ziegel and Grossberger want to reassure the American people, "It's O.K. not to have pain, sweat and be out of breath. "Why drive yourself to the point of exhaustion? Why pound your feet to bloody stumps ... Why run? Instead, why not not-run?" they ask. When Interviewed In one of their f avorlte watering holes 1,-a Greenwich VIiiage, both authors looked to be In puk nonrunnlng form, doing nothing more strenuous than hefting a glass of beer. But la tely It's gotten harder' for them to hold to their r~l­ men; the growing popularity of thtl book Is, perish the thought, threaten- ing to keep them on th. run. Lifestyles Jobs. Many Americans have be- come less satisfied with their jobs in recent years says a study just released by the Labor Depart- ment. And the decline In job satis- faction In the last four years was particularly high ~mong college graduates. By contrast, self- employed people surveyed re· port~d high levels of saUsfactlon. Sexes. Women now account for 60 percent of all drug-related hos.- pita! emergency room cases In the U.S. reports the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Alm0st two of every three of these cases are suicide tries the agency says. Re- searchers note that women use more prescription drugs than men and may be more likely than men to Intentionally overdose on drugs as a "cry for help" rather than as a genuine suicide attempt. Bustna.. How would you rate your doctor, hairdresser or mail- man? When subscribers of one national magazine recently rated the 35 personal services they most commonly used, there were a few surprises. For example, although many people dread visits to the dentist, It seems they're pleased with the treatment once they get there-dentists topped the list. Lawyers ranked 22nd, just above laundrymen. And bringing up the rear were auto mechanics and rail- roads. BIRTIIDAVS (all Aquarius): Saday -Alice Cooper 31; Betty Friedan 58; Ida Lupino 61. Mo.clay-Al Kooper 35; Hank Aaron 45; Roger Staubach 37; John Carradine 73. Twuday- Fabian 36; Ronald Reagan 68; Manuel Oran,es 30; Wd.aday-Jlm Brown 44. Th•rsday-Jack Lemmon 54; Lana Turner 59. Frw.y-Carole King 37; Mia Farrow 33: Roger Mudd 51. SatllTilay-Jlmmy Durante 86; Rob- ert Wagner 49. ... - .. d Cl a Cl • ... .. ... • I> 'ti .. Warning: The S That Cigarette Smu:i~:~s ~~~eral Has Determined , gerous to Your Health. 9 mg. "11f.0.8 mg. nlCOllnl ~. per clpe111 by FTC mtlhod. Bobl.ee VITA MINS-B Y-MAIL Our-l.ow Prices Speak for Themselves r·si»'ECi:i!oFFER1 I "°"' Bob LM I I 400 UNIT I VITIMllE I I CAPSULES I I LIMIT I ~~~!.mq I ONE OF ANY SIZE TO I I A FAMILY I GUARANTEE LEE NUTRITION I COMPARE ANYWHERE I We ruarantff all produd.11 ad vena11d 290 Main St., Cambridge, Mass. 02142 I O 100 for 1.39 I 1 0 500 for 6.88 1 1 01000 for 12.99 1 IO be ol UN\l,,,._.i quality. S.ti.taction ~ ruaranteed or ~ prompt refund. Upon ordering, we will mail you our latest catalogue with many exciting products that we do not have room to list here including the BOB LEE Newsletter filled with humor, customer comments and today's happenings. I MA~ couPON WfTli ORDER I 1.8:7---------.. 250 mg. THE MOST CAPSULES WANTED POTENCY CAPSULES 100 for 2.89 500 for 12.95 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE-HIGHEST N •AL.ITV S4l£ 1001.U 200 IAJ 400 1U 1,000 l.U 100 89' 1.59 2.76 5.79 500 4.39 7.77 13.59 28.45 1000 7.99 12.49 26.99 50 .00 500 MG. BEE POLLEN tabs AW.ZING CONTENT OF NATURAL. LIFE-VITAL. NUTRIENTS. WONDER FOOO OF THE BEE COLONY 100 for 2.22 500 for 7 .99 V1T. 86 50 llO. 1~$ 65¢ 500 tor 2.15 VITAMINS A&D (5000 A; 400 0) '~ 49' 500 for 1.15 DUICCATED LIVER TA8LETS ~Tg. 1000 tor 3.50 VITAMIN E 8uClty Oil 14.000 I U ~ 1• COD LIVER OIL CAPS ~88¢ 500tor3.• Thenipeullc wtth ....... ~ ,. 1• lMLl'TS IOOforMt PAPAYA PAPAIN OlgeNnt ,.::n 75• IOOIOtUI PROTEIN DIET POWDER I .. 311 ,_.. __ "Order from Lee and pocket the savings" "BREWERS YEAST TABLETS N arM 1& 49¢ 1000f0f 1.ff KELP TABLETS 1~'11s 35¢ 1000 for 1.50 ALFALFA TABLETS TA~TS 39¢ 500 for 1.59 BONE MEAL TABLETS l~S 49¢ 1000 for 3.15 •llO.. Potassium GWCONATE '~ 99¢ VITAMIN A 25,000 UNITS 100 129 FOii 500 for 5.00 SUPER ORGANIC IRON TABS 100 129 IA8UTS 500 for 4.50 GARLIC. OIL C#IULES ~s 55¢ 500 for 2.35 ZINC 10MG. TABLETS T~~S 39¢ 1000 tor 3.85 1 ~ja i'l •a·~ i ra~J 1~1~ With Roee Hips Tablets HIGH FIBER BRAN TABl.ETS 500 MG: TA~~S 69¢ AT FANTASTICALLY LOW PRICES 500for 2.• OUAHTITY 100MO HOMO 600MG 1000 MO. 100 &g. 95¢ 1.39 1.95 ~ 500 2.98 4.49 6.59 9.39 1000 5.49 7.99 12.49 17.95 CHILOREl'fS NATURAL CHEWABLE VITAMINS T~~S 89¢ 500 tor 3.91 DOLOMITE \/ lT.CJ.1 Ir JS FDR HAIR CARE HIGHEST OUAllTY-SAME FOAMUlA AS HIGH.PRICED NAME BRANDS TABLETS IA~TS .45¢ PENNIES-A-DAY PRICES 100 DAY SUPPLY 3.'95 200 DAY SUPPLY 7.49 1000 for 1.n HERBAL blURETIC ''KEY 4'' TABS KILP, VITAMIN 86, LICITHIN & CIDIR YINIGAR HIGHEST OUAL.ITY-ONL V THE LCIN PRICE 100 149 TAtll.£1S IS DIFFERENT 500for 5.91 100 for 79' 500 for 2.99 ·--------------------~ I LEE NUTRITION ORDER FORM I I Postpaid-Money Back Guarantee I I I I QUANTITY SIZE NAME OF PRODUCT TOTAL I 500 tor 4.50 ....__ ______ __,;....__,, I I Acldophllus CAPSULES 100 111 CM'SUl.lS 500tor1.75 HERBAL LAXATIVE '~ 85¢ IOO tor S.4t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BALANCED 50 MG. i:ltJitlj! +;t "Lll·PUX 50 M•!' le I c-. ..ity:" .. -11 ftl Vit. II. ll, M. W.........,, P¥!O'll•ulc MW, Cllollw. 1 .. ooilol: JO ... ,.,,."....__. Adi:,.-.. ..t.l/f/a12 .• ..-.1•-Felic~ ~2'· ~PS 1099 I I I I I I I I I S-Formula Aa Piia 72. 100 11s 250 3• TABS TABS I MAILVOUR I Neutnmlnts =================:::: I ORDER To: I (ANn-AaD) ==:R '== ::.:':& I LM Nutrition j 'TOTAL ) I TMLETI " 00 I 290 MAIN ST.WIOllD I . • 8· .w eoz. 1 3tor5 • 8237 1 1Juu ~y ...___,;.... ______ --...I CAMBRIDGE. MASS. 02142 I IOOIOtUI ----==== ·~--I " ... ,.-. I I MIMMll•• tvrTAL ...aw.a ·.:It. •• ...... tWOTBICY 2 GRAii TA8LITI I I LECITHIN = 3.98 I trnmT N'f. I W:.. 111 •tort.Al 1•1or11• I cm I . • .. 1.11 __________ _, I ftATI .. I --------------------~ .. c: • a II • -.. ... • :. ,, • EXTRA HUGE STRAWBERRIES Next Summer I 2 5 for'225 :~E for S J 751 for S 5 95) for $10.95) TM'-ti-you picked at.--benlel -or boutftt tWn - tlow menv diet It ttlk• tom••• .,an7 E..,..tV7 One hun- dnld7 More? ,...,,. It~ ..... IO -II -mot1 people loee ce>11ntl But with this herdy wrllrty, you C9ft expect quart1 FROM JUST 30 STAAWHAAIESI And tMle utni..,wt bHriH -hitlhly d.._ retlsUnt, ttwv ripen -v fnt, pht1 •ev P"'duw Iota of ,_ rvnners to p you • b .... r pewh -v .,_, H.we ~I bit w-berries for .............. ,....,. d-u for monthll And OIET A HIAD ITAAT -by pfant'"I -· Not lft'"'9d to At~-. ACTUAL SIZE! ....... ttr-1Mnle1 -• felll1 "-•• ... ..ft, •• ,. .... \'HY IWfft -yet firm. All ..,, .... -frfflt, JtM, ... 't"' frellll CAUTION! TM mOlt tr.quently n«*d .. _,..Int" on ttt.. -•ou• ~ II th•t mclM ...-. tutt didn't thWI to ant« •CIUllht Honestly, you•"' want at le.n 50 of tti.. plenb to .un --for llftllller petdlet.. SAYE MONEY GROW YOUR OWN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES E•sv·to-Grow Big -Tender - Delicious ASPARAGUS 10 Pl111ts only s 10 o ~~: ~:: :!:::: ••· t9Mer, •ellcklue -,,.. perll•O• UI• ..... ,, erow11 of •II 111mmer wee1t1111e11 011e• 11t111111-.., tll• Ofltln•I 1tl111\111t 1nu•lt'J produce• for JO ll .. ,., Mettll• W111\lntto11 werletll !tfMUoet 1111u..-111t, el1ftt•.U• wltll t1Mer tlpt. TENDER MIEA.TY DELICIOUS FROM YOU R GARDEN VERY EASY-TO-GROW OLD-FASHIONED VICTORIA RHUBARB 5 Roots IDy SJ.00 (10 for $1.76) (16 for $2.60) .......... --............... •uw ........ It ......... 9iert IM ••• V•t•11• ,_ .... M,_ ''""'. -........ ., ,,_, "'"""' fl,UllO ... I OIY ..... utlful ft-•n. IM. M1k" 1 ,. ... 1M,..11ntll ...-..,. LAf'9e 119" t• 1" M,..Y rMta. .. ,,.,, .. ,.,.., M • .....,. te C.tffer"'9, Grow your own mouth watering fruits and vegetables right in your own garden and beat high food costs. Yes, home gardens produce delicious and whole90me food and at a cost far below retail prices. Sweet, Jaicy, Delicious GRAPES 99 ~ EA .. (J for $!.711 <• for n .111 c• for ... 001 NIAQA"A -.-Opuler encl d1p1ncl1bl1 wlllt• 1r1peL Ufll bunclle• of JUICY 1oodn1tll · CONCO"D -ft1eot11l~ld H tlM tln1tt !Mu• 1r1pe In tlM Un"M St1t1L DllHM• 11tle -1IHIM111t, AGAWAM -Ul'll rM l'lltft llfltll I •1tlCIOUI nnor. Vltorout 1rower. •111oy fl11• fruff ... 11 tum· mer fer )'Nrt Wltll tlltM ,_.., .. ,., ,,,,.. .. Clloo• y9ur fnerftH "•'" Ill•• 111,... ........ , . ., ....... Veu'te ,....._ tHtce llenlty,,_tM ¥11111 tMt . .. --· ..... ..,,,, ........ ,. .............. , _,..,, I fMt ...... httct .,,.,, et ... II c .. er fef ............... "' -..y ..,,.._,, AMAZING LOW PRICE! 50 .ONION SETS ONLY $100 (100 for $1 .86) You oen h.rv• frnh ''"" onion• In 4 to 5 week•I Thia 11 • mu1t for th• home prden. Femout Stut1191t11r wert.ty. tt'1 mild enough f~ hlmbu,... -yet ""' full fte.or to pot roe111. An .. ceUent ero-r -bit. robust. A toOd keeper. .. .,. montY end pow your own onlona dti,1 IUmmef. PAGE 2 EARLY RICHMOND ~\\•t~ CHERRY only s1.so ea. (2 fOf' $2.75) (3 for $4.00) Early Richmond Cherry is ex· cellent for pies and prlSIMtS. Berries are light red mld thin skinned. Ripen in June. You'll receive caretully grown, well- rooted 1 Y.r to 3 ft. trees. Sorry, cannot be sent to California. Americas favorite for Taste and Size f BARTLETT PEAR only S 1.50 ea. ~~ =~ :!::~ Unexcelled for canning, picking and eating. LmJe, rich golden yellow with red blush. Juicy with rich flavor. Trees are vigorous and long lived, and bear heavy full crops year after year. An all around favorite. You'll receive carefully orown, well·rooted 1 ~ to 3 ft. trees. Sorry, cannot be shipped to California. hge S HOUSE OF WESLEY, NURSERY DIVISION, BLOOMINGTON, ILL 11701 ------·-----------·----- Excellent For Eating I RED DELICIOUS APPLE only s 1 5 0 ea (2 for $2.75) • • (3 fOf' $4.00) Red Delicious Apple --Yields large aops of rich r8$i apples. A .Uperior, large, uniform apple · -just right for cooking or eating. You'll receive carefully grown, well-rooted l~.to 3 ft. trees. Not sent to Calif. or Ariz. Tfte Standard of Excellence I ELBERT A PEACH only s1.50 ea. (2 for $2.76) (3 fof $4.00) Lader or all peacbet. A beauUtul peecb of lood quality; not only U.. belt ordwd YVlety &u t aa.o for p&anUnc lll &be lll'den. Elberta (a lmd .. r in bucl &ban ..._Y ..n.&m. U..fon, a more unifonn cro~. It .. larte, yellow wl&b Nd c:IM9k, juicy, bltb fllwof. n.lb yellow~ ftw. ltone. Rlpena Sei*mber 1'.JO. You'll....._ cartf\llly pown, wtlJ...rooted l 1 /1 &o a ft. n.. Cannot be lblpped &o Cllllfomla or W .. llll'on. IHOft av MAIL -NO CROWDS. TRAFFIC, WEATHER PAOBUMll ·Fast G,owing Silve, G,ay Beauty RUSSIAN OLIVE 5 FOR 5298 PAGE 4 10 for SS 49 20 for $9.98 30 for 514 49 You'll be •m•oted at th• rapid 1rowth of tll•• n rutll• ""sun Otlwe1 (lt:IHtn111 a11111stlfolla). Ancl tfl•lr unuw.I l4f'ler1ray color w lll make tllem watco ... In any tandlC.lpa. eecau• they are fast1r-lftl, lo•elY all MHOn, ancl nry llanly, "111s&e11 011••• make perfect had1l111 or tctffll plantln1 ••• can be cllppecl or left to 1r-to 1S·20 ft. You'll eapeclally al\Joy th• fra9ra11t 11•11-·Whlt• 111011_,1 H eh May. ""sun Otln wlll 1row 111 poor IOU, ramelnlnt full a11cl 1owaly throuth all klncl1 of wHthar. Thrlns In full .,n o r part la I lllaela. f'lant thaM 1 ¥t to J ft. nurtery 1row11 treas •-t ft. apart for full ecroanl111. SPECIAL·BY MAIL OFFER I Colorado BLUE SPRUCE 4 yHr old -10" -18" size 3 FOR $100 ( I 101 $1 IS I (IJ for SJ 0) (1 1 lor SS 401 VH -that'• rltllt -now )'CMi can purcha• Ill• bNutlful Colo· raclo •tu• SprvH (f'lcH pu ftl•nt 1tauca) at amaalntlY tow prices -only J°' H . """ )'CMi •ftll fer 11. l'hasa are 1tro111 nortllar11 erown, nicely rooted 4·Y••r olcl, 10"•11" Meclll1111 lhal are all 1111r-y 1row11. Just Ille rltlll 14aa for tran.,1a11t1111. lt:•cal .. nt for 11• H c.rnar 1ro11p1, ,,.rftllllrNk" or as tncthrldual .