HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-28 - Orange Coast Pilot7 , J • County Gets Secret Warning----.... I f 8y GASV GRANVILLE 0. -Pell'/ ,...... ...-CoWlty roun l Adrl1n Kuypt>r has w1rned the Board or Supe1 v1 R lhal an upromlnt Fed«>ral Avl1Uon Ad m1nu1lraUon ln\le uw Uon of Oran1~ County Airport could -F.ND WITH TIJE FAA .,TesUn1 conlrOI o"tr what a1rllnt>s op r111t rru m thl' airport fro m bo ud of Upt'CVlliOl'S. hand. -llAVt.: "NATIO WIDE ram1f1 catton '• 8£ ~LEO I A romprom1se tba&t would opton lht: .-un" aya at Orange Count) Airport to oddltlon~I Mir <'IT f lf'r S K\lYPtt'• warning was contained in a confidential memo sent to the five CO'-!nly supervisors this week. In hla memo. the supervisors' lawyer said there ls tit- Lle llkellbood that the FAA investigators wUl find the coun- ty la dlleriminating against two airlines who want to operate from the airport. Frontier Airlines and Continental Airlines touched off the (o'AA probe by contending they are being discriminated aaatnat by the county•s refusal to allow them to operate at Orange County Airport. _ In his memo. Kuyper said that Frontier bas nof been a warded final approval of air routes from Oran1e County a nd therefore cannot claim discrimin1tion. -IN CONTINENTAL'S case, the county's legal ad- II viser said, Its planes exceed 'the weight allowed on the airport runways. Consequently, discrimination is not part of the county's denial of Continental's request. But Kuyper went on to warn that, "In spite of the likelihood no discrimina- tion will be found in the FAA investigation, the FAA could or· der tbat the airp ort. be made ava i labl e henceforth to all requesting carriers.'' Or. Kuyper added. the FAA could order the airport opened to "all earners up to a certain maximum number, with or without a limit on daily departures." -KUYPEa •s CONFIDENTIAL memo also told the supervisors who control airport operating poUcies that the basic issue in the investigation "is the power of the local (See AIRPORT PROBE, Page AZ ) 'Perfect Woman' Hope Told by Transsexual WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 28, 1979 Thermostat Co n trol? l 0 ... w ......... NEITHER SEX? June Phllllps . Priest Held In String Of Holdnps MIDDLETOWN, Del. CAP> A Roman Catholic priest has been arrested and charged with a string of armed holdups iden- tified as the work of a man dubbed the Gentleman Bandit, authorities said today. Delaware Slate Police said the Rev. Bernard Pagano, assistant pastor of the St. Ma ry's Refuge of Sinners in Cambridge, Md., was charged with seven counts of armed robbery and one count of attempted robbery. The charges stemmed from holdups of grocery stores•. and other commercial establish- m ents in northern Delaware by a neat, quiet, well-behaved man, authorities said. Pagano was arrested Tuesday night at bis sister's home here. · 1 Police said a composite draw- ' ing of a suspect circul1ted { following one of the robberies I led to the priest's arrest. I The 53-year-old priest was ar· raigned before a magistrate in I New Castle County, and was I sent to Delaware State Hospital for psychiatric evaluation. I Brsbop Thomas Mardaga, 1 , head of the Wilmington diocese whjcb includes most of the Delmarva Peninsula, issued IA statement saying he was I shocked by the arrest but would ~ cooperate fully with the state' / pollce lnvestlg1tlon. Plant Hit b y Fire SAN DIEGO (AP) -Flre bu destroyed the California Pac.lllc DialribUtina Co. ln San Dieco's Kearny Meta area, causing an esUm1ted $140,000 damaae. of. flclala aald. \ ee 'P erfect' Woman Hope Told ~ SAN FRANCISCO CAP) - Red -haired waitress Julie Phillips, who claims a 1974 sex- change operation left her neither man nor woman, wept under cross-examination, saying that she believed her doctors' prom- ise to make ber ··a perfect woman." Dressed in a modest white pants suit and navy blouse, Miss Phillips told a Superior Court jury Tuesday that she was "con- fused" after her unsuccessful transsexual operation and afraid of undergoing another one. "I'm not ready," said the 38· year-old woman. "My doctor says I'm not mentally ready . I'm scared of the table. If you bad someone. cut you up the way they experimented with me, you'd be afraid, too." During her testimony, Miss Phillips glanced frequently at her attorney, Melvin Belli, and a transsexual friend, Toby Con- ner. who was seated in the front row. Miss Phillips is seeking $7 million in damages from Dr. John R. Brown of San Fran- cisco, who is now practicing medicine in Mexico. and his as- sistant, J ames A. Spence of San Jose, for allegedly botching her transsexual operatio n in January 1974 The suit accuses Brown of violating medical standards and , among other charges, performing sex·change opera- tions "on demand" and without psychological evaluations. Brown sat behind bis at- torney, Duncan Barr, smiling a nd taking f~uent notes. · Barr grilled Miss Phillips, reading from an earlier ch!s>Osi· lion in which she claimed she always wanted to be a woman .and desired the operation. "I was confused after the operation," she said, wiping tears from her cheek. "I was trying to get on with my life." (See OPERATE, Page AZ> Sl'A110 N WAGON ROILED QUICKLY •'The first person to ctll bought my station waaon." That's the story told by the successful salesman wbo placed this ad in the Daily Pilot: '71 Station Wagon Coun· try Sedan 1 owner Gd Condux·uu If YoU want r .. t Hies sue· ceu, call the friendly Daily Pilot ad·viaers al &t2·5678. '"' VOi.. tt, NO "· 4 SECTIONS ... "AOES en as ulle Gas Qati~ning Eyed - Amo Owners Would Get Fuel Certifieates WASHINGTON CAP> -Here is bow President Carter's proposed standby gasoline ratio~ plan would work in a severe energy shortage: also issued for specific numbers of galJons of gasoline. Gas stations would accept the coupons. How much gas would motorists get? Once lines of cars at gas stations became too long, the president would declare an energy emergency. There is no way to tell until the severity of a shortage is known. The Energy Department estimates the average car uses about two gallons of gas a day. EVERY THREE MONTHS, THE govern- ment would send owners of the more than 100 million registered motor vehicles certificates worth a specific number of gallons of gasoline. The certificates would resemble government checks. EACH CAR WOULD BE' A.U,OCATED the same amount of gas, no matter whether it was a s malJ imported model or a luxury fuel hog. The more cars owned, the more certificates drivers wo..lld get in the mail. Trucks would get more than cars, motorcycles less. A driver with a surplus of coupons could sell them at an unlimited price, creating a so- called "white market" for the coupons . Motorists would ca sh in their certificates at banks or similar institutions for coupons, Viets Claim Victories Analysts. Forecast Decisive Border War BANGKOK. Thailand <AP) - Vietnam reported today that it put a Chinese regiment and two battalions out of action in the northeast province of Lang Son, where analysts believe lb~ armies are regrouping for a de· cisive batUe in the border war. Meanwhile, Peking said that s mall Vietnamese units had penetrated six to 10 miles into China at three points but that all incursions were repulsed. In Peking, Treasury Secretary W. Michael Blumenthal met with Chinese Premier Hua Kuo- feng and told reporters be again had urged a speedy withdrawal of Chinese forces from Vietnam. Blumenthal is in China for nine days of negotiations on sev.eral economic matters . The Voice of Vietnam reported today that more than 1,600 Chinese troops were killed in the Lang Son area Tuesday, but did not 1ive the exact location of the fighting. Reliable analyst.a said the pro- vincial capita), alao called Lang Son, bad not fallen to the Chinese but that Vietnamese civilians bad been evacuated. The city of Lang Son is 80 miles northeast of Hanoi and 11 miles south of the Chinese border. The analyst.a said some main· line Vietnamese units were be• · ing brought up closer to the Lang Son rront and they expect· ed a major batUe in the area ln the next few days. Teamste r Dies BURLINGAME CAP) -A 8an Franciaco Teamsters union of· llcl1l bu died of complicatioas two weeks after he was shot out· alde hia home. Henry Apirre1 6$, president of Teamsters Locai 860, died Monday at Peninsul1 Hospital In Burlingame. To dale, regional and militia forces are believed to have car· ried the weight or most of the fighting. The battle has been predicted since last week, and much fight· ing has been reported in the hills .. around Dong Dang, seven miles northwest of Lang Son at the en· trance to the Munan Pass. The Vietnamese broadcast also reported battles in the ,.,. ......... a 1t•a1 President Carter shares a light moment with bia Poten· tial Democratic rtvaf Sen. Edward Kennedy at the White Howse wbere Carter briefed the press on hls judicial reform message. I 1 seacoast province of Quang Ninh. where its troops put 400 Chinese "out of action ... al sites located three and six miles in· side the border. China's Hsinbua news agency said the Vietnamese shelled a commune northeast of Lang Son and 10 miles inside China on Fri- day, then sent about 60 troops across the border Saturday. but border guards drove them back. Hsinhua said the Vietnamese returned Saturday morning and burned two villages, then fled after 69 Vietnamese were killed and one was taken prisoner. The third incursion was re· ported and on the central portion of the frontier, wber'e Hsinhua said a company of Vietnamese attacked Menton, in Malipo county about six miles from the border, but left 30 dead or wounded behind, Rock Fans' Search Nixed SPRINGFIELD, Mass. CAP) -A Springfield District Court judge bas declared routlne aearches or rock music fans en- tering the Springfield Civic Center unconstitutional. Judge George Sheehy ruled Tuesday that marljuana and tranquilizer pills that police said they seized during a search or 20·year-old Stephen FoU on Nov. 29 could not be admitted 1t his trlal. Sheehy 11id the patUn1 search of Foti's body, made before bi.a arrest, was conducted without ~ble cause. City otnclals said they wouJd continue their aearch policy, HJint it la neceuary to protect concertcoers rrom troublemakers. "'r .. • \ • • -.. o r , Congress Studies Me a sures WASHINGTON <AP > - Energy Secr etary James R. Schles inge r s aid today it is possible that oil s hortages in the United Sta t es m a y force weekend clos ings of gasoline stations and mandatory controls on thermos tats in buildings before summer Testifying before the Senate Energy Committee, Schlesinger said it is almost cert ain that a standby gasoline rationing plan before Congress would not be in- voked because of the current situation. The energy secretary was called to defend standby man- datory conservation meas ures tha t must be approved or disap- proved by Congress over the next 60 dds . He said the most likely initial step m reaction to shortages caused by political upheaval in Iran would be s bifts of natur al gas from produ~ing states to areas of industrial shortage But beyond that, Schlesinger said if Congress approves the sta ndby conservation measures, "it is possible that at some time we may have to invoke tem- perature controls or weekend closings before summe r. "There is no immediate need to do so." Schlesinger said. Under the plan. industrial plants an<t most other non- residential buildings would be required to maintain thermostat settings of no higher than 65 <See GAS, Page A2> Or::a.. Coa~t Weather Chance of showers 20 percent on Thursday. In- c re as Ing c loudiness tonight 9/ilh slight chance or s howers. Lows tonight 43 to SO. High!'! Thursday ~iln low 60s. INSIDE TOD~ t' Don't spend that money you thank JIOU're going to win on the maUbor 1we~stakes The oddt are not in your /Ot>Or stOfll, A7. ' lades r en Cit .,.. .. M "" .. •1~ I .,. .. .. .,.. ... ,.. I . I I . Troops 'On Alert' audU View Border War in Yemen J IOllA, Saudi Arahla IAP) - S.111~1 1\rabta put Il l rmed torn· uo Ill.rt today and the Anh l.,·-acul' called for an m••r t•n1·v ~•"' Ion Sundoy on tht• h1thlln1& Ln \'4'mt\n 'lht• ~·hHldl i> r ancf'lt•d all Wlhtar) h·.ive a™1 ordt•rt'd all ollt~•·.-. ~md men to th~lr bar ru·lt .. 1mmC"dl1t~ly "bet'l\&)t! ol 1· ...... r.,,.. 1 OP R TE. • M 1i.i. Ph1lh11,, born l'harlc UN ll> 1n Pu\Jlb)lv IHI, "aslhf. . 'h t111l of hu• 1 d~ and ulb b, J ttl' 14 An·orotna to M1 l'h1lh1~ ll':.tlml>n\ A'll I boy, bt h.ul cl11•,1111:. 11r ~·coming a m • ~1onar) fie pl.a) ed foutb;.111 und dated ~oml'n wtlJl agtl 17, wMn he i.ay~ ht• becamt' a homoseicu&J lie lnlt'r rnovt.>d lo San Frail· t'UICO In l970 dre~sed aa a woman, ht.> mari 1ed John Phillips in Nevada, according to testimony ·•1 wns more of a woman then, married lo John, than t am now." Miss Phillips said, as she fiddled with two silver bracelets. Miss Ptullips said she wanted J breast implant as a Christmas present for her husband in December 1973, but was pres· s ured into undergoing a sex. change operation, later getting infl'ctl'd and s uffe ring "ex· cruc1ahn~ pain " Sh(• said !-the lcft her hu&band . after marital problems He 1s no\\ ltvtn~ with a woman. she said. adding that she "1~ ~till in love with him " prevaU q f'lrcum1l•nce1 " The a.nnoun<' mtnt broadcut by Rhadh radio did not et1borat But obse;Hrs ~t It w11 the rHull ol lht· •Ix-day bordtr war \n th outhwu l ~r nt-r of Lhe Aruburn Pt•nhu1ulu betwuo pro Suudt Norttwrr) Yt>mto and Marld1t South \' m n A"*~ Elliott M. Estes, president of (;('neraJ Motors, announces "l he larges t inves tment anywhere at one time in one lorat1on in G M history" in the com pan y 's n e w auto mobile assembly plant. scheduled for a 1980 comple- tion in northern Mexico. The udl PrMa A1eney quot C'd Arab Lea1ue Secretary· Central Mabmoud Rb'ad u HY· in1 that "¥eraJ Arab countries have upte1•ed wlllta1neH to purttclpate In the meetlna. whlcb will be held ln Kuwait. The border claahea conUnued today amid chd¥ns ln Aden of th.-outbrtudt of all.out rebellion 111aln t tM North Yemeni IOV· Nnment In San'a. There was no independent confirmation ot the du Ima outh Yemen's aovernmeot- co ntrolled Aden Radio said numerous tribes. from all over BEGIN TO MEET WITH CAATEA-A4 th" 7~.000.squar-e-mile territory of North Yemen, "joined the rev- olution and declared their sup- port for the slrusgle against the San'a reg:lme." •'The actual strugg le is bet ween the revolutionaries of the National Democratic Front ~ nd the puppet authorities al San 'a," Mohsin Abu Nasbtan, a North Yemeni who said he was the National Front leader in the distract of Arhab. 10 miles north nf San'a, tqld an Aden news con- ference. Lt. Yahya Dahesh. another North Yemeni who said be was the commander o f the 1st Marine Battalion, told the press conference that a number of "solidarity congresses" in various North Yemeni districts had expressed support for the revolution. Regime in Danger? Hashtan said South Yemen "has nothing to do with the cur- re o t fighting inside North Yemen. it only defended its borde r 1n the face o f North Ye meni aggression Friday" when the fighting began. Nasblan claimed that the San'a government was paying tribesmen about $800 "and pro- viding the m with American weapons imported through Saudi Arabia,'' to fight against the revolution. "But instead of that, the tribesmen fight against San 'a ,"he added. Amin.Asks Peace In Radio Message The two Yemens have been accusing each other of s tarting the latest fighting, a Cr.equent de- ve lopment between the two neighbors over the past decade. South Yemen claimed Monday that it captured the three North Yemeni towns on the border - Harib, Qatabab and El Beida. NA IROBI , Kenya (AP) Ugandan leader Ida Amin. his c1ght-year rule threatened by T a nzanian victories over his armed forces. sued for peace lo· day in a broadcast message to five neighboring African coun- tnes. On the offtc1a l Uganda radio, heard in Na1rob1, Arnio aske<tof- f1cials of Kenya, Zaire , Sudan, Rwanda and Burundi to try to persuade Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere to accept Orgamiation of African Unity peace efforts The broadcast a ppeitred to re- but rumors that Amin and his fam ily had fl ed Uganda. bul 1t underlined Amin's desperate situation. Western diplomats reported by te lephone that there ap- peared litll<' th:it the dis pirited U~a ndan troops could do lo keep Tanzanian t roops from moving on the capital or Kampala. about 130 mile~ north of the Tanzanian border. The diplomats said the city appeared ccilm. Earlier. rumors s wept Nalrobi that Am1n 's governme nt was near collapse after diplomatic ~o urces here re po rted that Ta nzanian forces had baited their adv:.ince into Uganda. · The Tanzanians appear to have slopJ>t>d of their own ac· cord. Nobody seems lo have s l o ppe d them ," s aid one Western diplomat. "There doesn't seem lo be much left in the wa) or organized Ugandan rt>sistance." The offi cia l Uganda radio, monitored m Nairobi, reported no d evelopments in the war which began four months ago when Uganda seized part of northwest Tanzania. Tanzanian army troops, aided by a nti-Amin Ugandan guer· rillas and exiles, as well as re· ported defectors from the Ugan· ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT r~O,..nQie(_...,, o.t1t¥ P•f!Ot, Wtt•wl\M:ltf\(l'm t1•1Ntthl"Nrw" Prfl\ h~i"""8byfNOt~ 'o•· I PubO..,,,•nQ(~, "°''•t•H11~"·~ {"C,lblnMJG Mnind•'t fl\ofOUQI\ F UUy f~ (O\f• Al# "' Ht'WOClft ftt~h Hvni~ 8ftilh ~_,., It'\ V411~y Ir.,.... l ~ fWMf\ s.Jtf\(oeo;t A ' m;t.-,.,...,.... f'd•t•on ., fh'OllJl'llH s.tVt4tY\M'9 ~11Nti•f\ fPw f"'t"Ctp.AI PUOfttl'I .... .,.~ t\ ., J» W•\f 11t_.. ",t,,_. t r0tt• M--~ C"'"•httw'ftta•JrtJt "-"-p,.,,0-t'll ~ "'*•"""" 1-.• 11 c ... lft V rt•t• •tflnt•l't(f~ .. MI....., n •• .,. .. 11_ 11111 .. .......... "' .......... ~""v•nocdhtf c ... ,..," i.... "'"°"" .,.., A\\111•~1 -....... tdltlh TetepllOne (714)142-4321 CIHllfled AdVtrtltl"I Ma-5f71 ,.,_s...c- 4Mollll0 ~;··~ :.::. 0::%. ~::,,:.~= rn1.Tt•r M ~trUW•f'\t\ M•l tft ""1•-Y 111111 ,.,u .... , ..... ......, •• ,,.. ..... '"''"'-.. ceott•lo.... ~~ .. ~::,,.!··,~'"':,-..r,;:.:: ,~-:: ~~ :.,,.~~:,>, ~"::~ .,.,. :::!'t.!: .. M4ift ..... ' \ dan army, have kept Amin on the defensivt> in recent weeks Diplomats in Kampala, the Uga ndan capital. sai<4 by telephone that they had reports the Tanzanians were "definitely very close" to the southern towns of Masa.ka and Mbarara. but that both of the key cities re- m ained under Amin's control. The diplomats, who declined to be identified, quoted travelers from southern Uganda. Masaka is SO miles north of the Tanzanian border and 80 miles south or Kampala. Amin said Tuesday soldiers loyal to him had retaken the town after it was held for nearly three days by the enemy. Diplomats and residents in Kampala ·denied rumors that ,a sizable exodus of fore igners had begun. There are an estimated 3,000 white foreigners m Ugan· da, including mor e tha n 600 Italians. 400 French, 300 Britons, 130 Americans and 120 West Germans Most of the foreigners are mis · siona rics, technical expe rts on governm e nt co ntracts. diplomats. medical personnel or businessmen. "I know of a few. maybe lhre<! or four. who have moved up their vacations and have gone lo Kenya ," a Western resident said ... But there is no mass ex- odus." ·'There is normal traffic in Kampala, lines for gasoline at the service stations and brisk business al th e vege table market," said another or the capital's 400,000 residents. "l believe perhaps a few hundred Ugandan families have gone to their villages, but Kampala is far from deserted." Purse Taken From Woman In Costa Mesa A woman shopper was robbed of her pocketbook Tuesday by a man who ran up and .grabbed it with such force he broke both of the purse's s houlder strays, Costa Mesa police said today. They said GerUnde Hildegard Carr of Garden Grove was walk- ing in the parking lot of South Coast Plaza at about 7:43 p.m. when the incident occurred. The s tron g -arm r obber escaped with her $80 purse, about $50 in cash and credit cards and checks. He Oed in a waiUng car. police said. The victim, who police said, was n't lnjured, chased the rob- ber briefly until he jumped into the car. 2 'IV Sets Stolen In Irvine Burglary A burglar tore off the screen from an open ba~room window to gel into an Irvine home today and steal two television sels and an antique pocket watch, police said. Resident Charlotte Crosby, 54, or 15381 Orleans Circle, the Ranch. valued the loss at $500. F,....Pfl,,eAJ AIRPORT PROBE. • • proprietor (the county) to ne1•te the provisions of the Airline Deregulation Act of 197'8." The deregulaUon act had the effect of opening airline routes "to all flt, willing and able applicants." The county counsel said a significant issue in the conflict is the wel1ht 1iven California noise laws when they connict with the derefulalion act as well u federal a.nU-tru.u laws. SO INTENSE DOES Kuyper see the challence In· berent In the FAA probe that he recommended to aupervi.son they hire special attorneys to repreHDt uM county. "1 do not have the manpower or the resourcea wblcti wm be required ror-the full·Ume effort which should be put into this matter on behalf of the count)'," Kuy-per aald. "I view thJs investigation aa a very Important matter to the county which should be llv n ~ d11ree of expert handling and full-lime at.tenUon w an only come rrom a well qualified private law ntm expe enced ln 1ueh mat· ters.'!. · THE n.&M llECOMKEND£0 IW-!lnl~lt)er Diego firm or Luce, Forwent, Hamilton • That firm bu repreaented the county lft r lawawu centtrlna on Jet airliner &cUvtUea at Oran1e Co\&Dt.J Alrport. Sui>ervtson are expected to meet lo a clGMd-door 1e11lon th.ls week to consider blrlnC lbe l1wy1n KU.J'Ptr feels are needed to keep control of UM airport lD COUDlJ "overnment'a hands I ) ,, f',....P,,.AJ GAS ••• de~rttt Fahrenheit for heat.1.na 11nd no lower than 80 degrees for c00Hn1 Hot water for person•I hy1Jene or cleaning could go no bJtber than 105 degrees. Schle!l.neer would also have authority to close 1u stations for all or part of the weekend. As for 1asoli" raUomng. be aald it "represents a last resort" that could not be put lnto effecl tor five or six months anyway. The Carter adminlstratloo has been conslderlna proPosals ror the decontrol of gasoUne prices, but Schlealoaer indicated today those wouJd be held baclt durillg the current shortage. Mardi Gras /tla1k "ll I.I unlikely the administra- tion would send up decontrol leg1slatlon while tbere is a generalized shortage," be said. "We will not end up with ration· 1ng and decontrol." This celebrant turned many a head as be toured the New Orleans French Quarter for the annual Mardi Gras cele bration Tuesday in thi~ eye-catching costume. Schlesinger s aid the United States over reacted to the 1973· 74 011 embargo by stockpiling too much oil. litter Tax Bill Approved by Curb He cautioned against • repett. t1on or that. and said he hopes administrative actions would enable the country to weather the current shortage without in· vok ing the mandatory pro posals. Doctor Says Billy 'Not SACRAMENTO (AP l Lt Gov. Mike Curb signed legisla· lion reduclng and delaying a S20 million litter tax today. adding bis onJy regret was he couldn't repeal the lax completely The act was Curb's h rst blll· signing as acting governor. Curb said he s upports the ht ter cleanup and recycling pro grams that are to be financed by the new tax and "would give 1t a good priority" but that he op posed imposing a new tax to finance the programs The bill Curb signed repeals the tax for retailers, bul leaves it intact ror larger manufac- turers and wholesalers. The bill Abolishme nt Eyed SACRAMENTO CA P > Eleven s tale agencies tha t seldom meet would be abolished and 20 more would be forced to prove they do useful thin~s un der Speaker Leo McCarthy's "sunset bill." which won easy approval Tuesday from an As- sembly committee. also delayed the due date for the firs t tax paym e nts fro m Wednesday until Sept. 30. "I wouJd like to see this tax re· pealed ~tirely," Curb said, add· mg he would finance the pro-gralJl by .. cutting fat" elsewhere in stale government But Curb refused to say what he would cut to finance the litter programs, saying "I don't Lhink it would be appropriate for me to go into that." Mayor Loses Race KANSAS CITY. Mo CAP) - Two Kansas City "ouncilmen will face each othe r in next month's mayoral election aft.er getting 56 percent or the vote between them to douse Mayor Charles Wheeler's hopes for an unprecedented third t e rm Bruce Watkins, a funeral home owner. led lbe upset Tuesday with 23.8.53 votes in the six-way nonpartisan primary Richard Berkley, a 10-year veteran of the City Council, grabbed the second spot with 22.897 votes and will face Watkins in the runoff. In Bad ShaJJe.' AMERIC US , Ga t .4P > - Despite P~s1dent Carter 's as- sertion that hi s younger brother Billy "is ser1ously ill at thjs point," Billy Carter's physician says "he's not really io bad shape " · Dr Paul Broun, who VJSlted Billy Carter o n Tuesday at A m e rtc u s -Sumter County · Hospital where he 1s being treat- ed for broocbilis, said the presi- dent's description or h is brother's health was typical of a family member's concern when a problem won't clear up right away. Carter discussed his brother at a Tuesday news conference in Was hington, saying Billy "has never made a serious critical re- mark against Jews or other peo- ple in our country." and that be bas no intention of chastising rum. 'Art Nouveau' Ta.tAAHCE m48 Hawtflorne •Mi (213) 378-1279 at its best, a romantic Et Cetera grouping by Drexel Turn-ol·rh+>·Cf'Ofu•v "''"l •'IC"' N:r~,,. ..... ., .. ~ II Pl<fl<f'S')Pd 'TlQI(~ l>l{I< 11 •" ' \ " l'1 f\ 'I •• '11lflo ~· •¥,)~ .ino J•cMc1:turo e<i , .., t .. · 1v1~ , Tocl<tv 11s •(YT\)1111(' !.1~1 ftl()11I I •JI l t t I , CA 11 [I Cl'!nra' cOI f.'Cll{)fl •JV D••'•" • U:.inq .1uh11..1fll•C rr.HertJI~ loaoed QIJ~· .;nc1 "'' •·1t1 tlC'\. '" \l~~·r:. D•t»l I! .I'> f 1(? lll.'(J ,j(J f lfl!U "''l! ol !)l 'Oltt! poc>hC ctiarm V•!.11 Olli...,,. 1t tlul !-.hf'W 1 ig dn<J p•C'!Jdre IO be •111on ov<." comi ., 1, • , ' COSTA Ne9A I S95 ~woon Blvd (7t4) &42·2050 ~( Of\N $Ulf0o\Y 12) .)() ] r . -= " •• • • •• • I l I· I I I I t • ' L ~. t .. ' J l ~ l' t ' Orange Coast lO IT ION VOL. 72, NO. S9, ~ SECTIONS, '6 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Voar Hometown:, Dally Newspaper WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1979 N TEN CENTS • .. ,..-----------Secret Memo Revealed----------......... FAA to Control County A· I ort?! I By CARY GRANVILLE °' .... °'""' ,. .... ''"' Count)' coun.-. I Adrian Kuyper hai. warned the Board ot upervlsor that 10 upcomln& Fedt>ral Avlauon Ad mtol!itrauon lnvf' ligation or Orange County Airport could -END WITH THE FAA wresung control over what airlines operatf' from the airport Crom board or auperv\&0rs' bands -RAVE "NATIONWIDE ramifications " -BE SE'JTLED IN A compromise that would open the runways at Orange County Airport to additional air car riers Kuyper's warning was contained In a confidential me mo sent to the five cc;unty supervisors this week. In bis memo, the supervisors ' lawyer said there Is lit· lie likelihood that the FAA investigators will find the coun· ty is discriminatmg against two airlines who want to operate from thealrport. Frontier Airlines and Continental Airlines toucbd oCf the FAA probe by contending they are being discriminated against by the county's refusal to allow them to operate at Orange County Airport. In his memo, Kuyper said that Frontier has not been , awarded final approval of air routes from Orange County i nd therefore cannot claim discrimination. -IN CONTINENTA(.'S case. the county's legal ad· viser said. its planes exceed the weight allowed on the airport runways. Consequently, discrimination is not part of the county's denial or Conlinental's request. But Kuyper went onto warn that,·· In spite of the likelihood nodiscrimina· tloo will be round in the FAA investigation, the FAA could or· de r t.b at th e airpo rt. be mad e av a i I abl e henceforth to all requestinl? carriers." Or, Kuyper added, the FAA could order the afrport opened to "all carriers up to a certain maximum number. with or without a limit on daily departures." -KUYPER'S CONFIDENTIAL memo also told the supervisors who control airport operating policies that the basic issue in the investigation "is the power or the local proprietor lthe county > to negate the provisions of the Airline Deregulation Act of L978." The deregulation act had the effect or opening ajrline routes ·'lo all fit, willing and able applicants." The county counsel said a significant Issue in the conflict is the weight given California noise laws when they conflict with the deregulation act as well as federal anti·trust laws. SO INTENSE DOES Kuyper see the challenge in· herent in the FAA probe that he recommended to supervisors they hire special attorneys to represent the county. ''I do not have the manpower or the resources which will be required for the rull·time effort which should be put into this matte r on behalf or the county." Kuyper said. "I view this inves tigation as a very important matter to the county which should be given the degree of expert handling aod full·time attention which can only come from a we ll qualified private law firm experienced in such mat· ters.· THE FIRM RECOMMENDED by Kuyper is the San Diego firm or Luce. Forward, Hamilton and Scripps. Thal firm has represented the county in other lawsuits centering on jet airliner activities at Orange County Airport. Supervisors are expected to meet in a closed·door session this week to consider hiring the lawyers Kuyper feels are needed to keep control of the airport in county government's ~ands. l j England's Decisive Nam Battle ~ted l Transfer e . t Approved . ; f i ' ! J t 17 t t ' t t f I Mus ic teacher Richard England, whose suspension from Newport Harbor High School has stirred tempers to the boil.' ing point, said Tuesday he has decided. although with regrets, to accept a transfer to Corona del Mar High for the rest of this school year. Newport·Mesa Unified School D1strict officiaJs announced the transfer Tuesday. Superinten· dent John Nicoll said England will be added to the existing • Corona del Mar music staff and will not replace any current teachers. He said temporary music teacher Don Anderson will con· / t inue to teach England's former classes at Harbor High this year "l 'm ve(Y very disappointed because we'd been led to believe we were going to have the op· portunity to sit down with the. principal a nd work this out, ... England said before ·Tuesday's meeting. "Now it's turning out everybody's going to lose." However, England said he ex peeled to assume his duties al Corona de l Mar High today ''I 've a lways been pro fessional. regardless or the silly charges against me," he said. "I will do whatever they ask me to do temporarily until I 'm re- instated at Harbor High." T he announcement of the transfer was strongly opposed by most of the more than 100 people attending Tuesday night's school board meeting. About 300 per.;;ons spoke at the end of the meetin g, citing proble ms with s tudent and teacher morale at Harbor High. Trustees took no action on 'the <See ENGLAND• Page AZ> ~ .................. RESIGNS FROM BOARD School Trustee O'Brien Wedding Bells Breaking Vp School Board Newport·Mesa school Trustee Duke O'Brien announced Tues· day he's resigning his post and that, while he's sorry to quit. he's happy about the reason: He's getting married. "My responsibilities to my family come second only to my responsibilities to God," O'Brien said at the school board meet· ing. He said his wedding will be March 17 and his resignation will take e ffect March 31. O'Brien's term runs through November 1981. Trustees said they will not ap- point a replacement until this November, when voters can (See O'BRIEN. r~ie ,\2) BANGKOK, Thailand CAP> - Vietnam reported today that it put a Chinese regiment and two battalions out of action in the nort.heast province of Lang Son, where analysts be lieve the armies are regrouping for a de· cisive batUe in the border war. Meanwhile, Peking said that small Vietnamese units had penetrated six to 10 miles into China at three points but that all incursions were repulsed. In Peking, Treasury Secretary W . Michael Blume nthal met with Cbinele Premier Hua Kuo- fene and told reporters he again bad urged a speedy withdrawal of Chinese forces Crom Vietnam. Blumenthal is in China for nine days of negotiations on several economic matters. The Voice of Vietnam reported today that mo re than 1.600 Chinese troops were killed in the Lang Son area Tuesday, but did not give the exact location of the fighting. Reliable analysts said the pro- vincial capital, also called Lang Son, had not fallen to the Chinese but that Vietnamese civilians had been evacuated. The city of Lang Son is 80 miles northeast or Hanoi and 11 miles south of the Chinese border. The analysts said some main- line Vietnamese units were be· ing brought up c loser to the Lang Son front and they expect· ed a major battle in the area in the next few days. To date, regional and militia forces are believed to have car· ried the weight of most of the fighting. The 'battle has been predicted since last week, and much fi ght· ing has been reported in the hills around Dong Dang. Actually, lt was just a coincidence that the Red Cross Bloodmobile was parked to- day near the site of Mrs. Lynn Blanton's fenclng classes at Newport Harbor High School. Tbe Bloodmobile wu on campus today to collect donations from volun· teers. School officlals said Mrs. Blanton's fencing classes definitely weren't part of the blood drive. \ .. . ' \ ' Organic 'Rock' Billy Rinke nbach , 13, of 4800 Surrey Drive. Corona del Mar. thought he'd found an unusual rock Tuesday during a s troll in the nearby hills. But when he picked it up, he discovered that the rock actually was a gia nt mushroom . Billy says it tips the scales at three pounds and is nearly 23 inches around. The Lincoln School eighth g rader says he has no plans to eat his dis· covery -it might be poisonous . School Data 118 Newpor~esa Wrporation h v B C Quietly Ended Teac ers to e ut A non·profit computer data processing corporation set up last spring by the Newport·Mesa Unified School Di s trict was quietly dissolved Tuesday. T he Newport·Me sa lnstruc· tional Research Institute, Inc .. which ran into charges by the co unty Board of Education that it was unfairly competing with private industry, was set up to market computer·programs de· veloped by the district. Board members of NM IRI - most of whom also serve or have served on the Ne wport.Mesa board or trustees -were told the firm earned a $23.759 profit durini its first six months. Because NMIRI currently bas $12,836 in liabilities and $34.868 in accounts receivable, board members voted to retain a bank account for NMIRI under the s up ervision o f Assistant Newport·Mesa Superintendent Norman Loats until all accounts are settled. SFA.'lJON WAGON ROILED QUICKLY ·'The fi rst person to call bou1ht m)' station wagon." Thal 's the story told by the successful salesm an who placed lbls ad In the Daily Pilot: '71 St.lion Wagon Coun· try Sedan I owner Gd CC>nd lWMOOClC If you want fast sales suc- cess, call the friendly Daily Pilot ad·visera at. 642·5678. A total of 118 teachers in the d ay. By law, teachers must be Newport·Mesa Unified School notified by March 15 or they District will receive notices to-can't be laid off. day or Thursday that they are However . officials stressed being laid off for the coming that each teacher wlll be entitled school year. district officials to a year. In addition, res· said Tuesday. ignatlons. r etire m e nts and The teachers. including 3S to leaves of absence will result in 40 who have tenure, are being some of these teachers being re· laid off because of enrollment hired. declines currently running at Teachers are laid off io order about 12 percent a year. or reverse seniority. Exceptions The equivalent or 74 full·time are made for those with skills positions must be vacated by that can·t be replaced by re· next year. school trustees noted assigning other teachers. in approving the layoffs Tues· Teen Arrested On Newport Burglary Rap Aided by neighborhood resl· dents. Newport Beach police corralled a fleeing burglary SUS· pect Tuesday after a 20-minute chase through Corona del Mar. Held today in lieu of $10,000 ball was Christopher Ahlstedt, 18, who police described as a transient. The incident began about 1:30 p.m. when the burglar alarm went off at a home at 858 Sandcastle Drive. The owners, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lemmon,' weren't home. Neighbors told Officer Jeff Roark. who responded to the alarm, Lbey'd sefn a youn1 man running from the residence. Directed by net1hbon, Roark and three other patrolmen pursued the youth. Roark flnall)' captured him at the corner of Second and Narcisaus avenue.. Coast · ' i ~ Weather 1 Chance of showers 20 ~ percent on Thursday. In· ' creasing cloudiness tonight with slight chance of showers. Lows tonight 43 lo 50. Highs Thursday in low 60s. ) INSIDE TODAY Don't ,,,end that money you 'thiftk ~·re going to win on the moilboz ''"epstolcu. TM odds a~ MJ in your fooor. Storr. A7. latlex . ,. (l'I' C:ll ., .. •• M .. ,. .. .,~ ... .. .. a1-t ... ... - • I .. Weekend Gas Sales to Be Cut? Tru t Approv 2Plan t-wport Me$a school trust .appro\'ed t•·o uUons coat't'!m· rn.i dt'~&l"\';c11tJon 1'\ae~•Y To met<t St tc-8n rd o f t-;dur1Al1on rcqu1rt'mt"nts. tbey JMrt't'(J lo wt u11 t'llltcn t'OM mlth•t to tlt•h•rm1n1• 1f tht,.,. rt llny i.l'greaiat~ &cbool.!i ~-..Uun thl' dt&lrirt TrU.)kts .irl' h'Qutn:d to re µort hark to th1• ~ll1te lht) &um ml'r and recommend ~a)~ of 10 tc:~ratinR minority 1>tuden~ In w1 unrelutt"d llt'm. lrustffS • also ugl'C('d to JOln an a con :.orllum of some 60 lo 70 i.chool districts an four counhc:s to ob· ta an legal 1uh 1Q ·on lht: prop()Sed MetropoJ1t.an Pinn The plan would require busing between districts and possibly across county hnes lo achieve integration. Newp<>rt-Mesa Superintendent John Nicoll said Tuesday tbe membership, which would cost up lo $1 ,000 per year for al least one year. would enable tbe dis· tract to obtain 'advice that would otherwise be ex6rbitanl in cost. Bandit Gets $160 Haul in Balboa Heist Newport Beach police a re seeking tbe man who held up the Balboa Winchell 's Donut House Monday night, e~caping with $160. The robbery occurred at 7:40 p.m. at the shop at 500 E. Balboa Blvd. According to police rep<>rts, the man wa lked in when there was oo one in the doug hnut shop except a wom a n c lerk. He showed her a revolver and de· manded the cash out or the cash register and her purse. The woman's husband, who was asleep in a back room at the time of the robbery, s ummoned police when she awakened him arter the robber fled. NB Thieves Get Jewelry Newport Beach police are J>rObmg three weekend thefts or Jewe lry and s ilver fl atwa re valued"lmore than $24 ,000. The th~ts were 11"eported by Sol Morrison of Eastbluff. Ann Schmitz of Lido Sands a nd Lillian McEniry of Westclirf. According to police, an un- locked kitchen d oor e nabled thjeves to get into Morrison's house at 2215 Arbutus St. and take $8,100 worth of jewelry. Ms Schmitz. 5407 Bruce Cres· cent Cou rt, reported the loss of $4,900 worth of silver flatware when burglars pried open a slid· m~ glass door and Ms. Mc Enlry, 1133 Somerset Lane. lost Jewelry valued at Sll ,740 Mayor Loses Race KANSAS CITY. Mo. CAP) - Two Kansas City councilmen will face each other in next month's mayoral election after getting 56 percent of the vote betw~n them lo douse Mayor Chftrl!'s ~eler 's hopes for an un}>~dented third term. Bruce Watkins. a funeral home owner. led the upset Tuesday with 23,853 votes in the six-way nonpartisan primary. Richard Berkley, a 10-year veteran of the City Council. grabbed the second spot with 22,897 votes and will fa ce Watkins in the runoff ORANGE COAST lfl DAILY PILOT ,,,... t>r•~ , .. ,. O.•tv ,. • ._. wftfl""t<" I\ tom fl•"""''"• N<~ Prfll t\ .. Oltt#WOOy1fW0t~ t(l.onl Pvt>11""'9n0(~ W..r.tl•Mn~"'"' wbl1-.hflld MoMn tM°"'9f' frtet•Y f'O# Coit• Mf"W Nr•pott &Mch HW\t1~on ""'•"''OUfll lllftVtt1U1y ltWtnt' L~Rfo.IC:f'\ So\#tft( .. ,, A 1ft(llr 'Ml~ t'd•t .. •,,PVttt~ S..vtNnM'lt \t1rtOll:¥' fPle 1W11"Ci1N' O\lbtl\hf,.. pl.mt\ •f llO Wt \I II••"-' r~ .. -W, C.111....,.l••llll ttMH1M .... P•O\lcllnl-Pvell-, .. , .. -.. Vltf' l'r ,.,,,,..~, •l'K'I '9tl'WlfM ~"f9H T~M(714)~ C11Htfted Mve~ IOtl1I \ ""w'~• GLOOMY PROSPECTS Energy ChJef Schlealnger Yemen Fight Puts Saudis On Alert JIDDA, Saudi Arabia tAP > Saudi Arabia put its armed ro rces on alert today and the Arab League called for an eme rgency session Sunday on the fi ghting in Yemen. The Saudis canceled all military leave and ordered all officers and men to their bar- racks immediately "because of prevailing circumstances." The announcement broadcast by Riyadh radio did not elaborate. But observers thought it was the resuJt of the six-day border war in the southwest cor· ner of the Arabian PeniosuJa between pro-Saudi Northern BEGIN TO MEET WITH CARTER-A4 Yemen and Ma rxist South Yemen. The Saudi Press Agency quot- ed Arab League Secretary· General Mahmoud Riyad as say· ing that several Arab countries have expressed willingness to participate in the m eeting. which will be held in Kuwait. The border clashes continued today amid claims in Aden of the outbreak or all-out rebellion against the North Yemenj gov· ernmenl in San'a. There was no independent conlirmation or the claims. South Yeme n's government· controlled Aden Radio said numerous tribes, from all over the 75,000.square-mile-ter-ritory or North Yemen, "joined the rev· olution and declared their sup· port for the struggle against the San'a regime." ·'The actual s trugg)e is between the revolutionaries of the National Democratic Frpnt and the puppet authorities at San'a," Mohsin Abu Nashtan, a North Yemeni who said he was the National Front leader m the district of Arbab, 10 miles north of San'a, told an Aden news con· ference. Ll. Yabya Dahesh, another North Yemeru who s aid he was the commander of the 1st Marine Battalion. told the press conference that a number of "solidar ity congresses" an various North Yemeni districts had expressed s upp<>rt for the revolution. Hashtan said South Yemen "has nothing to do with the cur· r e nt fighting inside North Yemen, il only defended its border in the face of North Yemeni aggression Friday" when the fighting began. ' Nashtan c laimed that the San'a government was paying tribesmen about $800 "and pro· viding them with American weapons imported through Saudi Arabia." to fi ght against the revolution. "But instead or that. the tribesmen fi ght against San'a,"headded. -The two Yemens h ave been accusing each other of starting the latest fighting, a frequent de· veloprpent between the two neigboors over the past decade. South Yemen claimed Monday that it captured the three North Yemeni towns on the border - Harib, Qatabab and El Beida. Newport Man Faces Charge A N~wport Beach man facel'I extradition to Texas after bis ar· rest on a fugitive warrant aUe1· inl be wrote a *3,000 bad check. A spofresman for the Midland County Sherill's Office said the allecaUoN were flied by the F\nt N.UO.W B•nk or Mid.land earlier t1lla year. Robb Martin Devis. •. w., arruted Nond•J ntcbt et hta home at 2345 Port C1rll1le .. Place. He waa booked tnto Oranp County Jail end l"eleated Tuffday. , .. Heating Controls Studied WA S lll NGTON t A P l En hey Secrct.ary J ;a mes ~­Sehl~ rn.icr said today 1t 11 po. 1lble that oil shortages in tbe Un l lcd St•tcs may force wet•kcnd do~rngs or gasoline 'llat101\."i and mandatory controls on thermostat::. in buildings l>don: :iumnwr f c:.tlfyang before the Senate Eol·rgy Committee. Schlesinger i.a1d at hs itlrnost certain that a :.taodby gasoline rationing plan before Congress would not be in· ''oked because of the current :-.1tualion . Schlesinger also said the price of unleaded gasoline is likely to rise to $1 a gaUon "within a year or so" On Tuesday , Schlesinger pre- dicted an average 10-cent·a· ~allon boost tn gasoline prices by the e nd of this year But he modified that prediction today by telling a Senate G?veroment Ope rations subcomm1ttee to ex- oect even sharper rises in un- leaded fuel. The energy secretary was called lo defend standby man· datory conservation measures that must be approved or disap· proved by Congress over the next 60 days. He said the most Likely initial ste p in reaction to s hortages caused by political upheav;ll in Iran would be shifts or natural gas from producing states to areas of industrial shortage. But beyond that. Schlesinger said if Congress approves the standby conservation measures. ·'it is possible that at some time we may have to invoke tern· perature controls or weekend closings before summer. Under the plan. Industrial p lants and most other non· residential buildings wouJd be required to maintain thermostat settings of no highe r than 65 degrees Fahrenheit for heating and no lower than 80 degrees for cooling. Ho t wate r for personal hygiene or cleaning could go no higher than 105 degrees. Schlesinger would also have authority to close gas stations for all or part of the weekend. Schlesinger said the United States over-reacted to the 1973·74 oil e mbargo by stockpiling loo much oil. He cautioned against a repeti· lion or that, and said he hopes a dministrative actions would enable the country to weather the current shortage without in· voking the prop0sals. Youths Held On Newport Theft Charge A Garden Grove youth and his 17-year-old companion remained · in custody today on suspicion of com m ilting a series of car burglaries in Dover Shores. Officer Ke n Weigand slopped the pair Tuesday as they were driving on Irvine Avenue near University Drive al about 5 a.m. because or an alleged motor vehicle code violation . But he took them into custody when he spotted what police believe arc burglary tools and stolen car radios and citizen band radios in the vehicle. Police said the Garden Grove resident is Drake Ward. 18. His compa nion is fro m Three Rivers. Calif. They said at least on4! Dover Shores resident has Identified as his own some or the property found in Wa rd's car . F,.._Pa~Al ENGLAND. • agenda item. but said they will rei.pond to questions at their MarchmeeUng. ' England was placed on ad· minisjrative leave earlier lb.is year after New Harbor High Principal Tom Jacobson brought charges or unprofessional con· duel against the band director. The charges, rep<>rtedly aue·g.' ing that ·England failed to carry ouL orders from Jacobson re· gardlng events at which the Sailor Band should perform, will be the subject of a hearing July 16. Abolishment Eyed SACRAMENTO (AP) - Eleven state agencies that seldom meet would be abolished and 20 more would be forced to prove they do useful thtDJS un· der Speaker Leo McCarthy's "1uDM!l bill," which won easy appr<>val Tuesday from an Al.· sombty commlttee. • • • • Gas Rationing Eyed Al.do Owners Would Get Fuel Certificates WASIUNGTON <AP> Here is how also issued for specific numbers of gallons of gasoline. Gas stations would accept the COUJ>Ol\S. Prc1udeot Carter;s proposed standby gasoline rlllloning plan would work in a severe energy 11hortage: How much gas would motorists set? There iis no way to tell until the severity of a shortage is known. The Energy Department estimates the average car uses about two gaJlons of gas a day . Oncl' lint's or cars ut gas ~tat1ons became tO<> long. the pre:-.tdcnl wouJd declare an ene rgy emer1((:ncy. EVERY THllEE MONTR1, THE govern- ment would send owners of the more than 100 million reg1stered motor vehicles certificates worth a specifi c number of gallons or gasoline. The cert1f1cates wouJd resemble government cht>ck~ EACH CAR WOULD BE ALLOCATED the same amount of gas, no mau.er whether it wu a small imported model or a luxury fuel hog. Trucks would get more than cars. motorcycles less. The more cu r~ owned, the more certil1caLe:, driver:, would get m the mail. A driver with a surplus or coup<>ns could sell them at an unlimited price, creating a so· called "white market'' for the coupons. Motorist.:. would c<H1h m their certificates at banks or slmilar 111~ll\ut1ons for coup<>ns, Air Cal Asks Flighl Halt To San Diego Air Californaa orricicsl~ an· nounced today they are a seek ing Civil Aeronautics Board CCA B) approval of a plan to sus- pend service to San Diego Boy Payton. a sp<>kcsman for the airline. said the CAB ap- plication asks that service be restricted to one Otght a day Monday through f'nday begin- mg April 1 with complete su- pension of all service by May 1. At present . San Diego is a destination of Air Cal flight:. that orjginate from San J ose. Oakland. San F r ancisco, Sacramento, Orange County, Ontario and Palm Springs He said the suspension is sought because tbe a ircralt are needed on other routes. He said passengers who want to fly to Sun Diego still wall be abl e to depart from Orange County because Golden We~t Airlines serves San Diego and will be increasing that service. F,....PageAJ O'BRIEN •.. make their own choice as lo who should fill the remaining two years of O'Brien's term. As soon as O'Brien's resigna- tion is officially accepted by the County Board of Education, ap· plicalions will be made availa- ble in the district office to anyone residing in O'Brien's area. district 2. This is roughly the triangle formed by Harbor and Newport boulevards and the northern Costa Mesa city boundary. The applications will be re· viewed by the Newport-Mesa board. and five applicants selected to be interviewed at a public meeting. Board members will tbeo make their selection. O'Brien, wbo has served on the board since 1977, is the second member of the seven· person board to resign this year. Donald Smallwood, who was then board president. also re· signed this year for personal rea- sons . Smallwood, an attorney, said he needed to devote more time to his business. His re placement. Kenneth L. Wayman, was officially seated last week. Priest Held In String Of Holdaps MIDDLETOWN. Del. <AP) - A Roman Catholic priest has been arrested and charged with a string of armed holdups iden· lilied as the work of a man dubbed the Gentleman Bandit, authorities said today. Delaware State Police said the Rev. Bernard Pagano. assistant pastor of the St. Mary's Refuge of Sinners in Cambridge, Md., was charged with seven counts of armed robbery and one count of attempted robbery. The charges stemm~d from holdups or grocery stores and o the r comme rcial est ablish- ments in northern Delaware by a neat, quiet. well-behaved man, authorities said. Pagano was arrested Tuesday night at his sister's home here. Police said a composite draw- ing of a suspect c icculated following one of the robberies led to the priest's arrest. The 53-year-old priest was ar· raigned before a m agistrate in New Castle County, and was sent to Delaware State Hospital for psychiatric evaluation. 'Art Nouveau' atits best, a rotnantic Et Cetera grouping by Drexel Turn-0'-!tlO-Q:JOIUf '( .~• 'C'ld0Cl' I r-.c ... tic<~ ""d:. I( t.o • 1 ·1~$E'O mortH·· QJt.'flllv :nan 1n tne turn•shng:. an11 arcn•'ecturt J ,,,, A': N:AJvWu TOddv ,,., r(Yl•an• c;. l•lv mo· t t>l<XY!'K Qcl la• lly l(l ru• El Cr1era' cOllf:'Cfl()I ti; 011·"''' U~·rxi aumt:intl(. IT\jf~1a1~ Wf'C"! 1••1 1•on rmoort'-<> mrtrblt:- 1.:iaoed rjt.lC:.5 d0<1 ~Jp.,.rb P ' Jn vf>l'lf'('<S 0r~·xel has CIEldled 1111n1NJ ;111• nl Qt-"'ll•e noet•C' r.hdm 1 Vr~I our ck>1tq~1f!ul SIK•,,,.n.1 1no prepJ•e h.l ~ WCl1 nver C()'l'\()ll:IPIV I ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •• 1ls.rl. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml TORR•..CE 236'9 HowfllOfne 81Vd (213) 378-1279 F•'tt f.,,., .. ,.," ,,,.,, '"''".., Drr•&• COSTA MESA 1595 NewPOrt Blvd (7141842-2050 L§Ooi1t °"" $UllOAY 12" lO I .... , .. . , • -, ' - Bot E aouglt ler Y ou? Unby bell P"PP'!r planlb re kept warm und snug under hot kups m u San Juan Capistrano field Cool. rainy weather can stunt the growth of pepper seedlings if thcy'rt! not protected. as Kinoshita Farms workers clearly understand. Prosecu tor Takes Aim At Waddill .. The proseeutor in Dr Wilham Waddill's second murder trial said today he will prove during the next four months that the Huntington Harbour physician strangled a newborn abortion survivor. In rus opening statement to the Orange County Superior Court jury. Prosecutor Robert Chat· terton said be will present wit· nesses who "saw Dr. Waddill choking the baby and complain· ing that the baby would not stop breathing." While Chatterton said he ex· peeled bis opening statement lo last two to three hours today. de· fe nse attorney Charles Weed· man said he may or may not of. fer opening remarks in the case WaddJll is accused or stran· gling an infant known as baby girl Weaver after she was born to an 18-year·old unwed mother al Wes tmins ter Co mmunity Hospital on March 2. 1977. Waddill insisted during his first murder trial that the infant never was alive. That trial ended last May when jurors said they were deadlocked 7·5 in favor of acquittal. Chatterton, in his opening statement ltus morning. said the two.pound, 15-ounce baby was born alive after about seven months of gestation. ·He contended that Waddill saitt. "Don't do a goddamn thing for that baby" when informed of the girl's birth. He said witnesses will testify that they heard Waddill say the baby was alive when be arrived at the hospital. "There will be those that heard him s ay that the baby probably will be brain dama~ed. ·• Chatterton continued. "The essence is that Dr. Wad· dill was seen choking the baby and was overheard wanting to inject the baby's heart with potassium rbloride to cause the baby's death." Chatterton con· tinued. Recruiting to Aim At More Reserves By DAVID KVTZMANN Ol tM O•lly "'llet S~tt A h1gh·ranking Army orricial says recruiting procedures are being ov<>rhauled in an effort to beef up lagging reserve enlist· ments in Southern California and elsewhere. Lt Gen. Eugene P. fo"'orresler, who 1s commander of the U S. 6th Army, told reporters at the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro Tuesday that reserve enlistments in California and na· tionwide are only 70 percent or full strength. a situation he described "of serious concern to me and the secretary of the Army." To attact more recruits, For· rester said, the Army bas com· bmed both its reserve and active ., for ce recruiting operations. making il possible !or a prospec· live enlistee to visit just one of· fi<.'e and talk lo one recruiter for either the active forces or the re- serves. Financial inducements also are being offered. he said, lo lure capable young recrujts into high priority reserve units. Enlistment bonuses from $1,500 to $2.500 are being offered. Forrester new down early Tuesday from his Sao Francisco headquarters to m eet with recruiting offi ce r s fr om throughout Southern California to explain the changes. which take effect here Thursday. They met at El Toro. Forrester attributed the decline in reserve enlistments to two factors: the end of the draft in 1973 and too much lime and energy spent trying to make the volunteer army a s uccess. Forrester said the possibiHly or being drafted prompted many young men to enlist in the re· serves during the Vietnam war years. However. since the end of the drall. reserve enlistments have been declining at a steady pace. the commander s aid. ··Recruiting is a tough busi- ness." Forrester said. "You're selling a commitment of a por· RECRUITS SOUGHT · Army, Chief Forreater ti on of a young person's life.'· Although reserve enlistments are at their lowest point ever. Forrest.er said "it's not a dis· aster." He said military officials are showing "great concern" over the situation and he is pushing !or new incentiv•uch as educational benefits , ex· panded medical care and im· proved insurance coverage for recruits. Although the end or the draft has eaten into the strength of the reserves. Forrester. a principal arcbitec~f the volunteer army approac 'd active forces re· main s g. The volunteer . army " eeds the fondest ex· pectatio of everyone I know." he said. "It bas worked." Forrester said he doesn't favor a return of the draft 1'at this particular moment" but would like to see registration of eligible young m e n started again. "We need to be better prepared than we are today." be said. Neither Man Nor Woman Sex Change Doctor Cites Inexperience SAN FRANCISCO <AP l -A doctor being sued for S7 million by a transsexual who says a 1974 sex change operation left her neither man nor woman testified today that he was still inex· perienced when he performed lhe surgery. Taking the stand ror the first time, Dr. John R. Brown said he pe rformed his first sex change only four months prior to the operation on the plaintiff. JuJie Phillips. He said he was still in the ''de· velopmental stage" of his learn- ing about transsexual surgery at the time of the 1974 procedure. He agreed with a statement from Phillips' attorney, Mel vin Belli, that be had no prior ex· perience in transsexual surgery. saying, "You never have ex· perience before your rirsl opera· tion." Brown, a San Franciscan now practicing medicine in Mexico, alao said that "sexuality is not in the sex organs sexuality is in the mind." Also testifying was Brown's former assistant. "'James A. Spence of San Jose, who said, "This case is a farce. I rigged this up so John Brown couJd be exposed. ''Dr. Brown and I bad a falling out aft« the Pbilllpcs operation," Spence said. "Dr. Brown and 1 were very mucb enemies at the Ume. It wu I who first urged ber (Pbilli119) to 1ue." Asked by Brown's attorney ii be ii a eoa man, Spence replied: "I've acc:ept.ed lbat label." He also deKribed the trial H "a poorly contrived bustle." Spence, the plaint.lit alleges, a11i1ted Brown lo obtaining pa· Uea&.1 ror sex chance operaUon1 ( -..-w ......... NEITHER SEX? Julie Phillipa -from the transsexual communi· ty. Dressed in a modest while pants suit and navy blouse, Miss PbilUps told a Superior Court jury Tuesday that she was "con· fuaed" after her unsucce11ful tranuexual operation and afraid or uodergotnc another one. "I'm not ready,!' said the 3&- year-old woman. "My doctor aays I'm not mentally ready. I'm scared of the table . If you bad someone cut you up the way they experimented with me, you'd be afraid, too." Durin& her testimony, Miss Phillipa alanced frequently at her attorney, Melvin Belli. and• transsexual friend. Toby Coo· ner. who was seated in the front row. Miss Phillips is seeking $7 million in damages from Dr. John R. Brown of San .Fran· cisco. who is , now practicing medicine in Mexico. and his as· sislant, James A. Spence of San Jose, for allegedly botching her transsexual oper ation in January 1974 . The suit a ccuses Brown of violating medical standards and, among other charges, performing sex·change opera· lions "on demand" and without psychological evaluations. Brown s at behind his ~t· torney, Duncan Barr, s miling and laking l~uent notes. Barr gri e iss Phillips, reading fro arlier deposi· lion in wbi b she claimed she always wan to be a woman and desired the opera\jon. · 'l was confused a fter the operation," she said , wiping tears from her cheek. "I was trying to Jtel on with my life." Miss Phillips, born Charles Beatt-y in Pennsylvania. was the victim of five rapes and assaulll by age 1•. according lo Miss Phillips' testimony. As a boy, he had dreams or becoming a mis· sionary. He played football and dated women unW a1e 17. when be says be became a bomOHxual. He later moved to San Fran· cisco. Jn 1V70, dressed as a woman, he married lobn Phillips tn Nev.da, according lo testimony. ··1 waa more ol a woman then, married to John, than I am now," Miss PbJlllps sald, as she fiddled with two silver br1celets. • DAIL y PILOT A3 Days Reduce d Board Tightens . ' Bingo ·ordinance BI ngo opera tors t n uni n· corporated areas of Orange County were brought unde r lighter controls Tuesday when lhe board o ( s upervisor s amended the county's local op- tion bingo ordinance. Among other things, the board's unanimous approval of the amendment proposed jointly by Sheriff Brad Gates and Coun· ty Cou:n_,el Adrian Kuyper: -Reduced the number or days c haritable bingo games can operate each week from five to two. -Made it mandatory that bingo oper31ors mainlajn com· plete accounting records and make them available lo sberilf's inspect-0rs. during normal busi- ness hours. -Limited the number or participants in any single bingo game to 500 people. Supervisor Ralph Clark suc· ceeded in tacking another pro· vision on to the o rdinance amendment proposed by Gates and Kuyper. At Cla rk's s uggestion, the board approved allowing the sheriff to issue special perm.its to charitable and non·profil or· ganizations that a lready bold county licenses. The special permits will allow s uch operators lo hold daily bingo games up to five times a week during prolonged ceJebra tioos such as festivals and bazaars. Supervisors made it clear when they quickly approved the bingo ordinance amendment that their action was aimed at preventing rather than correct· ing problems. · . So far. there have been few problems with c haritable and Girl P e r ishes In Santa Ana Traffic Crash One Santa Ana child was killed Tuesday and another ' critically. injured in separate traffic accidents. police reported today. Seven·year·old Denna H. $3ge, died 30 minutes alter she darted Crom behind an ice cream truck near her home into the path or an auto, police said. · The driver or the car, RauJ Sanchez. 22. was not held, police reported. About two hours before that 6 p.m . accident, police said, 13· year-old Scott Forsyth suffered critical bead injuries when he rode his bicycle into the path of a tractor·trailer rig. The driver or the rig, Louis N. Lestelle. 53, of Torrance, was not cited. police reported. ,That crash occurred at Flower Street and Warner Avenue. non·profit bingo operators in un· incorporated areas of tbe county. But in Anaheim. for eumple, some operators have drawn fire NEW LIBRARIAN Elizabeth Smith Mrs. Smit h Confirmed As Librarian Orange County s uper visors confirmed the appointment or Elizabeth Martinez Smith as county libratian Tuesday. Mrs. Smitn will begin her new S30 ,600 a year job April I , replacing Harry Rowe who re- tired ltus year from the post he bad held 10 years. • The 35-year·old woman will of· ficially be known as ma nager or library services for the county and oversee an operation that m· eludes 25 branch libraries. three bookmobile& a nd 285 CuJl-lime workers. Mrs. Smith is now acting chief of public services for the Los Angeles County Library. a li brary system that includes 92 branch libranes S he g raduated from the U n iv e·r sit y o f So uthern California and began her career in Los Angeles as a children's librarian. The county's ne w librarian .lives in Upland with her husband and two children. He r appomtment followed the r ecommendation of <.'ounty General Services Agency chief Tom Egan that she be hared for the job. Egan, whose agency oversees the libr.ary operation, rated Mrs. Smith I.he top applicant for lbe post vacated by Rowe. \ Rahif1S Hits Dogs in B aj a TIJUANA, Mexico (AP ) -An outbreak of •bies in Mexicali has health department officials in Baja California seeking a law that could spell doom for all stray dogs in the state. The law would g ive dog owners 48 hours to get their pets off the s treets: Any dog caught running loose after the initial Gem Talk Dy J. c HUMPllRIE:S Cut1hnl Gemoloq1st. Al..\ NEW RUBY SOURCE found in Aiutrolw grace period would be gassed. said Dr. Juan Medrano Padilla. the department's head of medical services Medrano said Tuesday that h ea Ith department official~ turned up a dozen rabies cases in Mexicali and-fear the disease could spread west to Tecate and Tijuana. 14K gold Butterflies 10 ligntan her .heart and brighten nor enaemble. for operattn_g tbear eames 1n rented store fronts and promot· ing double sessions on some of the fi ve days a week they are aJ . lowrd to operate. 541 P e t Birds Destroyed By JACKIE HYMAN ' Qt tM D•ll• .-llet SUit A flock of 541 small exotic birds from a pet s hop near Riverside has bee n "humanely disposed of ' because or an out· break of Newcastle disease. a U.S. Department of Agriculture spokesman said today A task force investigating the outbreak was formed last week aft.er an infeeted bird was found In Stanton. More than 30 veterinarians have been flown Into the task force's Santa Ana headquarters lo try to prevent the spread of the deadly disease. Spokesman Dave Goodman said today the Department of Agriculture will pay Woodcrest Aviary !or the birds, finches. lovebirds. par~eets and quail Five recently purc hased parakeets have died of Newcas· ti e disease at that pet shop. he said. He also said the area around the aviar y bas been placed un· der quarantine because there a re a number or backyard poultry flocks in the area. Newcas tle disea s e could devastate the poultry and caged bird industries if it spreads. Good· man said . Prior to laboratory confir01a tion Tuesday or the spread 10 ihe Woodcrest flock. three birds had been diagnosed with the disease. Goodman said. · One was purchased at Wood· crest and two at Parrot World in Garden Grove. which is current·· ly under a hold order awaiting the results of testing, he satd. All of the infected birds were purchased from the same wholesaler. Goodman said. Ile said the task force is checking the wholesaler's records to trace the shipments back further and to try lo discover if other infect ed birds may have been sold. Goodman said it ls the USDA 's policy to reimburse owners for any bird that dies of Newcastle disease after a USDA bold order a is placed on the bird. Southern California's caged bird industry has ground to a halt since the disease wa:> diagnosed last week. Goodman s;,iid. Hawaii placed an embargo on pet birds from California Mon day. and almost no pet bird& are being bougb-t, sold or srupped. Goodman said. He said private bird clubs are m ee ting w ith task fo r ce representatives to try to aid in uncovering possible cases of the disease. + Anyone whose bird becomes 111 s ho uld co ntact a private veterinarian. Goodman said. The disease can be carried in dirt or by anyone who has had contact wtth an mfected bird, a lthough the disease isn't con sidered a threat to humans, Goodman said Explorers have reported the discovery or a huge new field of rubies in Australia. Early reports indicate that it may be one or the three most important ruby areas in the world. Located in the central part or the big island continent, this is the first ruby mine ever in Australia. TesUng of specimens recovered this far shows that the rubies are or excellent quaUty, experts sa,y. The diacovecy comes at a time when the r~by mines of Burma appear lo be nearly depleted. For centuries, Burma bas been the prime source or the world's best rubies but, in recent years, top quality specimens from there have been increasingly scarce. Anolber advaata1e to 1etUnc our rubles from Australia is the poUUcal at.ability ol lhal country. lloet or the world 's precious atoness come from Africa and the Fir .East, both plagued by continuing political turmoil. Before very long, we expetl to see Australian rubies on the American market. It will be a pleasure to do business with the folks "down under •· J. C. fiuniphrU/j Jew~fsrj MfM8E11 AMUICAN CfM SOCIET Y @ 1823 Nl:Wf'ORT Bl VO COSTA M(SA COIWENIENT TERMS 8 kA ~HEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION In ~o~~,Cl\lfo• ) \ r ' . '" ... . ... -, ' - '44 OAllY PILOT W.OMeday, F.tlruary 2t 1179 Jut oa ting and That HU • TB a , V •l'WREa : Did you a th re port out of our Couoty Se t lndlutlna that tht rounty vlan mn,1 commlwon lt 1oina to out Wetert1te the W1t.era11te~ Al'ronlin1 to dh p•tt" • tht rounty planners IN<n'l 'limply J:OIDll to t'rHl" ll•PI In UJ)t or lb lr mHtlng11 Thl•rt-lOU~ lo •r " all taon mort' than two vear1 old Tht-n t.My 'll ttu e 'c-m That 1mounta to a lhrff·)'Hr aup ~ly of rt•uaable tapes J ust think ol ell tht• t" "' 1Jbly, weighty a~b a now ,,,, tapt-and soon to ~· IOllt tott\tr ~by~ they Wl're already lost forever ••• OKA\'. M \'BF. IT w .~ a typocnpbk al error 1n a Pt•r onw .all m onl' of our OrD.J\le.O:>unty shetti. today by H~aa N~rt Motorut Au.oiling the Nen Outroge the 36-year-old car dealer (6 ft. 2J who said he wanted to meet an affectionate gnlle. The guy's just in love with bis work. ••• SIGfrfED JN FRONT of McCalla's Drug on Laguna's Forest Avenue: The nice LitUe Old Lady who stopped like s he'd been struck by lightning while viewing the magazine stand. Then she dt clared to her woman companion, "My stars, Mabel, did you ever think you'd see anything so dis gusting!" The object of her ire was a magazine cover featuring a model with a neckline plunging from necklace to navel. It was a women's magazine Good thin(! she never made it over to the men's rack * * * ADRIANA GIANTVRCO'S highway repair troops struck again yesterday for hapless motorists along Pacific Coast Highway in Newport Beach. At midday, they had southbound traffic backed up from Newport Bay Bridge to the Santa Anll River al the Huntington Beach city line. lnoel Relents Begin to Meet With Carter JERUSAt.lr;M CAP 1 larael's Cabinet t.od~ authorised Prime M lnltler MenMcbem Begln to attend talk• wlth Presldent Carter in W11blna1oo Becin uld h~ had ·•no intention'' to tneet Euptlan Prlmt Mlnlater Mu tala Khalil. 8 &in eald "great Issues'' remain to be ret0lved deaplte what arter tald and left open a Carttr yesterday. that only very poHlblUt..y that he mf&ht meet small inalgnilicant lhinga exiat Eaypt' Pr ldent Anwar Sadat between Egypt and Israel." an the Un.fted States Begin said. "With au due respect, WHEN A8TER lnviled tn myopiniongreatiasuearelat- 6tgtn to "a frank dlseu.ssk>o or lng first of all to our future and all the l11uea" in the stalled s~curity"remaln. lsrul-Eayptum peace talks, the Begin is to leave Thursday prcaldent H ld be would consider morning (or Washington and at a1ldng Khalil or Sadat to join least two days or talks ~1\h them 1t Camp David Carter, who saJd Tuesday be did "It 's not th ~t I don't like notagreewiththe lsraeliassess· Kh HI ," Begin to ld reporters ment that Egy pt's position after the Cabinet v9ted on Tues· would nulllfy a peace treaty day against a m eeting with between the two countries Khalil He said tha t Khalil is not Egypt's leader and would not h8 ve equiva lent negotiating authority to the Israeli prime minister. If Sadat "will be in the United States and a proposal is made that I should meet him, why should I refuse?" Begin said. "I DO NOT agree with the s tatement made by President Saccharin To Remain On Market? BEGIN, HOWEVER, repeated this view, saying, "There hb been a serious and ditrl('ull radicaJlzatlon or Egypt's posi· lion. which negate• the meaning of the treaty." The prime minister said it hud become apparent during Foreign Ministe r M osh e Dayan's talks with Khalil and Secretary of Slate Cyrus Vance last week that Washington was backing the Egyptian position "to our great distress .. ASKED IF HE "Xpect ed Carter to e xe rt prebsure on Israel, Begin re plied , "Why shouldn't we assume there will be pressure? But if so. we will reject it." Reporters asked Began how he WASHINGTON lAP > -The felt about the vote in Tuesday's scientific evidence is too weak to Cabinet meeting which revealed say saccharin causes cancer in that only Dayan and Defense hum ans and the artificial Minister Ezer Weizman voled to sweetener should not be taken accept Carter's earlier invita· orr the market, says a scientific lion to a meeting with Khlilll. group. Begin responded that Israel is a The American Council on democracy and tbe two Science and Health said Tues-ministers were Cree to vote as day studies of saccharin have they wished. been too pessimistic, based on In interviews with the YedJot the s kimpy evidence available. Aharonot newspaper, Dayan said be wasn't considering re· THE COUNCIL'S saccharin signing over the issue. and report is notably less cautious Weizman said that Begin was than a similar one last Nov· going to Washington after all vember by the prestigious Na· and, "As I said, it was impossi· t1ona1 Academy of Sciences, ble to ignore the invitation." even though both studies ex-Carter's earlier lnvitaUon.(QC amined the same data. ·a Begin-Khalil meeting n5 Dr. Elizabeth M. Whelan, sharply criticized in the Israeli Smile ol "lrtorg J u1H~ ISy nw 1trnllf't1 UH 1;h:ct1on returnH come in at her c·umpu•Kn h •odfJUttrtA•rrJ 1n Chlcogo Tuesday nlght. 'fhe muvc·rkk Mr11. Uyrnc, 43, Hhocked the windy clty's once- n:uuhty O<-moc•ratic machine with an upiu~t victory over Mayor Mkhacl Ullundic, 56, the man who once banished he r from U11· city government she ls now likely to lead. Khollleini Brands U.S. 'Corrupting' TEHRAN, Iran CAP> -Ayatollah Rubollab Khomeini urged the Moslem faithful t.oday to purge American and other foreign in· fluence from Iran. "Tbe nation must be aware that althouah the people have felt freedom, the roots or American, Soviet, British and Zionist col· onialism have not been fully eradicated," the Shiite Moslem leader of the Iranian revolution said In a statement prior to bis departure for the holy city of Qum. ALTHOUGH NAMING SEVERAL countries, Khomeini singled out the United States as a corrupting Influence and said true in- dependence for Iran can only be achieved with the total eradica- tion of U.S. military, economic and political influence. "I am afraid to see inclinations to East or West and I hope that everyone will come back to the embrace of Islam and benefit from Islam's rich culture and not be deceived by those quarters who on- ly want to suck the blood of weaker nati9ns." he sajd. \ Trucks. buses. commerce and commuters all ground to a hall and idled away precious gasoline. It took 35 minutes lo negotiate the normal five-minute highway drive. And for what? The rugbway people were digging a ditch alongside the Bay Bridge. Closed off an entire south· bound lane. council executive director, told a press as an a/front to Israel's briefing that her group came to dignity because Sadat wasn't at· MEANWHILE, THE NEW READ of the country's oil industry essentially the same conclusions tending, and a clear indication said that Iran's revolutionary regime will not export oil through as the academy study, but is of-that Israel would have been pre· the European-American consortium that was the shah's marketing fering a different interpretation. ssured for one-sided concessions. agent but will sell to the individual firms in the combine. I can hardly wait for the next outrage. ••• YOU MUST HA VE a certain admiration for the Sun· day thief who kn0cked over the Book Boutique on Glenn· eyer Street in La(_una Beach. He grabbed eight stag films The academy concluded that .....::.:.:..::.:...:..::..;...:;..:._:_;.;._---------__;:------------------------ the artificial sweetener was a low-potency cancer-causing agent in animals and also ap- and a Mickey Mouse telephone. · He may not be much of a reader but he sure does have a wide variety of interests peared to promote the cancer· causing activity of other sub· stances. Death Penalty Set For South Dakota? ALTHOUGH THERE is no proven human risk, the a cademy said, saccharin "must be viewed as a potential cause of cancer in humans." Jn an example of the classic argument over whether a glass is half full or haJr empty, the council interpretation is that since there is no proven human risk , saccharin should be con- sidered safe. PIERRE, S.D. (AP)-A bill restoring South Dakota's death penalty for premeditated· murder has been signed into law by Gov. Bill Janklow, who said the act is designed for use in "cold, c alc ulated . planned murders." meditated murder, of killing during the commission of a felony or of killing a law en· forcement officer or prison J!Uard. ·'Saccharin poses no known hazard to human health and s hould not be banned ," Whelan s aid. The law, signed Tuesday, would pe rmit execution of s omeone convicted of pre It requires a jury first lo de· termioe guilt, then to weigh mitigating factors and back· ground before deciding whether the sentence should be life in prison or death in the electric chair. MEANWIDLE, the New York Times reported in today's edi· lions that the academy will not recommend that the govern· m e nt order a ban on the a rtificial s weetener. Snow Blankets Midwest Sirollen Ohio River Overflows Banks At!Wlf\Y AlbU"Qll" A\l>l>vllt• "' L9 ,.,, JI 11 ....... iWi ........... ~ .. "'"""'" Beltt~ 81rm"1J'-" 80\IT'•r<lt Bois. Boston Butt•tO CllrtstnWV Cl\IUQO CIMlnM11 c1 .... ••nd co1 ..... eus H ,. \t 71 ., ~ .a J7 ., ,. ,, 1 0) •• 'J " n l7 7S 0. JJ 77 •O 21 .. ,, ~ ,. ~ ,, ., .... 10 0 ,, ~ ,. ... " • ·'1 J1 U .OS ., 71 •• 70 '° ,. ,. 21 Moll•St P. JO 21 NUllvllle •• ll Del Ft. W1fl o.n ... r O.S Molnn Detroit F•I,_, M•r11«d He141ftll H°"°tulu Houtl<lf' md'•pOll\ Ken't Cltv LHll.,..S UM .... N•w Orin\ ·~ SO 01 N-YOf'll ~ 3' ·°" I tit .. ltock LO\ Al'I091" LOUl\Vll .. Nll•ml Nlllw•llk• ff ,. .10 ..... .. 30 .. 61 J6 11 o...,,,... w_., l•Giw•h•' ~(1,.f'hl'f 'fl t.ty " ¥O'I \11'1 "''' ""'I \t.-,1, t\.t"'-"' by !t )() O 1'I 1 •It tt•f1f• I I) '" •"'' 'f" v cuo. .. ,, ot ~'"'_.., fvft1-t:1 .jl(W1 ,,,,,.,., II t " ~ .....,. ''"' ,.,.,,. ...... lflot t1y • !If"' • f\t f :t'O '' • tl'I +f11,j ,,., (l""•'f W r nc 11.ttr...-t ()Illa. City •2 •S Om•llll '3 31 03 PllllM',.,.• ~ 7t .Ot Pfl0e11I• •• 41 Pltlt.tlul"Qll •O 1J Ptlend, Mfl lS 7t 01 Piiand, Ot• " n ·'' .-.... u ,. ltlC'~ u,. 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C:ottltl t!VlperetvHt wlll ,.,,°'! betwHn ., •tlct n . lnltnd ttm De'llUl"tt Wiii tlltlQt be'-" 0 end •1 TIM Wtltr •-r•lur• will lit 17. s-, Moo~ TfR• WIEl*IESOA., S«oncltow • ,,,,,,. .()• S.tond ~IOI\ 10 IO p m H THUaSOAY First low • U a m OJ "'"' lllOll 10 ,. • "'· s. S.<OM -\ 09 pm 0 1 S.C:oncl 111911 11 21 e> m s J '"" ,, ... H• m .wus 4tp.m MMnrl-7 •• m .MUI tAI m S•rf Rqert Hu11t1119ton, H'"'°'' Ma(llU You Can'~ Clip Coupons Out oft~ Six O'clobk News / - But you can save money with the ·oaily Pilot. You can redeem coupons for savings at most grocery stor es . ..... Ads help you se lect the supermarket offering the best values -before you shop. .. A printed ad assures you of receiving the promised price. Daily Pilot readers also be n efit from money-saving recipes, menu helps and nutrition news . For money-saving values not offered on· the six o'clock news, re~y on the DAILY PILOT 642-4321 \ - ~,.......... ., ., J Oowf\lt'""' •I CIMlllNll •nd ll'W '°"'"-,I-Ollle (-Uflltl•• ol N .. 1 ltk"'"9!111 -Mote-. >'0 1 6e11t1 IW«ecl ft< Ille wont 01 llM llOOflllO wa"*' -lo -!Wt (Ond1t-\ '---------------------------~------------.... .. ' • ... ,.. . . .. ,, ' 'r I! s r t t t \ s 1 s r e '( l s e ·, f r t CALIFORNIA SIA Member Panel Reserves Murder Verdict SAC' RAMENTO CAP) Tb murder tonvlctloa ol a terrorisl who e cnme m rked th" .-nwrg n~ or the Symb*°""e UberaUon Army t.be aroup that kjdna~ Patr1<'ia Hunl -bu been uvertum('(f btt 1.tSe of a lauJly Jury 1nstrucuon A t.hrff Juda panel or th tatt-'s 3rd Dl.atrkt Court or Appeal vot~ unanundu.sly ~1'day to re\•TM Rus 11 U\U 's convlcllooa for lM tm cyanide bulle-l murder ot Oakland achool Supertnten· dent Marcus F lt'r and the ulkmpted murder or hi• alde ll said lbe trial JUdlt'' lnslrucl1on1 to the jury were preJud.iclaJ Bul m an unusu•I acuon, two of the JtiSltte1 also de nounctd lbe tm ata" Sup rt-mt• Court nilin1 that led t.olbe rev naJ. THE J USTICES VOTF.O !·l to uphold lh conviction of co-d eodanl Jost•ph Hcm1ro The ruUna¢ does not rrtt UtUe. who I.a serving lime at San Qu nUl'I for a 1975 conv1clJOn of attempted escape and aggravated aasaa ult. ll ~ nilin& llltan&, he could be tned again for Foster's death Deputy Attorney General Eddie Keller saJd the LllUe ruling would be appealed to the state Supreme Court. San Quentm officials said UtUe learned or the verdict wheo be saw tus picture on the telev1Mon news . There was oo word from Folsom Prison, near Sacramento, where Remiro is servtna a life sentence -.. . w.dnelcsey. Febru91Y 28, 191'9 DAILY PILOT Penalty lncre ase1 Change Urged In Sex Laws SACRAMENTO (AP> -"We want t.o take the $ex offeoders off the streets." That was the message to the Judiciary Committee of the State Senate Tuesday from Gloria Carpenter, a member of the Los Angeles County Commission on the Status of Women. And th e co mmi ssion c hairwoman, June Dunbar. the story by Esiquia Gonzales or added that even though state Panorama City: She said her rape laws bave been t.ougbened 8-year-old daughter was raped in recent years. the vast majorl· last year by a man she said bad ly of rapes re main unreported. been released from a state men· Bolstering this testimony was tal hospital ahead or schedule. Bus . Pl ALL 1118EE witnesses urged 1J'IU Q R passage of SB 13 by Sen. H.L . ---e Richardson, R·Arcad ia, which D.-.. • d would greatly increase sen· ·~•ecte tences for repeat sex offenses. ':I For example: A prior rape Los ANG EL Es (A p ) -conviction now adds three years Voters in Burbank have over-to a sentence . Richardson's bill whelmingly r ejected the so-would add five years for one called Met.ropolitan Plan for in· prior conviction, and 10 years te r ·county school integration each for more than one prior while a committee monitoring conviction. the Los Angeles plan is com-And the bill would make aEMJRO'S LAWYER, RICHARD TURNER, could not be pla ining the district hasn't gone numerous other changes in sex reached, bul his law partner. Robert Sulhvan, said he would un· Arrainn.naen.t, D elau e d far enough in its magnet schools c rime la ws, forbidding plea doubtedlyappeal. ~-· D concept. bargaining, defining r ape as Foster was killed and his top aide. Robert Blackburn, wt1s Deputy Ma rshal Joy Spicker leads Brenda Spencer to a With 54 percent o r the "great bodily irlJury" -revers· wounded by cyanide-tipped bullets fired at them as they left waiting car Tuesday in San Diego after the 16-year-old Burbank vote in late Tuesda,y. ing a widely publicized state Oakland school headquarters the rugbt or Nov 6, 1973. girl's arraignment on charges of murder, attempted 13.240 were opPOSed and 268 ln Supreme Court ruling. murder and assault in a school sniper attack was favor of Proposition B. It would create a new crime, Two days later , the SL.A issued its first public communique, with severe penalties, or a sex· claiming responsibility for the shootings and accusing Foster of postponed until Mar~. Brenda was arres ted following The Metropolita n P lan has ual attack with the intent of planning to put shotgun-wielding officers in Oak.land schools, a the Jan. 29 attack on Cleveland Elementary school that been proposed as an alternative "arousing. appealing to. or charge denied by school officials. killed two men and left eight students and a policeman solution to court-imposed inte-gratifying lust or passions or Three months later, the SLA kidnapped Miss Hearst. wounded. gration in Los Angeles. sexual desire." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------';..;;...;.;.;_ ________ _.;... ________ _ No LA l'isit Carter Bows Out of Trip LOS ANGELES CAP> -Vice President Walter Mondale is scbeduled to stand in for President Carter at what might have been a politically em- barrassing presidential visit to Los Angeles. Carter t.old a news conference Tuesday be will remain in Washington this weekend t.o resume negotiations with I s rae li Prime Mi nister Me nachem Begin. Carter h ad been 1 , I. ... . . «Six can fly clreaper than one!" I ·-• m 9d 1nB I lid d tl ( ) scheduled lo speak at a STA.TE Sl ,000-a -plate fund · ~aising dinner Friday for '----------------the Democratic National Committee. \ But two groups -both headed by prominent Democrats who backed Carter 1n 1976 -had or· ganized protests against Carter t.o coincide w_ith the president's appearance. Carter's cancellation also avoids a rare joint appearance with another of his possible rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination -California Gov. Jerry Brown. Coanal l ••ue Pas•e • fJnit SACRAMENTO CAP> -Despite claims of special treatment.. a bill that could result in the first major change in California's coastal protec- tion zone bas woo approval from a key Assembly committee The meas ure, AB 13 by Assemblyman Louis Papan, D-Daly City, cleared t he Assembly Resources. Land Use and Energy Committee Tuesday on a 7-3 vote after an attempt to delay ac- tion failed 6-6. The biU, identical to one killed last year. would •mpt about 8.75 square miles of the Santa Monica Mountains fr~m the coastal zone. This would remove the area from state Coastal Com- mission jurisdiction Bflflden on Border Con1•b•I011 SACRAMENTO <AP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. 's representative on the Southwest Border Regional Commission is political activist Tom Hayden. Brown's office reported Tuesday that Brown named Hayden t.o lbe post at a meeting of the com· mission in Wasbmgton, D.C., which both he and Hayden attended. Dog Li~en•e Fee R ike Dropped SAN DIEGO CAP) -Howls of protest from dog owners have prompted the county Board of Supervisors to roll back a dog licensing fee in- crease designed to make up revenues lost because of Proposition 13. At the same time Tuesday, the supervisors put off a decision on reducing an $85-a-year inctease in kennel fees pending further study . ....,,.. Slaf"9 ff fie Raped ' BURUNGAME (AP) -Police have no sus- pects in the fatal •ying or a young husband 1n what Ws wife described as an early morning in- vasion of their home by two gun-wielding men wbo raped her. Salvador Rigoberto Garcia, 25, died t Peninsula Hospll.al at 4:50 a.m. Tuesday, about hour after t he two men burst intO the couple's apartment. Maria Garcia, 21, told police the two armed men forced their way into the •P•rtmenL when she answered the door shortly before 4 a.m. FAMILY AFFAIR SINCE 1894 there's no substitute for exoerience• DEN'S ~~...,..·aa.-: iiiSiillatiO~: ·custom draperies linoleum • wood floor 1u1..._ ...... ,,...c .... ......,c ... tH11 ,._. 64M I H • 646-JJH , Throygh March 31 oily. ' to55o/o Easier than ever to use. Now you call buy Super Saver tickets just 7 ays before departure. And your stay can be as bri ef as a weekend (over a Saturday night) or as long as 60 days. You 'll save 453 traveling by day Monday through . Thursday. 553 with Night Coach Super Saver. Or 353 when you travel by day. Friday through Sunday and 45% with Night Coach Super Saver. Super Saver docs not apply to Hawaii. Canada or travel within the state of CalifomiJ. Scats arc limited . And kids under 12 fl y free with any adult Coach pas.5enger. (Hawaii and Canada excluded.) 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' • • -. r .., • • •• ' ... orange eoas10011vP1101 Editorial Page ----------------------------------------------- Robert N. Wffd/Publlsher ThOmH Keevll/Edltor • Barbara t<relblch /Edltorl•I PIOf Editor FAA Eyes Airport 'D. . . . , 18Crlm1D&tIOD The Fed r a1 Avia tion AdministraUon now wants to fi nd out why more airllnes aren't allowed to ws Orange County Airport · Th t"M i rned th t Contln ntal AlrUn nd F r o nU r Alrltnl' art" b ana dlacr lmloat d aaalnal because the county v.on't l t lhem use lb airport. FAA' lnlere tin the airport operation com under federal law en cted I t y ar lhat, in effec t , tended to d •· regulate the Dir tronsPort.aUon industry. PTcviously, th FAA concerned U.acl( with air sa.fety and air tratric. lt had tittl to ay ln tabl tung around rucillU policy. A.tr-port proprt tors decld d Uiclr own rate . l,) UnfortµnotelY. t he n w law e ms to have chan&ed the ruJ . Now the 'J''AA t lb free to lntrud into ortus form rly left to lho discretion of airport opera to~ Al Orang~ County Airport, for example, there a lready are senous qum soru obout a n overcrowded air terminal. rnodt>Qua te p rking facilities and worsening t raffic congt-hon In th o.l f'ROrt nreo And that ays nothing ubout chronic nolse proble m It ls conceivable that Ute county could race fines or up to $1,000 a day ond loss or federal grant money should the F'AA decide a t an upconung h aring that Continent.al and Frontier are being dabcrinun led against Clearly the issues here ore of an already overtaxed snd overburd ncd facility. It tsn't a mutte r or d tscnmina- t1on ugoinst air carrie rs Brown .the Economist Gov. J erry Brown bas developed a n a bility to j uggle fi gures. words and ideas almost without equal on the political stage. Now be is trying to promote California's fiscal policies as a model for the federal government. The huge state s urplus that has resulted from over. taxation -that "obscene" excess it's called -is viewed by Brown as a wise and prudent step toward achieving a balanced budget. Hobno bbi n g with fello w gove rnors back In Washington, Brown explained that he does not hold the conventional view of a balanced budget. It's passe, be says, to hold spending in a given year to the a mount col- lected in tax and other revenues. A balanced budget, said the governor, would be s pe nding no more than you have in hand, and that could include surpluses left from previous years. Therefore, in.orde r to be prepared to meet emergen- cies, it is a good idea to build up apice surplus to dip into when needs exceed r evenue, inste~d of borrowing against f ulure reve nue . This year, California will spend nearly $1.5 billion Jack Anderson~ - Afghan Terrorists Warned U.S. WASHINGTON -Le 1 than a yl'ar a,o, lb American Em- baaay ln Arahanlata n recdve<t a.o e•pUclt warnina from a ter- rorllt ll'OUP that the re would be ao .. armed attack ... oo Amencan cttl1ena lo Ka bul." In t.he confun d pollUcal 1ltua- Uun at the tlmt'I the credenllab 0 , t b part 1c1.a l 1r l o rr orl a l group were I'\ o t l m · mediately IP.. parent But the ll lyled ''Peop l e s a c rifi e G ue rrillos" were clearly murderous, pro·Mao, pro· Pale sµnitm splinter group. At any rate, the warning was taken seriously by the State Department 's regional security office in the Afghan capital, and a atringeot llBl of security pre- u ullons was Issued to all em· bassy and related personnel In Kabul. Many of the ausaested security meaturea involved the u ae of automobile s b y Am ertcarus to Kabul's streets. A PPAKENTLY, aa the months went by, both the aplrlt a nd the letter of the pr cautiona c ame to be ignored . Am· basaador Adolf "Spike" Duhl was in an unescorted car with a cha uffeur, but no bodytJuards. when be was kidnapped off a Ka bul street on Feb. U by armed tenorista. He died a few hours later when Algban securl· t.y Lorces storJned the downtown hotel room where Dubs' captors had holed U{>. lt is not clear yet whether Dubs ' kidnappers had any con· neclion with the Peoples Sacrifice Guerrillas. But is ls a fact that the wamlog letter re· ceived last March was alarmlng enough to cause the Alghaoa to 1tatlon armed guerda oear American offlces aod r es- idence.. And ~ letter. the content.. of wb1cb we have obtained from coalldentlal source&, was hl&h on the agenda of a closed, top. le vel meetlnc of American dvlllao and mtlilary security people ill nei.Cbborina Iran. TOE TE&&O&lSTS' message read lo part: ·'The Organlzalion of the Peoples Sacrifice Guerrillas by s upporting t h e Palestinian JnOvement. . .delivers lb.is w- tlmatwn to the authorities of America ln Kabul; WARNING: ''Pursuant to t.be multlAlded com bat by lbe Peoples Sacrifice Guerrillas through the world for the purpose of backing up the PLO movement, all -.-gents or the Organization unlrumously regard the military assistance or America to Israel for merciless murdering of the Palestinians as an entirely lDbumao polJC7 ..... Tbe letter goes on to aa1 tbat larael's ability to follow a policy of "eradicaUon" of the Paleltin· tans la ''the result of all tbe military a11lata•ce of America." By way of "eoademDlag th1s dirty policy .i America,•• tM terrorists made tbis espliclt threat: "Warning to tbe authorities of America in Kabul: effective Hamal 10, 1351, tor- respo!idj.ng to Much 30, 1978. the U.S. information center in Kabul sbould be closed down as a sign of friendship to tbe Organization of the Peoples Sacrifice Guerrillas. Otberwbe the armea attack of the mem- bers of the Organization • . • shall begin as of th1a date on tbe American citizens in Kabul. THIS IS OUR ULTIMATUM." AN AFGDANISTAN·based Ame rican source told our as· soc:iate Les Whitten the embassy moved quickly to alert Americans in Kabul to the danger. A memo of March 27, 1978 listed specific precautions, including the avoidance of back streets, not traveling alone or in a set pattern. escorting cbildren to school, and keeping a sharp eye out (or suspicious cars or other surveillance. But when March 30 passed and no attacks materialized, the Afghan security guards were withdrawn and the Ame.ricans began to relax their security measures. This situation eon- tlnued even after a shaky, left· wing junta with UWe popular sup. port seized power with the back· ing or the Soviet Union and its military "advisers." A Stat e Department spokesman professed ignorance of the terrorists' threat of last March. Publicly, the U.S. gov- ernment bas been claiming it bad no reason to consider Kabul a post of maXimum danger. more than it took in, but the budget will be "balanced" beqause of past surpluses. Even so. the state will overta--.. ... and wind up the fiscal year with a surplus of at least $2.5 billion -even afte r handing over $4 billion in Proposition · 13 bail-0uts to local agencies. Footnote: ln marked contrast to the Americans' casual at- titude. the Soviets clearly have little faith in the efficiency or de- pendability or their Afghan pup- pets. Soviet officials never ven- ture onto the streets of Kabul without armed security escorts. i I Does it really make sense to overtax, claim a victory whe n a surplus results -then assume a hero's role ~cause money can be handed out to meet accumulated ·bills? Credit Polities Two of the major concerns in the country today have o do with excessive spending in political campaigns and xcessive use of credit by the a verage citizen. l Apparently neither concern is botltering fund-raising i in both the Democratic and Republican parties. e1r latest proposal is to sell lists of party con- rs to banks. This would let the banks sena out let· over the signature of the appropriate party man, urging said contributors to avail themselves of vantages of the bank's VISA credit cards. '" For ea ch new VISA customer the bank would con· r!ute to the party either a "finder's fee" or a perceo- aJe of purchases charged on the credit card. • Thus the new fund-raising gimmick would have the lfal defect of fattening campaign spending coffers and, ronically, encouraging wider use of credit buying. Noting the conflict-Of -interest risk. since all barlks re subject to government regulations, Sen. William roxmire has introduced legislation to make this strange aneuver illegal before it gets under way. A good move. • Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is Invited. Address The Da11y· Pilot, P.O. Sox 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321. Boyd/ Retirement ByLM.BOYD Question arises as to why so many Seasoned Citizens choose to retire in university towns . They do, it's true. Can only s urmise that living costs in college towns tend to be lower than elsewhere. For one thing, students provide a lot of low-pay help in the eateries and markets. That's not the reason usually of- fered, though. Mental stimulation. Arts and sciences. Academia. That's what's clai med to be appeal· ing, la de da. Did I say there was only one legal brothel in Nevada? How quaint lo be so ig- norant! A kindly client who knows much more about s uch matte r s reports: "Houses of ill repute are legal in all but two Nevada counties. There are 3S major bordellos and countless minor ones throughout the state." Q. ..Your Love and War man once said that the No. 1 comment that a wily woman could make to interest an e ligible bachelor was, 'You're too dangerous.