HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-21 - Orange Coast Pilot... ,. omen aee ra ? e DAILY PILOT * * * 10< * * * WEONESDAYAFTERNOON,MARCH21, 1979 '110\. ll,..O • 4HCl1M-',U_.4.lt ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~· ' • Nature Equal Rights? Women Eyed In Draft Study WASIDNGTON (AP) -As Congress begins considering whether to require draft registration -or even to actually draft soldiers -the politically tncky question or the role or women is pushing to the fro~ of the debate and could scuttle tbe whole idea. The questions are basic: If men are drafted, should women be? THE UNITED STATES HAS MORE than 134,000 women in un- iform, tens of thousands more than any other country. All were volunteers because Selective Service statutes do not allow the registration or drafting or women. The question of what to do has touched off disagreements within the administration and Congress and could threaten what some see as a momentum toward a renewal of registration. The nation's military leaders who say registration is needed because the current system could not produce enough soldiers to meet a crisis -are not eager to include women and flatly oppose sending them into combat. THE\' AND OTHER OPPONENTS a rgue there is no shortage of draft-age men and that registration of women eventually could lead to sending them into combat. Civil rights groups and others say exclusion of women would be sex discrimination that wouJd be struck down by the courts. ~ Rep. Richard White, D·Texas. head of the House Ar ed Services manpower subcommittee, predicts the House will ap- prove a bill providing funds for registering men between the ages of 18 and 26. "If you include women you might have trouble getting it through,'' be said. "There's still a lot of chivalry running around this country. " A Senate source rates the cbaoces of passing a registratJon bill al 50·50, but says the odds are against it if women ar e included. &EP. MARJORIE HOLT. 8-MD., THE ranking Republican on the manpower panel, is adamanUy opposed to registerina women. "Thia would be a complete departure . from our natJonal policy," she said, Tbe nation's top mlUtary leaders -the joint chiefs of staff - are unanimously recommending revival of registration, and the Army's chief of staff, Gen. Bernard Rogen;, is calling for a draft or up to 100,000 men for the lndJvidual Ready Reserve (IRR>. Rogers saJd women should be registered, but, "I 'm not pre· pared to say women should be drafted" -even for clerical jobs. Men are better qualified physically to handle combat jobs such as tbe infantry, tanks and field artillery, he said. ADM. THOMAS B. HAYWARD, cmt:F of naval operations, said that from a military viewpoint, there is no need to draft women. "From an equity standpoint," be said, "that really is a political decision ratbertban a military decision." Gen. Lew Allen Jr., Air Force chief of staff, said it is not es- seatial to register women or to draft them. (See oun WOMEN', Page A2> Auto Goes S • Car Dunking Initiates School Prank Season " # I • • • Up Coast Clearing Due I !Mltr ~-St.Hf ,...._ THIS BRIGHT SPOT IN WEATHER PtCTURE APPEARED BRIEFLY TUESDAY Weatherman Saya Thia Newport Hllrbor Scene Soon Wiii be Repeated All Along Orange Coast Viejo Defendant Three Seized On Newport Murder-/ or-hire • Burglary Rap TestitnonyResumes Three Gardena men w~re booked by Newport Beach pohce early today after the trio were. By KATHY CLANCY the slayings of Seattle Attorney allegedly caught burglarizing a OttMDeity~li.tSl.Mt Roger Leed and the wife of his rast rood restaurant An unemployed carpenter who co-defendant, Joseph Bogg of helped Newport Beach police Beverly Hills. , a~rt two alleged murder-for-Bogg, charged wilh con- h1 r~ plots w a~ to res ume spiracy and murder solicitation testtmony today in the murder only in the Leed case faces trial solicitation trial or a Mission later this month. ' Viejo man. La Habra carpenter Roger Joseph W. Serino , 42, bas Hofer testified Tuesday that he pleaded innocent and innocent was fll'St approached by Serino by reason of insanity Ir> Orange for the murder ol Mrs. Bogg. County Superior Co urt to He later went to Fullerton charges that be tried to arrange police and worked with Orange • County aheriff's and Newport Beach investigators , Hofer testified, "td find out if I could find BOme way to save these people's lives." Police credited security guard Dave Kimmerly, on duty at the Collins Radio Group plant. with s potting the burglary at Der Wienerscbnitzel. 4501 Jamboree Road. Kimmerly. who works for the Wells Fargo Guard Services which provides protection for the Rockwell lnternalional sub- sidiary, called police at about 4 a .m. when be saw three men in- side the bot dog stand. Police surrounded the building and arrested Brian Grahlman. 18, Donald Hauser , 19, ttnd Daniel Long. 19. ' Sky Storm Wreaks Damage "I saw this light then I saw the trees explode. ll sounded likl· someone had fired a round from~ shotgun right next to m y ear ... Laguna Beach Police Offi cer Da nelle Adams got a vivid closeup of Mothe r Nature':. pyrotechnics during this mom- ing 's electrical storm. She was on patrol on Lagunu Canyon Road when a bolt of lightning blasted a nearby grove of syca more trees She was tem porarily blinded but was able lo resume patrol 1n the driving rain. Orange Coast residents can expect a few more s hower:. tonight but after that, predict!> the National Weather Service. it's blue sloes and sunny days ahead. The thunder and lightning that ushered in Spring if not spring weather. put out the h ghts in some areas. At about 1: 15 p.m Tuesoay 1n Irvine. lightning struck an over· head bank or transformers north or the San Diego Freeway. between Jeffrey Road and Culver On ve. Power was knocked out to 2.300 homes in the College Park ·and Woodbridge areas for about a n hour. Gas Tax Hike Eyed SACRAMENTO <AP> Buck ing a tax-cutting trend. the state Transportation Commission has recommended that Califontla's gasoline tax be raised periodical- ly to keepupwithinflation. Coast Weather Fair and warmer Wed· nes day with chance of showers decreasing to 10 percent tonight and near zero Wednesday. Lows tonight 45 to 55. Ui Rhs Wednesday 68 to 75. INSIDE TODA\' Stunt Kie/a Off School Pranla Seaaon Hofer's contacts with law en- forcement eventually lead Newport Buch investigator John Simon to poae aa a New York bit man and purportedly arTanp a $15,000 contract for Officers said j hey found about $300 worth or-propert y taken from the restaurant in bags stacked oo the roof of the build- ing. GM 's "&eeret" X-cars .are introduced on P.age 85 Whal'& more sign1/1cant: the cars them&elves or their. ad· vertismg budget? 11 lllCllAEl. PAl&&VICB .... ..., .......... Seaior prank MUOD appannt- lf ia olf to a apluhlq start at Hua~Beaeb Hilb Stbool. Tu momtn1, sometime after Pl. IOmeoDe (llllOllt eampu1 oblenen believe It wu a 1roup of Hnion, altMqb ~ ..... to lrnow for sure> deel•1t to tJnw an Impromptu .... IW'J. ,.... lueR ol ...... ••• lt•deat Bil I Ott • 1 voa.w._. The VW shell that Ott bad parked near tbe school weldiaa abop wu puabed silenUy put late nlCbt lftUl'lty forces to the pool area. Bolt cutters took care of the cover cbar1e. A narrow ramp became a 11n1plant and the Bu1, freshly painted wltb a yellow '79' mark· ln1 tJda sr.Suatioa year, toot tlM bll ........ It did not float. l•bmer1ed at l'• •hl·fOOl depth ol \M pool, tile hoUond- out VW qulekb aebieved Leed's slaying . ArretUna offlcers said Leed celebrity mtus when studeots arrived for claases Tuesday momlna. .. I wonder bow they're IOlnl to 1et tt out T" aaked one student who peered over the fence J•t lone enou8h to bear an inatruc· tor DOllteb tall him to set loll. and Boa deviled the mu1*r ol • Leed became ol lhe attorney's u_.._1_ t CJ ~ role ln a $1.5 mUUon lawauit ~ 0 08e' jud1 ment a1aln1t a Beverly Hilla~ tied to Serino. "I waader how they sot it lnT " f H llecl I frtend before both l lU· dentadearedout,ebuckUn1. Juran n.daJ Uateaecl to a tape recordiq amoa1 Hofer, SeriDo Md Simon, purportedly U'· dlleUllllll tbe Leed murder. Ott. 1 1'1·year-o&d Junior, rived Oft tbe sceDe. ( ... POOL. .... AJ» "AU I can la that you pt the (See PIHl'S, Pase Al) HAMILTON, Bermuda IAP> -Operators of Bermuda's 26 lariat botell say they wm close lf tbe Bermuda lndualrial Union doesn't call off selective strikes it be1an Saturday after neaotJ•· tiolll tor a new three.year work contract brok• down. , ' . l • A.I OM. Y PILOT § W.Onetfday, Maren 21, 197'9 Saudis Call for War Energy Crisis lsra li Treaty upport Grows 'Real' 1 JF.IU IS/\U :M j P t I\ ~ohd rna1onl\ 111 l •r .wl ' l'•trll.irtit•nl lin1•11 Utl ltJtt,1) in "ut>1>or\ of lht• ~lll't· I n•at)' wnh {';#(ypt a.11 <It.' bait• 111•11n-J .. ek ... 1· 1'h • udl ~r 11b1.t 11 IH4'" mt•anwhilt· t•allt•tl fur ull 1l11I \rub .,,.,il r t4(t111n-.t I" .11'1 ,. I I/lit' M ""''''' "'"'""'ht Ill Ot•t?lll .. I t'Jl'l ltllll 11( .1 l'11h·,t1 nl,111 ''"'"' IJl\IOHlh.'ll lht.· Arul> ~ lrru1 F igl1t ~ Rebel For e With Tanks S/\NANUAJ, lr,H\ I Af'l The i.:o" 1•1 nment lhrl'w t.mkb into ab hJHll· with Kunh~h • t'bt:ti. hnt· trnlay .as f1itht1t11-: ruged around Ull' <1rmy harruck!C for the fourth dJ'f T\.\<O t.uak,, m1.u·h1nt· ~\Hl~ .met t•;11111t•lli. hla.t1og , rumblto'll from tht• burrat·k:. groundb tu 1·nter the fr<Jy Iran 's revolutionary govern m1>111 wamt'd t'artier or stem re lahati()n 1f Kurdish guernlhas rnntmuc tht:'ir rebellion 'rhe Kurd1:.h attad<~ers, tnclud· mg young ho)!. and old men, t•rec tt!d mukcsh1ft burrie r s .dong the broad tree-ltned boulevard lt>ading lo the army harrnc-ki. on tt rise 1n the western 11.1rl of t.h1i. prnv1n{'1al l'ap1t~JI Tlw Kurd s. t:arlrrd~~ bl'll!, ;11•ross t1w1r dwsts , moved from doorway l<J doorway w. bulleb c·r Jl'kl•'<I down the main slre<:l (jroupi. or frrnfit·d c1v1laons hud llh·d an doorways and alleys a:. lh1• f1J?hlinl( s,:rc•w, /\n ddnly wom<Jn ste pped out 11( hH shop to watch the f11(hting. hut ran back in as a bullet i.rnai.hed the window above· ht!r hl•act Mortar shells fired from in"rlt-lhv barracks s l;ammt.'d in lo tlw w1· ... tt·rn p1 1. of lht-city Ambulances a n d ol!hcr vl'hll'le,.; dashed through the fart! to t :1kr th1· wounded l11 the city':-. two hu:-.p1tul1> 'fht• ilttack by the Kurds. nll·mbt•ri. of the Sunni Moslem .., 1· 1· I w h u a r C' d 1· m a n d 1 n g .111lonom y t11 prcst•rvc their t•ullural 11tcnt1ly, as the most i.t•rioui, challenge lO Ayatollah Huhollah Khomeini's rt•volu· t1onarw:-. of lhe Shiite M~lem sct·t There was :iix:culution that it m 1~ht touch off an uprising by tht• -rest of the four million Kurds 1n wci-t..m Iran, and t ha t they would i:;l'l s upport from the "'ven m1lhon othe r members ol th1·1r sect in neighboring areab ,,f I r;iq <ind Turkey /\ cca be·f1re Monday halted the ri g hting b r iefly, Mnd a second cease-fire agreement was reached Tuesday afternoon. But s poradic fire continued through the night between heav1· ly urnwd Kurcls bcim:,:ln~ th<' loc<i' army twrrack ~ und lh1• troops in~tde Fro.Page A I PLOTS. • • job done." Serano baid on the tupe lie abo said on the recording a millionaire wanted Leed dead ~nd "whe n at was done, I guarantee you, you are not going lo h ave lo worry aboul ... m o ney after that. This guy will keep us goi ng." Serino a lso warned Simon on the tape no one would be with him an Seattle Lo point Leed out. "I don't want you to waste the w~ong . guy though ," he ~aid. Sertoo, who has been free on bail, sat before the jurors 1\Jea. day resting hls head on bla band t.ind dabbing at his eyes durlna much or the testimony. Deputy District Attorney Jim Brooke, who is trying the case before Judge Kenneth LMe, aaid he exl)(.>ets the trial to continue through most of nut week. ORANG!COAIT ~ DAILY PILOT flW0.-C...t0.Uy l'llOf •t1ft.mi(ll1H-.. -""-_ ..... ··-·-""'"'°' .... (N\l l>V(Jl1"'4N1(_ .... !loP<tt•lt .. 11-... '"'Ollt~O .¥oftll~y lll<CHl9/' ••lflly i.t (•lo MO ... ~._, 8"c~ Ot\Ml"'fllWI e.oN,.IJ- t••ftV•ll•" .,._,,. l~S.ectH\tU~~\t a ,..,.,,,........._ll<'l\ 1\-1\"'9'-l-y\- '°"OM•I t"' IJ'•IW•O•I IHICMl .... "f llltOftt I\ et UO W•" ll•• \t•Ml.CO.I• ,,..,. G•lllornl• •-,...,,,. _ .,.,.,, . ...,., .,.. ,,., ....... I.CUI~,., 11", _.._, 1..0 O.rwtet_...., '"-···-'" .. "' ~-::::.t..~-=- ~...... --..~ ..... """' .... Mtllte'"t ""'" ,,1.,... ... (714)...., a11llftN....,..IMI....,. h_ .. ,,, .. _ ....... urtton. but II wu11 not t· "Jk'<•frd tu ttt•l ay lbt• WlllOll or lhl' l111tt~ nt''l ""f't•lc In Wa hingtoo , ll!1t111e 8t>t>a.lwr . Tho mu P 0 Neill itld Pre111 dt>ol c.'artl'r told tum tha11n . f.~R" pl 111r1 t'rt·..,1d1· nt Anw11r ~ndal 11nd < o1r·t1•r woulrt i.11(11 th1· lrt•ah ul 11 11 m . I'~ I M o1tt1Jy an lhl' ll ~ I Uflll11I l'.irll1am1•nl ., 1•ndor .. 1·11wnt. Cutter 'wik 'Officially Non ft'OLK . V11 (A f' I N ~vy dc>nmhllon ei.11t·1 li. h,l\ e iscnt ttw Cou"l Gu,irtJ , n 1llf•r Cuyuho1iu lo tht' hottom for .:ood 1 ht• 51 l:'l.i( oltJ VC!IM•I , which ~unk lust ()ctob\:r. l"llUbtn~ lht• dl'uthr. o( 11 r r l' w 11\ t• m b c· 1 " • w <a i. blown op T1w:.duy to ma kt• al part of an urt1(1c1al f111h ing reef about 30 m1hu1 l'ast of Cupe Henry in the• J\llanllc Orean o ff tht• V1tg1rua coa:;t It had ooen raised alter the fir~t sink· 1ng. W1th1n 90 mmulcs of the 1•xploi.ion. the Cuyahogu h:.ad li unk 1n 90 feet of wuter Pope Urging Lent Fasting V l\TIC/\N CITY <AP J Popt• John Paul. speakrng today to 30,000 people in three audient:es. urged Roman Catholics to mark Le nt by fasting, makmg it a ··sport to lrnm the will to do good." T he pope said rastmg a nd seU- s a c r i f1 cc· were even more n e cessary 1n c.i ('ons ume r SOt'lt'ty "When man •~ oriented ex- clus ively toward the posscssion and use of matc•rial ~c><>ds. that IS Of things, lhl'n a lso the en tire civilization is measured accord· ang to the quantity and quality of things which 1t can supply to man. and is not measured with the adequate meter for man. This shows that contemporary man must fast . that be must abstain not only rrom food or beverage, but from m uny other good s o f co n f.u m ption. of stimulation. or s1.1t1s fact1on or the !'lenses." AD KEPT PHONE OFFDIEHOOK "My family wanted to klll me the phone was orr the hook night and day." · "From now on . the first place I go to buy or sell anything is the Daily Pilot." T hat's the advertising s uccess story of the Santa Ana m an who placed this ad an the Dally Pilot '67 VW Squun•bu <'k Good "WOl'k" t•:.tr XXX XXXX If you need :i pla<'e to sell or buy someth.in~. try thl' Daily Pilot. Friendly ad·visers wall help wnt.e a be:st seller . ~er Resigns RABAT. Morocco (AP > Prime Minister Ahmed Os man unexpectedly res igned today after more than six years at UH.> head or the Morocean govern· m enl. t•itpt-rtt'CJ hy prt• dawn Thursday, would t t•mon• tht· (anal b~rrtt:r tu the (lu<'l 811(nlng In Jutda. Saudi Arabia. a front ~It ..Oitorlal In Al Jezlra t•allNJ u)(J11y on all Arab stat,.g lo fllt'&Htrt' for j lon.i and coo l111uou:. wut t.o rt•galt1 J crus1tlem 1rntl ottwr <wt·uplt'tl Arub luntJ It ,,uf1 ,lhl' l'ul1• t1111un rt'St,tunct> -.houh.I f1f(ht on all (ronls "until th y turn lht: (.)('CUplt'd lunds Into u blu.1n~ •nferno f or the 1·1wmy' l I :-, N1.11 wnul S.•funly Adviser 1.1111.:rirt•w v1:Ht1•d S1tud1 Ar1tb1a an ..i n un1u cc"uful e ffort to pt·ri.u.tth• lht· nutaon to support lht• ln·aty bl'lwecn h.rael and F.gypt Jn 0Uw1 tJ1.•vt•lo1>mcnts K1 nte Khjled ond Crown Prince Fahd or Saudi Arabia as- s ured 1':.:y pt o r continued PALESTINE PROBLEM REMAINS -P•ge A7 economic a id e ve n a fter the ~1 gn ing the 1':gypt1an-lsraeli p ca('C treaty. a Kuwait newspaper reported today Quoting Egyptian presidential sources In Cairo. the paper AJ Wattan said the assurance was conveyed t o ~g y pt 1 an Vice Prt•sident Hosn1 Mubarak by l"ahd du.ring their recent meet Ing in Riyadh According to tht• r('port, f'ahd said political rt•lations between the t wo countnc•s would not be altered !.ubstant1ally by the trea ly . although there might be some changes The United S tates 1s con s1dering what type of ;J ircrurt might be c.ivailable for early de hvl'ry to Egypt and has not ruled out selling the advanct•d F 16 fighte rs to the Middle Eastern country. a Pcnta~on spokesman says. C mdr Cordon Pe terson Mud Tuesday that several options arc twini.t s tudit•d In arms aid to Egypt, which has presented a long weapons shopping list to the United States lits remarks came after re ports that Egypt was told the United Stfites would not sell the F· 16 aircra ft to C<uro Jordan's King Hussein was going to Saudi Arabia today to discuss what to do when t he t re aty is signed. He and the Saudi royal family have indicated they will support pan-Arab sa n ction s against Egypt. traq has called Arab League m e mbers lo a n emergency meeting m Baghdad next week to decide on economic a nd other repris als against Egypt for sign- ing the treaty Driver Killed In La Habra Auto Crash Ruby J ewe l Lewis, 55, of La Habra, was killed Tuesday when the car she was driving was hit broadside by another auto as she turned into the driveway or her home. According to La Habra police. the v1ct1m was drivini;< east on Lam bert Road at 3:27 p.m . when she attempted to m ake a left tyrn into the driveway. That was when a westbound auto driven by an unide ntified teenager struck her lightweight car. police said. The Juvenile was not cited. Mrs . Lewis d ied In the emergency r oom of St. J ude's Hospital in J<·uuerton about 45 minutes alt~r the collision. ac· .cording to police. Fr .. P-.e AJ DRAFf WOMEN? • • • Gen. Loul!l H. Wilson. commandant or the Marines would not object to enJisllng lheir quota of women through the draft. aEGIST&ATION AND THE DllAJ'T HAVE been put on Congreu• agenda because or deep s horta1ea in the mllltary re· aerve pools to be called ln a crisis. Selective Service System of· tlctaJs acknowledge it ls not capable or produclng enouth man· power faat enough in the event.of war. - Pneldent Carter and Defense Secretary Harold Brown say any resJslnUon pro1ram should Include women aa w«1ll as men, althouo they have not endoned reglst.erina anyone. .. J,. we re1l1t.er penona for future use ln 10me form ln our country, It would probably be inevitable we would r.e1ilter both, but that doeln't mean women wlll be drafted or that men will be drafted to go lnto the armed forces," Carter aald recent.ly. Robert K. Shuck, acting direetor of the SelecUve Servlce System, saJd a full mobilluUon would require up to to mlllion men and tbere are 1e mllllon to JO mUllon dral\·ellgible men of •I• 18 to21. A altGarraATION an.a. 8PONIO&EO 8Y Sena. Sam Nunn, D-Oa., chairman of the Senate AnnM Service• manpower 1ub- commlUee, and Harry F. B)'l"d, a Vlr1hU. independent, mak .. no provllk>a for re1laterlnJ women. Nor doet on. 1ubmltt~ by Sen. Robert Morsan, D·N.C. Sen. John Stennis, D·Ml11., claalrman of tM ArmM Services Committee, 1ay1 the au.volunteer mllttary abould be Nplaeed with some type tJI draft, but 61 not specify If women should be In· duded. Re bu uld, however, that women should not be eapoMd to com Mt. In U. Hou .. , Rep. G.V. Mont.totner1. O.MlH., la tpOGIOriq a blll tb8t would requl,.. ~--Of bG&lt men .ad wom•, and llOll.....,., ta oppGNd to auiplq WOllMft to COlllblt. JOHN THOMAS (FAR LEFT) DIRECTS REMOVA•l,OFCAA""1o Student's Project Spends Night In Campus Pool --- Disneyland Strike Over; Workers Back M Ort' lhau 500 m;.11ntcna11C1· workl'rs ~cnl bat·k to th('lr JOh!> al Disneyland today after a 15· day strikl:' Workere. voll'd 260 lo 211 to re· turn lo lhl'1r Jobs aftl'r Dis- ney land rt'fus t•d to i.tc•p up earlier wage mtrcaSt· urrl'r ... /\t•ceplanct• Of lhOM' tt'rm1> by lh<' 530 striker ... mean!. that lht·y will receive first year salary in c reases of from $7.29 to $9.56 a.n hour and from $8.42 to Sl0.2J an hour during the second ye:.ar or the new contract accepted by 14 unions. The rontracl was accepted afte r Disneyland management told the workers that any further pay increases would amount to a violation of federal wage-price guidelines Workers uns u ccessfull y argued that the increases 8 percent ovf'r the first year and seven percent over the second year -would not a llow pay checks to keep pace with spiral Ing inflation in the Orange Coun· ty ·area. Park supervisors and clertcol per s onnel who ha ve been performing m aintenance dutic!. du ring the strike went back to their regular jobs today. Ship Damaged SAN DIEGO CAPI -ft w\11 take eight wee ks and about Sl00.000 to repair sabotage dont> to a reduction ,l(t•ar on the Navy tank landing 11h1p Tu:.caloos a. according to the ship's skipper f 'rot11 Paf1*> A I POOL ... "It's thNl'... he s<11d calmly .. And thl·rt"!\ nothing I can du a bout 1t. .. l\i. 't·hool 0Hic·1ulh pondert·d a ..,olut1on. Ot t '1l1·nlly to1>:.t·d <;mall chan~<' onlo tht.' roof of h1!> former c lai.i. project t-:nll'r llunt1nJ(ton lh·a<'h ('al} ('oun<'rlman .J o hn Tho m ai.. 11wrwr of u c ran1· anc1 trucktn~ company ll took Thomas and crew JUSt u frw minutes lo run a tow line to tht· drowned t·ar ;,nd ho1~t 1l Olli With the ht•fp Of a large c rane <at no chari.tt· l T homai. later noted that the incid e nt r e minde d him or yount'er d ays when he and his buddies usC'd to place outhouses 1n lht• middle of h11<hwayi. Ai.s1s lant Prcnc1pal Owen Miller. thou~h not vis ibly angry. d1dn 't Sl'l' any humor in the prank 1RICJA AND SON <XJINCHOME NF.W YORK 11\PI Tnc1a Nixon \,ox and ht•r newborn son. C hrii.to pher Nixon Cox. are leaving Nrw York Hospita l Corne ll Medical Cc·nter today ,one WC(>k arte r Sh(• J,?aVl' birth by cae~a rC'an set' II on Forml'r pr1.•:.1dent und Mrs. Nixon hav•• b<'en ~tayang at a hotel sine<.' thc> birth, making daily visit~ 10 their d au~hter and first J,?rand son. whosc> fatht•r as Edward Cox WASHINGTON CAP J Resumption of oil exports from Iran does not signal a" end to the energy crn;ia, oil indus try of. ricials told Congrci.s loduy. And they said coos ume ris •hould brace for ser ious ahorta1e. or gasoline and in· creaaed fuel priceli. Officials o f Enon Intern&· Uonal and Gulf Oil Corp. told the Senate Energy Committee that alt hough resumed production fro m tran has restored som1: b a la n ce to world crude 0 11 markets. sho rtages of certain fuels, especially gasoline and healing oil. will be inevitable without immediate maJor step:-. to conserve energy Herbert I Goodman. presi den t or Gulf's trading ~nd transportation subsidia ry, and Robl•rt N. Dolph, pres ideol of SOVIET OIL CRISIS 'CONFIRMED' -Page A4 1-: x x o n I n t • r n a I 1 o n a I . to I d senators the world 011 crism 1s real and that oil companies art' not profitet·nng as a result or th1· Iranian situation. Both painted a bleak picture for J(asoline supplies. cla1m1n~ the crude 0tl being product.-d l•> help orrsel the loss of lranwn supplies l's heavier. higher tn s ulfur and poore r in motor .i.:asohnc qu:.ahty than I ram an '''' The hearing ca me a day afll'r Pres ide nt Carter told con grt'ss1onal lc1tderi. he plan~ a maJor t'ncrJ(y address t11 tht' na lion March 29 'Energy Committee Chairman llenry M .Jackson noted t hat 011 <·ompam '~ hav1.· begun culling rue I :.upplwi. to <A greater propor lion than the totul reported lo~i. of Iranian 011 "Arc these allc.cationi. the n • suit or real ~hortfolls or are they lo tw t>xpl<tint"'tf hy other mot1v.ei. dnd rc•ason. .. ?" .Jackson ask~ Tht· oa l l'Ompany 11fflc1ab dt• nacd attempting to m;ikc money on this Iranian cn sis a nd irunst ed the shortc.igcs were reul. And Lhe y wen• back1•d by an adm1n1strat1on offic ial who lold the pc.inel. "We huvc e very rca son to belwvt' that comp<m1t·~ c.ire behaving reasonably and 1·quit<1bly 1n the Jfft:'S('n l d1Hrcull s1tuat1on." The offi cial, lf<Arry E. Be rgold Jr .. assistant ene rgy secretarv for international a ffa irs. told the> C'omm1ttt'l! that Cartl'r's March 29 enl•rgy Spt.>ech would inc lude mca~ures for dealing with the lo~s o( Iranian oil U S offlc1als h ave ~aid lht• Ir anian rutoff. b<'g u n rn December. deprive d world markets of roughly 2 5 m1lhon barrels or Oii daily or which the net U.S. shortage has run <Jt about 500.000 barrels a day Energy officials have claimt-<1 recently that this could rise lo about 800.000 or even 900.000 bar· rf'ls before long, cte~p1te som<' rC'storutlon of lraniun exports. Prison Guard Slain GRATERfo'O RO, Pa. <AP> A priso n guard. Capt. Fe li x Mokych ic. 60. died two h<.iur' afte r an unna med inma te at the slate Correctional lnst1tut1on as saulled tum with a softball but, corrections officials said. Lynn Hort HART'S John Hort SPORTING GOODS 538 CENTER ST. • COSTA MESA • 646-1919 Basketballs 1095 up Basketllall Backburds 1995 BasketUH Gals 895 & 1095 Basketball Gail Nets 1 so to 39s Volleyballs Valleyllall S.oes Volleyball Nets Basellall Mitts ' GllVIS BaseUll Bats Baeull H1s1 BaseMU Clllr1~ Sleeves Ba~SUes BISIW llttill Gllves ... ,c. Speedo & Adidas Swim Suits & Trunks Swim Go11les lick Boards Deck Feet fins Masks Snerkles Racquetball Racquets Racq•t Balls lac1119tllall Gllves Tennis Rackets Tennis Cllttdn1 Tennis Stites Tennis Balls A.DotlMr approecb w11 ...,., ...... ttr Rep. Paul N. Mcao.key R-CaUI., a martne nael'ft eo1oo11 no 1poneored a blU tltat would ... 9 hi & Sits. 9-5• 'lft , .. ,.......,. require Ill ll-10t-old men ud women to relitter for mtUlary or ~ .,... • ;4"! iN9 "911WI &4&.1119 dYlllM..,,.,...NrVIH. ..--------------·----~---------· I \ • ,. I I •• Orange Coast E DITI O N VOL. 72, NO. 80, •SECTIONS, •2 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Today'H Closing N.Y. Stoeks WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 , 1979 N TEN CENTS Sex Issue Threat to Draft Revival WASlllNG1'0N 1I\P1 A?o. Congru5 b\>J:ln~ con1\d~r111ic whether to requ1rt• dr.tft rej(1?\trauon or t'Ven to lictui.lly draft c1v1han.' tht• ,,.,1itu'.1lly trll'k~ qu1.•st1otl or tht· role of women 1?\ pushing tQ lht• fron1 uf the dehuh' and could M'UllJI' the whole ldu Tht• t1uesttunl' urt• b~:uc · It mt•n an• cirurted should wom~n be'> Ttn: llNITt:D STATES RA~ MORE than 134 000 women in un· tform ~ tens of thousand more than any oth •r ~ountry All were voluntttrs bec.iu?o.e St•lecll''t' ~·rvlce stntut.:l> do not allow the reg1strat1on or drafting of womt•n The question of what to do has touched off dtsagreements within the ~dm1rustration 3nd Congress and could threaten what 11ome :11'(.' mi a momentum toward a renewal of registration The nation's military leaders -who say registration is needed bt'l·aw.e the current system could not produce enough soldiers to nwd u cns1s are not eager to include women and flatly oppose sending them into combat THEY ANO OTH EA OPPONENTS argue there is no shortage or dnft.age men and that registration of women eventually could lt>ad lo sending them into combat. Civil rights groups and others say exclusion of women wouJd be sex discrimination that would be str u<'k down by the courts. Rep Richard Wh ite. 0 -Texas, head of the House Armed Services manpower subcommittee. predicts the House will ap~ prove a bill providing funds for registering men between the ages of 18 and 26. "If you include women you might have trouble getting 1t through." he said "There's still a lot of chivalry running around this country." \ A Senate source rates the chances of passing a registration bill al 50·50. but says the odds are against it if women are included. REP. MARJORIE HOLT, R·MD., THE ranking Republican on the manpower panel. is adamantly opposed to registering women "This would be a complete departure from our national policy." she said. <See DRAFT WOMEN', Pa,i:e A2> Serino Jury Told o.lly,iletSl.Mf,_.. GENE CARRIER AND EMPTY CAGES THAT ONCE HELD HIS EXOTIC BIRDS NewcasHe Disease Er~tion Effort Took 330 Healthy Ones, He Seys Bird Deatm MUJtake? I Pet Shop Owner Angry Over Gassing By .IEllRV CLAUSEN Of ... 0.lly "• """ Pet dealer Gene Carrier had a tear or two in his eyes last week as he watched federal task force members place his exotic birds in plastic bags and gas all 330 with carbon monoxide. ''The whole evening was very difficult for me." the owner of Fountain Valley's Pets 1''or Less s hop said this week. "We had rather strong attachments for a couple of those birds. "Within two hours, they bad destroyed them all." Now Carrier is angry. Federal blood sample tests have proved negative. and a spokesman for the Department of Agriculture's NewcastJe's disease task force admits the Fountain Valley birds probably were not in- fected. No one can be sure. though, said task force spokesman Don Nielson, until a complicated. long·term "broth" test is com· pleted in a San Gabriel laboratory. Work at the laboratory is backed up, Nielson said , because of the tremendous o umber of tests conducted in tracing the state's latest out- break of NewcasUe disease. So far, Nielson said, the federal government has spent $384.000 io purchasing and destroying cage birds and flocks either carrying the devastating disease or suspected of carrying it since it was discovered a Stanton bachelor's pet was afflicted with it on Feb. 20. Pet dealer Carrier contacted the 142·membe r s tate and federal task force on March 11 when he discovered that some or his birds had been purchased from a deaJer whose flock had been exposed to the deadly dis· ease. "I was concerned about my customers ~d my birds," Car· rier said. "I asked them (the Santa Ana·based task force> to come out to the store and check it out." Apparently, task force mem- bers determined that, because <See BIRDS, Page AZ) 'Code' Ruled Out In English Case By DA VlD KUT'lMANN Ol 11• O.ltJ ,i .. f ..... A s tate administrative law judge has ruled that the Newport-Mesa Unified School District cannot use a so-called code or ethics for teachers as a basis for some of its charges against former Newport Harbor Hlgb School Band Director Richard England. The ruling by Judge P.M . Hogan of the state office ol Ad- ministrative Hearings means the district apparently wiU have to find .aome other way to back up some of its a ccusations against England, who is accused of ''unprofessional conduct." England, now a music teacher at CQrona del Mar High School, was charged with a long list of alleged violations contained in an ll·page report released by the school distrid earlier this year. A lawyer ror the school dis· trlct bad argued that the'code of ethics, a part or the California Administrative Code, ls a reg. ulation for the goverf\jng o r public schools and that a viola- tion of that code would coo· stitute a cause for dismissal. England's attorney, Lawrence Rosenzweig of Los Angeles. claimed the unprofessional con· duet sections of the code of etblcs applied only to proceed· ings before the Commission for Teacher Preparation and Licensing and not to proceedings before local school district gov. eming boards aimed at termina· lion of employment. Hogan pgreed with Rosenzweig, saying the school district cont ention would "enlarge the scope of the regula. lions beyond the limits of the legislative grant . . . " Rosenzweig said the ruling on- ly means the district must find som e olher means or backing up its charges. "They have to prove what he <England) did is true and if it has any legal significance." Rosenzweig said. School officials declined com· ment, saying they had not seen a copy of the ruling yet. England will JO before a Com- mission on Professional Com· peteace in July. Slaying 'Faked' By KATHY CLANCY Of .... 0.11, "lot '"'" A Newport Beach police detec- tj ve, who posed last year as an East Coast hit man in an alleged murder·for·hire plot, testified to· day he faked the slaying or a Seattle attorney complete with photos of a blood.s plattered body. Sgt. John Simon took the wit· ness stand in the Orange County Superior Court murder solicita lion and conspiracy trial o( Joseph Serino. 42, of Mission Viejo. Serino, has pleaded innocent and innocent by reason or insani· lsra,el OK Of Treaty ~Soon? JERUSALEM CAP>-· A solid majority in Israel's Parliament lined up today in s upport of the peace treaty with Egypt as de· bate neared a close. The Saudi Arabian press. meanwhile, called for a ll·out Ara b war against Israel. Prime Minister Menachem Begin's rejection or a Palesti- nian state prompted the Arab re· PALESTINE PROBLEM . REMAINS-Page A7 action, but it was not expected to delay the signing of the treaty next week. In Washington, House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill said Presi· dent Carter told him Begin, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Carter would sign the treaty at 11 a.m .. PST. Mondav Parliament's endorsement. expected by pre.dawn Thursday. would remove the final barrier to the pact signing. In Jidda. Saudi Arabia. a front.page editorial in Al Jezira called today on all Arab states to prepare for a long and coo· tinuous war to regain Jerusalem and other-occupied Arab land. It said the Palestinian resistance sbouJd fight on all fronts "until they tum the occupied lands into a blazing inferno for the enemv." AD KEYi' PHONE OFF'IllEHOOK "My family wanted to kill me -the phone was off the hook night and day.·· "From now on. the first place I go to buy or sell anything is the Daily Pilot." That's the advertising success story of the Santa Ana man who placed this ad in the Daily Pilot: ·61 VW Squarcback Good "work" car XXll·xxxx If you need a place to sell or buy something. try the Daily Pilot. Friendly ad·vlsers will help write a best seller. ty lo charges that ht! tr11::d to ar range the slayings of Seattle at toroey Roger Leed and the wife of his co-defendant, Joseph Bogg of Beverly Hills. Bogg , ch a rged with con spiracy and murder solicitation in tbe Leed case. faces trial later this month Simon testified he played the role o r hit m a n "Tony De Marco" and allegedly was hired by Serino lo slay Leed and later. Mrs. Bogg Simon said when be went to Seattle he contacted the would be slaying victim and Leed went .... 'Pop Bos ton Pops Orches tra maestro Arthur Fiedle r, 84. is shown as he welcomed the Boston Symphony Orchestra back from its trip to China Tuesday night. Fiedler. re· cove ring from brain sur- gery. will resume conduct- ing next month. 1hree Seized On Newport Burglary Rap Three Gardena m en were booked by Newport Beach police early today after the trio were. a llegedly caught burglarizing a Cast rood restaurant. Police credited security guard Dave Kimmerly, on duty at the Collins Radio Group plant, with spotting the burglary at Der Wienenchnit.zel, 4501 Jamboree Road. Kimmerly, who works for the Wells Fargo Guard Services whic h provides protection for the Rockwell lnte malional sub- , sidiary, calJed police at about 4 a .m. when he saw three men in· side the hot dog stand. Police surrounded the building and arrested Brian GrabJman, 18, Donald Hauser . 19, and Daniel Long, 19. Officers said they found about $300 worth of properly taken from the restaurant in bags stacked on the roor of the build· ing. with pohcc to pose as a murder victim . .. First we stopped at a magic store. I believe, and purchast!d some theatrical blood ,'' Simon testified "We had Mr. Leed lie in the bushes near the !Seattle police) pistol range and took several dif- ferent shots of him," the vice tn· vesligator continued. Simon told the jury he used one of those photos to show Serino later and collect $5,000 of the purported $15,000 murder contract payment. La Habra·· carpente r Roger• <See PLOT. Page A2) Waddill's 2nt1 Trial Recessed By REBECCA HELM OI t• O.oly fll'lleC SIMt The trial of Or. William Wad· dill of Huntington Harbour was abruptly recessed early today after the jury heard testimony Tuesday on brain da mage by two medical specialists. • Presiding Judge Byron McMillan offered no e>eplanation for the delav Waddill. 43. is being retried an Orange County Superior Court on murder charges involving an abortion he performed two years ago. ln earlier testimony Tuesday. Dr Ralph Rucker told the Wad dill jury that there are rare In· stances when life s uppor t systems are withdrawn from ex· tremely ill newborn babies. Rucker is head of lhe intensive ca re unit for ne wborns at Childrens Hospital of Orange Countv. Life· support for an infant is stopped only 1f doctors de· termine damage to a baby is ir· reversible and continuing sus tenance would be futile . Rucker testified. And the decision 1s made within "extremely tight limit:.." the doctor added. Waddill is being retried on charges o( strangling an infant known as baby girl Weaver after she allegedly survived a saline abortion two years ago. Hls first trial ended with the jury deadlocked 7 to 5 in favor o( acquittal. Coast Weather Fair and warmer Wed· nesday with ch ance of showers decreasing to lO percent tonight and near ze ro Thursday. Lows tonight 45 to 55. Highs Thursday 68 to 75. INSIDE TOBI\ Y Storm Lights Up Coast Sky GM's "secret" X-can .are introduced on P.oge 85 What't more !ignificont: the cart t~lve.t or their.ad· wrtiling ~t? ..... Britain '1 Prince Charles wean a buab hat wltb corka around lt to keep off tbe flies u lae Ylllta OoodbardJ Sla· UoD near Meekalharra in ..... AUltralia. "I saw th1I U,bt tMn I saw tbe trees n,plode. It IOUnded like aomeone h8d fired a round from a 1hot1ua rt,ht next to my ear.'' La1UU Beach PoUce omc:er Danelle Adami 1ot • vlvld cloHup of llotlaer Nature's pyrotedmics durm, Ulla mom· ln1'1 electrical 1tonn. SIM •• an ..-voa oa w.uu Canyon Road when a boft ol U1bt.alal bluted a nearb1 1rove ol 11eamore tren. Site W81 ... m. ) rJ porarUy blinded but was able to resume patrol In the drivlq raiD. Oraqe CoHt residents can expect a few more showers tomlbt but after that, predict.I tbe National Weather Service, It'• blue skies and aun.ny daya abHd. The thunder and Ulbtnlq U.at "Uahered ln Sprtna lf not sprint wea~. put out the 1t1htl ln tome.,..... • •• At about 1:15 p.m. Tuesday in Irvine, liebtJdlll •tnack an over· bead bl.nit ol tranafotmen north of th• San Dle10 Freeway. between Jeffrey Road and Culver Drive. Power wa1 knocked out to 2,300 boaMI ln the Colle1e Park and Woodbrid1e areu for about an hour. The Intense rain that ham· mered die Oran1e Coast ~1 tbll morning brought tbe downpour measurement to more ' J). than an inch in the last four days or storm. But problems were few. Orange County Flood Control District engineer Ed Schoon said the nature of' the rainfall was an undoubted factor in today's noocf.free situation. "We got rnott of our raJn in the form of showers with Iona in· tervals \n between." he saJd. CSee STOIUI. Page A%> •••• ' • AZ DAIL y PILOT Crisis to Continue Congress Warned of Oil hortage WAS UI NGTON 1/\P 1 ft eaumpuon of oil cxport5 from 11'1Mt dots no\ s11nal an l'nd tQ th• ent-r&Y <'rial& on lndu11try of fic1al told Con,,;rc·~i. lode)' And lht•y old <'On ,um1•r s ho uld bra e ~ t ur 11cr1u u :. 'horla~.-s ol .:uohne .. nd 1n \'r\11lffd f\wl pt"'H Offlrlul of t-:uun lnll"t n.i tionul <1nd (}ulf <h i <·of1'1 told lh\• ~nutt> t:11l·r~ · l'ornm1tt1·•· tha1 .-lth<Hlllh reaunwd prod utt1on from l tun h.1b rt·~1or1•d .. orn1· b a l aOC"•' lo worllt erudt• 011 m arlu .. >ti.. horti.tf-11 of 1·•·rt111in fut•l11 , l'i>l'4.'l'\all) au~ohnt• .1n1I ht'atlna o.I. will ht.> lrw\ 1luhlt' without lmmt'Clta t.-ma141r ~le,• to conM."rVt' cnt<r"y Her~rt 1 Goodma n. j>rt'""I dent of Gulf'a tra d 1n1 11tnrl I rao1porhU011 i.ubll1dlary and Rot> rt N L>ol11h . pn·"1dt•11t of TO HEAD HOSPITAL WllU•m GonHlez New York Man I To Direct UCI , Clinic Service Wilham G Gon1.al <'1., ad min1strator of a Nt·w York teaching hosp1t.bl. has b<lcm ap· po1ntt•d direclor of c linical :.crv1ccs at lJC Irvinl· I le assume11 the post J um· I Gonzalez will m anage the UCI Me dical Center . community clinics and a mbulatory care fac1lilles. and coordinate UCI af. f11iutions with olht:r hospitals. He was deputy director for ad· mini:-1trat.Jon of the Capital Ots· tr1c t P sychiatr ic Center, 1n Albany, N.Y .. sinct 197 4. C:Owtty Backs Plan to Speed Tax Refunds Or ange County supervisors clgrced 1'u~day to s pend $.11 ,000 to speed up the refunding of property t.ax overpayments. Supervisors' approval of tbe expenditure fell in line with a rec ommendation ma de by county Tu Colleet.or-Treaturer Robert Citron. It waa Citron who reported a heavy run of property tax over- pa y m en t s. r csulti ng fro m ctl•nges in assetisment practices brought on by Proposition 13, has refunds running four months behind. Citron said hi s orfice is being "Inundated with telephone calls from taxpayer s inqulring wben the y can expeet to receive their rerunds.'' Citron aald the $31.000 s pecial allocation will be used to hire temporary help and for equip· me nt needed to speed up t.bc re· fund process. DAILY PILOT l1t•O•"ntt(-I0.••~"•10t,•lt"wt1!Clll;c_., .. ----···..-i·-lt!'• ... o.-Co"'' 11.,111,..,.no(-• .. ,..,., • ...,,-~. .... 1141'1h•• -""-.. i.u, .... '°'"" ........ H-.. <Kfl, _,..,.. ...... ..,~ l•lflVoll•1.h•""·l -9M<l\/-C:... A -·---............. ,tl!r.,....,,..,l'\.1"1 1.11 .. .on TM Pflfl'-..... ....,,. ttl..,. " .. no ""''' '~' $11-C-1•-. Col•'-!"'•""" ._.,,...,.. ....... .,. ... _..,,..,_ ,,,,, ...... ""., ..... Cf11 .. 1•Mv•1"-~ E11 oa hH roatlooal, lold r. n11on tht• .,..orld oU crt1h1 I• rut and tb1tt oil rompantct1 arc• no1 prof'ltN'Mnlt oi.. u n.111oult of lhl' lramun 1tuat1on ~" pt11 nh-.I ,, bh••k p1t turi· for lHOUnt• ..uvvh•·•. rlulmln.: th•• crudr ml bt·111e produ<•f!d w ht·lp 01f1w1 tht· lo._• •>f lr•nl n 'Uf'Jlltl".1' '" h1•u\ 1ror hl~twr fn 1-q;al F e Hike k d By (.Aounty· !" l'l''I lor 11-.:u I 'lt'f v 1r1 " In Orant:ti Countv to111 b n1uhl lw htkt'd $1 m1lllon ., Y•'iH 1r 1 luh• lt·.: lb 1.111111\ 11ropo-.t·d 'I Ul':llCl.tV~'r 01 •trl.l<l' ('11unl\ 'uJ1t'1 v111or:. 1~ 1•nJt'h'd Supt-I\ 1 ~111 ' .q1Jiro\ t•d ,, rt• t11wi.l to ,, .. ,,. off1t·1.d'> for th(' h.•!;li..latlllll IH'\•tlt•tl llJ lllt I t•.1:.1• Iii d1ft1•rent (•uurt 11•1•' An in!'.rN11><· in 1·1\ 11 f1l1111; ft<c1> from SH to s:so was th'• biggest hike propclM·d It wouh.I brin~ in SS00.000 mon· w111u<Jlly . county offtdals !)Uld Other propoSl'U incrcu:.c:. in dudt•d hiking lh1· i.mall l'hllm !) f1hng fee from S2 to S5 That wo uld m en n a n esti mated $150.000 annually. And chargin~ 10 cent.s per copy for civil forms dist ributed to the public would mea11 $25,000 m added rnvenuei.. Jn related ac tioo T ucliday. s upe rvisori. a urccd to ask lcgblator1> l1> amend deferred ret irement provi!>aon:i for t·ounty employees Under existing Jaw. worker~ may leave county ttmployment and put orr colh:cting rt:lircmcnl b<:ncf1t.s. The 4!0unty rema in!> liable for the money indcf1ruLcly, officials said. The propoi.cd ame nd me nt would relieve the h<.ib1hty alter the ex~mployce reaches age 70 l',...P•~AJ STORM ... But s wollen Oso Cr eek 1n the San Juan Capistrano an.:<1 created problems for one local farmer when erosion caused by ch anneled nood waters undercut the stream banks a nd claimed a number of orange t rees at the Bathgate farm "The ground had a chance to a bsorb the rain and we ra n into very few runoff problems." ''Still, the r ain 's worth a m1lhon dollars to us," P atricia lla thgate commented. "Every time we have any ra infall we lose one or two trees and the vr osion seems to be getting worse." Rain gauges throughout lbe county lodk utc that the season's tota l thus far I!\ well above the average annual rainfall of about 12 lnchcs. aulfur and poore r lo rnotor AfJ llOhnl' (Ju ullty than lranlao oU. Tht> ht•auin(t C•me a day a~r Prt•,ldt•nt Cart er t old con tirl·N~lonul h:adl•rs he plun3 1t muJut ~rgy addre11~ to lhe nil 11011 flhrch 29 t;net ~Y Conrn11tte~ Cha\rmun lll·nry M J :11·k,oo noJt-d that 011 ,•om punw~ h11 v,• twl(un c ut tin~ fud .. 111111111' ... tu a l(rt•ult-r 1>rupor 111111 th,11\ lht• 111\111 r •portt'tl losioi of It uOHU\ oil ·Ar" lh1"lj\' a1Joc41hons ~ re· aull of rt-.il :thortJalts or are Lhey SOVIET Oil CRISIS CONFIRMED' -Page A4 to be t!Xphuned lJy other mooves Jud rt!W:!Qns''" Jackt>oOn asked Tht! 011 1·omptu1y offlc1uls de t11l'd atlt'mptmg lo make money "'' thus lr3nuln c·ris1:1 and lruust· 1..·d the l'lh<>rt<JA1!N wen~ real And lht>y wt•rc backed by an admtnu.tratwn omc1al who told tht· parw!I, ''W<• have ever y rea :.on to l>t'ht<vc that compamcs Jr•· bt•huv111>-: rea:.onubly 11nd 1..•q111 h1bly 10 tlw present di((icult i;1tuu t11m " f'ro91 Pa~ A I PLOT ... I lofcr testif1t>d Tuesday that he was first approached by Senno for the murder of Mrs. Bogg. Jlc later went to f'ullcrto11 police and worked with Orange County sheriff's and Newport Beach investigat or s . Hofer testlfiN'.S. "to find oul if I could fi nd som e way to save these people's lives " Hofer's contacts with law en fo rc e m e nt eve n t u a lly l ead Ne wport Beac h in vcstiga t.o r John Simon lo pose as a New York h it ma n and purportedly arrange a $15.000 contract for l,,eed 's slaying Arrf'stinn orfirers said Leed and Bogg devised the murder of Leed becawst• of the attorney's role in a $1.5 milhon h1wsuil Jud g ment ~1gainst a Beve rly llills t·ompany tied to Senno. J urors TUt•sd4.1y hstene<l to a lapl' recording among Hofer. Serino and Simon. purportedly discussing th«: Lt•ed murder "All I care is that you get lhe JOb done ." Serino !-laid on the tape He a lso said on the rccordinK a millionaire wanted Leed dead a nd "when it was don e, I guaran~ you. you arc nol going to have to worry a bout ... money a fter that. This guy will keep us going." Serino also wa rned Simon on the tape no one would be with him in Seattle to point Leed oul. "I don't want you to waste the wro ng guy though," he said. Serino. who has been free on ball . sat before the jurors Tues · day resting his head on his hand and dabbing a l bis eyes during much of the testimony . Deputy Dist.net Att.orncy Jim Brooke, who is trying the ca se before Judge Kenne th Lac. said he e xpects the tnal to continue thro ugh most of next week. l'ro• P~AJ DRAFf WOMEN? . • • The nation's top military leaders -the joint chjefs of staff - a re unanlmously recommending revival of registration, and the Army's chjef of start, Gen. liemard Rogers, Is calling tor a draft of up to 100,000 men for the Individual Ready Reserve ORR>. Rogers said wom en should be registered, but, "I'm not pre pared to say women should be d rafted'' -even for clerical jobs. Men are belt.er qualified physically lo handle combat jobs s uch a s the infantry. wnks and fi eld artillery. he said. ADM. THOMAS 8 . HAYWARD, CHJE•' of naval operations, snid that from a military viewpoint. there is no need to draft women. "From an equity standpoint ," be said, "that really is a poUtlcaJ decision rather than a military decision." Gen. Lew AUen Jr., Air Force chief of staff. said lt la not es- sential to register wome n or to draft them . Gen. Loui11 II. Wilson, commandant of the Marines would not object to enliaUni the ir quota of women through the draft. aEOISTRATION AND THE D&AFT HAVE been put on Concreu' agenda because of deep shortages in the military re- sene pools to be called in a crisis. Selective Service System of- ficials acknowled1e It is not capuble or producing enough m an- .. power raat enough in the event of war. Pretident Carter and Defense Secretary Harold Brown say any registration program should include women as well as men . although they have not endorsed registering anyone. "II we reglater persons for future use in some form In our country, it would probably be inevitable we would regis ter both, but lb•l doesn't mean women wlll be drafted or that men will be dretted to 10 lnf.o lbe armed forces,'' Carter said recently. Robert E. Shuck, acting director of the SelecUve Service System, &aid a full mobllliaUon would require up to 10 million men and there are 16 mllllon to 20 million draft-eligible men or ages 18 to 28. A aEOJBrUnON BILL 8PON80&ED I\' Sens. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., chairman of the Sena\e Armed Sel'Vlcea manpower sub- commJttee, and ffarry F. 8yrd, a VlrglnJ• independent, makes no provi16on for realltering women. Nor does one submitted by Sen. Robert Mor1an, D-N.C. len. John Stnnla, D·Ml11 .• chairman ol \be Armed Services Committee, HYI the •ll·\'olunt.eer mWtary aboukt be Nplaced wttb 10m• type of draft, bu\. did not specify lt women 1hould be In· dudff. He bu n1d. however. that women lhould not be eapoted to com Ht. In tbe HouM, Rop. G.V. Mont1omery, D·Ml11., l11pouortna a blU tbat would Nqutre restttretloo ol both men aod women, and MontlOftlery ta oppoiaed to U1llJ1Jnc women to combllt. Anotber •pproecb w11 au1ceatect by Rep. Paul N. McCloekey. R·CaJll .• • marble ,...". c:olonel wbo ·~ a bill daat would require all 11-re•r·old men lftd women to recltw lotr military or ~tvillan p.........t Mrvtce. • • /tlmna Tricia T ric ia Nixon Cox and her husband, Edward. le ave' New York 's Cornell Medical Center today with their week-0ld son .. Chris tophe r . The infant was born b y Caesarean section . Newport Considers 21-house Project Ne wport Beach planning com· missioners will be asked Thurs- day lo approv<: a tentative tract m a p for a 21-ho mc development next to Rogers' Garde ns ne<Jr Newport Center Tht• pla n subm1Ucd by the I rv1m• Company a lso Includes a truff1r :.lutly which shows no s 1g n1fi cunt traffic would be gener att•d by lhP 13-atn• dl· Vl•lopment City s taff member:, ure rec· om m ending lhal us part of the tract 's :ipproval. a park fee of $113.000 be levied a~ainst the project Tha t's a n es t imated Man Faces Court In Wallet Thefts The man suspec t(.'<f or st ealing the wallet of Irvine Compa ny President Peter Kremer facet. preliminary hearing Monday in Los Angeles on charges of com milling a series of thefts 1n N e w po r t Beac h a nd Lo :. Angeles. Steven Minch, 33. was arrest- ed March 9 in a downtown Los Angeles office building. At the lime or his arrest, pohcc alleged he carried several stolen wallets including one ta ken a fe w days earlier from Kremer 'a office in Newport Beach. $5.300 per unit for the pa rk fee The parcel to b<: d1scusS<.'<i t:. locate d o n M a c Arthur Bo uleva rd and tht' alignment of the proposed cxtcntion of San Mi guel Drive Orii::inally, comr1a ny 11fflt·1al ~ contemplated a low rn.c offirc• developme nt on lht' triangle shaped property. hut protc!-tt:. from residents of t he adJucenl Harbor Vit•w Hills apparently triggered the :iw1tch tu the hou..'i 1ng plan!> P lans i-.ubm ilted by the <'om pa ny show ,•1thcr t he compll't1on of San Miguel which would :.cvt:r the parcel from I !arbor View Hills, or turning the roadway m to a cul de sac Plannin~ commissioners meet at 7 30 p m. in City Council chambers. Eastbluff Home Hit by Burglar Newpor t Beach police ar c seeking the burg lar who took va lua bles worth more than $21.500 from &1n Eastbluff home T uesday. Ant hony Oistepha no. or 815 Camphor St reported the theft at about 4 p.m . qsted iJS mt:.:. ing was a $10.000 coin coll ection. t e le vis ion s e ts. a camera. jewe lry, rines and a set of gold natware. Marine Admit Guilt ' . ' A Camp Pe11dh:t.on Marlnt· who told pohce h\• wo. "upset" aft er a spat with his girlfriend bas pleaded guilty to 10 counts of vandalis m stetl'lminA from a March 2 lire-slashing spree 111 San Cl<'menle Kenneth Michael Miller. 21 . ;id milled the 111 t· i.lushinA1> Mon day al h1:-South ()ran)(l' County J udicial U1stnct court arr:uun ment belon· JudKe Hober t Uarclt•y Police L.t. Crat~ Spreckly :.aid Miller told officers he beram1• intoxicated aflt<r the spat ;md begun la king his feelings out on <1 uto tires parked on c1tllc1> Escaloheb. Puente. Cetn ada an1.1 Mariposa with a knife during the predawn hours. Police have asked the <'Ourt that Miller ~ ordered lo make rcstitullon to the owne r:. of 39 irn tos whose· 56 ti res wcrt• found :.la s ht:d a s t h e g r u m bhng downtown residents walked lo their veh1elc.-s to drive to work that Fnday morning I lnitiaUy, Miller was c harged with v:mdalmni( a ll 39 autos but only 10 counts or mah c1ous mis chief were fil ed by the Orangt: County D1str1c1 Attorney M illcr rem ains in Or ange County Ja il m heu of $500 ba1\ pending his April 9 se ntencing Prayer Fete Set Friday In Newport Me mbe rs of the Newport Ha rbor J ayct..><->S will host th~1r a nn ua l M.,yor '1> P rayer Breakfast Friday at 7 ·JO a m bl the Newport Beach Sheraton Hotel Tic kets fo r the evt:nl a rc $7.50 and the feature.'<! :.pcakcr 1s Ken Po ure , e xtens ion director of flume Lbke Christian Camp. who will discuss family life. T he praye, breakfas t mark~ t b e o pc 11 1n g o f C hris tia n Leaders hip Wcc•k t ha t run:. throu~h M art·h :.!<J w11h a senc.1> of breakfasL'l, ladies' ''offe1•:. and evening meeungs in which local residents c·an ml·Ct to discus:. lht.>1r rclatw nsl11p with God F'or further information. con· taC'I the JJycct•s through thl· Newport Jlarhor l\rca Chamhl·r or Commerct" 644·8211 Frtn11 Pa~ A I BIRDS ••• the flock had been exposed, test:. wo uld be a t1mc-coni.uming problem IO 9 race lo contain tht• disease in Southern Cahforn1a Carner voluntanly closed tht: doors to h t!> ~h o p a l 18120 B r ookhurst St. and waited thret> day!-. for the task force disposal team a r rival to de:.troy tht· birds. tal.c blood :.am ples and disinfect the !>lore "I lh1 nk 11 'i. tragic ." Ca rner said this week "l called bt..'Ca usc I wa!I concerne d <1bout the welfare or the community, und they destroyed the birds before they were found lo be infected It's awfully wrong. ·· Lynn Hart HART'S John Hart ·'· SPORTING GOODS 538 CENTER ST. • COST A MESA • 646-1919 Baske~alls 1095 up BasketUll BackMards 19'5 Basketllall Geals 11s & 1ots Basketball Gui Nets 1 so to 3ts Velley~alls Valleyllall S.•s Velleyball Nets Baseball Mitts & Sieves BaseUll Bats Basnall Hise Baseatl Clllre~ Sleeves Basdall ates BaseUll Battil1 Sieves BaseUll C• Speeda & Adidas Swim Suits & Trunks Swim Go11les Kick Beards Duck Feet fins Masks Snorkles Racquetllall Racquets Rac•t Baits Racquetball Gloves Tennis Rackets Tennis Cll1'ill1 Tennis S.11s Tennis Balls Weipt Sets Jump Ripes. D111bells sm. 9-5:38 m c... &41-1919 I .-... ti ... Mlfct\ ~,I 191'1 OM. y PtlOT "I State GOP to B111·row Into Grass Roots 81 DA\'JD VTSlllA~N Cit -o.ltt,.... .... A CallfomJa Republiu n dlif'f taln tokt Orant• C-.ty party faalM\&l 'l\wsday he would triwe to revilalla• and 1t ren1\hen GOP m1cblnery at t he 1ra.u root.I levd TIM ~•rd. he ta.id, could be ~ r1ther than ct.feab ln ~ dec1ded by raaor·l.b.ln •,.U. ''ft'• Um to praruce what we ...... ,., .•• , .• ,, pruch ... Rttpubllcan State Ceo· trnl Committee Ch ai rman Truman Ca.m pbell told • 1at.her· \OJI at the Soulb Coaal Plua Hotel. .. The job 11 bitc. It's almoet aw IOIM. But with a revltallled and uruled party, we are ready, able and wtuln1 to meet the challeqe. •· Cempbell aaJd. A 1DOnC other Ulin11. be told bt1 Republican Aaaoclat" ol Onn•e County a&.Mlleoce, be will push for ettabUsbment. or rMi· dt'nt atarr f\eld offices to bett.r eoordloolt the operation.~ or 11tate and local party organba· tlons. The field staff would support local committees in ruod·ralsing operaUoas. groom recruit and GO P candidates for local elec· tlons and pump new llfe into pre· d nct wort. l f, lhrouch these efforts t.be GO P ~ base could bf ex· panded by three to five percent, Campbell aaid, it ''will bring &.tS home winners in close elec- tlom ." The Fresno attorney also said he will see t.o it tbat m&Wac ef· forts are stepped up to improve stat e wide communications among Republicans. He said be bopn lb.at even- tually every GOP household in California will be on such a list . "Everyooe sbould have the op. portun.ity to rontribute mooey to • campa!OI,'' Campbell 1aid. Be ne fiting th•• effort. be added. are new postal re,Wa. tiona tbat will make it cheaper to 'IDaiJ IUCh material. By 1horin1 up graa5 roota level orQnl1aUoo, tbe party hos• said Republican candidates should win bigger and bigger races. o.oty Po ... ._~ Tanks Battling Kurdish Rebels 'AN AWESOME JOB' GOP U.eder Campbel Obstacles Hamper Republica~ 8 > REBECCA H ELM Qt .. DilitY """" l1Mf T he "ebbing" California Republican Party is going lo bounce back, but it ra;~ some big obstacles, says Truman Ca mpbe ll , n e wl y elected chairman of tbe Re publican Stale Central Committee. Campbell wu lnterviewed at a political writers· breakfast in Newport Beach Tuesday. Obstacles cited by the Fresno atto rney a s now ra cing this state's GOP include : -A party debt of more than $100,000 left over from last Nov e mber's election efforts. -Dominance of both stale l e gis lat i v e h o u ses b y Democrats. -Climbing voter registraUoo of Democrats in Orange County. long considered a Republican stronghold. "The reason for Orange Coun- ty's trend toward Democratic regjstration is because of migra- tion fro m Los An&eles, · · Campbell said . ··But I think this tread is ••~ b9ck to Republicans and fiacal issues are our vehicle." On the s ubject of the at.ale pa rty 's finances, the GOP chairman said mooey is a "sore subject" with him right now He admitted be was surprised by tt}e deficit when be took office in January .. I was expecting a deficit," be said. "1be amount was the un· expected part." Although s p eaking o p · timistically of the party's fund· :-aising plans . Campbell said direct mail a ppeals from can· didates seeking national office and out-of-state groups are ham· pering the state GOP's efforts. H e praised presidential hoperuJ Ronald Reagan's "ter· rific" fundraising ability and ex· pressed strong faith in his Ova' Offi ce chances. But, Campbell said the fMmer governor is "siphoning" mooey out of California wbicb might otherwise go into the state Republican Party coffers. ·'California is the big apple aod every candidate and every cause seeks the fruit of this stale," be said. "So we nmirt. competition in fundraising,'r be-added. "But we tcnow tbe territory best ud we can produce a better crop." SANANDAJ , Iran (AP) 5 gove~l t.hrew lanlls 1nto battle with Kurd1th rebels be today as fight.mg raged around the army barrarks for the fourth day Two tanks, machine guns and cannons blazing, rumbled from tbe barracks grounds to enter lbe fray. Iran's revolub onary govern· ment wamed earher of stem re taliation if Kurdish guerrillas continue I.heir rebellion. The Kurdish attackers, includ· ing young boys and old~ men, erect ed makeshift barrie rs a lo ng t he broad t r e e -lined boulevard leading to the army barracks on a rise in the western part of this provincial capital. The Kurds, cartridge belts across their chests, moved from doorway to doorway as bullets crackled down the main streeL Groups of terrified civilians bud· died in doorways and alleys as the fighting grew. An elderly woman stepped out of her shop to watch the fighting, Di.sneyland Strike Over; Workers Back More than 500 maintenance workers went back to their jobs at Disneyland today after a ls. day strike. Workers voted 2i80 to 211 to re· turn to their jobs after Dis· neyland refused to step up earlier wage increase offers. · Acceptance of those terms by the 530 strikers means that they will r~ve first year salary in· creases o( from 17.29 to $9.:16 an hour and from $8.42 to $10.23 an hour during the second year of t.he new contract accepted by 14 unions. The contract was accepted after Disneyland m anagement told the workers that any further pay increases would a mount to a violation of feder al wage-price guidelines. Workers u n s uccessfuJly areued that the increases --8 percent over the first year and seven percent over the second year --would not allow pay checks to keep pace with spiraJ· ing inflation in the Orange Coun- ty a rea. Park supervisors and clerical pe r s onnel who h ave been performing maintenance duties during the strike we nt back to their regular jobs today. Gas Tax Hike Eyed SACRAMENTO CAP> -Buck· inc a tax-cQtling trend. the stale TranaportaUoo Commission bas recommeaded that California's g~line tu bf raised periodical• Jy to 'keep up with inllatipn Four Sites Re91ai• but ran back in as a bullet smashed the window above her head. Mortar shells fired from inside the barracks slammed in· to the western part of the city. Ambulances a nd othe r vehicles dashed through the fire to take the wounded to the city's two hospitals. Business Licenses Supported A move to require businesses in unincorporated a reas of Orange County to buy business licenses was endorsed Tuesday b y t he county Boa rd of Supervisors. As t hings st.and now. only sped al kinds of businesses - massage parlors. salvage dealers. nude model studios and others -are required to buy a business license. But supervisors indicated Tuesday they would like to im· pose a business license require· menl on all businesses operating in county territory, about 5,000 of them. State legislation, however, will have to be e nact ed before supe rvisors c an impose an across -the-board license re- quirement. Unde r existing laws, aupeniaors can impose a busi nen license requirement only to recover regulatory costs. Supervisors were told that roughly half tbe 5,000 unlicensed businesses in lbe county already require some form of regulation, building code checks and fire in· spections, for example. Rather than impose a license require ment on t hose busi- nesses, supervisors s aid they will support legislation tbat will em power them to license all businesses. lroine Race DmuM4,000 ............ ARTIST'S DEPICTION OF TWO HOMINIDS WALKING ACROSS A BED OF VOLCANIC ASH Footprint• Prove Man'• Ancestors Walked Upright EMier Than Prewtousty Betlend? Early Pri1nates Walked Trail of Footprints Leads to Knuwledge WASHJNGTON CAP ) -Two trails of human-like footprints at least 3.6 million years old have been discovered in East Africa. a fi nding that proves an an· cestor of man walked upright earlier than previously believed, a noted anthropologist said to day. Mary Leakey said in a state· ment for a National Geographic Society news conference that lbe prints a lso s how th at the c reatures ' feet wer e ve r y s imilar in shape to modern man's. The fossil footprints un· covered in the Laetoli area or Tanzania were made by two creatures who may have passed separately or together across a bed of volcanic ash. Mrs. Leakey said scientists have uncovered a path more than 73 feet long co:itaining 20 pnnts from the larger individual and 27 bel~ging to the smaller. • The creatures making the prints were clasaifaed hominid, a general category meanang a man-like primate and not an ape. Tbe footprint.a were allllilar lo five previously discovered m the same area and announced by Mrs. Leakey a year ago. The footpnnt..s a re important. she said, because they show the creature walked without as· sistance from it.a hands as apes do. .. This unique ability freed the hands foe myriad possibilities - carrying, toolmaking, intricate manipulalioD," sbe said. •·The formula bolds that the new freedom of forelimbs posed a cballence. The brain expanded to meet lt.. mul\iple activlties bec:ame poeaib&e and mankiocl was formed." Murder Probe Goes On By JEllllY CLAUSEN Ol ti. Deity Pllet S- Fountain Valley poli ce are continuing the investigation or tbe murder of a 28-year-old mother o f two who was bludgeoned to de ath e arly March 8, but remain relatively lighl·lipped regarding the ir work. victioo of the killer might be im· paired. Captain Beddow would not say what type of weapon police are seeking in the bludgeoning CO!fl· mitted by a man whom pohce believe was known by the dead woman. Builders Rebuffed Capt. John Beddow said that A coalition of developers, un· sought the order contending the investigators are reasonably ion groups and business officials housing dolJars had bttn illegal· certain they know what kind of los t a round Tuesda y in an ly eiven to lbe six-county SCAG An AA U·s anc tio n e d 10· weapon wu used in killing M rs. Orange County Superior Court agency. kilometer run is scheduJed in J oan Virginia Anderson but that bid to block the now of federal CEEED attorneys plan to re· Irvine Saturday to celebrate the they have not found it. housing money into a regional turn Lo court April 18 for addi· opening or a local instructional Mrs. Anderson's pajama-top planning agency. tional hearings on their allega. branch or Pepperdine Universi· clad body was fo und in the Presidin g Judge Wa lle r lions and with a request for an ty. Morethan 3,000runners have downstairsguestbedroomofher Charamia refused to gr ant a injunction t hat would stop registered to race, a notber l,000 home at 16587 Hemlock St tem por ary order t hat would SCAG's ~ofthe bousing funds. areexpected. Thurs d ay m o rni n g b y a keep $658,000 in federal funds SCAG pla nners expect to The race begins at 9 :30 a.m. neighbor. fr o m being s pent by the spend the $6S8,000 in federal Check-in time is 7: 30 to 8:4$. Police immediately clamped a Southern Calilornia A5sociatioo funds this year for deve)opmenl There's a S2 fee. lid of secrecy over the case, re· of Governments <SCAG ). of a regional land use proposaJ The course circumnavigates teasing very limited information Californians for Environment, that couJd require building more Mason Regional Park. from because, they said , the in· E mployment, E conomy a nd lower-cost housing in Orange where tbe race begins, and vestigation and subsequent COO· De velopment <CE EED > bad and five other counties. .• nearbJ wildlife preserves. The ~~---~~~~~~.;._~~~~.;;;...:....:...;..;...;..:...;.;.~;.;_...;...;;...:;;;..;;;;;.;;;;;~_..;;;;..;;;..;;;..._~~~~~~~~~~~--- t .2·mtle ran i9 over almost all natterritory. .. .. ' M11Sic Center Mulled Gem Talk Four sit.es remain in prime center officers have met witb contention for location of a the Santa Ana Redevelopment multi-million dollar music A1ency relative t.o a 17-acre site center for Orange County, it was located east or Main Street, repo~ Tuesd•Y Di&bt at Ute acroH from Bulloelr'• lo annual membership meetiq ol Faablon Square. A letter ol in· the music center orpaladoll llt teat bllS allo been ftJed here. tbe Airporter Inn in Irvine. -CUy of Costa Mesa : James K. Nagamatau, presi· Ne1otiaUona have been held for dent ol tbe Orenae CoaDt.J-.. ~--9ite iD tbe South Coalt Center, Inc., 1ave a v.W run-&rea near the new South down GG tbe aitea after IOllle Co• RepertorJ tbeater. rather polnted qu.tlw from Aeeol'dlq to laDta Ana Ill· tbe floor oo why alte selection torney Jolm McDennoat, co.mael wu taldD8 10 lone. for tbe music center fl'O'lP, • ''Site aelectlon will be tbe tan -..i ol II lites bad bea uncles' priority fOr'tbe comtnc ,eai," in•..Uptlon by dlrffton. in· Na1amaDu usurelll U. _... ehlllllls .ae oftend by &be llil-ben. alon Viejo Compay. II ualc center sites C\lrrent.ly TM attorney said be bad in· under comiderabon, Nacamatau atruct.ed muaic center officials wd, are: tbat none of tbe details of -'VC lnlM: A atudy for an ne'oUatlom should be dlacloeed. on-campus site be1an In 'I feel tlaat tills Is lm· Februr)' ol lt'll. llualc eeDtet-penUwe, .. McDerlllOU Mkl oflldale bave met wltb UC Niii...,. .... ~ tM more Re1enta Ila San Franclaeo. Tbey tllaD • -.le eeatet members bave fUed a letter ol lnteat wttb present lb.at 1UembenhJi> in the • ...-.. • orsanluUoa tu. doubled wttbin -a&T t1 Int.: NesotiaUOlll the tMt year. The 1rouf bad 738 beve belD beld wttb lrvlnl city members ln January o lt'78. A& oftlel• fGr location ol tlle Diiie of Feb. lS, lt'1t, membership ~-.... ToWll c ...... lD stud:l ll l.451. ltYlne. Ill other bueinus, the -ca, flll ..... Amis If~ HmteaU•I eo••lllee eub- \ mitted a slate of 25 persons for the 1979-IO board of directors. The slate was elected. There were no nominations from the floor. Ne w d ir e ctors are D.J. Bentley, Newport Bea ch ; Stewart Cas e, Santa Ana ; Ronald W. Cook, Mission Viejo; llrw. Lock Gee Ding, Newport Beach; Warren Finley, Santa AU; Richard Fixa, Fullertoo; Ntle• Gates. Newport Beach; Samuel A. Hill, Jr., Tustin; and Gordan L Hodge, Fullerton. ' ~ include Mn. William Hofttein, Newport Beach; Lloyd E. Klein, Anaheim, Louis J . Knobbe, Santa Ana; Robert Lowry, Santa Ana; George H. Mohr, Lacuna Hills; Thomas N. Moon, Orange. James K. Nagamatsu, Anaheim ; Ben Jamin Ramire&, Santa Au and John Rau, Costa Mesa. Aho elected were Mrs. WUllam D. Redfield, Fullerton; Mra . Laurence Reynolds, Newport Beach; Hu1b II. Sad· din1too. Newport Beach; Mrs. Edward Schu.nacber, Newport Beach; £dward C. Sebek, Villa Park: Mn. Richard Spooner, Newport Beacb; and lln. Glen SUllwelJ, ,.. • .,..,. 8e11elt. Br J.C. HUMPHRIES Certified Gnlo4oq1at. AGS ~-JADE '" m111tnJ1 ltOM of the Oritnt •. . History tells ut that reUgioua - leaders once used a circle of Jade. pressed to the i r lips, as a "telepboae" to God. The mystery and intrigue surrounding tbia beautiful Oriental stone bas held the • interest of men and women over the centuries. Wttb reqewed Western interest in China, there la also rftletred wortdwtde interest in jade. Antique Jade pieces are eojoJina a populartty boom amonf colledont. Before tbe advent ol modern tools and abrasives. Chinese jade carven toot up to a year to carve an intricate daip oa a small P'ece ol jade. J~e gained such pt"eatlte durtn1 :tbe i mperial Chinese d~naaUH, that only a small dot diath11ubbed It in the Chinese a lphabet from the word "ruler." Early European traders atuibuted medlcldalf!allties to the. s&one. SpaDlarda ed it .. ptedre de I Jada" (stone ol t flank> because they thought it cured kidney problems when worn ...,. the k....,.. n. Prends elfQplifted the 11.1me to ''le jade," wblcb became "jade" la EngU.b. J. C. JJumrl,.~~ J.Wtl!.,.~ MfM8U AMUICAN GEM SOC IETY @ 1823 NEV*OAl 8LVO <;06l 1" MESI< CONVl ... ENT TP MS ~~Chlf9e )2 VEARS IN T>4E SAME LOCATION PHQNC ~' .A4 DAILY PILOT 'Getting th Wednesday, March 21, 1979 ,_,,.. ,~~' wltla~ft Tom~~\ "•rplala~ Busine LOVE ANO MONltY OEPT. Our au1ust Oung C-0unty supervisors. eu.....-nUy 11ulfering under the U?ih atricturt"8 o( Pmpo~ltlon 13, appear to be casting about tor ways to pump up thelr d fl ated treasury baa Busmen tw11 thu• ~ und r \M board's cruUny. , Lllten. do you rtallie the~ are an t"!'llim•ted 5,000 bu&inN..'> pt>Ople Qpcrntlntt out there ln county lt•rrlto1 y t'Vt.'rY day without havlnM ponJed up for u bualne&l'I Ill· nst•., Thi& i• ronlr ry to "h \ happc>n\ wh~n you Ofl4'Ult• Within th._. ronfme Of In )rlt'Orp()tatt'd t 1l y wr.•vJ: JlJST WITNESSED. for uampl«>, how serioua Jy Clty Hall can take lb business Uccn."Je dodge Only yeaterday In Co8ta Mrsa, one JaM Md..aughJJn w1u. In tht' munl ~rt. battling the city, because she had reru ed to fork over for ~ bus1nes1 CJtb. llapp1ly, a comproml~ wu worked out and Mt11 Mt-Laughlin b not now 1n JJerU of doin~ time in thu slam mer So au tbls business heense money is rolling merrily m to our city coffers while county government 1s left hanging A P.air of Starken Sub~ct to COU1U11 Busmen lie~ Ta.r out lo dry. State law currently forbids wholesale licensing of county territory b"slness people. Regulatory licensing is, however, allowed. This means things like potential sexy goings-on and nudity. Thus operators of nude model studies, nudie dancing palaces and simUar enterprises must pay a county busi· ness lee. ~Vietnam Ready To Talk llANOKOK, Thailand CAP> Vietnam said todDY It I• ready to beteln ltllks to normalize rela· Uont with China on March 29 Ir ChlnC' e troof)3 withdraw com· plt'tcly from Its territory by M rch 28 Tht' Vo1e.-of Vietnam said a fort>lftO Minis try no te was hundt-d lO the Chinese Embassy In ll1u101 today proposing the tulki1 lo ht• ht•ld alternately in llano! and Pekang with the first round talung plui.'e 1n the V1et- n.t ml'tte capital BUT THE note ~rnd another Vletoamese Foreign Mmistry •latemeot, wo issued today, de· nounced luna for coollnuing to occupy "many areas of Viel· oamese te rritor y" despite its claims of withdrawing from the border area it invaded Feb. 17 The statement said as of Sun- day more than 10,000 Chinese soldiers remained at 16 points in the frontier provinces of Lang Son , Cao Bang, Ila Tuyen. J loang Llen Son and Lai Chau. Il said in Lang Son province two Ch1nese regiments were sta· tloned six to 12 miles inside Viel· namese territory and that in other areas Chinese soldiers had moved border markers deep in· side Vietnam. There was no independent con· flrmatioo of the claims. .. THE FOREJGN Ministry of . the Socialist Republic ·of Viet- nam resolutely demands that the Peking authorities withdraw immediately and uncooditiooaJ- ly all their aggl'essor troops to the other side of the historical border line which the two sides have agreed t o r espect, im· mediately stop all c r imes against the Vietnamese people a nd s top moving border markers deeper into Vietnamese territory." the statement car- ried by the Vietnam News Agen- cy said. WORLD I NATION /tlllldng It The cab o( a milk tanker truck hangs over th e r a iling on Lake Pontchartrain Causeway outside New Orleans but the driver managed to climb to safety. Police said Billy Thomas, 19, o ( Franklinton, La .• s mashed throug h the railing Tuesday after ramming a pickup truck. The tanker was carrying 5,800 gallons of milk. Russ FaCing Oil Crisis? CIA. Math M<Hkl 'Con/i~' ForectUt WASmNGTON CAP> -The Central Intelligence Agency says it bas reduced the Soviet U nion 's econom y to a matbemaUcal model whicb ap. parently confirms an earlier forecast that the Soviets will have an oil shortage in tbe 19805. The model also foresees a drop in Soviet economic growth to an annual level of 2.5 percent for 1981-85, more than 1 percent be low the average rate in 1976-80. •'The Soviets would export oil to the West until 1981," the CIA predicts, "after which they would ~me net importers of Western oil." This pre diction -which caused a sensation when ll was first disclosed nearly two years ago -is based oo lbe assump. tion that Soviet oil production wilJ peak at S90 miJlioo metnc tons in 1980 and fall to soo million in 1915. Jt also does not take into account major Soviet policy shifts which may occur. fl also assumes that net Soviet shipmenta of oil to communist countries will increase to an an· nual 95 million tons next year and stay at that level until 1985 If the Soviets try to meet their shortage by dropping these ex- ports to 45 million tons in 1985, the CJA says, Soviet growth would be increased by more than 1 percentage point and oiJ sh o rta~es inside the Soviet Union would be delayed. The predictions a re based on an ··econometric model." Such m odels a re wide l y used in a na lyzing the econo mies of Western countries and consist or e quations set up to represent employment, energy. foreign trade and other key as~ls of the economy. THE CIA has devised a model to study the Soviet Union called ··sOVSIM ," which is Crom the words "Soviet " and "simulate." Some other categories must al3o fetch up, like salvage dealers and peddlers. (.)ENERALLV SPEAKING, however, if you can just keep your clothes on, you can elude business taxation in county territory. Parton Hit With Suit Its value depends on the ac c uracy or published Soviet staUstics, which is-,often ques· lioned . ' This apparently vexes the Board of Supervisors. Far too many bus iness people are out there slaying dressed and avoiding taxation. $3 Million Sought by Porter Wagoner The a~ency says the model is helpful in studying the prospect of growth in the Soviet Union. But a CIA spokesman said these are the fi~ures which the Sov ie ts u ~e for their own published planning and that ttn· less the Soviets are keeping a double set or books on their whole economy -which he called unlikely -they do not af. feet the value of the model. Squarely facing the fully clolhed fact.a, our Orange County supervisors will appareoUy join other county boards lo trying to convince the state Legislature to change the business li cense law. THEY WOULD LIKE it amended to read, "Nude or Not, Pay Up." Jf the counties get rejected by the state lawmakers, tbey may bavet.ostarta C'ampaign t.oincrease naked businesses in ordert.oboost the tax money flow. The county may need a new motto. Someth1ng like : .. "Buff Business is Beautiful." Priest Faces HolJup Raps WILMINGTON, Int. <APl - T he Rev. Bernard T . Pagano, a Roman Catholic priest accused of being northern Delaware's mild-manne red ••Gentleman Bandit," has been indicted on robbery charges. A New CasUe County grand jury Tuesday charged Pagano. .53, with five cou.nt.s or armed rob· bery and one of attempted rob· bery. lf convicted, be would race from 10 to 30 years imprison· ment on each armed robbery count and three to 30 years for the attempted robbery charge. Pagano, who bas denied the charges, is free on $30,000 bond and continues to work as an as· sistant pastor a t St. Mary Refuge ot Sinners in Cambridge, Md. NASlMLLE; Tenn. (AP> -Country music singe r Porter Wagone r today s ued Dolly Parton for maoageqlent fees and royalties he sald should total al least $3 million. In a suit filed in Chancery Court, Wagone r, known for his rhinestone-studded cost umes says Miss Parton owes him millions of dollars under an agreement he says was signed by the two in 1970. Wagoner also request.ed the return or about 130 songs and song contracts be says were taken from the office of Owepar Publishing Co. by "an agenr of Dolly Parton Dean." Miss' Parton. majority stockholder of Owepar, has recorded several or thesoogs,hesajd. ~ WAGONER WANTS 1S per- cent of Miss Parton 's net income from June 197• through June 1979 . Under the agreement, he said, Residents Flee Homes lllinou Riven Pour Out of Ban& TnRpera••,..• T"9 N .. '-1 Wffllltr Sttvl<.e e>re· dieted fair ~ ""'°""' Tllllf'.-O.y. A 110111nJ119 boll slrucli nHr • $ov1Mm <:.i~ EdllOft 00. ~r sl•I IOft r..-,, In LOflO 8Hcll. , • ..,. •no 10,0GO customers lfl !twit c hy •ncl Cartofl w!tlliout ei.cirkllv for up 10 111 11011r afMS torclno LOll9 8ffcll .. o,pll•I 10 rem•ln on euallf•ry pOWer -• llOuB . .._..~, no otier•t• --. OlttVPted, hcnpli.1 'fM*•-s.ld. ~ ftll Ulltll i.i. Tuno.ty In IN -IAllllS .,_...LOI ~es. for<· 1no t11e catltonA HltllWey P•trot to relntt• • ,..,.relneflt '°' lllQllw•v <M in$ WlllCI> llle\I !led llfl!IO eM1r.r In tM -· Up le JO lncMs of 1..-WH retlOrW0111 -MHS. • TM storm !led~ I ... lnclles of r9Mt on ............ LAS ""9tr.. Ill' T11t1d•Y ewe11lno. ••tslno Ille ,___.,-..to, .. ,, Inc""-Honn•• , ........ .., ... ,.,,.,. _., ... llrM • ., Of '41'1119 It IUS -l.ftl ,.., ti tlll1ti-,tt-•Otntllet. Tiie ............. ......,_. .,.. ,..,....., ... .., .,.. '-* .,... of r•ln. -lllld c'-1 -.ed on lower• Arlrona tMey. •••tMr At<Wl(.e ...... II( ()elt ..... Micf. "--~--... -~ '°""" .. -,..,,. riff ..... S.-........... C~lfll nw....,. Cout•I lt'e•twr he was to be Miss Parton's manager for five years after st>e left the Porter Wagoner Show and receive 15 percent of her net income. Wagoner offered no estimate or what the 15 percent demand would bring, but he says that 1r that dema nd is d e nied sh e s hould pay him a t least SJ million. Wagoner sajd he tried to iron out bis differences with Mis~ Parton for several years. Wailing ta Hear? ' Have you •ent for merchan- dise and not received It? Ate you having a disagree- ment with • billing computer? la City Hall giving you the run- a·round? "At Your Service" offers help In all these matters and more. You can count on Pat Dunn and her .. At Your Servtce" column to help 801ve problems. ff you need help, mall your queatlona to Pat Dunn, At Your Service, Orange Coast Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 19'0, Com Mne CA 12126. Be aure to Include your telephone number. Pat Dunn gel9 acllon and fights red tape In ''At Your S.~"'lce," publlehed every day except Saturd9y In The Dally Piiot. - J .. I .. CALIFORNIA "From La Costa Brown Nixed Contribution • SACRAMENTO <AP> ~Cott O~v Edmund Brown Jr. 's flnanee dlrtttor an-aoatd a s:s.ooo con trlbuUoo from La C~ta )..and Co to U Gov Ntrvyn Dymally Drown' camp11cn reJttttd a Sl,000 donation lrorn L• CO$ta u Imprudent, a Brown aide say Tht' I.a C'~tn contribution ta Oymally ls onf' ot two w1tb ~111blo underworld ~nnt'ction!I that was arranged by l'tat\• f.'1nnncc Oarector Richard SJl~rman. one o( thf' m0$t pow .. rful offlt lnl11 In stall' l(OV«'mntt•nt . In •nolht•r d<''''•lopmt nt Tuesday. a La Co.,ta offlclel Said Dymall ·~ umv1t1Rn a:.ked him for monty ht-fol'\' Stlbc.-rman did LONG Hl';/\l'tl IA P I Formt-r Long Ueach <.:ounr1lwom n th-net' Simon. ~ OemO<'rat, »nd Rt'pUbllrsn rnl t-st~tt• <'Xt"<.'UUve Ollie Speraw wall face f'a<'h otht<r In a ( l runoff election to rllt th(' .''IT •TE sthltl' ~G·nate seat vacated w en eorge Oeukmc '---------...J J1an was elected attorney general last November. With ballots fro m 240 of the city's 260 precincts counted. M s Simon had won 24 60 percent of the vote to Olhe Sper:iw's 24 59 percent or the ballots ('ast an 1'ul>Sday ·s pecial election Wadi.....,. March 21 . 1979 Plpellne Plan Sohio Agrees . To Try Again CLEVEl.ANO CAP) -Standard Oil of Ohio 1aya it Is willing to try again with its plans for a pipeline t.o carry oil Crom California to Texas, but Sohlo's chairman has warned any more delays could bury the project permanently. Meanwhile, California Gov. Edmund G. Brown • Jr said. "Sohio will be welcome In California. The only condition is that the foreign-Owned oil com - pany act as a good corporate citizen. This means honoring the corporation's commitment to clean up the pollution it I the pipeline > will generate in the southern California air basin." APWI ........ A SUGRT MAJORIT\' of Sotuo stock is owned by British Petroleum "lf we rece1 ved the green light w1th1n 90 days there Is a strong possibility we would proc~d-U we received the green light w1ttun six months there is a probability we might proceed The proj· · !!cl is losing strength and character with the passage of t ime." Chuck Partridge, a Sohio ' spokesman in Cleveland, quoted Sohio chairman Alton Whitehouse as s aying. PARTRIDGE SAID the ··tosing strength and character " reference mean.5 that as the Prudhoe Bay oil fields in Al aska become more de pleted. it makes less sense for So h10 to go ahead with the pipe line. He said Sotuo agreed to resubmit its permit DAILY PtLOT .45 Al'Wl,.,...i. About JO percent or the dastnct's voters turned out for the special election that will do little to rhange lht• balance of power '" Senate but could set a trend for 1!180 Ant Ladg on Tour application to the South Coast Air Quality District A«!tOr Found Dead in ~ali!ornia if the ~over~m~nt removes legal and Al flodgc. television ·~ Captain Video of thc1 environmental barriers within six months. 1950 h b f d d d · N \' s. as ccn o un ea an ~ cw ork Ros a lynn C a rter. trailed by developer Mike Corbett. took a tour of solar home development in Davis Tuesday where she Reforarloft P•f"t Ord~r~d late r told the co mmunity they were set- LOS ANGELES IAP > -The City Council has ting an example for the nation. Reported ruled that a westside apartment owner wtll be al-as one of the mos t e nergy.cons cious com- PARTRIDGE SAID Sohio has no estimates on hotel room where he had lived a lone for t he the cost in wailing 90 days or six months . "But past yl'ar. Hodge, 67. had been unable to there is no question that it as adding to the cost. of find work after his s h ow faded. His body lay course... unclaimed in the: Be ncvue Hos pital m orgue lowed to convert his building to condominiums -munities in the U.S .• Davis' 35,000 r esi- Whitehouse hinted in Wastungton Tuesday that toduy. Couse of dc<1lh was not immediately the pipeline proJect could be revived He made the known but onJy if he finds a suitable place for his elderly d ents own a n estimated 25,000 bicycles . tenants to live ~~-~-~---~--~--~~~-~ statement after mee tmg with Energy Secretary -------------------~ J a mes R. Scblesmger, Tom Qwnn, chairman of the CaJifomja Air Resources Board. and a number Scott tO fF/ed In a precedenl·setting move Tuesday, the council said lgal Treibatch must not only help his tenants over the age or 62 relocate in the same area. but he must pay any difference in nmts for one year lf not. the council agreed unanimously, the conversion will be halted I andntark Mining Sparks Dispute of members or t;ongress. y W ~ "U these various efCorts result in clearance lo go forward soon enough:· Whitehouse said. "l thinkwe·11 sti1tbeab1eto doit .. For 23rd Time The procedure was designed by the tenants. the developer and Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky. Requiring s1rnilar relocation pacts in all cases ~ould keep the condominurn conversior rate down. Yaroslavsky said s,,.... 'Caaurd' Cra•ll'• LITTLE LAKE <AP> -An old volcanic cone called Red Hill has erupted into a dispute over whether the 10,000-year-old Rose Valley landmark should be mined away for patio ornaments and AT THE MEETING, Schles inger and Quinn agreed to seek legislation brushinR aside laws uits that have blocked issuance or permits for the. project. Mucb of the oil produced on the Arctic North Slope of Alaska Is shipped to ports along the West Coast. Oil intended for other parts of the country as now shipped by lanker through the Panama Canal to refining areas along the Gulf of Mexico. LOS ANG El.ES <AP > -Overstressing caused two single-engine planes lo break apart in flight and crash in Los Angeles and near Perris last weekend. a National Transportation Safely Board investigator said Tuesday. Seven persons died in the two crashes Alt.hough poss ible explosions were reported at the time of both crashes, investigator Alan Crawford said the sounds probably resulted from breaking metal MUWr flltrall \lotr s~~" l-OS ANGELES CAP) -A May 29 recall vote for the Los Angeles Board of Education President Howard MUler will be sought by the City Clerk's office The petition campaign for recall of Miller suc- ceeded in gathering the required number of vaUd s1~oatures of regis te red voters. City Clerk Rex Layton announced late Tuesda) His office stopped counUhg when the necessary 65,923 signatures bad been logged. The City Council wall be asked today to certify that the recall has qualified for the ballot al the May 29 municipal election. Layton said. Miller has been head or the board of the Los Angeles Unified School District for 21 months. The recall effort was based on Miller's support of court-ordered mantfatory busing of students lo a~hieve racial integration. buildJng blocks The conehead that marks the e ntrance to the eastern side ot the Sierra Nevada near Lit- tle Lake would disap- pear in a century after being chipped away un der a plan by the Twin Mountain Rock Co. of Sheridan, Wyo . Tbe company would market the cinder chips for in- s ulation. patio decoca- lions and cinder blocks in Los Angeles. BUT AN AD-HOC group led by retired schoolteachers Rollin and Grace Enfie ld Is against eroding the landmark. A hearing by the lnyo County Plan- ning Commission is scheduled late r this month lo decide the Is· sue. The oppo s ition already has resulted in restrictions on a com . pany permit to excavate the dormant volcano. • Spiral sllceo for easy serving • Honey 'n Spice Glaze • Cooked 30 hours H t/1r. Q,~i9tnQQ •Nationwide shipping service I\' ~y· · · • Full $ervlce Delicatessen ., ..., •Old World Cheese Shop ~d HQz~~80 S vl Qouh111ct J\llooL . y<x• do11·t l1ove tor~ RDERN . FOR EASTER Remember ••• We Ship An,_,,.re In Contln.Mel USA YOW' home can be a On a tlS.tn> loan. good orce d money when rndnthly payments arc for 120 you need extra money, With a nadB at an arnal percent· second~ loan from .. • '*cl 141. Total cl pay. Canmercia1 Oertit. ~can ments: $27~ borrow up to 125.<m on the C.all ua bjay to apply. valued VOlJI' tune. and we'IJ find a way to hdp. NO POINTS. NO PREPAYMfNf PENALTY. C0\1M~AL CRPliT CORJ'ORJ\TkJN l':JJI:.\ a ftnandal service d \:10 C°"1'0. MTA C~TION a A loen of "5.000 and ovtr mutt be secured by a combination of real and pmonal property. COST A MESA • S'm E. 17th St. • 64U'700 HUNTINGTON BEACH• 16075 Goldin Wat St.• 8'7"7171 MISSION VIEJO• 24"5 Allde Partaw.,, Sa"-1 • m26S1 ORANGE• 1111 Toww a Co.try IW.. s.dte 26 • 547-5871 , ..... ..__ .......... lllllWo ·-"' .._ -- Twin Mountain has agreed to limit mining to areas away from the cone for the first 15 to 20 years of the project. AN EJ"'VIRONMEN - TAL impact report on the project says there are several problems as- sociated witJa the mining sucb a~ increased truck traffic and the dis- ruption of rodent a nd lizard life on Red Hill. In addition, the report predicts up to 2 ,400 pounds of dust per hour at peak operating times. Despite that report, Twin Mountain attorney John Ziegenbein argues that cinder mining has been conducted on parts of Red Hill for some time. Rate Hike OK SAN FRANCI SCO <AP I -Alisa I Water Corp .• which ser ves 3 ,291 customers in Salinas a nd parts of Monterey County, re - ceived authority to raise rates for water service by S66.000 annually . SOHIO HAD PROPOSED to use the pipeline to rnove oil from Long Beach lo Midland. where the oil could enter existing pipelines leading to re- finery areas in the South or Midwest. * * * * * * Coal Gas Plant Plan Abandoned LOS ANGELES CAP> -Costly lease and loan delays have prompted Pacific Lighting Corp. to abandon a plan to build the nation's first large- scale coal gasification facility in northwest New Mexico. However. Pacific Lighting Chairman Paul A. Miller s aid Tuesday. the company will look at other sites for the plant -other parts of New Mex- ico. Wyoming and Colorado. THE PROJECT WAS to have been built on the Navajo reservation near a Transwestern P ipeline Co. gas pipeline to California. "The abandonment was caused by our inabili- ty to obtain a site lease from the Navajo Nation and uncertainty regarding the availability of federal loan· guarantees," said Miller. · A COMPANY SPOKESWOMAN said the de· lays had increased the original estimated pricetag of $3SO million to $2 billion. Pacific Lighting has already spent $15 million on the aborted project. Miller said. but that will be recovered through rates charged by its subsidiary Southern California Gas Co. Coastline Offering Course for Parents A lecture discussion course for parents of youngsters ages 6 lo 16 will begin in mid·April through Coastline Community College .