-c;lmon1. •uy now allcl hn• Ill• 1clclecl p .. 1wra of 1hapl111 your lroo just tlle WIY YCMi Wllll wlllto )'Oii watClll II ...... ancl take adnnlat• of our 1 /~ e:•u ..... o.; of Nature's Mo.t Richly ColOricl Trees ... Ro¥al RED MAPl!E at 112 price Reg. $1.50 ea. . 'Now, onlr 75~ (3 for $2.00) (6 for $3.85) GROWS MOST ANVWHEREI WONDERFUL .. ADE TREEI YOU CAN DEPEND ON HOUSE OF WESLEY For -20 .,.., wo'w sworidld top,.. .. lty nurwry ltodl for our nutll order cult· -*· W.'¥0 ch Olen -of our most populer and molt .,...,. ,._, fw ...._ ....-. A. you cen ... -llriciel ...,. you tho nton Polliblo fc. YOUf' MOney. Hitfl ctUoflty - low 1pricft -you -etw.vs doipond on ttM9I fNturw from Hou• of w....y. SHOP BY MAIL FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR EASY CHAIR! COVERS I Easy-To-Plant, Easy-To-Grow··- Become More Beautiful.Every Ve•! 1/2 SALE PRICE MASSt S Of COLOR EARLY IN THE SPRING! CREEPING PHLOX REG. 3 FOR $1.00 Now only 0 ( 12 for $1 85) 6 for S 10 118 for $3.501 124 for $5.001 C.11 you lfftallM 1 lftllt more lovely tlt111 dwarf ma-• of tlowl"' color ap!Nlrlnt In early -Intl C,..ttl"t ~lo• mallln a 11t1t1 t1tl1 IO•ely, ~fec;lly rounded •1111 of colOr trowl"I 011ly 4 l11dle1 tall. AM Crwttllll .. ltlo• NH tltrM wonderful ld.e11t11e1. f'lrst, tltey d a y tr•n tit• yNr round. S.C:Ondly, tltey are "'a••• of color In 1111 H rt7 ~•111 wlten •-ottter tltl"t• are '" ••-m. T!Nrd, 19"Y aro wonderful for treuftd conra and lllordert. Or-111 ,.,t IMd• or full .. 11. fttclt color ut0rt.,..11t of our c1tolco1 ftosy rod, ftMI etue, pure w111to, poart pl,... You r_I.,. llront nortllOMI 1row11 flold llYhlOftL Order t .. llf and tallle ad•a11ta10 of our t /2 pt lee 1111. SPREADING EVERGREEN ( 3 for S 4.00) s200 each ( 6 for$ 7.00) I• 2 for S1 3.00 I Now, w ith thh E•er9reen Carpet (Jun1paru1 hor· l.rontah1 procumben), see one plant 9row over utlY lll•re 19oh, nen In poor IOll, to cower 4' to 6' wltll a lovely, tlllck carpal of trHn 1111t luh l6S DAYS OF THI! YEAR. NEVER GETS MORE THAN S" TO 10" TALLI lnstud, lllh !lardy, drou9ht·u1l1tant plant UMI 111 efterty to trow hOffaont1tly. DoH lutt flM In well-dtllftM aru1 -nen Whffe llnd Ind rocks prn1ll, In sun or p1rt111 ll'lldet 8EAUTIFUL WAY TO COVER "EYIESORCS." And It 111y1 lr .. 11 .and 9rean year 'round, wttltout t•lll"I lltat dull "winter took." Start II on trouble JPOll now. l'lant about 4' apart -1111 plants wlll cower 24' to JI'. You 1et ltardy Plant• already 6" to t 0". BLUE FLOWERS IN SPRING •NEEDS NO SPECIAL CARE PERIWINKLE 10 $100 ( 25 for $1.98) for 1 so tor s2.98l (100 for ~ 98) w, for altMy .,. .. IUnulll "'r"~' and' l ft otller dim plKes, ... n wltere 1ra11 wo11't 1row, you ca" It••• a U ·mo11tlt ca'"t of tltkll altUn· da11t, nertrHn ... rlwllllllle (Vlftca minor). AM • .,.,Y 1Prl"' In Mey, ttlede-llaPtty ParJwlMlle ''"' you 1 wide ttrofutloft •of llloeutlful laweftd.,..lu• flowert tllat m111e tit• Clultoll part of tit• yard IOOll ...... lllOWCIMI And, II tl'Ow• ...... oroully, yo11 ca11 put ~..,,.,.. .. 111 tt00•. 1tony tOll, 011 stHp lllalllll•. 111 rock tatdt111 -practlcally 1nyw1tere. OoH ltetllf 111 tf!Me 111111 t••u -ltUt lltlH "'"· too. Sprud11 Oftt ~1111 1row1 lo fill two M1 uare loot, (few 4"1lcll•r, do11-affect plant OM loot •1terll1 t•h 4"4 " tall -111 wltltout 1t>KIJ1t care. You l•I ltoettlty, ftlcely rooted plallh ready for HSY lran11tlanllftl PAGE 5 ORIENTAL POPPIES LOW LOW PRICE 3 for $1.19 (I fo• $1.H) (12 fw .,.711 "9nt UM• 1&.1• ftoweriftl Orle11tal Po-'9• for a blan ot ntor Ill ~r .. Mii .... 11a11t Moetft• ot atood RecS, Solt ..,_"· Ora,.. s..rtet -en ... _..,,. up to £ Inch•• -•• Oeltcalel)' fOf....-..Uh ,........ aoft, ~lny Orle..Caf .-• ..,__ .. ,. ... , .,.. J ft. tte1111 that •lf~(lllllOrt tlle• ;11t .,_ .. Yeu ,_,.,. ttro"9, •rt " -.. ,... •• a·w_ .... pla11tL °"' color cllle e ef ... M .... SOft Selmo11, Ora111•SUrlet. Bushel Basket Size CUSHION rtlJ MS 8 for $1.00 ._...., A ~ .... of C'*4• IC)f(" MUMt t• '°" tt11111 t J ootltt --· ,,..... ....... .... ....... .. ..... ,.. ........... . ....... ....,,.., .. ,..._..v .. .............. ~ .......... ... IHt.. YWY ...... -tltrM _,. .. ... ..... ..er wlUI Mt• .... OU" ........... ,...., ........ .. ... }'eftow. ,.., •ttt l9 Cet.,_"'9, Ar ............... -. GIANT SHASTA DAISES ALASKA =· .... ~ .............. .....,~ ....... -........ ...,. ... ·-... "8fl ............ .,..., (Cllf)'•lll ...... •• ....... £=· .. . .................... ... ... .......... ., ..... --··--· off. T.._ ....... •-.-........ .. -......... 9'9W ..... "' ••• , ..... ...................... .... ................................ -. °'* ..... .,. ~ ....... _ ... , ... ~ .............. . ......... ,........ . . ..._,,_ ............ ~ ....... .,....., .. ...,..n...,.._-., .. . 10 for $1.86 15 for *2.E ............ lttY ... ,,.., ••• -... "-• .,......._ .. •t ..._ )'•r -• ..,_.,., ~1' C:W-tlelt• -........ ~· ............. ... ........... ,. ....... --..-,.,..-.. ..... , ....... ,..... -_..._ ... iM· .... ........ _ .......... ~---.,. ....... , " ............ "':JC!-.. ........... .... ~ .......... , . ..., ,,.., .... .. ......( ........... , " ...... ·~ . "" ........................ , ........ . lllMtt. ott04l" TOOAVl DELPHINIUM 3 for $1.00 , ... , ... ,,, (t fflir $2.IO) Tiie• tla..C, llllltllf ~I.red Delplll11ku11 wNI flU )'Otlf ...... "'"" .. ,._, ................ . If.., aMI •"'Y If-· Tall, ttront •*•' co•__, wt• 41•11• llMI-Of CO'-' -fllll9Mt from 41Mpe"' ""'"' MeMllll ef ,...., purpte1, lan11-..,., wltll plntt tltth, to IM woMl•rful ~kOIOrL llxcopUOIMlllf -.. to ''°""'· Yet)' •llOrOUL You'N , •• ,,,. ..... ,.. , lfM• 0 .. fletd ll'OWll ..... "''"' ............ .. •ll1tl Peren11l1I ColOr .. lclt Te•ture41 "ol ... • PAINTED DAISIES I 3 for $1.00 • to• •1.n t for N .lt II for ...... ~ ..... If ,_._... .... , to yotlr ..., ... •-11 -.................... ht ......... Delille& (P)'Ntlln11">· LMw• "tlM .... ,... nowen • ...... IA ..._, of N4I a1141 lllllllf H _., H • ......... _.... ... ,_...__t•e.L•"9 ... tlt .... "' tlM ....... , ..... ,,....,.. a. ..... "- MtneU" f.....,,_t ........ W• ............. "' .... --" ----· ..... , oft ...... .... .......... , ..., .................. .,.. -... ,, 1119Nftfllal ....... Titoll"' I ""' t• •-• H " "' ................. TIWI Kint of f'lowera TREE PEONIES $3.95 ea. (I for S 7.I O)(J for SIO.H) (4 for SU.ti) TIM arlatocrah of any 1arcten, TR&IE NONllES (f'aeo111a tuffru• ttlcou) ylelcl up to 200 11anl 1t1oom1 on ONIE plant. •toom• are up to I In. urou -HCll petal IOOICt Ilk• IOft Orient•• 11111. f'OI• lat• It a lulft, cloep erHn, Very 11.,dy Mlrult 1row1 up to I ft. U••• for 1.enerat1on1. Your Cflole• of dHp fff';"" pure white, tu1trou1 plnlC. Oft• of tll• ,.utett Qrowlftll TreH LOMBARDY POPLARS 5 f •2 00 (f~ for $4.00) or 9 • (H for $7.IO) f'lll •rowln1 tfff .. , LOMaAR• DY f'Of'LAR (f'. Nllfl) tllfMll 1tr11t11t •"4 tall. Add• 1ttaut11 •net HIU• to your Y'"'· Nie• for eareen•, laltfl, ltorden, wlndttrH ICer., 1tacktroutM11. Hottel for lllelr 1111ceful IH•u· ty -often trow ••tr•I fHI • )'NI. You ltl llHltlly, 2 to 4 ft. treH ready for tnntt1lent· l"I. 2 Important Reasons Why You Can Order from House of Wesley with confidence . 1 2 th...-y •Intl• plant, tllrutt, ,,.. and llouM lll•nt tlltt I• tfllppecl 11 c.refully lntp"led •tore Mllf'm•nt It r11•d• to you to rn•k• "'" tll•I II It of top Mtcll 1r•d• Ind 4u111ty. Al10, wllen your onlar eo11ta1111 ••tfal lleme, .,ell •1tlet111 h !l'Optrly •nd e1refu11111 ••lteled for Yoe.Ir con.,.nle11111e. A com,...te plant1111 1ulll1 11 IMIUdad In your order 11ttolutety frM ... "'''" to tHd II carefully u II wlll a newer rn1n111 o~ your 1tl111t1111 4uutlo111. Your BEST BUYS in GUARANTEED NURSERY STOCK always come from HOUSE OF WESLEY Pa117 Nursery Division 8'oomington, Illinois 81701 Two BONUS Offers For You If you ordtf t l .00 or more 01 .Uni ••lllft, you un ttuy • ttffu· tlful aURNfNQ 8UIH (r ... lt.10 nlue) ffH 1°'9 aurnlftll 8ulll (SU• onymou1 ata\ut) llH llliott t•oen Mlrnmer loll"•· fl•ml~ r .. flltt ....... We Jlllp 1 "•10 ' pMnla. Order 11.10 o r inor• and rou "" auy tlll'N WHIT• a1RCH T ..... • ,... $2.10 ••lite) fOt' only ,. ... .... ..,_""•" ,~ ... " (ettula P•PY· rlfor•) 11 ont o t11e ......... otM· rne111a1 troe" Wt 9'11p l'·S' troe" (lorry -Olllf. OM of -II tto111" per ou1to-• aur11i111 lkl"' can• Ml ae •111 to Ar&ao111. OUR GUARANTEE All ltornt ..,.,UltMd to Ito Of lllttt .,etllr, •lld to •nlH ill tOH llMllllY eoMlftlOll or ,.,..., .. ..... Wiii ... refulldtd .... TU"N SHlflltttNO LAML. ONL.Y -lllM IMlf ktop llM plellt .. (0110 lllMf ....... ,. r - - - -~AS& f'RINT f'LAINl:.Y - I HOUS& 0 .. W&SL&Y, NURS&RY DIVISION DE .. T ... 9 ·102 8LOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS 1'701 I ,----------- l ~=r==r=====~~===r=~====1 IHOW . ' I ....... • HalldMlll •• n llllllOlt "•INtlllt pl .. • ed41 ....... , Tu. ------- 091A .. O ?OT ..... .__ _____ .. ----...--------..... - GAEA T ROSES~T A•AZDIO LOW PRICES .... f2.00 5)49 : =: ~= YOUR CHOICE ONI. Y ea. 12' foi S1~.49 _. ... ..,.. ..... ,. rw9frall_....__..._..,_.,.. ... .,, ih11t .. lrill.,...._1 n•aunn laMeftir.. flllii IFI ...... ..., ....................... w ........ ~ .................. ...,_ ........ ,.,, .............. I tll ••. ~ ................... _,.,....,.•I ..... .., .. __ .,....... . I . . TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 4, 1979 --ORANGE COUNTY CAR BUYERS GUIDE ~------AND SERVICE DIRECTDRV-r SADDLllACK IMW 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 131-2040-495.4949 IOI Mel.ARENS IMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor B lvd. Costa Mesa -540-tlOO DATSUN IAIWICK DATSUN 33375 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano H l·I 375-491·3375 LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SOM UMCOLM·MHCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 OLDSMOBILE UMIYllSITY OLDSMOllLI 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9640 TOYOTA .U.MAXIY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. ·--Hunt. Beach -147-1111 CllVlll MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -135-3171 CHEVROLET COHHILL CHIVROLIT 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 FORD PHIL LOMG FORD 43 Auto Center Drive Irvine-76a:51H UMIYllSITY OLDSMOllU 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9640 GUSTAFSOH LIHCOLM-MBCURY 16800 Beach Blvd., Hunt. Beach -142-1144 PORSCHE-AUDI ROY CARYH IMW 1 540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 SAIL CHEVROLET 900 So. Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach 494-11 3 I -546-996 7 SUHSETFOID 5440 Garden Grove Blvd . Westminster -636-40 IO JEEP COPILAHD MOTOIS, INC. 2001 E. 1st St. Santa Ana -551-1000 RV 's & SUBARU SIA & SUH 17555 Beach Blvd .. H untington Beach - ·142°0675 VOLKSWAGEN CHICK IYllSOM, IMC. ._.5 E. Coast Hwy. NewPQrt Beach -67J.0900 COMMOMWIALTH MOTOIS, LTD. DAILY PILOT U42 South Bristol Santa Ana-146-0220 JIM MAllMO YOLKSWAGIH 18711 Beach Blvd .. Hunt. Beach -141·HOO (AUTHORIZED BALEB/BERVICE/&ATIBFACTIDN) SUllOAT, FHIUM'f 4 10. e tW (l7J ~ tf tM S.... Coveiace of matches leatunnr Kttth Erdson vs Ann Mtym. Gres lou11n1s vs lltl1ssa Boley. and John Elm vs Gen11 rutter -:-i I 10:'5 e Q]) CllJ I'll laUtW NBA All St11 Came ll:tl 8 0 QI) Celece w.ll Kansas 1t Mich11an State 1:to e o a s,.w.rw e CJ) (fl 8 Tiie s.,.nDrs Men's l'lehm1nary 2:11 e CJ) Q]) (l7J lilc C..-, &.If live con111e from Monteiey Pen1n· tula courses at Cypress Point, Spy&lass Hill 111d Pebble Buch 2:15 e CJ) <II a lllllf'utilul Cll1•,i1 tsllip loU.1 Covmae of the Mlddleweip t bell! between Huro Couo and Vito Antofuermo l:ll e CJ) <II 121) ""9 WDfW tf 5"rts Cove111e of the United St•tes Nat10111I F1111re Sbt1n1 championships from Ctnc1nnat1. 01110, the WOlkl Wnstwresthn1 championslups from Pet1lum1, C1hf, and 1 satelhte report on the Grand Pm of 811111 • llOllOAT, Ft•uw s l:M e C-. ......... f USC 11 Orecon Stele WfDll£SOAY, FEllUAIY 1 7:0l G La .. rs' Pr..C... 7:30 G I'll.,_.,. The los Anaeles L1krrs at the Golden State Warriors FWl!MT, FEUUUY 9 1.-00 e Clllltt WltMlt USC at UCLA SATUIOAT, FEUUUY 10 11:00 G WWW C111111l•••lf T11111ia Cover11e of the match between Harold Solomon ind Dick Stocklj)n. , . ~-.rap~ t~TOuert IAn 1n ras Vtaas. ev. 1:• e o a °"" w toee(J)O (J1) r.,.i Tiiiis l:JO e CJ) (Ill (l7J s,.rts s,.ctaailer H11h1t1hts ol the came between the N1t1011al Hockey Lea1ue All·Stars and Ille SoY1tt NAtional Team from Madrson Square Garden; the lntern1hon1I Prote$$ron1I Surfers' Women's Team charnp10Ml11ps from 011111, H1•111, and the 20th annual Los All&eles Times Indoor Ca mes from the r oium in Los An1etes. 8 ft C1l7'1i,,'..,.. <>Rion •t A11mn1 e CJ) 9 ...,.. T• Coverare of 1111 Rolaids Op«n flam f t. M 1St01111. 5:tl. CJ) ...... s,.ts SUtllAT, ftlllM'f 4 l• e "Ullt ..._ • • rnlril" (dr1) '74-Mlchael L1n4on, Mtliua Gdbeft, Melessa Sue Andtnoll. · e '11le F.IJ...,,.. (dra) 'S9-James Stewert, Vera Miles. 7lll. CJ) (11 ..... feltwt: ftlMt 1-'111t ... """ Boin" (com) '76-Walter M1tth1u, Tatum O'Neal, Vic Mofrow. Jo1(e Van l'ltten, Bmldon Crw. "*1 n-•111t W., We""'" (dra) '73-Ba1b11 Streisand, Robtrl Rtdfoid, Br1df01d Dillman, Lois Chiles. •• e Cl) 0 en>..._,.. (dra) '76-Sytveslt1 St11I011e. Talia Shire, Butt Youn~ ~::•IM!S. Bur1ns Meredith e '11le ......_" (edv) '73-Wilttr Matthau. &uce Oer11 . ... ,, FtllUM'f s t• • '11le M ......,.. (com) '64-Pettr Setltr1, David Niven. t:tl 8 @ Gii ,....., 14 tlle Mlite ..._,. P1rt II. (d11) '78-0Mm l:olt, laltt Ua1111s. Lou Gossett, Gwcc llenntdy. Ed Fllnden. lee Grant, l«ry Caln, Ja11 Ster11111 ~,~. 1:11 • '11le ....._ .. (wa) ·66-=btoll Br1116o, .1ot111 Suon • "Cllll9" ts> '73 CMr1ts BrOMOll, '"' lltlllld • "" 1 ,.....,.. (tdY) '62-Wllha111 Holdt11. Ulh Palmer. 1"'1111T, FtlllMT I l:tl e '111e "'-ttw. ....,... (dra) '61-Slne lllc()veen, Faye 0-..y, '"' Mt, JG Weston e "M, 111't ... ) ~-City et.111. Sati!111tha [Wr • ......._ •• nJ""'.;r -vu1 "''"* Ctortt Stcat. ' t •ttt• '11le .....,.,. (Ctlll) '7Z-Jt1Ms c.ni, $11111 "'h M, LOIS ~. e ..... .., .. r.J:-u1:=i.. k laittt Ottll Mert111 . ' 1• .. , ................. (tllJI) '17 ~ .... Hal Reed .,,.. I (COii!) '54 .. 0ttft Mertlll, Jer ltwls l:tl ..... :.r. Ynn l.C." (ad•) '67-71Qutl Wtkll, Jolin lllctMIM. e "Clf-. ...,. (drt) 'l4-Jo1111 Wty~. Cle11dlt Ctrd111alt, Rrta ~l,. ....... .. • (J) Q d7J .................... a.,,.....,.,.<•> '11-Mlil,., -.... .., Diii ..... -Clmr, ~ ..... .., .... .., Clltl.. '* .... I • ..... , MORNING -5:30- • S.riM s-t.1 8:00 a • D CJ)) Fut111u Tiie ma• e KnowWce: TrallSfonnatioft (() s.rise Stmesttr m Uni¥trsity of ltM Ai1 -6:30- • $41flllYSWt a @ !lot lof Women Only: S.1 E4atioll & Adults D Villa Metre •DIJku• LA. G Cll (fa) Ill) Futures m 11ewzoo1tewe II) FuMy P'llantom fD Captiolled ABC News Except Mon (3) ltompe1 Room 7:00 u (() (Jl) Mornlna News e @O T•rShow • 100a..-• (JD) QI) Goo41 Mo1nln1 AMeficl 0~1d Har1man hcnts G Tiie F rlOZlts at Illes & '111\r .., Caf1lolmlle 13 '•"' Htlltll -7:30- -~ w.its •T• & Jtny 8:00 u till c.,taill KHcaroe S4Mp Sill Dieco a n. ma. mr.-. l'lbtop &;>Futures soi °"' Easy -1:30- • Ciallefy; 70's Wolnan Fri m nilltsttna II) Jolie I ltM l'uslyc.ats m V-1111 Altar• Al Futu1a 9:00 D ()) (1]) All In ltM flmilJ Them Club D Cant stiam 1!1 illl (fiJ l'hil Donahue Show 8 AM Los An11les ®Ironside CD I lM Lucy O)SuptnNn l8l Misttf lloprs 1111) ..... Strwt (8) .. D"llas Show Ill) Hed,.,odrt lodat -9:30- • TM rrlca Is ltlc~t • All Stai Seems CD h111ily Alflir Qll ""' 0..-Sllew -~-­@VIII Altcrt a EJtdTlc c.,.111 Winter Spa Specials! •The professionals at Spa Warehouse provide ('Omplete spa packages and expert installation •Spa Warehouse is the. unique one-stop ~I"' shopping center in O~ange County •Exciting new spa shapes now on dlspla v in our luxurious spa garden. Best prirt>s too. ~ h 2640 S H11rhor Roult•v:mi Sant<i Ana U~llOIJSE 7t41!l4&J100 -10:30-• U (I}) !Mt ef Life .. @ ilJ) WMtl " fert-• CD cm a SJO.OOO r,1...id m Thlt liitt · II) llaMJ I ltM "11fmor 11:00 tJ ()) (lli YOll•I I ltesttm a @ ilJ) -.rdy 11 Bia Y1lley e CD 121J flmilJ Ftud <Ill AH My Cllildrtn CD Ghost I Mrs. Muir m The 1owtrr 11oys fD Eledrk Collllll!IY I lttiAiooN 12:00 9 S....Uwlr*Slllw • 9....,.. .,. .T ..... Z- • CD a All llJ ClliWr" (()(!l@QIJ .... G • llMll: See Dayltme Movies ...... m a llllM. , ... ' '• ID Mldllll JKblll Sllew -12:30- • Cl) [I) ._ the ..,Id T111M • ill) 8 °"' " °'' Um eDl'acMt (llF....,FM . """' ,,,.. . , ... .., ........ ., ..... LltiM 1:00 ...... -----------------1 e <II OM Utt tt U.. P ER BtlY8 AT THE S<.IPER DO"'El RArtQE COOl''frY'S LEASING SPECIALISTS ...... e ws.rt • a-.. IMtrlctiell -1:30- • n.t~littlt • OJ) flit o.ct.n ..... •"-',,.. TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 4, 1979 , • M lft Ille F..nly m wr~ m C..r P'yte ID IMIMrUMICerejt- 3:00 a er..• D llilt*llCMltf • CD TM Utt ot Niallt Mt0.0asa... G Gt•Acra llMll: Stt Oayltme Movies m F1illtmMs <IZ Mlldl c:.... .., w S..rt @ ~SMl\s ®°"'Easy fD SltnlYal IDl Dilllhl '9J Vlll.t A1tc11 -3:30-tJ let's Mah A Deal m The llrldy lunch • Dlllllll • MoM: See Oayl1me Movies C11 YOll Don't Say m "" 1u11t1Y1Pwk1 I'll <I]) llle loler's WIN O)MIPfylleae @ All StM Secreb ®Villa Altar• m futllrts QI) EttryO., ...... ,. <Bl ~ .. lt41• SUNDAY JUIUMY 4 I MORNING * lndicltes an Adwtrtisemtnt 8:00 • Daybr11k LA. CJ) Utin l'rofllt G Ylllth & the 1-m liMl Aimtrs ..,.....,., ... -6:30- (]) SKrtd H11rt .. ...,. ...... lllck Show ... ,tM~Wonl 8 E,..mim Loe Aftctlet CJ) Let n.. .. upt • °'"' ' Golletll .. [lelNtttary ""' (1]) Today's Clturcll 1:00 •WliMN ... ()) ¥alee .. Acrklllturt e s.r.-,., e 1ettttw., 8 VANDOWI PRESENTS * Vt1ttlblt llndw11on Timt To Gtt AbNrdl • It Is wntt.11 TV I LoeU at l11r1111ts ac.tAry ~ <II Dkediolls • o., " DilcMry (1]) Old f 1111t Gospel Hour m [mat Alllltt Hour OJ T1lis ts Ille life m Yoe• 1w Hultll QI) Search * Alldttlt f 1itll QI) Acrlclllturt USA -7:30- • eo-ainttrt (]) It Is Written II Tlllt's C.t B UMlrdls e C.lllPlll l'rofile-Vitwpolnt on llutrition (() lntttnatlonal Hour Iii Rft. Tttry Dolt Whltta•er (ID) Pr .ctical Cltrlstilnity CD kid TOlllOrrow @ 0...,&Watll m Mister llottll f2ll T OW11 Hiii Mt1tin1 iJJl Sunday Mass 8:00 fJ @ Sunday Moraine II The Cllristet*trs . """' • OimtMiofts • ~ Johll OslMt (JG) Jerry f111Mll Sllow m rn 11111111, Snu•rt S11ow e Ilea Hulllbard ShOw ~ Voice of Asrkulture fD S...me Street illl Day of DilcMry G»SIMI PINI (3) Marlo's Ma1ic Movie MKhine -1:30- Day of DiscofttJ .. T1lis ts tllt Ult e For YOll, ~ Wo!Mn G Mtttlna f1111t at Calvary m FrtftriQ II. l'rica (DJ " Is Writt111 lllJ Ilea Hv1111tard Sllow tJI) Htr IN ti T rvt11 9 :00 (]) •i HUl!lllard Sllow IJC)dpaey • Villl Altcre G (() @ Oral Rollerts tial " Is Writttn e Diii Stn1rt Emc•lism tDl a... Your lible -9:30- • CJ) (IJ) F 1U tllt ll1tion II (8) Meet Ille l'ress e It Children's TV maea11ne G Day of DiscGwery (ID) s,.ctrum m s,ldtnun Q) Old fHM Gospel Hou I 0 lnsiPt (JI) Jlllllllf Swau1rt Show ID F utbol Soccer 10:00 8 (IJ) Cllalle111• ol Ille Sms Covmee of matches featurin1 Keith £rrckson vs Ann Meyers Gree Loue1nis vs Melissa Buley and John £aves vs Genia Fuller Cil Hour of Power II QI) Rtllcious Pro111m · This Other [den" A stully of £naland·s history from Stonehenee to the present day. with emphasis on the role reheion llas played 1n sllaprn1 Ille "'hon and its people Almnder Scourby 1s the host e flmil1 film Festin i "Show White & the lhree Stoo1es" 8 !Ilda Art l'eople Too Moiwit: "Red StJ al Mor11i111'' (dra) '71 -Rrchard Thomu Ow Arna1 Jr Catherrne Burn!. RtChard Crenna. Claire Bloom, Harry Guardino, Strother Martin D Htralcl of T rutll (ID) l'lllllk Pulse CALL 540-5814 NOW m lup lwllly/T• & Jerry 0 VttttaMe s., i3l S..rdl -10:30- (]) (ID) 121) llids Are Ptoplt Too Cll lln. Leroy JtMiM O> C.lmy Clllpel O Mttttllt l'mi -10:45-u @ 1'n> lnhtblll NBA All Star Game 11:00 II 12]) IDl Cotle11 l11httull Kansas at Mich1ean State Cll Jilllmy Sw1u1rt Sllow CD Movie: "little Colonel" (com) "35-Shirley Tempie. Lionel Barrymore, Evelyn Venable. John lodae. Sidney Blackmer, Alden Chase O> Clturt11 Ill Ille Home m frtatylt -11:30- • 12:1J Anlmlb Allim11t Cll American Town Hill (JG) """""'"' m lllQ l'tl1jltdiwt on lllt .... I AHIRNOON 12:00 • V.1• to "" llttWI " tilt Sea 8 (]) (ID) (21) Issues & Allwtrs (() Shr Tre• Cl Su~ O> s,ortJ Afield Jeiry Chappetta oamines the stockine of b11 came fish in the Great lakes while C11ts Gresham visits a ptCturesque .alley in Indiana where loc;al inhabitants rehve their heritage l.lJ) llasterplece Theatre FOR YOUR PRIVATE; HOME SHOWING OF THE 1/iJeo~ GIANT SCREEN TV 5' Washable -Touchable Screen GIVES BRIGHT CLEAR PICTURE COMPARABLE TO OTHER MAKES TWICE THE PRICE Easy Hook-Up To Your Stereo Gives Exciting HI-Fl Sound NO MONEY DOWN TWO YEAR WARRANTY _49~~ ON APPROVED CREDIT No money down on your approved credrt 149.88 per month for 38 months Cesh price $1.400.00 Including taJI, Deferred payment total $1,795.68. Total finance cher~ $395 68 Reg. C•ah Prtce $1590.00 Try it in your home where you can see & Hear the difference For An Appointment C•ll 540-5814 -540-1444 (Home Phone) AUDIO PERCEPTUAL SYSTEMS 1240 w . ...,.. A•-.. u.11 J, c .... ......