HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-25 - Orange Coast Pilot...... 4': .... --. -_.... . :. ·-._-: : : •. : . -.. .._. • • • r -· • I --·· ·-··---~..;,-··..:. ....__. --.. ----t -------------- . -- ' • t• / Travelers Tanking lfp; 'Evens' A -wait Saturday FRI DAY AFTEPNOON , M AY 25. 197q VOl /1 NQ "' I H C r10N\ I/ PA Gt '> eporter atche .. * .. Epitaph: 'A Man Chooses' STARK£, fliJ !/\1'1 In h1 :-. final hour!'I . John /\ SJ•l·nkl'link 1otlt·d down hh 1•111t uph · Mau ti. "h.1t hl' 1'111)f1..,1·s •11 he He d1uose~ th.it f<1r tu m~cll , Spenkehnk wrolt' on a note he slipped to his minister. lhe Rev. Tom Feamster. less tha n two ho urs before he d ied in Florida's electric chair. F eam s ter. a n Epis copa l minister who twcamc close tu Sprnkcl1nk during his final months, sa 1cJ that :rftcr handm~ O\ t•r th1• final written ml·~.~11g1•, th<· 1·11rnl<'mn<·d man ga' 1• th1· <•lt•q;.(,\ man a m1'!'l!'lag1• of l11vt: .. The la:-.t thing Ill' :-.:11d to mt· w a s th a l h 1• I 11 v l' d ml' , · ' 1-'camstN said 'Ttw 1;1:-.l thin~ I s aid to lum wa:-. th;11 I lovl·<I him we :,h11<1k ha11d" · Feam ... tt:r. who \\ 11 n1·~..,1·d tht· c x c c u t 1 o n a n d 1· <1 l l t· d 1 I · barb;.in c. · rec~tllcd ont• olhl•r last statement from Spl·nkt·link "Wh('n this c·ume"' do>Nn . I hope that ~onw ).!11od v. ti l l'llOH· of it ·· s p <' n lo. t• I 1 n k d 1 ri n o I .. a l hrcakfasl ThNl' \\a:-. no final m eal. f<'<>amstt·r ..,aid. hut dHI take Holy Communion twu hours bt'fore he• wa'i <:x1·c:ulcd "You need nul wastt• your prnyt•rs on .J ohn Spt·nkelinl. Let's pray for ours1•lvl's l.-cl'!'I pray fur our souls." the mmist1:r S<.tld . "That was n't .lohn Spenkehnk that was electrocuted in thal c h a ir today. bcl'auhr Juhn Spe n kclink had dtt•d of this kind of barbarism vcars a1:w." thl· <See EPITAPH. Page i\21 ' Coast t - Weather Night and mornin~ low clouds with hazy sunshine in the afternoons through Saturday. Highs 10 the mid 60s at the beaches and in the low 70s inland. Lows tonig ht 57 lo 62. INSIDE TODA\' Ho~ you got rhythm'> I/ not see where to find aome at the Goltkn Bear in llunt· 1ngton Beach, Golden Weat College or UC Irvine this weeknd on Page Cl. 'Didn't Speak, Didn't Blink' AP Wor•pflolo Fl NALLY EXECUTED John Spenkelink By TOM SLAUGHTER STARKE. Fla. 1AP 1 When they raised lht• venetian bhnd, John Spenkelink start·d directly at the• 32 of us who watd1NJ turn du! toda~ fie didn't s peak. Ile didn't blink. He stared straight ahead. The re was nothing in the con· demoed man's expression. even thoul'lh two of his c losest friends in his last days were sta nding in the back row of w1tncss<.•s so hl' could see the m beforl' he tl1cd rn the hui.w oake n cleclnt· t·hair Thl'n thcv lowt•rt•d a hlu1·k hood over hlh fa1·1· Tlt<·n · w<i~ :a * * * Florida Executes F oriller Countian !-.TAHKE . Fla IAP • Con· \ 11·ll·d murdcrt·r John A -;pl·nkl'hnk was put to death in ~'lorufa ·s oak clc<"lru· ch:11r lo· d~1y. denchmg his left fo.,t as 2.250 volts of e lectricit y hhol through his body. flt-W<JS pro· nounccd dead al 1· 18 ·a.m. PDT Spenkl'link. 30. form erlv of But'l'\,jJ Park. wltoM.· uttorncys foug ht lo s;n-t· hb life up to the last moment, hccamc• the first m a n l'xecutcd 1n the Un1tt:d Gold Prices .loom; Dollar Trades Mix LONDON 11\Pl Gold prices soared lo record le vels today. toppin~ $270 an ounce on the bullion markets in London and Z urich. Dollar trud1ng was mixed on the world excha nges. Rullion prices in London rocketed to $270 an ounce at the m or nin~ fi xin~. up fro m Thursday's closing price of S26S a nd shattering the record or $265.625 set Tuesday. London gold brokers fixed the afternoon price at $270.60 a n ounce. anothe r record. T he previous record was $264.50 al th Tuesday afte rnoon fixing. Gold hit $270.25 in Z · h , Europe's oth e r big bullio m a rket. The Zurich exchante. like many othe r European finan· c ia l cente rs, reopened today arter Thursday's Ascension Day holiday. The previous Zurich record was Tuesday's $266.125. but the price fell to $264.375 Wed· nesday. The widely forecast $300 ounce of sold. predicted for the end of· this year. appeared increasingly realistic because or the world oil 1hortap, fean ol still more in· nation and 1eneral economic un· cerlalnty. Investors tra~illonally buy 1old ... hedge ln times or ~mkunrnt. Sta tes s tnl"C Cary Murk <:llmorl' "ti Jingly facl·ll u f1nng :-.4uad 111 Utah on J:m 17 1!177 Hcfon: that. no t·xecution:-. had ht·<'n <·a rned out m Lht~ c·ountrv ~1nc1· 1967. - Spenkchnk wus cxe<.·uted in d drab beige dl'ath mom, measur- ing a bout 12 hy :W f('(·t at tht· Florida Stall' l'nson lie n • <.'c tvcd ttw firsl JOit of <'lcctnc1t y a t 7 l:l am Thut firi.t ~urge !-.ingcd th1· skin on his right calf, sending s moke mlo th1• death chum bl•r lie clenched h1h lt·ft fist. th1·n h1!'1 h a n d s began t o curl a nd blacken. Spenkc link rt•ce1vcd two mort• JOils of c lcctrir 1ty A doctor wus called to check his heart al 7 · 14 a m . The doctor . . David Brierton, steppcfl back . and wailed two more minutes. wh e n he aga i n c h ec k ed S penke link 's he art with u ste thoscope and again stepped back. Finally al 7: 18, he made a third check, lifted the death hood to look at Spenkelink 's eyes. and checked his pulse. Spe nkelink was dead. He had been condemned for killing a fellow d rifter with a crimin a l r ecord. Joseph Syz mank iewicz. in a Tallahassee motel room in 1973. Spenkcllnk. a fugitive from a California prison al the lime. pi ed up his victim as a chhiker and claimed he killed him after Syzmankiewicz forced him at gunpoint lo submit to a homosexual act. Carol Myer s. Spenkelink 's sis· ter . a ppeared al the briefing area crying on the shoulder or he r husband, Tim. She held up what she said was her ~rother's last will, which read : "This is lo authonae the release or my body and all personal belon1inp im· mediately if I a m executed (murdered> by the state of Florida to Mrs. Carol Dean Myers." The condemned m an had lost (8ee 8IA YEil, Pa1e AZ> pause. th1•n h t~ body 111mpl·cl s lightly Sm oke hci::an ris ing from his right raff wh<.·n· <ill t•lectrodl· was all;H:hcti to h1~ s haved :-.ktn But I c:oul1tn l ~ml·ll .1nvlhin).! We were s ilent in the witness room . We waited . Spenke link 's chest was freed from a heavy leather s trap His wh1k shirt was unbuttc)n<:d A prison offt<·ial rf.'ac:hcd inside his s hirt and tugiH·d at his T shirt. l•xposinJ? h1:-. <:hcs t A doctor th<·n plal·ed a :-.l flhcstOPl' lo lhc c·h(•:-.t of thl' r1g1<1 ;md hr1o<lc<I f1 gun·. !-. pen kl' I 1 n k · '.'. hand.., \\ l' rt• l'lut<'ht'cl tn ;1 ft !\I and \H'rt' tli:-. l'Ol()rt•d I !\;1~ :1 thrt'I' inc h \\OUnd IWlow ;1 lcat.lwr harm·s:-. <Ill 111:-. <:all His :-km had :-.11lit hut hr• cl 1d n 't hll•t•d L1kt• th1• uth1·r wit nt'S'il's I sat mot1onll':-.:-. in m~ l'lrn tr tor ftvt• m 111ute~. wluc:h .,ct·mt·d hkt: an .ai.:1·. Then I .,;i\\ I hr· t"<t•1·utt•mt'r lie won· a hh1t•k hoo<I nmt a rnhe Othl•r w1tm·s:-.1•:-. :-.a 1d t 111•\ s<•" t v.o 1•i..t•1·ut10111•r:-. l1ul l :-et\\ onl y om· lit• lookl'ti al lhf· man ht· wa.., paid Sl!lel to loll from behind a part1t1o n. Th l' ct o <0 t 11 r a p p r o a 1· h c· d Spl·nk1·l1nk two m•Jl'l' times. l'h ~tk tng hts hca rth<.·a t a nd 1-iulse Ont• of lht· l'tJ.{ht men 1ns111c' l hl· ch'ath chamb..-r st11d somcthtng to Prisot1 SupNintcndenl l>av1d Br1f.'rto n . T h e mun :-.mtled :-.h~htly ' • UVA' ID!OUL£:.:i......~·'""'...__ Sp<'nkchnk rt'l"c• Vl·d th1· ftrst JOit of l'lectr1c1ty. the doctor nodded a t Brie rton W e knt•w J o hn A rth ur Spe nke link was dead. APWl• ...... to ANTI-DEATH PENAL TY PROTESTERS AGONIZE Reaction at News of Spenkelink'a Exec!Jllon Travelers Fill Tanks 'Odds' Today, 'Eve~' Await Saturday By TOM BARLEY °' .... o.lly ~ ......... It was the turn of the "odds" to fill the ir gas tanks today a nd Orange Coast service s tation operators reported that many of their customers were gassmg up pr ior lo hilling th~ road on this Memorial Day holida y weekend. fl is expect ed that m a ny "evens" will wail unlij early Saturday lo gas up beWrc they too head for the highways rather tha n take a chance on getting ~as e n route lo thelr destinallon. Travelers appeared lo h ave the c autious blessing o r the Southern California Automobile • Club which Hid today that the gas supply position during the , holiday weekend is "much more e ncouraRin1t " A s pokesmun said the number o r sta tions closing (In any day durin~ the weekend is the lowest sin<'e the gas <'rtsts hit Southe rn Ca lifornia five wet•ks af:to. He satd fewer than 20 percent of Oran1te County ser vice sta· lions surveyed planned lo close Saturday. The pe rcentage tn· Amin Backers Die KJ\MPALA. Uganda IAPI Spear wielding Acholi tribesmen are hunting down and killing rival tribesme n who hacked die tator ldi Amm durinFi his c1~ht year s of hlood y pur.~cs . un American missionary reports 1'rt'usl'd to about 50 percent on Sunday and 30 percent on Mon· day. "But those figures are en t·ouragmg." he suid. "More sta · lio ns will be open tha n at any pomt of the c ris is and the word from those st ations is that their upply of ~as will b<' much more plt'ntlful " The auto club is ur(lm it drivers who arc Relting low on gus to s top at the first avullablc slulion rathe r than seek a s horter line at another facility. "U ther.-·s a gas the re and you nceed il. wait and gel it." he urged "Th'• situalton looks pret· ty good but 1t 's nol ~ood enough for anyone to try any s hopping around ·· I i . J s D D EVF.Rl. Y ltlLLS r A P l Th\' on of aoap lyt"OOn Lloyd Cotsen re mained In critical <'On dit ion today one day anw Cots~n·~ wlrl' and a us.year old boy died from Injuries suttf'h'd whl·n lht• thr••t' wen• bound and :.hot an tht• heud by un antrud(•r. nutht)fllll'l'I •mad l 'h1•1sto1>twr l)(wrang of Wf':<I l 'O\'lllll, who wui. lt vrn~ with tlw l'11t st•111o wh1 1t• 111t1•111l1nt1 prt•p i>dHml, dll'd Thu~ll:" ut C\--dllr" S 111:11 Ml·d1t•u l t'1•nter, !l&lcl ho1>p1tul :.11ukl' · m 1n Ho bf' rt --------------- Friday. May 2!1. 1979 rowe-11. Joanne Cotaen. 42. died Thun· day evftling al UCLA Ml"dlcal C~nler wht're llM had undt•r&OfH! 1u r1erv . s aid h o h pl tal spollnmanAI Hicks She had bt-l'n • juror 111 u U!lt' lnvolvina an Iranian stucleor1l llt•r 14-yc ar-old son, Noah. was in c•rilln al ront1 1t1on ul lit' LA The• yvuni.: l>c1t·rrn.: 1 the• '1111 11f t ht"' Kev .. :d.:u r /\ IJot•rlrui 1. Mrs <..:ots1•n und ht>r s11n wt: rt· 1•ach boun1l und shot on1·e an lht- head Wedntlday eve roang. Pollet' Capt. l~ Tracy uh.I T hurs day lnve•U•ato rs were buHlcd by lhl' ahootanas hut hll V\' I lood dC8Cr lpllon Of thl' .iunrnan He &a id a couplt< t•i.r u~ the 1&llu<'k on lrt."tl·llned Hl•dford Drh·•· J U8l lll'xl door to the home or plunast Jo1w ll urb1 "Tht• SUt-11\'t'I wui. dn·sst•d an 11li tlllrk l'loth111.: aml wai. w1·tir 111.: ska mu11ks and ~loVt''" Trat'y Miid. addlng lhut tht· man s pokt• with an Ul't'tmt . "J>t•!.sthl y M 1<ltlll' Shelters Needed? Murder Cited as Evidence By KATllV t:LANC'V ()I, ... o ••• , ..... e it•fl The alleged murder this week of a former Huntington Beach woman traJlarally demonstrates the need for sµecial shelters for women who are abused by their husbands. That was the message brought to a press conference Thursduy by the director of the Orange Bus, Train Way to Go On Holiday By The Associated Presi. Many Californians t·aught 1n the fuel crunch will be nyi ng and s kating th rou gh lhei r Memorial Day w(•ekend. while othe rs opt for the bus or train. ·Public trans portation, once t'Ons ide r ed ·'tht· second-c lass C'il1zens' modt• of lransit," will be the way tn go """ the thref' d ay holid«Jy weekend . Southern California Rapid Transit Dis· 1 ri ('t supervisor Tom Horne said Thursday. The district. which carried a rCl'Ord n0,000 passengers last · weekt•nd <added 16(1 buses since t he ga~olan(' crisis s truck two GASOLINE LEADS PRICE HIKES-A4 BUCKET BRIGADE LIMIT SET-AS SOLONS' OIL STOCK A CONFLICT-Editorial, A6 GAS STATION PRICING RAPPEO-A11 DECONTROL COST: $135 PER FAMILY~& weeks <.igo and plans to r un a huut half its 2,400-bus fleet dur- ing the holiday. In a dditio n , official s for a irlines and Amtrak prepared for extra passengers by adding flig hts and lengthening trains. VPnice rollerskate shops re· ported bris k business as people s kated to work, restaurants a nd superma rkets. Road Skates lnte rnational's 55 e mployees have been skating to work and. said receptionist Terra Weston. "everyone is skat· ing everywhere now.'' Slaters can be seen rolling down grocery store aisles a nd into restaurants throughout the shoreline community. Suzanne Thomas. who heads the 2'h-year-old skate company, said she's noticed businessmen wear ing s horts and swinging brie fcases in downtown Los Angeles. Businessme n a nd gamblers fl ave been packing California's flights to Las Vegas. Some airlines are scheduling extra weekend nights to the resort. County Women ':. Tran!.sl aona l Liv111~ Center . a she ller for SO· c·alled battered wives Dr. Alice Ochsman-Banne r spoke or the shooting in Long Beach Wednesday or 32-yeur·old Marilyn Mahone, a former Hunt· ington Beach resident who had sought refuge in at least four women's shelters in the year before her death. Rig/a Grads, Wrong State !\tlTCllELL. S.D (AP I About 200 of t he 277 s e niors who grnduated from the high school in MitC'hcll. South Dako ta. will have to ~i\'e back their diplomas al lc<.ist te.porarily. Yt wasn 't unt i I th e diplomas were handed out Wednesday that some stu de nts found they h<.id Just g raduated from Mitchell High School in Mitchell. North Dakota. The s c·hool principal sa id h e e xpe cts th e d iplomas to be replaced by the company that s up· plied them. Three Fires In Riverside Area 'Arson' RIVERSI DE <AP ) -Two blazes that blackened more than 35 acres of brush --one fire threatenin~ a Catholic seminary and the other coming within 30 feel of a home in the La Sierra Hills were the area's second and third a rsons in two days, firefighters said. A fire burned 750 acres Wed· nesd ay, and two more fires were set in the same area Thursday. said Rive rs ide Fire lnspectror Chuck Chostner. "We've had 28 grass fires maliciously set this month," said Chostne r. "They're running us r agged." A 35·acre fire Thursday night was extinguished before it could burn the one e ndangered home and some o range groves, said Chostner. Chostner said witnesses re· ported seeing a man with long brown hair in a red Ford Fiesta s peeding away from the site or Thursday night's fire, minutes before the blaze was discovered. A $500 re ward has been post- ed for information on the fires as part or an a nonymous wit· ness program. Polan· allt•gc Mrs . Mahont· was murde re d o uts ide her mother's hom c in Long £kac·h e arl y Wc dnc•s da y h y ht·r £'Str an~cd hus band, Arthur James Mahone. J4. JnvestiJ?ator s said Mahone turned himsctr in late Wt!dnes- d a y l o s heriff's de puties sn Perris and is be ing held on murder charges in Long Bcac·h · 'Sht• was a lerrifo:d woman who was running for he r life." Dr . Banner asserted al the press conference She said Mrs. Mahone had been a client al the shelter latt• l ast year but le ft whl'n he r estranged husband learned her whereabouts ··when she rcalizcd he would find her a nyway," Or. Ba nner s aid. "she decided to go back to her mother and make a new life." Dr. Hanner and Oran~e Coun- ty Super visor Harriett Wieder said the alleged slaying shows the need for more e nlightened poli ce inter vention a nd gre<.iter financial support fo r efforts to protect battered wives. In addition. Mrs . Wieder ex- pressl•d hope that the federal Department of Hous ing and Urban Developme nt would ap· prove a $300,000 grant appliCll · lion for Dr. Banner 's center lo buy l<.argcr qullrtcrs County s upervisor s this week endorsed the center's grant ap· plication and al the lime. Mrs Wieder had termed its approval "a matter of life and death." "When I used the term ... I had no idea th«Jt it had a lready been acted out." Mrs. Wieder sa id Thursday. Even with more money for la rger shelters. Dr. Banner con· t inued. the proble m of abused wives won't disappear until laws prohibiting assaults are en- forced in domestic situations. In addition, she said, society must change its attitude toward violence in gener al "that som e how that is a viable means of resolution ." Long Beach poli ce alleged Mahone we nt to his wife 's home <.it 3:30 a .m . Wednesday to re turn the couple's s ix-year-old son, Paul. An argument broke out a nd Ma hone allegedly grabbed a ri- fle from his auto . shooting his wife once in the s tomach and twice an the head as Paul and Mrs . Mahone's 11 -year -old son, Phillip Allred, watched . police said. Another tragic twist to t he al· leged slaying came when Phillip attempted un s uccessfully lo summon police before the shoot- in~. officers s aid. Th e you n s ter had m e m orize d a now -outda t ed police pho ne number and re· peatedly dialed it in his panic only to get a tape recording an· noun cing the n ew number. police said. Dr. Banner said she is calling for a n investigation into the slaying lo see if early action by law enforcement agencies could have avoideki the death. Long Beach officers said a check or their tiles showed no re· port or earlier incidents involv· ing the Mahone family. . . . ....-.. # ....... ,, •• -----·-· r ID ass ootIDg Eaalcm or European.'' Cot se n . p resid e nt or Neutrogena Corp.. and a direc· tor of Allergan Pharmaceuticals In Irvine, wu in New York when the shootings occurred. but re· turn1•d immediately. His Los /\ n .c •·I es· ba sed co m pan y m unuful'lures a t rans par ent umlwr i.oa11 'l'tw ! wo who l!l!Caped from the all.11·k1•r an unidentified man who r1•nl!( ltll' Cotsens · guc!s l hou1-t• and u woman idc•ntified only us "Rurbara" said they also were taken hostage when they approached the main house to pick up mail. The woman escaped 1n a hall or gunJ'ke as she ra n through a glass door and to a neighbor's house. She was treated fo r cuts. The man, who had been bound with his necktie. freed himself a n d fled unha rmed . Poli re withheld their names lo protoct them from repris als Tracy s aid the coupl e described the burglar as 6 feet tall , 170 pounds and "lean and 'IP W1,.pflolO FLORIDA'S ELECTRIC CHAIR CLAIMS ITS VICTIM John Spenkellnk's Life Ended Here This Morning Fr•>• Page A I SLAYER EXECUTED. • • his l:ast hopl' <if reprieve four m inutes before the !>Chc·dull'Cl 7 a m l'XCl'UI Hin when the U S Supreme ('nurl an Washington voted fl 2 tu li e ny a stay Lawyers for Spenkchnk present ed a petition for a stay to the court clerk al 4 a.m . Arter !';pcnkclink reteaved the first electrical l'hargc• :md while· ht' was s t ill strappNI 1n the de«Jth t•h:.11r t\ m1n1ster, who v1s1 led tht' t•ond<'m ned man for two years. askt'd th1>sc an the w1tm·ss mom to prny for tht• dy ing man "1n the nam<' or God " Al so prl'i.<'nl 1n the· \\aim•:-.:-. room \\'HS Sp('nk1:hnk 's attorn<'Y. David Kendall of Washington Ke ndall remained s ilent and stared with a rixed gaze al Sp('nkelink 1n the death chair Tht> execution, which was lo h a ve begun pro mptly at 7 a m. was inexplicably delayed until 7 11. when the venetian blinds separalin~ offi cial and media witnesses from the elec- tric chair were opened. showing Spenkelink already strapped in the hu~e oaken death chair He was wear ing a white gown rolled up at the sleeves and blue pants . A towel was placed under 1is c hin. A leather harness was placed Jround his head, 0\1Cr has c·han md his arms. ches ts. le~s :md rnkles were secured to tht! chair "'1th wide leathl·r '-traps Spcnkelink was not <.i llO\H'd :1 traditional last state ment eora trary to promises from prt!>On )fficials who had sa id he would make a final sperch Spenkelink was fast1•ned "" ~l·eurcly tn the hcad h arnr•-.., that he couln not op1:•n hi.. mouth and st ared 1rnpass1\,.I\ .11 llw ·1~ pc>r:-.ons who w1tnt·ss<•d th1· ,., <'l'1Jtt0n on the other stdl' of th1· r.:lass µartition About a rn1nut1• afl1·r 1h1· llhnds were dr;rn n. a hl at·k hood "l!S lowered over Spenh•ltnk 's face Several attendants an~1d<' the death room stl'IJPCd buck from the death cha ir and tt11: first JOit of e lt>c tr1 <'llY \.\•ts delivered. Sale May Be Off WAS HI NGTON 1AP 1 Fearful Libya might conve rt three Boeing 747 jetliners lo military use. the State Depart m ent is reversing itself and rec ommending against selling the planes to the African nation. The Commerce Department has the final decision. athletic." "They're our best witnesses IO r,r '.. he said, theoriaing tMt Mrs . Cotsen and the boys might ha ve come home and surprised the killer. When the two escaped, the bandit also fled. Tracy said. The woman told authorities the burglar's .22-caliber pistol had a barre l two feet long. Police speculated he may have use d a silencer. explaining Pl'rhaps why neighbors hearo nothing. LA Looks To County For Busing LOS ANGELES !API So rcw whit<' students are left in Los AnJ(eles public schools that t hl· only way to integrate the dis· trit•t 1s to bring whites in from (llhe•r school districts, including Ornngc County. the Integration Project says. The Los Angeles district is un· dt•r l'Ourt orde r lo elim inate se,e:rcgated schools. But that is rapidly hec·omsng impossible l>l'cau!le or a shortage or white students. The Integr ation Pro· 1ecl argued in a motion filed Thursday with the judge over· seeing the integration plan. The solution. The Integration Project contended, is to include sludt'nts from 8S other local dis- l nets an a mclropolttan integra- t aon plan Tht· P roje c t presented Su peraor Court Judge P aul Egly with a model integration plan tha t would go into effect in three sta a.:l·::. ~tage one would include Los An gele:-and 28 other dis- t ra C'ls. fo r a total or 860.000 stu- ch·nts 42 pt·rccnl whale. 29 per- <'l·nl llispan1 c a nd 23 percent bl :l('k Thl• l.o<., t\n gc l<'s dis tricl , ..., h11·h ha:. JU~( completed th(' f1r :-.t year of a three stage inte- gra t10n pion. is 70 pe rcent n11 no rat' st uoent 'i Tiil' "''('orHI stage of The lnte- f! 1';11111n l'rnJ1'\'l s plan would in · '"" ,. i!l :-.1·hnol distr1t1 ~. mclud· ir•I.! -.o mt• 1n nort h western 1 J r.1 n ~·· :and \\>ntura counties and tlw third ... tagl· \o\OUld extend tlw ptan I•> Hl\1l•rsidc and Sar lti-rn:anhno t•ount1es I nl t•grat111n Project lawyer ~a id nu student would have t nde a school bus for m ore tha• 45 m mutes each way. J'ro1el't lawyl'rs said a rece11 ... , a t1 · aµpcals co urt decisioc g;" c <'a h form a courts the powe to n •qu1 re inte rd istrict dt :-l'J!rc1w11on 1f that is what i take~ lo integrate a district f 'rom Page A I EPITAPH .• rn 1n1:-tf'r sa1d ll a ,'1d Ke nd a ll . o n e<' Spl'nkt•lank 's attorneys. said tt death p('nalty ··will he a thing 1 tlw p«J~I in another generation.· lie ~a id Americans in th1 future> will reject capital punish m l' n t J u s L a s t h e y r e j e c I s<'g rcgatcd rest rooms and burn an g or witches. One of the 12 public witness~ to the death was State Rep. An· dy .Johnson of Jacksonville wbci s t1id he attended to protest the t'Xl'('UllOn It wa s not instant death; .Johnson said. ··w e saw a man sizzled loda)f and if you leaned forward anq looked close you could see that he sizzled and sizzled again . the man didn't die instantly. Men's Suits Pacific Southwest Airlines added six nights per day from San Diego to Las Vegas, in addi· lion to four extra flights from Los Angeles. Hughes Air West added at least two ni hts from --------~~--~ ... • DAILY PILOT 1M Ot*""Oft Co.t\t 0--lly Ptto1, w•I" whtiff"l t\ com. C>tnf'd ..... ~Pt~, i'.\o\lbfl~0¥ '"'"°' ...... (ff\t PvtMIWrtQ(omoMt~ Sfp.tf',lf'ecltf~lff,. C>Ubh,r.-d Moftctay IN~ , ...... to. C°'•• Mfl\41. f'rif•WpCW't Ot«tt. "Uftll~Of'I fW•f\tFOUlt Uln VAH~y trwtN', l.tQUN l'WMf\ISOuf" (OA\I 4 '•"Olf' r.,t~I fodtttOf\ t\ OUftH\fwtd S.tufd,.lf\ AM SvrMl•W\ ,,_. Dr1l"t"IOl'I nvbft'\tllnq pt1n• t\ •t )lO W"'' 8"Y \lt'N4 (O'\tA ~""• C.Alit0f'nl••1t16 11-rtN.- P•Oldtnt •"" Pvell- a<l II,.,..., V•t.• Pre\ldllnt And 0.f'W'f•t MAl\tti;t '-atlC...,M EClllo• l-•'IM ....... Mil" .. '"' (ClilOI' CMri.tM.U.. 11-~ ... " ""'"•"! MeNqi"41ldii"'\ TelepMM(114)....., Q--"'9dA419•rtt••IOlln ,, .... s...c .. _ ·-- ~ .. ·di•'••• • Assemblyman Alis ter McAlister, D·San Jose, has proposed a bill that would prevent defense lawyers from trying to prove that the defendant lacked the "mental capacity " to harbor malice against the vlcUm. 'lbe bill comes in the wake of the Dan White manaJauabter verdict. Murders Laid To Nigerian SAN DIEGO <APl -Nigerian athlete Newman Osebar alone killed a woman and her young daughter before he was shot to death in an abortive kidnapping. police said Thursday after a month's investigation. Detective Lt. John Gregory said a ll evidence "points to Osebar being the person responsible." The Nigerian consulate in San Francisco said it plans to con· Unue its own inves tigation. Osebar, 22, was attending a San Diego university on a t rack scholarship when a 24-year-0ld maid and her four-year-old dau1hter were slain. Faculty Angered LA JOLLA CAP> -An1ry over the diamiasal of Vice Chan· cellor Paul Saltman, the Faculty Senate ~ UC San Dieto plans to consider a no-ronfidence vote on Cbantellor WUUam D. Mc Elroy. ' ONE DOLLAR! •Wlfll ,_c.._t of _. ..ra ... •prk• _. ____________ _ ----~ ............. :··-.... -=~~-:-::.--·.::::..==· -• .-• -.. --. -...... ---------------. -.. -·-·· . ·-,, ........ -.. ·--·-~··-·--·· -...... ~........ . ....... _ -_ .. __ -......... _ .. ·---......-.. --·r.. -. ._ .• • ~-·~ .-~ .J ~·:."..-.. ·.-:.· -··'· ·-·· ·.. • -~ -.... ·--' 1 .. ~ .... ·..:: _:,._;. :·?.· . ·---. - --=--:--•..r:-_. ·---~ ...... ~-==:::=.:.=_~:.:=::.;.~~:....-..:.:.-~-··~4;.-;...·.;.~- . ~ : Orange-£oast --. ED IT.I O N 't' ••r Bo•etowa. Dally New8paje"at VOL. 72, NO. US. 'SECTIONS, 52 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1979 TEN CENT First Since Gilmore • x-count1an xecute lntf!grafio11 Plo11 County's Kids To LA Schools? LOS ANGELES 1AP1 So few white students arc left in Loa Angeles public schOl'b Urnt the only way lo integrate the d1~­ trict is lo bring white:. in from other school districts, inc·luding Orange County , the I nl1•gral1on Project says. Nixons Set To Move From '-C'asa ' The Los Angeles distJ·1ct 1s un- tle r courl orde r tn t'liminat1• ::-ot•gregated schools But that 1::-. rapidly bN•o ming impossible 0('Cause of a shortage• of whtlt.' ::.tudPnts. Thf' Integration Pro· Jt.'Cl argued tn a motion fil ed Thursday w1tb the Judge over· ~N·1ng the 1ntcgr allon plan. The sulullon. The lntcgrnlton l'ro1e ct c·ontC'ndcd. 1::-. to include s tuclents from 85 olh1•r local dis· lnt·ls 1r1 a mt·tropol1t an 111tegra· lion plan I Richard and Pal Nixon are 1.w· l ing to have to .JOin the Cypru:-. t Shores Homeowners Assoc1a tton. That's the nam<' of tht· sm a ll private t•omm11111ty 1,1,h1;r1· Th e l'rvJ<H'l prt·-.cn tC'rl S uperior Court Judgc.• l'a ul Egl> with a model integration plan lhat would go inlu errcrt in three -;tac es St a g1• unt• would ml'lud1.· 1.os Angl'lt·s and 2M other dt::. trtl'll-, for a total of 8fiU.000 stu- <1t'nls 42 Pt'rcent wh1lt', ~per- 1·1•nt llis pan1(' and 23 percent black I . t t r . J . I ' I ~ the former pn•s1dl•nl and f1r"t lady are moving Nixon's press aide Col .l:.tl'k Brennan said that etn unnamt'<l group of Orange County bus 1- CASA PACIFICA 'S HISTORY RECALLED-Al nessme n plan 10 purchet'><' 1.;, Casa Pacifica. the <!4 1: acn· 'll• on estate asse!'lst.'tl at auu1.t SI !J million. Brennan's office refused to • discloee the .purchase price or the estate. Brennan would not reapond to direct question:.. Earlier this w eek . San Clemente Real Estate Compimy officials disclosed that N1iwri '-; long.time friend C.\. "lleb4._.·· Rebozo agreed to buy a home at 4026 Calle Aria na, atmut <J half block from Casa Pac1f1c·a But Brennan's a ide:. con· firmed that the Nixon faroil} .plans to oecupy the c iJ.111.• i\ rrn na home now the propcrt~ of Mr and· Mrs . George Rry;i11l ll 1s not far from La Casa l't1c1f1c·a The four-bedroom. 4 .:100 · square-foot Calle Ariuna hnml' was built by the latt> .Jot Coll'. ;,i mlni·market chain <>wnt.'r a~mt 12yearsago. - Th 1• Lr>::. :\ n~<' lcs d 1s lr1<·l. "hich h:1~ 111::-.l t•ornplt•ted lhc f11 ..,, ~ 1•ar <1f u thn.·t··::.tagt· inte g rut 1e1n plan . 1:-. 70 perct•nl m1nont~ sturlt•nt~ The SPt:ond stage t>f The lnte- g ra t1on f'rnJt.'Cl's pla n would tn· volve 79 sc•hool distri(•ts . mclud 1ng s o m e 1n norlhwcslt•rn Orange and Ventura c·ount1c::.. and the th1 rd stage wuu Id extend I he plan to Hivt-rs ide and San BNnard1no eounttt•s I rtle~r<.1l1on ProJccl lawye rs s aid no student would have to ride a school bus for more than 45 minutes each way . Project lawyers said a recent s tate appeals court d ecision gave Californ.ia courts the powe r to require inte rdis tract de· s t•gregal1on if that ts what 1t takes to integrate a district. Supervisor Riley Enters Hos pital Orange Count.v S upervisor Thom as Rllcv c h c1·kcd into ll<>ag Mc>mor.i al Hos pital in N t'wport Rea<'h today for treat· mt•nt or a rc·sptrator y ailment. R tley t'Xl>l'<.'ts to be relc.·ased M rinday <t flc•r undergoing treat· mt'nl dur111g the WC'ckend. ••dOldOaa•p la8MI Met41dbck of Los Anieles, last year's state chili , ' ~took the honor for the second year at • •1 Chili Cookotr at the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach. Mccullick was one of 36 chefs in the an· DUI competition. <Related Photo A2). . r APWoreplw>lo Attorneys Battled For Life STARKE, f''la 1AP1 Silent a nd wid e -eyed . John A. Spenkelink we nt to his death in t'lorida's old oak e lectric chair t oda y. e nding a case that bhame a milestone in the na- tion's d e ba'te over capita l (JUnishmcnl Sµenkehnk. a form<·r Buena l'ark man. rt:-Jccting a chance to maKe a lus t s tatement , s cst s t rnpped. gagged and hooded in a n austere de<ith chambt'r al the Florida Stalc.· Pr1:-.on a!i d bl.ick h1111ded ext'<'Ul1oner thre" .1 ::.w1teh and l .300 volt::. or clc<: trtc ity :-urged through the con vit·ted murdt·rt•r ·:-. h~od \ lit• was lht· f1r:.l µ,'.'1soner CK 1.·c·11ted agam!il 111::. "tll in this eountry 111 more than 12 years The lank~· :111. vcar-n ld 's hand::. 1•urll·d and hlackcned ai. the f1r:-.1 of thret' jOlb ::.hot through him at 7 12 ... m POT. sending !imoke into tht.' death chamber A dot• tor ltstened threc tame.::. to ht:-. ht'a rtbeal Ix-fort• declaring him dead at 1·18 a m The las t l'>.ecutton 1n this country was J un 17. when Cary M<trk Gilmore r<:'fused t(J allow i.!ppcals m his bc•half <md was s hot by a ftrinJ;! squad in Utah Th<' last i.m son<:'r put to death aj?atnst his wall was Aaron C Mitchell. who was ext·t·uted in San ~~uentin ·s gas ch<irnht·r on f\pril 12, .1!-167 fo r ktllwg a Sacramento pobc:4o'man Spl•nkel1 n k. wh" v. a :-con demoed for killing a fello1,1, drifter in a Tallahassee motel in 1973. was take n from his holding cell for the last walk just minutes before he died Hts final gamh1 t m a s1x·vear legal battlt• fa tl t'd mome nts earlier whl•n thl' U S. S upre me Court voled ll-2 lu refuse. for the s ixth lime. to ht:i.lr an appeal ANTI-DEATH PENALTY PROTESTERS AGONIZE Reaction at News of Spenkelink ·~ Execution Florida Go\ Bob Graham. who s igned S p<>nke lrnk ·s death warrant Ma y HI. gaVt' the prison ... upe rtnlendt•nt the final go aht•ad in a lt•lephon1..· t·all from hi.::. Ta llahas~et' offi ce Lit 7 11 Witness to Death: "There arc no stay::. <it lhts ume May (;1111 ht• with u:.." a n a1dt• quotC'rl Graham as saying before hc hung up tht• phone 'He Didn't Speak' Opponents of t•aµ1lal punis h· mc nt gave all they had to the Spenkelink ca~t·, fearing that if he went many or the more than 500 others on the nation'!> death rows would follow By TOM SLAUGllTF.R STARKE, Fla. 1AP 1 When they raised the venc t1<1 n blind. .John Spenkehnk s t:.m •d directly at the 32 or us who watched him die today. He didn't speak. He didn't blink. He stared straight ahead There was nolhtn~ in the con· de mned man ·s expression. even though two or his c·loscsl friends in his last days we re standing in the back row of witnesses so he could see them before he died in the hu~e oaken elcclric c hair Then they lowered a hl ack hood over his race. The re was a pa use. then his body Jumped slightly. Smoke began ris ing from his right calf whe re an electrode was attached to his shaved skin. We were silent in room. We waited. Spenkelink 's chest was freed from a heavy leather strap. His while shirt was unbuttoned. A prison orricial reached inside his shirt and tugged at his.T-shirt, t•xposin~ his c·h1•i.1 i\ doctor then placed a ::.tcthesrorw 10 the <'ht:st uf th<' ng1d and hooded f1~Url' S pc•nke link 's hands w<'rt· rlutrhcd an i.I fi st :ind were dts t·olored I saw a lh rN' inch wo und helow a l<'alh<.•r harness on his calf lhs s kin h:id s plit. but he didn't bleed . Ltkt• the otht'r wtl· nesscs. I sat motionlt•ss in my c•hair for 'fi ve minutes. which seemc>d like ;m ;.1ge . ThC'n I s aw the executioner. fi e wor<' a black hood and a robe Other witnesses said they s aw two exeeut1oners. but I saw only one He looked at the man he was paid $150 to kill from behind a partition. The doc t or approac he d Sgcokci.io.k 1'«2 mor.!_ t~. c hecking his heartbeal a na pulse. One of the eight men ins ide the d eath chamber said something to P rison Superintendent David Brierton. The m a n s mile d (See WITNESS, Page AZ> Although S penkelink wa~ white. foes of the death penalty :-.ay 1l is used most often a~amst minorities A black prisone r. W1lhe Jasper Darden Jr .. had originally been scheduled to die with Spenkelink, but he won a stay. <See EXECUTE, Page A2> Cl1l' CLOSED FOR HOLIDAY There'll be no city gov· ernme nt activity on Memorial Day in Newport ~arll_,_ Ci1Ylt31fwTir6e clos;a:- the city council meeting won't be held until Tues· day and trash will be col-' lected a day later than usual. Nelg~or FonS Entry Newport Resident Corners Two Suspects A Central Newport Beach resi· dent who knew his neighbor was oul ol town cornered two youne. men early this morning as they assertedly burglarized a nehlhborina home. Police 1akl the two men brief· ly eaeaped from Ronald Sab· batll, 32, only to be captured a half·hour later because of the detailed auto de1erlption sup· pllec:I by Sabbatll. Booked Into Newport Beach City Jill on suspicion of burglary were Rick Riddle, 19, ind ~r Bonkahn, 22 • both residents or the Sunny Acres Motel. 2367 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. According to police Sabbltis was awakened at about 4 a.m . by the sound of windows being forced open at his neighbor's house at 2316 W. Ocean Front When he investigated. he told police h<" found the windows to his neighbor's bedroom open and saw two men inside, Sabbatis pursued the m and caught one brieOy before the man escaped into the car driven by his companion. Sabbitis is of average size and the two suspects are of slight build, police said. The pair were stopped 30 minutes later by S1t. Mike McEveny near the intersection of Newport Boulevard and Hospital Road. ransacking the room. They were booked when Sab· Whm Sabbatll asked the men bitis identified them as the lwo what they were doing t~y ran I "" h 'd . . out the OPPOslte atde::· tf' .. \ i' m~1h ~ seen 1ns 1de his house,policesald. ;\.h~ , 1 ; 1t~tlhbor shouse .. ~ ( AP Wit.,.,..IO Fl NALLY EXECUTED John Spenkelink Spenkelink Writes His Epitaph STARKE. Fla. IAP • In ht!> final hours. John A. Spcnkclink jotted down has e pitaph .. Man 1s what he chooses to he H<' ch<X>sc:-. that for himself." ~vcnkeltnk "rote on a note he ..,lt p pt'rt to hts minister. the Rev. Tom Feamster. le:.::. than two. hours befon· he died in Florida'!> l'lt•t·tr11· c·hair F cam ::.lcr . an Ept !>COJ>i.11 ministe r who became close to Spe nke link during his final m o nths. said that after handJng over the final written message, the condemned man gave the c le rgyman :.1 message or love. · 'Thl• last thing he said' to me wa s that h t' l oved m e." Feamster said "The las t thin~ I :.aid to him was that I loved him . Wt' s hook hands .. Ft•amstcr. who witnessed the l''<l'C ut1on and c al le d 1t 'barbarit'." recalled one other 1~1st statC'm('nt from Spcnke link ·'\\'hen this comes down. I hope lh<it some good wall come of II " S pPnk c l1 nk dirt not eat breakfast. There was no final ml•al. FC'amster said. but did take Holy Communion two hours heron· ht• was exeruled . "You net•d not waste your prayers on .John Spe nkelink, Lt!l 's pray for oursl•l ve:. Let ·s pray ror our souls .·· the minister said. ·'That wasn't J ohn Spenkelink that wa::. electrocuted in thal cha ir today. because John Spc•nkelink had died of this kind or barbarism vears a Ro." the m imsler s<Aid. OCAv id K e ndall. o n e or S pe nkelink 's attorneys. said t he rteath penalty "will be a thing or the past in anothe r generation." He said Ame ricans in lhc future will reject capital punish- <See EPITAPH. Page A2) Coast Weather Night arid inorning low c louds with hazy suns hine in the afternoons through Saturday. Highs in the mid 60s at the beaches and in the low 70s inland. Lows tonight S7 to 62. INSIDE TODA 'Y Have J10U got rh11thm? If not •tt ~ lo find aotM at tht Goldn Btar in Hunt· ingtOft Btach. Goldn Wtst Colltge or UC lrvint thi• wetkndon Page Cl. -J------------ -· -..................... . ··--·---.. .. • • -.. --....... -# • , ............. -... ---·-.. -· -.... ___ -..... "It's a ......,., attack on th_, part of .,,..,....nt .. ab)s t poor mlaorill• all Oftr tbe ccluntry. · · 11111........, llWal'd Far._.. a e.·tlme oppoaenl of capital ...... wbo foulbt to .... p nbllnk through a federa l court In Atl11nh1 T h t• l1 S S upre me Court 11truck down deallh pen11lty laws rn 1972 unrl ... lurlclu wus the fi rst 11luh • lo write u new one Now :J2 s l utt•:s h fivl' de uth l'e n a lty 11tutuk s lllld two m ore la ke er-,,.,., July I S~ui1lkehnk wus strapped 1:n· mobilt> in the threc-le~ged chair n illed "Old Spa rky" when a c ur laln was raised. making him vis· 1blc to 31 witnesses at 7 a m Spenkd ink could not speak. A hea vy s tra p bound his chin l'r ll>on t·r s upe r inte nde nt l>a' 1d Hn crtun. who chose the t1m~ of the e>.ccution, was in the · death chamber, a look of sad· nc~s on tus face. Behind a wall, a hooded ex- ecutioner thre w a s witch to send a series of cha r ges through Spenkelink's body. The first s urge passed onto S p e n'ke link 's s h a ve d head. thro ugh his body t o a wired strap on his leg His h a nds clenched. his legs moved . A se·cond surge. A third. Spenkelink was motionless. The do(•tor checked Spenkelink's heart, lifted the hood to look at his eyes. Spenke link was dead.· Part.ygoer St.r11t•k The exec utio n s t a rte d 12 minutes late, heightening the tension among the sever al dozen protesters and the dozens or re- porters who gather ed in a field a qua rter-mile from the prison. Executions traditio na lly s tart. a little late to give time for last 'mintue phone calls or stays of execution. Friends and passersby comfort Robert Kidd. 25. of 'Y ucaipa after he was struck by a car while crossing ~est Coast Hi ghway a l the Balboa ~ay Club Th~rsd~Y. night. Police said K idd. who was leaving the club s Ch1h Cook· off ran into t he path of a car dri ven by F r ank Togo, 43, of ·19732 Wcslwmds Lanl'. I luntingt on Beach. Togo was In the back of the witness room the voice of a minister cut the silence. not.rited. Kidd refused m edu:al l rE.-atm_e_n_t_. __ , ____ _ 'The minis ter. who had visited the condemned man for two years, read from the 5th chapter of the Gospel o r Mathew. 2nd Victim Djes In Mass Shooting The n he s poke to t he wti- nesses: · · 1 hope you gentlemen a re praying that this is just and m e r ciful punis hme nt. In the na me or God, for our sake ." S pe nke link m a de no final s tate ment in the death c hamber. Al Lee. a s tate correctio ns s po kesman. said the conde mned prisoner was given the chance but turned it down . BEVERL Y lllLLS U\P I ThP son of SOl:l IJ tycoon Lloyd Cotst·n r1·m:11ncd in 1·r11 wal l'on d1tw n today onl• dl:ly aflt·r CotsPn's wife aml a Iii Yl'ttr oltl boy dit>d from injuries sufrn<:d when the thrct• wN e bound und shot in the heart hy an intrutlc r, authorities s aid Christopher Dol'rtng uf Wf's l <.:ovina. who was li ving with th<: Cotsens while attend ing pre p sr hool, died Thurs day at Cedars S1na1 Mcd 1Ci.1l Cente r . :-.a1rl hos p ital s pokes man Robert Po well. Joanne Cotsen. 42, died Thurs· da y evening at UCLA Medical Center where she had undergone s u r ge r v. s aid h os p i t a l spok~smanAI Jlicks She had been a Juror in a c<t::.c involving an lrnman student. He r 14-year·old son. Noah, wa s in c ritical condition at UCLA. The young Doer ing t t he son of the Rev. Edg;J r A. DocriW? 1. Mrs. Cotscn and her son were each bound and shot once in the he ad Wednesday e vcrning. Police Capt. Lee Tracy said Thursday inves tigator s were baffled by the s hootings but have a good description or the g unma n . He sa id a cou ple es caped the attack on tree-lined Bedford Drive just next door to the home or pianist Jose llurbi YOUNGER KIDS GET TUTORING It's unusua l for an older child to have the patience to s it with a younger rhild to teach the three Rs . Not so for s ome 11Ne wport Harbor High School and KaJser Middle School students, who vlolunteer as tutors for younger stude nts in local e lementary schools. For a peek at .wha t these junior teache rs are doing, see Fe aturing, Page Bl. "The suspC<'L was dressed m ;il l dark dotti1ng anc! w11s wcar- ini:( ..,k1 mask:-. and glove.., 'Tra<'Y s<J1 d adding lhi.11 the rnan spoke with an at'cCnt. "possibly :'vtid<.llc t::a:-.lern or (::urupcan " Gold Prices Zoom; Dollar Trades Mixed LONDON I AP l Gold prices soa red to record le vels today. topp1n~ $270 an ounce on the oull1on markets in London and Zur1 C'h Uollar trading WCI S mixed on the world e xch<.tngcs Oull1on price!> in Londo n rocketed to $270 a n ounce at the mo rn i n j( fix in g . up fro m Th ursday's closing price of $265 and shatter ing the r ecord of $265 .6~5 set Tue sday London ~old brokers fixed the afternoon price a t $270.60 a n o unce, ;rnother record. The previous record was $264.50 at the Tuesday afternoon fixing. Gold h it $270.25 in Zuric h, E u rop e 's othe r big b ullion ma rket. The Zurich exchange, like ma ny other European finan- c i a I centers . reopened today after Thursday's Ascension Day holiday The previous Zuric h record was Tuesday's ~266.125. but the price fell to $264.375 Wed· nesday. The widely forecast $300 ounce of gold. predkted for the end of this year . appeared increasingly realistic because of the world oil shortage. fears or still more in· fl ation and general economic un· ce rtainty. Investors traditionally buy gold as a hedge in limes or economic unrest. * * * Front Pa~ Al EPITAPH .•. m e nt 1ust a s th ey r e1ec t· segregated rest room s a nd burn· ing or witches. One or the 12 public witnesses to the death was State Rep. An· dy Johnson of Jacksonville who sa id he attended to protest the execution. It w as no t inst a n t death. J ohnson said . "We saw a m an sizzled today a nd if you leaned forward a nd looked close you could see that he sizzled and sizzled aga in ... the man didn't die ins tantly. W1r: sat there and watched a cruel and unus ual thing ... As the s peaker s completed giving their accounts of the ex- ecution. a shiny biege hearse drove slowly out or the prison c o m pound a nd d o w n the highway toward the town of Starke. * * * Fro•PageAJ WITNESS ••. s lig htly. Finally , rive m inutes a fter Spenkelink received the first jolt of ele ctricity, the doctor nodded at Brierton. We kn e w John Arthur S penkelink was dead. Laguna Teen-agers Die in Fiery Crash L---4:....._ __ ,.. .. ia.c:iGAl~-~+-_......,""8'f:'!l~1r.r'1fe"B't!"tr"' ... M .. ,-gh--•T ... he ... ~·yoang men W!l'1r~ School graduates were killed in route to the Colorado River DAILY PILOT f N 0.-c-1 0..tf l''tl04 .. •lllt WlllCIHH-IHnM ..._ _p,,.., l\_h _Ofl .. 0.- C ... l-~C-f ,_.., ... _.., ...... ..,. ........... ., -· llw-F"""y lo< Cost• Mew."-k4<". """'""'°" 11 .. , .. ,.._ t•tnV•ll.,,l,,,-.l-llN<1t/Soull\Cot" A ................ .., ........ _._s..~ ....... - SufMUiY\ nw l)rlft( ~· ~'"'''"' S)f.-n1 '' •t llO -\I 8•Y SI ...... C°'I•-· Callfonlto .,.,. ·~ .. -Pf0-1•"""'*'"'"' JK•ll Cwtet Vtu PrH .... "4-0.-M~ -.. ·-Ec111 ... ~1A.M ........ *""'"'lltlitor °"'""·~ •. _, ... " AW\lt'll Ml"'"l•nv Edi Ion Telephone (114)MMU1 aelllfted Mwert1-.-...n ,l'r-S...C-..... a fi ery crash 55 miles south or below Boulder Dam where they Las Vegas early Thursday were to meet friends aboard a morning whe n their truck, houseboat. driven by a third tee n-ager , Matzinger is the son or Hans plunged off Interstate 15 and a nd Si m o n e M a tzinger o f down an embankme nt. Laguna Beach, and Maier is the Dead at the scen e was son of Al and Barbara Maier, Lawrence Campbell, 19, son of both of Laguna Beach. former Tides a nd Times Maler suffered minor head in- pubHs her Larry Campbell. juries in the crash and was re · Tangy Matzinger, also 19, died porte d in good condition at en route to a hospital in Barstow Barstow Community Hospital. following the 3:40 a .m . crash Campbell and Matzinger were which also injured drive r John lifelong Laguna Beach friends, "Sepp" Maier. attending Aliso Elementary California Hif(hway Patrol of-School, Thurston Intermediate ficer Bill Rippengale said today and Laguna Beach High School the trio was en route td Ariaona together. on lntentate 15 when the pl~kup Campbell and Maler were ten· truck went out of control and nls partners on the high school overtuf!led{ rolling down a 30-varsity tennJs team for several toot emDallkment. years, both letterlns in the A beer ke1 in the truck bed · rt spo . filled with 11101tne, ltnlted, burnina the two fatally injured Acquaintances and family youths, who were ejected from memben said tbe three teen· the truck along with Maier. a1ers were always to1etber. Officer Rlppen1ale said the ·'They were like the Three truck was travelinl "at an ex· M u1keteera." said young cea1lve speed," at the Ume or Campbell'• father. "Tbey went the crub. everywhere toptber. ·• ' .. They Love a Porode Oooly Piiot S1'111 P- Me mbC'rs of the Firebird Chili TE:'am <ii Nt•wport l3NH:h w hoop 1t UJJ during the ope ning µaradc at the Balhoei Ba~ Cl u b~ .innu.d C1111l Cookoll Thurs d'-1 \ T('am was l\•d II\ ;\l:1n Longpr 1· a ~rt.1du ate of the C'ordon Hl1·u I 1111k11w I 1l't'lt· 'Abused' Shelter Eyed By KATHY CLANCY Of Ille O•lly l'li.t S~ll The alleged murder this week of a former Huntington Beach woman tragically demonstrate!'> the need for spec ial she lters for women who are ahused by the ir husbands. Thal was th<' m t'ss:i ge brought to a press confe rence Thursd<1y by the director or the Orani::t County Wome n 's Transitiona l L1vini: Center. a shelter for so· called battered wives. O r . Alice Ochsman-Banner spoke or the shooUng in Long Beach Wed nesday of 32-yea r-old Marilyn Mahone. a forme r Hunt· ington Beach resident who had soug ht refuge in at lea st four women's shelter s in the year before her death. Police allege Mrs . Mahone w as m u rde r e d o ut s ide her mother's ho me in Long Beach earl y We dnesd ay b y h er e stra n ged h usband. Arthur J a mes Mahone , 34 lnvest1eator s s aid Mahone turned himself in late Wednes- da y t o s he r iff's de puties in Perris and is be ing he ld on murder charges io Long Beac h "She w<1s .i ter rified woman who was running for her hfc.' Dr Banner Ctsse rted at I he pn·:-.: conft'rence She :.aid Mr~ ~1ahonl' h:JC1 been :.t client at lht· sheltt 1 l.1lt las t ye ar but lc·lt v. h<'n h1·1 estrani::ed hus band lt•arnNI ht r whereabouts "When she rea lized hl' \.\tJUld find her anyy.ay." Dr ~C1nn<•r sa id. "she dt:'c1ded to go hac•k lo her mother and ma ke a nl'w li fe ." Dr. Banner and Oran~<' Coun ty Supervisor Ha rriett W1edt'r sa id t he a lleged slaying s hov.s the need for more c nlightcnco police intervention and greater financial s upport for efforts to protect battered wi ves In addition. Mrs Wieder ex· pressed hope that the federal Depa rtment of Ho us i ng and Urban Development would ap· prove a $300,00o grant a pplica- t ion for Dr. Banner 's center to buy larger quarters. County supervisors this week e ndorsed the cente r 's granl a p. Men's Suits for ONE DOLIAAR! ·WHtt,. ..... _ . .. " .... ...... ph•'Jllon and at the time. Mrs \\'1l•<it'r had Ll•rm ... d its approval ,, m.1ltC'r of hft> and di>ath." Whl·n I 1L...,(·rl I he lt•rm I h,1•1 nn 101-.1 th:it 11 had alrt>ady 11··1·11 .tt•tt·d out. ' Mr.., W1e dt:'r. .... 111t 1'h111:-.d;I\ 1!!\·1·11 with mor t.• money fo r l.1 r,i:1•r :-.hl•ltt•rs . Or Banner con- 1 intwd 1 h1• problem of abused \\I \, • .., v.on·1 d 1sapnea r until Ja ws p11 d11b1t 1ni.: ai.o;a ults are en· lon•ed tn 1tnmt·sltc situations In :.idd1 l1on. s he said. society m 11:-t 1·han~<' its attit 11de tow am v 1 o I t • n ,. <' i n g e n e r a I · · t h al ..,onw h(1 w t hat is a viable means 111 n ·solut1 on " Lon ~ Beach police alleged Mahone went to his wife 's home ..i t 3 30 Ct.m. Wednesday to re· turn the <'OUplc 's six·year ·old :-.on . Paul An argume nt brok1r: out a nd !\I a hone allegedly grabbed a n -: fie from his auto. s hooting tus wife once in the stomach and twice in the head as Paul ancf Mrs Mahone·s 11-year-old son, Phillip Allred . watched. police ::.aid -----------·, • • • TmMlers Tank Up For Trips 81 'IOll MaLSY ................. It WU the t""1 ol the "oddi" to fill their 1as tanks today and Oran1e Coast service st.alion operators reported that muy ol t-.eir cmtomen were 1auina up prior to bittinl the road OD thii Memorial Day holiday weekend. It is expected tbat many ••evens" will wait until early Saturday to gu up before they tao bead for the highways rather than take a chance OD lettiftC IH en route to their destination. Travelers appeared to have tbe cautious blessing or the Southern California Automobile Club which said today that the gas supply position durinl the GASOLINE LEADS PRICEtlKE~4 BUCKET BRIGADE U•TSET-A5 SOLONS' OIL STOCK A CONFUCT-Edttori•t, Al GAS STATION PRtaNG RAPPE~11 DECONTROL COST: 1135 PEA FAMILY-81 holiday weekend is "much more encouraging." A spokesman said the number of stations closing on any day during the weekend is the lowest since the gas crisis hit Southern California five weeks ago. He said fewer than 20 percent of Orange County service Sta· lions surveyed planned to close Saturday. The percenta~e in· creased to about SO percent on Sunday and 30 percent OD Mon- day. ••But those figures are en· couraging," be said. "More sta- tions will be open than at any point of the crisis and the word from those stations is that their s upply of gas will be much more plentiful.•· Rape Retrial Adjourned To Tuesday By KATHY CLANCY Ot • Oeit'I ...... , .... The widely heralded rape retrial of Glen Howard Hutcherson will resume Tues· da) after the 48-year-old Whit· tier aerospace worke r spent the better part of Thursday on the witness stand in h is own de· fense. The case drew national atten· tion when Hutcherson, earlier convicted of rape by an Orange County Superior Court jury, was granted a new trial because a judge didn't believe the story told from the wtiness stand by the alleged victim. At the retrial Thursday, Hutcherson denied before the Orange County Superior Court Jury that be raped 21-year-okl Catherine Hardin. Instead. be testified, the pair had sex by mutual consent after he picked her up as she hitchhiked in Buena Park. and Hutcherson said the experience was not one he enjoyed. ess or a O.lly ..... -., .... 0'0--11 RICHARD AND PAT NIXON DURING HIS PRESIDENTIAL YEARS AT CASA PACIFICA ....., Memortea Left Behind •• They L••v• E•te for Another S•n Clemente Address 'Property Divided In Divorce A 10-month, multimillion· dollar divorce trial, said to be the longest in California history. bas ended with a court order equally dividing $2.S million between a San Juan Capistrano recreation center magnate and his former wife. At the cente r of the battle between James Huish and his former wife. Marie, who has re- married and lives in Irvine, was the difference of opinion about the value of their community property. But Orange County Superior Court Judge J .E.T. Rutter ended the dispute with an order this week which set the value at $2.5 million and divided the property evenly. Under terms of the settlement. Huish may retain his interest in miniature golf course-recreation centers in Orange. San Diego. San 8emardino and San Mateo Counties. The former Mrs. Huish was awarded about $863,000 in cash. a Utah summer cabin, income from the sale of an Anaheim golf concession and an interest in two corporations. But from that, she must pay roughly $645,000 in attorney and witness fees accumulated dur· ing the 1().month legal battle un- less her attorneys succeed in winning a court orde r requirin~ Huish lo pay half the legal ex- penses. In addition, court rulings have yet to be made on child support and child visitation rights. Mrs. Huish was represented through part of the proceedings by famed San f'rancisco At· torney Melvin Belli. The trial also was marked by an I RS agent's refusal t o answer certain questions about Huish's tax returns. Judge Rut· ter bekl the agent in contempt of court but a federal judge in Los Angeles dismissed Rutter's or· der before the agent spent any time in jail. Huia,Jl's .attorney, Mark Smith of' Laguna Niguel, has appealed the dismiasal. leaders, Protests 10-year History Wo~'t Be Ignored By STEVE MITCHELL Of n. o.lly l'"9t Si.ff Richard and Pat Nixon arc le aving Cas a Pac ific a , the seaside estate they have called home rornearly a decade. The former president a nd fi rst lady will leave the sprawling estate for smaller qua rters less than a mile away in the fashionable Cyprus Shores area of San Clemente. But they will surely take with them the memories gathered over 10 years at the Spanish· style villa that has seen world leaders and movie stars inside its gatesandprotestersoutside. The former president celebrated his re~lectlon at the 29-acre estate-forme rly called the West.em While House. And il was to the 'San Clemente home that Nixon re· turned two years later, a man forced to resi1n from the highest officeintheland. · The biggest shindig at the villa was in August of 1972. when more than 15.000 "friends and neighbors" of the Nixons showed up at a rally, cbanti~g "four more years." The gathering was the largest ever recalled in s leepy San Clemente. and the traffic was backed up for miles on each side of the Nixon estate . Days later more than 400 film stars attended a reception at the Western White House, ente r· tained poolside by the Freddy Martin orchestra. Singer Frank Sinatra, a one· time active suooorter of the Kennedys' attend e d the ':Hollywood" re<!eption. as did hundreds of other film and television personalities. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger showed up with actress Jill St. John. a nd the president exchange d compli· me nts with the late J ack Benny. World dignitaries visited the San Clemente estate during the Nixon years, including Russian ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin. who compared San Clemente's beaches to resorts along his own Black Sea. Nixon's proposed trip to Pe· king sparked a visit by Japanese security forct•s who often ca11 lured the .ihcns as they M'aled ~· ch<i in link fencL' to I hl· com pound The walled estate beca me .1 refuge for thl' former president and his Wlfe after Watergate. with Nixon r;1 n ·ly vcnturini.: outside the proJ)C'rty He would walk on thl' beach on occasion. play golf at the nearby Estrella Golf Course, ct nd dine at s everal fa vorite Mexi ca n r estaurants 1n San Juct n Capis trano and Capis tra no Beach. The last big gattlering at Casa Pacifica occurred on the 50t.h an- nive rsay of San Clemente, when the forme r preside nt gave permission to city offi cia ls lo open the estate for bus tours. The one-day event dre w more than 8,000 visitors. who paid $2.50 apiece to see the six-acre grounds that house the Nixon home, pool, helipad and golf course. Some of the visitors expressed disappointment tha l the N1xons we re not at home al the time. but many were 1mpres::.ed by the S p a nish building and the peaceful grounds ll was reported t hat Casa Pacifica becctme too expensive for the couple lo afford and the gardens too la rge fo r Mr::.. Nixon to maintain. Frid!f, M!y 25, 1979 ---ot Executive Explains Shortage By FREDERICK SCllOEMEllL Ot •.,..., ...... Sl9H The .. gutsy" choice racing California motoris ts in the ruture will be either to drive a lot less or pay a lot more for gasoline. Thal assessment came Thurs day afternoon from Edward Wagner, an Atlantic Richfield Compa ny vice president, in t estimo ny o n the g as oline s hort age be f o r e a s late legislative subcommittee hear· ing in Irvine. For his company 's part, Wagner said, ."we have essen· tia lly run out or g asoline manufacturing capability. Two factors, be said. could in· crease Arco's output-easing of state regulations on gasoline vapor pressure and lead con- tent A relaxing of the limits would allow refinery production to increase, Wagner said. WaJtner estimated the current s hortfall of public de ma nd versus avajlable gasoline on the West Coast has been running 10 to 12 percent. although recent consumption has dropped sub- s tantiall y. He indicated the trick is to keep cons umption down on a susta ined basis W ctgner s<11d suggestions that the state purchase gct~ohne on the world "spot mctrkets" could prove a very expt:ns1ve propos1- llon ··Gasoline 1s now selling for more than Sl a gallon on the Gulf <·oast. In Amsterdam, the largest smgll" spot market, it 's ~I 30 a gallon." Wagner said. Nevada 1s one stctte that is m oving toward SPol purchases as a means of getting around tight gasoline supplies brought on by aJloc•at1on formulas 1m- pased by oil companies. . Looking to the June gasoline picture. Wagner s aid he ex· pcct s lanes at the gasoline pumps and limited hours of stct· tion operation. "And we 'll be US· ing everything we're making." Wa~ner said. Wagner said the June gasoline allocations are pretty much a mixed bag. Chevron USA, the state 's largest s upplier, with 17 percent of the market, is boost· ing a llocations. But Shell Oil Co., with a 13 percent share, 1s lowering allocations and Arco 1s holding even. Wagne r said. Speaking to a reporter after his testimony. Wagner said one m aJor problem contributing to th e shorta~e is the booming na ture of th e So uther n Califom1a a nd Ora nge County economy. Becausf' pcopll' have a lot of .;p l·ndctble money, tnt:rcasL'~ in J:asoline prices have not cul demand. DAIL y PllOT ... I ore 'WHERE DO WE FIND IT?' De•tera· Chief SheHon He said price increases only will take hold if the nation faces a prolo ng e d ·'econo mic slowdown." Wagner was the sole oil com- pany executive to testify before the subcommittee of the Joint Legis lative Committee on the State 's Economy. The hearing was conducted by Sen. John G . Schm ilz, R · Newpo rt Beach , a nd As · semblyman Richard Rubinson, D·Garden Grove. Ste ve Shelton. president of th1· Southern Calirorrua Service Sta t1o n Dealers' Association. said rt was his be lief tha t "J une 1s beginning to look a lot like May did." ''Where do we find more p r o d u c l ·~ ' ' S h e Ito n a s k e 11 rht>ton call y He suggested the state stl up the mechanism to purchase 200 million gallons of gasoline on thc spot market "so we can i.:et bctck up to our normal working inven- tory." Shelton said California's 16.000 operating service stations have the capability of storing 370 million gallons or gasoline and that pre-s hortage inventory levels ran about 190 million ga llons Today, inventorv has shrunk to a bout 80 mill1on gallons about a 21.2 day s upply on any given day. "We're operating off the bot· tom of the tank. so to speak." Shelton said. RespondJ.ng to a series of ques- tions rrom Richardson, Shelton said a recent association survey of 200 stations showed that 16 percent of drivers are "topping off" their tanks and that an equa l percentage is 1.1utting ~asolme an containers. He said the storage or ~:tsolinc in cct ns has "aggravated"' thc s 1tu<1t1on. but later conceded he c·arries a spare can himself. Variegated Veronica ( •'• • rt 000 Wft '' 1111 'l )•1 w1•ti IOVf'OON 1Leylondi Cypress ffi't'1 ''l',l f)f')Wlfl(J r ()nth "f n10• •··· IJf• • H·Pflpnt \Ct"•'O ''' •nn'1 'H •' qr' et11 'f ~01 '~ /t i ~,. 'f ~ ·1' t SALE PRICE 51.39 Prime Minister Eisaku Satu in • 1 f R f early 1972, and many other 0 e U aees world leaders made the trek to Feoluring lmpollens Marigolds Pelunlos On<l Begomos 59c ,.. e Southern California when the Fully blossomed 10 4· pol Req go SALE PRICE -~~:::.r-~~~~~~p~re~s~ident:;~v;a~c;at.iooed~·~~th~e~r~e.;;-un:---~imii~~~~iiiiiiiii..iii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~iiii~f':~ia~~~Feiiffifuln"-ir-~---r-i as-a so rew un· e lln ay welcomed 0uests on occasion, ••~ · 'cnoo~i' flom over 9 /NSTANT LAJTJT'N 0001cnvo11et1es .-... .cm~ ....... ..,...... with sign-carrying protesters 1'1 o•m~ro•r••t·e Interrupted dreams. That's one way of looltina at tlae Plilbt of the 15.000 to· 18,000 Iadocbi.Dae refugees who have MUied in Oraace County. In a four-part series that •tarta in SUnclay's Daily Pilot, Raff writer Jackie Hyman re. Porta an the barriers tbat bave beea faced. the adjustments tbat .Uve been made ud the ntac· t.pas betweea aeneratiom and Dtltbbon. Sbe ltartl by Jooklq at bow IOIDe bi8blY Nilled Vletnamete .-tbelr careen in limbo to 1et a Joodad ln tbe new homeland 8id at what It C!Oltl to belp tMm ..-.ule. Otber featured stories In the ftioa will lnclude: W•IDING ALONG -· In erlbl., bi1 recent flltht _.....,. Ille CGecorcle, keeutive ltor TllomH Kee•U tells ... noak MDl8tlom ....... ....,.. ... " •xperieeeecll ....,.. • country tbat few ..... ...,..bout. marching outside the gates. roll out the green carpet 5 SQuore Ft Rolls cntOI to•()lllti [ ] They ranged from opponents . -,WI Hi sod'""" DICHONDRA '1. 99 Roll 4 Pot S11e ~CQ ''9 SUNDAY'S BEST of oil drilling off Santa Barbara. 79e to a eontingent of Volunteers in -·-•"c .......... ,. HYBRID BERMUDA or LE PRICE S i t A ST cal-~urf 'l 59 erv ce o merica <VI A 1 STOLONS At SO BLUEGRASS • Roll l'tJN AND GAMES AFOO'I' - "We have aomethin1 you can't rehearse: fun," says Roser Gamble, one third of the new Kiqlton Trio. For reviews of their Saddleback COiiege con- cert and the arrival of Sherlock Holm• and Dr. Wauon at Mov· leland Wu Museum, see Sun· day's entertainment section. HOMBa BOtJND -While lrvlne'1 Oxoco builds a soUd domestic base ln the oil busi· nesa, tta president continues his search for a "home run" that \will Ind to ricbes iD tlamoroua loretp ...... The Business of the Week. ' PU...flLLSD -NIGHT -Ex· . dtlDI 4INma told ftntband .., a reclq yacht '1 navlptor who rillled .bll Ute •t n11tat lD rou1h HU to try to 11ve a mate who'd fallea onrboud. seeking more funds for their AVAll ABlf philanthropic activities. Illegal aliens were frequently captured on the estate in their night north from Mexico. The hl1Jhly sophisticated anti· intrusk>o alarm system at the Western White House alerted Wo1''t Drink To New Law NESHUA, N.H. <AP> -Rep. Kevln Mulli1an won't be joining fellow lawmakers In toasting the at.ale's new le1al drinking a1e. He'aonly lt. A at.ate law raisins the leaal drlnklnc aae to 20 went into ef· rect Thunday and Mulll1an will have to wait another six month11 before he can le1ally drink the bard stuff. 0 -l:L COSTA MESA V IC fOICll\ ~ ~-• L 0,..1.,. • w ... 1 ..... • ,_ JIH MIWPOlf ILYO. COSfAMISA Mt-31H '•tto 142-4103 • I . , llly-of·the-Nlle ~-' :i, ~' (Agoponrnus) • j''4 i~~t";... lottyciustenot f· \ l oi'v1111owe1s nigtiognt 1 / th!s \l1rub in ~ommer I , }: , , I (,ol St11• 1-~~~i:.: s;LE ~:ff:1 #~~~ '1.49 IAN i flit (t0 ::> •wv ~ VALLEY c~~ 11420 •OOIHUIS T ~ POUMTAtM ¥AWY '" .......... ., .......... ,., .. ... o ... t•l-6771 ONM7DAYS ..... ,_ ,; - ,,._, ..., .... '"" : ... . -'•• .::·~·:: ~oastiag . ·--... :.j .... ,,_,,; Infla~ion Contbiues to Erode Buy_ing Pawer :. workiq boan, mc::cr due to the gasoline prices in April •II tllf' 11.-NG '1"8& PSal'acr WAV&: For t.M three lone swfena wbo &bowed up •Iona the W..t Newport ahOl'tltlne thl1 put Wednelday. there waa eVH"Y lndJcaUon thla wu 101Da to be aD utr.ordiD&ry d&)I. As tMy looked to .... early moniq IUD Wltl dappUn1 tbe wa&en at Newport'• ftDN& llOUlh-faclq aurflntc bea<'h There wu no wlDd. Nobody oa UM aand Nobody 10 the water. Aa for Ute aurf lt.Mll. lt wun't ol lhe apeclacular varau- ty. Tbere were none ol lboM! 1re1t, behemoth wave~ lhMt aur1e u,p and cruh aboreward sptwln.-: kls or watn ftnd white foam. IN8TEAD. UntEa SMALL breakers w~rt-rolling toward short-. But tht!y were wu-ufOed by wind They hi\d a 1lauy. xulp(ured abape as they crested amd leathered WASIONGTON IA P > -Led by the bi11eat incre ase In 11aoUne pricee ln more than live years. COOlumer price• fOlle 1.1 percent in April, the Labor Oepartment reported today. It wq the thJrd con.ecutive month ln which consumer prices have rilen by 1 percent or more. The Mardi Increase was l per- cent. and February's wu 1.2 perceal. IF CONSV•Ea PalCES COD· tlnue to rise in the next nine months as fut as they did from February through April, they will produce an annual inllalion rate of 13.9 percent. ,the depart- ment's figures show. This is nearly double the Carter administration's official, lllraet or a 7.4 percent inflation rate for l979, and well above the 9 pertM rate tor all of 1"8. In a related report. tbe Labor Department aaid inlJaUoa and taxea bad combined to reduce further the buylag power or American workers. The amount ol money workers have to spend tell 2.4 percent Jn April, tbe Bureau of Labor StatJatics said. So far this year, tbe decline wu 4.5 percent. SUSAN SNOW, A labor spokeswoman. said the April decline was the largest since a 2.7 percent drop in January 1978. Adjusted only ror infiation, average weekly earnings fell 2.6 percent in April, the largest since the Labor Department began collecting statistics in 1964, Miss Snow said. The drop was blamed on a decrease in trucken' strike. tbe bilb largest monthly advance a1DI.; Aprll lnflatioa rate. the 7 .3 percent recorded tj Tbe report oa tbe Conaumer Marcb 1974." at the bellbt of U.,: Price Index Indicated that the Arab oll embargo. the repait 1realelt priee lncreues ill April . said. involved tranaportaUoa, up 2 pat rick Jae km a a, aD percent for tbe montb, and houl· ecoaomlat who beada tbe COit' in1. up 1.1 ".reenl. ~ figures s umer price branch at the Labor renect lar1e inereaaes ill oil Department, said about 22 per- produeta. cent to ZS percent of tbe price iJi. •'The 6 percent riae in deaincreuewuduetoguoUne., Egypf s Flag Flies Over Town in Sinai EL ARISH. Egypt <AP> -The Egyptian nag went up and Israel's Star or David came down in a brief military ceremony today amid scenes of joyous confusion in this Sinai town, marking the first transfer of territory under the Mideast peace treaty. The final contingent of Israeli troops. wbicb bad occupied lhe town 1''or Surjers. Nothing ii Mori! Pun Than a Perteet Little WaVt' and swept in to lbe beach. For board surfers, they were perfect waves. So it was that the trio joyously moved their boards out through the white water wash to meet them .. This was go- ang to be a fun morning along the deserted strand of West Newport between 40th and 44th streets. Fun. that is. until the Newport Beach lifeguards showed up and ordered the trio out of the water The sum mer surfing rules are in force now . you see Board surfing 1s outlawed from 8 a.m. to fi pm in this sector. which is Newport's finest south-facmg ~urf break. Sorry. Never mind that beach and sea were deserted, sa\·e for three board s urfers. SOMETIDNG IS WRONG htm:. Oh, there was a time, more than ci decade a go. when some grimy, pseudo-surfing types mcide a mess of Wc~t Newport. Controls were needed because those cruds o( ~esteryear violated laws and destroyed private property. But the hippie "surfer types" of the 1960s arc largely a vanished breed. Nobody mourns their passmg. Sur fers of today are doing a ~ood job of policing their own sport. The surfin~ ~tmeration of today shouldn't be punished for the nusdeeds of a bunch of cruds from yesteryear.· There was some indicalLon earlier this year that the Newport Beach City Council would lift the surfmg ban in West Newport, a t least for the windless morning hours. But they failed to do so LOGIC MIGHT SUGGEST that the lifeguard service be given a fl exible board surfing law that allows the guards to exercise discretion on when surfing should be al 1owed or banned. Rarely would the guards make a mis· judgment. But last Wednesday, the guards were forced by law to order three young men out of a vacant ocean. They apologized for doing it . Soa lotofperfeclhttle wavt>s went unen)oyed Clearly, something is wron~ here Boycott Joined By State Agency SACRAMENTO IAPl - A th.rd California state agency that bolds stock in General Motors has voted to support a resolution against South Africa -winning praise from GO\, Ed· mund Brown Jr It was the State Tcach"ers' Retirement System . following in the footsleps of the University of California r egents a nd the Public Employees' Retirement System since the 1967 war. pulled out and Egyptian forces took over the 425-square-mile El Arisb sec- tor on the Mediterranean coast an the first stage of the Israeli withdrawal from occupied ter- ritory. THERE WAS AN explosion of joy by the town's 45.UOO Arab res· idents, who mingled with hun· dreds of Egyptians, s haking hands. shouting congratulations and kissing. T~e ceremony coincides with the opening of talks between the two nations in Beersheba. the Israeli Negev Desert capital 60 miles to the northeast. on self. rule for Palestinians in the oc- cupied West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip. The ~yphan delegation Jert for Beersheba today, led by Butros Ghali, minister of state Basques Claim Assassination Of 4 in Madrid MADRID. Spain IAP> -Two terrorists assassinated a ~eneral. two colonels and a military chauffeur in a blazing s ubmachine -gun a nd hand- grenade attack on their car in downtown Madrid today, and a call lo a news paper s aid the Basque separatist group ETA was responsible. Police said the authenticity of the call to the paper El Pais had not been established, however. It was lbe bloodiest terrorist attack yet against army officers and raised to 54 the number of people killed in Spanish political violence this year. Witnesses said the terrorists struck at 7 a .m. when the car was moving slowly after picking up the general at his home. 5 Tornadoes Slam East 2 Hurt, 15 Homes Damaged in South Florida Alblt'qve ""~· ..... _ ..... eos-•r-v1r,. Bvff•lo CIWtltflSC ~ Olk ... °"'""*' ~ DelFt W. 0.- Dttrolt Ml Le~ t l S6 .ot 11 .. m 11 " .11 11 .. S> SI .W I• 6S S7 ... OS '° S6 1.23 71 4S S• 4' •o •1 .12 6' 4'2.03 7' SI 7> St SJ ..... F......., MU ~ejare 9J SS K l1191toft II n .........,..., 7J Merelloft 14 61 MulcoClty 11 n .,... .. 13 Moftl•rrev M n Neu eu II 1S Teeu<i9e1Pe II 70 Trllllcled U 17 V«• CNI .. 1J llmltecl to lrett, tlulldlft9S •nd • ,,,..II _of wfll<IH. In lN w..t, Kett.rec:I W-" •nct tl1uodln.._" '°49Y u teflded from sovtMnl .,,._ .c:r·ou IN c..,.r•I and soutllerft Rockies Into '"• soulllerft pleleeu eftd extreme soutllffft Celilorftle. C'alltorala ........ Dey~ •Ill get oH to • SleW tlart Seturdey wltll IOW momlft9 Md eWflillO <toucb llNr Ille <OHi, llut llUy .....,_ ~fl$f!IM .,_Id !Ir ... IN dey, IN H•Uolllll w .. ..., Senlce wld. lft &.os""'9lH, llftMI" Ille mid 7te -pndk'9cl SMunlay, Glilllomie MKIWs ...... .,_.,...,.,.,,•~lltt~le,..COOI I« ~llen, wltll 11'9M predicted In tlle mllMOs. Weter ~relures _,. HpKlM to ,.. l'Mllft "'ttle 50t •ncll --T lie •••Iller urvlte torec•st ,.rleflM ,...,. '" tlle .. ,,~ .... Pf9dk'94 widely K•ttencl .ntr.- and """"lme tl!UllCIM JlloMl"S in IN -"'· """' ~ ~ .... ec II '"'° t11e low '°' In -ft0r1tlttft dewrtl , Wiii! toUlllefn 11'9f>t '" Ille mid·~. lft otller rect"Nlfellel MNS t!1t wt· looll ••• for • <Mii<• of Sllowen SatunNiy •""-Md pertly CIOudy Sul!Hy ateer-lft llW' Coler.00 River .,.. 8lld Ille S.ft G•llrtel MottM••~ S•rt•qeri F-t fflld .. *"OM· S4trf: ·-· llei9M Ill feet. NIH• ,_._..Ill ..... ~IOdlnMCondl, AvtMH Pw z-. 2 l It S.ftt•McwMca I 7 tt H...-n~ 2 , ,. Safi D .... Ceumy t • 14 Swell: A-eve lleitflt lft fftl. Mell• 1-..illelllltl"lltt. Olntctlon. .... Mu Dtr z-t t SW seftte.... I 2 SW H...-nMllMlfllton I 1 SW S.O .... C-..y t > •SW Outl ... : lftcr .. 11119 sovtll.,ly -II wllll -111Koml111 I to S fMI Oft -MUtll fe<lne llNtllet tlllt •IWr• -•IWeulllsetu ...... y. fCoaalal ao.ather in· /onrtatioft .U be found on l>ofeAl5 lodaalJ. for foreign affairs, as a last· minute substitute for Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil. Khalil ~ltended talks Thursday between· Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and there had been no indication he would pass up the Beersheba trip. "TIDS IS A VERY moving moment. I am extremely hap· py . · · sciid Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. who watched the El Arish transfer ceremony on television at bis home in Alexan- dria. "This ceremony sends a lot of messages to those who oppose peace . it will be a turning pomt in history. -peace and brotherhood ins t ead of \'iolence," he told reporters. There was one ugly moment in the transfer ceremony when an angry crowd swarmed after a group of Israeli soldiers who were delayed in lheu withdrawal. "Today El Arish. tomorrow Gaza." the Arabs shouted. "No more Israelis after today." In the Chips Los Angeles public relations ma n Hal Fowler won $270,000 in what as believed to be the longest s ingle day's olav in the IO-year history of the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas. His 7-high straig ht beat Bobby Hoff's two aces in a five-hour confrontation. Name Your Game ... ~ ... ....,~l~-~;J We've-Got Your-Team.I Tbe teams of 15 Orange Coast area high schools and three community colleges get personal attention and coverage from the Daily Pilot sports staff. Not Just scores, but s&ories and pictures whenever and wherever the news breaks. Dally Pilot sportswriters and pbotograpbers are at tbe games &o bring you detailed nrst-band reports and pictures. Our wire service reports &be actioD of college and professional athletic contests across the nation. Added &o all of this are the repons of other local blgh school and college sports, from wrestling &o women's athletics. Name your game -we cover your team -in the sports pages of the DAILY PILOT 642-4321 -. ~· l \ I ' I r I •• ----... -· .. --·------· .... --,.._ -- ---~ •• I 9 *-• .. fr•• ----_,.....,..-• -~ ,,.. -·--· -~·--'Tt:' ... ,.:,; _,..-.-...--. •• #• • ---·-·-·· ·----. --.. • • • -~ ~ •• t•:..·-;--· .. ~·.:. .,,...-_.·:.•.:. .... .:.·--~,,··-·-·:-::--.. -•.• -··-:.-:.-.-=··-----·-·:---=~~ -"'------------------___ ......._ __ -------------___ ,__ __ _.. ----·--~'-' ....... ....: --_____ _. .... "" . , .. ...., ..... --·--.---.. ---. -----.., .._ ...... _ ' .la%%JI ~au·makPrs ............. Stale Sen. Ralph Dills. D·Garuen<J . on the ~ax. and As· sembly man Henry Mello. D-Walsonville. e ntertain on· lookers in Sacramento. The duo. a long with members of the ir Derby J azz Band pt·rformcd on the Capito l lawn Thursday to he lp public1zt• the Sacramento Dixieland J azz Ba nd Jubilee bf'ing hl·ld this weekend. Brigade Limited SACRAMENTO IAl'l -Gov Edmund Hrown Jr I~ cracking down on tht' bucket brigade in his halest amendment to the "odd evt-11 " gasoltnc ullocal1on vro~1·11m Tht-Mme ndmenl tt nnounl·etl Thur~duy hm1ts the umount that muy be· sold m a l>eparatc cou tJ1ncr to lwu i.:allons pt-r 1n111suct1on. and one <:untCJLnl'r per traru.e1ct1u11 Tilt: ~TATt; •'IRE Marsha l .., oHH·e also warns that 1t 1s ulready a~amst the law to put ~a::.ohne rn anything but con l a 111 c r s approved fo r th1tt purpose And Hrown 's executive w dcr include~ e1 warning that 1t 1s "a n l'Xt n•m ely dangerous pral•tice" to store gasoline in separatt• containers in the trunk of a car The executive orde r could re· <lut•c the lines of persons carry· 1ng assorted cont a iners to service stations and be ing served with nu reference to odd or t·ven THE CHANGES ALSO include ('1t a t ions or t ickets for motorists who buy gasoline in '1olalion of the rult•s. Originally, only service stu· lion attendants and owners were subject lo fines or Jail. The order tightens the rules on station hours in an attempt lo kee p m ore s t ation s open weekends. The previous order required stations to pos t their weekend business hours. but diet not require them lo be open du rang thOse hours .. ,,. ...... ScM.tth CONI Plan 381• So Br1a101 A11e IAHTA ANA ,,. 656 2570 DAILY PILOT "the look IS yoJ" • And our "Summer Lights" make it all happen. United Strike Cost $8 Million a Day FIFTEEN COUNTIES and 75 ~~ , pNcent of lhe state's populallon ~· The light shades of summer 79. To turn your nights & days on. we have 2 & 3 pc. suits from such famous names as Hart Shaffner & Marx, Lanvin. Palm Beach & Botany 500, all in the more relaxed styling o f the season. Dress them up, a re under the plan SUITS• \ . :i.· · 'Thl' rl'ason lines al stations SPORTCOATS • ~ h '-~ h rt · h l REG 4&-56 ; ave •A·Cn s o er 1s l a more LONG 46.56 · / motorists arc resortin~ to public x LONG ·42-55 ~\ :· transit. car pool and reduced PORTLY REG •'-S6 '. :i driving habits. If those recent PORTLY SttORT 4H1 · ': or play them down. BURLJNGAME t J\1'1 -Tht· 55-day str ikt' against Unitt-d Airlines. which cost tht' carrit•r an estimated ~ mal hon a d<1y. has ended with union ;.tpproval of a nt:-w contract in t i me for lht· airline to cash an on somt• of the Memorial Day rush the strikt' got half.pay changes are reversed, we 'll be PORTLY LONG •B-s6 Tht· ne w contract calls for a JO perrt'nl s <1lar y inc rease over thrl't' years. plus fringe benefits induding cust·o f·liv1ng in· c r t· a s c s T h c a v e r a g e mct•hanic·s 'hourly wage will go rrom SIO to $13 a n hour by mid HIBi. The agree ment a lsu provides fM highe r pre mium Pl1) and pensions, und a paid half hour lunl'h 1n an 8·hour \\Orkrfay right back in the soup ... Davis 1 7 5 295 added. -•• ..... • ·-· ~ •• ....... • to • The new o rde r r e quires 1-------------------..;;::. ... --...;;.;.. __________________ ._.._._...., ______________________ --t m otorists to a llow r e taile rs, TORRANCE FULLERTON LOS ANGELES Neal to SOUTH COAST PlAZA the ir employees Or peace Of· 20434 Hawtnome Btvtl CJ•d•UJ• l,.,r M., lrO I\ '>!J""<J ~ontd Al\d n11ar "ln11 lrea~ury 371 1800 1171 1192 62•~2!13 556-2570 fi cers to inspect fu el gauges with · · the ignition key on. GLENDALE FASHION CENTER RIVERSIDE MONTCLAIR PLAZA GRANADA tttUS Nein 10 Rot>onson'~ Jb'>'t i:.,wr~•O• P1 .. t,1 '•• •I 10 (,I l Pnvr., ,.,,.,,. 8dll>Oa .it Oevonst11re * * * 247.0MI 682·36SO 621-7973 Je0.227S T he \IOte. a nnounced Thurs day. reprcst!ntt.'<i ovcrwhe l ming e1pproval by a large. unsrX!t'lfll'd turnout of its 18.600 mem~r~. union officials s<1id . hut they declined to give the exact tally. RICHARD THOMAS. <1:-.~1 !­ l ant district chairm<1n of the• In t l•rn ational Assoc1t1l1 on o f Machinis t s and i\c ro!'.p an· Workers. said the first shift of m echanics will go back lo work around midnight Sunday <Jr earlier. United. confident of approval of t he three·year pact agreed to las t Saturday. had said 1l planned to resume partial service on Monday including fli ghts to Hawai i. whe re the strike caui-ed a big drop 1n tourism. liased on United's gros~ earn· mgs of SJ billion in s<ilcs l<1~t year. the airline su1d . the longest strike in its history co!'.t more than $8 million <i day in sales. UN ITED •'t;l.T the full brunt or the strike because a Mutual Aid Pact. which provided finan- c·ia I relief for struck a irlines from carriers that profiled dur- 1 n g strikes. ex pired l ast December following dcregula lion of the industry. About 47.000 union a nd nonu nion United e mployees lost about S200 million .i_n wages . at'· cordin ~ to a m a nage me nt source About 7.000 management personnel who worked during Is Hayakawa Cat-napper? WASHINGTON CAP > - Docs he or does n •t he~ Sen. Alan Cr anston. <J California Democrat. and others say yes. But Sen. S. I Hayakawa. a California Republican . wo n't say whether or not he has been fa lling aslt't!J> at recent poli cy meeting~. C ninston held a new:-. <·onferencc Thurs d<iy to talk about other things. but was asked about re· ports tha t Haya kaw<1 :-.noozcd through a White ll ouse me e ting o n C ali fornia 's gaso lin e s hortage last week. C r a ns to n said he 'd noticed Hayakawa s leep. ing al a briefing two week s a go when the str ategic arms limitation t a lks were concluded. Cr a nston added that he "did not observe him ca r e full y.·· but s aid Hayakawa "appeared lo be asleep." Sohio Nixes Tanker Port; State '-Late' SACRAMENTO u\1'1 -Two California agencies gave Sohio the green light Thursday for the Long Beach supertanker port. but the company said they were too late. The two agencies a pproved the permit s within hours of each other: the South Coast Air Quality Management District. meeting in West Covina. and the slate Ai r Resources Board, meeting in Santa Barbara. IN ADDITION, Gov. Edmund Bro wn J r .. in Sacramento. s 1i;tned legislation to clear away some of the obJections raised by Soh10. But in Cleveland. the directors of the Standard Oil Company of Ohio unanimously reaffir med their decision to aban'don the Cahforrua-Texas connection. C HAIRMAN ALTON W Whitehouse issued a statement saying the economics changed while waiting for the permits. "The fact of the matter is that ne ither these governme nt leaders nor Sohio can turn around the results of five years of delay. which have s ubstantial- ly eroded the economic atlrac- ti vencss of this project.·· h•· said. Oil Firm Faces ·Charge ~--=Br.o_wn_Eamily Corporation '-Overcharged'- SAN FRANCISCO (AP>-An oil firm owned by former Gov. Edmund G. Brown Sr. and other memben of the Brown (amity has been charged ~y a federal agency with overcharging its C11Stomers for petroleum and oil producl '>. aimed al repeal offenders which has won 30·1 ap· · proval of the stale Senate. The Department of Energy 's Economic ~egulatory Administration announced Thursday it bad initiated legal action against Perla Oil Marketing Corp. of Beverly Hills to recover Sl.8 milltoo in alleged overcharges. .,...,...s ......... .. LOS ANGELES cAP>-The driver of a Frito· Lay Inc. delivery truck has been shot to death in Watts ewer an ar1ument about who was at fault for breaklnl the truck'• front window, police said. Gary Weuoa, 26, or Norwalk. was dead on ar· rhal at MarUn Luther Kini Jr. Hospital on Wed· aetdQ. after be be1an arguing with a aroup of ..... ...,.. whom he believed had shattered his truck window with a lkown object. Police said Andrew ( ) aim. •· tbe father or Sf ATE aee oftbe JOUtbl, aurren· ---------d'-red' to aaatborttiea ~tbelbooUDC. ._.Crime 8tll ••r•~fl IAC&UlSNTO <AP> -·Sentences for mott Ila am. .woaJd be Just about doubled by a but But SB13 by Sen. H.L. Richardson, R·Arcadia. went Thursday lo the Assembly, where lhe Criminal Justice Committee killed something similar last year . • It would increase terms for persons convicted or various sex crimes including child molesling. rape, forcible sodomy or forcible oral copulation. C1gan'f te Ba• So•g•• SACRAMENTO <AP)-An assemblywoman said Thursday she wanted the Legislature to ask Congress to ban American ci1arettes that bum for long periods when left. unattended and start deadly fires. Assemblywoman Leona Egeland, D·Mor1an Hill. said at least 2,000 Americana die every year in residential fires caused by American cigarettes, many of which are manufactured to bum from 20 to 45 minutes when left unattended. Te.pie \'fell•• ••rl~d OAKLAND cAP) -All 248 un.ldenUfied vie· lims ot the Peoples Temple slaughter have finally been buried, Ii,.\ months after 9U members of tbe cult died in a sulclde·murder ritual in Guyana. The final 48 unldentlfled bodies. mos tly children and teen·aaers, were buried in a ma11 11rave Thunday with only a few mourners OD hand to place nowen oo the eaueu. .. Announcing an Exciting New Change! ( z~aystoBuy lntroducinCJ Orange County•s First and Only SELF SE RV IC Pick-up your own merchcilldlse frOin~- our warehou$e. HELP YOURSELF OR LEAVE IT TO US!! SELF-SERVICE FULL-SERVICE Tele•ision and Appliance Store FULL -SERVICE,~ Inspection, preparation, dell•ery, set·•P· nonndl Installation and ext•11clecl warrm1ty. Either Way With the Smne 9'1alty mid Rellablllty You'Ye Trusted For 0Yer ep. .. \....OOy• Of'•" 1ol4'¥on WM ,,, Hunt•niton hoch 142-55•• 53 YEARS. Huntington ho<h 536-7561 - -· .... Music Center Gift lifts County Image 1'twre huvt> been m a n) OCl'aMons during th(• pust d••c· udl' wht'D k>vt•n of the art.-. in Or&n~., County d.-spalrt·d of ever st~nntt the kind of cultural rompl{'x they fe ll wu~ Ion~ overdm.· In th&s arl'a And it st'Cm t-d to_lhosc who lon,.r(•d to ~tt eum.t ruction of Or1m~e ('ounty 'ir' unswl"r to Los AnJtPlcs' Dorothy, l'hondlt•r Puvllion thut tht• d1ss<'nsion bt:twt•t·n rivul c·om {llUnihl'f\ ancl r~H'tlOO~ t'llU lci Ot•\'l'r tw rt•::,ulvt-d lo th • point lhut :1urh a complt~)( rould ht• hu1lt Rut lht>rt• Wt•rt' thus~· who worked <1iligcntly to lwul the nfts and umfy tht> t•fforts desp ite many St>lbacks These people h1&d thl'ir rt.•wurd this Wt't-k when dehghte<,\ chre cton or Orantt~ County Mus ic Cenkr Inc. accepted" girt or hmd that wall put our new c ultural complex rn Costa Mesu The gcnt.•rous donatton by the St.>gt'r:.trom family of Costa Mesu is the first step m an enterprise that will see lovers of mus1<'. opera and ballet n ocking lo the S4S m1lhon l'Omplt-x an South Coast Plaza four or five years from now Verv hi tit• of that S45 million as in the organization 's toffers at this moment. But the directors who made their happy a nnoun<·cment this week seem convinced that the I unds wtll Ut> forthcoming long before the groundbreaking scheduled at the five-acre site two years hence, ll was good to hear the announcement that so many thought would neve r be made and it was even better to st'e at the gathering the solid support the group has from the county's c ultural organizations. Representabves of the Orange County Philharmonic ~ociety. the Irvine Maste r Chorale, South Coast Repertory Theate r . the county's Lyric Opera Association and the Orange County Master Chorale were · clmong · those who made it clear at the meeting that the days of dissension and bicke ring are over. And they heartily applauded an important point stressed by Musi<· Center President Elaine Redfield: that the n e w c ultura l complex will be no more than 30 mmutes' drive from <Jn y point in Orange County. Congratula tions are m order for those many devoted workers who have toiled so lon g ma vineyard that so often seemed destined to be barren forever. J\t long last. Orange County is to provide a showcase for the world's g reat exponents of the performin~ arts. All involved in this e nterpr ise deserve a standing ovation. Reports Stir Doubts Financial d1sclos ure requirem ent:; now imposed on members of Congress pro'v1de some inte resting-a nd not alwa~scomfortmg mform~t 1on for vote r s. ThC' first stat e m <'nls covering a full ye<lr -as n.· quired b~ the nf•w Eth1t~ in Government Act -reveal I hat mon• than t \\O dozen members o r the House of He prcst·nt ..il1 v<'s h;wt· exll•ns iw financi<l I interests in oil a nd natural ~ls. Severa l more received direct payments ;n varying ~mounts from oil companies and industry as· s ociatlons for speaking en~agements and the like. R~p. S William GreN1. R-N. Y . who emer~cd as one of the wealthier members of Congress. reported holdings m five m ajor o il companies; Rep. James Clevela nd, R ~ H .. reoorted dividends from holdin gs in four oil firm~. kep. William Cliner. 0 -Pa .. lisle<! a holding of at lea st $100,000 in Gulf Oil: Rep. Dante Fascell, D-Fla .. reported roy alties from his interests in Pennsylvania gas wells. The list goC's on There 's cC'rta ml~· no sham e in holding a profitable in· vestment po rtfolio. On the contrar y. individual m vest- mc nt 1s <.'ru<.·1al to the nation's econum\". But thC' s upply . distribution and p ricing of oil. and the profiU; therefrom arC' a na tional hot potato. We "d feel a lilt le easier if membe rs of Congres s who look to the oil companies for even a part of their o utside income would txcuse the msel ves fro m voting on m easures that could affect that income A further round of disclos ure s tate ments from the Senate revealed tha t 19 senators have personal or family wealth of al least SI million a nd an additional 18 probably qualify as millionairc.s. The method of reporting requires lis ting of a ssets onl} within ranges. not exact figures. Again. the re·s no law against acquiring or inheriting wealth And there still are ple nty of me m bers who ap- parently m a nage to get along on their ~7 ,500 s alaries and e xpe nse accounts. ~ut the relative abundance or great wealth shown in the reports seem s to confirm the theory that the senate is indeed a "rich man's cluh." And one must wonder what this s ta nda rd or living does to a lawmaker's view of the less a fflue nt cil17.en 's needs and proble ms • Opm1ons expressed 1n the space above are those of the Dally P1to1 Other views expressed on this page are those ot their authors and artists Reader comment 1s 1nv1ted. Address The Oat ly Pilot, p o Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone (714) 642·432t Boyd./Selling P_oint ByL.M. BOYD In Japan, plano les11ons are practically free The piano maten sponsor theln. Pretty good notion, evidently. Since they started that, tboae Japanese manufacturers bave -*I more instruments &baa piano makers anywhere elM in the world And Incidentally, the average l"year-old boy ln Japan, whether he plays the piano or not, ia four and one- baU incbel taller than wu Dear Gloomy GU& t , Jerry Bl"OWI) and lllk• Curb may deserve eacb other but California doesn 'l deserve either one of them. R.R. sald youth ther(! at th(! c:nd or World Watt II. Q. "What Wit" the populn- tlon or the worhl ttl the lime of Christ"" A. '11ual '• aucn work nut mOAt of the brhcht mlnd11 who look into auc:h m•dlrr• figure it WH about t:quaal lo the population of th .. United Slates now or u llUlu morn. Would you ht-lnlAlrttblt'd In ownln1 a pulr of hh ... eyelalheti one .. · worn hy Uw- late Jou Cr•wford7 Nelthtir would I. Somebody would, thoush. Al • New Yori& Caty auction lut year, •uch • p11lr brou1ht MOO. The ChlneM for centur1• cu1tom•rfly rubtud tbemMI..,. down •ft.er 1 beU. not with a dry but with • ~*' towel. . Q. ..,,.... proporUoa Of .... people wlto Uwe •Ion• 11r• widowed, aev.r 1111rrled, ·~~ ........ 1·· A. ~1 4oC per••· Nn.r mmn.a • percent. Dt•oreed, tT pereeat Sep1r ... I pettent. \ ..... #". •• ... •• -.---·• -·-·-~·· ------.-~.., ....... L. " Howl.and Evam/Robert Nov_ak Backtracking On China Seen WASHI N(;ToN Thl' State Ocpwrlmcnt 's 1~x11crl China- watchen. while suyln.i nothing In public. h11ve prepared sticret reporta e1pre.san~ deep concern over the U.S Chinese rcla- tloniship In th(• wake of the Chlndc wur with Vietnam Thf'St• cxpcrti. sec Chma's military thrust into Vietnam beginning u perceptiblto decline in the po I 1 t 1 ca I mastery or C hina 's s t r ont:m;j n , V•l't' Premier Dt·n~ X iao pin ~ They beht•ve Ot·ng h u )> h at:k tra l'ked o n both economic m udcrn1zal1on and political liberaltzation. cooling the way Peking looks at the West and the way the West looks at Pek- ing. ··Backtracking in Peking" is the title of one confidential State Department document detailing changes in the Chinese capital. Rut a lso important in explaining the strained r e lat1ons h1p is Paul Harvey .. "backtra~king" in Washingt.oh. where official enthusiasM ror the Chinese conn~ction has diminished considerably more than is admitted. THE EXPERT reassessment is not eontained in background statements lo us or other re- porters by high otricials. On the contrary. these policymakers claim that events transpiring within the Great Hall or the Peo- ple are impenetrable to Western eyes The reassessment 1s con- tained in secret mternal docu· me nts in which the China- watchers have presented those policymakers with grim ob· servalions. The pessimistic tone began with China's move into Vietnam Feb. 17 One week late r, the China experts expressed con· cern that Deng's steady gain in political strength over the pre- c e d 1 n g s ix month s w a s threatened. They warned policymakers that this could un- dermine not o nly D en{('s modernization program but his drive ror power. triggering cin internal power rued. While predicting a Chinese military defeat would be used by Deng's foes to undermine his rule. the U.S. experts worried about the impact of even a Chinese victory. Military de- mands on Deng's modernization programs would intensify whatever the war's outcome, and the outside world's view of China would change for the worse. SIX WEEKS taler. the China· watchers had gone beyond s peculation. They reported to policymakers that Deng was in clear retreat on freedom of s peech. contact with foreigners. criticism of Mao Tse-tung and greater autonomy for low-level economic decision-making. The tnconclusive war tn Vietnam contributed lo this. say the ex· perts. To bolster these conclusions. the State Department's internal memoranda cat a log e vents since the Sino· Vietnamese war: Economic : Workers and managers have been told that cash bonuses cannot be the sole basis ror improving productivi- ty. Peasants have been warned they cannot disband state pro- duction teams in favor of family : free enterprise. : Social: Dissent '.tand contact > with foret~ra have been limit-: ed. On March 16, Deng himaeU : is reported to have criticiaed dia· • senters. Critics in China claim : that Deng 's reforms are: responsible ror moral backalid-: ing, including a reappearance of : pornography. i Ideological : An effort, • believed inspired by Deng lo re-: pudiat.e Mao's policies after 1157 : as ··1efl adventurist,'' hu failed. ; In those same March US re-· marks, Deng is report~ to have : said he himself does ·not con-: sider Mao a "leftist adven-: turist." On March 31, party vice : chairman Wang Dong-zing and : l wo other Maoists appeared in : public. obviously unpurged. THE CION~·WATCHERS see ~ in all this future restriction of · foreign access, reduction or · trade and a new China lesis at-~ tractive to the outer world than 1t seemed only a few months ago. They even speculate about : internal conflict between hard-· liners and sofl·liners within the Chinese leadership over what · had seemed a closed issue: · policy toward the Soviet Union. · Talk in Peking of teaching the : Vietnamese .. another lesson" adds to the uncertainty. Hanoi : has put its country on wartime : footing, bringing up crack : d1 v1s1ons that outgun the C h1n Pse . Accor ding l y,· .i uthoritative a rtic les in the · Chinese press 'including the "'Liberation Army Daily"> want to give defense the same priority as civilian modernization. To the State Department experts, th1~ portends renewed fighting in Vietnam. Such a renewal would further J rrl''l O e n~·s interna l libt>rall zation. as well as SirK)· American lies Shortly a fter China's troops t>ntered Vietnam, the China -watC'hers here told thl' poliC'ymakers that the degree of U S. support or Pektnr.: in the: weeks to follow would shape thl' ( 'hmt'M' lt-Cjdersh1p·s future rela· I 10n:.h1p l<>W<lrd Wa s hmgtrrn. Tht> non...,x1 stent·f' of that SUJJ p(irt I S a li<i<;I(' t:a U St.' fnr ·ba<.'ktrackmg" in both Pekmg and Washington Law Can .Guarantee Rights, Not Equality I a m ta llan~ thi s essay: ··A bout Womt!n Witho ut Passion.·· Thal is a sneaky device to solicit your undivided attention. What it means is that we are goin,:! to try lo talk about a sensitive sub· ject -dis · pass 1onately. We are go- ing to try to discuss the Equal Rif!hls Amendme nt without raneor. For th e Equal Rights Amendment to be ratified re· quires the ~oncurrence of three more states. They now have un- til June of 1982 to make up their minds. So the subject is "on the back burner." so to speak . With no slate voting right now, there wiJI not likely be a better time to consider the subject ob- jectively. Art Hoppe T hose· o µposed to El<A ha ve predicte d d1 re conse quences. ··Jt will merge toilet'>. it will legalize prostitution and homosexual marriages. it will destroy the family." In 15 states where women are a lready guarantee d equa l rights, none or these dire pred1c lions has come to pass. On the other side of the ledger. however, ERA would beget im portant institutional changes - i n marriage , government education and employment. THERE ARE only 23 words rn the proposed amendment. ··Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of sex.·· Simple as it sounds. lega l authorities are in agreement that it would end sex d iscrimina- tion in employment, in public education and in the militarv. Under ERA a m a rri ed woman would be free to use her own surname rathe r th;.in her hu:,lJand's In divorce settlements . W\\ es C'ou ld expect a n e quatable\ dl\·1s ion o f pro pe rty and husbands could expect equal consideration m child custody ERA WOULD imm ed1ate l~ l'anC'el thousands of fede ral. stale and local laws which treat women and men differently In Massachusetts only men are problb1ted from m aking ob- sC'ene phone calls. In North Carolina only men are prohibited from peeping through windows. In Mi ssissippi women are limited to lO·hour working days ; men are not. The United States Civil Rights Commission has identified some 800 sections of the United States code which contain substantive •sex bia s o r se x -ba s ed terminology. SHOULD ERA be ratified. there will remam for all a con- stitul1onal "right of priva1·y·• t•nunc1a ted by the Supreme Court m 196.'>. Thal means that l dws dealin g with unique physical-characteristics would prevail -s uch as laws relating lo abortion. And urusex toilets. To avert eventual disillusion- ment . t his needs to be un- der s tood · The law can g uarantee "equal legal rights " It cannot g uarantee "equality." Indeed . no two in- dividuals of whatever Sell are "equal.'' AS SOME men are suited to heavy work and to military com bat and some are not -so it will be with women. I guess what I'm saying is .. Don't expect too much." If r were a woman I think I would resent most of the dis- proportionate pay scale for s imilar employment. For 15 years we have bad a law . specifically designed to correct that. It hasn't yet. Concise Response to Today's Favorite Question An extremely perceptive ques- tion that one hears being-asked with increasing frequency these days by dediuted newspaper readents: "What the hell's going on, anyway?'' I'd be glad to answer that question. The first thing to keep in mlnd ls that there may or may not be a gasolin e shortage whJcb ia pro- b ably th e fault ot Bert Lance, Unda Ronstadt or Herman Myerl.inl. Moat experta a•ree there w not a lbortap IA Dljlboutl, Beij- ln1 or Saudi Arabia. On tbe other band, the majority or pertom waltlq in line for more than an hour In front of 1u 1ta- Uon1 tlDd to believe there u a lbortqe la wherever lt II tbeJ an waitlal in liDe. , ftat'1 Why Pn1ldent Carter uld M wu llad to Me people "alUlll lD 1IDe bec1uae aow U., would believe there was a ' shortage 1be peo_pl~._wailin& in the 1Ine fOUM it difficult to ex- press how glad they were that the President was glad they were waiting in line and when was be up for re-election? TREY SHOULDN'T blame the President, however The reason there ls a shortage ls that the President was so worried that his friend, Bert Lance, might or might not be indicted for loanlnc too many peanuts to Billy Carter who uted to be an irresponsible drunk before be became a re- spectable alcoholic, that when he (the President> presented the Shah of Iran with his Humanitarian of the Year Award, be cthe President> foraot to tell him (\be Sbab> to atop sbooting people. As a result, the Iranian people tbe Shah wu shooting rose up ln rt1bteoua wrath and replaced hlm with the Ayatollah Kbo- m el nl Unfortunately. the Ayatollah, wbo la a man ot God, bu bMD IO buaJ abootinl tM people ""° UMd to •boot DeQPle ta ordlr to teach people that sbootlal people ii evil that he <the Ayatollah, not the Sbab> ., ha1o't bad DUlC.bJimLW RIUDP gasoline. Naturally. the other OPEC nations immediate ly raised their prices to keep up with the inflation caused by the last time they raised their prices. But that's not the Presi- dent's fault, either. To curb in- nation, the President has been doing his very beat to bring about "a downturn in the economy," "a mild recession," or, with a little bit of luck, "a whopping Great Depression." SO FAR, however, his best has not been good enough. Thia has caused people lo lose faith in all politicians except for Howard Jarvis, Teddy Kennedy and Herman Talmaqe. Of the three, the polls indicate the majority or the public believes Mr. Kennedy la the man to put Amerlc. on the rt1ht roed again. This proves that the only lhinl shorter than the public's attention span la lta memory. Aa for Mr. Jarvis, he is now believed to be aellina suede tboet in the Midwest, wbere no one ever beard of Herman Talmaqe. That brings· us lo Herman ' llyerJinl, t.be-lint-man to.._-· monstrate lhal nuclear power · plants were safe. Mr. Myerllng, : according to reliable reports, : was the dedicated chief inapec-. tor at 'l1lree Mile Island who aaid, "What happens if you push : this doohicltie?" He immediate.. • ly rushed home to compose a re-: port about the resultant ex· ! plosion, which be mana1ed to : finiab before the week wu out -: thereby demonstrating that : nuclear plants are perfeetly ufe : u l<>n1 u they are located in : another state. STILL unanswered are such : questions u how could import-: Ing Coca-Cola cause tbe Cblneae . to invade Vietnam, how many : 1ood Christians are there in • Lebanon, why SALT, wbo ia Illa : Thatcher and how dare 1be : threaten Britain's 1trtktn1 laborers that if they don't '. behave and do their chores, . abe'll tum ott television: and, of , course, what did Jerry ~ and Linda Ronstadt nallt dD when &bey were 1UDDOMCl11 ata-' dying ecololY ln Afifca? • ~: The .. wer ls probably not. Thal'• what the hell'• I06na on . .. DAILY PILOT .4 7 a Get them on board every United !!ightthro ..... Use them anytime from July 1toDecember1 Junel7. United Airlines is coming back, with an offer unprecedented in air travel . It is subject to C.A.B. approval, and here ·s how it wn.1 work: Every time you fly United during our first three weeks back, we'll give you a Half-Fare Coupon on board. If you fly round-mp, you11 get a coupon going out and a coupon coming back. Then, from July 1 until December 15, each coupon will entitle you to a 503 discount on United's full fare Coach or Fir.st Oass_munchtriplares· You can redeem them through your Travel Agent. Use coupons, one per passenger, on any United flight, any day of the week, anywhere we fly~ except Hawaii and Canada. Use your coupons for business or vacation, long trips or overnighters. There are no minimum-sta y or advance- purchase requirements. We can't think of a better way of saying, "Welcome back:· For reservations, call·your Travel Agent. "Half-Fare Coupon"' Tht>y rcall!J du wa11t m1 hc.c 1. 