• I tried that. Il didn't work. What are the No. 2 and No. 3 comments?" • Earl Waters Bill Limit Won't Halt Legislative Clutter Asserting that ''loo many frivolous bills" a re being in- troduced by legis lator s, As· semblyman Mike Gage bas pro- posed a measure which would limit the numbers of bills each member would be permitted to author. He baa decided that 40 bills per session should be the "magic" number. Gage contends bis measure will save money. His reasoning appe a r s b ased upon an estimate which puts the cost of each bill a t $2600 . H e theorizes that fewer bills wlll r e duce the costs. But th a t i s fallacious mathematics. For, un- less the Legislature cuts its sWf and other expenses which it won't, it makes no difference bow many bills are or aren't in· troduced. In fact, doubline the J.nmber of bills in the bopper ""\Wiutd halve the present estimated cost. Besides, the true per bill cost can only be found by divid- Art Hoppe ing the numbers introduced into the total Legisla tive budget which runs $50 million a year. That figure is far higher than $2,600 and if the number of bills were limited to ooe per member the cost would become astronomical. Gage, who bas reached the ripe old age of 33, gained his great wisdom serving as an aide to Senator John Dunlap, recent· ly defeated al the polls by an electorate which apparently de- cided too many of his bills were frivolous. IT SEEMS he bas yet . to learn that bills, when introduced, are no more than the free expression ol ideas . What may seem frivolous to one may s eem perfectly logical to another. Many a m easure thought ridiculous when first proposed bas later found full acceptance. And, it may amaze Gage that many at the moment view his bill as frivolous. Even ii Gage's bill were to be passed it wouldn't solve the pro- blem be intends. His new rule would soon be evaded or ig· nored. For it isn't the number of bills introduced which causes ·the problem but the failure of the Legislature to abide by its own rules for the processing of the bills. As a result no bill is ever peacefully put to sleep. Instead, tabled in committee, it becomes more than a Phoenix rising from the ashes. It is a hydra-beaded monster which suddenly sprouts in a dozen places. For the legislators seem to fall ln love with their pet Ideas no matter bow bad they are and never give up. ' AMENDING their bill into other bills , "hijacking" measures. bypassing commit· tees, are all part ol the game. If the session does finally end without passing a proposal you can be sure the same old turkey will be back the next session. Instead of limiting the bills, Gage would be better advised to plump for the committee bill system whe rein all similar measures are botUed up in com· mittee for consideration as a whole. U there are good ideas contained in them the commit- tee will then write a bill taking the most practical provisions of each. He should also wort for the en- forcement of existing rules to preclude further consideratft>n of measures once a committee bas rejected them and to pre- vent the common practice of getting around a cc>mmittee by amending the provisions into another bill already cleared by the committee. STILL. Gage has some ~ thoughts. His view that the lawmakers should spend less ef· fort initiating new legislation and more in reviewing existing laws is commendable. So. too. is bis observation that legislators s hould spend more time watchdogging state agencies and screening the budget. In order to do this however. the Legislature muat reconcile itaell to shorter sessions and longer interims to permit tbe ap.. pointment of special committees to conduct investigations into specifics. 1be interim commit- tee system which once flourished with great benefit bas faded into disuse as the •'pro- fessional legislators'' have taken command. Sometimes the Blessings of ~ah Go Too Far Once upon a Ume there was a "We Phynkians are now the a day pressing pants, "I gueu a "Govemed 1nder tbe strict poor pants presser named Irving richest people per capita in the couple or hundred F·16 fighters f.!inciples of M arxist · Mohammed who lived in the world. There could be no greater counts as a blessing." ninilm I" shouted a band of dusty, backward, little country bles5ing than that." However, the areat religious young followen of Yassir of Pbyolda, for *bich no one In leader, the Ayatollah YussOb, Thu•mabebe, smasb.ing in Irv- the world cared a Phynk. NATUBALLY, the blesslngaof didn't think so. In fJct, be said ing•a rear door with their aub- Irving put ln 16 hours a day, Allah !lowed first to the the Psbab was a Phynk. For machine ~ uns, M-1 's and barely ~ad enough to eat and heredi~ ruler of Pbynkia, the weeks, the Pbynkians rioted In Surefire n~ throwers. never we nt Pabah nyu. But the Pshah the streets, smubing Irving's "Them, ool Them, toot .. out on Satur-.~ waa very t3;nerous lo sharing windows daily to show what they agreed Irving tboufhUully, as day nights . -) them with beloved people. thought of the Pahab. The lm· be bit the deck. Naturally, be • The first thing be did with the mortal Guard• figured their ''Throw down your arms, JOU was none too bleasings was to build a magni.(i· odds or remaining so would be rotten Commie Phynks," or· Dear Gloomy Gus PP¥ •1 his lot. A. No. 2, "You're so dif. lerenl." No. 3, "I can't get you out of my mind ... -~.-..._-"AllLJl,,Jl~u • or them to ** at. heller if they turned.. over their de e~ttut '@a r f be And be built them s uperb gum to the mob and the Pshab Ayato ab'S Vo untary School A suitable middle name for any of my kids would be "Earth-quake." They all have 1uch musive f aultl. SHAKY .. cidentally, our L. and W. man polnta out that these comment.a are equally effec· . tive when delivered by the bachelor to the atrl, bear ln mind. Q. "What are a golfer's odds against shooting a hole in one?" A. Average goller on 18 boles with four par·threes, 10,738 to 1. Male pro. 927 to 1. Female pro, 1,162 to t . '" "Dear Al· l ab ," he would gt~ pray eac day, "I would be only too glad to praise you for your blessings lI you'd Just see flt to bestow one on me." Sure enough, as thou8h in answer to hla prayers, o was dl1covei'ed beneath the barren wastes of Pbynkla -trllJJons and trillions of gallons or oil. "Pralle be to you, dear Al· lab l" crled a JubUant lrvinJf. J freeways on which they could opted for early ~meat. Crossing Guards wbo bad Just sn ed along al 90 miles an hour burst throuab the front door I they happened to have a car. .. PUISE YOUb Allah, for rid· equiftped with M·H 's , con· And be built them wonderfully-ding us ol the Ps ab,•• said Irv· cu11 on grenades aod three modem airports in cu e they Ing, "and blessing ua with an up-balOOk.al. wished to n~ off to ski at St. to-dale medieval Ialamic re· From beneath his pants Morlti. And a even created the public.'' creaser· lrvi~ railed his eyet to world's most effi cient secret eaven and ered a final praJef police force and the world's Quotes throup thecro11flre: most heavily armed services so "Dear Allah, no people have they'd be sate from anyone who recei\ted more blesal111s from wished to lake theae blesalngs The art or Uvlng easll.y as to you than us Pbyntlans," be away from them. money is to pitch your scale of said. "To be fair, t.h4Ml1b. could "Well, Allah," said lrvlng. ll vlnc ooe decree below your you ro bless someone else for a who was 11Ull puUlna in 18 hours means. -Sir HellrJ Taylor while?'' • • ' , . . ' \ ,, I f NATION DAIL V PILOT .4 7 Sweepstak'es: One Chance in Million Conapanionslaip By Ute Auoc:la&ecl Praa Open thfo m1Ubox and pull out a dr am: An In· come fcw-Ult . No purchase neceuary ... You may be a wlnMr atr.-ady ... Swff Ptlakea oiler tho proapect or Instant wHJlh and the opportunJty to buy aomethln1 . 1&1u11ly at a rtdutt'd price Their number ll 1row- ln1 and thJ1 11 lb lime of I.he year when you can up ct to act at least on of the taotallllng packaaes. "THF.\' ALWAYS COME Af'TE& , Chrl1tmH." aa1d Noble Jones, head of the Clevt'llod ofla~ of the Federal Trade Commission. Down in th line print, you'll probably dis· cover that your chance of winning tbe bil prbe is only one m • million or more You have oothln1 to lose ~pl the prke of a stamp -but is it real- ly worth the effort to send the card back• ( · . J Maybe. "It's Just a CON UMER matter of luck." nid 8eUy Glau, director of -----=------- sweep 1 ta lt es for , Readn'a Dieest. "The odds are probably no worse than ln the state lotteries." said Jones. A sweepstakes is a game of chance in con.nee· Uon with the sale of a commodity. There is no skill involved. You do not have to buy the product being offered; ii a purchase is required, the sweepstakes becpmes a lottery and a separate set of laws ap· plies. THEBE ARE NO FIGUaES AVAll.ABLE on the number of sweepstakes conducted throughout the country because they fall under state rather than federal law. In New York state, the number of sweepstakes registered with the secretary of state went from 136 in tm to 382 last year, an increase of almost 200 percent. And industry spokesmen say that the state figures reflect the national trend. Actress Ellen Burstyn. shown with her son J effe rson, 17, has t urned her New York farmhouse into a minicommune and sug- gests that "single mothers consider sharing a house with a man or men who are friends not lovers so that the child can have th~ companionship of men on a day-to-day basis." Jones said the relaxation of anti-gambling laws in some areas bas helped boost interest in sweepstakes. So has a change in morality "There·s acceptance from a societal point of view," he said. The games run by supermarkets and gas sta· lions differ slighUy from the sweepstakes offers you get in the mail, Jones said. Those games are designed to get you into the store rather than pro· Big L oser a Winner Geor,Pa Man Drop s From 420 Pounds to 173 BUCKHEAD, Ga . CAP> - Gary Thomas is a mere s hadow or his former self but he's not complaining. "I feel great. I exercise every day, ,and my whole life has changed," said Thomas, 23, who f~nd ~piness by shedding 247 pounds. "l am happier than I ever thought I would be.'' FOUJn'EEN MONTHS AGO, Thomas weighed 420 pounds. He couldn't fit through doors or sit behind the wheel of a car "He w as so bashful, be wouldn't even go out of the house sometimes," said bis father, J .C. Thomas. "People would look at him. You know how mean people are, kids especially. Jl was bad." Thomas tried all sorts or diets, to no avail ... •·one morning I woke up and decided to Jose all that weight," he said "I wanted to do things that other people did. I felt like a I~1lS'I' lt1lY! llll'l'l~S IN(~IU~~4il~ llllll(~llL 60-year-old man. I got tired of looking at that big, fat self in the mirror." UNDER A DOCTOR'S supervision, Thomas cut out all ~read, sugar and fried foods and substituted nutritional foods for his Conner rich diet, limiting bis intake to 700 calories a day. "It took me one year and two moot.ha," be said. "My goal was to get to 175 pounds and now I am 173." mote a product. They conllftue over a period or time, during whJch you collect nwnben, aymbola or lettera. wrnl A SWEEPSTAKES. YOU SIMPLY mall your entry and wait to see If you've won. Jn many cases. winnlnl numbers are pre-selected with tbe aid of a computer: In other imtances, winnen are picked in a random drawlna after all the entries are In. The odds a1atnat winnlnl the bil prise are huge. You have only one chance in 17\AJ million or gettine the $ll6,000 1rand prize in the ,current Reader's Digest sweepstakes. for example. The odds of winning the minimum $5 prize Crom Reader's Digest are one in 450. LAWS REGULATING SWEEPSTAKES vary widely from atate to state. New York bu one or the toughest and, since most major aweepetakes operators want to include the New York market in their maillnsa, they follow the state rules. Among the requirements: re&lstraUon of all aweepetakes with prizes totaling over $5,000; posting of a bond equal to the amount · of the prizes: and filing or a list of winners after the pro- motion ends. Tbe FTC handles sweepst.akes compla1nts in conned.ion with its role as a monitor of deceptive advertising. A 1970 commission complaint, for ex- ample, led Reader's Digest lo •gree to some chaoses in the way it conducted sweepstakes. There is a similar spread in odds in state-run ------------------- lotteries. A $1 ticket in the New York State Lot· tery's "slot machine" instant same. for example, gives you one chance in 504,000 to win the top prize -$10,000 plus the potential for more money. You have a one in four chance, however, of winnln1 the minimum -another $1 ticket. lln. Glass said that the Di1est bas awarded over 9",000 prizes worth more than $14.5 million since 1982. Statistically, she said. there have been enough prizes for one in every 82 households in tbe country to have won something. 1 STEVEN STARK, VICE PaESIDENT OF1 Publishers Clearing House. a major sweepstakes operator, said the "overwhelming majority" of en· Not.nfrlznll•. o .o. Phone: 642-0292 trants do not make a purchase. • ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--"The majority of major wiMers have not been purchasers." he added. ~--••••••••••••••-.. What if the person who bas the winning number doesn't mail it in? Sweepstak.es operators are required to flace · all non-winning entries in a pool: winners o left. over prizes are drawn from the pool. U most entrants don't buy, who do companies bother -especially with the rising cost of postage? THE ANSWER -AND THE REASON that sweepstakes are most popular with ma1uines - lies in advertising. Stark sajd that the rates for ad- vertising. on which the magazines make their money. depend on paid circulation. Giving out free samples would confuse paid circulation figures so that method of promotion is out. "Sweepstakes are a promotion device which works and is acceptable." said Stark. Sweepstakes operators will not disclose how much they spend, how many entries they receive or bow much new business they get. "That's classified," said Mrs. Glass. Magazines are not the only ones who use sweepstakes, of course. The Police Athletic League in New York City, for example, is running a sweepstakes . "It's a change or pace way of conducting a solicitation," said Nev Gehman, PAL's director of development. 1 SolJer Tattooing Asked 1 ST. PAUL, Minn. <AP> -State Sen. Jack I Davies believes that if you want to get tattooed, you ought to be cold sober. Davies, a law school professor from Min· neapolls, bas introduced a bill making it a misde· meanor for a tattooist to .PIY bis trade on any, person .. who is obviously intoxicated." · To do so would be a misdemeanor. punishible by a fine of up to $500 or 90 days in jail. . A-Q. HERB FRIEDLA:\DER IS )IAKISG GREAT DE:\LS BUY OR LEA SE• FREE 50 oi~ ...... _ .. _ .... pWCUM 537-5464 t4 1lle exercise of the future is here now at Holiday Spa Health Clubs. And noW's the time to trv this exercise of the future before rates Increase March1. start wor1<1ng on a shape that could be out of this wor1d with one of the wor1d'S fastest most effective forms of exer· else. Pr-OOresstve PhVSlcal conditioning. In as lfttle as 90 minutes a week. this exercise of the future can trim, shape, firm, reproportlon ... even build cardio- vascular endurance. Mlhlch Is Why we call Progresstve Pttyslcal Conditioning the exer- cise of the future ... beeause It will probably be one of the fastest ways to shape up tor centuries to come.> · And beSldes the exercise of the future, you'll also find swimming and Jogging at keY locations. Plus, Jazz· nastics-unlQue group exercises done to up tempo music. And steam, sauna, whlrtpools and full-time pro- gram directors at all clubs to put you In Mure shape ... now. Let your bodV explore ttle future wtth the exercise of the future ... ProQresslve Phvslcal conditioning, before rates Increase March 1. ·cause the shape of tomorrow starts tOdaV at HolldaV Spa Health Clubs. I THESHAPEOF STARTS IODAY BEFORE.RATES INCREASE MARCH L .. Holiday Spa Heafth Clubs 1or Men anc1 Women ""'...._.. L.oNUoM u o.-e. . o..-..o..e. Rl""6de 4020 Madleon Cat Arltnfoon) (714l 887 1315 CMllWOfth/No'1trldge 9143 DeSoto Ave at Nordhoff C213l 882-S912 8uene hrtl 510 South Beach Blvd., Sooth of Llnc~ln Ave. ('71 4) 82&-0381 H S • Ce f City u ti) • " W f B ,...:... (213 G8e-e330 COll8 -2300 Harbor BM:t., Harbor C.nter t714) 549-3398 8anllenw'dlno333N . treet oPPOa•te ntra ma (714 888-13451 Enolno17031VenturaBl\ld , esto a....... A (213 ..-.e301 Hullll...., ....,..t8585MalnStreet(Mam StatBellchBhld) (714)842-1451 ~ 5350.0hve Street (at Central Ave. (714 129-3593 ttol'iwood 7080 Hollywood BIVd .. Comer LaBrea w. ~ 82~ Eaat ~Ila Ave., WMt of Tuttln A~. (71' 4) 83e-2« 1 OOPOelt• Mootgomery Ward) = =4 ~r~antlc BM:t .• Comer of Car900 (213) 42&8874 Welllftllllllf 8761 w..tmlnster Aw .. westmlnater Cent., (7141894-3387 W•H.oe Angetet 1914 So. Bundy (nearOtymplo Blvd.) (~13) 820-7571 Mleatoft Ylefo 24401 Alicia Pttwy. at San Dlt90 Fwy. (71•0 77o-Gl22 ·1 I I I t \ ( M DAtl y ptLOl 5 Youths Get Aid Of ACLU Attorneys tor tht' American Civil Liberti Umon ha\•e nJ<'CI •ult ldn.c rt'lrutatern nt to danf'a tor Uve auapended Anabt'lm Union Wl(b Sehool DtA· · trtct )'OWllt lc-ra rn>tted In •, SWf p ol aUt'gN dru1 lltn lut tall , Attorn y Ron Talmo t'On tend~ In the Or nae County Superior Court suit that d~tnct otflclals fa1lt'd to aaaeaa In dlvldua.l l'lr<"um11tance1 \m'Olv in& each tttn •tt r ~fore I.be auapenaion.s wert> orclued As a ,_ult. bo cbar1ed ln I.be romplalnl. the stu<.teots '"' ~ lng depnved of th Ir n &hts to an education The swt c1tt'd such things a:. age, prior tustories. degree ot ln· volvement in alle1ed dru1 tales and abilities to rehabl11ta t themselves were not considered before the suspensions. The ACLU earlier offered to r epresent youngsters who have been suspended from class alter mass drug arrests last fall In Anaheim, Brea and La Habra. Fi.re Station Relocation Set for Mesa Costa Mesa firemen are scheduled to move March 12 or 13 from the old Rochester Street station to their new building in the city's downtown redevelop- ment area, city officials said. Bill Dunn. assistant city manager for community de velopment, said landscaping and Qainting are now under way at he $440,000 new facility at 1865 ?ark Ave. near Lions Park. The 6,500-square·foot fire sta· ~ion, on which work began about 1 year ago. should be officially ledicated March 26 unless rain lelays the finishing touches. Ounnsaid He said the s ite of the Rochester Street s tation orobab\y will be sold. Collapse Kills 1 NOBLESVILLE. Ind. <APl - \ section of a frozen food •ackaging plant under construe· ion collapsed today. killing one ·onstruction worker and injur- ng (our others, state pohce said. 'he two-story section had been mder construcllon the past year •nd had yet to be opened, 1uthorities said. . ' . Open Bearing? .. Sen. Sim Nielsen. R·Wood.land. looks over papers at a news conference in Sacramento where he discussed his proposed legislation to repeal a law giving criminal de- fendants a right to bar the press and public from pre- liminary bearings. S8n Diego Adopts ~ Growth Curb Plan SAN DI EGO <AP > -The City Council has adopted a growth management plan to accommodate up to 240,000 new residents in the next 16 years. The unanimous vote to approve the plan came despite protest.s that it will cause overcrowded schools, environmental chaos and higher taxes. The revision of the city's General Plan, incorporating Mayor Pete Wilson's "growth management" strategy, was adopted after years of study and public debate. ll is designed to channel as much urban growth as possible into areas of the city that have already been developed. Wilson s a ys it will prevent urban sprawl and save money for tax- payers The plan was developed by Dr. Robert Freilich. a nationally known expert in land use law, and updates the previous general plan adopted in 1967. FOUR BANDITS 'KNOCK' LOOT SAN DIEGO <AP)-Fourbam- mer-wield.ing bandits accosted a delivery man for Angelo's Pizza, liberating two pies and $31, police say. But that wasn'ttbeeodofit. By the time the unharmed de· livery man made it back to Angelo's to report the holdup Tuesday night, police said the thieves were on the telephone. complaining that lbe piua was "bad." ./ PECAN WOOD CURIO CABINETS· WITH HEIRLOOM LOOKS, CLASSIC DETAILS. An heirloom Quality classic curio Is the perfect deoof piece with V04Af foVOftte treolUfel Of obJets d'art to mellow a contemporary setting or harmonize with a hodlttonot room. leoutlfully ~lgned with adjustable gloss shelves. Interior lights, antlQued hardware and the etas.Mc detailing that glYea each pfece a apeclol Quality. Decorating service. delivery and our famous wonanty cl quotlty at no exfra coat. Twe>doof CUfio cabinet. Three-sided curto cablnet,4l.E_..,. Wl'aporound gkJU curio $569, 72" toll, 26" wide. $399. 10· tall, 38" wide. ~y. eobtnet, 73· '°"· 26" wide. . ' l3 . ' NATION I LOCAL Town Helping Slayer MUuwuriam Not Shocked by Friend'a Past GRANGER, Mo. <AP> -Jobn JOMl)h Camillo •bowed up lut fall, a myat.erioua but helpful •lr•DCtr wbo quJckly won the hearts of the 105 peo- ple la Graocer. • Mluowi villace of 105 near the Iowa line. Today, thole people are trying to return his kindneNet. by hirlne a plane with a banner to fiy over the a tale caplt1I and urae Gov. Joseph Tea1da1e to frff Camlllo, an escaped, murderer re· captured aft.er three months ln Gran1er. The townspeople collected $200 to hire the plane. C.um.J.A>, 35, CONVJCl'ED OF THE murcler ot a IOUthwest Missouri liquor store operator In LN7, arrived ln Granger In October calU.na himself Joe Preston. He took a Job workinl at a factory making Tork Utt pallets. "You can't cwirant.ee nolhiDC would b1ppen, but any of U1 cw.Id end up dotnc eomethiDI like tb1t." CAMILLO PLEADED GUILTY TO THE murder, and Ml.u Jenkins aal.d be .UU doesn't de· ny •bootlna the atore clerk, Cecil Lane, with a te· volvM on Jan. 13, JJM. But. be malntaios be didn't intend to ldll any one when be went in to rob the 1tore. "The man Jumpt'd him. He ltied to sboot. him In tbe lee. It juat dtdn't. happen that way," she uld. Skateboard Brake Due on Market? He helped Kathy Jenkins witb her scbool bua route when the weather cot bad and became a bit with the cb.Udren along the route. she said. He volwrt.eered as an aaslstant roach for the elemen· PI'JTSBURGH <AP> -Inspired three years tary school's basketball team and taught young ago by a former Pllt.sburg.b ppllceman, a city children bow to turn cartwheels. employee is trying to market a skateboard that won •t nm away. "He was very nice, very polite.'' said Miss ffaJTY Hoover, a 50-year-old machinist from Jenkins. "He was always want.Ing to do things in Sberadeo. bas filed a disclosure with the U.S. Pa. the community. to be belprut. We all IC"new be bad tent Office, which protects the idea from infringe. something bothering him. but he wasn't asking us ment for a year. any questions, and he was doing our town a lot of The board is equipped with metal brakes that good, so it didn't matter." engage when the rider dismounts. "I've gotten feeler s, but no definite con· THEN IN JANUARY, AUTBOamES re· tracts," Hoover said, after approaching several celved an anonymous Up and arrested him. toy manufacturers about marketlng the device. Shocked townspeople were told Preston was really He said the response from people who have Camillo, who bad escaped from Church Prison beard about the idea has been tremendous. Farm near Jefferson City, the capital, where be -.;-------..,.----------bad been serving a life sentence for murder. "Everybody just said, 'Well, we've got to do something to get him out,· "Mias Jenkins said. She coUected letters from 32 families and sent them to Teasdale. the state parole board and President Carter. A petition was circulated; 200 people signed. Miss Jenkins. Mayor Tom Sban.ooo and others asked to meet with Teasdale but were told the gov- ernor's office needed more time to study the case. Then they thought of an airplane. "HE DOESN'T DAVE MUCH FAITH left in the law," Miss Jenkins smct of Camillo. "But be doesn't want to discourage us. He told us it was the first time anybody had ever cared enough to really try and help him." Miss J enkins says some people are concerned about efforts to release a convicted criminal. . .. But there are a lot of people running around who are more dangerous than him," she said. Fuel Fraud Admitted TAMPA, Fla. <AP> -Angel P. Perez, 70.' former president of Florida Power Corp., pleaded. guilty to conspiracy in what prosecutors have called a plot to inflate fuel prices during the Arab oil embargo in 1973 and l974. Roger's~-~ introduces a new concept in plant care ••• for those who care too much! Pro..oc .. G1'0Wth ••• supplies essenda1 nutrients to promote healthy plant growth. Provlcl .. Oxygea ••• to the lmponant root area prewndng root rot, defollatlon. and plant death. Preveat• Ovaweteriag ••• an indoor plant lood that also supplies the necetl58IY oxygen ~ p&ant roots. Roger's GllrdeM • 640-5800 s.n ~at MacAnhir • Newpon B4'ac:t\ •.9 am-6 pm OF COLLEGE. If you think you could get more out of college two years from rtow, consider the benefits of the I Anny's new 2-year enlistment. AClllllCl'IO' 'YIL Joining for 2 years does limit your choice of Anny specialties. But there are still many challenging choices available that will test your skill, strength and stamina. Plus, we guarantee duty assignment in Europe. You'll learn discipline, respon- sibility and leadership. Qualities that can make you a better person. AClllllCITOSIVE. Starting pay is now up to $419.40 a month (before deductions). In addition, the Veterans~ Educational Assistance Program (VEAP, for short) will help you accumulate as much as S7 ,400 for college. (Ask your Army Recruiter for details.) ACJWICl'IOS&VE. Our country has always counted on the soldier. It still does. And you'll be a prouder person for having served your 2 years in the Anny. You'll gain experience. Maturity. And a clearer idea of what you want. I For more information, call your local Army Hl--f---:Kellll'@S@Dtati¥&--:HH~Km~811CJ-DJtl9Il@-lllWlm@r-aJ~___,_-J-~~~~ in the Yellow Pages under «Recruiting!' Or call the number below toll-free. 'nut otftr not m1ltbk n all loatJOn . ' --.. :;-. A • ._.. ..... --... ' ' ,. -t .. • ••• . .. ' ...... .. ,, ., AT YOUR SERVICE I CONSUMER QUEENIE ., { • C:c>I a prnl.t1 m ' I hni wnl• tu l'at lJunn Pat will tul rnt to,,_., 111•tr1t1(1 lht unawc•n und octwn !/fJU nttd lo •oh ""'lU•llt• m gov1·Mntlt"ltt cmd btalnt.u M(ld 11our QtU'fhvru to Put Damn. Al Your St>rvtet . Oran~ CoaJt DaJJy Pilot. PO lfor 15ti0. Coata Me1a . CA '2 2' A• munv /tUer11 111 J)l}!t'1blt w1'1 bet an~red. bul plwrlt<J 1rw1tnne11 11r 11>tt1>r1 not mclud.lnu tht rfo.dtr'' full 1uurli', uddrf!H and bu&sntas hour•' phone "'"" fw, t.:un1ll>t btl c·ortndfrtd Tt1u column appears dai· IJI urtpf Soturday• '' DEAR PAT l know my power lawn mower 0~1 10me sort of tuneup before l start using it 111ln How can I & t It bDCk lnto good running COD· d1llon" K.E .. Irvine Tbae tJpe from M•bU OU c.,._ sbould ltelD l-------Q.:."-"-U09_...._ __ .. _____________ """ 1" oat. Make •are Ute mower'• nl)M .. 1Jlu& oft, ffld alld, 11 lt'• a Hlf·P~ medel, dlleacace "W••'rt• '"''•ung for ~omf'11nf' who c·an lypt•, 111 ... Uikt: tt11e &redioe comtrol. Remove Ulle apark pltl wire dll'lat11111 .ind hJnctlt· .1 , t•m puh·r rM hlOkang "" and draln tlte IH &10. Ga.atae mas& be com· .,(111\t'Ulll' hkl' \>llU " plelel)' ttmOVed to preVe8l pm•lllle VlraJSh de• ---------------po1lt1 from formlo& 11 ta.e carburetor, fuel line aad fwl &aak. Missiles Bit ( Group Seeks Toy Safety WASIIlNGTON !AP) -A consumer group, charging that self-regulation of the toy industry bas failed. says it is asking the government to regulatelhesafetyof toys that shoot small missiles. The group, Action for Children's Television, said Tuesday It would file a petition with the Consumer Product Safety Commission for a regulation that would bar sales of such toys as Mattel Inc. 's Battlestar Galactic a toy. THE BATTLESTAR GALACTICA TOY, one of the top-selling toys or the Christmas seasoa, was recalled by Mattel after reports or 12 accidents, one or them res ulting in the death of a 4-year-old boy in AUanta. The boy fired one or the missiles that are part of the toy into his mouth. and died two days later. "Friday over a month after the Mattel recall announcement. ACT was able to purchase all four 'recalled' BatUestar Galactica toys, complete with plastic mini-missiles, at Bost.on area toy stores." ACT president Peggy Charron told a news con- ference .. MATTEL'S REAL COMMITMENT TO children's safety remains seriously in question." she said. Ms. Charron said the petition asks the com- mission to require re -design of toy missiles and the force of the spring action that propels them. Other requirements would be for labeling for projectile toys as being unsuitable for children UD· der 8. package disclosures telling of the presence of projectile missiles and improved cautionary in· st ructions. ACT 1s a ~-area group formed to fight telev1s1on advertising aimed at children. ACT ftled petitions with the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission that led to investigations by both agencies into possible restrictions on children's television. "HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOMS treated more than 1.000 children during 1978 for injuries caused by projectile toys," Ms. Charron said. "The recent BaUlestar Galactica incident points to the total ineffectiveness of Industry self.regulation," she said "Despite the tragedies produced by the Mattel toys other manufacturers continue to design, ad· vertise and seUs toys that launch projecWes s1mUar to those in the Battlestar Galactica line," she said. ACT staffers were able to shoot nails from som e toys. Ms. Charron said. Heavy Deal Hippo Learns to Swim__ BALTIMORE (AP > -Baltimore bas acquired a real heavyweight in a 4·for·l deal. The acquisition · is a four-ton Nile hip· popotamus, obtained by the Baltimore Zoo from a Virginia zoo in exchange for four red-crested ponchard ducks. Upon arrival at the zoo. the hippo wa{led into a pool and sank, bellowing and blowing bubbles. Z'oo officials said she had never before been in deep water but quickly learned how to swim. News from all over Callfomla · Is rounded up each day In the DAILY PILOT ' After ta.e &aak .. dralDed, rttenneet ta.e spark plag wire and a&ut Uae eagtae. Let I& Idle aalll all p1 la lllle teak. IJH• Hd carburetor ls used. While t11e mower I• .aw warm. dJseoanect t11e spark plug wlre again and draaa tlle craa.kca1e oU. Always replace dte drain pl•I te preven& db1 aad ollller debril from entering &he emglne. Cleaalnl away dirt and '1'H8 clippings is next. WJ&b tbe plug wire sUU disconnected, tip tbe mower on Its slde. Spray tile underside wltb a bole or steam clean. Scrape ou& aay coating tbat water woa 't remove wltll a wlre bnaala or pau& acraper. Also clean &be top of tbe mower to help keep the engine nmnlag cooler and lessen lbe chance of a pla&e11 cracldnl or scortnc cylinder walls. If the anclenlde of the steel deelt ls corroded, touch up all rusted or chipped pain& surfaces after sanding to euue proper adlleslon. Sharpen o•ly tbe upper surface of rotary mower bladet and balance the bl8de before re· Installing. An lnupenslve balucer can be boapt a& a hardware store or bave a mower repair shop do tlle job for you. If your lawn mowe r bas been s&ored for several months, be s ure &o lubricate lbe cylinder. After t.be spark plus is removed, poar In two tablespoons of SAE30 oil. Pull Ute s&arter rope slowly several times to dJsutbute Ute lubricant on the inside of the cylinder. Install the plug and tJgbtea nrmJy. A• a safety measme, don't put tbe high tension wire back on &be spark plq antll yoa plan'° use the mower regularly. Wash &he air cleaner ln kerosene, diesel fuel or solvent. Dry the polyuethue or spoqe rubber element, but don't h~ls& I&. Saturate witb the prop· er weight oll, squeeze oat excess oU and reassem· ble the air cleaner. Aoo check and tighten all screws, bolts and nuu. Repair or replace any damaged parts. After all repairs are completed, refill the crankcase, with oil, but don't overftll. Lubricate other parts of the mower, such as axles, control cables, clutch lever and Idler pulleys, as ~m· mended In the operator's manual. Finally, keep tile mower ln a clean, dry place. Cover It for pro· teetioll from du&, d1rt and rodents and place it on weed blocks to lengthen wheel life. Mirror Tattle• 011 Leab DEAR PAT: My parents live in northern California, and their house has a basement. My mother wrote that the basement wall is wet, and she's worried there may be a leak. I remember reading bow to t.ell if this is caused by condensation or a leak, but can't recall the details. Will you check into this so I can let my folks kno'\v? E.D.,NewportBeacb ~ easiest way &o tell wba& Is causing Ute wet baaemeat waU ls to tape a 1maU mirror &o Ute wall In the area of the mols&are. After a day 01' two lnsped tbe minor. If I& Is foggy and wet, It's almos& certain tbat coadensatiQ6 ls the culprtt. U tbe mlrror ls dry bat tllle wall I& wet; there's a leakage QJOblem. · C'Olda C~ Stfll A 1'alla1Jle?' DEAR PA'I.;. My "Howard Family Room Furniture" couCTI needs a new cover. When I bought it several years ago I understood that replacement covers could be ordered from the manufacturer, but now Wickes furniture store tells me they don't carry that brand any more and can't give me-the manufacturer's address. Can you find out what it is? D.W., Irvine Wickes located &be address after con&act by A YS. Write &o: Boward Furniture Manufacturing Co., P.O. Box 815, Starkvllle, Ml.ss. 39759. PUb Caue ol t'lf a111ba Jib'! DEAR PAT: I've heard that women taking birth control pills need more of some vitamins, less of others. Please give me a rundown. G.E .• Newport Beach Sdentlflc studJes ladlca&e tha& women wbo ase oral contraceptives have u lDcreased need for vitamin 86 (pyrldoJdne), folic acid (folacln), vl&amtn C (ascorbic: acid), vitamin BlZ aad Vltamln E. A decreased need for vitamin A, Iron and copper w11 found. Cbec:k wltb your own doctor before starting a self-prescribed program for po11lble vttamln deficiency. Specific blood tests can determloe If you need vt&amln aupplemen&s. ---------, .. --------COUPON _________ .. CORRECTION All Proceeds to United Cerebral Palsy Orange County EVERY THURSDAY NITE · Ample Parking Air Conditioning Snack Bar Doon Open 9:00 P.M. Qame• •tert 7:00 P.M •. Lat• Bird Followtng Reguler S.Hlon In the Sears Ad· vertlsing section of February 27th and 28th there Is an ad-vert I semen t for a Canister vac. with Powermate, setllng for $99. The copy description and price are correctt however he-iOustra ten~~~~--lL~lll!ll~---< correct. Come In to your nearest Sears store and see them for yourself. We sincerely regret the error. I Sears I For quick resultsL set Y°"' sails for tM 1SNt· tng clustfltd .n of tM Dally Pilot. 642-5671 \ MINIMUM PURCHASE 8 HARD CARDS $5.00 ONE FREE CARO WITH COUPON ANO MINIMUM PURCHASE LIMIT ONI COUPON PEA PERSON • ONE "WINNER· TAKI-ALL" GAME UNITED CEREBRAL PALSY ASSOCIATION 3020 Weet H•nard Street Sent• An• -~5780 (Oii ,..,..., ...._.." ldlftf9' aftd WarMI') Prtaea AM Preoaa Subjee& To Claaa1e WIU.O.t Prior Notice ................. -coUPONmlmlmlmlmlmlmlml .. • T .-... -. AND EYEIEIR FOR YOU Al DAIL v PILOT A • CENTER MOST INSURANCE PROGRAMS WELCOME. OF THE COST OF AN EYE EXAMINATION TO PURCHASERS OF PRESCRIPTION LENSES A FRAMES OR CONTACT LENSES AT ANY SAY-ON OPTICAL CENTER. •==:::::;::===========================• THINl(,ING OF Solt contact Lenses? (Come In and Check Our Low Prices.) Just bring us your prescriptions and Doctor's O.K. for soft lenw and we can help you Join the millions of other satisfied soft lens wearers. •=========================T=====• WE ALSO CARRY A Complete Line Of SUNGLASSES for All Sport Occasions! DISTINCTIVE Fashion Eyewear ALSO AVAILABLE AT A SAVINGS TO YOUI • Glori1 Vltlderbilt • Yves St. LIUl'ent • Pierre C1nlin • OIClr De [a Rentl And M•Y Others S...utioul fra-. .. lhtllldtffly ....... for,_,,_., Y•cm I with 1 C0111tortible flt. S.. •r wide M1ecticM1 of,.......,.... It• tr•11•111 ..... ti,... IN HUNTINGTON BEACH I 19121 Beach Blvd. Phone: (714) 847 -9833 • ..... --... . . ... . ,, , I • I t AJ• IWLYPiLOT ORANGE COUNTY Census Form Rappe d _Coast Irrigation OK Expected ay .u:a av cu N Ot•o..t•~· .... Stud1" how1na lhf' ft>Ulb U\,1 or conalructlnf • 127 million w•lM n.-c.'l1m1Uon proJett to Ir rta•t• parU or hvt-('()aatal aru rommun.lt.l are UJM'ct('d to oo appro"tid l'K''1 month Mna. lluntll'\llOn 8 ach. t'oun talo VaJI y, Westmins ter and Santa Ana Callt'd the Or.-c-n Acre Pro· Jtt't. tho tr utmcnt plant 1$ pro- po f'd ror conttrucllon o ar the dl1trict'1 1 •wer Wat r Factory 21 which •ruts U ouHlon Anaheim and l>"rank Pa1e with tht Caty of Oranae char1ed that the projected cost actually 1hould total nearer $400 an acre root . The SIAb-an-acre·root fl~ure is about SZ5 a foo& leas than the current coat of conventional water supplies. Auerbach and Page claimed the feasibility s tudy did not llgure in state and federal con· s t ructlon costs in amortizing water prices -figuring only local di.ltrlct portions of tbe pro· ject. about $3.4 million. They questiooed whether the total S27 million eicpeoditure is the willeSt method tor securing water ror the coastal area. tr 1iven final approval, the ir- rigation project ls expected te be operating in 1983, tbe dJlltrict spokesman said. Mlnu.!I Plotkin ha n vcr ml'l Jim FiAther. And art r Plotkin rud• a l~t~r Ftlcht'r eot lo hi~ lrut Wffk, h may never Ounce County W•h~r DlaU'tct dlrecton are lo rule March ll on th propollll .,,,.pared by consul t•nll to tonV("rl lt'WMAO to u f.11 bl watt"r lo a O<'W pl ot •l Ward Str tt and t<;llla Avt'nu In F'oun· t ln alJ.-y J&Jlnna of ICWt"r water dally for ----------~:-----------------r-----~----­ c lO lotkln I dirulor or lht'! lluruu or th~ C(r\SU for Owl lJ • t~mmercr pa rt m nt n Jt!frtl'10ft\l'lll • Ind Pi: chu .. a TusUn bwiln . man who l rtu in in 31\&f'r OH'r I ~Blut rorm he and evt'r-y otht>r bulln man in the C'Ount had l() (ill OUl Plollt1n'1 ~aenr could updalt' at& filt'S on ull oraanilaU and e tabhmments Ht•I~ tn any 1orm of eronom1r 1cUvU • ''TH •O•t; )'OU bur IUtralS ma~t' us busiMU people fill ou1 forms and lake ua away from producing laxes for you tht' fewer Jmount or tue you'U re celve," Fischer ,.,d tn a I tt r to Plotkin accompanylna hi completed census form Dl1tnt'l epproval will ltad to • pp htat Io n• to the a tale Rtttlonal Wat r Quality Conll'OI Board and the fl'deral Environ m ntal Vrotttuon Aaency for p1anmng and ronstructlon tu.ncb PROPO ED nrt" a u w•1 conve"'°" plunt und pumpJnl and PIPU\I IYlit m th•l would end 1mgallon watt•r into Coe.l• --- pull\plftl nto lh county's un· dtr1round w wr. bNln Or t'n Acn•a would tr •iat an oddlliontll 1U mllllon gallons dai- 1 y ror 1rriullon o r :school landacaptn(I. Ct"meterles. parkls. alr t and Ir way laodscaplng and 1olf courau. aa dl1trlct 1p0k.aman aid Th• 1PQkHman saJd th sytem would dttreUl' lhe draw on tbe county's und r~round water batln and reduc area requJ~· m•nll ror wat r (mported throua&h the Metropolitan Water 011tr1 r l r rom Northern ca llfornl and lhl' Colorado RI \ll'I n· GIVt:N floul uppruvnl, the htd ral JlOVernmf•nl would fund 7~ J)<lrccnt or lht• proJc>ct. th" !!late 12.~ pen·cnl. tind the locnl dl!'llrict 12.~ J)t•rrcnt NOW thru MARCH 3rd. Fischer. who own!> u 11rm called the People Machine wtuch offers temporary offi ce heJp to other compames, said he was tn· censed when he received the census form after spending Hthousands of hours" rilling out myriad other forms due at gov ernmenl offices al this time or year. Tht• fouslblllty study. ulr d during o publlc h arln1 la&' wcc>k. wa11 prt1pared by lwo con· nulling flrrna at a cost or ste.000. Pr poratlon of p lan• and RJ)('clncatlom1 would co1tt am ud· d Ill oou l $1. 8 m I llion. lb • tJIJ.,._ ____ ._~---..----111!1'.-.-..-------~t) "I certainly would not want to deprive the government of its revenues even to 11upport stupid, ridiculous, 1djotic, duplicated ef- forts in the filling out of forms," the businessman told Plotkin. A SPOllESMAN for tbe Com merce Department In Washington D.C. said the census form is required on a yearly basis to maintain a list of establishments for an economic census whlch is conducted every five years. He said information obtained lo the yearly census is kept in a publication for each county in the U.S. that lists the businesses, their payroll and what t.bey do. Fischer said all the informa- tion asked for in the business census.lotm is already available m the bundle of paperwork he has already sent in lo the state and federal governments. Said Fischer Monday: "If they send m0 another form I won 'l fill il in." .. My income is less than my taxes and that's backwards." he s aid. "We're a small business and we get hit with all lbese damn forms." Official To Fill 2 Posts San Juan Capistrano City Man ager James Mocalis will take over as tor administrative of- ficia of south Orange County's Water Works District Four next Nov- ember. But the top San Juan official won't relinquish his city duties wben be takes the water utility position upon the retire- ment of present gene ral managerT.J . Meadows. "It will be like an ad- .\iitiooal duty," Mocalis said. ''I've bad a water department under me at one of the other cltles J 've worked in and they <the water district> just need someone to make decisions on general ad- ministrative things and .,~rsonnel matter." MEADOWS, WH O has run tbe water dis- trict for over 30 years, will continue working as a part-time consultant, making $12,000 per year for bis work. Mocalls said the move was not an indication that the waler utillly would merge with the ci· ty. He noted lbat water district boundaries are not co-termlooua with San Juan's municipal boundaries. CORRECTION In the Seen Advef"lf .. ng M Ctlon of Feb. 27th end 2 1th there la an 'M.Y ~AR , .,-NORI NG 1'5 AJ.J AC.,T OF GOD !" spokesman said TwQ agencies look ls11ul1 with ~ the project proposal durlna lust week's public hearing, charginR that the $140-on-acre-fool expect- ed to be cborged for the lrriga- lloo water does not reflect true reclamation costs. Ray Auerbach of lhe City of Badham 'Mixed' On China DiplOmacy Rep. Robert Badbapl, R-Newport Beach, says be has mixed feel- ings about President Carter's opening of full diplomaUc relations with Red China "First, I was one of those who lauded the efforts of former presi· dent Richard Nixon in recognizing the realities of t he world as it exists , by openinglbedoorto Ma inland China,'' says Badbam. "I was impressed by f,be very ~reclse, adept, delicate methods· used by the Nixon Admin\stration m opening the door to China as being in lbe highest tradit\on of diplomatic negotiations." But, the congressman says President Carter's "hasty action calls into question the motives for making such an announcement, as he did •• on lbe eve or the failure of lbe Mideast peace settlement and during a period or lime the Congress was iii adjournment awaiting a new Congress lo begin.·• Describing lbe president's action as "Impulsive" and a "slap in the face technique," Badbam said be believes it will cause alienation between Congress and the President and between lbe U.S. and the governments of Taj wan, Japan and South Korea. Means Savings to You ON MANY PRESCRIPTIONS .AT WHAT IS A GENERIC? Generics are exact chemical equ ivalents of name brand drugs. The basic difference is PRICE s f A 11tlENERlC~' Version Prescription Is Available • wer ••m•n or • Cr•ft..,.n 10 Inch tebl• ... oudll. The prtce of t 32t.tt l a correct , ft !'•••er t h• c opy dHCtlpl DR le lnoofNCt. TM ........... ...., ......... t .... . ............ ,..... ..... ... H fOt ,...,.." at. r our neereat l eare etore . W• elnoerelr ,..echener. • NtJCt time you bring us a new or rlflll preecriptlon, wt will be happy to compere the ·gener1c· price wittl l'9 •bfandn1me· prlct If you ask • The Qtntf'lc products we dispense are manufactured following strictest quellty controls: 111 are backed by l1bofatory 11111 1nc1 I or chemical llllY reports.wall for your protection. .... -...... &mTD ...... ftlll·----- I Sears I \A'v ()~ l..,l'n<•r 1( pr otl1H 1·, ,r 111" 1· ,,, • .. r•111.1n••., ;nu kno.,., .11111!r11<..t ·II•" ,f' l t•dt•r It' lrlh r.1 "' ~, ... , I I, f'11 •I' I '"-f \q11d ,, tr11: I r "" ri t' J1 .111 I-., I' II ... . GIVE rouniu A FlfSll NEW LOOK FOlt $PIING WITH REVLON BEAUTY BUYS! TOUCH & GLOW l oJaturlzlng liquid M1ktup Ass't. Shades. 2 65 1'4 oz. • u . BLUSH-DI Complexion Ctlorlng . Blushes your face 4 50 with a took of radiant. Instant health.· • . . . Super lash condit1oner 2 95 and mascara in one. • .. AutDmatlc· FABUUIER Liquid eyeliner that draws a perfect hoe every time! Super Rich 3.00 Colorfrost SHADOW Waterproof bond of color and lustre. .. 30 Second" 2.35 Eye Makeup REMOVER Whisks off eye makeup 215 Instantly and gently. 1.9 oz. Facial Size NEUTROGEllA T1ll UllQUE TUlllPAaDTSOAP Regular or Unscented TUI# PIOIUll llAILS lllTO IEAUTIRJL NAU n.REVLOI. FABU·NAIL Protective NaHcolor Clllf or SUper lastnls NAIL EltAIR Froattd Ml'L 01111. Celtn. SUPER LUSTROUS • LIPSTICK or SUPER FROST 2.30~ MINI KmntG STICK MU fUWIO ITICl aOIS ~ t.y MAYIEWNE E i ~ Fun protectors for lips · ; ~ m 6 yummy flavors 't. f j .I ~n~ .,,,.-..,.. AZIZA EYES "THE SHADOW TRIOS" A lrllft Prince M1tchlbtlll • SOFT TOUCH TRIOS • FROSTY LUSTRE TRIOS Prince Matcblbllll AVIANCE •t.00 CASH REfUID OFFER• Direct Fr1111 Prlltll Mltehlllllll for 1ny '6.00 Purclml. _ COL11811EB 6111 81 SPRAYS &I 11" " , .. '~ ... ,.. . ~ .......... BCELLENCE- eonc1111omno StlampolHn 3 35 IWRCOl.OR • PREFERENCE PtfmlMflt Cteme-tn -· 2.29 =U.RENCE 1-.1.19 ULTRA RICH 1nst1nt Hair COIDfTIOIH 1 39 . .... . .. . .. . , 3.25 3.50 - I -- (. ''CONTAC'' COITllUOUI ACTIOI COLD CAPIULEI APalNIT. Clll PU•P-ACTIOI ,_ PITCHER \ Just press the ~P & out pours r.lusure as you ke It! ~urn 9.95 ).PC. VIDAL SASSOON Coro Shaver. designed to htlp keep tender skin away fJ om blades. but let even ttlt toughest whiskers through. --19.95 ..... Thrift Pack 100'awltll30 Fill THERAGRAlt High Potency Vita min Formula HAIR TREATMENT COL~ECTION - •Shampoo ti ez.J •Finishing Rinse II ez.I •Moisturizing Creme 1-t a.I High Potency Vitamin 5.99 Formula With Minerals. • 1 DECORATIVE SWAG LAMPS 5.49u Attractive cane lamps for any room in the home. 18" dome style with pull chains. u 16.95 ·~CINCH'' CAKE MIX or FROSTING MIX GARDEN ~ The sale house 1 29 plant spray .... DOOL "Leaf Shine" eeauunes & 99C cleans loli=o:z. VICKS YAPORUB DECONGESTANT VAPORIZ118 OINTMENT Relieves Distress of Colds hL 1.39 IALLYlllllEI ''JOY'' LIQUID FOR DllHWAIHINO ~~~:LA~~AM 5 oz. 79c =;;~~~=~ ~}o1~~s~~IT~lOL 79c , ''SIGNAL'' MOUTHWASH I GARGLE lOCAIKTT'E TAPE HOLDER Tiit L ... Cllallatlr Made just tor children 5 years old and up. Easy push button selection 1n heavy duty plastic. .. 10.88 14"x 14· Durable cast iron construction •1414 CASTllOM HIBACHI Tapes not 6 88 included. • Beefeater DIY ~ GIN ,::---... ~ M Pf. 154.9 • . t . 1.7UT. ~ r " Early Times ~ · BOURBON WHISKY IO Pf.t.nLT~ 1049, Smirnoff VODKA _ '°"· 10Jn .. u ' ,~ ... l.nLT. - ~ . Inglenook WINES MERSENE 40' 119 10"x 17" • Vl11,R• 1 With heavy chrome • lurwundy 2 7 g ~ :;jl-!1!!!!!!!!!1!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mDll!!!ENl!lii.TURE CLEANSER • plated cast iron grills • Clllblla "-"if. TENNIS RACKETS .... , 5.49 :::~~!"~:."'.::-:·==-· 21 • DELUXE WESTERN ROLL BAG • Flap with Tuck·Tltl lock I Key • Two Dlcandve Banda Supporting Bag ~16.95 MISS CHRIS Wood Rlctllt Designed for the beginning to int8fmediale woman player. CONNERS CAPRI 30 ,. 1.19 . --, ~ ~ . I" "'I,- . SONAR .. One Step'' Wltll A......UC Fecutlng The camera that hears 7495 a perlect prcture. -:-- DEMMG'S PINK SALMON 15~ oz. CAN HARD AS NAILS ROSE MILK SKIN CARE CREAM ....-.._ Helps Prevent • Chipping, Splitting, . Cracking And Petting. . Asal • Shades. ·. a 1.25 UDA 11111111 TYLEllOL TABLETS -- f •TA& C..frf( tiff.TH YLENOL -. . -.. 1.59 t':':]]j~ - When you bring a pmcrlptlon to StY-on for tlfflnO. you ca11 be sure that you wttt get exactly wtlit tht doctor ordeftdl It's our iob to pmtcSt you wfttl tht flntst pharmaoeutlcals IYlitablt. ' PnmJlfy 1111 Am'*" -Im 12 ...... ... f'IEI 1.59 er. 69C . t• .. ' ~. '. - SPILL. MATE TOWELS COLORS & PRINTS 1~1.00 AO PRICES PRfVAll WfONESOIH. HRRllARY 18th THAU SATURDAY MARCH 'lrd OPEN 9 00 AM TO q 30 PM l'f!ONOAY THRlJ SA TlJROO q 00 AM TO 7 00 PM SlJNOAY '=========· . ... ....-4 ............. a... MIWPOIT 111\CM-lln........ ........... .. TOIO-a4J7J •• ....... .... MllSIOM YllJ0-21171 Mc:peuMI .. .,. fOIM'Alt YAU.IT 81191 ile A.,,....,• -SANTA AMA-nl I ............ It. • '· -....... .. - ,. -. '"" . . . I I • ' AJ.1 o.t.ll V PILOT Banana .Boycott Urged Dumez Initiate• Move in Lettuce Dispute EL CENTRO t A1'1 The 'u!re to rauml' loda) fo r lhe will spend lh next week vlsitinl pollilbl ln lh 1x ~eek old I t first Uml' 1Jot-e Thur~d1y , trike bound nelds in CaUfornll tucf' 1 tr1h In lh Imperial Cha"n u d HuWl'YM. h• 1ddt<J and Arizona, u d he baa not r e · Vall y mo"C!d 01.1t ul lh rlflds that tJM,, UFW'1 position "~n·t tt\ivtd unction from the An.. and lnlo tho courthou t 1nd tN-r arr1n11 ~. th4t '1 pl1yln1e CIO ror \be boycott but was op- n tlOhltll'\JC ruom today follew &•m " 11m11Uc t h al 1t' would be Ina United P rm Worbr lead• r The ~N'<i hovt.' rt>IUM'd t o forthcomJnR C'f' ar ChaH•i'~ <' 11 for,. bo"rou bud1t on lh Ir baslr lhr~ "1 a.r, ~l(a 1 n1t o n<' ol the 1rut k 7 J)flrct"nt p r year waal' tn HrtlWl'r'l UH.If' Q/f car Tht F"W ls d 'ha\'tt calh.'d 1\tc-,day for th mandlJ\I 40 pciirt"1mt lnC'rt"a!M\ national boHOll •1C1tn 1l Chi ln onr ftllr 11u1ta brunet ban na" In In •P In t: CC'ntro Munltlpal Court lhtn•ol moH to pr • urt-t"hl a ht"an.na wa t-h.t'duled Lu dt..' qullfil .., 1um. nt r<lmp•n~. lJnttf!d ride ~Mt.hf!r llm1t on UFW Hrand!> t'o into mttttnic un100 ptckcUna wall bf upanded or .,,. .1at• •l••mun•I" bannf'd enltrcly 1n lhf' lmlX!nol U n 1 1 l' d Ii r 11 n d ~ u w n ' \ B llC')' Sunll,,irv,• t Im , ont-uC 11 Tht proceedlng1 have betn 'ilfu1·k 1&•1tu1·1· 1uut prt'11U<'t' muddard by a dl11pute over gro.,,. t•r!. wMch judae ~ould pre~1de over M1o1.a.nllmt.•, m•1ol1;,lmn,; w1th • the matter J:rOv..••I" h.1q: ln1n ('11mm1llt1• t'havf'i, who d1aclo~t·d lhlll bl' Investor ated? "W<"ve Ju1 t uked for a boycott of S un.Ha rveat," C h avez told 1& rally of about 1,000 strik· 1ng farm workers Tuesday. m•kan1 his nrat appearan ce ln the strike ridde n lmpe r lal Valley tn four days. "It's the ea11e l boyc.-ott to do ban&nu first " Slncc lhe strik beaan Jan. 19. arowe hav~ watched SS million In ettuce rot In their fields. The Im p~rlal Valley account s for about 40 percent or the nation's winter lettuce upply Loan Fraud Scheme Probed SAN 0 11-:<;o 1AP • f'raud never be repaid. PU8UC NOTICE P U BLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USINllH "AME STATeMIHT Tiie IOllowiftCI petton Is dolnq 11<1•1 .-.nes VANIER GRAPHICS UOO F1trv1tw Ad., CGJt• ~.CA t?•fl Robert w Henley 1'01 w Mn 1'rtllu<. Se"UI 1'n1, CA "1101 Tni5 bu~lneu I• cOlldu<!ed bv "" 1 ... dlvidull R-rt w HenlPv PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ------------c,...,.. SUHlllOtl COUllT O~ Tltl STATlfO~CALlll'OllNIA 11'011 THE C:OU"TY O~ OllANGE HO."""'" CALIFORNIA I LOCAL I OBITUARIES PtJBLIC NOTICE f'IC'l'l'10US eUStllllS ....... ITAT8Ml"T Tiie fOl-lnq Der-i •r• OCll"O Hll"fftes OA HN IN,UllA .. CE t•IJ AleM-,., ... , Hllftt.U...Of\ 8ta<ll CalllOrnlt...,. JOlln A"'-"-· 14U AHOW Laft•, HY11llf11910f\ .. ~. C.llforllt• .,.... LlntMI ,_,_,, "-'· IOJ ""-Lan•, HU11tlf1910f\ leach, c..111or11I• .,.... Tii i\ bv\I,,." I\ t Oftdlol<led by • 9eM••IOlf'l11t<Wt ~Anlllolr.J-. L .... ~rMCl~J- Tl>ls 1141-••• lllecl wltll Ille Covnly Gl•rlt of Oranoe Counly 0" ~ • .,, .... , ••. 1..,. ••OllH L. llOOlllli Auwc....._ 11111 ._. ..... ,., H•llt.._.... 9MUll, CA '*1 1'11tlt1 Publlll'Wd Or-COe•t Oally Piiot, ,...., ti.·--·'· .•. "" "42·1' PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ,.ICTITIOUS 8USINESS NAME STATlfMINT T"e IOllOWlno PtrtSon I• clotnq l>v•• nen ., PUBUC NOTICE "ICTtTIOUS •utlllUS N4UM ITATCMl llT Tiie tottowint ,..._. ••• OO•no """ ... ,. .. 11.u« P'O~ "act" me t . Yale St•fft,s.M•Mot Cetttorni.'17o. IAf INDUST"t~S • C•lll0tn<<1 CO'-•tlOft, 1"0 ~ 'l'•lt Str .. I, S.nt• ""•· C•lllOtlll• t210f Thi• DVMMtt t. condut-bV • ccw PO••lloft l"t tHOVSTl'IH ~,1..., O'c->of ~~...,..,, ... "',., Thi\ lUlltlMflt WH llltd Wllll llw> (Ovllt¥ C .. r, OI 0••-CcMil'IV °" l'Pbr11•ry t , t•lf "'""'• P110ll\htod Or•"O" Wlil 0.tlh Pllol ireb u .tt.te•MMlf 1.1m \0,. PUBUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS eUSINIU NAMI STATI MENT T1't lollowlnQ 1MrW1n> ••• do1no lluMne•• al HERITAGI! POOt.5 & SPAS, 411 C>alt. Grove Cir< ... A~m. CA"* Rooe• Howerd Und••lltll. Hll c-•-lld. I.• Heor•. CA'°"' llonalcl L LA<Mr, 411 O•k Gro•- Or<le, AIWINlm. CA.,_ Tiii• blltll\Ht h ~Clu< lea bv • geMrat ""9,,,."'hkl It-H UnCleff>lll '"'' tUll-1 .... , Ill.cl ... ,11 ..... C:.IHllY Ci.tk Of Or•n~ County °" Fttlfuarv •· 1m ,,_le Pvtlll.-Oernoo GoHt 0.11, Piiot Feb 7, l•.21.21, "°" ..-01• P U BLIC NOTICE ~ICTITIOOS 8USINISS NAME STATEMENT Tllf' IOllOwlnQ perM)n\ ar" Ooino t>v",,..nas FUl.1.CRTOH C..tlBE~l INVl!STMENT COMPANY. SOi NOl'll> Tut.lln A-SU•lt ISO. S..-l• An. CA '770S Ouv lnw•1me111 Co"'"""' ~\ Norfh lu\tln Awinue Suit« ISO, S•ot~ Ana. CA 9170S pro. t't'Utor-. -.ay Kurl Urown stl'in borrowt•d S3 !I m1lhon from 300 people m :1 ~mgle year but they admit they d o n 't know 1f any m vestor8 lt>St monc.>} ments a lways eom " on time, s he said T h e s talti Dl·purtment o r Corporations stined a ceas<• and desist order on Brownstein. claim ing be failed lo 11lgister with the s late to sell securities Friday, he was a r rested for in· vestigation of selling unqualified securities and selling securities by m eans o r u ntrue com munica taons. Brownstein has been freed un- der bond. Thll Sll!\tmenl WM 111.0 wllll tll-County Clerk 01 Or•n~ Cov,,lv on Fpb •.It~. NOTI Clf OF HE AlllNG O~ MA A(US COMPANV CARPEN TAY. 23311 Mlnutemo11n W•v. CoU• Robert H Gr.tnl, HO C•mPu' Orl•ot. SU!tf' F. N-oort 8Pec11. CA '1..0 the 44 y t•ur old clc.·ctronacs businessman wa!. ordered Mon day to stop acceptmg loans. PUBLIC NOTICE ""7S' Pubtlllled Or•ncie Coul Oellv Piiot, Feb 14, tt, 29. March 7, 191• FICTITIOUS8USINHS HAME5TATlfMEHT f'ETITIOM P"Oll "1108ATE 0, WILL AND f'Dll 1.ETTEllS TESTAMEH· TAllY A"D AUTltOllllATION TO ADMIHISTlfll UNDEll THE ___________ SOS-_7' INDEPEllDli"T ADMIHIST•ATIOM OF ESTATES ACT. T 11e 1o11owtnol>ffsonlsdolnobu,1,..n PUBLIC NOTICE osv ASSOCIATES. 1110l Skv Pan. "CTITIOOS euSINISS Sovtll, lrvlN,Ct.11711• HAMI! STATEMENT Rk llerd L v-. 2o. fl Lev•ntt, 11<1!:'.!,~°!~lno P9•10n1 •r• doinQ S..nCl•"*"e.C1'mn PACIFIC Wl!ST FINANCI AL •• fttate Of ELAINE 1( AESOS ak• ELAll'lf l(IRNER RESOS •U ELAINE •esos •k• ELAINE c . llESOS na ELAINE CATHERINE RESOS Mii ELLEN t< RESOS •u El.I.EH t<IRNER RESOS <tk• Ell.EN C RESOS otlla El.LEN CATHERINE RESOS •k• E 1( RESOS •nd lK E C Mew . Catllomi• 9161& • M•r11 °"'"~' RoblnM>n, nlll Mlnulem•n W•Y. Co•ta Me\a. C.lflornl•m,._ This b<lsl~• It tonelu< led bv en in. dlvlclull Mllrti llObinlO<I Thil ttawment WH lllea wllll l"" Countv Cll!rlt of Or•nqe Ccwntv on Fewuary •• ,.,. Fllllll Publl"*I Or•nqe Coll•t D•llv Pilot. ~Ml 2•. 29...0 ,,_., 1 14, .. ,. S.51-71 ~itNrd L OwPn, •1'1 Campu• OrtvP, Sull1> F, NewPOfl Beacn. (.A '1MO Thi' buitne\s, " co,.ductecs bv ,. 99fl4l••l IN'1M"'l>ip GeMQll Arovro<> Tiii• \l<ltf!rNnl was "'"" '""" "'" Counly (14'r~ ol Or•n~ Countv nn J""'u••v JO, 1m THOMASWELU A~ ... 'lallAw Superior Court Judge Edward T Butler was told Brownstein borrowed so fast $730,000 m the first three wt-eks o( this month alon<' sn he could pay 50 pereent 1ntert>i.t In the courtroom were 50 Pe<>· pie deslTlbed by the district at torney's off1<'l' <•~ v1ct1ms of fraud. all lh<'re lo support Brownstein The o rder signed by Butler froze B r own stein 's asset s in seven banks. Charles llayes. who heads the fraud division in the district attorney 's o ffice. said Brownstein left himself with obligations lo pay back $1. 7 million annuaJly. Tiii\ Mlntts" conctuct.0 bV afl in SE Av ICES, ml Wlf'Mt Avenue, Hun· dlvldu•• 11noton ~eel\. c..111or11 .. .,, ... Tiii\ s~:i=n~ ~~ tlled wllll the Sopllla Kondor, 101 E IC•lt ll• County Clerk ol <><•not Countv on Avenue, 0r.,.. C..llfornla 9M7 M•Mrt 0 Mlllt•. 11815 La Row ,.11 .. 16 l•nt, Fountain V•lley, Catlfo•"la Publl•llKI Ot ... Cont Dally Piiot ~709 r.,0 29 ,,.., 1, u 71 ••" Tiiis llu.sl11eu •• tonducted by • l;llr1' ~Mt•I ~~ __ P_U_B_LI_C_N_O_T_l_C_E__ Tiiis st•lt,,,_t wu Jiltd w1t11 file County Clerk ot 0'411'>Qt COUnlY on l'ebr.,.ry 16, lt7'. llESOS, 0.CHWCI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Iha! EUGENE P RESOS lllK lllecl ller•in • !M!tlllon tor ..._,,. of Will -tor lette~ Test_.,., -•uthonta· lion to lldmlnl•t..-Ille ttt.tlP u-- ,,.. ... _,,, Admlnlslr•llonOf Est•IH Act. refer9<1U to -ic,11 o\ milde fOf lunne• !IM1KUl•n. -11>•• tiw 11me •n<I DlllC:• Of tw••lno the same ,.., llfff1 •et 1or Merell u. 197• •t 10 ·oo a m •. In the cour1r-of Oe1N'1met1t No J Of S4lld <OUrt • .i 700 CJvk Center O.lve WHI. II' Ille City of Sant.t An•, PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8 USINl!SS NAME STATEMENT Slllte •M "-1 FIMncl•I Pl~> a ,_ N•.._. c-r Ori•• ......,. llNdl, C.A ., ... Publl\lled Oranoe C:O.tl 0doly Polo• "'•b 1 14,,, 11 .,,.. .,. /q P U BLIC NOTIC E '·My e:<penen('(• has been won· derful. .. said a 69-year -old widow who inves ted $6~.000 Her 50 percent interest p~y- Although Brown s tein 's rec • ord s s h owed $450.000 proms from h is electron ics business.· H ayes c laimed the loans could li'ICTITIOOS8USINESS "ltlU NAMESTAT•MENT Publlslltd Or41n91 C.oall Dally Pltoe. C..tllorf\t• Theloltowll'Qoersontsdoi1\90USIMU F.O. ,,, ·-MM 1, 14, 1911 M)-7' a• O•led Feer.....v 16, 191' llEE A BRANCH, County Clfor11 -------------t ICENTO" I!.. ltllOGSTAD RAYS AUTO RESTORATION, 71'5"°' S. Gt-end Ave , Santa An•. CA .,,OS PUBLIC NOTICE 1.U81N 11ERBEln FRAN(I!> LUBIN ••~• oent of Anal'W'1m, Ce Pe\V'O ew•Y on Fet>•ua•v v, ,.,. Ht '' •urvlveo bv 111> wlljt Rochfll• oeucir1t~• L-orl t nd motll., IUte •II of AnAhe1m, Ca Grev.-,•cte \entl(f"\ wnl bf-hf!ld Oft W~dnndav at 7 oo PM •I HMbO• l•wn·Moun• Otlv~ M~mn<l&I PM- tieraor l~Mcktnt Ott"" Mor•uArv ot CO\te M~ JAG.5S" OTT HOLL y DIANE OTl ·~··o~nl ot $.In Cl-t•, C. P1t>Sl'd ewotv on Mo1'day, ,,_ ... ,. 7& ··~ •• HOM! Ho\ptlAI St'Ht t\ \U'"'""d bY "•' "u\~nd NW "'8ter OU. he• l•ln•n Mr Don Huston ....a 1 ,.,,,..,, ~mew-••• '~' vlt tt\ ar-• •o tM" .,.,a 0" Frid•• MlHCh 7, lt7• el 7 00 PM 411 lhf' P••o-• Unit.cl "°""'"°""' Cnvrcn C"P'""'no ~ec" Ca Ro F<1m11y La9un• Be•<" Mortu•rv dlrttrtors •h '"5 Beotia Notlrf!• Fund Pacific View Monua.y Nt woon 8ffc:l1, Ca director> 811YANT HOLLIE L..\Rl<f'Y BRYANT, rHI· dent 01 w .... 1mon.1er, C• Paswd '""'0 on February 24, 197' at tne -of 72 B"IOv•CI wile Of P•ul Bryant of We\lminster, C• .. 1ov1nia oaugntu ot JO!ln •ncl Rec,,., Hev ol Buena Park, C ~ • mottwr of A,,...n. Joy Bryant of W@\lmlnste•. Ca · ,;,,., nt Jollnny Hay 01 GarGH> Grow Ca Rilndl En nl\ ot La Mlr.O.., C•. and Rruc• H•v OI Bwn• Parll, C• Gra"9•iM ~·,,k•\ w•rt n•ld at Ille Good Shephe•d Ceme1erv. Huntonqton ~" C• •1 11 oo w~v lntermHi• lolto...o Smitll & Tvlllltt Mortu••Y. 07 E 11th St . Costa~. c... -..-. HEllHANDEl ENEDINA v. HERNANDEZ, •91' 11, • u..,... reMdem of Hunllnoton B•Kll, c... P.--•Y on Mond•v. Februarv "· 191• In u.. Huntlnqton In· LAWSON leHommul'llY Hosplt•I Beloved f-AY l FOTA 1,.AWSON •II" It •Ht mol~r of P!>llllp H ....... , OI Cllut• Of'nl ol S...t• ...... Ca P•~ •w•y on Vl\tl, C• •nd Allqo E~il'OH a1'd f ""btu•ry 1\ ''" Surv11tf'd bv one ''' l ucv M~r"6ndf>1 ~ ot Hunt1n9to" ,,.., F•'" t Hof)b') Of L.ovn• NIQV"'I Bea<" (,1J Al\O survtvlng •r• lO Ca 2 .. unuMr\ Suf' H•fl4'\0I l<AM•\ O• •"d< htld•en •nd .. o•••I · •nd Mf\ ""'"rl Rrown of 1 "mol~ Cltv qr•no<nllo•~ •"" 1 brol,,.r Glld•rdo (.., Of'.• (°'-1\ln lutillfJ OonOlinQt"r V•t•r Of Guadat•J•f• M~••CO r u'lt'••I w.r.•r•• wlll .,.. 114'!0 on W!'d F rl•ncl\ INIY ull •• P••rce Broth"'' n~"'O Mltr<., I 1•1• "' Q•AVH•d" '" ~molll\' Mortuary all clay toa•r w.o I llf' Lon• ~I•• C """•'•' v P••llY ""'°'"' Holy Rosary will .,.. recited P•.,1rl• 1(~ LOO• -"•ncwm•nl\ tontQhl "' 1 30 PM at the Mortuary "'"d• by WonboQlf'r ""mllr Monu11rv. Mau ol CMl•11•n 9urlal wlll b• S.nt• AM. C<ll ceteb•alfld on Tllu~aY. March I, 1•1• MATTHEWS at St SI,,_ & Judt! Cethollc Churcri. t E ••floV>TT' MATTHfW~ , .. ., Maonoll• and lndoanapoll$, Hunt d~nl ot N•wwrt BMC" Ca l'a~\t'<I 1ng111n 8eKll, ca. at 10:00 AM. lntu· •way on Frt>rull•Y '~· 1•7' In V•ntu•d, menl wlll be •t the Good Slleperd Cit Survovf'CI by 1 Oau!llllf'" """ C•m.tf'ry, Hunllnoton Beech, Ce ~t't,.he Zlmtnftr,.,an ot !wtf'lt• f\ .,,.~,11 Plttrc~ Brothe'' 4lrn0tt\• Mor-tu8ry (~ Patr1<1a Gl'orqt' ol MMone <k>I dlrf'CIOf\ Slf..& J9 Rf'y (A ~nd Ml<llellf' Mallhe••" of KEANE Upl .. nd Ce on11 \l\I•• o .... olhv MELVIN J KEANE , bo•n l•Brtt Of ~onqll4!1d. """"''"U~•h O.cembl'r •.HOO In OK-. low• ,. "1'0 • or....atnlldr~n Ro.,,.rv "''" hf' QrAOulte o1 Loras Coll-. Dubuq .... ,,...,,.,d .ti 7 00 PM on T""'"d"V Al Our •ow• •ncl loyol• '-••School, Ct•u o1 laOr ot Lourdfo' (AlMlic Cnurrn tt'1 Admlttfld to ttw Olttornla Bar on Monto ..... C• M.o" OI '"'"""" ''" """ ..... O'KllClnQ UIOrney for Buri•l wlll be C•'4tbffllf'O At • JO AM on so ve•r>. • member of Loyola L•• r roO•• alW> al Ou• LA<lv 01 Lou•~• Fr•te•noty Piii Al~ 0.11• Beloved {•'1hollc Chu•cn tn1e'""'"' "''" be at llusbe1'd"' Mrs ~rv Jt•-. 10v1no '"" R•ll•vu" C~m•'''• O"tP•• ••lFI•• ot Mn J 1.eSleU• •nd Jemn Mo•tuarv 1n C"41•Qf 01.,r .. nQfm•nl\ M K ...... gr-•tller Of Michael a1'd HOWE s •• .,,,.,, LP~u.r .,,., Ja~ """ l<tll•r f ll11'8E TH ANN HOW[ r•\ldf'nt Keane V"lt•llon thl• eYe<1lng r•om OI Irvin• Ce p~,..__.O ••Av 01\ 1 00 PM 10 I)() PM at O"Connor ~ f'O•UI"• 1& 1'1' on '>•nl• An• lequna H,tt\ Morlua•y, 7»01 Alkl• !>u•vov..., bv ~· ,,.,,,.,.,'° Robl'•t IC Pukw•v Man of Chrl\llen Bu•lal How~ '°"" K""""tn. "'•••n. IC;Of~ """ Tllu•$<1•y, 10 00 AM al SI No<holH ~ •·~· a.vot11 .. n lt•l\11,,.. """ it•"•• C•thollc Cllurcll, Leo,,.... Hiiis, C• In "''o ~ Qrftnc1t f\•ldt"'t\ Mf'maf"l49 1 tH'men1 A\(_~'IOrt ~~tet-y Farnflv '"''"'<~' wttt ~ ,,,..10 ~n TP\ur"Ct~y or•J~rs. OONIUons to t~ Am&r•<•" M•r<ll I i.1• "' 1 00 fJM •I PM•I•< C•ncf'f !>ocl,.ty O'Connor LaQul"• Vo•w (""°"' In hpu ol llow•" thf Htll\ M0'1Ultrydlr.ct0f\ t111mlly C)rill"ff'r\ de>f\8tfOn\ bf mAOf' to 11'f' ~· J""'° Memo<••• HO'\l>•tal or 111• c,.,ro•n Grov• Communov Bulldlnq McCOIMICIC MORTU41t1E5 Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hill:. 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 IAL.'1-IEttGHOH FUHR.AL HOME 646-2424 Costa Mesa 673-9450 llU.aa04DW4Y MOllTU4lY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 ~aTUTHtLL MOllTUAIY WISTCUff c:H4N4. Crematory • Flower Soop 427 E 17th St Cosla Mesa 6116--4888 DeatlUJ 1 Elsewhere C I NCINNATI <AP> J . Pagf' Hayden, 89, co- r o under and f o rm e r board e h ai rman o r Midland Co .. died Sun - day of ('an cer ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. I AP) -Lt. Col. .laanlta Hipps. 66, a former Army nurse who served on Bataan and Corregidor in the e arly months o r W o rld War II, died Sunday. S h e was author or the book "I Served on Bataan" which late r serve d as the b ackground for the war m ovie ''So Proudly We Hail." Job Talks R•ymond Pitut S<nl•ker, 190 E Vl•o1nlePI ,Co$1•Mtsa,CA91621 Thi> bUSIMU ,, ~oncluct.o by <)ft •n· dlvldual • Raymond Paul SClllek•r 11-ata nu T....., ....._, Esc·rowNe. U ,501 SetlUI Gate, catltwMa NOTICETOCllllOITOllS Tet: ltUI MM:ltl 0'8ULKTAANSFllA "".,...ytw·toetttieoow CS«l.'101 .. 1'7U.C.C.I Put>ll~ OrM>Oe Coast Dally Pilo1, Scheduled Tl'lls Sl•t•ment WU filed, wll1' .... N°'lct IS hereby 9lven to tr.OllOr\ of February 11, n. 28, ,.,. ..0-1'1 By Women Four b u sin esswomen will h ighl ight Sad dleback College's career de"elopment week M arch 5-8. The w eek will feature a n oon h our speaker each day in the upper campus quad center . Speakers will be· Aa.a Grossman, an assistant systems pro- gram mer ror Burroughs Corpora tion. o n M onday Public accountant .nu Magallanes, discuss - in g returning to sch ool o n Tuesday Attorney Nancy Bunn, di sc u ssi n g c areer s in the legal pro· fession o n M arch 7. Accountant and business executive Belly Olstad di scu ssi ng w o m e n as executives on Marc h 8. A panel discussion will t a k e place T hursday a t 7 p .m . in the quad area featuring women from Jaw e nrorcement. engin eering. graphic a rts and counstructio n and a female glassblower Y Slates 3 Classes In.March County Cltrk ol Or•noe County on Februarvn. '"' 111<! within na~ parties .(Fl•t a b<llk - --- lrtn$fer Is Intended to be m11oe on PUBLIC NOTICE P•rsonal property he•eln•ll• 1'110219 Published Oranoe CCM11t Oaily Piiot a.scribed. -------- Feb 21, Ma•cll7, ''·'' 1•1• The name elld~IMHl!dclreuot ,... FICTITIOUS 8USINESS 6'.li-79 Intended tran•feror Is IVIN HAMll STATEMENT ---------PIEl<SMA,lOollEIC..mlnoRo.d,Cost• Tne lollow1ng e>e•..,ns "'" doono PUBLIC NOTICE Me.a, CA end 4$43 w Pacific ca.st bu\ln4"'"' Hlohway,NeW'l)OrtBNCll,CA. EN v I AO N M EN l Al IM -----Tiie """"" -llu>lneu llddrMs Of PAOVEMENT SYSTEMS. 3'33 Well 671>4 Ille lnt...O.CS lr8f\SftrNS ••• JUNG Co••t HoQ1'WAy Suit• 500. Newoort NOTICE OF RAIC SOHN a1'd SUE AHN SOHN, 10211 BHCll. Ctlllorno• 117663 TllUSTEE'SSAl.E ~ve.,WM(mlnster,CA'76'3 Am,.lqam••~d L•oMn•no Rod. T.S. No. ~2111 ITABER Th•t 1,,. p._.,y Ptrtlllef\t llereto 1, Ma"n• Oulllou"" Storm Door •nd On Mucn 23, 19"· •t • 00 •.m .. cleKrlbedlnqeneralH·M•lt•l•l•.•ue>-T .. kk,.mv lllCl~lr~ lncoroor•lt!d, a JOMAA INVESTMENT co ... pllH, "'4WChencl1w, equl-t Corl Calllo•nl• corporation. 33U W••I C•tllornl• COfllOratlon, es duty Ill>-and Is loc•t•d •t VILLAGE Coast HlohWa't, Suflf' 500. M-Poft painted T<VttM --ovou•nt to CLEANERS 1041 El C....lno Ro.tel Buell. C..ffon>I• '7663 . °""of Tnnt •KMded Jujy 19, 1'71, Costa M.;. CA •nd VILLAGE nh bu\l~s IS c-uc-by" <Of· bOOk 17762, page 1278, or Ollicl•I CLEANERS. ,j.5e1 WMI Pec11tc Coll'1 cior•tlon Recorcis In ttw offlu of IM County Hloll••.,.Y.NewoortS-.ll.CA Amalo•matea uohtnonQ Roa llecorcler ol Or~ Coof\ty, State of Tll•t wldbu!ktr.nsltr"lntendedto Me•ln• Oulllo u•e Sto•"' Cetllornl•. Will SELi. AT PUBLIC be consvmm•t•d al lll<t ofltce 01 Door •nd To .. •Oermy '" AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER GramercyE1<rowC0<oor•tlon.l407 W dU\tr~ Inc: FOR CASH toavabte at llme of ••le in ~II St Sullel11 LosA~les CA~ David A fo•ll '•""ul money Of Ille United Stilts> •I on or itter ~rth" 197' T~ IHI dal~ ~ ... tary ttw Sout" <l•ontl entr•n<• to'"" Old torflllngclalm\lnlhiU1<rowisM•rch Tllo• statement wa• hied w1111 thf County Counnouw. In tf!f! City of S.n" 16 197t County Cll>rtt of 0"'1"'1(' Countl' on I• An•. C..lifomla. all r.qtit, 1111• •1"' So ,.·, .li 1\ known to Hid •l'lenoeo Fto•u••v • '"" •nle•est conve'(t'd to •nd now lleld l>Y It Tr•nsf9<et>S Hid Intended TrenslerM under l•id OMd of Tru51 in ,,,. proper· used Ille tottowll'Q edditlonat t>usoneu ty sllu•ted on Hid County •n<I Sl•le narro•l •l>d _e.,,es wltllln ,,,. lltret CleK rilMlcl as· yeer,lulpasl· nont LOl 51ol T•ac• riio 6952, In the City O•tedFebrutryn , .. , .. of l•v•n•. County ol Oren~. St•t• o1 JunoA•kSoM (AlllO•nla, '" per map recorded In SueAllnSolln Book 2'3, pages 39 to •1 of Mis· tnlM<ledTr11nsteree\ cella~ous M•~. In ,,,. oflic• of the Grame•OEKl'llW~•tiofl County llecofoerot '"'d County. >te7WeUMllSl.,Slllt•711 Tiie \t<Mt "°"'"" and other com· letA....._ CA*20 "'0" d~si-tion, of •ny, of the reel Publlslleci OrllnoP COllst Oa1ty Piiot F1"7SJ Publl•'-OrenQt' COll\t Oallv Polot. Feb u 2 l 2t and Mar I . 1•1• 567·1• PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USINIESS NAMI! STAT&MENT "'" ro11ow1nQ oeroon os clolno bu5•· n~Utt\ l·C PROPERTIES, Suite 11b, 31>3 S M.tln Sir-et. O•M~ Calllo•nla property ~crlb.o "bOve I• Dtlro<>r1ed Ftb 21 1•1'1 lo be ,,,., Totllers Ave . ,,...In•, CA ' ' '7714 Th~ under>iOned Trusttt doKlalms •"Y 11.tDllltv '°' any ln<0rr1tetnen Of PUBLIC NOTICE I•} " fl~ •eren EUQ!'ne Weaver 87& Cliff Orin l-BN<ll, C•hlor"i" <n651 Thi\ ~lrw\\ I\ Conduc1ed bv o11n i.'· divldual IM •lreet adclreu and ot""r common -------11*\IQnellon 11 env, snown herein Cf'.,.IO ~aid wte .. 111 be m-b<ll wothOut SU"lllllOACOOllTO~THE covenant or warranty, uore•• or 1m STATEOl'CALIFOllNIAFOll pl,.d, •eoard1nq 1111•, PO!>WUlon. o• THllCOUNTYOFOllANOE encumb•..C•<. to pay ow rem.tining N•.-tn P•lnc•o•• wm ol Ille not•(s} wcured N OTICE o~ HEAlllNG OF by WICI Deed of Trust. Will! lnterol ,lfTITIOH l'Oll "1108ATI! o~ WILi. 1,,.,..,,,, ·~ ""'"-In wk! notelsl. AND FOii LEnEllS TESTAMEN· ec!Y•nctt, ii anv. Ufleler ltw ter~ of TAllY AHOAUTHOlllU.TIONTOAO. W ld a-OI Tru>t. fee\ CMr91ts end M I " 1 s T E II u N 0 II • T ... e1oenws OI ,,,.. TrvstH .,.., or Ille lNOll"l!NOl!NT ADNllNISTllATION Evt'f'ett E WHJve• Tn1• ~•Mement we. filed w1t1' ,,,. County Cl••~ of O••n<M' County on Februarv ~ ••19 ,,..,.. Pubtl\IW!<I Oranoe C.oa•t 0•11• Pitoe, Feb<Uaf'r I U 11. :111. t•7• '71-7' P U BLIC NOTICE ''"'" cree!Od by said l>ffdof Trust 01' ESTATESACT MUNICl"A'-COURT Tll• llf!fttfklary ..,_,said 0..0 Of e.iete OI l(ATHlEEH M BURCH, COUHT'l'Of' Trull IM'r~tofo•• uecut•d and O•· l>e<HHd OllANOE·HAll8011 llVM~ to '"' under>IQMCI • Written NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lh•I JUDIC'IAI. DISTlllCT Oeclaratlon ot Oel1tul1 •nd Demand MICHAEi. BURCH ~ lilt!d Nre11" a ..-1 J .......... ror S•tr •nd • written Nolle• ot oetttion lof '"'-'•of Will a1'd lo• Le• N--' llff<ll, C•tlt9ntW 0.l•ult -EIKtlon to 5ell Th" un• ..... T•~tament.,v-41U111orUetoon.lo p l At N T t F-F B A N 1( 0 F def\IQt>f'O cau~ed ••Id Notice of •dmlnl.lll!f' IM •'1•l• unde• 1114! In• NEWPORT.aCelltornl•CMPOfllllon Oefeull -EIKllOf\ lo Sell to be rt· clepefldent "°"'lnl'1r•tlon of EsllttH DEFENDANT GENE MILLER. In· torcled In '"" county WM•• Ille reel 1'CI, rete.....ce IO which " m-'°' dlvtd11etly and -MIDI.ANO CON· P•Ol>"'1Y Is loc•ted. further partlcuters, -lholli ,,... um .. TllACTINO, ana DOES I lllrouqll S, In· 011ted F•t>ruerv 11 ... ,, and pteceof lle1tlno Ille same Ms been ctu•l•e JOMAR INVESTMENT co >et lor M•~h 70, 1'1', .no·oo. m ' In SUMMONS «311 Wllllllre Blvo Ille courtroom Of Dl!oenment No 3 ot CAS• "UM•••: MN 1.M AllQelH, Ce ""')d coovrt, et 100 CMc Centtr Orl•e NDTICEI y.,. ........... "°"' T~ hi: 'IJ1•SSSll West, In Ille City ot S~nl• An<1. c ... f1 m•y etc ...... IMI y.,. w- Ry ANNIS MAllOY, C.lllornf•. y.,., .................. ,... ... -4 Trustee Sale Officer O•led F..,..ut"ltJ. 197' wl1111111 • -..,.. ...... ,.......,..,..,. Publl•lled Orenqe Coast OtilY Piiot lMA.B•llnCh, ....... Fob ff, Mtr I, 14, 1979 1'/.79 CoufltvClert. AVISOI UltM Ila 1* WlfteMHe. C l asses in C h inese "'-UHKana"LUNICllTT 11Tr1._.,_...~....-c-•u•. 'a] P UBLIC NOTICE mou.o..... t111 eu11i..1. • ---u11. ·-· mart1 arts, yo,Jta a n d ,,o.a .. .., -. 11e11tro * • •t.•. lea 1a 111foml•· handwriting a n a l ysis o..ttecoNell Mint "•"'1""""a..c11.o tt.., u ........ .._.. dd. • Dec_ Ne .. HI" Tel: 11141U..-t TO THE DEFENDANT 14 clvol a r e a 1llons amon g ..._,1JNJ A~yCtlfer:,...ltlllMr comp1•tn1 ,..,.,...,,111ec10,111eo1•1n. COUrSe Offe rings by the ...... 111' PubllSl!eO Ofenot to.It 0Allv Piiot tiff •o•tnst YOU (See fOofnott• I South Coast Y M C A for NOT'CRo•DE••uLT l'eb.7t,Mar<llt,I '"' •·"you"''"' toclefencl 11111 ••w•ull. ROBERT P. GEORGE~ as 1umlltlll• 14,J.lt you must, wltllln lO d•Y• after "''' t h e session b eginni n g Od trust• llNtr 1,,.1 certein Cleed o1 t11mm0f\s " wif\'etl Of\ yov, file wllh M a r c h 5. trvst .. ecutedbvLUTMANM1'SONRY PUBLIC NOTICE tllts court • written Pleedlng I" PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOOS BU$1NIUS NAME STATEMENT f fie IOllOWinQ Pf'rsotl t\ dolftQ Du" Mila\ GIF~OF TOMORROW •Oii 011n °"''. Cos;la ~.CA •?61& GeorQI' 8 R-.ns 831 Y1c10r ... Cost•~ CA "6'7 This busineu '' conovctOd bv "" 1n OiVKIUlll Georqp8 R-1 Tllis s1'1""'-1 •as lll@d wotl' lM Countv C•trlt ol O••nO<P ountv on Je"""rv lO, ,.,.. ,. ... 1. Publi~ Oranot Coast O•olv Piiot. Fet>ru•ry I 14 71, 21 1•7' P tJBLJC NOTICE FICTITIOOS 8USINESS NAME STATEMENT llle tollowfno lltfton •I dOollQ b<ISI• nen•s ALLSTATE REAL TORS. ''°' N Tuttln, Oranqe, C..llror"i.t.,..S A11'1!d "'9clroZA, 3514 !> WOOCIJollnd Piece, 5-nl• Ana, Co11Ulornl• tt101 Thi\ bu1'ne« OS <ondueted by .,, In divldua1 1'1trl!d Pedroro11 T hil -stalemef\t "'"' loled woln !hi> Countv Cl•r1t of 0•"~ Countv on Feb•uafl• t&. ••79 ...... tJ PuDll5r.d Or•~ Co.t\I D•••v Piiot, Feb 11.18-Ma• I U, 1•7• 11Cn7' PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOOS 8U$1NllSS HAMii STATEMENT Th• lof-INI ~"'" ,. clolno 11<1•• MUH !>UMMIT ROAD PRODUCTIONS. l39t7 #Mt• Court. 5outll L•oun• c..11torn1e~n Jol!n J-l.Of\O, J05' SU"'mot Ro.tel, Sovlll ~. C..lllON\la 97&77 This ~lneis •• condlletl!d by "n in dlvlclual J<JM J Lono f'lll! st•i-t Wiii\ llll!d Wl!ll lhe County c•en ol Or•"oe CoUfltv on f'f!bfu•ntt. Im 1'111111 Publl-Or"1119e C.oasl 0.lly P•IOt Feb.11,11-111141• I." 1'1't .... ,. PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOOS I USINEH .. AME STATEMENT Tllf' lollOwfl'Q ,,.,_ I\ OOtftQ but!· ntUH· U NITED TC C MNI C AL RESOURCES INTERNATION-.1.. 2107 8u•lr>esi. C.enter o. .. e Sult• 140, 1,....lne, CA977U Ull Gunn•• F•QPtbo•n I Ul FrenUln SI., Sent• MolliO. CA '0403 Thil b.nlneu I\ <onclUCltd by "" In dlvlduel UllG F--n flll\ \l(lt-• ..... , 111•0 '""" ·~ County Cl«" 01 OrAngp County on "''b 7 ,.,.. ""'" Publl\l>M OrMIOI Coest 0•11• Pllol F@b I, U 11, tt. t•1' 4U I• FI061U Pul>'"'-Oo'Ano<> COii'' Oaolv P11o1 Ftb u 71. 78 """Mar 1. 191• S6:) I'> P U BLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS 8USINESS NAME STATEMENT T"" IOI-no oerwn "doinQ bull· ""'~·· A M S CASUAL LIVI NG CE .. TER, U Monarc:ll B•Y Plua Soutll 1.-. C.totornt. mn Alice Mevo. 1116 Starr Road. Pe1m ~INJ'. C..lllOmlll ,,_., Tht\ ., .. , ... HS IS conduc1ed b'/ •n ,,,. Olvldu•I Alie,. Ma.,., Tiii\ \tel-I WH hied woth l ... Covntv Cl••k ol Oritnqe Countv on Ftbfuur t6 "" FllOIOO PubllR\M OrAnql" Coast Otoly Polol F•b 71, 29-Mar I t• ... ,. ,..>I• PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO CAllOI TORS SU"EIUOll COUllT OF THE STATE Of' CAl.litlOAHIA FOii THI! COON TY Oli'OllANGE No.A.- E>l&lf' of IOA E MA>fER Otrn\f'd NOTICE: IS HEREBY GIVEN 10th• t •~dlt0<• ol tn• Al>O•f' n"m"" OP<N>•nl '"at bll Qf'f".()nS hdVtnQ CIA1m ... •9-''"'~' t,,._ '•Id dfiic""°"'"' •rt) rpquirll'd to t11 .. t~m With t.,,_.rtPC .. 'SSM°¥ VOV(l\lf"f't tfl •~• office of '"" c~n; ol th<' dDow •n 1111.0 coun "' to preynr 11>1m . .,,,., '"'• nttc:•1wry ¥OUCh4'r' lo th,.. un clerslonecl •t 17'0 M•rDor B•vo C~M Mu,., CA, wlll<ll I\ Ille PloK<' of bu" ,...,~ of tht unoe<\ioMd In au matf"'' P@'1•1n1ng lo tlle e<tate ot "'"' de<• dfont, Wttf\in tour month~ Clt1~ fl\f> f1Hf l)Utlll<•tlon Of lh1• notl<• O•teo F-..ary S, 1'7' HARRY l KENDALL E•Mvlor of Ille Wiii oft1'f>atJii!'>¥pnam~ 09<-t ft08EllT A. EASTMAN JIW H•~ 81"", Svtle JU CetUMtu,CA Tel'*--Attenoey tor Ew«lltOf Publlsl\ed Or-COMt O"''' Poto• Feb 1 14 71 71 1•1' •71-10 PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOOS 8U51NESS NAME STATEMENT T hf' toflowlnQ o-rsons ar@ do•nQ bUSln~u.n SAN JOSE INVESTMENT ASSOC Ill, SAN JOSE INVESTM~T ASSOl 11, lAS VEGAS INvESTMENl' AS SOC , 0 W. INVESTMENTtSSOC I 0 W INVESTMENr ASSO 11, 0 W INVESTMENT ASSOC. 111, 0 w INVESTMENT AS.SOC 111 0 W INVESTMENT ASSOC. 11 . 2081 Bu" nflf\ C11nler Orlve, • 10~ lrvon• Co11lllornla 9111S co• io0::,7o?.'J::r',ru;,~,;:·g:~~~~ Dr••~." •os,1 .. 1,,.,catitornoa•711\ Tllll l>V•l,..n I• <onducl•O b• • llmlfl'(I "'"'""r""" Loran COfl'O',.lion 1 N FISN< Pre«IOent "K aJ'ukenbo," 8 basic COMPANY, INC . co•oo•atlon, n _ rHponu to tll4' comPl•lnt. 111 • lr\ntor.toANAHEIMBUtLOERSSUP· FICTtT1ouseUS1NllSS Julllct Coun, """'""'' 111• '"1111 '"" ' PUBLIC NOTICE i Dt rOdUCtiOn j ntO the Pl Y, I NC , • corporetlon, u MAMllTATlfMUIT <ourt • W<lttef\ lllHdlnq or Ctu.M •" __ -- C hinese m a rtiaJ a rts o r benellcl•ry, a.1ec1 -••e<vled Sep. Thtfol-fn9pet'10l'f\Gofnqbusln.n 0t•I PIH cllno 10 lie ef'l••ed In Ille tember 11. 1'11, ef\CI ,_.,.._ Nov ~ dO<kel I ~s.,.,., dO so, your defeutt lfOTIC'I! TO CllllDITO•S Tiii\ stllfement w11• meo ••"t" 111c Covnty Clerk of OranoP Count-, 011 F•t>ru•rv • t•79 Ken po a n d Kung Fu. ·"'"' I, ,.,. .. lnst.-t No ·-· UNIVERSAL 01'.SION, 1'U Slier wlll lie .... ~_. ..,.,.k•llon of.... Of' •UUt T•AHSFE• will be ta ught Saturdays eooi. 11Q,P419e1>Q,offkl•l•tc~l0f notonPI ,NewportBMch CAtt..O Plllntttf, M>ct ltlls courf mer enter • 1s.u.•ttt -•• u c..c.1 tlle C-ty Rec-r, ()renqe <::cHintv. Steven R;t\' HOiiand '"~ Slier· IU09men1 ~Intl you IOr Ille ,.li.t lie· NOTICE IS HE•l!8Y GIVEN lo "'9 from 10 to 11 a .m . Cost Callfornla. llere&y 9'YH notl<• ""'' • lllGIOll PI ,,.._,ll .. ct•.CAt2ttO m-"' ,,,. awnol•l11t. wt11e11 couta creouors o4 E• 11..clllto RtMt1o1ren1 Is S22 for y m embers. br•lt<ll of Ille*'"''°"· for wlll(h Miii Tlllt butlMU I• (-lea by •n In ••wit In ~ml\llmtf\IOl •ltOff. 1•11"'9 •S -vlcter Avll•, Trans .. ,.., ..... irt"7'1 Pullll\..., Orang. COHI 0.lly PolOt f'etl ,. 11 11 and Mar I 10• -..1• PUBLIC NOTICE f ... .., or 1,.m 1, -urlty, !>ti oc<urreo, cll•tclual. Of m-y or -"Y or -r rellet r. llv•lnen ...,.."' h '101 Plectnll• $27 Or ne>n•membcrS . lhenaturtofllltlWM<llbe....,flllureto· S ....... AeyHollend -steel ln llle~ellll Aonue, CoUa Mue, County of C~ Tb Y I 'll be "'"' b II,... ...... ·---!( ... °' ..... · 51 ... o! C..lfor!>I• tllet • 111>1~ "°TICE TOCAaOITOU e Oga C 855 WI I Paytotlleti.nefl<lefVPntlleorln-Thll U.~ Wft lilOCI with lllt .... .._.,lflllNt~.1'911-r•nsftr II about to be mad• 10 SUNlllOllCOOllTOf'Tlll C OndUCted M o n days CllHillf\CllllCt"'"'l""""tdunndO.va· County Clerto. ol Oraf\Ot CO\lfl1Y on .. •..._......, M ... _. w'1ftell SALVAOOll AVILA, Tfan>feru , STATllOf'CAUf'OllNIAFOll rro m 6:30 to 8 p .m . The r.-,.toMkl-IKllf'yOf\0.Cembe<1' Jeflw•rv31.1'1' ""1" ,...._,N....,.-Y'-fftell•t!Me. ~ llMl• .. ss llllelrtH ,, ... s Sffte THEC:OUWTYOFOllAHOll f e e l's $18 ro r Y M C A llY ruson of Ill• fo•990Cno. ,,,. f'u&ll"*I Or~ CO.ti O.llv Piiot DATIO! Mwctin, 1m. 51, .... "111111""'°" Plf'll, COuntyof Lot .... ~ lle,..tlcl8<'Yl\ltsdlre<ledtllesut>ttl1Uled ...... ,,,,.., 7,14,tl, 1,.,. H HAMLIN c.... A_ .... ,. ... °' Clthfornl• Ell•I• ol GREGORY Al.BERT members S2" 'o r no n r u •• By M. EGGERS Tiie ..._,,...,. to tit lren•..,'" 1• JOANN IOI, DKHted . • ., I' • lr.mH to -····· -'"" same " llt.7• ~... louted •• JIOI Pl•C.1111• Avenue, NOTICE 1$ Hl;AEBV OIVEN to .... PtlACI .. OTHHS m e m bers. ~ .. ~i =-=~~':.':=,':,~~ PUBLIC NOTICE u11 •· STHLMAN Co'•• Meu, <lMltY of Or•,.... SI••• o1 cr.cittonot t11e •l>OW na"*' a«ecte .. 1 .,,_,,_ ___ iiiiiiiiiiii-..ooiiiiii0iiiiillll('",..-;:-:;:T~h~ei=-~~~~~~~~f~1~•~>1$~IM~lllW~tll¥:-!!•'!MK~la~10~M~"~O~';';'~N°;'.'oM:!"'~-f'---------Jtt.00 Gallfo,,.I•. J!Yt.aU.~ ------1 -I I l ill I • HAA•IHGT'OM ,,,. '•Id~.,. '""1..0 "''" ana YI 8 C 8SS a 80 W tie !IOld, 111' INJI P'ooe'1V IH-'I SIV Ina! •·72UJ .... MM"'91w elw Me Its as . All t-ll In lt9dlt, flld11"'' ectlllP-thtm wllft IN ~ .. _... vovc..... in 627 Main St Huntington Beech 536-6539 ,., .... "" COLOMA&. PUHHAL HOMI 7801 Bolsa Ave Westmtnater 893-3525 Neptune Society CRE!MAftON BURIAL AT SIEA 646-7431 Call for f'" l'OftfOIO i.clfh. be taught Mondays rro m Oblloatl.on FICTITIOUS 8UllNHS .. _,... .... CA;;...' ment end ... Wlll (If tl\el !Mir MIG ,,,. off kt of .... Ctefll of~ •llO ........ 8 tO ~ p.m , The fee is • ..,. O•IN Fecwwry 1' It,. NAMI STATIME"T Q. Tel• CPl4)1swia rul111r"'1I INslneu llnown •• ti l. tllltf <-i or to .,..._, them, With -v R*rtP Gtorvt' fhe tollowlnci ~''°"' •r~ l1cilno A...,_.,tw...,..... AANCHllO llESTAUR ... NT •S llfld I.IHI M.<1'$Jtry vovc~1• lo t"t Ul' for members and $25 fo r ~~":i'~~l~~~RNIA 1 ss. IN•lnen •11 • Tiie ""' "<0mpt.,111t" 111c1uoe, ~,~!•,:.: ~.:!!,t';~11• •;.~~~·~ 11er11one0 et</o Mtrr" G•r1_, Jo.n-non·mtmbera. COUNTYOFORANGE 1 COMSY, i67 SM Nlc0tn, Newoon crou <Ol'ftlll•ifll. "plelntlff'' IMIUO.• C.llforflfa ' y ...... ntdl, R,_.. G, Slllrw..r, EIO., 110 E. All courses w i ll b e Oii Ftbf\.lef'y" ..,, t1etor•me ,,,. B•.c~.,"°'~'·~11 ,, ,,.. P 1 cro'"'Of'lltl'•'n."t· "••~nt" in· T11e wii ,,.,.,.., ...,111 ee tOf\t..m CM11me11, •too. Or•""'· C•llto•n•• Conducted at South 11ndtnltntet.e No4•rv""4>c1c1111>...dtor 118,,,~;.':'.H,.1•ct "~•~PorJ B•"~~. ','~.!!' <rM!;W .. '-•~t, ti~~ 11n· f!ltlN Oft or eti.r tht Ulll oy of ~;.:~'.:.":~~·::;,~ UIO County -Stilt, -JOn•ll'I' ap. C.lllonll.t ft..o ' C """'' 111e ,..UtC .,.., mac,....,. fl. llA••cll, tm, IOt lfle L-OfflG• Of Ktllll ¥ J Coast YMC A Hl e PN•eel AOlltft P oeo,.. '"°"n1ome <hlOlt• ...,,.n1,,.. eflCI ftWI.,, A wrltttll 1111•111• •••• lllr4:h st .," i111t 10 "-•tt ... °' Ml4 OKefel"I, ~-----------2•01e G .. tty Dorlvec 1'n' to lie .... 11erwi Wllote ·-ll 11/1). N-~~h·~ri~~l;;.,:14;ota~ lllM11lt19, lllltlUOlnt llf\ ........ -, .... ....,, 9"<11. Citufltr of '0t<e11tt: wl111111 tour -"'' efltr ,.,. "''' ... v "' wfl'*I to .,. wttllln 1nt1r-t ano Tiii• ...,.,,..;, 1, condll<led l>Y • .. r. t it .. ml/SI tie In Ille torrn '"lllred ftl °'CM...,.._ tuelk•tlell °' '"'' ,...ltt Laguna Niguel . ~•M•ltcl090 111a1 .,. ••cuted ,,,. ..-e+ ,..,_wo 11'1' 111e CM!fO<nt• lluln ot oevn. Y-So ,., •"-to"" Tre11~ °''" "'*-Y is, 1t1t wme ~J lntlllfl ...... .,., lllNdlf\9 ~ llt lllM Ill 11111 II ~IMU -•nf Hldrtuet, MerTWGeneN"-ldl • f9"11e Crltl11 Tlli. .....,_. -llltll wltll "'°' t_, wit!\ .,_r 111"'9 r ... anf ptwl ty T~ lef 1M t-l"Nf'\ C11t<lltrla ot U.. Wiii Nottl"\'l'l*l<lnef\Clf~ C.-1\0 Oenl Of OrMltt c.-tv tfl INU c..,"""91_,_...,..,.N<h ,,...,_ S-.. ctfllltatow- MlclOluf\ty-Sl•le ~ryt,ttl't :":"::'~.::.::...-:.."' ... -.:.::~ ~s::::'.1~1!"' HHll~-111,alO DMIMtK ........ ll-. D1M11 L. ..... A--. TM t1-..._ a -i. ~ Tt""""9 ttt I , °"""""" •• PAC#llC NW ~ PAii Skllnt clHslfled aC11 'N p .d l Cemetery Mol1u•ry •r• t... ...,, P•tc• .. I ew , ee1 en Chapel buf °' ... , tlll WMr •ncl lln. Kenneth Fleck ll :."t:"""~ ,.. .......... .._,. _...,."' •-"' 1MY...,... II"' MLU .... Ito. ~. ~ .... ....,...e.ttl,CA.... ....... ... ,Ce..... Ill ftllt,,...... ef ~ ~ •-· elf'dla., •• .__,.._ l>vClllslltd °'Mitt CN.M o.11, ,..... F,..,,. ote.-cc,c11101........,,u s• -........_CA..... ......._,._...,.. ,.wu.rv-.Me«llT, u ''· tttt ,.._,... 0r..., COet1 oe111 "I* "111111,.... 0r..,.. c..t1 o.llY .. ,.. P'llMIWll 0r-. c-,1 0.01., "lie., ""•'"*'Or..,.. C4oe1t o.llY Pitel 7»,lt ~-"41f"fl,14,fUt.1'1' 4"· , .. Jt Mef 7, 14,fl, 1•1' ,,._,. •• 11,1'1' .... ,.. 1'941 ti .. Met' I, 14, 1'11 U.-lt 3600 Pllc:4f1c View Or1v1 ;.iul'"'*9' In tM O.lty ltbe new PNtldent of the N9WOOl1 8uCtl 0 lot. 642·5678 South Coaat M e d lc1I ._ ___ 6'4-__ 2_100 ___ _. L----------.. Cente r AuxJUary. I • • •• 1• .. ' ... . .. .,.. .... \ I ' \ CALIFORNIA I NATION / LOCAL DAil y PILOT A 13 · Limited Use of X-rays Urged in Medical Tests· WASHINGTON <AP> -~rned about what It termed the amall but unretolved t.hreat to bealt.b ~ by udlat on lo tow do • a Whit• HOGM taak IOl""c baa called for a re- duction \n Americana· H PGllW'e to man-made radiation, particular)' medical -rays The ta k force. in an 800 pa1 1eric1 of draf\ report&. aaid mo1t ol the 240 million X rays 11Yt0 lo Am•rtcam annually are beMnciaJ. but "many ar W\n aJ')' and can be ellmJn ~" IT u aG D DOCTOa to be r1utlout an ord rl111 X rays •nd t n· couraa~ paUt'nll to t p ~rsonal records ol X rays Ind t ke X rll)a wlt.h them when th y s~ilch ~tors The government 1hould work w1lh the medical proft>SJ on nd use Its Medicare and Medicaid ~1mburse ment clout •S needed, to brina about "a comprt hens1ve rad1 a\.lon redoc:- Uon proeram for th healint arU,' the task force a ld The report on low·le vel radiation exposure was iss ued by the ln- terageney Task Force oo lorunnge Radiation, which was formed by President Carter las t May in retponM to repot'LI of h1&h cancer ratea amonti tho e n ar nuclear bomb test aJ and utom1c faclUUes THO g a POaT conc:erood bomb aalft ID the Rocky Mountalna and nucl r facUltlea in Hanford, Wu.b., a.ad ('orUmouth. N .H The wk torr~ lf'f\ l1r1ely un· rHOlved lhe qo lion ot comPf'tllSll· an1 •ork~n and re11dent.a eJ1po1ed to lo"·l•vel radlat on from eovernment alte1. notll\41 that "radtaUoo IJMiuced eanc~ra lll"t' d nllcal to uncera that occur f ~uently In the publlc at large " ' lt utd the predominant 1clenUnc vt('w Is thal low lc:vrl radlahon caust"S only one utra cancer death amon1 10,000 ~n1on1. of whom 1.600 would die from cancer anyway. Some rt'cent 1tud1(' have I UHetsted low level radiation may cause Ml least 10 eictra cancer deaths per 10,000. HEALTH. EDUCATION an d We lfare Secr etary Joseph A Califano Jr told a new11 conference It may be years before scienusts pro· duce a defirut1 ve answer on the r lSks posed by radiation in low doses. Treed Ex.,Ioslve Aid Man Gairu Hearing After Blast PORTERVILLE CAP) -A man who waa deaf aince a1e 2 raised hi1 arms and 1a1d "thank you, I can bear," after a myaterioua ex· plosion in the sky here apparently restored bia bearing. Barbara Dodson, a volunteer who works with the deal, said Bobby Jimenez, 30, told her be could bear for the first Ume since childhood spinal meningitis took bis hearing. ·~· .. , TlllNK IT~ a miracle and '° does Sgt. Richard Cookesy," she said. Cookesy called Mrs. Dodson after Jimenez was admitted to Sierra View Hospital ln a dis- orie nted state. The emergency room staff thought he had been in· volved in a fight or a vehicle acci- dent. Jimenez, who communicates mainly with sign language, told police be was driving home from his brother's house Monday night when be saw orange streaks in the sky and then beard en explosion which popped his ears. ''IT SOUNDED UKE a gun," be said. ll a m.lule launch could account for the atreaks of Ught and H · ploeion Jimenez saw and beard. J imenes wu taken to the police station where be tried in vain to tell authorities that be could bear. He flAally wrote down bis 1ood news oo a piece of paper and Cookesy called Mrs . Dodson, who aald she has known Jimenez about five )'Un. COOKESY SAID RE clicked a ballpoint pen behind Jimenez' head and be turned around and looked at it. Mrs. Dodson said Jimenez was bothered by beating unit.a kicking on and off. the s ound s of typewriters and telephones ring- ing in another room. "He is picking up very intricate sounds, like high frequency,:• said Mrs. Dodson. SHE SAID JIMENEZ beard bis name spoken and heard music oo t.he radio for the first.Ume in bis life. "He had a headache because of all thole sounds bothering him," she said. Sbe saJd she will try to arrange ..., .... 'S Pt.UMelNG The "Old Man in the Tree," the work of chain saw sculptor Don Colp is the only remnant of a 350-year -old live oak in Sunny- vale. A bad case of oak root fungus forced the present owners to remove the rest of the tree. It appears the "Old Man" is snubbing worker Craig Clark. Checks were being made with Vandenburg Air Force Base to see a hearing test as soon as possible. ... ST. ANDREW'S '9tESIYTBtfAN CHURCH MUTING 600 St Andrews Road • Newpott Beach• 631·2880 ')~·~.~1~)1 ASH WEDNESDAY COMMUNION ~~~:~~.::.,";.!:-:1·~!~~.~ Wednesday, Fetwuary 29, 1179 conaMu .. 642-1753 ·u.~·· ..... Medlt8tlon •nd Communton betwHn MISSION v1uo49s-o401 H E . =====7:=00=p=.m=. ·=nd=8=:30=p=.m=.==::::::::~~ .. =~1'22~C:=""=:.~=· .... =·~-=1'11~·~ ea vy x erc1se • Spiral sllceo for easy serving • Honey 'n Spice Glaze •Cooked 30 hours L{ · • n • Nationwide shipping sell/jce H l lC Olttgrno ~ .. · • Full service Delicatessen '-1\ ey •Old World Cheese Shop ~ . -ed uu~:~~80 S vl Qoo111etuU~'9ou do11·1 l1o~e tor~ Wlto S4fYI f'ricn AN Alwtrp 11 .. 1 HONEY IAKED HAMS 2 oc PRICES DROPPED • • • • • • • • • • ,.. •· The Qualtty la the ume ... Only prlcea have been aleehedl . 3700 l. COAST HWY .. C-.. .._ PHOMI 67).9000 24601 llAYMOMO WAY .t B. TOllO RO .. & TOllO, PHOMl 137·JU2 t9069 llACH llVO • .t GAIRB.D. HUto!TIMGTOM ~ PHOHI 1 ..... 575 Alto A,,.,., Otliipe, f!iln, ~LA Hllw-&. llMpiego. • I lall)wood 'Often Hurting • BOSTON <AP> -If you're a non-athletic \woman thinking of joining the jogging craze, don't expect that psychological "high" runners push as though it were a glass or Gatorade. An exercise study conducted by the Army at Wellesley College found that most non-exercisers i~roduced to a heavy exercise regimen became frustrated, angry and -or depressed. The study in· volving some 7~ students also found that l;he DOD· exercisers -once they had begun -initfally changed their minds about bow much exercise they could do. But after that initial rise in confidence. the non-exerciser group didn't perceive the training as getting any easier, even after nine weeks of it. ondomini1un Job ~·--=-==_:_.:.:=.__::...__ ________ )Gets Mesa OK Regardless of the brand of camera you own, this Is the Project9r for you and your family! ''THE SHOWMAKER'' Recj.$220 SALE PRICE ONLY SJ6900 MODEL244 AUTO FOCUSING FULL REMOTE Costa Mesa planning commissioners have ap- proved a lOS.condominium project in north Costa Mesa. A conditional use permit was granted to M.D. Janes Company, Inc. to build the condominiums at 740 to 780 Baker Street, between the Corona del Mar Freeway and Bristol Street, said Doug Clark, city assistant planning direct.or. The perm.it provides a variance so that some garages can be located' at a distance from the units they serve. E ssentially. it expands a conditional use permit given to the same developer Jan. 8 for a 90-unit condominium project Since t.hat time, one parcel was added and the developers requested 18 more units, Clark said. Little League Tryouts Slated Tryouts for the major league or Little League Baseball will be held Saturday at Riddle Field in Laguna Beach. Youngsters between 9 and 12 years of a try out for the m ajor leagues, beginning at By pre-registering with the Laguna recreation department, youngsters will signed a specific tryout time. Registration will also be held at Riddle Field for those trying out for the minor league or senior league. Youngsters should bring their parents and proof of age document for registration. For more in· formation, call the recreation department at 497-3311. ~argJJ& .. Relax and enjoy the show" are the catchwords H£f G()(}/) 8U/)/)f VISIT OUR NEW OFFICE COMPLETE DENT Al SERVICES UNDER ONE ROOF ActT..., C~FwM llf•1 ... 11 t 642-0112 Dr. Arnold H. Flanzer, DDS 3105 HARIOl ILVD. ~caoss ..oM MCC>t J lloc:b s. s.. ...... ......, COSTA MESA It's revolutionary! It's new. ~ Our surptjsingly easy to lose we1gbt ••• for g'~ CALL(714)975-0700 NOw. It'll work for you, too. of this incredible slide projector. Complete . ~,.., IMI JD r AD~ "W1 t I · I d' t·m r makes UUI T.'111'1\ &;nl\J ~ • 1mawnewearingwhatever you helping people. · armchair remote COn rO lnC U mg I e want.-and looking great! Th1t1 can Whyareourprograms80efl'ec· this Ultra-quiet machine a quality investment becomt• a reality for you-now! live? BoolUse WC respect Lh~ fact thal A h You don't have to do it aJone. Th you're different., too. You are unique, that yields years Of dividends. m~~Q t e . lose weight permanently. you need the an individual. We will de~ngn a pro- featureS that give the 'tShowmaker its name are. help of professionals. At Advanced gram that is built around your per-' f Health c~nter, our counselo~ will 80nal needs and concentrates upon a sharp 4" f/3.5 lens (life-size at 12 eet) show you our surpri!lmglv easy way to finding solutions to those needs. aut'-'matiC fOCUSing, f.Ull feature remote (With take off pounds and mches. Without It's easier then you think! The u I Wh h d d 't l l pills. shots, or fads. And without most important thing iH your desire timer), pop-up editor. transparent ens et er you o or on • ts en dieting' . to I08e weight. we c1o the rest. cWJ I I Pro,..,.,ctor, uses 100 slide round tray and comes up. Avoid e lectric powe r 1ines Advanced Health Center is AdvancedffealthCentert.odaytCall lt1 ed-wfl t whe OU install or m ove our different Owned and operated by (714)976-0700 nowfora free,no-obU· wlttnrtyear limit rr&A y .------------l----!.hUo~m~e~C~B o r TV'a_n_t:--e_n_n_a-.-'1-.·o-:--n .... ta'.::""'c'.::""'r"-+-~nlti'alYlloftinMal!ed-lea_.dwaer ·~:~::::\/~~-'y~.....,..,F,,_,_':.ee"-''Wn=~V:.c:.!t~ !r:~~nw...,t1 ..... 1..,...e _____ _. betw een a power line and any of health and behavioral medicine. we you participate in any of our programs. \ Howe: M_, .Ni• • .. t. N .. ~ ....... ,CM,.. .DA f E'S EJlll! .. -417CWTI~ • COITA~~ MZ·IOIJ (M PnCM Umlt9d to 8'1ockon Hend) • , your equ ipm e nt is dangerous -:;;dra~w,.;.fto;.;;;.;;m_0_v .. er_4_o..;;y~ea-ni_0_rs_u_C0088 __ i_n ___________ _ with a big D! And we want you to be around to h ear your handle , you hear? That's a ten-four! ses. Southem Ca.l/foml• Ed/1on . .. .... . -..... ,,,,. -.. . . . -. - Advanced Health Center 1300 Bristol t.ret'!L North. Newport Beach, CA 92660 . . . . ' t .414 OM.V P'k.OT Alimony Facu Sought WASHINGTON <AP) -The Ceuua Bureau want• to know more 1 about the nnantlll l'Oft· cl!UOa ot we>men •v· ln1 cblld aupport and alimony. "Becau1e many • dhottf'd and f"paraled wom o b Md famlllH and have ancom below • w......,, ~ •. 1t7'1 . ·$2 ·Mllllon Forfeited San YaidrO School Diatrict Penalized ACRAMENTO <APl -For fallln1 to offer aummer achool for nine bandlca~ atud nu, a amall school dl1trlct lo San Dl~10 County ha1 forfeited S2 million ln 1tat.e ald and la lo dancer ot cl01ln1 down, 1tate of. fldallaald. d nt, Bob Cole1rove, said be bad been relylnc on atate advice ln decldinc not to bold 1ummer 1cbool wblle 1pplyln1 for a waiver ol 1Late law. Wl'nlOtJ'i ... ll:DIATE state help, "we'll be lucky it we atay open lbrou•b March," Cole· arove aald in an lptervlew. nine Hid they had handicapped children who needed aummer aebool. .. So. w-e called the 1tate Department of Education special ectucatlon department and they advlled us we aboWd apply for a waiver," Colepove aaJd. "We bad tbe tmpresaion there w11 nothln1 to worry abput. CALIFORNIA I NATION Used Car Proposal Backed . lbe povnty liH, n· formation on alimony -.........- State 1chool1 r hlel WUaon RUn took the action a1alnal the San Ysidro &I 11'1 etary 8tbool Dltlrlt't r luctantly under a atale law n!qulrin1 continuation of tulllJ'Der tcbool for the ban. dlcapped, 11ld Vic Blond.I, a spokesman for RJlea. When tbe atate provided $2.2 bllllon to school di1trlct1 to restore IDOlt ol their Propotltlon ta property tax IOHH, it at- tached HVJ!ral conditJont. One wu that dialrlcta would not cet aid for te«ular summer tcbool but muat offer 1ummer c luaea for seniors to meet graduation requlrementt. for adult bulc education and for the severely handicapped. Violators lose their entire potl· PropoelUon 13 state aid. "That wu ln Aufutt. On Feb. 1 we received word that the waiver wu not approved ... We acted In aooct faith." • WASHINGTON (AP) -Tbe American Automobile AuoclaUon h11 endorsed re1ula· tloaa propo1ed by tbe Federal Trade Com· mlaion that would re· quire dealer lmpection Ind a POltlaC of the in· spectloa'a reeulta on all used eara offered for Hie. The auoclatlon said u .............. tbe nalee are .. bulcally and c hild 1upport la crucial to any aoaJyals • ol Lbe ca ot pcwer· BelW.,, Sft ty.'' Secretary of Com· meree Juanita M. K~ps Vace Presid nt Walter 11id In a.nnounct.n1 lb F. Mondale will spend survey to be undert.Ueo a four-day Easter 10 Apnl. weekend m the tiny She said jl "will focus Norwegian town of on ~ amount ol child Mundal, from which aupPe>rt and aUmooy ln· has family e migrated come received. lo the United Slates. .. OBVJOV LY THE punish· ment doe n't tit tbe crlme," Biondi Hid Tuesday. He added that San Y1idro is the only diatrtct in the atat.e that baa been peoalbed, but as many aa 57 other diatrlcu could lose part ol t.ht'lr state aid in the next few month.a ror failin& to hold re- quired aummer classes. But the dlatrtct auperinten· COLEGaOVE SAID THE dis· trlct didn't learn ot those re· quiremenla unUI July 21. He aaJd parent.a were surveyed and only COLEG80VE SAID ts per- cent ot b1a dlatrlct's 2,616 atu· dentl are Meltlcan·Americaaa. Biondi uld Rllea' department i1 Hk.ln,r lht' San Ole10 County school superintende nt to help San Ysidro. Riles also want.I the law chan1ed so that dittricu that faJJ t.o hold required sum- mer ct,uaes loee only the money they would have spent on those cl11aes, Biondi aald. DON'T MISS THESE TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON FLOOR MODELS '" FACTO~UTHORIZED SALE EMBE 'Anc·· GASGRILL BY ARKLA INCLUDES: •BBQ Cast Body • Cart • R_egulator •Tank • R~k & Burner REG. $210.00 SA~E119 · I A co•plete li11 of ac -cessories. replace•ent parts. etc. for charcoal & gas BBQs. •Burners •Knobs • Rotisseries •Lava Rock •Cooking Grills ALL BBQ's SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS SALE YOUR CHOICE OF THESE 2 SETS REG.$354 $23995 SAl!E · YACHT HIRIOR &ROUP 42'' GLASS TOP TABLE 4 STACKING ARM CHAIRS Open weave vinyl corded text1hne fabric seats and back for coot seating. ' ' .. . •' .... .. ... Ezp.ttt.I• dealrable beeaue ua- dlacloeed repair requtre. Princes Christina, menta and vque, inef. youngest daughter of fectJve warTutles are a Queen Julia na and major consumer pro· Prince Bernhard of blem ol senuine ~cem the Netherlands ls to our members. . • However, the AAA re~ expec~ng her second commended that the child m July. The propoal be modified to princess lives in New permit "u la" sales, and York City. inotberways. SAVINGS FROM 10"1150" . . . j SAL~ SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAllD • I • j ... \ Tlae Big Stretf!la • i Doug Andrews of Dana Hills High extends bis 6·6 frame r to the hilt to grab a rebound in Tuesday night's CIF playoff game against Canyon. Defending is Fred Cornwell of Canyon, which posted a 50.29 victory. For story. see page 84. Marina Bitten By St. Bernard By JOHN SEVANO Ol "'9 0.lty l'llet Statt SANTA MONICA -Notre Dame High Coach Greg Nixon hit the nail on the head last Friday night. . 