_ c•. tz6•o Edd Bymes is host •nd stu of NBC's hour- long <inthology series, Sweepst•kd, •iring frid<iys •t 10f'M. Byrnes introduces the three fln<illsts ind spins the wheel to determine the winner of one million tu-free dollus. Lich Wttk the comedy/dr<im<i focuses on the lives of e<ich lottery pllrticip<int <ind shows how winnln1 or losing <iffects their lives. Angle, ABC's new series sturing Donn<i Pescow in the title role, premieres Thursd<iy •t 8:30PM. Miss Pescow pl<iys <in euthy, humor- lovlng. oot-spoken ex-w<iitress who becomes the wife of ll wt1lthy, high society doctor, pl<iyed by Robert Hilys. Angie's lilck of sophis- tlutlon in his toney world sends comic shock- w~ through his filmily •nd friends. SUNDAY (Continu.d) SJ Selti c.Mts (R) "Bfrhoz" Jilt Clucaco Symphony Orchestra locuses on the famous scenic or1to110 work by Berlioz. "Romeo and Jullet." under the d1recbon of S11 Georg SoU1 ID loaill& lticMictltsl llews . -12:30- • Cl) QI) DirKtiofts II llowlt: • "H1111111111" (wes) '59-Robert Taylor, Tina Louise. fess Parker, Jack lord. Mickey Shaughnessy, Shirley Harmer !ID) Ma.·12 m llowlt: "Tiie Alme & tllt Ano•" (dra) '50-Burt Lancaster, V1111nia Mayo, Robert Oouctas. 8) MINI Wlfll' a..ic:s 1:00 ll @ID ~ B Bil Vllley 8 CD(}]) QI) Tiie Superstars The Men's Plehm1111ry 1s lutured. 18l lifut~ SJ Tiie llltllMll Ftstifll "Fourth Symphony" Ant•I Ooratr condllcts the Detrolt Symphony Orchestta m 11n1co, 11.,u , Ellwelltre 2:00 • Cl) Ill) '"" er-, w lrve coviraae from Monterey Penmsull courses at Cypiess Pomt, S9varass Hill and Pebble Beach. , ..... • **' ' c.ttllo m-..: ....,._. .. (adv) 69- Burt Reynolds, Nine F ra ncls, l ylt Bettaer. Jeff Corey. m Wiii Strttt ..... -2:15-• CD lD l11ter11ali111al ClllM1imllif lbll& Coveraae ol the World M1ddlewe11ht Champion $hip bout between Huao Corro of Ar1ent1n1 ud th1llen1er Vito Alltoluermo of Brooklyn, N V -2:30- • 11ewi.: "C•tttr'' (dra) '73- C.meQl!I M1tchtll, Peter De Anda, RobufWebber, B•rbara Rush. ............... "' ...... m ~ • --.. 3:00 .. At °"' Wlltt e F_, Fillll Fatltal "Hopp1ty GOts to Town" 0 -..: .......__,. (dll) '7~­ All C.rner. Sissy Spacek, HenrJ Winkler, lane Wyatt. iUJ -..: "U.. " """' Deleft'' (dra) 7S-Sh1tley Jones • 0 Cllpte ,,... Ct .... w lrwe con,.1• from Clhforn11's Mmt0n Hills Country Club of 111e hnal round of thli pttsh&tOus match pl1t tournamenl. Fteld lncludu Nancy Lot>tz. J~nne C.rntr, Debbie MIUIJ, P1t 811dlty, ~ndr1 Poit, Mly Alcotl 1nd Jan SltphtMOll lhirie: '"-' If ... ,... .. (1dv) '61-G111ory PIQ. Oo1d ;'~'~/!:" -3;30-......... e CJ) l1I 8 WIN •141 If s,.ri~trtl' of 1M Ulllttd St1t1s N1tt0111i F11111t ShMI CllamplOll ships from Clnc1nnah, 01110, tht Wttt4 WriatwmtJi111 CM~ "°"' '9ttfuma. tnd a sat111ttt 1t1*1 Oii Ille Gfln4 "11 of 811til ............... 4100 ea.cw lls.Mly at llowlt: "Dilry of A lb~ ........ wife'' (d11) '70-Came Snode1ess, R1ch1rd Ben11min, Frank laneella. II> flloN: .. ...,. Holiday" (rom) ·~-Creg01y Peck, Audlet Hepburn (9) c.lptt T n,lt Ct""' &.If -4:30-a N-•tn 5:00 8 It Tu All KlMs (]) o.tdoonlul e Stir Trtk •®>a ...., II flloN: "Colnt lloll Your Hom" (com) '63-Frank Sinatra. Molly Picon, Barbira Rush (II) This Is Your 8iMe @ Adllll·lZ ill) NW lashtball rlnals: lletltudy CountMll m Firifl& line -5:30- .. CI>®lews • "911 AMtltUfl (Ill Directions IDl Fecm l8l c..cr-...1 Outlook a Mowle: ".IGM ' llarf' (dra) '69-Dushn Hoffman, Mia Farrow •V•NINQ e:OO BUCIJ091111m CJ) Ftn1111 •• llewlt: (Zllt) "littlt HMse - tk Pfalrlt'' (~r•><74-Michael Landon. Mtltssa Gilbert <DI Clrtl lwMtt & fr""* • SIJ ... s ..... all llaly TJ!tr Mtefe at llowlt: ''TM Fil.I. S~" (dra) ·~9-Jtmts Stew1rt. Ver1 MNes ill) er.c.ttt•s Vicltfy '-r*tl SJ llltieul '-lr.,WC (R) "Hona lton1. A Family Portrait" A '* at one of the most fasc1na11n1 cities of the 20th century-l1nanc11I center or the Far East; BnllSh Colony from the hme of Vrcto111, retuae lor more than lour .1111111011 free Ch1nt&e. 1nd ba1c1in b1Semen1 of the world atAltllfayMes a r--. -6:30- • O llews -~ U"'-c.I""" • -htd " AMttt•rt (JI .... Ale-.! • Dnip 9 Mf ..... ~ , .. 0 c:-sn.11 lit 80..U,..Aa.k 7:00 • @ •lllllMel e" a Tlle~htd .. ...., ''Shldclw ol r .. ,~ Conclu$IOll A teen1p boy's ablhty to totnmunt· ult with 11111n1ls pull him 1n perrl ol • ferocious do& pack Ike Elte11m1nn 5t1ri John AnckllOn, Ptl11 Hasktll. loytt VIII Ptlttll 1114 LISI Wllt~el co Siii e CllQI llt"-DMMe ,..,.: , ...... 1-"Tlle IM "'- ... ,... (com) '7&-W1l1er lht1h1u, Tetum O'Neal. V'IC MOffOW J~ Ven htttt1. 8rtlldofl (hl, lad11 £arlt Halsey Matthau end Ms O'Nt1I t1tnslo1m tht mtantal prnl Sil,. 1e1111 lft ~II b1story from utter dwellers lo PtMtnl tOftltftdtrt, bttak1ftC • '"' flllti •lo111 tllt "'' ' ~-- Fut•re 11-"Tllt Wey We Wtrt'' (d11) '73-Barbra Streisand. Robert Redford, Bradford Dillman, Lois Chiles. Set a1ainst the uneasy trmes ol the '50s, when paht1ul suspicions and 11:cus.ations turned lrrends into betrayers and creative careers were smashed overn11M. lhlS dm111 tells the story of two people who dnll 1nlo marnaee and out of love without really underst1nd1n1 the re1SOn •hy D s,.ce 1999 m DIM f1'91t/W... W (2JJ ltlwl C1111wJ IMtnitws f.1l) Americ• & tllt World Panel discuSSton w1lh authors featured in lhe hrst pubhcatlon ol Fore11n Alla1rs maeazme 's ne• 1nnut 1SSue. "Amerrca and the World 19 78 .. laped before the Coonc1I on Fore11n Relatlons. 9 Sowr lladt In Gel!Mny -7:30- 8 Sumnr 8:00 ft BUDWEISEa PltESENTS * !!!"ROCKY"!!! TY PREMIERE HM CBS • Cl) Cf}) lllttit: (Z~llr) "lloc•y" (dra) '76-Sylmler Stallone, Taha Shire. Burt Younc. ~rl Weathers, Bur1ess Meredith The story ol the elforts ol a small time boxer ind street punk in Phtla delph11. Rocky Balboa (Stallone). who ballles 1111nsl omwlltlminc odds to make something of himself Rocky's hie seems to be eoine nowhere H1$ hie chances when he aets an oPPoftun1ty to meet the "'°11d huvywe11hl champion 1ft the 11n1 And •hit $farts out u a pubhcity &lllJlfti<~ ID showcase tht champs Slylc, turns &Ill to\ be the tOllflltst contender )le has ever met II O QJl CellttllMal (3hr) Con cluSIOll '111e Scrum of £1cles" Paul G11ret1. current owne1 of Vennelord Rlnch, rel1tes the history of the ewtvement ol the city of Centenni1I tor wi1lers Ytrnor end Sidney 1n hsllbacb usin1 loot11e from u1ly episodes with Pesq111nel and McKeac The s101y concludes witll Garrett's marnacc 10 flcf, and his lhwtrt1n& ot the unscrupulous Morein Wendell's pohhcal 1mb1· llons Oav1d J1nsstn, AndJ C111f1th, Robert Vau1hll. Shlron Gius and Mt<lt Hluard stat e T1111t 111 To ll1turel '* ''Mutual of 0"'1lll's WILD llllQDOM" eWlll KMcM •VMDUWIPmEm • S..rcll tor Certainty e 1t ltWrttt. • llltwle: (Ztlr) "Tltt l111llh11 1'91k .... " (ldW) '73-Willcr Mllthau. 8rU(.t Dern, Lou Cos1ett, Albtrt ,.uls:lll es-Tift} U Te lln. lrtn: A D111llltt Oocurnents the birth of lou1se Btown. tllt hut •test h1be baby •. :..~,,.. ......... -~ •°"'• -l:J0- 1-.w ....... • ==-ue.e,tl ...,.. .. ,...,.., 1100 ....... ,.., Dhff..._ ll)lnlMINrdSM &!) @ lll1st11,ltct Th11tie: C4Mllltry Matters "Crippled Bloom" This new senes dramatizes the qks of short SIOly writers A.E Coppard and H E Bates The open1n1 st01y by Coppard is 1 tnanele of 1ealouiy as !'#0 sisters fall in love w1tll the same man. Pauline Colhns, Aona Cropper • and Joss Ackland stu iHl The lttllywwd .... -9:30- D The IUltc is c..it11 10:00 U DUV111 ~ Cl Erllest Allclty ..... , 18 DM1u Special Ross Poiter hosts a loo~ at the 1978 season .., Gosfel HOlll @ ....... Fat.IHI fD Tt lln.. lrwll: A l>Mcttttr Doc umentary on the conceptron and caesarean btrth of the WOfld's hrst 'test tube baby ' -10:30- • Cl) <12> ~: C.~ fmr The m1K ups are many when a dief11· hed women's colle1e turns CO·td and men amve on campus tor the hrst hme. In the pre¥iew episode, the youthful reStdenls race the pressing problem of hndina the younatsl or tht aroup an ob1ect for her alfec t1011s Stamna lfe Oavrd Kt1th as Tuct Aleu Ken1n is Mousre. Ch11stoph11 S. Nelson as Dou1. C.thryn O'Neil as Elizabeth; Michael Puternak as Cobo: Tacey Phillips as Hope, Heather Thomas as S1nd1, and Jane Rose as Mrs Selby 8 Jitlll!IY S.a1rt SM 18 llews ID Tiit m ci.• 11:00 •• IBJ llews -~"' DOnl ll*rts 1811tM: "lalllllillt l'olkol'lll~" (adv) '73-Walter Matthau, Bruce Oern, Lou ~II @ 7GICM ., °" of Dilc:Mry @MM-lZ (JJ) s.M Pmlns -11:30- -~~l/ .... tf IMQlllll a 0 llewlt: "Stru1er 111 Ille..._,. (llol) '7~-0lml Hussey, Keri Dulle•. Mtraot Kidder •1000.. ·~·""" -~~ .. Y•Mn" (com) ·g.3 Fran' Sh11tr1. Molly Picon. Berbfra Rusi!. • lllttit: "Dt,.rtM'' (drt) 'Sl-Mltla fOftn, Jeff Cllandl•r 0 ...... ~ ....... ,. tl100 Tiie ma.. • llews/llewlt; "OperttlM ~· (aft) '65-SO,hi. Loitn, GtOfae PtotWd. T ra¥Ot Howatd, lrll1 Ptlmtt. Jt<tm1 Ktnlp t1I .. ; "nit ,,.. ,.,. (COii) · 11-Jec~ ltl!llllOfl, W.ittr M11tllto. Susan Saranclon, Vlnctnt C.,dt1u1, Otvid W1y11t, Mien Glrfleld, Carol llualttt.Jlldlft. C.l -l:JO- • ....., ..... : "Tk .. ..... (dta) '51-Jtnt twr111111, Joefl BIOftdell, Charin L111111ton, fll<lllrd C.rl1011, ApQ Moortli .. d. ~ ... , --. TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 4, 1979 • , .... The shows they don't watch get axed. The shows they do watch, go on. You've heard all those wild and crazy stories about TV ratings homes and their "little black boxes:· Tonight and all this week, we'll show you just how Powerful TV ratings families really are. (There are just a select few here in L.A.) And the secrets that make the system work. Or does it? If you care about what you watch on rv, watch us on TV. Tonight. EYEWITNESS MEWS(i)S PM ~· . Because there's more to life than news, weather and sports . . ,.... MONDAY FEUUMY 5 fOf ..,.... Md aftt<Mell llstillp, please SH DAYTIME l'ROHAllS. ...,, t.,.., C1M111i•ce, are tlM .,., ...... DAmME MOVIES 12:00 CJ .,...., ...... (d11) '57-Jat~ Palance, Anthony Per~1ns, "ev11te Sund m "Of !Miii Harts" (dra) '38-Watter Huston, lames Stewart, Ch1rtes Coburn 3:00 <!§I HOii "' °'""" (com) '61-Danny Kaye, Da11a Wynter. l:lO • ..... ' 1111 Prlldltf'' (•ts) .'72-Sidney Pt>1t1er. Harry Belafonte. tqiby Dee •' LIM lllcy away and discover what llt won't do f,Z) Mldleel .._ Phyllis D1lle1 IOI love. ht m1&ht do fQ( money. dtStuues ht1 P1rttculi1 biand ol 8 @O U1tie ..._. • tt1t comedy, Ame11t1n standaids of l'reirie "The Sound ol Children" beauty. lier plastic s11r1eiv and When Mary lnaalls KellC!aH leains women m comedy. that she is P'tfnant. site sets out lo ai TM ~s WM reconcile her husband •1th his m () Q.,.iM c.-. lather. who re,ected lht 51thtlm youna man wtltn Charles and 7:00 Caroline IUfn lhty are about lo B CD 8 • O """ becOme 111ndp¥ents. they are hlled e lM .....,_ '--with ,oy Thtn they learn Maiy's • TM JeMt't WiN ettoru ~vt badl1red, and Adam's e <IJ) (8) Sia 11i11i111 $ MM dist1nculSfled and dtmand1n1 lathtt • ~ ' Sea flu 11n'ftd in Walnut Grove with S) MecWtu.m ~ plans to movt M11y and Adam to hi$ m LI S-. • Clf-..s elecant Boston home (JI llltl .... lietea • Colltft llUethll USC 11 -7:30-Oreaon Slate a TM~ • SAl.VA&E·l TWI IN r'I'\ C11b ' tt1t MM * ll£Al DUGEI TOfllTI e C-11JtiM •CD <Ill a S.l••a• 1 e TM Dlti!lc GllM "Shanen·l• Lil" Harry Brode11ck's • Tlllt's HellywM sentimenlal iourney to 1 Burmese I •V•NING CIJ NaflM ni.t T11111 jungle to l>fine back Shanari·la Lil. -e Tic Tee o..p the 8-25 bombe1 lie fllloted d111ina •·.OO (JI Tiie Met b aipt world War II, turns into an ee11e and v e MMt·12 dan1erous adventure. 8 ® 0 @ ..._ 12}) fllllily fM G SPlCIM. 1971 Mila Clliftmll CD Tiie o.w c...,.. 0 r.