• "Parenting U ," offered in separate sections in Huntington Beach and Santa Ana Heights, carries 1.5 units or credit. • One class will be held from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m . Tuesdays beginning Aprll 17 al Edison High School, 21400 Magnolia Ave., Huntington Beach. A second section will be held from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m . Wednesdays &leginning Aprll 18 at Bayview Center, 1S31 Orchardbrive, Santa Ana Heights . Registration information Is available at 963·0824. Volunteers Sought Youth for Understand- ing, a non·profit interna - tional student eJcchange program. i:s looking for volunteer represe n - tatives for Orange County. The volunteers are needed to locate, in- terview and select host families for foreign stu- dents stayi ng in Southern Calllomia. The volunteen also will help • pick American students for the overseas pro- gram and work with hi g h sc h ool ad - ministrators In creating a cooperative student exchange program. Students 14 to 18 from 23 countries lake part In the program. Anyone Interested in volunteerinl can call re- 1ton al director Steve Wilkes. 21U70-153S. ATTINTIOH .. CotN. STlMP & POSTCAID SHOW .. • LOS ANGELES <AP I -Scotty Wolft: as get. tin~ married again. but he hasn't yt't picked a bride that's somcthan~ the world"s mo:.t mar r1ed man wants to discus:. with has agent. After all. she 'll be married to a Sta r. The 70-year-old Wolfe, who's proud to tell folks that his next plunge into the matrimonial pool wilt be his 23rd. has been a minor.league celebrity for years as the number of his wives, and ex-wives. regularly increased . HIS FIRST MARRIAGE was in 1927. Many of his bndes were teen-agers and some or his wives have been recycled. But the attention all that received wasn't; enough. Now he's gone Hollywood -an agent. sc heduled news confer ences and a ll sorts of, hoopla. THE PATH TO STARDOM wil1 start io Australia. where a tele v1s1on executive wants to broadcast Wolfe's next marriage live and in color. But therem lies the quandary. ' Wolfe. who owns a s ma ll hotel in the desert town or Blythe 225 miles east of here, was planning to marry a 17-year-old last month, but it's been de- layed be<:ause she needs a court's permission and he r request hasn't yet been granted. BUT NOW THAT bride-to-be No. 23 will be taken along on a whirlwind trip to fame, Scott.Y. wants to be extra careful about who she is. 1 He's already asked one of his previous wives if she 'd hke to repeat the pleasure. She declined. Tht: three women he ·s living with now including the i7·year-old -are Ulso candidates. "THEV ALL LOVE ME, r love them," Wolfe said Tu(•sday 1n a telephone interview from his home . "I figure we'll draw straws out of a hat lo see whjch one goes." But Wolfe, who claims to have 39 children. says his a~ent also has several prospects . · "He's ~ot ideas about some of the young girls down there <in Los Angeles) who want to take a trip." Wolfe noted. Don Janklow. the agent, is hyp- ing his chent as "a celebrity who gives love" a nd who is ready to spread that love around the world See the complete Dinallo Spring and Summer Collection in South Coast Plaza on Thursday and Friday, March 22 and 23. Informal modeling from 11:30 to 3:30. Sophisticated dressing for day, dinner and beautiful evenings. Liquid color : a flow of heady purple silk plisse, full·winged with surplice-wrap bodice. 6 to 12 sizes 390.00. Fine Dress Salon Lmagnm South Cont Plaza Costa Mesa ... ~dit ri I p Robert N. Weed/Publisher TnomH keevll/EattOt' Orange Coast Daily Pilot ~· 0 a one WedMedey. Mwch 21. ff71 Barbara Kr~iblch/Edltorlel Pave Editor ~ ............................................................. . A8 Local Colleges ~Doomea to End?. ~k C-omanmilly CoUece tru t hav rir d the nnt shot in • batUe th8l ~1.. prn_ag~ • ma)or hilt in commumty ~ finuclnc PblJOtOpfty. Unr the Pl"9Hftl 1yseem ol locally lax-support~ eommunlty colleen. dtstncu exchanae mon y wh n n at&ldml who rukla lo one distri.cl attends r lu H~ m anotMr. The chani ol district ~ually U1 authonzed 1f a sU.a· dent Deeds a •s>ec•al course or courses not off tred ln tus own diatrict. The dislrit-l In which the slud~t r sld~s u cxf)('<'ted to make up, rrom ill own property '" x r V{'flUf'. t ht• dll t erentt betw n the ltatf''s per.stud ot contnbutlon 8 Dd the at•tual ("()el Of (Ultion in (he f"l"C('IVlnfC d1~trl<'l 11us lS LO :wold havin1 1()('8 1 ta xpayer s ~upporl the education ol tudents who rn1de elsewhere The system hu nol worked very well for Saddl('back District. wtuch last year paid Sl.4 mllUoo for r-eMd •nt.& al· tendina other community caml)OM'I Only $51,437 w'" rt!· ceaved for students all~ Saddleback in return Now Saddleback trualees ravor easang the bounda t} croestn, resvl•tions. The lrultees contend that the state has become tht! major rinandaJ s upporter of community colleges by pro- vid1ng bail-out funde to offset the post·PrOPoSition 13 drop in k>caJ tax revenue . Thus the e xcha nge of monev among districts should be reduced or eliminated, some believe. so students can utlend the college of their choice. This sounds reasonable on the surface. But, carried to its extreme. it could require such mass1ve state finan- .cing -and the refore control -that the locally supported c o mmunity c ollege s ystem e ventua Jl y could be transformed into a nother statewide monolith. Perhaps it is inevitable that the community colleges be organized on statewide lines as our state univers ity and state college s ystems are. But that is saying goodbye to the "junior colleges'' we have known and to the last vt!'Sti ge of local control. The districts should keep this hooker in mind when they . discuss a more integrated system. An Unfair System The .bail bond syst em is not a very pretty business Across the street rrom almost any jail in California is the traditional array of garish signs: BAIL BONDS. 24· HOUR SERVICE. SE HABLA ESPANOL. Inside. the faces are slightly different. but the opera· lion is the same. If the j udge has dec-ided you can be re- leased on bail, the bail bondsman will loan you the a mount in cas h. You must pay the bonds man a fee equal to IO percent or that a mount; you don't get it back. no matter the disposition of your case. The s ystem is inherently unfair to the poor. Many. unable to pay the 10 percent fee. have no alternative but to stay in jail until the trial. Meanwhile. the we ll-to-do prisoner who can post his bond is freed pending trial. One recent survey showed that 52 percent of the prisoners in California county jails were awaiting trial <and presumed innocenll. Some were being held on non· bailable offenses, but most j ust couldn't pay the fee. A key piece of legislation, AB 2, offers some hope of remedying this situation. Essentially, it would provide that lhf> prisoner pay 10 percent of the bail and promise to pa)' the other 90 percent for failure to appear. Key dif· f erence with the present system is that the IO percent is refunded when the person does appear. Penalties for skipping would be heavy. Law enforce- ment agencies would be charged with picking up bail jumpers. Bail bondsmen would go out of bus iness And the 10 percent fee would go to the court. not the bail in· duslry The 'idea for such legislation is not new. It's been ktclcing around Sacramento in one form or another for the past decade. And AB 2,. in its present form, is far from having unanimous support from law enforcement leaders, judges and civil rights advocates. Still, if it can be worked past the barricades of the powerful and well-heeled bail bond lobby. the bill could offer sub6tantial improvement of an inequitable and out· dated system • Optn.ons expteMed ln the apace above •e those of the Delly Pilot. Other vtews Hprneed on this P899 are th<>M of their authors and 8'tlltS R98der comment is lnvrted. Add~ The Daily Piiot. P.O. Box 1580. Cos18 Mesa. CA 92628. Phone (714) 842-4321. Boyd/Poor Speller ByLM.'9()Yb Q. "Wb•t'a the correct s pelling of William Shakespeare's name. Like I've just spelled lt? How did be spell it'> · A. The ••sbakespeare" : spelling ta just an accepted cuatom. Shakespeare blmaelf spelled it "Sbabpere" in one place in bis Last Will aod .Testament and . "Sbakapeare" in another · place ln tlaat documeol. OnlJ · a few Cltlve uamples of h1a bano ltin1 exist, HC!h of tbe• betlll bll aipature, ancl ao two of tbeae . aignalurel are spelled alike. : nu. i8 one of llle eurlolitles tbat bHe led alrepda over the yean to think aomebody else actually aatbored bis playe. Q. ··.oo a lot of young mlD Dear Gloomy Gm find that their hairlines are receding even before they're age 21?" A. About one in 20 fellows sees that happen. And ooe in six eventually gels bald on top. AnybcMt) born of French parent. an~ere m u .. world le ol ch naUoDaB- ty, aeeordla1 to Freaeb tractid& Anybody born \Ill· der tlM Brttlab na1 ls a British IUbjed. aeeordiu to Britlab tradition . Aut elllzenablp of the United States la attained la both wa,ya. With some modlflca· tions. Client alb, ••WJMre ln t.be Bible doee It say aa~ about pourial oil OD tloldlleC) waten?" ltdoeA't. 9'1ehrel- erencs are feund 1111 .... N. i• ••d••t llt•r•hre. ~,lnlbeworbol ~ e &lCr'er and . ·---~u.. .... .=:u: :==.-: -••:IJkliillllevetllll ... ..... -Ates ta.ve nolftd ~,._..,.._m .. ,,_ ................ •n:Act•Wlalla. ................ lbatal ~ .... le eoml, IUCb be .... fir .......... ,.,.. ....... ,..... 1 I Jack Allderson GoVernment Sho ws O il Stains WASllfNGTON l''or months > Pr<'8id~nl Cart('r and Energy Se\•retAry James Sch.Jes· lnaer baw~ bfito talkJn1 about Sl·a-gallon 1•toline Tbua en· tlt'ed. the oil mm art.• ru1bing lO malt~ lbe pt"ed1cUon come true . Th~y have ~lud µpoo the fra· nlan oU cutoff as ah excu.se for wtlhbold1n1e suppUes from t h t' I r t ue tomt-r s . Obvious l y , lht• 011 pro flteen would r ::.i the r se ll gas for $1 a (('91l on t han ror lhe 7!>tB-90 cent& at now coeu at the pump TM lraruan shutdown reduced oil deliveries to t he United States by no more than 3 per· rent, according to the General Accounting Office. Yet some or the major oil companies have cut back their deliveries by as much as 30 percent. SUSPICIOUS officials expect the companies to resume de- linries as the price rises. In other words, the gas shortage will end as if by magic as soon u the price ls right. The love affair betwefll the Carter administration and the oil crowd, meanwhile , has become an open secret. They began to eye one another during the closing months "Of the 1976 presideoUal camp~ign. Jimmy Carter desperately needed to win the oU states of Oklahoma and Texas. So he began to carry on a flirtation with the oil ty· coons who control the politics of both states. Early In the 1976 football season, the governors of Otlaboma and Texas appeared al the Cotton Bowl to watch a football game. They were joined by Robert Strauss. the Carter politico, who s peaks t h e language of oil. BETWEEN PLAVS they reached an understa.odlog which encouraged the two governors to go out and campaign for Carter: This was the begJoniog or a backdoor romance, which we have carefully chronicled. Here are the highlights: -Even before Carter was sworn in as president . he was confronted with an urgent warn· in~ from government energy ex· perts. "U.~. dependence on 011 Imports," he was told, was Art Ho ppe becomlna "watenabJe." Of aD rorma ol enero available wttWa our boundarlH. the Unked Statee was "dependent oia the least abundaat." Oil not only waa becoml•I Increasingly scarce. they lnlonned lbe pre. sldent-elect. but It. was CODCeD· tra~ in utioftS tbat bad de- monstrated t.Mir willlnpesa to uae oil a a "tool of their in· temaUona.I pollt.Lcs." Yet Carter Ignored t.bei.r advtce to find a replacement ror oil. -TWO llONTBS after the Carter takeover. we reported that the Federal Energy Ad· ministration was ignoring "potential criminal violatioos" by the oil-operators. ''FEA of. ficlals across the country have pleaded for investigators to crack down on oU criminals," we wrote oo Marcb ~. 1m. "Auditors have begced ror In· struction.s and more personnel. But the requests bave received resounding rejections in WUbi.qton." -~ following month, we re- ported tbat Cart.er has left the olJ iadUltry's key people "In the rllflt plac:ea inside the govern. meat to protect the oil in- ~ta." We cited a confidential memo from rrustraled officials wbo were trying to clean up the oil st.aim in government. ·•But OU aWI C'OOlrola national energy policy," they wrote. The Carter admin.lltration's pollcies. the memo warned, "will reflect Big Oil's interests because the work· i ng data and s upporting documentadon 1s coming from the holdovers." -llY THE MONTll of May 1977, the United States was spending a staggering $35 billion oa im])Ol'ted oil each year. Yet there were no controls over oil purchases. "It is left to the oil companies, not the federal gov · eroment, to negotiate the purchases," we reported. "This mig ht be accepted as the . ' • 1 American way. gtven our free enterprise 1ya.t.em, except ror some muJUmUlion-dollar price manipulations . (Federal io- vestl&ators I discovered that. 20 major U.S. oll comparu" ov~· charged the public $336 mi~ for oil transferred from their foreign affiliates." -11>e next month, the presi· dent ordered a secret review of the nation's vulnerability. An ex· haustive, four-month study con· eluded that. lhe continued flow or M lddle East oil into lhis country was less than certain. Yet critics continued to contend , we repot- ed. that the Carter administca· llon "puts too much emphasis on conserving oil and not enough emphasis on replacing it." -WE DISCOVERED in Nov - ember 1977, that the Energy Department had asked Price Waterhouse and Company lO de· velop a contingency plan for gasoline rationing. "The firm as the accountant for a number of m ajor oil companies." we re- ported. "No other company was allowed to compete for the con· tract ... Not surprisingly, the firm is studying an emergency gas rationin& plan that would re- ly on oil company <'redit cards." Our warnings began to stir up alarm oa Capitol Hill by the end of the year. Seo. Edward Kennedy, D·Mass .. for one, wrote a stern lette r to the Energy Secretary. "Many mem· bers of Congress," he not.Jfied Schlesinger, "have been deeply concerned aver the growing con- trol of our domestic ener gy re- aou rces by a handful of major oil companies." Meanwhile, President Carter has seen sober secret studies warning that the American way '. ·1 or life could be threatened if a solution isn't round ror the energy crisis. Ame ricans are now using 50 percent more 011 than U.S. wells can pump He bas considered maoy solu· lions. But the one that he has continued to favor has been to make the price of oil so high that fewer people will be a ble to af- ford it. He has promised world leaders that he will bring U S. oil prices up to inte rnational le vels by the end of 1980. Meanwhile. he has encouraged the Sl·a-gallon gas that would give the oil companies tbe doo· ble benefit of reducing consump. t1on and increasing profits. They would make more money for selling less oil and the con- sumers would be the only lo6ers. A Glimpse of Life on the Road in 1984 It was a cool spring evening in the year 1984. "l know what let's do said Father. "Let's go to the drive·in movie." "Butdear." pr o t e s t - ed Koth er, "we can't af. ford to go to the movies We have n't been to a movie lo more than a year." .. Oh, I know that," said Father. "I just thought it would be a nice drive out there. You know, get behloe the okt wheel, step on the gas and zip through the countryside." "Well, lf you think so, dear." said Mother dubiously. "Speak· lng of gas though, you'd better get some flnt." "You're right. Mo3'er ." said F)ither. checking the 9auge. "Darn It, I Just filled the tank yesterday.'' "I hear Sherman's Super Save is having a gigantic sale." said Mother "Regular is only half a cent more a gallon than it was yesterday.·· "I can·t be lieve it." said Father. "That's the lowest in· crease in months." But, sure enough, there was a big red. white and blue sign on the curb in front or Sherman's. "TODAY ONLY," it said. ··Regular. $76.99 a eallon!" ••1 SUPPOSE it is a bargain." said Mother with a sigh. "But it still seem&. an awful lot to pay for a gallon or gas." "Now, Mother." said Father sternly. "You know very well the government's policy is to m- crease tbe price of gasoline in order to reduce consumption. And it certainly does make sense. You push the cost up lligb enough and Americans are simply going to stop driving their can." "Well. I guess you•re ril(ht. dear," saJd Mother. "But I do m iss seeing our two wonderful daughters sometimes." "Now. Mother. we 've been through all that." said Father. "I'm sure they've very happy lolling a bout in that Saudi hare m. Besides. it was getting awfully cramped with rour of us living in the car ... ''YES." SAID Mother. "I miss the house, too. And Sport. He was such a wonderful dog, so loving and loyal." .. A UlUe on the tough side. 1f you ask me." said Fathe r . "Look. I rni.s8 the house and the children as much as you. But what could we do? r couldn't very well wallt to work." "I know, dear." said Mother . "It's too bed YoU couldn't take a bus." "I thought about it," said Father. "But with all that ex- pensive gas they have in their tanks. the drivers a re just too heavily armed these days. It would be easier to hijack a tanker I.nick instead." "Wh at'll it be. folks?'" said Sherman. leaning in the window. "A gill. a pint or d magnum?" "I'm a Lillie short of cash to- day. She rma n," s aid Jo'ather. getting out or the car. "I wonder ti we could talk? Privately." Father w a s back 1n t en minutes with a five-gallon can of gas in each hand. "Get out, Mother ," he said. atother bla nch e d . "Oh, Fetber," she cried, "tell me you didn 't sell Sherma n m y - foreive the expre s s ion -favon?" "I certainly did not!" said Father indignantly. "Not after he offered me onJy half a pmt a nd refused to c lean your glasses. But I'm not s ure I swapped him the right thi ng.'' 'Of course you did. dear," said Mother, beaming. "What on this whole earth could be more precious than ten gallons of gas?" Father looked unhappy. "The car.'· he said . Editorial Missed Point of Ha n dicapped Need To tbe Editor: Your recent editorial cntical of handicapped citizens' de· mands that OCl'D comply with California and federal laws re· quiring all new public buses be accessible indicates a ladt or kaowledce of the problem. as well •the IOlutlon. You offer sympatby for the llaa4icapped when -what they •••d la Independence and ••plOJIMltl -botJt of wbkh .,. =Mleftt on equal attees to matD pubUc transportation. rl'e Callfornla Leliialature and • United States Congress have ~ ta. fact and passed Erequlrtq aett111 to tbe ban· ped on all new public • equlpmellt . 9'aa1 ~lJ '°" employ· --' -M'Hll ao au public taellllfl ii .. mudl • dvll rt1bt ., Ille bandleapptld u ol any lldllr .-..Orl&r of Qala attoa. v.. only ..... ,., • .,. ~ .. --<• .,,.p ..... al) · :Ir" to tM llaMAeapped ls Here, too, your editorial demonstrates a lack of knowledge. Wbo do you tb1nk · pays tbe living costs or han- dicapped citlunl wbo caa't bold Jobs? Equal acceu to public transportation Is essential iD turning such dUzens into w · payers instead of tu burdens. You decry the nearly $9,000 expeme of a malnlloe bus lift. It just happens that the air condi· Uoaiq on thele new buses costs approximately that same figure. Ia air conditioninl more impor- tant. than employment of the handicapped? You commend tbe OCTD for their map.aniw 1esture ln providlft« special se1>1rate dial· a-lUt ttamportaUon for these "unfortunate" people. Arter all, dial-a -II.ft pleb tttem up right at \heir door and takes lbem rlgbt to tMir doctor.· H1Ddieapped doesn't mean "•6ek." A llaadieapped citizen .,..... to ID .., plate and every plMe lllM ..ad be a normal de1Ueltioa for any othtr person. l and be needs tranaportatJon lbet doesn't require 24-hour re.erv&· tion and limits purpose and destination of each trtp. H OCTD tried to provide "equal" service to the han- dicapped by means of a separa&e system. the eo.t would rea111 be astronomical. DORAL. HUMPHREY NelH Statfnles To the Editor: la .Joeeph E. Irvine's letter to the editor Cllattb 15, 1979) he mentioned the "old sayba1 about how you can do anythlng with atatlatles," and then proceeded to prove t.be point by attemptina to show that airport ooiae ia not really offensive st.nee only 0.02 percent or the population of Orange County had complained to the county Noi1e Abatement omcem 1971. Obvtoa.ly. not ell of t.be u millioa people lD t.be c~ &tq under the fight pattern a.ftd art thereto.re not al'fected. If the 412 "' J caUs are divided among those ~tually affected by tbe airport noiae. the percentage would be much higher. tr only t.boae who are aware there is a Noise Abatement office aad who feel tbat calling to co1nplain would accomplish a reduction in ~. the pe rc e ntage wo uld be astronomical. In my own private survey only one of ten persons queried were aware of the Nobe Abatement Office. Of this 0.10 percent, 0.00 percent were able to find a telepbone number for tbe office since tbe number Is unlisted. l woQder what interesting things Mr. Irvine can do with t.ho.'le staU.tica. For thole intet'ested in com· plaining-, the number or the Nohe Abatement OHicc is 8J.4.6Q4. R.T.LEWIS LAtttn ~ ~ ---· TM rltM to ""*-I.net'\ .. fil ~· tr .iimt ..... 111191 I\ ....,...., ~ .t -~ .,. t.u '"" .. ti•~ ~..-e..C., AH lell•r\M1nl lftCIUOe t~etwe .... mtUlflt .....,.,. M Nmtt 1N'1 lie ......... M ...... If Wftkteftt ""'°" I• ..... IMfff\I, "'°'4N Wiii Ml• "'*lillled, NATION I WORLD QUEENIE CIA --- N0Cha11Ces Baby's Death Tied to Diet? NEW YORK IA P t /\photograph of Darin Halper on his first birthday in December :.howed ;i "beautiful baby blond hair. blue eyes . chubb} cheeks and a s miling face, .. 1nvest1~ators said hree months l3tcr. he w3s dend from m alnutri ion and dehydration When Darin dl(!d he w~1ghcd only 8 pounds - about the '4eight of a b3by at birth. s aid police who were continuing their investigation today. OFFICERS SAID DARIN'S PARENTS, Edward Halper, 42. a part·time furrier, and zette. 37, were vegetarians and self.proclaimed Christian Scientists They were being qu~tioned by members of Queens District Attorney John J . Santucci's office. "They're not saying much. as yet,·· according to Tom McCarthy. Santucri's spokesman. The llalpers kept a stnct vegetarian regim en. buying their food at organic health food stores and u'\ing fresh vegeta bles and drinking mine ral '4 atcr . he added . No charge:1:. have been filed ;.igainst the parents DARIN W i\S BROUGHT TO ELMHURST 1General Hos pital on Sunday where doctors . who could not immediate ly determine if his heart was still beating. tried for a half hour lo revive him. An autopsy showed the cause of death as malnutriUon and the mcd1caJ examiner called it a case or chlld neglect 1 Investigators said they round the famuy·s apartl'M!nt weJJ kept, with many ChJldren'a toys, blanket.a and clothes in evidence 'Only .Joan' A Kennedy Suroives NEW YORK <APl-Joan Kennedy began deal- ing s uccessfully with her alcoholism only after s he started "pursuing her own goals" rather than thos~ or her husband or trying to live up lo the Kennedy image, says Dr. Joyce Brothers. ··s he has faced the realization that the only one who can rescue Joan Kennedy is Joan Ken· nedy." Mrs Brothers. a psychologist, said in the April tssue of Good Housekeeping. "She is patient· ly and proudly rebuilding her life on a more. solid foundation than before." Mrs. Brothers said Mrs. Kennedy's decision lo take her own :.ipartment · in Boston and earn a master's degree in education at Lesley College in Cambridge, Mass., has brought her even closer to her husband, Sen. Edward Kennedy, D·Mass., and tbei r three children. Mrs Ke nnedy. who sees her family on weekends, is quoted as telling Mrs. Brothers : "My fri~nds. my family. the Kc nnedys all the things that I have going for me -can't take an exam for me. I bavetodll1t:· · Drug Addicts Told KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) -Tbere- are 2!50,000 drug addicts in Malaysia, wbicb bas a population of 12.2 million, Jnformation Minister Mohamed Rabmat said. He said 71 percent of th~ addict. are between the ages of lS and 20 and un: employed or working as laborers. . ~, HERB FRIEDLASDF.R IS~AIUSG GREAT OEi\lA~ BUY OR LFA SE 1 FREE 50oi~ ' , Wedr~. Mwch 21 , 1979 What About the Palestinians? JERUSALEM 1A1•1 I\ lime bomh ti ti<'ki"-1w1y In the ER.)'ptlan lsraell Pt"•t'to trHty It 111 rallf'd Pale1tlnl1n. autonomy, and bracl. Et1 YPl and tht> Un1tNt Stult''t huvf• .i )'1.'llr J)(•rhaps lcaa to d.-fu .... t• 1t Th~ Arabt of the We t Oanlc and Gaza Strip, for whom th •d~u of autonomous self ruJe w&a d~vtff(,'<f. si&y t)l('y don't want 1t. And tbe t ,300 laruf'IJ ramtllc an about 50 ror«ne<t. wire nng(,-J i;etue. menu m the Wei;t 1J1mk havt-vowed w fight It. THE AaABS ("OMPLi\IN th•l 1t will not lead to .. ult'stlnlan :-ilo1tchood Tbl' Jews complain thut It will Israel and 1o;1iypt a~ree on the autonomy pr1nr1ph: but not on the de- ta1la 1lM" partlea urn to ne~ouate the If>· ue atartJ.ng one month after the treaty 1 ltntd They havt' set a tancet date fort"ompletJono( one year lult r The PalHtfaians a nd Jordan n:fuse to join the negoU1l10n!i They suspect autonomy wLll d~pen and legtUm1ie Israel's nearly l2·year occupauon or the We1\ Ba~ and"" ---··p THE CIU8P SPRING air of the West l)ank has been crackling with tension ilnce President Cart~r came lo tbe Mid· die East to wrap up the peace treaty. There have been at least three clashes between Jewish settlers and Arabs on the West Bank in a fortnight. "No Arab can accept autonom y ," s ay s Kt>rim Khalaf. mayor or Hamall a h . s ix mil l'i; north o r Jt!rusalem . wht're most of tht> Palesti· naan unrest has s urfaced. "Wh at will be our na tionality'' Our righ\,S? (Wr sov· t·relgnty? l think the Israelis intend to give us powers to coUect garbage and extermrnate m osquitoes." I s rael's init ial proposals o n autonomy, s till s ubject to approval by NE JJ" . 111\'A LY 'J.t.; the Cabinet , confirm the Arabs' wori.t re an THEV SPEAK OF Israel controling security. land ownership and water sources, Increasing Jewlsb settlement and exempting the settlers from laws made by autonomous Palestinians. The 700,000 Arabs of the West Bank and 400.000 in Gau would not have their Oag or currency. But lo the settlers, even these pro· posals are too g~nerous. Although few in number. they have clout through their National Re ligious Party, senior partner in Prime Minister Menachcm Begin's ruling coalition. They could withdraw and bnng down the govern· meat. The settlers and the NRP regard the West B~~ 8§ part of the biblical Pron.-uu1u ttaa ••~ committed .J 1uit any government that surrenders cootroJ ol it. ••THE AUTONOMY J EWS can accept is unacceptable lo the Arabs, and the autonomy the Arabs can accept is unac ceptable to the Jews," says settler Gers hon Sha/at. Until now. the Jews have let the army deal with Palestinian demonstrators. But the latest clashes signal more tension. and the military ~ovcrnment I!) so concerned that 1t wants t.o confiseatf.' the settlers' wea pons . Transport Minis ter Ha1m Landau. a hawkish opponent of autonomy. fears that onee Egypt discovers Israel's vis· ion o( autonomy is nothing llke what Egyptian President t\nwar Sadat had In mind, 1l wiJI renege on some treaty ob· hgalions TH£ UNITED STATES, reckons one We&tem diplomat, will have to exert "a lot of pressure" even i( it means the col · la pse or Beein's government. Some analysts believe Begin misunderstood Sadat's determination to get statehood for the Palestinians. When Begin pro· posed autonomy, says one anulyst. 1'he thought Sadat wanted a fig leaf to cover his abandonment or the Palestinian cause." · Tbe West Bankers have seen the shah of Iran fall to an Islamic revolution. and the portrait or lhe Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini is turning up In West Bank living rooms. Last year Mayor Khalaf got SlO million in grants for his city from Libya. Iraq and Algeria -the countne~ most opposed to the peace treaty. BUT AT TIIE SAME time, the West Bank aud <.au ha\~ been grat\ed onto lsrad by highways, farm methods and thousands of Arabs s eeking jobs In J ewish cities. The border does not ap. p ear on Is r aeli maps . A maJor J e rusalem·Tel Aviv highway runs along what used to be the western nm or thl· West Ba nk. Then there is this question: One(' autonomous. will the West Bank and Gaza be free to admit the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians living abroad as refuget'!'." Israel says they can return cond1 tional on lsraelt desires. But a Palesu nian student observes: "If autonom y means we can 't even let out brother~ come home unless Israel says OK. then autonomy really will mean noUung .. DAIL v PILOT A 7 1.rw1,........ Ro•orDIM! Steve Allen and his wif e. Jayn e Meadows. will be presented interna· tional brotherhood awards from the Na» t1onal Conference of Christians and Jews at a San Diego dinner Thursday. Early Aid OK SACRAMENTO CAP> -S pecial districts that :ire short of cash could collect their next state 3 Id payment ahead Of l>ched ule under a bill s 1~ned by Gov. Edmund · lirown Jr. The meas ure 1s S B 189 b y Sen W11l1am C raven , R· Oce anside. •HOW'S THE TIME TO SEW EASIER WlTH SINGER-AND SAVE.• tax: no work, no worry, no math, no charge. Jbin the Los Angeles Federal Family of Savers and turn the job over to a Tax Specialist. ~ This year, spare yourself the drudgery of filling out personal income tax forms. Do as thousands of Los Angeles Federal Savers do: let a specialist figure your de- ductions, do the math, fill out the forms for both Federal and California State regular personal income tax returns. There's no charge for this service with a deposit of $5,000 or more in a high-interest Savings Account, or $10,000 in a higher·interest Investment Certificate. This also entitles you to a safe deposit box, Travelers Checks, Money Orders, docu· ment duplication and more. And you'll re- ceive higher interest than any commercial bank pays, compounded daily. Your sav- ings are insured by a Federal Agency. So make an appointment now to have your income tax returns prepared at a time con- venient for you. The sooner you file, the faster your refund can be malled. Savings insured 10 $40.000 LOS ANGELES FEDERAL SAVINGS i NEWPORT BEACH 3201 NewPort Blvd. • eero11 from City Hill• 675·4500 OPEN Mon. ttwough TJMwt. t AM-I HI; Fri. t ~M .. PM Prematurely withdrawn Certtf 1cate Accounts earn interest at the Pass book rate for the lerm or ll"lvestmel"lt. less 90 days. .t. j ,,. I I • Head Office l ot Angel•• Feoer11 Sevt00• and Loan A1eocra11ort O..,e W11snite Loi Ang1tes 90017 •Other 01t1cu ttirougnout tf'I• arN , ON THIS SINGER* FREE ARM MACHINE. NOW ONLY $f6995 This Stylist• machine converts from flat bed to free arm to make hard-to- reach places (like armholes and sleeves) easy to sew. And to make sewing everything else easy, it has built-in zig-zag, s1re1ch, blind hemstitches and a built-in buttonholer. Model 543. POUY•RGEH S~ ., 'E s20 ~ ~~~MACHINE. ft y . PRICE NOW ONLY $119.95 With thh Fashion Mate• machine, you can select from seven interchange- able stitches (including elastic and blind hemstitches) at the touch of a lever. Jt even has a built-in buttonholer. (This machine available only at company- owned srores. See your local independent Singer dealer for comparable off er.) Modt1360. A~T BUY. STll.~ONLY~95 . . This Fashion Matt zig.zag machine 1s ~rftct for beginners. W11h all 1hc basics you nttd includin& l l interchangeable Fa.sh ion• stitches, front drop-in bobbin, blind hemstitch and snap.on prcsscr f~t. (This machine available only a1 com,,.ny-owncd stores. See your local independent Singer dealer for com,,.rablc offer.) Mocltl 361. SPECIAL PURCHASE ON SPRING FABRICS. Soecial purchases perf'ctt (or Easler fuhionsorLyndinia s2sa Slwuuna suitina and coordinatin1 Coupe De Ville prints In beautiful Sprina colors. Bot~ machine ON' V YD. wubable, 100.. polyester, 58160'' wide. .. I .4a DAILY PILO T For the , Record •lll'rl11p ~ I.A$ Y OA~ M¥r~ •~.,.. .. , ·~ ............. _ .... . (,At,.A.t.°'°' ..... , ... I .1-'IMY ••t<K. ,. • a.MJt""" ..... 0..0.1 ... ".11 ... ~v ..... lt(M.l'H'~~l• ,._., V1 • <•I. ,. .. ~-~-)4 11111" .. H\llllJ ... 119«1\ •ovc .. JOHN'O" ...... (.,..,..... ... -.......... , .. ,., M(l\of C.i.--.. IVfV t l MV ... I&\ ........ d t tl,-H,,...M IL C..."ef ""''*' ...._,. fU\1.Ll~ll M!.HllL'f JuM """ INll, l' -I u... I J\ -h wt c:MtAl .-W HAM "Ct)U.IN~ V..-I ~I -c .. -.... ,. _ .. ;;! ...... WllU.'l LVAlf\ t.ien Mf<-f J •..O 8 .. _. -.. JI 0001 .. l t to.o IUlU . Y (.()t I tit I ........... N4 H vi Vo<M Ltfllle. ••Id .... .,.,.., l II VI lt¥UW Mll,lfttNUU• frill\ _,. '1 "' ,,_, .. Y. Onl••>V ~-· '""' i>"4fltl•oi-Jt ow ..... ,. ..... -· J LCI. llt'""°lil~ ·-~ w., ... J• • .o. o1 \.-o v~ Nn • -""•" ne IC•y, Jl,ol l l t O'Q l OCtOO•~I ANOI lf\lH Ul" Wt-. 6' _ ..,...1111 I 11 °"'" I H...,11.....,&e.ln &NO'-ltliOH llAVI OA k-1 "' :HI, ·~ 0.8'...a. ...... ·~ QQl!I "' _,,,.......... NU ft: l'Mfllll J....., tO•"'ll .. .nO L...-..... 1 u la,,tft vt H"'''' 1nQIGft e..n ~ALMON MAILOI " Wtll••n• ll>On>••• 40, -ll..U. IMr•W }I DOii> ol tf""l~Ot\ !h ... n •O~f.M.&H ~UNO """1' <•,,Oii I 1 01 luuw • ...._, Alw.• '4vv. JI ,., (O\leMn.i M<llAV QA[HNAN Ma,. (J II .,,d ~"·'·· •f\n ,.. OOtf"I v• ... ,.,., . .,~., P0 8 LE!> ~IEAUI) "'•'"'""" Atrft•ndO Jf , 1\ M'6 Mifr'1 IJ_ Ot}lh of '°°""'••n ll•llt'Y '>M l t H SULLIVAN '>l~nl•y Wt-. )0, OI '"'"'" -ll•llltyn Anft, 24, OI l.tt\ v-. N~ HELLAWl:ll-OCLl ~8Y Doo\•l<f 40. Of H""l1"910n tk«ll, •l>CI .Jo.tn M•• ... 31,olO< ... I O l'IA ES COA0£AO R 1<l.y r~n. 2•. o1 c.o. ..... e1e1 ,.,,.,, •"" '"'"''"" -·· ol l.G\ ,._, ... l'U&.LER !>HIPP AOO.n ~ .. II. 1• Wlt(JnHOey. Man:n 21 . ''" 0 ' R PAT Wb n a di bllity fon•-<I ntt.' lo takt> u rtlt'd.lral rf'tlrt"mt•nl from work. I Kturt<'tl the hobby o( rnalUoJC clO<'k, w1lh dlfft>rent typei. u( burlwood Ulh as r\'Owood . ohvt•wood and myrtlt'wond My probltm 11 that I cun't IO<'ulc ta pJ. ft> to buy a ~ftul(c-th1&l m.-urn lht· mot tun' tn tho. wood IC mu t be> pr<'tly dry bf-fort• 1.~· pol mt>r f1ni h c-an ht pplu."d l'd at .. o IJkt: tu hod nut tlo .. to dr)' "wt l wood" 1 frt•shly c·ut> .it hom., r h11v1• drit'd -.omt-'lmaJI p1c'('t"'I 1n our ov .. n, but mcr..t of th<' clod, fuccs art• too b1M for lh1.t I n ht•ard f hN ~ sotnt• method lo t'V<Jporutt• tl11· mo111tun>, but I don't know wbut tl •~ A11y inform.t 11on \-OU or \our rtt11dn 1•,m provide • will Ix• up '" l't'hlh"Ci f\ P . c~1stu Ml·s..i T~ flrm1t ll~tt"d uncM-r "('locki. <.'ompont"Olb" •n lhf' Yf"tknw P••f'~ may bf-abl.-&o ~P yoa io<-ak lbf' tca111.-. for m'tbod& ot dr>h•g •ood. i\ \'S .-.ul(llt~ I rontat elnl two u crt'dited v~aUonal lie~: Gean City f'.011 .. 1~. Sc-bool or Horology, 1M Staa.. ~. Quincy. Ill. U31l, and JOKpb Buk>n ~bool o1 WakbmaUng, 4t·24 IZnd St., Wooch1kl.-, N. Y. 11377. If any readtni un provldf' lb~ In fo rmata )'OU want or can ref""r you to » cloek mak;or lo lhb ar.-a, you'll bf-contacltd . Ut:AR Pl\T I ordl:'rc:d two mini fl txxlhKhlt> fro m Carol WrtKhl Girt:-lat>l Nov ti On.-hnully ar n vt·d in January aft1•r I wrote. hut my l wo n· 11ut•:>t.-, for J rt•futHI on tht· m1s:.in~ light hu~t· O..•tu 1~norN·t J H .. Coronu dcl Mar The maU-ordt'r firm's wcords indJcat.e your refund was •·proc-.-8Sed" J an. 31, but no record of !be maillog date wu avalla~e. If you don't re· eeive a $5.ts check within a week. drop a card lo CWG c°"°mer Mrvlce representative Pat JoMs. She proml8e!ol to issue another refund Ir necHsary. ORANGE COUN!l /AT YOUR SERVICE I OBITUA~IES I A Start in Art Tht·M! four young a r lil:its werl' prize winner!> in an Orangt• Count y ·Hh Dis trict P1' A cul lure conte:,t that <1llractect m or l' t han 500 en · I n cs. Displaying their work al the Bower s Muse um in Santa Ana uc. from lefl, Stl'phc·n Lovett of Patton Ele menta ry School. ·yprcss. Kathy Garcia of Edison lllgh School. Huntington Beach. Hob Gad1cnt, also of Edison High. and . seated in front, J on llug he!> of Anderson Elcmcnt<.ary School. Newport Beach. £lit• •••tee 2 Bus Price , 1lids Sought • Manufacturers hoping to supply 75 new buses being ordered hy the Orange County Trinsll Dis- trict <OCTD 1 wlll be asked to submit prices for lbc coaches both with and without wheelchair lifts. Dis\rict d1rectors have asked for the two-price bids because of worries about u pending lawsuit that couid require all new buses to be equipped with lifts to serve the haneicapped. The s uit was filed by Attorney General George Deukmejian on behalf of the handicapped STATE I.AW NOW requires that all new buses ordered by publicly-rinanccd transit djstrict.s lo be accessible to the handicapped. according to OCTD Attorney Kennard R S mart District directors. however. have argued that OCTD's 0.al·a ·l.lft service for the handicapped beller serves the needs of the elderly and disabled by offering countywide door·to-dcstination trana1t In llrt-eqwpped vans "If they force us to have lifts on all our buset>. undoubtedly Dial.a Lift will have to go." OCTD Chairman Ralph Clark said "WE FEEL D1al ·a·L1rt 1:. far t>upcrior to put ting equipment on each of our buses." he said. Director Robin Young also contended that so far no one has developed a lift that will work for large capacity crowds on the full-s1zl! coaches. Smart said DeukmeJian 1s closely walchtng OCTO's new bui. order and may Lake further ac t1on against the d1!ltrict 1f thl' 75 new buses. expect ed to cost $8.2 millaon. are ordcr<.'<1 without llCls . HOME STYLE BRIDGE TOMORROW NIGHT (Every Thurs. Evening 7:30 p.m.) •nd ~jl Lrt>ll, n, llC>lll ot CO'\I• ----· 4 tlARHEV·HOGAN Vtrel Curll\, 21. 4nCI LI"°"~. 2~, botn ol H..nt • "91 on B-11 Aid Ca• Flnanr,. Sldll S~ltool DEAR VAT: I'll need frnancaal aid to help get me through a vocational i-.chool r·m planning to at· tend. How do I fi nd out what's available? Workers Tab OCEA ORANGE COAST BRIDGE CLUB 145 E. 19th at Fullerton, Costa Mesa Call for Info: 548-3302 ............................ HAZOM·ACEVEOO (ll•rl••' ISNO, ll, -P~ri<I• All<ldl'e,..., ~1 botlt of H""hRQlon llH<ll o<HIGHTON AU>RtOGC -~uet EOw•nl Ill, n. ol <><.-.. -Ot-L .. 911, n , OI Hunllnvton 8eKh -11.S CARROl.VAOV!>TEA -Sl-n W . l4, tttd J-Rlllll. U. both ol Cftlt -· MA•LOW JOHN A. tV<A RlOW. rHIO.nl 01 Cost• ,_,,.w, c:.. P••Mtll •••1 011 M-Cct\ "• tm lfl CO'\<e Mew, C• He "\UMfl...., bYl>I' \Oft\ WATIAI• of Mon- l•n•, -E. of !>otnte Arw, 'CA • ~ J. of C.OSi. MIPW. Q. W11t1t m 8 Of l'Ofl\MW, C... t110 >oM A • Jr Of We\I \/lrginl•, _,.,.. .... Ult Wllll llt!ld ot 81111119~. M onltn•. M o Johnson of Stflte An•, Ct Pt•rt ~loner Of <loll• IMu , CA., 6elly twule ..W ~ Hole -of S.nt• ...... , c... 2j 9'•nckllildr'9fl •1>11 "4 Qr••t ·9•-cll41ctren •net t 9rt•I· 9'••t'9".-N-. F-•I Mrvk.., will llt lwl4I Oft FrlcMy Merell 23. 19"1 •I II• .. AM t i I ..... •rbor Lewn ¥e-lel oi.et wllfl V.,_ Miii· ktlMI>, ...._,,.,. Wl-.5 OfflCltUng. lnltrmt l>I Hrvtcu lmlfttdl•ttly IOll-lltQ. Serv'"' -lllt dl•Mllon of HM-~ Oli ... MOrtUMy of Cost• Mela. -.SSW 1 M<INTYtte ELEAHOlll G. M<INTYRE, re>Nlent Of Gost• Mitw. C.. Peneo .... ., on -(I\ 1'0. ""· Sloe b ·~·...-by -llUSD•"d Aon•ld E Mt I"", •. d•Uthletl Mrs. P11lllp l •lph ol J.lorld• •nd Lynn• Mcintyre ol <Aorql• llnd ,., 9'....00.llllhl•r S.r• LAIP•"'-Mell OI Olfl\llMI 8uflel W..t M>d•y -ell 11. 197' Ml S.JO PM •I $1 JGMl>1M c..thOllc Cl>U<Ch. Coll• -w Private lfllH'metil fhur\dlly Mercn 22 ;ii f fte 0-Shepneru Cemetery. Hun 11n11ton 8e«ll. t.• 8.tlll lt•roeron 1-0MMr•t -Coile Mt~ lll•eCIOf'> -..10• WAutltt MACY M. WALKER, roill.,.tl of (.Mone .... MM, CA. P•Ulld •••Y on Merell II. lt7' '" H4t\0'00'1 IHecll, C•. Sl'11•r Of E4w¥11 A W•ll<ttf -Htlel> E. Gerl...., of Penftoytv11n1e. St••l<tl •Ill Dt llelCI toelev ~' M•nn 11, "" •( 11 :00 AM In lllt cl\a.-1 Of P.clllc VI-MefTIOf'l•I Par•. uoo Pe<lflt .,, .... Orlvt, ,,,,._. Btecll, C.. In •-of f~ con4rlltMlllons "'•'t IM "'-to Hoeg MeMor1e1 ~ ..... mi ..........., 81\fCI., Nt ,.f)On .. •ch, U . Pe<lli< Vie• Mortuuy • dire<too IAVAU L•VENE A. lAllALA. rt"""I Of . Co•I• Mew , CA PH"d •••Y on • Merell 20. ''"· Sl"t I• s1;rvl..-d IW ,,., hv-I.AUis. som "°"'" M<Ck.trQ ot Hu11ll119ton Beec h . C• , Otnnto • ~Clur1 ot Co\I• Mel •, C. • •1141 ' KtrrY J. -ll .... IAt Z.v•te boll! Of • Co\l• ....... c. .. no.<• P•l•lcl• Wyell • 01 Well LO\ An~IH, c.. end 10 ·-"'*... ,....,..,., ...... , ........ • De Mid on FrlCMy _,,, 12. ltlt el l 00 PM tt llW Ht<ttor Uwft -mortel • 0...-1 ...,.. lnlMrntftl W"'lt4\ Im 4 meGl•<••Y IOl,_,ft9. S.rvl<.e\ under 1'-Cllrt<llon of ... ,bot Ul.,,..Mounl 011•• Morh;.try, ol Coste MU• U>-US4. D. W .• Fountain VaUey A variety of federal flaudaJ aJd pro«rallls is avaUable to s tudents a ttenclJq acc~ted schools. Gnnts are outright awards lo nffdy students earolled in an accredited post·seeondary scbool. They do not have lo be paid back. Basic aod Sup. plemen&.al Educational Opportunity <rants are two such federaJ programs. Loaus must be repaid within a specific time period after schooling terminates. The National Dlrttl Student 1,oan Program and the Guaranteed StudHt Loan Program are tbe two olfe~ at low rates of interest. Tbe lblrd financial assistance program is work-stody. The federal government has aJtoued funds &o asslBt needy students to earn part of their edacatlonal e:t· penses. J obs are f0ctnd for these stGdenlS by the school, with ~ employer paying a small percent of the hourly wage and the governmeot paying the rest. Tbls propam is admlnistered tbroag.b the educalioaal institution In which the s tudent is enrolled. More information on these, other flnanciaJ as· slstaatt pfOKrams and s~iaJ auistance pro· ~rams to help the handicapped, certain mlnorttie~. and veterans, may be obtalned dl.recUy from the school, from the Bureau of Student t,lnancial As· sistance, U.S. Office of Education, Washington, D.C. 202:0'l. and from the state Department of Education. l'~adon, Degree Good Ml% DEAR READERS: The National Assoclallon of Trade and Technical Schools, which represents sot private and accredited vocational schools. bas available a number of free pubUc:atlons of Interest to penons seeking this type or job training. They are : "College Plug." which explains tbe adv an· tagea of adding skilled tralnlng &o a B.A. dt:g ree; .. Wbat's a Nice Girl Like Yoo Doing ln a Man's World?", wblc:b discusses opportunities ror women In tbe &eebnJcaJ trades; and, "How &o Choose a Career-and a Career Sc:boot" la adcllUon, NATl'S bas avaUable on request Its 1918-79 edJtion or tbe "Handbook of Trade and T ec:h•ical Car eers and Training," a com . pre•euive pkle &o voc:ationaJ edacaOon. n.e&e booklets may be requested by wriUng to: NATfS, 2021 K St. N.W .• Su.ite315, Washington, o.c. 280M. ~ f 'Ullle• o.,er Toba~~o Ta:r DEAR PAT: ls it correct to charge sales tax on pipe tobacco? The rules seem to change from one sales outlet to another. C.C . Costa Mesa It i.s taxable, says the Board of EquaUzation. Tbe same goes for cigarettes. 1&&.•0ADWAY -, ~' ...olllVAIY S n o BrCMldway Neptune Society Costa Mesa CIH!M~TIOH tluAl•L Ar SE• • fM2•9'50 646-7431 Kin Hailed SW'rffwo:=.U C•U for''" ,cwttolfo Capt. Randy E. Hoff WHn:LWCH•nt "'~ c.-.1-,.' J was presente d h is 08fT'etOtY •Flower Shop " second a ward or the 427 E. 17th ~t ... --iw--=w--• Army Comme ndation Costa~sa FUNERAL Me d a l at Fort Sum 6~ Houston, Texas. PmCt•cmt•H DIRECfOR I H o ff received the Mt4lftf'S MOWN•IY f J rb La award while asslgned as 627 Main St 8 Of• -wa a d e p u t y p r o v o s t Huot~~ach ~"---~t Qlnn mars hal with the 52nd !YIUUJf n~ Military Police Com- ,_ MMILY M rtu pany at tbe fort. COUJMAL,~L 0 lily The captain's father. 7801 Botta Ave Cemetery AJvlo L. Hoff, lives at Wettmln11er 455 Dia m ond Drive. 883-352& Crematory Laguna Beach. PACIRC YllW • In ........ In r ••cmtl PAii Any CefM1My Oli'NIWV MottUMV a.. 3600 Plaftc View Drive • ......,.... NewDOlt hlct\ 6'4-21'00 .. u ..... W.CC. ICI MDl'IUAW In....- ~~ ~ .. -~c:..erano .. ,,,. - PtJBLIC NOTICE Counly Employees Pay Talks Due . About 550 com munity :.cr111 cc worke r s in the O ran~c County Human Services Agency have select· cd the 8.000-member Orange County Employes Association tOCEA • to represent them in upcoming contract talks The workers voted 208 to 171 to tw represented by OCEA rather than the American F<'deratlon o ( State. Coun· t y a nd Munic i pal E m ployees <AFSCME >. OCEA official!> said. The new employct• barg:uninK unit includes pro fet>s1on al and s t:m1 professional workers in the county social s c r vi ce t>. m e ntal health . veterans aJrairs. consumer advocacv and pubhc ~uardi an d1v1s1on!I · A f'SCM E repres ent'> county we lfa re eligibility workers and c<>un· t y maintenance crews while OC F:A represents most other county ~ovc·rn mcnt employee:; Service Extended Paramedics OK'd to (:ross Lines lhl• closest hos pital a report 10 supervisors !>how~ FAMILY AFFAIR SINCE 1894 ll"lf'r<' <, n<1 "•1tl• l1h tlf• ln r Pit&X•rtPn<:f•' DEN'S c~ir,;e·i~'-t: iiisiaiiatlon: 'custom draperies ~~";; linoleum • wood floor I 66l P'lllcewffo A•-• Cotita ~ Calff. '2'27 ~ 64'-'4131 . '"'-Zl55 . . DANA POINT CLEANERS I Opminig Thurs., M.-ch 22 • • • I • L-*1 & .Affft atioft1 • 30 Y.-.. bperi1Rc• • 2 Hr. Service on Ory Cleaning s 1 oo s500 Worltl o• OfF o... . Clfflliftq An agree ment p erm1tt1ng paramedic!> in Orange and Lo:. Ange les counties to cross county lines while adminis tering emergency medil'al care has been approved by Orange County super visors. The agreem ent also allow!\ the ll6ll DttOW-r t .. s..,....10-r-.. ..................... public safety agenc1l•s Lo n.-que!tt :I!\· o,.... 1•1 ~w.~6'14252 sis tance from ont• another during ••••••••••••••••••••• .. The two·county pact would apply in cases whe n paramedics ar e s um· moned to medical eme rge ncies near a county line and must cross LO the other county to transport a patient lo times of dJsa~ter. the report !laid Orange County f''ire OC!partmt..nt paramedic!> already have a s1m1lar agreeme nt with San Be rnardino County . Reunion Scheduled Flood VictiDis T he 14th Armore d Aid ~Available Divis ion Association will Orange County residents whose pro""rtY wa!. hold its annual reunion •" Ju 1 y 2 5 . 2 9 3 l the damaged during heavy rains and flooding Crom Sheraton Hotel. 1015 w. Jan. JO through Feb. l may be eligible for low· interest federal disaster loans . Ball Road, Anaheim . Officials of the U. S. Small Business Ad· The mi litary unit. ministration said the loans are available for both ni c kn amed "Libe rators ... was the physical property damage and economl<' loss in curred during the storms • firs t d ivis ion duri ng Applications must be received by the: rederal Wo rld Wa r II to cross h agency in Escondido by April 30. Those interested t e Vosges Mountains in additional information may contact disaster of· and break the Maginot ficials al 1523 E . Valley Parkway in E'scondido or and Siegfried Lines. :.. phone 1_74:\·2"66 Former members in· • · terested in attending the Al /wl • lJ • reunion may contact oc •sm n•t Walter J . Skowron. 3640 .., .., Ti ld e n Av e .. Los Angeles. Gifted Post Members Elected Five Orange Coast residents have been elected Barbara Ha rtlotr a to the board or directors oC the Alcoholism Council specialis t i n gifte d of Orange County CACOC >. ~ children's programs for Three members were elected for their second the Newport -M es a term. They are Ken Jones. Founta1n Valley; vice Unified School District. chairman Harvey Sim s. Costa Mesa; and me mber· h as b ee n e I e c t e d at· large Tom Allinson or Newport Beach. The Rev. sec ret ary of th e David .Durand, c hairman of the Callforola California Association ,Alcoboliam Advisory Board and J ohn Farmer were fortheGlfted. elected to their first term on ACOC. Low Cost Cre111atio11 Service. Mo Re1istration F'eel HARBOR LAWN CREMATORY, 1825 Glaler Ave. Coat.Meaa (_,_.ftt tit ... left DletD htf. (40I) It Heftllor IMS. lo.) Plt•se send me the frH bOOklet about low cost cremation service. Name ............•......................................... Addres,s ............................................ • ....... . City . . . • . . • . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . • State ...... Z Ip •.... Telephone · · · · · · · · · · ·No se.esman ·wi1i ca·,; · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • • Color Your Garden "SPRINGTIME" 10% Discount If you pure ha 'e d full Oar ... 6-Color Pac k~ J 2-Po ny Pack& 16-4 inch Pots Each full fla t mus t be the~~~~· same type container ANO ' the same variety of pla nt. (Colors may be mixed.) Sorry ... NO EXCEPTIONS Rog.or',~. 64().580(1 ~n Jo.tquin •II MMAnhur • Nf'WJ>Qrt B<-M h • 9 am ·6 pm ' DE NTURES 8 175 each !!AME DAY Sf.AVICt AVAILA&Lt: '.& ORTHODONTICS ' ~ &OAAD QUALlftEO ORTHODONTIST '1550· DR. ARNOLD H. FLANZER J lOJ HARBOR, COST A MESA CACltO\S rROM flotOl 642-0112 I NATION I LOCAL Wedneeday, March 21, 1979 DAILY PILOT A8 Another Killer Wants to Die 'It 's B een a Wasted L~f e, Sure ' .. ,. Wff9P""IO> EVANS: 'I LIKED BEING A ROTTEN KID' KJller Sentenced to Die on April 6 A1'M0f\l':. Ala 1AP 1 John U>u11; Evan11 Ill d1dn t pay mud\ nol 1t'l' when O\'W:;piapcn. h fldllnl·d tht• t11111~ :.c1u1tct t'lt\!<'Ullon of Gary C.llrnon• In llluh on J n 17 1!171 fo;van:o1 wits 100 bu11y I It• bud 11hot u pawn shop ownM lo (11'tllll In Ah1bnmt1 12 d.1y'l t•urllt•r He and rohort W.1yn1• Hltlt•r wnt· r11hh111..i food storei.. plitll pDrlvr'I. fr It'd d11t'k••11 I uk1· oul11, hetrdwan· 11111 l<'l~ UJ\d ~mull shulJ"" WUt:N <ilLMORt' \\A~ t;,UX'l 'TEO, says r,, mi . I r1•nrt II Ill 1 h1• J>J1.wr I lhouMhl, ·Big deal Tht• tcUY ..int wh.1l Ill' w.rn1nl 'fhl'll Evani, dntl lt1t11•1 ht.•udcd for Disney \\ orlct 111 Flondu lo n•h•brull' R1llt!r 'i. 27lh birth· da) Nov. t-:\ un' 'll" 1n .1 ~mull. dam cell awa1t1ng n April ti l'lt•l.'ll()t·11l111n lhdt might have been M'llPlt-d by G1lmort• Lake lhe Utah killer wbo wantt>rl lo cJ11.·. fo;van~ h&~_fo1 ~worn dOY Jmal ap· pea lb Ile tt'l)<'al~ ulioo~l weJraly tout he wants death and wants it soon lhs al<'hcdul('(f 1•h·<·trocut1on 1,1,ould make him the ft l"bt P<'~On MflCl' Galmore uod only the second in 12 years to bt: executed in the United States "l'LL lit: GLAD WllEN IT'S over ... says Evarns. 29, of Reaumont. Texas "Knowing the d~le you're goan~ to die. ll'i:. k1.t1d of weird. But I don't dwell on 1t <All the llmt• I've come to grips w1Lh dt•uth · He also sct•mi:. Lo ha ve come to grips with hi s hfe By his account. at was "a wasted life ... full of cnm<' and with no one to blame but himself. .·Health Cited "l was u rotten kid." said Evans. "It had no(hing to do with my family. I would pull stuff JUSL to see if l could get away with it. And then when I'd gel away with it. I'd just reel so good for days. "And then I'd JUSt have to ~o out and do somellung a little bat bigger . . I knew where l was ht'aded ... . , .. .. .. . ' Christ College Chief to Quit Dr. Charles Manske. founding president or Christ College of Irvine. has announced he will step down June 30 because or failing health. No plans wt>rc announced to replace him Manske, president since 1973, said the process of establishing the collt'~e. which held its first classes in 1976, raused him Lo work "70 or mort: hours per week " · "THIS HAS EXACTED A TOLL on m y pe rsonal health," Manske said, "and has caused- m e to omit other form~ of ministry related to lhe G reat Commission to which I continue lo be called · He will continue al the college as a tenured professor or religion and chairman of the divis ion of religion EVANS, HIS CHAINED HANDS LJFflNG cigarettes. spoke easily during an interview in the death row witnesses' chamber next Lo Alabama's e lectric hair at Holman Prison. It didn't seem to bother him that he was so near the chair. which is painted a gaudy yellow. At one point. Evans stood up and looked at it and laughed . .. , JUSt wish 1t was painted a different color:· he said. Recounting the events that l<.'<1 him to death row. Evans said he was 16 when he pulled his first armed robbery. . "I was more scared than the guy was," he said ... But when it was all over. I was thinking, wow. a ll this money, you know. for 30 seconds work. And that's when l decided right then and ther e it was the easy way to go ... MANSK E P R EV IOUS LY SER VED AS ~ Lutheran campus pas tor at USC from L958 to 1973. : tre recently received a doctorate in social ethics at BUT IT WASN'T EASY. HE WAS repeatedly in trouble with the law and eventually ended up in an Indiana prison on a bad check charge. When he was ready to get out. he said. "l looked back on my life and it had been pretty wasted. I thought. ·1·m not getting anywhere. It's t.he same old tread· mill. over and over again."' He and Ritter -whom he met in the Indiana prison hen struck out on their two-month crime spree that included the murder of pawn shop o~ner Eddie Nassar in Mobile. Ala. Nassar's two young daughters were in the s hop and saw their father left mortally wounded. , . use : T he professor. his wife and three children will : continue to live in Irvine •. ~ Hotel Call Ads Captured in Little Rock. Ark .. by FBI agents. the two admitted to 30 a r med robberies and nine kidnappings during the crime rampage. Evans said in court Lhat he had shot Nassar in the back. and Ritter said he would have done so if Evans hadn't. t To Be Changed W ASHJNGTON 1 AP> American Express has agreed to change som e advertising which was questioned by the Better Business Bureaus. The ads listed several hotels a round the world a nd contained a telephone number where people were urgtd to call for reservations. /\n mquiry from BBB. however. disclosed that the number could be used only to make reserva· lions at the hotels in the Unitc.-d St.ates and Canada. American Express said 1t planned to have a : worldwide reservation service operating when the • ads ran. but technical problems delayed the pro· gram Jt agreed to change the ads to show that the number listed rould not be used to make reserva- tions outside North America BOTH SAID RE PEATEDLY TREY wanted a hurry-up death sentence. but Ritter later changed his mind. More court proceedings are scheduled to determine if his death sente nce s hould be main· tained. ·Evans said he has known love and has a woman friend who is .. not discussable." But he said he rejected lovt· because it would interfere with his criminal habits, JUSt as he rejected his white. Roman Catholic. middle·class home life. "I knew me too ~ood ." he said. ''You hurt the people you love. \\'ht•n it comes down to it. I'm a pretty selfish pers on . ff r want to do something. I ~o 1t. No matter who gets hurt. So I figured, well , 1L 's better not to gel into anything" that might in· volve love. Airline Seeks Surcharge NEW YORK 1AP I Trans World Airlines wants to add a 7 per cent surcharge lo the cost of a ll tran s -Atlantic f a res and car go sh ipme nts because of sleep increases in the price of jet ruel. TWA said Tuesday that it would a pply shortly to the Civil Aeron a utics Board for the s pecial fuel s urcharge. If ap- proved. it would apply to travel beginning May l , and to tickets purchased on or after April JS. the company said. TWA spokesman Richard B. Freenberg said increasing fuel costs are expected to add more than $50 million to TWA's fuel bill the next 12 months . Prices by this summer may be 40 per· cent higher than last year, he said. Other airlines, including Unit· ed a nd American, have recently filed with the CAB for general fa re increases, citing higher fuel costs as a major factor. IMPORT ANT SEMINAR OM SIGNING Co-sponsored by The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce ' and The City of Costa Mesa ' "THE SIGN OF THE TIMES" SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1978 9:00 AM -2:00 PM OIAMfH COAST COi • Eei SCIENCI ILDS. 270 I FAIRVIEW ID .. COSTA MISA IXC....-IMTlllmlte SMMAI ~WITH IUleMISS Ale COUUUMITY COUt:MICATIOM Presented by Dr. Karen C11u1. Internationally known Expert in the Field of Visual Communtcattona the Agenda win cover the fotlowfng pOfnta: 1. DtlCOVa •GNS 2. VALUEOf stGNS 3. THE •ORTANT ARU Of llGN COD!8 AND OftDtNANCES We URGE you to attend thil lmoortant Seminar. Bring I Fnend. I Neighbor. and Alloclate -I nd - Plrtk:tpaf . SR YOU tAM SATUIDAY, MAICH 24 "IT'S BEEN A WASTED LIFE. :.ure:· ht! said. "But I'm not down on myself, I'm JUSt a re· allal. I wu a rotten kid. I knew I was a rotten kid. I liked bein~ a rotten ktd ... J was going down society's wrong road a nd I didn.l care .. On death row. Evans said he finds little or no pleasure In his routlnC', wluch mostly involves sleepinl{. wrltini; le tters. watching a hall television. listening to the radio and playing c hess. Alubama 's 42death row inmates get 30 minutes of exercise outside each day, but Evans said he has skipped the excrct~l' period all but one day in the past month lie !>aid 1t hurts to see "all the freedom out there .. beyond the prison fence. ASKED IF HE HAS CONSIDERED suacid~. Evans replied. "Not me. brother ... What are you going to do? Cut your wrists and lay there for 20 minutes? Psychologically, that's got to be one of the most cruel ways Lo go. "Or do you make a little rope out of your sheets and hang there 30 minutes kicking around ? That ·s a h.ard way to go ... I'm doing it the easy way ... GAUDY YELLOW CHAIR IN ALABAMA PRISON 'Wish rt Was Painted • Otffere nt Color' Last 5 Days. Wed . 10-5:30 Thurs .. fort JO.<) Sat. IO·S·JO F1n.>I D.iy ~un 12.i; • LOST OUR LEASE. We have to move o ut of our old store m Wt<stdiff Plaza !JOOn (our lea~ expir~). But o ur fabulous new store at Brookhollow Center o ff the Newport Free~ay won't b(' ready in time (it's goan~ to be the most beautifu l furniture ~tort• in the world ). O ur old store 1~ jamml'd with furniture. Our warehouse 1~ 1.immed with furniture. Instead of moving it, storing it, and moving it .Jg<un. WL•'d likl' to movl.' it into your home. You tan buy !-Oml' of the finest furniture in thl' wnrld. all from our regular stock, at prin.•., vou'll m·vl'r ~>e ag.un. You'll !><lVe at least JO'k· .rnd cl!> m.Jch J ::. 60'l o n every itt.'m an thL· lJtore . During this ~lit> we'll be ~ivang you values so fantastic that we must m ake a small charge if you wish delivery. Use your Visa, Maste r Charge or Bt.>al's Revolving C hngc. Many item s arc one of a kind, :.o come in now for bt!st ~•~taon. Save to 60% and more. Closing out entire stock. Minimum discount 30%. Beal's Fine Furnitu1~ Only at Newport Beach, Westcli ff P laza, 17th and Irvine BUY ONE DINNER AT REGULAR PRICE AND GET THE SECOND ONE FDR JUST s1.oo That's the special offer being made by Spires Restaurants in lrvlne and Coeta Mesa through April 15th, 1979. prepared for take-out. The SECOND DINNER FOR $1.00 offer is good only at Spires Restaurants in Costa Mesa. 3129 Harbor Blvd., and Irvine, MacArthur at San Diego Freeway, and pertains only to the dinners shown in this ad. All other menu items are at regular prices. When you buy one of the tour dinners shown below at the regular menu price, Spires will give you a second dinner tor just $1.00 more ... served from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. daily. Both dinners must be the same and are not All dinners Include a choice of (1) soup, salad. or tomato 1urco Vegetable. French trtes. hashed broWn or maSheCJ po1a1oes. (Baked po1a10 or nee p\laf available from 4 to 9 p.m) Warm 1011 and butter. Breaded ~ Veal Steak (pure veal patty) First Second Sl OO Dinner $3.35 Dinner • First Dinner $3. 75 Second Sl DO Dinner • Liver & Onions ~ Fish & Chips ~ First $3 35 Second Sl OO ... First $2 g Second Sl OO Dinner • 5 Dinner • Dinner • Dinner • Served from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. dally. Second Dinner for $1.00 offer good only at Spires Restaurants m Irvine and Costa Mesa. COSTA MESA 3129 Harbor Blvd IRVINE MacArthur at 5an Diego Fwy. .41• DAIL 't i-tLOT ,.,...,.,._"' 136 OR JUST 103? Ex-atave Smith ·Firing OK'd SAC'Kt\Mfo;NTO tt\1'1 A l'ahforn1a lrd "'" tnct C'ourt of i\pJ)('al •~ uphoJdm~ the fmn~ of .1 · prison guard ac<.'ust>d of giving h1:1ck1>a w blucf1•-, to prisoner!> I Wednttday Maren'' 1919 'Oldest' 'fitle Disputed Ex-slalve s O;,J,y 103, Ret·ord IJQok Claitm ttARrow f'l l• •Af>• Chd1111.• Smith war. " 1>lav•· fn•••4J b>-lh1• F.mltn('111 tton Prnl'l»m.1 tlon of lRGl ancJ as, at 1.w,, lht oldt•'ll mt>rl<'nn, c('ordlnH lo offitlal nalJonul do('umt'n l'-01 :-o, rl 1ms ttw> Gumn~"'" Hook of World Rt'i'OrdJI. wtuch ""'>'" he " only abl .. 1t 103 Sltlllh II!> IO'lln' h111 plurr• 111 lht t\'<'Otd boo k Th(' .. ,. ..on • I\ marrt.•Ht' lu•t•n:w "tit" 81 .t:W IT wh<'n ti(' l(ttl rri.111lt'(f 'All\'11 ht -.a, :l~ 'UU\.111 R11t•hn1 Anwrlc.111 t•tlltor 11( Uw h.111 1.. ,,11d 'l\ll•Ml;1.. fl lllO Ill, N1•"' 'ork 1>'1trt• · · Srn 1th h,1~ for f'llr!t tvlcJ C'ol n dul 1.ll1•"i .ibout ht•1n~ o n \fm an boy of 12 in IKM •• ind bt· 1n.: lur1'd uhourd H ''"\.I' -.tup 11-. .i pr11m1M• of "fr1ltt•1 ln•t>' · v.tth :>,Y f\IJl lit• h.1~ '>Utd ht• Wa1' 'hlpfH'<I to Nt.•w Orlt·.rn' .irnt .,,,Id at aurl1on to T1•\J1' rt.1ndH·1 C'hMllf' !'\m1th, who l hun•tt.·d )us n.imt· fmm M'll'h.i Smith :.u1d th.it ht• wai> 21 wh1•11 l.11woln fr<·••<I lht• .. 1avt•' u111I lhial lw ..-.cnt un lo be .1 cow ho)', trn oull.1w who rodt• with J t•n1· JotrH' 11 l1f'lt•t•t1v1•, a hount v hunter. .1 lotU(t'r. fruit pll'kt'r .tn1l 11tort'k1•1•pcr HIS PAST, TR <·•;o to " Nt>v. Orlt•a1111 11 lovt• rt·Ht.,try , hui. !tt1l1sf11-d ttw Sot•wl S1·curlly /\d m 101<il1at1u11 ..... Wl'll a:o. "l, .. 1•w hs l1t al a l>•·nv••r ~(!rllllrat• C't·ntt•1, whl'h· Smith u111kr Wl•nt bon1• \t..,t1111: lo 1·orrnbf11 t1tc ht\ ll~l' But 11 h:1 "11 l ruO\l nl·t'd JI II t' .. rn . ... " II .. .. ~ II r r I s '1t-Whir1t•r 1u1 ,.;n~lti.hm.111 who 1'0 111 !Jill"> tht• book M 1·Wh1 rt1•r rt•.it•h t.•d al ,, u .. vvrly 11111'5 hukl. d1 s putc<J the Jl-(t' d ;um bt•t•.ius r of J murringe ('l'rt1rwn1t.• dall'<i Jan 8. 1910. on /11 • in Ar<.'adia. 1-'la The docu rnent. whtl'h IJsl :. Smith's ugc 1.11 lh<.' t1m1• as 35, ~u:. turm•d up ahout a month ago hy i.oml'<>nc McWhutt.•r 1dent1f1ed only a. ... a ·corrcsponc1l•nl ·· M"W11JltTER Si\ID TH•: re: .:1:strallon ..,how1> a 'harhc Smith m. rrylnM .1 woman nllmed Bt>llc Mc Wh1rter didn 't re. mf'mber lht.• woman's last name. Smith hob talked ubout a '"8f'llt·" ll!\ one or hts three brtdci. The Social Security Ad · m1nl1.1lratlon has said it knows it has the rtghl Charlie SmJth IWC'3 UM.' invc·st1gal<lrS found old iollive papers d ocumcnttng his .lJ::t• and papers 1n Texas lhal matched Smith himself ~ays he didn't even know anything about old .1~{' bt•nef1ts until he was I 15. ,... hen a Soci al Sec urity worker round him p1ck1ng o ra nge .. for W G Roe tn a W1nler .Haven grove SMITII HAS BEEN li vin~ al nartow Convalescent Cenlf:r lor four yt>ars "We haven't been able to rind anyone over 114 ... Boehm said ··E veryone wants lo beat the re cord They try every ruse possible." prln IS BLOOMING WITH SPECIALS MAUNAKEA BY BROWN JORDAN ... , ...... ,. PUb Rapped Former f1rt.t l ady n c tl y F'ord . who ovcrc:.i m c dcpen dcncc on drugs and al cohol . says s h e bclicvc~ doctors arc too quick to prc~cribc drugs for women un· dcr stress . She says m o r e att e ntion ~hould be paid t o drugs' effect~. NATION I LOCAL Water Sales End Excess The Irvine Ranch Water lJistricl has sold 164 acre·ft'et of reclaimed wustc water under a Sl·•n· acre.root. three-month ttaJe to reduce levels at water storage reservoirs An. acre.root of wutcr ts enou~h to cover an acre under a foot of water. WATER CHARGES. AT THE reduced rate from Nov. 20 to f.'eb. 28. have reverted to the normal rate or S79 an acre-foot . District offi cials said the sale was held to make use of exces~Sand Canyon und Rattlesnake reservoir reclaimed water which otherwise would have Lo be drained uselessly to make room for winter rainfall wate r The cheap water sold c.mounts to more than was held in the Sand Canyon n•servoir, in the Tur- tle Rock hills. at the lime the sale began Ot'f1Qi\LS SAID TilE AMOUNT Ot' s:ainrall ·predicted for lhl• r('sl of the rainy season is not ex peeled lo be a problem for any of the reservoirs. The rl'scrvoirs receive about 16.9 acre.feet a day. or 5.S m1lhon gallons, from the district water treatme nt pla nt. The water. ts suitable for agriculture but not to drink. A similar program of slas hed water price~ held in 1976 resulted m the sale of 250 to JOO acrt' feet of surplus water . ~T \ \11 \ \11 ~ ! ,n o~s'9n 'IOI•<! l om1111 I A 01\lllW: lt•e IOOk rrf.1lf'd by 11\1-on•Que oi .. yon 11 1,,11nq oes1gnl'<! lnr long hit .1110c.00111cn11ta1eo c.oml0tl CASITA Rectangular table with 6 chairs. Reg. $62~ SALE $509 ~~ ~~7 NOW$449 • All ALUMINUM . CHAISE LOUNGE :~/. WILLNOTAUST' ~ ~~ w•::o~:~: l • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1'eg . ~599 ... NOW $449 • ............................ pm .......... --: UMBRELLA RECOVERS SAVE20 to50% ~-··~ ---: , /.'. . "" . ~~~~ . .,~. ·-~-~ ... ~~1111/.,.~~~ ·--\'. ~ s_ .... ,;.r ·:~~~ y _ .. ·_I I '1 1 • 'JMUW.UU~Hl · ' • . , .... 1;···~-.ri lo,j. V,. J•.l, j"f J ;J..\111 I THE SACRAMENTO SET 5 PC. DINING SET • • • • • • Reg. $590 : SALE $499 i Umbrella extra Th.-~lonl .. r•·~ ~•·t 3 PIECE GROUP. LOVE SEAT GLIDER. ADJUST• ABLE Ht·lO·TMl&. SWIVEL ROCKER, ,.,._,,,_, ,.,,...dton ... ..... FACTORY BOXED All ALUMINUM WIUNOT RUST I -- FOR YOUR BBQ KING FEATURE S • 235 sq 1n ot Cooking Sur1oce •Extra High Hood •No Rusi Cflormolfor Burner • tono losnno Chorm·Rok • Go s Flow Control /II 111111111I'11/(l' Ill/ /«Ill ( 1 • , 1l l<UllSflllPMll ~1'/ The• !"iit•,..tn (.hai,..t• ... 11>1' ""''°'"' Reg, $160 ! ~ -SALE $195 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • KAILUA <IZ INCH Pt:OCSTAL TABW:: 11111 1.,J lr·•l•1ll1••111l 1t11I •I r f\ I 1111 •ltl•I •'•Iii '111111"1 1 .. , 11 .. ,\(. 1111 .... , ,, •. 11 1.i ... 1r I ' "" ' I 1!,, I W• 11 ... 1111 In 111 111,, • : SALE $ss9°0 HUNTINGTON BEACH • • • • • I ··.N·S·l·D .. E.= .. :M·5•1:C·v·~-:.s·.:_;_:_:_~v.ne.·: .• :.n ........................ ~W-.d .... ~.·.M•.ro.~.2.1 .• 1om19 ........... 0.Al.LV·P·ll·O·f ....... ~~--~~~~~ •• Otamberlain Takes a .Jab at Jabbllr i Wilt Miffed by Kareem's Remarks LOS ANG F.LP.S I AP I Lo nKtlm1• N tlC\nal Hukttbull An n ll tudout Wiii t'homtwrla1 n is up: ct with currl'nl .., RIM Kl\te'f'm Abdul J itbbur ~NtUlll', "All ht> has <km<· owr tht• yeur11 ts tuk • aubll•1 bhots at me 1n inh'rv•tw. " did I tlll los<' J'lt•t'p over It to this duy · · athlete? I 'm not here to discredit Kareem Abdul-Jabbar . He's a great tale nt. although l believe he's had loo ma ny sub· par years defens ively. Ch tnbc•rtmn, hold<'r of num<'roui. NUA rt•rord11. " prrr,st'd h1~ opiruon~ In 1tn rn t er v I<' w " 1 t h t. o ~ A n ~<•It• t; II•· r a I ti t:, .. muw1 -.port-."'ntt·r l>oug t\rtkoruin f'UAMBt;RLAIN SAID HE and Abdul Jnbbar, the current Laker!$' center , were prt.'llY i:oo<l friends "until he Joined the proi. und then he suddenly turned against ml· "I JUST WANT TO SET the record straight. There were some damned good centers when I played. What about Bill Russell'' Docs Kareem consider him a good a thlct<"> And wha t about Wall Bellamy 7 Or W1lhs Reed7 And Nute Thurmond""" "t'OR \'t: \R~ NO\\ I H' , .. 111 nolhtn~ but ~ood thrn.:-. uhout Kor1•1•111 1101 11111· nt·~,111\c• 111111.: ... 11et Chumlwrl1.11n , 14ho 1.i..t pl11\t'tl 1n the· fl I\ for lht• Lo!> Anitelc.., I .1\..t·r~ in 1973 111· ' rw vt•r ..,,11cJ one OK'•· thtnS: nhout nw "MJytx· 1l becume a rivalry thing with him." Chamberlain said ""I don't knov. what 1t 1-;, but l'm not keeping quiet any loni.:l•r tr this 1~ a slap at Kareem, then uwytx• ht>'s abou t duL· for a slap I particularly resent what Kareem !-.atd thl• olht>r day in <1 ncw.spaJX>r article I think what he !.aid heltllles my ac l'lHn ph~hments. and I don 'l hke 1t Chamberlain. now 43 . ~as rumored to be planning a comeback earlier this year He said 1t was strictly a rumor "I JU~I don l think h(• ' lht< grt>ut dt< fon~l\-e tt·ntt.'r he'-; ... upposed to Ix· ll'b JU!>l unreal. all the guy!> who arc dunking r 1~ht mer him I look l>ack ovl'r my earct-r and rerall onl} ... ff'w time<> anyonl' dunked over me 'lit• said the cenll'r~ of today in the NBA ..1re much better athletes than when I played Well . I d1sa~rce with him 100 per tenl I don't think he knows what the hell he'~ talking about "Actually. there isn't a doubt in my mind l could com e back and play some good basketball." he said. "I beli eve I'm 1n better shape now than I was al the end or my career "'But I don't want to play basketball anymore I'm too old for the reg1menta- t10n. And I'm enJoying life too much " WILT CHAMBERLAIN ""I still remember the time Elgin Baylor ""I played agu1nst him for four yeurs Doesn't he consider himself u good Textbook Blo~k .~ .......... Nastase Tossed Out By U1npire NEW ORLEANS IAP > "I didn't do even half of what l do normally tonight ... said Ilic Nastase after being disqualified in his first-round match for what the umpire called ao obscene gesture in the New Orleans Ten· nis Festival. Whenrne 0Tfe1 t w as &n noun ced Tuesday 0 1g ht. the court was quickly buried in crumpled paper cups and other objects thrown from the stands Many members of the crowd of almost 5,000 cha rged the court. and at least one fistfight broke out.between spectators . ·'The ch ai r umpire 1 Doug Lang) was simply enforcing the rule ... s aid Dic k Rober son. supe rvisor of the Gra nd Prix of Tennis event. '"Nastase knows that the first step is a point pena lty: the next s tep is a game penalty. and the next s tep is a default." He said thal to the besl or his knowledge. it was the first time any player had been forced to forfeit a Grand Prix match. Nastase's first run-in with the officials came in the third game or the first set. He double faulted a nd kicked the ball. a nd Lang awarded the point to Bob Lutz. Nastase -o bvious ly upset and down 1-3 -gestured mo- ments later . and Lang awarded the g am e t o Lutz. pulling Nastase down 1·4, and he went on to lose the set 7-6. Nastase won the second set 6-3. In the fourth game of the third set , Nastase was leading 3·1 and in front 30·15 when he made another gesture a nd was dis · qualified. '"I didn't give it to anybody. r gave it to myself." Nastase said. "They were too s trict with me ... he said. "They defaulted me too fast. The guys are not flexible, especially with me." Denver Nug~ct Charlie Scott rbehind) blocks a driving layup ::;hol by Golden State Warrior J ohn Lucas during Tuci,day ni~hl's National Basketball Assn. gam e in Utnvcr. Denver won. 113-102 ··A Borg or a Connors could do this, and they wouldn't have to d e fault," Nas tase s aid. "If you 're No. 1 or No. 2. you can do a nything you want and they won't default you. r understand that. When I was No. I they wouldn't default me ." Penn's No-names Ready Spartan Trees Loom Saturday PfllLADELPHIA CAP> -Ben Franklin, who helped found the University of Pennsylvania, once said, "Uttle strokes fell giant oaks." How true for Penn's little known basketball team, which this year has successruUy chipped out victories against some of the strongest teams in the country. NOW PENN IS preparing for its biggest basketball challenge ever -the NCAA semifinals. And if Franklin were around he might, af\er checking the odds, repeal another dose of wisdom be uttered over 200 years ago: "Work as if you were to live a hundred years, pray as if you were lo die tomorrow." For Penn, "tomorrow" is Saturday in Salt Lake Ctty where the lltlle Quaken meet the Mlcb11an State Spartans,• bt1, physical team that cut down perennial basketball 1tant Notre Dame in the llidnat Regional•. Doll Pean really have a prayer? un'aE OBVIOUSLY goin1 to be lhe un- derdol no matter who we play, and that's a great .. Nahan to Get Divorce LOS ANGELES CAPl -Sportacaater Stu Naban flied a divorce peUtJon in SUperlor Cottrt Tuelday qaialt bis wife ot 31 yean. Nabm, U. and Pauline Naban. IO, were mar. ried on Aul-21, 114'7 tn Loa Ante&ea Del aeparated lut Aua. I . The couple bM four adlllt dllldren, all ol wbom Uw ln the L(ll ~area. position to be in," Penn Coach Bob Weinbauer said before beginning closed practices here Tuesday. "That's pressure, but it's good wholesome pressure. "I have a feeling Michigan State feels about us the way Syracuse and North Carolina felt. that •we 're playing an Ivy school.' I'm sure there's not a player there who has ever heard ofone of our kids." Despite Penn's heroics in tourney play. there are stlll some folks who not only haven't heard or the players, but who are still trying to get the school's name straight. THE MORNING newspaper in Greensboro. · N.C., for instance. earned the score from Sunday's game as "Penn Sl. 64, St. John's 62" -showing the confusion over wbJch Yankee institution drib- bled over their beloved Tar Heels. "I told.coach aomebody was going to print It that way.'' said Penn's Tony Price. "It looks like we'll have to win the national championship for tbem to know who we are." .ALL WEEK DValNG the Eastern Regionals in North Carolina vendors were selling Penn State pennama, lnltead of mementos from Penn; this despite a btf.•llD, buns by a Penn rooter, which read : ''Tbll Pean, NOT Penn State." eo.eb Weblbauer doesn't appear rurnect by &be fm that a lot of bard work and talent have ended up H reco1ntttoa for hi• laacl·tra,nt. aet1bbor to the west, known for tta football, not it. be1ketball. He's an eaay·ioiaf, maUer-of·f•d guy who lhn by a ptece ot pbtloeopby that ii framed In hls oflke. Harvard's Curley UCI Tennis Foe A Friendly One By DAVE C NNINGllAM OI O• Oallf Pll•I Stall When Har vard's tenms team m eets UC Irvine next Wednes· day as part of an I I ·day swing through Southel'n Ca4iforn1a, 1be C rim so n will ha ve a knowledgeable g u1d e -J1m Curley. Playing No 5 s ingles for Harvard. Curley is a two-time CJ F doubles champ from Corona del Mar who's very fa milia r with Coach Myron McNamara and the UCI tennis progra m. "MCNAMARA COACHED me for a few years when I was about 14... Curley remembers. "And most of the players at UCl are friends o r mine ... Particularly, Curley remem- bers Lance Good a nd Craig Thom as. teammates or his while Corona del Mar was beginrung a s tring or four straight C l F championships la string that re· ma ms intact today, Good and Thomas are impor- tant cogs in an impressive ucr tennis machine whic h has reeled off an 8·2 record. It's a record that t'oncer ns llarv<ird tennis Coach Dave Fish "UCI is supposed to be very good and they've played a lot mo re matches tha n we have because California teams don't have a limit on how many they can play." Fish s ays . "We can't even start our matches until the first Monday in March .·· HARVARD IS 1·0, having won an upset over Virginia in a 5·4 tiebr eake r two week s ago. Curley won the decisive point. "He won his match 3-6, 6-3, 7-f> and broke the lie." Fis h says. '"Curley has a lot of potential. He's got the quickest reflexes on the team ... Since he's only a sophomore. tl would appear Curley stands a good chance t o l'vcntuall} become Har vard's No. I singles player-but the current No I 1s also a sophomore Don Pompan of Encino. the only other Californian on the roster. beat Curley during the winter challenge matches and. for a time. Curley was ranked No. 2. But s ince then he has slid lo No. 5 "I HAD A BAD WEEK durin~ the challenge matches, .. Curley says. "If we hav<.' anothe r JIM CURLEY c ha llenge m atch. f think I 'II get bac k up there ... Regardless of where ·hc ranks on the team. Curley fi gures lo be al least as important as Pom- pano during the California trip He knows his way around. he is familiar with ma ny of the op- ponents and he's accustomed to playing outdoors . That last one m ay not sound like s uch a big deal. but if you're play10g in M assachusett~. it is. "You're indoors 75 to 85 per cent of the time." Curley says. "It really puts us at a disadvan- tage because the teams we'll be playing in California practice outdoors all the time ... WWLE CURLEY KNOWS the UC I players well. he himself may seem like a stranger after he takes his positio n on the court. ··coac h Fish has changed almost my entire game ... Curley says. "He's c han gcd m y forehand. volley and ser ve. I 'vc gone from a defensive style to a serve-and-volley game." Last year at this tame. Curley wasn't sure he'd ever again care e nough about tennis to improve his game. He sat o ut his freshman season to get adjusted to his new surroundings and settle into the intensely competitive academic atmosphe re . Tennis was the See CURLEY, PaKe 82 ... • KAREEM ABDUL.JABBAR Add Luck To Kings' Repertoire INGLEWOOD f AP1 Lo!> Ang<'les Coach Bob Bt'rry and ~ome members of the Kings called 1t a lucky victory. Atlanta Co<1ch Fred Cre ighto n didn 't !.lick around long enough to call 1l anythln~ al a ll .. We got a lucky goal to ltc 1t up that gave everybody a lift, .. S<Jld Berry artt'r the Kings' 4.3 National llocl<ey r.moe-vtcro:rv--r----J• over the Flames Tuesday nt)!hl. "'It's u good ~1~n when we don •t play well and ~till get two point:.." ''ANYTIME YO U DON'T de· ser ve to wm and you wtn the game at this stage of the sea:;on it's a big plus," s aid Marcel Dio nne of Los Angeles. the N HL 's second-leading scorer. "We dug hard and came up ~th two big s::oals in the last period. "It 's going to help us in the playoffs. Lhe Cacl that we're win- mng at home now." said Kings' defensema n Randy Manerv. "lt was kind of a lucky wiri for us. we haven 't had too m a ny this year " Manery tied the game 3.3 when he r1rcd In a 45·footer whic h trickled mto the net off Atlanta goalie Dan Bouchard's pads at 2.56 of the final period. Dave Taylor knocked in a short rebo und for the game wmner with 3 :25 remain ing i n tht- game. "TAYLOR WA S RIGHT t he rt• to get the rebound." said Dionne. "I don't know how h<' )!Ot tt in but he did." Tht' victory raised the King~· rct·ord to 4-0·2 in their last six games on home ice. C r eig h ton, o bviou s ly dis - pleased with the game's out- come. left the Forum shortly :.ifter the game and did not speak with re porters. The victory tied the Kings with Pittsburgh for second place 1n the Norris Division . Each team has 72 points. but the Penguins have two more games left on their schedule than does Los Angele!>. THE KINGS TOOK a 2-0 lead Tuesd ay n ight on goals :!4 seconds apart in the fi rst per iod by Dionne and Glenn Goldup. The goal was Dionne's Slsl of the season and the Los Angeles renter also picked up two as· s1s ts. giving him a total of lll points. Atl anta tied the score on a pair of power·pl ay goals by Guy Chouinurd. his 42nd a nd 43rd of the season. late r in the first period. "'" ......... N ..... curr.Ur~b for NBC-TV, Claaanel 4 and '-be many pl•1·bJ·play telecnta for football and buketba11 for HBC ht ffteDt years. "A bird HD IOU becauae be takes tUmaeU 11flttJy, •• It ya. AT\:ANTA OOALI! DAN llOUCHARD DIFL!CTS AN ATTIMPT IY SYL APPS (LEFT). I I Jll DAILY PILOT A Cap1ute Report From the Wortd ot Sporta No Unity for ni lligla: losing tr ak Hits 93 Here's OM (or a.Ire k (n ~~ an1f lrl\ •• m butr1 lllinoi · No llo \um .... lb(!o na lllln k-of Urb•au., th<' unsunai und rdojts v.bo undc'ratan dably ~Nt>nt anoUwr umru.plrt'<S un wtn rN'Cinllv The tllmelt!\, wbo h.Ht•n t ""On one tn a whlltt, _._.n· overrun by lln1t y of Tulono. Hl6 4.2. to rl<>w out thl' l"t 1, bHk\'lbaJI 'W'Uli>OO 0 IM , In f1u·t. It wu tlru'i. fifth 'llr.11.iht "1nlt•-., t u11lp1111•n fht lt>urn. wh1d1 ha\ dror,pt-J 9J 1n a rov. h11.,n 1 won 1>111 '-' 1-'eb \ti, 1971. aig lt\I\ norkh•y Lodll •• At th~ r~l4'. 11 woulcl lakt• th1· lll11w1.. .. ur1l1I 1>•'1 t•mbt-r of 1881 lo brt'ak th .. all um,• h~1m: '>lfl·.t).. AC'<'tlflltn(: tu S!r~et & Smllh':s )hn~1·t hi1ll \'t•urbook. that lwlon~.\ to l'rlendsvlllt.> c1't•nn 1 Al·uJt1111y. v.hll't1 dro1>JH•d l:lll '>tretit:ht from t~ l9 llr73 A Y\'ar latt•r, Um ~·.:.11111'> Ufl'ltrun,.: ''ring r------Qttotr ol tlw Da11------. Jln• ~t. lhl' nf'v. Athlc•t1•"1 in Action bu6kl·tball NlD C'h, 0t1 the• prohl<'m'I t•on(r1111t1nR th•• N Bl\ I <'ftn t JtC•I l'l(l'ltt•d llhoul •lU)"I •!OlnJ: JrOUllll hJH bJJCt'd a ll tl1t• llmt· " E•po•lto EarMa Ra,.,,.-r• 2 .. 2 Tlr Phil F.spoKllo :.l:a n1nwd th .. pu<.'k pu!'>I ~ Wt1Shtngton 1:oa1t ... Jim Bt·dard with 1ust f1 vt· ' ~t>t'onds rema1n1n~ to i.:1vt· the New York f<angt.'rb a 2 2 tll' v.1th the C'ap1lals Rooku.· Dan Labr•alen !'>C'ored lwt1 J)()Wt<r·pl11 y .:oJb 111 th<' first 11 1.-l m1nutt.•" of the> .i11mc• IJ'i the Detrmt rtcd Win.is dcfeut t.'<1 lhc Ctuca.:o Bl uC'lt llawk:., 5 3 "'o•ew q_,~lce•t Ctn·~ tor Pal•~r Patcher Jim Palmf'r of the Baltimore Ill Orioles has another naggmg 111.Jury, und he's playing 1t for t11l it's worth Asked how long he would be sidelined with a pulled groin mus<.'lc. _whlJ:'.h._tw surcered in the s:ame against the Dodgers Mon· do , Palmer C'rac t · un they pay m e what I'm worth This <'OOld be a lhr<'e-year inJury" ... A seven-run bur~t lo the t.•1i-:hth inntn.-i propelled the New York Mets to an 8 3 \ 1ctor y over the Pittsburgh Piratt'S for a s we(•p of their two-game S(•rif•s tn Puerto Rico . . Lee May's S('Co nd ho me run in two days touched o ff a t hn'(.' run burs t Jn I he Sl'C'OOd in· ntnl? and the Orioles went on lo defeat tht• Ph.iladt·lphla Phillies. 4 l. Pc-te Rose went hJllt.'SS in three trips and 1s now I for.22 this spnnc . . J ad1 Clark and Tom fkointzelman each had two hits and two runs balled in, leading the San ,.,.L.Mu f'ram.•1sc·o Giants lo a 6-4 victory over the San D1cRO Padres Jamie Quirk collected thre.-hit:. to l1•ud a 13-hit uttack and Dennis Leonard pit<'h<'<i a live h1ttt•r for seven Innings as the Kan.,a:. Ci ty Royals s nappt·d a four game losing streak with a 9 2 victory over Atlanta . . . Fred Lynn, cent.er fi elder for the Boston Hcd Sox. tw1sled his knee while run· ning lh • bases in praC't1ct· Tuesday The injury is not lx•IH'vt-d ~t·nou'i . Dave Rozt-ma pitched six scoreless innings and lh•• Odroit Ti~t.·rs WC'nt on l<1 blank the Chicago White ~x . 2-0 K0<>k1e catche r Terry Ken..tedy, Ro«e r f'ref-d and Kf'n Reitz blugged successive homers in the Mth inrung to power the SL. Louis Curdinals to a 7·2 win over the Toronto Blue J ays . . Carl Yaslnemali t doubled and scored on Dwlpt Evaa11• two-0ut single In the 10th lnrung, lJfUng the 8ost.on Red So-x to a 4.3 victory over thP Canc1nnat1 R~ds ... Roy Smalley's grand slam hom<'r. and Glen Adam•' lhret!·run shot highlighted a nine · run lh1rd mruog whkh powered the Minnesota Twins to a 15 7 victory over the New York Yankees ... The Houston /\stros scored four runs in the firth inning against BUI Lee and tbc error-plagued Montreal Expos e n route to a 6_. vic- tory. Bffl Night tor T,.._p•otu I• NBA Mycb81 Thomp'M>n ~('t>red 27 points, includ. m ing a elulch field goul with 11 Se<!onds re main mg, to lift the Portland Trail lllaiers to a 115-109 "'1ctory over the San Diego Clippers ... David TbomJ)80rl scored 19 of his gamc·high 27 points In the fint half and the Denver Nugget.<J went oo to score a 113·102 v1c· tory over Golden Stale . . . JaUus Enlng scored 2S points and Dou1 Colllna added 21 , including six straight free throws in the final 21 seconds. as P hiladelphia outfought San Antonio, 124·120 ... Washington's Elvln H•ye1 scored 32 points lo lead the lnjury- plagucd Bullet& to a 126·107 victory over the New Orleans Jazz. Bullet starters Bob Dudrldge a nd Kevin Grevo, a long w ith lop substitute Mltcb Kapdaak, 1;at out the game with injuries . • . Harvey Catee.Ja111 scored all of hl11 15 polnt..'I during a fourth quart.er rally tHOM~ to lead the Ntw J eniey Nets to a 111-110 triumpb over the Detroit Pistons ... John Drew scored 33 polnt..'J, including 14 in the fourth period, as the Atlanta Jlawu broke a four·game losing s treak Wlth a ll5·109 win over \.he Cleveland Cavaliers New York's Earl Monroe und Mnvta Webt&er tied thcl; s eason ~orl.nn highs with 28 and 23 points, res~ctlvely leading the Krucks to a ll8·110 victory over the Milwaukee Bucks. · re~11,•u1e TV: Jlor'lte Raclnt -Today at Santa Anita 7·30 m Channel S2. Ba1lretba11 -NIT Buketball final ·c Pili.Jue Z'l·1 vs. Indiana, 21-12>, taped at New York 11 ·30 pm ' Channel 1.3. Marv Albert, Bucky wa~n and ltoward o•vld rePort. •a-ADIO: Baaketball -Portland al .Lakers, 7:50 p.m ., KLAC(S'JO). n.,...,.,._... 8AMb31l -Dodaen va. Atlanta at .west Palm Beach, Fla., 10:25 a .m., KABC (7IO>. ~BALL I MAILBAG NIT Final Is Big 10 Remat.ch Sports Mailbag Cale Nominated To Drive Bobsled N F. W Y 0 fl K CA P I T ht• name •• NATIONAL. Jnv1lalkm Tournam{'nl 1rnd Lht• Jai l l<>ur pme• 1111JI are ht.•ld at Madlaon Squaf(• t:udt>n In lhe heart of New York. but tonight's title .c• mi• for collc.ce basketball '~ oldest J)C»~eason C'hamplonshlp r~1tll)' II\ Just a rt>gulur m<1m and appll' pie civil war 1'ht Htt< 1' ·n Conft>rt'nl'c hi..,. this 1wuwn'is bru•ulinft rll(hts a:. lht· No I colh·.it• basketball l\rt·1t. with lit'Vt.'n \t>ums 1n thl' 1'0f1 20 ut orw time or ;,noth 'r. M1ct11ttun St a In the NCAA Ftoul l"our and three t eams reaebJnl( th\"' scm1fmals o( the 42nd NIT So who outsldt-the st alt' of lndutnD cares thut Purdue ao<I Indiana m•~t ttl up m. <£ST> for the Nt'l'lltlc'' NIEAIU.V 15, ... showed up for Mo nday n1 g bt 's scmHlnul doubleheader t.hat saw l'urdut•, 27 7, bt:at Alabama 87 G8 and In d1ana, 21·12, defeat Big Ten rival Ohio State 64-55. A similar turnout ls t!Xpected tonight when lht• BoLlermnkers and JI0061en. met>t for the third time this sea son, each team having won once It will be the first time two teams from the same conft.'renn· have r eached the NIT final and the second Ume teams from the same state have played for the championship. Xavier. Ohio beat Dayton 78· 74 lo overtime ln 19S8. The Big Ten doesn't have a bigger booster than HOOtiiers' Coach Bobby Knight. "SINCE 1939, every team ln the Blg Ten except Northwestern a nd Minnesota have made the Finni Four," he said Tuesday. "I d id a survey three years ago and the Big Ten had 48 players In the pros. the Pac-8 now Pac-10.had 25 and the Atlantic Coach Confere nce 15. I don 'l think there's any question that some o( the 24 teams in the NIT arc better than som e of the 40 In the NCAA. "We have lo play Purdue In the finals, but If I had any con· trol over it, we'd be playing Rose Poly." The focus or the game should be on whether-Knight 's s warm· iog defense can slop Joe Barry Carroll, Purdue's 7·foot·l center. "THEllF.'LL BE FJVE guys on Joe Barry at times -like bees on a honeycomb," said Purdue Coach Lee Rose. "He might as we ll warm up on the Indiana side because they're go- ing to be around him all night.'' Carroll. who Rose says bas not spoken to ne ws men io three years at Purdue, scored 42 polnts o n 16·of·l9 s hooting ag•inst Alabama. "He's not necessarily shy," s aid Rose . "He want bi s ballplaying to do bis talk.log for him." ''I'd like to lhlni they would use Carroll as a decoy. but I don:t think they will," said Knhthl. I',.... rage Bl CURLEY ••• Sporta Editor: l,ookin1: ;it the future and. 1n particular, the 19"0 l.,ake l'htl'irl WintN Olymp1c111 gamt!fi, I C•nnQt help but ~ con~med Ill! In /\murlcn's <.'hanC't'I> for aoJd medals. I, therefor\', would lib ti) makt> I.he followin.: rccornmendat.ion11 which would auorant ·e two Rold medals and two 1>1lver medal& in the tour man and two man Uobskd event Havln~ wakht>d Wide World of Sport.s for yc-ars anti ~nJ<>yt'<.I US/\{' and N/\SCAH automobtle raclng. t recomrncnd th11l driw•n1 from both r 11tl·gor11•11. ~tock cur and charnpion8hip <'itr division". b•· ~sed to man both No I and ~ bObsleds reprtlltnting the tlr11tcd StateR or Am('l"t('l.I Drrvt•r M1ddll'men Urakfman Ortver Mlddlemt>n llra kemun Driver Brake man V.S. No. I. Foor· man 8ob!'llf'd Tum I 'al•· V1t1 hort>IJl-(lt Donnie /\111"'" & fiol1l1y I\ 111<1<111 Hvrldy Hul(er l ' .s o. 2. four·m•n 8ob11&4-d THm M-ttr111 /\ndrf'll 1 Johnny Rulht•rforrt . l>ltnny Onge" .S. No. I. Two·m•n Hob11I~ Tum I\ J fo r1yt ft1<'hard p,·lty IJarn·ll W~ll r1r1 V.S. No. z. Two man Botiflllf'd Tum Drlvf'r Bohhy Un'''' Brakeman Al l 'n•11·r . I a m surt· I hat tlw .1lw1v1• mt•n .-.uiu:1•1.h'(J r·oul1J 1lo ;111 r1ul'll Hflfl mg JOb runrunr, 90 mph clown un 1ry run with a t1'•1/'41f"d ''"Pf'' 1.1lly Mn<.'e Uwy un• ust-d to 200 mph plu.'l, on oily 11urhr~ 'fhey vny rarely l1ump the wall!'I, ll')llln~ pn•clou" <ierond11 unit h8rrlly ••vf>r fail to l'nter th<• wln111•r ''I r 11 1·h· I would likf• to hr•l11 launc-h 11 C'ampa1gn to Jtf't <WMf' rir 1111 f>f thf• ~li<lvt.