1 mmediately following his team's loss to Marina, Nixon pre· dieted . "Marina is good, but the Vikings are going t.o have a tough ' time with a big, quick tea[l'\. St. Bernard is bigger and quicker than us and they will give Marina a lot of trouble.·• Maybe Nixon should become a prophet. THE QUICKER AND FASTER St. Bernard squad lived up to its billing Tues· day night in the second round of the CIF 4·A playoffs, disposing of the Orange Coun· ty's No. 1 ranked team, SS·SO, at Santa Monica-COilege before 1,400 noisy fans. The game was definitely a contrast in styles as the bigger Marina team played a zone in an attempt to slow the jackrabbits of St. Bernard while St. Bernard was con· stanUy trying to get Marina into a horse r ace. Coach Steve Popovich 's strategy worked for awhile as his Marina team maintained the lead and therefore the HEIDENREICH temPQ. With the score knotted at 10· alter the first quarter. Marina finally gave itself some breathing room in the second stanza by outscoring St. Bernard, 9·4, to start the period. Seven of the points during the spurt came from 6-7 postman Randy Heidenreich, who more than lived up to bis Sunset League MVP laurels. Heidenreich. as a matter of fact, was a one-man show in the first half, accounting for 17 of his team's 27 points, 11 coming lo the second quarter. It was behind the strength of bis shooting that Marina built its largest lead of the game, 25-17, with 3:58 left before the in· termission. BUT ST. BEllNA&D, the Camino Real League runners·up behind Verbum Del, kept scrapping and cut the deficit to two, 27·25, by halftime. The contest turned into a strategic battle between the coaches in the third quarter aa Marina controlled the tap, missed its shot • and St. Bernard came down the floor and stalled. It was at thJs Juncture, with his team up by a basket, that Popovich decided lo come out of his 2-1-2 zone and go to man·to· man to force the action. •i Anteaters Underdogs in PC (Two-Way ) Tourney 87 EaNIE CASTIU..O Ol-o.llyll'I ........ Tbt Pullie Cardiac Arrest Assn. <a.k.a. PCAA) f'OH by the theory that once tbrouab the wringer la not enough. Here, In a tonlerence known maltlly for snake pits and upsets, double jeopardy isn't out· Jaw d, it's part ofthe law. Fl1urine that elgbt teams can't decide on a klna after two months and 58 games, the PCAA schedules not one but two baalletball seasons a year. Bad for the best but 1ood for the rest, the twin sessions are as sf mllar aa a jump ball and a jump shot, as ambteuou. as an ofrensive charge. For that, they should call It the PC Two- Way. IT'S 00-AND·CllY for the winner of the first phase, dO-Or·die for everyone in the second. The "regular" champs are re· warded for six weeks of consistency with a pat on the back, an asterisk on their trophy and an invitation to jump from the toaster to the microwave. The "tourney" champs, for having a hot and lucky band over three days, gain national prominence and a berth lo the NCAA playoffs. It's like asking the rich poker player to bet all his money while the rest of the ta· ble antes up a white chip. It's making the · 11urvlvor of a Russian roulette marathon take three more spins, rree of charge. FO& THE SUE OF GIVING seven teams one lut chance of salvaging a dis· appointing sea.son, another is forced to risk a celebrative one. Which is bad news for the University of the Pacific but good news for the rest of the field, which would have packed their uniforms in moth balls by now. As UC Irvine's Tim Tift puts it: "Only one team lo the whole league now wishes there wasn't a tournament. Obviously, the league champ would be happy without a tourney." Without one. however, the PCAA would still be struggling for recognition. Cal State Fullerton proved the system bad its benefits last year when the Titans, who tied for third in the regular season, swept to the tourney crown and came within a layup of reaching the NCAA final four. INDEED, THE SETUP favors either the nash·in·tbe-pan team, the late blooming one or the kind that ls best suited rori tournamenta. And let's face tt-that's wbat, the NCAA tourney favors alao in its bid to declare a national champion. Since majority rules, there will be a tot: more happy PCAA coaches than unhappy ones when the conference conducts tts fourth annual affair this week, beginning Thursday at the Anaheim Convention• Center. Because, whether you believe it or not, ANYBODY can win this thing. LONG BEACH STATE bu the beat talent in the PCAA with the bigeat eeo problem to boot. Cal State Fullerton bu three starters back from last year's Cin· derella team, though the Titans played like pumpkins in losing six straight. Utah State. UC Santa Barbara and San Jose State have the runners and gunners, but they can be slowed and silenced. Fresno State, last year's designated com· plainer, runs the best tempo game but bas trouble catching up. Pacific bas Terence Camey, Ron Cornelius and three good men to feed them but the Tigers can be tamed on a cold night on a neutral court. And UCI? Well , folks, the Anteaters- who have adopted Rocky as their tbeme- See PCAA, Page BZ Ve rhlllll D ei Shows Why It's No. 11 CdM Fights Back By HOWARD L. HANDY Of U.. O.lly l'Ji.t St•fl Ocean View High School bas one big thing over its CIF second round basketball playoff foe, VerbumDei. The Ocean View Seabawks will have every member of its team , starters and r eserves, back for another full campaign while the Eagles, seeded No. 1 in the playoffs, will graduate four of Its starting five. BUT TUESDAY NIGHT the future of either team made little difference as the Eagles swept to an 84·53 victory over the Seahawks ln a game played at Fountain Valley lligh School. The taller Eagles controlled the offensive backboards from the opening shot, moving to a 10·2 advantage, and the outcome was never seriously in doubt again although the Seahawks kept their poise and were never intimidated by the talented vis- itors. When Cliff Pruitt went to work in the second period, be pro- pelled the Eagles to a 38·22 halftime advantage. He picked up 14 of his game high 22 points in the first half OCEAN VIEW COACH Jim Harris was naturally disappoint· ed by the loss but gave credit to the powe r ful and talented Eagles. "Nothing but good can come of thii for us," ~arris said after the game. "We learned a lot of things out there tonight against a super team. There a re a lot of things you can gel away with or- dinarily but not against a team like this. "It was an honor for us to play Verbum Dei. This is what it is all about. And unless you get to the finaJs and win it all. you will lose on e in th e playoffs somewhere along the line. ··1 DON'T THINK we were scared or intimidated by them and we didn't give up. We look forward to playing them again next year." Verbum Dei Coach Eli Hawthorne was happy with the o way his team Played. · "We didn't play well in the first round,'' be said. "We were much better tonight by a two-to· one margin. Ocean View beat Compton and Compton Is a tough team. ''I thought they were better than we expected and they came to play. We thought we could in· timidate them with as young a team as they have but we didn't. They are well coached and well disciplined but we had too many players for them. "That number 52 <Wayne Carlander l and 15 (Jeff An· drade) are two fineplayers." Verbum Del established con. See VERBUM, Pa1e BZ Sea Kings Advance; Estancia F alh . By ROGER CARLSON Of tM 0.llY l'llM S~lf Corona del Mar High's Sea Kings face 6-10 Clayton Olivier and the Los Amigos Lobos Fri· day night in the C lF 3·A quarterfinals following thei r 64 -63 playoff victor y over El Dorado Tuesday night at Cal State Fullerton. For Sea View League cbam· pion Estancia. however, the basketball season is over follow- ing an upset 56-54 defeat at the hands of scrambling and press- ing Sunny Hills in the nightcap o f .Tues da y 's twin bill at Fullerton. CORONA DEL MAR had to fight back from a 10-1 deficit a nd did not seal the victory until seven seconds remained ··when Dave Koehler, playing one of his best games of the season, bit a free throw to make it 64-61 and the Sea Kings allowed El Dorado a n uncontested bucket at the buzzer. The Sea Kings' victory was a nip-and·tuck affair all the way and the 16·point scoring of Koehler, Rich Kindorf and Chris Johnston we r e big ite ms, especially the clutch free throw shooting down the stretch by Kindorf. Corona del Mar got on top 37·30, in the third period and never relinquished the lead, although El Dorado was at the Sea Kinfs' throats a ll night, especial y with an e ffective press. ONLY THE STERLING play of Koehler nullified El Dorado's press. "Koehler's greatest taJent is bis ability to penetrate with the dribble," said Corona del Mar Coach Jack Errion. "And Johnston played well on the boards. l thought Kindorf played a good. steady game ... The Se.a Kings took command in the second half when Errion ha d his quinte t change to a three-man rotation against El Dorado's 1·3·1 zone. ' "We began getting better ' shots off movement." explained Errion. WHILE ERRION was obvious- ly pleased with the victory, he w asn 't overwhelmed by his team's over all defense or its ability to handle an opponent's press. "If we handled the press a lit· tie better and had been a little more careful it wouldn't have been that close," said Errlon. The Sea Kings opened the game with six straight misses from the fi eld as El Dorado jumped t.o its 10-1 lead. BUT THE SEA KINGS whit- tled away at that deficit and in the long run, four clutch plays as seconds ticked off a segment played a big part in the victory With eight seconds left In the first period S hawn Ahearn popped from 20 feet. With two seconds left in the ball Johnston grabbed an offensive rebound and found paydirt, a play set up by a controversial backcourt turnover by El Dorado. And with three seconds left in the third period Kindorf connect· ed on an eight.footer a nd made st a three-point play with a free throw to make it 44-39. And finally. Koehler made it official with seven seconds left in the game. ESTANCIA BOWED OUT due to a Sunny Hills press that s1m· ply look the Eagles out of their gamefromstarttofinish. The killing span was an 80- second blitz in which Sunny Hills reversed a 46-42 deficit to a 51-..S a dvantage, thanks to a press that caused three turnovers- each resulting in an easy layup. "Sunny Hills did everything we thought they'd do," said Estancia Coach Larry Sun- derman. "We just didn't ex. ecute. We worked on attacking their press but we were impa· See SEA KINGS, Pa1e BZ KING-s&ZE SHOT -Kansas City Kings' Lucius Allen <right> shoots over the Lakers' Ron Boone during first half action Tuesday night at the Forum. The Lakers top· pied the Kings, 122· 114. West Lays the Praise on Tbiek ., I His plan backfired. _._.._._....--Q,..-,:r-;;;;;;1"~:rr:-;:;rn-:---:-jl~NuG~l~.E~W11H.00.lUJD~C~A~P~>t..=~C~o~a~c~b~.lue~r~C)lll-W~~·~8~i~~l)~~i¥Ai•li~O~A~ll~a~D~d~~·~~.U-~:':;-"~~~~'!'--~~~~~~~~!.!.!i.!~~..:!.!!!.!...~~~~--t-~~.--~ m------wlfttl~11rina-spmd alhwer the court, St. Bernard utilized Ila is sometimes stingy with praise for hJs Nuggels. but the Kings still bold a com· speed and began driving the lane for easy layins. Lakers, but be showed bis l>leasure after fortable slx·1ame bulge. Los Angeles' convincing victory over QUICKLY FALLING ~IDND 29·27, Marina finally eot a Kansas City. J AMAAL WILKES scored 28 points and basket by Kevin Olson to ti e score. It was as close as Marina "Many players contributed and we Kareem AbduJ-Jabbar had 2S polnls and would get. the rest of the night. showed a lot of enthusiasm," West said blocked eight shots to lead the Lakers St. Bernard finished the period by outacoring Marina, 9-2, to Monday night after the Lakers whipped against Kansas City. Adrian Dantley grab a 38-31 advantage. The only points Marina rould muster In the Kings, "122·114. ' added 19 points, all In the first half, and the quarter were two buketeby Olson. Norm Nixon had 18. Marina cut the lead to thrft, 31-35, to start the final stanza, but .. IT WAS ONE OF OUll BETTE& The Lakers had led by just 104·103 with that's u far u the rally could get. ""ames lo quite a while." ix 1 • to l but th .. R ff "We never really got our rhythm," explained PoPOvicb. "We •The victory eave Los Angeles a 1 ~ som e s m nu"es Pay, ey r .... o never really sot into our game. I knew once they got tbelead we were game lead over Seattle in the National 1 l0-0 string to put the game away· in trouble" Baaketball AllOCiatloafs Pacific Division, "Los Angeles ls the best spurt team In Marinawaulaohamperedbyaomeunusualcoldahootiftl. u tbe SUperSonlcs 1o!t to Denvel\ the league," sald Kings Coach Cotton See VQDNG , Pa1e 82 Kanaaa City lost a ea me in the Midwest fitu immoM. "Thev llot two blitzes on us . ' ·-·--·-· ,,. ... .. . .. . t • ~ r ' ............ \ ,, FITZSIMMON~1 whose team shot Just b free throws to tile Lakers' 36, had hif thougbls about that situation. "We've Improved our fouling in Loa Angeles,'' be said sarcastically. "Last Ume we were here. they eot 54, but thii Lime they only got 36." The Kings coach said errors really eoat his team the game. ''We committed three straight tumoven when we were losing by just one polDt there at the end,·· be said. •"Ibey convtf'\. ed all three lnto baskets and made two See LAKEll8, Pate 82 " .... , -DAILY PILOT ., A Caa1ule Report From lhe World ot Sport• Ang ls Fin d 815,000; Autry May Fil uit F,._AP~ PALM SPRI G Team owntr Oent Ii Autry • d I.be C."automta an <'Onsldu · 1n1 aqal artklo iihut balftatl C-Omrn1 sionn Bowle Kuho over Kuhn'• dJJlt'tplinln& lh.-tluh for alltpd tampt"rlntt Y.1t.h former Souttwm Cal pttthfr 8 UJ Bord.lt'Y "I will ~ mnunc wtU. ftUDJe Banst 1An1tla H • ecutlve \'k •pr~ ldc.•nt 1 anJ our Uorney to deb tt' what •c· ti ti n •• hould tllkt' " Aulry .awl Tl.Mia day Kuhn la11l wet't.. announ<'ed the Anceb would be fined t least one draft rb(Ht'l' and an UDllpc.-clf1ed amount ol ca•h whtc11 n turrw<t out two draft l'holCH and flS,000 "'Thit N>mml toner '" bt>ing totally unfair," Autry H1d · ~rbe evtdtnc .. as 1trktly tircumat~ntl.il. I am ~114in that MJlher Buu.te nor anyone coru~t'l cd with the club u guilty.·· .. ,,,.., ~uhn claimed the Angela bad of fert d ··assurance" to Bordi~ prior to January's amateur draft. The Clnt'innali Reds, ptcleln• ahead of the Aneelt. c~ Bordley lie has smce signed with the San Francisco Giants "'nlert' were no papers signed, no dea l made," said Autry "The boy and his father came lo us to tell us that because of illness in the family he d1d not want to play in the East and would ~ receptive to a draft by the Angela. If that makt."s us guilty. then whatever happened to free speech?" ' The fin• Is t.be second slapped on the Angela for al- ll'l?t'd tam~rtni 1n lhe past three years. The club was fined S.">.0110 In 1977 whPn Autry made complimentary re· marks about t\aln8us City Manager WbHey Herzog. -----quot# of dw Day----- After a strlnat of late season defeats, all after los· Ing the lud a.n the Inst minute, UC Irvine basketball Coach nm Tift noted: "We've been working on what to do In the lut 20 seconds when we have the lead. So far we·ve managed to lose to ourselves five times." Prep Btult.etNH T~•• lt'la., 7S.2 PALOS HEIGHTS, IJl. -Luther South High m School basketball Coach Cliff Doll had stressed the Importance of defense, but he never expect· ed hJs team to whip St. Mary of Perpetual Help 75-2 in an Illinois High School Association Class A regional game Monday night. ''All I told t.he kids was t..o concentrate on defense," said' DolJ. "1 don't Jlke running up the score because I've been on the other end a few times." Luther South spurted to a 34-0 lead before Al Arguelles bit St. Mary's only points of the game, an 18-foot jump shot with l : 10 remaining In the second period. Earlier this season St. Mary's also made headlines when Chtca10 Cathedral's John Battle scored 86 points against It. Ka ... t'• Free T•....,• lt'la ter Kalelu There were only 11 seconds remaining when m Toby Kalg)i& 1ank two free throws· to give the New York Knicks a 101·99 NaUooaJ Basketball Assn. victory over the Golden State Warriors Tuesday. Knight led the scorln1 with 25 with Earl llonroe adding 19 ... Maurice Locas scored 27 points and Lionel Holllu hit two free throws with six seconds to play to give the Portland Trail Blazers a wild 118-115 victory over PhlJadelpbia . . . Lloyd Free hit 13 of h.is game·h.igb 28 points ln the third quarter to lead San Diego to its sixth consecutive victory, a 124· 107 triumph over Indiana . . . David Thompson and Georae McGla..nla combined for 53 points u Denver clo11ed out a six.game homest.and by leadln1t rrom start t..o lln11h and routing SeatUe, 121-106 •.. Kevin Porter'• 32-polnt performance and a ChJcago Stadium record 22 assists were wasted as Artis GUmore'a 33 points and JobD Mengelt's season·higb 26 led the Chicago Bulls to a 124·117 win over Detroit. The 22 assists for Detroit's Porter moved him into llth place on the all· time NBA llsl with 782 ... Jolul Dnw scored 30 points and Da.n lloandlJeld tallied 20, leading Atlanta to a 125-111 win over Houston . . . The president and principal owner or the Portland Trail Blazers, Larry Weblber1. says be ex· peels Bill Walton to play for that leam next season. l•la•dn-• Rip Ca•acllea., 7.3 The New York Islanders. with Clark Gillies ~ scoring three f(oals and bis Unemates addlng , seven usists, defeated the Montreal Canadiens. 7•3. in National Hockey League action Tuesday . . . Rand)' Pierce and Roa Delonne scored goals 11 seconds apart In the third period to propel Colorado to a 4·2 victory over the Boston Bruins. Tbe win broke a 10-game losing streak for the Rockies . . . Curt Deuel&, TffJ Cur· rle and Bern.le Feduko scored In the first pe~wer St. Louis past the New YQtk Rangers, 4·1 . . Goaltender Mlke Palmateer wUJ be lost to the Toronto~ple Leafs Cor at least two games on the advice of a neurologist alter a series or blows to the head had left him with dizziness and double vlsion ... The Chicago J,Jlack Hawks' Doag WU10n was reported ln good condition after surgery for a dJslocat· ed shoulder . . . Philadelphia Flyers goalie Bernie Parent, suffering lrom an eye fnjury, Is expected to be dis· charged from the hospital late this week or early next week. Bird'• 29-Pol•t• Leafh S9ea.....-e• Lury Bird scored 29 points and pulled down m LS rebounds Tuesday night u top-ranked and unbeaten Indiana State defeated West Texas '. State. 94-34. In the first round of the Missouri Valley Conference basketball tournament. TefftUlo11, Radio TV: Horse Racing -Today at Santa Anita 7·30 pm Channel S2. ' · · · RADIO: Hockey Washington at the Kings, 7:50 p.m .. KRLA 0110). • ... rotll ,. ..... PCA • • • h \It Tit\ and tus Dbclplel of [)b.. t'ipline FOR SURE, UCl'S 3·11 record wus Lh conleacnce's worst. But mlnd you, four Louea wHe by a tot.al of eeven point.. Tbe team lo t to Lona Buch by 25 In the o~ r and Jwat two In the rlnale. Rl1hl now, the Anteaters are ploytna aa well u they. pouibly tun, 1tt h11th(•r than kite. and, abovt Jl. bc'll•ve they can do It. ·'We'r e &ha Rocky o f \be tourMy." HYt 'l'l(t. the klnl ol thfl qula>t "Whn our playe111 our lntrodu~. every othef' IW wUI uny a 11kkt ol beel oul with b.lm " Thc-Pfl('t> or 1Mak and the abe of UCl'a 'llhleuc budaet woo't i&llow lhat 8.u\ ror the price ol 11011t·or n. THl has has troops thinli:m& In terms or the boxer V. ho ~d& IA c:hanc: ' Of a lifetime title fWat "KOC'KY DIDN'T THINK be ~uulo v.-ln in the rtrst round but be felt it in the seventh," &ays Tiit. a renowned movie buif. "We IH I tbe1ameway "We Uunk we can win the first night U we didn't, there'd be oo us~ showin1 up." There were some times early rn the i ealOO when Tift could h ave bcf.n excused for wishing his tenm wou ldn't sbow up. The Anteaters were "rebuilding" wruch is tbe same a.s saying a blind date "baa personality." They were the butt of more Jokee than tbe 1982 Mets. The firat atrlns had to rally to beat the second unit in scrimmages. They could have been picked to finish 10th in a n eighl·team league-<>r not even finish at all. Th<' starting center was 6·6, with his afro combed out. They were small. but not q uick. bad s hooters. poor rebounders and without a team leader. THEY GOT BLOWN OUT in their season opener, blown out in tbcir PCAA opener. homered at ho m e and hammered on the road. nut slowly and surely, they began to mold as a unit, learned where the bas ket was, adjusted t..o Ti!t 's ·:controlled tem po" and got to the point w~crc they were now losing close games. It wasn't until the second month or the conference season that they finally woo a PCAA game. And it wasn't until just now. over 100 da ys since prac· lice started. that they put ev· erything together. For Tilt, the Urning couldn't be more perfect. From Page BJ VIKINGS •.. O nl y Heide nreic h e nded the 1tame in double figures (21 poi nts > with everyone else con· tributing well below hi& norm. Even the usually reliable TruJett Hatton, the team's quarterback and the one person who usually m akes things happen, had his problems as he finis hed only 3 of 11 from the noor and didn't visit the free lhrow line once. ''It was just one of those t hings.'' said Popovich who engineered his team to a final 22·4 record. ··we played hard, and hung in the re. we just couldn't get points . "Still. it was an excellent year for us." he added in reflection. "We had pressure on us all year lo be the No. 1 team in Orange County and I think we fulfilled that goal." MlriM l•t Sl.--(ff) H•llOfl Ntkon Oa•'°" !ootwo Alfllo G•Drlel 0•~ H~ldenrttlCll Tle 111 Tot.i~ •• ft '" ) 0 • 7 , • , 0 , I 0 , I I J 0 0 0 J 1 I • s 21 I 0 7 H•y\ wultlft010fl Kno• 0.rr•n Oleucloflne G11>rlel fot•ll '° 10 so Sc-tty~,. ,, " '" 1 • IO 10 2 1) 7 I S s 2 11 0 7 ' , 0 • JI IJ u M"'•n" 10 11 4 ,,_'° ~I lltrMrl! 10 IS 1) 11-i) Tol•l loul• ~''""I~. $1 l'l .. ,,.,d 21 , Fouled out· O.r• 1:\4. IMf'nAfcll. Additional TesJs Set for O'Malley VERO BEACH, Fla. CAP> Walter O'Malley Is expected to undergo further tests at the M 3,YO Clinic in Rochester, Minn • bul the Los Angeles Dodgers chairman of the board "ls doing very well," according to Pet.er O'Malley. Walter's son -and president of the CIU;b. "There is no bad news," Peter O'Malley said of his 75·year-old father Tuesday . "He will un· dergo more tests." .... ..,........ BASKETBALL fire. r•p BJ VERBUM ••• trol uod•r lh• offen1he bull board utt 1• ,.wq on lb.ree aod four.....,.. ahnoilt •very Ume down lbe cowt. wben Lbe7 miaaed. AAd Ole top t.b,_ ~ea left the t.tam almr.t •• lt'ool u ll lJ wlt.h lhe1~on Lbelloof. Tbe !.ae'-dJd ever)'t.btnc well -•boot. bioctr lboU. rebound and steal Utt ball ,,1u.a ll1btalng renuea. And onJy Carluder wu able t.o contl1t t.bem w.der the baaket with Uy deJree of SUC· CH Tbttre we re several mla· m atcbea In hel1bt with the Verbum Del Jtart.crt averqlng 6·8, 6-8, 8 s. 8-5 aod 8.0. Tbefr flrat reserve, Ktnny Auatin, ls alsoM. Pruitt wu t.be cat~yst ror t.be Easies wtth Carmel St.evem the floor leader wtt.h a pa1r of quick hand.a lb.al stole t.M ball lbree times in a 1pan or four minutes in the lb1rd period and allo had a blocked shot. Y~Oll(IO Ck.-V..tQ I Prv•n Gordon Fl.id' s••-..,"'"" L..,h OodM>ft Cl•r-J_, Oll>Wft Tot•h ..... • • n 1 • • • 0 11 • , 14 • I 11 J I S I 0 J I 0 J I 1 4 0 4 4 u 14 .. 11••-t. C.rl- N•••'90141Wen ... __ NO e ..... , l'lll""9fl ..... ,~ .. ". J I S . , ~ 0 0 0 S S IS 0 1 1 0 I I 0 , ' ' s • Tote11 IS n S3 k -•Y Oller1en VHbv"' Oel IA 10 t• ,..._.. <><••" View IJ • n 1~3 folal foul\' V*'111im Del 16, O<aa" \/-11 l'oul.d out GonlOfl "'•""'"' 0.11. Tec:IW>l<al tou11 COkllJlm Harrll (O<eet1 \llewl. Fro. Page BJ BLOCKED OUT -The Lakers· Kareem Abdul·Jabbar and Adrian Dantley ·(partially hidden> block out Kansas City's Sam Lacey Tuesday night. LAKERS ••• ~ more on missed shots. SEA KINGS ADVANCE. • • Kansas City had led 73·68 with 7 ~ minutes to play. But Los Angeles moved out to an ~ 75 lead in the next two minutes with a 12·2 spurt in which Wilkes had six points. Nixon four and Dave Robisch two. tieot With our passes. "We were in the right spots, but we just didn't move the ball." IN THE EA&LY STAGES of the fourth period it appeared E st ancia was on its way after baUllng from behind as Rick Riley grabbed an offensive re· bound and scored to tie the game al 38. Craig Keup scored to tie it al 40. Dan Maddock hit a pair of free throws and Riley grabbed another rebound and converted it into two points to make it 44-40. But the press took its toll in tbat 80·.ecood span and proved the Sunny Hills coacb right, who said: "It wasjustournJght." Van Horn led Ealancia's scor· ing with 16 points, somewhat off his season average of 21.5. For a bm1ted time you can take adwncage of this remarkable otfet Act now. by calling (714)7S7·37S5 to reserve your weekend campsite and epend one nl ... t fne -as our guest. C-•-<MI El o.r.-e CUI 1(-··· Pio en ...... a, .. Bf'O(k ...... "°""''"" l(lnclofl 59, .... Tot•ll ,, ". 6 • 1' T89M" 1 7 • Lowell I 3 S W\iltf I I l 0..&MI 8 o It Sllpe • I lo HaMOO I 0 2 BolU 23 11 M Total' k-wo.an.n. .. ft lp s ••• I 0 ) • 1 14 • I • l , • • 7 10 7 0 • u 13'3 (OtOf\a del MM t U 71 ~ El Oondo 10 u IS U ,., Tol•I IOU15 CorOl\8 Cle! Mar 10, E• Oot-20, f ollledOUI : Wllltf IEI Oor-1 E1Ullcla (Soll Sii"""""'' IMI Price l(*uP II ell Horn Ma-k If rollftl•kll Rllo Camp Madden ,, ft lp ,, ti ... 0 0 0 $vltf • 0 ,, l I I H~I,.,\ 0 0 0 • I I• Cotlrtll I 3 11 1 • I) °"'""" 0 0 0 1 • I Bmr•nd O 0 0 l O I> tc:•rut,,., • I • 0 0 0 EM•Qtl ' • • I 7 • Viol! l 0 • OOO HOOOJft' 107 IS u Sol Total\ 1• I S6 k -llYO..--. ESlaM•• • u 1l 1•-so s ...... ., "''" 10 •• " ,. 5' l otal foul\ E\l .. ncoa IS. S..nny Htll\ n f«>l9cl 0<11 M~k IEsl.Anc1d I S..lt• En\IQft os.,nn, Hlll\I BUI Robinzine led the Kings with 20 points, while Scott Wed· man bad 18 and BUI McKinney 16. Los Angeles' defense made it tough on the Kings inside, as the Lakers blocked 15 shots. ica ..... City 11141 LHA ... let llztl '' II '" RODlntlf'I! I ~ 10 O•nttey W.-lman 9 7.3 11 Wllh~ Le<Y I 1·7 U ADdul·JDr 81"'M>nO & J.S IS Hud~ Ff>'d 3 0-0 • Ml•Oft Hiiiman • ? 1 10 800fle 0.r•rd 0 0-0 0 l<otd Ali.,, S 7 1 11 Prk .. Mcl(lnMv 1 11 16 Carr Na\11 I 0-0 1 RC>D<Kll W•"'lnqtOft o 0.7 o C.rter Tot•" n 1~n 1 u Tot•I• k -llYOIMt1en .. " Ip s .. , " 1J .... ,. 10 5-1 1S ' 0-0 4 • 0-0 19 0 M 1 I 0-0 J 0 1•7 I s 1)..4 10 J 1·1 • 0 s.. s ., 2t-l6 12' K•nW\ (llY U '1 3' 13 -114 Lo' A~ 3' 71 JI 7'-172 fo1•1 tout\ tc:811W> Oh 2• LO\ A"9flH t• FOUied out Non.- At1~~ 11 ~ At Gll!n Ivy. you en1oy a full range ol reson amenities -Electronlc Security Gate -Full Service GeneraJ Store -Reeor1 Lounge with Reetaurant, Bar. and Dancing -t..undry and Utlllty Areae -Swimming -Tennie - Shumeboord -Honnhoee - Volleyball ... and much moref Let your camping dollars grow Into undivided interest tiqu1ty. by ownlnt instead of rentmg. T!1'-! availability of ~asily·reached campsites Is diminishing. whll• thll cost of renting ls rlsmg al an &larmlng rate The Glen lvv Ownership ~m allows you to acquire an equity In thti real property. and to continue co camp on an economical baels. Glen Ivy Location ~p (not to seal() . '· ' • I ;; . Mater Dei Tumbles, 88 • 83 Comp;to:n~·1~h~e~r~a~ldd~edd-;;1~u~a;rddl,r--r-~.~==-.... 11i._ii..iii..i~~~~:_:.!i.;~~~~~:;.;:..:.:!i.~~9~1';;;;~~llJll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.--r~~-:-.-~~~-1 • COMPTON Mater Dei squan· ~ered a four.point lead in the ;;iinal two.and a baU minutes Ind :.wallowed It 88-&3 loss al the the face of costly turnovers in the final minutes . Mt!\vln Herndon, lo jusl elgbt points and only two of the Tarbabes reached double q,ands of Compton High T~:Y ;pttht ln a CIF 4-A bask ;,layoff at Compton Co1Je1e. t: Sal Gaytan bad a hot ha for ~ Monarcba. nellinl 21 polo • ~d Mater Del led by as many ~· nlne poinla ln the third uarter. :-.. Tbe An1elus _ W(ue cbam· :.tons ut. at.op a'leaa of varylftl iise thtouCbcJut molt of the COO· ·:-...t, only lO see lt evaporate l.n Two consecutive steals by Compton and a fouJ by Mater Del, all in the last two minutes, swung the momentum to the Tarbabes and suddenly the Monarchs lound themselves lorced to commit fouls In an at·{ tempt to get the ball back. Tbe sudden turn or events ,..., Mater Del score only seven points in t"he fourth quarter. while Compton reeled off J9. The Monarchs went scoreless in the final2:30. Mater Del ·s defense held ,, fl1ure1. ...... ,~. c....-1661 GAY'lfl .... """ Sii•""°" S.11114htr e"'"'"' It " '-It I• WIUOll 4 • e OHll f I t J-l S J It He""'°" t ' 'c..•-S-lt JoMtofl U IJ., Tolal1 ' "" .. ' 'to 0 I I • 0 ,. . ~ . I 7 4 J J • 4 • • ,. .... • Olen 111'¥ " onlV '° l'lltftUf" from l ~ A119e1ts via tn• Pomon.a 1no 11 ,,,.,,.., .q mirutllS ''°"' SM!f.t Ana vt.l tnt ~ Mid 71 Fr• w•v~. ano 90 mmurei from si n D1t90 "" ltS 11111 71 - CALL NO\V! (714) 737-3785 ...... . ..... , • Ht met . ~ 8rtne thl• 1111 to Gt .. tvy I end receive • 1ptcle~ camplDI 1lft. . t I ' '. s ' TRACK/BASKETBALL/BASEBALL CIF Thin Ski11ned? A aao tl\11 column ttkldM lbe Cl b hlb&U playoff ~rm,. for w poor matth'API ,..,arcnn, un· reuonable dlltanc -and while •llll In lhe mood here are eome other lhiq ln U.. 111tem that don't do• lot for tM dl,..UO... The CtP' Southern cUo.. offlce, w1lb thin akin perh•PI I.be I aclln1 fortt, adopted a owtem a couple of yea .. aao wbeteb)' Heh le•cue 1 ked to d l1nate 1t1 No. 1. l and s lt'lma which bne quaUned for lbt 32 t.a.m pll,Y'Olf1 ln eacb dlvllJoft. IT DO 'T MA'M'Ea wbethf r 1 IHtUt hH f1nl1b 0 wltb trt-cbampion1 or wltti any otb'r comblnatlon Tbrou&b one aohaUon or another, ach I aaue pr ttnl.5 lb l z., teams ud the ClF does the rest m1tchin1 all No. 3s at No. 1 ln the nrat round and au No 2s a1alnsl one anolhtr wtth a coin ntp to det de the home team What. the Cl F baa done ls lo ehminalo a lot of quawk· Ina. btta~ no matter what 1r1umeot comos up, lt can toss it back to lhl' league which designated It top three teams. Thus a tdm with a 20-S record and tri·cbamploa In a strong leagu packs no more weight tbap 1 team with a losing rerord In league and the entire season, yet is also a "No. 3 team." OVERALL RECORD and relative i;trength mean nothing. All ''No. 3s'' are tossed in a pool with two drawn for the wlldcard game to gel the eliminations ~own to 32 teams for each l l·leaguedivlsion. To compound the problem. the ~IF malnta.lns il mu.st seed the pairings with a champion tn the top eagbl games and lbe runnerup in the lower ball. Then. the No. 3 team must be in another four-game segment so that there is no possibility of two teams from the same league meet.ing before the quarterfinals. Here is what should be done with the basketball playoffs: There should be an invitational 5-A tournament. call It the Masters Tournament, and invite the best eight teams in the Southland, according to a panel of experts. TJDS YEAR'S ENTRIES would have included such standout quintets as Verbum Del, Pasadena, 11>ng ~eftch Poly Morningside, Inglewood, North CR1 vers1de ). Compton. and one other-take your pick. AS. for an expert, il really doesn't. take t.oo many brains to figure those en- tries, just look at their records and scores. Selection to such a tournament i~ ~nor in itself and two attractive doubleheaders coulyt>e billed for the quartenmals. The semifinals could have been billed for Mar. 8 CTbu~y. bet.ween the other boys' semifinals ~n Wednes· day and Friday's finals fort.be girls), then the finals Satur- day night to cap the other five boys' flnals. The fact is, there is a small group of teams ea~b year which is head and shouJders better than the other fane 4·A teams. And a format such as that would giv~ the rest of the 4·A playo!rs (and 3·A, too), a scra~b~g .effect with virtually all e ntries a reasonable shot at wamung tt all. AS IT STANDS NOW, the 4·A playoffs are no more than a chance for 24 teams to get in another game or two, three at the outside. And the vacancies created by the invitations? There used to an item called "bye" before the CIF went b,ananas in creating five 32-team playoffs. Then take t.he rest of the playoffs, and seed it as it should ~-with strength and geograpbicaJ location the keys. • • • A PARTING SHOT for Costa Mesa High's basketball team. No team along the Orange Coast. area accomplished more than was expected than did the Mustangs. Whal a shame the Mustangs' hopes for ClF playoff compelit.i<!n came down lo a coin flip, rather than a chance lo do or die in a playoff gam~ with El Toro, which shared third place, in the final Sea View League standings. Girls Play Tonight Newport Harbor High travels to Mater Dei and Ocean View is at Corona del Mar to highlight CIF girls basketball playoff ac· lion tonight. In other action Huntington Beach travels to Alhambra in 4·A action; Costa Mesa is at Villa Park and E stancia at R ighet.li in 3· A play; San Clemente hosts Pioneer in 2·A; SUBS TO SI'AKI' FOR COAST Fl'YE NORWALK-With the South Coast Conference championship in hand, the Orange Coast College basketball team will travel and play Cerritos tonight < 7: IO) in closing out the con· ference schedule. Coach Tandy Gillis will give his starters a well-earned rest for thia contest as seldom used Glen Garrity and Gary Wills will start al the guard positions; Jim Price and Roger Poirier will be the forwards; and El Bell the center. --CASH FAST __ ' . H omeowners~ 'Loans arranged for and Liberty Chris tian hosts Pasadena Poly at Edison in small school action. All the games begin at 7:30, except the Estancia (6:30) and Liberty (8) games. Mater Dei, the No. 2 seeded team with a 21·3 record. will be favored over Newport with Barbara Minear the scoring leader. Jeanne Wolle is Newport's leaditJi scorer. Corona del Mar's Sea Kings (20·3 ) will be favored over Ocean View (16-4 ) in 3·A action matching league champions . Linda Goeggel paces the Sea Kings in scoring and Norma Leibfried is the Ocean View leader. Huntington Beach's two-time defending champion Oilers, paced by Kathy Doyle, journey to Alhambra. Alhamb'ra is a wild card entrant and won over St. Mary's in first round play. Estancia foe Righetti ls the No. 2 seeded team in the 3·A playoffs . .---..--_.~y reason. Credit, n o problem . Borrow on your equity. can now for courteous, fast Information. l I • 17141 547-7151 AMalCAM Moe.~g_g• Co. 1 Sell or .,..,. your old skit fHt wit" I ritW SllHnt tlnlffleel ad in tfte Daily Pltoe. '42·5671 "° w. '""St. C.-MIM 631-0202 _ _)...._ ____ -.. .. , .. Prep Track Results ........ " ......... ._ .... 1t1 1 ._.., IPI IO S llnetc11"' (HI 10 t . I • .,.._..,.,., ... tJt I I.--IHI U l 1 HOIU 11'1 t1'. J c-,..11001u 1 ... 1 .,..., 11'1 J4 1. l 9et1 IHI UI: :» tr.C ... Y IHI U1 ... I N..i-((1111 1 OH t llnK"n IHI, t .... J 1(1 ... '"" ... MU. t ~ltO •ll) t &-.IHl 4~.J M•,MllOH IH I 4 • 1 1 Mii• I °"'' IHI t •t 1; J Hell-(Pl ' u •• , ~· 00 ' .. ) llOHH I .... "°' 11'1 16 S, Well (P l It r, ) HHalMIPlll S \JOUI Mllfl4'11 IP I 0 1 J He ((Ill) 4 II, J '"""" IP)')t) •40 f'eln 1 P.oclf1u4lt Ml .. r.lty I Hul'llUIQloll !Nttell J 40 0 l J I .... <el IP I JO.l, I W!\1111"9 (HI '"'"' J '91VH IP llt 1~ HJ I M.9rtll'I CHI u . , S.lvo IPI .. , ' I eyl<W (Hl S-It T J I a.wt (Pl ., •• l 'Selvo IPI ,..11, , w•ll"O IHlllM '"'' I il!NI (Pl IU, ' RutMf'forct IPI u.o· I (•tt.,_ IHI 11.0 IP 1 M<"-IPI 1» I 1 llr-1 !Pl ( •"'*" '"' d· s OT I Mc9' .. IPI 1»1, 1 8reelow$lll IP I U .. •; J McOoNIO IHI 113>1 ~-VlllMT rs. C..'--.. ti. w.ft,,..,. .. 100-1 Fullt' !WI 10 J , 1 G1IH IWI 10 <. l. eryent <CVI IO.S. tJO 1. Ful~ (WI U .t, 2 GllH IWI 23 S; J. IUli£; ':..~tt (WI S71, 1 Ol~lo ICVI S3 O; J HlctelQO IWHJ J ll0-1. W..Jnd ICVI 1 021; 2. F_..tv lCVI 1:03 4; ,, Tllompwn ICMI no time Mllt -1. Llt~qe (CMI •: ... •; t. V~•le ICM! 4·44 5;3 Fooertv ICV1•:501. 1 Mlle-I LACrou ICMI 10 11.S 2 Wleldef (CV) 10.JDO, J CIKllel CCVI no Ii,,.. UOHH-1 Felrc~ ICVI lt,6; 2. G•lnn ICVI 11 J;J.McC-CCMI11.S 330LH-1. Wtlltt IWI 0 4; 2. M<Cloud ((Ml 43 S, J G-'11H ((VI O_I. 440 rel.-, I Worll,,,.n 44 S Mlle,... • .,_ 1 c:.plstr-Velley l 30 3 LJ-1. -k k CCMI 1..0; 2. H•motde CCMI Lewrel'ICt (CVI HJ -I. 5c11,,.1cn (CM) w . 2. wnterlltkl ICVI; 3. C.nlOy ICVL · PV-1. FelrclOU911 ICVI 11.0· c.u10., CCVI: J. 1Coverrotlle5 <WI OT-I. Atllf (WI 131·'·, Mili.r ICMlr l Westerflekl ICV). TJ-1. !Aw~e CCVI ~; 2. He"'eo.t ICMI, S<llmldt ICML ,._.H•rWr11,Mllllll•nM • 100-1 Orltlll" IM) 10 2 ; 2. Jlment IHI J~i~1::!i1 (NI 23.1, 1 Grilllth IMI; 3 Hillel IN) •40 I. "'°"""°" (Ml n s. 2. Wllll•ms (Ml J. Euwnlls (H). ll0-1. Adenll IHI 2·017, 1 Yre....neoul IMI. l Bffll CHI Mlle-I. LutKeft IMI •·U .7. , Stull IHI, , Bury INI 2 Mll-1. LUIJMft IMI 10:01.4, 2. BMrv (NI; 3 Ev ... s 120HH-1. Key IN) 16 t ; t OeRulf (NL J. 8erry IN I. »OLH-1. l(•y IN• 41.2, 2. W•rd IHI; 3 De Rutt IN). HOrel<ly-1. LOllQ 8HchMllll ... n O.•. • Mllere4ey-1.H-PortH•rborl:30.S. LJ-1 J~IM11CM\tt;7 0e¥1i(MI 3 Frloi IMI. T J-1. D IC•'I' IHI '1.0 Yo, HJ-I. SMll•I• IN) S-11. 2. lloelrlQlll IMI. J. !>htrmen IHI PV-t. SrN .. y (N) 17.0 ; 2 Mc Kay (H I; MK · Donekl IHI OT-1. Jetter~ IHI !fl• I; 7 R-(NI, l Kaiser IMl. SP-I. .leff9rltt (N) SOS; 1. H•ley (HI, i Belley IMI • ••l..Wllalp• Joe Dominic, Costa Mesa High 's varsity basketball coach the past two seasons. resigned his post Tuesday. His 1979 team finished at 11·10 and tied for third place in the Sea View League after a 3·17 record in 1978. Homers Lead Rustlers, OCC To Victories Golden West College played lo an unimpressive 3·6 record dur- ing its non-conference baseball games, but as soon as Rio Hondo came to town to start the Southern Cal Conference campaign, the Rustlers went wild. Golden West exploded for 14 hits and logged a 14·3 victory, getting homers from three players. In othe r games Tuesd~y . Orange Coast traveled to LA Harbor a nd shut out the Seabawks, 3--0, while Saddleback was edged by visiting Cerritos. 4·3. Golden West got a first-inning homer from Tim Innes to set the tone. then scored nine more runs over the next three innings. Sc_,., ....... , Cerri!~ 001 000 070-.f • 1 Sectdlebecl< 010 010 001-l 11 o Herutul'llen, Hul>bert ltl •lld Nieto HUCS- dlesto". WooOhe•d 111 end Well WP-Herutunl.,. LP-ttUOdlHlon S<-w111111.._. Or •1111"' Coe\! 000 000 lOO-J • O LA HerllOr 000 000' 000 ~ S 0 Br•m. Hl<ll\ 111 -Emollnq. Myercl>ln. Key\ 171 eno Gau<"!. HR-Oren99 Co•SI Oooon WP-8re!K LP-..:eys. S<ere 'y 1Mlf19J R lo HC>llclo O>o 001 000-f 1 O Golden West 131 401 llllr-1' ,. l DAILY PILOT Jla Prep Base•atl I::> , Eagles, Sea Kings And NH Advance l Estancia'• Glenn Donnelly and Marty Kransrlddle com· blned to hurl a one-hitter and the Ea1lee parlayed seven hits lnlo 11 runs Tuetclay, lo11in1 an 11-0 victory over Saddleback Hilb to hl1bll1bt action ln the Elka BHebalJ Tournament. In other Elks tourney games, Newport Harbor turned back Mater Del, 6-2, Santa Ana beat Costa Mesa, 6-3, and Corona del Mar came from behind lo edge Santa Ana Valley, 8-7. IN NON-LEAGUE encounters. Capistrano Valley got only three hits but scored a 5·4 victory over Irvine High, while Fountain Valley clipped visiting Long Beach Wilson, 3·1, and Universi· ' ty absorbed a 10·2 loss to Rancho Alamitoe. Randy Brouwer went. two-for· three with a trio of RBis as Estancia upped its record lo 2-0 . Donnelly and Kransriddle com· bined to strike out eight Sad· dleback hitters. Corona del Mar is also 2·0 now, but the Sea Kings did it the hard way. They needed a live· run rally in the bottom or the * * * k_.,.,,_,.,.. Lonq lleKllWll'IOft 000 000 1-1 s t F-telllVellev 000 110 •-l t I KMltnen, Cormecll ISi -111111-, ,.,...,,,..., ISi Cowen. 0.Yti ISi •nd McTelr. w~ ... LP -Kees.,,... Sc-WI,...... Sffctletlecll 000 000-0 I 2 Esl•Mle 140 101-11 1 • Wonderlkl<. Metll (31. Peret (61 -Pltclottl Do!IMllY, K-rlelclle ISJ -L•rl-,, WP- Oonntll\'. LP-wonderlk -k-lily I"'""-ll•ncflo 141.mltos oos 1M1-10 t 1 Unh;•Mlty 100 ti.-2 S I CIMron -Olis L~. Peru~ ,., -ROO•nMlll. HR R...cl'O Al-llM Avss.. WP-(IM<Oll LP ....,,_ , S<-lt\'IM ..... Meler De• 011 000 l>-1 7 • Hewll(lrtH¥ticw OU 002 0-6 1 J R--5'11Mt!er HubOarO. ,,__, to el'ld Cul,,.r. HR Meter De1 -0 rezw WP- HubCNrO. LP-ROOfteY. S<_ttv, ... ~ Coite Mtte 070 010 0-) J I S.f\fe A,,. Hloft 110 IJO •-• I l CemPllell Mclleen ISi .,.., Krellel (:MrlllO-C.Vll'I, Ameye ISi. WP--CenlllO LP~I k-1>'1'1•~ Sent•,.,,. Velley 070 400 I r I • Coron• oel Me• 001 020 ,_. 1 1 Roo•~•. C:.lllouft 111 -JOftMOn. P.on, Mel_, 141 -H•ll W---· l-oclr..-i HR-Sent• A ... V•ll•Y Wl>lle k--y1 .... 1...- lrvlfte 000 310 0-• • 6 Cepl"r•N1Velley 117 100 •-i 3 l Wes~ -W•IHS CullrOft •lld Dunlvi141ft HR lrv•ne W•ler\ WP CUllrOft. LP WH lllr- keAlt\llMI .... Den• Hiiis '70 010 Cl-4 I 1 laat inning to eke out. the one-rua victory. • Senta Ana Valley committecl four erron in the crucial inning( including a misplayed throw which allowed J immy Hall tO cro11 the plate with the winnIDa run. • CORONA DEL MAR will face Estancia Thursday, 7 p.m. a• TeWlnkle Park in Costa Mesa. • Costa Mesa's Mustangs got i double from Jeff Sutterfield , but that was their onJy exclt6lllen\ in a three-run loss lo Santa Ana~ It was. the season opener for Costa Mesa. University also a had a lack of firepower, absorbing an eight· run defeat at the bands oC Rancho Alami~ The Trojans were out-hit, 9-5, in their first· round game of t he Tustlft tourney. Irvine High committed six costly errors and gave up two unearned runs to Capistrano Valley, letting the Cougars escape with a one-run decision. Damien Waters smashed a two-run homer in the fourth in· ning for Irvine but the Vaqueros couldn't overcome their owo fielding mistakes. Trojans Bury UCI, 19-3 LOS ANGELES-The high hopes everybody held for UC Irvine's baseball team seem to have fizzled out quickly The Anteaters. who beat USC at home two weeks ago, were ripped by the same Trojans, 19·3, here Tuesday. USC had four homers in a 14-hit attack and led 10·2 after just three innings. Paul Romrlg, Chuck Menzbuber and Dave Hodgins drtlled two-run shots while Mark Malconian ended the onslaught with a three-run homer in the eighth frame. UCI, which won its first two games at home, saw its record drop to a dismal 3·9. The Antr eaters have just won once on the road. SC-ll'(l-.lfl9l U( 1rv111t 0 0 0 OOt 000-l I • use o!lou 001 13!<-1' " • RlncOft, P..,bOrg 171. J imenez 171 -e.t>M. Unl...nlty M, l-hec:ll SJ HHChco<k ellO Gill, JolWl\IOft 10 . HR~ 100-L Arfbe (LI 10.1; 2. Duval IUI. l Fnod· ~ '""''· Cl•rl<, He,,..111 WP-tiNlr.cOCll. T US II ft 000 110 0-) t 1 Stout, Ml1cllell n1 •no Betllh. Sewyu, AOOrlQ"'!I IS I •no Gol050'f Somers. Kremer l?L Wleslo<ll (J) elld Kr•use, 8tf'Ml• Ill; Pwltl1. JOM$ 10, Marchlce 1•1, Wiii••"'' 111, Cerm•ck IU end H009iftl, verllOuoh 161. e1e1r 111 HR use· Homr19. Menz-,~~. MelCOftt•n qu;~~).Arebe (L} 24.3; 2. Trum•l'I IUI; J,_.....cP -"flllCOft. _, Beclllonl IU). U0-1. 0 •"' ILi 5' O; 2. Trum.., IUl; 3 Meece CUL Ito-I. Welll119 IUI 1'.0..0, 1 B«kfonl CUI; J Slerkll CUI. Mii-i. Meyer IUI •·Q ; 1. Alldr-i IUI; l. Hegert Ill. 2 Mll-1 Wellll'IQ (U) •·St; 2. Sf\aw (LI, l ~yer IUI. 120HH-1 TI!or'°" ILi 1•.1, 1. Kimbell IUI, J. no third. 3:JOLH-Mlller 1ui.2 7:2. Tf\Orson ILl;J Kim· llell lUI •.a rel•v-t Legune Beech '1 1 Mlleretey-1 U11lvenlty s 15 o lJ-1. Ar-. CLI 11-10; 1. Duvel IUI l Allison IUI HJ-I. T~ ILi S-10. 2. Petw•Y Ill. 3 Al· llson IUI. PV-L MeQ41vock IL) 11 .. ; 2. 8rook,,.•n Ill. 3. Meece IUI SP-LMlllS IUIS3'~.2 Ellls lLI l 81nley lLI ILi OT-I MIHs IUI 171 7 Clarll ILi J Ori"'"" (UI Alamitos Race Results FwTOIHNy (Mii of •111911t ll•f'llffl "'"""'' First rec.e J 0 Front IV•llendlft9Nml U 40, 1 lO, f 70; Mhltf' Plllllp IRetcllforOI 7UO, 10 40; VIC 8 T•r 15ucc•roti.I •to. u Heel• (1.4) INIO '1'4.80. Second rece-Clwls EvellOer IPe11t119l 4.00. l .20, 3.40; Venessa Almellurst IRllt lllel •.00, J.lO;"Prfl:klusGeslure tGoud•eaul 3 40 Tlllrd r.ec.-nqel Brevo ll>esomerl 1120. 6 IO, •.to; H,,_ Piiot IWlllle,,.sl I 20. S to. My Lltl .. R~ l~"ftl 4.to. Fo..rtll rec:-8etNny Rosell• IGo\ld~I • 20, 4.20, 2.IO; ,..,.,,.,., Fri-IBleckmenl 25 60. 1 00, Fency a.roneu 18eY .. Hl 2 • .0. i1 .. eel• ta.71 paid i1tt.'°. Fltlll race-o.n-Orpl\aft B•l>'I' IW•tN!urtll I 40, 3.to, 310, Uflre Weve IL0ft90l • 60, 3.70; Frtdctv Fencltr IGoudrNUI uo. Slatll rec:e-+lekyOft Htrlleve ILOllOOI 26.IO. •.to, UO; Wtlltloff Oltlt IHUQlleil UO. 4,IO; Hertern CNtr .. ll'wry) •.60. U ueci. 12,.l paid Ut&.20. S.vtl'llh r11Cit-41•Jell H 10.-r I 11.00. 1.JO, s.to; Weltellll ~ (.Mcl•iOnl 1UO, • '°· llsbOft Laci (Goudrff\I l 4.00 Elollttl ~·, Velle11t ISIH'IQOl) s . .o. J • .tO, J 00; T-Chris IRelcllfordl J.IO, 4.00; aye AWIY .~ .. Cllfordl uo u tllKI• (f.ll 1Ni0 $3460. Hlntll ,__.,, Sprl119 (L01190I n 20, 7.20. 110; WI hon Forty two ITOdO 11} uo. 140, OOll Apple IT~) UO. '1 .. ecle 1'41pelO110l.OO. Alttnclene-,511. College, Prep Baseball eoU.EGI! use"· uc ,,,,, ... J C•I Sim FllllertOft •.UCLA 1 C.1 Pocy~l.~ft 4 Azuw Pec:lll< '· C:.I SC•I• LA . Occ-el lf,Cel Te<.110 Cel St.tie OotnlllQuei Hiii\ 1, UC Rl.,ers~3 Cel Pol'f SLO II, UC Sent• ll•rbere 1 Cel l -M 4, Cl••-l·MUOO 2 JUNl09' COLLEGE ~Ct·~· GolOt!l'I West 1', Rio Hondo • LOI Anotlei cc 12. LA Southwest ' CYP<'Hl 1, s.nl• Motuce 1 --.... Cerritos 4, s.ctdlet>•O l E11encl• 11, SadOtebKll o Sent• AM•. Costa Mew 3 Ntw-1 H¥ticw t, Mat., Del 1 '"""' ,_., Oene Hiiis •. T~Cln J EI MOClene f, LOS AmiQOt 3 Footlllll S, s...tleQO • RallCl'O Alemlto. 10. Unlvenlly 1 "'"'-· lowtll l, K....OV I ...... ~ Fountetn V•lley J. Lii Wlhon I Geplstr-V•lleY S. 1nr1ne • M9Qft0Cle9. CVP'HH Canyon •. 8-P•"' l Fullerton 11, Suftfty Hiiis. Bree •. Senti!<' 1 Excelsior•. Anet.elm 1 LEASING? IFYOUDOMT HAVE OUI 9'JOTE, t . YOU ARE PROIAILY PA YING TOO MUCH! M•w and Used C.-s & Trwcb Al Makes & Models S•rll• """ 11, MlreCosl• 1 Citrus l , Com9ton I Pl•"• 13, Ventur• 11 0 •ft•rd I. Bal<ffSflelO S Ml Sal>...,,_ 1, Seft 8t•nfrct1no .Softball BEACH 4019 WISTaLY,MIWPOITllACH • l A V elley ~~ C...YOllH MIUIOll 8, -St LA 1 MIGt4 SCHOOL $<--·'""""' LA Hetbof' 200 000-l 2 4 LEASING 833-9850 S•nt• AM~-Mew T-ey Coror1• a.I Mer t. Seftl• An• Velley 0r•ft9e C:O.St 01 25•-11 1 1 Vol•ncle -Julie. J•O_,, Alleft m elld r1111evar•. Stoen tl l I Baseball Football Soccer Tennis Volley Balls Soccer Balls F11tballs Baseballs Softballs PlaylfMd Balls B1111y Banis WeiPt Sets Jump Rapes Racket Strinlin1 • -. . -. , EvtfJdlint (well nt•ly Everytllint) For t~e Athlete ... . I • 1 , .. . [it 5; Center It. • l ·---... I. . ... . . . . .. , ... .... • Duck Feet Churchill water Wander Speedo Wbite Stag • RawNn1s Wilsen Bancroft Ja1 Jay White Stai Wipam Divis Yict1r Imp Y•1.Prince S,llM·AditaS Bllllnintlll lackets ) ' .· 84 DAILY PILOT Wedneedef, P*\Wf a 1'71 Tennis Results For Area .... ~ .. ,. ....... 1 ...... .... , .................... t v.,... .... .. rtnw ,.,..,.,. • ... t\\Wf \lfl9llM W OI-1•1..., C-1 '-M .. 1 _,.," ftl .... C-U•I •1 ....,,..., lll#f C•-••J •I ~ •••o-m1..i ~~·1 ••.,.. .. .._....., ISi lttf C-C'-Y H W h r~ll .... 1111 ... .._._t_tt.-l. l~tl Or .... c:.-tt M• -.Ct '--~ 401 -o.r-......... ,_. 101 094 M<llOtllll• 1,•l M..0-.IOWt ,.,...._,.._ t •· \fftt• IOI Wt ~ t-1" t • ~ IOI ... ~ .. ,. •l O... .. • lOI-,....... ...--••l.M 0....... ,_..,.,_. '°'"" c.......,. ............. ••. 5"11111~ .. 101 Olfl ~~ t J, •I ~r ~""'4!0 101 ..-4 0.-.... ·~ .............. , c---···"'" ..... '" .. '" , ...... S."J ICI -"-. .,, -4 •-• .... Ml lloil(l(lt ....... <.Mlllt H . 0.•'--ICI - ... -'" ... , ....... l("I -, s to.I ... -•• •• lll<P•wrwr tCI '°" • • 1 • -•• •I ~ Whlwf 11."11"""" ((I ~I 10 Wofi.. (" .. ft t• t 1 Ott S-IClm •1 t I C-llltt•-19 •Cl le>lll I >.k-•t ... , UIM---'IY I 1~, lll-101'1 ......... 9.,,,. l~l lo\1 IO n., 0.., 0.1 S'""lfl •> Iott lo Rum-.. , ..,, to H•IMlr\ , '. T H- 1e 1 io.1 H . -ll.!OlllU.-•J ~l•llt l to•I 14, -•t, t·I. loft 2•· MtO.t lMfl IE I IO•I •• -.. ..... ..,,>~>· 0-.. C~I OtMlfl IE) kltl 1111 SI,_ Wol<Clt1 k >-•, SPiii M•Hr·Mtli.11\ S 1. t l . 0 .. lt•C • Hu-l!llo\1~. 7•.-••.•7 """* o.i n . ,,. .. "' .. ' SI ...... 1(1111~ IMJ -0.vl\ • 1 0.f AO•M\ •I ott C•IOOrO... Ml oet !>ll•olf'y •o H.oll IMI ~'a... wont 2 •l ..... LNv-IMI wOfl .. ,, !Ost M -n • l .... Oufllt IMI -• 2, 1 •. !OJI t-4. "'°" .. ) ~ .. DallY ~-,_.. W 0..,. &,,,.,_ ~-AP Dl.lfakt.4'1 MEMPHIS Tenn. lltlfendln1 champton Jimmy Connori e11lly defHlld 1'um11 Smid,,_., 6·0 Tooaday ruicht In lhfl 14":ond round of tM U.S • National Indoor Tennla Ch1mplon1hlpt. h Tblrct·seeded Vil•• Ot1rul1ltla downed Jo an Krick, 6 3, 8·2, but No. 4 told Eddie Olbbe lo.t to Vljay Amrltraj. 8 4, 8 1 Connors 1tpJH')ar~d rC1laJ1ed anrt aCC!med to be thorol.lfbly en Jo yin• hi m•etlf u ht chatted wtth tbe crowd brou1th.out hh• match At OM point, be even playf'd an Impromptu .samo ot catch with a man In the 1land11 Connort did however 1t rtke 1 IOUr note ln hla rnotch. huruna hit 1hould r ait h dipped to bit • low tlhot rrom th .. buellne. lie uld. however' ll would nol prtvent hJm from meetln11 Stan Smith In their lhlrd·round motch today • In otht'r nl«ihl matches, Arthur Atthe downed Kim Warwick. 8·3. 6·1. Wojtek Fibak beat Hank Pfister. 6~. 4·6, 7 ~. Sindy Mayer be.t Ion Tltiac, 7 6, M . 6·3 and Poler Flemln~ acorod a mUd upset over o. lac:t 1'ttl'O<'ty, 7 ~. G I. . Butch Walu. who scored lbti first major upset or the tournumcnl Mondoy over 11econd·aeeded Guillermo Vilnit, retired from his second-round match American Gene Mayer was leading ~ when Walts quit the match. eaylng be bad injured his fO'Ol in his match the olabt before. Two other sooded playera were upset Tueaday -San Clemente's Bob Lula downed Dick Stockton, 6·4, 6·3, and Stan Smith de!eated Adriano Panatta, 6-1. 6·4. In other matches, Roscoe Tanner defeated Bruce Manson, 6-4, 8·4; Tim Gullikson got by Jeff Borowiak, 6-2, 2·6, 7·6 : Bust.er Mottram beat Heinz Gunthardt, 7·6, 6·7, 6·2: and J ohn Alexander de· !eated Brian Teacher, 7·5, 8-1. TENNIS I BASKETBALL I BOA rt.G 808 NOROSKOO SEEKS NEW RECORDS &5·Y••r Old Driver to Throttle OleMI Machine Speed Demon Nordskog Eyes Records By ALMON LOCK.A.BEY D•ll'f Pl ... ._ ... Writer Bob Nordskog, the 65-year-old race driver from Van Nuys, Ukes to set speed records on the water and oft.en does. But the granddaddy or speed boat racing-both offshore and on lakes never seems to be content with setting records . He Is always out to break his own . M klt,,.·A ICI-IM I 0.1 Gro_._......, • • 6 ' I0\1 10 C•ICM•o,,.Cert19t1.o s-r. H . Wllll•..,\Gontt'4.I tMI WOll .. 1 .. 1 _ .. l .t-3 DANA HILLS' IAN O'DONNELL DRIVES THROUGH FOE. Jn a fU"St-round match, Vic Amaya beat Tom Gorman, 6-4, 6-3. Such will be his goal Sunday at Parker Dam on the Colorado River when be sets his sights on breaking the six world diesel enduranc~tand speed records which he set at last year's Parker Enduro. M.._t Ma-U . '°"llor'910 S rrtze11.,..11,. S"'9M P lr-... IHI ICKI IO EloeUro S-1, def 8flll00 .. ) 0.1 -M .... I bY 0.1 ... " Gny IHI IOSI ... -·1 ..O.•.O, 81elker IHI 1o$t• ...... , bv default -.,., .., Meer•• CH I won r.s. t-1, ., ... ~ Koll .... ~ IHI.,,,. Ou1•yS<h~lnOor 6 ·0 • 0 O•I W•ll•" Pura •·O. 6·0. NUMs·-t\llOfl .. 2.•.0.WOll6·2 ... 1..-h«ll """·Se,. Mero• 11"" , ........ J-ILi def At k .. y t-), 0.1 Sa.M •J, def F••zon .. l,def 8rown•1. Fro .. , 1Lllos1H,U . .,<)ft ...... t-l, 8rvm1i..1<1 IL I loll J.-4, U , won •7. •·1 Ftatlltr Ill Oeleull to" by Otl•vll •Ofl •• , lo$• u. Dolphins Have A Long Night LONDON -Wimbledon prize money for 1979 has risen by over $20,000 to $554,132, the All England Tennis club a nnounced Tuesday. The players all receive an increase of five per- cent but prices for center court tickets will remain the same, club chairman Sir Brian Burnett re- vealed. Bjorn Borg of Sweden, who earned $38,000 for winning the men's singles for the third consecutive time in 1978, will receive $40,000 if be makes It four in a row . NORDSKOG WILL ONCE again be driving his 20-Coot inboard tunnel hull which carried him to six world marks. The boat has undergone extensive modification since last year's run, including a ma· jor change in power plants. Last year's records were set with Nordskog using a turbocharged Renault marine diesel which was 337 cubic Inches . The new engine will be a 504 cubic inch turbocha rged Cummins diesel. 0.-... O•vlO--<.uo ... ILi •PHI Mlll·GOf'del\ M , ... , •Diii l(u,,,,.HulOl\4!< .... , ••• Wtllf·Godl•lecl WMll t 1,•·•.-.. 2.6-4 ININJ4, l..e9 ..... Hllh4 Jinem J•nnon (I) (Ml, M•<"luso ••.Mt. Furm"" • 7, °"' BtlOQes •1. 11111 ll-r 6.0; Temp .. lon 111 •ost .... -1.s. • 1. 61, lMM 111 10,1,.. ....,,. 6·1, H , IHI, Mitter fl I to\I 4>-6, l·6, "'°" 1>-7. t·1 ~ Gllllltm-L" Ill O.I A1e110 H°"'e .. 1, ... Ott Morrl•n l0<f'n1 • > 6 7 HCHln<J·M-111 -.... f>.1 . won•• i..t W..""'11ster 11, c .. u Mna 1 ''""" Leltll'f fCIOH Ewvdero..O, Of'f Fulll>tlqhlf>.3. lost lo S-s l<t. 0.1 YOUn<J,6·1. Woll tCI - .... losl , .. , lofl 14, -t·l : AlclltrdHfl ICI won ...... 1051 U . won 1-4. l<t; M<tl\Oflltfl ICI toll H , WOfl by deoltlill lost 7-4, H ~ ~ Ptl\IWI·~ ICI !oil to ICOWt•Wtlht k CH>, IOSI 10 F~•Hll•ousmoul•~ 7 6. ••. H- A9Uflt ICI IMI 1•. 2-4, IOSI 0.. 1 t l"-aift Valier 1'111, DAM Hiii• 11-. Sl"'llU H•mlll IFI ~ Luus 7 s. Oel E09en• •1. Otf Guc1e .. I. o.t. fOflOU 6-7· I.et IFI loit H . k '"'011 1·S, ICKI .... Hemlllorl IFI lo•I , ... -.... &-0 6-7. ~ 11'1 !Oil U . -6-1, losl 1•. •on .. 1 Dwl!Mt Rlldef.(iyyol IFJ \Piii •1111 MCCAl>f<-Joh"llon I> I ~I. Clef Wil<O•·Lewls ,,.7, .... !>uQullen.T.ano IFJ won .. l,&-l. WOft .. 1 ... 1 ....... S-0...-51. 1, UC lrvltM J ,,,,.... Jono ISOI "'1. "'""'' &-t. •·t. Snelson ISO• .,.,, Slotklorl 1 s. ,. •• o. C.arw11 IUCI I Oel. Al· 11\dn t.-4, •3. HelMlltdl ISO I det SIAa" 7-6, ft.I; Price ISOI <Iii• Allll\ony .. o. •·•. OUOl!•n ISOI <lf'1 Hixon 6-1, &-l o ........ SIO<klon-Armet IUCll Otll. J-1-Alll\Ofl .. ,. ~•. & ... Pr1c .. s....1'°" 1!>01 <l@t, Ori.on-Noxon I>· I. •·7: Ollllnqtl•M·O'Tool ISO I del 51&•1•· Antllof\y .. 2, ... Ot-C..11 •, Mt. SAC t Sl"'I ... J Mev•r~,,.. BltMI .. 2. 6-0. M My•ll 101 .,., C.allfl90• f>.I, 6-0, J-"'°" 101 o..t Pu•Mlfl 6-0. • 0, L "'"" 10 1 .,.,, Am<tn .. o. ~ s ..... 101 ,,., 0.~ ...... l ,A"'°'IOld•I PtriM ... 1. ~. J M•W•\-JOflMIOll 101 Oef G•ll•90'-81•Y •1. t ·l: M M"'.9?'l M.,.n. Oe1 10 1 ci.t • ..._,_ Ameye •t, M . s .. ,, .. ~11911 COi oet. Pene·~lf\9 .. ,, .. 1 ~kS,P•lemer• SI ...... ~ ISi oet BrMY .. 1 ... ,; "•Ide• 151 def. Etlle11on 2-6 ..... •1; °"·-·· ISi IOU 10 e • .,. .,,t ~1 ... l ... \. MltCMll CSl!Oit loM•rwl••l.M . SIKe ISi IMt 10 CNmbef'ilft._., W ; SIMO ISi clef. LHIW ,•t ... 7 ~ Waltl·11-ISi ICKI to Brtay·E1Nrton6-J, 1-4. 6·1: C0111\<1rS·Gosle1111oler ISi Oel. &r.,.111· Merule .... •t; ~Slsce ISi o.f. C,,_,.llfl· LHl .. 2 ... l Edison High needed three overtime periods to nip Slml Valley, 4-3, while University High upset Glendale, l ·O, in second-round action or the CIF soccer playoffs Tuesday. With one second rema1rung, Tom Wentzel scored the winning Edison goal and Simi Valley, ranked sixth i n C J F, was eliminated. John Lowe scored twice for By LEE MILLER bf-OelfY l'll•Ute1t Dana Hills High Coach Art Jenkins must bave had a feeling that 1t would be a Jong night Tuesday when the scoreboard at Sa n Cl e mente High went haywire early in the Dolphins ' game with Canyon of Saugus. Arter they fixed the electronic monster . it was downhill all the way for Jenkins as Canyon whipped the Dolphins 50·29 in a sloppily played CIF 2·A basket· ball playoff game . Canyon, which knocked No. 1 Righetti out in the first round, now advance s to the quarterfinals against Moreno Valley while Dana Hills' season ends prematurely. The Dolphins wrapped up their campaign with a 16·8 record a nd entered post- season play for the firs t time. "l'VE REALLY enjoyed the season." said J enkins after the debacle. "They were a good group of guys. We played some good teams and the players bad a n excellent attitude ." J enkins couldn't be quite so happy with h is t eam's performance Tuesday though. "It was a very ~rly played game. I'm afraid, · admitted a -somber Jenkins. "I didn't think they played good at times either. But they played good defense and we were very tight. "You've got to give them credit. They bustled and they did a lot of things with their de· fense." AS IF CANYON'S defense needed any help, the Dolphins' offense seemed to think it should contribute to the Cowboys· cause. The Dolphins s hooting was ter- the Chargers and Kevin Moreen added the other goal, while Edison goalie E ric Verecher notched seven saves. University got the only goal It needed from Nader Red1jaian. Goalie John Glenn recorded 16 saves to tum back Glendale , lhe No. l rankedteaminCIF2-A. UlllwnllJ t, ~ t Unlv~ltil SCOf'lt19· A~IJtl•11 E.i-4, .,,,.. Velley J ci ell Edison KOflflQ I.-1, Morffft, WH>lltl Sim i vettey KOrlfl9, GolHl<lore. Gartl41, O~t rible and they seemingly invent· cd numerous ways lo turn the ball over. ""' "We just played very tight," said Jenkins. "I guess it's just human nature. We were excited about being in the playoffs; we wanted to play so well. "I thought we gave a good ef· for t in the second half but we j ust couldn't put the ball-in the hole. It was one or those nights when nothing we did was right. That's a shame because we played so well in the first playoff game." Canyon sent a formidable front line of 6-6, 6 ·6 and 6...C against the Dolphins Tuesday. The Cowboys proved to be too physical for Dana Hills. Forward Terry Kaldhusdal poured 15 points through the n e t s whi le everything the Dolphins tossed up went off the boards t.o the taller Cowboys. AFTER FALLING behind at the outset of the contest, 12·2, Dana Hills' style of play just couldn't bring the Dolphins back quick enough. Da na Hills' patient passing game couldn't penetrate the Ca- nyon 1·3·1 zone and when the Dolphins shot over It they missed badly. T he play of Mike Samuels and Doug Andrews was the only thing that kept the Dolphins in the game. Samuels, although be scored onl y six points. did a good job on the boards. Andrews, a 6-6 senior , bit nine points but rarely saw the ball underneath t h e basket. Whenever the Dolphins' guards would try to pass in to Andrews, the Cowboys would sag and in· tercept the passes. The culprit In many of those cases was Canyon's 5·10 senior guard, Butch Stevensen. He then converted the steals into 13 pointa. * * * The women's champion will receive $36,000, $1,800 more than Ma rtina Navratilova, the Czech expatriate who now resides in the United States, earned last year. Sir Brian said that Wimbledon officials had met with the organizers of the ottier Grand Slam tournaments -the U.S., French ahd Australian opens -and had come to an agreement not to raise prize money more than 10 percent. "Wimbledon has gone for a lower figure. because we feel the prize money is high enough as it is," he explained. Ncmratllo1'a Slaalc11 DALLAS -Top·seeded Martina Navratilova settled down after a shaky start and went on to de· real Betsy Nagelsen 7-5, 6-0 in the feature match of the second day's action in a tournament here Tues- day night. Navratilova, whose 84·year-0ld grandmother came in from Czechoslovakia to see the t.ourna· ment. admitted her nerves were shaky. "But I settled down aft.er that fi rst set and I was all right. I think my heart was beating 200 <beats> a minute when I went to the court," said the top money winner of the tennis year . Also advancing were Virginia Wade, who beat. Lea Antonopolls, 6·2, 6-7; Rosie Casals, a 6-4. 2·6, 6·2 winner over Renee Richards. and Francoise Durr, who turned back 19-year-old Anne Smith, 6-4, 6-3. Three Gauchos Earn Al£.Mission To really no one's s urprise, Kelly Johnson of Citrus College has been named t.he Mission Con· ference's Most Valuable Player for the 1978·79 basketball season by a vole or coaches. John.son led the conference scoring race from the first week of the season to its finish. He averaged 29.6. Saddleback. which won the Mission cham· pionship, placed three individuals -Randy Wb leldon, Kevin Magee and Bruce LaVallee -on the all·conference squad. Saddleback's Bill Mulligan was selected as the Coach of the Year. All·Ml11lonConferenttTeam Kelly Johnson, Citrus 6-6 So. Randy Whieldon, Saddleback 6-4 FT. Kevin Magee, Saddleback 6..S Fr. Bruce La~llee, Saddleback 6·8 So. The new engine is the result of over a year's planning and development of a diesel motor which would generate enough horsepower to carry Nordskog's boat past the 100 mph mark. Prepara- tion of the latest in a long line of world record set- ting race boats was done at Nordskog Competition Center in Van Nuys. NORDSKOG SAID LAST year 's diesel boat - the first in the Parke r Enduro his tory - performed nawlessly. At the end of the first hour of racing Nordskog shattered the then existing record of 42.67 mph held by Fred Alter in 1966 with a blazing 68.99 mph. He then set a new two-hour record of 64.65 mph and followed with a three-hour re<:ord of 66.04; a four hour record or 64.76 and a five-hour mark of 65.56. At the conclusion of six hours or racing Nordskog bad completed 365 miles at a record ·average speed of 60 97 mph. THESE RECORDS GO A long way toward establishing diesel power 's capability of respecta· ble speeds along with endurance, according to No.rdskog. The Parker 9-Hour Enduro bas long been a favorite for Nordskog who has driven in the last 16 COttSecutive events. In those 18 years he has taken one overall liUe and been the only driver to com- plete lbe entire nine hours without a relief driver, a feat he has accomplished on five occasions. Reviewing Nordskog's Parker record reveals tbat he has driven more race miles on the Colorado course than any other driver. If all his Parker racing miles were totaled, it would be more than equ~l to a plane trip from Los Angeles lo Ro'me. His complete racing career has account· ed for a distance in excess or six round trips from Los Angeles to Australia. IN ADDmON TO ms Parker Performances. Nordskog bas been busy on other boat racing fronts as well He cur rently bolds two world speed records in three offshore classes. Hi s 90.555 mph record at Marina del Rey is the fastest official speed ever attained by any offshore racing bull in the U.S. He has driven in all of the Bushmills Grand Prix races at Newport Beach and will be in the thick of the spray at this year's race March 17. In 1977 he traveled to South America and won the South American ConlinentaJ Championship in a three race series which qualified him for the world championship al Key West, Fla. But in that race the granddaddy of offshore racing fell victim to the only grandmother in the sport, 55-year-<>ld Betty Cook of Newport Beach. c ... .,... <•1 o.,.."1111 ct" Eddie Roberson. Riverside 6-7 Fr. 1; ~1 ~p,s ~ ~ •: Tom Wight, Riverside 6--t FSor.· Oil Scriar.n Hunted ~~~=~~~I . !~-;:.·~~ • I 9 Zack Jones. San Die10 cc 6·5 r cor"w~tt 1 o 1 sm~t11 o 1 1 • Michael Phillips, San Bernardino 6-4 So. i[Ei i 1 '1 ~~~':L.. l l ; ~~;.r~.~=~P~~.~=~ ::: ~: Off Santa Barbara Totets '~!:.':.,~~~~' 11 7 19 \ SACRAMENTO (AP) -A $181,000 federal c.,..,Ofl 11 10 ' 1 1-so D --...... t} N Io o grant is being U3ed to locate the remains of old oil· 0~o~.7':::i. •. t.l\yorl 1'. o .... H~ll\·11~ ::..-;:; .l.Ule ers ow • drilling faclllti~s along Santa Barbara beaches ovt 5"flrt11. 0·0-..11 1o.n. H 111s1. wbicb could be h azardous to swimmers and Golden Weal CoUege Roberta, Pam Banks boaten. College, Prep Basketball Soccer Scores POSted lts lOlb victory and Kim E!Jenhart all Tbe State Lands Commission said Monday without defeat with an bad 18 for the Golden that the survey is to locate parts of piers and struc· .... 83 triumf?t over visit· West Ruatlen. -lures from which oil wells were drilled on slate· 00 DenlM Fa.irbanb hit owned tidelands between 1890 and the lM>a. Ing San ie10 Mesa In many ca.sea, officials said, pilings of old CoUege a AST O.r""°""' 11. "•"'-r• Nevy 10, 11.-p11-~ 6S MIO'#llST O.Pwl a Ate.·8lrml"91M1m 11 l!•aMlillle 11, St. JOHPll''• I net. n Mor°"""" a . South c.roo~ .. ltOCIUH s. CoMr• n. "'·Colorado., ANll'lt SI .... l'e11 Lewis •• NOYtldt 1"-1" Porttlllld .S TOUi.MAMIMT'I ........ ,.,....._ Mlt-1'1,0llloMINSt. 10 ICOftt" fl. '-It 10 OllltlflMlll,,. c-.-J1 IC•flM\lt •l.IMOrttAe ... tOT .......... ....... 1t11..-n6', "-'SI S1 Pitt ts,°""" W~ IO .... ".,_.. n. 0.--,. Vilt-• JI, MeMK~ns n , OT ~""""' ~ "'"" .... llllfl-.lt ... W T-tt ... i.111 ..... 11,('~'1 Wlclllt• St. 70, OrtU M New Me11<o St .• a . Tutu n Junior College ......,,.c.t~· ,....,.... LA~ 14, Strole Mo'llct JI LA Htlf11of JJ, LA Clly 6S ~~ ..... .,.... LOllO 11Mc:11 n. I.A "111 ,.., s• Pier~• H . a.onflelO l1 High School CtPltltl,..... ... ,. V•rWn 0.1 ... OcMll v .... n Cl'9lCeMe VtlleY ... LB Wll-JS Com,._. ... Matw Ott N "'°""'""* "' l.OYOI• S2 LB ......, 1$, OliNrt .. kfl Mere .. .,, ............. J1 It B.,_,, ss. MMlN ,. Pe,.... n, ....,... Mofttoomtrv M ~ ("'y ) t3, ,... Alla S4 19•'fff1Y HIHt 7t. hi.Ill Gr-.. u-"t.t.~ .. s. '-" Hiib ,., !:tttM .. S4 L .. """"" 11. l""I',. CM9M .. ,., ..... ow-. u .. nt.w1',LMAl ... SI • .. while UC Irvine won ill 24 for bolt UCJ while piers and oU rig structures were cut off below the tblrd game ot the cam· Kim Folta wu adding 15 palgn. n-ee, over Cbap-as the AntMters dented water line. l , man in women '1 basket-the victor>' column for ~ ~.·t:~t. action Tuesday ~!!s:·,...Mtlt&a Hawaii Gets Rakhshani led Bl nd •-red oo'"" MM--*"' "· '"'"'' • -R L'"·b·-• bo e ey a "" 11, "· o... 2, c. o..." ,._. tt. Golden West College 1 ~eve a..... .uu, w 22 polnta while Terry ~11.u. a ltllllltft.11. , quarterbacked lbe RusUel'lJ to a 9-2 recwd and the Pro Seoree -------·-·· ·-· .. 111:':~;:«== 4~· ~-:; .: Avocado Bowl championship, has slped a na-L•"•'• •· ... 1_ '· ,,., .. , 11· tJonal letter of Intent to play football for lbe '•~'::.!.i ~ w... .... ,,. Urtlveralty of Haw au . uc...,..,,.~.. Rakblbani'a a S·l , l90·pound 1raduate of a.--~ ~ EdlHG Hl&h. ~ :.,.,~ u!'.:C~* 4, .., 11. Before dee~ wom1•aii, .l!~T w bad uc ,,;,.,.. a.-6. l.Mtllltl..,.., been leanlnl tow-..-a a aI1'ol ennessee. =:_-:,::....-:--..,_. ... a. Ht previoutly atten~_! .. !aton ,!,.?~ Swtatet but ".....-: oi.i-...... redablrted before trana.e •• .,... ~ • . Geor1e Hilu coached pro football for 40 years -and bla tuma won 320 1amea . . ... He will bave sophomore eu,tbWt.y next fall. Last aeuon, Rakhlbanl bad better than a~ per~ peutq compleUoo rat. for the RUlt.len, bad only' five passes intercepted and reeled olf n&n1 ot eo and 70 yards . I .. . ..... ,. , • I .. • t , Business DAILY PILOT •S Washington's as Cold as the Weather B •t P qs 011 l. G. "Jack .. Davis won b1" be fore the New J crsey Casino Control Commasslon. getting a permanent lieense to operate his Atlantic City casino. His Resorts Interna- tional operates the city's on - ly legal casino to date. By JORN C NNIFP APe-A-l'ttl Wb n \be weather •• blamed you mUlt wonder Wond•l' lf It l•n't a 1eape oat for poor COO· tt'ptloft or ell! utloo. 11 In• lotl baUtune. or 11 In the more urloua bualneu of price tt>JU'a.lal Sev re w alher ... amonc lbe reaaorH llattd by tbe la only one Wuhtn1ton la another. lntt the Caner admlnlaln· lion Imposed voluntary 1uidt>lloc1, prlcea have worwnect. Jo January they crew at an annual ralr or nlne·tenths of l peorceot. whkb tran1lates to a YHrly rate ol nearly 12 per cenl It ~ r&.>ar , .. , ~le ••• "-•e•' ••fl 1 .. n, • ~ ........ •• ··~ C'•rf~ p l•• .... ...c .......... ~. Aartcul\ure Department for very abarp ancreaaes dunna January m the prices or fruits, ve1etables and beef. That. and temporarily IJgbt supplies. T&tJE. PERHAPS, but lben it's always true lhal severe weat})er occurs in wmter. It's what makes winter. Dul price in· creases are made mainly by other factons, of which weather At 12 percent lnflation. prices double ln Juat sax years. Pul another way, al 12 percent infla· Uoo the value of money is cut ln half. Today's dollar would buy just SO cents worth of groceries in 1985. BY MANY IF not most calculatioos, a continuation of inflation al tbal rate would just about destroy the American NEWS.4NA L Y ,IS economy, and sJnce lbls i• a world Ued tosether by trade and finance, 1t m1ibt ruin the world too . It la because of this, tbe total \lDAC~bWt.y of hlgb raa. ol lnflatloa, that the Carter ad· mln'-tr•Uoo bu made ll the No. 1 economic problem or our time. War. it feels, must be waged against it. That war, however. is eol..ng poorly. and it seems clear from the remark.a and actJoas of busl· neaa. labor and consumers that de1pite the dangers and fe8J'S , a commitment to tbe Carter plan bas not been made. mE A.FL-CIO seeks a court decision on the right of Washington to enforce the guldelinet. Many scores of Ia.rte companies declined to pledge tbeir allegiance; many small companies have ignored tbe guides. And consumers? Whatever they say in the polls, the ract that lbey have been buying up a storm -literally. an economic storm -suggests they believe what's expeo.slve now wlU be cbeap by tomorrow's standards. Generally, rlslna prlcea dampen demand, but tbls bu not been so of late. Cooaumers have been u.alng tncreasin1 a mounta of crecllt In order to continue buying. And they've bffn dipping ln~ savln.11 too. PE&SONAL SAVINGS as a percentage ol diapotable income fell Jut month to Just 4.S per- cent, from 4.8 percent In December, one or t be lowest rates since lhe mid·1950s. It ls at least 2 points below "normal." What this suggests is lbat con· aumers either are compelled to cul savi.nes in order to malnt.ain lifestyles. or that they bave littJe faith in Washington. Battle· weary and wary. they seem not to believe. When that happens to the troops, you can be s ure the Jeadenhlp will be blamed, and the blame iJ coming wltb sur· prllla, quickness. It w11 only monlba ago. remember. wben tbe euld.ellnes proenm wu an· oounced. STILL, BUSINESS Week magazine tbla week recom· mend• Wuhingtoa "recopi~e in fact tbat its wace·price guidelioes program ls coming to pieces." It suggests "writlng off the whole unfortunate experi· ment." What then? Big uruon con· tracts a.re coming up, and lbe at· titude among workers seems to be that they must overcome the erosion of lbeir paychecks. AD<I industry feels it must get more fOf' itself. Does it mean controls. as busl· ness and labor fear? The ad· ministration repeatedly says no. but there's a question of whether it bas credibility on lbe subject. The ordinary troops seem not to believe. It could be argued, in fact, that lack of believability could be a major element in tbe failure, so far, of the guidelines. Al least as large a factor as that incredible, severe winter weather. Sloop Spawns Cleaner River Arco to Cut Fuel Supply By JULES LOH ... 5-IM Cerftlf l .. 1 •t SAUGERTIES. N.Y. -She is icebound now, tethered need· lessly to a tree. Shipwright's tools clutter her decks. Still in aJJ she is a handsome sight. representing as she does both a memory and a dream . She Is the Clearwater, a Hudson River sloop. THIE WAS WHEN hundreds of Hudson River sloops plied this river; splendid boats, tall· masted, lines as graceful as a swan's. The Hudson was their home and begat their design but they were familiar In ports around tbe world. The first American craft to sail directly to China was a Hudson River sloop, the Experiment. ·'This ho.at is about the same size as the Experiment," said Donald Taube, sitting on a seal· fold of ice, pounding cotton caulking with a wooden mallet into wooden seams. "Counting the bowsprit she's 106 feet long with a 25-foot beam. "THER E'S SOMETHING about a Hudson River sloop you don't see in a sleek racing yacht. It's bard to explain. She's just a beauty." Taube, a bearded, husky artisan or 36, learned the shipwright's trade on the Chesapeake, repairing tbe all- bu t-v anis hed sk.ipjacks, the classir sailing vessel that body of water gave to the world. He and other craftsmen are readying the Clearwater for her lllb season of missiona ry work. That's what the Clearwater is: the missionary of the Hudson. A novel idea IT WAS CONCEIVED 15 years ago when a couple of Hudson Valley residents, Pete Seeger, the folksinger , and Vic Schwartz, an artist, witnessed with mounting horror the steady destruction of the river they loved. Al the time, the Hudson was described as an open sewer. Both were sailing buffs. both history buffs, and both had read a 1908 book about Hudson River sloops. They were taken by one sentence: ··we want to write down what we can remember of these boats," the authors said, "because they were the most beautiful boats we ever knew ( .4MERIC4 J and they will never be seen again" WHY NOT, THE two decided, let everybody see one again. They felt tbal il they could re· kindle a Jove of the river, the people along its banks would do the rest. Donations launched the Clearwater. and a group called the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater. Inc., with head· quarters in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., keeps it afloat. What began as two people and an idea bas grown into an organization of 5,000 members. F&OM APRIL through Oc· tober that lovely sloop, 5, 747 square feet of white canvas fly· ing, sails from port to port up and down the mighty river. Schoolchildren come aboard to learn of the glory days when the river ran clean and sloop cap- tains listened to lbe thrashing of sturgeons in the night, to learn the Jore of the river and hear the old river ballads, to learn lbe SDG&E Earnings Decline gives you more! San Diego Gas and Electric Co. has report· ed earnings of $1.93 per com moo share for lbe 12 months ended Jan. 31. This is a decline of 9 cents from the $2.02 re· IJ>Orted last month for calendar 1978. T·BUI• 3/43 High earnings on "T·Blll plus 3140/o" SIX MONTH $10,000 Certificate. Rate is determined by the United States treasury bill weekly Monday auction and is effective the following Thursday through Wednesday. Interest compounded daily and paid on maturity. Subject to availabillty. $10,000 ONE YEAR Certificate. Interest paid monthly. A check of $70.84 will be paid to you or if placed in a 6V2% pass· book account and left for one year annual yield is 8. 78 %. $5000 SIX MONTH Certificate. Interest paid monthly. A check of $31 .25 will be paid to you or if placed in a 6Yz% pass· book account and let t for one year annual yield is 7. 73%. Interest reduced to 6% on all Certlf1cstss In the event of early withdraws/. DAILY INTEREST PASSBOOK Account. Interest paid. day-I n, day·out, compounded and credited quarterly. No m inimum. No penalty for withdrawal. Annual yield e.eetr.. THRln BY •AIL, TOOi We pay poatage botJ ways. Complete Information fumlahed upon request. .. ,,,,,.. Caltfomlane for over• quarter of• oentury. Statewide offloee with ••••t• over 1132,000,000.00 THE COMPANY at· tribuled the lower earn- ings to two reasons: -The California Public Utilities Com- mission instituted a gas supply adjustment mechanism in October, reducing lbe company's interdepartmental pro· ms from tbe sale of nalura.l gas for power plant fuel. -Earnings were af. reeled by dilution from common shares issued last year to finance the company's construction program. THE EARNINGS an· nou.ncement was made lo connection wttb a planned $5. 7 mllllo.n bond issue March 15 by lbe Calllornia PollutJon Con t r ol Financin g Authority. Proceeds from the sa l e will finance waste water dis· ch a r ge facilities at SDG&E's four power plant.a. importance of the river in lbe lives of nearly one-tenth of the nation's population. .. DOZENS OF GROUPS have sprung up for spedfic purposes -to reclaim a marsh, put pres· sure on a polluter. We don't get involved in specific projects; but if somebody bas a particular goal in mind, we plug him into the right group." Has it worked? "The river is cleaner, decided· ly cleaner," said Muty Gallanter. a spokesman ror the organization. .,. .......... '1fafl of ,. ... i .. 9 Designer Pierre Cardin says he will become a con· sultant to the Chinese. to help them •'develop the way or fashion." He says he has not yet signed a contract. but that he will advise tex· tile and garment wor kers. O ver T he Counte r MASO Listinqs LOS ANGELES <AP> - Atlantic Richfield Co. has an· nounced that It will cut fuel sup- plies to its customers to about 95 percent of normal levels for this time or year because of the turmoil in Iran that bas shut down that country's oil wells. Effective Thursday, the cut· back will affect nearly 10.000 gas stations in the West, Northeast and major cities throughout the nation. PC1. Off 1U Off 11. Ofl 16.J Off 1U Off u .o Off lS.O Off u 0 Off 14, Off ll.• ()tf 13. ()ti 13.l Off 12. I Off n .1 Off ll-0 Otl 1U Off 11.f Off 11.4 Off 11.J Off 11 I Off 11 1 Oft ,,,, Off 10.• Off IO• MUTUAL FUNDS rm 11 a ev . vt1 •u 10..13 n SQ 6.17 N 1 .~ "°' ~aMd Funds H*Ykl 11.1' 11.'7 US G0¥ '27 10. U Peftfl MW S.lot NL. SB l&Gr 12 11 12 ... Am L.dr 17.41114 Tr 1.00 NL. Mtss.<-.t O>· Plllla 7.7f I ~n In n II 12.i. f.mplr II.II) NL. HOr IU3 ls.JI Frffd 7.15 I.SI .._ Cap 7,14 • Sw Inv\ 7.a 7 ... F-E 11.•2 NL INAFO 11.$2 U.)j lf\Oep I •2 •.41 PllOtn FO I '1 '14 Swln Gt ) 2S UI Hllcm IS ... lf.64 1$1 Gro;ip: Men 106' IUI PllQrlm Grp: Sowr In 11 J3 12.31 tllOll o4 S.CutlllH NYVn M«IM 1.00 NL Grwtll s.oo s.. FdlllC ,. IS UM Pllg ,.0 fl.SI 11.21 Slat• ~ OHien. Inc.. -CG,.llftel 10 21 It.OS MMM 1.00 NL h1com J.•l s.~ ~n "''-'<I· M99 c l.:IO 3 71 Com F 410 U9 ~ prkft at Wfllcl\ ~lflClll 7.71 1-"' Ootfl 1t." 13" tnt ti! 10.7'2 11 T2 MIT UO 10.U M99 In I.ta ,.... Olv Fd • P 4 ... 1-te<utll14K lhM 1,00 NL filFre 12.• NL TrPaSlt 2.lt .. , MIG 1.• US Plofleer Fund. PtOQ F 4 SI 0 3 cowkl ...... lleefl Pt"fl 1.00 NL US Gvt t,o:J NL lnctlllltl' 3,73, • • MIO 11'0 14.,. Fvnct IU? H 17 StFrm Gt • 51 NL. .. Id CNet • -I CC 1.00 NL. F!*llly 0.-: lnt<41p 1.00 NL. MCD •03 9 7f II '°' • SFrm 9" 1017 NL velwel cw llOuafll 1$f1T lO.A 1UO A9fH . .... Ml '"' lnotJt II.SI 12 jl Ml'O u. 14 S3 Pl8ft lflV 11.0. u .11 St•I• SI O.JI fl.61 Cval... pllA v1es Cl\er1Fd ll.1' u 04 i .... NL lllV GlllO ,... NL. "'"" 14,;as u 41 ,.Uon11 10,7' 11. SIHdm.n Fllfllb: <11aroel CIMM Gt llOI 1111 7.t:J l .•7 Inv lnfk '·" NL MMe uo ..,. ,.llfnlcl 101S 11. Am lfld 27• NL AG .... , l"lllld •. ,, uo ontfd 10.01 NL Inv eos •.Sl 10,,. Cill M9 1.00 NL Price Fllllln: Auo F .. NL .,,.-4,1' 4 .. ,.,,I 4.l7 4.71 •HY I 1.00 NL lllW$10f"S ~: MSH 7 ll 7 '6 Grwtll IO Q NL lfl¥e$f t It NL Accwn 11.n NL $!\an 7.01 7... O"ny t .Q .. . IOS 8d SA SM rtNttfltn 14 2t NL ln<om t" NL OcHn. UJ NL. ACIVnlm _ .. I 5"<1 ... • ... EQ lflC "7't NL IOS Ot1 us 7.1:1 M9rrlll Ll'ftCfl: N ~·· 11.5'1 NL Sltln Roe Feh, Afutvre 12.12 NL. Eo 11.11 NL Ma9tl a.IA' . 10s no1 Ut us 11111< t .'1 10.01 N orlr ,,., NL 8•1tn 11 n NL Allst... Lil NL FO 7.11 1.n Mun 80 "50 NL Mvtl e.•1 • lt C.pll U.a 14."4 Pri!M 10.00 NL Cep 0 10.llO NL. Alllfl•F 11.• NL. NA M9' F<fs: FkMI tS.Ot 16 Pnlll UO l.• fQul8 'Sol t" Ta,-re U2 NL. Sloclt tt 1) NL Alllnl\T t.n lO l!tlrt't 4.U 4.SI HI YIO IUS NL {£"""" ..... 4.13 HI Inc • u IO OS .. ro ,,_ '" NL S1wny F 10.09 1Ul3 Ame<'~MFUNOS M~ LlMllfl t.25 NL too. 17.4' 11.• M\lfll '14 '·" Prolll( U$ NL lnMOO tO It ti ... AB.. '·" I.rt M• NL Pwrlln t .'7 10 .., Itel 1.11 9.J7 !ldAst 1.00 ML Prv SIP •.• 10.3' Ttmpl GI IUI 11.04 Amcp 1.3' '·". $Cllltt •.n t0.63 , Saltm 4.97 S.43 Vat Py uo 1.11 s.val 1 • t .U Plltnam Filneb: f-pr W 12.0 tJ.• A#wO '·" 10.1• Coionlel Fune.: Tl\r'lft • .., NL lflV Rffll S,4S s .. Mid AM s 14 s.n COflv 11.16 1UO Temp '"" I 00 NL AnGtll "" 1 $en Sec .. ,, t .51 Tr-~ 24 Ot llltl tl.41 n .10 MONY ,.. 112 9.21 EQ4111 tt 41 u,. Trn• Cap 1 S1 1..n 8onO 1).12 u. ,.111141 I.IS '·'' l'INne .. I : Ivy .. 01 NL MSB ,.II 1442 NL ~ n.7' 11.~ Trna lfln .. ,, •.n ~ 1.00 NL. Grwttl 4.Je S.02 Dyne S. NL J,. Grtll 9.~ 10.71 Miit Bet1 t .1'0 t .S1 Grwtl\ 10 2:2 IUt Trev f q !US 12.13 Flllfl... ..,, 1. lncom .. ,, •• ., 1nov't 4.13 NL. JAflUt F 11.27 NI. Ml!' FO , St I.I) HIYIO 17.lt lt.11 TllClr HO IUJ NI. Orwtll 7.IJ 7. Ooln lQ.16 11.1 lncom .. ., NL Jollfl HaflCOO ""'~Gift • ,. .... Inc-1.l4 1.02 Twt1C GI s 71 Ml rncom 1.1' 1. re. Mo 1u 1 u.,. f'S( 111wston: &Of\O 17.31 1e.1t MytvelOI OmaN '"""'u 7 IO 1 ,. T-c inc 1 n NL ICA 1453 ts c.eu Git! t6.C NL llfld AP Grwtft S..11 •.Jt Am•r t0.• 11 to °"'" 12.ft 14.11 USAA ~ 1.'3 NL Nl"en Ut .. Cwttfl All ... '· OIKO ... 1 :II h l•n 1.1' .. ., Orwlfl ),a i1• licE•l ., ... D.06 USAA Inc 10.t.S NL Wsll#f ... , 1. ~ c 1.a. 1,A7 Crwtll 1'n ttl tuE• ln<om .,, •Ml Vht• , ... , IJJl6 Unf ACt\I •• ,, NL. Arner o.ntral: p to e.u 1.7' lflCom 1'm .:n 1u• 1u2 t.F~ 1411 15.a,1 voyeo 11.4111 u Ut11f Mvt L20 NL. lld l.Jt •. ,. 7.23 1.n St!Kk 7 n I .. JoflMln 20. NL I ~ >4.25 NL "•"""" U6 NL. Uni CHI! 1.00 NL ti\ •n 4 ~ 1Ul NL Ke<n.., ~· Nall Ind 11 .. NL It•-~· NL UnlOll $"( OB: ~ s... •. ... Inv •Jll •.'2 ,.,IMll A .. ,. NL lnc;l\'I ... IO.S7 N•t Stew W ! fr s. NL llroed 10,, 11.20 HI Id 11.10 12, Oflt491 G /,JI NL ,.tMltOI ... NL. Gr-e.it US lelan e.'7 U1 tc EQI ell . Nt?,.!._nv U1 '-hi lllC 0 .. 00 •· ~ Mut t.00 NL Ftl V~ !0.00 NL HI YIO 11.32 11.IA 11oM A IO • M Otll ell U ..._ 1i,17 14.20 M-.ne Zll.63 U.11 v W Se 11.'6 12.04 .. W•fl ll... NL M«tM t 00 NI. OMO ~fll • Jt 1~ UO t 0C Un 11~111 T .. ,_.,. ut 7.1 c.. 111"'5 11.n "i:~ us 421 MUftll l0.11 IO.. G"'1!1 U7 HO IPG"1 e.10 ,.. "·"It.II Vflttr 16.JI 17 Cellll \·°' NI. I" ~: ·Optn 11A 1~ 61 "f Slit •.8' 7.fJ $<udder S..-: U111t.O f'llMS; Cm1lk 7.76 L YlllC.111 .Ge NI. rwtll Os' S.lt Summ 11.U 1).63 lt1eom S.ll S.91 Com It t.I) NL Accm '-.0 .... eotGtll 7.atl.ot ,, __ ~: r11eom 11~ tU• Teel\ e.n u1 Steel 1.n 1.» •nc-tl.!I NL E' "" 1.2' FdAm '-" 7. met llJJ.11. Mwtai 1,.,.. I Tot" '46 10.)4 NELit. ,........ Intl I'll 1Ut NL 04' ,, .. tM H•f11f U1 • I.. 10.ss 11. sci.<\ te.'1 11 tt•vs*" ,,_ 191111 "• 1u1 M1111 i. 10.00 !fL. on inc e.tt •·1• ,.ec:. ..... I t i\ tn ' "''""''II a.-· LIQ Tr UD NI. Grwtll 10.~ 11.u MMI UI " ll'CO!" ,,., to.! ,.ro~kl ) 70 J. ~l're " UI fir.--1'1 Ut Ii Ill 16.JI t1 at fll("" u . tl.16 Spec! a01 NL Munl '~ t, AOlfl!'ll "24 .. II• UI s.11 ONTC 7.7• I )1 "' 112 11.U 10.21 .... Ell M IUS Secvrlt'r """"'' !i(ltfl 4 LU .. AH•"'J ,.,, . ~' us l. o~ U1 • , .... ,. e.tS ""'*',... ewm· e..,o •.• ts. ve119 '·" •.n Alfltlll II 4 SU "4 a l1AI NL Utllt 4.'4 S 11 vt 1(1 7.~ 1 U ln'9Y lti NL. EllVtY .... 4 Unfl S~ Ut NI. •1n""' 6.00 "" • 1.Ut Ml In<-UD I" \Ii 10 S.00 ,,.. OIHlrll NL lnvetl 1.il 1.~ V•lllf ...... FCI: A t1vl~ lt.77 N .• lwr t0.• NL i:°°" t• t SS "' SI 11.10 11.1't ,..,t" 11 NL s.Elra 10.61 II. Vtl L.I I .• t .11 ANIGtl\ i.M f!:IK Gr9; . t " J 11 ws ~ Ji I ts ..... WICI it l\IL lecl l'\lflO\• Inc;-S Sl S '1 AmwlY 7.'1 "-"' · 1ut It •t a.n 4.01 \K $4 ... J .11 NtwtOI ., NL. "'"" 6.rt NL. ~~Gt 6.rt 11.u Aa ~ .._ ,._II 11, iAA.... ~ J I 9t Ntwt IM M NL. SplW11 11.tt N ~Sit Ul S.1' ., WESlRN 1lflfl &. L04ll ASOCl\J10N Jn an unrelated de· vtlopment, the com· pany's directors have declared dlvidenda on common. preferred and preference stocks. The common dJv•dend was 38 cents, unchanged f rom t h e previous quarter, payable April IS to shareholders of re· cord March ~-,.~...! !·'; ~ ~.:.· J.a rtt ........ i-: ~ '-•&"t':.' n '"" Nkll:r,~ ~-!t '°N~ s.;:::i oii· , v 111e:m ~ 1,,,., l ...... ~.. ..... 111c "" NL ,. lftC 0n1 1.u Gr 11~ M" =:,1 uAl NI. ••i..i .... 1. 1""'" ... 1.Jf ., ='~~ .nt .~ "''" t4.,. "" Ctmln "t'.IS NL I.ell'" ' ... ,..,_ ,., .... c-' 10."" °"""' ,., 1Ml ; G • ' IN'1' C M • NL lf91HC 1.1S 19' Le, Ill U 14.8' 10 It tO JI Otwttl US t 5"<1 tl,'7 11• ·~ ; ... ~t 'ii~· '"' Tr '" 10,17 l.lft llt .. ,. '1S ,.. ,.... NL =·, n.n N 'V...,.,. fir: Coett ...... 270Elat17th Sttfft, (714) MS-3153 Long lffch, 4501 Pec:Ulc Colat Hlghw•y, CA. (213) 4M-3301 Av•llable to Callf0tnle Resident• Only. Your A Diiiy Pilot can be R.cycled 00.,... Co.tfl COlil9f ..... fll<Jel """*"'-l>rCbltwMNO ~~G·t.Mr • E & : r1.-. 1.sa NI. I.IQ C.O to.• NL. ,_. N : try J..~ U fllQlr _ NI. , 191 t, ti 1' e .M 7,11 0 ,.~ ..... NI. L.MMh S...... >-!:! 6.tt nen .. ......, ,.114111 I .. al. Hiii t,9" NL ~ ti' ~ ~ IUI NI. C.,C.t --,,:e =I,. H Yid 11.CT.M'l A""' It.AO u L:!?!, .,. I. ;rr,~ H l'ftc;;;; 1~~ H~ '' =t L.::'A.J.~ L -=~ 1".o 'f.~ l~Tt !I·~ 11"0 i'Slf't it!t ) t ltd 1 H l.fi , 1. "' l•i "" Affltlll · '·Is "'' ~ ,, .• )104 li~o~ t" N w 1-1 Pit. 1 t' eM t. 11141 1:.Sf HL 11\41•ID.S11.ot r tt411J,. kit H W UM at S-11 $1> 2f tt N "•'"-· Qev 0. 11.lt ll.4t II~ t 61 ~ t W$, ..,.,.., I ! t.• lt.1 51 t .IS NI., . ,, HOA '" 4 In<->.11 Ut lllil 10" IUJ ... t t.'9 ~ W.~llWI t. Lo 9-1' tt1111 r "·"· • •• GfWlll Ul 1 L1rtlleret1 llre tlfl!' it ;1• 111-.\\ t,M It 10 I NL ~ •• NI. """ • ..... • lll(tl!ft "" NI. """" 1601 to.. 1C h< .• T'ruat f,J'O .JI' -... !OM ~It s •. NL;..•lrfld ... IG.6J H•'1 Gtll .... NI. IMOlll ..,, • M. ,."' "" .. ,, Vtllt e.n '~ , ..... dWWtl ' . '. -...... -~ ____ ,, ... _ ' .... . ... ..... .. " l . I 1 -DAILY Pll.OT N ~( r- NYSE COMPOSITE : ~ ,. -... TRANSACTIONS .... , .... .... I STOCKS/ BUSINESS TazTtae More Benefit From Averages . By SYLVIA PORTER ....... ,,c.e.- Not since income averaging as a device ror aav1ng on taxes was written into law many years ago have 10 many millions had the chance to take advantage of tbts metbod or computing tax to save money. The reason: The galloping inflation since the mid-19'10$ has pushed huge numbers into ever-rising income brackets and. without being aware of it , countless taxpayers may meet the basic test for saving taxes. THE FUNDAMENTAL RULE: You cao save on taxes Ir your 1978 taxable income excHds 30 percent of your total income for the years 1974, 1975, 1976 and 1m by more than $3,000. ll you qualify, you must fill out. rat.her com- plicated Schedules G and TC and s ubmit the schedules with your Form 1040. tr you are married, add tot.al income ror those rour years and divide by four. Then study the following figures prepared by the Research Institute of America to find out whether income averaging will save taxes. IC the average of ----------your income for the years 1974-77 is $7.200 to $9,200. you can save at least $100 in taxes if you r 1978 income is $14,533. You also can save Money's Worth $100 in taxes if your 1974-77 average income Is $11,200 and your l978 mcome Is $18,533; if your 1974-77 average is $13.200 to $15,200 and your 1978 income is $22,533 ; if you r 1974·77 average is $17.200 to $19,200 and your 1978 income is $2.5.700: if your 1974·77 average is $21,200 and your 1978 in · come is $29.700. YOlJ CAN SAVE AT LEAST $100 if your 1974·77 average income is S23.200 and your 1978 income is $34,533 : if your 1974·77 average is $28.200 and your 1978 income is $38,533; if your 1974-77 average is $33.200 and your 1978 in· come is $46,533; ir your 1974·77 average is $39,200 and your 1978 income is $52.200: if your 1974-77 average is $43.200 and your 1978 income is S58,533; if your 1974-77 average is $53.200 and your 1978 income is $72,200; if your 1974-77 average is $63.200 and your 1978 income is $82,533: if your 1974 ·77 average is S93.200 and your 1978 income is $128,200 : and if your 1974·77 uverage is $1()3,200 and your 1978 in· come is $148.200 But if your 1974 ·77 average mcome is $203,200. no sav- ings are possible. In computing average income. the income for pre-1977 years must be increased by the zero bracket amount for 1978. YOU NEED NOT HlJNT FOR MORE deductions to re· duce your 1978 tax s ubstantia1ly. You need not put yourself through mathematical computations to save on taxes . You need not even bother with the complex schedules until you have followed the simple instructions of checking tax re· turns ror the four base years. adding the income and divid· 1ng the total by four Smaller amounts can be saved with smaller increases over your average incom e in 1974-77 Do not overlook income averaging this year. Check al once whether you can qualify Ne:rt IRA Liberalized Market Strugg~s To Regain Stability NEW YORK CAP> -The stock market was mixed to· day. struggling to right itself after Tuesday's sellofr. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials. which fell 14.12 points Tuesday for its b•Jf~esl droo of the vear. re· covered t .82to808.82today. Losers outnumbered gainers by a 7-6 margin. however. in tbe over-a ll tally of New York Stock Ex- change·listed issues. Analysts said the market was unsettled by rising oil rices and doubts about the outlook for world oil supplies. ~· Ol"kll I" Tit .. .'ipolll9l11 NEW YORK IAPI S.al•\, • Pm Pflet ano '"'' c~ of •~• hlte.n mo\l <t<llve New YOrll Stoel< E-crwnge •U-. lr•dlnQ nat~lly •I ..-. tll.tft \I Penn(.en pr8 '40,'IOO ) .. • •• Pol•rc>td l1'.l00 .01 • • ~ Rorer Gp JO'I. 100 ""' • ,.,, COftt Te'"1 23',100 1) .... Colon Pllnn 224,100 10 • .. DoerJot1e11.l t"f'rOfJf'• N•w YO<l<IAPI Final Oow•Jonits •vera~> STOCU ap.n Hloll lo• C.to'Mt Chg :IO Ind il04 U 11 f.I• 807 ?l IOI 81 • I 81 10Tr11 mJ0101U10l~10Sll ~OM is uu 1cn ,, 1cn.11 101 ... 102.10. o 01 U Slk l1J.M J7S" 117 4A 211 •1 • 0 IO 1no11• l.s:n JOO Tr-ft '17 JOO Ulll\ '81 • .lOO 6S St-7.Hll.QI ~" Moton 111,600 '3"-•·· ~---------------~~;:'lent ~~::: W'; ~; AmfT 111.100 ,,,,. , •-. Rama<t• 1n 11',100 10•. Nerco 5<.te" 1'8.000 11 a•. ii:::~i. :~:= ::;.: . ·~ Gen,,.,11 Co 161.100 11•1 • I Cyprus Min t61,JOO JOI, • J..., . .. . .. P(I Up II S Up tU Uo IS.I UP tJ I Uo 10.S Uo tOO Up •I Up U UP II UP U UP 1 I UP 13 Up '3 Up 1 I Up 11 .. Up • J Up •' uo •• UP •I Up 61 Up •O UP •O VP ~· uo ,. Vo \A Pct I ft; !I ., ., Off • , °" u 81: :.1 g:: H ,. s. n JI •• •• •• ••• ·i H 0 .. . ,. M'ftof .ftito.-k" IJid NEW Y<mK IAPI AOY•n<f!O Dec hnf'CI Uncll•notd Total l•WH New lllQl>s N~W IOW\ UlES NEW YOlll( A111>roa-I PrewlOVt Ge• WHk-MonUt 41CJO Yffr 41CJO Two veers a<io J•n I lo dale 1•11 10 Oflt 1'11 10 o..ie fAPI -NY SIO<k WIH u . ..o.ooo Jl,•10,GOO H ,01Q.GOO J0,»11.aoo • 11,010,000 • • • • • • 11.010.000 • • I ,ot I ,JS? ,"47 111, IM>,000 9J7 .SM>,000 WM4lT AMEii 010 NEW 'rORK IAPI NEW YORK IAPI Handy & Hum"" soot ,.,.,., '1 '80; QOld USI H En9<1l""r0 ill"'•''·''° l•Drlceted U .'7). Gold QMOI atloR• lyn.•--...... SelKtect ~ OOfCI P<IC•t tod<ly • ~: motltlnQ llJ1"9 ~j0.90 • ..., IJOO; efltr'r-11•1"9 JUI '°• 1111 i3..0. f'•rl.: urwivell•blt -to• •lrlllt et t,.. Paris EacNf>Ot "••1141twt. ClostUSI 4•1 vou•• Z.rl<llt US! OOl>ld. \IOU.": USI rs.'-""· N"' 'Y-: H..-d¥ 'H•N!lell Ill.I~ price UJl.U; 1111 IJ 40 "•• Yff•: Enoetlle rd ••lltn9 o•I<• \lSI 60, WOUCI ENTERTAINMENT J MOVIE REVIEW J HY GARONER *'j*"'-Y Febtuaty 28, 1979 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BEST PICTURE DIRECTOR • ACTOR SUPPORTING ACTOR SUPPORTING ACTRESS PRESENTED IN 70 M.M. DOLBY 6 TRACK STEREOPHONIC SOUND RCBERT DE NRO UNIVtRSAL PIC.IURES . EMI FILM) THE DEER HUN !ER t # JOHN JOHN l.~fRYl CHRIS IOPHl ~ CAlALE SAVAGC · SIREEP WALKEN OERIC WASttBUR~I ~ •, • MICHAEL CIMINO ' OERIC WASHBURN , LOUIS GARF Ktl: , OUI~ K REDEICER ~ • .. ,. JOANN CARELU · MARIOlt ROSENBERG , JOANN CARflll v. SIANLEV MYERS , .. BARRY SPll<tNGS MICHAEL DEELEY MICHAEL CIMINO JOHN PEVERAl l I . ., • .... Vlll.AOS ZStGMOND ~· • , MICflAEl CIMINO •~,,...,a• 1a-i 'lfilt u""' ._, .. i::co.,.....· """' D'4•"0 R ~~· .............. ·--- -llYNO~ MON . .fRI. 2:00, 8:00 f0111t<ISCllG40(MlllT edwards NEWPORT NEAR COAST HWY. & MACARTHUR •EWPOllT. Ol:XTER 644·07 60 8 ACM>EMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BEST PtcTURE BESTACTAHI J•ne~ BEST DIRECTOR H•I Aatlby BEST SUPP. ACTIU!IS Penetope MIHOfd BEST ACTOR Jon Voight Bl!ST SUPP. ACTOR Bruce Dem BEST SCREENPLAY E.XCWSIVE ORANGE CO. ENGAGEMENT 1 edwanls BRISTOL CINEMA I ' \ ,, ordld 'Hardcore' Phony Film Bf RTH ll KNIOllT "'-..... f-11~ Paul hraa r'!l ''Hardcore," produc~ by Bun fo'ellah1N1 for Columbaa. t'Om 1 w•th v raJ built 1n probh•ms that must be recoanTHcf from tlu; outae1 1''1r•l, detplt th Utlc. It' OOL ( MOJllE REJllEJI' J who helped bJm to rind her, is cut looee wttbout so much u a thank you. IT'S A ST&ANGE fllm from a writer who made ua IO aware of tbe duallUet ot humarr nature ln "Tut Drlver.'' In tbla film. the re are no dualltJea. Scott is what he iJ -a fine, upstanding Christian bent on dlscoverin1 what became of his errant daughter <even lf it means pos. Ing with wig and mustache as a porno producer to find out>. The girl, woo returns home meekly, was simply upset because Dad- dy and Mamma weren't 1etti.ng along. h ardcorto porno: lht• "R .. r1t 1nt1 att e5l ll lo tbtl ' CMd the ay m p•t hloa itr'' all to ward Ceorl(t C Scott, tht· dii. trauaibt wben Scott finally loca&.-hl1 daughter. sbe doe1n 't reall) want to come home. She baa chosen a atyle of life ror herself that ls quJte con· 1c1oualy in Oppc>6itlon to hls rtlfid r~llglous code. When she n.nally aarces to leave with him. one can only -wonder wbo bas really s urrendered -the g irl o r Schrader. the scriptwriter. fath er who SCOTT ltarn» thut hla ml11s1ng dauibter it now atarnng ln porno movies The question LS not only whether tbr pQroophll wlll want to see a movie so clearly addressed agairut I.Mir tlk, but whether tne por nopbubes Cas represented by Scott> will WIU\t to see 1l at all. UNFORTUNATELY, THE fUm is filled wilh t.ha kind of double vision. Beyond question, Schrader is entrenched by the sexual underworld that he un· covered for his m ovie. The scenes in lhe bars, clubs and sex Hubley bas the most arresting role, and she plays it bri:llianUy. As Scott's paid a ccomplice on his tour of the underworld, she is both hard and vulnerable. hop- ing Cone suspects> that be will adopt her In Heu of the daughter who bas let him down and de· nounced him. He doesn't. and their separation at the end sets up an aching void that is yet another alienation for papular audience support. P""'1>eer • Wrller-01..ctor Minic EC!llC>r Buu FeitWl>s • P..il S<llr ..... J.ckNltnc ... • . • • Tom Rolf F OR AS oaa f;CT E D by Schrader. "llardcore" ventures as close to the hardcore scene as an "R"-raled movie 1s likely to get. Filmed on localton in the tenderloins or Sun F rancisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, it reeks of sordJd sex lhat Is for hire . Scott. an upright Calvinist businessman, searching for his daug hter (llah Davis >. sets himself up as a porno producer after the detective he has hired on the case I Peter Boyle > proves counterproductive !>ound ...... PaulSylben ,_,.._..., CHI (;ffrge c. Scott. P•ler Boyle, SHSOft Hubley J;>lcllS.rvent . RWYOtnq time -telJ min MPAA lletl,: R "HARDCORE" IS unlike any movie that you are likely to see in the foreseeable future. It sets up its own world, a world of s le aze and porn, then in· vestigates It from rigid religious norms. Its sympathies are all with Scott, that champion of mid· die-American virtues. parlors are infused with a paint- ing "this is how it is" that most documentarians would envy. But basically he is supporting George C. Scott and that old Ume religion. Even so, at the end of the rum. lnvesligating the fteld on his own, Scott Joins forces with a knowledgeable "parlor girl" <Season Hubley l who guides htm through the back streets. And . when Scott bundles his daughter into the car for that long drive back to Grand Rapids, it's Im· possible not to feel some kind or a cheat. Even a double cheat. Scott basn 't come t.o terms with his own daughter's problems: while Season Hubley, the girl I can't agree. I've been there. I've aeen the triple-X ratings that attract audiences in towns Jike Grand Rapids. And so. I would guess, bas Paul Schrader. His film is a phony. It may work in the big cities. but mid· die America knows better. Hefner: a King's LHe Q: ls it true that Hugh Hefner, Potentate of lJle Playboy empire. lives In a mountain fortress, said to be Impregnable? -Harriet Waverly, Tulaa, Olda. A: H~r just thought hJs estate in Holmby Hills, CaHr .. wJls impregnable . Until one morning, while jogging behind gates taller than the six-footer himself, tie turned to find a stranger jogging along beside him. It was a youngster who had somehow gotten through. and wanted his autograph. Though there was nothing dangerous about the intrusion, the nexl morning a platoon of engineers and carpenters made the place even kid·proof. It no w features hea t sensors. sound sensors of the type used in Vietnam . Hefner 's entire four-acre estate in some or the most expe nsive real estate in inflation-high Los Angeles is under surveillance day a nd night. lt is monitored by a full-time staff or security Ml'~Hu g ua rds watching e verything that g009 on through TV equipment hidden in two gate houses. In addit ion to guard dogs, there is aJso a full-scale zoo bears. monkeys, etc., aJI caged. but for run, not security. One bu.Uding is an aviary filled with exotic birds and plants. Hef (who believes there's safety in numbers ) lives cozily in Californi a with from 15 to 20 Playmates. Plus a kitchen staff which provides 24· hour·a·day food service for hlmself and his guests. Usually the host can be seen by insiders roaming around in red pajamas, which he wears most of the time. The property today, it 's said, is worth some six to eight million dollars. a great hideaway fit for a king,orevenanex-king. Q: Wasn't Oen. George S. Pat1oD drlvea, even as a you&la, to become famous and one day go dowa ln history u a great geaeraJ? -Robert Collln.s, HoUywood, Fla. A: Yes. This letter s urfaced as part of MGM 's research.for the current Patton movie, "Brass Target.