-,.n. °"' fltllt UlliftfM ........ Forly·IOUI &iris II • Cl) ~ ..._ tD za t ..... "Plrenhn&. family lrom the Stale ol Calll0tn~ compete 8 Uwrl"Cf °"' of the Year" How do ptople view the lor the title or Miss Cahlorn11 • 1,..W. tdeal fam~y? How ~ the tdtal Universe with the winner travthnc lo 81 TM~ lllllCll parent btlll¥e1 ts the ideal PQSStble' Mcu1S11PPI lo compete lor the Miss • Streib ti Sell Frnda These questions and some of U.SA Universe title on Apnl 30th @ hlatiM America's fnonte ltltY1S1011 lam1hes m c.'11 hrlett ' Fritllft m 0.. Eat 11e e~ploftd ....... : (Zllr) "PWI ........ .._.. ,.._ (com) '6~-Peter Sellers. OIVld '51) UtilM Sbtts Ptltal Sfsttt11: Ill J11i1 C11iW & C.. Niven, Robert Waanu, Capuc1ne. Clll It Dehlf? Cbud1a Clldinate. fran Jeffnt$ -6:30-8:00 @ Ac.-., lM*r1 A stlltS oC ()) (fJ) !DJ ..._ 8 @ M ill "'9 f11111ity Alchtt PfOlf&nlS with Academy Award •111 c...Wlb and Ed11h introduce a itch widow to nine and nonunated short subject Cll"" Criffill 5e.w Bamey Helnti afttr his wile 1111\S films hoSted :r.:.~""" Colwin -------------------, •a• , ....,... GViwiMI DANNY ICAYE TOSSES THE FAT AROUND! Kaye arms himself with "fat jokes "and throws them at Miss Piggy's well-rounded form. 7:30PM THE MUPPET SHOW -l:lO- • '1J) •Mel's pushy mom (Mal'thl Raye) d1ops 1n 11ne~ptttedly lrom llfooijyn, moves in will\ ht1 son 'Cllubby' and proceeds to nat him and take over his lift. ··~ c...,.. G&el"9clMOlp 9:00 8 Cl)«}) MW'S"M The 4071th evatual!Oll to 1 nearby cne to avoid • U.S. trt1llery fire on 1 Chinese taiaet PQH1 anotl\11 haillfd for Hawkeye. who has I p«>blem ColOMI PO\tef IS unaw11e of. •@• lltrie: (1911) .....," ............... Part II. (dta) '79-0tma Cole, Leslie Uuams, lou Gossett. Ceorce Kellftedy. Ed R.ndels. ltt Cltnl. L1riy Cales. 1111 Slerhna Mauit lqlfS 11!d lltf daupltt, UHian. ere CMIChl 111 Ille wlllflwlnd of l11stor, aa Wllrle House 111114• The ~th ol Pt9'1denl Hlntinc (Km•dY) tndl the ytan ol ~ al!d tcandal. and ltlt qllltl dlpcty o4 Prwft11t ltd M1&. Cooh~ce (fl• nd11s •114 Ms Gtlnl) rs a wtlcofM rtlltf 8411 Ille c.alm iS followed by IN attt11 If~ Hoofer (Glln) • <fa .......... l1ill ~TIM Cnt111y" Zell Macahln. a '*" k111y litllttlllllt, 1 ICfull) llllld of ~ tnd • pttllJ 'lll6ow find tlleir li..s tlwtltt!IM 1IMft they're """°Ill I dtl4lly ·--~ "'° lftdlat1 '°"' out b llleod K• """'· l .. ~Ill, ftlll ~ .... 0.-1 Pyle MSt ......... ...... a..u.11 TV WEEK. FEBRUARY 4, 1979 SJ Aud••Y ·t11d111 Norman Colwin hosts thtS new series show· casinc Academy award·winninc and nominated s~ort subject t1lms "Crul," "Omtu11." "Spills and Clltlls" and "The Bead Came" are lulurtd ton11ht ID S.,. llhllical \H)Qltlll' ........ -9:30- • @ ..., ill CilldMati A tornado hits C1nc1nn1h and the WllRP stall is not pre~red to cope with the d1sasltr-eacepl for Jenni1er Mio 1s an upert at mouth· to mouth resusc1tahoo. When Andy 1s "'ocktd out by an uplod1nc window. Jtnn1tt1 &1¥U lltr best and Mhur Carlson proves himself capable of ludel3/l1p in a cnsrs DTMAMllfwen ID,...... UaitMWas 10:00 U Cl}) t... Grlllt Alter Lou sees an lmml&ratron Department sweep or his tavorile Me11can restau· rant. the lrib uncovers a crim and unsetthnc picture of what 1s happeninc to 1lle1al aliens. At the same time, Lou has to ciope with a new emplayee 1n the city room-Mrs. Pynchon's spoiled niece (Maurttn McConmck)-who turns out to be 111· equipped IOI the 1ob of copyt1r1. ....... ••WefJ 9Mlillfen'.lelrul S) ..... Pat1 I of hve parts 'The Actress" [tn1lt Zola's novel opens 1n Ptrrs 111 1860 With Na11a starnna 111 "The Blonde Venus .. Nana. Katha11ne Sctlolttld. Collnl Mulfat. Frtddtt Jonis. lhtQUIS de Chouard and Eric Woodbutn st11 -10:30-...... 11:00 • • <Ill • """ • ()])@QI) .... ............. 8 hrlt: ''T11ey Call Hi• llr. ~ (dra) '75-Stuart Whitman. Peter Cushina. 11 Luna • Tiit o.w c...,i. • Tiit Glldils o~....,u• eDIOCMtt .. ...... -11:30- • 9 ...,1e: ne •tt••or• fllll/lldlil ... ' ... • 0 ...., Cef1lll ., ...... • ttl f'llit.t .... en.Cllll._ ec.ts.rt "=-':ri ' '• . . .... 11100 ......... "-'* .... ,... -U!JO-. ...., _.. ...... 1% e-..: ~" (dra) 'Si-Ray MtM11!d, MWltll 0 tltll 1&00 .. , __ ••'-~ . n.a...,t.. aioo • ... : "Acc9H .. lf1rdtf" (mys) 'S6-0ewl4 811111, Vtra R.bton. Sidllt? 8llck111tr f TUESDAY ftRUM'f 5 Ftr ....... 11141 "''"""' listlllp. plmt stt DATilllE PROGUllS. ...... lor ,.., ce11uni1111et, 1rr lilt dly'sllllWles. DA m1u MOV1£S 12:00 a "P•r,lt Illas•" (adv) 'SS-Tony Curtis. Colleen Miller m M"' T1111t for c:..4y" (com) '40-/ames Stewart. Rouhnd Russell Charles Ruftles, Allyn Joslyn 1:00 <ml "Sh1nm" (com) '73 Burt Reynolds. Dyan Cannon. John Ryan. 3:30 • wa lia Kalld for tht little Udy" (wes) '66-Henry fo1d, Joanne Woodwa1 d, Jason Robards, Charles Bickford, Buraess Mered1lh, Krnn McCarthy. Robert Middleton •V•NING 8:00 II • CD Clll Ntn CJ) Tiit a.. c.,M II Cial @ l2ll Ntn e C.rct11CJ °"' G ll'llllWt • Tiit lfMy a.cit a> Streets of Sa11 f ralldsco ® l'CllliM..To lift fD()lw i.., Ql)lllllllt IHl l'o 111'5 "' lly T"' -6:30- CI> (1}) @ ""' Cfm.Wib 9 Men Grilfilt sa-• , LM Liiey m llldlMI •• s.... !BJ TIM .loMr's Wilcl mc~ .. v,., 7:00 8 CJ) II 8 llll hrs • Tiie .......... """ • CJ) Tiit ,,..., •• W'.W m (IJ) 111) Six Millloll $ Miii e S.lllM I Sen fllt MaW/llltrer R.,.rt m l.I S.-1 .. C.rdtnn o °"' Sliptrllti.t Sena -7:30- • BIG TOP! MUSIC, • UOllS, UlrHMTS! • an:. rn ca.a a tilt ... er.arr• • Tiit .,...... ""' • IUJ ....... ~ Tiit ""' a.. e r1e Tic o..p • .._lZ &Tiit Ot;er. ~ s,... • n Ttlli&M ... 8 ....... 8:<>0 9 @ SftCIAL Tiit IWrtt ~ ...... '"" ...... .... tttta, llaMttl, M•tHh td ..,~ ......... (2111) Anlhony Perkins. •ho 110111lted m1lhons ol movleaoers H lhe QSYtllollC k1llt1 1n Allied H1lchcock 's I 960 tll11ller "P!ycllo," hosts • two l!Ollr rftfOSlltctrve of the mohon pretures Ill.ti m•d• us SQu1fl'fl 1n our seits and fear the darkness From the silent motion picture classic "The Cabinet ol Dr Caheari" (1920). lo the more recent thnllers like. '1he Omen" (1974) and "bws" (197~). the specral eiplores 60 motion picture5 spann1n1 half of lhe century D 0 IDl Tiit lit Eftllt: r .. Milllltt W•nilllt (3hr) Wilen a team of lh1em set out lo eaecute a mulh m1llt011 dollar art heist. they plant a sniper rn the Los An&eles Coliseum durrne a football cune to ause a panic and divert attention ftom 111"1 lhell Charlton Huton, John Cusantes. Martin Balsam. Beau B11d&U. Marilyn Hassell. David Janssen. Jack Kluaman. Gena Rowlands and Walle• P1daeon head an all $la1 cast 111 lloM: (Zllr) ''The ApplJooN" (wts) '66-Marlon Brando. John Suon, An1anelle Comer • Cl) (JO) '2ll Ham D•JS "'Mar11ed Straneers" Wrlh the Cunn1neham marnaae seemrnely on the rocks. Howard and Marton- helped by R1ehre and the fonz- iourney lo the lodge where they spent their honeymoon 23 years ago. to try to rekindle the old llame. CJ MOYit: (2hr) "Chino" (wes) '73-Cllarles Bronson. Jrll Ireland m earo1 1iirnttt ' rr1tM1 CD lloM: (2hr) "Tiit Cou11tti1eit T1aitor" (1dv) '62-Wtlham Holdtn, lllh Palmer. Huah Gnfh1h 11~ Seullebtt fii) Tiit ~Muska.ls "On the Town" ( 1949) Gene Kelly frank Smatra. Betty Garrell and Ann Miller srnt and dall(e the11 way throuatr the B11 Apple 1n the ltrst proeram ol lh1s se11es Gene Ken,, who also co d11ected and ch01eotraphed the l1lm discusses its produclton Roddy McOowall hosts O>Y"INN 0 To Mrs..,._: A Oauflltar -1:30- • (IQ) a 1..r1.,,.. a Shirley "Supermar~et Swtep" lnerne and Sh11ley eel the chance to stnp the shelm bare 1n live minutes ol wild ind lrant1c tree shopp1na at Stotn1k's supermarket alter Lamne becomes lhe one m1lltonth customer • Tiit Odd C.plt f.I) Iris Cltlcoil 1:00 8 aJl 121> nrae's COlllpuy "Catered All11r" Chrrssy makes arranaements tor Jack to cater 1 party at her oHtee, and nearly loses her iob when Jack t11es to SIVt he1 from the advances ol the firm's pm1dt11t • Men Grilt1ll .. ® ...._ lwrMlltM Anm tHl .......... 'lllutrt -9:30- • Tall 'loure Sfn Ille l1alll' Alter hn 1n1 an operahon, loutt. ll1e sllaip IOCll\led ~tcht1. pan1u •llet1 he has to llttp a 111oma& tlllt ht made to Cod d1111n1 Sllfltl'f abCMlt h11n1111 O'ltl a ntw lut m ,...., tllCeMIUs 10:00 8 (.11) fllt•a....A p•r•ple11c student manares lo 1n1r•lttl1 h1msetl with the study croup, dnp11e his PtllOllll f11end $1trp 111111 lhnfSlttld,·untd lht~ Hnse t h1ddtn mot1w1 fM his ov1rt11res. .. ., ..... , HD fOR pJJY" ,, p. 9\G tt~~£ 1..1T1'L£ L A fortune is at stake in the West's strangest poker game. Joanne Woodw ard and Henry Fonda star. BLAZING mRRUPS WEEK THE 3:30 MOVIE 8TUESDAY~ UNDER THE BIG TOP THIS WEEK! Th e Riding Zerbinis, The Juggling Jewels and The Flying La Rays. I t all happens under the Circus tent tonight. 7:30PM CIRCUS '•" .. . ORDER YOURS ' NOW • • 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS STYLISH TYPE ONGOOO QUALITY WHITE GUMMED PAPER • PERSONALIZED •EASY TO USE • FOR YOU OR A FRIEND ~;;,:;-,~ ;o;po~:-;,;; ;:;-,,;., :,;;; $7 ;5-; ~-;;;;;. ~o 1 Piiot Printing. Label Div. Poet Office Box 1 seo • 330 W. Bay St. Coeta Mesa. C.llfomia 92928 e. Sure to UM Your Ztpcode PIL OT PRINTING , ... ,2 TUEIDA Y (Continued) • CJ) <II QI Sllruy & H•lcll "901bs. of Trouble" Aller goine undercQ¥,er as a h1t-m1n, Hulch is forced lo run down Slal'S1J 1n order to prove l11msett to the mob. Lana Wood, Lenny Baker and Mm Winnineham 1uest. • llilllt """' .................... ,. a ~ -10:30-.... @ LIMtJM rrice at tlte WINtt Ito. IH>Ytttr'sPipeliM 11:00 • m • (fJ) a """ • Cl) <ml 0 QI) """ ........ I.HO • lllM: "Tiit Girls tf ,,...,. lslMd" (com) 'SJ-Leo Genn. Don Taylor, Abby Dallon. • Tiii OIW Ceuplt • Tiii lill4ies OIYarWMes -11:30- • (I) (llJ llewles: h ruby 1'Ms/lauca • tDl l8l ...., C.11111 e Twilicllt Z.. e CJ) (jJI (JI llowlt: "LM lleet II" (adv) Cavin MKleod. Bern~ Kopell, frtd Crady, Ted Lanae. Lauren Tewes, Stella Stevens, Pat Harrintton. Phil Silvers. Audra Lrndley, Cary frank. Melanie Mayron • Tllll lieiic s.... .., Gets.art @ Ulils, Yop & Yeu fD~AICNtws 12:00 • Allred Hitdlcak l'rttlftb 13 Did C.lltt s.... ..... / .. -12:30- ..... : • "Tiit '""" I.JIM" (dra) '58-Montaomery Chit. Marlon Blando. Oun M¥t1n, Hope Lanre .. lllewlt: "Tiit 0.1." (dr1) '57-Jack Webb, Don Dubbins. Jacktt Louehery, Monita lewis. m ,_..: "I W. A SM,liftll'' {dra) ·~o-Scoll B11dt. Mona freeman, Andrea K1n1. Charles Otake. t:OO e o r..,... D Tiii LM £JIMtl -1:30-e w.w: OeN • h TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 4. 1979 lw•DN•SDAYI ftMUMY 1 f« ........ lftnell liltilp, pltaM Mt DAntllE ,.IOCilAllS. ........ ,., Cllll •~iMCt,.,. tlte .,. ...... DAmlff llCMES • 12:00 D "•••t4 Daw•" (wes) '56-Atthur Kennedy, Euaene l&lts1as, Betta St John • "Tiit lltml 5'ionll'' (dra) '40-Marcaret Sullavan, James Stewart Frank Mo111n, Robtrt Youna. 3:00 CID> "Tiit Girl llost LihlJ To ... " (com) '73-Stockard Chann1n1. Edward Asnei, Jim &Kkus, Sunnne Zenor l:JO • "Tiit $Wiest lillll Ill tilt West" (com) '68-Don Knolls, Barbm Rhoades. Jackie Coocan. Donald Barry •VINING 8:00 •• (fJ) 121J llws (]) TIM <Md C..,.. • Cl) CRl Ol llws • ElwftllCY °"' DTllll .llhr'sWIW •TlllllfMJllllKll B> Streets t4 SIA fl'llltia @ L-.11 TllllNs ~ &') <Mr Us, An 1nlerv1tw With comed11n/KI01 Ceorae Jessel!, new developmenls in pacemaker Itch - noloty and inf01m1tlon aboul hypo- thtrm11 art lealurtd a .._. 