1 · I \\elcome back 1il the friendly skies. 9 Call }10Ut 'Ilavel Agent -• • ' ,, J • :~ , , • • r ' • .:,. • ... .48 CW&. V PILOT ges Feel Pinch Uxut Budget a $12 Million Cut Si1ice '-13' BJ MlnlAEL PA~K~VIC'R .... OMlf NII IWt Coa•t Community Collet11c Das triet offichds Mt'' h1ccd with a new ~t·I thal. Ir approved, would mt'1tn the d1stnel '$ llnMnt'el\ have bttn sli<'ed nearly $12 million s1nl'l' p11s :rn1e of Propo11llon 13. "It's hurt ui., ltwr1' '!\ no douht about th1tt." Chane('llor Or Norman Wulison 11u1d Thursdjj.) "We 'rt• utt1•mptanJt to kt't.'P th1.• quality (llf t'<tucahon 1 up ·· Trush-t•s lh1s Wl'l.'k ~•·n· pn· scnh•d a tt'nt1A t1v1.• 111111 ~1·1 111 S6S 3 m1lhon for f1:.t·11I l!fl:l HO THE DISTaH'T 'H pre Pro~tion 13 bud1l't was neat Iv S77 milhon. Oct'Ordln& Lo die. tr1<'t bU11incis~ munMaf·r Cort'lh111 Thompson "Evt>rythlnJt 11' .:om" up und wr're l(Oing down." uad W11~1n, fiauru\lt that " 10 1~rcent unnuMI inflation rat" has actually lottl the dilltnct f lot1('r to $20 m1lhon in fan anrwl po14·c•r "Wc"w severely vrunt•d 1oum m<'r sc-hool and huv1· cul muoy l'luHet for nt•d y1•1tr." Wut~111 udded. "Ttu~ will h~ve un 1m pact on the C'om munat "We 'rt-ho1un.i 11 won't i,:11 down any furth,·r " ' WATSON NOTED lhut the dis· trkt. whkb received $4.4 m1lUon 1n 2't ate bail-out funds this year. 1:. t'Ountln1t on u six percent an t'rcuse in s uc:h (unds next fiscal y 1•11r ··w e 're trying to work with the t1ta te to Silisfy the net:ds or the Urtlll," hf> Stiid . At·cordang to Thompson. the m·w budRtil calls ror no new con- s tru<'llon ut the dist rict ·s cam· vusct. and reductions in supplleb, ir\s urant't.' outlay and staff con· f I' rl'lll'l'!'. On Orange Coast "W•;·v.: ALSO CUT main lt•rtalll'C and operations which "1 11 have a long-term eff~ct 011 t ht• uv1warance and c leanlmeS!'. of l ht> fur1ht11.'s." sard Watson. "111 th\· past . "c '\'e had the luxury llf dc vclop1ng new pro- gram ~ and trying ne w things, but now ""l' don't even think of that.' he added. Library Sets New Trubtl'Cb wall continue to dis· cuss the new financaal package. The budget must be approved no later than Au~ust l . Booknwbile Hours The Orange County Public Library hl!s new hours for its bookmobile stops in Costa Mesa. Irvine. San Clemente. San Juan Capistrano and Laguna Niguel. In Costa Mesa. the bookmobile will stop on the first four Fridays of each month at Coun· try Cousins Market, El Camino and Mendoza drive, from 2 to 3 : 15 p.m .: and al Wa ke ham Park. Smalley Road a nd Salinas Avenue, from 3:30 to 4 :45 pm IN IRVINE, IT will stop on the firs t rour Mondays of t!ach month at Walnut Village, Culver Drive and Wa lnut A venue from I to s p.m. and 6: 15 to 8:30 p.m .. and on the first four Tuesdays of the month al Northwood Village . Yale Ave nue and Irvine Boulevard from I to 2 :30 p.m. It will also stop in Irvine on the firsl four Thur!\days of the month at the Marmc Corps Air Station. Wake Avc11ut' and Trc.1buco Road, from I :111 to 3·30 p .m : al Woodhraclge Village, West Yale Loop and Stone Creek Soutti from 4 lo 5.30 p.m . and at LuC'ky Markel, Jeffrl.!y Roacl and Walnut Avenue from 6 45 lo 8: 15p.m. ON nu; FIRST four Mo11days of each month. the bookmobile will stop al Village San Juan, Village Road and Aspen Wa y. San Juan Capistrano. from I to 2 : 15 p.m ; and !\-Marl Plaza on Camino de Es trell;.i in San Clemente from 2 :30 to 4 p.m Its last stop on Mondays wall be at the Crown Valley Center. Crown Valley Parkway and Nigue l Road. Laguna Niguel from 5:30 to 8 p m. IN THE MEANTIME, district officials wi ll keep an eye on state officials in anticipation of iJn assumed increase an bail-out funds. The distriC'l also expects a six pe rcent inc·reast· an property tax rcv€'nucs which totaled about Si l million this fi scal year. In its last budget year before Proposition 13. the district relied on about $24 million an local prnp· crty tax revenues. "The time to low<'r property taxes was o verdue.·· said Watson. "but you can 't simply e liminate that amount of money without finding ways to replac•· 1t . without doing soml' damage " Water Project Set For Irvine Parley June Stops Listed/or Bloodmobile Orange Coast residents who wrsh to donate blood have four locations to so when the blood m obile makes its rounds 1n June . Legislation that would prompt completion of the Stale Water Project in Southe rn California will be discussed at a n all-day t'Onference June I at the Registry Hotel in Irvine. Three proponents o f the legislation will speak al the con· fe r ence. lilied "Slate Water Policy: Orange County's Slake in New Legislation · · They are State St!n. Ruben Ayala, D&n B«nardino, As· semblyman Lawrence Kapiloff. D-San Diego. and Earle Blais. chairman of the board of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. The l'Onfercnct'. which i!'. oven to the public. is :.ponsorcd by the Municipal Wa ter 01slrtcl of School Gets Ca8h Tht• San Juun Elementary School ParenVl'cachcr League ha s donated $540 to the Capistrano school district to be used for purchas ing educational equipment at lhf~ San Juan Capistrano school. Luncheon Planned The Laguna Beach Panhe llenic sor ority group will hold an in· stallation luncheon at lhe Irvine Coast Country Club on June 6 Margaret Pierce will outline her ex~riences in lhe PhiUppines during and after World War II al the program. i''or reservations, call Mrs. William Bird .Ir. 1tl 494·8658. CTION n ttre h•rs Ad'fert11lng 1ectton of Mey 23rd there 11 en edvertl1ement for #71052 Cool 'n' Lit• Air Conditioner Hlllng for S2H.15. The price end copr de1crlptlon ere correct. however the llh11tfetloft i. lncorrec1. In the .. .,.. edvertl1ln9 ••ctlon there la en actworttMfMnt tor #71151 Goa Drrer ••lllng for S24t.t5, the copy deacrlptlon I• Incorrect, HM MOdet It not a Large C o'p acltJ dryer. w • alncorolJ regret the•• -·lsearsl HAll,lt()lltJ(k A._.0(0, -- i Or<1ngt· County. Orang1• CcHJnt y W a tl'r D1stnt·t and liC I rv1m• Extension Cost, which includes lunch, 1s Sl2. Reservatwns can bl: made by ca lling UCI c xccnt1on al 833·5414. County Fair Deadline Set The June 1 deadline for enter· ing everything from films to rows in the Oran~e County f'a1r 1s r aP.idly approac·hing, fair of· ficials warn. Pigs . pickles . p<.11ntings ancl preserves arc due a t the fair· grounds. 88 Fair Drive: Cost a ~tesa. by 4 r1.m June I. The onl y exception is in the photography department. where the deadline as 7 p.m . June 30. The fair will run July 13·22. Items do not all have to be de· livered by June 1. but entry forms . obtainable by calling 751·3247. must be submitted l.iy . then . The Orange County Chapter uf the Amercian Red Cross will s tation the bloodmobile <.1l tlw following locations · JUNE 7 FROM 3 to 7 .:m I'm United Presbyenan Chun·h. 11!1 Avenida de la Es trella . San Clemente. call 492·6664 for an appaintment: June 18 from 2 to G·30 pm at the Saddleback Vallev Board of Realtors. 25205 La Paz Road. Laguna Hills ; call 835·5381 for an appointment: June 20 from 2:30 to 7 p.m .. Advanc•ed Health Center. l:iOll N Bristol St .. Newport Beach. call 835·5381 for an appointment . :.1nd JUNE 27 FROM 12 :30 to 5 p m .. Saddleback Community llos p1tal. 24451 Via Estrada. Laguna Hills , call 770·3559 for <.1n appointment. Blood also can be donated at the chapter 's blood center, 601 N Golden Circle Drive, Santa Ana. Appointments can be made by <:a II i ng 835·5381. Volunteers may donate blood once every eight weeks . Newport Beach Jr. Chamber of Commerce Presents ... Miss Newport Beach Nite __ Plus: Fashion Show_ Song of Newport Winner FRIDAY -May 25 , -7:00 p.m. Stage Court ~ FAsHION ISlAND arJ NEWPORT CENTER . - _, __ NOW ONLY s499•s • 25" Diagonal •Color Trak • Remote Scan Control • 25" Diagonal •Color Trak • Remote Scan Control SAVE s100 •Superset t- • VI R NOW ONLY • Push Button Tuning • Remote Controi -- • GT-Mat1c • 100% Solid State • Dark Lite 50 Picture Tube • Electronic Tuning NOW ONtY s49995 • 100% Solid State .. VIA • Remote Control • Twin Speaker • 100% Solid State •VIA • Remote Control • RCA • ColorTrak • CJ 25" - -- • 25" Diagonal •Color Trak XL 100 ·• Keyboard Push Button Tuning • 100% Solid State •Electronic Tuning •VIA • 25" Diagonal •XL 100-100% Solid State • Xtended Lafe Chassis • 25" Diagonal •Color Trak XL 100 • Keyboard Push Button Tuning •Color Trak XL 100 • 25 Diagonal • Keyboard Push Button Tuning • 25 Diagonal • 1 00% Solid State • GT·Mat1c 100% Solid State • REMOTE CONTROL SYLVANIA &r·mATIC COLOR • 2'> ·Diagonal • 100% Solid State • Base Opt 1o~n~a'""1=.:...:=--_. _____ _. Extra • 25" Diagonal • 100% Solid State • GT·Mat1c • 25" Diagonal • 100% Solid State • Space Saving Table • 25" Di89()nal • 100% Solid State • Electronic Tuning • 100% Solid State • Electronic Tuning •VIA .. I ~ r f f I . . . . . . . ·:-:-~ . . . . --·-... •. . . ·= .. ;-.. :: '• ... . ... I . I I .. ·. ·. -. .· -: -. .. . ... ~ .... I•.• :-: ':• .... .... -,_ . . . . ..-: . ~:, •.• I• It ALIFORNIA I LOCAL Fridly. Mey 2&. 1179 DAILY PILOT edlaPetitioa Gourt Rejects UC ·Alumni . Plan Reception · Rearing Plea TH£ C Al.I l"Olt N 11' Sup r c m t' ('our t th 1:. week rduM·d to twur .1 petition from AUC. CUS, Van Nuys l1ubl1:.h1 n~ C 0 • W l' !. l I rt Ii( h 0 U :. l ' Broudca slmg Co an•I others The cas t• w11:, transferred to l he 2nd Dislm ·t Court of Appeal m Los An~t·h·:. The t•ompa11 1c:. hJd gone darcl·tly lo tht' tribunal an a qu1l'k cha ll enli(e of a May 4 rul 1n g by Los Angt'lcl> Supe rior Court Judge J erry Pacht th<tt rC'fust·d lo overturn the l<tw EA RLI ER, THE Supreme Court denied a 'i imilar request by the East Ray Press Club and Oakland Tribune in a n A l a m ed a County Superior Court case. The Los Angeles case involved a closed pre- liminary hearing for three Synanon members accus£.-d 1n the attempt· ed rattlesnake murder of Los An~cles attorney Paul Morantz. who was bitte n as he re<acht'd into his mailbox C ti A R I. F. S 0 c d t• r • t· h . Sy n a n o n foundPr. :.md l.ant·c Ken· ton and Joseph Mus aco asked that the hearing on atte mpted ·murder charges be closed to the prt•:.s ancl public mATTBEGASG WITB • * The m l'd1a rcprcscn· tatives daim tht• law is i n v a I 1 II b c <· <1 u s c i t violates thl' rights of freedom of the press and ~peec h cin <i imposes prior r es tra int n n publishin,:? the news. Their petition a lso ar gued a pre liminary hearing m ay n ot be closed unless t he de. fe n dant can d em · 11nslrate public act·ess would c n<l <t n i::c r his ri.gh• to a fo 1r trial. FI ESTA Fisticuffs Set Cost Of House ·WHATL I NGTON . Eng land IAP> John Naylor had a house he wanted to sell. Ke vin Reardon wanted to buy ll Tro uble was that Nay lor wanted about ~1 91.000 a nd Re ardon was only prepared to go to SISJ,000. .. So why don't we fight for it?" s uggest e d Nay lor. 45, a forme r a rmy boxing champion. They did just that, on a makeshift ring in front .of the e ight-bedroom. 17th century house - appr opriately n ear a town called Battle. While villagers, pints or beer in lbeir hands. cheered the men. they slugged il o ut. Naylor was floored 16 limes in the first two rounds, and decided he would com· promise and sell the house to Reardon, 30, for $163,000. HBMan Gets Ph.D. Degree Cornell S. L. Chun or Huntington beach will receive a doctor or philosophy degree in theoretical physics from Princeton Univetslly at graduation exercises June 12. Chun. an eludneer at McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. in Hun· tlnston Beach, eomplet· ed the requirements for bis depee Jut October t Compare these estimates 10 the estimated MPG of othef cars. Your mite• may differ dependmg on speed, distance and weather. Actuel htghway miteege will probably be tower than "1imate. $4353'' •Bueclon menufactuf9''s suggested retail pnces excluding tiHe. taxes and des11na1ion charges. Optional white Sldewall tires. as shown. $43 extra. Fairmont Shown With Exterior Accent Group and bright window frames. Mustang soown w1tn wk»bodyslde moldings Buy or lease at your Ford Dealer now. .._. vn MILEAGE RATINGS+ FIESTA PINTO FUTURA MUSTANG FAIRMONT -"~ I I r?~ , ~ .. , 40 1-4., ~ ~)''• UIJG , } " l '.J' ~ , ",, ' 32 """"' \t:.!:) Vt I, M~ ' i \ t-•,f '10\ I I '"J'• J 26 ljW\ ~~OJ(, Ml'(, I t~ ('JI ® , ....... , .. tJ 28 1-f\o'V "' v MPG l t'A I .• I 110\ I • I..,_,,,,.; 26 M •Y ~..,,,<., u~ EXTENDED SERVICE PLAN Provides longer protection than your car's basic warranty. Consult your Ford Dealer tor full details and the plan's attractive price. FORD FORD DIVISION - ,~, . . . ''\/' .. ~f ~ ' ! . ' • ' I ·l . f I ,. ,. L p I " 1 t i -~---- ~· CM. y Ptl.OT Ftlday, M8' 16. 1t1't ~Home in Mother Earth ~ Archit.Emulates Rabbit in Hill House LYME. N.U lA An havtn't been doln1 that fQr Af"ll plaftS for •uch structW'et. award-wlnnla1 arch& r H)'5 yeart out there to .. ve on a(;. B\lt Meta notet1 that 50me of the 20th Ntllury Amertuna lbould conditionins." Meta HY• st ructurca ·'Indeed ue like lake a leuon trom rabbtt.t and Si,.ce the Wlnaton HOUH, Meh uves f•w wtndows. -very• uve-dwellen and return to hH built bll own borne Baldtop arlm ... Mother Earth for ahelter. Du1ou1. Is buildinac. h1t11 bum or His Baldtop Ouaout is re· Don Met1 liv• ln an •.frth• plana to construct •lmllar struc nurkably un-cuelake. The •b•ltel"f!d houae that he dq Into turn In Malnf", Montana. curved 10uth.:rn wall i• almost the top o1 Baldtop. a hill ow-r MIC'hlgan. I owa, Vlr1lnla. all wlndowa. An overhana pro· looltina a apeetacular panorama Maasachust'tu and V«!rmont vid(·~ C'ooling shude in the sum· of the Connt"C'tlcut ttlver Vlll•y mf'r lnt.-rior room~ are ii· ··st:E THt: MILDSW U.e dun.ceon. the daamp and the duk," he JOkl'S H be IWdle a vlsllor through his airy, U&bt· fl lied mounta1 ns Ide rlhllt'. which is not at ull uve llk1• althou.:h grliss .:rows on tl!> roof Metz built has first t.•arth sheltered home an Lyme an 1972. the Winston lloul>l'. for which tw wo n tbe 1974 Art•h1lt•l'tur1tl Recor8 Award for t:nelll-m•t• for House Design That wus bdore "OPEC reared its ugly heitd. ·· he says That house would <'Ost only hi.ilf as much to heat as a normal home after the 0 11 priee in· creases by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries HE WANTED TO blend that house into its e nvironment and literally built it into a moun· tain$ide. The savings on fuel were a bonus. Mother Earth, after all, is re· latively cold or hot only on the surface. Eight feet into the ground, the tempe r ature is almost constant. In New England. that's about 55 degrees year-round. ·'Throughout history, people have used the earth for shelter. especially in arid climates. It's nolhin1 Startling new," says the 38-year-old architect. WHILE IN NEW England earth·sheltered dwellings make for efficient heating, Mell ls US· ing the constant-temperature principle in Texas to build an ef. firienlly cooled house. "I can't understand why they Lutheran Wing Hits Papism MILWAUKEE. Wis. 1 AP l A relatively s rn a 11 . conservative wing of Lutheranism, the 300 .000-member Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. says the pope st.ill la the "an- t 1 ch rist." and has as· .--... ,....ted L--utheran scholars who seek reconclliatlon bet ween Lutheranism and Roman Catholicism. The synod. in its of. fi eial publica tion . Northwestern Lutheran. said the "biblical doc· trine which identifies the pope as the an- tichrist is a reminder lo conservative Lutherans Just how afar the liberal Lutherans ... have moved away from the faith of our fathers, in· eluding Marlin Luther." The term, "an- ticbrist." s tems from the Book of Revelation. which makes no explicit reference to the pope. However, the two were linked in the biller polemics of the 16th cen· tury Protestant break fr o m Roman Catholicism. Hunger Run Set June3 THE Sll('('F.~ OF his l'itrlh· lumln•led by llkyUght Addi· abeltel"f!d bomoa hu led harn to Uonal "°UluUon ta provided by beain ellminauna hla wurk on a ir eowll that prolnlde lhf'OUlb abov•·sround architecture and lhl' IOd OD the root. concentrate on earth·i.ht·ltl'red buildtnAi. lie has foundt•d f':urthll-1'11, u n1rporulllln 11t·e111l1t1n.: 111 t•arth sht'llned ho m•· t;uthll'ch as bualrltnJ: a prototy f)C of u :-.tructure for tht.• mu!>i. homt· markt•l · Tht.• only !>peC'1al rt'1!u1rement for an earth heltercd house lt that at be butll 011 a wt·ll draanlni !>Outherly fat·tni.: :-.h111t• to takt· .:ui vantagt• uC tllt· l>1111 ':-. lti.:ht uuu he.At "IT'S AN A\/t:RAC:t: mt1m un d pop family honw, • · h(• :-.ayl> of lht• (o;urthh·1·h house. a l .000 squarl'·foOt structure of lhret' bedrooms <'Osting about $75,000 to build, about 10 percent more than a conventional above· ground hOuse. Although the initial coat is higher, ••vinp are substantial on fire insurance, maintenance and beating, he says. Tbe building essentially is made of concrete and concrete blocks, insulated from the sur· rounding earth. Timbers support the roof and the earth above it. Fire insurance rates are low "because you can't burn it," be says. THE CONCRETE-AND · earth also stores heat absorbed from the southerly sun. Heattna costs are halved, he says. Metz is not the only· archillkt designing earth-s he ltered homes. Others also build and Again we1re being chal- lenged to break all Toyota sales records. And we re going to do it with Once-A Year deals on the 1979 Toyotas. the Total Economy cars and trucks We're *allng on the CorollFI ''WHl'~N YOU SA\' earth· sheltered. people think of damp- nl'll and dark -their cellar. llul lf 1 ceUar tot air and lilht it would be a.s dry aa anything t'111t• If you Insulate properly, you huvt• no problems with molature, • · he saya. No apecaal lecbnolofJ or mater1ala are Uled to build hi.a earth-sheltered bouaes. ''Some of the t.biftl5 are put to1etber in difterul ways," be aaya, "but lt'a nothing that a rnntractor can't do.•· limit on Gas Brings Arrest MILPITAS <AP> -A gasoline station owner was arrested in Santa Clara County for violating the slate's odd-even rationing program adopted by that county. Charles Sallas was arrested by local police for refusing to sell a maximum of 20 gallons lo a gasoline customer, .said a deputy district attorney. Sallas established a 15-gallon limit at bis station. "I've got a lawyer and I'm going to fight this thing alt the way to the top," said Sallas, who posted $250 bail. "I buy the fuel a nd take the hassles. I'm going to decide how much gas I sell." 2-Door Sedan. Toyota·s lowm.1 pnc.OCJ :ind h1qhcst gas· mileage car. we·re open oxtra hrnwj 10 holp you get 1n on the ·The second annual Laguna Beach Hunger Project Day, Including a three-mile r un along Laguna's shoreline, will --... helctTune . ---chal~And we've {Jet the eAf or tn 1ek yc>tire-looktng for The event, sponsored by the Orange County Hunger Project commit· tee and the Laguna Beach Junior Chamber of Commerce, will la· elude a pot luck dinaer. Entry forms for tbe run may be obtained from the Laguna Beach recreation department at city ball. In addition, John Den· ver'a film ''I Want to Live," will be shown at St. Mary'• __ 8pl1eopal Church, GI Park Ave. Come on in now because 1h0 Gront Toyota Challenqc ends 1h1s week You 00111 WE CHA' I mGE 10U TO Flm A ... IER DEAL ON A GREAT ECONOMICAL CM. EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Boulevard (714) 646-9303 Joins Society -- Victoria J . Joaepb di Huntl°"°n Beach ls one of 275 1tudent1 at UC Diva. who have been IC· cepted for membership in Phi Kappa Phi, a na· Uonal sc~lastlc honor ~lety. • r ----- _·T'OYOT A '_ . ...... ~.,.. \,. ~ -------_· ---i'l.h " . "What the adminatrati0n doesn't underalalld •it -lln't easy to live with windfall guilts." NATION I LOCAL A public meeting is scheduled May 31 to re· ceive comment on an appllc1Uon by Golden Welt Collep for a federal 1rant for it.a blliqual ud bicultural program. The meeting Is scheduled from 3 to 5 p.m. in room 118 al the library on the Huntiaaton Beach campus. For three years the collece hu been tralnlq English and Spanish bilingual aides to worlt in area schools which serve limited and non-ED1lllb speaking students. The college is seeking $300,000 throu1b the Department of Health, Education and Welfare to expand the program. Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for ou. in the DAllY PILOT *************************** *v * : i ou are invited to: * • * • : attend the : * • ~ TWENTY FIFTH ·ANNUAL * * · MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES * !I MONDAY, MAY 28th 11 A.M. j! * • • HARBOR LAWN MEMORIAL PARK • * 1625 GISLER AVE., COST A MESA , * * • • Memorial Day Program * * Obl11 •W. S,O•wed IJ 1'e S.... c...t Yetee •s Orgc.izatiOlls * * * * Pre Program Memorial Organ Concert . . . • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Joan Hertert • * INTRODUCTIONS . .. .. • .. . .. . .. .. .. . . -. . • • .. . .. . • • . • • . • .. .. • • . .. ..... Johra D Flanagan • Past Commander, Poat No. 188 -The American Legion * * RAISING OF THE NATIONAL FLAG ••••.....••..... -. • . .. . . . . HONOR COLOR GUARDS * UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS • * El Toro. Cahlorn1a • ""'-INVOCATION ... . •••••.•••.•• -··-·· ..... Chaplain ThomasS Schultz ,,,a.__ ~ LI. Commander, U.S. Navy """'" * WELCOME • . . . . . . . . .•. _..... • • . • . • • • . Honorable Edward McFarland * * Mayor. City of Costa Mesa • ""'-LINCOLN S GETIVSBUAG ADDRESS . . •. Robert F. Schoo4er ""'-~ Commander Etect of 29th 011trict of the """'" * Amencan Legion * ...._ MEDLEY OF WORLD WAR II SONGS . : ......... _ • . • . John Hert8ft ""'- ~ Soloist """'" * PRESENTATION OF FLORAL TRIBUTE TO THE DEAD . Harold J Hohl • ""'-. Commander Veterans of Foreign Wart. * ~ Coesthne Po&C •3636 • The pr999ntetion of floral tributes by the vartous organ1zat1ons in honor 0 1 all veterans 1s hereby * * acknowledged and placed at the veterans memortal * • -INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER -* • * * * • • • • * SPEAKER OF THE DAY * * THEHONORABLE * * ALAN CRANSTON * * United States Senator • • * • * * * • * * * * • ROLL CALL OF VETERANS WHO HAVE ANSWERED THE LAST CALL AND WHOSE COLORS ARE • BEING PLACED IN THE AVENUE OF THE FLAGS TODAY .............. Honorable Edward McFarland • * . Mayor. City of Costa Mesa • * BENEDICTION''.''' •• ' ••.. '' ••• ' ••••••••••.•• -• • . • . • • • . • • . . . . . . . Jew;sh wa'ivet~a~a of=~ • )f-FIRING OF SALUTE ..•.••••.••••...••..•.•.••••..•• -• --. . . . . . . . . • . . • . .. United Stated Marine Corpe * • El Toro. Calif. * • TAPS and ECHO ............................................ _..... • John Beringer and Clifford Ervin * . .. . .. . ., .. ~ -<. :: ., .. RAISING OF COLORS TO FULL STAFF .......... -..... -• . . . . . . . . • . . HONOR COLOR GUARDS -* ~----~~·:~ . . ~ . . ~ * • * * • • * • !Harbor Lawn· Mount Olive! * * * • * Crematory-----Cemetery----Mausoleums * * • * 1625 GWer Costa Mesa SC0-5554 * *************************** ., ........... HITS PRICES Bany lloawolt" Florida Says 'No' To ERA TALLAHASSEE. Fla. <AP) The Flor ida Senate h3S rejected lht! Equ al Rights Amend· me nt 21· 19. leaving the proposed han on sex dis · <'rimination thrh• slates short oC rnt1ricatwn. The House approved ratification last week, and Senate President Phil Lewis allowed the ERA to come up for a vote Thursday instead of sending it to a hostile committee that bottled al up earlier. THE VO'fE marked the third defeat for ERA s upporter!> i n th e Florida Senate. The pro- posed amendment al~o was reJected in 1974 and 1977. Supporters noted that Florida's tourism-based economy has surrered from the natio nal boycott that many pro· ERA groups have im- POSf.'d against states that have not r;,ilificd the ERA. Hut o p po n e nt s chargt'd the ERA would t.ran s fc•r l oo m a n y P•l"'f'ts to thf' federal government because the a mendme nt contains routine language e1uthorizing Conlfress to pass necessary lc.ws to t>n fon·l• th<• mt>asurt' THE ERA. w h ich w ou ld outlaw di s · c r imination based on sex. must be ratified by 38 states by June 30. 1982. to hecome part of the Constitution. The ERA has been ap· proved by 35 states. but fi ve hav e s ince rescinded approval. The validity of that move sti II I!> in qut•stion and the Justice Department h as su1d it 1s up to Con~rcss to decide. Reservist Police Wanted Th e Irvine Police De partment wants to beef up the ranks of its reserve police officers. Reserve officers pro- vide assistance to reg- ula r persoMel in both emergency and day-to· day situations. They are required to volunteer a minimum or 16 hours per month. Persons accepted into the program receive training through a re- serve academy and up- on c o mpletion ride patrol with experienced poliff offiftre.- tnlerested applicants should apply al Irvine City Hall o r can telephone 754-3600 ror in· formation. Applications will be· accepted through June 15 Lecture Set ' On Puppetry Ron Martin and the "Martin Marionettes" or Los Angeles will dem- ons trate telev iaion puppetry technlq'611 Tuesday at Golden W•t College In Huntlntton Beach. Tbe public la invited to attend Martin's lecture. which wiU be presented to a pu.,,etry clua in tbe Actor• Playbo• at t :JOp.m I DAILY PILOr I ~ADS W ASmNGTON <AP 1 St•rvlc" 1tation dealers appHr tn bf '"ht~ Ins advanta•~" of fear• of aaaollDI lbortalH by ra.pidly In· veutnir pump prices, a Carter adminlatratlon offlcl1l h u charpd. Barry Bol~rth. dJrector of thfo prta ident · s Counc ll on W a. 1e and Price Stability. told a Senak l'IUb ~mmattft Thursday that "retail 1aaolhw prtces have lnrru!Kld far mo~ than would be expectt..-d from l'rude oil increaae11 ·' IN fAC'I'. IU~ 1>a1d , 'th~ 111· l'rea&e 1s eu.11erated by about ~ pt•rc,nt." Ooa wortb 's c laim w as challencect by RJt~Ut'I Harver. ex· trutlvt" director of the NaUonal Co uncil ol Petroleum Retailers. ··1 don't know wht.>re he Is 1et- t ln1 t,h()k thlna• ... lta.rper aald in " telephone lnl\lrview. .. Everyone hltl .io...., up to the m.aximum gov- (·rnmtmt prke ct1ihna •. But ln· n ut ion hus cutcn up so pcrct!nt of I ht• lll'tJfit .. Rt•t ull ga ~CJltn c prices na · 11onwldt1 uvcri.t~e ubout 85 cents pe l' aallon, according to the Lundber1 Letter The Los Anae le&·bued reportina service, which surv.ys aome 18,700 service stations for data, said the average price at the end of 1978 was 86 l'enlll. AT LEAST S cents represents higher crude oil prices char1ed since the first of the year by the Organization of Petroleum Ex· porting Countries, energy experts say. An additional 5 cents to 8 cents is the result of a government policy that allows refiners to pass HowSThis for 2nd Grand ~.~25.1979 on more of the coal of producina 1aaoline. The rest, Bosworth suueat.a. is related to hi11her markups by service stations. The antf inflalion official also told the senators that the council asked for price data from 80 major oil l'Ompanies awd expects its analysis of wholesale refinery prices to be completed in about two weeks. AFTER THE HEARING, Bosworth told reporters that tbe Now there's an Aaron Brothers Art Mart in Huntington Beach ... and the Art Marts in Anaheim. Costa Mesa. La una Beach, Orange and Santa Ana are celebrating. ~TUDIO CROWNLl(Jff Yl LLOW, Wit!/[. 8L~l1 CIMM7f flR BROWN ((01r/IS t'fAY~~y fR0/1 iffi!. TO 5RJR[)REO 26 '1.'-~16.B8 complexity of Ener11 Deputmeat rules on aaaoliM pricw ... it difficult for both the 1ov'ermne111& and 1uoUne dealers to ~ whether the rules were bei• vjolated. He said, however, that "tbe average cuoline station is not la compliance with the voluntar)t, price standards." The atandarda, announced last fall by President Carter. call for price increues of not more than half a perceatacf' point above 1976· 77 increases. ' • PNOTO ART AL1Jllt41~ lfJ-C{) P4G: 5, C/l! '')fLF l!Jfff'V[ ~,JE~. ' M.LMR~HE¢ RtLJfTtD /TOO"' ~Off NA'fliAL ~COL(g,D JJTt AWTtf)COfiD5. WOOD . AND!tffTAL RtNbf. WOOD 8EAO~~f'KJTT1tlJ ID4RPS ANO 1•11.Xtt, /f!(,,(l/ 110fif I JJRffdfD aJT1JN C4N"1'i --'4X5-48X48 Rf1J 145·169:> -m,(Tf r the lt Frame Sale For openers, ifs the l e Frame Sale. J ust buy any Aaron Brothers frame at the regular low price and you get ttre second frame that costs the same or less for only one cent more. Choose from the cent-sational selection~ And there's a terrific selection of art materials, craft supplies, studio furniture. original paintings. graphics. .. baskets. collectibles and aisles of other fun and arty things. At very affordable prices! ~ .. Plus These Grand Opening Specials: ~ DEXTER MAT CUTTER I Off PA~'¥ fIT/OVAL f!Vfi LD ! .'r.J(~ {?[(; JOO'J .$81'8 ~l _.......-::: 0 RfCTM.U Nff ~ CN4l (J'tNJMif '--.,,-~~-=----*"! CANN/NC J4M A5f(J(7fl) JllfHCOLORl Rro 140-3~ All-/TtM~ tLMITED PINT )/lt. 5!AND4RDMA~>NAPUD ~"' Sl88 10 500{ (J.J fiANV. CAff FMOf OF 12 ONLY REO 395SL88 4(f(;'r/f()([)/f F} ~.Ff; 2.18-555 Sf 88-SZ.88 5TRfKHER BARf fffO 03 'ffR lf'KH I~ PERl~tt UPANDOPtNIN(J )Pff!Al S ON SALE ;rtRU WEDNff Mr' " , , WXff t+IAP/f !flTRf ~AND t4W FOR PfRFf(T .f 5°ANf) 9(f 111 rRE'i f?EO 995 S5.B8 OVEN~FT CflHMIC ~ CL~Y 2 LB RffJ l '11 Sl88 1 LB Rro 4CO $3.18 Brothers Art Marts· ~es to-H tington Beach ANAHEIM 222.-N. Beach Blvd. • COSTA MESA 1714 Newport Blvd . • ORANGE 1812 E. Katella Ave. · LAGUNA BEACH 190 s. Coast Highway • SANTA ANA 1126 E. 17th. St. ... _..,.EL TORO 24350 Swartz Dr. • HUNTINGTON BEACH 7470 Edinger Ave. •oPENING SOON •. ;.~-.,··· r_-...;:. I • ~ ,• L ..._ - ., .. . ' ' ., ~-,. ' .;. .. 1 '· . .. t: .4D OM. Y PILOT j Friday, May 25. 1179 O.llyPllellS ... H- FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL CHILDREN LOOK AHEAD TO 2028 Holding nme Caltsule Entries From left: Karl Cates, Lara Salamacha and Amy Flduccla Fut11re Shoek? Time Capsule Holds Kids ' Views By MIKE PASK-&VICll Of Ille Dall' Plot Stolfi What will life be like an :!028" The students at Arcv;llos :)chool in Fountain Valley hi.Ive been thinking about it. Wi ll th e re s till h e iJ ga:;. s hortage'? A pollution µrohl em., Any people left al a II'' Wi II lhl· boys be cuter'' C lli\NCF.S AUE MA N Y }OUnj.!sters Will {!<'l the CIJ.lj)Ortun1I .\ to fancl out. Somt ma y ev~·n travl•I to th1· Santa Cruz nlf>unt;11n!> 1n 2Q28 lo w1tnt-ss a lime c<1 p:;.ule 1Jc-1r • ..: un eartht•d at Big B :.i:;.in Hcdwood:;. Statt• Park The capsule \I.Ill hold lhl' 'IUl'" lion~. pn•d1c·t1011:-. und i.:rct'lJng!> that the ~tudcnl:;. h:1v(' hct·n im· paring. "TODAY IN 1!179. .,...,. h:" 1· .1 ~roblem with ga" ai r 1>0llut 1<>n a n If t each(.• r s wh o i.: 1 v <' ha <I j.!radt·s." writes St·ol S<'1 alp1 . rnu· <if Mrs ~idJH' 1;;1rrt•11·.., s ixth through ei~hth gradl' !.turh•nts. "In thP y1»1 r 2Ul >I. I hope tlw J.!!1:;. air pollution und tc;.achcr!> will n•1t be a problem with you .. Chris Conei<.•uo indirectly (1gurt>s the time car>sule will never be Opt>ned. .. Man wtll no longer cx-1~:~ tf<o prPd1cts "This will he a world or computers ·· "I think it will be g n~al." writes To ni Benoit. "Y"11 'll h1· riding around in Jct Air c-a r:;. " "I WISH 1 COULD set• the b<lys in 2028." writes Sherry Wushburn .. J hope they're a lot cuter th1:1n the~ are now." , One student prl'd1t·ts. "the music will be vt'ry d1ffncnt ... wh 1 le .another b(•lit•v••:;. "all the houses w1 II bt.' safer to h vc in " Ei~ht :-.cpurate classroom con· t ributions from Arevalos students wi ll ht' inc luded in the time capsult· In Mrs Karin Uhl's second and third grad(• classes. the students eke 1ded to write a s hort history of their l\·8 school and include some pt'r sonaliz<>d data on their favorite sports "WE /\LI. GO TO public school. and somt• of us go to c·hurch." the c hildrcn wrok "We had a lot of :;.ubs hc•causc our kacher had a h:1hv .. Tiw l'apsulc entry from Mrs Lindra F1 s ht·r ~ fifth and sixth i.:rader:-. has been scaled. but 10· vt•;u-olds t\mv F'iduN•ia and Lara Sl:llam<J(.'h<t agrN•d to give some hints lo lb Sl't'rt•IS. Tht• girls said the~ helped write a history of what Wl'nl on 1n their t•lassroom durinJ.! !.Chool year 1979. inl'luding maJur evc>nts like the tame soml'bnrly broke: in a nd took llw1 r tt•acher·~ stop wal.ch a net a hunch of nHld) THEIR ENTRY ALSO talks <Abo ut tht· March whale watching trip when "almost e\.'erybody got !>1<·k ... :;.ay_,'> Ami. "an~hat a guud v('ar 1t was. Ka r i Cates. 14. vice president of the student council. was one of the s tudents who helped get the time capsule plan under wa y S h e s aid Principal Prescott J ont•s told her about 1t and how it would help build ntw parks for C(lhfomia. With each entry. the s tudents will conlnhute S3 for future parks . The student counc-11 approved the S24 expenditure. \ Nur•ery Special J NIGHT BLOOMING JASMINE Very fragrant clusters of cream y white nighttime blooms. Fast growing evergreen shrub . lGol ~ Reg. 2.96 &lliill Get Your Tomatoes to "Set" With ... I TOMATO HOLD I For earlier, more and larger f rult, use CHACON'S TOMATO HOLD. 80Z. REG.l.69- I Floriat Special I NEPHTHYTIS several varieties Very reliable. grocef ully trailing Indoor green plant. 6" POT REG.8.95 3.99 DAILY M SUN. M30 Sin<'*' 1946 Halli.ms Nursery • Florist 2MO Harbor llvd., Co1ta Mt1a AIJ Good Through May 29. 1179 While Supply Lalla • Neurology Study Set A se minar o n neurology disorders will be presented Thursday at So uth Coast Medica t Center in south Laguna Beach as part of the f ac i I ity 's Operation Education nursing pro- gr am. Care of the n(!urolog1c patient. as we ll as Ice· lures on head trauma, neurologic disorders and nursing assessment of neurologic patients. will be presented beginning a t 8 a.m . an the hos pital auditorium. For information . call the nursing inservice of fi cc at499·1311. l·xt 618 LOCAL I CALIFORNIA Mosquitoes UK:e £if e, Courtesy-of Prop. 13 t•RESNO IAPI -California's pic- nickers, campers and bunters ahouJd have plenty or insect repellant bandy this summer , mosquito abatement of. ficlals warn. Spokesmen say district.a all over the state have been forced tp reduce Insect control programs because of Proposition 13 funding cutbacks. AS A RESULT, they have concen- trated efforts on e radicating diJeue- ca r rying mosquitoes while letting ha rmless strains escape until money is available for eradication efforts. The state's 54 mosquito abatement districts have suffered cutbacks averaging 40 percent, said Gil Challet, president or the California Mosquito and Vector Control As- sociation. Trained staff has been cut back between 10 percent and 60 per· cent Consequently, the districts have been forced to put their main efforts into contro lling ence phalitis and malaria carriers, Challet said. IN STANISLAUS County, for ex- ample, the Eastaide Mosquito Abate· ment Dist.rtct bad to limit control ef· forts to a three-mile radius around towns. said Claude Wat.son, district manager. Proposition 13 funding problems have hit equally bard at special mos· quito abatement districts and local health departments that handle the problem in some counties, Challet said. In Imperial County, where people already are swatting mosquitoes, hea lth official Eric Gordon said ef· forts are limited to public education and spraying standing water pools in· stead of more expensive draining operations that eliminate the insects. He anticipated a tough budget battle with other county departments. GORDON PREDICTED many s light cases of encephalitis this s um- m er . The symptoms of mild cases a re similar to nu, but there are no vaccines available to prevent those or more serious cases that can kill or cause permanent nerve damage to children and the e lderly. he said. Some malaria cases have been re· ported in Sutte r and Yuba counties. but they were dete rmined to have been 1mportt:!d by farmworkers from ~ --. the Far Eaat. However. mo1quitoes that bite humans who carry malaria can then transmit th§ diaeue over a wide area, said Don Wolmendorf of the slate Department of Health Services. THE P&OBLEM HAS been com· pounded by a S2 percent stall cut- back in the department's vector biology control section, Challet said. The section provides districts technical assistance and a statewide surveillance system. ~me relief for lhe districts may be on its way. An Sll·million bail-OUt bill by state Senator Rose Ann Vuich. 0 - Dinuba, was passed by the senate May 18. Public information is playing an important part in controlling the pests this season. s pokesmen said Property owners should get rid of any standing water on their land. they added. In the meantime . officials offered som e advice for people plagued by the pest mosquitoes this summer: Use a repellant. make sure your window screens fit well and, if possible, avoid areas around rivers and streams where pools of stagnant water breed mosquitoes. It's a Boy For flElvis' MANITOWOC. Wi s . CAP> -Elvis Presley and Mrs. Herbert Baer have a new baby. Dad is th e forme r Herbert A. Bae r, 41. of rural Valders, who had bis nam e d c ha n ged l ast Decembe r to El vi s Presley. Baer said at the time he had been a fan or the singer for years and was known to friends for more than 20 years by that nickname. Presley's wife a nd three other ch.ildrcn retain the f a mily n a me, a nd the hospital report listed the parents of the ba by born Tuesday as "Elvis Presley and Mrs. Herbert Baer .. ... .. ---------------..... A. Roomful Of Roses And Roses S ALT LAKE C ITY t AP I Sandi Crandell sa ys she doesn't know who sent her 248 dozen roses. Tbe card said, .. ~ rose for each day J have known you," and asked, .. Do you like peanut but- t e r and jelly sandwiches?" "I was floored." i.he said. IT TOOK florists 20 minutes to unload the nearly 3,000 roses from the truck they r ented for the delivery. G reg Parrish or The Flowe r Patc h Shop won 'l say who the m ysterious admire r 1s, only that he gave the buyer a break on his us ual price of $10.48 a dozen. MISS C RANDELL was busy giving most of them away to friends. neighbors, hospitals and nursan~ homes ··T e ll whoever sent them thanks," she said. .. And 1f he t•a res to rt·· veal h1m:.elf. I don 't bite." -J • ' "! . l • ; \ \ I J ::- -..... -. .... -.·-------------.. ---.... ---....----~ .. ---......... ,,..,... AT VOOR SERVICcl CONSUMER 1tba. I• L••r• 2 Former Black Pan. ther leader Eldrid~t· Cleaver won Onl· legal skirmish and los t two in his t•t tempt to s upµre:,s evidence in his up· coming tric1l for a t tempted murder. A San Francisco t·ou1·t held valid two police se arches of an Oakland home but ruled that a car search was illegal. FfC R~ps Amway on Pricing WASHlNGTON •AP t · Amway Corp .. one of the lar~est direct-sellin~ comparues in the world. illegally fixed prices. the FN1eral Trade Com· mission has found. T he commission or· der·~d the compa n y . founded bv two door-to- door salesmen in 195!1, to stop fixing retail and wholesale prices and mis representing the profitability of Amway dist ributorships &~ @lY][[ ~@[(\YJil@@ "Got a proNtm1 TIWR 111nr~ ro l>at 0v ... l'at Will cut red '4pt. '11'""'1 thf' 0111wttr1 and action "'* utt.I to •olve ..wquil14r1 "' gou.mrru•nt and bu.va'1f•ss Mad JIOMr QWsttoftl IO Pol Dunn, At Vl*r ~rv1cr C>runflt' Cocut l)ml11 N Ol . P 0 Heu J$11(), ('111110 M1•aa. C:..t 92626 Al mGnlf /ettrra o.t J)()Hlbl.: 1.11111 h.• umrwc:rC'cJ, btlt pno..d PtqWrwl or l•llt1rl OOI md udrny th•• reod1~T·1 f\lll nomt'. oddrt•u anti bulPwu hour.~ phuntl "" m btTCQIUIOI ~ ccmnderc:d Thal colummir'!Jl'nr• du•· 111 uc• s.idow• ~ c .. krr Bella O•I t'lla•I•• Ul':AR PAT Althou1h J Ilk~ my new ~low <'tt0kt>r. I wonder 1f this kind ur cook1n~ de11lroys v1tan1111)\ I know thttt whl!n vt"gctttbhii. ;in· (Jver· <'OO kt-d a lot of th<•ir v1l 1tm1no; &rt> lo:.t I' 'I' • lrvant• lhlr1n« a lt-to·I! IM>ur t'OOklnte pt-riud lo• 1'1uw cooker a lot of tlH" water i.oluble nutrlt'nb will be lf'ubed la&o lbe cookln& Uquld, ucordlag &o nu&rl· tloai1u. VUamln C aad 8 -comple. vitamins are th.. motilt llkt•ly to be destroyed a~ &hey are both wetn IOluble and beat labllt>. t'or example, dried Pf'•'-and ht-ans lose about -ti pert'ent of their lhiamln in slow cooking, about 38 perunt of tbt' niacin in meat will be leached in· to &ht> broth •nd cabbage slice~ cooked fur one hour lose 8% percent of the vitamin C content. Losa of vitamin C un ht> cut by bringing &be slow c·ooking mixture to a boil before allowing " '° simmt>r for meny hours. l..os!> of water llDd fat solublt> vitamins can be decreased by reducing the •mount of cooking liquid and serving the broth witb the finished product. .fitfopJWr f"o•lng flfl ,\.-u· Rul.-s DF.AR PAT: Does the fccforal government havt• regulations regarding lhl' purity of bottled wafl'r? I know the indus try 11robably has its own s tandards, but wonder if any fede ral agency wakhes the quality of bottlt'd water too K W , Costa Mesa \'ou un he assured the bottlt!d water industry ke<•os a dose eye on the purity of its product, but th.-t "ood and Drug Administration also bas an In· lerf'st. The FDA is issuing final revisions in the reg- ulation for the quality standard or bottled water. The regulation has been amended in response to the National Inte rim Primary Drinking Water Regulations estahllsbed by the Environmental Protection Agency. It esbbUshes maximum con'· tamioant levels for several organic and inorganic substanc:~ and for radioactivity in bottled weter. This regulation will go into effect July 1, 1979. Written objections or requests for a formal eviden· tiary hearing may be submitted to the Hearing Clf'rk CHFA-305). Food and Drug Administration, Room 4·65, 5600 ft'lshers Lane, Rockvllle, Md . 391457. For further information contec:t: Howard N. Pippin, Bureau or Foods <HFF·312), Food und Drug Admini!iilration, Department of Health, Education, and We lfare, JOO C St. S.W., Washington, D.C. 20204. K Marl Call f o Calt•la Crf•fnab Haggar Expand·O·Matic slacks of easy-care Visa. r.oml•J1l 1. tou111119t11 111 •c '"' • H •'l I·• c •• r, Ma11c 1" t II s 1n ..... , • ,, t• • wa1s1n.1nO 11\iit OtHlO ,Jnfl ,ll••h t p 1. '' "' , Sm:rnrv 1., .. 111••1 ot mrt r .. nr w 1~11.io•,.. ''"'" .,.1 ••.• .,~ Vl!.>A' p·Jlye· 1•·• lt.r ,.,. ,i11 •• , rn.,,.' ,~ l1f '"'"0 .t ..lrnooth N , • ' •t ... , ·•<f .ttar • ,,, · ··~~. ~ocom1011.,01.• 11.iqga1 'l11;lfo1111>" 1t1ttrn Cn~e luJm dr••~1,..· 11tt'l t11 ' , • r>r111t1r11-, ,,, ir1e moc;11 .. 1 '•·Cl ·J!Tvne• • orors W1'1ywa11? , from 21.00 silverwoods \llSA• 1s a IOQ•51et•'!l lraoo"'<!<k 01 MILLIKCN & COMPANY 101 1an·•~ '"-·M1wa.1m •' ,., HOWF.VER, THF. com mission dis missed other charges in a 1975 FTC complaint. includ· ang one that Amway im· posed unlawful non· price restrictions on distributors and that the company's sales plan w as a n ill ega l "pryam1d" sCh<>me DEAR PAT: I returned som e defective merchandise to the K Mart store in San Clemente recently, and was asked for my driver's license by the <'ustomer service representative. She then pla<·ed :.i phone call , during wh.ich aUthe info~m a · tion on mv lict·nsc includin~ height. weight. hirth dalt'.~<·c1lnr of hair and 1.·yt's v.:is reported to somrooe. 45 FASHION ISLAHD • HEWrottT HACH Amwa v manuf <H' tures. distributes and sells more than 200 prod· ucts, including soaps. home and car care prod· ucts. cookware, smoke detectors. vitamins and food supplements. It s ells the products through more than 300,000 distributors who call at the customers' homes. rather than through stores. AMWAY, BASED an Ada. Mach .. issued a state ment praising the parts of the decision that upheld the company's policies. Amway Board Chairman Jay VanAndel. one of the firm's founders , noted that the company 's products were not challe.nged. Cell 642-5671. Put • few words to work tor u. When J questioned the woman as to whom she was reporting this personal information, she re- fused to tell me, saying only that it was company policy. I fail to see why this information is needed for a refund, and want to find out why and to whom it was given. D.P , San Clemente Gene Fisher, K Mart asslstent manager, bas an explanation for you. This information ls report· ed tn the K Mart central reporting office in Buena Park on a "spot check" basis to cut down refunds on K Mart merchandise that may have been stolen a few days earlier at another K Mart s&ore. The spot check policy varies slightly each day for security reasons, so this was no renection on you personally. If. however, yoa had been able tn present a . cash register receipt Instead of a charge cud re· ceipt when requesting this refund, your license probably would not have been requested. Fisher seys there have been cases where merchendise has been stolen in Los Angeles or Riverside CollD· ties and returned &o a distant K Mart for refand. Certain types or merchandise ere suspect and other patterns of refund requests have been establhbed for this ripoff attempt, Fisher notes, adding that the spot cbec:k bas belped cut down on this problem and detailed deRrtption Information bas helped Identify persons who have tried thls method of theft. ESTATE SALE OF JEWELRY- CRYSTAL- PORCELAIN - BRONZES- CBilWA • -Frldey; ........_,, SILVER aad ••re. Lota of dilmond rings Ind t1rrings, gold c:ttlins, fine china and aystll, bronzes, some fumi· ture, oils, ch1ndelitn, brm l11T1P1, etc. Something for ewryone -from $1 .00 up. F'" edmlsslon. Bank of America, Miiter Charge, c"9ck1, tome terms IY•llabfe. MCI Suncl•y nights May 25, 26 and27 Inspection of all merchlndite Friday, S.turclev, end ·Sunday 2 • 6 P.M. and 7 • 8 P.M. aewport . gallerle• ltd. 2542 West Coast Highway Newport Beech, CA (714) 146-2200 COMSIGtls•ns ACC& Im -ra.IPM •MON 9 to 5 \ ' / • 9, ~ •:> • ... I I I j I • :3'J)_..._ ~· --. ~ ( I .• ••• -.I . . . ~ ·, ' Staring Do"'n the Enemg T hese decorative po rcelain miniature m .. sks on sale in Ne w York reflect the art of Chinese face painting. Painted m asks were used by oldtimc warriors to frighten PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE •E~UTIC* lfO. 1'51 A •inot.UTM* Of' THE CITY COUNCIL o,-THIE CITY Of' l•YINE OECLA•INO ITS INTENTION TO AMEND THE •ESOLUTION Of f'D•MATION Of' A S~ECIAL a IE NE f'IT A•EA TO alE CNA•OIED P:O• THE COST Of' INSTALLING CE•TAIN .OADWAY IM~•OYEMENTS AND CONYIEltSIOM Of' OVIE•NIEAD UTILITIES TO U .. DE•G•OUND IN CON- NECTIC* WITN, A•EA Of' aENEf'IT lfO f'.n~ WALNUT AVENUE IM~•OYEMENT AT CUL VIE• D•IVE WHEREAS, 1111\ City Council I\ CH\.orO•I\ llWI l>f'<KttO•~ be 1n11tatt'd for tti. a me1tdl1Wil4 of • !>OK••• -Ill ar~a 10 be <11.trQe<I tor '"" cosls ot <.,... struc:11"9..-.y1"""o""men1sano..-9f°"""u11f1ty <on•u\•on,.ond WHEREAS. II ....... s 111•1 Ille comtr11<1ton of S<llD r...0"'•1 •mi>rOW'· """'" ano -qrouna 11t1lllY cor,.trs<on """Y be OI lwMl•I to a """""D~ PD• loon ol ,,... C•IY. •"" WHEREAS. ,,_ llUbl•< ton"t!ftH'nc .. •nO M<f!\slh "''" llO' ,,.,,..., DY I .... •mt"no~nt of 'U\" pr0<.Md1nq-, f\IOW. ThEAEFOAE. Ow C•IY Collft(1I off"" (1ty 01 Ir"'"" hf'•eDy •~'Cll•rS •\ tollow' SECTION I. Said Coty C:O..nc1f 11rreDY .,.,l~rr\ lh 1nt~n11on to or""' 1n.. •mf'nd~t of_, '-OK•a1 bttwoflt t.tf~d wn..cn drPtt 1\ knawn d' Ar~d nt APnf"flt ,.,.o F·11_. <Walnul Aven~ 1morov~m .. ri1 "' (uh1N Ott~f') to ~ trMrQt•d tor -the CO\t\ Of conMructin9 c~rtdfn ro.lOWd'f ;morovt'mtonh ~l\d uno,.rarou"O uld1 ty corw&r~•on SECTION 2. The' 'C>e<lf1t unprovemt•nf\ ttw <o'b ot trw Cf>r'\tn u t1on ot w n1ch •re Pf'ooosed to be charcied to the proPf>r11f'~ •OC4'.11N'I w111'\1n ArPit ot 8ertefU No F·n ·•. •rt' dt"S(rtl>f'd in Extub•t A Art~chPO n.reto ano ov i"'' re fttrence •ncMooratrd ht1rt"1n A~ tnough \t-t tor th ctt lenqth 5dfCTION J. TIW' atnt!nded f',.tur1dtl'<S <o'f of '"l<' con~truction ot ll"tt" 'td1d tOM•ay 1rnpfovemtn1'\ dflO uno.-rgrouno ut1l1ty < onY'fr!.1on •~ \l .t,000 SECTION•. l"" b<klnddttr \ ol I"" Aruol Bl'nelll No F 11'4 arr.,.,,,,.,..., 1n E•h•bit '08 .. ~tta<hPd twrt•lo ..-:d by th1\ ret~re-n<t! •nt.Of'POl'•led "*'ti'"-., lllOUQll \M lorlfl .ti lf'nQlll the crn•my. LatC'r thl'Y wpn• used on stage. Tht' m1n wtttrl'S Wl'rc lw1ng sold for ~4 cach. Drat It Nol Irr• aA•NES MARILYl\I F BARNES aoe SI .~,. dent ol Hunlonqlon B.acn C• ""'"'" <1•ay on T""•SCl<lY. M.lr 1•. 1q1Q ,of Ho.9 Mef'T'K)f1al H~114tl M t\ 8 titM\ 11.00 been "<lf•fl. w1tll '"" H11n1tn111on Be.ocl' El-•arv ~-Dl\tr•O 101 the p,u 1 17 ye.tr• Siie "'4' .tl\O d member OI Ille F•r>t Untll'd Mell!OOl\I Cllurc 11 ol HMnl1nqton ~.1c:r1 Sf\• '"'" ttw beloved •1te ot WiUtf'r J h,..rn.·~. Delovf"CI mot'-' ot J.-ttrey J CCurM '-ot An.th.,1m. C• an<J K r v1n J BMn._,, or Hunt1noton Bfi.Kn C41 All)() ~urv1v1nq .irl! A Qr~ R1r ky 8ArM' ot O.;n" Po1nl, M r fdtN"r (\Ar,....•w f re~r 1c~...on of Duluth, M1n"*'!.Ott', I '1!>fPr 1(-cJrn_. Poor 01 SIO<Uon. c.. dnd 1 brnth••r llOWd Frt"()f'r1\k.~ vi Dululh Min "'~Ota Frtftnd\ mny t 1tll "'' tn'4 P1Pr( e Rrnlt'IPr\ Sm11n' Monu.uv hit 't on PM fOdd'f' Forw•r(\I \.f'rv1te\ will ~ (OndUCll'CI di I 00 PM on Sdlu•OM May 7•, nl9 In In• ~Ir \I Untl~O Mt•lhOdl'.t Churrh ot Hunlinqton Ot••tn wt1n Re._ Al~'' Jen""-·n p..i,lor ot Hit> """"' h Olt•C1.tt1no r amd¥ •_,uoq@\I\ rontr1but1ons .,. .. mudt• 10 1f\e Amtl''•' ;.n c .. 1 nt~' \oc 1e1Y P tf'rCt A,olP'lrr\ ""'''II\ MorludfY <11ret10•> )J4>·•)J<I CRAWFORD HARR1En CRAWFORD •U .Of'nl 'Kangaroo' Aid Book Available Oranj!e Coast pre school ch i ldre n who watch .. Cap tain Kangaroo" are offered a publieat wn at county librarv branches thett goes -with lesso n s g I \' l' 11 0 h t h c c B s telc\'lsaon show. "l'ict11repeti::es " gives h·ssons to be followed by <.'h 1ldrcn during the show and follow-up s ugges- tions for parents. It is' etva1lable at Costa Mesa. Fountai n Valley. Irvine. NA TlON I iOCAL I OBII1WJIES Te lnllttett~ Vefe Vegas Man Held in Bribe Try CARSON CITY, Nev. <AP> - A 29·year'·old Las Vegas man baa been arrested a fter he al- letedly tried to bribe a legislator to vote for a bill legalizing over- the·counter sales of Gerovital. Gerry 1.obriat, who reportedly owns stock in a Gerovital manufacturing firm in Las Veaas. was booked Thursday for investigation of bribery and bail was aet al $25,000, the sheriff's office said. THE DISCLOSURE WAS made by Assemblyman Lloyd Mann. who told the Assembly Ways and Means Committee he was promised a three.year scholarship lo law school and was given Sl,000 if he would vote in favor of SB ~74. which would allow comumers to buy the Nov· ocaine-related druc without a prescription The panel promptly voted to kill the bill aft.er bearing Mann's statement. Gerovital was legalized two years ago in Nevada, tocet.her wilh the anti-cancer drug Laetrile. Many legislators claim that making over-the-counter sales of the drug legal would re- duce the bigb cost to purchasers. especiallv senior citizens. It &ATTB& A88VaED doubtful le1i1latora tbat tbe dru1 would be aalely Uled. But other lqlalaton critieiled the lelial•tioa. Another bill mov- l n1 throu1h tbe Le1ialature would have simply made lt ll· legal lo produce or aeU tbe aub- atance in Nevmda. Gerovital is not •llowed ln in· teratate commerce by the U.S. Food Uld Drug Administration, o n grounds it's a suspected hoax Nevad• legalized m•nuf•c· ture and sale by prescription two years ago. . Call us for Insurance quotes! f ttll RUG -: -v::: ........ 11 ...... _ ... ,...._,. Auto -Life -Homl"ownl"rs 1.-ARME RS INSURANCE GROU 548·5554 RABBITT INSURANCE 1914 Harbor Blvd .. Costa M SALE PRICE REGULAR PRICE $14.50 5 GAL. CONTAINER THRU MAY ~ This rree produces tangy thin skinned juicy lem ons from an early age. R1~1.-r\ V.trli1•n, • M0-5R<l0 ~n .~1~u111 .ti M111 l\nl1ur • Nt'\<')ll1n ~"' h • Y dlll·b pm CllYON CARPET s5ts S..Y& ..... 9.ftS..Y& _,,, Pl.USM NYLON SIMA"M ..,._.. C:.OO• ·~ ...... -of .,... __ .. ,, __ "'9----INlall<JllOn Of'd POdOng AvOllODlt ____ _ s9•!._... s3ts.._, .. .... fM.ff lq. Yd. .... f7." S.. T& IU"I Pl.USM NYLON IHAe 1CANYON CARPET 344 OCEAN AVE., LAGUNA IEACH ""'""''''..i°""""'·r"' 497 4886 l • ... ·C.O•nCtaM. ~Vdfl'\ •81ao. • HRS: Mmt . .fri.' to 5:10 p.1111. • s.t. 10 lo 4 P"' Oraoeries • \/1ny1s • Ceramic Tiles • M1n1 Bllndc; •All Rectuceo Prices <)tP'I.., S&Of°' H~ A.v~). f tllbtOOll p ..... S0.•"9'-"'*" °"""" SECTIOff) T"" IT1"ll>OO pyr~nt to •n•tn '"" co•!\ OI con<11uc111><1 In" atort''4ttd ro.&Ov-af 1mprowrlmrnt\ dnd undiforqrouno ulll1ly convtir~1on .at,. pro pa...ed to bt ~ltorwd .tmonq the varwu\ NH.el' w1tn1n propos.ect AH•d ot 8eMtt1 No. f 11--4, dnd • Pf't'ltm1ndry e-\l1m•l~ ot 1~ dmount wfucn will bl! c narQe'd tofl'ct<n pArce1 or DO•t.on ttwrM>f "'f" \.f't tor1t'I 1n E•"•btt C attac~ hettto •nd bv lht\. reter-enc~ 1n<01POtat..a her"•"., tl"lc>uOh vi lorth dt Jrnqth SECTIO.. l. Ttwo Ctly nl lrv1nr will mall!' conlribllhon ol i 0 lowaro '"" <°"b Of t0Mlrt1Cht19 I ...... 10 .. ,_a•O r....OW.lf 1~0ftfT>ef!IS .. no w.-roro..no utility, ........ ,,_ 01 Co~•• -'"'· '" Pd"~ """' ot1 M ay n ·~" 1n Netllf'PQ..-t Br (t{h C.11 Servtc f'\ are pt•nd1nq ae HdrbOr L••n Mount Ol1vt:" Mor'tuurv o• CO'lattl Mew S.HSS. Laguna Beach. Lagunet .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ni g u e l . San Jua n SECTION 7. TIW 11111 day ol Jyne, 1919. <11 '"" l!our ol I JO pm • .01 lhr oi.mbefs of llM! Coty (OYnC•I 01 Ill<' City ol lr.,ne, 11200 J•mDortt Bo..lo••O Crv1ne. c..tllorn1.o. hereby 1t<e l•HO •• ""' ti""''""" place for .o PllOI•< ......,,,119 to consl~ protesh lo Ille Of'~ 1><0Cft'd~. SECTION I. Al ""Y tome not l•ter 111.on llM' l!ouf wt tor W1d pyetlc """'"'II· -.,..,,,_ ot ~ willltn '"" Ar9a ol -411 Ho. F-1,_. ,,..., Iii.• wronen prolt'SI ~nsl Ille c~t•l l>'Otl!<I\ underlallen. or .oo-1ns1 the e•IH>t of Aru of 8eMlll NO F·11~. or a9<1ins1 an, or •II 01 Ille ID<e90•ftQ S..c" l>'OIUI m11SI .... in "'"'"'II -ITkl\I cont•1n • deS<riPllon of Ille 1><°""'1" 1n "'"ltn thr sloner '' tnle~~lf~nt lo I~ 1.lle )"""· .ond II llM' s""""' 1s not sho•n on llW l•st ,.qy.ohred as~nmenl roll as lne o•ner Of s..cll prop.,,1y. ~•d l>'Olot m11•t al\O con1•in 0t be' «<om~n•ed b~ •ritten f'v~<., th.tt such S•9"*' 1\ t~ ownf'• of wid 1><*'1Y All s..cll protest\ mu" be O.hvrred lo Ille City Clt'rll ano no olhrr IH'Ol61Sor obfKllons shit II be con•1dt'reo SECTION t . Tiie C•IY Clerf!. hl'rtby ts •11lhort1ed •nd directed to PfOVIOt- tlOll<e of llM! afcwes.10 IM'•rinQ Dr publ""'no • <oe>w ol lll•s ~e!oolul•on Ho •O)f "' • -r ol Qeneritl clrtul•hon w1lf\ln I~ Cily ol lr.,ne. a t teast ll'IO -"'prior to the dale ~I tor lhl' rturlnQ. TIM' Clly Clnfl. "lurtller •ul110r11...i •net dlrKll!d lo DrOV•d<! \UC II nol•U by malling <oo••• o• lh•S Rootullon NO IDS. lo 1111! o-r• ot '"" pr~rll~~ located w11111n Area ol BeMlit "io. F 11 ... "' tile addre•lifi ~hown on Ille '"'' •Q11•h1ed .,..,,,,...,.,,, roll, or as lhl' Qme are 0111.,wl,,., lc"°"'n 10111" City Cte>rk PASSED AND ADOPfED by Ille City Count•! 01 11\t' (tly Of 1rv1M di a re· .., .. , meell119 Mid on Ille nna day 01 May, 1y1q. 1S1 Biii llardoulls MAYOR OF lHE (ITV OF fA\/INt l"ETERSON DONALD PE f ER!.01\1, '"'°""' ol Huf'\l•no1on ~6(.ft, Cd P•\WO d•••y on T1!11t'°'"y· May 7•. 19/~ Atrdt\Ql" m"n'' """""'IQ •I lltr P1fr<e Broll!•" Sm• I"' Mor1udr ~ "36-•Slt SIDDALL RUTH SIDDALL, re.ooent ol Hurll 1n91on Bucf\. C• P•~~ <1wo 011 Thursday, Mdy 1•. 1919 Arranoem~nl\ peno1nQ •t Pou<~ Brolller~ Sm11"' Mortu•ry ~llr6Sl'I PERSON EVELYl\I £ PERW N, r-.ldenl ol Newoorl &stch Ca Ptl\Wd awdy di Hoaq Mernot••I HO"P•ft.tl !>ur\nv~O D'I 2 ~on~. Jdmf'\ C I Bull 1 Pt r'iOn. Jr ol f\le .. porl &!<Kii, Ca ''"° Ci•fQ Per'Cln ot Catt•'-lrano RcM.n, Cd Service\ w1tl bt' neto on 5'llurOa•. Ma• ,t>, .&I 1 OU PM Pttr1l1( v ... _, MortU•l'\' COilP\'I IO· tumt1nt Pa<.111<.. Vtt•w Mt·mori,tl PtJtk Pt1CdH V•e • Morlu.nv d1rt<lor-. t>U HOO SMITH JUSTIN MICHAEL SMllH, nallV~ ot C•tttorn1.;, rt'\10en1 01 Anan~1m. Capistra n o . Sa n Clemente and Silverado branches and on county bookmobiles. The series will con- clude in early July. Deathll Elsewhere ATTEST P•~Sf'O awa~ Mlly ?1. 1919 .it t"e •II<' ol TARZANA IAP l - Charles T. McClure, 53; UCLA counseling at· torncy and forme r ass1s· t a nt vice chance llor. died Thursday of a heart attack after heing taken from has home to a hospital. /~I A•yeA.HarrlnQlon 7 Y'"'" He ltt.t•~ hi\ part'ftl•. D•bb•f CITY CLERK OF THE CllY OF IA\/INl: Smolh ot An.orte1m, •nd Charle• Sm•lh STATEOFCALIFOAl\llA ) ot E1 P.t\O. Teaas ""° 6 Drol"•' COUNTY OF ORANGE l SS Cf\•rlr' Smolll ol An4,,..1m Two un<t~~ CITY OF IRVINE 1 lom Srn1111 o1 Fulll'rlon ~nd Oall~> I, RAYE A. HARAINGTOl\I, C1ly Clerk ol thr C•IY ot Irvine. HEREBY DO !tm•lll of Arwnc1m 41nD ttn ;o11nt Urrlhd CERTIFY lllat ,,_ f0te901ng At...,luhon '""' P<l''4!0 and .idoptro Dy tnr C•IY !turmA Of fllOrlll JuO•on. Jndiana Council of the City of lr"'ne al .o n•l)ular meellftQ ,..,.10 on lne nno 011y o1 M•Y. Funerdl ''""""' ""° onl~1ment ••II ""· bt hloll-""J roll call volr take Pl•<r on f\10<111 J ..O\On, lnd1•na RI VERSIDE 1AP1 - f:rnest Louis Yeager, 85, founder of t he E . L . Yeager Const ruct ion Co . t he 13th l argest he<avv construction firm 1 n the country. was found dead behind the wheel of his car Wednes- day after at went out of control and crashed into a tree. AYl!S: SCOUNCtLMEM8EAS. Agr•n.Anthony.Ci.o•OO Sm11n A Tull>tll Mortudry lorwM01n9 Sllft-V«OOUll\ -d1rt<1or~ 0 1 E lllf\ SI . Costa M~w NOES· OCOUNCILMEMBEAS f\lone ~- A BSENT OCOUl\ICILMEMBEAS Hone IS/ A•Yfl A Harror191.,.. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF IRVINE WAUtUT AVENUE IM~llOVEMENT AT CULYEll D•IVE A•EA Of' aENEFIT NO f'·11~ IEXNlatT "A'' Improve-st~-Slreel 1mpro"'f!""'"I~ mtllldlf'!l 9'Mlino, PA"lno. ba\e, curb •no QYll••. ,..,,..,.. dr.inatt ladOliu, tr.0111~ \l9n•• nioc .. ieln, "9nlfl9-lr•flk str1p1n9. PYFllOM AIHHUA FAAfllrtLIN PYFAONI. re\1dent of SM\1• An.t, C.• Pit\\.t"d •w•y on May 73. t•19 H~ '" \11f'V1v..O Dy nl!t ••ff. Vf'tOth< •. '°" AOCJitrt l Pylrom ..,., dauQlll~r O••M C So\ lr""9 SenroU'' will be held on !>.elu• .,..., al • 00 PM In , .... P.tClh< Vtrw C"•Ptl Enlombmenl P<1c•ll< VlfW Memortal P•rk P'1<•tt< V1t~·• Morl ... ryHewporl Df!•(ltdlfe<IOr\ HEWES BLANCHE F HEWES. '""•dMI ol COMtructieln ot ..-9"ound ei.clrlcal •no comm1H1iullon \~tern lncludlnt conduit•."'"""· wa1111s, tr-'Ormen .ono all appurlen.onc.e• ano •"""rte'*ll worti. The remoYal ol all overt!Nd wires. Pol9\ •no-ri.n.nt wor1t Co•I• Mes.., (<I Piw ... a ... .,, un Mttv -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ H , ,,,. Sh~ " "'""""0 bt lt~r • llu•b<tnO Albotrt <; I H•WI'\ ol Co''" Mt"•· C.a .• I ..on Donal!! !> Hew•~ ol Cosl.t Mew, Cd • 1 urotnN CMrtf\ Ko,-·, ol Bitlbo.o l5ldnD, C•. 7 '"'~" Anne Satter ot Fullerton, C• 1·tnd Cl•ir~ Ciro~' ot Yucaipa. C• ""° 3 orandclllldr•n Fu'"''"I "''"" ~' will be 11•10 on S.Ol11r<l1ty M•y a . IY/Y ~I 11 00 AM al 111'! P.t(llll \/lrw C.MP"I wllll P•\tor R•ll'!KllO K•llh<•ll oll1c ••I tnQ. tnt ermtrnt At P4'<1t u View Memorl•I Peril IJell Broaoway ol EXNlalT"a" 7$.000 ~~ 2 ·""~~~~ . ' /RV/NE: @ •• 45 ~ ~ @ ''-H1 i , ~ Ay£. i lr ? 10 " 449-02 ••1t1etT"C" ... n.-., .. ... ,. .., -,-··----J COU• -WdltetlOt\ FUNERAL IRECfORS I la rbo1· Lawn Mount ()li\ie Mortuury Cemetery Crematory • Interment In AnJ Cemetery •Shipment •Burllll ln8Urllnce • Crel'Mllon ••• complete • ' CGUlor frn C"mat'°" Port/oUo 1•....,An. c... .... l401114 rtBFAMfLY COlOMrAL FUHHAL HOMI 7801 Bolsa Ave Westminster 893·3525 rACIFtC VllW MIMOtllAL PARK Cemetery Mortuary Cha pet !1500 Pac1f1c V1ewOnve- Newport Beach 644-2700 McCOIMICK MORTUARIES Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San Juan C8p1strano 49f;.1776 IALn.llltCMROM FUMHALHOMI 646-2424 Costa Mesa 673-9450 1&1. llOADW A Y MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 MTMATU1MIU. MOaTUAIY WBICL .. CHAPIL CterNIOfY • Flower Shop 427 E 17th St. Costa Mesa 84&<4888 WlllOTM91 IM1M'I MOITUAIY 827 Mein St. Hunt~BMch • ---. . .. A lot of the peoplt:: 1ammed·up m ga5 Imes dre gelling hung-up on our phone lines, We're sorry, but as lhou· sand~ and thousands of people turn to the bus tor help we can'I help the resulrmg busy signals But you can helpl Help yourself to some quick. easy lnforrnallon and dV01d lettmg our phone problems add to your 9as problem First. call 636·RIDE early or late. when hnes are rnore likely to be free Or. simply dial the operator and use our toll-free nurpber ZENITH 7-RIDE You Cdn mdke your 11mc o n the lme c;horter 1f you're re<idy with pencil and paper when vour call gets answe!W Or. you can avoid getllnq hung·up on busy phone Imes alto· qether Complete scheduJc tmd bus ndmg mformallon 1s available at over 150 con- venient locations through out Orange County You·u hnd bus information at your local post office. most shopping centers. college campuses. Libranes and· senior Citizen centers. So. you may not need lo phone at all But please keep lrymg if you need ·------ more information We re domg everything we can to cope with the gas cnsas. Lake puttmg on new oper· ators as fast as we cdn • Iraan them. We know busy hnes are 1rnta1lng, but better to WdJt on phone hoes than !-ill m gas hnes ··--------· .~OATING. eaver Worid'a Beat? • Diel& Deaver. 11llmaker and HfeJoq member of Balboa Yacht Ch.ab, may be tW beat match raeln1 aallboat •kipper in tbe world. He proved that laat Wffllend by Wtnn.inl tbe Royal Lemmiftl\Oft C\ap, aymboUc ol the Brttilh match raclac c ham· piouhtP. ltnorina the fact that he barely mined win· niaa the Lona Beach Yacht C lub 's Conareasional CLip loaing lo anoth e r Newporter. Dennis Durgan of the Newport • Harbor Yacht Club -· D4"aver has also won the French match racing championship and was the Congressional Cup winner In 1978. IN WINNING t he British match racing event Deaver won six of the seven matches. He also won the seventh but waa disqualified when he fouled John Oakley of Great Britain. The lineup of the Lem- ington Cup affair in· eluded some of the most successful match racing skippers in the world - inc luding thr ee Am e r ica's C up aspirants --and Durgan who edged Deaver in the Congressional Cup. Finis hing second behind Deaver with five wins was J ohn Oakley who has been selectt>d as the helmsman on the new British 12-meter Lionhart which will be challen gi ng for the America'sCupin 1980. TIED FOR third with four points each were Brun o Trouble . helmsman of the French Am e rica's C up con- tender: Harold Cudmore, wanner of the Lemington C up last yea r, and Congressional C up champion Durgan. Peter Bruce o f Enl{land was sixth with .. .. _ _,_ -..... ..., .......... WINS MOUNTING Diet& Deever cean 87 AUION LOCKA8SY ....,,... .......... Yaetu ,.rtielpaUac in the ftve· raet Pacific OetlD Raclq Con· fereue < PORC > wUI make UMtr flnt appearance In Newport Beach thla Memorial Day wHkend termlnaUnc a race from llarina del Rey to wtnd up the fourth race or the aerin. It will be 1 buay Wffkend for tbe PORC fleet aa tbey will race tbe tblrd race Saturday at Marina Del Rey before 1earln• up for the race to Newport. The race down the coast. lncludlnt a circamnavlaation of a couple of channel i1h1nds. will start three wins; Pelle Pet· Sunday Jtnd la expected to flnlah terson , s k ipper or Monday. Swf'df'n's America's Cup AND THERF. WILi. be plenty or ehullenger. was seventh other sa1hng l'~mpet1t1on along the wit h two victories and Orange Coast th•~ wcl•kend Phil C'rebbm of England The Bahia Cormth1<1n Yacht Cl~b wab eighth with zero will be host to Lido 14s Saturday m wans the unnual Lido-14 l11v1tat1unal re- Reports from England gatta said Deaver's victory Most of the competitive action will wa s due to has mastery ~ in the Dana Point area where or starting tactics and three regattas are scheduled the a bi lity to gain and THE CA PISTRANO BayVacht retain boat speed after Club will be the terminal point for the start. the first race or its Ocean Racing Series which will tic an with a race DEAVER himself said from Marina del Rey whirh is the the g reatest pr oblem fo urth race of the Pacific Mariners during the series was Yacht Club's Stein Series. The race the strong tidal curre nts will start on Saturday and is for on the Solent. coupled ya c· ht s measured under the with light to moderate Performanc·e Handicap Racing f<~leet winds. To help solve the < PllRF'I rule. Capo BYC wi ll also <' u r r e nt s itu a t Ion . host a Memorial Day Regatta Mon· Deaver had on his crew day for Sabot and Laser sailors. two Britishers. Ross For t h e P llR F yac ht s n ot Walker and David Allen-participating 1n the Capo BYC race. Williams. The others in the Dana Point Yacht Club has the cr e w were Rod scheduled a Memorial Day regatta Davis and Jeff Stone of on Sunday. Newport Beach. both of For those not interested ih com- whom had crewed for petition, Catalina Island will be the D e a v e r i n t h e holiday mecca for both sail and Congressi~al Cup._ power boats · depending largely on The series ~as m 34. the availability of fuel for the latter foot Offshore O ne - acen BOATING THE FUEL CRUNCH may alao .r. feet one of the most prestigious pre· dieted log races for power boats on the west coast. the three-legged Craig Trophy. The San Diego Yacht Club was scheduled to start the predicted Jog- gers on a race to Long Beach Thurs- day in what has been labeled the Craig Race North. The Craig Race Coa•tal lt'eatlaer N19ht •nd mornlnq •-cl-with NIY IUl>llll,,. In th• all••noon Saturda,. Ll9M varl•bl• winch night •nd mornt1'9 hOun H191t Saturoa, In Ille mid~ •I buchot\ to mid/~ 1nl•nd. Coa\tal temperature\ w111 ranQ<' ~t-n M -... Inland l<mperaturh will ra~ ~lwHn 60 •1111 IS Thot INdhtr •~mcaer•turf •Ill ~.O. Sun .. /tloo• .. Tides ,RIOAY Second low J 16p.m , , Second h19n • Jlp,m • 1 SATUltOAY Ftr\t tow '.n•.m. I() ~tr,t IHQh 10 Sl• m • 0 Second low l Up.m, I I 5"cond h19h 10 Olp m oo SUNDAY f1r\t low S 12• m .(). f tr\1 tu9n II •1• m l8 SocOflcl low 4 lOpm 1 0 SeCOfl<I ht9h 10 Jtp m. ~ J Suf"rt~\·-•m \el\ J ~· p "' Moon"~) SO d m • Yoh I 4• p m Design sloops designed by Doug Peterson of San Diego a nd built in England. IN ADDITION to the perpetual Royal Le m- ington Cup. the winning s ki ppe r recei ved a handsome wrist watch donated by Cartier . Schenck Captures Leluna,.,. J 2 Crown As the result of his victory in the British ma t c h racing series, Deaver has been Invited to comp e te i n the French match racing c ha mpionship in Sep- tember. In the French series he will be the de- f ending cha mpion. ••• Fred Schenck. veteran dinghy· sailor from , New port Harbor Yacht Club, showed th e youngsters some or tho tricks of the trade Satur· day and Sunday by winning the Spring Cham- pionship in the Lehman· 12 Class. Schenck is a former national and international champion in the Snipe Class. but despite his years has not entirely lost his tiller touch. Dally ll'llet ..-. :second in the championship regetta went to Pat Seaver and third was Jeff Merickel. LEHMAN WINNER Fred Schenck ,... ...... 1179 South la achedl&W &o 1et ...., wa1 from I.Gal Beacll Saturda1. 88d •Ul be followd -llOllda1 .,, .... ... ternatklaal Predieted Lot ,.. fMm San-~ to Euenada oe llOlldaJ. Southern C1llfomia Y ~ Al· aoeiation calendar: ............. ULIC)ol YACHT ClUI -""'"' PC>aC , .... ..,_ MW~ ... ..,, Mol!Uy, IAHIA CORINTHIAN YACHT CLUI -U..14°"9 '"""etllllll, letwWy. CAl"1'T91ANO UV YACHT Cl.UI -OW. ...... Serlt1 Ne. t IMerlM *'Rey te 0-,..., ....... -''=i~~r?t~~ •• 1"41.,1 luMrt. Lia A••nelll1ll9ll1 ...aL19t-IMdt ALAMITOS UV YACHT CLUI -~ 0.,. .... 11 •• s.urdey, ~y. COltSAIR YACHT CLUI -.......,_ ..... ,.,_. D\D 'OJ l<tJOA' EVfRY GOLD PIN FUN C!MiER FEATURE:S OPEN 80WUN0, THREE GAMES r-oR 1t-4E PRICE ~ 1\VO SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES Cit ETC ETC ere .... I I I ROLL 2 GAMES, No. 3 IS FREE! Offer good at participating centers through May 31. s ubject to lane availability. (Phone first !) Open bowtlng la beck! WIN ALL-EXPENSE TRIP TO HAWAII FOR TWO, IN "DREAMER" SWEEPSTAKES. Ot~r prizes, too! No purchase necessary. Enter now at your participating center! ................... .., •-a.-..-c.... ..... • •••• , ...... s..i .... ............. s-. ... ............. , ... Wa I ' I a.-· Wa I ' I N-M N.wpmt leedl, (t14, 711-1111. .,_ ..... ,. M•rrlal O.J. 10 lo S; ......... Wed .. Set., 11 ID I: Tinn. ud f'ri., 10 to I ' Q FASHION ISLAND A ~ NEWPORT CENTER ... large stores, small stores. department stores, specialfy shops, restaurants, rest areas, events, fashion, music ... and much more memorial day hours: 11 to 5 .. ' , --·.::.:.:.~.--..,-.. -·""'·""•"' ·-··· --....._'. ~ .... . . "'." -. . .. ....... -·-- -11 INSIDE: •Sports •Ann Landers •Business •Horoscope Daily Pilot Pflo OS y Richard Koehler F1bo ve. Ken Julian at nght tutors second graders Tiffany Henderson and John Madison. They're working on a plant unit. At right, Mary Nutten gives Mark Nimmo help with the 'Math Bubble. · Give Car Safety NEW YORK <AP> --While the out- side of your car may look fit enough for · all the hazards of the road during Memorial Day vacationing. that doesn't mean the inside is. warns Joseph W. James, who spent 20 years as an engineer with a major automobile manufacturer. He suggests a five-minute internal check. First, sit in the driver's seat and make sure it's adjusted to your normal driving position, says.James, now presi- dent ol National Car Rental System. TAKE A LOOK around for any cracks in the windshield or anything blocking your vi6>n. Adjust your rear· view and side-view mirrors. Next, check the seat belts. Do they flt properly? Tbe seat-belt retractor abould take up the alack in the belt. Look for poulble frayed spots the belt might have developed from eatching on a door (leeMPBTY, .... al) .. •i Kindergarten students at Woodland Elementary School in Costa M esa cheer tor relay race. Tutor Jamie Ortiz. an eighth grader at Kaiser Middle School. supervises Now It's Tutor 'lime The big kids help teach the. little kids at area schools. Hy CllF.RYI. ROMO Ott~• D•olr l'olot si.11 Soml'l1ml'S olltt•r kids J U~l wish ) ouni;c r kids would gel out or their hair and gn pla) on ;, merry.go.round ur scratch the wax off soda pop cups Or hl'lp1ni.: k 1111lt·r).!artt·n pupils with their ~·rt µrnJt•tl~ Or lt·at h1ng :-.mall1•r children how l o play h<.1sl'lwll and haskctball . And helping t1•al·ht·r.., Little kids can be a pain when teen ager.., arc busy becomin~ adults Tht• oldN st udt·nt s attend Newport Harbor ll1 ~h S<'hool 1n N(·wport Beach and Kaiser Mid· dlt: School in Costa Mc:-.<1 That·s why 1t·s somewhat unusual to find a group of high school and middle school students volunteering to help younge r students 1mprovt their reading. writing and arithmetic skills . They recc1 vc ;icadcm1c credit for their t uloring and an' :-.l·rccncd for the program bt•for<' they become sn vnlv<·d in onc-to·one in- lcr:Jct1on with students at Marincrs Elementary Not to mention JUSt being a friend <See TUTOR, Page 831 Harbor High School senior Cyndi Cantell goes over lesson with 9-year-old Skip Wmters at Manners Elementary School. Parenting Takes Practice ~~~....;,_Workshop to focus on nurturing parent ,. and child. ..., ,... """"' ............. By MARCIA FORSBERG OI -o.lly ~ Swff It all takes practice. You don't become a lop notch eye surgeon or ballet dancer or golfer without constantly polishing the skill. You don't become a good parent without practice. either . That's the opinion or rour ex- perts who've helped design a workshop aimed at parents, sing le parents. step·parents. grandparents, teachers or other parenting rigures. Work.Ing in cooperation with the Laguna Beach School District, the four professionals plan lo focus on ·'how you can be with your children while their nowering un. folds and not let your own garden get trampled in the process." lives they c re ate with their children." Ms. Tonge, a Laguna Beach re- sident. is a human development consultant who created the Infant· Toddler· Parent P r ogram at Orange Coast College. Sbe has worked as a psychiatric nurse for the Orange County Mentat Health Regional Team. Other workshop leaders iaclucte Bernice Pomeroy, a kindergarten teacher and consultant for the In· novative Teaching Techniques Cadre for Arizona Classroom Teachers; Jennifer Sumner, special education teacher for Bell· ingham ttigh School in I , .. Laguna Beach resident Mary Jane Tonge is one of the coordinators for an upcoming worlcshop kx parents. Mary Jane Tonie, one of the coordinaton, says the Workshop for Parents will be "an opportunity for people to-In an experiential way -become more aware of how they make choices to create the W ashln1ton and former bead · ~ teacher at the Valley Cbllclren'a 1t Hospital and Guidance Clintc 1 Therapeutic Day School in ~1 Fresno; and Jim Mason. cblld· ~ family psychiatrist and Cblef ol I " <See PAaENTING. Pa•e Ba> 1, .. . ---·--s·· •• • • tr rt ..... -DM.YN.OT Frldey, Mar 21. 1111 HOROSCOPI! WNOnC• , "'~.;me· I [ 1 "'"' ......... •ec""............. """ ......... l!MnlUTOCHOITO•• Boros.eepe .... ITATaMl•T .... ITA'8aMlen .... ITAT9MlllT ~ -~-----J~=----------\-~t-----t---r""I , ............ ..,_ It ..... llvtl• Ttle ......... ..,_, ere ,...... TM ............ ._, •re .. ,,.. O• •U&.ll T•ANl•la 1-----------------------t--I -··. Nn"UCTION, 10 Of' AlL t"AOll. Wt W. NAT U" AL CON C I" f NOflCI l\Hl!ltllY OIVl'N hll"9 ..., ______________________ , . 11'1t Vie lea Meru, lr1d11t,ee1-u tlw•. N•••••t .. ecll, UUIOICA .. N01 m-.-e111e,, ~~:::::;;,°!.,!!.M.!,!1.!,:!,~!~~; <.el..... Cllllwllle... ~ ...... c.....,, ' ....... Olill • ._, llFJI VII ...... &;Mr ~-.... tllt W • ...:_~~~.!!. ......... ~:t~.:.,'~ :-~..=:: s..--. ..... ~ aelHe tlw• • ...... ,, aeec•, -L~ --· tflel e _....,..,la..._,. le W ftla----~......... ... --. • -....ca lllHe le •1tO•l•ltlTI, IN(., e .......... • ... .., .. L• ..... Ult ..... "'-'••n1 c.,,.,, C•ll"'"'' c-.erelltll Tr..-.lt~ --.c. atwt •ti HI llN.., NeW .. f't eeetll, nti ........ II uMllM ...... • Wlltte IMltlMU etlf~ett It t1ti "* __.. _....., ..... W. ...,...... ...,..=_..,... u••""9..,... ~ o.t• ONlfy ~,Cllrll .. o.._ C!MltY•..., TMt.................... ........ .. .... ci.r ......... c ... ~ •. it...... .,..... _.... .. .... .. .. Tiie .,_,..; .... tr~rel la ...... ... .. "'... ~a..-~c..w--......... t•McCMmkll •Ill , .... ....... 0...C:....D.ify.... ............................ .. ,,. 10 ,·, t .... !!, ... .,.. '· .. '!. '"' .!!!!..!! ~°"'"Or-. c:.-tT •.... • .... ~~-·· • r...... .. • e 1 ....._ ,,...._Or-. C-.. ~...... '9141~ l•-.Cr.._.,._._,, "1-..c NOTICS .,._ .., tt.•~•.1."" .....,. .. ,,a,_ ......,....., ctn.111 ... -..,,.-=~,_...____ .......... °'9llllt c.et Deity~ --.. ,, eN c..-1 fl04 to <-'• .. •tC'fttteUa ._.... .., •· "·ti. a.*" ..,..n ft18LIC NOTICE tMI """""•ulne IMINn 1r.-a• .... t'tA'ftl•en ALIONMINT INTE•l'•ISli all• ,........................... ~ -........... C..mklr.•111,Cotla ,.." .. ' • ft1aLIC NOTICE ""'"'.,.....,..... Me••· C-1• el Ore119e, Slate•• , ..... IN CLINIC._, C.., .... ITATtM&•T Galll«ftle. H•= hltt "• t.vtll L .. llN, Tiie ....... --It ...... twtl• Tiie -.... tr-will w ce11w••" Cal _,, PIC'nftllllt._.... .. _ .... .,., ..... IN 1-. uy Of J-, A'-I. 0.UIA, 411 MeAerC" .... tTATaM•• NIWf'OltY HOlll'°'" ltlAL TV• ""· eU •a.m allrvl"' '"'°""Ce., ee,, .,._ ~ c.....,_.,_,, nit ....... ..,_ It ............ ltM A"" ttrwt, .....,.,, hecll, 11'1 '"'"""' c.<iter Ot at•S, lrvlM, '"'' ...._. It c.--., ... llt• -" c..11..,_,.•...,.. c-1, et 0r...,., \tale of Galllor111e. •••lellel ~=ltDl'r Wt411L WC>tllae. "_., A. ~ at •• .,._., M ,., .. •-10..,. T,.,.,,., ... -....o...... ISPI 9f11&,c.a.llle ... C. a...-...~...,, e111111&1-•-••lldedll,.•Mtuwod fMt ........... -11 ... wfttl .... k ... EMlll ......... •I ....._ TMt--. It~ .. tty M 1-. tty Tr-19f'Or flot IN llVff '"" 1 .. 1 c.-.,~.,0r~c~·-• ..._,.._,c;e ... , ....... " .. , .• ,. n.tt". fM•-......l•~tMWllfllf,. ........... ~ Mlrrorl,.....,l'°M<CormlO. •111, """" •• .._.. fllla ......,.... •• ,. ... wltll ... C0t1' -.. ... Ca lllor11la , All911m•t1I ,. ..... 1.-.-or...,. C.11 Oe11, "'"'· klllll.......... "-'YC..,. .. Or ..... C:-IYtl\May ..... ,,,,vs, no M<CormlO •Ill. llllla,H ... ,,._t,t ,ll,1'" Ml•,. TMt..........,.. -fl!M Wllfl -1,ltrt Cotl• MeM. ~lllornle, All9nmant ---c:-IJO... .. Oft1111tC-Yt11MeY •n .. E11terptl-, 1102 9uw~' Ce11i.r Or ft18LIC NOTICE t. 1m. •wMIW. OrM9t C.11 o.11• •1.... • •». lrvl,.., c.111ornl• ....... 111\ef '· 11, It. H.. lt'9 .,,.,. Dated· Aptll U . ltlt Ptc:nTIOUI ·~··u ........... °'""" CM .. 0.lly ...... ----,,_ J. Arci.1-. ..... ITATIMeNT .._, 11• It. U.. '-1• "" 1•11 " PUBLIC NOTICE 'I T'"''"'°" ll'llOll\llecl Or.,,.. Coa~t D•llv 111101 , ... ......_ __ ........... -------W..yU,lt" lO•lt• neu H : p•..,uc NOT •IC'hnout llUUNIU TH• ~T l'l.AC• ...... ~ 'UD ICE ..... ITATaMUIT Ver• ..... c..te .... CAlllerflMI TM ......... ...,_ I• ..... _.,.,1. PUBUC NOTICE '2611 •1rnnout euttNIU ""' H. Alllla ........,... " '-"'-"· UM41 ITAT•Mll•T Oc•. uoo ,.,_, ..... C0tl• .. OTIC• 0, l'UILI( MWA•INO Ir VIM, c.!Nwflla ftp" T ............. --· ere ...... Meta, (A... ll•Ottl nta CITY COUNCii. T"l• ..... la c..._ ... ...,,,.lfl, --..... Dev .. Gwl .,.._, UOI "''~ O•TMI O••I-. L YONHA•T DIST•••uT INO '"'"'· C:.-Clel Mar. CA t21U CITVO, l'OUNTAIN \IALL•Y .,.............. (Wekll ~ •• I"'" lll(tf'P, A¥11 IJ. fllla 9Willlftt I• <OllClllC*I l>1 ... .... WOTICE IS 14EREIY OIVEN '"" fhl• _...,.... -111911 wltll "'9 tfltl, »t E. tNI ser..t, Catla MeM, dlvkNel. ... Tuetdey Jvne ). mt. at I 00 r M In Collflty Clerll ot 0r...-C-ty °"Mey c.. ttU1 oavi. c. Pt-tll• COllfl<ll C"•m.,., 101no "'•t•• U . "" Oewll J . Lye11s. 1'11 T111ll" Tiii• ...........,, wn Iii.ct wttll IN Awe-. ~ •• ,. V•llo , I altlorn•t. """" A-.C..UMtae,C. .... , GollftlJ C..,ofO. ...... COUfttyOflMey 1"9 Clly C-.Cll •111 "Old a publl• P1191llNCI Or ... CM.i Delly PllOI Jellll L Hert. 4111 5efM •oect. I, lt1t. Mar Int°" t"9 followlno Mof U-~I, I, IS, H1' :IOOS-1' lrvl .... ca. tl111 ,tt4'1t A. ZONE CHANG[ llCO ,., P•ll -Tllla ..,.-. la <~'-I tl\I e <O" 1'111MI.,_. Or41n9t Cotti Dally PllOI, 11911 ,.....,,._by .-,,.,,.taln ll•lt•y A\ PtJBL1C NOTICE _,,..,., ¥41Y •. 11, ta, u. 1m toe:latH te re.-•"-pr-••• t(•ut .. 1 WATCH WOltlCS, INC. ,..._,. el Ille Mllll-tl '°',,.' 01 Worrt <;tr•"' •ICTITIOUS •UllNlll •Y: J4llWI I.. H811, ond T alllert Aven.,. Iron> M t "In .._.ITATIMlllT ~ dlntrlal" 0 1\lrlCI to C P Co"' '"' ..._.,.. ...,_ ll _.,.. 1:111~· OevldJ l*"-PVBUC NOTICE ,...,cla l, Admont\1••1•••, •1>0 .,.UH' S.Cty/T-""'""loftel Oftlte" 01\lri(t COitCOH COMPANY, tl11 L09"' Tllit _...,,.... Wft flied Wllll IM -•llOLUTIC*llO.t.... 8. A~ Flltd by Moon ~lan I• Ave ....... Coat• llMM. Cellfotllle C:-ly Cien0f0f11191 C.0...llll'OflMay A ....... UTION O• TMe CITY 9erdl119 Plannlno Comml.slon ~ tU1' 16, 1'19, ~ 0.11lal of C-lllol\al U•tt Ptrmtl No MlllOft w. Slit-. I.St towo ~II ... CCMINCIL OP TMI CITV 0, COSTA M , pellllon foor e tna\~ -he.tlln St•MI. c.. .. -· C;alllorftla .,.,. ""*'"""Or .... Coe" 0.11, Pllet ...... CALll'OttNIA. OICLAltlNO '".,''°'°Her-l!lovt••••d Tl\ts ~-,, <ondu<lf!d by •II ill· Mey It."· J .... I, •• "" , .. 1.,. ~1~~:c!t·::~::u::N~:~~:.:: TMH matt•" ... be•no P•Ot l'"U<! dtvlctu••M. w Sii•-l"ISCAL nu .. , ...... WITHIN r.:.~"':'c'.:11'.:"m~~~~~t ~·.;:;! ~~.= Thi\ ,..,.......,, ..,., filed "'"" '"' PVBl.JC NOTIC C I T y 0 I' C 0 I T A M I I A el ~ I ...., '"' FOV11la1n V•llo lon COUfllYCier1i ofOr~C.ounlyonM•Y E L.ANOICA•INO AllalSM•NT lft90rdl-•. Tl\e Zon11>0 0rd1nanc•. ll. 10• OIST•ICT NUMIE• 1. Zonlno MaP'l •NI ulltblh arf' on fit~"' l'l1S1• NOTICEOI" •UILIC HIAltlNO THE CITY COUllCCIL OF T14E Cl TV 11\o PlaM•no ~P••lm•nl """ ~"' .-ubll$Nd Or-Coe\! Dally Pllol NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 111<11.t g;S~~~~".rF~L~:S HEREBY avallabt• lot pub11t 1nW>e<l•Otl dnd •• tlil•Y JS -J-I, •• o. !97'_ 20t)" pvlllc~·~l-1 .... ~ ""(J1111y .. 01""c!.'!1b.y .'.":';~'on'' TH• T. WHEREAS, '"'' CouflC•I did, amlllalloft --... ~ Y• ....,_ r ..... ""'''"9 lo llt\llty '" •••l>f Ur J-•. 1t1'. at• 30 p,m., In Ill• c-. Oii April "· 1'1', ~ ••.elution l'Co. 111 OOPOiltlon lo ll'lew p•oPO'•''' will .,., <II CMITlbtt<> ol CJly Hall, 71 l"air 1t·SO lnltlallnv P•0<HCll119• tor ••· 9lve11 •n OPPOrtunlly to oo \O. It Drive, COiia WW, on '"' followlllO ,..,.,, 01 City of CO\lo Mew L•nci.c...-fut11\rr lntorm•llOfl " ""'"ed you PUBUC NOTICE ~ICTITIOU. •US.11•11 ,.....,, 1119 At-Dh lrkt l'Cwmber t •114 may tontacl IM Pl..,'llnQ O~Poirim•nt NAMe ITATIMEllT .. ._... C>nllMA<e <1mene11n11 Ttllr> or*•lno ,,_City E119IM1tr lo prepare 41t t6J•tl11. Th• lolloWl"9 Pf!r1011! .,, clolnQ tl ol ""'~··Mo; .. Mu'llC•P•I c-• ••PO•I .,.,,··~cl 10 ~a·d dl\lrlcl CITY COUNCtLOF blJWle\\a\, •dopt1110 1.tnd>UPlnQ requirem""I\ Pur\u•nl lo Section 12S.S t11rouol\ •nd rHE CITY OF TH£ Pl.ASfER·CRAFTERS, .011 •net •la-d\ lot •II d l\trl<U. u tepl Ill( lud l119 Setllon UH• ol Ill• FOUNTAIN VALLEY 8o1" •-. -tmlMler, C.lllornl41 RI Environmental Oelermtnatton E •· C.lllornla St.-\ -Ht91\wo> (Ocie. E•elyn Mt ClPndon '2"3 empl. and Ctly Cler II R•Y E. Cle~-r. 111' RomM141lr> "'--AN-nt !O <1d1•c1tnl WHEREAS. 1"" City EllQtnt>er M• Publl\,,..., Or•rl9"' CD<l•1 O"llY P1to1 A .. nue. LO\ .. ,.,.\, Calllornl• 'IOIM~ prQPf!rly _,,..,, ot 111a1 POtl•on ot Vt<· P1:!Pc•1•1Y"'?,~.!.~.~.•PO•nd" <1nct fifed •I '""" Mar zs, "19 •eerl 8 . Cleve11eer. 1 77• torla Slrwt-Vl<lo•I• Pl<Kt "'"•<II '"" ....._~ Raln\lel• A¥eft11•, LO\ An9elu , ls no lono•r 11.ed•d tor \lrrrl W14EREAS, 11\e Cll" Counc:tl M\ "C>' ---- Celllem1a...S purpou\, tooled •d1•nnt to 1110, provedw.dre11orU\liled, PUBLIC NOTICE OeftlOI M. ·-· 93'7 Hyellllli Port I !II, 41nd 111• VI< lorla SlrMI, In •n A? N 0 W. THE A E FORE. 9 E I T ~ Orl•e. H""tl"91on Buel\, Calllornlot 10,,.. fn••n>n,.,.,.,l•I O.ltrmin•lton RESOLVEO. T14A T THE Cl TY COUl'C· ----- .,... E•emp1 CIL OF fHE CITY Of COSTA MESA lt•tUM Allll Rupp, 91'2 HY•llftli Porl •••e<at•.., el ze,.e E •<••II•" DOES 14EREBY FlllCO, DETERMINE NOTICE TOCltEDITO•S Orlwe, """'lflllOll &N<I\, Calll0tnl• "'""" Zf.pt.111. H•ny O. Stl\w1m ANO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS Ne. A·9U1• t2M1 mer, •utnor oted aoenl tor c H I The CtlY-Council l\ertoy CJect41rt\ SU•l1t10• COUltT O~ THE Tiii\ bu§IMU I\ bl!lt19con<lutled by• Mc Vo. UIO L41ltt p 41,11 La,,.,, Ne.,PO•I 11\ 1nlenllon to ltYY •nd collecl an •n STATE 01' CALll"OltNIA !JOit 9'fttlel,.._,..,.1._ Bt41cn, tor ii ••"•flCt from ,.,,11,.,,.0 menl\ P'""'""' to P•rt 2. 01vl\lon IS TMIC:OUNTYOl"O•ANOE AMA._ 0,..\llt parlunv in lOllluflChon ,.,111 ~ ol ,,,. StrMh encl 14~ay\ Code ol In 11\e M•lter ol 111• E>l41tt' ot fllli .. _... WU Ille<! wltll , ... oant• \tudlo IOUlf'd al I~•} .... n~ Ill• Sl•I• ot C.1t1or111• dur!no fl>cal EVELYN GRAEF. Oeteastcl COUftlfCletttotOr ... C.-.trOllM•Y Avenue. in a O ,_, Envlronmt'nt~t Y•dr 1919·1'90 .. 1111111 C1ly ot Co>ta NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN lo '· "" 0..ltrmlNllon £ .. mp1. M•H L--n9 AiMUmenl D•I· <redlt°" IWVlflq tta1m• _ ..... In• I'll._ ••-......... •·"'41. J.,....\ w lflll l'Cumllf!r 1.1oulfl<l9tM••lly ioutl\ W•d deodent lo me W•cl c111m\, '"In• Publl\Nd 0r.,... Coa\t O•llr Pilot, Roly, .iul,..,,llecl •Qtnl tor 1,,.. Rom.in ot Sunllower Av•nu• •11d ea\t ol office of Ille tlerll of ,,,. alo•n•11cl M•• •. 11 ll.1S. 197'1 tnt-1' Celllollt 81•9-of Oran9" OiO<<'\e, uo Sma•tey Ro.ld -more P••lttuarty cout1 or to pre..,,I t,,..m lo lilt un -. ------South 8•t•••d SI'*"' •O«tnQe tor d•"•llMld in E•ll•bll A •ll•l hfld nc.rt'IO der\19Md ., "'" 01110 ol PERPV PlJBUC NOTICE perm!\~ to re,_ pr~ly ,,0;., RI e11d 1ncor-•ted "'rein b'r relereflCe llEllTllAM, JSOO Wll\/I••• Blvd,. S1111e to POR·LO IPI-O.vet-nf· 2. A -·•I CleKrlptlon ol '"" Im. "'°'"Ille Cllr of LOS ....... In lO• --------·~---t Low °'""lyl 1outtd •I 11\e toulllta\I proveme111\ r•le•ant to""' dlttrlcl I\ A1190ln C-ty, wlllcll loller oll1tf'" ••CTITIOUS •UllNIU cor,.., of..,."" A•"'"" and Pla<ell· •1 foll-•. TM moi11lenente and Ille Pl•<• ol butlnen of lhe un· NAMelTATIMellT t i • .Av•nue. Envltonme11tel POUlble lulure ••Placeme111 or wn'9MC1 In all rnettert per1alnlno 10 T"• fallowlttQ ,.,'°" I\ clo"'9 1:11111· 0.lermlNtlon ~tlwe o.ciarotlon 1-\CecMno -.,.., lac;lllllH wlllcll H id Hl•t•. Suell claim' "'"" 11\e nltUH: NOTICE IS l"URTHER GlllEN OWll .,. ~-, ... ,.,o. or •111<11 ... MCHY'Y """""""' mutt ... tiled or INTE•tOltS 8Y JUDY E .. 0 al ~•Id H,.. -plac;e, ...... -ell MCHMry or Ulllftll!oflt tor lllt mel,.. preie111ed H al0<• .. IO •llhln four Meftl•<llO Ori,,., Cof'CNt• del Mer. ""°"'Interested may 'llCMM _.,. tene"ce or ponlble future replao· "'°""'' eflel' ttw '"'' P\IOll<•llon of ~ltonli•ftUS Mtrd bf Ille Cllf Co.it1cll °" Ill• me111 I~. l11<ludl119 removal of tlltaltOtke. J11•" ltlnb111tc1, 0 Mo,.teclto, •for-loned ltetM. debtl\. -1nalflttr1M1<• -repair of Oaled May t, ttr• Cooolla ... Mar,C.llf-lemis EILEEN P. PHINNEY. • .... lrrla-tleln or d<•lf1899 lt<tllllH l"llANIC ~WIFT Tllll _,...,Ii <-led 01' .,, In· City Clerll Ofl leltertd lot\ 8 •flCI Col T••<t 9'0! Ad!ftlnhlrator ot Oivld11el. Publl'l\ed 0."'119 Coe~t Dolly Piiot No IUbSlantlal <~• ... P•OPOWd .... E•l•t• of Judy "lllOuftd ¥41Y u 19,, ?O~,. to be m-lfl ealsllnv tmprowemenh. MiddKeci.nl Tll~ stM-was flied wltll ""' ' J. ••lerefl<• I\ ,..,et>, m-to tllt ••••Y llltTltAM C°""IY C..,_ ol o...,,.. Coltntf Oii report of !fie City E119iMer relatlnv lo • .._..., ... .uw •11'11 U, tm. PlJBUC NOTICE IN Yid clliltl<I. S.ld retlOf'I '' on Ille ._ Wl•re llW'd. I'll•! wltll 1"9 Clly Clerll ot '"' City ot Co•I• '4tlW 11 .. t>11911Vlld °' ..... C.0.\t D•llr Piiot. llOTIC• O• SALi 01' --... •nel (OfltalM • lull. O.l•ll•d L• ......... CA_, ¥4!y u.., J-t, 1. u. ,,,. ,..._,. O.\<rlptlOll of IN 1mpro-11h. '"" Tet: crm •tttt ••Al l'lte>Pa•TY AT boun4farlfl of !fie pr_..i auaumonl PllOllt!W41 0.-Coa\I D•lly Pltol H~~l~l• d9'1•1<t. -IM"'-" •n•nm.nh Mey II, 11. ll, J..,. 1. 1919 ll,S4·1' Pl1Bl.JC NOTICE IUNltlOtt COU•T O• THI UPOll aUt\..ole lot\ -11er<el• of •ICTITIOUS •use .. •11 ITATI O• CALl'°"NIA •o• '•"«!. •11111111 CAii• ol Cht•o1"'", .. _a...,.1TaTa ..... T TMa C0UNTV °' L.Ol ANOIL.11 Lanu\teP 119 ues•me111 llr ti -.. -l'Cumber I. Said report I\ '"•<!led TM tollowl119 "non• an dol119 111 1"' melter of Ille Eit•t• of OOH llerelo H Emlbjl A end lfltorporat-9 bv•l"'n... THATCHER. Oe< .. Wd. "''•Ill bYre!H'MICe. THE COl'l"EE IMPOllTERS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tllet •. T"9 City Courl<ll llefetly ll•e\6.JO H OS2·1 0.1 Prele, Oe11e •01111, Ille ......,.,.... •tll Mii •I Pfl•et• p,m .• or" -H ponllMe tNrHtter. c.t .. onlle..it ..... lo Ille lli9N\t bld*r. -Ille °" JuM '·''"·al 11\e Coste ~H Clly llef'nl<• Munet Miiier, "'9 AlplM term• -condltloM llef•INfler -Cou11cll Cllembet\, 11 Fair Onn, Wey, L...-W tMcJi. C.lllornl• mit lloMd •nd \UOtKt to <Oflflrmollon l>y Coste ~. C.lllOf'flle, •• Ille time ._ ._ 111111-. "" ,...,._ Ille wld ~lor Cou<1, on or •It••'"' ar>e1 place IOt a ,...,1119 before '"" W•J.L...-9e«ll.c.tltontl•m51 7tll .. Y., ~. ""· •t tlte office of <""n<ll0111Mlevy-cotlec:11ono11"' J•-· Alt ... Miiier, 1111 No. J-• s,, Kost.•. IJOj E•.i ............ pr"OpOMd ............. " •ltlllfl Clly of O>'cllenl .... •. Oliutil, llllllOll*" llouleverd, PelmdolO, County ot Lot Co\ta Mew LAnlh<9Pi"9 ••w nm.llt MlcllMle ".,..." Mii-. tm No. Al\9elff. SIMe of Gallloml•, •11 lhe Olltrlct ~ t. -...,..°' 91w1 Or<llenl, .... a, 0lke9e. llllnott 60l1' r'911t, tltle .,,., .,.._,, of "Id de· llOll<• of Yid -1119, Tiii\ tllnllln\ I• (tnWc ... •Y a <NMd M tM II-of dtelfl -ell S. The Clty Oeftl M\811 Urtlly to Ille qe11erel ~ r19"t. title el\tl 1111_.t '"" '"' htett eooptlon of 11111 Re\Ol11llon end lllall llerlliU Mwlet Miiter ol H id Clecffted llH e<Qulred Oy couw • true Mid <onect copy of 1111, Tlll1 , ... _, ·~ flied •1111 '"" -••tlon of •-or olller•lw. olller 11e ... 1u11on tow l)UC>ll•l\ed in I"" m•n· '°""'' 0.ll of 0r-. c-, °"Moy tMfl or In addition to llWll of w ld de· ,,., ,.~Ired by !>ecllon '°'1 ot ll\e n ,,,. cuwo. et IM time of dtetll, 111 -10 ' all tl\e certain ..,_,,Y 1iluated In fllt Govtrllment c.ode, •nd to lie posted on O'lltllll IKltOWCO., INC. County of o.-State of C.lltornl• 1"9 blill•U11 Doerd in Ille lobOy ol tne "· o. ... • -·...... . Co•••""-City Hell. L..-. ..... CAttuz ~rll<Ularly-rU•td••1011-·. PASSEOANO ADOPTED n us 1hl "'""' . PARCEL I An undivided ,, Ill· .,., ot """' "" Pulllllfted Or~ Coa" Oellr Piiot, ttrest In IM w.il 'I> of Ille l'Cortl'lwett E.h..ard McFarl•ncl #41• 2S Mid J-1, I. u . 191• 201a.1' I<. of Ille Soul-II ''• ol 1nc. South ''> ol ""''°' 011~ Lot •. In BIO<ll 1• of Tract ... c ... ,. C.lty of COSI• Me•a PlJBUC NOTICE S....lnord F•r~. In 11\e Counl'r of ATTEST Oren941. Stete of C•111orn1a, •• per Mary f Elllott MalP lll«eof '"'.,,_ In 8®ll 10, •• °"""'' °Cltv Clerk 01 '"" ••CTITIOU. ........ 11 Pavel u and :II>, Of MluellantJOU\ City Of~ .. """ NAMa ITATIMINT Mep1, racoreb of wld Ora,,._ Collnty; w 1119 follOwllte ,..,_ .. 4lolfl9 011$l· l09Clll\er wltll ell_,,., for ttrffl STATEOl"CAl.llJ'OANIA I lllnH. __ , _.., leyl ... -""111telll· COUNTYOf'OltANGE )SS INTE-TEIC COMPUTER. 1110 •nvplpellnnlft.-•-•rouottwr CITVOFCOSTAM(SA I IJ'e11wlc1t Lelle, We\lr1tln1ter, l•ndt l1181ocll\t1,ll,ltaflCl20lnseld l,EILEENP.PHINNEV.CllyClerll C .. lforlllefMI Trecl 86 or.,,, ,.wbdlvlslon ,,..,.of "_, M. Seftlls. _, ~ Coe" ""••lofore <noted MIO now •••it1~ •114 H -offldo Clerll of tlle c11., c-11 1...._.. • ... of Cott• -.. • ...,~ cmllr 111et tM .. ..,....,, ........, llffell, Cal ._,_ ..,. tl\e -Ill of Yid •-lint eoowe abOve ...., ........... Retolulloll No. ..., •w:r"'9d. n.sa -_, 81111 ,.....,,, ,... .. d Tlllt ....._.la~"' 911 .... l'A•CEL 1: All -lwlded Y> lfl· elld edOtlted by "14 City Gowncll el o ........ ,., .. , Ill , ... NortlleHt "" Of Ill• ....... ., nwetlne IN,.., 11914 '" Ille 1teeon M. SdNt Soul llwut 14 of IM SOUtll Vt of Lott 111 11 st .,. y of ¥41y 1,,. • Tllla ..__. -flled wltfl IN Block "of Tract M. Coast lloulf!vord IN WITNEsS wHEREOF I !Wive c-ty OettlofOr .... '-'!•Mey Ferm•, 111 Ille C-tf of Gr"'9f, Slate llereu"to wt,.,., llalld afld •fflHd '"' '· '"'· ot C•lllornl•, ., ..... Mell l ... reol ... SHI ol .... (Jty of Coll• Me .. 11111 Unel 1'114114 CCH'ded 111 8* 10 el POOH U afld 3', dey et ,,.., 1'1' hit!..,_ or-ClMlt Dally ~. Of' MIK"'-Maps, recenb of seld ISEALI • • ~y '·II," IS, ftN t'1t·" Of ..... (Ounty; !Old"" wltll all HM· £11"11 f'. PftlMtY rne111\ tor ,,,.... ~· •nd tor ,.,. City Oertl .... H.Offl<IO PlJBUC NOTICE Int •114 1nal111411"'"9 pipe llMI 111, over Clertl of bit City c-Kll . ------------end II<-~ lel\tlS In lltodl' T7. 11. of IN Cllyef Colle Me" 7' aftd 20 Ill Mid froct M. or ..,r rMul>-8y; Mery t . Ellllott dl¥1tl0fl tllereof, lleretof0t• <r-M ted o.,uiy(ltyetenl 81111 now .. 1t11111 '°' Ille llenelll of .. Id ~u-11"'9d °''""' (Oest Delly PllOt ._ tint..,..,. described. Mey u. tm 20JH• PVBUC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE IUN•10tt cou•T o~ THI ITAT•Of'CALll'OttNIA ,Olt THI COUllTY 0, OltANOl llO.JtllM lfl •• •ICMAltO l . WITH, INC .. a ~AU.. Ill l'rlCftt et WIMltte u, . O"Ollt TOl*>W CAUSE tea ...... c... '"'" Oii •Mlllrt9 IM wrlfled petlllOll ol petltloMr Oii Ille l\etel11 er1d 9ood (t;jM ._...,lfte tllerefor• IT I~ HEllEllY OltOEllEO tllat oll ...,._. lftterftted _ .. 0.for• , ... •Oo"'•""'"" Collf1, In tllt courtroom of Oepe,,,_ •. at 100 Civic Canter Ott¥• Wnl. S...I• AN, Calltom••. •• •.JO '·"' Oft J-u. 191', '""' •nd lllere to -c.uw. 11 eny, wlly an or cler •l\Ould llof lie mact. c:lc!<lerlno ~" llon1tr duly_.,,., 1J9 •nd d1\.olvec1 IT IS FURT14ER OROEAEO 111<11 any "''°" c:1a1ml119 lo w 1nl••~U•cl H 1llorellolde•. credlt0< 0< oll\erw114 m ay ._., In tht• procffdlno at •ny time !Mfor• Ille upirollOfl of 30 dou lrorn !fie completion ol puOll<•llon ol 11111 orwr to 51-C-_..., t011t••• Ille peUtlOll fifed In 1111• pr0Geed1n9. elld 111*1 lellurt lo do to •-"· •ny Md •II WCfl lllleretWd ,.,_.. d elms M\811 MWred, IT IS l"U"THI" OllOE•EO t9'et tlllt ortler Ill PllOfl .... llOt l•H lllMI OllCe • -" for lllfM CellMCUtlVe •••II• lfl e ~r ef "neral clm1letlell fll*llMd '" o..,... C-. ty, Cetllentle, eN t9'M e CoP\I of Mid order "'911 lie rnellell to Hell ,..,_, tllOWn .. • credlw °" 1111 .._., of petlt!ONI', .. -" ,.,......., .... --ecldrtH. OATE: .-.rH a,"" Ill ...._, H. Gf'9"' J""'lftlle .....-~ Uw°""'910f WILL.JAM A. WITTMAN, Jlt. INC., ........ Olllilw °""" ,.... .. .._......._CA,_ Tel:l"41 ..... ,....,, .... 0r-. GNst 0.lly l'llot, INy •• II, II,"" t11J.1' PllBUC NOTICE •AllCEL 2. Eut Vt of Ille ...,,,._.. 14 of Ille Sou-I 14 of Ille Setlt" ~ .. LAii ' Ill 81o<k 19 of Ttect "· Coett lloulevMd l"erm1. H per .... rec.-.111 a-10, p .... u 81111 •·et Ml.....,_. Met»t. llec_.., MOTIC9 O• "UILIC MIA•lltO Df'lw,.__..._CA.... sail CollMy, ..... ..., •1111 ell .. _ Tiii• ...._.. It HIMlll< ... .., • me11tt fw ....... _.._., o114 111r ley· 91MfM ,_......... lflt elld mell!lalnl,.. pipe llMs In over MINRC.Nr..... • T-....._.. ..... tllttll Md ec,....._, lelldl In lllo<ll1 17,tl. ,._, ,....__ ~ ~ ,.__. 1'4Nlf2tlflMllTra<tM.ore11yr.,.._ -' ~-... _.,... _, ..................... '°"" ( .... ... ..... ""· .... -•ttlttlne for, ... _," .. .... "' ......., Or-. CMlt Diii .._ 1e11111101.-w det<tllled . .._ .... ~' .. "" ~ Term• ...... ""' 111 lewtvl _., -• ... • "tlle ~ IUtft °" conttnnetlefl " "C.mrf1te ••• " local coverage k..,.you Informed ev_,dey -lnttte DAILY PILOT late, tr ""' <esll •nd Oalefl<• ewl4leflce., ..... MCwte Oy ~ .,. T""'t OMI"' u. ~ ...... . Tllfl ten• l_,.1 of emeuttt Mil .. .. """"' .... Me. llftOf''""" .. " 'Ill -tilll ... Wiii M nt<el-et"" ........ tffQ ..... """...., .. tint pWlketllll lier.of 9N Nfer• ........... DMMtllh m11N¥ol tuy, ""· 111/MA"Y JlANlnl TMATCHU ._...,...et tllt Wiit .. DON""""" THA TCMI•, a.a-. ,,.. .... .., .. ............. t1ne.--. ..... ,. .......... ~ ... Ttt1 ••··-.......... ar... CMtt Delly Pl ... .., ••. IS."· ,.,. ..... ,. NOTICE IS HllltEllV GIVEN_,• IPWll< llMrlfle la .. w Mid.., .. ctty C-11 Of U. Cllf el Colle Mtse. Ill IN Collncll OW-" et City MeH, 11 F .. ~ Ori,,., C.U llfleu, Galltonlle, Oii J-'· tm, et •:• "'"'" ., .. -t"9reett.r " ,,.ktiullle. TM '"""" of ltll• "*I< lleerlfle I• t• reQIW Pl*ll< cernments "' tlle ,,..-""' of ..._ .. "-Sllarlne Elllll .. mtllt ,_ID .. ....,.,, ........ tN l"IKal Y-1'7941 ....... Netl<e It lufWler llYlfl IMt at tM eforenwllt..._. 1'-el\tl ~. "'Y elld •II 1111......., ~ ..,,. Ille rltllt to .,,.._. ., .. Md/fir wrlttlll commenb (OllCtrlll"' lM "'°"""' ...... of .. Id .. _ .. ·-Sllerlne lllllft. ~.....,I• e _., c.,...._ .. ..,.,.... -.. ,..,94 •-IMrlne .... •t11t ,.,,.. "" .. y-........ ·-All ....... °""' ......... ......... + ... ... ... ... .... .... .1.100.- M ... 1.1• ,,,,., ... ua• t .. 11.IH ,.,.,, S,Uf.UO ttUtS u •.• , •. ,,, IATVaDAY .MAYlt B1IYDNEY OMAll& AalES nlar. ll·Apr. 19>: Accent on "re- leue from restrtetlonl ... You locate key areu, you know what to do about aecurtty, red tape • 1ett1n1 others to do their share. Aquartua, Scorpk>. Taurua naUves play lnt.ereltlnl rol11. You'll see! TAV&VS <Apr. 20-May 20>: Modey, local· Int what had been lost. mlulq or atoMa -thla Is spotlighted. You 1et call or meeaa1e which could be cauae for celebratloD. Be ready for policy delloeetlon. artlculaUon or feeUn11 by "special person." GEMINI !Nay 21-June 20): One who IP· peared t.o be a fbe can become a valueble ally. Take lnitiallve. be confident, direct and make personal appearances. Wear brt1ht colon, be conspicuous by your presence. Aquarian plays apeclal role CANCER IJune 21 -July 22>: You are in- troduced to "arcane knowledge." You observe rituals and <'ould become familiar with study of comparative religion. l\ccent on instltullona, 11pec iul organizallonR and hospitals. Number 7 could be present ortc·n enough t.o defy coin- cidence. LEO 1 July 23 -Aug. 221 : Emphasis on fn<'nds. hopes, wl11he:i;, desires and fuJflllment of usp1rnlions. Rrlng priorities into abarp, clear rucuis. Have frank discussion with one whose Ille has hccomc Intertwined with your own. VIRGO 1Aur<. 23·Scpt. 221 : Views are vin· rli<'ntc(I you J)<'rcclv<' pulse of public. Aries, l.ihru imJivlduul1' (lgurc prominently. What you hovt• been seeking is closer than might be Hntlc-lpaled Ai;slgnment is completed -you prov(' 11 mn1or point. l.IBRA (Sept. 2.1·0ct 221: Stress greater in- rk1w111h•nce or thought , action. Welcome con- t 11 r t11. rhnllenJ!,es und chance to put original 1de ;1>1 to work Ll'o. Aquarius persons figure pro· min1•ntly Plan ahead r1>r publishing, travel and 1•du1·all<111al pursuits S('ORPIO 101•t 2:1 Nov 21 1: You can regain sens•• of dirC'<·l111n Kt'y 1:-. to be yourself. not an 1m1tu1111n of somNrne C'lsc or a robot. Message s h(1ultl lx'<·omt• s tartlingly clear. Cancer. Leo, /\quanus individuals fi gure in scenario . SAGITTARIUS 1 Nov 22-Dec. 21): Give full pl ay Lt) intellectual curiosity. Means experi· ment. l~l. make inquiries and pursue course that results in an:.wcrs. sans superficial cover· ups You rcct·1vc news concerning legal mat· tt•rs CAPRICORN 1 Dl'<' 22·Jan. 191: Be specific. 1horough. w1lhni;.: ll> clouhlc check sources. Build on !iOlid structure . reject substitutes. schemes and so-called bargains. Aquarius, Scorpio in- di iduals figure prominently. In matters of speculation. stick to number 4. AQUARIUS cJan. 20·Feb. 18 l: Rela · ltonsh1ps arc intensified. More people are in- terested in what you say and do. Excitement of discovery is on agenda. Writt:. communicate. imprint style and let member of opposite sex know exactly where you stand. PISCES 1 Feb. 19·Mar. 20 1: Emphasis on basic security. home. family relations hips. For now. take conser vative course. Refuse to be in· timidated by those who shout. cajole, chide or threaten. You ·11 gel support from responsible quarters. II you have on item for tM Sing~s Coleftdtlr. send ct to Cfleryl Romo. Feature Dtponmnt, Daa11 Pilot. P.O IJoz 1560 . Costa Mem, CA t25215. lr:c:l\lde your name. addres., and phoM num~. TM Sing~• Calendar n.ms every Thursday. The dream boat you seek is pro· bably in the Boating classified ads of the DAILY PILOT 642·5678 • •• Safety <From Pe1e Bl) or seal back -· a weak spot on a seat belt could fail in an accident. •Turn the ignition switch on. but don't start the car. Grab the steering wheel with both hands and turn the wheel left and right gently. There should be very little free "play" in the wheel. WJm TIIE IGNITION still on. all warning lights should be on. Look at the dashboard and make sure all the instru- ments and warninf:{ lights are working. Now start the car. Check to see if the warning liRhls go out once the car is started. With the possible exception of the scat-belt warning. which will stay o~ if the seat bells aren't fastened. they should. Make sure the car is in park and the parking brake is on. Now step on the brake pedal firmly. It should go down about half way and stop. If it feels spongy or continues to go down to the floor, have the brakes checked at once. Apply the park in~ brake firmly. Wlth the parkin~ brake still on. attempt to drive off slowly. If the parking brake is properly adjusted. you shouldn't be able to move the car. SPRING CLEANING TIM'E FOR YOUR FACE- CELLULAR REJUVENATION For al least an h our u ur professional fac1al1 s1 w 111 oe devoted to aiding your s 1<1n leaving 11 supple. clean. nea11hv and more v11a1 /I\ co mplimentary mal-.e uo apphcatlon w11I follow II you want results and a new you w •lhOtJt gadgetry. we have the answ&f and •ll an attordable price• Reg. SJ0.00 Facial for a limited t ime $20.00 D.ctluted To Skin ~re Make-Up Nails Lashes Call us . We will answer your ques· ti on s 67 5 ·3522 PLUS : Free courtesy p1ck·up tn our o;ervice area! Month-End Sale Starts Friday, Ma 5th REG. SJ&. Special Purchase SHIRTS NOW sgss 100%Cotton A SELECT GROUP OF ONE &: TWO PIECE Bathing Suits• Two Styles REGULARLY PRICED TO $34.00 •Not In All Lani Stom NOW AT f ASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH Master Charge Bankamrriard Visa 1/2 PRICE 644-Mll Lanz Charae I ANN LANDERS ., .. ' ,. .. ... ,.w.. ..... ............ IN Isa ti.'-:~....., '"' .... C-.*- ---19:1JllJ .... w.,..111u ..... .... 71M17J International ·;!1~ "> G . p ' enu•ne ewter 1• Lustrous lead-free pewter by Interna- tional Silver. A complete assortment of popular hostess gift ideas that are smart and sophisticated. Deify ...... "'-'"..., •ldWll --- Above left. fourth gr1' Larry Stilgenbauer gets a math lesson from Todd Lm~ who's in seventh grade at Kaiser. Kelley Macklin, above left, from Kaiser School, gives 9-year- old Van Le Ngo an English lesson at Woodland . •• • T1tor Time <From l'age School in Newport and Wcand Elementa ry School in Costa Mesa. For many or the your chil dren, sa ys Woodland prog ram coor<lor Sandy Blat . te rman. t he tutoring is an ortunity for them to see that someone cares awa nts to listen to the m . A chance, she :-.ays. "tlld older cttildren they can relate to olhN thl'l their own fam1 Tell Yotr Son About Sl.ling · DE AR ANN · Twc ntycar s ago m y hus band h<id a child out ofdlock. We never spoke or the incident .,.rtcr married. Wh en our son was born, it was vq>ainful for me to accept the fact thlft he hacbrother or s ister some wher!' in the world he 1ld never know. Our son is now a n adulhould he be told ., O nly one rela tive knowS>out the out -of. wedlock child. It would be remendous shock to the others if they should In of it. My wish is lo bury the l forever. I think it wouJd save a lot of gr What a re your thoughts on the subject ? t-IEAVY ON MY MIND ly. Youn~er children like to talk a nd they need someene to listen ... For the olcler s tudents the payoff may come in t he form or increased self-esteem a nd a sense of responsibility J <inette J ohnson . academic <1d v1sor <.1t Newport Harbor, says tutoring gives s tudents a n opportunity to be recognized: "They are ttigh school kids and a re not re- ro~n izcd as adults yet. They still look to some- one e lse for d~finition It can help build their Aan Landers DEAR MAID: My advice Is to get oat of the mess by anaouadng yo11 are leaving -If U's bis pad -or informing bim lbat HE Is leaving -if it's yours. Don't settle for anythln« In-between or yoa'U be writing tbis same letter again in four years. DEAR ANN LANDERS : J am 29, recently m arried for the second lime. My husband is a beautiful man in e very sense of the word. His wife died two years a go and ttis lovely daughter likes me a great deal. l want desperate ly to make this marriage ·work but I ha ve a short temper a nd a big m outh. J 'm afraid I 'II lose this man and mess up m y life if I don't learn to control my.tongue. confidence and security to be m this kind of s ituation. .. And little kids really look up to these kids," she s ays. Pat Overlees, progr am coordinator at Ka iser. and P rincipal Frank Fell er at Ma nners agree that both the older and younger student:-. bencfitrrom the program. In addi tion, say the educatof!i , ma ny of the pupils who become tutors a re interested 1n entering a helping profession, ~uch as teaching. a nd the experience helps to s<>lidify the ir goal. Cancer Film Available ··w o men in Middle gives a medic<.1 l <>ver· Y c a r s , ' · a n e w vie w wh1t•h t'le<1rly ex American Cancer Soc1e-p lains the sig ns and t y film a bout e n -s y mpto m s o f e n - d om e l rial c ancer i n dometrlal cancer while ll'rms of the time fra me inte rrelating 1mporl <1nt of menopause. is now facts about menopause . C1vailable at the local Mrs . Liebe rma n s aid Am erican Cancer Socie-t hese stories a nd t he ty offi ce. according to comme n t s o r these F a y L i e b e r m a n , women can be useful t<> c h a irma n o f S WA C allwomen. <Safegu a rd Wo m e n The Society also has Against Cancer !, of the pre pa red a take -home Society 's Orange County brochure ent itled ··En Unit. d o m e tria l Cance r ." The film, wttich is s ub-For more information Telephone orders with M asler Charl(e or Vlu l;. P .S. Dt>ll very titled "For A Ha ppier a b o u t the f ilm a nd Healthier Life ." is the brochure. contact t he Society's first film to local American Cancer deal with this particular Society office a t 4030 cancer. which has its Birch Street. Suite 101 , 556-6258 DEAR H.: I believe tonly way to rid yourself ol th.is burden hr you and your hasbaad to tell your son to~r. Ask the boy to keep ll to himself. If one rtte knows, there's always the chance that thttret will leak. Your son might resent the t that you kept it from him. DEAR ANN : I've beeaing with this guy four years. Problem : J 'd rar be his wife than his housekeeper. We get ag fine but I want marriage. Whene ver I briup the subject he has to go to a meeting or hels asleep. Last nh~ht we had a minor argument and I yelled. "Shut up! You sound li ke a jackass!" lie looked stunned and left t he room. T could have killed myself. Please help me. -MY WORST ENEMY -ME highest incidence with Ne wport Beach, or call SO TH CO AST PLAZA. COSTA MESA women between 40 and _7~5~2~-8600~~-------~=====::::::::::::===============~ 49. F o ur wo rn e n t e 11 .