• hsted NAS<.:/\H and USA<' drlvl'r'I to r1•pri'1'f'rll lhP tJn1t n f ~talc><; of l\l"!lt'rica In the 19HO Ol ymp1t''I gitmf"! and. th.-r1•hy. 8'l'IU"' thl• Unit('(! StatC'S at least tw11 J!•)ld mt•d al'i and two "!1lvn rn•'fhJl<i Please coni:.idcr m y 1iuggest1ons a11d lrt's w~n In HMO f'un1 Ber11th•tnmf'r Huntlnlton Beat'.h llftMler8U•ppef••~ ~ Dear Editor· I am disappointed and dismayed by both the letter crlticlz1nJ! Hank Cochrane's a ppointment as head coach at Newport lfarbor High School and the Daily Ptlol's orintlng of the letter without the author's name· It s('(•ms odd to m e that the l<:tter would not be signed whe n the author seemed w1lhng e nough to point out the shortcomings or Mr Jacobson and the "nice guy ... First. the author 1s e nllllc.'<f to his opinton, but to express 1l without signing S('(•ms to be a blatant "cheap s hot " Se<-ondly . there are <'ODC'ht•s throul!hout the Sunset League who would t ell anyon.-intert.•!»lcd that lla nk Cof·hrane 1s an oulstandinR and vt·ry knowlcd~cabll' coach who l'ons1ste ntly ha:i his playc.•r:. well pre par('(! Thirdly, 11 would he 1ntert'~t1ng to know what make~ "Numt• Withheld" qualified to Judge the coaching abillt1 4>s or the> 1tppll rants Las tly, although 1t may be informative to speak to players concerning a new coach . l think most would agree 1t would be 111 - udviscd lo allow studenlb to name coaching pos1t1ons David Pf'nhall Fountain Valley llhth DePaul Hurt Watkins ' Knee the Key CHICAGO IAP> De Paul's get passes to h.1s teammal{'!) for 25 more." JIM POTEET AIA Joh Is Perfect --Poteet Ry •;ftNfY. ( /\WffUA• f)t .... ,,...., ....... , ..... ·rr.tM1t1hn and turn<rv""· lw'> imp<1rt1Hlf tart11r~ in ,.ny ~ll•~k,.. l1 ilf1 g11mt-11~1 """'" c;rrl'lm 1nenfly 1n Jim '''•'""' ~ ""~ rnh• a' Ath1Ptl'41 ,,.. Art1f1n'• ~.l'! o aA kf'tball F<liH h f want lhP tf"lln411llf1" th ...... vl'r y fluid . Vl'ry t-.oi<iy • '3Y' Poteet who will r~pl at"f' fi1 ll Oate11 alter AJA w1nrl~ up 1 !I -.eason next Wedne<>ctay "I don't ant1c1pate many c hang es, e s p ec ially r1 I fenslvely." WITH REGARD to playe r personnel. Pot~t says the team "w o n 't have mu c h of a turnover ·· "All I can say is that m osl of the team will be hack." ~ays l'oll•ct. who coached at Hiola ('o lln~e for three yl'arb and bpenl tht• la:.t :.even scasonb d ar t' <' I in ~ R e t h u n y < O k I a . ) Na 7.a n·m· <:ollc·~t.· "It look:. hkt• thr<'t> :c;pol'i will be open." adds Pot1·ct. "It's a f.{Ut.'SS, but 00(' spot JS OJ>('n for s ure W<''r<' carrying l I players now and we'll have IZ next year " Onl' or the biggest question marks involves lirad Hoffman. I he 5 9 guard from North Carohna who reportedly 111 con-l<'mplatlng retrre m e nt, Hoff, man, one or the candidates ro,.. the head coaching pos ition, ha!\ rackt'<f up 936 uss1sts in foul"' years a nci hod the team in scor 1n~ las t y('<ir w1lh a 13 O avcraJ(e. hopes of pulhng off still anolh<!r upset in the NCAA Basketball Tournament whe n the Blu<' Demons face top-ranked Indiana Slate hinge on the left knee of Curtis Watkins. MEYER, IN HJS 37TH sea i,on "WE WANT BRAD to slay tn at DePaul, has high hopes for ;1 dual rolc. as a player-assistant the matchup against undefeated coach," s ays Pot<"et. "[ sinccrc- Watkirui. if he plays, might not be ass igned to guard All American Larry Bird as pre· viously ex peeled. lndia na State. ly hope he':. ~omg to s tay." "We've gone furthe r than r All but one· or two players arc ever thought we'd go, .. s aid the expected to remain with All\ 65-year-old coach who soon will after the learn concludes the be Inducted into the Colleg<' Hall 1979 scation M xt Wednesrla y o( Fame. "It ·s been run. a night 18 o '-clo<.'k I ag<11nsl the COACH RAY MEYER lookt.-d dream come trU<'. We've kept (.'oarhPS' All·Amr ricun team at at WaUuns and his ice pack and saying ·one more gam e.' Wt.•11. the Anaheim Convention Center. s aid, "This 1s Curtis Watkins Gary Garland has s upre me con-P oteet ""on two National a nd his knee. It has my tears on fidence. He said. 'We'll win it Chris tian College chc.1mp1onships it." a ll ; we have only two morl' al Helhany Na7.ar.-ne, where he But chances of Watkins play-games.' posted a 169·105 record an eight Ing in l~ semifinals Saturday "Indiana State will be a gr<'at years. With /\IA, ht> figures to have ta.ken a turn for the better. challenge, .. mused Meyer. Sti<.'k wtlh the same offensive Dr. Robert C. Hamilton, an or· "They're undefeated. They're Rtyle whjle plaC'inJ? more em· thopcd1<' surgeon, said Watkins due though... phasis on defense. should be able to play at 80 per-"BILI~ OATES ond J have the cent of his natural ability by same philosophy on offense ( h Saturday. ffarrj k T k fu:ll brt'ak and "Cl the ball in art est thing from his mind. x 1--' w tk' h d c a es .. -rays revea 1..-u a ins a Mde." s ays Poteet .. Rut I do "n "I didn't want to get into n ff d Id t d t " su ere a m1 o mo e ra e tl<'1patc• som1· defens ive situation where tennis cam e· 1 1 t 1 th A1:.9 I stra n a e n e .,.,. I v ct.ory \V;aves' Post ''han"('!'I Bill used mainly a prcL. before school," Curley says. "I UCLA h t t " "' 0 over w en cam m a l' ,sure man·l"-man I also want to didn 't know if I 'd ever come out M k A I f II h. h I .,.. for the •Aam. ar gu rrc e on im w 1 e rto that but I also 1>4•1it•vc you 'II "' t I td a a ch gc MAL18U CAPl Pepperctine ry ng o r w ar · b .. e muc h mon• multiple de-Univer-sity made only 1t short "IN ANY CASE, J wanWd lo ... trip to get a new head basketball tenses. changing a!'> the s ituation 0f'PAVL TRAI Nr,;a Ray d1<'tal<'s." feel there was no ~ressure, th<•l WI blad s Id the l J coach Tuesday -hiring J im t d n c . a n ury Poteet sa ys the AIA post ''was ldn'l have to p ay tennls If I .. h uldn'l affect his ~ roping lfarrick. an assistant at nearby I o u the b4t!'tl C'OMhtng 1ob available didn't wanl to," Curley says. since he jumps off his r ghl leg, UCLA the past two yea rs . in lht• nation .. Amonu the "And now I 'm playinu s trictly hlch · h' d Ina t I nut ·t Harrick, "°·takes over lhc Job ,., ,, w 1s 1s om n cg. 1 play~rs he'-; n·cru1ting arc John because I enjoy It." will affect his culling , his move· vacated by Gary Cols on, the MrCullouah, Oklahoma's 6 s lie also enjoys lhe fringe t f rt ht to I fl .. Waves' coach since 1968 who an· "' men rom g e · forward who was the Bia Eiuht benefits, llke the current trip to Th t 1 ht h M · nounced ln February that he "' ,., CaJlfornJa. It will be hia fl ..... t re· a m g c anste eyer s 'd do he nd player of the ycur; Ste_ye Shaw. ... plans of having Watkins guard wou. •lei> wn alt e or Arkansa s' 6 -ll center : and turn home since Chrbtmas. Bird but not the game plan. the aeaaon t.o get away from tbe Kev 1 n ll el'n 8 n , Cu 1 S ta le In addition to the UCI match, Meyer repeatedly has s aid game for awhile. t'ullcrt.on's s harp shooting 6 5 H•rvard wtU encounter UC San De Paul will not double· or t.nple· The new coach signed a three· forw:ird Dle10, San Otego St.ate. Long te•m Bird. year contract and be becomes Be.ch State, Pepperdlne and "A tot or teams double· and only the fourth Pepperdlne IN ms nR.qo few days on t he Redlanda. triple-team him," said Meyer. coach In the 11chool's 40.year JOb , Pol\'t'l has twen working on "We're the strongest team in "but when you do that. he'll hit baaketball history. next yl'ars schf·dole, which ht:' New England and I feel we c•n the open man with his paqing A 1raduatc of Mort'ls ·llarvey, calls AIA's lou"hest ever. While be compet.itJve ln California." We'll let him gt>l bis point.a like Harr-ick coached at Morningside hning up Miehh:an State, Otuo Curley Hp. "IL all depend.I on David Greenwood of UCLA got High School in Inglewood, where Stat.:. Penn State, Oregon and bow we ad.Just t.o the climate." 37 ugujnst us. and try to hole his teama were 103-37. lie then t.'ither Syrucu11c or Rut11ers, ht!'s That shouldn't be much or a down tht other8. If you double· went to Utah State as an uals· a lso been muking a big pitch to pro~lem for a beach bum llke team him, he'll stlU score 25 and t ant and late r s witched to have his team invited to the Na. ;~~5;~;i5;5;;;;;;;;;;;,~;::::~:=:=:;=::=:=~?!===::!~~~C~11rr~le~y~.-----------==~=~~~=:.:._~~~=-~U~C~LA~.----------..!l~io~n~a!_!l_!l!!n::'..vl!!!tation1'0urnament . --. CASH FAST . LEASING? •YOUDOM'T HAYIOUl::D 1.=r,: NUCHI BINGO w.••••s 5200000 TOTAL ,. IMHT FIVE 1250 GAMES ... °""' • IYllY =y HIMT • DOOll WO P.M. &aT-•Atim-6:JIP.M. ....._..•AMIS ITAIT 7sl0 P.M. lfMoN & 1 ;:;-••-:.---- PAlllH HAU. TO ALLIN TllUCIONQ rwo HUG( MALLS PA0<£.0 WtlH fRUCl(S Anaheim c.:;;;~;~ENT (Acrou 1r0nibiw;.i1nd) Mln:h 21, 22. ·23 -t:OO to 8:30 Daily THE NUMBER ONE TRUCK SHOW IN AMERICA - I BASKETBALL I GYMNASTICS I TENNIS Wedi~. Ma1ct1 21. 1971 ROGER CAR~SON DAILY PILOT ·~ FREE TB!PHONf DIAlBt WITH Olivier to Stay at Los Amigos ~ Connors Made It Official POCKET PAGER RENTAL U ~ Amigo~ thah bil'lkl'tball <'Olil<'h Ct-nl' Sulht rlond, II prc><hH'I or t T I 1\ d1dn I hav(' l'noueh c r<Xtent1uls to b.1fk him up .. tbc Lobi>S' rouch for nt•xl . ear, he' e.11)('" nr1"' comms: •n the rorm ol a m ndot4' bv lknr>- und Rose Ohvwr. lh~ paN'nt!\ of 6 lO. All ('If first te m ~l·lt-ct11>n Cl:1ylo11 Ohvll'r 'l'hl' Oh v1.-r~ ar e movm~ to l ,uf,tuna Ii.II' ~i nd wlU <'<>nwtet • Lh1· moH' -.uh1n ,, month r11.•cord1~ to ltt f' Oh ' it>r B ut Cl.1 ton , ul o n~ with h1 ' fi fl :.ophomort' brothN . Rrl'lt "111 c11nl10U£> ul the l-'ountmn v Jllr bi;~ ·d Lo AtnlllO!> rn ~titulloll dt.•,111w lhl· mov1• "\V(• d<in't "•tnt to ~'""our t•oarh h1•<1r1 r.lulll·r .. ," 'U)!> H oM· 1\1\ lor1~ llb Conrll S uttwrlund ll\ ut Lo:. A1n11ot1". t 't.n ton i.luv' Ohvtl'r. Or.111~t· Cuunl) l'l.1) 1•1 or th1· Ye..ir a!\ u JUntor . "t''-llt.'t'h'tl 111 bt· um1111~ tht· mos t hli.thly '<>UAht 11l.1~t'" 111 tlw nul1un ,, )t<ar from no"' • • • LA(ilf \ 8•: \l'lt tll(i ll Prin<'l f>dl Robert llu.ehl•:s had 1·l·vcr:.t'<f h1' 1h1111t 11~ toward the poi.s1blhty of trading plul'c::. with El Toro and bt·cominA a rnembt·r vi the Se~ View League· "Based on !>C.'heduhng pro blemi> ~8)!> lfUltht'~ lht'rtl IS no Jl01'"tltllhly f()r th£' I 7D RO 1-f'<'""' And. our co..t<·ht>s ur,. r •luc I nt to mukt' ,.,,..11 t1 '"itch for u c1luplc of lt'll"iOn!I ... ,r l. r<'f(ttr<lfi•.,,. of Mil' of t•nrollmcnl. lhl· 11lr\·n1~lh of lht· prni:1 t1 "'' 111 I he ~~• Vll'w l.t>aguf' 111t· .-.tronm·r And. tht• S<'lt Vic" 1.1111nuc m almo:.t t'Vl'rY i.port. '" in u h1gh\'r I f.tl°'\lfi('UllOO Ill tht• ('I ,.. playoff i.y\lt'm " Thu.,, II looki. like> Mltlu« lfU<I fur l':I Toro' 1 n tht.• St•u \'11•\Ao und I n~unu Bt•u1·h 111 I tw ~>uth Ct.1u,1 Anlw111u111w ttll' l"'"''htltty th•· St>u V1t-w I 1•,11-tu1• had uln•u1ty u1wn11n1111,ly approved lht• '>Wll r h . . ' Tll•: SWIMMIN(; l'\t:i\SOI\ f11r lxn!> nc·xl } 1·u1 IW'> bt.•1·n i.~ 11dw<l from tht• t orrent "1nh'1 i.l.1tt• lo thl• 'f1nn~. r 111111111.: contur n•nth ~1th Ill!' .:11 h i\ 11 rn p u ~ .JI t 11 1 11 <' I u d \' t h e C l f' "uulht•tn ~·<·tum 1•h mp1om. in tht-boys and ~1rl!i i.t..itt• h.111kt•tball champwn . .,h1ps and 1.:irl11 vollt•)'hall h <Jut-to bl· volNI on at lhe l ' II-' t·ounci1 m<•ct1ng in May • • • FOUNT IN VALLEY AND COSTA MF.Si\ high schoolb have found 10th game foot- rffl DAVE KOEHLER Corona del Mar STEVE VAN HORN Estancia CHRIS BEASLEY Costit Mesa Area Stars Honored· All -CIF 3·A basketball honors have been won by H trio of Or ange Coas t a rea hig h school pla ye rs with two of them- Estancia's Steve Van· Horn and Co r o n a d e l M ar's Dave l\oehler -ea rning first team berths The sel~t1ons. as picked by the Cit izens Savings Athletic Foundation board. inrlude Costa Mesa High's Chris Beasley on t he third•te am Player of the year is Downey .. ·'. ,• . . High guard Mike Chavez. who led his team to the Cl F cham- pionship with a 25.2 s coring aver age. Koehler is a repeat choice on the All·CIF team . having earn· ed third team honors as a junior. The slick. ball-handling guard a ver aged 16.3 points for Corona del Mar 's 21·4 Sea Km gs. Van Hom . one of four juniors to make the squad, was the Sea View League 's most valuable player as chosen by the league's c oaches a nd a ve r age d 21.5 points a game in league in pac- ing the ~ancia Eagles to lhe l<?ague chKmpionship and a 20·6 over all record. Beasley, Costa Mesa's leader in scoring. rebounding and as- sis ts . averaged 20.0 points a game in helping the Mus tangs to an ll·lO overall record and a third place tie in the Sea View League. WORKING OUT -Frank Tanana of the Cautorma Angels seems to be all wrapped up as he stretches out before a recent ex- .., ............ ~CWyAIMHN hibitton game in Palm Springs. Tanana is expected to carry a lot of the Ange ls' weight this season on his left arm. Veteran Willie Davis Survives Angels Cut PALM SPRINGS <AP> -Tbe Calltornla An1els ts.ve Jmt 32 playen left lo camp after Mndinl ll pl119n to their mlaor leape head· quarten for re·aullnment. Tine Niter players and elebt from tbe non· l'Olt« lilt ftN M Dl to Hol\ville Tuelday by tbe Ameriem IAque bueball team. The ADteJ• were ~ eo paa, aa eddbltioa came .. aJut tbe Cbica10 Cuba but the contest was ralMd out. Amon1 tbe 32 players remalnln1 with tht" An1el1 are three of the non-roster variety - veteran outflelder WUUe Davis, who Is hoping for a re turn to the m-.tor lea1ues, and pitchers CharlJe Wllllamt and Dan Boone. lnfteldet Bob Slat.er. catcMr St....CUburn and pltcbeT Ral.Ph Bottlns we.re Miil to HoltvWf. hull opponents tor 1979 Fountain Valley will open with El Dorado, Costa Mesa plays Santa Ano • • • FORMER CORONA DEL MAR HIGH s w i m s t a r S t t>vc Wright. curr e ntly a sophomore at Cal Poly <San Luis Obispol, ear ned All-American recognition at the NCAA Division II championships recently wit h a 54-.2 clocking in the 100.y ard ba<·kstroke Wright's effort was good for a sucth at the finals • • • Marina IUgh volleyball coach Tim Reed has s witched places with Junior vars ity Coach Rick Saeman in mid -stream, citing an inability to produce the equivalent of the polent1al on hand ''I've just nol ~otten what we have out of talent on hand and 1t 's better lo do t his t han to be stubborn and see the whole season go down the drain." says Reed Reed is the host for the Orange County Invitational Saturday and Monday Saeman 1s a former ex·Mar ina High q uarterback in foot ball. GWCGymnmt Thomas At Top By HOWARD L. HANDY Of Ille O•llY l"lMIC S~I She isn't scared a nymore and she has given up an carly ambition .lo become an Olym pic gym nast but the desire lo c xcell still persists with Cr is Thomas or Golden West College. That desire has car ried her to the top of the hiddcr in gymnastics on the junio r college leHI after wi nninJ: a n 111d1v1dual Cl F' cha mp1onsh1p on the uneven ba rs as a scnror at Edison ll1gh AS A FRESHMAN on a team that is 4·1 lt he only loss coming at the hands or a v1s1t1ng team from Odessa . Tex.>. Tho mas has set two school re· cords and holds the best mark in every event ror the Rustlers this season. ·•t feel I have improved more this year than In the last three or fo ur years and it's probably because I a m not scared anymore." Cris sa ys. "I told myself before this season that it isn't worth being in s ports if you are going to be a fraid so I ch anged m y al· lltude . That h as pro · babl y he lpe d m e as much as anything. ST . LOUIS (AP> Tenms star Jimm y Con- nor s a nd fo r m.er Playboy Playm ate Patti McGuire were m arr ied a second t ime in Jlhno1s the d ay b e fo r e th e couple's earlie r secret w e dd i n g w as a n · nounced. J oe Rountrf'e of Ten· n is Ma nagement Inc . whic h m a n age s Con nor s· businesses. ~aid the two were married 1n a c 1vrl ceremo n y 1n Belleville. lll.. Ma rch 4 E arlier that S unday. Con nors won the Na t 1onal Indoor Tenni s Che1 m p1o n shi1? over Arthur Ashe in Me m · phis ILLINOIS Appe ll ate Judge John M. Karnes confir med Tuesday tha t he performed the even- 1 n g ce r e m o n y a t a restaurant 1n Bellev11lc ''I'm an old friend of the fa mily," Karnes said . According lo the mar- r 1 a i:: c I 1 cc n st' ( 1 I 1· d March 16. v.h1 ch wa~ taken out Feb 20. the marriage was w1tnes~t·t.I by Rita Lee Bittner f:l nd J ohn Connors. J im my Connors· brother Rountree said thl' rou- pl c we nt throug h the c1v1I cere mony becaus' the secr et relig i ous c<1remony in J a pan last Oet o be r 1s no t rec · ogn1zed in the n1lcd States . The couple 1s expert· 1ng a child late t h1~ ~um · mer "T HE POl!'IT 1s that vou cannot havt' a bind ing marriage in J apan 1f 1t ·s not done through thl' S consul." Rountree sa id. "You can hC:lvc u h ttle S hinto cere m ony . . that 1s not r ec· ognized by the laws of this country." "They wa nted to have a legal marriage a nd to have a legal m arriage in the U S .. " Rountr ee said. The news or the Oc 10,000 SQ. MILE COVERAGE $20.00 PER MONTH HOW. tttt.St. CodoW... 631-0202 NO BULL .... • w ortiiMJ Mftt CMdWOIMft -:-HCMIMWiHS • ShM)les • AftY-MtlldRcJ Car Paywue11ts Investigate Our Low-Cost Alternatit e To Buying A New Car. -----;- '10\\ ~~ 'J'\)o/0 \\t .ia\\\\\\1 "n 1a\\t ~ ' u ta1mt\\\s. ~ For Tlte H~tStory 759-9069 COURTESY LEASING tob~r wedding broke .._~~~~-~~--­ Ma rch 5. when Rountree ---------- confirmed the marriage but said he was rf'I UC· tant Lo make loo much Sell your boa t fa st with a Boating classified a d in the Daily Pilot. ·'The fear of ~et ting hurl is always there for a gymnast until 1t is conquer ed. But you can get hurt walking across the s treet and I decided I would give it up or go at it fuJI bore. ..,, .. ~~,,,..,;·~or 1t . ~-~--------~--------~- "I am doing tric ks with more risk involved and 1t helps to make me a better gymnast · 'G VMNASTICS IS a disciplined sport . lt keeps you out of trouble and whe n you are dedica t· ~d to do something. you go to extremes to ac· complish wha t you want lo do . "I am not that dedicated now. but I work j usl as ha rd and our coach . Sandy Carney. has helped m e a lot. She cares a bout the gymnasts and 1s a good coach. I pick the tricks I want and she helps m e learn them ." Thomas s tarted in swimming when she was six years old. then s witched Lo gymnastics as a high school freshman. She was working out in her garai;te one day when a neighbor girl asked her to jom t he Balboa Bay Club team Then came the J etes in Westminster. "WE WERE PUSHED harder on the private tea ms. three or four hous:s a day." she recalls. "The training was so Intense. I decided that wasn't what I wanted to do and in the 10th g rade. I quit the priva te team to com pete at school. "l'm a social person and when 1 was training. going to school and sleeping. I hated hig h school. When I got involved and began to meet people and_ have timetoenjo) myself. it was fun. "It seems too bad that so fe w make it to the lop and so many ar c trying. All you do is live to go to the gym and never meet anyone other tha n your teammates." SHE HAS "1FFERED a n kle and wr ist s prains but nothing more serious during her gym- nas tics career . "The re was no reason for the fear I had," Cris s ays. ·T ve watched people get hurt pretty bad by la nding on lheir head or breaking an a rm or a leg a nd that might have been the reason for the fear. "l used to ha te the balance beam where there is only fo ur inches to work. Now I've worked so hard on it that il doesn 't scare me anymore. None or the event.s bother me. I love the m all." Her favorite Is floor e xe rcise. "You don't ha ve to worry about railing and you can put yourse lf into it com pletely. Give the c rowd a show. It's like being on stage-like being a n actress." HOW . MVCH DOES SIZE. or the individual have to do with a gymnast's performance? Olga Korbut, Nadia Comenici and Kathy Rigby were all ·s m all in stature. ··r don't think it has anything to do with it," Cr is says. "A little 1lrl doesn't a1ways look tood In the dance Cfloor exercise>. I have really lone legs and I was told once I learned how to use them, they would look nice and add to my performance." At 5·6 and 120 pounds. she has developed a grace and charm that captivat~s the judges and a udiences a t the Golden West meets, making her a s tandout and the best on the Rustler team that may be the top squad ln the state. He.r current coal ls to ga in a f'ltll scholarship at an out.-ol-stat.e. univenily, perhaps the Univen it.y of Colorado, and complete her education. • She has accompllshe.d the eoa111 abe has set for herself in the pu t and few will argue the pro· bablllty ol her gaining a acholanhlp to a four-year school. ............ $265 S225 S200 Sll O $100 S14S .• St ZS.• S1ZSM Sl51$75 ••• cm SP11J curs s1s ma HISS SHllTS • CASUAL WUI t l ' IJ4 DAILY PILOT Wtdnetld•y M1tton 21, 1171 ~ • • . ' • • a)C•li.ITICl'I .._.&Ul.l • I, "'I .-.1CA.• 1.IAQUI 0-1-... ,... le-"'• ..... ... _ I(_.., ... Mllw ..... Ml-*• fllf" ... I• C.l•Wl-.... 1_.. ...... ("'•-..... v.,,. ~· ~IL-• ..... ,_QI' •Afl~L&6GUI ~·'·"""'" • • ... w • \ \0 • ' ..., ' • .... • • \00 • • lll\J • • 0 \ \ t ' ' ••• • 1111 • • • .... r II '"' I I "' • • '" . -. \ I \ ' .... H•• '..-• • ,,. ( i:n , "..,." • ' \.4\ «""•"9 ~.,... . . ~·" n._ • • ll.llt titKUt'"' \ t. •\' 114'<1_1_. .. ,_,,~ ... ~-. .... 0.tt .. I 010 out tul I • ~ Cl\lf •et IAI toll w.I t(ll) O • I Ho .. me u~ 111 l•;lcw Ill .,.. ,..,tl>ll, H-. Y-v•n tll 11-- I U, LtO-.-ltJ -H-..,.,. W l!t rt'"" L HI"""' HM 0.11•1, -~•1 At•t --.. "1• foronlo OCIO OW l'OD l 4 t !of L0..1• flf -00> I I/ I Hvffm•ft, •'""'•kt\ l')J •"0 WP\1tt '>Yh•, flt&11•• Ill. r11111,..m 1'1 •n<I "'"'' N<l'f 'IN '"''"'' l 11 .. 11,_ Hli• lo•on•"· Alller1• M . ......,,. IC•-Y 1-•e.O. f4e•t1 ...-f y..., At 11'..,.M,..\. Fl• Atl•ftte 000 100 100 1 ~ 1 ......... , o•v °"° O•o >h • u • l •Cor ... C.•mP 1•1. ( •mpbell 111 -Nol•"· ~NtfO Il l. l-rtl, ,,.,,_ ••11 Hl-Y ltJ -l'Q<IM (,•-I Ill W • '"'""'~· L· l..tt.o<1• ··~--""' N•• .,.., ••• , 010 :>Oii on I • I Mt ........ W I .. 001 Jla I) II t O •v. Qun•• UI. ""'·-·· 01. llOr-111 •M llob<n.o<>, l 11••'°"· Holly .. ,, F•llOft Ill -WVM9M. 8<1ltf• Ill W Eric•••"· I. Cl•Y HA•-N• .. Vora, JOlll\\Oft. Min"""'•· !>m•ll•v. A tl•m•, v illMm.-- •••~..._. AA. 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M .. ,,.,, (I I &M llMlott. 91Ylfvon, Ae .. u 141 -OIL w .. r .... d, L Aevu. Hlh-PI~ P ...... -·en.. Foo CIOU.aM M l-ll'lt.10,M-S....1 hut AIM l.J, Ari,.,• M ,., '--°""'use.-.. rel~ HIGH~ WNMTl.CMU• EOt_, Hum~~h '#Hllft..._ F-teiaV.ctev .,.,.,,"" ..... -'...,._ H A 'llllW Ll.AOU• CMOMdtllM<' l;\IMt<I• Cm••_,. El Toro U111¥tf'M11 lrYIM W L 0 1 7 I - 1 I -1 1 I 1 .... I 1 'Ir 0 ~ 1 '# L O• l 0 J 0 ' 2 I 7 1 ' 0 1 1 , 1 J SOUTH COAST l.l.Aou• 111111'410n Vl•lo '-""-V.Cl•y S.l\Cl~t O.,..Hlll• 1.....-Hlllt LA911'1• tltocll tl ... .,. .. _., ~· L.MAI ...... C~•u O<-VMw S.rvllt Pl11\ X l!Nt., o.i SI. P•"I AMOaLU' UIAGUa ""'°' MOii!...,., v ............ '# L O• J 0 2 1 2 I 1 2 I 2 0 J 1 I , ' J w l. •• , 1 1 1 - 2 I , ' I t I 0 J 1 W L 08 1 I 2 I I 1 0 .... 0.--, ........... , .. ,.,... ..... 8jw11 W. ... °"" llN.,_ M , W J JtlWI Mta--... H'*'°tyt Hoyt W, H : OICll M9(11 ....... '4MI r.tnltll .. 1. M , M ; '9rdl T•Y.-i def. Mort'!' "~-t•, ~2, .. a; lri..t o.tttrlM o.t. TtffY ,_., 1• •.. 11 ,....,... ......,, .... ~ ,,,~ .... ... , "etCM T-cNf. Tim Wlll1lttfl M , ..i. ... LAIU .... Ille N ...... 11'1' ...... 1\. "'°"&CHOOL •• .,_ ,,~ we-a 9Mctl "" Ttll-11.81 '"4 IO ._.,.. I .. , l"flce H . 41tf. Wolllft .... Iott IO ...,'1"11 .. , I C- IL81 le9tH. I ... H , -Ml O.v.-... IL81 ....... , ... , ....... WfN n.•lio.tG-41 ... , _, ...... ... De-.. , .. -o. ...................... """'" L!Mf\ .. ,,~ ..,, v ....... ow.. .. 1 .... 1 , ....... ...,,., II.II*',.._ t-r, -"'· •&HOlllA4 •AMI• t••U'-""" '·-· C»fll09'-· AllMMIC OIWl•-W l ,.,, V• '' II .... ""•'""""" . ... , ...... ,,... .. II II I\ lu 1 ,.. •• It• ..... ..... ' .... b tt\ .... f\ ,. }I •''f 1' " ., .,. ,, ., ., ... t NU•t O tvl\tllft • .... Artt .. llfuii •I • \ft ..... ".... fl •I .,. I All-I• U ~ I' IA!t••I IO t i ,... II I c .. w..... Ill! u ..... ..... 011-,,, 111111 ..... fl t ...... -. ""-'' °''"-" ... w, lltf' .. 1 , ..... . •• •• •• • Mil••..t~• ti .. 4 t • I '"···· .... ·~ .-; .. . ., ' . 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POQ.,.1111, IO•w•rO. $1.,,. ~. ton,,.rd. GOLDEN $TAT E • N•U Wllll•ll'I•. forwenl HOUSTON -..... INDIANA · SlewG,..,.. 1-••d. IC ANSAS CITY -Tom 8urle>On, r.,.ftf. S.... Lecv. Cc ....... 8111 AOOlftllN. fonw.,d 80b ""''" ·-¥0. LOS .llNGELES J•m •itl W llkt\, torwaro. Lou-· 9\N•O MllWAUICEE ICevln 11 ...... 1. to•w.,O. 1 loytl W•ll.on. OU-rd NEW JERSEY J"" v1or1 Oreo• 1<0111, lorwuo, llm ~ .. It. forward NEW OAl toANS G"ll CooOrt<h, ou••d &11ron J•me\, 1 .. w••d, Jim Mc (lroy Qtu1rd NEW YOl!K -E•r1 ""°"'°"· (IU ... d, Tom 8•rti•r. ,.,.,.,., PHILAOELl>t41A N- P~OENIX None. PORTU\HO -8 111 'WtllOll, ~11\er; Bob Oron, tono¥d. \AN 1'HTONIO -L•n'Y K•.-. lorw•rd, ~••11 8rl110w,• tonuro. Lout• O•mPlt" Q ...... d; CllOf OMtf'l<k. ·-·,..· !.AN OIEOO 8'1iM1 hYIOf, QWfd SCA"Lf • Oenl\I\ A"'1r~. <.,.,.,; J.,.... -'-• ..........,; P•IA 511», "1rw&rd, OK• !>ftvMr. ~. Joe H•-t1. (ltulfO. WASHINGTON -1( ... 111 Grew'!'. owr<l- lo.-...nl; Tom ti.••-. 9'Hf"d c:ou.aoe M..-1-i..tlT-•"' , ........ o-t IM_V_I ~·''"'"'" P11rCIUt Ul·ll "'-I""'-17"171 I II JO O"', C-IJ, 1.-0I TIWNl'I«• .Alewm. lll-111"' ()ftlo$t .. 119 Ill • MCA.AT...,.., llt ........ ~-· IM Wt I.A• Cllr I PwM ~51 n. MIUW~ Sc li ... I. II lO em ,0-14.. IM I-St. (D.01 "' O.P ... 1 111-51, 1 JO p rn .• 0--14.. ......... CMmtll tHJ llllltftN• ._. s.tt L.Ae (:lfy SW11"''"'"':•1>.m WOM•M AIAWT--"' '-'~··"" ,,,.,,.,~ ........ 1s. ... 111A&lt UCL.A (~)"'·Old Oomlntol\ <»·11 Lo111t1.,..• Tech (~11 v•. Tenn••W. 1:1' e1 ....... s.. ..... ., HIOMSCltOOl. All-Clll')oA .. t-11 ll'l"'T- G.,y Hell,'-11 •·2 !I<. 141 Cl•'flOll OllWMf. Lot ...,.,,,00' • 10 Jr 111 0ona---1"1 •. 1 ... Sr. • ••• _,..... Rlldllt , 0.-V •• !Or 1• i Ll-yMta.tmtll,M lf•CAKi. •I "' ,, 0 ....,.v.--.•.._i. ... Jr. 211 Erlc(_,......,,,,Hlllt .. , Sr uo DOWIC......,,C:--... MM .... .... 1U MlqO.-. OowMy >' "'" Ut Geer .. SMlll\, Nof1tl ( Atv.1 ,. Sr. 11 1 CIM1I 0--. ,,.., •-> Sr. 21.l .._.T_ PflllT .,.,.,, ....-•-> Sr. II I 0on•1ei.t1.~ •• St . 1J 0 "'°"" ~terce. I.A ....... .. , Sr. "0 ..__.,_,~AM ., Sr • It I GAtC-rael,OtoM •• Sr. i.o (;vrt1u...-..tt,Monrovl• .. , Sr. IH R lctwlt41°""911,5'1nny HI llt . , $r • IH ~ WlltOft,G.ilr • 1 Jr 200 00..Relll-,Blolr S tO Sr ... TOiiy n...-, ROWIMld t I Sr. 2t 0 1..,.,_ O.....I\ l flOn'llllOll. LM Al'°' .. , Sr. 1' D Oonfl1410li..~· .. , Sr 11.i 1(••11111;_,,,,...._, w.r .. n ., Sr. 2H J.v l(oUor, Uo.Hnte ... , Sr. ,, 0 K&11£6monG,HOtlhl lltv.1 ., S•. u Mlll•MorOte. ..... tty Hiii\ ... $r. 1) 0 "°"Hot'""" en-... , Jr. 71.1 ctwt • ......,,c.o-.. .. z ~. ,., •re1111H.., ..... ~ ., Sr ···' VfQtl\J .... l&11,0l9fldtlt •O Sr. 14.0 P1everol111tYNf: CN .. a. Dow,..y, NA"°"""' NOCll I., i.•Aou. ~~· "., I llMldrrt """~ l't\llMtlJftio AUOlltAI Clllt ... VOll<OUVff SI. l.t11lt '*'"° .... ........ 1..-t• Ml-tOt• '*IOOM- W l. 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F••nket Lwl\ 8•rret • "°"' M•l'l•ll Whll111>9f\&m Dutro" lOf'ft (•llv Le•lllert>Mry A•ll•lt l'll'M\ ... _ Alllrmed NObl• O.n<er 11 Ttller *<t~ut•r Old *''11 .. ii.1~ .. PKturt""'9 GoldellA<I -•1•t2M """"' n• n .o s1.~.16s 1111 I• •1 l,Jl/,MO :IOI .. •• 1,0l1,1lo >• )4 $1 1,03S,1.S :i.2 n •S 1,ooe,...o u. >0 .o· m .m lll M 4\ 'WINl7 )/l ., )J ~l,oll 1t1 "1 1t ·~ • .i• ~ S7 .. l10,t71 TMINUIS ~11t2M --'°' IC. It V UAOO l..S JI 7J .et;OIO •OI 11 ll •SJ,llO 100 n 10 •».4"1 u • 10 310..000 21' 4l JJ W .?ll U U I ll7,llO u. sc. ., m. J17 10 11 ll :nt.111 t• • 2J JIUSJ HO.SU .. ..,s "' 1... .._. • 1 1 U..,300 l ) 0 716.~ ) 7 2 ... .000 ] .) .... ... J l 14',0'J:l ) • 1 1411'1• A L•n•r 10 !Ntl'Y f'lllO•etuftl LIQl>I 8. TllOu9fllhA J 1 1 UIMO J l 0 131,100 • 1 o 1n.~ .) 1 1 11C.,t$0 HIONKH004. WOM•M ,,., ............ ~ ..... ,.. 700 meo••v· 1rv1,,. t Us •. 200 ,,_ Al<Ulh 1117 09 I, 100 ll'IOl>-Mel-y IBGI 7 ~ •· >O Ir" 8oll9nner Ill 2t.). 01"1n(l-Uhl11t (II. 100 fly-$10Mt Ill I tt t. 100 lret-low•r\ Cll 1 01.0 , SOO lree - JOll&ll-Ill 1 It e. 100 N Cll.-8-ft 01 I IS t , 100brN•l-"""1...., 1801 1:1• ... 400 "" r•••v-ll'lrllle 4 lt.S. MaM KIO..~ Y .. WyMll '>•n Cien-tt C191, H1111111141on 8M<l'I 1 s--2, I W ,UI) ""'"IOll VltfO dtl Unt ... nllv IS-12. IS.II, I) u ~ O..•n•• a.I. WHlmlMltr n -10. 1S IJ, I) u 0•11• Hlllt Off, CO.le M9w U·l>, lS.12, ~ 1$, , .. ,. Misc. IOUTHlltH Ul.ll'OttNIA ... C0"04Tl0te' .._..Milll -OIWIMC--Oll• .... ~ l11e11H, two c,..1,.. otl'••llno. H .. i..yMllt -0...IOCllM"MOWOll• !MM Mo10 lftC:-• ._ CJWllfl -r•llft9 ... ........ 0...IOOl-tnowllft•-- ,. ltlll(l'ltt,mn.llf1~0Cl9f•lltl9 Mt . ._, -11 lft<lltt .. --llft • IMM Jt,71 11\dte\, I-1111.t Ojlel'•llflt. • , ........ OIWlootOf,,..._Oll• .... It" IMl'ltt, -(hair -rellflt, Mt. w...,._ -OM 1094 .. --111 ..... ,, ••llChH. twollf\, ... r .. 11,,.. ._.......,.., t#Olfl<,,.,., __ Oii • .... ,~lfte:lltt. t111 IH"-'Mlftt. .... v....., -'""" '"'"" ""'-"' •Mee n ........ t1a 11t11 ._....,lfl9, ........ -OMlnc.11 .. M"'-"'• .... 1+4 lfK""· UW.. llft• ""~,... WOMCN MIOHK~ ........... LMA....,. ..... ~V ... ,S.t. Ootlt HU ..... ~ Hiii\, ''°' FOR THE RECORD I TENNIS I BOATING HtmNG FltMLY? Mexico Race Draws Record Emry Field • O tt't~t .. ._,.,,~"""" Malin Sights $3,000 Pot lly DAVY. CUNNINGHAM OttlleO.llyl'lle!-mu.:<·1H t1•nnll\ news In Oruu~w County thb wcl·k lt1 the chum()lon.lihlp round of th1• pn•sllgloui; Yonex Open t.ournument at L<>ll Ct1ballcroll Rae q uct and ~port.!4 Club Sunduy. 'J'ht' m"n'!i singles cham11 wlll tnkc home $3.000 while winncr11 111 the other 111ni:;lcH und doubles categorit.'S will cul up a $2,000 pit'. Top-seeded Gene Malin will race the surpris- ing Renard Johnson in a qu.arterfanal match Satur- day al 9:30 a .m . J ohnson, u.nseeded. has already upset former UCI star Dave Eastman and slxlh· 11eeded Mark Andrews. . Also playing in a quarterfinal match Saturday 1s Scott Carnahan, U.S. fast-serve champ. He'll meet J eff Cowan, who has a lready beaten UCl 's Bob Wrigbtand 14-ycar-old phenomT1m Pawsat. In the w o m e n 's ( ) s ingles quarterfinals. ""'EN~lS Corona del Mar's Cyn- J ' '"· thla Ashling will be op-pos ing No. 1 seed Kamber· ly J ones. J\11 matches Saturday a nd Sunday wall be free to the pubhc. T hl' women's Mnglc..os cbampionstup starts at 10 a .m . Ulld the men's bag payday fin al as set for 11 : 30. Doubles finals urc schedulc..od at 1. 2 and 4 p.m. • * * DICK BOllRNSTEDT, a two-time All· J\mencan from USC. has jomcd the Racquel Cl.uh of Irvine as bead professaonaJ. Bobmst.cdt, 28, is a former World Team Teo· nis pro with the Golden Gaters and was ranked No. 10 In United St.ales doubles in 1977. He owns vic- tories over Vi tas GerulalUs, Raul Ramirez. Dick Stockton. Geoff Mas ters and Butch Buchholz. among others. J oining Bohrnsledl's teaching s taff is Lindsay Morse, former n ational colleg1ate champ and No. I singles player al UC Irvine . The Racquet Club of Irvine boasts the only clay courts in Southern Califomaa. and thal was a selling point in the club's effort to lure Bohrnst.cdl. "llavang thOtle red clay courts to work with is a definite asset , not only to my own game bu1 . mosl or all, to the aspiranJ( young players." Bohrnsledt says . "Most tourneys worldwide are still played on the clay.•· ••• NEWPORT BEACH will be the third st.op on a s ix-city tour for the Tennis Legends Cham- pionships, a $200,000 series beginning Thursday in Atlanta and concluding Aug. 26 al Rhode Island . John Wayne Tennis Club will host the Newport Beach st.op, May 2-6, und that will be like a home courl advantage for two or the "tennis legends" who have agreed lo participate-Rod Laver and Roy Emerson . Emerson has 12 major lilies to bis credit and Laver 1.s celebrating the 10th anniversary or hi.s second Grand Slam. Each resides lo Newport Beach. Three·lime Wimbledon c hamp John Newcombe is a lso on the Tennis Legends roster . Others include Fred Stolle. Marty Relssen, Ken Rose wall, Butch Buchholz and Cliff Drysdale. *** TENNIS COURTS at.op a reservoir? Unusual. bul ool unheard of. The San Jua n Capistrano Water District is planning to put six courts on top or its rcsevoir near Dana llHls IUgh. Road work in the are a won't be complete for another year. Laguna Beach pioneered the reservojr·tennis court Idea In Orange County a few years back when the city In.stalled a court at.op the Bluebird Canyon water facility. Anyone interested In contracting to operate the slx·COUrl project In Dana JUlls can contact Dave Wella, president of the Orange County Tennis Assn., at 831·2523 or 493·7676 . • •• ANAHEIM IDLL~ Racquet Club Is laying the foundation for a celebrity tournament April 22 to benefit the Cystic fo'lbrosls Foundation. Among those tentatively scheduled to play are former heavyweight boxer J erry Quarry and en· tertalnmont stars Joey Bishop, Max Baer , Jr . Michael Dante, Chad Everett and Lyle Waggoner . GoH Qualifying ~t for Thllrsday Seven amateur golfeu Including Nancy Mockett of Newport Beach, wUI play a qualifying round 'J'hunday at Mesa Verde Country Club to tcy for three vacancies ln the Women's Kemper Open tournament the following week. The qualltying round bc'llns at noon Thursday after being rained out Monday. Mockett lJ 1 flve·handkap golfer wlth others and their handlcap111 Including : Cathy Hanlon, Palos Verdes, one: Sue Bennett, Seal Beach, one : Joan Marte P1~lllo, TorraMe, four: Otbra Ann Dd·oreal, Torrance, flve; Connie Lo1em1n, Ila clenda Hel1ht.1, five ; a nd Bonnie Holmes, Del aur. five. Tournament olflclala have announced that the top '4 IDOMY wiMer1 on thl• year's tour are 1chedwed to play ln ~· Kemper e>p.n. By ALMON LOCK.ABEY 0.11, ................... Whc'..-n 36 yacht:! set salt Sunday in the 800-mile Newport t.o Cabo San Lucas race It will be more than double the number or eolrlet In any of the prcvlowt racn. Why haa thls med!um-disla.nce race suddenl7 boomed to r1v~I the four other Mexico races that coruilstently draw from 30 to~ entries? No one is qulle certain, but NHYC race rhairman George West believes ll m ight be the timing. The race should fin ish al the Baja Callfomla 0 1\hlnte resort al an Ideal time to allow s kippe rs, cr.-ws a nd tb ~1r families som e ideal crulllinte an the Sf-a or Cortez during the 1-:aster vacation The Cabo Sa n Lucas race was con- telved In um as a bien- nial aff.tr thMl would provide good wind for t he (•ntirc dis tance, BOATING whereas moat Me xico 111 yarht raceN run out of wind ut thl' c11pe and o ut Into the Gulf of Callfomta. Bl!f NOT MANY yachtsmen answered the call In October. 1971, partly because the race con· m eted to a certain extent with the start of lhe Long Beach Yacht Club's La Paz race in November. On ly six boats turned out ror the Cabo run. To avoid confUct with other races, the 1973 Cabo race was scheduled In early March and drew 15 e ntries. But interest lagged again l.n 1975 and only slx boats showed up oo the at.art.in« tine. This led to a gimmick which hopefully woo.Id save lhe r ace. Why not have a "staggered start" in which the boats would take their baDd.icap Ume allowance al the st.art rather than at the eod of t.be race? It would also result <hopefully) in all of the boat.a fulisb.lo& about tbe same Ume. IN ltn TIIE RACE was started from the club bar with an engine allowance to get lhe boats out through lhe harbor entrance. Starting limes were s trung out over 20 hours. The experiment was not too successful as only nine boat.a turned out for the race As at turned out, the scratch boat, J ohn Scripps' 79-foot ketch Miramar was the last boat lo start and the fi rst to finish . The others 't1(ere strung out some 15 miles behind. So back to the lrad1tional format -all boaL'> stan together and compute the llme allowances at the end of the run. FOR WHATEVER REASON, the race caught on this year. The 36 yachts st.artlng Sunday are some of the top racing buckets on the West Coast, represeutinl clubs from San Dleeo to San Fran· claco. Sixteen or t he starters will be from Orange County clubt> and 12 from San Oteao. The re- mainder are from Los Angeles, Long Beach, Marina del Rey and San Francisco based clubs. Jn addition to lbe 23 boat.a sailing under the tn- teroational Offshore Rule. there will be a class or 13 P erformance Handicap Racang f1eet CPHRF> in a race of their own .. Ensenada Race Invitations Sent Announcements, invitations and entry blanks · for the 32nd Newport to Ensenada JntemaUonaJ yacht race have been mailed to more than 500 skippers. This race iR schedu.led for an April 21 start. DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES ls •:30 p .m . April 2. All entrant.a must have a valid bandlcar certificate ror Ute Ueel 1n whlcb they l.nteod to aai . 1be race will be sailed in live diviaiona -In· t.emational Offshore Rule Mari Illa. Performanco HandJcap Racing Fleet, M.idgel Ocean Racing Fleel, Midget Racing Association and Ocean Rae· ing Catamaran Association. THE GENE&AL CHAJ&llAN of lb.is year's r ace ls J erry Brame and race committee chairman Is Alan Oleson. The race Is spoosored by the Newport Ocean Salling AaaoclaUon. Nearly 600 entries are expected for lhe event which is known for its spectacular start off the Newport Jetty. It Is known as the largest interna- tional yacht race in the world 5 Foreign Boats Set in Transpac or the 28 boat.a already entered in lbe 1979 Tranapac race from Loa Angeles to Honolulu, five are from forelKn countries, according to Com· modore Walter lloffm un of the sponsoring Transpacific Yacht Club THE UST Of' FOREIGN entries ls headed by llMCS Oriole. a 102-root ketch from Vancouver. British Columbia, s kipf)(?red by Capt. F .H. Hope of the ~o~al Canadian Navy . Other foreign entries Include Nero. a 46-foot sloop out of Welllngt.on, New Zea!and and three s loops from J ap1t n -lhe Nomi 111 f rom Nlahlnomlya, and the Oekko V and Sunblrd V, both from Tokyo . THIS YEAa'S aACE 18 sch~uled to start at 1 p.m . June 30 otr tho Polnl l''ermln Buoy oullido Loa Angeles Harbor . May l 11 the deadlloo for fiUng entries. Race chairman Thornton Ha mlin Jr. sold he expect.a 70 contenden1 ln the r occ>. Morrison Out of Contention SAN DIF.00 (t\P) Stun Morrison ls leaving colle«ie basketball tor prlvole business, but about. '70 other coacbH lrf' rcp0rtcd lnteretted in beeom Ing head basketball coach at San Dieao State University. Morrison removed his name from contention, announcln1 hl• rHlgnation at Unlventty of the Pacific after leading the Ti1era to lbetr ftnt P1clnc Coaat Athletic Assn. champlon1blp. Business w.dlleldly. Meteh 21, 1979 \ DAIL y PILOT as 'X' Marks -GM's '80 Assault on Competition DETROIT <AP) Whit lht> 1880 Gtoneral MOlONI COtnpJtC"t will loot lake ts poorly )c.-pt secrtl, but the auto lnduslr)' '' watrtung closely to <'\' 1r lhcSt· so-ulled "X can will u~ up to their advanr e billing ., tbt' moat •l«n1flcant n .-~· automobile• in decade~ with lht' idea of 5CCfl'l'Y but bt>rau autoa art• u .uall)' 1111med by leltt•r dunu~ ttwlr d 'ttlo&>mt•nr h• H ' .1tt1 u1 h'<.I t•• c epttonnl 1ntrr1• ... 1 rn 111dW1l ry ClrC"h."< design or a modcr11l'ly lnlurest Int( car lhal falls short ot Its ad· vance-bllllna All a(i?r c lt's a c:rnulu.re of WllShlngton. D.C The car1 arc KOO pound ~ llghtt'r and 20 Inches s horter lhan current models With the b1u1 • four cyllnder enaine and manu1I trtnsml sslon. the H)'S. "ll 's lhe Oagsb1p car for GM 's siilng-down effort " AN UNIMPRESSED orflcial at a GM competitor, however. sniffs that "the ~nd product 1s o hell ot a lot less formidable than the rumors bad it. OM's ad· vertlslnlJ dollars are more to be luggage space t hat In a rear· drive car would have been needed for transmission humps, drive shafts. rear axles and fuel tanks. As a result, the smaller Clla- tlon will have six more cubic feet of interior space than \be Nova. according to Chevrolet. The more Immediate probl em 1s 1980, when each company's production fleet must average 20 mpg. And by designating the X· car a 1980 model despite the mid-model-year introduction , GM will get 1 v; years· worth or production of the fuel-stingy ca rs to apply toward the l9M mandate. The h'ont·whl't'l·drhc nf"', to be unveiled April 3, a rt" of strate1tc lmportant'e to t~ na Uon'11 No. l automukf'r 1n an)' event. They r~pi:escnt CM '~ moat critlral move yet to sat.1 fy the dt'mtnds Of tho t>nt•rgy Shon 1980i " PiW I(" PIHl'TOS of them h•vt" •Pptt•red roultnl"I)' tor monlh.5 C'bryal<'r pr<'i.ld(•nt l,('i• A fa('C)('u lllllY!t he ha" already talte-n • lest apm X rnrl\ buvc btt'n pott('d o\ f'o r d head quorteri& In o.>arbOrn. on {) ll'U1l lrH••Y' aod in dt'aleor lotrs Ci M aay. the f1v<' t'61r dt' vtlopn\<mt Pn'>l?rDm tor !hl· com pal'ts ro!'t M .1rly SC! 7 t>tll1on. lhC' mo'lt t·ver for a nt'w car lane In <1ustry 1ru Ider:. \'XJ>('<'t lht• can to star1 bl I~" than $4 .~oo ...,_ ... u ears .. ~ ••C bee• .. •~ee••ltd .. .,e'll ltlce, at ~t • .,no cu .... GM PaOBABLY WON'T tout the fact. bu\ the fuel tank is ahead or the rear axle. a change facilitated by front-drive and en· dor5ed as safer by critics of the behind-the-axle, below·the·trunk placement or most fuel tanks. GM hopes to steal sales not on- ly Crom such U.S. compacts as Ford 's Fairmont and Zephyr a nd Chrysler's Volarc and As pen, but from such imports a.~ the Volks wagen Dasher and Honda Accord -"big" subcom· pacts with big price tags. ru•.• TB•: 1U •TO G IANT, who-st> traditiona l st rength I s th\• lut'ratlvt' b1ggur CMNI, can. no longer afford to wink ut the: c-om pac t mar ke t und its Cut>! economy advantages. And wht-n GM takes aim. It is an tnormo1J:-. tbreat to ('()mpel1tors "They're going to hurt everv body else,·· Richard Haydon auto analyst for Goldman, Sach!\ at Co., says of the new X·cnrs 1'he rumpac·t~ \A, 111 n•pl ....... lh'· (' h •' v r o I 1• t N 11 v a Po n t I ,, c Phoenh, Ol(bmoblk Orrw~a amt Rulck S k y lark The Nova ht>rome~ thf' ('1tatlon. but the oltht>r namca. are un('hangt·d 2,SOO·pound Citation is r3ted by the Environmental Protection Agency at 24 miles per gaUon in city driving, up 26 percent from 19 mpg on the current Nova. The rars -dubbed "X" not DEPENOING ON wuo·s talking, the X·car is either a 11igo1firant df'vetopment in <Juto "It's lhe first real legitimate attempt to make a bjghty ruel· efficient, all-new car," Haydon Bank Stock to Be Sold Fluor, Other Co(Utal Companies Report A group or investors associated with Heritage Bank in Anaheim has received permission from directors of Irvine National Bank to make a cash offer of $14 a share for Irvine National Dank stock. according to a letter sent lo shareholders today. The tenderlng group has said it intends to ac· quire a majorlty interest in Irvine bank for cash and tater merge it with Heritage Bank. The Irvine bank, headquartered at 2171 Cam- pus Drive, has a branch ofrice in Woodbridge a nd ---T-,_\_K_l_N_G __ _ is scheduled t o open a nother near Placentia STOf:K and Superior in Ne wport ---------- Beach at mid.year. Total resources at December 31. 1978, were reported at $31 m illion. Agettdes Lbt Client• The following agencies have announced the signing of clients: -1be Weiss Group, Irvine, has been appoint· LEASABL ~ADILLAai AT ...... AFFORDABLE RA.TES. NABERS ~ • 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 540-9100 QTM Sells A Better Mouse Trap Th~ Remington 'SR101 All working parts and supplies of the REMINGTON are inter-changeable with the Selectric~. Only one machine Is completely compatible with the IB~and you've guessed tt ... tt's the REMINGTON. (n4) 957-1195 ~ality Typewriter ~a ME Maintenance Inc. ed by ConUnental Carpet, a division of Bell In· dustries, Inc., to handle Its public relations aC· count. -Lenac, Warford, Stone, lnc., Irvine, has been selected to handle public r elations for Roadstar Corp. of America, HunUngton Beach, manufacturer of a care stereo and auto sound products. -'The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, an organiiation with more than 34,000 members, has named the Sanborn Co .. Newport Beach, as its advertising and public agency. -Donlque's Antiques. Inc .. Newport Beach, Long Beach and Torrance, has named Millard Ad· vertisiog, Newport Beach, as its advertising agency. l(jnney Air Conditioning, has assigned its advertising work lo the Sanborn Co., Newport Beach. -Phillips Brandt Reddick, a Newport Beach environmental research, planning and design firm, bas been retained by Sud-Pacifica Invest· ments to plan and coordinate two resort projects in lhe South Pacific's Society lslands. The agency will be responsible for land plan· ning, project coordination, programming, pre· llminary architecture, landscape architecture and processing of the projects. -Tarrant Specialty Gifta Co .. Garden Grove. has retained Myra Herrema and Associates, Costa Mesa. to handle advertising and public relations for GiITunes. a concept in personal gifts. Edu~ator R~orts Gahu National Education Corp., Newport. Beach, has re ported its third consecutive record year, with net earnings or $2,357 ,000, or $1.58 a share, for 1978, a gain of 10 percent over the $2,145,000, or $1.44, in 1977. Revenues or $26,252,000 also set a record, up 7 percent from the $24,586,000 of 1977. Net earnings for 1977 included an ex· traordinary item of $270,000, or 18 cents a share, representing a tax credU from carryover of net operating loss. Wilh this item excluded, the gain in operating earnings In 1978 over 1977 was 26 per- cent. In the fourth quarter of 1978, the company had net earnings of $529,000, or 37 cents, up 19 percent from the $445,000, or 29 cents, in the fourth quarter of 1977. Revenues for the quarter were $7,362,000, up 20 percent from the $6,107,000 a year earlier. The firm is a publicity owned vocational train· ing school company with more than 70 owned and franchised schools . Suflisldfarw WI•• lob A Fluor Corp. subsidiary bas announced a con· tract to conduct a mining engineering feaslblllty study for the Louisiana Division of Dow Chemical U .S.A. The 18·month study wtJI determine the feasibility of surface min.inc lignite depoeits at Dow's Cast.or Bayou project near Logansport, La., about 45 miles southwest of Shreveport. Tbe work will be performed by Fluor Mining & Metals, Inc .• headquartered in San Mateo. Fluor is headquartered in Irvine. IA I .. Goes to Fl .... The Fluor Corp., Irvine, has announced autborhaUon from Champlin Petroleum Co., Fort Worth, a subeidiary of Union Pacific Corp., to pro· ceed with expansion and modei'DllaUoo of its Wilmington refinery near Loe Aftlelea. Value of the cootrac:t to Fluor la more than $100 milllon. The Southern Callforula dlvialon of Fluor Ellgineera and Comtructon, loc., will perform full enelneerin.g and procurement aervtces. Fluor Comtructors, Inc. will perform construction. lti like putting the ~ in your pOckd. Eamings Un£hanged An Answer P119 "beepe(' Isn't 1 phone, but It's the next best ttilna. It •ltrts you to Important e11ts .-.ytlmt, anywhere In Los Anrtlts Ind Orqe countln. 111 for one tow monthly r1t1. Tlltre's 110 limit to the number of "beeps" you can rectlvt. No txtrl phone chlrses or spec111 eQUlpment to Install, tither. If someone wents ~. they dial YolK number on MY pllont and your "beeper" &IVes you ttlt Sll!'ll. lt't 11 tlSY IS !hit C.11 us today for your Answtf P11e ''betr>tr" -It's flkt ~ I phone In your pocket! A~SWER PflBE ,. .... """"'c'"" 462-PAGE '" °""" c .. ..., 731-7777 Or ----"' .......... """",.. ...... "-.. • SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -Earnings on common aharea of Paelftc Telephone stock for tbe three months end1q Feb. 28 were un· cban1ed from the same pertod Jaat year, and company officials blamed the likelihood of a multl-mllUon refund to customers. Earning• for the perlod were -42 cents, wbUe eamlnp per com· mon share for the year endlnt Feb. 28 were Sl.1$, compared to $1.92 • yearaco. Clfl NJ-1111. ......... ..,. . toworll for Jl marks a major effort by GM to capture a bigger share of the compact market. where in 1978 1t managed only 27.5 percent or all sales. second to Ford. reared than the car itself." GM President Elliott M. Estes says lhat to meet the federal mileage standard of 1983. GM will have to sell two compacts for every full·sized car. A BELOW·U ,StO price tag on the base X·car compares with mo~ than $6.000 for the weJI· equipped Dasher and Accord The pricing will be more critical i n competing with th e domestics, however. The cheapest Fairmont, for exam- ple, is less than $3,800. The key engineering feature is front-wheel-drive, a first in a non-luxury GM car . which saves s pace. Ao •·east -west .. or crossways engine and drive train placement let GM shorten the hood and save passenger and "OUR SMALL CASS have not been as successful as we'd like. a t least over the tong run," Estes says. The X-car comes with a stan· dard Pontiac-built four-cylinder. 2.5-liter engine. 'SECRET' 1980 CHEVROLET CITATION PARKED IN DEALER LOT IN DETROIT This Is GM's Replacement, Bred In Washington, O.C., for the Nova Ove r The Counter HASDUttilMJs 4PWort,_lo NEW YORK (API Crnwlel llll'J .o\'J U•t.l<t, " .... , .... ""'I terlSI ,_Cl • •I.OJ i; ~IM Ml~'="t~t~ ~<;;: )6 ..... lntn: rw ..... ~ .. ,,. ...... ,~ 21 ll'h ll••••d •• ..,... Slli S91it lntmtGs ·~ Ml9 ,...,..., •111 ...... f!•£1 I lofter *"1114$ Crewtcl 17\lt 11'1'1 ln81<WSll '°"" '°"" PetllllOfl 1• 20 I! oc '~ ~ 8:e~~·~ ~r.'t:d 11i. 11 .... lw.SoUt 14 ... J~ Pl .. ceSS l()'.'111\olo T::. " JO UPS ANO DOWNS I , ... Jefl'IW~ ""' tO Pfflllrtfl nllt~ ., ., HEW YOftK IAPI -TM toltow•,.. 11~1 ln ... tatKe & I-· Cllr°" U U\'r ~~'IJ 154 , ..... PIWIH18 1w.1.-. T-t ........... -· .. Oft<' • IN · C:O.,.,ter •• uocto.•. nlyM l2Yt ,,.,, .... .,.. PlesllM , ... , ... Tltf..,, JI ,. .... Stoel<s -~-~I IMl"9 0C>ne llO 4EL Incl 1'i'a 11'\ Ot.Oes 12~ 11"' Jos7rnM ,. I~ Pouos . •"' ~~!t'p II ""' Ille ~I Mid dotorfl 1'-tnO\I IMS4d on AF4Pr04 16\0 11'« 0.'(1'-UI n"" 24..., KeosSt pf 1114 •• Proorp lw l \'J 1~ lo+\I r!'""' Of c~ rt<)etol.-.s ot 11o1.,.... :~~SI!~ r,-,;:: g:~~:t UV. 2' IC elver IV. 2.,.. PCIS•NC ·~·I .... TrMOcO 1~19YI ~o :=~ lrecllft9 tit•-P ••• inc•· ~JI .... Kernen 11:\lo l'h P\H1S.... n Z7~ TrlcoF'G S1 H Ad11R~s N J"l'e OetCenT 1214 IJlit KmpAm IO'h II P"IOCec> l\lo l%t lrflnOG Wa S-" -.t. -.,.., ~c:.<11-, ... _ • .,. ,,..., AdvMltr ltV. 10 OellnlB ""' 24 .... K•ttGre .... "' 0...llllM s ~ ToOllFd ,. ,, d11terenc.e -ltoe prevlou• uosinq Ale.Alt• '71't 21V. Oe-yEI ·~ l"-K•r.wm J ~ R~nPr 1111 ~ UnMcG•I 10 " Old ,.,,,. -,_G'h'•SC O•d proce AllCOllK .... '""" OleCry\ 2414 "'" Ke •r,S• 21 ,....., R•r<""" llltt ., .... Vt Svrt " l•YI ~~r~& J: ~ ~~:r 24 ,,.,,, Ke" lt l IJ\lo I.,_ Raymfld JJ'lloZ,.~ U Trc ··~ ··---,._ t.•11 .o;t. Pel. .... "' ICornCMll l~l•h =~~~ .......... UVellSft 23"" 13~ I AIMAlnl Iii. Up 119 AF.,rn OollrGn ~ ... Ktnolnl 1014 """ 21-Vo """ UpP..,P ""' ""' ' APL wt 1 . ~ Up •• J J IS-9' 4 ).1• Oonldsn 22 23 ~=v 14\1) 1)1') "--' . >;... ~"' V.iyGU 10' .. 10¥. J Feylfld l • .,. Up ,. , AGrttl ""'° ll'h OorcllG• ,.,,_ "" u .... 1414 Rowton va110 ... ll'llo '"" • a.os..rv 1 • "' Up 14 J AlnlGP •ti.lo SO\lo OoylOB 2014 21 Lancetn 19'\& 20"> "°" .. '"" ~ Vence Sn •>(, S'h s UnlvVOll • • .... Up 14.J AMlcro1 II~ """' O\into.fnO l~ll+o ~RH ~) A"sSIO• I•"' u Vel<ro ~·~ • ~ . .,., • I Up UJ AWttdno IS.,, .. ...., Ourlron ,.v. 17\lo Lt neCO '°"" 1114 s.<111~ ~ ..... VeNll\11 !Pit 14 ..... 1 II.EST ·~ ..... 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HL ..0. !HI ttl, II ,..,,.., ,..,. .. , la.4t NL Ill-It.to II =lltftlO 1t =t rr IO. II.IS :S4-s it.II..... ' u .• HI. ""-'! •.n lieo 11.4 NI. WI\·~ .. .. -S! ··1 S.C ..... Nl uii1 IUi NI. ~J, l!-11 ~?' NL WIMr .... ~t I 1 l .... I.• !'IL Mllilft1 "I IS. NL • Vari a.OS 4. ll • •. '"' n .M NL HIMll . ).J1 ~ N : ' • II. • ..... 0 .. u fu !!!!'t-,::t "rm: .... •.• a= : :T-J : · ".. .1~: .t ... ~i::r ~i '~·1 == ~ 1!·n =t ifirii ~~ I ~:it~ Mlf1~~f, 1l:# 1~ '-'w;~n:-:. ti,·~ ':t'i i:• fs'~g' ~ ~ ~~ ~i 1: ":'~v;'1J' Et t t :.t.. .., ttJ .,... ~ • ,. •tt" 'l! _.., I. ...... ~ Ill I-ctr • - ' I• NL ..., • lllll t •• Ill lllll¥tlll --,..., ....... .. W.)1 , ... MltMC.1-ft Clll Tl-1 .it " 1.1.,. ft , .. , .. ''*""' \ l { I I i 81 C?AILV Ptl.OT N W ~dnr8day ,~ Jo in~ Pri NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS l I 0...t•l'-i~h•tr...,..,_...,_.,.,~ lllk:l.-\1 ..... tHt,l'IW,......,,Ottttil .... CIMl,.,..Otl•CI• ~,_,_,__ • .,11W ... l .... l ll1-1elt0110l ""<llf'lllttOHNr1....,ll"llNI •• C I STOCKS/ BUSINESS Benefit Check Sliould Be Done By SVl~VIA PORTE& Late 'n 1977, u woman oogan to suspect that bt:r former employer had supplied f1dse Information about her Social Security and Income tax deducUons after she changed jobs three years before. She wrote ror her records and found htlr SU$pic:lon& confirmed. But eve n though she caugbL the error rc:JaUvely quickly, she allll is trying lo strail(hten out the aitualloa. THE SOCIAL SEClJRITY Al>MINISTRATION sa~ such distrepancies are rare. But "rare" seems a slippery wo rd in view of the fact thlit the administration itself re- ports some 2.9 million such d ifferences e ach year. Many don't come to Hi:!ht for 30 to 40 years after the mistakes occur, when a work~r applies for retireme nt benefits. By then, it m ay be next to impossible to correct the data, because lhe federal government puts the burden of proof on t mr>loyccs lo document how much money it has taken U an employer tells the employee one thin~ and the U.S. government another, the government accepts the employer's word. Check your Social Security records at •east every three years to m u k<.· sure they arc rjght. Get the form for s u c h checking OAR-7004. "Request for State ment of Earnings" by go ing in pe rson to the local Social Security or Money's Worth f1 ce or by writing Sociul S1·cunly Adminis tration . Baltimore, Md 212.15. You may as k for as many as 40 years of records anct may specify the deLa1I you need yearly tota ls only, cam ings by quarters, names of employers. UNDER THE f·REEOOM OF INFORMATION Al't. C'ha rgcs that went as high as $91 for records going back 40 years are waived. Rut a certification that the records arc correct cosL'> S:J This first sleP. could take two to three months. If you find a discrepun~y. you need a new form: ''Request for Correction of Earnings Records" <OAR-7008). When you go to the office to pick up lhe form. take all records bear- ing in the issue oril{mals, not c arbons .. -From the I RS to the Social Security adnunistrat1un. the federal government's altitude is that the employee 1s a che at. The massive bureaucracy tends toward this behd, a nd your only dcr~nse 1i. your 11wn documentation that you are not In the case of the woman mentioned ahovc. her former employc>r admtlh·d µart M lht: mistake at on<'c• T he rc•port that :.hi• hud lwcn pa1tl 111:-.l onc-lhmJ of what she hud really .. :irnl'd was a "<'lt•rical error ,·• lhl· l'mploy<'r said BUT T i ff: "CORRECTION" ('RE/\TED other pron· le m s : Money h ad IJ<.!en diverted from incom e tax withholding and Mntrov('rsy arose over when funds h:ul been paid. IHS ruled one way, then another. then a lh1rd Only after two Freedom of Information Act request:. had been filed to find out what her employf'r had said a nd when was any corrective action started . "Soeial Security was bad ... s he said with brttcrnei.s "Slow. distrustful, d isinterested. Bui m r1ybl' SS should 111•: 1t 's our money lhut 1s being paid out " fuw Spurts A.head In Fi1ial-lwur Rally NEW YORK <APJ Most gold and gambling stocks rose and m any oil issuei. were weaker today in a m arket which showed littlcovera ll trend until a rally near t he close . The Dow J ones average of 30 industrial stocks bouncl'd up a nd down in a narrow rnngc. The blue chip index wa:. up 7.45 points to 857.76 wi th most of the gain in t he hnal hour. The Dow al one point was down 6. Trading was fairly t.1ct1vc. Ceimc rs and loser:. w <Jr<! ev!•n. 1Jou.,Jot1f>#. I re rage• Hew YOO',(API ..,,.., Oow J°""\ "ver.tQh $TOCKS lO '"" ~., .~~ri ~': .f,'°,':. t"'t) :lO Trn 11• lO 111n'"84 711 o • Ou IS Ull 103 &1 1(14 SO 10J 41 10. 13 1 0 SI •s Stk , .... m •1 2u " 111 91 • 111 lndu• 1.1:14 ~ lr•n ~~.JOO Utl\ J)•,:JOO 4S $0. l , 1"1, 100 N6 W YORI( IA.Pl AOV6110<I O.cllM<I u nc; "• 119'<1 rot•• ....... Nt w lllQll> Hew low-. 'A~ES NEW YOlltC 1'11'1 """'0• ""'' f•r ev10U\ O•~ W.el •(IQ """"'"-'YUr •GO rwo ye•" -J•" I h> O<tle •tll 10 cl.\te • • • i.11 10 0.1• N'r !llO< ••le• Jl,IN,000 11.1to.ooo 14,.4JO,OOO 1•.C)j(),000 11,UO.QO() 1• • .l60.000 I \17.~ ... I •. 11>t>, no.ooo 1,119,0 0.000 WHAT AMEX 010 NE W VOlllt IAPI ,SUl)rr NEW VOAll IAPI -H-y 8. H.1•1Nn '"°' st1wr$7.*4. E"Qtll\M<I \II .. , \I olt', 14'br1Ulf<l i/ 4SI l . .. . I • t. • • • ' • I ENTERTAINMENT I MUSIC BOX Young Pianist Hailed U Plullwnnonic plenJid in Cowity Con£el1 Th1•n• urt• m uny con cert piun1 ta old t'n<.>ugh to b\-\'cf1m Dronfman'a fathor who coul<l not have brouetht lQ Ot• •thoven'H Plaoo COrH'erto No l Uw maluri l)' a nd l'n•llJvlty lhl' youni,: art11 t th •rnon1t11 ntl•d ta ~I Wl't'kl'nd 11 wa.a .s du.ulmM J)tldvrn1am·•· hy the l .o~ l\nijl'h·11 )'hllh:\rrnonil' Orc ht'stra '11 21 yl'nr old lilUt•i.I • ind 1t i.hould hovt• brouitht him .1 lllllnthn~ uvo.1\11111 fr om Jll OraniW' Omnty l 't11lh .1rrno1uc Socl('ly au<11l'n<''' 111 ~Jntu Anu \'EFIM UJ\D TO lw contenl w1tb .1 u~lUln\.-d ovutmn JmJ a few !IC8Ut•n.'<l che.:n. But that :-.. Onngl' County, yuun)( man there are limes wht•n nuthmit horl of an earthqu.Ak~ will hfl t•onc~rtgoers out or their seal~ The young RuSi.1an tb drawmlo( rave reviews wherever he plays and t hat is not to be "Aondered al in the lJghl or his drt\ tn~. prob mg Jnd thoroughly inb p1red Beethovt:n TOM BARLEY Music Box puinist of mle rnauooal st~turc wJ~ M!at('{l at the keyboard. BUT IT WASN'T lhe only thi ng of beauty on lh1s at tractive OCPS program. We were given a performance: of Sir Wilham Walton's First Symphony that was by far the b<>~l offering or this noble work that the writer has heard m an American concert hall The work is essentially Britis h in its structure and often emo- l1onal scoring and the subtletaes lhal Walton wove into his first symphonic venture often escape the American ensemble charged with its performance. has lo go back more than a dee· ade to recall a nything compara- ble to this perlormance. Nevertheless, tba t m agoiCi- cen t message appear ed to escape many members of the · audience In the Santa Ana High School auditorium. Jl was not the kind of ovati~n t hat Harth . and his LAPO so r ichly deserved for a sterling errort . The first installment in what proved to be a m e morable weekend of great music came Friday nigh t with brilliant performances by flautist J ean· · Pie rre Rampal of works by 8a{'h . Devienne and Mozart WO RKING WITH t h e Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra. Rampa! very quickly showed us why so many mus icians and · mus ic lovers regard him as the world's greatest exponent of the flute ===================:., The rondo thut lead:. us into SO WITH SIDNEY Harth who took the podium in the abscnct' o f Carlo Mar ia Giulini He: worl(ed hkc <t fwnd to reproduce the Walton message <tnd ht: will be ~ratifll'd lo know today that u Walton admirer who know!'. every note of that glorious scort• His work with the baton was no less Impressive: he 1s a Ou1d , sens i tive conductor and his direction obviously ins pired a cha mber group that clearly was delighted to h<i v<' this great man in their ranks .. ,~, 111 !/lb1•l11 ••• '"ONCE IN PARIS' IS CHARMING. RJNNY. SURPRISING ... AN INllMATE AND VERY NfARLY PERFECT W VE STORY ... ROGERS, PERFORMANCE STANDS wrm 11iE YEAR'S BEST. 'ONCE IN PARIS' has more than anything else a tang of freshness as exhilarating as a wine. bread and c heese picnic in the Frenc h countryside:~~ c1 ... 1~-.( 1•11111'''" J.,._ "'~l· r. 'l 11rn edwards HARBOR TWIN· HARIOR AT WILSON. COST A MESA 646-0573 646-3266 8 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BEST PICTURE BEST ACTRESS J•ne Fonda BEIT DIRECTOR HalMhby BEST SUPP. ACTRESS Penelope Mlttofd j'=l• ri 'r [ 11 -·· '· '1 -• BEST ACTOR Jon Voight BEST SUPP. ACTOR Bru~Dem BEST SCREENPLAY the finale was espet1ally well played Anyone lis tcninR lx'h.ind dosed door.> at the conl'l'rt hall could qufrkly have bt·l'n h.-d tu believe that a veteran concert Bee Gees Set a Record HOLLYWOOD 1A P 1 The Bee Gees have won so many honors lately thcy1 almost didn't notice their latest accomplishment. RSO record~ announcc<I that lhe Bee G<"cs· Lear Plans Movie With Martin M u ll llOLLYWOOD <AP1 Norman Lear return" to the motion picture scone afll'r an c1J!ht·yt•ar absence with "Religion." his fi rst film under a oew conlr<tcl with Uni ver!>al PiclUres. Martin Mull and Fred Willard, ~ho starred in Lear's ··America 2Night," will star in the movie. Lear is co writing the film with Alan Thicke, who was producer and head writer of the syndicated TV series. Alt.hough Lear previously wrote. directed and produced movies, he is best known for such TV comedies as "AJI in the Family," "Maude " a nd "One Day al a Time." Reynolds Hailed JUPITER, Fla. <AP> -Actor Burl Reynolds is F lorida's first Am bassador or the Arts. Reynolds received the award Tuesday night from Secretary of Slate George Firestone. The award honors outstanding individuals in the arts w ho bave brought cultural recognition to F lorida, said a spokesman for Firestone. 4 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS Including: BEST ACTRESS Ellen Alan Burstyn Alda ~'lime, <Next6&" NOW PLAYING c---· '""'°"' Orange 634-2~ ,.ewpon Beach 644·0760 Omlin IWfman \1nessa &dgraye A fictional solution to the real mystery of Agatha Christie's disappearance. "Tragedy" 1s No I on Billboard m agaz1ne':- newcsl singles chart. making the Bee ~s the on ly rock group to have eight No I singles this decade "I FEEL VERY GOOD about it." said the Bee Gees' Barry Gibb. reached by telephone al h1!> Miami Beach home. "I wasn't really aware that 1l was a record " Asked if he plan<.'d lo celebrate the event. Gibb laughed. "We've been celebrating all year. tu .... t•veryUung's been ha ppening. It's like a big bub blc . someday it'll bur:-.1. but right now wt:·re ha\ 1ng the llmt• ol our lives " "TRAGEDY" BRINGS TO f1vt• the nu mber of consecutive Bet! Gee s ingle releases that have reached the number one spot on Billboard's charts . an achievement s urpassed onl y by the Beatles. "'1th six consecutive singles in 1965 and 1966 "I think we 'll go for that one too." Gibb said COM E IN & SIGN UP FREE DRAWING PAIR OF TICKETS FOR THE CONCERT OF YOUR CHOICE AVAii.ABLE NOW COMING SOON Rod Stew•rt Led Zeppelln Styx Bee Gees Gino Yenneltl Nell Diamond Allee Cooper The Who Supertramp Rolllng Stones Kenny Roger• Stffty Dan Ted Nugent McC•rtney & Wings Cheap Trick KIH Arrow91ntth Eagle• Van Halen Aeehwood M•c Ch•rtey Prtde Bob Seger DEPOSITS ON COMING EVENTS GUARANTEES TICKETS THE TICKET SHACK CON CERTS• SPORTS •THEATRE ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BEST PICTURE DIRECTOR• ACTOR SUPPORTING ACTOR SUPPORTING ACTR ESS PRESENTED IN 70 M.M. DOLBY 6 TRACK STEREOPHONIC SOUND RCefRT CE NIRO A MICHAEL CIMINO fllM 1 ....... ...._ ............ -........................ ,....~, .......... _ ...... "'' t iiil!WW ... ,.._ ........... .. , ........ -'Oll,__'11 Bii *81115 NEWPORT t9AICOAST HWY.&MACAITHUI aaw»W ODIU 644-0760 -fte-• -·---~ r<eam u Cl f\IK) DEER HUNTER LMJ ---~-,... , .. _ &A,T L•r•,--··-~a.ut Ctirfatoptlef l.9• • 8 rin Eldand ''THE WICKER MAN" PLUS (Al "BEYOND THE DOOR. II" "RtCHARD PRYOR. FILMED LIVE IN CONCERT .. ,... ........ ,,11 IATl'IUN U JO > U •M I••. n t$ ---··--''°"' ~ IUT ll'CT.-~~N HEAVEN ~~ CAN WAIT PLUS .,, WINNER 4 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS ''THE WIZ" ............ ... - DAILY PtLOT RICHARD ""YOA FILMED uve IN CONCEA~ Plue (PG) Wtnnetott Aced4tmy Aw_,. Nomination• "HEAVEN CAN WAtT" l rittEIUncf Chrt~L .. "THE WICKER MAN ° CHUCK ._,....,. "GOOD GUYS WEAR BLACK" (PG> Ct.di ........ A..-~ ''GOOD "' -AIM.LI GUYS BEAVIN Q m WEAR CANWArl' BLACK" WIN'c& "9erG) Cfi'G) ..... "STAR Moft,.,,.,., "CM..._A CRASH" 1: .. ~11 tUnl" J -DAILY PILOT Television I TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS IVt:HINO e.0010• HCWI EMEM NCY ONll " QI.In O..C.tlal Lo\ •~Cl d'"1t •• ..., '""'' • po l'I) 11.ui1 ... 1. D 1AON1101 0. 1\1 .. ~l lW\J • f'f,. I ... ., \J'<)t •I _,N'9 1.l•1•'11 O•IC W1tll V\IU!l\llUH• l<1 " c.hulCh ('I IYOfUo.111<1 tD f11411 IAAOV au H Wll~I f'191W I• I• 10 tlf' t•Ullfla lo •HftN.I J1111 a~ W'""''"" ""', r " ..,,11a11 lt19C). 'W'l> e '' acw H fAAN()SCO A l)tff r-. (.lifht.. " ntUI .,_., '°Mhtft .......... I II , I &>.•"""'I "'" .. JUL'"" m ovt" ""'" (,_, s..,,, I ,,,. t•\J ""'' <....it IV ,,.,. 1 1111 6!) AM "ICAH OOVEl\NM Hf 1h•N•1to 1hu'1 'too l' CSS H~ 10 ABC HtwS t -30 G) I LOVElUCY l IKY hK-._ t• HI.-t ) B11ttf:Tflf1 , .. h ) ,\,l,UI ~ tit,.• ft,, f • •!JJ -.h •It 11 h• I ,,1, W MICHACl JACKSON \tttt" ol 1\1 Hf'I( l'4-~U t U-4 11.t11 ,tn '"fll ,mu \11r,•l1 .1 ,. tt•n1 '"'~' lht· 11111• 11111 • 111 !h t• )Ollllg J.:t'l'>ho.1 Ill 1't1t' "' •H W PAoJfCT UHIVl"8E Como I• A1'4I ..... """' 16 CAOS$-WIT6 1 1!11 ' \l.acl,ww Hut h ·rl I\ · to IH· '" t• ..... 111t•d tonight .11 H 1111 .._, ·.-:T . <'lwnrwl :>x lO MEAV GRIFFIN ( ..... ~·~ ''"' ..... y • • ...... • !,,t•tf.;llrH~ .. ,.d Fi ., .J • w.u •. il'\, l•tl11 d J•u1 '""thC1W'1lll~ M1 , ~ .,, 1thO ljof11;c;c;1 7'00 0 CBS NEWS R H8CNEWS NEWLYWED GAME 0 A8CHEWS ",,t. t,>.ht Q) 8ANFORO "HD SOH l umoo1 """°"' I t""•ht.t1i1u Ultiif f •IOO" Cltld P11ty1"1J hUO <IK•• ar• Hylt\Q to 1>o1mbon tlt1 t,,_ hllhttf U.JI ol h•• mon\ly E!} ~ACHEIL /LEHAER REPORT m INTRODUCING BIOlOOV R6&f>ff8hon 0 () JOKER'S WflO d) SIX Mill.ION DOU..AR MAH 7 30 0 WORLD WAR ll 01 OtAAY Sieve t>e<:omt•'> 1•mb1t1<ltKI with mOOnSh1nN~ wnm1 lwO tf'<IO<til JQ< nl\ lltr• my&tenovs1y k1llud hy Am4!f1Can 1n Pa11~ 0 SHA...,. NA Oooai Otclt <..r1t11t 0 DATING GAME Claonnf*f ~ist in9• 1J KNXT 1CBS1 LO'> AnlJ!!ff''> CJ KNBC tNBC) Lo-:. Angt1fa'> 0 KTLA find I Lo., Anqul<!5 tJ AABC-TV tAOC) Lo'> Angol~:-, (lJ ~FMB (CBS) S,1n 011.!!JO 0 KHJ· lV (Ind ) LO'> An'l•Jh:'> Ml KCST (ABC) San Dingo fD KT1V (Ind I Lo<. Anw•lt·S Cl) KCOP TV ttnfl J l oo, Angl·l1:'> ED KCE r TV f PBS1 LO'> Anq1·h:'> m KOCE TV tPBS1 Hvnto,,q1on Bcatn 0 S 100 000 NAME fHA T TUNE 0 TIC TAC OOUOH Cl) ADAM-t2 A .,11m,1'tj hufl"l ""·>•11lu1u '"'""' mto o .,.,,.™'' '·''~t· tl11.1t n..,u, ty luui.J"a lo !f!llP'IJY W 28TOHIOHT I I••• Pc.lllo<.• And I t n f't<Hn•< ~ Of <.-or•')umo• < •edll m CONSUMER SURVIVAL KIT P11C1< Oun1t1y Ht1lull<.u1 .,nop Sp!'lld Rfll1ding, R"'""munl ltOmll~ Ct ) NBA BASKETBALL 1,01<1.,n Stnl<• W111rio•• "~ '•Bil 019CJO CllPPI'•. 110) FAMILY FEUD 8.00 f) MAAAJEO: THE FIRST YEAR Billy ufld Joanno • '"''' tt0nan1p i6 i.111110110 bY minor urtlulion&i w h;('t1 taku O<I gmnl porbpecto\lot, 0 l<ILLERS OF niE P~INS Prooarory arnm..;I~ rn<.lud tng 11ons. leOPu•d~ 11110 nyunt1~ are 111moe1 tn lhun n.11urul hab•tllt on 1111• S6Ht11iJell Plain 01 t ;;~I J.f11t I 9 lOW,.f\0 TH l(INQ ''"' .,,. ... <» w .. ""O I tlWIU d t ,,,...,.,.,. Vli*I lly "'" .. ,,.,, W111 an <1MA11Nl ""IH fl •ll•ltllll •flO 111\11111.l• 111111mhnl D Ol LIOHT 18 lHOUOH w1. •• r "" 11.1111111 • rn.~11 '"l'l'Y Al>hy ...... O•flf 11141 ,..,.,.,,."'<I fUll ol 11>11n-<)lfl0 N~ l>QI• llltltt LlllQu• '" 1111 11•1 0 THlSAIHf 1 h• IJ ttlQtt l <N•n G) CAROl 8UAMETT AHOrl\I NOi l...'-•1• 1 tl• Mo.1.u f '°'" "''"" .. , Q) MOVlt'. • • • f•'v •o• I t;r •I l't I I I '4\)1 JlOmotl> l.111tJ'...-~' Aun " .. htutOan A P• /t'h\jl•IVI <I< •Ulio(I IU th~ ~Ml II"'""" l<.oMt. "'" >IYll 'II''' "' ,, 1 .. 111lul 1n111v1 l~ lo I fD OA~T PERFOOMAHCE.8 IA.,ll 11fl• tlullt1tlly J """' t,,tUI a t.hl-"""1<. tf .-.gu<Jy Of ttt .. lhJ ttnO nut noP'J'OSI ., "" "" Am"'""" Navy ,...,. 1h..tt "'' m ACADEMY LEADERS '"'"' Thi! SHPlll 01•,111 ,.,.d FrJnk f 11m 8 30 ID fHE 000 COUPl.E wr.011 Muuay ~ ..,,,,. l.!16'1'> hm tu~m ttit·u hOmt-1. Fllh• •'•V1tu. h im \(I ~h.HC f:..c..l• •llfJlitln,.01 900 0 1HEJEFf£R80NS An i n Wtlh~ lht! wn11t1 S'IQ<,<IJ 01 Ille W11fi1 1am1ly d"tVU'l m town after d oovtil•ll yQ8t llb&Oncfl fRI 0 STUDS LONIOAH Alll'< ~IUOI 105«!9 his lolo '.>dYt"Qi n.~ po•>lpon\''1 f"U!. mliffhlQ" plan~ and ts IO•Cl'O 10 oeny his lathOf .; IOlln Iii• hte Com+'6 10 •n early """ ll!> • ra:.un o l pnoumonm or.d a near t cond11100 (Psft 3 01 3> 0 AMEAICANS "ThtJ Cowboy" Oe~mond WllCO• lllltflll06 lh1S PIOflle ol E.irt 11orcJ<•m"n a ranch· '" 1n Jdck son Hole Wyorrnnq working n1110 10 koop t~ le{)l)nd 01 11\C Amtt• ican cowbOy ohvti tJ f't9J CHARLIE'S A NOELS A boau11ru1 woman lu11i~ 6o~loy 1n10 11 rom1111t1c lhnti that ''"'" into .. death 11.ip 0 BILl V GRAHAM CRUSADE ID MERV GRIFFIN GuMfl Shecl<y Gro"''" NBC's Skid Continues ABC Grabs First Seven Spots in Ratings N~:w YORK 11\P i D1·~ptl(' almoc;t cons tant -.<·hcdulc shu!Oang r1r perhaps bccau1-;e or 1t '\ BC's s ha re of tht' TV <1udicncc seems to be :.hrinking by the w1·ck The troubled net work reached 1ts lowest point of the ~ason in the w<'ck ending March 18, listing onJy one program "l.1ttle !louse on the Prairie" in 14th place a mong lhe first 22 rated by the A.C. Nielsen Company N BC's rating ror the week was a season low of 13.6, nearly 10 points behind ABC's 22.2. CBS was second at 17.7 <related story Page 89). THE NETWORKS SAYS THAT means in an avearge prime time manutf' during the week. only 13.6 percent of the homes m the country were tunPd to NBC. /\BC, in fact, had the week '!> seven most· watched show:-., and CHS claimed three of the first 10. No. 1 Cor the week was "Three's Company," followed by a "Thrf'e'/) Comp<my" s pinoff, "The Ropers.·· which was being aired ror the first time. ARC now bas been Cirst in the ratings 10 weeks ma row, and NBC third the last five weeks. THE RATING FOil "TIDlEE'SComoanv" was 38.5 Nielsen says that m eans of all the ho mes in the country wilh TV, 38.5 percent saw at least part or the sbow. NBC has overhauled its prime·lime schedule sever al limes stncc September. and only one or the p.-ograms Introduced since the sta r\ of the TV season has shown any sign of vitality . That pro· gram, '"Diff'rcnt Strokes," was rctnked 23rd for the week. TV Slwws Cited OKLAHOMA ClTY <APl -The National Cowboy Hall of Fa me has named two ielevision programs, "Centennial" and "Stubby Pringle's Christmas" as Western Heritage Award for 1979 in the fiction categor y This is the first time judges huve made t.wo selections in the fictional category. "labi, The Last of His Tribe" was named in lbe factual category and composer Michael Small was named ror t.be mualc in the moUon picture ''Comes a Horseman." • CHOICE OF COLORS • CHOICE OF FABRICS = s199 OWUIH •dlttf lllc•tt• ,., W1ll hcll1tt\ IH lfOClr IMMIDtATI FR& DELIVERY ~~~ Sltowca• i M ~t of N BC'!l rt•cent entries in the ratings com pl'l1lion were c lus tered near the bottom. "B.J . anti the Bear" in 47th place. "Cliffhangers" 49th, lht.• ultra -t'xpens ive "Supcrtrain" 55th, .. Mrs. C'olumbo" 59th. J.'OUR 01<' THE WEEK'S h vc lowest-rated prog rams were on N RC, 1nclud1 ng No. 64 "Checkered Flag or Cral>h," No 65 "llarns and Co . " No. 66 ··w eekend'' and No. 68 "Rafferty and the llt~hway Husth:rs ." The interloper was CBS' "In St· arch of Peace" news special, ranked 67th. Herc are the WPck 's JO top-rated s hows : "Three's Company." with a r<1tmg of 38.5 reprc~entang 28.7 million homes. "The Ropers," 36 or ZG.8 m111ion. "Laverne and Shirley." 35 4 or 25.7 mil hon. "Happy Days," 33 or 24 6 million, "Mork and Mtndy," 32 3 or 24. I million. "Eight is EnouJ(h.'' 28.9 or 21.5 m1lhon. and "J ericho Mile," 28.4 or 2J.2 million, all AUC. "M·A·S·JI," and "60 M 1nu lcs." 28.3 or 21. I million. tie, and "One Day al a Timl'," Sunday night, 27.8 or 20.7 million, all ens. Tiit: NEXT 10 i:.how::. · . "Angie." AUC ; "/\II m the Family," CBS ; "Barbara Walters Spec ial," ABC, "Little Jlouse on the Prairie," NBC: "Barney Miller " and "Soap," both ABC; "Alice," CBS; "Charlie's Angels'' and "Vcgas~1· both ABC, and "Dukes or Hazzard." CBS. OT/,~ , <&at'l1ed .%dieJ "HILARIOOSI" Sptcfel &.ow-Prqd Prev .. w• nii. Wffkendl '" ..... _.,,... ..,,,,_-1_ ..... ,.,. r TUBE TOPPERS NU(; 1J !)·()() "Studs Lomgan ... The conclusion or the three-part TV mov1 • from the novel about growing up in the l)(:prci,slon years. KTLA 0 9·00 Americans. The cowboy rancher Earl Hardeman. is pro· falt•d an 'this segment a s a man working to kt·ev thl' legend of the American cow· boy i.allV{', J\U • fJ 10.00 -20120. The slayer of Killy Genovcl)c ii, interviewed on the 15th C1nnivcrsary of the girl's death. 8f9Qlnec:t und Riiy Joe W1l1tam•. LIOO 09 Plitt• Showg1111 Mlahkin and Oonucc• Johnny O<irk JKqvet1ne OOUQUOI '1i) DA VIO 8U98KIND An tnl-w nn Truman C30011 t:30 (fJ CUPPEA REVIEW 10-008 KAZ A yOtJng woman whMe pe1ents believe l>hfl has l>-1 bretnwoshod t>y ~ rohgiou• cull kionap 1>o1 ootous Kai can c.om1)4<1te hit 1n\leshga11on ol thu C#$(l UG HEWS -~ 20/20 Sylvtl Cha$e 1ntet'•111ws 11\tl mu•de ••< 01 K111y Genovusu on Ille 15th annM>rwry ol niir death, Geraldo R•vera 1nvMh· gatt>6 the preloronttal lre1'11m~1 0"'60 10 SOtNl coat mme oper11101s Oy the l6dera1 government Oove Mar~ •OPo<tS oo the m11· U!ie of properly ln;t ~ ti) HIGHT GALLERY t Do Not 8elOng To The Human Wofl<l' A womao M" a \llSI0<1 ot het llllPPOS lldty oead boylrl6f'ld on ,, t>Jttleflold m THE ADVOCATES ' ShOtJl<l lhe U S Ag•Ott fo U N Cont<OI 01 Seabed Mlnmg?' !~:: 1 • i:m ®J HEWS MAKE ME 1.AUOH 0 MOVIE • • ', .. Apanmont t or Peggy" ( 19481 W111i..m Holden. Jeanne C181n A pror .. ~sor olla<s Ill• alllG 10 a ~tudenl and n•a p1&gn:1nt Wltft tOt hOuSlng (? NI ) d) CAROL BURNETT AHDFRIEHOS Shutterbug GuMll T1tn Conwey, Bor· nadette Pe1er1 Cl) THE OOOOIE8 Gr-crtllet Frankenl•· do. 1t1e ~• amazing dog --&!) DICK CAVITT 0.,..ta FIKm&n 81tfl<IC>, DaVKf ftt NI, Moma Slogel. OiGk Young f Part? ol 3) 1 uo II Cl) AOCf<fOAO FllES The und-ld becomes cooV>tlOl!d 1h1t J1ftl haa $80,000 ot peyott money betono•no to the mon wttoM de•th ne ·~ 1nvest1· Q!llnO U TOHIGHT Host Johnny Carson Guesls Otctl Van Patten Ju<l•lh 8leg6n Tony ()ella. Manene Har1iey U SOUPY SALES G Q]) POt.ta WOMAN Pepper attempts to e•~ a ma561ve coun · letlOtllt'IQ Ol>Of illOn -~SHOW 8A&KETBAU • Na1tonel 1nv11111onal TournOlneht Finats' fE) CAPTION£D ABC HEWS MORNING 12:00 U TWILIGHT ZOt4E '"HOGUS Pocu, And fflfiby" Mr f'111by nas ll'Ht mo51 "'"'° tm&g1n8tt0n In 1own ano 1mprMM1 quite d ·-··peopie W11h ti • Al.FRED HnCHCOCK PMSEN'TS .. The B•o SCOfll " leen- age gong 01 •oot>eri. 1ob one nousenold 100 many 12:30 0 MOVIE • • Red ltQht ' ( t9491 Geo•ge R1t1 V1rg1n16 Mayo An e•-c:on ·~•!>· onOO WtlhOut gutlt t•nd~ Susan Anton is shown in a scene from her seg ment of NBC 's n ew s er ies "Cliff· ha ngers," where s he plays a news photo· graphcr flirting with danger . love whll• tHklnQ ,.._ I! Iv 46 min.I • MOYie * * "Fl••• Y1nll tnto To61yo'' ( 19451 Tom Neel. Batbe<• Halt. In ordef to twl!ICt vltll llOll'lkf bOmb NCTet• from 1 POW held 171 '"' Jepe11114t. "' ,,,.,,,.. leen undeo goM p&ISllC Wt· oet'f 10 ~NS IOenll• 'Y._ ( I ht , 30 min ) 12:37 . di MANNIX Joi MllC*t• ,,..., PeOOV'• l)Oyfl'lend WU inYOIYtel in I 11UQ11 nMc:o«OC' lrtefl. 12M 8 (J) KOJA.I< Kojlk f\lnt tnto trouble with • auapec;t' • p118"tl 8nd me ""'en11e ~ wtw.. rry.ng 10 hnd the mutOlr., of a IOcel ll<>Od· ium 1:00 0 TOMOMOW au.11 Or .Joe Pvrach h6ad of an liGoh<>lic <l!f\11· t>1thatt0n c.ntet, and two Sonnet alCOltohcs I LOVE IXPE"18 1~ WMfTID: OE.AD 09' ALIVE • MOYIE *''> "Tlle Pfflate l•"" Of ""am AmJ Eve" 119601 Micitey Rooney, Mllml9 van Doren A g<OUP of bu• pasaengo•s bound l o• Nevioda Jrn 11ea1ed to a "QUOllnO ol the Sc•IP• tvres·· by tl>e t>u• d<l\le• (I 1\1 .301n1n I t:461 HEWS 1:80 NlWS 2:00·= • • .. Hvngry t-t~r· t 19471 JHn Simmons. M ... geret l OCk wood The l\eir I of a VIGIOf•an family 10f1une d 1Htp1te tt>e1t weetth thfough gafTlbling. (2 hra I 8t MOYIE • • • • · Sallf•" 11ese1 v"" tor Matu<e. Janet Leogll Whtie <>" 1 Sllf11•. an Alt1· can QUlde encovntets tl\9 Mou Mau nahYeti who killed 111111am11y (2 h!A I , 2:16 1 NfW$ 2:20 MOVIE "• •, ··rs1and 0 1 Tne Lo11·· (19681 R1cha1d Greene Luke Hali>'n An .,dventu"ng anth•<>C>OIOOIS' ""° '"' l81T1rly ilGCldenlelly hl)d the remot6 ISiand wfl!(,11 t ney· ve beet' lieel\ • •nQ ""100 1hey get 1><1acheO on It (I hr , 50 min I 8 MOVIE • ••, .. Tlwl l ady i. from KuntUCI\'(' I 19391 Q(l()fqti Rlilt Zasu Pitts HOfSti , •C· •nQ ~ •uns "'Oil on tho Oluegf~ reg.on l 1 hf • 20 ~I .J:AO. NIWI JM~ * •;, "Slop Thal C•b (lt511 Sid Miiton, lfl9 Adl1an A •••• dllY .. in•d· .. ettanlly l>ecomoa lnvotvtd •llh it O•"O ot jewtl lhie1141s (1 hi.. I!> """, 4:00 • MOVll! • • • Pencho V111.i Ae1urn1" (IDS I) LIO C•1t1I· IO, Jeanet111 COITI04lf file llW'r>OV• Me11c:410 tft\I01v- 11onary •etulTlfl boltle with the aid of 10.000 men t2 httH • MOVIE • • .. The 8'1.n MlllChfne ( 10561 P•tnck Blwr. £14&. b eth A llen Whtn • tnachlne 'eo<"et'"9 b<ft40 wave. uposes a Pfychc>- pathlC k"ltlt. a 1>5ychl8111>t and 1115 wtle tutn to c11mu f 1 hr , 30 min I Tlaur•dafl'• Da11d•~ Movlt>• AFTERNOON 5.-00 9 • • .. ~ Aancn .. (19401 Gene AUlfY A COw· t>oy returns to A hOITIU IO'oOn c;eleO< atlOn 11 hf ) 12:00 fJ * * ''> "Mall Ota« 8fldfl' ( 1964 1 0udOy ED.en. l<elf DI.lite& A con· cerned party t•MIS to ll4lttle a wtld youth dowrt t>y a1rangtng lt mafflagu lo• """11nr .30m.n1 • ***'It "MariO'te Morntngst11" (Parl 11 ( 19581 Gene l(eoy Na1alM1 WOOd An ltflptM5'0n3b•e young Ol<I 18111 tn IOlre ''"'" a mlddl&-agod aongwri1e1. only 10 d1r.GOver mat he I\ a la•lu•e I 1 hr • f>O mm I 3:00 Q]) • • •11 ··erock·11 l<J~• case.. t 19721 R1c;hd•O Wldmatk, Henry D ... rrow A rellfed New YOtk pc>'i<k· m.ln hnds lllf"""4t b~ 11 w«k -h.,, new lo•l!· man is accu~ ol mv•CI'" (thr ,30mtn) 3:30 8 " • 'h "Jubot .. I 1!'1'>01 Glenn fO<d. tmltl<t Boiq· nrne A young dnltot sHUl<" the a•d ot " m1"•~W• ~ daugltte< antir 11t1 ·~ torc.t.-<I 10 k•tt "' sett-d6lun~ I t nr ,30 min I Network to Slice Kids' 'IV Ad Tllne NEW YORK 1AP > ABC Tclcv1s1on ha:. an no1.mced that it will cut network commercial t ime during weekend mornjng children's programmin)( by 20 percent over the next two years and rill some or the time with messages on health and nutrition. The resC or the "free tam e" will be used for public service announc~ments and g~neral pro· gram W ormation. The total amount or network and local com· me rcial time will be equa l to or less U,an the total commercial lime currently being carried duran~ prime lime networ k hour~. ABC said. 'Flame' Set HOLLYWOOD f AP> --Ed ,Friendly. who pro· duced "Bac kstairs al 1-iiiimilliiiiiii-..liiii..,..,...._..,. the White House," will produce "The Flame Is Love." the firs t rilm adaptation of a Barbara Cartland romantic nov· el. The two-hour movie will air nert season on NBC. "MUIDBIY DECarfrGJ •THE PASSAGE'" f RI DtVINR• JOHNWlTBd' What John T. Booker knows about the C.l.A. could get him killed. ~;--f~~® , .... ,. T~k •GOOD GUYS WEAR •ACK• Starring CHUCK NORRIS Aieo Stirring ANNE ARCHER Specl11 AppearanQe JIM BACKUS Ind JAMES FRANCISCUS 11 Conted Morgan LLOYD HAYNES DANA ANDREWS • tfln Action One fHm ,,.,.,_,,,Lid. from Amerlcen CIMme Ae!Hllng l .. I ' ' • .. ENTERTAINMENT I TELEVISION from thP aurhor a "fwn1v "&~ti ''A unique. imaginaelve. thinking -man'~ shocker. If you Uk,• cHff-hanger . hypnol1 J>('ll and t'dge-of·th<' 'e'u ~ruff. see TH WI Kf:.R MAN!"' Uiu~ ,. V. 1lh.11t1-.. •n 1 'h •l°'l >1. 0 A chilli ng and e ngrossing occult thriller!" .k~nn.-M1lkr ~ r F .1m11l\·r . "' ... - Wliat Happened, Fred~ ·tvenna11 Di8cruse8 'NBC Problem/ in Ratings · By P•'Tt;R J. 90\'Ell l,OS I\ GEt.f:S 1/\1)1 II '" reforr\'d to a21 ·the Nl ruohlf'm" cu "llw Mlvt•r1nun prohlt'm," ttnd It la th<-telcvliuon industry'& favorite topic. lt 111 wutchC'd 'n Hollywood with more inlcrc!il \hun anyttuna< thul ahow11 uv on U\t> tulx' The ~ubJl'l'h1 ... , ·d Sii vtirinan, TV wh.ard wh°'4 fiq1l()1l~ al C'HS und AH(' hrt' the stuCf of ltf:t•nd .' and thf' Nallonnl Hroadca&Un(l Company. the troublt'd rnmmun1cat1oru, 1(1t1nt that hired S1lvt•rm•m ut ;_1 ll'IH1rt('<J SI m1lhon a yf:at to haul tht• n..twork out of tht• mlrt' Mkr rum' month,.. umfl'r S1lvl•rinan. NBC i:; • llll \-l'r v mud1 In lht• 1111n• :-.11\ l'fll\0!11 "'~·llc.t•d 1111 0 •• b l c.ik :.ltuulwn Jl N UC l II l'I ~ .1 \ U f I' !\ l ' l II 0 ti I 0 T\ ' r.11111~!> r lil't• I h1· rlt•t work "'.1~ l'lll11•0t'hl-d in IJ:.t pl1tce "''th faint hor~ of 1mmed1..itr 1 m pro' t•mt<nl t\d vcrt1s 1ng doll.ir-~ 14'Ptt> b<-1ng !IJWnl al lht· nther net work!> Affllcated st.1 t1ons wen· Jumping :.hip with d1~patch Nelwo 1 k rc•venuc:. were down by 20 percent SILV£11MAN SINCE StLVl!:RMAN BECAME NBC presl· dent. executives ha\•c c.irnved and vanished almost as fast as NBC's n(·w sl•ries Programs are aired and canceh.>d rn whC>lesale loL-. And ther e was that expensive. e mbarras:.ing boo·boo the $12 million "Supertr:un." a dismally rated series for which Sri vc•rman reluctantly acci.'pls responsibility. "Why was l latc·1 " runs a standard NBC joke, "l took the 'Supertrain ' " gonl"' Or. does tht: wiiard just need some lime ~ bPll'I h1:s :\t~ll '' SILVERMAN, FOil ONE, is Inclined loward the latter VICW. "What a lot of people don't unde~tand," he said Is an interview. "Is thal the schedule we now havt> Is a schedule In transition, on a network in transition. You can have the best-laid plans, but you have to get on t he air. I've been here nine months. The avera·ge development cycle for a fall s eason Is a year . year-and-a-hair. So. obviously. there's been a lot of very fancy footwork involved. "But the network is not In a s deep trouble as everyone s ays rl is. I think when we release our first-quarler profits next month, it will show \hat Jhe profit hoe 1s going up. That is an incredible real considering that in 1978. the profits were sub· s tantially down I think the mere~ract that the ltne 1s reversed would 1nd1catc a major turnaround .. SILVERMAN SAID THE outlook for NBC isn't quite so dismal as it might seem . that there Is method to the network's m1dseason cancel-order- cancel madness. NBC's one objective. he said. is to find a few strong shows on which to build a pro- gram ming base for next fall. That's the way ABC climbed to lhe top under Silverman's guidance. its base consisting of such shows a s "Happy Days." ''Laverne and Shirley," "Barney Miller" and "Char)je's Angels ." OAn.Yl'tLOT .. MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNQA.Y "HARD CORE" (R) "THE EYES OF LAURA MARS" WALT OISNE:Y PRODUCTIONS "NORTH AVENUE IRREGULARS" (0) "ICE CASTLES" (PG) "SAME TIME NEXT VEAR" "CALIFORNIA SUITE" (PG) JANE FONDA "THE CHINA SYNORONE" (PG) "FAST BREAK" (PG) "THE ONE ANO ONLY" "AGATHA" (PG) "MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS" RICHARD PAYQR "IN CONCERT" (R) "WHICH WAY IS UP'> "EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE" "BEYOND THE DOOR. PART 2" NATIONAL LAMPOON'S ANIMAL HOUSE . "UP IN SMOKE" "CALIFORNIA SUITE" 'trtEAVEN CAN WAIT" IPGl 'THE WIZ" "CAR WASH" (PG l "I CE CASTLES" ''TAKE DOWN" (PG) TV producers. instead of being happy with the work provided by the Silverman frenzy. have !>taged a minor re volt. objecting to what they con· .sider unreasonable time limitations on NBC's or- ders Viewers are confused by all the changes. "Our proble m is that there are rlo easy time periods in telev1s1on. a t least. no easy time periods for us." Silverman :-.aid. "We scheduled new pro· gr:.ims. which have to go u~a1n~t hit show:. ion other networks>. Wh at we're doing now <ind everybody at the network 1:-\'ery .single-minded about it -1s tryinJ,! lo max1m1w the num ber of <-ar ry-over shows . All or NBC's marketing a nd ad· vertising a nd promollonal efforts are being direct· ALL 0A111£.1Ns o f'cN •:l OP.M.HtGHTU ed toward thal One goal. Cfuld Ut\der 11 Fr~e Ut\IHl • K IOd•• Playqrout\d Whal has happened? Is the Silverman magic "I think that by the time this prlme·time ~~;;::;:~~;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;::;;;:;~:;;;;:;;~~· season plays out. we will have established ... a much broader base o f returning s hows. and then • we can construct a schedule for the fall. You know. we introduced mne shows in the January· February period. and we'll be introducing another half-dozen shows in Apnl and the beginning or May. That's about 15 snows . It's my anllc1pation that of the 15 shows. we'll end up with fi ve or six programs tha t will be renewable programs. 1n add1llon to the SU('· cessful 1 programs that were already herel "Clli Ps." ·Quincy" and "Lillie House on lhl' STARTS FRIDAY Pasiones De Sangre Explotan En El Boulevard-Y El Boulevard Existe of Noche Everything Happens On The Boulevard -and the boulevard happens at night. Jazz Band Given New Name, Look By JAY SHARBU1T NEW YORK t l\Pl -After 13 years. the famous big swinging band called the Thad Jones· Mel Lewis Orchestra is minus its star trum· peter. ll aJso has a new name . Mel Lewis and the Jazz Orchestra . .. We had lo make cl official." s ays Lewis, 49, a veteran big band drummer who sard Jones, his trumpet-playing part.ner. simply hadn't been able to work enough with their band lo justify its old name. .. l guess you could say we drUled apart. because it takes two to drill," said Lewis, whose band --under its old na me -has been nominated for Grammy awards four limes for its recordings. "BUT FOR THE LAST couple of years. Thad's been spending most or bis tlme In Denmark with lhe Danish Radio Or chestra. and businesswise, it basn 't worked out too wen for us. "lt was just one of those things." Efforts to contact J ones here for comment this week were uns uccessful. His sister-in·law. Mrs. Hank Jone!\. said she understood the trumpeter- glugelhomist slill was in Denmark. THE THAD-AND-MEL playing partnership achieved public a nd critical notice from the start. in the mid-19605. when their 17-plece band began its famed Monday night sessions at the Village Vanguard here. Lewis said the club remains "home base'' for his band. He said he and J o nes. then the band's main composer and arranger, as well as chief soloist . never started their orchestra as a "kicks" ba nd that played only fo r the fun of it. "No. Thud and l never had any intention of this being anything but a working band ... While it used to play onJy the Ne w York area. the group be<-ame an active ·road" bard in the last few years. he says. louring not only in the U.S .. but.also in Europe and J apan. Prairie.' TO THE DIS Af'FECTED producers upset because of Silverman's short.time deltvery de· mands. Silverman ofrered a truce· '""hat was a m ista ke. and I'll never do that again l learned my lesson. and I learned it the ha rd way. What else can l say? Hopefully, when you make a mistake. wba t you do is never make that mistake again." On the other hand. Silverman said he will not rely so heavily on those same producers io the future. "There will be a lol more producers represent· ed in the fall schcdulC' than we have now. I've always been a firm believer that the more people we have contnbutmg to the pro~ram schedule. the more production companies that are involved. the more diversity the better the schedule is going to be. The key word is diversity, diversity in pro· gram suppliers but a lso in program types." 91CIDEMY.IWI• IOMlllTIOll BltOOllHURSf ~"•ne"" II} i,.141, CllKMA CUITUI <Ast~ M"', 9/9 "~. lltl•TlllGTO# HunhllQ11)11 btac~ 846 0388 OHllCi( M•ll OrJ"9t 6J1 11 J~o 8110 PlAlA Cl•lMA wur fh~d l:J(""t •, SJ9 Wi1u,1M1,,ql.!r SAOOUHCll b~? 44"3 l• 1., ~ 'x: I '>5b0 SfAOCUM OfllVf.I• 01'"9" &39 &/ 10 THEATRES· IN ORANGE COU •"" 111/al .... ,.._ ...... mTI" S...,. -...i -Tl-Mii\' • L& "1 .,,~ .. --~"' ... ._ l•-f'loocMtt fWf Wnlllllir .-w.. """'h¥ WI scm9 i..,. "111111 rm• ,.....,,.., bot ._ •llSGI nm•I•'•.. u.w::;.-==:• r....-..-.. ..._ ... m.aGM1 ""9'11•--a ·--- -·---·~ ~ ACA.DIM'f la WlaU ~ ~ MOMIMATIOHS ~SP.!!~ 70 MM OOUY SrlUO ll'OI 11GOOD GUYS WEAR II.ACK .. "ow PU YING TOGETHER AT TWO EDWARDS THEATERS It·-die Deltas ~ die ......... theNlealoatJ THE WIZ I HEMES f~ 1:10 , .. , •:l0.t0:45 • GRUT TRAI H88ERT 1:401ro• "GOOD GUYS WEAR BLACK .. Tlte story of a girl wlto refU8ftl to (0¥'gf!t w WO.II ontt a champion. • ·~' \•~\t"I """ ........... k,.., ... ,,.,"' ,....._ •llll'l.All•\\l('Jl oov k I {A.,111" -11.0 HY COUEEN TOM lllNSON DCWmlRST Sl(EIUtITT rtNNIR:R o~vm t~tt0t.LY WARREN H\Jtl'MAN JOH~. •-·l~l'IOAllll\lril -·l\'llNIJ\11'' ,_., .. 111.IUIJIH~l'l,k\'IO (3 Lt • rth It tll •u t t••tu t•t•• 994 2400 " ...... .~ .. ,.,, .... 994.2400 ... .,.., ~c- ?ll•Hl9~d0 . ....... .. ._ 1111!>1• q!>ao .. ,...,. r l• ........ ]IJ )JI 9)40 ·k•'"• ,., ........ 71Jl~Jl ~~ ' ' •-." .......... 494 1514 ~ t •• ., f ..... " 494·1514 Ql>UMl U•U>N FAST IHAIC 1•G1 •lUS O.,_ ON 0.,_1•01 CMUCC H041111 GOOD GUY\ WIU II.AO 1•G• .... L.,........ t ..,.. •..,..;a t M 1'0l'I Of.vtl~ fHI CHINA SYNOROMf 1•G1 I 00 • J I) • ) J(j • 1 0\ I. 10 00 .,., .... ,,.. OvUH'I e ,...,.., '9\QMJ" f .. PASSAGI 111 ••U' IN HAISI Of OUIH WOMIN 111 •. '-• -,_ ....... , °""' ... l'* CHINA STNDllOllW 1•G1 I l 0 • )tOO e ) lO e I 00 & 10 1) 'flO• a vasr ""° ois1aNT o.atA ar STU UASH1•01 .,~ THI PASSAGE 111 Ow•ttfll MoH,....-• v..,..,,. •elf9ro.-s AGATHA 1•01 •LU\ INTI a IOU 1•G1 0.D•Oll' .. I .. IJ .... I et .._rtHt ,..,~, .,.., IUtOfirli • OI •arso• l'llUtlOU IY OIOIH 1•G1 IOO eJlt e t •t e a ll a tOJO v1a..-ss• 11DGU¥1 ..laCUTHA" 111 "CHIA T TRAIH IOllBY" OfANA ROSS "THE WIZ" IPO) "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" ftlt()tl ""''' MYONO , .. OOOtt, 11111 •lll\ IT'S_ ~vt~I.;.. 