•· He wrote his parents when be was a stu· dent at West Point: "I have got to, do you u.n· derstand. got to be great ... I would be willing to live in torture and die tomorrow if for one day I could be really great." Q : Wh,y has &be beautiful .'8yne Kennedy become a born·agalo Christian? -Bertha Ryan, Omaha, Nev. A: "The (act that I ha~e become closer to God," explains the co·host or TV's "NFL Today," "gives me the feeling that somebody is always there to take care or you. It's like being a kid and feeling tfiat you could always run home to your 'Glad You Asked That' by Mwilyn and Hy Gardner this face-to-face confrontation a rare conversa- tional classic. You didn't expect this cultured, im· age-wise "untouchable " superstar to spout some. of the thoughts she expressed. For example . reflecting on all or us growing older. the First Lady of Films denied that there is anything romantic about It. "I think," Hepburn conceded, "that we rot away -and it's too goddam bad we do!"' Q: I was startled to read die otber cl•y tlaat tlte beautiful Lena Horne llH pused &lie age of •· Does she prefer tile company ol you,er· men! A.ad how doe• lite feel aboat growbag older! - Georgeue Brown, Colamba, Ollie. A: 1be American Beauty <a perennial) faces the passing years with her usual sense oJ humor. "I can't wait to get my Social Security,'' she says. "I've been working all my llle. I'm so glad I'm getting to the Point where I can collect some of it. I bad to wait a long time to get there." Though she prefers older men. Lena candidly admits, "The men I'm attracted to want younger women. Of course, there couJd be a young cat, but I'm very hip that a lot or that kind or attnction might be because he wants a llltle money or something. Which ls fine. as long as it's rigbt out there ... If we both understand where It's at." Q: Wit.II die 1&ark reaUty of IO maay of today's movies, I 10me&lmes long for lite days wben Hollywood was jus& a land of fanta1y. Do yoa re· member Uloee days? -Mrs. Sophie J ., Stanten Island. N.Y. , A: Indeed we do. And this recollection about the late studio giant, Jack Warner, is a good iJ. lustration. It comes from JuaUce Theodore R. Kupfennan. who tells of once aaklng Warner, "Do you remember when we were in your le&al depart- ment in New York. and Ronald Reagan was one of your name stars?" His answer, "Of course." "Well what do you think or Ronald Reagan for president?" Warner paus~ and thought a moment and answered, "No. Robert Redford for president. Ronald Reagan can play bis f atber. ·' Send &IOU' que1tton1 to H11 Gardner, "Clod Yov Aaked Thal," core of thi.a ~. P.O. Boz 1114', Chicago, IU. 60611. Morilll'I and HJI GatdMr will maswer cu mQftfl quelfiont 41 tMJI can in thdr column. but the volume of mail make• ptrlOnOl r~• fmpoutble. family. I can run to God and there is nothing like ------------------- being able to talk to God. Whatever you ask for, you shall receive.'· Q: I~ It possible that the Arabs,once boycotted Walt Disney's "Snow Wblte and tbe Seven \)warfs"? -L. Dowd, Pblladelplala. A: Yes. The reason given was that a member of the animated cast was named "Slmqn." But "Simon" happened to be a horse! , Q : Watching Morley Safer Interview Katb•rlne HepbGra qn .... Mlaatea," we got die feeling &bat be was • JJUle llMUJ aad Yfl'J mftll In awe of die Uvlng legeDd. Were we rtgllt! -Mr. Hd Mrs. M. Joaa1, Plllladetpllla. A: ApparentJy. ~·( was e xcited and scared," Safer later admitted. "But so was she!" We found UITIDA'11 OUVll'S STOIY ••• IOYS llllOM llAJIL , ........ Ol•t!RA A I.A C 'A RTt:•14 i\lfth .. t11I.-ProdUC"IJnn of (:11.Rt:R'f a Nl11.l.IVA~'!> llM.S. PINAFORE ----------~·· ... -··-· 1 , . ' , ' . • 'r '"'• '• .... .-...... ,. .# ...... MAlll..Cllll .. ~ CCllCllAC:llMM __ , ....... FNa=-.t-41,11 It 1Af'9111t •I .. >It ...... • U, U II --··---~-~ ~BEAVEN t.l~t CANP~p ... ''IF WINNER 4 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS "THE WIZ" ~,.. ,, . DAILY PILOT --, .... .. P:llll' II t , ... '1 ,. .., ..... , ....... . • t&.•~•.1•• GABE KAPUN (ft.G.) 'FAST BREAK' MON·THURS 7:15, t:30 f'RI. 7:15-9:30-11:30 SAT. 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:15 t :30, 11:30 IUN. 1:00, 3:00, i :OO, 7:1i 9:30 (ft.0.) THURS. 7:30. 9:30 ..... eonMfY "THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY" "QUI~' "" ~. ' Nell llmoft'e ''CM.ll'ORMA IUfTI" ' • • I \ -OM&. Y PtLOT Wedneect.y, FebNaty 21, 197' Television TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS \\I 11'1 ,,, \ \ !VINING ... , ....... -....e«:YONE A locWf 06d cowboy U-'• anentlan by tlkino ..,,.,,_ ·---A toP-MOWl1)' .. ~,._. ~ end llOIWlOe ~-~ 110.000 111 flll eenli • ,... IMD't.,..,.. Mille etlemcitl to ._CY._ a.rot wttfl • ptlOlognipl't ot Ille~ IOt ,,_MW ~ e ... , .... ,__, .. , O'MH ~ Mlk• end 8•-Ill'# ' t• • OOl'llC)laint of ctlllO lbUM Wllldl later tu.n• Into ~ ..... UCAN OCWllMilUCT 'f.OW....,,, ClllNIWI MC._.. tlO I LOW WCV lllty • IMll9d .. '*"'O In LcndQll. ..-i<i moe1 ol .. wan111 to mMt t"-0.- • fltllOJeCT UNI\/ Spet'lrOllCW)" CR()U.WITI ~GllfflH ~· Judy ColllM. Uir'Y Ga1lln, Bwry M.w\. ~ 1h6.I Wllll, Alatl end Mwllyn <:mdy Grover and Leigh McCloskey star us young lovers who marry over their parents' obJecUoo In "Married: the First Year," u1ring tonight at 8 on CBS. Chann I 2. 1:001£=GAME /IJICNEWS (J) JOKER'S WU> 80( a.IU.IOH DOU.AA MAN • Solid Gold Kldl\llPPWIQ" CPan 2) ti) 8ANFON> AHO 80N 14 IUddetl loA ol ,_,1ng eenos Fred Into llloClt. .,, tNTAODUCIHO Claa1111el Lbrl11g11 8 KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles G KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles e KTLA (Ind) Los Angeles D KABC-TV (ABC) Los Angeles CJ) KFMB tCBS) San Diego G KK.1-TV (Ind) Los Angeles @) KCST (ABC) San Diego • KTTV (Ind) Los Angoles • KCOP· TV (Ind ) Los Angeles e KCET· TV (PBS) Los Angeles G!> KOCE·TV (PBS) Huntington Beach $12 Million Turkey ~Mlll1trom.-i -~ Wiien. geng of llOOdluma lt\Kkl \l\eln. • JUPn"EA WATCH "Update" • OON8UMER 8URVIVA&. l<IT 'No -Ftl'll lnsuranee. P1111tyn0ee, Hon*>uying'' (J) UNTAMED WOAU> "YllllOIMIN" (Pan 2) o ,AlllllA. v F'EUO 1M. ltTONIOHT "TU8bleYOJ.J" l:OO 8 (I) MA.I U E); THE AMTYIAA CPremierel TWo young peo. pie Cl.Allgh Mc:Clolll9Y. Cto- rty Grover) •ttemc>t to'ltllrt • romeince delplt• the ot>jlctlOrnl of their ,.,.,,.._ D 80Pf.RTRAIN A P<lllidenllal eendldll11 (Roy ThinnM) trevellng on Supernein Is kldnepped and rec>leC*I wl1tl Ills oon- lrtlel IWlft bfottMlr 9EDWAN>THEIONG "o..est Prlnce'' Alexan- d•• ,._11n1 10y11 to (""9rd .... .,......, llCandtl •lfl llOHT• INOU8H Nleholu IMtnt flit ,_ pleyfnel• .. Ill\ Otpf\an ltld lnvlt• Nm to liYI won tNI Btedfordt DWOV. • • ''W?Mrl's Tn. Mii* Wllll HeNwl?" (Hl11) Otb- b1e A•ynold1, sn.lley Wll'tert A woman tlll'M..,,. to kill lier --. .,... partntr "'*' ttle let• ,., Wtlftll to lellw Ind oet mattled (t In.) -~~ Nl!O,...,. au.t Vtnoenl ltfiot • wov. ••• ,, .. ~ .. (1"31 Aob•rl Mltollum, 1!111 MWt!MM AIW "'9y rwtum to OenNnV "°"' • Nfwt. • big glltM hunt• ,,..,. 1"9 0..111 of the If_., lO wnom lie Iott 1t1e gift 11e ~ • l lfHAE' AOOfrr 69 NJN:l8lr L.£ADEM "lhe ..... E.dttlon," "Tiie S1nd CHiii." "Tiiie MeohanlcMAQe.' 1:iO e lME OOOCOUftl.E o.eat wins•~ In •Pok• Dll'M and ..ms to race it. • THI aHAICE8flEAM ft\AY8 "-. You Uc• It" Helen Mlrrmn, ~ ,.., J•mH Bol•m. 8rl1n Stimer, CM FfW'Cll and ,Richard Puce> stat In Shall_,,..,. •• lyrical llnd ligll1heel'ted play. t;OO 8 (J) ONE DAY AT A ,.... D FAOMHIMTO ETBNTY The lhrHt of Impending Wiii and 9111CU8llon Ol'dert turtnet compllc.te the romance of Katen lllld Sg! •. Wllfden; and PNwltt II dfflen to violent ,....... by the lnhumlne lrelll'nlnt hla buddy Maggio auffered In an Army holpltal. (Pert 3 of 3) • AMENCAN8 r The Prlec:tlet" A s><oflle of AP Humberd, a preeel\• er of Ille teeth~ '70'&. •O CHAAUE'S ANGEL8 Krla pOM9 -• 9'\ldlnt In · 'Supertrain' Off Track? By PETEK J . BOYEB LOS ANGELES CAP> -NBC bas a problem; rather a big problem, even fo:r much-troubled NBC. It has to do wttb tb.i.s $12 million train the ·:network recently bought and airs on Channel 4 at 8 o'clock tonight. It doesn't run. At least, "Supertrain .. hasn't been going anywhere in the ratings. It made an UD· scheduled stop al the lower end of the ratings, and NBC hasn't been able to get it going. The train is too expensive to junk, so they fired the engineer, executive producer Dan Curtis. The network's explanation, from programmi,.g ex· ecutave John McMahon: "DAN DID A TEKllU1C job on 'Supertrain,' in mounting it and getting it ready. There are just some things. some minor disagreements oa future rurecltons of the show. We kind of agreed to dis· agree." 'Roots II' Second Best Weekly Show NEW YORK <AP> -Nearly one-third of the homes in the nation with TV watched at least part of .. Roots: The Next Generations," and the miniseries helped ABC to the second-bigbesl week· ly rating on record, figures released Tuesday by •the A.C. Nielsen Company show. ABC's research department estimated 110 million people saw all or part or "Roots ll," as the 's equel to the network's record·setUng miniseries was called. The estimated (ludience for "Roots," broadcast Jan. 23-30, 1977, was 130 million. "Roots D" delivered an average rating of 30.1 for seven episodes. The original registered an average rating of 44.9 for eight chapters, with a high of 51.l for the conclusion. NI.ELSEN SAYS THAT means of all the homes in the country with TV, an average of 30.l percent saw all or part of "Roots U." ABC listed the 11 top. rated programs for the week ending Feb. 25, in· .. eluding No. l ".Mork and Mindy" and the six episodes of "Roots II" shown during the period, : and compiled a rating for the week of 27, second only to the 35.5 recorded during tbe farst .. 'Roots" week. The networks say that means in an averace prime·time minute during the week, 27 percent of the homes in the country with TV were tuned to -ABC. 1be previous high for the C11.rrent season was .. 29.5, registered twice during weeks in which major sporting events were broadcast. .. Dan CWtis, known straigbt·sbooter "You want to know the truth? I don't th.ink they really know what the bell the sbow should be. It ended (bis association with ·the show) because a lot of money was being spent on it -you're t.alking about $10 million or $12 million -and it wasn't getting a big share in the ratings." "Supertraln," in case you haven't beard, is an hour-Jong mystery-drama-comedy-fantasy, or something like that, on NBC Wednesday nights. NBC Presi dent Fred Silverman ordered "Supertrain" last August for the February season. Tbat gave Curtis' bunch six mootbs to put together a show many thought r eally needed a year or more to prepare. THE SHOW IS ABOUT an eccentric billionaire's favorite toy, an atomic powered, 200-mpb train that is twice as large as ordinary trains and twice as luxurious <with spa and disco> as an ordinary botel. Curtis' crews worked around the clock at MGM in designing and constructing lbe thing, just fuli.sbing in time for the two-hour premiere Feb. 7. That show gathered about 32 percent of the au· dience, respectable enough. But tbe following episodes dropped, and last week, "Supertrain" on· ly attracted 2D percent of the audience .• Curti.I was fired. "As onerous as it sounds," be says, "my original idea was to make the thing something like a 'Love Boat' on wheels, where you could do UWe stories that involve all your train people and all that. And that's what I gave them, as difficult as it was." NBC WANTED SOMETIUNG else. "We want to have a light, bright show," McMahon says, "a mystery-adventure with ·an innocent gettlng on the train and speeding across country, having to solve problems that be or she ordinarily wouldn't be equipped to solve." Curtis says the network kept talking about Hitchcock-type shows, occasionally dropping titles like "North by Northwest." ''I'll tell you what that means," says Curtis, "that means 'Can't do it every week.' You want a light, bright sbow with mystery and comedy and sophisticated humor and 'suspense? Aod you want it oo~ a week? Good luck!" SovntCOAST ACTOllS C().()11 8••tt Ille 1119'1 -Of 9Ctift0 ---~-......... bllllet ...... I _,., Giiiet 1W11 ~ ,._...1714J tl7.0Zl2 TUBE TOPPERS nwrillge. •• QSTllWn' """' It doMI lllld °"' .... KA08 ltlee to buy '*" * * "Oiofy'' (1161) Wllltw e renn1n, M1t9•r•t 0 '.,._, A YoU"ll gllf'I ptlde .... ~ .. '* bMutl· fUI ~ hOrM. (1 tw .. 6()Mif1,) KHJ e 8:00 -.. What's the Matter With Helen?" Debbie Reynolds and ShcUey Winters s t ar in this 1971 movie drama with Dennis Weaver. tromhll !Of,.,.~. e M~ILIHMA flD'OfWT 1a:ao. MOYll • • • "Humor11q11•" ( 1M1) Jofln Ger111ed. Joen Cr1wlord. A w .. llhy l:IO·~ • * "Acdor'I In Arabia" (1~) Oeotot Senders, Virginie enioe. In ..... Ing duee to hll lluddY• deetll. KCET 9 8:30 -"As You Like lt." Another in The series o( Shakespearean plays presented by public televis}~n. -· benefector to en 11tnbltioue lllolWlt. .. CalC .~~· NUl plot 10 tum the Anlbl NBC 8 9:00 -"From Here to Eternity." The three-part series con· cludes tonight with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Natahe Wood and William Devane are featured. by the weyllde wtwl IN It no longs nleded. (2 tn.. 25mln.) • MOYll ••• "Olnner Al Eight" I 1933) John lllld Lionel Berrymo<e. ,,,_, Hanow. Rl\wb«atlonl Of vwytng ln1«191ty ripple tllrough New York C1ty'1 high llOci· ety .. Ille gueet Utt tOf en lmporllnl aoc:lll ~ men• II P'tC>lffd· (2 twe..) .MOVE ...... Allee. (1 "'·· 30 min.) .... --= ... MOVle .... "Dlvll'• ComlM!ld- ,_, .. (19e0)0111nna ~I• • Cenell, DerlO MK:t\Mlla. l:NDWOV. • llllhioMble gift•. ICllOol to find • strengler tlfTOfU,. ~ Ille C*'nl)U9. • MBWOM'flN Gueste: JUa1 CollN.. lJwry Oattln, Berry Menn, Cyn- thia Wiii. ~end Marilyn Bergmwi. • DAVIDtMWJND "Houeetlusbendt, long oi.ience Menlege And Otn. loWIO Couc>IM" t:aO 8 (J) THE JlfRMON8 Oeorg• gate ceugllt betwMn his money and 1111 ..,_.. when hill .tfort• to lnQ'MM 1'1111 tlk• on • ~ dell mlllc• him Into • hero. 1HO 8 (J) KAZ l(az facet disbarment when he defel'lde Miiiay's riepMw egeinlt 1 robbery il't:. A women eec:retly In loYe with Din maaquenidle .. • mell to l'llUfder Din's ~ltnds.. • MCIKTOAUBY "Flylng Sep"leller 01 Oeettt" A young folksinger llM vWotll tNt Ille ~ =1hefii:9!: MAICE ME l.AOOH MOVE •• • "Tllere'a A 01rl In My Soup" ( 1970) Peter Sellef8. Goldie Hewn. A disorganized young lady eea.. proeleml tor a rn11M1bout-town ~ per90Mllty. (1"'~63 min.) ............. $3 MIWON DEAL Suzanne Somera Suzy Signs Big Pact n. ......... ....-1.n what may 'be a bis· tory-maldng TV deal, actress Suzanne Somers, CO•Star o f ABC 's "Three 's Company" series, has signed an ex· elusive five-year deal with CBS !or a figure re· porte d at abo ut $3 million. The deal is unusual in that it involves an ex- clusive signing by one network ol a Star in an exc lusive pact at another network. Terms or the agree· ment, it was said, in· volv• the star beading her own 13-week "Suzanne Som e r s Show'' on CBS upon completion of the cur· rent top.rated "Three's Company." • • ;'Thia Low Of Ours" ( 1945) Merle Oberon, Claude R1ln1t. · •:OO• wov. • THE 000 COUPl.E 09ear decidll to join Ille city eCM.wd In en effort to MW the ~ourld In the MlghbOrtlOod lie Q'8W up In.. *** "~ Olft" (1Mn Georg• Stent, Yvonne •• ''The Men Who Uwd Twice" C t93e) Rllpt'I e.ua.. my, Marien Merall. A enrN- 1181 temporat11y receivM • new ~ty 11wougt1 -o-Y· 11tw ,30 min I e THE OOOOIE8 Tiii Goodiel loM one atar e1trectlon end capture ll'OtW In e aelerl pane. • OOC CAVETT DeC-1o. A Ubyttl ·-girl et1emPI• to tr.. • "'°"" ol .Arnertc.n ..,.. ~ held In eultody by 4:t01 ST'E'lllDWAN>I GIHllt: Nell Simon. en 91111 tyrent. ( 1 hf • 30 min.) 4:21 NEWS 4:30 MOVtE 11~. (J) AOCKfOAD Fil.ES An ettorn•v trlend ot Rockford'• ~ the leflOlll ol I mUtder plot wtlel\ Shi lelml IMI two ol her clients have undeniforld coonectlon9. D TONIOKT 12:17 8 0 MANNIX • • "God'• Country" (1948) Robert Lowery, Hel· en Gllber1. Mennht, ttylng lo tree a kidnlPPed policeman, get• eeught In. booby-ltlPC)ed ~ 12M. (J) KOJAIC Tlt•rsda•'• ·····~ "'·"·'" AFTERNOON Hoit: Johnny Cerson Guests: Robert Bllke . Monteith and Rend, JMn Menh . A psydlollc bllievel 11181 a tellc atlOW "°" la Ofdering lllm to murdlt the people she 9PMIC• out egelntlt. CR) 12:00 D • * ... "Yenk• PMha" ( 1954) Jell Chendlttf, Rtlonda Aiming. · A man ov.c:omes all oblllldes 10 reaeh 1111 ~·• side. ( 1 hr .. 30mln.) 12:6S I LOW EXPEATI 1:00 TOMOMOW 8 TWllJQHT ZONE ''Uncle Simon" 8 0 POLICE WOMAN Pepper la lelcln tiostage by • trio ol Wiid and crazy b.nk tObber• Guest: Producer Irving M~. lluabend of Ille let• JecQueHne Sutenn. 1:2S D WANTED: DEAD OR ALM ......... Without Love" (1945) S~ncer T recy. l<e:tt\amie Hepburn. A lr1endty widow rents • room to • lcillntlat wllO turna OU1 to be a somnam- bulllt. (1hr .. 60 min.I "'Bl-* Belt'' I THE OOHO SHOW GET SMART Smlft m!MI like •CON· TROl payroll to CONTROL egentt bllllnd tne Iron Curtain. 1:461 NEW8 1:50 NEWS 1:63 • MOVIE 9 CAPTIONED ABC N£W8 MORNING 12:00 9 TWlUGHT ZONE "Gerrity And The Graves" • ALFAE.D HtTCHCOCK PAE8ENT8 • • "Untlnlshed Bu.i,_. .. (UM1) Ir- Dunne, Robert Montgorn- twy. A WOUfd...be song. Sit-trom • amen town amwt In the l>lg j:lty In seareh of lime 1nd romence (2 tn .. 2 mm.) S:OO o •• ... "Pretty Polson" (1M8) ArrtllOn'f Perlclnt. Tuesday Weld An ex-c:on- llk:t r8'1Jf\'11 to prison after a brlel jeunt •• .,, lmegi. nary CJ.A. ageol (1lw~30 min.) 2:00 0 NEWS II) GET SMART ~ 8 • •tn "X From Outer Spece" (1966) TOlhlya Wlllalcl. Peggy Neel. A ll004'•. brought to Earll\ trom the moon. absofbs lleetridty end Q'OWI lnlO e monst•. ( 1 hr • 30 min.) "The Money" A women mi-10 merry Nit l>O)· trtend until lie geu enough money to 1tut their Smart Is pitted egainat Ille WC>fld's atrongest c:ounter• SC))' In trying to tlClOYet a kldnmpped pr~. 2:208 MOVE KOCE Fest Reftdy Specitils Dot Fund.raising Prah Over a 16-day period, audiences will be able to revel in country, Gospel, Viennese, American pop or 19SO's HoUywood music, with a varie· ty of biographies, documentary specials, drama and comedy to give the tapping toes a rest, when KOCE· TV, Channel 50, presents Public Television Festival '79, March 3--18. This marks Channel SO's mem· bersbip and public awareness drive, when audiences will have a chance to phone in their contributions to help s upport the Orange County public television's programming needs. Kicking off the celebration will be "Live From the Grand Ole Opry" Saturday at 7 p.m. Two separate performances will be presented, reaturing most of lbe member artists of the Opry association. "THAT GllEAT American Gospel Sound," with host Tennessee Ernie Ford, Della Reese. the Jordanaires. the Happy Goodman Family, Micki Fuhrman and the Fis k Jubilee Singers will air March 10 at 8 p.m. and Harcb 18 at 7 p.m. Festival '79 also will present three parts of "The Hollywood Musicals" series, produced. locally, by KOCE· TV in association with Two Feather Productions. From tbe M·G·M studios or the 19SO's come "Singin' in the Rain." "The Band Wagon" and "High Society." Special guests Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds will join host Roddy McDowall in retrospec- tives of the films. "High Society" airs March 4 at 9 p.m ., "Singin' in the Rain" airs March 7 at 8 p.m. and March 11 at 9 p.m. and "'lbe Band Wagon" airs March 18 at 9 p.m. Public television's annual concert b y the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra this year presents a "Celebration of Strauss,'' with 10 compositions of the J ohanns, Elder and Younger, on March 8 at 8 p.m. "AMERICAN POP: The Great Singers" will bring host Tony Ben· nett and bis guests Sarah Vaughan, Ethel Merman, Billy Ecksline, George Shearing, Johnnie Ray, Jackie & Roy and Chet Atkins to perform at the Plaza BalJroom irt New York. It airs on March 17 a\ 8 p.m. March marks the lOOth an- niversary or the birth of Albert Eins· lein, and Festival '79 commemorates the event in a thorough and unique way. "Einstein's Universe," hosted by Peter Ustinov, focuses on de· monstrations and explanations of Einstein's works, in language and images understandable to non· scientific or theoretical minds. It airs March 13 at 8 p.m. The "National Georgrapbic Specials•• and • 'Tbe Cousteau Odyssey" series will present new specials teaching the audience about fascinating far comers of the world. On ''Last Stand in Eden," airing March 4 at 8 p.m., the Geograpbic's documentarians have captured dramatic evidence o.f the struggle for survival of Kenya '1 elephant herds. CAPT. JACQUES Cousteau is off again to solve a problem involving life beneath the surface or the ocean and man's clumsy interaction with nature. Tb.is time, a freighter bas sunk off the tip of Italy, spilling bun· deeds of drums of toxic, potentially lethal cargo into the aea. So, the crew of the Calypso sets oU on "Time Bomb at Fifty Fathoms" (300 feet) to recover the ~argo an~ save the plant. and animal life from destruction. It airs March 6 at. 8 p.m. Festival '79·a1so provides new en- tries in the fields or dra ma and com· e dy, too . As part of "The Shakespeare Plays" t elecourse s eries, Channel 50 will present "Romeo 6 Juliet" in a special, lhrOO'- hour version of the Bard's timeless love story on March 14 at 8 p.m. A .,.:-Piiot c:.n be Recyded. Orange COMt COiiege IS tile Offlclll rec ye ling centtr' for Costa Mnll. s1Aa1s1 AS LOW AS BEAVEN CANWAIT ~ \ ..... ,, • ••• •• • 1.A-zans FIEE EIYIRY • . . ... -......... -..... - ,. ... . . -. . . The best two-hour \3Catiola in .nr 0 WI ....... i ACAO«MY AWM0~110NI IMCLUDINO IDT "'"°"11MO ACTNll, llAOGla.-TM ....... ' EDW•CINEMA HAllOIAT ADAMS COSTAMISA 546-1102 I ENTERTAINMENT I MUSIC BOX S tilJstltute Balled Romero Like Another Any lmpresano whn haa to tell his t'Onttrt udj nco that the an nounc~ rutur'fld artl t cannm appear and a aubstltute wm be provtdf'd r8n t-xpttt • chon.t of 1roan1. muttHl n11 and. oc uslonall,y, demands for a re fund 1t • only natural The con <'frteoer uutomntlully think" that th pt•rfo1 m nrf' hei paid eood mont'y for win tntvttobh !'tufter In th<' hand nf an antst who ver) oftl•n lt'p!i into tht' brt~ t•h at lht• Ill'\ momrnt You will ht•ur no ur h com plalntt f1 om audlcncu who we re enlerlalned an s uch clrcumahnt•t' durtn• th wee Ii end a\ Ora nae c·out Collf'&e auditorium and tn the Terrace 11water, Lona Buch CL A l ('AL G IT AIU .. T Pepe Romero wall the man who couldn't make It for th conc~rt lf'I Cotta Mesa Sunday with the Orana Coaat Colleae Communl· lY Symphony Orchestra But you could hardly call the substitute second rate, maestro MacLaine,. ellers In 'Being There' HOLLYWOOD CAP ) --Shirley MacLaine will star wlth Peter Sellers In Lorimar's "Being There," directed by Hal Ashby from the n ovel by J erzy Kosinski. TOM llARL•Y Mu•lc Bo• Jo f'ph Pt'lrlman wu fortunate 1ndf't'd In that P pe't broU'.Mlr, An&t'I , yet 1noth r member of th• famt-d Romflro family, took ov~r the featu re chorth and hrouaht lht' bouu down with hh1 Ptrformanct ol RCldrigo'• "('on r tt"rto ~ Ar anjuf't " It wG\ i lor toU!'I 1u1tar work by an 11rt1tt who obvloualy lovf'd every nott" or tbot rich, e~ preulvt score. •Plendldly bulled by Pearlman'• bat.on, Romero 1n• u a Roctnao lhat brou&bt him a thunderout ova Uon from " dtUghtt"d audience AS ALWAYS, the OCCCSO ac· companlment "'II hrsl class w\tb the e nsemble coming throu1h ln rme style with earUer rt'ndlUons or Beethoven 's Third and the "Love o f Three Oranges" score by Prokofieff Over at Long Bea c h . substitute artist Abbey Simon bad • rather more formidable task in that he had to take over at the keyboard for featured planlst Van Cliburn In a performance of Beethoven's Fourth Piano concerto. He had the audience at tbe Long Beach Symphony Orchestra concert solldly with him long before he reached the final nol •nth lt'COnd of thrta move menu UION I A crartsman who has alwaya dlldalned the showy lt"chnlques that ao armct many 1uppoMdly better planlsts. And thfa w11 no -non sense Oc-ttboven, firm. fluid, and padllve wllb Simon's mosl "lorloUJ moment.I In n sple>ndld· ly dellvf'red work comlng In tbe mt"morabl~ rondo that concludes the work llhl Ua11on with guest con· dul'lor Jomeis P!lul was admira• blc. and oo lesa odmarable was Paul's dirttUon ot the LBSO ln two tnaemblt work• on the at· tractive pro1ram: Saint-Saens' "La Pri~ae Jau.oe" and the colorful. a lwaya enc hanting "Romeo and Juliet" suite by Prolcofietf. So. dear concertgoer, lhe next lime you bear the word •·sub- atllute," don't boo and hiss, even l( the likes of Pepe Romero and Van Cliburn will not be there as promised. SIT BACK AND listen. It seems certain, in the ligbt of this writer's experience, that you will be richly rewarded and highly entertained. But a word about that noisy OCCCSO audience and some rather poorly behaved chlldren who marred the concert for· quite a few of UJ Sunday. It ii bJgb time that something was done about this kind of nonsense In the concert hall. "REMARKABLE."-.,.__.._,-."' "SPLENDID.''-..-"''-°"'"' °"' ... , ~ ......... u .... )('11(..;:,eoit ......... MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE JEAN· LOOIS BERTUCELU'S ,,_~_Ol ... ••""'"'•IO-_.,,a-IN ·.-J-ol ,.,,,.,.. CO'INd tot .,...,.,p l•'f .,..,, c,_,.,,.. I I I ' ~ .au o.OES AOMlnl n ! ~ P.,,,nl•I °"''*'"" S..119"1.0 I ' AU r!J ll1i] A##O Ii) FllllS llECEIVE r><E SE."'-OI nil MO !ION PtC fUAE COOE Of SElF llCOULAT~ \ . \ . . .. ... '., -, ... , ... .... I d """ ' ' ..-.· • . . ' . ~--,. ~- '" \lllll 1·omnH10ll ' 11•·~ ~11.111t•r 1:111· H12 1:121 l·t1UJ W•ll Starting a New . Business Ac ccordlng to California Bulln••• and Profenlona Code (Sec. 17900 to 17930) all peraona doing bualneas under a fle11tioua name must tlle a atatement I with the County Clerk Ii and h•V. It JK.1bli1hed fo u r time• I n a newapaper aer"'ng the area In which th e ,. bualn•H la loc.ted. Th• 11at ement la l required by lew and la necenary In protecting your bualn•H name. Moat bank• require proof of flllng to open commerdel .ccounta . The DAILY PILOT provld .. both filing and publication service•. We have all the n.ceaury forma and maintain a dally service to the Orange Cou,nty CourthouM. Either stop by one of our convenient office• Of_. phone the LEGAL DEPARTMENT Ml-4321, Eat. 332 f or m o.r~ Information and form•. "One of the year's 1 best films~~ I • NOTlME re""\ f()Q ~ BIJJ\KfMT ~~ "' NOW PLAYING ........ CllllllA CUfl• M c••&a Com ltltw )'fl lt01 Wtt1_,,., 193 O!i"6 4 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS lnctuding: BUT ACTRESS Ellen AJarl Burstyn Alda ~qlme, 6Next~" NOW PLAYING CllllDOMI UWMOI' NIWPOM AUHllM DRlft.111 Orange 634-2553 Newport Beacll 844-0750 Anat1e1m 879·9850 . . .. 1" 1wnA!•fl 11< I. f 1 •i ~ ............. DAil. Y PILOT •• Pope Play , Airing Set On Radio ROME <APl -"Nothing takes up more space on tbe 9Ut· face of llfe than love, and nothing ls more uUuc>wn and myaterioua." ll la Adam s peaklng, a character lo "The J e we ler's Shop," Pope John Paul ti's 80-mlnute play about love. mar- riage, pain and hope. Publl.shed 19 years ago In a Polist\ magazine under the pseudonym Andnej J awten when the pope- was 39 and a bLShop, lt will be 11ven lta first performance Thursday oo Italy's s tate radio by a eut of leading Italian ac· Lon. IT 18 THE first play by a pope since Enea Silvio Piccolomini. who became Pius II, wrote '"His· t.ory of Two Lovers" in 1'64. "Tbe Jeweler's Shop," or "La Bottega de ll' Orefice." has ·become a best-seller since th~ Va tican publis hing h ouse brought out an Italian tran.sla· lion. The Italian press calls it "the pope's love story." Medal for Hope Each of tb.e three acts tells of a different couple and their love story. • I Comedian Bob Hope evokes a laugh from formt'r presi· dent Gerald Ford after receiving the CbarleS' Evans Hughes gold medal from the National Confer011ce of Christians and Jews, the organizatlon's highest bo.->r. 9ACIDEMY•AD IOMlllTm ~WUT Wt!.tfftlfllll'!' l'l?Hf.l S&laUAU £• 10'• '>&I '\le() JUST ONCE ... e~ has to be a winner! MATINEES SATURQAY & SUNDAY ... "HARD CORE" CR ) WALT DISNEY PRooucil<>Ns "'NORTH AVENUE IRREGULARS" (G) "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR" <PG> . - ··ice CASTLES'" "INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS" (PG) "FAST BREAK" (PG) "CALIFORNIA SUITE" "MOMENT BY MOMENT" (A} "ICE CASTLES" (PGJ THANK 000 IT'S FRtOAr "MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" "THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBEAY'' (R) · Another cHaracler is the jeweler, or goldsmith, a sym· bolic figure and voice of con· science. All the principals visit ht. abop or keep appointments out.side his window. eaoeGI c. teem MllaDCOl.1 111 llM • 2..S e •••J • •1•1 ....... , .. ., M ... lU.~H FAST UIAK fl>OI ""' o• OH ONI t'OI 9IOMI c. aeon MU DC.OUtlll 11.U • , ............ . ........ -. ........... -"11N""' .. MYI OJ MIA\\"NfN! ., ... ,, ....... .... . ....... .... ALL ITMCAST "CALWOftNfA 8UfTI" (PG) ~"'' .... '' t • II .... l:IM1'1-1N:l~le:tl J.A.LTOUC .... 'S '"LOID OF THI llMGS" lf'GI "*' "UHMAJllJID WOMA"'" ..,.H RIDI" ?,.. ..... to9•..0PAHU WM911 llA"' e M• ( .. dT• MIAWN CAN WAIT !POI '". MOUll CAl.LSINI tlOeel (. KOn MAIDCOll 111 'lUS lOOIM Hiii •. eootlAI (I I \'NATIONAL lAMPOON'S ANIMAL hOJSE- "MONTY PYl HON"" fR "HEAVEN CAN "Mr' "THE ONE AND ONi.Y"' (flG) .. ...,. .. .,. ....., Of""....,,.. .... -::;:-I M WAllllOUll> ~ tul&tt.Ut ...... ~IT 10Mfll l "UP IN SMOKE" "A BOY & HIS DOG'" (RJ "CALIFORNIA SUITE'' ''THE CHEAP DETECTIVE" CN»J ALL O~IV&•INI O ... N 61JOP .... ......n, T Clllld Uftctef 'I '"" Unleu .. l(i..iie ~·nr ..... ~ .. ·> --~'· . . ... ·~ YOUR DAIL Y PILOT CAN BE RECYCLED! Of1npe Coast eon.o• oporares ,,.,. o1'rcial recyc/lnQ center lor Oolr• M.u 555-5981 .. . . •' ........ ·~ .... . ,,. . , . ...... llATTT e JUl• at1•N MIAWN CAN WArT IHI '"" MOUit CAW !NI .... fA&ll • f'l'llt IOTU M •M'S IOICNI PWS • CM01110n •> -UllM -=INt -··-.., ... ""°' ...... ..-.. , ... M ... UOUI TNlll fl> ~-·- , , 8Je DAILY PILOT HEALTH ~ Willpower, E•otiOns Control Obesity BJ oa. STEIN aoRN al leHt 40 pound• overw llht Ht r "" HE&E, roa EXAMPLE, is a continued rruatraUon bad been the ntver no0eec1 me. ooc~oR IN '4·year-01d man who has been try· reason ror hi• obesity. Dear Or. fMeloeM•: Wbal'a lb ·I' lng to get a novel published. He I recall a man who retired at real need ror apectal reducln1 I MADE UP MY mind ho would. THE HOUSE has sent 1t around to publl.sher age 50 and proceeded to become dl•t.a? All lh1a talk about hi&h or So I lost over 40 pound1. My afler publlsber. After every reJec· bored. Nothing interested him - low pro t e 1 n . b I ab or Io w frltndl tc>Wdn 't bell ve how well 1 "-,) lion a lip be would go out and blow except eating. He became a rat carbohydrat . htlh or low fall? loolltd N llher could be. We're himself to the biggest dinner be man. Not unlit 1 convinced him to Ooffn't tt really come down to now man and wife. wel1bt reduction becomes• losing could order. take up a cooauming bobby, did be wlUpowtt~ T U 1 min or woman It can be done with willpower battle. But there are other factors. And then be would continue to lose all the excess weight. •ilb Ml'Oftl •lllpow r th1t he or Tell )'OW' reedera who tan't lose to Emotlooa lnftuence dieting eat snacks for weeks while be alw had bettff dlf.t beel\&M ov r· rt~d IOIM lood ~Hon ror lolln1 If you are overwelcht there are a waited the next rejection, which I KNOW A WOMAN who w 11bt will lull him or her, and be and they wUI Have them rorget many quesUona to be asked and be felt he was sure to get. He gained simply beeau.se sbe resent· orab~wmqult Pronto I about fancy , mlracle dteta -•n. answered. Are your thyroid, gained over 50 pounds. ed her neighbor'!$ ear and fUr coat Tab WM, for example I'd been Y. pituitary and other glands working One day the miracle happened. and frequent vacations to Europe. ~---·~ overwdaht most of my ure Wb n all rlght? If so. then look to your A publbber accepted his novel. Not until her own husband became 1 wa1 35 I 1-t my tiuaband. W• DEAR MRS Y Yes, wlllpower emotions. These can mfluence Without a desire to go on a special succesdul and gave her these lux· n~\er blMI any children l met a 1 eaHnUal Wtthout the dally your weight loss more tban you re· diet. be lost all the excess weight urles did her own excess poundage mao 1 f U ln kJV~ with B~t I w•a baaale to race, and winninl ll, albe. within a few months. In hla cue, melt away. ~__;.~------~~_;_~~~_.:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__;:...-~~~~~--- BED PILLOW SALE 34 °/o to 39 °/o OFF! LARGE 3 V2 xS FT. RUGS DuPONT PLUSH NYLON WHILE STOCKS LASTI DOOR & WALL MIRRORS DISTOITION-FIH & QUAUn SHAmlPIOOf 11x14-IN. FRAMED PICTURES UNDER GLASS & COLOR MATTED QUAlln BED PILLOWS-3 SIZES DUPONT DACRON® POL Ylml fill Supef tovlngs on bed pillo~ w1tk printed or • NYLON PLUSH PILE RUGS' LUXURIOUS "VElYET TOUCH" Smorlly styled P11tlburgk P•nn¥ernon float plote glou copper bocked I torni,kptoof. Fat ony room' Decorolat Hoscopes. londsc09ff, llofols & onomols wotk heavy oll molted. All shown not in oll statn I whttelcolofed co<ded ~cotton ticking. Compare wilh rugs s•lhng •lsewhere fat SU m<lf•' Knotted longed ~s. In d«orolOf coloo • Buy t 4!!6!!7~ 7. 99 9. 99 9. 99 YOUR 3s10 cH01cE Foil llG. J.tl IA. IK. 4.St IA. llG. S.7' IA. SlAMOAID -· DIG !55 !56 !~7 SUPfl PRICE 9'' 14'' ROLY POLY PLEATED LAMPS BAll BASl/WHln SHADE ':~ 7~~ ~--·n ~ . WHEATGHM Oil& HONEY SMAMPOOOI 1---n CONDITIONU VINYL CUSHIONED TOILRSEATS CHOICE Of COLORS tlG. 6" 12.11 ASSORTED WICKER PLANnR BASKETS MAND WOVEN DESIGNS YOUI I" CllOICI ENAMELED METAL TV TIA Y TABLES 22"116" • llNG SIZE llG. 199 2.tt ea. SELEaED COSTUME JEWELRY SPECIAL •NKIUCIS •IAlllNGS •IUQU1S 99c 199 299 llG. 1.,, llG. 2.H 7-PC. CAST IRON ·COOKWARE SET .,, •• 11'' SD.Lin •2·81'. '611 &4 ~ IT. Dll10I O¥lll WITll UO SUPll 8" Pita SET COMPARE PRESCRIPTION PRICES I TNllm PllSCllmoM PllCIS AU lOW TO IYllYOM MIYDAY W• in...tt• you to brlng your ne•t prncnphon •n to lkrofty ond to Olk -pharmooll lor price quote. TMllfTY STOCIS A COMPlm UNI Of G8lllCS WIHOI W SAYI YOU IYDI MOlll WALNUT COLOR 3-SHELF UNITS ADJUSTAIU SHELVES UG. 499 7.tt 20 % OFF ON All CANDLES IN STOCK PUIN & DICOUTIVE 15~o211 ... ,.IS..,... lltlls..t. un scorn GUN SCOTCll 1se•u .... ftc ............... ... UCAIDI lllPOITED IUM UGllT OI OAll 439 nt•iu .. SMINIO ~~ 3" l&J CAUf. IUNDY ='5' 53' SMIPltCI· UTOflanucn =-WBIY 31t SMIPIKI SUGIAM'S 1 CIOWN : ...... ,, .... . .. .... _.. ···~······ ... ·---.. 16"x16" D.ESIGNER PARSON'S TABLES TOTUllZm TOP ~ 2•• GORTON'$ CLAMS MINaD OR CHOPPED WHIUmKISWT =69c . ... ,. .. . .... "' ..... ,. .... -. .. , E-Z LOCI TOOL-LESS SNAP- TOGnMEI ASSlMILY E· Z LOCI RECORD I STOUGE CABINET IUSTIC MAlllU FINISH llG.1999 22.tt KING SIZE 5-0Z. CADBURY BARS DELICIOUS CHOCOLAn :· 69!. r INSIDE: •91mGourmet •Ctubcatendar ·~lat Diets •Horoscope Leisurely Luneh A menu k:>r a special occasion lunch: glazed ham with apricots, fresh asparagus, a beet-cucumber molded salad. LUMb br moat or ua la usually a hur· ried·up, catcbu-catcb can atrair. For fOW\I molben at ™-'e with the )'OU.Dgstera, hmcb is apt to be a alapped-to1etber peanut butter sandwich and1or a cup of hastily heated soup. Worklnc women often have to ll'ab a bam. burger on the nm or eat a quick blte at their desks. So a IQll, leisurely lunch is 1 luury to be looked ror..-ct to and greatly e*yed when one can be acbtduled. Lunch oo a weekend or OD a speetaJ holiday is a delighltul way to entertain a few favorite people. This cdorful menu is planned to serve silt. The main course is Glued Ham Steak garnished with apricot halves. 8rl&bt green asparagus spears (fresh when they're in season; frozen when not) and a shimmeriq molded salad of beets and sliced cucumbers ac- company the ham. And there's a creamy dill dressina to spoon ove~ the salad. The special bevjrage to serve with this springtime lunch m~u is Kir Tea, an unusual combination of iced tea. white wine and the black currant-navoreC:I Creme de Cassis. The liqueur adds a delightful fla'llOr to the tea. <Keep the re- cipe on hand for future use this coming summer- it 's a great bot weather cooler. Some people, too, • like it as a bot drink in frosty weather. Just bring to a simmer and ser,ie in mugs.> Kia TEA 3 cups bolling water 7 teabags 3 cups dry w.ite wine 1 cup Creme de Cassia Lemon slices Pour bolling water over teabags. Cover and let steep 5 minutes. Squeeze out teabags. Allow tea to cool at room temperature. In large pitcher, combine cooled tea, wine and Creme de Cassis. To serve, pour over ice cubes in tall glasse.s. Garnish with lemon slice. <Makes about 6 to 8 servings). . ?t - GLAZED BAM WITH APtiCOTS 1 (1-pound) can apricot halves 14 cup packed light brown sugar 1 tablespoon vinegar l 3-inch piece stick cinnamon 1tit tea.spoon whole cloves .. ~teaspoon dry mustard 2 pound ham slice I Drain apricots. In saucepan, comblne apricot ayrup, brown au1ar. vineaar, cl.nnamon, cloves and dry mllltard. Brine to a boil and simmer 5 minutes. Add apricot halves and let stand an hour or overnight. Place ham in bak· ins diab. Add the spiced apricot syrup. Cover and bake in preheated ~ oven for 30 minutes. Turn bam and place apricot halves oo top. Batte with syrup. Bake uncovered unW lightly browned, about 20 minutes more. <Makes about 6 servings). MOLDED BEET CUClJMBEa UNG 1 envelope u.oflavored aelftine sliced lh cup cold water 'le cup sugar 'le teaspoon onJon salt 1 (I-pound> can diced beets 1 small cucumber, peeled and thinly 3tablespoons lemon juice •Dill Cream Dressing Chicory or salad greens In medium saucepan, mix gelatine with cold water. Let stand 1 minute. Stir over low beat until gelatine is completely dissolved. Add sugar, onion salt and lemon juice; stir uoW sug· ar is disaolved. Drain beets and measure beet li· quid. Add water to make 1 cup; stir into gelatine mixture. Chlll until slightly thickened. In bottom of 31h or •·cup ring mold, arrange cucumber slices overlapping each ot.Mir. Spoon in enough thickened gelatine to barely .cover; chill until almost firm. Add beets to ~maining gelatine and spoon over cucumber layer. Chill until firm. Unmold and garnish with chicory. Serve with •om Cream Dressing. <Makes about 6 servings). DIU CREAM DRESSING 1 cup mayonnaise ~ cup sour cream 1 teaspoon dried dill weed 114 teaspoon Tabasco sauce lh teaspoon celery salt ComJ.?ine all ingredients. Cover and cbill for an hour or more to allow Oavors to blend. <Mates about l lh cups) Tangy Oranges No matter~~ow you slice them, navf?I oranges are rich in vitamin C. They're good in desserts, sandwiches, salads. Navel orange groves 1n Callfomla and Arizona were bard bit by tbe recent December freeze. 'lbeftfore the tradWonal navel oraqe season may be aborter, with volume ab.lpmenta ending as early as April tb1a year. However there will still be plenty of briabt, navorful navels ,available 1n local markets dwinl the week.a immediately ahead. While western navel oranp1 are In HUOD you will want to tnchade IOllle In JOU.I' family's menus for they are a major IOUl"Ce of that im· port.ant nutrient, vitamin C. Navels are not only excellent to include in reautar menua but also provide perfect nutritious snaets. Easy to peel and eat, with banlly ever a seed, they will be enJ01ed b) the whole family -from 1randpueata to toddlen. Hen a.re Juat a few ldeu to Ila.rt you thlnk· 1nC "oraaae": \ . ,, Brown baUlnl takes OD a refresbiq new look when you laclude fresh Oranae Smll•. "Smiles" are an appropriate name for an euy. to-eat met.bod of cutttna onqea. Slice an UD· eeeted oraqe in baJf crouwile, then cut into 11 or 8 wedps. Place in a plutic bq and clole U1btlY. OI' wrap securely in foll or plutJc wrap. For small cblldren you can include three or four ''smilel'' and keep tbe otber ''lmilel '' eo.end and retrtcented for nutrttioul after·aebool or '!Ventas llUICU. Sprtnkle blte·•lle oraqe p6ecee over 70UI' morn cereal, fold aome into vanilla or rice , or add a few pteeea to a toued 1reen or ca e salad for more color, na.or and IC>Od nutrition. To cut a tarae oraqe Into blte-1ile pieces, cut peeled fruit la bait < ... TANGY,P ... CI) ,. .... - . .,.. ... . ... -.,. ...... .,,. . CJ This colorful lunch makes an ordinary weekend a special occasion. International Dishes . Use dry soup and sauce mixes for new flavor. As milllons of Americans take advantage of reduced airfare and charter flights to travel abroad, interest in international dishes in· creases. Travelers who once shopped for special ingredients found only in Europe are now dis· covering that many European products are available in our own supermarkets . Dry soup and sauce mixes are an example of one way to put an international flavor into homemade dishes. The Chicken Tetrauini is made with leek soup mix and Beef Ragout gets its hearty, robust flavor from oxtail soup mix. Seallopini Marsala is enhanced by mushroom sauce mix. CHICKEN TETRAZZINI 3 tablespoons margarine lh pound mushrooms, sliced lh cup chopped or sliced green peppers 1 clove garlic, minced · 1 (2% ounce> package leek soup mix 1 lh cups chicken stock 2 cupsmilk 1114 cups grated Parmesan cheese ~ cup dry sherry 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 (21h to 3~ pound> chicken, cooked, boned, cut into chunks or strips 1 (8 ounce> package fhin spaghetti In small skillet melt margarine over ' medium beat. Add mushrooms, gnen pepper and garlic. Cook until tender, stirring OC· casionally. In 3-Quart saucepan mix together soup mix and chicken stock. Bring to boil, stir· ring constanu y. Reduce beat; cover and aim· mer s minutes. Stir in milk, 1 cup of tbe cheese, sherry, parsley, chicken and vegetable mixture. Heat to serving temperature; keep warm. Cook spaghetti according to package directions; drain. Place bot spaghetti in bottom or greased 3..quart casserole. Cover with reheated sauce, toss lightly. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Broil 3 inches from source of beat 3 to 5 m.inutes or unW lightly browned on top. Makes 6 serv· ings. BEEF RAGOUT 2 pounds boneless round steak 2 tablespoons margarine ~ cup chopped onion 1 (2% ounce> package oxtail soup mix 2cupswater Cooked noodJes Cut beel across grain into thin slices about 1 ~ inches long. In large skillet melt margarine over medium beat. Add meat and cook unW browned, turning once, Add onion and soup mix. Stir in water. Bring to boll. Reduce beat ; cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, l~ hours or unW meat is tender. Serve with noodles. Makes 6 servinp. <See DISHES, PageC3) l You can put 1 sn international flavor into homemade dishes , by adding dry soup or sauce rr#xes, such as this Chicken Tetrazzini, made with leek soup mix. .I ' . ....... '" .. • • f' , .. . -' . ,. "• ..... " . .. . . .. I r • (2 DAILY Ptl.OT FOOD . Dress a Salad MINTED PEAS AND CARROT SALAD 1 pqund carrots, diagonally sliced 'At-inch thick 1 package (10 ounces> green peas 11'.l cup real mayon- naise 1 tables poon mint- flavored apple jelly Cook carrots in salted water until tender-crisp. Cook peas according to package directions ; drain. In medium bowl s tir together real mayonnaise and jelly. Stir in carrots amt peas. Cover and chill. If de- sired, serve on lettuce Makes 6 to 8 servings . ITALIAN CHICK fEASALAD 2 cu p s diced tomatoes <2 large) 1 can (1 lb> chick peas, drained 4 cups tom chicory Zucchini Dressing <recipe follows> In medium bowl toss together tomatoes, chick peas and chicory. Toss with Zucchini Dressing. Makes about 6 servings. Zucchini Dressing: In medi um bowl stir together 'h cup finely s hredded zucchini (1 " s mall ). ~ cup real mayonnaise, 1 tables: pooo grated onion, 1/4 cup milk and 1 teaspoon soy sauce. Cover and chill. Makes l 'h cups. PORK AND CABBAGE SALAD lf.i pound cooked,, boneless pork (about 2 cups) · 4 cups thinly sliced red cabbage 1 c up diagonally s liced celery < 'h-inch thick > Apple. Pecan Dress- ing <recipe follows) SUce pork ln julienne strips. ln medium bowl toss together pork, cab- bage and celery. Serve with Apple Pecan Dress- ing. Makes about 4 serv- ings. Apple Pecan Dress- ing: In medium bowl stir together 1 cup Best Foods reaJ mayonnaise, 'h cup apple juke, ',A, cup finely c hopped pecans and 'i4 teaspoon ground nutmeg <op- tional ). Cover and refrigerate. Makes about l~ cups. ORIENT EXP&ESS SMA.D 1 package (6 01) pea pods (about 11,A, cups) 2 cups (5 01> bean sproull 14 cup sliced red onion 1 cup sliced mushrooms 1 can <7 oz > tuna, drained Lemon Ch utney Dressing <recipe follows> Cook pea pods accord- ' loa to package dlrec· \ Toss d cabbage. carrot apples or sp1 ch for an ap a/Ing winter a/ad. YOU A1WAYS SAVEJ WITH STATER BROS. LOW·LOW PRICES Ht._.._...,.._OI .......... euun ... .,. ... ca ... -U••r•Ct Of ... ,._ Wilt'~•ci-•tt••1••a.••••ft tt'llUUI •nu O-•UIJW~._., •'ll • c .. ,....-uU•M•UlllOtO deli. u89c C.CK 81'A na M08.' waaK1 Y CDl'IPllD .... 8NCIAl8f KRUSI OKED LB. I fllUH ..oz JAii s 12• I WESTERN OYSTDSu ~~--1!}. . 1 • • U.S.O.A. . · GRADEA C YPIMflY• CllCIOll PAan BRW1S W /RlBS La. s 1 .. THIGHS l• 99' DRUMSTICKS l• 99• WINGS ~69' ... RIB ROAST LARGE END STATD• .... LUllCHION MEA1S $UC(.O • HIAlltl llU • MU 1~4. ll.lf IOt.OOMA IHIC1! l llCO eon1Oiilff'14l •1111 HB.PKq 99c EA UO'S•SMOK• SLICED MIATS COllNlOKU -•&lfll&IOI OAMI IUlltClY CMClt( .. '"""~ llMAll Oii 114M 3-0Z.PKG. LENTEN SPECIALS ~•MUI Oii iCU s 1 • f swon·s • Ollt<l..#A"lE..Oll IUF WIENERS HI PllG. EA .oz NC • 1 " IUF • lAaOC CND MO"Y WCAS $ ,M ... fllOllN 515, ••on ·•· snv1 u. FIAE H.• Na u 15 ' TUllOT FILLET LI. ;o;_lll·l~".:,::n5r!?,~z • 1" =~•' -·-••••nAK oecMl .... .,oo 69• fMIHnlOZl.W•Mfol.•IAll s1 •• .._ ~v f" ~-·--- s 11 • IUF • SM&U C10D ll •l•SftAK BIAUNSCHWflGER ~ u ,. IED SNAPPER . ll. HOFF • SLICID • 1 •• flll:IH • NOi rouc:u:o n' ru OICAllllllAY(JI s 109 l'MIHl'llOZDl•DOVCll s2•• •ACOll •d PllO u llAJI ---f $179 •er • LOON 1.8 T•-STIAK cono SALAMI M>Z. ,.a. EA sou Fn. LET . . ll. osc .. MAY(ll. •ucro • 1 •• •u. -"' OSCAllM•n• ,13, fllflHfllOZl.W 531, aacOll •.U l'llC (L snw -.T CHOPPED HAM ~ CA ICEUNDIC HALIBUT .. La. OSCA•MA'flA•W&flll·fHINSUQ(O • 1 •• IKF•SMAU(NIO • 1 •• llU • lOllf • lfU.IC Le POmftllllOUSI -----------.... __________ •ACOll U-OZ PICO u ... HAST •21 • WU• lOllo • STfU • 80NCl($$ l• T .... 111.0IN · tiiiii"~.~~~:·,~~·. . ... .. ··~·"c ::;::r1~lk ~ 1· .. :::;:= . ._ CH1CttENOFTHESEA•Ato.OA1Nw•rER•12-0z.s1.>2 KERN'S flCJARS EW.~i'~-oz.3lc ·~ I; TUNA . ... .. . . . . . . .. ... . . .. . . ...... ·5.M)Z.''c CRUSHED TOMATOES I 21c AEG .. ELECTRIC PEllC, OR OfllP FINE $ 23 • · 1 ' • t&-OZ. MJB COFFEE .. . . .................. H I. 7 MAZOLA OIL ............. .. .. ·'-. ..oz $2.49 · I HEAVY-OUTY • uou10 STATER BROS. CAc ERA DETERGENT . . 8'-0Z. s25• PINEAPPLE =·.c:i:·~ .10-04't I UOHTOA'l'S s 134 VIENNA SAUSAGE ·~-.I . 'M>Z47c KOTEX ................... J~l BRAN CHEX ~~-I ...... ~7SC 11 JOttHSON I JOHNION. OISPO&ABlE. TOOOl.EA s 79 WHEAT GERM =~-.. I . tU~ 7gc 'DIAPERS ... . . . .. : ...... 12~T 1 SALTINE CRACKERS , ... I .o48c I =~;-::.~~~::::l;l~r:cr .. °" s263 • KERN'S PANCAKE & -.85-B DIAPERS .......................... 2t-CT. WAFFLE SYRUP .. .. JN)t IMAOOl.~1·~.Rl .. E 64c DIAL GOLRSOAP ,,. .. ~ •.. t .. .4,51Jt .-__ .... _ _...,.n_ .. _ ..... _ .... _ .... _1"°_.z. ...... CORN TORTILLAS ~:t'.'~~~~ .... . .. 4,21° I 1PAMPERS I , VELVEETA LIQUID PLUMR r,::.11 ... I .... ,,4,91° ' Dl~f!~S CHllSE LYSOL CLEANER DIOOOMz.a •• l .M),,sl.27 $J.64 $2k49 LYSOL DISINFECTANT .... ;l. .... 51.99 '"~~t,¥li~~1:~J:.LI~ ...... 7.0£ 1 ec ...!=~~~===~~~==:::::=~~ Beer & Wine Speciala 6 ITALIAN SWISS i; COLONY WINE Cleo~youHRr PICKLES ~~~~~z,Ull ........... 1.0Z 51.16 ca!~:.~~ .. ~!~-· PICKLES ei~\1~~~lr llOZ s1.09 .. , ..... .,~""'" .. , .. ,..........,..'4d\ftlorv~... CLAUSSEN PICKLES s3 99 .-[\"1 .-...,..~'"'1l'-.....,.'-''h-.lfV'~·rJ.4• 1r· , . .,....,_,.,.,.. • .....,,...,,~. •CAL • BANANAS LN1GE •FANCY• CENTRAL AMERICAN GOlOEH-All'E' HOUSE PLANT -DUMB CANE (0111.111111.1 IOUND I 36C TOMATOIS ,. 'ru U:li'0 I •H>,29c TOMATO I 49 c PASTE ,,.o, ·ea.... ~ -. CHEESE Fooo =~~E~~~~~D ~,o, st29 Cil1 CUTBEANS f ~z 59 4 1~i::::u~~i.c~ .. ~ g5c VEGETA'BLES~'"'~OL"-'"'" I .... 8 7 c , ~·------. Oui. M OUi.Aii $8", MTAll. 111 00 FOii 2' H0\1111 HOW ~MA.A.ti . ... ,._ .. ,,. . SWISS CHEESE ~~CD ! ~, 97c NiBfEfSCORN f MOZZARELLA ~~'l~HIO 1 ~l asc lll.FINCHllADA.Q4£ESUHCHl\ADA.OACOMllN.4110Hl'l.Af! 4 PROVOLONE :t~~~HTO ! . M),94c ROSARITA DINNERS .... ti-Oz.69 MILD CHEDDAR lA~•ro~·u I 3''°' s3.19 ~•ro11 ·••NA11u.oz ·011cHOc01.ATfOAcoeOHu1 I $) 34 CREAM PIE .... .. . .............. . .... ..ti.Of. HOT COCOA MIX cAA .. "N)H.I ,,M>,. 51.79 GRAPE JUICE ..... I ............. ·'~ 99~ " .... . .. ... . . .. . . ... •'-..... .. .. . ... ' . , .......... ' . , . .. ~ .. ... FOOD Satisfying Two Diets When a pau nt :.urre.._ from two maladies, a\ltb u an ulcer IC'ld • troubl me 1allbladd r. di t contulJon l"f'lllU t upreme The ul :r o pamperln1 wtlh frequent 1p1 of milk or cream. while &be ,allbl1dder pr() bl m ~ulres • low f al re1une. tow can 1 patient k p bolh lt"nd r ar uoder contro1T The> tnclk ll lo hnd the common diet dt· nominator for lht> nu.ncty o~lt. food reatrlcl1on1 lo thia UM th comaaon de nomuutor l a bl nd di~. lh1t us skim mllll product.a to pamper the ulcer Bot.b &Jlmenta ~ulre di ts that do not uae "hot'' or "s>ef>Pl'rY " rondtm nu The)' 1lso each avoid the u c>f a 'Y foom. such u those or the rabbatt and lf'1umC' ram U Cttam soups that are u u1lly part of tbe ul· l'l"r d1f't hould bt-prep red w1lh 1k1m milk and mild Vc."l?l'labh.• • wht"n 1allbl dd r mu.t ~ con· s 1derf'd too Wlule ao uh:er 1Htt1 nt may Ht qc dilly, 1 low-fat diewr tw>uht re tnct eaca lo three I wttk with a man t>ll wbJ u d lred A dieter with both problems "'ould follow \be reatnclion.1 of th tatttr diet Ulcer ufferf'ra ma1 have ct am cheese, t'otlage t'btt e nd mild Amerit'an cheele. but the gallbladder s utreri.·r should have only a Jow - fat cottagt' ehet-sl", o the d1 ter wllh bolh pro blems wouJd ronlm~ to that ch e only Whtie a low rat d1 t>ll'r could have whole gramed cereals llnd brl'i.di., theac would have to be replaced entirely -.1th wtute or seedless rye breads, and fine white gramed cereals, if the patient also bas an ulcer lo consider Fruit choices would have lo defer to the ul· t'er diet's selection or ripe banana, applesauce. peeled apncots. peaches. pears (no seeds, no skinsl, or canned Royal Anne cherries. Also strained fruit juices would be recommended. Tbe only usual restr1C'l1on for a low-fat dieter would be the avoidance or avocado U you have a different combination of pro· blems. it would be wise to compare the diet restrictions or each and write your own set of restrictions that would be compatible for each. Then write down a week's menus at a lime and gather the needed recipes together to make the rooking effort easier Here are some recipes that would satisfy the bland diet for the ulcer patient who is suffer· ing rrom a temperamental gallbladdG.(_ that re· quires a low-fat diet APRICOT JELLIED TURKEY ROLL t while meat turkey roll. 4 to 6 pounds, thawed ••• Tangy C From Page Cl) lengthwise and. with a shallow V-shaped cut re- move white center core. place halves cut·s'ide· down, cut crosswi~ .! and lengthwise. Are you in need or a hostess or shut· in gift? How about a basket or "big" navel oranges with their easy-to-peel and easy-to-eat good: ness" A balong pan. flower pot, or other con- tainer can s ubstitute for the basket. Nuts, cheese or other dried or fresh fruits can provide extra color and variety. Orange Ambrosia, Ion~ tradition in southern homes, bas become a favorite everywhere. As delicious as it is pretty. it adds an elegant tou_cb to any menu. Shced oranges and shredded coconut can be served plain, with a little powdered sugar, while wine. or for fancier oc· casions add a creamy custard sauce. Other fruits or nuts can be added if desired, but really are not necessary Have you tried navel orange slices in some of your favorite sandwiches? May sound UD· usual, but it's oh so good. Ham or bologna topped with an orange s lice or a grilled sandwich made with Monterey Jack or Muenster cheese, a vocado and orange slices is delicious. Fresh navel orange segments or slices warmed in maple-flavored syrup are a marvelous topping ror French toast, waffles or pancakes. Or accompany your breakfast eggs with a slice or wedge of fresh orange for a great fl avor contrast. The large sized, peeled navel orange slices. cut in half, are super in a fres h fruit salad. Then for a super dressing. combine a little grated orange peel with the juice saved when you peel the oranges over a bowl; use this lo thin mayon· na1se or salad dressmg and add a bit of honey lo taste. Big navel oranges provide terrific orange shells for desserts or fresh fruit · salads. To make shells. remove tops by cutting crosswise ·~ of the way down from the stem end of each orange Carefully cut "meat" from oranges and tops (a curved grapefruit knife works well). Scrape shells "clean" with spoon. Cut "meat" into bile-size pieces; drain well and use inl..fruit cups, saJads or desserts. Fill the orange shells with softened vanilla ice cream, to which you've added some freshly grated orange peel; freeze until ready to serve. Or fill shells with vanilla or chocolate pudding into which you've folded raisins, chopped nuts and some of the orange "meat." • • .Dishes (From Page Cl> SCALLOPINI MARSALA 1,n ounce) package mushroom sauce mix l'Y• cups milk 1 pound veal round leg, cut into thin slices •1. cup Marsala wine Prepare sauce mix accor.ding to pa~age directions. set aside. Saute veal in small amount or margarine until lightly browned and tender Add Marsala wine; flame. Add mushroom sauce and simmer 2 minutes. Makes 4 servings. There's ALWAYS time for Spaghetti & Meat Sauce \ Pteae write for "MEALS IN MINUTES" recipes. SIP A-1 . 8985 Venlee Blvd .. Loa Angelet, CA~ \ , ~pttlal Diets By June Roth l 1mall Jlr pureed apricots (baby rood) 2 tablttlpc>(>M currlint jelly 1 teupoon l~mon Juice Prehtat ov~n to 3~ de1rcea. Arrange turkey roll in a roastln1 pan. In a s mall saucepan, combin., pureed 1prtcols, Jelly, and lt'mon Jule tit> t amd aUr W\UJ Jelly dissolves. Spoon lhta mixture over turkey roll, covering lbt 1urfa u:. mucb H possible Bake 2 to 2'A hourt SJlce nd serve Mikes I to 8 servings. "I love Sugar Frosted. and Brown Sugar-Cinnamon's delicious. too . But. then. how can I resist Plain Toasted?" SUM ~llllNOG 2 cups dry powdered low.fat mllk 1 '' tablttSl)OOn11 sugar 3~• cups skim milk l teaspoon vanilla I egg whJle Combine nonfat dry m1l.k. sugar, skim milk. varulla. and egg while in a large bowl ; mix·wilh e lectric o r band beater until frothy Refrigerate Makes 1 quart. SPINACH CO'MAGE CH EESE BAKE 1 package I 10-ounce > frozen chopped spinach. cooked and drained l cup low-fat cottage cheese \• teaspoon salt Preheat oven to 3~ degrees. Spoon spinach into a UgbUy buttered baking dish: Top with cot· tage cheese and sprinkle with salt. Bake 15 minutes and serve at once . Makes 3 servings . Put Patties in Pita Pockets MUSHROOM "BURGERS" 1 pound mushrooms 8 slices whole wheat bread ~ cup walnuts ~ or a small onion 2 eggs, s lig hlly beaten 1 teaspoon sail l4 teaspoon pepper l4 cup salad oil Small -size pita, heated (JACK ANDERSON) REVEALS in the Enjoy45~ p on delirious Mountain GrCR¥D FO And perfect omelets with this great Folding Omelet Pan. There are two terrific breakfast treats now at your favorite store. The first is Mountain v_::_~~~-.;:::9;39~ Grown Folger's, always rich and . delicious, especially at breakfast. The second is Folger's mail· in offer for a terrific Folding Omelet Pan. For extra·special familybreakfasts. go to your store and pick up both today . Folger's Coffee is available in dif · ferent grinds, one i11st right for your coffeemaker. And Folger's is moun- tain grown. That's the richest. most aromatic kind of coffee. The cool mountain air and gentle sun shine let coffee ripen slowly so it builds up rich flavor. Folger's Flaked Coffee is specially designed for automatic drip coffeemakers. It's the same delicious Mountain Grown Folger's but it's flaked to release more rich flavor, so you use less and save money. If you normally use 5 measures per pot. you only need 4 of Folger's Raked Coffee. DAILY PILOT SPECIAL OFFER! --------------------------------------- Folding Omelet Pan. Look in your store for Folger's Display. Your family will flip for the fluff~ delicious omelets you 'II whip up with this Ingenious Folding Omeltil Pan. It lees you make any kind of omelet like a pro. Costs $5.45 by mail with required certificate when you buy any size con of Folger's Coffee or Folger's Flaked Coffet. Heavy duty aluminum Is porcelain finished outside and has o Teflon 11• 1r1terlor. IMPORTANT: Your ord411' must be occompanled by the spec~I Folger's mall·ln certlhcate, available at participating stores. Of by sendll"G your hdme, address and lip code 10: FolgeT'a Coffee Omelet Pan Offer. PO Box 432. Cincinnall. Ohio 45299. Your request for a certlflcatl! muse be posl· marked by September 30. l 979. Please allow lour weeks lor certificate delivery Offer good only In US.A Limit one omele1 pan per name or .lddre5S . . . .. . .. --,. ,.. . . ..... sil~!J~t~!2lgerSs m I ONE 2 lb. OR 3 lb. CAN OR ONE 26 oz. OR 39 oz. CAN OF FLAKED OR TWO ' lb. CANS OR TWO 13 oz. FLAKED ·~ . .. . " .. , ... . .. ""' ..... ._ • r • , -... OM.Y PILOT FOOD Fear of Reheated. Chicken? Try New Recipes Svtn lf ~ dlmMr la· bl• la "tbarmiqly tn· llmate" -MaUna OQJy • rew. or two .• or •••n Juac you -you Medn'& a uff er from ··e11b rdoohobla" Cthe lrratlonal leer of Hlint warmed over rh.lckt>n or turlloy for lA rteat of your II/~\ Tht• trou ble w llh <'hlcbn '" ry Sunday la Mond1y and TuHda)', toot But poultry I novt>r ure 10 v('raatlll• thf'y need nt'vt-r a1>1)l'ar In tht> H m o ~ tWl('f! So. If you've 1ut frt"n r •par t' to squirrel away ll•ft overw 1n m l"al "''"' P•tkell. ll makt-:o. «ood tut' to taku advantaae or tb relao v.:ly l'huMp price of whole r h1 rluma. and 1nudl turkeya Desp te h1aih..-r prlc.-.z. than I year &u. whol PC>ultry 18 atlll one or thl' ~•t "meat" baraa1n oround . espech1lly for health t'UnliC IOU8 11 hop pera who watch the ir walatllnes as closely ulj their wulMs Low 1n .• f ut t•nd c holesl e r uJ , poultry averages It-~ than halt the calories of a rab roast. So enjoy a "Sunday Dinner" of roast chicken or turkey. . a nd a P· plaud the encores e ven more. Here are some unuauaJ Ideas · CHICKEN GUNGA DIN l <A JO-minute "cream " c urry that's well - seasoned, not hot.> 1 Spanish onio n , large 2 outer celery ribs I small Cor half a I large > belJ pepper, red or green 1 c up chicken orl turkey broth <fresh, canned or reconstituted, rat-skimmed> 1 c up c hicke n or' turkey, while me at, l'OOked, diced 1 lo 2 teas poo ns' c·urry powder. mild Clo taale> quarter-t easpoon ground cinnamon J cup mushrooms, sliced three-quarters c up skim milk · 2 lablesPOOns nour opllonal 2 table· :5poon1J defalled peanuts o r silvered a lmonds , toasted optional: 2 table :spoons rahnns <TO DRY ·TOAST ALMONDS : s pread almonds in a shallow layer on a non·stick rake pan and bake with no fat added in a pre- heated 450-degree oven just unlit golden, less than rive minutes.) P eel and qua rte r onion; cut into one·inch chunks Cwill separate in cooking>. Trim celery and slice ribs on the diagonal. Remove seeds and rib6 from sweet pep- per and cul Into one·inch cubes. Combine vegetables with broth, c hicken, curry powder and cln· namon in a covered s au cepan. Cover and simmer just until celery is tender-cMsp, about alx minutes. Stir In mushrooms and simmer, Wlcovered, one minute. Combine milk and nour In covered jar; shake until blended. Stir into simme ring pol. Cook and stir unlll sauce Is thick. Serve sprinkled with nut.a and raisins, tr desired. Makes two servings, about 245 calorie• and 32 gram• or protein each ( raialna and peanuta add 50 caloMes and 3 grams protein per servin1e ). Tl1a9'El' PANCAKES C An abaolulely de- licious brunch or supper dish. perfect for food '\.Processor fans.> 1 quarte r · po und turkey Cor chicken l, while meat, cooked 2eggs 3 slices blab-fiber bread pinch of nulme1 , l ta~poon onion. chopped <or t teaapoon 1.aatant> 2 or 3 1prlas parsley ult, pepper t.o laatc 2 lo 3 tablt•poon1 aklm milk In tood procetaor: UH lhe ateel knife. Combine all ln1redlenl1 exupt mllk and /roce11 1mootb. Ad milk a tabl"pooa at • Um• UD· tit mixture 11 the texture of • very lhJck pancake batter. <Wtthoot proceuor , arlnd meat, but e111 and dice bread. Beat 111 lnaredienu t.o1ether In b'-.....,. or "1lb I lr1c mixer. lddJq mUk a DMd4ld ) Spray a non·allck 1klllet with cooklnc 1pra1 tor oo·tat trytnc. Heat over moderat e fta••· baller onto •ltlllet to mak 1mall pant all• Low ... hu t and cook unUI w.dttakl ha bmwn, about t hrC!'te mlnut«>a tpanull walJ not "bub bl~ "l U 1pal ula lo turn lf'ntly O>ok en ad· ... Go11rmeet e~ 81rbar1 Otbbont t'up cold alclm milk or you like la "llleaal. Im· they can afford the defattect poultry broth. moral or rattenina?" caloriel; you can't. Cook and aUr over low Then lndul1e yourself 1. MUlh.tooma -only heal until thickened. wllb 1ome thln1 ex· 70 calories a cupful. Try Seuon to taate with penalve! Today we',ve them raw ln a salad, or on Ion aa ll , be r b •, 1ot a U.t of ~ le1al ex· dip them In diet Frt!nch minced panley, dash of lrava1ancea that any dre11lnc u 11nack. nutme• or paprika, • dieter can afford 2. Freeh m1n1 prob· llbleapoon white wine. calorically 1peakin1. a bly U\e most delicious Calories· 15 per table· Of course. they're ex-fruit God ever created. dltlonalth mtnule1. tn11, about 130 calories spoonlfmode wllhmllk, pensive. So, lbe moral Pay whatever th e S erve with l<>w·(ll t11ch, ao 1r1ma "roteln 10 ll<lr tablespoon with 11: "~nice Lo yourseU s upermarket asks ! turkt y 1ravy ot " .irc~n c1rh broth. wblle you're 1llmmlog Ripen before culllna. Vt'fet•tM and 1klm milk 1.ow. FAT C RA v y • • • down. even If you have Half a mango haa only .. rream" H ue. M•b• OR SA VC:I<; SUr 2 t.o reed everybody else 75 calories. low·catorle, only 83 calori• for 4 ounc" of the meat . 4 . CalvH' liver fewer than 180 ca.Jorie. for a quarter·pound aervlni. 5. Shallot& -only 20 caloriea an ounce. 6. Fllel mlanon leanest and ltia lll- rattenlnc of lhe htxury steaks : about 180 calories ror a quarler- <See 8UM, Pa&e Cl> lhrH mul •h~ • rv tubleapoona nour into I You uy everythln1 frankfurters.'" After 111. 3. Frogs' legs -very -'-~~~~~~~~....;._~.....;...~~~~~~~~~~~~~---=:__~.,;_,:_~~~~~~~- {...,~._..__,.,. , \.:: tJ Lucky helps . you out with lower prices overall. At Lucky, we take our low. overall pricing policy seriously. We have )o. cmd we're sure you do. too According to the 1978 average U.S. Consumer Price Index, Americans spend a fifth of their disposable income on food -more than most people spend on travel, education or medical services. Dollar for dollar. food is still the best bargain going. but It's up to us to make sure shoppers like you get the most for what you spend . We do our best to make everyday discount pricing work for you. We see no point in getting shoppers in the door with games and giveaways. (Our quality name brands and selection do that for us already.) So, we help th em out with a lower total Instead. At Lucky, discount prices are a happening thing every day. There's no need to hunt for specials. Lucky shopper~ know the~· can count on single-item pricing. which means they're not forced to buy more than they need ... no "two·fers". You Qt!I the same fair shake buying one of an item as the next guy who buys four. You also get to choose from more than 500 Key Buys every week. These are items marked at even greater savings by passing along manufacturers' temporary promotional allowances. What you don't get from Lucky are game Lenten Menu Ideas I.CHICKEN OF THE SEA CHUNK TUNA llGltl M[Al Ill 011. 411111 2 5 17') 01 (All -. FILLET OF50LE fAOZfN ...... .. lO 1°8 FRESH IWHOO'W TROUT 1 96 e •10I ~If lO • OCEAN PEP.CH fll£T tll()ft" IA 1 ,56 SHOW CRAD CLUSTERS fll()/IN 10 2.49 • Fresh Meats DLADE CUT ~~~~~[i~!.~~ LO e 9 8 OOHn.DS TIP $TEAK OOt«OOW~. C·Z CUT cuot ST£AK OOttc.l '.11$ O()ooO(.O 1111 • LI 2,5.8 .• 2.18 our SPAfl.E~IOS 11\0lf" Oll~IO I.I 1.09 DOHEUSS P.UMP ROAST !IONOU>ICI' !OM> ~Cul 11 2, 16 TOP fl.OUHO STEAK t()loUj\~ ~•w SUC£0 D£Et llV(fl. )o<IHIJ\\ CUT •UP ffl. YING CHICl((H ....... ,,.. .•. 69. Gfl.ADCA YOUNGDUOO I 1•)10, '.f\OI:: i. i 4' ll\.96 FRESH LEMONS lAfl()( !>Ill l,..14 !:SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE 149 (l\ACK(I\ GAMft 1001 ~ll(K fl.CO SNAPPER FILLO II'"" II 1.76 r MOUAREU.A CHEESE 6 "'IC<M 1on1 oau 1 . 99 r SLICEOS'WISSCHEESE b U("IVl1UI• lliO/ ""' 2.69 Fresh Meats CUREMAST£fl. HAM HAlf "°""'a llONIU» IWtCO()Ut. 10 3,66 CUfl.E01 HAMHAl.f OONuli. tl.UHOOND SMOKED SAUSAGE KIJ \t~ a J ltll> t l•t .2.99 .• 1.96 ~~OR POP.K CHO~~? .. , • 7 8 ZIPP£ OURfl.ITOS NII l.lllAN GilifNC.._,, ttOI •OOl ..... , ~· ZIPPEOE£fTAQUIT~01 .. ., 1.01 ZIPPEOEEfTAMALES i 27 )101""' • ZIPPE DUfl.fl.ITOS ·~· , .... 97 ZIPPE COfl.H DOGS tickets and paraphernalia to clutter up your wallels. fancy coupon~ or giveaways. Games don't go with being discount. Besides. we'd rather see everyone win with lower food prices overall. Cdnned & Pdckaged r SPEAS f ARMS t> APPL.E JU~CJz Oil 12 9 l SPLITTOP BREAD 55 HARll{~I OAY . .• 740l lOAI • r otscurr MIX 6 Wl'flll .ow 0011 .09 ! SHOWDl"FT SH0~~~~5' •39 r fl.£ffl.IED 0£AHS 6 ()Ill(~ ~"' ()II~ • I Ol (l>H. 39 p POPCOfl.N 6 Ol\ll!Uf NOIHllA'l•P' lOOI ..... ~ 1 • 59 r PLANTtP;s PEANUTS 6 Ol'Yll().\\I l•Ol ... ~ 1 • 99 r TIU£SW££T JUICE 6 "tl•c.M .. l""°I . 460/ (.AN , 69 r HUNT'S TOMATOES ir.9 6 • 160/ CAH .J r 0£lMONTf.#W 6 1101 u. ... 35 P fOMATO SAUC£ , 6 1>C7'UI t~Ol (AN,25 . Gfl.E£N GIANT OE.ANS , GA{tH i".Jl(.-.._p. 'afClt1 '\ ..L 6 Ollflll"'" ••Ot o ... '-'U r HUNT'S KCTCHUP 72 6 l•OI 011 , L LIPTOtUEAOAG~(ll)(I ... " 2.05 P SUHLITCOIL A ~()'61\A •• °' •" 1 . 97 r SPLIT P£A SOUP b ....,._"°" t)Ol (AH .3.5 (.:11,,..../'1' tVJ"ir10f~4-~ .._ A•~,~~1 ~tf •... ~.._.. • ..,.,,.Oifl'~(Ol'W.-.V Ill"""• """.,.,. ..... ~9'\~'""'" .. ~ Canned& Packaged !LADY LEE PEANUT DUITER 219 (llJAMYOO (HUNl<Y • 4& OL JAi\ r SHACKlt4' CAKE MIX b • t!Y (ll()CJWI 6 •AA!t1") • • • Ol llC. • • 6 7 r LAOY lll NOOOln 6 MOtOllVlll.>WIOf •101 ... (, .49 r VlASIC DtU PtCl<l.ES 6 l!IQ>t ~ OllllMXJ\ltO d i:>i ""~ , 99 Dairy & frozen r HEAVY WHIPPING CREAM 49 6 l>O'Hll ,. 01 (f" , L MOOfl.E~NIOH fl.I~~ •-r. .67 l SARALEECHECSC1~1~,, i .69 -l Gfl.E°:' G!ANT ~~~!,, 2 • 19 r Tfl.WWECT JUICE 6 Cl'Ult'.tC°"'1Jtl1'.<ff IJO/ r•"· 97 Delicatessen r CHICKCN fMNKS A 1<»11~1•~\ •oOt "-11 .69 r HAM PATTIES b DlbTM " ~c·-.1 55 r SHP.IMPCOCKTAll 6 1.4~(0 401 •••• 59 L ~~n PEPP£"~~, .-1 . 31 liquor Hou~ehold & Pet Produce FRESH ARTICHOKES 59 60Ul\MCI lAllNV IA e DUN CH SPINACH {Ul\L Y C. Cl\1\1> • (A .29 HA~AllAN PINEAPPLE IVICY flll )H • (,..69 RED GRAPES SCH£F'FELA'-IA PLAHr •""'" ' 3.76 ... what discount is all about. DISCOUNT SUPERMARKETS , _ .. '"W U NILM AWIMll COIU lillM ,, ....... IOUl.l\IAllO _,_,'* MACfl I-~f ITillll o-a .... "'"I CtWIWI A¥1Nlll MIAtll .. 111 .0 lt1UI COlLIM ~MO ,Ill""'°" •llO IUCUOA'llNUI LMUt!AlllU.a tN'f CMOt lllOM M LA 'Al .. .. . -........... .. ,.. - U1191•..,,. • HITt .............. AWIMll ITOAll OPIN OAtLY t A.M. ' . llMITOll ,... Ufll.,Uo AW ""'"""°'°" aACN ..., jll\,Alff f, Allltllll f\llflfl lf.tl't ~l A\fCHUI ... , ..... "" ... ,. ., .. lllllllJN..111111 ... 1' • r • • • ·~ , -. I FOOD • OMVftt\.OT Cl Chili Powder: Boisterous Blend of Spices ••• Slhn (From Pa&e C4> pound serving, and so expensive you won't be tempted to eat more than that! 1. Lobster -a 1 and one-half.pound lobster bas ooJy 150 calories, but leave off the butter. Try a squirt of fresh lemon juice, instead. 8. Imported water - no calories. U it makes you feel goocUo pay for water. go ahead! . 9. Caviar -only 42 calories a tablespoon. Now, there·s a way to dress up a cotta ge cheese plate! 10.Articboke hearts - only 30 calories for 4 ounces. Use them in salads, or cook them in spaghetti sauce. 11. Canadian bacon - lean and luscious -only 61 calories an ounce. 12. Abalone -ooJy 111 c a lo ries a q u arter pound. 13. Espresso coffee - no calories. 14. Scallops -only 92 calories in a quarter- pound. Try them scam· pi-style: broiled with lemon juice, minced rresh garlic and 2 tea- spoons butter. lS. Veal -one of the le anest and l east - fattening of all meat s has only 160 calories a quarter.pound serving. If you can't afford veal scaloppine, buy ground veal "hamburger" an(S bast.e it with lemon juice as it broils. 16. Persian melon -·1 less than 30 calories for l""yR .. Paper Towels ~ Wt end ~t -. 11 -:.:.-1 119 1 .. Tracler Chunk Tuna i:il~~~59c Town House If Cocldall ·:39c Cana Lucerne Orange.l~lc• GNat for lnokfottl Truly Fine Baby Diapers •Daytime • A"-"nt •Toddler 60-ct. 41-ct. 40-ct. Safeway Fresh Produce Buys! Bananas Safeway DogFoocl It's "fWe'a Foveritel" ~6·~·· Colcllbrook Margalne Cragmont Bewerages fin. Thirtt~! =~ ..... o.,.;r ··~·1 Large 'AA'lggs Lucerne Freeh. 1-c101.79c Carton C ~Cling Peaches= 1~·3gc .t Z-i·Luncheon MeatJ: 1~· ggc @;:& 3t~ Cocoa Mix: 12 ~ 99' lb. %-i~Luceme Mil~':'.cs 3'~ 1100 Navel Oranges 39c Z-i Cheese Pizza rr'~ ~'1" SweetandJulcy .................... lb.. ~Graham Crackers:= 1t,o; 59-~~ow~~~ ......... lb. 15' Z-SGrapeJuicer~~ ~·1 1• Dieffenbachia 5·1nctis3n Z-i Chili WJBeansJ: 2~•1 00 Lovely Fresh Plants . . ... .. . . Pot ~ p· t B Town 2-lb .• 5n. .,;;::;; in o eans House Pllo. .,- Specialty Item of the Week! ~ Fresh Roasted a .. n Sprouts i~ Peanuts ~:-:.w 39c -5a;~:..L49c Flov• 10 So1o<11. lb. MYtochin' Month". Pkg. Health & B eauty and More! Green Mint A Mouthwash for 5 m1nute1. Return pork lO aauc. pot. Add ~ cup water and H it. Brine to tbe bolling point. Reduce heat and tlmmerl covered, until pork la almost tender, about 1 ~ boun, 1Urrln1 occ asionally. Blend Oour. cblli powder and Town House Tomatoloup lkh, Toma .. Aavort -' 116·~ I <§)White Magic Bleach ore1ano with W. tup water: 1Ur into aauct pot. Add poutou. tomatoes and tauaace. Cover and aimmer uotll meat and pot.at.Gel are tender. a b out 30 minute.. Garallb with avocado alicea, If de- tlred. Yield : 8 portlou. \S;Mn. Wright's Owenloy Fresh Bread Socia Crackers •Olcl ................... ._.tyl. \9'. ~ 2 2~,~I '~~ ,6-oa.49c Loovn \La lo• You can fight inflation by moldng •we yeu get volue in tM beef yeu buy. You r9Ceive valu. when yeu buy USDA Choke <Mode 8eef ateaa and roosts at Safeway. The USDA Choke Grode 8eef atomp means tftot Safeway beef hos ben impartially gtaded by o USDA •~rt who judged it to be USDA Choice quolity. Thi• tep quality grade It aworded only to beef that wiH deli"' tender, juicy, flavorfvl cuts ond that mean• value in the beef you buy at Safeway ••• that'• not trv• in every aup«morliet. ahaU-cupofcubes. r-~~~~~~~~~~~:-;:::;;iiiiii~!ii~:-~~~ 17. Fresh raspberries -only 41 calories a fialf-cup <when you can find them>. So what if they work out to be a e~~~99c ~Top Round Steaku~=e ~ Bottom Round Roastui:~ =· ~ Beef Cube Steak~~c:.~d ..,.s21• tb.s2" lb.s2°' lb.89' dime each! 18. Papaya -much classier than a melon ball, a delightful waker- upper at breakfast, only 60 calories a half. 19. Shrimp -10 large shrimp add up to only 67 calories. Skip the main cour se and order two shrimp cocktails for din- ner ... plus a salad. 20. Venison -like most game, is low in ca lories; bas only 143 calories per quarter- pound. 21. Pheasant -meat a nd skin. about 175 calories for 4 ounces. 22. Imported exotic tea -no calories. 23. Rock Comish beoa -fancier than chicken, but chicken about calories: only 96 for 4 ounces of meat. 24. Snails -4 ounces of the meat add up to on- ly 102 calories. 25. Pome1ranate - the sweet pulp bas only 71 calories for 4 ounces. Squeeze u. on cotta&e cheese or stir it into yogurt. <Pomegnnate ii the IOW'ce of grenadine syrup.) \ If It tloata, cttanc•• •re you'll read •bout It In the • 7-Pltce Patio Ememble • 4 PacWecf Cholrt witft fltottic Arma • 1 Aclf111taW. Umbf.tta •1 Steel TeW. • 1 Tobie C-, Chaise Lounge S4t811 Wlftl ........................... -t.6 PLAY ..,, MlmCAnol •rmc TO PllCIWI This ~Heft te cnolloble ot 177 W.way ...,.. .._.... In Sovthem C.llf•tnle, Hc•pt San Dleg• ond ......... c. ....... (162), .Mt In Corte Ce4Hity, ........ ( 15). Thie ... -..... It IChecluMd .. -... 7, 1t79. tt Wtl efftdlly "'· ........ , ...... Hdwtt .. dktrtltutecl. -Cllllf-IW7"'9nM .....n 11. "1t NID NO.Of 00051 ooos IJ OOOSH "'"""' ...... nCJ(fT TUITS JlnfnS "-11 .... Sit ruu M.1'7 I-141 Ill.All • 7t4 ,,,., ·-..... .... -,, .. "" ,. t .... ~ •·11'11 '" HI • ''" 1.01 211 ,,. I 111,ltt , .. 11 • TOfMI tt•.-111 10 • w•a.ir s5" ,..... ............................ _.. Recent Big Winnera! •Hall O'lllD .... s2,ooown.. •V.ComLllS . .•. , s2,ooo ..... •UTIAlmf .......... •2,000 ..... •IOI MM ........... •1,000 .... ~ ~~~~g2.1.~~~.~~ .. 9-oL 49' ~2J~P~~~~'.~ .. each '169 ~~~~~ ....... cmt 44c ,. Bottle Shop Buys ~ lffoctlw '" u.--1 ~ No $eloo lft hreH of 20 o.llOft'- Ho Soles,.. ....... Gin or Yoclka :-&~ St. Bmo Rum SJ" 80-Preof ................ OUOl't :-;. ~:!! ........ OuoftS6•9 m$ Stanton's Gin llO-flfool 1SG-«11.'2" %-8' Kavlana Vodka ~ 750-«ll 12" :;: Liebfraumilch ..::..n2kz.•1• 1-S ·Bourbon svo:'io~Pr. 1SO-m1135' ~ Sliced Beef Liver ffor:.ho.~· lllceclBacon ~Ki"' 1139 ~ 1-lb. ~, Pkg. lklnless Franks Stetiing er 99 Wllaon C.rtlfiecl c ~ 1-lb. ez:;;;v Pl&g. Turkey Ham 0'1:'ost Sliced Meats~" Beef Fritters~~ Burritos a::.,~ lb. •1• ~53• lb. •12• lb. 99' F .... hllenT ..... eys Zocky f'orms 89 'rlme Ovality Grad• "A" c ~lb. .. USDA Choice Bulk Beef'' Whole Boneless lhoulcler USOAChoKoC:.-• '178 tllo.lnd ..... _ .. .. s-u1t .12 -...1 lkllk w........... lb. Dungeness Crab~~ lb. •1• Catfish Steaks ~ 11>. '1" Rainbow Trout =i: 111. •1" Butterfish Fillets rt::.: lb •1 51 Speecly Deweloplng 6 Printing! 12.._, ...... •2•• C.110., C-126 .... w ·-lffecthe fhwl.. ...... ' ...... '-·· 20 .......... •31• •-........ Mow.4, 1'7'111~~ 10.c.1 ... .... .... , ..... CetlllN. s... ... c.11 .c.12•.... se-c..... -'=::i~M • 1000 Bepld• Dt., NewpcH1 B•ecll • IH No. COH1 H19hwey, Le9une 8HCll • I01 E. 'Cem4no Reel, Sen C1etMnte • 14 Monetcll Bey Plau, toutt. ueune • S.nte An• Fr ... ey et Le ..... MllMoft Y'-'- ) • 211 E. 171'1 It., Coete Met• • Adetftl~ M91nolte, HunUftgton hecft • 144'7 CufV9f Of. et Welnut, ltYIM • 3111 So. Mltelt, t enle Ane • • ..,., ... -,. ....... -~. . . . . . -. . ... , . .. .. '. ... " .. . . .. • "<I r ft OM.VPllOT Spirited Me H )'Ou're wonderlnt about how to Include more rrHh rrulta and ve1 tablet ln your dJ t. ther~·• a lot to be IHrnfd from the p rit· ed Mex.lean cuisine Soutb or lb borct.r. rre1h produce r1rety urvt'd to&o, ror eum· pit. Lahn cooks com bin a var ty ur frt\ b items Into .. I a" a nd uae thla s nu<'e as an f'conomaral , flavorful and bHllhluJ t'nhanc • ment to tho ma n dtsb And as the United FrHh •"rwt aod Vt&d• ble A sochatlon points out, whatever the • teupoon aalt l upoon .,_pper In lat,. lU l , melt butter or mar1arlnt1. add pot.ale>ea. aprlnklt wHh aalt and ~pptr Co\ tr. C'ook O\let low btat a to 10 m1nutea Rtmov c-ovtr. lncru hHI to mctdium. cook until iold n brown on bo\h Ides Makes 4 to• f\' np • FRE811 • LAD ACAPULCO 1 amall h ead I I i ' ican Menu lut>t-r1 leottuctt, I about 4 <' u Pl 11\tedded I 2 oran1 •· PO I d and aUCfd ' t ripe avocado, peelt'd, pattt'd and 1Llcfd t tart• red onion, PH led and lhlJlJy allctd Rlnae I ttuet, drain thorouahly Shred let tuce a nd arranae o n atrvlna plaltc>r Arrang orana• 1Ucn, avocado. and onion 1rl11Ucally ovttr the 1hrtdded let· tuC'e . Jual ht-for 11 rv· ln1. 1poon Lfmon Ore •· ln1 over Hlad. Makes: 4 servlnp LIMON DIE881NG 1.,. c up rces hly 1quffaed lemon Julee 14 cup aalad oll 1 teaspoon salt h tuspoon dried leaf tarrqon Combine a ll ingre- dient.a ln small jar or mndq bowl: shake or atlr lo blend. Makes: about'-' cup dressing. .. ~~. eaaon .. rr.sh product 1lveayouacbo1ce. At any given time ol I.be yHr, there are oiore than 7S dilrerent rresb com· modltiea available at your local grocer SAYEWlll llCK OI TlllSl ~lllSID llOIS IS 11 ()UlllD ID 81 tit.Oil Y AYW8tl 1()11 SAil 111 I.ell iuam ~ll SIDRf UClPI as SMtlflCAllf llOllD Ill llllS .a II W( DO llU'I DUI Of All AOVll llSlD lllM WI "'U Oflll VDU Y()Ut 01D1G1 DI A COMPAllAl!tl 111111 WllUI AYW!il Ill lllCll"' IH( SAM! SA'llllCS DI A tAtllCHlC- WlllCH Mtl 11111111 Y()U ID PIJllQll'i( 1111 A()VllllSlD llllt Al l~l 411Yll ftSlO Ptltt ijtlf~ll'l 10 ~IS Chic ken fro m St Mark's Oarden ls an authentic Mexican dJsb that relies on lhe Mex lean style or poaching the meat to retain sue· culeoce, th e n pan· browning for a golden. crispy crust. The rresh vegetable "salsa·' uses the poaching broth com- bin e d with rr es h tomatoes and onions and typical Mexican season- ings s u c h as fresh garlic. oregano and cln· namon. Tlte sauce simmers down i n jus t a f ew minutes to a lush, zesty con s i s tency ~t o be s po o n e d over \h e browned chicken. It Is accompanied by Fresh Fried Potatoes and Fresh Salad Acapulco The salad is a vivid and refreshing spectrum of oranges. avocado and red onion served on a bed or shredded Iceberg le ttuce t opped with Lemon Dressing. Once you 've trie d Mex ican cooking you may want to experiment with some of the more exotic Mexican fruits and vegetables availa- ble at your local market. Jicama -(hie-a-ma l is similar to the potato and holds the same staple status in Mexico as potatoes do in the United States. It has a nutty fl avo r a n d m akes an excellent and e conomical s ubs titute for water chestnuts It can be s tir.f ried steamed or mashed, or eaten raw in salads. /\ vocados have been known in Mexico as far back as 291 B.C. Their remarkable affinity with most foods and extreme· ly high nutritional value have made them a com- mon ite m at mo s t groceries. If your grocer doesn 't s egr egat e .. ready-to· eat" avocados from the still firm ones, you can t est for ripeness by squeezing gently. A ripe avocado will give lo your touch CWCKEN FROM ST . MARK'S GARDEN l. chicken <about 3'h pounds>. cut in serving pieces 2 cups water :V.. teaspoon salt 1 onion, sliced 1 whole clove garlic 4 fresh tomatoes, chopped <about 4 cups > 2 onions . chopped <about 1 cup) 2 s m a ll c loves garlic, minced l/4 cup vinegar 1 teaspoon oregano o/4 teaspoon ground -''· cinna mon 1/4 cup vegetable oil or shortening In medium saucepan combine chicken, water. salt, sliced onion and whole cJove garlic. Cov- er. Simmer 35 minutes or until tender. Remove chicken from broth and set chicken aside. Strain broth; reserve 1 cup. Remaining broth may be refrigerated or frozen for future use. In same s aucepan, combine 1 c up reserved broth, t omatoes. chopped onion, minced garlic, vinegar, oregano and cinnamon. Bring to a 'boll, simmer. un - covered, 5 to 7 minutes . In large skillet, heat oil; brown poached chicken pieces on both sldea. Place chicken on serv· Int platter, serve with vegetable sauce a nd Fresh Fried Potatoes. Makes: 4 to 6 servings. RESllRIED POO'ATOE8 3 tablespoons butter or maraarine 4 CUPI sliced, pared potatoes, cut ~-inch thick (about 4 potatoes> .. • lo • . ~ -· . . .. . * SAYtllCS CAlCUIAICO I ROM R£CWR l'OSl(O MllC(5'1t1()41 10 IUM I 1911 ON JUNE 24 TH. 1978. MARKET BASKET SLASHED LIQUOR PRICES 15% TO 25%! MAKE MARKET BASKET H£A().. QUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR LlguoR NEEDS. YOU'LL FINO SLASHED PRICES THROUGH UT THE ENTIRE LIQUOR DEPARTMENT MORE THAN JUST A FEW ADVERnSEO SPECIALS BIG SAVIN GS ON YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS " . . " l • ,,. ... . .,... . Chicken from St. Mark's FOOD Ga/den transforms ordinary dish into an authentic Mexican meal. I FOOD Shrimp Patty Sandwiches and Fruit Salad Exot;ca Light Lettuce: Mainstay ~~~~~;...:_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Frwl Salad Exotica combines g'>lden papayas and kiwi fruit with crisp w estern iceberg l e ttuc e , strawberries and coconut chips under an Herbed Yogurt Dressin.f . Western iceberg lettuce leaves 2 Hawaiian papayas 3k1wis 2 cups strawberries, halved 'Al c up roa s ted coconut chips Mint sprigs Core, rinse and thoroughly drain lettuce. Chill in plastic bag or crisper. Prepare Herbed each rosemary and savory, crumbled. Blend s mooth. Makes 'Al cup dressing. Note: Udesired, a fruit flavored YogUrt may be ·substituted for plain, If fruit yogurt is used , reduce honey and lemon juice to 2 tablespoons each. A s a n e ega nt acco mpanim e nt , easy-to-prepare Shrimp Patty Sandwiches make unique use of frozen patty shells which are baked into red.angular-shaped putries lmtead of the usual cups. Split like a French roll, they are light and pleasing fare when filled with the shrimp and swiss cheese mixture brightened by the addition of garden green, fresh parsley. Thaw patty s hells slightly so they can be rolled out. Roll one pat- ty shell al a time to a rectangle 3 x 51/• inches, rolling from one flat side lo opposite one, and turning over frequently. Trim edges even and arrange patties on nat baking sheet. Return to freezer or refrigerator for 30 minutes, or until thoroughly chilled. Bake in a bot oven (425 degrees F > 15 to 1B minutes, until well puffed and golden brown. Cool on wire rack. Drain shrimp, and .com blne with celery, onion, parsley, dill weed and cheese . Add mayonnaise and mix lightly. Cut baked pastries in halves. Add mayonnaise and mix lightly. Cut baked pastries \n halves. Place a small lettuce leaf on bottom ball of each, and cover wilb shrimp mixture, using about 'Al cup for each. Replace top. Makes6servings. Yogurt Dressing. At ...-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ serving time. cut SHRIMP PATl'Y SANDWICH 1 package (10 ounce) frozen patty shells 2 cans (4Y.i ounce) small shrimp, drained or, 1 ~ cups cooked frozen fresh shrimp '4 cup finely chopped celery 1 tablespoon chopped green onion 2 teaspoons chopped parsley 'h teaspoon dill weed Y.i cup fmely diced process Swiss cheese If.I cup mayonnaise FRurr SALAD EXOTICA 1 large head western iceberg lettuce H erb e.d Yog urt Dressing papayas in halves. remove seeds and peel fruit. Cut in lengthwise wedges. Peel kiwis and slice. Line 8 individual serving bowls with lettuce leaves. Shred remaining lettuce to measure 2 quarts and divide between each bowl. Arrange fruit on top . Sprinkle with coconut chips and garnish with mint sprigs. Serve with Herbed Yogurt Dressing. Makes 6servings. BE&BED YOGUllT DRESSING: Combine one (8 ounce> container plain yogurt with 3 tablespoons each honey and lemon juice, ~ teaspoon salt, Y.a teaspoon dried mint, crumbled <or 1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh mint>. '4 teaspoon dry mustard and 'tit teaspqon MORE · FOR YOURMONEYI PRESTO COMPACTOR BAGS ARE TOP QUALITY, HEAVYWEIGHT, DARK GREEN PLASTIC. THEY ARE MADE TO FIT MOST STANDARD IN-HOME TRASH COMPACTORS, INCLUDING SEARS, GENERAL ELECTRIC, ~--..... TAPPAN, AMANA, WHIRLPOOL, HOTPOINT ANO FRIGIDAIRE LOOK IN THE PLASTIC WRAP I BAG SECTION OF YOUR LOCAL SUPERMARKET ••. OR ASK YOUR STORE MANAGER. ------------------SAVE 1 CK ON, .. ..URCHAH Oft 0-t'llll LIMIYID TD 00.I CO"l'Ofl "Ill PVlllCH ... I • H-11 DIO. _..left ~--\ \ • •ooMPACTOR BAGS ~ Tt411 VALUABLE STOf'IE COUl'OHI ---- , .. .---............... . . ... -~ ......... -,, ,. ~e35C on ellow Roast~ • Coffee and Grain Beverage Great coffee taste without bitterness. "Mellow Roast discovered what my Hannah's known for years. Add grain to coffee for great coffee taste without bitterness. "'They start with three kinds of rich, robust coffees; then blend in roasted grrun to take away the bitter edge for that good-old, down-home coffee taste. MMellow Roast• Coffee and Crain Beverage is so good, so delicious we drink it al l day long." "Great coffee taste without bitternes&" a .. __. .. ··~-····-···'-..... .. .. t ... • • , •• • '!" • • ""' • .J "' fll OAU.Y PILOT ,- ,.. FOOD Seafood Tempts MUSDOOMS ROYAL t pound lare • fresh mushrooms tabout 12 to 14) 2 te asp()Oos f r esb squeezed lemon juice 4 tablespoons butte r or margarine, melted 1 c up coo k e d chopped b roccoli , drained V. cup mayonnaise or salad dressmg v. cup g rat e d Parmesan cheese 1 teaspoon fresh grated lemon peel Paprika Remove stems from mushrooms; chop stems and reserve. Combine lemon juice and 2 table- spoons butter . Brush mushroom caps with lemon-butter mixture; a rrange cavity-side-up in 12x8x2-inch baking dish. In small skillet, s aute c hoppe d mus hroom ste ms lo re maining 2 tablespoons butter until just tender. Add broc- c o Ii, mayonnai s e , Pa rmesan cheese and •lemon peel; blend well. S poon a bout 11h tablespoons broccoli mix tu re into eac h mushroom ca p. Sprinkle with paprika . Bake at 350 degrees F. for 13 to 15 minutes until heated through. Makes 4 to 6 servings LEMONY FISH STEAKS l pound salmon. h a libut or s wo rdfish steaks O·inch thick ) Grated pe el and juice or lf.l fresh lemon Salt and paprika Cake's Fruity APRICOT CHEESECAKE 5 packages <each 8 ounces) cream cheese, soft P. cups sugar 3 tablespoons noux 2 teaspoons grated lemonnnd l 1h teaspoons gr ated orange rind 114 teaspoon vanilla S large eggs 2 egg yolks • .. cup heavy cream Cookie Crus t and Apricot Glaze, see below Bea t together the c heese. s ugar, flour, r inds and vanilla until fluffy. Beat in the eggs and egg yolks one at a time, then the cream. Pour over the Cookie Crust. Bake in a pre· heated 500-degree oven for 10 minutes; continue baking at 250 degrees for 75 minutes longer; if the top cracks, the glaie will cover it. Cool. Spread the Apricot Glaze ove r the top. Chill for at least 12 hours. Remove ~idea of ~before serv-tng. Cookie Crust: Stir together 1 cup s ifted flour, \4 cup sugar, l teaspoon grated lemon rind; blend in 'Al tea- tpoon vanilla, 1 egg yolk and 'A cup soft butler. Press over bottom of a buttered 9-lnch spr· ingform pan. Bake in a preheated 400-deeree oven uatU golden -about 10 minutes. Cool. A,..._ Glue: In an electric blender puree a 17-o~ can undraJned apricot halves lo syrup. Stir toa ether 2 · tablespoons sugar and 4 tellpoc>lll cornstarch ; tradualty stir In the apricot puree. Cook over modenU beat, stlrrin1 CODIUDtly , unll tbkkened and clear. CMI. SmalSize Fm11• John Fresh~ ... ~ per ~ lb. Pet l Soni Brand Fresh ~ ':.II ·~ L.wge M•llr Encl ~llOl(f Beef Rib Roast ~llffffl-6-1-lff• Sirloin TIP. Roast • 19 , ... ,..,, ..... IDBECOIM p.....,.~t~~,.~,.,,._,..""*''""V.,., ,.,,.,., ,,. '~~Of"'GllOwt*'••w.,... ~'°'~"'°""' -·-,. ..... C.~\O"#t( ........ .;...,. ... , "-(et·~ ~,. toO.aftt~"..<l ... •D'f)O!ilCft UNI 0... C....."" .............. C...-IMI UONI 4 0..-C:....,. .... C-. c...., l"'*-M8rd'o 1 t1w Merell 7, llrt. loz.11 pkg. 98 • Golden Premium Meats ,,., 2°' ~Fribs;ffd lb. -231 lb. 2'' ~ .... ll-.cl-8oMlen -Sirloin TIP Steak lb. .,., 2'' lb. .... """" .... \~..-0• .... ""' .. """""' .. " ,...,, .. f'QuO!Oft4"'GOfl'~ ... ""--""'O\ ~to~~ ~ .... .... l~O'I•'""°.,.'~" .... W-(I(~ ~ -··· --....--0'00...C-h Ul'lll 0.. c..,..,., ............ c..... ... Ulllll 4 .,.,.... c:....,.,., c---c..,.. a.;-.... ' ........ 1. 1m. Lemony Fish Steaks are appeffte appealing. Pt~~c_~ffll(Jl..,,....,."""Otlf"""f'V.Cti##ll#\ (f""t"\ rtJf '°""'°"~Of"l"o., ..... ,,, •• "J°IQ\ kot~·"'('~ ·..u--"' ..... (~\-· .. 1.4. .... tflot • .,.,., ........... ft(.~ ..... WlAlf#tM'~ ...... L'l-•VW..f' Liii* Ollf C-.... M .......... COllPOll .., Unt11 • 001A11t c~ ,. c-. ~ PIC*oe lllMldl 1""'MMdl1. ,.,.., Ralphs Number One Club Members Nol>epc*t NIWf 2Llll' Pllltlc Batlle Pepsi .CCIII II IOct.11 roll Super Dell 5401. cm. ""' lb It's Ille getting . feggsFREE S .... Juicy Sunklet Nlvll Oranges ': II hgal.11 ctn. Super Produce 129 ~H';ian Pineapple 3"~~ ~c-ube~s~ -249 Ml 2" -Ml ~ Mlt._.1'119 ol 17 Com Tortilas llOL l*e. .21 ~8~. :~ .25 ~ .19 ~.39 HCll .33 tKll .39 ~ HoirY Wieners Lenten Seafood Spe~alS Super Bakery 1111. l*e. 141 ~F-Avocados ~(;';Band Celery 1;?Jr~~i=i11ets :-121 ~s;-~ :· 3'' ~ 0 ,,_ ~ ,,_Oelro9Md·Wllole Coo419CI per 179 ~ .. Bread ~Pan-Ready Smelts l: 111 ~Dungeness Crabs 24N. 43 loel • Super Floral --------------------------·b--~ ik'in Muffins 106TH BIRTHDAY PR/ZE-up to •450,000.00 1:v:,:r,:r= 0 0005 CHART EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1. 1979• Prlzt nalllblllty aubf9ct to prevl<Mla vtrifled offfc:iel wtnnera. • Dltl4in ao.zx 2 + 2 apcwta CM •O.E.~~ncee •Sony 50 1CtMn T.V.'1 • Wtllcraft Aun.bout epeedtloete NopurchaM~ Myon.o l8or~c.no1r1ica~t Ralon' 8•"'Clay Pr•1• 8ona11za game~••• ••••IAOI~ at aH 98 stores •n Cal~or"'a ooos ere "' •fleet un1t1 30 oays enl'I '"''' Aftl'I 30 09Y' lll>Clltecl 000$...., IHI ~tecl Ill tl'lf' flO!e Incl R•pllt ...wsoeO« IOI Eno' M1y 2 1979 or wnen 111 8•rln48y Pmt l!ollanu • oces ••• Oisl•lt>llteO For comc>l9t• <let .... and 0001 -()111(1111 r111eS posteO 11'1 llOI• ,..,, ,,.u -· ~-, ~,_'\.'.o.....:J • r•'~"'T:'r.;'"'4"j1 ,, I ' .... ,...,.. I. r: '"f:= ........... ..fll"" :.:..~,!;.-;::. ';:'-.. I\ U. ., ...... Ill.,... .. I ~~:., .. ~· .~.,;;~. ... , ... ...... .. •t·a. JO!Ai---QI Ntlll mi _ .. •>M ft •.NJ\ •• '• ""( .u, .. ~· .. • t '~h '• _,,. '" .. IH• '• .. " .. .. , .... .. .. .... .. ·-.. IJ . ... .. .. .. ~R-:W~ ~~Soup ~· ........ 1Camation M• ~sag;~ ~-owc,;.T&m ~ti;;ox-c;.. ::.~. I ........ "If ... ,lt);I ~ .21 Oii ,ectl :-Drive Detergent .. "J. .'\Ill> . IL" .. ·~ J ' • . ~~Ms ~ llft.. UMC1. or Ouic'l Ory·llcMI On Ban Deodorant · ~&;/s;;;;p;°' :~ . 79 ~ o~its bu~.89 1!!: • 73 ~ R~it Foot Fems ucll 499 Pantry Fiiier• 10::.. N . 5 lllr '1 ~c7F;--lhr. 5 '1 c•rt IOf 1JOI.. 38 -· ~G;GiM't'com 170&. 35 c .... 100&. 44 -. ~ lfoll..c~"-*''"'°" Hi-C Drinks 4:.-:-.47 ....... 65 -· ~i)W'Soap 7or. 49 b• • Hor. 89 pltg. • ~~,._. Black Pepper 4eL 81 C•n e 121 ~ ........... , ... 12or. 121 .... Pepli Light .... can Health & Beauty .r:o .49 ~sibrP-2I OL 99 <.. bll • ,., .. 83 lltl .• ~p:Ji M• Lotion Uot. 99 b41. • 1IOI 99 bit. • ~,.., ....... Excem'i1Tablels bit. 141 ol 100 Home 'N Lelaur• Wine• a Spirit• Frozen Food• Prices tnective Merch 1 thru MllfCtl 7, 1979 ~w• ~P~Pen ~~., ~ ., .. ..., 2:.f .62 ~ M ... High Lie ~ 1•• ~ .............. ~.,.,... ~French Bread Pizza 79 ~VIII"-" _.. • ~IGalo Rhine Gmtln 1$1tr. 222 bn. ~ ..... _....~.,..,., ~Deep Dish Pizza USDA Al I \t ......... ,I I ......... CHOICE .. UIDA ClaDI• •••1l1ely • ·~ .... , .......... " ..... ''""' ..... ...... ·~- ,, . • L na st cma ma PIStt • tM.oa, l.M.a lalS ,.. ,,.. . . -.. 7SOllll 411 '" •ye11llww•••••1n.11 newt ............................ .. ,.. ....... ...... ww. •• , ..... ... 1 I00-262-1600 ..... , .. ctsTAMUA .. ~ ....... -..... -.... ac...,.e ""'°'_..,.. a-., c.....,. ....... .......... .. ,...... .......... . ,.... ....... _., ... ........ tcl111•"' ~---.. .. .. _,.... ....... .. ..................... .... ,..... ... = ......... ......... .-..... ........................ 15411 s .... l. 1($~1 ST• lltlS I It W,. H S1Mty ,, .... SUPERHEROES SHOE MOON MULLINS NEVER MIND MAKING CoffEE' l~Y,M1ss ~Cl<SP,ACE ... THE FAMILY CIRCUS8 By Bil Keane DENNIS THE MENACE ,~ MISS PEACH GORDO by Jeff MacNetly IN~~ Ft..UFFlt-E.SS. by Fent & Tom Johnson JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS NANCY . . _ ... , ··-.. -... > -........ r f . ~ 11 f f J DR . SMOCK ' .. by Tom BltiUk by Mttl uzarius by Gus Arriola • by Harold Le Doux by Tom K. Ryan by Ernie Bushmlller -..111 ,,,.....,. 1111 PEANUTS MAl(Sf. 't'OO CAN KIND OF SR~ IT Off A err wrTM l{OUR 5'.EEVE .. WANNA 1Wt' IT? 'Yt:>U ASKA MUPP e"f' -ro ee-r U NPRessei::>, AN' 11-tA-r"'S AL-'--YOU'Re GOINcS 'T'O F INP.' DMYPILOT by Ct11rtts M. SctMll1 • by Bill Hoest by George Lemont by Tempteton & Forman :' • • TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 48 Rome's 1 Rapidly bishop 6 Vegetable ~ Unclouded 11 Peculiar 50 ExclUdes 14 TaboOs: 51 Transl)Of1 Slanq 56 Operated 15 ShOw 57 Confection: 16 Dessert 2 WOfds 17 lnVlStble: &0 T rajec1ory 2 worJs 61 Hebrew 19 Before: Pre-prophet h1t 82 Run away 20 war god 13 letter 21 Mr. Slaugh-84 Age group ter 65 Dogma 22 lep oom-DOWN mon UNrTEO Feature Syndicate Tuesday's Puzzle Solved: .. 11~ •... ,,. .. v 0 TIAI 1.1 ... 1 ... 1. 11. •-1.1 r ... : I ll I 1.1.1 .. 1M Io Io ''"' .. 1. Io A •• ,1 1.1 ;i.1' 1 .. 1~ 1 .... 1 . I--· 1.1. • 1, A II I 1 t Io I• • l • l ' l 1 olr t 11 l1li r .11 1 r-1 Is Ii 1 T lil • • y i •• lw• I I 11 v l l -· .• l l • A I 1 1 l I • f • IWll t T -.-... rli I -. -lli • Tl 1 II -· I '• H U ., 0- T :~ u , l l I I I I II 0 l •• I A . , I • Olo A II T I C A l l s II l I A 0 A 0 I • 11 1 1 • ( T A I I I ,,, . I I • • ( A ' 24 Discussion 26 Treatises 27 Fervent 1 Girl's name 23 Monkey 44 BeYe,..ge 30 locations 32 Plxy or pert 2 Inferior 25 Some 45 Shuffle 3 Stake ze Elapse along 4 Sleds 27 Miies away ~ Quarrel 5 Intuitive let· 28 Unique 47 -Booth ., 33 Attack ters 29 Variance Luce I a.. Uncle - 37 Sandy's blrl<s 38 Peruses 39 Ore source 40 Ump 41 l<locts 42 Clnema 43Gu ~Annoy 48 Diatribe S Model T tool 30 Shallow dish 48 Iron 7 Paladin 31 Boys 50 French re· 8 Birds 33 Swiss city glon 9 O.llop 35 Unequal: 51 Mr. Alda 10 Take away Comb. form 53 Endinsj for 11 Tyrannical 38 Come upon pent or hex 12 More ex-38 Thorough· 54 Pluoclef treme fare SS Waate allow- 13 Hinds and 39 Tiny bit ance does 41 Oeaaert 5S Pub ptOduet 11 Strfke 42 S'#ab 511 Congeal .......... ,... ... ,... ---·.~Ill . . . ~ ... ,.. \ . f • "T • "'• • • -.,. • .-..: e • • ~ .~ , . Cl• OAILYJIJLOT lendar .... Fashion Show Cherry Blossom Time Jamie Susan Yale, Mrs David Shaff and Mrs. J a mes Gat?le, ha rpist, above, from left. set up the mus ic for a cha mpagne luncheon and f ash1on show to be held at 11 a.m. Saturdav. March J. at Chantecla1r Restaurant. Tickets for the eve nt, sponsored by the Paref\ts Guild of the Red Hill Lutheran School, are $15.50 and may be purchased by calling th e school office. 544 -3132. Proceeds go to purchasing equip- ment for the school. Mrs. E. J . Martin, Mrs. Fred P . Dunn and Mr s . P . F . Gaeckler. above from left, get in· to the mood for their "Cherry Blossom Time" luncheon and fashion show. planned for 11 a.m. Tuesday. March 27 . at the event is the Tuesday Club of Newport Harbor. Money raised will go to Mobile Meals prepared at Hoag Hospital and delivered· by FISH volunteers. For tickets, at $15. contact Mrs. C. E. Cham- berlin, 586-3264 . Sheraton Newport. Sponsor of the \ DISCO DANCE WORKSHOP: Dancer Bud· der Schwimmer will conduct a Disco Dance Workshop Sunday. March 4, in the Orange Coast Co Uege gym. Beginners session will run from 10 a.m . to noon. a n intermediate session will run Crom 12:30 to 2 :30 p.m. and an advanced workshop will run from 3 to 5 p.m. Tickets, at $4, will be available at the door. SANTA ANA NEWPORT RARBOK DELTA GAMMA ALUMNAE: Della Gamma Alumnae Chapters and Associations of Southern Californi a will honor Mrs . Laurence K . Reynolds <Munel Ansley> of Corona del Mar at its Founders Day luncheon, Saturday, March 3, at the Long 'Beach Elks Club. BEHAVIOR WORKSHOP: A five-part personal development workshop titled Elim1nat- mg Self-Defeating Behavior wiU meet from 8 to 10 a .m . Saturdays begmnmg March 3. in OCC's Science Lecture Hall 1. Tickets, al $40, are available in the OCC Ticket Office. For mlormatioo, call 556-5880. AMERICAN ASSOCIAT IO N OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN: The Laguna Beach branch Wlll meet at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, March 1. at the Baptist Church m Laguna Hills. A new member coffee will be held at 10 a .m . Friday, March 2. at the home of Pat Holtzer. For information. call Pat Holtzer , 58J.1487 KAPPA AL~HA THETA ALUMNAE: Federation of Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae in · Southern Cali£ornia will host a benefit luncheon and fashion s how at 11 a .m. Tuesday, March 6 . at the Beverly Wishire Hotel. For information, call Mrs. George W. Coon of Corona del Mar. 673-4098. AME RI CAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN: The Irvine branch will present a fund-raismg luncheon at 11 :30 a.m. Thursday, March l , at the Mercury Savings and Loan Association, El Toro. Reservations: Helen Bailey, 5.51-6542, or J ean Pond, 5.52-4168. INVESTMENT FORUMS: Investment Forums, open to the public, are presented at 7 p.m. el\cjt Mo.