-.------------------------------. How can l get him tmlk me down the DEAR M.W.E.: You have a lot of anger and hos tility in your syste m. Plea se get some counseling and find out why you keep making trouble for yourself and jeopardize the best thinl(s in your life. viewers how they arc coping or have coped wi t h e ndome tri al cancer Or. E lizabeth Connell , a {!ynecologist, a is le --or get out of Urness" -MA IO SERVICE IN K.C. . • • • Pari'nting <From Page I Mental Health Servicut Group Health Cooperative in :ttle. 1'he wor kshop is an qrowth or a three year Profrssio1Develop· ment Internship wiltack and Lorraine Gibb. La Jo .. esidents who develeoped the Ttheory, a method for people in IJPS to re- late to one a nother i1 positive way. The issue of the W shop for Pa re nts is "to learn care for ourselves ·and our clten. The t'elationship betweeniult and child can be nurturing )()th. The process is self-awar1ss," ac- cording to the coordinas. The two-day prograwill cover three themes: • The connection or bond that !'ach pa rent has with his child "It's a physical. e motional anrl mental bond that exists in us all. hut we often don't recognize it. We get busy, "says Ms. Tonge. To t une into the bond. t he workshop will te<ich each parent skills to re mem ber the birth or the c hild and the events that led up to it. • Prohle m s olving. This area will cover "identifying whatever at is that's happening between you and the child that you would pre· fer would be another way. It's a simple process of looking for alternatives." Ms. Tonge e xplains. The proble m solving portion will deal with role playing and draw- ing pictures of the specific situa - tions. • Learning , or c r eative dis- cove ry. "It's tuning in to the child's talents as they emerge. The tttings that you are really talented in come out in play. The task is to think or s omething fun. Children are encouraged when the adult does it too, so it's important to be doing what you want to do," "she a dds. The Workshop for Parents will be held from 7 to 9:30 p.m . Friday, June l, and from 9:30 a .m. to4 p.m. Saturday. June 2, in t he multi-purpose room a t Thurston Jr. High School, Laguna Beach. Cost is $15 per person. For registration information. call Ms. Tonge at 494-2267. 'i\.iVterat <9Fatcial s._.lollf INDOOR f1..0WElllNG Pl.ANTS ·~ 1 d Non-Surgical Facelift Erase lines and wrinkles without surgery ,----------., I 1st Treatment $1@ I I & Analysis I L.---------.1 • Eyela• 'lbltlal • Earopeu Facial• •Deep Pore aeaulnc Opn M....S.t lf.5 Parklq la lear Ml Netr)llft 81.cl. NewpertlleH• fH~ * VIit• Del Mar ledoltdolle•dl ZIS·~ GRAND OPENING! COMMAND PERFORMANCE COMES TO TOWN WITH THE PRECISION HAIRCUT! The Precision Haircut Explained Precisely. Because your head is un1<.1ue. the way your tussing wi th 11. u~ually a shake of the head hair grows is equally unique Really quite does 1t different trom every one else s At Command Performance we shampoo, Precision haircutting is a technique lor prec1s1on-cut and blow dry your hair for c utting the hair 1n harmony with the way 1t sixteen dollars. whether you're a gal or grows. Your hair eventually grows out but a guy. And no appointments are ever 11 doesn t lose its shape with a prec1s1on necessary. na11cut Consequently your hai rcut will We also offer permanent waves. color· look as gooo alter hve days as 1t does alter mg. frosting and conditioning. But we live minutes. And because the. hair !Alls ·really shine with precision. And so wUI naturally into place you won't have to k~ep you. &.....----------~----------...... • tMmmand Perf orn1anee .. _ 1-.. •• 4 .: f MILWAUKEE <AP> -Jerry 1uatine, leas than ecstatic lut II when the M ii waukee ewers told him he would be a lief pitcher this year, is atart- to like the idea. Au1ustine relieved a wild ooae Haas Thursday and mptly 1ave up an RBI double Wiilie Mays Aikens, cappinc a e-run California fifth inninc. t Augustine then stnack out mey Lansford lo retire the side d allowed only four more hits er the last four innings as the ewers beat the Angels, M. mpleting a three-game series eep The Angels play Chicago 1ght. AUGUSTINE, WHO often got to trouble by 1ntching de· ns1vely as a starter in past asons, challenl-{ed the Angels is time and got away with it - tably at the expense of Rod r ew, one of baseball's pre- i<>r hitters . • ~ .. With the bases loaded and two ~t an the sixth, Carew broke his r t on a n 1ns1de pilch and u1hbed a soft line drive to ort~lop Rohin Yount. Then~ ~er a wmd blown triple by Dan rd with two out in the eighth, gu!.llne Jammed Carew again d struck ham out. ' ··Rt:,\LLY, Al.L I TRY to do bth Ca rew 1s throw the ball b1.1. n the m iddle and pray ... \1gu-.11m· .. :1111 .. llt>'s probably It· hl''l h1tt(!r lo come a long m ·:ir' lit-' goan~ to get his hits ga rdll's~. ~o ;111 you can really ) 1s make sun· you don·t walk m l Jfl'" "h(1 '' randl·d <>ev(•n ~~e rur11wr~ Thursday a nd had .... ~ ~I~ ont· l11t in 10 times at bat in O•••• P1101 PMlo\ b• PllrKk o Oon .... 11 l · '-t•r11:'. IA. a~ 'll·4:lh1ng later THIS CORONA DEL MAR TRIO HELPED WIN A FIFTH STRAIGHT CIF TENNIS TITLE. FROM LEFT ARE DANNY SALTZ. GREG WASHER AND ANTHONY EMERSON, I m JU~t going to sit down ~d think my way through this," CdM Makes It Five Tennis Titles in a Row :~:~tj'.>r~~~~~)~~ha:"~,::~i: By ROGER CARLSON Of Ille 0•1ly P1let Si.II t\t•y s in g les victon c!> by Brad Davidson and Art Hoss. coupled with a douhll•s s wt•(•p hy Danny Saltz and Greg Washl•r pusht•d the Corona del Mar H1~h Sea Kings over the top Thursday as they colle<'tcd their fifth straight Cl F 4·A tennis championship at the Newport Reach Tennis Club. THE VICTIM WAS FAVORED Santa Barbara. 16·10, in a m atch halted once the conquest was a fact. Jt wus Davidson who set it up early wherT he fashioned a 7-5 decision over Santa Barbara's Phil Beaver with a :-nllcl display of forcing the opponent to makt• the Nror Bcuvcr double faulted on his ~cn·e on the dcc1d1nj.( point Hoss took O\'cr al that point a nd romped to a ll-2 v11'tory over Deaver. M•tting up the possibility of a CdM upset pronding Coach Ted Winston's doubles ch"1ces could come through . "That was our plan ... said Winston. ··to have Davidson get h im quick ··The Sant a Barbara player, s haken by the loss. was easy prey for Ross. THUS THE GROUNDWORK was set for the upsrt. but s till remaining was thl' task of s topping the undefeated doubles team of Santa Barbara's Mark Wooldridge and Mark Bashom Antony E mNsnn a nd Hob Ca~t· ex tendt•d the unlx.·~1ll'n pair hl'forc falling, 6·4. 6·4. then polis hed off the second Santa Barbara doubles team And while th(•y were doing that. Saltz and Wash er turned in a super ior performa nce 1n squashi ng S:rnta Ba r bara·s No. 1 doubles. 7-5. 6·2. Saltz and Washer were down. 2·0 and 0-30 in the third game before they put their act togethN "We were down by a brC'ak.'. said Saltz ... but I fi gured once we got i::oing , we'd be alright .. IT WASN'T UNTIL thl' 10th game. however. that Coron<1 dl•I ~1<1r (JUI !'lanta Harbara awav as thl· Dons lo~t lhf'ir sC'r v1ce. k1 t•k1.ng 1t ;rn ;1 as they sue c umbed to the steady µres:mre applied by Saltz and Washer And once Corona del :'lia r IJruk c through. Santa Barbara was easy pick ings for Saltz and Washer in the second set as the Cdl\t tandem (•ompll'tt'd d 6 4, 6-2 decision. "I knew Saltz wo uld be tough in doubles," said Sanl.:1 Barbara Coach .J ack Tn~uc1ro .. Out WC1sher was bet· ter than I anl1c1patl'd "Corona dcl Mar wa:-a little> murC' <See CdM, Page 851 Ongais, F oyt Get Bench Warrants Improve Yo11r' Game Musjcally INOIA NAPOLIS (AP > -A Judge today ordered police to bring race drivers A.J . Foyt and Da nny Onga1s of Costa Mesa to court and threatened them with possible contempt citations after they failed to honor subpoenas. Manon County Superior Court Judge Michael T . Dugan issued bench warrants for the arrest of the two Indianapolis 500 entrants after Marion County sheriff's deputies described the problems the y encount~red trying t~ serve summonses to the pair' on Thursday. Two Marion County ~heriff's deputies told Dugan that Foyt slapped the summons from Maj. Ronald Chappell's hand, and that Ongals, riding a bicycle, at- tempted to run down another ~eputy. £OD, ONGAIS and the other 31 qualifiers for Sunday's 500 were named co-defendants Wed· nesday in a suit filed by car owner Wayne Woodward. Woodward had asked that his dlsquallfled car be re-instated to the lineup by the U.S. Auto Club or that the $1 million race be baited. Woodward's car, driven by Dick Ferguson, was not among the 11 given brief hope or another chance to qualify after USAC offered to reopen qualifications for drivers bumped durina time trials last weekend. That offer was canceled Thursday when two members refused to sign a waiver to in- crease the size of the 33-car starting field. .. IT WAS THE lmposslble dream," said Al Loquaato, one of the drivers cut from the race day lineup in a bumped car. "We knew ll waan't lo6u to happen. But I'm a race driver and J want to 10 racln1. 10 I'll Clee JNDY, Pase Bl> .. Wtening to Classical Sounds Cuts Down Stress, Says Pro By DAVE CUNNINGHAM 01 tM O•llf Piiot St.fl The secret lo playing championship tennis lies in French horns, violins and cellos. Want to'tum that weak serve into a killer? Liste n to a few strains of Dvorak's New World Symphony before taking the court. You'll be a much bet· ter player. At least. that's the theory or Bill Sneen, teaching pro at the Lido Isle Tennis Club in Newport Beach. WORKING CLOSF.LY with a classical music expert. Sncen has pro- duced a 22-minutc cassette tape which he believes can make almost any player perform with a consistency never before possible. Simply turn on the tape player. kick back, and listen to the music prior to your big match. "My theory Is that if you go into a match with your mind and body totally relaxed and refreshed, you greatly in· crease your stress threshold," Sn~n told the Daily Pilot. HE HAS DEVISED a hypothetical stress scale-<>ne to 10, with 10 bein1 the highest level of stress. "Say seven is your stres!i peak. where you're throwing your racquet al every mistake," Sneen explains. "Ir you go in· to the match al s tress level four because of certain apprehensions about the competition. you're more than hair way to your limit. "And If you lose the toss. that migH~ upset you more, and you're at level rive," Sneen continued. "If his first serve is an ace, your frustration may take you right out of the match. SNEEN SA\'S IF THAT same player listened to his "stress reduction tape" two or three hours before the match, he would begin at a much lower level, say minus four. That way. no matter how bad thinas got be might never reach his stress peak. And the only way he'll lose Is if the other player ls better. It eliminates the often·heard post. same eomment, "I beat myself." But can such a simple solution as listen· lDJ to cl~al music beforehand be the miracle cure? BILL SNEEN "WE DID BIO-FEEDBACK tes ts with scans on the heart. body tem· perature and brain," Sneed says "The res ults showed the music reduced heart rate and body temperature and had a profound direct effect o n the hypolhalmus section or the brain, which controls secretions of hormones from the pituitary." And what rote, exactly, do pituitary hormones play in tennis? .. W.ell . in any sport the pituitary hormones have a direct physiological effect on an athlete's body," Sneen says. "There was a pro basketball player, I think It was Bill Russell, who used to throw up in the locker room before a big game. That was anxiety triggering his pituitary hormones ·· TO GO ALONG WITH the blo· feedback results, Sneed conducted nume rous subjective tests, which means simply askin1 player• their oplnlonofthe pre-game music. The UC Irvine 1irl1' tennis team took •• part and reported favorably on thl' n· ~ults. It didn't turn thl'm mto world cha mp:-;, but 1t helped t hem 1m prov<•. Hillie .Jean King a nd Virg1ru a Wade. two of the top 10 pros m the world, are now usmg Sneen's tape to reduce stress before their big matches. Sneen says the) 'II report the res ults after they've had lime to put them to the test. IT'S NO NEW BREAKTHROUGH for s cience that music can have a tran- quilizing effect on humans. People have known that since the first violin was in· vented in the 1 i th century. But not everyone likes classical music. Wouldn 't listening to a fow Beatles records do the job'! Suppose the tennis player prefers Rod Stewart, or perhaps Frank Sinatra? "The problem with popular music is that people often relate it to occur- r ences In their lives," Sneed says. "Haven't you ever heard a particula r song on the radio and. instantly be re· minded of an old girl friend or your high schooldays,orwhatever?'' SNEEN FIGURES THAT very few tennis players will be so familiar with symphonies that they 'll have that problem. In othe r words, a player isn't likely to hear Mende lssohn's Mids ummer Night's Dream and say, "Oh. gosh, that reminds me of Susie, my old pickup truck and the prom in '62." For those who WOULD recognize the music, Sneen's expert has chosen the Blue Danube by Johann Strausl. the thl rd movement from Wagner's Twilight of the Gods, The Swan from Salnt·Saens' Carnival of the Animals .. and the aforementioned New World symphony <Dvorak> and Midsummer Night's Dream <Mendelssohn>. They a.re all 1entle pieces desltned to create calm contentment In the listener-a sort of musical meditation. "It's not necessary that everyone use the music we've put to1etber. and I'm not in the business of selling tapes or anything," Sneen says. "There's no profit in it for anybody. "The main thtn1 I'm trying to 1et across." he says, "ls that music can help athletes in ways they probably haven'tlhoulhtofbefore." ~--~ ·---·-·---,.--· ·-···· • 111 't .think a nybody should get t• •tilt llkt• that .. The Hrt•\.n•r., always thougflt ,1gusltnc had the equipment to •t C;erew -or anyone else 1t. •Hut hc> often hampered mself with his temperament "R•:LIEF PITCHING could • what Augie 1s made for." •ti h1' l·atl'hcr. Charlie Moore. tic dot'Sn·t try to trick anybody 1vmore. In relief. he can't af- r<I to Instead, he's aggressive 1d challl•nging the hitters. He roY.s 1t outside and then busts 1 n on hitter'\ " · A u1rn· alw;i~·~ ha!. fought his n111111n .... hut lh1 s year he H•s n·t seem to be fighting m o;c lf quit e u s much ," l<'hing C'oarh Cal McLish said. VI nyhc tu" n<'W role has helped m Then again . this might ave been his .vear. anyway, en 1f h4' wa~ still a starter. He v. ,,,., had the arm. and his 1·c·tianll·:-art• a lot smoother IA. ,\u g u ~t1ne agrees that the ani.:c h;1s helped him A~ a starter. if you have a jd outing, you have to wait fi ve y~ to make up for it. and when u finally get the chance you Ink about it, a nd you tend to sh the ball too much." the ft ·hander said . ··in relief. c ry day 1s a new day. You can t beat. then come back the 1xt day a nd help out your ~rttng pitcher.·' ~as Sonics' ~fense JtegaI? ANDOVER, Md. (APl - a tever kind of defense the attle SuperSonics were using, al or illegal, it certainly was ective. adl{ering Washington with ps and double teaming ;_ a tic which some of the Bu.Uets d merely masked an illegal e -the SuperSonics scored a 82 victory·Thursday night aod ened the National Basketball soc I at ion 's championship ies at l·l. HE NEXT TWO GAMES ol best-of-seven series will be ayed in Seattle, at the ngdome on Sunday and at the liseum Tuesday night, with SuperSonics now claiming home<'ourt advantage. 'The key to the game was de· se." said Seattle center Jack ma. who had 14 points and lS ounds in a bruising battle h Washington's Wes Unseld. e fense Is the start of our of. Rive game." 'We're not a great shoot.ins m ." said guard Dennis bnson. who had 20 pointa and asalsll. "but our defense ii t·class. We work very hard it. As long as we have the de· C8ee SONICS, Pase 81) I J ' I Mdmf, Mey JI. t111 I arts ' C&rew: It Can't . Be Worse MILWAUKEE <AP> -Jerry Au1uatine. less than ecstatic Jut fall when the Milwaukee Brewen told him he would be a relief pitcher this year, is start- iag to like the idea. Augustine relieved a wild Moose Haas Tbursd y and promptly gave up an R double to Willie Mays Aikens apping a five.run California f h inninc. But Augustine the struck out Camey Lansford to etire the•ide and allowed only four more hits over the last four innings u the Brewers beat the Angela, 9-6, completing a three.game series sweep The Angels pl<iy Chicago tonight. AUGU~'TINE. WHO often got into trouble by pitching de· fensively as a starter in past seasons. challenged the Angels this time and got away with it - notably at the expense of Rod Carew. one of baseball's pre· mi<'r h1ttt>rs . With the bases loaded and two out in the sixth, Carew broke his ba t on a n ins ide pitch and squ1hbed a soft line drive to shortstop Robin Yount. Then, after a wmd blown triple by Dan Ford with two out in the e.ighth, Augu~tane Jammed Carew again and stru1:k him out. "Rt:.\l.LV, Al.LI TRY to do with C:irew 1s throw the ball down the middle and pray," Au ~u:-.1 1nc· s:ttd "lle's probably 1h1• lll'~t h1ltt'r to co me along tn )l':1 r-. Ill"" goini; to get has hits reg;irdles~. so <111 you can really do 1s make sur1· you don't walk him l°.H•'" "ho ~tran<ied seven b::t't: runr11•rs Thursday and had onl.', 1ml· l11t m 10 limes at bat in th1 ..,,•ne:-., "'•1~ :-.11l·thing later. THIS CORONA DEL MAR TRIO HELPED WIN A FIFTH STRAIGHT CIF TENNIS TITLE. FROM LEFT ARE DANNY SALTZ. GREG WASHER AND ANTHONY EMERSON. I rn 1u:-.t going to s it down CdM Makes It Five Tennis Titles in a Row. a11cl think my way through this." hr ~aid · ll ,ron't get ia ny worse for m1· I <·xp<'Cl to get a hit l'VNY time• I go to the plate . I don t tlunk anybody s hould get mi· out hkr-thal ' By ROGER CARLSON Of Ille O•ol, Pllet Sl•ll l\l'Y s ing le s vielOril'S by Uracl Oav1dson <trHi J\rt Ros~. t·oupled wit h a douhl(•~ S\H'l'IJ by Danny Saltz and Greg Wa~ht·r pusht·cl tlw Corona del Ma r High Sea Kmgs over the> top Thursdety as they collcc.-h.'<i their fifth straight CIF 4·A tennis championship at the Newport Reach Tennis Club. THF. VICTIM WAS FAVORED Santa Barbara. lfi· 10, in a match halted once the conquest was a fact It was Davidson who set it up ear ly when he fashroned a 7.5 decision over Santa Barbara 's Phil Beaver with a .. <,olad drsplay of forcing th(' opponent to m a kt• the t·rror. Reaver double faulted on his St'rvl' on the deciding point It oss took <over at lhi.ll point and romped to :a 1; 2 vwtury over Deaver, :-.l'll1n~ up tht: po~s1bdity of a Cdl\1 upset pro\'1ding Coach Ted Winston's doubtcs c.-hrnce:-. could comt· through. "That was our plan ... said Winston. "to have Davidson get him quick .. The Santa Barbara player. s haken by the lo~s. wa!> easy prey for Hoss. Tllt;S TIIF. GROUNDWORK wa!' set for the upset. but still remaining was thl' task o f stopping the undefeated doubles team of Santa Barbara's Mark Wooldridge and Mark Rasham Antony Emerson and Hoh Cast· t·x tend(•d the unbt•aten pair bc•fort: fo lltng. 6·4, 6·4. then pohsherl off the second Santa Darbetra rlouhles tc.im And while lhl'V wen· doing t hat. Saltz and Washe r turnPd 1n a superior p e r form a n c e 1 11 "q u ;q; h 1 n A S a n t a Ba rbara's No. 1 doubles. 7 5, 6·2. Saltz and Washer wen· down. 2·0 and 0·30 in the third game before they put their act togctht:r "We were do"'n h) a hr<:<1k ... sat<l Saltz. "but I fi gured on<'c we got going, we'd be alright · IT WASN 'T UNTIL th<· lOth game, howf'vcr. that Corona del ~tar µul !->ant;, Barbara awav as th•· Dons lo~t t h(-1 r M'rv1ce. kt<:k1.ng 11 ,1\\ ay as lhl'y -.u1· cumbed to the ~tcady prcs~urc appltt-d by Saltz and Was her "' And once Coron;i c!PI Mar brokt· through, Santa Barbara was eets)' pick m~s for Saltz and Washer m the second set as the CdM tandem t·ompleted a f:i 4. 6·2 decision. .. f knew Saltz "-tJU 1<1 be tough an doubles." s aid SantJ Harl><ira Coach .Jack Trigueiro. ·Uul Washer was bet · ter than I anllc1patccl "Corona del Mar wa~ a ltttlP morP CSee CdM, Page 8 51 Tht• Hrt·"'cr~ always thought Au~ustinl' h;Jd the equipment to ~c·t Cir£'" - or anyone else out . 11111 ht· often ha mpered himself 1A1th ha<; tPmperament "REUt:t' PITCHING could bt-\\ h:at Augie 1s made for." s<11 I hr' r;itd1er. Charlte Moore. · Ito· doesn't try to trick anybody an ' n1on ·. In relief. he can't af- ford to Instead, he's <1ggressive anti rhalll•ngrng the hitters. He thrO\l.S rt 11uls1de a nd then busts 1t m nn hitters " Ongais, F oyt Get Bench Warrants Improve Yo11r Game Mus~cally "Au gw always ha!> fought his em o 1 ann .... but t his year he doesn't see m to be fighttng h im~l'lf q u i t e as much," pi1t·h1ng coac:h Cal McLis h said. .. M aytw his n<'w role h<ts helped him The n again. this might ha ve hl·l'n hrs year . anyway. cvc·n 1f ht• wu~ -;till a starter. He al" a~"' hu<I the arm, and his m(•<•h:onal'S <Ht' a lol smoother no" INDlANAPOLIS f A P l - A judge today ordered police lo brmg race drivers A.J . Foyt and Danny Ongais of Costa Mesa lo court and threatened them with possible contempt citations after they failed to honor s ubpoenas. Marion County Superior Court Judge Michael T . Dugan issued bench warrants for the arrest or the two Indianapolis 500 entrants after Marion County sheriff's deputies described the problems they encountered trying t<> serve summonses to the pair· on Thursday. Two Marion County sheriff's deputies told Dugan that Foyt slapped the s ummons from Maj. Ronald Chappell 's hand, and that Ongais, riding a bicycle, at· tempted to run down another .~eputy. FO\"I', ONGAIS and the other 31 qualifiers for Sunday's 500 were named co-defendants Wed· nesday in a suit filed by car owne.r Wayne Woodward. Woodward had asked that his disqualified car be re·instated to the lineup by the U.S. Auto Club or. that the Sl million race be baited. Woodward's car, driven by Dick FergWIOn, was not among the 11 given brief hope of another chance to qualify alter USAC offered to r eo pen qualifications for drivers bumped durin1 time trials last weekend. That otre r was canceled Thursday when two members refused to sign a waiver to in· crease the size of the 33-car starting field. "IT WAS THE lmposalble dream." said Al Loquaato, one of the drivers cut from the race day lineup In • bumped car. "W~ knew tt waan't •olnt to happen. But I'm a race driver and I want to 10 raclnt. ao I'll <lee INDY, Pa1e 85> listening to Classical Sounds Cuts Down Stress, Says Pro By DAVE CUNNINGHAM Of tlle 0•11' Piiot St.It The secret to playing champ1onsh1p tennis lies in French horn~. v1oltns and cellos. Want to tum that weak serve into a killer? Listen to a few s trains of Dvorak's New World Symphony before taking the court. You'll be a much bet· ter player. At least, that's the theory of Bill Sneen. teaching pro al the Lido Isle Tennis Club in Newport Beach. WORKING CLOSELY with a classical music expert, Sneen has pro· duced a 22·minute cassette tape which he believes can make almost any player perform with a consistency never before possible. Simply turn on the tape player, kick back, and listen lo the music prior to your big match. , "My theory is that Ir you go into a match with your mind and body totally relaxed and refreshed, you greatly in· crease your stress threshold," Sneen told the Daily Pilot. BE RAS DEVISED a hypothetical stress scale::....one lo 10. with 10 being the highest level of stress. "Say seven is your stress peak. where you're throwing your racquet at every m istake,'' Sneen explains. "If you go in· to the match at stress level four because of certain apprehensions about the competition, you're more than half way to your limit. ··And if you lose the toss. that migtt! upset you more, and you're at level five." Sneen continued. "If his first serve is an ate, your frustration may take you right out or the match. SNEEN SAYS IF THAT same player listened to his "stress reduction tape" two or three hours before the match, he would begin at a much lower level, say minus four. Thal way. no matter how bad thln1s got he might never reach his stress peak. And the only way he'll lose is it the other player is better. It eliminates the often-heard post· 1ame ~ent. ··1 beat myself." Butcanauch a aimplesolution as listen· ln1 to cluaical mualc beforehand bl the miracle cure? ' "WE DID BIO·FEEOBACK t ests with scans on the heart. body tem· perature and brain," Sneed says "The results showed the mus ic reduced heart rate and body temperature and had a profound direct effe ct o n the hypothalmus section of the brain. which controls secretions of hormones from the pituitary." And what role, exactly. do pituitary hormones play in tennis? "Well, in any sport the pituitary hormones have a direct physiological e frect on an athlete's body," Srteen s ays. "There was a pro baske'lball player, I think It was Bill Russell, who used to throw up in the locker room before a big game. That was anxiety triggering his pituitary hormones ." TO GO ALONG WITH the bio· fee dback results. Sneed conducted numerous subjective tests, which means simply askine players their opinion of the pre·g•me music. Tbe UC Irvine girla • tennis tea m took •• part and reported favorably on the n· suits . fl didn't turn them mto world champs. but 1t helped them improve>. Billie Jean King a nd V1rg1ma Wade. two of the top 10 pros in the world. are now us mg Snecn's tape to reduce stre~s before their big matches. Snecn says they 'II report the results after they've had time to put them to the test. IT'S NO NEW BREAKTHROUGH for science that music can have a I ran· qu1lizing effect on humans . People have known that since the fi rst v1ohn was tn· vented in the 17th century. But not everyone likes classical music. Wouldn't listenmg to a few Bealles records do the job? Suppose the tennis pl ayer prefe rs Rod Stewart. or pe rhaps Frank Sinatra? "The problem with popular mus1r is that people often relate 1t to occur· re nces in their lives," Sneed says. "Haven't you ever heard a pa rticular song on the radio and instantly be re· minded of an old girl friend or your high schooldays, or whatever ?" SNEEN nGURES THAT very few tennis players will be so ramiliar with symphonies that they'll have that probtem. In other words. a player isn't likely to he ar Mendelssohn 's Mids umme r Night's Dream and say, "Oh, gosh. that reminds me of Susie, my old pickup truck and the prom in '62." For those who WOULD recognize the music, Sneen's expert has chosen the Blue Danube by Johann Strauss. the third movement from Wagner's Twilight of the Gods, The Swan from Salnt·Saens' Carnival of the Animals.a and the aforementioned New World symphony <Dvorak) and Midsummer Night's Dream (Mendelssohn l. They •re all gentle pieces designed to create 'calm contentment in the listener-a aort of musical meditation. "It's not necessary that everyone use the mua1c we've put together, and I'm not In the business or selling tapes or anything," Sneen says. "There's no profit In it for anybody. "The main thing l 'm trying to 1et across." he says, "is that music can help athletes in ways they probably haven'ttbouahtofbefore." Au l-!u~t1 n e ::ig rt.•t•s that the (•h:1ng1• has helped him "A:-. <1 starter. 1f you have a bad outing. you have' to wetit five da~ ~ tn make up for it, a nd when )Ou finally get the chance you think about it , and you tend to push the ball too much." the left·hand£'r said. "In re lie f, every day is a new day. You can get beat. then come back the ne~t d<1y and help out your startmg pitcher · · . Was Sonics' Defense filegal? LANDOVER, ,Md. <AP > - Whatever kind or defense the Seattle SuperSonics were using, le~a I or illegal, it certainly was effective. Bad"ering Washington with traps and double teaming -a tactic which some or tbe BuUeta · ir;aid merely mas ked an <illegal zone -the SuperSonics scored a 92·82 victory Thursday night and evened the Nataonal Basketball Association's championship series at l·l. THE NEXT TWO GAMES of the best-of-seven series will be played in Seattle, at the Kingdome on Sunday and at the Coliseum Tuesday night, with the SuperSonlcs now claiminl the homecourt advanta1e. ·'The key to the game was de- ren!le ... said Seattle center Jack Si kma, who had 1• points and 11 rebounds in a bruisinl battle with Washington's Wes Unseld. "Derense Is the start or our of· tensive game." "We're not a great shootin1 tum." said gqard Dennis Johnson. who had 20 pointa and six auist.a. "but our defeme la fil'lt-clasa. We work very hard Oft It. Ila long aa we ha.e the de· (8ee SONICS, .... •> -... ---•w .-r•..,. • •••·----- I ' l s ·• -• ' ANN.LANDERS ---.. ~-.*""~ ~llDniOM . W. fW ' I llTAftUl.B CONrACT.,...11 ........ ...... .... w.,.. ..... ...... .... 71NJ7J International ··~.~ Genuine Pewter f, Lustrous lead-free pewter by Interna- tional Silver. A complete assortment of popular hostess gift ideas that are smart and sophisticated. <~ CMM• Pl-..._.•• •le._. beMw Above left. fourth grader Larry Stilgenbauer gets a math lesson from Todd Lmsky. who's in seventh grade at Kaiser. Kelley Macklin, above left, from Kaiser School, gives 9-year- old Van Le Ngo an English lesson at Woodland. • • • Tutor Time <From Page BU School in Newport and Woodland Elementary School in Costa Mesa. For many of the younger children, says Woodland progrnm coordinator Sandy Blat . terman. the tutoring is an opportunity for them lo see that s<>meonc• cares and wants to listen to them. A chance. she :-.ays, "to find older children they can rell.lle In other than m their own fom1 Tell Your Son About Sibling OEAH l\NN Twe nty years ago m y husband had a child out of wedlock. We never spoke of the incident <iftcr Wt' married. When our l>On was born, tl was very painful for m e tr' accept the fact that he had a brother or sister somewher!' an the wt1rld he would never know Our son as now an adult. Should he be told'' Only one rt!latavc know:-abC'lul the out-of· wedlock child. It would be a tremendous s ho(•k to the others 1f they should team of at. My wish is to bury the past forever. I think it would save a lot of i!ricf Whal arc your thou~hts on the s ubject? HEAVY ON MY MINO ly. Younger children like to talk and they need someone to listen.·· F tir the older students the payoff may coml' in the form or increased self·csteem and a sense or rcs ponsi bality. J anette J ohnson. academic <idv1sor <it Newport Harbor. says tutoring g1 Vt'S students <in opportunity lo be rccogni:u .. '<1 • 'ThPy <Jrc high school kids a nd are not re· coi;:n1:wd as adults y<'t. They still look to some- one else for d~rinition It can help build their A•• ~anders DEAR MAID: My advice is to Ket oat of tb'e m ess by anaouncing you are leavin~ -if It's bis pad -or informing bim lbat HE is leaving -Jf it's yours. Don't settle for anylhinl{ in-between or you'U be writing this same letter again in four years. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am 29, recently married for the second time. My husband is a beautiful man in every sense of the word. His wife died two years ago and his lovely daughter likes me a great deal I want desperately to make this marriage work but I have a short temper and a big mouth. I'm afraid 1'11 lose this man and mess up my life if I don't learn to control my tongue . confidence and security to be in this k1nd of situation. "And Jittle kids really look up to these kids, .. she says . P<it Overlces. program cocirdinator a l Kaiser. and Pr1~~ipaJ Frank fo'eller at Mariners agree that both the older and younger students bcnefitfromthef>1$>gram . In addition, say the educators. many of the pupils who become tutors a re interested 1n cnttiring <• helpinl{ profession. !'.uch <is teaching. and the l'Xpericnt·e hclr)s to solidify their goal. Cancer Film Available .. Women In M add It• gives <.t mc•dical ovt•r. Y t· a r s , ' · :1 n t· w view whJl'h d e<irly •·x Ameti<'an Cancer Socic plains the sign ~ and t y fdm abo u t e n · s ymptom s or e n · d om e trial ca ncer 1n domctrial ct1ncer while tc·rm s or thl' timl' framt• 1ntl!rrelating important or menopause. 1s p ow facts <ibout menopause. available at the local Mrs . Lieberman s aid Ame rican Cancer Socic· these stories and the· ty office, according tu comments o r these F a y Li c be r m a n . women can be useful lo c hairman of S WAC all women. <Safeguard Wom e n The Society also has Against C<tncer1. of the pr epart'd a takl' hvmr Soc1cty·s Orange County hrochure e ntitled "En Unit. domctrial Ca nce r ." The film. which is sub-For more information 'frlephone urders with ~h!oih'r ('hari:r or Vi,.,;a l .t>.S. Dt·li\ll'ry DEAR H.: I believe lbe only way to rid yourself or this burden ls for you and your husband to tell your son toJCether. Ask &be boy ro keep It &o bimseU. If one relative knows, there's always &be ~banc:e that the secret will leak. Your NOD might resent tbe fut tbal you kept it from him. titled "For A Happier about the film and Healthier Life." is the brochure, contaC'l the Society's firs t film to local American C<.1nccr deal with this particular Society offict' at 40:.m caMcr. which has its Birch Street. Suite IOI . 556·6258 DEAR ANN : I've been living with this guy four years. P roblem: I'd rather be his wife than his housekeeper. We get a long fine but I want marriage. When~ver I bring up the subject he has lo go to a meeting or he falls asleep. Last night we had a minor argument and I yelled, "Shut up! You sound like a jackass ~" lie looked stunned and left the room. r could h::ive killed myself. Please help me. MY WORST ENEMY -ME highest ancadencc with Newport. Beach, or call Sol:Ttl f :OA~T PLAZA. COSTA MESA women ~tween 40 and ~75~2~·~~~~-~-~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 49 Four wo m l' n te 11 ,.--------------------------------, How can I get him to walk me down the DEA R M.W.E.: You have a lot of anger and hostility in your system. Please gel some counseUng and find out why you keep making troublt> for yourself and jeopardize the best thin~s in your life. viewers how they are coping or have coped with endomelrial n111cc r Dr. Elizabeth Conne ll . a gynecolo,::1:-.t. aisle -or get out of this me~s ., -MA ID SERVICE IN K .C • • • Parenting <From Page Bil Mental Health Ser vices at Group Health Cooperative in Seattle. The workshop is an outgrowth or f a three year Professional Develop· ment Internship with Jack and Lorraine Gibb. La Jolla residents who develeoped the Tori theory. a method for people in groups to re- late to one <inother in a positive way. The issue of the Works hop for Parents is "to learn to care for our selves and our c hildren. The t"elalionship between adult and child can be nurturing to both. The process is self-awareness," ac- cording to the coordinators. The two-day program will cover three themes: • The connection or bond th<it 1·ach parent has with has child "It's a physical. c mollonal and mental bond that exists in us all. hut we often don't rt•cos.miw it. We 1-!Cl busy." says Ms. Tonge. To tune into the bond. the workshop will teach each parent skills to remember the birth of the child and the events that led up to it. • Prohlem solving. This area will cover "identifying whatever at is that's happening between you and the child that you would pre. fe r would be another way. It's a simple process or looking for alternatives." Ms. Tonge explains. The problem solving portion will deal with role playing and draw· ing pictures or the specifi c situa. lions. • Learning, or creative dis- covery. "ll 's tuning in to the child's talents as they emerge. The things that you are r eally talented in come out in play. The task is to think of something fun. Children are encouraged when the adult does it too, so It's imJ>()rtant lo be doing what you want to do." ·s he adds. The Workshop for Parents will be held from 7 to 9 :30 p.m . Friday, June 1, and from 9:30 a.m. lo 4 p.m. Saturday, June 2, in t h e multi-pu rpose room at Thurston Jr. Hlgh School, Laguna Beach. Cost is $15 per person. For registration information, call Ms. Tonge at 494-2267. 'i\iV.Cr~ ~~cial Sttlollf ~· :. ~' Non-Surgical Facelift Put .,..,.,... ....,, lloweTlnt ...... .,, .,_. hoctw . ....,. ..... ~· J MlecttcM of ~Iraq Ofchkfa ln. cludln9 c,, .. b .. tum, Dendroblum, PhalHnop1l1, Cauley• and I.Ad,,, ~· INDOOR FLOWERING PLANTS 1 1_i..'ll'l Erase lines and wrinkles ~ J without surgery ,.---------... I 1st Treatment $10 I I & Analysis I '----------~ •E1~Hll1'1MJal • Earopean Faclal1 • Deep ~ aean11n~ Ope• ..... S.l lf.5 ParkJllfblear J4'I Newpen llYd. Newpert lleatll fH:t7wta 3M va.u Del Mar ae• .. •• aeHtt ZIJ·~ GRAND OPENING! COMMAND PERFORMANCE COMES TO TOWN WITH THE PRECISION HAIRCUT! The Precision Haircut E..,lained Precisely. Because your head is unique. the way your tu5s1ng with 1l u~ually a shake of the head hair grows 1s equally unique Really qu11e does 11 different lrom every one else s At Command Performance we shampoo, Prec1s1on ha11cuttmg 1s a technique lor precision-cut and blow dry your hair tor cutting the hair in harrnony with the way 11 sixteen dollars. whether you're ~ gal or grows Your hair evenlually grows oul but a guy. And no appointments are ever 11 doesn't lose 11s shape w11h a precision necessary. hairc111 Const'quenlly your haircut will We Jlso otrer permanent waves. color- look as good a lier live days as 11 doel> alter mg. f1ostrng and cond11ion1ng. 8ut we tive minutes. And because the hair falls 1c,1lly ~htnc with prcc1s1on. And so will naturally into place you won·1have10 keep you. .__-----~------~ • (A)m1nand Perforn1anee c , .. ,. .... -... --.. ""· 0'9t n••••s I liilOMMTS ct..,.., ....... ,,. MM ... SAT.I COSTA MISA MUA YRDI cana 1711 HAllOI &ft. CHAllOl I AIAMSI 14MllJ r s ,_ " ----------.. ~· ~-~"' . v ..... ~...._.._. __ --... ... _ F,_, Mir 26. 1171 DAILY f'tl.OT , ............ IND • • • •1 aoosa c~•LSON E•lw•a ma--.:=rr .... , u.. •II· tlme Cinderella team in tbe Matory of lhe cur volleJball playoffs. roes for all the marbles toni&ht at w .. tminster Hlah •1alnat Bay League-r h1mp1on C)anta Monica In the title um• Clemente and Santa Barbara han swept to dlamp6"9hlpa aa expected. But l'* ,..,., the Estancia tail• of Coach Mike romuoy have made a mockery ol pred1ct1ons. rom1n1 out of nowht re to qu111hry for thl' final$ with five! Sl'l v i(lnr H'll 11v~r No 2 ueded Newport ll1&rbo1 1and No. 3 La•unia Bea<'h ravo rite tonl1ht. Altbou1h Santa Monira. the No. 4 aeect.d t.eam In the elimln1tion1 baa ahown vas t capabilltlea. Eatanda '1 new.found power defies picking a favorite. moat valuable player • Uae lay ~ague. 9letnman and ffc*aMM wen first tam selections and Kubeck -.I Curtia are' lecond team wt.... do ........ I HD to trJ ad -Uaat~. o ''NMr, mr reeourM ia to -to m1 ettoney and ... wbat .. caa do. I'm 'aure I woo't bi Aa for toni&ht 's ventve, Pomeroy says: "We're healthy and we're loole.'' ..aone." . It lllUU at 7 and UP8 what h•~ bet'o~ the wackiest playottt Alnce the lnceptlon of the volleyball cham plonahlpcoml)f't Ilion IN THE PAST. fMvor1t"~ hav<' wnn 1111 twrry Ot'caalon Sance 1974. Santa Mon~ca, Laauna BNH•h ttw1c~ 1. San Santa Monjca, munwhilti, made It lo tonlt:ht '11 t'hnmplon~hl11 with 1• ~tu11nh111 f1 vr !'el triumph (~\lt!r the Nu 1 bc"d Sun Clcmt•nh' In the start.Ing lineup for Estancia are 11ettcr11 Tim Krohnftsldt and Kent Smith walh 6-4 Crai1 Keup, 6 ·4 Jett Gasper, 6-$ Steve Van Hom and Bob Rieden round· Ing out the cast. Santa Monica. under Coach Dan Mor· r ison. relies on the ability of Chris Schue ler. J o hn Steinman, Chris Hokanson, Evan Kubeck. Tom Curtis and Eddie Fuchs Schaefer is the co· MORaJSON, WHOSE TEAM ia lf.2 and unbeaten since loaae1 to San Clemente and Palisades at the seuon'1 outaet. says M feels the finals were Tuesday night when hia crew downed San Clemente. "San Clemente was the fint team I've seen that I felt matched up to ua one for one." &ays Morrison. USAC beard prota&a or apo peal• ot rejected protests frtm several of the barred raclJll team• '11uanday ni1bt. Tbe • peal• committee Uateaecl for four bour1, then delibera~ nearly two hours before ea. nouncinc It hadn't reacbed a • ciaion. Members aaid they wouW resume later today but set • time. A Cepaule Repor1'from the World of Spor1a Who Controls the NBA? Tiiat's an Easy One -CBS t 'rom A .. Olspatcltes Why play thP first game of a series Sunday af m ternoon and. with no travel involved . not pl ay the set'ond game until Thursday n.aght as the National Basketball Association has done with its playoff finals between the Seattle SuperSonacs and the W1tshington Bullets? The answer is telev1s1on CBS is paying thC' NBA $74 million over four years for the rights .to televise its games. Each club receives roughly $700,000 in the first year or the contract and will take home a nice. e ven SI malhon m the final year That may be petty cash compared to lhe money TV spends on pro football but for many pro basket ball owners it's the di ff Prence between • breaking even and red mk Since this TV money helps pay their six figure salaries the players are generally tolerant or scheduling quirks. ·'Play? I thouRhl we were only here to prartice and do in terviews," joked Washington guard Kevin Grevey "To tell you the truth. I'd rather play every other day and get the summer vacation started," said Grcvey, whose sentiment is shared by most people involved in this series. which could stretch for 18days. "It's been a long season." With those TV rights. however, come certain privileges. particularly in the matter 01 scneduhng. As a league ot1ic1a1 told one reporter . "Ir you paid us S74 million. then we'd be _glad to see what we could do about scheduling the games a t your conveni ence." CBS wants as many ~ames as possible on Sunday arter noon, beeause Sunday is sports day and the NBA cham· pionship series perks up the network's s ports programming. Thus the series opened on a Sunday and the third and sixth games will also~ played on Sundays ------QwJfr of •lw Day-------. Dave Heaverlo, Oakland relief pitcher. offonng his plan to solve the California gasoline crunch and the A ·s· poor attendance: "Open a service station in center field." l•JllrPd Sollball Pla•rr lt'i•• SMif WARWICK , R.I. - A woman whose skull was Ill fractured when an opponent elbowed her in a championship softball game has been awarded $89,000 in a damage suit. . Sau>erior Court Judg~ Ronald R . Lagueu~. sa~d Wednesday that he believed at was the first court dec1s1on in Rhode Island made on the basis of a "wi1lful" injury in a ports. Natalie Kurowsky. 32, of Warwick claimed she was elbowed as she rounded first base in a 1974 state championship softball game between teams for two insurance companies. The defendant. Toni Green. testified at the seven-day trial that stie jumped up. trying to reach a wild throw from third base and collided with Kurowsky when she came down. Kurowsky's lawye r said other witnesses testified Green's elbow struck Kurows ky in the back of the head in an apparent attempt lo keep her from getting to second base. Morgan'• Error Gire• Giant• Win Cincinnati second baseman Joe Moron Ii dropped a two-out pop fly in the seventh inning, giving the San Francisco Giants their second un- earned run or the game and a 2·1 victory over the Reds in National League action Thursday . . ~eve H~n· der100'1 single in the firth inning drove in the lie-breaking run and Pat Zachry returned from the disabled by pitching seven strong innings as the New York Mets downed the Chicago Cubs 4-2 for a split or a lwi-night doubleheader. The Cubs snapped a six· game losing streak with a 9-7 victory in the opener as Barry Foo&e and St.eve On· tiveros hit two-run homers Amos OUa singled Fred Pa~k home ~ilh the winning run in the eighth inning and George Breu drove in three runs as Ka nsas City defeated Seattle, 5·4 ... Lamar Johnson had a double and two singles, drove in four runs and scored twice to lead the Chica~o White Sox to a MOHAN 10·1 win over Oakland. Corona del Mar's Matt Keoagb lost his seventh straight without a victory for the A's . . Kiko Carela smashed a Ue·breaking two·run homer in the sixth inning lo give streaking Baltimore a 5·3 victory over Boston. The win was the 25th in ~e last. 31 games for Baltimore ... Atlanta Brav~s catcher·farst baseman Dale Jlarphy, who is among the National League leaden ln home runs with 13, and in runs balled in with 37, will undergo surgery for a tom cartilage in his left knee and miss at least six weeks of the season. ....................... c•rr,,, The Boat.on Bruins released Coach Dom Clterry • from hil National Hoc key League eon· tract after bis bitter feud with the front office . . M••••d AU arrived in London to begin what he calla hta "farewell tour of the world" and said •l•in that he would retire soon. He will meet British heavywel1ht champion. Jolla L. Gardaer, in a five-round exhibition match ln London . . Cal Poly PomOP• placed two men on the NCAA Dlmlon II All·American team including outfielder Ma llrodden and catcher Band Mlller . . . Goalie Bente Pare111•1 laJured ri1ht eye ta improving but bis future with the Phth1delpb.la Flyers is 1Ull f~y. The Flyers are maJdn1 plana for next year without him ... Wake Forest golfer G•rJ llallberl fired a eoune·rec:ord six·under·par 66 to put bl• team lnto a Ue for third place with Oklahoma State In the MCAA ,olf championsblpa at Winaton·Salem, N.C. North Carolina leach with Bri1ham Youn1 second, Oral Roberts fourth and USC fifth. T....,~lo11~ R•dfo TV: Hane Racl.nl -Today at Hollywood P~rk, 7 p.m., Clluaell1. aAlllO: Angell at Cbicato. 5:30 p.m .. KMPC (710>; ClDcln· utl at Doqen, 7:25 p.m ., KABC (790). RONCEY Smith, Cey Return· . ' Reds in LA LOS ANGELES 'AP> -Four Los Angeles Dodgers who hlast· ed their way into base ball's rec ord book -when each hit 30 or more home runs m 1977 -might not have much over 30 homers altogether this ye<tr 1f injuries keep striking them out. Outfielder Re~g1e Smith has just one home run. nine RRI and a .21J batting average prior to tonig ht's Dodger S t adium opener of a four .game series against the Ci ncinnati Reds, who lead the National League West Division by 11·2 games over San Francisco a n d tw o over Houston. The Dodgers are fi ve games back in fourth place. WHILE SMITH was out with leg and neck ailments, the Dodger record was 10 victories a nd 20 losses. That record is solemn evuience or Manager Tommy Lasorda ·s conteqtton that Smith's play has been the c atalys t o r lea gue cham· pionships for the Dodgers the past two years. Third baseman Ron Cey and first baseman Steve Garvey each have seven homers so far this year. but both are nursing leg injuries. The healthiest of the four sluggers. outfielder Dusty Baker , is in a power drought that has held him to three homers. "One thing we've thrived on the last two years has been pl ay- ing together as a unit," Smith said after returning lo action in a 4·2 victory al San Diego Wed- nesday night. SMITH HAD TWO hits that didn't fi gure in the scoring. but just his presence seems to be the best tonic for the team. With Smith playing. the Dodger rec· ord is 11·4. "I th.ink when we get every. body back and ~et our rhythm going. we'll be all right.•· Smith added. Smyth Clears 6-10 Dolphin's Goal: High J11mp 7-0 By ERNIE CASTILLO Of .. 0.lly ~, ... '"'" NORWALK-Eric Smyth hasn't reached his peak yet but he's getting close. "Double fi gures, finally. I' 11 get 7·feet next lime." the Dana Hills Hi gh senior said after high jumpinf! 6· 10 to place second in the Cl F Masters track meet Thursday night. ·· 1 think 1 ·m peaking at the right time." added Smyth, who stands 6·0 ·'I've been having trouble elearing 6·9 and 6·10 but I fe lt good tonight. l got the s pring to go 7 ·feel but I need lo gel up in the air more 1n~tead of 1-!0ing mtothebar." SMYTH CLEARED 6·8 as a sophomore but had never hit 6·111 in competition until Thursday's state qualirying meet at Cerrito~ College. From the way his high school athletic season had been going, he wasn't sure he ever would, either. "Al the beginning or the year. I was having a lot of problems." he admitted. "In football, 1 tore a muscle in m y left knee and I never could gel goin~ in baskel· ball. I had problems with my spring all year long until I went 6-8 in a dual meet against Mis· sion Viejo and things have been uphill since then " MIKE BRUGGEMAN and Beth Melton. both half milers. a lso seem to b e coming on strong al the right time . Brug- geman, a senior from Corona del Mar. finished second in the m en's 880 in 1:54 .19 whale Me lton, a eonverted quarter· miler from Fountain Valley, was second in the women 'tr half in 2: 14.06. The limes were personal rec· ords for both -at least tem· POrarily. ·'I expert to get it down even roore. I'm thinking about 2:10 al s tate." said Me lton . "I've always run the quarter and this is artually my first season in the half but I'm beginning to like it · · Mellon got her chance in the 440 when she anchored Fountain Valley's mile relay team to a 3:5t.55third place finish. Likewise. Bruggeman ein>ects to continue the tre nd that has s een him knock orr nearly a second and a half s ince eaptur- ing the Sea View Lea~ue title three weeks ago in 1: 55.5 and finishing second in the CIF 3·A fi nals last week in 1 :54.70. "I EXPECT MY TIME to come down some more. loo." said the converted mile r who gave his coaches a scare ror the second consecutive week. After one la p, Bruggeman was dead last. With 330 yards to go. he moved . to the outside and started picking orr the runner.- in front of him, one by one. Al the tape, he was half a stride- a nd .08 seconds-behind the win· ner. Juan Neucke of Walnut. "Actual!>. I like betn~ tn con trol of a race but with only ont second separating the field, yo1. ('an 't control what happens,'' hl said ·1 di<ln l have a lot at thl enf1 but I hatl enough to get me second place · Dana Hills ' Nancy .ll•:-.sen \Hi~ fifth in the women's 8811 12 15 61 to give the Orange Coal>t <.1ree1 three half m1lns 1n n<:xl wl'(:k ·, state meet tn S;.icramcnlo ONLY THREE OTHER area athletes placed fifth or higher in their events lo t'arn stale berths. Mic he lle Ke ll ey of Ir vi ne qualified fourth 1n both the women's 220 <24.97 > <ind 440 <56.97 ). Ke n Mills of University was second in the men's discus throw ( 182 2 l and Edison 's Kerwin Bell was fifth in the men's 100 <9.84 » Edison's Tracy Hanlon. one of the ravoritt?s in the women's low hurdles, lost her step over the th i rd ba rrie r and neve r challenged. The main story or the meet might have been another non· qualifier. Pasadena. ronsidered the front-r unner for the s tate team title. was d isqualified after winning the men's mile relay when the leadoff runne r s tepped out or his lane on tum one. THAT OVERSHADOWED a fine effort by Pasadena's Mike Sanford, who we nt 9.44 in the 100 and 21.0 in the 220 As expected, the Howard c;1s lers-Artra. Shern . DeNean and Tina--dominated the women's competition. Sherri ran a 53 4 s plit to anchor lhe Spartan~ to a national r ecord 3: 44 89 1n the male relay Sh<'rri and DeNean a lso went 1 ·2 in the 440 and Sherri plat·ed serond in t he 100. NO ONE APPEA&ED to believe the earlier ruliJlp __.. be overturned, and tbe appeals were seen as a formality to n · haust administrative remedMa and clear the way for court ac· tion. USAC President Dick Kine said Woodward had not been • eluded 10 the second qualifica· lion offer because his car was found in nagranl violallOO ol a technical rule limiting the amount of pressure boost in the engines of the turbocharged cars. The decision by USAC to allow the other 11 cars bumped from the field an opPortunity for one more qualifying run -if those already on the starting grad agreed in writing was an· nounced Tuesday night NEARLY TWO DA vs or s c rambltng by a g roup or drivers to find and convmee the owners or the qualified cars, produced 31 authorizing s ignatures. Owner-driver Jim Mc Elreath and owner Don B1 e derstedt. whose car w~s d riven by Eldon Rasmussen, wera> the unshakable holdouts Mc Elreath. 81ede rsledt and R asmussen al l kt:pt their reasons to themselve~. hut both turndo\\·ns we re ~t.'nera lly at 1 re bu led lo biller memories and old grudj!t!S Friend~ of McF.ln•alh sa id the \'t'lenrn or IJ ln1h 51Hll> told 1 hl·m . "NObodv 1·vt:r.bent over t11 ht•lp me or my son when w (' needt..>d hclµ We l'arned e\·ery dollar we made rn this sport the hard wa y " Fro• Pap B-1 U::IM ••• com m1tted to winning today than we were," THE DOUBLES sweep by Saltz and Was her put, Corona del Mar wit.tun one singles victory of their fifth straight crown, and Davidson made short work or Santa Barbara ·s No. 4 singtes player . breezing to a &-0 verdict in 15 minutes. On the dope sheet. that was Corona del Mar's one and only chance for another point in a m atch mur h closer than the final soore indicates. Adam Fleischer and David Gerken were also instrumental 1n the victory with v1rtories over Sawy('r, each necessary to put th<' Sea K!ngs over the l<>1>. S ul an the Cana l analys is, it was Davidson'." shocker at the outset that made 1t all possi.ble . Then the power play or Saltz a nd Wal'her. along with the pressure performances by all of the Sea K1ogs, fuushed Santa Barbara off. Baseball Standings JOlllSOM a SOM SALESMAN OFT.-MOMTH AMERICAN LEAGUE West Division NATIONAL LEAGl.I E West Division "Cincinnati st ill has the ingre-. dicnts it lakes to win. That's why they're where they are. We still have the better club. The in· gredients are her e. We just have n'lmixed them yet." Minnesota Texas Angela Kansas City Chicago Oakland Seattle W L Pct. GB 25 15 .625 24 17 585 1 •;-~ 25 18 581 .112 23 20 .535 JI 2 21 20 .512 41h Cinc innati San Francisco Houston Dodgers San Diego Atlanta W L Pct. 24 17 .585 24 20 .!>45 24 21 -~ 21 24 .467 18 27 .400 15 26 .366 GB 1112 2 5 8 Cey was the leading Dodger hitter in an eight game victory streak earlier this month, hilling five homers in two weeks. But a pulled hamstring has kept Cey out the last eight games, six or them losses. Cey is expected baek tonight. BAKER AND Garvey have been present for duty every day. Afte r a slow start, Garvey has had a ve ry productive May. Although limping with a pulled ulf muscle or his own, Garvey drove in two runs to win Wed· nesday night's game in San Diego. And he hasn't missed any action to imperil his string of SSS consecutive games as be raised bia RBI total to 30. Walton's Stay Is Extended INGLEWOOD <AP> -Center Bill Walton la ataytna lora1er than expected in Daniel Freeman Hospital after un· der1oinc bone apur 1ur1ery OQ both ankles. The f.11 former Portland Trail Blazers' player who now is with the San Diego Clippers said after the operations Monday that be would be released Thun· day. Now the 1urseon ••YI he expects Walton to 10 home Saturday ' I 15 29 .341 12 15 29 .341 12 EaHl Division Baltimore 28 14 .667 Boston 25 16 .610 21,.i New York 23 19 .548 5 Milwaukee 24 20 .545 5 Detroit ~ 16 20 .444 9 Cleveland 18 23 .439 91 '2 Toronto 11 33 .250 18 T........,'tS<-. MllwMlllet •. ~ 4 Belllmore S. ~IOI\ J c1uu9010. Oellleftd t Ken~\ City S, s..flle 4 Only o-""""'" T.Uy'tG- A ...... (l,y., Soll et Cln..-1 ......... rl~ 4·11,fl S..ttle I~..,... 1.0eM "-Y'ttltt l·Sl et Texe\ IAle•eftOff l·l end Elllt I 21, n 8et'°'I CEcllenley 4·11 el T_.. IUlldlrwoDCI 0 .. 1.n New Yon C.JdlftMI el Clt .. 1.tftd)Weltts-ll. n 8•111"'°'9 IMtOf..-r ... ,, ., Otitrolt IWllCO• »21. n Oelllllftll CNllnetlD 1.01 el lililw-.. 1~11 4·41," K•n•H City Cs.lltwtt. •·>I •• ,_,_ ... IErkll-M),n 9 East Division Philadelphia 26 14 .fl50 Montreal 24 14 .632 I $t. Louis 21 17 .553 4 Pittsburgh 18 20 .474 7 Chicago 16 21 .432 8~ New York 14 24 .368 t1 n.tAit'''''-CIUceoo•·l, .... YOfll I • S.n Fr.n<IKO 2, Cln<ln,..111 Only ....... ~. T.Uy't.,,_ ClnclnNll C5e•ver l 11 •l o..ten IS..t<flttw 4·ll, n ~I. LOUIS IYUdiowlell 4-2) et ......... Cl.ff 4 11, n Pl~ < ...... • 1.01 .. "'"' Yerll CSwefl 4·ll, n Clll<ilgll tMtGIOlllen 4-S or ltevKIWt 2 SI .. Phlledel~ IEW!lr>OWS ..__ IWOlt-m 1-11•CSM0-.. IP9<TY :Ml, " All•nte IP Ni.tiro W > el S... .. ,_ltoce II(_. "' 4·11. n Oranar ( uunl~ 0 \ uldnl l.lncoln· \hrcur~ Otitltr,hip JDHHSDH l SDN . TIU: ... AMll.Y U~C-01.N·Mf.RC-l:RY STORE 2626 Harbor ll~d. C°'"a !Wna ~0-56JO ------............... USED CAR SPECIALS 171Dft1Ta Sedan in beige with matc hing tan Interior. Autometlc. 8 ~. air conditioning. Economical Y9t rooft'IY. (50381&). '4995 •nPOMnAC ......... tn -•• .,.,.... green metaltic. wtlft tan velOur Interior. Many luxury OPfiona. t•1UOU). '3895 '77FOID PICIUP F250 fllOdlt. WNle wtltt WI ccxntott knit Inc.tor, .,_. 1an1c.1. *· CICM9f .a.nne a brallet. ,..,. .... window and traller tOWtnQ P1C'M19. UE18818). s Fridly, ._ 26. tt71 = A Relinttal to Uey er~ SS better make that .. -and that <IM•n 'I #land for 1upur 1$pOl't aa your egotistical mann.-r hnpllt>1L "lthtr Anyone Ilk.-you wllh the mentality of a two- yur old shouldn't ht> wr1tln& for a newspaper, much lt.'88 under un 1u.11umed name so none of the public knowt1 who you u re Most of them don't •and .-on't I nrt', hut ror thol'I\• few who want a rebuttal. fa.ct• to·fa<•t·, 1l 1i. 1mvc11.s1hle •"or you to opt'n with both barrels aimed at wo m1·•n's uthll·tl,·~ s hows what a great male <"h1tuv1 ru!il vou arc lleav"n forbid you ever having a duutehtt>r of your own who just might be interest- ed Ill purt1<·111uting in s µorls activities Or will you t'hang .. yuur 011nd and Jump on the other side of the fence 1f Lh1tt pleasure should ever come your way" \'OUR Rt:t'UtENCE TO TITLE IX may. in part. have bce11 a half truth Ever he1tr of Proposi· lion 13, de<'rt-asing school enrollment that finds some high sl'hools in Southern California being closed and othe r contributing factors along with Title IX'' But let's gt:t down to details. You say even 1t state JC championship girls basketball game drew only 250. Let me ask you. how many were there c.l the recent JC baseball playoffs? Sh1tme. shame. You are giving your infancy away. There have been many boys' playoff eaftles or the past where they have been lucky to draw 250 "paltry" fans as you say. And that wasn't loo many years ago. either. Why did they give up the Junior Rose Bowl game? It certainly wasn't the fact that they were drawing well and couldn't rind a field to play on. It was purely and simply a case of a small crowd Right? NOW LET'S GET DOWN to your gene.raliza- tion of a boy's contest drawing under 1,000 patrons for any playoff game. That takes in a lot of ter· ritory and if you are so dense that you believe this, it 's too bad and perhaps we sbouJd be feeling sorry for you instead of trying to correct your misguided statements. How about the CIF girls' volle_vball and basket· ball playoffs? Did you notice the crowd count for either of these events? They compare favorably with the boys' crowds forthesamesports. If it is ridiculous for the women to monopolize sports on an equal parity with their male coun. terparts, in your opinion, I hope you never have to contend with a wife and children in this respect. And just bow do you think the male competition got to the point it has achieved without first gelling publicity for a number of years. The girls' programs. tscholarships at the col· le~e level and inter-school competition on the high BASKETBALL/BASEBALL/GOL:P~ ---9 s ff po . school level) have come into beinJ only ln the past five years here in Southern California. Or do you care about tbe other aide of the coin? IF YOU DON'T THINK that people are as in· terested in watchJng Nancy Lopez 1win1 a 1olf club as they are Tom Watson, better check tie crowds at tbe recent Women's Kemper Opell in Costa Mesa. Do you think that Chris Evert and Tracy Austin cannot compete for crowds with the top male players in tennis? Baloney, if you don't. As for Ron Guidry and Rod Carew, have you ever watched a good women's softball team? It is doubtful you could hit a foul ball off some of theie top pitchers. Enough answers to the cheap shots you took Jn that inaugural performance. Women's sp0rts aren't going to dry up and blow away in the·fint wind that comes along even if it's from your mouthful of hot jtr. . So, u . it is tlfll>ed you won't regret your words if you live past 50 with four current attitude. ) Sooner or later, your identity will come out in lfle open and then we'll see bow many of the fema'4? athletes you can control with verbal abuse--<>r in athletic combat ror that matte r. It certainly won't be with your charm. And it isdoubtfuJiflt will beontheathlellcfield.either. . ~....,::s;;rzc3::1s;~j*illflCillli .... cum= .. m-wms•1:m .. r .......................... , ... w I APWI,..._ .. GRABS REBOUND Washington's Greg B<.illard outreaches tne SuperSonics' Gus· William s and Paul Si.Jas during Thursday night 's NUA playoff game m Landover. Md The Sonics won. 92-82, lo even the s('ries at one ,gC:J me eacsh f 'r1n11 P-Sft B-l SONICS' DEFENSE .. f1·11s 1..· working for us. Wl' k n<JM> we l'an wan JOHNSON'~ THF.OR\' wa~ put to a se\lcre test '' hl•n tht' Su1)c rS<)n1c.:-. afwr Jt:ad1ng 46·33 midway I hrc>u1'!h lhe 't•c·o nd quarter. missed 14 consecutive :-hot ~ am! rc•ll twhind 56-49 early in the third period. • I Lh1s point., the Seattle defonsc stiffened and I lit• !:)upt>rSOnll'S ran nff l l s trc.tiJlht points for a tiO ;if) le:id fJunni.: thal stretch. Was hington missed fiH' ~hol~. had t wo tJlocked, and lost possession •Jnt·1.· 11n a Sll·a I (iu:--Willie.ms ::.cored four o()f hi s gam t.'·h1gh 23 µ01nt::. during the streak, S1km a had four and John J ohnson thn~ or his 17. ··we had c. little lapse in th,~ sPcond quarter." s aid John Johnson "We've got t o make them give up lt>l• ball When Elvin .Hayus or Bobby Dan. tll'lrlgl' hold tht.• IJ<Jll for 15 se<·o,.Js, it's like a sur- ~1.·on getllOJ! rc•ad~ to opc r(jte " WASHING TON ·s two higb scorer s were blanked ovt•1· the £inal 10 minutes, however, and t ht' Hullc.>ts shot only 38 percent in the second half. Oandndgt' finished with 21. after going l ·for-11 from the ri1•ld in tht· ::.ccond half. a nd Hayes had :w Soccer Fan Killed LONDON (A}') · One man was killed and a nother seriously injured as Scottish soccer fans \\ent on the rampage here today on a train. One man was found dead from stab wounds and another was found badly injured and rus hed to I he hospital \ Eye witnesses said the dead man. 20-year-old J ohn Murray died after going to the a.id of a girl who was being molested More than 500 Scottish soccer fans were on the train. one of 16 carrying more than 8.-000 fans to Saturday's international rnatch against .England at We mbley , Among other incidents reported on the train. which was stopped by police at Warrington. Lan- cas hire. where all passengers were interviewed by police. was the theft of $240 from a girl passenger. Five other passenge rs were treated at a hospital for minorirtjuries l Trager Horwred Romine Heads All-area Nine By ROGER CARLSON OI tlM O.lty ~I ... SUH Sea View League champion Corona del Mar and Sunset League champ Fountain Valley gleaned the major honors for All Orange Coast area has~ball as chosen by the Daily Pilot. Corona del Mar, under Coach of the Year Tom Trager. g<J rncrcd four first team berths, while Kevin Romine of f'ountain Valley. a tw<H1mc Player of the Year in the Sunset League, is the No. 1 player In all. Corona del Mar. Fountain Valley and Huntin~on Beach each picked up fo ur berths among the two teams selected, while Mat<'r Dei a nd Estancia each gained three spots. Romine·s batting average was .500 in addition to his fluid field m~ ability and Trager got the nod as Coach of the Year after pilot ing his team to the school's first baseball champions hip First Team Pos. Player, School P StC'Yl' Lesli e. Corona dt•I Mar P Denrus Cowan, Fountain Vallev P-Bob Judgl', Ma ri na . C Steve Schacper, Mater Dei I B Cory Funk. Huntington Beach 2n J ohn Mclbon. Corona dcl Mar SS -Pete Beall. Mater Dei 38-Chris Johnston, Corona del Mar OF-Kevin Romine. Fountain Valley OF-Carl Ehmann. Corona del Mar OF· Ed Clark. Fountain Valley UL Rico Thompson. Huntington Beach Oil John Pcvich. Fountain Valley ~condTeam P Roy Palacios. San Clemente P -Greg Brown, Mater Dci P -J ack Reinholtz. Ocean View C -Bob Larimer, Estancia lB-Randy Brouwer. Estancia 28-Steve Vandenbusch. Huntington Beach SS-Brian Kinney, Dana Hills 3R-Don Selby, Newport Harbor OF-Wayne Justl, Edison OF-Shawn Vonesh. Huntington Beach OF-Mark Swancoat, Irvine Ut-Wayne Palica. Edison DH-Mike Williams, Estancia Player of the year: Romine, Fountain Valley Coach of the year : Tom Trager, Corona del Mar Cl. Mark Sr 6·l Sr 1.1 Sr 4-2 Sr .420 Sr. _:$47 Sr. .282 Jr. .360 Sr. .429 Sr. .500 Jr. .295 So. .467 Sr. .260 Sr .400 Sr Sr. Jr Sr Sr. Sr Sr. Sr. Sr . Sr . Jr. Sr. Sr 4-1 7.3 2.3 364 .356 195 .514 .361 . 333 . 300 .325 4·2 .342 TOM TRAGER Coach of the Year .Match Race: Bast Faces Otristian Alan Christian holds the upper hand in head-to-head confronta- tions with defend i n~ l' .S. na· tional speedway motorcycle rac- ing champion Mike Bast and the two will. tangle in a two-lap m~tch race to111g ht ut tha Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. C hris tian h as won three straight m ain e vent victories over Bast in s cratch competition including a win last Friday night at Costa Mesa and two in San Bernardino. They will undoub· tedly be facing each other again tonight in the mam event along with the special match competi- tion The first heal race gets away from the starting line al 8 with gates open at 6:30. Ex-Newport. Resident Leading Promoter Harry Oxley is en- couraging fans to ride their motorcycles to the races and tonight will offer a 50 percent discount on the regular $4 adult ticket to a ll riders with class CORNING. N.Y. <AP1 - Susan O'Connor is a 30-year-old Californian who has not made mur.h of a mark on the Ladies Professiona l Golf Association tour since turning pro fi ve years a~o. The former Newport Beach resident has not won a tourna· menl and her hest finish this year was a tie for 30th in the Sahara National. But Thursday. she was the on- ly golfer lo break par on the tough. rain-soaked. 6.203-yard Corning Golf Course and she held a one-stroke lead entering today's second round of the Corning Class ic. a 72-ho le tournament with a first place prize or Sl5.000. , four motorcycle operator 's licenses. A special lighted and guarded two-wheeled parking a rea for cycles. mopeds and bicycles has been incorporated with entrance at the VIP 3-A gate off Arlington Avenue. LAWCUHIC It Seemed Impossible All .,... of liti~atlon. Em· phmls on men s rights 1n don9stlc relations. 17141975-0111 .Evening & Weekend ~ntrntnts Available. '15 lrntlal Consultation Wadkins Holes 40-fooi Sand Slwt for Lead • ' 'DoughfOr Moe' Campaign Begi~ SAN ANTONIO, Te x. •AP> Two local radio stations have begun a drive to collect $3,000-In pennies to pay the fine levied against San An- tonio Spurs Coach Doug Moe for criticizing Na· t1ona l Raskdball Association referees. NBA Commissione r Lawrence O'Bnen im posed the fi ne un Wednesday after Moe criticized the off1ciat1nir 1n the seventh game of the 1111 Wash1nJ(ton-S<in Antonio Eastern Conference final playoff st·ries Thi• Spuro; lt•d tht• series 3· 1, hut lost the last I thrt'c ~<.lml'S Moc w;1s part1cularl~ critical of d~ c 1s1on~ madt· hv n ·ft·n·t• .John Vanak. Had10 statr'on KTSA has pl annt:d a "Dough for l\'tol'" fundra1scr on S<ilurd<iy a nd station KONO is ci bo t•Oll•·<'t mg monc). Sp<1kt'<;men for the s tations ~ <'la1m th1.f ll ,,Jltempl to collect 300.000 pennies. ~ 11 1:-bclil·vPd 10 bl• the lar~esl fine levied I a.Jo(<Hnst un NBA ('o:wh :\lol'. va<:<1t1oning in I.as Vcs,:a:-., said about the fine. "Yes. thl' fint> both1.•r:--ml' I'm not concerned I a hout the· rnonc). thou~h. Whal gets lo me is that c11ache~ aren 't al lowed to '\)K'ak out when officials do a lousy 1oh. What ret•,>ur:-(• do we• have"" ---------- GAS D••••t ••. LlllES -·· •••• , •• t. owr 1 tot --~,... ..... ,,.,,.. ... on 'IO'lf lt1t).T6 "'Bl ()fl.,.•-only •lffl lfllll .a fE..-JuM c. 19191 I t.•;: /,_',·::.:.!" .. • !<', .. ~ .... : ;>Jt;;;~-. ..:.$~" ·'* . C;V..\;:r.4<:. · 'w.U~ ~:t _,.,., . X•· NE'W t~19. · (;adftte .. ifor lets tt(an you ~ expected. Let us sttow. you jost h.OW inexpensive· CadUlae driving can be'. Stoo '" or phone today. 2nuc.....c••-s..,..._~ ... ., ... .,.,., ,......, .... 17141131-0100: 17141 495-GIOO The MARATHONER runners emporium DUBLIN, Ohio <API -It seemed improbable, if not im- possible, for Lanny Wadkins. blustery. rainy, 50-degree day. That broke the single round re- cord of nve subpar rounds in the 1976 eveat for this tour-year-old tour stop. said Nicklaus, still searching for his first victory of 1979. DON'T LEASE ............................................................................ His serond shot was buried in a bunker in front of the 17th green. a victim of the deplorable playing conditions Thursday in the MemoriaJ golf tournament. Wadldna needed a par four to preserve a two-shot lead at the time. A bo&ey was more likely. Instead, tbe stocky North Carolinian holed the •O-foot wedge shot for a three-under-par 69, good for a ooe-abot lead over Mike McCullough going into today's second round at weather-pla1ued Muirfield VJUage. •·1 HIT IT perfect." said Wadkins. "All 1 could see was the top of the na1. J had to run up the biJl "to see It 10 ln ·the hole." Only four players -Ed Sneed and Mac McLendon had 71a -of the select International field of 105 -m11tered par on the ,., . I The victims were some of the game's biggest names. Jack Nicklaus, the main force behind this SB million layout, had a 73. So did leading money wiMer Tom Wataon. WADKINS, WHO conquered the winds of Sawgrass to win the Tournament Players Cham· pionship earlier this year, is fast building a reputation as a good poor weather performer. "No," he insisted, "I don't. really conalder myself a bacl weather player. I would rather JORN MAHAFFEY, the PGA play in 80-degree aunahine with king, went for 78. Masters cham-no wind every Ume. Maybe t pion Fuary Zoeller and U.S. Just concentrate better when the Open tltlebolder Andy North weather's bad." struggled to 79s. Defending Still, Wadkins birdied three champion Jim Simons skied to holes in a row on the front side an 80. and solved the front nine for a All of tbe players, even 32, tVtO abota off the course re· Nicklaus, blamed the hilh scor-· cord Crail Stadler posted in a iq on the condltlona. pro-amateur prelude Tuesday "You~ see your breath," "It's tough to tuu on a day said Wataoa. He needs Just $124 like today, but my puttin1 wu here to reach4300,000 for a &bird not what it sbouJd be. r left a lot stral1bt year First prise la or birdie putts sbort. U I'm lollll '54,000 In the '329,000 touma· to win th.ls week, my putttna bu ment. to improve," aaid tbe double "It waa Juat a clllfleult day," winner tbla year. • .J ·--..-....... ----.. YOUI MDT CAI UNTIL YOU CALL.. 891-487 JNE HELP THE BEGINNING RUNNER AS WELL AS THE EXPERIENCED ..... Ask about our Sunday fun runs ... BRING THE WHOLE FAMIL YI r----------------~-~---, : s2.oo •nJ S-lr of running ahoea I 1 not •1,.Hy on aale with : : 0 FF thi• 9d. Expl .. May 4th I ~-----------~----------J Sale on Warm Ups! •BROOKS• NIKE • NEW BALANCE• TIGER • ETONIC • SUB-4 • OOLFIN • G.U.T.S Open 7 d8yl ~th np1ttenced runners 91ntna YOU! · •.•............................................................. RU# ro: · llOIS SOl./IE#WEST Sl HU#Tl#ITOlf. IEACH,CA. (114)Ul·all .. . .I ---- FOR THE RECORD I SPORTS ON TV ...... ~. ...,,.... .. ..__:....... ....... . .... ~.-t I t, I • Mltte" tt 4 I I I 'I....... I I t I "" ,, J I t I ci..r.• • I 11 c..:.... t I I I D. °"'. I It I ......... t t 11 ~,. ........... , .. . ......,,. •••• ~•·••o ..... »I I I <Hkll, -• I I I ~Ct I t I I 0..... c I I I t C. ..... c tett C-"\.·~ JIO O , .... aOMI t-. J>e I \ ........... c......... -050 ••• ..... n Iii -...... • -.. Mi-, U 0.M, G.ft-0~ ~ '· 1111111111111• 1. t.oe -c.,1,.,_... •• ..... •• .. • ~ 0 o. ..... A--..• -,_ "" Oelt•oe m . ._ fal, .. -~ ~ $ 'llMIMH ~l'­-T--. C...... IP .. • aA ••to ..... CL. W I I~ t I • t I ..... ?1, l I I ' 0 Cleer l~ 2 I I I 1 ..... 2 "-44', l ) ) • .......... CW. 2·11 4i,, S I I 1 WP -..... (_ PB -~ I J: II. A -M.11• --lell lt,A'1 I Oil..... -.. 010-I \ 1 Olk199 010 SO. OOll -10 U I ........ H•"'"'°" Ctl. T-t•I •"Cl ...,_;.....,...,......__,._w. ........ S-4. l -Keaugll, 0 1. A-S.4• .................. S..ttll 000 010 OlO· _. 1 1 k-CMy 02' 2llO 01•-S 11 0 ......._, ,,_, ISi, ._...,Ill -C.O.. ~--.... ~-W-l-rcl, ._. l -J-1, l ·S Hlt-SHttle. Ho,1011 llOt ·-" .... on..t S, ... SI• J 9M-200 010 000 l •O I ..,___ 000 013 00•-S t 0 T-1. Ot• 1•1 -At~. O'llefr, 111; o ........... , •"4 $11109\, w-o. M•rt11111, ,.,. l -Torr•'· 4·3 HR 9eft'-9, Gerti. 121 A· 2$,711 MAT"*A&. &.aAGU£ a... ...... CMclMMt -., --· I. $1111 Fr~ltc.o 000 110 01•-1 S I ,..,.,,.,, Tomh" 111, 8or11o11 Ill •ftd lteftclt: "-lv, Moltlll Ill ..... Sede4I W llnltl,l•l l~•·• A.-11.331 PlnlO.- C*t,Metlr Cftic-..O 123 020 010-9 ll I ""'Yort. 001 001 120 1 1) l Hllltimert. ~· m. ""1er (1J ~ F-.; F•IC*W. T•lt<llell U 1. Ali.n 1•1, Ofol<o C11 ""' stMms . W-Holbman, •l L-Fol<-, U Hlh-Gltl<ogo, F-CS! Oltthro~m ...-~ ....... C-.2 Oil< l90 000 110 000 1 I> 1 .... y... Im 019 00.-t I I ltrullow, Tldro• u 1 and 81•<11••11, ZKIM>'(. LotllWOOd Ill 01nd Hodqt'), Stum> Ctl.W -Z.c:,,,.,,,3.0 l -l(r.,Mow l•I Hll Cftk ... ,Kmei-cu1 A -e.:tlO •AH9ALL'S TO .. TEN ....... .,.,~. Mll'.•ICAlf &.fAGUf G aa • " "'' IC.....,~ l • 120 l) 41 .m ...,.....,,.._. 40 151 37 .. -C..W, c.lllliflM 4J US J2 M .Ml --· 5Ntite 40 ,. 14 • .3Q "-Y...... 41 ,,. 21 "° .:Ml A ........... Clllc.eo 31 IU 10 IS .:Ml ........ ~ » 'D 1' tS ~ ... ...... 41 ISi It 57 .331 ..... ~ 4J t6J 2' M .l:ll °"'· "-°"' 40 uo » ... l11 .._._ L-. ..._, 14; T~. Mllw ..... "°• 11 ........ e..tlfolcft, to; "°"°"· S.ettt~ 10; L. -.Y. 8olllmore. •; 0911 .. 1e .......... ,; SINlle., .... ~ .. 9 ... ...._.. .. •rew. ~ a ; LYM. Boltoto. 40 ._._. K-Ctty, :tr; HortOfl, s .. 11111, ;i.; Clillller .......... »; Nettle\, ,._ York • ~CJ Dec11ioMI J91111, Hew Yon, t-0. Kern. Tu•' .. o ec-. ..._,...,, M ; Barr~. Cllkevo. •I; .......... Oll<~.•·I; O. Mott-1. ... ti_., 1°"; SO!lftlltff. K....ses Cll'I', ._2; ~ .......... 114 llA~LUAGUE G Aa R N Pct. •roe•. St. loul' Jt 1os ra eo .111 •-· ""IOCltlpttlo •1 ts• 21 ~ .3S7 Murpfly, AtlMI• 39 1~1 '6 .. ,Jolll F•IH. Ciflc'-tl 37 IU 21 4' ,)IO Wlftfietlf, S.. Dftoo I ) Ill 26 .58 .)3) KtlteM.Oflc ...... tl 41 ISO 19 ~ .llJ ~. ......... l6 111 2J 0 .lll c-.pciaft. Cln(-11 '1 16' 34 51 .32\ *'•tttl,.....,Yon • is• 11 •• .Jn ......... Clndnnott ll 1 U 2• ll> 31• .._._ S<lttl'Udt, Pllll•clelpno•. IS; )( ln9m1ft, Olk .... 14; -.....,, Allant•. ll; Oo#'!Oft, ............ II; Sl"9fll, P111sllvr9f\, 9. Mal tMtn. Atlento,' ._ ...... , .. ......... AtllM•, 3'; Kinvm.n, ClllUQO SS; k....,.._ 11111~•. :M; Foster. C•n , ....... 11;.......,,La ......... ~llDoci.leMI L•C•u. Cl11<l1tnt1tl, S·O, Au d ""' ............. ,. ~ .... ClfK ...... 11 .... We1c•, L•• A•t•I••· •·I ; Rutll•en, ................ ~t; J. Noel!ro, HOullon. S-1 ~ •........... 4-2; 8. ltt, MonlrMI ... ; lt-..n, NlllmrHI, "1; VIKllOVkll, !>I Levi-, •1; Andll)M. H~ton. •·I; ........ Ltl ......... ~; K~r. \on Fr~•~o ... ClOUAGA 9'CAA DtYISIOfl 111 ..................... c.e~----· '91 S.. ~JO, IUrno" ln~t II' Tee". 2 Wtie:aill Olli••" 3, C1MWfllloM • ...,.. 2 c...........-.. 2. IN. TICA I 1111 hell ........... , -..,.._.._ft'lrU4AMCfATH* ' .. ..... .._ ... tuwa .S... -J.. JIMlllt 17, ........ MIN ... 0. ..... ...._ P. ---•• ........... ......, .. ,. ..... ., .... iS;#,t -···-~. -· .,_,, ... ......,_ •• c. 1. .............. c.1119t ., .... .. ... ., ....... ..... • t1 ",._. ........ II It 1• ,._... ,. ...... _ ..... ,,. ......... I ........ -..... A-tt,• .,.. ............ " .... ..... I I •• ~·' ........ ,, .. . " ........ ., ..,_... .. .. ~ II • :r=~~::...-1 10-_, .. ...._ ~-.. l'!, .• ,. ......... iJf ~·· "' .._ .. .... ''"m r • ,. cc:-1 ...... , " • .. ··=,==' ~;,lmet .._... .. .......... Record c ............ , i.tC..-~I ... , .. _, ....,. ,,. ........ ) .... t " ....... ,..,._, .... , ··-11 ....... ,._, ... :~-............ ,,,,,, .... , ...... . Ul-1 ._.... IP• ...... •I JI 00, 1 H--CWenoftl JI 0 ) "-, .. _,, Mlll1) tt.a, t.....-1~1j U ll. t ,,.,,.......,,.,n» 441 ' ~-y ,, __ , .... , ,_ l(lftt•fW'l .. I ••1. t WllH•m• ,..._,.. ....... , tit IJ; • C.. 11"-l ft.)1. $ ,_,s... ... --1 ... 1 111-t -..Cllt IW-..11 1 M 11; 1 ..,,.. .. -IC.-... Mlrl 1.M .... ).Mur ... y ••wn~I I M ••• l/lftl ... IHNIJIOl' ... I I W iJ,' W ...... (F ...... IH I I W t t. M il., I "'9'°'1 111111• P•rll 4 11 J, 1 Arr-1~1 4 IJ I, I ~ .... ls.M• •••••••I • I) t • P••-l11•on 1sou111 P•-1 I I• I I,.._ IH< ... w ef CKotnl ... -Oft ·-·---· _,. .... be • '""°" ......... '°""' -.. .__ ot Upl•..0-F•l•.....,.otl--OA\I . ,...,, .. I *''°" 18wtlenlll I 4'0.. ? ,11.n um• tfl~I I S2 >I, J ~lcott 1811 ....... I t 01.1; •· frMt If.I Dot-I f 02,lt; ) 11 .... rnlT\~ fMIUIM lllfjOI 'en "· 4.0 ,..,.,., P~ 1111. t. Complon •1 4l l Lvn•OOd O U, • \/"°""' O.• 42M. !> -tr•1 11 Mii• relo-~•·~l•I 3 .. •: I LOftll 8eetll POiy l 11.00, l &. ... tly Hiii' ) It 1. • t.Gn19tonl ltO, s Elw-l It) 1 IOMH 1 Aosllorouon 1$1ml V•lleyl 14 11, J. L.,. llont 8"<11 PolYI 14.H ; 3 A>lllOrd •W•sl Covon•I II 13 4 Mooch 1 E011•wooo; 14 "· S Hollow•• I Apple ll•lleyl 14.J7. .UOt.H -1. lft llOllll 8Hc.n Pol,1 Jl.l/, i . Hollo••• IA.pple l/aollt;I 31.tt, 3. C.••v IF011t1M) Jl.00; • J_, C8evfflY Hiiis• JI.OS; ~ Sml"' l'°'"Ptonl lt. ll. HJ-I e.lllln CG!eftdfk't M ; t ~ 10•,,. Hlftd .. It; J Sitt!...-l'l'U<•l,,.I •<t. I . ~ylleld tNh1lrt •·t , S. Wuv~r •t•lewlcol • t l J I (konnelt IQ\alteyl 1l· 10, 1 Led '~' C..nn oe.._I 2Uvo, l. Harpt'r tArltnqlon• n l""-. • H•wk•M 1(omp1on1 11·1\•, ) Holll0.1' 1-lrl 21•1, TJ-1. Meytleld IMulrt ~2·9, 1 Hollodo IM11lrl '1'·1"1; 1. ICeUy (B•n-1 '1·1 ''4; • lH CSt. CiMwvle ... I *""' !>. WOOd\ ILOft9 -..c1i..,...,1~.~''· •.c_ .. ,,,_ .... ,,.....,,...,_ PV -1 Elliot •Belllloweri ls-4, 1 Mt1n '''"' I LO) Al~IO\I I) •. l Woroen IWdf rtnl 1).-0. • Chr-rt l .. olrf' Oit,,.eJ , ... ) C..0111d 111-oel 1'4 S P-I. BrfJfl"er CFuller1onl 67·6'':, 2 Sl>tllf!n l"-1-1 60-0"1; 3. tc1•y<lllr IS... J•c1111ol ~•n; •· C.rnen !Muir 1 SI·!~. s. Oeslto-ICMyo<tl .se .. Others· 7. Mltls ,.,.. .. .......,, ..... OT -I Kre~lltr 1!..tn JiKlfttol 1 ... 3. J Milli l"""""""l IP·t; 3 Hucboft IMlssiOn lllt>IOI 1n.•; •. OrMWI CEI Oor-1 .., ... s 8••-(F11tlerton1 111-1 1 WOMIM t 00-1 8t•Oburn IC11onl 10,12; 1 Ho•Md ISM> Gor-.ol 10 13. J, WUll'"9f0<1 tCenl«nnlall 10.11 • Stt>en lS.nt• An• ll•ll•yl 11.0I; S. MCCiain CP1tll'<I 1101 Otners 7 • .._.._ '" _ _.... s-111 11.U . no -1 W.tSlll~ 1t et1lennl•O 2•.1'. 7 PalQt' IL009 1'11!' .. tn Polyl 11.SI. 3. MOie> I Long 8e.U. Potyl 7•.ll. •. Ketlo (lr'riotel 24.'7: s ,..,... ISlnt• Aft• l/allol 7S I) Ol!Wr~. L 0.-tl9ft IH_I,,._ ·-II) 1Ut. 440-1 S. --IS... GorQOnlol SS 03, 1 0 HOW¥0 CS.n Cio<90fll01 5S 10 l. J~hOn •c,e1on1 ~; •· ..... ., ClrriMI 56.'1; > O.nn" C-••I S7 0. "°·I. Romo tNoftll Torr•"'"' l . n .n , 2. M ..... I~ Y .... rl 2:1•.•; 3. Ro~~ •WHI TorrM<el 1' U t S; 4. Pll< ... •Yel.n· dll f : 14 .... S. '"-10-Mllltl t : Ii.ti. Mlle-I. c-CCl!aml~I 4.16.63: ' K.neuN# lFoothllll t ·S1 01; 3. S<edulo '5•111• MOftlCtl s 05.42; •. Oee9 .. n 1 "'•"'•"'' s·os.,. s. H•rrt>ll 1 P•lo' Y•rdHIS:QL ... 7·m ll•-I Scll<nartOt 1S.nl• 811rb.lr•• 10·1• ... ; 2 COOll '°"""'"-' 10;20 6•; ) LH IEl,.. __ r l 10 21.M; t ED1n~r 18 1SMp Amell tO;D 71; S. ~to IS.n! .. MOlll<ol 10·3',•S. Olllef$l 6. VIII-•• 1,.......V....,l ll:M.76.. ._ ..i.y-1. Pec:llk. •1; t. S...11 Ana 1111 .. y -.S; J. CeMennl•I ... 5; 4. CalOfl •.6. s s.,, Gorllonlo SI.'· Miit Aley-I. Sin Gorvonio 3:4' M; 2 l°"9 8fftll Poly, .... 11: J. ·--,, ..... ):II.SS; • Ai'ltr~ Po4y >:SI ... ; s ca1on 3.Sl.73. net.H-1 e.ic1t1t cce..ce""l4" 13.'3; 1 O•..._, ITf'O'rll lt ll. l Roy 1111110 P.,,.l 14.17; 4. "-CT'-Ynd Oell•l U .U ; !> • Pa• ll.Oflll h«ll Pofyl IUI. Otflen: L Mitts C~l tt.U; t ....... Cl.._1 IUt. HJ -t Warole 1Mor<81Hll'I S-t; 2 fM9(> • CreH C!ftle l/all•yl S·•; 3. 1'fewm•n IAQOur<tl S .. ; 4. WroQlll IMlral~tel 1·1; S Cl•rk (Soulll Torr•N l'I S-1>. Other" W_,I 1~-MMIM. LJ-1. lwart IVflM:1tnla ll.,t1!'1I lf.1"'1; 2 Bell I G-rl tit" .. l MtClaon IP~llkl lf·I• .. ~ ""',._ ITnou~no o.-,, 1•n., ). F,.nlllln CS..0.. Ano Y•lk'yl 1 .... SP-t R-IA-lml .,_,\.; 1. qa~ IYrlle P•ttll *l'i>. J. Ellert ISt .... rrt 4._lt, • l•••I ICreuent• ll•llOI It 1'1•, ) H•mltton (Santo MOlll"> *5, OT-I. EMr1 tS<1111rrl 131·11; 1 ttlcl K111n ISan lult OOl~pol •-d Ar91nto llCen ntdyl 1344; t. Grttr IH•-l lll·ll! ) Holll"!lwwtfl ICNfl@yl 12 .. l. Ml .. MhlOttlAL W•ll I .. ,,...,., OllMI L"'llYWdtnl Mllie M>:Oll._,. usi.e Mee McLffldon -.... ~ f'etffJk .... Don 91ft )., .... $ Je0Mkll1- J Im Co111er1 O....Gr-.m J9"'1'~ euni.scr.,... " ... ,,...... T-W•-ltllff MMftM OonJ-y ...., ...... .... .,~. Jlllllffllwlt l MTrevlfto T-Kttt ... Offlor ......... Miile 5loltlw .. ..... ~ ••Slrecll Mitter..,._ o..~ ClllClll ......... 1 Gf.._....._ MIMHllf Vktw ....... •rw•U.....• &.11tHllllr• TIM~ •1-.i ..... , .... &.INyMlltot l1.J1 -·· l}..JS -10 J S-3' -II ~» -11 3'..JS-n 31·» -n 37-35 -71 •l1-1J Jt-J7-7) Jt.:M-IJ »-11-11 Jl.lS-1J •»-tJ »,JS -IJ ll·JS -7J Jl·3'-7J •>S-1> .,., .. _,, »JS -1J ~,,_,, ...,._,. ll·J1 -1• ..,,._,. Jt.,JS -14 •»-U 31.V-1• n..H -1• l1·J1 _ ,. .. ,._,4 JW9-1S JW?-n ,,.__u n-•-1' ,..._15 JNl-1S Ja.17-JS :n.a-u ...,,_,, »·•->• ~6) .. . Ne•uan ... ITM.llUt_. • , ..... . niw .... ...... VIit• ~· ef. JIM NeaMldW .. ,, • J, .. ,, .................. Olcll '* ..... '•, ........ o.-. ... c ...... ..,......,.. 1),6-4; ,_., ___ ~ .... It,• t , c.t.._ ... l•M l_. 1·l ... t . 0 -0c. ....... ~f'•lllW.KM; 0..1""-"'* ... ~ ...... cl ... ,, e-1, .__ ,....... .... ,,_ HlfllOrM~ ,. IMMthCUP . ............. ..,_,, ...... .... ...... .......... OrOlllK ef. lllu ... 11 SI~ "6, M , M ; WDt• F..._ -· .. kit f' ... I "4, H, M . ""4w£1ttr def. Tom Okll .. 7 ... M ; Wof-ZfnltlrW4el VII P~ M.•t; A,.. ... 0-1 dlf. ltoH GllW"'91 ... H. ....... 01 ...... CMAMPl~l" , ..... I nir. ...... ....... \Ylwi• HMiM ... S.. ... ff .... •-> ..... C.rollne M8lf lef, Je-OvwelC •I, .. I; Renell T-• def. Merlt41 ICN91r M , .._o, fletine Mlwtlkow• oet. lleny-$tlllf1 • .,. •·l. COL&.•01 MIM MCAA OtAMPIOfllMIPS , ........ Gal UCLA S, TrlNtyJ NIGH SCHOOL MIN Cl~4-ACHAM~IOttSNI" cat..._. 9Ncll T-.IJ Clto•I C-•MMt .. S-._..•lt ...... 0 .. IOIOn CCdMI did not ... , F1llbe"J! lo•t to Wtllt• '-•: Gel. 8Hver 1-s; *'· s.twyer ..a. Ra.s ICdMI lost co F•llwro I•; I.xi co Wl'llte I· 1 Otl•o;ll. del Buv•r .. , ; Oel s._, '-2; flei.cller ICdMI IOst lo F •llMr9 ... ; ICKI to Wll•I• O-•. ""' ~···· t 1 0.1 ... 11. Ott s....,,er .. 1. Gerun •COM• lo•• lo F•llller9 z ... did not Pl•y Wllit.. IOsl lo BH•l'f' U ; del. S.wyer •-o OeWhl Emer~ IQIMJ IOU lo Wooldrl00.- 8•\ll•m • .._ ... ; def. Con• .. ·JOfO•no ~. '-4: S.ltl·W•Wr CCOMI won >·5, .. 2; -•·>. ..o. C., CMAM~IONSHl~I ).AOlwlllMI L• 0..lnt• 19~>. S"I Marino'', 2·AOl•ltlMI NOfClllOfl tt•n, ( .. ~ I)', l·AOl\I ... ~"II Yntl 10•.-,, Webb 71'> WOINW$JOnaAll •-··~ ..... Jeri•• , .. OtNM ...... . Pinta .... UC LAS. leaas A&M 0 C.•I Poly~'· Neor•~•.Om.sh• O lndlenot,Qwpm ... I Wt\lffft llllno" •. Emporoa Sia le o IUftWS 2. Ari.!Ond 0 Arl1ona Stale 1. Or~ St•lt' 0 1 TOH Wo<nln'• U 4, SOulll Carolin• 1 Hort-" Color.00 l. Autqu• 1 111 '" nlnQ•I LOS ALAMITOS T--..,•, •ewft• , ......................... _.. ... . Flnt r.U-a..111' ICMOW•I 4.40, l.00, I.•; Te ...... IAOMtl UO, J.20, ltOIMtd Boy lllplloml).40. '2 Eaecle IS-JI p•ld Sl• IO. Second rece -•IHmoore ITreuur•I tuo. •.oo. uo. o... ~•• 18roou1 uo . J.00; ••n Aellsll IClerluel l ,10 Tlltrdrect-RedMHSlf s CH1r1I S.fJO. 3.00. J.00; 8r~tot Rower cceroo1e 1 3.00. 1.60; MtnQuotllionlTJflfl..,.rlS.20. Fourlll ••<•-S M\allyln9 IT•••surel 34.20, It.JO. I 40; Be T~ Eerly IBr~I 1.00, t.'°; lli-1119 81est IClerlnel IUO. U Eaocto 1~1 peld ~.oo. Flflfl rec:e-C..U< C.,_m IAdalrl 3.20, 1 .... 1.20, Go SI• CC...-doHI 4,IO, J.to; Mr 8 8 Rocket (Watson I J.20. Sl•tll r.ce-IC-Oanoy IRO\i9111 tt.60, 10.00, 1.llO; SIHm Alld Cl,.rVP IH•r11 20.IO, •.JO; R191I-WrenQler I 8erd I 2.IO. SS f.a. •<II 11•1 pakl \161.50, S....mtl rece-81uelet Ol•mond •SwM>I 11.'°. 6.00, 3.IO 0.rln'l Ol1mond IWMCll 1.40, •.60; A.srouer• ICru~r 1 • oo. Eitlllll rec,.-CMr 5on IW•non1 1 .o, I.Ill, l 00, ,,....,"' ln;ckle ll ollflem l 10.40, U O; ,..,.. H Rotllet 1Hllt11 U O. l1 E•«I• "·21 poldMt.00 Nl11t11 rece-Oynof•• ll lphaml t.oo, t .00, ).JO; !Cristi IC•te IH•r'll s.oo •• 40, All Is Yonl\y IMyjesl J.QO. u EHcta 14.11 P•ld 11'1.SO. Attefldentt'· S,lliO • ltOU.YWOOO PA•K .,..,,,....,.. •llllfh caa.e e1n•n••ua11• .. _.,,,., Fl"'I r«a-Hoo•IY C." FIY tM<C••ronl 11 . .0, 1.10. 4 IO. Alllo Run IMeftjt1 SO • .O, 1t.oo; <>nen.111~1 t.oo. Second rece-•cy """" CPIM•yl •.OO, l .00, 1.t0: Or. wan..-J IPlf!rce1 •.oo. lAO; Al••'Um IMtC..ronl ).00. u 0 .11, °°"'*' 11-11 poldSJl.40 Third r ac e -Marr., Tlloo;ollt IOel1110tMaye1S00, l.'°· 2 10: S11tel•l 1.Al'll. CMenel 1.MI, 3.'°; Frie Frie (Toro I J.00. U Eal<t• 11-t) .,.id"' so. f'ourlfl •.ce-Nlerlln 1Aowl1t\) 8 .o. •.llO, l . .0; L•N•lotlO I Oel•llovlw1r I , 20, 6.00. YOMmlte 0...Cer IGHl•-u • 00 Flltll r«e 81Uf! Topp1no IM<C•rronl 11.10, 4.40, UO; KOVler 0111 C,.,_.n•I ._'°• UO: C.wll Bid ue. s.s E•0<1• ls.fl petd l1S2.00, $lat" r0<-Prl11t1U IC.,.lld• IPlff<el tt.40, IUO, UO: Open Gate IPIM•yl 3.20. t .IO; C:-Odlnston ISlloe,.,..HI J .... Stftft"' reu-Splenelld Olrl IM<HMVWI t .IO, 1.40, 2.20; Ml" •-no ISlloemallHI 4.00, t.IO; $1,._, Oto» lf'lfl<•pl J.00. S.S fa. ecta O•I Nltl 1311.!0. fill"'" rac e -Miu Mar9I Mac IOel111cMmeye1 6.20. l .10. t .... Powder "-CMIMl l.IO, JM; Fltet Of A.II IPU.. U)')J.Jt. Mll9lll ,,__Fllf' AM ...... Ul.cta,.fl 1M, UO, UI; Ill--Tnie IPIMIYI l.20. UI; ,,....... IWMloll IC.•llMOll S . .O. ts l!••d• 11-71lllkl173.00. Alfe,..,_.-16, ... Misc. ,... ...... ,.,. l•er••••T NHLtosrOut On$435,000 •1 nso tOTllSNaDG ~ ......... , ..... Beca1.11e the llODtreal Canad.._ wiped out tbe New Yort R.anaen ln ftve 1ame1. ABC never sot tbe eba.Dee to televlae tbe National Hoekey 1Aa1ue. &be NHL loll out on $435,000 and tbe pubUe mlaled a likely opportunity to bear Howard COllell •tc:m ••-111•11 report OD a hockey 1ame. •----------• .... n .. ,_,. Hed tbere been a sevent!l 1ame, ABC would "'"' ••H•1••• n:,.~..,_ ....... ..,.. bave paid *'35,000 to abow it OD "Wide World ol , ...• ::;-:::.=~,..-.. u...~•x":.~c:-8:.~ Sportt" Saturday. Jim Spence, vice preUdent of ......... .... ._-.., _...,. sports fer ABC, bu aald be wu cwioua whether a =.~•a.u. re..... .. ... • -._.,al.,. bla network ~d aucceufuUy pac1ta1e and pro-• .i•-• w. _., .... Jr., nm =......_•~..,.,. p1ote -'--Ley, which "'-.a failed on CBS __ .. 1• 11-A ........ AN.CAtr111 -... .... ..._,. N' .,. .. ~.. .._. -...=:..:!~::.~"'-· , .... ....._._,,,....,.... .. BC. Tiit• ........ II <ell!NC ... .,,. CIMl411a...•0r-c..ty ...... ..-er............. ..... THE SATU&DAY GAME 1:0Uld bave been a ,,. •. --.,,... -------·-~ ...... ..-.... -..... .... .. -----..._..,. ..._ start i.D that direction, altboulb ABC would not c..My<:lllft"O...~•.., •J.1'..as,,_,,,,,. have taken much control over the broadcut. •. ""· Recognizing that It has done only some Olympic· type hockey, ABC would have picked up the basic camera feed of the Canadian Broadcutiq Com· pany. ABC would have then supplemented the Cana· dian covera1e with three cameras. One would have been for the play-by-play team of Dan Kelly and goalie Chico Resch, whom ABC was ready to hire ror the game. The second wot.lid be for some additional camera coverage, and the third would be for the ABC host. S.C•nl-.'•T\',lltMlle TELEVISION 9:30a..m. (22) -AME&ICAN ANGLE&. 11 a .m. <28 ) -TENNIS -Semifinal play in the Italian Open, taped at Rome. l p.m. (22) -PllO SOCCER. l :lS p.m . f4) -BASEBALL -The Atlanta Braves vs the Giants at San Francisco. 2:~ p.m. (2) -GOLF -Third round play in the Memorial Tournament from Muirfleld Village GolfCJubin Dublin. Ohio. 3 :30 p.m . 17 \ -G&EATEST SPORTS LEGENDS -A tribute to auto racer Mario An· drelli, who in 1978 became lhe first American to win the Formula l driving championship since Phil Hill in 1961. 4 p.m. (2) -SPORTS SPECTACULAR -Part two of the International Boxing Championships. taped at Havana. Also, part six of the international mixed pairs gymnastics championships. (7) - RACED -Johnny Rutherford reports on the In- ~ .... ~Or-.. c;.-0.Jy ~ ----------- Mey tl,1'..B.'-'·"" "~" PUBLIC NOl'ICE PVBUC' NOTICE PlJBUC NOTICE PtJBUC NOTICE "-----------PICTITIOUS .Ult ... U MAM&ITATIMl"T ~H:TtTtOUS•USOflSS TM ........ .,.._ ll dol119 DIN· .... STAT .. d"T -as: Tiie ......... --It ...... ...... PlllECISIOff 8UllDf•S. JIO Alto -.. lit., Clll&I MIW. c... ""11 p ... ' s IE s y M p " 0 N y Terr.-. " a.-. 310 All• OltCHESTltA, m1 S. F•kv-1t• .. ln .. CRUMIM.C&.""7 Slflt•AN,CA'210t Tl\H ...... It ~"' .. tn· W, ........ JIC~,J1U S lten.SM-.......... . toAM,CA"101 T_,,OW- Tllll ...... Is ~led lly Ml i,.. Tiii~ ~ ••s ftlllll .,," , .. dlY.....,C C-., CllftlOI Or ... ~-¥ev w.,...... J«GllS 1, tm. Jiii\ .._. -flied •ltll ""' ,_.,,OM!.,, 0r.,... County"'...., I.""· .. ,,..., Pubtl .... Or ..... C0MC 0.0y Piiot ... , n . 11. n. J-'· 1m ,.,.,. Pl,_,. ,..,...,,..., °'MVI c.st Oeliy ptlet --.-.-.. -U-C-N-OTIC.,. Mey 11, 11. lS.-'-I, tm '1D ic. '"°'" ________ , ternational Air Races from Homestead, Fla. with -----------P•CTtTIOUs941st .. •ss Curt Gowdy. PUBLIC NOTICE tne •=~~~~=·.~(' e1o1nv 4:30 p.m. (7 > -NFL GREAT TEAMS/GaEAT ---------DvtJ""""'' YEAa8/GREAT GAMES -This review of the •:.c.;:.nc:::~~"::1 9~!~~~~.3~!~• Houston Oilers' 1975 season focuses on coach O. A. '",......,..~ts OD1119111111. cou•tes s1men L•Borct.. 211• neu "' ttoc....., St .. Calle Mnl. CA '2121 "Bum" Phillips. O&l t.ANOSCAPING . "'' l,eon• 'l'•CH'IM l•Borde. 2•4 5 p.m. fl) -WIDE WOllLD OF SPORTS -· w .. 1m,_r.~~.cuit21 ~st.,c.ost•Mnl.CA'2171 The European men's gymnastics champioships, .... ~=.=·~~,;"' e11!:!.~ 11 '~.,."" '"· taped at Essen. West Germany. Also. the world T1tl•tM1rteullCONM19d1>Y.n•n-~s.u11or• lumberjack ChampiODShips and Ct preVieW or the dlwlO...l~UWI-ec!!~.~J.::.=;=~:: Grand Prix of Monaco. Tllh ~ -"'" wltl\ ... I. mt. 7 p.m. <~> -eoasE &ACING -Today at c-1yc1er11otor-..c-nrr°"-. I, ttrt. Fii~ Pvtlll~ 0rlfl(Jlt Coest Diiiy Polot Hollywood Park. aADIO PU ... Mly •. 11, II. 2~, 1m , .... /Y Baseball -Angels at Chjcago. lJ: 10 a .m .. Pllllll~ Or ... CO.,_ OlllY ~Jot, Mey t . H . II. ZS. 1m PUBUC NOTICE P\JBUC NOTICE KMPC (710); Cincinnati at Dodgers, 12:55 p.m .. , KABC (790). Soccer -San Diego at Surf. 7:1Sp.m . ·------------SU"alOll C:OU•T Of" THE STATE Of" CALIP09•1A POtt PKTITIOUS 9USl•IH TME CIOCHfTY Of" CNt....a S-~--' ~ • ,,.2_ IUMIESTA .... "1' -·-----. S • •9 ~ -fte ......... ,.,_la ..... ....._ •OTIC• OP Maa•t•G 110111 -•1: ~llNAff OI' wtU. MfO CODfCIU .TELEVISION SOUTHWIEST CAflPET IJP A"YI, AMD N• Lan•H 9:30 a.m. < 11) -TRIS WEEK IN BASEBALL. cu•tttMG. •om LA ........ ~ nnaMU'Tuv 10:~ a.m. (5) -BASEBAIL -First game of '"':=':.~ c:-a. •m 1.o o!::~ """'E ••E• llOSTu, a doubleheader between the Angels and the .. 11 .... ~v ...... CA.tmt NOTICE IS NElllHY GtWW ""'' Chicago White Sox from Comiskey Park. d1:::::_.~ 1~ _._..."' • ..._ :O:~:! J;:::.O'-o!';',::"!: 11:30 a .m. C2) -TDEE ON maEE ....._....._c.. CM•t11• m .,.,, _, tw h 1i. .. :--· b R nd s 'th rt.-w JL nd Jtlls ...._. -.......... -,..._....,.,_ ~· to -.." I!> Semifw.. mate ; a y rm • "oct a .. er a c:.-..,0 .. ._,0r...,c..1111ty•.., -•""911r..--s....sttoo• Jimmie Walker vs. Paul Westphal, Sam Jones and •· "''· ,._.,..,._ .. ...,..,,..,._ D id ~·..:-be .,.... ...... -.. J-s. ''"· •110 00 av oi>M:w rg. "'*ISMdOr.._ eo.st o.tty .,...,., ....... ,. .. _._ °' °"91"'""' Noon (2) -NBA PLAYOFFS -The MIY11.11,as, _ _,_,,,." .... , .. -._., .. ,.c:1w1cc.e.r Washington Bullets meet the SuperSortics in Seat,.--------, .. ,. 0riwo ..._"' .. City ol Sel!t• a ... • -Collfonlle. 1 tie in the third game of the playofrs. (4) -TEN· PVBUC NOTICE Oe1MMey11.1m. NIS -Vilas Gerulaitis vs. llie Nastase in a WCT ~~..a.. Tournament of Champions match, taped at PIC'hnousMllt .. ta eottoo.w.nt•"aw"' Dorado, Puerto Rico. ,...ST,..,....,. un~•w. Tllo ........ ,__ Is ......... s-aa-..c.. ... 2 p.m. f2> -GOLF Filial round play in the neuu: , .. , cam--. M · 1 T t · t 1 t rro D b110· M&M~ .... ~," •-....•:.-.-r em on a oumamen 1s e ecas m u • °''"· Hwll""'°" ._.,CA..... .....,....., 0r-.. Cutt O..•y P•to• Ohio and the Muirfield Village Golf Club. (4) -"" .. " c. "''""•re . .,,. w .... ,..,tt,as,1m ttu-n TENNIS -Adriano Panatla vs. Manuel Orantes "•''-••...-.. "--' eeetll. cA '2"3 in a WCT T or C match, taped at Dorado, Puerto lll•• ..._ .. c.-ic•o.-• tn· Rico. d, .. ..,.,. PVllUC NOTICE ~c. ........ l :ts p.m . (5l -BASEBALL -Time approx-""' ....,.._. _,........... suN11t011eout1To..T ... imale. Second ~ame or a doubleheader between C-tya--~c-ty-Mey •;:~::::.= the Angels and White Sox. '· ''"-.... ,.._... 2 p.m. <4> -WESTE&N OlJTDOOSSMAN -,_ ... a...o.e..0.:i': •=~·o::..l•~•::.~::. Angling among Oooded trees for l~rge mouth bass. -..,u,11,n.,_1·"" ,.,..,, TanTUTAMaMTHY ( 13 ) -WOMEN'S GOLF -Final round play in Pl18UC NOTICE ,,:::;,.. "' PAUL Tooo HELMER Jast week's LPGA Tourney at Clifton, N.J . MOTICE 1s HHHY Gtvett t1W1 3 p.m. C7> -RACERS -Bob Tullius reports Ptennous1M11H1•1a M1Lo•10 L. AHon " .. lll•d ' llMlll STATllMl:tlT "'"'9lft • ~ for PrOe9t9 f1I Wiii on the Formula B inals of the Champion Spark ™ ... ......_ ..,_1 .,.. ...._ °"' ,., Letttn '"1-1ar.,, re· Plug road racing classic ln Atlanta with Curt 111111::-,ao HUL'n4 cuTu ::=-...!.."':.: ·~~":'~ Gowdy. · flllKI.,...,... .. __ ...., .. 3:30 p.m . (7) -WiDE WOaLD OF SPO&TS -::!..9~~""' N0t1t0 ..... ,...., tor J-s. ""· .. 11:• •·"'·· "'.,. Formula l cars race through the streets of Monte ,..,..... .._. ~ ""-ca ~::r:",: gx = ':i!.,=. Carlo in satellite coverage of lbe Grand Prix or C•llf9f'ftl• ~ ........ •• o.wr 1t1tt1oc1"' .. s..•ne.Co1t1w111•. °'·· ........ eoedl. c.e. ._, °''"Mey,, ""' Monte Carlo. Also, lhe great pool shootout pitting '"1• ......... • ~..., • c•· LH A.'•1tattCM, Willie Mosconi vs. Minnesota Fats. _ .. .., c-.~ 4 p.m. (4) -SPO&TSWO&LD -The U.S. -=~ •OMCN10"AL"""•Ht0tt,,•. Frellll L n:;....., .-c-..-.s.-.• gymnastics federation women's championships, Sr Vite..,..... uem-..... ~ ... taped at Dayton. Ohio. Also, amateurs from the TllK -........ -..... •• • ,.,: .,,..,,.... Mub d bo_,_ I c--awt1 .. 0r-,,__. A~:Or~.--....... --~ Joe Frazier and amma Ali JUUi c ubl ~· ---· .....__ ---_..,. .... _. square off in a series of bouts. •. 1"'· ...,u.-.,,..•.1m m1-1• PVllUC NOTICE 7 p.m. <52) -H0&8E &ACING -Today at Hollywood Park . . 9 p.m. (7) -INDIANAPOUS 511 -The na-PVBUC NOftCE reoncaw""'-'Creua,.. Uon'a premier -uto race, taped earlier in the day .... ..,,..,...."'°" PICTl110Ul~ .. lft .. .._ ....... , _ _. at lndlanapolls Motor Speedway. , •L.BCTt11eerHcnNt1•Y .... ENNIS 11le , .... 1 fin l TM~':!:".,. ,.,,,. • ...,. •• , .. ettT•a Midni ... t C28) -T N -1 .... es a ......_-.;;--11 ... , ln tbe Italian Open, taped at Rome. c••~•T via.a.Ao•. ,,,., '" 1•••"• 111arecM •• , ... aADIO 1!-.,Y LA.. .. tt fl ._., CA DIST"ICT. • ~ .._ IMl- Auto Race -Indianapolis 500, 8:15 a.m., .. "::...-::.::::.:: KLAC (570); Baseball -Angela at Cbica10 .._:.;.~~~~ u.. am .. .._. .... .._ci. «doubleheader>, 10:25 a .m., KMPC (710).· Clncin· .,.,... Orrtt. ,... • ..,, LA. ........ ~ • ....-. .._ .... ._,CA... ........._,....._.,...... naU at J>odten, 12:55 p.m., KABC <'190>. T1111 ...,._, •• ~'" .., • .. ...._. ... _., .... ____ __,,_ _________________ ..,.....,. .. =-~ ...... : =-=~-=-·········'i -• Tiii• .......... -......... Ollll•aott II ... lltV .... ltMCM QNMyOlfll .. Or-..c-itrM ATa• DtSTlttef. fte ..-C ...... 1,IW". ... .... -:.~.':" . '"""'... ...... ..... ........ ._ .. C-...Dl'M ~ .... ~ ...................... 1---.-...;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;-~..., ... •ne:.-.:=.~-:=:.i &T•ICT-• ...... ; '· ... ,,, .. , .......... ... ............... .,,_ , ... '· .... ..:..:i:e:=:: ---....r·---. ................ .... ............. _ ...... ............... ..,_ .... .. 1 ..................... .. --..,.. ...... . ............ _LI ··-···~=-.......... --~-..... "'-C.C4n, MCll9TUY :==:Cf ......... ....... C...Ollly"" ... " .. "" ..... ,. .. -r ' -~YPILOT Busiaess Deconlrro1 Will Cost Family$135· WASHING TON 1 AP> The nera.. American family wtll spend Sm more • yHr by 1112 for oil. 1aaollne and rtlated looda and tervlcet Ir PrHidenl C•rter lift.a oU price controls. aaya a new study. THE STVDY, releaaed this week. found lbat romaumus will pay at leut $12.2 bJlllon more• year by 1812 ror heatln1 otl. 1aa0Une and related Petroleum products and ser vices under Carter's plan to re move prac~ controls on domestaully pro· duced crude oil. Consume r s wall spend S4 billion more ror gitsoline and heating oil. the study s1ud. The remaining $8.2 billion wall be spent in indirect costs through tbe consumption of goods and services that use oil in their pro duction. the study added. Nearing Co•pleiion # :t930S lnjlu:enc~ Money Polkks~· PALO ALTO (APl -Older policymaken In 1ovemment, many GI whom were deeply innuenced by the Great Depression of a.be 1._, are partially to blame for today's double-digit inflation, says Stan· ford University economist Michael Boskin. Bosltin, 33, contends that government economists, particularly la the powerful Federal Reserve ~ard, have overemphasized the said, 'We cannot ·~.I.ow UQ· importance of maintaining so-e mployment to go up, Bolldo called "full employment" in the sa!~· . United States because of their We had massive deficits bl memories, and sometimes their 1977 and 1978 which were UD· personal experiences, of necessary. They pumped up the Depression bread lines. money. s upply too much and IN THE PROCESS. he says, they have overstimulated the economy and put upward pres- sure on prices- " Economists of the previous generation tended to ignore what happened after the very short run," Boskin said in an in· terview. ·'They viewed short-term gov- ernment deficits as a way or stimulating the economy and maintaining employment. overheated lhe economy." MOST ECONOMISTS agree that cooling the economy is necessary to slow inflation ancl that unemployment will rise u business slows. But Bos kin contends that because older economists place too much importance on keepiac people working. they have bed unwilling to lighten the nation's money supply enough to slow the economy and really affect infla- tion. · That works out lo an 1t veragc annual increase of $135 per household by 1982, s aid the study. THE PRICE TAG could climb even higher ir foreign oil exPort ing nations boost their prices above the rate of inrlation between now and 1982, the re· port found. Occupancy is exp ect od hy .July m thest> of - fi cc towt•r s ri s ing at lhl· cornl·r o f MacArthur Boulevard and J a mboree Road in Koll Center Nl•wport. The 378.000-squa r c foot project is bemg built by D. Koll Co. Th(' towe rs will be na m ed for their anchor t enants Security Pacific National Bank in the east towe r and M1crodata in the west tower. ONE OF THE unintended side errects or continuing government deficits. Boskin says, is inflation that is running between 12 and 13 percent. Boskin contends that older economists have tried to keep unemployment at 4 percent or 5 percent when rates or 8 percent or even 9 percent would be ac· cepta blc. ·'The Fed has panicked and Low-income ramalies would have lo shell out more. propor· tionately. for the increases in oil 1nd gas pricc..>S, s aid the study. A family earning less than '3.700 a year will pay a n add•· ional $64 in 1982. which means a t.3 percent decline an that :amily's buying power. Mortage Rates Take Off· HIGHER UNEMPLOYMENT h:vels are more acceptable now than in the 1930s, he s aid, partially because the work rorce as a whole is larger and there are a vanety or government pro. grams to cushion the plight of the jobless. LOS ANGELES 1AP1 In- BUT TIIE STUDV noted that he president has called ror a ·w1ndra ll profits .. lax that vould tax additional oil com· 1any pmrits and return a portion r them to help low-a nd middle· 1come ramilies pay their fuel •ills . terest rates on California home loans have risen to as much as 111 2 percent. the highest in the United States. but lenders arc uncertain if the record rates will slow borrowing. ·'Rates have lx.-en moving so c1uickly that it's hard to tell just where they will level orr ... says J ames Barnell. executive vice president of Coast Fede ral Sav mgs, which Joined the move to tht• higher rates this wct·k its ra tes this week to 11,,., per· cent on fixed-rate loans and 11'1• percent on variable-rate loans. The latest round or increases the fifth this yectr by most of the biggest lenders began last week when Fidelity Federal or G lenda le. a sm a ll federally charte red s avings and loan. boos ted its mortgctge rate by one.quarter of a pe rcent. The president wants tu begin flan~ oil price controls on June C oas t . Gi braltar, Great Weslt>rn c.1nd American quickly Cotlowt.'d SUit. signaling an in- dus trywide trend that experts s ~y co uld spr ead beyond and allow prices to gradually 1se to world levels l..ly mtd· Hl81. !is derision 1s not ~uhJect lo ongrcssional approval HOME SAVINGS ~nd Loan, the nation·s largest , also raised \ New Look for the Computer Business '" ''"'" """ If \IHI hJ\e ICl.'.l'tltl\ 111\l'\ll· ·~1111:\1 Ullll/1111!. J Ul.J p1tl('l'"tt1g 111r \•uur hu"""" rwe1h. vnu .n.I\ ,1lre.11lv he .1ware 111 lh.: rd1c,h11t!! trend 1hat h.11-lie\ d · · •J)Cd 1n the comput.:1 mtJu,try. !Ju'lnc:-,m.:n whv wcr.: um:c ,h ul·klt-d to thl· curp•>rah: ttJnl\ l11r hU\111<"' Jal,1 J'lfl,. Xl>,utg need' l"..n "' 1~ 1J1..e "lc:.in 111 the tumul ot the mdc· ;>cndcnt compu1e1 dcall'l'htp Fvr Ille hN tune. the l•IN· ,..,,, wnflJ "hll','l."tl with d t.-~ men 11>hu l'l)rfll: from the tJnk ind file of the rompoll'I 1n(lu,. •rv wtth the cxpcncnc,-c to ,crn· th.: nee~ of 1hc bu''""" \"lorn· mun11y at lhc local level They 11wn cumpu1c1 dcakr\hlp) which lhc:y Qpcratc .i) 1ndcpcn· Jentlv owned bu''""'""' Th1' ,. ccrt:unl) .1 ~clcom.: Jcpar· 1u1c from the ".:01p111.11c branch" method uf opcr.ttlnn. rhl· rndcpcndcnl compukr Ji:alcr ha.\ full M!rv1cc cap;1h1lt• lie' tnclodmiz h;mlwa1c 'ale,, -crv1cc and hU)1f\C)S apphl·a· uon 'IOflwurc team' One ohv1ou) 11dvun1a11c of doing busmci.) wtth an indc· pendent computcr\Jcalcr ll> the c:limmalion of lhc oorporntc overhead included in the price of the computer. Tiie llldcp.:n· dent dealer huys his produc1s from lhc manufacturer and >ieUs to his c11stomcni at the lo· ca.I level. He " free fro m lhc .:orporate mandates and poli- lia so often seen In the 1rad1- t ion a I "company i.tn rc " oapproadl An e.111mplc of a local dealership in Optrallon 1 Ccn· lurion ABS, a-ncd by Connie Putu and Dick Moore. Cen- turion ABS Is a fl.ill wmce company, sapptying the Centu- rion family of computcn lo many types of butinnees. The manufacturer of Cenaurion C'.ocnpvtcn it Wane. Com· puter Colponllion, 1 llichard· tOft. 1hM bMed finn wtlictl pnwidn 119 producta CJICIU· sivcly through lndep1ndenc dealers. Centurion ABS provides quality procNctl and tefYioel It pricn aurprflllnaty below ln- dullry 111andard6. Wbm )OU CIOl'!Mder Chat the _.....a CllltOmet Jet• ii nner .... than lbe local reprc· --.... IC'I HSY co tlftder· .._, llow the lndepeedont 1:1' ..,._~co ~ ........ ..,., ....... - Utility Manager Plans to Retire • Don Shivel} of Newport Beach will end a 42 year career with Southern California Gas Co. when he retire~ June I as manager of the utility's Orange County division, a post he has held for the past 10 years. Before that. he held a number o f s taff a nd manageme nt positions with Southern Counties Gas Co .. which merged with Southern California Gas Co. in 1970. A 55-VEAR resident or Southe rn California, Shively attended Covina Hig h School and was graduated from Whittier College with a bachelor of arts degree in busi· ness administration. Shively is a member or the American and Pacific Coast Gas as- sociations. He is alsQ a member of the Santa Ana Rotary Club and Santa Ana Country Club. He has been active in community activities, having served on the boards of AID, National Alliance o f Busi - Bank lo Give 10% Dividend Directors or Citizens Bank or Costa Mesa have dec lared a 10 percent stock dividend for shareholders of record as of Monday. It will be mailed on June 28, according to Paige V. Simpson, presi· dent. nessmcn. Oran~c Coun- ty Council of BQy Scoub of America, Americ~n Red Cross and The Chapman Coll ege board of govemors. Shively and his wafe. Wilma, have lived in Newport Beitch for the past 10 years . They have a d a ughter. Mrs . Steven A. Wood. who li ves in Whittier. DUE TO RETIRE Don Shively Savings Accounts To Be Examined The sixteenth in the seminar series called "Meet the Proressions" will deal with short·term and long-term savings accounts, their taxation and estate ramifications. Speakers will be Jim Norris. vice president, and D. Tyler Jenks of Loeb Rhoades. Hornblower and James R. HHI, director of salt!S for Great West Life. The meeting will be held at the 8aywood Recreation Center, 1 Baywood Drive, Newport Beach, at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. Seating reservations may be made with Loeb Rhoades. Hornblower al 640.5600. M~rJoh•• Atla• Nrt..,ork Sunset Moving and Storage of California, Costa Mesa, has been named an agent for Atlas Van Linea lnc. The four-year-old local firm has a 259,200- cubic-foot storage warehouse. LEASE FROM NABERS FREEDOM FROM.INCONVENIENCE ...... ... "cim.c ~ .... to flt ,_ .... • • • dlllllGlllli W ltlndlnl HOO NAM ..... fta.D. 008TA M8M (7t4J MO·etOO ' • •-... -i California savings and loans. Great Western and American are the nation's second and third la rgest S&Ls. respectively. Off'ICIALS AT California Federal Savings and Loan were to d ecide this week or early next week whether to raist• their rates. which arc i 11· 1 percent for fixe d-rate loans and 11 percent for vanablc-ratc loan~. NEW YORK fAPI ConP•P C.•ilwfd CtO\h .. Curlr~t'd Cycltron OantyM Dtdo ... , O•ytMal OOll>AQ 0.-Lu•C Ot-ICdn t Ot-llnlB 0..w•yE"I Oo•(ry\ Ol1nCru Oocul•I DotlrGn• Oonlchn Oorc nc,, T ht rouowino 1t-.t '' " -.elet It'd N"I 1ona1 ~Ct.H'th~, Of.,1e1\ At,')n • ovf>r thf' c ountrr Bctnh. ln\urttn<.t> & 11\du)I •• tO<•\ AEL Ind \ .... I>'• AFAPrOI I Q AVM Cp • • • 4' 11 • 11 r... 1 1111 ?8'· .AOd1\nW Adv RO\\ Ad¥M1c.r Alf'•Afe• Ahcotnc .:~r~~p •~urn 1b'. 11 n n 4• .. 10\· 7J•. " • "'"'"fl Alnf(,p l I) I~• I lb OoylOO ,., .. "'· o\J'°'"'o AMIC.fO\ AW•tOnq A'ntttr An.Jdlle Anht'u\8 Ant<1Cp ArdenC.p -Ark WC.\ AsdCOld AtlC.\l 1 g:~~~ Bk<1mRI 8<1•1tl'(\ Q B•.stFr B•ylSMk .Be•hl'f' 8eltL•I> B•l>bCo 81ro~n Bir1chr 8lkH11t P 8on•nt• 8root<S 8rw fom euo-811<keye ~r~~t~ C•nr•dH C.•oSwC CaplnA" C•reCp CnVtPS C"ml•• Clle\Ull Ctrtlel .C1l1UIA C•llUll\ CtarkJL (lowCP (oluV•nl ComCIH Cml">"• l(mwl•I \0 \t Ouriron 111 ... 181 • f<ttn'Vnn :! II lft I conLdl> )', l"' EIPn\EI ~·• 8 Eld.,Bf' 71' • 1l ..... [lt Nu!I ''• 8~• l:IModul 3'-• "' EnrOev 2'1 1 1l'• Entw,\tl n •, 1l Eql01I '~'• HI. Elh~nAI ,,,. lil"*" F"t\br! ll'•1• FlalJnLI u v. 1S1 • ~t8kSy\ ~+• "'' 111 F f8o\tn '=:: ·~~: ~:~~,~ ·//' l;~! ~:~' .. ~7''nt 11'' 1' FMWAIU 11 n • 1 For~•IO 1'• 1'• Form19lt 7•*• 7\ Fr~n•Cp Jtt, • Fr,.n•Ef '8'1 l0 C.nRtE\I '!'I '!1 ' ~~~·:f~ 7t '-• 171., Cre"nM ft'• •"-Gr,.yAo~ J1 lJ' r C.ltlnl\I I 11 .. Gw-rOdyn 1l1ti u-.. H•rd•' ,.,, , .. HrpAow .~·: .~;: ~=~r.~~ 1J1 I 14' 1 t-tf'nf d f • • • t0' 1 HOlobm 4 / \1 / Hnov•r Jt1 • 4(.) Huru H"I r,:-; ~·, ~:.:r~~·.~· I'• N"'ti •nfftilM ,r~ ,!:: !~:;:~.,~, 1\\ 11 1 n1m11,, "' •I ttnf,hW'th "This is about where I thought it would peak out," said J erry Pohlman. vice president and chief economist or California Federal Savangs and Loan As- sociation in Los Angeles. "In the last 34 years, un· employment has been over 6 pt-rcent only ri ve time~." he s aid. ·•and the une mployed pt·rson today as in a much better µos1tion than an unemployed pt•rson in the 1930s " ··But savings nows have been pretty bad and the loan demand out the re seems 1n cred1bl y strong It's not unlikely that the mortgage rat£' t·o uld go up another quarter point · · Hoskin says he 1s not advocat· in1-: h1J.!h unemplo)ment or a re- turn to s trcetrorn t•r a pple- :.l'lhng a~ a mc<ins of r1~hting in· fl istwn o,···r 'l'lu~ (~ou;11t·r MASO Ustinq' 7J • " • ..,, •• '"' •O 10 •• s"""c 1 r> JO '>ul>f'rE I II n flMf DC. 1 • J 1•mP.i• & / I. lt"t.umP ' ·~ 1-.,,,.,.,,, lf'-o '7 "'t T1orar, 18 1•1 .. To\tO(.p a .. 8'• Trn\O<O \• 6 f ft(OPct I I 11. ,,,t,,OG 81' 8'I • Ty'°nFO 1'0' • lO • Un Mt Git I~ 11. US Suro 7" .,.,, U\ Tro l4',. )&• UYdA,,, .. • 't • UoPfinP n· • 11 ... v .. ,.,,..,,.. n . IS•· ll~nOu~ J •• 4 .. V~ICU) q I , /1, V"N6 '-h .&A S,t w-.ntnr ,, • ti • .. w.-onA•, II )M W•IOI•,. J) l& WlqlnMq 10' I II W~ll'C.• l• 1.4L, WtnMrq II "" wmor( IS ? lb'• WOOdl or 28 1 ,Q, • WWEnQ 1•" 1s•. w .. qn1w a , 111•, ZI011Uld I . ' 1• I' ... l 'p• and Doemu • ' •• • UPS ANO DOWNS 11 J1 N E W VORlt IAPI nw IOll_,.. "" ~ 1 ~.) \nOtt" ,,_ Over tM COUftWf' ,I! to \IOC:lil\ •nd ••rrM1h tMt fWYI' QOA1! wp .. 10 I~ mo\I -OOwn ltw mo\I cws.d "" "'• '" Ptrctt-nt Of ct'Wft(JP 'f!r09'dlf!U of wot~ tit fQ tor l rtur\day SO \) No ~<Ut•lif'' trMJtnQ bf'~ '' .,._ tftCf.,_ "" VOtJd ~ttl dlf"1 OIP"f'c_tnt~ t.f\40QIH Me ttw-1 .. d•tt,..r•nc~ '*'.......,.. O'f' pr~viou\ clOWtg ' .., ' • o.o 0'•("' M'CI 1·~y \ '-''' t>td Of't<•. lQ I 1'0 I U~ u ....... f'lf .. ,,.. l .t\t H._ 1•'• 1 A1rt1fl Of &A Chg ti 1~'· f f Un1wPdl I l .. • lb UP ll.l • ) Uo 19 3 hi ''' f..~m1l(.p 1 • 1C.•. ;1 c.~ntyOC:., 1 "' • 1 uo 18~& '• Uo 76.• 1 • Uo 7S.O ... • • '>1.tf81<1 ,, 14 1' ,_.,.QO un 11 • H • 1' T .. ,,,n'>v I'• Uo 218 I, Uo 7J I IJ 1~ k C11.1otOC" Q EH int •n 10 M~v"Po ~ -· II M~l,,Apl • '-n M~~t JJ• • 1A I] AH..,,..ln J11 ?8 U (ntr¥('0 ,,,.. &1• t\ H"'lthE•1 • -1 \ • 1e. Vt.tlJQnnJ ·~ 10 I ,, rortRov '" S"q.,Aln I• CnatO.-V 10 lll!l-IP )1 A \ttQ(m n .,,.,.,.. 7J •hntoSr U SldH<0wn 7S I •mSM• N._ ~omAm g~ YulMQld Sonom\11 F IE•tt Tol-P1c~Wv 81q0tm Conlul r ormtCJI• (ffEn wl Ounl-Un•wVon 0•1-0.-lttSY Crow1 .. .,. Harwyn Ar•pM>o IHOP Co OlsonF Sto.,.Ttoe CmplCon \ • "• Uo ti~ t , 1, Up 1\.4 I • • Up IS 0 I) • 1 Up l•.8 ' "' Up U J 1•.. i_. P U .!) 1'• • •· .. Up 175 ~·. ,_. 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IO.M11.t5HIO"Yld 11.17 n•s Fund IO.t011.J70m.o.t l10JU.05e11tl111tl~: '"" loOow1no quo (.•1Hln 1.:17 •.09 F-r•I.., Fund\ HolCIO Tr 1.CJO NL tncom 1.70 t.SI Ofle Wm 0 .22 NL Apo J ... •.Of l•llon\ '"""'"'° by Omd 7 I& l.01 ""' Ldr 7.11 1.7. Hor M•n U •5 16 1• Mny Mil I 00 NL O~n,,.1nwr Fd: B•l•n 7.IJ 7.7' ,,.. Nallonal Aw1<1 Mont" u 17 •• 34 Hllcm U.M 10\ INAFd ll.5l 11:» Munl • ec 10.n O-n •.•1 1.01 com S tt.• 11.s1 •hon o1 ~<U<•ll~' NIW!> • 31 10,11 MonM 1.00 NL ISi Group: US Gov 9.1S 10.11 HIYld fU• 14."1 C.rwttl .... 9.7' O ... lef\, Inc • •re NYVn 1' » IS.•• MMM I 00 NL C.r1ortll S.73 • 26 MHM<IWMll (O· ln<&os I.,. t.O. S--141 27.12 NL lhe ~l<e\ at '#111<11 Gf'unO 10 '1 11 • Optn IJ.44 14.31 1n<0m J,71 •.ll Fr-4 1.n 1" Mone t 00 NL Sentry F 1 .. ll 16..12 Irle"' '''"'"lie• C.ln<.m I •S 1.17 Taf're 1109 NL ff\t '11 11.7• 12.IS lndftp '·~ t0.21 Opln 21." 2• ... SM•rMNI F_,; could """" _,, C•llA\M I 00 NL US Gvt I.ts N TrP.Sll J.17 . MH\ 11.04 11.07 !.peel ll M l5.U Appre JI ... 23.'5 '°'d (Hilt ..... , •PP••-'00 NL flOlllll't' "'-· lnduslry •.27 Fdlnc •• 11 U.•7 h Fre •.•S NL ln<om 11 • .S i•.07 ••luel Of llOUQlll enl cc. 1 00 NL AQro •.45 NL lnlt •P 1.00 NL M<HS Fl-1<1 AIM 11.tO u... tnnsl 10.S. 11.S. l•alue phn \.Ile\ CenlS"f II tO 17 2'I Bond 1.07 NL tnl tnvst ll,91 li.:10 MIT 10.0$ IO,M Time 10.11 11 .• Slttr•G 10.1' NL tllaroet Tllun&ly (hnHIYd ..,.. ... 1 Capo! I"' t.2' lnw Guld '·" NL MIG '·°' •to OTC ~ 11.U 70.13 5'1rvey F 10.,. 11.51 "" 11n Cll•rtFd 14112 It JO COll!hl IO.S4 NL lnw Inell< 1.22 NL MIO ll ts 14.t> P•ram M UO 10.22 TuM9tl lt.11 21..W AGEFd 'H ••• CllH• ~ Bo\ O•llv I I 00 NL In• Bos •to IU7 MCO 10.0t 10.• ....... 5411 7.ll nl Tampl Gt SJ7 6.J1 AtOtllF 70 n NL Fund •• , ,,. D~ny !OM ..•.. ln .... stors ~ MFO , .. 7 IS'° ....... """ s . NL Tempi w 1122 M • .U Aluture 1303 NL Fron! 41S S.lt Eq Inc 11.11 NL IDS Bd HI S•I MFB I•.» U• ~118 I.ft 1.11 Temp In" 1 •• NL Alpfl•F n,. 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Uftf A<<tl •.IS NL Fdlll• ••• 7.SJ ()pin lO • .U 11.tO Fln•n<IM ~: In• Resi\ s.11 6.lS Mllftl • u •.» Pl ... '"" ,..,, NL Ullll Mui ..., ..... GrW111 7" 1... ha Me 1J ... I• tS Oyn• S.1' Nl lilel ,._.,. 21.fO RdAll t.eo NL ~i.rtfl 11.W tt.61 Utol c.tll 1.0I N&. ln<0"1 7 .. I 10 Colw o"' 17.• NL lnclu'1 .,., NL l•Y .... NL V•I t .21 .... Pllf•nd IU1 11• Utli.... SofC Gtlt: ICA 7 70 .. ., Cwllll .... ·'" 1 03 ln<om r.21 NL JP Ortfl 10.• 11.Jt AM l>.!il ... Prl<• F .... : .,... ..... 11..S Nl"en U I 1 01 Cwltll C Ut I '° f'sl lnWflllln. J-\ F 1'... NI. Y F •.23 IO.Ot ~-tt.• NI. Net '"" .... 1 ... W-1 • 56 7.17 Comp 8d ..... 04 Bnct ~ I• .. u .. )Olln Han<otll• s• Fd 14.S:I NL ln<em Ml NL u c. M-U u.n Amer GeMral. Comp Fd 111 1 . .0 OIKO I.st ... Bond 11.n ll.1l ' 11.n .... 10.01 N t:r• 17.. NL UlltllC 11.47 ti.I C<1t18d 1.n I" Con<Of'd .. M Nl GrW1" 7.11 uo Grwtll •» .. , MIF Fd 1.71 .. ., N Horii lO.St NL""''"~: ~"' • ,. s 01 Coft• In• • IS 10 n ln<om I°' l .M B•l41n l.ll t .OS rMIF 01'1 •.• , •.11 .. rime 10.• NL A<Uft .... I.IS t:ntrp 6.'4 7.IM COll\ltl G I.• NL Sloo 7.IJT 1,60 Tat:• 111' "" •t11<110f Ol'NIM: TaF,. •Al ..... 8oM ..... ii HI Yid IUI 1Ut COllt """' •It .. L FstMll A 1.70 NL Jol\Mlll -4111' Amer 10 ... IUO Pro r:llM 7.11 NL Con Gr t.U tncFd 6.0S .... CwYICI Se IUO 1'.JO FIMllOI tJ "L Kem-f'undS: Grwttl U7 •.» P,.olnc '·" NL Con Inc ••• '· MV118 n.n fUI Ctry (4111 11.M 12.26 Fii VM IO.eo NL lncm UI IO.S. ln<Of'l'I I .. • 7' Pru Sii' ~to 11.n Inc°"' t.11 9. TOI Ret 7.tt 1 ... Ply C41tn 1.eo NL '4 W•ll 1U7 .. l Grow 1.71 •AO Tar:re U.1l I S.•1 Putn•m f'-: "1IV111 t,ll t. V"11t t7 ... "·" Olyln<m 1.00 NL ,,,, Giii •.CM •.•• HI YICI 11.a 12.10 Mui ~ ll.•t NL c-11.ol) 11.... Sti..t .. ., 1.D • Cmstll I.IS I.ti Del•w•rt ~· r:-s 0.-: MoftM 1.00 NL 1N•I Awl• J0,17 NL Oly0¥ 1 .• NL ¥4111• 6.47 7.W EcatGlfl ,, .. ..,, Ef•' 12.n 1U1 Grwlfl S.11 uo MIHIB '~'"'' I0.70 N•ll Ind tl.'S NL 1111 Eca 11• "·" Utlll Sws JM NL FdAm 1 a 7... ,_ 11 . ., 11.M ln<om IUt tJ.1• ()ptn 12.IM 14.02 ... 1 *"' Ser: OoM9 If." 14.IS v .... Llftl H : H••IW •.H IO.• IC" 1.10 ..,. MutM a.n '·" Su"''" 1UI ,.... ..,... • ... 10.11 Grwltl IO.tlll1,tl V•I LI .... ..,, • PKt 11.17 It... TaFre U1 t .M Spec! 1Ut 11... Tecfl US ,,)I BOl'lll •.27 4.60 HIYld II.• tt.ot ln<om S.M J ... Pro.Id J,IS 4.04 Delta U 2 6.47 l'rM!lllln ~: Totlt ... tO,•' Dlwld O• •,6J ln<Of'l'I 7.a 7... ~ewOt U ... IS ... AOlflr.d 6 77 1.• Csl!Rsw Brown J.Jt J,11 K•ut-,,.._,, I ~wtfl u o •.ts '"""' 7.•t a.10 SptSlt 6.tt .... AHer Ill I.It. . . . 10,00 NL ONTC 1.7' 9.44 Liq Tr 1,00 NL Pl Siii 6 ... UO Olltll 1UJ t• .... V-o s.Mln: 1 Alll\lnl'd •.IO Ui =r c -. J.U UJ GrW1fl •.• Ui C11• Bl 16.S7 17.JO lllCOf'l'I s.n ··"j hE•I 22.11n.21 lnc.tn 11,JllJ." \ Atllftll 6.'3 NL 18 tl.1• NL Utlls 4.J1 4.f,I Cws Bt tl.•t to.:U 1..qR\w 1.00 NL Viti• IU:I U.IJ lllft$1 7.0 7, I AlnMC 11.11 NL Ooct •SI 16.ff NL ·~om .... 2.01 Cn IM .. ,. .... Stoctl I.Cit l.n Vey.. 11.U II... c.-I.JI I. • I ANIOtll U2 US Oru Bur lO... NI. US Gow l .U t .J2 Cws Kl 1.n 7 tll hEs 11.S. IUI lt•lfllllw t.SI NL 5"<1 tt• 14M • AfnwlY U S t.Ol Oreyllf\ OrP· c.11 .. GI 4.40 Cu\ Kf US U • NILlft ~· RtMr.... i .m ML V ........ ~: t ~Eq -Ml Oreyl tt GI IJ. fq\#11 J... U7 Cus SI 17.M IUO ECl"lt 11.0l tt,62 Reftrt S.17 NL W $1W1 ,.... "", 1 ..... ........,, uwee 17.W lt.11 L-"'" ... NL '"' SI 1.JJ u o °""""' IUI IUI i ECll .... ... w ttffll 1UIS "" I ""' • 7.IM UI LICI "' 1.00 NI. ......... ..,. '"' Cut M uo u • t11<em 1U J ''·" °"' 11.91 IU1 w ....... tua Nt. ' 11\Ctl'll •.w •. ., NNIM 7.14 ~ """"' tnc a..· P9illf U4 U 7 Rttfq IUI ..,,. 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'"'Pitney• 1.20 , 44 U>ti-'"' .O It 1/)1 IS • '·· Wor141Alr • '° 1°4-h s ,, 1214 .. duPnt pit.SO .• "' ~. lll ... 10 , S32 19\ h MeltuE .Jlill • nl 'h\to' -... Pllnyll pt WI . 4 " "' V•• '54 9 311 "'• •.. Wrloty '·* 1 1 .. • I tHt'IO 4 I~~"' gu-eP 1·•' 111 ..... 1111 t 104 l•h1 IN9~ UO 1 »'I+ V, Pltl11J'I l,llOIJ HI 22-... 12 . .026 6l.'40t •' W11rlllr ... S 200 1'•-V> It ', 't WI u2'lH 1V. 11-• pl US.. I !~..... . U 91>\o N9...,0 I !O It 25 • * Pt•l\lttc I lOl 6 + .. G t1 8 ts 11.,_, W•l•ln IO t • 12'l '• .. , 56~+1•1'> tUof 11 · 1 . \<t 1~· S !Slot -4J tm"-• V. Pl•ft!rn .ltl) 17 ""' ,._ , ~ ii..• l' Wyl•L'\ .0 I .. 1"1 + '• . .• 1' ,..-., ke of 2 tL I · T . t 1"6 11 -I* I.ID t ~ 14 P .. yllo' .12 H 18' 20' ... + .. .tllt 9 I ~ • '" Wyly 14 17 S>4 • .,,_ s ,.. ld0\00 ... ii.' f\9r 1. ~ • .. n Sl1 •s•11o. Mc I s • "' ,..... .Ma • ) I0\4>-• • 1.• • I l• .. -•-'t'-1· • • S t~ °"' ~LI !. I • 211 l "tt • 111+ V. ~ 1 1 SI '"'•\ii -.. 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PoG pf 11:90 .. rMO I ·, 'iti A, , 10V, + "11 ... 1111.. t 10 llt t \Ii It'll • t ., ' (,.,:..,. y11•m ·~,· ...... ~ v. ..... ....; 1·ft , m 14 • "1trre .. .,., • .,.. PorOPf fAO · ' • •-.. a • ' 21w. ""zur111M ·•' .. .... -... • "' ""• "' •o .tt It 'i >IV>--... ~ • • ~ ~ '~-; l:: ;ta_ ... I l "": : ,...tlch .It 1 u -" q;i if ~.: l~i·, :~'~;. ~~:,~ ,~,,·1 :! it: ~t1::~.: 1 ... 1-,il','T ~ ~ ~~2:S~ ·~ ·~u~·;·; Money Supply Declines j n ilf t &14 "'~" • "' J s " "' j' · ~-.. ~l:.c11 ,, • .,., NEW YORl( <AP> -The nation's \ ;t J? 1:-.~·: l:~h.;.:.~ ~ :ie'.:·~ I j rl ~f ~ 11.1: I ' ~ lf"';•il lfsv.J!: ~ b1 aaichmonel ty supply de1clined sklilhlhly , i i}!jl-..,, •"G' · .• 11 "I 1,~. "' 'Ii -• J 1 14 ,.~, .u•" • 1 ... -" n t e a est report n1 wee • t e ' J . ..... • ... utt ,,.. • g~.... 'A4f: . ~: ~ I 'i . IJ~0'.J.t8 t ll'l n~: ~ Federal Reserve said. Analysts said · '" ::.: t: 1 'm .~: ~ 9: '° .J ~ ~ ~ :· 1: •1t • t! f:'t f:I • m W:-'-they did not think the n1ures would '&. w • "" '""" .... 12 .. 1 11 • "' • 12 ''4 Q"'-"" · ' ~ ,._ ~ '" ~-11: ~ • "• cause the Fed to change its current • • 1 _m! ~ ~r.1!',:I': 17 J;...,:;: ~ .. , ~ ':t=~ ,.-'t.,., '4~·~ ~':. ·'J •,.!! 1!~-.. credltpolicy. • '. ,....,.+. .,.. .... • • IJ-ta-.. ~ .• II v...... ..i, I l&;-.• R,," di ' ·; f..., l ,....,,.25.tt7t N DAILY PILOT .. luues Remain _w-key Batte Calms Market 81 IOBN CtJNNIFF ' AP ....... AN11" A bUlb haa fallen oe Wall Street, where earlier tbla dec- ade the defenden of private securities markets clashed with sovemment reaulators over the modernization of tradtnc. Confrontatlona are rare now; the dialogue is calmer, the Interfaces less anary. Muscle-nexing is hardly part of the scene. And so even i1 the level or discussion that many people ueume the luuea have died. THEY HAVEN'T. WHAT HAS HAPPENED is Uw presence or William "Mil" Batten , fl9, who bPcame chairman ol the New York Stock Exchange in 1976, suc - ceedtnc James Needham, a tnuah. tomet11ftes combati~t1 chief executive. Tbou1h assertive, as execuUves are, Batten 1s low key "I don't think much is accomplished by confrontation, .. he said the other day. ··w e can get more done if we avoid it than it we seek it out." It's Batten's mana1ement atyte. "I'm result-oriented," he said. The way to achieve goals is to have each 1roup understand the other. If screamina would do it, if it would achieve 1oal1, I'd be for It." He la a reasonable man. "The ob· jectives of the SEC ISecurilies and Ex- change Commission l and people in this business are the sa mt!," he said "We want a market in tht public interest We want integrity " cu11N10 Although you can find an argument on almost any sub· ject in this notorious ly opinionated community, many poo· pie think the Hatten style is right for the times UNDER NEEDHAM. A FORMER SEC comm1ss1oner . the hard in-fighting probably was required. because stock cxchan!=:eS at the t ime etssumed they were fighting for their lives Few SEC opinions were left unchallenged. But n<iw the law is written. Under a •975 act of Congress. the various exchanges are committed to linking their facilities into a central marketplace. Congress didn't specify the form. but 1t slal<.'<i the goal. As head or thC' b1Rgest exchange. Batten ·s role 1s to maintain a constructive dialogue with other exchanges . with tht> SF:C <.1nd with hrs own membership. and somehow to b<.t lam·e it all with the public Rood TO OATE, AS HE Sl:ES IT. the linkage 1s evolving smoothly a nd "tn accordance with the act." although he cont•t•des !-.Oml' disa~recment with the SEC on the rate of progress. on tht: timin~ or advances Batten. a lifelong merchandiser who capped a career at J .C Penney Co when he was named chairman. would like to 1•nlarge the pr(><Juct li ne at the 81g Uoard. primarily with rmanc1al futures a nd options llis cidministration has chanRed the floor itself· The trading posts arc· out. e lectronic gear 1s in Thl' visitor~ gallery. which handles 4:141,000 a year. is improvcf1 with commentary offered in fi ve languaRCS. THERE MA V EV EN BE A DAV when the H1g Board again will advertise its wares_ There ha.s been no advert1s· ing pro~ram for e1~ht or 10 years. or since regulatory an<! back office problems h•ok top pr1orily "It'!> not enou~h to have a good product." !la•d Batten the merchandistr "You havetoexplain illothe publtc-" Market Weathers Economic Adversity NEW YORK 1AP1 -Weathering reports of another bi_g Jump In consume r prices the stock market was mixed today Analysts had expected the rise m consumer prices . and said the ma rket took it calmly as a result. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial 1s!.ues wa~ down l.29pointsto836.37 But advances held a n 8·5 lead over declines in trading on the New York Stock Exchan~e. Stoc-k• In Tllr .fiipo1H91t1 1lmc-riran ~radrr• Pel. Up ti.• Up JSI> UP no Up It·· Up .t Up IU Up lt.O Up U.I Ujl U.t Up !U UP 14.4 Ull 14.3 Up 13.$ Up IU Up 13,0 Up IJ.0 Up 10.7 Up 10.~ Up tt Up t.• Up U Ull 94 Up •t Up .., UP l .J Up U Pel. IU 1.1 ., t.~ i.• u sj •• • •. , ••• l.t u l.I u u Ott u Ion U l.• l.4 J . l.• u Dow,on••,I 1·rraflt'• NEW V0 f'IK•AP • ~'""I Oo • J 0 I'\ t• ' it II •' f Jif 0 ,. ' STOCtn JO 1110 ~;19 ~g~6 l~~:'o ;;r, ~~ IS Uh 100 11 tOt 8<1 100\8 tOI tt• Ooi! 6\ SI• 188 31 1'IO IO 181 01 ll~ 34 • 0 '8 •not.' 1.Jt1Q,.t0! r, ,.,, Ht..llOO u I•" •02.1100 bS Stk 1 11'1,000 N l:W "URIC IAP • "Q'14l(1(,.0 Qfl<.l1nPO u n(,,P'\dnqto(J rota1 ·s~v41' N1tw tHOf'" Nf'w •ow~ ~ALE S NEW YOHlt IAP I ApQfOJll hl"rlt Prrv•o"' CW¥ Wtell -00 Monlh -V'ar AQO Two ,..,s "GO J<tn 1 to 11~1~ 1918 to oete 1•11 lo Oel~ WHAT AMEii HEW WOl>lt IAPI Ad .. n'o<l Dtcllnto Unc.,_n..,., T11l•I '" .... Hew hl911S New IO•\ N'f SIO<-"'I"" 11.110,000 7SJIO.OOO 1t>,~'O.OOO 19,&10.000 71,'10,000 IS,130,CW 010 1.8'9.1 u ,01s 1 "63, 780.roJ 1.111 900.000 Preo• locldy lldV l •8 JOO 111 1S8 HO 1~ 180 80ll II 19 & ..,... NEW YOlltlC IAPI .. ~,..,. & Ha•mM1 Hew Yortl •llvt• M.I ... Enqe111aro ,,,.,., H "'· 1 .. onc•1 .. u ....... GeW q .. aaflo•• 5ete<ted-ld OOld oroen 1o0a., ~: "*"1"' 1111ne .,,o.oo. ""W.2}. .ti•-f111nq '710.60 uo '6.IS P•m: .,.,_"•'no '2111.•s. 1111 u.1s. P ....... 1 '770.23. ""u.o. l•rlc•: 910 UIO.a up 14.U : Hked un.oo. .... ""'1: H.nc!Y & MMINIR bese ptlc• u1uo.1111tu0. II•• ,..,_: EnQtlll.,11 \•111119 prlt • $110,90, U11 M.IS Mew 't'wtl: fflOel-0 l'°'IU!eel QOICS 1m a .• 11.02. i-! / ,. The world looks a lot better from the bus. That's hccau~e the I JUS klreczcs nght by thf' (]<JS l111e And when you louk ot qus. prices the bus looks better still It 's true on the bus you save lime, you save ga'"> money. park- 1110 and you save a bundle on rostly tune-ups and repa1rc; The bus 1s one of the bes t bar- gains m town. Now that we've shown you the bottom line, take the step from the gas lines to the bus line. Step #1: You need cl bus sched ule. That httle item shows you how to go from your place, to your place of work, or any other place m Orange County Bus riding mfo r· 'mdtion 1s ava.1laole mover 150 convenient locations Check yo ur local post ofhce. city hall. shop· ping center. library, college campus. or senior citizen's center Step #2: Pick up an OCTD Ride-Guide ot the same time you pick up your "---------,.- ,1 hc·duii~ I he.: R1rlP·Gu1de mdps 1 iut the •ntirc OCTD route system ru id (~Xplains our many services cJ11d how to use them Step #3: When you go to the h1Js stop. please arrive a few min- utes early Step #4: And remem- ber to go with the exact rare. our drivers don't carry chc1n(JC For information call 636-RIDE. Our bus scrv1c~ changes as your need for service changes Call 636-RIDE to venfy your planned trip. recent changes. special ser- vices or holiday schedules Or <>imply cltal the operator and ask for our toll-free number ZENITH 7-RIDE Remember. thousands and thousands of people are getting oll the qas and on the bus Our phone l111es are busy So the answer 1s call late or early in the day And when you call, tell the operator where you're traveling to and from and your arnvdl ttme And please keep pencil and paper handy to 10 1 down the mformat1on you need I Services above and beyond the call. The bus is here to serve yuu and we have a vancty of serv1c ·• to do 1t For example. our Dial· A· Ride servtC'C - a phone call hcis a bus calhng right at your door m 1ust 30-mmutcs EasyR1dor pro- vtdes fast localized service m ccr· tam neighborhood areas We g1w handicapped riders a hclpmCJ hand with Dial-A-Lift service Com· muters save time llnd money by using Park-N-R1de-an express servtce from designated parking areas to congested business centers The fare's fair. The bus 1s an economy modt:I You can ride all over town on our hxed route service for exactly 35~ Bus transfers are free Just 7()q: one-way 1s the rule for special bus fares includinq D1al·A·R1de. Park-N-R1de and Dial-A Lift But there's an exception to every rule and the Park-N-R1de service from Fullerton to downtown L A is it-it's $1.60 each way In all cases. please carry exact fare unless you are nding on a pass or bcket book I • I . ---.... ---. -· ' ~'\ \ '-: "'\ \ ' ' "\. ""' \ Ride the pass and pass the savings on to yoW'Self. Everyhme you ride the bus. you save. You save time. yo11 savt: gas. you save yourself the aggra · 1at1on of traffic and parking and you save w ear-and-tear on your cdr Local passes are $14 monthly A Park-N -R1de commuting pass 1~ 1ust $28 The pass also saves you the bother of keeping exact c hange on hand These days, the smart money's riding on the bus. The bus 1s comfortable It ·s dependable. So 11 the gas c ns1s is getting on your nerves. get on tht: bus instead WB'REHERE TO GET YOU THERE. ~-.... ·---- 1 ~ \ -4 r 1 l ! ' -- - . i - v ~ ~ ~ ' . c ' 1 c ~~~""1!'~4:-:-...:....":'• ..---: ::..:.. :.:. .:..:..--: •......... fl"., --• ---------··---....-.·--·--:-.. -···--~~-":':.--~~,._. -. ..... .... .... ---. ~-.... _, . ., ....... --~-···-:....--··':· --·-· -· .,. .. -.... ..._.._ . •Out'NAbout •MovleRevl!tws • Wieekeude-r __ _ .. •I ntermisslon •Comics, TV _ F'ncllf1 ._ 26, 1111 DAILY "LOI f __________ ..... ______ .... ____ ,.... ____________________________________________ _ Bear's Sueee~ Traleked Datly Pilot photographs by Lee Payne contrast the architectural bnc-a-brac of Golden Bear with 1rs rrural of past performers Ot '"" 0.111 1'1101 Swtt Tht.·rl· \\,1:-. th1· night P •tcr Frdmplon J11111µt·ll out ul lht· "111g-. s lung 1111 a Gibson Les P:iul .• ind f11•ctl out ~1 f1·v. :-.olt>::. with a nt-w hand <'Ull ed F1 rdall Or the tinw ;1 then 1usl·ris1ng comc1.han, Stt.•ve Martin. fin1slll'tl his al'I by leading all 300 pt•ople out of lht' C.()ldcn B1•ar. a1·ro:-.s the street. and onto the lluntingtun lkat·h P1 r r to trade in· ::.1 ght~ with hew1ldncll Jt•s us l"n.:a ks -A SMOKY I lite rally 1 night .,.. hen the awesomt• Jamail'an n ·ggae and GunJ(a con- seiousness from smgn guita rist l'cter Tosh was followt•tl by lht• :-.m<'ll nf 1sl:.ind·st ylc fish stew wafting fn1m h;wks tag1· out into lhe darkened 1·luh ThrE'l' c1u.1rtl'fs n·union of the or iginal l h rtls. l\kGuinn. Clark and Hillma n · l.1nda Ronstadt making wha t µrovt·d to lie hl'r final night (•lub ap1>rarante Thl' m any night~ of humllr 1a1.2 folk and II\ 1ng room amb1cnc1· \\1th c·ompo:-.c•r Kenny Hankin Jl ST A Ft:W form idable ffil·murtc!'-llf T he (;ot1kn lk·ar . I tw da:-s H· Sparu-;h st~ le: :.tucco m lluntmgton Bt•;wh lh:i t th1:-month rclcbratt•s 11:-. fifth ann1 H'rsary undcr the guidanee or its ro ownt•rs Rwk and Chu('k Bah1rnck1 a ncl the rest of th<' Be ar family .. I [Jtin't forgl't that finol word 1 What ~tarll'd 11ut a:-. a iwan·h fo r a bt•ach side s ta nd tu :-.C'll Greek fo1)d tu :.ummt:r tourist~ 1ndireetl\ IC'd tht• hrc1thcr~ to t.1 !>hutdown club with •m 1.llusl nou~ past and a far l<•ssc·r future Till' rei;t. :-o m e mi ght say. is h1 s tor) Ho wcn·r . the early frustrations. the late hours und striving for integrity and perfection m a high-pressure business are still factors to be ,·onsidered now and in the club's future WHY HAS THE Golden Bear made it where others have fo iled in one of t he la rgest rec:ord· buying markets in the nation" The Babirackis can explain it best "We try to bring in a nyone we feel is quality t>ntcrtainmcnl regardless of the ir music." said Hick ··If we fe el the re's •m interest in Ora nge County to see this typl' of act, we'll bring the m Ill. .. "WE OON'T WANT to hecome tyµecast in ;111y one kind of mold. as far as jazz or rock. so µcoµle don't lhmk of the Golden Bear in one kind of vein ... Chuck added. Indeed. 11 is not unusua l for a Golde n Bear booking week to start out with the m ellow jazz of J ohn Kle mmer . switch to the down home lJlucs of U. U. or Albe rt Kini;: and finis h up with th<' high Pnerg) Ol'W w:.i vc of the Hamones. Sound~. s1m1>lt'. hut 11 isn't · · 1t '-; a prl'lt \ complex t1u:-.1ncsl.. · · -;a~ s 1<1ck. ··Tht·re \\:Js a 11lac-t: c<.1lled the Under The l'in Club in Hcdontlo Ucac:h that op ·ned om· ''cc·kend and had :1 b<1ut a hundr\.·d scats Thev h1111ked in Towt•r 11f Power :rnrl paid them SlO.()(HI .1 111ght. "THEY FH;t'R EO lh1•y 'd mukc up the d1f ft•n ·nrc at till' bar and make· :J big .splC1sh Th1•y cl1dn ·t sell out <md went bunkrupt that weeke nd "Thi· Golden Hct.1 r has tuke n a lot of acts (See C U JR'S, Pa~t-('6 I Frenzy Set to Music GWC Performers Recreate Social Escape SC'enl·ry for (;olden West College ·s s pring m u::,i('al. "Caba ret,"' ts dc~1gnl·ci ·tC1 draw lh1· audience inlo th<il frantic period in German.\ of the 1920s whe n the society was being geared up for World War I t. . The glittering. frenzied musical will play in the community theate r on campus tonight. Saturday. May 31 and June I. 2, 7, 8 and 9 at 8:30 with a 2:30 matinee on June 10 THEATER ARTS ini;tructor Cha rles Mitchell is overseeing the SO dancers. singers. actors and pit orchestra of 20 in the largest musical ever m ounted at GWC. Cast in lead roles a re Craig Flem ing. Dave Morris, Ski p Kincaid. Brandee Williams. Linda Bekas. Greg F'urlong a nd Yetta Benson. Set designer Waller Huntoon created the backdrops by focuSing o n how the society was structured. "There was almost an entombment. an encasing or people in the solid lifestyle they had to conform to in order to build toward war." he said. .. WITIDN THAT. their escape was the cabaret. As the society progressed into bat- tle, the structure would be just as solid, but the cabarets became more and more bizarre -even perverse. "And make-up became more extreme. Men dresaed as women on the stage; it was farcial. The cabaret became the ultimate in pleasure-seeking and sensation; It was weird and strange ." Using steel. cement a nd heavy brickwork elf eel.a, Huntoon has created a building that "has been taken over and has become a cabaret." TIU ENHANCES Mitchell's approach of bavln1 everything like place within the cabaret so that It becomes the limits or • society. 1\ll the acts l.ikl' pl<t('(' on revolving I urntahlc•s exec pl for train scenes which oc· cur on a side slagc. The main stage has been extended out over two rows in the 350-scat theate r to give the audience a closer feeling or the time and place ·"C<Jbarel' is an American musical even though it is set in Ge rma ny," Mitchell sa id IT WAS WRITT~N BY Americans and its first production on nroadway in 1966 ran away with eight Tony awards. including ··best musical " ··n y its very nature. such a dramatic musical needs a staff of specialists to pull it off." adcf(>d Mitchell who will be assisted by David Anthony, Warren Pete rkin a nd Carol Canigha. directors or the orchestra . vocals a nd choreogra phy Their c halle nge was to Interpret the serious the me that se ts this musical a part from the happier . mo re romantic examples of the genre . SET IN BERLIN in the late 20's when the world was shrugging off Hitle r as a passing note that needn't disturb dedicated dancers • the plot centers around the indomitable waif, Sall y Bowles -a vital. charming and ex- asperating c h a r acter who paints h e r fingernails emerald green. Berlin in those days was destrlbed as a seething cauldron of lust. greed and corrup. tion. The economy was ln chaos -the un· e mployed were In worse straits even than the American victims of the Depression. There seemed no hope for them, and no help. But Berlin kept its spirits up by plunging --'nto any form or amusement that was going. Cabarets, cares, nig htclubs, and danc e restaurants sprang up overnight, and they were always jammed. Reserved seating ls available for the nine performances. For tickets phone the college bookstore 892·7711. ext. 545. ! Happiness Over s UCI Stage By TOM BARLEY Of 11•• o.lly ~-, .... Many a foot tapping frolic in our musical theater has ats source and inspira tio n in the '20s and the reason isn't hard to find For the music of the era was fresh, sprightly and tuneful and the young people of SO years ago who caught the tempo of tht• t1 mes faste r than you can catch a bus simply gave 1t all they had. AND SHRF.WD SPECIALISTS in mus ical theater crafted the1 r scores to match the soaring spirit or the times Almost invariably. al was a format that ens ured success at the box office ~ The re are me mora ble musicals based on the ·205: idiom a nd they have etlways been, a nd always will be, popula r But none more so tha n "No. No. Nanette" of "Tea For Two" t.1nd .. , Want To Be Ha ppy" fame. Vincent Youmans gave us a bright and breezy score which simply de mands of ats interpreters that they give it all they've got and 1f that isn't enough for the audience give the m a little more. WHICH IS EXACTLY thl' way 1t went Thursday night t.1l CC lrvint'. with "Nanette" entrusted to a 40-member cast that wl)uld han• had the always demonstrative and demanding YoumJns be llow1n~ his approval. l\1111d )ou. thc·rl' wt-re many of us an the Fine Arts Villa11.e Tht•all·r "ho did our be~t to make up for his absence ll "a" chccr<; c:1ll the way as the final curtain ap- proached and th1·n· "3!) JOY onct Jubilation on both sides or the foothght ., JS that -.plt·ntl1d ca:-t hat us with a glittering finall' thut ltl·d cJ IJ1 g r1hbim on this happy package. ~anew" • ., .1 l raumph for Fine Art s Dean Clayton (;an 1s11n. lht· arch11t·c·t 11f .,0 muny tasteful ucr offe rings. ('I.EARi.\' ~OVEO T tlt:RSDA\' night. he had warm 1>r <Hsl' f11r .ill hi-. Jll'rformPr' a<; lhey trooped back stage. s hort of breath hut not too tired lo gnn. That's the kmd of casl that Carrison has woven into this brilliant "Nanette;" if they'd thought that the v1s1tors in the dressing room would like a reprise of "Tea ft'or Two" we'd have got it right the re. Garrison 1s the first to tell you that his "Nanette" is a team effort. So 1t 1s. but there are names that mus t be name d in the afterglow o f this memorable musical. Pretty Carol Jones. pouring on the son& and dance with gusto in the title role; the stand-out performance or Roy Fitzell as Jimmy. simply reveling in Donald Saddler's s uperb choreography: Kimberly Maddock. tremendously impressive in the key role or Lucille and Allen Harrison. splendidly cas t as .Jimmy . IT WAS A TRIUMPH or teamwork. assuredly. and that cast brought us off our seats in delight as they perkily moved en masse into the catchy numbers that have made "Nanette" an ageless musical. Include in that team designers Richard Triplett. Cameron Harvey and Robert Howell wbo give as tateful a nd utterly appropriate sets; musical director Irvin Kimber. whose unfailing baton 1ot every ounce of mlleqe from the grand a nd glorious Youm1na score and a dedleat· ed production staff that bad Garrison tieamlnl wttb pride. We wa nted to be happy 1bursday nl.lbt and tbia crackerjack "Nanette" crew Oiled our cup to overOowln& with a musical that this writer hasn't seen m1tebed this season. It runs tonight and Saturday at 8 and then Tuelday tbrou1h Saturday at the same time. AND HERE'S A LATE nasb that m1y make you UD· happy it you haven't already caught "Nanette." Tickets are available for Tuesday and Wednesday only: all otber performances ar e sold out. And no wonder. ------..-... .... Fri411r, May 21, 117'1 ous &IDT8UWs arid rntema ronauts, lnch.tdlng • husb9nd and wife .. m, wtll take to HM sklnS.tuntay t-_..ln ttte hl1tork Gordon Bennett Battoon Race, l.unchtno from lM Queen M•ry focks in Lono Be.ch. Ten Eu,_,.,., four ~erkan end one Japenese entrtn wltl ~ompete In the 27th renewel of the -.....__.~ntest that cMtes back to..!* In Perl,. t:-!---<1...T._ftW commlUH Is offerlno two spectator ats a~rd the Columbine 11 at $5,000 ••ch to help defrey expenses of the event. MERY GRIFFIN, Berbara McNalr , Trlnl Lopez, <;athy Lee Crosby, Lyle WaQQoner, ~on Ely, Ross Martin and Cornet Wilde have reolstered for the Skiles & Hender$0n pro/celebrity tennis dasslc, 10 •.m . to 6p.m . dajly through Monday al the Marriott .. otel courts In Newport Beach. Proceeds from the $1.S box seat and S6 general tic kets will benefit International Orphans. Inc. GUITARIST DAYE MASON launches thtt eason at the Greek Theater In Los Angeles on Thursday, May 31 through June 2. Disco stars, the Vlllaoe People and Gloria Gaynor . Wiii take over the stage June 6-9. For !Showtlmes and ticket prices phone (213) 660-8'00. THE HAYDN ORCHESTRA, directed by Alan 1Parker, will feature Stephen Bryant and Raymond T ischer In it s 8:30 p.m . Saturday ,performance at M cGaugh Intermediate School, ,f;orner of Seal Beach Boulevard and Bolsa Avenue In Seal Beach. Donations of $3 .are suggested for the Informal concert. I THE JAZZPOT, newly opened at 3~4 E. .coast Highway In Corona del Mar, Is presenting vocallst Bev Kelly and the Jack Prather Tr io tonight and Saturday. ,Light supper available. For more details, phone 673-7181 . THE FANTASIES of the ''Hansel and retel" ballet w ill come to life at 11 a.m . aturday and 1 p.m. Sunday In the Irvine tffigh School auditorium, 4321 Walnut Ave. ~he Young Performers' Workshop of the Institute of Dance Arts In Irvine will present the fully costumed and choreooraphed classic. Tickets are S 1 . .50. KI NG ZULU PARADE RS, a New Orleans style Dixieland band, will provide the music for dancers Saturday night at the Catali na Casino. The festivities from 9 to 1 a.m . will be part of many act ivities commemorating the SOth anniversary of the famed structure. Tickets are S7.SO. Catalina Island Cruises' "dance special" aboard 700-passenger vessels will leave San Pedro at 7 p.m. and depart Ava lon at 1 :30 a.m . Boat transportation is S 12 round trip. ~rrangements m ay be made through Ticketron. ~ ERFORMANCES OF George Bernard Shaw's .'Candida," a drawing room comedy about the ypocrisy of m arriage, will be staged at o·c lock tonight and Saturday In the ine Arts Studio Theater at UC lrvlne. avid McDonald is directing the free, nconventional presentation. . CUBAN BALLET DANCERS VIOLINIST MIKE MAUR•As will conduct the West Coast Chamber Orchestra In its I o'clock concert tonight In the HHlth Science lecture hall at Golden West Coll999. There Is no .admission charge for the program of works by Handel, Vivaldl, Mozart and Boyce. THE LOS ANGELES Philharmonic will present• free concert at 2 p.m. Sunday In Hollywood Bowl. Sidney Harth will conduct and solos will spotlight Thomas Stevens, trumpet; Ronald Leonard, cello; Paul Schenly, piano and Alexander Treoer, violin. "DIRTY WORK AT the Crossroads,'' a real old-fashioned melodrama with slnolng waiters, a barker and musical acts between scenes, is being staged at Phillips Hall on the Santa Ana College campus, 17th and Bristol streets. Curtain time is 8 o'clock tonight, Saturday and May 30-June 2. Root beer and popcorn will be sold. Tickets are lim ited. MARCIA WALLACE AT QUEEN MARY TY COMEDIENNE Marcia Wallace stars as Doris and John Lawlor as George in "Sam~ Time, Next Year," playing at the Queen Mary Dinner Playhouse in Long Beach. The romantic comedy will continue throuoh June 17. For showtlmes and reservations phone (213> 432-7428. Charloue Ku~ ,1no O,J,,O S•f'Qer TICKETS NOWI GRAND OPENING TIMEX SALES & SERVICE STARS of the ROYAL. DANISH BALLET in Boumonville Festival June 5-10 PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE • PROGRAM 1(June5,8 1nd 7 Ev••· 8:30; June 7 Mat. 2:30) KONSERVATORIEl · FLOWCR FESTIVAL AT GENZANO (pas Cle Cleux) ·FOLK TALE ( GYPSY pas Cle sept). OIVERTISSEMENTS rROM PAS OE TROIS COUSIN($· SIBERIA TO MOSCOW texcerpls) ·POLKA MILITAIRE ·THE LITHUANIAN· OIVERTISSEMENl fROM 'FAR A WatchADB:v _ GIVEAWAY.* TO CEL EBRATE THE GRANO OPEN ING OF OUR NEWPORT·M ESA STORE , WE 'RE GIVING AWAY A T IMEX• WATCH EVERY DAV. • D raw ing will be held daily 1 ·You need not be pr~sent to win •No p urchase necessar y. FROM DENMARK'· KERMESSE IN BRUGES (pas Cle Cleu•) ·NAPOLI ~A LLE'! NACIO~AL de Cuba starts an •PROGRAM 11 (June a & 9 international fest ival of dancing in the Ev11.8:30;June10M1t.2:30) .,.. •COMPLETE SELECTION OF TIMEX WATCHES ~ Al!THOAIZED TIMEX REPAIR SERVICE •OTHER MAKES SERVICED Southland when the cur tain goes up Wednesday, BOURNONVILLE ETUOE WITH LA May 30 at the Shrine Auditorium in Los VESTAL (pas <le <1eux1 ·FLOWER Angeles Dir ector A licia Alonso will present FESTIVAL AT GENZANO. DIVER· t N . · · . TISSEMENT FROM 'WILLIAM TE LL wo orth American premieres during the . 'LA VENTANA' 1excerpls). CJIVER· seven performances. The Royal Danish Ballet TISSEMENT FROM 'GUARDS Al and the Royal Ballet of London are slated to AMAGER" NAPOLI appear in June. NUIBIACIVICAlllT•M CANCELLATION : A concert that was to have featured guitarist Gabor Szabo and benefited the United Cerebral Palsy Associat ion of Orange County at Orange Coast College Saturday will not be presented college spokesmen announced. fldlets Music Cerar &Pasadena CIVIC Also purcnase bV phone on ma1or cred11 cards (213) 972-7611 Mon tnru frr 110 am to 5 P'!l l w11n 50• per 11c~et Mn<111no and Mutuals! r11f.1C I (1111~1•~(~111•Al•O~, GRAND OPENING ~ .. MAY2 • Style rrey vary lrom that ShOwn Retail value to Sll995 Oller eJ1p. May 31st 1979. 17th ST .. COSTA MESA f ,., "0" trom A•lph ,. 642-9667 Look For GRAND OPENING IRVINE Jeffery & Walnut at the Santa Ana Fwy. THE LAFF STOP, tra nsformed into the Magic Stop ever y M onday, wi ll feature the i llusions of ~?n Jones and Flam~, the See any other attradion, then save ~each en you see us! Movieland Wdx Museum Right in the middle of the fun Belt! MiVl;LAND rn KNOTT'S ~ •! r-< 0 Just show us their ticket stub-or other proof of attendance at any Southern California outdoor attraction-and your party gets $1 off every Movieland admission through May 31 , 1979. Save gas, too, because we're at the heart of things ... on Beach Blvd. in Buena Park. Discover the surprise of Movleland-where you see more than 200 lifelike, life-size movie and TV stars in authentic costumes and famous settings. Your admission also admits ~ou t N CD r-< 0 to the fabulous Palace of Living Art. And you can enjoy a delicious. reasonably priced meal or snack at our beautiful California Plaza. And for the scare of your life- choose our combination tickets and get a real thrill at the Haunted House. right next door, with its living spooks and monsters. So, If you're out for tun-make Movieland Wax Museum part of it. Stay close in. save gas, save money. Box office open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m . Sun. through Thurs.; to 11 p.m. Fri. and Sat. MO\llfLAND WAX MUSfUM ' .. • --._.._ --- - -• ----r ,. -• -.-• • • • • • • - - -.,. ~ - -~l".!!1,,-..,.~• .., - -• ••• .. --·' \ ~ I '· I 1 I I~ .1 •z:ar-=rr--~,.__. PARK ENTERTAINMENT D•llY Pole! ~ ..... , •Y Tim ·-Mfl ~.-215,111'1 OM. Y P'll.OT C2 ---alent's Tops Saddleba~k Casts S1lm_mer _flays,J Professional and amateur performers converging on Sad· dleback College in Mission Viejo for a summer season of major theater producllons will showcase their abilities in four plays, including: "Scapino!" in the intimate set- ting of the Studio Theatre on Tuesdays through Sundays, June 21-July 22. "Luv" in the 400·seat Fine Arts Theatre June 28-July 1 and July 5·8. -"ONE FLEW OVER the Cuckoo's Nest" in the Fine Arts ·Theatre July 12-15 and 19·22. "Guys and Dolls" in the Fine Arts Theatre August 1-5 a nd 8-l2. Season tickets for one performance of each show are on sale Monday. Friday from 10 a .m.·2 p.m. in the Fine .t\rtS Box Office on campus at 28000 Marguerite Parkway Cost is $20 general adm ission and $16 for ASB and Saddleback Gold Card holders for the entire season a 20 percent savings over individual ad missions . P hone 83 1·7414 or 495·2790 for information and credit card orders. ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Brian Donoghue said this summer's events could prove even more outstanding than the first season last year. which was a near sellout and drew rave press review!!. That production will be d1.reded lt9 Saddleback Company veterai Christopher Catt, a Callfornliail! turned prof eaaor of lbeatre artl at the Slate University of New York. SOME OF THE lop talent iJ(. eludes: ., -Stephen Liska, who will portr~ Sky Masterson in "Guys and Dolls,"' had the featured role of "Devil'' Mother" in the recent controvenUiJ film "The Warriors." -Steve Nevil. cast as one of tbt two male leads in "Luv," has been signed for a new movie with Jolril Belushi. , Olivia Sanchez. to appear ai 1 Nurse Ratched in "Cuckoo's Nest " and featured in "Guys and Dolls,·· has an impressive list of dancing, singing and acting credits on both the East and West Coasts. Kirk Jackson, cast as the cha1acter Scapino, is best remem- bf> r ed locally as the master of cer e monies in last summer·s "Cabaret .. Janet Lazarus, the only female c ha r acter in "Luv," portrayed1 another key character in "Cabaret." Anthony Henderson. cast ih m ain roles for "Cuckoo's Nest" and "Guys and Dolls," comes to Sad dleback from the prestigious Santa Maria Pacir1t· Conservatory of the Perforrrung Arts 1 OLIVIA SANCHEZ, STEVE NEVIL, ANTHONY HENDERSON (RIGHT) COMING TO SADDLEBACK Jay E. Raphael. an East Coast ac- tor -di r ec tor . will a!>se m bl c "Scapino! ·· and "Ont Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and play the lead role in .. Guys and Doll!! .. Kim Mowrv , i.la t e d for "Sl·ap1no! .. and "G.uys and Dolls.'' has credits ranging from televiston and the movie~ to theatre and rtt0rd· m g Also In Summer Plays (left): Janet Lazarus, Kirk Jackson. Christopher Catt. Jay Raphael, Stephen Uska A•nosement Parks' Music Keeps Holiday Humming, Memorial IJ<tv Wf'ckcncl 1~ lht· s umm1:r season opt•ner for· Southern California a musl' ment 1J<1rks and they ·r,. present mg a lm(•up of cnterli.linmcnt winners. THt-; TWICF.·NIGllTI. \' .. Debbie Reynold:. Sho~ ·· at Knoll's Bcrrv Farm will reature thl· aclrcss-rt'('Ording star singing, danCIOJ{ and elf· fechonalely impersonating her !>}low businc~:-. sistns Dolly Parton , Barbra Str1>i s<ind and Z~a Zsa C.~hor Real Cantonese Food e.tt here or take home STAG CHINESE CASINO °"'* J.9560 HOLLYWOOD J<~AT8 l\tay 25 & 27 ~ · 30 to 1 · 30 MARK TURNBULL /\nd The Health Rand ::;at.. May 26 9 :~0 to I Jn STEVE HOOKS BAND Sal., May 26 3to7 p.m . NEWSBOY Sun., May 27 3 to 7 p.m open 24 ho urs 340 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach, Califo rnia ( 714) 494--8088 WE COIDIAlL Y INVITE YOU TO COME TO OUR NEW IESTAUIANT (FORMEIU Y MITLA'S) AND ENJOY OUll COMl'l..ETEL Y DIFFEIEN T GOURMET MENU - NOW FEATUllNG 001 FAMOUS "DON M.UCIAL MAIGAllTAS" "Come In And Say Hello!" LUNCHEON SPECIAL 1 leef Taco, 1 Cheese Enchil.u ~ wllh '""'or Rice $2.25 Until 4;00 P.M. llONIWIOil All ..... a .. aw•lnMIXICMIW •••• ...... aea ... sr N1 .... , ..... Coeta ..... 141-1714 ...., ,. •• ,,a,....,.,.. ,.,... ....... _.....~ \11 s1tors t<i thl· Buc:na Purk l<indm a 1·k tonight through !\tondl!y ab(J will hear the hl111· gra:.s hand · Ph1ddlt'lw rmonic .. and th1: rock tJ;rnt 111)! ... c1unds of "liwnl C.:1l> ·· "Al.I. Tllt\'f J.\ZZ" al D1~ncylant.I Sat urda~ :11111 Su11da~ "'ill b1• performed by l'l'll· Fountain :snrt h1:. ;\('\~ Orlcan~ liand. M<1ynurd "'C'rgu:;on. Wnody l11 •rman. lhl' Ak1 yoshi Tabatksn H1g B;1ncl . Mongo SantamariLI . Arneti<t Walk er a nd T1·d dy Bucknf'r with t11:. J azz Alh tan, NOW IN COSTA MESA GUADALAJARA RESTAURANT HOMEMADE MEXICAN FOOD OPEN DAILY 11 :00 A.M. to 11 :00 P.M. 665 PAULARINO Comer of lris._,ft..._."° Piao IN.lit to lu CojHldH Cw.ti \ COSTA MESA 5 .. 0-2192 1 Tht' highlight will he a ··Rolling H1 ve r Hn w . .-... to lw :;et>n <.il ~::JO and 10 ·30 p.m on <t ~1Jl'1°i;.11ly c:on!'ttruc:tet.I rtoaling :;tagc in Fron llt·rl;1nd. Otht'r musical groups will stroll throu~h the park and top-rated high school and C<lll egt' b<Jnds also will appear on various stages COMPELLING TRIBAi. RHYTHMS will :-;1·t the pact· ror p{·rformances by the Mor i Nim· ua West African Da nce Company at nooo. 3:30 l(U AVE PICO SAN CLEMENTE 9l671 presents David "olliday starring in ALAN JAY lfHN(H ...... !( , ... FREOE lllCK LOCWf (Vl RV IULSOAY IHRUSUNOAV (VlN11'41• (714)-492-9950 -MAKE HESERVATIONS - and 5 p.m. on the picnic lawn:; adjacent to Bub- bles Memorn:.1r Tht>atcr at I.ion Country Safari in lrvint> Their roullncs are.. punctuated by 6·fooJ, leap!> and explosive acrob<tltes The repertoire will be augmentt:d hy a dts· play of authe ntic African artifacts. ras htons. fabrics and handcrafted musical instruments. New tourln~ hou rs for the wildhfo preserve will be 9 a .m to 6 p m. for entering cars. Safari Camp closes at dusk. ~-s~bastians- OINNER PLA Y HOU~E AttbeGRAND HOTEL I HOTEL WlY, 'INAHUlll. CA 911'2 presents SUSAM WATSON WALTER WIWSOM s1arr1119 m RUSSll.LMYPI ACE MASK Ho!..,.• lf•ll l •I \l•V ~U( tty ALAN JAY lCRNER fREDEHICK LOEWI! EVERY ll1fS (HRU SUN EVES Iii SUN. BRUNCH (714)772-7710 -MAKE RESERVATIONS - 'llllliiiiiiiiiiiiiNOW OPENING MAY 30 WILLIAM CHAPMAN FINAL WEEK HUNTZ MARVIN 11,\Ll ANO KAPLAN IN NEIL SIMON'S l HE SUNSHINE BOYS You could lose your head: over our Henry vm cut IN BRUNCH PERFORMANCE FIDDLER ON THE ROOF ~EVE-RYSU-NDAY ...... SPECIAL BRUNCH PERFORMANCE wr 0 JUIJE 13 s 1? IJO Book by JOSEPH STEIN Lyrics by St-iELDON HARNICK Music by JERRY BOCK PERFORMANCES: TUES.THAU SUNDAY TICKET INCLUDES 1.u1r11 r ·, ·.c llA,\ ''.uM.11 t:· 10• W!~Y 'Pll':.' OUR "POPUL~ 'PRICE §CALE: , "fBB .md gravy. Hoi cornbt'l'ad • and honey butter. But blllc people can p;1y even le~~ Children are rh.trj!cd OCCOl'dml( to 1he1r -111h1 oo nur old·fo~h1ont-d ..cale. Cocktilll!> and Wint' are aVllla~. Mai;ler ~-= Char11e and Vl~A welcome. ~ Banquet facilille~ avatlable "° 'YBLLOW9IOUSB 1639 E. lmpt'nal Hi«fiw11~. Brei • ~vd., Costa Mesa• (714) ;>49-0319 Oimwr: Mon.-llavn. 5-1, Prt. ~10, S.1. '4·10, Sun. 12·9. Coe .. Mne la a,en for tunch Moft .• frt. 11:30-2:00 p. "'· It ·s that good. So 1::i the Roa st 'd Duckling. the Rack of Lamb and all our other olde-f ash1oned feasts. We serve them in royal style. too. Jn our own 17th century English inn. Ifs a heady atmosphere. FIVE c:PaWNS :~: '.l8C)I Ll!>I eoo~t I h~h\\aV. CoronJ dd Mar . (714) 675-1374 lu11c11ttn smld dally 111 4 P.I . Prlwll• Party Fadlltltl II 3GO 3901 E COAST HWY . CORONA DEL MAR RESERVATIONS C7T4) 67S-OllOO 16279 PAC1f1C COAST HWY., HUNTINGTON BEACH RESERVATIONS !21.J) 592·1321 ~ ............... .__ ...... --......... -.. .. ._...,---· -··--.-...--·----- ' I. I • t 4 Friday, Mey 26. tt?t ~ . . I ' • Celebrities open Tony il.oma'a for Ribs in Newport • • ()peniq 1Ulht la ID e"9t I try to 1¥0id: ~ ... it no iubaUtute for 1ubltuee whetMr for a rHlaurant, tbe circus or a dlckybird uactuary. But one un, no doubt, be amused .... lnatructt!d by m1kln1 an .eutonal excep. .... ! A cue ln point w.s the fte9ftl soiree tb1l launched TOl\Y Rome ·a rettaurut 'n Newport lea(b. ll'tom our obtervatlon pott at tbe end of ~ bar w~ C.'OOCluded this 1ala drew more Mdalttea, celebrities end jet-aettens to these aMrea than ml1ht have 11theted for the Pnnce olWaa.· wedding. CONSIDERING A FEW partacul»t!\ in the reetaurant ·s operahon that's not too surprising 1* b. few instance. a known enterprise: tb1• llewport pl.ace is the latest link an a chain of ~ltlen cg~ ~-i4 S/i:;)ragon __ .... GEMUINf CHINESE MANDARIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A lo Corte Dishes LUNCH•DINNER DAILY Food To Take Out tt:30A M to 10 PM l02JHerMrlhd. COSTAMHA 642·7162. 611·"' & ~otlgJtoger DINNER SPECIALS SERVED NIGHTLY FROM 4:00 P .M MON. & TUE Broasted Ct11ckcn $2.95 WED .•. Sahsbury Steak $2.65 ntUR •... Broctielle ol Beef $3.35 or Spagtielli . $2.65 FRI ..•. Terlyeki Steak . . .$4.25 SAT ..•• Brochette of Beel $3.35 or Chicken Fried Steak $2.90 SUN ..• Roest Sirloin ol Beel $3.35 A 11 served w i th soup or salad, choice of potato, hot roll and butter , beverage, jello or sherbet. -.; BEER• WINE 400 S. COAST HWY. LAGUNA BEACH 494-3137 A Dining Experience Beyond the Expected Your lnvc111• c .1~111· •• '· •;k ... h.-: ·. , &..'O food. dr•hcol• •soups cln ~s1col ~ 1!nd · prt?par ... -'Cl to plro!i~' your pnlat,~ S· r "~d i: 1 lh·~ omb1•.nc,• of mo~I btOUll1ul c.r. :1:01 surroundinc;s. Mak..· yew rcs"rvo11ons n~ w for O lruly t'rllOYOblu dll11n'J o.. xr,_ r11.11-:- :reo Fashion Island, Newport Center Reservations (714) 644-4811 Century Plaza Hotel, Century City Reservations (213) 277-1840 j li~e·named ( 1rnd hlahly 1uccenful) spots strctcb.inac coast to coHt . Tht> matt l e rm inds are boa viYaat reatuurateur Tony Roma and hia cloee friend and partnt·r. Clint Murchison, Jr., Texas mllllonalrt>. flniancler, owner of the Dallas Cowhoys, et(' • etc , etc Having threaded our way throu&h the maze or hmousinn at the entrance, we tbea tried to elbow our way throu1h the cruab ol animated fi rst-nighters inside. A fair sprink.liq ol promi· ne nt louts in<.'luded Gene Washburn with a par- ty o r 10 guests, J ohn and Maruja Hodges. Supervisor Tom and Emma Jane Riley, Bob .· Child's Plag M onda~'. May 28. will be Family Day at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire. continuing at the Old Paramount Ranch in Agoura on weekends through June 3. Children under 12 will bl' udmittccl free when accompanied • hy u n C:Jdult They a re invited to dress in Elizabethan garlJ cind s ample toe foods. c·r afts. plays a nd pageantry. Take the Ven- tura Frl'l'Wa v west to the Chesebro Road exit and follow the s igns to free Faire park- ing Celebrate that Graduation hy planning a Tea Party ,1 t wen unb ~ympat~y f uglis~ Antiques wit~ wenltnnm ·J 17th STREET and TUSTIN AVE COSTA MESA llll'hinJ Jt\CK·IN·THl:.·BOXI Monday thru Saturday -t I um til S p1u ·AN ENTERTAINING M~MORIAL WEEKEND BRAND¥ BRANDON TRIO Tue. thru Sat. OMHHION I llAKl!R Sun. and Mon. ~~ BHtlll/vl Lob rore.i • 11111 ~AT RIDQI ftOUTI .;., 11Nm .. ~\ ll4 -' ... ,"::I:., • .... "·~···. •.• ~h~~::.'i ili ou s\: Ll!I CZIMBl!R TRIO Appearing Nightly Tue. thru Sat. 314 '°"'IT AW. LAGUNA llACH l ... .,_,_ Ample free P11r•1n9 4M·Mt1 752-1551 GAINl!I ITllLI! with KILLY LIMAIRI Tue. thru Sat. SANDl!RI a LOWELL Sun. and Mon. J2102 COMT HWY. LAGUM NIGUEL 1•1c-.-,~......,, •n-2121 -.srn and Jeannette Spreen. Joey Blabop, Jobn and Marion Shea. BllT ll08T TONY, it would appear, pulled in a far lar1er contin1ent from such distant points on the 1lobe as Palm Beach, Fla., Palm Spriqa and Beverly HUia. And in the wake of a 1aa crunch, yet! Some ol the Beverly Hilla haminaries easily spotted were Academy Award wiDDinl director Vincente llinnelli and his fiance Lee Anderson; mualc man Henry and Ginny Mancini; actress Eve Gabor Jameson; Luis Esteves, well·known couturier; TV and movie star Barbara Rush. Also: director Robert and Estelle Enders I just back from London>; TV star Christina Belford; real estate tycoon Stan Herman and lovely star Unda Evans, leadin1 lady in Steve llcQueen's new picture, "Mr. Hom"; actor Johil Phillip Law with beauteous model Linda Kimball; Grace Robbins. wife of beat-selling author Harold Robbins; actor Ernest and Tov Borgnine; Tony Cointreau, son and heir to the great liqueur family of France, who was escort- ing pn!Uy Joan Benny, daughter of Jack and Mary Benny. Al some point in the evening's proceedings, and not a moment too soon. the deluge or bug- ging and kissing dried to a trickle with the call to sit down for dinner. Then it became apparent why Tony has acquired a solid reputation for fine food, why Hollywood stars vie for attention with his mainstay offering. LEST YOU WORRY, however, that the foregoing portends a restaurant beyond the reach of your pocketbook , let me scotch the notion right now. The cost of a meal is one or the truly amazingthings aboutTony Roma's. The most expensive selection on the menu is $7.25. and that for a New York cut sirloin s teak served with French fries and cole slaw. But it's for somethin~ in the barbecued ribs and/orehickendepartml'nt that you should make yourfirstoutingtoTony's Newport Barbecued baby back ribs arc the house s pecially, a sensational dis h for which the pre- paration has been kept a closely guarded secret. Tony and Murehjson mus t have the recipe down pat. though: otherwise 1l 's beyond im agining that anytlung so delicious and superbly cooked could have turned up during the characterisllC' chaos or an opening night bash. AS A DINNER entree, a generous portion or the baby back ribs, served with French fries and cote slaw. is tabbed at S6 95. A luncheon portion, served from 11 a m. to 3 p.m .. costs $3.95. Other se lections . a combination barbecued chicken and ribs plate, S6.50, barbecued chicken only. $3.95 . rilet mignon. prepared on a skewer, $5.50; London hro1I , $3.75 <luncheon portion, $2.95>. An every day ~pcC'1al 1~ pan fried brook trout. $3.75; luncheon portion, $2.95. Four dally specials are uniformly tabbed at S2.95 eC1ch, S2.50 for the luncheon portion. They are Mon day. baked ham ; Tuesday, veal parm1g1ana. Wednesday. roast loin or pork ; Thursday, pol roast. AND WHATEVER YOU do, don't overlook the French fried onion rings, $1.95. We've never had better : light, crispy, gently fried a nd served in a la rge block shaped like a loaf of bread. You'll also enjoy the clue overhaul that hils transformed the pre mises into a place resembl· ing a smart New York supper club. In addition to the bar. two cozy and intimate dining areai. s port walls finished in old fire brick. dark woods. mirrors and unobtrusive paintings . the lighting is dim and romantic Tony Roma 's Newport 1s the eighth loca· lion, following those established earlie r m Plan talion. North Miami, South Miami and West Palm Beach. Fla.; Dallas: Texas; Beverly Hills and Encmo. Soon to come are two more in Palm Springs and London. Tony Roma 's l"A Place for Ribs") is local· ed at 25.10 W. Coast Highway, near the corner of Tustin Avenue and across the street from the Rusty Pelican, Newport Beach. Telephone 642-9070. The restaurant 1s open from 11 a.m. to 2 a .m., Monday through Friday. 12 noon to 2 a.m., Saturdays ; 4 p.m to 2 a.m . Sundays and holidays. 52 Specialty Shops Opea Dally From II a.m. Ffft A.dml11sk1n RE~¥ff11rNT R~n. 8t3·0112 NOW APPf:ARING Direct From Europe Polish Rock Band WANDERPOL Fri-Sat • 8 to 2 Sun., May 27 German-American Brass Band And The Dunaj Folk Dancers 75'1 Cea&er Dr. rAI leMh 111..i •S 0 ..... , ....., .. Clllll,.,...r)Worll .t.•J-"' H-CI"" C•nl~• I llantblgton Beecb \ OUT 'NABOUT THE TICKET SHACK II <714) 645-8990 • M .... lllfo.IM(n•) .... 11 .... ..,. ......... . ... c....., ......... . Dlft ..... ,.. ...... . ,, ....................... . .......... ~ . ......,. GREEK 6 tlNIVEl&\L AllPlll'l'llEATaE U. W. Cea.a Hwy., Newport Beaell ~ ~-.. -~:.10t1m 111AS STYLI HICKORY SMOKID IAR·l-9 CHICKEM$~5 DIMMER £ .. Includes "' c::hidcen. beens. oole slew, Ptdlle and bun IUN N' BARREL ' 21112nd St. -Off Collet Hwy. (Between Superior & Orange) MIWPOD llACH 646-7170 MOW COOKING 17 ...... AW..., OYS'fll IAJt MO ... llM Fri.·W .. Mey J.J .. Yec--..llYKa&.Y w•n. JACI PIAntm TIJO t :J0.11:00.ll:JO s..y .... .,21 DIXlaAMD wttlt Jeny ...._ 3344 E. Coast Hwy. (At Marigold) CORONA DEL MAR 673-7181 C<-0.-CAAf!OU COATES SENSATIONAL • o .• ntc·1·· 1o11• h .. nd, 11 .. n. •l'\t rnl I \ M., M"'"'·" 1hn1ui.;lr dllir.!11 <\'lJ uur ~uj.l•:r DI Jill ~l'lll' \fl f l d\1111!\ ""'" 111•11' ,.f11fl· \OU l lllul ~.,, f-11 •L~ n h uic Oa1qu1r1s lrnrn '> 1, 1 •) P ,\I I of\ COME TO YOUR SENSES ~REGISTRY IHHlJll M.i Arthur U.iua..-~~r,I. lr1 "'" H!-H;n Th• Rt,.,;j'"" ttt1u I t orrvr d1011, 0.&0 ..... L >.t' ·----~------·---,._- : - COAST THEATER , ..... 25.1171 DAILY '9LOT (S < "Dracula' Arrives at Laguna Moulton Stage Two local tht"alers go acl'08s the sea and bark Into time next week when the chass1c blood·eurdler "Dracula" and the dramallc musical "Fiddler on the Roor" arTtve at tht• Laguna Moulton l'layhou~ and the Harlequin Dinner Playhoust', rt•spect1vely "Dr~u·ulit" 11 (11"1St on the boud11. 01>f'n111.i T uesday ru1eht for a thrt't' wN.•k run. whllE' "Fld dlt'r" arrivt•s on Wednesday for an open onded enaa11cuwnt. Let' Shallat. South Coast Repc?rtOry'S con scrvetory d1rc<•tor. rt•turns to tht• Moulton tilttl(t' Intermission Tom Titus 'where sht' •mountnt "Churlev :. Aunt ' lal>t seal>on \ lo dtre<•t lhE' \''1rnµ1rt' thnllt>r lier pro duction ts ballt'<i as a t.hfftorent \l'r"o" 11f H1 d ll1 Stoker's famoul> pa111 m the 1wc-k GEORGE WlHU>S TAKES lht' t1t lt' roltc> or the bloodthirs t y c·ount "Ith Alfn·d LutJl'anl> playing his mort:s l t·11e my, Or \on Htbang Otht'rs in the Laguna c·a st anC'lude Walter D<.11) as Or Holmwood and Renata Florin as his daughter Lucy, the• v<tmparc's target "Dracula" wall haunt the Moulton, al 60f'i Laguna Ce1nyon Road , Laguno Beach, Tuesday., through Saturdays at 8 :30 a nd Sunday, Jun<' 10. at 2 . 30. closing Junf' 16. Rt•servations 494-074:.l . . Retum1ng to Jot·:d lht·at<:r after a prnlonf.!t•d <.absence l<l diret't "F1ddl<·r on lhl' Hoof"' at lh1• Actors Off er Human Story ·'.Joe Eg~." Pcte>r Nichols ' touching stor~ about a lO·ycar-old garl who has not dcvt.:lopcd beyond a 6-monlh·old infant. will be presented Tuesday and Wednesd ay, May 29-30 by Orange Coast College's Rchee1rsal and P erformance class Curtain is set for 8 :30 p.m . in OCC's Orama Lab Tickets. priced al 50 tents each, will be <1v<11lahle e1t. the door The production rs under the direction or OCC d rama instructor, J .H. Fcrzacca. who was named Orange County·s "Man of the Year in Theatre" for 1978, and is author of the pl11y "The t-'ailun• to Zig Zag,·· and the Broadway- bound musical. "Veeck." .. 'Joe Egg' is a brilliantly written theater piece which instantly involves the e1udience an the love/hate relatio nship with the parents and their daughter," Ferzacca says. "It's a fast-moving drama that oscillates between com edy and tragedy. It is a truly human story that is long remcmbered ..by those who watch it." Orange Coasr College Comm1m1ty Service Office presents Jl&Dn~mo1 A Musicnl Revue ~ Wednesday and Thursday June 6 and ·7 8 p.m. OCC AUDITOR~M General Admission $3.00 All l)fOCOCdS Wiii qo l(l occ Fine: Ari~ product•OflS flCKE. TS ON SALE NOW -OCC TICKET OFFICE Lrn "'"" ,,., 1ri•• l ·•" t • t'~"""' •"f,. ~ fo1 i 'f ur.tt.•4\ .. tn'1 A1 t 1poo "1 • C1 td t.11 .... -t. llnrlf'qurn lff Thor Nwlscn. who also ai; chore<>· .irtaphm~ the production WILLIAM (.'lli\PMAN enacts the leading r11l1• uf Tt•vy1• th•· dulrymun. with Pearl Yeadon c·a11t a ic hlff wlft'. Col<h> The three oldes t ct.1 ui;:hh'r~ wall be phtyt'd by l.hlbtue Rolhslein, l'ully ('011l'nour umt Hurbara Turvtit. · · fo'1d11lt•r ma tht• Hoof" wHI t>e presented 01~htly. 1·xrupt Mundity:.. ul 8 lS foJlowin&: a hulf..i clim1t•r ut thc llurlcquln, 3503 S~ Harbor HI vd . JUl\l 11orth of Cul> tu Meiia. Reservations 979 ~~II N 1•" t w "e kl' n d w al I mark the r in a I l't' rforn1U0('4'~ llf I WO ('OUStitl productions S1·v1·11 K1·v' lo Halllp11tt• at the Westminster Coin mun1t y ThN1kr tinl.1 "No. No, Nanette'· at l l' I 1 \Ill\" .. KA I. 0 .. ,\ T 1-: • • G I v [ s IT s r i n a I , ... , fi•rn1.1ll\'l'l> t-'1111,Jv irnd Saturduy, June land ' Jt IJ :rn 1n tht· lhl'.ill·r. 7272 Maple St .. W1•,1rn111l>ll'I u11ckr the darcctaon of Ro n ,\ llwrt:.t•n Hl'l>l.'I '.1t111m. M93·8626. · N<indl1• ' fl'l>U n1 cl> on Tuesday and plays 1h1ouj.!h !-i.11urd<1 y. Ju11t• z. wath an 8 p.m cur· t.s111 111 tht· t-'11w \rh 1llage Theater Cl<iyton 1 .. 11 ri:-.011 ll> d1 rl'1·1111g • TIU-: SAVULt:8A('K VALLEY Community Th('at1•1 ha~ clcctl·d ats orraccrs for the 1979·80 :-1·:.i:.011. with Be n Jul1,1 hcadini.: the Mission Vie · Jll ~roup as 1>ri•::.1dc nt .lot' Corch o wus named vice president with Valen t· Mt'lln)y Sl•rvang as secretary e1nd Jo11n S1th-ll :a:-. 111l'!llhl·rsh1p r ha1rman. Al so eleclt'd to offt1·e Wl·re Adrwnnl' Shepherd a s treasurer and lkl!>y Soul h\.\orth ·as publataty c hairrfta n Past pn·sidl•nl Elias Estes will remain on the board as nwml.H'r at larg1· The Sadctlebnl'k Valley group will open its fifth season an S<'pll'mber with ··Thieves" and "Ill pn•scnl four othl·r µroduet ion!'. · 01·ar ~ t-'ri<'n ds ,"' ··Takt• :1 Number. Uarlang :· ·Tht• <:1ng<'rhn•ud I.ad~"' and ··Murde r a t the \'at·ara~t·" clunng tlw :-.N1son. JOHN&OLIVIA AND THE @.~ GANG ARE BACK! /.. rio&Jll SllGWOO!J.ALIANCARR PROOvC~ ,<JHN IRA\{)l!A OltVIA NEWTON ..K)HN. GREASf' SIOCKAllD CHANNING • • ,EV! AJlOEN FllANKll 1WAlON JOAN BlONDEll EDD ()YflN[S SID CAESAR ALIC[ GHOS!Ll Y OOOVGOOOMAN SHA NA NA tJflO!ft WOOfAllO. .AllAN CAPR ,JIM JACOBS WArlR[N CASI 'I · • . • "K[NN[ IH WAISSMAN . MAXINE FOX • • •• • .. .. • n , PAH?1CIA BlflCH .JlQBHll SllGWOOD ALLAN CAflfl •.•• RANDl\l KlEISffl • .BAJlllY GIBB rpr; Hlill•'•-"-.~nn., o , 4_._.._ ·--..... -•• ·-· lllll l'llll B•e.t ~2~ ~J • ClllMAUllD A114•e1m 63~ /~~ I ua CllllMA 01df1;t "~"' j~·· t:M'.'l~•·rn:ltt DllAIGI MAU ,1.t"Qfl '-'J/ JC SOUTM COAST (Ml~ lltS1 ~4L 'l/' · l DWAllOS. WISTlllOOll TWiii G4•Cen C.•~e ~30 4( • • • 0 ·~···:--·:~ t~J lOWAllOS. YIEJO M s ·~r v e,c 81~ ~~;<> MISSION OlllWl·lll •"l ~"C.:J\l"d )I I! STADIUM DlllYf·lll O·ao~e f,39 8771 Richard Chambertain ·~ Peter Weir's THE LAST WAVE ..,.,~ O'"'' ~•mn•n C.u1u1'ti •"O ,_,.,.n,,,...,,,,. f "IUf Ull O••K tf!O o, ~'"' W~;· PrOOu<lld b t Hill M~t l'OV t,,0 J.,,,,., '-'c(lroy A wt rtCI...,..,. f'tc1ure 1-'r. .. .,.,,, ~ ~., en °" ·----• • ·-Matinees Sat/Sun/Mon. EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT HUNTINGTON CINEMA HACH 4 T flll~. IU 848-0388 COME TO LION COUNTRY'S AFRICAN VILLAGE EXPERIENCE THEEXCmNG, EXPLOSIVE, ELECTRIFYING ~O~H l&fMliA ~A~CERS 3TIMESDAILY MEMORIAL WEEKENDOrtLY MAY 26. 27, NI> 21. Enjoy a day off un at LION COONTRY SAFARI. come face to fece with Afric:a·s wildest animals, drive through our wild animal preserve, see the African village, animal shows, bird shows. take a ride down the Zambesi River- ALL FOR ONE LOW ADMISSION PRICE~ LION open daily, rain or shine 9AM to Viii/I RJt 7:30PM (last car admitted 6PM) *a•INJ San Diego freeway at Irvine Center ~ll!!IRI Drive, Irvine, Orange County. Calif. SJlr. 714·837·1200 =·=--== S!:!:~~M~!,N'P~S~ -. , (PG> Ctt•• .. ·c----0 7W1'Tn:a ,. Plus I Tu , ,fffi(~f',"f.~ , ' ~ Chvui ~'I~ '"'' '' • 1> II t> ~ • ,J' A . "-• ........... , •. MUN t ,, J l\ --------....... ~ \ '\ 1 1\ t ,, 11 I\ ---ti IHf CRl-llfSI SuVfNSl ~ Acaoemv Awards F•lM tvll! RllURN~ Bl' sl P1clu•e Best Oirecto1 ........ THE Pl ttR EXO c Hl•nt' R ISf'. RCA3E m DEER <A> a. NlRO HUNTE HAHISON f'OllD Plus ··RAVAGERS" THE • ........ Of'UI ..,.,.,... f EXORCIST. BEST ACTAfSS • <~17>..l;J ~BEST ACTOlll //~'f"'t ~ ' . ifdhte PLUS (!j ''WINTER KILLS" 1.£5l.CY·ANNl DOWN . .,.,_ .. ,, __ HANOVER --¥· S EET (!-4tl/M"'1C z:,..--., N.ua "DAWN OF TH DEAD . ,... ... ._....,_..... .. • Frldlr. -26. 1971 ROCK MUSIC . Live Hegg~ '1y Police Captures Audience OellY ........... "919 BJ MIKE PASKEVICH .... ....,"" ..... It. 1tunn.ln1 debut rock album and the ability to deliver the ume aUl'J)l'be puncb in concert are oftm two very d11f erent thinla. En&M The Police. a recenUy auceeuful new wave trio faclna a major teat before a aold-out Santa Monica Civic crowd lut week. Well, the hour·lonl aet by lbl1 En•llah/ American ouUit all but eliminated any skeptlclam about Ila ar- rival u a major rock contender. D8AWING HEAVILY from its fine "Outlandos D'Amow"' effort, the Police pro• vided a winninl mixture of melodic bigh-eneray rock and reuae that belies the punk label lbat understandably di\ be linked to the band's ominous name. The beyond-punk intelligence or direct rock tunes like "Born ln the 506" and "All I Want Is to Get Next To You" got the crowd moving. but the real surprises came when the Police served up their extremely convincing reggae. As the Jamaicans have proved to so many white bands that have tried it, the seemingly simple syncopations of island music are no easy feat. WITHOUT THE AID of an added percussionist or a second guitarist, lead vocalist/ bassist Sting led The Police through a series of extended reggae jams <the hit ''Rox- anne" rilh nearly 10 minutes) that captured the hypnotic cadence of "dub" music. "Dub is a unique island studio specialty INSTRUMENTAL IN SUCCESS OF THE GOLDEN BEAR IN HUNTINGTON BEACH From Lett: Chuck, Carole and Rick Babiracki, Becki Hell and Kevin Kirby the Star Wars of movie musicals! f'ro•Pa~CI -CLUB BEARING UP WELL. • • when they were nothing and helped to build ~em up, not all by ourselves by any means, but tte helped to make them stars, helped to make ·bem slrong draws and build up personal a l- •egiances," Rick continues. I Among the m ~ecilio and Kapono. Talking Heads a nd England Dan and John Ford Coley. f "You don't just walk in, say 'Hi, I'm Joe Jnd I 'm going to open a club.' These are thin~s we have nurtured for fi ve years," says Ri ck. THE IMPORTANCE OF attitude, the abili- ty to achieve a high degree of comfort for both the performer and the ticket buyer sitting an the last row are equally important factors to the dub owners. The club staff has been muking interior em - bellishments. and a bri~hl blue mural now cov- ers an outside wall with characterizations of the wide range of acts 1J1mi to Martin) that havt• played the Bear both pre -and post-Babiracki As for the performers. Chuck s ays "th1· bands actually enjoy playing here, primarih because most of the employees enJOY working here. They take pride in their jobs. on all level5 a nd all facets ... THE DEDICATED FAMILY includes food and beverage manager Carole Babiracki, book· ing and promotions director Becki Hall, floor manager Kevin Kirby. stage manller Bill Vellutini. chief of se<'urity Or. Thom and lhe rest. Lest this all sound too cozy. Rick is candid in admitlmg the problems of Orange County still bein~ considered "extraneous" by the heart uf tbe industry in Los Angeles. .. Because of our diffused nature ... beeause 11 's a conglomerate, the county lacks a eentral l'nre." he says. "ORANGE COUNTY itself does not really hav~ a consciousness of its own. not only in the 4\'ay the record companies relate to it, but how the rount y rt'latcs to itself.'' JI .-says ll Will continue to be part Of the Bf'~1r's (IVcra ll j.(<:1 m e plan to educate Los J\ ngl•lt•s a~ 111 th" vaa bality. and lack 'or financial <·nnrli t·t~. 1n bookrng acts here as well as the l'IUb \'enUL'S to the north. Part of that strategy will be the first TV <'nm mer L'tals promoting a major Southern Callfom1a night club and the addition of low- price Tuesday night performances reserved ex- c·l us1vely for local bands without record con- tracts. "WE'RE NOT JUST here for the money." says Rick. "That's important, but we're here for the aesthetic pleas ure we gel from it all; from the interplay with the musicians and lbe muS.ic _ _itsclf. · · ' t '"' ~ « ~--HAIR , '4 ~ •. A Let the sun • LISTER PERSKY .. MICHAEL BlJTl..ER - • MILOS FORMAN,_. RAGN, RADO .. MacOERMOrs "HAIR" -~ SINNJf. ·TREAT WIU.Wi1S • BEVERlY D'MGELO ·ANNIE r.oLDEN COSEY WRIGHT· DON twlJS·OIRYl BARNES .. flll.BA MOOl£, RONNI£ --:.:=:-: GE.R<M RAGtt, JAMES RADO -~ GAlJ MacOERMOT "':.::C TOM ~ = R08ERT GRmffll .:::"...: MIROSlAV OM>RICEK -· MIQtAEL Mll£R -· lWVlA THARP -.. LISTER PERSKY .. lllCHAEL BUTLER-· MlOS FORMAN ACl'felCln ,.__...._. F!'ll ___ ._._ ... _,..;ij :xJIDIU'ttrma>r•·lrD ... -·-=---=-m ..... Co-HltAIHereor ~MATINEES "THE BUDDY SAT., SUN., HOLLY STORY" MON. Ha•1o~A!OLJ!t~•MESa I 646-0571 646-32'6..1 "llilJm IA•llltLl! AftllRJ .. ISIYlf. -------· -Richard Schlcket. lrne '"Manhattan· deserves a stream of bravos! This is W<:xxJy's most controlled. most seasoned. and most mellow movie to date I can't urge you strongly enough to see 'Mamottan:" -Rona Barett, AOC· IV "'Manhattan' is p::>SSbly Woody Alen's best movie' A graceful synthesis of Woody the Funny and Alen the Ser>OUs · -.JOCk KIOI. NeWsweel< .. 'Mc:rhltton' is oo extroordncriv fine and funny ftTI ! The movie is fUI of moments that ae ~ooriously f\IY1Y and others ttlat ae sometmes shattering:· -Vn.-ent Cab,: New 'bit T~ "'Manhattan' is more endeaing and entertaining thOfl nine out of ten other movies on the marquees. You don't hove to love Monhattoo to Kke 'Manhattan"' -Rex Reed. Syndicoled COk.A'T'lnst "illlll 111tB llllllUllS•lllllllm" WOODVALLlN 01/\NE KEATON MICHAEL MURrl-W M/\l~(l HEMINGWAY Mf INL STf~EP ANN[ OYRl\JE -C.entJ SOOlll. (lodoy) NBC-TV ... ~ ·. . .. MANHAnAN" GEORGE GERSHWIN A JACK ROLUNS·O·tARLES H. JOFFE- W<Joov ALLtN-MARSHAU BRICKMAN 'Webov ALLEN CHARLES H. .OFE i5at:·r~r GREENHUT GOOOON wiuis TP!!!..11!!!! -m ·~ ....... ,, . ' ' . : I . . l!,_~o~··~~· .. ~1!11!1_.J...., __ _......,. ____ __,~;::::~.w~u·""lii'1iliiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiilliilllilliiiiiililliiliilllilliiiil . ... . ... ---· _, ... -• --~ -... ----.-...-~. '9 -~ -----• ~ .. · .......... ·~ . tune that reliea heavily on vocal echo and re· verb to achieve lta enchantiqly spacey feel. Blond, aptke-halred Stine, the evening's vis- ual focal _point, _poueues a cuttina tenor well- auited for the punctuation yelps of dub. MATCHING HIS heavy-bottomed bass lines and occasional harmonics with Stewart Copeland's muscular drumwork and guitarist Andy Summers' chicken-scratch rhythms, ,:he Police produced a thick. rich ensemble sound that knowledgeable reggae fans could not con· demn. The individual members of the band have been around awhile with other bands but they showed a laudable amount of maturity and intelligence in their approach for a group on its first major tour. Unlike the 1round·brealdng Sex Pistols or Ttie Clash. bands that espouse the social and political alienation of reggae culture with shock- ing musical aggression, The Pohce have adopl· ed the music itself. Likewise the band's messages are not as terse and thought-provoking as Elvis Costello. Graham Parker and other prime New Wavers, but The Police have seemingly found a middle Rround suited for mainstream audiences. ALBUM AND LOCAL NOTES: Another softer new wave entry that should prove enJoya- ble to Police fans is the debut album from Joe Jackson I also on A&M >. He. too combines reggae innuences. more accessible rock and topical, yet not overwhelm· ang, lyrics ror a bri~ht, catchy effect. h ltt1••• 91 h t.cr .. t "4-2400 ·-• 0\1¥1• 111 u or· GllASl jl'Or IU t ):JI I ut t t<» t I 61 I ll:U ..,... •• HTM"'KI Of ffftoe 1nu1111· fHl lXOICIST 111 ~---' 12:0. J ,, • , 0 ••• ., • 10.>0 ••• 111, t r. .. ,.._ .. 21 31~31 •~•o lotOOOt •U IH e 0&.&HI «f&fON MAHHAnAN1•1 I~ I NJ I •.•I I ,,., I I U I 10 d ,_,....,,"""'----.,.MMRllON -0 e UIU f.,lf .. IHC DOWN .i:::.=-HANOVll STllOll'Ol 21Jt~J1 9~10 •LUI THI Oii.A, OfTICTIYf ''°' "THI llORCISY-IRI 1 J.._t:•s \.Af/-/--l l~•M-7 1...-.Jt "GR EA Sr "FOUL ru ., .. IPGI W&f'9111J \Af ·~ PACIFIC THEATRES DRIVE·IN SWAP MEETS ·mncH TOUI MIClll. S'9IO fll DAT "" HARBOR BLVD. DRIVE IN & ORANGE DRIVE IN I AM ro l , .. '6fU90A'Y • IUHO•• '"'-"'° -" a1 -• n•- .............. ·-llJ!Ol·IUI l lCMalO .. AHi• IAVAGlll(HI •lU• ,LAOUll"~ ...... OlmA -UC111" ..lASltNl ""' fOUL MAY .... """Mu .. a"""-.&•• I .... '::.:""' THI NllOHU Of Dflml CN1 ""' 1U/0 1·11J1 fUT CHAlllll'et I 9IOle9 -'°"' At IMCUUI .... mll •.... -r&'-LOVI AT ••IT llfttNI f3 • --tU/Cll..UI P\lltl \..' nNNtH CNt . --.. , ....... -··· ___ ... ,...a.A .. LOW At flll'I em.-. .... ........ I ART GALLERIES c '""'1 . ._ •. 1M DAILY PILOT Cf Resin ~ralllles Moldetl llito l\ri ELEVEN SOUTHLAND •rtlsts .. ,. n.med winners In the current All Media Membership Exhibit at the UQuna Beach Museum of Art. Joanne Evarts and Scott Moore of Mission Viejo; Pete Maza, Michael HeJn•i. Pet Short. Bonnie Gregory. David Eardotz end Grace Sonoolo of Laguna Beech; Jeffrey Frisch, Irvine; James Laing, Garden Grove and Edward Meyrowlti of Lawndale were chosen best •mc>n9 3t6 entries by jurors Pamela Hammond Claude Kent and Jon Stokestwary. TM ' show Is open da lly except Tuesct.y at the museum. 307 Cliff Drive. thr<>uoh June 21 from 11 :30 to 4.30 LARGE SCALE RAKU and earthenware constructions In geometric shapes by Sa~ramento cer am icist Robert Brady are being shown In the Newport Harbor Art Museum, 850 San Clemente Drive Newport Beach. The artist wi ll speak on sUnday June 10 in the museum's Hester Gallery at 2 p.m . Admission Is free MOODS AND POWER of the ocean can be seen in paintings by Eugene Garin at the P~meroy Art Galler y, 565 1 Lincoln Ave. Su1t4:! A, Cypress, through June 28. The_ Rus~1a~-born a rtist, who came to California via Argentina, is known internationally for his old masters technique. Not a brush stroke can be seen on the tonal shades and sunlight reflections. For viewing times, phone 827· 1010. RESIN "ROUNDS" and paper art by Gary Grotey are being featured through June 15 at Collector's Choice Gallery, FROM COAST TO COAST. CRITICS AND AUDIENCES APPLAUD -A Ll'ITLE ROMANCE ... lM«NO. QI.MFR M tHlftHlt 'lAl .. l __ VtQlll~ ....,.. lJIH. -l•.aOJlllOlAR..,_,.,.,..,_ ......... ~ 'W'\•,..,._"""-' .. ,__,_..,.Jn t <.....,.oeo •--"-"·~••t.w..ULY ·-""11t1l \."-IM~•-... f'\CIOflGl:Rfll'W'ttlt ,._..,.-... ... ~Olll"-• ........ -,_ .... ·~~r .... ""nac,,_<. .... -........_""_~._.n-.nlA1D ,,,';;;~,. -~-=-=--PG:._,, • ...., ... ,,.,._ '----··--·--- Matinees S•t!SulWMon. At Clnem• Center S WINNER · . AC~~~!~WARDS BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR BEST FILM EDITING BEST SOUND ROBERT DE NIRO A MICHAl:l CIMINO HLM UNM.l&l ~lURlS" £111FILMS1l'l81 ·n1 [l[R tDlllr to 1111"' JOON CAlAll JOHN SAVAGE · MCRYL S!RHP CHRISJ(Al[R WAtKEN ~-. llRIC WASllBURN · ~,,, MICHAU CIMINO & 0£RIC WASHBIJlN II"(; LWIS GARflNKU ' QUINN K R£GEK[R · '*-'C.... JWlN l:ARHLI '~""~Ho MARION ROSlNBlRG..,JOANN ()R[LU · ._._stAHLlY tmRS Proowoti.BARRY SPIKINGS MICHAU UHlfY MICHA£1.CIMtt«l..r.Offrn:v£RAu O.Oct._.,_v1lMOS lSIGMONO ·~c ·~11t MICHAH CIMINO I Ult'\1&1 lilll~ llMf J flMISOI'" cooUY}J~·. ~~ .. ~ -liG-~-J~----' --~~~~~~WMMNQ . I OuelON_Ol ........ .-17--.,,.,.-qP,•""'Ol~0.-1 , . 1nw..W11111t•C1~1Dlhos.-:y1 • NOW PLAYING llWAlll' etmMA WEIT ClllDOlll Wn lmlnster 892·'493 Orange 634·2!>53 n.-..... °""" 1»1770 't RESIN PAINTING BY GARY GAOTEY Part of Collector'• Chok:e Show 666. N Coast Highwa y, Laguna Beach. U sing resin in place of traditional materials, Grotey produces a three dimensional painting that retracts light and offer s a wide range and intensity of colors and crushed metals. Scratch paintings on oil overlays by David Rosen are being shown in the gallery's middle salon. Hours are 11 to S Wednesdays through Sundays. AT GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE, instructor Howard Warner has curated the tine arts student exhibit ot some 200 works represent ng the different types and phllosaphles of courses taught at the Huntington Beach campus. Hours are 1 : JO to 4 p.m. Monday end Wednesday noon to 4 p.,n. Tuesday and Thursday,' also 1to9 p.m. Thur sday. The exhibit wlll close June 7. ORANGE COAST COLLEGE'S spring student show Is fl II Ing the art gallery on the Costa Mesa campus. Admission is 25 cents and hours are 10 a.m . to 3 p.m . Monday through Friday, 7 to 9 p .m. Mondays and Tuesdays. Steve Orsinelll, Frank Oviedo, catherlne Henley and Bruce Hershy received top cash prizes among the 21 awards given for the water colors oils, experimental painting, video art ' stained glass, jewelry, ceramics, prints, sculpture and photography. "HANDS ON" PARTICIPATION is encouraged at the Children's Museum in La Habra's Portola Park, 301 s. Euclid. Housed In a 65-year.c>ld Union Pacific d~pot, the museum lets visitors v1s~ally and physically explore such exh!blts as Herman the Robot, a small engine airplane, nature walk model train v111age·and bee observatory Hours are 10 to' Tuesday through Saturday. Groups and school tours available. Phone 526-2227 tor details. MARCO SASSONE of Laguna Beach has opened a one-man show entitled "Record! d'ltalia" at the Wally Findlay Galleries in New York City The collection of works was insPired by Italian landscapes and scenes of Venice. !Wf.NllETHCENT\JRV.FOXF'AESE"TS A L I E N -~-n ~ UU.Yna.D '"~ 1:11 "WINlll KILLS" 6:11-11:11 • fHI GlfAJHf SU\ ...... H j lfiE OOROsr rai1 7:00.9:11 TOM SKERRITI SIGOURNEY WEAVER VERONICA CARTWRIGHT HARRY DEAN STANTON JOHN HURT IAN HOLM endYAPHET KOTTO ~eR EXECUTIVE PRODUCER RONALD SHUSETI PRODUCED BY GORDON CARROLL. DAVID GILER •nd WALTER HILL DIRECTED BY RIDLEY SCOTT STORY BY DAN O'BANNON and RONALD SHUSETI SCREENPLAY BY DAN O'BANNON MUSIC JERRY GOLDSMITH PANAVISION9 EASTMAN KODAK COLOR3 PAINTS BY DELUXE~ R ManllCTD ~ "'::M~"'::'='"' I 10MM CIJI ODUl'ftr'IWB> ! I ~ I llOTIOll MTVM aou-DfMC• AYA!Ulkt °" .. .,. COJ\ll!NOI MC:O-O. •mu l j llUO TMI -eOOll I oNSELlCltU l.,f.Alfll'> L .. J. NOW SHOWING . ',, ., ... .... __ .. NOW SHOWING --·--. • G OM. Y ll'tLOT Frldlr. Ma126. 1171 Wr LmK"aOalNIOH Fee Wa)'bill. lead •inler and actor for The Tubt'a, wu bllck ln hb hotel room 1fter wander- ina around New York ~ty sampUq bot do11 ~om aidewalk vendon. ( ROCK TALK ] The Tu.bee had Just playt'd The Palladium to a ~Hout crowd 1nd areat revlf'ws, and that WH only-one ni1ht on • lour that t•k•A them iroundtbeworldfortben••tMVf'nmonths. t'Om mt•r(•1al llstcnlntt mui>1t· • 1l 's not weirdo C'Ull m UJUC' THE GaOl1P llA8 had fi vf albums and four )'.,UlJ Of aany l"OC'k ·and-roll the•lnc$. and only now are they cettlnl{ strong recotnilion. rf't•cmt Hlea, aeUoul 8Mws and, for thf. lir&t tlnw . mont'y in their pockt•ts When asked why h<· thinks ll 's nil h•PfWnlntt for The Tuooa na-·. "'••l' 1 who adm1ttt'<l th tu ht• onrtt w•nted to JOlll the• t•1rr ul' but ctldn 't wht>o t old that he "ould h11\ (' to rut his ha1r1 sa1tl. "Boy, I don't kn11w Ma~lit• 11'.s {ust lht' llm•· It's our f1flh ullmm. and 1t '"our c 08C-tit thll\.: t11 "We couldt1't flCl on tht' nadio before to save our lin•f'I Nu ont• wu~ Interested in playing 'Wh1h· Punks on Oo1w · or anything to do with d1111•• or ~ex '' Tfft: NF.W ALBUM, "Remote Control." "1111 11rodurt'<I by Todd Rundgrcn and marks a d1•1H1rtun· for 1'tw 1'ub('s from their past antics. Ttlt'1r 11tuiw show und m usic hits changed to I f'tl('h ll hl'uUdt•r lll>l'C'lrum or rans 8 nd \O depend mon• on mui,1rul talent than on outrageous 11111~t! ewnll'I. whl<'h included routines using a GETTING A TASTE OF GRECIAN FESTIVAL DUE ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS George Peters of Newport Bea~h , Helps Daughter, Ellen. Sample Shlsh-Kabob Greeks Run, Entertain ··Cultural Fest, Marathon Set for County T h e p e o ple who sta rt ~d m arathons will stage one as p~rt or the Greek Orthodox Church of South OranJ?e County's Grecian t-'c::.tival '7!1 Legend has 1t that Phe 1dipp1des -ran 2ft-m1lcs;rom thl' Village or Marathon to Athens to announce 1ctory over the Persians in 400 B C a nd died from exhaustion shortly after telling the good nt>w::, TODAY'S LONG d istance run- ners will gathe r al 7 a.m . Salur· da~. June 2. al William Mason Kegional Park. University Drive 10 lrvme. where the 26.3 mile ra~e will start and finish Registration blanks mC1y be obtained by pho ning Nick Karnazes, 492-3299, or signing up at the site before the race Entry fee is $6 with T-shirt or $3. The rest or the festival will be s taged at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa from 10 a m. to 11 p.m . June 2 and 10 a m. lo 9 p m. June 3 "GRl-:EK MUSIC a nd dancing have a lways been outlets to ex- press the full range or human e m otions." s aid the Rev Fr George Steph;inidcs . The "Ol~mpi an s" and "Helle n ic Sound" will pl11 y traditional "bouzoukee" tunes of ·zorba the Greek" fame during dance exhibitions and instruc- t ion for young and old, ex- perienced and beginne rs. Authentic foods and pastries. such as souvlakiu <skewered Iamb i. moussaka leggplanl casserole >. sp ano kopila 1 s pinach pie I. keftethcs 1 meat balls >. dolmathes lstuHed grape leaves). baklava !honey and nut dessert 1 a nd pas tich111 (baked ma<:aroni I are bl'in~ pre pared for sale. Also scheduled are a bC1zaar, Frisbee accuracy contes t. and displays Of Cthnic films, COS· tumcs. crafts. re ligious robes and archl'OIOAil'al ite m::.. ADMISSION I S ~1 a nd children undl•r 12 may attend for frce- Th<.· purpose of the festival is to present the Greek cultural anu social heritage, J.?xpress the contribution s th at G r eek Orthodoxy and Hellenic civiliza. lion have made to the American WCIY of life a nd to help the parish building fund . real motorcycle, a real buuaaw, rock-atar parodies and n a mboyanl coatumea with aexual props. "We wer e totally trapped by our stage s ho w." Fee aaya today. :·w e created a m onster that ate everything, and ended up eatin« itself. It ale up every dollar we bad. It •le up all our strength on the road- W e were doing two-and-three-quarter-hour shows just beuuse we couldn't bear to leave anything out. I waa making 10 costume chances a show. "~D WE JUST kept doing it, beating ourselves to death, until finally, I broke my leg last s umme r in England during the show. It was kind of like an omen. After that, we all decided I · 1905 E Ca•" '1wv CtMt>11., 001 M ar• b73 6160 C AND EROTIC!" -Gene Shallt. NBC:rv Marcello Mastroianni SUB-TITLES SUNDAY MATINEE 2:00 P.M. th ****BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN LEATHER! e -.. SANDAL .. /-' ~··-·-.. sgndrorne '"}: starrmq r? /. FONDA WOOO ' ./.,. • ·---: .. A.11..cJ [!) lor SUNSATIONAL! .------NCl'// 5 H0WINL l\T TH(------. (lf•llV 11 ~ N[MI J l~'•Y ~VOU . r ROCK TALK I FESTIVAL that it WU crazy, it l8V8 US DO IOOl9Vity at Ill. "We finally decided that we wanted an aJbum tbal .muaically would stand alone.; tbat people wouldn't think they were missing aome elaborate ata1e routine wben lbey liatened to it." So. after five years of work, 'lbe Tubes were almost ready to call it quits before they decided to gin it one more shot -lbia time without the huge s how. without dancers and flash, with the band m ore musically involved and focused. "WE Jl1ST DECIDED to get the best of the old and the new together in one show." said Fee. "I think it's a better way to go. "DAWN OF THE DEAD" (R) GEORGE HAMIL TON "LOVE AT FIRST BITE" (PG) "THE DEEAHUNTER" (R) Daily I> 10 Sat s.., Hol I 2 JO -' MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE TICKETS lllWI fr,e Me1100011tao Ooeia A.W>c.ahon 1~ 111t l(en""°y Cef'!ef tor tile PetfonnlllQ "'1)> 'IheBallet ~Nacional ~de Cuba Al ICIA ALONSO Director ano P11ma Balle11na I -PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE MAY JO-JUNE 3 Wed., Thu re ..... Y 30,31. 8:30 GISELLE . Fri., June 1. 8:30 I LES SYLPt11DESIBLOOD : WEDDING/CANTO VITAlfTARDE EN lA SIESTAIREMEMBRANZA . Sat .. June 2. 2:30 LES SYLPH IDES CANTO VITAL/TARDE EN LA SIESTA/ BLOOD WEDDING . Sat .. June 2,8:30 PULSATIONS PASO A lRES/ MUNECOS'CAAMEN . Sun .. June 3, 2:30 PULSATIONS CANTO VllAL 1AROE EN LASIESTAIBLOOO WEDDING . Sun., June 3. 8:30 PAS DE OUATREIPASO A TRESIMUNECOSICARMEN . . -=-AlllDllM TICIC£TS NOW at M.,\11.1.-nw f.11)• Olh~· AIYI pu•W~V by 0~"~" ''" nl~lfl' r•eO•l f.d•Os (21 3) 972-7611 •tl fjj [ji;j •Ml IN; ''L"' ... , •• '"< I IHE>l At C)I ,,., ... n,,0,.,,oer u1<t !/Qn l'l•11 ~fl 11ri.u11r •ttl11w11• ,,. cooH>< sF1 • <1fGul••.c>< pe111c;J1e11 •• no11nn and Mutuals! -------------------~ .. ________ -..I ~ , •. ,.. . •. :.· '· MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY .WINNER Of 3 ArAOEMY AWARDS "A LITTLE ROMANCE" CPG) "THE CHAMP" (PG). '·COMING HOME" "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR" (R) "HANOVER STREET" (PG) . •"MANHATTAN" IBJ_ .. "BA TTLESTAR GALACTIC\" "LOGAN'S AUN" (PG} "CALIFORNIA DREAMING" "OUR WINNING SEASON" (R) "THE EXORCtS'T" "THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU" (Rl "THE OiER HUNTER" (A) "THE BOYS IN COMPANY C" AL.L. DfllVl'.•IN& O"N 6:HP.M.IMMT\T CtMtf U~ 11 ,.,.. U.... • KW.ie ~nretoH Best Actress Jane Fonda Best Actor Jon Voight Best Original Screenplay Waldo Salt &Robert c.Jones . Story by Haney Dowd -A JEROME HEUMAN -,. HAL ASHBY ,.,.. Janelbnda Jon \Qigbt Bruce Dem .'Contini Home" ~"'~SALT..., ROBERT C.JONES 11orJ1>rNANCY DOWD ~..,,.._.._HASKEl.L WEXLER ~-BRUCE GILBERT 111_..,JEROME HEUJMN--..o-.HH.. N1tm .. METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER PRESENTS JON VOIGHT FAYE DUNAWAY RICKY SCHRODER '1 HE ChAMP' JACK WARDEN ARTHUR HILL MUSIC BY DAVE GRUSIN SCREENPLAY BY WALTH< NEWMAN BASED ON A STOl?f BY FRANCES MARION Pr«JDUCED BY DYSON DIRECTED BY FRANCO ZEFFIRELLI LOVELL 0?1(",i.'IJ.Al SOIJl;D:'1/i(.IC Al~IN •'\~•A" I ('tJn Afl.! I I<', '.),1J. A\.1 J,\,\ 11,Al' It( Ctu 1'1\ftf.~i.. MATINlll IAT/SUWMOH. ATHllTOL CHAPMAN AVE at S.A. FWY ORANGE 634·2SS3 l MOVIE REVIEWS 9J808TBO•.u -n.·-· .... ..,_ "HAMOYlllST9'E•T" lun ""•bHhedly rom.nuc venture Nell. to the 19.tOs when movies .,....._,..~_.w.r.and .................... lt'1• refretNng c~t which succMds largely on te. chMm Of lb 1tan. LelleV·Anne Down. the •legant ~rwt of ''Upstairs Downstairs,' Is Uw British war nurse who bumps Into "" American pilot, Ha"''°" Ford, )u"'t a~ an air raid sets • London street aflMN In t'M3. t 1 ) love at first sight. But, alas. shelsmarrledtoChr 1-. topher Ptummer, a 8r1t1 h lntelllgenceoftker described by lust about every0""'8s "pleas.nt." What follow) I!> a passionate love •ff air between the be.utiful M iss Down and the comic-book-handsome Ford, bf-st remembered as the pilot 1n "Star Wars." Just wnen It starts ~eltino shaky, there's a suspenseful subplot involving wartime spying and some daring 'Sh.mtwork that brings us to the -edge of oor seats. The dialogue Is sometimes as stilted as It was in the t940s, and the t1na1e is straight oot of "True Romances." But unless you're a born cynic, yoo'll suspend disbelief and shed a few tear s in memory of mushy movies and true love. Rated PG wilh a non-explicit sex scene confined to im ages of entwining arms and leg! "MANHATTAN" continues Woody Allen's natural his tor., ot neurotic New York City. Not as tunny as .. Annie Hall" or as inbred as "Interiors." the new film explores fresh ground of human relationship!>. This t ime Allen Is a TV comedy writer who appears irresistible to a 17-year-old high school girl (Mariel Hemingway> and a JO.ish magazine writer (Diane K eaton). He m anages to lose both, but that is the story of his lite. Woody Allen is the most original filmmaker in America today, and this work bristles with outrageous ideas and bright banter New York is lovingly photographed i n black and white by Gordon Willis, and t he production is embellished by a gorgeous Gershwin score. The rating is R because of a couple of four-letter words. "FEDORA" deserves m ore attention than it probably will get . Based on a Tom Tryon novella, it tells ot a shoe· string producer 's efforts to lure a Garbo-like stat out of retirement. Somewhat old tashioned and persistently downbeat, it continues the black period of veteran filmmaker Billy Wilder. But even lesser Wiider is better than the efforts of most of toda y's hotshot directors; he retains a sure aim at Hollywood's idiocies and human frailties. William Holden, in a role similar to his in "Sunset Boulevard," supPlles cred ibility to the tar -fetched plot. The performance by Marthe Keller is contusing, perhaps inevitably so. Henry Fonda and M ichael York ptay themselves with not much conviction. Rated PG. AUTHENTIC VEHICLES, UNIFORMS, SANDBAGS SHOWN Wartime London Recaiptured In 'Hanover Street' "HAIR" is a joyous celebration of the liberating 1960s, a rare flight of creative imagination widening lhe dimensions of the movie musical. It was fortuitous that "Hair" was not converted to film in the wake of its explosive impact as a stage attraction. The perspective of time Cand the end of the Vietnam War> was needed to assess the effects of revolutionary attitudes. The movie script Cby M ichael Weller> is involving and cohesive, following an Oklahoma draftee's introd:Jction to the drug-protest-love children scene of Manhattan. The direction by Milos Forman 4s miraculous; singing and dancing are inspired, and the exuberant cast, headed by John Savage, Treat Williams and Beverly O' Angelo, could not be better. The rating is PG because of semi-nudity and coarse language. Guidance might also be advised tor parents who are easily offended by anti-establishment views. "HURRICANE" isa textboOk lesson in movie making by the numbers: 1. Take a film classic,thenchangeitcom- pletely. 2. Cast strictly by type: Jason Robards as Captain Queeo·Ahab, Mia Farrow as his headstrong daughter, Max Von Sydow as the Idealistic doctor, Trevor Howard as the blustery priest. 3. Concoct a romance between American girl and native chief, add a hint of incest, Island sex rituals. lots of NOW Pl /\YIN(, portentous dialogue. and storm scenes that won't quit. The result is a luau of over-ripe papaya and soured poi. The scenery is nice. Rated PG, with a brief scene of semi- nudity. "THE CHINASYNDROME" could scarcely be more topical TV reporter (Jane Fonda) and cameraman !Michael Douglas> combine with a nuclear plant official (Jack LemmonJ in an effort to alert the public. to potential catastrophe from a Southern California reactor. The character s are never more than skin-deep. but the events • are important, and director James Bridges builds the tension to an almost unbearable pitch. The is!>ues raised by the film are vital to everyone Rated PG. w ith a few expletives. "A LITTLE ROMANCE" is well-titled, an unpretentious movie tilled with small delights and uncommon charm. The romance is youthful and innocent : a French boy and an American girl living In Paris meet by chance and tall in love. They run oft on a sentimental trip to Venice, aided by a boulevardier of aging charm. Director George Roy Hill deftly avoids stick i· ness, drawing Inspired perfor- mances from the attractive youngsters. Diane Lane and Thelonius Bernard. Laurence Olivier is ideal as their companion, and solid support comes from Sally Kellerman. The rating is PG. ...... ..,. .• _ Hunttngton Blleh 848-()388 'u" can CUTER Orange 634·9282 " ........ Orlftgl 139·8770 .......... -.. • DAILY PILOT C» 'Z~"-;!.\ ~ ) '\/ ~ -/ \). ht/'.· .... ( •. '--:->-· . .. '-.;- \ }c . v". \;~-=;:• I ~~ ~ - . A WfJ.flk M!hN H P!?f'.m nc .iios~"~ LYNNE fREOERICK llONH JEFFRIES ELKE SOMMER GREGORY SIER~ JfREMY KfMP CAIHERl~E SCHELL Sa•IY by DICK CllMHl I r.lltl IAN LA f RtNAIS l;\te ,,. lb( llG<t' t' ANI nGNY HCP! • ·~ ,..,,. ,'( ·~ EOWARG RuSl »t•.t °' HfNf?Y JIANQNI Slltt•~I Vt\U~ flletl L; ALBER! ~llLOCK PtUOLLetl ov WAllll{ MIRISCb 1;i:.a ~. k:LHARD OUINf .~ UllNf.RSAl PICTURl t • .. .~ • STARTS TODAY EDWARDS ' CINEMA WEST Westminster 892·4493 ( THE BOOKMAN J EDWARos· BRISTOL Santa Ana 540· 7444 AIVllWS in the J'G•OOl•~~S'llJ-j -----....-· ... ·~~'!-~ BUENA PARI( ORIVE·IN b1,;tnn fJ,,· i< d( l ·4CJ/u DAILY PILOT . .. . .... CJ• DAIL y "LOT Television TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS I R 11 l \\ IWNINO ......... WI •1c-toem A "u•O•nO a11d wile ._ .... Oltel1 In • ...... .,~ '"'' i .;:=o:., TWIN NI IMOV IUNOt4 cinov • ~ lf'C"• "' • ~IMY~••...WV C.•- • lnaTa "" .... ,....NQICO SIOl•~e,......,o.r ol e ltatefnlty °' Oo u.-..• ID M d OUI ..tly 1111• Of 11-.nl _ ......... " 10 °""'" • OVWRlll.9Y a_. Victoo ¥otoe 1111 • TO• AMNOUNCl.O ()) C89NIW9 11_1 MCNIWa 9:30 • I U>W lUC't' •..CY poomt.,;,. to _.,_ ~I>•. H141o.....,, b<fl<v• I~._ ~on '"" 1"4•1 OOM'P • DIC*CAWTT G~I Ck.rllbe•n HWd-<.' toe MfalM ....... ~ PMt'f bul forglMe 10 , .. '* not to llitC!Nlille CAI en.1000~ ..... ~ hl&ClOI- • bM'4S Ill ~ of ~"'O on ••~ tl\OW • • WAU. tTRllT -Oot And Oa• fax Shelttlta ' ()wet · Vret.:w 0 AlhedeH Chaifrnlll' OI Ille bOll(I, £NI CofporallOfl t:OO. (f) THI DUKl8 OF HAl2AN> 8o rind Luka j)ICll IJC> II or•ny M ollhiller oa1ty1no • WllC-OI hOt money (R) -~Fll.U Roci<tord beCOmM rom1111· tlCelly tnVOl\led Wllh a bllnd P•YChOIOgl&I (l<alhtyn thMIOidl wllO lllfed him 10 tifld out whO I• llafueing ""' and wny (RI 8 9 MOVIE -~UNIWME (I) c--.wna 7:00 I :v .::w Hof Rodder Hot Rod.. (Premier•I G1egg Henry. Grant GOOCJeve A lc>p·notctl hOl 1 Qdd8r llndS lllrnsell on HC>Uble _, N llt118'S a MnaM·town race wfloCh the IOC.C NtO !>as been guar- anteed to""n N9CNEW8 NeM. YWEO GAMI. MCNIW8 I) Cl) JOKER'S WILO ID SIX Ml&.UON <>OU.AA MAN <• n.·g~ He nry runs into Lroubll· 1n ~ sm a ll town when he enter~ a road 1 ttl't: againsl tht' local he ro Jn "Hot ltod." a new TV nrnvil' airing tonight a t 9 on ABC. Chan Ill'' 7 ·= THEATRE 'Lithe Mo Jar&ey .. 1'85C•· naiad by SQuore A1>1no· 1on ·s arrogance and wl!ollh Liiiie ignores her lroend s 8d11ice 1'181 he is dange.ous. (Al Tile sytM!ic;ate deeod9~ 10 l>Ulld a '"am of t>oornc rooo" 10 shtal llMI gold from Fort Knoa Cl) SANFORD AHO 80N Fred SChllr"tlS lo malte Lamont lee! gullly •hen htl feels Hl81 Lamont IS IQll0<- 1ng h1m 8) 28 TOHIOHT .. Inside S1raogn1" 4!) FARM OIOUT CR) 7:SO I) NEXT STEP 8EYOHO .. Maller Qt Pride .. G DANCE FEWR Guest Pa1rick Juvet Celebrlly 1udgu Jon ··Bowz•" Bauman. Susan R1chatdaon, Ronnie Scneo D DAT1NO GAME G IUJ HOU. vwooo 80UAM8 I) TIC TAC OOUOH .. ADAM-12 A IJn-.alt"' tnvetu1ga1or ou11rN 1r1s r11m&e1t 83 MACNEIL I LEHAEA AEPOA'T 4!) VOTERS' PIPELINE lJ) THE MUPPETS Oum1 L11>erace 1:00 I) ()) IHCAEDl8LE HUU< A young couple WllQ•llO a ven<l81ta agaonsl an 011 company oec.de 10 blow up a gas statoon Banner has lalten refuge on Cl OIFf'RENT STAOtCE8 Arnold and W IHIS r8C6tll8 a v1111 from • d islan1 cousin (Law anda Page) who dt!C>des lhe Drummond penlh<>use rn.ghl be a nlee plaoe In< a !Ong slay (R) D MpVIE • * * * .. Harper.. 119661 Paul N-man. Jutoe Hams Claa11n.-l l..i•fi11g• 8 KNXT tCBS) Los Angtllt::. G KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles D Kl LA (lno) Los Angeles D KABC·TV (ABC) Los Angeles Cl) KFMB (CBS) San Diego G KHJ·TV (lnO) Los Anqele!> ftO) KCST (ABC) San D•P!lO 0) KTTV Pnd I Los Anqelc'> Q) KCOP· TV (IM I Los Ano•''' " &l) KCEl·TV 1PBS1 Lo!>Ant1t-1t·~ '1!> KOCE· TV (PBS) Hunw1qtu11 Be.u,h Produeer Ross llunter A w..allny woman h1t,;s a l)t1va111 lnV8Slli)IAIOr 10 lond tier mouing hufiband (:1 hrs f 8 [I) WilCOME BACK, KOTTtA Whun Hor.shoe~ s mo111m «nnouncus that sl'tu 15 rernarry1o0 and tnoy "'0 moving 10 another c11y, Horshack decodes 10 9e1 married 111mse11 so thot ne won't haYlt to IQave Bucnanan High D MOVIE • *'" "Babe" ( 1975) Suslln C1ar1t. Alea Kauas Babe Oodrikson. · ·11111 worro·s greatest woman alhM!te;· •D{IBS a herOlc hallla against cane.tr (2 hrs I 0) CAROL BOAHETT ANOFAIENOS Skols .. ,ll<l Bull6r And l 11e Mr11d." "Mrs W1gg"'s Agaon •• g) MOVIE * • • •, John Paul Jonas" f 19">9) Ro1>,;1t Stack. Macdon1110 Caruv John Paul Jonn& ptays J ma1or part •n ArneJoc.J s light tor ondopendeocti 12 IUS I EI:) '1!) WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW 8:30 Cl HELLO. LARRY L-1rry torh•05 O•t.•fltJ H.> It.Utt• (t hu'i '''"'"' 01 ptn110 10 Cl) NOVA Black Tide.. lne most dOvastallng Oll spill 1n ho!>· tory and 11s ettects are e•amined (RI 10:00 I) (I) OAUAS 1 he Ewing lam11y plane. carrymg Bobby end J A . cratNlS lnlo a swamp du•· '"9 a -Q thundersrorm (RI 00 NEWS Cl) NIGHT GALlEAY .. The Olhor Way Out" A bu1tnessman r-.ves tel· lt1ta lying htm to the mys- ll!f•ous death of a go-go ddncer fI) AOYAl HEAITAOE The FlfSI Th•ee Georges . tiondf!I comPoSeO some ol no• 9rea1es1 works Clue 10 lhtt 11nc:ouragemen1 ot Ge0<ge t and Goorge 11 Geo•ge 111 s kterary pas· Mon tormed a bws '°' ll'Ml B11l1sh l•l>raty tn the Brot1stt Museum '1!) VIEWS Of' ASIA T h allano Do Good flPCf'"IC Good Do Evrl Rt1cc1vo E11ol Jolin Temple uu1m1nos the lha1 soc1e1y. locusing on 8udOh1&m llr>O tho Th!ll monarchy 10:30 0) Q) NEWS 11:00 II 0 0 (I) (!J) NEWS 0 MAKE ME LAUGH He'll Take Romance By JERRY BUCK LOS ANGELES I AP I Producer Ross llunter clocsn·t care what the rest of the industry is doing h(''s going lo make movies that are romant ic-. J?lamorous and opt1m1st1c. .. We 're rit!hling the corporations thilt reel the lt'l'n-agcrs are the only ones who turn on television ~nd the only ones who ~o t.o lhe movies,'· he said. .. I think they 're 100 percent wrong and I've proved that with ·Airport.' fl grossed more than .. SIOO million at a time everyone wanted to do 'Easy Rider_· I said it·s time someone did a good old-fashioned melodrama. "If we don't start m aking television shows for adults and women we're going lo lose the audience. Look at what they're putting on. I'm shocked. They gel a gimmick and work it to death. People are dying for en· HUNTU tertainment. Sure, pictures that stress violence and pornography may make money for a few weeks, but they're driving people away.·· THE SUAVE, SOPHISTICATED Hunter hard· ly seems to fit the role or rebel. A former actor. he turned to producing in 1953 and specialized in glossy r omances, co medies, mus icals and me lodramas. A few years ago he and his partner. Jacque Mapes, signed with NBC and turned out .. The Moneychangers." •·Family Upside Down" a nd "Suddenly Love." His ne west is "The Best Place to Be." a four· hour miniseries that airs this Sunday and Monday~ al 9 on NBC. Channel 4. It stars Donna Reed in heP first appearance in 13 years. Efrem Zimbaljst Jr., Mildred Dunnock. Belly White, John Phillip Law and Stephanie Zimbalist. Miss Reed plays a woman who suddenly is widowed and finds that her successful husband has STANFORD WHITMORE ADAPTED the screenplay from the best-selling novel by Helen Van Slykc. Hunter said he was at a publishers convention :J few years al?O talking a bout turning hooks into fil ms. Someone s uggested he ought to do a book hy M-iss•Van Slykc. · 11 arran~ed a meeting with her and she told me she was writing 'The Best Place to Be.· " he said. "ll was to tM: a 'Grand Hotel' of romance, and I look an option on it. l wanted to be very faithful in adapting it. If not. what's the sense of buying it. and besides, the audience would be dis· a ppointed.·· "I WANTED DONNA Reed. She had been a big movie star and an Academy Award winner. When I called her she said s he was happily married and liv· ing in Tulsa. Okla. I said, 'Let me send you the script.· "I expected lo not hear rrom her or to hear from her in a few weeks. Two days later she called and said she was on he r way to Beverly Hills. We met at the Polo Lounge and made the deal. It was that simple." His stage star was lo be Helen Hayes, playing Miss Reed's mother. But she became ill and Hunter signed Mildred Dunnock, who had been in "C at on a lfot T in Roof" and "Death of a Salesman.'' His television stars are Efrem Zim· ba list Jr. and Betty White. For the teen-agers. he got Zimbalist 's daughter, Stephanie: Tim Hutton, son of Jim Hutton, and Gregory Harrison of "Cen- tennial." "WE'RE DETERMINED TO be the rebels in a n industry that bas ically does biographies , violence and police stories." Hunter said. "We're only going to do love stories. I believe it's women who select the TV channel and the movie. left her in a financial fix. She has to find a job and "We've got to gel way from ugliness in life. I take her son out of private school. She takes on a don't mean put your head in the sand, but the younger lover, her son falls in with the wrong purpose or television and motion pictures is to en. crowd in public school, and her daughter bas an tertain. Everything is so negative. You have to ill·fated romance with a would-be musician. She jr start being positive a nd show the beautiful eventually ftnds true love with a man her own age. . people." TUBE TOPPERS -- KHJ e 8~00 -"Babe." Susar\ Clark plays the lege~dary a~hlete Babe Dldrickaon Zahar1as in this TV movie biography with Alex Karras . · ABC e 9:00 -"Hot Rod." A new TV movle about a visiting racer matched against the town hero. Gregg Henry and Grant Goodeye are featured. <See photo at left) . KOCE II 10:00 --Views of Asia. The nation of Thailand, its society, Bud· dhism and the monarchy, are examined. • MOVll • • • "Aun A Croohd ........ (1918) Louis Jour· clan. M8ry Tyler Moore A leKNr beoofnel lnYOhled Wt"' murd« and intrigue aft• diec:owfrng .,, under. ground sabotage plot C2 ht1.1 • CHICO AND THE MAN HfS blond COU11n Pec>e tr- io steal Chleo'a g+rltroend tromttom • THE IENNV Hill SHOW Benny, ... deputy, deel• with • I>'•-in a moll unusual way. . ID C** CAVETT • Goett. Ehzabetll Hardwick 11:30 8 Cl) THE NIGHT STAU<P A repor1ar au1pec1s 1t seoes of rnurdefa suppos. edly committed by a cull of Sa1an-worsh1p~rs were actually comm1t18d by a vamp1re Cl TONIGHT Host J ot1r1ny Carson Guests Steve Lawr11nce. Oozzy G1llesp1e, David Horow11z 0 SOUPY SALES G [f) SOAP Chos1er comes 001 ot 01a1n surgery wondEl(lnq 11 he ·~ Gunga O.n or Glorta Swan. son. ano Dennis Ines to pr11ven1 Jodie lrom ma,,y. ong Carol IRI 0) THE GONG SHOW Q) OETSMART Sn1an os pitted against 1116 .. or1d·s strongest counlO<· spy on tryong 10 recovt1t a k1dnapl)f'd prince EI:) CAPTIOHEO ABC NEWS 12:00 0 TWILIGHT ZONE rwo men pt;in lo sl•J,11 • $pacesl11p to a•o1<1 lllP oes1ruc1onn 01 the p1or>e1 0) JUKEBOX Gues1s· Marm11IA<11• C:.uv~ I\ Oo11s-At.lf S1rrng Dll""" Tnmg Sweet Q) OETSMARl Glamor Gals l<AOS plane 10 uw Mu to ...... onate IN Chief. • NOVA ••Blactl Tide" The most . c1evu1i.11ng °" spr111n hla· 1ory and its ettect1 are ••amlned 12:0S 8 9 IAMTTA A drug dNlet 1ssu. a M contract on Baretta's ,.... partner. a dope-anrftrng dog (RI 12:30 D MOVIE •*'It "Ma1c:Nesl" (19671 Pal rlck o ·Neal. Ira Fu<SlenbUtg A group of men-~ tor an Ame<· tean ~man ..no pouesSft a magic ltf19, (I nr. 55 min I ID MOVIE * * 'h ···Gangster S1ory · ( 19601 Waller ~atthau. CerOI Grace. A woman lrleS to aller a maS1er crook's chosen way of Ille t 1 hr • 30 min I g) MOVIE **'h ·Act One ' 11%31 Oeo•ge Hamilton. Jason Aobard' lhe lure ol ''"'· at!lf Ille proves 100 strong IOr a Jewish boy 12 hrs) 12:401){1) C88LATEMOVIE • * ·Ruby .. C 1977) P1p.:1 L.iu1oe Stuart Whnman 1 M mule <1au9h1~ or an w.ci.n1nc F1011da d11•u·1n mo••O manage< becom<is pouessed by dlMlistt spu . n~ t:OO 0 MIONIOHT SPECIAL HOSI!. S•Sler Sl"dQ" Gu~•~ Village Peop1 .. Oh••" N-1on-Jonn Ao S1ewn11 0Jv•d Nauohlon Narada M octtaet Waldt!fl, lhe Rat1s. 0.