11.:.:.1 __ _.. SAllY flllO e ~H Ull ... N NOIMA aAf 1•01 •lUS '.&:iiWl~W~....:.::::::..J QC(Af SMOK.fT tOAO llOO< I~ Ofo•ot c sco" HAaDCOttl tt l •lUS LOOKING F041 Ma. OOOOIU 1'11 ..... -·-·-·-·-.... Tll CllMA HHDtOllW !POI •11n fll fHD Of THI WOIU> t•G1 (MU(C NOtlld 0000 c;un WIU IUCllc•1 •lilt IAll KNUCKLl5 r11 """'.;;;;;::====~~-;;;: ....... :--• .:..-.... --.-..._.~-....... ~_.,.~ M (MINA STHDta.I (POI •IUS M ... O• fll WOILD 1•01 ••• _, 01 , .. "'°"'" Ttl WAlllOIS tl l ""' '°"'9T TIU fl I ... CAJSts Versus Benefits of Bypass Weighed ft1 f>&. STl?IN aollN D•ar D r . Slt>louuhn : M)' hu•baoo 111.l k und w h vc u ranandal prohlt•m flt' "•" ,,..l'rl h1v1n1 P411tt In hla • ht·'lt ul ""'' ~O! Thr doctor ha'I cl11gno t·•I 1l 11.:. 'An11no 1 rto1111 ti~ ha. prt'lff I hNI mt'dH'lllf'li lhal er aur1po~t·d to tw c•th·rt11ul in rl)ntrollana lh p n Uu1 h•• ul1tu told u.. lhul If \ht Jlllln ,.,., Mt 111y huabond m1)' n\•ccl 11 <·ururH11 y by 11:1 Qfl('ratton loo yOUtll( lo bf'nt.,11 from c·o~t·1 t1Kl' by m t1h t11r1• W•· huvNl't di\ l'U't!'ll'(l It With 1111r f10f'llH ~t•l flul c·ouhl )'OU ~I\!' II' 'lllm t• lfh•u flf how mm h II would l'O'tl lo hUVl' lwttf I '1Ur 6(4'1 ~ ' M n K DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Uk ll or lht• f'X l>\'lllit' lflVOI V(.•cl TOTAL i\Vt;Ri\Gt; hOliPlllll und phy111c1an ro'it . SI0.930 J\veraeo ho11 p1l.JI bill W <I "; $7,090 f.lnd UVt'rllj(l' lt•OJ.llh of ~lu y Willi I~ duy11 ((C!it )'OU lUkt• ll UJI Wllh your own doctor AIM> ""k him uhout the re- lu I 1 v 1• vulut•i. o f t•11n iit•rvt1l1vc• nwd1cal I n ·J t1111·nt or an1(1n.1 umJ hy1w11i. "'" ucry . ,, . Now whul llHlrtll''I "" 1 lh1• 1•11 111·n .. 1• Althou1i1h wt huvt "'"ill' !!!!!!!!!!!~~!'.!'.!!~"w<hc· I ln~ur nrt rtl) hu-.l1.1n'I '" IH.,i\U Mll"i It I 1u11•ly Ut•t 111 to t IW lflUllt•r 11( I I t•ul 111t•nl t'tl!ll. wh1th•vt•r th,• 1lln1•"" l11•1·111JM' ( lhlnk you'll UUrt't' 11 'lhould Ix• 1111 .1 l)t•r Cllll\J hU1'11't lK•t Wl'l'll dut•tor llllcl 11utH nl How1•v1•r . b y1>1J'>'I '>Urf(l'ry '" M} llll.ll'h Ill lht· rlt'W'I, und '>0 f11un y 1tt1ffc•1 rwm ..inu111ul ''°'°" I l>l'ltt'Vt• ll Wiii ht• of llll(•rt• I to yetu und olht·r rt 1.1tlt•1" lo huv1· -.orrw l h t.1Vl' 111•1•11 n·udin.: u rt•port lhal .q1p1•:111•tl tn lht• Ji\MA t ll 1717RI l1y Wlll111m S. Stont•y, M J). a net <'Ollc•111eu1•s It w1.111 bust•d 0 11 :.1 :lludy or the• fmnnl'tal rcrord11 o ( 2110 pnlil•nL'I havlnR <'oronury bYJlU"l!I i>ur"e>ry 1n lht• fir'\I lhrf'e m1>11lh-. of l!J71i 1n SI Thom u11 llui.1ulal N a11h vii h• Tht• tuj(ht°l'lt IJ1ll Wllll SZlt,300 17!1 11uyei I und lhc low•·bt w1111 $5,SSO 1 ll duy11 1 The• avcrnsw total phy111 c 111n charJ(t• lo the• pall<'nt wui. Sit,240 Two thirds or this Wt•nt lo Uw 11uq.(•'f1011, with the r«•mtundcr I) l' I n u I h 1• t• h u r fl t> i. o f .1ne11lhe11iolog1sts. ca rd1olojll!lls. r ad1olo1-t1slh :tnc1 patholouu.Ltt AS ·rut; ('llARGt;S vary. Mr .. ll you c·un unckr~t and why I ">UJ.l Hcmt'mbc·r, y11or h1•,1rt 11> In your own ha11di., so tukc· C'IArt! or 1t und make 1l a 1>urt of your livln~ ph1loiw1>hy, adVIKt'll Dr. Stcincrohn an t11s t)(.l()kl •t. "2'.! Wny11 To Pre- vt·nl and Treut <.:ororrnry 011;- t•a i;<' " F'or a copy writ•• lo him at 1 his m·wsr>a1~r. 1•nc·ln-.1n.c 50 t'•·nts Jnd a M•lf addre:.:.e<I, ··lamix.'<1 en Vt•J()pc PllflllNCI HAii COLOI llG.219 l." PACIFIC PINI SALMON su,11149 , .. Cl NESTLE HOT COCOA MIX :~:99c fOOO fOl'DOGS& CAn SU'H29c NICI SWEDIE PIES S IWSllllALLOW CAIU =:59e Devil • lood Of von1tlo Whtie \IOfllt loa I I PANASONIC SUHIPllCI ~~ .. ~!~!~~ 69c SCHICK 2-SPEED STYLING -HAIR DRYER . ,.., 09 . 9 . PIOJlT 1200 '"' O•tllo .. pow•••d lJt h1 ""'' '""<Y 1?00 wolf "'"'"' (•>Id woth \ltO•n ••lief Ooubl~ •1Jlttt1 •h•omol pt0•4H """ = u.-•-l,....°"""'s• .. •· EARLY TIMES IENTUQY BOURBON DYNO SEWING NOTIONS I 0111• me 1nu11> 1 •ll!J" "••dlH1 t11uumo~•• ll"" \olelf I>'"' g1,ld "Y" """die\ u1orn 11ppt11' fl•n u"h'on' •lo•'" boll J>U"" ne .dl•• .-, I._..' IWJtlll !89c SAll ,llCI w.~l. 429 r .. i ±:~ MlnT 1W LOW NllCllrTIOM NICll fOl MIY• ... IYllYUYI . SOFT FLEECE BOOTIE SOX Orlon A11yl11 It '>••ell., t111011 '" IJ(Jf>ulo• t<>lll•1 01\• ""'hf\ 'I to I I , 'oolt.i 6()C pc>•• REGULAR 19• 49!. SAVE 56.00 ~ DOUBLE KNIT NYLON WARM-UP SUITS FOR MEN OR WOMEN t'os;ultJI I h~u '•'"' •omt. • ,., •• J w10t t•t•b•tt •ult\ It ..,.'l ... tht}ttfJ / s UIJ t1tft1t j f""~''' t1t• 1'> S.1•f /j I (Jt' poht\ ,,, .... / ·, h .<l .099 REG. 16.99 ASSORTED KITCHEN . GADGETS 30 WT. MOTOI Oil sau59c NICI DISPOSAIU DIAPfRS SAU 399 ,.I Cl WEllA llOUSTUL TWIN PAO •lG. 109 I 47 l '. , ! J19 HAN~!!~~~TION !/ !. , 1~~~ GIEATASSORTMENT tlG.99e I I /"1... • 1.49 ,...IT · • ' ' lgo ''" •• m.,o,u•v •POO"' •• . 3 UO(lll .... PO"• p .. ~. l (Qll bolll• OP•"•' ~ ... 11 ... ptt•htt w 1nq • 01a.\tt•hlrrt •fu1nl•H Q'O'•' tnO(lttw••t ~~ ... • '.::,:"'·~· ~ m•m<i 1r·uth '""'" IOTEX llOI & VITAMll TOlltc UlllTDAftPAm UNll ··229 J.tt -· 1· us H1eh potency IMm11lo .. DINTUlf CLIANSING TAIS ""( 1•'9 INCl. IS' •• Off lAlll MENNEN sn10 sna DIOOOUllJ tlG.99c l.4• lt1t911lo1 dly lime 0t tp•ct 1' 1 01 ' .... YMJlr. ..... , .... f WllJUHll I IUmMGTOl IUCH 'Wlllllll•1tGIWlflw.t 1 2113111achMatMlnfo INSIDE: •Slim Gc~rmet •Club Calendar •Special Diets •Horoscope Wedneld•y, M111ch 2t. t979 DAIL. Y PllOT CJ Groeery Bag Bloes: Is Food Still A 'Bargftin'? 8 > U()N I\ t;Nl >ALJ. 4.t' P•f'm Wft .. f' W SHl NGTON With food price~ <'Onhnu mg to r hmb, the Agn<'ulture Oepllrtmc11t I!> tt•ll llfJt ron:.umt'rs h o~ t o :.hop mo r e ef f~cwntly and thut eroceraes really are te klog a relatively smaller blt or a family's take·home pay Offi cials say the reports are not part of a coni.c1ou1> effort by USDA to propagandize food costs because surb a nalyses are Issued regular ly by vanous agencies in the department. R V~ FORTE OF the department's OUlce of Governmental and Public Affairs said two re· ports about food costs issued this month were coincidental and that there is "no campaign" to provide the news media with Information to help soften government reports of spirahng food prtCl'S Tht> department predicts retail rood prices now are "most hkely " expected to rise 8 S per· cent this year, compared to etn earlier forecast vf 7 5 ~rcent. But experts say the earlier pre· dieted range or this year's gain. 6 percent to 10 percent, is sliU possible. depending on weather and other factors. Recently the department issued a "feature" report about how food "takes a s maller bite or your take-home pay almost every year" and provided figures back to 1929 to support that claim The Agriculture Depart- ment 'takes claims that food a smaller bite of your take-home pay almost every year. ' t . . .. . .. . . FIFTY YEARS AGO, the report said, the national average expenditures for food required 23.4 percent of disposable income. Put a nother way, lhe ,"average" family spent 23.( percent or its take-home pay on groceries. The take -home pay spent for food, ex· pressed as a percentage, has been used fo r many years -especially during times when prices are going up -to Illustrate that food still is a "bargam" for families. Eating Nutritiously on a BDdget But the percentage figure has been dis· credited for some time because It is an average and does not illustrate how much of a low· income family's ta ke-home pay has .to be~~nt on food. • Department reports in recent years have carefully pointed out this discrepancy. IN 1'78, THE report said, food spending repr esented 16.5 percent or disposable income, as measured nationally. ln 1977, the food share took 16.7 percent. "Tltis does not mean the •typJcal' or <See GROCERIES, PageC4) Remember when bread was SO cents a loaf and a candy bar cost a dime? When a big bag of potato chips sold for 40 cents and top grade ham burger was s1·a pound? If you do, you're not harking back to the da rk ages, sa_ys the California Dietetic Associa- tion <CDA >. Or ange District. Inflation bas become a family fact or life. doubling the cost of a bag of groceries in just lOyears. "But good nutrition is as important as it ever was and even now it doesn't have to break the famlfy•s bank," says Mary Jo Feeney, re· glstered dietician and presidentorthe CDA. Here are some Idea.a for eating nutritiously while fighting inflationary food prices. First , eat less. A s drastic as this m ay Magnifico Minestrone, a hearty, well-herbed soup with paata, vegetables and meat, is a good economy Idea for entertaining six to eight people informally. Meal oa a Slloestrlng It's easy on the hostess and easy on the budget beaailful c:olon and texture of tbe lqredienta. Round out tbe meal wttb cbllJed crisp, raw ve1etable relilbe& and bil loaYee of crusty Jtallu brMd. After neb a ... ~uat meal, cut-ap fnlb fruit la tbe perfect endtnl· Eaay on the boMw and extra eaay oa tbe budlet. llAGNlftCO •INl:BftONE l ~ cups diced cootecl beef 2 tablelpoaee butter or llWl•riDe 3 eupe cocktail ve1etable Juice or tomato Julee l oan CIM6 O\IN ounce1 > beef broth or cbJek• brod9 1 CM (IJ~· OUDMI) td.dneJ beana, UD• dralDed • l cup tblalJ 1Ueecl carrot i qap tblaly lllced oaaan 1 cup~ polato • (leeMS~ hpCI) sound. wi th the exception or children and teen· agers. most Americans eat more than they need. says the CDA . Get the nutrients you need by balancing your diet with daily servings from the four food groups -milk, meat, vegetables and fruits, and breads and cereals -as recommended by the Food and Nutr ition Board of the National Academy of S<:iences. But watch your portions Reduce meat servings from six ounces to four ounces <the recommended daily adult al· lowance from the meal groupl. You will save $75 per person annually, according to statistics quoted ,in a recent edition of Envlroomental Nutrition. In addition, you will be saving 54,750 calories or 15.6 pounds a year, the article re- ports. Keeping junk toods off the grocery list and o ut of the ho u~"J s a nothe r good rule . Re me mber that wh'iJr..~,:,ft drinks, pot.a'° chips and candy bars havt•mcreased in price 'along with everything else, they have not increased in food value. Don't pay goed moa.ey for empty calories. For ctuldren and teen-agers. hunger pangs can be satisfied far more nutritiously with cr ackers and peanut butter. fruit or a glass of m ilk -and for a lot less money. The adults in the household would do well to remembe r tba t most alcoholic beverages represent empty c alories too -calories lhat can be curtailed to the advantage of bolh the budget and the body. Battle Food ~sts ( Fix budget-stretching ethnic and regional recipes Look to ethnic and regional recipes for special ammunition in the battle to help hold the line on fa mily food costs. · Italian cooks are known for their ways with budget-stretchlng pastas and risottos, so take a cue from their culinary heritage and serve an Italian Rice Stir Fry, a flavorful mixture or Italian sausage, colorful, garlic-scented pep- pers and sauteed rice. The naturally mild flavor of the rice is a perfect comple ment to the spicy Italian combination. This risotto-type dish is espedally speedy to make, than.ks to the stir-frying technique. But caution: wbeo sauteeing rice, be sure to use a brand that bas undergone the unique parboiling process. In this process, the rice grains are sub· jected to heat and vacuum pressure, forcing natural nutrients into the grain. Parboiling not only provides higher nutritive levels than or· d lnary rice, but it also assures that the rice grains remain farm and separate even when stirred repeatedly with other foods. New Englanders ha ve a reputallon for frugality and their specialty dishes reflect this heritage. Chipped beef was a Depression-era favorite, but modem cooks update it by adding the flavors of fDJl!!_ard. ripe olives, parsley and rich cream cbe~nd baking it with rice in a casserole. This clbb la protein·rich despite the small quantity of meat called for in the recipe, thanks to the combination of rice, cheese and milk. New England·style Chipped Beef and Rice Casserole is also a good source of minerals; serve with a tossed green salad for a well- balanced. taste-tempting dinner. An added plus on botb these recipes : sma ller families tbat wouldn 't finish all of a dish the first night may want to follow freezing and microwave directions for ball the re<:ipes. ITALIAN RICE STIR·FRY 1 pound mild ltalina or Polish s ausage, cut into 'f.r·incb pieces strips 1 sweet red pepper, cut into julienne l green pepper, cut into julienne strips l large onion, chopped (about 1 cup) 1 clove gar lic, minced 1 tablespoon butter or margarine l cup converted rice l can < 16 ounces) tomatoes lf.r teaspoon sa)t 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese 'h teaspoon oregano Cook sausage in lO·incb skillet over medium beat until brown, 8 to 10 minutes. Drain all but 2 tablespoons drippings . (Add additional oil, if i necessary.> Add peppers. onion and garlic; cook and stir over medium heal until o~Jons are <See BATl'LE, Page CS> This colorful dish (ff contains red and green peppers) features Italian sausage Bf1d firm.grained rice. The budget- stretching qualities of rice make It an economical famlly..pleaser. • . . . . . . .. . . -0 OAIL.V PIL..Of Wectnudey, Mercn 21 1en FOOD .... • • Americans Tradit1onally Shun 'Organ' Meal s \ BY LOUI E <.'OOK l-.~Pt•••rtw · Wlul Amerlcan1 rorn ; plain about th rislna • cott ol putllna mf'ut on ; the t1ble. lht>y llit't'Rl lo : hlVC llllle ap(>('l1te for : noo trad1Uonal cut ol •beef. ••vt•n though the i ulternahvl'tt oftl'n are · \•heaper. • K1dMy . tnpc, brain'\ ' and the hkt• u ulillly one knows wh ther the 'bN'IUlt' Wt' huvl' l(rNil u1ually ll3t111u lh<1 d•Hh rolder 1n.ereaaed the 11alt-upplle of mu <'It• riwut on the ml•nu uodL·r ihtrlr of the aJter1t1t1tave rut1i th t we'v•• 1•ornt• to hkt• 1o;uro11t"an numN1 Th~ folder u 11 tlll bettfr t 'l'tlutnly In m o:J t <.'t l1~s. avatlable fr " To J;t•l .. those""'"· kldn1•y11, t•lc . howc.•vl'r, u ronsumcr <'Op • od a Atumawd Mt• aood nutrllltlO tlly . Wllh ll t.1st1· for Utt• le-.s t>lt addreu d , Iona t-n Or1ean nH•uh h11 vl' traditional cut~ mu'>l v~lop~ to Vari l Y plw•y• l>fi•n populur 111 carrh out a :nnull Me1ta. National J.lvf Europe', wber•• '!Ul>f>IU' butcher or !llOr~ an a lock and MC' t tloard, of bt•l'f urt• !Nill ubun "'rench, lluJrnn or C: rticlL 4A4 N. Mkhlgan Av • dnnl and prt<'t'" ur1• t·111•n n t• I g h b o r h o o d . Chicago, m 00611 h11tht•r lhnn th<•v .. , •. Supermarkl'ta do not h l' r • JJ' o r 1• 1 ~ 11 Mlo<'k organ mf'ul11 II DEllMOTT SA Hl rtot1luurunls In the nil "We'd n~ver oo a ble Amen<'ln& lradlUonally ed Slates oftE"n 11t•r v • to 11l'll lh m . ·• s aJd one • h u n or i: n n m t' u t " k 1 d n t• v" or t 1 111t· :, u p o r m a r k e t .spokc11mon, who asked cents a pound. But more not to be identified by than one-third of every name. "There'• Ju•t no steer la wute -bone, demand. except In the fat, akin, ete; 100 pounda big ellies " or animal provides less R I s I N G 8 E E F lhan 65 pounds of meal. PRI ES and the pros· The 70·cent·a ·po und peel o f at least two steer s uddenly becomes morl' years of mcreases m eat worth over $1 a because of smaller cat· pound. And that's before tic herds may create the marketing costs a r e demand. howe ver . In figured ln. Omaha, Neb .. recently, Thus far. the higher graan·fed steers were prices have not cawsed being sold for Just over consumers to switch lo $70 per 100 pounds or 70 m eal substitutes like en• and puta. accord· log to a s urve y by Supermarket News, a trade publication. But there are indications tbat shoppers are avoid· io1 beef -except when lt la on sale -and are buying more chicken. turkey and flab. ''We're urging people to eat c hic k e n a nd turkey and· our poultry sales have been strong," said a spokesman for A c m e Mark e t s i n Philadelphia. ADd BeU Marketa in San Francisco bas switched Ila advertising. which used tp run three· to-one in favor of beef. Now , the chain pro · motes one beef ttem and two poultry and two fish Items each week. "And we promoted hamburger the past two weeks, because our cuatomera arc looking at price," said Dominic Tinton, chain president u llt'd orttan or vurl ty t mt•als b&avt.• not mude • much ol il d('nl '" tht' t llnltf'd StutNI a1111rkt•t ~~--~~~--~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- f dt pile ot•<'as101u1I pro motlonul efforts 1 lndut1lry and fCOVt•rn • mt•nt f'ltPl'rtJi wt·rt• un-' b I r t 1l ., r u v 1 d ,. ,, breakdown or how mut•h orgun rut·ut •~ vr~turt•d ,1nd ~nkn m Ow Umt•·d Statcis Suk-. r1 J!Urt'!-> also wen• tmuvutl,1blt• Hul tbc t.hccr volunw of . U S meal produi'lwn meanli rnlll1onb o( pounds of 1}(.IWOttal (ood • 11> m volvt'd What happens to lhc meat ? "I t goes t o •Eu r ope,'' sald Ewt:n Wilson of the American Meat lnsutult>. "We 're essentially a fresh-beef. oaltng -rountry," Wilson said , adding. "l 'm one or the rcw people I know who eats liver and kid· 'neys." LIVER. PARTICU· Li\RLY beef liver. 1s one of the cheapest sources of · prolcin. It also 1s high an iron and low 1n 'l'holesterol. It 1s availa ISle in most s upermarkets and is probably the best· known organ meat in the United States, but it is still Jow in popularity compared to cuts Jlke steak and hamburger . Wilson noted that fast· rood outlets reinforce traditiona l ea ting habits. promoting beef and chicken. There is no Co lonel Sande r s or McDonaJds in the liver or kidney business. "We've tried to pro· mote the use of variety meats," said Thomas McDermott. director of c·om munications for the National Live Stock and Meat Board. The in· dustry group printed a folder on organ m eals in 1974 and has distributed more than 100,000 copies. But because of the lack of statisti cs, no Cooking Series Offered A number of masters of grande cuisine will present a series of even- a.ng cJasaes covering an mtern1lionaJ array of gastronomic delighta al Williams -Sonoma in South Coast PJua du.r· Ing March and April. Each 3-bour aesslon will begin al 7 p .m . Sin ce enrollme nt is limlted, those interested may make reservations now by phoning 751·1166. Far East Cooking Ser ies Taught b y Gerri Gilliland. Monday, March 26, Indian Feast; Monday, April 9, Dim Sum, better known as Chinese appetizers; Monday, April 23, fish from the Far East. Special Meat Demonstration, Tues· day, March 27 -Mr. Laberge returns to de· mo nstrate the art or boning chicken and leg of l amb. Learn every· thing you ever wanted to know about meat in· eluding bow to recognize a good cut, what lo look for when buying a knife, how to sharpen it and so on. A compre hensive c:Jass. Fee: SS.SO. Easter Bread , Mon· day, April 2 -Spend an e vening with Wendy Edgun learning the s ecreb o f kneading dough and workina with yeut in makinS four dlf. ferent types o( bread. French Coottnc Serles -Wltliama·Sonoma '• P'rencb cooklnl teacher, Colette, will lnatruct a Hriea of cla11e1 on French culahae. Tues· day, April a -complete dinner tnPand Uliq the Yerlaaile Culalnart; TueadaJ, AprU 10 - Euter wttll a man aeeent, a fea1t fOI' a crowd: llGed.ly, Apil IO -leana to malt• the Preaft bMle, Tovte, quJebelbldlll. OreN J'eut, THt· ::: .. n..a:..-~ ·.,.,.= ......... __ ,,, ... Switch to Ralphs for super . . selection&super low prices Celltomla GrOWft ..... ,111111 .Dnltll or lip a per II Jb. Puncll.Orepe•Or~L.~on =-Drtl*s gal. btl. Jro&en·Qr~ A II 48 SWlft 8ultmtJall Tom Tan• (11to22 lb. A•t·> Cr••-• ,,., lb. Elbo Macaroni 11-lnCreemorC-I •...:• Tlftl H 1lper " ...... .,.~ PizzaMlx .20 7 DI .... , 7'>or 87 .... , .. 12•101 89 .,.., . per II lb. A-T~•o•Oll c......_ .-or"...,• lultor MJB Rice Mix• llelpN-lroan Mixed Vegetables ~Of-1'• or 4 ., Macaroni & Cha•e p4l9. '°' "-·· Pink Salmon 21or 1•1 .. , ·1-Comlde" er end Mid Cheddar 11--..Fln-~Mlt NeelleSouptime , 2101. 59 """' . l °"90Nlfl "" .89 RalphlAlce pll(j. LMie 1111. .49 Globe "A· 1" Spaghetti p~. 2 "'· 88 ....... '""'•·lt.-c1Yf08Ke PIZ'Za Cl'Ult " ............................ "" , ...... 71 -....Sauce ••• • O .. lcloloe Ralphl Mozmwlla ................ Globe •A-1• Noocl11 12oL 11 ,.,, . ~, ... 1•1 Buftlrfllh ,,. "'· Golden Premium Meats .... lb. 1" ~ f.-.C-~(t IO 10 eL llH J ~ Aalinbow Trout i:: .99 ~ sW'Ordil.h :: • 78 = T'oPskiOin Steak 111 -~~BoneAG.-.... lb. .............. '-:=v,__,,_ ... _;lo' fl -------- . .... _.., ,~ . ._ 47 ...., . " .. , Clft 14oa. 89 , ... :' 1•1 111 lib 89 .... ,. . ~ 211 h e. •1 ...... ·" ~.89 ptr "' 11• ,,., 3•• lb. ~ 2" ~ , .. ...... .,.,._ •lt11SY ..... ......... lllS , ............... .. 11211111 If ... 12oz. can II per lb. II Sel'Mfw'lch Of Round Top =:re·- 2401. \la get ctn. II f Joef Super Dell • ' ,... ---~.-----~-----~ • llUMBIR o•c&.• ,• I • .,. I : Seve .15 with Coupon I I Ralph• "Ea.,.c:la l" 1 o : I Corn pkg. • : ! T-181 of 12 ••fft coupon : ILtmit One 119m Md One Coupon Per C•tomer I I Coupon Ehctift Mer. 22 thru Mer. 28. 1979 : I ,,,..c..._ .. v_o"L"-"'-.t_11.....,._o...ci..oc .. d" '-••••••••••COllPOll•••••••••• Super Produce 2 l1 0I 49 ....... . ~,~ Yellow lqu•h .... Ill • .38 111 ~~-.211 ... N . H-l lft Pl,.apple -,,, .. ... 1'' ~ .. ....c:., .. .17 .... Canoll -.. ... Pantry Fiiiers Jl'N. 38 ..... o tiiiiiic;r; ,, ... 29 -. -~··· ~T.;t;.sauce ·: .48 "''· . .... 1 ::'-.88 ·::--1• ,, ... 111 jar Health & Beauty Home 'N Lelaure Frozen F o od11 :t.49 ·: .79 ~m-r; ~ Wici'i1rc1 Seed ~.43 ~.69 ~MlaMYlll Ill ,,._., ~Pll:tlW'llt Cut Com ':: .111 ~inbO·wa.i. tie&. 87 -. .. ... , ... cma MlSA tel..,......,,,..,,.... ==-~~-All .... .................. ., ,..... ...... ,,_..,. ............. ... " ................ ...................... ............ ,... ...... ...................... ........................... .... .............. ..... .......... ., a.I ...... ,. IUCll .. , ll l•A. -"'1 .......... ... ' I FOOD ONLY PILOT Pi-odnce: Improvement Seeli .· If tbe weather cooperates. auppUes and quality ot many items wm eod"we lo tmprov •• the produce lnch.a.1\ry move• to-an:t aprtng. Veee&aMil• After lllaQY w U O( hJ1b prl<'el ror 6C<"ber1 lettuce. it ll lfood to re port priru havt rt<· malned reasonable another wtl'ek. Quality l 1Jood and kttP8 lmprov- tn& •nd •~lies art' 11m· pl~. Let~ I UPPllt'11 ron- llnue out of the lmperull Valley. with both 8lytb\' and Ari100• also sbap ping. Pn«'S and qu•hty for lhf-soft JeUUt'~ll Ml'e alao Mood. In fart, It l beginning to look llke salad duys are t>Mc:k. ll any other vegetable items re al&o key buy tbas weett. ~ucc:tunl, e11e· ~Ian\ and urrot rt" niaan values Brocrol• pr1c:ei ar rca onablt-nd q'-&allty co.nun~ t.o 1mprov . Anothf'r cook •ng vecetable. Brusaeli; 1prou'-. ia a •ood buy Botb ~U peppers •nd veen ~ans out or Mt·x ICO t'<'matn hlRh. but quahty 15 1bowtni •m prov t-0>4."Dt, A1par1JCUS loven m ay be da aappoanted th•' sc.•aaon Fresh r.uppli\'~ 1r~ lt&bt. kt.'epuut prier"' high ~1\y as rt'por\t'<l us good Conl\u ml!r ' •h o uld s e e b t•tt t'r .arllrho kt> prlrt4 ind quality cJdt Wffk And :.upplirs i>hould kttp rm provu~ u " n.•cord crop &5 nperted. P1ckhng c uc u m bt!r:1. are oow a vallablt>, along with the rl'gular type and hothouse url ty. Also, loot for auppll• of FIOr\dta rorn lo improve 10 Uu• ~•t two weoeb. t"nd& L ghl raina the week of March 12 hampered &trawbt-rry plcktac, but H ot lVednNclay. M arcb 14, there "'fire no reporta ol damogt'. Howevrr, btavy rlllll8 could turn th(' 11ltut•Uon uround. Th.-oom~ C'OnUnu to 1mprov~ an uppearaancc MDd HUng qua.lily. Toma~ «>nUnut• to tx• the most wwred•~tu ble llt1m rn the produce ind u1try Prices 11 nd t1uallty were 1ood lHt week. but that :utuallon hn turned around The cold, wet weather an Mexicu i few weeks ago harmed the tomatoes on • Try this low-calorie thick drink if you're a coffee-loving dieter. Coffee: Sweet, Icy No matter what the season. coffee-lovers need their "jolt or java" the same way other peo pie need air and water For many, coffee is their'°"°" d'ettt. In winter. it's a steam· ing cup, be it bot and strong, or Boston style <baU coffee, half cream and sweetened \o taste>. served by the fireplace. When the weather gets warmer. many coffee lovers at poolside or courstside depend on iced coffee. lightened a nd sweetened to perfec tion. But what ot the coffee· loving dieter? While cof· fee itself is almost the perfect diet drink <only ·a trace of calories per cup), the c ream and s ugar which is often added \o it, makes thal "low-calorie .. beverage one of the dieter's arch enemies. Of course. one very popular way t o c ut calories In coffee is to use sugar substitute in place or sugar. Those wishing \o further cut calories can replace the cream or whole milk in their coffee with skim milk or DOD·fat dry milk. And when il eomes \o an exciting alternative to iced·coffee, there's "Coffee Lovers ' Revenge." This low-calorie thick s hake allows coffee· lovers to have their cof· fee light and sweet, stay cool and refreshed, and save calories while do· iog it. "Coffee Lovers' Revenge" i.s a dieter's delight a t only 48 calories per serving. COFFEE LOVESS' REVENGE 24 ounces cold waler 4 teaspoons instant coffee 'h cup non-fat dry milk 2 packets of sugar substitute 8 ice cubes Place all ingredients in blender and process at high speed until fully combined and thickened <usually one or two minutes). Makes four servings. Here's. off to get you started. tbt vlne. Quality is now poor and suppUea Uflhl. Thia w expeet.d to lan about two weeks. Cltnw remalns fairly ateady. Navel supplles will continue through Marc:b, while a few Valeorlu are avaUaNe now. but demand ex· ceeds 1upply. Grapefruit Js holcll.D4J. ralher steady. Avocados ure a key buy thla week. Prices are down and supplies good. Plneapplea are also a great buy and s hould be for the ne~ two weeb. The papaya situatloo looks worse than reported l11t week. It may be more than a mootb before 1upplles increase. Demand con· tinues good for bananas and prices are steady .. Food Cutbacks Fight Inflation WASHINGTON <AP> -Families in four of America's major c1Ues apparenUy rind that cut· l!Dg down on their food bills is the best way to cope with inflation. According to a recent survey of families in Ne w York City, Detroit, Atlanta and San Fran· r asco. the food bill cutback was the most popular method being used. Tbe Center for the study of Metropolit.an Problems. which conducted the study, reported the second most used lactic was to try \o raise their lncomes by working more. Friskies. Dry . Dinners forDogs . has rolled back prices* to 1975! Over a third of the families did this by over· lime work or, less frequently, by moonlighting or sending an additional family member \o work. according to the survey. Catch up with area news q·ulckly with Coast LIFE•s brief news digest on page one -every Wednesday. ALL FLAVORS ALL SIZES rim *At participating dealers. They look bakery fresh! They taste bakecy fresh!_ ·But you can't get em at any bakery. • .. Try them. Cherry, Apple, Strawberry, or Blueberry. 8 delicious Kellogg's® 1 Danish Rings™ toaster pastries in every box. Now you don't have to go to the bakery for great Danish. \ '.1 Vf DAIL V PILOT Wectnnctav. M1rc:h 21. 1t7t FOOD ~asty -Dish: Fast ••• Groeerles (PN•Pa1eCO Hom emad~ flavor CC>td6M '4 eup Nt•r and tlM 2 ublt"1poon1 utd to mean lhal &.bent a• d co ro1ta r c b l n su1ar. Cut lo butter unlll •aver .. •' family tpendl 11.S percent of lta take· wa1 a <'OOk lo U1 e medham 1auc~pan . mlature r umblu bomepayforfood,"lbe reportaaid. kitchen for moet or the Dnla pead1ea. atlr coarM cornmeal ,\dd Ii d111 walcbbtc over poU 1ynap (about 1~ cupe) quid lm&anl mUk: 1tar to "A famU1 of four with Sl0,000 late-home 1oi Pini, atlrrlq, 1Ur· ln~ 1~ m1ature. Heat m hc. 1>rQp by beaplnl( c•Y will lpeod about 3S percent of lta diaposable r lna. 1Unial, Now lM to boWnl. 1tlrt1q ton· llbl .. poon1 on top of ncome for food. A family of four with '30.000 In famllv cook 1J ..-......... ataau .. , .Ul thkkened. p e a c h ea . 8 a k 1 o take· home pay a pends about 10 percent for It WOMl durlaa U.."d;;. 8Urtn nutme1 and modt>rOt(.' OV(On (37~ f'' ) food." She would sent llkt' to dralntd l)elCbt'I. Pour 35 lo 40 mlnulclJ St·rvt• The fl&ures do, however, show that on a D8· serve her family u din into 2.quart CH1trolt. warm tMakH oo 2 Uonal avera1e. overall incomes have risen n ~ r th a t ta t e Comblu bakln1 mix quart cUMrole.) fHterthan food costs. homemade. bul Hh~ ha~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It'll thun un hour lo put It toJt>ther lmpoeis1ble! Not at all Wtlh lht' help of naod.rn CO .. Vt>rUt'CH't' food items. the v.orkh1w wife can tl'rvc "l''a1t to••mtly food·· such Q ltM= d hdous menu or Smoked Pork Chope wllb RI «. toued salad and Peach Cobblt!r Smoked Pork Chops and ft.Jee la a tasty en· tree that can be com- pletely prepared In half an.hour. Brown chope In a.Jarge skillet Re move. add onio11. pepper a nd rice to th(' same skillet Cook until tender Add tbP garden-fresh navOr or tomato s auce and seasonings. Heat to boil Place pork chops on top of rice. Cover dish and gently boll 15 to 20 minutes. That ·s all there is lo it. While the entree Is cook- ing. toss a fast salad. ~anncd s liced baby tomatoes supply a spr- 1 n gt i m e tou c h ir. between garden seasons. Toss with g:reen.; and an 011 and vinegar dreising. H C' n. emade P each Cobbler adds about a ~uarter of an hour's pre· paraUon time to this din· ner. but it's lime well ~pent. For greatest effi- c iency, mak e th i s dessert first. Put U In the oven to bake while you 're preparing and eating the main course. Make a heavy syrup a s directed. Stir In C'a nned peaches flavored with nutmeg. Pour into a casserole. Top with a cobbler made the quick a nd easy way. SMOKED PORK CHOPS AND RICE 4 cuboct 4 ounces l'ac". i moked pork ChOJ:: 2 tablespoons oil 12 c up c hopped onion ''" c up chopped green pepper l V.. c ups qui ck brown rice 1 cup <8-ounce can ) tomato sauce 1 cup water '7 teaspoon salt 'At teaspoon pepper Brown pork chops ln oi l in la r ge s killet Remove from sklllet; keep warm. Add onion. green pepper, and ri~e to same s killet. Cook, stirring constantly, until vegetables are tender Add tomato sauce, water, salt, and pepper. Heat to boiling. Reduce heat; place pork chops on top of rice mixture. Cover, boil gently 15-20 minutes or until rice is tender and liquid is absorbed. <Makes 4 servinp.> PEACH COBBLER 'A cupsugar 3 tablespoons com - atarch 1 can (29 ounces> sliced peaches in heavy syrup 11 .. teaspoon nutme1 2 cups buttermilk baking mix 2 tablespoou 1u1ar 2 tableapoon1 aof· teaed butler ~ cµp liquid inltant ~fatmllll Learn . Mexican C11isMe •• llexie98 Onotiq, ••• niDe·week coune oa tbe cuialae ot ..... ~. wtll be offered .,, COMUble Community Coll•I• be11aa1a1 Tueadar. ru;: 17, •l Oolta ..... b 8dlool. a1truetor N••cy BrJut wW cover ,.... pantloa ot lleatcu ap. ~·=·meau. 1eafood and11111. Tbe dam wUI ... .A· fend from 1 to JO p.m. ,........,., tbroull9 J .. J.t. ·~lllioD • ., ... m• advuoeatbe eoll•I• '• mala office. lml ..._. An., f'oun· taia Valier. • la tbe nntmmmesttftl. For additloaal In· formation, t!all U. ~•· •••• at ...... f deli. &TAl'WllllllOS ••VAlllUtU•SllCl'.O $ l 2f WNCHEON MU lS ~;~ (& nmlONI PIPKINS ~0l u$1 Ot 09CAJ1 IUYIJI s 11 ' cono SALAMI •01 ... c. u OSC:All-Y(ll $14' CHOPPfD HAM eo1 ""r. , .. H()OfY·Wll"'"'OOI s 1 •• IHf WIENERS HI w e. u YOU A .1WAYS SA VE I WITH STATER BROS. LOW·LOW PRICES CWK 81'Alm .......... , y c•n•••• WP SNCllU.8 OL'YIHl..a PORK LOIN SAU CHICKIN NllCL•l•<..S BOLG9NA •1•• ll 7 HB.PKO. L• Cll POIK C-.S 99cEA "'1" SllLOI• Cit IOASI ..oio o\(M . •• , , .... u.·•o I .... cou1111Y snu ••s RIB POM•LOOI0 • 1 •• ll ROAST c•llTIY snu SAUSAll 11Ul•T•99c LAAGEENO LB. • 1 ••LB. ILA•SllAK P()tl'. SHOUl.Olll •1•• l l JONNMC>Mlll s 1 •' IU' • IUOl CUI • 11 • •lf • ~ • l()to(l l U SLICED IACON • l• ,.c. • • C1R1C1C SnAK t• "' 9MOULDlll .,.,.. ·'- HOff••tUVlOAS I& s1 •• IUr•a..<•·-·'°"' • 1 J• IHI •l,,_CIOO , 1" •l'•lOOOf •2•• FIANIS Ill l'tl.Cl •OT HA9T ll ••• SnAK LI T•••• •nAK ll aEFFUNUooc::~,Ko u $1 69 im'o:SHRIMP ~21 u $1 19 7:80.m HAST t• t 1 •• seiOULDili" ... St t• t 1 H •ia SftAK ~USA-·GAlllVAll<flU• It s1 •• ,11( ... ,ll()lt:N l9 s159 •Mltl•toOTTOllCHDH'"' • 1 •• KV•....UlNO •23• •l•·-·l()Ool,llU ~ TIJRBOT Ftlln LIA• R-IUF l• "' •t• HAST t• TIP SnAK OSCAIUIU'l'.11 s1•• fllUHfllOlf" s2•• •H'•t()Ooll ($$ ·1·· llU•llOIMl•llO'OllUS ·2·· •Lr•lO< .. •Slt&O SLICED BACON 118 ... u (& DOVER sou Fllln ll •nw Ml~T l ll "' n• ••••T lll "' ... nllllOUSI .. s 1 •• •1115t<fllOllH s31• Dl*IOU(• 10 C&.. * 15" IU• ·2·· Ill•• lOIH•Stt&O '°"'"UH ......_ ______ ___,,·~---._1.c ... ElA_N_D_IC_H_A_l_IB_U_T __ l• __ .. ca•••• HAM u "' cua• SftAIC lB "' TO. •••LOIN I ' (OIAMOftC>OR• •llWHOl£ oR CREAM STYLE 49c APPLESAUCE MOil& ! n4' 65c ~ ••••••••··•··••••••• ••• : ............ 29-0Z. HAWAIIAN PUNCH l&Sl • 3101 Sl.69 ..uNT'S • H~.lVES Ofl SLICES "" '"°' 36c I PEACHES ......................... 29-0z,51c LARSON VEG·ALL ! PMIASAUA•MCl.,MEATOUAUCEWIMU.....ooMS 9 HUllT'S TOMATOES50ll0,AC•l0 e .. ~, 41c 11~~~~.!~!JCE .. ~·;1 ~ [llln~~-· ... ~,44c) C•FEE .................................. 30~ 5 DOG CHOW _... s3.29 ec>RATtEM-f'LllS -f&CMUMl1 ! tOll I ) •TERIEllT ................... 41-0z. 99c MUG-0-LUNCH ~!~~r e M>Z 4t I ' !!fiiii'flT ········ ······ .. ,~. s40• TRIX:.:.";:::~. ! ·~· sl.!1 I FABRIC SOF1E•R H<>• s2s• FROST "" .. .,.,.,':'"..,,':>,"'=· .. ~· 87 tfiiiiJOl:nmR ... , 5)39 COOKIE MIX ~~~7·-; .... 52.19 COOKIE Mix lllOMTCH•OAfllUt... -s177 'IANUI 8UTIUI <>11 IUOAll lt4l • I ~·EX.!LEACH 6 5 c Low-Low Frozen Food Prices PIE=:::=···· ......................... ! .12.oz. $1 '' PUREX DETERGENT WISK [l·LIPTOll . TEA BAGS PIE WUOt!TWATCMJI $117 IAUaAOl.C:MUK& TOMATO .,....... • ,. ! . 14.0Z DOVE SOAP :..~u~ :.-.:,, PAm PIZZA ::r:... ... .. . .. 1 .. tUOL $2'' LUX LIQUID FROZEN DINNERS ::=~.·~~(.' I H~L $.1 53 BRILLO PADS I FRIED CHICKEN ~ .......... 1 .n~z. s22' (f:llll ~ FISH FILLO ~l·.:·=t ..................... t tOL $1 34 -,_ •• ~ PIE :&::'a.-:.~.......... . ........... I ... M)Z. 35 c ARCO .. ~UPHITE COFFEE#". •1 =t.'ffTlllUllL lUOZ. s 11• • •OratoP. '-AR CM ~c• c°"H CAICI ••• • I • • rwi. IARSARlll !MNlllAL UMON JUICE ~=-..n... . 1 ...... sac DRESSlllG ~:::... ITA'll8 tAV-·MYI y .. Me111Y1 ! I 04l SSC »4l '1.29 ! .,~,,47c ! U4l 13c •KT 45c ...&Be) • Of Br. I •u5t • tOL&r ::..~:-,:.w-:..-:::.:::....._.-.. ~ .......... ......,. ... .w.._,........... $ ..... CO""TAIL -••rM-... • .. -•-,.•·--___ ,.,... nn111r-"" UIKO ...5t U&tre<> t •Jfllt"lf 1 •.-0•frrt >t ONIONS ,,33c ,. 39c .. 19c f ~ ~"(.o)i~:~:<~·,."·~>-·:>·~~·~:tJf::~:~~ ~ f!I:. Beer & Wine Special& LITE BEER IY•lfll • &;79 t"10lC-~ I.· JACQUES tt 1 CHAMPAGNE ~,~ 'I" ITALIAN SWISS COLONY WINE I . -?0 •2•• '"" PEARS ffUlAIAICt'O A""'°'-' 34c ·• ,.. .• f WARI _,__,Jlc tH>I ; Specials .. ... , ....... . ,,..... ........ awl• •.•• 17 ...... ... ~ • ft• _ .. , ......... ~~ "2" I•• llolf'I• u ... ,_, .................. ,,. "-' .... ~ ..... , .......... 01 lUI """ ,. ......... , -··----·-11' ma c•z II •-•-•1.11 uuwv ••nm ..... .. I ..... _ ........... ~_. .... .......................... PllCllRC. -· __ i·-~--7 RILLDAYS, ~-t:r. •r..:::: :.~"-~ ·-·:.~. ::· •411fi = ..... :,x_, ·~·~ _ .. ._ I -'1.1 fl-•mr.-• _ .. a."!:&.~~:.:. .. @=::.·.: I _ .................... 4 ..... ...... ...... ... ~-.. . .. _. MAI. 22 • Ii. · 'l;'='"-lt.:E.:: ... ..::. · MAI. 21, 1979 - - ~ ..• .,,,,.:.r:::-..._.. ~ :":"2' ...... ---· &:::l:"'b.i;•-... ......... fl\f .._........ -. ., .......... .._.._ - .. t , t O • •l ti : ". >I· ... .. ,., ..... ., ••• 1· FOOD Eoods ffect Athletes Food can artett athl~tiC' performance In a P<>SiUve or nt-gutive Y£Uy, either by reWotclna "'cturaMe or by depleona the muaclu ot tol'ff 1lyco1eo. A rl'cent tonfer nu on 1\.bl Uc S*rfonnarfC't' and nutrition. p~ toted by Lb«' fhtt8en ' CollC"Q<" or Mt"dlc1no and Oe'oUalr)' or Nf'w J~rs~y. ht>lshtentd the a wareneu uf athl"t.te· t'Ott'bcs ond ~t><>l'U nulr\Uonista lo the klnd ol rMnu dto1ce that art' best awted lo rl1orout P"Jskal 8Cll\ 1l1e Devld {'1 till, Ph D • Director of the Human Perforananctt Laboratory at Rall State Unl vl'nt ty. MuntM-. lndaana, uid lh1t athJrtes shOuld eat u normal d.if'l with 1 good balanrt of pro ttln. catrbohydratt~. ttnd fats They 1hoold add c~wtra c•rbol\ dratn an pn>portion to the an tlclpated amuunt of ukm• that ..tJJ be buntod off by the artavUy For rompeUt lvt' sports, such as football and tr.ack met·ts. a high curbohydntltl diet the daay before tht• event will help to buUd up lb necenary 1lycoten . Thi• helpt le keep tM blood glut'O c levels at nonnat and preventa the occurrt-nce of hypo&Jycemla. It'• wiM to eal a pre.competttaon meal a bout three boou beforehand, to prevent Ill effects ot exerclslnt on a full stomach. Fooda that are high ln carbObydrates in· elude pOlat.oea. p~ta, bread, fruit, and ce real. It's alao important to try to prevent de- hydration durtne the sport's activity by s1pp1ng plain water. or slightly sufared water. Since the body loaes a great deal of ~sslum in the prdcess ot sweating, it's a good Idea to eat bigb potassium foods the day before and ln the meal preceding ll\e athlettc event. Foods that are high in potassium are bananas, fresh or dried aprtcota, dates, raisins, cantaloupe, watermelon, orange, grapefruit, prune juice, tomato, Brusaels sprouts, beef, and turkey. Here are some combination protein and high carbohydrate/potassium dishes that would be helpful in a diet ror athletes. B EEF PRUNE STEW 4 pounds short ribs of beef •• 2 onions, chopped l clove garlic. minced 3,4 teaspoon salt ''• teaspoon pepper 'h teaspoon paprika 14 teaspoon ginger Boiling water 6 sweet potatoes, peeled and quartered 1 package (12-ounce> pitted prunes 1h cup brown sugar l tablespoon lemon juice .Battle (From Page Cl) tender , but not brown. Remove and reserve sausage mixtw-e. Reduce heat to tow. Add but- ler and rice to sklllel. Cook and stir unUJ rice ls golden, • to 5 minutes. Drain and coarsely cbop tomatoes; reserving Juice. Add enough water to juice to make 2~ cups liquid. Add liquid, salt and vinegar to rice; brinl to a boil. Reduce heal, cmer ~J' abd simmer 20 m!nul•. Stir in reeened ea•••• mlsture •Dd tapaaton. Remow ,..... beet. Let .cand eownd1lllW all liquid ls •..,.bed. about I ete•ltM. Sprinkle with cheese ad oret._ lfeb9 I aervinp. PO& TWO: Prepare as directed. Place half in mic,rowave container; cover aod freeze. Remove from freeter and microwave eot>ered oa FULL power 9 to 10 minutes, stirring twice. NEW ENGi.ANO.STYLE CBIPP&D BB•P AND &ICB CAmEDLB 1 cep CCJDVerted rice 2V. c• cldckeo brutlt 1 medium onion, chopped 1 tablespoon butter or margarine cubed 1 package (8 ounces> cream cheese, 3 tablespoons flour 2cups milk 1 jar (5 ounces) dried beef, rinsed or 2 packages (4 ounces each) dried beef, coar sely chopped 1 tablespoon prepared 1J1UStard 14 cup c hopped ripe olives 2 tablespoons chopped parsley Combine rice and chicken broth in m edium saucepan. Bring to a boll; reduce beat. Cover tightly and s immer 20 minutes. While rice is cooking. saute onion in butter in medium saucepan until tender, about 5 minutes. Add cream cheese; cook and stir until smooth. Stlr in flour. Gradually add milk, stirring with wire whisk until smooth and thick. Stir in dried *I and mustard. Stir olives lnto rice. Spoon rice ln· to 8•incll square bildng dish. Pour beef mixture over rice; sprinkle with parsley. Bake at 325 degree 25 to 30 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. Makes 6 servings. f'O& TWO: Prepare as directed. Place half in microwave container; cover anclrefrtgerate (do not freeze). Reheat in microwave on l"ULL power 6 to 7 minutes. 9·LIVES DRY CAT FOOD No wonder SYLVESTER"' is so excited- . super savings on any fi 9-uvel Ory Cat Food's three tasty VlrietteL Oelectabfet pttlal Diet• By June Roth With a sharp knlfc, trlm ribs of excess fat. Then ph&C(' (tiem on • broller end brown oft all sldea. Nduclng fat content further . Place brownf'd r\be ln at large heavy pot and add onion• and earUc Add saJt, ~per. paprika, aod alnacr; cover meat with bolliac water. Cov- t'r pan and aimmer for l boW'. Add sweet potatoes. prunes. brown sugar, and lemon juice. Cover pan aaialn and simmer for a bout 40 ml.au* more, or until meal and 1weet potatoea ere compMteb tender. llak• 6 to I aervtnas. ROA~ CHICflEN WITH ORANGE·P&VNE STUFFING l roaster chicken, 4"4, to 5 pounds l teaspoon salt 'h teaspoon garlic powder 2 oranges A large pitted prune$ 1 egg ¥2 cup bread crumbs l tablespoon brown sugar 2 crushed gingersnaps Rub chicken with aalt and garlic powder, in· side and outside. Chop the pulp of the oranges and the prunes; add the ea , bread erumbe, suear , and gingersnaps. Mix well. Stufftbe mill· ture into the cavity of the cbickea. CIOM open- ing with skewers. Rout on a raek in a roastlnr pan at 350 degrees F . for 2 boun, or until tender and browned. Baste skin with drippinp oc· caslonally. Makes <t to 6 servings. ST UPPED PEPPEU 8 large green peppers l pound ground lean beef 'h cup cooked ric~ 1 egg 1 amall onion, grated l/4 cup tomato puree 'h teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 can (28-0unce) Italian tomatoes in sauce Juiceofllemon 2 tabtesP<>ons brown sugar 1 cup seedlesa raiains Wash green peppers a nd cul in ha lf lengthwise. Remove seeds and membranes. Combine ground beef, cooked rice, egg, grated onion, and tomato puree. Season with salt and pepper. Stuff halves of peppers with tbll mix· lure. In a Dutch oven, combtn, the tomatoes with the lemon juice, brown su,ar, and raiaina. Place stuffed peppers lo this sauce. Cover tilbt. ly and bake in a 3:50 degrees F. oven for 40 minutes. Makes 8 servings. •• .Meal <FromP.,eCJ> 1 smell sueebiDi squuh. eat ta ~-Inch pieces 1 medlmn dove garllc, minted ~ teupoon pepper 2 Nm' (14114 ounces emeb > tit t eu (31~ ounces) •Pllhe&U in tomato sauce with cheese 'A cup~ parsley Gnted ParmeMD cbeele In lar&e uu_..,, brOWll beef in IMter; add rem•hdn1 lqred.ienU ncept ..oew, panley and cbe9e. Brtn1 to batl; .....-.. beat. Cover; limmer 211 miDate9 or 1llldl dime. Add spaghetti and parsley. Heat; stir oceaioJtally. Serve with cbeeM. llakee about 11 eupe, •to 8 aerm.,.. llE&BED mNESTaONB IOIAHO 1 pound mild Italian aausa1e, cut in l·inch pieces 1 cup coanely chopped cabbage 1 cup co~Jy chopped onion ~cup diced canot ~ cup diced celery 1 large clove tarllc, minced ~ teaspoon basil leaves, crushed 2 cane <13~ fluid ounees eacb > beef broth l ca (about 16 ounces) tomatoes, cut up l cup cbiek peas 2 cans C14~ ounces each) or 1 c• <211~ ounces> spagbettj in tomato uuee with cheese 1 cup lroaeo peas 1 cup chopped fnsb 1piucb '-" cup grated Parmesan cheese In Jarge saucepan, brown tausage aod cook cabbage, onion, c arrot and celery witb 1arUc and basil until tender. Add broth. tomatoes and chick peaa. Bring to boil; red-. beat. Simmer 20 m inutes or until done: IUr oceaUoaally. Add rem aining tncredienfs except cheese. Re.t: stir occalioaally. Stir in ctiee.e. Makes about 12~ cups. 8 seniqa. .. 'Savel~ onU~'s New ra.. ii.J,v MixecT' ~ftl ro CIOCH I.Mr. ~' t.Mr. lllC, .. tedH• !hrs coupon lot '--,,... s~ '°' -Mlllillc. ,......., 111 • 11 reaiwdftlNll a llW ~flt ,..... ,.,.. ... '°' ....... s).,.... ..... _, '2) p-.. II .. LM,. lkW What's more, the other side is a sponge. So, instead of r ust and splinters, your fingers touch soft, absorbent cellulose. And, when you've loosened all the cooked--on food, just flip over the two- sided cleaner and wipe up without mi8ai.q a stroke. - , .. (S DAILY PILOT WtdMIOay. Match 21, 1979 FOOD What's Fat? May;be You Recognize YOurself Fit ta . . . 11taia1 even more Next. the food to be s I 1 ck with cooktng fill the bag with air, then que, shake up the ingre- AG E s btln1 the welpt. Wondenn1 wbal ·•rracd " la lightly coated spray. Ir you follow all twist lhe bag closed en-di la 11 ll&h 1 bi11t1t UtUe kid la kln wiU ba,,_ lf you lost with a •mall amounl of then precautions. you trapping the arr. fiotd -ede!tth ~mba. t Y coat- der1artl'n. Bflftl call.cl Your job i" th f' SH• oil II • li1ht crumb ca n get by with the Ing the bag s hut with It's important lo use a a "bully'' tr you bit mallroom. Worrying 1r l JJt mg Is desired. that's barest minimum of oil one hand. shake lhe bag seco nd bag for the buk, and a "t ry baby" you'll Uvt ton• tnou1h 6011.-..et ;uh.led next Nothing is more Cat v1aoroualy 80 the food crumb coating. tr you If you don . t 8 et n1 lo ~ )'OUt kid tbrouec h The food -tor-frying is tening than oil! separates and the oil tried lo add the crumbS' uUed "F'aUy" lnatud coll•1eo then arranged an a An easy way lo coat spreadsevenly. to the first baa. the f of )'Our re1J nam~ • • • By Barbar• G1bbon1 aingle layer on a shallow foods with a minimum To coat lhe food with ctumbs would stick to AOE 10 looklnt bla Wby not. "fry" food• In non-slick broiler pan or or oil or crumbs is to crumbs. you'll need 8 the oU-coat.cd insides of t!nou1b to IHI In lunlor the oven• That way you cen "fry" food in \he temperature control al heavy shallow roasting shake them up in a new, clean plastic bag. the bag, rather than the hith lnllt1a d o the avoid tht moke and oven with only a table· Its hl1helt aetung. Then. pan or1 cookief Un with a Tplaadllchlbag "balloon." Put the crumbs and food. 1Gllrtb IJ'•de. Grown ups 1pall r. thf' tuas and 1poon of oU or feat. Ir you allow it to preheat 10 non-st ck sur acc. o o l s, the food and seasoning in the new Obviously, this technl- who HPffl,10U to act aa bothtr tb~ fat and follow our Sllm Oourmtil minutes. ao the interior To prevent sticking. the o,H are placed in a bag, then add the oil· que should only be used old 11 )'OU loollc. Ltarn e1lorlt$ of convtn t~rhnlquc llere'ahow. temperature will be the non-slick surface plastic bag. coated food. Using the inl to fl1bt alnr~ you tlonal akllltt fryln«i Yo~ l''lrat. 1~t your' oven very hot. should be sprayed until Open the lop wide lo same "balloon" techni· <See SUM, Page Cl) can'tnan.Of'~a~nlN1to ~~~~~....;.._.;.;~~~~~~~--~~~~~..;_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...-~~~~~~----~....:.:~~__:=.::.::...::::..:.:.::...:~~~ hide alntt you can 't fi1ht. Usina any ucute to 1et out of om Cet· nn1outof1Ym ~uuae you can't tct-l a 1ym1ult in your •lz~ Hidln1 In thf' arta and ual\a cabin 1t camp. evt>n on suMy days. IO you don't have to play softball. 8 ant the laat t'bosen on any te•m. Dreading the an- nual "weigh-In'' at the school nurse's office. Being the only girt In :school who looks Uke she needs a bra. Beine the only BOY in school who looks like he needs a bra AGE 15 being tM only girl In school who actually DOES wear a bra. Or the onJy girl on the beach not wearing a bikini. Never going to the beach. Clothes - shopeing where your mother goes, where they have your size. Buying your jeans from a mall- order catalogue because the stores in lown don't have your size. Never wearing jeans. Grown- ups who expect you lo act like a 20-year-old because that's how old you look, then treat you hke a 10-year-old when you don't. AGE 20 -not getting into the right college. Not getting into ANY college. Not getting a job (because ·you didn't go to college.> Never having any dates . Hav- ing the person you 're crazy about ask you lo fix him up with your best friend. Not having a friend. Saying you can't stand disco music so you don't have lo go (alter all, who'd dance with you! > Really hating dis- co music, ror the same reason, Being the only person you know who doesn't ski or play ten· nls Not being able lo learn, (because first of a II. what could you wear ?). Never, ever, having the right clothes for anything. Saying you don't care. AGE 25 being mar- ried to the first person you ever went out with. Not being married, because so far you've ne ver gone out with anyone. Being assigned to th e co'°pa n y mailroom, despite your high score on the ap- titude test. Being eight months pregnant and nobody notices. Nol be· ing able to get pregnant. AGE 30 -being the oldest person in the mailroom. Then the youngest person in your company to flunk an in· surance exa m . Automatically being given the biggest piece of cake at company bl rlhday parties. SUll w ea rin1 maternity clothes, months after the delivery. Belng mis- taken for the baby's grandmother. AGE 35 -being mis· taken for your husband's mother. Or your wife's father. Or' your fatb.er'a brother. Still goln1 to 1lngle1 bars, becauae you•re still not married. Deina m arried ••. and havin1 your 1pouae 10 to sin1les bars. Beine the oldest person atilt •-. the mallroom. Becomln1 the .family llhotoaapber '°you don't bave lo 1•t la the picture. AGE 40 -feetiq like )'OU •re IO and wtabln1 you ..,. • ao you could quit tM maUroom. Glv- lnl ., OD .,._ ban. Not ....._ 1ble to 1et in· 1ura•ce, and really ••1'91 It. Belnl told to lote --(and .... up •u••r> beeMIH 'ou're dl1belle. AG& 80 -belnl told to ... welt)lt (aai .... up Nit) bec1uae you're b~ft. a.tu told tO .... ..._ <and' .... up .._..,,) 1-aUM 10'll' u~~JHrlde level 11 ..... told to lole ··••lat ,... •••• .., •r••L .. ".'· ... " ... I eaK, ~ •••• , fall~ ..... , ....... ,.,.. ... c:r~.a:: lal ......... alraldof SAYE WITH AU .wnITT llGMn lllSllYID. NO SAU TO DIAUIS OI JOI llUAll OI COMMllCW llSI. -PltCU lffKTIYI WID., MAI. 21 TMIU TUIS., MAI. 17, nn. WI A' MA•Kn IASKIT A•E so su•E Of OU• LOW NKIS, •AUTY & VALUE THA' ... WE'RE MAKING THIS TRIPLE GUARAllTEEI rl••ADYllTISID ll1M ~VAILAlllnY MAIAlfTDli ~· mAl UTISIACTIOll GUAIAN1'UI --~i r3----·-----MAlllT usafr lOW Pita GUAIANTlll ·----------, I •ai:.• Cit ftlf1' •*'~• "''" ~ "°""• "• """'' • ..,.. . ._'-'I I l'f"MllC "' "" ., ...._., """ rs Cl.M-"'"'' •Of ~ .,,._I I •" v.. ~ ""' , .. 11·ntft110 ••u • ..,., ,_..... ft UIM • .. " ""'• 11" '"' • •• • ._, ..... , ..... ,.,, ,.. 1 1 .. ..,, .... I I • lf!Ol ....,H• lialotJt s• i.att ._ "10tC•u fllf•t •._,.••"I \l~atllOll tf"'°"fu Of WWIC¥f• , .. 11:1 .,, "''~"" I °"'""""' ,.,,..., ...... .., a••• • ...,..,1,..,, ..,,. ~ ... "" • ......... •• ., • • ,... ..... ~, ,,,. • •'• , •• ., I I ""'M.,.,._,...,r1..1o••t• ••4•tt•t0t -oiaoea*•~ I ...._,, lllifl'""' .. 'UCI ...,. , .. , •"'• .._ »-t ,.., QI .I I u •• _ ... , ... ·•• <,. •• .,'"'*'MS •••• , ... vw1 • .,.. •• .... .... ..... .. • • 1 .. , ... , .,..,_. •• -. '""llf'I •'i• _.., .. .._., .. •uc•,...,... ~ \it"'""'°''~ca-.o-•1 1 I co-HMllt ..... •""'°'°""~""' I ...,..,,.,~•·11~•1m ••••...,""os".u••Hu.-1•.unJW1 a.1t•fl"a; ,,,,, ........ ,"'ill(' 1•.;,,,., I '"""',,,. .. ~ .. tOrllf""~•nt•" ... ..,..,tfVIPllQ .....,_ ... ,I L I -'" .......... .,.. ..... 'I I ------------------~------------~ -------------------------------------~ I • • ··IQUOR PRICE SLASHED 1531025%1 • SAY!llGS CA4Wll0 lllOfll mwt l'OSllO PllCf.S,.. 10 Mil I. lt11 ON JUNE 24TH. 1978. MARKET BASKET SLASHED LIOUOR PRICES tsi TO 2si• MAKE MARKET BASKET HEAD-QUARTERS FOR All YOUR uguoR NEEDS. YOU'LL FIND SWHED PRICES THROUGH UT THE ENTIRE LIOUOR 0£PARTMENT MORE Tiwt JUST A FEW ADVERTISED SPECIALS ... BIG SAVINGS ON YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS. ~ . . I ~ i I l ' • ) I 1 • r: FOOD ..... ....,.Merch21, 1'7t -DAILY PILOT Cf --------~~--------~~----------------~~------~---------------------- Waffles do a Dozen Tricks Beat the buakfu t bluH with ho1nemad warn.. Theff 4'1llck and eeono cnlcal paatrl brln1 hick all the delPc table toocirwss that haa made wa/Clca Popular aln ce l ?lh Centu ry F'ra.Qct. Tod•y the CN~r popular warn., cao beo transform~ into tount leu Ught, qulck meals . Add a hlnl of can namon or nutruec to the.• baller and 1.rve hot ap pie aauce or 11pplc 1ihcc11 sauteed in bultl"r and brown su1i:ar over the top Serve with a .•• Sii• <From Page {'I) ror soft vegetables and boneless meats Foods with sharp bones might puncture the plastic and you'd find yourself shak· Ing crumbs all over the kitchen. Wh y not try thi s technique for oven-fried liver and onions: OVEN FRIED BEEF LIVER 1 pound thick-cut beef liver 1 tablespoon salad oil • 3 tablespoons bread crum bs sa lt , o r onion· seasoned salt, and pep. per to taste optional: paprika Liver should be at least 31• of an inch ·lhick. With a sharp knile, cut the liver into serving. size pieces. Combine the Uver and oil in a plastic bag and shake up, to coal evenly. Combine the oil-coated liver in another plastic bag with tbe crumbs and season· lngs. Shake up. to coat evenly. Place the li ver in a single layer on a non-stick shallow baking pan or cookie tin, we ll· sprayed with cooking spray. Bake in a very hot pre heated oven about 8 minutes. Turn once with a s patula. Liver is best served slightly pink in the mid· die. Ma kes (our serv- ings, 210 calories each. Note: Thinner liver should be pan-fried in a non-sUck skillet. Shake up the liver in a plastic bag with crumbs and seasonings. Heat half the oil in a non-stick s killet sprayed with cooking s pray. Add the live r and cook over a moderate flame. When underside is browned, add remaining oil and turn lbe liver to cook the other side. With a sharp knife. make a s ha llow cut in the liver lo check for doneness. For max· lmum flavor and tender- ness. remove liver from the skillet while still pink in the middle. OVEN-FRIED ONIONS 1 Jarge, or 4 small, onions, halved, peeled. sliced 1 tablespoon salad oil 1 tablespoon water Shake up onions with oil In a plastic bag. Ar· range in a shallow layer on a n o n -slick pan sprayed with cooking spray. Sprinkle on the water. Bake in a pre- heated very bot oven about 8 minut es. Turn once or twice with a spatula to cook evenly. Don't a llow to burn. Makes four servings, about 55 calories each. OVEN 'FlllED' ZUCCHINI 1 large zucchini mauan green squaab), sliced 2 t.eupoona aalad oil 1 \.; tablespoons ltallan-aeaaoned bread crumbl 2 teupoons grated Parmeaan cheese Put zuccblnl ln a plastic bas. Add oil. Twlat the top of the bal clOHd, trapplq the air 10 the bll form• a ballooa. Shake tbe ~,! vlforoualy, so zucc al eea separate aad become ll1btly coated wltb tbe oil. Put the cnambl ad ebeeH la aaota.r eleaa pla1Uo bal' aDcl add tbe oll-coated .Ueed neelllal. =at tbe •••• pro- ue: fUJ bq wltll air. cloH top and 1bake ~· aba1Jow DOD· 1Uels leookA• UD wttb ....... ....,,. .. ,. =·::-:..sueeldal ............... ii: ••rr •ot o• .. ••Ul erl•P· aboat • to I ••••*· ••'•• foar 11r•••••· aboat II ........ poached ~II on top Or place a ellce of tonuto and ch t on u wame and beat undt'r 1be broiler unt il lhr chtt'se 11 bubbly M 1 x peonut buttu with r•l•lns ftnd apr ad over waffles. Tht5e C'lln be ~.-rved .u t>Uhcr opt.•n or c lo 1 ed w 11 ff lt· 1tndwkbtt BHu~ ttfnta r un be whipped up evenings or on a wt. .. tumd at your convrnJenre It 'a ju t aa. eaay t o b11k~ tw o balrhu. tht>n wrap olrt1i1ht. and frnt-i" In packag.-a opprovrtat4! to your ramlly alt BA81 WAFFLE 2 <'UP5 end ('hcd nour Spoon nour Into drf meuurln.t cup: leve . Oo not scoop. l tablespoon baking powoer I teaspoon sail 3 eggs. separated l lt'J cups milk ""cup oil Stir together dry in· gredients. Beat egg yolkti with milk and oil. L y Detergent Soft and Ab1orbent • U ·Sq. Ft.ltoll E$49C 49·oa. '"•· Scotch luy Add eu yolk mixture all at once to flour mixture, stirring only untll well blended. Beat ecg whitea unliJ slJf!, but not until dry peaks rorm. Fold egg whites into bat- ter. Bake ln preheated waHle baker until steaming stops and waf. fle Is solden brown. 4 to 6 servings .. Scotch luy Refreshing Taite! lcotchBuy Green Beans Yuban Blue Bonnet Coffee ,-. Margarine ,. •Swfft 'eo• 17-oa. ~~I 3 5 1 16-oa. Cons .-5.feway ___.Cheese • Longhom Style Cheddar • Mo~terey Jock' 16 9 ·2-~ ... :::;•:: . ~ ~ r ~ Detergent ~ / Scotcn Buy J2oz 59c c-Pear Halves 59c c::_,-.J Scottn Blly 29 oz Can ~ Fruit Mix 49c. ~ Scolcn Buy 29 01 Can White Napkins 53c Scotch Buy . .. Pllo ot t40 ;. ~~) Soft -'699 ,~.~k59c I l·lb. 3-lb. Corton can ~ Mayonnaise ggc tiifiiiZii" SCotcll 6uy 32 01 J¥ ~\Shortening s1 29 C::Jiii\7 Scotch Boy 42-oz Can w, .. ,!: White Rice 4 ID ggc ~ lonqG•a•n Sco1cnBuy PllQ ~ Preserves ggc ......,.. Sco1c~ Buy Sl•aWbef•y 32-01 'P,r, .. c!: Salad Dressing age ~ Scotc~ Buy 32 01 Jar Cats up Sco1tn Buy 3 12-01 s1 oo. Boni ts Mayonnaise 32 oz age Sco1c1t Buy lln11a1ton J;ir Lenten Specials! ........ Basic waffles can be topped with a wide variety of favorite foods. -11.Y.11111·1Hill14•J:li<Sf : ... DOUBLE ~~1: :g VALUE '.jj! i.~ COUPON J 1 1 • t., "•""' th;, c•vpe" o..,._9 w•th :jl I t!l •ny -"'onufot1•11•1'• ''<•nh ~-ti • eff · , • .,,.... ond t•• devbl. tho I I l~ eovin'' fro"' Sofowoy Not lo '·I I ~~ 1.,.1 .. d. "'•••o•I.•" .. "fr.... : j !If , • .,,.,., .. •u•ed th• •alvo of '}I IS t~• U•ft'\ lu'"'' .,,. coupon p., · : I l t:i f'f\Onwfocho1r•r' co1oo1pon :f I : . Covpont t•od ot oll Sof•woy• ~ •l'I ~. Cotif (l•upt Cotohno, -,.;I I ··· Son D••t• & 1,,.,..,,01 C...nh••) . ; I I ~~ Morch 17 rhrv Mo"h 1S, 1q7'1 , ; I I • lulvd•n9 rlvicl Mil~ '•odvc!" ;,: I It> Alcohol" a .. ero9H, Ci9o••llo • : I I :K• & lobo«• '•odvclt / .1 Ir ) .. ., . ,, ... . . .. . . c ,, ~:.. _..:...: !..: :...: !:.:.',!1_::~.::.:.::.· . ·-:~l lcotch Treat ange Juice ' ~ Froien ...., 't-:79C __ lcotch Buy c:a='.11. Flour . ~ " AISl-,urpo .. 9c ~s~. Safeway Fresh Produce Buys! Callfornla Grown Frye ~- Drum Sf i C kS~. Peanut Buffer hokes ~· or'S:!,~r;~., Delidou• Setved Hot-Dipped :~ 41. a' 1 •9 In Molted lutter. Jo~ ' • ~~gc ~r~.~.,~··r••r each 11 0 \ Mo4efoay! 89 \·'='~j ~ c Honeydew Melons•;:-s:=n·,~~~,v lb.39• ~ '"11• Large A ·~caclo•Flavo~u~t~;:;.o;~~Olll•! oac~ 39c 'e'! .. c!: Cut Corn 32-<u ggc or Thighs Foster farms Fresh ·ri..1· •• 11, ... M.d ....... ...... , cht<ke"'" ~ lb. Golden Banana. Foney Ollality 2 s• ..,.,...Bel·all Frozen Snappy ,,1::::::· lunch bo. lb. :-i ~E~~ett.i.. . 1~~ 3gc Crisp Celery ZestylnFlovorl each 49• ~ p t t B d Bunch I lnachou1ckondE01rto 25• ~ Mr?w~ni~ _r~.~ .... 2~$1 .• Plo:g . Youn9Tom Turkeys Fresh Pork I teaks Monot H4MI•• p c .. 111 Curly and Cri1p hunch Chunk Tuna o;::~~· 78"' 11-22-lbs. ~ ~lb. ~·139 Garden Shop Buys.' ."'J:6gc Chic~en ot tilt Sea . . . .. ~.~1~-~rJ,~~~ ......... lb. 2sc ";~ Mums •• 1 .. *"' ~Gil. ~!:and •3•• ~~~X .~~.~0 ".~ lb. 29c Buttermllk ~Rouncl lteak 'Ch!::·~s.~· lb. 12 29 f'J Lucern• ~Top Round lleak u~:;.i:·~~·,b. 12 19 Carrots ~~ 3gc fresll & Ct1$1> , "V Health & Beauty A id& ... A nd More! Lysol Spray "'f"r · 6-inch , •• ~·.-... Half 69C ~Beef ltew Mealleo"c'=~'-·· :~Goll•n OO Rump Roast ,~~.u:!~d ·~ ITP 011 Li·quor~ and wi·ne ~Chick• LI Folt••Forrn•Collfomi• ~ Oil Treatment o c:::::;;;;;' ft ver Grown Fryint Chiclten1 '2" lb. lb.•2•• lb.98• ..; ·. Dltinfoctant' 13 9 --•;~12 .... e.:;;;;;)' Con DI&. 99 f'Tk .. 1ffoctivelnll<onledSofowoy1 .... Sole1 ~-f f ,~, ~,.s.... C 1n EllC•n of 20 o.uon,. No S.: .. ~ ••M'•· ~ •• Franks s. ;~,~~!~•"d 1:.~~·99c · eon ______ 1 ~ Dewar• ~lllcecl Bacon':::.~~;:: :.;:·•1• ·~· . . ~---"' .;.;:;. lcotch c:-'\C cl H ,., ... ,.11.h ,.. · imrl.OOOFF !:. 1.000FF ! :·.-'7. ~~!. ,669 ~ onne am leon•nd1one1 ... 5~~•10•• :~ ,...,.n.., .. c1 ..... t :1 • , ..... ,.,...... : ff 750--1. : ~ (I) 0.. ..... lettfe 1 1 i ti) 0.. lettte tf JJO . t ... CU Sorinos Idaho F'f u; Y•A 1 G cl I Rainbow Trout frwtn or~ lb •111 Sea Bass Fillets o.'=1:i lb. •211 l !:>. L IAllOOll 1, aanwaY -.n.ma-I or on • I ~ IHAllNO :1 WITll..... l Fresh Oysters Joi'!. Aooer•n 'tl 1151 Dover Sole Skor ·~-~'" II> sp• I I} ,, I GI w.. ..... ...... I • '-"°"°~,.,~ __ ,,.,, ,.,. '• 11 °"'~..,.......,. --.•n.u 1• I n Wlktfttld ~ : _ .. c::-~~~-!!:."" t~ ~·c::.--:.:,.~:.=c:..:,~... , HaddockFtllets~.:.,Ctlotce ~~'1" King Crab Meat FrOlen ~14" ·---~~~-;;~;·;~~;;~;-~.~-.~-~~;~~~-· . :.7..~~ a•s Bl-~~~u1t.~1so-m1~61S Ueltfrmamlk.113 2,..1. '5" K..tMe ........ ~. letttei SS MacNalr's Scotch~ au.tte•• Si; Paul Masson&;,•u-u. '4" I Seagram's 7 & 1Skll. '4" Flltschmann's .:=., F11111 14" Beefeater's Gin Mroot Quirt • .,.. Kamchatka \':' t.75-Llllr • .,.. Purina •~~s·:.1 •. ···-....... s...,c ..... . .. I ~ ;· '·l •• ,• '· . ' r11 .,, , .. ''I • 1J l' .. , I t .. , HI " ' C8 DAILY PILOT 'f:ooo Crown Dessert: Fit for Royalty Canning Process Tested DA VIS <AP> -A new waterless cannin1 pro· cesa said to preserve beller-tutlng fruit and vegetab&a is being de- veloped al the Universi· ty of California here. Food t e chnologis t Sherman Leonard aald Tuesday be bas started experimenlin8 with the "steril·vac" system on cling peaches with a $27 ,000 grant fro m .:rowers and canners. lie s aad ate rU·vac .re· suits m 50 percent more fruit in the can and "more fresh-0fr.the·tree flavor " LEONA&D SAID lhe proeeu abould IO into rommerclal u ae in California by 1981 or 1982. He Milt more tests are planned with • variety of products. The steriJ·vac was In· vented by Mu Beauvala jn Paril, Leonard aaid. The pn>eesa involves puttinc the raw fruit or vegetable in a can, heat· , ing it ao that some of tbe natural juice la convert- ~d lo steam wbJcb dis- places the air, then seal- ing the can and rolllnl It over a hot gas tiame, which st erilizes and cooks it in four to five m inutes. A vacuum oc· curs when cool. Leonard said tbe high Tacuum promote• good stora1e and prevents dlscoloraUon. HE USES SPECIAL two-piece cans, which a r e 1trooger but not more expensive tha n cooventiooal cans. The bottom and side are formed out of one piece of metal. Most cana have a top, a bottom and a s ide welded at the seam. He ahio ls experiment· ing wtua l&eel cam coat,. ed wttll Ml epoxy resin enamel rather than Un. C~olanew cannlq line ualna the aterll-•• •Jltem would be a little dleaper than a c••••nllonal Une, Leoaanl Mid. Oanert. i ng an exi1tln1 llne would involve replaclq the 1tertlb1tlon unit, he sald. Stir in Brandy APUllWCOlltfta 160' .......... balna ID IJnlP 2 ...... , w ... , ~ ntllnadJ • ~~· Dr• ... .. .. ,. •• t ....... . •bout l -.,,,. ... . 1-quart .. ...,.. WI tM ,,,.. _.!,. .... . . to ..... -... ... bablJ t••f l• w 11 ................... - ............... ,,,., •u dillol•~1 t•• ...... ..., ... •••llW. M• a. re· ..,._, ........ a.en. ................... •••llll le• er•••· ....... ,, .... High beef prices taken your appetite away? This week, think pork, for dmnge-of-pace flavor or just for the change! Lucky has Jow prtces on all your famiJy•s favorite cuts from corn-{ ed porkers GA&Nllll: Whipped er am Outc.r • I " round 1pr· naform pan. Sprlnldti with 1u1ar, 1et Hlde. Spllt lady lin1en (do not 1tparate >. Open them Mnd bru1h flat l naldu u rhcea wl\h orange Jule•. Une 1ldel or prt!· pa red 1prln1form pan wath l a d y Un1ert1 , rounded aidea 1tgalo1t pan Seponatc r emuln· ln6' Indy flnaer1 ond lln • bottom of pan to f!t. Melt over bot <not boll· atlde. In •mall bowl . an1 > water, seml·aweet beat e11 whltea unlll real chocolate monela; • o f t p e a k a f o r m . set aalde. In am all Ondually beat In rc- meaeurlng cup, combine mainlng ~ cup brown instant coffee and botl· •u1ar until stiff peaks 1n1 water: sUr until form . Fold i nt o disaolved . ae\ aside. In cbocolate mixture along large bowl combine with whipped cream. cream cheeae. 11' c up Pour Into lady fingcr- brown sugar, vaniUa ex-lined pan. Freeze until tract. ult and coffee l lrm <about 5 hours>. mixture; beat until Garnish with desired c reamy. Be al in egg u m ounts of whippe d yolks. Gradually blend cream. Makes: 10-12 In melted cbocolate, set aervinga. . ....... ) Don't discount pork just because WE do. delivered fresh to our ilit ,.i_ • 1 ·11 . 1 1 stores. Y ou'U find fresh pork sirloin roasts fit for stuffing, and pork leg roasts perfect for oven-braising or a barbecue debut! Choose our meaty country-style ribs or chops, or our smoked and cured pork items. Lucky's low everyday prices let you bring home the bacon and the ham and the sausage ... all at lower prices overall. Who knows. With Lucky's lo w pork prices, you can eat high off the hog a nd not even miss beef! Enjoy a taste alternative now that beef supplies are down and wholesale prices are up. You'll find o ur fresh Italian sausage expertly seasoned, mild or hot, for add ing to your favonte casserole. Give a flavor lift to soups with HiJlshire Farms' famous smoked sausage. Stock your freezer with breakfast links for a lazy Sunday morning. Now, when the eating's good and prices are even better, come to Lucky for meaty ideas that are good for the change! Fresh Meats PORK LOIN ~~~~ ....... LO i 29 FRESH PORK ~~!~~!~~ ....... w 14 a COUHTRYSffiE ~~!~~H ..... LO 139 FRESH LEG OF PORK 146 ~-tw., <OUn PCH\llOH LO 1 ~C>I, LO POAKLOlt IUICHOPS .. • • • .. ..... 10 1.88 POML.OltOQS IOICl9llOlt .. .. • • • .. • .. • • • ...... 11 1 . 98 '°"K SHOUU>U P.OA.ST rlltlH fllOllC,,.,., • • • .. • • .. • • .. • • • " • 98 ~MlCKIOMn "'".. ............... • • IO .88 Sil.IT PIGS Fm ............................... 68 f'AAllO IOHH W1SAGr IOCiMUIUOM UOllO ••• , ••••. ,. tQI llll(i , 59 ITALWt STY\.£ WJSAGf I ll{)H lllOWIA °"I<()! ...... " .. .11 1 • 98 ~SAl.15\e[ 11&1.-IOU Y_..11\ .... ., , .. , lt 1 • 98 pio,.KlJMK SMIWil NA ~OU••oa ...... w f ,,8 05CMMAftl tuCID 1ACOM (tlil(fllUCIOtll ... _,..,,,•II .. 1.eo LADY La 5UC£D 1ACON ···•••• ... HA"4 1o31 Delicatessen Da iry & Frozen t DOVE 0£T£RGEMf i i a. 6 IQllO )JOI ti\ , J r oo-...HY SOFTDf~ b ,.~ . . .• <1t 01 ell 2.59 r SPAAY6WASH b IMll'Ol\hCl 1701 Dll 1.39 r Gt.A.SS Pl.US CU'.AHER 9 a 6 W» • '1'101 l't • J r fMKIU OfNM£P.S b CA11000 •vt.Miit.... • ... 01 c-.25 rGMVYTMIH 6 OOOIOOO • , 1'IO ..05,69 C~ ••N ... '-lo_, ..... -.,.,"'-""-1.-.. .._,.,. .. , ..... lf'l~,~CW'IU_, ~ ,,,,.r.q .,,..,~ur·<~t>l"lt,..,... liquor SAVE 10% -OUY A CASE! A 10 '-Ol'>rOIJNI l)Glll(H()H fUllCA~ P\Jl\CltA'>f ~()I WINI I, 'll'l/\11\ IKI V OUV lllM\ I A(lUOI 01 r ECtJDMNOY /-. N 141h ,AJit t ,., .,,. Oil 9. 99 t PAS~P.T SCOTCH Q 99 > """""' llVl'llCAll • l)ot• ur1 1 . J. I.". HAAPER IOUll.OON. 2 99 ..,_, r MAlt)Uf t lttM.-.i , • Heallh & Beauty Aids r SECRET AHTl·PERSPf!t.At4T1 .,.9 A •Ol 'ttl1 •'-' f. SCCR~0£000~1 ~"1 .39 r 5CCRCTROU-OM A lllOOO-W.• "'" ~'"~o t '01 • 99 I, CM'.STTOOTHPA.STl •] ~0.-f )0 / IUCll .U TAME CREME P.INSC r flJl·W<-u"'°" "' ...i9 6 lAUWOOCl'r ... ,., ttOt It\ 't .~ Produce ROMAINE LITTUCE ''""'Y 1111 .t1 ITAllAN SQUASH I •CCll£Nf OVAlll f NAVEL ORANGES 1)1\l fOf\IAllN(; DELICIOUS PINK 1n e39 10•29 GRAPEFRUIT 23 11'1\C..I W l COACHlllA . . • . , . CA e Lenten Menu Ideas flll(T Of ~CH •• 2.48 b STAR KIST • TUNA i25 OM~LIGHI MlAI • . • 1'111 01 (AH SNO .... CMO ausTrM •"<>II" 002 .49 rM.W Of SEA DASS ,....,,.. .o 2.29 COOKED SHRIMP i 19 "''"" •01 "'<; • CLEA" SPP.IMGS TP.OUT 'f 98 t~()/I~ •70l "'G • ~~~GE 25 lAO't' LCl. .... J1 Ol i ... what discount is all about! ...,.. CECD:NT~ARKE r§._ . ···~---ltelO.lfAft~...,,._ .... ~-NLLDTOtl ...... ...- ~-~'=--- ITOMICH'D OM.'f t A.M. ...,...._,.._. .. , AT\MftA,.._ """"' \lln ...-ofll .,..,. .. """""" ,,.,,., ............ , ~ ..... __.. ... ~000 /ANNLANOERS I HOROSCOPE DAil. Y ptlOT <'It Cook Creativ:ely Telepbone-aholics R~ented CAJIDEN, N.J . For lbe NtOOd C'OOlttuUve year, Campb 11 Soup Company wUl sponsor a aatlonal competition olf ~riq free arw n ts for five ~·n or m ,ooo caab 11 lhe ,,..nd pnic for an ortglnal rec1p ul'lna Campbt-H'1 S<>up or any other C»mp~ll tannf'd food product Thu l9'19 l'Onletl th mt' will bt> "Crt!atlv..- Cooking " The .:rund 'Hil e wlnoer wlll ha Vt 1 choice of tiather a W .000 c h eck n ow or a cht1ek ••ch mttntll for flvt-Yt'lll'I b•..: d on lbe Unlle d ~ talt>s n partment o r A1rl<-u1turt1 's nt·••nt "LI~raJ P!an" f' U111ul4.• or •hat It rott.. lo frf'd a femlly of four mt lud1ng l~o chool ge chlh.l n·n In oddit1on to tht' 11'3nd prtie then• will w Six f ar t p r1ic wlnnel"i who wiU re<'t'1vc !reo grwtrtt>a for orw )'t'Ar or $.S,000 <'l:s h T we n t y t· ' .: h t ttcond prl.te w1nn~r :i who will receive ftt'e __ __,,,, _____ __,.._,-- 'Rich' Qtiiche Slims Budget When your budget ls strained, why not add • quirhe r ecipe to your list of economy measures? Quiche SPunds as rtch as Lorraine. France, the region of its origin. It also sounds difficult to make, but that just isn't so. You'U find t.his di sh surprisingly fast, easy, and economical to make .. that's why It's called "Budget Blender Quicke." With the help of a multi-speed blender, the common egg is elevated to gourmet status. Your eggs, cheese and other ingredients are smoothly mixed together in your blender con· tainer to form an exciting combination. The resulting quiche is so delicious, no one wiJl notice you're a "budget" gourmet. To please your pocketbook, you can even try ad· di•I leftover meats or vegetables to your quiche. After all, imagination is the important ingredient to any low cost meal. . BUDGET BLENDER QUICHE 4eggs J'lacupsmllk ! tablespoon aJl -purpose flour tra teaspoon salt '14 teaspoon pepper 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1 medium onion, cut in eighths 1 \.'J cups -'merican processed cheese, cubed 1 9" unbaked pie shell Preheat oven to 375• F . Put eggs, milk, flour. salt, pepper and nutmeg into blender con· tainer Cover and process at MIX until well blended St.op blender and add onion pleces and cheese. Cover and process 3 cycles. Pour egg mixture into pie shell. Bake 35-45 minutes or until knife inserted Into center comes out clean. Yield: 19" Quiche. VAalA110NS: VEGETABLE QUICHE: Add "" cup mushrooms and 14 grffn pepper, cubed, with oniooa and clteese. CHEESY QUICHE: Substitute equal amounts Swiss or Mozzarella Cheese for American processed cheese. 1rocertea for one month or $400 caah. -FUty thlrd-prlie wlnnert _.ho will have un opportunity to nu • s hoppln1 basket with frtt ~lin at their r-vorhe •11Pen:narket Ten·tho u 11nd fourth·rrlae wlnnera "ho wU rttelve a free l'OP)' of ''The CruUve rook ." Campbell 's <·ook book. beautifully 1ll u1trated and teatunng :?~ exceptional recipes. Entr•nts tn Campbell's "Creatlve t'ookln1 Contest" are :uk ed to submit an o rlalnal recipe u•lng unr one or more of the ro lo wing Campbell producta: Campbell 's Co ndensed Soup , Chunky Soup, Soup tor One Soup, Campbell's Tomato Julee, "V·8" Cocktail Vegetable Juice, S'fanson Canned P r o d u c t s , Franco -Ameri ca n Gravies or Pas tas, Ca mpb e ll 's B ea n Products. Contestants may enter as often as they Uke in a n y or all or th e fo llowing categories: 1. Main-Dish Soups; 2. En- trees; 3. One-Pot Meals; 4. Side Dishes ; S. Sauces or Salad Dressings; 6. Baked Food s o r Desserts; 7. Microwave. Oven Cooking. Each en· try s hould be mailed separately and accom· panied by the entire label from the Campbell product used in the re· cipe DEAR ANN : Please tell me what la wrona with people who mu.et be on the teleplM>ne for houra at a Ume. la it an UlneH? · I have many frlenda wbo conalder the telephone abeolu~ly vital to t.belr Uvn. They mue one call after another and 10 on and on and on. Their converaa· lions conaUtute a night or a day'-t enter· talnment. Can't they read? Even wat~hlna aomethtng stupid on TV would be an Improvement over non-atop telephone gabbing. I look at the telephone as a coove· nlenee for the sole purpose of conveying messages. I wouldn't dream of uaing tbe phone for entertainment. I am bamed by these telephone· aholics. I also resent }>eing trapped by these time.wasters. Explain them lo me , pl ease . -UNLISTED PERSONALITY DEAll lJ.P .: Tlaere la a peat deal of loeellneu la the world. TM &eleplaoae meant .. ~r people.•• It'• a chac:e &o talk &o eomebocly -&o be pat Ill &oucll wt~ wbat'• llappeablg. V•fortaa&ely, most leDety peeple call batJ people aad Maally at • time wbea It Is lnconvenleat. If t11J1 It wbat's bap· pening &o you, I suggest a polite but em· phatk sign-on. Example: "Sorry, I must ran now, but l 'U call you when I bave lbe lime to talk again." Tben ring off aad DO call tbat person back wben Career Options Day Scheduled Y•• eaa 1pare a le• momeata for ................. ,. DEAR ANN LANDERS: How can a wlf e keep her aanit)' when her husband tells hef' be can't make up his mind whether he wants her or another woman? He baa asked me to be patient and I am trying. We've been married eight years -no cblldren -and l am desperate. My husband dresses up ln hia best clothes to take out th1I other woman. He spends money on her when he knows we have unpaid bills. His sex life is with her and 1 know it. lf anyone ~ told me I could live like Una I would not have believed it. l pray coo.atantl,y for the strength ~ hang on. If I could stop loving him it would be easy -but I can't . Please. Ann. tell me bow to get this man to accept the fact that he needs psychiatric help. -HJS WIFE DEAll WIFE: Never mlnd aboat lalm. Get some .. ycMatrtc belp for yoanetl. A womu .tao leU benelf ap for ntlt emotlouJ ....... ud battery ~ &o' fllld M wtly tlae tolerates it. DEAR ANN LANDERS: A· while back you printed some stupid things people s ay at funerals. May I add a few "gems"? Perhaps a few clods out there will recognize themselves and learn something. When my father passed away recent· Women interested in exploring career options are invited lo attend the sixth annual Women's Employme nt Options Conference in Long Beach Saturday. March 31 . at the Long Beach Convention Center. umes, a confere nc e spokesman said. Healthy Babies The top 49 entries More than 100 busi: ··Preparing for a I seven . in each o( the n es s firms w il 1 b e Healthy Generation.. is seven categories > will represented at the con-the topic of an exhibit be kitchen· tested under rerence . now on di s p I a y at the supervision or the Among schedule d Golden West College in D.L. Blajr Corporation speakers are: attorney, conjunction wilb the Na· a nd judge d on th e Gloria Allred; computer ttonal Foundation · appearance and taste of systems director, Judith March of Dimes. the finished recipe. Black; Western Union The exhibit of photo. The top 35 entries Space Communications; graphs, slides, models !five in each of the and Joanne Is himine. a and printed material on seven categories > then KA BC -TV news r e-the cause and preven· will be tested and the porter. lion of birth defects is ma jor prizewinner Prior registration displayed in the natural determination will be should be sent to the history museum of the made on the basis of Career Planning Center college's Math Science taste and appearance, Inc .. 1623 S. La Cienega building, room 114. as w e ll as judging Blvd .. Los Angele s. Museum hours are 8 criter ia m e ntioned 90035. Pre-registration is a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays earlier. $S and registration at through Thursdays and ly. a neighbor comforted my bereaved aunt and uncles <they are in their late 705 and early 80s > with this beauty "Well, we all have to go someday. J wonder who will be next?" t\nother messenger of good cheer said lo my mother when Papa died. "You'll have some long days now." Mother, who always looks at the bright side of everything, replied. "How fortunate I am w have a job I enjoy -I won't have to sit at home all day." To this, J ob's comforter responded, "Yes, but you'll come home lo an empty house." Will you please tell me why anyont- would make such cruel and thoughtless comments? -BEATS ME DEAR BEATS: It's more tbougblless· ne~s tltaa cruelty. When people don't know what &o say they often blurt out sometldng lune and Inappropriate. If only lbey knew It isn't necessary &o SAV anytblag. nelr presence speaks for tltem. Men and women who the door is $6. 8 a.m. lo 3 p.m. Fridays. enter the contest are Participants are en-For group tours. call Cookies in a Teepee asked to type or coura~~brtngmulU· Candace Donnelly ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hand-print their recipe pie copses of their res-892· 7711, ext. 484 or 434. ~ i~~"r!:~i~~al:e:::}or~ ·r-u-.-... -.-.-p-e ........ ] f RANCI~ OR' R"'I addltlon to the entrant •s • ' r - complete name and address. the entry should indicate the category In which the recipe is lo be judged, a nd the name of the Canpbell product used. Entri es mus t be received by April 14, 1979, and are to be m ailed to: Campbell So up Co mpan y, ··c r eative Cooki ng Awards" Contest, P .O. Box 9179 , Blair , Nebraska 68009. Friskies. Dry DinnetS for Dogs has rolled back prices* ml975t · THURSDAY, MilCH ZZ By SYDNEY OMARll ·fine statiorery cama del ·mar ... ARIES <March 21-April 19>: Accent on goals. challenges. separating fact rrom fancy. Pisces, Virgo persons figure prominenUy. You make contact with persons who seemed "out of •••OUAUTT reach." · LAMPiHADH TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Accent on bring priorities into focus, mapping long-range He •ar Lites • !04~09\I--~ plans, opening lines of communication, punwn1 ,., ....,.. ltM. educational projects. c.... ....._ GEMINI <May 21-June 20): Added recognl· '4•7JOI lion, appearances before the media could be featured. You complete project. Aries, Libra HtO figure in scenario. LAMP 'AITS CANCER (June 21.July 22>: Emphasis on Ha •ar Utn contracts, rights and permissions, obUgaUona, "ti,~~~ marital status. Leo. Aquarius penom figure ~ prominently. You m eet someone who could 64.,7,.r guide you along a more independent, creative course. Be direct, but lel others express their LAMP a. AITURI 20°/oOFF 'With This Ad J .. aMm & • llocll LAMPSHADES views. RB'AIR LEO <July 23-Aug. 22): Slow, determined Habor Lites ForbHtreeutts, and steady pace should be advocated. Avoid 1CM1~0.,1ne ~ r»le•M bring JOU' lempl baaing actions on impulse. Conservative course IM~llM. t111all!tt~::;:,s..'*' HARBOR LITES ... will oow serve your best interests. · OPEN SUNDAY VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22>: Divenlfy, . ._ __ ... _ .. _1_•_•_...,...._ ______ _..,_;_ _____ _ broaden horizons, be open ro the creative pro- ceas. Means be ready for change, variety, stimulus of love. LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Acee~ on build· Ing a secure base. Stick to factual data. OM: who advocates apparent short cuts ls sincere, but may be misguided. SCOllPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 2ll: Study Vlr10 menqe. Mail, messages, calls, relatives ill transit play important roles. Gemini, Vlr10 penons figure In busy scenario. SAGITl'AltllJS <Nov. 22·Dec. 21>: Bud.let, expenditures, payments and collectk>nl fllure prominently. You learn more aboUt money and how it gets that way. CAP&ICOllN c Dec. 22·Jan. 11>: Moon lD your sign coincides wl\b vitality, entbuaium. new start, ioiUaUve and oriliDalltY. Perfect teehoJques -strtve for lDdepeadeace. AQVA&IVS <Jan. JO.Feb. 11>: You baYe added respomibilltJ -rewanl factor allo Aa· creases. Your lntultlon prcmdel wnn wtalcb bad been elusive. PISCES <Feb. it·llareb 20>: Dfftre t1 fulfUJed -love could come lnlO 10UI' Ute. Artea. · Ubra and Taurm penom ftlure promlDellllJ. • ,~. "A Most Unique Place to Shop" ----·- CASUAL .A.NOR CLOTHtf'G * GIFTS FOR HIM ANO HER LARGE SB.ECTION OF TOPS * AMSOCAN OAK ANTIQUES PEWTER * PANTS Ni() SKIRTS * HOME ANO GOURMET ITEMS 300 T•• at K Price •IWAUCIALI MAICMll-14 AT NIWPOIT noll ONLY ... ,... s ...... c. ,., 1611•••'41 ......... ................. --.. Ill 714 ,., •141 • _ ... _ ..... , ......... Cl• ONLY PILOT C()R'l'A Mt;SA J NIOa wo•t:N'fit CL\18: Nt'wly t'let'tf'O offt('t'"' WJll lM' U\IJtaJltd •l I 30 ll m T\aeilday. Mart h 21, at \M Old SpqbetU F'liCUN')' ln Ne wport 8e11Jt'h. BU INESS AND PROF S. IONAl. WO•&N: The San Clf'mt-nte aroup wlU have a PotJucll d.l.ontt •l I 30 p m TWMSay. M arl"'h 27. J l UHi San Juan Capllltrano hocnt> M Addte ~Ill• llunt. SJ)t'a llc>r wtll be Valerac Mcilroy . counat'lor at San J uon Capistrano F amily Servic-e offl<'t•. lolormauon 483 3141 or 493 M78, t'Vl'ninp N .. :WPORT HARM>• GllANDMm'H•;as C'l.. a: 'rtw-i:roup Wlll h l \I • btMftl luochfoon ru•b•on ~w aQd haintylf' t'lhow 1 11 30 a m Moodu). Man-h 216, at UNI Uohday IM, C'03ll1 M(• J , l~t't.~ wall ~ don tl'd to th group ' ph1hrnthrup1 t•11 Rt'sc.orvauon.. Jo Robt>rtson, 642~1 C'Ob'TA M~A WOMt:N'S CL 8 : "Chuek Wagon Ttme" a quare dance. dinner 1tnd t:ocktw.ls will tw pr~enlc'd at 6.30p m Satu1 d ay. March 24, at the club. 610 W 18th St .• CostM Mesu Ente11awmt.•nt wlll be provided by the Sc.1uan.' Rl((tten. w1tb llt.>rb later as caller Proceeds wall go to t~ group' ~cholarsbip rund T ickets, at S7 ~o. are available ut P1nltley's Drug wn-. Rarit1 Je-.t:lry Store or from any club member PROBLEM TALK SHOP: Adolescent Alcoholis m will be discussed a t a half.d ay t.cmina r begrnrung at 8 a m. Thursday, March 22 an th<> Sheralon·Anuht.>1m Hotel. Information 768 38.11. DAUGHTERS Of' THE BltfTISH EM· PIRE: Women of 8 r1tash birth or ancestry a rc a:.ked to aUeod the monthly meetings held on - the first Tuesday of each month. Informa tion. 545-4114 MCYnlERS OF TWINS CLUB: The Orange Coast group will hold a n art aucUoo and art ex tnb1lion at 8:30 p.m. Friday, March 23, in the lloliday Inn, Costa Mesa. Information: Mrs. Jim Nyhus, 968·3207. MYSTIC KREWE OF KOMUS: The Mardi Gras BaU will be held Saturday, Ma rch 24, in the Disneyland Hol~I. JlJNJOR EBELL CLUB OF JRVINE: The second annual m astectomy fashion show, an con1unction with the South Coa s t Junior 'Wom en's Club. will be tteld al 10 a.m Saturday, March 24, in the Sheraton Newport Hotel. Ticket information: Mrs. Dorothy LJss. American Cancer Society, 752·8600. IEWISH FEDERATION COUNCIL; The P aceselters will hold a benefit art and antique :.how from 1 lo 3 p.m . Thursday, March 22, in the Newport Beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lohr. Reserva tions: J ewish Federation Council, 754·1944 NAnGNALCHARITY LEAGUE JVNIQKS: .. An Evening al Sebaslians .. will b& held at 7:30 p.m . Friday, March 23, in Sebas- Uaos' Dinner Playhouse , Anaheim. Ticket in· Club Calendar Play Acting Rehearsing for the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club's annual Slowboat musical are, from left, Ida Mae Wentzel, Carl Last, Michael Braun and Terence Mulligan. Performances are scheduled March 30 and 31 and April 6 and 7 at the Corona de/ Mar club. For information, call Jean Pandowski ay 673-7046 or the club at 644-9530. formation: Sharee V1staunct. 644-11058 or Kathy Roberts, 644·7222. DUSTY WINGS: The a nnual Monte Carlo mghl will be held at 8 p.m. Saturday. March 24, m the Montanoso Recreation Center. Mission VieJo. Ticket informa tion: Mrs . Pa m Thomas, 586-4355. B'NAI B'RITH WOMEN: The Orange Coun. ly chapters will hold their annual donor luncheon al 10: 15 a.m . Sunday. March 25, in the Harlequ.in Dinner Playhouse. Santa Ana. HUNTINGTON BEACH ASSISTANCE LEAGUE: A fashion s how and luncheon will be held at 11 a.m . Saturday, March 24, an the Mesa Verde Country Club. Ticket information: As· s1stance League, 84t_8548, FOUNTAIN VALLEY SENIOR CITIZENS: Tours to Vellowston<'. the Canadian Rockies. Hawaii, the Panama Canal and Lhe Caribbean a re planned for May and June. Information· llelen Yost, 847·3339. Arr LECl'VRE: Dr. Esther Broner will discuss The Artist as Social Conscience at 10:30 a.m . at Saddleback College and at 6 p.m. on the north campus in Irvine Monday, March 26. In· formation: 831-9700 or 495·4950. extension 217. ORANGE COUNTY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY: A home a nd garden party tour will be held from 1 to 5 p.m . Sunday. March 25. in the Village of Turtle Rock . Ticket infor mation: 752·0536 or 833·9267. COSTA MESA AQUATIC CLUB: A garage sale wUI be held from 8 a .m . to 4 p.m . Saturday. March 24 in the Costa Mesa home of Mr. and Mrs . Joe Lester . Information: Andrea 'Lester. 545·2201 AMER I CAN A S SOC I AT ION OF' UNIVERSITY WOft(.EN : T he Newport Mesa branch.wtll present a lecture by quail historian Sandi Fox at 10 a .m . Saturday. M\4rch 24. in the Fount.am Valley Community !fall. MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS: An ex· perimeotaJ workshop focusing on the mother· daughter re lationship will be held at 8 p.m . Wednesday. March 21, in the Women's Law Center. Tus tin. Reservat ions a nd information· 832·2202. FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION: J\ series of classes for divorced me n and women will be held from 9 to 11 a.m . Saturday mom· ings in the Family Service office in Tustin. Starting date information : 871 ·0075. SPRING HAIR S HOW : "After Da rk .. hairstyles will be shown by Golden West Collc~l' cosmetology students a t 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 27. in the campus theater LAGUNA BEACH MUSEUM OF ART: An illustrated taJk on the Magic o( Crystal will be held at the affiliates meeting at l p.m. T~ay , March 27, In the museum. SWEET ADELINES: Tbe Harborlltes chapter will sponsor an outdoor rummage sale beganrung al 8 a.m. Saturday. March 24, in the Fairview Community Church grounds. Costa Mesa . NEWPORT HARBOR EMBLEM CLUB Jt.4: A fun and games luncheon wtll be held at 11 :30 a.m . Wednesd ay. March 24. in the Westminster home or Chris Corban . Reservu· t10ns : Lo1s·Wade, 673-6796. HAPPY HOMEMAKERS: Bees will be di!>· cussed al the m eeting at 10 a m. Friday. March 23. 1n the Founta in Valley Civic Cente r . Reservations: call Mrs. Gerald Reute r . NEWPORT HARBOR Rio:P UBLICAN WOMEN'S: Mrs. Harned Pettus Hoose will dis- cuss China at the meeting at JO a .m . Thursday, March 22. an the Balboa Yacht Club. CIOLDREN'S HOME SOCIETY: The Lets Da mas del Mar J\uxiliary will holds its mem· bership luncheon al 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 28, in the San Cle mente home of Mr. and Mrs. John Douglass Jr. Sharon Kaplan will dis cuss S pecial Needs. Adoptions . T eenage Pregnancy. Reservations: Mrs. Roy Ada m!>. 496-5996. SOtJTll COAST AUDUBON SOCIETY: GuaJome Regional Park will be visltt.'d at 8 :30 a .m . Saturday , March 24 . Those wishing l'l :..hare ndes m ay meet at 7:30 a .m. at the former Safeway parkmg lot , 801 N. El Camino Real. San Cle mente lnform<it1on : 492·2598. FOUNTAIN VALLEY ART ASSOCIAnON: Meetini;: 1s a t 7:30 p.m. Monday, Marc h 26. •n lhe Fountain Valley Recre ation Center. ORANGE COUNTY TROJAN GUILD: A Sports N1~hl Meet ing with Marv Goux. assistant use (ootball coach, will be held al 8 p.m . Thursday. March 22. an the Corona dcl Mar hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Darnel Sw~t. Rcserva t1ons : Mrs. Bruce-Galey. Santa Ana . PARl-.:NTING WORKSHOP: A work!>hop tu im prove parenting ~ki lls wall be held at 8 p.m Wcd nc·-.day. Marc h 28. in the Wo me n 's Wom t..'n·., Law Center. Tu:.tan f<cscrvalion!> 832 220'l BUSINESS AND PROF•:SSIO Ni\L WOMEN'S CLU8 : The Wc~t Orange County Hr anch will sponsor a worksho p on career w ardrobe planning al 7 30 pm. Thursday. March 22. in Great Western Savings and Loa n. Wt•stm1nskr R E HABILITATION INSTITUTE OF O RANGE COUNTY: Lo:. An1oteles Dodllcr Stt>vc Garvey I!. scheduled lo a ppear al a fund· ra1s 1ng hair cutting marathon beginning at 6 p.m . Saturday. March 24. Information: 639-oeOSJ. TOURIN' TIN STR EET RODS: The Rollin' for H.10 ( Rcha b1lttal1on Institute of Orange C()unty > will bc held Sunday. Ma rch 25, at the inst1tuk an Orangt· It makes Cents to shop. with money-saving food coupons from the Daily Pilot. -. Fantasy Cruise I Theme for Las Reinas Au>Ci#ary ol Assistance League of Newport Beach at its fund- raising luncheon and fashion show is "Fantasy Cruise" set for 11 :30 a.m. Thursday, March 29, in the Newportef Inn. Proceeds will benefit the group's philanthropies. From left, 818 Mrs. Kathryn Holfman, auxiliary chairman; Mrs. Paul Garman and Mrs. Ted Walsh. For more details, call Gladys Tritt st 673-8433. F<J111w Stewardeues • IJ,.' ·' Start saving today. Ca II 642-4321 and ask our circulation department for home delivery. Coupon Savings -one more reason people all along the Orange Coast value the '. DAILY PILOT 842-4321 .. . --. .. . ~ . . • COMICS I CROSSWORD MARMADUKE . ,,.., ...,, .... " .............. "It's too embarrassing to go bock to the pound llke this ... drive a round the block ogoin and maybe he'll tire out I" S.B"AllAN ~ U~ fSARCU FOR ""9 LA/lllE ,.,_., *"11¥1*Y ••• nw~-rrsnE ,.,,.~ AtM9M F~"THE ~ b I GAVE .1MIMYtlflN! IM'""31WJI!~ ~~!"-""'~~"'~ SHOE MOON MULLINS THE FA MILY CIRCU~ By Bil Keanf' "For •currtnt ~, homeworlc we're s'posed to read the newspaper." DENNIS THE MENACE FUNKY WINK ERBEAN -------.... bO ~ OOITT Ukf. I CNl'l ~ Ii { 1lE NAME ~ (l)~~,HOH~ MISS PEACH ,.lrANCINE I WMAT 00 t MaAN 1'0 YOU?? by Tom latiulr by Mell uurius '"'1,, r~.:~ .. "' , -- GiJ G=l] by PH kO, Tuska & COiietta J GORDO JUDGE PARKER ORABBLE DR.SMOCK 3 I SAY. A 1..rT'T"L-E! L-U NCH COUL-c:>N '""r HU R"f" M F; R IGH""r ABOU "T"' NOW ! MOTLEY'S CREW by Gus Arrfofa by Harofd Le Doux DAIL y PILOT c J I PEANUTS by Cllare.s M. Schulz me ... I N(J{EO FIVE SQl.IA«ES •• NOW, lfS ~ TURN ... ROU. TME OICE! TMESE oi.GE W8E U5EO iO 06TAIN M WILL OF 600 WHEN OEClSIONS HAO iO SE MADE, AND ... .1-l.1 by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont by Templeton & Forman TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 51 Uttered t Dull ones 52 Japanese 6 Handle sash 10 Italian 1slano 55 Paci t4 Girl's name 5d Key: Mus IS Sooner 60 Ory up 16 Exttnct btrds 61 Mine 17 U S. V·P -entrance Barl\ley 62 Din t8 Cams 63 Sea btrds 20 Observe 64 Ouphcale 21 Soon 65 snip parts 23 Agile DOWN 24 Alter 1 Pretu<fice 26 RoCJtes 2 Heraldte 28 Tait bearing 30 NYSE unit l Riel - Jt Wiiiow Can. 1nsur· UNITED Fea1ure Syndicate Tue&day·s Puule Solved. 32 --flats rec tion 27 Sc;ulls 45 Numencat 36 Japanese 4 Compass pt. 28 E;>ee preluc admiral S Legislator 29 Bone· 46 Tt!rrmna1 .. 37 Mrxes 6 Esteem Comb lorm 47 Horatio - 38 Amertt:an 7 Retate<J 30 Pohsh 411 Raced again autnor 8 Frsn part 32 Barret part •9 Loco 39 tietp: 9 Letter 33 Papal s1 Cut 3 words 10 Domains 34 Far North 53 Sun •2 large held t t Plunders cffy Sultix 12 Lave 35 Legal paper 54 Na11ves. 44 Over 13 Foots 37 Ou1ck dnnk Sulfix •5 Annoylld 19 Eat no1s11y ~ Ballerinas 56 Irish, nam,-~ Embo<Md 22 -York or 41 l essen Dre ix l/ar. ~unswick 42 Bhnd alley 57 Tokyo sold II Goose 25 Beverage 2 words nc0me 50 Choose 26 Lealy beet •3 Jogged 59 Entlm'I' Now, fry l<>cxi11 with W1MOn 1l1ty Crackers umco •••• &9c Premium nowfl•kt!ll an I lb pk1 Soup .......... 