{l~Y in the Catalina Room at the Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach. Topics include ''Are Tax-Free Inves tments for You?" on March 5, "Cash Management Ac- count: A New Service" on March 12. "How Real Estate Counseling Saves$$" on March 19 and "In· vestment advice for the Small Investor" on March26. MUS I CAL THEATRE GU ILD OF NEWPORT BEACH: The group's monthly meeting wiU be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 7, at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. FINANCIAL WORKSHOP : A four-hour workshop for couples. tilled "Dollars and Sense," will focus on bow finances affect relationships. It will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m . Saturday, March 3, in Orange Coast College's Fine Arts Hall 116. Workshop tickets, at SS. are available in the OCC Ticket Office. For information, call 556-5880 ALCOHOL LECTURE: Biological Effects of Alcohol will be discussed by Dr. Sujata Tewari at 7 p.m . Wednesday, March 7, at Chap- man College, Hashinger Hall. Dr. Tewari is director of tbe Alcohol Research Center and professor or psychiatry at UC Irvine. GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL: The annual re· cognition dinner of the Girl Scout Council of Orange County is scheduled Thursday. March 1, at the Disneyland Hotel. . WORKSHOP ON FEELINGS: A one-day workshop, titled "Feelings: A Workshop on Emo· tions and Aliveness," will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 3. at Fullerton Savings and Loan in Fountain Vallley. It wiU be offered by Coastline Community College. For informa- tion. call CoasUine , 963-0811, ext. 256. Sandpipers' Dinner-Dance Sandpipers of the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian, a support group for the Donna Duffield Memorial Radiation Center, will' hold its fourth annual ball, A Touch of Class, Saturday, March 10, at the Registry Hotel. Mrs. John Connell, chairman, above left, and her daughter Mrs. James Campbell, co·chairman, above .. right, have announced music for the event will be 'provided by Les Brown and bis or- chestra. Proceeds from the silent auction and the program ad book will go to the hospital's center. Tickets, at $75 per cou- ple, are available from Mrs. Patrick Sweeney, 640-1645. .. . , ,. -.... ... MONDAY MORNING CLUB OF LAGUNA: A benefit luncheon and book review s ponsored join<ly by the Book and Drama and Community Service sections will be held at noon, Monday. March 5, at Mercury Savings a nd Loan, El Toro. CANCER FEDERATION: The Orange County chapter will meet at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 4. Speaker will be Alfred Barrios, clinical psychologist. His topic will be the effect • of emotions and psychological stresses in caus- ing cancer. • SELF·DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP: Ao eight-session works hop on goal identification, problem solving and assertiveness skills will be held from 1 :30 to 3:30 p.m. Tuesdays, March 6 through April 24, in College Center 206, Golden West College. The free WQ.rk.sbop is sponsored by the Women's Center. For information, call the center, 892-7711, ext. 577, or the Reentry Op· lions for Women administration office in Fullerton. 773-3396. IMAGE WORKSHOP: ''Dressing for a Suc- cessful Image" will be Jo Ann Fitzgibbons' topic when she speaks from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m . Satur- day, March 3, in room J · l at Saddleback Com- munity College. Fee is $45. For information. call 831-7532 or 495-4950, ext. 266. ,1"•r. .... NATURAL CHILDBIRTH: Preparation for Childbirth will present a series of free ledures and film showings at 8 p.m. Monday, March s. at Laguna Federal Savings and .Loan. Laguna Beach. The programs will be repeated June 5, Sept. 24 and Dec. 3. For information. call Jan Alabaster. 494-5548 . SENIOR CENTER : The Orange Senior Citizens Community Center will celebrate its first birthday March 5 through March 10. For information on daily activities. call the center. 538-9633. WOMEN AND BUSINESS CONFERENCE: Women West. a conference for women and busi- ness. will be held Thursday through Saturday. March 8 through 10, at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. according to the U.S. General Services Administration. the University of Southern California School of Continuing Education and the City of Los Angeles. Information: <213 ) 741-2410. ALPHA XI DELTA ORANGE COUNTY ALUMNAE: The group will meet at 7 :30 p.m. Mooday, March s. at the home of Mrs. Vivian Owen, Santa Ana. Ao attorney will discuss the Importance of a will. Information: Mrs. Carol Ripley. 633-3488. H EART DISEASE MEETINGS : A new weekly group for women whose husbands have had heart attacks, undergone heart surgery or been diagnosed }S susceptible to heart disease will begin meeting in March in Irvine. For re- gistration and information. call Joy Davidson. (213) 990-4673. VETERANS: Veterans of World War I Bar- racks 1249 and Ladies Auxiliary will meet at 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 7i at Memorial Hall in Costa Mesa. The group wi I also have a potluck at noon. Wednesday. March 21. CONCERT: Saddleback Concert Cbora.le and New York String Quartet wlll appear together ln concert at 7 p.m. Sunday, March 4 and Sunday, March 11, al Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Hills. B USINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB: The Newport Harbor group will meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March l, at the Mesa Verde Country Club, Costa Mesa. "Invest- ments for Women" will be the discussion topic. For information, call Dr. Dorothy Capalbo. 642·2320. EBELL q.ua OF IRVINE: The group will hold a potluck dinner Tuesday, March 6, at the Colony Clubhouse. Alter the dinner, a business meeUnc ta scheduled for 8:30 p.m. ST. ANDREW'S WOMEN 'S FELLOWSIDP: A luncheon meetin1 will be held at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 7. (See CLUB CALENDAR, Pace Cl l) ... King Neptune The Newport Harbor ~past1c League has selected Robert N. Weed, above left, to reign as King Neptune for the 20th annual King Neptune Dinner Dance on Friday. March 9. at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Above right is Mrs. Robert Barneson. cha1nnan of the event. Weed, publisher of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot, will be crowned by Queen P at Cox. Monte Carlo Nite The Newport Beach Chapter of In- ternat1onal Orphans. Inc. will present a Monte Carlo Nite at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 10, at the Santa Ana Country Clu b. Proceeds will benefit Childrens Village. U.S.A .. in Beaumont. Tickets, at $125 per couple. arc avail a ble fro m benefit ch airwomen. Mrs. Jo Kell y and Mrs . Gloria Osbrink. Setting up the "casino" are, above from left, Joey Toma! and Ann Hall Fashionable Fling The Mesa Harbor Women's Club will present A Fas hionable Fling at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, March 8, in the Saddleback Inn. Tickets, at $10, will benefit Ray of Hope. They are available by calling Julie Grey. 979-79.17. Helping to plan the event are. above from left, Sara Scroggs, Dorothy D'Ambrosi and Donna Cloutier. ,, , \ (l'nt• PapCJll MULft.PL SCI.Sa : Tbe annual pa· Uent and public inloe1b1tloa proct'am on multl pit at'leto1l1, ponsond by the Natioul lllu1Uple Sderom Sodety, Orao .. ~'1 CMpter, ll acbeduled for 7·30 p.m .• Tbund~. lhttb l, at t.b Qual1ly IM tn Ana.Mtm. Dr.: v n Armentrout.. a NIUooal lh1Jt.lptt Sci re.I Sodety r t areh 1ranl• aDd ••· toeiate pro(eNOr 0( medicine ud dlr.d.or ol OD· t'OIO(lY 41nd bf.matololy ol \ht Unl••ntl7 ol Cautomla. Irvine, ·,.m speak on lmmuooiOllc 8 tctioaa lA llulUpl Sderom For lntormaUon oa the frM lecaan, COMact · Mar1aret Spnancll, 83S-2t7l BJJrl'llJNG: Blrthln.t. riM In 1 aen or •mlnan dealina wltb vanous life cl"ba of •·omen, .. m be the ub.tect ol an all-day pro ,raro Saturday, Marcb 3, a\ Gold o West College • h~\T&Uoo will bellft at 8 I m ID Forum l T~ ~mlnar ~111 d11cuss the evoluUoa ol blr1h1na practices A SS admu;alon fee will be l'haraed P&01'ECTION DI Pt.AV: Protection of ptnooal property •aatnat lMft aod tuud will be featurtd In IM:tures and in a c:Uaplay titled "You'veGot a Lotw Lo e."scheduledh'om Mon· day. Manh s. throueh Saturday, March 2.4, at Great We1ltrn Savings, Newport Beach. A cooperallve effort among Great Western Savings, other comparues and law enforcement agencies, U will feature preventative measures that can be used to safeguard pel'SOoal belong. ings. The displays are on views from 9· 30 a. m to 5 30 p.m. Mondays through Fndays, and from 9:30 a.m to 3 p.m. Saturdays NIGV EL PAR ENT PARTICIPATION PaESCROOL: The group will bold an open-to- the-public annual art show and auction Satur day. March 3, at the Laguna Niguel Community Center yiewing will begin at 6:30 p.m. with tbe auction at 8 p . m. Proceeds will benefit tbe Preschool LECTURE SERIES: Authentic Relating Part ll: Creating that Special Relationship, a three-part lecture series dealing with the de· velopment or a long-te rm love relationship, will be offered by Coastline Community College from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesdays, beginning March 7 , at Park Newport Apartments, Newport Beach Pre-registration deadline is today. For in· formation, call Coastline, 963--0811, ext. 256. LAGUNA POETS: A Poetry Festival will be held at 2:30 p.m . Saturday, March 3, at the Forum 1beater on the Art Festival Grounds Laguna Beach. Participants include poet~ Rachelle Benveniste, Larry Kramer Holly Prado and Otis O'Solomon. ' D~R PA_RTY: A two-part lecture series on planrung a dinner party will be offered at Or ange Coast College. It will meet from 7:30 to ~:~ p.m. Fridays, March 2 and 9, in OCC's Science Lecture Hall 2. Tickets, at $4, are availa· ble in the OCC Ticket Office. ( ' Horoscope TBUSSDA Y, MARCH t, 1919 By SYDNEY OMARll ) ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): Accent on ag- gressiv~nes_s! initiative .. confidence in judg· m e nl, mtu1t1on. Aqu arius, Taurus, Scorpio persons figure in your personal scenario. TAURUS <Apr. 20-May 20): You learn a secret. You're able to communicate from posi· lion of strength. You receive message which adds up to a green light, progress. good news Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius fi.gure prominenUy. GEMINI <May 21-June 20): Accent on friends hopes, wishes. Taurus. Libra. Scorpio figur~ pro";linently. Individual who can be a great ally confirms a sale or agreement which is profila· ble CANCER (June 21-July 22): Emphasis on bringing ambitions into focus. One who made pro· mises could be "financially embarassed." Know it a nd have alternatives at hand. LEO <July 23-Aug. 22): Money, authority, power and love could be part or your scenario. Accent oo bridging distance, language gaps. What. might have appeared the opposite of prac· tical does a reverse spin. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Refuse to be in· timldated by those who claim to ''know a secret." Rely on your own sources. One close to you bas been saving for proverbial rainy day. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 ): Emphasize public relations, special reports, legal affairs. One close to you -partner or spouse -aids in get· ting project underway. Areas previously dark receive benefit of greater illumination. SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You make finan- cial gain -hunch pays dividends. One who taught.sou may now come to you for counsel. Be' generous -repay favors. Adhere to Golden Rule. SAGITl'ARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21 ): Your natural capabilities s urge to forefront. Highlight communication, language. Give full rein to intellectual curiosity. Ask and answer questions. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Spotlight on property value, security, basic material -and moral -values. Cancer i.ndJvidual figures pro· mlnently. Another Capricorn could share benefit. of experience. AQUAllll.IS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Spotlight on messages, calls, special reports, restless re· laUves, aiplificant changes, intensified rela- tionship. Gemini, Virgo, Salittarius persons figure prominently. PISCES <Feb. 19-Mar. 20): Accent on setUing financial dispute, barmooWnt family rel•· tlonahips, exercising understanding, diplomacy. Be kind, not weak. Count your change -and YoW' bleulnp ClulJ Calendar , Champagne Brunch Spring Show . T~e Newport Harbor Alumnae As· sociat1on of Kappa Delta will present a Champagne Fashion Brunch Tuesday Mar~h 6. at Bullock's. South Coast Plaza'. M~kmg plans for the event. designed to raise funds .for club charities, are, from left. Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer and Mrs. Mol- ly_ Butler. For reservations, contact Mrs. Richard Carpenter, chairman, at 830-5183. Trying on fas hions for the Orange Co unty Medical Association Auxiliary an· nual spring benefit fashion luncheon are, from left, Mrs. Robert Kohut. Mrs Don Miller and Prtrs. James Thompson. The event, called lhe White Cap Benefit, is set to begin at noon, Tuesday, March 6, at the Balboa Bay Club. Newport Beach. A Betty Ford Health Career Scholarship will be awarded at the event. For tickets. call the Auxiliary office, 835-6511. Some Do2't Want Kids DEAR ANN LANDERS: Recently I read an article which made a good case for not having children. I'm ashamed to say it, but our two have given us nothing but grief. If it. weren't for them, my hus band and I could ha ve bad a beautiful life. The article points out tbat motherhood is not instinctive, it's an act or selfishness, that most parents have children because tbey want the kids w do something ror THEM -not because they want to do something for their kids. Another point: Women get pregnant to get at· t.ention. It's a nine· month ego trip. The pregnant woman is pam· pered, catered to and given a great deal of ex· tra attention. Other reasons for hav- ing children: Pressure from parents. Proof of adulthood. To "cement" a m arriage that is fall· ing apart. We"d like your views. 'ALSO DISENCHANTED Dear Also : Some couples are bet ter off without children - especially tbose wbo U · pect tbe kids to do sometbiJlg for THEM. I do not agree that pregnancy ls a nine · month ego trip - especially for women who gain 40 pounds and tbrow up a lot. Couples wbo decide not to bave a family shouldn't feel an obllga- tl on to explain or apologize. I can't Im· aglne a subject tbat is less anyone else's bat i· nesa. .-. .drinking "to get an or· der" is beginning to get w me. I need your help. --: TUCSON WIFE Dear Wile: Nobody bas to booze It up for ANY reaSOD -unless be want.I to. Ginger ale ls for sale I.a every bar in Ute coutry. Drinking Aaa Laaders wltb customers .. to 1et an order" is a weak ex· bang an earring on it, case for a man wl&b a lt'a OK wl&b me -but we akness. The best I'm DOt eaclted about s a I es m e n a re n 0 t tbe Idea either. boozers. Tbey are D E A R A N N workers. LANDERS: I am writ- D E A R A N N ing this for the person LANDERS: How does who wanted to know how one keep up with social to clean bis dentures do's and don'ts? What's when be dined out in right and what's wrong? public. You a ske d if So many things have anyone out there had changed in the last 10 any experiences. Ob- years. I really feel out of viously, you have not. it. -SUNK IN CINCIN-Well I have, and here's NATI the answer. Dear Sank: Get "Amy I keep a plastic box in Vanderbilt's Complete my desk drawer. When l Book of Etiquette" want to clean my den- <Doubleday). It's an up· lures at noon. or at cof- to-tbe·mlnate guide for fee break lime when I all social "emergen· h ave a n occas ional des,. and loaded wltb cookie or sweet roll. I go common sense. Tlsb to the washroom, fill the Baldridge wrote It and little box with water. sbe's aplstol. drop in a Polident D E A R A N N t a blet. retire to t he LANDERS: I have an private cubicle. put the average-size problem. dentures in tbe plastic Last week J bad my ear box. cover with lhe lid, pierced. Niil botb of and shake gently. I emp- tbem -just one. You'd ty the water in the com· have thought I had com-mode, and _put the den· milled an axe murder or lures back m. my mouth. something . My folks Th~ cle ansing t a blt:t raised a terrific howl. isn t necessary, but 1t 1 should have told you does help sweeten the at the beginning of this breath. letter -I'm a guy. This method h as Why a ll the excite-added to my comfort ment? I'm old enough to a n ~ Protected m e drive a car, old enough agamst embarrassment. to buy beer a nd old I hope it helps. -MRS. enough to fight in a war. A · G · 0 F But my folks don't seem MARSHAIJ...TOWN to think I'm old enough DEAR MRS. A. G.: to make this decision. Yoar "met:.od" s~un:ls llke a very practical What do you think? -sagges&lon, and I am LONG ISLAND JOE very bappy to pass it on Dear Joe: It's your te aU those with cblna ear and ii you want lo cUppen. t 1 DEAR ANN LANDERS: I know I'm considered a domineer- ing wife, but what can a woman do whe n he r husband can't m ake a decislon? Someone in the family bas to get things done and he won't or can't. I married a lethargic, happy-go-lucky guy and 1 'm sure people think l 'm a pusher . The r e must be maoy others lake me. so please print this letter and say a kind w ord for us . -AN "OVERBEA RING " DAME DEAR DAME: People find each other for a rea- son. Often women who are moven and shakers end op with men who need to be moved and shaken. You did -and s o did many other s. Ig nore the snide re· marks and innuendoes. Yoo know the score and that's what coonls. CONFIDENTIAL t o Wi t h You'd Sbut Vp Vn· tU You've Had tbe Ex· perience: Sorry, there's no way I'm going to sbut ap about alcobollsm. Do you believe lbat before a person can evaluate an omelette be must be able lo lay an egg? DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642•5878 DEAR ANN LANDERS: I've been married to a salesman fo r 16 years. We have three kids. Frank ls a terrific fathe r and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ husband. The problem is bis drinking with his customers "to get an or· der." I don't mean a social cocktail or two. I mean getting bombed and staying out until 1:30 a.m. Is thJs part of a salesman's job?-Frank says it ls. We get along great ex- cept for this one pro-ble~ and Ws been bap· pemng more and more lately. There's no one s weet e r whe n h e's sober. but lately bis llEGIS'TllAnoN NOW GnN. Now is lhe lime to sign up for ice Skating lessons al the le 1 • ~ Chalet Whethef Y'XJ ve ice skaleo be!ore Of ntl\11 ., ice sllated in yotJf .ie. one ol these classes is tor Y'XJ Classe<; f~I up fast so call ICX1ay for all the INOlmalron IOI the WhOle family BE SURE TO SEE COLUMBIA P1CTURES fRANCI~_:_ORR AT A THEATRE NEAR YOU , 1C£ CAA\DESCHALET 2701 Harbor Blvd. Harbor & Adams fire staticray ccmia del mar .. - ' .. Costa Mesa 979-8880 .. DAILY P~LOT CJ J CABINET •Restyling 0 • Refinishing e wiD ace your exlltlftl cabinet.a with real wood of any type. We otter a larce variety ol new doors and hardware to eelect from. Natural wood with a hand rubbed staln ft lacqlMr flo.lsh gives you a hlah quality furniture fimah. "CALL~"'" UTIMATE'' ' • Creative Woodworks w::Alf,., f714l5*"'7 I LAMPSHADES Harbor lites Ml..yhfllld. 1122•1,....,.. ..... c .... w.. LA~~ Ha ·Utes tM.....,D.,11.cLS.., 11221/l .....,.,. ..... c .......... · RJ'Alll Harbor lites tCMhwyhJlllCLS.., 11221/J.....,... ... Cost.M.141 645-7101 20°/oOFF (With This Ad) .. ~ ... ltodl LAMPSHADES Fw!Mtt,....., ,._.brillt,_, .... , TMt offw900d.,. s.....y,w.r. ti, 1979 OPIM fflRY DAY tMCUIDI ... SUMDA Y Months o Susan Couldn't Do Long Division Today She's Near The Top of HerClass in Math. G1veo a proper learning program, nearlv evcrv child can pedorm :it .i lewl considered '"excellent." Our ind•v•duallzed Computer Aursted lnstruc:11on helps eect> chrtd on the bast<: l111rn1nq skills of math reading and languOOf' ans What's more. he or shl• actuttllV en1ovs this learnonq e~per1encf' and shows 1morowmf'nt 1n Othf'r scholamc ttnd social oreas as WPll We c1re rl'le onlv pr111a1111v apera1ed tutorial lac111tv 1n this area u11h11n9 Comouler AUISled lnsrructton. Our programs include ''Remed••I" for the child who hH fallen ~ind, "Enrichment" for thP child whoM! goals require above average performance and "$pec1f1c 01sab1lhy"'lor behav10f mod1fie.11on and 1QeC1f1c learning skills 'Bt~--=:--~~~~~~~~~~- r ~E~TER n1\BflS%L LEflf\~%~G SH%llS 1525 Meaa Vent. Of. Ealt, Oolt• Meaa (714) 557-5714 41 11 E. South St. Uikewood (213) 63CM100 28041 S, Hawthorne Blvd. AenctM> Palo1 Verde• (213) 377-1511 ~==~~~~~~=~ < ltl••• ttw11,..rt•tl•11f • . .. • +t I • • II \ a whole lot more to like! 1111.-................. . ........ ,. ............. .. lilt""" • -....... Frm ... ,.,.... ........ -... 0 ................. .au SWORDRSH ::'::: !':!' SJ99. .... ~ Fresh Trout ........ 79! fo irmt F'rt h' Pubuloue Oovor' Tantahting t,_at! from Clear SprinKM' Nt!l wt 6 oi '1RCh S FRESH FllETS! $249 l'.'apper PACH RED .. • •• .. F'rt!sh lrorn thl• Pacilit flt'C.I ~n111>1>er frt'tlhly filleted for Rre11l 1•ut111~! C ~. b EXTRA-LARGE $249 ra s DIJN(IJIESS ••••••••• •'• • • • • Large ei~e for more value •.. and of counte, we'll be glad to crock th~m 1 CRAB UGS Meaty! ... from Ala11kan crab& Scallops ••••••• ss•t Large siie ... from AIB.Hkon wutertt Turt>ot Fillets •• s11i Rwth(.!(f here frum Grecnlund woterH -- . . . . . . ' : , : . . . . ··, : ·";, '-. ·.· . . ' . :-. . .. . . . : . .· -~ ... SOD DAYS Of SUFOOD SP£CllS! Plan oh«Jd' with'° mati,y fouorilea o{ftn!Jd, you con afford to' ' . ·. # ' . . . ·. Fresh Clams: ..... 89! From New ~n,Jand, for chowder, stew or a clambake (llTTlSlaS •.. La•> Halibut Steak ..... 5J'!. Center cut ... and the Northern seaa make it more firm. more navorful! White Shrimp ..... 5 5'!. Large e1ie, peeled cleaned and deveined·Dine like a king and stay within the budget True Cod •••••. s21t C:Orvina Bass •• s21t Oysters ADI ••••• s219 Another favorite . . freeh and fillell! FilletAI! · .. llletcy J•ucilic lrool F.astem 8 oz J8r (1ETbl Ut) Ocean Perch ••• sist Fresh perch ... expertly filleted! Stuffed Clams 51s1 Rex Sole ••••••• s21t Mild ... and large ... family favorite Sea Bass •••••• 539t Fret.h for flavor ... filleti; for value Frozen Food , SWED PEAS Springfield for value! 20 oz pkg. Lemon Juice ••• 55c Minute Maid real juice! 1 11-, oz Chicken Pie • • . • 49c Van de Kamp's goodness! 711 oz Juice uu.r • • • • • &9c Treesweet concentrate-12 ot can Coffee .Rich •••• 29c Rich's creamer in 16 oz garton Sara Lee Cake. s1 19 Choose Banana, German Chocolate, Chocolate or Orange-delicious! Liebfraumilch •• 5229 Johann Meister for fine value ... 5th Riesling ....... s299 .Johann Meister dinner companion' 5th Zeller saiwamun ••• 5299 Johann Me111ter German favorite! 5th ~~!H~!i .. :h::,::~1·t ;~u· _ SJ5! ~m~~!~ .. ;~~!~~~d~~;,t Chinook SalmonS49l !~flfl'a~1e For that preferred Cooked Shrimp S49t. C~nter cut steaks-Broil or b·b·q The r12ht size tor shrimp cocktail and ... ~ th tj(' at tk g~ g1u9p_1 lpBRCBP liBBk =s·s .. 1lll They'll love the tendemetls, the navorful goodness of this rib cut -naturully aged . Choice bct'I ! (SPDal .oAST ... 179 .. ) Chuck Steak • • • 12t Beef Roast ::.ns s2st Chuck cut Choice shoulder clod Ground Beef~n:s1 1t Lean-does not exceed 22% fat Ranchero s219 STEAK .. Select small end U.S.D.A. Choice beef rib Sausage rr ... mu s 1 '!. El Rancho's mild or bot_. ITW1tS Pork, veal, &euoning-no nitritee Sliced Bacon ••• s 1 '!. El Rancho's thicker "ranch style" TUBEY $249 BREAST 11a. El Rancho Gr. A-w/rib cage, giblet8 (lmEY ~: .. uc .. , Super Fresh Produce Beef Rib Bones s 12t Meaty! Choice! Bake or barbecue Beef Short RibsS25t Booeleea-and U.S.D.A. Choice Srloin Tip :£r .. '27t Boneless, rolled! Choice round cut Boneless-rib cut of Choice beef llriichnkBB= ....... ~51! Clllifomia'e finest ... really fneh! And a lite that affords you more ~eM to enjoy! Mattlaw's ... net weight 2 oz . .-ch Squid JUI laTBll. • • • 89~ You could call at "calhmare"! River Smelts ••• 89t 1-'rom quiet pools on the Columbia Delicatessen Buddlg's 79c MEATS . Many Varaettet.-4 oz (21/i • ••• 4tc) Tartar Sauce aou• 59c Fisherman's Wharf-COCKTAIL, too Corn Tortillas~. 2sc from Pmata Mexican FoodB·12 pack Sharp Cheddar s129 Ever.Fresh W1Scoru11n Cheeee-9 o~ Dinner Franks •• s1 59 Hoffy's Meat fra.nka in 16 oz pkg Cheese ••• • • • • 99c - Dorman's Lo-Chol-slaced-6 oz s3•• '"' Whiskey ,-. •••• s799 El Rancho's 86 proof-1.15 liter Fresh Lemons J9! lavel J9.c Orcmges •. Italian 49c Rum auao'S •••••• s41t Squash •. ( Puerto Rican Light or Dark-Quart Large and juicy-from California Large size! ..• California's finest Garden fresh and aU green! Seagram's v.o.s1&•9 There's more to like in every aisle Canadian whiskey-1.75 liters Mayonnaise ~RT ••••• 99c . Anderson's SOUPS !~d~! ~~~ ~~h~ ~ ;.:: :.::~:, .6,C T omaloes llO. 2% CAN •• : ••• J9c You'll love the flavor of Springfield-and you'll appreciate tho value• Crisco Oil 24~ ••••••••• 99c Frying fJBh?. making a salad dreseing? then Cri11co is the oil for you Apple Sauce MOTT's •••• ssc Nature's goodneaa in natural apple sauce-the favOt'ed side dish for eo many-20 oz Tomatoes ma • • 35c Springfield offe.ra value! No 303 can Tarts Sauce • • 49c Kraft. goea eo well with fi11h! 6 oz APPLE 99·c JUICE :Cll Speas Farm-Natural! 6 oz cane • TYi.Bil 1111Utall ••••••••• .$1.91 For when you Mtd a little moral 80 couot •TDSM CAR£ ............ .$1.29 Vutllna lot100-Rqs or Htrbal-10 ounce • \ ,, Herb Tea • • • • • • &9c Magic Mountain-all flavora-16 bap Top Ramen • • • • 2sc Oriental noodlee-all llavore-3 oz :,::ne99c Deluxe French, !Han or Thoueand laland-16 oz btle ISTAIT •ll CIEll .•...• 110 Colaatt Ras .. M«licai.d, Um.-11 OI cwm A11A llMfS ••.•• s1.31 To tit the ~ rNCJI' ••• cartridp ot 6 ... ·----_____ , . .- Bean, Potato, Pea, Tomato-15 bZ Price. in elfect Thur March I throush Wed Morch 7 Open daily 9 to 9 Sunday 10 to 7 No aale1 to dealers • 1IOTI PISTE •••••••••.• ISo Aim hail Ouorlde. COO! U 01 (ltt llfl You uee them so many ways. why not get &everal cans? .... Springfield for value . Potato Chips=~ 79c Your choice of Regular, Barbeque or Dip Chap& in the 8 ounce bag Rice Mixes mn ••• 4sc Fried, Rib Roast or Drumetick-7 oz Chli ... _ •• ••••• 59C Honne.1'1 Regular or Hot-15 oz can .Clam ChCMder • 79c Snow'a New England atyle-15 oz Margarile • • • • • • 79 t Hollywood-with aaffiower oil! 1 lb. CAT FOOD Purina~hoice of varieties-61A oa •••.•.•.•••• $2.73 , fol,tr'• ... ror conveni.oce and taatel 6 oa l9 Pl.m .........•....•• lie UM It for routine maintenance! 32 oi ab.a . .................. __ .._ .. -, 1 ROBINS READY USED CARS 74 MAZDA U4 5'0lT COU,E •71 DODGE COLT A u t omatic tran'lm1s~1on ai r cond1lloninq and lnw miles on this line llttle ca1 L•c 1128•COE Stk !1 755A 4 speed trans vinyl roof radio. heater & radial ttre!> Ltc 11552LGS Stk !1367c1A '1678 173 FORD LTD 4 DOOR Vinyl root wsw 11r1>c, VS pwr steennq & brakes automatic trans radio & air cond Lie •026KYO Stk P3801 '2278 174 CHEVROLET CJ.NICE 4 DOOi VS automatic trans power steenng power brakes oowPr windows air cond11t()(llnQ. radio & low mites Lie •252KPY Stk 11696A '2578 175 FORD GlAH TOlfHO 4 DOOi Automatic trans . factory air C()(ld power steennq & brakes. tilt wheel. vinyl roof and radio L1c #016MCM. Stk #P3575 '2878 •75 FORD MAVERICK SEDAH Automatic trans air cond11ton1ng radio. hPater. tinted glass wsw tires. wheel covers & low miles. L•C #521LIA Stk #307A '2278 5 CHEVROLET · MOMZACOUn 2 Door Automatic trans . factory air cond11tornng & low miles This is a sharp car• L 1c !1765HOA Stk 11P3632 $2778 •75 FORD RITT2D00l Auto matic t rans . radio. air cond1t1oninq vinyl roof. power steering. oower brakes & low miles Ltc l!660MCE Stk J730A $2978 "'ROBINS-READY!' means e•"Y •sed car we seU 1M1st ha•e passed these riCJid inspections for safety met re II ability m our own modem recondrt1oning department - BRAKES ELECTRICAL FRQNT ENO t.hti119s, flower Sy.._., Hyd.--ffc Sys'-1 • Honi, UcJhts, ICJl'lff-GMf '°"'"' Sys'-t Wttcfl ~· StMKb Cllld Stffriltc) Sy1tflll POWER TRAIN Tr11111s., 1-bd. Clltd fkctroftlc ScofN, lltCJMe Di~ LUBRICATION LlttM,Ol a...CllllCIMe.,.OK~ OVER 2 ACRES OF USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM! s~Tcoun Hardtop 3 speed .. gas saver" standard trans . 6 cyl engine and radio Lie llWVJ323 Stk FP3603A. '76 FORD LTD 2 DOOi Vinyl rool AM FM stereo crwse control VS pwr steerinn & brakes and automatic trans Lie l!6tOPCF Stk llP381 t '3678 '77 FORD GIAHADA SEDAH ve. automatic. factory air cond . pwr steerinq & brakes radio healer. wsw tires & wneel covers Lie #209SAB Stk #P3482 '4578 '76 FORD 1250 YAH Automattc trans , pwr steenng. VS. radio. heater and low miles Lie. lltC49711 Stk P3819T '4978 Cot.T 2 DOOi Cute hMle qas sav~r with 4 speed trans. AM/FM ster~ cassette. vinyl roof. bl)ci(el S(lats & rallye wheels Ltc l!221SVZ Stk F2642A . s3379 '77 DATSUN 200SX COUP'E Only 16101 miles Sunroof AM FM stereo fancy wheels. pinstripes. 5 speed trans & air cond lie #902TRO Stk 7698 '4478 •77 FORD LTD 112 DI. Hardtop. Automaltc. power steering. factory air cond tilt wheel. vlnyl roof. radio heater. wsw tires & wheel covers Lie #733SGK Stk. #P3"459 94778 ·~m.~P Automatic trans . factory air cond . full power. split bench seat. AM/fM stereo. signet seeker. wire rallye wheels. vinyl roof & till wheel Lie #66~-v Stk #3612 Specie! at only Business eadership is won by people serving people on a straight forward basis. We owe our 58 years of constant growth i~ Orange County to the unique loyalty of our customers and we know it. Come in. Buying a better car STILL can be a very satisfying experience! 2.3 eng .. 4 speed trans .. front"disc brakes. deluxe wheel covers. cloth & vinyl bucket seats. mini~nsole. tinted glass. bias tires &. metallic paint. Ser. #186403 Stk. #932. HEW 1979 FAIRMONT 2 DOOR SEDAN Automatic trans .. power steering, power front disc brakes, radio, radial tires. tinted glass. all vinyl seats & morel Ser. 1164986 Stk. #747 HEW 1979 MUSTANG 2 DOOR SEDAN . FINAL SELL-OFF . CUSTOM V AH CONVERSIONS ANY NEW 1978 LEFT IN STOCK • • CHOOSE FROM- •SUNDIAL N 599 0VER ·SIERRA 0 OUR •HOLIDA y WHEELS INVOICE •RED-E-KAMP W •LEISURE TIME •REVCON \ WHILE THEY LAST! Invoices include freight. preparation and all factory holdbacks. .FREE .... TO WIN A PANASONIC AM/FM Cassette Recorder AC/Battery Operated NOTHING TO BUY! ALSODAlLY IEMTALS Sale•: Mon· Fri e to 9, Sat 8 to 6, Sun 10 to 6 Service A Parta: Mon 7 to 9, TuH ·Fri 7 to 6 Pert• Dept: Sat 1J to 1 pm 642~0010 2060 HARBOR. COSTA MESA 340-8211 • ••*!.9" ...... • •• f' • .. .. ....... -•••• . . ~ . . .. . . -... - \ . -.. ~ , -. . . \ ( • . • .. ~ ~·~l=~DAl~~Y~P'l~O~l'~=~·~=~w~-~"~·~·~11~,~-~'*Y~~·~· ·~·~"L ___ ~~·~ ... iooi ........ ~~ ........ ~.~~ ....... ~.~~-~ ........ ~:.~~ ....... ~:.~~!~ ....... The .......... ~ec• oe N Otefttte c.... . ....... • .............. I 111 .. I OOJ •••HI I 001 ct..rtll I OOJ •-•.. I OOJ •••rtll I OOJ DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS ................................................... ., ...................................... . ~ one c • .-a.rvlH Th F1 cal Y nr 1979 Mtlttary l~-5178 ,.,, C#tcMt Appronl Con ~truc ti o n AuLhortutlon Acl lnclud u rroject ror construction of 218 UnJl.!I o Navy Family Rousing ror the Marine Corps Alr Station, El Toro • California. A provl Ion of that Act will authorize the Secretary or Defense, u EOUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY IUl1hr'•Motke; All l'M.lNl.-t4" a.l\t"r11'~ II\ 0Us ll('* 'Pfl lJt't' IS • U b Jt'ri tu the Ff'dt'ral )'a llou1ln1 A<'t of lH wturb m1k,·:a It 111<"••1 ad H•rt I 'tl' .1n > prr fen•nc(". halll•t1un, 0 1 dLM·noun•Clon b4 t"tl cm nt"\'. l'\llor. 1 l'l11t1,m, "''· t .. CUIUurutl 'W"ljlln. OI' a mtt·nllon 111 mJkt' •n\ *h 111'\.'frrtlh l' llnlll• UOl1. or clucn 1111naum1 .. Th~ ~pi.~·f ""'" not lmow1111tlv U<'l't'lll 11n' •dVt•rt13'11ll( I ur rt•• I t'$llll.l' whtt•h 1 10 'rulit UOr1ol'thC'l11w ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••r.. IOOJ ••••" 100 ............................................... U~l()U IN NEWPOIT BEACH R YC REST BEAU l'V 4 bd rm. 3 b lh, frplce. formal dlnlng, IKe mslr bU•h' un f~··· land. $230,000 M Cl. IN Townhoml' with ronh.>m porary look. t('nn l:-.. p<>ol and JaC'uu l plu~ an anrrl'd1hlt.• v 1ew or the ll1~ C'> n Golf C'tlUn>t• $220.000 IN TIU: Ul.U Jo'J.'S 3 bdrm, 2 ~tory, t> t~ll inJ;! .rnd tJ:-.lt>fu l J('<'Or tedar p ant~lms:. beams. t.'t<.' Sonw \ l<'W only 12-l,SOO WES'TCLlt'F WI NNER 4 bd r m. 21-:: baths. 2 frplees. pool. and ~uest house. .:re.1t for ram1lv cntertuinment. onl v $197,500 U~IVUI: t1()Mf S Rl:AL TORS'. ~46 &<JOO 1525 Mesa Verde Drive. East, Co~t.1 Mt·.., .11\o 1~1 Cnrcm.1 dl'I M.1r • .it u /!J 0000 ................ ·······1-----~---....... -------·1 Gelwalll 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MESAVBDE Bet t e r lhau n e w . 5pacious~room. 2 belb home w1 a large rmst.er sw e o crlook1og a lush. · I atrium oowt.. It's we located on a quiet cul-de sac 1n Costa Mesa 's f•nl'St neighborhood SI 18,000 Don 't hcsitall'. ca ll 751-3191 C::SELECT T" PROPERTIES DECORATOR'S OWN HOME ESLEY N ~YLOR C REALTOHS '>111t t· lB A REAL llAUTY IH ""ILUFfS .. The ONLY ''R" plan available today! Super end model on cul-de·sac with all these goodies: wood-pegged noor in entry & kitchen < w /lge eating area>. wet bar, levelor window blinds. de· corator wallcoverings, super quality cptng. Separate mstr BR suite with outside deek & 2 bdrms on greenbelt le vel! Upgraded tbruout. Be early - Not sorry! $172,000. WESLEY N. ·TAYLOI CO .. REALTORS 2111 s-Jooquhl ... lood NEWPORT CEHTH. H.1. 644-49 IO NoOung spared to mal.e 1t btO. New plush neutral shade crpts Rough sawn eed ar pa n el in g Ora ma tic a tn u m e n try . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' H~c I.iv rm Dual 10' fl oo r t o t'l'il1ng sJu mpstooe frplc . Cov'd patio laced wt ar ttstn.• treatment or lattcc work. Call today for appt. Open Eves. 54.\-9491 DELUXE 4-PLEXES Co.ty2A•alclbMt Luxurious 3 bedroom & three 2 bedroom 2 bath apartments with enclosed garage -Super location near beach & Hoag Hospital. 207. down. Priced below market at $265.000 EA. ED PHIOH, lealtor n option to n ew construction. to cqulre by purchase. an iu•l or le aer number or exlstln1 nou.slng units. Pursuant to that authority. the Novy will consider purchase or h o using racllltles . together with underlying land, which are free and clear of oil obligations. Such facilities mu~t be complete fdr occupancy. vat·a nt. frt-c or leaseholds or tenancy aJ(reemt.·nts at the time ol offering, ~nd must meet requirements set forth ht•re m und other applicable Navy cr1tenu und Department or Housing and Urban Development minimum property standards. Offe rs must ~ total complexes of not Jess than 50 nor more than 216 units C'Omprising a sihgle real estate entity toc.·uted within a n hour commute Cwhi{'h 1s construed to be 25 miles rrom tht' Main Gate of the Marine Corps Air Station, E l Toro . California.) The dwelling units composition and floor areas sha ll be as follows : Unit Type 2BR Mln . NET S.F. 930 Number 216 Max. NET S.F. 950 Buildings shall not be over Uvae stories in hei~bt. A maximum cost of $8,540.000 1s ta r geted for the acquisitiol' or the complete project. Maxi mum cost for properties comprising less than the total project s hall be proportionate. Offers in excess or this amount may be elim.inated from competition. If ~ou desire to submit an off er to sell, contact Mr. Allan W. Blair. Contract Division, Western Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, P. 0. Box 727. San Bruno, California 94066, telephone (415) 877-7257 no later than 4:30 P .M. on 14 March 1979 in order to obtain further information regarding Navy and HUD criteria which must be met and data which will be required to be provided with your propos al. A pre-proposal conference will be convened in the Public Works Office. Building 368, Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro. California. commencing at 1 :30 P.M. on 20 March. 1979. Offers, including all required data, will be received until 3:00 P.M. on 20 March, 1979: Offers, inclucting all r_equired data, will be received until 3:00 P.M. on 28 March. 1979. Any offer which does not meet the above conditions will not be considered. 11-AcnL.ots THI UHIYHSITT r.All TBl.ACI 3 bedroom. 2 bath, &lnulc st~ry, n .. .,, schooL~ & shopplnl-! Very molivol1-d iseller -Submit your ter~. Oftr ted at $97,SOO. R.C. TAYLOR CO. 648-5112 I EASTSIDE 3 Bedroom. 1 bath home m Costa Mesa. $89.900. As k for Robe rt Milliken. 631-1266 LIDO ISLE Bay view from 2 paho deeks enhances c ustom spacious 5 'bdrm.. 4 bath traditional home: like new. Jdeal fot .entertaining. Corner lot. $500,000 . OCEANFRONT Quality craft.Smanship in mahog. trim · & oak floors sets orr this landmark: 4 . BR, . 3 ba. home in finest location Established trees & lawns. $485.000. · ·I.ACK IAY Fi~e 4 bdrm .• 2112 bath family home on quiet ·eul de sac. Oversized pool. playhouse, storage $169,000. Terms. IAYFROMT Several fin e bayfront homes with,pier & slip AVALON ·Well constructed, 3 BR. 1 ba. oak \. fl o~r . partial bas ement: concrete foundation. Flats area. $120.0004ee. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bay\ode 01111., N B 6 7S 6 161 "llG CAMYOH .. Gll,llcious living at 1ti. best. Dramatic IJv rm w/vaultro ceilings. huge frplc, frmJ din rm, cozy fmly rm w/2nd frplc. 4 lge bdrms, overs ized mstr suite w /garden bath. Truly a prestigious home. 759-1.501 •••••••••••••• INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 2 houses in C .M. on legal 3 urut, 9000 sq ft lot. Pnced to sell qwckly at $89.500. By own r , ~1 •••••••••••••• 4BR +den TMlEEHOMES UMDH $70,000 All 1n Costa Mesa. 2 Bdrm, 3 Bdrm , w~ had 9, 6are gooc. Don't wait, or US...&233 642-0596 ••ts. Sub-division. ready to -------- the.c will be gone too! ------•-•l•--------Uill now! 540 3666 CUT YOUR IT'S HOT TAXES S85<K> takes over ex is ting Wclh tliliJ new first year V ·A· 3 b r • H• b 3 • depreciation d uplex. earthtonecrpt. w·._-.... Best d architectural de· 754-7800 "''~"'"' t>WJd. WEST HEWPOIT 2 Bdrm beach cottage. 1 b&ock bay Ir beach. PALMDESBT 64UNITAPT COMPLEX W/adJoioing l and. $2.000.000. ITS .A STEAL!! keep. built as condos. Dno l shops, Lido Village· a re- s1,gn 10 3 & 2 Bdrm units ~·-'!O Pierffloat; duplex on ITS HOT 2 bath,, e ach. Easy up· M legal R-2 lot; close to 0 $215,000 ~~r. alv.:1~~~~' GREAT INCOME! l.ALIOAISLE Residential + 2 com· merclal rent.able spaces. 5 Car parking, 1 block to water, 3 bedrm 3 bath un· ~:~h~:~~~s.i1;:1~~:~ ~-ur~. FORJM vi'~~~-:. R~~,. ~~ _. .. . .... _i_~_-=.· --· ·,.-:::::::.:.-:.-:.-:.-:1 ·-·-'1.s._1_0_60_• __ try w /,tt•p up l 1v 1n~ ....-;:r r oom & c r :t ck Ii n g ~!!~!!!~ Balboa Island Re.ahy w· &-.en~o .... T f1 repla<'e. Formal drn iii CAMEO SHORES ""'"",.~'"""'-'" Al 191'1Lrft " Ing, sun-shiny k itchen .. wrlh canyon view & MESA VERDE 673•1700 LIVING! wtbreakf11st room . 4 EXECUTIVE in 1 1 1 SBch'ms .• 2~baths . new ma:-.terbdrms, cathedral pnvacy ; 8 ~ e eve 3 carpets. drape ries. WOODSTREAM R-..&.·-ed ~·ii t RANCH-ONLY bdrm .. 2 bath. rormal < r ._...., __ w,.....·•-~ c..1 ni:s. a JOY o see dmmg r m . home; cozy wallpaper; pro ess. de· ........... ..,.... UUW>u.,am 3 $3400 Hurry•Call6450303 $113,900 frplc .. beautiful pool corated. Call for upp't. bedroom, 2 story. Walk Near So. Coast Plaza. PLUS key to private Sl:B.500 to pool, Y.M.C.A .. shop.. Immaculate single story RJch & warm, stained ocean bca(·h. $200,500 673-366.1 675-4m Eves fl!.ng. $82.900. 10% Down. beach & wate r front g lass & w ood s . Hurr)',cal1646-4477. lownhome on Wood· Professionally deeorat-.. K€Y bridge Lake. Watch tbe ed. frmJ dm rm, lvly fm-S: sumet over lhe bridge Ull MIW IM LAii POtlUT -Move right in thJa vacant 3 Bdrm. 21h bath home. Formal dining, mountain view. llrc>pluce, microwave, builtins . cuatom built with oversized bdrms. Priced below market for fast sale at $102,000. c.-146-4141 Sl·rvrng Costa Mesa-Irvine Munl1nq1on B each -Newport Beach .. IMIA.IMH-S G_,.. 1002 Dl!IJ4ltfT ••••••••••••••••••••••• Coey ts aharp.You wlll LUS11MG FOR like 1l. Redecor•t.t<l ram S ,.. --s~ borne w/ZJbr, 2ba • I& _.._ """ fam rm w/huge brick If you like the real esLate frplc. Aslumablc loen. ~.you will love 1t '79,500 C•ll today. here; commiallon 11plll BU10 to 90%. Call Smilln' A Melvyn. 646-44G3 ~~~!!"E· fif@iJ. WOOOSTalAM - $94,tSO 8ilte to beach. or ,.nJor Waoa ltlmd relu1og around poo ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1006 t..uinay twnhm. J 1t1nR-Si szo.ooo 1aow bdrms gourmet k1khen, •n11ET cozy brick fire place, M-pnvate pauo. Don't wait. Reduced for action. Br l:M..71 ·~ yCNI' cash or trade. -~,, .~1.o. 11 ',,~, ,,.,., ,,.,,.. B&Jboa IBI 3story duplex. [~&IHI ~'?";.;:~!~.~~ House + cottage behind oceanfront · only $130,000 P rine . Only **U.S.** *VETERANS* Recent changes 1n V A ~ may enable you to qwthly for 1100.000 home &oam with absolutely NO DOWN PAYMENT. Wortcl 1• Estote an Orange County firm speaaltung in VA home loans. We're the VETS tbat~ptheVETS. For more info. call: Ill Horiofto AtJ. 541-0100 Brit ~91B4 CoromdelMcr 1022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SHORECLIFFS VIEW Imposing stone facade gives way to 1mpress1ve entry h a ll featuring sparal staircase leading to mago1ficent master suite. Fabuloos eountry kitchen shares ocean & canyon views. Large lot •·--~-~-~~-~-~~-~-~~-~-~~---~-~~! room for pool. Incredible 1. family h o m e . For JUST LISTED Presug1ous Holmwood Or. NB. Lots of extras, Mini vu. A . 642·2237 Real Estate pnvat.e sbowlJl& call Ontu~ -=rffi rrr21 . Newport Cttflhr 64()..5357 2 IOIM COTT AGE Piiis lllCO.. Uflit Pegged hardwood nocn.. beamed ceilings, 2 bnclt fll'CJ>fa<'es and nice coun· try kitchen -PLUS - 2 Bdrm, 2 bath incom~ unit with pnvate patio and yard. R9dto $185,000 FOR INFORMATION Cal644-721 I .. ly rm. A real charmer . BAY & R€ALTOf\Sft · just steps from your 'r.B-l.501 beach side patios. Lovely --~~~~--·11;~:;;;~~~~~ BEACH Dft.EX oak welled fireplace. 83A% TRIPLEX 450 NEWPORT CTB9~. ASSUMAILE 759-(111 Owner will carry 2nd --LAR-•G-E•Y•A.R-D--1--------•I papers. Only $135,000. Cell 645-9161 RoQcn for gardons, frwt -------- ... . . i OPEN HOUSE '> REALTY / trees, cars. boats, dog:., kkb to play. Rd urb1sht''1 3 Bdrm h o m e t oo' $10,000. ~~~~~IPETE BARRETT ~le who need people RWJY should always check the Service Directory in the M2·5200 DAILY PILOT , .................. _ S©\\.4\llA-~£~s· Tltat lntri9•ing Word Gom• witlt o Cliuclcle ~ i., QA'r I. PCUAM ----- ·~~-'! t: low 10 lon11 lov• llltlple wOtdi. I 1~ i B { ErE r I I PYN HH Ii' · I I r I . t t_c,_..,H,.._o ... v_A_, ! You cou1dn'1 stop my r I I r • mother from cteenlng. Fin.Uy, ._ _ __...__ ... _ __, • alt• 10 y .. B ot wulng •nd -------Poli.Nno ,,... ''°°" .... hid ~_P__,Y,...C_,,H_I..,._S ....... -tl io be tlt19d wl1ll •fllltei.1- . I I I' I I . o ~:: .:-....~.:1~ .__.__.._ _ __...__,__. '°" ~ i.-... .... beleoo. • ~:7:ts~~~tf\ r r r r r r r r 1 • ~~-=~ um•s1 I I I I I I I I SC:Uw.uTSAMWWl•C........... 1010 \ ~ ~j NEW BUSINESSMEN Contect the DAILY PILOT for lntormedon regarding the county requfrementt for using a Fictitious Buslne11Narne. 642 .. 321 EXT. 332 GrNtlllCo.9!! ConvenJence kitchen· SinrJe story owner w'1t microwave & b reakfast Heve aomething to sell? wit.Ii 2 townhouse design nook too. Mirror walled Oasslfiedadscfoitwell. re ar units . All wltb formal diruog room. 2 privete paUo. W/D book PaUos. Steps to s pa, up .ti individual enclo.ed beach Ir lake! Pnce just garages. Call now reduced, $3400. for f&11t ~ 673.as50 -sale!Call now7~-1700 ~ ~Nl~~·ll\ltJlllrON N«I• N'INl~9 ••1 \ll.JNl<1 "1Ml.I ..,__. -Rt:-.Y-.E-M---i l!lllllll l•lftlll St:IAL 'EM TR.\DE 'E:\f RENT 'El\1 To place your ad In thls column call 642·5678 DAILY PILOT ... ~ .... cae: ilDBll ILlllS ca.- OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE snGLASS OCEAN VIEW Truly Spectacular View From This ·Beautiful 3 BR + F .R . Portsmouth Model. Upgraded Kitchen. Formal Dining. Lge Fam. Room With F.P. Courtyard Has Pool And Firepit. Glassed-In Jacuzzi ()(f Beautifully Decorated Master BR. Call Now. SU).000. DERFIB.I>, llVINI Spacious Plan Four Is Located On End Of CUI-de-Sac. 4 BR, 3 Ba. & Family Room. Dining Room. Kitchen Has All The Extras + akfast Room. Look Out At ely Prof. Landaca Yards. munlty Pool. <rr:enbe lt. ~. ·® -.=t &31·1• 111 DOVll DllYI -------- .. 'II~~ HAUC>lt YllW HOMES You won 'l see another like this! Former Somerset model w /pool, jacuzzi, a,nd park·like setting on ex- tra large lot. Inside and out, this is a spectacUlar home for family liv· ing. Priced at $239,900. Fee. A C0&.DWaL ...._CO. 644·9060 2111 SANJOltOUINHtUSRO. IN NEWl'Ofn'CE~ PIE•EIE IESlllNCE-¥1EWS! Laaal-ctPI ' I OH WAlmt ef ,.,n• ...., wtlll YllWS ..._ ..... la ..... IF 11 .. C., ef .. ,.. ... fr 0.,.. ......~2 ............ ....... ..... •tt•' ~ •• 'a ..... .. ..... ~ W:::t a • ...,.. ....... • ........ aH ........... ,...,,... ... ...... $311,000. .. WATERFRONT HOMES lac. :M36 W Coasl H1qhw.1v N('WJ')Ot1 lWlK'h 631·1400 ... ,.. . . .. . . , Finest duplex in CDM . Bldr j ust comfd:J1ng. :ns Marguente. ,000. Subm it terms· Poss . trade1 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DREAM HOUSE unique des1go . Priced below market value. $119,500 642-7817 AS&IME VA 9~% LOAN $1.5.000 D. P. Open bowie Sun 1 l·S, or caJI 557--0707 3Gt Sant.a Clara, 3 br, 2 ba. IR Cmly rm, centrel atrium w/Jacuu.i. Tolal sec syste m + much. nach more! By owner. Mesa Verde lmmac 3br home. Frplc, ne w ap· ptianoes In -kitchen. 1 ~. ba. Must see to •P· prec1a te. By owne r. 5t&-5040. ------ COLLEGE PAD *CLEAN * 3 Bdrm. den. G rut loca · t100 Owner trans£crred. CALL 754-7100 -· VACANT! 3 bedroom home oo a cor· oer lot near • park. T• to 194 c_,.t w.u.. 614-1202 • • macnab/ irvine · NEWPORT IEACH PROPERTY BAYCRfST - \IH 11 Ii\ t' I llfl h•'lll• " 1•11urtyorrl f'llln nn 11011•1 "t rl"t'l St'paratt> thnam: rm " \It '4 1•f 1•nn1 f. hi p • .tm I" mil~ rm & klh'hl'n Ol>t'fl to inot h,•r put111 ~4;<. r11111 1•~n.•r v.1 II t·o111u rln lt·~r;(' w option to pun h>iw \l11n 1 uu M.iri<on f>.ll 11235 <V :121 UDO ISLE -NEW & GlAMOROUSl <.;p1·1·tt1rUIJ1 :! "turv Med1lt'rr11nc-1in i.tyle t'ustorn built. exquisitely th•ta1INI & rlt•t·urnttod 11•:-.1ri1•n1T. 4 BRs I mA.!lter s u1te l . 3 baths. ram1ly rm & fhrmul li1mn~· \\ ,., bJr 2 rpll'°'I bnl'ked entrv patio w rountam . oh"t'n .1111111 cfock on r1•of S4~.000 mrl land Dick Hllld erman 642-8235. 1\ 331 UDO ISLE Ont• of th1• ht·M valut'' on a 15' lot w "t-to·:.t loc-atmn! Spacious 4 BR rl'~idl'nce for fomil\ & t>ntertaimng. llU!!l' hvi nj? rm -formal & sep. rltninll' rm -fam11\ rm .... beams -'lunnv tiled patio w pn vacy. fo unta in & C'ha rmin)! trelh~ Privdh.• beaches & t ennis • Cathy ~c·hwe1rkl'rt 642 8235 I V·34 I AN EXCEllfNT BUY IN BA YCREST ~ Urt, :'!both hom1· for only ~25.000' ! Courtvard ('ntry -!Wparate urea for <'hildrC'n f11 m11\· t m & d1nin~ rm w/POOI. VIEW. Extra II? 2 c;ir i:.1rJIH' \Ian LAU Marion 1~2 11235 IV·35l AOtARMER A pl'rfect •·charmer" w 3 BRs. nifty den & all new kitche n <chopping hlo<'k counter tops & hardwood planked noorl. Handsome plush honey-beige cpt -lovely yard w/pntio & ra mada. See & compare at $152,500. Ca tby Schweickert. 642·8235 IV·36l TEMPT US WITH AN OFRR ..-111t• c1uaht v c:onstructlon in this nearly new home Approx. 3400 sq ft mrl :I RH-.. :I hath-; new 1:ourmet kitchen w1sunny brkfst rm + hu1te ram ilv rm &. 2 wr-t hnrs Other amenitie!I such as French doors & \\1nrln"' I 11111'' .J1w11111 m the maste· BR Elaine Svedet>n 642·8235 r \ 371 JUST LISTED Hluff~ 1·n<l ·unit C"onrlomm~um of excepttonal 'alue' Located on vcn h:t i.ir<'rnl>elt w/\·1r w of mtns & l'pJ>t.'T' Bay from HRs: this lovely 3BR. 212 hath home ha~ oH·white deror, new appliances. air·cond. lovely l'ncloM'<I p11fir> & 111 in immar. condition! S167.900 Jean Dal~ 642-8235. I V ~l SEAVIEW -PORT ROY Al View or ni1?ht ll~hts & mtns' 2-storv hom e situated on lg cul-de-sac lot 1n S?3te-J:ua rded community. Features such amenilles as central air. mirrored bllr w/cuslom blt·m book<'ases. 2 fplcs & plantation shutlers .mn~ 1 hath' s:us.ooo Jovr e Edlund 642-11235 IV·39> BAYFRONT -DOVER SHORfSlt M ' ha\ fronrn,::e w pier & -.hp' F:xc1tin1t. beautiful 2-story French <·ontempnran.-<1BR. 4 bath rei11dence w European accoutrements m m a11ter suitP & bath 3 private sundecks · formal dining · 2 wet bars . 4 fplc's · fam1ly/J?11me rm · low-maint. landscaping. A truly multi-faceted hom e' oind a v('r>J exceptional offerin1Z a t S'750.000. Incl land llaldt•rman Schwei<'kert Svedeen 642·8235. CV-4-0> BIG CANYON 1-'abulously upttraded & expanded home • 58Rs. family rm. country kit r hl'n . 2 fplc«. huize oak pa neled 11ame rm w/wet bar & soda fountain ~ i-t•para te kitchen w 11trlll Finest qualit y decor ator papers .,.. m:.itchinl? f:.ihrics. Mexican ttle + c;tained J?lass. Pool. spa & covered palm w .l?i14' BRO !drill fnr fu mtl~ fun & entertainment. S64S.OOO Lynne \';ill•ntme fi1M fl2()() !\.' II I SEAVIEW Custom 3RR splJt·IOV(lly home featurtnit quohl1" a ppaintmcnts thruout ~9.000. l,ynne Valentme 644-6200. CV-42) HARBOR V1fW HOMES Customh•ed lltnl!le-story S BR. 3 bath home on lg. pool-size lot w/many fruit trees. Prof decorated w /new c pt & fresh paint. Formal dining rm -.l?Ourmet kitchen w/new appliances -lg. utility rm + detached s:a racc SJ94.500. Appl only. Donna Godshall 644-6200 CV-43l BIG CANYON TOWNHOME Secunty & fine hvmg cap be vours for only S152.SOO. This 2 BR home has m anv custom features incl lovely window coverings & quality carpeting. Appt. only . Julie Van Wleren 752·1414. CV-44) I "LINDA PtAH" -THE BWffS Ae:iultfullv upftraded & decorated l·slory condominium end-unit w /wraparound patio. 3 BRs (Incl. master suite) -2 baths. Near comm. pool & r abana Sl62.500 leasehold -O~xible Onancing. Appt. only. Dick lfaldt>rman 642 R235 !V-45) BIG CANYON Ne\l. ly l'Ustom1ied -decorator furnished & landscaped -BUT, you must see for yourself! Elegant 4 BR residence featuring family rm v. /fplc + game area w /fplc -lg. pool & full jacuzzi -master BR sulte w tsauna . #19 Royal St. George is ready now for you to be th~ 1st owner smce total remodeling w/quk k eftrrow possible & priced right at S649.900 ft>e -fu.mi11bed Cmay seU partlally furnished> Appt. only Tom Alhnson 642-82:35. 1v...ai 8lUFFS :rn11 . 2 bath Bonita model condominium on one-level w/attractlve f'nt ranee+ t(ood greenbelt view. Sl39.7SO. Ba rbara Aune 642·8235. CV_..7' LEAVING YotM OPTIONS OPEN Will move you into a very spec:lal 4 BR. family rm ?11,ew Bedford model in S<'8view. All the amenities of a private gated community + • full view & immediate possession Ls possible. Submit on lease w/optJoo. trade or a short escrow s ale. S2SS,OOO incl. land. Belle Chase Lee 644"'6200. <V-48> SEAVIEWJ Vtcw! Locouon ' E legantl:v d<'CO!'ated & the Pn<'l' of S395.000 Incl. furnishings. J ant' P riquln 6(2-8235. <V,..9) LOVE CONQUERS Allll And you will love Uii" excepUonal little weetend hideaway w /2 BR.I, 2 bRtba & ttC'IUng brick hearth. v.r mobile .tr ..., house In excellent Newport location w/private beach .tr pool. Lola Miller 842-8235 or~ CV-~l \ 642-8235 90 I Dover Drive Newport Beach , ·- re~ tg FINER PROPERTIES . NEWPORT BEACH PROPERTY MAGNIFICENT ONE.Of-A-KINDi .. Beautiful custom 5 BR home in Dover Shores wtVIEWS! Courtyard ent ry w pool -for mal dirunl{ rm -lg. master s uite -soanng ceilmR 1n livanR nn -family rm w bar & fplc -itounnet kitchen. Leasehold l'Shitt• offen>d at $400.000. Barbara Aune &12·8235. (V Sl > .... BIG CANYON TOWNHOME Deluxe \1ew Pinehurst model end-unit wiwrap-around deck 2 BRs - den "' nurrored wet bar -thick cpt -fplc w /brk hearth -wood noonni.i. Exquisitely de('oratcd & located 10 sttunty bid.I(. w tcomm pool & tenms racibties. S227.SOO. Joyce Edlund 642·8235. (V·S2> SUPREME UPPER BAY VIEW Front row 3 BR. 21·-:? bath townhome. Contemparary decor -plantation shutters & parq uet n oonng. Priva te patio w/lg. overhan1Z & fi renng. An outsta nding value at $220,000 fee. Sandie Fix 644-6200. ( V-531 CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTY A FAMll Y TREASURE Wc'n• presentinJ.! a 4 RR Broadmoor home in Harbor \'lew lhlls which I& ., delli;:ht to see & a JOY to own Do come see and lrt its maJ.!ll' ca11t11n· your heart a:. it!> captured ours' S239.500 Coby Ward 642 8235. < V 5'1 l HARBOR VIEW HIUS Beautiful 4 RR. fam ily rm Broadmoor W/panoram1c view or Catalina. Npt. Bay & l'ity light~ R EOLCED TO $325.000' 644-6200. f V·55l JASMINE CREEK Lovely 3 BR. family rm home w tprivate corner location & mini-ocean vie w. !'1any custom fl•atures. $255.000. Holly Marka:. 644.QOO. <V·55al THE DEOSION MAKER Will not hesitutc Ont'l' mside th.is smas hing eye-catcher' f:verytbm!Z a discr iminating buye r would expect to find -location . custom construction & hii?h quality decorating. A bit of Cape Cod In Old CdM. 3 BRs. den & con vers ation r m . S269.500 incl. land. Belle Chase Lee 644·6200. (V·56l WAUC TO BEACH From this immaculate 4 BR. family rm & formal dining rm home in Cameo Shores on the Canyon. Secluded yard w/rose garden & room for pool. $284,SOO Uf. Appl. only. Donna Godshall 644.e200. (V.57l A SURE em Ho ping for 4 BRs m Cd M?" Wish.ing•for near-new cond1t1on & stylish young decorating in a g reat fnnuJy a rea"" Well . you won't be gam blmg wben you buy this Ca meo H~hlands beauty ' Even the price is right - so you simply MUST SEE TT! Sl94.SOO. Coby Ward 642-8235. <V·58l HARBOR VIEW HIUS Panoramic ocean. bay & night light view. Single story, 4 BR. famUy rm & dining area res. - au prof. decorated wtnew cpl & paint. One or the largest comer lots w /room for pool & spa + lots of privacy! $300.000. Donna Godshall 644-6200. <V·59l • OCEAN VIEW ~ SPYGLASS Hill Charm & warmth are evidenced in this quality Country F rench Nantucket. Custom C'ablnets, country kitchen. French doors. fptcs. pool & s pa are a rew of the outstand~ features. An ex~utive home offenng s BRs. den w/wet ba r , formal living & dinJn)l rms + a fabulous bay & ocean vlewl S750.000. Lynne Vt.dentine 644.QOO. CV·60> OlD COM OtARM Cozy & warm 4 BR. 3 bath home wlo'pen beams, uaed brick fptc & lavish use of v."Ood providing a charming atmosphere 2+ car garage. S259.000. Sharon Smlth 644-6200. CV-61) R-2 lOT1 OlD CDMI Buildm> & lnvestors ! One of the best locations north of Hwy -close to shopping, schools & beaches! Just REDUCED lo S135.000 fee! Donna Godshall 644-&00. CV·62) :J IRVINE PROPERTY ... ONE Of TURTlE ROOC GLEN'S FINEST s BR. family rm Devonshire model ln sparkling condition!! Eirtenalvely upgraded wtcustom decoration le landscaping. 2 fplcs -aunk~ llvtng rm -wet bar -lg. master suite. Helen Wood 644-6200. (V-63l • DECORAT'Olt'S OBJGHT Highly upgraded end-unit La Salle model townhome. 4 BR1' & master has been expanded w/fplc -lg. formal dining rm -family rm orr gourmet kitchen -loads or storage -3 paUoe. A beautiful family home within walking distance of pool. Sl29.SOO w /low lelsl"hold. Amy Caston 642·8235. CV-64l ... , . 644-6200 1644 San Mlc)uel Dr. Harbor VI"' Center IRVINE PROPERTY WlliOWOOO Ha rf'ly sttn model .,.. 1th 3 bdrmi. .. hul!e (am1lv rm form JI tJ111mi.: rm & j?arden kltC'hen. Custom upgrades · high ce1hnits . lovelv J(urden area & us l' of #!lass + full air-cond. & close to pool & tt>nnts. CSobJect to <'ancelh1tion or exi1>ttnl!' escrow I Jone P aquin f.42 R235. < v 651 TURTlf ROCK HIGHLANDS Brand new townhome w1sweepmg view of hlll'I & the \'lllaRe !\par100'> 2 BR + den :.tudy: eat·tn kitchen: top line cpt & ceramic tJIP. Offered at S129.900 J oyre Edlund 642-8235. CV·67l RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN Terrifi c San Joaqw n townhome on the JlOlf course w1view of the 121.h tee & m tns from 4 rooms ! 2 BRs. 2 baths. formal d1nin~. "'''"R rm w/fph:, rlen w twet ba r + 2-car garaite w /opener. Comm. recreation fa<'1lltles. too' Sl28.000. Lynne Va lentme 644-6200. <V·6Sl COUNTIY MANSION. • . At an "old-fashioned" pn ce' 4 lg. BRs -2 hu$1e fam1lv rm' 11. wf't bar'I h11Zh beam ce1hnj.(S -h1ith brick hearth Old·T1mP pool 1111ect varct. tn:Dt'CED TO SELL-Sl19.9SO. Lois Miller 642-8235. IV-69> • HIGH V AWE -LOW PRICE Spacious 4 BR home centered around a lovely atrium. LI! family-111ze kitchen: family rm: 2 baths: new paint & cpt. Redwood deck1n~ & nicely landscaped lot wisprinklers. Close to pools & lake . $117.000. Rosemary Sietz-Myers 644-6200. IV-701 OTHER,\REAS DB.IGHTRJU.Y OIFffRfNT Rustic shake roofed 3 BR, 2 bath Mesa Verde home on quiet st~t cltN? to pa rk & school. In "squeaky clean" condition! You'll en1ov the living r m w/used bnck fplc: formal dinin~ rm & the runct1onal kitchen wttlle ('Ounters & bit-in a ppUances . Sl07.000. John Granath 642·8235 (V·'71 1 • UPPER BAY CONDOMINIUM Ll!. entry to ~tcp..down hvin~ rm w tfpk: kitchen w blt·m~ + dmC'tl~: fo rmal dlnmJ: a rea. Spacious m 11s ter suite \o\ 2 private deck' . wa ll ·le>-wall mirrors & walk·m wardrobe: 2 add'I BRs. Patio • auto 11ara~e door opener • clost to pool in quiet loca11on. S92 500. Lorraine Re nn1e 752-14lo4 . fY·72> 28R TOWNHOME OtARMER \omplctely rede<'ora ted! Kitchen hos new dishwai.hC'r + +'allnit bar & e~tra !!loraj.?c spac('. Mirrored walls in eatln~ are.1 & hath~ Walk to markets + 1•on\ access to freeway. Ideal for coupll' nr ""l!I• ' SS.1.9511 Dorothv llardC"astle 64.2·8235. < v. 731 YOU WON'T MN NEED A PAINT BRUSH! In this tx-auUfuJly upgraded 3 BR. 2 bath custom home lt't> all tx•l'fl done for you! Extra lg. living rm -den w1walk·in wet ba r -master suite has its own win~! Room to eat In the lovely kitchen w I~ pantrv A most converuent location! All for only Sll0.000. Man on Fn uell 752-1414. !V-741 RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY JUST USTEOI Great duplex 10 Old Cctr.f. Completely remodeled front umt all nt•w bit-ins. Private patio. Lots of charm & priced to sell at S18S.OOO. Don't miss Utis special offennit in o most desirable area.,.Linda Talollianet11 642·8235. (V·7S> APTS. -PRICE REDUCTlOHI NOW $135.000 & Sl7S.OOO! ! Don't mh1s this valul'! Dnvf' bv 180 & 1112 C'e<-il, Costu Mesa Cdo not disturb t.ennntsl -appt. onl v C.ol, Millr r ownt'r/a,::cnt 642 823S (V-76) AH IDEAL LOCATION CdM . So. of Hwy -a papular rental area conven1en1 to shopplnJ', i.chools & beaches! 2 BR · uruts priced riMht ut Sl75,000 -Oe"<lblP financing -wiU trade! Lynne Valentine 644-6200. CV· 77l FOURPUX -BICE TO BEACHI Don•t detay! Purchase today• Priced to sell at 1212.~t Owner•, 3-SR. 2 bath + patio unit: two 2·BR. 2 bath units + one l·BR. l bath unit. Garages -patio -laundry a rea. Cul-de-sac location & beach approit. 3 m i. Vee Stin:son 642·8235. (V 78> llTil.E CHARMER·-$169,500 So. of Hwy -Cdl\! duplu 1n good location. Just a short walk tn I.ha footbridge! tst unit w/t·BR. 2nd w/2·BR.t! + 2 fplca : 2-car garaae. Each home wtsmall. priva te patio. Mary Lou Manon 642·8235. CV·'79) 752-1414 4545 Campus Dr. Campus Valley Center . ,. . . . . .. . ... . . . ' l> '· d '· !· 11• !, l. ls Ly r. Mi r. o. u II c -. .. IXC.,,OMALL Y GIACIOUS" 1ltt\ bol•1aullful 4 k 1lrm 1 ti.ith 'u11tt11n h11nu 1• 10, ''""' • "''~ ~ fl 11111 lh \ r.f1•,11 \ 1•11h I 111111\n C'lub It lt-11t11 r1•-. ,. lil~llH.ih• I llnll\ ''"'" ar•l 1hm11t '"""' &. ,., ''"" laritt ~1ul "'""I 11•1 l u II .>II• •1 for m11r1· 1fr1.111 .. ~HERITAGE REALTORS Rul t~t~lt COHV_.l .. T 11 .. 1Al1011 nr ;o,1n t1u•1111 I·"'~\ lrv1nr Ind rom 1.t1•\ "'ho•>l"' It hop1111111 '1111, .1 l•r .!' h• huuw ...... rt.111 .lm·M2 i i l WOODBRIDGE SPECIALS I b ll'llU> Of llVlf\I In lh1• 1,·•11.111lul lak .... 1dl" rum munih vf WovdbritJs• • \\l lut\l' humt·" u valla --------~ 1114 In lh1 rllUlte rrum 1'.111(h"h I u1fo1 .!&J 111 •Piii lo \1·1 ·•&J l'IH f..lfu l</I llfllt ' rru1·r11~ ·" 1·~ "'' l 1•11h11u,,• 111 1n1lu11o ' p1111I ~II•• n:.'\M~rnurt fo'r11m $11.tl,!l:MI 1'41, 0001 ur 11:,~ W;!tl L)\•, ••l111>t d II\ Wu1dlr1·1• l>"\ \'11 2 Brand"''"' !J b•lt 111. :t lM honw... rorm.11 ll1n1r1~ rm. bt'P rm rm. 2 lrpki.. ~" lot. 2 r i.r ~liral(e :Jm, & i!l.llO Orunj(e Ave S I 3 :. 0 ti U 1· ll ,. h ()llo111•r i\J.:l 1'12 l!th4 ur lr.3 07tl2 E'SIDE BEAUTY J Bil( bt>droom" I '• h.olh,, new roof 0(·111 p.11111 in nul Ill'"" 1·1.1t lhruout \II on ,; nll'<' <11111-'l ('ornt•r 1111 Of11·t1·d al Sltl7,5(MI FULLER REAL TY 546-0814 I ST TIME OFFERED IM 55 YEARS 1/ \<IJU'VI' bt!t-n 111-01\IOll fv1 lh1 ... onl'. hl•rc II lb 1 R l! lol 12 llclrm hnu!.t• in t'IU<Jt<tJ frt•1• I H1 l\ltn fo duph•x l'tu... (HI i:t MJ 11 ' Gr 1•al fo:.1..,h11h-l11t·a11011 \,k111 i:: $ti!>.UllO Call ~IO 11'>1 EL~;c;,\NT I.Jul t·11mf11rta bh· Th1i-:! sloQ 5 hclrm 3 bu ht1mt• ha., bt·1·n fully dt-1·1lf'at .. ct 111 warm l'11rth tune-. hv l'o:.t:i Ml'sa·, h nt>'I furn1I Ort" 'lnr<' i\ Ill 11 II I' I ti t' m .t II \ mr1t•111111·-. .1n· oH r r•:'> nill:.llf ~;illp.IJJ<'r ll'.11. & lll•· II our, I .11> 1:.h dral'''l'lt•s & mut·h rnlll l' M1..,,.i ltd M.1r $1 29 {llHI P rttH' 0111) Own1·r l\t-:t-lll~'lli lM"l \ \ Fii \'I l':lc\I~ { ()'\'I \ \I 1-.S \ l1t'.HI .1111 . 11 \•Bu l)l 1 .. 1 qu11·1 ,l, 11 , m 1 I rum lwh S7t..,(•1 l'nn only ph·a"l' Owm•r a1.'l ~!Iii 272!1 Dano Point 1026 ..........•.•......•..• M.11t111l11·l•11t 11n•a11 Vll'W :-0.t•" ·1 hd I~··· rm,. 1 Jnl hd "' 11 'lll lt• I Agl K;IJ Oti23, ti41 :17 I<! l.ll\llr 111u ... "l'l'Ull \ '"~ ~anJo!ll' lumd'tl hurne' nr lht· h,u h11r ~Ill~ lo :IWH "I II I 11111 lfl).! '"1111 1 ._.!•'>Ill BToro 1032 •·····•·············•·· !l) ll"nt•r ll •' ''"'"m.1 hh· \ \ 11pt1"" '""I) n · 1.1t:1·•irutt·•I .1 1111 ::! n' 1-'.im litm l•'rpk lll11n ... 1 l'Jr ,hn~1pini.: & 'l'h()(ll' UIW SHcJ !-\It •• 7t:X 111; f.ountoln Volley I 0 3 4 •••..•••............... rn. ••h1Sl1:\ Utkl Jt W< ><JOflRIOGE "' "' ,, ~~1 ·JOOO TH a I AC 1N Tuanaoc1< L•.lH'I) 't't'IUdl'd 2 "ltlr) 1·11llltt' 4 bt!droorn. fam1 1) room. rormal dining, larj(\' mai-t cr s u1 le, (,1bulOU~ hi!( ) urd With ht·uul1ful land?>tcJping & 111.tw lk•i.t pn n • lor t lus OJ<od\'I ,1( $1\14,500 NEWPORT CEMTER REALTY 640-1112 OHrll.W Townho,.. Dl'illrabl(' end uml in pvt I()(' S~I i.try 2Br . cte n. 2 l)u, frplc. A/C, 2 car gar. xtrD lg lnsrp'd patio, plush earthtone cplg. df1l5. wallpr Walk lo pn:.dt.>m& m1ddlei.<'hli; II\ ownt•r $81.500 <l~1> 751:1 0781 1"1:1 I l. I'\' wknd ~15009 3 BDRMS. 2'h BATHS ~rl1cld Townhorre has 11 all , 1111-0 story cc1 lin!!. rhn area. co1.y ram rm .. end unit pnvac·~. and air \('<1n d1t1on1n,:: Only IK>.fiOO If 523 CAMPUS Da· IR'IU4E LOC)lftl leoch I 048 ···•·•·•·•••···•·•·•·•· HANDY MAH SPECIAL nwri. the ltlt!me for this sprnw llng. rontem po rary s tyled home. l>e1ailed architecture w1ex~nor of wood plan. i.tucco. etc & low sweep· •ng r oofl1nt's nf wc11therl'<l rl'dar :.hakt'~ Sptil'IOUS :J bdrm &. ra m rm. nour plan. llwlt on 1 lcvt'I feutures 1'~0RMAL L I V R M W ITH Cc'NTEB FIREPLACE & i-hdln~ glass which uJ)l•rL~ lo mar yard All localed on lur~t· lot w 1 ROOM f'O H CAMPE R O R HOAT . Galley styled kitchen has bwll in range, oven. dish· washer. elt <m ost or which work, we thUlk). This nt>gh~ctt>d . better bwlt llome ha:. bt-t>n rent t.'fl &. net.'<ls > ard work. l'll•aninJ! & m rnor rt' pair~ Hut fur those with a · ~ood i-el of hands" & a n.ur for dt•1:orat111g. It·.., the BEST B Y Wl'0 \l' '4.'<.'nfor $129,500 Fvll Price ($4,000 Down Paymt. Creditl S EETODAY!! GONETOMORROW! ! MISSION REALTY V4HODOWH Coml' ~•nd ., ... ,.th " ~SCi;tHwy.Laguna l'll'.uulllul :1 ht•drm horn1· Phone 494-0731 w11h .iurl(t•ouo, f,1m1h rt••m 11 . .., a~~um.i hl~· CLF.AN Spanish Cha rm b l l'r11·1·cl 111 .,,.11 at house. w/g uesl apt.. $!1H 111111 1 · .1 t I I' 11 1 walk to beach & shops ~i4 2-l:Jl 1~~1.,ul t1 fl•ll!l'r Lge yard . Sl78.500 #!Y.>15 75.2-!IOftl &831·0345 VETERANS No down nmdo ltorl· Tll>oron M Hr" i:l\lras World \'l•i A1w111 559-9270 t .. M1oqton leach I 040 ••...•....•......•..... MEW IE4CH HOME By bu1ldl·r . bloc k to bl!ach, oceMn 'lew. ~ BH. •• Ir ba, 3000 liq rt. lr.c b11koruei. 208 15th St $l!Kl.OOO Also ~ RR, 21, ba at 60117th St Sl29.000 ~1718 REALESTATl •STEAL 1lus 3 bdrm. 2~., bath ho m e pri ced below market value . Beamed cclllngs In llf't'hilect de · SlJD home w /gre at ocean \o1e w s $117 .000 (Ol270P> •HIGHAIOVI ---------1 L8.1tuna ovcr lookintc the CllY & J)1mfir ii; 2 bdrm. llST f'OOL V A&.UI IN fMTG IEACH Sharp 3 Bdrm 2 b11lh, ud Jarent to p ork. hur:r master bdrm !l ul lt-, hurry on thui one A11kmg only W,950. ca II 546-5880 ~HERITAGE . • REALTORS ANUTINCITY J Bdr. I~ ba comm pool, ~ ci( punel1 n11. cu11Lom drpr,, huat mu:;lc:r bdrm, lllnt loe. i: 000 ''•:m•m 962·4471( :i· >646 ·8100 • \ home on more than Vi ll('rc. Oen, formal dlnlnll rm & 2 patio...., ~18,000 t00400P > tOO~yrt St. ........ ~h What a Wonderful World or Shopplna1 r11tht a t your nn1ert pt cv11ry d1 y! Da i l y Piio t a lfk'd i\d!I. To pla« >ciur ttd roll 642 5678 and let 1 Cl• tf1~ Ad Vlaor he!PYOU~ ,, MlWl Y LISTlOI EnJo~ tht• dr11m11t 1r dny & nittht view from 1h1s "•lt!~unt Turtlerock (; I c• n t o \\-n h o rn t• 11 t A h q u a ll t y upi!radt·~ 11w l t·ui,tom c•hlna l'&binet 1 n k 1 I c· h (' n p a r q u e t c n t r y • <·oordmatt>d "'all paper!! & noiseless u1r t·ond 21Hh _. dl'n fo r $189.900. M urt«•h11t· c ·ru~~ 752 1114 1v1011 IF LOCATION IS IMPORTANT to ) ou. lttl'n you must see this 3Ult. family rm home ' It is cozy & warm w (pk Ill family rm step· down livrng rm. w/(Ormol dining - uir cond microwave -a nd t ast('fully decorated thruout. Cul· de su<· strt•cl Comm. Assoc. pools & park m progress. Sl 14,995. Marion fo'nucll 752· 1'114. IV 102 l ELEGANT TURTLEROCIC TOWHHOMI 2 0 R w 1d e lightful mas t e r suite Cine 1. fplc. & sitting rm.) & the most luxurious bath & dressing rm. This Pla n I in the Glen has been the most popular -hurry at $185.000. Julie Van Wieren 752·1414. (V103l DEAH HOMES Kensington model w / jacuzzi. Terra cotta entry & kitchen countertops. Rus t1l' family rm . w brick fpk . F or mal dining rm built a round garden atrium 4 spacious BRs + 3 baths . Beautiful l a ndscaping w /r edwood deck . Green b e lt location. $178,500. Lorraine Rennie 752-1414. (V104) RIGKT OM THE LAICI ··Feed the ducks. right from your deck patio! 1" Charming 2BR + C'f>n v . dt>n ho rn <' in fabu lous WoodbridgC' Hi g hly upg raded ! M aslPr suitl• r!:tnrltOny. Gourmet ktlc.:h<'n w charming nook. Comm. pool. jacuzzi . beach. boat dock & tl'nnis just Sll'PS away. 5159.900 - or r ent <1 l 5750/mo. -fl exible fi nancing avail. incl. lease/option. Forrest Powers 752·1414 CV105> llG HOME -llG VALUE 4 IJ.{. BRs <incl. huge master suite ) + I~. family rm. make this a great home for t he g rowing family . Amenities inc l : fpl c . wet bar. blt-ins. brkrst. rm .. dining rm .• lg. yard & no assoc. dues. Priced to sell qu ickly at 5119.900 Lila Harper 752·1414. (V106 1 TURTLEROCIC Air-cond. & beautifully decorated w /earthto n es & w a llpa pers . Sky lighted interior -2 balconies - m a s t e r s uit e w /l g . walk -in wardrobe + tile pullman -kitchen w/microwave & bit-ins + tile floor & service ba r dining are a w /pastoral view -den. All for only 5125 .000. Lorraine Rennie 752·1414. < Vl07l ADULT LIVl_..G AT ITS llST Beautiful Turtlerock Highlands La ur e l model w/view location. Ready for OCl'upancy NOW! 2BRs + den & fo rmal dining. I-year lease w /o ption to purchase. $650/mo. Madeline Cross 752·1414. <V108) DELIGHTFUL 413 H Deun c Ken s ington model w /the ·most charming prof. done landscnping (complete w/bubbling fountains & atrium adj. living & dining rms. > Comm. pool & tennis~ $179.000. Julie Van Wieren 752-1414. (V109) A Tnt. YOUNG fAMtUIS Outstanding 3BR detached hom e in Woodbridge -Cr eekside ! Lg . fenced yard -eating area in kitchen -conversation area off living rm. Good greenbe lt location. A lovely place to raise your family for only $107.900. Madeline Cross 752· 1414. ( V110) WOODlalDGI CIOSSIMG 38 R home w /dramatic e ntry (cer a mic tile). h igh vaulted ceilings, central-air, covered patio & located cl<>fte to the lake. Perfect for couple & ready ·ror occtlpancy. $1 t0,000. Madel~oss 752·1414. (Vll l > ""' 64l·ll3S 644-6200 901 Oover Drive Harbor View Center lrwone at !"ampu\ Valley Center 712·1414 a..,_.1.ach 1048 L...-MICJllltl 1052 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -·Causey & Company IMVESTM91TS OCEANFftONT du1.1lcx in North end Each umt 2 bedroom:.. 2 lrnlhb $500.000 Nc'W SA;~ CLl::M !::NT!-; view duplex I::arh unit 3 bedroom!>, 2 l.Jatbi. $165.000 Laguna Niguel Realty .. You Ir Yow ChUdr~n will ltivt• this 3 Hdrm forruJy home in cxcep UOtldl.ly nice area. Close to beaches. schools & (wy. Elec blln kltch., washer. d ryer included i''l!oced yard 1'96.500 493-9494 495-5220 49~2413 830-5050 QUIET & PRIVATE Cheerful. air). :i bd 2 ba house back1nl( on ~·rma ncnt i:rl'enbt-lt Fnc'd front & haek varc.b.. CU\ t.'rcd patio Nc~tlcd in tht> tuLL-. of l.af!un.i N1~uel Sea Countr~ Comparl! this value Bv owner m:J,000 Ph 831 9627 REM ODELEU 3 - BEDROOM home near WHITEWATER beach . Separate 1 New French Prov 4BR bedroom guei.l unit w/lg 1rreg lot, upgraded tl!i2.500 lnt.eriors. Lols of wood 1104 So. Coast H1way 1n Village f'air LAGUNA BI::ACll 497-2457 Bkr Only $.325.000 640-6259 Minion Viejo I 067 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~~~~~~I ONLY $8:i.OOO :i br ho ml' = in M. V v.ilh o forever PACIFIC ISLAND VILLAGE Ocean view r ondo 1n adult community Spacious 3 bdrm .. 3 baths. 2 fireplace:.. roun try kitchen & m any other extras . Owners mulit se11 ! n~.ooo 3 Monarch Buy Pla'za Laguna Niguel 49~7222 831-0836 Lal)IMa Hilts I 0 50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• A.5SUME 87r VA LOAN. Take over $440 mo pay mcnts. No qualirying. no loan cost. Clean ho mt•. quiet neighborhood . $76.900. 770-6123. LAGUNA VIEJO RLTY 1..acJ11na MICJIMI I 052 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MIG&. SHORES in th!'l~~~O~lvate community or Niguel Shores behind guarded gat es. a ~pa c1oui­ beaut1 fu I ly k c pl ;J bedroom home with huge vaulLed wood beamed t.'ellmgs in the "'''"it rm Formal dining rm. fam1 ly rm and breakfas t nook. All w ith large yard. custom stonework front and rear -PLUS fabulous r ecrl!a l1 o n view won't last 770 IW23 l..J\GUNA VI F.J 0 HL'tY Newport Beoch I 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COHO<> IY OWMER 3br8'4Jba. 199.500 Near Hoag 5-15·3639 EXECUTIVE HOME Btil spar1ou.s 4 bdrm. rm ly home w /lvly night light view. Wet bar & wood decked backyrd Sec & romparc this lvly harbor view excrut1ve home on fee land St>ller mouvatt.'<i. 6'6·7711 Real f:'ll:itc• ~~~Q .P.~~' w/poo l. Jar. ram rm, completely remodeled Big lot much more• Owner Wiii r1nnnre No r red1l needed SIS5.000 balance Ask for Ed Oiernow 964 2455 SEASIDE COTT AGE OHLYSl 15,000 Char ming 2 ~lory 3 bdrm. 2 ba. sundeck or mslr bdrm Upitr ad('d lhruoul. new appliances Walk to beuch Newly of rerec1. 759· l501 fnr11ities with features ----------• too numerouii to mention -AN D access to privule oouch ONLY $167 ,SOO CALL 644--721 I /Jn NIGl l llAILEY Ii. ASSOCIATES IXCITIHG VIEW of snow rapped moun Ulu\'J and c1ly lights A lovely 4 bedroom "Edin· borough Model" in ex· cellenl condition: family room. kitchen and e ntry with Imported Spnnl~h tile floorin g All new car peting. paint. d111 hwashcr and rurnare Mast.er bal.h well located t.o easily add spa/hot tutt or jacuui. " pl1i1u1ure to show. Owoor mny rJ1rry teeond t.rutll deed. Well prtced al$JQ9,000. COLI OF MEWPORT REALTORS 615-HI I UNDER *·000 In Laauna Niguel. s br 2l' b• ~on grtenbell. 'rnHU23. LAGUNA VIEJO KL TV 3br t b•. rm rm pauos. DO uaoc. (Ha ~.900 -.cm . DU,LEX By owne r . reducec1 lo $175,000. BoUl 2 BR unit" I blk to ocean Good in <.'tune area. 675·0475 CHOICE9'4.I . LOCATIOM <>ML V"S'l 85,500 Entertainers d('ltghl huge Cmly rm w/walk In bar At lge enough for your pool table, din rm will ar· commodate lge ~roul)!'I Lvly secluded yrd for total pnvocy A charm 1ng s par1uus home 759-1.501 EACAl'SMEST n.Mf. RARE o rPOKTUNl'fY TO ACQUIRE FRO M FSI'ATE OF ORIG INAL OWNF.R. n us "UN· OOMMON"' It SCARCE 3 OR £ND UN IT . UNEQUALLED PRIVACY, COMMAN OlNG BAY VlEWS & UNLJMITEO POTEN· TIAL VALUE Age nt 640-MGO Ottl~IHAL Oalb03 Island beoch housc with 2 bdrm!\ +newer 2 txlrm opl over dbl icara1tc. wlt.h rrp1 .. i;u • t •Pt with frpl C.1t>ar Seller w1 II ftNUK~• S2A9,000 \ MIWPOaT IUCH llAL TY '7 S-I '4Z ..... ., ,. . . . . . . ' . ' . . . . . . ~ . . I ~HERITAGE .-... ProfMrty 1400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Search Is Over Ht>ntrni; 1320 1111 rt In· Super starter with hu~e. dui.tnal s pac•! Santa lu.'lh yard romplN(' wtth An a . xlnt location. frwt trees! 2 bedroom Parkg AJso 660 sq rt or. home with dining, eatihg f1tt Lloyds Pc~l Cool . a rea, fire p lace and 979-tml bulltins T ree lined C:O..-rcial --------c ~f~ UK R Call Propttty 1600 TARBELL. ····;;;,;~·~;~;~ .... •.• REALTORS ONLY $40,000 take over 91;% loan at SlOOt mo 4 BR. r~. ba & 1JOOI Jlurry ' Ownrt agt. M&-0777 ----$10K Bl::LOW MARKl::T! BIG CANYON. 2 br rodo 1550' $158,700 ALSO elegant 3 br homl!. 2Qx40 pool & JaCU~7.I. lgl! yrd. $129,900 Agt 673-4311 DOVEi SHORES Gorgeous house-best VICW 4 llr. 4 Ba. ram rm. A/C. 3 .car $~50,000 Owner 646-4700 evei. WestchH. 4br + pool, ror· ner lot. 963-0914/631-0471 Pnn.onJy BYOWMER Newport Shores 3 BR. 2ba. Clubholl!>e. pool & rec rac1I avail 1911.000 64&8402 •BEST BUY• Ea. ... u.11urr Condo V1t>"'~ .... ell I.cpl mdn) rui.1om features $165.000 F'manr1al Coru.ultant Broker 645-2509 MEWPORT CREST COM DO Plan 3, 3 br 21~ ba. gd loc:at. upgraded. wet bar. rrurn>red wardrbs comm pool. Jacuzzi. tennis rrts. Sl.35.000 PCM Realty 833-8430 WATERFRONT COM DO Jbr2ba V1ew/i;hp l...'><' 'opt Sl.59.500 545-3639 BEACH "FIXER ,, Cute 3 br beac h hse Wood beam ceil1ngi; Bnrk frplc Needs ~•)rk but you Saw $13S.OOO. Hurry. call now• 645-7221 MEW EXCLUSIVE LISTING UDO AT ITS BEST 5 b('droom~. ~ baths. lar1ow rounlr)' k itchen wtltl fireplace Fabulous for entertaining Com· fortable home for lar((e f;im1I) Call now. 1l won't l<L,l 1 $475.000 BURR WHITE REALTOR. IMC. . 675-4630 SPACIOUS 2DR. den OR. LR. view+ l BR a pl over gar+6 car prk'g . 215 Sl Andrews Rd See b y appt Agt Crane 540-0608 "BLUE WATER" Churrrung N ll. homl' 1n choice location. S1ti. on a lvly greenbelt w /privule pool. 4 lge bdrms. rrmt di11 rm. huge fmly rm. 2 ovcri1ized stone rrplcs. Offer ed al S239,500 759-1.!iOl IG & llAUTIFUL I EAGaTOGO 5 nn 3 Bo . Snmtr !lct kit<'ht' nook rarnllv " ~ l1t b11r. d1ntniz rm. 2 £pie's. ''1ew o Nl'w11ort C't•nll'r A pottln JZ s h ed . flrl\·111·y & u prlt't' v o u 1· n n 't h ea t Owner h11s bouaht a n ol h 1>r h o m t' R11bmit nil oHer~ '211,6()(), 1801 r ort Carlow -· Onwntown b us iness Get Ready For Those Simmeri ftCJ Hot Days Spark.l.ing pool 111 lovely yard. JUSl in time for summe r 1 3 bl'droom fam.1ly home with d1n1n~. catJng area. family room ar ea and f1rt•pi<H'•' IJaUo $84,000. Bl\.H Call 5'10·1'r.!O TAABB.l. --· prop l'Om er loc in lbe besl ret&1I area, approx 2800 :. q rt As k 1 n g $290,000 Realonomtrs b~ MURSEIY SCHOOL Llr'd for« ch1ldr<'ll ~ 3 bedrm, 2 ba humt> on back"' large 101 Park Place.Inc 842· 7461 CoftdoMiftiu1ns/T own· houwl for ""• I 700 •············•······•·• •GA~SAVER •. Near everything. Terms 2br $58,500. Agnt. 17141 8411-0767, 963-9077 eves . INVESTORSSP1':CIAI.. o.iellff/ A.'ISUml' 9r,. $464 mu (Wts ~ 1800 4-Br, 2Ba. 2 yrs old. nr ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ha.rbor/F.dinf(er $79,000 EASTSIDE FP Owner 557 til9!l "·~ lS 1 1 t .... ~tom uru on 'e o . real U!ak wood 1otenor , I 098 huge frplr . new plumb •••••¥••••••• •••• ••••• 1ng t,, roof Only ~.500 YOU CAH Owiwr64o-O!ll7 huy lht.-. neat 4 ht:1lrm. 2 lllCOfM Property 2000 ba i:a.o;h to loan No qu..ih •••••••••••••••••• •• ••• ~~req'd 1'"ull pn te 4 ~ & Dpb ParkPlare.lne!S-1274fil ~ 2BR 1• JSR with garages & yards. Great HARD TO 8E4 T! F.ast:.1de locatJOn. soo.ooo 4 BR. 2~1 ba. w/lge ram1 down Owner will carry ly rm & formal dine rm ronlroct $320.000. Assu m able 1n"'·: V A IOOJ'l. ~ PR€HJG€ Parle Place.In<· 1:142 741{1 /"" + J HOM€~ Oii« Real Estate :roJW Coast Hwy, N B •••••••••••••••••• •• • •• 645-6646 1100 .....••.•.•.........••• I ACRE INVESTMENT PROPF:RTY Ill Acres. can be s plit to 2•, acre parcels . Shows xlnt return Inves tor l.Crntb nroker on 500!! & 679·2823 1''0R YOUR MOBILt-: ur. HOM ESITE Room fo r pool, barn. rorralb and arumals Xlnl &ermi. Broker ... _ .... ____ __ 677-5609 & 679·2823 DUrl.EX Ets1de Costa Mesa 20'1 Sl6,900 down. 80~ hnanc1ng, no STfPS TO BEACH points. fast esrrow . Obi wtde '61 tra1lerama <>wnlBlcr s.&2·7407 I DN5186) 3 pvt brh & ._ _______ _ pier Sub lelllnft allow('d Locatro 111 Treasure Is :n!Ol Pacific Coast Hwy La!! Bch. Offered by Re n a1.ssli n ce M P TI4499-3811i 2 'h ACHS LNVESTMENT PROPERTY ~ Acres. ran be spht lO 1~. acre parcels Shows xlnl return Investor t.1:rm.-. Broker 671 51100 & ti 79 2823 Start your own ranch . ._ _______ _ Plenty of r oom fo r mobile or. home and ba rn Xlnt terms Broker tm .SWJ & 67!1·2823 4PLEX llunungton Beaf h 20<-:'r On. 80% financing. No Points. fast e:srrow Own/ Bkr . 8'12 7·107 Walk lo beach. 12· Exp:rn •---------~~~ do. pn<'ed lO sell l 131t . I ba. lrg porc h 34202 Del Clnspo. 1127. Oan11 Pt BAY FRONT Luxunous mobLle home hv1og w1 lh S PDl'IOUS cabana. lbr w1t.h den. re ment patio. stone frpk plush new 1:arpct1ni( throufthout 2 le\ e ls. open beamed l'l'l lln~s. xlot cood llom l' in eludes stove and rerng at unbelievably low pnce oU49.500 673 7890 7 UHITS·C.M. Beaut. ne w buildin g. 1<ireplace!.. xlnl location ~Ll nvmL, 642·1603 HEAR BREAK EV91 15%DOWH 4-Plex A:.sume St'lll'r will c arry pa1.11•r Man:lj?\'mcnt 3\Jll /~('nl GJry 0 Uos lcr ~i0-4:mR or 536·:!4911 Pnnr11.1ab only FOUR UMITS·C.M. Near new. 3 Br owners urut. 2 ba frpl. 2·car AcnoCJe for Sal• I 200 gur .. 3 2 Br. 2 ba. units . ••••••••••••••••••••••• TSL. In\ ~tmL'\ •¥12· 1603 LNVESTMENT PHOPERTY 10 Mres. ran be sphl to 21, acre parcels Show11 xlnt retur n I nv(•stJJr terms. llrokl!r 611-~ & 679 282:.r 16ACRES BELA IR E U f'' FALL.DROOK PRIME AVOCADO LANO IN PRES T IGI OUS KELEAff ESTATE CAN BE SPLIT 29' ~ b alance down owe $368.000 Pnnc. Only. Mike Wink. ~-OSM. Agnl INVESTMENT PROPERTY 5 Acres. can be spilt lo 1'4 ac re parcels. Shows xlnt ret uro. Investor !Hms Broker. 677·5009 • 679-2823 PALMDISHT ***** 19 Fourvlexes lly owne r f1r1l'Ci. ex· tremcly low s~llcr will cnrr)' all nnanelnl[ at 9l.,•~ L-. Cash Row Low Down Payment ltllr. 714/542·3676 Ci\LL t 'OR SETUP .. * * * * IEACH DUPLEX Pnl'tt n .'Clueed lo only 1!!6.950 M~t ~II SCOTIREALTY 536-7§33 SACllFtCE Two duplexes on 1d101n· 1n1t larire lots ni•ar Ntwport He1Rhts OWNER MUST SELL Flnanc1al Con11ulta11t Urolct>r 64~-~ Zonr for upprox 56 t'On dOll or &pla. Approx 5 arm . All uUI ovo1l 4 sln'<'t rront•ICNI Price S 3 7 S, 0 0 0 0 w n ll r .. __ ..... -.-.-.-.---.-.-714-328 3120 I ACaE l"OR YOUR MOBILE or. HOMESITE 1 Room for pool. barn, corrala and anJmals Xln,l te rms . ~t'r. fn.~" 179-2823 SWISS CHA&.IT Hlddeo I.ft~ plnet With an ocean 'View 11 thla dlannlftl A·trame on I \4 •~ w/tO rrw1 tret-11. (p a rt pl aotabl e lo avoeado>. 2 11Lull bam , bunk house likr, 1)67"6717. lllm·., ' IHDU511tlAL ILDG. 14.72Q Sq rt lnc:ludea 3200 .q. rt. ()( omces; compl tcly 11r·cood .. With heavy duty 1,000 amp power Lcais xi to logic tenant Xlnl re turm. $480,000 , '7M400 HARBOR \ lll\Nt1n ul I lurtlut lnH·-.1m1 nt { n .. 1 ~ w.clneeday Februwy n. tON Othtr' •••&tote ~RMI bt.t. le.a Ill .. • .......•....•.•• ~ ......•••••••••....•...•.•. ···••··•··•··•········• \ ~!.'.~:!? .. ~~.~~ ~!:'.~~ .. ~~~~ ~!'.~!'!? .. !!~~ .. OUR CLIENTS LOVE IMFLA TIOM Tht·rl' 1s num a miln ~ho'tl h ppllv ~t.·11 hi !ltock nr mu tu al fund:. for "hul ht• potd for 1hc.·m 4 or ~ y 'IH'S u~o Would "vu :.t1ll \'uu1 hnmt' or 1ncom.-pro1J rlv rur whut vou p.11tt tnr 1t 1 ,,r ~ ) t':Jr.i u~o 1 Our r henll t't>nttnu1• lo pn>:.p.•r h' bu~ 111~. :-.1•lltn.:, net t•xch&anr•nf.! n •o l t>M..ilt' Tal..:int.: ttw fir..,\ sh'J> 1~ ortt>n the h.1rdl'~t onl'. If you'n· r,•u1I) to moh• UJ) nr ~t . rt \Ollr tnH•ir.tmenl pro1trnm. bul h.t ,. lw,·om'' ''tlnrw.t d ""h ull 1hr Rspt•tts of today\ 11wrl...1•t . lht.•n t·unlt' to Lht• t''([H'rts 1'1l Quall Plnct· Proix·rt1l'' fur -..011d pruft•,-.1onnl C'ounM·hn~ Pyramid vour t'<llltt it·~ ''1th ,111 t>'C'htrni:.-und nr purchl.lM' with an t')'l' l\.hWrtb h1 ~h fut urt• rN urn:. tor ~vour JtOldl'rl )'eurs AGfKT'S ..it a•o•os \\t• haH' a frv. pw .. nwn~ open for h c~n~t.J proh•-.. .. .ion:ab "ho "(lulci llkl' tn uHthalt' "1th Or~rng,• l 'outtl' ' f .1-.lt''l ~ro" "'~ prurt·-.~ional Real f'..,tutt• nr~amrnllon Wt• 0<-'" ha\ 1• :H allablr •· 7!*.000 Dll P LF X OranAt' C'ount' P.1lm~ and gar.1~, . .., • B A I.BO ,\ l S I. \ '\ 0 l>LI t't.t-::\ T1 .tdt.· do\\ n only $230.000 • C 0 S T J\ \.l E S ,\ ()lJ Pt.t':X Eal·h unit 2.000 ~<1 fl SlMJ.5-0Q.. • 3 BDRM r 2 HDRM Cos ta Mt•sa $W3.900 • JI 0 U S t-. duplex Ont:mo S86.50<l + • ORANGE TRI PLJo:X ES Got two' SI 14.500 <.ind SI 15.500 • COVINGTON 4-plt-x Pride of ownership $200.000. • 4 HOUSES/ONE LOT - yard, $170.000. • 4-PLEX pride or ownership 3 bdrm. 2 hath owner's unit with fireplace. S225.000. • 4 -PLEX . r e c:£>n tl v refurbished Beautiful golf course \'icw. $155,500 • 4 llOUS ES/ LARGE LOT Costa Me s a $242.000. • 4 UNITS -Costa Mt·sa. $180.000. • 2 DUPLEX ES. 4 units. SJ35.000. Cost a Mesa • 2 DUPLEX ES. 4 uniti-. ('<Jt.'h w11h f1replal'e Huntin g t on Beal'h $175.000 • 4 SP/\CIO S UN ITS - $ J 6!). 000. • 6 ORANGJ.; COUNTY UN ITS. $210.000. • 8 ORANGE COUNTY UNITS. $195.000 • 8 ORANGE COUNTY UN ITS. $205.000. • 8 UNITS , 2 4-plexes, pride o f ownership. Hun tington Bea <'h . $450.000. • 12 UNITS. 3 4-plexes. Orange County. pride of ownership. 3 bdrm . ow n er 's unit wit h fireplace. $675.000. • 14 UN ITS -Orange County -· One year old. S597.000 • 15 UNITS -Santa Monka A Close to beach. $775.000. • 16 UN ITS <4 4-ple>.es) Orange County. 5650.000. • 16 UNITS -Orange County. $400,000. * 16 UNITS Pride or owne rship -I luntmgton OcuC'h S900.000. •. * 17 UNITS o~ean $760.000. • 19 UN ITS -Oran1'!e Coun t y Spani s h arch1tc<'lurc. $410.000. • 20 llARD TO F I ND pride of ownership units -Costa Me!iti . SS.50.000. • ~o PH I Dti: OF nw 1-:H.~lllP l1Nl1~ II uni 1nj?L on Rt•a d\ lO\\l\hUUS(' ~•y lt• O\\-nl>r 's unit Sl.12!i.OOO • 2 0 l l N I T S HI \ERSI DE 2 :,tor) i!a rot>n sty I<.> $382.000 • 22 ITS ANA llEI M $535.000 • 23 UNITS SANTA MON l(.'A Subt£>rranean j')Mkmg. Sl.SH0,000 * 23 UNITS -SANTA MONICA Balc'onie~ Sl.650.000 • 23 UN ITS -SANTA MONICA -Elevator a nd :,u bt l'rrancan pa rkin,g Sl.R00.000. * 24 UNITS -ORANGE COUNTY. All units have fircplaces and endosed 1'!arages. Sl.350.000. • 24 UNITS -ORANGE COUNTY. $605.000. • 25 UNITS RIVERSIDE -Close Lo (.'Ollcge. SSS0.000. * 26 UNITS JIOL1'YWOOD -pool and air rond1tioned. $880.000. • 27 UN IT S llOLl.YWOOO !-\ubte r ranean pa r king. SJ .430.000 • 28 PR I DE OF OWNF:RSlll P UNITS - I luntin,c?ton Beach -11 2 miles to beach SI.575.000. • 2!J UNITS balconies & wet bars in ca<'h unit - Hollywood. Sl.070.000. • ~ ORANGE COUNTY pride of ownership units. Owner 's unit with t'eram 1 c tile & wood-bu-rning fireplace s 1.800.000. • 34 UN I TS HUNTINGTON BEACH - f i r e p I a c c s & p a· ti o s . SI .300.000. • 35 UN IT S HOLLYWOOD pool. s 1,650.000. • 36 UN I TS HUNTINGTON BEACH - Own your own s t r eet! Pride of ownership -3 bdrms. 2 bath owne r 's unit with fireplace. $2.025.000. • 40 UN IT S I I 0 LL Y W 0 0 D suhtcrrane~n parking and ~l'tur?t\ features . ~2.800.000 . * 85 I l 'NITS W. H OL(YWOOD -10 sec urity g u ar d s. $2 ,000,000. • t 12 UNITS $2.800.000. £>xc hange. • 11 2 UNlTS Hollywood near frC't•wav . $3,400.000. . • 125 UNITS -41,2 vears old. $2,37!l.OOO. . No driveby's please. In deference to the wishes o f our property owners. please do not ask for addresses. If you a r c a sincere buyer . seller. or exchanger please call for . nn a ppointment or visit our office Open daily and weekends for your convenience. • 114 UNIT. DISNEYLAND area motel. now unde r cons truction. Turnkey at $4.275.000 · • Major hote l with room to build in Orange County • RETIRE MENT HOME to be built. $4,418.000. • SHOPPING CENTER site package next to regional c-ente r . $4,450,000. • SHOPPING CENT E R -Orange County. $640 ,000. • OFFICE BUILDING -Orange County. $1,700.000. • R. V. PARK -283 Siles. $1.500.000. •MOBILE HOME PARK. $2.800,000. • 4 INDUSTRIAL buildings for $2,000.ooo! • INDUSTRIAL buildin~s. $280,000. $312.500. $1,925,000. • INDUSTRIAL sites in Riverside. • LOTS in Orange County,Rive rstde & San Diego Counties. Call one or our pfofessional sta ff of over 40. Large enough to ser ve. small enough to care. ACHMTS -4 llOKHS We have a few positions open for licensed professionals who would like to a ffnlatc with Orange County's fastest. growing professional Real E.c;tate Organization. Call for un appointment. QUAIL Pl.ACE PROPERTIES, INC. (714) 752-19'l0 ~~ ~.~~. ~!~!~ .... • j ~::'!~~ .... I ~·;!:!:.~~~~... :,:'f~.oneeda::.::=~Y.:..· F:..:•::b:,ru::;!IX::i,.:;28::,:•..:1:..:9:.:..:79:.,_ ____ ........:D:.:Al~\. "<.::_;.P•ll.:;;;O~T;....._.•-1!•~" t.c-Pto .. rty zo<r c. •"Meta J2Z4 tWl.,toR .. 4d 3: •o .._ .. , UnfW'lli~ ~ .. !'!:*~.'!'!~~ •• ~~.".~.~ .. ~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• N~w Oplic : l04 ll,8 a Rr&<kln. 3t., b1t, '"' blk Me.,,.....lnch 326' ... .,,..... .. ech 376' C:O.-Mne ll24 Maanoha (;ostu Mc1tli from Nwpl Di.ck Ha y Tfl'rt(I<' 3 br. 2 bll. patio, ••-••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• $11'4,SOO Owntr AJll•nt '""mplc 11lle """'· lN1nl~ rt'«Wd brd. icar l<uhi & 1m.a. ... u LIVIMG ..,. "B .. t d V11 '"""' n"tS K ••41t , ... ., -""" TOTAL ,.ice" r, lva. cp •• rptl. m~IH1\I ''tt.. Jacu1i.i & •1411un<1 A" ti,. 11 1 • ;""o "r ;"!!" ....,_ 2&311 HotMt pat.ao $285, $38$ depot11l¥ ~Ca1164J.~l. 91M2:500.97329?1 Wtden. l.R . ram rm. &425717orM&-1857. 75.2 CcMTllPLEX Thrt•(• 2 Rdrnl Ufllh IUIO.<UJ ti'JJ 14 lli. t'Vt''i or Y>IUlCb TAKI YOUR PICK / Uuµlt'll . <. M 181 !IOO filpkx t ' M ~ouoo 4 pll 11. Orn.,: $.:kl ~IO 1 pl(•x11'\nuh,•1m SIJOM (>wn..r mollvUh.•d will ht'lp hnli.ltl'C ~ 2t.IAI Nt•W w~ condo:s. din. dN'k, pat. rrplc'it, LIVING (8)ShaJJmar. f.....i bl' ., LOVl!:t..Y 3Br. 21.., ~a. !!lee au opener Both ·~""· .na. • <'•ric•raae bh.IVI. m1crowavl' oven. profe•!uooally dt•corat L.AMAMCHA APTS MSO & up 1076 C.nyon l'n<:I gar. yd SOOO mo t'd S600 & 1700 Call Apartments. f.arae I.~ bd garden Or !lit~ S637 lbt/la.:st + $300 s\'c ~rn Merlene at 631 3444 or Entertalnment. apu. Adult". Oshwhr. Nt-•t 2 br, ::• i hn condo Centva 846-9088. 842·4400 644-8889. bltns, -.,ncl. aar . gas bbq 2 ' I I Recreation . . • Pool. Gu P~. 778 Scott w / rp ce . poo ,......_°" y 365 d'hw'-· W9'1ht!ridrycr ,._.D• 3242 oura-Pl.6'2·$073:645-SGll ~· M kids or JJCtl! ••••••••••••••••••••••• *UDO ISLE• daya a yearl w..-... YllcMJ-~ •ltl "!' olc $135 AMl. no :l br townhse. boat.. slip. 3 BR. 2 ba. Lrj! Sunny • 9•crutllul Sin111e. Beautiful brand new Cl'\l 9ti4 2.566 , 973-2971 pool, teMis Agt. Ouinu Pal.lo. Access to tennt5. I 6 2 Bedroon\ adult apta No pets Pool, Me.":i Verde 4br, 2bu Nt•w 840-4027. bch & club Call Frunk rl.IJ'ft&aMd 6 Jacuu.i ~ndally . • SELECT KA.lrt. <213> G$3·7900. ... .. s drnres/carpets. $~~o ~LUXURIOUS untwuj&)l.d ~ • b • .,, t. PROPERTIES C'al Roy. 898 2641 , or ......,...... . Apa:nmenta. Bach. '2S5 $265 ~ 9332 HACH CONDOS 11G CAMYOM • AU Utilitm Pend ~: :~ hSJIAHI' UNI IS . • 0 b b 12 3 Bedrooms Tcnn1'I, _,. .... 1 C""""'DO _,., 1-.a'll Sidi• C'M OWC •" 0. 3 r, 1 a, non pool,SOrll('Shp<1. ~ V1"" •No1-Reqwred TSl.Mgmt 645·8122 .,: ... ,()()() 11 6 X uro:..i i.mok~rs R~f ·:. 989 Waterfront Properl1ei. For lease. 11va1l. now. 3 • Swunrrunq Tenrua :;-~1.,,,. 673 ._,57 "' Arbor 548 1005/548·03511 21.3/59'.!·2813 Bdrms .. 3 baths. with lli.lllarda Beaut. brand new adult .... 714/840.6608 spacious hv area. Lovt apts . Spac. I & 2 hr Enghsh hunting lodge ly yard & entry aru • Anim.... O.recto< w/townhse style . to'rpk. 2200 ly~ 3br den, 2ba. 3 '"IM 3244 Sl200Mo.lncl.gar<tcnl•r f'r"Sunday llNMh•• LndTY rm. tmmcd. oc ••••••••••••••••••••••• frpl r , bri<•k crtyrd ••••••••••••••••••••••• am.HUDSON •Hecitu.ctl.lbt l"""u•• c'py. Loh for Sak ~~"~irit'.c~1~:olo~~~ !:f~7:;o 5S1·22t5 or ~~c~'~!:. l~a~\~t~ UAL.TOR 644-0322 PLUS MUCH MOREi ~t·_i2nB1a ~~-L~ dt•r class l200 Oakwood TSL Mgmt 642-9412 -1 BR. stall shower. patio. rm. 2 frplcs, dbl gar.It in NO FEE! Apt & Condo l.'ORONA DEL MAR LUT lndry rm. 1~ blk tu i:: Uruvers1ty Park $545 rentalli. Renlal Pavilion Garden Apartments CCMMtry S•ttilMJ ttt-al'ty to build AP 17th St. shoppi.ng & bus. 551-1549 or 551 5790 675-4912 Bkr Tues-Sat Newport Beach/North UIO E. 21st Street pr o v l' d PI a n 'I New crpl. drps, llle. A new 2br townhouse S390 3 br. 1 ba. d.shwhr. new 880 Irvan.. F.ustside 2 br & den sphl $l:i0.000/bstofr 646 3627 stove & paint Mature mo 759.0121 . l"496·1206 crpt. across from bay 1 10116th) level . Frplc. deck . Chotct.> 111~w or t111rbor lot adlu.. no l'hildren or pets aft lO::l> AM blk to bch. gar 752.5005 (7141 64~ 0550 skyl!ght, all extras. $4.20 ml P:.tl'lfl <' Dr. COM 1295 ~1178 Newport Beach/South mo. No children or pel:i. Owner bwld 10 l>Wl or Jo:ASTSIDE 2 BR. NO • RENTALS 3 bdrm 2i,, b11 110016,h si Days 646·4262; eves sell $200,000 543 lil48 DOGS. 5375. 268 c B 1 31JR. 2ba... $475/625 Townhoose Beaut1rully !Oovtr 01 161111 _64.S--_9543 __ . ____ _ eves Costa M e~a Str eet 4BR.2'"zba.NB . SlOOO decorated. boat '!.lip m41114181,0 MobHe 11o111t I TrirPrits 2300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DeAIUa Bay Side V1llagl' Jbr MoblleHome. Newly decorated. $27.500 Lcrm~ Boal Doek. Pvt Heh Pool . J1tcuit1 Clubhouses Broker/ Owner . 631 49 20 / 675-8458. o.tof~ Property 25 50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• A'iSUME 734''4 no qualify. ing S52.000 Condo 2Br. 28a. frplc Pool, JS<'. nr golf course Ownr Oceanside. I 757-4035 VIEW LOT, Mammoth Lakes. VISTAS 11 . by owner. 1·934 2194 645-9341 SanClementc avail $850 per mo 2 BR. 2 ba $450/$500 879-6310 or 525-6005 3226 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lovely 2 BR 2 BA. ocean ••••••••••••••••••••••• WOODBRIDGE Beaut. Towhs. 2br 2ba Retreat. Oen. 1?0H MOVE I N TODAY' course.pool /Jae lblkto Brand new Woodbndl!C bch S525 liGI 1295, Glen 3 bedroom homt· 4.92 4727 Adult• unly no pvll Mod .. I• open doily 10 7 Ea.'llsade 2 br. bllns. no peti.. i\dults . SJIO 64().1Z78; 552-4201 evei. art 5 1 br. steps to beach. pool. 2 Br, l ba, all elcc. Brand lndry&eocl gar nPw. 187 E. 18th St S350 ~ 640 5078 mo Agt 541-5032 ST&tS TO IEACH 2 BR. 1 ba, yrly $400 4 BR. 2 ba . yrly. S750 2 BR. I ba. yrly $435 COROMA DEL MAR 3 BR. 2 ba. yrly $1200 associated BAOl<EAS REALT•)AS l02'. W 8'olbna e,,n lOt;) "TIIE VlCTORlAN'' 2 Br stod10, 11 ~ ba w /gar. adlts, cpt.s. new drpi.. range, fncd yd w/pat10. wupd. U>:;. 667 Viclona 6311.4120. 1-5. MESAPIHES l Br 0)5. Frplc. J>OOI. jacuzzi. gas bbq. clos(.'<i gar Adults. no pets. 2650 Harla Ave, S49-2A47. Newly decorated 3 br. 2 bu ---------townhouse. Spacious ~nts fireplace & pool. Quiet u..fwNshed area Adult!>. no pcl$ ••• •••• •• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • $400 645'-3381 ; 675-5949 Refttals vu . frpk. gar. $450 mo ••••••••••••••• •• ••• ••• anel uuJ Eves 830-1919 with central air. up grades. good location Nice 2 Br. crpls drps • and only $475 per monlh stove. refng. encl i:ar includes r ccreau onal Yard $350 550-4314 facililles and main· -t-_-1..-~------ lai)oolMcmd 3806 •••••••••••••••••••• ••• So Coast Plaza area, dlx 3 Br 2 Ba 4-plex. encl. gar. Houws Fumi~ •••••••••••. •••...... •• Ocean View Condos lbr. spacaoos. new. quah· apes carpels bit IO!> g~7 port Yrly S425 !!>. 7Gs-7336 art SP-M CoroMdetMar 3122 Dix 2 & 3 Bdrms. •••••,••••••••••••••••• Washer/dryer incl Ten· CLEAN 2 BR. Gara~e. ~· pool~Jat• From S400 tenence. ._._ ~str.o 3278 1a11oo Pettitt~ 3807 3 BR. 2 BA. frplc, fenc • •••••••••••••••••••••• patio & ocean v1i:w ~598<> __ g_e_nt_. ___ _ Jr WOODBRIDGE REAL TY, New 3 bdrm + den Rec. faobues. Close to Dana Pt 832-0264 •••••••••••••••• •••. ••. yrd. encl gar ... adults. nr S A. Country Club. $425 Lg bayfronl 2 Br 2 Ba. 673-8139/631 1816 $550/mo !°>'tl 6727 4Br. 3Ba. spa, nr new. 551-3000 frplc. gara~c . prt v -------- beuch Yrly lse 1\l.lults Dix 2 Br. 2 Ba. 10 4-plex. only. no pc Ls $1150 nr So. Cst Plaza q111~t biJ.2162 cul -de-:.a<'"I blt1n ~. Costa MHG 3124 close to Dana Hills High ••••••••• •••• ••. •• ••••• 33101 Buccaneer. 493-8212 ---------3280 Ideal l0t·3Br, 2Ba twnhi.e . 2 rar gar. pool. $400 mo 847 3563. 557 2179 ---Hwltington hach 31 40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beaut Condo nr M<1rina & beaches 3Br 2ba, pool. J3C . teon1s. $425/mo iioo6 Paseo Corona. No pets/smokers . 831·2816 LagYna a.och 3248 ••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lg 2 Br Todor. No SA. 3 BR. 1 ba. fncd yard. handsome!~ rcs lored. dcl'k, secluded , $550 mo, many e xtra~. $49:). 1 yr lease. 1·481·7532 639-0054 e ... esrwknds. garage. no pets $335 Very clean Bach 1"' blk 64<1 64.2l to beach $26.'i per mo --------util incl 075-3029 wl..nd HEW DUPLEX orevei. -------- Beachwalk.2BR +guest New hoosc 3 br. 2 ba. Lg 2 BR housl'. nr SmlthLGCJUftCI 3286 STEPstobctl 2br.1Jallo. room, pool, ,acuzz1. close frplc, family rm. canyon h 1gbsch 00 1 . p, t ••••••••••••••••••••••• carport, W I D. rurn/un 2 br, 21? ba. every a men!· ty. 1650 sq ft. Obie gara~e . Huge yarrl w/room for trlr, CH· $495 67J.63.16; 642·9666 to bl'h. Great loc. SSSO v\cw $525. 493·7112 $i50/mo. 494-8l78 Fa.ntasuc View Monarch furn $500 yrly 675-77~ mo 536-3507 Summit. adlt c·omm lrtiM -3144 Bloro 3232 CUstomblt.3 bdrm.2 ba. 2BR&den $550/mo 2 br.frplc,yrd.gar.ncar ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• walk to beach, no pets. Comm. clubhOUS{'. pool. S400fcrry & shopptn~ 5., •. G"'l7 ALL ADULT Ans MOW AV AILAIU 2 Story. 4 br. 2 ba, d1nin" $650/mo. 494·6833. JaCUUJ, el<' Teal & Hab· "" "' Uruv. Prk short term lsc. " k R all J 499 4797 March-June J Br. 2 Ba. rm. frplc, dshwhr. patio, LagilnaHllls 3250 c..'OC e Y nc · S230 Bach lncd . u11I 2 br apt. Pool, jacuzzi & BBQ area. Encl. garuJ;c. adults no pels. S550 fncd yd. gar Kids & pets ••••••••••••••••••••••• Houses fiMnlished or 11,blks to beach. 67:1 6279 552 7896/551 1245 ok. $525. Agt No ree. Super J bedroom.· 2 ba. Unfwnished 3300 aft 6wkd SORRY NO PETS 177 E. 22NDST 3148 964-2566; 973-2971 frplc. dshwhr. patio. fncd •••••••••••••••• •••• •• • --------- Lagilna a.och yd, gar. Kids & pets ok On the beach! 2br. 2006 W C.1ean 1 br. ut1I incl SJ20 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FcwitoinVaHey 3234 S435. Agt No fee Oreanfront.Furnorunr. 675-7876 eves; 54742002or .. 2ba.allclcc .grnd Costa Mesa 645 2498 2BR semi furn. 190 Ca-••••••••••••••••••••••• 964-2566; 973-2971 759-1677: 631-0900 days noor. cov park. no pets, n.yon Acres Or. S39:> Ph Oose to elementary schl, CcronadetMar 3122 SJSO 310 V1ctorra 213/399,2501 or645-8009 3Br. 2Ba w/lg den. frplc. ~h~~:~ ~n~;.'.2 bf:!:~ ~= 3425 ....................... &&2·2164 /673-0782/552-4894 Newport leoch 31 69 dpn•~~w,:,s~:Qr · ~-~vco'icd 962-0925or892·7530 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NICE 2 br upper dplx 2 Bdrm l Bath. $3SO mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• · 1 s · £mpl'd sgl or marned 2189 Pac1f1c. no peL'i. Call R No pets. SS8S mo. Af{t no 3Br. 2Ba Condo. rec 2 br,2 ba condo. country ,...., No smokers or ""ts 54&5880. Pam Dlx Bayfront plan Con· fee964-2566, 973-2971 center pool $425 mo ~Lt.mg. pvt ch1lds park. W 640•4999 r --- 0021 ... bin NBluffs I 26Br +337deln. LL_,..11,..on •-och 32 .. 0 rm-2.844or83i·l317 picruc BBQ. J pools, Jac. Condo. nr baek bay. Ideal ~ a r P<>O 75 ,...._,,.,. _. .. cl~. ~ar <1lorage, nr I BR Waterfront ;.ipt, $350 2 s ingles. 2 bdrm eu S..ta Ana 3180 ••••••••• •••••••••••••• LAICJW'CI Hl~I 3252 Cst Plaza Child OK. no mo least' w/ba Bltns. cpts, drps, ••••••••••••••••••••••• New-elegant·2 bedroom ••••••••••••••••••••••• P e t s S 3 !I 0 675-3282. 9 :;PM dbl gar S400 mo 998-4761 $.)5(),or2bcdroom+den 4 BR. den. 2 Ba. fplc. &l2 t0M/G735781 bef 5pm. 646-1812 aft 1.., house for rent. ut1IJ>cl . ru~ yard. children K . no pets. $250. 548 8300. CV!<, 556-0007 $575 Cedar & window bltns. pvt atnum. 3 car , NEWLY REMODELED 2 7pm/wknds Adlli., no home Five blocks to gar Tennis. pool & NC\4 2br2ba incl util Ten bedroom front house pets beach. Private 2-car beach. Pvt. comm $800 ru s, pool Jac. rec. rm with r1replact• 600 block ...;._ _____ _ j!ara~e. Fully m a in-759-1465 S500 972 1000 ol Mungold $450/mo I BR. stall shower. patio. la1Jled yard Adults. No Condo. 2 br. l"• ba, blln __ E_•_es_6_7_5·_2_5_l_s__ lndry rm. ··~ blk lo t:: pel.s lnqwre at 527 18lh Newport leach 3269 A iC. :;aunJ, 1,001 & 17th St shopping & bus ••••••••••••••••••••••• Slrcel. 1714) 960·6331. ••••••••••••••••••••••• S Lg lbr Orean Front Jpl fli ew crpt. drks. tile. r-.i.~ leach 3218 Ja<.'UZZI New cpt Nr QIM Sin°1t• profesi;1onal stove & paint. ~alun.· _..,...rr_,., Bolsa/Springdale 4 hr. 2 .......... ~port Cr~st Condo CsL Plaza. $425 55!1-8420 "' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ba, rncd yd. l!arage K1cts ;B;, 21/t ba Some 1><'c1tn a!t 6pm ~~~.f~~~~;~~~g S400 ~~l~5~~55c_~~~d8ren or Mod. 3 BR 2 BA. frplc . & k ... •5 A N ,... end yard,occanvu.$525 petso ...... · gt 0 view S600/mo /\gt 2 br penthouse . pool ----mo.49G-7400 fee 964-25fl6: 973·2'J71 -~--------adults. $375. Mary Ellen. SPYGL~S HILL l)Jplex 2 BR I Ba. encl Adams/MaonolJa 4 br. 2 CtITE 2 Bdr~ w1frplc. 661 2311 Eves 83l·7584 4 & family, dinm11 rm. icar Mature adults, no CoronadetMar 3222 ,. ~an view, Jtardener & peL<i $310mo 964-10:>5 ba. frpk, dsbwbr, palm. bnck walks. lrg patio & 1 d d s fncd yd, garage Kiel.., & yard, $485 t mo Ph 3 br. 2 ba. pool. JaC'uzzi wmoHter inc u e · 1650 S375 Nr new 2 br. 2.ba. . ..................... . Oceanside or Hwy Sharp 2 bdrm. Surwr palm, 2 c ar gJragc·. washer /dryer hook ups $450 yrly 640·4137 3 BR. fam rm . Jasmine Creek : on greenbelt. some view $1100. • 2 BR. 2 ba .. canyon vu. adllS S525. AJ,?t 673-5354 MIMllAYVIEW 2 bdrm s pacious multi· level m canyon park set tmg. Lg dbl garg. + c'<· l.l'a parlung 2700 Bayside Dr. For appl owner, 67f>.6675. 3224 ••••••••••••••••••••••• New, ex~ra dlx townhouse unil. 3 br. 2 ba. $650/mo OR2br, 2ba for SSSO/mo. Porthole. skybght win- dows, open staircase, master bdrm sulte. Call Unda Hart 646·717! or 645--T.m Supe,r clean 3 Br 1 Ba. cocL garage. ocean vu, oo pets. tall 675·10!