&am u"ress 1n1 0 MAVERICK ldSI Stop Olllov1(in t:tOfJ MOVIE • • • Sr ars Qt Ora<ul., J197 'I Cn11'.IOP""' Cr~· J .. n11~ h11r>ter A vour•Q ( OUOle SP.or.n1r'IQ IOt •• m1ss1nq t1J.dt1w1, com<•' 'IJ(.f"-f(J-f;-tt't-> Witt\ rl fil(1 Former movie stars Jean Peters <righl l a na Jane Russell < c el'\te r > join Dinah Shore on the latter's s how to t_,lk about glamor . The trio. all Hollywood leading ladies of the 1940s. were taping a future segment. Networks Showing Healthy Profits WASIQNGTON (APl -Revenues from the nation's television and radio networks made healthy advances last year. says the Federal Com· munications Commission. The information was submitted to the FCC by the three nationwide commercial TV networks and the 15 stations they own and operate. The eight na- tional radio networks and the 36 stations they own .. .,,.. OIMW• of Uftde9d Ct Iv . 30 """ I a ADAM-11 Tiie OfliCWI ..... t . ,_ c:tew eatr1ea1ino 11 bOy trlQOM In • ._ .. ~ 2:000 MOVll * • * .. T OUCll Of Ev1f' I t9581 CMtllOn HN1on, JaMI l...elgh. Ootecled by OrlOn W..... A Me111C8" ~ 1n9')8C10t and 1111 1u11111ic.n bride beOOlne IN lllc:IWM of a llf'Nlll. llme 11anoe•• 1111d • enadv llletlfl <kiting a murder inve1Uga11on on 1he bOrdet (2 111'1 •• t mif't I • MOYll • ·~ "The Barc tool Mailman .. (19511 Robett Cumm1"91, T•ry MOOffl A IChoolgltl encl a con man lry to pull o" a railroad stocll li~le. I 1 tu • 30 mon l 1:211 NIWI a:ao D NIWI 8 C** VAH DYKE l he ptoepecta of 1>eor19 the sub)eCls of a story on a nauonal magazine brings OUI 1"41 8QOlllhCal ""°'" on Roo. Sally and 8u0dy .. MOW • ** •·Ttoe Wflll .. (19511 Rlc:nard Ro ber. Harry Moroan. Peny ptef\idOCM dlsap()C!at when a blKll en.Id t>eeomes 1rap1)6<1 on" well.11 II• • 30 min I 2:408 NEWS S:OO I) MOVIE • • • '1• "ReQu•em For A Heavywe1gtt1.. I 19621 Anlhony Ouonn. Jackie Gleason An emp1oym6nl c:ounselor troes 10 help .i washe<J·UP boxer 1and a 1ob (2 nrs. 5 mon I D MOVIE • • •,, ··uncH:ugrol,nd ( 11'14 II JOllH•y Lynn Philip Oom OunnQ World Wu• 11. memt.eo' of tile undor. qrouml 11~k 1110.r 1t11e<. .... lhl!V struggle aga1n&I Ni:ur IO<Ct!S 11 nr • !>!>min 1 3:300) MOVIE • • Only Th .. Valiant .. I 19!) 11 Greg()fy PAC.Ir Bar. bttra Paylon A CdVGtty ""'' •eqaon .. •&Sp<>e1 tor tM1r tea°'1' w hf'fl Ile ~YK lhl'm ht;m .,n lndr&n (lll!Kk 1:i n,,) 4:00 Q) MOVIE • • Inc 1$1,.nd Qt ''""'9 H 0 ,,01 t 196lil JOhr A-.n1ey 1<.Pnt l .,ylo• A tr•O .jt Am..,rte.an~ arP -;..•ot 10 t t•me;tP •sloncJ 10 '"".-'"· q •• 1 ... rumorr Qt .U.tll(J•• pt,tn1 ttncJ 1n1mtl muto '"'"' t 1 ,,, JO nun J 4·0t0 MOVIE • •' Th,.1 f ·" '111H•·O ~H1(f••••, t 1'15: I UfJf M H11rl•,.1n riotJ1;11 <,mr~ b.lc:.t-n o n tn.. 't•;vHI P~"'' · o~ W11111un f 11ulk becom. ~ ... • Wand Wll f plot. Illa.,.,... cflutlng .... Md ..., ~ -.(1 "'· .. l'ftlfll -.\11 l<ll\) t:a01••••W llM MYOtrt ROUW ~ Do\WYAND GOUATN I INAICOUf lflllNrTY ,lrtfO//t't CAl'nOtm> MO NIWI (() MODIMMr 0 THE COUMll 0. OURTIMD 7:00 8 DUITY'I TRDllOC* D ALVIN AND THE a.......aa • lllGM.UeMAMl.E 1111 8C009Y DOO HOTPUDGI n&omn'Aln' .... e WOMSt: RIAL 10 REEL ti) YOGA FOR HIAL.TH ' Cl) ... ~ 7:30 8 MA1W.O AND THE MACMC MOVIE MAO- G FANTA8TIC '°"" 0 PACEIETTEM D Q)) FAHGFACE I) TME LONE RANGER 0) THATS ENOUGH g) ROMPER AOOM S) SALUTE TO 8PNNO Hort1CU11url11t Roy 1<er1111 hosrs a tour of lhe PNI• C1etp111a Flower Shaw 1{J CUISlNE 8:00 I) (JJ POPEYE Cl OODZIUA SUPER to 0 MOVIE • * .. W'-l Of Fortune" I t'l~ I) Frances Dee. Jahn Wilyne A young attor,,., .. 11poses 111& truth abOut a c;orrupt pollloeoan and flis ur'°"'Mno«I dealongl (1 nr 30 mm 1 • (fGJ 8UPUW'NEN08 G AOU..EA SUPEASTAM LOS A~ 1 ·0.rd• VS. leaas Oullaws 0) MOYIE • • * ·The Roa11n9 ,_,,_ .• (19391 Jemes C <19ney Hump11rey F1<19ar1 T 11ree men. ltiends """'l<I World War I, beHle n•l!f d•llerfll\CeS of Ol)l<>tor1 '"'"'' lhe boollegging .. 1C••·1 l?hr~.30m1111 8:30 Q) SOUTHERN CAl~NIA tD NOVA OliiCk Tode • The most o·~'va:Jtahng 011 so1u m hts ... 1orv .. nd 115 ettects are 1•·utm1rWJO CBS Morning News Relaxed NEW YORK t Al' 1 Thl'rl' mav ha\.·P been somt! concern al first thJt CHS' remodeled "Morn· mg" news pro,l?ram 1.H1uld Jorn that drift toward e ntertainment l-las h 1nformi.11t1m encouraged by th(' compettt1on N HC., · Toda,1-" <.ind "Good Morn101? AmnH·a " •m 1\He 'I think IH' madt• i.l m1M:l.kl' wht·n we told peo pie \lo t' wen' gmn~ to bt! more informal ... says Bob Schieffer. the form<·r White House corre~pondent for CR..'-; who 's bet•n the ··Morning·· a nchorman s ince t ht.• program s premiere in J anuary "TO SOM F. PEOPLt-:. informality meant features on how to cook your Easler ham and so or1. What w1• meant was that we would be more Oex1ble, give more I 1mc 1r raecessary lo the big story. take the tame to t<ilk about tbmgs that might interest the viewer. "The nt•w format ga"·c us the chance," says Schieffer. "to sit down m a relaxed way, as re- porters do after they've covered a story, and just t alk about what 's ha ppe ned. It's run, and sometimes you get the best stones that way." The pro)?ra m is produced separately from "Sunday Morning." the 90-mmute news and news feature pro,1?ra m begun at the same time. Charles Kuralt, CBS' "On the Road" man. anchors "Sun· day Morning." THE HOUR-LONG weekday newscast -7-8 a. m. and ca lled "Monday Morning," "Tuesday Morning" and so on through Fnday -barely re- sem bles its predecessor. "The CBS Morning News ." That show was cut in the style of the networks· everung news -cover as much as possi- ble with a generally ha rd edge to each story. "People are ma difrerent frame or mind in the morning, at least they are around our house," says Schiefrer. 42 and the father or two daughters. "And I think the inrormat1on goes down easier the ~ay we do it.·· and operate also filed data. Total net TV rev~nues --------------------- were $3.5 billion in 1978, up 15. l percent from 1977. Profits before federal income tax were $560 million, up 1 percent from 1977. Net revenues ror the radio stations were $236.3 million. up 11.1 per· cent from 1977. Profits before federal income tax were 14.'U million in 1978, a 6 percent decline from the previous year. Skiing classified ads are the best place to : buy or wll ski wear and equipment in the Daily Pilot. 642-5678 FROM Fashion Island Newport Beach STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR . '-··--' --· -- PUBUC NOTICE ------•tntttOUt ,_,.. .... ..... IHHMll•T T ............. __ i. ..... -.. -··: •1•0t0H. nw ....._, ... •. c..49 llMM, CA....,, •e11A•lll l Yllll ,.rlll•, ltU ......_, 4111 "'-C-..-.. CA ""11 Tlllt Millh• b . ~ 111' Ml '" ......... .... p""' TMt ·--111941 •• , .. , ... C-y 0..-OI OrMet C-ly.,. ._.. '· '"' P UBLIC NOTICE NOTICE a: .. ~cvtOt Of tr•• Wiit Of "You m..ty h<tvP lhr r1qnt 10 cure tt•P ''-'•bOVf"'ndmf"d O"<t•OtOl dol•un ci.>erooeo ""rein •nd rt'ln•l•I• 4ttorMy tor EH<- llle mol'1~"' Ott<! of '""' S.ctoon •9MrtN .,_,. Jtt•C ot tN C••ll COO<' ~rm•I• cU1••" '* P•rtl ... .. AME ST4T•MENT 0.1 ... 11~ to bf' cure<! upon Ill<' P•Ymt'nt ••llMN l•IMMl.C•llln .. 2 T"• follow1n9 perMlft~ •re do1n9 ol tl\e •mot111t• roouired by tllal ..,r 0141t1~~ llvti";~ ~ 1 N G E OU 1 p l loon w•l"°"I requorong ~•m•nt ot '"•I PuOh\,...O Or.tnQI' Co,l\t O"•IY PolOI ·PECl·LTtES ,~~P4NY ~ E RN~ pol'11on of pron<•~l •nd tntNO\I wn1cn ,.,.dy 7S<1nd Jun• 1.8. ·~. 1919 ion 19 " ~ '"""" · .. n ~ would not be Clue ,,.., no CW,l•ull oc: Hiii Avenue. Sulle C1os. Coll• um ed. ~ reinst .. tement 1s p0n1· PUBLIC NOTICE Mese. Celltomia '7W bl• If the ""tault is not '""'o within AnlOM P JHk:f't, , .. SJ Suf'fo.te thr~ months fottow•ng trw: record1no --fITTITtOUs~ss -~· Huntlnvton 8HCll, C.lllor"I• ol 1111\ notice, Ille rlQlll of relnsl•le· NAME STATEMENT Cllerrl M. 8"tm1M1, 10ft Tutlln menl will •~rmln•te .and H>e prootrl\' Tn., lollowono Dtr•ons •re d01n11 P lllH Wey T uslin C•llloml• tJMO m•y be sola. 1>us1ne'' d\. Wlllaem F ~l'lulllMI J lOSSI To determlr>e II re1nsta1emenl il BA~OARAS F"AB~ICS t?ll EoUI C"lnooll Ave~u• Fount~lnr.Yelley PHSllll• and Ille amount, II anv, llln Stre.,t, SMt" An.1. CA ~UOI C.lltomlet?JO. ' • l'lllU \\dry 1.0 curt I,,.. default, contacl Moflror J w111,,.,, (Monroe JOl\n Tiii' ituslnen Is c0ftdu<te4 11 • Ille l>enell<oary·"' morto49"" or '""" Willner! 10937 Hun1tno Horn Drive, peMrel ,.,,Nr1'1 p Y succe''°'' In 1ntere•I. wt>o~ ndme S•nta An• CA '1110~ OlerflM,~-•nd •Gar~• "' ol Ill• date of th" Alice P. Willner (Ahce Pr1ulll• Tiii' "•""'-' WH 11,.d •II" Ille nolk • Is· SldMt S. DIUI• clo U.S. w11t,,..rl 1°'17 HU111ing Horn Drive, ·ou.,ty c .. rll ol O •1194' C I HOME LOAN. 1300 Wesl Olvmolc Sent• An• CA 9710S iprU lJ, 1'19. r OIH'I y on Blvd .• L~ A119111tt, C•lltornl• .OOIS 8er~r• Cet•lln• Willner. ?IOI, ~111111 Rel. No. 1110 A~r1...-c. Felrvlew, S.nl• An•, P11lll Or-COol'I 0•11• Pool. LM A ...... Title CA •7704 1119, •. 1, 11. u. "" ""·'\ Altfll Allstnctc._a._ Tiiis l>uslneu '' cona .. cted by • IDW.1 .. Mrwt 9911erel~lp, Les A ....... ti, CA........ Monrw J. Willner PUBLIC NOTICE PUb1"-Or.,.oe Co.tsl D••1Y Pilot T11os !l•t-nt w .. filed "''"' thct ----___ __ _ M•Y •.It. 11. 2S, 1'19 1&11 I~ Covn1, Clerk of OrM19f County on M•y ------t. ,.,. ~ICTITtOUS •USIN•U PUBLIC NOTICE •AME ST4T•MENT f'11011 PubtlSNO Or-Co.tst O•lly Pilol M•Y '· II, II. l S. 1919 Tiie f041CJWl"9 person I\ dolllQ !Iv\• ----------- MU•~-FICTITIOUS BUSI NEU MS. VI CKIE 'S CLEANINC, NAMEST4TEMENT SERVICE, 27 ~per, Irwin•, CA T11• loliowlng per"°"' .... OO•llO ft1U llu"ntt' es. FrM e. Ruuetl, ,, sendpt ... r. 81RTOiE• EOUlllES. 11JO EHt trvlne, CA t111• F"out111 Sl..-..t. s.nl• AN. CA (Suite Tiiis tNMneu '' cond<Kted DY •n In· 740l 't270S CllvlOuel. 8 1r1c""r P<te1hc. la parlnersn1P1 F.8 R\IS5elt 11JO E•\I Four1h Stre.,I. ISulle 1.40). 'flll1 -.Mment ••• ltled will\ IN Senta A"•· CA 9210S C-ty Clet1I OI ~ ... 911 Count, on May BrandOI\ R BorlC.ller, 1130 E••I 2. !tit Fourlll Sire.I <Suite 2.01, Sent• An• •nt&D CA t710S PuOll~ Or.,. Co.ts! Delly Pilot Tiii\ busl~\\ " condutlPd by a Mey4, 11. 11,Ultl• ••O·,. (lf!Mral l)M1ntrstl11). PUBLIC NOTICE PICTITIOUI •USINEH NAMI STATIM•NT Tiie followlt19 persons •re 401~11 lluMMH•'' Blrtcllff PoKll•c. a o.-rtner ot 8trtc twit Eciulli"' Ronald£ Blrlcllff. a P•r1ner of Birt< h••r P11<lflc Tiii\ slate"""'t ·~ tol&d w1lh 111• County Cl.,k of Oranve County on M~v PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS •USllllSS NAME ST4TEMENT l lie 1011ow1no per~ns ere do1no bY\1ne\\ as CERTIFIED 5HEE t M ETAL PRODUCTS. Sl9V, Pappy, Coron• del Mtr,CA"67S ROiiin Domnl\ W1111 ...... Sl9VJ POP py, CorOM Clel Mar, CA '7'1S G•ll Mol'1tn~en. )II li~tfl Or , Coron• del Mar, CA 97US Tiii\ l>u•lnus Is conducttd 11, • 1om11ed 0oel'1,,.r\hlp. Gall Morttn•en Robin D Wlli•dm• 1'11o\ statement wh flied with Ille County C .. rk of Ot•~ County on M11~ 1 ''''· f'lt4tH LON DO N GL 4 S5 "8V OIEO ROIE I", 2000 Persons •St, Cotte IMY, CA ~1 >. "" "" .. " Publlshfla Or.noe Coe•t Dallr Plinl OonelCI llkAlef. 20IO Perw11s • s•. C.te MeW, CA 92621 Publlshfd Orango c.oast Daily Pilot May'· 11, It. 7S. 1919 ,.,, .. , •• 11, "· u. 1919 -------- Oell<le But,.r, 20llO Parsons •ff. ----CMt• Mew, CA ,_,, 11.S·lq PUBliC NOTICE Tl!" IMnlnes• '' conducled llY a IMffel..,_.. o...ldWle• Tiiis ...._,,. w•s tiled Wltll ,,,.. :-ty Oen of Or~ C°""IY on M•v ... ""· Fll- PuellSNCI Or .... Coet1 Delly P1lol llley 11, ZS, J -1. 1'7' leiK-1' PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE SUPE••O• COU•T Of' THI ST4 TE OF CAllFO•NIA FOR "CTITIOUS aUSINESS THE COUNTY OF O•ANOE NAM• STATEMENT N•. 4·1"21S l llt loOawu'!I penon os dolllO bu"· N 0 T I C E 0 F H E A • I N G 0 f' ,,..nu ,.ET ITIOH FO• P•OaA TE Of' WILL SIC YLIGHT SPECIAL TIES. 20tl 4NO COOIC:IU Of' ANYI. ANO ~O• Pomon•Ave .. c:o.teMew,CAm21 L•TTE•S TESTAM•NTA•Y, ANO RlcM nl 11-11 S< .... ter. 2011 AUTHORIZATION TO AOMINIST•• Pom-A .... CoslUNY , CA 92'21 UNO•R TH• INO•PENO•NT AO. Tiiis ~Is c--by •n ,,.. MINIST•ATION o~ ISTATEI ACT. dCvlduel. CPllOa4TE CODIE Mt ET SIEQI. PICTITIOUS a UStNESS AkNntA-llS<lleilfer E•talP ot ETHEL F FREEMAN, UME STATEMENT Tiii' l tMemeftt w•s Iii.ct wllll In. Duu"'o Tiie ~ --I\ dolnt WM· '-'' Oerti ol Or91191 C-ty on M•r NOTICE IS HEAE8Y GIVEN tllel -H: 16, lt74. H. W•lll•m F~ eke Holll' W. MICWOIUC!>, »32 CAll•llne st .. Los f'llMIJ Frftman, !\ft llleel .... eln • petltloll Alemlt-.CAtono Puell"'911 Or-.~ Delly PCIOt lor Pr-• of Will end C-cll\ Cll LIOyel Ml<llMI Troke, 11"1SIOU•'Me't11,25,J-t,I, 1'1' 1t06-7t e11y1 •"d for ·1uu•n<• ol Lellerl IN .. ......,._. CA 92t1J Te,lement.,., ...ct Auttoorlr•llon lo M· Tlllt .....,_, k c.-.Cteel llY .,, Ill· mlftlst•r _, Ille lnclttpendenl Ad· .,,..._. .PUBUC NOTICE m lnlW•lkln of E\tetn Act, reference UOydM. Tnlle -----------10 wlllcll Ii m•de lor f urtller 'flll' ...__. -filed wltfl tile ITAT•M••T O~ WITHDRAWAL pa,,lculen, end tn•t Ille ll'Tlol Md C-.'t °"""'Or .... eoum. ... Mey f'llOM Pie<• ol llt«lflO Hie -lies ..... Mt '1'79 PA•TM••SHIP Of'l•ATINO lor J une 12, 1m •• 11o:ooe.m .. In tlltt • flllffrt UNDll• courtr0«n ol Deller'-' No,> of selel PW4llllllCI Or .... ('MM Delly Pllet f'ICTITIOUS •usa••st •AM• court, •I 700 Ovk Drive Wetl, In tM Me,4, 11, II.IS, tt1t 17•1· TM loll0wt119 person llft wltlldrewn CllY ol Sent• A,.., <:alllDl'llle ., • t•fteral put11er from '"• Oalacl: Mey 2,, ltlt pertMnlllp oPerellflO lifldel' IM fie-Lee A. llrtll\Cll, tltlout llul!NU ,,_of THE OUT· c-ity Cleftl TEAMl!N et 1"32 Mt. Olef .. Cln:te, .IOtlN •. IUCICLINO PtCTITIOUI tUMNIM Fountel" V•ltey, C.lllornle '210I 11611 IH ~ IMW., •AMalTA1'8M91fT TIMI llcllllous lbuslness -slat• 1411W'11, TM ........ ..,_ Is dolfll bvtl· tMnt tor tr-. pel'1ner\l\lp was llleel on Les A...-, CelN . ..., PVBUC NOTICE . -·--... ~- apo lie mdicutl'd the four bust's rcnll'd lly lhe dis· t rict could l><' lensed and purchust•d <1t a lesser n i t· and noted the dis· t r ad would own t he vt•haclci:. ut the dose of Ill\• lcu:,c ~·no<l Tru~ll't'S vot ed un - una mou:.ly to authorize the badi. after S upt. J~rome Thornsley told them the district was pay ing about S32.000 per ye1u to rent buses 'ANGELS' CONYERGE BA!\s LAKE IAP l - An estimated 300 to 400 Hells Angels are expect· ed to begin arriving here t oday for the motorcycle gro up 's an nual Me morial weekend visit to this Sier ra Nevada recreation area. T h e mo torcyclists have reserved Willow Cove campground. Extra Madera Co unty she riff's deputies wa ll be on duty at the lake dur ing the weekend . . -..... -_..-.-. ............... ...._..,.....__.,, .... ~ ............................ """" ...... ~·~""""----------......... --..... ----""'-· ~ 25. 1811 IWL y fllLOT CJJ Pallllal Me•ory s A.bused Ki& NASHVILLE, T9'1J. <AP> -All tbe years nuu. AbuMd cllllclrm became., ............ Hank Snow ha been ,1uc_.11Splta:r IDd •lnl· -IDoW Aldlillilolf• l•a country tuno1, b•'• retalaed a pal1ful (.., _..,DVll• • .., ) lllo cw -_._ memory ol lu. daya u aa abused cbUd. ,~,.. •~ reporta ol two a.....a Jt'• been about a year IAw • .,........ SOf.JND Nu8"tlll ......._ ~ Snow founded to belp tt1bt ebllcl abue wu moatu later, tlw Oe· eurterect. But be bu d.1aeOvend tbat, Ub mak-· tober 1'11 ••uBI ...... tn1 lt bl1 ln entertainment, maktq Madwa.y of '"C.ur-old MdlU Ola.. la Clntlad.. ~,..._ tatea Ume. called tile lberUf'1 am. ID ~ ··1 TllOUGBT THAT n COULD Juat IO ahead and let up our own orsanlutSon to deal with tbls thlDI direct. But there are 1.,alltles to be Ml· Ued," the Canadian·born slJller aald by telepboae from Illa of. race. "It's not an overnJ1ht thing. I've &earned that." The &&-year-old crooner. a fixture on the Grand Ole Opry since 1950. has done concerts to raise money for hia cause. He pe rformed one August at SNOW the Opryhouse with some of country's biggest na mes and plans another Aug. 30. Snow s aid the funds rajsed gq to bis non- profit foundation. now a ~ard of directors without a staff. These days, he said, the foundation is work· ing with existing agencies -especially the state Department of Human Se rvices-to improve citizen reporting of child abuse. SNOW SAID HE HOPES THAT someday bis foundation will conduct training counes for law enfo rcement officers and the public in more effec- tive ways to detect child beaters. And there ·s his grandest dream -construc- tion of a children's rescue mission and training center. Snow envisions it as a place lo house. abused children. perhaps only temporarily, whom a judge has ordered removed from their homes. But no one knows where the center would be localed and Snow and a foundation official say considerable funds are needed to build it. SNOW. FROM BROOKLYN. NOVA Scotia , left home at 12 and spent four years at sea. Fresh on his mind. he said , were the abuses of a cruel step-father . "You oever forget It leaves scars ." he said "lt 's just fortunate that I didn't become an abusive parent myself. becau~ that's the way it to uk It then waa Ul1 way bl~ W,. aom.-one aua-ted a bneftt tODCel"'., and oe Dee. t, 1978, Snow and frienda from the ()pry ltqed tile event ln Cleveland. D&. DAVID T . llA&ION. Vanclerbllt Unlveraity pedlatrtclan and inember of SDow'a foundation board, said he belleftl bl Snow'• eom· mltment. "Hank Snow is a wonderful person. He la ter· ribly honest and selfteu -I'm very impreaaed. Sometime. persons get into this. and their motives are not entirely for the child.·· Conference Set On Birth Defects The second annua l conferenc~ for health pro. ressionals. researchers a nd educators on prevent· ing birth elects through research will be beld June 2 at the Newporter Inn in Newport Beach. The purpose of the conference is to inform health care personne l of research studies on the preventioin of birth defects and the studies• clinical applications. Sponsors are the Orange Cowity chapter or the March of Dimes. Golden West College, CoasUlne Community College and lbe UC Irvine CoUe1e of Medicine. Registration for the conference, which coats S2S. is from 7 ·30 to 8:30 a.m .. and the program will run until 4:30 p.m. For information. call the March of Dimes at 979·2270. Father's Day Set WASHINGTON CAPl -President Carter has proclaimed June 17 as Father's Day, saying it is a time "for a ll of us to reflect on the sa crifices our Cathers have made on our behalf " --------------- Spandex and you . Totally revealing. Sleek. Sculptured. One long body line poured out of a spandex mold. The pant in black from Theodor Accent. Sizes 3 · 11, $35 The tube, striped fuchsia or jade on black. S.M.L, $14 By Fran Gipani Both in -----Antron• nyl on /Lycra• spandex. Selected sizes in Young Attitude Collection s -M: S·7~1t In Hie Gounlt of Oran99. -lflrhlT1tet19:"1"l1"'Jl•....,r.-t""''""'------,r-----' ... KO'fMIM&.~OM.I. -1"11tt"fft~.......,l'n'r'Br., Os.-YllU Of., $ellell LeevN. Ca. PerMftWltlldrewlne; "'11 IUcllerd A. 1Cu1ue, 11JJ2 Mt, Wll...,. ...... Prlltt,216"0caolfl C"•"• Circle, Fount•ln V•llo, _..;.._ _______ _ v .... 0r~s-111uei-.ea.m11 c.111orn1emw PUBLIC NOTICE TlllS _._. la~_, ell In· Slt!Md. Rkll.,d A. IC1111n .,,,...._ PftltU ........ PrMt "'*41~ OrMte Coe'l1 Oelly PllOC, , ............... -flleel -~~ MeyUMCI J..,.1,1,IS,mt JOU.1' CillmltY °"""'Or .... c-ty ... _., "-""· "" ft18UC NOTICE ,......... Or-. ee-Deity ...... ------------11 Mey ........ "'·"" ,... 3 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa, phone 568-0611 ............ - ·1MMEDIA TE DELIVERY OM ALL MGs & SftlTFfRES Including Hardtop & Overdnve N'odel<; Also SH The Spitfires and M.G. MldcJeh .'-;ah'~ -SPri·if·p -Leasinp :> Y r./:>0~000 mile· !"ie•r \ ic·c· ( :o nlrad \\ a ilahlc• U n .\II ~ •. " lt111 wrl1-'.'.'. fl ,.,,,,~,.. ( ·.,,,,, ",. ~ H ritisl1 l .c•!llmul fc•111f•r \fOlll MO•IO _ .,.,, • H ...... fO ti, ... _ Uf ,.,. ...... ro. ,,.. & \UM 10 .... TO \ ... ltARB<J/.i BL\/() /\AN 01u_,o Nlff WA~ • ",_, .. UAll/?(}f{ fl/ vu cps f,~ M( .'>A YOUR CHOICE! OF LUXURY IMPORTS '79 ALFA ROMEO SPIDERS WE HAVE THE BEST SELECTION IH SOUTHHH CALIFO•HIA HEW '79 SAAB THE VERSA TILE SAAB 900TURBO <>NLY5 I 0,500 (Ser 09873) EXCELLENT SELECTION OF 1979 LUXURY PEUGEOTS 604 & 504 IGAS & DIESB.J All Pnces Plus Tax & License. Cars Sub1ect To Prior Sale Offer Good Thru 5/31/79 . ~· '78 ALFA ROMEO ..,SPORT SEDAN Automatic lraf'< ;iir cond AM/FM ca5sette. <;1gna1 c;earch 01n <;tnoes & mag wheels 20·25 m o g s I 0,499 (Demo Ser 010521 LEASE A LEGEND Why lem e an 0tdiriory cor when you can lease a new 1q79 PORSCHE? The P0tsche 'n4. It's designed to carry on the P0tsche trod111on o f winning. A tradition that spans 31 years and includes over 400 mop racing victories. It\ also desi(Jled f0t the proctico hty of today. PORSCH L924 IH[ LIMITED ED1no~i '(Br H"G n n tiL v 1n2 AVA!l ABU Its unique rear tronsaxle provide• 11irtuolly perfect S0.50 wei<Jit distribution between front and rear-for balanced rood holdiriq and broking. Its aerodynamic de~ 1s aesthetically pleosiriq-ond practical Best of all. even with ophons lem.riq o q24 is \llpri~y affordable So "'sit y~ POf~he+Audi dealer and test drive a loviriq leqend. 44$ EAST COAST HIWA " r 1EWPOr-T BEACH ()Pf:I I SUl\JDA Y~ I J S 673-0900 The difference between a Mercedes-Benz lease and any other is the Mercedes-Benz. The ca r you lease doec: make qui te a difference. After all. you don't drive the lease. you dnve the ca r . And when you lease a Mercedes -Ben z you drive some thing specia l indeed Whichever Mercedes Benz model you choose. you dnve one of the wb rld 's m os t respected automo biles. A car with legendar y eng•· neenng. meticulous craf tsmansh1p. outstanding performance and safety. L_. __ -. . Something else you II drive the car you lease for two. three or even four yea rs. Mos t car<:, look out ofl date all too quickly But when you !ease a Mercedes·Benz. you drive a car with classic Imes and timeless· ness that rs never out ot date. We have several leas.mg plans to offer you. One is certain to m ake it more convenient for you to drive a Mercedes-Benz than you might have thought poss1· ~ ble. Call us today for the ~ surprising facts. '~- Ask about our many convenient leasing plans. * Brand New •79 Che•ette 2-cloor! With tour·.sc>eed m1mual lrMflti 80A 111d111s. vmyt t>vc1.ett 1111 '''"""'"0 wheel t\4tater/l:Mtlr08tet tinted glaH et No 2•00.6128-4? ·-... * lrmcl New •79 112-foll Che•y LUY PlcU,! With four·se>eed rrans t 10 8 CID engine. radio. chromed step bumper, heater/ctefr06te• m1r10r'> E78-14 lires. etc No 23167913070 LEASE OR •UY! Only 5 3695 LEASE OR •UY! Only s4395 ---------------------------------'---------------------------------* lrmtd New •79 Camaro Sport Coupe! With 6 cyl eng111e. auto trans atr cond OlNr stetmng & brake!>. rallye wheels. racltal whites till wheel. ltntecs glas~ console style tnm groups. etc. No 60156613127 * Brcmcl New •79 El Ccnino! -- With auto trans oower steering & brat<es. tinted glass. six cyl engine radial whites. wwl buckets. H 0 radiator. console. etc No 447381 /3061. LEASE OR BUY! Only s6495 LEASE OR BUY! Only s5195 ---------------------------:-----.,--------------------------------- * Brand New '79 Moma Hatchback! With V6 ~ng1ne. auto Iran:. a" cond oower steenng & brakes, vt41vl buckels. Spyder ootion. tellered rac:hals. soec mstrume n1at1on till Wheel. etc. No 1658~91?729 * Brand New •79 1/2-ton Che•y Fleehide Pickup! With auto trans . 5 7 lltre engine. oower steering radio chromed front bumper gauges oot1on LA78 radials. gllde·out spare tire earner, heater/defroster m11rors. etc No 16418313173 '78 B Cmnlno! Cus tom eQUtpment & paint. 0 I Roll bar. air cond .. n y automatic trans. & power ateenng. Ser. 10485. 5 5495 -------------------------------- ____________________________ , ___ _ •79 Ford Mustang II! Only 135 mites' Gas sa111ng 0 I 4 C'(ltnder engine automatic n y trans . power steenng & air cond. Se< lt9672 5 5295 -------------------------------- •75 Olds Cutlass Supreme! l Ooot ·--...,-~~i-oeO I 53695 ~IM..!.:=..:~ IO(l L""' 111'11' n ----------~-------~------------·11 Cor•effe T·Top! Sharp thruout' A berge 0 I beauty wt11ch 1<; loaded & n y has row m1tec; 1428UWE) Hurry -won t tast at this once' 5 9595 --------------------------------178 Cor•ette T -Top! LEASE OR BUY! Only s 5995 LEASE o• BUY! Only s 5695 f.~~ii~;;AV~ Only 511, 99 5 ---------------------------------r-------------------------------- * Brcmcl Mew '79 · _ _, * Brand Mew '79 l!i .. ~ ~·) ----------------------~--~-~---- 178 Z28 Camaro! Malibu Classic! . Che.y Blazer! · A well eQu1 poed beautyOnly w1lh tow m11ec;• Ser 11295 t COME &SEE' With auto. trans . folding rear seet, rlnted glaM. air cono . roll bar, cruise With auto trans .. air COf'ld • tinted gt8116. pwr steenng. bn*88 & wtndOwS, t I 31 1 1 k 1 1 h ....... 1 1 Che t ""'"' ~~e:V:rce~~o~5;~i·:)3f'o4~tes. nrallyel wtly ... ~. ·s ·6heet.298')0rt """'5~~ ~ ~ •• ~~0~1 =y~. sJO ~.··99 5 ~~f.:.~~~~~=~;oss sn·1-e1y .. S4795 ---------------------------------· LEASE OR IUY! LEASE OR IUY! "MUST SEE" car! ---------------------------------r:---------------------------------------------------------------- * Brand New •79 Monte Carlo! With powet steenng and brakee;, tinted gl886. auto trans rift wheel. radi•ls. windshield antenna heater/defroster HO radiator, 3 8 htre engine. etc. No 4530'912754 LEASE OR BUY! Only s5595 -------------------------------- * Brand New '79 Impala Sedan! With arr cond .. auto trans . radial wtl1tes. ttnted gta.ss. remote ols mtnor cruise control. till wheel. HO radiator, spec exterior option. heater/defroster ate No 13111 512657 177 Malibu Classic Coupe! * Brand New Chevy I-ton P' I <zs .-. On ly 2 1.000 miles! I P • I lri I • .-~·--: \, -f Aul omat1c. air cond .. pwr 0 s4595 lu1ren I Elec c ans , • ~ • . steering & stereo A white n y • ~ "sharpie" with a blue vinyl Dual Use Utility Pickup! 1 • -.._ ~~~eJ ~~5swo). Bargain ---------------~----------------With auto trans .. dual rears. 8 75 rubber. power steenng, radio. aux. tank, power brakes. HO shocks. VB engine. mirrors. gauges. etc. No 177012/3087 •77 l11mala Coupe! Takes a slide-in camper ' ••T LEASE OR BUY! Onlys9495 Automatic trans. pwr.o I steering. a" cond & a low 26.000 mil es. (529VZR), n ' Ready fOf the road' Check this price ol ------------~-------------~~-~-- 77 Olds OmecJa Brougham! ~ O~o~e~~,~~~~~~~~~~'X On-· ly 54395 mil eage lam11y c ar (409RYXI . _______________________________ .__ LEASE OR •UY! Only 5 6395 '77 Firebird Esprit Skybird! ;"~:r~~; ~~:,:t& m;~~h,~ Only 55895 mileage For the young at heart• (859TPT) -------------------------------- With auto. trans .. air cond . radio. tilt steering wheef. tinted glass. remote o/s mirror. 5.0 lilre engine, radial whites. bumper guards, heater/defroster, etc. No. 160712/3081 LEASE OR IUYI ---------------------------~-----'77 Camaro! Automatic Ira n ~ . atrOnly s44'5 cond1l1on1ng . po we r steering. silver ex1enor & sharp! (012SGF) You must see to appreciate' -----------------------------~-.--No 124422/2709 With GWI 23.160 lbs .. 167" we. 102" CA. V8. 2·speed re8' '77 Monte Carlo! axle. 9.~20 rubber. OK for 16 ft body. Heavy duty throughout Stake body not included In pnce: for 111ustratlon purP<>ses only 1LEASE !OR IUY! ~~--------------------------------------------------------------~------ ...aAL..mmll!UTSIJIV'llKJlf 833-0555 "ICEEP THAT GREAT GM FEELING WITH GENUINE GM PARTS" Add for tax. llcenae. & documenta-y tee Prioet good n4nety-s1x hours from pubhcat1on 833-0555 l1na., Parts,~ I Paint .... 7:30 w ..... ,. put ettht on hh doghouM eo he con be our eorty-olen ice-<reom truck apotter I " SUPE'11MEROES SHOE MOOJ4~ULLINS • t I 1toy home from Khool todoy to go show Grcmmo my prize for .-feet attendance?'' OENN1S THI MENACE .. .... ........_. _______ _._. -... -.............. ..-. . . ' ........ -...... . by Pnko, Tulk• & Colletta by Jeff Mac:NtUy by Ferd & Tom Johnson UI ON SECOND . TJ·IOV~HL J'C> RA"THf:.R You ..JUST t.,AU(Jl~ED • DRABBLE M~. 006&.E, I l Al.LtO 'fOIJ IW'fO M-4 Of,ll( f"O Q1'Scu~ -rn1-s 1'CRM PAVtR ON ~ICN1" ~C(C( f ltAT 'tOV "...U8M1ncD. DR.SMOCK "TM(' £~J1'1it ~f.VO!itf IS Wf(lf'ff:l.J ON A ~•NC.LC Pl.bf. ~ 'IANun ·rHe Nex-t ee s~ 'TH I NG 15 NO-r "f"O P Ul-l-A STOCKI N G oveR YOUR .-.e Ac:> ·' by Ktvin FIPft 'fl:.AM , W£U... "f14A'f ''S WI-I~ I At'OCD Ac ~ t.l0wl.£06MC NT s A'-10 AN INOC't by George Lemont NIELSEN by Jeff MIUar & Jon Mcintosh .. . ·· '-. .-. '., .. .,, Wt WUl ,JU',r ~~ ~Ai.'k1N' a-t f)\)I( WAY ~(Ill;. l\(NJ Mll< II <I!/>./'( -lWIL l1l ~ t Li ill\•• (.llQ: ~ r 1r Vt\ f./WJIU.11-'l'JI. by Gu~ Arriola TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE THIS IS SLUGGO·· • 15 THAT YOU, NANCY? •r lrnll 1"91tmllltr NO···THIS 15 AN ANSW!RING 5fRVICf At.nc1·.·. I lJlllollll '1 f 11flllttJ ,,. "'''·•' 14 ""''·'' 1•; u1111uh1 "' u1111111 lti A111on• In '"·•" II '"""I' II\ f ,1111111111111 ( /0 Mitth•r '.11 nv .... ,, ~11 l1lllJll,lfl'I 14 11111·• '6 lllflMI u r 1111111,111111 '''''" ]0 f,t111n1t•, '~ ',1r.11ur.tt 1• J!J f CJft11,t 11 1'1 I l111h•111.11 ,, ... ,., JI lJ11111 t• 111 1'••· ~ lt1 41) c ...... 1 .. 41 (,1101111<.11 11ulllw 4? (,11lh111•• VII• 4IW1t1l1t•rl 4~ 110 11•11' 4f ll1111k ••m 111oyo•t'I ~ ""~flil"''' Al1l11 •'1 lh·rl ·~,, 1.1/t '•' ..... o '1-'1 1,t1t .. h· :>11 l1t1l1•~" 111 G1111~y ltt'1I 11? 1}1,.1u1•1t••I ~I M•11""' • h4 fht•,111111. 1)'1 f4t1l l•ffW 1!11 M1,, .111<1 ll1irl•tv 11/ Y l<IV 1111 ~uu•'"• ll<)WN I ~JllU~tl!I 7 llnllll IOHI '',11l1U th11._ V.u l "''""''''" '• ... '•'•" '• ( ..... "'' ,, I' •tHll•l••t "I 111111 11 lluvlln 10 At.1.u1111 I I lh1111tlt t."lf111ttt d'1 IJ l't11lr1flfll •I l'l (\(I "'1'10"1 ?I Unr•1mm<1n IJNITED Ft111lu111 hyndlc.111 lh11r11dnv'ri l'uulo !'.olwtttl '" llt·•I • .11111 44 11 .. ,1. l•h" 4ti r11n1t11I /11 ',11111111111 41 W11t1hht JI Vb•· 11 •,1111hir 411 ( 1111111 11111 IX IJ111• 1 •1tl•1tl ,t, 11 .. 111k11•Jllfll ·;0 J 11111111t1111· Ill f•t1111 amu """'' tt lh1mu ~I llol1l111lt~ J' I o~u 111111111 ~' IJIUtt 11 h···•' '". '11 '"''" ... "'" 1)jt',h1rtft 11111~111 '~I '~In~ • 1f 40 ,.,,,,,., 'ii I tJllfllflilhltl 41 A• lot ll'lll,,11 'l!l lh.1root1 90 lcfllllll ¥ You Can Sell It, Find It, Trade It With.• Want Ad EOUM. MOUlllNO o~~o••u•uTT PttJrr'tMo•6u: AU -.tah.• 1u.ln•rt1M"t.l In Uu newltpapt•r 1~ ub )ec't lo tJw .\'t)\"ntl ... 111 Hou1on..: An or 1 ~11 wtliti\ miaa~ .. 11 1l1,•ga1 I• a dvt'tllat' ' ,111y pro· (~. hmllMtU)n. lll dialcnnunuuon haiotid on r~. l~. rt·b~lllll. "'X, ur u ounaJ uni.:111, or .111 1nC4'ntJon tu m .•kt· Jn\ SUl'b Jlf't'ft'rt'lll't'. h nut a tJtJn. or dlsc·n 111111a111111 11m iwwspapt·r well no1 knowm.:ly IU'('•·vt llll} advertis an ~ for rt•.il esu.te whtt'h as 10 '111IJ um ol t.lw h1 w ••••••••••••••••••••••• G-rd 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAVE GAS PANORAMIC OC .. :AN Vlfo:W 2S yard.'J to poundln~ surr1 CUbtom built 3 bttdrm. 3 buth andudm.: mash'r s uite. fam rm. Wt!l h:er. tnlt•r <·o m C us to m cabinet . f1xt urt•s & 1mporl<-d tiles thruout. $·16!.l.fM)O C .. W.CI• w Jey &73~58 QUAINT LITTLE 2 BR Hen table house on SOx 115' buildable H·2 lol. Submit. owner will he lp with financi n~. $78.500. Owner is Real Estate Lict•ns1·c" CAU. PHYLLIS SAL YH. '62·4454 COATS & WALLACE IEAL ISTATL INC Vac-ation m your own bark y a rd • h •· ;, t e d , ftltt>rt:d pool. Spanou...,-4 Dnperatioft Sale! hdrm home w1lh :l liath. Full out of e:.nuw M1·sa dining rm & muc·b, mu1·h Verde's Fm1•sl' :1 tlUJ.!t' more Local<.>d m pnm1· Redrm-;, 2 bath.-;, family net~hborhood, d11~e lo rm, bnck fpk . dm111i: freeway:-& ~l'ho11li. · rrf'I, :,unsh111e k111'1wn . Quality Me rt>chlh hom1• t•ovt·rt.'CJ palm, ll V vurk Reduct-'<l forqwt'k:-alv ;.11 ini:t Fanta~t11· huy , $137,500t:.Jll7fll:ll!ll SIOtj ,01)0 <:all n11w 1 TWO ONA C::SELECT . tPROPERTIES Newport P..U..wlo DUPLEX Steps lo ocean und bay l.ar.l?e owner's u nit :1 ~'fl s1zr b<-drm-;, sun kist jlourmet k1t l'hen 2nd Unll for 1nc:um1• O~ner will <'ar r:v fmanc· ~-Call now for mun• det.alls ti46. 7171 l9dl lay Cii..t This lovely 5 bdrm, :J bath home was hwlt hy John Lytle & 1s llwat<>d I 54ii-Zl13 I I ; , !. ~ o ' t '' ,, f ' , , [~llllid SUM"1JOUS SETilMG t11olung for a lanw homr with an c•xtra la 'l!I' ya rd 1 'Ille JM•rf et1 humt' for ;1 gr owin g famil y! :I Hdrms, ~pac1ou~ l1v111J.! room w / t' r a 1· k I 1 n ~ llre plac·c Sun s hinv kitchen . ret·n •at1ona·1 backyard. Just l1Sted, on Jy e .ooo. Call 645·0303 FOREST E OLSON .... f.<il ,.,., ••••• LOT Ulllln'll privacy Hear urul has lge bac·kyrd & trees. Ideal for two fmly occupanc·y. Good arca 1n fo:asts 1dl' Costa Mesa }i(;Ucr hurry ! FISHING, SAILING& SWIMMING Your lvly 3 bdrm home wtfmly rm 1s loc·all'd 011 ly stei-; from lhe lgc lakl' when• you ::.ail. fish & s wim Great fml y nc1Rhborhooct. Can't la st ut only tn.000' CANT FIND THAT AFFOllDAILE HOME7 block from million d11l1:1r -·-------- We have the answer for you 111 thJs lvly mobile home already pluced m a blfl convenient park Pool, Jacuzzi. lawn howl· mg & hobby rm .I ust fl" duced M.000! Going, Go· mg.Gone!? estates The dramatic· entr a n ctl, maid '~ Quarters. billiard rm & lands<•apmg makrs lhL.., cxecuuve home very dl• sirable Call us now fur an appomtmc nt to 1n spect this home Full price $159,1100 <.:a ll 55£.2'i60 CSELECT t PROPERTIES FOUR-PL EX UKENEW! SI 14,500 ~xcellent fourplcx in Vt$tme nt bar).!111r1 t\11 new paint inside and out' All ne,., carpetmi.t every unit! Super rental area extremely low vacam:y rate! Income ~/mo ~ross-ca ll rai.t for private previr w. 752· 1700 CWSIFIED. INDEX Jtfllce Y• M. Call 642-5671 aaoas ••••rtlHn ....... ............. ••• reperi err•rt 1w::4 I rt .. n. OAI&. 'f Pa.OT_..., ........ .._. ........... HOUSIS fOI w.t ... -..-.... ..-..-'M! ''M-..-,,. O'AmlMLHTAn .•. ,... -.TAU 11 ....... SIMISS. INYllTMIMT f!IMAMCI ....... ,. At1MCUC• 1•1TS ... LOIT&JOUMD ... MIOMMS ... lllWCI DlllCTOIY .... SCHOOLS& M11UCTIOM , ... .IOllWAMT'9 "" .... ....,. ,. .. MaCMAtel_. __ .... ,_TO YOU -IOAftl~ .... " ......... 'IUMIPOUATIOM ....... ~­•••·"7• Owner MovinCJ O...YeoarMew Uniquf' opp11rlunity awaiLo; you m this lovely s.f. 1800 + homt· Central- 545·9491 DUPLEX OHTHESAMD $177,000 ly located. Vaulted wood cei lin g s, wet har. Dcf'oratnr wall <"ovrr· • mgs J>n\>atc d1•1·k Cen lral vacumn. St'lf l'lnl! oven & muc·h more. <.:.ill now. bl 3 k.'lSI) SleJI" to the beach from owner 's front un1l 3 Bcdrm s + l oft Fireplac•e . Decks & patio. shake roof. Call now, 6'73-8550 .. . . ·'· . '• ' [~lfllltl l"*'tFJ fl /•11 i I.i i ,.Jr,,.. EASTSIDE Lvly Uocrola bit :1 bdrm. 2 ba, rmly hume in ::.oul!ht aft1•r fo:ai.ts11k loralw n. lmmal'Ulatt' move 10 con d1t1 on (;46. 7711 [~lfftdlll Little ls llig' ! Class1f1t'd ads arc really small "people lo peopll'" sale:. callo; with big re11drrsh1p and bi!( r<.-sults! To place your dassiried ad, call today 642·5678. ----- ~c~~ USED UICKS AHD R.OwBS frame this co7.y three bedroom ramily home in Eastbluff. Perfect fo r firs t home buye rs . Sellers transrerred out or area and though reluctant to leave. have priced this doll house to sell quickly at $162,750. 844·9080 211t IAN~M-.URD. , .. .....,.., canlR Big Canyon .. , ..... . c .......... IMttt ...... w .... ..... ...... ,.cell .. ,... ... ....... e Jl1•11 1 wZ .... CIHWt ... • Air c ..... ~ • J'IJ ... . ..., ....... ........ •CINllllc .. .....,/...._ . .,.., ~ ......... . • C..._ 0 N•I/ ..... • o.. ......... , ........... ~..,__. 640-1102 Or your tigent~rteey to brokera ..... ,,...,... ...... ,an.• -----~ ~ ........ ---· ........... .,, .. •'-/" One Call Service Fast Credit ~pproval ~<® E?eoch Realty llAL HTATI IXCELLIMCI SIMCI 194t CAMI<> SHOlllS Exceptionally private :l bdrm . 2 bath home which backs to a beautiful canyon: the wide 86 ft. lot provides ample room for the luxurious pool, ALSO, you have a key to a private <X·ean beach. $269.500 450 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH 759-0811 ATTN. IUILDEllS! Two 1.."00l1i:uous H 4! lob . N1•wµort He1~hL'> art•a, CuitJ Mt'SJ bi3 366:1 548·07J!j F. ves LUXURY CONDO OML Y $66,500 ·nus r harmlng 2 bdrm , 2 ba rondo 1s 0.1 n·al win nrr Ot•c·orated hkt• a model · 2 pat10s. Sit uated nc-ar f)()OI & jacuzzi Nt•ur \\ I ~I I '1 '\ TAYLOR CO. l {l.1\ 1.T< >l\S ~1111·1· UHH LIM>A ISU IXCWSIVE Pie r & s lip for a l a rge boat! Artistically desi~ned front courtyard with a brick bridgeway across small pool & huge jacuzzi. Large rooms throughout this lovely quality built 5 bedroom home on exclusive Linda Isle. Parquet hardwood fl oors in large e ntry h a ll. Famil y room with s te p-down we t ba r , formal dining room & 4 baths plus powder room. Call today for appt. WESUY M. TAYLOI CO., llALTOIS 2111 S-JH .. ilt Hill load NEWPORT CEMTEI. N.S. 644-4t I 0 EASTSIDE FAMILY HOME Custom detailed thruout • J Bedrm. largt• r1rcplal'l'. larg(• lot with allc·y al' l't'S..,, RV parking. pnn•d to sell! /\cl now! ca II 541.).2313 So. Coast Plaza. 7!'>9· 1501 '•11• '· ' ., '---Mi~..__ { ~ lfllHi\I associated . ' OPEN DAILY 1-5 115.ll'LI V. Jai.m1111• ('rt•l'k, Q lt\t J\~k gati· i.:ua rd to ..... ,. \1 r 11 t' I ,, n l' y . 7m 1:110 llU)l'r ·.., 1·hani.:1· of pla11.., 1·an b1• your good f1111urw' :i Bdrm .... :!' :• l)ath nL..,lom11.1-d !'Ian ;,, I .1 r I! t• v a r '1 • ( u J I v larnb1·a1J<•I w au111rna llt' .,pnnk1 .. ,. .... hnt•k ptun- t ,. r ... v I u rn I) I' 11 I u r J~•l'UU.1 . t·uo.,tum .. nt ry I 1 I I'. v I u ... h ,. J q i I' I . l11•1rwon<J w11Jc hl<.1111• BROKERS R[AL TORS l O]'i VV 8olh<'.lu ()'I JbtJ 1 WATEIFRONT 10 LB CATFISH was raughl rrom th1• ck'Ck of I.tu:. almost new :1 bc.'<irm. 21 ~hath tam rm. dml.ni.: rm, l-tlt•n homl' on lht• 11oati•r Rr11·k pat111. hakony. I pit· i\rnt·111tll"• 1nl'lcl pool. J:WUJ.1.1. vulll'y b.111, ... a1 I mi.t. pn' ;1t1• h1 •:wh & much mnn· for 1inly $235,000. Call now. won't last 6'73"8.'')jjJ .. I "• I ' • [~ti~IHil R u <l VC't 1ntcresled 111 ma k· ml-( money" I l11mc li>an~ to Sl00.000. Buy or rt> Cmance I.et us show you how to do it. Tall to Red Carpet w.u..... 754-1202 If you're in the markl'l for a better car, be s ure to <'heck the many autos advertised for i;alc m C.1ass1f1ed Stop!• Take time to relax ancl shop al home. It's s 1mpl1> with Daily Pilot Class1f1ed t\ds And 1r you have som <•thmg to sell. c·:l ll a fril'ndl y Class1f1l•d A<J-V1scr al 642·56'7 OCEAN & CANYON VIEW COf'OllCI •I MOii' llUl(e lot with ~par1ou~ home. Light and ;ury kitchen. Mu!>s1ve stone firepla!'c. 3 Hcdrms , family & dining rm. Patio and det'k. POOL. Won't last! Call r.73·11f>.'i0. .,,.,""''' ,., .... ,. ,,,,' GOLF COURSE VU Great Back Ray locallOn 11\is b11-t 5 bedroom horn<" features a hugt• family / dming r m <id<J1t1on big ~h for y1lur pool la ble. Perfect for the b1i.: family and the pncc 1s n ght at SI l8.500. FULi.Ei REALTY 546-0814 WEST CLIFF $165,000. Spacious, s1n~le story Newport home. Lrg country kitchen over· looks pool size lot with v~ctabl<' ~nrden & frwt t.ree; Mass ive bnck fplc cnhanc1..-s forma l hvmi.: room. Sep. mastl'r wmi< + 3 more k ing size bednn ... Don't wait call for preview. 641;-7171 t ,,.,, / r11 1. •I • 1 11 ~ '' 1 , , s+ , • [~INtl llave somcthin~ to sell'> Cla~s1fied ads do 1t well. NORCO HORSE RANCH Right in the middle of horse coun- try! l·Acrc divided into 2 Jots. with spacious 4 bdrm. home. 2 horse sta ble s & full professional workshop. Zoned for up to 10 horses. SJ2L MS. with xlnt terms available. 673-4400 HARBOR SPECTACUW YU-SUPER HOME . .............. ,_ ... ,..._. ...... ~ ................. . Prl••c1 off•r•d ht tllls 2-1tor1 4 lt•dr .... ,... M•n/....,_ ,._. wfftt 4 flra,IH"9 ... UR.llfllR .. 11 YllW ol larfl-' .... Oc--. .... /tlltllt ........................... ~ $495,000. STEPS TO BAY & OCEAN P1nln111 ....... wlllil2&3 ......... c ....... , .......... u ... ., •·"- ,..... wflOt flrllflH ... wet ...... _, ••••ltlH. OwHr wlll tretl• f•r ... I II •• ., ..... Sllt,000 • WATERFRONT HOMES lac. 2436 W Cna"t Htgh1Aa1. N<>wfl0'1 Be.xh 611·1400 ... INVESTORS! Eastsi•,CM 5 UNITS60X305' lot Owrwr will c·arry, s11hm1l all ()(Ct•rs <.:ra1i:. ~20.00IJ n1-;1Mt\X 631 12fiti Fmttastic-4 IR .., h U l l •' I" ._ • ol I I t•on1hl 111n1·rl N1•\ •·r "' .. Pup11•<I A ,,,.,ti .d ~!l.im MAUI NO kA 01! \nd rlw ht·..,1 •1f \1 .nu 1-. 1-\;ipalua ,.. 11111 .... 1 r1 •,ir1t•11 t1al .m·a. lnm11o11(MI (Jnlv Til~ l'nlry. formal l1v111i: 41 unn ... 111 th" JJrl\JI•' rm. l'•luntry k1td11·n ht•ac·hfr11111 i.!"11 1·11ur ... 1· +.-;t•p la undry room 11un111un11" 'J ll4h "'' , I <..:rat' kl 1 n g s I "n t• h<1U°l' & ~IUd\ (;r11u11d f1replat l'. st'P ma<;t1•r ll1111r 01111 '\vv. undc·r :.Ullc Wall of J!l:i:.s ll-ad 1•11n~tru\'lrn11 . f'ri vat•· m~ to CUV<'rt.-d pavilion lt.'IUll~ 1·1111rt..,, ... w1mm1n~ with purk llkt• ground' pool & rcncut 1011 room OnJy SOO.IXK>. Call for a ll $750.000. (';1 II to r <.in <Jetaib. 963 7~1 apP't lo St.ot: bruthure & .. ''• • · '· • ' "· ' pholoti!raphs [ ~ 1sa111.1tea1-•Es•D•'~-~ ..... i.1 Y.o·.'.'.o.o lfspecialy For You 1~ tlus t'lussy 4br. 3ba hlimt-wh1c-h ha~ 2 wl'l h;tr.., 3 lrplc~. form.ii 011 & much mtK·h mort· 1-:n JOY lht> frpk while• t•nter tammi: from the pauo wet bar as the steaki. s izzle on lht• <'overed patio UH<}. 1-'or more mfo caU~O. AIAMDONED! DnertM-Forqotteft l 'nbt'l11·vabl1• • Plu::.h north Costa ~''''"· ·I ht•drm, 2 twlh h1•m1• F ;irni l\ rm. m;i .. .,1\1' '\J)Ol' lin·plat·l', s un,,h&nl' lutch(•n, lush lands«ap- mi:, v:lt'ant, own•·r wants out. 919.000 /\ct now' ~ZJ13 .... ,.,, • I ALLSTATE [ ® ll~tdHI . REAL TORS · · CE 110111 ILll?fS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE WATaAONT WITH DOCk Sp<'C'lacular Family lfome On Thl' Wah•r In Newpor t 81·ach Three Hf'droo ms J'lu ~ M a id 's Room Large• 1-·am1ly Room lmmarulat<• Ccmclitwn llui.:1• hock For Your Yal'hl Call Now t:5:r ·o...~. ,, ..... , ..... 631-1800 111 DOY& DllVI WATEIFRONT ELEGANCE Woaclac M WoaAriclcJa h 8Waillewj Y• 9d yo.-,-, tin ••tu 1r wfftt • IM -•ltltlftl WW cOtJld lte -.. specHrl .............................. towaha 1 ""9f • tllh pklw11 .. W.? l 1t1•11• -2 ,... ... 21/J ....... ....... PllmGIOUS PRIVATE .COMMUNITY IN NEWPORT CW, S24t,IOO. S.11••1.t 1tJ ..._ .... +.._.. ..... ~ .... ct.. 3 ..... __ ._ .. ...c •. .., ..... a.a ,.. ........ ,.. ...... ... llllry 11..,.4. z.... 1,2. ..... .., Ille IW fulmtlc ........ ,.. ..... L Anti ..... ,m.te ...... -..... c_...,, OPIM i&MA Y I to I . 644-7020 NEWPORT IEACH 4tt-4511 495-1720 S....L.-L1 ·1._a •t1.J1Jr • 4tWi12 L•1•1.._. .,_...., THI LOWIST PllCI • This is the lowest priced 4 bedroom, 3 ·bath home in Corona del Mar. It's a ranch style single story with heavy s h ake roof, h ealth y sized lot. maximum privacy and keys to a private beach that 's just blocks away. All this ror just $175.000 <leasehold > and owner will help finance. Call for address and directions. U ~ l()U I: t1()MI:$ REAL TORS', 675·6000 2443 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar MESA VEIDE UNl9lJE!! 1-~rst time on market I bOOrm, 2 bath, bnrk lplc . lung dnveway to rear m IH>mt! to ... 1.·p . 2 c•.ir i:.:aral!•· llui::1· lot (iret'nhnus 1· l'•1ver ed 1•.1mt•lI1 .1 hot h11u'" Many, many 1•i<tras. Uni· quo• :i o!I rl 1 fC1•r1•nl . S14:!.f1Ull Ca II for more In· lurll\ilt1<in. 546 z.11:i OCEAHFROMTS 4 Units · $365,000! 2 BR House· S375,000! 2 & l HR duplex · $175,000' 2 & 2 RR duplex • $395,000! 4 & 3 Bf< duplex • Sf,sl), OIM 1' ., & J Dix dupll'X S7~.ooo· 6 ~Br umts Sl.500,000' IAYRtONT 3 & 2 Hit cl up le x $1:.!.'>.000' COSTA MESA 2 BH . t< :! 1111 SK:J.11011' MEWPORT IEACH :1 & 3 II H d u 1J I ex • Sl~.OOll ' I & 2 H H 11 u IJ It! x • $1!~.(ICMI ' lolboa lay Prop. leaffon • 675-7060 * Sh a pp 1r1 Speci .. L'I Uus attractive Jbr. 2ba hornt> w ta lg fam rm It lorma l OR. Close to Stilb, Save S's al S00,900 Call today: m.~o ALLSTATE REALTORS Pete Barrett presents TUDOR IN NEWPORJ • LANDMAIK HOME -or trC'mcndous a ppeal. Spacious rooms wt l h bt·a utifu l c u!'>t u m wood s framing lht• panorci m1c white water vtt'"'. Our home offers 11 Bdrms. a b11l1ard-pub room. fa mily kitchen ~ind for mal dmm~ room. Call for I he part1c·ulars. NANTUCKET IN NEWPORT THE PIOUD CAPE COD --I s rt>vitaliied rn this super beachfront home. Nestled among sunny patios a nd shimme r ing pool -custom features abound! View the pa vilion, thl.' boaL<\, the ocean: sit by the walk·m fireplat'e or relax in the hid eaway loft. Marvel a t the (•ustom crafts manship! Offered for the first time ever. $750,000. .rl THE BEST STYLE IN NEWIJ~tir YOUI OWN PLAN! The fast opportunity to build the home of your own design on a site in Corona d el Mar. with a n unequaled view. Off ert.'<I at $500.000. Call for details. 642-5200 -t ·" , . ,.,. ........... Wt M111fthr.. Mn11Jhr.. ..._..,_.. 'thu111hf'.. ,_ .. ....................... ···~··················· ................................................................... . ._,... 1116 lllllW 1116 I' A, ..... IMO ..... IM• ._. , .. ....................... ....................... ....................... .. ........................................... . lllt ... Ustil Ptnnt ort1tn•I area. premium t'ul•aac. maulve lrMnbelt views from dnmatk 3 bdrm former model a.om.. Juat completely r.carpeted • npetmtcl. SenaaUoa.t f1oor Dian <one or only a handful) with "surprls~ tlonua room." An unequaled value. prh~ed ror lmmed. aal• at tu1.ooo llG CANYON Golf course viPw rrom s~cious s BR. 4 ba. traditional home. lgt". f amlly room, pool, Jacuizi. $750.000 UDOISU Custom traditional 3 BR homt' on prime corner lot. Freeflowtn~ fl oor plan. 2nd story mini bay vw w. $325.000. IAYFIONT Several fine bayfront homes with pier & slip BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 1 i "'V .i,. (>, . ., ,.. H bl~ 0101 WetklHIHlty Jll.ANDNIW DUPUXlS t-'rom $372.000 10 Uld l"uruna dt·I Mur (.u,IClm liUtlt, 1>1•1•un1y. j,lt'Ul.ti, tlt."t,U, and p11lloe. qulETIAMCH ·• HR. 3 b 1Jth' only $lru,OOO aMOOELID DUPLEX In Oki Coronw df"I Mur Only $2:>7.(0I 040--0 lti I ~ VOGEL PACIFIC ------------------,~~~ ..... ~~!~ -ASTIUSTH- 1 HAVE HOME FOil SALE OM llVIME nalACI IWFf COIOMA DEL MAa Three bedrooms. 4 baths. Beautifully furnished & landstaped. Unsurpassed view Write loa 410,... Ollly 644-t7t4 '75-1222 Duplex $275.000. I bed, 1 hath each fo'ull lot. Terms Suhm1t offers 3119 ArnPthyst. Owner / Al(l, f>i>JH.59. ----lcAoa PeftiMuta I 007 .................•..... IAYVIEW DUPLEX l! UNITS iwnis~ st fr11rn N•""'JIOrt llarbor Yal'lll Club w11h µan11r:_im11· \I I t• W o f li I I! U •' Y llt·autlfully 1ll'l0oratc•1t. with nt•w 1·1Jt g uprwr. II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ srt5. UIO WHAT A STEAL! ()'ean view from boom. rnom and der k. Thi' :.bwp 3 Bdrm bom1· w1lh -.echaded rear yurd and 1JOUI h.as just ™>en ft' dlK'ed over $14.000" to $12!t.~. A buy you (tan't IT\IS.'' f'or more df't;,ib ~ COATS&WALLACE RF AL ESTATE. INC. YORBA LINDA CONOO 1 yeMr new. 2hr, 1 t,o;.ba. f'airmoot Hills Great Value SK!I, HSO B y Owrwr l..c•avc mt'SS ;11 7M~74. SUMM EH F UN 1n a SOI.AR POOl. and a great bf>arh town at· no;pher<>. only blocks lo the Pal'1r1c wht·n )'l)U by I.ht ... <1 Hdrm, 2 bath with 711 W Uuy AVl' <>tlt·n S:1t 1St1n l ·:l BURR WHITE REALTOR. INC. 67S-4630 larl(e yard f•1r l!ar<h·n --------• and G ltfo:ENHOlJSfo: 1111,!m . and won't last CoroM .. Mar 1022 Ions:.. Ca 1J ••••••••••••••••••••••• WAUACE&CO. H.Al.TottS Cartsbad 1-729-5966 433-6490 OUPUX ShpatoMac:h 2 BR 6 I BR w t~U11d tn· come. Wood 6 ~1u<·1·0 bldg. sundt-1·k. t•ll· Ila~ &obe ttood ut $14!1.UOO JACOIS REALTY '754670 SPECTACULAR QUAUTY DUPLEX An t'AC"('plwnul t·u:-.t11m l1h homt· w /v:iult1·c1 ~•11K.I l.ot•um <'e1h11~. l11-.wt1ful !.olid ouk rahin l•l 11 lhruout. fplt:s in ltvJ! rm & mu~t<'r bedroo m . l•·:_l(f(>(t gla" window .... & t"i•rJffill" l lh: JUCUZl.1 IO m.-.troolh. PLUS A cbarrrung 2 bdrm ren· tlll w /(pie It separalt.• r)CllJO de<>k $279,500 CAU.644-7211 -,c. ....... rp r 1our fut pated Uf•fYlf! lnrludln1 all ele<'lrle bltn kllchen W/mM:row•Ve. ('Oftlpa(' &Alr, i'Ommun11y te1tru1t, puul• ., 'ac uul '•· lo cna 111lttn .,,c., 1 fully aprink !Ktod y •rt11 ., a ~ no jot lo our ll&MY bHc'* On t'ul-de·U t' ltnlet. Uua 2 ~room If clM In lbe IWlrded CUITI llU»t)'"' Ja.mtne cr .. k h a 1te1I c lowest pired'l •l only 1210.000 C.ll IMl lwfore 11 '11 ~on•·' • R.C. TAYLO• CO. '40.S 112 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ANTIQUE IUFFS Eus t s1de 2 Uc d rm , hardwood floors. cov•• celllngi.. It 2 lot w 11 h plam 10 se<'onl1 u1111 LMr11e assumallll' lodn. WUiOO C..11 $44>· ~tAAO l - ~:.-HERITAGE . • REALTORS For The Choosy Familv lK·h 11hHul fum1ly -styfe twxne with 4 lx.odrooms. formal ciullnit room. C'OlY family r oom, s tone f1n-plat·e MOM lovmg lotrhen with 1•verythinR butltm J rar garu..:P. Uy hcautaful park. $118.800 D llMG-1720 TMIElL. SI 1,000 PRICE RB> UC Tl OM OwnNs have purrhasN1 JJIOlh1•r home ;irnl ar1· re· ally tu movt-Tiu:. Ill\ cly M.V h11m1• froilllf'l'-' i1 heir-.. J lialhs. fonn ly room, :! r1repl,t('l'~ :rnrl a IJIJlll & J.11·uu.1 ,..,Jr mo rl· inf or ma lwn. c: u II S If;. 5ll80 ~HERITAGE REALTORS IR.UIDNEW TOWMHOMES .....tfClllY Woods" I f::1~Lo;1dt• Costu M csa 1 ~S11nla Ana Avt:. fo:n~l1sh Tu.tor l &J Hr !.phi ll•Ve l. l!&:J (.";H ga r al(~. (q>l l's, nucmwuVt.-s. J(rt'Cnhuusc windo ws , pool. s pa. TENNIS court f.i4f, l.Oi I or 95$-1920 I >i·vdopc:c.l lly Woudl rt."C Dev <.:11. lnvetilor musl sell I home 1n Cost a Me i.a No brukeru~t'. 200 AmhuMl·SIC!.SOO -Ungo-.aa&.n DAMA POINT'S Wll IE S rtmWl••taDlllel•HOt•: , .. ., .... ··•· ·· ._ ........ .................................. .c.-...... :A~ ._ ......... Sllt.tM UMltua SPANISH ISTATI nr.. lle*n• .._ .. In at rt I cwtr•d_,._.,, ......... 1111. ... 493-1112 DAMA POINT 499-4551 495-1720 SCMllllL1;11. l1; I ...... 497.JJJ I 644-7020 L ..... ••cl9 ... _,,rt.._. IOZ4 C........_ IOZ4 .........•...••••••...• . ..................... . FREE••• Li.st of VA homes. Many to choose from. Some with NO DOWN /NO ~.Noobbgauon,caU for your lisl al 64.:>-7221 ~- IEASTSIDE OPIMSUM. l·S 251 ColN ..... St. Greet ltarter bome with frplc. + lnrome unit . Both hue pnvate patio & enc.bled earaaes. As· llUme 9"'1% m ort1age . $12S,OOO MEWPOIT IEACH UALTY '75-1642 642-07'2 w .. tclfflealty ~~~~~-~-. O....PoW 1026 Low down FHA· VA, J ••••••••••••••••••••••• bdrm. 2 ba ram. rm. Magnificent ocean vie w '85.000. 631-07fB. New 3 bd. Open Sal & Sun 1·5. 33816 Col.-gw . Agt. FIXER U>mer lot 3 Bdrm. P• li:.t.h. rm~pluce, dclacht•d ~araJte Won't last, call 645-9161 i OPEN HOUSE REALTY /' m-0623: 7»-0706. GRAND OPENING MARINITA Pre!ltJgiOWI r eaidenct>'i near tbe manna from s16~.ooo . 83 l ·3450 ; 493-4006; 549-5111 Sparkling duplex: 2 BR. 2 ba, l BR. 1 ba. 2 1-'pl. J gar . $149.000. Pc.: Allen, H.ltr. 4~·7578 HIUTOP --------• 11us near new custom J ·Mesa Verde Rooms Galore 01w or I.host' h ard to-rind ~ bedroom t'Xecul1vc homes with cozy family room, brick ft replucc, kit<·h<>n with bu11t1n:. C:1an1 palJo runs lt•ni:th uf home• t'los" to sc·hools. SIZl,!lJ(l Won't last! cull J.10-174!0 TAAIEU.. -· By owner , :Shr. 11 :•ba S75.500. Cit-an r anch !.l)'k . I~ wallt.'tl in yd , numerous fruit tre1•s . dnve Won 19lh Hi~hl on Meyers, left on Cove. ~Arnold. °'" ::.c:.1w. h1."CJroom home has l1 v1n~ ruMn ..-rc'flrh doors open mg on an O<"f'an view Much more to lt•ll. call C~NTURY 21 WEST , 5.St-4840. ---------DbOc...V•Dpb with 3 lir owner 's unit. walk to Manna. sho~ & I~~-l11tna f>o111l·, b1· ... t buy al SltiS.000. Hy l\Jlpl. Coa!.tal I •roperlJt~ 49fr8JJ8 MAKE OFFER! l\ll.rm11ve :t l~lrm , 21 .· bath. all the niceties m · clud in ~ uutom at 1c spnnkler system plus a top bill lot'aUon. Only 1/'l rrulfa t.o Ocean & Marina. Owner had to leave Wanl..'I offers fa.st. Asktng $126,500. MEL FUCHS , .... Realtor '75-1150 macnab I Irvine realtg ,.... ~ ''" ·~· ,,,,. "''"""" t \ ' Pre;11~Jous Mt~a Vt•rtlo• :1 • ' Br, family rm , l Bu ----frpk , inrloor Swed 1!.h OPEN HOUSE OCEAN breezes cool lhb Bluff top beauty I 3 Rdrm s , 2 bath s . PHEMIUM UPGRADES throughou t. GIANT J)8UO, .:reenhow!e. C.D.S location near parks & shopprni: Only $98,500. Sul /Sun/Mon 12 lo 5 pm. JJ~ V=-illt•y Circlt.' ~•631·5556 ON THE ILUFFS Overloolong rlana Point Manan. Cbooot> from two ttn tnwnhomcs in Duna Poml.o; fi ne'!l adult rom munily. Uoth un1ls ta<;tt•rully t1eror ated & dcsi~l'Wll for carefree liv· mg. Ammen1Lles include pool & ~pa & morl'. Pnetod from SI 19. 000. Fur a year round v;acalJon call! 661-2311 COSTA MESA PROPERTIES SO MUCH CHARM Jn this 3 BR, family rm home on quiet Eastside cul-de .s ac. Lots of wood & glass + lg. yard for pool, garden or playground. $119,900 incl. land. J eanne Ne wman 642·8235. <M·ll) a.z LOT W /COTI'ACH! Cute & livable "shuttered" 2 BR house w/btkk fplc. Build a 2nd unit! Drive by 1967 Church St. <do not disturb tenants) & bring us an offer. Asking $102,000. Cathy/Dave Schweickert Jr. 642·8235. <M·12) OMCI UPOM A T1MI. • • You had a vis ion or owning a storybook home like this! s BRs, 3 baths + formal dining, ele11ant living rm w/impressive fplc & huge I amily rm designed for a "Country Squire" w/blt·in bookshelves, wet bar & rustle fplc. Offered in fee at $185,000. John Granath 642·8235. (M·l3) E~cellent Costa Mesa location + top coodition! 4 BR + two 2·BR. $197.500. Coby Ward 642·8235. (M-14> POOL-Siii Y AID Plus 9IJPl"OX. 2400 sq.ft. interior are ja1t two of the benefits of this 1pacioua 4 BR + den home that make It per(ect for a growing family. Ste.ooo. Terry Aune Hanes Ma.cm. (·15) IPACIOUI COMDO ... IUM Formal entry to lg. Uvtna rm & dln1ftl area beautifully decorated w/llllrrora, paneling Ir wallpapers. Matter suite w/ptivate deck + 2 1dd"I BRs. Covered patio. M .900. Lorraine Remlle 752-1414. <M·lfS) DUPLEX RBQ. 751 5!jl7 Cnr no·r lul. 1·11pp•·r plumll11111. ~11od finun\'· lnH $1.)!l,UUll. <_; ii Rolit·rtson, IUt1 67~05ii2 DUPLEX HOME F\n\.o:it c·onwr 1t11•a11nn, lovely 2 bdr111 rl-s11lt·111·1· with formal dinm~ rm ._ income wut, + l(amt• rm See & enJOy I.ht! best fur ics.'i I $229 .1)(}0 onH l·S Wtdf'IMn/Sat/S..• S2009tCHIO PAULMARTIM UAL ESTATE 644-7313 GREAT OCEAN VIEW Prom lnlllllcr lllDt«:, llV inl( room & k 1t C'lu·n watch sullboalll lcu vc harbor for open 1wa OY.,.,. 4000 !lfl ft of llvml( ·~ for lurl(e family. Prfct!d we!ll undur •P· pr111114,-d ViAlu1·. Submit lA!rmli. SPECTACULAR OCMMYllW 4 Bdrma, 21Ai bathll. F.n· joy complete privacy In mcbed cowt)'ard with t.uUrw pool, jacu1d as flft rln1. F'ee hind, on cul·de·11c. P'orme r model. Perfed for enter· taAn1n1. Ry <JWnflt'. Open Sat /SUn 12 5 PM 3007 S..ailt.o Dr Call wkdys ••s. evea 640· 1834 or ..... PIOIATI ln old C4M . 2 darUn1 ...__...olllwy: Nr ••sl&J611Mcb. 2 er• ••• DIVIMACO. MJ.6J61 MO MORE U.WMMOWER! Townhow.e. :J bdrm, :! balh, dinmg , bw I tin .... xlnt rarpcLo; & drapt:~ Many de1·orat.or lOUl0h<"' rluuhh• lo::trlll(C Askin!: fl4.!W Cull 540 llal ~HERITAGE . . REALTORS $9000 DR 9'1•% Int Owner wiU carry fin11n Reduced to SI 19,500 Prof lnd.'ICpd, 4br Mes a Verde home w /frplc, w..t bur, many xtras. 21i1U S('ran~ Pl. 751·31i!lfi, Own //\l(l. Hy Owner <.:oll l'rk home, 3 Dr. walk lo i.chool:o.. 11 In l 1·0 nd thruoul. O<.:TC U a s s umes loan $89,500 967~lil. Prtn only ----CUSTOM HOMES Ji.it t'Omplelt!d In qwPt northern CM nc11r S Co Plaz11 Hc11t • u n 11re11. r t• J>rk ul n Jehl ul Sl 12,000 Call 646-G47 /646-4tJ91 -------llDUCID!!I 4br, 2ba Mc:rn Vnde I ltlfn<• clfl c·omcr lot ll v 8lorage, Wlll Qirry IRt w1mln. S2S.OOO.dn. lly Owner Prine.-Only. Ask ""Sll6,500. 962-7620_._ INFLATION REATft:R By owner. 2br twnhm 11»8 Iowa St. -7.500 ~I-MN. MAKE Ol"t'ER Nrur Costa Mesa & So. On Plaza Sharp 3 hr. l :V.. bff. new crpl. V·A terms. 1BJ,500 Agt 531·1174 fly Owner, <.:oUege Park. 3 Rr 2 Ba, ram rm, new f'arpels, drapes, p11ml. Nto..r schooL'i, shoppini:. BJ.ODO. 2574 Oxlord Ln. ~1patsonly. 754-1179 F-l.aavam.y Npt Hgts, Ii? end lol. on ••••••••••••••••••••••• ln'\: lint"(I 1•ul dt• '>al' 4 Bark on Market. 4br, Br 2 Ila . I 1v1 n J: r m 2'"1ha Meadow llom1· w1hnl'k frplt', I~ ram rm, Dea.I fell t.hrow:h. ownl!r <"nlry k11 w /hll·rnS, anxious. Open llous l• s em I · It t t a t' h t• d Sat/SUn 14!·4. s.46·1695. g uesth ouse w I Da . AIJ.. Sl'parat.e dbl .iar with of· •----------- fi<"e & stora11e/ hobby rm Walk to stores ............. 1040 schools <K·l2>. bike to ••••••••••••••••••••••• beeches. $132.500 Uy Beautiful Huntington o wner. 645-6174. Pr1n ViewPolnl2brcoodo. only. 963-9579. IYOWMER 5 Bdrm'l, 3 baths, rormal din1n..: rm . Lg l ot w lsadl>yard suit.Ible for HV slono ce. (;lose to 11hnppinl(, churehes, ten· 01H court.o; und ull lcvel or school. Newly redl'<' m· HUllY litFOIECLOSUU • Bdrm pool borne. oeed8 11£. Cboire llH !oration. -.soo. SUbm1t 11ny of· fer. ' !£TSIDI -1 RUQIE I• ..u 11 rr 1 4 Bdrm, 2~ Balh!I, .._ .... .-.-... ...., _ __._ t ~acett'8tl"· s ha ke I .::;;~. 11tr 11 t 'r" t 1 1 I ~ H•~·= :U ~~~ WOWl'LAST Bnt bur air. ram rm home ln 11 .. del Mer. DI01q ft. ehol~ loc, le• torner lot. Oor1tou1 home, manr •Lru. Com· r:o;,'1J!...,~ll now --------.on the -t•bl•. l "'"A~T I • c-~ .... dooo<•ee .-M • I I I I' I . .., 1.11"'' 111 ........... ... • • • • • • \11111 ...... fro-... He. J Mlew, rrrrrrrr1 Cllulfte .... 11 I ' " ....... ,.. .... -. -. ;'. -.. -· IYOWI• WOOD a a 1 D G & ...................... p~ C!ll'..at Wt. facn rm. Recluee'd lbr, 3ba ' .... . A.lklq ............ .-.ex. .... LOCATION Louted on Iara• lot. bH1,1tlful 3 bedroom bame ott .. 2 flnplaew, opm beam reilinaa. aun· ken fam.ilY rm. l&e back )'d. alley •t~. loc•ted rlole IO park. Century Zl ~.~. LAlel PAMA. Y Alauume 152.000. 9i,.,3 lou. NJ /mo. Mlnul4!9 to pound1ni aurf. 5 Oedrm. r1m1ly home Ma..~v.-'tone fir('plarf> (i(JU11n1ot kite-hen Wa ll of 1da.'l'I h•ad!I to covered patio a nd p a rk like l(round.'1 lluge C'UI de·HC lot Only SW.SOC> Call now. ID-7181 Ol'fN ,,, fl•.,', 'Ut' FOtJI ,,~,I IW.1111 Pool. :lbr. tlWlba. UP · araded throulbout, ree IMd. Prtn. Only. 188.SOO. ~ 1042 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........... ~ 4br, 3 ruu ba, fam rm, OR. LR. Full lndscpd, lJle entry. all blt·1ns, frpk', slumpslonc w ulls romplele Neur nt•w, quahl y bit by l\yreo; P.O. plea11e. $13lUOO. IMl)-1441 . 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• herythi~ For FineUvtna Try Uus dreamy confem · porary-t1tyle home with 2 bedrooms. IWlh etnum eruy. duung room , •el· b11r . double hrepluce, <l•'n, .inurmet kllchen With hwlun), <~u.inl 1·ov t'N-d patio Mu ch m11rr·' '*1.500. Call 559 8451 TAAIEU.. ----"*·--WOOOlllDGE SA1£UASE-OPT. 2br, <Sm. 2ba. S&S patio hofne, l(Ol"l(~'OUS lnd~rpd l'ati-0. w /rover, calh ce1l· IOI! WrlUdburn brirk rrv1r . gas kitdlen·hl0lll . ull;wh 2 ra r i.:arl(. 1n t •'flll w11t !•''• us~uma hlo • mtge $1J4,900. Own will hf'lp fin By uwnt:r. 714~ ltancbo San Joaqwo 2br , den. 2ba. Crph:. pvl pauos, all on goU C'Ounw f~y vM>W rrom most rooms . Pool & 1ac. Slll.500.64G-0997 ----------TUl'nHOCIC HREN HOME-Mirama r Ptc&n 0 , comer view lot, completJon dat.e JuJy 15. Selc<>t own options . 640-2D>, 641).(1254 WiUows br, 2ba, cntry kit. Nr sc•hl.,, park:.. pools. •. 000 !l.Sl·:wx.I n nrn.EROCK t1om1· hy Owner 4 bdrm 2 bu 1-'l-c la nd. $132.000 Need quick salt· 644-4 LS7 ----- &l'WAU MOllLln Why no t e njoy pro· ft•ssionall)' deco r ated and landscaped 4 Bdrm tn the Ranch. f_;tcl(ant bving on quiet c uJ de s ac. Only $120.000 VOGEL-PACIF"IC 64(Mi161 ---New 5 bdrm. 3 bo J t•ar gar. 2 ff1)k's. Exclusive. $145,000. $13,000 down. Save $4000on clo61nl( ros· lll. Sl301mo. on puy . mcnL'I.~ LAKIFIOMT SIS7,SOO Covington model SSK bt.,>low last sale! Ent.er· taiocr's pallo, 111ant spa & sandy bt•ach c .. 11 Mananne. 646-7414 or 548-:BU Urult.'CS Brokers. • ncome. Hurry, onl1 1145.tOO W..,.1 i .... 2'11be, ---llMfty-.. .om frDIC. lie tr. lot. ree. Aft. .._.«__ CH't#4ConAM ~·" thh --~~Pk aea0. mnc1. c.omeu. 4 Br + bonus rm. 2350 aq ft. A/C, apnakln, meny up1raclea. Sll 7 .ooo. &MU WllLOWSBYOWNER 3Br,48Roxbury, 161-IJlhlUPM. HAID TO FIND CAMUWOOD INY.PAlll Deant> home w /cslm de 1·or E11cepl1onally hw m11tr su1le w /pr1vatc balcony. Sp111"1ous rms Uaruout 4 bdrm, J ha, frml run, lge (mly rm Of fend at Sl88.500. 759-1501 C;:I Walker & lee , ______ _ ASSU. l>r'•"9 VA LOAM Large , beaullful 4br . l&e, detached hom.-1n Culverdale Owner leav llij( area. Sl0'-900 ~_'33-lll7 ~l111nO CH '1?ea0 S"lnlr --- YOU CAN'T BEAT •• . this spacious Plan 400 IO 'JlM! t:otcJny, With 2230 ...q ft . of well planned b v ~ space. Very pnvatl' setlulJt with low ma in. t.enanel' y ant. Sll s .!IOO. tt523 C\MPUSDl·IRVINE A TOUCH OF Ol'eu view from Lii .. eoay I bdrm. bome '"'8lled la Use hill• ol ScMath Latuu'a Coaat Rayalt .,..., Room for ....... .,. .. SPICTACULA• .. . .. Y1N9 ol oceu 6 city MCIU et aiCM. One al Lacuna'• lovety boma w ith many special t.ouchm. lncludlna fNt treea Is • nice feDCed 1.-rd. lntereatln1 ea· '*~on potential OCIAMV11W .. .. an a Nral lieltlnlC ! 11Ml dwm ol old Top Of Tht• World. 2 Bdrrns .. 2 bat& & a ht.&Me family room add to lhe enjoyment of the setttn11. SlS4 ,!iOO IUILDINCi SITI l.t"Ve& bulldable lot ru•ar high~-Walkml( du1· lancl' to rlo wntuwn Pnood to sell at •·'°° Causey ~ SOUTH LAGUNA JEWEL! U>aded with polf'nt1al . J 8et1room home w ith f•nt·lu.t>d sunporch, plu!> bonu.-. bl"'1mnm am1 bath with 1>n vul•• ,.,,, ranf'o• Wll!'I T LAST LONG I Slw.IW • lllM Sc.> t:oast fhw11y 111 V1ll11g1• fo'111r LACitJ'liA lii':A\tl CLASS S'9,600 GratoefuJ symmPtry f'm· _ 497-2457 phu 12ed w llhc o ld a..,..MicJ-1 1052 Sparu.sh u le t:nh an rl~ •• •• ••••••••••••••••••• tNo !oot"tlJ.ng of U'IL4' lvly home w It.he .-xt"f'plion11I hv i.p:.t•e, 4 I~·· bdrmi. & :! baths lrvUll' hvin~ Jl lb best. Slop in and ~ tor ywneU 552·4477 ~ Walker & Lee Heal 1'.lltale ------l.OlpRa .._.. I 041 ....................... IJCH&WARM A stuno1n~ departure from~ ordinary. Walk to bt·;,ch from t.h1s !liorth 1.aJtuna custom bwlt 2 Rdrm 2 bath h o me . Ma,mlficenl C'03.'lal & l'I· ly hl{bl VteW Gourml"l lotchl.'D, ma:.~1vc h vm..: room with ..:lowui~ "'oocl floor.I S275.000 DONOSEH REALTC>aS •.CHGU:NNfo:VRE 497-4K4H Orf'anfront, 2 Im, 2 ha .. OVO a pt. 1-'rpl. d1·ck, :.andy t>Pach. pool. pul lJnl! l!n..>en, rec. ccnln S!.!ll,000. Pe~ Allen IUtr «M·757M RF.EDF.fl RF.ALTY lllUlOp Ot'v1•1opcrs La11una Charmers Orean View New Condo-. & N1·w llou.w I bUt bch. I .2.3. bdr, 442 t:yprt•ss a t Lol.'U!.l. Owner I Developer/ Bw Id· t'r /Rrok<'r . WI LL t.OOPERATfi:. 4!f9· 1625 Iv meg. or 41M-.:!LS <Con· doll> lCM;. Laguna Niguel Realty • DOVE.DER, DOLPHIN. WHALE & OCEAN VIEWS from tlu.'i c-u.-itm home in a woody mount•un green· bell settin g 1n Sn Laguna 2 blks lo beac·I\. T uk1• uvt•r 9 11.': loan, OW<:2nd TO $242 SOU. TAKEOVER 711•0/o LOAM 4 Bdrm home w tmnln view, Clo6c to M'hls & ...!11ir1,11ni: (Juwt cul de· ...:tt• loc•. w /lrlr, KV UC· t't'SS I Yr llom1• W ltr· r.tntef' Plan. SUM.SOii. 493-9494 495-5220 496-2413 830.SOSO Your Own Private World W1U1 a simply da7.7.hn~ canyon Vlf~W . Very pnvaw fllJthfand home with 3 bednJOms. dining, ('-07.y fireplace, dl'IUllt" k1t('hen with bui llins Covered rt.odwood paUo. 1.u sh lands cap1nl( 599.900 Hurry • Call «i Jl.ti4 TMllRL ----- GATEGUA•DID MIGUB. SHOltES .. ·•••Lw A roomy upgrad('d up· prox ·~ s~ n 2 l'ilOry 3 Bdrm. o n fee land. Stamed ttlass windows and upslalrS pee& al th~ P1te1f1c New Tu.rtk._'f'OCk H11thland ee.wr u1 Breon MU"11mar 4br. Best Lot. Spec- tacular View . Avail. J18'1e.13U814 One year old 3Br , 2112 Best Buy In Irvine hit+famrm.Ct_.dur extr. Cllanc'heUor 5br. Ir f am1. Fr. wtadowS. SH5.000. lY. SlC».SOO. 631>-787_!;__ •-mlor~ _ PLUS fabulous recreation faciJIUefl and easy walk t.o pnvat.e beach AND 1\lrt&etvck Highlands Tutan Model 3 br. 2 ba, View. 8caul1ful, rof .• INTHE RANCH The very popular 3 bedroom SAN LUCAS on tbep-eenbell Bn1ht and a&ry for lbe YOUftl H · ecW!ve who Uk.,. t.o en· lfttain. La"-e COW'tY .rd _.., apa. Only SlOB.000 EXECUTIVE HOME 2 nory 4 bl'd roo m fabulo us Plan 47 1n CULVEROALf: a ru clOle to U.C I • pa rk. poola and elementar)' act.Doi. nu , ..... tamlb bolDe la priced below market ror qlid1 ute. O....r mowln1 oul of ... Alldal •uo.ooo. ..W&llAUTIFUL OJunt.ry French Cu."itom a fabulOWi assumable 1140,000 11t Vw % loan. Pri<"ed right at S19'l.OOO '44-7ZI I /Jn N\[,[l l~/\llfY ~ •iSSUl IA! ['1 steps from beach, 4 Bd, 41n bll. den & family rm. Prlmt! Crescent Bay location. 1525.000 See Hl 11 118 Marlnt> o r call ownn. Jea o t:ddy _....;_. ______ _ 'l»(M.'16 a.,-.._. I 041 ....................... MOMAICH IAY ~Cl LA_.... .... Larjle 4 Bdrm, 3 bath home on a lovely cul-de·~ac. Outstanding pool and outdoor entertainment area. $265,000 . • COUMIU. ..... co. 496·7222 831-0838 ,.,.,, ......... L...-..... • ...... __ _I_ M1 a11hrS. ...................... . .•......•............. ~~ .... !~~ ~.!!'!~ ... !~ • lh&.e. NI.., ICI "'-Jbr. .... Olleoll INlty T1Nm -~a bdrm. 2.,.. ... : tlepat. rr,,k. frl • -t pools. wit t ..... NYelU.KH• ••••ble . Bro~e r ~•U.. Eaay U · :=a.&. ot"~~fA • tall, 0.laer llm••· .... h, mas. OC&ANVll£W UDONlrYC'l•d la lll .. ~ Wm 3 Br. 2 ba Ml9tOm l•lft rm. Pvt blMll tommwuty Only .... H .. JdlnlilKF.w.-1 LOOKS UkK MODt:L All the wtin u. don.,. • BR. 2 be ham.-l'tw.h <'f11b. drpo a w•lk'Ov,•r .... Formal din • rrph' 5 man to O&~n. lll mm lll L•ll Bch, Auum&bh• ban. no qu1.1bfy111i;i Mui-t ~ w appn .. ·11tt~ P P Sll9,llJO. &U-tr7~ •'UR SAl..J!: W Ntnt• l'on do 2 Br 2 BM, pnt•t'd 1(1 lldl •l al.OW l'nn only 83laG · HERllAGl 1~1 All I IH .... UDO ISLE ~Al 4br. 2b11 on _. Sl to SC klc . lren('h docn ti beam l"t'IUni.t:. t1'na OUI, hardw110ft fl~ fl.,...J OR. ~ So P•tw, u ~~d brlrk fr plr CompH-ttil n-moorlt-.l H) Clwnl'r 14110,()t)h rru.m llAU1WUl 411 + •AMIM.HYH "'''· 'war 'rhl 1,;1r k & JU_ll SI 74.~0U Mt t\'itll ·~" l "'' s.,_,. 2'1''21 \ L'\IU l.>t'I or.1 N1 n.'MStlfUAhle .,ffrr rd 111'1'\I' Jbr. 2',lm, l 1JIJ11 Llkr &tl}5Hllt ----&.-. ...... tOH -~-·s•••T•1s·u-N""11111.s· ••••-••••••••••••••••• !\UM Vt::N'l'A.JA N II ...._. t4-S-. Tennlb ~'lull Villa~. :l RH M.J..-odl&S-llK. ... Jin Hm . pvt wr:i11 We saved the best for unlUll\J pattv IA•v1•r.1g1 a.a.t! Truly Uike t-'orth>t':. 1111 a vml Mm clwn p ) ml fanest VMlue:J /\ 3 BK, I 1~6259 SI 19 !IOt story. SllJ.<nO. or a 4 Rll. u/I~ 2 !It.or)'. 5133.125 Both :m ~~I~/, I/ J,; cooditJoned. ru11y ••P f J '/A('~~ r ,,. gnded, beautifully <k· ............. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ... !!........ '"' ... ,~..... 106t ........................................... OCW .. OMTIWLD 3 B~droom + 2 bedroom fully fu.raithed MUIL MU .Ha8t Ndveed-t & 1399.000. Drive by 4809 Seashore & cull [or aOl>QintmenL MIWPOIT SMOlll SI07,900. 2 Bedroom -+-den. beum cellinas, fireplace, dishwash~r . Hke new cond Walk lo beuch. pools. tennis & canal. NIWPOlt SHOllS CAMAUIOMT Y•O..fte~ 3 Bedroom. 3 both. all lht> e:ictra s Brick lattice t•unalfront putto 1st lime uff (•f't'd Cull for uppt to Sl>t: ~ ...... Hiity ~ .ftllt .. '4J·lllO LINDA ISU LUIUllOUS WA naNONT Nu m..rous eustom fc:alurt•l) Spur1ou:. rnarbll' 1•ntry m ~tr suite w/ ft pk t;ll•(•tron1c rtlll•rt•d :ur cond 5br, Sba. furn rm w1wt'l bar. formal dining rm. brt'ukfusl rm. ~hJl for 50 ' y~1 chl & bay boctls l-',abuluu~ t:llll'rluintn~ party homt· S2.000.000 00 ... iss&w•·l~ Albert Pussel I Realt y Co. 17141 Ul·SJH UODOR t-:VEN .. . . . . . . .. . . . . ....... ___. --· ,,,,,... •tf ........ a..-......... '*-'IMl•t• • f!!d!r, ..., •• 1971 ....................... ~· 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• KIDS & PITS WILCOMI um Klrkwood, lovely air \'Ond Wr. 288, bkyd ror tbto lud.<l or ~t Must se:e to~ IMM*3> ......... Men ...... Nt-WJIC)ft Beach IBr. I blk to ocean. $12.~. 846-5678 an tlPM & wknds ----....ntS FltOM THI ICH Ro al Monatrr h 24,60 2.Ur, t4' .. Ua, c·urncr lot, I '' w p t• r k r l' n l I J 1Jt1767 721 PLUSH Moba.HomtStore !WI~ ti3x~ VlKING. /\tl'. 81<21 ~l·ret.'fl porch, xlnt lot'a· t11l0 1115-Star park Irvine Dys 9 4, 55H 2477, aft 51'M wknds 5.51-4628 FAMILY PARK (lwnl'r :inxwus. 3Br. 2Ha, 1976 BarrintUon. L'land kitchen, lg mslr bdrm & bath w /l(arde n tuh. M:h1; JU.Sl minutes Jway tMPJ8441 MabiW Homt Store 848-8895 • •••••••••••••••••••••• ..._,.,,.,'? aooo .., ..... .... ····-········· .......... -................ . Otlt..,,_ All&IHGWI, 6 ~...... • 9l.onill. Npl Bdl. OwMr If 1 rtr J6H Clll'T)'. S115.•. ITS·llSS --••••••••••••••• T.mtlcTNIH an ltwilln&too Aeacb at 1018 F.naland. Look, but don't to uch. Call Bob Oiddnson, All t7t-llll MSTTIMI '""5TOIS DllAM Pnme Huntington Beach 4-plex in a highly desira- bfe rental area. Only 1144.950. It won 'l lust 1 <:all now Bkr 842·2535 NEAR COMPl.ETION 2567 Elden Ave, CM Olx 38r home , tile roof. Also52Br rental'>. Tost!f.' t'all 979·5099 SELLING? WHYPAYMORE7 Color•do wood e n .. II ..... ,.,.. ~ ...... 2700 ....................... ,... ....... , .,_c11llro.,.._ 49.95 a c r e& near lab-Sl47AOO. Terms. 16 acres wilh mobile hom&lk'S.000. Terms. 32D .cres with wms-u u for info. Subdivision ground· ranches 4'i acreage. Call for info. ... , ........ 51 lots·Sll8,000. Owner will carry A p p r o x . S 0 acres· Sl00.000. Principals only please. Contact Ken Marks al lclttlW.Heulck Realt.or & Associate:. 1646 Spnng St reel Paso Robles 11051 2ll·SlSO 110SJ 466-3049 40 AC grapes. 40 AC almonds. Bakersfield. tax benefits. 645-6132 Hn1111Uafu '¢1• .............................................. C...._ UM... JM4 .......-.. -........ 9'\ ...................... . ·-.NoDop. M&Vidori• >•.JIA&MT EHlllde exec. bome llDO. 1 yr. leue. lnc l's l pplbnces, water It prdener. Red Carpet, ~3a4, evee. 551 ·5.'182 3 Br 2 Bii, family-rm, 31.52 Sicily Ave, Mesa Verde, luds OK, no pets, no alngles. 9iliO mo. 6"-l.B38 M.sa Verde 4 Br 2 Ba, Bi() pr mo. 549--0112 E. Side 3br. MannHs , Ensign. Harbor High schools tn5 mo. 540-2380. "RANCll" 18r, ..... pool, llnpleee, All appM..- lae l udH pool and ....... ..meet.Me --·-llJ.llTl HOiia roa RENT S or 4 br. PrlNd frotn tasto-. hed~arcl· 1•ra1ea. Famlllt11 pleHe . Kid• 6 petli wdeome. Call t&f.2588 or f7Sa'Tl. Alt, DO fee. .......... 3241 ....................... Builder's Custom. Hm, 2br 2ba, den. Some oc. vu. Beau. yrd. Gar H•• cl)' to sbH. "bch .... mo. yrly.llse. 581·70G0 Mesa Verde · Sharp 3 br, dys,eve.586-1298 Cam rm, frplc . avail. --------- June 1. "5(). 644-1200 Be•utiful 3. br home ----------1 w /panoram1c view. Z 2 Br. frplc, patio. May be bug e d ec k s . a 11 Wied for olc·semi com· a m e niti e11. Sl300 m 'I home. Low rent ~1186. 1~1 in exchanJ?e for --------- fix·uplabor.673-7787. Oceanfront. Lag~na . Private Point. Spel' tac.-ularviews. brand new mobile home, l600 mo. yearly 494~. 49\t-4'>73 Mesa Verde 4 + ram1ly. fir e pla ce . 2 ba Completely redecorated. m>per mo 751·~. -· --&..J-Hllk JZSO ~ ror brochure or caU Western Realty Services A ReaJ EBtale Advisory SJG. UY13 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.-.--.------•I 4br, 300. over park. Spot· less, _,.,5 Gardener & Near New Jbr, 2ba. qu1t'I cul·de-sac A IC Adultl> preferred. S47!'> tilil ·:Jltitl NEW 3br. 21:.> ba, pvl or6til·31114. A\ailt>·IO patio lf>H·A Magnolia. ---- * 160ACRES IYOWNH wtr pd. 64.S·2971 1>7!'>mo. 751-8404 &..J-MHJ-1 3252 ••••••••••••••••••••••• oorated 1r prol'Cllii1ona11y R E A L T Y landscaped. Pnme locu Nwpt. Crftt Co..do' 2 IJdrm Prol11111• sah· $1 l!*.500 Gd oul of lht• )!as 11111· ---------• SEl.LERS Will CARRY! Sl9a PER ACHK Cedar City, Utah t:xcellent farm and ranch la nd. waler -;hares . hunting and fashini.: near by Owner will finance with low down payment. Call Sert10 OtOl > 486-4846 and 0-clJ'WI n ( 80 I I 5M6 · 7 334 2 ttr, l ba, child ok. No pc.1.S. Avail June 5. $350. 912 Joann St. 548-<M38. LUXUIY 2 IDIM NIGUEi. SHOIES /Lse Behind guardt.'d 1-{ates. a dulrnung momy ;i Bdrm bo ml' with at•t·e~" t u fabulou~ r ecreatio n facilities and t!asv wulk to pvt. beach ~11mo A s k f o r N 1 I.I l' 1 • 644-7211 /ilh'l tlon. Call now 1714 1 ---------581·9610: '7141770,6493 SAVI 'THOUSANDS OwnertAgl. No Comm Elegant V1clor1a . Parkwood 4br. 3trn , finished bonus rm., 11 ir. highly up1:raded llugt• lot Assumable loan 25102 S haver Lake ~1497. IYOWNElt Lovely Sbr. Jba home in Luke Forrest. Highly up gri.dcd. beautifully maintained ins1dt: ;ml.I out. •Nt.-w pool & :.11;1 •/\JrCood. •Wet Bur Includes rnt•mht.'rshq> Lake Fort>s l lk-ach & Tennis f'I ull 5145.tlOll t-'or l\ppl Call 714 /K:JO.Ki:.13 ..... Viejo 1067 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Exclusive Finisterra 011 the water of Lake· M1' :.ion Viejo. 2hr. 2 ba. up ~ades. Grounrl Jtovel 1 hoat s lip Sl4 2.5utJ 751-5000, S48·~ REBATE S2!llX> rebate ror crpls &. drapes. Take advantall•' of this fixer-upper & Sa\1' ltn>'s 3 Br 2 & . lowest pnced model in ;u ea STJ.500 total pncc . Try S7500down. Lagwia V1cJo Reall)' 581-5416 ----UMITID IDITIOM S64,SOO My advice to you is f•om· pare! Whal more t"ould this btfl h<)me offe r . w /rolling bills & lo;,ds of activity for the fmly minded persuns . This ,-·harmer is located in Mission Viejo & seller~ are ol'fenng dnt h:rm~ 552-4477 ~ Walker & lee Keal Est;ite ---- A VIRY SPECIAL PEMMSULAPOIMT SIB>IOOMS 4 l:ldrm L.ovt·ly \ lt'"- Sl41.000 Only 2 }'cars olll 11011 ~ Hdrm nr ll'rin1•.,1wH1I ft.' a l 11 rt' S r II r I 11 Cl $147 ,()00 numerous rm1en1tws lu Ah'l 64!'>·0~5 menlmn dcla1I int'ld'I! •• . -ROU rm t• I k 11 l' h ,. n . 2 Hd <'~la~e m .Nl'WJ)ll~1 bakony Ra m t' mom, a lit.'>. R·2 lul 50 x IO.S i-umpti1>u" full i-ilt' Close to Hoa.:. hu.w~ & JaCID.ZI m ma:-tl'r hath shopp1n~ SlW.900 t-.xt:I tnol just a hulh tub "'-'.!.. 673·11i2U _ w /jt•l1.l. !-Ol1d oak cab1nt•ls thru out 11nd murh mU1·h mort• If :,.ou wunt · ··rhe Poml" an1I t·an l'Ofbltlt:r S4:J!l.OOO fur t~· IU;.>:;T CALL 644·72 I I ~NIGEL GAILEY & ASSOCI ATES NO EXPENSE SPARED! Trut>' No expt•nii;t· hno; ht-cu :.parc'f1 on tl11~ 1t.• t'Orator"· dn•a m hu m1· C: or J? •' ll u .., P :i I l' r m •> rr11dl•I m llurhor View llome:. Jo'el' laud ·I fft.·drmo; t-'ormat d1111n.: nn. Plank~ hardwoo1I flcw1rs t\t·1·cnlt'd with ~t111i-h tilt• 1\ mus t tn "'t' for truly rui>:-.\ huyt•r '' Call tud:i y 7~ 1700 •I I,• I • {@lllilil IACKIAY POOL HOME Real t-:<;tut1• LIDO ISLE Outstantlan~ 1·u:.1m rL· modt!I. Prinw t•11rn1:r loc.•at1on. stc~ tv l>to;wh JBr. Jtw. dt·n l.1\ rm WIWl'thar. m:iss11.1t• bn1·i.. frpl(' & licam t'l'll'~. ~·r doon.. JlUnt• window:-. t.I r urea Oj)t!n:. to hnck µal10 Bright k1tt·h. all nu l}lt in.' ~ nook Spac tnl>t r :-u1 1c, " ha lt'ony. 1t1· t•11rJ l<1r fi.ibri c~ w.111 cvr .: S47f1,0(M1. h) 11wnn r.7.).t7(;.a IEACH IMCOME 11536Ch St Scashon· (A-eanfronl vacant lob art' valU<'d "' S37~.uou :t lot..., uway 1:. lt_•U:.i'huld duplex for only SH17.~ ExcC'I. la x shl'llC'r 4 Ur :! bal2Br I ba 2 sundp1·ks. unfurn yrly lncomt· $12.600. F.xtra parkmi.: fo'rant·t~ llorval h. IUtr b75-1972or 6T3 ~uJ llome on Luto. lrntll• for in come prop erl y Owner /Bkr. 4!19·4460 Hy Owner $146.500 3br, 2ba. ~amt: room w~ table & wet bar 64:>-:ll09. -------Eostbluff View HOftlf Uackbay, forever view ~e cul·dC'·Sac lot. 5 Br. 3 ba Highly up g raded. Ope n hOU M' Sat /Sun 12·a. S218.0UO II} owner ti44· 0.'155 Newport t.och • 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OwMf' W..ts to Mo•~ Bayfroot Duplx t-'anl vu. COMI:: BUY -11 9 MOJ•l 3Br upr 2Rr lwr. fo'p, Court Condo At Su11t·rwr oU T ironderoga & In IACIC IA Y·1/1 Acr~ Country livin~ in th1:-:1 Bdrm. 3 ha. frpk, walk m clMcts. formal dm1ni: nn. Pl'R & WoQ\ c Flour:. llors<o:-. Jllant your own rruit tn.'t·~ & l!ardt•n or nn for tenni:. court. hy ~1ppt. Gold ICey JIREM 546-9521 bhns & ldry hkup in ea trepid Plan 7. Newport I•--------• and 1·all Mit•kt•y lo ,,.,. this bt'autaful Nc WJi<1rl Ouplt:x. with spct'l a C'ula1 w;cler & Lido blL· n ew :> &-droom.-. t>al'h w frpk & 1-1a11us Can bt.• t•onH·rt t'tl t.os inl!IC family hom1• ()w1wr will help ranantl' H.111 pntt' SlliO.UOO SllA.Fb:H llt-:ALT't' !jti() l!li!IJ San.hat Capidrano 1078 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oiarmin,;i 2br. Iha l·11ndo pool. view S5!1 .~(lll 49'.!·4337 <•r 492 !t~I Uy Ownl•r I IKlrm :! IJU holl'lt.' with lam rm & t·ov<'rf'd p;ll111 Vllln~c· San .tu:•n l'rrn••I lwlow markd t)pt'll S<t l 18 1111 !I-;) 2:111:1..'> ~;<lgt•WcHIC.f lltl l'nnc1p:.t~ voly 11!15 1111 l Nt'"-t•ust m t"(t'l' hum1• I a1·n · ,,.. .. ,111 'It'"-lot. :, llR. 4 1 ~ b;i. :1 l'ri1l1"~ Fam rm, cl1nin!! rm. lmht•p'cJ 2 founturni.. Spa nis h t·ourtyard Kuom for l C'1rn1~. pool. horsc'S OK Si9.'i.OCIO Tt.'rrm 26181 t:<Jll~· Holwrt11 Open hou.~c Sat !'.un I :i Broker c•tio1wrut 111n Ownrr· IJUJ lrtcr t;4.1·2130 ~·or /\µpl Real t-:-;ta ll' s..taAna 1080 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $59,995 Gnat Potentiaf Nice nlder homl· could ht• y()Ur dream hnml' with a hllll' hit of work a ncl 1•r e atl\ t' tho u g h t :1 tx.idroom~. dm1111o:. 'un porch, rir(lpluce < IWnl'r will ht'lp raanam:1• (;a II ~1720 TAA&al. Summr/wnlr r e nt I l."rt-sl 3 Hr 2'2 bath, 3 CUSTOM $390,000/ofr own /a~l lt>\lt'I:.. blhns 5 min to llGCAMYOM NICI:: 3 br, I·'• ha lf'an l•J 840 18'19. . ocean. bay & fll•nms ula ~ SQ F"T ~ !> Bdrm. w I I! c Y r 11 1 n g ti leachDolllCMlse (;ommun1ly pool. jaC, 51,7 bath. 3 l'ilr gar ne1ghborh1111tJ firit·k WE HAVE MOllLES ! OMLIDO W r. t.lbl wide SJl .~,00 2Br, part rum $34).7~1 :.!IJr. boatdoc:k $'>5,000 2 fir B:lyfronl. clbl w1tle. & beuuhful $79,!l5o - IN1\llffffft)'\l I II .>Ml ., Inc. REAL ESTATE I),~ I 1400. SUMTHIMG EXTRA Ltr'C'S:.1nj! un:a in rnstr I.Id rm . l' l' d a r I 1 n e 11 l'lc,r;t'lS, pull out k 11 che n '>hdv1•:., I~ IJ<Jlllry . dbl w1llt• /\rl111 i.:t1111 r I U 1'1429 701 Mobi~ Homr Store Slll·IU!H:l l,l\Jl'n h1•u.w ~la~ :tli & :!7th 21) X :,;, Muhllt• hum c fum l'nnw 1111· 111 II B Sl.'i,fJllO ti75 7!1'bt !JliK·21iH2 Sdhng my va1·11tt0n turn molllll• homt• 1n Chula V1:.ta Close lu beach lllX50' ~500 fl42·4til0 '1k l\111i.:sto11 111>1 wulc. SIJIJ .;p..it·c. CM . until :il'M C'all ti<t2 JA.llitl 32UNITS. HH 8UNITS,SA :!4 UNITS. ANAH IYUNITS.CM 4 HOU~ES on LOT l'nnc1pals Only !'lease /\JI or lhL"Sc pn-1jects may be pun:hu:.cd on \ ery fa vurabk contrat'ls Owner '" mottv:llt•d & wan b f dSl a t·t 1o n Hrokcr for 1nr11rmat111n l'all 24 hrs 541-0800 Ncw11orl l;r t>i.t (.;111HJ1) <1Br. 2' v b<1. 2 i.tory, dhl i.:arai.;c ~00 mo to mo •ilM~ 1751 1'WO ONLUT Toµ l::asLo;1de CM ltwa 111111 Assume !1·11'. loan Chl!-e in .Jum· Mu~t ~di Rkr. fl.'il)..6171 REHTSCOVER MOITGAGE 15%DOWH 4 l'h:x Assume Seller wil l t•ar r y papt'r M an a i.: l' m c n l ,1 v a 1 I A#lenl. Gary D Hosler !lfJO. 43Kl:I or !'>36-24 9~ l'nncipals onl~-'ti.t Viking, 12· l'Xpan<ls !* more. l'lt•an, 111 vark, lO Unit:.. condo ap11ron·d ,ullt.s, no pt<l:. 5'!8,000 Newpon Bch SK.W.000. S4!>-lt00i Prin only 97!1-5425 ~forW. 1200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hy-Owner in De Luz l 1.4 acrc-s w1Lh c·rl'<!ks & re M>r\'0tr. 2 buildini: sites. I in tall oaks by creek, olhl·r f>n hall Munw1pal water + wt•ll l'hl)ne. t.'11·ctr1clly. plantable U G. SH9.500 7141968-1134 Ownet-in~. Mu~l sell luxury home on 8 AC 100 avot'ado trees (; r ca t Pow 11 y I o l' lw·~1ul1ful \11cw 10 AC''l"c· ady lo bu1 Id i'.ont'<I I pn :! Al' llrC't.'<'her /Inv M:l 114ti2 O.C.LAHD Krni: size t•slaH• 31 + ancs $2.5,000 per <1cr c in· <'hJtles lake ror hshmJ!. Heady for cl<>velnpmcnt. A1ljar1•nl p roperty a l)>tJ JVaJJablr MULLAN IH:/\l,TY :woo lrv1m· Av. Sh' HH N n ;,.i(}.;!9641 Hy owner Oana l'omt. Pride of Ownership 4· plex. $23.5,000 each on up to 15.000 !IQ. ft lots. Owner will rmanre on cootrart with minimum $78,000 down. Will a c - <·ommodalc exc hange. 334U Cheltam Wa y, /\111 o. 0 I' 496·10!17 or 4!1&5275 2200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• VlST,\ i1 't aC're lols, .111 plum; & permrts 1>d for. .:railed 1•nginerrcd. 10 man . rr om oc·n . pks. pla241 & schls, good area , undeo:round uul. Qrft.'r .:.-,.2955 PROIJATE HI lo t North Tus tin H1h~ Level 1J:.> al'rc Call C.rt'l!Ory /\. Dennis Real ty 7ii9· 1120 l:anyon Lake lot $20,000/ofr titil·~ Ap:,.'W~ I 300 .;.;..,-. D~. - 3 Br l &. 2 car garage, frplc . bcaut1rul cond1- 1Joo, MIO mo. 1·271-11138 or642·5639 Bellut E /s1dt! home, 3 BR 2 Ba, Fam Rm. fplc, ••••••••••••••••••••••• .1trdnr, 1 yr l..e. ~s. Agt. ....... ,_.shed til!>-3411 $li(l(l/m11 pt'rm.111t'nl 1w ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------Summer r1•ntal tu h•· ~INdt 1141 O..Poiftt 1226 negotiated :t bOrm :!•,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ba. Condo t•lt•..:,au t SUMMH REHT AL t'or 1mllltlCJiatc occupa n cy Charming s pacious I RR home Ill prt.'Sl.lg1oui. Emeraltl Ha~ T<'rra«c Only mmult.., walk lo thl' bo'al'h DOMOSEM REALTORS •\!17 ·•\14411 7 3 l 3111 ---------•I frplc. a tc, 2 pool~ ~lk 111 stores. sav1~ j.!a~. Easy IRANDNEW J BR. dt!n , 21,., bath, T11wnh11m e , Private communit y Wa lk lo bt·arh m J1m<i REGEMT REAL TY lll-3114 or 496-9501 at·ce~:. t .. 11n1i-, i.:•1lf ~h. A<tulL., MI t:Jll H.E Oft'. j Ila)::. 1111; 4~·4315 Oth1·r t11111•, el 1625 I\ m~i.: Pa1·1rw Island \/1llJ~•· ;: Newport •och 3 I 69 !!!!':! ........... ?~.~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hr l &. f;tnl<i~l•l' \H'W. adult l'llmlllUllll \' 1'11<11, Ja l', l'lubhou .. j• S5;'ill W1 l.-.11n . 4!J\4 :!!l!fK •tr 831 55(K) lHr. 2Ba, 224 Yid L11Jo Nord. $WOO mo t'Xl't.'PI i\1.11,! $!51MJ t 213 I 270·4!>47 llf' (21J)934·0'J20 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Geu•:al 3202 • •••••••••••••••••••••• IUOGET RENTS Economy· !)ave .:as + l1mt· tbtS ApL'iCtJ,!s t-' l:nf S235 I br h.o;e s1ni:lc:. S23.'i 2hr g;irk1ds plcx S2502 br .:ar rh1ld ok $28.S2brfumqwet $350 3 br tuds pets lg Sl8S3+ I 1':! ba kids nr all S495 4 br luds Jl('L'i bc·h 1&!5sbarp Sbr beach 1>75fum3br Bal Isl SS7·0l2S Homcfinders State Widt.' --------- BALBOA ISl.AND REALTY & INVJo~TMENT COMPANY · IS · RF.AL PROPERTY Mt\N/\G EM ENT We've ROl a beauty of a rental t'<Jm111it up. $1000 a monOI, lt>nms court, san dy beach Just sleps from yourdoor 673-.8700. .... lllcMd 3206 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CUt.c 3 Hr 2 Ua, Aarage, rrplc, SlflVl•/r efrt g, wshr1dryr. 9'75 yrly no petS ~·3223 t'V~- IAYFlt()N'T 3 Bdrms. 2 ba t-'um or unfurnished Sum mer rates or yearly rate SI 100 ti44-~L'l ---------eor-....... 1222 Ztlf", 2t>a. y rd. frµh'. a /'', duh fo1· • s.500mu Fl.o Pt!\..;, !'>W·l351betwn10·5 ----.......... •oct. 3240 ••••••••••••••••••••••• New 2827 sq. ft • !':> BR. ex· ecUU\c hOmt-abo\c Hun· IJnl(lon Harbour, many xtras, SW5 <.:;,II M Ike. 1140-troi • 2 H r 1 ~ ,. y :_1 r d , sto\t>/rt.fr ~i5. Ulll J)tJ C'hlld o k f" o µ(•l s . ~" S & S 4br. 21 ·l>a . uµ- graded. 31tn,q. fl. Xlnt. locatJon. Gardener. No pets . 493-9431, days . ~eves. -.... 4 .. t._.air 3242 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WATERFRONTCONOO Lovcly 3 br. 21 e ba end urut. Bnck frplc. bltns. dbl encl J:ara~l' Slip a vru.I. Lease lf/5. Peggy. 900-4.B!. .,.. 1244 MhlioR Viejo 326 7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ltOMt-:S FOK Hl-:NT 3 tlf' 4 br Pnct'd rrnni S4:ri ti)~. Fncd yanl & ~a r a ~ e !<. • Jo' a m 1 la \' ' plea:. ... Kid ~ & P•·h welrotl'lt: Call !lti4 ~ ur 973-2971. A~'l. nu foe . lmmac. Jbr . rrpl•'. I r~ yard. CUl·<1e '>ar Walk lo schools. $S25mo 761f· 7li IJ ----... .,..... leech 1269 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NO •'EE! Apt. & l:onOo re ntals. Villa Kentals 67S-4912 Bkr. I BLOCK TO BEACH Po;b 3br, 3ba W/34' bo;it ~P 1195. 540-Q4!'> aft <I ~ BLUFFS38r 20.1. 2 patios. 2''2 car gar. wshr /dry r, rf'f n g. Sti!'>O mo. (213)698-8021 --,,---- ••BLUFFS 4br. 2~~ba, fam rm. rrp1c, pvt patio $650. 644'1480 /g:)().5050 ext40 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• P3.nOram1c Ocean View 6 Bdrm. 4 ba humt'. <'hot<'C area lrvtnl'. SIOOO. mu. 63HBlO. t:"f'c. Twhns c . :Jbr, 2i,:.ba, 2 car gar. lenn1:., PoOI. sauna . No Pch . -----IEMTAL$ -Monthly seoo. 968-4254 or 89M833 . 2 BR.lba . i4~ 3 BK. 2 Ba .. SS00/950 4 BH. 21·2 ba, furn .. $1450 4BH.2'~ba. NU . SJOOO :!BR.2 Ba.SC .. $475/500 Harbor View Home:.. C3rmel model. 3br, 2ba. avail. June I . S725. 644·6977 . 837 ·3H44 . ~2892. Newport Terrace 3br 2°-iba, highly upg radt:d View Avail. July Isl . Z75. 548·5764. ------ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rnort 2400 scauna. tennis O~n 1-:i r . t d 1 d BBQ. pl a nt..r,, t'nl'l'tl SI 05•000 . ....1ca c on c u · c s ar r b ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEANlo"'RONT. Lge 48r. den . 3ba, 3 frplcs Sl.550/mo. Al}. 759-1120 PM every day "ranl'IS with views of .:olrcourst-patio & runt lnm U 1 4-l'lex for s ail' by Owner. 2 Br. I ba. newly finished iu-.-Shores. aura r Horvath. Rltr 67&·1972. •-mlns·. For prl""lc• gar w111ddrlwm1I 1 ~ ha S ea1·i'"·hf lsl'w/opt1onlo p . ·--c• ... y-.a ''"" .. 1''"" &:;48-4260 "' •0 7,; loan now cxis tini.: nc•ar beach an • a n •""' · · · hardwood noors. nmo 523 ,..... -"'" ""'" BY OWNER tive3BR. newly crpt'd & --- -showing or this llstinl! S.5!*,000 to .-ash down Clemente Xlnt invest· buy 4br beach home 25 locale. Agt.675_·0562 ___ 'f '-"'IPU5J>l:hlvNCE Fabulous 3 bdrm painted inside & out 5 ---------•I contartDanBihbs. ml'nt s169.90o ffirm min . from border . -----------• C\titomhomewitbsensa -blks to beuch. Owner HARIORVIEW llOGHSIEALTY PymtsS194001')\'rmo.m 431l~'i ProlC'<'IC'd d<'velopm<'nt LL'ase Duple":! bdrm. 1 TIJRTLEROCK Island 3 1 oU' . transferred out or arPa. cl. laxC.'!S & ms 534 75~1:J ------known as Las Gav111tas. ba. small O<'E'an view br exe<-home . NE-ver bona ~ course view! Pool & tennis courts. DBJGHT 675-231 I eves/wknds by appt on TRIPLEX $130,000 For brochure Pr i v at P he a c h bved tn!! ss:;o. 7!">2·9023 Yearly rentaJ. $1700 per Reasonable terms lo Lar~e " Bdrm Pale rmo I•--------• ly Pnn ooJy ~, •192 2732 dys e ves Rede 1· o r a l e d & ""' mo . .... -0.:r..-1 bu"'er . Call for Mdl Harbor V1"'w hom e. ---1090 :J yr.; old, all umls h:l\ .. :J ..,..,.,,.. • • lands ..,... N ok -· .. llllllUQI 11 " , ________ T•tw. 21 h N 49ft.7301 ca.,........ 00 s m · Lovely McLain 2 bdrm . appt to see Peggy, Lge c·ount ry kitche n. hdrms, "2 a l'ar ----•no _ .. ults 0 ly No....... Jbr, 2tr.>batb Unive rsity pri d AN ENGLISH ••••••••••••••••••••••• A•lams & "-ach Call THIS~£..aD _...,...., . n ' .,.. .... p k .. -.. ~-Pool · 2bathtownbome. wrgc 9aM31112. 538-3t98. vale yal' . Must st.oe lo ' oc .,,...SSR..,. 675-0lll3or64.2·6880. ar ,..,..,,.,,, • lenrus. . 1 . ed' ---------appreciate CUSTOM HOME Shoreline Managcmt•nl Owner must sacrlhct> -l500/mo. 7141640-0008 deCk. Avai. •mm tale · 754.7100 TUDOR Quality lath & plaster Corp 847-6363 /\sk for quiet ha<'icnda villa 2Brandnew38ddplx.up· lyal$700permonth. built 3 bd, 2 11:.> ba. lrg Nancy Wynn w/iJOOl&all a menittes.J per&lowerclosetoshop· Beautifu1Turllerock3Br. Agent&tO«iOO •.'!I bo h t 1 tl>Cl'I • • ..,00 ""'3-2113 view, never lived in. • borne. H~e come r lot Nwpl H g hls. l' M tc nms crts. Reduced ColhMeM 1224 · · ·97 Smuliooal 2 It a den l SUper Neighbrhd. 3br 2ba Le fam rm Newly re- d«o SllyLlte Walk to pt/acbl S12V,500. 66m1. Yt1l. that's right. Olarwood Ln/Newport l <213>481 l800d llowt>vcr. see & m ake of· Mesa Verde 4 br, 2 ba, Woodbridge townhome 1 · be · M... IN NEWPORT? nus rm, ranc s ye 4 UruL'>&hou.se. byown~r Br·J Ba home sleps lo puig. ......, •• , .u. triO pp S-0477 THICOVI - Vacant. Jo"'ast Poss. 1001 ll.Xl{rOSs. (,2l3) 831.ao7o S20.000 l o $215.000 ·-••••••••••••••• .. ••• New 2 er. l~ ba, 2 story condom'nium oa w•ter• -:r blk Nor J~~.:. Yf.i.'.'.;.?.~~ ccves~ I I . /T:s ff'r ·~.;_!:aim r----,_ ..... IQL.hu.-§!!!&. cpq.Llb . r . ~::.-'·~-a..,c.h,...! -----'~ +---•WINMll'P·llilt•r.'!rtPSS-i:---• ...... ,..._,~~~_.· ... ~•RalM" 111Rl,-.-...•Wtt-+-S11111nl'i"· .... ,_._""""' -~:;d: no pets. auUTUI an scape mo.Apat64CM;500 Bri tol CM Fi n an . av a i I . -...for .. 1700 54().4752 patio. l500/mo &40-5510 --~------'J11ia bidden beauty is 292'1 s ' 714·7»-0603 ••• .. •••••••••••• •• ••• • 1185. 751·3896. ~~~aft 6. Npl fflls, ~3 Br 2 Ba, dlM end st.. 1-slY 5 Br Beaut.Hui v1rw SB mtns ; ~1.. •--flew fut Wat•ater I 091 New Condo. Irvine, 5 mos 2500 fl 3 story. 3BR New condo, 2 br, 2 ba, 2 Woodbrid S • ~ • c.._, to Ba. amt ocean v • ---..-....--•-..---· ... •••••••••••••••••••• old. by owner. 2br. 8 len-3ba sqf • • 2 ·1 1 • frplcs, pool & jacuui. ce ycam,. 0 1re fsboppint, stove Swedish uun•. bl ..__ n1s els. 2 poolstja<' • am rm. rp cs . teyrly.67S-4912Bkr Model. 4br, 2~ba. rp.c1 It r e fri&. 831·9110 Or i::!• Iota ol ext.ras 1/2 ILOCI TO E 64 4,... ,. o v e r e d P u t i o • OR, 2 car garg, coverea ...... ,...,,. '""'-Id S'15.000 ves, 5·l a... I d d o~n"r l l d d _....,... lee to •pprecaate ...... t'OU be your OP· MILE sna•ARE $7142. an scape . .. ~ . lbr private yard. (/p, ulll p II t 0. n s c p , ________ _ ..... Owftel' will hel IQNF.S lO portunity to buy ao out· .,.... . 714/86'7·2518 paid,. No Pets . $350. w/s prinklers . Pool It LmOISLI flalDCe REALTY INC standing2braoddenor4 PARK ~~ Oltof~ 642-083.S. Tennis f•c. No pets. ft:!' a.., 3 BR, 2 BA. tR£HIG€ m:-. ~~e~llary=.bome WBUI ~b!dowHiRhuln by .................. !~.!~ ,..,.,., 2550 NewTownhome·nrbe•cb, ~~une Mb.~ mo. mo S.tpastio.sooflO~Z_.18. -.,. __ ... _HOM€' .. anmn,..on. g y up· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 _._ bdrms • U · A , n 1 (714) &73 grad e d w J m a n y ~ w Jc-/W. I 4 ,..,_ · convena· IG-511111Z - ., '"--Hw N' e' See SHE F Fl E L 0 amenities incl. built in ,_ • FORE t1on pit, frplc, pool. --------- ...... ~y, PLACE al Tustin Ave 6 microwave oven . trash e Dix Dplx 3226 courts & spa. 1575 mo. IALIOAts&AMD Hllh In Newpart Beach compactor. Plus. plus. ~.:~· r,py~~ t>::~r MIWPIOPOSID S.7867,642·0186 3 a.-, J be. f\arn or B&ST ORIGINAL--------by PACESETTER ph.ti!963-~I ;fg.5'Ml9 Jack Nicklaus Golf 3 Br condo, 1575 mo, nr d.anlalMd. Summer &Uni AREAi Seoaa· 5 5 TO HOMES. Course. New 4 Bdrm 211a •-rates or yearly rate Uau1 PIH E. bisbb ,_.. .._,...,...., 2000 beOlatO&sq.ft.homeons Olnyon/Vlctouia, frp,.;, aawtlll emlOllMlld, apmdoua S»lt· llDUCID Open daily rrom l2:00 to .,..................... level acres. Great tor dbl(IAU'. '*'2142· 1*m. IUle. + unaaiv Lvb d•le• Jual • h•lf ~~ 1\ieeday 6 Wed· 7 INTS-C.M. horses. Tile entry. 2 2 BR. 2 ba condo. E-aide, r.-.,nn.•addedllob· block from the sand It ·-Y· OllllrlMl•tate Beaut. new buildlnll. fireplaces . c u stom 1rg yard, pool, jac., dbl by rm . Overlooln localed In a hlfhly de· ......... •••••••••••••• F'replaces, xlntlocatlon. cabinets and pantry. pr. Kids " Pets OK. e110rmou1 1reenbelt. aiuble rent• area. (J14~'l1 ftAIU ....... ..._, TSLlnvmts 642-1603 Jennaire island cooktop, IC75. 675·t870 a1ent or ff oa ea ti y pr i c e 1..-.ed the ye•r roundp~&.·~~~~lfH~~.,...,.,~~~ ,_. ~ I I 00 trash compactor. D /W. a.9UM. ••• ... _. ~ UlllUnMed ~ --UM1TS-C.M. hule n111ter suite with --------• • ...,.... tilll .... Tfll ....................... ~. 3 Br ownen w•lk-in closel Tlle F-a8'tide-les. Zbr. lbe, MTUITID •Y SHAIP unll. 2 b•, frpl, 2-car shower. 3 car 18t•Ce MOW~ ... cpl, _.., =-~Bay ~=11~.~:: :':~cl~:~~~~-~~:; ~~~:i!~~~:!:i, k:~~i:~~":~: Im. · Offu. Perfect coad Reu btate C.nnery VU1a10 view. home. Low Park rent. Call R•Y Kowa lchuk, IODSJPITS OI CllUar11111Uo1ee 2br, lbll prolesalonally CMfWT> Oktrtri·plx on dbl lot crt .-. &SIDE •P•C. twnbae, .OODllROwN R.E decor.led. S117,600. .....,....._ ""9 lax 1hllr. 1115,000/ofr. RBhoConsullallt R.E. frpl, 1ar, P•tlo. Mfl, m.a. 111.-.MMlllt. M.a5 owntaatM0-1.f71. 714-m-5al -.a10;.._.. • PUPii.Ai GIANAllA lft Tbe Renell . 4 tNdlooma, a c.,. 1arap. . ...,. fflltlarValllr,a.,P'.R. .... incl. lnO. Av.U. Jul1i.t. .... wr 4 Br, 2 Ba lfartJor View .....caucbs-. .. ....... .- Eacul1vellome Nlwpolt Beadl ...... ....... blt·ln kit, ref. plalll crpt, W /DJ..I '"*9, .._to....,,aUlfmo. tae. 11a.111.1111. 1IHIN1JI, 1 , 3 BDRM 11pU1 lt•v1•I •nd unit. P11rlL v1t1w 111£!> l't.!r lft) OMV PARK. ch•rm1na •·•1.. 2 bdrm Totally ,..... Ne.r ovvrythana 9)Pwmo. . ' ' . . .. ' "t I I' S.CICl._NI .... lZ7' ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Pl"9~ a-.i..•2~ I r111a c\ U.W.. > •Alluun-'-W •!l•IM...i..T- llllh•lta •An1-0.r..-r, • ........, ........... ...... <:Mk.__. ....... rws MUCH NORE• Oakwood Garden Apar1menta Newpot1 leocfttNetth MO .,,,,... IOI lf>•nl 1114)"4)0\~ NeWJICM1 a.octvSouth I '00 ltllh :)I co.... •• 01 l lllhl 111•1 b4l Ill It! BeaUl1fw ocn •hill v1~w. 38r + den, 2liu. lsti ~ mo 211 C11lle Oondo 12L314:M-~l ----_ ___ A auh• unit 11 • ..._ .. ., ... S. .... M•.Jel• opoou dd1lr 10 I c.pk..... l271 --- ••••••••••••••••••••••• Apw:lwww•h......_. U1ndo38r. l l1B<t . Jl»rage, ••••••••••••••••••1•1•0••2 air, pool , $385 mo Gaas .. ~,... ...............•.....•• ~ .,._---12io APJS .. I & Z 115. Move 1n immed. Save .ias-Uve nr work A/C. Tenrus, pools . Se<-urity 1700 No. T e mple , Anaht>1m Orangethorpe/57 f'rwy. Les Chatcaux Apts . SOM-8211 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 28r. lge fncd lol Obi gar, m quiet st. S3ti0 tm o. Call /\de Mf>.9956 ----lZtl ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOM~ .. 'OR Rt-:NT 3 or 4 br rnc1'<1 from ~to S'i2.'>. 1-'nrd yard & i.ta raRCS Famrl1es please. kids & pets weko me. Call 964·2566 or !17J.2971. Ai,'l . no rec. 2 bdrm. 2 ba ;ur l'ond. fireplace. enrl p:itlO tennis, pools, Ja<'UZZI. 2 car s:a rage w /opener. 1-uu sa:ll!1~ 5:'>4~ _ ----..... '•MaMla 3107 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Ur. 2 ba l'Ondo. 2 car gar. aulo npnr Beaut. bay view. $700. 1'SL M~ml 642· 1603 OCEANFRONT · Gor geous ocn & bay view. 3rd & top story, secunty bldg, parkinJ!. 2Br. JI 2Ba. $75 m o. yr . Cute :tbr hou:.c. Crpts. ly 497-4542,675-7264 dq)S, Sll)V(', dbl gar , -0 furfi S4 5(J + d e p BAYFR NT stod1<1 view, ~5Wtl. pool, :-C<' l>ldJ:. Yrly - -- -$IOOmo KJt. llltins. Ai.rt. 3 Br h o m c w I f r p I c 675 189H Ml')1mo. Cull Shnrchne ----- -TotLoe ·~•uht!n. •2Hl!drooma• 1 balh •Walk LO p.11rk '* Pta(i'fttJa, C M 11H~S'JllD 2 ttR. ,ar, patk> ., ..... C'f111'1 G!l6 No pt•l8 h1l. l19t + dep I~ A1•t A ~m Atlf' 4131 ~ • £eetalde lbr. 11 ... ba. hll 1ni.. d1~hwio1tw1 . JHtllo, f'nr ld 1ar1e. n o Pt•l• *81 h . 11-ilNt, twluli.•· IYJW. encld 1ar . J!Mlm, a 1 , w ,d rm . rrpl\'. or Harbnr .. WI win an ~1r.01 h . 2bi.I. l'nrkt 1u1r No J"fea ltOO llHO-ff Valt•n na, lM6o 7111.1 Ne'W condcJ, Ol't'i6n .. I'l l )' vu. on the Bhtfi. C M 2 ups trs br . 2 ~b .1 Ml{·rowave Wi;hr. dryr ai mric av1111 Lk l' 1· 1186 Eves~ DLX-VU~W-2 HR, neur beach & s hop:.. 13110 Adil.'>. no pell; 00 7647 Z!OI Pal'1.r1c Oean ba<·helor apt. $W'J JX•r mo. Cull 546-581j() A:.k forPam<>1 Larry .. WPOIT APAITMINTS 2 Br SWO + utl. Mature adulls, no pets atSONewport Blvd Co!;ta MC!la orr v a n R u IU d s l . Spacious 2br. 2ba, loft condo. Quiet end unit. 2 car garJ: w il'leC' door opem•r l'lbh~ & pool. 646·5538 dys, 545·1431 ev~ AskforJohn. l Br. stot1e & refng. Cpts & drps. Adults. No peL'l. 646-43112. Beaut Hui n ew Brit· tanywoods condo Jbr , 2ba. 2 car ~ars:. tt•nms. pool. extras . $595 yrly lse. 645-1257. ~ m>w Condo:! HR 21 ~ BA. 2 cur ~:ir llupl\·, .. view. over 1600 :;q fl Sfi5(J .. ~\'CS. Sat /Su n ti42·2971 Af•••••U..... •••••••••••••••••••••• .... Jl44 ....................... Aaocb~ S an J._41aln t ..... lOR +loft, l '-'ba. Adul t t1 ·~~:, 212/$4U·J76~, $U 7607 Oran1•trf'\• Condn 2 ttdrrn l b.a tl'ruu L jacuni, pool, C'lubhowle, Mull.I ~mo 7~·tae0 ~ ..... Jl41 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dehau nt!WIY decorated z bdnn Mpt on ot't!Mn nt'llr Vifot or lluii{I llt•ntr d lJ!t11I. t'itJV»tor. subll'rr ll nl'i.n JJ 1trk1n~ $82~ .. ~ J t11lr111 ""' <Jwtit area. ~J)\wt 1•lr c·linyon v 11·w All ul al ~50 pt'r mo. .OO~llf L...-.Mlt-' JIU ••••••••••••••••••••••• fA('IN<i OOU' COU RSY. U.tdo 2 br. 2 ba. West Nm•· l>r 1 .. 1v~ly areu tiltni., wai.h e r -dryl'r. µauo, 2 l'itr i:11r , auto OJ1':nl'r No JJl'l:> $475 mu Cull 770 l9!'>0 Mlwportleoch 116' ••••••••••••••••••••••• PAIUC .. WPORT Bac h e lors, l o r 2 Bedrooms & Townhoust!s "'tom $34!1 ~ Sf'cl1a1·ular ~pa , total rt!l'l'l'at1on f'ru~ra m . i.oc1al program. 7 µouls. H l4'fllus l'<IUrtS. At F'a:.h1on lsland. Jamboret & San Joaquin llllls Road 1714J 644-1900 4219 l'utnct' 3 br . :.! lM. C'\IOdo. Split level w /frpll' & pot>l. 549:; mo 1133·!! Jtl2 BAYFHONT 2 hr. 2 lta. IAAI Vu Pt"nthouse. 31tr, 21 "ha. bla-8990 ----V\'urly, 3 BR. 2 ba. LoVl" ly llCl'<m & l>ay Vl\'W $71M . U •f•anrront 1 BR. I ba. yrl_y AJicnl ti7J-:l663 __ (..f( luxury I Br, util incl. $)5.'i/mo. Isl dllSl ~SI 00 d cp r <'q . 1-'t•m . pre · rl.'n'ro. 540 115811 • B HE A T II T AK I N li VIEW ~ µr mo. hi;: I Ur J iil. lugh on bal·kbay blulfs w 2 pn v h<ikon1c-.. frplt'. ht d 11001. lo:1ds ur dOr;t1:. 745 0.1m1ngo Ur !f19.~1n45· ll!6<1 Wt"\lt•Lt(( :m•a. I Ar 1111 p ., r . I $! 0 l' 1• k . p ti 11 I . ?ff .... ~~ ... !~!! ~~ ..... !~!!?.!ff!.~.~ .. !~ MQll•T.-HH ~,,,'!:~ ... ~~ ~ C9CTll Hutlntton Bd1. New ....................... rouND: WM&e ...,.. ' DICSUt'TIS n .us sq ft blda. .. 'lrlllOllALI .,.. • ~ ~ til FULLSUVlC& c 11 l c I' l II l e d r I r e t"MD ... yWd -I 1r Newport ... t ....... ,. OCEAN v1p;ws ~.Xlrit identity Jnda. wart diacount. htfc •a• LoaD • Nu1•i 1..-Cr ~t~r· IH rate 91111D. ao.ooo. tlO,• 6 Samoy9d. Call-.-. c_, U0.000. Call Ro1er, ~le.a ar ...._ 1D ••••••••••••••••••••••• M4mft ...__,_ w / pear .... ~ a'\ nitely pr cpl~ Call -••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ..._ jlflerlp.m.~-t-Of'flC'e or Comme rc ia l IYPAltl.... LOW£SJ pendant. Rl:WA D. s p are 1n d o wntown -R.~mHLY' ••'IOlll•-.all BIG B•!AR l.16kefronl iAJWU1 Landmark Bldg. .-""""" ••uwl ..... Otbtn Sml or hct-groups 1,llnlq n. or will divide Fenced awa.ae for your latT.O 't... L08'1': Male doc, blk/Wltt, ...,. 714/8116-7701 ...... 1 .... L 4112 Ol"" boat. camper or ulra • vi~ M .. a Verde CM .. .,..... 'I-. or · vv, car. For i nfo ..... II a.llT.O "--' n-•0 01 ...... -.:. · 492-1901 ".. ....,~...__:--•--1...... _..,ftA . --· L a cuna Oce anrro n t OellUL loull<>n. SlePll tu beach. July tMO w~k Aug 18.'iO wk. 497·2042 or f!11 D2 l# Bl1 &ar Cabin. Ideal for that gel·away t1aca· lion For summe r r e· li«VaUona call MS·81n6 OllwW .... r ... Beautifully furnls h«>d 2br. 2b& oo the water ln Ptll gate lfUarded aref ~h1kani Kai M a rina, K.aneohe Bay. lllOO mb. '4' boat slip avul on lone t.erm lse 71Hl30· 1746. Laguna. oceanfront r" v bt"aC'h , r1 s h n g weekly /mo Wa nte r Rates.499-3816 Lakefront S. Laite Tahoe, 2 br. 2 ba w /dock & pool, sleeps 6. Weekend or Wl't!k.JY 644~. ~to Shse 000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ROOMMATES ---11411·3133. Hunl. Beach r--. .,. _ _.. - C...POINTI area. ...... ...... C.. DIC. sums w A R E JI 0 u s E 6424171 ......... I J11mboree" MacArthur Sl'ORAGE. Aprrox 3000 ....... 2501. v.-o Bay Windows sq ft, » ft, al or part. ~ fO • ._. Pl~h Carpet. c.osta Mesa. 642 .. 47511 1 yr 2nd TD. 10% in· 75~Z7 l7. terest. 12"-'> diacount. Call ...... W..ted 4600 Rocer.114/13"170'Z EXECUTIVE SUITES Luxurio us o ffices, spac ious confe r e nce r oom , execut ive secrelary, pe r sonal phone t-overage. recep· tionlst , xerox. nolary. Lease or m o nth to month Near So. Coast Plaz1t. Orange County Atrport & Freeway. Call Virglnla 546·2982 O'r1ce. CosLa Mesa. A/C. drp;. cpl. 2 or J rms . Si.'00. 440 sq ft 979-0'lll .._,ICAL SUITE Ground noor. Corona de l Mar $1i50 Per m o . Hcci lo no m1cs Cor p . bi5-t.'700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Respons ible . working write r Sl'e k s o n e bedroom t•oltage in Coron.a del Mar or Costa Mesa. Quietness N;sen· bal. Write Classified Ad lfaJG, Daily Pilot. P .O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa 92826. tQIY AVAILABLE 2NDTDAND SWING LOANS ... INTERES'l'ONLYOR FULL¥ ~-MORTIZED ... 1..ee Really R. E. Broker ,960-1957 I YI 2NDTD 9'111 c;>uALITY Receive 20'" 35c,: yield, <Employed > lady. top · 12C/r .discount. 'iUpe r ref's. Req's by .June 1. 2 . secunty by Slllgle family BR/pal.Jo apt under $325 home Beller than pul· St. Andrews . Westclirr. ling your m<>nfy Ill sav· ur Orangt' Ave. area 1 n ~ s & l o a n • Call befo.-e 7am or after $6000·$1 00.000 Call 7pm: 64$·4476. ask ror Roger, 7141834·1702 BeL-;y F.asy money $10,000 to Sl.000.<n>. PO.Box 1023, Newport Beach, 92662. Npt Blvd . C.M 3 offices. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ue<1ul. New Bldg. Patao ·~_.. 5005 ts WllMwh/ PencllMM/ Lostlr~ area. 213/862·8967 -....-...... , -----...................... . • •••••••••••••••••••••• REWARD for Star· UlllJbire nMnl nni w /5 emall diamonda. $100, no questaona. 61.4-~78 or S-M!Z FOUND: Female lriab Mitter, approx 6 mo.· l yr, vie Beach Ir Warn« HB. 1141·- FOWld caU<.'O Cat with a Utt.er ot 5 kittens . Vic. Woodland School ~51121. ----FOUND: Ger. Shrtbad Pointer M 2 Mghan hounds M .. Spr inger Span M .. Spri nger Spaniel Mix F • Ger Shep Mix. Fem., 3·M l'ood.Je mix, Many cats Irv Anlnwl care Cenlt'r . 754-3734 FOUND: Collie Mix wht w /some rt-d. T errier Mtx arey M. And pcltisi· hie others. N.8 . Ammal Shelt e r . 644·3656. or &fS.l!iC»J ------- Found: "'em. blk Lab puppy w /choke chn & fl e a co ll a r 663300 n54-0J4R ---------·-- Shs..H-Sa•e Enjoy more. Pay less! AH Ages & Lifestyles. We Check Rererences Cal 546-4282 TOP LOCATION f.. 17th St .. lAsta Mesa. 2 Dix. suites, S900 to $1.000 mo. Ample parking. 8rokcr675·6700 lnsW'ance Salesperson Does your pre!icnt Job of- fer you independence, prestige. a reelinJ: or ac tu mpl1 s hm c nl 6t et·onomll' Set'Urlty'' II not you s hould talk to Farmers· Ins. Group tl>· cfa y Ca 11 ~41:J.5111 5 I 00 Pwsonals 5350 Since 1971 we have helped thousands or our clients find roommates, We cun help you too! HOUSEMATES 832-4134 (213)466·814:1 Roomma te. Npt Heh bayfront dupl<'X. 1\1 W S!S0.!164·2688.675-4221 Shr 4 Br ho u se. N Laguna, 2 ba1·hclo rs looking for 3rd StrJi~hl. Tcnn1s t·rt~. •"' prl\ bcarh. S27!'l pr mo + ull I 4~1-0068 ew:. Orril'e s p a ce located bl·twn L1<.111 V111 3Ae & Lado blc Hf'nt a dt'sk & :.hare a conference rm. Othcr :.crv1ces optional. l<oJ.t<•r 67:J.1020 FUm1shl'd office for Isl'. ut1l 111d 'd Good loc. CM l '.oll AM i~ 'i''i41 --- Ex<·cut1"'t' Mf1 C'c -.u1tl' w v11•w in lfunt 1nl!lon Rc'h. 1JO 'ti ft SJ!°•ll pc r mo Call ll1111. 9fi() 4:!Xk Fem a I e Hoo m m a I 1• ,. nt't'ded lo :.hr J fir apt, Sl'~I LIP l)ft1r·P -.rn rt·. llB.S2tA!mu ~ l!lYObd lf)I.,, clrp.., 1\ (' 173111 I JPM Bl'ilch.11 B 1.-,t• IW:! ~W Per.;1>0 IP .;hr :! nH. L0dM Ulll. pool. F•t· I blk~ beach. $2i.!5 mo. ti7:i WO>! OUil't' ~~ ~ Ft ( ;n111111t lluor. Im 11'1 ~ \IJ inu 17:1>1 Anahc11n St. (.' .\I li/J ~i..)<I Elt'i.eant. sm all bc.1Ut\' salon in s hop. ctr. I.di Niguel Asking SJJ.500 Peg Allen Rltr494·7578 7-11 H.1~h ~ru!>:> in bus. IO yrs, 011.nl·r movin)! fri>rn :.ta1 ... will r:.r ry "t1m1; t1nanc1n!( DHa1ls 1n 11.,1. 111gofr 846-5502 crrz6@IBv'•? ••••••••••••••••••••••• PENNY PINCHER ADS ONLY S2 ~·II .un 11em M ~om· bono.\100 of 11ems fM 17S ur It''" w 1l h .. Penny Plm·h .. r Ad J lines fOt' 2 con.-.:{Ut1~t-d:.y'I Each otdcL11on•I IJnl· " 6'T for UM> 2 •Ill)'> Chante 11 • :'/11romm1"rr1JI acts F11r mon• 1nformo.11on 1100 topla<·e )OUr ad call 642-5678 ••••••••••••••••••••••• RELAXING MASSAGE lbbJarnes·L1c Ma)lseur OutC'all 9·.9, 494·51 ll MICHEl.LE1S •o.tcall• 1 lAM·2AM 835·:114!1 UHDA & VICKI o.tc.I Malsop For 11w ,_of It! Servaniz al I Orange C'o. 835-7313 COUNTRY GIRL •ESCORTS* at Hrs. 7311-t).187 •FOXY LADY* OlIT\.'ALLONLY •972-1138• MJ?mt c;0 rµ .. 1'14i li36J 2 RH, 2 ba • bayfrunl con- ------do. yrs. lc&"c 9l50 ~o. mr,.1~Agen1 _ _ 2br, Iba. ,s:oo<I arett. K1fis OK l'c>ol S325mo No Pas. Kathy ti42· l!J5l . maturt• adult, nu pt•ls Hoomm:itP wantt•d :.!ltr S!9fl t)4f;.4J1R __ _ _ _ :!ha. Ot·1•;rn \'1l·w <.;1111\10 ()fin• ti:lll ~. 1-'l (.; r11u11d to·vd . tolll'I . t•rpl 173(; MONF:Y BROK E H 1-:arn $40 K + .1s a n <l~l'nl wl' prnv1dt· .111 tra111111g & ~1·n 1t'l'S al luw nist 11.:IO .i. 540· 1433. MAIL CENTER PREGNANT? Caring, t~denllal <'OUnseling & rt.'ferr:tl l\bort1on, adnp tmn & ket>plllg APCl\ltE CocicbniftilMK N'ftiihed 3400 C ... 1lrano Beach 3818 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..••..••............... Ocean view rustom bll t.ownhm.1.'>r splil·lcvcl. 2 Br 2"'t> Ha. avail. 