2sc 'Campbell's 11 moru than aoup' 10'; 01 Bread .... z• "· •••• 4gc Springfield White, Wheat. Sandwtch ·SALAD DRESSING 59c Bemnein's Vinaigrette, 1000 Island or ltalian-8 0 1 bottle Apple Juice •••• s 139 1'rff Top goodneeel Half-g1llon Baked Beans •••• 49c Brown Crock old-time t&BU! 14 01 English Muffins .39c Springfield Reg or Sour Oou,b-pq d 6 .~:I WHITE ·.,TUIA Starkist Solid Pack in water ... makes a great salad! 7 en can Coke or Tab •••• 99c Your choice in the 2 liter eize . _ Macaroni .. aua ••• 29c Kraft'11 easy-fix dinner ... 71/c oz I lb ftlxes IUJ .•••• 4gc Choice of varieties in 6 ounce pack.qe ;:·. mtant Lllld1 •.•• 4gc 1 Maruchan • in 4 varietiee! 2 ~ oz pk(. ~:. · Fn11· 751~ · ... DlllKS ~~'" Tree1weet.-ln Lemonade, Berry, Punch or Grape ... 6 oz cana '~;·. White King "D" .age ade in Southern California ! •2 ot Tomato Sauce .. 11c .~;tc;·a;~:: °99c Rllg, Country Style or E1tra-twln pack Woolite L.-••••• s 121 Gentle-for cold wet.er wuh-16 oi DOG FOOD Kai JUn ... Cboole Chicken, 1.Jver ot Honemeat--H oi can There's .. ,. 11ti1f1ctlon, 111trt Yllut In El bncho'a fresh fryer p1rt1, 1i111tlY btc111t they're bl"•' Th1t """'' 1ttre Me•t, more dellclous coodnt11 la ertrJ teit4tr portion. This •ffk, tr11t Jtarself to the letter W1y of sh°"iftc for foo4! Fryer Wmgs •..... :: . 79C. Hand cut from Fresh Gr. "A" fryel'll aicken Livers ~ •.••.•• nc. Freeh! .. from U.S. Grade "A" {ryeni UGS & THIGHS =,~!'~ 99c Gr* "A" frnJi fryers • lryllrlrnallis ~~~~ ............ 1lll Kang sized charken nffen more good e11t111ic-m11n> mt•Ot 1n r8t111 to hnnt• ond morP vol11e in our Gr&dl' .. A .. quelaty' Hand rut I•~•> · ·· rMVJ. titlJr.t ~ ~ »tDt£ 1P &h. iii. 1111i!JtRJr, 9/vip £'e#Di1l! BEEF LIVER s1"· Ila Fre11h and tender ... aliced, too Tmott.Olt OF WTERN PORK Bonelett1! ... a treat to be aavored U.S.D.A. Choice ... Weetem lamb! .. Fresh Spare Ribs EASTERN •• 1l 41. 7 Bone Roast •• s1 1~ Chuck cul U.S.D.A. Choice beef Clld Steak . . . . 5149• Cent.er cut! U.S.D.A. Choice beef Beef Roast :1:! s219. Chuck cut Choice sho·llder clod 0 Bone Roast ••• s219. Chuck cut U.S.D.A. Choice bed Ground Beef ~-s1 n. Coanie grind does nol uceed 30% f1l GEJIUINE MILK-FED VEAL featured every day al El Rancho T•BailB Here's m11n -111zed 88lisfaction! The hearty flavor of t':I Ranr ho quulity beef alway& welcome! Loin cut Ground-Beet-r'nl s1~ Lean-doee not exceed 22% fat Porterhouse SJ79 STEAK • Loin cut of U.S.D.A. Choice beef BratwuBta .... s. 516...-9 --'SausagerrMJMsnu • s11! Pork. veal, aeuoning-no nitrit.eti SLICED s 1 s',L BACON .. El Rancho's thicker "ranch style" Super Fresh Produce Our own special re<:ipe-mild or hot New York s599 STEAK • Boneleaa loin cut of Choice beef tch1k111= ........ 51! C11i(om ia '1 fineet ... really freeh! And a 1ize th1t affords you more ioodneu to enJov' ROMAINE 25~ GUPEFIUIT~ ..... ,,.. 41s 1 c .. _.,., '""" I ........ ~,. RED POTATOES 19! .· FRESH FILLETS! $ 25, PACIFIC RED Snapper 11. For the oven, elUllet or broiler Fillet of Sole .. s379, f"reah . . mild fluvor Engliah 110le Scallops .•••••• 5599• Larite siie ... from Alaak&n wat.eni. Halibut SJ99. STEAK Center cut from firm Northern fi1b Con. Ba s219 1na ss... • Fillets , . t.o afford more good eating. Smoked Halibut s249, A different kind of treat . in picce11 EXTRA LARGE DONGEJtESS $ 249 CRAB • Meaty! ... and we'll crack them for you. J ohanri M f't>.tf'r wine.~ 1mpurtl'd (rnm (,'rrma11y. l'x rl1.1i.11•p/_y for El Ranrho And fnr y11u 1 Liebfraumilch •. i 229 .Johann Me1iaer for fant valut• !lth R• 1· s211 1es 1ng ...... ,Joha nn Me u.ter dinner rnmponaon' 5th Zeller SGMam urz ••• s 299 ,Johann Mel!ltt~r C:erman favorite' fith Liquor Dep 't ~~SOO ON $999 GIN Pour a brand you know! 1.76 hr Vermouth .., .. s1 99 Ory, Sweet or Half & Half-Fifth T ·1 s419 equ1 a Pf1( lOP(Z ••• White or Gold-reduced 60c Fifth GALLO WllES Hearty Burgandy Rhine or Pink Chablis-save 76e in 1.6 liter size Creme de Cocoa •• s499 Hiram Walker'1; White or Brown 5th • Whiskey mMGlfT ••• s399 El Rancho'a 6 year old ! Fifth SAVE $2.00 ON B. RMCllO'S s 1199 Scotch Bottled I~ Scotland-8 yr old! Compa.n the value! 1.76 lit.eni Frozen Food · Prirl'I in effect Thur. Morch 22 throuili Wed. Morch 28 Delicatessen Ora J • 12 oz 69C nge u1ce cu .... al-Fame'• conc.ntrac. for • breeklut "'9~ for anytime! .• Pasbies1::.&9e Entrees:r==. .. •1•• Ptpperld,1 FUIDI Dumplinp. TumoYtn Chiem • BMcuJt, VNl Pann111aa ....... Pie 11•• ........ . •.... tJolmlton'• Double Crua or Dutch L...-12 ••.. 4~ MlDute Maid ~or Pink .. .... mm ...... .sue Olilllm .... ,......., ... ,. .... Fii m 1 ................. $1.11 AD ,..,... ._,nbDld ......._.. 01 ""'1 Open dojl~ 9 to 9 Sunday 10 to 7 No '°~' to ckalera ,... Rm -· ... $1.21 0ote ,.,.,, wl\11 fill) flmlrl 89 OI Cllll • ' Cheese ~== ............ ~.1 °' Your choice of Jack, Longhorn or Colby ... from Everfreeh in 9 01 pkg Bar-M Ham am ••• 99C Ooto•tlc! ... not imported--4 ot Dressing .. CllDl ••• s9c Bob'1-no pneervatJv•I 8 oa bt.Jt lllnE'I -......... l5c Chocolat. Chip 04 II) Oatm .. 1 R&Wn IH •) t Mozzarella 12 oz •• s l 51 Ptecioua (I " ..• l.lt) (11 • ... 2.H) .. Orange Juice n oz •• &9c Tropicana Nady to pour! (M 11 ... JM) ........ -·· ..... lie Ret er RaWWO.t.e 111 _, Apple tu .,, .. M.Qlm .......... I~ C"°?" Rlfular, Onion or Smolle-18 oc . ~ • 3 . e y I. y l V· r IK ,., .... .. Nedineedey, M.,ch 21 , 1979 ... DAIL V PILOT • J The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast DAILY PILOT CtASSIFIED ADS -- You Can Sell It, Find It, Trade It With a Want Ad (642-5678] One Call Service Fast Credit Approval ......... ~., FcM-5* 'J.or 5* Ho.tH For S. Howwt f« 5* tto.N1 for S. ...._.for 5* Ho.Mt For SIM HcMtMt For S. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 1002 ~ 1002 G...,.,. IOOZ '"'--.. 1002 G.....t 1002 G11t11.. 1002 G....,.of 1002 G.-ral 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1w'1 Moffc•: AU re.aJ ~h1te •dv.-rhu•d m Uus newspaper '" 1>Ub )ect to lbe fo'ederal Jo'a1 Housing Art or 196 wtuch makes 1t 1lh:g11l tc advertise "any j>rt' ference, llm1tat1nn, o discrinunal1on bo1>l'<l o rare, color. rellj11on. 1>1.•x or national ongm, or J mtenlton to make an' such prefercllrl!. llm1t:i uon. or d1scnmmauon 1lus newspaper will not knowingly accept <1ny advertising for real estate wluch 1s an viola Uooofthe law. aaoRS: Adnriisen ..W dwcl& their ads CW, mtd nporl ,,.. rors "'-diat.ty. The DAIL y PILOT OHUlftH laWlty for the flnt ln- cornct iMertiOft Oftly. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ga•ral 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -Real Estate WXURY TRW.EVEL Newport Bcal·h ·s (inc~t tn-level luxury rondo w1tb ocean v 1ew. 3 bedroom, family room. step; to everything. Thls won't last, call for de· la.Us. 54().,3666, TWO NEW LISTINGS DELUXE I> PLEXES Fresh on the market. lhe~e two 2 tx.'<lroom . 1 bath duplexes offer great possib1hties . Sell •r \\tit help Cina.nee. so submit your terms. Creative financing or whate ver Choose t:ither or both at $139.500 each. ~ R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640·5112 ~COATS & WALLACE CElP REAL ESTATE, INC. A LOCAUY OWNED COMPANY SE RVING THE SOUTH COAST AREA SINCE 1963 LIKE MEW IN LAKE FOUST -Move right in this vacant 3 Bdrm, 2112 bath townhome. Formal dining, mountain view. fireplace. microwave. builtins. custom built with oversized bdrms. Priced below market for fast sale at $102.000. Cdl 546-4141 ··()'Serving Costa Mesa·lrvine .' Huntir:igton Beach-Newport Beach • ..__ of ............ ,,,,... ... •H.tt011.il......,.. ProcJr-A•._.. ... __ _ ....._._ ..... C•Cr91cJhltey 631-1266 .. __ .. _....,.. --~---- GHAT INCOME! DUPLEX BALIOA ISLE $85 0001 Residential + 2 com-, • merc1al rentable spaces . 2 B e d r m u n i t s . 5 Car parking, 1 bl~k to Completely remodeled. wat.er, 3 bedrm 3 bath un· Great income Excellent it. Fireplace. Supe.r for investment. Call fast! summer/winter rates. 752-1700 673-8550 OP!N Ill 0 • II \ I IJN 111111 ''I I ' ~~~~~~~~~! [ i 'ilii [ ~·IMHI CLASSIFIED TREES! TREIS! HOURS PRESTIGIOUS EASTSIDE llG CANYON IEAUTY '"'""'''''' Ill.I\ ,,,,,,.,. tht'lf .•<I' h\ tt·h•pht1fW ~ w .t m ,,.~> . .,,,, ,,. \lnnda' 1h111 ~·ruf11\ 111on1•1r> -..u1ur1l,I\ • f ~I\ \H'.!-.,\ llH II ~ Ut\\ fl,11 Mi!'ll·IK 111'' fl'l.11 fc1' Ill \I II 17K75 111•.11 h Ill\,, Mll l!.'lt LAC.UNA H~:Al"ll I tffe <tl1•nn1·~ n • l.aitun:. llPiil'h <1(1~ 'llf.6 "llHTll 1 ·c ll '' T\ <fr.ii lrt"' ~o l:!tll CLASSIFIED DEADLINES I 11-.1tll11w tor ''"I" /I< !.ill' '' ~. :111 I• m lh1• 1t.11 l~·llll"t• 111111111·.1111111 ,., ,.,.,~ f'••r S11nd111 & \1 on 1111\ ~:d1l 1""' "h••ll 1lo·il(!hn1• "~.11 uni." r• llt•)fl CLASSIFIED REGUUTIOMS ~:HHUHS Ad11•r1 hl'r' •hoold rht'<'k I h1•ir ad• da1lv & r1•pon <'rrnr" 1mmt•d1at 1•lv. Tll~: OAfl.Y Pll,(IT t••~um"' hah1htv lnr tht• flr.,t Ill· l'Ol'rt'C1 in<.1•r1111n ufll\ l'A "< 'Y.1.1.J\Tlfl'" 'tl.'ht•n k1lhn11 Jn .ul l'H' wv fo mt•lc.-11 r .. 1·orll 111 thv Kii.i. Nl'M llfH jll\1'11 Vl/U b\ \ llflf ult lalwt ,;~ rc•rr1111 ol ~our 1•11m•1•ll1111nn Thi" kill nun,l1t1r mu•I I\\• pr1•"'" tt'(I h1 1111• .ulvrrl •'t'r in 11.1'4'111'.tdl'l.I''"' 1·A-'l'l•:l.t,/\ilC" llH t'tlllH ft'Tlo" ell" 'II t-:w /\ ll IH .. ·o Hr. Hl'"'llOINt: l';\l\f\ t•tlnrl "' ni.11lt• II• lull ()r ('off('('\ II nt'w •Id th111 1111~ f'M't•n ord1•r1-d. bul •t• e .. noo1 1luur.1n lt'f' tn <!fl Ml unfit I h1• .111 h~~ 11p1.1r~1vd in thr p.ipt'I' UIMI': A IJ1"t-; Al>'\ '""'"'' elh .ir~ 'h lf'lh tll'lll In~' 11n1 I' bv m.111 flf 111 ilnv '"''' ol •>ur ol ''""' JllO p~11nr ottlrh llt>11dl1nr : :1 p m ,.°l'tdlly. , • .,..,. Ml'-... "' llftt II 12 noon 111 .ill bnlftftl "'r ·~ Tilt: l>All.'' t'I I.OT '~"'°' 1"'4 r 111ht to eot-lf\ "'"· U•fl.,tl Ht rrfust' •"~ r1ct' ,., t~ •fllf •~ c-l111n•t' "" '"'"" • r«'1111l11ttnfl' w1thou1 pnor !MM If'«" QAH ... MM••MHHI P0~1 .... ('OIC•Mf'I• .. Custo m11.ed home on spacious lot. Relaxed rm. ly living In this dramatic vaulted ceiling liv rm. huge frplc, frml din rm. cozy fmly rm w tsecond frplc, 4 lge bdrms, over- sized m s tr suite w /garden bath. Open SUnday 1·5, #6 lnvemess. 759-1501 lltAMD HEW UST'lttG Sunny . brljlhl. immaculate 3 Bdrm Bluffs condo wit as s umable 9~~ l oan . Fantasti terms . Call fo appointment. 4BR +den $69,500! Sunken living room. Brick fireplace. All re modeled kitchen. Ex· cellent loc11t inn. Im· maculate bargain! Call fast 1 To lake advantage! 752·1700 , .. ,. I I • 'll f • • I ,,f ' [~IRlltl MESADaMAR SPECIAL A dellgbtlul, lvly home on a corner lot. Clean, out•abarp.Alry!New plUlb crpts IJ kitchen •P· pllancea i n 1978. Hardwood floors, R v 8C· ce.. Enclrc le this one for aure " call for appt nowt Open Eves. 545-9411 WATERFRONT HOMES Ille. 243& W Co.>~t High14c.1~ N\IWPon fWl'K h ~11•1400 \',. I· ~I I '1 '-. TAYLOR C Hl.,1\l.l'UI\~ ...,1111t· 1~1 ..... HSULA ,OIMf AllA! TWO 4-UMIT APAITMefT ILDGS! Sl75,000 EACH IU>G! Quahty-bullt, beautifully maintained. 4 Units in each building with lge c entral c ourtyd filled with m agnificent matured specim en plants. These two 4·unit bldgs are in the best location. right at the entrance to Pe nins ula Point. just s teps from the beach. Each 4-plex has two 2·bdrm. 2 bath and two 2-bdrm. I·bath units. Each front unit has fireplace. Super ocean view! OWC first Trust Deed. WESLEY H. TA YLOI CO. 21 11 S. J~ill Hilt lood NEWPORT CEHTH, H.I . 644-49 I 0 BEST IN BLUFFS EXEC. HOME Custom E -Plan . panoramic bay view ; 2200 sq . ft., 2 BR, 21h ba .. fam. rm .. 2nd frpl., A/C. 40 Ft. liv. rm .. bar. lux. carp., parquet flooring. s hutt e r s. lge . bric k courtyard. fountain ; new kitchen appliances. Assumable 9'!.i % loan. $259,500. 4 IR E·,LAN End unit. ever so scarce: 2200 sq. ft.. 21h ba .. lge. fam. rm., beaut. neutral carp .. wallpapers. s hutters, huge encl. courtyard & patio. Absolutely beautiful thruout ! $212,500 INCLUDING LAND !! HELEN B. DOWD REALTOR INC. 644-0 I 34 Utt & Illy With TM bpert1 REMODELED PORTOFtHO You have to see to ap- preciate the beauty of lhLs completely enclosed Portofino. Parquet & plank flooring, custom lighting. upgraded thruout. Over 2800 sq. ft. ol ideal living. HEWPC>aT CEMTER REALTY 640.1112 SOUTH LAGUNA VIEW Rollin!; hills nestle this beautiful Townho m c . Panora m ic view o f ocean, professionally de· corated. wet bar, warm and cozy fireplace. Separate master wing on lower level. Furniture can go. too! Call 646-7171 V.A APPROVED HOMES Don't wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate & wait. $0 down up to $100,000. V.A. Salesbroker . 2C hrs 543-1626 USE THIS wamoFF Brand new 3.000 sq.ft. architecturally designed duplex. 3 Bdrm. 2 baths and 2 &inns. 2 baths. 2 fireplac e s. 2 d1n1ng rooms. 2 double garages a nd easy upkeep. A s uper home ancf Income $215,<XX>. 400E.17" C.M. ANNI ... OUR OFFICE BEING REMODELED. LEAVE UDO ISLE Bay view Crom 2 patio decks enhances cus tom spacious 5 bdrm .. 4 bath traditional home; like new. Ideal for entertaining Corner lot. $.520.000 OCEAMFROHT Quality craftsmans hip in mahog. trim & oak floors sets off this landmark; 4 BR. 3 ba. home in finest location. Established trees & lawns. $485.000. BACK IAY Fine 4 bdrm .. 2'h bath family home on quiet cul de sac. Oversized pool. playhouse. s torage Sl69.000. Terms IAYFRONT Several fine bayfront homes with pie r & slip AVALON W ell constructed. 3 BR. 1 ba. oak floor. partial basement. concrete foundation FlaL-. MPa. S120.000-Fee. Bl LL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 Boy\1d•· Orov~. N 8 b 75 b lo I The ultimate in lu xun ous waterfront li ving. Featuring 4 spacious bdrms . maids quarters. den. dramati c formal dinins:: room. Beautiful handrrafted Oak. Teak. detailed moldings. p a nelin g a nd fl oo rin g Th1 !\ ouL5tanding property 1s situated in a private. picturesque setting, with 90· on the water. For the yachtsman. we also provide s pace· for over a 100' vessel. For more detailed information call . SSCASHSS for your home in 24 hrs Call World Finance Agent. 831·2227 24 hr HOTI.JNE! MfWPOIT FfXEtt $122.500 This 3 Bdrm hom e 1~ st.cps Crom the beach. on the Peninsula. ll de firutcly nt.'ed.s TLC, bu1 has tremendous potcn tial. Bring your tools and i magin a t io n . C;ill 540-1151 ~HERITAGE NEWPORT IEACH •LOT• Herd to Find! OceaM1deof Balboa Bl ti I 31st St Owner May Subordinate $120.<XX> Rudler Realty 642-4758 FINDLNG PROPERTY MY SPECIA LTY . 1 U,._IVUIE IN CORONA DEL MAR CONVENIENT LOCATION -A block to shops and beaches. sha ke roof •• 3 bdrm. de n and r e modeled kitchen. As king S255.000. SUPE R ·DO D U PLEX . Supe r-clean s pacious units. One is ~-bdrm -2-b ath unit ; the other is 3 ·bdrm-2 1;! bath s . Both are well-maintained m Old Corona del Mar. $220.000. DO SEE IN SEAVIEW -A 4 bdrm. 21,2 bath. view home with $30.000 .in ldscpe. jacuzzi. patios and atnutn . $289,000. : U~l ()Ut: fi()Ml:S REAL TORS'. 546 5990 1525 M•·sa VPrdp Dr ive, East , Cost<.1 Mesa ·''"'' ,, C '"""·'cir I M.11 ,,, fi 11, hOOO DUPLEX Ea.sts1de Cos tu Mt•s;i 2 BR t>ac h . hardwood noors. double ~Jr Jge. Sl.20.000 Roy McCord&.. Rltr 548-7729 LEASE W /OPTION Nice I bedrm townhome. wallting d1slanrc to llun u.ngton Beach s urf GOOD TERMS On Uus ruce 4 bedr m. 2 bath Westminster home full price. S12,9~ WESTSIDE or Huntington Beach. newly pa111ted 3 bt.-drm . 1"'1 bath. full pncc. only $76,000. SIEDROOMS JASMINE CREJK Beauuful three bedroom. family room. splH level ho m e Only l'lan 6 1Surfs1dc1 model on the resale market. Lull· urious masll'r su1L~ with Ocean-Catalina view anct an adJ:.1t·ent priv ate study with 1t 's o w n fireplace Pn\ate com- mun1l y v.11 h pool. jacuu1. tennis court:-: !244.500 COU Of NEWPORT REALTORS 675-551 l Meredith Garden llnme ---------111 S Hunungton Beach with over 3000 sq ft of luxury IJvmg area Perl fltoc•, Inc. 842-746 I More ram1hc:. are jll'll1ng the campmg "bu!(" th1!> year If you havr a camper that ·s not ~elllnR used. sell 1t now with a Classified Ad ---------JUSTUSTEO ~.,:{,~~ 1n Newport Beach J Lots, 4 stores, 16 apart· ments. huge s~prage garage. Owner wiR~arTy IO'M interest. $795,()()(J Be a c hl•me Realty fi73.651 I WATHF«O .. T with 42' boat slap. ,bUJll ms. 2 fireplaces. 2 co' e rPd patios, J .ca r ga ra ~f·. Trcmel\dou., fmancmg. $350.000. J4COIS REALTY 675-6670 Have something lo sell? Clnss1f1ed ads do it well YOUR NUMBER, WE ________ _, WILLCALLYOU BACK. . • REALTORS [ijjltl TeU me what you want. & let me find your home lo the So Orange County beach area Ask <or Ruth K\!ste r . r eal estall.' agent. Mon. Tue & Thur . 9-12 : 831·2600 or 496·8535 Eves6-9; 492·2522. CE &IDllB ILllNS CO. WANT ACTION? Classifed Ads 642·5678 Have something to sell? aassified ads do it well. file~~~~ TUITUROCK LUSH HIGHLANDS Large 5 bdrm Stewart model with s w ee pin g view , on quiet cul-de-sac. Deluxe landscaping & s pecial electronic security system. Two fireplaces, wet bar, 3 car gar age, 3 baths. family rm. breakfast nook & formal dining rm make this a truly fine home. $289,750. A COUMIU ........ CO. 644·9060 2111 IAfUOAOUIH HILLS RO. ~ IH Hl'M'OffT CENTER ~ "'-------------------._. ...... ,,....,.,,.., SlllC & ANlf ALGAE C R J S L G A W W Z V T Y E P S R W P SVrRttfA' RNSEGCEOOEVT P 0 E A G L A E L S U l N N C S T L C 8 L 0 C Y X A I T R 0 Y 0 H N M 0 I M A A K T 0 E T T H T T E S U 0 0 A A C N K S 0 S C E R S D E Z C 0 H S H J 0 E t G E K L H E 0 W E S U M T S N T l E L N A A W l R K W 0 E M P N A 0 C I P R A £ U M 0 C A M E S R 0 E G K S t P C S H N W 0 P H U R N T M 8 R £ RCALMODRN SAELK OEOAT Y A U 0 E L I M P Y $ P N D J T C S N I 0 U M S K S 0 0 S 8 A L E Y k S 8 S W R L D N E H C 0 S L E E L H E X H 0 A f 0 S C D K M N P S W P I L W 0 N T SELL idle items with a Daily Pilot Classified Ad macnab I Irvine realty MEW LtSTIHG! ELEGANT 2 ·STORY SPLIT -LEVEL. Nestled among lovely trees & surrounded by verda nt landscaping. Decorator pe rfect 5 BR hom e featurin g spacious living rm w /fplc. formal dining rm & lg . C<?mfo~table family rm. Extensive list of c ustom upg rades incl. copper plumbing. Located in newer section of Mesa Verde. $185.000. J ohn Granath 642·8235. <Y·99> 642·123S 644·6200 901 Oo\ler Orrve Harbor View Center Irvine dt Cami:ius Valley Center 75!-1414 STAR GA'ZEK·~ ._.....-.......,....,_ __ I\• Cl.,\Y A l'Oll is---...----4 )of, '"'" 0,,.11 Ath•rty C...00 ~ V .t.uou/•"9 •• •I\• Srort to dov.-lop mn"°9' lo• T'hundov. t'91-0.<or~"'!l I'll~ Of yO\if loci« bor"' •'9" ,,,..,,. »fl·-~°'- OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE SPYGLASS OCEAM VIEW • Truly Spect Vu Fr This Beaut 3 BR + fr ports mouth Mdl. Upgrd. Kit. Formal Din. Lrg FR W/FP .... Courtyard Has Pool. Firepit.' Glas sed -In Jae Off Beau ti Decorated Mst BR. Cal l To Inspect. $430,000. l BAYSIDE! t In Fabulous Bayside Cove Comm.: W /Sec. Gate. Nr Pvt Bch On Bay.• 2 BR 2 Ba. Original Model Home. Pool. Jac uzzi. Excep. Offering. Call To Inspect. $215,000. ~ 631-lAM t.:J 181 DOVH DiiW ............. ,.,fl ...... •t O hono..Q• lel1eu of lh. lovr KtO"'bi.d wo<d> be· low IO form lo;,1 .. mc>le WOfd> I T E N•R H E • 1 1 1 r 1 I LEBBA I 1 I t I I ~_P......,o,..o_o_R_,; Findings ot 1 111rt11 Contr4' r I r I -Poll: "Wt find that tV9fyOnCt. .._.., _ __,_...._ .. _ ___. _ __, flYOf of'ft>tr111 oon11o1 I N 0 T N I E 1 •lrt.a)' ·--... '"". -...., ........ 1--..1-r.....,,1 .... , -4 • ~:~ ~...:i:~ --------'°" dt••lop .,.,,.. ll9tt No 3 SCl+MUTIAM...,..a.~1100 .. . . 1m °"'LY PILOT * Hol'i-\H•ll I nh'rn.1tto11ul n·ct•ntly unvt•llti.d lt1h full sc..tlt' eugtneerinJ? mockup of its f'nn\ ant MH·pt \\in~ f1ghkr 11w Oe(ensc A<tv am·t--d Hl·~e a re h Proj e l s Agency < O Alt PA > is leud orgaruzation 111 a project • I! • • APWI,,...... with the US Air Fon·e and National Aeron~ut ics :rnd Spa.ct" J\dminist1 at1on lo determine pote ntiaJ or highly forward- ~wcpt wings, Jtcordinit to Av1uhon Wc\!k <And Spuce Technology magazine. ·--·-------PUBLIC NOTICE £\lelleCr.it> NO!vy PIJOll< 111-tOt "4klC-ty...cJSl•I• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-l~1W.W~l«e,1 ... ~ ... .....,. ..... WtetOI NeW-19"<", CA.,_ Punishments Aplenty Kids Wlw Scare Elderly Assailed By HUGH A. MULLIGAN APS.-lel~-"' Jt1DGEFI ELD, Conn - Neither snow nor sleet nor dark· iotas at noon caused by tha t f'E>bruary eclipse has s layed the mailman from trudging to our gate sinc.-e I as ked readers to suggest fitting punlshment.s for Leen-agers who "Just for kicks" try lo run down old people with their bikes and cars. l\s of today, 127 lelters ar- rived : one 13 pages long a nd one from as far as Seward, Alas ka. THE LETJ'ER THAT prompt. Pd the original colu mn came fro m a 73-year-old lady in Calht<dral City, Cahf .• who said s he Oed from Florida because hhe ht.td twice been v1ctjm of this &:ruesome new "chicken" game played in parking lots against helpless older citizens. .. Once by a speedm~ car and on ce by two bicycle riders. In each case they were either smil- ing or laughing as they came at m('. rr r hadn't run or jumped out of their way. I would have been dead." Js there a punis hment to fit this cnme? The readers sug- gcstt'd many. .. Bring back l:ir and feathers; 1l would be too good for them." !!Lated Rose Marie Albright of Po mona. Calif. She described herself a~ "87 and acOve ... I drive amt get a round as well as f ever did , and I've driven across the counU'y ~cvtraJ limes." ••READING ABOUT THE heinous actions of those awfuJ kids In F1orida made me bristle with anger," Mrs. Albright con- fessed. bot she thought the lady who was twice almost run over in Florida made a mistake by moving away. "I'd stay and try to work up a fight somehow. When I push, things usually move!" T hose "F1orida goons" were also walking around the fighting •\de of a 73-year -old Mau.st.on, Wis ., woman. who said she never had any trouble with the neighborhood chlldren "unUl I beume old and alone ... Then. wrote Elizabeth Tracy, .. the young began throwing things at my house, especially e11s. Did you ever try to clean egg off the siding after it had dried? J became angry after lhty broke a window Then two or lhree boys were kn<>4:king at rny door and when l answered, ~~) they ran whispering and giggf. Ing up the street. I marched right up to the house where J knew several teen-agers· lived and told the whole family I absolutely would not stand for it and was going to the police. I did that and haven 't been bothered since." MRS. TRACY CONCLUDES: "Young people who torment the old a nd vulnerable and helplt>ss animals are cowards . The way to handle them i.s to scare them right back." From Seward, Alaska. Rita Susan Greer s uggested that young offenders who frightened old people should be made to "work in nursing homes, con- valescent homes and geriatric wards ... this would bring home to the young people what their actions can cause and help the young themselves.·' Mrs. WilUam Stewart or Troy. N. Y ., who wrote the ll·page let- ter. said the fault was not with the kids but with the way grown c hildren trea t their aging parents "DO ANV OF VS .. " SHE asked, "worry about the exam- ple set whe n we send our parents wbo are aged and in need off to Florida to retire or. if need be. to a nursing home to get rid Of the m? And then WC watt ln a vulturous attempt to claim every penny they eurncd in their lifetime!" Then in an aside. s he added : "Give working in a beauty parlor a try, If you want to know people!!" A fU"St grade teacher "in a small Pennsylvania school dis- trict" advocated fines and even report cards fo r delinquent parents who fail to teach their children a sense of res ponsibility In life. "WREN PARENTS OF 6- year-olds exJ)C<'t them to potty- tr a In their younger sister.·· wrote Ba rba r a Koop from Wa verly, N. Y .. ··beat them with a board when they forget to bring home a sweater ... and send them to school in summer clothes when it ls 6 below aero, then I believe these pare nts sh o uld be fined . There are O.W.I. fines, s peeding Croes. utmty bill fines. etc. Let's line parents for selfishness." Since so many had written in blaming easy schools. il was in · teresting to hear a leacher·s side or the problem. "/\ t eacher cannot prove neglect.'' said Mrs. Koop, "but if we could legally send a Ust or e motional and mental neglect home four limes a ye ar maybe 1t mig ht forstaH what happened lo that reader.'· BUT A YOUNG MOTflf':R in Red Bank, N. J ., who was trying lo teach her 2-year-old ti) do the rig.ht thing, wondered where and when responsibility began "It wouJd be easier." wrote Jan Smuga, •to blame parents for these bad d~ if parenting were not such an unce rtain ad· venture." So far, she said, "our little girl makes us ha ppy and proud. but I half suspect it is greatly o wing to good fortune. Right from the slart, each baby is a separate persoo. Pa re nts can only do their best." Many, like Dave O'Neill of Chicago, faulted "movie & TV violence." MANY AGREED WITH Laureen Sykes or Milwaukee that "there is too much leruency in the homes, courts and schools these days.·· A number joined J eb Fischer of Gretna, La .• In regretting the decline of "the woodshed and the razor strap" as character molders. But almost as many were against a ny form of capital punishment. "Violence breeds violence ... cautioned Randi Price, 16, of New Have n, Conn .. one of several teen-agers to join the write·in aymposium. Helen Black of West Palm Beach, Fla. felt •·revulsion " against the young terrorists but "as a mother" could not con- template physical revenge. "I CRY INSIDE m ysetr when a teen-ager loses his life. Any kind of accident, car. motorcy- cle, ~ped. overdoses, or any freaky thing that takes a young life makes me cry. The majority of our young have so much more to offer . l used to pray, 'Lord, let there be no more wars.• Now I pray. 'Lord, let there be no more violence."' ------------·-----------11----------=-PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PtJBLIC NOTICE HOTtC• ~ _,..,.H~$1elLtTY "°41U " --9l¥en 1 ... 1 tlle .,.._ •19...0 Will "°' be '""°"''b'• ,.,, PUC>llV!ecl OrM>Qe ea.it 04111y PllO. '•llfu•rv1'.~t.,1, 1•.J1. 1m y cMC!tJ « 11.tOlllllfl u1ntr.Kltd by ----------- ,,.~·· .,_ """' """ "''-· °" °' .,,., his U te. 0.IH tfMl 16(11 *Y Of ~re.,, "" J•llrer'' Home Otcor•lln9 PUBUC NOTICE ... , .... ' PUBLIC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE ~ICTITIOUSaUSINCSS ... uuSTATU•tE•n PUBLIC NOTICE PtJBLIC NOTICE 1-~ -~~~- ......... PulHl•IV><I OrM!Ot Go<l\I Oally P llOt Feb ll,MM.1,14,11.191' PUBLIC NOTICE Fiii ... P110•·~-Or-Co.st Oelfy Piiot Tll4 toi-1"91141"°" l\CIOof'Q l>u\h,.n H : l'tllf1S M•r. 14. 11, 29. Aj)f, 4. t'1• '1•·19 Pul)lls.hlcl 0r.,... C.0.'1 0.•lr PllOI, llAV\ AUTO REnOllATION. 1"'\'> S G<-Ave., S....141 """· CA .,tM ,..., 11 •• 4ltd lt"1r. ~. 11. "" 101 .. ,. ' P UBLIC NOTICE R•'ff"ONI Paul S<"leh•. ''° IZ lllf'tl.W.PI ,Cos141~.U'1477 PUBLIC NOTICE Tlll\ llU\lf'n\ I\ <OtldlK Md OY .._ ,,.. 01v1<ivel .. ,,.. l'ICTITIOUS •llSINISI NAME STATEMl!NT T II~ f0flowl"11 person\ ""' dol1>9 OU•I~\~· A•Y-PllVISch~U, T"h \i.t_,.I WU Ille<! """' t ... c .... nty '~"' ol 0, •llQ<O County on hllot" ... rvn .tm !.OUTH LAGUNA LOT. f"'I So.II" Coe \I lflohw•v. L•9un• Be.ell, (<1lllOrnl• '1•5t Je~ J Sd>Mllt. 810 M•nrenlt•, LllOV"611#«:11, Ot!llO'Y\141 m~1 Ron111c1 r w1n1am•, JAi C'fpre\\ O"v~. LaquNi 8'-M:h. C.IUornld Tt11s 11u,1,,.,, '' c.011<111cled by ., Um1tM o.'1nef'\ntp t/Of>aJO T Wlll141m\ Tllh \l4lknPnt "'"' flled "'"" lhf' rounty (lprk or o,,,_ Count o" M•rch) t'1' 1'11ttU PvbllVlfd Or~ Cou1 O.lly Piiot ~•r 1. t•. 11. 18. t,,. _a.o,. PUBLIC NOTICE '1CTITIOUS auStNl!"IS NAME ST4TE¥ENT' T,.. •o•io.1nq person• ••• oolno ~\fn,,.\\-4'\ l LA TIERA A 0£11. CO. 17111 S.n ll•ctO Blvd , 1111141 P•rt.. ~llto•n•• ., .. , J41'11e\ M 8'1tler Jr , 11811 !>4n ll•QO 81•(1 . VIII• Perk, C111torn1d ,, .. , Art""' C. Gvv Jr • no. "-mOr~p L•""· N....-port 8"41<1>. C.lltOt'nlA .,..0 '"1' bu'''"'" I• c-11<1ed b t " °'""'"' ... ,,,..,..,.,p . "',..,,,.,.. (, GUY Jr ""' 1t•l-nl ..... '"~ "'"" '"" ,.ountv Cini< ot 0••"99 '°""'" on M•rc11•, tt7'9 PUBLIC NOTICE_l _ _!UBLIC NOTICE_ ,......;:.-----1 ,,CTl"TIOUS a U51NIUS c~ ,.AME~TATEMENT NOTIO! o~ , ,.... 1011-•no "'"'-' " dol"9 1>v,1,. TllUSTaa·i MLE r'' •• SPl" ..... 001$7 FJtAl';KllN CARPET SEAVICF, lie· SL** ~o. 7ht ~I'""'· Hunl•l\410<\ 8••<11, '~· ~"' ............ .,... SANTIAGO 8ANIC. • cooiouhon '" Gary •ntnony "'"'"'""· 406 11'1 duty 41DOOlftlt(f Tru\I~ und•r ,,.. 1,~•I. • 8 , Hunllnqton 6•H ll, IOllO•l"9 dncri~ o..-o ot oru" elitornl•-..it ;"~L\Hs:L~.t~E~fl~:~o~u,,c1:g~ lllt\ """"""'' .. tCW\Ou(leCI by -Ill· 1V10v•I CA<;H '""'"°'" •I time ot •••• '" G•rv Antl'\Of'r Fr•nklln lltwluf monty o4 11\e Unlft"<I St•fr\I •II T"'' \lat•"""'I ... , lllPO wit" tl\e rlCJ"I. tlll• -lnt••••I COf'WYf'<I to Coun•v '"'" ot Or•nqe Covnty °" •ltd now held 0-, ti .,,_, '4•0 O .... d of M•tc 11 • .. ,.. Tr11\I '" "'" l>'OMrly .. ,,.......... "·"'"' °''Oloed Pu""'""" 0.6tl0" CoHI O•••v Pik>I, flt UST~ E O\¥yt Got!Mrd • M••tll 1 "· 71, n. ,.,, tsS-1• "'•'ntd wom•n •\ "~' \Ot .. •t'O -----WIMl<•I• prOIJ"rly 8ENEFICIARV s.nt•-Ben•,'* P UBUC NOTICE <orpor•Hon ------------- A•cO<OHt AUOV•I t/ 1.-r1 "' ln\tr l"ICTITIOUS eUSINE$S No 1"'8lt>-111«1.-llt•ot 01 ,.AMf!SUTl¥ENT flcl•t Ae<.O•d• In I~ olli~• ot tft• '"• lollowonq C>er\OM ar40 dolnq lte<oroer Of Or-Countv. "'"' d<!<'d bu\IMl\ ., Of ,,,,., *"''~ '"" I041oWl"<I pro EO!JOPr AN AUTO SUPPLY, 16> ~rtv w. Po"'°""~' • SM>I• """·ca '210.0 PARCEL I· l.ot 0 Of TrM:I MOO. T-<wlv<<\, 74061 Sl>rlQ St .. Mil-"''"°"""'on• Mat> "'9ftol ·~ordf'd In •Ion ll1r10 r11 9?6H 8oolr 7•. ,.._, •S. 4& -41 of Ml\ ll"°" Ut>qv••-· t~ T-"clu'4' <•ll•t>•~' M~•. •e<.ord\ 01 \eld Or. Co\leMl's•. "" ,,.,. Ora1"9<' C'JIM>!!y • T hh l>u\ln•\\ I\ corutuc ltd by • PAllCEL 1: A -•Clu\lw Ml ~""'"'Mr1flo!r\"lp fl\lf't..,•ftt .. ,...,,.."' ,,.,, •ncl ec ro\\ l "Odor S-• -!fie S...t~ttflY J 00 ..... , o4 LOI ... if' Ltl'dll Uf\911r .. nu Mlf tr Kt lot --Of or .. ,_ Md 1 "'' i•~tt,,,_t w4\ llled •ltn '"" tor rt>alfltelt>I~ 1"9 t lfler lot ot IM County ''*'" 01 0••"941 Count., ot1 Oru<turlll we# IOCaMd -LOI 11 of MArt ll 6 ... ,. "Ml 1'41<14ldlecenttottw .. _.., ~11 1191 $tlO t...o '' louleO In AUe•\On Pvl>11•""4 Or-Cotti 0.ofy Piiot Mttl. No, ...,_l·U. Mfr I, !•, 71. 111. I~~ lst·l• M/4V ftE ALSO ICHOWN AS ' 2' -- htl\•t>'r Orlw. lrvlM. CAlll«t>•• PUBLIC NOTICE "'I It • •ll'Mt .odren Of' < ommot1 dHIQMtlotl I\ --•-.no war. -------r•nty r. 01_.., ••to lb corno•ete"'9U or SU~IRIO« COU•T O~ TH• cor•~·-•·" STATE~ CALll'OttNIA l'Olt TM -l(i.ty -"'° OM<! of THIE COUNT'I' 01' ORANG• f rvit, by,_ flf •~"Of' dfol"U'f HO. A·-lt Ill ,.,. o4lllQ41110f'i\ \KUrecl •n··~bY N 0' I t. 0" ".A It 1 NG 0 " Mftl-. eJIKlll'id -llt!llv"ttO 10 ll>ITITIOM flOtl ll>lloe4Tll 011> Wtl.L ... ---~ • .wlntt1 OKl•r•llof> ANO LITTUU T•STAMINTA•V et 0.fallt\ ... 0......... fOf' \.M, -FOR AUTHOltllATtOlt TO AD· ~lftff'•l<•OfflfH<"•ncloftlf'<llMI MIN I $ TI R UN 0 • R TH II to < ........ Wl'Cll<l'-«I to Hll 11tllt IHDIPINCMINT ADMINllTltATION 11,_m 10 \otll\l'f \4IOcl 00419.tt-•. 011> •STAfllACT, -,,.....,_ 11W -•...O C41UMO l•lelt of JUI.I A £. PttOeS f , Mi4 -kt .. lll'ff(fl -Of tl«tlofl to 0.CH-.cl, .. rec ..... Ot..,_, S, 1'1' et tnnr NOTICt IS "ERE8V OllllH tnel ...... "'.._ 1"10. ... IMO, ot 1.1.0'rOS &AHi( CALIFORNIA ~ OMclel ~ "°',,..'"' "'"' W.11..-n ._ & '"''' s.i. Mle w111 Ot rnedt,,,... wll!IOvt Companrl Watt.r A. M11e11er, <....-t Of -.MIY. ta:~l Of Im· OecteUd, l'IH tlltd lltretn • ,. ... , ~ t"lf, "°'tu~. Of f • I I I I 0 II I 0 r II> f 0 II it t t O I _ _..,"'°'"' 10 IN\' Ille ,..,..,...,.119 W iii an-lo11ence of L•ll•t t Hlfl<--(If "" Nttl•I ... llf"MI THla~¥'11 to tM '-111-f -IOt ti'\' .. i. OMd OI fr'\1$1, •1111 lnter••I ., -.ill'Hln U'llOfl to llclnlln1Jter ~ IN Ill Ml4I __ ,_., <MfY-fl. 11 '"''• 1"°9~ -111\ttftlOft flf l\le .. , .,...., IN"""" llt MIO 0.0 of T rv\I ACI, ,,..,~. to ~" I\ rnMte IOt t•tt, '"""'' -••-MS Of , ... 1"'1Mt pillf'tl(\1141'\, ..,_ tlltl IN 11- TrvtlH ...... '"' tr'\llt) crHltd ., .,,., Pt•O Of lle#rl"' ,.,. -._., ~ 0..0 of Trvtl. ~HI '"" Wiii "' llfff' 'ltl I« 4'1o'lt 11), ,.,., •t 10.ao 1191d "' t'"*V, Aorll (>. ft,., tit It 00 II l'n , 111 IM <_,,._,. llt o...nmao11 a.m , tit Ille ... ka 11t M'l!Oetf' P41Cltl( Ho J Ol ..,ld COll'1, ti IOO Clvk C.11•r flllt COfl\,,.ny, IO<et•CI "' so N °"'"' w .. 1. If' Ille CllY ., !.allt• "'""· 0,0rlllo ,._ twrw . 51.ir. 100, S.t>t• C.l1tort11• At>a, Call!Of'llla. Oelfll Mottc.n "· tt" OttM ~II 1, 1'1't Lte A 11.-~NC... SANTIAOOaANtt, ~rClttl! e<Of'_,.llttelt ltOMALOV.~DS ...... ,~ tnl.~ •v· SOUTMSltN ll>A(.,IC ..... .. TITU~AN\',"-'"' .......... C4t1"1 Wllldltlt ..... ftl17tHdltr4'"911' A"'"""''°"...,., .. ....._,...,, ......... ~· .... c> ..... C.te Olllly "'* -..1 ..... Or .... QMtl Ollll\' ll>l)ft. ...... ~ ... "" .. u M.tfClll0.21,tf,lf" 1010-1' • • , PV8U NOTJ E "ctl "'°"' ·~lllfbS •ontt Ott SHI."" I ALI •AM STATUICiMT ... "*1 T ... lollo•I,_. .,.,..,., .,, ck>•,,. TOM fl4UM• (jl.()\I t.0 l!ft ton. .... ,. ... ...... " CAN°'fliloOOO {~TAU l ftl n .ell ... C0,1e~ c.l•IOll\Utllift ltWA~~I MAN,l'!•I ~nl CNb & ........ o. ..... 1«1' .... , ( 0 IY •• ., ... ., • -111...-....... .,, II'( ,. Ci llttf11ot .......... JI .. ,l .. ~ ........ ,., •• ,. , ... 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(.0.nt •Uf'UI\ •our "°"~ti\\ .. ,,., I '4' f"""t.tjl S.t .. .,.I ft''' f)vbht ... •nn Of'"'' P"Ottf ~ M uucll, P9tflitt & O.rrwtt Otli!G """" 11 • •ti• .. ~lflllff't A'-7 o...wu--. .. ... lOtr"t'..-l ~'"' '4ttt"rm'""" l •f'<vtth Ot tr-. Will Of thw ttb0¥,. ""'"'•"" ni'f: .. Cltnt CO .. EN & l.JWIN not o. .. ,.,,...., • - ..... ....., .. .c ... "'•t~ 0141 m.mi A!tt•M r> too ,.,.,,,,..,.., PunU')hirtd Ot•"°9't t"' ,,. r, • ., • ., ..,...,,,,, Mor U, 7' 18 dlld Ap., 4 ,,,,., .,,. 1111 P UBLJC NOTIC'l: l., ........... , .... , l'ubll\Mt Of_,. CO.•I O.•IV l'•lo•. M•'< n I t• )I It~ P UBLIC NOTICE 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • H.Mt For S-. ~. M~h 2t. 1979 + DAILY PILOT •3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• G : .. I 001 ...._.. I 002 ~........ I OOZ HcMn.t For S• ........ For S. Ho.Mt Por S. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l•ltOOM vnraa• c.e....... 1024 It M ,_.._. tCMO ent.. 1044 + GUIST MOT A Kl..-* llll'rt~ * ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. -••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••.....-• G&AMT YA.LUii JUJJlbvtllke oor In this Le 1 Vet Help You find NIWllACHHONI ...VATISl"A'" <.ham bar k bay b1ru111.' lr::U-~~o~ !8,$1~ that hon'W' you want O "'MAICl°"8.. By builder. bloe k to Buut. J yr old aiM., Ovrr~fl of&l'.'»C1·rca alJUlil'ronvenlench oCa downuptoStoo.ooo On tbla lovel y Meu bMcb.oceanvlew,5BR. witblt'&ownSPA.:l :Jt. bv1"11 4 Dt·drir» +. l writ built &-~let•ntl)' d Ctl a..., Afl, 24..,._ Verde bome. Owners a re 4\; be. 3000 liQ ft. lri 2~ ba qui.lily t.om . bath• OR 3 Dt<drm + corotoo he>me l'LUS "' WOILD I.I &Ti.ooovfo1,.,.n,!!'t abluloy:a'n'c! ~~onooole.~.~ .. 's~tRh ;;,~ t87AOO M!parat ueatfmald '~ Mttrul OCt:AN Vll·~W 54• 1722 Sil .__,... ~ • ....,, n.uKI • ;i.,.,. So.Calif. Reatf.1 Qln fl'ortn..I hvlnK rm from the t'ntire living ~ Rome reature1 heated buteoi 17thSt $129.000 S ... 5605 Faouly rm 2 f'pks Cov atH' Olhl"r t•xtr•ll in pool. covered tJallo and 531H718. ~rtff br1<'k pauo Pou1ni elude II oow Jacuu i & an JUST LISTED!! ~ BBQ. As in& only ---Y>._R_ato __ _ ho u 1" t•nd much oven!Ud 3 ur "•rag.-Cood 12,600.Calls..&-~ mon: 11t • blilr111n pnc"' $335 000 " as new• Don't wait 3br. 2ba. fresh p1unt 1n & COUIGfPAllf Odlnowto c ,6138$$0 • t.OteeUulJewel! A prime CIA. New crpt M34 mo. ... ,, , , , , , ,, • 1" , • locale! Closest quality PTI John Vanlan Co. 4 ~.1 2'h b• • lam. nn. + funsb('d bonua rm Pnme street. G~ CMdrtloo! SJ 13,000. Tti §I ~DAILY 1-S 34200c .. cdM 3 Bf<. J&cuztr. s per - t.acular view. hardwood noon. $575.000. 54,lrYiMHI New homes' 1'wo story. 3 B H . su n derk ::., ruicrowave"S. $215.000 IS09~nCdM Uke new, vacant. 3 BR. tusteful, pool. 1Jlcred1blc view or yurhts. SSt5.000. 2918 ea.sn.,.. CM 3 BR. big game room, near park. school. sho~. bbrary. Slll .900 506 Mae 9Writ. 3 BR. wood s1dmg, two story, channr.ng R·2 lot lD old CdM. $179,000. 1406WntdffHI 4 BR. spacious single story. stores cl~e. low pnce. SJ00;500. U,_,l()Uf 11()MfS Coronadel Mar 675-6000 Newport Be arh 642·9648 Cost<i Mesa 54&5990 5 CONDO'S UNDF.R $55.000. Now 1s the buyers mkt. next year these wtll be $65,000. Buv for hm or 1nvestmeri1 Agt. 642·1964. cars•bikes• •skateboards• trucks.baby carriages•tea carts •trikes rol lerskates • walkers•toys •wagons•••• home to S. Coast Plaza. 631.0000 E legant be droom s : ~~~~~~~~~ c rackling fire place warms luxurious living room, bright & sun shiny kitchen, super size yard 45 NEW!!>~! C R. DR. w t r e l axing p ool & 75fMl11 Jacuzzi ' Treat yourscll today! Call MS-0303 Jewel With A Pool Mesa Verde home locat · ed on huge com er lot! 3 bed.rooms. dining room Ne w plush carpets . 2 AssumablU'l• VA 2br l "'9ba Condo. Owner wiU help finance. Eves. SJS.8011 Yfl"aAHS $0 D• ••••A• DUPillEX patio6 and a gor11eous ~"' "' SWIMMI NG POOL FORE ST E OLSON 5 homes a vailable rrom 64.K to S80K. UURRV ~ VetAgt. 831-2227 Ul·2ZZ7 241rHotUM! NEW USTCNG' STEPS Won't last. $99,000. C11ll .... ... .. . .. , TO BEACH Super rental ~1120 ------- area o n quiet. wide ~·c.--~ 'l'ftft&B 1 Exth.is Lake Park area. J ~treet Keepone u.nitror I~ Br 2 Ba $139.900 yourselves and enJOY all Ocean/CcmtyOfl Y~w -· Owo/Agt ~J the charm of ·Balboa from this dream home S ----------Singll' i.tory 2 bdrm V11l1i Roller skate. b1rycle. JOK BR. 3 ba. Professionally LAAAllMG FOR Pac1r1c Condo. t•nd un1l o r walk along th e lndscpd w l se\'l'ral """' 9~2 Verde Mur Dr ba)'froot paUcJs Also. formal DR lHE IEST? Dnve by & call 968 2297 642-5200 -& ram rm w/bll·m bar You've round It '" thts lren ~ ~ &ftk~o this beauty. ~,:ru\: ~~~u ;e~al~ --~--T-0-.-,.,._-, ~~aJw ---J custom pool & JaCUUI Several to rh~C from Donl.._...~r I A LLS'P" TE and ha.s JUSt been re Pnced rrom ~.900 to ·~EfOUC I,.. . duced $5.000. Hurry and S2:i6.000 Some wrth no _ call 54&$88() for more de down VA terms REAL TORS t.a.t.ls Park Plc1ce. lnr 842 141H **U.S.* * *VETERANS* Recent changes 1n VA regs may enable you to qwilify for SJ00.000 home loans with absolutely NO DOWN PAYMENT Wortd Real Esfcrtt an Oran'e County farm specialiung m VA home loans. We're the VETS that help the VETS. Formonnnfo. c:tll • MortoR. iu:Jf. 541.0800 CllFFHAVEH 2 Bcinns .. 2 baths. den. frplc. Close lo schools & churr hci, Short csrrow J'.O>Slble. $149.500 673-3663 642·2~3 f:ve:o. associated BROKERS--REAl TORS lOH W lolboo c I l le& l 1022 ..... ~...-..~.-...................... . ~ ---S07JASMINEAVE TRIPLEX Pnncoo!y SL29.500 2 Br. Great fftc:OMt! ! I ba. trg patJo & garage Single story owner unit Super cute & <.'In . all wrt.b 2 townhouse design freshly done By ownl'r . rear units All w•th 1808) 879-4073 or (714 1 pnvale pauo. W D hook SJl>. t857 _____ _ up & ind.IVtdual encl~ed gar:i~c s C all n ow 67J..8550 (• r. r, J . ,, '· ' ,·~ • ft, FALLIN LOVE with this cute & cozy re · decorated home which bas3 BR. 2 ba & a lg ram rm wta huge brick frplc. nus excellent home has a home protection pla n & is only $79.500. Call today !J19.5370 ALLSTATE. 21DRM con AGE Pim IACCMM Unit Pegged bardwoo<S floors. bt'amed ceilings. 2 bnck rirepluces and ruce coun· try lutchen -PLUS - 2 Bdrm. 2 bath income wut with pnvaw patto and yard Red to S 115,000 FOR CNFORMATION C..644-7211 ~..,1r,11 BAILl Y & ASSUCIAT£5 REALTORS -Oup~llEex~.7-1_7_F-em~le-M-.-t-B-r WATSlFRONT RIDUCB> $10,000! I Ba each. cute & clean + r oom l o bui ld . Sl62,SOO By Owne r . ~1840 ~HERITAGE •.• REALTORS $68,000 VA, FHA, Terms Take over 81'2'r loan• Sharp rondo w ith 2 bedroom ~ f-'<1m1l y k1t rhen with bu1lt1n!> Pnvat.e garden patro Steps to commu.ruty pool Great opportunity to take over payment Ca II today. 546-1720 TARmL. ~· RAND HEW TOWHHOMES "lrittcmwy woods" t Easts1de Costa Mesa I 2432Santa Ana Avl· En~hsh Tudor 2&3 Br s p lit level. 2&3 \'ar garage . f r plc !>. tn.lt rowaves. ~reenhoust• windows . pool. s 1>a TENNIS court. From S89.950 646-006 l or 955· 192Q Developed by 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANGE TREE Patio hom~ 2 bdrm. 2 ba. formal d1n1n11. ccnlr .il a.ir. S78. 900 Ii Grourid ll /\J:ent '551·4682eve!> ROWNG HILLS Present .i bt•aut.rul vn :w rrom th1., :i bedroom ho me o n a pnmelot Cathedra l cerl ~. mu.lt1plc r1replacc:. & numerous upitr ades Pnoed toi.ell at s~.700 e RANC H Rf ALTY 551 2000 BE COOL Air coodillom.-d Plan <I 111 Irvine's Ot.--erf1eld ·TalctoRedC~t WeUstett 754-1202 __ W_oodtr __ ee_De_v_C_o_. __ By Owner. Never h vt.-d in. new 2br. 2ba Willow For YOU Grove twnhm. Sacnf1ce .&-...1 Yours under market. Xlnt lllUKI t er m s. $92 ,950 . Fall in love with this 4 MH.5801848--44\3. bedroom family home ---------- with a 3 car garage. a Cou..EGEPARK. formal dining r oom. SuperPurdue model2Br. farruly room a.nd a stone d e n or rould 3 B r fireplace. Bar wrth bar Ongmal owner has given s tool s . Patio B y Uus home much love. gorgeous park. $118.900. Lowest pnced m a rea ~1720 C311 forappt tosee PUZA NEWPORT IEAlTY 97S-0616 ~'Ill ~WO SA.Lf!;OR T RAOE J\\¥1111 Woodbridge Jefleraqn model plus 18x30 rtln.pus room. 3br Jba, 2 frpl. largest lot. Soper sharp & u p g r a d e Owner/broker ssz..sm. MARQUEnE Best ~reenbelt loealwn for popular Village 1 I model <'lt!an & Sharp Jbr. ram rm. 2 Cr1>lr'>. !ill so o. 4 Chiccft y. S52·!Wf> ---T~Yiew $127.000 P11.1 ,h cxec ul l lf l' townhouse, unbeltevea· bl • view with too many uµgr a<les to list Be!>l locatton and pncc and tPrrn. en Irvine Call lrviM'sOftly RB> CARPET 833.-3380 THE RANCH 4Bdm1 +rec r m 3000 :.q It Close to ~recnbell n ·e areas M11ny upgrad1•:-. $~.000 754-7800 .... Mulhe~ ~~~"' UMtVBSITY P AIU( Peter's Townhome. ran~ plan t: Beautiful enler. tammenl home. ~ourmct kitchen. H Ground s Ag ent 551 4682 eves 1048 ·············•···•····· • Co...T!:MPORARY Expen ence this design delight fealunng day & 01te views. redwood glass and s mart ~ 0 1 rrurrors & sk ylttes . :! Fire places. $169.SOo 1Cln>OP> 900~yrrSt. L...-olu,11 Pier /float : duplex on legal R-2 lot: clos~ to shops, Udo Village -a re· al valueforS239.500! Finest duplex in CDM. Bldr. just. completing. SUI Marguente. S298.000. Submit t erms -Poss. trade" 2 Brand new 3 bdrm. 2 ba. homes. rormal den1ng rm. sep. fm .rm. 2 frplcs. deep lot. 2 car garage 2076 & 2080 Orange Ave S l 39 .500 ea l'h Owner/Agt. 552-4894 or 673-0782. Wooct.ndc)eCOftdo 1 .... l!!!!ll~-----2 Br. 11'! Ba, nr lakt'. lcll»oa lay Prop. Realtors * 67S-7060. GOV'TREf'O 3 Bdrm. 2 ba + pool. S6000 down. full price S00.000. New cpts to be In· stalled. V.A. Apprv 'd Broker. 898-7853 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 2 houses in C.M. on leital 3 unit. 9000 sq. ft. lot. Priced to sell qwckly at $89.500. By o wn r . ~. I st TI... Offr.ed 2 W\Jts, xlnt locatton on comer lot. 10% down. G . H. Robert.son. RJtr. 675-0562 Investor's duplex Ve ry nice corner . $235,000. Prm. only 640-4999. GHAT MEW Drt.X on qLDet tree-lined str Each Wllt has 3 Bdrms. 2 ba, firplc. beam ceiling & bit.Ins. Pnced $20,000 un· de r market a t o n ly $245,000 Newport Pt.r RHfty 673-2058 TOILET! Vet&-Slop nushing your hard -earned m o n ey away on rent. Own your own home for SO down. Call the O.C. VET AGT. 831-222724 hr HOTLINE Investor must sell 6 homes m Costa Mesa. No broket"age ~Amherst $82.500 2332 Fordha m $83,500 238SNotre Dame S82.500 225 Wake Forest $84.SOO 941 Serra Way $85.500 1158 Mission $85.500 Call 83l-908l for iororma lion. BUILDERS!! Super E's1de Cost<t Mesa local.loo. Older 4 bdrm on large cuJ-<fe·sac lot with room to bwld 2 or maybe J mott units. Llste<I al Sl2S.OOO FUU.E1t REAL TY 546-0814 2NEWHOMES l>OOlls pu. SellH mJy finance. S69.000 Rkr SSfH;171 LaSalle Model On wide g reen bt>lt SpaclOU.'> 4 bdrm . 21, h.1 townhome. Approx WOO sq. rt or h vmA i.pal·l· l.DC.s or upgradcs Pa tio. lus h l and sra p1n ~ Generous ~uel>t parkinl>( Let u.~ show you this one today' lWYenity Park Assmnablelomt Causey & Company SELECTIVE TERMS S P /\N I S IJ TILE . FLOW I NG OPEN F'LOOR PLAN Wl'Tll ENTF. RT /\ IN "9f ENT CENTER. BUlLT·INS. 3 BEDROOMS. 2 fMTHS. WOOD& GLAS . HOME CANYON & OC E AN VI E WS . SE l.L ER MCYnVATED. $1&1.SOO STARTER HOME 2 BEDHOOM VJ ~W HOME . BEAM CEILlNGS. COZY OOf- TAGE. $103,:;oo scooters •hot rods*coupes• trailers* hard tops• convert- i bles•motor ho_mes•1awn mowers•limos •corparate headquarters •garden carts Model A's• .. • ..,ypingtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehlctes•golf carts•modet trains*bikes *pianos•cars refrigerators •skates•••••• Q.OSE TO llACH IUILDIR"S SPECIAL Westside Costa Mesa; 3 b e droom s. F"R, cathedral ceilings . North Costa Mesa, near South Coast Plaza, $118.000 646-4247. Fee. 4h*ooM1 Rare4 bdrm Cornell plan on come r lot 1n su~r cond. It's hght. bnght & lllry Wlth a $75.800 as· sumable loan at 1>3~ % 1nl. Only $100,000 OCEANFRONT DUPLEX SUP ER OWNERS ' UN IT . EACH WlTH FIRE P LACE . l BEDROOMS. 2 BATllS, NEW DECKS, LAUN· DRY . P/\TIO . GA RA GES & STO RA GE . AF - f'OBOABLE OWNl!;R FINANCING. SS00.000 2 Bedr oom , W es t Newport. Excellent con dition. Room to grow. 21DttM con AGE l year old dream cot- tage. Vaulted beam cell· ings & garden patio. Under market, CdM. SJS6,000. room for 10 uni t s . $210.000. Agt. 675-8170 833-0523 Eves latCottaMftCI 4 Br. omce. dbl garage. rec room. room for RV, kU ot storage, unique • midy to move In. School In walkio_g distance. Owner waiting for offers . ~~Sat /Su o 12-4 . JUSTllDUCB> Won't last at tbls price! $129,500. Elegant. big 8IO sq~ ~. 3 br. 3 ba. form.. dinlnl lo uclwn vc CW·de·aac. Century 21 BY OWNER Over 1/8 acre fenced w/2br house & 3 u r gar. Walk to Harbor shopping center. $79.950. 646-3782 ROOM FOR 4 F.utside ft,2 Jot, close to 17th St. 7'9xl60. $132,500. Huny ! 645-9161 . OPEN HOUSE REAl TY / Gold Coast Realty, 0-,... 1026 541-11• or 751 ·9258. ••••••••••••• •••••• •• • • ASSUMI SSZ,000 PREVl~~:INCf At t tn% and own this Prettigioua residences lbarp 3 BR+ fam Rm near tbe marina . ~.yard In qu:et 549·51 ll ; 493·4008 ; PEOOY SCHRODER, _831_·3540 __ . ----- BKR. Paa t• Ytllty I OJ4 UNITED BROKERS ••••••••••••••••••••••• e..1u4 558-t330(• .............. .. CALL QUICK &S AVE 644-721 I /Jn NIGEL DAILEY & · ASSOCI ATES Bargain shoppers read lbe lltlle ads ln Clus1f1ed regularly And they find 1104 So. Coast Hi way in Village Farr LAGUNA BEACH 497-2457 what they 're look mg for ~~~~~~~!!!!~ a..,-..... I 041 LepMleocll 1048 . ..•.•••.••..•......... ····~··············,··· ON & MIGUIL .OLF COUISI 2 bedroom home <>n the fairway. Pool. spa and the good life. $319.000. • C0UW1LL tM«a eo. 496-7222 831-0836 'TlrMN••dt..,,._ ~ ...... I DAit. Y PILOT Wtesnftday. Maren 2t. t911 ......... -l"·;· .. forW. -... -••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• =!!t.~ .... !!!~ _ ..... ~ .... !!.~~ !~:r.-.~~ ... !!~~ ~TOOC&AN Huy or ltu• option Beaut Ii a·~ family --~ °""' ........ ....................... ..•••....•...........•. .... ,,.,...., 2000 t '00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,..._, PITflAlk IXCHAMM UPI ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ ..... ?!~~ ~.~~ .... c=:c: J4ZS ~~'!'!'!~.~ .... &-..&....-JJ44 -···················· .,............._.......___ 11•24 lbr, mo. Ava.II March __..._ -----3111.b JYJM1 Z2nd. u111 pd. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br, 2 ba. rniu\Y l'XtrA1>. ••••••••••••••••••••••. bUta to beh 6 d"1)lwn. Notthwoodll • br . 3 ba. chlld ok. '386. &elOOlt or S..... C&.IAMltUU Ortv1•way " 11 m )'d ~Ml· ft .. family rm. msm. Start free.h lo a BRAND .,.191e "1*. d&bwhr. lncd Yd. Te t uie NEW 2atory,2Bdnn, I \~ l(ar Wattt It 1udeoer • b lh d 1 v I d s..--.a..rp dlb w1dtt .ier Quall PlaC't-Propert1c1 dbl aro.cimOOf'w/expan ~t ~crow on over do C.re/e.ree lnd1i.'P, "7 million in alt'f end won't IHl at Q J ,000 nrt\angf'I! la1t yeer Our 1-.1u lnvtnlory o( pride of IAITl&.Uff ~..._, o wn .-r 11 h 1p o n d Nickerson t ype un1u J-rocluc«l lo 114•.too •-----llhowJ morf' thon ~ In "'-a U.fw'llll•d ~Brand new as. mo. ...,..,._. 3525 a up ea. au te .... A •"•••••••••••••••••••• cdlinp ft akylltes ln ea ••••••••••••••••u••••• ...... no ~a. Al(, oo bdrm. Crpb ft drp11 ...... ,.._.. JJO fee.-..2:588; 973,29'f1 New 2 Br lwnbae w/encl lhnaout. KJtcba lnclda ••••••••••••••••••••••• . pr, aduJta ~u. Oya, bllns 6 dlshwuber Amotuttb 1mmacul1tf NtwPORT Bt:ACtt ~ pro)ffta for 11 lo s Bdrm.!"' bath, for1NI PET PARK from duplncs to the S.yfronu b.r, 3 ba. f•mlly Quiet well upgraded 4 Br. 12'NMlO, 64$. l eva .... •tel f~a-in the h v d In In I . e e 11 l h"lle I Bt~ .. ,Med 'TT, 100 ~ ra~e Several or ~ Opea _,.... ...... --,., ___ ,,. lr ,...,., a.f;M'• vl11l 1'c!la1 re S 200 2ba in Woodbridge. 1625. n~.., ...... ·rm. pk-r, oo pet. l Ph56l...W 1.n.g rm. /A heat. l1aun· LdM.67S-05ZS. Dtfh-.u.m.n. 3600 dry (aciUUea. Amflc DO YOU HAYE A LAIM FAMILY? ._ ' )J ut... .... -· ~~ ..., w • ...._ ... ,.,.._ rom ·-room prt~ rtd\lc\'d sa.ooo tor tcular w w lleet luiU•a• ......,tip * 3207 a...i-m.oce. 324• ....................... storage In prl\ta t•, .,... muter •llllAI. Now fMtaUI <SF'21'l·21 lU'd we have 1 broile r on ,..,..,.. Ow11er ... ~ .... .._ s.... ulaned t.urr lictn1cd In ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• z BR. private J•rde n. endo&ed aara ge. Onl' 3 BR l\'f BA. dbl 11r. 3 BR. 2 b1t . white water ~.nrsbopp1ng6 St. has a yard loo! Close lo • TW1 I~'*""'~.._• ... ...., C&U ~U'1 .._ TouandNevada overt!Md yrd. immac V\eWI, 2 blks to beach. Ame'• ChW"Ch. lde.I for achool•. ahopplng • bus. No peta. Lease. S5SO mo New a ppll1rncu , new Sr. C1Llzen. Santa Ana . Only S400 & S425 J>e" mo. ,... ............... ,,tcat.r• ... -u,~ HERITAGE HE AL TORS •P•••· T•• ... •ltlH •n ... .,. ... ............ , .,,,,..c .. -4 ...... , _______ _ flal ... n. ...,. r9"1 ._ ...,. .t .,.... ... ,... hr • pool ......... ..,... ,... ••• IN.-...... for. St l4.SOO. 495-1720 I07' ••••••••••••••••••••••• O"f'llh liolf (.'oun Vlt•w • Or 2"'-~ ru,tom bom~ l27fl,~ l'•ll 1 hOrntoo l~Jly &TI 0000 5-toA.e lOeo ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... .._._ 10 Mlwporta..dt 106f l nve1t on 1>.-1tg ht 1 3 ........ •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• bdtrn. lrplc. new c~rpt6t B •ALD IA Y LOT HE.At1f Ol ru;x & dr•t>e5· 169,000. A1t 67J...6634 '' b lk to ocnn W i.wn f11A A .11cnt M ill~ Newport 2 br t 2 br + l Bryant,~ 3008 THl br aut i •pt Creal aum T_. I 090 ~·· 6Yrs y mer1winter renuil.K Xlnl .-IJWUITll.' 1~13)7~2233. Bv ••••••••••••••••••••••• fo' 0 R T It 0 S F. W ti t ~ tn ,,_, n..i. ht• 3 '·'' HAVE KNO WN T 11 F. owner ves ..... 3 U""ug • ""'• s~ & faJleo u.oder h<' -frplc, n ew carpet & •IY OWNEI • drapes. St».000. Assum M ll((IC s p e ll . T ll 1 . llarbor Vl""W PlillPrmo FHA. ARen l. Mike DUPLEX at V1ct orn1 ... .in 3009 Ue1d1 ls Uw answer to a l'USU>mm.-d ruslJc look Uryant. • dream Located on thl.' 4br 2hbu JaC'. 2 llflQ's, 0...-llffll &t• ... _ f th h Owner wUI ct1rry lorge ocean 5""' 0 e wy ~... T D SJ98,000 2012 ••••••••••••••••• ••• • •• J~TASlfORTSTROL ..,..., Mabie.._ OOWNTOTIIEBEA<.:11 l'onBru.tolCa~ &&4 44~ ForS. 1 1100 T h c I a r g 11 r u n 1 t liarbor View Homes Mon· ••••••••••••••••••••••• lwSPACIOUS LIV. RM tego •br 2ba newly de W I 0 P E N B E A M rorated close to schools MOVING CEILING, MASS IVE park .ti 'poo1. By Ownt>r: OUT OF STATE FRPLC . O F O L D 5~7-6122 d ys. 833·1861 ... ~n-..,•da,2Br.2Da. RRJO<, ETC. Compacl eves. '''""'" n.cs..-k It c h e n < N E E D S ---------• dresslng area, orn rlr RENOVATING) & a din W. END, lg. fam. home J plan, all natura wood Ing tre• w/Frenc b door +BR. l~ ba; on R-2 90 in t. <SRC31XU·ji9). opening lo seclude ft. tdldable lot. $26SM . Mobile"-Stor. pwo. Unique balh has 7101 Susbore. Pr in-848-8895 DBL. PULLMAN & dpalsonly.645-8410 MAHO G ANY PANELED WALLS IN SllPSTOOCEAN NAUTIC AL DECOR Newl y renovate cl This struc:luraJly sound duplex; good summer <>kier duplex is IN NEED rental area. 2 Udrm. Of<' YARD WO RK & front house & I-bdrm MINOR REPAIRS. H apl. with palao. $155.000 ,you ha ve d esi red a Lncl. land! PLACE AT Tll t; BEACll HEWPOtlT IE.ACH W RENTAL INCOM E RW.TY 675·'642 This may be your lust c·hantt al the pncc or ltGCANYOM TOWNHOUSE Sweeping gulfcoursc view, 3 Br. wet bar. 2•r.r Ba. lg Augusta mdl. end 3BEDROOM Dbl wide Homette new cpls, all appliances. acmu from pool, great buy a t $21.0 00 . (FE.12m-66J ~ ..... OWNER COACll 2Br. l ~Ba. Arlinttlon, xJ.nt cond.. cedar Un ed closet s. many xlras. (I IH44J9.3CHO 1 ~Ho..Ston 141-1195 •8RAHDNEW• ~ wide, Klnicsbrooll. asr. 2fta, Wet bar. tNl'y cl# Clnl)' 1:11.100 ~ ...... ........... s. 1200 ....................... % Oup&ex Lota. Sl•nl<m. 66' X 145' .-a Pins, iwrmu & eng Incl. 1'otal pr1cc '10,000. Suboc'd ~.000 Pnnonly 71•·962 ~71 llRT CHEAP !Mkting Iota 1 acres. 2\-J acr~. ~ acres. JO ucrc11 . Whatevl'r you want. we have •t. with 111 \teltOn terms fAIGOR.E. l/6'16-5717 l/523·4'62 R.iincbo Calif. urea. 4 5 acre parcels. St00.000 full pnce, t.ttms; mu.st sell Agt.97'M964 2:S acre view parcel Vista w/avocados Adjoining development underway $15,000 pr a c r e 7W~1407."52 0900 c-... rLots/ Cryptt 1500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sn~I Knlcbe AIC'ov~ of Me mories Poe VH•w Mem Prk. $210 10 <' endwmnt care. 646-6312 bef3pmor aftSpm. Ca ssarclal ,,...., 1600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SHOPntC9 CEHTB l.arle 8 unit center with rufl y equipp e d restaurant. big parking lot. with room for ~ cars located on a major blvd with high tramc count. Rents have not been in· creased for sev~ra l years . SSl0,000 Call 7Sl-3L9l. C::SELECT T"PROPERTlES St45.900 FvU ftric• Owner may help finant:c MISSION REALTY 98SS. Cal Hwy, La~una ..... 494-073t wut, pools1ie Jae. & ten, ADULT PET PARK $500,000 CASH nis. smJ down payment s h d d -"-· h $500 ooo 11.19.850 BY OWNER. lHr uper s a rp upgra e Have""'"'nt w1l , . ..,,_~,A t be h Assume b ala nce. By dbl wide Festi, new cpts, Wants Orange County j";f& s 0eSf1 f~ g h''i ' Owner 640-7778 _ o wne r m ovin g rro m property. Call Chuck t:ves/wltnds: 497-3933 EASTllUFf VIEW area. <KN53&4-12> Spiller. R. E. Broker. Days (213> 722·6460, Lr&5BR38A,expanded ~H-s ,_7S2-_lll20 __ • _____ _ X23&. Pnnctpah only living nn. marbte frplc, _ Ca.do•l11t":'~Tow11· formal dining rm, lg urd, ow.a ANXIOUS .._.. fw 1700 Perfect St.fer s m I d o wn A s 11 u m e Low l 28 ,77 •••••••••••••••••••• ••• We have open1n1s for acveral licensed . 1•x Pt'ntnced prvf~~l1>n11ls lo Jo in ou r btart Prt'vloua e1Cperacn('1• With homeoc 1md resaden tlal income or com nwrcli..1 pr<>pert1ei. 111 ftl.~<I Uru~ uv111labk include· the roUow1n2 s 2·1. 3 :rs. M'~. 5, 2 G's, 3 B's 12. 14. l!i. 4 urs. 11. 19. 2.20·1. 22. ~ ZJ's, 2·24 ':1, 25. 26, 27. 28. 29. 2 32'1>, :w. 35. 36. 40, ~ +. lMl.2'11, 125. mott.<I. hotel. retire ment humf'. llhopotng centers. offac<' buildiOl'S. R V. park. mobile hom~· park, m dusln al bulldlni:~. rn dU8lnal s1~cs. land and lots Call today• 7!'12 1920 Jr QUAIL A.!~~~. 10,... fll l :JO ... M.t owe IEACHARE.A Rent.s meet mortgu.:t•, no loan fees f'1Ut escrow Pnn only Chris / a1it 900-4388 wk.dys. 5J6 2389 evs/wknds C.M.DUrLEX Nicest \U\lt on Aml'nt•on Ave. UK.SOO A1tl 83M921 ls l USER D E P H a-; CIATION still avail 13 Ownft' 213/"1·2410 tiled k itchen & baths ; m>mo.642·1802 Kids OK. Call now & North La $750 move ln April lSth! Call C:... .. M• 3222 HJl~~:..1ss1 ... ._-.F rMllMd ~.~m. ••••••••••••••••••••••• nf WWWwn11 3bf, 3ba wtrrplc & bl\·11\S •· Call Steve. 6'4·6510 or540-US1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• New 2 Bdrm. I bath Latia-Hilk l250 ..... ,. •• , .... 3707 w/frp&c, gar. Sml pallo ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1425/rno.7se.<M97 Bt-aut. 3 Dr Townbouxc. Weekly rt-nt.IJ.s to July 1. ---- Oehixe3br 2bll frplc AU luxunes. rec center oceaolrool compl. (urn. 2 1 =~~ ~ 1 Harbor Vu. Homes M7S. S8.1·:M96 br. rrpl. balcony, g ar. Bdrm SJOO. Bach '250 ~~~~ ~™ Fpl P l 644-2405 Lclaure World new 2 nr ---------c, rec room oo . 2ba condo Wat.h er/ lBdrm.yearly.oH strl't'I Jac u 1 11 . e n c l o:tcd CodaMfto 3224 dryer. AIC. golf course. parkmg. Avail 1mmed. gar81(eS. Oas & wtr Pd ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~'86-6879 S32S Ph&46--0238 Adults . no pets . 393 M •Verde .3br 2ba rrm. y S3SO Hamilton. C.M. 645--Mll nn. rplc blUns. ren«'d. &.o,.aMit-t 3252 2br rum apt. r ly . newly d~corated No ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo . Ac ro~s fro m t:I l Br bactK-lor •pl. uUI pd, Pets. S52S 646.1~ or NilNel Shor~ 4 br . 2 ba . Rancho Call a(t 7PM 11tov4:/rd rlg Inc~. S99 ~I~ lanuJ_y rm. atnum, J C'Ar 675-ll:JIM. JlanuHon SI. $26S mo ---gar J;omm pool. t<'nn1s c.-.. Mar 3722 ~orSS7-12S5 Avo.llabll• now. Z br. l 1111 &IX'ach 759 }___465 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S'nJNNIN. G larg~ 2br Zha dupleic Small yard & 2br, 2ba twnhm Pool.Jae, Snuill coiy s tudio No aardm apt. Pool, r~r patio Adults 67S0562 rrp1c. No pt!lli 5S742.33 krtchm Pool SZ25 lnr area.S32S.710W 18lhSt Zbr Iba New crpts, l.lrps, tlyi,8311190eveo. utll No-amoletfA0 400'J OfoWXE. "'e 3 RH , 2'il beumcd eclUnRs. encl ....._yi.i... 3267 N<-wport Rnch "« fuit>\l Ff.8, M'.ar new. Ohl pntm Kt•r Vrd No P t•ls r-...... Zbi· On the• W<t~('r j;(.l.r. ,lfrdnr, r1t" <;kJM t•1 $375 mo 751 6:'>43 •••••• ••••• ••••• • • • • • • • <rl.lf Jf 1 1 hrh $600 rno ~ 33'.:; New spacious condo Z hr. :l bi.I w/com m pool 5')5-0 mo No pets 644·84115 21>r Iba. dbl ll&r li;ct> yrrl stov<' S4-00mo ~ 7174 or ~')8240 <.'holce Mesa Verd<' area '1 lklrm . 2 ba. fam r m . fflll<' 15 min lo l><'h l.l!t' b1H k y ar d •~~o 2 13 /970 ·7572 d y . 7141675· 7111 wknd I c v. 2 Br, I ba. closed 1e:araite. l•undry area. rcnccd yd. new crpt,,, df'P!'I & paint $340. lat & lost.+ deposit 0.11 (7 14)77().5629 (In the Lakt'. gorJ(t'O\LS vu Uce11n & bi.y Vlt'W •1,,1 2 llr2 Ula hran.d n u t•ondo & Jacu1..t1 SMOO '"" f, ~hr set' $1'.o!>. SH4i 8Jot~ rno '"'' C':tll l11r ckt.111~ W..4783 wk cha Y" Hlwpoti •och 326' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bc:lrm I b<t V,.ry n1r1 ltGCAHYOM DEAHECOMDO l.orit OI" r.hi>rt lnm 147•, rnu m~ l\3GG rD ll ••v1•11 Jo·or le~ow'. avail 11ow 3 COlta~ 372~ rldrms J IJal h'I, Wllh •••••••••••••••••••• 0 •• 'lpecloo" h v 11rru Lovt' SUS CASITAS ly y11rd ,_ 1·ntry fJt1•a wr" It r•:I( I bdrm, 11200 Mo IO('I. .iard1•ne r enr t.tar W~ & Up l&llH HUDSON Adult•. no pet-1 2 11() ltlALTOlt 644-0322 NfowJ)ort 81 ~ •9f.fl NO Ft:t:• Ap;-& C<i~o IW~lffdl 1740 rental11 Rental Pavilion ••••••••••••••••••••••• 675-4912 Bkr ----w~ Rates U'1f*'r 3 Ur. 2 8a. ~.-11,1 11<•1 M11r 11r,.& WWI mil / c· h 1 I 11 r ,. n • n n p ,. t 1~1 21r.1: I.Mil:!.' I iCt t 1-'lrm ''''"' $2Pt, '-lu•••t tm1ltl1n~ w 1H. 1,.-11tvf1u1 Ian~ • .. ""'r l11P11I J1.,, adul~ ,,.,., <, No pl't~ t.P.f".W A~I• Af'1'S ZO?fl f'u ll1>r t•1f• AvP, 11 hlk 4:il"l N"'*V"' /\VI• & I bllc. \fJUlt. 1,f f1,a y) 63 I -03rl7 wut apt bldg w/3 BR. 2' 1 2 Bdrm house. Ra rage b a . 2 s l o r Y AdultR, no pets $400/mo owner /manDRCr unit & 2.390 ~Iden #E , CM 12 2-BR. 2 bu sinµlc ll·vel ---- units. Xlnl lax lwneflli.. Two Brand new F:ast C M owner may carry fanan<' Townhouse<>. I 3br, 2ba. 'ing Coslu Mesa Cctll $595 annual lse 1·2br . 2 34.FT BOAT SLIP 3br 3ba Sp~ci(;"lstudlOS & rondo. Motor boat only. I Bedroom Suites alt. 4640491!1 Complete k 1lcheru. -----Beaut Patio/Pool New bt-aut1ful vi.rd• n apl.S. pool & spa ra; k: 18th Street 646-QlS l!l~cnt, 640 5112 2ba, $495 annuallsc. Both ---have 2 ear gar.:. tcnms. t~our.plex on the sund an pool . J a c & C'I b h :. N e w po r t n ea" h 645-1257 Completely refurbis hed l bdrm wuL'>, $520.000 HUAe 3 br, 2 ba, fam r m. 2 Own<tr looking for tr~de · frplcs, big fnc'CJ yd. $525 l 2 m il hon or m ore 67J..6336 , 642·9666 Agent. Mike Bryunl •97-3009 ---TWO DUPLEXES J Br 11: ba. lJ! yard . 1wr age, k1ds ok. no dogs $430mo. r.45-7522. Near C M. redevelop· Deluxe condo 3br. den, menl area. eu umt hus 2 frplc, pool, garage dr op BR..1 BA, encl. gar .. yrd . nr. $425. 759-1914. lrlCOme SU80 pr mo. Both 1 ---------for Sl70,000. Prtn only 0-Poillt 3226 please. 545-1476 Ownl•r ••••••••••••••••••••• • • 4br, 3ba s pa, nr new. close By OWNER to Dann Hills High. 33101 Buccaneer. 493-7771 Heautiful Dover Short·'\ in · Ma1dServ1ce ·TV Newport Meach S bdrm I Mile to Ocean s w Imm In It f 0 0 I . 2 R~al s.· tes ftrePl.ac~ Poo & lawn maihlenunct• inc-I Only 7 orktown at $1175 per mo. Ut.JI xtra. Beach Blvd Ask for Frank 64$ 3000 53'-041 I Of' ~ys, &12 8936~ves 543.2000 )!arbor Vll'w 4br. 2bu. up· &..J-o leach l7 48 .crades • sin1tle :.tory. II kc •••••••••• •••. •• ••••••• model. S750 &40-t/7~ -LAGUNA BEACH MT R Back Bay a rt•a, 2 Hr, lNN $75/wk & up. Maid Rarai~t'. IK putro Mature serv, rolor TV , heat<.-d udults No pL•l:. $400 pool. Uul. (7141 4!1>4·~ . Ava1lablt• April 10 985N Coast Hwy 642 'l2Jj7 ----Mtwportleoch 3769 3 Bdnn. 2 ba, family rm, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newport llc1ghts. Yard. gar, S600 673 l.S76. IE.AUTIFUL CONDO with VIEW TOTAL LIVING 2 hedroom. l balb $340 161 t; 18th Strct•l 642-~ I bedroom 2250Vanguard WJ) 540-9626 I bedroom SJ:m Adult ... no pt.!L'> Atht Roa:uaueata1 IRAHOMEW 2 Bdrm, 2 bath apt:. Pl'rlect ror 2. Great C M location. $315 & S395 J u:. t a few lcrt ! Call for dl· tatls. ~ 2 Br. 1 ba, all wood rot· bala n ce. B y Owne r . ~ ~ ~·000 Sneak preview• Newport taRe· & l Br. l ba in rear. _&tO-__ ms____ Grcat~r Ho'me . . Crest, 2 bet ~ith ocean Legal duplH . Dc.-ep back Ml•• ., TO IE •cH ..................... __ Stor.. view. Mlm>red wet bar. yard. Assume Joan. No n'IU.I\ ~ -rlVflW" 2 DUPLEXES for Sall• ---------Owner will carry with --------- 15% down Corona dcl ~~·bs10.ooo do,.wn. $105,900!! 848-8895 2cargar.S118,000.Agent DOMTRENT 1.oN,.,.,., )' owner. nn 3 Bdrm. 2 ba th, xlnt •WEllCBilD o.ltut/ • if you and your fnends 2 Br 2 Ba +study~ + Mar. 675-3956 2 BR 2ba Obi J!:lr l'ool 2532 Un1ver s 1ly Ur . S450+dep 556-7707 l Bedroom Furnished Apartments R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640.5112 ... ~· 642'9401 cood. Seller motivatc."d SNCIAL * fWh S. 1800 By Owne r 2 4·Plcxc•s have $10,000 and can WI Npt Hh'l.s. Avail 6/1 Age nt, Gary Bos ler $ 900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $205,000 each. W 111 make payments of S800 Eves631·3378 BLUE LAGOON VILLA 2br 2ba + beach shower. wet bar. patio wtyour own ~ucalyplus tree' Decorator furnishings plm, "Surrey with lhc J"rirufe on Top," to ~o to the beach. Two pools, t.cnrus court. sec. gates 961M388,s:JS.2498 * t 4, * EASTSIDE finance. Prine . o nly. per mo Wt.al, you can --------New single wide K&B ,..._.~ 'ts 1 1 1 494-0536540-l2l9 buy!! 3 Bdrnu & den. 2'h WCJW' Mini ocean view, LnJ. PriMe Dtlplex r artial ocean vl<'w. StA?pl! l o ~h. Ccdar/lllc, frplc, sundeck. 3br. 2balh each. By Owner. SZ70.000. 675-5520 located lo centra l OC ..........,,.., UDJ 00 ge. 0 : ba Townhouse. nr beach N c w p o r t C r e ~ l Park w/lo r ent or $110. real leak wood il\l.erior: Apartwlt..t-Hotel & harbor. A single or T~ 3 BR z• b Sm~K. huge rrplc., new plumb· ,,.._ ,.. __ __...__..... yn1mu ....... pie's paradise Pool IAft::. . A12 al. IAn It .. --.I QnJy $88 500 """~ ~ ... '-""' , ~u ... ~, JaC. VOi M. H-• .._..., "' '"""· · RIG.000 (4!M) April 15. $650 mo. l yr lse. 6535 Owner646-09t7 3 .~ .... wporlt ~ach rt VucaUon & lnveslment 642-98M. lncw Property 2000 """'· 5 ores. apa · Properties. Inc. 3 Br. 2 ba, 2 blks lo ocean. • Ptu. B9<Ntilul 511191•. & 2 Bedroom (rum. & Un tum I • All Utilities Pmd •No l.eaN R9q'U1ted Ne w 2 BR. 1 '·~ bil townhouse, frplc. P\ t pauo. encl gar. Adib SJ.90. 64S-<I074 Spa<'. 1 Or garden .ipt Pool & rec. All ulll pd Adult. no pets . $265 ALSO Jtarages for rcnl El Puerto Mei,., 1959 Ma ple Ave. apt s -----Sl72.SOO. Call Neal Van· BY OWNEI\, 3 BR 2 Ba, derZlelforappl.494·4264. FR. compl redone. 2 car CASH REFUMD77 ••••••••••••••••••••••• menls. huge stora~e 493-91' t or Could make down pay. 4 Homft & D.Jw garage. Owner will carry 492-1700 m en ls on your own ..... 10% inte rest. $795,000 ~~~~~~~~~ Mobile Home! Many late S 2BR 1 lBR with Ju,,t Hsled. Beacblime = Comm. tennis & pooli1 . sms mo 645-3370 • SwunmU>o. T•nn1.1 /Jw-da • Aeti-Du-·· r, .. Swiday Sn.ndl Ne w 2 br 2ba apb Balcon y & frpl r $395.mo. 645-6441 or fU().164.5 Alt Oanen Realty 492-4144 detached, lge loL As· sumable loan. Redwood deck. quJet tree lined model homes avail for C::., ~yards. Gre at Realty 673-6511 ~ • BR, 2 bll, lri-level. Nr HAUORVIEW • Heollh Oub&. ScN.noa. l<K\IUl8 ~~ street. $13.S,OOO. Ms-8937 ulea tax only down. down. ~~°:ril~rryooo _______ _._, bch. Year lse. no pets. OAC. You'llneverhavea o-S625mo 7141775 0239 better cha.nee to be a cootuc t . Full price IHVESTMEMT r-r·. · · · 4 ... 21/J lo. 2 frplc's, family rm. Great loca- tion. Immaculate. $850 644--1034 PLUS MUCH MOREi Large Bach. Unit, bltini.. prv pal10 etc. No kids or pe ts . 1I10 V icto ria &4f>..3197 ............ 1052 ....................... Laguna Niguel 'Realty •. T•owr 9'120/o Lo. oo this outstanding 3 homeowner! Easy quaU-$320,000. Clean lndwilrial bldg. IWllwl• .. ech 3240 f=clt posaesslOll. leased W1t1I 1982. Pnme ...... ••••••••••••••••• "-Store €\JIG€ area near Van Nuys New~legant·2 bedroom Newporl T errace 3br. Oakwood Garden Apartments HOl'I€~ AUiiort. 14,720 Sq. ft. in· ~.or 2 bedroom +den 2'hba rondo, patio. frplc, 95MSOO ~· -.&..----cluiling 3200 sq. rt. in of SS7S. Cedar & window llaraRe. wash/dry hook Newport S.Och/North Sharp 2 br. l(arage. fned patio. Small pct ok. $325. 673-6336. flees. Com plete ly uir· home. Five blocks to up. Kids OK. SSSO no 880 lrvrn" cond .. with heavy duty beach. Private 2·car J>e\S ~-(a1 l6thJ Br,Crplc,adults,no pcb T•-y~-PIC.,in l,OOOamppower. An x1lnt garage. Fully ma i n SEAVIEW 1714)64~0~~0 $325. -.. vv" " vestment opportun ly ta1ned yard. Adults, No Newport S.Och/South 540-5056 .. plex.C.M. $84,900 at $480,000 peU. Inquire at S27 18th 3 Br. 21'1 ba . r11m1ly 1100 161h St •--------- Triplex, C.M. $207,500 67).4400 Street. (114) 96().6331 room, View, pool, tennis. (Ocrm ot t6'hl Duplex 2 br. l ba. encl. Tri~bmOrng $98,500. $1000. Call 7S9-1002 (71 41642·8170 garage. Mature adulb .. $129 5001 HARBOR 3br lbll close to beach """ .. 4'.~A':Ltm StloM I Oean. $495. mo. No Pets BOAT SLIP, 2 Br. 2 balh Ad.,hs only.no ""'" No pets. $310mo ....... -l055 can ua II you need lo buy 536-7060 lower urul w/fircplnct!. Modf'llt Of)t!n cknly 10 1 L-,. 3 .. 2 IA or sell units . We can 2br 2ba New Condo. te n ~~TER. 2 Br, 2 ba Ups tairs, fa m ily, n o LIASI WITH OPTIOM help. SSG-80. 1 J c.ondo $950/ p e t s . s 3 5 o . Mee '77 Lancer, 24XS6, 5 ~ A l>i\·1,wn ot NS, poo .kac, .. rec. rm W . rf mo,., S'fVISTOIUCH 546-80C8/831·291.9 Slar El Toro Park, truly .SELECT 11 .arhor lm1· .. 1ml•nt Co ::1.anas or Aus tin ate g{.~~!o@omcs 4BR.2ba., wnlr. $SSO ----- a beautUul home · JBR.2ba.,wntr.SS50 Beau. 2 8d 2Ba, Bale "'---------.~~~~~~~~~I ~1"._!ml88> Call for, de-PROPERT S 1-..-.....a-t.... 2200 Move rtgbt in. 3 br. 2 ba. 4 Bdrm. 3 ba. ntw cpl, 2BR.2ba.,wnlr.$400 O/looks S .A. Country -..... ----I f d d Walk b h Club. 2 car gar. S400 •' •StO.OOO~"'-a....a..a...a-u~sA...-7'"1'$.C.M. -·••••••••••••••••••• pal o, enc y a r . new paint. lo c . 631•1816 ,,__ MUS., SILL _.,,_ .,...... n-·b lldl ~&'"'VIEW be h garage. KJds •pets ok. Avalfnow.$68S,673-444I 1--------·~ Mlw/Oa.Ya.w • •• 95MIOO ...,aut. new u ng. U\,o~ • ac ac· SUS. Agt. no fee. TOWHHSIDUPLIX "' =• .... ltL-.1·.S Bhtfacondo, mini vlew,1 ________ ~.xlntlocalion. t'eN builder pckg for J 96'-2!J86·913-2r7l W..e.d:Y...tyLM _,_ owner blthiY motivated. 'ISLlnvmu MZ-1603 coadol ln S.11 Clemente. ' Nr beach.. 3 ors. mature 3BR. l~bll +Iota more llSea blaDd Dr BroMr ~ l.A8UMA AU approvals. ready lo Grait funUy home with adults. Xlra deposit for 1 5411-8754. O•llllt IMcJ in Maaattb Bay _..;....._.;....• -----·• llCMll UMITS-C.M. 10. Sl 90 . 00 0 . Ver Y frp&c. 3+den. 2 b•. patio. dog. Eves 675-625.S 1----2-9-r-, - 11 t_ov_e_/-re_f_ri_ 0 • 1'1'erftteat$3l5,000 .OWMAUnl $12,950 Near new, 3 Br owoers motivated s ell e r food yd, ga.r•ge. West· W 'l' l40-G5f Decant 3 er. 20x40 pool, unit, 2 ba, frpl, Z·car 83M821 Agt. moot area .. KJdl " pets Nwpt Crst condo. ele,unt If. Illa.ts· m> ad.Its. no pets '23 · ••·~· ~ •pa, hute yard, xlnt Low apace rent lnclude1 pr.,:J.2Br,2bll,wllts. ltmdlts. ~ ok. $46$. Agt. no ree. 3br. 2.,.,ba, F .R. Pool, U.fwwl•d 8ayS48-9516 • area. ,._,ITS·4311. uUt. ($140). Beaullhal 1SLlnvlt.mlllU-l803 Gro¥ft • 2700 SIM-~; 971-2971. tennis. $7~. 675-8111 ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• l&2 Br apts. s tove & > " Elltblllf Twnb. Sbr 2'A =-=-.~~to'!::, * * * * * •••••n•••••••••••••••• Walktobeacb,38R. 2 Ba. Neechomething rub'ceNror a G_r.. 3102 ~~A~only. ref's .;, E A T Y b 1 J. 7 o o s q . It. bell. <Dl1•57> If 'vu~lft 45A Ruby Red Gra pefruit. fplc, dbl gar, s undcclt. few months ? 3 r wpt ...... ••••••••••••••••• · _ --·--- Proleuionally decoral· .... .._Store ....._ l5000P/A.Wlll w nslder pallo,fncd.Nopets.$465. Helght$.~642·9666 •IBrinLoog Bcnchnear 1 Br nr. Fairview & t~IHdl I0'9 ed. Bedueed 113,000 . tlMIOO ~o:w. ;!U:~ !ui tnde.(114)922-7398 842·9093 2 BR 3 HA. BluHs POI. No rls· $195 ut1I Balter. Adults only, no ·~·-••u••nH• llu•l tell tblt week.---------carry all flnancin1 at ~..... 2 ttuc1J9oee t.ownhouee. magnHlcenl pd.8JS.W1 . pm.MS-1882. -:~91AC1f HOMI $UO.OOO.MU30C IAYl'IOMT 9~-W..a.d 900 .... ,.. 3241 deror, greenbelts. SSSO ...... ..,_ ll06 KlDSOK ur SIJ7,200 taurto. mobUe home '--C...... ···kooo·····c·:·;H····· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 557·•700, e xt 2312k ddys, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3br, 2ba, pool. ms. mo. 1 • ..,.. belcb boale OD 1 JIY llvla1 wltb •tfacloua W.lew,.,_.t ,_ Condo. Studioocun view 640.2426 e v«'s/w n &; 2 Bdrm. firepta(!e. patio. 64$.8094 lGam·7Pm. _ .'=::.:die beach. LEASE ~...:',;le. p1::h •· ";6:42-1676 ~v:.!li8:.'.~~: ~~~Y ~~· ~.;J•~·ve~ = ~~ ~: ':!:"· ~: YIU.A MeRA ,1ty iawu1ate 6 IUpty nll'l'IMI ;c::=-:.:r.:.: CALL SCTUP ~rt)'. C•ll Chuck <%13>3'9-aeotcollect C:!I tlaso JJ71 ~att'w~~ln':r. -T..•cf ~,'=::==~ UJ"llUll Jtlal. coacl. Home In· * '* * * * 752-~ R. E. Brolttr. ~ 3244 ··~·· ................. 1 Br dliluu. new. quiet, 1•ra1es. Couple pref . .... ... .......... a ID~ Vaent. S br. dudll "°'9 ..S retn1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR I 8A cortdo SNO mo. ~111C)rt, Yrly .... atlldren ok. No pets. _ ......... -.nu 2 be 6 llnplace. 8"t •......_.=-price ,..._.._...... CDMDUPUX llNTAU 1ll • lut +~00 deao . •tJUJpd.eaeesitelec. bloattl8S1000.C.Jlnowl ol ..... 1'11-• APIW>XIYRIYOUNO WANTED. Will trade • dep.-.t03'7 C.-.. W. 3122 mu:lclenM5-1115 . ... 1111 Newport Be b 1Br 1 blk llUITBSIOLD z.tbl"U BR. Pvt Pty. 2 BR,lbll ........... $500 ,.......... JU' -•••••••••••••••••• N•a Verde 2br O 9* eo---...r-. ' ICOl'TllAl.TY .... U77 ~:=:~:::'~9475,: -•• .. •••••••••••••••Duplex s bdrm. 3 1¥Jblstud&o1Dtrt..aex. II•• ..... u\e ~ ..._. 116-JIH .... 3Blt.l~ba ......... "90 OceH Vlew-Monarcll bL+peUo. 2 c&r aar.SO. Walk to ever1tbln•· ... .,,, _..... v ,._.AOOO 21 COIT"' 11-• 4 BR, 2Mi ba ......... '100 Swnmtt. ldult comm. I d Hwy. "75 mo. $444910 &Id. 1ar. $3llO No pet.Ii I ' ~·...,, Nlw '19 =" .-n • -•••• .. •••••••••••• 2BR,lbl.~ ••••. a.&o/500 8RAdeD MOO/mo. AIM 2 ... m.-m.a.32 'li""' .,,."' loA at • ---• Jt~ DIUJXI! •PLD Nr lo. ...... ,......... San Clemente 8 R S 55 0 . Com m • -....... --a l1J1e rm• i---------" •· 4 BR;J!'_ ba 6 w......,...., iitiio. c lr.'trn~ ~~Oww'• uall. • ..................... , cl....._.., poot Jacuul, ":".it;·;.;..,, cteck 0; bdrm. yard, pool. Quitt ,. lfwrJI ..,.,_.,.,,_, -Amliicea 11*18 Home ,., .,., .... ..;. Pfto. OD• ............ ll06 etc. Teal 6 B1abcoc:ll llvlnl rm, aar. Very type ~· P~· • .J!O ..;;;;;;..:..;.;.... ______ ,NewP!Of'l Bay De Aa1a ...... .-y . ._. --••••-H•••uoo•• ReaitJIDc.419-4 17 nice . Sn~ yrly lae. Pr.m.-mo._.._ ...,OITClllT Adult Park, tralltr• MMllllAllQM air. dlD lMiba Newly de Cll fl I 1 WI 8'1W6l1 ~MOYI .. coe•o =-~·.~·.!':· = =. "-'a.n~ lllMtDOWM .......s.~.UWmo. ...,_ J1t1111 1421 c.e.MeM 1124 NewE..W.towaboule. z 11~1 -zu. -Id ~ ~ -"-II /1 '-•__. ~ "~-•-........ S.ll•r .... ••••••••••••••••••• br. t \.li bl. O.• 1100 •<t. J ._ -... -t •..: • · ,...,.,, -••rm. -.... ..--. ,__, .._.__... Jt41 ,..._, .... 2 br 2 bacon ••• .. ••••••••••••--•••• ft. Small chltd ·pet ok. waur. . w n. • .v• . ......, panta. *·ft wlll earr1 pape r. ~-~ .. .-.. J. by 'I comm aft.I. ~ .-.... •· Oa· ••••,•meat av all. •• .... e ......... ee•• do. Nr. So. \ii\ PIHa. Eaatalde, ldeal for d•r. C. mo. Dnve Y 253$ , tenn11 m1, . 1 -old ....... ,.,, ~. .,., o ... .., ar, ~-..!,!O ~111on Pool. nun•. Jacuul ~. 2 Br 1 ~1 poo0K. ~Au Ave. then call .. , Jlllld wl9et JW ~-la •• lO appreefelt. ............. --.,.., -· rn. 21J/ 111..&'hl'a-~~. Sorry no pell. 2511 \DO l*t• ruOI .,_ __ ·-----a.llJ91410 Dl!rPUatCIWlnedll. ..... Pr!Ddpei!O!lz --·m1....-,.,u~.,..,,..._ amoowe...557470 54Mtle WatltAdRetultt MJ.5178 S Walk1~r 1; 11:1: -.. ' I ....... SMnt 000 Offke...... 4400. I IU ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• C>m.orl.tty 5001 6f luc•a u.fww., ~ .............. +, ...... ,....tlle4 MaJ ron"'mate wantt'<l to 2 Rm Suite, pvt bath, new ••• $ ................ . ............................................. , erUIM••~ JtOO w 3 llR apt. on amkr. l)'ck:cur.S:SZS. RE!rTAVRANT/CKTLS C.. W... llJ4 • ...._ .. lledt 1140 ....................... avalU /l ~'7 9308 2 Rm auJtciJ;\lt b•lh , •Lal\llUI on hwy, ~eats •••••••••••••••••••••• -••••••••••••••••••• •• ml! XCITING sww1"' ''-~t • i•• N rt b h i..u-11 PAl.MMISAAnS FOlTNO M Oor h11hund v'""-v ... .. ... • ewpo y t e LA~AAnS SllAR.P,bear h1.2 a.38R, MJNlrfn\TONf'TB 'U m1i,rt.'d/3 wht(ttt Vic:' WA6RW.19lh.C.M. water U 25,000 F P. Larw 1,.LU bd f!Arden frpk, dh.h• hT, flflle ,._<' .. h. l .... DR It Marbour 213/~·2tlli..' Cie.--a......Lt........ -~.&ll&OOO!..,.. An01'ic.·l.:'2t.u10dlum, apt.I. Ad~1la. 0 hwhr, & pal101 No peu """ ... __, _.._ _, ""' "' .., bkM. end 1ar. aa• bbq -~ h'Om '25.H1 up P'em 20 llO wanted lu Mhr :i "'-$200 ptr-. Net. 751-1400 (\JOI GH N . 771 S<'ot Adu.It. Nopt>b JJr Z lla llPt. I blk from F\IU servlcet1 nail 11t ~ Pl &U sa73, &l~U M1W 113 IDI t681 M a l>r 'bt-ach~TI $180 6'7~ ~3 nlltt Prime O c. loca-........ lrl ll'lll'. pt1Ull' l!I u F.•11t or Nt•WPorl nf\ 0 U(lr\, AdJ. to s D Frwy to....... 50 I 0 ftt111ut. brand ntw 11.h.11 °'"amaUc Ooor plan• Ol"d I t'714l 9&4 2880 ••••••••••••••••••••••• apU1 Spac l & 2 b 8lal ,. V•n Hur .. n flnm 6pm ~tJ !J8G() M t' Wllllh .'l.J \0 11hr 2 nr l wlOwoh.C'lll)lt' l"rplt' 84'7 TtJ1 n •~ .. 000 ... lflt ('HM uoo Newport Center Fashion '-lilnd Sm.1111 offlct' Sl7~ per mo Xera>t scrv1re avail Call Mrt. COOmbe 7~ l.odf)' nn lmmrd oc -• 644 617" AM . 67~ $863 c·py H I c h <' I ll r • p I , ••••••••• •• •• •• ••• • •• •• Businass Ta llusinass 1 llt". l B.l tttov• rC!lr11:. l1t1I pd ---------2 &-, 2 0,. 4.?2 't~!-il.. ill~•Jt ................ 'JlU, M11ot Q>M l,,o\·cb tevde!na Droou wtr fall •t\Jlrhen Y1t'IJ avail Nt-w a bdrmCQOdotl, frpl(', ~-11 .. 2 blt.rw. 2 rar a•r•i"' M50 --o• • & up 1076 C.fl)O<I Or ••••• •••• •• •• •• •• • • • • • • ~!ICO'I Guanl ital• tennis ('rb ~m pOOI Ult• roof•. rob AU.ADULT Al'TS hltt 1looe 1trrf't'I un MOW AVAILAl&.I r hanntl e1JJat•t1n t tu •J wri, hHU'tJ pool ·~il)1otd1lly mall.I icrv • I"\-,. pborln 1va1labh• Low• '72,IO Wit 'lZT1 Harbor l~~ Meea 646-41140 :.! be upc Poul, JacuuJ & morin• Un1qut-~hr lHlQW'\4a End iltr .. 11" nothlnJI, ltkc> Ii In ~I) SORRY NO l'1'~1'S tbllf $850 ~:r mo dH" Hoorn wilutchcnl'lte 177 E 22NU 'T 714 1«6 6GtJO C'\ i. 71 • M»"' ck & up l'cit.ln rt1l<J<a 6~ ;:,a1 ~ST9'! ~ 97M N1W DUPLEX ........ 1144 tl(·~w1 1ful I 111 un;1 Mott•I O!br.2• .. bu,eHff) amt•n1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• u~ Hy "'•'t! ur month ty . HJ50 s q fl. Ublc 3br 2''tba tlr,1nd N1·"' 4!M ~!M guragt• ,th1K1 l'1 Y 1.1 rt! :.;~.~~dfu·,~~~ (! 2 l<>~C'I)' t'Olloertmg room1> w.roorn ur ~ r. de w balcony. vi.ult<.'d t'l'il ~ 673 6336 . 642 961.6 W11lnut St1uare 2 bdrm lnsi> JH1 1>r.U1, k1tt'h & $315 Nr nt>w 2 br. 2 bo. t' o n d o • " 1 ,. , dmml( rm pn,•'i. Brun~ gar, frpk . buh: c;10:.e t wubtt'ldf)'f'r, •unPor<'h. ~w Cltk'k! tu bc>h $285 'tll pool $450 mo Opt>n uol paid L\t, last. + i 'l.M1mt 642 100· SatlSu.n 1·5, 14537 Oval SIOO cle p. ti75 5533, ---~or67~ 64.\-6499 Almost new <.-ontlo 2 HR ---S.. comple te kitchen Brand new 1-BR rondo. ROOM WANT!!;O Elder· tbll ins. dushwasher pool. s pa, tenms S325 ly lady nds unr room trash compoctor) gas Mo. Red llill Realty "' lot pnv Costa Mesa BBQ. frplc, w1w carpels, JaneTrabuC'co$52.7SOO 642-6743 drapes 2 car i.:ar . eh~ctr • ---leoch -3141 Rent a rooro 10 Irvine d<>Qt op ene r . Nr Or ......,.._ $ o II f I Coast Coll. $425 mo t ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1: mo A uc-1 1l1cs $200 clean depoi.it 2 bdrm, 2 people m;n !>hared CallR33 1W20 557~73 ~~ ... ~rd St. $475 plus G.ttHCMm 4150 -i;ecunty deposit t 11 > ••••••••••••••••••••••• $375. 3BR 2ba, carport No 543-3265 cw) 634 6548 for . . pets. Children OK. 1021 appucauon lndi'."ldual care for art1ve Valencla.546-6985 -----l!!dies 65 & over. P vt. • Dell.Ille 1&2 bdrm apts on I 1 c e n s c d h o m e 2 Bdrm, l \'J ha, patio, sml ocean near Victor Hugo. Rosemary McCUntock 's dog ok, no children. $325. oewlY decorated, heated Board & Car e Home. per mo. ~9100. pool, elevator, subterra-~. 33122 Sea Lion neao parking . $625. Dr. Dana Pt. Comfortable new 2br, 2ba. Inds ok, no pets. 2032 ~-s rR..tah 4200 l"Vl'tl Youn& Viol w/31'r h.it\l 10 1111 Cnr OWCJ Nlln muktr Av11ll now Call H tl1irn.eo , 644 IH74 WI 6a.'l8 MtY »~. Sbr ,'l OH, 3 ba • M Twohmc w 12 mall' c•xl.'CS Pool. w11hr/dryr ind Noo 1mobr. SlSO lAu'ry 95'7 840() 050 ••...•••..........•.... 1 lJcZI allt•y act'l'll3. 19th St via. Ot·llNlf' 150 mo ('all al\ 6, l lC9'l OLU6 4400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• L>cluxl' med1c1tl suiH•. WUI remodel to 11wl te· rw.nt Up to 1500 sq. ft Good business area. fo'rom 1375. Call S;indra 873-6382 ------Office s pare Newport Center Large ofrice w t vlt'W, re ce pt ., ~l'\.ot.lnal & day time phot1e answering Call 756-021.S. l3Xl 1>q rt k>oktnl( over La~una, underground parking, Nc;w carpel. drapes & p:unt , air l"Ond 549-1lBG557 ·5870 4450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• A MARKETPLACE for Pw'tb.uilla Ag~ts and New B111.ines!le6. This Is a new DAILY PILOT clus1rieatlon to get buyn and 11eller to•elht'r S1.•ll your SUrJ)llJ.'I. OVl'rstocked or no loniier nttded Items or suoohe<1 of anv kind For more informouon or to place your ad. cull iuou.nd nr . (Arona dcl ---------Mar. H<Jalonomlcs CQ[p. MAllHElt'S MILE 642-5671 bt-lwee n llA M and S JOPM, Monday thru Friday for your ad to ap. pear the followmg day or cal.I between BAM and 12 noon on Saturday for Sunday's publication. ___ 67_5-_6_700___ PRIMELOCATION ~·500 bQ. rl. offices From Sl45. Incl. ulll 779 W .l.9th St 540-2200. Downtown Huntington Beach 2101~ Mam St One 2 rm offlt:e U\ ail Sll o 900-15511 OM THE WATER! PLUSH SUITES 350to 1300sq. ft Fantastic Views Wet Bars UdoM.-ino Vllloge Newport 675·8662 on WATER. Available for retail or frofesslonal offices. Toe.a of 3000 sq ft. Can be divided into smaller unjts. Drive by a'33 W. Coast Hwy, NB, th<Jn call WahrfrOtit Homes 631-1400 Sweda model 201 electrk cash register. 1978, auto. sales tax button. $800. 559-4934 IRY..-nt Opportuftity 5015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOMEOWNERS Put your equily to work fo~orlllore & office space at an this gorgeous reasonable rates M-Restouront 500 to 5000 Sq Ft. Lease back your hoUSl' and continue to live m 1t MESA VERDE OR Will gross $150,000 thu, PLAZA y e a r w 1 t h ls:lS Mesa Verde E. C M. $200,000+Polential 2or: 545-4123 net. Can be help run HARIOR ILVD. 199.000 clear. By owner Store ZOX60 + office, 1450 _772'-__ 5948 __ e_ves_· ____ _ •._,.leedly, March 21, 1979 DAILY PILOT •I) + 1 1 n•• 5100 Yet•,._.. 5300 W..ttd 7100"' .................•..... •·····•···········•···· ........................ . POlllY PINCHER ADS ONLY S2 ~II any ltern or cOnl· b1nah0t1 ot Item• for 17S or lu s with a r enny Pincher Ad. 3 linN for 2 c~cuhvr d11ys. t;ach addJtlonal lint-IS t(Y for Ult 2 days. Charge 11' SCUM-l.ETS ANSWERS Couialn -coupe -8ooUI Mosaic -BICEPS I went Into one ol lhotse organic food restaurants a nd It waa great. Everything loolted so healthy. ll 's the rtrst time l 've seen a cockroach with BICEPS. CCOUMTAMl; Exctilent CO. hu Deel'· ror *" accountut ww-"f u 11 c b•r1e". Knowledge to work lo arta ot eo11t accounting. loventuey cootrol, etc W YT'I expr'd or degr~. Send resume or call w •it.... HOlO CO.ft: 17621 Von Karm11n Avl't lrvlne, Ca. 97714 ~ 714-979-3800. Equal opportu nit y employer t.arr: Black dog, turning i--------• gray. Mixed Beagle . No commercial ad&. Por more information and to plaw your ad cull Answers to Gigi, Vic. G isl e r & Oregon . Reward! 546-9291 642-5678 found: Blk M. Lab pup· ---------py, apx 9 wlcs. F.Btaoc1a POSTAL BOX RENTALS Adobel/l3. S45-208S Private, Convenie nt. Found: Yng Irish Setter. 1548 Adams, CM. Ask fem , unde r I y r about lotroduct. offer. 645· 15081644. 3656 NU CaU 731MS8S. Arum. Shelter Not1ce is her eby given Found: M. blond Cocker that Th e Sawdust S pan ie l puppy FesUval Corp. P.O Box 645· 15081644·3656 NB 1234, l..aguna Beach, Ca. Arum. Sheller has filed an appUcaUon with the So. Coast FOUND : 3·males: Klk Regional Commission lab, Blkshep, yellow lub. for a temporary arts & 644-36561548·21.53 crafts exhibit. P ermit Lost UtUe B.I. Sarah, cat. 1'A7950t3 . n~ry bob tail. Grey/wht ,.._,,__. stnpe, yel eyes. May be _. -5150 injured & under h.se or ••••••••• ••••••• ••• •••• shrub. 673-1743. Retired Angels season ticket holder des ires Lai'T: Grey 6 mos. old sh.are ndes to & from We1maraner F em games CM 557.2523 B e a c h & H e 1 I . 5300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 642-5671 REWARD' 847·0462 *REWARD* for lost male lnsh Settl'r 11 i yr Lost m Ca p1str ano Bch area for 21 ~ wks No tags Pleasl' call James 493-066.5 --- FOUND: watch So Cst Plaza 3·20. ldenllfy. eves ~0379 Accounting ACCOUMTIM~ TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS Oron9e CoHty h • n•OCJ! And so ore w.! ROBERT HllLF"!i accounl~ There are many nulf• firms moving into tbc. Orange County a r ea bringing about a n In- creasing demand for el· penenced Accounting and Data Processing personnel. CPA'S AMdffon T ox AccCMMtonh Cost Account.ts Sr. Accowtt•h looldf..,en Accowttiftc) Clerics ' Doto&try K/P 0,.raton Wallace, C.M. 557·6985. Condo, ocea n visla, A. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~mo. urul. 3 BR, 2"4l ba. $750 Taking summer reserva-$la) Up. Office·store, 480 sq. rt. total. $495 Per mo. MoMy te Loe.. 5025 Bkr. 675-6700 •••••••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • --------- Found Mala mule (or H us k y ?) f e m ale . 645 ·1508/6 44 3656 Lost or Found a pet'> Call N.B Arumal Shel_te_r __ If you are not aware of the benefils of workm~ lempOrary -give us a call or visit us at our new locaUon. We will be bep py to discuss 1t with you Weare located in lhe: 3 Bdrm 2 bath a t Mo. Call June. a gt., Uonsnow. No fee Adults, ·S450. mo. Ja~ 493-4306 or 499-4591 Call a1tent, 675·8170 pmd. 642·5073. Ocean view. new 2. BR Vocatioft Retttols 4250 - -mobile home, Treasure ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newly decoraL~ 3 br. 2 ba Island prk. $850 mo House for rent. Big Bear lfiow~~ous&e. Sp1acQlo~s. 642-1802975·0545dys City sips 6 linens furn 1rep<dce poo . wet --IMc 1 ' 1 , 1 area. Adults, oo pels. 28r. 18 a , Ol'n v1r w, __, nitey pr cp Cu I $400 64S-3381; 675-5949 ~o/yd. kitchenette. aner3_p .. ~ .. ~-- rt, A/C, 17301 Beach Bl. --------- ll 8. l.EASE 842-2834 . Newport Mariner's Mile. Modem 502 sq ft store or PllL'\h offices. up to 750 sq office. 26JO.C Avon. LOW fl ID xlnt bldg 18th & rent 213/477·7001 Newport Bl vd . ----- 645 2lll 646-6303. S J CAPLSTRANO 600 900 sq ft 3 rm swtc Nr O.C. AiPort. NB. Avail Mar I. Contact 752-8263 sq fl slorr. 2 blki; No of Mission. 675-0176 lndlahiol Rental 4500 ---;-.. sTSI E--mo. Move in now ~ Condo on ski s lope 1n ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ D QUI to see 645-2317 Snowmass. Colo Wkly 2rmsuitc. 390sq fl. ample Deluxe 2 br. 2 ba loft apt Mt rt• -h ~69 th r u Ma r c h . A pr 1 I park, utl rncl A/C ad/a· lndusllial 800 lo 1600 sq (L Patio & upgr ades. Nu wpor oc 557.3902 cent to Sec Paci ic with offi ces. Newport ctuJdren or pets. 180 E ••••••••••••••••••••••••---------ll'ank. Near E 17th & 645-21U,646-6303 &Toro 21s t St. $435. Days PARK NEWPORT Orange, C M. 642-4210 -------- 646-4262; eves 645-9543 Bache Io r s . I or 2 S-.r & Ecnt.r Roxle •MISSION VIEJO* Bedrooms & Townhouses & Y...ty R..tah Prime location suitable 0-PoiM 3826 From S349.SO AVAlLAlfLENOW: SZ3 sq. ft . office La Pat ror comm'I or ind'I use. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Spectacular s pa, t otal Yrty3Br, l Br&Bach. Rd. Soulh of San OiegO' 1850to2050sq. fl. A/C of· SlOOFREE RENT r ecreat ion program. JOHIS IEALTY, Inc Fwy. S:Q month. Avail fice. lOO amp power. Call 3 Br, 21h ba studfo. Pvt soci~program.7pools.8 AskforMlke orDobby now.6'&2-4321,ext.2764 (714 JS22·4254 da ys, fncd patio. Encl. garage. Lemus courts. At Fashion 673-6210 3 Rm office, carpeted, air m4>675-3534 eves. Lots of ~rass. $495. 33552 Island, Jamboree & San i---------cond, Skypark Circle, Blue Lantern. 496-9230. Joaquin Hills Road. Irvine. S250 mo 549-5033 WANTED '496-3354 or496·S275. --C7_1_4J_6_4_4-_19_o_o_ BIG BEAR Cabin, alps 14. pool table, color TV. 2 <¥flee space for rent. Ap-Industrial s pace with 3832 IACHELOR UNITS frplcs. ~16. prox 432 sq. rt. New cpts, eCoslcct.a&Mweastaero20r xlrv401·n~n S22S+deposit. paint & lighting system -... ....................... 20 I E. lalboa. HI. ....._to S...... 4300 Pd util. S250t mo. 645·2550 Call Jim 494·2.407 Evei. & 2 Bdrm,prac. new, next t ~ ...... 556-7707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• _or_833-_2_l2A __ ._____ Wk:nds. everything. Sml pet OK. --------ROOMMATES Single office for rent near LAGUNA HILLS-two ad· S36S.494-86ll, 768-9451, All adult, no pets, 2 br, 2 OCAirpo s ,·ac 5000 sq fl M-1 units, S.. M S . rt. 185 per mo. ha. from S330. Jacuui.•8=. • ave Recept/ Secretarial new bldg, AI C orre. IW1M9oeleoch 1140 pool,~ bldg. Located Enjoy more. Payless! servicesavaH.540-6402 fronts on Moulton. nr •••-•••••••••••••••••• across from Newport AllAges&Llfestyles. Lake Forest, lease by Townhouse. lovelt· apac. Be ac h Golf Course. We Check References lndlvldual offices with re-owner. BJS.1808. & ..,. __ ·Uk" 2 r with Shown by a ppt. only. c .. 546-4212 ceptionisl , secretar y. ""''"' .... -' Share sm all industrial INEED I MONEY • CRB>ITHO PROILEM btl & 3rd TD loans 547.54 02 Arranged by Coasttt..LooM MortfJ1!9ts, Trust DMcli 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOWEST w.r..tRotes I st T.D.'s, also 2MI T.D. Loclfts. Fairest Terms since 1949 Sattt.r Mh). Co. 642-2171 545·06 I I MONEY AV All.AILE 2NDTDLOANS SWING LOANS INTEREST ONLY LOANS AV AlL. David P. Carey & Assoc. R.E. Broker. 960-1957 Animal Assis tance l..eague. 537-2273. no fee. Found small Cairn Tcr ricr m ale. 6 8 mo Ladies silver Seiko watch 645· 15081644 3656 N B l~t clownwwn II e. arc;i Arumal Sht-ller 3 114 Call 536·9~-_ Found H I k m a l i: Co<'kapoo 3 IA 79 \'11· Adams & Brookhur.,l W wht collar & c·hdtn col lar 963·3663 afll'r Jpm Losl. REWARD. Ynl! Norwegian Elkhound, Male. lost near La Paz. Lag N1g Stlv1•r grey w/blk fa ce 968 7039 Found Blk Lab. M . dp FOUN D· med size brn prox l yr, vie· lt!th Sl clog wtblk chm M Vic HB 536-8744 NH High Sch. 673-7635. Found in Turllerotk . Sl50 REWARD for the re- turn or m1ss1ng dogs Fem. lg hr Tortoise Shell Cat.9M-25m Missing from Humane FOUND Y g pregn ant Soc 1 e t Y V 1 c . grey strip t 1Rer cal. PCH/Newland. Hunt. Mesa Ver d e Arca . Bch. Red Doberman 557.-S. Female. 3 mo. old. Star •---------on chest. Ear s no n ,..IGRClis 5350 croped. 4 mo. old female ••••••••••••••••••••••• Chihuahua. t an color RELAXING MASSAGE 'These dogs need medica BobJamci>·Ltc Masseur t1on & s url'(ery 1m Outcall9·9,494·5111 mediately. They ran a way 3 . I 5 to 3 · 1 6 Spiritual RHder Absolutely no questions 181.SSo. El Camino Real asked. Please call Carol San Clemente. Fully he Redly 848-1030 or Debbie For appt. 492-7296 848-5375 ----'------ l..-06t: Sml Fem. Cocker MICHEU.E'S mix, rust colored, blue •Outcall• collar. Spyglass 640-4295 llAM-2AM 835-3749 COLDWELL BANKER BUILDING Suite 11200 2333 No Broadway Santu Ana 17141 835-410 l f.-ree Parkin~ ACCOUNTING 1, GENERAL ACCOUNTING CLERK pvt. gated entrance + 2 54S-4855. C . ~-... vruerence room, xerox. patios. Some with a lt. Ut Living ~pensest lunch room: San Die~o building. West Costa garage. Swimming pool. OCEAN FtlOMT Share a homeo or not Frwy access & exJ)Osure . ~1esa area. About 700 sq ~emetth/ Jacuzzi.Tennlscourts. l 3br,2ba.w/office.Year· House-Mates Unlimited Fountain Valle¥. Mo. to l . 7 14 1646·2379 o r Plf"IOftds/ LOST: Young fe mal<• s hepherd mix. 23rd & Santa Ana . C M Sat. 3-17. 631422.8 an . 6PM 546 8560 before 5 PM J uhe UHDA & VICKI o.tcall MOSSOC)e For Th. Fun of It! An outstanding growlh opportunity is availablt-m lhe rapidly expandln~ accounting departmenl or Columbia Saving:. Primary responslbilitle~ will include daily check disb u r se ments on payables and con st rur uon loans. daily recon c1lial1on of cht•ck dis bur.