>4 or 673-1023 £.side 3 ~r. 2 ba, gon.ge & pat.ao. $450. mo. 548-8204 or 646-2316 2br lba hardwood fir. beamed ceiling. fenc. )'Td. blu.M. Sm child OK No pets. ms 1982 e Meyer Pl 549-34M wknd orafl5:30. 3br. 2ba. dbl grg off qwet St. too0 mQ. Call Abe. 979·S370d ~s I 556· 9956 cva.Agot. 3 BR hse. trg backyd. Im· mediately avaLI, $400 mo. 645-9161. 3 Br 2 Ba, frplc. 1arage. •~ yn old loca~ near So. C:OUt Plaza "95 mo &vu ~58·7U 7 Days M4..W.O ok Ed H S Newport Terrace $495 f I b I Cl pets · •son · $4ti.''\ 64.s-fi625 No pels . Call Rhell. NEWPORT CEMTER gar. rp c. al'. ose lo Agl. no fc<·. 9(14 2566. -2-bed ___ b_lh_L_d_l_I 962 .,o.7 Rr..a.•yy all 973-29?1 . l o . 1 o s e ..,.... ~ TSLMgmt -home. mo to mo $<150 640-1812 642-1603 acao 2b4r. dlb. gqr, 5 Ouldren and pets o k Apc:ritlwnts hmlthed blks.bch.N0Pcts .Ava1I 645·6441/640·l645cveH ••••••••••••••••••••••• CostaMesa )824 Feb iM s:r75 964 -2283 art 2 BR 1 BA, carport. kid OK. no dogs CplS. dn>s, •••••• •• •••............ _S29S __ m_o_,_83_1_·908 __ 1 __ _ 4 Bayshores. pvt comm charming2sty. lg patios Nl•W C-Ondo 2br 2ba, mcl (rplc, JBr. 2Ba. $875 uuJ Tennis. pool/jac. rec &12·5568or645·5054 rom $500 972· 1000 BRAND NEW 3Br, 21180 &!per new re mod. 4 BR 2 Condo, garage & carport, lia. close to all. S525. 6342 all amenities. t..se $550 Royal Oak. if68·9300 mo 64.2·5062 ---------1 rvine 3 24 4 '""-3244 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• macnab /Irvine realty OH THE LAKE ~-4BR home ready for occupan· cy! i'~amily rm. w /fplc. -formal dining rm. -separate living r m. done in beautiful earthtones -up. g raded cpt. -2 patios -private courtyard entry & atr ium. $900/mo. Lorraine Re nnie 752·1414. <V·112) TUltTLHOCK VISTA Brand new. s pacious townhome w /vicw 1 4BRs -family rm. - formal dininJ;! -exquisite master s uite w/balcony -electric kitchen ind . microwave & compactor - central air. Comm. pool. spa & ten- nis nearby. Avail. now mo..to·mo. or 6 mo. lease $950/mQ. Forrest Powers 752·1414. CVl 13 > t.42~3S t.44·6200 901 Oov r Draw Harbor Vitw Cfnll'r Irv •I C•mpu~ Valley C."ttr 7Sl·1414 _ .... _ .... ,,,. .......... , .. CoronadetMar 3722 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. short or long term. washer & dryer furn 640-9900 759-lllt>7 a ft 5 Costa Mesa 3724 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUSCASITAS l..a.t'Re & s mall 1 bdrm. end gar $245. & up Adults. no pets . 2 110 Newport m 548·4968. ~~t~~os~5 1 Bedroom Suitei. Complete Kitchens MaJd Service · TV Close to all major freeways and Irvine Newport Beach areas. Roval Suites 2080~ewport Blvd 642-2611 or 54).2000 l..al.JllM leach 37 41 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LAGUNA BEACH MTR 1NN $75/wk & up Maid scrv • color TV. heated pool UUl t7J4 > 494.5294 9l!S N Coast Hwy Mlw,orf IHch 3769 • •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ....... NEW APARTMENTS NR SO COl\ST PLAZA 2 BR H• Ba. air cond. DI W . pool. sa unu . Jacuzzi. + many xlras Only$32S. J 0. PROPERTY MGMT 7Sl 2787 AJmost new condo 2 BR 2 Ba. complete k1lcht>n lbll-1ns. d1 s hwa:.h1•r . tr ash rompactor J gus BBQ. frplc. w/w l·arpels, drape, 2 car gar . elc<:lr door openl'r . Nr Or Coasl Coll $4.25 mo + $200 clean dcpo1>1t 557 6473 ---------Beaul.lful ppnoramic v1c:w Bachelor. new, great f:. twnhse, 3 m asters1zc side location. $26.5 mo bdrms, 2''!1 ba, balcony. 759-11.11,eves 837·0666 rrp l. trash comp, dshwshr, 2 car gar with Lge 2 DR. I BA. pvt patio, opener. Avail Mar t. $575 lndry hkup, ~ar. $315 mo. mo. 003-9784 546-6299: 5S7-0848 , ________ _ R.C. TAYLOlt CO. 640.5112 E·aldc 2 br, patio & prafCe. $3$0. mo. 541-0>4 or 646-2316 Bech. EMJ. patio. Ull\ pd .•• mo. 548-CICM or 646-23\6 - • I , P8 DAILY f'ILOT Wedneecs,. reDruary ti. 1979 OHke...... 4400 ·-• ........ _ •--.a.....a.. ... ..._ 4"00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ LHb -.,. ....... u.fwa. _. _.. ~ [:.z3 SQ fl offll'. l)lll'tl tu ._a•s~••llh SIOOJ AMa•c..,_llft 5100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wednffday. FebN~ 28. 1819 Lost & ,._. SJOO ttet, W.-hd ~I OOIH-fp Waat.d . 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• .. ••411 ••••••••••••••••••••••• aub le11c In 1.a1un1 C..W... )124 MlwportlHda 186' Cut L1vmg ~p •n I 11.1111. La rn Rd Ju1t .......... •• • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • • •••••••• •• • • • • • • • ,. • ... nc " l ' r• IU\h ol UM Sao or.10 Eut1ld@ t br t'Dt'I PAB MIWP<>•T HOUM-Ma'" UnHmll d t-'t ·way IJ08 month 1ar1 ~. Wa ht'r/dl"yer Ba<' h• lora • I or 2 r, ,, in R<W ••" '' A\'ILIJ oow ~tlOJU bool·UJ\, patlu, SU() ~ ~ "-·'3;' _ .. ,,.,......, "WI< l\"'11 ••n(t "•'I ~ .. <'9 • '"'-••·•11 '"'' '" lllll •.,• LA•lu111f melllral aullt'. _., ... ,, L-m .Ul " ,1 r•v -•1111111 w '" I'" ..-.. u fl .. , IUl)lUll.I nr . t:orouu ul'I Ml"IMI Vrroe •l'fla ~bdrm., Si>Kt•tular apa, Iota I I 1 ' .., '' Mar Hcalooocnl~• Corp l'~ba.btttns,frpi<'.a.u-. rurutluo pre11ram. 71 ·IU-4U·• _ 117)11100 <'OfOP "odtt, avail Im 1or1al pn.cram 7 Lt, 8 med • 1:175/mo Nu JW,ta ~ coun. t u hM>n *-~ aJkr 4t PM I la..t, .l•m.borff • ~ o Roommatr , .... n1vd fur 1~1 :'H)Cl ;4 11 otf 1cl'11 1,.. ~ b.M" hm j.ltt' t-'tum '145 Intl uUI 179 ·~ J 1111.a HUU. l\oad ~ I t•l•11& ~ru 1 17'4) 644-1900 ft·l"l't'd f1'4mo 1hr uul w lllth St ~ 2200 m..134 --HR z Ult bu1 It In~. ·~ •nPtt•, dn~•· ind UCHa.OI UMITS -_ l s.m , 1;\Jd su•+•pe.it. 2011. ...... MI. c:.. ...... 11 .. 1101 '1•w b1•au1Uul 11•1 olt n - .. i;1a. pooU1 ~~ INtu l..tdO 28R. Zt>.l lu:l l't'm for a U(Jr111 r\-c110:111la '192 !IC) t ut1I Y.uptPnl• tH~ 1!H l / HHC~' f\'m rmmaJ" w.iult'<l tor b~aut l'UlldO •/bliC'k)'IU'd, ~ It tt•o ru Very r@U 'all Jolm lM 1': lllth Strwt Mt>Qlh un 'A'atnrfrunl apl t:ar • l>alron> I lrpl(' "-'Olmo WI • bt~m , I Ll1onh t ~U2 or ~ a.ti!J ur ~ ~ll ~!1"115 $:U(I I iu r 4 OR % 8A, • ., oo I I I. Ii.I " lftlh Slh"t' t ~u •· h'I» lo l>rh ~7:i ~m:t;, 7~,.~~ ~o ~111 w ~ "1>' IM' 664 tt03 NB/COM l' t $4U 00~. Uownhtwn llunlln11ton t.tuch 210~ fl .. lu M Oiw 2 tin office 11\1111 11~0 ·~ OH THE WATER ! PLUSH SUITES ~ to l.300 sq rt ,_._tacv ..... -·- SENIOR CITIZENS SPECIAL 125°/o DISCOUMTI ~ll lht1 month ol f'tbruen1. ~ninr <'11hr~n-v" ~'1 off OJ\ theil prival.6 1'1trly fdl (Ot mt'rdlaodlae tor .ale In ttie CIJ1111(1ed Section of the Daily riloc. <newt 1'~1111to lt1 not Included). Bring your ad Into one ot our ollu:.-1 llated below bt'tw~n 8 AM & ~ PM any doy durinjl lhe ~ •nd w., wUI start your ad lbe next day. Costa Mua -330 W . lay Slrfft a....... leocll -I I 16 'ile-.yre I lwflecjfoa lffeta -17171 .._.IL li.irbt•lor ~W oc.• .ANt'RONT upPf'r 64"4 005 O.na Wet bani U.Mari•o VHloge ~ 675-8662 ....... 5100 ·····•••·······•·••···· ............................................. . FOUND I' Newfou.odla.nd Admtn.. MIJ'. AS SIMILRS Vic Newland" Eda.ocer. •;•nuuve •cret.,, ~ ror iswtnR ahifL"· 114&9171 1be Alma <.:o. ~ll't 10 f<6 M.IJ, Vlisnt In Cost11 pnilldcot roe " romm found be 1e Pekll\C.Mff. real ta~ development Mesa ~ br Call Mr V e r y n 1 c (• d o ic co. Adm.in of wrporall' Clifford. 642 5.2S4 1)4.S.l!iOll/644-3656 lqa.J. profit shannj( r1ro --- 1ram, office maanag1• 1·--------· l''wod Shepherd Collie in1x . Med . 11 1tf• bt-11~/goldt:n w/ blk back 645 1508/644·3656 ment. ini, program, persconel Ctl~r Ol'lt-nl \.'Ci w/good 11rowl.h pok'n tial. Mu.st have exccll ASSEMILBS ,._._., 5350 skills. lf'&al expcr pre ••-••••••••••• •• • •• • • • (erred. TUl!lJn luc.·•llon ftAECISIOM Open.Ing!\ 11ytulable 10 prt•cl11on in11trument 11hop. Applicants mu:st ~'l\IOY the challenge or troubleshooting & Cu11 tom fitting or REl.AXJNO MASSAGF. 8obJamee·Llc Masseur (Mc11U i-9, 494-5111 PREGNANT? Car ing. ronlldenti•l counseling & referral. Aboriiuci. adop· uon&lteep1na. APCA.RE 547-2563 sp.i._.Rffdtr lBJSSo. El Cami.DO Real San Clemente; Fully Uc. For appt. 492·7296 Salary tHOO + bcochta Ca.IJ Karenll32·281U ADVE.RTISING mt..-charucal assembhes. Good manual dcxtenty & mecharucal aplJtude .:x SAlfS per a mu.11t. Min. G mo~ The Dal.ly Pilot ha& an exper req. 1-: 0 E Call , _ __,,, f 557 9051. ask for Ray •....u<>UJ8t.e opt•nin.g or u Ct.Iman. sales person w1th1·--------· newspaper display ad· --------- verlls1 ng @xper1enc-c ~----------Good sa lary. com A-.1wmbly I rrussaons and exrellt•nt EXPERIENCE I ~\ .ir~u•rd W:o :)401M.i:!t. ... l \•'TY runo L.u.:c 2 HH llilr 1700 -nu Quirt GAY proles:uo1111 'h•n 11luab Nciwport l'ownbc~ 1 PTv Rm 1 Nr l"bhiou laJ 1275 Olt> lb1 7S2 1100 fkll lHnt· --Oppcw ..... , 5005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MICHELLE'S rringe beoe hl<> t:x ELECTRONICS ~ celle nt gruwlh op. I bl'llruom SJU .m. ............ 4450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •o.kal• porturuues tor a person ASSEMBLERS ••••••••••••••••••••••• HIAL TH FORCES UAM-2AM 835.37411 ~ lkdrtium. l t>.t.Ul Adults. oo Jk•ti. Daito roMt 1126 $.MiO \ll edttlt nn Pl"t.I. 2 br. :! ti.. lrom $JlO Ji.rum puul l't't bkla Lo<-a It'd .. 1·ro: a rrom N'"4fJOrt lkiacb Golf l'oucst< •·.··.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.·.·.··.·.·,, ~own b) .. l'Pl onl)' ~" R e s p o n s 1 n c ~ r 1· ~port ~anoer's Mlle Mudt-rn ~ :iq_ rt :Hor-: 2Q)(CJ Avoo Low rcot 213-477-7001 vegetanao !leeks llh --------111111!~ fanuly tnnmatt"\);I or l MARtMH'S MILE · 9UICKSALE lllgh profit money maker. Custom trophy shop m San Clemente. $65.000 5300 UMDA & VICKI a.teal Mas~ for The ,_of It! Serving all Orange Co. 835-731.3 With career 11mb1t1uns '. F.F.DF.O CaU for oppou:itmcnt IMM t~DI A Tf:J. V 642 4321 , ext 277 ORANGE COAST DA.IL Y PILOT 330W BaySt. I nov & 'ho rt t1·rm .l\!l tl!nment'I Work 1Ahe n \lllJ want. l'aul varat1 11n llon u' pro~rom Not ;in JJ:C01•v. never a tt't: SIOO ~rnv .. ; IN ALLOW AN<' t; SU-48M ::..nt to ~ Hel PRUH;J,OCATION M BEACH REALTORS 492-2100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Physical massage by he'd. masseur techna r1an . 4·8PM Appl. 548-2817 Cot>ta Mtffia EquaJ Opporturuty Employer OClAPil FRONT :s br, 2 bll Yurly f'rplc. ·----:: br. l ba S350 2 br 2 b..i + l.ll'D S400 t' n r I jllllllJ~e. pvt fned 6o:ra11s ).ird 3341 1 l'ht•lt11m WJ)'. 496 1097 or -191) 5.275 ~l&r. Sl~ 'nil.Mgmt Fem toshr2 BH 2 B • .1 aj.1t, pool, fpk. ~11ut furn .. 642 1003 NBarea 64211971 oa WATER. Available for rel.all or froresslonal offices. Tota of 3000 sQ (\ C-an be divided mto smo1Uer uruts Onve by 2tl33 W. Coast Hwy, NB. ~neall 5010 FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: Aggressive independent bank 1s ~eek in' Pay f1.lers. Call 0 Knst.Mka for appt.1194 88fi7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUFFERING from sebor· rtlea, P>Qriasls. or dan· dntf? '.bk about Perla de Joj1.ba Hair & Scalf. Treatments. Ph LaCoL · reur. 842-4244 3br 2ba near Lado Vllli1ge 2 roommates Ottded f' or ~. SH Club Hous e M. To share :Jbr bsc --------•I ~5868 or~\...'>6-1928 $J.50mo Call 04S 5268 W•11afMNtor1fmv owtM1t Homes SlOOFREE RENT 2 br, l ba $3.10 Sundc<•k & encl garagt-Lotlt or grass 496 9230 335~2 Blue Llllltern 631-1400 2 Bachel o r apts . Roommate wantl'd to w/k.ltchen. Sl7S uul paid. shan· 2br Bt1lbo1.1 opt •---------•1 n>m01un1ty bathrrn h J mmed occupancy blJtfrm bch 673-1451 bi3-0046 For st.ore & office space at. ~a5QOable rates. Business "Ta Business ~Z,.5678 *SEQUIM* Pacific City Hank Equal Oppor Employer ANIMAL HOSP. Bath. clean, asstst F T I.rvi.oe. 552·0990. ~l , .. ,,.c i.., Cull nr come an tooa.v I rvinf• l!.'.1:1 1441 2102 Ru-.1n1·<or. C'tr Or Suitt• 208 Npt Hgts 2 Br 1 Ba, frplc, ---------adults. no pets. $375. 2br 2ba balcony 6'2_-«>5 __ 1 _____ _ AvatlJ..l $295 mo Sanc:Mtntnte 3876 M1n1 Ranr h In lduho SOOta 5000 Sq Ft. w/shure wtyouni; M on MESA VERDE DR Salmon R1v,•r 5411·3..'\36 l"LAZA 1525 Mesa Verde E . C M. Roommate to shure hse 545-6-123 A MARKETPLACE for Puttbasing Agl!ots and New Busine53eis. Ulsl or Found a pet? Call Animal Assistance league.S3'7·2273. no fee. La>T. 2 blk cockapoo"s. Models& Escorts Male-Female· Ann. Destmy.Sonny, Enca. Marsha. Cissy 24 hrs servmg 0 C~ Ask about spec,rates AIPBKKPR I hrntinl!'lon RC'ac•h 1147 :14911 H'l4l7 Warner Avf.l #21.'i 675-7571 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,......._°"a.ach 3840 Beach apts, 2 BR l~ Ba. ••••••••••••••••••••••• $2915. 2 BR l Ba, frplc. SHARP, beach I .2 & 3 on. Jl.95. l BR l BA S'l45 frplc, dtShwshr, garage _• __ ns_1 _____ _ ""' .• & patios . No peti. ~2358 --------2 BR 2 Ba condo, encl gar , $350 mo. 633-4720 E-sidt• CM Resp adult -----"'----1 $210 -+ utll 494 9'!21 dys. ---------1 6'2.-tD~ eves ICH CITY SHOPS 1.4( 4 bdrm hse on l'con. to 4 wuque one or a kind sliare. Easy going M /F shops · food services. • ...>.. Call o J Qwunt Seal Beach Mall. w/"'..,. an or im, lll Main St. Agt/Owner 673-953'7 21.3-568· 7717 (714) Seawind Vl.llage Own room & phone. com· 1.4( 3BR. 2 ba $375 1 BR 1 pl furn. k1tch,an house 1'1 --------- N('w 1&2 bdrm luxury ba,oceanv1ew,S22S.Call mifrombchS175 mo/yr. HARIORILVD. adult apt.s 10 14 plans 498-1299 SJ6..3648 St.ore 20xro + office. 1450 from $315. + pools, ten· ---------sq. fl. tot.al $595 Per mo. rus. waterfalls. ponds! SClftla Ana l880 Female to share ruce 3 br Bier 675-6700 From San Diego Frwy ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa Verde home. dnve North on Beach t-0 l br + den. Condo, new w/mother & 2 small lndllstrfal Rental 4500 McFadden I.hen West on cptg. pool, 3 blks S . Coast children. Ctuld OK. $200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Thi. IS a nt>w DAILY PILOT rlass1firalion to i:et buyer ind seller loi:ether. Sell your surplus. overstockt'd or no longer needed Items or s•Joolies or an\' kind For more anlormauon or to place your ad. call 642-5678 between 8AM and S.30PM. Monday thru Friday ror your ad to ap. pear lbe followUll? day or call between 8AM and 12 noon on Saturday for ~ay's publJcation Vic. Goldenwest & McFadden. M & F &!2·3768. LC81': Female Collie. wbt body w/brwn head, Irv Blvd. CM 646-7842 Lost : 9 mo 'I . old Siamese/Tabby fem . 2115. The Willo w s. Irvmeo. Reward 551-4023 aft6pm. 64S-5333dys llOOREWARD Black Toy Poodle Male. los t In vie f'lorida/ Adami> on Feb 12. Call 536-3568 day or nite. 752-8708 DRJYEAMEW AUTOMOllLE every year ror about $500 · S 1000 Most Make~ 644-2526 BlLl.JNG CLERK Two outstanding po .. avail, bol.h ofr'g Npl Sch area. saJ & benf 1.as•un:i Nr~uel M:ll o.w 2795i C';ibot flOJcl Irvine Per sonnel Sen Fqu:il opnortunitv Agency f I '.\t F' ~ E 17th. Costa Mella .mp o:-n • ~te~ -_642~70 '::..-:.==----...=_--' ·~~ /\:.soc Reµ trainee Nt'w Co an 0 C area need!< APPLIANCE STORE flll•n & women or couplt's needs4 young aggresMvC' for PIT work. Many peopla. n o e x p e r ~nef1tsforngh1 peopk necessary Will train Callforappt.5410863 F.am up to S350 ·. , P. ~l Ma;:;;i:cr Fabnc-Cl( 646-50 I 6 Mr· FrankJitt JX'r needed Cost a M csa --646-4().10 McFadden to Seawind Plaza. l yr lse. S375. mo. Possibly trade some S Village. (714)893·5198 avwl Mar 1. 675-9226. night babysitting for part PRIME INOU TRJAL olth 754 352 BUlLOlNGS Townhow;e, lovelby, spac. Wntnlinsht-3898 ercnt. 1 · -4919 sq ftofc/lnd'I Clotlung rack & rounders. cash drawer w/adding mach .• count.er. 499-3793 L-Ost. 2/24. El.I< M. puppy. vie. Vi<.1.ona/ Placentia . Wht flea collar. 646-1418 MASSAGE RGURE MODELS ESCORTS OUTCALL OML Y Dcrp. ••es.. hr 63l·Z140 GOLDEN GIRL APT MANAGER For55 units 1n Co:.ta Mesa. Expcr'd couple Husband must have maun. exp. W1ft> bkkpg exp Cnll 642 5073 or (21.3) 86.S-:§15 I AlfrOMOTlVE *LOT DETAIL Part time 8 AM to 1 PM Moo. lhru t'ri. at ont· •11 OraQJ.!e County'i; ll'adrn1: o...>w car agencies located 1n Costa Me:.a . Mus h.iveo vahd Calif dnvt'r'> (J('(•n.-.e Ca II for a µpl lo l'huc.•k Cozart or l'aul lA.•t-"alJ11 & home like 2 r with ••••••••••••••••••••••• M/F share rentL.B. reli:.i· •6390 SQ fl 24< gross. pvt. gaWd entranc<> + 2 $325. Dlx 2 Br 2 Ba condo ble. resp. person wanted mach shop paliOb. Some w11h att. type, encl. gar & patio, S212.S0.494 8945 Aft. 6PM ~ sq ft 23< gross, 91 ~age. Sw1mm1ng pool. infant OK. 7211 Trask Gar Fwy . Jacuu1. Tennis courts 1 894-~.891-2144 forT...t 4350 •500 •5500 sq rt. Tustin 4 matched display cases Lost: 14 gold karat in· with a ba..k bar. all lighl· itlaJed pmkie ring. 2/22. ed. Mod. glass & metal. 541>-00l8 6'. 645-1744 --------- FREE room & board 1n return for compa ruonsh1p. Flexible hrs. Any race. age. Laguna Beach sculptor Call Ed round at 494 -0429 --blk LO Hunllngton i.hop-E... • 1254.700 pang center mall. Adult.., ~nhrwrNlhed ••••••••••••••••••••••• •3949 SQ ft. Tu s t in No pets. From $435. or Unfw'11ished l900 Wanted to rent garage on $191,500 Lost : No rw eg i an u bm. vinyl upholstered Elkhound. Malt'. ~ yr, chrs. smea . 4 36" round blkt gry. looks lake this. S59ea. 1 Scotchgard· Husk 1 e . RE w ARD. mg machine $75. Hot/· 556-QOO AIR RECt.:PTJONIST 40t.o50wpm 10 kt•y fo\111 time. fnnge be ner1t11 Newport lit>ach area 714-64.S-7040 Seawtod Village. 15555 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bal Isle or N.B. ror small 1714) 838-5970 dys Huntington V1lla1:e Lall(!, THE EXCITING car6'7~926..1 (714) 581-5787 H.B. <714l898·9961 PALM MESA ArTS MINUTES TO NPT BCH Office R...tal 4400 Industrial 800 lo 1600 sq ft •Walk to the beach• Bach. 1&2 BR ••••••••••••••••••••••• with offices. Newport. Casac:WSol from$2SS&up. $180 Up. Office-store. 480 64.S-2111,646-6303 cold G.E. water cooler --------- $150. 8' fluorescent ught REWARD' Keys lost 2/8 fixtures $20ea Box of near Glendale Fed. fluorescent bulbs F1oor Bank. Wilson/Harbor . electrical conduit. 2 Call751--0168. *ESCORTS* 972-1 ll~ •SHERI LEE• CERTIF1EDMASSEUSE ASSEMBLER for IJghUng r1xture co 20315.E Mam. lnanl' 540-9640 lJN I \I E RSl:fY SALES&SF.RVJCF. AUTOP.ARTS Beauulul Adults. No pets ft. AJC. 17301 Beach Bl, --------- Adult Apt.s 1561 Mesa Dr H.B.LEASEfK2·2834. Stotage 4550 21661 Brookhurst. rm Blks Ea r · ••••••••••••••••••••••• 962-6653 (5 st o Newport Plusboff1ces,upto7S0sq Self·a t o rage. 17601 dolbes. 2 sec ch rs. Sl2ea. 1 8' sliding glass door wttrack, lock & key. $90. Lost: Cockapoo type, 12 lb HousecaUs By Appl 1--------•I rem "Pooh". BlondJsh ___ 838_·_6838___ ASSEMBLERS tan. Spr1 ngda le/ Ed· PtnoftClll Senic~s 5360 U>cal Mission V1eJo Co 1nger. HB. Rewa r d . ••••••••••••••••••••••• needs assem!;)Wrs Some 846-1143 TIRED? SORE'> exper preff!rred Can DWVERY Well groomi:d lemale owr 18 Gd driving r<' cord Mu<;l h\ t' 111 C '1 area. Call 556·2500 for an tcrv1eow appt. Blvd) ...,.,,, ft m xlnt bldg. 18th & Morgan Ln .• H.B. off NEW 2 BR 2 BA, encl 9am-Spm54&......,., New Port 8 I v d · Bch&SJater.848-9998. 714/77<Hi883. f!Mllge, close to beach 1--~------64.S-2lll/64&-6303. RefttalsWanted 4600 ~s. Trust SJOOpermo 964·2937 MotlLEHOME 900 sq ft 3 rm suite. Nr ~·•••••••••••••••• Deed$ 5035 l .... ~RM •TIO... 0 C NB A 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 &3Br.2ba,frpl.patio, r'W"-' "' " · • i\Jport. · va R nsible. work1hg s m yr d , n 0 d 0 ~". Repossessions. buy OP· Mar 1. Contact 752-8263 w r i t er seeks on e LOWEST $450/mo. 752·7474 , uons.t.akeoverpaymenll>anaP di ff bedroom cottage 1n ~$376. 1 n r or ma lion . Ea s y omt.. efuxe 0 ice Corona del Mar or Costa Interest Rates finllncang OAC. Trade space, 5& sq. t ., across Mesa. Quietness estcn· lstT.D.'s. also Ready for you! 2 lid. den. anythini;?valuablc. ·· ·~~.58ofA, 495-4975: tJal. Write Classified Ad 2ftdT.D.Loatts. frplc, 1-1ar SJ50. !162· 7788 Santa Ana 554-7070 ....,......... f206, Daily Pilot. P .0 y .. ;......,t Terms since 194~ ask for Mac k. Westminster 848-8895 o o s d k Bo 1560 C t M .... ""' DEC RAT R . cs x ' OS a csa &!...LU~M ... Co. --<.:.Anaheim 956-1011 d 1 """'"' ~ ''!f" 3 Br. new condo. l mill· lo E. Anaheim 956-4500 space, samples. e 1Very .........,, 642-2171 545-0611 beat· h . 1' 0 ta 1 r l' t' area. Npt. Bch. 551-1572. -C--.,,_--f ____ k_d_ u .I. TrlV e!ISOr. no I s ----------J.iaC'kagc. Incl tt-nmi.. 2rmswt.e 390 SQfl,amplc or pets, net'ds furnished MOMEY AVAILABLE lmnx.'<l. O<:t'upy Avail Rooms 4000 park, utl incl A/C ad/'a apt April l·June 15th. 2nd TO LOANS 1213)919-5.'i41 ••••••••••••••••••••••• cent to Sec Pac i 1c CaU C. Lave, 833-6800, SWING LOANS Bea-ch_/_Sl_a_te_r b-r-a-nd_ne_w Bank. Near E . 17th & wkdays EQUIPMENT dlx units I 3bd 21;,ba •Ambassador Inn• Oran~e. C.M. 642-4210 Cou~e w/3 cluldren want CONSTRUCTION Owners studio. 3-2bd. Lovely gwtrard.eralnsJ·Brooks Roxie to "Br. El Toro. Lake OR ANY PURPOSE ood b r 1 " Dav ad P. Carey & Assoc. 200 w urmni.: ~c~ •Kitchen Fac1l. ava1J. CdM dlx swtes. ulJI pd Fore-st home w /pool R.E. Broker. 960-1957 qwel. res nt-1J?h. ec •Jac"n'. hoa•-.. pool AC. am~l pkg. Fr $.195. 581·1789 area lmtb<'h Adulu, No ...-.. " U;.'\.I LO• .... p•rv•Gl .... G ~-900-4 __ 145. --•Wk.lyorda1ly ma1dsrv. :or.No sereQd.675-Q}OO Attention LIDO HOME ~ ·-"' " •1V & phone available Laguna Beach. 500.1200 sq OWNERS or near prox· •PLACEMENT• Hunt Harbor share i.un. sand & savm~ in brand nl'W 3br 3btt ctuplcx ~/pvt. pa 11 o. b It ins. crp 1drps & w.111. to beach. Da\' 536-6663. 536-8705 CV(' ii.i0-5949 Low GI $72.50 Wk fl. air cond. ne w cpl. irruty. Do you have a Eqwty Loans 2277 Harbor parlung, hwy v1s1b11.ity po tentially beautiful VentureCapital Cast.a Mesa 645-4840 549-1186, 557-5870. home? Is labortoo costly Minimum SS0.000 r o r re m o d e I i n g ? FinanciaJ Consultant Bayrront Orf1cl', Lido Carpente r . married BKR.645-2509 Room w/kllchenetle Va.Uue. w/baby desires low rent $60week & up. 549.5033 house tn exchange for Isl PRIVATE PARTY ~-9755 1 11 f will pay more for your 2 Br. nr beach, refng. ~a:. ---------3 Rm ordce. carpeted. c ass carpentry. A re s 2ndTD's.642-3573 & water furn. $300. Call e.&uUful Laguna Motel aireood Skypark Circle. from Lido Isle. 493-1910 900-2272.eves 492 9482 apes. By week or month. Irvine. 549-5033 art 7 pm. CASH-ANY AMOUNT 494-2494 SI · /b th On your home~1d for or 8181 San Anl(elo. 2 br. 2 ----------000 sq fl, 2 blks to O.C ecpmg room w a oot. For any p se! ba. pvt deck. new cpls & SuM)' Fas hion [. suite Airport. $465 mo. Sharp UC.I Prof. ~ature. quiet. Newport Pa Jic paint. Perfeet ror coupk w/ba & patio. Mature upstairs front w /lge reUable, ref s 833-6091 Fund in or singles. Call after 7 empl'd gcoUeman $265. balcony, pvt ba. A/C 4321 Yrly unr. rental, adults, 3 Da955-1055 Ev 675·5535 pmCollccl2131289·2426. 640-6594. Birch St, Suite 200, N.8 . or 4 BR home ln Harbor _¥ ._,._ 3844 Roo.m.k.ltchen&laundry Avail. April 1· K -View Homes. Npl Hgts, ~rm/ ....... ,... c 1 lnvestrneou 754· 7900. c 0 .. 6 3 9 Ptnonals/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• pnv. San emente ---------or m . 75.4 I . Lo.st&FoUnd 3br 2~ba Brand New Sl75tmo. 495·2227 afl 4 ftrofOfflc•Suit.1 _640-__ 01_49 _____ _ Woodbrid11e. S650mo. 2 pm. HUNTINGTON BEACH car garg. 21.3/465-4841 Vacaffoft R~a 4250 Central loc. Just orr lmiMss/IMtst/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Come & get a soothing. dldates...niust have .i:ood Lost: Female Akita relaxing, full-body manual dextenl). b\! <Japanese, husky look-F' 1 b l neat tn appearance & de-Ing dog). Thick fur. massage. ee e ter od bl W k 1 ( imm. For men & women pe a e . or is in I e black mask, reddish col-CalJ betw IOam-lOpm for support M P: D l CAL or w/wh1te chest and ELECTRONICS Onlv feel. Curley tail. Last applSJG.682.5 respons1be peNIOn~ set•k soon lo vicinity of TOW SocialClubs 5400 ms; permanc•nt ••mplo) School. Laguna . ••••••••••••••••••h••• ment need apply. Call REWARD for return or Social introduction for Susan 581·3830 -- AUTO PARTS COUNTERMAN Mtrumum 3 yrs. JOblwr expeneoce Must be well groomc.>d & personablt• Hard work & good pay with growing compun) <::ill 556·2500 for 111 1.erv1cw appl. known whereabouts. over JO. Conr1dent1al 1---------·• Needs Medical atlenllon. 842.0272 -Babysitter n~ed. COM Owner hear tbroken A5MBLYWAREHOl.:St-: nrea. your home.~ yr old 494-9659 /496-3317. ~nt& Sfful.11 electronic parts . l)t1y.640!:1500 r,..pan.r-----Hott 'tst stufl. no t"cpcnencc Found , ···~··••••••••••••••••• necessary Exct:lknt (r RAllYSITTER. m:itur•'. Scotlle •-'--W--"-... 7075· · c b" r11 \ppl dn.vo;. m .v home V1r 644-36.56/$48·2153 =. ... ~···•••••••• ~vgl'.W!t £rcectr:nu•1s. ~ Yorktown & lfunlml!lon Found: lnsh Setter 1 yr Experienced Practical Mc Corm 1 ck, C . M St . UB 834 0411 bd 5·30 old male. Nr Bushard & Nurse with xlnt. ref 1_1M_-ro9_1__ _N_1_colt• Haoulton. 2/25/79 at 9 Wishes to provide TLC ---------•1Hab},1tter1-;1 Toro area. AM.963-5.'m '°'elderly. Cook. shop. Assembly MJture ~o . n. startrng c lean. com panion . Jan2nd w ays7amto Found German Shepherd Reasonable 646-7526 aft ·1 JO c for anfant female About 6 mos old, 7pm TRAINEES Rer rcq 61Vi446 Reddish/brown. Warner ......;. ________ _ nr Hunl Harbour. HB Want to stuff envelopes or Bo.lei. ofr ~heal asst'l 846-5054 wnteaddressesathome COR.EXPF:HlENCEO) \Oo ilOted . FT lur F o u n d . p a ck a' g e Ttna 645-9793 M• Yc:lUN: pro.iress1ve f:n>"' purchused from .._.Wanted 7100 ICrO iru:specrnlty mN B c.111 BuJJocks, So Coiut Plaza ••••••••••••••••.#•••••• ~ 1~ff' & intervw"' · park 1ot. 979-9635 Acrounling c 1erk1rhone Electroni·cs operator needed fu 11 Found white cat w/ blue tune. lm~ate open- ·eyes Blue collarw/ Fritz ing Full co. benefits on 11. 67S-S.'i82 • 549-9671 for appt. Balboa F 0 u n d s m a I 1 Marine Hardware Banlc1ng white/grey /brown male _E_._o_E_M_I F_l_H_. ___ _ cut with collar. Vic.---------Magno lia /Adams 962.3472 Account.Ing Found white riurry small/med .. grey spots ROBERT MALE'S female dog . Tag accoun1~. w/Wiggyon1t 548-3540 ""~ ARl?rf'SSI\ e independent We are Sl't'k1n.: 1n bank 1:. s e('ktn~ •• , divlduuls for flr<ot shift p1•r1ro nced Crt.•tl 1~ pos1t1ons m our Prodtw t11t-rkl•r Call M:. Oa\ 1,, tion Department Wt• wall Mg 12.14 tra1 n the ri J!h l 1n P ac1r1l'C1tyRunk d1v1duuli. 1n th1• mn·ro • Equal Oppor Ernpl11v1•r elect romcs rnd us Ir)' We have 1mmcd1alc openings In the following areas &nlc111g OPERATIONS OFFICER ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beach Blvd al Main St. Fita1C• . $290. l BR, rec tacillt1es, House for rent. Big Bear THE MAIN OFFICE ••••••••••••• •• •• • ••• • • avail. OrMgetree, adlts Qty sips 6; linens ru.rn. 847·5338 ~s . o · Proudly Announces Our lllEATRICAL $3) REW A.nD ror the m· Move to Larger Offices ModllJ-Adr-.sws ~':t~~~:e~d1~f t~1~: Visit Us At Our New • TooliftCJ • ™" ,.,,.. h~ A career po'!1t1on l!i av1Hlabl11 m our C'ostJ Mesa branch which of feN a desirable, warm wurk1ng a tmospht'tl' Tht> 1nd1v1dual we st•c-k 'ihould have 3.4 year' :::.av1ngs & Loon 1•x perience including I year supervisory cxpenencl' IBM 3000 is helpful. tr you arc Interested in ,Jotrung .our progress1vt• and arowuig Savings & Lo.ln pl<'asc uJI Thomas Deno1B (714) 979 3910 Nrrrwy. 644-1523. S2S nite ly pr cpl. Call •MEW ILDG• OpportuNty SOOS •-•--h -48 alter 3p m S48 1989 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ __. -· · · · 1200 ft. 1st. floor, beaut ••••••••••••••••••••••• BIG BEAR Cabin. sl 14, decor. Seacliff OCf1ce PLUMllMG Ckean view. patio. cov-POOi table. color ~. 2 Prlr. 2120 Maio. Hunt repair & drain ser vice ered parking. 1 2 BR. 2 l lrptcs 545-ml6 'Bcb. •15" per ft. Herm an bu,,mess. Excellent loca-BR. S350-S475. Wik. lo · · orHeoryS00-39'77 Uon. Complete fac11Jty. bcb. 549-l186S57 5870 Big Bear Lake Ca bin, rent Gross-$250,000 yr. Wn le. days or weekends Hunt. Bcb best location lo Box 337, cto Daily 2 bdrm. 2 people mu 53&-4230:: Exer suites. utll pd Pilot . P .O Box 1560. ~'h 3rd Sl $475 plus L Ground flr xlnl k "'-ta M .....,.... s ecurity deposit (JI) I • ~Ar mg. """ esa ..... _,_ ~~ (W) ijl.4.6548 for SKI CAI M !162·93llor96B-7 1 BEER & WINE tavrm. aPptication FOR R!MT Approx. 400 sq. ft. C·2. Npt Bch. Nets S3000 mo. 2br ~blk from Crucenl SleeP1 8, oP· Big Bear $130 E . 17th St , Suite Terms. Agt. 751-1400 Lake. Last 2 Wteks of "L'u' 68$160. mo. Doyle FAST FOOD Npl D"h. Bay bch. Beaut. ocean March. 548-" \1ew. J ust remodeoled. Calleves: ---------Divorce. $13.000 mo. $490/mo 494-5816 714,963-7792 Delwce office fumlsbed. Terms. i\gt.. 751-1400 Oceanf~nt2brftplc, ~ Sl)Opcrw~lt lln>sq. fl.plus. H.B. P .O ROLLER SKATt-: r<'ntnl . AlsotvaUeble April Box 5878. H .B. 92646 Call ..... el ..,ltN\ thl N utll tncld. Also t1tudlo 9a>-m> •AT"' o..,,,.,., mon y . o Girts Meftol(ids Peugot mo-Ped with a Location. Exciting N ew York-. buddy seal that d1sap COLDWELL BANKER Hollywood type personal peared from Estancia BUILDING mgmt & developme nt co H.S Call 545-7863. No SU1TE200 oow av8.J.l an OC. Only quesU~asked. 2333NBROADWAY those wishmg a pro-----------s•"""A ANA fesslonal car~r in the FOUND tu,• modebng, acting or TV YorkshireTerrier We have an locreas1ng commercial field should &U-lSCM/644-3656 demand throuehout ---------1 Orange County for ex· apply. Call <714>828-0583 Found 2 m ale pug s perienced accounting le extG29. purebred viclruty Foun-boolieepiog personnel. tam Valley, call 962-7198. CaU or mil us today-we PENNY PINCHER ADS Lost woman's bracelet on are look.lnR forward to Diamond Ave. Bal. Isle gret'ting you in our new 8 I u e e n a m e I w I locallon. diamonds . R eward' C714J 13S.4103 ~. FREE PARKING • f'hofo.tt•sist Comprehrns1vc c~m pany bener1ts including maJOt medical and dl'n tal Call or apply 1n persoo lo 3952 Com pus Drtve. Newport Beac h (714)540-IDIO. We are a n t.•qu1l opportunity employer M/t'/H. TRANSMASK CORP. ONLY S2 Lo8t Male Himalayan cat. ~--,... ------1·--------Apt.. $250. utll lncld. No Rettld...._S..... 000 trouble w /clly, cty etc Pets/ Kld.s536-0321 •••••• ;.7•••••••••••••• !IX> sq. Ct. Waterfront of· rrlccd to sell. Mtl. Sell •nY ltf'rn or com ATES flee avatl. Canner y 75H400 b u -• f ..,. 2br, 2ba delux north end. ROOMM v 1 1 1 1 d e .. t ... .. ' ma on"' items cw .... Spyglass area ~ a.rtr to saso"' 644 0591 One o1 my best rapidly AS.5EMBLY Lost OTan."e M T•bby, llrowlng co ods pera See our JobA undt>r declwd.t>""'1 neacollar w/l*kr.bkfd, lamWer War eh ouu ror am · Vic. Collect Park area. w/wor in·p~I cost mcdlatt-opeolnas Princeton/Greenbriar. ol ulcs 4'l 10me kn dg of VICTOR ~~ '-X~s. Xlnt adv oppty Tt"f 1 at SWTlces w/geoerous ralan ft top • beos . Ca ll C h rlt, --------- ~-·~ " .. ... ... In ........ f3 k I r or le~, With II Penny "'-.:an vu, wolk lo bch "' n,_ M Sav TI4/673-1003 , .... ..,.. o cy peop e or Pln<'b(t Ad 3 Unc-s for 2 town. Adult.I, oo pets. 4llllllllll'l=r• • my rapidly expanding comttutivr diay• Each ~.~~ves. El\loymore.Paylesal Office space·Nt'wport bl.mincaa Calllosetupln-addlllonal kl't ,, 60' for •-Hih 3850 Alf Aaea& Ufestyles. Center . Lar1e office t.erview. 875 3083 IM 2dtiyll rhu~r at ' BRENTWOOD SAVINGS & LOAN . 1640 il\tlnmio Ave Costa Mesa, CA 92626 EQUAi ()pp()rtunJty ~mployer M /F 8a.otln.fl Pee P ald anicalT,,.. --.--We Check References w I v I • w , re c e p t . •--------• Nf commcrr 11I 1d1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,._ S .. 6-4212 aetTet.attal & dll" timer • ..... w ,.. • ·-"'··~ '--"' 1 Real Eetate Ftanchlse LoCL't Of'N • ..-. _, r phone enawenn1. Call For more lnformallon lS> decree vu. 2br, 2 a, You don't need a Jun to 759-0%15 NATIONS LEADING and 14 plar' your ud call New. AduJta 62 yn min. "draw rut" wb n you f'LAT·FEf.: Broktrafc Top ot bJll. Montcclto place 1n ed In the Daily Prime Ofllce, 2411 E P.:ltcJUS1vcTrn1tot)' Vllla&I'. SSOO Ownr Pilot W.ntAd1I Call now Coast Hwy Is MacArthur SAV·COM 714-640 28(19 714...,. U27 I 69-3114. 6'2-~ $400/mo. 675-0lGG 642~5671 f'OlTN'O: ! yr old med slie am doc. tan/gold wtred rollu. NB atta 2803 W. Balbol.N.8 540«l55. Coast.al Peroon· neJ Aceocy, 2'190 If arbor, CM AU.JO~ P'REE Found· Fero blonde m1xd --------- breed Sat21U. CW.llled ~. your <Mle· ~'1l25s ltop shopping center ~ ot vartct)' ror eagtr You t r rl ends and md.lv in ettab toe branch oeiahbon ute Chas11hed CAii ~odarc, 848 1288 w h e n t h c y h a v e Alto reo Jobs, Dennis ~ aomtthlogloHIJ.Th >"II Otnnu P traon o c l te.11 you bow well It ~rvlce or Huntington warted ror I hem ! Bl'ach, 1GUl8 Buch. • \ ,, \_ , I , I ) • I > ) y I () " 8 0 r p It ~ T n ' S· 1r IY I ./ g v & I, 3. l · ~ 1r a-,g re lC 111 re .se >d ·r. ('. a. ·d 1r IY •Jl by la· 1th 1er B. 1d. , t try ar gn ! I 1 I. OS . JlO •iut Dt' >rk \'l• I S. llli' 10· rt'l Is • 5 tkc• int t . aid y '· in ep- br. ex- -- • • DAIL V PILOT 0 7 ttm11t1-• Hn11d111Jn1 uw..., 1~P.,.n119 ........ .,.... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• G ; . ·, .1 i .. > .. ~ ......... ~ ..... 1 ... 1 ~ ... ' .... ~ ... t ... ~ ... ~'- ~............. .. •• s.n~ c.,.t~ c ..... ···~···············••t •·•·······••··········· ·••····•·••····•····••• ··'C'··················· &ve tdunt>,y• Sb.lmDoo • ateem tle•n. Hlnne lmprove menta , HandymaA Service. -We ~. s yn ex· Brtt ltwork. Small Jobs. PETERS PAlNTINO Kil;\ balhA, ~mp. room °'1vewa~·Parlc1na l~ P R 0I'gsS10 NA t. Ccktt bn1hleners· wh\ <WU 6 additions. Roa. do all IUnda of repair pr. Local ttf1. Free eata Newport, Co8Ui M tllll 4 Expr 'd , Reu· Rate l!. aoas. Carpentry, elect. •Rep.Ira •S.-ah-011 Ur\fl rYVl.NGSF.RVJCE I!:• l'llU lOmm bloarh Clean ralft Wc'ff contractor »wt!tUiaatet 64.2·9552 <:aUSG4547or964'"'34.5 lrvtno ~3176eves. Free Est. Call Gene B&C Cons truc tion . •l.1<' NB, t'M S &! pror t•n t'•d • llv,dtnrm,hall tl:'I Av11 R.tmalaun<-t' t>evc-lop SS2-0t58 sa-.<>51.2 Mpbalt~71 Prom pt .. J'roflcaut • l'lll 11 oo_ CIO'teh 110. cbr mew. ~18 Hll•"9 lloullteleaoJna. Exp. lad y Custom Muon.ry. Patio:.. 1---------....._iw-~ l' •me r a re 11 d y 1$ Ouar .-lJm ~1 odor ------••• .. •••••••••••••••••• w/rda. l'"'rom $18.50 wk. WoJls. Fireplaces. Re· WAL.LPArERIM• Kitchen & S.th. f'Jnc:11t an _, .. ,....,. _ Re, u m ,. • / t" r rn 111 QJt repair, 1~ 1,.. ••vr lleat's Conat.r JWmodel occ Student. 1 Ton truck. 566-4071 all ~PM. ta1n1ni Walls. lOO'a or iwrs urte~. t:ves, c•blnetry design. Free ••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 Pillllf'•Sr•l r porh .Do won myH ll Ht fa IJ\8, pttlol. • laadscap· Truh. tree trim. 01&0 Reliable f'el.1. CaU LI.Ada. ~b rt'fc r c n c r s 631·308S,67S·Uii6 e6l Herita ge k1tch\:nK, Ml. •IW'\' l !l) ror ... \llU lloo, SJ )0/p a a •. T)' p I Oft "1l·Ol0l "'!. ~·,~· 651 1080 -~·:r.!:34. Roa IW.2•5703. Windows • ovens. etc. . Q ..... 'TY P" 'NTING Rooftftg8GJ~ Bob. lljl paft'DIA r.'Cl· f&'• $1 paae•SUPt'rlt'rlp1-• ~..... Xlnt ...... ·--Cb i l b . k v ,.,.,. '" Nn 'mt.r n \Ii < Ca tCl _.._.._ Llle baulloi·m o vinH. Wyo .. ,.....,.__ r s t an r1c l a ye r lnt/1':Xl. Neat. Reasona· ...,.,0 r t \,.,. ~ a all Ewlyn • ,.. 1'P" eaul'rt •••n•••••••u••••••••• Oaraa• Ya cl•a , u.. needs extra work now. ••••••••••••••••••••••• "''"' 17) ,_... ._... S«!eru d ean Al110 up .,...,. r " nmK. rfl•ftlutl.n blc w .. v ... c (lXOYI':) -•l7U10.-u '1Jl .-xtt-nol•tery Work etuur ELECTRICIAN·Prlt't'd Rt as.rtJet.643·0'106 •••••••~••••••••••• E x t remely r e a s . M6-8226 .. ,~. Repair & Rer oor. AU tt \HYSI ITftR Lic-'d tih _ --~~ nuu•nt unit J<•r naht free e allMlll61 un u :_ .. y ~728. . t Y P e s · s b i n g I t' !i .... ., ... I h l •·-·,. _,.. ' I' •~ tt••11da ... m •YUUU our M lnMr!! lot . G ,, M p , ' '· k h k '"'""'' .-~ 1.111( '"~ "'' L,.. .. rata ~111111 .arporama •JO.,., •••··-.,, Bonded 11 b~ 1 Professlonal 8 k 81 k "' · 110Un-6 •• nt "' roe s a ea·comp9 ·tur 10(1 1•.trt" l'\1 arr.s Cap•: ----IJ~ 1113.-0.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• will fc a pf'Op e & all M a ao~~y lfu Ext Cabinet fiolsh1ng.& ~ee est. 5'U 930 Fin. iA1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.A't ua du lbtbl•Jobt hke F · •ROBIN'S HOUS E· ca.re oryour bomc & f · stucco repiur 751·3448/ Avail as <'Ol'Jll•ta, floor-. ~fadow:i1.1 ,1 I CLEANING SERVICE . pets· 8'79-SlOI 5S7·5S46. 'ref! &<It. ~7. . ---· -----~pd llJ1tb l-rbuctl cu l rprotJ..,. Jl!'W u t \ny Out r h Ma tntt-oonrii' n••••••••••••••••••••• for a thoroughly clean a.ico..Tu ~ Roofs dooe re1t1onublc. 111111 b·1•· .. ,11 aft 11•'-I mt )al• Clll Allan ar ,..,.. u.""' KA 9 ""-o• .. •ng ........ __ <La.l\""'1.7 ..._ • ..., """C.,., 'ENT PAINT ""k Co• Jim aao """"or '.... II ~•' ·~ HI ... f'<= H '"""""' .,,..,..._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~ • "" ' • --~klllL. & u11 f'm1 r '11l "'"" Cet.ellr(e p lr EXCLNT PAJNTING 893-5105 b..11 r .. n on. ••7..i 111V CUSTOM AATIJRDAV DAY SPEC 640-4080 ~~ Wa.nt a REALLY CLEAN INCOME TAX RETURNS Monts Moving: Llc'd & CALL548·2700 nw ---------lnl.c'ruirCa~nto· {iol-t yo\lr i•art>rlil at .. •m ----·----HOlJSE? Call Gingham Prompt.reasonable. Ins ure d Tll 58,8 6 . --------- 1 tr •f 1n.a1ur 1• • ••tnan, b~ Jo)' • 642 ~ d t••u1tod any j lt 111 NIUI· G.•ill::tj · G1tl. ~eeest. fl45·Sl23 Newport &h. 833.al99 Professional ser v1r1•. WaUpoper Hanging mu"'"" 111 '"''"' \'1•m •· I.Ill low ""~ C..11 fur ••••••••••••••••••••••• LINDA'S MC/Vtaa accept. 962·4242 Buz.M ar Un1Jm1ted ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cen amic tJle los tallecJ · f\rs, sbwrs, tubs. S47·i63U dys, 545-7097 eve . d ulJrt'n l A. up ~ 3494 t.:-\Rr'F.Nl'RV t'llt wu462 Oardenin&, d ean.ups & Call J arute's Raggedy TAXSE RVJCE ··Movtng Out & .About?" l'"ti!e Estimates 751·917l ....., ~lu R,1-~~:1\JK.'u· l't.>~.~~~ t1!.~~~capl ne G t-or l(e tt:;~u~~l:~~1~fe '0& Pers/Bus Income Tax "Don't Delay. Call To· Cust.om Wallpapering ••••••••••••••••••••;.. ......, an)' mt' ... ,,.._ .. v C...uet/C.awcrete ~"· 54S 1012 cou rteous ser v 1 ce . C.U842.-6439for appt. day" Local & Slate·Wld~ All Work Guar Free F6t. l 't1<'t'lnl'"1<lctlJ1,urn•$:it:. l'MrPt'nlr)' • l>r)"~•ll ....................... Ga•r•Servlc•~ 645-1800 lwwit ~24 hrs. 7 d ays . ____ 673-4 __ 158 ___ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• P.-N t•un._ru~tc') S.\:. or l"t!P4lf work Any Coo4Tflf' bnudun~ & huul ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• • • "--·-ieruous. fuar. work. NOW IS THE T. IM E Al"l ION ..I.II ... r... ~ ........... ~." '"r 1na ""aat •-.... f t('1cr11 •MR. FIXIT• 1be Moppets in buainess . ~· • ••••• ~ ""--"" _ .. T ""' '"""' ..... '" " " • " · "" H d S"""'ialJz1ng 10 a uto & Movi n° '· h .,ul1n o. lnt/~xt lotso refs.rea~. ""'.,.,.,en\.~ nmmmg l.1'Xi.\l r \ 1·1~,; UaM< n"u '"" ....... s111Ce 1..... onest. e· ...--· • • .. " " 0 -· al Cl ""' _...,..,..., C • od bl ff · Of homeou-..r cov•rages Freifi' bldg matenals, Jack t.7c:"""" n.cmov s and eanups i.:wi9.~~·· . ------arpe oter , pu1nt.n1t. pe a e, e 1c1ent. ~..... " · " .,..,._, UC *-INS ., ..... ...,., l M IJ(lltl'r & r .sb1nt-t f'oundat1uo~\ rl'1111n1n.: Re.u .. rates. 15 yrs fn fices, homes, vacancies . Roberitoft hshl gooda etc. Lowest ---------·"' ,.....,._, \1\fUNA MONJo\ \ttars .... , .. k, )ln'1Sll Jo& & ~ wulls, blOC lt5, p atios an:a 548·1752 u c'd.546-2393 hll.Auoc.,lnc. ~~in town. J ohn. ~!.~~ ............. tnie Treekeeper . Prof liltk1.1K. l•0<.l1t.-1111i.: lull !)I.II.fl> F'rt.-t• <':>l r~ 2003 Uc'd 536-5013, 548 4309 67~ Neat patches & textures tr~ ser vice. Pl'uoin.i. ~·a.11t1K smt bu~ &. • -IMMEDlATESERVlCE Housecleaning Service ---------..... _. c~t lacing shapin" & 1ndwidu ·•,, ""3 7""\ 1.w ' larpt•nu-y JO )rs O>mpl•t.econcreteJobOR lrv.area AJlmaJor a ppl. has o,...nings for new LAMdscapiftlJ """'"'"9_... ... cff FltHEST 893·1439 ' " · r•·· .,. u 1 ""' A G G ,,_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• • moval. Brad. 833·3544 & cxv Uooh, windows , set your for m s. save .& . Appl. R epr CU'ltomers. 8 yrs. exp io · s:&9:>l2 1)p111.:St>r"'ll"r ,J'n1t l)'p P11UOS1:>lr ~1·20M money Ross 645-9926 831-7639 Orange C o . Free ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pvt. Duty Nurse. Ava l. PATCH PLASTE KING 1 n ft U u,. 111 r i. i. 11 r ---------estimate. insured. Aft. Don't be fooled w ith immed . for day tm . A 11 t Y Pe s Fr e e ll'.'rw n.U bk for\ i1:kit• c.,.t S4N-Yi,•J C:O..odor I DO IT ALL SPM. Call Ano. 492,4422, seasons. Anytime is the H, o m e C ar e . Ca I . estimates. Call :>38·7113 W'hal's Your Trade? $1.77 per Day 7'!Bt!Jal ••••••••••••••~••••• 548~ Lorim.7461. pe .rfect time for Ucensed.644-1413.. P l ast"'r Patc h ing · ••••••••••••••••• •• •• e • ---------...,;n&,I od •-h I " sl' ....... ers. s ... au · iP-...L...l&-.'P • P l •· That's little to pay TYPING All pUflNW pro f•i.siOtt:ll work Coa.'ot Cu. ... todlan St'rvlN: !Wmodcl. rr pa 1r, gtm Gt...., "JUST US" houseclean· Ing. Dig·lt·Laodscape . 4IMhNij/ CIJM"ftCJ a s t e r . s tu cco "' rarpe ntr y , old ti me ••••••••••••••••••••••• iog.We'rebonest&etf•· 64&-7070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• drywall. lnt./Ext. Free for an ad m I.he Daily Pilot Sef'vice Directory that can establish your prolessional identit y. For more in· fonmuoncall 642-5678. M.:! ~l Ltd industry or res•d r pt etl'anlog. Sau s guur. -Call David Lankford 642 ~78 631-2074 crartsrn:anshlp. 16 yrs m Haul, sklploader. dump _o_·_en_t_.CaJ __ l_67_3_-0_l_63___ Fine Exter. Paintmg by ,_es_t_S46-__ 164_1 ____ _ area. Lic'd. Mr. P•lom. trk~a<ling, tree wr k. Sell things fast with Daily R S'"""" St 1·c I"" T FUtd h.a · bo 962 ""l~ .. ~ ·u ....... . · 1 .. ...... ry w t you want 1n C1a:.s1f1NJ Ads . ...., .. """ oos etc.831·1257 WaotAds Call642·5678 PiJotWantAds. me. 8:J6.SSS.S24 hrs. Datly Pilot Classifieds. ~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~~ ..... ?~~~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~~~ ..... ?!~~ ~~~ ..... ?~.~~ ~~~~-~ ..... ?!~~ ~~~~ ..... ?!~~ ~~~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~~ ..... ?!~~ B.'lrtkln~ O,EANER121 rtlll7 pod rusib~t: Clerk· Typis t for South DENTAL ASST·front & --------• Girl Friday to aid busi· GUARDS Ma.tds. apply The Inn 111 TELLERS ~~ure a<7 l:io Mys p... <:oast Repertory 40 hrs back ofc duties, x·ray G&eltlAL OFFICE oessmnn who travels fre· l'Ull & p/time. All areas. INSPECTOR Laguna. 211 N. Coast ·I I to 11: A -vt pr wk. 45~m typing ac-cert nee. Would pref exp Electronjc distributor. ~Uy. P IT seeretarial Unifor m s furnis hed TR.AIMEE u..~. Laguna Beach NE\.U c u b, c a fo r appl. cur"tel". .""·"".00 pr RDA. Sal open. Call es + houses1'tt 1'og ..... , " v 644-0050 hr. Call Wynn;' m -2602 642.QJ80. located in Irvine, needs Ages 21 or over . Rel.Ired 1'o learn all phases or \n. girl for office duties 548 ·7520 Single, 0 0 welcome. No expenence sfret'tlo o. Mu s t pass ._ _______ _ ACCOUNTS CLERJCAL Clerk Tyi>ist. Immediate -D~E-N_T_A_L_AS_S_J_S_T_A_N_T-. Good opportunities plus cluldreo. nee. Apply Univers al y:;1cal & back X·ray. Mail Deputy Cle.r k wanlcd. cipemng. General Ofc temp. Mar l6-May 16. e x ce.lle nt com.pany Girl Friday, full Ume for Protection Service. l226 r vine . E .O.E . Call TRAINEE ecd sharp. personable bCllem:al posdll~otnl ava~u· duties. good typing skills Ex p, 546-2448, 'tU 5:30. Trbenef1ts. Contact. Bob decorating store . Will W. Stb Street. Sanl.4 Ana. •540--•76:VJ_______ Soslocm.ke shheealvvye".llfwti!111f ~~ T"llers and New Ac· e imme a e .Y. "e necessa ry . Perm anent ---------acy., 8am·5pm, Moo open & clos e s t or e . l.nU!rvfews hours 9·12 & .. "" & Loan experience pre· penence wpm typing J)t'rson: . DriYers customers in salesma n's lNSURANCE: t'tn Vly va r 1 o u s ma i I 1 n i; counts persons Savrngs qw~re· J yr ..elen cal ex· pC1s ition Apply i n Dial ARide thruFn.Phooe549·0954. answer phones & help 14MonthruFri. train e d to ope r ate fcrrc•d Fu ll l•ml' pos1· $705 l start. 833-0411 , KleenLlneCorp. Operate modern equip-General Office. Expr'd. absence. Will learn lo Hairdresserwanted. branch of lrg auto ins machinery . Excellent uons available Please ext. rorappt.Orangc 3J01W.54)gerstrom,SA. ment& door to door const ruc t & des ign male preferred. producing agency has benefits, Including den· \',ill he o . n l Y H a r bo r E.0 .E. M/f' trans~. Calif. drivers Uc receffi ption,. typin~. bkkpg, s hades & d o som "" 494·$17.Laguna Beach. the following immed tal plan. Apply between Mu 1c1pal Court E o E • "' · gh aptitude for fi11ure " · o Sam J lam & lpm 3pm 752-2600 aitreH nee. Good driving rec a OC airport. Electrical 673·7830 or come by Hair Stvlist Undet wrihr TraiMe ~~'.18~~~~oBe~~ .... ~ req .•• o prior exper work. Must live in vTc or specialty sewing. Call operun~s: -. . IRVlf'fE Cle rical must. No S UNDA Y Contractor.540-'1990. Cu s tom S h ad e & Large Salon, looking for Noexper nec. ""' S ... Vl""1.l'!O.S & LO ... H ERICAL JOIS per wk WORK. Orange Coa st Drapery Shop. 3535 E . hair stylist with follow-Acct Clertcs <Nea r 0 C. Airpor t> ':' ~ ~ I · j acemcnl Yellow Cab, l7300 M t. GENERAL OFFI C E CoastHwy,CDM. iog.RBarea .CallSusie. Ex.phelpful.butnot nec Equa l O p po r l un i t y EqualOpport unity 11 owing ..:,;r "'-" n • ffernna.nD.F.Vly. T y p1's t s acc u r a te---~'-------963-0717 Sal "O mm e n.~urat el~~Em~pl~o~ye~r·~~~~~ F.mployer MI F' a a ab.-.•...• ,~-iately in __;~:;__ __ .... ____ , r-1RL FtllD .a.y ... " •~~~~~~~~~ l Ora nge & Irvine Co. loo6tlng for part or full Dining Room Bus person. 40wpm, calJS49-3942. .. ~ Hospital NURSES·Aldes. w/exp & ability Call -a.'>. t rme bookkeeper in Days 7·2p m . No e x· ---------1 PART-TIME All slufts. LVN or RN. Kat h y S c hmidl a t Maintenance ma n Cull TYPIS'l'S (45wpm l Newport area Call Cin· peneoce nee. Opportum· General Office Morning & afternoon J.U . Newport Convales· 549-8161 or come into our time. $'750 per mo. tlJ KEYPUNCH d,yf 644.980 ty foradvancement.For JR.SECRET ..... Y shifts, fl'ont desk for cen t Ce nt e r. 1:>5 5 olc.at 17400Brookhu.rst, start, N. Orange Co. SECR ETARY cw /o r orappt. 1 appt.calJS81·5140 -busy tax office. Please Su 8 Ste21B,FtnVly. 752.2573 without SH> Construct ion Project Variety of duties in our write stating quallfica · _.:..pe_n_._M_A_v_e_.N_. -·------------ lO·KEY Manager. Growlh orient· Draftsman· designer P /T collections department. tions to Allen Hamond, Hostess Mature woma n INSRNCE F1LE CLERK MANAGEMENT OPPTY BANK •TELLER • PARTTIMfo: lmmed1ale opening 1n uur Laguna HlUs office. Savings and Louo or hank expe r ie n ce r e· qwred Excellent salary. worktnR rondltions and benefits Call or apply ;it GENERAL OFFJCE ed Tustin based builder morning or afleronon. Dut ies in c 1 u d e CPA. 2041 Business only. Ideal for PIT in· Beginners spot for bright New appl st.ore needs H Y h eduli Santa Ana. Retired O.K. shorthand, typing and Center Dr Ste 103 come u ·30-3 Mon Fri nPr'!U\n, Pleasant wor k· aggressive people to oocanc ooseyourown sch ng, governmen· fi~. Good r1·~u.re ap-· ·· · · · · · · r--::_.. · G \ •~ ... · __ .. hours & days t 0 k tal · d · & 545-1006 -Irvine Ca 9271S Apply in n..rson al 6 mg .. vuu1Uons. enera s ..... ~ 1mu""", no e x per · o w r · processmg, es1gn tit e helpful. xcellent ---·--·------.. ~ offke experie nce pre· nee. wlll train. $300 & up Top pay & exce llent budget responsibilities. Drivers & Helpers. Loca l • .-1.'"" condltio"~ and "-" "-·--s•---r apply p.m.: Charles Dicke ns £erred. Op""'rtUnllY for """ w~a.. call for appl bonus plan. s ala ry ne g o tia ble . .. ... .......,. .... \AN....,......,, ..... ..., Res tau rant : 3344 S. ,.... ...,.. =" Call orstopintoday Forwa rd res ume s to moving co. Apply ID benefits including dental 9am-2pm. Weekdays . CoastHwy,C.M. tra.uuJlg & advancement. Mr.Browo646-S015 VICTOR Karen, Akins Develop· person 15571 Producer insu r ance . Appl y Newport Bea c h Golf 3"11~ hr. We(!k. $500 per branch· t Co 310 w ll t St Ln, #8, HB. 898-0973 Bryatan, 200 McCormick Course. 3100 Irvine Ave. FKYI'EL-Asst. Housekeep· mo. t o star l. <:a 11 Temporary Senic.es men. · es s ·· Avenue, Costa Mes a. N.B. iog Manager for private [>:19-4700. ask for And rea. MANAGER for YMCA SUMMER RESJDENT CAMP localed in San Bernardi no M tns. Hoos- ing & employment for other members of family available. Summer posi· 11on only. Call 213 / 489-7043 ror application AMERICAN SAVINGS <\Ml Bi~llSt. Ste 213 Tustin, Ca. 92680. DRIVER/SALES Equ a l Oppor tuni t y ---------c I u b . Fu 11 t im e . E .0 -E. Newport Beach cOOK·Cooks helper ror Co. van. Xlnt op~rtuni · Employer. 7 : 30 · 4 pm . U n 1 o n 240llS El Toro Rd Laguna H1ll:s ~h Goldblau 779-2816 556-8520 retirement residence ly. Must have valid Calif. G·R·E-A• T benefits. Call for appt. 777 S. M:im Hrs. 12·9pm. Perm. posi Lie. and gd driving re· --------•I SALES JOI NOW 64.S-5000x :>20. JANITOR FUU ume Mon·Fr1. Ex ceUent beoefiL'>. Bayv1eow Orange lion. Excell. wages & _ccro __ ._s.56-0363 ______ _ General Offi ce OPEN 83S..2622 ~~f~· Call for appt. -------• HCROPERATOR " GOOD PAY, GOOD EqualOppty ---------DRIVERS CProo!Machine) HOURS. GOOD CON· Men or women 25 yrs or Afternoon shift. nexiblc DI T 1 0 N S . M A N Y oJder. Know lhe coas t hours no experience FRINGE BENEFITS. cities. Nel$180 a week or necessary. Must be able FAST GROWING COM· more . Orange Coast to work independe ntly. PANY PROMOTES Yellow Cab. 17300 Ml. Oood benef its . Im · FROM WITHIN.T RAJN Herrmann, Fo unta in mediate opeqing. in ma · F 0 R T 0 P Valley CNo of Slate r jor Newport Beach fi rm. M AN AG E M EN T •--J::•miiip•loiiiylle•r•M•/•I'•. -·I ·--------•I Cook· Experienced fry _ Cle.ocal cook for breakfast & din· BAR GIRL-Ne1ghhorh0-0d UMDERWRITERS nc r Top pay, good bar F\111 or part lime. ADJUSTING be~fits. Bob' s Family ~·· M " Restaurant. 1409 S. El v.lbla e11a 64.,.5544 COMPA.MY Camino Real. 4.92·1353 Jlanna1ds-Port 17. C M. Tap ~ay +.Mature pref. li46-3666. NEWPORT IEACH lmmeclate OpeniUKJ CLERK/ TYPISt COOKS be lwn Ne who p e & Contact: S T A RT S ''IM · Houltha n's Old place Euclid) • MED I A TE L Y '' ------ l:lt'llman. Appl) in pt>rson See J ody Surl & Sand Hntc•I 4M-4'77 Pl · hi i --------Lyn0Stansf1eld K E Y B 0 A R D ace is now r ng : 7 a c., EX p E R 1 E N c E _Sautee, Broiler & Pantry ---------< 14) 759·7°"" UDderwriters AdJuslmg Cooks. Apply in person, DRIVER /T Betwecn8am -uam HELPFUL. WE HAVE Company is seeking a 24 pm daily, 4880 Cam· P . OUR OWN T RAJNING Clerk/Typist with g()O(I pus, NB. I r o m N e w P o r t t o PROGRAM P UT ON BY nkkpr Fee Paul A.SST to $900 Xlnt growth potential for f,A'rs wtbas1c knldg Call Ouidare, allio fee jobs. H48 1288 Denni.'I & Den· ms Personnel Service of Huntington Beach. lfH68 &•ach typing skills (type :>O-AO ~--------We s twood R e t ail d~AW'CO 1HE COUNTRY'S TOP WPM> who can type COOKS·P~1.v ate Cl ub clothing st.ore, receiving . ~· 0 R GAN SALE S from written re ports . seeks qualified sauce & dept. Good driving re· """'.-w"-"=' PEOPLE. C ALL AT Responsibililies will In· broiler cooks, 1-2 yrs. ex· cord & refs . re qwr ed. 620Newport Center Or 0 N C E F 0 R elude operating a die· per. a must . Call for Must be 21. Hours are Newport Beach INTERVIEW. ORGAN t.aphone and answering a ppt.00-5000xS20. 8 :30·1 Call~ Nan cy, EqualOpporEmployer E XCH ANGE. STAN l.00 phone. If .you have COUNTER GIRL for dry •64+-•5070_______ NUNN7H/S86-7302. these office skills, we or cleaner in CM. Pref exp, ---------1---------fcr a stable work en · but will train. Mst be Dry Cleaning count er General GUARDS Boal Harrlware Sale s Pt'n;<•n,. f' IT 2 days a wk sehock Hardware 2900 Lafayette Newport Beach ti75-3324 v1ronmenl with an ex neat. 546-9643 Paul. help, f1111 & Part lime. p~ Y THOSE ce llc nl s a l a r y and ~--------759-9901 CHRISTMASllUS benefits packagl'. This CUSTODIANS --------WORK WH EN YOU Job must be filled i m p /T 7 .3: 30 p M . F /T Dry Cleaning plant needs WANT mediately. P lease rc•ply J.ll:~ PM. Experience. combination p re:;se r . Openings in warehouse. at once to: ref. req. San Clemente _m. __ 900_1_· ------factory & office . C:ill llody·Man. Harbor Body Works, 2076 Plucer1l111, Costa Mesa BOBBI General Hosp. 496-1122, t (714 > 975 7837 ext. 224 Elect.roruc technician, 1ull VICTOR or Prr. Knowledgable in T~GI 'f S.rvices • 16'1" ..,.._, PJ!itomer Ser Fee Pd use of occiJliscopes & <4341 Birch St. Ste 21:1 ..,,,,.. Prol*m Solnr general test equipment. Newport Beacti BOOt<KEEPER F/C Sought to as!!ist clientele Will test & evaluate . 556-8520 os. w rom. . . . res1 enll v pr. Call · And add your ne w P lfi F l R E ot ·d al d I Prototype & production Invest. irm. XJnt opptY. UndefwritenAdjusting Marion,833-2700. Also ree mafnellc components . b k { ~. Cal Valor Electronics payc e c s to n ex l C>I"-~ x P "' m a t u r \' Comp•"V _ }obs. Dennis & Dennis ~9264 moo\h's budge\. _flCn;on. C.all 640-0123 4141 MacArthur Blvd Pe rsonne l Service of --------- CABINET MAKE R·2 Yrs Newport Beach lrvioe, 20S2 Michelson Engineer . deslgn. P /T t>xp wood & formica , EAualOpport~ Dnve. electro · hydraulic con· t mployerM/F • ol s te R ti d salary Op<'n. apply 260 E Delivery p/time AM , LA .r ys ms e re {)yer Rd. Suite M. Santa Times deliv. $100 per 0.K. 545-lOOG Arut. -==---AL CARRIERS. L A Times. ~al e x-~~96 Laguna Beach. ~m!~ rfo~ta~e~:::i i·IU'ly AM. hours, Irvine corp. DELIVERY U you nd a duties. 2JYl5 Harbor 81, area. S300·S-100 /mo. no ·pre· decnt pay Ptr job $4·$6 _c_M _______ _ 1•olleclions 544 ·0551 / w/xj hr + Evs 5·9pm, Ms t Experleoced shoe repair 213 ~.f!N $1000.Call Jean.~~. haveowntrnsp53l-OM2. mao & fitter. Sid's Shoe CASHIEtt Coastal Personnel Agen· Deliv.er y pe rson fo r Sbop,494-l007. R l U t · cy,2790Harbor, CM n-·-h es a ran upenence ALLJOBSFREE '""'"'r s op, P/T. Foam cutter, no exper . desirable Apply 2·5PM. 546-9172 necessary, Full Ume or Ben Brown's 31106 Coast Clerk·l'Ull time b1~1llo , 10 DEMONSTRATORS Ptf.642-5702 Hwy. So. Laguna. key by touch, rine . knowledge helpful AP . Fri & Sat 1();6, near your Front desk help. Apply in ly l n pe r s on. ' o home, fooda le s m ap-person. See Judy. Surf & C~HIERS Shi~ard, 900 Lido Pa ~~~ (714) 768-SS73 Saod Hotel.4974477 Dr. B. Gardener ln exchange for UTOTEM MARKETS Dent.al Asst. Oral surgery a p t renl. Spac io us CLERKS only . N.B.. Inquiries coo· ~·for 5S unil com · Come work tempora ry fidenllal 644-6161 pl ex In Costa M eu . Opeolngs now a vailable w1tb a company who · · &l.2.5Cn'3or (213)~3851. for full nnd pa.rt·time ca.res about you. Im Dental Ms't RDA ort.ho. 1 ---------C~ers on 2nd & 3rd med.lat4) work-top pay. yr exper., full or Ptr. shifts. No upertence Call for an apoolntmenl. Npt Bch. Write to Box 401 necessary, we train. , IS7.006I % Daily Pilot PO Box Start at SJ per hour. 3d• • 1560, Costa Mesn. Ca. vancemcnt upportu.n.lty ~Q~ O f fl C e • 928211J f0f'rnana~em('ntpos1t1on 0 ove r load DENTAL~SIS1'.,,.'"'for to $5.SO pc-r hour If E ·~· • qUAlif&ed. fl'or Interview ~~~~~~~~~! ~:P ndOdontk 1>rBC· ito to at.ore 36, Moodny _ t.ice fn N.B., areal oppty, o3m A"m; exper necessary, non· • .,., smoker. 644-0685 885Gltnne:tre LallcM>mcthlo& valuable ? Laa. Bch., 49'-9235 P1aoo an •d fn our Lost Desk cleric. Must be tx• 1'4ut.IOpporEmployer and f ound colu mns . pe.rteocedNCR4.200 AP. ~~~~~~~~I Thnl'a where people look ply O.vid Mr NeU. Uot.el -when they've found an La guna. 425 S . Coast SeU idle Ite ms 642·56'1t! item ot value. Jlwy, Lq Bc.b 494-1151 .. \ GARDENER Opealng currenUy exiats for rellable Individual. Knowledge ol plan$" ir· rigaUoo helprul. Esyoy xlot compan,y bcoof1t5. Apply 9am·12 Noon, Mon/Fri Persooool. MARRIOTT HOTIL 000 Newport ~ater Dr Ne1'J)OU't Beach · Equal()ppoc Emply m/C --~~~---- G8GllAL OFFICE Dependable, self·starter wanted for congemal one girl office . Electronics firm. Typ~ 50-55wpm. Aptitude with figures. Salary open. Call Mr. A. Dies f« appt . SS7·6S43 General ornce Tnl AcJtwcy Secy Ext itimen t a w aits talented \Ddiv wtadven· turous spirit in fast paced ufc. Call Amy, 848-1288 Dennis & Dea· ms Pen.onnel Service or Huntl.nJton Beach, 16168 Beach. Gcnl Ofr Fff Paid ~$700 Fiaure m inde d lndlv 90Ught to learn acct!( & PIU"l'Oll procedures. Ca ll k&y, 833-2700. Also fee jobs, Dennis le Dennis Peraonnel Ser vice of Irvine, 2082 Michelson Deive. .... oFCr/T lnvatmnt con.slllt.anl wlll d r flex bra w 1d lyplat who cu work about io hrs per wk. To '6 11tr hr. Cal\ J u n. 540·6055 C.OUtal Person.net Agen· ey,2790Harbor, CM ALL JOBS FR.EE • SECURITY Due to our recent ex· parulon program. Wells Fargo Guard Services iS hiring Security Guards for: lnhlt/..,.wport leoch Santa AM/ AnaMilR fWerloft/htftCI Porte Costa Mesa & The · WMttier Arff I MM E'D I A T E OPEMIHGS for suptrvl1ory l•••I s.c.;ty Officers who .....tTCP PAY. wlttt o mpected co...,...y. ~ $l.OO TO $3.85 PaHOUR PlOMOTIOM CAN PAY TO S4~5 PM HOUR Apply In person Monday to 1-'rlday, SAM to SPM at: WELLS FARGO GUARD SERVICES ISlJW COlllllt OllWHfttt Fllel"IOft.CA OR Noaday. Tuesday, Wed· nead•[.1.. T b uudey . t OAM· t'M. CLOSED Frid~at 230 W W91'f11W' bt217 s....i....cA State U c. No C·a>.36 EQuaJ ()pportun.ity t mp)OyerM/F • •• Hotel Conv. Hosp. 2055 Thunn. HOST/HOSTESS C.M 642-3:>05 II CASHIEA Legal Fee Paid Opportunities for people stCY to S 13,200 oriented persons cu r· Your nroad e x p will rent.lyexisL Must be able c r eate u n 1 q u e ~po I to work flexible hours. w/multi·atty civil/Jlcnl Enjoy pleasant working prac. Call J oy, 833·2700 conditions & company Also fee jobs. Dennis & benefits. Apply 911m ·l2 De nn is P e r s o nne l noon. Mon /Fri . per Serv1re of lrvtne. 2082 Mau"%° Troiftff :Paid Rental div or expand'i;: O.C. corp seeks an indlv wtsupervisory talents & prof attitude . Call Bill , 833-2700. Also fee jobs. Oenrus & Dennis Person· nel Service of Ir vine, ~2 Michelson Dri ve. Personnel. Michelson Onve. M A R R I 0 T T -UG--AJ.-S_EC_R-ET-... -R-Y--M-as-te_r _Call>(!--n-tc-r--Sh-1p-- HOTEi. A Able lo do any rough or Growing dynamic L1t1ga firushed wood install u- 900 Newport Center Dr lion Fir m in Newport \ion. use engint>erini:: Newport Beach Center has perm. part drawings·sketches, have EqualOpporEmply m/f ti me o p e ni n g for own hand too ls. ust• energetic efficient & ex small power tools. drill Hotel·Motel pe r. legal secr e t ary motor, screw gun, sabre Ma nagement position. Mu s l h a v c x I n ' saw & disc sander, usP Immediate opening for shorthand, typing & die· rrulling cqwpmenl. band ambitious, enthusiasl1c t aphone e xper. Call saw, table saw, joiner, front office manager. Sharon640·1B60 router. belt sander etc Must be respon.'lible & Be able to tram new & experienced. Salary LEGAL.SECRETARIES semi 1:>x p e ri e n ced open. Apply Roy Fraser for growing Newport employees. 4 years ex· or Juanita Presley, San Firm. l exper civ. lit: 1 per1t>nce. $5.87 pr hr Oemente Inn. 125 Ave. corporate: good skills, DOT 860·381058 Apply E s p I a nd i a n , S a n SR Beautiful offices. ocn Employment De ve lop· c 1 e m c n l e . c A . vtew .. congenial group, ment Dept. Ad paid by 714/492-6103 for a ppt. med ms . Open salary. employer. Call Shirley or P eggy --------- Housecleaners needed. 640-703S Mature woman Lo com pa· Must have car. ruon sit wknds. eves with 549·9372 LIMO DRIVER well. older grandmotht>r Prv Ply. Newport Bch. for prof. daught~r. N.R. Housecleaning ludy to p rofess iona l. cxper. _are_a_640-8222 _____ _ clean mY mobile home mature driver. 24 to 55 weekly or b1·monthly yrs 5175-$200 per wee k MECHAf'illC 64&-4072 Refereort>s 645-6lS6 or Experienced w/alr cond. u ---a.. r;r r U 2.13-822-0611 ext.284 t u o e u p . I I g h t nuu.')C:Aee . e m.. ve. ---------mecharucal. Good salary in. cook drive ror lady. LUNCH S ERVICE help & benefits. Goodyear Pvt. nn.a>a. Npt Bch. for pvt men's club, Mon TireStore 642·~/646-1524. th r u Fri. 12. 2 : 3 o . ____ 64_6-48 __ 14 __ _ HSKPR·Childcare. Eng _'1_!iO_l_hr_.7_52_·_7905_· _. __ MECHANIC F or eign speaking pref, mature. C a r I D i e s e I own Lra nsp, Mon·Fr i, MACHINIST Re p air /o verh a u l . N.B.Ref.644·6887 MILL HAND Mercedes Benz auto~ I DE A L p I T J M E , For proto-t,ype mact)ine Elect, manual & auto housewives & college shop in Ule instrument trans/ brakes, etc. Reurt girls w/cars. Over 21. division of tbe oil tool in· job orde r, determine 9:30AM·12 :30l>M Mon· dust!')'. Worklng from malfunction. plan work Fri. Earn $8().$100 week-bl~prints. sketches & procedu res. do valv1• ly . Mus t be n e at, verbal designs, directly Jobs, c a li b rati ons . penonable & eoergetk with engineenng, lo a&· replare ignitions, repair Lori's Kitchen. 979-0747 sial in new product de· fuel 1.1\j sys to CA stan· aftlOAM FOR APPT. velopment for w or ld dards, ..weld/use ele«'l wide well bore navtga· eqwp. le band tools IMMIDIATE tion equipment . Lolhe Diesel m~h training. s PARTTIME eitperience hdptul for yrs exp. SlO per hr. Take l!MPLOYMENT more vanety or projects. ad t o E mp Io y m e n 1 -SAN CL EMENTE Salary open, exrellent 0 v I P m ti t D e P t The OAJLY P ILOT 18 benefits package. E.O E 001'·620.261.010. Ad paid ~ld•ting a 11u~lOn· Scientific Drilling Con· byemployer . tJal l).lrt ol Ila distrlbu· lrol, Corpora te Hc •d· Me d lct1I Se cret a r y I uon lntoto pa'ft: •a q u&r ters, N ewport "--:::on1 E .. r rou .... s re· Beadl. Call (7l•> '""·'f·""Sl ™"""" st. xpcr. 111 qu.irioC • ternoon de· -"" IM. IUn.g & bOoltke.p· llnry by motorize d AAk for Mr . Moll or Mr lng Salary t.5-$6 per hr. U'*n.1pOrtaUon. ~. Commenaurat.e wltb e~· •Liberal income a l· ~~~~~~~~~ per .979-6652 '°"'net plws bOou.a plan 1.....:;. __ .....;..;__ ___ _ -Short worldng hours ( 7 UtUe Miss Muff et sat on a Medl<'aJ Secy danperweek) Tuffet. atona came a Pt.ytlal111)11t0fc •Ex<ielltlnt parttJrne in· Sllider and rc•d i.n the l ntrl aulng practfo come Oail)< P\lot ClaasUied l:Wai\a coo!i~otlal It de· F or details con tact aection ab()ut Miss Muf· ~blolndlv.Call Can· Foate.r Ouf'llet 496·8800 ftt'11'ufret and bouaht It dy, W.2700. Deonis It between t :30AM·7PM. for SB.SS. You can sell De nnis Pereon ne I M·l-'. )'CUI' luH. t. and >ot.a of Service ot Irvlno, 2082 W .. ..,... .. CTJONA. oDtber thin&• Uiro uah Micbeilon Drive. -·, " T ally Pilot Claa1Lrrcd Clualfed Ad.1642·5678 Ads. cau SU·~ Want Ad Help? 6a-!S6711 • .\ ' ": .rJD DAILY PILOT Wl'dn..01~. f'•bruery ?I, tlJ7'0 Help W•'-4 7100...., W•ted 7100 ~W..ted 7100 Help W..ted 7 too~ W•ted 71 OCl .... W-"41 1t00 ·iW~~~~~~~·r.;;~· ;;:~;;·;~:;1·;~·~;;;~· ······:::·c··H·:······· WHnMClay. Febru.,y 28. 191'1 ••:;;:;.;;:~5·;;,•• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11pel"1tnre 11ref rrod dant, titper'd Day " f:xp £;;:-M-1";; rnr ISt ~ t I b h I d f>ANTRY WORK RR 51Jy1 PR.1NTINO IWrlA Mano~ 87~lt03 Eva f\Jll A p/Um ,\p parochial hlahachool. tWpW•t.d 7100 "*Hi•• 1050 --IOIO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• WAl~RESS·Part·llmt>. M.AttaUSH For Sale: AlR COM· wtmds~ par\I onlY. ap· Twin or rull mattre11 PRESSOR, 5 llP. 3 phase ~y 0 (' 1111 t I • Wk. upprox 3Z hM r\lt 7"' ply, Shtll tatJon. ltlh" eau Mn Panons Mater der or •ucct•O Into club l'l ll rur •PP• lmmrdilW QPeDll\j H &II rullrr, full Um•. will lrV\ne,NB n... It h h I . s t.a prox 16 hrs Pvt club call Mlt5$56 motor 2 <'YI lnfer:1ol mRmnl or 110• ~ th•~ li44 .oor;o ~fur trliln ---"""1 ag 11c 00 • an rapt1JI) rap1dl)' ••11:pnd'i --rtlSS OPIAATOl 11.11 UM2 i\lR CONDITIONING & Ana 754-7711 ___ _ foe appl. 644~ c..._., Rand pump 00 aa I.Ink Modlltto.. ,._,.. $750 or b u t offer. not'I co 1·~ \an.. in l•anlJ')opt'nroof"'"P""ith• t-;'lpH 11•n cr1l pr•" · ltutinc aervlceman, Teacher PffforPE An w~.rd1duw for u 111n1n1 It rnunt.rY club Part ume pcnllll to operaltt mulu ~ Customer St>rvire mln 3 yrs exp n>aid. & I th Chri " WAITRES.50 R WAlTER S'"f·l077 fi42.~ Apply in person Stavros. "' 1-------- thrn "'°'(' UJl Ont of oow, rould bt rull um,• In lit.hr-a.r,i1 tMO prr .. 1· RC'.f? PC> llltin °&"'n for I It c co mm er c 1 a I ~l.la~r':f~h~~,t~ thl' btolil coa. in wrn .. umnvr.f00 ~1t'7 Sala r y •1 11 ro m r 1 t!lllP toiexl le hrs. 11yalA!mst&3'7·~ •'lnVly ~CoasUlwy. N 8 F'OrSah~· 1-Umace, d ghty tbounod BTU. Near new. $75. After 4. 552·8361 w "'" l'\."'Ul~tum in Lhl u th i.toni cittrounl Xlnt opp --"-------'' Id ... f.x~ ptmn I lll>J•h P R K I N G L U 'f m•naurat• "1 l'l C o • t a M e II a . IServ Sta Help needed 1m Warehouse **I BUY** C•ll C:hrta ~10 t}O)~ W~t:Pt::R. n11ht u1rll &Jt'.11l'OU' Coi:mu'1 Moot1om r y Wud. med FuU or p/t. Apply TECHHICIAM WAlt&fOUSEJOIS C.oal&l l'••r<oo1Vl ,\,1 n ... ,. <>vr~ SMI S1SO l.)"'n \.!t nflrld toonamlN.C~1 Call Mr 990E.0.tHwy,N.li ~ .. 1..aslnthrCollowma Cood used f\Jrnlturc le AppUances OR I wHI aellorSEU. ror You tm sq rt.~ ... tng pegged oak flooring, $1.75 !IQ. (t AoUque schooldesk. $30 Antique Coca <.:ola iC\' chest,~ Pu:sh mowl'r. StO. 26" 10 spd bik~. $30 ~art .7PM . L l l • ll .. " .... 111 .u .. """'J f':lc.-ctronlcs backaround. Vl""·->. l11rb(l(, '-' ' per ,.,. lo I Ir l:• lll~11•" 1 r · ••' ( n-.,,._ • ..--r attu: JObll are avalla • M!t ~-15J • • iJ1' ..-n.-.-51' 3yr exper mlnimum or MAST8S AUCTIOH 64M6'6 & lll·f 625 \IJ,JO!\S Htn. _ I ·hot'4'n llana 11 .. ni 81llt!1l•lork WAAIMOUSIMAH Modic11ICQmponentMCJ ble immedla~ly NOUl'l.S&" '-'""'~ PART TIME t'U~~~~ .. ~~:~~'t1 STMT Sl40 MONTH e:;r~ ~~ii ·~~usa~er,i;;~ ~~~~8~GE \"11olf'd103t1>r' n.-.. umf'.> L2L~AWCO l'o ... ('h11rm""Y Job11ec:urily annt, r."'1·"""" FOODSF.RVF.RS ~EN MATRESS/BOX ti• EYrw1wrs ' N Al.. • • ·~ ~tabllabed company ,,.. "° .,,,.,., LOADERS ~·o l\1' I d t-' NII ~ot~i U. na _J ~ 'I ll'Tll Nuw1.10rl Ulvd N li F'rfoc mf'dlcal/dental TIRE CH ANO E RS E'J' $89. Km5 SeL'I $99, ~ti>Jdi. .~ \dult.i "lt.h oot.at&ndlo . t:."ONewPOf1 'rotl't Ur s.a1~ "'"'•Pahl 6'5-6830loNewporl Techn 1c1an e l HttO STOCJ<CLEHKS ~~~~7° el Home Must sell trumpet, power mowt'r, <reel front throw>. birycles. <man'i. 3·i.pd , bo ys' & girls ~hwinn & racing b1ke1 (M2.8533 We...dMw facea: atlr.u'ltvc· JW<nonal1t11•1o Nt'wµort Ht•uc h ft Sl2K + cCMMn SJUPPINO &TRUCK dis · mecharucal hydrfuhc11 Located lO ltvm1:. Santa Modrl~ M.tl• &c ft•mi.h -.tlo t'!Oil> '"'>rkltl' ..,1t h fo~,uJlJOppot fmployt•r f)1or eu mmun1 ~11tor palclulll!. We will tram. PffretiredO.K S45·1006 ~~ko;:~gJ~y~'a:ih"~~~s CASH PAJD t I \ u u r I ",. ,, h '' .. l.1~ fhC"r 21 M.an Ill llOOalhl b.)' prOfNSslve co Mac(;reuor Yachts 1631 For gd used Cum, anti ' h •Ir a' t ,. r • , h I" h '3 )(! ~~r hour Phnnr for So Ca tt'rr Call lhll, Pla-nu"a CM . TB.EPHOHE Call or stop In today ques& clrTV's95l-8133 Ncw""rt BeHch Te nn1i; "' b l;l 4 J 2 t t \I :l 5 n. """ ""00 Al~" f• .. 1 '•1'--"""' • ' Everybody a:s wt,:ICOml' LO "'" r-I "1 Cu:Juvo 01 lu.·i.~ lllLl' th1 ni-T '4 • .-~ 1 ou 5 oo t'rtnl I'll """'" ""' " ''.,. ---------S •LES Never a fee SOFA & V"""EAT or Club ""II Fam1 Y ••cm iwltit''-l•'-•"r t.allfi•r .rn l'M • 1 Ul>nru•&el>t'nn111 .. erson Shlpp11\f1 /Rece1ving Ex A VICTOl sleeper $179. Century be r s hlp . 6 42·011 2. •IJ)IHHntml'nt r.ir 11 •~La......,..........__i.. PRESS rw.•ISer v1ce oClrv1nt'.2082 panding.)'OOng<'ompany Newspaper subs Your S • Model H o m e Furn 644-6687 -.._.-_....,.. M1r hclMm Ot1ve hu • need for on am· phone. 4 to s hrs u duy T.....,_ary .,.-.1cH 549-3077 _::___.:;. _________ _ pi·r.t••111I lnll'o ll'"' '110 loA1u..tl Uppununil) ()PER ATOR -bU.JOOS person to do ship· S200 & up comm wk 4341 Birch St. Ste 213 SO sq yds plu.'lh cpt w /xlra l'Oold lk· nt11tldin.c '"' t mplo)l'r ~m.ill In how.f.I 11ho!l hll'I ~ J)IJ'tg/rece1v1ng/custodial Exp pref. Over 21 1 O Newport Bea ch DESK & CHA lit Com Uuck pad, deep brwn, pd ~:~" :_~ ""'' v.t·1~1k.' ...._, i\100 Avai1labll• Somt.• .. CIORY FARMS wort Full ume Excell Newspaper Ent 835·64S3. 556-1520 bin1llon for sale Like $500. less than 2 yrs old ..... , t "" 1111'4·. '"' noi-. PA."iTF. l 'P ARTlS r I' 1 d J 1 ..,._,.,,-ts ''all Amencan o s new. Sl60 c:~~.0773 Xlnt cond, moved to ~w .. 1 II I • L ' d 1 pr"'• l'.llperll'ntt• rt· UIJ>CO\l.'r 1h1• won e11u ""'''"" "" 11.03PM nly 777 .Mam ...... ·~ .i. .... u•· .ur & t T "''Jk'r· \riJ> > -~• f h & L e a r n 1 n .. C o r p . O home lhat has cpl. mul>t "''I .>4.l 1 r•.·nn)··11·~r l11uO 11UlfnJ wurld u " f'C·~c .. range S"'CRl""'CECo l •·or e. • .., • • • ( d h I n~-.. .. .,,, Tow Truck Dnver!i ex 83r2622 "' r• n en..., o1 .,..U_,,.. c:""' 2035 ''l'"' ' ...... w •. ,,1 l'lll'"'nl••. (.' ~1 p & DER 1i:uurml't ou ':i w t 1• .. _ ....... _......, __ .____ ~ h C "" _,., .,..,.,. , ... • "' ,, Ar tr mon 'Y per'd Top pay. Apply •-.--------bdrm ouse entury _ _.;._ ___ --- Modl'llfU( \Kl'lll) l'llrn•nM l'X • 1 S HIPPING DEPT G&W Tow1no , 740 8 1• Model Ho me Furn SCRAM-LETS rnx CUTTER 1• r 1>11lc11 Tak1n~ u p .. MOO l.l<~ll f l :'lil~ to'ull \n,,,..1·rln,: .. 1•r v 1tt' phc ullonli a t ll1 ckury lnspectlnR & packaging OhmsWay.C.M 642·l252 Mercl....tiM _549-__ 3077 ______ _ 'In' •• "") I' •rt 11m1 ,.,,, .... ,.t•I( full·-.. r C'Jll t~ntµult•t1ted ffidl'hllwl ...... ,,...~. Wn•trl1(( P hillf, :1m pitru. must be Cas t. "" d k ·-I ANSWERS .. .. ..,.....u , m r ( A ""'""' ,~ 1rcur11t e •-oood 'fRAINEE · Ftn Vl y ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,.,.ecutive es ... s wive o k < II f pl itt.:1:>61 l'll.1)1.'Mt•n.rt pru t'rltu 42 OOi.! I'' ht I I· nd .,. <> $ 00 "'r J ur "JI t-'oor day workwt"k,rx 1li-$0 t~· as on :.a t'ye11l((hl 1o·emale pre· branch or lrg auto ms AllltlCfll" 8005 cbr 1 · Hetake -Nymph 9Qi .Wl 'IX ()fJfAATOR t'l•ll1•nt hc.·m•f1Ui \ndud1011 fcrrt"d. 1mmcd opening, agency producm~ a~en· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 675-l060 Havoc -Phylllc - MUTH ~:R ~ 1n :Lt' E It hick!Jl'ndenl bank seek ~ntuJ plan Apply llum SALESLADY great company benefits cy. bas the following im· Hands ome o ct a~on a I KNEECAPS law lu. rm & brd t 'm IDll exp('rH·nC'1·il r UX t1 11m & lprn 311m. Na f':XIJ"nt•uccd. full taml' Cwl for lnl.(!rv1ew & inlo mL'<ioperungs . Antique Musil' Boxes! game table + 4 h1·back You couldn't s top m y ,. il I ti r > , ",pl' l' t .1 n t Op•ut.or fur Sal only u onal Ed ur nllon, •HOl ror bctwr wonwn'iirt·udy 54S-0403 Underwri~ Troi1tee Slot Machines! Clock!\! saddle arm c hairs Near mother from cleaning. root.hl'rOK 7702~~t C'on t:H't L D av •~. Rarr h St111l'l. Nl•wpurt to weur So l'ouNtl'luw __ SH_O_E_S_"-.E-5-.-NoExperNec HUGESELECTION new SSOOfirm.646·4594 Finally,afterlOyears uf .u.,,.,.,,, Ul'ac ll <NrurOl' ''ll ~••t"'"" -AcctCl•rtls •-n'co11 waionctandpolishingthc ---------111 '"""""" ... I () "11 ..... ,'""" P/U ..... •, m' un or wo-an. -lln• bed b d 1 B · "' r'a"fi"''ltY u"nk Airport) c.QUll I' ...... ... Exph0 lpfulbulnotnec I-"---61---1 •wz ·ran new. ox noorsshehadto befitled It' .i '"' u.. 1l0f1umt)'to:rnployt•r SaN .. OrderDesk 1£.xpr'dlntamilyshoosor Sal "c ommen s urate MW""""'-sprngs. matt , steal with artifi c iul MOVIE EXJRM Equ«I Oppor Employer will train r11(hl person. Galerie. fr a me & books he If II d 1-:xpn1ull1111 l'lt•ctron1t•i. 1 1 k f w/exp & ab1hly Call Open Wed. lhruSal. hdbrd. 11751 .__t offor. _KN __ E_E_C_A_P_S_. ____ _ ... ought by llo ywoo PBX OP E RAT OR Will l'rodur tion Wurkl•r!l porh di i1 tr . Guoll i\W)' nperson.As or KalhySchm1dt. 549·8161 """ movie firm $20 ~00 ~r lrain Part time. Fri & l l.ia..,e ,. lnct•nt1 vc Hkurnd Mr.<:annon. or come Into our ofc a t UI02 Kettenng, Ir v 548·7349 Persian lamb jacket. s lit· d l k ' S h 11 7 tlEUAft(' WF.1.0fo:I S " HEMPIULLSHOES 1714) 754.1111 be ·' I $175 ay J>Ol>ll .• oo IOI( or al nig l Pnl· am s-180 to s5 116 U/\NO n"1mt•h•1·11·11111po11enl 17400Brookhursl Stc218, ---------UH2, autuu .. or outgomtt 18 ~O yk olds Mui.t t y pe . Cont J C\ 100LORINOF:n s . $3 U3 ljtth:li. purch or ru:4\ S4Fa11hlon ~nd. NB FlnVly. ---------. Ecv:~~~h isnegt s~uds!s :~. _bes_t_ot_r_er_S48 __ -1_os_1 __ _ wanting to rca into Maunne. Newporh·r Inn, t 0 S" ~ 0 t-: L (o~ (" 1>4•rv 111 ltt•I D111ll 1llutor 1>44_· ____ Anllque Oak reverse s boo«cases, lots oC misc. Exquisite stamed glass movies (7141 761 1214 1100 Jamboree Rd. NU 'J'ROSTATIC P/\INTElt Sfilt':i. 7 1'1/63114~1 /\:1k SIU< SCREEN d 1 Typtst Recepuorust desk $950. 642·2164 or CallG7~l900art 6 VIO~O C AS T I N G &W-1700 E.0.1:: $447 lo *''I l'l'OUll'' forAmw ~~ od , tes gnhocop Young expanding com 67J.-0782 window Z4"x7l", signed SERVICE tnow m 4th -" ' " -,.._,......,a pr uc ion·i. pany needs pcr!>on Lo · byHogan.675-4166 year> PIXRECE:PT TI O N WORK Jo; R S · Sult•:-. pcrl!ons wanted. manager. 3 yrs mm ex handle busy phones & do Anllque Dmmg table can 0uungPerf ..... tabcloer!r:1'i!:Z!.~: _H..:.-0-tr-"a'-in_se_t_&_p_l_a_tf-o-rm- Fee Paid "1~ale/fo'emu•'ull'. l'l'\Jrnll~n· ·n\t' Day, 303 Maio St . per wbe/habnl d print,1ng&. heavy typmg. Reqwres seat 12. $150. 6 Hep· *"'></~'rer!HiS-7076 For Sate. Excellent con· Never a dull moment for ac-ers. rm urc ns Balboa Mcn.-< & Womens must a e lO peop e, rapid typist. Entry level plewh1te. chairs. Sl50. ......., "' cbllon 979-W4l MUSIC IUSIHESS Person lo work m LA mw.1c bus aflell!I, JOb m eludes dri,•1ng owner from 1"3guna Beach to LA & back 494· 7436 you wtule direct ing calls s em b I e Pa c k 1 n.: Sporl:l wear lmmcdu1te be producuon minded po s 1t1 o n Exe 1• I I . Other aouques. 540'°303 Elegant glass d1rung tbl, --------- Ln beaut & busy orc·s Oper:tltH'!l,S3 67to S440. Part L1m1· openln)(ll for Salaryopen 54().9HO benefit!.. Call Amen can _________ 1 w /m trro r pedest a l , Carphone Motorola, all CaJI Dawn, 833-2700. Also I ROWH JORDON week·l'ndS <.:"11673·5650. SILK SCREEN, co seeki. L eo r n 1 n g Co rp . 42X72 6 uphols te red channels. must sell S854J fee Job. DeM.1s & Dennts SANTA AHA belpers·traanees . Some 71"/894-4437 La~una Beach chrs New Cost over best offer. 673·0983 or Pers onnel Service of 21Jl7S Halladuy St SALES RETAIL. ofhce MuseumofArt $2000 Sacnfke 960.Ql20 548-8711 lrvtne. 2082 Michelson Ma nufactures o f hig h s upplies & stationary. exper helpful but not nee. TYPIST. part t1m1" 101 7lh ANNUAL -------- NURSES AIDES Dnve. quabty aluminum o ut PF~~~.1 m, e pos .55:i7v9a21121. 540-guo chiropractor olc. ~ 111 • Amqoe Show & Sole• Maple twin bed & maple Armstrong minatone ur door furniture C<tll nuu•: urappt. · . train Call fur a ppl AdmissionS2.50 desk&cha1r 642·1648afl cou1111cal ceiling lllc. J.11 Good salary. Coun· Permanent P IT Accounts try .Club Conv. Home Payable with Gene ral ~362 Santa Aoa Ave Contractor in N.B. Hrs. C.M S49·:ll61 nexlble. 631-0210. ------- ()((ice help w /bookkee p· 1ng e xpe r . mature per s on. lite ty pi ng . Telephones. pt-time. Ca ll lns 642·6506 & 557-4393. PESTCOHTROL Steady job for rig ht perso n. lrainee, profit sharing & group health. Apply Mon, 9·12, Lloyd 's Pest Control, 566 E. Dyer Rd,S.A. ()(Occ Manager.s ales Good opporlun1ty for ad vancemenl Will train/no PHARMACY CLERK experience ncct'ssary . Expr'd. T o work 1n Mu::.l be 25 yrs old or Corona del M'ar. :ll hrs olde r & bl• avail . o n M lh Fr d Saturdays 557·01124 or pcrwk, 00 ru i ay, 12.:K> pm to 6 pm. Re fs. 774·6090 1525 Mesa re q. Please call Mrs . Verde 1;206. Cnc;ta Mes~ Young 644·7575 for in· tetvlew btwn 9·30 and 12 OfftCf POSITION Informal environment, _a_m_. _______ _ Job i.ecunty, advance * '1.UMIERS & ment. firs t class medical DR.AJH MEH. & dental plan Bnng U!> baste typing skill. aLLe n Top p~. Medical in uoo to dclail. abibly to surance. paid vacations :.how up on time. und we & must have own truck "'111 tram for a vancty or Will tram. Call act1v1t1ec; We :i r e a 751 -6942 'trong. e11tabbshed and --------- growtng small company POLISHER selllllg to mu:.1c stor('s DE-GREASER thro11J?hn11t I h1• wor ld. Degreaser helper w / Starl SGSO & go up lo $675 some polishing exp. 2031 ao :vl day~ S E Mam Lrv Thl'n 11':. up to you ' · •· 1 • r AYARU;s, P~MAN-lrvtneSpace COMPU'T'ER. Forms & commerc ial BILl,ING, printing company is INVENTORY. S<.-eking a pressman w/3 10-KJ!;Y EXPERIENCE Yrs exper on a 2 color r•anbooslstarttnl(pay H a mada 550 CD or 1>45 ti6:JO 1n Newport (.'QW valent to work full ..,. 11 a s k for Mr . Wes t Sporti"" Goods . need 673-0070 March2&3Fri&Sat SPM 12 x12x 12 . 6 b o x es 9'79-0lJl 7·..., ti 4pm Ne"""' .. Stationers Inc. ·~ --------ccn ,...,48 -~.,.,.. F/T a ss ist. man g r 12:00tolOPM r h d oN<7"V• Prod'"'U'on Worker Hot r T I March 4. Sun 12 to 6Pu For Sale 6 oot coue itn ---------.... · Seamstress, s mall sail trainee & also I s a es ""· m I 731 c.c75 Air Balloons . Layout, loft Exp. Full time person,preferablymorn '"~IST/CLERKll PreVlewParty &Buffel !ft'ee:secuona -Offkefunlitwe& cutt1og.llslleam11~g11'trar11gn. 631 1842. ings. lnqwre at Fron SHIFT SCHEDULE DooaThur. Mar..',~ 6:30·10PM ter .,...,.. 8085 g.f· Fu me wi t.runners 1000 Bnstol Sl Uoos..., per person Garag. S-. 8055 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642·3545 SECRET A RY I G IRL N. Npt. Bch. Ask for S.•tt'OI OpeltiftCJS 307Chff Dr at ••••••••••••••••••••••• Xlnt new & used ofc furn, U C TI 0 N FRJDAY, wanted by in· J ~$753-$915 No.CoastHwy Satte .. n Mar 3 &4 11.4 plan fil es, wk benrhe:. P R 0 D de""nden• o·11 co. Salary oey. - ' Laguna Bch 714/494 6531 '~ . S WORKERS Hood Sails. ~ • ---------'Ille C1ty of Santa Ana . Old glasswr. drs, sewing C E SURPLU 631·2777 cut-0ut&second layoul ne g otiable. phone ---------now has several 1m· Mach& more' !1166 L" Work .. •rs. Full time , _"'_"966_1_.______ STOCI( GIRL & I . • Glas.'I display cases. li ke ~ ~ mediate openings ava1 a · Apflanc:•s 80 I 0 Lu n a . I' V . N e a r new $225 ea. Call evt:i.. 5'18·3464 SECRET ARY CASHIER HEEDED ble Cor you m our Pohce ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ma~noho/SJater __ 492_9482 llect IMMEDIATELY!!! Dept. Requires 1 year FREIGHT DAMAGED ---.. , co RESALES National Mortgage Ins For retail s hop in clencal exp . type 50 HOTPOINTSALE 3308Mov1ng S al ~. Ma :.c Lf:c heavyom cedesk.drk ()perungs. now avail. '" Co has challenging pos Fashion Island. Must be WPM . If you would hke W Warner nr Harbor . Sc $100 l 100 show + walnut finish. right hond our allracl1 ve, we ll avaLI as Secy to VP of knowledgeatile in the toberon.'11deredforthese Santa Ana 979.2921 m ovie LP ~lbum s i.ecr e lartal thro w Mktg & secondary Mkt field of fashion & be able pos1t1ons and me.:t the 5'1·S3 t500 books 10' S50 $275/new Mu!it sell $75, =-h~ ~;~~ao~!~~ Mgr. Good secy skills re· to work a 5day week. On qualifications, please ap· CASH PAID 1747 Santa Ana, CM• 133 63t 3634 aft 6pm ..~ qd. Mortgage le nding ly exp'd need apply. Call ply 1mmed1otely Wshr /Dry rs t Re rri gs. _&"5-__ 262_1 _____ _ ly licensed. enlhusiasllc bkgd desirable . Send or see Manager at 29 CITY OF worlongor not957-8133 One Day Only' Estate 1l\ree 00" wal. dsks. oni· salespeople. Xlnt com· complete resume includ· F h' 1 1 d N 8 . 48" wal dsk, 4 swivel rruss1on schedule & a tru· ing salary history to P 0 . as ion s an · SANT A AMA BARGAINS-Used rl'fng:.. Sa.le Sat 9AM nPM 4000 arm t'ha1rs w1pads. 4 ly great locauon on Coast 2910. Newport Beach. Ca. 644-2652 Personnel Dept Room wshrs. d.ryrs, gaftlr, best RJver Ave N B Qua hty armed s ide chairs. $1250 Hwy., 2 blks. from the 92600. 508 buys, we serv a ppl Best household 11emc; value for Sb/5. Call Holly beach. with ample off· ---------c t H II 1 c:.,.,09 """ 4""" streetparki"" SECRET••y SUPPLIES 1 Y a App ........... 11• .-.· """ Furruture sale all this 965-2275 .... """ 20C1v1cCntr Plaza week' Dtnetle seL:o S45 & ----------SEALIOH REALTY Xlot oppty for eHtcient CLERK . _ 171 41134-4154 Washe r . drye r sale S75 Lg sofa S35 Rattan Minolta 10 1 ele c tro · 497-3388 gal w/top secretarial Equal Opporturuty Completely rebuilt, re · bar stools S20 ea !luge graphic copy machant: skills to work in fast Correctional Employer M/f r1n1s hed . year guar sohd Oak table $150 purchased 10176 servu·e Real Estate paced Npl Bch R.E. ofc. Deli very. Your choice r on1ral'l p a id thru CallLila.0.,.,2900, Fa ·1·tie Sl49 each. Sale e nds Single day bed S25 1/20/i.>. $1200 Newport Broken & Salesmen .....,. Cl I S 0.3.lf"S Sl0-135 Coffee ta· S89J.Sl.l87 permonlh Utility Person·Full lime 317 /79 So Coast Ap bleS20 Lots oCmisc 120 AoorCovenng.675 1636 We have an openmg in Secretary Prr. 3 days per our Residential Div. for wk. Mus t know IBM an expenenced man or Memory t ypewr ite r . woman possessing e n-Small congenial ofc. lhuslasm and mtegnly. Send resume & salary to U you are mterested ma PO Box 188, CdM. 92625. beautiful omce in the ---------finest location. worktng with cong e nia l a s · soc1atcs, we are interest· ed in meeting you. In terview by appointment. Wes&.y H. Taylor Co. Realtors 644 4910 SECRET ARJES Come work temporary with a company who cares about you. Im · mediate work-top pay. Call for an appointment. 557-006t h pos open for person with plianccs 537.2542 (Regular) ss.isror our some mech'I aputude for • . £.23rd St •22. CM, 11 5 Pianos& °"90 86'1t> (Extra He Pl ~neral clean up or or S125 Gas Dryer 1All he~t daily 646-9823 art S ••••••••••••••~••••••• ('"s •-man··'ac·tur1ne1 setuog. Moving Almost U ..__.. 8075 RJGHT $495 t Rotating s hifts. 5~ night " "" w " new 675-837' •es~ UP pianos o s hift difCc rent1al areas Some mmor re ---------••••••••••••••••••••••• $1.950 Grands from Sc.tpervisejailinmates tn ~':{LJt:0~IER ~SOC Adrruralfrostfreeupnght IAIYGOATS $2,250 R e bld'g, r e ordering and stonng sup· INC frwzer 15.8 cu ft . Lake Nanrues & 8ilhes f1JUsh'gs, tumngs plies and operatmg com m> Redhill Ave C.M New. $175. 962·9848 l-637·1!190 Hany D. Oquist mer c1al s ize laundry 7141556 7075 Cats 8035 /\skforKns 8000Ham1ltonJ\ve,JIH eqwpment. Apply 1m E 0 E ~775 mediately. Continuous __ __ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Msc~s 8080 ----- recrwtmenl. ---------1 Reg. Himalayan Kittens ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ui 8093 Blue&Seals .S2oo UGG GET•Gs -ng COUNTY OF l''or Class1f1ed Ad Ca11644·28j!g L A "' ••••• •• •• •• •• • •• ••• • •• • One girl offi{'l'. mature, lime days. top quahly neat. f.!ood on phone. typ pnnters only. Ex per on 111g, hte bookkeeping. He1ldelberg,. Kord helpf ferred. Perm position cordance w/e xper. Call REALESTATESALES office • ove rload Construction cxJ)t!r prl'· hul not nee. Salary in ac-••••••••-~Q~ Call btwn !lam l0:30am Jim Davis for appt. (714) Licensed or we wlll tra1n Q 5407454 549·16'14.CanusaCorp. you for slate exam. Pnntmg Techn1c1an.Sad· L1m1ted offer Call --------- dJeback College, Mission ·Ca~use~~y~&~C~o~4~94~-80-57-~ -"~E ACTION "'--8040 from your business card ~ 11 ~ Send one card for earh ~fl PstSOHHEL DEPT Ca 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '"0 plw. one spare Wt• !'... Daily Pilot w ed E B II 0 ..... I s 625NRossSt,RmG180 AD VISOlt ant og u o~ re turn permant·nt y ~ Santa Ana, CA 92701 pup Good home sealed attractive lag & ~ c714) 834.2344 642 5678 556-2947 strap.. meeting a1rhnc KllNG Order Cord $10, 920 Alftrmabve Action I D reqwre mc nL., Pre Customtr Ser•ice Nat'I C1rm seeks re liable pers for pm. 1·nmbm1nl( p u b l ic rrla l 1o n s w 1o rgn1 1 at 1o n a l V1CJO-Salary ranJ?e :: _ S SECRETARIES S $11)5.$1 127 per mo. Call ReceptJorust 831·9700 x 302.303 btwn 8 A. .._.IMA·L G O /R.E /Acctg Employer ========~ Small rruruature apncot vent loss & theft ' For a .._..;... ______ __. ---------People who need People male poodle. AKC re11 personalized taf.! e nclose -That's whatlhe _S7_5_._Pvt_· ....:...p..;;LY_644_·_5_742 ___ 1 wallpap<•r , fabri l· or . DAILY PILOT AKC Teacup Poodle pup "Day Glo" paper & we SpariilM)Goods 8094 &5. An B)().$1200 Range Trade your old s1wr ror new good ies w 1ih :1 Classified ad. 642·5678 SERVICE DIRECTORY pies M/F a lso Teacup will bark & lnm \>our ••••••••••••••••••••••• IS all about I Stud service. 714/99'.!·2178 tags Or try two card11 SKIS. K 2 233 short sz 160. ab1h t1c!' <.:a ll Am y. GARAGE SALE ads in 848-1288. O\'nrus & Den the Daily Pilot bring hap· rus Personnel Service of py results. To place your Huntington Ac.Jch, 16168 drawing card. phone Beach 642·5678 today' ~~---.. R.P.6. II PROGRAMMER/ANALYST Or~ County Location Our c ll e nt Is a well resp~c ted manufacturer or h1 qh quality office products and Oiie rs an Interesting oppo rtunity lhat should warranl lhe at1 e n11 o n o f da ta proce s sing p ro l ess1onats wllh the lollo wlng qua1111ca ttons· • A college degree in Business, Compu t er Science , Engineering or Mathematics • 5 years MIS experie'nce of which at least 2 years should be in a System 3. Model 12 or ~arger in brackets In A.P.G.11 • besirable factors will include experience in a manufacturing environment and design of on-line systems. Asslqnments will be In the areas of shop toad1nq. order entry and some tmanc;.t&I applications Tho compensation Is a1trac11ve ano Includes base salary. excellent benefits Md a substantial employee profit share bonus. lnloreated parties should contact C. 0. Thomso n ot (714) 955·1650 or JJrite to: Hosp. Employers Pay All Fees Ui Reinders Agency backtoback , Salomon 444 b1nd1ng:. PRICE.i; Sl25 5J6.. 7883 Recepll Asst. N B FT o r 40ro B1tch St, Sle 104 P·T. Incl. Wknds /to:ve!> NewportBeach.833-8190 AKC Toy & Miniature Poodles Pup pies & adulls. E!ea or31S5 4f5tags Sl 60ea t>t9 tags Sl 50 ~a 10ormore $140t>a 644·5463 Call For Appt/Estab '64 SECRETARIES & CLERK TYPISTS 714/7614265 Hocky Knee & hand pads S20 Call after 5PM. 5S7·727tl RECEPTIONIST for pvt men's club on Mon only, 6:30am·2pm, $3.50/hr. 752.7905, RECEPTIONIST TYPIST : a c curate. sharp1 n eat, brighi. frienaly & reliable Heavy telephones. Apply in person. Trail Right Trailers 3100 W. Central, SA Rcccpt Fee Paid RtOHT & CIHTER Duties ror outgoing pen seeking varlet9 & adv Call Candace. 841H288 Al.so fee jobs. Dennis & De nni s Pe r s on ne I Service or }iuntington Beach, 16168 'Beach. R.eUable, good natured • mature s'eamslre ss wanted for monogram· ing. Prr & Sal morns. Exp'd preferred. lnQuire al 714·751.0752. Terry. E.O.E. The AthleU!s Foot In So O>ast Plaza. )Ccretary EXEC to $'200 lmpo1·tanl Irv co nds sharp. attractive indiv fix lhelr legal dept. Pos promises to be super in· tercsl'g & Is considered "plum job" within co. Call Rita, 540·6055. Coastal PersoMel Agen· cy. 2790 ijarbor, CM. ALL JOBS FREE Sea-1hry to s 1200 Golden oppty ror indlv w/several yrs exp. l Per~ olc. nd to be reliable & S(!tr s tarter. Nd usuat slulls. boss is charmmg &. rlexible. Call Rita, 540-0055: Coastal Person· oel Agency, 2790 Harbor. CM AU.JOBS FREE BEGINNER TO SR. LEVEL ---Sales Tax Included TV Rocio NO CARD" HfR, Shtto 8098 Draw your own or ~end •••••••••••••••••• ••• •• 8045 name, address. phone & 25" Color TV coni.oh• Slive r Toy Poodles. ~afrass hne . 957·8390 orSJ.5-3824 we'U make one card p('r ••••••••••••••••••••••• lag Add Utcuc·h RCA, gd cond. $125 M Cat, long hair Fem Send check or monl'Y or 548·7951after5 shorthair spayed cat dcrlO ..... _._&M.tne Good w/kids. 646-36(5 ~ YOU'LL FIMD MORE CHOICE PILOTPRIHTIHG EcpiP""nt 0 -0RTU .... ITIES ..iow •y One yr old neute r ed P.0 Box 1560 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..-..-"" "" "' fe male cat Needs loving Costa Mesa . Ca 92626 loah, Power 9040 MORRELL home C:tll aft 4pm ••••••••••••••••••••••• 751-0654 O'NeiU Sc.tpersuit. Taped 17' BaylJner Mutiny '78 seums U s ed oncc Nhy settle (or 3 humcirum job when M. Dalma llo n /Gldn 00esn'tf1tSllO 548·0256 130 Volvo c ng. under You can beeome part of the exciting Ktrvr mix I yr old --wnrr. lnclds trlr. bristol d kn Shots Good w1ch1ldren Carpet Mill Clo:.couts cond Mus t sell. 645·1271 nrowth pi cture at NTS an ow N 1 Pl ·h S4 oo & up .., &»8142 ...!. :."'181167us5 • ....., '78 Scarab 330 TS out you're doing something important. .....,.., """"' M Dalm11t1o n /C ldn , dnves.85hours.Loaded! You also have more choices of Rtrvr. mix I yr old For Sale Ttrrany 5 of 6S mph plus. Stored on Shots Good w/chlldren N B C o r Pora l C• trader. Must sell/best of· where you'd like to work and what ...... a 142 Mmbrshp c.11 Debby ll. fer you'want to do. Enjoy hoving the ""'"' · 64H~30 731-12161e.o..I fl exibillcy & freedom to work a day, AKC Poodles. Adults WIHOOW SHADES 546-1200Cwori&I .,_,y Fee PaJd k month Toys & miniature!\ A~k f J Perk•ftC ~ a wee . or a · 714/761"265 Wo odt'n s ll u u er 11. ~ erry ,..., SALlS DEPT rrurubUnds, wovrn woodl> L!t562S' Twin engine Chns Outgoing. pltch·ln al Positions are available from clerk Collie/Germ Shep mix &wtodowtint1ng 20·40'N C rart s p4.'ed hout lllude sought by well typists to executive secretaries. In puppy. 2 tno:s. s hots. to olC aU items <cl~lt-) Xlnt 673·7771 knOWn import firm tor r· b f't k goodhome.631·3684aft5 ASPEN 645-8951 active dept. Call Can· addition to 3 me ene 1 8 pac age, --'78 Mako 20' ctr console. dace, 848·1288. Also ree we offer good pay . bonuses, variety ,_ ttilw• 1050 CHIMll'I DE FER m s & 1 s Me~ engine jobs. Dennis & Dennift and the opportunity to be a member ••••••••••••••••••••••• &Sassoon J eans Roadrunne r dlx trlr, Personne l Service of of the NORRELL T EA M OF The spring cloth ·:o1 nr equippe<J torallfishmg .. U SIC•ITARY ~~~h~~on Beach, 16168 PROFESSIONAL TEMPORARIES. King sJze bed. lnclds . box nvc<I Adult & chll<lron $10,000. 7M·03C8 Coldwell Banker, s pring, mattress, & sizes.63l·73t9.9'J7·l9SG '78 24 ' Flyllr1dae . Ucense preferred. •·or. Fee Paid Gm 50r8 & loveseat. 3 a I so makes of fa q t many extras, mint cond. Information ca11 831--0836 Expendlna corp orra key t.ablea, lamp. like new. masters. 714/962·7033 11000 TOP of St7l mo. Laguna Niguel office. SICY toS12K ~· ill~-m headboard.642•2932. TLSJIJBA Copy Machine. 2250MC. Full cAnva:4, or-.7222. Ask for Llnda PGt' ror lndlv seeking SCSO/be toffe 960 1461 642-9401 r~ ~J'....1~<~ Beard. corp otc atrnoeph. Call T •~1c-a er . o.., .... Frelcjht •-~-·----- ,, ·~ • 4120 OOCH. SUTE 119 Marton. 833-2700. Alto ree ... wwy .-.-..-,.'"' Caselulwer1 II ~¥1 . to.£WPO\T OUCH. CA 92660 Restaurant Cowiter Help· ~· OeM.la • OennJa ~ f.I Toro IF YOU now for sal 20· & 40' US£D BOATS MA~Hl ,,.,., ... .A.I·~ Mature woman Good moo, 2082 Mu:helson 4341 mrch Suih· •:?O~ 2~91 F:I Toro Md •200 ,..,. •."'"' " 2I.:l ~-OJJO ~n:u romover too \,..~!) pay. lllnt worklna con Vt' 549 8071 T Ul'' W('d p 30-3 pm ~to llcll. rlace an •d , IPflnU eo•T 'l ..... ....,..,« .... ..,.. Irvine C lubho u •1er1onne• Service of Newport .. _uease'""l""''~off"'rnt leTC\I\., 11vell. Call Rub "'-•--r • w/ full club privilege ~...;..._______ EQu nl ()pport unit \ 1'.:molo,{'r 1 n l h' U e I Y P 1 Io t 'l'Tadt-your old stuff for ,., Uft " -~l~AOO~=S8=t=•=Su=o=--h2c~lp~.~~~l~W~°"'~r~aa~t~w=1=lh=D:..a=ll>'J~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!~!!!!!~~!_..~l_~Cl~a:~s.s~ifi~ed~~Se~<:~:t=too==-=.J...:n"~w~~·o~o~d~i~t~11::w~l~lh~a~=~C7~14~t~5~l~M~~·~9~1~~ -Jnck 7$4-7!'Al0 ~W•_!'..:_Ad.s___ ... rhooe642 ~14 Cl 1fa'(lad &t2-5C78 • . . • ,, • ....... IMport.d utos, IM~ A.lltos.. lmporhd w.dtlMClay, February 28. 1979 DAILY PILOT ., ~ W-.ct t StO • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• •• ••• •• •••• • • • • • • • • •• •• •• •••• • • • •• • •• • • • • • • ••••• ••••• _______ __..,.,-..;. _______ ...-~~...:.=.;:..;._.:s;.:s;, IMts. Powtf' t040 ~•/ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • Clitslcs t S 2 0 2S' 111'.t.. ~-r.-r. .....•••.......••..•..• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..CW 9711 ....... 9727 ~ 9750 A.Yto., la port.d Autot, Used a. UtAHI • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• --.ytt... ti r. atip avail. C. I Harvey c_,..,. tor 1tor1p, Ciln ~ nH'Y Vlllaat. NewPQrt SktpJatk at• Uybridf , flf'ach f7~}2Tuff· at twah)'I lTO olvo. Vl F. BPnz lDSO nos lnm lab , 1umlo1 + Convert Muu set• men :&Jnt eood. .John $1,,000 or ofr Aft s, WIW1U.IUY YCMllDAnUM PAU> POR Oil NOT TOf'OOlU• flOITOftCAIS "19~. AJC. AM/PM. ~ 9ll·T mo. MlJ\I !=::~! ...... !?!.~ Co I 0 "",..,... 9940 Still under warronty , ....... 1 owner Sl0.000 or ••-.. ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• M9 9933 dya. 759·03 16 bt'!.t otrer. 675 77Y1 an ·74 vw Super Beetle. CAMA.101 'ID Yurd Station W9n ~ 1P m AM/FM 8-t.k, very.lo mi, _ Auto, A/C, Great429ena. BAAWIC k OAT\UN 8JI 1Jl':d9J.IJ,\ 9 710 n eus met&lllc bursun 1111 tires, xlnt cond. 13100. Qw:i(e <Au, In all colors C--6 trans. mlnor bod)' dy, aun r f, Rluupunkt S3&-Z185, ~ • all have automatic work SZSO. 63l 3'0I m.C?9 m«m WT CHAMCI FOR 1971 UCM't ..... ,, •• 1'79 JACiUARS XJ6LI. XJ12w &XJSCoupu 6amber1. UIK. Aft ea ''128'C, nueoa. rblttnns, t1'*1ll • air Cond., pwr '7• LTD. A/C P S/PD. 7PM67~ bnod ou tins, $1100/of· •teeno,g • ALL have New 1U bltcd r•d1al1 SpkW fer? 642 3188 aft 5. LOWmilely (l82VAU>. Hi.otcood. $2600.496-1097 * Ecltiotl• Must ull! ! '75 Rabbit. SA I SS$ "16 Ford Granada Ghia. -------8")hner l:lounty, lwn Ultll~'TtlDKBAKt-~R Volvo. dual control•. Ila• Rlar• with tao SAVI! bok1U\I lank. P .Wlft h. i.nt. M'!,llt j\lllt with thla r «\C. Ill. Call I ,.and for ur. VI, IUYOIUASI MOW! 1r. Most colon available for immedlat. dtU WI)'. 11m Tarsa. 911S/clu1lc XIOl &as mil. Day• all power, hape ~k . n~ AM t fM cassette, U · m.2900Evet~..-Z. tires. below book . Sti~lll autom.itM: r"t pty A.II for Mr fall! ~ ~. :1 NOW All:tYJNG! TISTHIYI a.TODAY!ll ctllcot coodillon. gold. ,_m.aooe ______ _ M~t tee to apprecla~. Yot.o 971 '74 Oaluy 2·dr Hrdtop, W~k 714/557 S852. bomt •••••••••••• •• •• ••• ••• exA:ell. cond. SJ 700 SO 1'KOJA N d iu11i. w1t.nUlic'r. 11• rn1111hout Mini' 1 b J> t·.,nt •'11~ Fwd It m 1111'• .i 111 n > A1lo Umllt'd numbtl' of UJ'll D>1'11 '5 aUll avr11la· lit•· Call u.s today I IAUaMOTOIS 2!125Harbor Blvd. 714149'1·1332 VOL VO 644·5598 deC'll. ~'10 ~1,.~ u r I'~ f-Wd Pant>I Trwk \.IM r'Unr'll l\~ On)( f'fmcl IMb. l ... / ~ Vu I I• 0 l1ZIU c:a.rtw 9010 Wuk nd . .. a.-; VO ....................... _,.,, _______ _ t~ LwlW"> W' err 7)' 'S filll"d CialUK' 500 ~lnl molt.ar yarht HrnM•n• ~ \' PS. PR. aulo bat. Hr, dally, v.~~&l) Or 11nel f'qu1pmt•at llT5-2172orfm>.3:::14 lhh olr ~.'~II ..... , 1: loah.W '°' ••••••••••••••••• ·-... a.cr.crHonal l'AL 2 u DAI.HO \ VtMdn 9510 DOCJ\ l)a~ rl ~ hf'1•I •u•••••••••••••••••••• auto pllot turhn.: 1111 '13 •'lrt-baU UI...,. Slp11 6. PUJS 6TJ.-at2 efh•r \ lll"W llr · , boll>I, JJ.000 ma •l'rY aood aas. 2:>'~ Want qwcl. uulC"li6:'" (#d ,·vnd 56.~ Moo. Uod<·r mark1.>t j\ ~i\iJ6 16.SOO Owuer. 49640'~ -~~ Sti;.o!t 1oc.. 9540 Santana 20. full r Jt"\'. ou ••••••••••••••••••••••• spnkr.nuO Ht.·~.$6300 ~l.800. Roo Jm·ki.•m Santa9a 20 R~Jdv lv race. '494 41 91 1-;.,. •• ., 497-81 Ewi; loah. Slips/ Doda 9070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '75 Bricktin ~-ih.o"'i. loving care. a rare white perfo rmance Muto mobde uoques · uooably a hoe t0vesl· ment Eqwpped with air doors i.tereo i.ystem. more. Best Offer above $l2K 111 .. 0....,.. C4lllllfy • 212:1 llllr tJor HI vd <X>STA M~A t7f·2500 ----WEBUY CtlAMCAIS &TWUCKS COMMEll CHfYIOLET ~ltarl•·• 11".J I I C'> I ' '"' ·" I 5U-1200 WE BUY USED CARS CALLPA!'rY u~~r 1011\~0\ & SO\ • LINCOLN· MERCURY lll..JCMO 495-4949 Ok!.Mel COUNTY'S Q..DBT & COSTA MESA 97t-ZSOO ·11 Porsche 914, 2.0 rebll eug, Pionet•r AM /FM ca:ssette. moon roof, whl w/blk lnl, good cond . "76 x.ss. 27K mi. excep-&3:163 Uooa.I car, drk blu w/t11n --------- int. Sll.500. Eves 6'1S-0255 '67 J~ XKE cpe. good ~ '4200/besl of rer. 5515C)$() 9755 ....................... TIST DRIVE OUR -UCAR OF THE YEA.I" Good lD~ntory In stock. tlurry wh.lletbey last! MIRAQ.E MilDA/UMAUl T '7 200" ·r "ti coov. AM/FM st.ereo. 2=~ESBl~d. 1 ~. aor fully lllnt cood. $5150. Day resttted, llOK. $3400/blt. ~/Eve840-Sl58. 645-5700 6312561 eves. &-9 p.m. ------------------Asllfor Chns 1971 REH AULT .... 9738 '76 S30 1. 4 spd. sienna ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gn DaUXE brwn, tao inter. srf. p-w. s I 00 DOWN ale, wn/fm cass. $10.000. plus tax & license 848·251>. $104.41 per month for 48 miracle mazda 'Tl 200Z, anrf, AM/FM . Sf,000 mi. ~-613-6559. 2626 HARBOR BLVD. wk 497-2358 · Z 150 ...._ l~d. COSTA MESA Dattun 9720 Costa Meta 645-5700 months on approved credit. APR·l2.98%. Deferr l'd pay m e nt prire.$5427 .00. ( :ms895) Cashpn c1.> is WEIUY ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• l974MUDARX4 USED CARS! SPORT COUPE We're the new Chevrolet 4speed, vinyl roof, radio. dealership in Lhe Irvine beater & radial tare:.. Auto Center. We need C552LGS) yourusedcar! $2178 $3972 plus tax & Ucense Miracle Mmdo/R...at 2150Harbor Blvd .. C.M. 64S.S700 S~,S&YICE AHDLUSIMG OVERS~ DELIVERY EXPERTS EMUllE VOi.YO 1988Ha.rbor Blvd. COSTA MF.SA 646-fl03 540.9467 OIAMGI COUNTY VOLVO EXC.USIVEL Y VOLVO Largest Volvo Dealer in Orange County! BUY or LEASE DIRECT ~~, 2025 S. Manchester Anaheim 750-2011 '77 Volvo 264GL, all U· tras. 14.Kmi must see. P.P. 751·5106 '67 Volvo 122S. runs good. $400 or best otrer. 751-1439 '78 4 dt. Sedan. auto. air. 10,000 mi. Xlnt cond. 540-11193 Must sell. Qeuvolet f9ZO '10 Fard Sta. Wgn, good ••••••••••••••••••••••• condition $550. 552·9260 too s.. eo.t Hwy. afLQ>M. '75 LTD Brougham, loaded, wht, lo ma ~l.116 after 6PM. '68 ~per dean Rane hero. loeded, new painL. MS-2575 LA11Jmo le.U '78 Ford Fiesta, Decor •---(9_4-.ll•l•J•l---i GP. orange, louver5. steffJO/cass. xlnt cond MOVAs $43X>. 646-.t985 994S O>oice or 10 All colors. 2 •••••••••••··~····••• doers & 4 doors. All wllh um Uncol.o Town car. autom1t1c trans • pwr. FUily factory equipped steering. radios & most Plus much more. $9,500 have 8U' cood. An exam· or best. Call nights afler pie: <28lRS0). Now only 9PM. Ask ror Bill 613-3462 $3996 COMHELL CHEVROLET :~ llarhor RI\ 11 l'I ~TA ~11-:...,,\ 546-1200 9947 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '70 Mavenck 2-dr, P IS. air, radio, good llres. Good rond. $650. 644-9583 Mlftwy 9950 1971OlevelleSS4-spd, 350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• eng, A/C, P /S, AM/FM. OltANGECOUNTY'S Yin. rooe. $2000/or best. NEWEST ~2197 UNCOLN-MERCURY ''8 IMl'Al.A DEALERSHIP RAY FLADEIOE SW'S AV AtLAlll YAC Newport 646--0SSl Pvt Pty Ask for Mr. Falk ~.493-8887 NEEDSLlPfornew 4WMelDri•ff 9550 JOE MACPHERSON CHEVROLET THEODOR£ WAGOH UNCOLN-MERCURY .t.lot. Uwd ~C::we-r::c.S9R99os (' ~~: 16-lBAutoCenter Or. n..a. •-ca 9756 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SDFwy·Lake Forest exit 36'Sa.ilboat ••••••••••••••••••••••• ROBINS ~ ._, .. 642·9489/646·5201 aft. IRVINE ••••••• •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • .. c:ic 99 I 0 SPM 675-1393 WANTED . Mooring Avaloo foe season. Dy . 