7 /1 lea'\e. 661-2871 -~ --------Caronadel Mar 3822 ..................•...• 2br, Iha 1wnhs ~•Pl P vt clec·k, bll 111:-. fJOlll Adulls. 1·hlld 16 + Nu ~s. $431lsc.1;73-{M73. So Of Highway. I 1 ~yr old spac 2 Br, 2 ha . Pvt en trance. encl ga r. laund rm. s undeck SS7S 1mo OwntAi..'\ ITT3·Wll --- -Nl•w l 'apc (.'041t•ondo 2 hr. 2br, p \1 p;1t10. 1.!<trl!. bit :_!• .. ha ,\ti arrw111t1c,. m..-. SJ25 No ch1ldrrn or $.'~i 1;'75-ll:Mi4'i aft 5prn Jll'IS 11111 V1l'liHlil ti41>·3197, lill·H I0.'1 2 Huge bedroom" 'bt'um ceilin~. fully 1·:1rpt•lcd. nwlt·lll:. Sopt•r luea tmn Si2751mo Adult~ onl}. no Pf'b Apply apt ~; ~iH W Wil~·n Sll'IJ~ lo l.i{•:t<·h Rr.111tl Nl'w :J & i A<trm AµI :-. n i;& s1~'> 01:1-:rn:1 S..Clemente 3876 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vu, fr dc....-k :l HU. 2 Ha. fplr. SJlll i'allo. tarport Hoaitilqon IHch 1840 49.1-:m_o _ _ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3Br. 2Ha . ds hwshr. lnilry SHARP. bt'ar h 1.2 & 3 BH. nn. wlk t.o bd1 sn:; mu. lrplc, dJshwshr, ~aral(c 4911-QHO & patios . No pe t s . ----------- !lfD.2358: wknds 84().G306 S.. .hal ~Strano 3878 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl75 mu. + utol l':Vl"• 4!<l·J7H7 Rf'!'.P YOUOj.' mult· 111 shar1> :l lir c<1ndo lr•v1n1· Walnut Sq Sl5Uirnn C':.ll J im workdv.,; !l!l2 .tti<m rutl'S 551·lHJ:i l"cm nt't'<ls l"••m lo .. 11:.n· t'U~1 hnU~l' Sl5U l 'l1111w (~).1421) Fern. 25<1.'> lo 'hare 2br 2ba. dupll'x Cd~ ,\,k for G;Hy H7 5 47 5h o r 4!)1-~ Fem. <!5-;JJ :.hr 21Jr, <JIJ,1 Prk Npt. apt. Incl. fuC'. utd, $240. 640-94UK. :\ n ;1 h l' 1 m !) I c M li73 ;!fey\ NEWPORT BLVD. CU\ta ~1cs-.. offJt*l' ..,,,ace -- -for lt•<J<,('..11nplt•park1n~: Coin o pC'r a t t><I ' Video S-im i.i.-r 1110 5.'il Gl4J for J;tam~ Stan your uwn 111torn1:Jt1on hu.-.m~"-b:Jl ·3327 5015 l'lu~h <ln1an .. r full 1nvo;,~ 'tt'r\ll't' l'Xl'l'UllVC ~Ul\t "· J'1l'~lJi?,1ou..-.; Irvine to«Jt ••••••••••••••••••••••• IUHI 7a<! 1$lSlill SAN CLEMENTE l>t-ve lnper needs •n · llkll' 1duul UH1t\' S p;H T 111 Vf''itors for a pprovrd 1.x .. 1111 iful ga rdl'll 1·11111 •·u ... tom hom+>s w I llW pkx '" S:int;i /\n.i 11•·:.r rh:M uc·c;.i n \ 1e11o . Call ·ru. .. un 1-'rCl' purk1n,e & Hot!er. 714 ,~_ 1702 .rorr~. IL~~· or conforenrl' ---_ --- TOWHHOME DEVB.OrMEHT ... ,,,., u-•• "' ... OP«Nll'fO tlOON IP 0 80)(!8AVAl~llt.lr ! __....,.. ... -~-..... --4'• **** CONJrGfulations ESTANCIA'S NEW ASB PRES Dorianne Ry• **** SpiriNalRHder l815S. El Camino Real Sant:l<'mente: "ully lie. . __ !::nr i;\PPt:. ~92-'1296 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS t\IJOg~ (twrt (;,Jaly -Truant - OPERATING My dol·t or as r eally ~y. He expects you tu leavr a tip on the OPERATING lable. ------HOVSEHOLO HELP & "EWPORT CR 1-;.c.;T Attract1vt• 4 bdrm 21~· hfl rum rm, split lf'vel. never be~n l1vvd in. plush C'al"J>t'llOJ:, drapt.'S, d is hwa s h er. trash ma~hn. :!.') l'U rt dhl 1kilf' r•,fnf.: w11t•f' mak~r :.! car J!araJ:l'. flre pl:irc \'cry ell!!>~ to rx111I & len 111s Nn r1t•h Annual ll'US<' $1150 I mo C.: a 11 7l4 ~ .. :~I 3 bdrm 11 :• bJ Sl25imo. 2 bdrm I l>a $375 /mo Short w;olk to twal'h. 517 Goldenrod 675-9234 Seawind Village l\jt-w 1&2 bdrm luxun adull a plS 1n 14 pion's from S400 + pools, ten ms. waterfalls. ponds• Ga:. fc)r c.'OOltini.t & ht•at cni.t paid. From San Dtt.ogo Frwy dnve Norlh on Beach to McFadden then West on Mc F'urldc n to Scawi nd V1ll agl'. (714 )893·51911. 2 Br 1 Ba t•ondo. crpls. drupes, poul. avuil 6 11. G!5 mo. 4lm-ti244 FUm Prnlhouse apl. 2 BR 2 Ba , w ,.1aar1• 11o mature empld malt· S!2!'i mo .. bl & la~l Call Fri /Sat only •t!)1·fi21fl nn S<>crclan<il sr r vu·es avallabh• We :.upply r11rn1 turc ,, lll'l'<lcd IOl·l&\2 !•---------1·art-for !>ll'k or elderly lnvl!Slors wanted for a p· ----• ,1vail HJ3.200!t Near So. t::.l Plaza 2br. Avail 711. c harming I lba m•w l'rpls & drpe-BR. priv_ encl. patio, A:<.:. patio. pools. jHl'UZll bllns. So. or Hwy. No & lus h lndscpin..: No chiklre n or pets . 5350. C..luldren or Pct:. S.375. Al'IO. uv:iil 711 , s pacious le~!. d1:-.1·ounl MJS-4447 2 BR, I ba.: huge sun· ext. :.Jt: art ti, !163·7418. de<-k. So of llwy. Adults SPACIOUS 2.:1br c•ondo; only. Nodo~s. 5525 nr So Coast Plaza. AgentG75-5930 1-'rwy access lo Irvine Costa Mesa 3124 .. 'Om pl ex !>57-41100 • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ----· 5oMlh Loguna 3886 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TABLEllOCK /\l'TS·IHr. IBa m•wlv r1·11l·c11ralC'fl w /gar:i111• · & rt'fn g. S.575 mo. 51'14·7Hll Sll.dio Apt SJOO ind ut1I. Private beuch. lmmed 2 & 3Brs. move an todav. occupancy. 4!J9·4644 wlk to shoppln~ & hu·~. ----- $335 to $385. 842·9HH. ~nts Fumish•d 646-<M? or Unfumished 3900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,....xnUnfum -3600 M~A VERDE home at· ••••••••••••••••••••••• rnosphere 2&3 br dlx , ft 3 Dr 2,,., Ra. 2 •·•ir 2 BR I Ba duµl~x. almO!lt apts, no pets. 546·1034 ';a r age , n'<'a r 405"& THE 1-;x<.:ITING new Nwpt Hgls: $375 2 Bdrm. 1 bath apt. Bea<'h. $450. 527-424!5 PALM MESA APTS mo. 1st & last Dnve by Adults $350 mo Gas MINUTF..STONPT Bt:H :B)A 16th Pl~cc. then call paid. 00.5073: . llOMES FOR RENT Dach, 1&2 BR Bruce, bkr. 645-2509 --------3 or 4 br. Pn ced lrom lrom $25.5 & up. ----LA MAMCHA Ans 5135 to 95.25. Fnrd yard & AdulLo; No pets . ... I _..._F -t-L-d r B~ ,,._., bd gar ages . 1-'a m tlie-. t56lMC'SaDr fWttt»1111Nw ._.,...,, l .-W garden p lease. kids & pets 5 Bl"· E fN ••••••••••••••••••••••• apts. Adulls. Osh whr. (, ,..41 ..ast o cwPort Small hotL,.e. S?OO lst & last. util pd Nn kids Mer 4PM l!M 12!)2 Share 2 sty lgc a pl 2 br r a w1rull ba Ort·an v u Dana Point ~75 i ulll 493-:..'IJO Lmda Hou.'><·rro l\' w:1nt1'il Costa Mesa area.Mor I' 549·01!'i2 Responsible roumm<•l l· for my :I Br corona dcl Mar H o m 1' o v r r I 'J.( ocean. SJ5U pe r mo bi5-5001 FemalC' pref Share 3 Br 2 ha I hlk hCUl'h N n Must ~ rwal. 548·9816. ti42·3111H OfffCE SPACE Will s ublet 11rr1ri· 1n Laguna Niguel SICIO/mo DESIC SPACE For r ent S55 /n1 0 Stu1 :tl!l' url·a mt'I Mmi;m·h Invest. 8.11~2 LOVfo:LY VIEW '.! Hm ~llll<'. NcwJ>Orl l'tr Dr. f><~1gn Pluza bldg. fum uva1l. Ample park'g I yr + lcuse. Asking $.5()(1 mo. Al::rnt. 549· 1300 -------~'Rental 4450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• For slort' & orfit•c spal'e at rca.'>Onable rut<·~. 500 to 5000 Sq Ft. M ESI\ Vfo.:ROI:: DH PLAZA t:~ Mesa VenJc 1-;. C :\1 545-4123 blW I b..,• welcome. Call 96-t-2566 or Blvd 1 ...._I.a.Id l706 ·enc gar , A3 s "'i 97J..2971 Af,?t .no rcc. !f s ~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pool. Gas Pd. 778 Scotl --ll!:"· pm . . . ~ Newport Manner's Mi lc I BR. 1 door to bay. yr. _Pl __ . 6t2_·_50'13 __ ; _645-_!JG_l_l __ PACIFIC WOODS for lent 4350 Modem ~102 s q fl store or 1se momo.Aitent. u te.bn1Ult.wry 2 br&2 •DELUXE• Adult apartm\'nts set ••••••••••••••••••••••• oHirt' 2G30·t:A\'on.LOw _67~~M2_:_646-6ti06 ba,frplc,pool&jacuui amo n g w a n deri n g Eas tsade <.;o:.tJ Ml'::.11 , rent 2L1t477·7001 Adul••. pels 631-0097 PIDOEN APT stream<; & tall fra0 ranl storaoc oarauu 1Ux24 ~IHch 3741 ..,,no · · llM • pln~ I Br from "'EJ()(). sism°;.o;s,&ffi:4262 GRt-:ATLOCATION ••••••••••••••••••••••• SJ15 Near new 2 br 2 ba 16350 Ha rbor Blvd, South --------t'orlhefollowtni;l LAGUNA BEACH MTR gar/C8J1M>rl (flllc 'patio' z .. ,Adllfh.-iv otEdinger Offk•Retttal 4400 Stereo :<1hop, bike shop. INN. •twk & up. Maid dole to all. ' ' · ..... , 839-2 I 40 •••••••••••• ••. •••• ••.. sport Ill It 1-:oods. pel store serv, <'Ok>r 'JV. heated TSLMgmt 642·l603 J pools or Jewelry store. 1800 sq. pool. Ulll. 1714 ) 494.5294 Covered carport ltOGl'lll 4000 ON THE ft m llunt Bt'ach GOOD 985N.CoastHwy. 1112 Br from $285 lo $395. patioapUI .. BDQ's ••••••••••••••••••••••• WATER'. RENT Pl<'as r c all ---New cpts, paint & drps. close to fwys & bchs Room w /ld tchenette C h c> r y I li r c e n . New 2 bdrm lux ury Clean&nice.751-2060 walktoshopplng. 166week&up PLUSHSUITES (2l3)45().02'l7 I' r 0 v d I I I 4 u n I l 1011o1lhnmt• rh vl'lopm{•nt Ill Upl:.nd Call Ho~er, 7141lGH702 MoneytoLOCllt 5025 ..•.............•.....• INEED I MONEY • CRB>ITNO PROBLEM 2ftd & 3rd TO IOClfts 547-5402 Arranged by Coad.._ LOClfts MONEY AVAJLABLF. Lodlr,__. SlOO MALF. will do anythtni.: ••••••••• ••• •• • • • •• • •• • lt-11al for S20.0UO f'Ol.'ND W? haired blk rat wlcollar V1r Cam pus & Ja m boree . 75"!·2134. Lall or Found a pet? Call Anima l A ss 1 ~ta n re Leal{Ue 537 -2273. no ree. FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 642-5671 Found: Felnllle lnsh SC'l· ler Approx 6 mos to 1 yr . Bach & Warne r . HB IM7·9665 i57·o:ll2 Male 40. wants f Pmalc companion bl wn 3().40. ukcs i.pon.s. travvl, PH'· n1<·s e t c. Kids 0 1\ 54 J-459M ;ift 6P M. Lana's Outcall lllAM 2AM 775.0493 Tall t:uropean bachelor seeks lady with rar for ballroom & Europea n dancing. I will pay gas & expenses Courtesy as sured Gerald. 642-0912 Su\iicle. lonely male seeks !.&llllle. lonely ft-male for affair. 213·592·2275. Hunt Hbr. ... iOhiitl Ser#ias 5360 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Any purpose. a n y amount. Mr_ Hargra ve 17141768-3558 LOST Fern Cockapoo. wtwht on ch.Ill, no rollar, la.~ sa>n VIC 0( t7lh & Twrun. Reward. 646-41188. Traveling companion Ava a I. Thurs 8 : 30·S3t UPM Brenda. 894·7503 5001\ lo 20 mll. R. t:. Develop. Construct & take out. Inventory. re· <'c1vables fin. Bus ex pand Unbanka bl<' o ur SJ>l.'CtaJty 547 ·51:11. Don Brian. Manly Wallhd 5030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lost: s /10. black male Dach!lund. BannlnR & ~ard. HB.1168-0l27. Anf~IY fashioned acrylic nails. Complementary rwls. The Beach Set. 497-4491 5450 Lost : S/21 Vic. Wdbr~ ......... ••••••••••••••• Irv. M. Shepherd type Dependable couple drhe doR. 9 mo w /blu collar, your cur to Oluo a rea in RF.WAR 0 551-4259 July. 41MH1682 aft 6: 30 m o b 11 e ho m e . 0 n ---------17111 ~oldftwHt 548·9755 350 t.o 1300 s1. rt . wate rfront. Aecom · 2&3 Br apt.s, family com· atW__,. £-A-tfc V ...... 1 V~can cy do wntown NEWPORT PACfflCA modates 6 adult& only. plex. No pets. 22(ll Apl 3 $30WHIC Ir u• nmtrlD ..... Hw1t. Bcat'h 210 Main l,ot;l: Fem. Yorkle 5119, •:·~~ .. Treasure Island #33 CoUegeAve,642·9760 847•6064 .-Wet Bars St. Mini mall 960-1558 F1LMS, in assoc w 1Soulh VI<'. Racquet Club, Irv. .........._..._. 7005 Ba I b 0 a Ba )' C I U b . . __ Sleeping. Share bedroom Udo ~__.,.0 Coast Actors Studio. r...,s Call 559 5090 ' ... L.... ft. d •-bath •-k•t h ,.._.,, .... OR I ~... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• prtvUeaeaavail.642·1802 E-11de quiet, clean 2br 1•+•wr•• a .. .. 1 c e n. Vlllw · H-1 LVD. $75,000 to complete J ..;.__....;;;.. ______ ba In triplex, patio, 23'78NewportBl.C.M. Newport ......-675.8662 Store or orrice, Costa rinanclng o n pos sible t..a;T:;,·19Gray.Orange. ~& ............ 376' lndry,pr.138$.813-3600. -·-2brCondo Cl t 548·9755 M~a 1350 Sq. n S395 mulU·milllondollarmov· Cawt. CallcoM female Sea~. ....,_.,_ I L' • -·•••••••••••••••••••• ---.-· ose 0 ...... 1 d nd Month. Broker675·6700 1e. further details call taUna/ onterey · l 8 8'\YfRQ~r.as..20' -~/l&r·nuepta-paint bch & S.D:....Fwy. Bltns, mature a Y s room/ba So. Laguna. REWARD. INFANT Swimmin -iiiilSliiiU. ir."°~'rtY. wv'Dd ._... 1i~·~~n~·4~il~e~cs~~ro~r~60~1:!~!!']~~'-fi.i~~~f4~~~~6.it~~~;;-f1~<~n~4~l~95~7~-0282~~-~~~~~~~1:73~4119-~~1866~::-::::f'!:~~~~~lifi!~Jt..-~~ l!O p!t: or c:lid~~:: 21'11Placeat.ia "8 "13(10 pool. $37S. Call Andy .! drapes 'painl ,aircond° Found: German Shep eJqJr'd.142·7445 Evetyn631·3t82. 'JUWNHOUSE2br.l~ba. 551330· Gmtttto.Rt 4150 Price n egotiable . IJO/o.z.tT.D puppy 3 mos old Tutori d b ----''-----. I d Near ...... • ....... • • • •• • •• •• •• • • • 549-t 1116 55 re ' . n1 one Y exp Short term rentals pvt patio, enc gar. A Ill, ucach 2br, uUI pd. V , Id 1 • 7-5870 ART GALLERY or 01-'· For S.. e male. Da na Knoll!! Irvine Educators 1n ..., ...... ___._,nowavall. no;:-;. s:asc> avail 6/1. Ca11Joyce,846-330l eves. acancy .ore er y am· OFFICIC' ... ICE SP. with rccep· ...,.000 II .... b area.488--0S:ll "'-'"'ski"-."-11544·-... u1 Ulllw-. :rn ..,,,__ "-'• -.... '"'·-·lady Share rm r. space available _,, we se<:uro:u Y -~ ua """ - No•-.•--" •110 . wuaun~a723 ....,.._.9412 ........,.1 · · · 11onlst & <1 nsweri n1? 30"' · i · orD-1410 ,.,... ,...-u•'"' Dana Poi.nt493-S920 at 17875 Beach Blvd. ,,. eqully n prime Lost· Sml zippere d ---·----- near Talber1 in Hunl· service. From 200 sq n to Orance Co. Owner OC· _fewelry c~ae, contains .,. W~ 7075 _______ _,Ganim apt. 2 bdrm, den. 2 Br condo, po(>I .. Jae, patio-, fireplace, dbl. aauna, tennis, l m l pr-age, s undeck. Avail beach, ws hr·dryr, no tr5. Adults only. $495. dilldren o r pets . $450. 633-!GO Daya. 548·3600 213/Ml-0056 Evea. Lux. Adult 2br den Pool. associated IASTSIDI ar Beach & S.D. Fwy. 2 Br. bltna. patio. 1_tm_._ao._as_~_. ---- wuber-deyer hook-up. Nearlhe beach. II 28r. no ~.mo. No children or petstkl id a , $29$ m o . pets. <Pepperwoods>. 314 5a.Ql2 ---------1 8. Monte Vilt., 548·11S7. ae.utroat1Br2 Ba rltht Lae. twnhae. 3Br. 3Ba, Walk lO Beach, Bach all an aud. 1L1P9r locaUon. fiuniliea plffle, no pets. new. UUI. Paid. Stove Ir ~~~urn, avail now Nr Fairview It Baker retn1. fMOrno, 538·3'56, -- tbna Seot 15. Oya 545-IC ,_-..emo ___ . ----- ._ • ....... allt Walk to Beach. lbr. stove INT New 2 bdrm. l ba,frplc, • -"""• N-f:lnt • PROMONTORY PO tar, v•rf _ apacioua. ""H"· .... 2 811 I a., .,_,, ocean .. /lnOTll-WJ carpet. 127~. ate&, view. Pool, Jacuuli ----------•~-tollO~-----­,._.. aclMU•. Aval IDaci4MM CM apt. 2br Nt 1 Po6nta 2 b 1 .. a t/11&Wu1111. Call Uni· 0.. area. llld1 oK: · · r , ..... 6.... -... -No ldck «*. no peta. -· .. aom.. X., P ... er, ..._ mo. '*'· Call Larry 1t7l Com· .._ Kllllllr. IOllll. nidan Clttte IS. Suauurl......_ 4200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fonner baunl or movie greats. Pnvale Ocean point. Moat fanta stic view m LagA1na. Cuslom Cumilure. Sips 5. Adults only SSOO per week. 4M-8'.49M6'13 2 Br + study . fully rurnlshed. 1 blk rrom PCH. Sea Wind Condo Avail 6/23-9/t, MOO mo. IMl-8821. Bkr. 2br apl. Cloee to beach & atores. S22S wkly. 356 111alla, Lacuna. 494-6848 iogton Beach. $50 per &500sqrt.Z98Broadway, ~residence.Call jewelry. Vic: So. Coast-·••• .. ••••••••••••••• month. Phone messa~e Laguna Bch. 493-mo M....., 644-7211 Plaza. Reward. M8·2855. Gentle Cbri1t1an lady serviee SIO per month, IMlillfrial 1""91 4500 Ii In Ca .._ .. _..._ f .._ .. --r month. Oa1·1y Venture capital needed. Lost: Gold Bracelet. en· ve-· re•,.., .. .,, or UC9ll'. .., ,_. ••••••• •• • • • • • • •• •• •• • • .IA-flu ~ 6'4-l9QI Pilot office . Phone $60,000 to complete gnved "I Love You". ........, .-·-· · S42-432lext.2'76 LAGUNA HILLS two ad· million dollar wholesale Sentimental value. Mature. educated lady jac 5(1()() sq n M·I units. & retail sporting coocta Reward. 815·723'7 w i 11 ria n errand.,. Exec office!! s gl·3rm rr~tsb~111·M:~~o~."~; bul. Affiliated with pro-FOUND: German Shep Trwtworth)' It .dependa· !Rate avail m full serv fessionaJ sports ~ aporu :&;wearlna blk aludded tile. be compamoo. Have orrc blda Nr O .C . Lake Forest. lease by figures. lnv~tor can be . n..n~ Pi'-" p .. ·.a _c_w_MS-__ 17_1_7 ____ _ airport. Recept & phone owner. 81$-1808. active or inactive but uraq -.._ ans. Secy aerv. conr rm, Lagwla ltills 2 adj 5000 will serve ln corporate lat.815-1.mo Pri. Duty Nlll'M. a. br. etc. Piie call 752·6188. M it board capacity. The total -.. ........ n....... H-·nd care or p/l, ref .• trvl. re· sq. rt. ·l un s, new rvu1u1 ..._ ..,.. IMO. FREE RENT ~. A/C office. Fronls program wlU be intema· Male. Vic. Buahard .; MODable. 7Sf.l137.' _,.""" r ffl on Moulton nr Lake tional lnacopeltretums "'--"'-HB--~W_._ 7100 ....,..,.,., sq. l O ces. high. Call Don Brian nanun..... .....,.,.,,.,, - From $1'5. Incl. utll. 779 ~~fi:i LsC' by ownr 54'7·5737. Principals only Found: LI Iona haired ••• ........... •••••••• W.19lhSt.$40.aaoD. please. blond Cal. CM area. ACCOU.mHe ca,llK 9-. *' 1D/Ml-1J'11 Acda ...,able\..~ re<.'. OIM dlx auites. ulll pd. M·l Unit for rent. ~q AC, ainol pka. Fr $195, fl. WelltatdeC.M D '. No lM reqd. 61$.-00 646-498.'> Mlft9llrs. .,.,f IOJI t.yp6ni, toaM anowled1e .,._-Lo1t baby doll, blue of~ helpful. ••••••••••••••••••••••• diaper. Between Win· .mt compaay Maellta. OCIAMFIOMT Beaut. 3 br. 2 ha, (rpki 2 car garage. Fu I y fumAabed. t8CJO to f150 DOWNTOWN Costa Meta. aoo 1q. ft. t.o 2500 aq. ft. Cpt .. drpa. air· fU·llOI cond. BU. fn.flOO per WM&. TSLMIJDl Urgently Need M·I Space for eatabliabed bual.neaK Mim. TOOlq. ft . CM area. 714~. IQUITYLOAMS terareen St. • Mc um CIPllC1 fOf' advance. For AT11 Purpoae. No Don.akll on Harbor. Sun. ment. Contact Allee poinU. Call TEK Finan· afternoon M•y 20th. !Dew 517·•1 E .O.E . dal al1·1M·UIO. Heutbroken. 611·1164. Daploy• I 1 •Repalra •S .. lc.-.oaun •Lie. NB. C M s• AlpMl&-.Cl-- ...... ! tt.ampoo • .wam de.an .......... H••••••••• Color' bnlhlel04ll'S. wht ~MBYS&TnNG • ~ lO man~ Clean lly t.ome. r e liable. llv. ch rm. hall la Ava re1ponalble carf' fo rm II ao. t"OU&'h SlO. r hr youn1 rhildrea by a. Guar t'bm pee odor mu&Mr al 4yr old bo.Y Qll ....,..,, I~ )'rtl Hpr Meal• t.:ven1111• ~wort& rnyM"U R('fs 'llllh•• Call MA DHll01 -'\er 6 pm da.ys, 10 7pm ~~. Coall• Mt'i. Wt'Olff'f'arpet C"leanro atta nMI' U•h atreet to> Sil.c'Am C'IUn Al o UI) hour bolaili'ry Work auar ---Tnil'lt mount wut tr a..b)'lljtlintl an m y hum~ t'llll. ~ rnteti fi4:.t !11ltl au wk ~u 9111 1 CAIPITOOCTOI stuaU mii r si . CM .............. c ~· EJ«'lnclan Ht-st rates Bi,;l work.mat'Vlh1p Sml !* snferred 81~ 8345 •1 ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wood f rnrr ... aa t c-,, 1>11ll<);. "'w.un11blt• n t .. ~ M? 4700 K6H <'Wilom wont.I f1•0C' m~ 141111 ... /Ct 11•111·1· r111111lr 6-t(I •.C.eJ 111411 30.'llJ .._... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rlnbl. CM area. $tl-4dl f'raf. japllnaM' ••rdeMr. l•WM. 1p,..yln1. tree.t, . e lean up Ii main& ~~ -------t11 I .. Sernc .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... llT• t:arpentH , painting Rt-u n1Ln IS yni In •m ·i. S4" 175.2 ----VACANT Al1'f •HOME llAULtl.EAN Kt:PAIK l'AJNT I.OW COST ~~ ----HILAIY 875 7:M7 ...... -. . . .... . . . ,, . . . ttr•1·1•••!'. •••••••••••••••••••••• Want a Rt:ALL Y CLEAN HOUSE? Call Oinaham Girt. Frw.C.MS-5LZ1 Th@ Moppeu Cleanlnf Sen~. We do tt aU pro 548-mt lmured. Robin's Housecleanin.: Srvc, fot a lhorouahly c-lean houM-540-~7 l,.or exl'ellence 1n houseclearung. Cleaning Unlimited. 546-3726 STANf'ORD S R. doinll eco nomic rea earc!h wiahell to house sit dur-1.nc awn.met'. Respoml- ble. neat, good with plants Ir dogs. Refs. avail. Sara Bec kham (15/351630 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... ,. ... h••--· Auodahs.lac. Lu rate service at a ralr price. Personal & com· rnert'ial.67~ Sunab..ine Palnttn1. ---------• Dependable. quality, rree est. Call Glenn. m•saa ...... ,...... ....................... Neat patchea 6 textures Prof painting. Ext Ir int ... IST. HJ.l4 n Low rates. Refs. Free Specialist ln re-stuccos. ad.. 536-4180, :5.36-4313 Spa nis h T ex tures. P alnlin«. INT/EXT . Neat, honest. reas.. 12 Patches 6 Additions. 6'UB>. yrs. exp. Llc'd. Dave Restucco, Spanish tex- 964-10.S. ture, patches (int /ext). S67-0'196 Int. Paint " wallpaper. Qual. work, reas. pr_ .... IACJ Free est. Steve. 547-4281 ·-•••••••••••••••••••• HOllU.DN ROOFING We're expert roofers. Not aalellmen. Mt-... Do yoa need a new roof or the old one repaired! All type1 or alun1les & shakea. Xlnt work low pnces. For free estimate caU Dwayne al s.Ml2 8am-6pm. Sl&Jlt111• .............. ~ ....... . Coas&Lane ttooftn& & SkrUghts. Ranbl rates. a l work gua r . Lie• aum. Freeest.41'1-im T,...s.r.tc. WlU bltbya1t 1n my humt' S•n Clt'm\•nle Cit m ~ """. t'l'l"I0011blf ,.... ... t51t1 S.w tlO' r any :. fTIQm\ S!O l lphol 1·l••ntnj? M'\ih·hauard A II '"1trk ttullrantc•t'd !1!>2 411111 •n~· • .,,1 lM hr c•n .,...,. C:-../COKnfw Vo u Ne e d ~oo d 's J IUul';t'(·lelllUnl( 1-'or apt, WlllllCI~ & t•af'J>t:l Cl\'illl Ulf: It-homca l() indust ~·il!ai The P erson al Touc h C1earung. 1be finest In housecleaning by pro fess1onals . Expertly d one Rs nbl r a t eb SSU>I~ &nded /Ins DANDY DUSTHS F\ne exter Painting by R. Sinor St. Uc., ins. Try me. 836-5555 31 hrs. Plumbi.DR repair. Spec. in ~ITl>deiln~. copper re· ••••••••••••••••••••••• p1pe Free est . Top Hat LEE'S. 6 4 0 T R E g Plwnbtng. ~-Jl!M Artistic trim• removal . 01ll smce 1952 •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• Mobile 81cyl'le Kt-J>111 Nu Xtra Chic •'or lb' Oalls·-( 714 )lltt-145.'i ..._..Senke lltlk· W l'h1lhl'I!> N ffit'•)I liar"lt.•mn11. t·li•1rn uµi. & nn·n'lt• work. :ill lYV''~ IJ111.h1 11111111.: t~C'or~1· So&2 211\2 l.Jt"d wo1ll"I lliu:.h1 .. 1~1 wn. i-·011ndutw11s rdu111111..: HAttKL.l':Y M11chint> <'11 MAl'IUNE/Wl'~LDI Nli SPEClAl.TI ES 'tS22'J'albert /\vu. II U Wkly or l tame service Viu·ants. R E work our specialty. Walls. wm· dows. s tt>a m rarpet clean. Bonded/Ins Frtt est 31 hr serv SS2·4 l06 ......... 1.., ••••••••••••••••••••••• •:XCfil.L. PAINTING Reas. rates. Free est . 548-2706 Expr'd Qiac.t & dependable, most waterheaters r eplaced S2!">. D.R. St Clair's &&.S-3503 Trim, top, re~e trees. Als o land!\cape It: sprinkle r . Mcweeney. 64.S.5tM •••••••••••••••••••••• w1:1lls hluc•k~ l1t1l l{J1> DIVORt:E/HANKRl''l't'Y IJ<"tl ~ 5Ul:I. 5-ttl 4:io:1 • \'t-:tt v 1.ow l'H w i-,:-.. • ~) lcm(lt<t',11.H' ma 1111 llt'IHl(r• ~!I ~l !i ......, ATr'NGUYS&GALS We are thorough. erfi· cient & r eason a ble housecleanm~ service Satisfaction guaranteed Hilda's.831·37~/642 6846 European Landscaper. Top work. Fitir price . H.efs. 646-487 I dys /eves . ••Dllt'Y Your harbor area painter . .Jrl~!.ext. Prof. quality ·won. Reason. U c /Ins. Ellt. cheerfully given Dllve. 586-8425 D.R. St.Clair 's Plumbing, Sl2 pr hr All wor k Tuforiftg •'Uing to f 111al ~ Al'llllfl Legal St!rVl('(tS M2 5100<M hr St'rv ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~anteed 645·3503 ••••••••••••••••••••••• All kmd.s of 1·1·11 wnt ,.urk l5 vn. m bu."111!:.!> F d..,I !.. ltJW't•"-IU.'> !>t"f\ H'l' 1-'rl't' 8kkpit. pay roll tl aXt'!>. ~t n•a:,, pnl·1•.,!l.'ili Oi57 fman<'. !>lmts. more NI ,..:......__....._ t 'h· 1111 u 1" II 1.111I1 n I( l.u OLl!>l J IHlll( 1111 llll;cJ :..·rVIC'llll( t..a2 !~J(l7 ()( '\' Su.111t•111 l Ton tru1·k Trash. lrt:c lnm Dan PH2 :J:!bl Brickwork. Small jobs Newport. Costa Mesa & Irvine. 675-3175 eves Resident.al & commercial pa 1nt1 ng . Fr ee esumales Res. rates . ~~~l. Spanish tut.or. al(es UH8 . Mlnor plumbm~. reasona· Bi-lingual cer tificate ble riltc:.. Ask for Make_ h e ld. Your hom e 99>-2716 99).lflM t!V~. ~a 10 yrs R33..8t9Y ...._....__ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 k k p g l h r o u IC Alli.I /\ llourn S.11.. l-'.1 rn statcments/ba l 1·h,·1·k nn w frph'. $M\15 t·un11•I bk, p.it,Y ball-; l.u· 11~1~; 1-'ree , • .,, Kathleen Blank Bkkpg. l'rcft>rH•d Uualdc r !> J ,1j1.1111•,1• i.;arcl1·n1·r i,:arclt·nm~:. C'l1·•tnllf1, I rl't' tr1 1n 7'.) 117JK S:11n N1sh11nu1 J Jlu111t.• l'nd" (:.,rllt·mn.: C'lc•an up~· .. llaUICIWU.)'!>, Hauhni: & Cleunup. ru.1dentml1commerc1al 631-SSU Mr s . Clean makes 1l tilt.-em. Bach apts, apts & homes ~·9372 What's Your Trade? St.TI per Day Bril'k, st.one. block work. tale floors. conc retf patios. walks. drive ways Fre .. est John &1&1583 A man's home is his castle -Call TED at ,.,Yow Caste. For a free est. mt text. Lie. lllS. Bonded 871 3272 lnaram Plumbing, reas rates on repairs. rep1pe~. rmd!'s, wtr htrs. ~ -------..... &Repair ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ranc ho Deluxe Ho m e Will tutor !''Tench for sum mer for Rm & Board. "J. P J .W. Village VI, Ch N 7 2 8 . D o m a 1 n t• Un 1ver s 1la 1rc. 33405 Talence. Franre 540-4479. 549.7:n7 11lunl 1111! r)."~l 17ti6 II you're not rcu<.1111~ lhl' htlk lids in Clu:-.:.1 fw<.I yw 'rt• n11~s111~ a h>l or ncwi.y infhrrnat1011 us well as some ~real buys I do 1t all-~k1ploader. durnptruc.-k, haul, grade. wnwnt. asphalt. trl't! re moval::. t'\('. H3l·l257 Whether you·re buyml( or stlhnic. Cla:;s1fied ad· verth!ing will 1tCl your mes. .. age to the right peo· ple.~11 T<"!ay ! 642-5678. 1bat 's little to pay for an ad in the Daily Pilot Service Directory that can e;tablish your professional identity. f'or more m· formation call 642-5678. Your rriends a n d neighbors '\lse Class1r1cd wh-e n th ey havt· something to sell. They'JI tell you how well at worked for them' U you want your aovert1s· inic message to reach more people at luwer rost. Classified 1s the way t.o go! Call Now! 642.5678 Remodeling. Roofin g, TYP.., Senice pwnling, carpenlf}'. You ••••••••••••••••••••••• can afford t.o have 1t dom· l..P Offic·e Servtres Prof nghl~I -2979or496-3431 IYJlllllt, term papers, n · Pl11cing a Classified art 1s as easy as dialing your Dhone Give us a call We'll do the rest 642-5678 liargam shopp~·rs n·a1I the Uttl\' ads in Cluss1f1cll re.,;ularly And th\•y rinrt what they 're lookmJ! for. Sellth1n1?s fastw1thDa1ly :-umes etc• Loui s e Pllo( Want Ad.-. Hal?an. 642 7221. HelpW..t.d 710 HttpW..tecl 7100 HelpW.teci 7100 HefpW..ted 7100 HefpWanted 7100 HetpW..t.d 7100 HtfpW..ted 7100 tWpW..ted 710 HalpW..ted 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ar<'<IU.nlin~ clerk. P<M1ng AM' MANAG t:H Al!J'OMt.YflVE . llCKPR/SEC CASHIER a.ERICA! Ddvft'Y Person Dr....-y Sffl'Mh-Hs J.ourn~l s. A I R . C /H . For :,:; unili. in Costa LOTPERSOHS! Banking p ai rt arl.'a for Restaurant. Expr C:O.heP~ l>.it;, prt1n·~~1 ~1 g l'U Nt«lt-d for '>mall work S/\LES, Lite payroll ~ Mesa F.xPl•r'd c·oupll· <'ht>vrolC'I dealer ufrer~ TB.LEIS For 1r549.rpo :J 'vc. pref. Apply to auditor al ntt.~ full timt.· dn ver room Nr Oraogt> c ·I) typing 6451.395 838-028!.I llu:.band mus t havt• full time pcrmanc•nt Growmg & pn>1tress1ve Da~ I 837 E s. Hotel Laguna, 425 So AC)ft'Cy . 7 JOam_ lo 4 .30pm to Airport Salary open eves. mainl. t'"f· Wire bkkpg J)()f;llton:-10 as:-.i~t Sales S&I. has 1mmf'd1att• _!l4/ !l828 Coast. Hwy, Lag Bch Ila..., lol~ of Jobs :Avail ma~•· pu·k u_1•s. & d l' !!Qs-8435 . · '"'CCOU~l""G-t'XP Cal 6-12 5073 or IV S<•rv1re Munngcrs m opcrungs for I part time Bookkeeper/Ge neral of 494-1151 w1many fme. ~u~r c-om I~\.'~~~ .& a:ss_ast . with ~ "• " 1213)11115·3R.'il. vant'd. mh'n •sl.in.: tu~ks & I full t1ml' teller Ont• ru·c t>xperience . :!!'i·JO paruL'S and they re all t h m .11 la~b .is med1-<I Dnvcr stock ch:rk must <.:PA C P.A. seeks ex--Good pay Orip fnr art year S&L or baokini;? «>x h kl 5 d. . Free' Mu~t be at leas~ IM ,Yr... know 0 .\.:. area Chance penent•ed front offire A/R CT.ERK for Npt Och Vllll(•emt.•nl Sec Scn ·l('l' per L<; requm.'<.I If you ~ibl~ce y . ays c·~HIERS 540-6055 ulll lla11c a valid Calif for advrwmnl Pa1·1f1c In help Typin~. lite hcH1k· club. t'/t1ml' 8 Jilt•• :ipm. Mgr hilve guod custnmer rela· fti) C:O.tal p~ I Jc• with j 5afe tl.n ving <lU:-.lno.al !:iupply 2Hi7 s. kt:eptng, phones. u w11t Mon thru J-'rl. Xlnl work HOWARD Chevrolet t um~ & previo us Job 9.>okkeeper ri,-t1rd X~nt co beo .. 111:-lhthaway s A. t'\I Irvine So of S 0 1n,z env1mnment Callfor r>ovi•&QuailSt:. ~ta b 1l1t y W l·~l1•rn CPA seeks bookkeel)l•r Ageec:y ~AF f~ CU I\ k IJ ------~~in:C~~1;;':ut:/:1d:'y ~µt.64S sooo_ex~~-Nl';Wl'ORT UEACll ~;~;~a~a~;1~~n~~r. ~';-~~i~a:~1r!~~ UTOTEM MARKETS Z7~~:~R~iM. ~~~~~ 1~,~~~ f.a~~~~ .. t~a~k.'i to: P.O. Box 8o41. Npt A/R Receptionist tyforyou. lnJ.l sales invoices & rash l:alHorafler hrs appL 2313 .-airview.t:.M. & ,wre:. Mu:-t btc'ov1:r 111. Bch.CA92660 OneJ1irl uH11·e.cxpreq'd AliTOM(YflVE We offer good starting ' transact ions Toul·h ()perungs now ava1lablt> ed r ~ti(JM n;we vanorp1ckup.Als11 - ---an typtn~ &. verifymit in Trans. & Heavy i-ttlary. pleasant work1nJ1 operation or IO·kl'~" M in for full time a :.::.1stant Oer1<1<:ash1er need or 1-: () t: l1Jb in:.. $4 :1:ihr +- ACCOUNTING CLERK voice:., 41).fiQ wpm. 10 k<•y ~LiM l'\lodlt1uns. co. benl'f1ts 1 yr bkkpJ! t•xper & 1 managers 011 2nd & :Jrd : 1~~1 shop. JO hrs mileaf.:t>. r-:.o f:. M s. Laguna8each ele11 ron1t· by tnuch,answerphone, <~uahfied candida t es roll. course in bkkpi; shllt.Not>xpenen('c nec Dl'l1vcry early moming&wnkd!>. mnfl? needsanat·t·ount 1Zt>nc ral nfr1<·1• pr11 Mee anics pleasecall714·t>44·72.'l5. 673-7480 We tram.Starts:llOloS4 t:arly AM a uto rhul<· 54!+-&';4H,!Ho5 1ng l·lerk or bookket'pcr c·t'tlurt·~ Nl'WJutrl Br h 1'~1t1un~ tJvallabll' WESTERN FEDERAL pt•r hour Advancem~nt ~rk \\1~11 St reel J ou rn JI ---- forrulJar with a<·counllnl! area 714 :64~1-7040 TModcMe Robift5 SAYINGS BROKERS oP110rtUnity for man11Jw· LOAM SHYICE N<-wport l!o·at'h :m•a :"io functions to work m ;.a(· Ford ment positions to Sl !lO IAIC'al lll()r\gage hrokt'r. wknd ur ht11iday~ uas nc• t•ounts payabll~ 1\1·~· ARTSTUDEHT. 2060 11arborRlvd <tCorpoN rale~!.azah Cl\ to s ha r e s pa l'c in pcrhour1fquabf1cd t 'or nearFashionlsland.ex problem Small car rt• pull('h cxper cxtre.rnel)' PaM llml' 6.11-5042 c M cwport uo:ac • Newport & Jluntmgton more mlorrnal1on & an ~:-nenee requi.red Call q1ared. 892·6Sllb deslrable osta • esa f: OE. M/F R.E. Professmnab1Ukr terview .,0 to store 82 at Vi ,, .... ...,.... Xlnt c·om11any lx•ner1ts A 0 6 3 l s 5" 6 11 r " rs. 1a . ............,., n..1 18 f l A We Orfer Xlnl Pa~ •. Assc.·· mblyWarehousc ss c . · " 3000!j C r own Valley ,•·---------IA" men over . or ~ J "" I (,lualirll'd tcl'hn 1t·1an:. !163-&177 ,. Times in NB & C M benefits Facility is m Small .e ectron1e p<1rts. t.'Olltat·t .l1m MoHl·tt al ---------~una Niguel. 495·9950 Perm/p.t S3(J()/$4001mo beautiful Laguna \.:a· 1st. shJft . no t•'<pencnl'l' tll:!-1•110 81\NKJNG careteriahelp. Hrs6-2:30 orcaJl714/~·4840 a.EllC.f'/TIME 64&5844 DRIVERS Ml'll or women 25 yrs or 11lcll·r Kn11111 the coast ctUes Net Sl80 a week or more . Oran~e Co.:\st Yellow t:ab, 17300 Mt. Herrmann. F ountain \'alky tNo of Sinter nyon near beach ~'<~'>Ul'Y . t:x<'ellent r~ SECRET ARY Monday-Friday Equal Oppor Employer 3 dilJs per WHk. bpr Call for appl Personnel ll\J!l' benefits Near O C Serunly Pal'ific Bank 714-!nS-5257 _ __ ......... W not aec. Oepl. Telonie Berkeley ~irporl. Apply. Avnet BABYSITTElt 3 d y~ ho.as an 1mml-d1ate open· Af1f!l1at1660 Plac .. Dl-ntal A:-.~t. c·hairs 1d1· hi'! 14• n N c w h o P ,. & t:XJ>('r C M nfftc·i:. <.ioocl l•'"•»···hd-1 ------7141494-9401 ... E.O. F. Electrorues. 754.0091 wet>k MY h11ml· prt• mg for a Se<-re t11ry m the CIVIL 1£a.1G. t •'a, CM or ca 11 -------ferred 6:11 3451art 5 Newport Bcac-h are a Cafeteria _.. ACCOUNT ANT ASSEMILERS Habys1llcr m my home for Previous expenence m a c·~HIERS OR DESIGNER 642-0ll I Newport Beach R / E 4! yr old boy. Hdercnces bank or savings a nd Al Experienced career Clt•rk ·7.11 Store, llpm· lnvs tml Cirm-1mmcd No eltper req'd. Your rC'qwrnd •. ~:2.~S___ loan. Typing skills of We have an immediate minded. REGISTERED 7am. Fri-Sat. ni!!hls. $3 opening-requires : Exp area All s hifts. Goud 50wpm and shortha nd openi'ng for a n ex· C IVIL ENG. 0 H per hr. to start. 675 an <·o rp /pt r1 s hp a<' pay. Paid wc·ckly . No BABYSITTER-rull time l*).00wpm reqwred perienced cashier lo D~IGNER with bal'k· Paulan CM 7514652. ctg/EDP exp. repref i fee Must bt>over UI fnr care of 2 children 111 Calt.r .,........ work full lime in our ground an public works a no. · · thru fin st mt prep 1 Bayshores homt'. transp l7l4l SSl-l I lt Company cafeteria. Will and or land developm(•nt CODING CLERK budRet/fin analysis ~RELL necessary. poss1blt> hve-also include light <'lean engineering wanted for lnsuranct> ellpr. helprut Call640-0123 nvft m. 646·0170 art 6PM / SICUIHTY up Should have prcv l'X design and supervisory Irv area. Call Nola TEMPORARY wkndu p•CIFIC perienl'e in an industnal. position. Apply to Mr. ,,,... ~i SERVICES ,,_ h ospital or sch ool fUentes. at Robert Dem. "'""._. Oen rat Laguna med1l'al lah 1\cctg Bkk~g IR\l lNF: 752·K~2 Babys1Uer. litl' hskpg. wk IANIC l'afeteria as cashier WilUam Frost & Assoc TEMPORARY iu:,-,,N S58-9U27 dys, 7:30 AM·GPM N.B An Affirmative Action Hours will be 6: 15 AM to 1401 Quail St. Npt. Heh Regi:.ter today to work 1----------644-6141 Employer 2.45 P M Monda)' through on van ous aN:ounting & _A_S_S 1-S-T A N T & &by:.1tter wanted m m)' ·---M•/•F•/l•f•/V---• Friday. hookkeep1n~ as!\1gn HAIRSTYLIST needed home. 3 mornings a wk Cooc·rete fnrm bw Ider Open shop lllt-up. Steady wor1t Start 1mmed1ah· ly 540-453 __ 1 __ _ ::.alary & bcncf1ts. Ca ll &&.'>-~I Dental Assistant. Front ~k. F:xp 'd or trauung . f-' V. area. 968·1648. Dental Hyg. Must be am· bluous. energeuc. Irvine ofr 559 Sll l. ------ DF:NTAL /FRONT 01-· t1CE in oral ~urRery of- ru:e Pa rt t ime . 11.8 . area 963-0TZT IA•ntal Recept1onast for N H ofr Exp nl!C . 644-~. 548·28116 PleaseApply inperson n eed s front off1c t· <..:ook • exper flill·llmt• Deauty Sc:Nntific Instruments RECEPTIONIST type at AJlply 1n person. l>l!J DENTAL · Chairsute, 1f Asst for busy !:;alon. Xlnt ••l-r-of least 50wpm Divers 1ricd Skcpy Hollow Ln. Li.lg , you are s harp. h a Vl' menls Work do:-.e tu al Michael Garrison'!> 631-0130 your home. Acctg d crks. Beauty Salon 642.li470 ---------- oppty for advanl't•menl & -poi;iUon. Pleasant work Bch. :-omt• 1'1\J>Cr & R l>.A traming proJ( Must be B£PVMAN mg t'Ofld. Mature person Cert To work " da)'l'i a nea t & fa:.h1o nable "" Non s moka E O.E Cook1llousekeeper. hvl• week in f'ash1on Isl Npt Hichard Ouellette Salon IM......_llfs Inc. 4~-0701. 499-1491. m. Balboa Island · Good I\ business pleasant ol- CDJNewport U r Dr. NH JamboreeatCampus dr. salary, sep ~uarter:. f1rt> Call640.0000. Salary •-·· Ca IO'n .. ~1 o References. 67J 2777 ()pen 8l>autic1an u wl.Oe • ,........, ppor CT.ERJCAL bookkeepers . a ccoun Banl<JnR lanl'l are needed thruuul Attendant, scrv1l'e sta EXPERIENCED Orunge Count}' Call us lion. P /f morning hr:-. TELLERS for more 1.nformat1on Hrly + comm 673·3320 so COAST Robert Hall's ---NATIONAL U/\NK occ-l1mps AUTO IODY MAH /\n a.ndeJ>{'ndenl bank ZJ33 No Broadway Commission exper. own ll4!f Sunflower St. l>R V Nt; COORDINATOH In· lerestmg pos1t1on foroul· .:oan ~. r e liable an· d1\1dual. Mus t like 10 d ri ve, ha ve o wn lra ns ptl rtat1on & bl· familiar w10ran~e Coty L ,\ ar.•:1 Will train ~loo 1-'ri !1·5 . Xlnt :-.alary. ht•111•f1t., t'all 714 ,;6K-g,5uO for appt --- Earn extra mcomP, your own hour.; a~ an lnrome Tax Sflt'<'1:1hs! reoresenl 1ll J.! T a JC Cvrr nl i\nwnca Call 55<! !ltitltJ. ll4lS ~. 770-9001 B.ECTIHCIAH Exp Electn crnn urgent.ly l'k-eded h) H H City Sehl Olst. sum to St357 per mo 0 0 f: Applv 735 J4lh Street. HB ~I COMM/\ND Employer Cook .Part -time OFNf/\l .~fYGl t-:NISTto ~.-J b Electronic assembly & PERFORMA NCE .-umef 0 S breakfas t wknd s work 1n eslablis h <'d rmtenal handling. posi "The ll a 1r C utting career()pporturuty Rc!>pons 1bl£'. Call ors11·t>. near S. Coas t lions open . No exp 11200. Coldwell Banker tools lots of work Mis Coe;t;i Mesa Bldg., Santa Ana s1on VieJO. 768-8311 even 540-5300 t714tl3S.4103 ~!'6'~18 -------------1 Automot111e Banlong . Plure" Liquor Store Manager 673-3515 for appt. Plaz.u MS.-4553 nt'<'e!>sary. Will train TELLERS lmmed openings for PX· needed, Newport Beach TEACHERS Cooks ,_, ---h-"'-1 h · d 't l ~.tonorhrto start.Call . ACTIVITY DIRECTOR Immediate openinit. xlnt hencfils. free Ins aftl'r llO days Challeng 1n R position . Apply 1445 Superior. N.8 •AdnsMS-Adon •All A&es AJI Types• •I No "Ex per Nel' > • •liollywood Talent Dir Now Taking Applications AQyone interested in •Movies or Television •Call "S.A.M."• We ·ve been in showbiz smce1963. •633-2233 ext 95 Screen Ar'lilll 's Mgmnt COPELAND AMC JEEP Nl'etl c d . two g o od mt>ebunic!>. 'fop bcnd1ts Apply 2001 t; t•irsl St S.A. 558-8000 per precision haircutter~ • wanl..-u, $3.75 r lo u."ntn r a1rs1 e ass • "' F\JIJ lime pos1t1un & ~al & assistants In c: M =an~~ rn:eJ.r:: STUDENTS start & up. All s hifts yr CXpt'r . 2l & over, In· Gi.'>-~_r_or_a_p_pt_._ only position. "al ~ry •· ~ummis·~.·icJri~.· avail. Apply Colony 11JaU ve. CM. 631·1420 ir...c....11--.£ p~wOlt HEW ACCOUNTS J u "" ' ·' " 3 yrs exper neccss;-.ry "'' h 2 0 ... __,.... _.... (Stylist now avcra1tini;? Company benefits . Apply HOUSEWIVES rule en. 2714 rlega Dt-:NTAL HYGIENIST forRl'fireclWotm11! COUNSELOR PXJ-ZOO per wk ) Xlnl in person Stop 'N Go Hwy, SJC n<.oeded for Pen o o(c HB Live m caretaker needed Fn &Sat.only g rowth opply & pd Mkt.s. 715 N Loam St <.OOKS wanted. all shirts Expand'd functions lac. ror lovely t'Ountry homl' Operungs in our Costa benefits Call John at ._ __ .. _1·m Ca 77A9210 Eam-raSSS's for your _...,. J d k I ;nSanJuan Capistrano .. 'l AUTOMOTIVE M ff. E "'141""' • · ... • "°"' fit r owang c-o mpany '"'f'I·· ys w .sa open. "' M.% esa o ice. xpenencc 761 ·<1783 or Judy toll Cree flying vacations. don't w/benef1ts. Ma Barker':.. Prof shar'g & pension manutes from town via preferred. I~a43·5048 CareerOpportunity let the gas s hortage gt!l 212El7thSt 646-4300 plan 71411142·6631 bus. Salary neg0l1ablc. HEW CAI Call Mr. Wagner 546·2300 Largest mternat1onally you down' Call 2l31829-33Jl. 9 lo 5 LOTA~DAHT C•f.Fedttal •BIKE STORt;• Bike company owned figure COOK -VersatJle Hours DENTAL CHAIRSJDE S..ings&Lomt Mechanic. Mus t have salonsforwomenis now fl exi ble . 24 14 So ASS IST Sup e r op· Exporting business. pt JIM SLEMOHS 2700 Harbor Blvd C.M prior bike mech. exp. in tunng for management Fairview, S.A. 751-2666 portwuly for a dynamite time 4 hrs a day. Typing, IMPOITS AnEqualOpportunity a store544-9835 positions . Mus t have callbc1wc-en 2&6pm. RD/\ unhappy with pre· fi.ling.540-9Zl5 Call Bob.Johnson background In eithe r sent JOb. WE NEED IJJ.9300 Employer .. M If". •KP"G CLERK business, tearhlng or 3M8Campus Drive CosmelJcs YOU. Top salary fo r Fac1ory Trainee, good .-IT 1e'"'CH BanJ<inj( F\Jll time. Expr. helpful, direct sales. Salary + 546-4741 your skills. Only the best pay. xlnt future in fast ,_...,......., -ER' but not nee. Many com Commi.ssion. Company (Across from $8 HR need apply for a growini.? growing plastic adhesive AlTI'OM<YI'IVE TB.L S pany benefits. Apply al training prov 1dcd OranJeCoAirport 1 Sal active practice. Call ro. Is.TT Monrovia Ave. '-!IHt,AHaor HEW ACCOUNTS 1600 Placentia Ave, CM. Tremendous groWth OP· F,qualOppor Employer fll'J 552-8339 or Iv m s . N .B C all Mon -F r i. Sallt MKIMBc Need sharp personable or call 64.2-U81l po r l u n i l y . 0 n I y M2·822S. 548·512.S. tellers and new accls . qua liCi e d . m a tu r e call M7·03:J7, 10am-2pm -0-.-rr----... -•• ---:-~-SIST. AIR CONDITIONING Hlghesl pa) in county. persons Savings and IOOIOCllPHF/C minded need call for in· ---------1 only --Fact ory wor ke rs in INSTALLER· exper, re-Good l'Ompany benefits -. loan experience pre· To do bookkeeping lhru t.erview. Jo Ann Hilliard. U.ERICAL --·-·-------U you are a friendly & chemical refinery. FUii sidentlal or commercial. qualified technicians On· ferred. FUU lime posi· fLnancial statements for 21J/9Z.l·5S7I. Earn Extra Mone ' c:~~tHM~L-~~~-~~r'SOCl.~~w~n~t4+ti~m;;::e~_..,ro;;m~1ni.!.:e::_;niil~~S:-,l -----'-4 1 ~---~~~~~~ly G~•e•Me~~~~~~~~~~~Hs~~~~1~n~1a~iw~~e~r~~=~~~~~~-~-~~~C~R~ET~~l~Dl~E~~--~M~a-rrledcouplesor a~~.~ io ns 1G c oo pd deys olf. 1 wk vac a n Parkinson. call Irvine Savings located in Irvine. Must Oubler/Clerk. f\lll-timc. M amgle women, live.In. gessive omce come join chemisll'Y or work ex· lit yt. 2 wits vec aft 2nd llACH IMPORTS Loan 7S2·2600 have tract bkkp'R ex-Mmt be dependable & w /WOSH s upe r vise 6 teenage OW' team. R.D.A. pref. per with che m icals 3 ....__ aft Stb ,,_Dov "•-l E.O E M /F · •. 'II ill 11 able to wor k e ves. & · 1 c M Oak Tre ., .. 1ary ,_n W/benefits helpfuJ. E.O. E. 549-3281 U!'1i;,itv:~ mal~ri-NEWPoR;.eE'1c H . . f:~~ail ~1cc:Unt~n~ wknds. fiellible Apply STAT REPRO ~.S..S.5.w3. e Sa.a.?..,... FACTOltYWOltK medical im policy. RA 711.-otOO functions , Xlnt com · atOCAirportglftshop. h f Company participating ---------BANKING pensation It: benefits Cl.ERIS Counter-Cook full time. Dlshwas e r or al'ute 13.60 per hr lo start. No savtncs plan. Call Tim TELLERS packqe. Send resume 10 CASHlltt Apply In person. Gary's care hospital in Npt Bch. expr. nee. Will train. btwn '7AM It: a ·30AM AlTI'OPARTS l>enorinel, 2171 Campu!i Exper pm. 30-40 hrs per TYPISTS Deli. Dl9 E. Coast Hwy, 40 hr wk. Permanent SrmlJ paint company nr M & ,_. TllM wk. Sat & SUn a must, ap-Q1M position S3 00 pr hr So. Coast Plua. Apply at 545·55'4 or ap~ly ln lllUILDMS Dr. s~330. lrv. 927l5 ply in person. Ke rm · Avail11ble immediate~: Behr Process Corp. 1603 ~.U:tS:.LH.ti:r.e· STAlmS.ALTS Secwity Pacific Bank IOOICICllPllPJT Rima Hardware. 2~ PBX Com.erhelp.P/l'lt:Ftr. Call Ms . Holla n • W.Alton.SA. s.A. · Y • To P Pa Y • P e r m · has poelllons available in r h 1 I L N. 8 Harbor Bl. CM Dey shifts, Mon· Fri. Ap· ~O ext 19. E.O. E. FMl Food ... a.-.a.-=~•P Ins, Cringe the coastal and Mlsalon S3~;7hr~ i.1te°ctyr.1n1 : l.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ACCT Cl.ERIS &~ileI~us~-~~i _M_l_F_. ______ o ER w Er NE R . AMw _.....~• ,, .. 21 W. lit ST. Viejo areaa. Wueqwre 6 phone uper. he pful. CAS.-JSAUS llRllllMl'ff OPEi E. S.lboa Blvd. Balboa. Domestic help-Mature SCHNITZEL nets help for PBX operators ror a -SANTA ANA mo nths r e I a te d ex · Good appearance. Ex· Unku1e retail nursery ftLI r""" penan to set w /old Chris· .. mllMf'. p /time brs. ~bone answerln1 penencei · Some lrain1ee cellenl co. bene. Call .-&anoutcoiftl person "'ERIS Delivery person needed Uan 1enUemen, 4-8 hrs. day It: eventna opeaiqs. ce uperienced or posit on• open· n · J ulie Griem, 644·1230. rora fuUttmepoelUon. In .,._ for Irvine travel a1ency, dal.ly, will consider live· flexible acbedullq. App· wWtraln.l\aUUmeor Lerv1eWawWbeconducl· E.O.E.M/F. additiontoa1oodstart It ti Must have r eliable ln.i3.hrorS3150mo.for b'at: Dlllt time lblft.s availa· edallclolef 4\"itto your home. .--inl wqe, cuh.len aha re lmlidaL~•cAaFon pay· rnoaorcycle + insurance. ll l'•-1 n . C . M . are a 2508. Bristol, C.11. ble. D•11, afternoon· c or lmenl: _"_.._ int'IOlnmiuionpool. 1'""'""'r ee Pt -time, Mo n -Fri. 6'5-3131,552·4811 <Neat to Ward Har· ewalnll or 1rave yard. 1714 H .. 213' Sillery open ror 1armenl 157.2700, -------rinllon> -welkencla. Typiol • •r u per. Send r eaume : M/F. DELIVERY & STOCK, need ol ey auoclates lo FINISHER. flber1lass lluat tie able to work l! 11 DAY SECURITY rmfg, self starter , 5 yr. Pleale appl,Y ln person Doubk,. \our tncome. In a wpm. Nquired. Many t'ulf;0upaylor PACIFIC P.O. Box 2115. Newport RAl"!..IUllS F/Ume, 12 noon to 9Dm. help ln an upandlng m oeedl llniaber, wet ClO. beDefl&a evailable. d0da1_adlntlte Beada,.U. VW5ft Wad thru S1tn . See business. Invest your ...t•Wtwon1etc:oet. Pl-eaUllClft·Frl. DAILY PILOT BANK Boo .. k l t t a••D .... S .~Iii _ .. 1 . Harold. • E. 11th st. free ume. eau between eau...,.... Pullloa laland area: • eeper au I an WAft ~ -•· C.11. 4-'lPMforappt.175«.Dl •1111 •YICI Meint aen jouma1I Ute DnSanJoequin -CampuaDrtve CoaU lleu area : DlllCTOIY AnAlfirmaUve P /R /, type. aa1l1t In HWaRoed. <Acnmfrom -• ..-.. 0 .. A ction Employer variety ol duties. Exp. CoronadelMar c:>r.pCo.AJrportl .... ~ •. ••· DOlTNOW! M1F/H/V fa1tlf'OWinlCo. MS-l.ltS -.... ~OpporEmployer W..AdRaulta 14W1'71 '4J..H71 ---ev• wry p/Ume AM, LA Draftamao needed for 'nines. llOI per weell. arcb. /ltl'C. firm ln Npt. Ou 1upply available. Beta. E•per. required. i...,.. ••ch._.,._ _.._.. rorSpence. II J08'n lookbll fOf a bet· •job, J011 W08't wutl to mlaa Uae employment aolumm ln ctaumed. ..... _ -~-... 1-,.... rapply 111 pt-Kuo MonUvvf'rl ROGER' GARDEMS Dll San Jo111e1wn HUlt1 Ro.ad <1•M (l4() :ilM Cian1i•rk•r. 4'I tu wtl M nn >'rl Wor11 Ill N1'"l"ir1 Ht•1tl'll It ll'\'lllt' ·111 .... ..,.... "n Kvm . (~Ill uffh't! lllli'I t\411\\ 10·1wy lMldm.: 01111'11 1•11 Jil•r lloor. ti 5 cll11ly w 11nme ov1•rl11111· Wtl 1111111 A~•P l> J I i.!)11 Nt-w1J1111 l'1v1t 1 • M 111 ('all 114 114:! 7'71~ l11r 11 11111 fl('fil•rul •lffh•,. , ... n ttnw l.a.:un.t "'' t"• J ulh rti .. wr ~o.&117 ""k 1111 .. .:1 ....... 1:.·11t•rul (Jfh," !'.Oh-1' •wrv11·1· • 11•1 i,. I• h.rndlt' l1lm1t 1•111°111•' I\ bit· t v11m.: 111 hw. \ In 1111 11H11•1· lm 111t'<I ''1"'11111 • u1ll tor Ul'l.ll Mt•h,.,, lt17 11K'l1 (it•111·r11l ull \ .1n1·d ilu111• '1atu11·" 1!•1 '"'"' "-.. ~ pe•n 1>111·1· 1\,11 1,1 • .1:,.1·1 (j1·r1t·ral C.lff11•1· W1· ulf1·1 •I'.,..••• •I • ...., W..tM JIM...., W..W 7t • ._.W..eM 71M ...., W..tH 71 MllaW I • 71M Wm•1• 7111 1•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9;;T••••••••••••••••,•• •••••••••••••••••••••• e.-eT•••••••••,••••••••• ...... •••••••••••••••• M91CAL OMCI PM>tiDMP ~ • 1N1rt·thM, ...., How would you Ukt -.....,, ,.......,.MIL~. ""-'for front 6 back Reteptlonl1t-IO to 3. r~ l)'aMna, :::· olflc.. to mU.e ll00/l500 wk, f!ueullwleeN&ary nlllbeaa.n.&iu6 .. ~ .. a. olrttt, 8.n Clement•. lharpa1PI• 1111111.. NlephOMt' bl ·~ a.uo. P1u_m• or r 111 m e ,.. _.... o1 llaJor p'd.....aM . • ..,. ,...... c.u--.Wll'l"601 ..... .Ly, ~·a • aOUrt . HoHello l d lie-nu .... a.tat. dew.,..,. ott1re ~obl!:.__ _ _ ... ._ Eaullut bt1rtdltll. 1".IOMllALIS t1 IF tt1•1......... PutyCc>Mlt 1AA11t Mar REC P:f'TIONIST, ans Khorthand Req. li!IC · ~rll P~tl:re~"r!~ 'l1MI li"' •Int opportunl •·r~nl ulflc·e R•U P · She mU11l btt outaolna. • ll l11HDI Call &\LEI PERSON teUeftt opponun1t for .e e _.l1._ln .. at-p:;,_ow_t_ll_ori_.-ed_-t1--;==:---!lm~.._--~t-ill~o:ilniD1st , s ome typtnj ....._~,....._OlllM,. SORY .U'--IW-!~41.&.9'~"--t~~~~~:;;=~--r.:i~---;-t -, r Eve~ Ii wtnil11 ~ii ly 02._ N•wp· ort vt1 uure me or Qu11ifled~p lic•nlll IMwMC-e &ecrc-tuy Npl ~t IM'IV ~ fc..~JON11t. law omca, younelr. Wa«u + nut have a .Jkb .,.... w. .,._ M.Ji ' ' vd. C_m______ Ille ~PIA&-~r SIClllT'AaY comm. C.11 rwclewU1. ~ · Pol ru n "'' • d e 11t'11d11td1· ..-ecAL 1-'AHKINU AT'rl'.:N :,;;:,;;l uu•. N il. l>ICl'ATINOSY81'1'!MS lmmed. opemna• in our L.A.TIMG'l lltn• • roll« ~ w WOfk w11h ftAMSCI•• UANT, nc11t, re11pon111 •:xc .. 114.'nt career op· reoonal ••*' ofhce for• S40-030l 00.... Ill WfMlt ~ )'flll ~· uw ll'WO-.t'n'W'l\l lt•lllfl P /\Jrnc: C.nl .. )' pnw ble. uart'U IVt', 3 yr Rt•t't'pllon111l ln1unnce pottunlly ror penon w1tlJ ,.......hie person with ·T·-.-:-1-.-E-~-p-Jl_O_N_E =";1;T~t!~ MMMta.w .. Uoric11111Lt'C.14r uc.-IM.'>:lNO dnvc expcr •·~~!•bit• Ncmc:y NcwPQr1 Heach. i.1rona penunal dnve " ~ aenenl office U · sou<..1TOR.~. 4 dy wk • • ..., •lllllU·r 1to2 II~• ll\l(mt Opp()' 813--.v H8oipooalble fOC' answer· d1!fc1p11 ned wo rk ante Pt'rienc't! Stron1 lYPtnll SPM·llPM. no iwll. no ex· fWv1klnliU1411hl.•ptlal 1n1t phonell ft othe•r .......... u · i I ft t::ndhih tjktllS It mu11t -.,, bon ..i I r" "Omm· .. ·u~ate lm~all' 0'"·~111n11 111 ....__ ...... _ P"V VOOR R•:NT • I dutl T ,..,_. ... m mum )'C!lr 1 11 th per . ...., mo + WI. ol • ,, .. ""' .. • ,.. _....,,. t-:.arty mornui.c dchvc.-ry d «nt11 ,,. 1J>IOI( dlM't oul.s1dc sal~ t:X· Wil tram an u o er ~SOC.. With l'JLPf'"t'tM't' r1tu11w Ne•w11ort ltt'lll'h In' W.M-4 .... fec••: rfql.lrwl. l'1111111b1hty tor ..,.,enccurmana~emt:nl iollllJKtll of )Ob IUn(•tlon. iK'l'ld l'<"oUnlt' It 11a h11y A.1(.-..-:y l'1•ri.1.Je111I 11111•" ~k"• Mith' & f''\'tnlllt· LA 'f'lmt'll, Jrvan1• 11n•:t wt1111n<·e m(•nt (;onl11ct backicround. S t1leo; & 35 hr work w1•1•k ~II')' m ronht1.-.nrc lo .,;qrr f'l"ltl.lil't.'\I f"ot 111 Ir ) 11 u r r .. r e• h 11 , $350 • P'-'r mo ('iill U.tnrut•833·9550. commi!fswo. l.'xclu:uvc OullitandlnJ( t·ompenfl t1 · l\n."'"'4 011"1'(1u t ''""' pW.tJ1t11•11ll U44l :Nt'4 i h '" u l'I ,. , . I • h 1.i h :146112!).)orStrvt', !145 4r.4:t ".a lt·<i t c• r ra I ory 111 t.IOn p11cka1w ind. d1•nt11I. .. _Ca..._• I I tldaef ftN, dys. Newpon •"'·b t t ti ., - -a... e /I i .... lash11111 w louk'I lkt• 1 w PIX_. Nt-wn...rt "-Irvin~ art•a. ~ m1 ret1umc 11 " n,.. ....1 H .-M .,., •• l ..... K•" """"-· Convalcsct-nt Cenlcr . ,~, "' ~ •-1 Ga•r• 10*".e .iirt 11t·•t 1'4•11 C'11ll rur 1111 Will train you'" our busi· uxpent.'fl<'c .. sa ary rr· l.:W('.imu11.11l••h,..M11t•·~ ·•111111111 t r11 t11H l •ir .1 Opc•r '" for teltiphonc l!IMSUperiurAvu NH IMltlS. <1 u1rem•·nt11 lo 1160 S4i1 (1,.nwnll• Cl\ u;;;n Oat11 (lfm'•'•"""ll •. ., 111•rM111ul 1111t•rvww Yuu JJ1111wcnn1< 11cr111tc Must I.Ee.a---KcnShuwalter Newpo r t C1•nte•r Dr t-:O:iimlflppor Y.mplyr llt••bl ult•rt, onl..rlv. 1•011 i·oul\I IJtl mudu hflH ,,., bt• 11blt! lo work some· ~........ ........ 7141521.!llll!O Suitt' 12!1~>. N c wiwrt lh ... l ... tCYIOOM SICRITAIY t-111 I llllt' ht'l'rt'l,JI ' 11t.,<de'Ci (or 1111r t-:1rwri.:1•11 1 )' tcnom ... 111>4•ri.•1w N1 p r1•r"''''d M o od.•\ I h r 11 U .: h t-I I ti 11 \ IL• ·" , • ..,.,.,, .,111 II 11 IJOVm l•I I Jll<llll 'htll ... , 1 ..tl1·11I h<'111•(11' & work 1111· • .. n1l1t ""'' 1•1,.,,". ••lll'I\ lo l'<'I '°'1111•1 I It 1111· M1t11llt11J1t 111·r~o11 111 h•• ,,.., ly 11:. n•·xt wi•i·k 1 Sli WCtlkends 1'yp1 n i.: :t5 C.'te11tivo office need11 l or _ ___ tit:Hch, t:a wooo tu.pi.lfWllJI,• lot 11llll'k u1 ilun't hl'll•lllh'. cull ouw. wpm re qu1 r e d . Ex 2 !lalc!IJ>t!f!U1n11 for rt• Sale; person. l'"I' pogitmn J•-& JohRMNt VH'llltf')'1nch.lll111ij 11•1•11rd , .. ,111.,r1tiue•I Jlt!MCnCtl JlrC!furr~d ot i11dent.illl It C'ommcrc1a l mretailhardwarc stort• Lce lldt•rs h ip Ht'yond k• .. 1>tftl l'.M1t11t• lltt111~ 11· 114 ,1~11 !)t~Ml will Iraan Many com · 1w le Conven1t'nt N II No Sundays or cvl', l:ompllant t· tflll'flll MUJ1lh11V•·( .. 1tf Ni•w Yorlf.Wt•"t panybenefits •u1111m<• loc·ut1on C.cncro u ... llW Wright <.:u . 12G t;qual Opportunity h1· v.1th ,..,,,. •hn 111v. 11• M••J••hui; Ai.tcm·y °' part lune. d11y., afteor comm 11pllt Hoc:heswr St , c M t;mplo)'t•r ''"'1 t-.U1', K"l!I W ttilhSt,NR 110011 l•H n•nl( 'haft-. PLAYA I.E. ---..,~I'' ... c. I ' I\ II 11 11v1.11l11hh> l'h•u<il' t'lJ ll &ln•n .... fttt Sah":> pnson wantl-d a.i· Set:r1-tary Junaur·Arc· you 111Jl{tN1>:."'" Moo lhru t'r1 ~J 4234, 631 '"ttO i.:n.'ll1vc•. full & part l1mt' a <·11recr mtndt'<I & w tr S YST1'.M!-. M1.0H111 he•lµcr. hvt' 111. 1-: O 1-: -Wall train Good e·o mot1valc>d pt:rMm / W1· Z!)(l " •• an,. ...... r· M lill»I 1ln \ •· I >11•· i.l hl 11.:e IJenef1ts Apply 111 pcr:.on want your t•nth u. .. 1ai.m ~. WIO dukJ b7:. ~J PIX RECEPTIONIST Rft ....... ,/Plua !Jam I lam Wt• an · a youn~ dynam1t· .... n tum· lllll>lllllll 11n .. \all fir pit ll~01nj(1> for ST/\NIJAtH> s110 1-:s i.:roup "'~·Lr :.I artn .. who J 1\ NI TO IC l'A I I \ /"' 11,.'() 11111111:.ibll' Morn111.I( .1tl·111·r.1I rc .... taura11l work :w-n1 s Bni.toU .:.M an • mt~ri.,.tc-d 111 ,...,uli... wtit-k 'dt ru·•'•'"''"" '" MOVIE EXJRI~ hr~ >I 12 :m l'rt•\ w u:-nt::cr UP J\ir1-1or1 MuM ---Wt• puy y1·ur e•nd llH"t'n ""' k SI 7!; ltt'I ht & J.:·•~ M l'BX l'X!Jt•r t YPlllll & 111• IK 11r II\ l'r /\pply Ill Sal~. :StC'rl'tJ 1·omptJ1WnL'i 11\11' l11Jnu.. ....... & 1(1\11' you nu 1t•\ 111 11,1111 11111111·11 w ui:lll h \I 1t11lly v.v1Jt.I rmnt otfat·•• api14•;irant1• Jll'™Jf'I Iii fl llnuwlt~.:1• 11r "all.'i-lhl· i.:mwth upponunlly 1,11.,.. Jfl 1•r 11 .1 1111 111~ 11•1.,,11• (11111 $!11 $.!OU 1.11•r rt·quin'tl Xlnl lwnt>fil CXIJCf pn•f'd Ma natli" you dt.-M•rvt• lmpn·~" u1. 1i46 lfllll .1..y poi..... l.011k 111.: '"' 1x11:ka.:t' <.:all for 011111 Sqt. 'r0fti'1 Jnl'f'lt 1.1JJportunit1c!, <> <.: with your 1•ompt:ll'nt •· ir. .. ~,. ....... TUir.TI... 11ut»u1n•1 1>1 10 vr ,,1.1, ~s-..... DSl" ... K p .... an·u Call Mr ln.wth at ''"ll Vi"k•.__.·JI"'" >~• ... ,..",... ii> " .,..,,.,, 1.111 with 111llJt1ur1 • " " ""'" 11.A" "'" ·-b ""' ' """ .,... C ......... MUNITY w11111111i.: 111 IJ1t•J k 11110 "". , ••• ,lU • ..,.., "'"'.· • L,'iisl l'nLtt•I 2 l:t 1HK:. 115'1 I t•t w 1•e• 11 ..,... l".11t n.1 1111·111111• lo r 11111 ,,,.,...,,. """'"''"'' '" ' ~ II · .._ _________ _ HO.r-y "'L llMJ\ 11'" C'/ 11 l :.;i:, Oll O. L'"ua· I ""'ty '"rnul11.v1·r "." .. r1t11 /\nil llc1"hl~ am ZJim " ~I"' IHlll H.l.'o JIC,llllt•tlHlll;!lo Vlll'')(""S1'1N(' '-"« VV Co r ,-,.. ,. 0 lffll I\ f'U,1111 I\ Vt' .... 111IJ 1\r1.1 ,l'.1 11~11!1 t-.1ual • >111•1' l-.11111lov1·1 VI I•' '"'' ·~1 I .C "• ' • !14!1 Kf.74 . I s 1-:11v1c .. : (lllJW Ill <llh PESTCOHTROL N1•vt t•1 M1·l'·1n.·1lrl ' S;w'' 1" I A • " ' a11h1 ymmt-: m1·n wh11 Y1·a r 1 Tr~ i.:••I .tl1111u w1•ll w1lh ll.l'!>laura11t •SECRETARIES• St-'<·y tGt'nl Ofr/tfrt·p H .:Jw nofr mnlt.t TB.EPHONE SALES NeW11p11per Kubll. Your phont•. 4 tu 5 hrs ;a day, •• & up comm. wk F;xp J>n<f Over 21. I I>. ~p11per f>;nl. 83:Hl453. I l.t1 JPM Only. Tow Tru<'k Dnven ex· per'1t. Top pit)' ApJllY G&W Towing , 74UB Oum W11y, l: M fl42·125i TIC/\ V EL /\(i t:NT nc.'t.'C.led in ,.;t11·:. or varat1•in trnvd tnl'l'll t•rw,,t•:., "'IT WUTh. antn'l l>alt-s Sa lary & mmm Quahr1c.-d only tvl apply ~7 2'.!l!'' nc>rtCAL FiSH Kn11wl1•d i.:t• ri•11111 n •1l ov1·r l>I, i.:ond futon· 111 pt't :.torn 1142·~ TYPIST Ill +-at1·ural•• w1lhni.: 111 Im wont pnlt', a1·1•e•pl a h11• tu hnni.: ~m f'hltt. !>al llpt'fl, hr!> 01·11 1;.i~, 771 ~, TYPIST . • > • J 1 •·11l't•lh•111 1·1omp11nv 11a1d ----------•! LATHE MACHINIST l':iq >r'd fur fla rl 111111· Work hour--:_, l'M 111 U l'M Mu11 thru t 'ri ( 'ull Mr lt1h•y ut !17!1 llOtiO MURSESAIDS Steady Jllh (nr ri uhl Cl"U'UI Wtlllll•n C':.11 Mr (jl'uri.:1· JH•r.;em l'rof1t '\ha1·1111-:. """ :1'1(H(J'.!l ICI 2 i.:roup tll'alth /\pply 111 1'1111 llfnt', 111,.:hl~ A1111ly ... <.: l((•n ofr 1·on;.I r ~ Sll!OO lt;rns.:1• Ern1Jl11yl.'r' P:.iy /\II F•·n I JI. He•mcln" /\i.tciru·y 4WO H1rd1. t:.,u11t '1"1 N1•wpnrt 111.,11'11. ~:Cl lll!IO 111 hr wc1•k, ar1pra1:.al d1•1Jl 111 f11w J••w1·lry ,,,,..,. Sornt• nai.thl"o & Sal many 1·1111111a11y h•·11..t 11:. /\. .. k .,,.. l!c·t• v .l•·w•·h lly .l•~!Jh. S Coa!lt Plaza , C'M h•·11d1I!, a lu11i.t v.1lh 11111 1•hallt·nu111~'. Ji""''""' nuw ,n 111lahl1• 11111111 1'111 11.-11 11((11•1· Fii. 1-: C'I ... 11 k \ 'L~.HI\ 'l'Yl'l:-0 1'1-> 'Ill(• 1111\'t• jlCJ,11 lllfl', I" (jlJI r•· 111 111r "" 'l'I' "' J'lc•n1·1H'o· I Yl'lllJ.: .1111111 I' 1111111111 Ht k1•v ;1111111111 m:ll'h1111· hv 111111•h '' •I• "' 11 lllt• W1• wdl 11 .1111 11wihl11~I 111111\ 1d11.1I . 1111 '"" n .:ht 111i...1111111 l.1111 \ k•\1•l p1 .... 111111" 11111 ,,11.11 \ t'lll01111'11'-UI ,1lt• "'11 Ii ,., J11·n1·111·1· t'111 .11•111 • .oll li"l .. 4!.Hil. t'XI Qt•I I-11 I· LABORERS TRAINEES ~SEMBLERS PACKERS Mu<,1 h ,1 \1' 11•11 .dtl•· ll'ltll.'>fl & phrnll• I ,11111• ,\ 't111rt ll•rrn "''11•11111•·111 ' llolula v & v.11 .11 11111 p.1 \ llll"o lt1 l;tl 11 ,1I H•ll 1.l,111 .1\ .11J.1hl1· VOLT ,.~ ... ....,-~ca• :t<-iX < ';1 mpw I >ri \., :.11. 1711 ' l\tr "' .. "'11111 I )r;1111•1· I '11 \11p .. rl 1 l"•lli.tl 111111"1 h1111'l•1\•' •GeaAL OFFICE• 1'J1n1 1?Clr.1 11111111·\ v.11111 l.l't'jllll~ 111' '"'"'' \loll/ ... kill ... I 'l'\'llllr -.1(111-. 111 \,11 11 o1 l1·1111111r.1n ''""1.:111110·11h ~ •. 11~1ld1 y11u1 ''-111 . ;.. "'IH'<1111t• wrlh 11111., 111,,1 ~WI }'IJU N<l Fl-:1·: S57·0061 '-.0.l of fic e • ~OY ave rload /\ l>r11(1-si.111n11I ~1·rv11•p tiarl t-'r1tl11y 111:.111•· :.uh•:.. '411nt' IYlllLIJ.:, lite hook kl>l•111n .:. full l11n1• IJut~oing Xlnt tJOlt•nl 1a l for ttw r1i.:h1 pt•rMm C.:all Mr llortoo fi.15 47~1 GU.UOS .. ,,II tcm ... 11nmt·d1111 .. 111.1cn1ni.:s . ISt•;u•h 111 mu:.pht·r c IJ11 1rl}rm'I furn 1'1>0 J>l1· 1wr.,11n Ciuud WHll('b l'h•a8l' (·all i'94 7033 i&s k for Oon GUARDS l"ull & pit rt t 1m1• /\II are a s Unlrorm i; furnh1ht•d. /\J.:C'!I 21 ur over ftellred w11lcomt• Nil (•xpcncnc.:c llt.'C /\pp ly Uruversal Prot~cllon Ser vice, 1226 W !;th Sln:.-cl. ~nta Ana. In ll:rVICW hour:; !I L2 It ) .<f Mon thru F'r1 Ha1rdrcssl'r llcen11cd p /f, hf'l> It ila}'!l rll'j(Ollil ble . 646-7764. A:.k fu1 J~ -Hairdresser Savr i.:u:., work cac-to honw FiJleU 548 ~ ----11 A I R D JU : SS I': ff Braut1rul s1tlon n1•t·dii CJperat.or with following Serv1nic Npl • Irv . & o.ta Mesa. 1•1ea..e call 56'7·m4. tlalrdreuer. prererably w /cllen tf'l t' Apply Hairport 873-:""42 111111•1 ll u1,..1•l.f'••111 n ~· 1•11111·1 lull 11111" 7 1.ltl 1\.\1 111;11•1 l'M .'<1111 l11•1wl11, t '.ill ror ''""' 1.1:1 •• •11111 1·~1 :,;-.1 Hotel San Maarten 1•r1 .... 1·11ll\ 1h1· V1ll.11(1· ln11 111 I .11:1111.1 llf•a1 Ii " "'''" I 11 I' I h 1• f •1 11 " w I 11 .; qll.111111 ~1 1•11111111\ t'I ., SERVICE PERSONNEL "'11 h I'll I"'',,.,. •. ,. HOUSEKEEPING ,.,,, ... , 11n·l1·r'1'1·1I FRONT DESK ~.~1··· '" "'''' ri·1t I '11•11•,,. •IJll'I\ 111 111·r" 111 l•w11 X '111/\1\1 1<. 11'\1 . '•I"' :--.. C •1,1·.1 I Iv.\ I .a1• 1111.1 I~·"'" I •1 I .111 •l'L1 '.11:11. I l1ril'l'l0ll'.lll•'I ' ;\lt•t•lf rt• li.1hl1 ,... 1·111111"1.1'.l ll' 111·11 l•lo' f(I W iii k 1111 fll •V. ',, .111111)' . ' I\ 11 1· Ill N II I ., I l'•rl 111 11 .-.H1.1'.\:'-IN<: Ow11 '''"'""· l·ull t11111•or 11an '' "'" T11 1• d o t I a r i;;:1 fU ;ll, 11-tti •'1!71 11111 s t..l\t.l .. l'l·.11:.. Frr & I ' 'I 11.111.1 ·• h11w.1·k1·1·p 1111• c '.1l1l11rn1.1 " l:irg.,,1 rw1ttb~ '1 ru • .t u1 •• p•·••PI•• v.111 lo. I•\ I h111111·~ ~I );1 hr :11 ·111.'ll lt•lll'<t'kt'l'IH'I d11hl 1•;,f1• \\.urking mulh1·r "·1·k·, ··~1·1 111111-,1 k1•1•111•1 '" 1•;m· tor :! 1•hiltl1·1·11 Ii& 111 111 lit\"IY NII h11111l' !.la111 I •1 1; pm M ,, 11 I' r 1 ll •·l1·ri·r11•1·:-r1•qu1 r1·ll s ;1 I " r y .; m 1 I 1· a g l' ,,tj .. ;(Al,1; ll11U'l'kl't'llt•r. rnu lun• parl 11111<'. fur 1•hlt·rly ludy Non :-mrJkt'r Own 1·11r Tr:m~flort to 1lm'l11r. e•ll• li4~r!l200 ~" full l 1mf' cla y~ Xlnl IJ1•n1.f1t:-Bayvll'w <:1111\ ll"'ll 2005 Thunn.C.M 1;.il 3."l(X') llowwkc•1•J>t'r h v1· m nr 111.1t. 1·11rt' for 11mall e·hald ltt..f'!. lrvmt' ~I 58H() llyi:wnast want1·d small N.-wpon H4•ae•h 11ff1c·•· S alary op e n with lJi'fll.of1lJI Anyday 11va1la bk-64f>.411tlll 1 ~11m1lry /\llt•nrl:tnl r1111 t 11111· S:1 ,,.., 111 t 'd :\1 an•a f1•111;1l1· p11·t :11 11 .. : 0 111:.I llwy m:1 ~111: .. 1 Legat Advertising Clerk-Typist t•ir,1111111 1111W ,f\'.11l.il1l1• 1111 ,,.,.,,,,la111 111 I .e·i.;;d 1\d \1·r11:.1ni.: lhr1·1·1111 111 t lw 1'111ly l'1l11t c;1·111·1 J I •11111 •• ••' l"'n1·111·1· ,111ol ll)'hl I \ 111111• ,l.Jlh n ·111111 •·•I 1:1~. .14,....lllll) Ty1m11! II'"' "111 ''" .11l1111111Me•11·J 111 .ii I .11111111' :111h 1\llllllTl1thl 11• lll'l't'''" l'V for 111·1·;1i-11111al hwal 111'1 \ lllJ.: t•:)ll'f•ll1·111 l'l.Olp.111\ 1"'""' ":, s.11., ry 1·11111 m1·11 ~11 ra1 e• w 11 h 1·x 111·ntn•·•· Ftor :11Jputntm1·111 t11r 1n t1·rv11·w , pl'"'"'' 11111 l~tl-4:«:!1 , l'XI 277 ORANGE COAST DAJLYPILOT l:IOW llav:-.1r1•1·1 I ·1,...l.1 M1" .. 1 1-:1w.11 01•1111r1 1111•l ' l-.rnpl11y1·r lEGAL SECRET ARY ~ai.: 1 arcl ··~111·r11•11 1·1· lwl11fu l f ••·1wr.i1 11r.11 t 11' t• f. If I j! ,1 I I II 11 I'll pen t'nt'I' hc•laJI ul <.:ull Mar.ie• 11.1.1-HNili l.t·i.:al Stwr..t:1ri1•h l ur gn 1W1ni.: Nt•WIJOrl r11 111 I""' e•x rw r11•111·e·•I 1'1 VI I Iii . llll1·1 urp li1111cl 'lk11!, .,hurthan1l. llc•au11lul •11 f11·1...,, lll't'.111 \llt'W, I 1111 i.:• ·rual i.:n1u11 M 1•11 111~ '"l('ll :-.alanc•:, (;Jill .lun. 1Wl7CJ:IJ Maeh1111-.1 /l'oul lli1'. 111111 ··~l"'r ~.yrs 7M11Cll i>MI MACHINISTS 4-duy 411 hr w1·l'k 1-;rn.1-:1< INIJUSTHIES W it U11v1· SI N II /\1·r~" from o c· /\11'J)(irt Ma11J.'1. apply Th•· Inn <cl l .. 1.:una, 211 N <.:ua~t llwy. Lii.:u11a He•:IC'h MJ\JI.~ t'\Jll or IJUrt t1m1· /\ppl y Ma ry . S a11 ('ll•mc•nll' Inn, 1<!5 W H,plund1un MAIUS wk1ly1.1wkn1b ScafrhHl> Mott'I. 11""11 S11 <.:oost tlwy, l.11l:~na llr tl t ..... 11MMC•Mm1 t\JU lmw duy:,, Mun fo'ri XJnt benefit:. t: O .. : lla yv11·w Conv <!0 5:1 Thunn. t: M 1142 ~ISO:i Mmnh•nam·1· i:r11uncb 11w11 fulJ time. XJnt bc1wf1ti- 546-00H2. Munaj;term:nt WAMTED-WAMTED Amb1tlouK couplt• >I IO hrs per wk t:un rt·1;0lt 111 a lge income -t ollwr bt•nc fiti;. Cull 11111 _llughcs~_7775cxt 137 lmmc·d111t c op1•n1n1t Sl rnw Ital l'iua has pofi1t1on.<> now 11vall. Wt· llfl' II .:rowing family restaurant rhain with .i:n·ut pnde In our pro dUl't & JX,'Ople. Jf you en joy peuple & have an out ~olni.? pe rsonality w1· nu.cht have wh11t you art· lookmf( for. Apply 111 fJUOIOO, al 111622 Bcut'h I•--------• Hlvd. at Garfield or 10011 MANICURIST /\tWtijliJL rXJI'. M II-' experit•nc<'d ma nh'unst .... ..,, 11_. for scul11tun:1I na ils '" ~ v 1 T OMta Mt'Sa ;ire a Goo1l IS minutes muy c hanJ(e OflJX'y ~II (;Qll ct·l, 213/ your hie sty It> M~tly re.'(• 4ZJ-Mt t pwd from S4..'<''Y to Hoss. I_._ ______ _ Morttan fo:mployment ~ency. 1525 Metia Vf'rdC Or l'laia Costa Meisa. /\f ross from Kona Luncs. 926:?6 Bob at ~lblH IMSIOI SALIS lmmed. openln1e11 for rftlPOMi ble, ma lure sell Rta rte r who com . munlrates eHily with otherll. Sales e xpcrtence 8 l>IUI hut nol required Wlll lraln. Must have Ille lnintl llUlbi. 557-G825 Utltlllltll a...... Ada •N reallv lmell ··~to peopler' ..._ c8Ua wtut blc re- .-..Upud bl1,..ults! To pa-. 'lf1I# e1 ... trled ad, taU t.odey MZ·M71. MANICURIST for busy fialon Mui1t be <·xpcr & rashwnubll.', f /1 1mt· Richard Out:llt"tt<' S;ilon. D> Newport <:tr Or, N fl MJlll!llleU8e Technician. 6ll·tl30 MATERIAL HAN DLl NU Parts SIDcllperllOO Experience de11in.'Ci not required. Will tr1t111 Mu11t pass t•ompany ph)'lJlc1d lnrludinte beck JH&y. lrvlne. S40·7638. E.0.E. MATUllCOUPLI ror emer1ency houle for Waler Comp•ny. Jl"ree !'Ml " Ulllttlta " .... ry. ~JI 8-5 ~1 .!~day1 . 546-lOIJO. IMIHUIMI W..-AdHelp! IJJ11•11111g:. ..,, /\ M & I'M :-.h1(1' 1:01111 'larl1n1! ,,,,1.1ry lor 1·1·rt1f11·d 1111h ( 'l;1~~"~ ;1v;1il 1111' 111111 1•1·r11(11'(I 1111b /\pplv al l·l .•1-("olll" """ v .• I 1· .... ·1·111 Ct•11l1·r. 41,c; l-'l;a.:~h1JJ lltl N II 1;12 >IM•I LVN l)t•·11111g .. "" 111ghl ,11111, fur VI' l.\iN C ;,_.. .. 1 ,1,111 1111: 'a I a r v II. x I 11 t 111·111·111 , 1•11 lv al 1'1.11:,h111 C '"II\ .d•·~··•·lll I <•1111•1, <11.1, Fl .1.:~l11p Hd N H t•tl libH Nur~,..., /\1111· all -.hill 1\1111lv t!,[i.'i Siii"'' 1nr /\w • N1•t 111 h HUR SES I.\'. ur le:-. \hl'<I Ill' d1•llt1'.•ll•tl I 11 1'.111-1 1111111•111 1•;m· IC1•h1·I 1•~1111111 & 11111 l mw l'M i.l11fl l"r1•1• h1·alth 111.., .1tl••r l•l 1l:1v' /\Jtl'IY M<I!, S111H·n11r, N II Nunes Aide 11111111·11 oq;1•11111 g ;ii 11.ill'll!h llilh ""'l'llltl N1•y.,1~11·1 llt.,ll'h I:! i\1111 1111'.11t '" >I :11111111 .. 11 111 1'1•1111 1~1-,1111111 ( '•mla«I V11 k1" s11ll1\;111 1\1111 1 · 11 11 r 11 1 11 .1 I " r 'I I I •M '1 ,,·1117 I': 0 E MI" 'l.111-,,1..., i\1111·" I .I. :1 11 I .' '"'' •11 T r.1111 .. •· I' ftf1tV1·1I ('1•rl ln1111111)! Jlf'>I( Mt·ha V1·nl1• c:onv ll11:.1J lifil c·1·ntn St c. .... 1.1 Me'l>a NURSING l\1•1·111t· 1r.v1•l11111 r11• Lu 111 ty m~~b II N ·~. I. I' T ' ;_rnd rnt·11t a l h 1•a llh workn:-/\II :-l11lh "l"'ll. full & 1111rt 111111', xlnl fr 1ni:t" l1l·n 1·f it :-. C';dl <l!lfi 57U'l 11r K:ll 177'1 OfflCE SERVICES 1':111·rs.:1·l 11• JX'l'!,1111 to e"lo xn11x l'llJIYllll-L f !11111~. l!l'IH'(;ll M'l'\1 11'1'!'1 ( '11111 1111ny will tr:11n N1·w111trl l'harm:11 .. •ul 11·al" 11!17 I i.t h S l N Ill II d1 7 M /ti42 7:111 t :xt II. OFFICE CLERK TRAINEE ·n1 .. U:11ly l'alot ha-. :•n 111llllC'thah• 01.1t•n111g fur tr1111w1• for full t 1mr-. sie·rm11nt:nt pu:.1t1<111 111 our C.:lasl>1flcd t>1•1mrt 11x11t Mu:.t be al1l r· lti t flt' :t.'> 40wpm <lYJllrll! 11,,1 will l.11· 11Jm1111,t•·rc·t1 lo a ll ar11ht•;111hj. ha111ll1 1m11 ..... lc·um <·omput1·1 1111 d 11 t 111• r i.: •· n e• r a I 1•l1·r11•al dut11·s 011 1111rtunily for ;rdvam·•· rnc,'Ot mad t'X rcllcnl rom puny t>.·nd1ts . Sala r y c1.>mrTwnsuratt• w 1th ex pcncn<·f• t-•or Interview. 1lfca.~ c·11ll. 642 4321, t•xt m QRAMGE COAST DAILY PILOT 330W HaySlrcct t:<~la Ml':;a tAIUHI ()Jlf)Ortur11ty t :mployc•r 1"-'"'"n Lloyd l'•·~t I '1111 al ll'•1I iilA.i I': Uycr Hd So11 Owk f'huri·h'' f<• ... I Siih·:-.woman p:1rt l1rn1· M111111111111 ::u h1 ' l'.x l'"rlt'l)l't• ",..., ,. ,. ,.,.,, la 1\11 a ~~l>I Nt•WJHlrl lllvtl ('M l1llONI': SOl.l<'ITIN•: f111 a11pt... rlll "'llrn1~ or ortl1·r I a k 111 1:. II 11: h t' 11111 n11:. ... 1111" 111 ~ ph111w' (.';111 1¢.~1 :J>i41.I l'IZZ/\ /1.t IH'.1.1111>:1.:01'.ll .\1 "' ,,, .1 IMI tla1lv '1'11111 . 1'111.1 <"v l>t·li :11r.~t:!l 'r11v.11 V;.illt•\ l'k v.) , J .. 11:u11.1 N1gui·I PLASTICS WORKERS 4 Day 40 Hr Weelc ''1111ly 11111••r.,1111 EDLER IHDUSTRIES. Inc. <!IHI llo>Vt' Strt'l'I. 'I, II l't)l)I. t;i.t-:J\~ t·:lf t:1qll'ri••rt1'1'tl !llilC >llll1.1 l'nnl Sh1111 tra1111·t· niu~l ty111· 40 Wl'M. :J~ :tnl !';l l.;1i.:u11a ~·a1·h Pr0C7arn Coordinator Slli.:~111 1\111111allv l.mchc~ Ins true tor Slli,;_.j)ll ;\11 1111.ill\ A1111ly ,11 Tlw I': 11-i pl11y 11M·11t & Tr.11111111'. 1\111111111 ol I huil111gt1111 llt'.11'11 ~1!1k M;un SI II II U11lil :111111 M.1y~1h Real Estate Sales Kt:YTO SUC.:(;f':."~ Work where· aHluc nl pco 1>11• will druv in to huy pro1wrl y J\e·t now & mak<· mOllt.'y .Just off I h1· t.1\111 b h· hnilw· Ht>GEH llltOWN I< ~- 673· I 020 l<.t·al f':.t.t:.te Salc,.~Jl('Ol>le'. l'r<'sl1ge• 11r r11•1· Your own tlc.>sk T1111 l'u mm Work with i1 hrok..r thal will h1•l11 you i:c-t h:.1111..:s Owr :JO y ·~ 1·x114·n c11i;t· ~aia*~ A lberl Pussel I Really Co. 833 DOVUI a..N.a. ~l·S2~2 RECEIVING CLERK t:lt'CltonlCS mn(g, II> scctonl! a <'l<·rk fflr our I person rN·e1 vtnl! dept t-:Xpcr m rt•cc1vani: furll' twos <k's.red, ub1hly to type hclp£ul. .Joh 1s t•urff•ntly lf'K'utt~ In Irvin•'. hut will b•· mov1nj! l o La i.:una U1·11ch We 11ffc r i:uod p a y & l11·ncf1ts c ;,11 for a1111l t•n sonm·I Dt•IJ( 1'e•l11me· Be•rkcll'y 714/494·!1401 t: 0 E IECEP'TIOHIST llunl.lnJ.'I on 1\1• ;ll'h r irm h11s rw<'d •1r n ·t·l'pt11m1:-1 Hook k•·c11111 ~: h a l' k ,.:round hdpful <;r11w1h potential for I hmw w t\11 w1 11 h lo lllJJl l Y lhc·m~:lvl's Looking lor 11Ul..1(01111( 1rtd1vulual ( '011 Wl'l Uarbttra. !IOO 2'M I IECIPTIOHIST Muture, sharp pt"rson, II•·' l a ll 1' a n I ti 1· I 111• r "oa1Klw1d 1 pm • 11• M11I tlav hr:-. t-.11p1·1 11rl'f Y111•11 1 I ('1111111•1·111111 li7:1 :.!1:111 ·"' :111111 ll•"'·•11r11111 llCl!-.Tl·;ss l11r '\pl lt1'!1 l'luh. '111111 lo 1:• t\111111111" \h11 v.111k11t1'.1·11 \ 11 •1111111•111 ('a 11 1111 .111111 1;1!, ~.CUlt·'I :,~) l<A. .... 1.1ur:1111 h11tn1~hU1•· llf)''nlll"' 1111 I 1.11 11\~ W/\1 1 11 1-.~~I-.~ (..Ill IS'l'l-~-... ... 1 .. :-. 1\11111}' .11 lht• R~er 16 ~ion Island ... wporthoch l(1~law·;1111 ( ';1'\hll'1 I'·" I 111111· M1111 l"r 1 11 ;~p111 .l:u•k. I I\ 1111' ( 'lulihuu"' 1:.1 /:_.j., an .' H1·:-l ,i u r ·' 111 I'.' 11•· 1 11~111ir" M I" f1or "''"" l.L.,I h~ld "o4'1 vw1• llay' IV 1·\'t.,, 1~11 11%111 lll.,,li!Ur.1111 1• .. :111tY S l'IZZi\ Now l11n rw f11r p.irt 111111• "lll'lllllJ.!" V.1ry1111{ ti.or . & h11ur:-l•lcal 'UIJ plc'fTIC'lll nl 1111·11m•· Mu:-.t bi• Iii & 1.v1·r /\IJJll v 111 t•'N lf'I any! 11111• :m.11·1• w c .11•,.:1111 r11111 N111 lk h. 1,7:1 1:14,1, ROUTE P"'t Control Trainee Sl1•11tly J1 1h for ri l!hl llt'r"'111 l'r•1l1l '11<111111: i.:n.1111 lu·alth /\p11ly 111 J•'l"HI l.liiyd l't•o,I ( '1111 lm l :Jiii l>y..r 1111. s.1111.1 Ana S:.11:111 11n·p;11at111n m ;111 n~1u1n1l for 1.11u11w· 11111 '"'f 11layl111UM' /\JJIJIY a l S4'IJU!,lt:111 '~ W1·~t. 1111 /\\ll'llltJU 1111'1), .'\{.' Sal•~ i.tmh·11l"o work 1111 now f II clunnJ,! ~umnwr v;ll' he· 111·111 & n •h1thl1· (';Jr & vh<.lnt• m:~· ~.~,7 :l'Jllll sat~ ATTEMTIOM MONEY HUNGRY AGENTS Cll1v1· llrarwh. r>:i7 Wh!l or ~'"' :mJ!, ~'11'1'11 Jlrllllllll( fJl"OtfUC· 111111 man.1J,!1·r '4 ,111l1·el. Mu~lllm 1•1•x1J MCJ !ll lll SCTRY /Girt Friday :'IOt•W C 'or,t,t \11·,,1 11,1-.1•11 lirm Nil own 1·;11 ~;d.1rv I lllflll1t'll'lllf.11!· " ,. ll IJf ,,.,, 11:1:1 wk1f\ .. !'M'.llfl• I ft"•' Ill I 1l1•ff l11r ... :ul loll 1-.iqx n1•11• • 111 •· l••t n1I 1;:11 <llJ.CJ 1,11, ;1>1411, SEC/BKKPR I-"' I' ()(' .11111111'1 .111"1 I l.1\'" "/ 1<1 :.t!I >1:ri :1 I'.\•'. 7 M x:i:1 '.lk;,i SECRETARY l·,111 t 11111• 1,1k"" :-. 11 ,.., li.1•, 1'11111 Ill 1,1" llUlll l'.tY,dtlt• lf1 ""!I f\, Ill . 111.il I I I) ll" I ,, II l'llJ 'llt1•1·11111• 111111 " I· A 1·111111• \,1r1.ild• "'''~ 1111111•111wll h 1'.•••I 1111p11rl lnJ''uw t.7.1.J:,~1:1 ..,,., 11•1.1 r \ 1 ll11•1k k ... 1••·1 Vo ... II ••I. I "" I 'ill II '. "111 I t ,.,, .... ,, U• l1•1tl • II ( ·•l>U Ji..,,. Ii x:11 11x~1:1 SECRETARY 1>.x11.1111l1111-' ~"' 111'11 f'lt .1111i;11•1•11I 11-.11 I 11111 p.111\' ll<'t'cl' ....... ,l'l.tl v 'I YJll' till I II >Ill V.1•111 Sl111rth,lllll IJI ... fl<'t'<I V. nl 111~· M ••I-' 1 .11 II t•X 111•r h..tplul C .d i lur .1ppl l'lfl'WJl !ofl l'ha1m.11·1•11l 11"tl". ~·1 , llotl1 :-.t . :'I.pl 11th ?111 1,1;! ·1~111 t-, I 11 St·:nn:T/\IC\ 1n.1·1 .. 1· '110NIST l'o1·wp,1r1 1~ .. 11·h '"" ('11 10111..111 1! '"' 11~1IUft' I"''""' ,,. l}'Jlllll.' .,kill-. Sit 111'1111 111. "''II 11 a111 I '.1ll l 1at t':l:! :!!17!1 SECRETARY W1· an· an 1111111111 ( 11 ""' 111 Fa;.luon h w,;in "'"'" 1111• for ;i "iii·:. :-.t••·n •l,iry M.1th ·•JllllUll•· lwlptul Xl111 w11rk 1n~: 1·11n1I '°" l1t•rwf1 b . Call :1'.M :11011 ask for .lt·a11 Sl'l•rf'lary C ;1r1 f'rnl.1y t-:x p1•n 1•n1·1·d . m a1un·. i.:111111 11 rr11·1· ., k '"' l'1·r111anl.'nt 1':1rt T1m1· M1111 .. )'I. 49'J 41M7 j It II for ;1ppt SECaETARY Nt•wport lh• a e· h l .. 1 w farm '1•t•k1rtl! •·x 111·r Se«-rctary w /xlnt ty1.11n~ :-k1 Ill> Ui II :>4() 5400 SlCIETARY The /\kin" l'omJJan y ~•·k .... a St<<·r<>tary to ;1" :.est l'ur<'hasUlll M~r ltir i.:r 11w111.; rt•:-1d1·11l 1al (lvl1>mnt tu Pur1·ha:.111i.: 1·x11 pn•f'cl Must ht• iclnl IYJllSt &. df•l:11l1'(f 11n1•nt 1'tl Sal e·umnwn w /1•xp Xlnt t•o bc•nf ('all Shl.'rry Sdn Or*r CM for u1>pt c 7 MI ll:ll ~I lnkrc.'811111( rio" tn uur St:<.: It •:TA It Y t' /T , Sulc•s 111·111. for Sah•" 1·hct•rful. e•xp'd Ill · Onkr <'Ink llut 11·s 1111· tl1V1dual w /strong typmi.: 11·11• 1·11 11tue·1 .. w 1 & s horthund tall'nt ... 1·u...,tomcr,,, ty111ni.: & ~1·n l wantt;J Apply In person, c•h•m ·ul fonc1 mns l'lt·a~ w I r c s um t• Io M r . work 1 fl IC t'f1 fl d . x In I t\JC'llt<'S :rt Robert D<•tn, Se•r vu·1• i.:ri•1•t lll ll 1·ard <k-µ 111 luc•:1I K marl .,,,, pmx 1., hr J.H'r .. 11 . M1111 W1·cl Fri ('a ll .J11h11 , ~, .. ~ !'i•·w•·r ..,, ,.,. µ1·111•111·1·11 flo••J1•I 11111 l1 fllt' .tJJfllV 1-.ihm · 1111'( :!ltl.IK:I <it•ll> Ur I.JI.! Ni i.: x:JI 220~ SEWING MACHINE OPYATORS 1-.lCJt'tf tft• I rt•tl ( '11,l.1 !\11-...1 ti>\~, :n il :1:,7 OllZ>I SEWING OPER. l-~1111 ti , 'l••.id y S:I ~llJ hr 011 fi4l :~\i:• :-0.·Wlllj' 1-'l.OCI I< I./\ I)' 1-;x1"•n 1•111·1• v. .rn l•·il "' 11111·1· Mu~I h,,,,. ''"I'''" 111 -,1·w111u .11111 11 •• 11111111~ 111•1111•· '\,11.11 v 111"'" .n111 '.\•~I I '.1 rri :1.:1· 111 .., ·\ (';iii! Shippinq Dept \\·· 111'-I ~f) IJll Ii \!Ill "'.1111 111 ""'k fllf ' ''''"'"' 1·•~·--1111•1 )( \1 1111· 111111 J'•lll\ Ill.ti h,i l'f 0'.11 I II 111·111·(11 , ,;,, l.1 I I Ill Io 01 • I '.111 l•11l.1} ,, 11111·1 ... 11 .. t 1>1•111 •11111· <•11 11 •1.:•1 ll:1k1·r ( · !\1 :~1:. 1~111:1 SHIPPING CLERKS rw•1le'tl 1';1C'k111.: o'it ~111 1• 111111: for s.:arm1·nl 11111: Mll.'>I ,,.. r1...,po111-.1IJ!o • St.JollnlCftih 171:?:.!lJan .eu .\\t· ~ S40·7l71 SHIPPING CLERK TRUCK DRIVER 'rYl"'' HIGH SCHOOL GRAD? TYPISTS ~,.I 1•1 .11 t11J1•111111:' Y•111 •'.111 '"•r11 l'v ""'"' Cai e•:• Jl'lh·1111.1I I ';111 u· lr\111" l'••r .. 1111111•1 /\~e·m·~ WI t': 171 h. Cu ... t.• M ,.,,,. :-W111t· !!:'JI h42 M 7U \ 1-~I EH/\ S Xh11 111•1•11 I•• "ar11 xlr.1 llltotrtlO' l'.1rt lllfll' Ull lt1 ~1.:co1 111•1 yr . IJlu•. 11llll'r l••111'11h 1"11r l11ll 1i1•1;11I~. lit '" 111111 uul II y1111 I'•' •111.ili1 11•tl 1'.111 N/\Vi\I. 111';....l-.11 VI:: '•!1'L .t:.:~1 W.111 ro-,.,, 1111 111111111• 1-.1 II' :... ... ,.,.,,11 • n .... 1.1111 .1111 Ho'l:I W l:llh ~I 1' M WAMTEO DRIVER SUNDAY ONLY 1 .. ""'''"' ll.11lv 1111"1 l11111dl1", ''' ',11 n"' "'· 111· qtil t e-, \ ·'" IU l.tt )•t• •,I ,I ft' t;\ '411i'hlt ,lfUl 11 J't.hd tlll\lf'•• It e·n1d f'ttuf\1 .... , ,,,., .-11.t .• ,k .. ,. 11.111 ' ..,1.,•l1 ·v 11r IJ•111 W1lh,1111" M Jl l1\I. Ol'l'OllTI "l'l'Y EM l'LC IV 1-;11 \\,trt•l)IN.l."' oln\t•r l\<lu ,f h .t\t• l'<flHI d llVllll! f l' • tlftl 1'11• 1111111 'lll"ll "' tttil I · ~1 l1r.1111•h '"''" .11 '111•· I· .11 I 1'111111111111· 1: .. ,, """"I" 11 I llh oJ • (. M •·ll I I'd i-:x111•r'1I 1 r;1t••r Ap111~ 111 •---------• l•'f'ol)ll EOUtt IHOUSTRIES, Inc. :!IOI 1Jm1·S111•1•t.Nll Sn.•l'k 11.ir 1n la 1•l111 v Ii :•11Jm lo 11 :10 11m. M1111 thru 1-'rl t\l,11 Wl'C•kt•fl•I w11rk .1v,1ilabl1• (':di !,;t :!Zit Sj)l'('llll 1 "Clai.t'(IUlll Ill Ht•al 1-;,1a1t· S<·h11•1I t:all f)(KI, ti7J 73011 Sw1mm1n1< pool r11ut1· mun, full lame•. Mul>l huv1· c·xp & own lrU<'k Sac.klh•h:u·k Valley urea !".HI~ TCIM 2 Y.anof Anwy m.fonC~ Two y1•ar t'nli:-tmn11 ... avrulablt· to :..ol1·t11..'tt :11' 1lf11·a11L' You may ckll'r :1111vt• duty up to U••r :ti . 1!'1'-J You may •11.iallly 11 yuuan• • 17 :H )'t'ttr'S okl •lbgh s<'hool .:rad (No lit:D1 •Want lo serv e Ill t;uropc •No 1.1rior military SCf'Vll'l' •t:li1:1blc• foro/st•a11 duty NOT ull tru1nint-t for s kills 11va1lublt• unde•r i yr 1>lan t'or more• mfo un this nnd other /\rmy enl111tmt.'flt pluns t•ull WAREHOUSE "'" '''l"'f '"'I 1t Y11u1 ·'""' 1\ll .. 11111, c;,11111 Jl:tV l1;1ul -.•·1·k lv N•1 ft•• l\'lll'I ht• l1V1•1' J>j MORRELL 'I l'.~11'0111\H Y lllVINt-: '11 J~'1'1N 7!1'L >1: ... 1:! :1:.x !111:!7 X ltny Tt•l'h pnrt llm•· i; IO hr-. J1t•r w1•1·k . 11 .1 half day~. M1111-t'r1. For Orthupo•Jw Sti r1:•·•111 ·, 111 (11·1• t-',.-.1111111 hi.Hiii li411 4!•111 •••.....•••..•.•....••. Anti!pl!l 1 8005 • •••••••••••••••••••••• /\ulq hunt! r urvl-d sofa, V1 C'l11nan n1•c'(lh!p111111 fobnt· S7~10 Othe r anti· ·~ue.. 7611·K4 __ !H ___ _ Movrn~ I wc1•k. evf'r - ythmll l:Ot'S. Km~ t'ur b~·ds!)reat.1 , lumps & malc'hrnl( bc•nch. hook:-.. J)lt1ure.,.., llrl'S, suitraiil's. nuM' 1lc•ms. Ch1•11p. Jr. U P (' r <' r " " k , I r v I n e• /I> I' e' r r I I' Id . YJ9.(17511 SA 1' /SUN 10 6. /\utht•ntlc antiques. · 58" --Q9...Ulftl ...... --f-'~U:...-+u.ww~. L)' P • 50 + Wpm , 111V0 it• CS, c1UOl<tt1on. ... order~. front off1t~ 11Jll)t'11r1tnt'l'. to11 :.alary plus bcnchl!> fur trv anc Furn. Mr .: ~forappt mpluy&!.u-.uuua<&.&A."'--.-\Wll1un-1'~L ., 4~IOOI.· perm r !!> C:ull or ;1p11ly , 1401 Quml St N H 962·1121 roll lop 1lc.'llk W /!,WIV1•I rttr;-xlnt-buy, ~r;.Alr+---~~---~ 714"67 OOli5 Mon-f.'r1. Cine.id handwnlanj(, hie• offlct' work. (.;1111 H11m ~tf)ITI. Pick Wtt•k l>upc r. :..t9 1157 PAU«ER Min 2 yr,. <'XJ>t·r. iclnt l11'flt<f1ts ~ t•ant ry Mun It (.;uok S.•e• Juck before ll11m lrvtnl' (:o.iit <.:ountry <.:tub. 1600 t: Coaslllwy 644·U5.'*' PART TIME EVENINGS i\dull'I w1lh out8l1tndlnl(. 11Ural't1vc per1mn11ht1C's who enjoy workml( with k1dll Over 21. St11rt 111 '3.50 per hour. Phonti •U·U21 t;1l. 2SO , BETWEEN 4:00·5 ;0() PM. MllfwA•*" Equal Opportunity Employer ------- Heceptloru,'it wantc.'Ci lur l>r's orrtct'. f>:xct>llcnt i;uli& ry . t; x per a c n l'l' h e lpful bul not nc.oee.~ry. Shorthand dl· s1recl. Musl be able to type eowpm, m1111t Ullc people. f'rln•e beMf1l!1. Good c.areer oPportUntl Y Apply at 8* W•rner Avef\nVly Heceplionist Sharp. atrl. IJIV(.>nlfi4'Cf d ullet for t'll· 1•1Unic Orange Co M111(. SU.rt lmmed. t&OO/mo. Ml'li W~t. 96741522 When you call c1 ... ir1ed toplMeaa ..t, you'reu· 1ured of • rrl•ndly welcome •nd help In wardllll JGUI' act ror belt re1po11H. C•ll Now! .... Smul 1.ut Stump1n~ . .,,... ........ ru CM Stf M.tMI 17422 A 1 • A dt"'""•·.r s4b-0 l\nlJqut•s1dt'board Duffett I 7,A r!.'1~.~~~11' vc, Sale. & markettnic dept I 26 Ouk . *''00/best oHcr rv_I _.,_,_.,.,_,_"~---hos oulsland1ni: IJJI SAStf ...,.ie llN-97..3 Slilt'S porturuty ror 1'4!11 :.tartn 542-2415 ---- tiltabluihoo & e xpundinJ( with a d ynam1r IJula - ---------Ouk l'um" <>rl(Hn xlnl. •'herrurHI f·o. nt.'t.'Cill l'X I' r o c (' s 11 1 n J( t' 1 rm llACtB,IPre Scltool •·ond. $.WCl/besl oHe r pc r1en1·t'd 1ndus trrnl 'ipt.'<·iali:ung 1n dental f>:x1.1r 'd , imme d up· Orn:it 1• Ottk Buffet s11les pt'fMJNlt'I We orrl•r :.<'f'VIN'!> 1--ookmg for !>II po rt u n 1 t y . t'u II 11 r w llicvt•le'il .:la.u $600. t 11 d v 11 n t' c 0 n "o m ml'unt' who ha!! .:uod p/UrYM>. Npt lkh an •u. bt':-1 offer . t>73·!i010 or m111s 1on s. major Vt'r bal s kill., & 6M4Z32 67~-·------- medlral, ttH bonU!I pro· !ie('retanal expen ('ftCt'. A~rlcun Ouk buffet , l(J'am. miuuagcmcnt op St.-nlt nosume or phone Tn<'hcr · rrc-Schoot P.Q. ~y fin.illhed Oak por'lwuty. u you are u rorappt.Ulll'l'VI~. <.:e rlH1c ate o r CX · <.~tul nbinetiaw/ilass self 11t11rter und hu\le pro · ven c.'flcc Ah1•rnoon or 1 V(.<fl abthltca plct1R call OF.NTt\LPR/\CTICE momlnghou~.MO·Klt2CI. "h(•lvl's, S27~. A s o . 2 ........ , ...... , SVS ... ""MS S.11fTW'St• brass ware for "'''" ...... ' I r. 0 1\'adltt 12, Ivory hundll'd fish 22113 Fa1rvww ltd. h k n I v .. .. •-f o r k s • Salesman s hippin.i & JMtckaJ(ln1 1upplit'I. F:ic· perte nce or lr111n cc PnlTlllry runrtlun work tude 11how11 thruout <.'OUtllry. Travel apprux 25%·•hort trip•. Air lravel provided. Daily 1"'-•-M '"· ..... ,..., Mon tessori teac lnK .. n • ""JftUI t'!!a ,"" """'""" · I I I f h11rd-.,.,. thl top mUlll" ..... -· ...... po111taon 11vul 11 J t• ur .. ,.,., ' 714/-ext. 6.... Montessori d 111lomul'd stand. ~-9254 SICllTAltY /bK. Pan ume. 9 to 1. type 10 wpm, S/H, S5 per hr. lrvlM.116'MJ3'7 pt'rdlem out of t own. S~RETARY Newport Draw It eomml11Jton Center Law Firm. In· Send brief re1ume to teW~. IOOd 11ldll1 It L.C. P .O. Roa 50118, prior leaal eaper re· or.ee c.. _,. wm be cpNd. Call Rull\ Br•aer ~edlmmed. ...., teacher . Sml Sa n n...i.•NMoreAnti..uett.2111 C'lemellU !K'hoOI. Cat I for ....,. ... apppit .. 9AM ·12 daily, Maun St. Mini Madi, llU. .._ Amer. O•k. Edison ~. pcll'l canla. 10.~. TEACHERS • AIDl':S Mon.s.t,te0-7M. ftllll!ded ror pre school. MUST SELL ANTIQU~ Benefltasoe.ae?e 10 Pc walnut D/R Ht. ·~· sroo. a pr Tulipwood e /1t Ml. f425 . Xlnt eond. -.ae11 . . --... -..... .......... ~ . BARGAINS.Used refnfls, watui.. dryn, 111arur. be t ~we-M!f" appf '*"l "'1Pl Sl&-0911. S36·'330 ------.---------1111 Fret: lo good ho 1111· .dor•~ k1nen" &pr h\ln.: rm llt·t. 7 111• db""a rm. eh111tt hutch 1llnt1llc. !) .. tao fu111 & 2 mul'l1 nwN"t' M .1' ,'Ii l7. UH fl> l.akc1>hw '" Irv 5&H'111i ·1 us•:» 11!68 5486 RF.FRJO};lfA1'0RS W~t111tll")•t•n., ftto~I APPll•nt''' Sill,,." t1t·rv1t·t• t'tee 6 wk ary .whl K1llun w•llXihfKJW' Patio :0.lth• ~Hll . ~Ull 10,\M lo Ol'M !\tli.i hutwl l(111h . l'lt•1•1 rll'.11 r.1111111.,"" Wlrl', M'I•'"''· n111 .. hulh ~4330 ~091 1 1!17!\ M illYl •IL t• l1•1•t r 1 I' dry .. r, lltlll (;01•I <'1•11111 lion 9til· 73112 ~111.33 Cann l'1•rn1•r mu. rna II· !'I vr" o lt1. t'Otn1>lt>t1•I) \r1t11W'd MIC 1305 urt hl 'M l\•11u11ru1 r1:11wlt· \'l'llov. L.ah 9 rrwieo. )o'um1h 11111: «Iii 4!Mtl 111.11:11..i ... Ill"' '""'" & """' 11lh1•1 llt'lll/\ .... "1.11'1.1 C '1IM W I\~ II •: R J) k \" t: H Si\l ... : Kt'<'llndlt111n .... 1 rt· ruu.~I. llk1• llt•v. I \'r ..:uurw1lt°'\' Y t1Yt t'h"""' $\~ l'M N111w ht.,:ht'r S.11k• t'l1'11' J Ulll' I \I' plJ UIK'l' 'l'owu !-."'4 ~.I:! IOSO .......•.••............ < ;111 u1:1• :-.uh· 11).,,\ m 11 l: whb& lln·i., f11 t111•1•tl:111o1 1·u 1 ,,.,,, ;: ,,·louul U\."•k'> t:!o: l'l'lllll')ll ",1.,ht·I llr)'t'r 11'1t•1• 1 M .111\ op l1tn ' 1 ... ,.:. lh.m:: ..-r .. ol1t Nt.•w m 1. v.111 wll 11.11r (u r $300 bbl oOI~ 1(14 ~\t\I lufn~ SJ~• W ·"h•·r SI 111 t.Jt.'('\ On't·r .:11111 .X 1111 \Ulll S2\lll Iii\ 2.1~7 lt4'ln..: '7h l-'r11:1u,11rc 17 1·11 II, d\O\'J th1 .:r1't'11 ~!111 l till !#\:j .117J Wa .. ht•r ll r)t•r 1t 11 1:. hv.a .. ..,ht•r ~5 l'.11·h (;;i:- n 1ni:1· SHJU ti41i ~~ Wnti•teJhouu Dry•r $45 tl41)·1i:ll~ Ht·lni.:. 1\dm1r;,il d lx .!I!, "td•· ti..-!>11h., fr fr"l' 11•t•m<1 k1•1 ~Ill 1~1:: ll:IH . fo'r1i:11I rd ni: r fro:-tfr1·1· J wht. xl111 t 111111 s1 :~. 1·:.i,,h Wktlys aft ll l'M & W 1E alt I~ noon. 71111·5.582 Wh:rlµ11ol dry1·r Sl 75 K1•nm11rl' w a"ht•r SI i5 l!olh whale, SlOO 55~1·a!IK8 .. .,.,.,., frt•1· cl11u hlt· 1l1111r ~..r 111: 9411 ;~iH llOK3 0 K & M (;J ., "ll"l'. Xlnt '''°'' .llJ!Jr 111 """' !'t1·p J1r1111l•r, S111 li-tll !Jt.111:1 l\1'flrl1'•r1· wa,.hcr & clry1•r. ).!uud rnnd. s:l.'l c<1ch t'<i 11 54H-tllll4 ~tion 8015 ..•....••..•.•......... •All:TION• Friday 7:30 PM Come to the Auction and save gas Large consignments Of new e. used furn l.11v1•lv hdrrn :-1·1,. :1rrnu1rc,., 101:-. d1111a . 11np11r11'<I C:hllll'M' ,irh l'< \ -,\Sii I'.\ Ill ..... If 1111 1.1.'t'CI rurn ii Ill I q111.., & dr T\' , !J~,7 >11:1.1 **I BUY•• (ri""I u ... "ll 1"11111111111• t\ \1>11h,111t'I'' (II( I "Ill wll 111 :-.l':l.I lnr 'I t1u MASTEIS AUCTION 646-1616 & lll-9625 WATERBED .,..,.,. h1•J1l ho,1rll .11111 i.11·d1•,IJI Br.:1111 .. , . .,. \ ll. flk•lt•' h1-.1t\•I I i • 1.1:1 1,151 ,., .... W11k ..... 1 .. 111;,11 ul '""" pn1-. .. 1 fur 1111 u r1· S11rtfl• Engh,.h .11111qu1•.., ll••tlrn1 "l'I:.. arrnmn·" 111.1rhl1· 11111 lahll':., ,.,...,.,,,, <'ha11 1ld11·r & I IXlh l'l'lllUI y h r :: " ' (' I u 1· k l<l'fni.:l•ra11w., >i:r.1 !II :!:I (;;11n1· 1,1t11t• "'' s 1 .. o :....11..1. low ..,t·••I S~•1 llrn 11 111· 1·01wh Mr~1 1·:1111·' 1·h;11r :i;1.11: !-> .'o1 1J -; k s :10 !175-1~177 Movu11: rnu...,t """ 111•w It\ mi:: mom rum IHlrm '''I . 2dres,.1•r,., 2 h•·<b ;111 '11111 ffi1 i!'lK:I Must .,..IJ • \\'11rnl" orl.. ~ J>tnl'lll' 't:I. IH" rrul 1 •• bit· w I v. roui.:ht rr1111 c·h:i1rs. ru"t 11:.a goh 1·u,.h111n ... ,.h .. rp. l1k1· nt•w :::l75.1r It-":. .. l',:1 il ~!I afl 4 :1t1 Floral 1·11ul·h h kt· nl'\\I S'IK.5 Walnut t·r.·1h-11/,1 Still 1·h·e 11rv1.•r :s 12:1 m1sl'. l<tmµ:; & pll'turl'" 1•x'I tal:lt• l~K I ' "l.1ll' w1hghl .. -v. l'Ul'" SlfJIJ. S:1 hit• tolor l'lllarc.1•r $!CHI ~17 ••~~clays, 5:11i·l'91 ~ n· "."" (/Ul't'll SIZl' lwd :Sl :15 tofrt·r 1;i 5·13!>(! SAJ.l':;\1 111a Pit• 1 w111 h•·d "·Engl:uult•r l11;im rn:1tt :SlOO. Lri: B1n·h t'r.oft Vinyl lounge l'hr . hrn 9i0 r.12 :;142 fum 1tun· DON'T MISS THIS ONE!! ' 1'wo w:ilnut U:.arrt'I lmt·k b;ir "llHllS l.1k1· lt l'V. Sill hulh o1!1:l OIK2 llt•aul:ful h1·:11 v 111.1111t• n.un() l'"""'' I a hit·. -;:; SAVE SAVE $.AVE t:nct lahll·:., $-15 c·Jdl Wt! honor BolA, :\1 l'. -~-·lll4U ---- C':.t!>h1cr ·., l'h t·1·k :. & Ulronw & glass l•1p 1.1hll' Cash NII P E HSONAI. 4 blk lcalh l'hr" with 1·11 .. :n's l'l.E 1\SE' b;Lo;i·rUJ.! S!50.Lvg m .. i.: 1"11011 av:i1lahll• llt·m., 5.51 0078 s ubJt.>ct lo prt•,.<th• ---------MASTERS AUCTION Blk na~ahyde rcehncr ;),(f75'~· Nt·woort Ulw t C'M S5 U l' om f or I ah 1 e X.J:'~!IQS 6-lli-KAAll !J62-l,f;07 t•\'t:s Cnrrce t:.1h l1· & 2 t·11d licydM 8020 t<1bl1.-i.. ~5 <ill ••••••••••••••• •. •• • ••• !°'>-16~8•.XH Mc n 'o; Ill :-prl h1kt· nu 7' ~fa. ML'fl. dau:ng 1:Jhl•· 1·1K1d .• 111 xtr·a,.~ nddt·n 111 & ti ehall',., l)r:1~" lup rnd l lrTll'S S7~1 ~ .IM4 (~lH<.'t' tu blc· vl'I \'l•l 1111 .. fh.'11 L111t• llMX. rt•all \• lo st·aL i::1r b 2fi ' IJ1 k 1~ rllC't'. j.!ll1lff 1'111111 S!J5. ~!J.4Z!7 --__ _ :A;7·!11Hk S1:hw11111 MAgcl St111gra~. all on ,_:io;il. ~!'i :)57 !11111! K1t1·hl'11c tt1• t ;1hlc &. I t·h;i1r:-Vt'l /wht \'111vl Xlnt l'V 0ntl S75 e<i ~h 7~!).'lS<! Cats 8035 C11>1.·,. l11:d w m:.attn•" & ••••••••••••••••••••••• bt.'<ld1ng 11:.as •I ,.1i1v,. & ~ SI .. M L'S ... s,. 1 1 dwrs :'<Int l'ontl SI <!:» "i ,.,. • • ~:.a pn'" 1•;1.-;h Wkdvs :.aft t.l'\>1 & male Ill weeks. ~hot" WtF. ··ft 12 n. ~ n 7..,., •cu" S75 Ph fl42·H656. 6'15·17<13 • 0 "'1 • '"' """' l hm1layan t\1ttcn~ S10l1£'!1 4!J'J Jti:lti ~ SOFA l:U::U .. Must "ell J month.., m•w. Earthll>ltl' r o tors Cum for t a l>k "S140 fi.ll·!'i4J5~1 ~•••••••••••••~?~~ For-&il;!~Oak htdl'·a· bed. Net'<ls i.omc work 5t0Call 641J.4242 Youn.e f'cm a lc German SlK•p AK<.:. Champ lmc:.. n<iotofr 66H~ Sola & c·hair. xlnt t·ond. S-11-EI T IES l' K-C lamp,, lovt~c:it. All clay · • ups. A · .. 'ri & Sat 5Sl·GIS56 Xlnt Ma rk1n)'(s Sho ts. ----·--- ~ye exam. 960-45ICI K in~ s 11.e w 11 1 t• r h l'd. ----.--. frame. rw w rnallrt•s:-. Sprin~cr Spunicl. fl mos line r & h eate r . $175 :!payed fcrrUt lc. All shnts. 67!>-2827 Gd t•ompan1on S50. ----------49&2065 Excellent condition· 90m --------1 black vinyl sofa SIOO C hes a P c a k e 8 a y Swtvel ar m c h air $50 Retriever . ma le. 11 :> yrs. Jx6rt executive desk $50 Obed truincd . t•reat C.a ll646-J724 w1ch1ldren. SU)(). 751-6659 ------- -e.ves---\1U i•ze bed..-1'.La.mc sheets. bed11pre1td m C'I, Lg ~ K C r eg , G I d n iood cond, $100. 642·6842 Retriever nds mate, st ud ...;;;..----''------- fee or pir k o f litter Free: mattress and box 979-9439. spring, twins, 2 sets . 6'4--1393 YORKS HIR E T E R · --------RJERS. 9 wks. Champ. hap Sale 8055 Male/fem. S·7 pm only . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 568-8442 l!Sl'ATE SALE Museum quality antiqut!s to patio Silky Ter n er, .... I yr . f u r n i t u r e . O a k Playrul, s payed . AKC gentleman.-; library, nak rq. SIOO. 675-4013. Queen Ann dining set. "-to Y• 1045 Victorian sofa. e le gant ••••••••••••••••••••••• carved ,olden oak bdrm s uite r o m Villa 1n 2 1'~. cats. 3 ugly kit· Sweden, fainting sofa tens. all part alam e!le. D'IHlY itema of furn & de· 54&-7411 oor too numerous to men· ADORABLE KITTENS 7 t I on . C a a h o n I y . week1 old. To loving Venailles Apt. 109 300 home. Cagney Lane, N .0 . 631""5M lo-8 dally. 182-5181 "' .... , ,,,11 ''"'" & 11 .. 11. 11011• 1•wt.1r 111 .. :111 ""11:11. \1,1\ ~"' n T11111 , 1 IPIJlo\ ~11.11111. '•·Jl .1).!• "-·•" '°'"•\P lurn 1 ....... , 1111111. \lot'll-:111 1.1v.111111111o ''" I tr•· Wt'I ~· I ,q,. 11•1·111111 I 1,;l1h1t I <lj.!t \I< lllotl 1,d J),I\ r. I. olll 'I,; Ii I 1j1 Ii I I iotJ.! p ,1h:: l'I 1 \I , .... ,,. ••• 1t1\ ,,,, .. , ti: .tl"'ilo... I"''" 1lfl I h r ,,.( \J 1 ... 1 b1111k' t'l t 1.171 :! \111lt·l1· \\ .11 It 1111t• ;\1111111 ~· ls.ti" 11.·111, "'''' 1,,. t' d( I ' 1111 ' m1>11· l\llt•I I""" ll1\1•r 1·11wt, I•'\' !llu :1 t1:11 l,v ll1 .... p11,tl llt'tl llllM ' 1ti-111 ... JIHllo t urr111 urt• & 'l'V. ll•'t«I:-. ·dHtl .. \\ td' k Fn ~al 7 1!: W Wil,.1111 =II~ 1;11, 1:!11 l-'r11l :11 Ill I. !'I.ti 'I I t 'htlht"•. lllrrl 11l11111l1111g h o11,..·h11lrl ll t'lih ttili·I !->i1111.1 \11,1 Av•· l ' ~1 GARAGE SALE Satwday Only 9AM· SPM l'ur1 IH1t·11o nlt•r, uld 1•1:111 IJUmh h11;1rcl' \\1n1·n "'"1tl w 1n1l1rn . .,ha11t•-. "1111 l.11•.1nl g,,.., ""'"" 1·r m~J,. "'u k. ultk.:nn:ni: jJI' 1 an1·l~ of .-11111•1· trhlt·..,. ,.,r,, cl.1\' 111·.t . J.1111• dtll'k 11ppi·r lllJ.! g;1j.!1', ""' :1 Jll\'l'l''· l1k1• n<·w l'larrn1•1 p11'111r:.: lr:11n1·'· l'111ldr1·11., J!;111w .. :ind l11•1k., g11 '' 1)1lo.1· 'llll'\'11 "I.I' Plt•t'l 1'11' !JI,: It I. t•f ('It 1'1 ., I 111.1 ... hghb and •kn•r.:111111:-. lt1t.. of m1~1·1·ll.11w1111' ,_.1ft:I El V<1ll" ,\v1·, F11un· I ,11 n Va 11 1· 1 ' ,\ l' a r 11u. .. 11a1·<1 & Sl.1l1•r 1 •ONCE IN• •A LIFETIME• •BARGAINS!• G :t r :tJ:l' S:ilt" W1 tl 1· \'an C'l v of It l'm" l.111< IA•w 1•nn·:-• Two Days Only In Corona D~I Mor at 705 Poppy S.:I ,lf,f Sun. ~1." :.!ti ,fl,,'.!.'! C;;.rat!t' ~alt· ~ .. ;.!(f ~7 .~• ·1 :l.'1171 t•;i.,,.,.1 l'rnlu. San .lu;m ('.:11 :\1;:n~ Ill-ms (;;;int 1::.ir.:c .. S.ol1·. t'OUl'hl''· ntl ~1· luol .... n·frii: , h1k1·'· 'k alt• ho;:rd.,, h:inl":in•. ~ur rtioanl. drufltn).! lahlt·. h.1mr~. w.::-ht•r .ill gn·;;t buy,. f>ov. 11111" 11 II II 101:1 AtiJl'la. ~1:11; l!l:!I ----·--- C ,tr;•l!l' '-;::It• All lt1111s:· ).!rnul-. fur n " ..... hc·r llrv\•r. lr1·,•11•r lllH/, lu 1k" ll>I l'.1111,.llt.1 l.n, CM ;1 Cmll'h1·:-krtL! 1111 rl'fn).!. "'.t.,hr tlr. r ...:i:. 111 SlliCI S:ol So.Jn f>Vl 1~r.1 H1•Jr1 g l'nl11r TV l11111,.1•h11ltl L!1t11d, S;1 f :i1:;1 l '.w1f1: ,\11• 11 2111;, (. ;\1 •'1•i :.i.1:1 F 1n1· anl 111 u1·' l.1!1• walnut hri•pl;11·1· mantl"I $7 511 !'.: n I! I" h o :.a k hoolH'a M· cl1·:.k ~ Loua:. xv ~llfu frum\'' r.11r 11lJk )Jt'dl',.lab Fn•nc•h .. 11l1•huarcl f';;1r o:.ok :: r m t· h a 1 r ' S m ;: I I E nglish rulltojl dc"k T apl'i.try l'a111 t 1ng~ Baker's ratk & M U<:I I MOllE. \I tu 5 !-i;:t & Sun ltitlfl lrvuw, N II A1·rnM1 from CIJl'O. :-t;.12 02:1!1 l>re:-!>t'~ . .sutl!>. wrn .. !>/. 11 Jti. mt•n,. shirt:. & p;:nb. nwd. rot1.sM•rll., sink~. VW ll'nl . ham mock. wood. t rockpot. bar.;tools, 10· chain link rc nn" s mpl ru 1c1 s . 545-9.'JliH Housettold Goods 8065 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Moving Staulcy dbl bed. 111.1tt:w~nny:s -1>t•11lr. dresser . beds preads . l'ecun Kmg hdbrd, tnplc dresser. twin m irrors, D R . t a ble. b urfe t. washer, d ryer. re fni:. patio furn. m isc <.:all 64().~. Still under War ranty. nearly n e w Was her I Dryer Europeun ladies bike. Modern o uk 30ic60 desk. 640.2683. :.art 2 MOVlNG Must sell lx.>d, fam. rm. fum .. 4 ra tta n chrs, 4 bar s tools, L1tble!I & rrusc. Items. 552.5275 Jsrwelry 1070 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Diamond 1.12cl oval USG appr. '9.000. Will sell for Sl.000. ~S744 e ves or wknds. Pree Doti to ad home. ~ Art supplies, pajnt, paint La b II in Airedale . racks. brush es. c an· ••1. ext 110 va1es. frames, misc. ----'------1 Some househola items. Kl'ITENS: 2 Blk II White, electric motors, lge d rill 1 blacll. 1 weelcs. Need motor. FRI /SAT only. = home, you'll love 18111 Shasta St. Ftn. 1-.sno Valley.-..-0 Gem Stones· Rubies, Em eralds. Sapphir es, Amethyst at subetanlial disrount by private par · ty. All st.ones rully ap· praiaed by independent laboratory. 114 /55e-IZ39 -··· .. ·"'-...... ._ ......... .. .,....., 1070 Mtcul ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Solid llukt •l11fia('h. Ceo tral An~1·11n t•ollf'<"llllo, 1\ol 111>~ for up11t t fl rhJ •191 -'ii11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10" fb drn l S.-11 r11 Wfl'ltllnd At l'B"l t'l"!i Miec1l•1w 1010 ....................... It I YI' I 11' r M {' ~ t J 11 I 11 1• toru~c 1>)'lllcrl1 Apprt•:\ ~l 'Ill fl, Wtl\l'61rWll\ <•ulvu11u 1'(f llll-c·I dt•ek '!'ti· Ck"'IJll0\'<1 fur uurL' "111ra~c l 'ull S1·h'11tif1t• Ur ii I 111 " C' o 11 t 1 " I !./17 11.l!>I Allk fo1 IJuv~. •10 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mullt ~Y<'rtrll'~ 2 fnwn OVt•flltuHl'CJ t•hr11 "' IOI tom11ni. I 'ustom Solid "'W(Df l);fll', :I lnMl!C, lM('\' c•lt', rl(J(hl'lo. a ll hkt• lll'W KtO ~i I u IH' M' t w 111 1• r I t·' ., "'Olikwuru. "till 111 111111. l 0 0 1 ' Ill 11 11 1• Y h ,1 I' k uuarant•·•· <:r1•:11 l11r wt"11!1111o1i. & ltl .1tlu11l111n 1-'ur nH1n · 111ru 1•;111 .Jun l>U lY1 :!! •01U I DAILY PILOT ., ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mtc.el•w IOIO '4lc1l•1M 1010 *: 'r -._Ml~ Uprc.:h t Mu rk t•l t't•r ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••'!•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••..._;.-•• tMn1: MOO. I Amen cun S PO Ft T ~N <;i II 0 U~ I'. ·Rid.Ina mower . 7 hp, u11ed lo~1odt1ht't'r SJ011~HM&-EMBE RSUW .U.y t-.bo&A. ~ Mi-&J.311. - --Sl70 + small monthly between $-7 pm l'\111 fllr111l,v m1•mbers h1p, fee. ~ggy, 96(H392 Ntowport Uc 1tcti 'J 1·nnis l.1ub <nmb111a t1on rill' & :.afr sio. 'Sofa makci. into lx'Cl tl5 ;,.JtJ8957 lillllp111 nt, mar ker pen:. Savr tn 50'": O fri r1•, horn<'. hu.., "'1tst mucl or <Jcr, pn cc :.beet. Ken Ponn 536 7:M7 Irvine-R11l'Quet Club cpla lt11ndsom e e ic ecut 1ve membersh1 for u le. OJntnrtor has surprw; of J ton tu~h efficiency cen lral <11r ('ond1t 111nc r:. Must M"ll You install or Wt-Install No re11:. ·orrcr refused. Call 7711·2040 ··Whirlpool" elegant area r\llOI. llX14, ~)'S. wht, rust S3SO eu. lei;s for both lnt>w 1700 ea ). 642-1Jt2. 642.87()6 HMl.bo.a. Ba.y .Chab. full membership waated . eau ~son. Wort bench en s ia x 2 n • Bedl'tc 1ihavers~kl(fre. mBke·._, mirror. edaer. po r t . ste r eo, po r t typewriters, etc. ~·4fUtl Larllt! desk. swivel cha ir. two matching cbalni. '76 Otev. Suburban 4 X 4. 581·9280 Me11» Verde Country Club membership ror sale . • 631·3327. .· -.. -·• .... -. -............ ----. --.. -· ........ -. .... -........ . Frld!J. Mey 21, 111'1 ~ ..... •••····~··,·.~~·h~·:;;':·oh.' •• 3 • ~ ••••• : • ...-..~·.:'............ ... ,..... to4o ..... ,.._ to40 ...... w 9060 • 111 .,.,.1 •• !:r."i .• -••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ....................... i::..: '' 10 N11d •-lllOltt1 '•11-IMO .............................................. 1177 IJft Day Cnliler 410 1.S' Glulpu <>pee Bow K-21 JO' ..... •••••••••••••••••• woo den rablnel ~et ,....llftleyHtWlt.,. Trl·HaaU ..... Merc.Trlr. hU Med rm, nv N&V, lfrl'TIUUMPH ......... atf~ftH'nlt toll dlc:ll 6 UllldMll traUer ldal caad. -IG.e580 1 r ut II o . a boar d . '80 ao... 11.• ml. •· m-... • ••••••••••••••• &.M._ ... , --•·· ....... .._ _ .. __ -.. 1.. a-•----.... so-'11• ....... "1 ;:::-..::.r-·vur --· -Wf8I fAMIUB MllT .............. ......_Oil lr.U., llfl. ai· No¥• wltrtr JllOllC. bnQe. N.ed. pehatua1. _,._,. Honda ElaiDore Encturo Alwa,y1 a nice place to IO for f amlly ..,, lffl ----Mmt .eu . ltll u1h otr 8C111 or beet. DeAnza HotH 11 wttb nuer. !x· 175tt, lo ml, ltlal eoact. --"--.. ,(d • and ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......, .....,. 9040 •TIOpm'8 . ..,..._ Ba,.W.IMpm. Ml-MIO ttll. ~.1111u1t aell. --rHrw: c.. ren I IJl'Oll'•ml ror !lllk' ftuuty 8alcin •-99 .............. .. ~ilb-~\::..J.-t14tillt--M~ll--et1ttofl1"9M.-:--;tlft4!1-ft0--t=i., ... iillii~m~•nt. fi)'ifr au e 71 lure uo out · Wfiilir, 7011P. ,.. .. ~ · '* I dri'::J· ! ''111£ HALECRESr CLUB". l'Mlnt, vtullly &ham61W . .,,..,., • ._,.,LoMed, Evinnlde.emo old,trlr. ---MIO Sail Boet 10· Wildfire 1nllea. Pe rl. tond. -1111 I · __ ... ,. t .. __ _.._ buwl11c.ol'M1-.zs» e --1o.t. S&and a. a100 mu11 . ••-!",! ............. , a.... MiDtCGld. Harkla tC>mpt..--.S0,-141-N07 -. •• Ul----09 ·~-... ""' .. n -.... ~ .. -T _ __. r..._. I -ML... I tenni1 le11on1, s wimmtn1 wHh TV ...... ....___ ~~..u.r. ..U/bettul· ll'Donet"r.lbpEvilu'\lde, ..._.&..._ """" .... •pe.--. mHt, _, I ._.....__.. Uf~d 1ervire and a1 delule Nft. se...--1091 1Jl .. ll6l..._t Americu bit trlr. saooo. t•••.... ~1~s1~it.e huU. ,-.-.-_..-.,-.lood--C!OftdWon-· . -,-•vwv1.. I clu . ~>' LlMl 1uab plcolc: and ;~:;:·,~;;.··;;.:;·;~~ 146-tJOOC=• ~~utter• Dr. C =~11am-:'° .CATALJNA.2'7 ~4...-.:-.Ja. • 2.10 I 414 •• g~~ ~·; e·rct -~e~: ~~~ ~r t~e:"y ~~ .. '::~,.:i~,ara·02'11 =(,~:~e;:.~~~ i--------;;~~;.:;:~:;;:: =-~=r=l ·=· 75 .. ~~-b~~~~ I Stacnatlon " Limite d l•m1l y t11"•~·1 .. lkw1"V Ill~ rnbrd Npt lkbSllp Kl RAY °"'*'·lmuat10 &64273AakforS&.eve. .... I membenhipi at just S20. ~r mo Sc 1 2 11 ~ 8" am ~ m.3"1 I at 3107 KlUyhrooktt Lanl'. lO to 4 or r .• ,. 1 Yt~J~ • Mlfll-.Wl'ES -....... -..1 ·• Honda CBllOi tood TOYOT_. I rall ~7 7234. WANTED ,. .. ......, '77CtiJ7:30 +dock NB. Dodll 9070 ecmdiUonSl~Cal I ~ ::1 ·'""°'TV W5 t y1 a,M IMtldmao for Chns thmrWW..._.. s.cn iee642.9275 ....................... M'1· 7 I CRICA ''""!l!!!!!!!m!!!!!!!!!lllll!'l--~~~11111!'11111~!!1!11-• wur .... ., L'ua ~~~ ~"~llcl~lrllaltAlt'~~_!!t SALE .. , . ......._._Ca I *' 9'SAY~M •ILi ......... !J-s., W./160 I SUPRA 1 '~wlftA.•MT••S ,._.10..,.. 1090 :'..) i·o;;,=1h•TV ~'~&'at ce:l~'.','.: ~i:iorre:.•llrr ... 400 YACNewport~l ·-.. !.~·~~ .... !~ ... I ... ~ ~ ....................... ~V.,15 ~Jl'l'O.... a...i.-a.-...__ ...... h'oai)'OUl'bUIW..rard ~~ll'r<-o.S.><J'J $rave t Ta ,,,...._ _..._ I .. ~•• I ~ c.-<'ard far urh PtAMOSAU IM680IM Z4 ft Re1oell FB 1975 Mtl. zz• SANTANA. HuU only. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ZO"tell' ••~ llll phll ODe •INI~ W4' Kawtll4i' 1nand, :tynco&d. ~"TYJUXHlV!n't:M . J V{' lraalr. xtrs, Sl0.900 17' to II' All odels Mold reject. F\illyaellcontained I ••1•Ut.ll retun p•rmuently --~$'lf"l(r11nd . 541-791...,_ 11rieecU010.Try1M.,aee 541-991 n!Mf'Venowfor I .. _.., I ...._. ..VM11v• l•f 6 IU 9$ k Hond ' r.. JHS400 Marti II •lerro foryoursell Weanhere ---------.. ••••••••••••••••••••• .Holldays•Weekends ---•-• atnp, ll'lfflinlC ajr 1114' flnas ht'd a:rantt 12<19~' IW't'lvu S .. ; A. Gr11ph1c 0.. ror ocean ftabuil! toaerveyoarevery boat· C.t.aliu30Dsl,Npt. Dock Camper shell for V.. ton RF.GENCYMOTOR I I 1.0. requart•rn.•11b J'no Upnte;rom S3(kJ oi1w1l11n. HO watl1> out 17"'1' Cabin w /lilt trailer •ncneed. ava.11. Try 25M Enckson r U -. HOME RENTALS ..___ 6 ht ft •• D ft.--' t pul per d1unne-l J VC 127$. Ht2·6&04. ~7 6113 Crs 36 Bank rew M ke -I WWII -I •• or n ._,_. J I. "40 t•r·l('l••t ..... y, M•'"'le ll•~oN IV . • .• a SS?-0102 925N.HarborBlvd.S.A --.ab&t!dta11~ncloff flll0Ulhrn111lon.llH " '~00 u"u .. ., "'91111~ "'ferA.<1kS50 Chuck ----••531250.'t•• I . HAPPY ;;';jjp";per. h brlr or ll»-Mln dnvt'11uturt•1uuuur111lJI c.a..ut""Y-1971 ~ragv OATS Avery,N.B.67S-8990 '72 Ood~e Van. PStPB, . I "Day Glo" p1ap..•r .. WI' ru'r~;r:·,~~l: 'ti ~nol~~· .. ~~ 22' c:dd;' cabao Low ..,. ,, B CL-A-SS-IC_W _O_O_D_EM ~WM cass, plug-ans. RENT Luaury Motor I ..W back & tnm vour 1'4 Hu~{·wuod K1:1w111 IUl k 1, 1 hr•. ru .. I ... ,,1 .. 1 ... nl "''° JtOtCoastffi..t.way -·un &d mech t'Ond 17 mp~ home 22· Palomar ~ Or try '"u 1 ,1nb Gr.•nd Mu'' 11cll $12,ilOo >-w~ll i.~a ''r' Ull w " " • " u o N .......... h ,,.._ _. hwy l2500 673.6089 Sleeps 6 l2501Weetl + I CUl1'0 I •S I t.·k w ba•·i.. l~Jh•1 7Sl 1121 Sl7SO Muhl ~11 • SJOOO '' ~ O.g.allll d cplb finder. ewport uo::ac • ....... ~ ol employment • . - -. -"nu. 64().858S I ~T~"'AICAll Tl PRIC~ b.tr)(u111 & .:oill.I i.ou11d ' VIII" antenna. stor1tge 6Jl-2547 MNSSS fon-es sale of my 32. Mllortlldll!H 9140 "" -.. •eaor:J $'1 R!HT tn:.~14. l'aul t·vr&dJx trail ngbtlrlr. Yawl Built by F.uropean ••••••••••••••••••••••• RF.NT 23' FIREBALi~ •tstu.:sSl liO•"' AMEWlllMHALL taANT :-;nn:l';N TV Sll,OOOtw.. Bob Jamu, contaN craftsmen ""amr1ceat 2Smllcy l'ttopeds,grt.'<!n& s•:1.F CONTAINE I>. I TOYOTA I l/'l}lJlgs ll S()t'.1 ••l.,. Sti) u month S&.llJl•r ~u'lurl· Pn<'o•il for 7~0114 aft 7 or on Chuck Cumtninis r e · $!5,000. Call 673 :ll!J3 wtulc, l brand new. l on Rl!:ASONABLE 64~·22113 10ormore ll.40cu I s I' SA'l'/SUNalldMy d T II r ~r ... L~O?J ma".; $27!) •·a .. ~,-.. -9 '110 I I "-'-Tax 1~,·lu·•,.d BRIMHALL PIANOS •1 UH" ,. <A ,. t .,u !!'ms1 t~ Y c r a t . 14' Siulnet1cs fo"/.J family ...,.,.,,.. n~ .... ~ u wtmd1evstU:I :!li!H _. ea ,_ day 11a1lt>r. w /lrlr Xlnt -••••••••••••••••••••••• I NOCI\ O? Ac•uu ••um tlavt> something you want _._,, ~ . .....,,. Ct rel la moped . g reat ~rt Nom;.d S IC. Must l>c • I Draw your own nr send South Co." Pt••• Have sunwltun~ to sell'' tu St-II'' Classified ads do Have ~ to IK'll" _.., """"' naffil.'. addrt'l>.'> 11t\Oflt' & 751 1121 {,11£.,:-.1r~-d mli. doll wl.'ll II wtill 642·5678. Oassilled ads do It well Sell Kile alcm ' 642·56711 ~~752 "~rg $400. Call moved ~~ 6 II I ~-uA:-~~~:h··.-rd per ...lo1.New tlOO Allto1,Mew tlOO AMhK,New tlOO Allloa.Mew MOO....._.... tlOO AllhK,M.-.----....... --.,..-.---·HOO '1111~ I ~·.·heck 01 money or •••••• • ••• ••••••••••••• ••••• ••• • • • •••••••••••• •• •••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••• •••••-•••••••• •••••••• • • • •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• L .a I NOT PllMTIMG I L--. I PO Box ISOO ...... Costa Mesa . Ca lrlfi26 I ,_ cond .• low moles. • ---- superb cond1•1on COPY MACHINE 11129SMUJ.._, I -~-703:1 I I AMWM Ulblc racl1u, m;a r I s7595 I :e~reet;,ble.~uns. SIS 548 79Cll I I 4 Luv whls & whc,•I:, hul1s· I I ncw $40. • fi46.t>JU(I I I Kg ::.1. ht.-d, GE w;"l11·1 I I w/mmi w;ish. hk1• lll'W l.eruth TV 960 211144 I '77 PLYMOUTH I Skateboard~:. l>r .. ;iin I A..., I Must sell "Rad U.111111 · IHIUft Starts al 4' h1 & adJ IC• >f I hi 1 vcrt l Wgl 1:10 Iii:.. Auto trans & low I 4'x8'. folds up ror 1·asy I miles. (970SLR) I storage• Made or P<:is P4• <*LT ly clear Only I yr old I S 3 3 9 5 I xlnt <·nnJ Sl50 1·a::.h Wkdr.-ufl tiPM, W i-; all I I ~~ 7•iH·5582 I I St'\.· (iaral!t' SJll' .it.I I • I !.111:.:1 El \/all" Aw11u1', I I l'"ount;1111 V.111.-y 11c·ur llu..,h;ird Slah"r I '76 SILVER I l ';1l1u t"O\t'r 1\111111 W.l'tl 11:· x:•t S1rnula1t1I wc,11>d /\n\ r\·;1,011 .il1lo• urlcr l'IHL.,.CIC'ro'fl K:ll 1;272 I MUSTANG I I Air cond & toadeo S.:w111g M:odl111•· lur :.ale, W•t h equipment I Ztl! 1.al!, l'll" Also ~anyo I f709RESI :,tt-m1. AM 1FM :-.tcrco. ONLY I l'ft.'-'Clll'. n•1·urd pluycr, I $3495 I hkc n l'W Hurdly ever UStod $J 75 SS7 ·113!13 I I WANn.:o Rerr-;..:. d bl I I l)l'd, knit sz bt.-d. bunks. dmcl h• & C'OUC' h. 49.'l-770tl I • I Extra long l!Old courh. I I $100. Mat e h1n~ gold «hmr. $25. Gas dryer S15. I I Bunk beds w /mattress $7$. 551 ·JfillO I · '11 CHEVY I H1~1; dra~.-c-c1-l/f-Jr-. -fit I n CAMINO I fo lt. Cll!fl Mar West 2·sly Udo model. 962·7lf64 I Like New I 20unesehooked r~;w 18 cylmdef, 4 speed. I & 9xl2. P~tio wnbrel!as air cond., shell. more used. Laclit;S Exec bake I (45837) I new Ulihty 2 wheel · trailer. 549-176SSal ooly I $ 5 I 9 5 I Kitchen tbl. coffl!e tbl. I I $1Xa. Vacwnn cleaner. · l20. 2 easy chrs. SJ()ca I Couch hide·a ·b4!d, $40. • Couch, 6 pillow, modern I I classic, $115, 646-4376. I Radial saw. 12" com I mercial; platform scale I '7& FOID I :m~~::.~1 air I IAunM'lr 119" Port cir Lv UOO/bsl I ''"""" ofr, 4 Dodt(e van slock 6 c~nder. automatic I rims mke olr. 2 queen sz I power steeri ng bedsprds, (1) yellow (U6803). I floral, gd cond ~.or o rr, I SAUPme9 (1) paisley print design $2495 I SIO.orofr.gdcond,call I I wknds or cvs art Spm. 66l816Cost.a Mesa. I 1 Mlc•••·-1 e I .. !.~ ... ~ ........ ~~!~ I I Refrig. dbl canopy bed, kng s z be d , bunks, I I dlnette&rooch. 493-7708. I '77 PEUGEOT I ~..,_.... 1011 I SEDAN I ...................... . ••· _.... t • Accordion·Used I mo. Pd I ~'~~; .. • $1.050.oo Seu $700 oo. -··-··· 842·7014_. -----. ,6,,5 I G1b!on L7 ~wtur $400 o r I I bf;t ofr. Fende r Supl·r Reverb amp 2 yr.i old I I Sl50 or bst ofr. Must sell both. 551·2373 I BILL I "-&°"Jmts I090 I I ······················· I MAXEY I OUT OF GAS? I TOYOTA I a.r • Brhnhell piano & I' I ptemopedfree I I BRIMHALL PIANOS 1.1 ~ A-ftom 1 1 --:s~r ... I ·1~~~~ 18EACH BL1 =~·be~~r~ 11 I .... rUIMlte tepe player. • • •• --• lllCIO. Dealer. 751-1121 • 147.55 Kimball Stud. lo Plano, I M.......,,t&50, Gl-116' \ ,Cf!._._. J Ral:R Grand P11no. • ..._.. .....1911. Good cond. -•-----.l:lnm..- Take the SOUTHERN SAVINGS ROUTE YOU ARE FREEWAY CLOSE TO 5 OUTSTANDING AUTO DEALERSHIPS 0 FIAT Mission MERCEDES BENZ ~jO ts SOUfHHH OtlAtlCH COU .. fY'S ® por fHOWIHG AUntORIUD DIALl:I SALES e SERVICE 28701 Marguerite PARTS e LEASING P.irkw.iy, SAN OIEGO :; LAGUNA BEACH SHOP & COMPARE OUR LOW LEASE RATES 0 BARWICK DATSUN e MI SSION VIEJO IMPORTS e SOUTH COAST FORD 0 SAIL CHEVROLET M1SSK>O V1ep }14/831-1740 714/495-1700 e SADDLEBACK VALLEY IMPORTS SHOP& COMPARE IN SOUTHERN GE COUN-T-Y-- SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Find what you want ... DANA POINT Buy it for 'less DRIVE A LITTLE • • Or..,. c-ty's ..._.Ma dtu • IMW Dedlr FACTOIY AUTHOllUD SALES. LEASIMG & SHVICE Good Selection ol E.11cellen1 lrade-.no; a11a1lat>le ,_\UUl.F.H.\t .h \"Al.I .• :\ l'IPOHTS ll<M>2 MA•GUftlTl "WY . Ml~~ION VlfJO 11141 lll-2040 0 0 • WATCH FOi OUI &RAND OPEMIMCi THE ALL NEW SAIL CHEVROLET 900 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA BEACH 494-1131 PRICE OF GAS GOT YOU DOWN? PLENTY OF GAS SAVERS· LEFT FORD Ford Fiesta from 40 MPG Ford Pinto from 32 MPG We've been here.17 years -some location -some owner -some good deals -coll or come in "9~15 lowest rotes on leasing SOUTH COAST FORD 303 BROADWAY, LAGUNA BEACH MIW&usm l's ,.,,. PIMAMC.._ o..A.C. WI WIU. timr Ol llAT AMY DIAL ..... us A DIAL WI CAM'!'• JU • SAVE A LOT! .. (_ r . a, I ~ \ .. Oldallat Sedao, m lM' .-rta. '11 a:ro 8'a11on :::..milt'. par11 .M.\.UM ':>:t .,...._ rebwkl11ble .. n1loel. UOOc r A 11 or1alnal ato<'IL. ~oo .... -----....... w. ....................... IMPORTANT NOTlCt:TO READERSAND ·71 l>at sun 1rur k v.• ADVl':RTISF:RS 1·,1m1w r 'h1•ll . rt•hll The price ol Item• nuor SlOOO 642 24:t4 ,,,.k lldvertlaed by vehlc le rur Uon, 00 !Wl21•\'C1> de6len io lhll veh1d <'la11ifled advtlrlli.in.: l°ClwnM does not inrludt' any apph1·abli-taxi-s . 'Sl ('hr\y hyd1o tn11t1t ti l')'hnd1•r t ru<'k As 1:.' S100 utf .. r ~ S-ll 1 license, transfer fo1•s , 1 5 ('tlt'vy 4-T p • hke ftnaJl('e rharges. rt't.'s for new. w ramper. reg Kas, ail' pollullon t•onlrol dt•· -.21cM Vlce certJ!1cu1Joru. or dt'· ater documt-nlary pr.- par .. lloo charRes unle:.s otherwise spcc1ricd by tbe lildveru~r. ----1 AIM.-•! CliiuiCs 9520 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '46 l''ORD W()(JOl t-: Tully rest.or~~ SJ;J,lMIO 675-6161 '79 MG TD '72 l"ord p1t•k up t'2SO 360 motor, :l barrel. Xlnt rond New pa111t Job. n1·w \Jlv1· JOh. ~n11tl 11n·~ C~I ~1~~134 .1fl !!pm fO ~<.:ammo 4 :.pd 75.UOO ma S1!iOO 831-~376 '7ti 1-·urd Ha rwhno lo I mtl1·ai:t•, mJi.::.. i.:ootJ <'Olld 540-17 311. Vm11 9570 a.LICAR ••••••••••••••••••••••• DHANO N t-.:W ' 1979 Pl YMOUTH VOW' choice of beautiful VOYAGElt VAN black or elegant <'ham· Vil, <automatic trans .. paitne. lhf'se a re rare pwr s lccnn.:. radau. classics not to be found front disc hrakt•s & dsewhere in Orani::c 0.lWlty. Leather mll·n ur . radial lar$6es.209lfi5'1113J. wood dash , AM F M stereo cassette. ~lass Exo1rcsl0om5 2:1·7!1 }~!