>ements lo vou,.her~. and monthly analysis 01 hab1hly and expense ac.: counts. One to lwo yewp· experience m payable,& d.Lsbursement function1>. l(eneral accounting work and reconc11iations is~ q uire d .. a lon g wit h knowledge of computer rePorts, ability to rn tedace with other de partmenls rega rdhhi payables, proficiency 011 omc:e machines and l.)'ll inl?Of45wpm blk to Huntington shop-ly. F'n>lc, gar, $1050. P1o""N ... or1 Roomrn111e mo. rental begmning at 960-29!8 Lost & FoWtd "'"""center mall. Adults. TSL Mgmt 642·1603 m111ch1no ~1nt11 1!111 S340per mo. 7141963·6445 S'---4550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,,...~ Fp11tu•••<J on lV 'hnw •-wys No ~ets . from $435. 2 br, 2 ba, frplc, steps Wtll't'n UP on l ,,,,. nulljM•OI ....................... AlllROllllCftftetth 5100 Seawind V1l!age, 15555 from ocean, brand new, I 111J:.1 { l1rr111/1 Warehouse Space 3500 sq ••••••••••••••••••••••• Huntlnglon Village Lane. yrly. $650. 632•8344 or 714/832-4134 ft, $600/mo. lrvme. t2· 1--------- H.B. (714)898-9961. 675-5864. Fem'l lO sha re w/fem'I 2 ..I Alt COlldl1ioN"t dr. sprinklers, 20' cell Losl Pearl bracelet. 3 strands Vi c Aluddin. Wildrose or St Olaf'~ Church on Saturd ay Reward. 840-1882. Coodo. 3 Br. 2 ba. Total ---1-A_Y_V_l_EW___ br 2,ba Condo nr So. Cst ~= ... '°"''°''"' ~i&~ail 'til Aug usl 15 rec. p kg. No pets. '"· h G 2 PlazaS200mo.968-2963 :/l .. utor $365+utlL 675-1706 ........ ea ouse. oriteous l'F1111•1ewbo4~• R...tdtWCMted 4600 862223 hr, 2 ba. Frplc. Pool. In WANTED Prof. female to ~x.o. .... .ice ---------1 'Eastblutr. Ma ture share large bch house, ., s.cy...,... ..... t-... --...d Vi'llage adults. No pets $495. p r i v . b " & b a . ./....,.. ...,..,.. ~II 640-0349. W/bandsome happy New 1&2 bdrm luxury rasygoing 26 yr old male. adult apt.& in 14 plans WATER 96().5580. -frnm S31S. + pools, ten· $475 mo, year I). cute F 1 kl f r-rf II d 28.r, no pets. older pre-Yng em. oo ng or rus, wate a s, pon s I same to shr 2 BR 2 BA Call Mr Howard 645-6101 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TIIEATRICAL Mod.fs-Actntsses Girts-Men-Kids Exc1t1ng New Yo rk· Hollywood type pe rsonal mgmt & development co now avail in OC. Onl{ those wishing a pro career in the modeling. acting or TV field should apply. Call 7141828·-0583 exl 629. ----Lost : Beagle mix dog female. Vic. Iowa/Gisler can before 5. 957-8451. aft 5957-1283 Lost tri colored Collie. female. Vic. 23rd/Santa An a, C .M . Needs medJcauon. 642..SS98 aft6 From San Dieflo Frwy rem!d673-8t45 apt. Sl87. Park NewJ)Ort. drive North on Beach to -llG--C-A_M_Y_O_H_V_U_ 640-8665 •CDMSUmS• Charming 325 sq rt om ce space with very attrac- tive new wallpaper & while shutters. Must see to appreciate. S27Stmo. Responsible, wo rking writer see k s one bedroom cottage in Corona del Mar or Costa Mesa. Qulelness essen· I.Jal. Write Class1hed Ad #206, Daily Pilot. P .0 . Box 1560, Costa Mesa 1---------FOUND: Camera. lden- liry wilh-'ser ial 11 644-6591 aft. 6. McFadden lhen West on McFadde n to Seawind Sbarp2 br , 2ba Eastblurr 2 males need fem to share VUI (714)893-5198 coodo. Cathedral ceil'gs. H B pt L t bth age. wood-burning frplc, encl. · ·a · g rm. pv . · Deluxe beach apts. Frplc, 2 car gar, pool & rec. Slc.lmo. 964·3805 PLUS presUgious 3 desk space quiet office suite, plush surroundings in old CdM charm, centrally located wilh beautiful large s un· ny 11\.Dldeck, oceanside or Coast Hwy. Will make great corp. omce. 500 sq ft. Only $395/ mo. _921626 __ . -------Dr. Yoo, chiropractor. Semi·retired cpl needs I acupressure. call 9AM or 2 BR apt, yrly, COM 6PM. 770.5251. El Toro area. Will occupy only part time. Approx s:ioo Raise rash for your club mo. 751-2275. 673-4350 Contact.Sherry _!SS 2176 FOUND. Irish Setter So Bnslol & Redhill. C M. 979-l9SS/ 835-9357 e ncl gar age, p atios. facilities. No pets. $525. Peggy, 960-4392. 752-2496; 675-7086. 3br 3ba brand new Hunt. STEPSTOBEACH,2br, l Harbour area. $475. mo. ba. pool, laundry, encl. Days 538-6663, S36·8705 gar. S375. 640-sa78. eve. 84()..SfMt TIIE COVE Large bomelike 2 br, 2~ .BayaideDnve, l Br, den, ba townhome apt. (rplc, pvt beach, pooll Enclosed pvt patio &: jacuad. Deluxe $850. Cal garage. Deluxe kitchen _79-__ u_m _____ _ w/bltos. incl. r efrl g. Pre.tlglous. All adult ~ollc~~ l:.10. mo. prdea apts. East Bh11f ~ Rlty 839-6623 area. 2br. 2ba $400. Sorry, no pets. 644.a726. 1;:-;~0beach; no OCEANFRONT l ge 4 Let'~ meet! Young man, 31. involved In motion · pictures, travel, dance. and dress. Desires to share apt/house w/malc:> or femal e roommate<s > Rental costs are no restriction, as long as we benefit from each olher ln a friendly manner,. Preler you call me at IOGBS IEALTY 671-2311 (714) 539-2375, or you ---------may write: "Jeremy",--------- R es ear c b Dept • 800 sq rt, 2 blka to O.C. Universal S tudios· AilpJrt. $465 mo. Sharp Distributors, POB 8915, upstairs front w /lge Unlversal Cit y, Ca. balCOOJ, pvt ba, A/C. 91U. 4321 Birch St, Suite 200. N.B. Avail. April 1. K-lnveetmenu 754-7900 l230 Month. 538.7357 Bdrm, den. 3ba, 3 frplca. 4309 Seashore. Aaent M/F. $140 mo + 'Al ........ --neiW ten-•· 1 'l»Jl.20 uUUtles. Non-s moker. """ ,..,. ' ,...,, poo ' 6'5.fM34 •442..f76 Sq. Ft. No. Costa ==~2~91:.;:.~· --New--J-br-r-NN-pt.-H-ts-.-----------•Mesa. S25S. Incl. ulil. Stove Is ref rig. $285. Worlr.ing nW'le 1hare H.B. A/C. Tom, 540-2200• New 2 Is J bdrm. large 648-4lll/M2-77"5 home, male/fem. or ar. aundeck or yard, encl. 1 BR, utU -, -mo. Te· citl1. Smoker. pell. om~ for rent. 1800 sq. ft. ,...., quiet area, no ..... t m·!:"t -be able to llLW879 $100 mo. f\Jm. or uni urn. .-..... ta5 $14..2* ._. -So. H.B. locaUon. Ideal .t::=:..2 · qullfy 842·9601 o r Fem. Larae 2 BR, 2 ba real estat e o lflce. 2Br, l~Ba Condo, new f1S-.0144 condo. l'rplc, pool, •a.a Fem Sehl teacher nds yr md apt on Bal Isl under s:m. Call 646-4964. Medlal age family woman from Bay a rea. Non- smoker xlnt. ref's. needs a room or guest house. while on business in your area. Approx. l week a month. Npt. Bch. or C.M. area. Write P .O. Box 2561, Dublin CA .. 94566. ....... /l11Yett/ ,..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... 0,p 11 tudty 5005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• AUTOMOTIVE f\Jlly equipped VW re· condltlonln1 buslfteaa Body·palot·mech-up-holatery·parts. Fully scheduled 8 wb ahead. SL50K required. 65-llSS cpea,pe1m,poo1,cu,M>rt, s.a •• ll76 =+· 834-8050, 95M789. -------- adlt• onl1. $135 rno. -••• .. •••••••••••••• · L90PMMSULA . NEEDLECRAFT nets -.-r. ..........__ • Br ...... >' -a· llaletolbare2brbousein n-offl Sl6450 a yr Ideal tor ~ • -..... • ._ve your ce near la-'y. Excellent a rea. 8'*loal 2 br apt, 2 ~ bucb/1boppln1. '475 11.V. $200 + ~ utll. 10'lr bOaL Sharp de<:or, a Gk. 8maU '-ell yd.•· mo. catl m.2258 or Att. 1'10-7Glaft.IPM. ~~-~omputer & Owner moving. Agt. 80.mJaft.erJpm. _.. Youns female. non __,... aervlce avaU. _75_1·_H_oo _____ _ OPa.1 HO SE .... ,._ lllO 11nOMr, neat. respon1I· •tup. WANT E D : B U S . ,. U _................ ble to .hare 2br, 2ba PARTNER for Fantastic Setl&an t.5. l bd, Jba. Olm Zbr, l~~ba blt·ln1, lnlae bome •Jl•r~. ~m'::~~J~~:~·~ New, db, qulet_ frpl. N;, ...... • jet. aoo mo. + ~ u · Ca 1 never be tore on \he The Dally Pilot now has a new "B US lN ESS TO BUSINESS" classifi cation lo orovide a convenient method of buyinj or di ~pos ing or Business items. Se ll you r s urplu s, overstocked or no lon ger needed items or supplies of any kind. Whether buyinJl or sellinji? see our .. Business to Business" classincation tSOlO. For more information and to place your ad.call Servt.ng a ll Orange Co 835·7313 MASSAGE FfGURE MODELS ESCORTS OUTCALL OHL Y Doys,ens,hr 631-2140 GOLDEN GIRL COUNTRY GIRL *ESCORTS* 24 Hrs. FUND RAISING? If you have lhe proJert. we have thP method al no cost Mr Crumpton , ~2274 Columbia offers an ex l'Cllen1 OOnef1t s l)rogram 1ncl ud1ng denlal 1n surance, a top s tartini.: salary and a c.:on1otenial wo r k e n v1ron mt1'l.I.. Please <·all Prrsoonel for an interview aµpoint m ent. Onl y t ho"M• qualified should apply • • Coluneia Savin~s mKILoan · Association 910S Brookhursl. • Anaheim (il4) 776·7101 Equal Opportunity A GO. looking. educ·ated ·--E•mlip•lolliy•e•r•M•'•t-•• -· wtguy.New lo Ca seek!. ----- f em\le 17-22 yr!'. fo r mearungfu l relationship lf you are a cut1e undrr 5'2", sli m , a loving ~irl. but serious Ca II (Don > 646-a172eves . C/M Accounting Fee Paid Poy .. •/R•c Diversified pos for df'Q.1 I onented ind1v trained for F/C. Call Amy, also lee jobs. Dennis & Ot?f!011< Men, women. thin hair. Personnel Service of baldlng, sick of embar -Huntington Beach, ,16168 rassiog toupee's & ex-Beach. pen si v e painful --------- transplants7 Box 1645. ACCTCi CLERIC $100 H.B. 92647. Mfg co nds somedM ---------• w/figure ability & It typ-P'ei wwwd Senlc•s 5360 Ing to work In production ••••••••••••••••••••••• control. Good bens & pleasant people to work wilh.. Call J ean, 540-605$ Coastal PersoMel Kgen cy, 2790 Harbor, CM AU.JOBS FREEJ1 Exciting ENTERTAIN· M ENT b y Steve Schreiner. Disneyland Magician sin ce 1965. Magic and Comecty for all ages. For Info. call •· $39-2444 ' 539.54 15 ,1--------- 5.34-7312. AdrftMS Modtts ·~= ••••••••••••••••••••••• .W.W..e.d. 7075 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5.A.M WANTS YOU S.A.M. (Screen ArCist M,gmnt) w/over 20 yrs exp ln show buslnesis 1s looking for those In t.erested In a prof. career ln movies or TV, Ca II Q3.2Z33 ex:t 95. Hardworting respon 18 yr * m1Je atUdenl nda PIT wort.CM. Preffood ln·~~~~~~~~. dultry, cau 54&-sm. Ad.min Aaat Fee P•id _ I tWaW..eM 7100 lllCSICY toSIUO 99eT• .. •••••••••••••••• f:ttlcient maker wlll Accounts Payable drive In active staff pos Trainee. Irvine. w/top contr co. Call Newmaa. Nr. bth. HR Crpt. r SO. Coe1t llMMlev•. market! Need craf\aman -..ie. Plala~. SISl-8430ev• N.B. E·Bluff. M/F1 L1 familiar w/1llver-work, ........., 1 lir, 2 be. aftW · abarply tum o«an vu metal•. aemi·preclou1 ~ Malta. t:m. l~. ,._. lltO home w/2. Pool/sm ~nt. MIWOfllllCH *'*· ca11 : ~.fU?~r Mir· A-' c. 1111 su __ ............... • + ~ util. M4.otl4 CoalpldelY redecorated write Ad "95..1.1 c/o e Alilllo).!,.Dr~Hllc.'Olled P•••• 1.,._ , __ h.._.l afllola wit.ti_. ol ~ O.Ur_ Ptlot, \; ualfled, 642-5678 f'19..55eO Marion. alao fee ~·· I ACCrRCVBLECLERK ~~~;J,li!~; Ulin8 pea board system. trvtne 2082Mlche ~ The 1klll1 that •re1...;;;-......;...' ~---~ needed are JO ke)' by MOTICI • tearll. llOod math •klll1. how Dally Pilot Cl•H· NF.At llANDWRITl.NO, illed adl ditll!aylJir CID).._ --.:::::!""' ---w• 3IO West Bay St. C.11. _____ . ___ ...,,I br, I k .--apta. a-lftedAcll arereallv f...cerm,11ee'ylscop llR'7. l -~ ~ .,,., TuaUa. or.;. 8HH, _.. ''Jl!90Pla to...,. • ...,.. ... ....... A•all DOW. --------..... refit,. pool -;;.:. Malta ..._ ea111 wttb w. ....,. or unfum. Near U :r'O'll' lnl In a veedlnl ....,. • ....... ' • IW PMld.aa: ...,._.. ~ NlwDolt Bell. Aa low H rte, eal1 ua. We'll 11ve ctMIMm. 80 p.ta, of Newport Fr•J. Top;;~ ":'-lfled su• moa&bly . Call )IOll • br -::".fol°" ... .... .... ad,lall~IQ.MTI. 111.aitl. o.-1. Alltpm, . DAILY PILOT .. _ .... ......,.,,..,,_ ...... _ u~ "'6al. Houn a.s. rneeaaa• w1tf\ lest ty 1'1ae iDO. Call tor appt. and impact? Our a , t! •TJm ir • Newport .,.. proud to A.1 re~ty ll• .. ttb Corp. 18235 •e t r esults. p"~.n e -&.a.battle. F.V. MZ-567I. --' . c . , • DAILY PILOT Wedneedey, Mll'Ch 2t, 1979 ··~I 1 ... IJ~ -T 'I )1 • ... t I !"ti ~ .. ~6 .. ; ... .j .1.: .ll ) ........ .... f • ._.... ..... ,. c.,..tS.•... ··~ ... _LI I' •al I ' & 1• ....._ L. ... Pzkf' ..,,....... lrw .. &..,.... • ~-.;-.-••• 1 •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... •••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ;.;;e;;r................ •••••••r••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• --..-4$1VfMOM)'• OlrpetalUldJ~ Wood a.rx::ntJ 1AJ'fl'rl<'i<I Clonupa. llaullnl Wmtaft£ALLY CLY.AN tlwtM4&s.fMe "MoviqOul"About!"CUl&oalbowlep1lnUn1.l2Klkhan6Bat.h.Fio .. tln -~, -~~:P::~::u~: ~~~~&alJ• ~\~~~~t• on ~~~i:'~'.J~>tned ~~~~~~~~am ~~ !:v::~:e: ~·~1al·.~!wTJ>c f~ ~~11r.o~~~Har::.; :i~~a;{u~e:ll~tch';';,e,e ,, •I.It :2.fn~M •~ c-.t/c..c.ntt Uamed 173o:bV t .. S.......;..k ___ ••rt... aerv. 2' bn. 7 days amall.l'JS.3014 elll~Bob ' , ~ --••••••••••••••••••••••• 9• _I• •A •-t.....1c •• • ••• ! ......... ~•••••• ... ~~.~·~~le~l~•,,n,· .... A.Moc., Ille. ~ PAINTING Re~llng, no Job '""' ......... ,.,... ...... , .... na r talnlna •••-• ~ ",. ,.,,_,.,. • ., t75'-06&2 Movin1 & h •ullng. lntA!rlor extenor. com ""' .... · ................... ;;ii:, biorh. _pauo1 ~ 974 _ •Ml.. Ftln• deat.~l '73-0l'3._ J_...W ~· bld.i materials. merctai • rea1dential. ':'11.:'a ~~g~ :~0'ff:~"'. UAKYS ITTING M >' Ot'd sai-50U.W-4:1Clf rlP ,... ~~~nratet!a· P1~1ny~nl,: Cllr I ..... ()My ....................... ratet ~o~~'. '1:h:~ M5<a878. ~0612 ~f~r!/;1 '8Mllll 6 c-.nenW\lf'k olall litnd:· •••;;;::··;;1·~:.·~·••• ;;;'MJ t7~ " H> Ii. Ctl...._ 541.ad4t Office, lndua trlal. -.,.,. ....... /Repair ._....-------.r·· · f'rM mt U yn r•IH'r .... -W-"-.......1u res taurant & hom e ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -'"t s.na.. A.laoblotli.•1111 ~0'1&7 <.i.al'•'~Yl .'1)~ .....,.....,s...h ...... '"~ np, noora "' deanlna. Refs. Llc/bon· 1........,,, .. "-9 Neaipatchell&texture11 R & R f ••••••••••••••••••••••• -'"'"""~""' ............ ;i.~.;;,~ ••••• wlndowlc&ea~. ded/lnl.562-5188 ••••••••••0 ••••••••••• ,..IST. 193-1439 t•::1!11 .11 hca':~i e~1~ OlVCJf«'F. fton1 f11Jn11 l<1 ~ C.. ... J .. 1 5" A.lwnioum 11eamlea•-Nf.e 4:s L d I Pf:l'ERS PAINTING rocksh•ke11-compo·tar. {!O&l 9110· Actloo ~ ial ...................... ....................... bUcdoo~mel Cwitom Wlllde&nthor0u«hly. Ex-• IClf •I Expr'd. Reaa R1te1. PATCll PLA..'i'fl!:JUNG Free eat. :>41·5930 Fin. 1)ptna 9IO $4lt Uc'd pr"cbool 6 day G•nt.•nln&. tlNin UPI & rrade on )ob. MZ·IJU or JJerim«'d. !Wliable. Call ... •••••••••••••••••••• Free Eat. Call Geoe A I I t y P e s . Fr e c AvaJI. --• ure Acea 2·10 or landirapln• Otorii• :167~ )an,541-~ European Landscaper. sm.oa e1tlrmt.es.CallS31J.71l3 ---------BANKRUPTCY IJlhlll&rbOr ~ lbu&hl &U-'1072 Too work. Fair price. Reroof & n·p11Jr. All t.,..,,.rtd, (llt'\f, romplti a~·----c.. 6 -t' fvr I MRS. Cl.EA.N MAKES JT IW1.MM87I d)'l/ev". f'rel pejadq Ext 6 Int. Pluter Patc h tng : types. Llc'd .. Work t-d 141(1 J\l•t1un I l·11I -· f---I YAKD llt".JUV•:NATION ..... : ................. GLEEM. bach, apb, 6 • lAw rai.. Refa. P'ree Plaster. s tuc co & guaranteed . 2• h r . 1'n*lc~)4111 •••••u•0 •••••••••••••• 'J'J'"trimmlnl .. '" UOM P.S & APTS . bomes.~9372 · S PE C IAl.I ZF.D .... ....,..~ drywaJl. lnl./Ext. l''ree 00.9'96 OUM ~V~'W IW moval. yord rt .. •nup A llep!Pf!f,plumb.tr,-.,try, LANDSCAPE Atrium. mt.:>46-164lGeorgt!. 1--------- c.,.atCI U.U 11 fu.pla~upen i pnna phaotlna nob t iltt, kll/ba remodel 2 rellable women will Jap1net1t' design. ralo· WALLPA.PBIMG Jl o m '"'s. Additi'o n s. RainShuteRoorlng ••••••••••••••••••••••• John C"hllds wra 0020 &ii 1121118 • ~0302 cleAt.n your home. Etn bow phmlin11. fountain Reta offered. Eves. Re s"t u cc 0 . 0 v e r Shalto. srungle, comp. re · Ullllt"ntfr t'rH t-... 1 \n\' amtly. reuon. Cnll lree waterfaJI. Do 1t rif(ht the 131·308S, 87$-1216 rover. ahJnitle 111dcwall fJa• jola l'•ll ,,11110 or WC' U k.DO<"tl yom soot olt •VDlV t.OW t•ff1t•t:S• ......... ML 642~174 tLynda> lat lime. call Glen's QUALITY PAINTING Blockwalls Low rates for yoor exterior. John, 'IW 646~ prufMalonally .t k~c" m l•ndaeape ma int ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·t··t Landscape7~·04.S8 ~ 8-5 979 7779 your hol.iaf t'lean Top ~e , M~20l)IUC<'~went 1 Tontrot'k .• a11ftitt11MJ lm./Ext. Neat. Reuon•· ,.-...-----------rtJSTt>M Jt.11 Chimney S*e«pt Truh tr4"r trim Oan ....................... Let Us Install a Nl!:W blr. Wayne CIXOVEI ~ l Spaa lntt-norCkl\N"OU')' M>illlJ SsM'\l'lkkr l111t11llaUOt\I ' 642323.. Roo642 5703 Mind Your MaMeni Jnc La n d s c a P <' o r ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• by Jlly • 1\4:? ~ llt>p11ra New law111. ---Bonded reliable people REJUVENATE The Ole.I ()Mt.om Wallpapenng Plum.bani( repiur Spet' in Redwood hot tubs 111-C_':ecfer dan Ufll aind ahrub le lwul, skJploader. dump wlll c:areforyo1trhome& One. St. Contr. Ltc. AllW kG .,.__ "'~ remodeling.coppe r re llta.Uauun & C!>lm derk U>u'• ('arptont.ry 30 yni ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~rt'monl ~~J 2()64 trti. gradmg, tl'ff wrk. pet.a .879-5701 11364Ull64.5-6'716 or uar. ueec.ot. ppe. Free ellt Top llat roni1 trur t1 o n . t.1c'd . ext Ooors. ~ 1ndow1 New conal. apt & re111d1·n demobtlooa etc 831 1257 67J..ilS8 ptwnblng SJ7 3194 fi40.'7a20. ~-s paUOll, l"fmodt>un11 t'k Lal bath It kit remodels. Gansetler. 3.S yra t'XPt't S-Ta a..-s,rw.Jen --------l..1~·/l{\:I Ml~ am ('O(l('n•te A pli.ih:r nc~l. rch•bh•, 1'(jtnplele <.:1ean up, concrete break· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Paint 1ni. I NT I E X T . ffOltlESAVt:RS Plumb Trft W.ice ,,__.. c:-ke pMtdlinJC, IJc 540 8t4e llft'V f""'•.-l 642 4389 ll\I & baultn". F'allt, em INCOME TAX RETU RNS SUNRJSESPRINKLERS Neat. hooest. reu .. 12 ing & he ating l"rec •••••••••••••••••••u•• -r-· ~ at'flt. Re&a. IWS-3512 Prompt. reasonable. Pl.an now for Summer' yrs. exp. L1c'd. Dave ftltJmates SIS hr Hon1•11l ALPINE TltEt: ••••••••••••••••••••••• r"'~I. ~p11r, resld/ l.1nda1·upini.1 . iiardeo Ne-ArportBch.833-8199 Cooservewaterw/our lr· 964-100. & r eliable SPrVICC EXPEltTS ShamPoO & steam Nun comm tteasonable ma.mt .. apmklrs. huul W WCOSTSTUDENTS ng. systems Free est EXCELLENT BA/MCOK.979-806.S_ Triming, pruning, top. <A*>r lir1"hlentra. v.ht prlct'I. <'1111 Palombo lo~ Aft 3, 631-3716. ttt<-lrlm.lrHh cleaoup. LINDA'S I•c ....... 672. llutch-on •-pin" & r e m ovals cpbl 10 rnl~ blearh Cl1•1111 Construe l Ion. L1 c 'd ~ 7926. ~2.3!.2 TAX SERVICE sdet~SJz-8716 6JS..iS'zs .. Reas. r~t:.'~~Ge1'l. ~:'s ';!~m~i~~ 11 ~~·:: 714#7-4W. Lie/ins · llv.dul rm.hallSIS Avie 9fl2..83J4 ClnuPlJ, Installation~. & HAULING & CLEANUP Pers/Bus Income Tax 548-270& Expr'd Rep1pe1. r emodels. TyplagSenlu rm~ !JO, l'Ouch $10, chr ltcmudel, repair, tien. malnt. reliable wk nt re Resld & Com mere la I. CaJl842-6439for appt. ~~~~ ............... Pamt.mg & papennJt. 26 ~. • .................... .. ~ GUMI eh~ iwt odor eurpenlry. old t 1 m c as. rut.'!I, 1>u1tcd lo meet OOZ.l462/63l·5691. BUS& PERSONAL Brirkwork Sm all JObK yn Harbor areu. St Lie. Free SIO orr. Acar h City's Low <.'()Ill typing of ltit'n- Uo :f:: r inrsltf' ft~~~ 1·r.Jlsm~hip. 16 yrs in your ndll Jon :-, 9PM · ~ Income Tax return11. Newport, COl!la Mesa & 183281Refs.642-2356 Plumbini< will beat nny t.Jcal original lelt('f"S on ~1 0101 atta. Uc d. Mr Palom· ~ 5834 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call 640-1700 for appt. Jrvmc. 675-3175 eve11 etlt.tmate by IO'k. 631.3470 your lt-tterhead. f"roo In bo.962-831' 0 lnL Paint & wallpaper. ro Kann 751·61'193 .. ._ d Ca I Iii Mowinf(, «df.llrlf{, trim •It DIN 'S llOUS1':· Muke tho se l(o o d Cl»>to l _ ---Jfa'pr' rpet Mlu OR n.....1 -·--' '· dd m111" i -; u ·' n• ' SI" CL"'""''JNG S L'RVICE "-·ft-"-ld I m mawnry. pa ios. Qual. work. reas. pr. Wh d t & RepaJrs Reasonable ..,.,.. gn, reuouueung. a I· ,.. ,.. 1 .. c11 '"' " c..1u~ c. • ...........,...., terns you're fireplaces. walls. garden l''ree est. St.eve. 547-4281 en you nee e x per If you're In the market 1'ony fielle 497_3946 ~· n(•w ronstrucuon. ea wk '35/mo. Clean·up, for a thoroughly clean not u.s1ng available to & retain. lOO's or local service or repair!!. tum ror a better car, be sure • ----U t' d 640-7020, 9·5 , _ hte hauling. 7:i2-~.__ hot.me. 540--0857 SOll')e other family by ad l'(.ofa. MS-8512 Fine ext.er Painting by R. w the Service Directory w check l.he many autoi. ~. w,21at Y1uu w1uednt in W Ad 11 1 ., ,,,.. . vertlsing lhem for sale in Sinor. St be . 1n.s. Try in Clas11(1ed lo solve advcrHsed for sale in ~d>l c USSI ~ 8. Want Ads Call 64.2·5678 ant e p . ...2 !'>6711 Claasifled Ads 6(2.5679 aassified. C.11642-5678 Want Ads Call 642-5678 me. 836-MSS 24 hrs )'OW" problem Classal1ed. ~~.~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~~ ..•.• ?!.~~ ~~~ . ._ .•. ?!~ ~~~ ..... !!~~ ~~~ ..... ?!~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~.~~ ..... !!~.~ Mmlnl.8tTatlve fee Pd ASS EM BL ER S -Banking Beauty operator needed CARPENTER-Fin lab Cleaning lady for motelln I lRAJHH SI 0,100 Sailboat. We will traln. F/T TB.LSl Laguna Beach erea with for maJ remodeline . Call Laguna. Good pay 6 CL.ERJCAL COOi DRAIHMEM! Pro(caroerolr'd by nat'I $5 p e r hr & up . requir ed. Southwu t following. Commlas1on 642-Ql:JO. worldngcood 499-2227. l~1t II & O•er Expanding ru launnl Top pay. medical ln- rorp seeking mgm nt MacGregor Yachts, 1631 Bank. Laguna Beach. Partnenblp possible. no -Earn extra SS'11 dunn.i cham wilh over SO units 11urance & paid vaca- malr'I. Bus. de!(. Call PlacenUa. C.M. cau Joan •9'M77l investment necessary CAR WASH HELP CLEANER & PRESSER Easter vacauon Call the Pamdy-0wned organ12a tloos Must have own Kay, also fee j o bs · · 499-36.17. f)JJl&P•rt-Tlme for Ourui Pt r le1tnera temporary service who t1 on offers pll'a111.1 nt t.rurk Will tram. Apply 1133-2700. Dennli; & Den Assembler/ Mechanical ls&Over Condpay Cnll661~ cares ii.bout you Tup wo rk1n1t cond1t ion, 1n person t o 1337 S. rus Personnel Service or Rolory Switches have Banking OeautyOperator METRO CARWASll ClERJCAJ pay -iocalarea.call Good opportun1t1cl' for Bristol. Santa Ana. Ask lrvme,2(Wl2 Mlchc>l11on 1mmcd. opc.'flang In our .... OTE CLERK HAIRDRESSER 2950 Harbor81.CM De t ~I k t d 557·0061 !Advancement 1-:xcellenl forKarenSlewart. ---------• fllUll assembly dept. Re· " & Manicurist needed. pu Y er wan <' • company bend1t11 EK AdverUslng Salesperson qui.res good band dex· Minimum 2 yeani com· Sea Mi st Hairs tyling CASHIER. Telephone & ablenc1·ul posdilio1n1 avaRila ~o~ 0 ff 1 Ce • oenc.-nced dci.ircd Aµµly Dnver wanted: your veh1· wanted. Oraniic County tcnty w/mln. 2 yrs. exp me.rclal bank Nole Dept 963-8282118. Genl Ok. Pref. ma lure e mme ta e Y e [i)l)enioo l(). r le with u~ur., dehv<-r magazine. Cull C11rol. In small mechanical as· cxper. Respon i n c person over 25 for our quires I yr. clencal ex· Q overload miz papers lo r arners 1133-0ll.3 sembly.Colelnslrument Installment & Com'I llCKPG SI0,200 Costa Mesa branch pericnce.40wpmlyp1tlic ;} l\!) ~ Xlnl part time income·, -Corp2GSOS CroddyWay Loan processln~ & In· FeePald store. Min 2 yrs exper. $7~w start 833-0Ul,ext ,._ O ntlff Westmins ter, ll unt AMweriftc) Senlce S.A. 714155&3100 E .0 .E coming & outgoing col Take charge lndlv to as· Cashier, Telephone & ofc 260 lor appt. Orangt> ~.,.... Be a ch . San ta An a . PBX operators for a l«'llons. Med typing & sume genl ledger . reqd. Good w/ligures. Co unt Y H arbor COLLATOR • • ·• · •He rald Examiner telephone answerinK Aulstant Manager. bvy calcuJatorskllla.Wc re6port. Call Carol. ul.Jlo $3.25ee' hr. Apply Th<' MunicipulCourt. E.O.E. 3l33W Coolltllwy ~ service eJl~ricnced or fnb r it's, experience are lntereined in foojobs.848·1288.Dennis Earles Plumbing. Inc PACICER NewportBeach 1 • .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. will train. Full lime or ~ary. 646-4040 qualified applicants for a & De nni• Personnel l.S216Newport Blvd, Coeta Clcric•l Wllltng to train an In· I• part time ahllts avalla-profeasional environ· Service of Huntington Mesa.642-17S3. E.R. clerk. admitting & du11trioua career In· -DRIVERS hie. Days afternoon-AUTOLOTrEASOH ment. Good salary & Beacb, 16168 neacb. CBX. 2 poslliOM open dlvldual lo packaf:e COUPLF. needed p/llmt Men or women 2S yrs or ~'VU\.lngs or grave yurd lmmedVi jo openinF ll XMlni111ion benefit_,. c~tpOfERC •. Tp-:.cp~~ctur&e Sa3PtM/Sul ,n 307Ap't3:.30Jl PMI & educational maleria :; lD run large family bUSI older . Know the COll'll Must be able to work 1e area, IT . top· Okkpr/Typiat 1'/T. You uau ,._( ..... · : ..... egu ar ExcelJent work.mgcondi Detlll.Call5.J6.816!• t'1l1cs.NrtSl80aweekur JJOme weekends. Typing ply for advancement. Appbcanta should con name the hrs. $4.00 per penon ovt>r 2S lor our Prrpos1Uon.s If Interest llOns & benefits. 40 Hour -----more. Orange c;03,,1 3Swpm. required. Many Must be d ependable. tad. hr. l!:xeel l enl for Mission Viejo branch edpleasecall l'ersonnel. week . Apply North CUST O DIAN Sad y II c b 17300 M C.'O. benefits available. meetpubUcwell,&bave eaa•Gl.AJB>A ho u 11 e w i v e 5 • st.ore. Mln 2 yrs exper 1·3PM. Pacifica Com Am e ri can Ser v i ce dleback Coll. M1as1on 11:r~:.an8n .' Founta i~ PleasecallMonFrl. CA driven lie & rood S67•Q327/847·2212. Good Wlfifurea. Apply munJly llosp1lal. 18792 Oenter.1339 E. Warner. Vit'jo. Jl P .M t u VII Fashion Jslaod are a. d.rtvinR receord. Cal Mr. UIUllfACJURERS The Earle s Plumbing, Delaware, HB. F..O F. Santa Ana. Equal Op· 7 ·30A.M Salary ranl(e b! t !,Y~ ~;' w c;,'o ~l:t~ MH791 1.amora, 831·2480 or 496 lftN1U Bk.kpr F/C. Contracting Inc. 28922 Ca mino portun1tyEmployer SOOI to Sll.36 per mo i t;ucltdl Coat• Mesa area : 495-QJO. BANI prefer-red. C.M. area Capistrano, Mission Vic Oerical :.hifl dif 83l 9700 t:xt m ulil6E.O.E. Auto Mechanlca. All 548-SMJ. jo,49!>-0401. ClBtl<TYPIST ,.--~w-u........11 :Krl.303.betwn 8·S -. ,... d 1.201 Dove Street, NB 91 • .........inter needed full Cashier, PIT. ZS.30 hn1 pr DATA ENTRY ---• _,.nr --l::tectJomc Technician APTMANAGER categories .. or ex (7141752-0600 .... .,.. I _."TOR ScJ.ool OltmrSeTvFet!P•ld fulJume Salaryonon. For SS units in Costa perience preferred. Top E o E time. In a a m al but wk. must be available to --~· INSIDE SALES ASST .... Mesa. Exper'd couple pey plan & benefita. See . . . ~rowing shop. Hunt-wart weekends. Apply in UTa COOH ~ t':~~ia':~~~l to lllt.crface wtchents in .-.-.-;.-.-.-.-sss-~.-.29-;_12-;_-;_-;_;;;; JJus band mu11t h ave service mgr. Phil Long ingtoo Beach Bluepnnt. person Lloyd's Nursery FIUCLERI< aealat.751·911M fast paced reg ore Call malnt. exr. Wife bkkpfC l"ord , Irv i n e Aulo SJS.29:!8 & Landscape . 2038 l..ari(eln.suranceCo has ---------Donna, also lee paid ELECTRONI C AS exp. Cal 842-5073 or Center. 768-5888. Banking IOOI( HPER / NewportBl.CM.G46·744 a Immediate openings COCKTAIL WAITRESS·3 84S-l288 Dennis & Den SEMBLERS needed Im __('A.3)865.3851. , Automobile Contra~ & JU IC F C E CASHIEll·SALES. Xlnt working cond. & nights per week or every nls Penonoel Service of mechately. Soo our ad in OMV I k E S..,""l~GS · w/prom. F.I. R. · benefits other wt>ekend . 4·12 lfuntmgton Beach. 161&1 today's paper undc•r l1'f MAHAGERS cer . xpenencc AT ,..., Invest. firm. Xlnt oppty Por t O 'Cal l , Lid o CLERKTvPlST Pn Cl 0 Coupl~ lo m anage 52 ~;ta~~ 'M:.g~:Ot~ CO&llselor for ex&. & mature ~~:O 4.5 day week. 45 wpm. telephone. ~. ub. ver 21 Beuch.___ G~ER~ETOR Adult unllA In Anaheim. 4ro-J37S person. ll640-0l23 ((eneral office duties. ~tServ Ftt Pa!JJ 1i I ' Clrftce mulntt!flance ex 8ARWICK1MPORTS Good opprt opportunity BOOKKEEPER $1200 Cashier Part Time Mustbewellorganu:cd. COMPUTEROPEI OFCCO.ORD $900 :nzaecryS.,-.ces. t>ef'l'eql.llred.545-1006 --inourNewport Beach of· Xlnt o ppt y . Good Re11taurant •Mon·l''rl DATAENTRV Day shift, full time . Prop mgmnt firm seeks --------- --AUTOrARTS lice for Indi vidual with benc11L-1. + profit shar-11 .2·30pm. Jack-Irvine OPERATOR 1X'l"11l1tnent. Exper rcqd a level headed pers lol---------APT MANAGEH for l3 0a1vr.•y six monthsncwnccounlS lng Clubhouse.754·7500 6 mo. on the Joh ex on 11ystem 34. Apply tn a sst cllcntt:lc Call new 2 Bdrm,2 baunlls · P\ • b ;.,.,.,L, 1 peric n Cl'. Mu s t ht• nrrs o n . b e lW l'l'n n.. Dulies . llent units . t'ol Well groomed female elxRperaendce (pass ook . luvm c.mp . Retai.ned knowledgable on Key 2 ,, ., .. wn. 833·Z700. Also fl'(• lc<.1. rents, lite main-overll.Gpoddrivinrnc-A a n Kf•o gh nc rleasccallforappt. Oi!'lc. IOa~i'M"nROMFG. Jotis. Oenr11s & Dennis tenance Compens. Is $150 cord. Must live In Costa count.s) and light typing Mary lllckle Agency CASHIERS RATER CODEil 7601 Clay Ave, H 8 l'crsonncl Sc•rv ll't ' ol per month rent reduc-Mesa area. Must ba vP sklllll. Weofler: 640-2920 Newport Br h This will b<· a 6 9 mo (W/Beach. S/Garlleld l Irvin~. 2032 M1rhelson llCln. Call 640-511 2, 111tent Cnilf. Drivers Lie. Call .i:~:~t~.. Bookkeeper-Experienced poRllion. Will train In rat Equal Oppor Emplyer Cutler for wetllUll snfr Exl>enenced or will tram nght person Apply in person. RAM· 12 8J7 W lllth St. CM -:>56-2500 for interview " Rene BouUque UJOJEM MARKETS mg & codln" of~rsonal '"'P II to S900 ....,. •Pald career~parel .. ""' a.,.,.. ' ·--• Beach •SM·S48S Uncs pollc1cs. 'le8s ant 'rwolrJC Irv co's nct.'<l out· •Profit ab g --.-· .. __ L ' ftOllli tnd1v w/l yr A/P Auto Trana. R & R man Bookkeeper. for service Openings now avallable ~~t'~e~anner . .-1gurl! COMPUTER bkr:id. Raises & promo-Exter . Pr ef. MUST Ple.alecallforlnt.erview llatlon, rrr mornings. for full and part-lime F'lLECLERK lJon strut'ture In bolh llA E OWN TOOLS Apply 2590 Newport Cashiers oo 2nd & 3rd Will train conscientious OPERATOR Delivery. your vehicle. CIOl'pl. mfhly desirable 548-2288 FIDBJTY Blvd, CM shifts. No experience Individual papers to carrieN Xlnl sncu. cat Rit a 54().60S5. Babysitter, 3 dys pr wk, FIDlltAL oeceaaary, we train. Apply In person 8:30am-part ·lime l n com 1•. d,3Sta1 Personnel Aoen f Id b <-'--&• --" •loo .. H,.r/Allto Start at S3 per hour. ad· 2P M "'-I W• _.. INlrP.... • .._ Westminster. llunt , .. • or 15 m 0 0 ° y . -·-. --..... vancement opportunity m. on·r' . ..., ry,2790Ha.rbor..1..CM 5'48-2825 84a.4000 Oiev. dlr. will add on formanagementwltlon SalerolnsuranceCo dhl•1atwltt.atleott I Hearh , S•nta Ans . ALLJOB.5rREE EquaJ()ppt E lo clerks for liaht book· """" 17570Brookhun1t ~ ex,.rie•ce 011 He r al d Examln f'r Babyaltter needed to r mp yer k.......&n•r. lyr.lng. Part· lo $5.50 per hour If ~ t I v II S4S-8428 AACHITICTURAL babyail at my house. • • u;· o'? ful ·time. Will qualified. For lntt>rvlew r oun a n a ey. R Cfftwy Co• ---------~Architect. Ref's & dependable. train in auto. accounting. go to store 36, Monday ___ E_O_E_._._M_l_l" __ 1 ...... fW otMt-...... DELIVEllV /SALl::.'i JoltC_... -.018levea. 8a.nk11\1 OMV. Inte r esting. 9am-lpm: Clerical/Sain scdeca 'terforthls Tele phone sales. xlnt Well estabUaf\ed Orange 0 A..._J d OPERATIONS Pleasant surroundings. 88SGlenneyre Good opportunity En Mtilllt potlffOll. job. studenl11, Sr c1Uten County firm with strong _,v~.., lter, gr•n mo~er Opp. for advancement. ~· Bch .. 494·~ l.hus1nstic. Prefer 2S yrs S4.SO per hr PMS (714) ESCROW SECRETARY Good opportunity for in dmdwll with 6 months pnor Cahrorma escrow experien<'c Respon111 · blUues will mclwc clos- mg escrow h ies and com mun1callng with title• rompames. telephone / ~n~l duties. This fuJJ llme position offeri. an excellent aalary and benefits package. Please call Personnel for an in· t.crvlew appomtment. ADfUTY FIDBtAL SaYitMJS & LOClft Aslft {714) 642.4000 F'.qual Oppty Employer des~' & advanced pro· type, occulonal AM s. I OFFICER SceOm ceMgr. Eq Oppor Employer or older. Typing essen 11lh ii 0 _.... c.-.er :;!,9pS9~~ 10a m ·4Jlm. due 11-•ama Ori"nl•· nlv~-wk. 97!>-M4Ul6. Mesa HOWARD C ... •rMt tial. Phone experience -r-..,.... .. , • .., "' a .... at'ea C A car eer posit ion i• ~'f wfthht a -'---'-------------tion ofCera permanent • avallable In our Coeta Dove&Qua1ISta. ClltllllccnlWorta.n helpful. Co mmission. --rr-DELIVERY PEllSON ror poe!Uona w/dnt benefits Bab15ltt.er needcd, lnlanl, Mee• branch which of· Nt.WPORT Bl!:ACH Workers in chemical re· WUI train 5-57-0822 r apldl'f ••c••dl119 busy Irvine Travel Al(cn· EIKTOW & opportunlllet lor ad· 5 ctya, my home. Non· fen 8 deslruble, warm BOY 16-l7 years. muat be flDery SJ.75 to start. Day U25 Me11a Verde East c~lty otpltaf. ry. Must have reliable ESCROW MAHAGER vancement. Minimum 3 1mkr. ~ •. 770-0927. working atmosphere. _.., to work wkdya I·&. &olgbtahU\. High acbool SWte206. Costa Me11a W• off•r • 9ood motor c Yr le 11 net 1 n Excellent opportunity lo yn. experience lo Type I The lndlv1dual we seek IOOdatudent Ms.2702 cbemlat.ry or work exper .-Y ..d NWsdlllg aurance. Work approx s partk 1pate In growth or & Ul H06PITALSA COM· ~Iller for 8 mot old should have 3·'6 years w/chemlcala he lpful. ClBICAL b•••flh pacllat•· hrs dally M·F. llour:t_ ma.Jor division of last ~~.~TICONI L • 1~11•2,· M1 Y1h0m1:_pre· Savtn11 & Loan ex· Cabinet maker w/lnat. E.O.E. 71"/549-3281 Heavy._fllln1 but In a Pl 1 t wa"e & mileage al · growing S&L. Good JU:A.nc.n • • • rv ew ... ker. perieoc!elneludlng 1 year exp .. 983-0550 dys, or NlChlSblft Dlf. 10%. l>Nut • lntereaUng ofc. •• 1 • a PP 'f 0 9157.2700 benefits. Compensation L:ss••O,.•lagt 567-3587 s~ experience. 988-798'7eves. Conda typing for promo· Pwi •••IOfffceat: Delivery p/tlme AM . LA open. Send resume to: D.L loWtmd 0.bytitter: Start a.27 to JB\I 3900 -la helpful. H CIVIL 84G. Uon P\Ul>OlletJ. Start HI 1'1mea dcllv. 1100 per Prealdenl, lrvloe Sav-&A.aiocl•" IM. ... ~ "Tbun ..... ~re lnterestod In LAND DEVLMT. Ir rroo+ two 7~ ra1Aet1 per SANT.A AHA· week. Laeun• Beach. lngs, P.O. Box 19571, 776-lllG.A1ull1a. M1 .~ and ~alse!~~~;!1v: CAii.iTV Full tt!e~T~•~eer op. s;:..~/lp~~e;:!: TUSTIN ~ ~,CA92'7l3. Mt f' A/ICI... BANKING 1Aenpleuec1llThomaa SYSTIMSncH portunlUea w/top salary c:y,2790Harbor;CM COMMUNITY Del. men over 18 for LA I _______ _ Frimdfy f't.n Vly firm IJIPlll9tC• Dennil(714)979·3110. Mle2ynexrrreq'd.lor Poteatialforexpertenced ALLJOBS REE HOSPITAL Tlme11 In NB & C M ndt aomeone w /ad .,,,,. ..... tTIUllCO'.,TS =!:C6 1:c,f,.~~~~= CaUf. Re1i1tered Civil IOOUl T•&1..An ~~t. ~/$400/mo ~~:~~~r8wa!'~~~· handwrillnC • 10 key. QVV., n.-> We otter aucb l>enetlta aa Enclneen. experienced a.aJCS/ Acct• "" .,..,._... 5 N C mod w/ft1. Co wtJI train. NATIONAL BANK :~:.;,:,~'.~~I telr~ maJntxi-,;;· -=..nc;~1i s~y01:tem. gers ~«~r: mt:':~ te: ~~:a1!rw':f1 ~~~ s.r,, ~~~:::os DIMOMSTRATORS l6l~~~i1.~:~ C StariNJl'700.CallJeao, Altlndependent BaSLnk "''-Ability, ~roup fa In· "' c-1tlmators for 1ub-..... _ d SJ Y ""I•· s 54CMIOl5.Cou1.al Person· MSuftflower ,_. "' di"":..,_,_• land d I ...... ., indlvl u&I. 25 Equal()pplyEmplM/F our erea rr • • ot PACTOIYWOllCHS nelAleoey 2T90Harbor, Co.t.IM•H aurance.padrellremcnt 10'11C.melback ... _ eve op. hr+&d beneflta. Jeann.le S34:s hr to start. CMll MENWANTEO Cll · • 7141M0-51GO plan, atotk purchase. Jrvlne 640-9010 rn.tt wort. Strool &r•d m.ouo $4l.(ffl.8or883·3800 "~ta Ma•a. 631 ,..,.00 aadtre.parkln1. inll 6 deldn knowledfe COOK/COMPANION """" ... ""' ALL JOBS FREE 8uUG.I___ _ __ _ 10111bt. J>o1lt1on1 n J11nd what you went In retired couple want DENTAL ASSISTANT. 30 FACTOIYTRAIHH •Arellab6epenoanetd*' 'Ta&.mlS -~OOD C:'t-•u. WMer aod aewer design DllJty PilotClassllleda. healthy, and pluunt ~~No Sat. SJ.SO hr. Arts 6 craft• exper. i.smntd fOf'ltrlootnt furn P1rtU..:1fc::Satur-~I " -~ • dratt1n1 work •l•o rmture lady to Uve·in. _ _,_.,,..,,_.,, ______ , helpful. Wu have Cull 6 INK. le* (ai11) Call .. __ -• ... -'"···t S ..,VI ... I'.!. S & ONIATOI !!!!,!.9bwlleth. ~Pu!!• I~ Mu.t be good cook " Daul .... l•tant want_. betwn IOam 4pm _,, --_.. "' "9 F.•ftrlen ce wllh a ............ ·-... • drlvcr.tteavycleanlng6 ,_," ""' time openln11• day & • • P'lau brucb. PIHM LO..,... w b N A work HmplH to Mr. ,.._ lndry not expected. to wen Wed. & Fri. In KCOnCt 1hlft. We make -..OUC.M. Ctlll Rat&lb Klftnlnp at "'" a 1 UI or 11 re ~.at Robert Bein ,. b th cbarmln~Npl Och dental ~wood sbadee. AP· ~ _. Brt t.ol St IMAdamaAft ~preferred. Mutt unrn • ~ 80 Room & a w/pvt en· om-II 8737._ for plv Klr11ch Co. 173"2 ASS8•L• Qoa...::"' ... ' · Col&a .... ,CA... be able to make half "awama l"roet • Aaaot. 'i WT:, try. Refa. Mnoon/evei. ~. • _.., Arm1trona, Irvin~. ror pre11ure la.tru• Saturda1 oaly at our IOllMa. Experienced tn l40lQuallSt .. Npt. Reh. ' HIW 673-8043 ~ ..-.. &mall co. Local Cotta Maaa Branch. zr.:!Opportunlty ltttppto1 for ltYtx25Yt °' '• WITH D6tlh Wuher part tlmt .•-------- uu. Natural dua.rity PIHH oall G1or1• mpiorerM/P' !!!r.!:!.!!-"'Melll~ CIAIMS .. TaMI .~ -.., COOK ~1HVer~.P!~v1le1· F.J.,nnllah Carpll ~.~!A~· •_.._..._ ... d ... ·U--=al.....,_ Z700 -· .,.._ r -· UI ''--PR blU•v •-... '""' ~ ....... ~ w-k Conv. ''n" Ollp . ....,·.-,... mum4 yrsreq ... ,'-.... ---.,.. ....... --· 1ble to d evelop 3M ~your • v • ~-".,.,,_ • 1 ~ kl Apply a t Barton ~--. Blvd.ColtaMfta a.n..der·WaJUwMI plaMf. Good compan1 COU l*ld for lntrt1Uln1 exper. 1 nt wor "" DISPATC Hf!R·amall Development Co. 17400 tw1 1thu Tull.111 ~ourUme,,_11!! !c•eoun• o1". :: 1 ,acorrb• ....u.,.11.-baftll~---i~~may.w1eepmk'.!PPm·, t91. ~~.c~en~a~ =i!w ~~!~1!~-n~: a I ar m com P • n r . Mt. cunwooct Cir. FV. I ,___Co ... ,J ....a~ ._ ~ • ,. irt*Mtt _., ... • .., D I P I -20•• T burln • C . M. d.-ytlrh. 228 Forett 8IZ'70ll 540-4$3& • .... _ ••I"'....., ......... -...a-.... 1 n.-e unch waltre11e1. Ill· atlOnal F.ducauon. 4401 enn • eraonne •• ~.., •v• '·•una n..1ch tro/macl1aalcal pro• ·-..--.... -• =--1__... A "'' h St t N rt Strite. ol Irvine. 2082 ~ 84a-3llOl5 " '"'...,. (Jiii • .._.. 11---· w_.a&Ml-.l700 "'"'''"'-'· PP· .... re! ree. ewpo .. , ............ ,~ flofttthllper ~.!..~=r-... Harbor aiw•~oiu~ pe..-between 3.5 Buch. <Nur O.C. _~_....;....._·____ a.. DOMTI' SHOP early AM nJLLTlME. Unlqutrc _. --.. ""' -. llon-Frt. Airport) Equal Op· -DW&c.urclt'tl"t IMll.woman,noexpnet. t.a11 ~ looklDI tor =~••bl• tleetrct_a~ ...... U . .._., fl"'!*r Emp!O?er. Mak• t b o 1 e Io o 4 O\<w II .Y"· Apply In tndMdual with ••per. In l--*r:•.,...."·Am r·-· .... _ ...... _ • H-" __ _ boul hW bema rou'ri Olllf•Dl9r,_._...... Full 6 p art ·tlme. ~Dlpptt)'Dooutt,11$4 florist ..._1_ A_. .. 1 :.::t••· AfpaJ la k@'£A&iem ~.lrnb:it. -· '* _., anllabla to ,..,,......,... .. ,..,...., mlnlmum or no tx"r NtWpostBl,CM -lAD· ....., n ._.lfnta-., ... ,... 1 1> lllltllllnlll fMtrillDall1 '::::.0lL~'::fg'J..,• =-~~~:f.; ..... ....,M . ...,-. :*1'~~1~d~~ SIU Idle Item• with a G'it-i'&AaWs .. l;=~-~~N~l~l~CH~"8.~C~··~~· d::;::~=-~~·:!l•=M/f~==flPUat=~W~-~~~~· ~~~LlPUclt~~=~~Ada~~· ::i~a~~"~led~Call~~MUf71~~~]!====~"~i~!i~i~Q~!i~i~~W~llll~Ad~Rel~~tp~~T=to.~~MTl~UJ~~=5871.~PUot~~Cl: ... :10ed:::A:d·1:·: ... :~1..~oa.~=~ul~a~W.:R:d:. ·-________ _, . .. ... . .. w.dt ...... MM'tl'l 2t. t979 . .... W•hd 7100, .... W.t.d 7100 N•Oneeday, Mwen 21, ,m DAILY Pl~OT •t I -······················· ....................... -----~~~ ..... ?!.~ ~~~ ..... !!.~ ~~~ ..... !~.~~ ~?.~.~~.~ ..... !~.~~ tWpw..w 1100 ""'· w. • •• ••.c1 ••••• 1 •• •.o.o tWpW..-.4······'··'~~ -----------------·------------------· ....................... .... .. . . . ........... . ft ..... lf-8 5 .. porf MtlOON LJ 0 H TPlaNtO .tfl mu 11 Orciel'Serv Pee PaJd EmplQYm~t lMI 941'\0YMIMT Ir TIAIMIHe ADMMtSl'U TIOM °' HUMTIM•TOH HACH l.-C .. M.W•a•ce T,...... Sl.30 ,.,. How U~T~ $2. to p.,. H.., to' o o d pr f' p • r a t I o o fnmtelr . ov«-r counter, prf'p&re! aandw1t•ht•1>, salad.a, p11u . 644 OllU 01M l'UlJ Ume experien<~od for delivery and an11tallat1(ln ol ajor apphanc ' 1uhl te~ons l>unJ1tp'!1 Av plian<'es. 10060 Talbcn l»t Euclid> )"ountaln Valley, phone 963-0723 Gar-dener, S pac1ou6 grounds for ~ unit com· plex lo Costa Mesa 842-S073or (213)~·3851 Geoeral Ofnce · lite typ Ing & bookkeeping. Cali Newport Floor Covenng lor675-1636 inter view. G«t«"al VICTOll MUDS W~&MEHFOlt WAJlFJIOUSE PEOf'Lf> l'CU BOARD ASSEM&LY W Wtre, Soldtnni: ill Mt"t•bamcill <'llP Til.AlNKEASSEM ULY SECR1'.wrARll:!S R ECF.PTlONISTS Never A Fee. Work your own~ 7 & hours Call immediately VICTOR Tcwyoc • y Senlces 4341 8U"Cb St, Ste 213 Newport Beach 556-8520 777S. Main Orange 83S.2U2 General omce . small ag. gressive company seeks part time secre ta ri al --------•I help near 0 .C. airport Salary commensura te G&aAL OFFICE with exper. Flexible Your day will fly by in t.Jwos. SRL Metals, Inc. this fwi spot w/top in- nt/566-2780. tem.at'I co. Mucb variety -G-8-8-.-.~-----c-E--i & x.lnt oppty for pers w /It _ _.... vrr1 typing & some ofc bkgd. lnvolYes pbooe cootact, Very fri end l y co· wortdng with customers, workers, makes this one typing It flllne. Health & d my best oppty. Call Acddent lns. vac, sick Chris, 54CMi055. Coastal leave fu.ruiahed. Apply Personnet A&ency, 2790 Moo· Fri. 8am-3pm. Harbor, CM BARDENS PEST AU.JO~ FREE CONTROL m6 Randolph, C.M. 546-5570 General OCfice I 41 V It ,,......,..r /forir• SS.00 hr H_.. DI.wt Muhmllc SS.GO P•r H011r ................ S4.IO hr How S•wAw . S4.00 'ff How Mot.rial H....,. SJ,,5 Pu HCH&r Adn!W~dr ... •e Mc.GCJin""' Tnri-. S6.00 to S7.00 ,.,. How M-.....ec•MKhaNc $5.00 to $6.00 , ... Hour CIM GftMrat Offlu $4.00 ,er Hour Shlppfftq & bc:eMtNJ U .00 Per Hour Machine S.+-4tp Operator $4.50 to $7.00 Pet' Hour DI• Maker SS.00 Pu Hour Parts Man U.50 Per How Elec:tro..Jcs T echnlclan $3.50 P..-Hour Bectro-Mec:hmlcal AtMmbler $4.00 Per Hour S.CtrORics Auueter $4.50 p.,. Hour Shfft Mdol Fabrfcat« S.4.00 Per Hour .., WA"1'9 Unique Homes lo Mesa Verde is cooking I Over a million dollan ln sales! A s mall tract of homes. 3 daily open houses t o man, enticing commission split + an exciting bonus p la n. You'll a lso benefit from interesting, inspiring sales meetings and a stare or 43 cooperative. competent sales associates. 1f you are new, or experienced in local real estate place call Sandy Orlowski at $46-5990 for an appointment to discuss opportunities. U~l()UI: li()Mt:S REAL TORS'. 546 5990 1575 Mesa Verde Drive, East, Costa Me!>a al'>o 111 Corona dl'I M.ir. di G7S GOOO lnspectortQuallty Control LEGAL SECRETARY. Growth opportunitt.< for t r a 1 nee o r e x p e r . persoo wilh backgM'und Newport Center Sole m inspection & qualJty pr a ct 1 oner I Gener a I control of macbioe parts Practice 644·5501 & pre~ision e lect,ro-Legal Secretary • small mech8;Dlcal assemblies. eynamic busmess litiga· F !1_m1llaritY. w_lth tJon firm in Newport rruhtary speclf1cat1ons cente r see k s e x . helpful. Cole Instrument perie nced . efficient Corp. 26508. Croddy Way t> n e rg e t 1 c I e g a I S.A. 714/556-3100 E.O.E. secretary . Shorthand. Insurance Costa Mesa dk taphone. xint. typing Agcy. l desk open for the skills a mus t. Salary right gal. We split the negotiable. Benefits. Call alphabet of custo mers _64C>-_moo ______ _ for diversification of LEGALSECRETARY duties . Our s m ooth NEWPORT BEACH operation eliminates the Prr or FIT. salary com· usual agency ~ressure. mensurate w/exp. Call Top pay-Must ave ex Mr. Nelson, 00-8532. per. m personal & com· merciat lines. 642~ & LEGAL S EC Y to 54&-3200 s 14,400 Insurance Agency workmg with employee benefit plan oeedsGIRL FRIDAY !or secretarial rating & pro· posal work. For lnlerv. call 752·5665 FeePald Gen. Offc, heavy • bones, typing, fill n1 . s m manufacturer. Salary commen~urate w /exp. Call ror appt. 642·1916. RECIPTIOHIST Appty at ~.,_... & Tral1tinCl A._,atn.ff• of INSRNCEFILECLERK TIAJHH ........, ... IHcll. 5JI MU. str.n . ..........,. lead. BegiMers spot ror bn ~ht Field pror s eeks am - brtious pers to maintain ore orga niutlon. Call Keena. 833-2700. Also ree jobs. Denms & Dennis Pe rson el Service o f Irvine. 2082 Michelson Liquor clerk. General INVENTORY Control & Receiving ,,enon needed immed. Must be exp w/Cardex sys , good w/fig ar paper work. Non smoker. H arbor & MacArthur Bl. Saata Ana. 751-7901. Willing to train bright , Cati 110W 17141 536•2526 w 639•1554, Y• ...,.. person. General oCCice well-groomed individual at""'D0-214. eJtper . pre ferr ed. to operate n ew Pleasant working <'Ondl· dimension telephone ----------------• tioos. with opportunity system. Position also in· ror training & advance· eludes filing and various ~R EA T HCYrEL night auditor. ex· ment. 37'1'.t hr work week. v-.__. • per preferred, NCR 25-0. $.525. to start. E.O.E. Call duties. Light typing. ln· SALES JOI HOW ammed opening. Apply 549-4700AsklorAndrea. t.erviewing between Sam· -..... Ro Fr •--Fr s Ila 1 & 3p A I """'"" y a,_,r aser, an INVENTORY CONTROL P IT nights. 642·6537 MA C HINE S llOP SUPERVISOR. Schedule & supervise NC Machine operators. Knldg of NC program & s e t -up helpf'ut. Xlnt adv poteo· UaJ. Call557-7626. m, pm m. PPY GOOD PAY, GOOD Clemente Inn. 125 W. North American Cor· HOURS, GOOD CON-AvenueEsplandian,SC. & Rec~lvlng Person 1---------l't!8pondence School, 4401 DI T 1 o N s . M A N y needed 1mmed. Must be MACHINIST Birch Street, Newport FRINGE BENEFITS. Housecleanersneeded. exper w/cank!x system, MILL HAND _Genera.l ___ Of_fi_c_e_·_l_pe_no--in Beac h . (Near O.C . FASr GROWING COM· Musthavecar. O>OC1 w/figures & paper For prot.o-type machine <lfflce. ~enced ac· Airport). Equal Op· PANY PROMOTES 549-9372 work. Non -smoker. shop ln the lnstrumeol counts payabl e . _.portunl-•lmlity•E•mlllilp•lollillye•r•.-•I FROM Wl'MUN. TRAIN HOUSECLEANERS-~& Mac~ur Bl. division of the oil tool ln- Knowledie ol bookleep-----------F 0 R T 0 P Exp & f It Ana. 75t-l. dustry. Worlrlng from h>6· Fu JI be nefJta . GmJOfc Fee Paid MA NAG EM E NT $3.75hr car ra~ ~~~. Invest your s pare Ume & blueprints. sketches & 494--0487, Lag. Bch. TR.CO OlD $900 ST A R T S • ' I M • t.os · · start your own business verbal designs. directly MED I ATE LY ''. Housekeeper w/car. Ex· for a secur e future. wtlh englDeering, lo as-GBBAL OFFICE ::. de• corp has out-K E Y B 0 A R D per only. References. 63Hi008 silt .in new product de· Part-time, 8AM-12PM ~ ... _,!.!fP'Ycorg=rto.Ceanl·I EX p ER I EN C E Fordetalls768-7926 •---------• velopment tor world ,..._ c-...i A R UIY>l-u HELPFUL. WE HAVE Janitor· We need someone .. ~ .. -1J bo I ._..... .... " ~cts ec ex· Iona. 833-2700. Also fee OUR OWN TRAINING HOUSEKEEPER/UV Ell to clean & m aintain our wiuc we re nav ga-per, lt typing, phones, iobe Dennis & Dennis PROGRAM PlJT ON BY M/F. Beautiful N. B. new plant. 40 hr week. lion equipment. Lathe must have car. $3.50 hr Personnel Service of 11IE COUNTRY'S TOP rome. All modem conve· Tues-Sat. Cole Jnstru· expenence helpful for start.~ Irvine.~ Michelson. O R G A N S A L E S nlences. 2953 Cliff Dr. ment Corp. 2650 Croddy more variety ol projects. General Office. Llte bk· GEN. OFFJCE·Matur e PEOPLE. CALL AT N.8 .548-4366 Way S.A. n4/ 556·3100 SaJary open, excellent kP«, rood typing skills, _...." bkpg macb ex-0 N C E F 0 R . E.O.E. =lli'1~8~1Yfu1r8t!: J>'r, 4·8 hrs . Leisure ~pflll Pacific Ind. INTERVIEW. ORGAN HOUSEKEE,PER ·.3 days trol, Corporate Head- UfeStyle Corp. 545-7117 S up pl Y. 2 t 67 So . EXCHANGE. STAN a week. Ref s reqwred. KalhyJeantCourtside quarte rs . N e wport askforCarol. Hatha St SA NUNN714/586-7302. 499-359'7 bas immediate openings Beach. Call (714) ~7-9051 way .. . . HOUSBCEEPER for an exper. full time. m for Mr. Moll or Mr ~~~~~J~~ 70 General ~nee . ~ cutter ;'0~01~~wlbong. Uve-out, needed to take ~es~~Jo~ w;r:Y~~ Adams. wpm, 10 key, good math Im~ate operun~ for ays up to "'· . ar r care of infant, must also Tennfs-Club. The penon I~•_-_•_-_•_•_•_• ___ •_•_•_•_•_•_ ability. dependable & clerical worker. Simple area. 642'5387· keep hse & cook meals we are looking for must we ll groomed. X.lnt math, knowl ed ~e ol for N.B. couple. Must be attractive, personable Mac~~rJ~ oportunity Cor advance-calculato~ require d . Hot.el have cxpcr. Sat/Sun off. & able to work wknds . Electronics Mfr has im · ment. Company benefits. Some overtime. 898-4357 19T LEAD COOK Xlnt pay according to ex· Xlnt salary & fringe med opening for Milling Caltror lnterv.675·5923. AskforPatorCarol. Excellent opportunity per. Call Tammy at benefits. Ph Belh Davis, Machine Operator. Must -,, roe P•Y. r e CUST UAaSON Noexponeoceneeeuaey ~Call ror appl . .tr follow foreffec live or•r::t::. w/ebem We will train you to Moonll1htlng· P IT peo. exp. Call Muy, al.lo tee make t.e~ appoint· pit, ruJI lime pay. Call jobs. 148-12:88. Denni.I & meat.I with busln~u H · lor--apt 499-163$ Dennls Persoanet ~ves for officers Of ....... _,_~ f lltl Service or Huotiogton our company. .......,.,. nmg.s u me. Beach, 18168 Beach. StartinU•lary M per hr, meads laundry. Good Increases will be Cre· salary. Apply lrl person PART TIME IMMED quent.trsubstanUal. only. Ah Baba Mote l. helP at Slop 'N Oo.Mkt. You may work l or both 4 22SO Newport 81, CM 455.S Coait ltwy, N 8 No hour 1hll\6. 8:30am till exp, nee. co bcl\f, ins, noon. 12:»-4:30. PIH se sick leave, prollt allar- call for appt. MOVIE £XJRI~ ing. Apply at NB !itore or 714/557·8282 IW nwin ore at: Stop 'l'J Oo Equal Employment Op· aouaht by Hollywood Markets. 715 N IAata. portunity movie Cirm. $20·1200 per Anaheim. 774.9210 .. -------· -day po6S. Looking for -·-------MATERlAL HANDLING outgoing 18·70 yr olds Part time steno clerk, re· Parts Stockperson wanting to break ipto ceptionlst. 20 bra per Experience desired not movies. (714) 535·0120. week. Hours negotiable. required. Will train ext94. VIDEO CASTING Matur e .Pers on pre· Must pass company SERVICE. (now in 4th ferrec'J. Call ~l. physical including back year> ~-'(;.~.Irvine. 540.7639 -------•1 PART TIME --------Natural food res t on Medical Receptionist in beach avail. ror attrac EVENINGS . busy pediatrician's of uve, outgoing andavadual '1\dults with outstanding. fice. Experienced only who e nJOY working atlractive per..sooalitaes 644-0970 w/peop le . Mus t be• wt1o enjoy working with Medical Assistant. ex pl~ant & cruoy wear lads. Over 21. Start at 1ng cas ual clothing ... ~" h Ph penenced front off ace """'.,.,A., .., -Al per our. on\! ""~· b"ll II o t.rc.ro.1 642-4321 Ext. 2 ~0 . .,.,tog. I ing. co ec· BETWEEN 4 :00·" 01) tiom, appointments. an· NURSE AlDE C ERT " surance. Salary com· CLASSES. Martin~ soon PM. men s u rate w I ex · Apply at Park Supen or. Asai for.......,. perience. 644·1881 1445Supen or. N lJ Equal Opportunity MEDJCAL SECRETARY Nursery School teacher. ___ E_m_p_l°'_Y_e_r __ C.M. FP office. Hadley roonungs. Costa Me~a. PIX OPEil. 3 2 hr wk . W r 1 l e ~9973 Opc r's for telepho ne Classified Ad l416. Daily ---------• nmwering service. Must Pilot. P.O Box 1560. Nursery Salesman , PtT , be able to work some Olsta Mesa . Ca. 92626. must have muumum 1 yr weekends. Typing 35 expe r1enre . Apply 1n · d E Medical person. Lloyd's Nursery wpm r e quire · x · Doctor seeking warm & & Landsc ape. 2038 perlence preferred or wall train. Many com· enthusiastic person to as· Newport Bl CM. 646 7441 pany benefits. full time stst him in establlshmi! a or pan ti· me, day •·after ct. 1 & b·11 Nursery salel>man. full "' newpra ice. ns. I . tim e Mu s t ha ve noon-e vening shifts ing experience helpCul. available . Please call typing reqwred. Laguna m In Im um J Yr l' x . M thr F 54" •23 Hills. Ca ll 770·6096 pe ric ncc. Appl y an on. u ra. .,...,, n between 1~12. person Lloyd "s Nursery1_E_.o_._E_. ------ & La ndsc ape 20311 PRODUCTION ASS'T Newport Bl. CM &46·744l Prr Huntington Beach Medical Assistant·C M. F.P. office. Ltd. X-Ray Lie. 32 hrs per week Write to Classified Ad #416, Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St. Costa Mesa. Ca. 92636 NURSES AIDES area. working w/glass 893-7321. Ask rorTom. State cerUl1ed only. S4 --------per hr. Xlnt benefits. & P rodo ction work er workm& cond. 59 bed needed. !or laboratory. rac:Wly. Bayview Conv. Expenenced pref. bul Medical Front Off ace.Part 2m51bunn,C.M. M2·3505 not necessary. 77G-9381 time. Exre;rience ooly. E.O E. PRODUCTION ~~t7 ci~~i::eAd::~. -NURS--E-Al_D_ES_7_a_m_·3_p_m-. TRAINEE Daily Pilot.. 330 w. Bay Expenenced or cert1f1cd Rubber hose products St Costa Mesa C• S3.25·S4 per h r Mesa lrvlne area. Must pa.;.s 92626 • Verde Conv llosp. 661 company physical an · Center ,Cost a Mesa eluding back x-r ay. Medical Back Office AS· . 54().7639. E.O.E. sist.-F u ll time Ex-Office girl, general, for penenced ln 0 .8 G.Y N body shop Qtaallf_ied Construction se nd r e s u m e l 0 M2·0632 supenntendent. Apply :it Cl . Barton Development Co. .assilied Ad #453. Daily Office Promouon 17406 Mt. Cliffwood <:I r Pilot , 330 W · Bay St 9 People need~ for P IT FV 92708. 540-453 t . Co8ta Mesa. Ca . 92626 temporary office promo· Resume requested. MEN WANTED don work for Sheraton ----..:.----Newport Hotel. $3-$6 per Real Estate FACTORYWORKERS hour. No expe r nee MANAGEMENT Costa Mesa. 631-0700 Hours avall: 9-1, 1·5 & MgrTme Fee Pald S-9. Ask for Miss Layton, TRAIN~ ff RV o-S 121( front desk. morrungs on· Company eJtpans1on pro· --· ..... ~ . . ly. Please do not phone. gram demand talented Mech ab.ahties. & supv ~ MacArthur Blvd. at new ~aders. New com. talent will gwde. your Birch. misaion split. Our people future w /dynam1c co. earn over twice Lbe in· Call Bill Also ree Jobs. ODe girl olc. need ma tu~e. dl8try average. can Guy ~2700. Dennis & . Den· good on telephone, !1te Dtllow. 894-0611 rus Personnel ~rv1ce of bkpg, a ccurate typing r=:-m""ll'PI-... ,.-. lrvlne.2082Micb~. r=ui~~~a~:ft ~s~-(~l\ttl341}11Jj ~~af::8~iJ.g~~ ~wn~ 646-622S btwn Real Ditate br. Call 750-7994. __ ._. _____ _ Models. Fem. Sharp figure only. Sl.5 per hr. 6C'6282, 64>5122 Bob. ModelrMaleOr Female We-"ww focn: We are a professional modeling agency loolung for exp or potential. H you are se rious about modeling. please call for appt. 631·5600 New York West Modeling Agency 875 W 16th St Npt Bch Order Desk-busy. Heavy phones. typing req·d . Good m e mory n ee. Benefits, salary open. Miss ion Viejo Fabric Wholesaler. 77~2922. STOP!! Take time to relu ,a nd sbop at home. It'!! simple wath Dall y P i l o t Classified Ads. And if you have something lo sell, call a frie nd ly Classified Ad-Visor at &12-5678 Real Estate • .,.as•-· We have an opening in our Residential Div. for an experienced man or woman possessing en- U..iasm and integrity. U you are interested In a beautiful office In the rinest location, working with conge nial a s - sociates. we are interest· cd in meeting you. In· terview by appointment. Wnley H. Taylor Co. Rea.It.ors 644-4910 General office, Ute book· G.O./SECY $900 for reliable indlv w/a _640-_'ll1T7 _______ 640-6214. be able to machine pre. keeping, good phone Employer in the record goodcooking knldg, min. IMMB>IATE _Leas_ing_F_ee_P_ai_d ___ cision parts from prints • .----------.----------------personality.~. busisre-locatingtoNB. 2yrseJtper .. abletowork p•emME TRAINEE toSIZk sketches & verbal in· GENERAL Of ACE The Oraage Coast Dally PUot bu an Immediate opelllng In our Clasallied Oeputment for a ruu time penoo. DuUes ln· ch.de 10 t ey adder, filing and Ute typing. Some bookkeeping experience helpful but not neceeaary. Salary com· mensurate with ex· perten~. ExceUent com· pany benefits. For ln· terv1ew, please call: Penonoel Office ~.exi.277 OIAMGICOAST DAILY PILOT DOW. Bay SL cc.ta Mesa Equal Opportunity Employer 6-'al Offtc:e ftid8 ElltrJ level position lndinl..ama, Various a.ail clu&iea. liabt t1Pinl • aeet banchmUn1 re· quired. bcelleot work· .. eondttkw • bebeflta ladudlal dental plan. Apply .aam.uam ft lpm 6-. Nort.b American Oan~llwe Scbool. uo1reb Street. Newport Beach. (Near o.c. Alr19ort). Jqaal Op-e= JC:plor•- ••ALOMCI Malit ov re1latrare .......... of ..., stacleata. Vartoua ..-1ae111111q~ -~ ...... CJ'-' IDl_traucrlpta 6 lWtlllelal 6 milat.la· lf.!IC.Tnt•+:::: .... ,.::~ ..... dHtal •laa. ApplJ ..... la•·1l•m • ......... •"-1 ..._,~?,l 81rd ..... .... = ,. . Al,,.rt) .... .,, .. ", ' Xlnt oppty for indiv's flexible h o ur s -s truc tlon. Apply In 1 ood b Supervisory ex per EMPl.OYMlMT Salary+ car+ exp for person: &~~b~~ enl helpful. Enjoy xlnt co. .SAN CLEMENTE indiv w/credit eJtposure Masters S~ialty lOOo/o Emply.Retained benefits. Apply 9am·12 The DAILY PILOT Is Callinexp,~dustrlsleqfui~cob. 1640 Moorovla.C.M. Pleasecaftlorappt. 0000. Moo/Fri Person· coosoUdating a substan· .....,,a, a o ee JO s. ---------oel. tJal ruu1 ol ·ts d" t "b 848-1288. Dennis & Den· MaJds, apply The Inn at MaryHickleAgency ........ •••on HOTEL r-:-· 1 is n u· nis Personnel ~rvice or Laguna, 211 N. Coast ~2920 Newport Bch -. Uon mto paper rout.ea re· 900Newport Center Dr 9,uiring arternoon de· l:hmtington Beach, 16168 Hwy, Laguna Beach GIAHDMA NewportBeach hvery b y motorized _Bea_ch. _______ Maids. Apply In person. Parttlme.Childcare for E.O.E. M/F transportation. legalRecept Surf N Sand Hotel , two7yrolds. Refs. req'd. --------•Libe ral income at. SECYTitAIHlE Laguna Beach. 1555 s. 675-4912; 751·0774eves. Hoc.el ~~';g~~int;>~~ar7 career potent for sharp, _Coast __ H_wy_. ---- Gu ... "'$ HSKPG INSPEC · da\l'llperweek> enthusiastic indiv. Call ........ IDS .""""' TRESS-7 :30-4pm , J V -""·" .. p/"me All a •Excellent parttime in-Amy, Dennis & Dennis Experi-ced, CuJI ,·,·me, .. """' "' · . reas. F/time, inc weekends, come Personnel Service or "u Uolrorms furnash;ed. Union beof. Call for appt For d etails c on tac• Huntington Beach, 16168 alsopartUme.00-30JO. Ages 21 or over. Rt;llred 6'S-5000ext520. Foster Ouellet 496·6800 Beach. welcome. No expenence ----------------nee. Apply Universa l Hotel between 9:30AM·7PM. Maids wanted 6 days a week. SeacUff Motel. 494.-4892 Protection Service, 1226 HSKPG PORTER-M·F. W. 5tb Street, Santa Ana. Midnlte·8:30am, Union Interviews hours 9-12 & beor. Call for appt. Have something to sell"? 1°"' Mon thru Frt. 64>5000, ext 520. Classified ads do It welt. JJow 5o ~nJ.A new !fat 5~al :l:Joe6n i !Jn.fer/ere Wt~ Your newJJ.ome. We know the tons of work that go into making your new house a home. There's so much to do, you just can't afford to take an everyday, nine4 to-five Job. But. because you need extra money, you can't afford not to. Simple solutlon: Become a NorreU temporary and choose the days and weeks you want to work. RJgbt now. Norrell has good.paying temporary positions available in many fields . And there's no contract or fee involved. So It you're russy about when you want to work, give us a call And we'll work you into your schedule, not ours. lWnr;I] T8ilflOUIY mYICll Zcaul ()ppcirtunttJ Em,..,., M..,..IMdt 4341 .. W..202 . , .. ZJ4tl •T.,.ld..Wh200 r .... aw-.t-.JO.J.- $1.77 per DAY That's ALL you pay fora 30dayad intbe DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY DO IT NOW • 64Z.567t MAINTENANCE MAN for pvt comm. Laguna Beach. Mus t have CA driven lie. Call Mon/- Fri, 9am -12 Noon . 41M-8571. MANAGER for cbildrens toy & clothing store. So. Coat Plaza VILLAGE Previous experience ln maruagement necessary. Call S49·1461 for In· tA!rvtew appt. Marketi.og p rr to develop lales & olfice procedures (or manuracturing co. re- tired 0 .K. 545-1006 r--------------------1. INDUSTRIAL I I GUI YOUR JEANS I I MIM • WOMB4 I c•o..e... .. T.-,aSMto. I LOIMJ Or a .... T..,...., ••:ri 1rnb I HO DPllllMCI HICIS IY I Assembly, Maintenance, Injection Molding. Forklift Driven, Etc. Ask how to urn extra monty on our bonus program. Paid vacation. no fet to you. Must be 18 with own transportation ., home phone. I IE' 11'9.D!l..oirr ~:: • I ~ ~ 2102Buslna1Ctr.Dr . I ••,..v1e1te Suli.208 t1 Huntinllon Beach lAguna Nl~I 841-3498 131'°542 I .,,. W•nt•r Ave •tlJ 2'7951 Cabot Road '-------~--:-_._;.. ________ __,, POMONA EMPLOYMENT BULLETIN At General Dynamics we're hard at work on solid contracts that spell plenty of work for years to come. Right now we're rapidly expanding and we need the best people in Southern California. If you're good at what you do. and proud of it-join the Pomona team NOW. • SHEET METAL MECHANICS e GENERAL MACHINISTS • JIG BORER MACHINISTS • LATHE MACHINISTS • MILLING MACHINE MACHINISTS • TOOL & DIE MAKERS • ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS . • MILLING MACHINE OPERATORS • GRINDER OPERATORS •BORING MACHINE OPERATORS • TURRET LATHE OPERATORS • N/C MACHINE OPERATORS • DRILl PRESS OPERATORS Apply In person at our Employment Office • 8AM-4:30PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY GEN&RAL DYNAMICS Pomona Division 1675 W. Mission Blvd., Pomona. CA. An f Qual Opportunity !mpioytf M1F u.&. Oltlzenatilp AtQUllW .. Aftil-.c.n 10 I 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• K.eiwort' t lcctnc dryer. 1 ,_.._.. IOSO llllt.ccl• 1w IOIO 1010 yrold S~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 53871MTansrM Sdabd ms . duld.s dka &. LUGGA•ITA•S Fenwick Bau. Trout headbo ard U O & tromyourbusln~J1card POies S20 & $2$. Ocean . ••••1M.Mri•1025 dn:&ser S60 . bdr aet'iss . Send one card for tach 125. 548·11832. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lgr desk & chr $7~ , tbl lag pl1&11 one spare Wt a.tom Wrouaht Iron de "4chrS85 .. 7Sl 5420 r~turn ptrnune nll)I Mhctl•io. cor11tor r~m divider IC'a.led aur.ct1v" t11a ' Wtlllhd 7'•11 '2'' lu nlf $150. ~atzed water he'd on strap, met-tinf( »lrllnc ••••••••••••••••••••••• IOll 631 Z!SO tu pedcstuJ base 6 mo l D roqwrcments Pre W...,_, Sil YB S · 96i 1..259 vent IOll!I & then ' f"or 11 & I oz. ban. poy $7 ea . WOMEN'S CLOTlllNli OIS1'HlfJ UTIN(; G..lr ment hanttlnl( Jo'ull & plt.111'11' (rvtnl' C.omplt:x m.1M5 c-,... & ~sk fla t top. Wulnut. personabied tag enclOllt Pre 1964 coin11. pay S4 50 ,...,...,.. 1010 40"x1s",S draweri .7v, .. wallpap t'r , fabrle 01 c11 01wdolli1rfocl•vulue. ••••••••••••••••••••••• overhang S350 494 7Ml "0.y Glo" paper & wt' DaneM7 3534. llmm sound pro jector ---will back & tnm you• Cl.loon PSIOOO, n<'W $200 7' SOfo·A & ~· LOVESl-:AT. t.ag.'i Or tr')' two cards 5:t6 4~ brushed velo ur. xln~ backtoback Wanted slampR & nnn1o. Pnvaw collector Poys more than deulen:1. l!:vc11. 675-6022 f~&at1~,. y, front olflre Mt.Ulf'W", Skrl11m. IHll•r l"t't" P111d WOIDPROC lntcrn11t'I H1g H C'l'A l''lrm aeeklnf( VYUA<.: 1200 Opt•rnt.or Prnr J :, --- -cood, rust/brn Medtter PrtlCES DoC)I 1040 ranea.n i.tyltng. S.100 for ~ea or 31~ • Whtlmort 14!1() N t:11---------·1 unUTY to SI I.HO ·~Ul(IOU. 1111· c1fr 'd lo multi U ll•rtll•d 111d1v w acrow1n1< f1n u nc•111I lur11 Cull Uu w n . MJJ 2700 Al1111 h •t• Jllb't Ut-tU\u1 ' l)\•nni11 f>en1on Oo'I ~rvH't• of I 1 vtrll'. 20il2 MjCht•lllfm ••••••. •• •• •• •• • • •••... Aft 5 30 & be! IOp m. 415 tag& $1 00 ea 645-9866 CM. 6/9 lags $1.50 cu Musk at ....,... .... IOll \:amino R••.a l ~ • .,, MJ.t~ t1t'mf'fll(', (.'4 f'OOl> ""Lt-'- yn eitp in word proc & Cocker Spanlcl puppies CPA eXl> helpful Salary AKC. buff $125·$1 SO nc·icot. Good t•o l)i•nf 1ne 642 3l9'l lOor more Sl.40 ea. "BEAN BAG" COUCH. 5' Sales Tax Included dla. :! loose pillo ws. NO CARD? ••••••••••••••••••••••• F\nder Rhodcs 118 11uitcasc mod4.!I. Xlnl. 1·ond. $800. 551-6450 UCIPT/S!CY for l'nar ftrm l11r11t lilunrb o( ICU.)''! HI ll'llfl. toe-. sm11ll ufc •tmu~p ~IC'l Ofr •l>IW i\r 1i1• IUl GaAND OPIHIMG Ol.AHGECO OFFICE EVBYOHE IUYS FOOO C utlHHT STAFF uaHurro& ma1 medical & RrOuJ> te r m Ille 1n !S c:11 11 Toy Poodle pupptcll.AK C. ~450 ask for Ka thy sliver male, t'hll mp velour pnnt Pen cond Draw your own or send S75 S48·H571 name, address. phone & Harvey b I o o d . A d o r u b I c ~7 m> f\lrnitur" for sale. odds & we'll make one cord p1•1 tag Add 25' eaeh Yamaha Classical gwtar w ca.~ $50. Xlnt cond !548-7503aft 6PM . Jrv loc "f~ '*' ~"" vm '71l011no t.11,Kl h••n1•ht,.. Tm.E SECRETARY X tlay Tech Part t1mt' 11 l 0 hr~ p \' r "' cl' k F;ishaon h I <1 nd N Ii Need rcg1sten•d Sumoyl'<J ends 842 9476 Send check or money ur derlo ()lllWN K7:\3 to !(IM't Olll)' llt'I I.I lllJl)I) Mi.111) ru twm·ftt-.. 101> I'·•\ I' II M•t hellt• :~ 1ll1 Sh.'"" 11rt Tttlt• 1Ul "J llr11111lw1,I) ~ 640-4'.)4() w good con/1rrnot1on ror c11rnpll'tt' Kin~ slucherv1ct<S46 1328 W;1lN Ued '>t-1 "'"'d SIOO Reupt/SwitcMM>Of"d Sharp 1C1tl 111-.'tl1'tl for'""' p11 rerl ~ U It t-: uh 11-0itn .. .,u 11·hb1111r1J 1 1• nt'<' <'all l.iltl KJ3 l Mlf'chedlse German Sht•pht•rd PUl'PY· ~·91:185 ---- fem11 le. H mo /\KC. Ladle:-woockn drop rrunl rhamp ll11t·11 SJSO ol r de!ik with J dra"t-r!o ••••••••••••••••••••••• OVY $600/HOO n1mm1 .. 111n \\1 .. 1.h ~·II an~ ll 1~h (Ju.i lit\ SfCUllltTY low lnK'k Dll\cr-< c WI 001 ~<n67 aft Ii ......... 8005 ...•••.••.............. l~·.1ut 1lulh P•" 'k .1g1·1l PUJM CLOTHES lll'r d l'ov JIJ" i\pply ---------<.il!J' Short haired Pointer Mt ..1 I ~ t' ,d t1 t1 ll A I-T1m1• & I' If llH" SI Ci&. W 'T ow 1 n .IL 74 OH AntJque Music Hoxes' fo'em IOmO'\ AKC Chum lk pt_aoruat (('(\UH l'll 1111 liow nwt hllid 11rnd111" prr huUI l'll'JM Jl)tll)' 111 Otlrill> Wuy. (.' M 642 12s2 Slot Mactun~· <.:loek!I' pion h nc::. Nced1> I rl{ bu1t)' Nl'wf v~rl 1 1h,·wc h to "•' ~ ~ 1 t• Pt• .1 t 11~·1-.on 11l 1•,·raon111·I '()Jll">j('tl\'r expcnenecd HUGESELl!.:CTION yrd & lots of love SISO rnurtg&).(t' manr111 irrn fU.-.lnm{·ri. 110: \~l' I< y . lflOll S •-ri 675-CT1S4 eve&wknd f.1ll• typin~ Nt'Jl .. r. R-uor ... EC CK wlll lr<tan (Jbt l)'Jlll'l -Cmt ""'"""'n""" ... I \ ~ " " UoratoJ. s A ~ I t _.... .... d r I ,._.., '"''~" u i .. u:. . VP ) ~ 0 1<4u.,1 Oppon 1-:mrill1y,•r w e1 llhntcMt.. 2 yr ol ul breed m P"n.<>n from !I 11 ut Z'Jf) ,.......,. RANGE Tn 1u11. r.an you make an Galleries Cocker Spa niel, M • S50. Newpon t'<'ntt>r l>r •2011 COUNTY OFC ~ l':c LI HI I' Y c, ti A tt u inM i.dct1rir hum" SinA ()pen Wed thru Sat 548 988S NB NOW OPENING I' '"nw for ""' rnmm akin.i with u« at Ll•f!al Lit<r.lKettering. lrv Free to You 8045 PT Rttepl Uk)q.1i J d.n., fORA,.fr'TCA.LL: < 1tll Mon Fri ~luni 12 1UJtu St•I \lll'l'. 1?~02 ·--(•7•14•)•7•S4•·•17•7•7--••••••••••••••••••••••• perwcek l'all Wl'l'k da\' 41Hll'l71 rvant<HIVd, ru11ltn,Su1h• bl wn 8 & 5. 002 li1141! •-•'2-l 3•t•3•2•9•-2•6•2•s--1·--------21~ M <.:.ut, long hair i"1•m ANTIQUE SHOW shorthuir ~payl'd c·at SECURITYOFFICER Typist l'h•rk. full tmw AND SALg liOOdw1k1us &16 81iG9 Af:CEPTIONIST T\'PIS'l Sal~ To $600 Soml' um• i..hnrp, II o u" l' ~ II ,. P ·1 11 r d f1(·wnt & n.·~ponr.1bl(' fo\111 T ll :10 .J :w MuM 1'\ilure potential unli m1t have 1:ood per,,onollt} l'<f Mus t be good al dt• ~9 1137:!. n l' A I qmrl tall. Type SO WPM & art?a 8050 ..............•.••..... /\purl ltml' & (ull l11m• Mon Fri. II 4 JO P nid llunllngton Cenlt'r Mall, po&1t1o'h ..1vt11l.1hlt'. (•ould V<•cu t1on & hol1 dayi. Ai>ril 5.6,7.H 1-;x1111>1tor 1nl'lulli• t·~i·n1 n~. M1•d1r1il 1ns ur a n <'l' llllllC'e a vai lahll' t-:M ~ r a v l' y a r d a n d ' o r I. o 1· ll t t· d n t• a r p Ill Y. t-; X 11 lli IT IONS W1.>t>k1·nd hour .. rurmaJor W l·,11111n~l l'r M.dl ~S341. **I BUY** Orang<' County S'hoppmi: Norny lnr 894-1324 - -renter Expcrtt'Orc AppliCMCH 8010 l~lOd U.'!<.-d l-'urn1tur1• & GcrogeSat. 80SS .......•............... Walnut dtnJO)l -.et w /4 chams. 2 lcaves $S0 Anll Q u t' t• h 1 n a ca b 1 n t-I , beveled glass, 4 drawers SlJS. Old drop tear desk $75. Student de!'ks $45 & S20 Maplt• telc-phont' rhair S.SO 2 Oresl>ers S25 Nirh Maple roffl•f' table ~) Walnut l'lld tables Sl!<I & S2S tJphobtc•r<>d nK·k..r., $25 ra1·h Wood & brass l'Offl•t• I allh· S4:; Gfo: n•ln~. work~ gcwd. $115 M I~(' I u r 1111 u r l' SI0-$35 12tl fo. Z'lrli St •22, CM or rall 64H !)112:1 8060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• have Lhe mcentavc lo ad vance. 776-SllO Sol•s Hou ,ewore 5 necessary E'<eellc•nl Typist& ••••••••••••••••••••••• Appllanc<'!I OH I will D.,t R pti it 1.ell orSELl.forVou &tqlithSoddle Rt-;C EPTIONI S T / Moftlri, S.9: lmnwd. ~~t~~or,,_~~_1',~i ~I~· OpporL~ty O:i~h Jn fH~w:rlJr~~~:G~ MASTE:tlSAUCTIOH W1th 2R1rths & English ~ffvn~:7~~ .. r~i,fg -••-Doily Pa lot , P O liox ternalional CPA farm. w. Warner nr llorbor. 646-8616 Ir 833-9625 bndlc. Excellent cond1· constr~ction c~. llvy K ERM RIMA HROW l560. Costa Mei.a, <:A Newport CenLt>r offi ce Santa Ana !n9 2921 ---------1 11on' Only Sl7S. Call p_h_one, must t ype 55 21666 Harbor Bl vd Costa •92626--------•I Outst.andmg position fur CASH PAID CA.Sii PAID ~ WPM. Send resume lo Mesa q1mu'llfiedbecandr1dateSs lEx· Wshr/Ory r~1 Refra "s. t'or gd used rum. anti Hous1holdGoock806S Otauon Bwldcrs, l773l'SaJ·------ce enl ne its. a ary ,, ,, •-I TV ••••••••••••••••••••••• Irvine Blvd Ste 201, es SIU"Y/REr£89 open 644-8244 worlungornot95781J3 !Jtle'l or c r 's957AIJJ 2 waterbeds I km~. S90. 'fusttn. Ca. 92680 Mature MJl<.":>lady. I' T ..-'""'Ila" 1 r----------1 BARGAJNS·Used rern1:s. TWtH OR FULL queen $75 romplcte .,ti Calfa1111ma rk Pa rt Y Sh np ~~ r,ctail bu,sinllets!I 1~ 'i "TV l'IST I wshrs, dryrs. garur. best Mattrcsit or box ,,pnni.:::. C..'ry.,tal t•hand 5541 Doy::. 11tr_._~1t/Type'1t • 962 8_910_ ..,.,,.,, ... g or exp U iml! bu"". we serv appl Uest ~ 2 .. 1 k s 1 A t pers w typmg skills & I 7 Out Of 10 I Ap"t .,.,.,09 1 5364330 ......, earh ix-li.t'tit only1 6 11 t'. 25 'wt•t•d cc ura e t y p 1~ SaJes ability 10 o r i:tanii:e I I P......,.. I · Q\lt'(:n iteL<>S89 Ktn~!ot·t~ lloarc•alouni.:t·r hk1· Ill'" ~~~'31s~S:S~t'!?67G rARTTIME lleavy phones. m ust l'n s ta. I WASHER DRYl':R S ALE $99 Sample., mui.t be· $1110 ~··11:17 8070 PILOT rRIHTIHG I' 0 Dox ISOO C06UI Me~a . <.:u 92tl2fi <>Hke,..,......& ~pMtftt IOIS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Xlnt new&. used ore rum. O'Neill Supersu1t Tupt!d plan files. wk benches ~ca m s sed nnrl' <.:f;SURPLUS 631·2777 doesn't ftl SIJO S.111 o~ --------- Carpel Mall Closeoub Nylon Plush S4 oo & up MS-8181 /67~5906 WIMDOW SHADES Woode n s hutt e r s. ITlllllblmds. woven woodi. & wmdow llnlm1t 20-40'; T fo: L J.: r II 0 N ,.: A NS W Jo:R l N G MA C HI N E M a 1 o r brands. large discount!>. saJ~ & service. Phon Tronics, 15095 Be a ch Blvd Westmtnabte r , 894-mOO off aJI Item.' ASPEN 645 8951 I•_-------- Newport &•11ch Tl'nn1s Club i'\111 1-'<imily M1·m· b t-r'i h1p li42 Oil <! fiW.6687 ~ conf. tbl . 2 side chrs. lg metal desk. X lnl cond 64().5ff9 I 17S4 · 1800 P.ts 8087 Oover Shorri. 1·xqu1s1l 1· ••••••••••••••••••••••• brass hangin i.: lurnp $100 Musl sell Military Mat·;i w &iG 7<Y1H n<'tlds trum1ni.:, bst ca!-.h ()fr ov1•r $550 Ca 11 Dcsperah' m ust w ll 15 S58-IO.:W or 675 l213 plf't't' i.el or watl'rlt'M• PlaRos & 0 9090 suunless sll!t!I cookwart• "JOllS Tremendous deal Ca II •••••••••••••• • • •• • •• • • 964-L<ni UPRJGllT pianos $495 tu $1 ,950 . Grands f rom $2,250. Rebid 'g , re f1JUSh'gs, tunings. FIREWOOD Pnme sphl Euc. Free deliver')' $115 cord. SOO °"'cord. 726 8210 POSTOFY"ICE BOXES rr your are an need of P 0 box an JI H Ca 11 Beach Poi;tal Sl'n 1t·1 548-UlO I lo6p1tal bed. wht-.:lc h • .11r walker ~!f.36Jti wkdYs. ltn~l'Vt·& wknd' Heiny D. Oquist 8600 Hamilton Ave, II B SJ6-8775 ---------Grands, $225(}.~ Upnght.s. $495 S1950 for outstanding value' P1ano rebu1ldtng & n· fllll~hllll{ ---Classic Car Store nel·d~ JOY worlung Wllh 1)1..'{)ple ,' ecre nes I De l uxe mull a CYl'IC SI.lid imml>dlatdy rrom a-.-a-. Herry D. Oquist fltnlllam1lton Av1: 1111 5.16·8775 Recept1onlst, NB. boat remal"W1lh cl"ncal •k1ll Sal dt-nondcnt on exp Sa mod"ls Complc t c•ly ourwnrchousl•·Wt"(flhru ~~ .. ft, " .. ~ I M'" h I J I " Sun Credit /\vu1I tAbo •••••••••••••••••••••• • Cnb & mattn·s~ SJO 1 t.Yllebu.sioess. PT now &DMV .. red tafX'.shor t App y ontru t-'ri reblt. refanf.shed, I y r 1 1 bd l.adil's :!OH Marqui!o d r awer t•ht·~t s:w 1 1-1' summer includes OeXJblehrs C<1I or apply ROGERISGARDIEHS I I gua rantee. De livery aboovaik 1 "'"~1 rm. rm1. dac•m<>nd. w'•ildin" '."l poi,tt-r bed s25 Mt.,t· Yamaha (irand 7ft 1111 week-cods. Call 645-7100 1m Marn St. Su1le f-' 2.301 San Jonqum t Kelly t Your choice Sl39 ca !)(lit-rast•s, amp~. l'•H .. " ... "' c•" 29H7 Ebony Ii yrs old $6.950 ---Irvine. 957-0555 Hills lload 1 I ~ 3-26. So Coast Ap· tbls. etc 1 ""14 baggette!t , l; 1 /\ ,,..... !>14·2478 rtF.cEPT10NISTwantcd, COM 640·5!M4 ll t I pliance5372S42 CewhryModelHome ~e.,r6227t $5500 t...l'~u 60 1(al aquanumw/wood -~"goin° female. rn·cnd Salos Rep Fee Paid n a rcccn survey. · ---Disc--" Fum. .....,. A 1 p L ht vu• .. I ()I -.n stand. Power plu11 600 u o mno. i:t upng ly &sharp:Applybyeall MB>ICALE9UIP 7 0 U 1 of I HotpolJlt9.Scufl. m11nual !>49-3077 t8K Gold Ho le x GMT pump $175 26 1<a l & $400/bstoCr mg Sue at J ohn Wayne Exclusive seeks field pro Ser vice ·s1alion Alle n ISccr('taries statedl defrost, 3 prong clcc· ----------Master Pheck Phili ppe many more Make offer 556·4349 TeruUs CJub&44-~. to cnll on physicians & dant, exper 'd . Day & ljf they we r e tol tncaJ plug In. xlnt cond For sale. fo;orlyAmcn <'an lSKJ:ket utrh 2 oth 64.S-9<\09 ------""'rl.JC1pate en trd s hows. Eves. f)Jlt & p/time Ap I I $125.631-1129 Bdrm set w/maltress & Gol kt""wh 497 3157 er --------TY.Radio, RECEPTIONIST I :;ii 8111. Also lee JOb!>. ply. Shell S!aL1on. 17th & r work temporary.... box $450/olr 963 3181 an p -·c . . Wa te rless ('OO k ware', HiFi, s~ 8098 GIRL FRIDAY 833-2700. Dennis & Oen· lrvine. NB. 12 cu ft 2·dr Kelvinator 6 Miscelmwous 8080 never U!tcd . mu~t :.t·ll ...................... . rus Pen;onnel Ser vice of Serv------refng, while, good cond ----••••••••••••••••••••••• A/\5.968-8272 Beautaful 25" color TV.:: fo'or front office. Typing Irvine 2<ll2 Michelson ace slallon attendant. Sl.50. 673-0160 Queen water l>«i . wood Km a i1u·..e headbd. Hollo ----yr wmty. free deliver) nndgeneralofficc dulles. • day work. full time. 3928 "KELLY" rrame. m;1Urcss. ht•au•r "' $128 6461786 CaU fi4S.147S for on up SA.LES E.CoastHwy,COM New trash compactor. in S-150 64S4166 or 646-4018 flex camera. S75, Ll"s Sears Rru> dryr . nr nl'w. __ poi.ntment counter. $ISO 497-4137 Aft 5PM J95(Hi() 499-2190 t•us to m wa 11 un 11 3 23 .. color Magnavoi. T\ ---· -SaJe;personnel Women's Serv Sta lfclp n~· ... --• 1m ev-sh01v~ t·u~tom '>Pile·" loUu """''-" ... -. Be aut. cus tom <'n rne r · " "'" ~ " sleroocombo $300 Recept.iooJst c ng shop in Newport med f)JJI or pi t Apply Kmtt bed w t book<·11~1· "l"OUP """"tbst ..• tan'• 10 savl•r bed 975 01911 oft 675.3420 ... ......_........tJ•'--1r1"" Sch reqw~ dedicated . 990 E Cst H N R Apt siie washer & dryer . headboard I ml) old ... .,..UV' " ~ 6PM _,..'ft'Tl--JI" mature, st.ab le pcrsonat1-wy. Would Be S3S each Call art<.•r 4 $100 1-'1rm 548 7349 spd Dawes b ike SSO. MaJce fnends &innuence ty Mus t be ra i..h1on SEWING LADY needed The One! P.M.631-4678 s t t>reo com po n en t pt!Ople in your exciting knowledgeable. creauve Tues thru Sat. Ca ll ror King s1i e bed system SSO. 2CM', Onyx pos C oll El ai n e. &enjoycoordinaung fine anpt. No n ·s m o k l•r Stove, hke new gold. (;omplcteSIOO Bl 673-6714 sn27oo Dennis & Den European merchandise Nhk1's Fl ag S hop . ceramic lop , 2 ove ns, 6313875 ------ rus Personnel Service or ror our clientele. Busa-646-SlOO. Secretaries makeo!rer .613·Sl90 ~~-~~~~~/J,~h.se~fJ lrvme,2082M1chelson. ness r e fer e n ces r e·-------T--'sts ---------Cooch&loveseat.crushcd .,..,.,, <•0 _7866 SHl-1...iG "'SST Jf"" G.E. REFRIG. gm Vl'lvel , very ~ood .,.,.,. SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Nether Babel Droop lnlone - BEEN BORN Sooy sterc:-o rec M0<ll·I 28>0. $150 & Sony tape deck $50 Xln t cond 642 9927 Stereo Consol(', Pat·ka rd Bell. Ga r a rd turnlbi Xlnt cond 775-0145 ~ quired. Salary open. Ap. ..-..-" ~ R --61 i t G.E . lS cu. fl. frost Cree rood. S200 631·2665 RECEPT/TYP IST ply m per.ion at Apropo:. re5pood for setting up or· ec: ... ,.. .. on S S refrig. white . $250/0f'fer. Presug1ous local firm fo'ashion Island or ('all ders. controlling inven Word Proc. &4G-SS6.Saft6. Otesl bed w/3 drawcn. & has entry level position 644·2652 ____ tory&bills ofladmu. Ex I ---------mattress. a lm o~t nu A promotable spot. er: only. Salary negotaa l.ong &. :-.hor1 term a~· SELL idle ilems with a SlJStofr 2 drc11ser mar lmne Personnel Agency SAL.ES TRAINEES e. Apply in person. 3123 s ign mcnts Top pay. Dally Pilot Classified Ad. n>rs $3.50ea 645 7WI 19" Zeruth TV. stand. B/W plays good. S30 Vacuum. Sis. 64& l52S Sell idle Items 642 56711 F\ndangs or a Birth Con Stereo walnut cabm<'l t.rol Poll "WP hnd that F'lsher amphfrer. J enM·n everyone in f11\0r of s peake r s u ,-.nul1 ful birth control h?,s already piece $200 evening, BEEN BORN __ 714-846-8700 488 E 17th, Costa Mesa EQUlPMENT SALES W MacArthur. S.A. pu1d vacut1Ms. bonus SWte224 642·1470 No I Company. Orange s H I p p I N c; & prCJJ:ram Nl'ver a fl'l' .._,......,,,,.....,, _ _,......,,..._.... Co area Mulu-major RECEIVI NG CLERK brand Offt('e ropying FUJI time Call Ivan ror IEL[~ ~ UCIPT to S800 Client contact pos for en· thusiasllc pers. Ca ll Don- na. 848-1288. Dennis &. Den ni s P ersonn e l Service or llunllnRlon Be11ch, 16168 Beach. Rel.ail Sales Clerk r /T, in door plant/nursery exp req'd. Mature female t>teferred. Call for appt 114-MS-~. srst c m s. Wi ll train C highly mot ivated a nd appt. 540-3280 • ly lri" compcl1Uve individuals SRACCOUNT CLE l<K f 'H ,. v" E.. Pcq>le ror career position in To perform difficult & It sales. Guaranteed salary resPof1Slble clen cal ur I rv1n1' + auto + bonus. If you countinR work 2 yrs. nr I k:i:I 1441 understand that the financiaJ clencal eicper I :?102 Hu~rnt's.s f'tr Or secret lo s uccess is hard desired. $870 to S1058 mo I Suite 208 work. dedication and Apply in person Fountain f persistence. ealt Karen Valley School Dis t I llunt1nf,!ton Reorh DrozdJI, Sales Manager. Comer or Newland & I H47 3498 ~~ F C 0 p y 1 N G Talbert. Fln. Vly. E 0 E I 11907 Wilmer AH• 11215 -----·----• PROD. STOC« GIRL I' La11una N11111C'I Retall S A L E S W 0 M A N • N~ immediately for f 831 05'12 IULLOCKS ASSISTANT MGR Gift stock in r a s ha o n a l I 2795H'ahot fl narJ hopSo Co t Pl women's wear s tore In I I WILSHIRE ~.mature~~~;· ex-Fashion Island. Only ex I F:qunl Opp 1-:mp M ,.. I ~ accepting apphca per need apply plcaliC'' L J Uons lor the following Screen pnnting produc· Call Apply an person at --------- dtpls. lion manager wanted. Apropos Fashlon Island ungerie Cblldrcns Must have eJCp. 540-9110. or call 644·2652. Social Engraving 11tih1u1$ ... ESS/E•.....,, DeslgnerSportswear -'" ..,.. .. B.W. Now Laguna Beach . Fu II (Shldluut1t 11 & O•tr F.arn extra U 's during Easter vacation. CD II the temporary service who Also avail time. Non&lt Dcpts: 494-3.S:MI PIT Merchandise Handl'g FIT&PIT Hskp'g FtrHandyman Apply In person, 3pm· ~.Mon thru Fri. 13,_.IHl.a.cl ... .,.,. ..... Secrelarial Position: Typ. cares about you. Top Ing l!Owpm, graph ics, pay-local area. Call. ck. To start $900. mo. 557·0061 Medical IAI., 3 weeks pd, ~o~ Of fi C e • vacation. S.A. area. Call lm-4410. 0 overload SICUf ARY /llC•N TYPIST /CLERK To perform a variety or clerical and typing tosks. Good typing skills r e· quired. Please con tact Mrs White for lntervlew ap polntment. r.1 Dosier Associates, .Inc lmmed opening for right ---------• penon In Irv. Must have TEACHER· Room addition framers typm1, 10.key exper , be BOOKKEEP'G Costa Mesa CA 171415S6-f07S F.qu.I Oppor Empl waded. Bid or wages. ·kllkfg in AIR, payroll. A Sooth Coast business TYrtST Loni Beach area. bank dep, & genl ofc, colloge hu an I m -Plush ore. needs pers ?J~. genl ledge r. 2030 S.~. mediate opening for 8 who enJOY!t typing & Is SALES CLERK for sma 11 Main, Irvin~. S46-2901 bkk P' g & bus· m 8 th looklnJt for friendly at-Uauor 4s Giil in pvt club. teacher for mornings. moep.lClnt hens & raises l'Ull .ti p/tJme poe avail. SICIETARY Cl1l ~for an Im · In thi8 nat'I co. In loveJy o.ilforappl,645-SOOOext for Mf~. Co. ln Cotta mediate Interview re· Npl Bch. Call Chris. 520. Meta. Good typin1 skllls, gardlng this x Int op. ~. Coast.I Person. ---------•Ute t bortband. Some po rtunily . Als o In· nelA,tt~cy,2790 11arbor, SALES rmnaeement expr prer. terviewin1 other future CM D es l Iller a a 1 es Salary commensurate buti.nell teachlng poal · AU JO~ FREE coordinator -com· w /ablllty Ir expr. Uona. WAITRESS· E 1 -.1-t---•~ ...... 1·uon ln 71A'Gl ,_ . . xper or ..---..--1 -·-~Salea rdlremcnt home dining ~Ual builder up: __ S_EC_R_ET_A_R_Y __ •12100 FOi A 5 room, P/tlme. Apply ...... _~ ~.:.._~~\ POlllJoo wtUI nrm to re· tQM W•• Ne•port VIII•, 4000 t.avu a_, ~aNll. tall non.ta, m111t have NOW LETS GET BACK H.11 a rl a W • y, NB badMlduledapptt.dur· tnllal, SH• Interest 111 TO REALITY, TllE._86_598_l_. ____ _ UC"* Carpet. floor. plrf~ It bookkeep· RF.ALITY nfAT SAYS .-• U.S ..i.. upel'lence de· lq. Full • parMlm• YOU C".., F."RN .. u." PJ'WaJt.reN, day1. Exp d ~~ &: ~'. avilll. WEEKtOMMISSloN only.PvtCountry Club. ~utr:-roG. Ne wport CenturyVU,lnc. P'ORA25HOURWEF:K. 6'4-S.O. IMcll. _,, 2740-FSo. Harbor Blvd. •Photo Copy SuppUea WANJm HIYM Sa&aAna 5$7·0833 •NlceNewportOfflcea MleAY ONLY ~'d u)t1 ror Jr.l•-------•I ml commlu lon In To deUver Dally Piiot '"*"wear apply, A. A. $1HEC'KEJAllES$$ •F.arly~,.. ::U-to carri1 en. Re· Alrdvark, 209 Matin• dfAfK ~ Hlea exper U.,.. van or ar1e ata• Aft. 1111'. '7S..56C2. 0 .0./IMal/a.c:ept. ~«Nd , but wUI train drtv1:;~0·~. •Plooodne o-a--·11 Ti 0.IW'rreuxpSltA motivatC!ld penon. 142·4121 ~';.d aak b'ror ._ ru • me ..,._, Pa1 All'"' Ca f75-ft10 Mon.Fri. Harr" 5 ..... "I•" or Don .._.d No-NIL• Ul......,.AJtnt)' .. .,..uooon. Atk for Mr WlW:. .... "" I . r...u. Fine AJIPlttl -~It, S.104 l..L.,_ .. __ ...,_ • 'llAJtY lllLLSRICIC "--'t ••cb ANllO "--EQUAL •halllianSQS...taAna Cd'PorAeptlilft•b'U Find wtuat you want 1n OPl'ORTUNJTY llM'l\JRE M1·aeM -O.Uy PUotCl11tlfled1. EMPLOYER Coming In April il~t; p~Gp~urri Th at 's 'pat-pour.rr · d contused collection. d miscellaneous mixture. d hodgepodge. Pilot Potpourri Is our way of observing INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WEEK by extending savings of up to 50 percent. It's a good time to clean out and spruce up. ..... r .. 1 ..... APRIL 4th (Wed.J thru APRIL 7th <S•t 1 ,.1u .... , ... . •11hrr! ~~'U' .... \, ·-· • Have a GARAGE SALE! • Sell your extra PLANTS & GREENERY! -c_ .... _..., ... • Get your neighbors together & have your own SWAP MEET!!! -··-,:.~-_ .. Ads are limited to miscellaneous merchandise for sale only' ' I No Real Estate) Write t word each s pace. minimum s ize ad is J lines. THERE IS PLENTY OF TIME TO GET IT ALL TOGETHER! Fiii In the Handy order blank below -00 IT TOOA Y! ! ! ! NO. OF 1----~..._--------~----~---1 WORDS 12 36 40 4 DAYS 5.00 6.00 7 .00 8.00 9.00 11 .00 $12.00 If you need more room tdr your meuage jut t print or type 4 word• per line and add $1.00 extra for uch addltlonal llne. -------------------------------------------------PIH" echedute "'Y Piiot Potpoun1 ad to run APffl 4th (W.cl,) "'"' Apt1t 7ttt (l•U wt01 no chan .. Of copy. No rebate for Hrty cancell•tlon. !ncloffd la "'' check or money order tor Arr11 Cod U:ft to: ·orange ·coaat Dally PliOt Claaaaiitd :\da, P.O. Box . . 1HO, 330 W. Bay St., Coata Meaa, Calif. 12128 or bring Into one of the Dally Piiot office•. DAILY PILOT Tne Or•• Co.tSt o ... lly PtlOt rt~r ..... ll'lf rlQlll 10 &Ori or rt1e<.t •ny •dvt rll\lnq COl)Y • loah & Marin~ ...... ,.. .....•.........•....... 9010 ....................... $14,000 Mnnn!' h11rdwa rc & sup phCll ml'I aprrox $5000 eqp & 4 exc dist. Jn\ xtra. LYNCH R.F: 731-5131 loah. Maillteftanc•/ s.r.-iu 9020 •........••............ Mttharur Manne diesel ga.., & elect Tom Raker Manne. 548-35h l 9040 ....................... 17' Uayllncr Mutin y '78 130 Volvo t•ni;:, under warr ln('fd' lrlr. bn!olul rond MustM·ll &IS 1271 '711 Srarab.:130 TS oul· dnves. 8.~ hours. Loaded' 65 mph plus Stored on trailer. Must sell /best of. fer 73 f -8216fltolM I 546-t 200Cworld Ask for Jerry Perkins USED BOATS Select from over 100 ACTION BOAT 17141 536-8191 23' Mnko '76 2S5hp an board. Marian Towl'r 1-\111 rash equp Portablt> head. twin batterll':<. dock spaC'e avail. SIS,500. ~21N7 eves. CLASSIC 26 ' C HRIS CRAFT speed boat, twin eng. Only 2 in So. Co. Co II tJ?S.7171. SICIPJACK 21 78 Uke new. twin Volvo V8 . Mu st s e l l . l'IOOO+T.0 .1'. 646-67811 Searay 22 '74 h.ardlop. cabin , l(ellcy , hc 1t'd . Mere l/O full cover. lo hr1'. A be•uty . Aisklng SJO.SOO. l>P. 8"·1HL8. BOb'TON WHALER New u · 1~79 70 hp MettW")'. Trailer. cover. 6.11'10n!. MS-7873 D ' l# P11 t wr '75. Dine I. Fib 11s eqpd Btst ofr. '19-1878/988..etl87 Sell ldl~ ltema . .. . M.n:h 2f. 1919 Aufot. fntpo°'r+.d Alltol, IMported ,. ~. M~h ~1. 1019 DAILY PILOT • - ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ..... ~. IMpOriwd ·······••··•··•········ .... ,.._ 9040 Mles.nke,P.tt v-'570 IMW t7U ........... •••••••••••• • a Mcet1W'ln t400 ••••••••• • • •• ••••• •• • • • ••••••••••••• •• • •• ••. •• ,... 9725 ,... 97'0 ~.~"!!~.~ ....... ~-~~ •• --.... ~~·.~~.~ •• -C . 20' pjacb.. Oybr'11l1 , 4~ •••••••••••••••••••••• • chaanel VU 1'' radio. AM/nl Dode• puab but "JI font\~" c'()lwt>r.1un dlf'edloo tlMer. moorini too radio. perf c(lnd Hu p'lllr ata1ttrln II II <"over. II o. t~•i'er Racllt tnd.Uh. $$0/bll tnk•. air ron<t , raillal xtrH. s·n oo. S42·'1004 <B •-•1\5 30pm & tlrtt •, C'rul .. conrrol, Tam •&pm , $52 U 62 tlltft 30pn\ •lld)11 i\M YM 8 tr ac k Ir 7 9pm c1.111tom wlmor wbleb In -......... tllldt'I llC'bOll, table.', Tl Bay~r Sar•lOI•. ....................... rllt'Pf'ti., w1,., .. 1 chain · tn Ull1• rww l';quJ/~ ...... I/ IJke N1"W' l'r1 Jll.Y A M Ooru t 1~· • & ~Cl:·b t5JO .icnl1rto at S1ey.1s. Call ~t>()a~'~ • Y ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111•1 )~ St>.'U or (7141 11 Sandi>l.PH' 80. u~· '41FORDW000lF. f;:Jf M C.~'t with aa.i~. oa ""1t1 mton'd' Stl.OOO um Ol.ld1w l'r •d mau 11'\Ulor. ' hp J ol'ln1on m-3lSl vun Vlt, Z6,000 m 1 , IJ~ new UM<CI 4 Uttlt< ·41 ~ Pl1 "J tornf' •Int n tom llisld•'o tl't'tn 2 C'Of\d IUOO bc~I olr t.mr 'Pl"Cl•I pall\l, fully IMO 1730 .i)'1. 67S 71 )1 <llrl'ttt~I & JIJ9"('11t'd in t'\ wlulds -.uh• port holfl1 . a ir 9050 \ r nli. .. un I oof, h lai h .. --··•••••••••••••• lh12f1r Hwrit b1r k '~ '' d cha ir•. 1NIAUTOMOIH.I Pitt' lHt' rark. w1dt-t111'!t w 1ru.:._ AM 11''M COHSUlTAHT t.iv•· c .a1nll1· 160 0 l'\Jt \'f!VS uf l'llPf'nC'1H't' H70 ~M 1 ~\alh:non> I'S\ 'OOf llh!(' f'ro\ ldlnl( ... $-' 906 l'UO.$U)l,,lJOO & HI tho •••••••••••••••. ••••... fk ld" appr1wu1la tu pru dimt O'*Wl'll 4r P"°"rl(I<' 43' SrhO<'ll Ketl?'h SOtlJ) t 1 v ,. b u y c r _. o r dhwl lligbe1t quaht> J N V E S T M t': N 1 Maatcr · Bullder'i. •utumubtlc .. 11 111k1•' ,, }'t'f'l!IOftltl $89,SOQ. 171•1 J'fll ll'HIOn ll I I 11 1h• Mil-~_ h•rn11n~ r c ;1 I \lillU•' Wt•1tu11 :s~ w /s hp 714 ~~7 775,2 :n1n A u uocbtod Oct '78. Cstm AA.rway· l, COlt i. Meu, 11!11lr lntenor & dec k _ca a3636 __ _ l.o.ded &..lper bey Mus '63CorvairConvertJble ~ P.P .fM8.2SIO eve$ $15()() 7J lJOO.:'-' H..."00 ~.,ort~1111rn Val\ 8 llll II" lk'<l Radio A1\", pwr brlt.s, Pl6, CB. m•w llr.-. ,.r cntrl & mor" \l"ry s tro n g f r.-111c11 1.h11u runa•· V. lV.H\ <'U!JlOll\ .oddh t ;u\b t ower than BK. &4.Z 7074 72 1o·onl V 8 v.lndow van gd coOO J.Ji.tal tk. ti truck &AM ~t>1:,~wi1 HOBIE 101 '250. '714) 7 'B7 Dodge WUldow Van, 8 track am/fm, paneled, Ford '23. Roadste r , 4 carpets, $950. 646-5988 an pass. tounnj! Sacnfice. s. 549-82166. ... SI .. / Doda $7300. Sho w cond . --------- N2-~lB W01 W..ted 9590 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lttc:reatla.al SlWS AV AK.AIU Yellkles 9SJO Y AC Newport 646-055 l .. •••••• • •• • ••• • • • • • • • • __.~w__._~ '78 GMC Camper Van. -~ --Xlnl cood. S8000. 498-6633 Mr e.~u ~ll·6pm. Slip needed ln Newport ~Rau, Ha.rbow-for 30' sailboat Rock 9540 559-0806 aft 7P M •-••••••• •••• • • • •• •• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• WEWIUIUY YOURDATSUH PAID FOR OR NOT TOl'DOU.AR FoaTOPCAIS BARWICK DATSUN ..... 111 l1J.1J1( .1p1.1•,,!1 831 -1375 493-3375 •........•......••..... ...........•.•...•...•. ..... ..... '71 1itSplder . .,.. n...-... _ I" s rlr' Vot.o 9772 C o 9917 -.............. ~.,. .. ~. Mk tor Karl ·~ .-vno~ ... 9 '"· ac l<'e ••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------- cau. Lo rnl. wll Mr. ml T too. AM/FM ca,» ._.... • '76 131 rtan. Mint COC'ld. Barrb. 833-1550 m orn· SALIS, SllYICl &tb under wrnty, s1100: LONO •si:n T68-S888 &:ii500 l1rm. Al!,i _ atereo YOl.YO '117a SUver Beauty. Lo illiiPHI' • mo ~ 88M616. F -~ • 963'6383 '72 911 T. ~ apd. 7" a lloYiJ, AHO LIASI ... l M M E 0 I A T E H.de 9727 a.lr oond. aux. heater, OVERSEEA.5XPEDRETSL1VERY 'flt Camaro, 6 cyl, new Daint. runs well, S2000 or beltotrer. 963-9164. OP.l..lVYRY1 ""I R b K I I ... •AA Sll&i"'TIAa..11 ••• • ••• •• •• • •• • •• • •• • • • r a r . 0 n s . .___ --""" .... New ,79. tc*f/bl1clr. M1·29ll OPMIW 197t .&. MUSTSELLJMM E D '7S EARUllCI VOLVO ,920 320i't HOND~ Cars 914 2.0 liters. Bron%t-5211't MA.HY Superb running cond l!IGR HarbOr Blvd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~>633<'111'41 ToCllooMFt-OtRI Needs pa int. am t fm tH ST()Ct( I nicllo C8ll Sally 7~oa42 COSTA MF.SA 646-9303 540.9467 , ....................... t ...... .... ~ ..... c.-.. ·~ Call ~ Wi• 01.ay UNIVERSITY '73911 T Targa : have th• pr~·uwned a.MObile S8000orbesl. t.... Selection Ol'NEW '79 1977 FOllD RANCHHO Automatic. air rond . pwr i.leerlng. gwr brU k t!S & r a le . OG0l406>. (St.lt.P:J677T > BMW you aro lookloa .._. C~ • GMC Call Bob848-~ YOLYOS lNSTOCK for' Tnicks 131.2040 4tM94f 2850Harbor Blvd . R.....tt 9755 Immediate OeJJve~' 900 So. eo.t Hwy. ...... IHc .. (9 .. 1 Ill ~COUNTY'S-c.arta Mesa ~9640 ••••••••••• •••••••••• • • MAAOUtS MOTOIS TESTDIUVI OUI 28802Mariuente Pkwy. $4771 Ol.OIST is CiVlc Hatchback One Owner. Make orrera ·u c... MlSStoN vaEJo IOI Mcl.AREH'1 8SC5N. Beach Hlvd. LA HABRA (Al Beach & Whittier) C714t 522·5333 Cl05ed Sundn ys '76 s.10i 4-dr. auto, sunrf, radio. A/C, 213/691-6550, Ql8-9531 '74 2002: am/fm cassette, "5, 000 rru. 494-6918 G4S-~ "7S Civic. 3 dr. 1 ownr 33.000 ITU Xlnt C\mct Nu un~ PIP S24001bst orr 6'4·6455 dys, 640 9162 """ 111.2110 495-1210 OF THE YEAR.. '71 El Camino SS454. xtnt Cood inventory in stock . ......_ Uaed cond, very lo m1. A/C, Hurry v.hile lh_e,v lasl ! ••••••••••••••••••••••• PB. PS. AM I FM 8 trk in CL AMC 9905 dash, cstm body & pamt. MIRA E ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 SW or wheels . High THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HARBOR 8l v C COSTA MESA o4'l · (1JlO ~~!~~~~T "76 Pacer. auto. Xlnt. oew :t1~,5':~~~e. M&~~ _ .ICllJllCll" 9730 COSTA MESA tJ.res, ~fif,17JJ~f: 5.'.