714/549-2120 E vcs. 21 Auto Center On ve JRVJNE •DATSUNS• t..,. S•ctioft OfAIModeft Sl\LES-LEA.51NG PARTS-SERVICE FORD 2060 HARBOR BLVD. "l O[AlER IN U.S.A. ~;.;·;·•;•••••I~···· .... _Ole_v_'_75_l_m_p_al_a_2d_r ___ N_e_w ___ 8_3_0._70_0_0 __ _ -~---.ROY ......A ~f-ra._:!,. SSex99tra~. • ....... s.bocks. One owner. "1Z Col. Parle 9 pass. wag. 768-7222 COSTA MESA 642 • 0010 CARVER ~ """"ca.uan .. vuu.Art • 5· ~........ Wh ite. fully loaded ! Full pwr. Lo m1 . ROLLS·ROYCE 67S-7060 613-9187 Absolutely Xlot cond. ,_Xlot_l_S2_._ooo_._67_5-6_1_st __ TI4/631-0688. WANTED! AUMEW 1979 MAZDA GLC Calf. SpedCll Hcrtchbock IS40J•,.., ..... -S2600 . Pvt Pty . '78 Zephyr V1'llagcr Ntw-1 &;;;-11 ''15 Estate Wgn, 9 pass. n~5646 ---Wagon: Loaded. Low ma lbat Dock in Npt Bcb. 30' maximum pwr boat $150/mo. lse. 673-3531 evs, 64S-8J46days. Late m odel Toyotas. Volvos, Piclcups & Vans. Call us today! \'----'MM4M air. AM/FM. loaded ..,,,.../Mak ff 962 1886 w/every accessory possl· il El Cammo SS4:;4. xlnt ..,.._, eo er · COSTA MESA DATSUN ClOSlO SUNDAYS $I 00 DOWN '59SilvcrCloud l ble. l ownr 644-S248 cond. very lo ma. A/C, 78 Monarch Silver ESS. P/B, PIS. AM/FM 8·trk Owner anxious to sell in dash, cstm body & Wholesale 493.2475 Mt painL 2 sets of wheels. 7PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Kona 20' day cruiser. 460 Ford-Panther jet. Swim step. bow rail. lights, C'ovcr, tandom l r l r . X t r a s h a r p 'li -na-- 11 -. _....;.....;::=.::;:::=:::::_ i S8:1XIO/Ofr. Ca.J 1963-2963. 9 560 ...,.. a..ported ••••••• •• •• • • •• • • ••• ••• ............... • •••• • • • n ............. ,. .. .., .. . '74 C.M.C. El Camino Maa-o 9705 w/Gem top spoke wble, ••••••••••••••••••••••• center console, bkt seats. •74 .... ll!A. ROMEO Tnmportatlon ••••••••••••••••••••••• XloL cond. Other xtras. --~ r.195 c .... '""~ GTV. S speed, stereo, air ----------• ......,......,'"· cond. & low miles. Ex· 91 20 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Older camPt>r 4 s ale. w/o 1970GMC Deluxe Air, celleo t cood 1 ll o o · truck. $150. Sto\•e & P IS. w/shell. $3750. <lWONXV). refrig.640-2700 CaJl~5586. <8·5> MUST SH!!! ·70 Dodge Camper Van,"• '77 Ford 100. Xlnl cond. HOW~QuCJwvrolet 1.011.s1nl<. stove, lg r('fn°. Many l'Xt ras. Lo mt. Dove. ailSls. " NEWPORT BEACH "We need to buy clean Dataun used cars'· $Will Pay Top Dollar$ COSTA MESA DATSUN plus tax & bceose '99..98 per month ror 48 si9.ooo months o n approved ____ 985_-4_14_4 __ _ C'red it. APR-12.98%. 1961 Rolls Royre Sedan. Deferred payment fmccood. Elegaotwh1te. price-$5205.04. Equip-r>n 500 NI\.,.,,... ment includes 4 speed _...,.,_. __ .,...,...... __ .. _"·--- transmission&folddown '71Sh.adow, white, low ml. rear seat. (008590). The sunroof, vnyl top. Extra ca.sh price is only sharp. $25,000. 631-126ti $3820 da~67~eves. plustax&llcense Toyota 9765 ~ ....•.................. Mazda/ReftCIUlt 2150Harbor Blvd., C.M. 645-5700 '71 RlOO . Xlnt traospona. tioo. MUST SELL by Wed. Asking $375 , 548-1360 lffOREYOU SEU. YOUR TOYOTA. SEE US! MARQUIS TOYOTA MISSION VlEJO 831-2880495-1210 eltt,&gas.1..: tx>rl & tbl. $.\200.496-4452eves. 81).0555 284S HARBORBLVO t·abinets$2600 :;..10 1053 540.6410 540.021 l · 76R X• XI o l con d . --'64 OodS?c Pickup Rbll ... _. 9 07 ----------AM /FMcass.stereo Im-·~ Cor ona. rbll eng Motorised BlkH 9140 traJl.'>. new reareod. Xlot _. 1 New'l'92S>ZX Afr P /S 4 o:Bculate. Lo m.i. $3700. Great transportation. ••••••••••••••••••••••• run.rung eng. $1500/bsl ···~·~··••••••••••••••• pass. s ilver La'c. pd . 675-34811. &tuslSell. $700. 615'8407. nCEM().PEOOLER ofr. 646·3511, work Audi n ~per 90. Sta. $ll.347SJ0..6409 New PEUGEOT MO· M9-2400 Wgn.Clean.$175. Mlrc.ednlell& 9740 "12 canna, 56K mi, new PEOS Reg $4619, Now &M--03S5 '76 280Z 2+2, auto, air. ••••••••••••••••••••••• paint. uphol. & tires. Xlnt $299 6.11·3830 '72 Ford '!4Tw/shell & hvy . AM/FM, $7200/ofrer. '67250SE rare coupe, low oood. $1795. Call aft5PM, -------.1 duly susp. Runs great. 'fOAudilOOLS.~bll eog & 498-5963aft5:30. miles. xlnt. cood. make 963-+180 '72SKYLARI A.Ill power. ~nt eng. wcrk. nu tires. vinyl top . Rum good & a ruce buy atS495/oCr. 49J..8097 9915 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • PURCHASE ORI.EASE YOUR MEW 1979 CADILLAC NOW! • High pert. suspension.•---------- Must see to appreciate. Mlnta4 9952 $4500. Call 536·2785. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 53&3405 '77 Mustang V-8 lo/m• good rood. $4,500. 1978 Monte Carlo Loaded ~2372 AIC. all powcr·good -.&..-bit-9955 t.'OOd. $7400 731-8970 ~ "' '72 VegaGT XtraCleu.n. u1r 84().2728(840 5028 • •••••••••••••••••••••• '72 CUtlass supreme. air. pwr. ::.teer .. good cond $1250.968~ Qrysler 9925 '79TORONAOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4?.t m1 Chat grey btk. Lealher , snrf. Joadod . 847«98 aft 6PM. '67CROWN IM PERIAL 494-4264 '72 "442" 2 dr hdlp. full ·72 Newport S13SO or bst power . xlnt ong rond. olr Lo mi. After 6 pm. $1.JS0.673-2515548-4967 559-0439 PWo 995 7 '78 Cordoba Rirh coco .•••••••••••••••••••••• • brwn. all extras. $SK)(). 75 Pinto Wagon V-O. auto 540-S!O'ldys. SS1·6020ev trans, 20mpg. low male~ S2900/orrer. c11.i 1 S4M62S alter 5 p.m. & weeke nds . or (714> 491HOOO.ext 307wkday,, '76 Brougham, 2 dr. Leather. One owne r . ~. 644-0040/SS2-062ti. 'i'8 llonda Exprei.s. only su.io.497 3975 brakes. Michello radials. offer . 631-0210 d ys. -,7-4-c-·c_h_c_a-. -4-5.-000--m-i·s-·. NABERS 15 m1 , $375/bst offer. V 9570 Body very good. V111yl 74 Datsun 8210, green, 71G-l.832eves&wknds. xlnt cond. Make of(er. COl9fitie"lal 9930 '74 PinlD Wagon. AM /FM ~774,SS1-0668evl's. ClftS r oof. ~M r adio. Nds goodtlres,/\C,43,000mi, ,._ af ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• stereo.8trark.etc.$ltiOI> --••••••••••••••••••••••• transmission. Xlnt car $1000.964-4448 '78 3'.lO Coupe diesel. Perf .....,11 t 12: 542 1771. • 1967 l...ulroln Continental Ph9Q).3724 for Sale: Peugot Moped for automot.lve student 1 0 K m i . S n r f • ,73 c . AC u.ooo miles R wtsurf rack. 370 mi, pe '78 Ford Van conversion· or mecb. $600/bst orr. '76 Datsun 8-210 Htcbck maple/bamboo $19 950 Orono wugon • '"-· '73 unabout. Good t•ond . c'Ofld.S:n5.494-45.'>4 Has pwr . steering & 552-8375 Xlnl shope. $2,200. Call CaJ.1673-933& ' • · Newpa10t.cn1uu:.1ovC'r· 2600H.\11)()(B/vtl 646-4064 $1200 645·62tl4 Day,., 77 Peugeot moped c-ond. mus t sell brakes,airrond.,radial 7 14 /552·8 029 or -----·----haulcd.Like new.Sl350. Cos1"Me-..1.>40-<>tOO •Con t '79 MK v . 919·0672 Wceknd:. & tares. cruise control, '72 1001.S 4-dr. auto, good 21J/92(Hi682 '75 MBZ 240 D elsel . 642·CX!03/540·03l!I I~~~~~~~~~ LOADED. uws mt P/P. _E_v_es_. ----- !Q -7898 AM / FM 8 track & condition. SlSOO·offcr . elegant economyC:!<mil, • f. $\3,950 bes l ofrer. flt! · rth 9960 custom interiM which in· &W-0496. 64o-oo20 '67 1000 Sports Car. Very AM I F M ca s sell e. Tnumph 976 7 '78 El Dorado: retired 714/644·9'll7_,,,.., tJ::'I eludes icebox, t able, •-"'• 9709 llOOd cood. Asklng $1,750. yellow/tan, sod, xlnt ••••••••••••••••••••••• G.M. Executive. Owner•---------••••••••••••••••••••••• carpets. swivel chairs·:::-;:••••••••••••••••• Callafter4552-71.38. cond. Sl0,500. PP . '13TRIUMPH TR6. Exel drivenonly. Primecond. '77 Mark V. midnight '75 Ply Fury Sta W);n. • ,,_ NEW' Pri t A 752.5740 Condt. Lo Miles. MUST nl.400493-7893 blue, Oes1gner's Scmes. good cond. $2550. 552-9260 •••••••••••••••••••••• ...... e · · P y. ·~ A Un H 1 S rite '712AOZ Extras. ---------•-~......., 1'ncl. moonroof •· ~~t6PM. saCJif1ce at $8995. Call """"' us ea Y P • SELL IMED. Make Of. .._..,,., "' "' MustSac '79Yamaha7 ,710 537•5659 or ,714 ) New e~ .• trans .• rear. $3,295./bestorrer 71MBZ250'. 4 dr. Sdn fer. <42 lSQl l c7141 '78 Seville Elegante. lo tapes 33,000miles .$9495 •·.-7-.2-d-r ___ D_u_"_l_e-r.-."'lnt Spi.>e .. 1800 mi. Sells ro fr.rT 30M New pai.nt and brakes. 631·3625 grey w/ red 1ol. p/s, p/b, 631·5823 Any Time. nu. goJden bronze. com· or $9895 w tear phone. " ., '' S318S Will sell for $2900 · · Partially reupholllwred. am/fm .• arc. 4 new tires ., ____ _;....____ put.er. all optJoru;, met Pvt party. 54().5505; eves rond Pvt. Pty fl800 or tl45-8594 1977 DODGE VAN 'Ibis car is road ready. Gun metal gray, loaded. Mint cond. $5600. Call VolkswOCJ"t 9770 mnrl $ISO dn. TOP. Bud 95.S-229'7 bL--stolrer. 548-3215. ---64&4064 23.SOO mi, show rm cood, Q.1329 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LynC'h. 776·51 10, eves ---------1972 llOND/\ Elsinon• ISPASSEHGER Da)' 754·6219. Eves ·72 vw Bus . Curtains. 581-9110 POftlioc 9965 Entire Bike Rercntl} VB. automatic, pwr. BMW 9712 009149 '67 ~. auto, fact aar. carpet, fold out bed, ---------~ 9935 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rebwll. Excellent cunct strenng. air cond. & low •••••••••'""••••••••••••• ---------1 AM/FM stereo. 2 new ~odium valves. $.2000. '76 Seville. charcoal grey ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1975 PONTIAC u . ooo. Ca 11 e v c-. nulcs! <349SAX). ·71 240Z. Silver. classtC'. radials, new gas shocks Dou". 957.8444 ore.. wt bllc vnyl roof. blk lthr '75 Dodge Coronet 2 Or FtRHIRD 494-4747. or sec at 462 St CALI. FOR OUR one owner. Xlot care & Perfect cood. First $3800 6_ .,!'02eve•. int. New M 1che lin '>. hardtop. Gd cond m/out, • 0 1.. ma te ance $4200 .,.~ """' ., n-d c S2 The sharpesl one in Ann s r ., agun. LOWPRICE!!! in n · · .,..,,.,.644-9009 spoke wheels . Rolls '"' 10. Al . 900 Ph town! v8, auwmatJC', air lleach _6'2-__ 7839 __ or_S48 __ . 7_180_. __ 1 -.~--M-e_....---Be--300-'74 vw Bus. needs body Roy ce g ri I I. n e w 900-1966 d .., ... , '~"""es nz k bl 1 tr L k & ---------coo .• pwr. s teering. 78 BMW RlOORS, unde '77 8210 Sedan, auto. diesel 36 ooo I XI t wor • r t eog, ca I aosaussion. 00 s Fwd 9940 stereo. vinyl top & r allyc I P P . . m1 es. n 642-7151 $2800 runs magn1Cicenlly ..... ~•-"'°"U G 11000 mi. Bes t orrcr c e 8 n · r v · t Y · cone!.. $12.000. Days ---·------$8.650. Call 957·26l l ••••••••••••••••••••••• "''""'"'· (.,.,.., X >. ~9265e~rungs. &• sr 6 lllOADWAY 73l-4067/64S-l895 Ask for 54()...4$3l;eves968-8192. 'lllCahfBug.Customaied, w\tdys.askforJoanna ~PHIL READY NOW!!! 'HS Honda CB350, Ex sAMfA Al•A Tom. '68280SE4dr Clean. completely over hauled. LONG l'ond. Elec starl!'r. musl 835·3171 llPtck Up: lmmaculale, N ·•~ $3800 Comes w/mnny extras '70 l:pe de Ville Xlnt ... -adials b 1 ew""-=· • · S2500hrm.5516344 rood. Leath 1ntr. 1 FORD i,aC'. $435. 631·9977 a ft '"""'--'V T THEumMAn oA1v1NOMAcH1N£1 r , custom w <'es. C&ll 536-0372aft.6pm owner $l49S.Ph-196-9345 CONNELL CHEVROLET .'~llarhur Hf,<1 4pM, '" ..... ., an, ;i4 on, very · •USED IMWt•-am/Cm cassette, CB. ·73 vw 412 wagon. Good clean 11u1de & out. Call •732002 4 s~(3B4JSP> 644-4$6 '00250 MBZ,4dr.tobacco cond Mu ~l Se ll '76 Eldo, nice, full pwr. ·:..6 Jlonda&extra motor eves.83.1·2828 •76,,,,,...51 ,4,,..PHJ> 11!--r brn. PW/PS. nr new $laCl\1 ...... tofr 494"•"l Blk/grey Mu s t sell. 100 Bultaco, 250 Bultaco , """" "' ~ 9723 tires. 1 owne r. Good °'"' "" · ·""' · $5900/bst ofr. 968-0290. frame & mas c parts 70~eC&mperVan •. '11 '?75:ll;4spS/R (Ol79> ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• cood.$4450,673"'976 ·111 Ghia Sac Must Sell Make ofr. 675-7494. too. sink. stove. lg rerng. '78633csl S/R (0045) '71 Dino 246 GT: Fly 47,000 Xlnl cond New pt '76 F.ldo CONVF.RTJBLE -clec&gas,lgbed&tbl, '78320i.A.S/RC955UOS) )'Cllow , Eur opean '00 ~SL. new engine. AM /l''M 8trk $2~00 Showrm cond. Sl9!15 ~/HomtS~ Saft/1 60 cabinets $2000. 540-1053 · CloMd S.ndoyt Sl.3.500. new pa.mt. Ures. Perfect 642 3tS2 ~. ........ ·--r 9 . -------=---675-3960 cond . SI0.800. Call ---·-----l .............. ~o..,..,, •••• , "'""""•.._..C...,.., , .. ._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 72 Dodge Window Van ... •••••••----------548-2763or586-11156cves. '71 VW 411 Square Bark '75 Fieelwood Brougham. HENT: Luxury '78 Motcir fl200, xlnt. S2 700. IOIMcLAREH"s Aat ' 9725 --------Rum great. Auto1'rans. Hard to find mdl. Qoah· ------ I., lSTA M ~::-. \ 546-1200 'Tl Stybird. Stereo, T·tOJJ, xlnt cond. 28,000 mi. $6100/or bstorr. 7:;4·004 t "10 8oooev1lle. as is. Be:.-l olrer. 49441123 ---Home 22· Sleeps b .84 __ 7_·6342 __ . ______ • •••••••••••••••••••••••MG 9742 FMrud10,$l700.S523565 ty, comfort. <.afely tn '78FOROWAGO,. W 1 n I t Sum r 11 t <: ~ '68 DODGE ••••••••••••••••••••••• beaut cond 58M Asl<ing "FainnDnt Sqllire" '71 Ponllac ror sale. al l'. 1l4().8SBS WlNOOWVAN & .12 .. nl:"'ll BREEZY '7 5 V W ca mp e r $5500.6735904 VS. automatic, pwr nubrks, mk ofrrarJt $l500 ' UU6""1S6 1976 MG Midgel. J5,000 W~tphaha, last of its --'--------steering. factory air Bch/AUanta m front or 1:or Rent: 20' Moto r 549.1.352 Fantastic Closeout mi's on r ebll eng, kmd. tullyeqwpped, xlnt '76 Seville. loaded, quick rood. AM /FM ~lereo. bank~l4 llome. comrletcl~ ool978Models AM /FM, tonneau, lug. ('ODd $5000firm.7S91439 sale.$8000 luggage rack & ONLY - <'q\Jipped. Avaa Easter GMC '78. By appt onJy. ~r(. Beach Blvd. 1979 Models gage r~,;,.. BSeeRO iw0/gdo!~ ·m VW, needs rblt motor. ___ 8J3._2238 __ d_ay....;....s__ S.OOOmlles! U07VOZ>. 77 F1reblr d Esprn• fi73.S.l33 • Van .has rI factory op· La Habra now arrtE.'ff detail __.., C1 ... ·79 El Oorad I th $5771 AM/FM tape. XJnt condt· '7JFirebalJ 19"'1'. SJps 6, Uons. Eves. 645·7673. (AtBeacblrWbltUer) MUSTS or s'ao Cle m e nte. s3oo o r best orrer . 4000 mi. .:iay~ad~~ llon.$5200.661-6575 • ba . 33.000 $1000. f714JS .. 2·5~l~ DlCXMlLLER 673-4400 work .. 493-8325 499-ll?7. S1300+take over lse. n.. Jnbird 9970 THEODORE nuures. tts. mi.---------& ~ ~ MOTORS aft6pm ·~vw·~be ...... •Hh b •'ttY gd gas mileage. Gd •77 GMC Van: 1 Too. CloeedSu.ndaya · "" "' ...._ l Y so-848-1866. 10 am 6 pm, :ond_ICN\.,_.c:7836 120W.Wamer.S.A •77 MIDG"'T /\M/FM meonewhowanl.!toput askforTony. ~ · _,.,_ . .,..,. · L W B. Fully eq ul P 'd . ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ~7-21.32 ""M "" be Calif orrua look 10 1t. $650. Trailers. Trani 9170 Clean \nside Is out. --------CAM. UoJ • $3800. or st. orotfu 751-0Sm. CAD SDV 75. Hardtp, 900-1621 • BMW 750 Must Sell! '75 Fiat 128. 6t0-7S52 ... M -·. blu/wbt, •A•90. ••••••••••••••••••••••• T k ~· "" ...,. ,.!n~..O~~ payments . For Sal"'·. isc:" MGTD '65 VW Bug: Oood cond Eltcood AftS.644·1080 A1 Tent trailer: Coleman Dodge Va.n Custom 1976 ....... .._._ "" >IV ... ·--mt. R -'·al Brandywine. sleeps 6, Tradesman 200. Lots of "Black" engine #TIMIO. nght htmd nuu,, . aw 5' '74 El Dorado. Loaded. Xlras galore. Must sell Extras. See to apprec. Xln't condition. Bikini 'T1Sp)'der. Mlnt cond. drlve. $4900. 714-493·3077 9S7·1_830_· --looks great! $4200. Call 96M223. CM . 714·646·4924 Eves. rai..i~.. Lo ml. Extru. $6200. • n-a 9746 76 VW Rabbit. 4 dr, dht eves 640-4220. Owner. Jl'mr ...... '6• custom saddle. 768-3014. -rf. t •c I d J.11to s.r.Jc•, Patti ---------8XIO miles. S2l00 firm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• nt.. " , ic nt con .• Ir Ace.stories 9400 ·12 O>evy. too many ac· PvtPtyAskforMr. Falk .... 9727 ·10bope1 GT . N u $3.&'50.8'2.asaodys ·~~~p~~t:m~ia1!:. ••••••tt••••••••••••••• oess. to list. Call for info. 956-023S. 493-8881 ....................... Mic eflnis, AM I FM 8 615 VW Squareback :xlnt tr as, Michelin tires, 6 mag rims, lour hole ror 487-4241. -.7-6-9-M-W-iOO_!_: _S_t-cr_e_o .... Mew •79 track stereo. Oood <'Ond. me c h rood. S800. 646-979'7S.l/SUn eves ~or MG Midget........... 9510 tape. sunroof. 47M '6195 HONDA Cars =-bst orr. 962·7593. ~days • '7'7SevUle Moonrf.all ~-pt. -•••• .. ••••••••••••••-• or oCt~ S48·71S'7 Moro MAJ4T · '72 VW BUS RbJt ena. Mi h li di ,J: ...... w. top. Toa.o........ 7~~=! ~~· c~r.'SSf~· new brks Ir radials. FM ~ml. r$li.4~ rn3.:Ji ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9520 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '46 'FORD WOOOI E FWly ruloftd ! $13,000 •• IMt.t'fl A HEW MOTICI P .P. 544-SSlB ilCreo $2100. Ph tu-2374 evs. ~146 da1$ . AUTOMOllU how Dally Pilot Clas!!· ~,!!ER-~SITY PwlcM 9750 'iT Scl.rroco. 1arritloo, lo "76Sevtlle, itold, all xtns. ....-y_,._.tor ified ads display their --Me ml, stereo tape, AC. 43.000m1 $1700 ._. $500. SI 000 l'ndllag With legibility ...... c... ..., GMC •••••••••••••••••••••• • t13l·S870 ~ Molt Melket and impact? Ourada, we T ..... "18Tarca. met coppc'r. ell are proud to ~ay really ,._ cxvu. 12K ml. still un· '71 SUPER BEETLE '10 Sedan de VIiie. Good t.44-2526 get res u lt.a. Pbonr 2850 Harbor81vd. dcr warr. Must sell ~nUy,..blttna.vcry cond. ~at otrer. Pvt 642-$67ft. C.O.ta M • ~9640 ~4.000. r.rt-83831&i'2·3818 clean.n.:io. 63Hl•)3 P\y &49--3215 67~16\ , ________ __ • J' "° '° • I • . ' . \ I \ ROBINS FORD 10bl' HAllRO" 81 VO CO!>TA M£ SA 64 ~ OOHl A.to1.Mtw •••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••• •gs Thunderbird. diamond blue. Orig. It except· I clean. $3200. or best or fer. Coast Hwy & Jam \Xlrt'e, 64-4-4131. 9800 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .t d 0 u y rt n u l e t.1 d 0 ,e d e .. g . e e ' ·s ·s 1· e· 1e l IO s t 1e 1g 00 es 0 · :y a >n ri; ps ut ( ~ ~e n~ ed ed •• - • t'· I Ill he td It· lly ' DJ• 9AA.. y PILOT Wednffday. February 21. 1971 BRAND NEW 1979 CHRYSLER LE BARON BRAND NEW 1979 PLYMOUTH HORIZON 118 engine automatic torouelhte transmission pawer steering white sidewall glass bf'lled radial tires and more• f166?51) 55295 1 700 cc engine 2 barrel carb .. 4 speed $ 3 . transmission. bucket seats. folding rear 4 95 seat. tinted glass. light pkg day/night mirror. dual horns. body side molding wheel trim rings. cargo compartment caroet & sound ins and wsw glass belted ,.__-radial tires ( 177341 I FOR Fl.HT SALE OR LEASE INFORMATION, CALL HARRY GLA VIC BRAND NEW 1979 arr cond1t1on1ng. pwr sunroof. CHRYSLER CORDOBA BRAND NEW 1979 VOYAGER VAN ~~;dos~rgrigdr& l~~~~s s~~s 16 I I# DISCOU..-controt AM/FM stereo radio "• w/8 t;ack tape elec dig Off Of Manufacturer's clock Landau vinyl too 1111 Suggested Retail wheel pwr bucket seats Pnce leather rnt wire wheel covers. WSW radials & tn()(pl ( 1403 73) • ( ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH l I SERVICE HOURS: I I MONDAY-FRIDAY: 7:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. I l SA TURDA !: 1:00 A.M. TO S:O __ o_P_._M_: ----- SUPER SA VIMGS OM FINE USED CARS '76 PLYMOUTH A RROW COUPE 5 !!peed lrans power brakes. 2000 cc enqrne bucket seals £.ustom wheels louvers air rond radio & wsw l•res 177 CHRYSLER CORDOIA COUPE ve auto trans arr cond . pwr st -& brakes pwr window s & seats sunroof AM/FM stereo w /tape crusre control till wheel leather rnt eiec dr locks wsw trres & more• (934RfA) • (676RVW) 178 TOYOTA CRESSIDA SEDAM 54395 178 PLYMOUTH VOLARE SEDAN 177 DODGE CLUI CAI PICl(UP V8 au1omat1c trans power steerinq power brakes and radio (017102) 95 '74 PONTIAC FIREllRD COUPE 175 CADILLAC ElDORADO COUPE ve automatic trans air cond owr steertnQ & brakes pwr seat & windows. leather mt pwr dr locks. AM/FM stereo wl8 track. vinyl top. lilt & more• (464WRI) 17 6 CHRYSLER COltDOIA COUPE Automatic trans arr conditioning, va automatic trans arr conditioning. ve. automatic trans .. arr cond . pwr V8 automatic trans air cond . oower pawer brakes. AM/FM radio. console power S1eering pawer brakes. radio steering & brakes. AM /FM stereo steering power brakes. AM/FM & wsw trres -top o f the Une Toy0tal vinyl too. custom moldings & wsw vinyl top. bucket seats. radio & wsw stereo !tit wheel. cruise control. (960UMY). trres (510TU'Ml tires. (448LJG) vinyl too & wsw trres (440PCVl. ~ ) I . ' • '75 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGON 9 Pass Brougham pkg . V8, automatic trans . arr cond . pwr stee,.. 1ng & braxes. AM/FM stereo, split pwr seats & pwr dr tocks. roof racl<. cruae cont, 1111 & morel (624NJN) 178 DODGE.VAN 1200 MAXI SPORTSMAN VS. automatic. arr cond . inc rear air pwr sreenng. pwr brakes cruise. AM/FM 8 track stereo. custom ext. moldings, travel package. road wheats & rflore1 Ct 249a,Ql 59495 . . .,.. . "' ........ .., ... -. n \ I• ' Hunt ington Beach Fountain Valley E.D IT IO N Your Hometo w n . ~ Daily New s paper VOL. 72, NO. 59, 'SECTIONS, '6 PAGES ORANGcCOUNTY, CALIFO RN IA WE DNESDAY, FEBRUA RY 28, 1979 TEN CENTS r ~~~~~~~'--~~~~~~~~.;._.;,.;.;;..;;;..;.;..;.;._..;..;;..;._..;._~~~~~'--.;..;..;..;;.;;;.;..;.;.;.;;,;;.;..,;;;;.:..;.;.;..;._~_;..;;~~ I I j ' I l 1 ' • < I t ' I • i •· ' ., b I VO si I of ri. , I • • ' •. 1 ' I • I ' • j • -~ 17 . ' I I ' l I ( I I • ' I ' . • Of • di •• '"' ID le/ Op ,,., lee f ~:: lhP. f Pre ••• II ate1 I eau· Jrat ... I aret ~ Br I •.U .i AM ~­\ ; ( I f ! Fire A flrtt thal lli l lll rted lrt lh furn11e., fll't'lt or a v•c•nt <kee View S<'hool D111lr1ct t chool buildlfti cau.sH an estimated $100,000 damage TuH d •1 aft.e r noon. Huntington l\earh nre of fi cia ls sald. The blut: ~R•n at about S 4.S pm. 1n the central heatin& area at Rancho View School, 169<W 8 St . about two hours a fter mtun tenance men fired up a naluraJ ' ' Hits a•s fumat"e lhat had been eloled down fCK t10me time Th e 5chool di11tr 1i'l, whic h pla n11 to move il.5 hcadqulll'lenl into the old school In about three weeks, v11caled R-ancho View tn 1917 bttau."it or declining enroll· n1ent A di11Llicl !lpokeswoman said the fire, which damaged the ad· Ja<•e nt .:auditorium ar ea , will not delav I.he move but will result in ' Vacated School some schedule changes. All headquarters areu are e:... pectted to be moved into Rancho V1ew-tbe district's second olde1t liehool complex. -by tills summer, she sald. The burned out auditorium area was scheduled to receive the district 's multi-medi a storage department, fint head- quarters unit scheduled to be moved, she said. • O•ll• ,.llolt SUff -·.,. S.... ~- The spokesman said lbe school is covered by Sl.000 deductible fire insurance. School employees had been working on the central air and heating unit for several weeks. the spokesman said, in prepara- tion for lhe headquarters move. No one was in the area, though, when (tre broke out. Fire officials said the blaze wa5 reported by neighborhood Not l•..ediate children who were pass.in& the school as the fire erupted. Eight lire units fought tbe blaze. contro lling it in 30 minutes, officials reported. No injuries were reported. Ocean View District plans to lease or sell ita present head· quarters complex al Beach Boulevard and Warner Avenue after the move to Rancho View is completed. No Weekend Gas Sale Due? \ WASHINGTON I AP ) - Energy Secretary James R. Schlesinger said today it is possible that oil s hortages in the U nited States m ay fo r ce weekend closings of gasoline stations and mandatory controls on thermostats in buildings be(ore summer. Testifying before the Senate Energy Committee, Schlesinger said it is almost certain that a standby gasoline rationing plan before Congress would not be in- voked because of the current situation. Schl esinger also said the price or unleaded gasoline is likely to rise to $1 a gallon "within a year ·orso." On Tuesday, Schlesinger pre- dicted a n average 10-cenl-a- gallon boost in gasoline prices by the end of tbis yeard . But he modified that prediction today by telling a Senate Government Operations subcommittee to ex- pect even sharper rises in un· leaded fuel. FREE SOUL IN NIGUEL -Jerr Magnan. a 20-year-0Jd Laguna Niguel hang glider en- thusiast soars over the ocean at Niguel Beach Park where a steep blufftop and ocean breezes create ideal conditions for the sport. The bluff is popular for hang glider and remote-control plane buffs who frequently send their aerodynarnic-u}ys ll\. to the clear air off the beach. Yemen Fight Puts Saudis On A le rt JIDDA, Saudi Arabia CAP > - Saudi Arabia put its armed forces on alert today and the Arab League called for an emergency session Sunday on the fighting in Yemen. The ener gy secre t ary was called to defend standby man· datory conservation measures that must be approved or disap- proved by Congress over the next 60 days. He said the most likely in.itiaJ step in reaction to shortages caused by political upheavaJ in Iran would be shirts or natural gas from producing states to areas ol industrial s hortage. ~ Waddill Trial Delays; Judge Sees Lawyers Opening statements in the murd.er retrial of Huntington Ha rbour physician Dr. William Waddill were delayed this morn- ing while attorneys in lhe case met i;ach mbers with l[ial Judge Byro lttcMilla n. Prosecu Robert Chatterton predic s opening statement would last about three hours. Defense attorney Cha rles Weed- min said he would decide after Chattertom's statement whether to offer opening remarks of his own. Cha tterton a nd Weedman completed a lO·day jury im· pane ling process in the murder case late Tuesday with the selec· tion of 12 re gular and five alternate jurors. Jury selection had been ex· peeled to be finished Tuesday ·morning, but delayed until the a fternoon when Weedman called to say he was being examined by his doctor after suffering chest pains. The infant known as baby girl Weaver was born sponta neously at Westminster Com mu ni t y Hospital nearly two years ago after Waddill performed a saline abortion on an 18-year-old unwed mother . Waddill has insisted the baby was already dead whe n it was brought lo the nursery from the mother's hospital room. Coast Weal h e r Chance or showers 20 percent on Thursday. In· creasing c loudines s tonight with slight chance of showers. Lows tonight 43 to 50. Highs Thursd ay in low OOs. INSIDE T ODA V Don't tpmd tho.t money lf01I think p 'rr going to wift Oft the moilbo:r 1weeoptlalce1. TM oddl are not in MO"r Javor . StorJI, A1. 1.-..... cu cu .,. .. M •• .. ... •• .. .. .,., M M ,, Hunt ington Works Director to Retire The Saudis canreled all military leave and ordered all officers and men to their bar- racks immediately "because of prevailing circumstances." But beyond that, Schlesinger said if Congress approves the standby conservation measures, "it is possible that al some time we may have to invoke tem- perature controls or weekend closings before summer. U nder the plan, indus trial plants and most othe r non- residential buildings would be required to maintain thermostat settings of no higher than 65 degrees Fahrenheit for heating and no lower than SJ degrees for cooling. By ROBERT BARK·ER OI u. o••r ,.ii.t l\aft P ublic Works Director H.E. "Bill" Hartge, who oversees the largest department in the City of Huntington Beach, a nnounced his retirement Tuesday night. The target of public criticism from several City Council mem- bers. Hartge said he's leaving April 14 after 19 year.s with the city. He plans to become a private civil engineer consul- ta nt. •·The atta cks on the pro- fessionalis m of my starr and myself have bothered me but that's ~ the reason I am leav- ing," he said today. "It 's Lime to venture out and do something on my own," the 54 -year-old Hartge said. Sources close to Hartge said he has been embarrassed by public comments questioning his department's competence and that he has become more dis - turbed than he acknowledges. Form.er Building Director John Behrens. who resigned in January, said today some mem- bers or the City Council have s hown their disdain by giving a number of "cheap shots" at de- partment heads. "The variety of their questions show that they often are totally unaware of the problems. They don't have the decency to AJk them in private but instead pltay to the public," Behrens \ declared. Behrens indicated that. Coun- cilman John Thomas has been the major irritant. In public meetings, Thomas charged thal members or the planning departme nt ''sit around playing with their toes" and has hinted al ".!lweetheart deal.!1" in the building depart- ment. "The caliber or his comments are at best irresponsible," BehreM said. Behrens also claimed that s uch comments have caused serious damage to city func· tions. '"!be lo5s of Rartge is the biggest blow yet," he said . Assistant City Administrator R1chard Harlow and Planning Director Edw•rd SeJlcb pr•· Trade Talks Set MEXICO CITY (AP> -l'rul· denl Valery Gl1<ard d 'Esloina arrives today to discuss trade between France and Mexlc:o and to offer French technolOIY and lnve1tment ror MP-•1can in- dustry. I , QUITS CITY POST Huntington'• Hertge viously have quit their high-level jobs . Also, about l20 city employees have left since last April's municipal ele<!tions. Hartge, a U .S. Navy dive bomber pilot in World War II, malr.es an annual salary· or $45,432 and is lhe highest Paid department bead. He is recommending that City Engineer Mike Zambory take bis place. The announcement broadcast by Riyadh r adio did n ot e laborate. But observers lhousht it was the result or the six-day border war in the southwest cor- ner of the Arabian Peninsula be tween pro-Saudi Northern Yemen and Marxi s t South Yemen. BEGIN TO MEET WITH CARTER-A4 -The Saudi Press Agency quot- e d Arab League Secretary- GeneraJ Mahmoud Riyall as say- ing-,hat several Arab countries have expressed willingness to par tic ipate in the m eeting. which will be held in Kuwait. The border clashes contin~ today am.id claims in Aden of the outbreak of all -out rebellion against "the North Yemeni gov- ernment in San'a. There was no independent confirmation or the claims. ,, South Yemen's government- con t rolled Aden Radio said numerous tribes, from all over the 75.000-square.mile territory of North Yemen, .. joined lhe l'(!t;:·• olulion and declared their sup- port for the struggle against the San 'a regime." ··The actual s truggle is between the revolutionaries of the National Democratic Front and the puppet authorities at San'a," Mohsin Abu Nashtan, a North Yemeni who said he was the National Front leader in the district oC Arhab, 10 miles north of San'a, told an Aden news eon· ference. Hot w a t er for personal hygiene or cleaning could go no hi gher than 105 degrees. Schlesinger would also have authority to close gas stations for a ll or part of the weekend. As for gasoline rationing, he s aid it .. represents a last resort" that couJd not be put into effect for five or six months anyway. The Carter administration has been considering proposals for the decontrol of gasoline prices, but Schlesinger indicated today those-#Otlht be held back during th& current shortage. "It is unlikely the administra· lion would send up decontrol le gislation while there is a generalized shortage.'· be said. "We will not end up with ration- ing and d«ontrol.'' Softball Signups Set in Huntington The Huntington Beach Miss Softball America organization has sche duled sig nups for players between the ages or 8 a nd 20 for the n ex t two Saturdays. Registration will be held rrom 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Murdy Park, 7000 Norma Drive. Further itl· formation can be obtained by calling 8'2-6274 or 847-1040. • Gas Rationing Eyed Au.to Owners Would Get Fuel Certificates WASHINGTON CA.P l -Here Is bow President Carter's proposed standby gasoline rationing plan would work in a severe energy shortage: Once lines or cars at gas stations became too tong. the president would declare ao energy emergency. EVEa Y TJIAEE MONTHS. THE 1ovem· ment ...ould send ownen of the more than 100 million registered motor vehicles cerU/icates worth a specific number of gallons of gasoline. The certificates would reaemble government checks . Tbe more cars owned, the more certificates drtvers would g_et in the mall . Motortlll would cash iJl their certificates at bankl or similar Institutions tor coupions, .: .... " .. • . " ' ' also issued for spec-i.fi c numbers or gallons of gasoline . Gas stations would accept the coupons. How much gas would motorists get ? There Is no way to tell until the severity of • shortage is lr.nown. The Energy Department estimates the avera1e car uses about lwo eallonsof gas a day. EACH CAR WOULD llE ALLOCATED the same amount of a:as , no matter whether It was a s mall Imported model or a luxury fuel hog. Trucks would gel more than cars, motorcycles less . A driver with a s urplus of coupons could sell tht.m at an unlimited price, c::reatln1 a so- called "white marlr.et" for the coupons. ' I ..... ~ __,.,. President Carter s hares a light moment with his poten- tial Democratic rival Sen. Edward Ke nnedy at the White House where Carter briefed the press on his judicial reform message. Decisive Nam Battle Expected BANGKOK, Thailand !AP 1 - Vietnam reported today that it put a Chinese regiment and two battalions out of action in the northeast province of Lang Son, where analysts believe the armies are regrouping for a de· cisive batUe in lhe border war. Meanwhile. Peking said that small Vietnamese units had penetrated six to 10 miles into China at three points but that alJ incursions were repulsed. In Peking, Treas ury Secretary W. Mich ae l Blumenthal met with Chinese Premier 1-lua Kuo- feng and told reporters he again had urged a speedy withdrawal or Chinese forces from Vietnam. Blumenthal is in China for nine days of negotiations on several economic matters. The Voice of Vietnam reported today that m ore than 1,600 Chinese troops were killed in the Lang Son area Tuesday, but did not give the exact location of the fighting. Reliable analys ts said the pro· vincial capital, also called Lang Son , had not falle n to the Chinese but that Vietna mese civilians had been e vacuated. T he city of Lang Son is 80 miles northeast or Hanoi and 11 miles south of the Chinese border . The analysts said some main· line Vietnamese units were be- ing brought up c loser to the Lang Son front and they expect· ed a major hatUe in the area in the next few days. _ To date, regional and militia forces are believed to have car- ried the ·weight or most of the righting. The battle has been predicted since last weelr., and much fi ght- ing has been reported in the hills around Dong Dang. se ven miles northwest of Lang Son at the en- trance lo the Munan Pass. The Vietname se broadcast a lso re ported battles in the s eacoast province of Quang Ninh, where its troops put 400 Chinese "out or action," al sites' located three and six miles in: r;ide the border. 1 China 's 1-lsinhua ne ws agency said the Vietnamese shelled a commune northeast or Lang Son' · a nd 10 miles i'nSide China on Fri! .day. then sent about 60 troops. across the border Saturday, but border guards drove them back.~ 1-lsinhua said the Vietnamese returned Saturday morning and bu.med two villages, then n~ a fter 69 Vielt)amese .were Ir.Hied and one wu taken prisoner. srmoN WAGON .. ROf.LE.D QUICKLY~ ''The first . p e r son to call bought my station wagon ... That's the story told by the ~uccessfu.J s alesman who placed this ad in the Daily Pilot; '71 Station Wa gon Coun · try Scdllf\ I O'tl'fler Gd Cond llll•lOl_..X If you want fast sales sue. ce1s. call the friendly Dally Pi.lot ad·vt.H:l'I at 642·$678. - I • .. J 112 DAILY PILOT t:tlf W!Cl!!!f!!H. Ftt)tlt•a i't. !llJ Huntington Raps .Mesa Bridge Stand BJ l!OCHAEL P VJ ·y Ol .. ~..-M.tt II unllngton lh,ach n l' of l1C'ial ) tht'" n nril 1•lt •~-d \.\1th {'(l()ta M1,.• • ' phm to M'r•p pair or h1ah"' "' rt\\'f c Ing d IJnt~ to 1mproH• fu:tu.-. t r1.11fll' flt'~ btl'<Htn lht t~' t'ltiea. "We·re dtuppo1ot d lhiat C0tla ..... d4 •d 004 to W> •be.cl wt Lh lhot hltt> ('Nil 1n1 aid Rill ll•rt& • Hunt •niton flto•C'h'a tJ1n•ch1f ur tt0hlh• •ork 1 r uffic-Ill r,uin ' lo' ~•nll11111· lll and •Ith only ChoM " l•lln& 1 crw11na1 eoulb (If Ou "'•n IM1 o Fr-Mway, ll ' Ht ont1 quit • problem," 'Ir 111 ••tdt'd I"' 11411 &•f~t~td brldJ lltlkl .... ,.uhl 'ootM'i't Wllauo St~ In l ••111 '' 11 with Allllnli. Avrnu In Hunttn1too. and extend 01rl&eld Avenue ovtr t.be rtver ror a hookup wtlb Gisler Avmue lnC01uM .. a. The bridge crossing• remain oo both HunUneton Beach's Mod the tounty'1 master plan or bl11hway1 but Costa Mesa City Cou.ocU members bave voted to remo"e the proposed brldcea from Costa Mesa's highway plan. The action came Jan. lStb aft.er a weU-orgamzed group ot west aide Costa Mesans told lbe council that extensions of their , city street.I to Huntington would nalo lbeir oeigbbol'bood. Opponents on en noted that Huntington Beach m otorists would make more use or the east-west river bridges than Costa Mesa drivers . 11d Airport· Probe Hop ITT • G. Told M!eret Memo s r Priest Held in Thefts "Since we don't have any con- trol over the actions or Co.-ita Mesa, I don't see any light at the end Of the tuMel as far as in- fluencing them to keep it on their master plan," Hartge said. He said he wtU aak the Hunt· ington Beach city council to keep the river crossings on the city's master plan. George Tbyden, Huntington Beach Civil Defense direct.or. sees problems beyond the ruture traffic strain on the three exist- ing crossings arning iven K~s~ .. ~:.~N~~~f~ •• ~A ~~"· l'h1lhf!fl who cla1mi. J 1974 ~" MIDDLETOWN. Del. CAP> - A Roman Catholic priest bas been arrested and charged with a string or anned holdups iden· tified as the work of a man dubbed the Gentleman Bandit. authorities said today. ·'I foresee problems in the case of evacuations," Thyden said today IS> G.\llY GK NVILLt; OI -O.Oty "''"" , .. " Count~ roum~I \dn•n Ku)llf'r hdi. v..irnl"d the Board of SU&>t'r\ 1:.or., that an UPl'Offiln~ Fedt'r..tl Avu111on Ad m101:.trauon 1nvt'lSl11U1l100 or Or.rnge Count)' Airport could -ENO WITU Ttn; FM wresting rontrol over what a1rl1nr.i:i op~ralt! from lhl' 1urport from boud of :.upervlSOr.. · hands. HA VE "NATIONWIOt. rotmlf1callon:. " -BE SE'M'LED IN A compromise thut would open the run" ..iy~ Jl Orange County Airport to udd1ltonul ulr car· ricrs . K uypt.'r 'i. warning wal> conhtined in a confidential mt'mo :.cnt to the five count y supervisors this week In h1:. memo, the s upervisors' lawyer said there Is lit· tie hkehhood that the FAA investigators will find the coun· ty is d1 scr1mmatmg against two airlines who want to operate Crom the airport Frontier Airlines and Continental Airlines touched off the 1-~AA probe by contending they are being discriminated against by the county's refusal to allow them to operate at Orange County Airport. In hts memo, Kuyper said that Frontier has not been ~ fmal a pproval of air routes from Orange County and therefore cannot claim discnmmation. N CONTINENTAL'S case. the county's legal ad v1ser swd. its planes exceed the weight allowed on the airport run\.\ays. Com;equenlly, d1scnmination is not part of the county's denial of Continenlal's request But Kuyper went ontowam that, "lnsp1teoftbe likelihood no discrimina - tion will be found an the FAA investigation. the FAA could or der t h at t h e air p ort be made avai l ab l e henteforth Lo all requesting earners." Or, Kuyper added, the FAA could order the airport opened to ''all carriers up to a cl•rtain muxirnum number, with or without a limit on daily departures." -KUYPER'S CONFIDENTIAL memo also told the supervisors who control airp0rt operating policies that the basic issue in the investigation "is the power or the local proprietor (the-county) to negate the provisions of the Airline Deregulation Act or 1978." The deregulation act had the eCCect or opening airline routes '"to all Cit, willing and able applicants "The county counsel said a significant issue in the conflict is the weight given California noise la ws when they conflict with the deregulation act as well as federal anti-trust laws. SO INTENSE DOES J\uyper see the challenge in. hert'nt in the FAA probe that he recommended to '>Upen·1sors they hire special attorneys to represent the county "I do not have the manpower or the resources which will be required for the full time effort which should be put mto Uus matter on behalf of the county," Kuyper said. "I view tb1s investigation as a very important matter to the county which should be given the degree of expert handhng and full -time attention which can only come from a well qualified private law firm experienced in such mat· ters. '' THE FIRM RECOMMENDED by Kuyper is the San Diego firm of Luce. Forward, Hamilton and Scripps. That firm has represented the county ln other lawsuits centering on jet airliner activities al Orange County Airport. Supervisors <Are expected to meet in a closed-door :;ession this week lo consider hiring the lawyers Kuyper reels are needed lo keep control or the airport in county government's hands Utter Tax Bill Approved by Curb SACRAMENTO <AP) -Lt Gov Mike Curb signed Jeg1sla lion rcducin~ and delaying a S20 mllhon litter lax today, adding his only regret was he couldn't repeal the t:lx completely The act was Curb's first bill signing as acting governor. Curb said he supports the lit· tcr cleanup and recycling pro- grams that are to be financed by ORA NOE COAST 11 r DAILY PILOT lNi O••nfl' ( ... \I IM•1y .,IN'il w •ff\w tuch '°"' f'•'"'"Cf ,,.. '*""""" ,,,.,~" 111 ~'""'db.-'""' Of-"'Ot '"''' PutJ11,f'OnQ(~l\f' ,.CMt•lt fi.1·1t0f"• ~~ 1 vo• · f\. d A.to"Ct.h truOW)rl t ·in•,. •o• c ftl• """' ' P4• #PfV1 ni.~" HU!f'llfflqi~ (M ioW t'I f""'4"1 ,,..,, ..,., .... ,.,.,,. l..,..~ a.-.,," '4wt .. c .. u • I "!If' ft 9• ., f"(t1l1~ I\ Pl1>4•~\4tu<O.y• .,.., '""""' ,,_ ur "''IN+ °""''\f'li•rte fti~I •'· •t J 0 \!\• I b•'i•,ttffl (O\t•Mf!W (•1tlflotf'14ft1t1- •t .. rlN -tt•n•dtf'lt.-~P\lt)I""" J•O• c;.,.1n v,,,.p, •llr"' ,Ntr..,..iw.•l M.t"''""' ,,..,,.., .... ,. Ld 10< l"'9Mit• A MwJINfW Mo ......... lohor Cliotti.• M ~ ·-P "'°" .-\"l.l\I""' M4" .. 1')1"0 [ctitor .............. """"°'•N#C.<>""'•ld!IO< Hunllnalon Be~ 0ttie. 1111J&uch l\a\l,..¥n Molll•O AOOr•.-P 0 DO• l"I) ._ OfflCH 1.AO,,...ll••!h 11 .. c,1_...,...M•ftl (.o\lf M<W UUWhllH•~- Tei.pllone (7141~ Cl11ul1ltd Advertlllflg 642·6171 ,....,. r.o<•hC>r•-r°""'y °""""'"'"" 640-1220 ~·' ·i~ =~ 0:,-:% C"~.:!tt':r.."~~~~. ,.,..r .. , or AdVt•li·•m."h he,ttfl' M-199 t'lit .. ,, .. W•CI Wlt"9"t , .. , ... Ntff\iUltfi' If ,.,.,,.,,.. 9'1l'fWf ~.~~··.~·::r..r,;:.:; .. ~-:.:: ~~ ;;.~~,:.:..i;:~,,n.=:.t:,. _h., ,_,_...__~, the new tax and "would give 1t a goocl_prionty" but that he op posed imposing a new tax to finance the proi:riims The bill Curb signed repeals lhe tax for r(•tailer~. but leaves It Intact for larger manufac turers and whole1ialers. The bill a lso delayed the due date for the firs t ta x pa yme nts from Wednesday until Sept. 30. Slides Topic Of Talks on Environment Laguna Beach's Blue bird Can· yon disaster and othe r Orange County landslides will be a focal po111l of a three session lecture series on the geology or our planet beginnJng Friday at Sad· dleback College. The ''Environment Earth" lecture series begin• at 7:30 p.m. Friday in room 313 of the Math/Science building on the Mission Viejo campus. · The first session will focus on how and why landslides occur, with s pecial emphasis on Southem Callfomia land form&· lions . Two othet lecturet will follow on April 6 and May 4. Fee for the sesaJon1 are ~ each , or S2 at the door. For reservations or more ln· formation. phone 831·7532 or 495·4950, ext. 266. 1·hun~1..· o l)l1rat1on left her neither m.tn nor woman. wept under no:;~ l'\i.11n111ahon. saying thal i.ht-bdll'"ed ht•r doclors' prom· lbe to make he r "a perfect 1 woman " Drcllscd in a modest wh1te paot.s suJt and navy blouse. Miss Phillips told a Superior Court jury Tuesday that she was "coo-r used" afte r her ·unsuccessful trnnsst'xual operation and afraid ,.,_ ,._ of undergoing another one. •vp wp "I 'm not ready," said the 38· yea r·old woman. "My doctor S3yS I'm not mentally ready. I'm scared of the table. If you had someone cut you up lhe way they experimented with me, you 'd be afraid, too." During her testimony, Mi ss Phillips glanced frequently at her attorney, Melvin Belli, and a transsexual friend. Toby Con- ner, who was seated in the front row. Miss Phillips is seeking $7 million in damages from Dr. John R Brown of San Fran- cisco. who 1s now practicing medicine in Mexico. and his as- sistant, James A. Spence of San Jose. for all egedly botching her transse xual operation in January 1974. T he s uit accuses Brown of violating medical stcindards a nd. among other charges. performing sex-change opera- t10ns "on demand .. and without psychological evaluations. Brown s at be hind bis at- torney, Duncan Barr. smiling and taking frequent notes. Motorcycle Officer Dwain Cheshire has been named Fountain Valley police of· ficer of the year by his fellow officers and the city's Exchange Club. He has been a Fountain Valley police officer since 1974 an~ . has served twice as presi- dent of the city Police Of. ficers Association. Burglars Get Camera, Gems Burglars used a glass cutter. police believe, in entering a Fountain Valley home Tuesday to lake a camera, $500 worth or jewelry and m iscell aneous items. Police ~ported Rosario D. Abad's total loss at $1 .100. An estimated $50 damage was done to the kitchen window in lhe home at 9196 Sara· River St. Delaware State Police said lbe Rev. Bernard Pagano, ass istant pastor of the St. Ma ry's Refuge of Sinners in Cambridge, Md., was charged with seven count.s of armed robbery and one count of attempted robbery. The charges stemmed from holdups or grocery stores and other commercial establish· ments in northern Delaware by a neat. quiet, well-behaved man. authorities said. Pagano was arrested Tuesday night at his sister's home here. Police said a composite draw- ing of a s uspect circulated following one of t he robberies led to the priest's arrest. Tbe Sol-year-old priest was ar· raigoed before a magistrate in New Castle County, and was sent to Delaware State Hospital for psychiatric evaluation. Bis hop Thomas Mardaga, bead of the Wilmington diocese which includes most of t he Delmarva Peninsula, issued a s tatement s aying be was shocked by the a rrest Home Burglarized A brick was used lo break a kitchen window at 10778 Los Jardines East. Fountain Valley. late Tuesday by b11rglars who took a television set and camera. Burton R. Jones report· ed the value of items taken as $525. In the event of a severe earth- quake or nood. Thyden believes the present bridges -if they are still standing would not be able to move evacuees qwckly enough in either direction. He also would like to see Costa Mesa officials reconsider their planned elimination or two new bridges set for construction in five to 20 years. Despite the disagreement over the Wilson-Atlanta and Gisler- Ga rfield bridges, the two cities are still working together on a bridge lhat would connect 19th Street in Costa Mesa with Ban- ning Avenue in Huntington. The bridge could be built by 1982 if the cities can reach an agreement with the Orange County San itation District. which owns right·of-way land on the Huntington side of the river. Sanlt.ation district officials say they want a high-level span that would not slice through their' property and disrupt crucial sew age treatment operations. Television, Wine Taken by Burglar A burglar with an apparent tasle for wine forced open a garage <Soor at 18901 Capense St., Fountain Valley. Tuesday between 11 a.m and 1 ·45 p.m M·argie M. Johnson told of- fice rs she returned home to dis· cove r belongings including a television set. back pack and a dozen bottles or wine missing from ber garage and home. Air Ca/, Asks Flight Ha/,t To San Diego Air California officials a~ nounced today they are a seek· ing Civil Aeronautics Board <CAB l approval or a plan to sus· pend service to San Diego. 'Art Nouveau' Boy Payton. a spokesman for the airline, said the CAB ap- plication asks that service be restricted lo one. fli ght a day Mond{l.y .through Friday begin· ing April 1 with complete SU· pension of all service by May 1. At present, San Diego is a destination of Air Cal night.s that o ri ginate from San Jose. Oakland, San Francisco, Sacramento, Orange County, Ontario and Palm Springs. He said t he s uspension is sought because the aircraft are n~eded on other routes. He said passengers who want lo Oy to San Diego still will be able to depart from Orange County because Golden West Airlines serves San Diego and will be increasing that service. Huntington Driver Hurt In Smashup •• A 25·year-o ld Huntington Beach man ~u rePOrted lo good condition today after his auto struck a curb, new about 60 feet and landed on its top in Laguna Beach early this roornJog. Allan Lachlan Pinkerton Jr. w'ls pulled from the wreckage or his auto a\ 2 10 a.m . near the corner of Vi ctoria a nd Drum· mond Drives . P inkerton was treated for a fractured ri&ht arm and other visible iltjuries and then rushed to South Coast Communit y Hospital. He wa s later trans ferred to UC Irvine Medical Center. Police cited Pinkerton for reckless driving after alleglna he lost control of his auto by driving too fast . F:oontain Valley Home Burglarized at its best, a romantic Et Cetera grouping by Drexel Tum·ol·ltle·cen1..1r,r c.~E.~nr.e? No~"L' .•1..i:. 11 f.!tPIOSsed more t ' )OVt!ntiy ITTdn •rl ft 1 • lurn !oflin'J•, .Jnd a•CtlflecfUlt' c.1• •l(J Art Nl).1;1 I • To.Mv llS ronanl•f" hlv 11'1()1•' bloons Q.J'L1•'l'1y 1'1 our Er Ce!E!fa-• CO'lecr1or by Drexel' lJsinq duf')t>rl!IC mJfOOals MO Jl)tll iron llT10()(1t'CI fl'ld'O" loadea gla~ a" 1 :.o06fb pee.in vl'N't""!. Drexel hJ~ ooatl-'CJ 1 o-o•nq ~Jllf' ot 9<"1' f' !Xl"l< r.hJrm V1r.11 ow d1 ',nf111l ";tl0wno H~i P'•1' tr,. •n !')\) \\'011 O\l\;I CO"·( L'lt.. y1 Burglan removed 1 acrMn, slid open a laundry room win- dow, tn~rod a Fountain Valley home and made off with $SSS worth ol belonglnca Tuesday al· temooo. Stanley J . Bourdeaux ol 1M15 Mt. Krutlna St. reported b.ll loa as a t.elevlallon set, watcb and tepe deck. T~AAHCE 23049 Howtflotnt IMI (213) 378-1279 COSTA NEM 1595 N9WOOf1 Bllld (71'1 64~·~ ~~<l'fllllllOoU 11UO I , , ' . . • I . r I . 1' IrflDe Your Hom town ! Dally Newspaper 'l EDITI O N '· .. VOL. 72, NO. 59 ... SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1979 TEN CENTS I Airport Probe Told • ID ·~ Secret Me1no ,1 • ' ' f I I B GAa\' GRANVILLE Of ... 0..1\1 ........... {'ount.y rounsel Adrian Kuy per hu warned th~ Board o( Supervl50r~ thi.t un UP<'Omlntt l''t,,'derlll A vli.Uon Ad ministration mvesttgallon of Orange County Airport could -END wne THE F "'re ttng cbntrol over wb11t atrlines op~raHl° from tht" airport from bourd of :;upervlsors' han<b -HAVE "NATIONWIDE ramJ!1callons " -BE SETrLED I N A compromise that would open the runways at Orange County Au-port to add1honal air car- riers. Kuyper's warning was contained in a confidential memo sent lo the five county supervisors this week. In his memo. the supervisors' lawyer said there is lit· lie likelihood that the FAA investigators will find the coun- ty is discriminating against two airlines who want to operat.e Crom the airport Frontier Airlines and Continental Airlines touched o(( the FAA probe by contending they are being discrimlnated against by the county's refusal to aUow them lo operate at Orange County Airport. In his memo. Kuyper said that Frontier has not been awarded finaJ approval of air routes from Orange County and therefore cannot claim discrimination. -IN CONTINENTAL'S case, the county's legal ad- viser said, its planes exceed the weight allowed on the airport runways. Consequently, discrimination is not part of the county's denial o( Contlnental's request. But Kuyper went on to wam that,• 'In spite of the likelihood no discrimina- tion will be found in the FAA investigation, the FAA could or d e r .t.b a t t h e a i r port. be m ad e a v a i l a bl e henceforth to all requesting carriers." Or. Kuyper added. the FAA could order the airport.opened to "aJl carriers up to a certain maximum number, with or without a limit on d aily departures." <See AIRPORT PROBE, Page A!> Saudis Alerted Yemen Battles-\ Concern Arabs Yemen a nd Marxis t South independent confirmation or the I I I ' i JIDDA. Saudi Arabia tAP l - Saudi Arabia put its armed forces on alert today and the Arab League ca lled for an emergency session Sunday on the fighting in Yemen. Yemen. · The Saudi Press Agency quot- c laims. 1 South Yemen 's government- controlled Aden Radio s aid numerous tribes, from all over the 75.000-square-mile territory of North Yemen. ·•3oined the rev- olution and dedared their sup- port ror the struggle against the San 'a regime." # I i' { t HE SWOOPS OFF THE BLUFFS TOWARD THE OCEAN AT NIGUEL BEACH PARK The Saudis can celed all military leave and ordered all officers and men to their bar· racks immediately "because of prevailing circumstances." The announcement broadcast by Riyadh radio d id not elaborate. But observers thought it was the result of the six-day border war in the southwest cor- ner of the Arabian P eninsula be.tween pro-Saud i Northern BEGIN TO MEET WITH CAATEA-A4 e d Arab League Secretary- GeneraJ Mahmoud Riyad as say- ing that several Arab countries have ex.pressed willingness to participate rn t he meeting, which wilJ be held 1n Kuwait. The border clashes conunued today amid claims 10 Aden of the outbreak of all-0ut rebellion against the North Yemeni gov- ernment in San'a. There was no ''The actual s truggle is betw~en the revolutionaries or the National Democratic Front a nd the puppet authorities at San 'a," Mohsin Abu Nashtan. a North Yemeni who said he was the National Front leader 10 the distract of Arhab. 10 miles north <See VE~IEN. Page AZI i Irvine, County Debate 17 ! I i Fire Station 'Loan' Hit I An arrar.igement whereby the City of Irvine would lease the Woodbridge fire station to the county of Orange. because the county can't afford to build one. drew fire from city coun- cilmen Tuesday. The building, to be built by the city for about $179,000 at Barran- ca and East Yale Loop, on park land. originally was to have been a park building. The county informed the city rast year that because of Proposition 13 revenue losses. it couldn't pay for a fire station planned for the Woodbridge area. The city reluctantly agreed to build the station and lease it to the county for $900 a month. FREE SOUL IN NIGUEL -Jeff Magnan. a 20-year-old Laguna Niguel hang glider en- thusiast soars over the ocean at Niguel Beach Park where a steep blufftop and ocean breezes create ideal conditions for the s part. The bluff is papular for hang glider and remote-control plane buffs who frequently send their aerodynamic toys in- to the clear air off the beach. At that rate, the city won't re- cover its investment for 16 years. Councilman Arthur Anthony Tuesday expressed irritation and regret that he and the rest of the council had agreed to the arrangement. The City of Irvine. too. An· I ' ' No Weekend · Gas Seen Curbs Placed On Donations t . Mandatory Thennostat Controls Loom A further restriction on cam- paign contri butions was ap- proved unanimously Tuesday by the Irvine City Coun cil. WAS HINGTON CAP > Energy Secretary James R. Schlesinger s aid today it is • possible that oil shortages in the 1 United Stales may force weekend closings o( gasoline stations and mendatory controls on tberm.ostats in buildings t before summer. Testifying before the Senate Energy Committee, Schlesinger said it is almost certain that a f standby gasoline rationing plan before Congress would not be in· i. voked because ol the current r s ituation. \ ·Schlesinger also said the price r of unleaded gasoline is likely to rise to $1 a gallon "within a year 1 or so." l On Tuesday, Schlesinger p~­ d i c ted an average 10-cent-a· J gallon boost In gasoline prices by the end of this . year. But be modified that prediction today by telUng a Senate Gover11ment OperaUons subcommittee to ex-1 pect even sharper rises in un- leaded fuel. l The energy secretary was called to defend standby man- datory conservation measures that must be approved or disap· I proved by Con1ress over the next 80 days. He said the most likely initial atep in reaction to shortages ' caused by politicaJ upheaval in Iran would be abifta of natural I gas from productn1 states to areaa ol lndustriaJ aborta1e. But be)tond that, Schleaineer 11ld ii Con.araa approves the 1tandbJ eoDMr11UoG m .. suna, \ {'- higher than 105 degrees. "it is possible that at some time we may have to invoke tem- perature controls or weekend closings before summer. Under the plan, industrial plants and mos t other non- residential buildings would be required to maintain thermostat settings of no higher than 65 degrees Fahrenheit for heating and no lower than 80 degrees for cooling. St:hlesinaer would also have authority (() close gas stations for all or part of the weekend. Schlesinger said the United States over-reacted to the 1973-74 oil embargo by stockpiling too mu~oU. He cautioned against a repeti- tion of that, and said be hopes administrative actions would enable the country lo weather the current shortage without in· vok Ing the proposals. The council set a $250 limit on any individual contributing to a council campaign, whether to the individual candidate. to political committees, or in com- bination. Hot ·water for p e r sonal hygiene or cleaning could go no Previously. a contributor was able to donate up to $250 to a candidate, and as much to cdm- mittees in s upport of the can- didate. Gas Rationing .Eyed Auto Owners Would Get Fiwl Certificates WASHINGTON CAP ) -Here is how President Carter's proposed standby gasoline rationing pl'1n would work Ln a severe energy shortage: .. · Once lines of cars at gu stations beeame too long, the president would declare an energy emergency. EVEaY TUaEE MONTHS, THE govern· ment would send owners or the more than 100 million registered motor vehicles certificates worth a specific number or aallons of gasoline. The certificates would resemble government checks. The more cars owned, the more certificates drivers would let ln the meil. Motorist.I would cash In their certlficatea at banks OT similar lnaUtuUons for coupons, ... , also issued for specific numbers of gallons of gasoline. Gas stations would accept the coupons. How much gas would motorists get? There is no way to tell until the severity of a shortage is known. The Energy Department estimates the average car uses about two gallont of gu a day. EACH CAil WOULD BE ALLOCATED the same amount of gas. no matter whether it was a small imported model or a luxury fuel bog. Trucks would 1et more than cars, motorc)'cles less. A driver with a surplus of coupor11 could 1ell them at an unlimited price, creatln1 a ao- called "white market" for the coupons. • r thony complained, is affected by revenue losses under Proposi- tion 13. "I will never again." he steamed. "vote to a pprove the use o( city funds for that which is in another j urisdiction." He said Irvine taxpayers now not only have to pay county taxes for fire prote<:tion {Irvine has no fire service o( its own) but have to pay tobousethefiremen as well . Ma yo r B i ll Vardouli s grumbled that the arrangement seemed to him "maybe another flim fla m ... s ince c ity plans showed the new fire station as a SeeLOAN.PageA2) Council Opposes Insurance Hike The Irvine City Council voted 4· l Tuesday to oppose proposed state legislation to abolish ter· r1torial rating systems used by a utomobile ins urance com - panies. Currently , ins urance com· panies take into account. when establishing insurance premium r ates, the location where a driver lives. Some locales, such as Los Angeles County, have higher base rates than others. like Fire Damages Irvine Home; Wss $3,000 A fire that started in a trash can caused $3,000 damage to 11n Irvine home Tuesday night. destroying an upstairs bedroom. A teen-age girl, Delores De~rs. was alone in the house, at 10 Mandrake Way in Universi- ty Park, but escaped unharmed. Fi re men said an as yet un- known substance possibly a cigarette tarted the fire in a wastebasket. The rire spread from the basket to the carpet and walls. Smoke filled the upstairs nooroftbebouse. County Fire Capt. John Latta said there were no Injuries ln put- ting out the fire. extinguished within 10 tninutes. "Even the goldfiab survived this one," Lalla said. The fisb was in a bowl i.nsJde the bedroom. Police Picketing NEW ORLEANS (AP) Striking police picketed at sanitation yards again today in defiance of a court order, but garba1e coUecton went to work on the huge piles of Mardi Gras debril anyway. "All 105 t.rucks are out," a Sanit.atlon Depart- ment 1p0lleaman said. "The men saw the picket&, but they want to work and juat walked ri1bt put them." . ' Orange County, with a history o( fewer traffic accidents. The proposed legis lation would forbid rating by territory and establis h a s10gle statewide base. Statistics provided by the Automobile Club of Southern California, an auto insurer, show the effect of that would be to in· c rease premiums in Irvine. Costa Mesa and Newport Beach by about 20 percent, on average. The council resolution oppos- ing the abolishment of territorial ratings is to be sent to the State 1 Department of Insurance. which is conducting hearings on the s ubject. and lo s t a te As - semblywoman Marian Bergeson and state Senator John Schmitz. Councilman Larry Agran · alone voted against the resolu- tion .. Agran s aid he believes the I only criterion for establishing in-' surance rates should be driving! history of individual motorists. Coast Weather Cha nce of showers 20 percent on Thursday. In- creasing cloudiness tonight with slight chance of showers. Lows tonight 43 to 50. Highs Thursday in low 60s. INSIDE TOBI\ 'W Don't rpmd that money you think p 're gomg to wm on the moilbo:r swup1toku. TM oddl ore not an your favor. Story, A1. l•tllex Cll Cll .,.. :: Alt .. 81-4 ... .. .. .,.. A4 A4 I • , I • •• I DAIL 'I PILOT w Jupiter Unniasked • roine Names Top Cop Vo. ag r ends Revealing Pictur_es .. s \ u ... ~ I ~ •• I l ht• \'oy ff 1 "P8l'('( rail ~•f"I 1u t<t lht hMM•t•)U' noa around Jup1tf'r '" 1rtUro\J\ th• mo..t ~ H'tthn.:, 111d11H'' mJ dat ''"' r t.1k1•11 of tht ~t dut l'lun<:l , 1c1cn tlM!> ~Ult! hlili.1\ l'ht• unmunnc•d craft It lo m .11.t• 11!> <'11..,Mit r.prNl"h Mon ti.I\ I'll I""·"~ "1lh1n 11'.!, I 11111••' 1•1 lli. 1•IL11Wt Hob,·1 l J l'iH.,... proJ rt Ill .1 II .. i.: ,. t ,, f I h I "11 • t I 0 n a I \ 1• 11111.1 u ti.·' auut Stt.H' t' \ d mn11i.lralh•11 ""'"''lfl '•hf 1tn 10 l'rt'lltbh lh nw r d1allt'n tit"ld 'urt111,and' th1• ~·,_ flllt'\t plaMC .i nd th.ti I 1t•l1t \'11ulll !HO\ t: ll.in1H'f"\)tl' 1,, th,• "1ph1,l1<:lh'd 'l'•H'l' t\Jp It "1111 I ~ until \H h.t\t i.;unt out th1 11clti·r 'lldt: th.tl ~c "tll kllO" ti "'' h.tH' ' ft•h 1tot tl'll th1w~h Uu:. r~~•on. r.r .. :i 'iJtd lk :1a1d tilt• 'h1111:. 1k,1ttn,-U to "'tl hStJlld th1• r.1d1.1t1on but 't'tt'nllsts i..oo~ hill~ about Ow .1n•a. ProJe<'I off1l"1 ab nt .l n('W'. l'Onfrrt.'Ol't' al th1• Jt•t Prupubhm L J b o r a t ll n h l' r P . ~ u 1 d t h l' ~paeeerart 1s Opt'ratin.: w\'11 t1nd prcliminar) rl?s ulb urt• C>. <'l'llC'nt co .. enng more than ball u m1llton mile. a day, Voyager·s t l cameras and m strument!> already have revealed a much more C'ompUcated planet than had been suspected. Tl'le plantt la um>unded by 11ark r)oud It rparatf'd by ll•ht roli)red zon On~ ul th mCMI 1nltl1u1n.a ur B..wJ.-.4! President Carter ~hares a lt~ht monwnt with his poten- l 1al Democratic rival Sen Ed w a rd K ennedy at the Wh ite House whe re Carter briefed the press on his Judicial reform message. F,....PogeAl AIRPORT PROBE. • • UYPER"S CONFI DENTIAL memo also told the ~upervisors who control airport operating policies that the basic LSSUe in the investigation ''is the power of the local proprietor (the county > to negate the provisions of the .<\1rline Deregulation Act of 1978." The deregulation act had the effect of opening airline routes "lo all fit. wilhng Jnd able applicants." The county counsel said a significant issue 10 the conflict 1s th e weight given California noise laws when they conflict v.1th the deregulation act as well as federal ..inti trust la °"s. ~ ~NTENSE DOES Ku) per see the challenge in· herenl m the FAA pr obe tbat he recommended to ~upcn 1~r~ the) hire: special attorneys to represent the county ··I do oot have the manpower or the resources which will be requir ed for the fuJl-bme effort which should be put tnlo tlus mallt"r on ~half of the county,·· Kuyper sajd. · I view thu> mH:st1galJoo as a very important matter to the county wh1ch s houJd be given the degree of expert h.mdltng and full tame attention which can only come rrom ,1 well qua1Jf1ed private lc.w rtrm experienced in such mat- ters.·· TUE FIRM RECOMMF:NDED by Kuyper is the San Dwgo firm of Luce, fo'orwurd, flam1ltoo and Scripps That firm ha:. rt-prc!t<'nled the county 1n other law!tu1b l'<'nhmng on Jet a irliner act1v1t1es at Orange County 1\1rport. !:iupcrv1<.ors ;,re expected t.o meet m a closed door :.csi>1on this week to cons idt:r hiring the lawyers Kuyper frt•li. ..ire neL-dcd to keep control or the airpott. m county ~~ovt·rnmcnl's handi. Litter Tax Bill Cut Approved by Curb SACRAMENTO <AP) -Lt. Gov. Mike Curb s1stned leg1sla- t1on rcducrng and delaying a $20 m1lhon litter tax today, adding his only rt!gret was he couldn't repeal the tax completely. Thl' act was Curb's first bill s1gmni:: as actmst ~overuor Curb said ht> i.up11orts the ht lt-r <.'leanup and rccychng pro· ~rams that ar<' to b<> fin anced by thl' nt'w tax and "would give 1l a good priority" but that he op posed imposing a nt•w tax to finance the pr•>.irami, The bill Curb signed repeals the lax for retaile rs, but leaves 1t tntact for larger manufac- tur«rs and wholtisulcrs. The bill ORANOE COASl'' -. DAILY PILOT '"' r,, '""" < ,...,, r,,.,," •• ,...,.. ••'" wttt(" ,, , ,.,.. , ... """41th· hfW" '""' f<\pwNl~t•'t1f\I (", .. ,,,,. (•d'lit•'·t-4 t ·q fl-•~.,. ... r'411,,.,,,,., .... ,.,. ~1i1f•l"""'(j ~t't lhfNOf'I • •td .. 't '°' (P\IA ,~~ ·' Ntwp ~tf't..•·h tflllt'hft<r'•""~""" fOuft t~•""Vofll,. .. tr\'~ t~ .. ~_. t'I '.ouU\(',._,, A •"eh ttn°"""•lf1111lfl.ftf flouftW1"fwrdV.~t~-""1 ._.,.,.. t\\ ,,._ l"I"' •t~1l 1'llbt1V\•NJ ('I.,_. n •t UO "" W•\H••v !tffTr1 CO'\te..Ww C•U..,flH•tJUI . _, .. _ Ptf" ·dirnt •M ruibt•~ '°''W_ Clll'trr Y1c-'-'ff' -Wnt•'9'6fMt .... ~.. • ~-··-· lflter ''::::,':,.,. --c-r.::- °'"'" H W.. _. ~. llllN A\\1\l1At """'"j"''-"''oo Office• t ..,,. Mo'• JJOWnt IWf\11-..t I .1•11.1'\ot l-....,.._ rt t Hti• O~fW'lt .,,,, ,,,,.,.., Hu"O"rrtOttUt·.itth 1/IP)~•1 .. 0.1o•ll'"'trd felepllon• (7141~121 also delayed the du•· dill•· for th•· firs t t ax pa y m.-nt i. from Wednesday until Sept JO "I would hkc to RN' thitl tflX ri· pealed entirely," Cuch kna<t , od1I mg he would finance lht· pro gram by '"culttn~ fat" t•IM•wh1.1rt· m1tatt· government. But Curb rduscd to :.ray what h<' would cut lo fmuncc the lltt..•1 programs. saying "I don't thmk 1t would he uppropriul<' for mt· lo go into lhul." Air Cal Asks Flight Halt To San Diego Air California officials an nounced today they are a seek i ng Civil Aeronautics Board ICAB > approval of a pnrn~ sus pend serviceto"San Diego . Boy Payton~ a spokesman for the airline, nid the CAB ap· plicaUon uska lhal .service be restricted to one ffighl a day Monday through . Friday begin- ing April 1 with complete I U· pension of a ll service by May 1. At present, San Diego is a destlnaUon ol Alt' Cal fll&hts that origina t e from San Jose, Oalcland . San Fra ncisco, Sacramento, Orange County , Ontalio and Palm SpMn~s. . Jfe aald the auapenalon ta 80\llJht becauae lb aircraft are needed on other routes. "'''"'1: =.. °':!':. <~;~ •• ~""~ He said paaMncen who want :::7,., .. ..,...-:r. ...... ~ .. ,..,,,~ ..... •.,_,._..:to nv Lo San Dle10 aUU wtll be t•Pf•t$i.H .. •UfteWf tM'(••t fttllf'tH• J ,,.,,...,._ able to depart from Or1n1e ~.=.i~··:~S:'l:ti.::::...::.~~:"~ County because Golden West :!!:.,:.~:..=:::.Jt.:::.'...r.,. _,.., Airlines servet San Oleto and wlll be increasing that service. r11r~ ft'alul't'tt IJ the Great Red ~pot, which •eem1 to be a ,urg1ntuun hurrkant several Um • ~ diameter u( l!:art.h. It w,1~ tllt1c<>vt•rvd three centuries LINO 't1t11\llNt8 believe Jupiter, b1g- t(M ttmn 1.roo tiarths, '8 a great 11pannln1C ball of hydrogen and ht'llu1n At th\" center of this gas nod IH1u1d ~lo~ Iii probably a i;m ull, rn{·ky <·orf' T he giant 11l11m'l •PlnK llO rapidly that a jo· v 1an day lu•t.t. lc:si. thun 10 hours. Jupiter II' orten compared to a miniature solar ystem with at lt•ust 13 moons. some the size or :.mall planelS . in orbit about it 1',1rl of Voyager's task 1s to ex- .1m1 nt> five of the moons. It ,tlreudy has revealed s uch sur-r Jt't' feature:, a:, polar caps After pass in g Jupiter. Voyager I 1s t.o continue on lo Suturn. the lovely golden planet ur rounded by bnlha nl rings. Oelly "lft S\afl ,,_ EXCHANGE CLUB AWARD FOR TOP IRVINE OFFICER Club President Jim Arnold Congratulate• Poqa (Left) • An Irvine patrolman who re- portedly Is tough on hoodlums but tame as a tabby with those who go just slightly astray or the law, was named officer of the year Tuesday by bia fellow policemen. Jimm,Y Paul Potts was honored for hls work In 1978 at a noon banquet sponsored by the Exchange Club of Irvine, al the Airport.er Inn. PoUs, 25, bas been an Irvine policeman for 1 ~ years. Before that, be was a policeman in South Gate for five years . The Exchange Club, which hosts the program in conJUDC· t1on with its crime prevention programs. cited Potts for his work LO recovering stolen prop- e rty. an investigation or an at- tempted murder an arrest after a high.s peed chase and other inci- dents. Coed Cited as Engineer During a recogn ition ceremony later Tuesday before the Irvine City Council, Police Chief Leo Peart. said Potts was involved in more than 2,600 pol ice act ion s in 1978, an average of better than 10 a day. College Student Honored for Excellence Included we re 43 felony ar- rests, 99 misdemeanor arrests. 55 traffic collision investiga- tions, 718 traffic stops, citations for 193 moving tramc violations. 62 field investigations and the writing of 378 police reports. By WILLIAM HODGE Ot 1M Dally l"ii.t St.IH Algebraic equations, theorems and the dis tant world of calculus aren't necessarily a snap for this Saddleback College sophomore . She modestly denies that she 's a brain. She boas ts only a 3.3 grade point average. she points out. And there are sever al engineering students who carry a perfect 4.0 average. But. despite her less than perfect grade average, 20-year- o ld Lisa Larwood has been s elected as Orange County's Community College Student Engineer of the Year. Her blueprint ror s uccess" Persistence. Irvine Backs Shelter Plan For Animals The Irvine City Council ap· proved what member Larry Agran called .. the Animal House proposaJ" on Tl'esday. permit- ting the sub-lease or a house on property next to the city animal shelter. The shelter, off Laguna Can- yon Road in Laguna Beach, is leased from an Art Colony vete rinanan. Ao Irvine animal services of- fi cer , Carl Pagano, will live in and maintain the home, to provide security after business hours al the animal care center. In exchange for his 24·bour watchdOg duty, Pagano gets Cree rent. The city already leases the house as part or the arrange- ment with the vet.crinarian, Dr. Hose Ekeberg. Fro.Page Al YEMEN ••. or San'a, told an Aden news con· frn·nct•. Lt Yahya Da~sh , another North Yemeni ~ said he was I he commander of the 1s t Ma rt ne Battalion, told lbe press confe rence that a number of "~o ltdar1ty congresses" i n. ···vorious North Yemeni distncts hud cx1>rcsscd s upport for the n •vol ut ion llashtan said South Yemen "hUll nolhlnR t.o do with the c ur· r<•nt fighti ng Ins ide North Ye me n. it only d efe nded its bordc•r In the face of North Yemen i a1tgre1111 lon Friday" when the fl ghtlnl{ began. Na11htun clul m od that the San'a government was paying tribesmen about $800 "and pro· v1din1t the m with American weapons Importe d through Saudi Arabia," lo fight against thti revolution. "But instead of . that, the tribdmen fight against San · u." he added. The two Ycmens have been accusing each other of 11t•rting the latest fighting. a frequent de· vclopment between the two neighbors over the past decade . South Yemen claimed Monday that It captured the three North YemenJ towns on the border llarib, Qat.abah and El Beida. Blaze Guts Restaurant Fire cau8cd a n eRlimated $200,000 damaae early today lo on Ana.helm restaurant, lltomen reported. Flames gutted the First EdJ- tlon Rataurant al Brookhurat Street and Ball Road before the bl11• wu cootrollod at 4 a.m., flrem.n aaJd. There were no Injuries ln the pre-dawn ftre and the cause of the blue La unknown . . . • "It's (math ) something that's a challenge for me," the brown· eyed Dana Point girl s ays. "If you 've got the determination and you keep working at 1t, you 'll make 1t." Lisa's dilig_ence 1s a combina- tion of forces. She's lhe oldest of a family of e ight, s tandard bearer for her rive brothers and two siste rs. And her father . a textbook sal esman, is a steadfa s t preache r of tec hnological academic pursuits. .. He's convmced w1lh the way things are ~oing we should go an lo technical fields,'· Lisa says of her father The spunky sophomore is somewhat or an anomaly in her chosen field. There are only four other girls in the Saddleback program and, Lisa says, female students in engineerlny seem to get fewer and tewer with each year of work toward a degree "Maybe fathers never talk to their daughters about becoming engineers like they would talJc to their sons," she theorizes But she is aware he r sex may he lp her get a good JOb in the field. "I definitely think the fact that I'm a woman will help," she ad· mits. "They're <employers> not going lo hire someone .,.who doesn't have the ability, but they are out there looking for women. The Dana Point coed bas already been accepted into the engineering progr'Sm at Cal Poly San Luis Obis po. She will begin taking classes there in the fall. Her decision to travel north was predicated on a desire t.o get to work. "There are engineering schools that stress a theoretical approach and others that stress a practical approach," she ex· plains. "UCI seems to have a theore tical progr a m where they're preparing you to go on t.o graduate school. "Up there Cat Cal Poly >. they gear you to getting out and going to work." Peart said Potts wrote zero bicyc'e citations. but made up for it with "a lot or warnings." Peart called Potts "a police officer's police officer. • FroaPageAJ 'WAN' ... prospective park buildmg The agreement calls for the county to pay for utilities and day·to·day maintenance of the building, though the city is held responsible fo r any major re- pairs. .... The current agreement calls for use of the building as a fire s tation through June of 1982, but city officials expect the station will be needed for much longer. 'Art Nouveau' I at its'best, a romantic Et Cetera grouping by Drexel , . . lorn-Ol-lflc·Cenlur~h~.~ 1ric··' Not/tlt'rt..: Wd' 11 eio.pres~moteP ')Ql.Jcnllv lhJntnln" lurn1Stl1nq- and ortrnllf!Cf1JrP c 1''"'1 .. Ari Nn111t'l'l 1M TOt:lrty ~ •(fl 1r\I, 11, rr'iQl.I I> U 11· tt '11 Ii 1;.,r 0 Lr C,,11 •r ci' c.ol•ochon t 1~ 0•· 1t.J ' l>.ilng au1n .. ootoe • rri01e11Jls l'"Ooqnr ICCY' rTlOCJI 100 flld•biu leddecJ qlJSS tnd w~rb 1~n >• 1 , ... rs OtPxef nae; crea1"l(J a {l1n11VJ 1t•1J4 "'"'''" roPt•c rr ,irm V•• ,, 0 Jr (i(• 1r II I fl\;/, I I '" II fl~),,, I( r_~ · .\.rn °""r. corr•r · "~ •' COSTA N EIA f595 Newp0rt jllvd (71 41642·2050 ~Olli Of'l11 SUNOA• o) :.o I ' • .. . t • Laguna/South Coat Your Hometown • •• Daily Newspaper E.O ITI O N VOL. 72, NO. S9, ~SECTIONS. 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA W EDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1979 TEN CENTS • t .. ' ' I t \ Saudis Alerted \ • Yemen Battles Concern Arabs · JIDDA, Saudi Arabia <AP> - Saudi Arabia put its armed forces on alert today and the Arab League called for an emergency session Sunday on the fighting in Yemen. The Saudis canceled a ll military leave and ordered all officers and men to their bar racks immediately "because or prevailing circumstances ·· elaborate. But observers thought it was the result or the six-day border war in the southwest cor- BEGIN TO MEET WITH CARTER-A4 ner of the Arabian Peninsula between pro·Saudi Northern Yemen and Marxist South Yemen. ed Arab League Secretar y. General Mahmoud Riyad as say- ing that several Arab countries have expressed willingness to particapale in the meeting, which wi ll be held in Kuwait. The border clashes continued today amid claims in Aden of the outbreak of all-out rebellion against the North Yemeni gov- ernment in San'a. There was no independent confir mation or the HE SWOOPS OFF THE BLUFFS TOWARD THE OCEAN AT NIGUEL BEACH PARK The announcement broadcast by Riyadh radio did not The Saudi Press Agency quot-<See YEMEN. Page A2> f 2 Arlllies r ~Prepare i For Fight t f • BAl'liGKOK. Thailand tAP) - Vietnam reported today that it put a Chinese regiment and two battalions out of action in the northeast province of Lang Son. where a nalysts believe the armies are regrouping for a de· i_ cis1ve battle in the border war. ~ Meanwhile, Peking said that small Vi etnamese units had penetrated six to 10 miles into China at three points but that all incursions were repulsed. ' In Peking. Treasury Secretary I W Michael Blumenthal met with Chinese Premier Hua Kuo- feng and told reporters he again ! had urged a speedy with<trawal , of Chinese forces from Vietnam Blumenthal is in China for nine • days of negotiations on several I econonuc matters The Voice of Vietnam reported today that m or e than 1,600 Chinese troops were killed in the Lang Son area Tuesday. but did not give the exact location of the fighbng. , t Reliable analysts said the pro- vincial capft.al. also called Lang Son., had not falle n to the Chinese but that Vietnamese (See VIET, Page AZ) • Woman Tells Sex Change Failures SAN FRANCISCO <AP) R e d -haired waitress Julie Phillips. who claims a 1974 sex- change operation left her neither man nor woman, wept under cross-examination, saying that she believed her doctors' prom- • ise to make he r "a perfect woman. Dressed 10 a modest white i>ants suit and navy blouse, Miss Phillips told a Superior Court jury Tuesday that she was "con- t fused•• after her unsuccessful ~ transsexual operation and afraid of undergoing another one. { { t ' I -r; • ~ i , , l • • "I 'm not ready," said the 38· year-old woman. "My doctor says I'm not mentally ready I'm scared of the table. If you had somL'<>ne cut you up the way they experimented with me, you'd be afraid, too." During her testimony, Miss Phillips glanced frequently at her attorney, Melvin Belli. and a <See OPERATE, Page A2) Coast Wea th.er Chance or showers 20 percent on Thursday. In- c r e as l'ft g c Io u dines s tonight with slight chance or showers . .Lows tonight 43 to 50 HJghs Thursday in low 60s. INSIDE TODAY Don't ipend thal money you think you're going to win on the mailbo:r aweep1takea. The odcU ore not an your favor. Story, A7. l•tlex "'"-~· ,,,, ...,_.,., (ti ..... ,. M AIMIL...-., C11 L.M ,. "' ..... ., .. •nt-.n ........ k ... •• ~ /ltoJ NetleNI ...... '" Cl-lf!W OM• ~ .... CMlltY "" C-k• C91"'61e~ .. c,..._ a'""' , .,-4 DHtll ..... A It ~. IMIM:""'91 ... ••11...i.1~ ....... _... .. ·~ •MT .......... .. ............ Cl .. 11 TllM'9n ., .. ........ Ct"\:t •• ..._ A4 "'~ , ..,.. '""" A4 _;,' ,. Wafldill Case Prosecution Opens Trial By KATHY CLANCY Of tM D•lly l'ltet SI.Ill The prosecutor in Or. William Waddill's second murder trial said today he will prove during the next four months that the Huntington Harbour physician strangled a newborn abortion survivor. In his opening statement lo the Orange County Superior Court jury. Proses;YM>r Robert Cbat- terlon said he. will present wit- nesses who "saw Or. Waddill choking the baby and complain- ing that the baby would not st.op HE CATCHES AN UPDRAFT OFF THE SEA ANO ASCENDS INTO THE SKY. breathing " / Air~alA.sks Fli,g/,i Halt To San Diego Air California officials an- nounced today they a re a seek- ing Civil Aeron autics Board <CAB ) approvaJ of a plan to sus- pend service to San Diego. Boy Payton, a spokesman for the airline, said the CAB ap- plication asks that service be restricted to one flight a day Monday through Friday begm- mg April 1 with complete s u- pension of all service by May l. At present , San Diego is a destination or Air Cal flights that origin ate from San J ose , Oak land , San Francisco , Sacramento. Orange County, Ontario and Palm Sprin~s. He said the s uspension is sought because the aircraft are needed on other routes ... o.itv ,., ... ,,_. '" S..n Mlt.c"-fl He said passengers who want to fl y to San Diego still will be able to depart from Orange County because Golden West Airlines serves San Diego and will be increasing that service. FREE SOUL IN NIGUEL -J eff Magnan. a 20-year-old Laguna Niguel hang glider en- thusiast soars over the ocean at Niguel Beach Park where a steep blufftop and ocean breezes create ideaJ conditions for the sport. The bluff is popular for hang glider and remote-control plane buffs who frequently send their aerodynamic toys in- to the clear air of( the beach. ·- FAA To Take Over Airport? By GARY GRANVILLE Of , .. o.lly l'ltet ""' County counsel Adrian Kuyper has warned the Board or Supervisors that an upcoming Federal Aviation Ad· ministration investigation of Orange County Airport could: -END WITH THE FAA Wresting control over what airlines operate from the airport from board or s upervisors' hands. -HAVE "NATIONWIDE ramifications." -BE SETTLED IN A compromise that would open the runways at Orange County Airport lo additional air car- !s. Kuyper's warning was contained in a confidential mo sent to the five county supervisors this week. In his memo, the supervisors' lawyer said there Is lit- tle likelihood that the FAA investigators will Cind the coun- ty is d iscriminating against two airlines who want to operate from the airport. ~ Frontier Airlines and Continental Airlines touched off the FAA probe by contending they are being discriminated against by the county 's refusal to allow them lo operate at Orange County Airport. In bis memo, Kuyper said that Frontier has not been awarded final approval or air routes from Orange County and therefore cannot claim discrimination. -IN CONTINENTAL'S case, the county's legal ad· vlser said, its planes eJlceed the weitbt allowed on the airport runways. Consequently, discrimination is not part of the county's denial of Continent.al'• request. But Kuyper went on lo warn that, ''In apit.eofthe llltellboocl nodJscrimlna· tlon will be found ln the FAA invesU10Uon, the FAA could or· de r t bat the airport. be mad• av aJl able henceforth to all requesting canien." Or. Ku.yfer added, the ,. FAA could order t he airport opened to "all carriers up lo a certain maximum number, with or without a limit on daily departures." -KUYPER'S CONFIDENTIAL memo also told the supervisors who control airport operating policies that the basic issue in the investigation "is the power of, the local proprietor <the county > to negate the provisions of the Airline Deregulation Act or 1978." The deregulation act had the effect o( opening airline routes "to all fit, willing and able appllcants." The county counsel said a significant Issue in the connicl is the weight given California noise laws when they conmct with the deregulation act as well as federal anti-trust laws. SO INTENSE DOES Kuyper see Ult challenge in- her ent in the FAA probe that he recommended to supervisors they hire special attorneys lo represent the county. "1 do not have the manpower or the resources which will be required for the full-time effort which should be put Into this matter on behalf or the county," Kuyper said. "I view this invesUgalion as a very Important matter to the county which should be given the deg-ree or expert handling and full·time attention which can only come from a well qualified private law firm experienced in such mat- ters." THE FlllM aECOMMENDED by Kuyper IJ the San Diego firm of Luce, Forward, Hamilton and Scripps. That firm hu represented the county in other lawsuits centering on jet airliner activities at Oran1e County Airport. Supervisors are expected to meet in a cloeed-door session this week to consider hiring the lawyers Kuyper feel• are needed to keep control of lbe airport in county government 'a hands. While Chatterton said he ex- pected his opening statement to last two to three hours today, de- fe nse attorney Cha rles Weed- man said he may or may not of- fer opening remarks in the case. Waddill is accused of stran- gling an infant known as baby girl Weaver after she was born to an 18-year-old unwed mother at Westmins ter Comm un ity Hospital on March 2, 1977. Waddill ins isted during bis first murder trial that the infant never was alive. That trial ended last May when jurors said they were deadlocked 7-5 in favor or acquittal Chatterton, in his opening statement this morning. said the two-pound, LS-ounce baby was born alive after about seven months of gestation. He conte nded that Waddill said , ''Don't do a goddamn thing for that baby" when informed of the girl's birth. He said witnesses will testify that they heard Waddill s ay the baby was alive when be arrived at the hospital. "There will be those that heard him say that the baby probably will be brain damaged, · <See WADDILL, Page A2) 2 of 4 Laguna Burglary Tries Fmd Success Burglars scored in two,. out or fou r attempts Tuesday night. hit· ting a newspaper office. glass storage yard, chicken stand and a home in Laguna Beach. Thieves took $50 from a cash box at the Daily Pilot office, 1186 Glenoeyre St., after removing fo ur loi{.er window s a nd ransack! a desk The br ak·in is similar to the burglary Sunday at the Book Boutique. 1495 G lenneyre St.. where $730 in loot wa~en. A thief took three g lass aluminum doors valued at $500 from the Center Glass storage yard, 2265 Laguna Canyon Road sometime Tuesday. Police said they believed a nother burglar kicked a glass door a t the Ke ntucky Fried Chicken stand, 695 South Coast Hig hway, sometime Monday• night or Tuesday mornini;t and caused $150 i n damage. No losses were reported. , James Kenneth Risinger told police he was awakened at his 2470 South Coast. Highway res-' ldence early 'Tuesday morning; by a bushy na1red man who was rattling bis kitchen door. . Risinger told police the man,\ carrying a knapsack, saw him' and fled into the darkness at I about 2 a .m. <~ Police said they have no sus: peels in any of the burglary al-' tempts. \ ,. SI'AIJON WAGON ff!JUED QUICKLY; "The flrsl person t o call bought my station wagon.'· That's the story told by the successlul salesman who placed this ad in the Daily Pilot: '71 Station Wagon Coun try Sedan 1 owner Gd Cond iuuc-itux If you want fut sales auc· ceu, call the friendly Daily Pllot ad-visers at 642·5678. - ' ... • , e I ~ , I . .u OAlL y PILOl use Gas Rationing Eyed A.ulo OWi rs Would et Fuel Certij.i ates \\ \Slll1'G rnN I I' H rt' I how olao a tM--d Cur •IM'• lft l' numbf"rs ot 11Uons of 1uolln • Ga ~lbllona would accept the t'OUpc\ P• ~ ~•dt·nt l .1rteor ~ f" ''I"'"'''' tilndby C ohne 1JI101unti 111:111 "uuld v. 11r 111 .11 f'\' ,.. enerf!)' horl4J(• Ito\\ rnut•h tc ti "uuld rnotorei1~ j(Cl ., Tht'rf! t no "., to tt:ll until the ll<'Venty of a h111 liJltt us ~nown Tlw ":1wr1:y Oepartmt>nt I 11t 1m tlt lht• "' 1•11\.:1 l'UI U'i\'b Jbout t WO i•.1 llortM•f l(lt'i d du~ Once llntS ,)( ( ari. at t: t lion\ bcramr t110 loni?. ttw 11n 11knt ~ouhl 1h•.-h1rt" t1 t'llt'I ~) t'lll,'I 'I'll•\ I '\ •.K\ t ll •lo MONnl~. Tll .. OH'rn nwnt ~,1ull1 ~··nd ov. nt•r!t 11f tht moH· th11n 11M1 1111lltun u·r.1~t1•rt·1I molC•r H0h1d1·~ 1·• rUflt •h• .. .:.~n• ('AR WOt/tU o•; .U .LOCATED 1 h t• ~ m e• omount uf •:ur. 110 mutkr whether 1t "J• J 1mwl 1m1111rtio1I 11111111•1 or a luxury Cucl hu~ "orlh ·' "' "'"' riurnltt•r uf •allon of .:.1s11h1w ·1 h1 , ,., t1f11 lt' "''uld rl'~t·mblt I nu k' "-t1uftl ,.,., 111111t thJn Cdr:!i, •!O\ t'f lllllt'l\I 'ht I ' 111, nu•r•• '•" •·~'n'd th1 ru1111 111011111 )'~ 11 " h . ., u•rtthl· .1h '" th 1H•r!'> \4 0Ul'1 g<'l tn lhc mail \h1tos 1 .. h \411ul1l 'o111th in thttlr t"<'rtlfll &lll'11 ,,, 1t.u1'-''' '>111111 H lll'lltlultnn:. fnr rnupon' A drtvc•r ~ 1tt\ u 'IU1J1lu!'> of <.·oupon~ could 1"11 lht>nl dl 1.1r1 unit m th ti 11rn·1· c•rc.-u\lng a so· 1· tlh•tl •· wlult· 111.11 k• I 1111 lh1 t•uUl}Ofl'i a ni Asks nt r '\an l'leml'nh'', ;w ·tht>tll J•J \ l'>t'r tv l'.1ITr.rn' 1, 1n:-.t11<:cAltnJ.. a It• t lt· r \4 II t I n i: ,. ,1 rn p <II I( II I Cl S.1(•r.Jnwntu to .:l'l 1li,t1n<·te\1• bus1m•si. lo~o., Jfftxl•d to frl't'<wJ) offramps1gns .Janet Radford, ap1m11ltl'd more thJn a Yl'ar a ~o to oversee aesthetic development of a $35 mil hon frN"way widening project through the town. says s he has a lot of support for her sign proJect. The business logo signs, small round pendants cont aining trademark des igns of ham burger stands. service stations :md hotels. would tell motonsLc; exactly what services arc a\'a1lable nght off the freeway. Jn addition lo serving the motorists. Mrs Radford said, the logos would provide a service to local merchants who, under the city's sign ordinance, are not allowed to construct huge freeway banners advertis- ang their business. • "Long-time merch ants an San Clemente already have large signs advertising their bu!.1· nesses to motorists of the freeway," Mrs. Radford s~ud. But the city's sign ordinance now limits new signs lo the monument motif, which cannot he> seen from the San Diego Freeway She said the stale will have to install new directional signs anyway, and s uggested more than a year ago that the busi· ness logos be attached to those l)fframp s11?ns. F,....PogeAI WADDILL. • Chatterton continued "Thf' t.>sscnce 1s that Or Wad cl11l \hls c;een chokm" the baby and was CJV('rheard wanting to JOJed the baby's heart with potassmm rhlnrirlP to cause the haby's tkath," Chatterton con Lmued. "and that hl' considered drownrn~ lhl.' baby all becau!>e th<· b.1by woul d not s top ltre.1U11ng." ~ Chattl'rton contended that normally the sahne injection m· to th!! mother's womb would abort an unborn fetus, but the ef. fo rt dtd not work this time bN·ausc of the infant ·s advanced ~cstatton period Ddense attorney Weedman said this mormnf,! he wall decide whether to offer has own opening -;tatemc>nt after hearing Chat- t('rton's r<.'marks Chalt('tton a nd Weedman completed a JO-day jury selcc· lion proC('SS an the murder retrial late Tuesday. The Jurors will s it through what is expel'led to be a four· month trial before they are asked lo decide if the 43-year-old doctor IS guilty Of murdering the baby ' I ' The jury includes seven women and five men as regul ar Jurors and four women and one man·as alternate~ " ORANGE COAST l sc DAILY PILOT ff\.f Or'~'" (N•ltMH• ,.lf••t wlf"w"'u h•,<Ofn- b• p'"''"'""" ''''" .,,,_,tH,~6brtrvO.-~ t int f tthUdttnoJ C:t.•t,f~'f' ,..,P4t•t• "<ttllM' 1'1f> , t"~• ~.n "'4 "Ctn thr°"un f t..ri•, '"' <~•• Al N •i•ltl ""°',. ltw I fl.\ft >#>fit.ch f:cun '.~v .• ,,,.. ,,.,,.,,. '*"..,...f<""'' •.outttrNu A Plllf' , ... J•'f'lltllf'dlltottn "°'J\Jit1~0 .. 1U1td.t;\~ f\f'IAf l""1 £)t•f\o •O.tl I• t'I• ll "O l\IM'tt I\ .It l}O N tA.Jw11ff'91 C .... , .. ,_..,fll (AtiffltrllAt)t)t llollorlN •-'""" ~t'\•-4""9P.M1>N., J .. 011 ( .. IOT V (fl Ut"'1,,_f'llAnd(""...e"""' .. ~' , ... ft"!.,.,.... •• ( l~l'f>" T "'9m• ~ A M•ftft.,_ "'-·•~Q,~lctiit.- c~ .... , H ~-lli<Mnl I' Moll ~\\ '''"''Me"·~·"' .... " L•oun• B•1ch <>mce n .. c.tttnn• "''' ~r-.et OlllCH (0\1• Mr•• JJOWO\I IMY ~l<ttl """''"'''"" a.¥11 llJl\lloat11lloolkv•rn Telepllone (714)84M32l Cla111fled Adwertlllng 142·M11 L1gun1 hecll All DeP9't1Mnla: Tel•phone 494-Mee ,, ""~'.,."""'. ,....., ~:'\~ !:'! ":.!~ •. ~;~,~::-~~':.~· *"'•th t fH ;d'#t>ttl ftnU~h ft•t•ll"I m 11y .. ,.,.o••fl"'••4 .. ur ... ul '' ,, ,., swrmut•tf'll •• .... ,,,.,....,.., ~~l~:!ftt~··~,'°'!~ .. .r.·~,.~~ :~:: ,_., •> '9 "..,...tl'lil• '1 ~U ~ \it n"+OMMy. "'tM•t' fllil"'t••1..-U ti "*'lNY I Woman way Ads So hl' ~ pusheng a letter ~ rittng 1'<1mpa1gn Lo <:a lTran director AdriJnu <iiantun·o um.I tio•d.'rnor Brown. She bas the s upport of the local chamber of commerce, whose board will be meelang next weekend to discuss the pro posal "We thmk it's J gr('at ideu," ~a id c h amber executi ve manager Alex Goodman, "They would identify what businesses we have near the freeway in San C l emente an d give a ll merchants the same chance to draw motorists off the in ll'rstale." Goodman said the large pole signs that attract motorists an: "not very attr active." sug~l· mg the round logo stickers, at· tac hed to existing offramps would serve dual purposes. Last fall the st ate legislature approved Senate Bill 1780 allow· ing the logos on freeway off ramp signs in rural areas. But Mrs. Radford said lhc state co~iders San Clemente a portion of a large Orange Coun ly /Los Angeles urban area. and therefore is ineligible for the new signs A pilot proJect in northern California is to be initiated soon, she sajd, but he)(tout little hope for San Clem'elke, "unless we nag them lo death " She is advocating a letter· writing campajgn to Brown and Ms. Gtanturco, a plan she says m ight prompt state officials lo take another look al San Clemente. "The program benefits local merchants and 1t brighteru. up the freeway." she said. She suggests merchants and ..citizens write to Brown at the Stale Capitol, Sacramento California, 95614 , or Ms. Gian· turco. care of the State Depart· ment of Transportation, 1120 North Street, Sacramento, 95814. f'roaeP~A l OPERATE. • tr.rn~..,t·xual fncnd, Toby Con· rwr who was se.ited in the front ro\\ M 1si. Phillips is seeking $7 mtlhon m damages from Dr. .John R Rrown of San Fran· l't'il'c>. who as now practicing llll'dtcme in Mexico. and his as· s1stunt, James A. Spence of San Job('. for allegedly botching ber tra n ssex ua l o p e ration in January 1974. The suit accuses Brown of vio lating m edical s t andards a nd. among oth e r char ges, performing sex-change opera · lions "on demand" and without psychological evaluations. Brown sat -.b•hind his a t - torney, Duncan Barr, smiling and taking frequent notes. Barr grilled Miss Phillips, readang from an earlier deposi· tton m which she claimed she always wanted to be a woman and desired the operation. · 'l was confused after the operation," s he said. wiping tears from her cheek. "l was tryin~ to ~et on with my life." Miss Phillips, born Charles Dcalty in Pennsylvania, was the victim of five rapes and assaults by age 14. according to Miss Phillips' testimony. As a boy, he had dreams of becoming a mis· s1onary He played football and dated women until age 17, when he says he became a homosexual. He later moved lo San Fran- cisco In 1970, dressed as a woman, he married John Phillips in Nevada. according to testimony. "I was more of a woman then, m arried to John, than J am now." Miss PhilJips said, as she fiddled with two silver bracelets . Miss Phillips said she wanted a breast implant as a Christmas present for her husband in December l973, but was pres- s ured into unde rgoing a sex· change operation, later getting infected and suffering "ex- cruc1atingpain " Saddlebaek C oed Srrfilent E,ngineer Of Year Named By WILLIAM HODGE Of ltw D•llY Pli.t St.llH Algebraic ~quations. theoremc; and the distant world of calculus aren't necessarily a snap for this Saddleback College sophomor~ She modestly denies that she's a brain. She boasts only a 3.3 grade point average, s he points out. And e re are several engimf0\iJl students who carry a perfeo}) average. But, espite he r less than perfect gr e average, 20-year - old Lisa Larwood has been selected· as Orange County's Community College St udent Engineer of the Year. Her blueprint for s uccess? Persistence. "It's (math) something that's a challenge for me." the brown. eyed Dana Point girl says. "JC you 've got the determination and you keep working at it, you ' 11 make it." Lisa 's diligence is a combinn t1on of forces. She's the oldest of a fa mily of eight , s tandard bearer for her five brothers and two sisters. And her fathe r. a textbook sales man , is a s t ead fa s t preacher of t echnol ogical academic pursuits. ·'He's convinced with the way things are going we s hould go in· to technical fields." Lisa says of he r father. The s punky sophomore Is somewhat or an anomaly in her chosen field. There are only four othe r girls in the Saddleback program and, Lisa says, female students in engineerinf seem to get fewer and (ewer with each year of work toward a de1ree. "Maybe fathers never talk to thelr daughters about becoming enginee.rs like they would talk to thelr SOOS,'' she theor izes. , But she is aware her s ic may help her get a good job in th field. "l defUlitely think tho fact tbal ENGINEER OF YEAR Saddleback'• L.,wood I'm a woman will help," she ad- mits. "They're (employers) not going lo hire someone who doesn't have the a bility, but they are out there looking for women. The Dana Point coed bas already been accepted into the e nf ineering program at Cal Po y San Luis Obispo. She will beain t.aking classes there in the fAll . Her decision to travel north waa predicated on a desire to get to work. ''T here a r e enainee ring schools tbat stress a theoretical approach and others that stress 3 practJcal approach," ahe ex· plotns. "UCt seems to have a theoretical proaram where thcy'r preparing you to go on lo graduate school. "Up there <at Cal Poly>. they Rear you to actUng out and going to work." ,....,,,._.AJ YEMEN ••• claams. South Yemen's 1ovemment· contr olled Aden R ndao aa1d numerous tribes, from all over the 75,000.aquare·mile territory of North Yemen. "Joined the rev· oluUoo and declared their sup- port for the strusgle aga1n11t the San'a regime " "The lH'tu31 s truggle I s between the revolultonaries or the Notional Democratic Front and the puppet authoritles at San'a," Mohsin Abu Nashtun. a North Ye men! who said he was the National Front leader in the district of Arhab. 