9)W.Ut4 '31 -6:30- (J) <Ill a w c:r..Rs D Tic Tac Dluati (fl ...,, ~ .. • 1 LM I.Aley @ Tiit h tss ,.4 tilt C..rb: ~,,..... l3 lllcll1tl JK~1t11 Shtw Con- sumer fraud advocate. Herschel (lk1ns. looks al consumer 11p off scams. 1nclud1111 phony adven1sma. bait and switch, home 1mprov1men1J and l!IOle 121 Tiii ,_,., WM G)lllSecntarie 7:00 e m eeo11ws • Tiii ....,_ c... 2:00 Tiii .llMl'1 WIN D llewle: a "Tiie S.Mtm" D l*I' ~ (mys) '42-Priscllla Lane, Rol>trt • 9 9 Sil llllllM S lllell C.mm1np , Otto Kr11r• · • ~ & S... • w s-t • ledW/LllWw...., mus..r.•c..... -2:30-.............. ...................... (h ) 'SS-la l"'4110, Jin s1e11tnc. -7:30- Howard Ovff, Audfey Totter e W.W lllf II: Cl °"fY (J)Uf••• ... .._ 3:00 ...... • ......... ,... T,...,.." • 1'111 IWllll c... (Id¥) '67-JMMs frtl!Cl$QIS e .._ n.i T• -l:30-....... • .._.._., ....... 1 "'·ty," .......... 011 • "9 ......... Tiie Los A111e1es tllc ;;;:;.: 11'" "' ""'" ... llMn at lllt Goldtn State Warriors . ... oo (JI 0 ,..., , .. • ea..11 • ~: • "Th .... '""" u Sier-" ... """' (COlll) '41-Clll Raines. Rod • a T..... ''Whal tS A Good ~ BrOdero Cttw!IJd P1rtnl r' Tl11s p1or11111 eum1nes e -..: "11111 tf lie ..., ""Olis co11ms and lect11rts (mys) '4~-llof.IS KMtofl. Qltn Om!, cu1rent11 _ ofltttd on P*""""l Mire °""* •ovnd Soutfitrn ClhfcJn11 ,...ti Ql)lllws ~~S.MwalKit 8:00 9 (I) @ Tiie lme4illle H11I• Alter answenne an ad fOI a drrver I nder, Binner helps a younc woman move to a new city and stays on lo help 1et settled 1n lhe house slle left many years aeo alter the drown1na of her twin stSter. II takes the Hulk to unravel the bizarre plot which has the remain1nc SISier scheduled fOI the ~me late a ni ra> m 111m S.rtrain (2hr) Steve Lawrence and Don Meredith head an all star cast. tncludin& Geot&e Hamrlton, Stella Stevens, Keenan Wynn and Robert Alda 1n this new comedy/mystery serres Tiie bi&&est "star of the show" 1s the flamboyant train, atom powered and capable of speeds 1n eacess of 200 mph Amonc the features on Supert111n are a swim min& "pool. eymnaslum. medical center, a discotheque and a Presi dentlal suite In the premiere ep1 sode, a theatrical aeent, enioy1ne the ina1t1Ufll run from New YOik to Los Anaeles. becomes the tareet of repeated attempts on his hie • £'9aul tile 11111 "Alla" A romance 1s planned fol Edward, but he 1s unW1lfln1 to cons1dtr mamace Also, the death of his lather has a profound effect on Edward's future. e (]) <II <2J) CMl1ie's Mcels (Zhr) "Terror on Skis" The angels travel to a lamous stu resort to help prevent the k1dnapp1n1 of a hand some, athletic presidential aide who wins Kelly's heart Dennis Coli (husband of J1elyn Smith), Rossano l!flw, Christopher GlOlce. Ctsare Oanova and Kathleen Nolan 1uest m 'tarel .. mett & FtittMls m Mltlt: (Zlw) "Otwil's lilllllltaill" '76-0ocumentary fJID @ Soltl t11 TeMr (90m) Str Geor1 Sollt and the Ch1ca10 Sympl!Jny Orchutra perform Anton 8'uckne(s "Symphony No 7," al London's Royal Albert Hall S1mulca.s1 on KUSC 91.5fM m Vhlllll IHJ ~IMMn -8:30- .Tlle~ c..,.. ....... 9:00 9 (I) @ OM Dly at A Ti111t No NetwOlk lnlormahon av11lable e -.ic.s "The football Coach" Goich Woody Hayes of 01110 State Untvtn1ly 1$ prolded • fllln "'""' .. ao..w~sa.. -9:l0-• OJ) ·r11e Jtfftr111s Louise's donation to cll1nty m1&ht !Wiii htr a f9telll 1w1rd 11 Georee's "doMtton" to 1 poht1c11n Ootsn't ruin lier chancn • 0 Lllplllll The black upe11 ence in Africa tnd Amc11ct, u port,.red th1ou1h the poetty of l1npton Hu111ts. It h11hltC"t•d 1n cultural aonc and dance to 1ec1t1 llOftS of ffllellu' work .,.._bu t•11 10IOO • °"" rotma m '* Ml ws. l(JR(TT e O au S.11"111 Bennett rvns for lttOntty ltfltfll, 11•1 Kf~Y IS ~dmnc Ms dllftCI to ttt Into oflict D @ QI) Qli*J "Aftermath" I~ the wake of one of the nalton's WOfSI 111 d1~sters. Quincy suspects thlt an 1nee11ious I01m of sabotaie may have caused the crash. John Larch cuests ..... 8 CD CID> 8 Yt11S "Best Friends" John Rubinstein pla~ Dan's boyhood fnend who returns to las Vecas as a hit man with 0<ders to kill both Dan and Plulrp Roth-Dan's number one cltent II) let's Go II tlM bees @ lleeb,k*, .... .. m Mere 1o .,... .. .. 9 lfoadcast ,.,.... •• ,. -10:30-. ., ..... 11:00 •rn •C1Jcw121J 111ws .. IIDl @ lftl .. •Mtllel.Mp .. Mltlt: Ml ......... (dra) '(8-Lizabeth Scott. Burt Lancaster. Kirk Oou&las. ID l1le ~ Colt,te a> TM .... ies ®T~ 83 Didi ~ SIMM ID VariedMes -11:30-u (IJ) ll"lt : Tiie RocUor4 Fies/llljlk D IHI a JllltMly C.ltOll 8 Twilipt Z.. • (]) Cial a f'lllkt Woman •TMCill!IS... ., Get Slurt @ =&Ytu fl3 ' MC News 12:00 ID AlllM Hitdlcod l'mtllh ID llloM/tllws -12:30- • Mltlt: ''lllllerlt tlle Willll" (dra) '60-Spencei Tracy, rredenck March, Gene Kelly • rn <11 a 111111111 m llowle: ''Tiie "411m" (dra) '58-Kim St1nle1. Lloyd Brid'.:~~teve Hill, Patty Duke. .. : "SW SIMQ" (dll) '64-Beach 01'kerson, C11I Crow 1:00 D @ QI) TtlMmll D TM t.., U,.rts -1:30- • Waftt-4: DtH « AIM 2 :00 8 lftnllltrit: "Ollttte" (dr1) ·~-Peter Ustinov, Anna Nucte. TreVO< Howard. e lle¥te: "Wllt11 Lema llttt" (com) '46-Geo•&e Brent, Lucille &II, l011111 mws..t -1:30- • ltllft4t: "Sca"4al Sllttt" (d,.) '52-Brodenck C11wlord. Donna Retd. Joll11 Derek 3100 e IMM: .. .,._,,.. QHst" (adV) '49-Tom Nul 4:00 ..... : ................. (drt) '50-ldl l •. Howtrd Dult, $tepllen McNllly, Jolln littl ... : "l1le Ult ...... (wa) 'SJ-lrodt<IC-CrlWfOfd, Jollll Derek, W111d1 He11d111, Cll11ln k~lord, Wtmtr Mdaion . _..._ ..... ..,_... .... Dw" ("'YS) '50-Galv Minh Don Knotts is a meek dentist who becomes a gunfighter. See who drills whom and watch how the West was lost. BLAZING mRRUPS WEEK THE 3:30 MOVIE 0WEDNESDAY~ THE TOUGHEST TARGET Three airmen recall the triumphs and tragedies of the German refiner y attacks in Rumania. 7:30PM WWII: G.I. DIARY TV WEEK FEBRUARY 4, 1979 ~.iVJ11~W ~Jb.iV~.ill-~JP GOOD CLEAN FUN • left to right, John Schneider pl.iys Bo, C.itherine 8.ich •ppe.us .is D.iisy •nd Tom Wop.ii pl.ays Luke. Thref' Of'WCOITU'I\, lhwe Vf'lf'rdn rerfnrmf'I\ ann one ol counlry·we~l<'ln·, 1op \mger' m.ikt> up lhl' regular l a~t of CB'>' new onr hour \Pm~s. -The Duke\ ol Hazz.ird, .i111ng F11<ldys al 9PM lnt'Vilablr tompart\On\ <an bl' madt' lwlween lh(' \how <ind ti\ mov1i> forf'lunners, since lht> serte\ conlatn\ mgn'<ltenl\ common 10 \Urh mov1rs a' WW ll. lht> Dmr Danlekmgs," M\mokt•y & lhC' Bancl11 ," "Moonrunner\" .ind a f.i1n1 htnl of · Thunder Road." And loo. b1•r.iusc ol the• 1wo oppo\tle looking ma IP le.td\ .and lhe car .i< 11on, lhl'rl' arr lhow who m.iy 'HIV lh1• show '' '<ila"~Y It Hull h gnnp -counlry" But Duke\ musl bt' < rt'd1ted for bl'mg one• of lhe (tr\I \t>ltl'\ on 1elevh1on 10 combme lhe populartly ol country wl',lern mu"c .ind pN\onaltltes, the Amt'ncan m•ntd for CM \ and • ~lrong, broad humor In a lasl·paced. strinly <'11ler1.i1nmen1 om,.,ted show Tom Wop•t. lohn '>< hne1der <1nd uthertne l:fach pl.iy the Duke cousins, Luke, Bo .ind D.t1)y The last of 1he11 l•m1ly ltne. whd live with lhe family's pa1narch, Uncle lesse, played by Denver Pyle l hey It~ on .i f.irm localed in f1r11onal H,uzard County, s1tui1lt'd somewhere In thf' South The Duke f.m1ly has hved tn 1he .ire<1 since1he r<1rly 171X>'\ and have tradiltonally earned their living from 1he producllon of "while ltghtnmg" Thc-y made moonshine when 11 wa\ s11ll leg•I c1nd the onset of laws fSiltnst and taxes on lhl' family occupattOO' made •·no "cverm1nd" to lhe cl.in Th ey-c'ell lhetr early tlaim 10 1he buslncs5 supeneded 1he UMed <i1.ites' since 1he country w.i\n'I a country when 1hey ftr\I began production However, 1he arrest of Luke and Bo a) moonshtn<' runners pul '1 cnmp tn the family bus1nes~ otnd Until' Jl'!>~ negOlti11N'l .i 1reo11y-he'd slop the busmess 1( the government would put hi\ nephew!> on probo111on Tre.ily negotiated, the Oukt> boys, played with cngagmg chum by Wopat .ind Schneider, now make their hvtng at odd 1obs to support 1he expen~ ol their st0<k "r· Genr1•I Lee, • Dodge Charger replete with ,ouped·up eng1nf', hot pa1n1 1ob, weldl'd ~hut door\ ilnd ~pt'Ct.ll horn th.it nlay' the first few nc>te) of r>ucw." (I he boys, .i~ many< ountry f('llow,, r.an shjne durm11 •he• wee~ •nci r.ic ed on Wf't'l.ends ) , ... ,. Thr Duk1• rou~1m-w1lh Unrli> Ir•""' hc•lp-1nlt>nrt lo clran up lhl• lorruplion ol lldlldrd (oun1y <rl'dl<'d by lcx.il kmgp1n, Bo~' Hogg .met h" bumbling henchman, <.,hNtff RO\<O Hogg. plc1y!'d by \om'll Bnolo.I'. c1nd Rmco by lc1ml'\ ""'I. whose ou1rc1iwnu• c orrupl hchc1v1or remind~ one o ( lhe h<''' of thl' Dt'nl', h.id guy' Th~ do lhetr d.l,t.irdl\ ""'' wht<h " lrnled l'.tth we<'k h~ lh<' Duke cou"n' with d minimum of 1wr•on11I phy\tt di hc1rm wtlh Ml'J\I of lht• rt,1m.ig1• IKCUHIO(I 10 C.U\ .tnd objfl( I\ A dC'CtciNI cl\Wl In lhe \('lft'\ "lOUnlry mU\f( ,t .. , Wc1ylon lrnmng\, who tnlmduce' tht• ''""<'' "<'t•kly m b.illacl·,lylP c1nct d(f\ d\ narr.tror h•nn1ng' wrntl' lhr ltllt:' 'nng lor lhe 'how .ind lw anrt 1 h<' Waylor\ prov1d1• mu\tc for I ht> \t'rtf'\ Ace onltng to th1• \how\ rx1'<ut1w producl'f P.iul PtCarcl ll'nn1n(I' mc1y do d c .imro rolr m .in rpt\odt• d' may nlhl'r c ounlry p<'l\Oodltl tf'\ The11• mdy b<> •om!' ohw< 11on 10 •omr •"P<'< ''or Duk"' \UCh d\ the p<>rlrdycll Of '>oulhern l.iw Pnlorc ('!\ dS tnt:'pt comed1.in' whn lwnd and brNk lht• l.iw lhf'y .irr \wnrn to \erve. but c1ll 1n all. Duke' of I t.111c1rd '' "''en11.illy c1'how1hc1t ''good, cle.in fun for all Sotml loolle pe.ys Iott Hog. THURSDAY ftJIUMY I ftr .... -•tttr.. ~ jlle111 Mt DAmllC f'IOGIAllS. .... ter J11W c.1Hiuce, 1r1 Hie .,, ....... DAmllC llCMES lZ:OO G "Tiiie la• C4ae" (d11) '56-Rory C.lhoun, Yv011ne De Cam. Mafa ?orctay, Ru Reason • "tllck Tl'l'll" (com) • 4 7-llmes Stew1rl. Jane Wyman. Kent Smith 3:00 (f)) "P\lylut•" (tom) '72 Alan Aldi. Connie Stevens 3:30 • '1'1us Ac,_ Ille RMr'' (com) '66-0e1n Martin. Al11n Delon, Joey Bishop, Rosemary Fouyth, Peter Gravu 1v1w1N6 a TIM JoMr's Wild OHi Cllno 7:00 ... •@ News e n.....,_."- • Tiie Jlbl's ..., m <IJHBISil llilielt S Miii ll)~IS.. fD Tiie llldleil/l*H a.,.,i et LI SeMra 4e Car41Ns D T•ltAAMwllCM -7:30- D Dia lblk Wild Wol1cl " Allituls 11 hi Sar~ oUINll's F1Md e TIM Dltila G11111 • TIM Gell& 5i. St• leMly Show a TIC TIC 0.Ullt <IJ) aJ) lbtcll GllM .... ll)Mlm·lZ =~onicllt 0 """ ~ llftsclllck 8:00 II Cl) [Z) Tiie W1lto11s John's two dauchters are more than he can handle Erin pcses suuestively and becomes the town's pin up 1111. and Mary Ellen smothers John Curtis with alfech011 1nd even quits her rob to be near hei son 8 @ f'IUllEllE Little ...._ LCMnsa May Alcott's classlt ncMI of Irle ind love 1n 19111 century Amerrca continues beyond I he hnal chapters of the book in this new senes. 