£._27_85_. ~~-· __ '72 Rancbero. new eruiln{•. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 645-5700 .73 Blazer. new urea & nds body work. sunf'091 . 64 Jagua r 3 BS. right ---------Meir 9910 shocks, cuswm int. Mu!'t AM/FM + 8·lrk', ;tar hand driv(".4 dr '!edan,a Ro1$1loyce 9756 ••••••••••••••••••••••• s ee to appreciate !>hocks , nu t ires, SZ300. reu.I buy • S4000 637 7292 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'TI Electra. all extras, M2 5607 ~-e_v_es_. ___ _ -------#}DEALER IN U.S.A. good,cleancond. $5,995! •--------"70Ford LTDWa"on. XJ}n '00 DaJmler has 3 8 Jag C811 Art 'fr) Coocours Sta Wgn, _.. OOO "' .,......,, budy Right hand d n ve m ROY 67S-70&0 673-9187 new brks. new ball. P/S, \..'UIN. 90• mi .•• .,,,., Engush plates. $6.000. R CARVER PIB, air, well maint, 9634003- 497·2725. ROLLS-ROYCE good cond. onic owner. s· Gallaxy Camper, s111f Late •77 J ag XJIZL Snrf. l\40J•tnbO<H LUCKY YOU! 646-4041 or aft 6pm, canuuned. $800/ bsl o(r 12.000 mi. SUver. Must ~"'..~ eu<tt l musl part with this S48·71IOO Pvt pty. 545-4950 Jill. .............. nearly flawless '12 CEN------Sell. make offer. TURV CONVERTIBLE '61Corvau Lakewood sta. 1-:arly 1977 Cobr11: auto 714-~1029. ClOSEO SUNOAYS -this classic could be wagon:S600orbesloffer. 302. farto ry loaded JenMn 9732 '59Silver Clood I yours. Equipment In· Call~·53?A ma~s.new radial~. 4800I• ••••••••••••••••••••••• $19,000 dudes 4S4. air cond .. Positively can sell your rru. s.5000. 833-!350. ltOIXH' '74Jenwn llcaly l owner. 98S-4144 powe r s t e ering and car-truclc-van atnocoi.,t 493-9618 -- extra clt:an, lo m1 $5500. brakes. new top, n("w lDyou. 547·7018 '72 1-'ord lhT OPU. AT . 645-989:? Scd> 9760 brakes, and AM /FM·8 ••••••••••••••••••••••• t..rack st..ereo. Reasonably '76 Chevette. F..Blatca sate ~~·~~n~;:~eCo~ti~~: Mada 9731 '70 SaJJb Sonett Ill. 74,000 priced Phooe Keith at 39,000 mt. auto tran:. $2650 631.2744 ma, ex eng/trans. gd 'T7S-05.57. front disk brakes. Body _ ------. radials. $1000. Eileen fl.ur. No ale. mech'I xlnl • 1-...-1... 759-0049 gassaver .$2095 759--0555 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9'45 ~~~:~~~ '77 BMW 530i, AC. do U I . · ti AM /FM tape g rn/blk loGh. Speed & '76 CUstom Sports Car. Sid 9080 Dlv0tte forces sale. S ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• bodies, "Uoeek l " l.S'3" Bo!!ton Whaler, 70 _s. __ s_'1_68 _____ _ miracle mazda '78 Regal. V-6 Turbo. -"--------••••••••••••••••••••••• Toyota 9765 loaded 5 yr wrnty. Lo '71 WAGON '64 Contint'nlal. 4-0J'. llhr ••••••••••••••••••••••• mi. S7500 545 ~. I.st cla.'18 conchlton Air. $12()01bst offt>r. hp Evinrude, SO hrs . 4W.....Drhn 9550 CUl!ltm se.l padded, fuJI ... •••••••••••••••••••• mes ca or c ass1cs.pd · your car is extra clean, int. 4 s . ammac cond. &eP•~ nRST• $10,500. 752-8702, (2l3) 21 $0 HCll'iMM' ll•d. IEFOREYOU SELL YOUR TOYOTA, '76 Skyhawk. loaded. xtra cleao, lo m1, new tires. 644-732 l/SS&-5478 l~gage rack. rad ials, 642-llSS new battery See lo a p-------- 37~9510 Costa MHCll 645-5700 prec:iate. Sl450. 979-2873/ ·73 Mark lV Unc. Coi11 . 962-0401 after S wht w/wht llhr seat:.. cover Replacement S'lW). sell $4700. 642 5615. 531>-2286. I ~••••••••••••!?.'.? IMMEDIATE DBJVERY AND SEE US! '78 Regal. l OK ma . AM /FM . air, wire wheels. $5400. 963-7224 -----xlnt cond. accident Ire.·. '74 Monte Ca rlo. air. runs on reg gas. S3SOO AMI FM. n t:w tires , 646-7078 Inboard Ski Boat. 430 T hunderbird eng. Stevens hull. easy on gas, xlnt cond. $3200/bst 1 ·74 Caprt. 6 cyl. auto "1 1 0 c--... / trans. xlnt cond. $2195 or MARQUIS TOYOTA MISslONVlEJO 831·2880 495-12 t 0 S2400. D ys 536-8877 ,i---------- "' 11 ,._,. -~ bstofr. 962-8t29 _581_·9327 __ e_v_es _____ Mere.cry '74 Mon le Car lo. P IS, ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Year FREE Coclllac f.9 I 5 9950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• of r 5411-6370. 1974 Cobalt, 225 OMC stern dr. good cond wftrlr S9500. 496-2801 eves Tta ''~'°"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• c ..... Sale/ .... 9120 -------••••••••••••••••••••••• '72 lnlernational : Xlnt Camper shell for a Chevy cond. Power st r. air, Luv or small P U. Very $3500. 714/673-6672 ruce. $100. 497_.1.17 eves. 'TT Blazer 400 CI. Extra ttalariaed~ 9140 Clean/ Loaded. Lo ml. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6M-3370. 11IE MO-PEDDLER li-n-.-.,-,----9-,-6-0 New PEUGEOT MO--·••••••••••••••••••• ~1~ 1469, Now 1977 FORD '78 Motobecan e VLC. Perf. cond. rack, bags. 800ma $3115. 67>3641 ~or::-1 9150 ....................... MllltSac. '"79 Yamaha 750 Spec.. 1800 mi. Sells for ~Will sell Cor $2900. 645-8594 COUltH rtCICUP 4 speed, AM/FM stereo tape, economical 4 cyl engine & 18,400 low miles. (lH 86209). t&k.R3764T). $3671 THEODORE ROBINS 2925 Harbor Blvd. COSTA M ESA 979-2500 WE BUY CLEAN CARS &TRUCKS CONHEU CHEVROLET :.!IOI llarhor Hh 11 1 ·1 ISTA \H:.-.. \ SU-1200 WE BUY USED CARS CALL UsedCar~gr 540-5630 1011\~0\ & ~O\ • llNCOlN·MfRCURV 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA WllUY USB)CARSt We're the new Chevrolet dealership in the Irvine Auto Center. We need your used car• 1972 HONDA E lsinore. JOE Entire Bike Recently .. ~ •c PHERSO~ FORD '2060 HARBOR Bl VD CO~TA Ml~A b4'2 · 0010 RebwlL Excellent cond. ~ " SI.000 . Call eves. CHEVROLET 494-4747, or see at 462 St. '74 FORD 21 Auto Center Onvc Aoo 's Dr.; Lag una COURIER JRVlNE _ee_a_ch. _____ -t Many extras! Must sell. 768-7222 '77 Sui uki, 75-0GS, like Only $1S95. Call MS-6287 1------- new Must see. $1300 _or_~ __ 5_.____ WANTED! 'Indeforcar '68 Ford 'r'l T .. Pullman Late m odel Toyotas, MS&lO/M:>-0128 art 6. sheU, new clutch, good Volvos, Pickups & Vans. 2 Hodakadirtblkes.Grea tires, super clean, $1800. CaUust.oday! cmdrtiOll. 675-1883 alte _631_·1_7_L8 ______ r":J•l-.illl 7PM '72Courier, shell. 78 ICawasaki 650, lo mi, xlnt cond .• sz.ooo or bes new valve Job, good con- dition. t96-9250 rlf«. B-0258 v----------1 --,570 '78 Honda H awk 11. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,, ........... . c .... ~ "'-U6-tl0l.,. 540·94'7 Bought new 3-8-79. S1350. ...._ d*'--'• 732-2004 dys , 631-268 ins_....,_.. CAR STOLEN . Need eva. 4wheel drive clean depend. car, truck, 8uhaco 250 Sberdat & 175 1971 GMC etc. Have cash. 1213) AJpioa, like new, $47 I fCMI•• ,_926-'l __ lS&. ______ _ ea/bst. 961-1258 Absolutely loaded with SCA.SH FOl CARS ---------everything imaginable Top dollar for clean cars Mlllw,.._._S./ from sunroof to &tnacb!~dforornot! ... /Stoi• tl6 f\mbuster. sucker price HOWAllDCIM.,... •• ... •••••••••••••••••• 0Yel"S20,000. Dove6.QuaJ1Sts. Rt:NT 23' FIREBALL. Asking SELF CONTAINED. $17.950 ~=;=::e) R.EASONABI 0E. CALL or make offer NEWPORT BEACH 66Bl. E¥ell ii you don't b~ il • .. RENT Luxury Moto youmualleeltl WANTED: Dune Jfuggyl home 22' Palomar. IOILONGPIE Street Jegal, cheap. Cal ~I. '216/week + PONTIAC KlrH31-G5.'J hll.IW<a:IS) IHOOINcltllYd. Alllal.._erted "71 0 20'. """ w....... ·-..... ~ ............ . f:io~ ztl:Oo~~: 19U65 I 61'-2500 ~•••••••••••••!?!? Bdloa. 4l'1s.M5'1 '70 Ford van. Xlot lnl. is l!QX 2 dr, '5J>Cf, 8WI rf, Elqllarw' m1JU tr h All1FM caas • more. a/c, AM/FM/Cass, UMg air wninl 11: ·It m., M\S\ see. $2750/bsl orr. whla.552-19'3,960-6795. ,.,.:...,..0010 w ' :·UOI eves, 710-99H "71 Audi, 4 cyl, auto, fmt T ........ Tl"fttl 9170 · wh1 dr, aru1, n ice car. .......... -........... '72 Ford Van, stock, Sl500. '7Sl·9529 II' 'In*-aell conL ::!'.\new trana, brakes, IMW 9712 C.t. Wit, •l••Pt 6, elec. 650.675-3641 _ .................. . Jdra._.fll.Tm '71 C!levy Suburban, a ll 76...,..... poww, alr, &5K milea. CREVIER 9720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• *.Z)s * DtSCOUMTED mP&COMPARE •DATSUNS• Lcrgt Selection OfAIMocWs SAL~LEASING PARTS-SERVICE COSTA MESA DATSUN 284S HARBOR BLVD. S4o.64 I 0 540-0Z 1 l "We need lo buy clelln Datsun used cars" $Will Pay Top Dollar$ COSTA MESA •. DATSUN 284~HARBOR BLVD 540.6410 540-0213 '78 280Z. AC, 4 spd . AM /FM stereo cass. $8005/of r. 838-2430. ·m 4 spd. Station Wlrgon. Newly painted. Runs s upe r . $1000/Bes l 631-~ SEAVICE or 12.000 males In add1 uoo to warranty on any new 1979 MAZDA GLC, 626 & TRUCK AL.~ RlE£ AM/FM Rodio with the purchase or any new l979GLC and FR.E£GAS fillup if you can beat our deal on any new G LC. 626 or truck ln stock. SEE US FtRST! Mi roe le Mcnda/RettOUtt 21SOHarbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 645-5700 9740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '77-4.'iOSL, 21,000 ml, im· mac. rompany cared ror, must sell $24,900. 752-'1510 dys B75-S491 eves 'T1 450 SL. Spectacular ! Red w/blk int. (019TQT>. 7141847-9941. '78 3000 Mclaltc g reen. Mint cond. Under 20.000 mi. f\111 warranty. Pvt Ply. Must Sell. &?st offer O\lerSl7,000. 714-fi75·7U l. '79 300SD turbo diesel. sunroof, maple yellow. lo mi, aft 6P M 897 4500 FOR SALE MERCEDES '72 :B> SE -dark blue. grey leather interior - $7,900. 532-4091 o r m-6686. '77 Celie a. air. stereo, radials. s lvr mctalltc. 27K m1. m int rond 493-7199 -------- '67<Arona. AM 1''M. ·•UlO, xJnt cond. New paint. lo rru. S750 ofr. 842-8372 ----~-' 78 Corolla SRS Llftback. Per< rond Many xtra!>. Must sell. 846-8190 '77 Celie a GT liflback . Auto. A M FM cass. S1lvt•r. Must Sacrifice $4000 559-0197. '75 Celi c a GT. air . AM/FM 8 trk. 5 :spd. 957-6112 Kar en. 497.4332 eves Tri.... 9767 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 TR-7 Coco brn. Many extras. $7,000. or best of· fer. dys. 8J9.-0986, an. 5. ~!M.12 Volkswogett 9770 • 0,.-. County's Scb ado Center • PURCHASE ORI.EASE YOUR MEW 1979 CADILLAC NOW! • NABERS ~ •••••••••• •••• • •••••••• I ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ ORANG Jo: COUNTY ·s ~i~IC. P.OP. $2400 NEWEST UNC()l.N-MEl<CUR' DEALERSHIP '64 Nova Runi. great. 3 spd 6 cyl Good tran:.po Sl9S. 631 ·003il -----• '7>! Z 2 !1 ('am a r o Blk1Blk Supl'r clean. rust.om ordered. l IK m1 . 837-QIU '69 a.v• WfJl' 350 hi comp. engine, 350H P. Recent trans. S100t0r best orrer Dave 556-6633 days. 545-7884 eves. RAY FlADEIOE UNCOLN-MERClJRY L&-1.8 Auto Ceolt'r Or SDFwy Lake Fore3t d lt IRVINE 830.7000 '72 Col. Park 9 pass. wag Wh ite , fu lly loaded 1 X1nt ! $2,000. 67$-6161 4 Mercury Villager Mc>n · tego. 9 pass , A/C, PIS P/B. reg gas. Bef 9AM or ·12 Chevy Caprice . I Af\Spm 67>_1883 ___ _ owner. Gd cond. all 67Colony Park St.9pa~:. power , A IC, 5 1350. St Wgn Had10. AIC... a ll . 549-atSl pawer-opts, er cnlrl. n<'w ,AJtfTBS tires & paint & mOC"r 68 Chevy Wa~on, p/s, ~.~Mf s harp . ssoo. p/b. AlT. luggage rack • .__ ______ _ tail itate. am/fm. New radials. new ball. A good ~-llDl:llW &erV1cable worlc horse. S750. Firm 979-2873. aft 5: 962'°401 VW -Having trouble sell-1.: ing)'OW'car"Try us Too '78 Seville Elegante, 'S90>ev. l·T ntbed. dual dollar • Paid for or Nol! Umited F.ditioo. low mi. whls. sO bed & rack. Rbll Bnng your car lo .Jim golden bro n%e. com · 327. nu tires. $2000. Marino Volks wagen, puter. aU options. incl SC!-0687. (It's a steal I. 18711 Beitch Blvd . Hunt-mnrf. $C50dn & lake over ington Beach . Ask for lse. pymnts of $U$ per °"Y'ler 9925 Frank Marioo or Tom mo. Bud Lynch. 776-5110. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Clalass Supreme Cf) Auto, air. new tlttS & batt. 100% meeh. SUJ1611 cln. Musl sell. $1t>!J:> 642"'504 76 Cutlas~. loadt>tl showroom t'ond 39M rT)• $4400/bst. S46·20H4 l\Jkm. ews581·9l10 72Town &CntryWgn.ruJ. ew 197 9 C utlat1 :- ------ly equip .. orig ownr. Supre me Broug b•ni~ '6.5 VWSqback.gassa ver. '68 Cad de Ville. Clean. Sl.299.646-8297_ aft6PM w/V-8, auto. l'S /PJl, Xln d N t Wifes c·ar wh1te/lthr int. ' • t con . ew putn . ...,..,.. 0 ... , .. on Caie's11•_. 9930 A1C, AMlf'M radio"' $1275 1146--3648 •1 &1J ~ •••• ::: •• ".':•••••••••••• much more Ch01C1P of '76 Dasher . AC. 4 spd. '73 CDV, xlnt cond, all 1971ConLt.own rar Areal rotor:-$6.933. 759-9Ga.'.i AM/FM. Good cond. xtras. full pwr. S8.600mi, mileage car. Run:. ltkt: ,_Bkr ____ _ $3500.551·9445. ~eg ga s. S2695· new Loaded . $2950 . PWo 9957 '10 VW BUG. Xlnt cond. ~or 759-0705 ••••••••••••••••••••••• New brakes . De ath '79 Eldorado. 2 lone Con~ 9932 '75 Plnto Wagon V·6, auh• for ces sal e. $l800. Blut1IS1lver.Loaded.Sky ••••••••••••••••••••••• lrans.20mpg.lowm1le1t 847-2416 rooC S19.000.&IO-l?96. '67 Fastback. Complete. 52900/of ft:r . <7 1A • '76 450SI. ..,., Cl I k . ood ,,.,,., eng & trans eAo95bsl S.18-8625 after 5 p.m . I<. brttlant red with parch· 71 VW 411 Square back. ~assic. 00 m g · 0(; 714•630_9380""9Al\t· Wl!l'kends. or C7l4 1 menl intr. New brakes, Runs great. Looks great. · .__ ...,13 6PM, 714.S46.3622 aft . 498-1000. ext. 307 wkd.•ff' ........ new Pirelli tires . $165<.. 552·3565 .....,._ · 8PM • o. w • .........._ lit :;;,.-7782 · TI .-.nto agon . ..,.,._... ,_ '76 Eldoc"ado Convertible. d M 'I '74 610 Wgn, A/C, 4·!1pd, '6l VW bus. $900/make Loaded. Lt. blue. While "78 ann iversary spec.. runs AOO · us t ·~<'• lugg. rk. AM/FM. xlnl '72 ~E 4.5. mint cond, ofr. 33966 Malaga , Apl. lthr int. Be a utiful loaded, car cover, 13K $2000.644·~ _ nx.'C.h.&body,newlires, sunrf, lomi. After5PM, B.DanaPoint,493-9145. 'SlS.000 Firm. Days 714/ mi. $14 ,500 /bs t ofr. PtpDuth 9960 $23)0/080. 640-1785 675-8434 'B7 vw. good paint. new 6216-2989 Eves 624-4828. 621-6064 •••••••••• ..... • ••• •• • • '73~0'l$3900/mkofr. Dys '7 6 4 5 OS L Mer . tires. Porsche rims & "76 Seville. lo•ded. qwrk eo.g.-9933 '72.F\t:;)' Ill. xlnt <"ond. 'lo 630·2630J. eves/ wknds Cpe/Roadster. 27.000 mi, hubc&P!l, good cond .• FM sale $8000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rm. Cul y loaded 548-3321. ticorgia very clean, l lady owner. stereo,831-6125 · 833-adays. 70 Cougar, good condi· 536-_· _7268 ___ _ Pnvale.602/837-!419 ·=vwSquareback Runs lion. 351 en". $1500 PORtiac .9965 71 Dauun F·10, 5 spd, ':ood •-aood cood ·s1 000 •m cad CDV, 1 owner. in 548-6602eves. " ••••••••••••••••••••••• «>mpg, xlnl cood. Must '70 ~E. Must see cond. " .,. ., · · · good shape, all extras. aac. buying house. cau slvr clus1c cpe, snrf. orbestoHer. 714/963·5005 fine Int. Sl IOO. Costa 'B7 289 eng. Very clean. '79 n-ans Am: T Top. 3M 73137.,.. reblt eng. auto. air, blk M ood 8 k mi. Loaded. Must sell. • -· ..... *" l 500 P P 64()..~ '79 VW Sciricco 7.000ml. en.~ nms g • trac stereo. 2131966·0046 213/332-802fi """· •• ' · · .,_,, AM/FM cass. Many ex· $1295. 493-7032 aft 6. '76 Sliver 280-Z Lo/ml. Perteet cond. Must Sell! '5,600. ~/833-1361, Dorothy '72 240-Z Cd. Mech.& body. Many extras . $3.850. SSl-8910 eitt 2400, Doug 842-5687 eve. '70SIOWAGON Good engine Ir great bod)'. New tires. Have ALL receipts. $1000/ or b est ofrer. Dave . 55H633, dys, or 54~7844. 6\'es. '74 260 2+2Z. AM/FM, a.. wbeel4, air, clean. autmove . .,,..._ ~ "'12 Pick Up. U.S1 .._ Samuel CaSHtte .....MMIOe dys.644-179Seves. 'TT Seville. It blue/blue '76 --.· Xlnl ""nd. elec. $7t r.,,a.J:n._Mtourrsert. 4$98~209711 ! lnl. 19,000 ml, all xtraa. Dodgt 9935 181 PooU!1J TrXlans Amd.i Ful- UN .. v '""''"""' pp SlO 000 751 4344 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Y lou<l<--u. nt con lion. sunroof white with blue · • · · • . Low mileage . $6875/or Int. L 0 •de d . ca II '73 VW Van. Fold out bed. ~2659 64 .PO LARA 4-dr. Good besl of for Ph. 832--4765 .un '"·05 Stl Bltd radials Xlnt Ca ltbr 11 r solid car. PS/ PR. AC. Leave message. _.u · cond. 714-840 -'5566/ 'T1 d ~ ·a ac· StealalS675.63t·5823 Ma 9742 213-595-7648. Berni. ~eq.in 18P;~. ml. wln~s. '78 Trans-Am Macho ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• .....i. 642.......,. f\Jsltivelt can sell your o K M M a ch 0 h 1 i.: ti '89 MGC GT: Very clean, ~ VW Squarebuck. new '72 EL DORADO Con· <'111'-truc ·van at no cosl performance pkg. 11198 needs trans repair. $1600. brakes. recent work on vertible. Russet ext t.oyou. 547·70lS out oC only 200. llurst '1· a ccept trade-In M.C eng,$600/bstofr.675-7281 w /bone leather int. '65 Corne t. AC. Good spd. heade rs. all i>wr., P.U. or Cam aro. 646-2370 '89 vw Squarebaclt Mech. Every opl. Xlnt cond. tramportati $500 a I c . Me t a 11 i c It rtt or•2918 xlnt. Stereo cass player. S5.000.6U-S.eves. 497 f~ · w/beige velour. Onkl St '>Cl\ 96.1-0228 • mags & trim. Charlh: MC9I 9744 ,,.,.,.,. New 1979 Cadillac "16Colt.Veryloml.Sspd. 542218-5,M-S. •••••••••••••••••·~··•• '70 VW Bug. Xlnl cond. SevtlJes. Your choice of Xlrc cond. Must ull, bst - "10 MGB, flood condition, New paint, sunrf, Sl450 colors. SlS.821. New um dr .. 5.564ml days Tom, "76PS4 Pdr. Grc~~ Mh•o5 $1800. 494-4275 afl. orbstorr 768-3237aft6 Eldofados available at ,,,_,_,.__ • B,A ·VVV'•S 81><' 5 30PM ......,...,~.,."""'· •3295, call e ves o r : · comJ>arable uvtngs . • ,..,. 9747 ·~ Call now for appt. ,.,. 9940 weekends.640-4636. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 673-1600 59023· Bltr ...... ••••••••••••••••• '85C.Ullna, itlllt cood. an am White/Black, mint v...&....... 9772 '18 CdV. White/wilt leatbil '11 LTD new eaa. fr t.rana. side &c out. new eng. $600 oond. mall)' ex.tru, P.P. T--red trim. Like new, a MMle<X~wer. orbest.~7·SS84 acsu.All' -1ofterl?Mm.eve. ..,_ "8ft .,,. ... 1U "H Jl\ll"d Van; 9tlDdard .. .. .,... No mll••I•· ewtomtl'4 Great ta. ~ ~ .... ., ... ---~ ... .,. (1ll PRC> Sll-2703 ·-• .. ••••••••••••••• ..ar.. Lo mi. 811-4ml G I sr. llO\lwaY ,. BUOGX Ha&cbbtck, 01•tie.1c--1'71 Ford C.toaa •·Dr "18 T..A. white/tan, pis . ' .... ,.. ...... All/P'll ca11 IOmN r. t I '710 ~ ~·' "71 Seville, It blll!t_ blQe oa PB r ... Al · p/b, auto. air eon'd .. .. ...... ., • _................. YOLYO Int. like new. 35,UUU ml, .-... • auo.z r. am/fm at.ereo tape. All 831'3171 .-n.tafr.MS-l'793 ·•.a.SUNROOF, new EXa.t.JSJVELYVOLVO tl:!00.7.ltll ~~arvak~fi ractory opUona. N~w 'rlllWllMftOflMMI.._. "" t725 :;.•~bing. 646·5210, IArlellVolvoDe1Jer 'T1 ,.. __ de VIUe . 3011 ev.inm,!145-aU • ~/JowOffemr.J. !!-!7~41 '11 I ft I a W Mii-amt.. '71 Dodie. e cyl.. ..... •1Alr611ned aJri..t. eampe~ runs 1ood, bM&. w/SQ llft ldldl, ..-1 oner. -.1911 all u• •Httlb•t orr. s. •• ,. .... ·-,,-DDdle--.-Vl,--•UC.0,--,.,-. • ~ .. eoat. Tvl. ... ........ .... ............ ~ ... -. ... ,. ...... ~ ...... w.. •••.11••!1-••HH•••••• inOranieCowat)'I rtliles~excelleD\ ccncli· M-42a -.,., ' '11-•IDdc..nP> ,.nr.wg Pw.?6T_.. BUYorLEASE t lon • own owner • PalitlvelY ce 1eU 10UJ' • .... .,.(......,) ....... j .... Mtn coed 0030 RECT 477.2311 n•aln11 and car--truc'k·HD •l DO'*' '78 Tran• Am, hlb' ,.,-.Ai 118 (.riU) ~ ...... •70 9tl IS j_... -.c beMa. • toJQU. 54'M018 eaulpped, lOK ml, bnt 'Tr•; •i11a (0111) 09 _,. J::::'' ...., ao. mi. lllot cond. "13 LTD, lo ml, all power, w7pt ...r::. • Pintt®-::=t~lli'=OI) ..,..,.... ae Ceco ttl7 All/Flht.,Ori&OWDI'. Jlbtc • ...; ~•1• ,,,.., ..,., arrtgrJ ,., .• ,, JN c,.. ....................... n . aft s. -.MS n , , ...,,, 9'10 Clilliln dira 11\JBTS O.•••lmporU • -.:J'\ 2011 '19 X1nt c:ond. Very k>w "1DCUltom 500. Wbt. 4 dr, .................... t.-. -DICXlllUSR --~ Anaheim 1uv-rm. air coodl stereo\ T IODdl'md,.. 4TBird.Xlntcond. lo\al· llOl'ORS Top. 6 af ordab •· Call141-452$ 17 lolldtid. Buram>d1 Int. INW I• lf71 JIDW. w.....,, S.A "'n • ~ w/ten, DK '72 lltl. auto, air,~. •WI Wlth wtllte vayl top 4 .... Jo mi, llvr wired 117.2m -. ... *P 1. c-> Ex· AllJP'M, klu' lat, SllOO. ,71 c .. -C 1 '13 LTD wq. 51,00G ml, 51l·IM7or'188-aH ~-r-=:eo-r.1,.~ 'Tl l'la&JJl...,eoavri· =::..:aalo Imports P.P.-..&1 ml'a. r'Jl. Pl~~:~/r: = t:o=~ XlDt ¥ 4 ...... ~J-or ••· • .. Dllltt. cap, • 'n a.&IOD w,... • ... CIMI., .Uvw blue ill eol· .~ ...... •••••••••••• _ ...... ,.. ... *-. AM/Pll ..._\I •Ill: I lpd Xlnl cond. ndlalt,lomJ,1Dntcoad. ~ IM\af "*.· Call ?.~0:rt>0 41 cir,1•,0DO ml. V ... , a.w1baft ~k Oii TM~ All or ..... .,. kept. amt -flt Mat. Pn. PtJ. "7IO WJ·llU +•ft IP• • .._ . mmuu ate. -..alPd.newW. i".M num4111Pll. ca.i. .. _..., --.... ,. ....... •llllaft... ndio.$lal11a7S' \ 17 -- ' BRAND NEW 1979 PLYMOUTH VOLARE BRAND NEW 1979 CHRYSLER CORDOBA Automatic transmission. an economical 3 t8 CID VS. Power steering. Power brakes and glass belted wsw radial tires (10~) BRAND NEW 1979 CHRYSLER LE BARON 4 DOOR SEDAN VB engine. automatic torQuemte transmission. power steering. whlto sidewall gins belted redlat tires and morel ( 166261) Th1l'I oconom1cal coupe has 11 2215 CID 6 cylinder engine - tho most orovon tor ooonomy & durablhty and an 11utomallc 1ronsm1ssion 0019741 SU.PER SAVINGS ON FINE USED CARS SPECIAL OF THE WEEK! I 1977 CHRYSLER MEW YOlkll COUPE VS. automatic transmission. power steering. oower brakes. split POwer seat. Power windows. air cond1t1on1ng, cruise conlrol. 1111 wheel. leather 1ntor1or. AM/FM stereo radio w/S track tape. sunroof. electric door locks. v1ny1rop 4 wsw tires ( 147401). s3995 '70 LINCOLN COMTIMEKTAL SEDAN VS. automatic trans air cond power steerlflg. power brakes. power windows. radio & 8 track. split power seats vinyl IOD 4 WSW !Ires (n5KKV) '7 6 CHRYSLER CORDOIA COUPE VB. automatic trans . a1r cond . power steering. power brakes. AM/FM steceo radio. 1111 wheel. cruise control. vinyl top & wsw trres. (4<40PCV). s1095 s39_95 '74 CADILLAC COUPI DE VILLI Automatic transm1ss1on. VB. air cond . f ull power steering. brakes. door locks. "¥.tndows & seal. AM/FM stereo radio. vinyl top & wsw !Ires (080UOWI ~76 CADILLAC COUNDIVIUI V8. automatic trans . lull power-steering. brakes. dr l<fks· windows. seats. air cond . till wheel.· cruise conlrol, AM/FM stereo. vinyl top & more• (742PON) s3195 s5995 . '7e PLYMOUTH VOIAUCOUPI ve. automatic transmission. air conditioning. power steering, power brakes. vinyl top. radio. b ucker seats & wsw llrea. (65SUUR) •73 CHEVROLET IMPALA COUPE VB. automatic trans . atr cond . power steering. power brakes. !flt wheel. radro. vinyl top & wsw tires. (280GR0) s3995 s1295 . llEED CASH! We'll pay top dollar for good, clean & late model used cars. See Curt Davis or Bryan Hesketh today ... ••• AMD WE ALLOW TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR TRADE-IN! NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE MOllEY! .. OUTSTANDING SELECTION OF BRAND NEW 1979 VOYAGER VAN VS png1nt> automatic 1ransrn15sion tmlPd gras' 2 94 roar 3Yle ratio radio powAr ~•Poring front disc brakes end Qlas1> bolled radial llr~ I 126tS3l ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH SERVICE HOURS: ( MONDAY-NIDAY: 7:10 A.M. TO 1:10 P.M. SATUIDAY: 1:00 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M. .. . """ Huntington Beach Fountain 4!alley EOlllON Your Hometown Daily Newspaper -~ I VOL. 72, NO. 80, •SECTIONS, •2 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 , 1979 TEN CENTS Siebert Silent on Resignation r ( ' . ' . I l, If l I f I By aoa•;aT.eA1tK•:a Of .. _.,~, .... 1'hl' only mn11 who lrnov.b for ure wh)• llunt•nttton BNtch M yor Pro Tt•mµ<>rt' Richard Stebt>rt res1acnt-d from th,• (.'tty Counc&J 1s Riehurd S.d>ert And he's not talion~ much When Stt>bert dropped tht· bombshell on his !>tunned col leagues Monday night, ht> s~ud external presbure.\i h.id become great and Wt'r\.• In conflict With ht' ram1lv nnd oroft'S!llOnial hte He rept.atl'd toduy tha.t pn"b 1urf! had ov(.lrlapl)t!d into h1b prtvat~ llft ·• 1 could h1n c ,cont inu :d on the coun<'ll and collected my $175 salary w1lh fnnge benefits '·But everything l have done has been right and above board and I just d1dn 'l want to start playing politics." o.11, l"INit Sc.ff~ JOHN THOMAS (FAR LEFT) DIRECTS REMOVAL OF CAR Student's Project Spends Night In Campus Pool Auto Dunked School Pranks Stan Early By MICHAEL PASKEVICIJ Of .... Dally f'ill4 SUttf Senior prank season apparent· ly is off to a splashing start at Huntington Beach High SchOoJ. Tuesday morning. sometime alter midnight, someone (most campus observers believe it was a group of seniors, a lthough nobody seems to know for sure) decided to throw an impromptu pool party. The guest of honor was stud ent BiJl Ott 's \ Volkswagen. The VW sheJI that Ott had parked near lhe school welding shop was pushed silent.ly past late night securil) forces to the pool area. Bolt cutters took care of the cover charge. A narrow ramp became a ga!lgplanlt and the Bug, freshly pamted with a yellow '79' mark· ing this iraduation year, toot the big plunge. It did not noat. • Submerged at the six·foot • deplb· of lbe pool, tbe bollowed- o u t VW quickly achieved celebrity stat.us w~n students arrived for classes Tuesday morning. tor politely tell him to get lost. "I wonder how they got it in?" asked a friend before both stu- dents cleared out. chuckling. Ott. a 17-year·old junior, ar· rived on the scene. "It's there." he s aid calmly. "And there's nothing I can do about it." As school officials pondered a solution, Ott silently tossed small change onto the roof of his former class project. Enter Huntington Beach City Councilman J ohn Thomas. owner of a crane and trucking company. It took Thomas and crew just a few minutes to run a tow line to the drowned car and hoist it out with the help of a large crane <at no charge>. .. Thomas lat.er noted t hat the incident reminded him of younger days when he and bis buddies used to place outhouses in the middle of highways. But Stt'bert remCAined tight· 1tp1,ed on what forces migbt be eiterllng lht-pres::.ures. "T here's something t can't talk about." he said. l won't elaborate " Several people said previously that Siebe rt had r eceived telephone threats concerning the s afely of his family U1s wife said todav thev never had received any threats and Waddill Retrial Cut Off By REBECCA HELM OI ttw 0.lty ,.i ... SIMI The trial of Dr. William Wad· dill of Huntington Harbour was abruptly recessed early today a fter lhc jur y heard testimony Tuesday on brain damage by two medical specialists. Pres iding Judge Byron McMillan offered no explanation for the delay. Waddill, 43, is being retried in Orange County Superior Court on murder charges involving an abortion he performed two years ago. In earlier testimony Tuesday. Dr. Ralph Rucker told the Wad· dill jury that there are rare in· s tances when life s upport systems are withdrawn from ex· tremely ill newborn babies. Rucker is head of the intensive car e unit for newborns al Childrens Hospital of Orange County. Life support for an infant is stopped only ir doctors de· <See DOCTOR, Page A2> Schools OK 5%Pay Hikes For Workers Huntington Beach City <elementary 1 School District trustees Tuesday night granted five percent pay increases to teachers. administrators and confidential personnel. The pay raises are retroactive to last July 1 and are expected to be paid in a lump s um in May. An identical pay r aise was scheduled for the district's classified employees but the in· crease was held up Tuesday because or a disagreement over another matter, a trustee said. The increase will be forthcom· ing when the disagreement is worked out. according to trustee Roy How. "The others got a five perceht raise and it is only fair that classified people get tbe saoie thing," How said today. Classified workers Include teacher aides, bus drivers and maintenance personnel. Con- f id e n ti al e mployees are secreta ries to k ey ad - minisll'ators as well as others who work . with the district's payroll and in the personnel c:te! partment. . The distrlctwide raises bad been held up because or the pre- vious statewide freeze on the salaries or public employees. Total cost for the raises, in - cluding the classified personnel, are estimated al $4~1919. The increases wm bring lbe avera1e salary of teachers rrom $17. 719 t.o $18,805 per year. that she was upset about those reoorts in the newspaper. Siebert s aid he received no telephone threats at his home. He said he would not comment further. The 35-year-old Siebert also said rumors lhat he i~ selline his house and pharmacy businesses and moving from the city also are not true. ··My house has been put up for sale. but it is only conicidental with my decision to leave lhe council." he declared. Siebert said his family has outgrown the residence near the Civic Center and he is looking for a la r ge r ho m e in the downtown part of the city. He said rumors that he is sell- ing his pharmacies are "pop. pycock." Siebert owns a pharmacy on Beach Boulevard and has partial inte rest in a nearby pharmacy. Siebert said he has been faithful to his campai~n goals in '976 in working for tight fi scal controls and for open govern· ment. .. I a ls o have fought for employee rights.·· he noted. "When I ran for office in 1976. CStt Sii.ENT, Page AZ > O..ly,.••SW.t- GENE CARRIER ANO EMPTY CAGES THAT ONCE HELO HIS EXOTIC BIROS NeweestJe DlueH Eredlcetlon Effort Took 330 Healthy Ones, He Seys Valley Pet Dealer Angered by Kills By JERRY CLAUSEN OI tlle Dally f'ii.t 5Uttf Pel dealer Gene Carrier had a tear or two in his eyes last week as be watched federal task force members place his exotic birds in plastic bags and gas all 330 with carbon monoxide. "The whole evening was very difficult for me." the owner or Fountain Valley's Pets For Less shop said this week. "We had rather strong attachments for a couple of those birds. "Within two hours. they had destroyed them all ... Now Carrier is angry. Federal blood sample tests have proved negative. and a spokesman for the Department of Agriculture's Newcastle's disease task force admits t he Fo untai n Valley birds probably were not in- fected. No one can be sure. though, said task force spokesman Don Nielson. until a complicated, long-term "broth" test is com· plete d in a San Gabriel laboratory. Work at the laboratory is backed up. Nie lson s aid . bec ause or the tremendous number of tests conducted in tracing the state's latest out- break of Newcastle disease. So far. Ntelson said. t he federal government bas spent $384,000 in purchasing a nd destroying cage birds and flocks either carrying the devastating disease or suspected of carrying it since it was discovered a Stanton bachelor's pet was afflicted with iton Feb.20: Pel dealer Carrier contacted t he l42·m e mbcr stale and federal task force on March 11 when be discovered lhat some of his birds had been purchased from a dealer whose nock had been exposed to the deadly dis· ease. ··1 was concerned about my customers and my birds." Car rier said. "I asked them lthe Santa Ana·based task force) to come out to the store and check it\>Ul." Apparently. task force mem- ber s determined that. because the flock had been e xposed. tests would be a time-consuming problem in a race to contain the disease in Southern California. Carrier voluntarily closed the doors to his s hop at 18120 Brookhurst St. and waited three days for the task force disposal team a rrival lo destroy lhe birds. take blood samples and disinfect lhe store. "I think it's tragic." Carrier said this week. "I called because I was concerned about the welfare or the community. and they destroyed the birds before they were round to be inrected. It's awfully wrong ... " There is one positive result. Carrier admits. "The children who have been calling and cry· ing to find out if their pets purchased at Pets For Less ) have to be deslrQyed will know now that the birds aren't sick." Carrier. who has about $12,000 coming from lbe federal govem· <See BRIDS, P•ge AU FV Police Still Silent On Slaying By JERRY CLAUSEN OI tlle O.ily 1"1114 $~ Fountain Va lley police are continuing the investigation or the murder of a 28·year·old m othe r of two w ho was bludgeoned to death early Ma rch 8, but remain re latively tight·lipped regarding their work. Capt. John Beddow said that investigators are reasonably certain they know what kind or weapon was used in killing Mrs. Joan V.irginia Anderson but that they have not found it. Mrs. Anderson's pajama-top clad body was found in the downstairs guest bedroom or her home at 16587 Hemlock St Thurs d ay m orning by a neighbor. Police immediately clamped a lid of secrecy over the case. re- leasing very limited information because. they said, the in· vestigalion and subsequent con- viction of the killer might be im· paired. Captain Beddow would not say what type of weapon police are seeking in the bludgeoning com- (See MURDER. Page AZI Coast Weather "I wonder how they're aoina • to get it out?" asked one student who peered over lbe fen~ just Jons enough to hear an instruc· Should Women Face the Draft? Fair and warmer Wed- nesd ay with cha nce or showers decreasing to 10 percent tonight and near zero Wednesday. Lows tonight 45 to 55. Highs Wednesday 68 to 75 . MJ KEPT PHONE 1 Of'F 1BE HOOK ' • 'lly f amlly wanted to kill me • -the phone WU off lbe book nl1bt and day." ' f ''Jl'rom DOW Oft tbe ftnt plate 1 J IO to "'-1 or ael1 an)'lhlDc as the Dau, PUcit." Tbat .. tbe lldvertl1ln1 tuceea llol7 "' .... Au ... wllo plKed tllll ad lD \be Dail1 .UC.: . .., vw Squanbeck a.. "wort" car XD•lUDUI WASIUNGTON <AP> -As Concresa begins considering whether to require draft regbtraUon -or even to actually draft aoldlen -t.be politically tricky qUellion of the role of women is pushl~ t.o t.be front of tbe debate and eould scuttle lbe wbole ide•. The quesUona are basic: lf men are drafted, should women be? THE VNn'ED STATES BAS llOU tbaa lM,000 women in un- iform, tens of tbouaanda mon tban any other country. All were volunteers beeauae Selective Seniee atawtea do not. allow tbe re1,1traUoa or draftinl of women. The qUllUoe of what to do baa touebed off dlaqreementa wltlaba tile edmlalltraUon and Coqrw and CCNld threaten wbat eome 1ee u a momentum towanl • N81Wal ol Nllltratloa. Tbe nation'• mWt.arJ leaden -•=ta reciatr•tioo ii Deedect beca .. \be cuneat 111tem eouW Dell ...... 8Dldien to meet a crisll -.,.. not easer to lDcJ womea ud nat11 opp19e l8DCliJll them lnlo combat. 'l9Y AND Ol'llaR onoNSN'l'I ~ ....... la•~ of drift.liw .. ud u..t ~ti women 8"a&uall1 tou1d ......... -tllllo ...... Clvll "°" ll'OU ......... .. , adlllkm ol women woalil be tu dilcrlllldnaU. tut would be struck down by tbe courts. Rep. Richard White, D-Texu, bead of the Houae Armed Servicet manpower subcommittee, predicts the House wW ap- prove a bill providing funds for repsferlng men between the 11es of 18 and 38. ·•11 YoU include women you might have trouble 1etting It tbl'OU.lh." be said. "Tbere's still a lot of chivalry tunnin1 around tlall~.·· A Senate aoun:e rates &be chances of pauinc a rel)atrat.lon bill 1t SO.SO, but NY• t.be odds are 11alaat it if women are included. REP. llAalOalB llOLT, a.n., 1'llE rankiq RepubUcu on lbe m.,r-.,....., la adamantly QPPOeed lO repteriq women. ' would be a eomplete departure from our naUoa.al poUc , "lbe IUd. ~ utioa'a top mlUtary le.den -the joint chlel• of staff - are ••••""NllJ reeoat..,....."I revival of reliatratioo, and the Army's ddef ol atan, Gen. Bernard Roten, ii calllnl for a draft ol up to a.• ..... for U. lndl¥tduel Reedy Reserve tlRR). .,._. Mid women abould be reclstered, but, "I'm not Pft· p.1ncl a. .. ,. womea lbould be drifted" -even for elmc:al Jobi. Men ar. bettel' quallll..t phJllcalb to bandle combat Jobe auch u (lee j'" WOIUN•, Pap AZ> .. IN81QE TOD~ 't' GM'• "secret" X-cors .ore •ntroduced on P.oge BS. Whot'1 mote aigni,ficont: the cor1 themlelve1 or tlarir .od· uertili1tg ~t? \ ('t ., .. ., .. M ... .. .... ate .. • .,.. M M A.f DAILY PILOT HIF WeonetKl•y, March :11, 11U'9 .Hospital Approved. Valley ~ouncil OverturnB Planners fuun1,11t1 \ .1llt·~ t'llY roun r 1lmt·n huvt· 11\ t•rtunwd plun n1nt1 eomm1" ion dt•c•1,111n blo<'k 1n11 Q 61.000 quttn• Coo\ t•ddll1on h1 .. ·ou11lt1111 V ,tlh•' Cumn111nlt' lto111Hl•1I Tht• llll llllllUIU., n1u1w1I &U'llo n r111''>il•H ffUlt\011 hO!o~lllul olflclllh '"in ..:o uhctid v. llh I h \' $.'I m1lllon proJt't'l. 11t•I f\1r t·1irn111t•t11m '" .1oout two Y•'"'"' llowt•\•1•1 J "'l't 111111 m othlfl frmll c·cm11c1lm.111 H1·11 "111'1 ... c•n th.it c·urrwd in u I lo I \ 111\· rt 4u1rcr. hos~utJJ t1tlll·a.1I:. ''' 1 um• up v. 1th .t lt•nt.itl\ ,. m,l\t1•1 vi.i n tor the rC'!lt of lMi und veloPt"d .t<'r<'il.Ct" M <H OI Murvln Adh•r \Ot d 00 Thi• lo k of a mult'r 11l1i1n w1t11 u rw or lht• n •it.,.1101 lh1• 11l11111l11lw , o mm1M 11111 11·1t 1 h •1l lh1• n1·w . hOl<IJlll UI v. rntt l-'"'I llH nl h lllllf•d <'II \ l'l1rnn1n•• lhc 1•d o1 ('1111\ S h1•1tod ll1• ft't'omnw11d1·il th1.11 lh•· c•ounrll "ur•tll•r1 th.-11rnJ1•1•t, but 'IJIJ th•' hullit•111 '" l'IK•rh pl.H ••d 111111 fl'u• 111 t hlh 11 l lHI' l"' r t• I .1 t 1' ,. I ' ., t 11 1 i. 11 1111 11 11 llll •:•111o1lh• llt 11 "•mu1 h fi.t11t11 .. r 11 ordinator for fo'ountaln Valley Mrdl<'ul f)(ov1~1orment Company . told tht• rounc1 that the J)la<'c: 11H•111 11( U1\• bulldlni 11' rrucaal h.-t'UUll(' II fflUlll lh• 1n with the nrn111 t'Qt ridur of thc cirnsllni.t hu1ldln1C llt• udd~I I h11t ttw ww.; 1s d1• 11111n"d Uli "J1111t a 11lum building" lo m ul t'h "1lh the c xh.Un" '·•l'lll\) 'l'hl• '"'" "'111.: w 111 ht• hu1lt on tht• "' ..... 11•11 >· po1t1un of thC' ho.,p1t.JJ ., Jt'rt•ug1• 1.llonl( Wurncr \ v1•11ut• Aen·s~ to lht• budding v.ould be.• vrov1dcd by u wider ""'' 1.uwt• Oil t:u<'lrd Strt>e t Qulek Aetion Thl· udd1t10nal space would not rnr n•ur.t• tx-d rapacit y at thl' hm.p1t.il offlt•ial' 1>a1d It wouJd Jllow lhl'm lo cut down on tht• numtwr of tri)llc tX!d rooms now lw l11a: u • .,,'d tind add 16 more dou hit> I CIOlll., .uH1 00 ~Ingles IO t he Tliej't Solr d ;,, twv. bu1ld1ni.: · Ttw 'It rut lun'. a :-.plit level one .11u1 two stcn y bu1 I din>?. will also ft• at u rt• t•x pu ndcd maternity ward fo cillt1cs and a s mall uud1lonum, offic ials said. l"ountuin V .i I"°' pol 11'\' ""'''l'f Larry (jni,v.old rn.1~ huH' ')t'l .. rww rt'<'Otd 111 hi:-1·1ty f()r i.~'\-tt 111 rN'OVl'rtn>t '\toh•n pro~rt> and making an urn•i.t followtnJI J bur~lary When Jaml'S l>obt>rrul' or 18388 "<i ota Carlotta St returned inmt' at l . 15 p m Tut•sday to find his hQmt' brokc>n into &nd $2.100 worth o( ~terro equipment ,lolt>n. he called pohce O<ftcer Gris wold res ponded 1mmed1att>ly, took the cr ime re llOrt and left Dob(•rna c ·~ re~ 1dt•nrl' 15 minutt·~ late r , truvel 1ng a loog Sanla Laurella Street. I le sav. several youths mllhng about a residential gar age al IR282 Santa Lauretta and spotted 'tereo equipment through the Jpt'n door. Griswold became s uspicious when the youths s potted him and d osed the garage door. Following up, he and other of- f 1cers detained three adults and fo ur youths at police head - quarters. Later, two a.dulls and two of the youths were releast.-d. Booked into Oranlo(c County Supervisors Back Business License Plan A move to require businesses 1n unincorporated areas of Orange County to buy business licenses was endorsed Tuesday by th e county Board of Supe rvisors As things s tand now. only ~pec1al kinds of businesses - masi.age parlors. s a tvuge dt>all:'rS, nude modc•I ~lud1~ and others <Are required to buy a bus iness license nut s upervisors ind icated Tuesday they would like to im- post' a business li cense require- ment on all buslnos~es operating in county territory, about 5,000 of them. Slate legislation. however, will have to be e nac ted before s upervisors can I mpose an across-the-board license re- quirement. U nder ex1st1ng laws . supervisors can impose a bus i· ness license requirement only to recover regulatory costs. Supervisors were told thal roughly half the S,000 unlicensed businesses in the county already requi!e some form of regulation, bu1ldmg code chec ks and flre in· speclions. for example . Rather lhan impose a license requirement on those busi· nesses, s upervisors said they will support legislation that will e mpower tbelt' lo license all Dusinesses fob Bias Charged WASHINGTON (AP) -The Labor Department on Tuesday accused the City of Loa An1eles of illegal job discrimination ~cau.se il aJJe~edly refused to hire a man who had been treated for a mental illness. DAILY PILOT • J .111 ""'il ' "'rnnli. It.ii l "'"" 20, ur lhl• l.8Ur'\'lt I Slrt•('\ addn•i.s ror USPICl()ll of huqilary lllld J10:oses.. .. 1on of :.toh•n 11ro1,.•rty Two 17 y ear old h1ly~ were booked mlo JUVc.•nlle hall for sus p1e1on of burt<lary All of Dobem1c's stereo cqu1p· menl was recoverl'tl, poh ce s aid. F,.....ra~Al DOCTOR ••• termlne damage to a baby 1s 1r reversible and continuing s us - tenance would be folilc, Rucker tes tified. And the dec1s1on is made within "extremely tight limits." the doctor added. Waddill is heing retried on charges of strangling an infanl known as baby girl Weaver alter s he allegedly survived a saline abortion two years a go. Ills first trial ended with the Jury deadlocked 7 to 5 in favor of acquittal. Prosecutor Robert Chattcron alleges that W<iddill wa s dt<eply m debt, without m<Jlpructicc in s urance. and feared he would he s ued if the baby survived and was brain damaged. Defense attorn('y C h<1rlt•s Weedman, however. claims that the baby was already beyond re- vival when Waddill examined her at Wes tminsler Community Hospital Weedman a lso denies lhc prosecutor's claim of Waddill'~ indebtedness. In related test1 mony Tuesd<iy. pediatric neurologist Dr. Glenn Fowle r was asked his opinion of baby girl Weaver 's brain dam age after the infant ':s circ umstances were described to him. f1 owler said in his opinion lh<~ baby's brain was not functioning normally. Rut he could not s ay whether irreversible bruin damage was indicated. fi'rot1t Pag~ A I SILENT ... I was inde pendent with no con- nec tions or lies. "I financed my own campaign and I didn't ask anyone for permission when I ran for office. "I don't feel like I have to ask permission when I leave." "I don't see <iny reason why the planning commission or city council should try and design the hos pital ... said counc ilman Bernie Svalst ud, who made the motion to reverse the planners' action. Nielson later added an a mend- ment that will block issuance of building permits for the new wing until a mas ter plan for the hos pital's future is s ubmitted. The approved amendment is not expected lo cause any delay in building the ne w w ing, city of- (1c1als said. Hospital representatives were a sked to present a schematic plan of how t~ hospital may be expanded in the future as the Ci· l y processes needed building permits over the next four to six weeks. County Backs Plan to Speed Tax Refunds Orange County s upe rvisors agreed Tuesday to spend $31,000 lo speod up the r efunding rj property tax overpayments. Supervisors' approval of the expenditure fell in line with a rec- om menclation made by county Tax Collector-Treasurer Robert Citron. It was Citron who reported a heavy run or property tax ove r- pa y m ents. r esulting f r om changes in assessment practices brought on by Proposition 13, has refunds running four months behind. Citron said his office is being "inundated wilh te lephone calls from taxpayers inquiring when they carr expect to receive their refunds." Citron said the $31 ,000 special allocation will be used to hire · temporary help and for equip- ment needed to sptwd up the re· fund process. Leader Resigns RABAT. Morocco <AP ) Prime Minister Ahmed Osman unexpectedly r esigned today after more than six years al the head of the Moroccan govern- ment. DRAFf WOMEN? • • • the infantry. tanks and field artillery. he said. ADM. THOMAS B. HAYWARD, CWIEF of naval operaU0015, said that from a mmtary viewpoint, there is no need to draft women. "From an cqujty standpoint," he said, "that really is a political decision rather than a military decision." Gen. Lew Alle n Jr., Air Force chief of staff, said it Is not es· senUal to register women or to dralt them. Gen. Louis H. Wilson, commandant or the Marines would not object to enlisting their quot.a of women through the draft. &l:Gl8TaAftON AND THE ORAliT HAVE been put on Conaresa· a1enda.. because of deep shortages ln the military re· serve pools to be called ln a crisis. Selective Service System of· nctalt acknowledae It ii not capable of producina enough rnan· power fut enough in the event of war. - Prftldent Carter a nd Defense Secretary Harold Brown say any regiltrat.ion pro1ram should Include women as well as men. altboulh they bave not endorsed re1istertn1 anyone. "II we rqiater pe,..one for flJ\ure use In some form In our country. tl would probably be Inevitable we would register both. but U..t doesn 't mean women will be drafted or that men will be drafted to go into the arrued fortes," Carter uJd recently. Robert E. Shuck, actlq director of the Seleellve Sen1ce System, nld a full mobUluUon would ~ulre up to 10 mllUon men and there are JS million to 30 mltUon drafl-ell1lble men of a1ea 19 to28. A aSGmaATION BILL 8PON90aED BY Sena. Sam NUM, 0.0a., chairman of the Senate Armed Services m1npower sub· comautt.ee..._ and ffaM'J P'. Byrd, a VlrslnJa tnct.pendent, muee no PNY ... ror n11ttertn1 women. Nor dMI one 1ubmitted by Sen. Robert ll~1aa, D-N.C. ... Jobn .......,1 D·lllu., cbatrman ot the Armtd Servtce1 Committee, .. ,.. UM ad·volunteer mlUtary ahould be replaeM with some tJPe at draft, but dtd not 1.,.clf)' if women ahoukl be lft. cludld. ft. baa Nld, however, that women abould not be expoMCI to com Mt. · ID die ltoaH, Rep. O.V. llonttom_,, D·lllM., la tpouortfta a bUI tlMlt would nqutre ,.~ of bot.II men and woat.a, and llonllOll* 1 • oppoMd lo wtlldnl women to eomMt. A....a. lpproecb .,.,......., bJ It.,. Paul Pf. lleClollley, Jl.Calll .. 1 marble NMne c.dGMI wbo 111llMl90ftd 1 blU that would requtre all a-191N1W mea ud WOIDl8 • ,......... for mtutary or tlvlba IOYft'DllMllt Mn1ce . lffanaa Tricia Tnc1~ N,1xon Cox and her hus band, Edward, leetve Ne w York s C~rncll Medical Center today with their week-0ld S()n .. Christopher The infant was born by C<.icsarean section Di.sneylaml Strike Over; Workers Back More than 500 mainle nanct· workers went ba(·k to their JOb~ at Disneyland .today after a 15 day s trike Workers voted 260 lo 211 to re turn lo their jobs after Dis· neyland refused to step up earlie r wage increase offers Acceptance of those terms by the 530 strikers means that lhey will re('eive first year salary in- c reas es of from $7.29 to $9 56 an hour and from $8.-42 lo $10.23 at1 hour during the second year or the new contract accepted by M unions. The contract was accepted after Disneyland manage ment told the worke rs that any further pay increases would a mount to a violation of federal wage-pncc g uidelines. Workers uns u ccessfully argued that the increai;es R perce nt over the first year and seven percent over the second year wou ld not allow pay checks to keep pace with spiral· ing inflation In the Orange Coun ty area. Park s upervisors and clerical p e rsonnel who h ave been performing maintenance duties during the strike went back lo their regular jobs today. F'rot11 P~ A I BIRDS ... m ent as payment for his par rots, par a k eet ~. f1n't'h 1:~. cockatoos and a tra ined Macaw. 1s left without birds. though He. llke other C:rhfornaa dci.11 ••rs whose busincsse~ tire ut a standstill during the current m fe clion. will wait a while and then fly c:>ast to purchas1· nl'w stock in Florida o r New York The caged -bird ep1d e m1 c seem s on the decline, Nielson said this week, but the federal government in Washington 1s be ing asked to commit a second Sl million to the fight des cribed as the wors t s ince millions of chickens were destroyed dunng the 1971-74 &>ulhcm Cahfornia epidemic. NewcasUe disease can be fatal to nearly all b1 rd s pec ies. especially ctuc kens. but is con sidered onJy an irritant amon~ humans. Nielson t-a1d Frot11 Pagr A I MURDER ... milled by a man whom polH·c believe was known by the dead woman. Investigators also are contmu ang to check out finge rprints taken from the Anderson home following lhe murder and arc slowly ruling out possible sus peel s as the ir s t oriei. arc followed up, he said .Lightning Means It's Spring · "r saw th1s light then I saw the trees e xplode It sounded like someone hud fired a round from a i.holgun right next to my ear.·· Lagur11t Beach Police Office r Danelle Adams got a vivid closeup of Mother Nature 's pyrotechnics during this morn· ing's clc:>ctr1cal sl<>rm. She was on patrol on Laguna Ca nyon Road when a bolt of l1ghtnjng blasted a nearby grove of sycamore trees. She was tem· porartly blinded but was able to res ume patrol in the driving rain. Orange Coas t tcs1dents can t'X pect a few more s howers tonight ~ut after that, pred1cts the National Weather SerVlcc •l ·~ blue skies and sunny day~ ahead Tht' thunder and lightning that u~hcrc'li in Spring 1£ not spring we<1th('r. put out the lights so somt' areas At about 1.15 p.m . Tucsday in Irvine . h ~hlning struck an over head bank of transformers north of thl' San Diego F reeway bt•tween Jdfrey Hoad and Culvc; Or1ve. Power was knocked out Lo 2,300 homes in the College Park and WoodhndJ:c <irc<J~ for about an hour Board Stalls Pay Boosts For Janitors Plans to place the Ocean View 'cle mentary > School District':. 2:J head custodians in a higher pay category a rc stalled again. The distnct 's administration and c1t11cn's Personnel Com m1ss1on have bt•en trying to reclassify tht• ht:ad custodiaru. for two years l''inal upprov:il by district .rustt!CS would add an average of $500 a year to current chief <'ustod1an sa lari(•!-> averagin~ about $10,000 a year. accordin~ to district offi cials. T rustees sent the proposal bac k to the personnel com m1 ss1on for more s tudy Monday a fter getting an Orange County Counsel's opinion staLinR that no significant new responsibiliti~ had been added to the custo- dians' task list. .\ T rustees learned last year ~nat the personnel commission. composed of three volunteer dis tric t reside nts, had not dis- c ussed their findings with the principals of the d1str1ct 's 24 schools Supt Dale Coogan , noting that c lass1flcation or e mployee tasks is a manai.tement decision, sug. gcst('d the mov(' for more s tudy and inpul from principals who a re firs t llnl' management representatives. The custodians are seeking the ne w cl:.i ss1ficatio n and the higher salaries re troactive to August 1978. The 1rullal study and category change was recommended whe n 1t was dctcrm1ncd that head custodians had assumed more responsibilities than were out- 11 n e d years ago when job descriptions were drawn up. Lynn Hart HART'S John Hart SPORTING GOODS 538 CENTER ST. ° COST A MESA • 646-1919 Bauetballs 1095 up BasbtUll BackMlrds 191ts BasbtUU Guts 895 & 1095 Basketball Gaal Nets 1 so to 31s VIUeyUlls V1lllyUllSMes ,, .. ,..Nets BaselaaU Mitts & Gllves BasaUll Bats BaseUU lllSe Baslllall ClirM 5'11v1s Bis .. S111n lasMll lltiil1 Cllv1s ..... Cllll ljiiJlltll Speedo & Adidas Swim Suits & Trunks Swim G111les • Kick Beards Duck Feet Fins Masks Snorkles R,acquetllall Racquets lacq111tlalls lac_..,I Gloves Tennis Rackets Tennis Clltllin1 Tennis SHes Tennis Balls Weipt Sets Jum, l•s O.llllls 146-1119 ' Irvine VOL. 72, NO. 80, .c SECTIONS, 42 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA You• Hometown~ Dally Newspaper WEONESDAY,MARCH21, 1979 TEN CENTS Sex 'Issue Threat to Draft Revival WASHINGTON t AP1 A Congress b{'"lns considering wht<lht•r to n>quan· droft rl'gllslrahon or .-ven lo actually draft cl\•llians lht> pohhcally trwk> qut>~taon of ttw role> of women u. pushing to th..-from of the dl"ball' .tnd t'Ould cuttle lht> whole idea Tht.< question~ itrt• b1tl>U' IC men a.re llrMftNJ. should wom •n be" THE l 'NIT£0 T TES HAS MORE than l~~.000 women in un 1(orm . h'nl> of lhou:,und:, more-than any other country All wtrt \Olunker:. beC'au::.t· Sdl'C't1ve St>rv1ce statute:, do not allow the reg1straltofl or d rafting or ~omt•n The question o' what to do has touched off disagreements within the adm1rustra11on .ind Congre:,s a nd could threaten what WaJdill Retrial Cut Off By REBECCA HELM Of tM 0.llJ .. ,let SWI The trial of Dr. Wilham Wad· dill of Huntington Harbour was abruptly recessed early today after lhe jury heard testimony Tuesday on brain damage by two medical specialists. Pres iding Judge Byron MrMillan offered no explanation for the delay. Waddill. 43. is being retried in Orange County Superior Court on murder charges involving an abortion he performed two years ago. In earlier testimony Tuesday. Or. Ralph Rucker told the Wad- dill jury that there are rare in· stances whe n life suppor t systems are withdrawn from ex- tremely ill newborn babies. Rucker is head of the intensive rare unit for newborns at Childrens Hospital of Orange County. Life support for an infant is st opped only if doctors de· termine damage to a baby is tr· reversible a nd continuing s us· tenance would be futile, Rucker testified. And the decision is made within "extremely light limits." the doctor added. Waddill is being retried on charges of strangling an infant known as baby girl Weaver after she allegedly survived a saline (Sff DOCTOR, Page AZ> some see as a momentum toward a renewal of registration. The nation's m!Utary leaders -who say registration is needed ~cause the ,current system could not produce enough sol~iers to meet a crisis are not eager to include women and flatly oppose sending them into combat. THE~ AND OTHER OPPONENTS argue there is no shortage of draft·age men and that registration or women eventually could lead to sending them into combat. Civil rights groups and others say exclusion of women would be sex discrimination that would be st ruck down by the cou rts. Rep Richard White, 0 -Texas. head of the House Armed Services manpower subcommittee, predicts the House will ap· prove a bill providing funds for registe ring men between the ages of 18 and 26. ..Jf you include women you might have trouble getting it through," he said. ".There's still a lot of chivalry running around this country." A Senate source rates the chances of passing a reg1strat1on bill at 50-50. but says the odds are against it if women are included REP. MARJORIE Hj)LT, R-MD., THE ranking Republican on the manpower panel, is adamantly opposed to registering women. "Tltis would be a complete departure from _qur national policy." sbe said <See DRAFT WOMEN', Page A2> Serino Jury Told Slaying 'Faked' By KATHY CLANCY OI tN D•llY ~Itel Sl•ll A Newport Beach police detec- tive. who posed last year as an East Coast hit man in an alleged murde r.for-hire plot. testified to· day he faked the slaying of a Seattle attorney complete with photos of a blood·s plattered body. Sgt. John Simon took the wit· ness stand in the Orange County Superior Court murder solicita tion and conspiracy trial of Joseph Serino. 42. or Mission Viejo. Serino. bas pleaded innocent and innocent by reason or insani· ty to charges that he t ried to ar range the slayings of Seattle at· torney Roger Leed and the wife Of his CO·defendant. Joseph Bogg of Beverly Hills. Bogg. charged with con · spiracy and murder solicitation in the Leed case. faces trial later this month. Simon testified he played the ro l e o f hit man "Ton y DeMarco·· and allegedly was hired by Senno to slay Leed and later. Mrs. Bogg. Simon said when he went to Seattle he contacted the wouJd- be slaying victim and Leed went Saudis Rattle Sabers Israel Parlialllent Nears Pact Vote JERUSALEM CAP) -A solid majority in lsrael's Parliament lined up today in support or the peace treaty with Egypt as de· bate neared a close. The Saudi Arabian press. m eanwhile ; called for all-out Arab war against Israel. prepare for a fong and con· tinuous war to regain Jerusalem and other occupied Arab land. It s aid the Palestinian resistance PALESTINE PROBLEM REMAINS -Page A7 with police to pose as a murder victim. "First we stopped at a magic store, l believe, and purchased some theatrical blood," Simon. testified. "We had Mr. Lt!ed lie m the bushes near the <Sea ttle police 1 pistol range and took scvnal d1f ferent shots of him." the vice in - vestigator continued Simon told the jury ht> used one of those photos to show Senno later and collect SS.000 of the purported $15.000 murder contrart payment. La Habra carpenter Roger (See PWTS. Page A2> Irvine Panel Eyes Cable Rate Boost The Ir vine Co mmunity Services Commission is expect· ed to make a rt'commendation to the City Council tonight a bout a proposed increase in cable television rates. The commission meets at 7:30 at City Ha ll. 17200 Jamboree Blvd. Gas Retailer To Pay Fine For False Ads o.lly PllM Swtt ,,_ JOHN THOMAS (FAR LEFT) DIRECTS REMOVAL OF CAR Student's Project Spends Night In C•mpus Pool Prime Minister Menachem Begin's rejeetion of a Palesti- nian state prompted the Arab re· action. but it was not expected to delay the signing or the treaty next week. s hould fight on all fronts "until they tum the occupied lands into a blazing inferno f or the enemv." Community Cablevision. a wholly owned subs idiary of the Irvine Company. asks to in - crease the monthly S6 fee to in· dividuaJ homeowners. to $10 An Ontario gasoUne retailer. accused of falsely advertising premium gasoline. has agreed to pay a S2S.OOO fine under terms of a court-negotiated settlement. officials in the Orange County District Attorney's office have announced. The James Whlle Oil Com· pany was accused by the Orange and Sao Bernardino County dis· trict attorneys c>f advertising gas at a higher octane rating than it actually bad. The firm admitted no wrong· doing in the settlement, negotiated in Sam Bernardino County Superior Court. In addition to the fine, the company is prohibited from any false advertising in the future, Orange County orticials said. Coast Weather Fair and warmer Wed- nesday !With chance of s howers decreasing to 10 percent tonight and near aero Wednesday. Lows tonight 45 to 55. Highs Wednesday 68 to 75. INSIDE TODA '1 CM'• "#CM'' X-con .are lntroduc~d on P.oge 85. Whot'I moN ligtdfk;ont: Ille co" t~w• or tlarir. ad· wrl..,~'! Auto Dunked School Pranks Start Early By MICHAEL PASKEVICH 01 -o.ll'f l'llM StMf Senior prank season apparent· ly is off to a splashing start at Huntington Beach High School. painted with a yellow '79' mark· Ing this graduation year, took the big plwige. It did not float. Subme rged al the six-foot depth of the pool. the hollowed· out VW quickly achieved <See POOL, Page A2> In Washington, House Speaker Thomas P . O'Neill said Presi- dent Carter told him Begin. Egyptian Pres ident Anwar Sadat and Carter would sign the treaty at 11 a.m .. PST. Monday in the U.S. capital. Parliament's endorsement, expected by pre-dawn Thursday. would remove the final barrier to the pact signing. In Jidda, Saudi Arabia, a front-page editorial in Al Jezira called today on all Arab states lo U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew visited Saudi Arabia in a n uns uccessful e ffort to pe~suade the nation to support the treaty between Israel and Egypt. In other developments: -King Khaled and Crown Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia as· s ured Egypt of continued economic aid even after the s igning the Egyptian-Is raeli peace tre aty , a Kuwait newspaper reported today. If approved. homeowners who are members of community ru>· sociations that receive bulk rates would see the fees in· creased from $4 to $6.70 a month. Apartment subscribers. who pay for the service through rent. would be charged $4.70, compared to the existing $2 fee. Tuesday morning, sometime after midnight, someone <most campus observers believe it was a group of seniors, although nobody seems to know for sure> decided to throw an Impromptu pool party. The guest of honor was student Bill Ott•s Volkswagen. Coast Sky Lights Up According to a rate s tudy by an accounting firm hired by Community Cablevision. Ernst and Ernst or Los Angeles. the average monthly rate for cable te levision service in Orange County is Sl0.07. Teleprompter. which serves parts of Ne wport Beach. c harges $10.25. according to Ernst and Ernst. The VW shell that Ott had parked near the school welding shop was pushed silently past late night ~urity forces to the pool area. Bolt cutters took care of the cover charge. A narrow ramp became a gangplank and the Bug, freshly County Backs Plan to Speed Tax Refunds Oran1e County supervisors agreed Tuesday to spend S31,000 to speed up the refunding or property tax overpayments. Supervisors' approvaJ of the expenditure fell in line with a rec· ommendatJon ma. by county Tax CoUedor·TNuurer Robert Citron. It WU Citron who repol1ed a heavy run ol property tu over· paymenta, reaultin1 from cbaqea in UM11ment practices ~on by Propolltlon 13, bu ref unda nmnin1 four months ....... Cltroa aatd his office la bei.nc 0 lDandlated wltb telephone calla from tupayert 1aqulrtq when tbeJ ca aped to reHlve their ........... Cltrma Nici the Sll,000 special ........ wlllbeUMdtD ... r.m,..,, Wp Md far ...-... meat_.... to.,.... up tbt,. lud proo1M. •'I saw this Jight then I saw the trees explode. It sounded like someone bad fired a round from a shotgun right next to my ear.·· Laguna Beach Police Officer Danelle Adams got a vivid closeup of Mother Nature's pyrotechnics during this morn- ing's electrical storm. She was on patrol on Laguna Canyon Road when a bolt of lightninl blasted a nearby grove of sycamore trees. She was tem- porarily blinded but was able to resume patrol in tbe driving rain. Oran1e Coast residents can expect a few more showers tolli1bt but aft.er tbal, predicts the National Weather Service, it's blue sides and sunny days ahead. AD KEPT PHONE OFFDIEHOOK "My famJly wanted to kiJJ me -the phone was off the book ru1ht 8Dd day.·· """-now on, the first place I 10 to buy or seU anylhin1 ii the Dally Pllot. •' T1utt 's tbe adverti1ln1 aucceu 1tory ot tM Sam. Ana man who pla~ed tlaia ad in the Dally Pllot: '11 VW Squ•reback Good .. work .. car U lMtJUUC If you need a place to tell or ~fut~ :z.=,.o= help write a beat Mller. ' The thunder and lightning that ushered in Spring if not spring weather, put out the lights in some areas. At about 1:15 p.m. Tuesday in Irvine, lightning struck an over· head bank of transformers north of the San Diego Freeway, between Jeffrey Road and Culver Drive. Power was knocked out to 2,300 homes in the College Park and Woodbridge areas for about an hour. The intense rain that ham· mered the Orange Coast briefly (See STO&M, Page AZ> Other companies s urveyed in- cluded Storer Cable TV. serving Laguna Beach ($8.75 a monthl a nd Sao Juan Capistrano CSlO l : a nd Orange County Cable Com· munications. with customers in San Juan Capistrano ($8.75) and San Clemente <$9). .... ........... nD .. HT 8'0T IN WUTHD l'tCTUM APllURID 8Rllf'l Y TUllDAY We• ......... ..,. TNe NetqlOlt ......., ._... loon W 1ae Repe8ted A• Alo .. Orllnge Coast .i A2 DAILY PILOT Wednffdey, M.t.rch 21, 1979 Oil Companies Warn of Crisis Marvin's Finances Probed WA S lll NO T O I AP 1 Re11umpttoo '>I 1111 t·~J)orlb from lnan <kk'1' ~lt ''.:nul a.n rnct lo ttw cnt·r~)' cri•u.~. 011 1ndu11ll')' ot ft<'ials lold Conitn· "today And t hey "•111 con:i um•·n :s h () u I d t) r lll' t' r 0 r !I t' r IO II ~ ... horlu>!t'!\ 111 .:u1>1>ll1w und 1n <'r•·ui.t-d Ctwl 11rt\'t'I' OHtr lul11> of •:non lnlA'rnai t1011ul und <tutr 011 Corp tolc1 thc• Senute lo:nc>r..:y Commltltt th.At t•lthoul(h rt' urned produC'Uon lrom I 11111 h1t:! f'l'~lort•d ... urnt· ha.lance t o world c rudt• 011 mt•rkt!ls. ishort al(l'i. or ~''r1nm h.wl~. t'~Pl'l'1,1lly ~ui.uhrw .inti heating 011. will be Int'\ tlatblt> wf\hout 1mmt'dlate in~1Jor 11tcp~ to con&t'rve enerRY lli>rtwrt I <ioodm.in prt'!\1 1J e n t of Gulf ':. trading a nd tra n'port<illon !>Ub!-t1d1ary. Jnd Robc•rt N Dolph, prt•s1dC'nl or E xxun l 11tl•rnut1onal . to ld senators th<' world 011 t'r1s1s 11> real and that Oil companies are not prohlet-rinSt as a re!\ull o ( the lran1an s1tuat10n Both parnkd a bleak picture TO HEAD HOSPIT Al William Gonzalez UCI Hospital Chief Named W1 1J1am C . Gon zalez, ad- m inis tra to r of a New York teachmg hospital. has been ap- pointed d irector o f clinical services at UC Jrvine. Ile ai.sumcs the post June 1. Gonzahn wall manage the UCI Me dical Center , community r linirs and ambulatory car e rac ilil1es. and coordinate UCJ af. fih a tions with othe r hospita ls . , He was deputy director for ad- ministration of the Capital Dis· trict Psyc hiatric Cente r , in Albany, N.Y., s ince 1974. Irvine Lions Plan Breakfast Meets The Greater Lions Club or Irvine, trying to establish a br eakfa!o\t c lub edit ion, have sch eduled a nother o r ganiza- tional meeting, on Thursd ay at 7 a.m . at the A.irporter Inn. The club wiJJ m eet in the Patio Roo m . and thereafte r in the Monaco Room each Thusday at 7 a.m. Fee for breakfast is $4. The meetings will feature speakers on topics of c urrentlocaJ Interest. Scientist Ailing LA J OLLA <AP) -Dr. Harold C. Urey, 85, wbo won the Nobel Prize for chemJstcy in 193f and helped develop the at.om bomb, was reported in stable condition toda y in the coronary care unit at Scripps Memorial Hospital DAILY PILOT '"'°'_c_.o.i,,.,. ...... ""-'"•'- .. ---"""' ...... 1-11¥lflt0r-c .. " "'*'-~ '"-"'• ... ,._ ... "'°'''"" -.... ...,...... '''-"' .. ~ -· -IH<ll. _lflt! ... _Ill.._. ..... v.i ..... 1 .... 111e.~ .... 111a...t11c-• \1 .............. -.......... j._ ..... ,...,,_ S-.o Tllt.,"'Citloll-ltl\Mtt!-l•.CDI _ .. , ...... , .. , ..... , ........... -·-· .... ~t\ __ ,._ *1111 c.r-. Ylt•---0..-fl......., ~ ..... ..... ,,........ ---............. O-::.i"'4~ ... ....:.=-- OMeee (Mia ........... ..... '-.......... ~~--~e..tll· ,,.,,_ .. ~ T1l11tta1ta (7,.)..._, • ror gaMJlnp ftUppllf'I'. r lnlmln" th\• <'rudt> ml twinit prudut•t•d tu hdp offM.'' thl' lo-ir. o( lrumuo f\Uf pUt>ti .... hN•Vh'r. h111twr Ill 1 \U fur a nd rHrnrt'r In motor wasoll~ quuht> than lrunhm oll Thr h4'a11 111< t·:.mw tt d uy llftN P resident C'art4't told n tn jlf ('lllllOOlJ I h•adt'r~ ht· IJhlll'i ti nl8JOt t•n rJty •ddr 'IS' lo lht" 11.i 11011 M un·h 29 l':neray C:omm1tl('c ('huirmun tlt•11ry M Jock&0n rwt~d that 1111 SOVIET Oil CRISIS ·c oNAAMED' -Peg• M comparues havo b.•g un c·ut11n.i fuel supplle:s LU c.1 greater propw lion than the l.Otul reporkd lo~~ of Ir <1ruan oil LOS ANGELES <AP I -Lee Marvin's business manager was recalled to the witness stand Lo· day as the lawyer for Michelle Triola Marvin tried lo show that she did not receive as much monetary gain from her Jovt: ar. fair as Marvin c lairns . Attorney Marvif' Mitchelson conducted un extensive quizzing or Edward Silver. the accoun- tant who earher estim ated that Miss Marvin received $41.000 wort h of benefits during t he af. fair and more than SJ0.000 more afte r sht> a nd the actor parted. M 1tchelson dissected Silver 's 3(.'COunting or how Miss Marvm received the money lie noted that muc h of 1t was included 1n payments of charge account bills. .. Ate the:.e .ill1x·at1om. the r-c• suit of real shortfalli, or Jre thcy to be t>xplained b)I other motive~ :tnd reasons?" Jackson a1ok~. O..tr 1'1191 Sc.ti l"llel• GENE CARRIER AND EMPTY CAGES THAT ONCE HELD HIS EXOTIC BIROS NewcHtl• Disease Eradication Effort Took 330 Healthy Ones, He Saya. M 1tc hetson asked Si Iver whether 'some or those charges might have bc<'n for ite ms Miss Marvin bought for lht> actor or for his children. Silver said that was possible. The oiJ company officiids de· nil'd attempting to make money on this lraruan crisis and 1n.s1sl l:'d the shortages wer e real And they were bucked by ~n adm inistration off1dal who told the panel. "We have e ve ry reu son to believe that com panies are behaving reas onubly a nd equitably 10 the present dlrricul t situation ... Bird Deatm Miiltake? li e al so ('O n c<•d e d that although hl' listed $400 a month 1n cush advances to Miss Marvin. he did not deduct $4.800 111 checks which Miss Marvin <:n· dorsed back t.o the actor a nd his ('Om pany, Sant<.ina Hecords She- had rt•ce1ved the checks as pay. ml'nt for a r ecording shP madt· for the comµany Pet Shop Owner Angry Over Gassing The official, llarry E. ffergold Jr .. assis W.nt ene rgy secrewry for international a ffairs. told the committee t hat Carter's March 29 energy s~ech would include meas ures fo dealing with the loss or Irania oil. U.S. officials have said the Ira n ian C'Utoff . b e g u n in December;-· dep r ived world markets of ro11ghly 2.5 million barrels or oir daily of which the net U.S. shortage has run at about 500LQOO barrels a day Energy officials have claimed recently that t his could rise to about 800,000 or l'Vcn 900,000 bar· rels before long. despite some resloration .. of Iranian exports By n :RRV CLAUSEN Ol IM 0.ollJ Pllel St.otl Pet dealer Gene Carrier had a tear or two in his eyes last week· as he watched federal tas k force members place his exotic bird5 in plastic bags and 8as all 330 with carbon monoxide . .. The whole evening was very difficult for m e." the owner of Fountain Valley's Pets For Less shop said this week. ··we had rather strong attachments for a couple of those birds. · 'Wilhin two hours. they had dt>stroyed them all.·· Now Carrier is angry. Federal blood sample tests have proved negative. and a spokesm an for the Department of Agriculture's Newcastle':. disease task force DRAFT WOMEN? . • • The nation's lop m ilitary•leaders the 1oint chiefs or staff are unanimously recommending revival or registration, and the Army's cb.Jef or st arr. Gen. Bernard Roger s, is calling for a draft of up to 100,000 men ror the Individual Ready Reser ve <IRR>. Rogers said women s hould be registered. but, "I'm not pre- pared to say women should be drafted" e ven for clerical jobs Men are better qualified physically lo handle combat jobs such as the infantry, tanks and field artillery , he said. ADM. THOMAS B. HAYWARD, CHIEF of naval operations. said that from a military viewpoint, there is no need to draft women. "From an equity standpomt." he said. "that really is a political decision rather than a military decision " Gen. Lew Allen J r., Air f'orce chier or staff. said it is no( es· se ntial to register wom en or to dra ft the m . Gen. Louis H. Wilson, com mandant or the Ma rines would not object to enlisting their quota or wom en ~hrough the draft. REGISTRATION AND THE DRAFT HAVE been put on Cong ress' agenda because of deep shortages in the military re· serve pools to be called in a crisis. Selective Service System of. ficials a cknowledge it is not capable or producing enough man- powe r fast e.nough in the event of war. President Carter a nd Oerense Secretary Harold Bro wn say any registration program should include women as well as men, although they have nol e ndor sed registering a nyone. "Ir we register persons for future use in some form in our country, it would probably be inevitable we would register both, but that doesn't mean women will be drafted or that men will be drafted lo go into the a rmed rorces,'' Carter said recently. Robert E. Shuck . acting director of the Selective Service System. said a full mobilization would require up lo 10 million men and there are 16 million lo 20 million draft·ellgible men of ages 18 to 26. A REGISTRATION BILL SPONSORED BY Sens. Sam Nunn. D-Ga .. chairma n or the Senate Armed Services manpower sub- committee, and Harry F. Byrd. a Virginia independent, makes no provision for registering women. Nor does one subm itted by Sen . Robert Morgan, D·N.C. Sen. J ohn Stennis, D-Miss .. chairman or the Armed Services Committee, says the all.volunteer military should be replaced with some type of draft. but did not s peclry if women should be in· eluded. He has said, however, that wo men should not be exposed to combat . Jn the House, Re p. G.V. Montgomery, D-Mlss., is sponsoring a bill that would require registration or both men a nd women, and Montgome ry is opposed to assigning women to combat. Another approach was suggested by Rep. Paul N. Mccloskey. R-Calif., a marine reserve colonel who sponsored a bill that would require all 18-year-old me n and women to registe r for military or civilian government service. F,...P~AJ PLOTS ALLEGED. • • Hofer lettitied Tuesday that he w•• fint approached by Serino for the murder of Mn. Bo11. lie later went to Fullerton police and worked with Orance Counl1 1berilf'a and Newpon Beacb lnveatl1atora. Hofer tnUlled, "to f1Dd out lf I could ftnd IOIDe way to safe theee people'• live1." Hofer'• eonllletl with law en· foreement eventually lead Newport Beach lnve1U1ator .robn •mon to poee aa • New York blt mu ud purporWd.ly .,,. • ..,. a '11,000 eontr1ct for Leed'11laytq. AITllUDI oftleen Hid Lied ud Baa CleYIMd tbe mu,.,. ol Leed ._. ... of the attorne1'1 role lD a ti.I mlWon lawsuit Jud1mnt qalut a Bnerl1 IUUi ea~ to a.rt.no. Juron ., U.tened to a tape reeord!DI amOD1 Holtr, ....................... , 11111 p ................... . "AU l care b that you aet the Job done," Serino 1atd oo the tape. He a1IO said on the recordinc a millionaire wanted Leed dead and "when It was done, r 1uarantee you, you are not IOADI to bave to worry about . . . money Iller that. Tbll 1u1 will keep ua eotnl·" . Serino a1lo warned Simon on the tape no one woyld be wttb blm la Seattle to poldl I.Md out . "I don't want you to waate tlle wron1 . . L 1uy tbou1h," be 11ld. F Sertno, who bu been trw oa. bill, tat before UM Juron 'IW· d1y ....un, ldl bead on bla bud and dabbtnl It hll lyn dwilll mucb ot die .Umoay. DepulJ Dlltrtet Attol'HJ Jlm Brooke,· who ll tmn1 the cue before Judp Kenaetb Lae, Mid be eapeeta the trial to COQtlnue tbroqb -tot nut ..... • a dmits the Fountain Valley bir ds probably wer e not In· reeled. No one can be s ure . though. said task force s pokesm an Don Nielson. until a complicated. long.term "broth" test is com- p I e t e d 1n a San Gabriel labora-tory Work at the la boratory 1s backed up , Nie l s on s aid . because o r the t r emendous number of tests conducted 10 tracing the s tate's latest out· break of Ncw('astle disease. S o fa r . Nielson s aid . the federal government has s pent $384.000 in purcha s ing and destroying cagt' birds &nd nocks either carrying the devastating disease or s uspected of carrying 1t since 1t was discovered 1.1 Stanton bachelor's pct wus amieted with it on 1''eb. 20. Pet dealer Carner contacted the 142-me mber s tate :.i nd federal task force on Marc h 11 whe n he discovered that some or his birds had been purchased Fro. Pag~ A I POOL •.. celebrity status when s tudents a rrived for c l asses Tuesday morning. ··I wonder how they 'r e going to get it out?" as ked one student who peered over the fence just long e nough to hear an ins truc· tor politely tell him to get lost. "I wonder how they got it in? .. asked a friend before both stu. dents cleared out , chuck li ng. Ott, a 17·ycar-old junior, ar- rived on the scene. "H's there," he said calmly. .. And there 's nothing I can do about it. .. As school oCficials pondered a s o l ution. Ott s ile ntly tossed s m all cha nge onto t he roof or his former class project. Ente r Hunti ngton Beach City Co un ci lman J oh n Thomas. owner of a cr ane a nd trucking company. from a de aler whose nock had been exposed to the deadly di!. ease. "I was concerned about my customt>rs and my birds ... Cetr rier said .... asked them tthc· Santa Ana-based task force> to come out lo the store and check it out." Apparently, task force mem bers determined that. becausl· the Oock had been exposed, tesL'> would be a ti m e-consum in~ problem in a race to contain the disease in Southern Cu liforrua. Carrie r voluntarily closed th<: doors to his shop at 18120 Brookhurst St. and waited thret• days rot the task force dis posal team arrival to destroy tht• birds. take blood sa m ple~ a nd dis infect the store. .. , think it's tra~1r. · · Carrier said this week. "I called becausl· I was concerned a bout lht> welfare of the community, and they destroyed the ba rds before they were found to be infected It ·s awfully wrong. ·· There is one pos1l1ve result. Carrier admits. "The children who have been calling and cry ing to find out 1r their pets purchased at Pets For Less 1 have •to be dest royed will knov. now that the birds a ren't :;ick .. Frone Pagtt A I OOCTOR ... abortion two years ago. His hrst trial ended with thl' Jury deadlocked 7 to 5 In favor or acq uittal. P rosecutor Robert Chatteron alleges that Waddill was deeply in debt. without m alpract1ct• 1n surance. and fe<.ired he would l>I.' sued if the baby sur vived <.ind was brain damaJ?ed Defense attorney Charil'!\ Wet>dman, howe ver . claims that the baby was alre ady be yond re vival when Wa ddill examined her at Westminster Commuruty Hospital. Silver was confronted with rec- ords or Miss Ma rvin ·~ charge account at Scars. which lish .. >d s uch at.ems ai. ··shirts, slacks and JCaM ... Asked whether he could tell whether thOSC' 1 tems were purchased for a man or woman, Salver conct'ded he could not. Asked whether items listed as berng for .. lht' 1.·xclus1ve benefit" of Miss Marvin might have a(' tually benchtt>d the actor, Salver replied · "There coulcl be an clc- ml.'nt or mutual bencht. .. Marvin·!\ lawyl.'r!\ have sought to -.how M1s!\ Marvin received· ~uffic1ent curn1X!nsation durin(! lht· aHa1r fo t her SNVil.'C!\ as homemaker. <:omµan1on and ad- viser lo the a('tor FrotR Page A I .. STORM ... 1. h 1s morning bro ug ht t h e downpour m£>as ure ment lo more than an mr h in the las t four days or storm But problems were (l'V. Orang£> County Flood Conlro~ Distract engmecr Ed Schoon !'ai<S th<• naturt' of tht• rainfall was a n undoubted fat·tor 1n today '!> nood.free s1tuat1on ··we got most of our r am 1n thl' form of shower~ with long in 1t•rvals rn hclwee n." he said. .. The grounl1 had a chunce to absorb the rain and we ran into very few runoff problems.·· But s wolle n Oso Creek in the San J uan ('ap1slrano area acated problems for o ne local farmer when eros ion ca used by ch;rnncled 000<1 waters under cut thl· s tream banks and claimed a number or orange trees at the Buth~att• form. .. Still. thl' nun's worth a million dollurs to us.·· Patricia Bathgate com mented . ··Every time we have any rainrall Wf! lose on<: or two trees and the e rosion seems Lo be getting worse ·· Lynn Hart HART'S John Hart SPORTING GOODS 538 CENTER ST. • COST A MESA • 646-1919 Baske~lls 1095 up Basketball . Backlllards 19ss Bmetbatl Gals a•s & 101s Basbtllall Gui Nets 1 so ta 3ss V1llepaHs V1ll9"a11SMes Vlffe,alNets · BaseUll Mitts & Gllves BaSIUtl lats Baabll Hise Basaall ClllrM Sleeves BauUll-s Basellall llttllt lllves llSIUll C• Speedo & Adidas Swim Suits & Trunks Swim Goggles kick Beards Duck Feet fins Masks Sn1rkles Racquetball Racq1ets Racquet Balls Racquetball Gloves Tennis Rackets Tennis Cltlinf Tennis Shies Tennis Balls W1i1ht Sets J111p Ripes D111b1lls • ...... Sits. 1-5:31 51 Clltlr &a.1119 r,.1 Lag11na i SOilth Coast f:OI TI O N .. \'our llometow~ Dally Newspape,. ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A . I • l ~a n ('lt•tl\l'nt\' C'1t) l'ounc•11 mcmbcni "'" Ix• lnok1nw at pro J>Oituh1 lo build m11rt> thu11 7 un its on portmn... of tht• "'on.tt-r Ru1rch when tht•y ml't'l tonight l!:i.trell11 PrOJK'rtlt'!t , Ltd h.1-. r cct'1vt'tl plunntng 1•01n m1:. ion endors1•ment for u plun to t'1>n :struct 440 sm~k family home-., 2 l 1· o u n t r y t· ~ t a l c• 11 , I S 8 townhouws and lhl' Post.1b1hty of 128 mockratt-co:.I townhou <.'II un lflnd ku•11tt'tl mlund of \ht· San Otl'go t-'r1-.•wfly Counc1 lm1•n will tw ,1-.kt·IJ wn1ght to ap1>rovt' a ui.t• permit for tht• devt·lopmt-nt. 1nd ud111g a pro1>0M-d pa~t·ant i.tlf' on 11 por t1on of the ranch Thl' ftrm intends to grant land to bt· ust'<f for the La Crtst1anita Pageant to tht· pageant commit· tt:t' In udd1tt0n, the developer 1s seek1nK u variance to allow de velopmcnt on the property whtlrc slopes execcd JO percent Pageant Ouster Hairdressing Chief Fired By SfEVE MITCHELL Of II-. 0.1lf ,.001 Sl•fl Howard Lavelle, an 18-year veteran of the Pageant of the Masters. has been fi red as wig and hairdressing department head for the annual summer production in Laguna Beach. LaVelle was fired late last week by new pageant director Glen Eytchison. Festival of· fi clals said the dismissal was due to "problems not only with the direetor. but with other crew members." l.aVelle is the third long·lime pageant employee to leave the production since last October. when former pageant director Don Williamson resigned after a flap with board members over the firing of his son. Eytchison was hired by the festiva l board tht-following month, and in Dece mber , he fin.>d Vic Schoen. director of music and compoer of the score for the pageant for more than a decade. That firing reportedly was due to the pair's differing viewpoints on music composition to accom· pany the production. which pre- sents re-c reations of famous art works using live models A pageant s pokesman. who declined to be identified, said "Everyone including the ne':V direct or c Eytchison ) loves Howard. and appreciates his ability and d evotion to the festival through the years. "He was let go because of problems not only with t he direc· tor, but with other crew mem· bers." .. These problems have now been solved," the spokesman said. But LaVe lle . who was a pageant volunteer for 15 years <See FIRED, Page A2 ) of natural topography. City codes say such land ts to remain open and undeveloped. but Estr ella spokesmen con- vinced the plannfog commission that would create an undue hardship on the nrm. The developer plans to grade nearly 24 percent of the total 30 D•oly Pilot SUH P"°to FIRED AT PAGEANT Hairdresser laVelfe percent slope area. That request ls expected to be opposed by at least two council me mbers who fear excess grad ing of the steep slopes will lead to more landslides such as the on es al Calle Nina a nd the S ho r e cliff Mobile Country Estates. Oearin Seen Tbe developer 1s <Jlso sc£'km~ permission to s ubd1 v1de 445 acres to cn•ate 469 lots on lht• hilly ranch land Electric Storm Lights Up Sky .. I saw this light then I saw the trees explode. It i.ounded like someone hat1 fired a round from a s hotgun nght next to my ear " Laguna Beach Police Officer Danelle Adams got a vivid c loseup of Mother Nature's pyrotechnics during this morn- ing's electrical storm She was on patrol on Laguna Canyon Road wh<:n a boll of lightning blasted a nearby grove of sycamore trees She was tem porarily blinded but was able to res ume patrol rn the driving ram Orange Coast rc::.1dents t·an • l'Xpeet a few mort' s howers tonight but aClcr that. pred1C'ls the Nat1onul WcathN Service, it's blue skies and sunny days ahPad The thunder and hghln1ng that ushered rn Sprrng 1f not s pring weather, put out tht• lights 1n som e>-areas Plan's OK In Laguna Ope.ns Door Should Women Face the Draft? Al about I 15 p.m Tuesday 1n Ir vine. ltghtnmg struck an 1wcr head bank of trnnsformers north of tht.· San 01 ego F reeway. hl'twecn Jdfrl'Y Rnad and Cul \'1'r l>rt Vt' Power ~as k nut·ked uul to 2.300 homl'S in tht· l'ollPgt• l'ark and Woodbndgl' arl'as for <1l)l1ut an hour The tnll•nsc· rain that ham mNed tht> Orani;?c· Coas t bru fly thi s morn1n_g br ought I h1· downpour ml'asun•rnent to mon· than an inch in the las t four 1la v~ of s torm Hut probl\?m'> w1•rt· ft·~ Laguna Beach finally certifi ed its general plan as complete Tuesd ay whe n Cily Council members voted unanimously to accept a se1s m1c and safety ele · ment outlining natural hazards in the seaside community. The action paves the way for consideration or 10 te ntative tract maps and 13 divisions of la nd that were waiting for the seismic and safety clements lo be approved. A spokeswoman for the city planning staff said lhili morning a schedule for consjdelation of the items would be worked out by F'riday. but indicated the 10 projects had not received basic cons1de rat1on yet and could con· tain problems that would delay their a pproval. Most discussion was limited to s uggestions by Cou ncilman Wayne Baglin that areas in the document's policy portion be , amended to cover only high and extreme danger areas. For example, the policy re· quires that soil s and geology re· ports be prepared on any prop- e r ty included in geologically problem-prone areas designated as moderate. high or extre me . Baglin wanted the r equire- m e nt e limina t e d fo r the moderate classification, noting that severaJ a reas covered by the designations were already developed. But Councilwoman Sally Belleruedisagreed. "If you're going to be cutting back on it <the policy) I'd Uke to know moTe about it," she said, t indicating she would like further study. <See POLICY, Pa&e AZ> ' ' 1 I Coast Weather J<~air a nd warmer Wed nesday with chance or s howers decreasing to 10 percent tonig,ht and near zero Wednesday. Lows t onight 45 to 55. Hig"' Wedne$day 68 to 75. IN81•ET8BAY GM'1 "ll«ttt" X·ca" .ore introduced on P.011• BS. What 11 mort ttQMfkoftl: the core t,.,,,._lon or t#Wtr. ad· W'rl'-tlbudoft? WASHINGTON <AP) -As Congress begins considering whether lo require draft registration -or even to actually draft soldiers the politically tricky question or the role of women is pushing to the front of the debate and could scuttle the whole idea. The questions are basic: rf men are drafted , should women be? TKE lJNITED STATES RAS •OH than 134,000 women in un- iform, tens of thousands more than any other country. All were volunteers because Selective Service statutes do not allow the registration or drafting of women. The question of what to do has touched off disagreements within the administration and Congress and could thr eaten what some see as a momentum toward a renewal of registration. The nation's milita ry leaders who say registration is needed because the current system could not produce enough soldiers to meet a crisis are not eager lo include women and flatly oppose sending them into combat. THEV AND OTHER OPPONENTS argue there is no shortage or draft-age men a nd that registration of women evcntualJy could lead to sending the m into combat. Civil rights groups and others say exclusion of women would be sex discrimination that would be struck down by the courts. Rep. Richard While. D-Texas. head of the !louse Armed Reeall Aftermath Clemente Politics Enwrgency Urged San Clemente Councilwoman Myrtis Wagner is asking Gov- e rnor Brown to de<'lare a stale of "political emergency" in her city in the wake of a recall elec· lion that keeps three lame duck counciJ members on that panel until late next month. It is the second time in a little more than a month that the councilwoman has sought slate assistance in ending what she terms "hurtful and wrong de · cisions" by the council. She suggests Mayor William Walker, and Council members Howard Mushett and Donna Wilkinson, all recalled from of· lice In January, s hould be County OKs New San Juan Fire Station Orange County supervisors approved plans Tuesday for a new San Juan Capistrano fire station estintated to coat SM0,000. ConatrucUon of the ~.•IO· 1quare-foot county faclllty al Del Obilpo and Camino Capistrano wtll be1in in May with completion alated for April, lllO, oftklall said. Tbe ni1a1D1 Del Obispo Street statloa wu built In t•, offtdall aald, and is ''lnadequ1te to Mrve tbe are1." TIM _.,.. of I.be new s&aUoa cilia for 1 steep, shtn1Jed roof, to tonform wflb tbe Spanish motlf of San Juan Captatruo commmdtr areldtecture. n. ettJ eomibated .... to help dlfrQ butldtn1 eotta, eoun· \J lt.aft91 said. f ~ A. restricted from voting on mat- ters before the city. "As the head of all generaJ law cities within the state," she wrote, "I respectfully ask for you to instruct all recalled mem- bers or our City Council that they are no longer qualified lo speak for, or vote on, matters of such great importance to the future of our city. The three ousted council mem- bers are expected to continue to conduct city business until coun· cil elections April 24. · In the meantime. Mrs . Wagner claims tentative tract maps and specific plans for large developments are being hurriedly processed and ap- proved by the lame duck council majority. "To handle this r ush," s he says, "we have exactly three people in our entire planning de· partrnent and are without the services or an in-house geologist to certiry the safety or these future building sites." De•~lopment or three large <See aECALL, Pa1e AZ> ADKEnPHONE Of'FmEHOOK "My family wanted to km me -lbe phone WU Off the hooll nitht and d1y." "Prom now on, the first place r to to buy or sell anythin1 ls t.he D ll1 Pilot." ;:;at'• the advertistna succeu l&ol')' ol lhe Santa Ana man who placed this ad In the DaUy Pilot: '87 VW Squareback Oood "work" car"'""''""~ U you need 1 place to sell or bu7 IOIDl!tblftl, lr)' &he Dell)' Pilot. Friendly ad-vlaera will help write a beat Hiier. Ser vices manpower subcommittee, predicts the House will ap· prove a bill providing funds for registering men between the as.ics of 18 a nd 26. "If you include women you might have trouble gettm~ 1t through," he said. "There 's still a lot of chivalry runnmg around this country. " A Senate source rates the chances of passing a reg1strat1on bill at 50·50. but says the odds are against it If women are included .. REP. MARJORIE HOLT, ll-MD .. THE ranking Republican on the m anpower panel. is adamantly opposed to registering women "This would be a complete departure from our national policy," she s aid. The nation's top military leaders the Joint chiefs of staff are unanimously recommending revival of registration. and the Army's chief of staff, Gen. Bernard Rogers , is calling for a draft of up to 100,000 me n for the lndividuat Ready Reser ve <I RR l Rogers said women should be registered, but. "I'm not pre: pared lo say women should be drafted" even for clerical JObs Men are better qualified physically to handle combat job~ such as the infantry. tanks and field artillery, he said ADM. THOMAS B. HAYWARD, CHIEF of nava l operation:.. said that from a military viewpoint, there is no need to dran <See DRAFT WOMF.N', Page A2l Orangl' County Flood Control District enRineer Ed Schoon -;aid the nature of the rainfall wa-. an undoubted factor 1n today's flood.free situation ··we ~ot most of our ram tn the form of sho~ er~ w1 th lonl! 111 tervals in betwct'n." ht-~<11d "T he ground h<1d ;i ch<1ncc• to ahsorb the ratn anrt wt> ran into very re~ runoff prohlt•ms " Rut s wollC'n Os o C reek 1n tht• San Juan C<1p1strano area c•rea ted µroblems for 11nl' lni:al farmer when eros ion c·aus (•d h~ C'h<1 nneled nood waters underi•ul the stream hanki. l:lnd l'l:Hme1I a number of orange tn•c•i. al th(· Rath~alt> form ··Still lht> rain .. worth a <Set> STORM. Pa Rf' A2 1 Julia O'Connor, 19 months, proudly shows off her wtftner's certtncate for best cos· tume ln toddlen marathon held Tuesday ln San Juan Capistrano by the Fiesta As· sociaUon, for Swallows Week Derek Som· merville, 18 months. also a winner in the category. waves off adulation in best cow poke tradition. Event, in which kiddies in cowboy garb waddled Possfbly 25 feet, was at EJ Camino Park. 1970 Pacf G al11t• Saudis Want Waddill Retrial Cut Off All-out War ..... ~ J Y.fllJ~AL1':M <Al'> A i.olJd ru 11jon1y 111 hrul'l 'i. t•urhumcnt llm•\I up lod tty 1r1 :w pporl ol the JJl'Jl't• lrt•uty with ~gypt as de· bate rwan-d 11 close The Saudi Arabi.in vn·t.i.. ml'unwhile . c•utl,•d for u ll out Ar&tb war J.:J111i;l 1st u1•l Primt: Minister Me nuchem th-win a reJcc\aon of u Palest• nurn "'lull• .,romplt.'