~l~~~r;r;~:~:.f ~~~ (11f!~9U1~Y be UJ.1Prt-t·1al~. Open L>ailv & Sunday JIM MARINOVW 'lil 10 l'M 18711 Beat:h Bl\'d. 2929 llurhor Blvd HUNTINGTON Bt:ACH Cost· M '!oo __ 84!-2000 546: 193'4 '75 PLYMOUTH 2621 HARBOR BLVO. COSTA MESA . WAMTED! Lutt• nwdt'I Toyotu,, Vnh'OI'. Plr kupi. & V Jlll't l'a II ~ l.cXbt y ' Alltol. ... art9d ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9701 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Can't Sell Your Car" CUVIElt MOTORS PAYS TOP 1>01.1.AH t·orcl<'an Used lrnPol'U. Dill Mike or Oon 135-3171 25 MPG-25 MPG "Tl Lanc•1a CouJ.I('. snrf, mags. a/c. llhr & pwr. rm H Lrk. $.';000. ll3J 2111;2 Days. -------~h & in top shapt.-. 'l)M lnternalaonal 4 wh1•t•I drive station wa.:on. S2150Cash. 673·05JK ---Atfaltomto 9705 • •••••••••••••••••••••• ALFA ROMEO SALES, SERVICE ANDI.USING "711CLEAHANCE NOW iN PRO<; RESS! BEACH IMPORTS MS Dow St rl'l'I NEWPORT DEACll 752-0900 'fiO Chevy 12 T, short bl•d. new tares. need!. en~ work. 551 -~35 a:.k for Sl'Olt, $600/bsl orrr ·52 Cr<1sle) S /W Complete ly restored 50mpg. da1}y dri vcr. $3450. Gary. 642·9807. VOYAGER 127 " whet>lbase. !l 75 J\Hella s r•dan lllK p;i~M·niwr. v H, ;iuto mal<'s. AM 11''M slPreo trans. nght s1dt• ~hdmf.{ tape, AIC. runs on re~ dr . cm1ss1on <·nntrot m11o;t seU. 675·913_7 __ system, AM radm. new white pamt 119,000 rnr Sl.!f95 fun be St.'<'n Jl tht• Dady Pilot. 3.10 W Bay St .. Cclfita Mesa or call C1rrulut1on Dept. 6424321,ext 2IO 4 ww.e.t Drhn 9550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MUST SEE! '78JEEPCJ7 11.tlJ3 males. Sort lop. V·8. automatic. powf'r st.eerin1t. AM /FM s tereo tape. Tacoma's with ovals. (61067 > ()98V /\Al $6366 *J.C. FORTUNE Ponliac-GMC :nx> E. lsl St .. Santa Ana _J!l~J558·1~-'i T~h & an top shape. '68 International 4 wheel drive station wagon. S2150Cash. 673-G.SJR. -----Tn1eks 9560 .............. ~ ....... . '71 Ooditc. economy 6cyl. n<'w tras, r uns J?real. bluebook 1s S1ROO/askm1t SlfiOO. fii15·5000/j•Xl 348 Ri1·k ' 14 W l>GE VAN. 70,000 rru. AM/FM. air. PS1PR. o;tm mtr. $3000/bsl ofr. 548~)t '63Chcvy wmdow van New paml. SSOO 646-8094 --- '78 Chevy, 2.'iM m1, new llTes. wht l?Uigs. $5000. ti61·2S37 i3 Ford 1 2 T. 4x4. Good "Tl Chev. Van V-8. lsp. condition $1300. 28K m 1 XI n t 1· o n d ~·1J42 $S.<XW>. 4!W·792l aft. 5pm '72 D<tlsun p1 c·kup. nu lll'Cl>. campt>r shell. Onit. paint beige. Rt>ally Clean. Sl950. ~. '72 DodJ?e Maxi Van. Mech. sound. nt:W brks. bubhlc top & <·amptr eqwp. s:z.0001r1rm. 581 HlUllllton St .. C M 16 Couner camper shell. -----wht whls. air. AM/FM 'TIDodge.slvr.w1rcwhls. cass. auto. $3600. 640-4356 ~uper t:st m int. loaded. Mu!>t see. 846 8450or '78 Toyota SRS. -;hell. 2131592 3.518 ~~whee Is. l 1 r es Autos Wanted----9-5-9-0 '67 Dodge ~ ton P /U, shell. auto trans. P /B. V·8 , 3 tanks . $2000. o.e.o. Alan 675-&153. '86 Ford l T . natbed. SI Rblt top end Great worker. 87~1.53 "Tl FJ Cam Class. Pretty blue. very clean Auto. ••••••••••••••••••••••• WEWILLIUY YOUR DATSUN PAID FOR OR NOT TOP DOLLAR FOii TOP CARS BARWIC K DATSUN I 1r t I\' '• '' 8J1 .1J 7S 49J.JJ7S PS/PB. 6 cyl. save gas. Tncks 9560 l5'100.541J-.9454 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 191.P.G. (E.P.A.) 350 MILE RANGE 1179-~ Tiii PICKUP ·-· _ .. IT11E-llE 1969 ALFA ROMEO SPIDER Aredclassac! C314ANH). $3999 BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dovf' Str~l NEWPORT REACH 752-0900 '74 ALFA ROMEO GTVCOUPE 5speed, factory air cond &stereo. t026700J. $5399 BEACH IMPORTS IM8 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 75~0900 '74 ALFA ROMEO SPIDElt 5 speed, stereo & in ex eel lent condlt ion' (331MPTl $5599 BEACH IMPORTS !WI Dove Str(•t<t NEWPORT R!o:ACH 752-0900 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sell or T .O L . '7R Audi 5000. i.tood cond. xlnl mt. w-eat gas m1. 20mpg trar fie. 4!4·216mpg open roacJ. ~16.51 '76 Audi S/W. Surf, auto. stereo, like new cond. :11,000 mi. $3950. 673-6350. IMW 9712 ....................... 71 s:lli, 4 spd. r ruise con· trol, air. AM /FM. no re· asonable ofr refused 673-3441 761MW l.OSia 32,(MM) ociginal miles! All the extra~ including leather rntenor. sunroof. power windows, factory alloys.superb! <416234) SADDLHACK VALLEY IMPORTS 131·2040 495-4949 BMW ZllOO, '71: 4 dr. Afr, A/C, V e ry Clean . $3300/or best. 731 ·5601. · 771MWJ20I AIU. trans., sunroof, air cond .• stereo cassette, Immaculate thruout ! UIMTJA) Several to choose from. SADDUIACI( VALLEY IMPORTS 131-2040 4fMt49 IOIMcl AllM's & BN. BtMb 81..t: LA HABRA CS Mi. No. ol SA Fwy) 1714tl2~HU Cloled 8undays ma BllW a20t. lo AIC. 8lllf. must .... •m.a ~COUNTY'S OlOIST ::ialllll ~rvll'c U,a:.111i.: Row Cm-Yer.Inc. kolh Aoyn• HM W 1!>40J .. mboret• Nt'w}JOrt Uear h ti41J.6444 1972 l .O cs lltj. ~U JJt!rb cond. oHl·r ' <Sertl2ti) Over:.eas lm Vort.'i 642 .(JIB6 CREVIER & I \I .. llOAOWAV SAfOA ANA 835·3171 !tll UlflMAT[ 0MIVING MACHIN[ •USEDIMWs• '76 2002 4spd US!lt.iNZB I ·77 S:ll4.'.pd Silt !0 1791 '78633cst S;R 1093VZ(' I '78J:n <l'ipd IUll UOH 1 '7tl 32fu\ alloy~ 1 lti7\'I>,\ I Closec!. Su~- '711 BMW 320!. xlnt condt Lion, apx ~ m1. ratlao 1·a:;s, A 1C , Sll .50U or T 0 .L Fern. 67!>-!IOIJti or 5'111 3473 10 BMW 2HOO. u "•ct• c·ar for sooo. 53M m1 . 11ara.;ed. 22mpg. pp au 1011U 9715 '71 Capn &Iver. 4 cyl. l!OUlJ auto Good \'ond. 8300. 615-9635. '-m C.pn II · V-8, xlnl wod.. $!,41l.1. Lol ma. VIS-0411. -------·16 Rlack DIL sunroof. 48p. V·6. S).500 S48 1~7 c;apn '74, V6 ~ Ulpkl stt·r ra:.s. A/C. nu <.:ont1 llres, fol( IL'>, re..: ..:<•:. . s:.!200. ti34 ·8306 d y:. . lUl JlilO _, .. t •' _ ... L 8&\~WIC k C>Al\UN I • ij)I 1J/'.i4Vi Jl/'> lt77DATSUM UOZCOUPI Blue exterior. :> spel!d trans . & cassette. lt~tlSON). OHLYS7Z99 MEWPOIT DATSUN 8118 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH lll-1100 i6 280Z. like oew. auto. l>rwate party . 646--0381 '78 B2JO. great gas m1, 7000 m1. auto. A IC. AM /FM, MOOO. 759 0638 ~Turbo CJpn. 3500 m1, ev~ AM FM. air. pwr. sport:. --------- !>1.L"PffiS'OO· OHt<r Mark '75 Oat.sun 8210. 4 spd. 67~dyi. orif( ownr. xlnl c·ond. 49fi.9203 ·1~ Turbo Cdpr1 Fully ~ $7400. Mt tipm 54.>~. '9720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "We net.'d to buy d <'an Datsun used l·ars .. S Will l'ay Top UollJr $ COSTA MESA DATSUN 21145 llAHUOR BLVD 54G-64 I 0 540-0213_ -----· -- ·73 :MOZ. 4 spd. lollllL'll . nunt t'Ofld. $4100 Mu ... 1 S('t' l o apprCCIJle B5867 71 i1oz very rlean look" i.tootJ, runs bl·aut1fully $4100 2 13 /9ti5·661J6 or ~iu1 1978DATSUN I 210 Auto trans.. air 1·ond • low milt!s. Like new' {787URVl How<Wy $3881 M6racM . Mmda/RftMIUft 2150 I !arbor 81 . C M 645-5700 1974DATSUH 610WAGOH liuq:und.v 1•xtc•r1or. 4 speed lraru;. & air rond !ll60LPJl1 OHLY $1799 NEWPORT DATSUN ll8li Dow St rt't't NEWPORT BF.ACH lll-1300 Allto•, M•w 9100 A.rtos, New 9100 Auto1, Mew UP TO 500 MILES ON A TANK OF GAS * NEW '79 210 SEDAN 2 Door. 4 cyt engine. 4 speed transm1ss1on, body side moldings. tinted glass & undercoat (Ser. 6329391 (Stk. 55651 53899 NEW '79 PICKUP --.. ·~j~ ~~" ._:.:.. ---~,,,..,. .. ...._. ....,,.. ... ,, ' ' Fully factory eau1pped. 5 speed transm1sslO<'I. unde«:oat. wsw tires. tmted glass & economical 4 cyl engine. (Ser. 405679) (Stk. 5406J. ..... :~ NEW '78 200SX 4 cyt 5 speed Iran<> air cond tinted glas:; w sw lirf>c;, AM/FM stereo radio ll body side moldings (Ser 0803371 (Slk 5 11 51 55699 54699 ~pluatul ..... de119r91dd9d...,.... Subject IO prlOr Mle. Good 'Ill 72 hCMa .._. puClllCatlOft. EARLE IKE TOYOTA IS MEEnNI IHE (HALLENGE WITH IREAI DISCOUlll DEALSlll AM/ FM stereo. fi ve speed . steel belted radials. (#RA42565970). NEW'79 CELICA LIFTBACK WXURY PlUS ECONOMY .. ., :~ " ·. .• l • • I J • I ! I f • • • -.. ' -•t• , ...... ---.... _ ...... ~ • •JI OM. V PILOT .......... .w .......... ..w ...... .......... ~ ... , • .w Alftt, 1.,...... ..... .... ....................... ....................... ·········•············· ...........•.......... . ............................................ . ...... ... •PIM ....._ ..,,..w ....._ •••rW ... 974J Pw dl1 9110 ,.,.._ . 97'1 r.,..... 97'7 ,........ 9770 MC "°' ·····~·············... . ............................. ,............... ....................... ....................... . .......................................................................................... . ..._ 9720 .._ t7JO Mic•••._ t740 Mew lf7t '1l 914· ~ rm l'ond. lt71TOYOTA Mtw1t1U rt-" '71 VW 411 43.000 males '•Javelin: aa-...w. ...._··---............. ••••••••••••••••• ~a~ITt ~S:~11'.m&11t IH! CIUC"' -~ -..u........._wor ... -:.\ tirs, Need tnm. C OSTAME\A DATSUN ....... Ua-4 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• Q ... ty& rrtc. l.1\llC.EST SELECTION O F NEW & USF.f> I N ORANGF. COUNTY CAnJLLAC VAl.UF. PROTECTION PLANS Available on Mo~t Carl> • • 1973 CADILLAC SIDAN DE VILLE """ power. rat1ory :11 r cond. AM/FM stt-rt·u. Liit wheel. padded lop & lealhlc'r mtcn or Sharp• Cti2lNIX'I $2595 • 1975 CADILLAC ELDOIADO l''ull PoWl'r. f:tNorv air l'Ond . till Wht•t•I, sit-r('O tape, rru1s1· conlrnl , 'Piil pow1 •r <;f';if-. & Cabriolet top Sharp' r7!l3M XJ\1 $3995 • 1975 CADILLAC COUPE DE Vlu.E Cabriolet lop. leather. tape. tilt wht>t•I. cruisf' contro l. full powe r . factory air <'Ond & I.OW MILl':S• t94!'>LQT1 $5495 • 1976 CADILLAC COWEDEYIW With rrutSl' 1·ontrol. l eatht'r & /\M t l-~M -;terco will tra1·k ta pe t774!PGW1 $5995 • 1977 CADILLAC •. : SEDAHDIYIW With split Powe r sl.'ats. c ru!se control. stereo, radio & cassette tape player IQJSl 142) $7995 • I t77 CA.Del.LAC II.DORADO Full power, factory air cond .. Cabriolet t op. split power seat. lilt wheel. cruise control & ll t e r eo Sha rp ! (961TZWI. $7995 • 1971 CADIUAC SEDAN DE VIUE Sp lit pow1•r seut <\, ,. r u is e c· o n t r o I . I 11 l wheel. AM t f'M stc•reo radio. padded lop & ware wheel l'Overs I MOTZSI. $9395 • 1977 CADILLAC With ealher , c ruise control. ~lereo radio &. tracll. tape. <483RKQ> $10,595 • lt71 CA.DtU.AC SIYILLI Full power, factory air cood., tilt wheel, stereo tape, leather top A LOW MILES ! (eeo'l'ZS). $11,900 • OVER 100 8UAUTV CARS 10 SELECT FROM • .•....••••••..•........ ...... ......,..., ... ._. ~ ~·s ......,......... • ....,v _..__ '17 .m: 2 2 •OOO 74~Cm& peed d Ir .....-.inRS 17383 · lillO«t.t-·-· w. AJl/f''t..· blue w1!'hi ui llOt'k for lmm..ct111h• 12 9UT all s Type ac :> s . •A•r cola" . .... In 8*o<'lc ror immediate . IC7.-r. '"' Zltc ~Yft')'! aifto US IM:for" ..._,IAlpe. we ·Car~ ddiveey! See tJS before '1:> Super Beetle C'Onvt . -------~':""::" ~. ux s~e mm~~ ~ ~"~~~~ for beaut a,h~•~t~·K~a~~~•------+~~~~~~-~~~-~--~~~~~~-~~ ';,XII, &IOD ma. many f'• lrn . llAmpt. lran5f•r nod M.Uolf.-r ~ "1Z "° Sp(>rt am /fm, nw fC whHL". 11 :?50 Off f'f r> .o mPtC 861 02llO .-..... 97J7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .......... ,, HONDA Cars MAHY To 0.00.. "'°Offtl UNIVERSITY ow. ....... .._. c.,... • GMC T,. ... :>l'Jjl llarll\11 Hh <J l ·,~IJ M'"" ~ti \111411 i II I I\ 1 t \\ .t lo! •t fl ~·,1 ut1l11I '1111 • ""'' I h~h hhk h,,.,j.. ~IOU ur h·~· , • I' '"' ll~l!O 9730 •••••••......•.•....... JAGUARS x.11.1.... \ '1.:1 ' ~ \.I:-. ( ""I"'' \ltll'I 1·01111 -. ,I\ .111.1111<' 1111 lfllllh'\ll .. 1.-ddl\ •.• \ TEST DRIVE ONE TODAY!!! ••z.' .. ,. ...... _,,,(. .",.,.. . .,...... .. ,...._ 2!~ llurb<1r llh ti COST/\ MES/\ 979-2500 '73 XJll S1 lv1•r. blk lt•i11h. Ot'W tin·-.. c•xhaus t & tuned 9>7110mfr li:H 117-1!l 9738 ...••...•.............. f976MAZDA WAGON /\ulo Lrans.. air c-cmd • · 1~i.:a1?t' rack. slerco & 4'i1wmilc~ Pnt·Mt11st·ll! Mow <>Ny $3288 Mi roe~ Maida/Renault 2150 llarbor Bl . C' ~I 645-5700 -n 450St:t.. Rrown. k• ma, Xlnt cood flU·OOI SpyaJllMl,CdM_ '73 ~. yd xJnt t'On<I MCma llA.~/IJi.. m~ 111a..,ta l971 211URI., t11t111<•1•11 hru :! '1oii... 77K 011 . $1:1.:.oll •All 1421 'l'i4 ~. n•hlt 1•11•1 l' .:sou tv 1..,...1 uHt•r 114!'11~111 71 ZI() C'bUIH'. 1'11h1ll't'U tro111•n w11 h 1.111 11111·11t11. t'"'l'llt•111 1•111111 Mu"t '>I'll M•1 t.40 tH IH ?11 M 111.. 4:141 :-.I.. \ .. 1111"' \Int N•"" Ttr\'' ~t 17Ull illl :, :-kl M1·r1 1·1h·~ :!.!Cl.\ \II vrtt.1111.11 & 1«1111 1111 I•' I ahfon1rn 1 ,11 $1 , uoo ''' ll\I uh M L !IHU'l ( ;u1' /h 1 .. i1r.. .. \111.11111111 ho1111 ti,,., \utu Jll 111•"', r \\1 I \t 111 1~ ~'' ''"' ' 11 I I I h 7:>1 ;l( .. J •• ;_. :!77.1 !l II II '75 S&.C CLASSIC WHITE ALL XTRAS 42MMIP.P. 714/499-4040 "7!1 :Jllll Sil !Uk ll.1111h(1u, l!'1tll "'' 1,15 500CJ. "' m l'li.: for .J11tu1 Martin 'Gt M1·r1•1•tl1·~. rhlt 1·11i.:. i.:1111<1 1•<111d ltlt•iil l\rr ri-storallon S3WtH1r l1t'sl .l1mb'7~ 41i52 '78 .. 450SLC" flloaut1ru1 rrwlalht• hlu1: painl, !>Unruof. ktilhl•r seating. J>()Wt'r wanduW!. IZ!Olll MUST SEE ' t6 t' H1trbVI fU~1t 'hHdf'n t.u;v-t• •••all nl.J &·II w11h ,.;1\S~' ll's a BJU:Ez1-; Clasl.1f11'(t 1\ds f>-12 Sli78 Autoa,Hew 980 Auto1. M•w 9100 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• THE DEALS ARE ••• BE 11 ER THAN EVER ... AT SADDLEBACK FORD! LEASE YOUR NEW.FORD NOW '1' MUSTA ... G 17 Ml"G EP• l <.,t 4 (,yhfldPt • ~ 6A0'>1 4310 36 rno~ op.,n "'"''1 ••4illl'>e C tJiO ~· 1461 ~ 1M>Ou"4 l?~U "" aoo<O•"O crM•I s9J,°' rtlMO .... '7' FAIRMOMT t 7 Ml"G £P,O E'>I • c1ttnder .. ~ ·~ooc.Mtl·v,.1u•• ~Q 118411 030lll s9122 ,.. "40. 3e mo• <>f:M'n e,, ... , , ..... w c.,p co" U ll&9 •o••d<Utl ll~ 19 "" •ot>OO•OO crflO•f . ,,.. '7t FIESTA 26 Ml"G EPA t~T .. CyhfU)ftt .. ~ t1ntAO o••-.• 121~1· 11141431 s96!:10 . 36 mo" ooeri .-nci ,~,..jeo> Cao u '"' 10111 t6>odu81 l2~~1 l"1 0<>1><0¥<•<1 ,,edit • JAJt ~MILEAGE MAXERS!--- '76 "MTO WAGON 4 cylinder, automallc. roof rack (001RXMJ '76 COURIER 4 cylinder. 4 speed Only 35M mites (1E06208) 53377 '71 VOi.ARE 6 cylinder. 4 speed. males ( H029C) 53477 '76 MUSTANG 4 speed, 4 cyhnder. p owe r st eer i ng. stereo. (845POI). ·16 GRANADA 4 door 6 cylinder automatic power steering & brakes. air & more (567RXP) 53777 '75 FORD FISO P.U. V·8. aulomallc. power s t eering. ai r (42230Y) 53977 54277 '75 CHIYSLR COllDOIA 2 d oor Automatic. p ow er steering & brakes. (755VOI). ' ~ llorbor fU wt I 'l~~r A M •:"A 979-2500 ·1t1 Mt; M1d.ivt S1K•,·111I. a&,IMIO m1'i.. xlnl c·uruJ, Stall All ti. !l60·ti000 MGil 9744 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... 197' MGls 1\11111· lll'Opl1• huy I h1• Mc;tt 1·u11H·rt1hll-than u11y ut lll'r 1·011vc•rt1 l.ih•' ~,· l'~ hdun· 1111 huy TODAY!!! 11.. .. r'f ~' !llo<on '. .,,._.. .. -... .,.. ... I,.,.,.,. t ,...rr .!lli."> llJrbor llh 11 {'OST\ ~t K-..i\ 979-2500 9748 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PEUGEOT SALES. SERVICE AMDLEASIHG m·,.:11s1-;,\s 1>,.:i.1v 1-:n Y AV i\IL/\llLJ-: BEACH IMPORTS >Wt Uovt• SI rl•d N .. :wroRT JlEJ\Cll 752-0900 9750 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '71 "911T" /\Jr l'OIWhtmnmg. 5 s1wt·d. AM 1FM r adio . GX,112 1 miles Hcaullful t·onch · I.Ion 1732Dll0 • 13631 li/llllO< 111•<1 r.,.,dfln Gro¥t.t ,. • ..._,2J.J3 1977 PORSCHE 911SCOUrE Blark on blat·k ,\1r rond.. :. II· r 1•11. .1 II u y \\h1·t·lo; & ll·at ht•r . C7151tXll l $17.999 BEACH IMPORTS >Wt J><iv1• SLrt·1·1 :"lEWPORT BEACll 752-0900 '77 "924" .•· (. 'ham11111n:.h1p Erlll 100 Stlnroor. air t·11nd1t1on I '.1631 .... "°' lll•d Gatom• G•o"'-' ••• .... ml '72 914 , AM1irM c11u. stereo. xtnt cond. td80 ~7- '71 9US Hlk on blk :> 11pd. M.lloyK, /\nil.I, rbU enM. Ii tr11n11. ~. · Mu~l l'l'll . 'S!i2·J:llll l•Vt'ti 'Tl 911·S l'Of'M'he 15Km1. Sunrou(. ulloys. AM 11-'M r1~:-. Mi1t Hlut-. xlnt. «»-~l '7791 ISCPE A ll oyli. AM l rM uluupwun ste rl.'<I. TurlK) speukl'r pki.t • clcc-. an· H·nnu. air, pwr win dows. hl-adiJght wushcrs. nuist>. 1>u~r low m1 Lowered lo European :-Lahl't· t:xl'cpt1onal 104491 Dir ti42-g:j66 l!fl'l Targa St-p1a brown. !lllT. air. Kunis. 5 spd. 1\.~ ... M Sll'rt'Q CUS!> • al lrl\~. l'lt'an S~500 i.ci ~& 752 1111 bl !11:! f'orschl'. on~ tond • ,\(.'. 'l'<'OOd 0\\ nt'r ai.o!IUO ~:urn r f'a m o rave~ C8121VJA>. OM.Yllltl HOWAIO Clle'lfWt OoYe. Qwail Sts Nt.'WPORT UEACll IJMHS EXTRA MILEAGt.: 77CIUCA Laftback. 2:5,496 milel'. 4 cyl • auwmatlr. AM t•'M tapl'. maics. rud1als . ( :!HlSPT I Hi 112:>) $5166 *J.C. FORTUNE GMC·Ponlla1· 3XXI f:. L!ll St .. Santa Ana <71415:>8·1000 lt77TOYOTA umAac Black on black.:> SJ>4'M . a ir cond , stt'reo. r('al watt! wht"els & a lo<'al rar I 117SFY I ONLY $5999 HEWPOaT DATSUN 888 Dove Street NEWPORT B•:ACH 133.IJOO l!Jt;O K11aili.t1•r 1.:1>11HI hi. 1978 Coro II a II f t back Soper !lO wht. lu n11h•l'I radtu. wr. 5 spd, lo mlge, Kint l'ond 49--1 lW:t XJnt cond . ti61·7583 '77 T u rbo Carrt•ra , bronze. ltk l· nl'W . S2 !I.!'> 0 0 I o ff l' r . I' P ~51..x> 'il 911T. very dt•a11, orig. ownr . romp "t'n'1ft' r1· mrd. 91.500,ofr 752 f>f115 dys, 752-7~ C\'l'l> ·73 9 14 1 7 I 11l'r r\ p J)Car:uu'l' Group, Jronl & ba1·k s poill·r . mug whl't'IS, J\M 1FM l'aShclle & bra. Huns gr~a t S100'.J/bcsl ofr t>H· 794M. 64(). 5!J5ll '71 !JM . orangc.t1lk, nu eng. & tranh. app grp. 2nd owner, all Sl'rv rl' ~. Very qwck. g rt·al on~as &'tc'dn\·c& makt• offer. 1l11s car 1s a gem & will ~o this wknd Mr. Kurrasch. 640· 7977 RohRoyu 9756 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111 DEALER IN U.S.A. JR ROY R CARVER r ROLLS·ROYCE 1S40 J•mborPI' ....... port Bedell 1'-----4 "'*"4~ CLOSlO SUNDAYS '5!1 Stiver (;loud l srn.oou gij.')-4144 1971TOYOTA CRESSIDA J\ local trade lhal •~ '"loaded" & has only 19.IXXI males. t l34Ul.U 1 OHl.YS5999 NEWPORT DATSUN tl8H Oovl• St reel N•:WPORT HJ-:1\CH 833-1300 'fB Toy Corona aulo1. nt·w I.Ires. hrakc•s. rad1<1tor & hall Ny SI .2001offrr 546-tm :i d ~-... ·74 Corona I spd w 1 -.un mo(. rm t«1!.~1·ttc.-. mag:. $!500. call Hn·nt 54!i 7405 •77 Cl'11l'u lftbk i\1r. AM tFM c·a:.s . S -.pd . good mpg. siKO(}/b!>I ufr llJ.l.~7 aft t3 ·w Corona 2 dr. n·nt val\C JOb. :! nt•W lire.·~ m>. Ph &15 9!;02 t'Vl'S only ----- '7fi Cchc:a GT Lft hk. mags. AT. auto tran~. J\l\1 11-'M, S.'>4!00 tl.11 W.13 ' 7 2 To y o l a C l' I 1 t' lJ J\M/FM, At<.:. S.1!1110. li75 2f!K-t '7fi Cc•IJcu c;T l'1:l4.· f>spd. dean. xl11t ma , blul' w 1blk ~m. &10 1;i~7 ·~ mm l'lirn1dw tYPt>. Tri..,... 9767 phont· npl111na l. ,\11nt ••••••••••••••••••••••• Must sdl. f;i5-l'lli51. '7fiSp1tf1re Su1wr l1111k111i.: Saab ~34mpi: 22.000 m1 Ski 9760 r:t1:k SJ71JO Mi 11;1J ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAAB SALES. SERVICE AHDLEASIHG '78CLEJ\RJ\Nt;E NOW IN PHOGHESS! ·n T it?. lo.11lt·1I. .11 r . /\M FM. l ll.\ll'c;, i.:n·at :.h tlfH'. lt1 m1 :S:i5fH) 4~1Xl7 HEED HELP? TODA YU! ~ -.I~ ----2925Harbor Blvd COSTAM~A 979-2500 '7JI Spit.fire. fa<.'l n•mova-~e hrdtp. O/D. /\M t FM, ~ + T.0 .1'. 841Hi059 Mlw lf7' Tri ..... TR-71 MOW IM STOCK for immediate de h very ! See US before you buy TODAY! Bau~ .. :\ Mo(on , .. , ........ -... ........ ~ . ....,- 2005 Harbor Ulvd COSTA MESA 979-2500 ~~:~ ....... !?.~~ VW · Jfa\'lni.: lrouhl"' i.dl rng your «:.tr? T ry u. ... Top dollar ~ Paid for or ~01 1 Bnn1: your l'ar to .Jim Manno Volk-."' al!l'n , 11!711 Ut-;wh Bhd , llunl mi:tton Bt-ath J\sk l(lf I-rank Manntl or 1'•J111 Aikin 1977 vw CONVERTIBLE Whttt• Oil Whll•'. 'il\•I \•11 c·asscth' & ii I ""' rwr. lcx:al l':Jr <7!~1SYZ 1 ONLY $7499 NEWPORT DATSUN H>Ol Dovt• St rt'"' Nt::Wl'<IHT IO·:,\l'll 833--1300 '71 Yt'llow <:on\1·rt1hl1· ~ Xlnt J!a'> m1 1'1 \ Ply S?!f!f5 ~ s1;r1 . '7ti VW bu.., Mint l·1111tJ /\Jr. auto. A ~1 F .\I. "' ' tra. .... om & \\ht w -.11111-. 3~ M. n•·C'd" noth1111: $...,400 I' I' 5411 31111:! • li42 9.175 '71 VW SQUAREBACK 7:l Hl'hWlt l'llJ!lllt', 11•'" hrak~~. l>UIM·r 1·c111u1my, slroni! runn1111! 1·ar $1450 M best offer 497-1961 '71 C:unwrl Xl111 t•or11l i\!\I F~1-1111:. rww I up S.01 l'h filil :r.i.11; l!fiti \ W llug gold "' lilk 111l, !>ll'fl'll, r:11fl.1h \Int •·•ind thru11ut :l<!IJll l>L"l <:':fi;1 '7KC110\l. \\hi htk \lr.r-. ~Km1 .9i5;.:; F11111 I' I' !•i>I Wli "j i, H.1t1h1t 'lt·,111 I 'IHI r.1dm, ~!1!15 1\ll 51'\I ti7S !1:14!1 BEACH IMPORTS 'i·I SuP'•r &•\•llt-Sonrool 'Int c•nrHI lf11111I g a ., Help yourself lo a mili•ai.!t' Si. UMJ ~ JOlll am/fm/lape. ou ltrcs. 4tiM ma. c•rearn p uU. ... fl6elm. MINTCONDmON ..,, ...... Hardtop Coupe. V·I , Greut gas milHae: '71 1iu&omaUc, power •teer· VW Super R~. nu tblt &n,c. ~ wladows. lu- fnll, "u rbll auto tr11nt1, dau, fart. alr, Ult, cnaae. ma~ whls. plush c·arpet.s, AM /FM ate reo tape, xlnl cond .. run11 ra n· loeka, ~iaa&om wbeela. _l.asl.l __ r_._754_·0263 _____ 1 3 2. 2 J t mi I ea . t610U)(:>.22RXY) IOIWITHAM YOLICSWAGEM HAS OVER 120 MIWAMDUSID •COMVllT111.15 •DASHaS • RAlllTS • SCllOCCOS • IUSSIS ,._. ....... ~Cl OM SAU THISWIBatD 15566 *J.C. FORTUNE PonUac·GMC 2'm E. lstSt .• Santa Aaa (1141558-1000 ---·-----lt74IUICX Coupe. vs. automatic. pwr. st . Ii brakes. air c•ond & vin y l top. C75.1VC01. (St.k.~>- Slfll THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HARBOR 1 , v - CO!>TA M l !>A 642 0010 BOB WITHAM VOLKSWAGEN 7600 WlSTMtMSTH AYL '76 Century cu.o;tom 4dr, WlSTMIMSTH A<:. pwr, radio, J:ooct S93-75Sl • 638-7880 :~~ $2300. 9SS·23!i5 9772 Bwc•k '79 Rt:J.:al Bei~c 7 .5011m 1. Jmons old •••••••••••• •••••• ••• •• J\M ,,..M. air. plush in- VOL VO t.t'nur. ~.om •199·4673. Volvo SALES. SERVICE AND LEASING OVt-:l<Sl·:O\"i IH:t.I V 1-:lt Y EXl't-:H'I'~ EARLE IKE VOLVO H)ljl; 1l,trl1<lr Jll\ II. t:OSTJ\ M E!'IA 646-9303 540-9467 ORANGE COUNTY VOLVO t:Xl 1.l 'SI\. t-:1. Y \<JI .\'I) Lirg••'il \ of\ 11 l>t•a 1..t HI (II J01(1· ( 0tJllfll !'' Bl 'Yor I.~.\."!-: f}l f( 1-.< ., t'f:mfe'] 2025 S Manchester Anaheim 750-2011 I>".! '""" 1·111110 Ct't'.rt ,h,•f>1 1:1,.,. 11\1·rrlrl\•· fl"~ 1'111'11,... "'1n • ... 111 ... \\1 F\I ,,,., ll•'"' , lllll'l1 ~· 1•)1h.1u.~l ~f>l~J IJ-.t 1111 r;";!» ~Ill _,~·, Dl. St.1111111 \.\ .1c1111 •i nl jr, XhH 1·1111tl .tlr. I ' s I' B, , ,,, ,,, It ......... .. r•••l 1.11 k .futln tii;, 111.i "'°'" '•.J i >l.:!:1 ~I\ t1l\t1 \t1111••1rnl :!" ltlfll: :-1.1·1.1. '.ill ii~ lri.l.1 ~os.Used ........•.............• 9905 ..•.....••...••.•...... "' l<.1mhlt·1 /\m•·n 1 .111 .: dr. !!I \1 Pf; nt·v. o 111tnr" lirt"' kun' 1in •L1t l:.l ~ ldkt .... 11 7ili :iltil Cocllac 9915 • •••••••••••••••••••••• • OrancJe COUllty's SdoradoC...- • PURCHASE OR LEASE YOUR NEW 1979 CADILLAC MOW! • NABERS -G/dtffeae }It;;:) H.ul~)r (\!wt ( ,,..1,1 M-., 'l40 •>JOO 7l! El Uorad•.J Convert• Ith• ltu~~l'l t•xt w 1bontJ ft•,1lh1?r int Ev1•ry opt. Xl111 c·ontJ SJ.500/B:.t Ur 645 ~H·vt•s. --- l!nti El l.Joiradrt. loadt·d. J.!rw.111 nlfld Mus t :>e ll. ~IM oH er 91;11 02!f() L.11e 1~1> St'\ 1llt-w /1979 • '" .111 1·xtrai.. I own\·r, .rh-.11lult•ly m int cund . ~-.i l 'all 21J 5!f7 2210 I'''•'• I-' I••,. I woo 11 Hruui.:ham L1k1• ne'I' ·771 • !124. hlk,blk. J\('. snrf. alloy:.. AM FM -.tt·rl'O ('USS 1\ll XI ras 23 Ml'G, NodwnA° .O Is l' or buy K 6. 973·2077. aft IW8 Om E> St H'l'l NEWPOHT n .. :i\t:ll 752-0900 llcapmg llt:ll•rt1on or l'l-1-ll!llll Qualiricd Hopl'fub 111 .f.•\ "'"' l<111i-. ,1.u111I m lht• DAii. Y PILOT ~ELI . 1dl1· tlo·m., "'11 h .1 "\t•i rh 11111 '''" ""' k ltcbll l.'iOll male:> Ncl-d,.. Im~. mufncr 51200 :14042 1\lr;11ar. Uana t•111nt '79 Cpe de Ville HELi' WJ\NTED J\IJS l>aal.v !'tint C'l.,:.i.if1l1l .\<I ~111 1~·:-l11111·1 11'.14 !171,1 npm, 67~,.Hl!.16 9100 Autoa, M•w 9100 Auto1. Mew 9800 Auto1, N•w 9800 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Auto1, Mew A'-'umt· p.1ym1•nts f''ully l11.1clt'fl • 1 Llto:n t > Dir 1~12 IS:ltjtj ''Me•orlal Day'' Weekend Sale AT ORANGE COlJNTY'S #J BlJICK DEALER!:;H/P Bauer Bui4!k '"'cos TA MESA OVER 220 REGALS- Off Manufacturer's Retail Sticker Price. AU 5 Days FRIDA V ·SATURDA Y-SUNDA V-MONDA Y ·TUESDA V Problem Getting Here? We'll Pick You Up FREE In Orange CountJ BUY OR LEASE TODAY! We Lease All Makes & Models • Big ~ar, S•all ~ar - We Take Tra•est Our pricto includ•11 rvf'rythillf( rurpt tu. UttnM" •nd a 120 dOt"um•nl•ry fr•·· -. -..... ··-· ......... -.. --... -...... --.. -..... ---·-···· ---...-.·-~·-·---·.,_-... -·-· , ...._.,_. ~--.u-1 UM4 Mlel.UIH --.ulH M191.UIH "1cl!.M!!•.1111 W.YlllLOT•Ja ...................... ...................... ..•.................... ....................... ....................... . ........•............ C • t ftll C.uh1 ... ..... . HH URI-ttll tkl-HU.... ff17 Ml9i.UIM . YIM .._.._, H•••N••••••M•ff•ff•• MMliHe11111e11H11111 ~•••••••••••••••• •-••-""••••"•••••" --.eJe•••••••••••••• -... ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••-..... •• •••••••••••• .. •••••••• ............ -... • .-.-........-1'11CMIYaa-GORO&OUS lt17fQID '17 liluatan1. Beautiful "75 Pi'*> Sln. w•n p /a, ..,.... H60 ,.._ fNI ---77DC"°•I ............ ..-.. c-ond Whit e w /r('d ~IO/ml. Mov=. Mual •ff•••••••••••••••••••• •-.. ••••-•-••••• '11 Od'u lev1"-de· UIAIOMS9AM ....::"--··--..._.~1-...N ...... ~•-~-1c. • ....... .., 1-6 ~. ........ ""' ~--J\ut u l -,_ _. ~-· ·-· · ..,., "'' • Pm GrwAllDa--..._ ll&ro root. 000 ml, 11\all power:. f•dOtY aar oma-...!.:.. pw• ~ •1eer~ ..,...._al&» -C 1 -..or. llDOd •1-t prt~ to aell r ut. t'Glld. allottheQvyaler Custom 150 Shortbed lftl,Mr-. •mY top. -' 'i'1T .... ""9 --·· -_..._..._ · Hr----ff,.1tt:------+-haJ1ar1·.-..-~...-nHhle V.., ~c. pow&&' er:tm ~OJ' 'h 18· 01 rkdt -ttl ,. w11o•. Auto. ,. ·-----------: MiatMe!(:f;_." •tH.rln&. maa /o\'al11 te or •i. ""~~an _ ............ ••••••• aAr.rack.Newt'ar~. powwa&eertqlrbrakes, ·eaTO,nlll9soad, ''' ...................... • Camper 1hol I t b1111l a.•a l~X{d. ·e Old'• Delta• lmmac. ia6Cht.Mt·~ whlte aldewalls, air mo 28.881 miles 111111 0> Gll.YtUtl-•ltifttotrtt · auto .. 1peed eontl'OI eond .'.-vi~yl t op . -..tt <IW> HOWAIDQue•t CU·5675 '74 JllMo Wqon. 4 apd, emluiou control <_,CR> •---------SU66 Uove6MISU ,... ttlJ A/C, low mlles. SHOO. a)'Uem.Untedalua.pwr SIH5 'T1~tal1na4dr. lon.. 1n•CHP1out CAMAIO l'\aU poww, rartory •1 <'G911.. rall,yc w h'""'ls & t llt wh .. el. Sh.arp t (~) U,00 H.\rbot 81v<t c. FllT .... E Nt.'Ulnt'\R a• •cu --windows " *ka Priced fllO PM c --lo rm. PB. PS, AC. IDeQ •l un 'IJ>.o11i" · ••• .. •••••••• .. •••~••11 belOw blue ·boOk. 74.906 -,,._.,,, other xtra1. MIOt. mlE~~St~i:.~Ana YOU'U.UKt:f" ...;.~:=our ~~~,~~~ :L.St495.,Y~~~M;anwora~ ti~'·· •::;IPONTIAC 4 C'114)iji:1000 '7'POID t:conomlul 4 cyl., BIY ..._.. -= -·--·.,···--u •• WAeoM ufl Circulation Dept. Open Dally le Sunday TIAMS AM SJttt 71CAMA.IO eq uipped with 111ut u trans . 1air c o nd . All/FM stereo cb&l'll<' 1411\JLB> l ..... ACI( YALLIY-..oaTS 01·2040 ., ... , .. , '16 Olmaro LT, 2:iM rm. FM stereo. V-8 wuto. $900P.P .675 34ti0evt:11 "18C.maro LT. T-top. air PB/PS, autu lran.s, all 11wr acces. stertio '8800Jbst Jim 675·4652 tt71CAMAIO Low males. loadt•d ' Priced to sell ! Mow<Wy $5911 Miracle Mcada/R.....tt 21.50Harbor lil., C.M 64~5700 9920 ....................... FINAL lt71 Q.EARAMCE! on Camaros. Capn<'es. Monte Carlos. Malibu.-. & Novas. Drastic reduc- tions! SAVE NOW!!! COHHEll CHEVROLET ( (~l ~ S40 0100 lt7t C .. YSLll NIWPOIT4H. Vil. 111utom11t1t> trunb . pwr It 6 bralc~. ttlt wtwl. de'<' n.•ar window defrO!Jh•r. vinyl r0<1f. Wl!w rad1a1une6 mor••' (l0.7401 S61tl ' I .' • 1 ATLAS 1 Hli1\1IR p: 1 .. ~ ll l l ti ()pee L>a1ly 6 Sunday 'tll IOPM ~Harbor Bh 11 C06la MHa S46-ltJ4 1977C .. YSl.la COllDOIA Hill JJ!IWcr, fuctoey 111r <'Ond . U.11d11u t op. ult wheel. crwse control . spilt pwr l>eat.s & ;;!H,()11() 11\J k'l> t I 77SS'fl $4599 NABERS· t?adtflfie l (.,(X} H.111.>or UM I c>->1.1 l'v\i."><'. S40 <>100 I 977 CHRYSl.Elt COROOIACOUH FUii power, factory air rood .. lilt Wht.'CI. crWl>C control, stcrf'O, ~pltt pwr seats. 20.UOO mil~ & in LIKE NEW co11d1t1on 1:123SCR). $4999 NABERS .'QX llJrt•1r Ill' d "~l\\11-:-.\ 546--1200 G~SAVER ~ '78 MONZA 2600 H.vbor Blvd 2+2 Hatchback. V-6, 4 C~l-' ~. 540-<>IOO speed, power ste1•rin{!. ract. air, lilt. AM!l"M stereo. rallye. 19,l!l3 Coe Hiwntal 9930 miles. 16114!>> (97SU01t > •••:••••••••••••••••••• '"~. MUSTAMG J-Dlt. •lollOIN c ...... s•r. ... .... _ J I .......... -Z10 'til IOPM ...... _ ·-Ir___.. I al .... ,, ...... ra io n-at c tram .• '!f; ~·-·· IUllAI. u aol.· a ~ .. CH-:. etGM ... n1alw. IJ(lwcr sl'"'r (31Zl'JR). (Stk. ,,_), Pit rack • factory '7I .__ 21129 Harbor Blvd. .....,.,ng, steno. a• I Qlupa• lti,l'.M llllh'K, V 4J, "' ·-• ~ Mtiooatic ll'llUI .. power 'a':J.. J\ M / I'' M $3611 coad. <631WOV>. ,._F C•... Costa Mesa nw . (556761) ... ..-... b _.. ..." ........ se. w.. 546-1934 °"" $4 ... --· llOWtltf r-t'll, ( H•IOH'l'V l .. All extras, PIS, P /B, Mlrule air toGd • ware whtwl $)76• AM FM c SUPERSTAR t'Over.. budu1t •r111h1. NABERS. ~on·~~a;!f::: 71TIAMSAM ,.,J!_.::.J-8.-1 d CM • "F t'Otllluc G MC mllm. Price •·•· Can mllmatic, power st.eer-Ml-6700 \l\aYILopS(l~JS.Q> •lC. FORTUNE ~· v.a, etc., etc. 71,230 lt,277 mlles . V-8 . ._._ .... v" · · ' .. " · ... • . a AT LAS · tlRYSl l R l'I 1MOUTH 41UOUP: 11-tSt ,SiuiUlAoa be ~ at the Daily Ins. power window1, t714)~ 1000 ~~·a ~e~~ ~Y c~til ~~ .... ~;-!'!,11~~-' ff70 'jjH'111o11K11' ltlJlt t.'11~ New IX:ONOMICAL l600H.lrbof 8'lld. C1 r t'u lataon Dept. ~.ttil."A .. M /FM -•••••-.. •••••••••• h'lll' til'\:lj, ftool brake. •76 rtMTO CO!>lrt ~'-S40-9 tOO 642-5678. ext. 210 s 1 e r e o t a p e . 1'76 flOllD Os»n Dally A Souduy IK2 7014 STATION WACK>N '&11 10 PM ·1~ "-to Sa Iii l~)lT4'1UOS> 1'HUMD8-23, 374 miles . V -6, 1971,..,lllo.U'ltol...... .. ........ m te te, air, $7666 "'1U rd . 2929 Harbor Rl \'\I 74 Muatao1 4-eyl. 4Sp1 au&omaUt', custom ex· -•n auto, pwr. 64,500 mi. Poftl', a Oi'Y ar Co6t.iMt•i.u l\M/FM calls, gooo tenor. luggag~ r ack. r.yc.to. goodcond '1775.979·8466 •J.C.FORTUMI cond., padded top. 54'-l fJ4 lr~ Jl,200 ~77 l6ll44H1.85RJY > 5111.... eves!Wknds PontJac·GMC AM /Fii s tereo. Uh SZI'' ., c -t c•-u w 2DOOE.1stSt.,Si&ota Ana wheel, leather, cr•e '711 <.:oat (; T , air a , In 'Tl Mw.t, V-3 eog. only ~ .x:a ~ on agon. '68 Plymouth · 'GTX • •. (714,558-lOOO control 6 34,000 mileli. nllJ!lS, du .. 11111 Mtrut1uo. 7IOO nu. radio. AM FM •JC FORTUNE Tt.ortquerllile trans.IV .a. eagine & trans gd. body U173NKL>. l2ld> .nn 646-~ Uij>e phtyer. A/C, l'/S, • • unt. I ass. emass ona fairSIOO/offer.898·1704 77T,....AM ~99 -t>/8 ~789 963·~ Ponti·ac·GMC control system, L /R re-.,.Y .-mote c t l SE A"""'arance Group, '68 Mere· Cuugur l;uod an> E. lslSt., Santa Ana on ro mirrors. """' l'10dllJoo New o res ~ 66 MUSTCONV Vil. auto. (7l4)558-lOOO A/C, 111utomallc. pwr. PCllllioc 9965 T -Top , loaded w 1th or ~t olfer 839-~llOl rull.'f gre111, nd:. body I lallglille window & door •••••••••••••••H•••••• ~!o~h • ~":::: J>.11nt. S2 .•195 firm . '74 Pinto, lake new, make lock.a. Priced below Blue '73 Grand Prix. l owner. White/blue velour m · 9940 ti13~or640·2522 olrer. &ok. 76,000 ml. $1495. very clean. $1995. Ph tcrior . Detailed . 'Iii M~tung. Runs well. S56-0631 Can be seen at The Daily ~ (863RYNI Dir 642.8366 11fRJFl'V TRUCK I ·11coua111 Longbed Pickup. 5 speed. AM /FM stcrc·o cassette. 12,345 miles. <611411)(1Kl9799) $4766 *J.C. FORTUNE Pontiac-GMC alOO E Isl St . Santa Ana 1714)558-1000 '78 Fiesta, 2.'lmpg. orng, 4-sp. doth int, s unroof, l\M /FM eass. ·lou vers, 4100 m1. lik e new. 64&-4985 '68 Jo'a1rlanc Stn Wn~ Goo d Co nd ti c y I $600/best offer. (':i ll d l Slooo C II Pilot. 330 W. Bay St.. --------~ .... ~~.£~'" · · a '73PintoRunabout. Costa Mesa or t'all '76 Trans Am. Xlnt cond, 2600 H.\rl>or8'11d. ,,............, __ _ $1165. C1rc ul al aon Dept. $6500/bestoffer. F1nd what you want in Cc.Y.>M~.540-<>IOO Want Ads Cu 11642·5678 646-8094 6424321. ext. 210 4994996. Dealy Palot Classifieds. A111M. New tlOO Alllol, New 9100 Alllol, Mew tlOO Amtoe. New tlOO AMtol. ... w tlOO Alltos. Mew t100 •..••..•.•.....••••.••....•..................• ·····················~· ......•................ ·····················~··················· .. ··· OVER NOWIM 160 GAS SAYERS STOCK TRICKS $4966 '1972 Mark JV MINT 631-0tS.1 LEFTOVER 78's AND '78 DEMOS EVERY CAR AT INVOICE OR IELOW MEw 1919 VANS-RY's *J.C. FORTUNE CONU. Loaded, 89K mi. _'73_Gr_a_n_'J1_o_r-. S-.pt-.. a uto, lo _127_50_. 731_·734_7~·----nu, Jl6, pb. ac, rally whb . Pontiac-GMC 2DOO E. Isl St .. Sun ta Ana (714)558-1000 too s.. eo.t Hwy. a..,..IMcll 494-1 Ill 2 I Altllo Cewtw Drl•• --c-.-0...7 DAYS A WEB 768-7222 77 CHEVROLET MONZA 4 speed. power ~tcenni:. powa-brakes, air cond1 tioning, 4 cylinder . cx 1977UNCOLN CON11NINTAL MARICV -Only :IM,000 miles, ru11 power, ractory air cood .• all the Continent.al lux- uries & UKE NEW con drtion. (831RJ I\). $7999 NABERS ~ 2600 H.vbor BMt. Coo..tc\ Mesd. 540-9100 1976UNCOl.N COMTINIHT AL COUPE. Split pwr. seals. leather, Cabriolet top. tmse control & slcreo radio. l<XiSPOPl. $5699 NABERS ~ 2600 HilrbOI 8'lld. (()',I.I N\.--..t, 54()-9100 cellmt gas m1lea~e. only ecr..tt. 9932 19.000 miles. t832SXA > ••••••••••••••••••••••• SADOLHACI< VALLEY IMPORTS 111-2040 49~4949 CORVEn'E COUNTRY! 18 To Choose From '71 Malibu. Runs good, l964s To 1979s 1111PG in town. M50. HOWARD CM•rold 642·8242 Dove & Quail Sts. Cbevette '78 4dr, NEWPORTBEACH hatchback. :.11r <'ond. ___ l _l _J.O_S_l_I __ _ AM/FM. new tires Best 1976COllVETTE dfer over $4,000. 752 6067 Less than 31,000 mile£' wlmdlwkdays, 752·ft1152 l.uaded, including T-top. •Ilene Carlo ·74 Load~-d. rn6UCE> landau. air. + +. 44000 Now CWy $8688 rm. One owner. Reg gas. Miracle n+&M-1r111 W.../I ....... '79 Monza Wgn. V6, a utoz 2150Harbor Bl .• C.111. air, 4500 ml. Loaded. go MS.5700 !11.!lage. M Ult ae II ! ---------V0<7'282.5 lt7t CHIVIOLIT COIVITTI T·TOP with bW'gundy leather ---------• iderior. I.AM thu 100 '74 a... Vep Air. 20 miles! <Ser. 1444). Must mps, All/P'll ater eo aeenow· ~ . .-/bit orr. WOM'TLASTlll •-· HOWAIDQnr•t C1111• HJI ..... a"911Sh. -•••••••••••••••• teWPOIT llACH .,,, CHIYSLll IJMlll UIAIOMIDI. Ca JP HJJ VI. automatic tr•~ •••••-••••••••• .. ••• .. ~~-=~•c· 1'74.-cuRY c9Dl ltltpea • morel COU.AICOUPI (-) ---Uctnm~ •n• rf,'l{l·,'t.~eo • 1i ... .. ,, AT LAS I H~•\\ IQ I' •',ml I fl °"" l>mlJ .... , 'UlJ.IPll -llarlMll'IUvd. Caltell•• 146-J9J4 trd, aplt .... vinyl ~).''' .. tlre1. 8791 ,,, .. AT LAS I Hl/1\\ I H I'' 1 1.1111 I H Opa9Dally681111day 'WllPll -Harbor Blvd. CaataM ... , 146-1914 SI 799. Dir 8!17-3546 76Granada, PS. PB. auto. stereo, $2995. 557-73'2 ~; 675-37'6evs --- '64 4·dr S, nds clutch. Great 289 VI, re~. gas, 3-spd, ctn, $325 S45·3349. Mlmridl 9947 ....................... iO New brakes, gold with tan mt, good milca~c Asking $800. 496-6581 Mercsy 9950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANGE COUNTY'S NEWEST LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALERSHIP RAY FUDEIOE LINCOLN-MERCURY 16-18 i\uto Center Dr. SDFwy-Lakc F'oresl exit IRVINE 830.7000 1976 CADILLAC COWEDEYIW ALltomalic trans .. power steering. power brakes. air cond ., whale sHJewaJls. clectnc door tocks. le athe r , s plit power seal'i. <'rw~e con· trot. lilt wheel, AM WM stereo. moon roof, powt•r windows , vrnyl lop. <W>VCYJ $4995 AT LAS CHRXSLER PLYMOUTH Open Daily & Sunday 'tal 10 PM 2929 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa 546-1934 IMMACUl .. ATE '78 COUGAR XR 7 17 .soo m iles. V ·8, automatic. power steer· ing, power windows , 6 way power seats, crwse. ract. air, AM /FM stereo, land au, s u nroof. mags/new radials . (81.134 )(5'19V AV) "'" TUNE ~ 2IOOOE. J..stSt., Santa Ana (TI4)1&Pr1000 1maimcuaY mHYRZ-7 VI, atatoma tic. pwr. steaiDC 6 brakes. fac· tAJrJ aJr emd., AM/FM ..... factory two-tone paAa& ar only 1.000 miles. UllNKP). Specially pde.iat •'" NABERS ~ zeoo HoWor Bllld. C05U Mel.a. 54().9100 "71Col. Puttpau ..... Wblte, fully loaded l Jami •• 100. 81Mlll u ,. .... oat r..diU tbe lttll edl la Clualfted ,. .......... a lot .....,., tatorm,uoa • ................... ' ' PINTO POllY N~':1 15;~~~':0 ONLY 47Jg,. •PINTOS •FIESTAS •GRANADAS •FAIRMONTS •L TDS • T-BIRDS HURRY! 53758 PlUSTA:;t.&LtCENSE CUSTOM PICKUP [. ~ Pw1 ..i1 Q.tuQe'. • ~ ... ff f Q6,i·...: ....... .,d ::: a ... ct-?l•n•l o.r1 • ,,......-II 101 & 11,a1 "• ••Wt~ bum oe• s a na •'Eo*i more HO MORE SA VIMGS LIKE nay "UTTU C~" ... STOC• 2 3 lour cylinde r gas saver engme. Power steeflng. power front disc brakes.tmledglass etc. 553H THESE WHEN PRESENT CLEARANCE PRICED ===S=T=oc=•=s=·=·=E=G=O=H=E=!==~TO REDUCE INVENTORIES '77 FORD '76 D rtMTO ltUNAIOUT L,. I DOOi This soortv 11111e gas saver va. a~tic trans •. J>OWtr 1~ E1Qu1pped with a 4 cyl steering a brakes. air cond .. 1>ng1ne. e1.1tomahc trans. & till wheel. cruise control I power steeflng. (716RYN) ~ loP. \610PCF).• (Stk. s·2111 'fiill '76 FORD GIAMADA COUN Economical 6 cyl engine, aulomat1c 1ransm1ss1on. powe r s teering and air c o ne (12 1090) (Stk . 795428 ). $ '76FOID MAMAM4000I Economical 6 cyl engine. automalic trans . power steering. air conditioning, pawer brakes & vlnyt top. (688POOJ (Stk. 0783A). $ 77PLYMOUTH AUOW Economlcal 4 cyl engine. 4 s peed lfafls . & deluxe 1nte11or Onty 8900 miles• (276SWTI (Slk 1415A) 53488 '76 FOID '77 FORD '76 fOID '77 ~RD '76 C .. YSl.B •IAMAD• .._. COUPI PIMTO WAGC>tt a1AMADA COUPS LTO H llOUGHAM COBOIA COWi Economical 6 cyl. engine, This s mall wagon Is VS, automatic trans . air vs automatic trans oowe r VB. auto. trans .. pwr st a aut omat ic trans .. power equipped with a ' cyl. eond .. power steenng & steer1ng & brakes. atr co n-brakes. pwr windows & •tearing. power brakes. engine and automatic brtkes. cruise control. tilt d1t1on1ng AM/FM and vinyl eeat. le.llhef. air cond. sun· AM/FM and air cond. transmission Lots of gas wheel & AM/FM tape top 1684SWS) root. Ult. cruise & vinyl 1op. Siiia sg (~·-53788 sm '76 FORD GIAHADAaHIA ' Door VS. automatic. pwr steering & brakes. air cond . pwr. dr. locks & windows. lllt. cruise. AM/FM tape & vinyl top. (1 '8NXN) (Stk. P3718). $ '77 FOID · LTOlll~ Automatic trans .. air c:ond • pwr .. steering & brakes. ccuile control. pwr. win· d~w,, AWFM stereo, 1111 W~•I a. v inyl top . <l37SWS> (._ P387 t >. . V8. automatic trans : power sleeting & brakes. air cones .. tilt wheel and vinyl top. (308$Z0) (P3e221. '77 MERCURY MOMAICH COUPE \18 , automatic lransm1ss1on. power steenng, power brakes. atr cond1t1on1ng and vinyl top. (5,9SARl (Stk. P3681). Tfttt rauati a touoh OldiuP la.. eoui~d wit• • VI •fttl"•· automat ic t,.,..tlll•lon and DDwer -(1G~(Stk. CUSTOM. EQuipmenf in· el u des automa11c transmission, power steer- 1 ng and a VB engine. ( 1tc:47680)(8tk. 128A T). '78DODGE ASl'ltf ' DOOtt This cat 1s eQu•PPed with an econo mical 6 c yl., engin e. automa tic 1ra ns m1ss1nn a nd po wer 'iteer1ng (839UKX) (Slk. 1960SAJ $ ! j .. IRAllD SLAM SA YllllS 011 ALL 1979 OLDS ,~~ DEMONSTRATORS & EXECUTIVE CARS • 98 REGENCYS • CUTLASSES • 88's '79 CUTI.ASS SUPREME AM/FM stereo with tape, air conditioning. tilt steering wheel. cruise control. (8903). . .. .. ' '79 OLDS 98 REGENCY ~ _. Absolutely loaded including custom stereo _.f~~J· $'elm. a9911 power ass1s.J. -_,__ __ "7 ·---MO ....... '-:.-> >··. r "'" 5141!! ------Plus tax •8 months ooen-end plus tax .a months apen end lease. cec:> ooet s 7500 Ree1dua1 13875 Penodic payment s 7201.92. Inception cc.c S261 04 on IPP'oved credit. ~..,,....--..,.; lease. cap cost 59885. Residual U180. Perlod;&t>ayment $10,189.78. lncept1on cost 5387 on approved credit. IMC , ALL MIST TRUCK & YAN I I 979 GMC 1/2 TON PICKUP "MO CAT Al me COMYERTll" I t7t&MC SMn.CJalk I T•f'k-. I 979 GMC 1/2 TON 4X4 SHORTBED 8800 0 -I --Qlen. \'4cltt'Q '""' .,,,_ .,, C"1d H 0 springs .. •.1 lttre engine radial fires, ,._ .... _,,,...,....,.°"_ "'""" ironu.~ 1 •1~,.,vi; Aux gas fank. 5 7 ltlre V8. IOCll1nl) chrome bumoer. gauoes. vinyl 1ntenor. !~!;":,:" ..,:..~oe,!!-C:' .::a·~~~·~ !I~':!'; d1Herenh81. 9'cJd plate. tack. H O coo11n9. (TCD1•9Z5262•6) ( 13323). _,. c1SM&lln:8348Zr.229I01 chrome front bumper. gauge;, ( 13303• 54779 58579 'TK"SJ379 USED CAR & TRUCK HEADQUARTERS •71 CHEYY CAMAIO Aut o matic, po wer stee ri ng & brakes. air cond1tioniflg. AM/FM stereo w/cassette. tilt wneel & rallye wheets. (134UBU) 55279 171 OLDS CUTI.ASS sa.HME .-i .,fnyl top, air c:ond .• automardc, pwr. steerinQ & brakes.· AM/FM ateteo radio. C>Wf. windows, tilt wheel. cullbn wheets. only 11.000 miles. (&52VVC). 55979 174 PONTIAC FllBllD Auto . P S . P 8 .. air conditioning. vinyl top, AM/FM stereo (007VBUJ •77 CHEVY MOMTECAILO Auto .. P S .. P.8 .. factory air, tlltwneet.oowerwindows. Yl p8ddtop,cu1tomwt1eets.andt"-.(877SEAJ. 177 OLDS CUTLASS Salon. Auto .. P.S .. P. 8 .. air cond .. YI vinyl IOP. console. buckerseats.stereo&ttPe.(P13534). 177 OLDS CUTI.ASS SUPIEME V6. auto .. P.S .• P.B .• factory air. tilt wheel. AM/FM stereowTthc 1 atte~.(910SXK). '11 FOID MUSTANG 4 cyt. engine. stick shift stereo radio. cusrom wneers & ttres (056SZC). '77COU&AIX11 Auto .. P S .. P 8 .• aircond .. vinyl top. 6-wav oower sea•. sfereo. tape playet, cruise control. Power windows. (932RKY). . Bu•tlngtoia ·Beach · .. --·-----J'o11••tal•• Valley Y •ar •••e•••• I Dally Ne••••.-er · ~ VOL. n, NO. US, 4 SECTIONS, 52 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1979 • 'Fint Since Gilmore X•CO ~ports Li•ff .-d Truce ·closes Airport Debate 111 aoBEllT BARKER Of .. 0-. ...... '"'" Members of the HunUngton Beac h Meadowlark Airport Committee went around and around Thursday mghl on a re · port by three of its seven mem· I bers who claimed the airport as unsafe. With Mayor Don MacAlhster and Councilwoman Ruth Railey acting as peacemakers of sorts. tM debate ended in an uneasy truce. The three minority members or the panel. all non·pilots who 'Tanked Up Odds Set \For Drive By TOM BARLEY OI ._ DMIY l"ii.t Sl.att It was the tum or the ·'odds·· . to rm their gas tanks today and ' Orange Coast service station ! operators reported that m any of 'lbeir customers were gassing up · pnor to bitting the road on this Memorial Day holiday weekend. It is expected that many I ''evens" will wait until early Saturday to gas up before they I too head for the highways ra~er than take a chance on gelling ias en route to their destination. Travelers appeared to have the cautious blessing of th<' Southern California Automobile • Club which said today that the RBS su~ly PoSition during the GASOLINE LEADS PRICE HIKES-A4 BUCKET BRIGADE UMITSET-AS SOLONS' OIL STOCK A CONFLICT-£dttorial, A6 GAS STATION PRICING RAPPED-A 11 represent area homeowners. ugreed not to issue any more re· ports without first clearing them with thf' full c·ommattf!e And Mar Allisler urged that the committee stay intact und keep working tu solve problems between thf' airpofl a nd its neighbors an the area or Warner Avenue and Bolsa Chit•a Street. M acAllister added. however. that al was not "good gamemanship" to issue the re- port without the knowledge or others. .. l 'm hoping that you will patch up your differences." he satd. Co-chairman James Evans had called for the removal or the thrt>t• minority memtwrs co· c·haarman Tom La vf'ngood , John Long and Chf't Drahos lie said their statement!'-. wen· false and accused the trio or was hing dirty linen an public Ev<1ns also charged the thr~ with improper handling of or. rit•aal dO<'umenlc; and s aid they may have been guilty or the Brown Act I which prohibits c losed, secret meetings> and Robert's Rules of Order. He also said allegedly false statements concerning airport safety could leave the three s ignees open t o libel and s lander · ·'They sent the report to every- one in town except the commil- tee ·s ea-chairman. its members and the airport owner." • In their minority report early this month. Livengood. Long and Drahos indicated unhappiness with the direetion the communi ty was heading. . They said they felt the airport ·_was neither safe nor compatible with the communtiy. Tht>y said they would take no responsibility for ruturl· tragedies which they said "are bound to occur under present conditions." ' . tam .,.w •• .....,. ANTI-DEATH PENAL TY PROTESTERS AGONIZE Reac11on at News of Spenkelink's Execution Witness to Death: 'He Didn't Speak' DECONTROL COST: $135 PEA FAMIL Y-88 They also complained about <J lack of si:trety zone for pilot error o r m l'C'hanical fa ilure ; the ope r ation or twin e n gine aircr aft; uncontrolled 24·hour operations: failure of s ome pi lots to follow a prescribed night pattern and an increasing num bcr of airplane tiedowns. By TOM SI.AUGHT ER chair ror rivl' minute:.. which seemed ltkc an age. STARKE. Fla . 1AP1 When Then I saw the executioner. they rahed the vcnL·taan bland. lie wore a bl ack hood and a holiday weekend is "much more Joh 5...., k 1· k t d d ' ti encour"'oing." n ,,~n e an s an• irec Y .robe. Other witnesses said they .._ Democrats at the 32 or \IS who watched him s aw two execut10ncrs, bul I saw A s....a.esman said the number d1· • tod ...,.. e ay only one. of stations closing on any day H d 'd 't k 11 d'd 't d e 1 n spca · c 1 n lie Jrv·1ke•J at the man he was during the weeken is the lowest bl k II t "d t · ht h d "' ~ . . h' So N1·x Decontrol an . es ar-.: s raag a ca paui S150 lo kill from behind a since the gas cns1s 1t uthem There was nothing an the con California five weeks ago. demned mi:tn 's expression. even partition. He said fewer than 20 percent WASffiNGTON IAPl Some though two of has C'loscsl friends The d octor approac hed ol Orange County service sla· congressional analysts are sug· an his last days Wl'rc stam.hng 1n SpenkC'hnk 1 wu more tamci.. lions surveyed planned lo close gesting sheer rear is the reason the back row of witnesses so he checking his hea rtbeat and S•turday The percentage in· two out of three House could sec them hcforc he d1t•<I an pulse. t!reased to about SO percent on Democrats arc al odds with a the huRe oaken t-lectnc chair One or the eight men inside the Sunday NKl 30 percent on Mon· Dcmocrati(• president over oil Then they lowt•rt'fl a black death chambe r saul something clay price decontrol. hood over h1i. face. There was a Lo Prison Surwnnlcndcnl D<ivid .. But those figures are en-. It's mainly a fear or raising pause . then has body jumped Rracrton . The man s miled t!OUraging," he said. "More sta· 1 slightly •.'-ns will be open than at any their constituents' ire by voting s ighlly. Smoke began risinR Finally, five minutes after <See AIRPORT. PaJte A2> Attorneys Battled For Life STARKE. lt~la . IAP) · Con· victed murde r e r J ohn A. Spenkelink was put to death in Florida ·s oak electric chair to- day. clenching his left fist as 2.250 volts of electricity shot through his body. He was pro- nounced dead at 7: 18 a .m. PDT. Spenkelink. 30. formerly of Buena Park. whose attorneys roughl lo save his life up to the last moment, became the first man executed an the United States since Gary Mark Gilmore willingly faced a firing squad an Utah on Jan. 17. 1977. Before that. no e xecutions had been rarried out in this <.·ountry smce 1967. Spenkelink w<.1s executed tn a drab beige death room. measur- ang ab<1ut 12 by 20 feet. at th(' Florad:.i Stat•· Pra:-;on He re C'C'IVf'lf tht• first JOit or clCClrtCll y tit 7 13 a m Thal first s urgl· singed th1· skan on has right l'alf, sending smoke into the death chamber. lie rlcnched ha s left fast. then has hand s bc~an to c url and blacken. Spenkelink received Lwo more jolts of electricity. A doctor was called to cheek his heart at 7: 14 a.m. The doctor looked at prison superintendent David Brierton, stepped back and waited two more minutes, when he again c h ecked Spenkelink 's heart with a stethoscope and again s tepped back. Finally at 7. 18, he made a third check, lifted the death hood to look at Spenkelink ·s eyes, and checked his pulse. Spenkelink was dead. He had been c·ondemned for killing a fellow dnfter with a <'riminal r ecord. Jos eph Syz mank1 ew 1cz, 1n a Tallahassee motel room in 1973. Spenkelink. a fugitive from a California prison al the time. picked up has vartim as a hitchhiker and claimed he killed ham after Syzmankiewacz ror<'ed him at gunpoint to submit to a homosexual art C<.1rol Myers. Spenkelink ·s sis· tcr, appeared at the briefing area crying on the shoulder of he r husband, Tim. She held up what she said was her brother's last will . which read: "Th as 1s lo authorize the release of my body a nd all personal belon~ings 1m- m ediate ly if I am executed 1 murdered) by the state of Florida to Mrs. Carol Dean Myers." The condemned man had lost his last hope of reprieve four minutes before the scheduled 7 a.m . execution when the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington (SeeSl..AVER, Pag~ A2> Gold Prices Zoom; Dollar Trades Mixed ""' to back a policy that will allow from his right calf where an point of the crisis and the word f 1 · to · · r 1 l od h d . Spenkelink received the first jolt from thoae stations is that their ue pnces raise at a time o ehec rd e was attac e to his of electricity' the doctor nodded LONDON <AP) -Gold prices " a .... .....,.. Fl NALLY EXECUTED John Spenkellnk Spenkelink Writes His Epitaph STARKE. Fla. IAPl In his Canal hours. John A. Spenkelink Jolted down his epitaph. ··Man ls what he chooses to be. He chooses that for himself.'" Spenkelink wrote on a note he · s lipped to his minister, tbe Rev. Tom Feamster. less than two ·- hours before he died in Florida's elect rt<' chair. Feamster, a n E p iscop al manaster who ~ame close l.o S penkelink during his final months. said that after handing over the final written message. the condemned m an gave the cler~yman a mess age of love. ·'The last thing he said to me was tha l he loved me." Feamster said. "The last thing I said to him was that I loved him ... we shook hands.'' Feamster. who witnessed the f'xc•cution and ca lled 1t "barbaric." recalled one other last statement from Spenkelink: "When this comes down, I hoJJe that some good will come or 11." s p t' n k e II n k d 1 d n o t e at breakfast. There was no final me al. Feamster said, but did take Holy Communion two hours before he was executed. "You need not waste your prayers on John Spenkelink. Let's pray for ourselves. Let's pray for our souls." the minister said. "That wasn't John Spenkelink that was electrocuted in that ch air today. because John Spenkelink had died of this kind of barbarism years a~o." the minister said. David Kendall. o n e of Spenkelink's attorneys. said the death penalty "will be a thing of the past in another ~eneration." lie said Americans in the <See F.PITAPH, Page A2> Coast supply of gas will be much more a~rea~y-high prices and tight s ave skin. at .Brierton. soared to record levels today, ;.;--t1tlet;tljrat-;.U:...~~~~~~~~~...2.!'!T~h~u~s~t~h:e~H~o;,u~se;;-Dn:e;m~o~c~ra:it~ic;-~,B~O~t~l~comun~~d~n~T1SmTm~·aw~nymtl~1~tnMgr.~~~w~~~..,R~ftne~wm-~~no~nrnrn-.,,Anrntnh~u11Tt~-t&tepping-<·"!:::::::~::;~~::--t~~~~~l!!~;.;s:~~t-~~~-:t The auto club is urging drivers Caucus formally voted 138_69 We were silent in the witness Spenkelink was dead. bullion markets in London and '!'! who are getting low on gas to Thursday lo oppose President room. We waited. Zurich. Dollar trading was atop at the fint available station Carter's decision lo r emove mixed on the world exchanges. retber than seek a shorter line federal controls from oil prices SpenJcelink's chest was freed f • Bullion prices in London at another facilitv from a heavy leather strap. His ra1J,1,al1S rocketed to mo an ounce at the starting June 1. white shirt was unbuttoned A m o rnin g f i xi n g . up r r o m l•rial Day Weeken~ 6asoli11 Supplies ar Csnct s-...) IHI -~·-~ U.W's.,,IH .. ,.. -...... ........ Al fffld, Jwlls ~ . . M1Hll1nt1c Soutllmt prison official reached inside his Ra V S Thursday's closing price of $265 shirt and tugged at his T-shirt. rp • • and shatte ring the r ecord or exposing his chest. A doctor then $265. 625 set Tuesday. London placed a stethescope to the chest TEHRAN. Iran 1AP 1 gold brokers fixed the afternoon oftheri"idandhoodedrigure. Millions or Iranians price at $270.60 an ounce. Spenkelink 's h a nds were throughout the country another record. The previous clutched in a fist and were dis-demons tr at c d for a record was $2164.SO at the Tuesday colored. second day aRainst U.S. afternoon fixing. criticism or 0 overnment Gold h1't $270 25 1·n Zun'ch I saw a three-Inch wound "' · ' executions, state radio re· Eur ope's other b1' 0 bullion below a leather harness on his e ported today. market. The Zurich exchange, calf. His skin had split, but he 1 n Tehran. tens of like many other European finan· didn't bleed. Like the other wit-thousands of marche r s cial centers. reopened today nesses, I sat motionless in my burned American flags after Thursday's Ascension Day and effigies or President holiday. The previout' Zurich Marijuana Seized SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico IAPl -A ship carrying mor~ than $15 million worth of marijuana has been captured 200 miles northwest of Puerto Rico, ap- parently headed from South America to an American East Coast port. the U.S. Coast Guard aatd. • Ca rter and Menachem record was Tuesday's $298.125, Begin outside the U.S. but the price fell to $284.375 Wed- Embassy. nesday. Parading with banners. The widely forecast $300 ounce reading "Down With of gold, predicted for the end of Carter" and "Death To this year, appeared increuingly American Imperialis m ." realistic bec:ause of tbe world oil marchers ;olned in pro-:1hortate. fears ol still more In· tests in two Tehran OationandgeneraJeconomicun· squares and in front of the certainty. ln~eston traditionally eft\baasy. buy told as a bedp in Umes of ' ' economic unrest. .1. II Weather Night and morning low e louds with hazy suns lune m the afternoons through Saturday. Highs in the mid 60s at the beaches and an the low 70s inland. Lows tonight 57 to 62. INSIDE TOD" W Haw p got rhflflmt'! If not an '*re lo fiftd .ome at the Goldn Bftr i1a Hwat· ington Beach, Goldn Welt College or UC lnmae tl&U weUndOft~CI. ..... AtY-..,,..Atl AllltLeMln a ....... A'I"'"'" CM L.M .................... .. ............................ (......._. AS -....c:.., M ~ DMt ........... CM C.-C• Dt...... ..., C........ DI ltlctl---. M ........................ cw .............. Mtilllewa CM IMlftll ICHI ...._ M P........ ., .. Waell a Ct-ta :::::: :----.. . ...,,,...... . firld!y, Mar 26, 111'1 -Shelter-~~ Clings to Life By KATHY CLANCY -.. ..., ........... The alleged murder this w•k of a former Huntington Beah woman tragically demoastratea the need ror special shelters fOr women who are abused by tbllr hu"bands. OEVlt~Kl.Y 1111.L" tAP l T ht> tklf'I ur soup lY<'(~n l.lovct Cot!ltm rt•mu11w1t In c·r1t1,·11I t•c)n dition loc.luy 111..-d11y aRflr Cotsen's wift• und u 16 yeur old 00Y dlt"'d from lf\jurlt·~ Sllfft'N'll Wht!n tht• three wc•r" bouncl und ar..,...... WIFE. SON DIE Soap Tycoon CotHn IA Looks -To County For Busing LOS ANC t-:LES 1Al'1 So flow wh1lt-~tudcnts ~irf• lt:ft 1n Lo.., AnJ{l'lt•s puhlic· ..,,•h11ol.., thal lhl• nnly wtiy lei 1nt1·g rat1· lhe di~ lrtl'l 1.., lo hnng wl11l1•s in from other ...i·hool 1lastrids , includini,: Or;1ng1• ('ount v. the· lnll·t.:r:it111n l'l'OJl'fl •wy~ Thl' I Al~ Angl·lcs d1slr1<'t is un <tl'r court orde r to t:liminat•• ::.egrc·gatecl •whools n ut that h rapidly h1·coming imposslbl!.! because of a shortaJ:e or while students, Thl· lntc•gratio11 Pro· Jet't argued in a motion filed Thursday with tht• Jlldg1· over sN~ing th1• mt1•J!rat1on pl an. The solul111n, The Integration Projet't contended. i!> to incluch: st udenl'I from RS other local d1.., tricts In a mt•tropolitun integra lion plun T h 1 • I ' r 11 j t• (' t p r c s c n t c· d Sup1·rior Court .Judge Paul Egly with a modc·I intei::rati1m plan t h:.it would g11 into effect in three stages Stagt• om• would int'ludc· Loi; Angelc•s and 2~ other d1:-. tri<'ts . for a total of Hfi0,000 stu· dc•nts '1l l.H.'fl't'nt whitt•, 29 per t•enl llls panic iincl 2:1 peor t'cnt bla1·k . ·~ht· Lo:-. i\ngl'l t·~ district, which has Ju st completed Uw first year of a thrcc-:-.tagc ink- g r a t inn 11la n, 1s 70 11t•rcc nt minority students. The SC't•ond 'itage of The Ink · gration ProJCl'l 's plan would in· volve 79 school distncts, includ· 'n ~ som e in northwestern 9rangc and Ventura countt~. and the third stage would extend the plan lo Riveors1de a nd San Bcrnardjno counties. Integration Project lawyers said no student would have to l'tde a school bus fo r more than 45 minules·each way. PrOJCCl lawyers said a recent state appt'als court decision aovc California 1·01irls the power to require 1ntcrdi s tr1ct de segregation if that 1s what It takes to integrate u district. .. DAILY PILOT ttw ()fo~(M·\I Ofttl• P 1'0t •Rfl•ftff'"•~•nf'n ... ,,... ..... "'-'Pt"'\ l\~1 • .,, .. 0 ..... (o•\t Pvbt1\l'KnQ(.~ ""Ot••t•Mil~•r• INOfl\"•d ~·• ltw-ovott r,.., • ., tot fMI" lill'ttM. Ht,....., IWtM.ft Htlf'IM'tOl.-i e.MIU(Ouf' iA"'V•ll•y ""tn. l~n."'"'\(>utP,tf'olt\I A tlftol~ rf'~ ,...,.nin ., ~"...-.d "-lu•ditn AN.I ,.t1u:1111,11 Thi """" •t""t puit»lt\fW"Q SHMI• 1\ 111111JO +11r 11rot ""•'-•,..f (Ollit~,,,_"' f"fUtwf\1"'"'"' .. _ .... -p,.,..-nt •nd ••~1"-t , .... " """ ... ""·~-0.-.. ,.,._ ,_ ....... . " .. ... ~..;:;.."'it' o.tte• 91. L-.... ...,_ P IU" AHitt..,.Moln ... .,.u ... , ~·-.,.,. ()r-C...M• ltll ... HulltlMllOft ... OMoe tiif'f8.•tf'I 8ou••"*"" ~Ill ... '""''"" p (> lie• 100 ,,... °"'"' ""~ t~: :~·w~':.7!:'~~~;"'' TlllfflOM (1U)MMaa1 Cl ...... Afte ....... .., ... ,. '·--'"°'·-C..,..Cy ,_"""" .-1220 ~·T. ::. o:.:r: •. '=:1:'.:~:S.~ ;;c •• , ., ... ., .... ,....ftr: .. , • .,, ,...., ... =~::.::·-,,..1.1 ............. el ... _,, ... ,..._ ...... c .... .... "' ....... '"""' 1..i.1 ~···-­, .. , tJ,. ~' tf m•ll "M _,,,,, -. .... 1.,_.,,. ........... 11hOI In t.ht• hc:u'1 IJy un 10trud1•r authMillf>s siud Chrlstopht•r lloorinu or Wc•11l \ovinu. whc'l wtts ll vinl( w1lh the• l'ol ~c.·nll wh1lt> ntlf'rHling pr1•11 <1fhool. 111cod Thur11duy at (\odur" S1n a 1 M1•d1t•a l ('t•nh·r . 'lllfl hcuplt•I i.11okHm•u Hotwrl l'OWl'll Joannr f'oC5en. 42, rtl~ 'ntur!I c1ay t•vminlt ut UCLA Medkt.11 Ct>nl("r whc•rt> ~ht h1ut undf'r.conf• ... II r j.( ,. I \ ' •• I cl h II " ,, I ' a I 'liilk1•,111un I llH•k, "hl· hod tMTn a 111r11r 1n 11 1·u,1• 11H ol\ 1n,.: a11 l r:11111111 'tu1lt•nt tlf'r U year old i.on, Noi.h 14 .ts rn <'r!C11·al 1·or1d1t111n ut I l 'I,/\ Tlw \Oun..: l><lt!ring <the• :-.on 111 I h1' ltev fo!d~ur A Uot:ncw.1 Mr-. Cotsen and her .son wen• c•ud1 IM1und and shot oncl' 1n tht· ht'ad Wednesd1ty t•vernini.t Police <:apt Lee Tracy s aul Thursday investigators wen · baffled by the ~hootm gs hut have a good dc>scripllon of the gunm<1n Hc said a eouplc· escaped the attack on tree-lined Bedford Drive just next door ·to the home or pianist Jost• lturhi ·'Thi:' suspt-tt•t wt1s dressed in all dark clothing and wai. wear mg ski masks and ~lovt's" Tra<'y said. adding that the man spokt· with an al'Cl'nt. "possibly Middle• Eastern or European." C otse n . preside nt of Neutro~ena Corp .. and a di rec tor or Allergan PharmaceuticaJs in Irvine. was in New York when the shootings occurred, but re- turned immediately. Has Los An~f'les -ha se d co m pany manufacturc·~ :i tr<1n sparent am he r soa1' ,.~ro,,. Pa~ ,t I SLAYER ... vo t <>d fi 2 to den y :.i i.t ;iy Lawy{'rs for S1x-nk<·link 1Jrcst•nt- <•d a pl'lilion for a sta v to the t•ourt derk at '1 a m. · After Spenkelink received tht: f1r:.t electrical ehargc and while· lw was still s trapped in the: death chair. A mimstc•r, who visited the condemned man for t~o years. asked those in the ~1tness room to pray for the dy· mg man "m the nam<· of God " Also present m the w1lnci.i. roo11_1 was Spenkelink 's attorney. David Kl'ndall of Was hington. Kenda ll re m ained !>ilent and stared with a fixed ga7.e al S pf.'nkelink m the death chair. The execution. which was to hav<' he~un promptl y &il 7 a ~ w<is im.•xphcably delayl'd until 1 · 11 . when the venetian hlmcts separating official and mt·dia witnesses from the elcc· Irie chair were opened, showing Spcnkelink already s trapped m the huge oaken death chair. fi e was wcarin~ a while gown rolled up at the sleeves and blue nants. A towel was placed under 11 ~ chin. A leather harness was placed Jround his head, over his chm ind his arms. chests, lcgi. and l nkles were secured lo the chair with wide leather straps. Spenkelink was not a llowed a traditional last statement con. trar)'. to promises from prison 1ffic1als who had s aid he would make a final speech. Spenkclink was fastened so <>eeurely in the head harness that he <'Ould not open his mouth and stared impassive ly at the 32 persons who witnessed the ex· t•cution on thC! othe r side or the glass partition About a manuk after the hlinds were drawn. a black hood was lowered over Spenkc •hnk 's face. Several attendants inside the death room ste pped hul'k from the death chuir and the first jolt or e lectricity was delivered. 8 1,..,,.. ... no A o.11y ,... ,_"' .... O'o..ttt " --" ND PAT NIXON DURING HIS PRESIDENTIAL YEARS AT CASA PACIFICA Many Memorte• Left Behind •• They Leave Eltate for Another San Clemente AddrHa HU3band Held in GwiDrama A Huntington Beach man who repo rtedly held his wife and daughter al gunp<>mt throughout the night was a rrested today a fter po li ce s urrounded his home shortly after 9 a .m . Edward Shields. 34, of 19341 Olana Lane, walked out of his home with his hands raised. He was booked on a charge of assault with a deadly weap<>n and possession of a prohibited we apon. a s <iwcd-off s hotgun, according to Lt. James Walker. Shields allegedly held his wife and child al gunpoint at a second famil y home on Newland Street Thursday l'vemng and e arly to day. They ned in a car a nd the wife contactf'd poli<'<.' this morning. S~l. Jeff Co1>e and other of- ficers moved into the area off Rrookhursl Stn•et this morning after learning that Shields had returnPd to the home on Qiana Drive. They evacuated nearby resi· dents and sealed orr the area. Lt. Wa lker twice contacted Shields by phone. t elling him of the police encirclement and asking him to come out unarmed. Shields was arrested without incident. Poli ce have yet to establish a motive for has al· leged actions. School Clerk Mrs. Barnes Rites Slated Fun<•ral serv1cc·:-. will he held ~uturclay at I p.m. for M<trllyn F Uarncs who was a clerk in th<· lluntington lkat•h City e f'lemen lury > School D1 :-.t ricl for 12 y1•ar:-. Mrs Ila rm•:-. died Thursduy al the age of 57. She: i s s urviv e d b y he r husband, Walter J . Barnes or lluntini:ton Reach; t wo sons, Jeffrey flarnes of Anaheim and Kevin Barn<'s of Huntington Re ach ; a f a the r , B<irney Frcdrick:-.on . ~1:-.ln, Kathy Poor of S tockton . brother. Lloyd Fredric•k5f>n of Ouluth. Minn . and grancb"n. ltu·ky Barn!.!~ of Dana l'oant Sl'rv1ccs w1 II bt• held at lht: First Un1kd M1·lhntl1st Churc·h of Huntington Beach, 2721 17th St. Visit:1lion ls scheduled today until 9 p.m. al Pierce Brothers Smiths' Mortuary, fi27 Main St., HuntlnJ,'1.on Beach. Nixons Will Move From Ocean Estate By STEVE MITCHELL 0t 111e D•ll~ r1 ... su" Hichard and Pat Nixon are leaving Ca s a Pacifica , the seaside estate they have called home for nearly a decade. The former president a nd rirst lady will leave the sprawling estate for s maller quarters less than a m ile away in the fashionable Cyprus Shores area of San Clemente. But they will surely take with the m the memories gathered over IO years at the S panish· sty le villa that has seen world leaders and movie :-.tars inside its gates and protesters outside. Tht• form e r president r elelJratcd his re-election at the· 29-acrc l'slak formerly called lhc Wcstl•rn While llouse. And 1l w<i s lo the 'San Clemente home lhal Nixon re turned two years later, a man forced to resign fro m the highest office in the land. The biggest shindig at the vill<t was in August of 1972, when more than 15,000 "friends and neighbors" of the Nixons showed up ·at a rally, chanting "four more years." The gathering was the largest ever recalled in s leepy San Clemente. and the traffic wa:-. ba<'ked up for males on each s1dt· oft he Nixon estate . Days later more than 400 film stars attendt•d a reception at the Western Wh ite llousc. enter - ·taaned JWlO lsid<' hy the Freddy Martin or<"hcstra. Singer Frank Sinatra. a one· lime acllVl' SUPPOrt<>r of tht• K c n n e d y s · a l l e n d c· d th c ':Holl ywood" reception, as did hundreds of otht•r film and te levision personalities f"orm,·r St•ereta ry of Stull' He nry Kissmgt·r showed up with actress Jill St. J ohn. and the rrt•s1dcnt t•x l'lianged compli· mt•nts with the late Jat·k lienny. World dignitaries visited the San Clemente estate during the Nixon years, including Russian :.am hassador An<1toly Oohrynin. who compared San Cle mente 's beaches to rc:.orts along his own Black Sea. Nixon's proposed trip to Pe· king sparked a visit by J apanese Prime Minister Eisaku Satu an c•a rly 1972, and m any other world leaclcrs made the trek lo Southern California when the pres ident vacal1om'<I there. Thi" Nixon estate also d rew un· welcomed guests on occasion. with sign-carrying proteste r:-. marching outside the gates. They ranged from opponent.. or oil drilling off Santa Barbara. to a contingent of Volunteers in Seito-vice to America 1 VISTA > seeking more funds for their philanthropic activities. Illegal aliens were frequently captured on the estate m lhca r night north from Mexico. The: hig hly sophisti ca t ed anti· intrusion alarm syi.tem at th•· Western While House a lerted security forces who often cap lured the ahens as they ~calcd a chain link fence to the com pound. The walled esl<tlt-bec:ame a refuge for the former president and his wife after Watcrg<it•· with Nixon rarely venlunn~ outside the property. lie would walk on the beach on occasion, play golf al the nearby Estrella Golf Course, and dine at s everal favo rite Mex 1c;i n rest aurant s in San Juan Capis trano a nd Capis trano Beach. Services Set For Cycle Crash Victim Funeral services will be held Saturday for Lance Jerome Wt!nner, a J6-year-old Hunt· ington Beach r esident a nd Marina High School student. who died Wednes day in a motorcycle accident. Services will he gin at 2 · 30 p .m . at Peck Family Funeral Home in Westminster. • Wenner played on the chum pions hip frosh-soph soccer team a l Marina lliRh and won a number of trophies in mot.ocros.., e ve nts . lie was wearing a helmet when he was fatally in Jure d Wednesday a fte rnoon . family members said today lie is survived by his parent~. P aul and Viol e t We nne r . hrother, Craig, all of Hunlin~ton Bt•a c h . a nd i.:ra ndparents . Theodore and Louella Patta, and Russell and Elizabeth Hatlestad -·-...... _ . ----··-·· * -·--r--.--···-----,~-··---·-- Men~s Suits ·--for E',.._P.,,.AI Truck 'Seller' That WU the ....... broutht to a press conference Tbunday by the dlredOr of I.be Orane.e County Women's Traa1ltioaal Living Center, a shelter for SO· called bMtered wlva. Dr. Alice Ochsman-Banner spoke of the shooting in Long Beach Wednesday of 32-year-old M a rllyn Mabone. a former Hunt- ington Beach resident who bad soufthl refuge In at leut four women's shelters in the year before her death. Polic" allege Mrs. Mahone was murdered outs ide her mother's home in Loni Beach e arly Wed n esday by h e r estranged husband, Arthur James Mabone, 34. Inveallaators said Mahone turned himself in late Wednes- day to s heriff's d eputies in Perris and is being held on murder charges in Long Beach. "She was a terrified woman who was running for her life." Dr. Banner agserted at the press conference. She said Mrs. Mahone had been a chent al the shelter late last year but left when her cstran~ed husband learned ber whe reabouts. . "When she realized he would find her a nyway." Dr. Banner said, "she decided to go bade to her mothe r and make a new life ." D~. Banner and Oranl(e Coun-ty Supervisor Harriett Wieder said lhe a lleged slaying shows the need for more enlightened police intervention and greakr f1nanc1al su1,port for efforts to J1r11tt.•1·t haltered wives In add1t1on , Mrs. Wieder e>c pn.·s:-.c<l horw that the federal l>••partmcnt of !lousing anti lJ rhan Development would ap prove a $300.000 gr:.int applicu t1on for Dr. Runner's <'enter lo huy l ar~er quarters. County supervisors this week C'ndorsed the center 's grant atJ· plication and at the time. Mrs. 7 Wieder had te rmed its approval I "a matter of life and death." "When I used the term . . I had no idea that it had already been acted out.'' Mrs. Wieder said Thursday. Even with more money ror la rger !ihellers. Dr. Banner COft· tinued. the problem or abused wives won't disappear until laws prohibiting assaults a re en· for<'cd in do mestic ~1tuations. In addition. she said. society must change ils attitude toward vio le nce in gene r a l ··that somehow that is a viable means or resolution ... ,. .. ro,,. Page A I AIRPORT ••• . Ev;rns <'.laimed Thursday nt ght the airport is controlled II•· ... aul safety concerns have hl•cn answered "time and time aga in•· by federal, state and loral officia ls. Ill' also claimed that the three n1 morily members took slate. m cnts out of context from s upervisory agencies. ~.ivengood said later the issue bolled down to whethe r or n0t there arc adequate controls al the airport. "I think it is clear that there Is not." he said. EPITAPH ... future will reJe<:l capital punish· menl just as the y r e Jeet segregated rest rooms and burn- ing or witches. Takes Money, Keeps Truckin' What lluntmgton fl('ach police be licvt• waa a p<>tcntiitl truck sale tul'IN'd into an armed rob· bery Thursday when the seller pulled out a shotftun, took the would-be buyer's $5,000, and drove away. ONE~ DOLLAR! One of the 12 public witnesses to the death was Stale Rep. An· dy JRhnaon or Jacksonville who said .,,e attended to protest the execution. It was not instant de.th, Johnson said. "We saw a man sizzled today and if you leaned forward and looked close you could see thal he slzzled and 1l11led again . . . the man didn't die Instantly. We sat there and watched a cruel . and unusual thine." Aa the speakera completed 1lvln1 their accounts or the H · ecullon, a shloy biege heane drove slowly out of the priton compound and down the ht1hway toward the town or S&arke. -. The victim wa11 Identified as Brlan Yasumura, or an unknown address on Olive Street. He apparently was attempting to purchue a pickup truck when the seller drew the we apon about 6 p.m., police said. The man drove off in a brown truck with balloon tires and a gunrack in the rear window. He waa dacrlbed u five.root ei1ht Inches tall. 220 pounds, with dark hair ln a pony tajl. He re· portedly has a rnl11in1 froat l.ootb, pol.lee Mid. •Wlltt ..... 111 .. -.. ,. ..... ..... I l Burl Charges Lion Country ·Rangers Strike • By FREDERICK SCHOEMl<;HL Of..,_ 0.U' P1l•t StaH Rangers at Lio n Country Safari in Irvine have walkt.'<l off their ,)Obs, charging lln1 m <1I!> '" lhe g ame preser ve arc r1tcc1 vmg cruel treatment and that their personal s afety is oft en in danger I.ion Country offtcu1ls strongly den1erl tlw <.tllt·.:ationi.. l'1t·keti. stood at the ~ales of t l.ll' park again today, carrying signs and d1stribut1ng (I list or the tr grievances to parkgocrs . Meanwhile. two state agencies arc investigating conditions at the 317-at•re pa rk. Nixons Plan 'To Move Roge r Reese. a state Fish and Game Department wa rde n. said a n inspection Tuesday likely will result m charges a~amst the park. Reese said the investigation is fof'using on how animals are fed, houst-d a nd lht> m t>dical atten t1on thl':V receive. hut declined to I F .. om 4-Casa' n·vt·al spet·if1r findings lie said .a , 1t w(1u ld h<Jmµer prnsccut1on Eight r~ing1·r.., w.ilh•d off the I Richard and Pat Nixon arc co ang to have to Join thl· Cyprn'> i Shores Homeownt!rs As s o<:1a ! lion That 's the na me uf the ! small private com mu111ty when· l the former pn•sidl:!nl <ind first r lady are movin~ Job Thursrhiy morning, m the lall'st hattle with management off1 c1 als at the wild ... n1mal cnr lave The walkout followed action Friday hy pa rk officials to lay nff fivf' rangers . A company !"po keswnman said economic hardship due to the c urrent g asoline shortage forced the layoffs. ~ Nixon's press aide Col. Jack l: Brennan said that an unnamed group ol Orange County busi- nessmen plan to purchase La ·Casa Pacifica. the 24.6-acre Nix· on estate assess ed at about $1.9 , million l . Brennan's offi<:P rcfw'.f'd to du~close the purchase price of the estate. Brennan would not v respond to direct questions • Earlier this Wl'C'k , Sa n Clemente Real Estate <.;omµan) CASA PACIFICA 'S HISTORY RECALLED-Al Chic Summers. a 3'h-year ra nger and one of those laid on , ~aid ran~ers a re concerne d a bout tht• treatment of animals. Among complaints a re that a n i mals a re not properly separated. the ne wborn a nimals a re being separated from tht:ir mothers. that adequate animal she lters do not exist and that rt'cdm g urounds are not sulf1 · cwnt for a nimals' needs And. ~he charged t hat jeeps and radio equipment are in poor officials disclosed that Nixon's states of repair. She said som e long-time friend C.G "Bebe'' rangers who should have radios Rebozo agreed t o buy a home at so they can respond to emergen· 4026 Calle Ariana. about a half c1es have not been able to obtain block from Casa Pacifica them. But Bre nnan's aides c1rn "If you're in a cal section and firmed that the Nixon fam1h· s o m e th1n):! h a ppens , you'r e plans to occupy tht' Calll.' Ar1u11'a dead . We 've had near misses all home now the prope rty of Mr. t ht· t1 mt-." she sa 1d and Mrs. Georg(' Bry;m t It 1s lkspondmg lo the charges to· not far from La Casa Pac1hc<i d<1y. Harry Schus ter , Lion Coun- The four· bed roo m , 4 ,JOt1 try 1.>rl'S1dent. said the re was square-foot Calle i\nuna home "absolutely no question" in his was built by the la te J oe Cole. a m ind th<1t animals were rece1v- mini-markel chain owner, about m g proper c<irc and treatment. 12yearsago. Schustf'r said the "economics Brennan's aides said that the of •he park dema nd rac1lities to Nixons were unable to a rford the be m tiptop s hape .. Animals. he high C06t of upkeep for the Casa explained, cost thousands of Pacific.a estate that has been up· doll ars. graded with m ore than $559,000 To compla ints of separation of in security improvements . a nimals from their m others. City records indicate the Nix Schuster said it is an accepted on estate is zoned for single practice or animal husbandry. family housing and partially des· And he s aid fighting among igna ted fo r large res ident 1al cinimals is one price that must building use. Nixon bought the be paid m an open air environ· property developed by Hamilton mcnt like Lion Country's. "We Cotton for$1.5 million an 1969 don't want to have the 1820-typc The Nixon's future q uarters zoo where each a nima l 1s in 10 also overlook the ocean in the feet of a ca~e ... he said. exclusive Cyprus Shors com-Schuste r said the company munity has paid prompt attention to One future ne ighbor. who equipment repairs, a nd said he asked not to be named . said she found it curious that complaints ud ~Y...,d"'e~·~aa<' bo~UM.l .r.epairs have markedly in· lllbted and pleased" at the ex· c r eased since r elations de- eitement ol having Nixon live leriorat.ed with the rangers. nextdoor He said he attributes the Daily ~-StMf ~ .. lti<M .. llMl>ler STRIKERS MAKE THEIR POINT AT LION COUNTRY SAFARI Rangers Malcolm Simpson and Teas Miller Among Pickets Slaying Dramatizes Need for Shelters By KATHY CLANCY °' n. o.11, P...,. s~ The alleged murder this week of a forme r Huntington Beach woman tragically demonstrates the need for special shelters for women who are abused by their hus bands. That was the message brought to a press conference Thursday by the director of the Orange County Women's Tra ns itional Living Center , a s helter for so· called battered wives . Or. Alice Ochs m an-Ba nne r spoke of the shooting in Long Beach Wednesday of 32-year-old Marilyn Ma hone, a former lfunt· ington Beach resident who had sought refuge in at least four women's she lte rs in the year before her death. Police a llege Mrs . Mahone was murde red outs ide h er mother 's home in Long Beach Supervisor Riley Enters Hospital Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley checked into Hoag Me m orial Hos pital in Newrgr Beach today for treat· me n a resp1ratof'9 rnment. Riley expects to be released Monday after undergoing treat· ment during the weekend. ca rti W e dn esday b y her eslrabged hus band, Arthur J ames Ma hone. 34. I nvesli1?ators said Ma hone turne d himself in la te Wednes· da y to s he r iff's de puties an Pe rris and is be ing he ld on murder charges in Long Beach. "She was a lerriried woman who was running for her life." Or. Banner asserted at the press confe rence She said Mrs Mahone had been a client at the shelter late last year but left when her estranged husband teamed her whereabouts. "When she realized he would find her anyway," Dr. Banne r said . ·1she decided to go back to he r mother and m ake a new li fe ... Or. Banner and Oran~e Coun· ty Supervisor Ha rriett Wieder said the alleged slaying shows the need for more enlightened police intervention and greater fina ncial support for efforts to protect battered wives. In addition. Mrs. Wied er ex· pressed 'hope that the federa l De partment of Ho us ing and Urban Deve lopment would ap· -tSee.SBEI.Tt:BS, Page AZ) Y .. ra .. e•••• Dally Ne••ll•mter Attorneys Battled For Life STARKE, Fla. <AP I -Con· vi c t ed murde r e r John A . Spe nkelink was put to death in Florida's oak electric chair to· day. clenching his left fist as 2.250 volts of e lectr icity s hot through his body. He was pro- nounced dead at 7·18 a .m . PDT. S pcnke link, 30. form erly or Buena Park. whOSl' attorney~ fought to save his li fe up to the last moment , became the first man executed in the United States since Gary Mark Gilmore ·willingly raced a firmg s quad 111 Utah on Jan. 17, 1977. Before that, no executions had been carried out m this country s tncc 1967. Spenkelink was executed in a drab beige death room, measur- ing about 12 hy 20 fret, at the Florida State Prison. lfo n·· ce1 ved the first JU It of dectric1ty at 1 · 13 a .m. T hat r1rst s urge singed tht• s kin on his right 1·alf. sendm~ smoke into the death chamber lie clenched his left fist , then h1~ h a nds b egan t o c u r l a n d blac ke n . Spenke link r eceived two more JOits of electricity. A doctor was called to c heck his heart at 7:14 a.m . The doctor looked at prison superintendent David Brierton, stepped back and waited two more minutes , w b ·e n h e a g a 1 n c h e c k e d S penkelink 's he art w ith a stethoscope and again stepped back. Fina lly al 7 : 18, he made a t hird check. lifted the death hood to look at Spenke link ·s e yes. and checked his pulse. S pe okelink was dead. He had been conde mned for killing a fellow drifter with a c riminal record , J oseph Syz manki ew 1cz, 1n a Tallahassee mote l room in 197:J. S penkelink. a rug1tive from a California prison at the time. picked up his vict im as a hitchhiker and claimed he killed him after Syzmankiew1cz forced him at gunpoint to submit to a hom osexua l act. Carol Myers . SJ>l·nk<'link '<; sis- ter. appC'ar ed at thl' briefing a rea crying on the shoulder of her husband. Tim. She held up what s he said was her br other ·), last will. which read : "This 1s to authorize the rele.ise of m y body and all persona l belongings 1m· mediately if I a m exec·uted t murdered > by t he state of F lorida to Mr s. Caro l De an Myers." The condemned man had lost his last hope or reprieve four minutes before the scheduled 7 a .m . execution when the U.S. Supreme Court m Washington vot e d 6-2 l o de ny a s l ay. Lawyers for Spenkc link present- e d a petition for a st ay to thC' court c lerk al 4 a.m. After Spenkehnk received th<' first ell>etrical charge and while he was still strappe d in the death chair. A minister, who visited the conde mned man for two years, asked those In the witness room to pray for the dy· iog m an "in the name or God." (See EXECUTE, Page A2 > APW1...._,o Fl NALLY EXECUTED John Spenkellnk Spenkelink Writes His Epitaph STARKE, Fla. <APl -In his final hours, John A. Spenkehnk JOlled down his epitaph.. "Man is what be chooses to be He chooses that for himself," Speokelink wrote on a note h~ slipped to bis ministe r, the Rev. Tom Feamster, less than two hours before he died in Florida·~ electric chair. F e a m s t e r , a n Episcop a l minister who became close to S p e nke link during his final months, said that after ha nding over the final written message, t he condemned m an gave the clergyman a message of love. "The last thing he said to me wa · that h e l oved m e.'· Feam ste r said. "The las t ttung I said to him was that I loved him .. we shook hands." Feamster, who witnessed the executi o n a nd c al t'e d it .. ba rbaric," r ecalled one other last stateme nt from Spenkelink. "When this comes down . I hope that some good wall come Of I l." Spenkcl1nk did not e<.1t hrcakfos t. There w<.1s no fin<.tl meal. Feams ter said . but dHI take Holy Communion two hours before he was executed. "You need not waste your prayers on John Speoke link . Let's pruy for ourse lves. Let's pray for our souls,'' the minister s aid. "That wasn't John Spcnkel1ok that was electrocuted in that c h air t oday , b eca use John Spe nkelink had d ied or this kind of barbarism years ago." the man 1ster said. David K e n da ll . o n e of Spenkelink's attorneys. said the death J)4malty "will be a thing Qf the past in a nother generation." He said Ame ricans in th1· future will reject capita l purus h· <See EPITAPH, Page A2> Coast Weather (See NIXONS, Pa•e A2) (See BANGERS. Pa•e AZ> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Neighbor Corners Burglary Suspects Night and morning low clouds with hazy sunshine in the a fte rnoons through Saturday. Highs 1n the mid 60s at the beaches and m the low 70s inland. Lows tonight 57 to 62. ,# • .. • ' • ~ .. : . ... ... ... .. - ' A Central Newport Beach res i-Whe n he investigated , he told dent who knew his neighbor was police he found the windows to out of town cornered two young his neighbor's bedroom open men early this morning as they and saw two men inside, a ssertedly burglarized a ransacking the room. neighboring home. When Sabbatis asked the men Police said the two men brief. what they were doing they ran ly escaped from Ronald Sab· out the oppasite aide of the batis, 32, only to be cllptured a houae,policesaid. half ·hour later because of the Sabbatia purs ued them and detailed auto description sup· caught one brieOy before the man plied by Sabbatia. escaped into the car driven by bis Booked into Newpon Beach companion. Sabbilis isofaver1ge City J1il on suspieion of sl1e and the two suspects are of burtlary were Rick Riddle, 19, sligbtbuild,policesatd. and Chriltopher Bonkahrs, 22, The pair were stopped 30 both residents of the Sunny minutes later by Sgt. Mike Acres Motel, 2367 Newport McEv~ near the lntenection Blvd., Costa Mesa. of Newport Boulevard and AceordiQ8 to police Sabbttis Hospital Road. 'b;'u!~"'a&t •• •1ri;-~~led~~ :.":. ~! forced open •" . w' \' ' ~-seen inside his home at2208 W. t. I 1 house . • ,, • I II It .._ • INSIDE TODA V Have 1JOll goC rlaytllm? I/ nor •e tdwn to fiftd some at the Goldeft 8ft'f in Hunt- ingfOll Beach. Golden Wes« College or UC lrtnM lhit i«e'""'1 on l"a'1' Cl. •••• '" 't-"""'9 Atl ._........ ea ........ AttM99tft CM L.M....,. ............ . ........ ............... .. CllM9nlle Al -.... Cllllltr .. ~ O'·M 1t1••--CM c..Mt ot ..,. .._, ,,....... .............. .. .... ....... AMT ....... C1t ........... M ........... CM ..... I Ct·•..... .. ........ .,_, Wnll1•r CM1 Menrnr •• ..,...._ "4 .... I ' Cl DAllY PtLOT BJ TOM Sl.AUGllTF.a STARK•:. •·111 <AP I -Wbtn lbey raaaed lht• vc.•n.,tuin blind, Johft 8JK'nkellnll "'•Nld dlrtttly at the 32 or us who watchtd him du~ today llt• dltln 'I sa>t•k lie didn ·1 blank llt• st urt•cl 11tr1t11<hl Mht'l1d Then• wu11 1111thmtc in th\' con dt~mn ... 1 man '111 •'XJ•n·ssaon. ''''"n thou.:h two of has t'lost•st fm•n1b an has last days wer·t• sLandtna In lht• luH'k row nr watnelllet '° he ('OUld St't' lhen1 before he died ID I ht• hu~t· oaken olec-tric chair Thl'n they lowert"d • black hood "''•'r h1i. fot·c· Tht•r" "1t1' a J>UUM'. lht•n l11s bod) Jllnljlt•tl i.hghtly Smoke bt'aiun r11>an~ from h111 rtRht calr whert> '*" el~ctrode wus att~u.·hed to hi:. e>ha ved skin But l l'Ouldn't i.mcll a nything We were silent in the watne!>!> room We waited Spenkelink 's ches t was Ir~ from a heavy leather s trap. H.1s white shirt was unbuttoned. A prison official reached Inside hai. shirt and tugged at his T-shirt, exposing his chest. A docto'r then placeCt a stethescope to the chest or the riJCid and hooded ftRure. Spenkcllnk 's hands were c lutched in u fist and were das· colored I saw a three-inch wound below a leather harness on h1~ calf. His skin had split, but he• didn't blet.>d. Like the other wit· nesses. I sut motionless in my chair for fi ve minutes, which seemed like an age. Then I saw the e xecutioner. He wore a hlack hood and a robe. Other witnesses s aid they saw two executioners, but I suw only one. lie looked al lh1• mun he wa!> paid Sl50 lo ki ll from behind a part1t1on. The doC'lor approached Sµ1·nkl'11nk I wo mort' time~. l'ht·C'k1ng 111 ~ hcarlbt.'at and µu lsc. ( >nl' of lhf' t•1ght rm•n 1n!>irll' lh1· ill-a I h 1·hamh1·r i.a1d !>omelhrng 111 l'ri~on S upt:rmkmlcnt D<tvul Hr11·rt on. 1'ht.' m a n s miled :.lq.:hl ,..,, F1n;.ill\. f1v1· minutes aflf•r Spt'nk<'li r1k n 'CL'I Vl'd the first jolt of clectrit'ily, I he dol'tor nodded ~•I Bru•rton W e k n c w .I " h n A rt h u r Spenkf'l tnk was dead. . ,,19, M9 IS, 1111 ............ LOSES HER SON Lola Spenkellnk f'ro• Pap Al EPITAPH ... menl just as they r e1ccl• segregated rest rooms 1rnd burn- ing or witches. One or the 12 public w1tncssci. to the death was Stale Hep. An dy JOhnc:;on Of Jacksonvtlle Wht1 sa id he attended lo protes t thl' execution. · It was not ins tant death, J ohnson said. "We saw a man sizzled today and if you leaned forward and looked close you could st;.>e that he s izzled and sizzled again . . . the man didn't die instantly. We sat there and watched a cruel and unusual thing." As the speakers completed giving their accounts or the cx- ccution. a shiny b1egc hearst· drovl· ~lowly out of the prison <'Om pound •a n d d own th1· highway toward the town of Sta rke. .~acuhy Angered 1.t\ .JOLLA I AP 1 An~ry U\'t'r the dismissal or Vi ce Chan <'c.·llor Paul Saltman. the 1-'aculty Senate of UC San Diego plans lo t·onsider a no·<·onfidcnce vole on Ch<.tncellor William D McElroy. EXECUTE. • Al "o 1)rei1cnt 111 th<· witness room Wiii.i SJH'llkt•hftk 'Jo. 1tltorncy, Du v 111 Kendall or W us h1ogton K1·ndull r~matncd s ilent and is11.1red with a fixed g aze at s ,wnkchnk lD the death chwr. 'fhe• _,xecution. whu.'h wi.s to have· begun promptly a l 7 • "' wai. inexplicably delayed until 7 II. when the ve netian blindti sf!paratin1: offlc 1al and mt·d1u w1tnc~M·s rrom the elec· r r1r t•hutr Wt•rf• 1)J)l'ncd . s howing ~pf'nkt-link iJlrt•ady strapped in thl' hugl' oukl'n dt·ath chair. lie was wearing a white gown rolled up at the sleeves a nd blue pu nt:. A towel was placed under 11i. chin. A l..-athcr harness was placed lround his head, over his chin ind his arms. chests, legs and 1nkles were secured to the chair with wide leather straps. SpenkeUnk was not allowed a traditional last statement -con· trary to promises l_rom prison :>fficials who had saad he would make a final s peech. Spenkelink was fastened so securely in the head harness that he could not open his mouth and stared impassively at the 32 persons who witnessed the ex· eculion on the other s ide of the glass partition. About a minute after the blinds were drawn, a black hood was lowered ove r Spenkelink's race. Several attendants inside the death room s tepped back from the death chair and the first jolt o r electricity was delive red. Murders Laid To Nigerian SAN DIEGO IAPl-Nigerian <.1lhletc Newman Osebar alone killed <.1 woman and her young daughter before he was shot lo death in an abortive kidnapping. po lice said Thursd ay after a month's investigation. Detective Lt. J ohn Gregory i.a1d a ll evide nce "points to Osc bar b e ing th e person responsible." Carter 'Ripped' in Iran ............. Anti-American demonstrators rip an ef- figy of President Carter tD pieces outside the United States embassy in Tehran. Thousands of protc~tcrs converged on the em bassy 1n l nrn ·~ t'i.1p1tal , <:C:Jrrying ban-. ner s ag<unst lJ S. poli<:rcs and Zionism . 2 L~guna Teens Killed ' Truck CraBhes, Plunges Two Laguna Beach High School graduates we re killed in a fiery crash 55 miles south or Las Vegas early Thursday morning whe n their truck. driven by a third leen-ager. plunged off Interstate 15 and down an embankment. Dead at the scene was Lawrence Campbell, 19, son of former Tides and Tim e~ publisher Larry Campbell. Tangy Matzinger. also 19, died en route to a hospital in Barstow following the 3:40 a .m . crash which also injured driver John "Sepp" Maier California lli1:hway Patrol of- ficer Bill Rippeni.lalc said today the trio was en route to Arizonu on Interstate 15 when the pickup truck went out or control a nd ove rturned, rolling down a 30- foot e mbankment. c:essive speed." a l the lime ot the crash. The three young men wcrf' cr1 route to the Colo rado R1 v1c•r below Boulder Dam where thl·y were to meet friends a board J houseboat. Matzinger is the ~on or Han~ and S1 m o n t-M atz.1n~e r ol Laguna Beach. and Maier 1s th1· son of Al and Barbara Mater, both of Laguna Beach. Maier suffered minor head in Junes in the crash <tnd W<t~ n · ported in good cond1 t 111n JI Barstow Community H11sp1t<ll Campbell and Matzinger w..r1· lifelong Laguna Beach frwn<J:-. a tte nding Alis o 1-:lcmt•ntury S<:hool, Thur~ton l ntc rmcd1al1· and Laguna {il•ach High Sch11•1l toge ther. Campbell and Mawr wen · ten nis partners on thc high school varsity tennis team for sever...I year s , both le ttering 1n lh1· sport. • in Nevada S;i ddll'bat•k Cbmmun1ty t:ollegc m I h1• foll <.111d Maier attending t'l ..i!>i.t'!> <it Oran~<' Co<ist <.:ollege ll1ghw.Jy patrol officials said loda \ 0.111 invt•'>l1i.:::1tmn 1s under "'J \ and 110 t•ha r).!l!S Ila Vl' been lodgt·d a~a1n~1 Maier. M emorial s e rvices f or Camrtwll and Matzinger are be- 1 n i.: pl a nnr·d . accorrling to r .1mpt1t•ll s father. 111· ... u1 ct voung Campbell 's h111l y will bt· 1·n·ma11•d an1t tho '''"''"w ill t ... s pread off L.i gun<l 'Jo. c·o<.1 :-.l11m:. NIXONS ••. ( ·' prui. Shor('s I lom<'Qwne rs b :-.otrJI 11111 President Norman !WcAuoo ';mJ h•· was i.umcwht,1t !>Urprised hy the r4!fJ()rts of the. Ni xon':; muvc . Trains Make Comeback A beer keg in the truck bed filled with gasoline. ignited. burning the two fatally injured youths, who were ejected from the truck along with Maier. Officer Rippengale said the truck was travclini.: "at an ex Acquarntances and Cam1 ly me mbers said the three teen· agers were always together . ·'They were like the Thre1 Mus keteer s.·· ~a id youn1 Campbell's fathe r. "They went everywhere W~ether .. McAdoo said the Nixons will be requ1rt"l1 lo fat €' an application r o r m 1· m h e r s h 1 p 1 n t h e h1l m1•0 "' 111·1 , ,:!r11u11 a ftt•r thf' 'Jl11· t\rian..i hvm1· goes through f'l>(·rtiw Californians Look to Public By Thf' Associated Pres~ Many Californians caught in tht• fuel crunch will be nymi: ct nd skating through their Me morial Duy weekend. while Qthers npt for the bus or train. Publtl· transportation, once considered "the second-class citizens ' mode or transit, .. will be the way to go on the three- day holiday weekend. Southern California Rapid Transit Dis · trict !>Upcrvisor Tom Horne said Thursd<.1y Thf> di strict. which carried a record 720,000 passengers last weekend . added 160 buses since the ~asohne crisi.i:; struck two weeks ago and plans lo run about hair its 2,400-bus fleet dur- ing the holiday. In addition, offic ials for •irlines and Amtra k prepared for extra passengers by adding flights and lengthening traans . Venice rollerskate shops re- ported brisk business as people s~ated to work, restaurants and !l'Upermarkets . Road Skates lnlernational's 5.5 employees have been skating to work a nd, said r eceptionist Terri Weston, "everyone Is skat· 1Dg e verywhere now.'' Skaters can be seen rolling down grocery st-0re aisles and into restauranlc; throughout the shoreline community. Suzanne Thomas, who heads tt\t. ~.:Year·o~ skate ~ompa.ny. said she's noticed b usinessmen DAILY PILOT -Or-C-to.llfl'llOt ... ftl-111\(-~-· ... """" ........ "--"' '""°'-C~t l'vtlll~C-· ~M•••l-at• -1\ll<'d ,..._., ,,.,_ ,.,..,.y 10< Cott• ......... _,a.. .... -........ lff<ll/l'-..... v ..... ltY-l-h<l(lllSoo.!llCotl\I A ........ _ ... ,...,,,_,_"""'""f'""" •rtettit';\ t""' °""" fo.M "'°''l"'"ft9 ptMt i\ _. JJO W'flo\I 9,.,. \ff'"H't C.~Y ...._,__ Ci9ftfotM•mJt __ , .. _ ~e\H:tilUU .tnd ll'\lbl1,,_, H<••.c..., Vke l'r"*'"-0.-•--... n-. • ....,. , ..... "==.~.:.'T.::-........ '-.......... .... ............. ~1 .... , , ......... (7t•)~ c. ........... !*' ..... ,,_ .. ~ --&~ .. =-'=--~5·~ ........ ~~~~· ........ ~-. =-.n.r~:r..n:.:.=.:= ~ T"""'';...'l.:=.J::" -.. wearing s horls a nd s wmjl1ng brtefca~c:. 1n downtown Los Angeles. Businessmen and gamblers hpve been packing California's rl:;ghts to Las Vegas . Some <1i rlines are scheduling extra weekend nights to the resort. P<.t cific Southwest Airlines added six nights per day from San Diego to Las Vegas. in addi· tion to four t!Xtra flights from Los Angeles. Hughel> Air West Gold Prices Zoom; Dollar Trades Mixed LONDON tAPl -Gold prices soared to record le vels today, topping $270 an ounce on the bullion markels in London and Zurich . Dollar trading was mixed on the world exchanges. Bullion prices i n London rocketed to $270 an ounce al the morning f ixing, up from Thursday's closing price or $265 and shattering the record of $265.625 set Tuesday. London gold brokers fixed the afternoon price at $270.60 an ounce, anolhe~ record. The previous record was $2164.50 at the Tuesday afternoon fixing. Gold hit $270.25 in Zurich, Europe's othe r big bullion market. The Zurich exchange, like many other European finan· c ial centers, reopened today alter Thursday's Ascension Day holiday. The previous Zurich record was Tuesday's $266.125, but the price fell lo $264.375 Wed- nesday. · The widely forecast $300 ounce of gold, predicted for the end of this year, appeared increuintlY realistic beeause of the world oil • 1borta1e, fears ol still more In- flation and 1eneral economic un· certainty. Investors tradltlonally buy lold as a bed1e in times of economic unrest. Marijuana Seized SAN JUAN, Puerto Rleo (,\Pl -A sblp carryinc more than tl5 million worth ol mariju ... bu been captured HO miles northwest of Puerto Rleo, ap- pa reat11 headed from South Amertca to an American Sat CoHt port, tbe U.S. Coast Guard Nld. Transportation adctN1 <it ll'<1st two flights from Lai. Vci:as lo Burbank. "l't..'Opll· <tre now considering using airplanes over cars," said l'SA sµok~man Skip Myers in San D1cgo "It costs ahoul JJ cents a mile to travel by car, and you can fly for about 12 cents a mile. Travelers from Los Ange les to Las Vega s think about the costs, look at the gas lines and d ecide lo take a plune." Both airlines report overall passenger in creases, partly because of ;.i United Airlines strakc. f'ronr Pa~ ,, I RAi~GERS. • walkout and the charges to a failure by the rangers to form a chapter of the Service Employes lnternat1onal Union. "We opposed it. they lost t in hearings of the National La,bor Relations Board), and now this," Schuster said. Rangers from other parks in the Lion Country system were being nown to Orange County to· day to fill positio ns or the strikers. He said the r e placements would be permanent in nature. f',....Pa~AI SHELTERS NEEDED. • • prove a S.300.000 grant applica- tion for Or. Banner's center to buy larger quarters. County supervisors this week endorsed the center's grant ap- plication and at the lime, Mrs . Wieder had termed its approval "a m atter or lire and death ... ••When I used the term . . . I had no idea that it had already been acted out," Mrs. Wieder said Thursday. law enforcement agencies could have avoided the death. Long Beach officers said a check or their files showed no re· port of earlier incidents involv· ing the Mahone family. The boys we re 1977 graduale.., of Laguna Bea1·h lf1gh School with young Campbell attcndml.! fflght Grads, Wrong State MITCHELL, SD <API -About 200 of the 277 seniors who gr aduated from the high school in Mitchell. South Dakota. will have to give buC'k their diplomas -at leasL te mporarily. It was n 't until the diplomas were handed out Wednesday lhat some s lu· dents COWld they had JU~l graduated from Mitche ll High School in Mitchell , North Dakota. The school princ ipal s aid h e e xpects the diplomas · to be replaced by the company thal sup- plied them. L . lit• said no formal applicalloo fc11 1nc.>rt1h•·r~h111. a rt.'4u1reml'nl lor lh1· '.">ti h11m1·0\\1lt'rs in the n1m m11n11 y. ha' yl't hcc11 rc- 1·1·1 \ t•d fruoi Nn .. 1111 t\s:-.oc1lkd Press reported that 1r1 1!171 Nixon reported to 1rn Oranitt· county assessment ap- l'L'alh board that he had made $125.514 in pe rsonal improve- ment1> and listed $70:l.OOO in im- pro vc·mcnb paid for by the lcdcrul government. 111 Was hing t o n , G e nc r4tl Sc r v 1 1· cs A d m i n i s tr a ti o o s pokc!>m<in P1·ter Hickman said ThursdJy that "1f anything there ·~ govcrnml!nl property, it re- main~ government property ." Rut Hickman was unable to say whether Nixon might be as- ~csscd for any or the taxpayer. paid renovations and additions made during his presidency. Hickman did say some s ecurity- relaled items might be useful at the form Pr president's new home. since he is still entitled to the same government profec. ti on Even with more money for larger shelters. Dr. Banner con· ti.nued. the P'l'Ollilell'-4L..a.DUlio8Cl--ll# wives won't disappear until laws prohibiting assaults are en- forced In domestic situations. ~l-~~=·L_!'s S11it ____ ~.,_, Jn addition, ahe said, society must change Ila atlilUde toward violence in general "that somehow that is a viable means or resolution." Long Beach police alleged Mahone went lo his wife's home at 3:30 a.m. Wednesday to re· turn the couple's s ix-year-old son, Paul. Ao argument broke out and Mahone allegedly grabbed a ri- fle from his auto, shooting his wife once In the stomach and twice ln the head as Paul and Mn. Mahone's 11-year-old IOn, Phillip Allred, watched, police Hid. Another tr11lc twist to the aJ· le1ed alaytq came when Pbilllp attempted unaucee11full1 to summon police before the ahoot- ln«i offtcen said. The 1oun1ter bad memorised 1 now-outdated police pbone number and re- peatedly dialed it in bla puAc only lo 1et a tape recordins •· nouacln1 the ne• number. pollC9ald. Dr. Banner •aid •be II calllna tor an 1n .. 1t111tion into the 1la1lq to ... II earl1 actioa by . i. for ONE DOt.LAB! •w.,_ ...... .. .. ,. ... ..... • " ·' ·-Laguna/Soath-Eoast • YOL. 72. NO. US, 4 SECTIONS, S2 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA • I :·Truck Crash D•ily Pllet Plllele lly P•I O'Oc,.uwll RICHARD AND PAT NIXON DURING HIS PRESIDENTIAL YEARS AT CASA PACIFICA Many Memories Lett Behind a s They Leave Estate for Another S•n Clemente Address Leaders" Prot .. sts 10-year History Wo'l't Be Ignored Nixons Plan To Move From "Casa' H1ch<1rd a nd Pal Nixon <1re go· l By STEVE MITCHE LL San Clcmcnk estate during the ing to have to join the Cyprus • Ott•D•llYPilotsu" Nixon years, ln('ludmg Hussian S hores Homeowne rs Asso<:ia· 1 a · h b d A t t O b · lion. That's the name of the IC ard and Pat Nixon are a m assa or na o Y o rymn. s mall priv<1te community where leaving Casa Pacifica, the who compared San Clemente's the former preside nt and first seaside estate they have called beaches to resorts along his own \home for nearly a decade. Blac·k Sea. lady are moving . The former president and fl r!>t Nixon':-; proposed trip to Pt'· Nixon's press aide Col Jack I lady will leave the sprawling king sparked a v1s1t by Japanei:,e Rre nnan said that an unnam ed estate for sm aller quarters less Prime Minister Eisaku Satu in group of Orange County bus i· than a mile -'!wav tn the .. ar ly 1972, and many other nessmen plan lo purchase La fashionable Cyprus Shores :.in·:.i world leaden; made the t rek to Casa Pacifica. the 24.6-acre Nix- of San Clemente . Southe rn Californi:.i when the on estate assessed Cit about Sl.9 But they will surely ti:Jke with prl'sidcnt vacationed there million. ,. them the me mories gathered The Nixon estate also dn·w un· Brennan ·s offi ce refused tc) over 10 years al the Spanish· welcomed guests on occasion. disclose the purchase price of style villa that has seen world v. ilh s1gn·c:.irr ying protester:-. the estate. Brennan would not leaders and movie st<1 rs ins ide mCirching outside the gates. r espond to direct questions. itsgatesandprotesters outsidl•. They_ ranged from opponents Earli e r thi s w eek . S an The form er pre s ident cir oil dnlhngoffSanta Barham. Clemente Real Estate Company celebrated his re-election ;it the to a contingent of Volunteers in officials disclosed that Nixon'!> 29·acre estate · formerly <:alled Sl•rvi<'e to Amt•r1ca 1 VISTA , long-time friend C.G. ''Bebe" the Western While House st•l•k 1ng more funds for their Rebozo agreed to buy a home al And it wa s t o lh l' ·s:.i n ph1lanthropu·a('tivitil's 4026 Calle Ariana. about a half Clemente home that Nixon n· Illegal aliens w<:n• frequent !~ block from Casa Pacifica . turned two yea rs later, a man captured on the estate in their Rut Bre nna n 's a ides con · 10 d t · f th 1 h flight north from Mexico. Tht• firmed that the Nixon famil v •' rce 0 resign ro m l' Ill( l'SI plan -= to OC"U"~' th" Calle Ar1·,·1n°a officeinthe land. ~ highl y sophis t i<:a t cd anti· .., ..... ., " The biggest shindig at the villa intrusion ;1larm sys tem <Jt the home now the property of Mr was in August of 1972. when Wes tt·rn While House a lerte d a nd Mrs . George Bryant. It is more than 15.000 "frwnds <1nd seeunty fort'cs who often cap· not fa r from La Casa P<1cifi c<t neighbors .. of the Nixons showed tun•d the alit·ns as the:v scaled a The four·beclroom . 4,300 up at a rally, chanting "four ch:.i1n link fc nc:e to ·the com· squa re fool Calle /\riuna home more years." pound. was built by the late .Joe Cote, a The gathering was the t<1 rgest Tlw walled cstatt1 be<:ame a mini· market chain owner , about ever recalled in s leepy San refuge for the former president l 2yearsago. Clemente. and the traffic was and his wife after Watergate. Brennan's aides said that the backed up for m iles on each side w ith Nixon rarely venturing Nixons were unable lo afford the oftheNixonestate. outs ide the property. high cost or upkeep for the Casa Days later more than 400 film He would walk on t he beach on Pacifica estate that has been up· stars attended a reception <it the nctasion. play golf at the nearby gr aded with more than $559,000 Western White House, e nter · Estrella Golf Course, and dine al in security improvements. tained poolside by the Preddy s eve r a l f avorite Mexican City records indicate the Nix· Martin orchestra . r c s t :.i u rants in Sa n Juan on estate is zoned for single Singer Frank Sin<1tra. a one-Capistra no a nd Ca pi s trano family housing and partia lly des· time active s upporter of the Beach. ign ated for large residential Two Laguna Beach High School graduates were killed in a fiery crash 55 miles south of Las Vegas earl y Thursday morning wh en their truc k. driven by a third teen-ager. plunged off Inter state 15 and down an embankment. De ad a l the scene was Lawrence Campbe ll, 19. son of f o rme r Tides and Times publisher Larry Campbell Tangy Matzinger. also 19, died en route lo a hospital 1n Barstow following the 3.40 a .m . crash which also injured driver John "Sepp" M:.iier Califonua Highway l'<ttrol or ricer Bill Rippcngale said today the trio was e n route to Arizona on Interstate 15 when the pickup tru('k went out of control and overturned. rolling down a 30 foot e mbankment I\ beer keg in the truck beet filll'd with g asolin e. 1gn1lcd . burning the two fata lly injured youths. who were ejected from the truck along with Maier Officer Hippe ngale said tht- truck w<1s traveling .. :.it <1n l'X cess1ve speed.