111 the li1$1 eplSOde, "A llllle Bo1 of Haunts," Jo's iwareness al her own stl\$llahty shocks and lase.. nates her. Pfomphn& her Aunt Marcil Deon Mortin and Joey Bishop play cowboys and Indians. Watch them fracture the frontier. BLAZING mRRUPS WEEK THE 3:30 MOVIE 8THURSDAY(i' THI TRAMMPS GIT "HOT" TONIGHT! Dennis Cole Joins wife J.clyn Smith When he guest 1t1r1 H • U.S. ~ldentiel 1lde who It th,..tened with kldn1pptng by polltlcel tenorlet• In "Antefe on &tie," 3 epecl1t two· • hour episode of ABC's hit 1ct1on/1dventure aerlH, Cher1le'1 Angels, airing Wednetd1y et 8PM ..... ,5 THURSDAY (Continued) lo share 1111hood memories Robert Youna. Mildred Nalw1ck, Dorothy McGuire and Jtssit1 Harper star e llttie: (211r) "Tiit Tlltt11at CrlW• Aft1lr" (d11) '68 -Sleve McQueen, r 1ye Dunaway e CD crl 8 Mer• I Miluly "Mork Gots Erk" Mork's plans to leave urlh pron lo be so dtvastatmc lo Mindy that l11end Susan pieuum them and their de prtsud ne1chbor Bickley into 1llend1ne an unusual 1w1reness t1a1n1nc sess100 D lllotrit: (211r) ''W*, O..'t 11111" (com) '66-C,ry Gr1nl • C.rol lllrMtt I frltt* e lllotrit: (Zllr) "lnitltiell lo A Ciullfichttf" (wes) '64-Yuf Brynner 13 18) 111¥1 "Patterns rrom the Past" Novi travek lo the Peruvian Andes IOI 1 look at the unchana1n1 world of the isolated Q'eros lnd11ns, whose pattern of survival 1s based around their animals. rudimentary tools and the clothes they make CD VMIM f.Q/ ..,_ "1 T~~? -1:30- • CD CGl l2ll l't£.MIEIE Aftclt "The PropoSll" A waitress, Anaie Falco. falls for a seem1naly poor and struuhna ped11111c11n. Iliad Benson, only to discover he 1~ from one of Phll1delpl111's wealthiest f1m11les Donna Pescow stars e Titeo..~ CD LI C.rlM11 .. ~ (Jj)T~ 9:00 8 Q]) Hntll flYt·O Stm tuts lo warn a stOfnful youn1 soc11hle (Tncia O'Neil) that she 1s a ACROSS I Gr1ff1n 5 Attent1on·aett1n4 noise 9 Compau direction 10 N1ahl's owosue (clue to pvule •nswer) 12 Merlin. altecttonatety 15 CottH l~vor 18 Never tnd•n& 20 Bo• ,1.~ 21 Htr, • Iott 22 L• 1n tor ts' 24 Otvil 25 land Untl 28 Bu..ntn (abbr ) 31 ·The Ghost Ind M" 32 8o11 paddles 34 CredlCllt 36 S~ntsl't or hrmuda 37 fr•nch f':ionoun 39 Slnatt (l\lt to l>\IWt .,,, ... ,, 41 Jllb 42 Turi• Antwet 11 end of IM S.turdey IOQ prospective vtthm of a 1ewel lheft-1nd draws only the mponse that he's a "dumb cop " D 0 IUl """" NI Wllitt Part I of three parts. Sheree North, Kllfleune H"otd. Clo11a Delaney, SuSln flannery. Stuart Whitman. Pally Dukt Astin and Howud McG1lhan SIM 111 !fits dlama duhn1 with lhe lrves of women who WOik tn a larae M11m1 hospital 8 l2ll hruy Miiier The Colrnlerfe1ters" Funny money is no l1up1nc matter for belea1uered dttechves of the 12th precinct when they are barraeed by a seues ot boeus bills • Men liriffifl Sllow m (f4J World "Sotzhen1Lzyn's Children Ate Makine A lot ol N01se tn P111s" A funny, b1t1ne portrait of a d1v1ded French left and the emereence of a iroup of 1nlellecluals influenced by Solzhenilzyn's bitter indictment of the Soviet Union CD llochts T1111lil1 rfO) Lanptonl -9:30-. 8 (IJJ l2IJ Solp Jessica hie bu nu her lover, Detecltve Donohue . home for brtaklasl 1nd Is t1lnfronled by her husband, Chesler, who has been presumed dead CD PMlorlts Encell4idls (Q) Alntriu11 10:00 D laruby/letty Victim • Of Husbend/Wife fi&lll D (J}) .,_, ,.._ Belly Jones tradts a Hawa111n vaullon for murder and mystery when she acrees lo 1nvu11pte the untimely death of a yaun1 woman who was invol~ed v11th a mamed man DOWN 2 Mtnu un1t1 3 Nurse (abbr ) 4 ~ulle 5 1rst man 6 l.au&h 7 Borte acid cont.atner 8 Witch rud out (clue to puule answer) I I Hua• .er~n• 13 Gardner 14 Mtrchanh 18 V1t~1nt 17 t,J, l .M O,P,Q.R 19 Atomte and hydroatn 23 -·· :r {itrew up) 26 Moncr 27 hch•na• or mMkttplac;e 29 Alltcl'ltd wtlh o hlf'nmtf 30 Scottish murder lint 3J . cracllle and POP U Cenat Mra Lennon'• JI AlrCf'll 40 ,,..,.,,.,,. 25 31 34 e D CD lltws 8 FAMILY-TUUGEll * HAWSES UTE! 8 <Im 121> fllllily "An Apple loi the Texhtr" Buddy finds her hie oomphcaled when Kate starts workina 11 Buddy's h1111 school u a student teadler and runs into trouble With some of htr students ID llictit WtfJ @ ............ 13 Pflllies fr• Mute11 Down Sunnyside Lane" A play with muSIC 1n su pans follows the advenluru . lhe mishaps and the yurmnp of Arthur P1rke1. a lravelhn1 sonc sheet peddler In the opemn1 episode. Arthur travels "est and encounters two people who chanae his hie Bob Hoskins, Gemma Craven and Kenn:=t star (9) • -10:30-. .., ,.. <Hl footsteps 11:00 D CD 8 (I) CU> l2ll ""' II <Ill Q1J (JI) Ntws D Make Mt llup D lllotrit: "Paris Whtll It Siuta" {tom) '64-W~ham Holden • Tiit ~ c.u,lt m n. GeM1ts ® TMftly·fout Out fr011t ID V11it4Mts -11:30-D 1W lllotrits: M•A•S•H/ c..i.. D OJ 0 JellMy C.r1111 ., ....... e (JI !Ill Stll'MJ I Hirtch e T11tGo11 SMs TV WEEK, FEBRUARY <I, 1979 m r..t s.ar1 @ ~I Y111 13 ' AICNtws 12:00 eMlrM ~rr...ts StDldc...ttSlltlf ., .... , ...... -12:30- • lllotrit: "Uft W'lttl Father" (com) '0 -Witham Powell, Irene Dunne a <D Qll Matlli1 m 1111wte: 11lt H• kca11 Sttry" (dla) '57-Paul Newm1n. Alln Blyth, Alan Kina. Richard Carlson U) JllMle: "Muius lei's Go" (com) '61 Tom Tryon 1:00 D @) ~fl TOl!Mlrrow e Tiit I.Mt u,.m -1:30- D Wlllttd: Dt1ct or Allwt 2:00 D Movie: <Ml "Ad1111 Had four Softs" (dra) '41 lnarid Bereman, Susan Hayward, Warner Suter. D lllotrit: "A Wllla111s Vtn· 11ance" (mys) '48-Charles Boyer -2:30-m Movie: "linen luddh1" (adv) '55-Wayne Moms 3:00 8 lllotrit: "Ill Chlr fHM" (dra) '44 Ida Lupino. Paul Henretd 4:00 D M"1t: "Tiie ft1~ll•1 O'flpl'' (adv) '49-Heltna Carter m lllotrit: "Tiie LHy I tllt laMll" (adv) 'SI-LOUIS H1yward FRIDAY FEllUMY 9 FOi' IWllillc IM afte11111111 listilp, 11lease see DAYTIME nOGUllS. .... t.r ,_ ClltVllilllC1, are tile .,. ...... DAmllE llOVICS 12:00 D "Tiie 1'Yi1c.e Mio lbs A T1lief' (adv) 'SI-Tony Curtis. Pipei l1u11e. • "Tiie si. Af041114 Ille C.111tr" (dra) ·•o James Stew11t. Marcaret Sullivan, Fr1nk M01e1n. Sara Haden 3:00 ®l "Say Gttd~yt, Maui• Colt" (dra) '72-Susan Hayward. Darren McG1v1n. 3:30 B "The Trackers" (dra) ·7 I-Sammy Dav1S Jr • Ernest lloign1ne. Julia Adams UO (]) "lllm" (adv) ·~1 £rroJ Flynn. Dean Stockwell. IVINING Cl) C191S-Wlts [O> Merv Griffin ~ •I LM Liiey O Iii Mertrs' Jturul &l Ma.I Jacib911 Sllow '2ll Tiit ~· fill CD LI CfiMI lite en.a e AIMfklllll 7:00 8 CD U B IHl Ntws • Tiit ......,.. GI-. G Cl) Tiit J.W's Wild • «Z> QI) Sil ... s 11111 Q) SMt.4 & Son &l Mdeil/letiret 11.,.n 0) LI StMtl dt Clrdenas (G) fa1111 Dicat -7:30-u lltrt Sttl' Beyond !I) Tiit M..,,ets D Datlct Ftwtr U The Oati111 Game B [Q) ID! ltollywM Sq111res ClJ fK Tac Daudt a> Ad.tm·l2 O Cllifofnil Tonit111 flll 21 T111iatrt (JJ)lltws (ff) Voter's rlpeliM 8:00 fJ Be My Valentine, * Charlie Brown/Hurt· to-heart special! D Clll SPECIAL le lly V.11· line, Cllal1it 8'tllll (R) The romanhc spml of the holiday overcomes Ptanulland u Luer lhreatens Schroeder "llllh a lovelorn future. l1nus wurs h1$ hurt on his sleeve and invests his total capital '" 1 bo1 ol candy IOI his teacher. SnoollJ pun HAUNTED INN The ghost of the murderous innkeeper is about to claim another. victim. But who? 7:30PM NEXT STEP BEYOND TV WEEK. FEBRUARY 4, 1979 Sammy Davis, Jr. isn't Ernest Borgnine's idea of the right man to help find his kidnapped daughter. But he's all he ·s got. BLAZING STIRRUPS WEEK THE 3:30 MOVIE CD FRIDAY@ Schroeder, the P9enut plenllt, tldda • bright note to t. Velentlne't Day •• he me ... 1ure 9119ry hHr1 la In the right piece, In the enlm•ted F9enuts apeclel. "Se My Valentine, Charlie Brown," airing Frld1y It 8PM on CBS. , ... 11 fNDAY (Comlnuecl) on a dramalic produchon lhal pioves him lo be a rather tunny Valentine. and Charlie llfown. who 1s all heart. &Nes a card to each ot hlS school mates 1n the vain hope of cett1n1 some 1n return 8 0 8 Diff'rent Strt•ts No Network 1nformatron av11table • c...._ WetW USC at UClA • Cl) <DI 18 Ma.in• II No Netwolk 1nformatron m 1lable (J) PllMc Maira G hflt: (Zllr) "Tiie HHhrs" (com) '72-James Coburn • Clrtl lllf1lttt & f rie!Mls e 111Mt: (21tr) "Mal A W"f to Gt" (com) '64-Shirley Maclaine fD 9 9 Wasllifll\Olt Wetl fl)YiNM -1:30- D CJ) ()]) SrECIAl lli••Hi•ll· T..t (R) Rudyard K1phne's slory of a moneoose who rs saved from a storm tossed drowning by a boy and his parents. The animal nol only becomes a member ol lhe household 1n the Segowle cantonment ol India. but the f1m1lfs defender il&llnst Nae and Maraina. dreaded cobras. as well Orson Welles narrales D QJl (D l rolllen I Sisters "Man in Chain~" Zany Ztpper\s really in a bmd when he 1s kidnapped by the anery sisters of Gamma Oelta who susPf(t him of stuhn& the11 personal d1111es • CJ) <Ill a Wllal's "~· "A Present 101 Oee" Oee is held for theft by a store mana1e1 alter she hies lo uchan1e a birthday 1>1esent from l1llle url ....... ,..,.. • Tiie °" c..,ie ., @ (JJ) ... $trltt ..... •~n 9:00 e ()]) Tiie M• ff KmM Bo and Luke PIC• up a pietty hrlch hiker wllich adds to the11 woes ct hyin& to Heape lhe lltah•ay patrol In a 1110011$111ner's car 8 0 l8l T~ ''We're A little late folks" Sam and Penny Alston are just 1ett1nc the hana of bern1 the other one, •htn the eaten dar tells Penny she's precn1nt. Alice Backes. Joyce Bulllant and fl«ence Halop 1uest • rn <m a sn.CIAl ...,.. tf. llcl 11' W (2hr) AclOI Jett Br1d&ts 111rrales and beeins •1lh lhe •arl't nttits and OIOVts lhroue'll lhree decades of Ille rock Industry's nse, fall and mur1enc1. Hichh&hts lllCfude t11e k1n1p1ns ol tht rock m~ement-Elv1s Presley. the Btatles. Boll Oytan and lhe Rollin& StontS and many "'°'e • ..,, llrtlllll .. &r.vwtslO.... ........ n.ia .... .... -t.JO- • ID lllllt, UtfJ No Network •• IOll ......... ea....__ ·=r.11•'• al.Ill• toaoo ---~ * TmATUIS IMUASI e (J) ID .... ConduSIOll o1 "'° 1*t1 lM Mliml J ~ frtmtd .... ~ °'" '°' Ille ffcltr ot ,. 8lty -"""' OU! "' 11\t ,... ""Ille ...., COll!lnff , ... ,. D UJ QI) Sweepstakes "Vince. Pelt I Palsy, Jessica & Rodney" I htie couples. 111 hnaltsts 111 the sweeps1akes for a m1lhon dollars. cope with comical and emotronal problems as they 111ratt the outcome of the lottery. limes Coco, Rue McCt1111han. Joan H.cketl. Patric• MacNee. M11k Shera and Arlene !'.olotlb star ···""' ••WtrJ m~Tileatre illlhW -10:30-m m""" 11:00 D 8 ® '2ll """ D @ (1)) a News Iii .... Me la.P D MIN: •Ap1el1t Uprisi11" (wes) 66-Rory Calhoun, Corinne Calvel. m Tiit Odll eoup1e Cl) Tiie Goodies @ llac• ren,ecti.. on the Ilea t1J) Diel Cmtt Sllow 0> V1rledacles -11:30- D (II) MO¥its: Tiie New Avu1ersl"StrHt Killin&" (dra) '76-Andy Cnll1th. Bradford 01llm1n D Qll ft Jo1111111 Ca1tt11 •Twllitlltlone • <Ill a llrtlb m Tiit ""' S111w .., Get Sl!lart 8 Ulin, Yap & Y• fD c.,tioM4 MC News 12:00 ......... mrt.wa ..... , ... -12:30-s., f~ Dltc.t • .. : -A U. h ill tllt Stl'Hts" (Illa) 'S3-James Cacne~ • 111Mt: •ArizMI llltllwlladm" (wes~~;Howard Keel <II • "lllltrs tf llliMltllaro" (adv) '60-Robert Taylor • AlffM ~ """"" m lllMlt: "Clla111,a111t ftr Catur" (com) 'SO-Celeste Holm 1:00 D @~WlitMS,.0.1 GTlltLM~ ·-fldlry -1:30-• w-..: Dllll« AIM ... : "Se(' (5'1 Ii) ·~- Richard e,111, Constal!Clt Oowt1n&. 2:00 e hwalllttlt: "fllt 111t1ll4en" ('flU) '61 (dll'IOIHI 0'811e11. • ... '1ecnt • .,, .. (dQ) '61-Rldlafd Widmark -2:30- ... It: "A n.t ftt (my S-" ·12-0ocumt11t11y •w s-rt. SATURDAY ftMUMY 10 MORNINQ e:oo u Tiiars Cat 5-iM SttMStef D CorMNllitJ f~ m U"""'1ity If tllt Air -6:30-D s.rise Stllltsttf ., lay City bllers • Drape! 1V ci.sv .... Ul>My&Watll <Ill Tiie c.r... of Our TiJMS m Stlul 0ut Cl) lnfillity Factory fJ!