<J lhl· l\rab re- MARY VINCENT, 15, USES ARTIRCIAL ARMS TO !AT A• Mulllatton CaM Goea to Jury In San Otego lrai1 Fight s Rebel Force With Tanks Axing Weighed SANANDAJ . Iran <AP> -The government threw tanks into its battle with Kurdish rebels here today as fi ghting raged around tht! army barracks for the fourth day Two tun.ks, machine guns and cannons blazing, rumbled from the barracks grounds to enter the fray Jury Mul/,s Sea man's Fate SAN mt;Go 1Af' 1 The lrial of merchant M.:aman Lawrence I r an 's revolutionary govern mcnt warned earlier of stem re- taliation 1f Kurdish guerrillas continue the ir rebellion. Singleton. char~ed with severing both arms or a 15-year-old girl. went to a nine -man, three-woman jury today 1n San County Superior Court Judge Earl II Maas Jr . demed a motion for m1stnal Tuesday during final arguments in the two-week trial. The Kurdish attackers, includ- ing young boys and old men. e r ect ed makes hift barrier s a lo n J? the broad tree-lined boulevard leading to the army barracks on a rise in the western part of this provincial capital. SINGLETON, 51. FACES EJGtrr charges, including attempt- ed murder and kid napping, afte r allegedly chopping orr the a rms ot hitchhiker Ma ry Vin<'cnt, 15. with an ax Sept 29 near Modesto The defense motion came after Stanislaus County District At- torney Don Stahl implored the jury to render a guilty plea ··t>ecause the put>hc wants ll and Mary wants it." The Kurds. cartridge belts a('ross their chesL">. moved from door way to doorway as bullets crackled down the main stred. Groups or terrified civiUans hud- dlt•d m doorways ancl alleys as tht> fighting grew Robert Gnmes asked that a mist.rial be gra nted on the s rounds that Stahl'~ statements were "inflammatory." o .... i N-Y i -N G T ff E M 0 T I 0 N • J u 0 G E M a a ~ s a Id bmn attorneys "g,ave wing to their imaginartons " d unng the hnal argumt>nL-;, bul said he heard nothing to prejudice the Jury Before hacking off her arms, Sta hl told the jury that Singlet.on t reated the girl "as a ccil would a mouse." teasing her with talk An elderly woman stepped out or her shop lo watch the fighting, but ran back in a s a bullet smashed the window above her head . Mortar shells fired from ins ide the barracks slammed in· to the western part or the city. of freedom · DunnA closing a rgume nL">. Stahl characterized Singleton U!> a man..whose sexual ad vanct..-s he1d been rebuffed, suggesting the defendant assciullcd the girl "lo prove his manhood, show her who was boss " ., "HE WAS GOING TO S l!:T HEil free all right get rid of Ambulances a nd ot h e r vehicles dashed through the fire to la ke the wounded to lhe city's two hospitals her." sa.ad Stahl ln addition to the attempted murder and kidnapping charges, the jury will decide on four counts invotvmg sexual assault a nd mayhem. ,..,..., rag~ A J RECALL ... ran<'h parcels w1thm the city arc 1·urrently an various stages of progre~. and the councilwoman usserts the future of s uch de velopments should rest with a new cou.nc1I She <'•~ the hccivy losses suf· rered in the recall by Walker Jnd Wilkinson. udding the ma· JOrity or San Clementeans e1re not l>t'ing properly represented at the counc il level She asks the governor if a s tate of political emergency can t~ ulled in San Clemente ··can you not s imply dtrect that all major counc il actions be s us pended until the ne w elec- tion." she asks Al the very least, s he s ug gests, the stale should send an observer to the final three meet· ings or the council •'so official notes can be made and record the monotonous 3·2 votes which have plagued our cit> for too Ion~·· Followtng tonight's 7:30 p .m . mcetmg, the lame duck council will have two more sessions before the elections. Thirty-six candidates are seeking election lo the seats be· ing vacated by the lbree re- called council members DAILY PILOT , ... °'-"""'°"''• ............ _ .. ~( .... .. -~--"-·-"'"'°'-c..i ....... _c_. s.-_.,._..,. ""''--..,._ ••Mlf• .., (..i.a -__ .. _......., ... ,,,,._ ............ ·-~""'°'-'-.. ........ _.-.. .....,_._.1\_ -Y• ,,.. .. 4'1(--i"'"'t ...... ltalNt w. ..... 11 .... c.u-Cal_ ..... _ .._.. .. -... _._ __ _ .-.ac... Y\co .., .. --0.-.. .....,... "'T'.:- ~~ ow-• ua -. ... -~ .. ,,_..._,...,, ~ .. ~~-=- OlllM9 c.M•w ,..,.,....,....,. _..,.. ...... ,..,. ............... l llJPIAe fn4)__, ctn,,...Mw111 u....,. U.-• ..... Al ""l 1'411tl : T1l191lle11el ...... f,....._I>_ ....... =r·c:::. '= <=:,~ iow>lltf .. -·~ .... -··· "'~ ':I ~;=:i::.: -i.t --- ~~';:r.r,t.,.:, t"•• -.:. .... u.-. ..., :·,,.i:r...:::, .......... ~·--·J\e Gas R e taile r To Pay Fine For False Ads An Ontario gasoline retailer, accused of falsely a dvertising pre mium gasoHne. has agreed to pay a $25,000 fine under terms of a court-negotiated settlement, officials in the Orange County District Attorney's office have announced The James White 011 Com· pany was accused by the Orange a~d San Bernardino County dis- trict attorneys of advertising gas al a higher octane rating than it actually bad The firm admitted no wrong- doing in th e" se ttlement. negotiated in San Bernardino County Superior Court. In addition to the fine. the company is prohibited from any fa lse advertising in the future, Orange County officials said. l"f'091Pa,,e A J POLICY. • • Counci l members agreed to approve the offe red document without cha n ges. however . noting that the city planning s taff will be re-working several portions of I.he generaj plan over the next yeai: The vote <'Oncluded a months· long process that began last November when planning com- missioners fm1t considered a n initial drufl or the beismic and safety element. The docu m e nt cover s geological. fire. flooding and tidal wave problems that could occur in the Art Colony. Councilmen had slated they would not approve subdivisions and parcel maps until the ele· me nt was finished s ince the city's general plan wasn't com· plete The document, wbich includes maps detailing various hazard a reas in the community, is availa· ble at City Hall for residents wbo would like to see what potential proble ms may exlst in the vicinity of t~eir residen<'e. f're• P.,,e A J DRAFT WOMEN? . • • women. . '_'From .a!' equity s tandpoint," he said. "tha t really as a political decision rather than a m Uitary decision." ~en. Le~ Allen J r ., Air Force chief of staff, said il is not es· Hntial to register women or t.o draft them . Gen. Lou1s H. Wilson, commandant of the Marines would not object t.o mliating their quota of women through the draft. &EGISTaATION AND THE D&An HAVE been put on Concress' agenda ~eause of deep shortages in the military re- serve pools lo be called in a crisis. Selective Service System of. fkiala acknowledge it is not capable or producint enough man- • power fast enough In the event or war. - President Cartel' and Defense Secretary Harold Brown say a ny registration program should Include women as well u men altboulb they have not endorsed regiaterinc anyone. . ' "If we relist.er persona for future use ln aome foi'u) in our country, tt would probably be lnevltable we would register both, but I.bat doesn't mean women wHI be drafted or U>at men will be drafted to IO Into Ute armed forces,·' Carter said recently. Robert E. Siwek. acting director of t.be Selective Service Srstem, said a full moblUaatlon would require up to 10 million men and there are lt m UUon lo 20 mUUon draft~Uglble men of aaea 18 to•. A asGm'l'aATION 81LL 8PON80&ED 8Y Sena. Sam Nunn O.Ga., chairman ol the Senate Armed Services men,POwer au-.: commlllee, ud Harry F. Byrd, a Vlrclnla independent, ma.kn no prov'8MID for reslsterins women. Nor doel one 1ubmllted by Sen. Robert llorpn, b-N.C. Sen. Jolm 8'eenis, 0 .11 .... , chairman of the Armed Servlc.s Committee. says the all·•olunteer muttary should be nrplaced wtth som e type ol draft, but did not 11peclfy lf women should be In· eluded. He hu said, howev•, l.lult women &hould Ml oo upoaed to combat. In &be House, Rep. G.V. Monttomery, D·MIH .• l11ponaorln1 a bill I.hat would require ......,.aUoa ol botb m.,. aad women, and MOldlDIMl'J i1 oppoMd to ........ .amen to ~Mt. Anodlel' approacb •H IUll..i.d bJ Rep. Paul N. llcClollley, R·CaUI., a marine ,....n• colonel wbo spomortd a bUI that would require an 18-yeer·old men and WOOien to re&lfter ror mWW'J or clvtll.., fOY9"1UDent aervtee. • ctlon. but it was not expected to delay lhe s igning of the treaty rwxt week. Jn Washington, House Speaker 'thomas P . O'Neill said Presl· dent Carter told him Begin, Egypt ian Pres ident Anwar Sadat and Carter would sign the treaty al 11 'il·m., PST, Monday m the U.S. ca'pil.al. Parliament's e ndorseme nt, PALESTINE PROBLEM REMA INS -Page A7 expected by pre-dawn Thursday, would remove the final barner to the pact signing. In Jidda. Saudi Arabia . a front-page editorial m Al Jezira called today on all Arab s tates to prepare for a long and con- tinuous war to regain J erus alem a nd other occupied Arab land. fl said the Palestinian ~sistance s hould fight on all fronts "until they turn the occupied lands into a blazing i nfern o for t he enem y." U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew visited Saudi Arabia in a n unsuccess ful crrort to persuade the nation to support .. the treaty between Isr ael and Egypt Woman Ple ads lrmoce nt in Crash D e aths A 19-year -old West Covina woman hai> pleaded innocent to manslaughter and drunk driving charges s temming from the Feb 6 Dana Point <1ulo cre1sh that took th<' li ves of a baby girl and two Mannes. Nelda Silverstein has been or dered to appear at an April 3 hearing in South Orange County Judicial court on the felony <'harges. She has been released on her own recognizance It is alleged that Miss Si lver· stein ran a red light at 7 .30_p .m on Selva Road and Paci fi c Coast Highway and c rashed into an a uto driven b y Samue l J . Mustari. 20. of 153 Avenida Miramar. San Clemente Mustari. his four-m onth-old daughter Alana Carol and Brian Peck. 19, stationed with the ~river at Camp Pendleton, died in the smashup. Youth T rack Meet Slated in Laguna The City of Laguna Beach 's anpual track meet for boys a nd girls 7 to 14 years of age, who re- side within the Laguna Beach Unified School District boun- daries, will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Laguna Bea ch High School. ·The entry fee is $1 per person ~nd ca~ be turned in to the R!"creahon Departme nt along w1~h a completed entry form by Friday. Entries may be obtained at any ollhe &ocal schools or a l the ~ecrea~ Department. Further mfo!mat1on may be obtained by calling 497-3.111 ext238. TO HEAD HOSPITAL Wllllam Gonzalez New York Man To Direct UCI Clinic Service William G Gonzalez ad- minis trator or a New 'York tCll;ching ~pita!, has been ap- pointed director of c linicul services al UC Irvine. lie assumes the post June 1. Gonzalez will mana~e the UCI M ~~i cal Center . community cl11:11.c~ and a mbulatory ccin • rac1ht.ies, and coordinate UCI af filiations with other hos pitals He was deputy director for ad ministration or the Capital D1~ tric t Psychiatric Cente r , in Albany, N Y .. since 1974. I',.... Page A l FIRED ... before taking over as assistant and later departme nt heud for the complex wig and ha1rp1ecc design, said Eytchison "felt I couldn't take orde rs ... . The long-time Lagunan, who has been a CO-Owner Of a beauty salon m the Art Colony for more t h an tw o d ec ad e s , s aid Eytchison phoned him last week to say he was terminated. ··No, he really didn't have a valid reason ," La Veile said Tuesday. "He said my work was very effi cient. but that I couldn 't La ke orders ." "It was a personality clash." he s aid. adding "ll's not worth working there when there 's this m uc.b confusion.·· LaVelle said he will miss his pa rt-lime pos ition as depart menl bead. Two years ago festival direc to rs lauded his wo rk , a nd awarde d him a lifetime festiva l me mbership. "l(s 'jind of sad ." he said "I 'll ~lonely because 1t was a part of my life ... But, be s ays. the pageant . director is the one with the prob- le m now. The hair stylist said several of his volunteer s taff members have said lhey won't be goan~ back. "I don't know what he'll do." La Velie said. A festival spokesman said volunteer Mary Kendricks has taken over LaVelle's duties on a temporary basis until a replace- ment is found. She said repfacing those who lert with LaVelle would be no problem. By REBECCA HELM Of II• 0.lty ...... 'i.tf The triaJ of Or. William Wad- dill of llunlirtgton Harbour was a bruptly recessed early today afte r the jury heard testimony Tuesday on brain damage by two medical specialists. Presiding Judg e By r on Mc Millan offere,d no explanation for lhe delay Waddill. 43, is being retried in Orange County Superior Court on murder charges involving an abortion he performed two years ago. In earlier testimony Tuesday. Or . Ralph Rucker told the Wad dill jury that there a re ra re an - !) tan ces when life support systems arc withdrawn from ex- tremely 111 newborn babies. Rucker is head of the intensive car e unit fo r n e wborns at Chi ldrens Hospital or Orange Countv. Life support for an infaot is s lopped only if d octors de· te rmine damage to a baby 1s ir· revers ible and <'Ontinuing sus- tcna n.t'l' would bt• futi le, Rucke r test1f1cd. An d the decision 1s madl• within "extremely tight hmits:· the doctor added Waddill is being retried on c harges of strangling an infant known as baby girl Weaver after she a llegedly survived a s aline a~rtion two years ago. His first trial ended with the jury deadlocked 7 to 5 in favor of acquittal 'Iliie f Takes Money, Gold A Lagu.na lieach m an told of· ricers he lost <'ash and scrap gold valued at Sl.050 from his home sometime during the night Monday Officers said they believe thieves s lipped open a door lock at the rear of the ho me of David T. Barrell, a Laguna Beach city e mployee. at 195 Cypress Drive somet ime Monday e ve ning. Taken was f600 in cash , three gold bands . a nd scrap gold valued at $400. ,..,....Pa,,e A I STORM •.. mil hon dollars to us." Patricia Bathge1te comme nted. "Every time we have any rainfall we lose one or two trees and t he e rosion seems to be getting worse." Rain gaug€'s throughout the county indicate that the season's total thus far is well above the average annual rainfall of about 12 inches . Lacuna Niguel has rt!corded 18.05 nches. Costa Mesa has reg- iste red 14 inches. Huntington Beach is logged at 15.34 inches a nd the rainfall log book main- tained by the sheriff's harbor patrol ha!' registered LJ.69 lo- ches 68 and a warm. sunny day is in the otring, the National Weather Ser vice said. Lynn Hort HART'S John Hort SPORTING GOODS 538 CENTER ST. • COST A MESA • 646-1919 Basketulls 109s up BasbtUll lackMar~91s Basbtball Seals 91s &'l0'5 Basketball Gui Nets 1 so ti 31s Vllle,alts V1lle,W Sll11s Y1lleytlal Nets Baseball Mitts & Gllves Bnmllllts Bllftlll Hue Basebaft C1lnl S111v1s 11*111 SMes BasebaN Battin1 G llv1s laSIMll C1'5 S,.1111 & Adidas Swim Suits & Trunks Swim Goggles lick Boards Duck Feet Fins Masks Sllorkles Racquetball R~Hts lacq11t Balls lac~lltball Gloves Tennis Rackets Tennis Clltllinl Tennis Shoes Tennis Balls Weipt Sits Jmp .... •••lllls Sits. M:31 5:1 Centlr &41-111.9 W!dn!!d!y, March 21 , 1979 s OA1LV PILOT A3 State GO~ to Bu1·1·ow Into Grass· Roots 0.lf'r .. , ... ,_ ...... 'AN AWESOME JOB' GOP Leader Cempbell Obstacles _Hamper Republicans By REBECCA HELM OI llM o.ttr ,., ... Slaff The "ebbin g" California Republican Party is going to bounce back, but it faces some big obstacles, says Truman Campbell , n e wl y e lect ed chairman of the Republican S late Central Committee. Campbel) was interviewed at a political writers' breakfast in Newport Beach Tuesday. Obstacles cited by the Fresno attorney as now racing this state's GOP include -A party debt of more than $100,000 left over Crom last Nov· ember's election efforts. -Dominance or both slate legi s lativ e hou ses b y Democrats. -Climbing voter registration of Democrats in Orange County. long considered a Republican stronghold. ·'The reason for Orange Coun- ty's trend toward Democratic registration is because ot migra- tio n from Los Angeles," Campbell said. ••But I think this trend is swinging back to Republicans and fiscal issues are our vehicle." On lbe subject of the slate ·party's finances, the GOP chairman said mooey is a "aore subject" with him right now. He admitted be was surprised by the deficit when be took office in J anuary. "I was expecting a deficit," he said ''The amount was the un· expected part." A lthoug h s p e aking op- limisticaJly of the party's fund· raising plans, Campbell said direct mail appeals from can· didates seeking national orficc.- and out-of-state groups are ham pering the state GO P's efforts. He praised pres idential hopeful Ronald Reagan's "ter- rific" fundraising ability and ex- pressed strong faith in his Oval Office chances But. Campbell said the former governor is "siphoning" money out of California which might otherwise go into the stale Re publican Party coffers. •·California is the big apple 1'nd every candidate and every cause seeks the fra\t of this state," be said. "So we expect competition io fundraising," be added. "But we tnow the territory best and we can produce a better crop." 81 DAYfO &UTlllANN Ol•INMf ........... A California Re1JUbUuo cbJtf. ta'n toad Ora.nie C~nty patt_y fattlalw 'IW.lday be would st.riv to 'rultaHae and atreo.itben OOP machinery at the ,,.... root.a level. 'TM reward, be aald, coWd be vlctor1ite ra~r than defeat.a ln tlecUom decided by ruor·lhln marslna. "lt'a IJl'Dt' &o practice wbal we Laguna Niguel pre.ch." Republican State ~­ tr al Committee Cbalrmao Truman CampbeU told a cather· ina •t tbe South Coaat Plau Hotel. "Tbo Job la big. lt'a lllulost aw Home. . But wit.b a revltalls.ed and united perty, wt: are ready, able and willing to meet the th• Uenp." Campbell said. A moog ~r things. be t.old bis Republican Associates of Orao,e Couaty audience, be will push ror eatabliahment of reai· dent· staff field ofliees to better coordinate the operaUoM or state and local party organiza- tions. Tbe field staff would support local committees in fund-raising operatloos, groom recruit and GOP candidates ror local elec· tions and pump new 11fe into pre· cinctwork. If, through these efforts the GO P vote.r base could be ex· , • • '• I t f •J • • • . ' ·!' ~.-. . panded by three to five percent, Campbell said, It "will bring us home winners in close elec- tions." Tbe Fresno attorney also said he will see to it that mailing ef· forts are stepped up to improve s tatewide communications am ong Republicans. He said be hopes that even· tually every GOP household in California will be on such a list. "Everyone should have the op- portu.nity to contribute money to campalps," Campbell said. Benefiting lbis effort, be added. are new poslal repla- tlons lbal will make it cbeaper &o mail such material. By shoring up grass roots level organization, the party boss said Republican candidates should win bigger and bigger races. Slide Victims ·. \ ': ~ .. ··-•• 1. : ' ; . ' File Lawsuits ... #" Two more Laguna Niguel resi· dents, whose properties were damaged by a landslide last winter. bne filed sult seeking damages from the firms that built lbeir 15-year-0ld homes. The new Orange County Superior Court suit was fil ed Tuesday by Marion E. F1ynn Logan, or 25042 Monte Verde Dr., and Rochelle R. Vasey, of 29341 Los Cruces. neighbors &o three couples who filed similar lawsuits last week. Named as defendants in lbe ne w complaint were Standard Pacific Corp., the property de· veloper, and building consul· tanta Geotecbnical Consultants Inc. and Jennings, Haldeman and Hood. Ms. Logan and Ms. Vasey al· lege in lbe suit their homes were built on the site of an ancient landslide and insufficient pre· cauUons were taken when the property was developed to pre- vent a landslide. In addition, they contend a 1969 landslide on the property was improperly repaired, pro- moting a second slide l as t March. Ms . Logan is seeking $120,000 in property damage a nd Ms . Vasey $115,000. The plaintiffs also are asking $3,113 for money they have spent hiring consul- tants to assess damage and lbe cos t of repairs, estimated at $100,000 to $300,000. Three separa,te s uits were filed last week by Julius and Jean Merrifield, 25012 Monte $70,000 Loss In Capistrano Home Blaze A fire touched off by ao over- loaded extension cord roared lbrough a San Juan Capistrano home Tuesday, causing an estimated $70,000 damage. An Orange County Fire Department spokesman said there were no injuries in the fire at 26382 Calle Lucana, which broke out shortly before noon. Owner Robert Goodtbunde r was at work when the blaze OC· curred. Damage was heaviest in the living and family rooms and the kitchen. 'Jbe rest of the home sustained major smoke and heat damage. The fll'e was spotted by a ca· ble television repairman who noticed smoke comlng from the residence, officials said. The damage estimate was broken down as $55,000 to the s tructure and $15,000 to the home's contents. Firemen battled the blaze ror 35 minutee before bringing it un· der control, officiala said. Verde; Peter D. and Sharon L. Honea, 25032 Monte Verde; and Charles R. and Joyce S. Glover , 259352 Las Cruces. Tbe Merrifields and Honeas na med Standard Pacific and its parent company as defendants, wb.ile the Glovers also named Cal-Home Properties Inc., the firm which sold them their home. 1£gal Fee Hike Asked By County • F ees for legal services in Orange County courts could be hiked $1 million a year if stale legislation proposed Tuesday by Orange County supervisors is enacted. Supervisors approved a re· quest to state orficials for the legislation needed to increase 16 different court fees. An increase in civil filing fees from $8 to $30 was the biggest hike proposed. It would bring In $500,000 more annually, county officials said. Other proposed increases in· eluded hiking the small claims filing fee from $2 to $5. That would m ean an estimated $1!i0,000 annually. And charging 10 cents per copy for civil forms distributed to the public would mean $25,000 in added revenues. In related action Tuesday, s upervisors agreed to ask legislators to amend deferred retirement provisions for county employees. Under existing law, workers may leave county employment and put orr collecting retirement benefits. The county remains liable for the money indefmitely, officials said. The proposed a m endment would relieve the liability after tbe ex-employee reaches age 70. lroine Race Dnm:s 4,000 1.rw1,...,... ARTIST'S DEPtCTION OF TWO HOMINIDS WALKING ACROSS A BED OF VOLCANIC ASH Footprints Prove Man's Anceston Welked Upright Eertler Than Prevlou91y Believed? Early Pri•nates Walked Trail of Footprints Leads to Knowledge WASfllNGTON CAPI -Two trails of human-like footprints at least 3.6 million years old have been discovered in East Africa. a finding that proves an an- cestor or man walked upright · earlier than previously believed. a noted anthropologist said to- day. Mary Leakey said in a state· ment for a National Geographic Society news conference that the prints al.so s bow that the creatures' feet we r e very similar in shape to modern man's. The fosstl footprints un· covered in the Laetoti area of Tanzania were m ade by two creatures who may have passed separately or together across a bed or volcanic asb. Mrs. Leakey said scientists have uncovered a path more than 73 feet long COjla1ning 20 prints from the larger individual aod Z7 belonging &o the smaller. The creatures making the prints were classified hominid, a general category meaning a- man· like primate a nd not an ape. The footprints were similar to five previously discovered in the same areawand announced by Mrs. Leakey a year ago. The footprints are important. she said , because they show the c reature walked without as· sistance from its hands as apes do. · "This unique a bility. freed the hands for myriad possibilities - carryin~. toolmaking, intricate m a nipwation," she said. "The formula bolds that the new freedom· ·of forelimbs posed a challenge. 1be brain expanded to meet it, multiple activities became possible and mankind was formed." Marine Pkads Guilty A Camp Pendle ton Marine who told police be was "upset" after a spat with bis girlfriend has pltaded guilty to 10 counts of vandalism stemming from a March 2 Ure-slashing spree in San Clemente. Kenneth Michael Miller. 21. admitted the tire slasbings Mon- day at his South Orange County their vehicles to drive to work that Friday morning. Initially, Miller was charged with vandalizing all 39 autos but only 10 counts of malicious mis· chief were filed by the Orange County District Attorney. Miller remains in Orange County Jail in lieu or $500 bail pending tus April 9 sentenciog. Builders Rebuffed Judicial District court arraign.· A coalition of developers, un· sought the order contending the ment be fore Judge Robe r t ion groups aod business officials housing dollars had been illegal· Barcley. los t a round Tuesda y in an ly given to the six-county SCAG An A AU· s anctioned 10 · Police U . Craig Spreckly said Orange County Superior Court agency. kilometer run is scheduled in Miller told offi cers he became bid to block the flow or federal CE EED attorneys plan to re· Irvine Saturday to celebra~ the intoxicated after the spat and housing money into a regional tum to court April 18 for addi· opening of a local instructlona.I began laking bis feelin gs out on planning agency. tional bearings on their allega· branch of Pepperdine Uoiversi· auto tires parked on calles Presiding Judge Wa ller tions and with a request for an ty. More than 3,000 runners have Escalones, Puente, Canada and Cbaramza refused to grant a injunction tha t would stop registered to race; another 1,000 Mariposa with a knife during the temporary order that would SCAG's ~of the housing funds. are expected. predawn hours. keep $658,000 in federal runds SCAG pla nners expect to The race begins at 9 :30 a.m. Police have asked the court fro m being s pe nt by the spend the $658,000 in federal Check-in time is 7:30 to 8:45. that Miller be ordered to make Southern California Association funds this year for development There's a S2 fee. restitution to the owners of 39 of Governments <SCAG~. of a regional land use proposal Tbe course circumoaviyates autos whose S6 tires were found Californians for Environment, that could require building more Mason Regional P ark, rom s las hed as the grumbling Employment, Economy and lower.cost housing in Orange where the race begins, and downtown residents walked to Development (CEEED> bad and five other counties. nearby wtldlife preserves. 1be ----------------..:.--~...;..;.~~~......;.;=--------------- 6.2-mlle race la over almost all flat territory. a•~' ... Four Sites Re.ala Gem Talk Music Center Mulled Four sites remain in prime contention for location of a multi-mlllion dollar mualc center for Orange County, It was reported Tueeda) ~ at tbe annual membenblp meetilll ol tbe mUlit center orcaldsataa at the Airporter Inn in tntne. James K. Naaamatla, prml· dent ol the Orange County lluaic Center, Inc., ,.ve a vwbel nm- down c.a tbe attea after 101De ratber pointed queltJoaa from the 0oor OD wby li&e HiHtioa •aa takinl IO loq. • 'Site lelectiOD will be tbe top ~ for tbe comlq JMI','' Na1•mattu auured tbe mem· ben. llusae eeatel' litee cuneutlJ tinder CONtdeTatloa. Nqamatlu laid, .... · . -tJC lntlle: A 1tu41 tor • oa-eempu1 •It• b•t•D la ~of Jt78 .......... offtetal1 baYe met wltb UC ........ bl s.. f'rwlleo. ,,_ .. " ........... olbllell&wtdl Uie ....... . ~ '-ef lrttlle: "~ ............ wttll lnlM. .............. oltllemullc ••••• .. Ton Celtil' ba ...... -Ollil ..... U.: ... center oftken bave met witb tbe Santa Ana Redevelopment Agency relative to a 17-aCN aite located eaat of Main Street, acrou from Bullock's In FubiaG Square. A leUer ol l,n. tent baa alao been flied bere. -CUJ of CHta Men: Necotiauom ba•e been held for a pollible •lte lD tbe South Coast Plua wea near tbe new South Cout 8eDenorY theater. Aec:onfiq tci Santa Ana a~ tonM7 .lolla llcDennoU, CCMDel for tie IDUllc ceat.r ll'OQP. a total of 18 1lte9 bad bteo under iDYeaticadcm bJ direeton, ln- cludlnl oae on...s bJ tbe II.la· ... Viejo OilmPM1. Tbe att.orDeJ laid ... bad In· stnaeted mule eenter olficlala tbat aone of tbe detail• of ~ lbolald be dilctoled. ''I feel tbat Ual1 ii lm· peflithe."....,..... Aid. NA1..,...._.told1Mmon t1aaa•am1e. ............ prn• ._ yn=tn= ta e. ::'Q':.~ ~p ..3 ....... bl ,,....., of .... ,.. o1 rtb. 11, im. ... ........ ltaDdllll,41l. la otlaer bu1lae11. tb' ~omlaau .. eommltt•• rb· mlUed a slate of 2S persons for the l9'7MO board of dired.on. Tbe slate was elected. There were ao nomlnatiooa from the floor. New directors are D.J . Bentley, Newport Beach ; Stewart Case, Santa Ana ; ftoDa)d W. Cook, Mission Viejo; lln. Loclt Gee Ding, Newpor( Beach; Warren Finley, Santa Ana; IUebard Fin, Fullerton; NUea Gates, Newport Beacb; Samael A. Hill, Jr., Tustin; aod Gdfb L. Hodge, Fullerton. Otben lnelucle Mn. William Holltetn. Newport Beach: IJoyd E. Klein, AnalMlm , Loul1 J . Knobbe, San~• Ana: Robert LawrJ, S11U Ana; Georte H. llobr, LQuna Hilla; Tbomu N. llooa, Oraa1e ; Jam ea K. Na1amatau, Aaabelm; BH· jambl Ramtna, Santa Ana aod JobD Rau, CoRa ll•a. Al10 elected were lln. WUUam D. Reeeld. ll'alleltoG: llra. Laareae• Reyaold1, Newport Beeeb; Hqb II.~· ~Newport Beacb; llra. Sdwanl Sduunadler, Newport Beaelt; Sdward c. Seblk, wa. Perk; Mn. Richard ~. Newport Beaeb: and lln. Qlm 8Wl...U, Newpart Beaeb. ,. I • 8)1 J.C. HUMPH Rf ES Certified Gernolowst. ACS .._..,.JADE ~none of the OfWrll History tells us that re ligious leaders once used a circle ol Jade, pre11ed to their lips, as a "telephone" to God. The mystery and tntriaue surrounding this beautiful Oriental stone has held the interest of ~ and women over the centuries. W6tb renewed Weatern interest in China, there is also renewed worldwide interest in jade. AnUque jade pieces are enjoying a popularity boom amonc colleetors. Before tbe advent of modern tools and abrutva, CblDele Jade carven took up to a year to carve an intricate dellp oa a small pieee ol jade. Jade 1alned sucb 9reaU1e dutn1 tbe lmpertal Chinese d7aa1Uee, that oal1 a small dot dl1t1n1ul1bed It In tbe Cblneae jlpbabet from tbe word "ruler." £arty Dlropean traden attributed mtdtetaal quallltn to the atone . SpuJarda called tt ''pledre de I Jeda" (ltOH of the ftaU) *•UH they tbouPt It eund tldne, problems wben worn near tlae lddDeJI. Tiie rvene11 llmpllfted tbe name to "le Jade" wblcb became ''Jade" la Sn11iab. A4 DAil y PILOT Just Coa. tin Getting th Wedn .. day, Me1eh 21 1117V "Q .... , •• ~? Tom~~' Marphia~ Busine LOVE ANO MONEV OltPT. Our au&ulit Orun"t' County supttrvlso~. currf'nlly 11u1'erlog under the c>ai.h 11trlclur8 ol Proposition 13, appear lo be caauna about for ways to pump up their dt n aied t.ru ury baa BuslncH bus thus come ~r Ute boa rd ·s crut.tny Llat.-n, do you realm! lhtore an an estimated 5,000 buiuoeas people operahng out there m county te.rnlory every day without h11ving porued up for a buslnt· hcerutc'> Ttus ts cuntrary to what happe~ wh ·n you opera.ti• w1 tbm the ronf1fl('S of an lnrorporated cit' WE'VE J Ub'T WITN ESSEO, for example, how !>enoUJ) ly City llaJI can take the ~mess Ucense dodge OnJy yesterday lo Costa Mesa, one Jane McLaughlin was tn the muni court, batlllng the ci ty. because s he had refused lo fork over for the business tab Happily. a compromise was worked out and Miss McLaughlin is not now 10 peril of <19ing time in the slam· mer . So all this business license money is rolUng merrily in· to our city coffers while county government is left banging A P.cnr of Starkeri Subject to Cmmty Bumaeu Licerue Tcu out to dry. State law currently forbids wholesale licensing of county territory business people. Regulatory licensing is, however, allowed. This means things like potential sexy goings-on and nudity. Thus operators of nude model studies, nudie dancing palaces and similar enterprises must pay a county busi- ness ree. Vietnam Ready To Talk BANGKOK, Thailand (Al» Vietnam flt.lid today It hi ready lo begin tulks lo normullz~ rela tion11 with Chmu on March 29 1f Chinese troop~ w)thdr-aw com &)letely from lt!I territory by March 28 The Voice or Vietnam said a t'ore1gn Minis try note was handed lo the Chinese Embassy in llano1 today propos ing the t..ilki. to bt.' held alternately in Uanol ~ Peking with the first round laking place in the Viet- na mesc capital BUT THE note and another Vietnamese Foreign Ministry statement. also issued today. de· nounccd Chloa ror cootmuing to occupy "many areas of Viel· namese territory" despite its claims or withdrawing from the border area it invaded Feb. 17. The statement said as of Sun· day more than 10,000 Chinese soldiers re mained at 16 points in tbe frontier provinces of Lang Son, Cao Bang, Ha Tuyen. Hoang Lien Son and Lai Chau. It said in Lang Son province two Chinese regiments were sta · tioned six lo 12 miles inside Viet· na mese territory and that in other areas Chinese soldiers had moved border markers deep in- side Vietnam. T here was no independent con· firmation of the claims. "THE FOREIGN Ministry of the Socialist Republic of Viet· n am resolutely demands that the Peking authorities withdraw immediately and unconditional- ly all their aggressor Troops to the other side of the historical border line which the two sides have agreed to respect, im- m edlate ly s top all crimes against the Vietnamese people and s lop m ovin g border markers deeper into Vietnamese territor y," the statement car· r ied by the Vietnam News Agen· cy said. WORLD I NATION ltliDdng It The cab of a milk tanker truck hangs over the railing on Lake Pontchartrain Causeway outside New Orleans but the driver managed to climb to safety. Police said Billy Thomas, 19, of Franklinton, La., s mashed through the railing Tuesday after ramming a pickup truck. The tanker was carrying 5.800 gallons of milk. Russ Facing Oil Crisis? CIA Math Model 'Confi~' Forecast WASHINGTON I AP ) -The Central Intelligence Agency says it has reduced the Soviet U n ion 's econ o m y to a mathematical model which ap· parently confirms a n earlier forecast that the Soviets wall have an oil shortage in the 1980s. The model also foresees a drop in Soviet eeonomic growth lo an annual level or 2.5 percent for 1981-85, more than 1 percent below the aver age r ate in 1976·80. ' "The Soviets would export oil to the West until 1981. · · the CIA predicts, "after which they would become net importers of Western oil." This prediction -whic h caused a sensation when it was first disclosed nearly two years ago -is based on the assump- tion that Soviet oil production will peak at 590 million metric tons in 1980 and fall lo 500 million in 1925. ll also does not take into account major Soviet policy shifts which may occur. · It also assumes that net Soviet shipments of oil to commurusl countries will increase lo an an· nual 95 million tons next year and stay at that level until 1985 If the Soviets try to meet their shortage by dropping these ex ports lo 45 million tons in 1985, the C IA says, Soviet growth would be increased by more than 1 percentage point and oil s hor tages ins ide the Soviet Union would be delayed. The predictions are based on an "econometric model." Such models a r e widely used in a nalyzing the economies of Western countries and consist of equations set up to represent employme nt, energy, foreign trade and other key aspects of the economy. THE CIA has devised a model to study the Soviet Union called "SOVSIM ." which is from the words "Soviet" and ''simulate." Some other categories must also fetch up, like salvage dealers and peddlers . GENERALLY SP EAKING, however, if you can just keep your clothes on, you can elude business taxation in county territory. Parton Hit With Suit Its value depends on the ac- c uracy of publis hed Soviet statistics. which ls orten ques- tioned. Thls apparently vexes the Board or Supervisors. Far too many business people are oul there slaying dressed and avoiding t axation. $3 Million Sought by Porter Wagoner The agency says the model is helpful in studying the prospect or growth in the Soviet Union. But a CIA spokesman said these are the fi gures which the Soviets u s e for the ir own published planning and that un- less the Soviets are keeping a double set of books on their whole economy -which ~ called unlikely -they do not af. feet the value of the model. Squarely facing the fully clothed facts, our Orange County supervisors will apparently join other county boards ln trying to convince the stale Legislature to change the business license law. THEY WOULD LIKE it amended to read, "Nude or Not , Pay Up." If the counties get rejected by the state lawmakers, they may have to start a campaign lo increase naked businesses in order lo boost the tax money flow. The county may need a new motto. Something like: "Buff Business is Beautiful." Priest Faces Holdup Raps NASfMLLE, Tenn. (AP) - Country music singer Porter Wa gone r today s ued Dolly Parton for management fees a nd royalties he said should total at least $3 million. In a suit filed In Chancery Court, Wagoner, known for his rhinestone-studded costumes, says Mi ss Parton owes him millions of d ollars under an agreement he says was signed by the two in 1970. WILMINGTON, Del. <AP> - The Rev. Bernard T. Pagano, a Roman Catholic priest accused of being northern Delaware's mild-mannered "Gentleman Bandit,'' has been indicted on robbery charges. bery. If convicted, he would race from 10 to 30 y~ars imprison· m ent on each armed robbery count and three to 30 years for the attempted robbery charge. Pagano, who has denied the charges, is free on $30,000 bond and continues lo work as an as- s is tant pas tor a t St. Mary Refuge or Sinners in Cambridge, Md. Wagoner also requested the return of about 130 songs and song contracts he says were taken from the office of Owepar Publishing Co. by ''an agenf of. Dolly P a rton Dean." Miss' Parton, majority stockholder of Owepar, has recorded several or the songs, he said. WAGONER WANTS 15 per- cent of Miss Parton 's net income from June 1974 through June 1979. A New Cast.le County grand jury Tuesday charged Pagano, 53, with five counts of armed rob- bery and one of attempted rob-Under the agreement, be said, Residents ·Flee Homes Illinois Riven Pour Out of Banks Te119perat•res • ~ . . . •. A!' ...... ~ ... -. ...... -..... ~ .. JS Jt ... , II " u .Q ,. ,. JJ n .oi .. 10 u Jt Jt ,. .. ,. " . '1 ff " n .o. S4 .. ., q II 7t ,. ..... as u » u J2 u 1' M " • ·" ---s.. 2' 11 M T.-.. .S. ~ !! .. ••: .. 4S .. ., CAU"°'""A ,, . ... .... ...... .. " ,., ., ,, ...,.. " ..... • • ...... » -~ • ....... M R ,, .. ........., ,.. .. .. ....... .ss - ::: .. ---'1JI .. .. ....... .. .. ..... ......... ..., .. . ,__ "'' . , .... =~.. . ..... ••• 14 ..... w ..... . SI SI Qillr9 • • .. : SI ::Jt'E: I I U It a .a . .. ... .. .... ., ., :t: .. .. ..._...... .. .... ~. .. .. ,..... .. .. .. ........ .. .. .... =:.-=• : : • ......... .. .. .It ... CNI 61 41 , ... v-., ". ., .... _.,.. ................... ..,, ..... ____ ,_. ... ..., .... ,...., . ._ ....... .... =----~ .. ....... _,., .. ,. ___ __ -. ...... ..-............ _....., ..... ....,..~ -.::1.-.. _ ...... ......... ..,. ' ... ~..-.-"_. ........ ---·--·"'"-.. ,, ...... ,, .. , .. ,, ... ......... ..... -lft effec1 YMll ni.Mly. TIWf9 Mlle Mii M.-,Y -......... -.... ..., "'" ~ ......... ..... Wlt_..,...,..._lft,...Yw ll -~ """ _., *'"-mild .. , ................. ~ ..... , '' ---,......, lft Qlk.ee9 ti.n Ill Us Atlfelet. Tiie tem· ..,....~ .. _. ..... ..... a.,, ..... LA_.. CA16M M ---SI . A WI .. lllmll M Ml•t11• .... ........................ ,. .. cerry ..... --. .............. ~ .. .,..... .. -.....,..._., , ... ............................ ,..,..._ ..... __ . .,..... ................... .. ........................... ................ ff .... ..,. MllCIW, II, f/lf -...C ~!It, --.. -........ .......... .. ,,, .... , , ...... , .. "•" ..,. ... ,....., ' •• , ., .... ......... Ceett '" °''' ...... , ......... .,._ lie ............... ....... .... ..., Collllt ..... .....,.., .. ........... -. .... ...... , ........ ......_....,.. .............. c •• , ... .. AMN.-.. ........ __. ............................... Tiie N•Uorwet W..ther Service pr•· dl<ted t.ir _,_, lllrOU9/I Tllvrs- day, A llOlltnl119 bolt StrllC~ Mar a Soulllern <Alllornla Edlton Co, PO-r st•llon Twso.tr In t.ono Be.tell, teav· fno 10.000 <~• tn tllet ctlr and C.rson wittiout efectrlclly for up lo en llo11t -lorctno Lo119 Buch Ho1pfl1I lo remeln on auallfery oow•• •-•• 11oun. HOftver, no otM••lloM --dlSNllCed, llOsptUll '4*1•-Mld. Snow 1941 untll i.ne T""4ay In lhe mounu.IM M'Ollnd Loi AMittes. fort· 1119 Ille Cellfomle H191tway Petrol to reln.i ... • ~ tor lllQllW.., CllelM wtlicfl U.y Nd llfi.d terli.r In Ille ..,. U, to IO l"'lleS Of "'4IW _, reflO'tld In -_._ lM ...,,,_ 11e111 ~ 1M l"'lltl of "'" ... ~ Loi ""9ttes .., Tue1cl1y e venlno, r1IS1110 1111 --·· .... IO 16.29 t~ Hormel <-let.Ive ,_,nfMI"" .. llrat NY ef -Int Is 11.tS lnChes. l.Ht yeer et 11111 llffte,,, _ •• 17 ~ 'fM~ ....... ~ ... .. ,.._•llll• tor "" 1-.t ..... Of ••111, •-9llcl ctoudt _,," on l•w•r• Arl,.n• tedn, •••Iller MNk l IP9(lelltt Don 8owl MIO, "--~-_., ... -~ .......... or-ll1tr· rle• .-.. s,• feet llefWe c1eer1,.. TllWMey, c ... 1.1 We•Cltft- leflle ·~ <IOud!Mw llUt -·· ~=Wftl:CIO-of Llel:t .,.,.....,. #lftdt llltM IM _..int '-I. Hlflla ,,_...., In """' ...... C.Utel ...,..,.._.. Wiii , ..... .. t-•1t 4S ...-•a. fnl•IMf tem· JtrllWW .iflr ..... ,..._.a IM ... , .. ....,......,.._ "'" ... 56. •-,11...,r••• .. ....... ., lec:eM 101t1t S:• .. ,,.. U s.c..... 11:11,..... u "*' ... ., ''"' llitll I.a am. • f """" ti. 111.111. • •• lec:9'"'llltlt S; • ._M. I t S.C-. ,_ 1'·• 11-lllo t I s-ri.. t:t6'·"'··t1t11.es .. rn. Meefe "-12.41 &.M., ... 11:21 ··"'· _..................... H•11tlfltf .......... ,. ... '" ... t ' flrWI ... fl..,.... I C,.. 9' .. • Wevtl tw1 '9 1tW.e !Mt. QMttleM .................. r · ---- he was to be Miss Parlon's manager for five years after she lert lhe Porter Wagoner Show and re«ive 15 percent of her net income. Wagoner offe red no estimate of what the 15 percent demand would bring. but he says that af that demand is de nied s he s hould pay him a l least S3 million. Wagoner said he tried to iron out bis diUerences with Miss Parton for several years Wailing I Hear? Have yo sent f rchan- dlae and not re It? A~ having a dlsagree- menf wtth a bllllng computer? la City Hall giving you the run- e-round? .. At Your Service" offers help In all iheae matters and more. You can count on Pat Dunn and her 0~t Your Service,, column to help solve problems . If you need help, mall your queationa to Pat Dunn, At Your Service, Orange eo.at Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1seo, Costa Meu CA 92126. Be..,,. to Include your .... phone numt:-r • Pat Dunn aets action and ftghta red tapo In "At Your Service," publlahed every day except Baturc:llly In The Dally Piiot • 17 Orange Coast lOITION Y our Hon1etew n Da lly N .. wtitpape r VOL. 12, NO . 80, ~SECTIONS, ~2 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIF ORNIA WE DN ESDAY, MARCti 21 , 1979 c TEN CENTS, ' I l Sex Issue Threat to Draft Revival WASIU NGTO 1AI'1 /\:1 Conan·&a bctim1 c0Miderln11 "ht'th.-r to rt"'QUlrt.' draft reg1stnl1on or even lO 11ctuMlly draft clv1llaN1 th(• r•ollll<-n lly tri<-k)' 11ue11t1on of thf> roh• nt womtln 111 • pu,hang l() the front Of the dcbat~ und could scuttle the whole Idea l'hc qu1.•sllo11s ure ba it• If men ar · dr•fted, should wom ·n l)e? T UE NITt;D 'TAT t-;8 HA MORE than 134,000 women ID u.n· 1form. krui of thousands more than any other country. All were volunlet>rs bt'caus"' !-ic•IN·t1 vl• Service statutes do not allow the reg1strat1on or drufting of "'omen The question of wh11t to do hits touched off dibagreements within the admirustrataun and Congress and could threaten what M>me 1M.>e at> a momentum toward a renewa l of registration. TtK.l nation's military leaders -wbo say registration is needed becauAe OW current system couJd not produce enough soldiers to meet a crisis are not eager to lncludl' women and natly oppose 'ending them into combat. TRE V AND OTHER OPPONENTS argue there is no shortage of d raft-age men and that registration of women eventually could lead to sending them Into combat. Civil rights groups and others say exclu.~ion of women would be sex discrimination that would be struck down by the courts. Rep Richard White. D-Texas. head o( the House Armed Services manpower subcommittee, predicts the House will ap- prove a bill providing funds for registering men between the ages of 18 and 26. "ff you include women you might have trouble getting it through," he said. "There 's still a Jot or chivalry running around this country ... A Senate source rates the chances of passing a registration bill at SO-SO. but says the odds are agamsl it if women are included REP. MARJORIE HOLT, R-MD., T HE ranking Republican on the manpower pane l. is adamantly opposed to registering women. "This would be a complete departure from our national policy." she said. CSee DRAFT WOMEN·. Page 1\%> Serino ·Jury Told 0.llf Pl• Si.ff r!wllt GENE CARRIER ANO EMPTY CAGES THAT ONCE HELD HIS EXOTIC BIRDS Newca•tf• Oieea1e Erad lc•tfon Effort Took 330 He•Hhy Onee, He S.ya Bird DeathA Mistake? Pet Shop Owner Angry Over Gassing By J ERRY CLAUSEN OI Ille 0.01, Pii.t St.ti Pet dealer Gene Carrier had a Lea r or two in his eyes last week as he watched feder al task force members place his exotic birds in plastic baRs and R8!> all 330 wit h carbon monoxide. .. The whole cvenint:: wai. very difficult for me," the owner of Fountain Valley's Pets For Less shop said this week. "We had rather strong a~ents for a couple of those birds . "Withln two hours, they had destroyed them a ll." Now Carrier is angry. Federal blood sample tests have proved negative. and a spokesman ror the Department of Agriculture's NPwcasUe's disease task force admits the Fountain Valley birds probably were not In- fected. S384,000 in pur c ha sin g a nd destroying cage birds and nocks either carrying the devaslstinR disease or suspected of carrying it since it was discovered a Stanton bachelor's pct was arm cted with it on Feb. 20. Pet dealer Carrier contacted th e 142-m e m ber s tate a n d federal task force on Ma rch l l whe n he discovered that some of his birds had been purchased from a dealer whose nock had been exposed to the deadly dis· ease .. l was concerned about my customers ~d my birds." Car- rier said. "I a~ked them lthe Santa Ana -based task force> lO come out lo the store a nd check it o ut." Apparently, task force mem- bers determined that , because (See BIRDS, Page A2> ~Code' Ruled Out In English Case By DA VlD KUTZ MANN stltute a cause for dismissal. CM• 0.111 ~ ... Staff Slaying 'Faked' By KATHY CLANCY Ol U.. o.u, ~ ... Swtf A Newport Beach police detec· t ive. who posed last•year as an East Coast hit ma n in an alleged murder-for·hfrc plot. testified to· day he faked the slaying of a Seattle attorney complete with photos of a blood ·s pla ltcred body. Sgt. John Simon took the wit- ness stand in the Orange County Superior Court murde r solicita· lion and cons pirat'y tr ial o f Joseph Serino. 42. or Mi ssion Viejo. Serino. has pleaded innocent and innocent by reason of 1nsan1 Israel OK Of .Treaty Due·Soon? JERUSALEM <AP> -A solid majority in Is rael's Parliament lined up today in support ol the peace treat y with Egypt as de- bate neared a close. The Saudi Arabian press. m e a nwhile . calle d for a ll-out Ara b war against Israel. Prime Ministe r Me nache m Begin 's rejection of a PaJesU- nian state prompted the Arab re· PALESTINE PROBLEM REMAINS -Page A7 action, but il was not expected to delay the signing of the treat y next week. fn Washington, House Speaker Thom as P. O'Neill said Presi· de nt Carter told him Begin. Egy ptia n Preside nt Anwar Sadat and Carter would s ign the treaty at 11 a .m . PST. Monday Parliame nt's end orsement. expected by pre -dawn Thursday. would remove the fi nal barrier to the pact s igning. ty lo charges that he tried to ar range the slayings of Seattle at· torney Roger Leed and the wife of his co-defendant. Joseph Bogg or Beverly Hills. Bogg, t'ha r ged with con · spiracy and murder solicitation in the Leed case. faces trial later lhls month Simon testified he played the ro l e of h i t ma n .. Tony De Marco" and allegedly was hired by Serino to slay Leed and later. Mrs. Bogg Simon said whe n he went ll> Seattle he contacted the would be sla)'lng victim and Leed went ...... 'Pop Bos t o n Pops O r chestra maestro Arthur Fied le r . 84, is shown as he welcom ed the Roston Symphony Orchestr a back from its trip to China Tu~sday night. Fiedler. re- cover ing from b r ain sur gery. will resume conduct · ing next mo nth. Four S e ize d In Costa Mesa Store Theft with pohce to pose as a murder victim . .. First we stopped at a magic store. r believe. and purchased some theatncal blood.·· Simon testified "We had Mr. Leed lie in the bushes near the I Seattle pohct• > pistol range and took several d1r. ferent ShOtS or ham." the VIC'e 10· vestigalor continued. Si mon told the i ury he usea one of those photos to show Serino later and collect SS.000 of the purported $15,000 murdt'r contract payment. La Habra t'arpenter Roger <See PLOTS. Page i\2 I Waddill 's 2nd Trial Recessed By REBECCA HELM Of .... o.u, ,. .... , .... The trial of Dr. William Wad· dill of Huntington Harbour was abruptly recessed e ar ly tocfay after the JUry heard testimony Tuesday on brain da m ai<e b.v two medical specialists. Presid ing Judge Byron Mc Millan offered no explanallon for the delay WaddJll. 43. IS being retried IO Orange County Superior Court on murder c·harges tn\'olv1n~ an abortion ht:.' J)t'rformcd two years a~o. Jn earlier testimony Tuesday, Dr. Ralph Rucker told the Wad· dill Jury that there are rare tn· s tances when life s upport systems are withdra wn from ex· tremely ill newborn babies. Rut'ker is head of the intensive care unit for ne w borns a t Childrens Hospital of Ora nge County Life support for an 1nranl is s topped only if d octors de · l('tmint' dam;Jge to a baby is ir· .reversible and continuing sus· tenance would be futile. Rucker testified. No one can be sure. though, said task force s pokesman Don Nielson. until a complkatcd, long-term "broth" lest is com- . ple t ed tn a Sa n Ga b r iel laboratory. A state administrative la -w judge h as rul ed tha t t h e Ne wport-Mesa Unified School District caMol use a so-caJJed code or ethics for teache rs as a basis for some of its charges against former Newport Harbor Hig h ScbooJ Band Directo r Richard England. England's attorney, Lawrence Rosenzweig of Los Angeles. claimed the unprofessional con- duct sections of the code or ethics applied only lo Proceed· ings before the Commission for Teac he r Pre p u r a llo n and Licensing and not to proceedings before local school district gov· emin1 boards aimed a t terrnina· lion of employment. In Jidda , Saudi Ar a bia, a front-page editorial lo Al Jezira called today on all Arab s tates to pre pa re ror a long and con· linuous war lo regain J erusalem and other occupied Arab land. It said the Palestinian resistance should fight on aJl fronts "until they tum the occupied 1ands into a blazing inf e rno for t he enemv." Costa Mesa police a rrested four people Tuesday night after responding to a silent alarm In· side the Montgomery Ward store at 3088 Bristol St. And t he decision 1s made within "ext remely tight limits.·· the doctor added . Wa ddill is being retried on charges of strangling an Infant known as baby girl Weaver after she allegedly survived a saline abortion two years ago. His first trial ended with the Jury deadlocked 7 to 5 in favor of acquittal. Work a l the labor atory ls ba c k e d up, Ni e lson said , because o r the tre m endous number of tests conducted ln tracing the state's latest out- break of Newcastle disease. So far . Nie l son said , the fede r al government has spent ..... lrltaln'a Prince Cbar1ea ................ twttla ...... ~ ...... olf ....... :.: ..... OoOdbardy ... --~=-~•U.arra tn ... , T he ruling by Judge P .M. Hogan ol tbe state office of Ad· mlnistraUve Hearings means the district apparently will have to find some othe r way to back up some of Ila accus ations against England, who is accused of "unprofessional conduct." England, now a music teacher al Corona del Mar High School , w aa charged with a long list or alle1ed violations contained in a n 11-page report released by the school district earlier this year. A lawyer for tbe school dJa- trtct had argued that the code of ethics, a part of the CaWornla AdmlnlltraUve Code, is a re1· ulatton for tbe 1ove rf\Jn1 of public achoola and that a viola-. lion of that code would con- Hogan a1r ee d wit h Rosenzweig, saying the school distr ict conte n tio n would "enlarge the scope of the reguJa- tiona beyond tJae limit.I ol the legislative grant ... •· RolelllWeil said the ruling OD· ly means the district musl find some other means of backing up lta charges. "Tbey have to prove wtuit be < En1land) did ia true and If it baa any legal slgnlflca nce," Rosemwetc said . School omcJaJ1 declined com- ment, aaytq they had not seen a copy ol tbe rullfts yet. En1land will 10 berore a Com· ml11lon on Profeasionti Com· petence tn oluly. AD KEPT PHONE OFF111EHOOK "My ramUy wanted to kill me t he pbooe was orr the hook night and day." . "From now on, the first place I go to buy or sell anything is the Dally PUot." That's the advertising success story ol the Santa Ana man who placed th1a ad ln the Daily Pilot: 67 VW Squareback Good ·•work" car JUUl•xxxJC If you need a place to sell or buy eomethlna. try the Daily Pilot. Friendly ad-visers wlll help write a best seller . Police said about $1.200 in merchandise had been stacked near the entrance when officers arrived. Take n into c us to d y we re Kyun1 Hwan lOm. 28. or Santa Ana; Chu Han Yun. 29, of Santa Ana , and Young Yae Lee. 28. of Anaheim. A juve nile s uspect also was being held. Police said Ms. Lee atte mpted to drive away from the store when a patrol car approached. The three other sus pects ran from the store a nd were ap- . prehended in a nearby field. Kim and Yun were taken to the Colt.'Mesa City J aU, where they were booked on suspicion of bur1lary. Ma. Lee was taken to tbe Orange County J ail. T he fourth sus pect was taken to juvenile hall. · Storm Lights Up Coast Sky ''I saw this lllht tben I Hw tbe por•rtb blleded bu& WH able to At_..... 1:1' p.rn. Tuaday la Ulan an Inch ln the laat four daya lNff =· It IOUnded like reaum• pat rol ln tbe drtvtn1 Jrvl~"'"' 1truek ea over-ol 1torm. But problems were aomeoae nrect •round from a rala. bead ol tranelormert DOrtb few . lbotlUD rtpt ne•tto Ill)' ear." or..,. Coall .... adeata can of tit• Saa Dleao P'rHway. Orans• County Flood Control La ... a .. eb Police Ofneer' e.,,eet • I•• more 1hower1 betw ... Jettrey Road and CUiver Danelle Adami 1ot a vlvld told~ but after Ulat, = Dl'tH. Power' WU knot'ked out to Dlatrict en,tneer Ed Schoon tajd clo™f llotbe r Nat.1r•'• UM attonal Weatber , 2,IOO llDmle ln the Colle .. Park ~ DatUN ol lbe rainlaU WN U It'• blue lklel and 1uan1 dQt and Woodbrtqe ueaa fOr aboul undoubted factor In toda)''• • c;! • durtq tbll rnorD· ............... ....... anlilow' . f'lood·lr4M lltuat.lon . waoepa\Nloe~ TIM u..der Ind Uf:lnbll thM T be la&enle nla that ham· "We lot mCl9t ol our rain In ca.,............ ol ........ l!lprt.: • .. ... mend tile 0r.,... Co.at briefly tbe form nl abowen wtth lone lo· :/:talae blut.d 1 nearb1 "°" •••tber,. .... _....ta thl• morn t n 1 b rou1ht ltle tervala bl between." he said. ,. ...... .,... ......... do•nPoW meuurement to more <See S'roall, Pace iU> aome ....... ,. l . ._\ Coa~c Weathe r Fair and warmer Wed- nesd ay wit h chance or showers decreasing to 10 percent tonig ht and near ze r o Thursda y . L o w~ tonight 45 to SS. Highs Thursday 68 to 75. I NSIDE TODA'\' OM'• "secr~t" .\'.-ccrs .or.- 1ntroo1.1c~d on P.a gt 85 Whot'1 mon ttgmficont. t~ co rs ttwmMl~• or t~r .ad ~,.,,lhlg ~t? l•tle• ..,._...,,.. ..... ~ "' =a...... .. ...... Ct-. .. ., .. ., "-... ..,.. ........ ~ .. &: ................ M .. -.... ...... .. '"'"E ..... .. C1t ~: =·· C1• :er= ...... ......... • : ............. MT .... .._ • l::' I 11M ftMlln .,.. ~·=:... .. ..... I ~,ft .. .... ,, Ct • J .42 DAILY PILOT c C • • ~ • rJSIS to LeODtinue Congress Warned of Oil Shortage W A • I ff c: 'r 0 N t A P I Rt• umpuon ,,r 011 \'11.()0f'U from lran does not a\gnal an t•nd to th_, t'nt"rtCY rnt11t1, oil 1ndu•try ol fl e11,1ls told Coni.;rc•M today And lh\'l ' 'l•114J \•11n1 umer'I i.h o uld bru r t• for •trlou ' Nhorl "' (' or a&H<'llnt' and In r rt'a1h'(f fut-I prlct'3 OU1c-lals llf to:u on rntt>rnu t1on11I and (j ulf Oii c·arp told tf\c S..•nult' i.:11c•rt;) <'ommlttc-~ lhal Jlthou~h rt'liumt•\.I pro\Juct1on from lr.111 hu~ r<'~tort•d i.nrn1• bul!tntu ti.) world c rude 0 11 m a.rkolb, i-hor\atW\' of rert1lln fut•I,, l'bJ\4.'l'IBll y gu:.11l11w und ht:_!lllt o!!........!JU be Ul~VIUibh: TO HEAD HOSPITAL Wllll•m Gonulez New York Man . To Direct UC/ Clinic Service William G . Gonza lez, ad· m tnislrator of a New York tea r hing hospital, hos been ap- po1 nted d t r<>ctor or clinical '>ervtccs al UC Irvine tie assumes the post June 1. Gonzalez will m anage the UCl Med ical Cente r , community clinics and ambulatory care fac11illes. and coordinate UCJ af. f1h ations with other ho!!pltals. lie was deputy director for ad· m1111stration of the Capital Ots · lrtcl Ps y chiat ric Center . in Albany, N Y .. since 1974. Driver Faces Felony Raps In Car Death Frank L F'a l ke nber~. of Lagunu Hills f<tces fe l o ny mansl aughter charg(!S ln con· nection. with a Feb. 8 a ccident on lhe fog-shrouded San Diego fo~reeway that ch.timed the Ufe or CJ West Covina wom an. fi'alkenberg, 67, al so was cha r ged Monday with hit and run driving and driving under tt)e mnuence of drugs In the six· car pileup. He also f aces a traf. nc charge r elated to an accident that occuJTed three days prtor to the freeway collision. A .spokesman a l South Orange County Municipal Court Hid Falkenberg would be arnlgnect March 2.8 on the charges. Barbara Throop, 44, WH killed in the f reeway acctdent authoriUes said, alte r ofncers' allege Falkenberg entered lhe fr eeway no rthbound Jn the southbound lanes neu Alicia Parkway Mra. Throop was killed when her light pickup truck can>e out of t he fog and coJUded with a lractor·trailer that had over· tttrhed trying to avoid Falken- berg'a wrona way auto. DAILY PILOT .... o....,.c-1 o.11, .. 11 ... wi•11•1W(lllt( .... ......... -...... 1 ........ .-.. , ... 0._ , ... , ...... ......,.c-,.._ .......... ... "" .... _ ...... """"" ,, ... , ,., , .... _,.. ___ ,._..._,.,,_ loin V611~, I-,'--.. ~"llevlll (Mii /> ._., ........... !4fllt_l_toit_V\ .... WMrtt f ..... "" ............................ . _., ........... c-i.-...c~ .... ·-· ...... ""•-1-l'Wt- IM•• Cwtey Voeo ___ QeM<et~ .,_..,. ...... ...... .,.,._, .. ....... ..._ .... ..... a.-.11...., .._., .... ""'_,.............._ Talt•I HI fPl4t .... a1n•••M11 .. u1r • ....,. f wltbout laun.ctial4 mejor at.pt lo <"Or\Rrve to"r«Y llerbfrt I Goodman. pre11 d ol of Gull's tudtna and tran11portatton 11ub1"1tdlary. 1.nd Ro~rt N Dotph. pr(•todt'nt uf Exxon lnll'ro<1l1on al , t old Hnatlon the world oil crlaht I• real ind thJtt oil c•omp»nlt·!I ar~ not profiteoenng i-ro. a re11ult or lht• Iranian 1tunlton legal Fe Hi.k k d By County f-'t>t'I\ for ll'gUI ""r Vll'l'b Ill Oran&e t;ounl.> t'ourt~ roulcl I>(• hlkl'd $1 mtlllon ;_1 y1:ur cf ~tote legtl'll<itton 1>ropo:st>tf Tul•Nday by Or .rngl• CcJunly i.u1.w1 Vl!'IOr' 1:> enacted Super vasori. a pproved a re ques t to s t<ttc uff1c1als for tht: leg1Rlallon needed to tm•reaSl' 16 different coun. fees An Increase in c1v1I film.: fees from $8 lo $30 wus the bigges t hike proposed. It would bring In $500,000 more an11uttlly, county om clals said. Other proposed lncrf'ases in eluded hiking the small clacmi. filing fee from S2 to SS. That would m ean a n esti mated $150,000 annually. And charging 10 cents per copy for civil forms distributed to the public would mea n $25,000 in added revenues In related aclion Tuesday. supervisor s agreed to usk legislators to amend deferred retirement provisions for county employees. Under ex:is llng law, workers may leave county employment and put off collecting retirement benefits. The county rema ins !table for the money indefinitely, officials said. T he proposed amendment would relieve the liability after the ex-employee reaches age 70. f',....PaeeAJ STORM •. ·. "The ground had a chance to a bsorb the rain and we ran tnt.o very few runorr problems." But swollen Oso C reek in the San Juan Capistr ano area created problems for one local farmer when erosion caused by channeled flood waters undercut the stream banks and claimed a number or orange trees at the Bathgate farm. "Still, tbe rain's worth a mil lion dollars to us," Patricia ~athgate commented. · Every lime we have any rainfall we lose one or two trees and the erosion seems to be gelling worse" Rain gauges throughout the county lnd.Jcate that the season 's total thus far is well above the average annual rainfall or about 12 Inches. Both pllJntArd a bleak plcture for 1a10Une auppHet, clalming th • <"rude oil belo& produced t.o help olftel the loea of Iranian •uf pli<'ll la heavier. hlaher In .11u f ur und poorer 1n mot or Jllll'lulloe quality thon franlun oil. 1'he heur1nA cume u duy Idler Prt'lldt·nt Cart er to ld con· .irttA8lonul lc>adt'rs he pJaf\IJ a major t•nf'rgy address to the na 1100 Murch 29 Ent·r.iy <:oinmtttce Chairman ll-'llr)' M Jackson noted lbttl oil c·ompanles h.ve beauo cutUna fuel aupvlac:s to a ~realer propor. lion thfJn the total reported loss of lraman 0 11 "Arc th1..-sc allocat1on.s the re- w lt or real short/alls or are they SOVIET OIL CRttUS 'CONF1RM£0' -Page M Lo be explolned by other motives ond reuons "" Jackson asked. The oil company orriciaJs de· med atte mpting to m ake money on this Iranian crisis and insist· ed the shortages were r eal And they were backed by an udm1n1stration offi cial who told the panel, "We have every rea- son to believe that companies are behaving r easonably ind equitably in the present dlfficult situation." The official, Harry E. Bergold J r .. assistant energy secretary for international affairs. told the committee that Carte .. ·s March 29 energy speech would Include mea~'/res for dealing with the loss o Jranlan oil. U.S. officials have said the Ira n ian c uto ff , begun in December. depr ived world m arkets of roughly 2.5 million barrels of oil daily -o ( wh.ich the net U.S. shortage has run at about 500,000 barrels a day. Energy officials have claimed rccentJy that thJs could rise to a bout 800,000 or even 900.000 bar - rels before long, despite some restoration or Iranian CXPorts. C.Ounty Backs Plan lo Speed Tax Refunds Orange County s upervisors agreed Tuesday to spend $31,000 to s~ up the refunding or property tax overpayments. Supervisors' approval of the expenditure fell in line with a rec- ommendation made by county Tax Collect.or-Treasurer Robert Citron. ll was Citron who reported a heavy run of property lax over· payments r esultin g from changes in assessment practices brought on by Proposition 13, has refunds running rour months behind. Citron said his office is being ·'inundated with t.ilephone calls from taxpayers inquiring when they can expect to receive their refunds." · Citron said the $.11.000 special a llocation will be used t.o hire le mPorary help and for equip- ment needed to speed up the re- fund process. f'rotaPa,,eAJ DRAFT WOMEN? • • • The nation's top military leaders -the joint chiefs or stalf are ~animously recommending revival of registration, and the Army s chief of staff, Gen. Bernard Rogers, is calling for a draft of up to 100,000 men for the Individual Ready Reserve <IRRl. Rogers said women should be registered, but, "I'm not pre- pared to say women should be drafted" -even for clerical jobs Men are better qualified physically to handle combat jobs such ~ the Infantry, tanb and field artillery, he said. ADK. THOllAS .B. HA VWARD, CIOEF of naval operations, said that lrom a military viewpoint, there is no need to draft women. ''From .•!1 equity standpoint." he said, "that really is 8 Political dectsaon rather than a military decision." Oen. Lew Allen Jr., Air Force chfef of staff, said It ls not es· H Dtial to re1i.ater women or to draft them. Gen. Louil H. Wiison, commandant or the Marines would not object to enli.ating their quota of women through the draft. &EGl8T&ATION AND THE DaAn HAVE been put on Congress• asenda •auae of deep shortage• ln the military re- eerve poolJ to be called ln a crisls. Selective Service System of· ftclals acknowled1e It la not. capable or producing enou1h man- power futenougb in lbe evenlof war. P1'9lldeDt Carter and Defense Setretary Harold Brown say any reclltr•Uon procram lbouJcl include women as well as men. aJtbouo lhey beve not endonecl registering anyone. "If we resister persona for future use ln some form ln our country, lt would probably be inevitable we would reglster both, but tbM doesn't mean women wUl be drafted or that men will be drafted to ao into U.. armed forces," Carter aald recenUy. Roben E . Slluek, acttna dlreetor or lbe Selective Service System, Mid • ruu moblUuUon would requlre up to 10 mlllloft men and there are.11 mUUoft to JO million drall .. UsJble men of a1ea 18 to2t. A &&GBl'IATION BILL 8PON80&ED BY Seal. S.m Nunn. D·Oa., cbUrmu of tbe Sentte Ar1IMd Services manpower 1ub. COIDmlU.., and ff•IT1 r. Byrd, a Vll'flala lnd4rpendeot, Glaket DO proYUlon for re1istertn1 women. Nor does one 1ubmltted bJ Sen. Robert Mor1an~i~· a.. latiD D·lllM., chairman of lbe Armed Stnlce. Commlttae, 1a11 the aiJ.yohmteer mWtary 1bould be replewd wttll tom• tJpe of draft, but did not 1peetty ti women 1hould be ln· eluded. fie b&l wd, however, Uaat womn •'*'Jd not be ••pGMd to eombllt. ID tM lbM, a.p. 0 .V. llOldfOmll')', D·lllu .• ll 1pcMllOr'fq a bdl tUt WOllld f'Wllldn rqllttatlon ol -... mea 8ftd women Ud .,_,,....,,la opp Med to wtllUal wm• to eombet. ' A•ber ......... WU Mlll98ted by Rep. Paw N. llcCloU•1 a.caaw., ........ ~· eofOMI ·-......... bill abet would ,....,. 811 11-,....4141 .... m womea to ,...._r lot military or lhilli9 ................ . -t I ..... 1,...... lflmno Tricia Trici~ Nixon Cox and her husband. Edward. leave New York s ~rnell Medical Center today with their week-old son,. Christopher. The infant was born by Caesarean section. Marine Admits He Yandalized Tires A Camp PcndlNon Manne who told Police he was "upset " after a sput with his girlfriend has pleaded guilty to 10 counts or vanda lism stemming from u Mar ch 2 tirc·slashini;: spree 1n San Clemente Ke nneth Mi chael Miller. 21. admitted the tire sl ashings Mon day al his South OranJ:c County Judicial District court a rraign me nt before Jud ge Robert Barcley. Police Lt. Craig Sprcck ly said Miller told officers he became intoxicated after the spat and began taking his feelings oul on auto tires parked on ca lle~ Escalones, Puente. Canada and Mariposa with a knifo durcng the predawn hours . Police have asked lhe court that Miller be orde red to muk c restitution to the owners of 39 autos whose 56 tires were found s las hed a s the ~ru m b lin g downtown rcsidenL-i walked lo their vehicles to dr ive· to work that Friday mornin,:: Initially. Miller was c harged Strike Probe Set SACRAMENTO <API As sembly Speaker Leo McCarthy appointed a nine-member com· mittee Tuesday to investigate aspects of the two· month-old Im pe r ial Va lley rarm worke rs strike. w1Lh v<mdalczcnJ? all 39 uuto:-. hut only IO counts of mallc1ou:-. mt!> ch1er were fil ed by the Or:m~t· County Oislnt·t Attorney M ti ler rem<trns rn Orungt• County Jail IO lieu or $500 bull pending his April 9 st•nll·n1:1ng fi'ro.Poge Al BIRDS ... the flock had been ex Posed. test~ would be a time con§umini: problem tn a race to contain lht.' disease in Southern Cahforn1a Carrier voluntarcly closed tht· doors to hts shop at 11o;rn Brookhurst St. and waited thre._. days for the tas k fo rc·e dis posal team a rrival to de11lroy the birds. take blood sampleb and disinfect the store. "I think it's tra,c:1c." Carm:r iuud Uus week "I called bt.·caubt.' I was concerned about l ht:' Ncl fare of lhc community, <.tnd they destroyed lhe birds before they were found to be infected. 1l 's awfully wrong. " There ts one l>Obtttve result. Carrier admits. "The children who have been calJing and cry ing lo ftnd out 1f their pets purchased at Pets For l AJ:.b 1 have to be destroyed will know now that the birds aren't sick." Marvin's Finances Probed LOS ANGELES (AP> Lee Murvln'a busineliS man;,ger was recall~ ~ the witness stand to. dtty us the lawyer for Michelle Triola Marvin tried to show that 11ht> did not recei ve as much monetary "uln fro~her love af. fair as Marvin claims. A,ttornl'y Marvin M ltchel!1on conducted an cxlt•ns ive quizzing of Edward Silver, the accoun- tant who ea rlier estimated that Miss Marvin received $41,000 worth of benefits during the af. fair and more than $30,000 mor e after she and the actor parted. M ltch<'IS<Jn diss ected Silver's <icc·ounting of how Miss Marvin recPtved lhc money • lie noll.'<1 that much of it wab included 1n payment'> or charl{e account bills M 1t<·hclbon u:.ked S1lvt:r whethe r soml' of those churgeb might havt! bt•t•n for tkms Mi:.:. M<irv1n boul.{hl for tht· :wtor or for h u, ctuldrcn Silver satd that was possible li e a ls o c onceded that although he listed $400 a month 1n c a s h advances to Mi ss Marvin. he did not deduct $4,800 1n checks whi<'h Miss Marvin en· dors ed back to the actor and tus company, ~untuna Hecords. She had received the checks as pay. ment for :J recording s he made for the company fi'rota Pag~ A I PLOTS •.. Hofer testified Tuesday that he was fi rst a pproached by Senno for the murder of Mrs . Bogg lie later went to Fullerton po11ce and worlled with Oran~e County sheriff's and Newport Beach 1nvcst1galors, Hofe r le:.ttflcd. "to find out 1! I could ftnd some way to s ave these people's lives ." I lofor's contacts with law en· fo r tem c nt e ventually lead Ne wport Hca c h investigator John Simon to pose as a New York h1l man and purportedly arrani.te o $15,000 contract for Lced's slaying. Arrestlni:( officers said Leed and noJ.lg devi11ed lhc murder of I .l'l'd hl'l'aU!>l' o( lht• attorney ·s role 1n a $1.5 m illion lawsuit JUdgmcnl agu111 s t a Bevt!rly I h lb company tR•d to Serino .Ju ror:. Tu<•sday listened lo a tu pc recording among Hofer. St·nno and Si mon, purportedly dt:.cusMn~ the Leed murder. "A II I care is that you get the JOb donC'~" &rino said on the tape lie also said on the recoromg a m1ll1 onaire wanted Leed dead :.i nd "when tl was done. I i.tuara ntee you, you arc not going tn have lo worry aboul ... money aft er thut. This guy will keep us gocni.: " Serino also warned Simon on lht• ta pe no OO(' would be with him in Scutt IP to point Leed out. "I don't want you to wuste the wrong guy though," hl' :-atd. Serino, who has been free on hail. sat twfori> the JUrors Tues- day reRtin~ his head on his hand ttnd dabbing at hts eyes durmg much of th<· testimony. Deputy District Attorney J im flrooke, who i11 trying the case before Judge Kenneth Lac, said he expects the trial to continue through most of next week. Lynn Hort HART'S John Hort SPORTING GOODS 538 CENTER ST. •.COSTA MESA• 646-1919 Basketllalls 10'5 up BauetbH Backillards 19es Basketllall Guts 99s & 101s Bnketllall Gaal Nets 1 so to 3as Baseball Mitts & Gloves BauUll Bats laseall Hase Baullll C11tr• Sleeves lasmll SM1s lauall Battil1 Siivis llllUllC• Speedo & Adidas Swim Suits & Trunks Swim Goggles Kick Beards D~k Feet Fins Masks Snorkles Racquetball Racquets Racqa.t Balls Racquetball Gloves Tennis Rackets Tennis Clot1Un1 Tennis S~11s Tennis Balls Weipt Sets Jump Ripes D1mllllls 141-1111 I Business DAil Y PILOT •S 'X' Marks GM's '80 Assault on Competition DETROIT (AP• What lh<' 1980 Gf'neraJ Motors comp•<"lS wlll look lake I. a poorly kept Sf'C'ret, but tht> uuto Industry 111 watrhing d ely to '!ff If the~ N ·etlled .. x .rurs" will lh•c up to thf'ir advance bllllna a the most tdgn1flcant new automobiles ln dt•<'adC" wltb the idu or llf<'recy but because autos ar UbUIHy nam~ by lettl'r dunn~ lbtlr d4! velopmt>nt hovf' attra<'led ex· Cl'Ptlonal mttre t in Industry c1rdet deal1n or a moderately Interest· ln1 ur that ratls short ot Its ad· vane,. billlna. All •llree lt'a a creature or Wu hlngton, O.<.;. The cara aro 800 poundH ltahter and 20 lnchea shorter than current models With the bue four-cylinder enaine and manual tranamlulon. the says. "It's the nagsbip car for OM'a alt.int·down effort.'' AN UNIMPaESSED officlaJ at a GM competitor. however. 1mlfCs that "the end product is a hell of a lot less formidable than the rumors had It. GM's ad· vertblng dollars are more to be The front-whNI drive tatl, to be unveiled April 3, arf' of 11trate11c lmporta.nce to tht! na t1on ·a No I uutomnkt'r tn an event. They represent OM 'a m O!lt critical movt-yet to satisf)' lht• demands of lb~ energy short 1980s " NEAK" PH01'08 of them havt appured routinely ror months Chi")' ler pre ldent LNl A. la('()(u HY& be has already taken a test 1pln. X-can havei been spollt'd al Ford hhd qu•rter.. ln Dearborn, on Oetroll frtewaya and ln dctlc>r lots GM uyit the fi ve ycor de velopmtnt prognm for lhf' com pact oost nc:-arly S2 7 billion, the moat ever ror a new car lme. In duatry Insiders expect th cars to atart at leas than $4,SOO 'Omo ... 11 ears .. ee ••t lute• •• •..eees•ltd •• .,e'tll Hice, at leasi •"er tile .... ....... , THE AlJTO GIANT, whos<l tradtllonal strength ls the lucr ative b1f(gt>r cars. can no longer afford to wink at th~ C'Om· pact m urket and It s fuel ttonomy advantages. And wh~n CM takes aim. It ts an enormout1 threat to competitors The compact.II will replace th,. "They're going to hurt ev~ry body e lse," R ic bard Haydon auto analyst for Goldman, Sachs & Co .. says or the new X·cars Chevrolet Nova , Pontiac rhoenix. Oldamob1le Omega and Bu ick Sky11rk The Nova bt·comH the Citation, but th~ other names are unchanged 2,500·pound Citation is rated by the Environmental Protection Agency al 24 miles per gallon in city driving, up 26 percent from 19 mpg on the current Nova. The cars -dubbed "X" not D E P ENDING ON WHO'S talking, the X-car is either a significant development in auto "It's the first real legitimate attempt to make a highly fuel- efficient, all-new car." Haydon Bank Stock to Be Sold Fluor, Other Coastal Companies Report A group of investors associated with Heritage Bank in Anaheim has received permission from directors of Irvine National Bank to make a cash offer of $14 a share for Irvine National Dank stock, according to a letter sent to shareholders today. The tendering group has said it intends to ac· quire a majority Interest ln Irvine bank for cash and later merge it with Heritage Bani\. The Irvine bank, headquartered at 217l Cam· pus Drive, has a branch office in Woodbridge and( T'•KING ) is scheduled t o open " a nother near Placentia TOCK and Superior in Newport ....,_ --------- Beach at mid-year. Total . ed by .Continental Carpet, a division or Bell In· dustries, Inc .• to handle its public relations ac- count. -Lenac, Warford, Stone, Inc., Irvine. has been selected to handle public relations for Roadstar Corp. of America, Huntington Beach, manufacturer of a care stereo and auto sound products. _ -The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, an organization with more than 34,000 members, has named the Sanborn Co., Newport Beach, as its advertising and public agency. -Donique·s Antiques, Inc., Newport Beach, Long Beach and Torrance, has named Millard Ad· vertising, Newport Beach, as Its advertising agency. feared than the car itself." The key engineering feature is front·wheel-drlve, a first in a non-luxury GM car. which saves s pace. An ·•east.west·· or crossways engine and drive train placement let GM shorten the hood and save passenger and luggage space that ln a rear· drive car would have been needed ror transmission humps, drive shafts. rear axles and ruel tanks. As a result, the smaJler Cita- tion wltl have six more cubic feel of Interior space than the Nova. according to Chevrolet. GM P&OBABLY WON'T tout the fact. but the fuel tank is ahead or the rear axle, a change facilitated by front-drive and en- dorsed as safer by critics of the behind-the-axle. below-the-trunk placement or most fuel tanks. It marks a major effort by GM to capture a bigger s hare of the, compact market. where In 1978 it managed only 27.5 percent of all sales. ~nd lo Ford. CM President Elliott M. Estes says that to meet the federal mileage standard of 1983. GM will have to sell two compacts for every full-sized car. "OUR SMAU.. CARS have not been as successful as we 'd like. at leas t over the long run," Estes says. The more Immediate problem is 1980. when each company's production neet must average 2JO mpg. And by designating the X· car a 1980 model despite the mid-model-year introduction. GM wm get t lfl years' worth of production or the fuel -stingy cars to apply toward the 1980 mandate. GM hopes to steal sales not on· ly from such U.S. compacts as Ford's Fairmont and Zephyr and Chrysler's Vola r e and Aspen, but from s uch iQ'lpo~ as the Volkswagen Daslie"r and Honda Accord -"big" subcom· pacts with big price tags. A BELOW-$4,5" price tag on the base X-car compares with more than $6,000 ror the well· equipped Dasher a nd Accord. The pricing will be more critical in com peting with th e domestics. however. The cheapest Fairmont. for exam· pie, is less than $3,800. The X-car comes with a stan· dard Pontiac.built four-cylinder, 2.5-liter engine . .,. . .,...... resources at December 31, 1978, were reported at S31 million. Agenries Ll•t CUe11ts -Kinney Air Conditioning, bas assigned its advertising work to the Sanborn Co.. Newport Beach. 'SECRET' 1980 CHEVROLET CITATION PARKED IN DEALER LOT IN DETROIT This Is GM's Replacement, Bred In Washington, D.C .. for the Nova The following agencies have announced the signmg of clients: -The Weiss Group, Irvine, has been appoint· AFFORDABLE RATES. NABERS ~ • 2600 Harbor Btvd. Costa Mesa 540-9100 QTM Sells A Better Mouse Trap The Remington SR101 All working parts and supplies of the REMINGTON are Inter-changeable with the Selectrice. Only one machine Is completely compatible with the IB~and you've guessed It... it's the REMINGTON. (n4) 957-1195 ..... Quality Typewriter 'If A .. Maintenance Inc. -Phillips Brandt Reddick. a Newport Beach e nvironmental r esear ch, planning and design firm , has been retained by Sud-Pacllica Invest· ments to plan a nd coordinate two resort projects in the South Pacific's Society Islands. The agency will be responsible for land plan- ning, project coordination, programming. pre- liminary architecture, landscape architecture and processing of the projects. -Tarrant Specialty Gifts Co., Garden Grove, bu retained Myra Herrema and Associates, Costa Mesa, to handle advertisinl and public relations for GiITunes, a concept in personaJ gifts. Edawator Reports GaflU National Education Corp .. Newport Beach, has reported its third consecutive rttord year. with net earnings of $2,357 ,000, or $1.58 a share, for 1978, a gain of 10 percent over the $2,145,000, or $1 .44, in 1977. Revenues of $26,252,000 also set a record, up 7 percent from lhe $24,586,000 or 1977. . Net earnings for 1977 included an ex· lraordinary item of $270,000, or 18 cents a share, representing a tax credit from carryover of net operating loss. With this item excluded, the gain in operating earnings in 1978 over 1977 was 26 per· cent. · In the fourth quarter ot 1978, the company bad net earnings of $529,000, or 37 cents, up 19 percent from the $445,000, or 29 cents, In lhe fourth quarter of 1977. Revenues for the quarter were $7,362,000, up 20 percent from the $6,107,000 a year earlier. The firm ls a publicity owned vocationaJ train· Ing school company with more than 70lowned and franchised schools. s.....,..,..w1 ... 1 .. A Fluor Corp. subsidiary bas announced a con· tract to conduct a mining engineering feasiblllly study for the Louisiana Division of Dow Chemical U .S.A. The 18-montb study will determine the feasibility of surface mining lignite deposits al Dow's Cutor Bayou project near Logansport, La., about 45 miles southwest of Shreveport. The work will be performed by Fluor Minlng & Metals, Inc., headquartered in San Mateo. Fluor Is headquartered in Irvine. IA lefJ Gees te Fl..,. The Fluor Corp., Irvine, bas announced authorization from Champlin Petroleum Co., Fort Worth, a aubeidlary of Union Pacific Coi:e·· to pro. ceed with expaaaion and modefnilallon of its WUminatoa refinery near Loi Aqeles. VaJue of the contract to Fluor ls more than $100 mllllon . Tbe Southern Callfornla dl~lon of Fluor Entlneen and Comtructon, Inc., WW perform full en11neer1ni and procurement aervicea. Fluor Conat.nacton, Inc. will perform construction. Earnings Undumged SAN FRANCISCO CAP > -Earnln1s on common "shares of Pacific Telephone atoc:k tor the three months eadlnt Feb. 21 were un· chanted from the 1ame p•rlod laat year. and company offlelala blamed the UkeUhood of a multi·mWioD refund to CUit.omen. ff~SWER PflllE .. "' ....... c...., 462-PAGE ......... c..ey 731-7777 &araln11 for th• perlod were '2 cenl1, wblle earnlnp per com· moa 1han few tbe year endln1 Feb. 28 were ti.~. compared to $1.a a yearap./ Clll Ml•H11. °' ----.. ._ "" ........ ......... ,.. ... . ,.. .. , .. ....,., teworll for Ove r The Counh·r NASO UstiftCJI MUTUAL FUNDS -DAILY PU.OT s • Wedn &day' 2 p.m. (EST) Pric NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS •• STOCKS/ BUSINESS /tlan9 Error• Benefit Check .By SYL\'lA PORTER I 1 ' , I Late in 1977, a woman be~an to suspect lhal her! former employer had supplled f1lse inlormatJon about her. Social Seeurlty and Income tax deductions after she' changed Jobi t.brt--e years before. She wrote for her rec;ords and round her suspicloni;. confirmed. But even though she caught the error relallvelt qulckJy, ahu s till is trying to 11tralghten out the situation. THE SOCIAL SECURITY AOMlNIST&ATION says s uch dJscre panc1es are rare. But "rore" seems u slippery' word in view of the fact Lhat the admlnb1tratlon itself re·• ports some 2.9 million such difrere,ccs each year. Many don't come lo light for 30 to 40 years after the: mistakes occur, when a worker applies for retirement• beneflla. By then. it may be next to impossible to correct the data, because the federal government puts the burden. of proof on employees to dcx:ument how much money it has tu ken. tr an employer tells the employee one thing and tht: • U.S. government unothcr, the government acccplb the employer 's word. Cheek your So<'rnl ~curt\y records at least every~ three years to mak(' sure they arc right. Get the fo rm for s u c ll checking OAR·7004. ··Request for Statement of Earrungs" by ~o 1n g in person to the local Social Security of Money's Worth fi ce or by wratrng Social Security Administration. Baltimore, Md. 2123.'> You may as k for as many a:. 40 year'> of records and • may specify the tJeta1I you need yearly totals only, earn ings by quarters. names of employers UNDER TlU: t~REEDOM Of. INt'ORMi\TION Act. charJ(cK that went as high as $91 for records going hack 40 years are waived. Uut a ccrt1f1cutum that th1· records arc ' correct costR $3 This fi rst step could take tw11 to thre • months . H you find a discrepancy. you nC'c'<i a nt•w form · "Rcqucst for Correction of Eurn1nK!i Hccords" IOA R-70081. When you ~o to the om ct' to pick up the form, take all records ~ar • ing in lhe issue ori.imal1>. not curbon1> From the I RS to the fifK'tal S.:cun ty <idman1strat1on. the fetJeral governmcnt'1> :itht11cl1· 11> that the employc{' 1s a cheat. Th• mass1vc burNIU<'r:t<'y lt•ncb toward this t»licf, and your only defi •n:.l· l b your own ttol'umcntalion that you • arc not In thC' case or thl' womun mentioned above. her former employer admitted pt1rt of the mistake at onc·c·. • 1'he r('port that sht' had bN>n paid JU~l one -third of what she had really l·~1rncd was a "C"ler1<'n l error," the employer :-.:ud BVT THE "CORRt;(TION" CRt;ATED other JJrOb· h•ms Money had b'•"n cll vt•rted from int•o mc• tax wlthholdinit and t"ontrov(.'rsy aro1>c• ovc·r when funds hat! he\•n paid IRS rukd one wuy. then another. then u third Only arter two Fret•dorn of fn formatton Act requcllts had bel'n filed to find out wh;1l her t•mploycr had said and when was any t'orrcrt1 vt• a<'tion lllarU•d "Soel::1I Security wus bud." she s111d with bitterness.' "Slow, dlRtrustful, d1sintc•rested But muybe SS should be: it's our money that 1s being paid out " I 'I :OR~NGE l' l. 0 t£! I ·u.-rriN, IJ.li~·l~ 11 m I / \. )t'j I \· I ... ./ \ ) Wallf'r C'hf'rspak J r., El Toro. has been na med to the : newly created pos1t1on or director of commun1cat1ons ror ' the American Assoc:latlon or Critlul Care Nurses, based in • lrvlne. He is former director of marketing for Continuing Education for the Family Physician, u monthly m agazine • based in New York, and director of magaiil1e operations for the American J ournal of Nursing and NursinJ? Outlook . • Arthur E. Palmer. San Clemente. has been a1ots1gncd to the Mission Vie Jo territory. which includes urt'as of Oceanside and Fallbrook , as a professional sales rcpresen· tative for Smith Kiin«> I< t'rencb Laboratories, the ; pharmaceutical division of Smith Kline Corp . • leff Tlss, San Juan Capistrano, has been named ; Caltfontla Land TUI«! Co. 's salesman or the year for , Orange County The com puny is a subsidiary or C<1 hforniu·: World Financial Corp • Tisa joined thf' company In l975; hi:i territory extends 1 from Laguna Beach to San Clemente . • PatU Frttman, Lu.cuna Beach, haR be(!n promoted to , branch manager at lfome Federal Savings attd Loan As·• soclatloa of San Diego. · I She joined the association in 1974 und wus savmgs ; supervisor In Fresno. Sacramento and Huntington Beach • before beinf( na m o to th.is position. lier experlenct' ln·: eludes 21 year.sin the s avings and 101.n industry. : .. • George F. llelllck Irvine, has been named vice presi· • dent or operation• or Wlacbell's Donut flouae. He oversees : operation.-. for 870 donut shOps in J9 states. Winchell's is a j division of Ounny's Inc .. headquartered In La Mirada • He joined the company In September 1976 as director ' of m arbling und, In June 1978, became corporate director '! of markeUng for Denny's Inc. He Is a former l(roup product manager in l .T.T . Con·' tlnental Baking Co. and held various pot1IUon11 in research 1 and development, producl planning and marketing for : American Can Co. • . • Ckarlet E. Wert, Fountain Valley, has been named a j vice Pre31dcnt In Callfornla First Bank's Orange County t resional trust office ~ He joined the bank In 1972 at a tru1t administrator and; wu promoted to pension trust ofrJCflr In 1974 tnd to assl•·i tant vlce president ln 1976. Before he joined the bank. ho wa1 a financial plannlnri offtcer ror Security Pacific Na·: tlonal Bank In l.os Ange les. } • I AmerleH Mo·ped A110Cl1tet, frvtne. bas namcd l Mein Barda to the nowly created J>O•ltlon or i,alet'f coordinator ror the marketln11 ot the Indian four·alrokcl mo·peda. lfer re1pon11lhllltle11 Include <'Ontact with dealers, coordtnaUon of aaleit und p.romotlonAI efforts and thei sollcltallon ot new dealers. • ) A8ency Movea O//iee f ' Manha.II Jay Kendell P\lblle RelaUoaa baa moved ltal office from Lone Beach to tlOa S.1cb Blvd., Suite Jt•A. Huotlftll,On Beach. • A ~ ol ll'ountaln Valley, KaadeU t1 a former editor and llaff wrtter wtth the "'bol Ana•I• Herald· !-xamlMr. He opened hi~ own bualneta ln Fe\nary ll'lf, j l