10 miles north of San'a, told an Aden news con· ference. Lt Yahya Dnhes h, another North Yemeni who said he was the commander of the l st Marine Battalion, told the press conference that a number of "sol idarit y congresses" in various North Yemeni d istricts had expressed support ror the revoluhon. Woman Held In Attack on Laguna Cops A 39-year-old Laguna Beach woman was booked into Orange County Jail early Tuesd ay on charges she struck and spat at two arresting police officers who stopped her near her home. Laguna Beach police Officer Do n Barney asserted that Josephine Rojas Cooley, 441 S Coast Highway. refused to open her auto window when he tried to issue ber a traffic t icket on the 600 block of lhe highway at 11 p.m Monday Barney said he convinced the woman to open her window and asked her to s ign the traffic ticket. She a llegedly threw Barney's pen into the street, tut him on the chest with her arm and s pat at the officer. Sgt. David Avers arrived at the scene as the woman tried to walk away, police report. Avers asserted that the woman struck him on his chest and neck. He also asserts that she s pat at him. Baif'ror Mrs . Cooley was set at $2,500. Charges against her in elude assault on a police offi cer and making an illegal turn in her auto. ....,es'! President Carter shares a light moment with his poten· tial Democratic r~·va Sen. Edward Kennedy t the White House whe Carter briefed the press on li•s j udicial reform message. F,.._Paee A l VIET ••• civilians bad been evacuated. The city of Lang Son is 80 miles northeast of Hanoi and 11 miles south of the Chinese border. The analysts said some main· line Vietnamese units were be ing brought up closer to the Lang Son front and they expect- ed a major battle in the area m the next few days. To date, regional and nulit1a forces are believed to have car- ried the weight of most of the fighting. The battle has been predicted si~ce last week, and much fight ing has been reported in the bills a round Dong Dang, seven miles northwest of Lang Son at the en- trance to the Munan Pass . T he Vietnamese broadcast also reported battles in the seacoast province of Quang Ninh. where its troops put 400 Chinese "out of action," a t sites located three a nd six miles in· side the border. 'Art Nouveau' Priest Held in ~/ts MIDDLETOWN. Del. <AP) A Roman Catholic priest has been arrested and charged with a string of armed holdups iden· t.lfled as the work of a man dubbed the Gentleman Bandit, authorities said today. Delaware State Pdlice said the Rev. Berna.rd Pagano, assistant pastor of the St. Ma ry's Refuge of Sinners in Cambridge, Md .. was charged with seven count.5 of armed robbery and one count of attempted robbery. The charges stemmed from holdups of grocery stores and othe r commercial est ablish· ments in northern Delaware by a neat , quiet . welJ-behaved man. authorities said. Pagano was arrested Tuesday night al his sister's home here. Police sald a composite draw ing or a s u s pect cir culated following one of the robberies led lo the priest's arrest. The 53-year-old priest was ar- raigned before a magistrate in New Castle County, and was sent to Delaware Stale Hospital for psyctuatnc evaluation Car Ignites In Clemente A San Clemente woman driv- ing her car lo work Tuesday got out when il began smoking. Moments later, the 1970 Ford Pinto burst into flames, but firemen contained the blare to the engine compartment Loss to the car, owned by Madelemc l avilcoh of 104 Calle Balboa, was set at $500. FiK men said they did not kno~hat sparked the 9:30 a.m fire Abolishment Eyed SACR AM ENTO CA P l - Ele ven state agencies that seldom meet would be abolished and 20 more would be forced to prove they do useful things un- der Speaker Leo McCarthy's "sunset bill," which won easy approval Tuesday from an As sembly committee. at its best, TORRANCE 23049 HOW'lflorne ervo (213) 378·1279 a ronlantic Et Cetera grouping by Drexel COSTA M ESA 1595 Newoort Blvd !714) 642·20!>0 ~ OfUI SUHO.\Y 11 ~JO I , ' ) .. • y I • r Hot Enougla tor You~ Huhv hell rx>PJ)l'r plunts are kepl warm and -:-.r1u~ undt•r hotkupS tn a San Juan eam:>trano r1l•ld Cool. rainy weather can stunt th~ growth of pepper seedlings if they're not protected. as Kinoshita Farms workers clearly understand. Govenwr Puslwsfor Supporters NEW YORK I AP I California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. continues his explora- t1onl> of a possible presidential bid today in New York City after passing up a chance ror dinner cit the White House in ravor or dinner at Gracie Mansion. The 40 year.old Democrat dined with Mayor Ed Koch on Tuel>day night, while most or the nation's governors were hosted at a black·tie dinner al the White llOUSl' Brown has scheduled a series or m eetings m New York today \\1th the leaders or national J£'w1 sh organizations and private businessmen. Later he will meet w1~Douglas Fraser. prt>s1dt!nl or tnc United Auto Workers and harsh Carter critic. The California governor~ew to New York on Tuesday after attendm~ 1he winter meeting or the National Governors· As· sor1atton, where the ml\in topic was a const1tut1onal amendment to requi re a balanred federal bud~et Brown has been a major ... pokrl>man for the movement and a cooshtut1onal convention 1f necessary to achieve it. In M>paratc appearances Tues- day. Carter and Brown traded ~ords over the proposed amend· ment and convention. At a nationally televised news conference. Carter blasted ,the movem e nt for a balanced budget a mendment. "If a r onstitul1onal amend· ment werf.! adopted, I think a ""n~t1tut1onal convention would be the wor~t imaginable route,·· C<1rtcr s~ud As af ht! u~cted l>UCh an at· tark . Brown dealt with opposi- tion to has crusade tn an ap- pt>arance on NBC-TV's "Today" ~how :Jnd in a speech to students ~•t (;('or gl'lown Univer s ity t•arhl'r Tuesday Forwn Slated On Transit In Huntington i\ pubhc forum on transporta· lion 1ssut?s 1s scheduled for 7:30 toni~ht al Huntmgton Beach Ci· l ) Hall Sponsored by the Citizens Ad v1i.orv Committee to the Oranse Coun.ty Transportation Com- m1ss1on, the forum ls one in a st?ries scheduled throughout the county. "The purpose of the meeting.s 1:. to give citizens the opporturu-. ly to voire their concerns and help set the direction for future local a'nd regidnal transporta· t1 on systems." Motton Fink, committee chairman, said. A tso. county transportation of· fic1als will be 11vailable to ans wer questions. Recruiting to Aim At More Reserves By DAVID KUTZMANN Ot II• Oally ..... , Slett A high-ranking Army official s ays recruiting procedures are being overhauled in an effort to beef up lagging reserve enhst ments in Southern Californau and elsewhere. Lt. Gen. Eugene P . Forrester. who is commander of the U S 6th Army, told reporters at the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro Tuesday that reserve enlistments in California and na tionwide are only 70 percent or full strength. a situation he described "of serious concern to me and the secretary of the Army." To attact more recruits, fo,or rester said, the Army has com bined both its reserve and active force recruiting operations, making it possible for a prospec tive enlistee to visit just one of· fice and talk to one recruiter for either the active forces or the re· serves. Financial inducements a lso are being offered. he s aid, to lure capable young recruits into high priority reserve units. Enlistment bonuses from $1 ,500 to $2,500 are being offered. Forrester flew down early Tuesday from his San Francisco headquarters to meet with recruiting offic e rs fro m throughout Southern California to explain the changes, which take effect here Thursday. They met at El Toro. Forres~i: attributed the decline in r erve enlistments to two facto the end of the drart in 1973 an too much time and energy spent trying to make the volunteer army a success. Forrester said the possibility of being drafted prompted many young men to enlist in the re- serves during the Vietnam war years. However, since the end of the draft, reserve enlistments have been declining at a steady pace. the commander said. "Recruiting is a tough busi· ness," Forrester ~aid . "You 're selling a commitment of a por- RECRUITS SOUGHT Army Chief Forrester lion of a young person's life." Although reserve enlistments are at their lowest point ever, Forrester said "it's not a dis- aster." He said military officials are showing "great concern" o ver the situation and he is plts hing for new mce~ves such a s educational ben its. ex- panded medical care and im- proved insurance coverage for recruits Although the end of the draft has eaten into the strength of the rei;erves, Forrester , a principal arr hitect or the volunteer army approarh, s'id active forces re· main stropg . The volunteer army "exceeds the fondest ex- pectations of everyone I know:· he said. "It has worked." F orres ter s aid he doesn 't favor a return or the draft "at this particular moment" but would hke lo see registration of e ligible young men started again. "We need to be better prepared than we are today," he said Hughes ' Bizarre Behavior Detailed TUSCALOOSA. Ala. IAP I A Univer sity of Alabama psychologist says the late 'Howard Hughes probably would have been committed to a men· tal institution in his latter years if he hadn't been a billionaire. Dr. Raymond Fowler said Tuesday his six-month study of Hughes was based on taped con- versations. telephone calls and letters by Hughes. Fowler said Hughes' mental condition in his final years was made worse by his use o( drugs. He said the condition was typified by bizarre behavior, in· eluding refusing to let aides wash bis hair and lying nude in a dark room for days al a time. "If you bad a guy living next Lo you like that. you'd call the authorities and have him sent to a mental hospital," s aid Fowler. "The man kept everything." said Fowler. "He was a pack / rat. He kept letters,and memos, he had a stenogtaphe r listen to his telephone calls and prepare a summ~iry. Those are some of t~e things I studied and based my evaluation upon." The 35-page confidential re· port, he said, was prepared at the request or a firm controlled by Hughes' heirs. who have filed a suit charging that some of the recluse's aides took advantage of bis mental condition to swin· dle his companies of millions of dollars. Whale Interest . .Ju1nps Valley Stude~' Efforts Not in Vain F.1ghlh raders at Fountain Vulley El mentary District's Arevalos &c ool failed to gel the 2.000 signal res they sought last fall ln an effort to force Japan a nd Russia lo stop Jtilling whales. They got only 800 signatures, says school .Principal PracoU Jones Uut lbty raised conaldenble ntert:st ln whales. So much lhat't.he entire atu· d nt body, 320 klndergarteners th rough elKhlh grad era, is scheduled to board the big · 'Catallna Holiday" In Newport Beach Tbund.ay. ' ( They'll watch California gray whales cavort ofr the· Orange County Coast. Funds for the trip, ohout $1,000, were raised by the stu- dents and PTO, Jooes said. Pliza sales aod newspaper col· JecUon drives topped the list or f undra.i.lenl. The whales. almost as big as a school bus (40 tons stretched over a 50·foot-ion1 frame), are on their way back to Arctic waters after bearln1 calves in the sunny lagoons of Baja, said Mike Hickey, director or the county's Whale Watch Program. Tbe studeotl' tr19 bu been - coordinated by the A merlcan Cetacean Societf of Orange County, a natlona organization supportlng conservatJon of sea mammals. More than 11 ,000 school chtldren have elgned up for whale watch journeys out or Newport Beach and Dana Point alnce the beginning of the educa· llonal program this year. Hickey said Tuesday. The Northern Pacific herd of gray whaJes now numbers about u.ooo Hickey sald. Japanese ond Russian com mercial huntere have all but obliterated the other Pacific herd. the EaaternJ>aclfic 1roup, he aaid. s DAIL y PILOT A3 Days Reduced Board Tightens Bingo Ordinance Bingo operators In unin· corporated areas of Orange County were brought under lighter controls Tuesday when the board o f s upervisors amended the county's local op- tion bingo ordinance. Among other things, the board's unanimous approval or the amendment proposed jointly by Sheriff Brad Gates and Coun- ty Counsel Adrian Kuyper: -Reduced the number of days charitable bingo games can operate each week rrom rive lo two. -Made it mandatory that bingo operators maintain com- plete accounting records and make them available to sheriff's inspectors during normal busi· ness hours. -Limited the number of participants in any single bingo game to 500 people. Supervisor Ralph Clark suc- reeded in lacking another pro- vision on to the ordinance amendment proposed by Gates and Kuyper. At Clark's sug~eslion , the boa rd approved allowing · the sheriff to issue special permits to charitable and non-profit or· ganizations that already bold county licenses. The special permits will allow such operators to hold daily bingo games up to five times a week dunng prolonged celebra- tion s such as festivals and bazaars Supervisors made \t clear when they quickly approved the bingo ordinance amendment that their action was aimed at preventing rather than correct· ing problems So far. there have been few problems with charitable and Girl Perishes In Santa Ana Traffic Crash One Santa Ana child was killed Tuesday a nd another crillcally injured 1n separlte traffic accidents. police reported today. Se ve n.year-old Denna H Sage. died 30 minutes after ~he darted from behind an 1ce r ream truck near her home into the path of an auto. police said. The driver of the car, Raul Sanchez, 22, was not held. police reported. About two hours berore that 6 p.m. arcident, police said, 130 year·old Scott Forsyth surfered critical head injuries when he rode his bicycle into the path of a tractor-trailer rig. The driver of the rig, Louis N. Lestelle, 53. of Torrance, was not cited. police reported. That crash occurred at Flower Street and Warner Avenue non-profit bingo operators in un- incorporated a r eas of the county. But in Anaheim, for example. some operators have drawn fire NEW LIBRARIAN Elizabeth Smith Mrs. Smith C.Onfirmed As Librarian Orange County supervisors confirmed the appointment of Elizabeth Martinez Smith as county librarian Tuesday. Mrs. Sauth will begin her new $30.600 a year job April I . replacing Harry Rowe who re· tired this year from the post he had held 10 years. The 35-year-old woman will of· ficially be known as manager of 'ibrary services for the county and oversee an operation that in- dudes 25 branch libraries. three bookmobiles and 285 full-time workers. Mrs . Smith is now acting chief of public services for the Los Angeles County Library, a library syst.em that includes 92 branch libraries. She graduate d from the Unive r sity of Southern California and began her career in Los Angeles as a children's librarian. The county's new librarian lives in Upland with her husband and two children. Her appointment follo\\-ed the recommendation of county General Services Agenry chier Tom Egan that she be hired for the job. Egan, whose agency oversees the library operation. rated Mrs. Smith the top applicant for the post vacated bv Rowe Rabies Hits Dogs in Baja TIJUANA. Mexico !AP, -An outbreak of rabies in Mexicali has health department officials in Baja California seeking a law that could spell doom for all stray dogs in the state. grace period wouJd be gassed. said Dr. Juan Medrano PadJlla. the departme nt'!> h e ad or medical services. The law would give dog owners 48 hours to get their pets off the streets. Any dog caught running loose after the initial Medrano said Tuesday lhat health department ofricials turned up a dozen rabies cases in Mexicali and fear the disease could spread west to Tecate and Tijuana. Gem Talk NEW RUBY SOURCE found'" Au.tlrolto Explorers have reported the discovery or a huge new field of rubles ln Australia. Early reports indicate that it may be one of the three most important ruby areas in the world. Located ln the central part or the big island continent, this is lbe '1rst ruby mine ever in Australia. Testing of specimens recovered this rar shows that the rubles are or excellent quality, experts say. The discovery comes at a time when the ruby mines of Burma appear to be nearly depleted. for centuries, Burma has been the prime &0urce of the world's best rubles but, In recent years, top quality specimens from there have been lncreaaloaJy scarce. ' 14K gold Bunerfhea to llghlen hor heart ond b11gh1on hctr ensemble. for operating their games in rented st.ore fronts and promot- ing double sessions on some of the fi ve days a week they are al- lowed to operate. Jury Mulls Murder Charges By REBECCA HELM Ot Ille 0.llf ...... S~H An Orange County Superior Court jury was assigned the task Tuesday of deciding if a man whose alleged partner in crime was shot to death during a holdup is guilty of first-degree murder. Prosecutor Paul Meyer spent almost three hours explaining the unusual murder charge against John 8 . Lupien, 25, Garden Grove, lo the jury. Lup1en's defens e attorn~y Ramon Ortiz denied that his dieot bears responsibility in the death. and accused Meyer of trymg to "hoodwink" Jurors. Lupien is charged with the Aug. 25 death of Joseph Allen Harris. 29, also of Garden Grove Harns was gunned down when he and Lupien allegedly at- te mpted to rob International Housewares in Anaheim. Owner Carlos Paradinha wounded Lupien and fatally shot Harris as the two were ap proaching his oCCice holding two e mployees as hostages . Under California law, anyone arrested for an armed robbery 1n .which someone is killed can be charged with murder. During Lupien's trial Public Defe nder Ortiz didn't contest evidence that hjs client attempt- ed an armed robbery. Two major points of conten lion between the prosecution and the derense were whether Lu- pien held a gun to the head or one hostage during the attempt- ed holdup and whether owner Paradinha 's res ponse of finng :it the robbers was "reasona· ble " Because Lupien's gun was damaged. inoperable, and not loaded, Ortiz argued, his client did not intentionally place anyone in a dangerous life threatening situation. "Actions and death, that doe:. not mean murder. not by a long shot." the public derender srud. Prosecutor Meyer dis agreed He told the jurors that neither Para dinha nor the hostages knew the condition of Lupien's gun and reacted to a situation they perceived as dangerous. "Sometimes the actions we take have consequences other than what we a nticipated." Meyer said. "That does not mean we are not responsible " Police Seize PCP LOS ANGELES (AP 1 · Pohre say they have seized an estimated $750.000 worth of liq- uid "angel dust" or PCP and chemicals that. could produce another $660,000 ·worth in a raid o n a Southeas t Los Angeles house b~G~.~ bD~rz Another advantage to 1ettin1 our rubles from Australia ls tbe poUUcal atablllty of l.bal country. Moel ot l.M world'• preclou atonesa come from Africa and the Far East, both plagued by continuing polltlcal J. C. JJumphrle~ Jeweler~ turmoil. Before very long, we expect to see Aus tralian rubles on the Amerlun roarkcl It will be I MlM8H .Al\llHICM" GfM SOCIHY 182J N \WOAT awo COST#. MESA CON\ICNlfNT TEAMS ftanMmerlCanl-Mt l•r Cntrge 32 YEAAS IN fHE SAMf LOCATION PHONt MW.01 pleasu~·to do busln s with the folk s ·'""';:::~==~ "down under " ,.., .. ' ) i • • l. ... , • t I f DAil 'f PllOT Wedne.dty, Fllbruaty 28. lt1'1 Jot oa tin TIUs and That " •ts. Ttn:at;. 'VE&YWHE• : Old you. lb ,... P\~r t out ol our l'~unty ~at andit'aUn• that the county phtn· mna com milll'llOn II ao•n1 t CI (JU\0Water•attt lh4' Wa~ raai.~ \l·rordlntt to dispatch<'s, tho county plannen nen't ''"'l'h .ioinv ll• .. n.,t' r.•P6 an tapta of t.hcir meeUnas rtwr" .imnai "' ..-rn~· all t~rncs mort-than two v.sara old. Tht·n th~y ·n 1 "u~w ••r1l Th lit amowit.a to • thfte.year •'-'P ply of reunbl.-tap~ . .I u.11& ltunk ot all lh<lSt' ~~l&bty, we.a1bty 1peech OOW 1111 ltilllt' and M)(lfl to be l~t fo~ver M11)bt' tht•y "''",.... alN••d.) lost forever • • • OKA l'. MA \'BE IT wnii a lYPofraphtcal error ln a '"'' "011.al .ad 111 on•• or ou.r Oranae County she~t today by ""' llapless Newport Motorut Awa11mg the Nezt Outroge the 36-year-old car dealer (6 ft 2> who said be wanted lo meet an alfedionate grille. The guy's just in love with his work. • • • SIGHTED JN FRONT of McCalla's Drug on Laguna's F'orest Avenue: The nice Little Old Lady who slopped like she'd been struck by lightning while viewing the magazine stand Then she d~clared to her woman companion, "My stars. Mabel, did you ever think you'd see anything so dis gusting'" The object of her ire was a magazine cover featuring a model with a neckline plunging from necklace to navel. It was a women's magazine Good thln~ she never made it over to the men's rack. • • * ADRIANA GIANTVRCO'S highway repair troops struck again yesterday for hapless motorists along Pacific Coast Highway in Newport Beach. At midday, they had southbound traffic backed up from Newport Bay Bridge to the Santa Ana River at the Huntington Beach city line. Trucks, buses, commerce and commuters all ground to a halt and idled away precious gasoline. 1l took 35 minutes to negotiate the normal five·minute highway drive And for what? The tughway people were digging a ditch alongside the Bay Bridge. Closed off an entire south· bound lane. J can hardly wait for the next outrage. • • * YOU MUST HA VS a certain admiration for the Sun· day thief who knocked over lhe Book Boutique on Glenn· eyer Street in Lag~na Beach. He grabbed eight stag films and a Mickey Mouse telephone. He may not be much of a reader but he s ure does have ~ wide variety of interesL<; lJeath P enaltY Set For South Dakota? Pl ERRE. S.D. <AP l A bill restoring South Dakota's death pe na lty for premeditated· murder has been signed into law by Gov. Bill J anklow, who said the act is designed for use In "cold, calculated, planned murders." meditated murder. of killing dur ing the commission of a felony or of killing a law en· force ment officer or prison guard. Israel R lents Begin to Meet With Carter J RUSALEM tA P > Israel's Cabinet today aulboriied Prime Mlnlater Mcnachem Begin to •Hood talk• with Preslderit Carter ln WaablQICton BeKln said hf'I had "no lntenUoo" lo meet Egyptian Prime Mlnl tcr Mu!SUfa KbalU Began eald "grHt 188u " remain to be resolved despite what Carter said and It-rt open • Carter yesterday, that only very potalblUty that he might me.-t amall in.significant things ex..lst E1ypt'1 Pt ldent Anwar Sadat between Egypt and Israel," in the Untted Stt1tes Begin said. "With all due respect, WHEN C ARTER in viled ln my opinion great issues reJat· Be1ln lo "a rran.k discussion of lng first of all to our future and 1111 the issues" in the stalled security" remain. 1sra~l-F.gypt1an peace talks, the Begin is to leave Thursday preaident aald he would consider morning for Washington and at a1Ung Khalil or Sadat to JOtn least two days of talks with them al Camp David. Carter. who said Tuesday be did "It· s not th al I don't like not agree with the Israeli assess- Kh a hi," Begm told reporters ment that Egypt 's position i.fler the Cabinet voted on Tues-would nullify a' peace treaty d ay agaanst a meeting with between the two countries. Khaltl. He said that Khalil is not Egypt's leader and would not have equivalent negotiating authority to the lsraeh pnme minister. IC Sadat ''will· be in the United States and a proposal as made that l shouJd meet him, why should J refuse?" Begin said. "1 DO NOT agree with the statement made .!>Y. President Saccharin To Remain On Market? WASHINGTON <AP> -The s cientillc evidence is too weak to say saccharin causes cancer in humans and the· artificial sweetener shouJd not be taken orr the market, says a scientific group. The American Council on Science and Health said Tues· day studies of saccharin have been too pessimistic, based on the skimpy evidence available. THE COUNCIL'S saccharin report is notably less cautious tha n a similar one last Nov· vember by the prestigious Na· t1onat Academy of Sciences. even though both studies ex· amined tHe same data. Dr. Elizabeth M. Whelan, council executive director, told a briefing that her group came to essentially the same conclusions as the academy study. but is of· ferlng a diflerent interpretation. The academy concluded that the artificial sweetener was a Jow ·potency cancer-causing agent in animals and also ap- peared to promote the cancer· causing activity of other sub- stances. BEGIN. HOWEVER, repeated this view. saying ... There has been a serious and difficult radicalization or Egypt's posi· tion, which negates the meaning of the treaty.·' The prime minister s aid it had become apparent durin g F oreign Mi ni s t er Moshe Dayan's talks with Khalil and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance last week that Washington was backing the Egyptian position ... to our jreat distress " ASKED IF H E ">e pectcd Carter to exert pre:.surP on Isr ael. Begin replied , "Wh y shouldn't we assume there wall be pressure? But if so. we will reject it." RePorters asked Begin how he felt about the vote in Tuesday's Cabinet meeting which revealed that only Dayan and Defense Minister Ezer Weizman voted to accept Carter's earlier invita· lion lo a meet.,ing with Khalil. Begin respoiide<Mbat Israel is a democracy a nd th e tw o ministers were free to vote as they wished. In interviews with the Yediot Aharonot newspaper. Dayan said he wasn't considering re· s igning over the issue, and Weizman said that Begin was going to Washington after all and. "As I said, it was imposs1· ble to ignore the invitation.·' · Carter's earlier invitation for a Begin·Khahl meeting was sharply criticized in the Israeli t>ress as an affront to Israel's dignity because Sadat wasn't at- tending, and a clear indication that Israel would have been pre- ssured for one-sided concessions. Smile of \'iC!tory J anc Byrne smiles a s election returns come in at her campaign headquarters in Chicago Tue~day ~ig~t. The maverick Mrs . Byrne, 43, shocked the wmdy city s once- mighty Democratic machine with an upset victory over Mayor Michael Bilandic, 56, the man who once banished her from the city government she is now likely to lead. Khomeini Brands .. U.S. 'Corrupting' TEHRAN. Iran <AP> -Ayatollah Rubollab Khomeini urged the Moslem faithful today lo purge Amen can and other foreign in- fluence from Iran. .. The nation must be aware that although the people have felt freedom, the roots of Amencan. Soviet, British and Zionist col- onialism have not been fully eradicated." the Shiite Moslem leader of the lranian revolution said in a statement prior to his departure for the holy city of Qum. ALTHOUGH NAMING SEVERAL countries. Khomeini singled out the United States as a corrupting influence and said true in- dependence for Iran can onJy be acbjeved with the total eradica- tion or U.S. m1htary, economic and political influence. ..(am afraid lo see inclinations lo East or West and I hope that everyone will come back lo the e mbrace of l!flam and benefit from Islam's rich culture and not be deceived by those quarters who on- ly want to suck the blood of weaker nations." he said. MEANWfULE, THE NEW HEAD of the country's oil industry said that Iran's revolutionary regime will not export oil through the European·American consortium that was the shah's marketing agent but will sell to the individual firms in the combine . .\LTHOUGH THERE is no proven human risk, t h e academy said, saccharin "must be viewed as a potential cause of cancer in humans." In an example or the classic argument over whether a glass is half full or haJr empty, the council interpretation is that since there is no proven human risk, saccharin should be con- sidered safe. You Can't Clip Coupons Out of the ·'Saccharin poses no known hazard to human health and should not be banned," Whelan said . Six 0' clock News • -The law. sign ed Tuesday, .,would permit execution or s omeone convicted of pr~ It requires a jury first to de· termine guilt, then to weigh mitigating factors and back· ground before deciding whether the sentence should be life ln prison or death In the electric chair. MEA.NWJDLE, the New York Times reported in today's edi· lions that the academy will not recommend that the govern- m ent o rder-a ban on the artificial sweetener. / - Snow Blankets Midwest Suvllen Ohio River Overflows Banks I .. , I.• f'co ··~"' '31 ,, Albuoll" S4 ,. "''"••Ill• ~' 78 Atlantt ., l'I ea111mo,,. 4) 37 li•rmnOfWtm ., ,. 81\marO ,, 7 . OJ 801~ •• '3 80~1on J'I 32 8utt•to ,, u .cw Cllrl\tt1WV 3S ,, (lllC•QO 40 11 Cl~lnn•ll •• ,. (IPvelotnc:I •O 71 Cotum~ ~ ,, 0•• Ft. Wiii •2 ... .10 O..nve• ., '4 OoMolftlK 40 " O.ttolt ... 21 "•''""" • ·U H••lfo•O J1 ,, .OS H•t•n• ., ,, Hono1uh1 •• 10 Hou ti on '° s. lno'ePOll\ " ,, Kan·t CllV SS » LU Vtt41i .. 31 u111t Roo ~ " l-o•A~ .. 4' LOUl\vllle •• '° M•eml .. " Mllw•ull• ,. 11 o.,,..w__, ........... Y , 11 •vJ'.rtJoltY 11 'W""-' o~,. • "h"' • 1' t •r• .. f\v a. ll o ~ • t•·•or• t rt""' t 1~ (# 'f".,,..,,. ... H •~«t •_.1 1 hY ,,,, ~wn .. v II .,,. • nn "'" ,, • '•'' '/'!•I' Qi1'f ti'f IJ • ~ 1tl· ,. , •• , "'aft.1'f" ., ... ~ h ..... , 01 tO MPl~·SI. P. NHllVllle N-O•ln' ~?:~~ Om•ll• f'1111ec1·oM• PftM11I• Pllbtlu,.,. Ptlend.,,.,. Piiand, Ct<> lleM llklltl\Olltl St loult Sell!.•-• s.no1"° Saft"'*" S.•111• St SI Marie Tuite Wl\lllnQIOll CALl~tlMIA .......... 111 lllytll~ 11111\0P ,.,.,"° Monttor.y Nt.018' 0ekl41IMI JO ,.. ... ,, •) so 40 JA ·°' no ., at .Ol .)t ,. .01 .. " 40 ll JS ,. .01 •• l1 .21 n ,. » " 4' 2t 4) JI " 10 St St " JJ 17 ., " ., .. 2* ... JA ., " ,. 4) •• ., ... )4 d 10 ., 10 4) Tlltrmat 11 •• ll•rslow 64 40 tllQ8H r so ,. C.lalln• 61 " Et Centro ti 4S Lk Arr-eo 0 ,. lOftll kecll .. 4J NewPor1 8"cl\ " ... Olll•tlo .. ~ Pelm Stlrlfllrl 1t ., San lle,,_,,lllO H 40 SaftJ-sr 42 $tll1a AN .. Q s.1111 C'n11 ,, ., S.111• Merla ., 1' 11.s.S-••rw $ftow blallll-a ..... MCtMll OI tlle lf~r Mk!WeM lolkly, e1i.ncll11t trom Ille 0.kot•t Into wttter11 por· lkM\' 'of HeOrtsl!o aM ICt-t alltl .. ,tward Hite W(tl••" of lewa •nc:I Mtflne10ta Tiit •-left ()No 111.,... was titPl'(I• ed to UHi •I l"tl'lltrOy t ntl Oellloollt, OfllO IOllay Dow,,.,,_ •• C:ln<lllNll 6flCt lllt .011111-•1~ Olllo c,..,,mu111tte• et Calf I om la II'\ oolfl9 10 cloud up encl mayC. rain Tllu.,.,.Y. fortu,ten M'I' TM c-wlll tJotOln movlnQ '" tonlQhl, the ~•llon•I W~•tlltr S.rvlu uld, pr.Olcllnq • 10 percent cllanc• Of rain Tl\Unday ··r11e ... " • '"°"' up .-111 ano 1.-. ralnln9 •t ,., tOUlll •• Reel 81utf W• .. .,.,, tr.. trom to move '°"'" .,,., o~ Tllurtd•Y to yleld • <hanc~ ol ,.,owers," ••Id w•athtr ,,.,vie• t-titnan Don Lt.111 It also _.II be cooler Th~y wllll lllOllS llO .... lno tn '"" "'ld...OS TM beatM' wlll be <IOUOY and coolor, and Illa deterO wlll<ly w1111 Mtll\ r•nolnq trotn the ._.'°' and to. '" Ille lllQftff elrtalkM\t tp 10 In Ille •~rv•llm Tiie ...._..,,,. wlll also llavt wlnclt Qllttlt\Q ltom IS 10 JO ,..Pll, lllQllS In Illa~ anO I~ from 2WS "Tiit,. COUIO be -,now, ~y al)Ova 1.000 l•I.'' t.u\I wld, "out tlOlll now It ~·t loot! II•• II ~ould be very much •• C:'!c~!.~n~!,?:~.~·I=~· t>ecomlftO mottly cl0\Ml,..Tllu"4n wltll¢~•of-n 1.10111 v••lltflla wl11ds 1110111 and moml11t llOul'll. HIQ!lt TllllndaY to m ldtO\. Coastal lemc>er•tll'H will ranQel btlWHll '' all<! t.J, 1111ant1 ttl'l'I· oeralurft wlll ,..,._ ""-" O encl •S. Tiit ... It!" temperttu,. will be J7. s .. , Moon, Tld~• WIOffHOAY Sat-._ 4 P 1> m .0 • lttOlld lllOll 10 !Op "' s J THUUOAY ~I,.! low • Ua m 01 "lnt 111.., to ,. • m s • S.Concl tow s O' o m o 7 Sec.ofld 1119'1 It I I P I'll '1 t11n rltti • lh m , "'' s·• P "" M-ti-1 4t • 1'I •,..,,I 24 0 m S•rlll.qorf But you can save money with the Daily Pilot. You can r edeem coupons for savings at most grocery stores . 1Ads help you select the su permarket offering the best values -before you shop . A printed ad assures you of r eceiving the promised price. Daily Pilot r.ea ders also b enefit f~<?m money.saving recipes, menu helps and nutnt1on news. •· .. For money-saving v alues not offered on the six o'clock news, rely on the DAILY PILOT 642-4321 M11ntl1101e11, Newport 11tat11 .. wavet -to"''"~ Corl41t1oM L------------------------------r---------,... OMf, Ntw IUt~ IN ~. nHI t ra-""9ftfO .. ... tltllh braced fef "-....,., Of ""' ,. ••""'r• .. ., llOeCllNj • ... . .. • ' ' . • •• • Orange Coast • 01 ll O N Today• N.Y. Clo8tag' toe ks VOL. 72, NO S9, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1979 c TEN CENT~ ·. f ecret Memo Revealed------------., FAA to Control County A· • l I . f. ~ By G RY GRANVILLE Ot .... 0..ty 1"1194 ''-" County coun~el Adrian Kuyper bas warned the Board <'f Su~rvisors lhal an upcoming Federal Aviation Ad m1n1 s tratJon inve t1glit1on or Orange County Airport could -END WITH THE FAA "restmg control over what a irlines oper11le from lhe u1rport from board of superva.sors'hands -HAVE "NATIONWIDE ramifications." awarded fmal 3}>proval of air routes from Orange County and therefore cannot claim discrimination. N CONTINENTAL'S case. the county's legal ad· v1ser said, its planes exceed the weight allowed on the airport runways. Consequently, discrimination is not part of the county's denial of Continentl l's request. But Kuyper went on to warn that, "Jn spite of the likelihood no discrimina- tion will be found in the FAA investigation, the FAA could or- der tbal th e a i rport be made avaiJabl e henceforth to all requesting carriers." Or, Kuyper added. the -BE SETI'LED lN A compromise that would open the FAA could order the airport opened to "all carriers up to a runways at Orange County Airport to additional air car· certain maximum number. with or without a limit on daily riers. departures." Kuyper's warning was contained in a confidential memo sent to the five county super visors this week. -K\JYPER'S CONFIDENTIAL memo also told the In rus memo. the supervisors' lawyer said there is lit· supervisors who control airport operating policies that the Ue likelihood that the FAA investigators will find the coun-basic issue in the investigation "is the power of the local ty is discriminating against two airlines who want lo operate proprietor (the county> to negate the provisions of the from the airport. Airline Deregulation Act of 1978." The deregulation act Frontier Airlines and Continental Airlines touched off had the effect of opening airline routes "to all fit. willing l the FAA probe by contending they are being discriminated and able applicants.·• The county counsel said a significant l against by the county's refusal to allow them to operate at issue in the conflict is the weight given California noise • Orange County Airport. laws when they conflict with the deregulation act as well SO INTENSE DOES Kuyper see the challenge in herent in the FAA probe that he recommended to supervisors they hire special attorneys to represent the county. "I do not have the manpower or the resources which will be required for the full-time effort which should be put into this matter on behalf of the county," Kuyper said. "I view this investigation as a very important matter to the county which should be given lbe degree of expert handling and full-time attention which can only come from a well qualified private law firm experienced in such mat· te rs." THE FlllM RECOMMENDED by Kuyper is the San Diego firm of Luce. Forward, Hamilton and Scripps. That firm bas represented the county in other lawsuits centering on jet airliner activities at Orange County Airport. Supervisors a re expected to meet in a closed-door session this week to consider hiring the lawyers Kuyper reels are needed to keep control of the airport in county government's hands. f Jn bis me mo, Kuyper said that Frontier bas not been as federal anti-trust laws. ~'-----------------------------~ I Freeway Extension Views Sought ~ t t England's Transfer /Approved ' . 17 I l Mus i c teacher Ri c h a rd England, whose suspension from Newport Harbor High School bas stirred tempers to the 'boil- ing point, said Tuesday he has decided. although with regrets, f to accept a transfer to Corona &_ del Mar High for the rest or this r school year. Newport-Mesa Unified School District offi cials announced the transfer Tuesday. Superinten- dent John Nicoll said England · will be added to the existing Corona del Mar music staff and t will not replace any current ~ teachers. He said tempor ary music teacher Don Anderson will con- tinue lo teach England's former c lasses at Harbor High this · year. "I'm very very disappointed ~ because we'd been led to believe I we were going to have the OP· ~ portunity to sit down with the ! principal and work this out." i Eng land said before Tuesday's meeting. "Now it's turning out everybody's going to lose " However, England said he ex· , pected to assume bis duties at . Corona del Mar High today. ·'I 've a l ways been pro- fessional, regardless of the silly charges,against me,'' he said. "I will do fihatever they ask me to • do temporarily until I'm re· l instated at Harbor Hi gh." ;. The announcement of t he transfer was stron2lv opp0sed <See ENGLAND, Page AZ> D•Uy Pl ... Sta" - RESIGNS FROM BOARD School Trustee O'Brfen Wedding Bells Breaking Up School Board Newport-Mesa school Trustee Duke O'Brien announced Tues- day he's resigning his post and that, while he's sorry to quit, he's happy about the reason: He's getting married. .. My responsibilities to my family come second only to my responsibilities to God." O'Brien s aid at the school board meet- ing. (See O'BRIEN, Page AZ ) Two-year Route 55 Study Seen A state transportation official said today his agency would bank heavily on publi c participation in a study of the proposed extension of the Costa Mesa Freeway <Route 55). Vincent Paul, deputy director of District 7 for CalTrans, also told local officials at Costa Mesa City Hall that the two-year time period of the environmental study "is a tight schedule." 'f\he study. which should be completed in late 1980, will focus on various alternatives to ex- tending the freeway. Also to be considered are nine. alternate routes for the proposed freeway extension from about Mesa Drive into downtown Costa Mesa. ~ Paul said he hopes numerous workshops will be held over the study per iod to seek citizen participation, which he hopes will be extensive. Paul said a policy advisory committee, a group consisting of local offi cials from Orange County cities and agencies. would meet March 15 at 8 p.ln:- at Costa Mesa City Hall to dis- cuss the study and set policy re co mmendations and guidelines. Reacting to ieriticism by some t hat two years is too long to spend studying a freeway route originally adopted in 1944, Paul said that span or time would just be sufficient to study the matter. •'Two years for the study is a tight schedule based on ex- (See FREEWAY, Page A2) Organi~ 'Rork' --= Bi I ly Rinke n bach. 13, of 4800 Surrey Drive, Corona del Mar, thought he'd found an unusual rock Tuesday during a stroll in the nearby hills . But when he picked it up, he discovered that the rock actually was a giant mushroom. Billy says 1t tips the scales at three pounds and is nearly 23 inches around. The Lincoln School eight~· g rader says he has no pl ans to eat his dis- cov~ry it might be poisonous. Priest Held 118 Newport-Mesa Teachers to Be Cut I. I In String Of Holdnps A total of 118 teachers in the Newport-Mesa Unified School MIDDLETOWN., Del.. <AP) -District will receive notices to· A Roman Cathoh c priest has day or Thursday Urat they are been . arrested and charged with being laid off for the coming a stnng of armed holdups id~n-•J. school year distr ict officials tified as the work or a m~n said Tuesday'. The equivalent or 74 full-time positions must be vacated by next year, school trustees noted : in approving the layoffs Tues-: day. By law, teachers must be1 notified by March 15 or they . 4 l • • t I ~ '1•t•n c .. e1 Actually, it wu just a coincidence that the Red Cross Bloodmobile wu parked to· day near the site of Mrs. Lynn Blanton's f e~clng classes at Newport Harbor High boot. 'Jbe Bloodmobile wu on campus r - today to collect donations frosn volun- teers. School officials said Mrs. Blanton's fencing cluses definitely weren't part ot the blood drive. dubbed the GenUeman Bandit. authorities said today. Delaware State Police said the R'ev. Bernard Pagano, assistant pastor of the St Mary's Refuge of Sinners in Cambridge. Md., • was charged with seven counts of armed robbery and one count of attempted robbery. I The charges stemmed from holdups of grocery stores and othe r commercial establish- ments In northern Delaware by a neat, quiet, well·bebaved man, authorities said. Pagano was arrested Tuesday night al his sister 's home here. Police said a compos\te draw· ing or a sus pect circulated following one of the robberies led to the priest's arrest. The 53·year-old priest was ar- rai1ned before a magistrate In New Castle County, and was 11t sent to Delaware Slate Hoepital for psycblatric evaluation. • Bishop Tlaomaa Mardaga, head ol lhc WUmlneton d1ocese which Includes moat of the Delmarva Peninsula, laaued a s tatement sayln1 h e waa shocked by the arrest but would cooperate Mly with lbe 1tate police lnvatl1at1on. 1 • I \ The teachers, including 35 to 40 who have tenure, are being laid off because of enrollment declines currently running at about 12 percent a year. Purse Taken From Woman In ~~sta Mesa A woman -Shopper was robbed or her pocketbook Tuesday by a man wbo ran u'p and grabbed it with such force he broke bOlh of the purse's shoulder straps, Costa Mesa police said today. They said GerUnde HUdeaard Carr of Garden Grove was walk- ing ln the parking lot or South Coast Plua at about 7:43 p.m. when the incident occurred. The stron1-arm robber escaped with her $80 purse, about S50 in cash and credit car& and checks. He net in a walUnc car, police said. Tbe victim, who police said, waan't il\lured, chued the rob- ber briefly unUl he Jumped into the car. can't be laid off. ' Coast . Weather Chance of s howers 20 pe~cnt on Thursday. In- c r e a s ing c lo udi ness tonight with slight chance of showers. Lows tonight 43 to SO. Highs Thursday in low 60s. IN~IDE TODAY Dtm't ~that ln.oMJJ you think .,au'rt going to win on tltt maUboz atoeepatalces. TM odds are not in your favor. Stotil. A7. l•tle" (11 C11 .,.. .. .. Ate .. aw .,. .. .. .,.. A4 ... --- I i !. I I • e J. ... ., w Huntington Raps Mesa Bridge Stand Bt IA 'Lt> IU~ °' ....... "'""~ llunhn lon tkarh dt) nt ftc aul ~•) thl'\ rt• nC1l ph• !".f'\l '*llh Crn11lu M' a 11lan let 11t'nJ• pair of' h•(lhwav n"tor <'" 1n d ll(iwd h• 1inpH•'-" fulul"t' tr .. fh~ rto~ twtw t n tht• t'4o l'llU' • Wt•'n • dt,:appulnt t"d th11t Coi.l tt .... .i hw. dn 1dt'tl not 1<1 ,;o .. ti,•mt with tho.'it' '"'" cro lng'I," i:mt lhll 11.irljtt'. llunt lllltOG OeKb'a dlrfftnr uf publlt' •Oriti •-Tralftc hi loln1 to <' ntlnUf' lo IOC're and w1lh onl)' lh Lhn fni!JUl\I) C'MI In& '\f'I Ulh of th " D l>it>«O fir ~W 'J, II prea•nla qullf' • prohl .. m, lt.•n11t owtck-d l ht-t-.o propo \'d bndiil' hnb \\Ould ('OtUlC.-d WUr:.on S lrt'tl 111 Co ta M !oill with All nt111 Avt'ntll' an lluntrnaton &itHI ••alt·nd li11rfft'ld A\·~nut oHr thr h\'t'I Im • hookup ~•th Gl1lr.r Avenue lu <.: la M a, Th b dge Cl"C)lll Ina• remain on both llunUnston Beact~·s and tht C'()unty' mastt r plan of ha,nv.-•• , but n>f'ta Meu Clt)' t ·ounc1I mt>inlwrs h~ve voted to r tt m uH• tht· propost>d bridge~ (N m ( u~ta Mt·sa 's hig hway pl"n The· ul'llora t ame Jan. 15th .1flt•r a \\t'll orgumzed group of we•o;t i1ult• ('tlf'!li.1 Mt>:rn ns told the Forwa rding A ddress This is COsta Mesa's newest Post Office. It s in a former market at 2230 Fairview Road It replaces the city's old Orange A venue bran<·h. which 1s now a vacant lot. The city's mam Post Office is still on Adam:, Avenue in the Mesa Verde area. No Weekend Gas Seen ""~ Mandatory Theinwstat Controls Loom' WASHINGTON (AP> Energy Secretary James R. Schlesinger said t.od a} it is possible that oil s hortages in the United Slates may force weekend closings of gasoline s tations and mandatory controls on thermostats in buildings before summer. Testify10g before the Senate Energy Committee, S<:hlesa.nger said it is almost certam that a standby gasoline rationing plan before Congress would not be in · voked because of the current situation. $chJesinger also said the price of unleaded gasohne is likely to rise to S1 a gallon "wilhm a year or so." On Tuesday. S<:hlcsingcr pre· dieted an average 10-cent-a· ~allon boobt in gasoline prices by the end of this year But he r i modified that prediction today by telling a Senate Government Operations subeom m1ttee to ex- ,pect even sharper rises in un- ' ~aded fuel. • The e ne r gy secretary was cal lo defend standby man. at ry conservation measures tha must be approved or disap- pro ed by Congress over the ne 60 days. He said the most likely initial s tep in reaction to shortages caused by political upheaval m Iran would be s hifts of natural gas from producing states to areas or mdustrial s hortage. But beyond that, S<:hlesinger said if Congress approves the s tandby conservation measures, "it is possible that at some time we may have to invoke tern per ature controls or weekend closings before summer. Under the plan , industrial plants and mos t othe r non- residential buildings would be required to maintain therm05lat settings of no higher than 65 degrees Fahrenheit fo r healing and no lower than 80 degrees for cooling. Ho t water for person al hygiene or cleaning could go no higher than 105 degrees. Schlesinger would a lso have authority to close gas stations for all or part or the weekend. Schlesinger said the United States over-reacted to the 1973·74 oil embargo b)' s tockpiling too much oil. He cautioned against a repeti· lion of that, and said he hopes administrative actions would enable the country to weather the current shortage without in· vok1ng the pr oposals. Gas \ * * * R•tioning E yed Auto Owners Would Get Fuel Certificates WASHINGTON <AP > -Here is bow President Carter's proposed standby gasoline rationing plan would work in a severe energy shortage also issued for spec1f1c numbers of gallons of gasoline Gas station:. '>'ould accepl the coupons llow mur h g.1:-. would motorists get? There is no w~1y lo lt'll until the severity of a shortage 1s kn11'>' n The Ener~y Deoartment estimates the avcrat{t' c<Jr use'> about two gallons or gas adtty Once lines or cars at gas stations became too long, the president would declare an energy emergency EVF.RV THREE MONTHS. THE govern· menl would send owners of the more than 100 milhon registered motor vehicles certificates worth a specific: number or gallons or gasoline. The certificates would resemble governmt'nt checks. EACH C'AR WOt LD BE AL~OCATED the same amount of gas, no matter whether it was a small 1mporll'd model or a luxury fuel hog The m ore c ars ow ned. the more certificat es drivers would gel in the mail. • Trucks would get more than cars. motorcycles less A driver with a surplus of coupons could sell them at an unlimited price, creating a so- called "white market" for the coupons. Motorists would cash in their certificates at banJ<s or s1m1lar institutions for coupons, • ORANGE COAST c DAILY PILOT ' o,.,,,..c~, ... , .... , •• P1tot With~' ~I~ Ot" • l'J \"""' t.,-.,,.. l>rf"\\ I\ pubfi Nii0 I\'('"'" ~~ f.f) t Put"'" ';t( lft\ofoijlltlt' '\4' p w h rtt1t0t •u· P'-'•' """"' ~"°? ,,,~ • ttO•Y re, CO"t• y.. '\.• Nr~ f, .tth t-4<.lftt~on l\P-'h fOVlf'\ ....... v ....... Irv..-L4IO"*""""""'"'~"(f\Jll\.t A -.1rwl _. t•"l"°""IM·lto.f\t\.f ••fttt~Mtw'°"or,-~ _, "• "'·'"' ,,... '"1''" •.,.Lt•...,..""'"' p~t "•t 1JO Yt•~t"-""'''"' C~t•~C•••tcw~•t1t,)ti '+·-•ebt'l'tNWM r .., ••. 10--1'0 • ..., ~'""""' '"'"It Cllft"IW "ft J-•r1 ~nt .. nd C.-.nrrdl W..."...,., '-l•IC-,-n.tor fl••.,.••A.M ........ M41'1•Q•l'llQ [dH'O" t~·""" .. _ ........... ~" ~""'~' Mll""'fllO(•tor'\ Co•" MHa omc.. )JOWfil' .t fUf '\Ut·•t M ''"''V ArMf'°\' t• 0 Uo11. l\tG t}f.i• T•..,.._. fN•I &«Mm C1Naiflecl AOnrtlelng au ... .,. ~"'1:::. °".::r: .. ~~.:::::..~:.= "'•'tt' ., .ct.•rliM..,,..l'llf\ Mo1-. M•y .. ····""'" ......... , ........ "''"'"·-.. , .. ,...,. ...... ht ... f t •o•f ,. .. _ P••• 01 Ct"I -· C•fl-.. IU'"-"'.01 ~ ,_...,. w <M r••t tJ w ~""' .., mao t• It ~N'W' ................. ,_" ,......,,,.., F,...PageAJ O'BRIEN RESIGNS • • • He said bis wedding w1U be March 17 and his resignation will take e ffec t M arch 31 O 'Brien's term runs through November 1981. Trustees said they will not ap- point a replacement until this November, when voters can make their own choice as to who should fill the remaining two years of O'Brien 's term. As soon u O'Brien'R resagna. Uon is olficially accepted by the County Board of Education, ap- CUcaUons will be made avalle· le in the district office to anyone residina in O'Brien's area, district 2. This i~ roughly t)lc triangle formed by Harbor"'nd Newport boulevards and the northern Costa Mesa city boundary. ' The appllcaUona wlll be re- v lewed by the Newport-Mou board, and five appllc•nts selected to be interviewed al a public meetln1. Board members wlll then make their setectlon. O'Brien, who has aerved on the board s1ncc 1977. is the 5econd member of the seven· per&an board to resign this year. .__ Donald Smallwood, who-was the n board president, aJso re- signed this year for personal rea- sons. Smallwood, an a ttorney. ~aid he needed lo ~vote more time to bis busiMSs. His replacement, Kenneth J.,. WayJllan, was officially seated last iveek. Police Picketing N EW Olfi.EANS <AP > S triking police picketed at sanitation yar& again today in defiance ol a court ordar, but garbage collectors went to work on the huge pJles of M ardl Gras debrla BDYWB)'. "All 105 trucks are out," a Sanjtalioo Depart- ment apokeaman aald. "Tbe men aaw the pickets, but they want to work and Juat walked ri&lll past them." council that en nsaons ol l,bt,lr caty 1treet.a to lluntlneton wouJd ruln thelr oellhborhood Opponents oft n noted that Huntln«iton 8 acb motorists would make more Ulil • or the east-weal river bradl(H than Costa M sa drivers. "Since we don't have any coo- t rol over lbe action!' of Costa Mesa. I don't see any h gbt at the end of the tunnel ai; far as tn· flu~ncing them to keep 1t on Co1nputer 'Business' Dissolved A non-profit computer data processing corporation set up last spnng by the Newport.Mesa Uotfied School DistrJct was quietly dissolved Tuesday. The Newport-Mesa Instruc- tional Research Institute, Inc . which ran into charges by the county Board or Education that it was unfa irly competing with private industry. was set up to market computer programs de- veloped by the district. Board members or NMIRI most of whom also serve or have served on the Newport-Mesa board of trustees were told the firm earned a $23. 759 profit during its first six months. Because NMIRI currently has Sl2.836 in lia bilities and $34.868 m accounts receivable , board members voted to retain a bank account ror NMlRI under the s upervision o f Ass i stant Newport-Mesa Superintendent Norman Loats until all accounts are settled. FroM P ageA J ENGLAND. • by most or the more than 100 people atte ndi n g Tues d ay night's school board meeting About 300 persons spoke at the end of the m eeting, England was placed on ad· ministrativc leave earlier lh1:, year after New Harbor High Principal Tom J acobson brought charges or unprofessional COO · duct agalnst the band director. lb Ir muter ~an." H1rt1e •atd. He aald he will uk the Hunt. 1ngton Buch city council lo keep the river crosiunas on the c1ty1s master plan. Ceorae Thyden, Huntington Beach Cl vU Defense diredor. sees problems beyond the future traffic straw oo the three exist· ing crossings. · ·1 foresee problems in the case of evacuations," Thyden said today. F,...P,..eAJ FREEWAY. • perience." he said. The transportation official s aid the study would take a look at v a rio us a lte rnati ves to freeway exte ns ion, including construction of a viaduct or tun- nel aJong Newport Boulevard, the widening of the roadway to Bay Street , added lanes. making Newport a one-way street. con- struction of an expressway and a possible bypass or downto Cost a Mesa. possibly along Orange Avenue. Construction of a freeway ex· tension is estimated to cost $80 million, Paul said. Other im- p ro v emenls could be con- s iderably cheaper. The proposed freeway route has been a controversial matter since CalTrans director Adri- a na Gianturco last May an- nounced plans to erase the freeway extens ion proposal Crom state plans. Local officials pushed for the environmental study to focus at- tention on traffic problems on hea vily trave l e d Newport Boulevard. Sl'ATION WA GON In lhe tv ot ol a H vtire earth· qu.lte or nood. Tbyd n believes tht> present bnda 1( they are still standing would not be t bl• to move-evacuees qwckly enough In ellhe1" direction, He also would like to 8ee Co ta Mesa Offlt>luls reconsider their planned elimination of two new bridges set for construction m five lo ro years. Despite tile djs41gr~ement over tbe Wilson.Atlanta and Gisler- Garfield bridges, the two cities are aUll working together on a bridge that would connect 19th Street in Costa Mesa with Ban- ning Avenue · Huntington. The brid could be built by 1982 ii the clhes can reach an agreement with the Orange County Sa Halton Di strict , which owns ght-of-way land on the Huntingt n sjde or the river. Samtallon 1stnct orficaals say they want a Jgh-level span that would not ice through their pro perty a disrupt crucial sew me nt operations. ~egation, Metro Plan To Be Studied Newport-Mesa school trustees approved two actions concern- ing desegregation Tuesday To meet Stale Board of Education require me nts . they agr eed to set up a citizens com· mittee to determine if there are a ny segregated schools withtn the distnct Trustees are required to re- port back to the stale this sum- mer and recommend ways of in- tegr ating minonty s tudents. In an unrelated item. trustees also agreed· lo JOtn tn a con- e sortium of some 60 to 70 school R<JILED QV/ KLY ·districts in four counties to ob· , , . ta in legal advice on the proposed The Cars t . person to call Metropolitan Plan. bought my station wagon." That's the story told by the successful salesman who placed this ad in the Daily Pilot: '71 Station Wagon Coun try Sedan I owner Gd Cond xxx-xxxx If you want fast s ales suc- cess, call the friendly Da ily Pilot ad-visers at 642-5678. T he plan would require busing between districts and possibly ac ross county lines to achieve integration. Newport-Mesa Superintendent John Nicoll said Tuesday the membership. which would cost up to $1 ,000 per year for at least one year. would enable the dis- trict to obtain advice that would otherwise be exorbitant in cost. 'Art Nouveau' at its best, a rolllantic Et Cetera grou ping by Drexel Tum.of lhe<"'('!IUry ...C.'('}1r'IC•'? Nr.v~'fP WJ', I evpressedrnofPE • 11'" tty!"'" r tnr•t,Jrro .h nl1' dnd dlCh•l"Cturi;) r,, Pfl Ari Nou~·'t 1 TOO;ty •" ·o-narit1C 1, fTIQ!•I OfOVTlS CJ 1 l.lr l 1• • () r I f Ct"1era· co .. >et>Ul tiv O<t>1i:1· Usm 1 1 • .,1.:nt mate<rd ~ 16dOOO gia~ dl'lll ,u(JI ro r:~ 111 •t.'f 1• Ore•elhd'> Clt.'cil. ao • r I 1111t•OI 11•,,. IX·'' cnarm V1~1 our ck., Jhtt111 b" ,'.{Jn O'Jt•r CO'T"t '•'f(Jlyl lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lf'#~ T~HOE 2~ Howtllof nt 8IWI (113)378-1279 t) f trtt f.,"',, .. ,., ""' '"""~ °"''" C08TA MESA t595 Newe>Off Blvd f7141 &42·t'050 ~ °""""'°"r o uo I I I • . • Business OAIL V PILOT •• Washington's as Cold as the Weather •~• rap Ott I G ... Jack" Davis won b1~ berore lhe Ne w J ers c-. Casino Control Commission, getting a permanent hcen.w to operate his Atlantic Ctty casino. His Resorts Interna· tional operates the city's on· ly legal casino to.date. JOHN N JYt' ..,, ..... A .. ,, .. Wh n ~ ~t'Ath r I~ blamed you mm t v."Ond r Wond••r If Ll u n•t a M!lpe'IC>al for poor roo ct'pUoo OC' t'1t~uuon. ias 10 a lOlt ball1amf', or aa In the morf' ' r t oua bualocu or prtct' reslralnt S•vero weather wa amoog lb rti I OU h 1t t'd by lbe ·,, only oo . Wuh1n1ton Is 11nolbtt Slnce lht Carter adrnlnlslra· uon lmpo1ed voluntary guidelines . prices bave worsened Jn January they grew at an annual rate or nine•t.enths of I ~nt. which trarutlatff to » yearly nle of nearly 12 per ('('IQl. It ...,.... «-frar daaf dnpfl~ d14-~ ••d ,~...., • ~­ •• ,........ •• ,,.,. Canrr pl•• '"" . ., ~ ....... ~ Acraculture Department for At 12 percent inflaUon. prices very sharp increases during double in Juat six years. Put J anuary in lbe prices of fruit.a, anothtt w.,-, at 12 percent infla- vegetabies and bfff. That, aod Uoo the value of money is 'cut in tempoT;lnly tight supplies. half. Today's dollar would buy just 50 cents worth of groceries in 198S. TRUE, PERHAPS. but then 1t 's always true th al severe weather occurs in winter. It's what makes winter. But price in· crea ses are made mainly by other foctors, of wblch weather BY MANY IF not most <'alculaUoos. a continuation of inflation at that rate would just about destroy the American ( Elf'." ANALY I . J economy. and alnce th ls ls a wor'd tied tocet.ber by trade and finance, lt might ruin the world too. lt II because of this, the total unacceptability of high rates of inflation. that the Carter ad· mlnistralloo baa made lt the No. 1 economic problem of our time. War, it feels, must be waged against it. That war, however, ls IOina poorly, and it seems clear rrom the remarks and actions of bual· neas, labor and consumers that despite the dangers and fean, a commitment to the Carter plan has not beeo made. THE AFL-CIO seeks a court decision on the right of Washl'ilgton-to enforce the guidelines. Many scores of large companies declined to pledge their allegiance; many amall companies have ignored the guides. And consumers? Whatever they say in the polls, the fact that they have been buying up a storm -literally, an economic st.orm -suggests they believe what'• expensive now will be cbup by tomorrow's standards . Generally. risln1 prices dampen demand, but this bas not beeo so of late. Consumers have been u1\ng increaaing Jmounta of credit in order to continue buying. And they've been dipptni into savlncs too. PE&SONAL SA VJNGS as a percentage of disposable income fell last month to just 4.6 per- c e o t , from .f .8 percent in December, one or the lowest rates since the mid-19505. It ls at least 2 points below "normal." What tbiJ suggests is that con· sumers either are compelled to cut savings in order to maintain lifestyles, or that they bave litUe faith in Washington. Battle· weary and wary, they seem not to believe. When that happeD.6 lo the troops, you can be sure t~ Jeederahtp will be blamed, a~ the blame is c0mlng with sur~ prising quickness. It was only months ago, remember, when the guidelines ~rem wu-.,.,. -· nounced. STILL, BUSINESS Weet magazine this week recom· mends Wublngton "recognlie an fact that Its wage-price guidelines program is coming to pieces." It suggests "writing off the whole unfortunate experi- ment." What then? Big 'Union con· tracts are coming up, and the at· Utude among workers seems to be that they mu.st overcome the erosion ol lheir paychecks. And industry feels it must get more ro r it.self. Does It mean controls, as bust· ness and labor fear? The ad- ministration repeatedly says no. but there's a question of whether It has credibility on the subject. The ordinary troops seem not to believe. It could be argued. in fact, that lack of believability could be a major element in the failure, so far, of the guidelines. At least as large a factor as that incredible , sever e winter weather. Sloop Spawns Cleaner River Arco to Cut Fuel Supply By JULES LOH AP'S..Cl.i~ SAUGERTIES, N.Y. -She is icebound now, tethered need· lessly to a tree. Shipwright's tools clutter her decks. Still in au she is a handsome sight, representing as she does both a memory and a dream. She is the Clea rwat e r. a Hudson River sloop. TIME WAS WHEN hundreds of Hudson River sloops plied this river; splendid boats , tall· masted, lines as graceful as a swan's. The Hudson was their home and begat their design bul they were familiar in ports around A.~ world. The first American craft to sail direcUy to China was a Hudson River sloop, the Experiment. "This boat is about the same size as the Experiment,'· s aid Donald Taube. sitting on a scar. fold of ice. pounding cotton caulking with a wooden mallet into wooden seams. "Counting the bowsprit she's 106 feet long with a 25-foot beam "THERE'S SOMETHING about a Hudson River sloop you don't see lo a sleek racing yacht. It's bard to explain. She's just a beauty." Taube, a bearded, husky artisan or 36, learned the shipwright's tr ad~ on the Chesapeake, repairing the all· but-vanished skipjacks , the classi<' sailing vessel that body of water gave to the world. He and other crartsmen are readying the Clearwater for her 11th season of missionary work. That's what the Clearwater is: the missionary of the Hudson. A novel idea IT WAS CONCEIVED 15 years ago when a couple of Hudson Valley residents, Pete Seeger, the folksinger , and Vlc Schwartz, an artist, witnessed with mounting horror the steady destruction of the river they loved. At the time, the Hudson was described as an open sewer. Both were sailing buffs, both history buffs, and both had read a 1908 book about Hudson River sloops. They were taken by one sentence: "We want to write down what we can reme mber of these boats ," the authors said, "Wcause they were the most beautilul boats we ever knew ( AMERICA ) and they will never be seen again" WRY NOT, THE two decided, let everybody see one again. They fell that if they could re- kindle a love of the river. the people along its banks would do the rest. Donations I auncbed the Clearwater, and a group called the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Inc., with head- . quarters in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., keeps it afloat. Whal began as two people and an idea bas grown into an organization of 5,000 membep. FROM APRIL through Oc· tober that lovely sloop, 5,747 square feet of white canvas fly. ing, sails from port to port up and down the mighty river. Schoolchildren come aboard to learn of the glory days when the river ran clean and sloop cap- tains listened to the thrashing of sturgeons in the night, to learn the lore of the river and hear the old river ballads, to learn the SDG&E "' ..... Earnings Decline gives you iDore! San Diego Gas and Electric Co. has report· ed earnings of $1.93 per common share for the 12 months ended Jan. 31. This is a decline of 9 cents from the $2.02 re· jpOrted last month for calendar 1978. T·BW+ 3/43 High earnings on "T-8111 plus 3140/o" SIX MONTH $10,000 Certlflcate. Ri_!e is determined by the u~·ned States treasury billl weekly Monday auction and Is effec tive th'S following Thursday through Wednesday. Interest compounded dally and paid on maturity. Subje~ to availability. $10,000 ONE YEAR Certificate. Interest paid monthly. A check of $70.84 will be paid to you or If placed in a 6 1/2 % pass· book account and left tor one year annual yield is a.1e01~. $5000 SIX MONT" Certificate. Interest paid monthly. A check of $31.25 will be paid to you or If placed In a 6112 % pass· book account and left for one year annual yield is 7. 73%. Interest reduced to 6% on all Cert /l/cates In the e~nt of early withdraws/. DAILY INTEREST PASSBOOK Account. Interest paid day-In, day-out, compounded end credited quarterly. No m inimum. No penalty for withdrawal. Annual yield e.ee'Ye. THRIFT BY MAIL, TOOi We pay postage both ways. Complete Information furnished upon request. Servin• Cellfoml•n• for over• qu•rt•r of• century. auww141• offloea with ••••ta over S132,000,000.00 W 'MSIRll JHFr a IOf>j A9iOCN10N ~· Coe" M .... 270 Eat.' 17th SllMt, (114) MS.31'3 lont IHcll, 4501 P•cmc Cot1t High .. ,. CA. (213) •·U01 Anli.ble to Ctllfomla Resident• Only. TH~ COMPANY at· tribulul....the lower earn. ings to ... reasons: -The California Public Utilities Com· mission instituted a gas supply adjustment mechanism in October. reducing the company's interdepartmental pro· fits from the sale of natural gas for power plant fuel. ...... Earnings were af· reeled by dilution from common shares issued Jast year to finance the company's construction program. mE EARNINGS an· nouncement was made in connection with a planned $5. 7 mHlton bond issue March IS by the California Pollution Control Financing Authority. Proceeds from the sale will finapce wute water dis· cbal-ge facilities at SDG&E's four powe r plants. lo an unrelated de· vetopment , the com· pany's directors have decla= dividends on comm , preferred and prefe ce stocka. The common dividend was 36 cents, unchanged from the previou s quarter, payable April JS to shareholders or re· cord March 20. . Your I> A Delly P1f0t ~ C>cJ Rtcycl«J a.... 00-00.,.... . .. --~-·~=· . - importance of the river in the lives of nearly one-tenth of the nation's population. "DOZENS OF GKOUPS have sprung up for specific purposes -to reclaim a marsh, put pres· sure on a polluter. We don't get involved in specific projects: but if somebody has a particular goal in mind, we plug him into the right group." 'Wafl ol F..W..' Designer Pi.erre Cardin says he will become a con· s ultant to the Chinese, to help them "develop the way of fashion." He says he has not yet signed a contract, but that he will advise tex· tile and garment workers. LOS ANGELES CAP> - Atlantic Ricblield Co. has an- nounced that it will cut fuel sup- plies to its customers to about 95 percent o( normal levels for this lime of year because of lbe turmoil in Iran that has shut down that country's oil wells. Has it worked? "The river is cleaner, decided· ly cleaner," sa id Marty Gallanter, a spokesman for the organization. Effective Thursday. the cut· back will affect nearly 10.000 gas stations in the West, Northeast and major cities throughout the nation. Ove r The Counte r MASOUstiftc)$ lnlrcEnr SY• ,...., PMrMI 5'Yt ,..,,, lntmtGl 14 u v. ,.....Ent U"' It"' lnllllW$fl I~ '"' Poetl'Olll 14\4 1Si4 lw•SoUI 2S .... ~ ,._.tltloft I I"' J_,..WP, 11'1 '"° P~(,e$$ 1:1Yt IS JMn\by U V. 1' Plnllrtn 21\/o Z2V. JlffYFd "' .._ PIOflHl8 ~ II )OsfynM 17 17\'-Pl•lllM ~!"" ~ K•1'5t pf 11 ""' Possls 21 21"" ~•Iv•• t~~ I~ ~~C 1'"" IJ\I, K~.,:-:n IJ\I'> 14 PW11Mn 11\lo '°"' K•MG•t "" "' Putoc.t> ' l Keywm > Pf-0...llftM n v. nv. Ktllnv 21111 ~ ReetnPr Ul'I V K.vf"fel 11 12 Aeycllm 514 5" l(lmNU ,..., I Aaymnd ~ """°11(f119lnl II U Aec:9£q Z2 13 l(n.peV HW. 15\lo AMCl£c n nv. IC••tos ""' nv. Aot>OMy W~ ~~ '--Mein 2011. 21 Aowlon I~ 164/, IAftclAIS WI 2 AouM lO II 1.-Co ';"" 1-. :::t .. ~ 11~ ~ tt:l~ '7"' a sc ... 0t IOYt tO'-....... ,.,. ~ 11 5crll)9H .-91'1 llNchGE 15..., .. SKP.c •Vi 5 ~llPwt S.lsOelt •Y> SI'! 1 ~1• 1 M ~vcmslr l>V. 14 M•lorAI 1 l\lo SNwml 114 • M4111ttrt JO 31 SolldSIS 20\I• 21V. MQIAnl '"" SC..IW1r U V. 16V. M.vlLP 2S'h 21 SwGsCp "4 I M<Conn IM UJ SwEIS¥ ~ '714 M<Ou•'f !0'4 11 StandYn ~ '7'h MldUW 19 20 SldA"IS .. ~ IW. MdldCIP 6 6 '"° ICRlo MldlAH 2~ 3 ,::z ,:::: Mldlllks ,. 71 m" "v. """"e' ~ ~..., "' \II MIU IG " 20 """' '""' =~ ,~.,,,,:..., NASDAfl Sunemary '"" ,..., MorvAes t 2 ,.. 1 lll'i ' Mosltlt P 1• 1' NASOAO SUMMARY '•• 2 ~ ~ MotcllM u .... 14 NEW 'l'~IC CAP) -Moil .ctiw 0¥fJ< l 7y, ' MotClull 6 6 11-<~IH 110CkS MIOPI~ oy NASO 4 , .. 171 Mueller 71 n N.,..• Vol-8lcl .oect o.. s ''~ , ..... N•l'OCP 73' n" oeeer •• m.•• 11·J7 • 21·17 .-s-l2 • -,.., N•IGOll 14\'t 17 En A" . . ioe,lOO l lll. l'-• 1·16 7 12l{, U" Nwf4fl£ I~ 14>{, MldfAM 116 S00 1"4 l -l-16 I )I 37 NJ~•s '~ I GEICO .. 116 jOO ... ea.a -.... • l411't 16 NltlSll A 20\4 11"-A•n410 . 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Mun • •1 10 JJ •nn Sq 611 NL qty I0.4' 11,04 IUll3 45F""1'•1fll uncb: H~ld 111911.97 US Gov •71 t0 1l......,Mu Sl4 NLSBl&Gr 1715118'1 7' I.JO Am I.cit 7.61 •• ,, HO Tr l.00 NL M•,MCll\ltetl c.o· II• 1 ,, I SoGen In n 71 11.7• -Tiit lolto.Mnoquo. , ... 2.91 Emplr IUO NL HCW ,..,, IUI Fl'ffd 1.15 I.SI~,.., 114 l .S1S• '""' 7.39 1 ~ l•llons. ~leet ..., Mofllll 13.U IUS Fr.:• E 17.ltl NL INAFd 11.}7 tUS lnclff •• , • 0 l'llotn Fd ltl .,, S•ln GI S.2:S ue Ille N•l~l AUOCI· NIWS 9.U IOOO H ltm 13.6' 14.M 1$1 Group: MU' 10.6' II .. Pl11!rlm Gt'P So ... r I,,. 11.33 U.ll •tlon •Of SecurlllH N'l'Vn 13.16 14.• Mof!M 1.00 NL Grwfl\ S.00 S.... Fdlnc 14.IS IS.. PllO Fd fl.SI IUt Stale &ondGr· 0Hltl'S, •nc.. .,. COl'und 10.22 "·~ MM"' 1.00 NL ln<;om J.61 l .'S M.tn Flf*KI' M419 c l so ).71 Com F • 20 •.J9 the prkts •I wtlkh COl!Km 7.11 1.*4 o.tn 12.'9 13.ft Tnt Sii t0.72 11.72 Ml T UO IO.l5 M419 In I to '· 01¥ Fd 4J7 4.9'1 , ... ,. MClll'ltlt$ ~RSM 1.00 NL fill' re 12.0I NL TrP•Sfl .... . .. MIG I.SI f.2:S Ptoflffr Fune!• Proo F UI 4.93 coukl -MM 1,00 NL us o .... •.03 NL lndllltry 3.T.I.... MIO 13 so,. St 1'111!11 lU7 IS. Stl'rm Gt 6.38 Nl. 'Old (Net .,.. t c; 1.00 NL l'ldtlll'f : lnrc-.. t,00 NL NICO •.03 •.74 II 9.02 •. SF""' 8• 10.77 NL v•luel M .llOU9M m l()A 11. A9,., ~ NL I"' lnvit II.SI IUI Ml'O 13 ... 14.SI Plan lllV tU• ll.11 Sl•I• SI u 31 •5.67 fVtl11e plln Mies . r1Fd ll.76 1$,CM JtOlld e.o. NL nv Gvid t.'4 NL MFll IUS IS 47 P1t9rth l0.1't It. S!ffdmen Fll!'ds· ci..r991 T~. .. Gr &ol: C841lt '·" U1 '"" ""k 1.19 NL Mflll\8 t .3111 • " Plllrnct 10 as ti Am Ind 2.t• NL ! Seti FUftCI .. J1 •.to COf'tfd I0,01 NL fny 901 t.$2 I0.1' C:th Mq 1.00 !'IL Pritt l'llflds· ASlo F '6 Nt AOEFd •.St • ro11t .» 4,11 O•ll'f I 1.00 NL 111ve11WS Of'Oup: MSl'I 7 ll 7 ti Grwttl 10 0 NL Invest t.12 N AcornF 17.n NL f~ 1.ot 7M Oslny 9.AJ ... ' l IOS lld JM S ... 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Mid AM 5.24 f 1J con" 11.16 11.20 T•tnP Inv 1 00 NL ""°"' 6.10 7 Sen SK e.n .. ,...., n l>t u .,,,, 22.AI n.10 MOH'I' F U2 • 21 E41vll IJ.41 IUt Tfn1 ~ 7.S7 8 n 90nd ll.12 U I Flllld LeS 9,61 FIMnc:l<M Prol: lv_y 6.01 NL MS• Fd 140 NL 0-9 12.7' ll.'5 T"'s lnvs .. ., ' 13 ~ 1.00 NL Orwtft '·" U2 OyM SA I'll. JP Gl'1tl t.IS 10.71 Mui 84ft 11'0 Ht Grwtll lO 12 11.2'1 fro t'.q 1U$ 1'.n Fdlnv 6.Jt 7 l!KOft'I L\7 .. ., llldlltl 'IJ NL J-s F te.t7 NL "''" l<d 1 S6 f,U Hl'l'ld ,, ... "·" Tudr Hd te.n Nl. G,..,,. 7 l) 7. Ootll IO.,. ti, lllCOft'I • " N Jofln HMICOCll• Ml" G"' it' '.. IM'Otn 7 l4 1_02 r-c Gt s 71 NL tncom 7 1'1 .. ta11 Ml 13.17 tS.16 I'll lllV9110n: llOl'd 17 ....... Mlll ... llf lllVfll 1.10 116 T-C l!K 1 11 NL ICA 14.Sl I Gttl '6.12 NL ..... AP Grwtl\ s. •.Jt Am.I' 10 II so <>vtn 12.n ,. 17 USM Gt , ,63 NL NP9rs S" t.J A• I hi.ti\ e.16 Lf7 Gf'W111 4 16 fiiEal 21 .. 23.a. USM Ill< IO.U NL WsllMt UI 1 gj: c; ,_t IAI ~,:;. ttt '1' hxE• IMOft'I .. 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Lenmn 30e IS2 '" PS14 s 20 131>11 '"' SOUPac , 40 6 112 ,,,,, ''• -v-v Arc•I• pf 2 1 31 CnsFrl I 10 • 30 23"1 1 ' GMOI pf S l .I.... lie Lennar 40 • 42 10', t '"° Pec14S 114 31 12'11 • Sou Ry l 10 6 71 "8'• '• \/F Cp I 40 6 I ltV. .. ,llrcat• pl'l 16 · 3 1~ • '"' Cn<"IG ) • Jt :II>'~• ' (',nPor1 to S 16 1114 -•·· LttF•Y 411 S IS ,..., ;~ P,teGE 1 32 I '6J 1411•-"• SoAy pl 3 II ""' v, \/SI Cp 60 6 • 17'' '" ArchrO JOI> 10 .. 161 • "-Cons .... 2 14 I lfO 121">, GPU 1 to 1 ?SS 11 -~· L.oFdC 7 IS"-• ~ PatllQ t 1 S4 71'"" • SoUnCo I 11> I 11> n~. ~. Valleyl11 40 11 6 S"lt , ... AnhcE"I S S1 ,,... \. C:"'""' Df7 4S . z1SO 7> , 1 GnRMr 30 IV.-Yo LtvFln IS. 1 IJ,\• Pe<Lm 7 to 11 tO 41V> • II\ Soullnd nt> 9 12 16 .., \/at10rn '2 S 10 ,, .. _ •., ArfJPS t• • tt0 '°'°' CnPw 1>f1 jO 2 t)\lo ''· G11Sl911I I t .. t. • t>o l •v1Str t IO ' Ht 41 •. PNwTel 1 6"I 1 46 17'11 SO..Aoyl 1 16 109 S.•, • ·~ \/erlen 40 st '° IS.... .... "lr•B~t 60b 5 • Ill'> " CnPw l>f1 l.J I ,. .... v. G"SIHI -1 s '"' . Lev Sir..., " 41 • " Pe<Pel I "" I 541.11 SW'IAlr n ,. s ... di.~. " V•to 32 • .. , •• Arl<LGs 110 I 17 34'• • ~ CnPw pn,43 , n .... , w, (',TE I • 1 '11 27'1-\, LtvlllF 60 S tQ 11 -... Pa<Pw 1 '2 I 17' 100-+ "'Swl8lll 12' 6 SJ 2l'<ll V~o <10 1 10 11'1. "''"'Aly 17S '"' • ConlAlr .30e 2 71) ..... ..... GTE pf , .. • u... LOF 2• • 11 ,..... Pa<TT I 40 • ,. 14\.-•• SW'IFO•t lO s .. Uh Velldo II S" Arm.ot II S s.... ContCoP • 111 '"'· .. GTFI pt 1.tl 1100 ni. .. LlbrtyCp • 1 I lll"• • ... Pt<Tln IO ' 4 U"1 I• SwlFI pfl SO S tt°"' . Vtnlt• U , .. /6rmto , ,. s 111 , .. ,., ... C"llCorp 7 • 11' 7S GTFI pl I JO 110 131, • Llb•1YLn , II ,... PelneW ... • J1 1'-ii SwlPS I 2' • .. 13"o VolS. I~ • """ .. Arm Df 2.10 I J>),, .. Cn11Gr1> 1.20 1 1SI " -... GT Ire , ~ ' 1•1 14\1.. ,,.. LlblL DI, 1S 1 10 PalW pf , lO 1 13..., Spar1r 4IC) 6 n 1<'• • ., \/1acom 7S u 76 u~. lo ~'r~tPCf. 4·1~ •1 11041 s,?u t CnlGD pt 1 . I 27~ . Ge~UO 69 4\h... Llll')et 7,jC) ' 239 Jiii'> '"" PelM8< 1 :l!O 4 11 16'" lot Soerton 60 U 6 11'"> • V. VaE .... I 31 1 1Sl 13 ... A rill ~ ,_ 11• Conllll 1 . .&A 61"• uv. • 11. GenuPI I :n 13 u Jt '" LlllyEll 1.IO 1J IOSJ ••~• • Vo Pemlda 12 10 S1 41, SpectPh is 63 22"'-"• VeEP l)f7.'0 • 11 I • ..... ~ 1.20 • 2S 20t1; ;!;' ~ntllP l.31» 32 ., ...... . G•P•C 1. 10 10 ... ,,,,.. • v. Linc NI 1.fO s 13' 3SV.. "" PanAm 1 •s. S\> -'"' SperryH I s 3 10. '"' Vorna(lo S• u ""'· '°''~~E I I ' ""' -lllAI • l 'I• 11' GaPw pfl.st 1' 2•''7 • '" Llnc"llOI i I 71 -"' PanEP 180 1 13'1 .&A:i.:. SprryA I 12 1 S99 <IA!• ~. Vulrlt1c 61 S I UV. Artow ·'°' s 16 Ill'>• 11• lOil I.SO 1 SIO lO ,,. ~Pw f)l7.7S . 20 :Ht... Linc Pl 176 . I ....... " Paprcll I 14b 1 18 17~, SornolM I OS 6 • ,.., • ,, VultnM 160 7 SI JO'• ... Arvfn I 4 ll:M 14"• ~ ~t,et 1,24 I ?.Jn IS ... , ePw pf7.IO r40 n I Lionel IJ It SI ·~ • Yo PeroH I Ol 11 S 12'• '~ SquarO 1 SO I O 23v., V. W--Arvin pl ~ •l'I n~ '"° llOata .40 ' UJ tt!Oo ..,. Pw llf7.n ISO 73 -1h Litton .5'1 lM 20'h ... Perl<Or l4 7 "' 191/J-'-SQult>b I Ol 1) no l3 • ... WUI 60 12 11 lJ "° •~•co 11 • ,,,,_ wd 1..SO • 2 11 ,,. re .... • ti '8\h L.o<kllcl • 111 11~ '-P•rH•" 1 10 1 U 24'il h Sta Alt~ IO 6 tt 12.., • • • W•t>elll SO s 10 u >.. • • 14),.1011 160 6 7ti 36"' '• CoottUn 3'I ' to ••• , .. GerDPd I SO 11 •S ?•\'> '" Loc111e 40 10 IS7 211'> • P•rkPn 60b • '1 ""' ' St•ltY 1 ,. JI JO\. '°' wacllov 1' 1 1 IS.., '• '"40G 1 IO 1 S2 "'""' C-ln 1 ... 8 31 41', \• Gell., 12010 IM 31\oo-'·'1 Loew~ I JO l a 42 • \'> Pet Pl I U 7J 1~ ''O StBrllcl 1 Jt 9 "6 1• h Wacllfllv S P• ::~·,7, : 'rl ~ J :::-: C:-Laf> .AO 10 40 10\lo ... Getty Pf 1.10 I " LomFn IO 1 , lO'n PeyllflW so • 137 II''-St8Pnt M • 11 ··~-.... WalM•I ,, 13 lilt ,,~. AllAk 2 -• ... ~.. c-TA IO • 1 II~ "" c 1 ... 1PC '°" 1 I~ .... LOMM I 85' • I 1'~ PUbd., 1tb • u di~> I SldMolA........ u IS... W•IOrll I 40 6 1 ,..... • .. ~ .., ,,., "' (-lllcl .. 7 n 11' • Vo GlbrFn .60 • Ji. 13 .. • V. L.nSlet 1 40 S 110 71V. v. Ptnqo 1l 7 .. • "" SIOllCI 7 IO 7 S1i6 44''1 WlkrA 1 608 I 11 ~.... '• AU Ac ,. 2.IO 1 10'1, • 1 • (_..,d I 21 I l 1" 1 v, GldLew 10 • ts U ''li '• llLCo I IO 7 lH 1''~ Yo Pe11Ctn 1713 11'1< + ''• sig111c1 J 7 197 u><o-1, WallllU\ .. I I J3."1 AllHClp 3 11' > C0tdura ,44 10 10 •'• .. GlllHlll IO S 4 UV, LIL pfl( I llO .. l,. 12 . . PennGn pt A U 10'.'li SI llOh • 11 l1S ""'°-1., Wei Mu 1 70I> 4 SI Jl'h .. AuloDte .S2 U 0 3 11h v. C:oreln .11 7 6 II••• II. Glllelle 1 60 I 11• ,..., . LIL pfO 1.41 12 1Slh . PenCn orB '34S S"" + \It 50011 pl 31s rt:JO n""-"• WellJ m 1 ao ) ~ 26\h 14VCOCP I , 176 ""' '1• ,~, G '. • ,. S111.-... Glnotlnc s 50 '"". I'll LonoOr .... ,, 100 2• VJ PtnOt. IO'I 311). \'II SIP&<CP IOI> • • ,.,.. WarclFd ' 37 10"• Avco Pf 4 10 . 14 H ><i Cor 81k 1 24 9 3" 2314 ~ GleHW IO 6 6 tJ • • LoralCD t 9 6"I 11 -\.', PtnlltY 1 1' 6 n1 ~''°' • ''-Slendtll 6S 1 2f IS'•-'Ito WernAco 6 19 9l'o ~. ·~,,v~y •. IOS1 ! ,!os '1~!"'. •• 11• ~lrt• • " ,,,. .... Glol>Mar 8 ,. u:i. '"' LaL•nd l.2t t .,, ,. .... P•PL '.,, 1 IOS to~ . SlenW I°' 1 ii 23"" . w .. ns 1,60 1 3 Jl... " ft ·~t v , •• "' Co IH 'O 17 ' 21VJ ...... GkfWFn so ) '7 """ ..... L•P•c .60b • S'3 19... v. PaPL pt. 40 rlO ....... . Slarrtl ,·n 6 IS ?<IV.-..., WrnCom , 1 6l •J I• ""°" 2 60 ,, 12• ....... "" CoKBclet .n 12 20 S9"• v.•Gdrl<ll 1.44 • 1l4 llfli LouvG' , 10 .. 1071\ •· P•PL pl •• ~ rlO 4511'1. SIMullnv n IS •'• ..... W•rnrL , 10 • JU n~ -.__. -Cralo so • 13 II • y, Goodyr I 30 s 131 1•\oi-.... LOWtllll ·'° • 10 ,....,_ 14 P•PL pf I.AO 1tjC) ... . StaMS. 1 OS ' 1ov. WlllNtt I to 6 s 7• ... llt<M .CO. f ll ''"" • '" Cr-l.«11> I 11 1' + \II GotclJw 60 ) ' 11 L\lbtl l I 60 10 lit 41\o • i. PePL r 11 llfO II~• ~. St•ulCll 1 1 11 Jl.V, \., Wa\11$11 I 40 10 ~ J1" 8•~•1111 44 12 5.s:J 31... CredlF .... • n ,.. ~-(ioulcl '·'° • 100 11 + II. LucllyS I • ,. IS ~-1 '76 1 S9 JO"> -·~ Sl•rtlll SW s l .,. W\llWI , OI 6 , n •. '• llelclWU I.to s ,. 10.... CrocllN 1 ' ,. ""' .... Grece 1.'0 ' u """ ..... LucllOw 60" IO ,,.. .,, Penw DI I to II tol •• '"' SterlBCD .. • II ,,... Wa\l•M so II .., t7\. .. ...... ',','~·Pl 1.1010..! ..!! "'" Cn•N pf1 II . l '""· .. Gr•l"O' ·"II 1.&A )I~ lit Lukell$ .. ' • ,.... "" "-nrol 1 ' 1n n·~ ..... SterlOo 7110 ,.., IS ..... '"' W•llllnJ 40 ll 11 ,.,.. •• M ~ -• SI .. • ~. Crmpl( 104 S S ,...,_ .... Grenlfvl 1 lll 11 11\'7-•, LynC:SVI .AO 16 lO 11'1'>. Peo9(il 2 • 7 36 »..... Ster Pr• 110 11 11 l\ W Go\ ... ) I s.,, '• Belt e 2" 1 61 JS 1. Cro;iHI I 2S • 3 JJ'--... GIAIPC SJ .. ,,.. .... -M-M -PepsiCO I 10 111' U\.> SINMnl so 10 ti n·:-" w:~o '°' IJ m ... ~: '- 811•." Paf~ ·.~ 1 t101 41 VJ C,...nCk 7 H tt" "> GtLllO la S U lS'" • '" M14COM 40 11 '10 lllV. I Perlt.lnE S111 1'2 11'*i-'" SlevtnJ 110!> S 1' 13 .. -v. Wel•M~I 110 9 , JS''t ~. nd•,,. -11~ • ''I Cnwlel 190 7 1'9 32¥11 + .... GNlrn J lle It 10 2~• '• MC14 I JO I ate 41 • 1'. Ptrte< • 106 l "o-·~ Sl~•W• J 10 6 t 301;, .... F n 07 1 .. "e!~OPynl7.•~ ~ ~. 20 • '"' CrumF 1 °' • 30 JS'h ... GINONk I 40 • 107 ,, .... + .. MEI '° 1 ... 11-.+ "' P•l•Oln 1 04 • .. 34\'J-~. SIOkVC 1 31 9 Jot 29 • • Wei~ ~ • 1 1 2 • ·~N -, • "" '"' Culbro , 16 70 13 ''• GIWFln , " • 110 , •• ,. "' MGIC .n 6 12' ,,.,., • PtlAI 7.4'• . ,. 11 s1 .... ew 11Sr a J 4Sf•-...; :r~PMp:. ~ tlO !,... I Bllof\/a I°' s ti ,. Cumen 1.IO • Sl 33 ~, Greyh I 04 ' Ill 11\ot . M•cl4F , 1 , uv, .. v. P•IR\ pll JS . 3 19"1 . ''• !>lonCon 6020 "' 16'/o ~ .... WIPIPe 2.IO s JI 33'1< v. B11kAm 1.10 1 210 1•14 Curr Inc 1 10 s 1 10~1 .,. Greyhllcl wt • 47 IS·J1 1·31 MecOn .40 s ' • .. PllHr 1.3110 260 30 • ''• 'itooSnp 1 10 • t 1sv •• '· W•lclf 90 9 10, 11 , .., BankTr J S SS 33 .. • "' CurlW .90 1 ~ ,...,_ Vo G.-C ,..,, 6 9 ''°'·. M;tCke .. I t• 8'4 V. PttelPO 6023 1118 16"• '' Slorh< 1J 6'l6 30"•-•• WflAlrL .40 3 IS9 9 81t Tr pf , ~ • 26\lo Cyclp • 3 61 dll'I'> o;, (ilhRIY . 10 .... . Macmlll .n 1 )4 "'" .. '• PttlleEI , IO 10 "' ""' ... Storer8 , )0 • 31 JOI. '· WA Ir pl , 10 ,.... ... B•M•• 1212 I 12V. v. Cypru• .llObl2llOiutt:i.. .. 111.Grumm1.20 6 113 "'-'•M.Cy 165 ~ 410dl1"• '4oPnllEpf8.7S rllOOll"••l'•s trldAlllOI 6 • 13\'> I• WnBnc 136 6 02 ,. , " Barber I '° 10 113 ,.. • • • • -0-0 -Guard In 36 • II ,.... " Mee ypt • u 110 4S ..., PllllE pf • n rlO 101... StuWor I 2S s IM 71 • 't w nCo1'A <O 9 0 2... • I . &.rdCA 3110 11 111~ OPF 4 30 10 . GUWiln 7S • 401 U '• Mcl\Fcl 11'e 31 IJ'r Ph11Epf1.IS tl.0 11 .. "SuavSllo 1011 11 3...,• ,., WPetln 1 19 Jt'• 1 1111•,',",,sG.p .• ! 1•0 9J7 11"" • Demon .20 171 '16 SI-\ \It GlfW pl J.SO . 1 311, • .... Meo.CCI to s H 9•; ~' PlllleSul> '16 I 21 ,,... Su!>PrG I 31 6 2 JO•n-" w nPut>I • 24 176 14.., W -1•1• 1• OanAlv • 6 Ut 14~1 . (iullOll 1 'O • 1311 13''> l MelOnH '6 10 19 711, •,. PhllMr 1OS10 46'f ,S ....... SuftChnl 110 S n 16"-'• WUlllO" 1 4IC) 1 no II.. •• BalHMI IOff 1' )I '-D•n•CP 1 AO ' 6"I 2S.. i;. GullAt\ .2S 7 111 10" ~ ManM" ,30 4 S 91, '• Pl>fllnd JI S t• 41h SunEI 60 If 71 n"• '• WnUn Pf• 60 0 ''> • 1 Bautch 1.n 1 32 ~ • '• O•n•el 1' • 11 ,.,... GullA Dfl.lO 1 ,..,, \'> ManltLI .30,, 1n •'•. "" P1u11nc1 pf 1 1 1~ .. '' sunCo 7 eo , u. .,.,, . .,, wnun pU 'IO 1 ,., , " BaaHno .~ IJ Ill U t, '' Oertlnd 1 IO 1 61 l1h 14 GullA r 1 60 10 17 .... • '" MfrHen 1 JI ' 61 JI . PllllPtl I to 1 S'1 311 .. • \lo S;;nC pt JU • ,,.,,_ l'I WUn (jpfl II ,! I~ llevColP I S 3...,, 1• 011rt pl 2 . S >1 • GllSIU I 3' 8 101 Ul"ll •·>MAPCO I.AO • 101 29~ • "Pllll\/H llO 4 1 ,,_ '" Sunl>m 1 40 6 •ISi 19 ... , ~ w llQl:I ti 6 .Ol 11.,. '"' 8aySIG 1.'6 1 • ""' .. O•••Gen 14 9J ff"4 1'-g1rsu pf<l.AO 110 44 \"t Mar•IM IO 9 121 »"II ,., P le<IAvl ,. ) S• I~~ .,. 5Und\lr ., 1 •II n -"" w9 y 1 n , u 2Y• ;;.ay;r: 1:! : ,'..? 1;'.'" .... g:::~r .10e 11: m ~~ • 1~ G~ll~cl .: t ~ 1~:-~ ::~;z J~ : ~! ~~. ~ ::r:b~Y ,·~ 1 I~ ri~-Vt ~~~~pf~ 11 Jg ~i.., ~ ~ :fo~; .. 1 ~ 9 ~; ~'"° .,.. 'd .... 21 Yo . oevco .SOI> l 14 isv. v.. -H-H -Me•Mld .IO 1 s1 n•.... . Pion<tr t.'2 • S6 29'h • v.. supr\/•t )4 ' >• ,,,,.,_ v. W~tlf 1 JO ., 30~ ~ !!~IF pfJ.! IS 1~ 41n~ 1,_ O•ylHd I 60 3 ~"° "' HM~W U ' l · · · · • M•rlonL 6"I 10 8" IJ!o-V. PIOnrEI 10 I 21~ + '1'I SuorOll 7 90 3' 17 3l7~~-v1 WlleelPll 4 n ISt o • 14o .-..-m ... ~ ~· OaylPL I 66 ' 'O IS... "" H• a s J3 , ..... "' M••~Cll .]6 1• 11 121'>-"' Pll11t~8 110 1 " 1314. ''· SupmllG ., s 69 11'11 • ... MIPI pl s l30 I • BactnO ... 11 .,,,. sw. ~. OPL pf 1.70.. rlO 11"' + .... He IFB I 7• 10 7• 1'14-..... Merk pf 1'20 3 1SV.. ... Pitt Fro 'O I • 19:W.-'"' Stll>\CP • • ••• "' :11 I 1' I 20 r 1 •. ,.,: . : 8"Ch, .9' 1 06 UV.• '" Deere 160 7 340 :M\to-V. Halllbt 1.IO 9 Ill 6'''-+ v. M•rl•Y I 7 f ~ Pltlltn 1201' 110 "\'> SutroM 90e t 11 '"•, " "t JD 1 ;; It• .. aeurp • '1 ,:lit '• OelmP I • 1 SI ll"-"HamrP I AO • U 7111•-.... Marriot 16 8 111 11\:.-\,\ PlenAtc 1 101 S~-''• Sw•nll 1.0. 6 i. 71\/o • '•=~::.Ml I 4 ln ~· '- !!!<O , IO )s J,J.s -· ' 0.llaAlr I\~ 1n ,.... • • HenJS 1 SI• I IS~ MrtllM 2.lO 12 ,. """ ... Pl•"'"' 12,. ,, ...... _ .. Sybton .. 1 101 17"> .... Wlllllell 50 6 7SI ,; ... -: ... """dt" M • ~· u.. ' 0.llK S.SOc,: •• d Si. HenJI I_... 1J It "lo Mr\llF 11• t 14 IS\.-Vt PIODOY 1217 118 11:i.-'• • T-T -f:!if£w·~ ! ~ 1m· :: &:~1:i· 7, ·1~ 1~" "'~~';'~ ~.~ ,~ ~~:;. :; ==~~ ·:1t ~ ~~ ;,,. ~·J~o'~,: ~ ~~. ~ ~=~ 1 ~ ! ~ il:~-:: :!f('Jk, ~~t ~ :?~·: R•llCd f·~ ! 1~ m:. ·~ g:~~~y : 1: :: ~ ~ ~:~ii:J : : :; t~ J: ...• 1 •• ::s~0 .~ : ~ ::~· ~:;rd~:~ 2m ~"' ..... rn: ~ : ~ l !~~: :: ::~i:oo , ... ~ 44 ,..,, =· ) S4 6 <40 37, .... DeSoto I a S3 I I I, .. Herc!Hl .10 6 77 Ulto • i,. Me~!'lt 110 I loo. lt"o 1 " Pllclrote .60 • 9•. t4'11 '" T •118<d 60 I 21 19''1 • •~ WllllerJ I U 11 1~1 ' , , • R•lllCP I IO ) ,, » .... • ,., OelEd I S2 t 71 IS • Yo Hemlslll 111 '1 121oo-I.Ii MUM 1~ 10 10 IJ"' Pooehl 11' S Sl 7' 1~ hllty I • \\ 10"' '• Wl\EP 7 2• I US 26 ~ 0_,r 2 50 ''° 1'\ 0e1e o1 'n 1uo ,....., + ,,, Harrah .~ 10 ,, n ~ MauvF ,,. 10,,.. .. Porltt .tab • 1• 16 • "' Talley pt 1 • "'"' ,... w i r.fts , .,, 6 a ~, ,,. Otnol . t 61 3..; '"' Oi!IE pl 168 tl30 IS I Herrea 1.W 7 3 ,,,,.,. v. MHCP 1,61 IS ,~ t "'PorlGE , IQ I) ISll """· hmpE I,, 1 ISS "'" .... w1:C'PL ,.,. • ,, ""• ''• 0.IE Pl I 0 •1W " • \'1 H•rrls .60 111002 1H• ~ "" Mtslnc l.OI . 10 11 • "" PoG Pl 11 so ''"° 103 -... lallcly 1 "" ,,.,, PS 8 ,..... v. R~~~~P 16 : ~ 2!~ ~ O•IE pf 7 36 160 70 • I,. Her"o I 90 6 7 2'1\, v, M•ll•I IS. 6 n •'• • ·~ PorG pl 160 1 2S • v. hlldvclt 11 ,. 14..., ::~o : ~ ~ 11 AethSll 1•40 • ,.7 21...,: \ Ot!IE pl 1.IS I 7S.., + '" HUISM •• S 27 111o\t • .. M•lttl wt I\ 4 , 1, Poll It h 1 t• 1 11 lO"•-.., TePD•n '8 4' 76 •'•, t 1 Wlltr~ IO • SS ~, , • llltTllr .&0 l1 st :M ' ' DE pf8 2 7S I 1Wo ''-H•rteH~ .S. ll II to"'--'t Mey OS 1.21 ' 144 ,,._ .. v. PotmEI I J4 I 319 13•1-'" Tcllncolr ao • 11 11 \~ W lvrW )0 ' '" IO , • B flf\e IO I 1 IS! . 0.IE,., 2.11 10 """ '-H•rtqd .AO s "° llllt .. Mayer<> , 10 • 71\11-v. PotE~I • 50 11000 .,..,_ '• Te<Mltn 10 11' "'' WO"' IC llO I " ""' .... llliFSl I • s '°': 0.•I•• .IO • u »''> ii. H•tlSe I.SO 11 10 ,. • .... M•YIQ 1.60• • 7' "'"'• ,, Prem 6"110 to ,..... .... Ttktm• .. ,. 11' ... ~ .. w:.O"p, .., II I'" 2s-. •• Bl II Or M II lt7 II' OIGlor ... 1 S2 M'" Hwll£1 114 t ll J~-"--McOermt I S ru 19V.. PrlMI rt! 10 IS1 ""' • .... TelKor 7 6' ... W IW'lll I 40 \ l1' 1q.., • "' e1:frJ,. 1 a • n JS. t,. Ol•ICo '10 1 , ~-ti. Heyt\tA I.! II ,.! 11-.. • M<Or pf 2.20. so i.~-"" P'1p o<IG 3U .I .. '21\;i Tele<ln • ,., • IOSI 1111~ w:1 .. DI t 10 , tt .... 811HL I I 0 IS'> '" Ol•lnl 2.10 t 1' Jiii!; • V. 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PSvEG 2.20 1 "9 11~ '•••<o 1 1 t«> ,.,... • • Borde" 'n • 41 1S Dl111t•IEQ ..... uo 4"I! • ..,, H•lmrP ... 10 1l ~ •.. '. Mc out ' '3 10\"r-..... P':sEO ,,.,, 17 . • 77"'-Yo THCM , .., • 13 ,..,,,:..:. 14 -)(-Y-1.· 11°"'w · 22, 117 ,.v • .;·i(. 0111111om .s2 • ,, '"" ... -l•rcu1ts t. • '" tall) .. , .. Mc r0 ·'°" u u ""+ ""aE}jto •. 2 ,._.,... rueii ;., 1 16 .......... )(••H 1.0 • m »•I\-v. llOrM"S.054! • IJ , ......... OlllOfl 1.32010 s """• "'i1•nlly l.llf'' " """• ... McHell .ao. " '214•" E . 1us .. 1100 11011)-1,,., TeaGT , .. I 6 ·~· ... XTAA 104 l .. tt"'i.t\~ llotEcl 2.44 • 14 n\'t Ol&fltJ A 12 ,,. ~-v. "1tnlon •• ,. , ...... " Me!ICI '·'° s ,,, ,. -.... E pfl.to .• tS40 """ + I\ Tolftd '° s 3' ,,,_ . x TAA wl 11 1S + "' llOSE' pf ... llO 14 • 1 Olvnlcllfl l.J 62 1"4 • I.Ii H•UOtln 1.52 • JSI t71'.-~ Mee pf82.IO • . 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OorOllv ,60 9 t 't"" Holiday .M I lst U"-• V. Merd tr la ' S Sol"'+ Yo P\lrftlll'<I t 112 S\lt • ._ RrnPet .0. t 10'6 J0-'117 II. Oorwy . .ci s » , ...,_;.·~ !1011\'S •• 10 1rn •. MerTa I.• ' '" 1'"'i v. Pllf'Oltr 11' '\ IS 15\li • Re ubllcans Jo1·n Labor erkwGI 1 ca 1 11 1a 1. [>o,r•r t AO e 12 li~ ""'tG pfl.10 . 14 lOlil -"'*Mero HO It no MYr-\4 Qu•O 1.10 t •t 13 -"' ep RkyUG 1:'° • 1' ,.~ I.Ii OOwCll , 4(1. s.. ) :.:·v. HomJlk '·'°",, llO .. -.... MerrLy .•• U) lH\ .... CNallSIO •10 13 ,. • .. vrAStnNGTON CAP) A groun or ewnShp tab s 11 1• '' Dow Jn I 44 12 1a .Iii-~ Honci. .31•" 10 <113 -v. MtttPet .• u llS 2S "" Ovenu 1 1 •• n -11. .. Brown •. JO • 83 ,,._ "' gr•vo 1:it • ,. t•"-· HOll•ll 2 20 • ~" ""'. "" M•Hb 1.47•" >I U9' t ""Ouellor ·'° 10 s7 1~-.... Republican congre11smen Is joining BwnGp I.IQ ' " 14\41 .... ruu 1 7 n • 11~ .. I.Ii HOOYU 1.1• 6 ti 70'4-..... M<l•I• ·'°' u ' ltl4' v. -"~ -awnF•• 60 10 UI l)>lo ... revh n~ ' ,. ,. HOtlton • ,, ,.._ .,. MGM .ao • .,. tofll ACA 140 7 ..,. U•4. loo the AFL-CIO in attempting to pre-8 11 :.O , ,,. aYo ouPOflt ' , 1 '" 1~ ~ ii. HospCp ..SO 11 437 1'111 \h ~''"' UO 1 24 siv, . . RC/6 pf • 16 OSI"' -1 v. I l I .._ 8~:;o on 40 10 ~ ·v. duPnt "''so . 1 44 ..• Hos111111 .t0' .. ""-.., Mc:11Gs ,,. • 1 "~'· ""1tte ao s ,, t0\4 -. vent the Carter adm n strat on 11 um 11rv111w 1.AO ·, s. 11-. .. ~keP '"° 1 au 'f'\lo .._,. '·109 10 uo ~ -_.. """""' '1f1 12 l .,.. ''"'· "'RLc s. • 1711 "~. denying large federal contracts to 111tcyEr .. , 193 17 ,, ll• Pf '1S A 1 -\fl HOUcipl , U 'f I + ... Mcl~et 1,AO ' 2'7 !~ \'t lla!lPUr ft t .:i 12 • .... BU!daC. pt ao 1 , .. " "• p11.20 11010 asv.-~ HOU9M 1..0 11 v.-"' ~-°' · • n -.. Remu _,,.it,.,, 10111 ·• companies that rail to comply with llutF' I '°9 . S ,. uU pf J.. t7 26"'-"" HOUiFb 3' I 14 ~... • • Mlcl U I.» ' l» Ulh-Yi AIHl<O .I• • 11 UV. a.:. · ' ,. •Mi ouo P' ..... 11000 93 -v. t1~F !:. ! ~ ' 11! !!" ·:~ kl .. 1> '""·... ""'"m .-i 43 u .. • '• wage and price guidelines. !!lune.I • ·s • 1114 I.. Ovnllr 140 11 lt1 a1v.. .. .._ "" ... , •• • ... .,._ "' Mkllt01 1.10 • n ov.-v. lt4111A ftf > , SSlll-1 "W j 'ni l•h' •'-AF'CIO -~ , • •11 ,. .... D1111Lt 1.n IO '°" ·~ .. U:::"' pf 2.90 . • JI • 14 Miiien¥ •• 11 1U --.. R•'fl>I I 600 ' IOO )4~-"' e are 01 ng w I< "''e ..,. ellll!!A 'so ·; ,,_, ,....,. ""ouoot u1 · 1100 11v. ~ ..... .!~"o u•1 ·• JOs,.1 ?!"'· Mlltllnt ·• 7 17 ". ~-"'"•v"'nci'" 1 • 40 ,.._ .. "' becau• .. these back door controls are 8ft!ilt pf 1'50 37 ,1\4 14 01111 pr ,,10 .. 1 dtOYr-~ ,,,,_ • .-""U Mt ltoy ,., n ~ 16\4-""••'ftlltl uo t m ._. . """ • lllfl'!ltl I.AO ·; •Jt 11 .... v. 01111 pr ,,u · 1100 i. -~ ~~4!'!' 1~ .,, "1t I!!'• :! M1 .... os t'M 1 n wo .. v. R•tc1811t 1 ' JO '°"'· '· a sham " Sen J ohn Heinz R·Pa., 0 NO !.IO s 115 • ..., ..., Outch8 ,,. ,. 7~ + \lo """""' ,,. • .... • -f>#lll'.M .~ 1t ~,...,_ IQ •n1te1 '., I s U\4-.. • • • ,::Ho flfUl5 "' ,. ; Yo o.,.n,.,.. .10. s 11 s-.. ..... 9""':!1 ·n ,: 1;; g~-~ Ml11PL ... t 1 ·~· 11o !!""' ... i.to • n 4h .. . said Tuesday tn explaining why the 1~1t 1: ·• ,: 21.-. -~ e:o&o :;.,~;4,,.-,.11o ..... R~~'.: ii 5' ,.,.,.-; .,... =~~· t:l I ~ ~~t ~ ;:::r1.: : 't J ... ~ v. 13 Republicans filed the friend-of-lbe- •"""' • j iO 3'2 M~ l!i ~';~I ·,~~, : ,,..,., ~ H~t15F Al 4 ' u~. IA a: .-1111 m ;; .. : ~=~~I J• 1 l S•l!-..·; ~ COUrt brief. I:'"""°.~ ~ ':~.::: E .... p ''° 7 21 1~ "UY<ll ~ ,.,_. ~ tl\4+... H '° 44 ""' .. fl•lllGllt~. ~ ' • "" Rep. Jack Kemp or New York said ~I' ,:;oc111..-~ v. r::f:,, i.10 i .t 1~.-·~ :s :11c1.,, l~ ' ·~ ~~~-~=~·:II t 11:· ~:::&:if D : 11 ;::._.. he Carter program "cans tor cc~"' ''j 1 ~ 1..., 1~:;,r::. ~ m:· ... '~"" : 11' • :·::· ""°'*r-' Ill,. ": ,r:.:: =~ ...... !J: • ,: =!. ~ .evoral years of sacrifice from '/'' .io. P ,, .. _"' f:~~u l.., .~. ", ~·•·v. l=~ff't: s ': j=~-~ INM1I '~ ~ J r.: ·-. =1~' uo 1 .. •{~~:: American workers, yel addteues on· le t~,t " n : .. :,... f!alO!I t~ S 'ft H~ V. :~,iL, lljti 4"1 11°t···4' = t" t )44 •tllt-\ii R "'~ J ~· tl~+ \It ly lhe tymptomll not the CaUSCS or HA "" ' ' Id tlYt-I.Ii l:t lllll' .~ tt !'2 l~ • \It .2S • II -If .1J. 1 U l(i fl tlC I 6 ti,.. .. , n ' N•Pft.io. ",.~ .... amilJ• •10 ito ~· .... :~~::!BfJ,.·I J ,:"=:::: Mt1t1 u '~ t 1 1.-..... "a••v1<>1P111 1J•1 11 '• Y~·.·i!: In allon," ...... Et , .. 11 11,,. lcllsl• 1.10 t 101 ......... 1_ 'f 1 '° 11 n -......, t. ii '' 'l-·"• .o . . ... 110 ·1 20 .. _ • .,... ctwrc1 ·•in 11~· 11o,;;;:n ,., t ..... -.,... '' 't 51 191'1• "'•'v'0 "'l ~ ~t:· ... Newhall Drops Takeover '" '1: ' ,i n"" ·," ~·rHC,.., 1~ ~ 'tt: ... " 111'--'·a • H ""': .. _._:,,.. ' ~ .... .. .::~ , Jll II »1 .,........... Btd C 1'• 1 ~ ~... -10$ .M II "iO " """' pn .. tUO 711.1 ., MOf'9lfl t" I " .... • Ill RH!len\ -)t lt\lt • "" • • $ II .. -t: :.,:-,,. ........ :. :~~ '":lf'U "-.:... ..... Merll:fh::. :t == i.::;~r: .tt' ,~ ,'~. ~ SAN FRANCISCO CAP) NewhaU $:1!·•. n ., @•~:: IP;r, ·,'°~ jJ 1$.:~::~• i:a.m =~-·~=~t.1 1 ~ ,t:;·1c.::il~r~·, .t ~:t.: Land & Farming Co. said It has ,.. • " 111·~· • · "'• '14 7 t· ·· 11~~.n.'il · 1 ~-"'~~rt· i '~ ~-14 =•YM' :,•: 141 r.~!. ~ withdrawn rrom a three-way baUe l<'_, i: l ! \lo-t :::~i";;;u W " fld•j~H1 J J !!._: . .' ::ITT;, t • : ~ •ir 1,S I I n for control ol MettopoUt.an ~velop-~f 1!J J? !ft~ 1:::~ l:: l i 1 vi:.:: l:::l .. ~t ,.,.. t m:.-·~ ==:. ·;:; ' ·' ;= ~ i .~;'·: • # ~: ~ ment Corp .• a aouthern Calllornla :t1·1 .,1"' ... ~P9~'J'" u::-tl';vi~:a'1i;~~ .. ::..i': I 1·1 _ "''~.,..<!·, ;.,;::~ 1anddeve1opmentflrm. l:tfc:.t' l t' ~\lo-1: ==~ .: 1' 1'; "=-~ ft;,): ':Ii. ~ ni .. ! :: =llf I J 1~~ ..• Ml :w J •1J mt.:.~ Valencia-based Newhall bad AC· ir,. ·"° : ; 2'~ \t f;... : !1 Jf,. 1::r'..ne1 ' ..... ' at "" M 1 n 11.,.-~ • 9 n .-.. . . qutred stock from a Metropolitan I !l !J . • ""rtec I II ,.. • llJllC• • j a ' .. Myenl • , 1 10 -"' t• ,. It . I • • .. -~ , ' ~ JS.... ...If• 1.fl.,..1 t I Yo lllt"'911 ·* > ""'• '4 -l't-tl -~ec!I I I,,. 1 .0 Ml -\t tba~ho)def 8fOUP Or 12.~ a D{1are, wt la. 14 •1 t,> I~ S 11~. ,. IK* I .... , _. • • H04 .M I .. t) -\It !tee•_, I , d II -... • 4 STOCKS I BUSINESS More Benefit From Averages By SYLVIA POaTEa ........ ,,~ Not since Income averaglJlC H a device foT aavln1 OD taxes was written Into law many years aao have so many millions had the cbanu to Lake adnntate of lhUI method or computing tu to save money. The reason : The galloplng lntlaUon since the mld·lt7'0I has pushed huge numbers int.o ever-rising income bracket. and, without being aware of it, countless taxpayers may meet the basic test for saving taxes. THE f-UNDAMENTAl. RULE: You can save OD taxes if your 1m taxable income exceeds 30 percent of your total Income for the years 1974, 1975. 1976 and 1977 by more than $3,000. JC you qualify. you must fill out rat.her com- plicated Schedules G and TC and submit the schedules with your Form 1()40 If you arc married, add total Income for those four years and divtde by four. Then study the following rtrw·ea prepared by the Research ln.~titute of America to find out whether income averaging will save taxes. lf the average or ---------~ your income for the years 1974-77 is $7.200 to $9,200, you can save at least $100 in taxes if your 1978 income is $14 ,533. Money's Worth You also can save $100 in taxes if your 1974·77 average Income is $11,200 and your 1978 income is $18.533; tf your 1974·77 average is $13.200 to $15,200 and your 1978 income is $22,533; if your l974-77 average is $17,200 to $19,200 and your 1978 Income is $2~.700: if your 1974-77 average is $21 ,200 and your 1978 in· co me Is $29,700. YOU CAN SAVE AT LEAST $100 if your 1974·77 average income is $23,200 aod your 1978 income is $34,:>33: if your 1974-77 average is $28,200 and your 1978 income Is $38.533; If your 1974-77 average is $33,200 and your 1978 in- come is $46.533: if your 1974·77 average Is $39,200 and your 1978 income is $52.200 ; if your 1974-77 average is $4.3,200 and your 1978 income is $58,533: if your 1974-77 average Is $53,200 and your l978 income is $72,200: if your 1974-77 average is $63,200 and your 1978 income is $82,533; if your 1974-77 average is $93,200 and your 1978 income is $128,200; and if your 1974-77 average is $103,200 and your 1978 in· come is $148.200. But if your 1974-77 average income ls $203,200. no sav· ings are possible. In computing average income. the income for pre-1977 years must be increased by the zero bracket amount for 1978. YOU NEED NOT HUNT FOR MORE deductions to re· duce your 1978 tax substantially. You need not put yourself through mathematical computations to save on taxes. You need not even bother with the complex schedules until you have followed the simple instrudions of checking lax re- turns for the four base years. adding the income and divid· ing the total~ four. Smaller amounts can be saved with smaller increases over your average inco me in 1974-77. Do not overlook income averaging this year. Check at once whether you can qualify. Next · IRA L1beral.iud Small Publisher Accents Fitness WINTER PARK. Fla. (AP > -Darrell K.,Wolfe set up a publishing company three years ago in this Central Florida community when he only had one book to publish his own And he wrote thal under a pseudonym . "Starting on a sboestrtng is tough," says the president of Anna Publishing Inc. "We made a modest. very modest profit of $600 in our third year." Btrr NOW, BEGINNING ITS fourt.h year, Wolfe's,. s mall company has achieved a distinction among the coun- try's numerous book publishers. It claims to have a new literary category almost to itself: physical fitness and sports medicine. Anna Publishing is specializing in that field by putting out short. easy-to-read, paperbound books written by doc- tors and specialists on topics to attract the weekend athlete and those concerned with nutrition and athletic pe rformance. The publications are aimed at readers who want to follow simple conditioning programs for different physical activities, or Lo prevent and treat sports-related injuries. "Books In Print," a standard reference guide in the publishi~ field, lists 11 t1Ues by the Winter Park firm in the new classirica· tion. There is on ... a smattering of other works under that heading. WRAT MAKES THE BOOKS ur.usual is that all are In non· technical, easy·to·understand prose that gets quickl y to the point. They sell for S2.9S to $6.95. "We keep them short and simple WO\.,.~ because the average person will not read a scientilically researched book that thick," Wolfe says, holding his fingers about three inches apart. ".Because they are brief doesn't mean they are not scientific," he says. Our books are based on sound re· search by a staff of specialists and doctors.'' THE SERIES' EDITOR-IN-CHIEF is Ellington Darden, who bas u doctorate in physical education from Florida Slate University ahd Is director or research for Nautilus Sports Medical Industries in Lake H~len, Fla. The firm builds weight machines and other special equip· ment for health clubs and gyms. Authoni include Dr. James D. Key, an orthopedic sur· geon who has worked with the Chicago WbJte $ox, New Orleans Salnt1', the U.S. Track aod Field Team and other athletic group11. Others are Or. Richard Rylander BU de of OaUas1 a former medical school teacher and a physician apeclati&- ing in preventive medicine, and Dr. Fred L. Allman Jr., director of a sports medical clinic In Atlanta. Eric Soderholm, who won the American Leaeue's "Comeback ( J Player or the Year" ON 'l1IE JOB . award in 1977 after re- .coverlne fron\ a serious '------------: knee injury, wrote "Conditioning tor Baseball." He plays third b~e for the Chieaco Wblte Sox . AUMAN roa•E& P&ESIDENT ol the Exercise and Pb)'alcal Fitness Commit* or the American Medical ·Association and team pbyslcian for ~rc1a Tech, wrow one of the llrm ·s best sellers, "Care & CondiUonJnc of U.. Pl~biq Arm for LJ\Ue Luaue Baseball.'• An u,urance company bou&ht 5,000 of the boon and bad them distributed to UWe leasue coacba and pareata. \