> Ca,tlened MC News <Ill Family flortrait 7:00 D Marlo's Mt.lie Movie Maclllne ID (211 Sc.My Deo "''"' Art You U l2Jl UJ Yeci's 5'1a Rau Glli&IMlllM!e 8 ~1U.Stars Splllisll ==-r...Slllw ........... ..,, fl) Yep llr Ht.itli -7:30-D o.st(s ,,..._. 8 @ QI) fllltlltic fw • '-'91tttn • i2IJ flll&fac• Tiie "'11 Ste, en.u..~ •n.t·sc-... ......... till) fllbs 8:00 • CJ) lDl """ ...., • 0 (8) ~· s.r 90 • llewie: 9D Mfort ~" (wes) '52-Rod Cameron. Jane N11h e CD (JI IB ~r!Mft ew.rs.ntan tD hfie: ''little w .. 111" (dr1) '49-June Allyson, Peter Lawford. Eltzabelh Taylor. Janet Le11h ...... m IMicllt -1:30- 11) s..tMfll~ Gbtl •II Ne 9:00 • IJI)"" ... ...,,... .... .. • -. .. Ille """' ..... S.lt ......... (114 ... --t:lO-• o a-w, w ... .,... "''"'"",.. ...," (dra) '70-Cllnilopher Gtor1t. Jllltl l~ •CllllllB ...... ~ ... : "Dey If r(' (wU) '5'-0tle Robtt Ison, Mara Cotdly .... ,.. .,.. tOiOO ............. TV WEEK. FEBRUARY 4. 1979 Cl) Movie: "The '-! Wllo T ... ltl• W11t" (wes) '•9-Scotl Brady Yvonne Oe Carlo m Once u"" A Clmic -10:30- • <fl) TllDl!ts.r Stftll ., @ tftJ Tiie ,...... 8 (8) P'iM Pllltfltr Slllw GI NASHVILLE MUSIC * Top Coutltry Stirs .,,.,.,... ..... S>feelilltfr• 11:00 • ) QI) ...... s,edal Weep No More Mr lady.. To Skeeter. a 13 year old boy who Inds ~ "Huck Finn" life 1n Ille &you country 1 dot not only b11ncs iOY. bul also dehms a P01&n1nt lmon m what 1t lakes to btcome a man II Wo1ld Clla111pit11slll' Tennis Cowett of tht match between Hlfotd Solomon and 01tk Stoc~ton m Jacques Cousteau m freestyle 0) fantaria Falcon Qt' llewscttlttr ""'" -11:30-D Saturday "Chinese New Year Celebration" f1ank Kwan, Lehc1a Ponce. Cal Burton 1nd Nicole Pier« host lrom Chinatown Pim D OUTDOORS * With Liberty Mutual "H1il The Tiii Ships" • o.t.r.rs 8 QI A1111riun .......- ., G.t S..it @ f..._f .... ID4irilllM.._" m ... c.11 • .i ... 8 c...._ .,...... Wyom1n1 el San Deeeo Slate I IP iililooi 12:00 I T~:...AcMtlly -~1S*Klft •Sell Traill (IJ) Ii& llilt Mmlt e Tar1111 0 Mttlt: ''Whttl ti ftftnt" (mys) '42-John Wayne. Q.1).W ID Jllla ClllW I Co. G)Wafteflltt<.Mt -12:30-• o rat -.,i llel'fGrifflll SM. • Mt .,....., Cllf Covtrace of this tOUlflllment lltld 11 the OtStt1 Inn 1~-=as . , .. lllDllCielt •n.Ylllilllll&n.t. ..... 1c00 • O M• ...... 1 ()It ........ • "' '* Ullll ........ ........ i....t l felln..~I......, o...r.-.•c.. -1:30- 1 @• ..... Ul ............ Cllf ::ic=. ,.. ...... !21J lloflt: ''Dtsl S.I" (com) '57- Spencer Tracy, llathanne Hepburn 2:00 U (I}) l't,.i Tt1111is (I) CMmplellslli' fllllinc .... tW a Movie: "Earth n the rtyi111 Sa11etn" (se1 It) '56-Huah Marlowe m 111-... 1111possi111t .., Jolln w,,,,. CLlssics !Ill Waslll11ct011 Wotk i11 twin m Amtriu ""' 111o w.,u ID fllltlol lnltr!IKIOMI -2:30- Topit O W .. $11..tW... 3:00 JourMt lo Adwtllturt 9 family Fiim Festin i Ill lllirit: "Cfll of tllt Wl141" (adv) '72-Charlton Heston (!DJ lllirit: "Tltt Coldtn Voy•c• ol Sinbed" (adv) '73-lohn Phillip Law fom Baker GI Moyie: "Mr. M11oo's Storp· boM" '64-Animated O Tn '•Jtl1' Rt-.lt: ~,. Consll· tutloNI Umlb Otsl11blt? m Girten Tea (SO\ Grett ,lffonMncu -3:30- D LU [fl Sports Spet11tul11 Htflllrthls of the ramt btlwten the Naltonal Hockey ln&A1e All Stars •nd the Soviet N11to111t Tum trom Madison Square Garden the Inter naltonal Profus1onaf Surfers Women's ham th1mp1onsh1ps lrom Oahu, Haw111 and the 20th annual Los AncetM T 1mes fndOOf Gamts from the fatum 1n Los Anctlts D llll Cellttt Wtt\llt Oreaon at A111ona 8 CllJ l'1oftmot11I ... ,"' TNr Comace ol the $100.000 Rol11d1 Open llom the Dick Wtbtr Lanes 1n floossant. M1sso1111 fli) ,,..., lllJ Mlwit: ~ 11" (lclY) 60 Fr•nk S1n1h1. Dun M1r1tn 4:00 .., lloflt: "WIN ill lllt C.U11tryH (com) '61 Elvis P1u1er. Hopt Lanae. Tuesday Weld. 0 MericMI llllfil11 Artists fJl) l.atillo c..rti. II) T•a.lstl o.,ortlw1 -4:30- 9 TM llltllrllilb ei......-1 9:00 • ,..... •• c.ni.r • S&lf Tret • a WWt •N ti $fMI ....... , ....... .... : ,., " Ille ~ .. (dtl) '73 GtOltt C $coll. lrtSll V111 Otvt1t. foll Wta'W 9 """ • llleirit: "ler111 ot Motlla· = .. (Kt ft) '78-lht Ort&Jftll i..-.. Q Tt Mn..,._: A D......., ... ., ""'*' ... """ • °"' S..i.tM s-. -5:30- • 1'111 in.Ill ""'""' "I' .... ~ .......... ~ ~ Tiie .... -.,_ o•llf•C.... ........ ...., •v•NINQ 8:00 D D 112' ffll lltws l!I Mowlt: (2hr) "The OoMrman &1111" (mys) '67 Byton Mabe, Hitl Reed luhe Pamsh (Ill Htt ""' G> Movie: (2hr) "Livltll ii Uf' (com) '54-Dun Martin Jerry lewis ilJ ...... fD Tur11111out -6:30- D 8 Qll llews Q Mary TJler Moofe (2)) u.m.12 @ f09bleps m i u11a t1111d ' eo. (3) Candid Camtll mi Jolin Ca!tw1) lntervim 1:00 D Tiit ,rice b lllfll Emerc•nq Ont U SUI leavty SllOWI u E1'Wit111U los Anc•lf• 11 ([) The Un•1141WD W1r ®J That'• ltollrwood m (fl) (Jt) (l't} Tht UwltM• .._,. Sllow ~ ~,,,. Tlllt TuM ltfl Oftc• UflOll A Cln.slc m California f °"'"'' m ... dt Mtlico ~ W in City U111ib -7:30- D Z On Ult T-D CtQl fllllilJ ftvd • Matcll ~ "'1 ,ft)Jllt~ Q.o toner--.. ~ti ... fD foehttl'J 8:00 B TEAM TO W VEGAS! • "THE WHITE SHADOW" D ll) «ll Th Whitt Sh1dow Coich Ree~u ta~ts his boys to las Veau loi an 1nv1tahonal basketball tou1n1ment 1nd lhe tum "tnds up be1n1 t1ken lo the cleaners both on and otf the court U QJJ <It '11l'.Ml[K IJ & ltlt le11 "Odyuey ot the Shady Tiuth" Thr corrupl Sheriff LobO aets sweel revenu by t11ck1n11 "91" Mcll1y into relurn1nc 10 Orly County, llltn lalsetr 1rruhn1 tht youna trucker 1nd 11vinc horn 20 re11s hlld l1bo1 IOI llaulln& "whllt llthl111nt " Gret f¥1Cln $1115 Cl1ud1 A-tns aunts 9 lllefle: (lllr) ''Otte llillioll Yuri 1.C," (1dl) '61 Jolin RICll11dson. R1q11tl Wcleh • iOJ IBl o.tta HMM Ho Network 1nlorm11ton 1vatl1bl• G •"1•: (lhr) "Circus Wtrld" (dra) '' John Waynt Claud11 C.rd1n1le, Rit1 H1ywor1h mu'9bln.~ ·=e&.la (24) o.t , ""' G Tiie ....., Btnrly Sills. Allan nt1n and Andrt• r oldt star Stm11lmt Oii llUSC. 9L~M IR>~ -1:30- • fl 9 Wtktttle tu• tfilCttt lht ''llot1et" tlan WOlrteS wllfn lpst11n tens for Woo4f!lfn'1 111e"· a bnU11M ~ltc• &1a6tnt. but ltlt 811cllaNn Hip p11ndpal aots Into thock When lltt two dtcldt to Im toeelher lltl ~I 9:00 11 ()) @ Mowlt: (2tlr) "flit~ .... l SwtttM,lt: Udy TM'•"" (adv) '79-Annoe Potts, Kim Darby. Harry Dun Sranton, Arthur Godfrey, Rcwy ~lhoun. Avery Sehre1~r. Fred Willard, Billy Carler Two younc women (Ms Potts and Ms D1rby) totn forces to Uvt I lrud1n1 llf lrom the repouessoi and keep •I out of tht ctutcnes or h11ac~trs • a The loH .... £p1sodes 1ntlude Drum Snip ' starnn& Hans tanned and DI Joyct l!lolhers Best of friends,'' s11mn1 Carol Lynley and Donna Pescow and "'Aftermath," starrtn& Richard Anderson and Diana Muldaur m HEE HAW ZlllGS AS • RAY PRICE SlllGSll m "" H .. ® Allsli11 City U111ib ID Mi 011kt Cllarytl11 0 Aoob. 1toc•. •tCP• -9:30- 11 12]) ID> Tht toc•ford Flies 'The Man Who Saw the At111•rorf' A Brooklyn mobster {Geor&e Loros) 1ust released from prison. seeks 1evenee. blam1n11 Rocklo1d for ··1tnae11na" him some yurs ur11e1 10:00 U Ottltr lfOlftay fhe Styhsltts and Freda Payne perform a cmi a ra111aiy tulMI 1n 'Sl11pper, a beaultlul hweu (Laraine Stephens) who wants to marry atatnil ht1 larhelS •rihts. 1nadwer1ently bt<omes a strtpj)fl and discovers she likes ti and on 'Bo•tr." a man (Ben M11rphy). w1lh ltltle time 10 ltve, wants lo full1U his lantlS't of ~omint a 1980 OtymptC &old medal winner ID Hee HN lioMyl .., c.1111' !Ill ~ m Grett ,trlenullCn m c.rro J""'"1 IHl ltottlltr1I ... Its r .... fntinl -10:30- TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 4, 1979 (21) lllirit: "h1f tn10" -11:30- ... ; ''Two Miiia fOf Sisttf S.11" (wes) · 70-Shuley Macla1nt. Cl1n1 EaS1wood M"it: "The [1111111 l elow" (adv) 'ST-Robert M1lcllum D ~ ID S1tu1d17 lliaht liwt Cicely Tyson hosts with musical &11Hts The Talktn& Heads 8 lllirit: "Th• Silt11<tB" (com) 66-Dun MarM. Stella Ste~ens Morie: "tattle of lfibla" (dr1) '69-Mtchul Caine L1ure11ce Olriter D liloYit: "llood L111cp" (hor) '73-John Carradine. John Russell di) Mo.it: "Otlllhollll Crude" (dra) 73-Georce C Scott. r aye Dunaw1y Q)Tht .-1a flt) Chl11ttt lltw Ym Ctlnutiotl from San franc1sco cover1re ol today's eveMs and an 1n depth look ar the Chinese Amerrcan Commun1fy, tis h1stcwy 1nd attttude.s ll)Mowltt -12:30- • Movie: "Th• Hound of the luhrvlllH" (mys) '59-Peler Cush1n1. Chrtltopher l ee Q) M~le: (JI "U11d11tow" (dtt) '!>0-Scoll Brady, John Russell 1:00 .. Q) Rod Conctr1 CD llltollt: "Y Oll'M lltvt r S.. Me ApinH (mys) 59-Ben C,1ur1 -J:30-D T albllout G Tllt MvtntttrtB 2 :00 Ill ...... : ''W'tlllt • lee laU at l1lo fronfH (com) '52-Tom Ewtll Q) Movie: llll "Tiit lllJSlerp S.ariM" (edv) '63-Mtcdonatd C.rey, Marta f Ottn -2:30- • llew1/lllOYlt: "01111erout ....-" (mys) ·~ Victor Matu" • Movie: ~ "C1111,btll's 1U111M" (adv) '!>8 Duk Bocarde GI Moflt : #I "Tht Hi,Hul" (wts) ·•&-Lloyd 811d1es 4:00 D Mowlti "Air Cldwt" (d•tl '51-Stepllen'MtNally, Gail R~ll. GI Mowlt: (l1tJ "[t11111tly Yours" (com) ·39 Lblett• Younc -4:30- .... it: "MMI Mt, Cilia,.._,, (mys) ·5~ Dtmck Ot Marney. Hamttte IOhns r SYSTIM QFTHIWIB ...... i-... ....... ~ T~EEK, FEBRUARY 4, 1979 OYNUHA c, Jll llOIS."it'U T,, YAMAHA'S UM19UE A,.I Dlsc.ftlOlrTY STRAIGHT DC AM? Is truly 1n a class by Itself. With 70 watts per channel. buill·ln moving coil head amp. and .~2% T.H.D .. you will be assured of superb perlormanoe for years to come. THE YAMAHA T·I is designed and built to deliver the kind of audio perlormance that more than matches that of recent model stereo amplifiers. The natural and open sound of this tuner deserves consideration by any type of audiophile. CONNOISSEUR'S B0103A TURNTABLE has the lowest noise level (-100db) of any turntable and features the famous CCrmOISSEUR low mass tone arm for optimum record reproduction. Only a moving ooil cartridge would be good enough for this system so we've Included the highly praised ORTOFON MC 10. ; OYSONIC ARRAYS achieve the effortless Quality of a live .... -· performance at any listening level. ....., __ _ JVC NICIO SJl7.ff UMD•USTI MA.IOI STlllO llAM»S AT LOW PllCIS A1mor. Americ.n Monitor, Audio Control, BIC, Con- noiueur. Decca. 01tcWaaher. ESS. Garrard. Grtce. Gr.cto. JBL • .NC. Kenwood. LEDA. Muell. Ortofon. PhaM R....,cn. Qvlonlc. Rote!. RUtlOUnd. Scotch. Sttefflekl. Shure. Soondcraftemen. Soond Gu.rd. uttnillneer. Yamaha and many otMrs. SYSTEM SPECIAL SAVE OVEI SlOO OH A COMPLETE SYSTIM THE ROTEL RX503 AM·FM STEREO RECEIVER II you read the H1·F1 and Consumer magazines. you know that Rotel is consistently 'Top Rated " The RX503 outs out a lull 35 watts per channel at very low distortion lor eKtremely clear sound at any volume The RX503 s FM reception 1s un-eoualed 1n its price class THE JVC JLA20 TURNTABLE Quiet. responsive. reliable and a great value A very good bell drive semi-auto turntable complete wttl'I the Shure Hi-Track elltpltcal cartndge THE UL TRALINEAR 100C LOUDSPEAKER Excellent performance for not much money These 1 2·~ way speakers come complete with a speaker protection c1rc.u1t and· a 5 year warranty Good looking too• COMf'UTI SYSTIM-MAMUFACTUIB'S LIST PllCI 1764.11 Atlantic Music has one of Orange Coun- ty's largest selections of audiophile re- cordings with Direct Disc, Digital. and Original Master Rec~rdings. HEAR YOUR SYSTEM AT ITS BEST.