·· at thl' time of the cr ash. The three young me n wert> en roult' to the Colorado !liver below Boulder Dam where lht'v were lo meet frie nd5 <iboard a houseboat Matzi nger 1s the son of Hans and Si mon e Matzin ger of Laguna Beach, and Maier is the son of Al and Barbara MC1ier, both of Laguna Beach. Maier suffered minor head in· juries in the crash and was re- ported in good condition at Barstow Community Hospital. Campbell and Matzinger wert! lifelong Laguna Beach friends. attending Aliso Ele me ntary School. Thurston Intermediate and Laguna a·each High School together . Campbell and Maie r were ten- nis pa rtners on the high school varsity tennis team for several years, both le tte ring in the sport. Ac quaintances a nd family m em bers said the three teen agers were always together "They were like the Three Musketeers ,'' said youn g Campbell's father .. They went everywhere together " The boys were 1977 graduate:-. of Laguna Beach High School with young Campbell attending Saddleback Community College m the fall and Maie r attending classes at Orange Coast College Highway patrol officials said today an investigation is unde·r way and no charges have been lodged against Maier Memori a l se r v ices for Campbell and Matzinger a re be· 1n g planned. according · to Campbell 's father He said young Campbe ll 's body will be cremated and the as h es will be spr ead off Laguna's coastline. Marijuana Seized Kennedy s · alt e nd e d l h c The last big gathering at Casa building use. Nixon bought the "Hollywood" recept·o d d Pacifica occurred on the 50th an-prope rty developed by Ha milton SAN JUAN. Puerto R'1co IAP > · 1 n, as 1 Cotton for $1.5 m1·111·on 1·n 1969. hundreds of other fi Im <.ind niversay of San Clemente, when · A ship carrying more than $15 television personalities. the former pres ide n t ~ave The Nixon's future quarters million worth of marijuana has Former Secretary of St ate permission to city officials to also o~erlook the ocean in the b een capture d 200 miles Henry Kissinger showed up with open the estate for bus tours . exd~sive Cyprus Shors com· northwest of Puerto Rico. ap- , aetress Jill St. John. and the The one·day event dre w more mu0n~~;'-, . parently headed from South •---.... pr-esi dent" -ntt1a'n~1t-rmnpfr.-··~~stt~Mr;>~-·~Jl~lleil.b..t>.9.L., ~h.o~--~.ao...Am.eric.a..Ea.sL ments with the late Jack Benny. $2.50 apiece to see the six-acr e ~sked not to be named:. said She Co.ast port, the U.S. Coast Guard Wol'ld dignitaries visited the <See MEMORY p g A2l a nd her hus band are very de· said. • a e <See NIXONS, Pa~e A2> ~----.. r Be•e•••• Dally Ne•spaper FRIDAY, MAY ~S. 1979 DIES AFTER ACCIDENT Tangy Matzinger, 19 TEN CENTS KILLED IN CRASH Lawrence Campbell, 19 ' FIOrida Executes Former Countian APW1 ........ lo Fl NALLY EXECUTED John Spenkelink Witness Tells Drama of tl1e Execution Ry TOM SI.Al GHTER STARKE. Pia 1AP1 When they ra1secl the venetian blind. John Spenkt'link start>d dirc('tl) al the 32 of us who wall'hcd htm die tod:.iy He didn't !'-f)Cak HC' d1dn'1 blink. lfe stared straight ahead There was nothing in the con de mned m;in·s expression. even though two of his c losc!jt friends in his last days were st<1 ncl ing in the back row of wi tnesses so he could see lhl•m bcforl' he died in the huge oaken electric <'hair Then they lowered <i hl<1ck hood over his face There was a p~use. then his body Jumped sltghtly. Smoke began ris ing from his right, calf where an eLeclwde-w.._ OAtt,.~W~.t&-ht&-.. shaved skin ISee WITNESS. Page A21 STAHKE. Fl<i 11\ I' 1 Con \ l('lc·d murc1erl'r .J ohn A Spenkchnk was put to dt!Cith in Florida s oak eltl't n <· c·ha1r to day clenching h1!'-left fist <JS 2,250 \Oii ~ of <'l<.'t'lru·1tv :-.hot through his hod~ llt' w~s pro· nc>U n('t•d dead :.it 7 JR a .m . PUT Spt>nkl·hnk. :Jo. f11rm1•rly of Ruenci Park. whose attorneys fought to save his life up to the last moment. became the first man executed in the United St ates since Gary Mark Gilmore • willingly faced a firing squad in l 1tah on .Jan t7. 1977, Beforl' llwt . nu l'XE.'<:11l1ons had hcl'n l'a rried out tn this <:ountry since 19fi7 Spenkehnk was executed in a drab beige death roo m . m easur-m.c a bout 12 by 20 feet. at the> Florida Statt• Prison He rt• <'e1ved the first JOit of e lectricit~ <if 7 13 J.m That first s urge singed lht- .;k 1n on his right calf. sending ..,mokc into the. death cha mber If•' <·lenehcd his left fist. lht-n h1 ~ han d :-. began to c u r l and hl:.tl'ken. Spenkelin k received two more JOils of e leetn c1t y 1\ doc·tor was calll'd to chel'k hi--hea11 at 7 14 ;1.m . The doctor lookl'd al prison s upe rintendent D:.t\'lr1 Bnl•rton. stepped bCJtk .incl \l.;J1ted lwn more minutes, wht·n he· agai n c h ecked Spt·n kPlink 's he art w ith <i :-lc thoscopt' and again stepped back Finally at 7 : 18. he made a lhtrcl c·h1'ck . lifted the death hood to look at Spenke link ·s c•yc:-.. and l'hccked his pulse. !:ipenkcl mk was dead. lie had been conde mned for killing a fellow drifter with <.1 c· r 1 m 1 n :.i I r c C' o r d . J oseph Syz rn:.ink1 e w1c·z. in a Tallahasst.·c motel room m 1973. Spcnkt>hnk. a fugitive from a Cahforma prison at the lime. p ie ke d up his vic t i m as a hitchhiker a nd c laim ed he killed him after Syzmankicwicz forced <See EXECUTE. Page 1\2) Co as• Weather Commission Ruling On HorM~ Reversed Night and morning low clouds with hazy s unshine in the afternoons through Saturday. Highs in the mid 60s at the beaches and in the low 70s inland. Lows tonight 57 to 62. I .... ;;...:~~ f+ . . ~-.............. ,.... ~I CYPRUI SHORES HOME Wll.L BE THE NEW RlllDENCI 01' RICHARD AND PAT NIXON ·J• In e. Qemente, Fonner Fl1'9t F•mHy Moving From Wh.t Onoe W•• We...,._ Whtie HouH • ..... •K• .... ·: ·~ ... • By JOANNE REYNO~ ot 1119 Dally .. II .. Slaff A regional coastal commission decision blocking construction of three homes on 1.3 acres or land in Laguna Beach has been over· turned in a decision issued by the state Court of Appeal. The unanimous decision. handed down May 15, blasted the commission denial or a permit tor Louis Gottschalk of Corona del Mar as "elitist" and "imperious." The decision called for court vigilance a1atnat such commission action. Commi•ionen .were ordered to hold· anodter hearing on the proposal within 45 days. The ap· pellate court also ordered that unless new evidence la in-. . troduced at the new hearing, the project must be given a permit. Gottsc halk 's attorney , Marlene Fox. said today she is delighted with the decision. "lt·s one that probably applies to lots of people in our area ... the Newport Beach lawyer added. Gottschalk owns a total of 8.2 acres in the Top of the World area that adjoins the Laguna Greenbelt. According to the appellate de- cision. l.3 acres of that property i1 outside the Greenbelt and that is the land on which Gottschalk planned to build three homes. Under the plans approved by the county Planning Com· mission. the balance would re· <See DECISION, Pa1e AU INSIDE TOD" '1 /lave you got rhythm'! If not see where to find some at the Golden Bear in Hunt- ington Beach. Golden West Collttge or UC Irvine this weekend on Page Cl . ·-· PROllES OIL CIUllS s .... S.netOf Schmttz ... , ......... -. 'WHERE DO WE FINO IT?' Deaten'Chlef lhe"o" Calllorftia Claoires: Drive a Lot Less Or Pay a Lot More By t'REDt:IUCK SCHOEMIEHL Of -0.llf ...... , .... The "gutsy" choice facing Ca hforniu motorists 1n the future will be either to drive a lot less or pay a lot more for gasoline That assE'ssment came Thurs clay a ftt>rnoon rrom Edward ... \\> <Jgner. an Atlantic Richfield Company vice pres ident, in r 1•s t 1 mony 1>n th t' gasol inc ~hnr t agt' hr forr a :.lat e leg1slallvt• suhcumm1ttct• hear- ing 1 ri I r\•int· t-'11r h1 :. 1·ompany ':-. part , Wa~nt•r said. ··..,.c hav(· esst>n· r 1 ;tll~ run out of jlas oline m;rnufacturini:: c·a ptibility T"o fat:tor~. he said. could in· t·rcasl' i\rc:o'!> output casing of ·tate re~ulations on gasoline va por pressure anc1 lead con· knt /\ relaxini.? of the lim1L.., would a llow refinery productmn tu 1m·rrust', Wagner said Wagner est1mat<•d the current -.h(1 rtfall of puhl1C' d e mand ve1 sus avai lablt• ~asolinc on the Wt'st Coust has bef'n r unning 10 to 12 pcr('(·nt , although rc!cent 1·11n:-.11mpt1on has dropped suh :-. l <111IICJ11 y Il e md1 ealc1I the tri('k 1s lo kt•('p consumptwn clown on a :-.u:-tamed basis W agncr ~•ud s uiu:estions that 1hl' state purchase gasoline on Llw world "spot markets" could prove a very expensive propos1- t1on ··Gasoline 1s now selling for more than ~I a gallon on the liulf coast. In Amsterdam, the largest single s pot market. 1t 's Sl.30 a gallon," Wagnn s aid. Nl•vada is ont• stale that is nwv ing tow<J rd spot purchases u!> a mean!. or gcttinR around ti ght gasoline supphcs brought oo by allocation formulas im- posed by 011 companies. Look111g lo the June gasoline )11c·ture. Wagne r s aid he ex- l'CCls l111 es at the gasoline pumps and hm1ted hours of sta- tion operation. "And we'll b<! us ing t>verythm~ wf' 're making," Wagner said. Wagner ~aid the June gasoline alloC'ations a re pretty much a mixed bag Chevron USA. the slate's largest supplier, with J7 perC'ent or the market, is boost- ing allocataons. But Shell 011 Co .. with a 13 percent s hare, 1s lowering allocations and Arco is holding t!ven, Wagner said Speak1n~ to a reporter a~er bas testimony. Wagner said one major problem contributing to the s hortage is the booming n at ure o f th e Southe rn California and Orange County economy Because people have a lot of spendabl~ money. increases in gasoline prices have not cut dtJ!land pany \'lt('CUt1vc to tt!st1fy twforl' the s ubcommillCl' Of lhl' J oint Legislative Committee on the State's Economy The hearing was conducted by Sl'n John (i . Schmitz, R Newport Beach , and As semblyman Richard Robinson. n Gardt•n <irovc f'rotfl Pafl*' .tt I NIXONS •.. lighted and plcas(!d" at the ex c1tcmcnt of having Nixon ll\1t• next door. Cyprus Shores Homeowne r!. A~sot·rntion Prcs1df'nt Normarr Ml' Adoo s~ud he was somewhat surprised by the reports of the N1xon's m ovl' MC'Adoo said the N1xo11s will he required to file an application f or me mb e r s hip i n the homeowne rs grou1> a fter the Calle Ariana hQme goes through escrow. lie said no for m al application for membership. a req!Hremcnl for the 50 homeowners in tht: c·ommunity, has yt·t bt!e n re· ceived from Nixon Associated Press rt!ported that in 1974 Nixon r eported to an Orange County assessment ap peals board that he had made S125,514 in personal improve· ments and listed S703,000 in 1m· provements paid for by the fede ral government. In Was hingto n . G e ne r al Services Administration spokesman Peter Hickman said Thursday that "if anythjng there 1s government property. it re· m ains government property " But Hickman was unable lo· say whether Nixon might be as - sessed for any of the laxpayer- 1>aid renovations and addition~ ma de during hb presidency Hickman did say some security- related items might be useful al tht! former J)rt!sidenl 's nt!w home, since he 1s still entitled to the s ame government prolec:- tio n . Brennan said. howt!ver, thal Nixon had a ske d that Secret Service protection for Mrs. Nix· on be discontinued to reduce federal security costs, a nd that Nixon had asked the chairman of the House Appropriation~ Committee that funds for staff be cul by 10 percent The property overlooks tht· Pacific Ocean. a nd there art: several othe r houses on it. It 1s also adjaC'ent to a Coast Guard facility, at whic h N ixon 's helicopter would land when he was presid~nt. 1".. * * f'rort1 Page A I MEMORY ••• 8EYERl.V HILLS fAP> - The aon of soap tycoon Lloyd Collen ttmalnecl in critical con· tlillon today unc day after ('otten's wire und a 18·year-old boy du'Ct frum injuriea 1uffered whtin Uw thrc~ werts bound end i.hot In ttw ht•ad by an intruder, 1uthoriUt•111uud Chrn1t.o11he r UocrlnK or West \'ov1111&, who wu living with the t 'otaeu while uttendin& prep 11chool, dit!d Thursday at Cedats· S 1n a1 Mt•d1l'al <.:t>ntcr. s a id h\H•V lla l s pokesman Robert l'11wt•ll Joanne Cotsen, 42. died Tburs - 1l.1y L'Vcuin~ at UCLA Medical l '1•ntcr where ~he had undergone -.ur~crv . s aid hOSIJilal -.pokl':-.man Al Hicks. • Shl• had been a j uror In a case 111volvm~ an Iranian student. lier 14-year·old son . Noah. was in t•ritical condition at UCL/\ The young Doering Hhe son of the R1:v Ed~~r /\ Doerirun. Mrs Cotscn and her son were each bound and shot once in the hl'ad Wednesday everning. Polit•c Capt. Lee Tracy said Thursday investigators were baffled by the s hootings but have a good description of the g unma n. H~ s aid a couple escaped the attack on tree-lined Bedford Drive just next door to the ho me of pianist Jose lturhi ·'The suspect was dressed in all da rk clothing and was wear- ing ski masks and gloves" Tracy said. adding that the m an spoke with an a<'cent, "possibly Middle Eastern or European." Co l s en, pr esi d e nt of f 'r'Otfl Page A I DECISION •.. main unused open space as part oft he Greenbelt. Two years ago, after obtaining a ll the necessary county permits for the project. <;ottschalk filed fo r a coast al co mmi ssion permit llr was denied and the stall' commission declined to hear hb <.ippeal on the basis that there was no su bst ant ial issue in· volvcd Ms . Fox took the case to Orange County Superior Court and Judge Mark Soden ruled aga inst the r egional com· m1ss1on, ordering a new hear- ing Judge Soden's decision was based on his a nalysis that the decision was based on an unfair hearing because the regional com mission staff report said the homes were to be built within the Greenbelt. not outside it. Judge Soden also ruled that 1£ the permit 1s. to be denied in a second hearing. the commission would have to make specific find · angs backing that denial, find· ings that were lacking in the original decision. The commission a ppealed .Judg(• Soden 's ruling but the three-member a ppellate court un animo us l y b ac k e d the Orange County judge. Citin~ the record of the original commission hearing in which it was established that the homes would be outside the G rcc nbelt, the appella te de - cision said t he commission's l'ond u!.1on .. constitutes the grossest kind or elitist arbitrarv and t•aprtCIOUS action with no substantial ba!.IS in (act." Thl' dt·t·1s 1on. writte n h y J ustlc(• f' l>ouglas McDaniel. further s tated that the com- m 1ssion "imperiously second guessl·d the county lo the effect that tht• l.a~l111a (;ree nbelt's hound;1ri1•s roulcl polt'nt1ally en· compass the 1.:1 ucres. "Fu<'cd with Orun~e County's orriclal po1ulion thut s u<'h would not occur. the Jlc gional Com- '"lte said price increases only will take hold if the nation faces a prolon ged "ec onomil' slowdown." grounds that house the Nixon miH ion 'H conch1Rion here con- home, pool , helipad and golf stilukd arhltrury and cupracious Wagner was the sole oil com-course. action bt!yond uny 1>ower it dc- Neutropna Corp., and a dine· tor of AJ1e r1an Pharmaceuticals in Irvine, was in New York when the shoGtlngs occurred, but re· turned Immediately. His Los An1eles·based company ma.-ufactures a transparent amberaoap. The lwo who escaped from the attacker an unidentified man who rents the Cotsens' guest house and a woman Identified only as "Barbara" -said they also were taken hostage when they appro~hed the main house to pick 'U' mail. IA Looks To County For Busing LOS ANGELES <AP> -So fe w while students are left in Los Angeles public schools that the only way to integrate the dis- trict is to bring whites in from · other school districts, including Orange County, the Integration Project says. The Los Angeles district is un- de r court order to eliminate segregated schools. But that is rapidly becoming impossible because of a shortage of white students. The Integration Pro- ject argued in a motion filed Thursday with the judge over- •seeing the integration plan. The solution. The Integration Project contended , is to include s tudents from 85 other local dis· tricls in a metropolitan integra- tion plan. The Pro jec t pr esented Superior Court Judge Paul Egly with a model integration plan that would go into effect in three stages. Stage one would include Lc>S Angeles and 28 other dis· t rid s. ror a total of flfi0,000 stu· dents 42 percent white. 29 per- l'ent Hispani c and 23 pe rcent black T h e Los Ange le s di:stric t. which has Just completed the first year or a three-stage inte gr a tion p lan. is 70 percent minority students. Sigimps Set ForLagu~'s Rec Classes Scores of classe s. ranging from dancing to s urfing are scheduled for the summe r session of the Laguna Beach recreation program. Signups for m ore than 100 classes will be held June 2 at City Hall. 515 Forest Av e. Beach activities this s ummer in c lude diving and s urfing c lasses, volleyball, swimming and basketball al Main Beach P ark. Dance classes include ballet. t ap . disco , aerobics, be lly dancing, ballroom and jazz. Special events begin with the 25th a nnua l Brooks Street Surfing championships Saturday June 30. Als o pJanne d this summer arc volleyball. tennis and bas ketball tournaments. For registration information, call the Recreation Department or the city at 497·3311, ext. 238. ............. LOSES HER SON Lola Spenkellnk f',....PflfleAI EXECUTE. • him at gunpoint to submit to a homoiexual act. Carol Myers, Spenkellnk's sis- te r , ap~ared at the briefing area crymg on the :-.houlder or her husband, Tim. She held up what she said was her brother 's last will. which read· "Thus is to authorize the release of my body and all personal belongings im- mediately if I am executed <murdered ) by the xl ate of Florida to Mrs. Carol Dean Myers.", . The condemned man had l~t ha~ last hope of reprieve four minutes before the scheduled 7 a .m . execution when the US. Supreme Court in Washington voted 6-2 to d e ny a stay . Lawyers for Spenkclink present· ed a petition for a stay t<J the court clerk at 4 a .m . After Spenkehnk received the first electrical charge and wh1h: he was s till s tra ppert in lhC' death chair. i\ m 1ni~t1.:r. who visited the condemned man for two yea rs, asked those in the wiln~ss room to pray for the dy in~ m an "in the name of God " Also present in the witness room was Spenkchnk ·s attorney. David Kendall of Washmi;:ton . Ke ndall re mained si lent and s ta red with a fi xed gaze al Spenkclink in the death chair The cxcculaon, wtuch was t11 ha \'e bcg_un promptly at 7 a .m was inexplicabl y delayt•rl until 7: ti. whe n thl' venetian blinds separating official a nd m edia witnesses from the elec tric chair were opened, showing Spenkelink already strapped in ' the huge oaken death chair. ;IJe was wearing a white gown rolled up at the sleeves a nd blue pantl. A towel was placed under 1is chin. A leather ha rness was placed l round his head. ovt'r his chm rnd his arms. chests. leJ?s anrt l nkles were secured to the chC11 r with wide leather straps. Spenkelink was not allowea a traditional last statement con- trary to promises from prison :>ffi cials who had said he would make a fmal speech. Spenkelink was fastent!d so secure ly in the head harness that he could not open his mouth and stared impassively at the 32 persons who witnessed the ex eculion on the other side or the glass partition. About a minute a fter the blinds were drawn, a black hood was lowered over Spenkelink's face. Several attendants inside the death room stepped back from the .death chair and thl' rirst jolt of electric ity wa!. delivered. STARKE, Fla. CAP> • I~ final houri, John A. Spenkell* jotted down hla epltapb. .. • "Man is what he chooses to be. He chooses that for biJDta¥,'' Spenkellnk wrote on a aate .. be slipped to his minister. tbe Rfv. Tom Feamster. less than two hours before he died in P'loridp 's electric chair. F ea m s te r. a n Episcopal minister who became close to Spenkelink during has final months, said that after handing over the final written meuase. the condemned man gave the clergyman a messa1e of love. "The Jut thing he said to me was that he loved me-." Feamster said. "The last thin& I said to him was that I loved him . . . we shook hands." Feamster, who witnessed the e xecution and c alled it "barbaric," recalled one other last statement from Spenkelink: ··When this comes down. I hope that some good will come of it... -: S p e nke link did not ~at brt:Mkfast. There was no final meal. Feamster said. but did take Holy Communion two hours before he was executed . "You need not waste your prayers on John Spenkellnk. Let's pray for ourselves. Let's pray for our souls." the minister said. "That wasn't John Spenkellnk t hat was e lectrocuted in that c hair today, because John Spenkelink had died of this kind or barbarism years aao." the minister said. Da v id Kendall . one of Spenkelink's attorneys. said the c1eath penalty "will be a thing or lht• pust m another generation." He said Ame ricans in the future wall reject capital punish- ment Jll s t as they r eject ~cgr(!gat<.'ff rest rooms and burn- ing of witches One of the 12 public witnes:ies l11 the death was State Rep An· dy J ohnson of Jacksonville who !-.atd he attended to protest the c, ccution. I t was not ins t a nt death. John~nn said · ·w,. saw u man s izzled today rcnd if you leaned forwa rd anr1 l1HJkPd l'f11s1· you 1•nuld see that he "" 1.l1'f1 and :,..11.zle<I again the man didn't die ins tantly. We -.at there and watched a cruel and unusual thing." As the s peake rs completed giving their accounts or the ex- ecution . a shiny biege hearse r1rove slowly out of the pnson l' o m po u n d a n d d o w n the highway toward the town of Starke • * * f ''"°"' Pa gr A I WITNESS ••• But I couldn't sme ll anything. We wen~ silent in the ~itness room . We waited. Spenkelink 's chest was freed from a heavy leathe r strap. His wh ite sh.irt was unbuttoned. A prison offi cial reachea inside bis shirt and tugged at his T -shirt. e xposing his chest . A doctor then placed a stelhescope to the chest of tht' ngid and hooded figure. S penke link 's h a nds were clutc hed in a fist and were dis· <·olored. I saw a three-inch wound below a lt!ather harness on fus calf. His skin had split. but he didn't bleed Like the other wit· ncssl!s. I sat motionless in niy cha ir for five minutes, whieh $eemed like an age. Men's Suits Some of the visitors expressed rived from tht• <.:01tst1tl Act, ac- . 'dl~appoi11tme11t that nie 'Mtxom -~nf~iftft"'Wkf,rh1+l~l!!Ottft.!t-... ~~==~:i::t:. -~-~ .. were not at horn<' al the time. must be lnc·rcusinKIY vigilant lo ~·-»--··~-~ .. -.fu~•M-~-- but many were impressed by thf nulllry " DAILY PILOT ,,_.o, ..... ~tCMity P1tot.•""•"t<"•'<om bo ..... , ................. 1~-·-"·'""°'-(N \f Pvttll~\.OMPfl'ftr ...... t.,Hlt'°"'•'" ~ll-'ftff -·· ttw-Fri ... lof CO.I• -.w Hf>....,, ftiNch H~t+,..eM .. .C.fttF;oun .... ,.v.1..-. . .,-.-•. l.._...8'-•"''°"""eo.n.1 • '"''"' •••"""'4edtt10fll •\"'*,.._.S..wcMy'•nd ~··"' """"Of'lnc.10-t ~l\IMfWI '44tftt I\ •t JlO •\t 8•t ~tN'fl1 (O\te~ C•IOOf'ftt••?tJt Spa nis h building a nd th~ peaceful grounds. It was r eported that Casa Pacifica became too expensive for the couple to afford und the gardens too large for Mrs. Nixon to maintain. 1-'urthcr. the lle<'lsion took is- sue with thl• commission's l'On· tention that issuing specifi<' find· in1s tn denying the permit would constrict the ability of the com· mission lo function and are un- necessar y. "That argument is prepoiterous." the court de- cision statl>d. ONE DOLLAR! ll-'1N- Pt f'\l·l"I· ""'° PvN•"""' , .... c:-\l•t• p, ........ _o._ .. __ -···-ld1tor T-•·-........ ,,,.Edi10t Qoerlft" .._ II-~ ,.." ..... t.ftt """"""'"''"'""' Laguna Hotel Revamp Slated A $400,000 remodeling project Is under way at the old Village Inn in Laguna Beach al 696 South Coast Highway. The 15-year-old hotel was purchued by Melvyn 8 . Lewis of Laguna Beach and renovation of the interior and exterior Is exr:cted to be completed by Ju y l. The new hotel wUI be namtd ltotel San M•arten and will feature a We s t Indie s atmospbere In lta 5& rooms. Tbe new project wu desitned by Circa Deai1n of Newport Beach. Finally, the court labeled as "arrogant rnd unreasonable " the regiona commission's con· tention that the county's prior approval of Gottschalk 's pro· posal WH "irrelevant" to its proceedings. Supervi8or Riley Enters Ho&pital Oran1e County Supervl1or Thomaa Riley checkecl into Hoa1 Memorial Hospitd in Newport Beach today ror treat- ment of a n191riratory ailmeot. Riley expecta to be released Monday after under1oin1 treat- ment dwinl the weekend. •W1119 ......... .. ..,. ... ... ' s H_a e'-Trial Baits Testimony to Reaume Tueaday By KATHY CLANCY Of .. .,...., ...... , .... The widely heralded rape r e tr ia l or G le n Howard Hutcherson will resume Tues· day after the 48-year·old Whit· t ler aerospace worker spent the better part of Thursday on the witness stand in his own de· rense. The cue drew national atlen· lion when Hutcherson, earlier convicted of rape by an Orange Huntington Pipeline Approved Stale coastal commissioners ha ve approved a 17-mile pipeline t hat will fu nnel oil to Long Beach from three oil platforms that Shell Oil Company will build off the Huntington Beach coastline. Company s pokesm a n Bill Wicker said Thursday that the pipe line . capa ble of moving 70 .000 barrels or oil per day. should be in operation by sum· mer . 1980. Shell plans to start construe· tion on the pipt>line m October 1f federal clearances a re obtained. said Wicker. The trio of rigs, approved last year . wi ll be lot·ated about eight miles from shore and will be vis· ibleonlyon the clea rest days. County Superior Court Jury, was 1ranted a new trial because a jud1e didn't believe the at.ory told from the wtlnels ltand by the a lleged victim. At the retria l Thursday, Hutcherson de nied before the Orange County Superior Court jury that he raped 2l·year-old Catherine Hardin. Instead, he testified, the pair -.had sex by mutual consent after be picked ii,e r up a s. ~h., hitchhiked in Buena Park, and Hutcherson said the experience was not one he enjoyed. "l was nervous because I was doing something wrong on my wi fe ." Hutcherson testified. "l couldn't get my mind off her ." Hutcherson said Ms. Hardin onl y yelled "rape" arter the sex act when he r efused to pay her $25. ·'Tha t is when she started kicking at my shins:· he told the j ury . "Then s he s tarte d scratching.·· To halt the attack. Hutcherson testified. he wrapped two jump ropes lightly a round her wrists, pushed her from the motor home and told her if she would ··si m· mer down" he would dr ive her back to Buena Park. But instead he drove a way wh e n s h e to ld h im . "You bastard. l'll get you for rape," Hutcherson continued. Ms . Hardin has insisted from t h e witne s s s t a n d t h at Hutcherson raped her at knife· point and gunpoint arter driving her mto rurai Brea Canyon. Hutcherson was convicted of rape earlier lhas year by a dif· fl'rent Orangl' Coun ty Superior Court Jury. But Judge Metson Fenton ~ranted ham a new tr ial. aayiq be believed Hutebenall'• · veralon ol tbe •tol'Y wu more bellevablethan Ila. Rudin'•· tntllelUIUOftl'IYdtat~ a coatWan et women'• poups labeled Fenlon'• decision sexist· tradltioa•I •nd tbreatened a move to recall him kom the bench. In addition, one Juror from the ori1inal tri•I wrote Fenton a let· ter, saying abe regretted ber 1uil· tyverdict. Lat.er, Hutcberson's new at· torney, Terry Giles, contacted Ms. Hardin and brought her and Hutcherson toge~r for a press conference. At that meetin,i Ms. Hardin said she was "b"\ppy" Fenton had granted the t!"ew trial. that she didn't want Hutche rson to go to prison and that t-._e pair would undergo psychaatr~c treatment together. But Ptts. Hardin, who now is represented by feminist attorney Gloria Allred, said this week she regrets maki(lg those statements and was misled by Giles. Wrong-way Crash 4 On 101 Kills 4 PETALUMA CA P) -Four persons died on Highway 101 two mill's south of he re when a driver heading the wrong way struck a small. foreign a uto car- r yi ng a mothe r a nd t hrel' children. ·The mother . two children an<1 the wrong way driver were a ll k illed . authorities said The third child, ident1f1ed as 10-yea r· old Dan.iel Me dina , was an c•ritical condition a l Memorial Hospital in Petaluma. Une of the prOJCcts as a ··two platfo rm complex" that wall tit-· linked by a 200·fOOt·long bridge. The other pl atform wall be in· stalled about a male south, said Wi cker. "We plan to start installing them sometime in ONober and hope to havl' the m drilling arou nd Dece mbe r ." said Wicker The three Shell platforms will handle only a ma ximum of 24 .000 barrels a day by 1986. The r e m ainder of the pi peline's capacity could be used to handle Plight of Refugees Examined Sunday Tlwy Love a Parade Mem bers of the F irebird Chili Team vf Ne~port Bt-arh whoop it up during the open ing par ad e Cjf the Ba lboa Bay Club's a nnua l ChiJi. Cookoff T hursday. Te a m was It'd by Mary Lo ngpre . a graduate o f the Cordon Bleu Coo::..:k;.:..;i;.:..;n;.s:g~C~ir...;;;c.;.;le~·------- Pair Roll Snake Eyes In Laguna fut ure oil production in San Pedro Bay. The 16·mch line. which will be la id in a trench on the ocean floor. will come ashore al the Port of Long Beach where oil will be poured into a 10,000- bar rel tank. Coastal commissione rs a11· proved tht• plan late Tuesday. One member noted that the pipe line project Includes a num ber of environmental pro- tection features. A mong the m a re back up A co mpla int of two m en systems for automatic shutdown ga mbling al t he rear of a in case of a leak and oi l-spill Laguna Beach restaurant early cleanup equipment on the plal· this morning sent Sgt. Norm for ms. Interrupted dreams That ·s one way of looking at the plight of the 15,000 to 18.000 Indochi nese refugees who have settled in Orange County. In a four-pa rt series that starts in Sunday's Daily Pilot . staff writer Jackie Hyman re- ports on the barriers that have tH:eo (aced._the adjustments that have been made and the reac· lions between ~enerations and nc1~hbors. She starts by looking at how some highly skilled Vietnamese put their careers in limbo to get a foothold in the new homeland and at what 1t costs to help them resettle. Other featured stories an the edition will mclude : Blandel motoring to the scene. Shell won the right lo explore WHIZZING ALONG In He a rrived at Mothe r 's for oil off Huntington Beach m describing his r ec e nt fli ght Kitche n . 1750 South Coast bidding conducted several years aboard the Concorde. Exec utive lhghwayjust in time to hear one ago. Ed itor Thomas Ke evll te lls ol the suspects roll the bones There is an estimated 100 to a bout supersonic sensations that :.ind say, ··come on dace, be nice. 200 million barrels of oil under few people ha\.'t> experienced be nice." the ocean noor area the com a nd Bahrain. a country that few SUND A Y'S BEST FUN AND GAMES AFOOT "We have somethmg yo" can't rehea rse : run." s ays Roger Gamble, one third of the new Kingston Trio. For reviews of their Saddleback College con· cert and the ar rival of She rlock Holmes and Dr. Watson at Mov- 1e1a nd Wax Mw-;eum. Ste Sun· day's entertainment sectioo. HOMEk BOUND -Wh ile Irvine's Oxoco builds a solid domestic base in the 011 bus1 ness. its president conh nues tus sear('h fo r a "home run" that will lead to riches 10 glamorous foreign leases. The B"smess of the Week F EAR·nU.ED NIGHT Ex· c atmg drama told firstha nd by a racing yacht's na v1~alor .,.,ho risked h.as lift> at night an rough seas to try to save a mate who'd fallt•n overboard. T hat was Sgt. lilandel's cue. pany plans to tap. people know about Tur ning the cor ner in the --=~...::.....;:___~~__;_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ~.Neae and Old Claa•p darkened hallwa y. Blande l sm iled at the crouching pair and :.aid. ··vou guys Just crapped out ·· Thl' two Laguna Reach men were cited for gambling and re- h:ased. Gasoline Tax Break-Flayed SACRAMENTO I AP> -The California Tax reform Associa· tion is calling for repeal of the gasoline Lax deduction on state income taxes as a move to dis· courage excess gasoline con· sumption. · T he liberal association said l'hursday the deduction is "a S27 m illion t ax s ubsidy for gas guu ling cars." As an example, it said, the typical motorist who drives just Featuring 1mpa11ens Mo11gotds Petunias ona Begonias 59c Fully blossomed in 4 pot Rt·Q gq SALE PRICE Variegated Veronica •• r 11 • (!If 111 '.ounr1 rnr1 .. :,:. l.Jt '' "'" 1tt1\i r,clffl••t1 , .• ~,;, ; q 1,. . ~~~~~si1~.·~9E ,Leylondi Cypress I~ •n1~ IO~I Qf:IW"11'j ror11!"' ,,....,,, ..... on ,...,.,.11.,nt o..r 1t'1•n . o• rono"ur11• rir "''" tf,qt ' .,. .,. ' 4·1 • SALE PRICE 51.39 . . . ,. . . J a m es McCullick of Los Angeles, last year 's sta te c hili over 20,000 miles a year saves e t1an1p, t~k the hener~r '~-~&Ad ~~~~u~anmY'~~~·~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursda y's Chili Cookoff at the Balboa Ba y Club in co.me taxes if his car gets only 10 l'NSTANT LAWN ---.. Ne wport Beach. McCullick was one of 36 chefs m the a n· ~·l~s ~r gallon. However. th_e roll out the green carpet 5 Square Ft Rolls nual rom petition savmg 1s only ~.34 annually af Ms car gets 25 males per gallon. ·-;::~ : · -..... WITH sod ''°'" DICHONDRA 11. 99 Roll 0 d(l/PO YQll{'lfe'; (>I In" l'Olt'lt•'(' lOIOI f()YflHll' _, ,. . . :· ': '· Divorce Estate Split, ~~ Wunt,y Judge Ends Case, Determines J/ alue ~~· A tO·month, multimillion-milhoo and divided the property winning a court order requiring •tllollar divorce trial, said to be evenly. Huish to pay hair the legal ex· Jhe longest in California bislor)', Under terms of the settlement, penses. r"as endM with a court order Huish may retain his interest in Mrs. Hui.sh was represented -~qually dividing $2.5 milllon miniature golf course-recreation through part of the proceedings --~tween a San Juan Capistrano centers in Orange, San Diego, by famed San Francisco Al· !~ecreation center magnate and San Bernardino and San Mateo torney Melvin Belli. !~• former wife. · . Counties. The trial also was marked by :: At the cente r of the battle Tbe former Mrs. Huish was an I RS agent 'a refusal to :~•een James Huish and bis awarded about SBA,000 in cash, answer certain quesUona about :~er wife, Marie, who bu re-a Utah·~ nbln, income • Huiah's tax returns. Judae Rut· ~ arrted and Uvea in lnine, wu from tbe sale of an Anaheim golf ter held the aient in contempt of difference of opinion about coneeulon and an interest in court but a feder•I jud1e in Loi f' nlm of their community two corporaUom. An1elea diamiHed Rutter's or· : tf . But from that, •be muat pay der before the a1ent spent any • Bqt <>ruae County Superior rou1hly 9845,000 In attorney and tlme In Jail. • Pn• ~lit' Q('fl I 79 -..... , •.c.,. c"'•°' • HYBRID BERMUDA or cal-~urf 'l 59 STOLONS At so BLUEGRASS • Ron AVAILABLE ... QI: \llfJUMIA "£ .-• z 0,..1_,. .... , ...... ,.. JIH MIWPOIT ILYD. UN ; FOUNTAIN ntH.o ~ f WY ~ VALIEY f.~~ tMJe llOOIHUIST ..., llOllMTAIM Y A&.&.IY ...................... ..., .. PUOtat6M711 Of'IM70AYS ~.._-~· JUdpJ.E .T. Rutterended wl\neu f ... accumulated dur· Hulth's attorney, Mark Smith :cue cllaDUte with all order thi1 Ins the 10.montb leaal battle un· of Laguna Niguel, bas appealed ~~ wideb Ht tbe Hlue at Sl.5 IHI ber attomeya IUCCeed ln the dilmiaaal. COSTAMISA IMIPllClleool1'9Ul/lt/n MWnl htlo liMMiiiii'°'ill•iiAlliili-iiUsiMisi•iiTeiiMiti ... iilO.iiili .... il••1me&iil·.· • .-...... ~ -- I . . ' ,,..,..., .. '"' MIMING,,.. PEaFSCT WAVE: fo'or the three l<IM 1urlert who Mowed up •lone the West Newport thol't!llnt' thi1 put Wt'dneeday. there wu ev•ry ancUtaUon t.hla wa11 1oln• IO be an Htnordlnary day Al UWJ ~ &o aea, early mominc 1un wa1 dapplln~ UM we&en ~ Newport '1 ftDHt IOUlh·f•elftl 1urflnM be•r h TMr• wu QO wand . Nobody on the _....s. Nobody lfl lhe weter. Al for the 1auf ltaelf. lt waan 't ol the apeetecular var ... ty. There were none of those lrt~al. bf'~molh waveti lhat surae up and cruh 1horeward •pew1n1 Jets of water and white foam. IMITEAD, aATHEa t;MAl.L breakt'r8 w~r~ rolllnte toward shore. But th~y wel'f> unrufOed by wind They hi\d 1i1 glaaay, »Cillptured ahape as they crested 1tnd fealhtir~ ,.·or Surjers, Nothing u MMe 1''1m Than a Pnject LaUle Wave and s wept in to lhe beach. f''or board surfers. they were perfect wave:.. So it was that the trio joyously moved their hoard!. out I hrough the white watc•r wash lo meet them. Thi:. wa!' go ang to tx• a fun morning along the deserted strand of Wt·:-l Nt'wport t)('twt•c•n 40th }tnd 44th strt.>ets. Fun. that as. until the Newport Jleach lifeguards s howed up and ordered the trio out of the waler. The sum- mt'r surfing rul('s a rc• m for<'c now, you see. Rot.ird surfing 1s outl<1wt:d from 8 a rn. to fi p.m. m lt11s l>Cctor, whH'h 1:-0 Newport's finest south-facing surf bre<1k. Sorry Never mind that beach and sea were deserted. !>ave for three board s urftori.. SOMETIUNG IS WRONG he re Oh, tht'rt' was a timt>. more tha n a decade t.1go. when ~•;me i.:rimy, pst•udo·:-urfing types m<ide ii me:.s of We:-t Newport <;ontrols were net><lcd lx·cau!>c tho:.e cruds of v csleryear violated law5 and dc:-.troyed private property But the h1pp1c "s urfer types" of the 1960s are liirgcly a vanished hrt>ed. Nobody mourns their passing, Surfer!> or today are doing a good job of policing their own s port. The surf mg generation of today shouldn't be punished for the m1sdef'ds of a bunch or cruds from yesteryear.· There was some indication earlier this year that th" Newport Rcat·h City Council would lirt the surfing ban in West Newport, at leas t for the wmdles:-morning hour:.. But they failed lo do so UJGIC MIGHT SUGG~'T that the lifeguard service ht.' ~iven a flexible board l>Urfing law that allows the i.:ut.ir<fs to l'Xcrc1se d1sc-retion on when surfing should hf· al lowed or hanru.:d. ltarely would the ~uc.nb rnakc <t m1:. Judgment. Rut last Wt.>dnesday, th<· gu<.ard:-wen· forced hy law to orde r three young men out of ~· vac<int ot•e<tn. They i.l lmlugiz•'<l fnr doing ii . Su a lot ol pcrlet·t hltle wavl'S went unenJOycd . Clearly, somelhlni: is wrong heff'. Boycott Joined By State Agency SACRAMENTO (AP) - A third California stale agency that holds stock in General Motors has votl.'d to s uppart a resolution agwnsl South Africa winning praise from Go" Ed· mund Brown Jr It was the Stale Teachers' Retirement System , following in the footsteps of the University of California r ei!cnls c.nd the Public-F.mployccs ' Retirement System ' Gasl..eads_j Inflation Continuea to Erode Buying Power .. ---•• !' ..: WASIONGTON (AP> -Led by the bl11eat increaae In .inollne prlcet In more than five yl'ara. c:onaumer prlctia ro1e I.I .,erunt an April. the Labor Deparlm«!nt reporwd today. It wu the UUrd conaecutive mOfllh in which con11umer prices have Min by I ptirl'unl or more. Tht> lbrch lncrtt»k WH I per- cent. and •·ebruary 's was 1.2 percent 11' ('ONSUMt:R PRICES con I u1ul' 10 rliw in the next nine month!J u fu t as lhtiy dad rrom f''t-hru11ry through April. they "Ill produt·t> un annual mnat1on rnlt' of 1:111 pcrctint, the depart· 11l c 11t ':, 11.:urcli show. T l11s 11t nearly double the C'artt•r adn11nlstrahon's official 1 ari.:t•t or a 7.4 percent inflation rt1tc (or 1979. und welJ ~bove the t per~ rate for all ot 19'1. In a rel•ted report, the Labor Oepertment aald lnnatioe and taxea bad combined to reduce further the buyln& . power of American wonen. The amount of asoney worken bave lo 1pend fell 2.4 percent In April, the Bureau of Labor Statlatlca laid. So far Wa year. the decline was 4.S pereeat. 8V8AN SNOW. A labor sf)Oie1We>man, "Jalct' the-April decline wes the lar1est since a 2.7 percent drop i n January 1978. Adjusted only for inflation. average weekly earning.s fell 2.6 percent in April, the lar1esl s ince lhe Labor Department began collecting stalislics in 1964, Miu Snow said. The drop was blamed on a decrease in Egypfs Flag Flies Over Town in Sinai EL ARISll, Egypt IAP> -The Egyptian flag went up and Israel's Star of David came down an a brief military ceremony today amid seent.'S of joyous confusion in this Sinai Lown. marking lbe first transfer or lt'rritory under the Mideast peace treaty. The final contm~enl or Is raeli troops. whkh had occupied the town since the 1967 war, pulled out 1md Egyptian forces took over tht' 42s-square·milc El Arish sec- tor on the Mediterranean coast an the first stage of the lsraeh withdrawal from occupied ler· ritory. THERE Wi\S AN exs>losion or joy by the town ·s 45,000 Arab rcs- ad(•nts , who mingled with hun· drcds of Egyptians . shaking hands. shouting t•ongratulation:- c.nd k1ssin,::. The ceremony coincides with the opening of ti.ilks t>.·twt.>cn the two nations m BN~rsheba. the lsrat'li Nei.wv Dt"•t·rt capital 60 miles to the northeast. on selr rule for Palestinians rn the OC· cupaed West Bank or the Jordan Haver and the.· Gaza Striµ. The Egyptaan dclcgataon left for Bl'ns heba today , lt·d by Butrol> Ghali, m1n1:-l<.:r of state Basques Claim Assassination Of 4 in Madrid for foreign affalrs, as a lasl- m in ute substitute for Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil. Khalil a ttended talks Thursday between Secr etary of Stale Cyrus Vance and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and there had been no indication he would pass up the Beersheba trip. "THIS IS A VERY moving moment. I am extremely hap- py.·· said Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, who watched the El Arish trans fer ceremony on television al his home in Alexan· dria . ·'This ceremony sends a lot of m essages to those who OpJ>Of>e ·- µcac·e ... it will be a turning point in history : -pc·act· anll hrotherhood i n s tead of violenc·e ." he told reporter.; There was one ugly moment 111 the• transfer ct·rcrnony when an an~ry crowd swarm~ after a g roup or Israeli sol~icrs whu we r e d e la yed an lhear w1thdraw<.1l. "Today El Ansh. to m orrow Ciiza ... thl' /\rah:-. shoult..-d. "No more lsraclil> after today." workia& bOun, mostly due to the trucken' strike, and the hilh April lnllatlon rete. The report on the Consumer Pr•ce Index lndlceted that the greatest price lncreuea ln April involved tranaportetion, up 2 percent for the month. end houa· in1, up 1.1 percent. Both filUfes reflect lerge •ncreaaea in oil product.a. _ • 'Tbe 6---R-MCent rise in l 'n the Chips aaaoliM Pl'kel ta April .. ti; lar1ett moalblJ .,._. ._ the 7 .a perHat recorded 9' March IW14," atU..~aUI* Arab oll embar10. lie NPClll said. • Patrick Jaelrmaa, aa economlat wbo beadl tbe em. sumer price braneb at tbe Lalllr Department, aald abaut • ,_. cent to 21 pereeat ol tM prlee 116- dex incftu.wudaet.o1uollne .. Los Ange les public re lations man Hal Fowler won $270,000 in what is believed lo be the longest single day's uluv an the 10.ycar history of the World Series of Poker m Las Vegas. His 7 ·ht~h straight beat Bobby Hoff's two a ce s in a five-hour confrontation. MADRID, Spain <AP > -Two te rrorists assassinated a ~eneral, two colonels and a military c:hauff Pur in a hlazing '>Ubmachanc·gun a nd hc.nd· grenade atl<1ck on th••ar car in downtown Madrid today, and a <'all to a newspaper s aid the Busque separatist group ETA was r~ponsihle. Name Your Game ... Police suid the authl•ntiC'ity or the call to the paper 1-:1 Pais had rmt been cslt.iblis hed, however. It was the bloodiest terrorist 11ltt1ck yet against army office rs and raised lo :>it the number ur people killed in Spanish political violenct! this yt·ar. Wilnc.-sscs s<.aid the terrorists struck al 7 a.m . whc·n the cur was moving slowly arter packin~ up the general at his home. 5 Tornadoes Slam East 2 Hurt, 15 Homes Damaged in South Florida Trmpera••~• 11 7.SI \\ ., \• n 50 ., ... Fr .. p0r1 Gu.clelej.,• IClft9\ton Monle908er Muetlen -••co cu, Mer Id• Montetrty N••wu T eeu< 19otlpe TrlllllNCI Vtre Cr111 •• '~ ., n " 11 1J u "' ,, i7 "" I) .. ,, II H .. 10 •> n .. ,, llmlled to trett. bullClln11• •rid • ~m•ll numllffot vell1<I,\ In Ille ~. \C•l .. red ~" ""d lhuncler-n 100.r ••tended trom .....,,,,.," MonUIN .ocron -<"'•••I •nd \Ollthern Aoc~1u Into the "tOUU••rn pteteau en d ••lf4.'me M>ulhern Colllorn••. Calltenda Momorlel Der ....,...CS wlll tel off lo • \low .t.rl Soh"de' with low mou1l119 -•velllnQ <louoh nur Ille l CWl\I, IMit ""1y --• .,,,.,,,,,. Q.. ~)I,~-..-~~ =::.':'~!e:.r:~r.tNNel.._. w '-~ t~ ~ ' ~~~~i9'::i::: .. ......_......... e-Ve-'.:Jo~ourieam_. __ . ~ • 11111• COOi '°' ~"' ..... ----__, __ , h~ pr"Cll( led In tlle m-. W•l<W l~mper.i....,.. -" ••PKled lo , .. "'41n lft lhejC)\-·--· T lie we ether .erYltt loret••I ••rlellle <-111 Ille dewrh •nd predltled -•Y t<•11•rtcl ettornoon •nd n1911tllmo ltlunderlhow<!r\ in tne to"'9I Hlqh 1.,,,....r•lur@\ \hOuld re· •th Into llw low ~ 1n IM nc>r""'rn de-.rl\, .. 111 MllllNtll hto"l Ill Ille m1e1--. '" ot-rM•--.,.~the out· IOOll ••> lor e t llM!ct Of YIOwe r\ S.twrdey ....,_Mid perllr tlOudr !>under _.,.,_ In llW ColOr•OO River •••• end Ille Sen G•Drl•I -·lfl--S•rtR.perl Fwtc. .. vetld to tonll!M. wt: A-... ....,., In lee! M"ll• lm-11e11111111r .. 1. PerlodlM<><Ol>d\. A"I IWYI f'w zume 1 > n ~·M9111<• ' , u NeWClll't HulltlnOIOft 7 l I• Seft019'1tc-.tr 7 • •• SW.II: A-• ... IQlll In 1.,.1. MH· 1-MltMlllfwt.Otre<t ..... ""'Mu DW z__,.. I t SW SeftteM911ke I 2 SW Ne-.wt"""'lfl9lon I J SW SMC>lteeQurllr I 1 SW 011110011.. ln<rtHln1 lOUlllOtlY -II wllll '4lrl lll<«nlfWI l lo S '"' 011 --lk1"9 llM< ... , lllh eltor• -•lw9lllfl._... f Coaalol tHatlaer an· formation ~ bf /outtd on P•All lodaw). ·- The teams of 15 Orange Coast area high schools and three community colleges get personal attention and cov~rage from .the Dally Pilot sports staff. Not just scores, but stories and pictures whenever and wherever the news breaks. Dally Pilot sP«;»rtswrlters and photographers are at the games to bring you detailed fint·band reports and pictures. Our wire service reports the action of college and professional athletic contests across the nation. Added to all of this are the reports of other local high school and college sports, from wrestling to women •s athletics. Name your game -we cover your team -in the sports pages of the DAILY PILOT 642-4321 , oast n, NO. t~s. ~ SECTIONS, S2 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA int Since Gilmore • x-count1a·n faiegraiion Pla11 County's· Kids To LA Schools? LOS ANGELES IAP 1 So few white students arc \eft tn Los Angeles public schools that the only way lo integrate the di!>· trict is to bring white~ tn from other school districts. 1nduding Onnge County. tht.• lntei.:nition Project says. Nixons Set To Move ' From '-Casa' Richard and Pat Nixon are go ing to have lo join the Cyprus , Shores Ho meownt-rs Associa- tJon. That's the namt· or the , limall private community wh<.·n· the rormC'r presidt:nl and f1r.,1 lady are movmi.: Nixon's press ;mlt• Col .lat·k Brennun said that an 11n11amt·d group or Onm~e County bus1 HISTORY RECALLED-Al Thl' Los Angele!> distrtl't 1s un· dl·r court ordt·r to t:liminatc sci:rcgated ~chools. But that t!> r <1p 1dly hccoming impossible bet·auM.' of a shortage Of white s tudt:nts. Thl• lnlt'gral1on Pro- Jt><'t argued rn a motion filed Thursd<iy with the j udge ovcr- Scl•mg tht• 1nb•gral1on plan Tlw sol11111m, The lnkgration ProJl'l't f·ont1,nrlt>c1. 1s to include studt•nts from Ha othN lol'al cit!'.· tril'ls in a metropolitan mtcgra· lion pl;m T h l' I' r 1l J l' l' l p r c·-' t • n l l' d Supt•rior Court .J11dgc P aul Egly with a modl'I 1ntcgratron pla n that would go rnto dfoct in thret: stages. Stagl' om· would include Los Angcll·s and 2H othE•r dis tricts. for a total of R60.000 stu- dt"nt s 42 J>('rcent wh1k. 29 pcr- l't'nt Hispt1n11· and 23 pcrccnt blat•k Tht• Lo:-. J\11g<·lt•s <li~trH·t . v. h1ch ha~ 1u:-.I 1·nmpl1•lNI the f1r.,t .\"l'ar of ;1 thrl'1· :-.lal-!I' tnlt· j.!ra 1111n p lan. t \ 70 p1·rcl·n1 m1noritv :-.t11d1·111., I ~ -~ ... a .. etew•-.- Dally Ne••11•m-r: FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1979 cfH ~. TEN CE~ ·xecute Attorneys Battled For Life STJ\HKE . fo'la . IA.P l Sa lent and wrdc cyl'd . John A . Spenkchnk went to his dcC1th m Florida ·s old oak e lectric ch<11r t o d a y . c n cl 1 n g a c a s c• t h at hec·amt• a mah•stont' m the na trnn'!> df'batt.· o ver ('a p1lal pun1 :-.hmt•nt Sp1·nk1·llnk. '-• f<1rmt.·r Buena I' a rlo. rn;.in rt•Ji•ct 1 ng d ('hanc<· t11 malo.t· a la!-.l :.t att•ml•nt . s a t .,1r;_1pJ1t'll. gagg1·1t and honl!Pd en ;en ;.1 11:-.h•n· rff·alh t·hamlwr :•t tht• Flortdci Stat1· l'ris11n ;1:-, .1 hl<Jl'k ltnodt·d 1•xl·1·ut111111'1 lhrt•w ._. .. v.11,.lt ancl 2 :100 \olh 11£ 1·ll·1· I l'lnl ~ ... 11,.J.!l'd 1hr1111gh ttw c:on v11·11·tl rnu1 d1 •11•r " h1111\ II;· \\a~ ltu· f1r.,t prt'.'.1111t•r ,., •·1·11ll'd aga111~I he., v.111 1n th1!> 1"111111t ,..' 111 mun· than 12\1·ar., Tiii' la11I..\ :111 vNH 11fd " hand:-. 1 111 l•·d <t nd ·1i1.11·kl·n1'll .a~ llw first 11f lhn•t· Jolt:-. :-.hot through him al 7 I~ .1 rn PUT . .,1•ncl1ng .,mokt• 1111 11 1h1· <ll'ath d wmht·r I\ rt1w 1111 li..t.·1wd thn·1· t1 nw'.'. l•1 he ., lH'.1rtlH •;1t lwf11r1· d1·1"1aring h1rn tl1·;id .11 i IH ,1 rn Thi l;1 ... 1 l'\1•t·11 t 1r111 1n lh1:-. 1·•1tlllll \ "'"" .J :1n I i wh .. n I ;arv :\brk (;t1 n1,11t· rl'f11.,1·d t11 all11v. .1pp1 .. 1b in ht!> ht•half ;1rul wa:-. s h111 II\ a f1 r111t.: :-.q11.1d 111 t tah Al'Wl• ...... to Fl NALLY EXECUTED John Spenkelink Spe11keli1ik Writes His Epitaph STAHKE. Fla r/\I'• lnh1:-. f111 .. d h11ur~ .lohn I\ Spt·nkchnk Jlllktl dt)Wn ht:-l'Jlll:1ph t CASA PACIFICA 'S t neumen plan to purC'ha!-.t: La \ 1 Casa Pacific<t. the 24 6-acn· Nix on estate assessed cit about Sl.9 Thi· ;1·t·o11d :-.1 ;11-!t• 11£ Tht.· Inti· 1-!r<it1on l'roJt•1·t !> plan would tn· volvl' 7!J sd10~1I dis tricts. 1nclud- 1 n g Sllmt• ir1 northweslt:rn Orange anrl Vt·ntura counties. and the third stage would eirtend tht· plan lo Rivnside and San Bcrnard1no t•11un11c·s Th•· l;, ... t 1111:-.•mt:r put lo <11.·oth ag;1111.,t h1:-. wrll Wi.1~ Aaron C ~111t·hell. v. ho w :i:-. t·Xt:<·uted tn San Quentin's gas dwmhe r on 1\ p r 1 I I 2. .I !J6 7 f o r k 111 w I! a ~wram1·ntn 1w>ht',.man :--.1 .. ·11kt•l1ni... "lt11 v. a :-. 1·•1n dt.·mn1·tJ for k1ll1n J.! :1 fc·ll11v. dnfll·r rn :1 T;1llaha!>:-.l'c mot1·I 1n 1!17:1. wa:-. takl·n from h1~ holding 1·t·ll for th(• las t walk JU~I n11nut1•-' hdore ht• d1l'd ··Man I!> what ht• <·hooses to ht• I Ito c·hoo:-.l's that for h1 mself." SJJt•nk1·hnk wrott· on · a note he :-.lipped to h1~ m1n1:-.ler. the lkv. Tom Feamster. h·ss th<tn two hours befon· ht: died in Florida·~· 1•lt·t·tnr t•ha1r F1·~1 m :-.lt·r . a11 i-:p1 :-.c:o1)al m1n1!>t1•r who hl•t·amc c lose lo s pt' n kt' I r n k '1 u ring h 1 s r in a I months. s:u d that after handin~ ov..r the final written mt•ssage. 1/w t•onrlt•mned m<in gave thl' 1·ll'r).!~•man a ml'S!-.a)W of love. • million. · Brennan's office refu~ed to disclose the purchase price or lbe estate. Brennan would not respond lo direct question!>. Earlier thi s week . San Clemente Re<tl Estate Comvany officials disclosed that Nixon'!> long-time friend CG. "Bt!bt"' Rebozo agreed to buy a home at 4026 Calle Ariana. about a half block from Casa Pac1f1ca But Brennan 's aides con firmed that the Nixon family "plans to occupy the Ca.lit: An<ina home now the property or Mr and Mrs. George Bryant. It 1s not far from La Cas<t P<ic rfiC'a. The four-bedroo m . 4 ,300 square-foot Calle Ariuna home was bu.ill by the late .Joe Cote. a mini-market chain owner. about 12yearsago.· lntt'i;!ntl1on Pn1Jt-'Ct l<twyer!> said no stullt>nl would have to ric1t' a school hu~ for more thun 45 minutes t•at·h way l'ro.1ccl l;iwyt:r~ ~:J1d u recent s t a It· a PJ!l'a Is <·011 rt dcciswn ga \'(' Caltfornrn c·ourL'\ th1· powl·r t o rt·qu1rc.• 1ntt.·rd1strict dt·· st•gn•gation if th~1t is what al takes lo intcgrnle a d1slrtl·t. Supervisor Riley Enters Hoi;pital Orunge County Supervisor Thomas Hllt-v t hecked into lloag Memor.1al Jlos pit<il in New1>ort Bc•ac·h tmlay for trcat- mt·nl of a rt•:-.piratory ailme nt. Hiley l'XJ)(:<·l:-. lo be released Monday afll'r undergorn~ treat· mt·nt during lhc wl•ckend AP W1r•pftoht ANTl-DE.ATH PENAL TY PROTESTERS AGONIZE Reaction at News of Spenkelink's Execution Witness to Death: 'He Didn't Speak' By TOM SLAUGllTl!:R 1·x pos111i.: h 1~ 1·h1·~1 1\ ltr1<'lor lh1•n STARKE. Via tAP 1 Wh •n plan·<! a ~t<·ltwM·111w In th1· 1·hl':-.l thev raiser! tht• V(•nt'lian bltnd. of thr• rigrd and ho11d1'll r1 i.:111 (' John SpcmkC'ltnk starl'rl rhrel'll.' Sp1·nkt,l1nk ·., harHh w1•11· at the 32 of u~ who watchcr1 him c·lii1d11:d in •1 r.~1 and V.t'rt' d1:-. die today n>lort"rl lie didn't '>Jll'ak fl(' d i<ln t I s aw a lhrt•1• 1nc·h wound blink. lfr sturt'd stra1i;:hl ahca<I l1t'lov. a lt•:etl11·r h ar rw.,:-. 1111 has There was nothing in the con <'alf. 111:-. skin h:ul s plit , hut ht• demoed man's cxpress11m. ev(•n didn't bll•cd l.1k,. th•• ottwr w11 thou~h t WO or ht~ do~t·~t fri1•n1b llC'SSC\. I sat rn1111onl1·ss in m~ in his l:1st days wl•r(' .,landing 1n d1a1r for f1v" m11111lt·:-.. which the back row of witnesses so hl' Sl·r·ml'd lik1• ;m agt• could st.'(' lhl'm twfon· he <111•d m Tlwn I sa w lh•· 1•\l't·ut11111cr the huge oaken t'lt·c·tril' l'h;i1r. llt• w11n· a hlack ho0<I ;111d :1 Then they low,•n ·!I a hi a ck rntw 01 lwr wit rll':-.:-.1·~ :-.;1111 I ht·~ hood over has fact.•. The re wa!> a .,aw two execut1om·r-;, but I :-.~1v. pause. then his bQdy Jumped 1mly one s lightly. Smokl• bc~an rising lie lookl'<I at tlw ma n tw wa!-. from his right calf where an paid ~1 50 to kill from ht'l11n1I a electrode was attached lo his 1w rt1tion. s haved skin. The doctor ttpproa ch 1•d ll1 s fm;el )!an1l11t 1n ;1 .,1x \t·ar l«J,:al hatll1· fa1l1'll m11nll'nt ., f';1rlH•r wh1·n tht· I ~ ~u111 t·mt· ('0111"1 Wlll'll Ii 2 lo rt•fUM'. for lht• :-.1xlh llllll'. In l11•ar .111 ;q 1p1·al Fl11r1<1;1 (in' H11lt <irah~1m v. ho i.1gm·rl Spt'11 k1•l1nk ., cll·alh v.arranl May IX. ga\t• lh•· 11ri:-.on .,111a·1 1ntendt•111 llH· fi n al g11 .il1l0 i1d Ill .• lt·h·ph11n1 · l'Ldl rmm ht:-Tallaha~.,•·1· 111111·1• .11 i 11 'Th1•n· ;en· 1111 .,la.\., .11 lh1:-. 11m1• :\ta\ c;1111 ht w1lh u~ · an .11d1· q11111.t•<I (;r.1h;1m ;1!> :-.:1} in~· l11·£ort• tw hlllil-! up I ht· phww Oppom·nt~ 111 1-.q 11I :11 1111n1-;h rnl'nl 1-!aH· all th1•\ h.1d to lht• Sp1·nkl'l111k ca~t" i.".anng lh:et 1r ht• went many of th•• mun· than 511() olhl'rs on the nation :-. death l'O\I.~ would follow . l\lthou i.:h S pl'nkt•l111k wa :-. "hilt'. fot.·:-. nf lht· fll•:i th p1•nalt} .,LI) 1t 1~ ust•d mo~t 11flt•n ai.:a1n:-.l rn1n11r1ltl'~ /\ hlack pn:-.ont:r. Willll' .J:ispt'r Oardcn Jr . hatl 11ng1 nall} ht•t:n :-.dlt'dult•ll lo d11· w 11 h Spcnkehnk. hut he won ,, :-.lJ,\ <Sel' t:;Xt;('l..Tt: ... ag1• All Cl1Y CLUSEIJ f'OR HOLIDAY Thl'n"ll be nn ci(y gov l'rnm l'nt ac t 1v 1ty on Mt•monal Day m Newport Thi· la~t lh1ng h<· :-.aid to mt• v. a ' I h a t h 1 • I o v t' <I m t: . • · F e:1mslt•r !>a1<I "Th•· last thtni,: I :-.a111 lo t11m v.as that I loved him wt· .,hook hands " Fl-.1nt:-.lt·r who wrtnc.,Sl'd tht.· 1·x 1•1•ut 111n ;1nll call e d rt ha rhanc· r1•1,:a llt•d ont.· other la:--1 :-.tall·nw11t from Spl'nkl'lmk Wh1•n t111s t'ltmes down . I hop1• th:et :-.oint• i.:ond will coml' of 11 ~l>•·nkt•l1ni.. tl1d not e at hn·akfa:-.1 Tlwn· v. as n•> final m1•al, F<·amslf•r ~aid. hut did talo.1· llnl\' ('11mmu111on two hours hc:f11rt• h;. wa:-. (•xt.•1·ulcd. ·You nt•l•d not wa!o.tt• your pr:.i y t•r., on .John S11cnkeltnk 1.l'l :-. pruy for o ursl'lves l ..l't·~ 11rny for our ~ouls ." the minister ....... c1 ·'Thal w;asn ·t .John S1>enkelink Iha l wa~ l'lcctrot·utcd 10 th<tt 1·ha1 r today . becau~e John S1wnkl·hnk had d ied of this kind of h:Jrbans m years a~o." the m1n1!>tt•rsaul 1Ja,1d Kend a l l. one o r Spt·nkt•llnk ·:-. attorncys, s aid the death penalty "will be a thing of the pa!>t m another RCncrat1on." Ill' s<iHI Americans m the future will rt.'Jcct capital punish- tStt EPITAPH. Pa1te i\2) Coast .... ~\t-::~7-~~~~~rj~~~~;:....J---=~,i.:~~;w.~·~O.I· M.1J...au¥1.itwJ1&..--~~J Wfl ntllrl' I llllCS . We were s ilent an chcck1 ng h1~~·h'i:';";"rt6t·at a-no room . We waited. 1>ulse. ..J.!!'.1!.t.b ~-rlfy·~·n...-aJ~f-w-1-fF-"ffi:• Cltt~S~P<J:.-r'-t~.,._-;;:::::;z;~!!!!~~;;:;_-~·--t-~--1 the• city rounc1I mN•ttng won't be held until Tues day and trash will be cn l lcctcd a day later than Spenkelink 's chest was freed On1• or tht• t·a ~hl mt•n ins1dt• the rtom a heavy leather st-rap. ll1s death chamber smd something while shirt was unbuttoned A to Prison Su l')(!r intcndcnt Duv1d prison official reached Inside his llrtt'rton Tht• man ~m tlcd s hirt and lugged at his . T-shirt. <Stt WITNES."i, Pal(e A21 u s u;.11 . ' Neighbor Foils Entry Newport Resident Corners . Two Suspects A Central Newport Beach resi· dent who knew h is neighbor waa out of town cornered two young. men early this morning as they a sserte dly burglarized a nei•hborinl home. · Police said t.be two men brief· Jy escaped from Ronald Sab- batil, 31, only to be captured a half·bour later because ol the detailed auto description sup- plied by S.bbatil. Booked lnto Newport Beach Clty Jall on suspicion of burslary were Rick Riddle, 19. and Chrtatopher Bonkahrs. 22. • both residents or t he Sunny Acres Motel. 2367 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Accordin" to police Sabb1hs was awakened al about 4 u.m by the sound of windows being forced open at his neighbor's house at 2206 W. Ocean Front. When he investigated. he told police he round the windows to his neighbor's bedroom open a nd 11a w two men inside. ransackln1 the room When fiabbatls asked the men what they were dolnlt they ran out the oppo11ite side of the ho use, pollceuid . Sahbatis pursued them a nd caught one brleny before the m an escaped into the car driven by his compa ruon. Sabbitis 1s or average size and the two suspects are of slight build. police uid. The pair were stopped 30 m inutes late r by Sgt. Mike McEveny near the Intersection of Newport Boulevard and Hospital Road. They were booked when Sab· bitls Identified them as the two m e n he'd seen i nside b is neighbor's house. Weather N1~ht and m orning low- c louds with hazy s unshine 10 the afternoons through Saturday. Hi ghs in the mid 60s at the beaches and tn the low 70s inland. Lows tonight 57 to 62. INSIDE TODA 't' /lave you got rhythm? If not see where to find some at the Golden Bear 1n Hunt- ington ~h. Go~ Wen College or UC Irvine this weekeftd on~ Cl. l•tlex At.,_..,..... • ., l•a...... -II 9Mt1111 AU...... CM ..... ..,. ............. . --· ................ A4 ~ Al ....... c.-ey .. ~ Dt-M......, .. CM CeMM• en...,.. ...., ~ DI._. ...... .. ..... ...... At4 , .......... C• ........ ..... M ftlMlft CM ......... ICt..• ...._ M ~........ .,., ........ , C1•11 ................. ..._ M ........... Ct .. ... ~. --'<AH'I 8 •••lil• .. I• .. &M pan ot II'• ·snt .... t ,oor .aa.rttmt 11.mr ~ t9Uft">' ·· "lllM "*'mar m11n1 ,..,... · • ..... ti .... .. o ••• , ......... ,, .. _ Parfygoer Sf r11t·I~ Frwnds and passersby comfor t Hobert Kidd. 25. of -Yul'aipa after he was struc k by a car while crossing ~Yest Coast J Ugh way at the Balboa Hay Club Th~rsday_ night Polite said Kidd, who wets kavm g lhe club s C h1h Cook- uff. ran into th<' path of a <:<J r drin·n hy Frank Togo. 43. of 1!>7:32 Wl'!-.lw1nds Larw Jlunlm~ton Beal'h. Togo was flc JI £.!_led Kidd refu'\<.'d m l·clH·al ln·alm<:nl 2nd Victim Dies In Mass Shooting 1n:n :1<1 .Y 111 1.LS '"''' Tlw "'"n of i.oap l\ ("'"'" L111y1t ('ot:-.c·11 n ·m;11ru·d 111 c·rit ll'al 1·1111 d1l1on toclay orw d :1y :.iftt•r Cot:-.c·n·i. w1f1• an<I a lfi yl'ar old hoy d11•d rrom ln l llfll'~ ... ufft•rt•d Y.h1·n tht• thrc·t· wc·n · hound cind i.hot in the ht·:.id by au 1ntrud1·r. aut horilll'h s aicl Christopher Doering of Wt•st Covina. who was ltvmg with tht· Cot:.cns while atlcndini.: prcp :-.c·hool. died Thur!.c1ay al Ccd:iri. !';1 na1 Mcd1 <"al Centc1 . :.a111 h o s p 1t <.tl s pokc:~m a n Robert Powell. J oanne Cotst:n. 42, died Thur~ day evening at UCLA Medical Cente r \\hl'rc: :.hl· had undergime ~ u r g l' r v . s a 1 d h o ., p 1 l a I ~µukl':.rna11 Al11 1d.~ Shl' hall l>een a Ju ror 1n a c<•~l· 111volvrng an l ranliJn :.tu<.lc:rtl H1·r 14-vt·ar-o ld ~on . Noah. was 111 <:rtll cC:tl 1·und 1t1on at LCL,\ Tht· young Dol·r1ng I thl· MIO or l h1: l(c v. Edg;1r ;\ l>ocrnJ~ 1 :'.1rs Cc1tscn .ind hl·r :-rm Y.c n· t•:c<·h hound and shot unl'c in the head Wf'dncstl ay cvcrr11 ni.: Polic·c ('apt f ,c•1• Tra<·y .,aid l'hurs tlay 1n v1·i.Ugutor s Wl·rc· hafflPd hy the :.hoot 1111-::. but ha vc a good d1..·1><:riplw11 of lh1• g unman Ill' :-.t11d a r ouplc t•i.caped the altal'k on trcc·llnctl Hedford Drive· JU:.l m·xt door lo lhl! homt• or p 1an1Sl J t>M' lturb1 YOUNGER KID!j GEi' TUTORINC It's unusua l for an older child o have th<' patience lo i.1t with a 'Ounger child Lo leach the thret: ts. "The SU~IJt'l"l WH h drC:O,!>l'd 1n ;ill ti.irk t"loth1ng uncl was wear · rng ..,k1 mCJsks and gl11v1•1> · Tra1·y .,a 1cl . adding that tlw m11 n s poke "1th an a<"tf•nt. 'po.,<>1bl y :\11ddle Eai.lcrn fir Euro11•·<1n .. Gold Price~ Zoom; Dollar Trades Mixed LONDON 1/\P1 Gold pru:es i.oared to n ·cord lf'vcls todtty, toppmg ~2711 ;1n ounn· on the hull111n markrts tn London anrl Zur1C"h Uollar t r adani? wa::. m 1x1•cl on thl' wnrld <•xehangc•s Rullton prit'<'S in London rol'k(•t<'<i to $270 an ounce at tht: rn or n 1 n g fi x 1 n ~. up r r o m Thursday s clos tng price or S265 anrt s hattering th(· record of S2fi5 6l5 set T11l's cl a y London wild hrokc•r-; fi xerl lhP aflf'r no"n p r 1 n · a t $ 2 7 o IW a n o u n t· 1>, . rnotht·r n •('ord The prevwus rt'l'nrd \\as SW4 ~,.,al the Tul'sd ay ;iflc·rnoon fix mg. <;old hit $l70 :!5 in Zurich. Europe '~ othrr hlg bullion rntirkct The Zurich exchange. like m::iny other l'~uro1>can rina11- t·1 a I <'t.:nl<•rs. r eope ne d today .ifte r Thursday s As<.'cns1on D1ty holtrlay The 1>rcv1ous Zurich 1 ~·c·orrl .,.. ai. TuC'sday's ~266.125. liul th•· µncl' fc>ll lo ~264 375 Wed nl0 1>da y Th•· wuh•ly forctast ~300 ouncl! uf gold, 11n·d1ctcd for the end of t hu; yc•ar . a11pcarcd increasingly rNtl1sl1c ht:l·<wse of the world 011 :.h11rtug1..·. ft:ar -; of still more in rl ution a11d g1·ncrul economic un- 1·1·rtaintv. Investors lraditionully buy ~old a:. a hedi.tc an times of c·1·onormc unn:1>l. . ...,...... ...... ,. throu1h a federal • court ln Atlant11 . Tht' U s :tupreme Court 1truek down death penalty law1 In &972 und t 'lorlda was the finl llhtle Lo wrllf' 11 new one Now 32 is Utu huve cl ti uth penalty 11t11tute11 und two more lake ef· h•rl July I Sponkellnk w11s strapped i:n· rnvbllt In the three legged chair ('&lied "Old Sparky" when a cur· tatn wt•l4 r1tlHd. making him via· lblt• lo 31 w1tneases ut 7 a m Spenkchnk could not s peak. A heMvy 1lrup bound h1~ chin Prl&o ncr s uperint endent David Brierton. who c hose the time of the execution. was in the dnth chamber. a look of sad· neH on his face Behind a wall, a hooded e~· ecutioner threw M s witch to tend a aeries of charges tbrouah SpenkeUnk 's body. The first s urge passed onto Spenk elink 's s haved head . throu1h bis body lo a wired strap on his leg. His bands cle nched. his legs moved. · A second surge. A third . Spenkelink was motionless. The doctor ch ecked Spenkelink's heart, lifted the hood to look at his eyes. Spenkelink was dead. The execution started 12 minutes late. heightening the tension among the sever al dozen protesters and the dozens or re- porte rs who gathered in a field a quarter-mile from the prison. Executions traditionally start a little late lo give time for last mlntue phone calls or stays or execution. In the back of the witness room the voice of a minister cut the silence. 1be miniBter. who had visited the condemned man for l wo years, read from the 5th chapter c:J the Gospel of Mathew. Then he spoke to the wli· nesscs: · · 1 hope you gentlemen arc praying that this is just and m e rc iful punis hme nt. In the numc or God. for our sake." Spenkelink m ade no final state ment in the death chamber. A I Lee. a s late corrections spokesman. said the conde mned prisoner was give n the ch<mce but turned it down * * * f'ro• Page A I EPITAPH ... m e nl 1ust as they re1ect· segregated rest rooms and burn· ing of witches. One of the 12 public witnesses to the death was Stale Rep. An· dy J ohnson of Jacksonville who said he attended to protest the execution. ll was not instant death. J ohnson said. "We saw a man sizzled today and if you leaned forward and looked close you could see that ht• s izzled and sizzled again ... till' man didn't die instantly. We :-;a t there and watched u cruel a nd unusual thing." !\:-. lhl• speakers completed ~1 v 1r1g t.h<'1r accounts of the t:X· l'<:ut1un, a s hmy biege hearse drove slowly out of the prison l'Ompou nd and down the h1 gt1way toward the town of Slarkt:. * * * Fro• Pafl*"AI WITNESS ... s lightly Fina ll y . five minutes after Spenkelink received the first jolt or e lectricity. the doctor nodded a t Rrierton W e kne w John Arthur Spenkelink was dead. Not so for Rome Newport larbor HiJCh School and Kui1>er '1iddle School s tude nts, who 'lolunteer as tutors for younl(cr tudents in loc al e le menta ry chools. Laguna Teen-agers For a peck ut what~hc~c • in_E • c h unior .t.eachers Hre doing. i;ec . I .Pr\! ras ,;'eatunnl:_ Pa.£!...fil:. _ . ~-..,/---• _'...___., 0 __ O"ANO« COMT \ DAILY PILOT ,,.0,"'9ttoe\t 0..•t ~not •••-"whf(" ,..,om b•~l~f~ Ptft\ 1~Pv0f•~b,t'-t 0t~ ..._ .. , f'vf)ll~(~4'y ~,,., ......... t.On,••111 ~t .... d ~td4y 0Vovtf' frfdlly fO• (O\I• ,.. • ..., .. ~...,,,, ~4Kfli. ftWf'ltl"Ot~ ftt,ec,f\ ... ..,,, 1111uaV•lt#¥.ll'WMW l-.,nA8•Mf\1'5iovt"(M\t A ''"fl•'f'O~l.OtlloOfll\~l~\e,l'V' .. Y\1tnll 'Wnf•Y' Ttw ~""" l()olltl oubl•lf\f,,. P'Mll •• •• lJO w~• e ... ,,,.,... fO'llh• Mltw t •ht6fn1••,.,. ......... -.,, .. , .... nt .-na Pvbl•""'' J.C'. ,_ .. , Y•C• Pn\.-nl #Cl 0t ..... Mit""9f" , ...... , ..... . (dlto• T=t.~ ... "':':.."' CN<'le•M ""9• ... _,. ... tt A\\1\t•nl Mi"•QINJ f01•or1 OfflcH CO.I•"°""'• ,lQ W•\I 6ff \lrttl L.•QUf'l.t "•'9th , , .. 0 ......... ,-... , ... tieunt1nq1on 8A•<h tll'\ ,._,.c.n ttot;i..,v,.,n T~ne(7t•l'42-4321 Claaelfled AclwertlelftlM2·M71 __ 0._Co ...... ~I ... .... ,.. Two Lag una Beach High School waduatcs were killed 1n a fiery crash 55 miles south of L as Vegas early T hursday morning wh1.:n the ir truc k, driven by a third teen·ai.ter . plunged off Interstate 15 and down an embankment. De ad al the s cene wa s Lawrence Campbell, 19, son of f o rm er Tides and Times publisher Larry Campbell Tangy Matzinger. also 19, died en route to a hospital In Barstow following the 3:40 a .m . eral'lh wtiich also injured driver J ohn "Sepp" Maier. California Hhthway Patrol of. ficer Bill Rlppen1ale aald today the trio waa en route t.o Arizona on lnter11tate 15 when the pickup truck went out of control and overturned, rolllng down a JO. foot embankment. A beer ke1 in the truck bed filled with 1aaollne. 11nlted1 burnin1 the two fatally lnjurea youths, who were •Jected from the truck alone with Maler. Officer Rlppen1ale Hid tbe truck wu lJ'avellng "at an ex· ce.slve speed," al the tlme of th• crash. The three young me n were en route to the Colorado River below Boulder Dam where they were lo meet friends aboard a houseboat. M atzrnger is the son of Hans and Simone Matzinger of Laguna Beach, and Maier is the son of Al and Ba rbara Maier, both of La1una Beach. Maler suffered minor head in· juries In the crash and. ~as re· porte d in l(ood cond1Uon at Rarstow Community Hospital. C ampbell and Matzinger were llfe lonf( Laguna Bea.ch friends, attending Aliso Elementary School. Thurston Intermediate and Laf(una Beach Hl1h School to1ether. Campbell and Mater fiere ten· nls partners on the hlsh school varsity tennis team tor several years, both lellerln1 ln the · 1port. Acqualntancea and family members Hid the th"" teen· a1er1 were alway• tosether. ·'They were llke the Three Mu1keteeu,'' uld youn1 Campbell'• fatMr. "They weDt everywhere totetber." . --·-------- They Love a · Parade Me m bers of the Firchird Ch1l1 Team ot N<.•wport Rench whoop 1t up durmg the op<·ning parade at the Balboa Bay Club '~ :i nn\1a l <'hal1 c ·nokntt 'I hu r~dJ\' Team wa:, led b~ ~Jar~ I .nng p11· .c l,!r;1du ale of lht- Conlon Bll-u < "111>k111g < 'm ·fi · 'Abused' Shelter Eyed . . By KATHY CLANCY Ol Ille 0.11, .. 1 ... '~fl The alleged murder this week of a former Huntington Beach woman tra l(ically demonstrate!> the need for special s helters for women who are abused by their husbands . That was the message hrou~hl to a press confe re nce Thursd:iy by the d1rnctor of the Oretnf.!C County Women's 1'retns 1l1on<il Living Cenll'r. u shelte r for so· C'allc•d h:.itll'r(•d wives Dr. Alice Orhs man-nanner spoke of th<• shooting in Long Be a ch Wcdn1•sday of 32-year·old Marilyn Mahone, a former Hunt· ington Beach resident who had sought refuge in al least four womcn'i. s h,•llcrs in the year before her death Police a llegc Mrs . Mahone was murde r e d out s lde her mother 's home in Long Reach ea rl y Wednesday b y her estra nge d husband . Arthur James Mahon•·. 34 lnvt•sturntor!i s aid Ma hone turned hJmsclf in late Wcdnes · day to s heriff's d e puties 1n Perris and 1s being he ld on murder charges in Long Beach "She was a terrified woman who was r unning for her hfc: ... Dr Banner asserted al lh<' pre~i. con f c rence S he said Mrs Mahone httd been a chent at tht· :.helter late· la s t year but left whe n hrr c:-.tranged husb<tnd k arned her whc-rcahouls ·"When she re alized h<· \\OU Id find her a nyway ." Or Rann<'r said , '"shc• dec1dl'd to go hack tu hl'r mother and make a new hfc ... Dr Ranner a nd Or an J;:f' ('oun ly Supervisor lla rriell W1t•clt>r said the alle~ed slayini:t shows the need for mor<' t•nhghtt>nt'd police intervention and greater financia l s upport for <'rforts to prott•cl battered wives In addition. Mrs . W1ed N t•>c pressed hope that the red<'ral Department o f llous 1n g and Urban Development would ap· prove a SJ00.000 gra nt apphc1t· tion for Dr. BaMer·s center to buy larger quarters . County supervisors this wet•k endorsed the ce nter's grant ap· Mell's Suits fer--- J)IH·atton and al the ta me. Mrs. Wtl•<i1•r had tt•rmt'd its approval a mattn or l1ff' a nd <if'ath " ·· Wh<•n I uc;f'd the:' lt•rm . h:1d no 1cfra lhal 1t h;1rl ;i fready llC'c•n aC"l<'<I out,·· 1\1 r~ Wiede r ..,,. 1c1 Thuri.day Ev1·n with mort• money for IJr~1·r ..,hl'fln'\. Or Hanner con· t1n t1 l'd . th1· prohle m of abused w1v ..... won't d1 l>appcar until laws p1oh1h1 t1ng a ssu ults are e n :. lorc'c<I 1n domestic situations. In ad1ltt1nn, s he said, society . must l'ln\_nµt· its attitude toward· '1oll'n c·1• 111 ~1·n.-ra l .. thalt .. :e11nt'110w that 1~ ii via hie means · ut rt'"<llution ·· I.on~ lkat:h police alleged ~tJtwm· \\enl to his wife's ho me .11 3 30 a .m Wednesday to re· turn th1· cuuplc'l> s 1x-year·old :-1111 . Paul ,\n arp1rnt•nl broke out and· Mahone allegedly grabbed • ri; · fie from his auto. s hooting bas wire on<.'e m the stomach and; twice m the head as Paul and Mrs Mahone's 11-year-old soc'I, Phillip Allred. watched. police i.a1d. ONE DOLLAR! •Wftll ,. ...... -.. ,. .... prtce , .. --------- ' STOOKS I BUSINESS ,._,...,21.1m s DM.VN.OT - """' ... "-_.. '.o• ,., ~ "" ,..,. lltt ~ ... ~ ... "' .... ~ ,_ '"" • 1 "" '"" t>1 ,.,, <.._. <"'! "i.,.. ,..,_ ,... ''"""'cw ,,.. ,,~, c-.. <"Cl •-t 1'ICl\•lw ci.o c I M k t .... rsril1 fE=: • • ·~· ~i ~il.', ...f ,..,: :~ = , Ji? ltJ ~:.: == ~11'; [~~,~ t5,1-~;'.e~t=;~~ J8 ms ar e I , I ~ 1111 ~-: ~ .... JI : :: :.?: ., ,,__ '-I "' -"'I ti! ' l ~· ~ at' ' ~. ; : ~ .. :=.~1l 1 . ;: F'' . 'it~::.~ ... : .! '~··1 ·1:: l: ' ... ~ Bv WARN CUNNIFF A 0 .. S II Ill• • t It I l\'O••,. ·1 , ., flit..... ., -, • VI 1 .,y a.-.u , .. •,•• M11 '1t~"" .. .., ... l ~ ~ fft-1"'··:;; .-.ft t "I ::%·•·i4 :10'1" ·••i. J W=~ •~..._.....,.. .. , -,& ,_ :rlf' I i IS ., . ~ f ,II .. I . • 1 m··· .. ,Mfl.. Al ' .. '""····· . b·-"' h·· fallen-Wall Street, where earlier this•· . • 1 • ,, ...... •• ·"~~..,I .... ·· ,_. ... 1 .. • ~ ... • , ... . ... . ..• , •• 1... 1 •• llU --··"' " -_ ..... • .......... :!." • ,"; ::'~: ~ !::~,, n ... :,. t= I, a· m~! • ,~ ~r:-:• . j ~··· 'f ·· ~:::: ji ....... :: ·~ ;, .. ; ... a• tbe defenden of private securities mark• ca- ., 19 • • ~ • " .c.c• • ~ • '"' •0.., J m. • 1" MO.:Y t r::.... .. ... • 4 ·• • > ~· "" with -mment replators over tbe modemiaaUon of Al~ t Ho .,.,... I Ml •I'-< '"'I I • "1", 1'----.111 I I 11 • ,. . ···· H ,.., e 1'1 ""'····• •-·- ltlr • ' 1• it•·. .. -· t: ..... .,.,.., 1 ~ , 1 "'' 11". 11. MatM'I t . .. • ... t . • ~ • '·• u "' ""• .,. tradlaa. 1 ,. " '•4 1 ' ui. • .. ...... I Jj f;"" t••., · • ·~ ,,,. .,.,. '• .( ~· 111 -L " 14 VJ• -• r:. J. ' 41 •1 eo..frontationa are rare now; the dialo1ue is caliber. ~t.:,.-_. ·ST' ~ 'J .. ~ ~.;~1 ... l 111 , :,1 t 111 !1!: " !:" f. ' J ~~~ · !.-. "'~:~.1' .. • •1 ! : • 'i·i J .. ::: '•11~ ••: I: J::::::: the tn•~aces 1-· an1ry. Muscle-nexin1 is hardl.Y part 'of .. i; ........ Ill'• " "' .ft ;i .,._,I • 14'• fi11o \ .. Mttrt•• •:,,.D19 Rf • ~ $! I i fi.,. ... , ... ,.,, .... li\t-.. _... ,.._ ,. .... ., 11 ,,. .... , ' "'l'"'' • ~ '" ·-,.,, .. ,.,., 1•'-··•"'r.• • '' .-. ... ·*'" 11..._•'-n-... ut11 u4"1f>· vi theseeee.Andsoevenlatbelevelofdlscussionthatmany ·~., a i. 1•10 '•'• , ... 11 .. , 1 • '• ,,.., • , ,. • ., • •. Mt!l •• 1 ~·-·--1t 1111 ,,. 'f • • v. ,.._, • .ta • n ""' • Vt 1 tbe ,__ b d.ed ar~111 .. •> •• '"• • .. <•111..af • • "''""'-• • ,Ill< • • l .. ~-'"', 1. ~• ~' 'J -.,. ••1'<.0 ,.. , 1'1'-"" TlllftJW 1a J a ..... Vt peop e uaume ._ues . ave 1 • Al .. 1'• lie •O »•• .. ~·~~ l)J I f' m~· le,..,_ • J f l. ••• ''•¥¥ANpf «> 11 \It-~....... J a1 14"7 • '" T~lfty :11 H le ... It >••1wo 110 I • ••• • .. ... r· .. • l I ... Fat.nM I\ .... le> e\'4. '• ........... 120 ......... , ......... U611 ... U9'-.... Tic.Of' I, " ,,... ... n•s NE'D . the AtcaftAI J ,,. J''' ...... 1 .. 1 I• '-f alf(Jft IO••tO•• ... , t ~l • "~""••n tt u -w it•"'-.O I II fl';)•"'T.-w•t• .•1 •I'"'•'-TREV HAVEN'T. WHAT on HAPPE r. II A1<0Sta ~«I I 0 '• •111•0 •• 111 •• \}t d •. •I r alrlftd I ' " )11• ti .., "' lilurllOll I II _,. t1't • "' ltta11rt ·• • IJ 11'-• '"' Ti .. rlnl • • ., •~ • 'to f Will. "Mil " 8 •t 69 b be .... .., ., h1 1 ... -.. "''•'•1 w ~ , • •• '• ••w•''" • 1 q .... '"'"•'" 1, " , ,,. Mur1vo 1 1 .. 10•,,. "' •• ,.,,,. l.ID • "' P'-"' Tlm•111 ,, .. , '° a v.. .. presence o aam a .. en, , w o came All9Cp I I; ' ,, .. 'It I u ....... , ........ 1 )4 • '""I uo * ni.. ..... ~ •.• ., I 01~·"" ···.'' ....... IO •• ~ ...... i.'. TlmtplB1.S7 .. It.I~·,,. chairman of the New York Stock E.xthan1e in 1976, 800· AlliCf .,,., ,. '-• i4 ·''J t Jl• 't • ,. , .... n ,. tf ... l11tT ~ e t ~ .. .,.,"-. r n 10~•• ~-. ••'fMtl I• e t6 ... "t-... flmesM t.• ' I .. ---\lo 6 ''" 1 ' J •i ~. · ...._. .. 1 • "' J • • '• '~ • • • " ~... '"'i "" • ~ [ ·. "' -.... -"f$ 1.• • • "14··· •• ""'"" J , ea • • '-' ceedin& James Needham. • tough, sometimes combative •• ,. pl I II I . "' g·· t • H F=a•.. • ,. n • ,, .... .. f.i ... aCM ... I ,, U'--" It ':I , " ...,., .... TCllMlll" . . I ... _ ••'9LO 1 ll • ,. \llt ... .._ I .,, ',,',.' •• • •• • ', ......... ·1 ·, •, ,?t ----i. .... .. Cit ..... 11• .. ~ ...... El!i I , " " ..... T~ I w ,, • chief executive. A11t1.. ot > , fE -.. 1a1m ...... -,.~ •'*'M• 1 'i ..-. u.-•·• • 1n n~ ...... • .,. 1 • 11 ,, •.,..\II Ttll!Wlfft ... • 11 """•"" ............ utl 8 . 1 k A ... l,., z" 't '-. "' ,,.. · "-, .. ,.. " .. 11.._ .,. IMtP~ 1 te , > ,.111 . YI L' 1.11 • .. n .. JO .. ·~ 11 pf •·. u ·~ • , .. I''' 1.a 1 11 JD ••••• u-.01 u sertlve. as extt ves are. atten is ow ey irlttP• I n I u \' ,, Cllt1N a. .. ' " )II .... F~t ' • ".,,,,. •• "' , .... , ... I. • IO •• • "' NVF ' ) '°'" • • "" ..... kl .w I IO '"41-'--"' • .n.a . 10 21\lt -v. I don't thi-'-b i ,, .......... b r tat• .. he au~' • 1 • 1e ... "' ,,..,, • .,. » ... le f t40\• 1 10 , '°" It\ •• .., 111, •• , • 1111• uG • '"" Naotoc• , .. 1 1M> n"'-~ lt'4111>w 1 JD • 11 --. • .,. T .. ~.21 J -.. .. •. " ua muc s accomp MNn:u Y con ron ion, "'"''~" ..,,, • •"-·~ c ... ~ >_. • 111 • • ._ t,.,. •• • o 11'-"'1 .... ,, u • u ..._. 11o "81to '·!" .. '1~ ···· "*"' uo • 5 1' -•1a ,... • ,. neo.-said the other day. "We can get more done if we avoid It ""' ' .... •• ~ ' d '. ....... .. • • • .. ·-·" ' • ' " ..... -" ' " "' .... ---· ... " .. • • ..... -• • ....... A•ttM111.,' 11 n... . • • > ""' "*'' ,_.' ''"lil""• "'' .. "" 1, n .... -Vi ... ,...,. 1. • > 2111.• v, "0<11~1.~, n ""'• '" t-co .n 1 u n.,.,. thanifweseekitout." ~ 1111Mftt• 110 , ., 11• •• -. ""' "J.\I ' •J 11•. .. '",..&! .• 10 t• ••~ .... 1owaPl 140 1 u u • v. ,..,,.,,, 5010 ., ,.~ .. -"• "oc11 1 •. ' u ·~-"• Tra<ar' .40 ' i .. ,.. It's Batten's management style. Alll>Cll 1111 S JQ. J I t '• ....... ffl '1 t Jl .. f111C IO ~ •11 lt•'t-"" t-aPS 1 CM I II 1111'> •• NetC•" 11 I • 11.W -0<~-J • 18illo .. ·· Tr•M ' I I) II""• v •. ""'"" tob • I IHe '• Y• I"",, •1 U '.. 1'-f lflS .. I i I ~-.,. ljKOHp If 1• ·-· "' Ne ... pf l .IO 4 Jl~. .,. .. O< ... I l.tP • " 31.'n-.,. Tr ... u11 I.It I t•J =· ~" "I'm result.l\on'ented," be said. The way Al•llPr 12• I 4 II-.. .... t . 1• " n l, FllllFM 'JO • I .. Jt ..... ti.ttC.p u 111 UV.. lt ... CIWl .., I ,. II'' -\II ""'"'pf • n .. I """-1 .. TWt: • JOI I \4-.... -v ••c.oa 1., s ut w.... .. _, .. ut • •11 )t'-,, 1re'1" 1 10 eo;i """ 11eicp 111 • ~• ,,_.. I'-N10a1r 1 a s .. ~. "' ""'"' r: '». .. , D'4-'• rwc pf i 1 • to achieve ioals is to have each group . ""''~ 11• 10 ..... .. Clu8rl la 10 1 .,., • '• l'IClln IO II ,..._, 11 1 .. 1 pf I U 11 I~+ 1<11 N•IOl\I 1 IO • tJ 21'--.... ltelW!I I.SI I 7• Jt + \. TWC pf I ... " 11 1' ..... unde-tand the Other. If SCream1·ng ~ ~· 110 • Ill ta -.. ClllMlw tS S1 IS"• '-l'>ICllOC 110 61 1''-• "+ J J .• NC>tll prl IS J 10"' ••.• lt*l"d S II 11\lii.... Tr ... sm I S 104 ,,..__ I• •a ...... pf l ' •h • H c,,,.,.., , ' ,. ,, •. l'IB11T• i ~ ' ~ • v. Jme'F ' 20 ' •o ~. • N•tFG 2.• • " ,s:;,, ....... .,,., .11111 111 i1"' • .... ,,.,.111< i . i ~ • .... would do i·t. a·r it would a cha' eve goals, ~ A-0<0 1.0 I JI 2"'0-.... CMl'llll .. • ... , 1• Fllt1e11 1.40 I U J211o J.,.,\WY a• JO tt.11 .... JllfG pf 1111 I l S''>-1<11 !!llM \ II 22 ~"'• '°' T•-o 1.U ti IJ7 IV.. ..• ~ Amro 1 n • ' ~ ,_ g"'~Cft I m ••• • ~ f\IMtu «> Jt llMl ,. • J..,'"" 1 , l 1"". , .. Ne!Gyp 1..n 1" 1•\ii-"' "°"' • .tO ' 4 0 1-11. Tr.,.sc11 .llO ' II ..,.. + I'd be •o 't " ""''c pl HO I Jt llCft pll • M 111H 1 • F1IN8o ) S Ill tel-~• .... J .... I' 1 S4if • •2 10 + Iii NMttom .. ll J J'i•-.... It~• .1' ti lS4 16 -\lo TtGP pf 1.!IO •• 1 14'-, ... I' r I • •Hn~ • 40 ._. l'"" • '" 11r1.i.. • ' 20 1"' • , .. r Ns1111 MO ' i """·-" Jet11>1H 1 •o 1 " n'<-"' NtLlttty" .21 ' '11 ' ..... 1tow•to .60 n •• JS"-• "' rr1110h ·• • 1 i.11o-"" He is a reasonable man. ..The ob· •HH Pl l.lO JI I I • "-(:llf'oma 110 S » 17 .... It ,,,.. 1 l2 I It I) .. , Vo JatC pt I lllO 60 -l\,1 NMd(r , .tO 11 ICll 11~-li1 ltOW811 .1011 14 n~-1/o Tra"wr 1.10 S •• tt -Vt ... ,,. ... 40 •• 11¥. .... Cllry\ler., UJ I'• F'1P• WI ' ' '• JerC plU50 t'OIOO _, NMedE s .iOIO Ml 141,,. .,. "C Co• l,CM4' ,. IS -"·Trawl<• 2.Cll 4 l<tl l7 .... jectives of the SEC 1$ecurities and Ex· •m•u WI 0 s '• Cllr y, •• 1S )'.. '. l'IP•MtQ J 2'. J••C pl J II l II • ... Nlili ... Stt .Ml II u 141~ -"" Roy ID i.at. 4 '°' .. , ~. .. T ••weir pf J I 4011>. ,, h Co . . d I . th. ••••Pl '11 10 10 • " o ... , PU " ~ ''"" F1u"R1 , 111 •> u "", "' 1 ••• 1, '" ,. ,,.. • '• .. ,~"' 1.wi 11 1• ......... "we.rm ·" • :11 n~ '• rr1eo-f . .-.. .. .. ,,._ v. c ange molissaon l an ~P e an is •• ..,, 1100 10 w •. "'""''" .., .. 34 n•. F1v1fl~ io • 111 11 11 •• '• J•••1cor 11 ,.. ..... NtSiamk 10"' U"'• '-Ruur .. • 1 1 M>"-rr1c1111f2.S0 .. 1 21•11 + "• business are the same," he said. "We •a.1111. •IO 34 i i'• ·~ Ctn8tll J J1 s I l'I • f.1\(llM I .cl • s '°"'. '. Jll<\M•" I n •I l"'t-v. NISwlll I •• ' I 161'-+ \'t .. ,..... ' 1 31 IT~ ..... rrialM .Jar I J 9~ .... •11ro P• • 10 ? J1~ ''"c;r • ~ 1 1" ..... F1\11Fo• .o • " 111 •• '• 11111a,1 n Pl).40 ••1 ...,_. 1 .. NSl4ll>Cll 1.u \ t, u~ ..... 1tro.rs Ut • :it 10"--"' Trl•P< .., 1 11 :io-.-"' want a market in the public interest. •&•Op• 2 1~ \ 11 .. • " Cine; pl • 110 •• f•\ll•S.• .. • ••. '• Joll"J" 1 IJ 111 ~-"" N•llSll 2.IO S 5' J1i,.-.,.. ·-s-s -f rlco ·" 10 tt 11 . .. , A8rd pl ,., I 10'-''""pl '"' •IO .,. • I • Fltotf nl S1 •• I '• Jolllll F lo 4 • -14 N•tf.. • ' ........ SC• .3'«" S10 I .•.• frl11tylft I • lJ 21\'t• .. We want integnty .. CUNIOffff •Biie•• 120 •>-JI'·• '• ''"" "' 'n 1100 " .... r 11m1"" 'iO " ""' • 1011nCI\ 1 10 1 •1 """·· N•..,... 2.19 s " tl'-• "scM 1.10 s ,., nll>-,., Tuu f P 10 I " ""•·· Although you can find an argument on almost any s ub· ... ldM 10 1 13<, (lnM1I t JO I II n •. '• r•~ .. v 80 281 II••· .... Jonl.Q" .., ' 14 11 .. '• H•lmpfl.l/O .. I 21 ... "" SPSTt< .50. II "'•-Ii· TCFoa 1408 615<11 uv.-u. Ame en J eo .>o 11\• "· c011crp • 10 • 3•2 n ... · • "'"'"' • -• o n •, • •,, Jor11en 1 JO 6 • :n . . MnPw 2.11 1 ~ 11-... sa111"e .s.v u JJ'11 ..... Tw111D• 1 • u 11~•-'• ject in this notoriously opinionated commumty, many pt!O· A(,)" pl I I} I 70'; (1lie•S• 310 1' U I 61 1 • Fl•EC:.i ' J ••• , Jo•*•"' I ' 10 .. ~ ........ Sf 1.74 .. IJIO lll<o-1'·· ~IJIOIPI .l2 u lJ ... I ••• fycol.elt 1 • J7 ""'· . ACP"''' •• •' •·• c111souA1 211 •'• "'•"•• 1"" 11 :I'll 4•'' -. JoyM•• , .. 1 :m Jll<. •••.. NI 1.2.u • 11 two..-..,. S•lewr uo • u1 1~. v. TvM•CP es 1 " .. ,,.._ '• pie think the Batten style 1s right for the tames •C••" •Ml JlO 1•" • '• C•IYI"• 1 10 l 111 11•. • '• Fl•PL J oo ' JU i.•4 tt -• -NEt1 E ltlO • IJ IS •••• s .. •CP ... s 10 , ... '• Tym\11• U JI ll">• .. AmOl\11 IS IJ•, Ctlyl" pl 1 II 1'" • • Fl•Pow 1 It I 1M JO'"• " IC l.M I 3~ • I 11~ •II• NEG ff ta .. 1100 IGD\11 + >, §.JoM11 !AO tO H 1S~• '• -U-U - AOT 1 °' • 1 n .. • '"' C•••kl J • 1• •·· • F1as11 1.ii • •• 11 •• IC m••I 14 ' ,. ,., •• ·~ NfNuc1 .•" • Jttn-•· suo1..P 1.a ' • 11•, -.. u At. 1 1 • i.v.-'• UNDER NEEDHAM " FORMER SEC comm ssioner AD11alYt ... • 10 ... '• Cl•rlO•I 7(1 . II a .. '• f luot I .cl ... , .,.. • , IC•l\tlil I s lllS tt~--NlneT 11t • • M~ .... SILS•F t.lO •• It Ol'•· , .. UGI .... I > JO • •• • "' ' I • •E1Pw 2 11 • '°' JO•· " c1.cu 1 '°"' • • ,..... · • "'"°' P• 1 J~ 10"' 1•' "•"'~ 1 • • 20 f• -l. NYHG ,.., 1 • ,....,_ '• SPau1 1e •• >• 10'4 .•.. uG1 o1 '1s .. 1100 ,..,..._ "' the hard in-fighting probably was required, because stock :~:~ri 1: ~ J~ ff~ •. ,. ~::£~~1;: 1 .. ~ :~· .. 1°' ~:,'~~ '~ JI~ !:.~ ~:;::~tu•.:•: :: >J:::-:.~ ~:!i;i., uo :: 11 -;v. :1:: ~~~:.lit ':: ! '; Ji~: ~ ~:h 1: 10 .~ "; ·~~ • .v. exchanges al the time assumed they were fighting for their AGIBd I tw U 10'' • •~ Clewepll .o 2• II ~v. FocMK I Sb U? 11 '-IC-ti .IO I Ill UV.-\\ N9Wll•ll ·• 6 I 30'4 t .,. S•mMs I) U. 7~ ..... UNC"•~ 40 • U 11 •··• I' F SEC · · I ft h 11 d •G"c " 1."'° ' 11v. c io•o• '• 1 • 1~ • ,,. FMIC pl ''° 1. W '•. "" 1ect~Pl i. .. , » n11e -1, N••m• uo • 1,. ,, ...... v. soi.Gt: 1.,. 1 ,., , ... _ .,.. uv111c1 11t • es u"'-.... 1ves. ew op1naons were e unc a enge . •c;"1"s 1 " "''·. '• c1uot1P• .., • » 10... F10 .. , 1 J• n 11.. . 1CCS.1 ..... , n uv .. ~ N•wt .i uo .. 1 " +1 SJ...,.1t 1.os1 11 J4 ""'• v. u111Nv Uht ' 4 W'lt• to But now the law is written. Under a 1975 act of lllC.ln pl I Ill I~ 36'• • '• CluettP pl I 1 10'~ • 1'• FrtHo• I J? It I .. \,. 1• tCanGl 1.tO I '7 11~ .... Hewortl t 1'1 IJ + V. S-" ,«)to '6 11 .. e .. UCatr1P J,«I t •I,. ·~ + \/1 •>i••••Lt ... 1 "" " co..:11m .., n ,..., 1 .. Fo•w" 1,. • n• o • •• ,, .. 1e ... N111.• ' 1 IP!i• .... Nl•M• 1 ... 1 1n 12'1•• 111 sr:e1,.. 2.AO • >•~ J11 • v. u"~"' 2.111 ' m • -.,.. Congress. the various exchanges are committed to linking AmHol•t '• •• ,.,,. '• '"s'c.' .o '"' n"" Fo,w11w1 M un • '· IC ... 1>1..1 1" ' ., 20 • '" N•Mltf IOA0 .• 11000100 _.,. s"""' .n .. J1' 10•,. ,,_ u"'°"'' .20. 111 "'"··· the,·r fac1·11·t1·es i·nto a central marketplace. ".ongress d·1dn't ~Hom• '50 11 '!>~ 1• '• C••'>C. pll IJ • 1>1' '• Fotom•• ~IO ~ '"" • • • IC•l"l. pf2 l2 41 J• .. • .. NlallSll l.c>1•. II 10"'-'" S9fWel .. • 10 H '•, ', U11to11Cp .J1r • 11 Wo.. •. ,. AmH0\11 IO II JI ,. ...... C•ISC plll• • U '> ... FourPll• I) n i.·~ ... IC••rlnd l IC» , .... '• NICOR 2 SJ 1 )J ,., .. \~ Sau•RE s 7•. '• U"Ele< I .. I " 11•· s·pec1fy the form. but It statl'<i lhe goal lllMI 80' \S ?•'• C0<•Bll IO ' 41 •l o 1t Fo•Sl•P .. • II 10 -'• 1C1ly pl 1.. 11 11 •• ~ NOrlW" 114 S 50 7•\<o• '• S<1vASlp 14 la f•e '• U"El pl ·~ rJOO IO I Am MOll\ l S70 ...... Coo ( I I .. •l 141 JI• I Fo•bro 110 q )0 ,.., • '• 11.•ulBr J• • )0 1•.. '• Norltn I tO 3 IJ ... , '• ...... o .. o .cl I ?6 •'. '. Un El pl J,, I 1•"-. • • As head or the biggest c•xchan~e. Batten s role is lo AN•ll'I )10 I ., JI I '.Col•<• 37 l '•• '• Fr•"kM 10 6 , •••• ,,, ICHnt .oo. 11 u.... 'Norri\ 140. 1 13 5o EIP I '-• 10'• ... UtlOC•I ,.., I JU ..... , "S1..H "·"°" ) 1 1• • •· cu1QP•1 • oe e 76~ •••• • '• Frp1Mn t .ii 11 ICM ..,._ • '• IC•""' .lOb • i '" NACoa1 s. / as ,.~. • •• '>••E • 1 :w : • 11 • u"oc.1... 11 ::.• •• " maintain " constructivl' dialogue with other exchanges. •Shop .eoaq1 I 11• .. '• Colllli~ /1 s II qi, '· FrplMftWI • 11'• ., IC•llOQ!I 1.)110 ~ 11• .. '• NOAMIQ $1 • . S••F. pl •19/' " ....... UP•cC 1 3011 i/)1 66 'th th SEC d •th.. b h d so eho ,ASlaM l 6 •• •I '• Colt1nf 111 6 llO l1'1o F•IQtrn .1110 I u o,. '• ICellwd 11110 JO 11'-•, No .. PM 110 S H JI>,-" So1vln •SO•• 10 16" '•Uniroyal t6 78 • WI (' an WI •1IS 0\\.'ll mcm ers Ip, an . m W ""'"'" n 8 ~l ~··· '• tolP~n 140 1"6 ,,,, '• Fru~111 1•u • .. 111 •• '• 1Cenm11 tu e "'" ,, • NoC••• .JO • Jt &t• •··'>••on & 11 s . u""Yal pl e . 1110 SJ"'-... tobalanec1tallwiththcpublic good AmS1t) J l• • ltO S~"' • '•Coll Ina 1 SO I? 00'. "' fuQu" .. • l8 ll'o+ '• Ktnn<I I )7 240 )J 1 \~ NOCAlr WI le 1-.. .. S(haelt r St S'., '• UnArnd tS<t> S t •'1 • n ) I .. 3 ),. ... I. Co•G•• '.. •• ,,. • F uq• pl I JS I "" ... KyUlll J CM I :M .... \e NOfl\IUI un • ... I .. -1 • '>cllrPlo I .. I 461 ,..,, '. U8•d pl I '° I 11 '~ ATT pt • n ,, ,. '• ColC.~ pl).. t ))l. '• c;. G ••rrGI' ..... 11•. • NCalSl. ./0. I ,, ... _ '• !><Miii .cl23 l()J ..... '• UE"R' 1 41 . 10 40~ ... I •TT pl 1 11<1 ' 41'• co1uPc1 111o • '"" 11•, • :•CM .e s 101 IO'•-'• .. ,,,,. 1.u • 102 •I'-•"' N1nctPS, ~ 1 11 u-.. Stllim•,1.1011 1~1 "" UF•"C•• •'IO • n ,.,.,. '• TO. DATE. AS HE SEES IT, the linkage is evo vmg ~w"·Pw•.1 .1• • J1) •,!'• •-~~01so111 ?.37•• •o ,~ J P .. c.•F pl t 10 u n , •. , K•Y\C.,. io • 111-.. "No-NG,J'O' ,., ., • ., ... , ScotFet ,.., • > is" . u nc.r1y •• • ltO "'•· '• s moothly and "in accordance with thl' act," althouah he -.11 , I ..... p , , v n•. Cllll)C ' I ., ,... .. ICey\lnl • 11 10 ,,... \e NOSIPw 11' 1 ~1 22h• h Scol1F ... 1 1 ,... . Ulllum J s. • " 11·... .. " 111w.1P11 H ''°° •1 c m11c.m 10 11 1 u c.c11 10 11 •• ,... • .. Klddew t.60 s .. ,.,,.. NSP• PDAO ·· t100 11 · s co11P n • 1•1 11\,-,,.. un111"" .ISO ~ > •~··-'·" concedes some disagreement with the SEC on the rate of AWa Spll 1S 1&0 11 '• CmlJEn 2.20 I 50 IO~,.'• COY S 11 10 • 'o IC-pf(•, 1 0 11',. •, NSPwpfl.111 . '30 •71•• 1• ScoUy\ ,;i. I It"'-··. U"'""" .'l'l S SI It._,'• Ame.Oii I • 11 10 '-Cmllfq IOC> . IOI 11 '• CF Eqp t 16 i\o + ''• ICl-r'· ... , • D~• .. N«Tel 9 .IO S" JI .. -V. Scotti I I.ID • 110 1t•1,. , . U"Pkl\All I 1 1 • progress, On the timing Of advances. """''o .ot> s 10 "' .• '·• cmwE J .o 111H '' • • • "" Tt< 1 10 • 41 ,,,,. . ICtmbC J.a 1 u •11io-... Ntll9•te, .. 100 •·~ • •4 S<UOdlt• " J ,... . • u .. R,111 .. 1 n••-'• Batten, a li'felong merchandi·ser who capped a car""""'r Amwtelt I 80 I )~ 31.,. • 1 • C•E pl I 0 ) II'. .. • 'I GIC pl I.. II 13•,. • " KlnqD\I t0 6 .. 11"° + I• Nof1rp _., S 11 10'.~. S.aCA f" .. , i IJ\, . USFoS. I* SS IS"-lie ""' Ami•< 110 • n ,,.., ··• C•E Pf 1 '° 1\ " '" CMR Pr u J'"• 111 1Ci"c11 1.u s 11 111111 Nws1A1r1 .• 10 tS "'" • •.-s.ac°" ., • 150 11-. • \, USFld '40 100 »'II • at J .C. Penn"'y Co. wh ... n he was named chairman, would AMPln< 16 11 St :M • 1 • (WE P1 1 1 20 C•mS~ I 50 JI 11''"'' .. 1C11l9 lltd AO t 157 JI'-· V. Nwl8<P Ill • tcl!J 14 -lie S.MCL 120 S 1' 1711 • USC.yp\ l 1b 1'<• • '• "' -. Amp.o 1tO 1 • ,. .. • '"' CwE pl u 1 • 1••• c .s-p1 11s 1 n .. ... Koat>rtn 1 ' .. n ... -"• Hwthr 2AO J eo f,"• ... s.-• 011 2» "~·-'• usc.v 011111 > ~. . like to enlarRe the product hne al the Big Board. primarily ;mm"'~, .. ~P1 lS :I! 1 10lro ·~~ ~:"0':_•~1 JI ~ •• ~. 1;1 :r• • :; g:~:I 1 .~ l: n ~~!; ;._ ~=~ I·~ 11 ;~ ~~; :: ~:rn::: ~IOS 6 sldJ~~~ :! t:::" 0~1~l 7· ~~ n~. v, ~~~"e:,m ~ •n 'l!:: :: With financial futures a nd Opt.ions -• I ""' ..... P~ 1'0 C.u lin-I J• • )11 JOI • .,,, IC-pf • dlO 13 ' I NwMLI 1• 10 1~ 10''> .... SttarP• I 10 1 to 1S'. -.,, USl.U\Q SJ • ..... If. d . . t• h h ed th n •t If Th •'l''l~d 2 1 n ~ • "'corn1111• ,. •l o .,,, '· c.~•S•< 111 ' 1 13"9 •. 11.or.,p .:w a 10. ...... Nws1w 1.10 • J >O"t • S.••••G n 11 .. ,, • .,. us A•v n ,.. 1s a m1n1stra ion as c anR e oor 1 se t: ""l!o•oq ' 1 & ·~ •• • • '• CompSc• •o '"" 11 G•••wt "° • o 1"11• '• 1C••l1 1 1 1' •"· '• Norton 1 . .0 1 •llO "'"'• '" Se•r> 1.11 1 BOO " • '• u ss11°" 1 .a & '°'• '• trading ~ls are out. e l<•ctron1c gear 1s in The visitors Ant hr~ ' \ S~ I~ • • CPl•isn n ?J 19 sq•, • CU rfttO 18 1q 10 •I • "• Kr.,.lllt )311111'.._ • 1' • NorSlm .nb 6 SI I~. . S•i!t•ln S' JM o >+ t • US Slee I I oO S l~S 7'' • ,,... •. ~.""c,• .. ~Y .. ..). ~ 11 1 10'• ;_.· ~ou~~q1'1 'eo" .s 1 1 1 ••'lo "ce•~o 1 ~ • u-.. .. 1C•OQtt JJJ & tq Jt, .. '• Nortsp1.1 . .o J Js · "~cP•cn1.111 5 •.• ,,..,, ... u s Tn«K 111410 10 J1"• .. gallery, wh1cfi ha~dles 450,000 a _year. i!o improved, with ~ -v , )'o "" ·~M 71., Ciem.C.. I 21"' ~. IC•-• wi 1 1-. Nw<or ... • • .,. ... • ·•• Sedca w 11 111 , • ..., , '• UnTe<h J 10 I 1311 "17'1 • '• ff d · r· I Anl•ler 40 9 t)) 111 .. .., co·noo1m I ~ ~ 1Jf, Gem•n llO ' I 1\1, , IC~llfm IQo & 11 U t i, Nucor wl 10 l'l''t"• S.IQl.1 IJOll $ 1 ""'. Uf t llpl UI 18 \I • .... Commentary 0 ere In IVC anguages. Al>dC"~ \ 00 • IC/1 ~o· .. '• (ann(,n nl n S '>I 3~.. Glll ln• 1 "'" It 10~. ICysor .IO e &I II'~• " ().~ -Sllahp• SJ ' uo 1J -"UftiTel t •• I 114 tl'1 AP1d01Q I ll ~ • '• ConnM I 80 19 II ""' G"llmO t.01> Jl 0 •I"• I -l ~ -OICC 110 11 3S i.-. -'-Sll•-ln 14 s lb I• " Un11rod .50 11 ll 7• • • • AOldD•Q Pf I I 10 • h Cnn'4C, I 1'0 4 I I~'· '• Gn8 u n 10 S 1 It l.f E IOr I J 1-. l\ O••t11d 40 It ISi 3'" • ... Sii-ii .IS • » 1'1"9 • ... Uftw•r .~ 6 1 9 Applt.>q 10 llO '• • " '°"'•• IOU S I• CnCu e' I 0 I''" '• t.tTCO t I S II' 1 • 0 •-il•P I 10 I ) 11•,. '• S"-••H «> l •I U'-. U111wfd .'lil I 11 11 ~ '• A•C•I•( I 11 • 11 ,, ••• I. C°"Ed z .. & :its n I GC1"m" \ I '' ''"". '• L TY 2 .. I''>· '• OcdPet l.1S Sl ... ..... '• SllellOll J I 327 ..... ,_ U"Lut I 10 1 \ ,..,,_ .. Ar<llrD .'.IObll ,.I """ "" Co"Fd\ IM) ' .11 ,, ....... CnOy"' I 10 ,,. >0-.. "" l TVA .m .. 4 IJ\, .. 0<c1P1t .., ' JO ,.,._ '· ~IGIO .10 4 1 10-.. '·• Uptoll" I SJ • l'I ... ,_ ... A•t lEnl lOt • I' • Cn•Frl llO • 91 13,. "C.enEI 1804MI "''•-'•LTYpf S.. I SJ'i l >O«IPpfJ.16 .. S 311.1-'•SfJ<wlll "." 21'!o•"•U51FE W.b•Jt Jt'u '• An rPS I .• b 131 11-..~ ·~ Cn•NG J • 10 31·.., • .. C.nFd\ t IO & IS 1'"'·-~' L TY pl 1 tO ,, 6 11•.-.. , ~clP pl • .. J •1'11 • " Shrw jt1 • «! .. lUO M'.o ''• U'llltFd ·-» t••-'• lll•IPpl 10,70 . '''° 101 I I :no Pl 10 'I& 110 111 • ,, I C.nClll .. ~ ,, ,, ,. .... ' . ' l.Oulnt 1.Clll 13 )4 ·~--'• clP ""·'° . . • u 1 •....• SlerP•C I J1 1 :It I) "• Ul•Pl. 1.16 10 11'1 ""• -... ArkB\I .Mltl ~ 10 •1 •• ••• (Oll\P•2 1'. 611 Jo• ... ,, C"IMI .'O' Ill ••• ··-L••CH "" •• ""' .. cc1Ppf7,11 . JI .......... sl9ftal .IO' SI 2Sf.'• .. UIPL pfJIO. 4 71 • VJ ••-l.C.• 110 • ~I Jt!e. ~, '"Pw pl•'.!() ' r:/00 ao Cnl"\tr pf J , • 40\1. • • l.•mSt1 ' • ' n . . OcclP pfJ.JO .' ' 21•1,. ~. SIOtloclll ••• , .. ;M•,, •. , . .,_., - "''""Aly "' '"•· .. '"p"' pr1 50 ' n ....... GenMecl ... • , 1w.. . L-ll•v I I )I 161\+ '• ()Qdeft 1 s • JO'-•... Slml"rec .24 u SI .. ~. • VF Cp •. .., • \I ... ,, •• ,,. Armco 1,36 4 )I 19\lt • \Jo C."Pw pt? 1l 1 JO C."Mllls 1 16 9 tt lt -'le L•"•et .50 1J 2 31''11-''t OfiloEd 1.7' 11 111 .. ,, •••• • stmpl"al .S. t) ,., n , .. VSI Cp 60 I IJ J1 h• • '• Arm Pl 1.10 14 "" "-C"P• piJ O 11 11 « C.Mol 6 I~ • 6" -• 1 • L1wlCll tO IS 119 IJ'• +I'" OtlEO pl .. ._,.. 1'11 41\,. • • • Sl"Of' .IO S .. IJ'-. Y•lloyl" .40 1t S •'-• '• ••m• pl. IS· 1100 IO'J. (OfltAlt lilt ,,, 8 • C.Mot pl l IS 2 0 ' l.H•So I CM • Ill ..... '. OllE pl •:>.• 1100 _.. s 1 .. ., pf J.50 . ) )I - '. Y•"Or" ., s J 131 .. '. ArtnC> I 10 I m I.... 1• (o"l(op II •~ CnPorl .60 S I) !)\\ '• l.\•lrn, t.>O • 1 11\'0 OllP pl I.CM. ~ IJ\, • 11• Sil-.Ill I Mt zp~ • ,., v ... ,." IO >0 lft II • '• ArmAu 110 • 1 II'• ("llCorp 7 l•S H ,. '• CP U I 5'iio • Jt0 1r, l.Hfnl .17 11 16 13 • 'I OtlP pl<i117 • ~. '• SkyOM .41 I 91 ,,..., l't Y~ro ll b 1'9 101•• '• lll•o(or;> , I • "'• (nllC.•P '20 •t ,.,, • '• C.nRel• lJ II 111• Lff\Ot\• I" I • ,, ...... , OhP plA ,. . 1100dlll . 1 SmllllA 1 . ..i J Jl II ' YHCO 50 I JI 21'• ... A.11owE .~ ) J IJ'e CnlCp p1 7 \ 11' 1 , GnSl11nl I 9 lit 1'"' .. l.•llYallnd 6 l I... 't OllP plF I• .. 1.0 112 , Smlllllft 1,17 10 67 wi. YMdO 14 ~h • '• A•••n I • JS t•"• "• COfll lll 1.•• 6 •II 111• GnStnt G Jc l 'J. Lellm111.lle . 0 101• • O~laC.E 1.0 9 \6 16'/0 !.mlllin 1.401• •7l '2 • ""Ve"ic~ JO l ....... "'•co IO S 71) 11"'' '• COlllllP In. S9 142 750.. . CTE 2 41 I •:it 211> • ,_. Le11.,•r 40 • It 1·4 , , , , Okl41NG 1.IO 6 >a 11 . Smlkl" wt .. 16 41''" • •, YHIS@ I J6it< • II • '• l'"'IOtl \ 1 I t:113> .,.,, "o (ontOtl 110 to S4' )It,. 1• C.TE pl 1 ti . IJ 1•'..,. "• Leno1 I.JD I 1 J4'-., ~ln I 6 I S 1q • l'll Smvcker I I 1 1'''" "Yta<;om YI H l)V ,., .... "' A!.dOC. I IO I H 11 . (OfllT~I I». 0 16'· '• CTi•• I 50 s I .. '''•• ~. lt1F•Y .• s 1• , ... ·~ Ilk• ... I lu11''tl• •• ~•POru .IO IJ IS4 JI') ·~ Y•EP• I I() I •Jll IJ.\11. Allllon~ 1 JO ~ • 20 • · CllOal• 40 1 HIS 36 '' '• ~llHCO U ....... l evFdC , JO 16'• • '• ,." ..... 1.U 1 7S I• • 11. ~yCp ,!Qr 11 I] ... '• YaEP plt.14 rJO dl4•,, '• AICyEI 11• I U 181 • • " C.O..wd I 10 I 11 11' 1 <;."\Ir Q J 1> 19"'• "• Lt ttFlll .1Sa II U"'····· Or•• 10 • U ... • 'lo SOtlln t e 3 II" \/0 YaEP plJ.'IO 1 JS'• AHAtCll l IO 9 7'S bl'• '• CoollUft Ole 11 1110 I'•• • • C..n..PI s .• lJ .... .,)._ . • Lew1Slr I 111 ·7 111 .... . ~IOflC :Kl I bJ 10 SoAllTr U ... vaEP pl710 tlO .. \, '1'' Ii II At pl 3.1\ 1100 .,. ,, 'I ,_I" ..... 23S SI •• ,. G•P•c I 10"'1 II• 191,. l.•w•llF .., ' 1'1 "'· •• O..W•r I 40 i s• IS"' ... SCrEG UI I 1n 1Ste. '• Y0<...clo ltOtS loll t.10 ' 'I AllA• pl Jiii S II' .. ' CooplPlJ90 Ul n•~• l• G•P..:pfl.J4 . 10 lS'·• .. l.OF 1JO • 1t 11 ....•. OVll•ICo It 11 -· ,_. s..t8• .Ill• • U 'r-•1t llultlM .IS i 3 141'> All•\Cp 16 IJ '. Coopl.• .011 333 n•.' ... G•Pw pf1.". 1 ni.. •.... l.OF .,. •• ,, . . u w• ••• ., Ovet110r ... • i 111.-·~ SoatPS I tit II IS.. ... • ... ul<ftNI ''° I • n•' AuloDI• .. .. 10 l74-' C~T pf 111 . 3 u•. • ... CaPw plJ 7S '' s 1'"·. 'lo l.lbtyCp I JO 1 ' 32'.li • '·• o ... nTr ' ,. s ) 20 -••• ~IE 1 •• " :tS4 IS~• • • -·-· -llltteoCp 1.20 l SS 1111• C-111<1 14 1 1 lO'ito.,., C..O\rc .Ill 10 1t JJ\1 • I<. LltlrtyL11 11 1• ~ t -... OverSl'I ,!Ob S IJ M'.1t " SoulllCo I S4 9 tOO 11....... UI ,tQ II 10 ll'•· •-•• .S2 8 1 lb'•• ,,. 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" ·,.. . ~:·:~ i.,. • .M t 1 1i~· "" i{C I'° ' ~-!it M ' It " '·! • t • •• I •14! = .a .4 t~ .. t~:.:· . l~lllt . ~ ri ft~+t M '·Ii : ts*~·~ ':I St1" t:"'-;'~ fl. I :· f~t : ., UO s r, "~ .... l i t:: S tt, fl '.. • u.•1 :., ~t I! ,..__ ~ II~" n l~ii:~·~-T.J!. • "'• !A • " ~ I ·~.. , ..... ..., -.. =._.. ·~ .:.-..· -: il''; :; ·n ~c· .. ~··· i!b! ::it .~., ~i .. era 1~1.11 *l. ~= ~ =~ .. ·:.:-' .,-~~:-~~ f'! 12 • 1,!f t l7' ·" ITw t '. Vi • 14 t -.... IH.i ·" i tr " -1' • Ji"9' I 11(;'• 'i.-1'.11 r ' tr': 1Ao lm,.C. I e llVI-14 1111111 r l V. t I ltT At ~ 111 tf'a •. • • Ll'-ton to Buy Lawry's LOS ANGELES (APl -Lawry's Fooda. Inc., known for its Seasoned Salt and Mexican food products, ts meratnc with the Thomas J . Lipton, Inc., food and bevera1e firm, the companies have .nnounced. The announcement Thursday followed unanimous approval ol the mer1er by both flrma • boards of dlrecton. Lawey'a will become a wholly owned aut..idJary ol Upeoe but wtll conUnue to operate u a separate entJty. Richard N. P'rank. pretldent of Lawry's. and Hubert II. Ttbbeta, head ol Lipton. aaid Upton wtll pay 188.2$ million for the 1,51UM out· 1tandlq lbaree ol Lawry'• commoe stock. THERE MAV EVEN BE,\ DAV "'hen the Bi g Board again will advertise its wares . There has been no advertis- ing program for eight or 10 vears, or since regulatory and back office problems took top priority. "It's not enough to have a good product." said Batt.en the merchandiser "You havetoexplaln itlothe public ·· General Prepares For Future Calls A philosopher once said. ''The trounle with the future is -it isn't what it use to be " "ff those same words were applied to the telecom· munications industry today, they would tell the story in a nutshell." s aid Jack Curran. vice president of network engi"et>nng and construction for General Telt:phone of Califonua. "MANY PEOPLE ran remember the days .vhen a telephont• number ~as but rour or rive d1g1ts and long dis· tance calling was handled by an operator who probablv knew your first name ." Curran said. "While today's telephone network 1s a hundred tames more sophisticated. 1t stall con.c;1sts of conversations ear- ned over wires as electrical si~nals as was done in the past." The telephone network of the future wall be digital. he said. Voices will be "chopped up" into digital pulses or "bit streams ... The term digital means the representation of information by a series or electronic pulses. They may be sent over glass cable that has the thickness of a hair, or sent across country through satellite switching stations. "The telephone industry has not been faced with rapid· ly changing technology in the past." said Curran. "In the century since the telephone was invented, the technology has been developed purely by and for the industry. We 've had the lime to take new technology and slowly perfect at. to become comfortable with each new phase before going on to the next s tep. .. BUT OVER THE PAST ttTO ts years. that's turnt:<l around dramatically," he said. "There's been a marriage between computers and telecommunications. The com- puter industry has developed a technology for data proc- essing that lends itself errecti vely lo telecommunications. "OUr eltttronic switching offices are in a transition _,_.,plait• whicb •e•es 81ec:tmp'c applications desifne<lPomar.·. ly to simulate the mechanical devices which the industry has always used." be said. The network of the future has been described as a communications path with the capability of linking all customers for all desired services. The network. which started out to deliver "plain old telephone service." will carry voice, data, ima1e and text. .. VOICE TllAFFIC IS INC&EASING at an astonishing rate." Curran said. "People are simply plcki.ng up the phone and talkin1 more. We have to buald better 'btghwa~· to accommodate that increased traffic." "In addition, the new applications of tecboolol)' are rapidly expanding. Data transmission posalbilities are literally limitless." "But tn the long run -when we're talking about the year 2000 · satellite lechnok>ty probably bu the biaaest potential of anythln1 we now foresee," Curran said. GTE, WHICH SE&VSS HtJNTINGTON Beach, Wettmi.nlter. Fountain Valley, Latuna Beach and nveral other Orance County communities, uaes three Comstar satellltes in a domestic communications satellite 111tem. part ol a Joint operaUon of Amertcan Telephone and Tele- 1rapb Co. and tbe GTE Satellite Corp.' a GtE IUMidiary. "ln the ,ear 2000. we're IOinl to see an ead·to4Dd ditltal network whlch 1lves muimum customer utmaa- tion. We 'II see a lot of new ayatema baaed OD customer ,... quirementa. And tt will be market-driven ratber tbu tffhnolol)'-drtven. We'll llnctout wbat people really Med and aatlclpate marketlns requlnmenta." C\lttan said. And ln the year IOOO? "Wbo knowa T We may be com· mllllicatlftl by tetepa\by -and not even need these cum· bersome appar1tUH1." ,,,..,,Mer •. tt11 • HOii TO GET INf'ORMATION ON \ ~ I The world looks a lot )t~h<.:Julc Th1,;: H1dc-Gu1du map:-i Services above and Ride the pass and pass the better from the bus. out thu e:nt1rc aero route system beyond the call. savings on to yourself. Thut'~") lx:CrJu:..;e the l:Jus cmd expl<lms our many services The bus is here to serve you Everyhme you nde the bus. lJrC."t:ZE:S nqht by the gos lmuh ond how lo use them and we have a vancty of service~. you save You save llmc, you sdve And whun you look at gds, Step #3: When you go to the to do 1L For example. our Dial· gas. you save yourself the aggra· fJnces. the bus looks better still bus stop. please arnve a few mm -A-Ride' serVlcc -cl phone call has vation of traffic. and park mg and l's true:. on the b us you save utc.:s ecirly Step #4: And remem· a bus calling nqht at yo ur door you save wear·and·tcar on.your car -0~~:...you ~~e g,a..§_mC?,IJ..Q.Yi~l.......~, .. lJcr to 90 ~11~ the _9Xact fare .. ~~3.0:.mmutos~y.ELdcr .. pi:o...~~I ~~·mooi~l.\oll't':-~·-·--·--·-·-·--....., --~---...... -.. -1nq ana you save a EUnare on dMVCf!rtJtW1 rc~rrycnange v1d es fast localized se:rv1 ct: m cor· A Park·N·Ride commuting pass ts costly tune· ups and repairs For information call tam neighborhood drca~; Wu give 1ust $28 The pass also saves you The bus 1s one of the best ba r· 636-RIDE handicapped riders a hdpmq the bother of keeping exact gams m town Our bus s~rvice changes as hand with D1al·A L1 fr service Com-change on hand Now that we've shown you your need for service changes Call muters save time and money by These days, the smart the bo lin ake th 36 RIDE f I ed using Park·N-R1dc-dn expre~~ , "din the b ttom e, t . e 6 . to ven Y your P ann service from designated parkinc; moneys n g on . us. step from the gas lines to trip, recen t changes. special ser· areas to congested busmc:s~ The bus is comfortable It s the bus line. vices or holiday schedules Or centers depern~Jable. So if the gas cns1!) .~ simply dial the operator and ask ~ett1ng n your n es get on Step #1: You need a bus sched Th far , ~-:.-o erv . ule. That httle item shows you for our toll-free number ZENITH e es~. t e bus instead how to go from your place, to your 7 ·RIDE The bus 1s an economy mock! place of work, or any other place Remember. thouSclnds and You can ride all over town on m Orange County. Bus ridm_g mfor· thousands of people are getting pur fixed route service for exactly mdtJon is available mover 150 off the gas and on the bus Our 35q: Bus transfer s are free Just convenient locat1ons. Check your phone Imes are busy. So the answer 7fft one· way Is the rule for special local post office. city hall, shop· is call late or early m the day. And bus fares lncludm8 D1al·A·R1dc. pmgcenter. hbrary, college campus. when you call, tell the operator Park-,N·R1de and ial -A Lift But or senior citizen's center Step #2: where you're traveling to and from there s an exception to every rult: Pick up an OCfD R1de ·Gu1de at and your arrival time And please and the Park·N·R1de service from the same hme you pick up your keep pencil and paper handy to JOl Full~~ton to downtown L.A 1s down the information you need 1t -1t s $ l .60 each way In dll cases. please carry exact fare unless you are riding on a pass or llcket book WB'REHBRE TO GET YOU THBllE. .. • • ..